o > J-"-^.^, ■- ^--0^ !"^«-. -oV^ °o / American Commont»ealt]^0* EDITED BY HORACE E. SCUDDER. Stmerican Comniontocaltl^^ KENTUCKY A PIONEER COMMONWEALTH N. S. SHALER )EC 10 10^- ^^ BOSTON HOUGHTON, MUTFLIN AND COMPANY New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street 1885 Copyright, 1884, By N. S. SIIALER. All rights reserved. The Riverside Press, Cambridge : Electrotyped mx^ Printed by II. 0. Houghton & Co, PREFACE. The following account of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is designed to give the general reader a short story of the development of that State. The reader will kindly observe that it is not entitled a history ; the writer desires to disclaim the intention of writing anything that could be fairly termed a history of his native State. Such a work would, when properly done, require the space of several such volumes and a large amount of special research, which it has not been in the power of the present writer to give to his task ; it is the main aim of this little book to set forth the history of the motives that have led the people in the shaping of their Commonwealth, using only so much of the incidents of their life as seemed necessary to make these motives clear. Fortunately for this work, previous writers have made extensive and generally careful compilations, which give fuller annals of the Commonwealth than have been secured for any other State, except, per- haps, for Massachusetts. Chief among these is Col- lins's Historical Sketches of Kentucky, entitled " His- yi PREFACE. tory of Kentucky, by the late Lewis Collins. Revised, enlarged fourfold, and brought down to the year 1874, by his son Richard H. Collins, A. M., LL. B.," two volumes, large 8vo, pp. 683 and 804. Covington, Ky., 1874. This remarkable work embodies as much pa- tient labor as has ever been given to the history of any American State, but the multitude and variety of the facts brought together make it rather a store-house of information than a feast that invites the reader. The present writer has made very extensive use of the material gathered by Collins. Credit is generally given in the foot-notes for the points presented by this history ; but it is due to the writers of that work to say that this account of Kentucky could not have been written but for their admirable labors. Besides this extensive series of annals there are at least a dozen other works that have a varied value to the student of Kentucky history. Of these the follow- ing may be noted for the guidance of students who desire to go further into the subject : — 1. John Filson : "Discovery, Settlement, and Pres- ent State of Kentucke." Wilmington, Del., 1784. Re- printed in England in 1792, 1793, and 1797. Trans- lated into French and published at Paris in 1785. Filson was killed by the Indians near the mouth of the Miami River in 1788. The book is principally inter- esting on account of its map and for the personal re- miniscences of Daniel Boone. It laid the foundations of Boone's enduring reputation as a hero of western life. PREFACE. VU 2. William Littell : " Political Transactions in and concerning Kentucky." 12mo, p. 147. Frankfort, Ky., 1806. Is only known to the present writer by title. It is an excessively rare book.^ 3. Humphrey Marshall : "The History of Kentucky, including an Account of the Discovery, Settlement, Pro- gressive Improvement, Political and Military Events, and Present State of the Country." 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 522 and 524. Frankfort, Ky. First volume in 1812 ; second volume in 1824. This is an excellent history in many respects, but is extremely Federalistic in tone, and exceedingly unjust to those who differed from the author in politics. 4. Mann Butler : " History of Kentucky from its Ex- ploration and Settlement by the Whites to the close of the Southwestern Campaign of 1813." 12mo, pp. 396. Louisville, 1834. Second edition, Cincinnati, 1836. The reader may advantageously consult the following works : " History of the First Kentucky Brigade (Con- federate), by Ed. Porter Thompson." Cincinnati, 1868 ; "History of Morgan's Cavalry, by Basil W. Duke." Cincinnati, 1867. There are several other works of less importance, an account of which may be found in Collins's " History," vol. i. p. 639, where also will be found a fuller account of the aforementioned works, with sketches of the lives of their authors. The writer has to acknowledge his great obligation 1 See Collins, vol. i. p. 640. Ylll PREFACE. to many Kentucky friends for their aid and counsel in the preparation of this work. He is especially indebted to General William Preston, Colonel J. Stoddard John- ston, Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, Colonel John Mason Brown, and Hon. W. C. Goodloe, formerly offi- cers of the Confederate and Federal armies ; to Captain L. R. Hawthorne, formerly of the Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry; to R. T. Durrett, Esq., and Thomas Speed, Esq., Louisville; to S. I. M. Major, Esq., of Frankfort; to Grant Green, Esq., and to the Hon. Fayette Hewitt, auditor of the Commonwealth. It should be said, how- ever, that none of these gentlemen are in any way re- sponsible for the opinions set forth in this book. It is fit that the reader should know that the writer, a native of Kentucky, was a Unionist during the war. But while his opinions have the color given by his political position, he believes that he has in most cases done substantial justice to his friends, the enemy of that unhappy yet glorious time. If injustice has been done, he can only plead in extenuation that he sin- cerely feels that the honor won by the Confederate heroes is as dear to him as the fame of those who were on his own side. No one can write a thoroughly un- biased account of a civil war in which he took any part whatever. The trials of such days stamp them- selves indelibly on the mind. We shall have to wait until the generation which fought the war has entirely passed away before even-handed justice can be done to the men who were engaged in it. CONTENTS. FACE Introduction 1 CHAPTER I. TnE Planting of Virginia 6 CHAPTER II. Government of the Virginia People . . . .13 CHAPTER III. The Physical Conditions of Kentucky ... 24 CHAPTER IV. The Geology of Kentucky 35 CHAPTER V. The First Kentuckians 45 CHAPTER VI. First Explorations of Kentucky . . . .53 CHAPTER VII. Early Settlements 67 CHAPTER VIII. Separation from Virginia 93 CHAPTER IX. The Commonwealth and its Problems . . .121 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE Kentucky and the Federal Government . . . 131 CHAPTER XL The Beginning o^'^the Century .... 147 CHAPTER XII. The War of 1812 158 CHAPTER XIII. From the War of 1812 to the War with Mexico . 172 CHAPTER XIV. From the Beginning of the Mexican War to the Beginning of the Rebellion 200 CHAPTER XV. The Beginning of the Civil War . . . .231 CHAPTER XVI. From the Abandonment of Neutrality to the Fall OF Fort Donelson 257 CHAPTER XVII. From the Evacuation of Kentucky in February, 1862, TO THE Battle of Perry ville . . . 282 CHAPTER XVIII. The Closing Stages of the Civil War . . .331 CHAPTER XIX. The End op the War 345 CHAPTER XX. The Struggle for Civil Government . . . 358 CHAPTER XXI. The New Commonwealth 392 Appendix 409 Index 429 KENTUCKY: A PIONEER COMMONWEALTH. INTRODUCTION. The States of this Federal Union are, by the coti^ ditions of their origin, divided into three groups : first, those that were directly colonized from the Old World ; next, those that were immediate outgrowths from par- ticular colonies, deriving their blood and institutions ex- clusively from one of the original colonies ; and, lastly, the States that are the product of a miscellaneous im- migration, and do not owe their existence to any one of the original sources of population. The second class of Commonwealths is the least numerous among our States. Circumstances rarely favored the settlement of a new territory, great enough to become a separate State, from the surplus population of one district alone. In a fashion, Maine and New Hampshire are the chil- dren of Massachusetts, but each of these States has had its independent colonization from abroad, and a large mixture of blood from other regions. Kentucky alone is fairly to be called the child of another Common- wealth. She owes to Virginia the most of the people she received during the half century when her society was taking shape ; her institutions, be they good or evil, her 1 2 KENTUCKY. ideals of life, her place in the nation's history, are all as immediately derived from her great mother Virginia as are an individual man's from the mother who bore him. The population that came to Kentucky from other States, and the institutions of other States in the way of laws, customs, etc., had an introduction after the formative period of the Commonwealth, so that they have remained as foreign elements compared with the deep-rooted qualities derived from the Virginian an- cestry. This singleness of origin of the Kentucky population makes it easier and more profitable to trace its history than that of any other Commonwealth, except those originally planted on the sea-board. Its history goes back to that of the parent State even more directly than that of America to Britain. It will therefore be neces- sary, in order to find the foundations of Kentucky's life, for us to trace in outline the history of the Vir- ginia people, so far, at least, as it may serve to show us the source of the nature and motives of the folk that founded the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It is not an easy matter to see in the history of any people the forces that have made them what they are. The natural operations of a wholesome society imper- fectly reveal themselves to the observer ; like the func- tions of the well- conditioned individual body, they lie hidden beneath the surface. It is rather the diseased states of the body politic, the perturbations of function marked in the maladies of a Commonwealth, that be- come matters of history. In the one hundred and fifty years that elapsed be^ tween the first settlement of Virginia and the settlement INTRODUCTION. o of Keiituckj', the English folk of the Elizabethan colony underwent many important changes, most of which are known to us only by their results. The organic history of this body of people during that time is mo^ imper- fectly known to us. What we know of their formative processes is trifling compared with our knowledge of those actions in the New England States. In New England the historic sense was from the first much stronger, and the methods of life were far more favor- able to the preservation of historic materials. These States were founded with intellectual purposes and by educated men, who brought a definite theory of life with them, and from the first set up a strong social sys- tem that differed widely from that of the mother coun- try. These founders represented the extremest notions of the Protestant reformation, and they sacrificed all of their inheritance that it was possible for men to sacri- fice, in order to give their new plan of life control of all their actions. Never have colonies so deliberately tried to separate themselves from the past of their race. Starting with a most definite theory of their church state, they proceeded to bend all their energies to the preservation of their ideals. For a century immigra- tion was limited as far as possible to their own sort of people. In this rigid world there was little chance of free development of the spontaneous growth of the race qualities. The result was a truly wonderful society, but one that shows a wide divergence from the parent stem. We shall do well to compare these conditions of the typical New England colony with those of Virginia and North .Carolina. First let us notice the broad distinction between the initial motives that led to these two diverse kinds of 4 KENTUCKY. settlements. While New England was, in a way, the off- spring of the Protestant revolution, — the greatest and most beneficent intellectual movement that Europe has ever known, — the Virginia settlement and that of the colonies were, at the outset, purely commercial enter- prises. What there was of faith in the inception of their history was accidental and of a transitory nature. The commercial element of the ^Elizabethan period is oversliadowed in history by the more attractive features of its intellectual and moral development. It is easy to see, however, that commercialism was then as intense an element in the national life of England as it has ever been in any other time or place. Gold hunger and land hunger seem to have been at the root of all the national achievements. Glory was more an inci- dent to gain than it is now. From the plays of Shake- speare to the buccaneer exploits of Raleigh, money gain was the leading motive of the national life. The dawning splendors of success won by the East India Company awoke the quick imaginations of that time. All the new-found shadowy world of the west seemed full of such possible gains as the Indian Com- pany was securing. Merchants and nobles made haste to organize companies to win a like gain out of these vast unexplored lands. A large share of the scanty capital of that time was embarked in adventurous schemes of colonization and conquest, and to one of these fell the region which took its name from Eng- land's manly queen. As the conditions of the Virginia settlement and its subsequent history were profoundly affected by the scheme of its colonization, it will be necessary for us to glance at these initial stages of its growth. We shall INTRODUCTION. 5 then see, in brief, the history of its subsequent develop- ment up to the time when the Kentucky people left this region to begin their new life. It will not be nec- essary to burden ourselves with any details of the Virginia life that have not served to give to its cliil- dren their peculiar qualities ; nor can we hope to see these formative influences except in merest outline. As before remarked, it is at best difficult to trace the organic history of a people ; nowhere in America is the task so difficult as in Virginia, a region of scanty and neo^lected records, where men were more ffiven to action than to recording their deeds, and where the historic sense has never been developed as it has been in Massachusetts, where it is and long has been pecu- liarly active. CHAPTER I. THE PLANTING OF VIRGINIA. The first Virgiuia company was organized in 1606, seven years after and upon the same model as the or- ganization of the trading association that grew to be the East India Company. This Virginia company, though its strength lay in its merchant element, had its share of heroes of the large, bold, adventurous sort of the Elizabethan type. Sir George Somers, one of the commanders in the capture of San Jago de Leon, and Hakluyt, the liistorian of northern adventure and a man full of the heroism of his time, were among its influential men. The patent of this company gave all needed commercial powers with a free hand. If parchments could make a State, Virginia would have sprung at once into a vigorous life under the control of these enthusiastic adventurers. But while giving much, the crafty King James withheld from the cor- poration the sovereign power which came by circum- stances to the East Indian Company, and which was most necessary to the maintenance of any distant col- on}'" in those times. This purely business venture of the first Virginia company was a chronic failure from the beginning, though it had a precarious life of eighteen years. Mis- government in the colony, dissensions in the company, the generally worthless character of the settlers, and THE PLANTING OF VIRGINIA. 7 the effort to create something like a feudal land ten- ure brought this experiment to an end. For our pur- pose we have only to note that its results on the Vir- ginia character were essentially negative, but for all that valuable ; they made it clear that a good class of settlers was necessary to found a prosperous colony, but such could be obtained only by a fee simple land tenure, and that such a settlement could not be governed by a corporation resident in London, but must have a share of self-government. These were lessons fruitful of good results for the future of the colony. With the final dissolution of the company in 1624, Virgmia entered on the truly formative period of its growth. This change from the control of a corporation to the government of the crown took place before any considerable part of the Virginia blood was yet upon the soil. After the expulsion of the company, settle- ment went on more rapidly. The early expectations of wealth from gold mines and from commerce with the Indians had been dispelled. Never an ounce of gold was found (at least until after the colonial period), and the district was too far south for the more valuable furs. It was soon seen that the only resources were from agriculture and the shipment of timber, for which Eng- land then, as now, offered a large market. It is princi- pally to the introduction of tobacco into the markets of Europe that Virginia owes its place in history. This plant began to be tilled during the government by the company, but during the period when Virginia was a crown colony its importance increased by leaps and bounds so that it soon became the foundation of her prosperity. The rapid development of the habit of using tobacco, — America's most welcomed gift to the 8 KENTUCKY, Old World, — the large jirofits that it offered to the tillers of the soil, led, in the first place, to a large im- migration from England ; and, in the second place, to the wide scattering of the population along the tide- water district of the colony, and inland as far as the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge. The character of these new-comers has long been a matter of discussion. With a natural pride, some Vir- ginia enthusiasts have claimed that the population con- sisted very largely of gentlemen, while some calumnia- tors of this people have striven to prove that it was mainly composed of the more worthless folk of the mother country. There is, unfortunately, no such clear evidence concerning the nature of the people that founded this State as we have concerning the people of the New England colonies. Putting together the stores of information that are at hand, we find good proof that the strength of the immigration consisted of the yeoman and squire class ; next in numbers were the destitute and semi-criminal class, who were sold into temporary service to pay their fines and the costs of their transportation to the colony ; and for a while, least in numbers, the Africans, who were sold into per- manent slavery : of this class we shall learn more when we come to consider their share in the development and in the retardation of development in Virginia and of Kentucky. At this moment we may only note that the presence of persons held to service should not be re- garded as characteiistic of Virginia, implying a pecu- liar tone of social life in this colony. The institution of African slaveiy v/as common at this time to all the colonies, and did not differ essentially from the con- ditions of enforced service in Europe. African slavery THE PLANTING OF VIRGINIA. 9 was in no essential way different from the other slavery so common in the earlier days. Even down to 1830 England tamely submitted to the enslavement of her own citizens by the Barbary j^owers. The geographical conditions of Virginia were sin- gularly favorable for the rapid extension of population over a large area. A glance at any sufficient map of this region will show the reader that the colonial part consists in the main of a very broad shore plain, with a nearly flat surface, extending from the coast of the Chesapeake to the higher land at the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge. This plain averages about one hun- dred miles in width, and includes an area of several thousand square miles, — equal to at least one fourth of the surface of England. This region is singularly intersected by deep tide-water inlets, which afford navi- gable waters with many thousand miles of shore line. The lands near these tide waters are fairly fertile, though somewhat malarious. They were easily cleared with the axe and fire, and were then ready for the plough. There was no coating of boulders which served to retard, and still retards, the development of New England agriculture. These water-ways dispensed with the cost of an extensive road system, one of the cardinal difficulties in every new State. The Piedmont district, on the table-land at the eastern face of the Blue Ridge, was everywhere within convenient reach of these fiord- like inlets, so that even there there was less trouble with road-making than has been encountered in any other American State. In the century from 1625 to 1725 there was a steady but not o;reat immiorration from Eno:land and southern Scotland : little other blood was introduced into the col- 10 KENTUCKY. ony. Then came a few Hugueuot French, after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes ; but the numbers of this people who settled in Viigiuia were less than came to Massachusetts, to New York, or to South Carolina. After 1725 the stream of new-comers grew less ; the best lands were possessed, and the chances for colonists was less good than before. There was only one notable immigration from abroad after the last-named date. This came with the remarkable exodus of Scotch after the rebellion of 1745. A large part of this folk went to South Carolina, but Virginia received an immigration of several thousand of these wanderers, who took up land in and beyond the Blue Ridge, principally in Am- herst, Augusta, and Rockbridire counties. This was, in all respects, the most important contri- bution ever made to the Virginia population. Exiles for opinion's sake, principally of Calvinist belief, they brought to the Old Dominion something of the spirit that glorified, even while it darkened, the early history of New England. We may find the spirit of this peo- ple in every signal event in the history of the Viiginia populations. They were a strength to Virginia in the Revolution, and their children gave character to the army of Jackson in the Civil War. They have fur- nished many of the prominent business men of the State. From the palatinate German settlements in Pennsyl- vania there was, in the last part of the eighteenth cen- tury and the first years of this, a certain amount of immigration into Virginia. These people were mainly settled in the lower part of the Shenandoah Valley, and were never numerous enough to constitute any im- portant element in the Virginia population.^ 1 A small portion of the settlers in the Shenandoah Valley wore THE PLANTING OF VIRGINIA. 11 This glance at the sources of population in Vir<^inia is sufficient to show that, with the exception of the slaves, they came almost entirely from the truly British people. This character it essentially retains to the pres- ent day. At the time of the Kentucky settlement it retained it almost altogether. We shall have to consider one point concerning the character of this Virginia blood. Although coming from the British mother country, its origin was in many ways different from that of the people who settled the Massa- chusetts colonies. The settlers of Massachusetts were, in the main, from the towns of Britain : they were mucli more generally trained to the arts, and less to agricul- ture, than the Virginia settlers ; a larger portion of them were educated men. They were by habit a more social or perhaps a more gregarious people. This is shown in their settlements, which took the shape of villages, and did not lead to the settling of the folk in isolated farm-houses, as was already the custom of the rural English. In Virginia the colonists were principally from the country districts of England. Their absorbing passion was not for religious discussions ; it w^as for the possession of land, for the occupations and diversions of rural life. When their interests were involved they tended not to religious disputations, but to politics. This appetite for land seems never to have been a part of the New England desires ; in Virginia and Kentucky it was the ruling passion. We find the early laws of the descendants of the Hessian soldiers who were left in this country at the end of the Revolution. It is reported that Washington, who had large holdings of lands in this valley, induced a number of the?e forlorn folk to settle there, furnishing them means for their start in life and to bring their families to this country. I have this impor- tant statement from Major Hotchkiss, of StauiUon, Vir^^inia. 12 KENTUCKY. Virginia formed to keep the people m close communi- ties, for the purpose of better defense against the In- dians; but the danger from the savages, though always imminent, was not enough to deter the scattering of the immigrants in their search for large landed possessions. There is no element in the social differences of these two populations so prominent or so instructive as this. There can be no question that these Virginia colo- nists were a fair representation of the people of the mother country. Though perhaps less intellectual, less thrifty, less actiye-minded, than the settlers of New Enoland, they were from the strenoth of the English soil, a folk bred in the open fields from all time, rich in the noblest instincts of their strong race ; perhaps too much without the culture of towns, too little leav- ened with scholars, too little stimulated by religious dis- putations for their best intellectual life, but none the less good seed for the State. In the next chapter we shall consider some of the circumstances of the development of this people during the century and a half preceding that migration to the west which founded Kentucky and several other States in tlie Mississippi Valley. We are limited to the merest outlines, but though the development of a people is always a diilicult matter to set forth, it is simpler here than usual. CHAPTER TI. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGINIA PEOPLE. Colonial Virginia may be divided into two areas. We have first the vast obscurely-bounded domain em- braced in the original grant, and continued by the royal charters. This included not only the whole of Virginia as it is now shown on the map, but all of West Vir- ginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and in the terms of the charter everything westward to the Mississippi, and as much further as the colony had a mind to claim. Those were the plenteous days when empires were to be had for the askino^. The Virojinia that became the mother of States was a little part of this vast domain between the Alle- ghany Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay. Taking it for all in all, it was probably the most fortunate posi- tion for a colony that the continent afforded : a soil easily subdued ; of fair productiveness, well suited to a wide range of crops ; a good milk and grain country ; a cli- mate that invites to rural and to an open-air life. The seat of no climatic diseases, it was the most favorable cradle for a vigorous race that existed near the Atlantic sea-board. It has been remarkably free from famines and pestilences. It had the mingled good and ill for- tune to develop the peculiar agriculture of the tobacco crop, which secured a means of gaining a degree of wealth that was obtainable in no other way, though in return it gave a permanence to the institution of slavery 14 KENTUCKY. that was not found in the region to the northward. The relations of the settlers with tlie Indian tribes were, on the whole, rather better than in the more northern re- gions of the Atlantic coast, although there were several massacres and the usual border warfare with the indige- nous people. These were not so desperate or so long continued as in the settlements north of the Delaware. The Indians in this district were probably even fewer in number than in New England, and less warlike. The mountain range of the Alleghanies on the west protected colonial Virginia from the fiercer tribes of the Ohio Valley, and the danger from the savages was never great enough to prevent the development of the rural spirit, the scattering of the population in the separated plantations, which is the characteristic of Virginia coun- try life. The introduction and swift development of slavery quickly brought about an important distinction in the elements of the whole population. The caste of slave-owners became strongly separated from that of the poor whites. The wealth and power of the popu- lation rapidly accumulated in the hands of those who amassed or inherited capital, while the poor whites sank into an inferior position, became in a way dependent on the slave-holding caste, or were pushed on to the lands that were not adapted to the plantation system. This process was, in a way, gradual, and has left no marks of its operation ; but before the Revolution of 1776 it is evident that it was extensively accomplished. A society organized on this basis has some elements of strength and many of weakness. Combined with the principle of primogeniture, which gives the real estate to the eldest son, it tended quickly to create on this soil the system of strong families controlling the life about GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGINIA PEOPLE. 15 them, and thus gave a more truly British shape to the life of Virginia than was given to the society of any other English colony that has been founded in America. This system of strong families, where power goes by inheritance, makes a rigid society, but it is very favor- able to the rapid development of those qualities which secure the dominance of a State. No time is lost in trying to sort out in each generation the men of ca- pacity from those without power ; inheritance deter- mines where the power shall lie. Imperfect as is this method of selecting tliose who are to rule, it works well in a new society. Under this system there grew up in Virginia a ter- ritorial aristocracy, which, in a small way, closely imi- tated its English archetype in all but title. From a few hundred homes came, generation after generation, the people who shaped the State. These controlling families were not necessarily rich ; they were, in most cases, wealthy only in a relative sense, but they were by birth persons of a certain distinction. They natu- rally looked upon the whites who belonged to the lower caste as of another race. In this they in no wise dif- fered from their English ancestry, or from all other Europeans of their time. The New England system tended towards a pure, an ideal democracy ; town gov- ernment, church government, all the forces of their semi-religious commonwealths, were essentially demo- cratic in their tendencies. In Virginia all conspired to maintain the social habits of the England, or the Europe, of the seventeenth century. The wealth acquired by these families was spent in the ordinary luxuries of the time. A certain manner of fast living was here, as in the mother country, thought 16 KENTUCKY. to be tlie mark of geutlemen, jet politics and literature were cultivated ; in general, society had a polish that it wanted in the thriftier and better schooled colonies of the North. The clergy of this day had little control over the 13ul)lic mind. Religion was, to a great degree, imported with their wines and silk stuffs. Although there were doubtless worthy clergymen to be found, the colony was looked upon as a place of deposit for uusatisfactory priests from the mother country. Without perhaps sink- ing any lower than the church of the mother country in the time of its decay, the church in Virginia still fell far below the level of an ideal Christianity. We look in vain to colonial Virginia for any distinct religious movements until the period of the Wesleyan revival. The influence of this second reformation of the English church, in itself far higher and purer than that of Henry VIII. 's time, was very great, and profoundly affected the Virginia people. It is doubtful if any American community was ever so changed in spirit by a religious movement as was Virginia by this quickening of the re- ligious spirit. A very large part of the population, and these the leaders of its society, were swept away from their old listless creed by this revival. The dullness in the religious life of the colony was doubtless due to the fact that the control of their church system was in for- eign hands. It disappeared with the change in this re- lation ; still it remains one of the striking differences between the life of Virginia and that of the more north> ern colonies. The educational system in colonial Virginia was de- fective ; no general method of public education was provided. The sons of the planters were educated by GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN/ A PEOPLE. 17 British tutors, or were sent to the schools of the north- ern colonies or to Europe ; the children of the poorer whites remained, as their ancestors before them liad always been, generally unlettered. The culture of the better scholars was probably broader than that of the same class in Massacliusetts in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; but this culture came to but few of the citizens. The college of William and Mary, though a worthy school and of much profit to the col- ony, never played the large part in the life of Virginia which Harvard and Yale did in their commonwealths.^ The education of the yeoman class was what it always had been, a training in the active duties of life. To this, hedgerow schools in some cases added a little train- ing in reading and writing, and perhaps the elements of arithmetic. These are but imperfect data for a study of the education problem among these people, but the fact that a large part of the legal papers of that day are signed by the cross is proof enough of the extreme illit- eracy of the lower part of the white population. The political life of the colonial period is not a mat- ter that gives much satisfaction to any one who shares the pride of this people. Until we come down to the period of disturbances that ushered in the Revolution of 1776, there is little sign of political skill or of a high sense of political liberty. Little resistance was made to the general misgovernment that came from the crown. Once or twice there were little flashes of rage, such as the ignoble revolt of Nathaniel Bacon ; 1 Hansard College was so influential in the State of Massachusetts that it was thought well to have a provision in the state constitution forbidding any officer of the school to have any other official position in the State. 18 KENTUCKY. but the colony showed in the first one hundred and fifty years of its life little or no promise of the statesman- ship, the valor, the intellectual and moral power, that were to bloom so richly in the last quarter of the eigh- teenth century. There is probably no transition so un- expected, so unf ore told by previous history, as the awak- ening of Virginia after 1760. If we had been able to look over the world of that day, Virginia was perhaps the last place where we would have expected to find the power that the Revolution showed to be waiting there for the call to life. The fact seems to have been that the original set- tlement brought to this soil a well-chosen representa- tion of the English people. A life of few incidents, of simple activities, left them as if fallow for over a century. There was nothing to awaken their powers to full life. At last the accumulated dissatisfactions of the colonists over the stupidities rather than the op- pressions of the mother country supplied the needed stimulus to action. The system of society fostered by slavery did not favor the critical spirit in politics which marked the New England colonies, but it made action even more intense when the time for it came. Virginia in 1776, as in 1861, was led into rebellion by the action of its leading families rather than by the spontaneous out- burst which characterized the outbreak in Massachu- setts. Its yeoman class followed where their natural leaders showed the way in the former as in the later revolt. This subordination to leaders has always been • a distinguishing feature of all southern societies, ex- cept, as we shall hereafter see, in Kentucky. Wliile there is a very large element of individuality among GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGINIA PEOPLE. 19 the chosen few, the mass remained in the silent con- dition that belonged to it in the mother country. At the time of the Revolution Virginia was the most populous, and in many ways the richest, of all the col- onies. Her population was less dependent on the other world than any other of the American settlements. She never was a maritime State, despite the fact that she had a longer shore line than any of the colonies except Massachusetts, and had been an exporter of ship sup- plies for a century and a half. Her population was nearly all agricultural, and the institution of slavery made her able to send a large part of her white men into the field when they were called to arms. This population was in excellent condition for military duty. Her considerable service in the French wars, together with various combats with the Indians in her own do- minion and in North Carolina, had kept her people ac- customed to arms ; moreover, their well-maintained hab- its of field sports contributed to the same result. Not reckoning the negro population, Virginia furnished a larger share of soldiers than any other of the colonies during the Revolution. Nearly all of her loyal, able- bodied folk saw some service during this war, both in the field and in the more difficult paths of legislation. She sprang at once into a marvelous activity. Men who had not exhibited any ability in the petty and hampered politics of the colony showed at once an amazing capacity for broad-minded statesmanship and the higher work of the soldier. After a political and intellectual night of a century came this brilliant dawn of power. The seven years of the war sufficed to awaken the long-dormant energies of the peopl*^. Every hour of the strusjirle was fertile in intellectual ijrowth. 20 KENTUCKY. At its end the sleepy and luxurious people had given a larger share of able and vigorous men than had perhaps ever before sprung from any equal population of the race. This remarkable development of character makes us regret that we cannot see more clearly the condition of nurture that had made it possible. It seems likely that it can be in part accounted for by the inheritance of culture, the united life of a homo- geneous people, and the strong control that natural leaders had upon the society in which they dwelt. Still it remains a very inexplicable phenomenon, — one that has never received the attention that its singularity de- serves. At the close of the Revolutionary War, Virginia found herself with a large population that had been long separated from the ordinary pursuits of life. Their places had closed behind them ; life in the Old Do- minion was stagnant. The only chance open to her was in the broad fields of her great western domain. The conditions of a community at the close of a long and successful war are peculiarly favorable for the mak- ing of new colonies ; and it is natural that at this time Virginia, no longer herself a colony but a State, where the best lands were much worn by a shiftless agricul- ture, should have been strongly affected by the col- onizing spirit. These circumstances led to a very large exodus of her population to the westward. The re- cently founded settlements in Kentucky, begun ten years or so before, had gone far enough to prove that land in abundance and of excellent quality could be had for the trouble of possessing it. Every ambitious spirit, every man who had within him the sense of power necessary for the arduous work of facing the GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGINIA PEOPLE. 21 dangers of a wilderness where he would have to bat- tle for everything, with nature and the savage, sought these new fields. It is to these conditions that the new settlements beyond the Alleghanies owed the most of the population that came to them in the years im- mediately following the Revolution. A small portion of the Kentucky settlers came from southern Mary- land and from central North Carolina, societies essen- tially like that of Virginia in their general aspect. By far the most important element of the Kentucky colonists came from the soldiers who were disbanded at the close of the war with Great Britain. The num- ber of Revolutionary soldiers who emigrated to Ken- tucky may be judged by the fact that in 1840, nearly sixty years after the termination of that struggle, the pension returns showed that there were about nine hun- dred of these veterans still living in the State ; their ages, according to the record, varying from seventy to one hundred and nine years. This, of course, was but a small part of the host who had found a dwelling-place within the State. Probably at least ten times this number had gone to their graves. Such men were, by their native strength and their deeds, the natural leaders in the new settlements, both in peace and war. Thus the Kentucky spirit was the offspring of the Revolution. The combative spirit left by the Revolutionary war was elsewhere overwhelmed by the tide of commercial life ; here it lived on, fed by tradition and by a nearly continuous combat down to the time of the Rebellion. We have now traced, in brief outline, the conditions of the people who made the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky from the time of their settlement in this country 22 KENTUCKY. to the exodus into Kentucky. We have seen that in the beginning they were mainly rural Englishmen, who came voluntarily to America, not generally under the influence of political or religious persecution, but with a view to bettering their condition as tillers of the soil.-^ It was doubtless, on the whole, a selection of the best of the country blood of the mother land. !None but the vigorous, the enterprising, the hopeful- minded, undertook such changes of life in those days. The people sold to service were relatively a small part of this population, and these were in their very prime, for none others would bring a price. From this picked people, after a century or more of development in Vir- ginia, a second selection was made to found the new Virginia of the west. As noted on the first page of this work, such a bud- ding of a new State from an old colony has hardly a precedent in the history of America. All the Western States, as well as those of the South, have been settled by immigrants from several older States, generally with more or less admixture of people drawn directly from foreign sources. Their composite blood has made them perplexing subjects of study, from the diversity of mo- tives that has come from the differences in their origin. Ohio, for instance, has in its people a mingling of New Englanders, New Yorkers, English and German Penn- sylvanians, Virginians, Kentuckians, Germans, and Irish. 1 Although this statement that the Virginia colonists were not fugi- tives for opinions' sake is true in a general way, it must be remem- bered that a certain small but important part of the Virginia people came to the colony when the success of the Cromwellian party made their old homes untenable ; and that another and more important part came after the Restoratioa had made the position of the Puritans extremely uncomfortable. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGINIA PEOPLE. 23 It is not possible to determine how far its qualities are due to this, that, or the other part of its population. In Kentucky, on the other hand, we shall find nearly pure English blood, mainly derived through the Old Do- minion, and altogether from districts that shared the Virginian conditions. It is, moreover, the largest body of pure English folli that has, speaking generally, been separated from the mother country for two hundred years. We see, therefore, how interesting is the problem of this Kentucky population. It has been seriously maintained that the European blood tends to enfeeble- ment in American conditions ; that it requires the ad- mixture of new blood from the Old World in order to keep its quality unimpaired. There is an experiment provided that will give a full disproval to this hypoth- esis. The reader will do well to bear it in mind while he follows the history of the Kentucky people in the century of their life as it is sketched in the following pages. CHAPTER III. THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. Before beginning the historic account of Kentucky it will be necessary to examine the physical constitution of the State. This we shall be compelled to do in a somewhat extended way, for here even more than in Virginia has this physical character been effective in determining the history of its people. The area of Kentucky is about forty thousand square miles. Of this surface all but about five thousand square miles lie entirely to the westward of the Alle- ghany Mountain system, and consists of a set of table- lands, deeply indented by the southern tributaries of the Ohio River. Except along the main streams and their longer branches, where there are narrow strips of allu- vial land which lie from three hundred to five hundred feet above the sea, the surface of Kentucky east of the Alleghanies ranges from five hundred to fifteen hundred ' feet above tide-water. The elevation of the surface in- creases from the district near the Mississippi on the ! west, in a gradual way, up to the foot of the Alleghany chain of mountains on the east. The principal area of Kentucky is thus a great much-furrowed plain, sloping very gently to the west, and declining also toward the Ohio River. On its northern and northwestern face it is bordered by this river for a length, measured along the windings of that stream, of about seven hundred miles; THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. ZO on the west it is bordered by the Mississippi for about fifty miles ; on the south it is separated from Tennes- see by a conventional line ; on the east, where its bor- ders march with those of Virginia, the line is the crest of the Cumberland and Pine mountains ; and from West Virginia it is parted by the eastern branch of the Chatterawa, or Big Sandy River. It will thus be seen that about three quarters of the periphery of the State consists of natural boundaries. As is shown by the map, the area of Kentucky is much extended on an east and west line. It lies across nearly the whole of the eastern versant of the Missis- sippi Valley. While its eastern and western axis is over five hundred miles in length, its northern and southern is not over one hundred and eighty miles in extent. This great east and west extension of Kentucky is better understood when we notice that the southern borders of the three States, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois^ ^^h/^ march with its northern border. As we shall see when l^iy we come to the period of the civil war, this peculiarity A)/" . of its form caused Kentucky to have an especial polit- ical importance during that struggle. Much as Virginia is favored by the wide-reaching tidal streams, so Kentucky is blessed by its river system. The Ohio, the most navigable branch of the Mississippi waters, gives convenient access to its six hundred miles of northern front. The Chatterawa, or Big Sandy, the Nepepernine, or Licking, the Kentucky, the Salt, the Green, the Tradewater, the Cumberland, and the Ten- nessee give a greater frontage on wholly or partly navi- gable rivers than is found in any other State of the Union. The total length of streams that have been more or less used for navio-ation exceeds two thousand 26 KENTUCKY. five hundred miles. These streams are rarely inter- rupted by falls or impassable rapids. The surface of the table-land district, which includes about thirty-five thousand square miles, is very favora- ble for the construction of wheelways. The general surface is not very rough, the streams abound in good fords, the forests are generally so devoid of underbrush that wagons can often be drawn through them for miles. The limited area of the lowlands and alluvial plains has so far prevented the formation of swamps that not over two hundred square miles of this area is morass, and this confined to the extreme western part of the State. The districts subject to overflow by river floods do not exceed one thousand square miles, or one fortieth the surface of the State. So the region is sin- gularly free from the evils that attend low-lying coun- tries. The part of Kentucky that lies within the small mountainous region of the State contains a surface of about three thousand miles. It is altogether contained between the ridges of Pine Mountain, a sharp, wall- like ridge on the west, and Cumberland Mountain on the east. It is thus a single mountain valley, lying between the two westernmost ridges of the Alleghany system. This trough which forms the valley through which flows the upper Cumberland, is one of the most beautiful of the many lovely vales of that chain. The strong outlines of the bordering mountains have given it a singular isolation. This mountain system of the Cumberland, with its nearly inaccessible hills, in good part walled out Kentucky from the eastward. These ridges were, fortunately for the needs of immigrants, broken by two deep gaps, — one, Cumberland Gap, in THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. 27 the mountain of that name; the other, Pine Gap, in Pine Mountain, — through which the Cumberland River finds its way out into the table-land region to the westward. No other part of Kentucky save this single mountain trough has a truly mountainous character. All the rest is, strictly speaking, table-land, more or less deeply cut down into valleys by the streams, but the loftiest ridges do not exceed one thousand feet above the neinfhboring river-beds. Let us now consider the nature of the surface when the whites first came to it. In the beginning of the white occupation the surface of Kentucky, except about six thousand square miles in the central and western part of its area, was a primeval forest. As there had been no Indian settlements in that part of Kentucky east of the Tennessee for many years, this forest terri- tory was singularly unbroken, having a continuity of woods unknown in the other States, for the reason that no other part of the United States not a desert was ever found uninhabited by the savages and uninter- rupted with their villages and clearings. This forest was principally of the broad-leaved trees ; no great ex- tent of coniferous woods existing then in the eastern part of the district. Fortunately for these settlers, the broad-leaved woods were of old growth and singularly open beneath, so that the early track-ways and wagon- roads were easily made through them. The attraction which Kentucky presented to its first settlers lay in the abundance of the good lands that were to be had in its area. Its mineral wealth was never taken into account ; the charms of gold, which had lured the first settlers to Virginia, had no place in the motives that led to the second migration of its 28 * KENTUCKY. people. It was soon found that these lands were very varied in quality. West of the Pine Mountain range there was a region, about fifty miles in width, where the soil was lean and of little worth for the uses of the pioneers. In the middle section of the State, stretch- ing from the Ohio River to the escarpment of Mul- drougli Hill, lay the rich clay lands since known as the " Blue Grass " district ; yet west of them the unwooded district, known as the Barrens, which were at first sup- posed, from their treeless condition, to be worthless lands; and still further west a tract of sandy country like that of the easternmost district, — good lands, it is true, but not rich enough to attract tlie first settlers. It was this Blue Grass ^ land that was the incentive to immigration. The soil has a degree of fertility un- known in any equal area of Virginia, and unapproached there save in the Shenandoah Valley, which was already pretty well possessed by settlers before the Kentucky migration began. After the Blue Grass district was occupied, the population began to move on to the less attractive lands. In the northern 2:)art of the State, lying adjacent to the present line of the Louisville and Nashville Rail- way, there was a considerable territory afterwards called the " Barrens," where the forest growth had been de- stroyed, except along the borders of the streams. This destruction of the timber was brought about by the 1 The so-called bine graps consists of two species of plants, the Poa compressa and Poa pratense. These grasses are not peculiar to Ken- tucky ; they are among the most widely distributed grasses; baton the best limestone lands of Kentuck}^ they attain a singularly luxu- riant growth. The " blue " of the name is given it on account of the peculiar hue of its seed vessels, a conspicuous feature during its time of fruiting. THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. 29 custom, common to the Western Indians, of burning the grass of open grounds and the undergrowth of the woods, in order to give a more vigorous pasturage to the buffalo and other large game. To this custom we may fairly attribute the deforesting of the prairie lands in Indiana and Illinois, and perhaps of more westerly regions. The annual firing of the low-growth plants led to the killing of all the young trees. The Indians ap- parently began their burning of the woods on the line of the great trail from the Ohio Falls to Nashville, Tennessee. When the whites came to this country this savage custom had deforested an area of at least five thousand square miles. In another two hundred years the Indians would probably have reduced the larger part of the surface of Kentucky to the condition of prairies. At first the white immigrants conceived a strong prejudice to this untimbered ground, deeming the ab- sence of trees an evidence of poverty of soil. But as soon as the incursions of the Indians were stopped they saw that the forests speedily repossessed the sur- face. Although they then made haste to occupy it, the swift return of the forests after the Indian fires were stopped caused a large part of this prairie coun- try to be rewooded before it could be subjected to the plough. The late Senator Underwood, a very ob- servant person, told the writer that when he came to this region, in the first years of this century, the whole surface was covered by a dense growth of young for- est trees, which had sprung into life in the preceding twenty years, or since the Indians had ceased to hunt within the State. In woods of beech and ash it takes some centuries 30 KENTUCKY. of repeated firing of the undergrowth to reduce the area to treelessness, but in the barren district this pro- cess had gone on long enough to bring five or six thoU' sand square miles to an essentially treeless condition, while around the border of the long-fired region there was a broad fringe of forest, where the fire-scarred trunks of old yet living trees stood as an open forest that would have been added to the open land when the time came for the old trees to die. This was a process of forest-killing that had doubtless been car- ried on over the territory of the southwest, only there the extermination of the woods was more complete and the history of its process less traceable than in Kentucky. As already noted, when the regular hunting expedi- tions of the Indians into Kentucky were arrested, as they were in about 1790, this region, relieved from further firing, began to spring up in forest again. The germs of the small-seeded trees, maples, etc., were rap- idly transported by the wind from the nearest remaining trees which clung about the entrances to the caiions that abound in this district and other damp places, and quickly repossessed the ground in forest ; so that before settlements had made any great headway the region had been covered by a new but very dense and vigorous forest, which was harder to clear away than the older primeval woods. The area of very fertile soil in the State — that which may be called of the first order — is about ten thousand square miles. This is equal in fertility to the best English, Belgian, or Lombardian lands, and sur- passes any other region in this country or in Europe for its fitness for pasturage land. It lies on a lime- THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. 31 stone rock, which by its rapid decay constantly restores to the soil the elements removed by cultivation, so that there are fields in Kentucky which have been steadily cropped, with no attention to fallow or fertilizing, for about one hundred years without apparent damage to the soil. No other land of the world is so fitted to with- stand the evils of the utterly unscientific agriculture to which it has been submitted in former daj^s. The area of second-class soils, those less fertile than the preced- ing, easily worn by careless tillage, still affording a good basis for agriculture, may safely be estimated at about twenty-two thousand square miles ; the distinctly inferior soils, those not well suited for any grains without fertil- izing, or for other agricultural use save as low-grade pasture lands, and for timber, include about seven thou- sand square miles. There are not over two hundred square miles of irreclaimable swamps and arid rocky fields ; and not more than eight hundred square miles unfit for pasturage. Nearly the whole of the latter is forest clad, and with a little care could be made to produce good timber. It is doubtful if an equally good showing can be made for any other State in the Missis- sippi Valley, and there are few regions in the world where so large an area with so little waste land can be found. The position of Kentucky brings it between the par- allels of 36.30 and 39° north latitude. The height of the surface, being an average of about seven hundred and fifty feet above the sea, gives it an average temper- ature about three degrees colder than belongs to its po- sition with reference to the tropics. The climate shares in the peculiarities of the Mississippi Valley ; it is of the continental nature. The seasonal range of tempera- 32 KENTUCKY. ture is large, but less than that of any other of the Ohio group of States. The extremes of summer heat are not greater than about 100° Fahr., and of winter cold about —10° Fahr., the winter cold being somewhat less than in the States that border it on the north. The rainfall is rather larger than the average for the Mis- sissippi Valley, the amount being about forty-eight inches. It is less liable to droughts than the States to the north of the Ohio. This is due to its larger share of the rainfall derived from the Mexican Gulf and to its more generally forested surface. This region, owing perhaps to its excellent natural drainage and its forest covering has been singularly free from the malarious and other fevers that have proved a scourge in many of the Western and Southern States. Yellow fever has never attacked but one part of the State, namely, the town and neighborhood of Hickman, on the Mississippi River. The ordinary miasmatic fever does not occur except along the principal rivers, and there is exceptional. The climate and soil permits a considerable range of products. All the elements of our ordinary American agriculture, the principal grains, roots, fruits, etc., find favorable conditions here. Cot- ton is cultivated in the region adjacent to the Missis- sippi, and the vine has been successful in many parts of the State. The original settlers brought the industry of tobacco culture with them, and this has always been one of the staple crops ; at the present time nearly one third of the American production of this plant being from Kentucky. The varied capacities of its agricul- ture may be judged from the fact that in each of the several censuses of the government the State has been first in some one agricultural product, and in each dec- THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF KENTUCKY. 33 ade has changed the element in which it has held the first place.'^ Although this presentation necessarily omits many im- portant facts concerning the surface conditions, it gives some idea of the goodness of the inheritance which fell to the adventurous spirits from Virginia, North Caro- lina, and Maryland, who came to it in the latter days of the last century. It is only necessary to add that the soil was very easily brought to the uses of man. Lying almost altogether south of the region in which the glaciers acted, these lands were not covered with the accumulation of bowlders which have been so serious an obstacle to the subjugation of the lands in more north- ern regions. They are, on the other hand, as a whole, more open to the process of impoverishment by careless agriculture than the soils in glaciated countries, which, though stubborn and of limited original fertility, have the advantage that they are less quickly exhausted by careless tillage. The result is that Kentucky now con- tains considerable areas of exhausted land, though little that is irretrievably ruined. Although, as a whole, the natural scenery of Ken- tucky is not very picturesque, it makes an agreeable impression on the mind. The surface is never perfectly level, but is cast in the broad, gentle curves that give an ever-varying grace to a country. In the richer por- tions the exceedingly fertile soil and the consequent lux- uriance of vegetation confer a singular brilliancy on the landscape. The entire absence of grinding poverty, the vigorous growth and physical beauty of men and women, the sleek herds in the fat pastures, — all together serve 1 The tables in the Appendix will show this fact with greater clearness. 3 34 KENTUCKY. to give the traveler through this land a sense of abiding prosperity such as comes to him in no other country. He feels that here, for once at least, the man, the soil, and the climate have fitted so well to each other that dis- ease and poverty have but little place in life. Statistical inquiries will serve to support this impres- sion of the eye. The death-rate is lower than in any other State from which goes forth each year a great tide of the younger people, and pauperism is almost un- known. CHAPTER IV. THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY. This sketch of those resources of Kentucky which have had or may have an influence on its history re- quires some discussion of the geological structure of the area of the State. The following account aims only at the presentation of those facts which are required for an understanding of the mere outlines of this structure. Little is given that has not some bearing on the ques- tion of common resources. All the important geological features of Kentucky it has in common with the adjacent districts of the Mis- sissippi Valley. The bed rocks shown to the eye within its borders belong to the lowest formation commonly known in this country as the Trenton series of rocks, from the fact that beds of this age were first described from that part of New York. These rocks, which are but scantily exposed in Kentucky, though they appear in East Tennessee and Virginia, were mainly deposited in a deep, open sea. They consist of limestone and clay shales, and furnish fairly fertile soils, over which lie several other formations, known successively up- wards as the Hudson River, Medina, Clinton, Niagara, mingled limestones, shales, and sandstones, deposited, as the others, in the old seas. Above these lie a great thickness of very black shales, known as the Ohio shales ; still above them a great thickness of limestones. 86 KENTUCKY. shales, sandstones, winch are commonly called the sub- carboniferous rocks, because they immediately underlie the coal. While all these vast deposits were forming, this region remained beneath the surface of the ocean, as is shown by the numerous marine fossils that they all contain ; but with the last of the sub-carboniferous beds we find all at once evidence that this part of the world had been suddenly lifted above the sea, and had become overspread by forests. This proof is given by certain other seams of coal containing land plants. It is tolerably certain that from the time of this first elevation above the sea to the present day the whole of this I'egion has never been, for any length of time, if at all, beneath the ocean. Occasionally during the long ages of the coal period portions of it were deeply buried, as is shown by the marine animals found in the lime- stones that were then formed, and at many times the surface was buried beneath far-extending areas of fresh or brackish shallow waters ; but never since the begin- ning of the coal measures has it been given over to the deep. The beds of rock beneath the surface of Ken- tucky, that are mainly marine limestones and shales, have probably a total thickness of nearly ten thousand feet, of which about two thousand feet are exposed to view in the central part of the State along their some- what upturned edges. This great section is mainly com- posed of the remains of animals and plants that have died in the sea and been cemented together on its floor. This life-born series of rocks rests upon the old gra- nitic and other crystalline rocks that are seen to consti- tute the deeper part of the earth's crust, wherever we find our way to it. Above these mariqe rocks we find the great series of coal measures, where only the coal THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY. 37 beds and a few thin limestones owe their origin to or- ganic life ; all the rest of the rocks being made up al- together of the waste of old lands in the shape of mud, sand, and gravel. This coal-measure series is about thirty-five hundred feet deep at its thickest point, which is near Cumberland Gap, in the southeast corner of the State. This account of the rocks found in Kentucky must be supplemented by some statement of their distribution. Through the middle of the State, extending in a north and south line from near Nashville, Tennessee, to Cincinnati, Ohio, and beyond, rises a very broad, low geological ridge ; not that the surface is higher, but the beds are bent upwards, as we may observe the leveled layers of v/ood carved over a knot on the surface of a planed board. It is here that the lowest beds of rock are exposed by the Chazy and Trenton limestone. This ridge is not of equal height in all its parts ; it sags down like a broken ridgepole in the region between Lexing- ton and the line that separates Kentucky from Tennes- see, so that newer rocks, the Devonian and carbonifer- ous strata, lie on its middle part than we find near Lex- ington or the Tennessee Hdc. It is this wide geolog- ical ridge that brings to the surface the rocks which by their decay form the Blue Grass soil in the middle of the State. But for its ample uplifted back Kentucky would have had no soil to tempt the early settlers to their new home. On either side of this principal central field of lime- stone and other marine rocks we have the great coal- measure districts of Eastern and Western Kentucky. That on the west is but a fragment of the great western coal field of the Ohio Valley, which extends into In- 38 KENTUCKY. diana and Illinois. That on the east is likewise a part of the great Appalachian coal field which occupies a large part of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. These two coal fields were once united over Central Kentucky, but have been worn away, leaving their waste upon the hill - tops : they have together an area of about twelve thousand square miles, of which the eastern is by far the larger and better of the two. This coal district is somewhat less valuable than that of Pennsylvania, but is ex- ceeded in value by that of no other State. All the Kentucky coals are of the bituminous species, varying a good deal in their quality, which is generally ex- tremely good. They are easily mined, and the total supply of this buried solar force is about equal to that of Great Britain. Next after the coal beds the iron-ore deposits are the principal sources of underground wealth in this re- gion. They are much less extensive and varied than those of Virginia, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Michigan, or North Carolina, but are probably exceeded by those of no other States. Owing to their close proximity to the coal beds, where the smelting fuel may be found, they are better disposed for working than any other ores, except, perhaps, those of Alabama and Virginia. The first iron smelting done in the Mississippi Valley was begun in Bath County, Kentucky, in 1790, at a time when it was deemed necessary to guard against Indian incursions against the furnace. The industry has had a considerable importance ever since this early day. The other mineral resources of Kentucky are very limited, there being no strata exposed within the area that belong to the group of metamorphic rocks ; no gran- THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY. 39 ite, gneiss, or mica schists; no very metamorphosed limestones, with a single exception, no specimen of dike stones. There are none of the precious metals to be found within its borders. There are some veins of lead in the limestone districts, but they are not worth the working, for they are generally narrow and belong to the type of gash veins, which have no certainty of ex- tension in any direction. The very circumstances that have given so much good land and such an easily ac- cessible surface have not favored the formation of the vein deposits of any kind. There are some deposits of petroleum, but they have never been worked to much profit, for they do not give flowing or free-pumping wells, and cannot compete with the richer deposits of the Pennsylvania or West Virginia districts. Kentucky is richly provided with easily quarried and excellent building stones. The several limestone series all yield good coarse marbles, and several of the sand- stones are among the best for their uses. Cement rocks are abundant and widely distributed, and fine clays abound in the coal measures. The oolitic beds from the sub-carboniferous limestone afford the best architectural material of this country : a massive but easily quarried rock that may be readily carved when taken from the quarry, but which hardens after expos- ure, and is proof against fire, retaining a warm cream color under the difficult conditions of our smoky towns. As a whole, Kentucky is not so favored in the under- ground resources as it is in its soil and climate, yet in those more important resources of power derived from coal beds and iron ores it is one of the most favored areas in the country. It is naturally fitted for agri- culture, in itself the best of resources, and it has a lib- 40 KENTUCKY. eral proportion of the most imiDortant of the earth's products, — cheap fuel, cheap iron, and good construct- ive stones. Although the geological structure of Kentucky is of a very simple nature, it gives rise to some interesting local features that have had their effect on the history of the State. Among these we may mention the salt licks and the caverns, to which latter class belongs the Mammoth and other great caves of the State. The principal salt licks, in number a hundred or more, are scattered over the central or Blue Grass district of the State. They consist generally of saline springs, that bubble up from the strata of Trenton age, which have impregnated the soil about their basins with common salt. To these springs the large herbivora of the coun- try once resorted to obtain the annual supply of saline matter that was necessary for their life. When the whites first came to this country, the buffalo, the elk, and the deer frequented these salt springs in great numbers. For many years these species of large game shot at the licks aiforded the pioneers an important source of supply of food and hides. The licks were also valuable to them, as by boiling down the waters they were able to secure an abundant provision of salt, which, next after gunpowder, was the most necessary article of common use and the one most difficult to procure. To the geologist these salt licks have a very peculiar interest. In the first place, they have a remarkable origin. When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks. This confined sea-water is gradually being THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY. 41 displaced by the downward sinking of the rain-water through the rifts of the strata, and thus finds its way to the surface : so that these springs offer to us a share of the ancient seas, in which perhaps a hundred million of years ago the rocks of Kentucky were laid down.^ About these springs there is generally a bit of swamp ground, due to the slow down-sinking of the underlying rocks as they are deprived of a part of their solid matter by the ascending springs. These swamps contain a wonderful collection of the bones of the large herbivora, which for ages resorted to these springs. Not only do we find the bones of the animals which occupied the country when the whites first came to it, — the buffalo, the elk, the deer, etc., — but, also, deeper in the mire, or in portions that indicate a greater antiquity, great quantities of the bones of the fossil ele- phant, his lesser kinsman the mastodon, the musk-ox, an extinct long-legged buffalo, the caribou, or Ameri- can reindeer, and various other creatures which dwelt here in the time when the last glacial period covered the more northern regions with a mantle of ice. The largest, and to the geologist the most interesting, of these swamp-bordered springs is known as Big Bone Lick. This is situated in Boone County, about twenty miles southwest of Cincinnati, Ohio. At this point there is a swampy lowland around the salt springs that contains a wonderful mass of elephant, mastodon, bison, and other bones. Of the mammoth alone there are probably hundreds of skeletons, which were engulfed in the soft mud about the spring mouth, when, in the olden days, these great creatures resorted to this place 1 For a detailed account of these licks see vol. i., part ii., p. 232, Memoirs of the Kentucky Geological Survey, by N. S. Shaler, 1876. 42 KENTUCKY. for their annual salting. When the whites first came to the district the ground was thickly strewn with skeletons. The early settlers used them for supporting their camp kettles and for seats by the fireside. The caverns of Kentucky, especially the Mammoth Cave, have obtained a deserved celebrity. These cav- erns lie in the limestone rocks, which are found just under the coal -bearing series. As these limestones are better developed in Kentucky than in any other States, they afford a more extensive series of under- ground galleries than are found elsewhere. A region of at least five thousand square miles of area has the limestone rocks within two hundred feet of the surface penetrated by these channels, after the fashion of a piece of worm-eaten wood. These galleries are of very varied sizes : from a crevice scarcely bigger than a mole hole to those as great as the aisle of the noblest cathedral. In this area there are doubtless a hundred thousand miles of ways large enough to permit the easy passage of man. These channels are excavated by the streams that, gathering on the surface, quickly pour through " sink holes " into their subterranean ways. They are from time to time abandoned by the free-running wa- ters, and are then slowly filled in by stalactitic incrus- tations, deposited by the water that trickles drop by drop through the roof. This underground world of Kentucky is full of in- terest to the intelligent observer. In the vast, deep- buried chambers of these caverns he finds a still air, of perfect purity and of unchanging temperature. The scenery is often singularly majestic ; again of a weird and marvelous beauty. A strange life, consisting in the main of species that never emerge from the caverns. THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY. 43 adds to the strangeness of this world. These species are generally blind, often quite without eyes, affording a striking illustration of the relation of the animal or- ganism to its environment. On the floor of the drier parts of these caverns lies a deep coating of dust, in which can often be seen the prints of the moccasins of Indians, made a century or more ago by savages who sought refuge in these caves from their enemies. In some caves this dust was used by the aborigines as a burial-place, and in these caves the bodies are preserved by the dry, pure air in a mum- mified condition.^ In this dust the early settlers found a source of supply of nitre, which is the most essential ingredient of gunpowder. The earth was leached with water, which dissolved the nitre ; the solution was then boiled down, and the residuum was the " villainous salt- petre," which was so necessary to the pioneers' life. This use of the common earth — " petre-dirt," in the na- tive parlance — was introduced by Dr. Samuel Brown, who was the first professor of medicine in the West. He was chosen to be professor of that art in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1799. To him the State owes much help in its early industry. Among other things he introduced there the newly-discovered art of lithography.^ Last among the interesting geological features of Kentucky we may notice the singular convulsion known 1 See, for a more complete account of these caverns, Memoirs of the Kentucky Geological Survey, by N. S. Shaler, vol. i., part i. 1876. 2 The art of gunpowder-making was early carried on in Kentucky, and a large part of the powder used in the campaigns of 1812 was made in the State. It is said that the negroes were the principal adepts in the art 44 KENTUCKY. as the New Madrid earthquake of 1811-13. In Novem- ber of that year- the whole valley of the Mississippi was rudely shaken by a strong movement of the earth. This disturbance was most severe in the region near the junc- tion of the Ohio and the Mississippi, and in its energy is to be compared with the greatest shocks that the world has undergone. A large area of the Mississippi shores sank down, and a tract of several hundred square miles of good soil was permanently depressed beneath the water. After the first few appalling shocks the convulsions became less violent, but at more frequent intervals, until aii the end of two years there was a nearly constant slight oscillation of the earth, which only perturbed a small region. Gradually the movements ceased, and since that day there has been no notable shock in tlie Mississippi Valley. It was fortunate that this great dis- turbance came at a time when the country was scantily peopled, for in the present condition of the country it would cause a fearful loss of life and property. CHAPTER V. THE FIRST KENTUCKIANS. It has already been noticed that when Kentucky was first settled by the whites there were no aborigines resident within its bounds except some of the Chicka- saw Indians, who held a narrow strip along the borders of the Mississippi River, and a small settlement on the Ohio, opposite where Portsmouth, Ohio, now stands. The absence of resident Indians in this very fertile coun- try, abounding in game, constitutes one of the most interesting problems of the country. It is evident that it was a recent condition, for there is abundant proof of the extensive occupation of this district by an agri- cultural people at a period not many centuries anterior to the time when it first became known to Europeans. The whole surface of the State, except the easternmost part, abounds in mounds, ditched and walled fortifica- tions, and other evidences of extensive and permanent occupancy by a considerable population. A good deal of unnecessary mystery has been woven around the history of this ancient folk termed the mound-builders. It has been supposed that they wero a much more civilized people than any of our Indians ; that they mark the presence of another and peculiar race on this continent. Further researches have shown tliat this is not the case; that these mound-builders were in fact of the same race, of the same tribes, as 46 KENTUCKY. our ordinary aborigines, who have by various chances become somewhat changed in their habits.^ In brief, the history of the earliest settlers of Ken- tucky seems to be this. There is no evidence yet found to show that there were any human beings in this dis- trict more than one or two thousand years ago. None of the remains in Kentucky can by any reasonable sort of inference be carried further into the past than this. The first settlers known to us were, as far as all the evidence goes, essentially like our ordinary Indians, ex- cept that they were perhaps more given to agriculture and trusted less for their support to the chase. That they were largely agricultural is shown by the fact that their remains are most plentiful in regions of good soil, and least so in the more sterile country, though there was no great difference in the amount of game which the regions afforded. They were, it is true, mound-build- ers, but so were the Indians of our Southern States to within the historic period. Their only peculiarity lay in the circumstance that the buffalo was as yet unknown in this country ; so that this great incentive to a wild life, this abundant resource of the chase, was not af^ forded them. They were, therefore, necessarily soil- tillers, looking to regular labor for their subsistence. About a thousand years or so ago, perhaps less, the buf- falo, a creature of the plain lands, began to appear in this part of the country. It is the present writer's be- lief that the way of the creature to the eastward had been favored by the deforesting of the level lauds of Il- linois and Indiana in the same way as the " Barrens " 1 See the Memoir on the Mound-Builders, by Mr. L. Carr, in vol. ii., Memoir of the Kentucky Geological Survey, N. S. Shaler, director, Frankfort, 1883, for a full discussion of this subject. THE FIRST KENTUCKIANS. 47 of Kentucky had been made treeless. At any rate, the comintjj of this creature coincided with the chancre of these peoples to a more barbarous condition ; agricul- ture became less necessary, for the chase would supply immediate needs at all seasons. This plentitude of meat appears to have had a debasing effect on all the peoples of the Ohio Valley. They no longer tilled as much ; their settlements,, with their mounds and forts, were abandoned as far as this epoch-making beast ex- tended his march. The Indians of the South, where the dense forests and the swamp-margined streams presented a barrier to the migration of the buffalo, remained principally soil-tillers, as did the Indians of New York, while other western tribes became nomadic. Extensive warfares were waged between these diversified peoples, and Ken- tucky became one of the principal seats of their com- bats, — a sort of border-land such as separated the Scots and English in their days of combat. In Kentucky the Chickasaws alone held their ground, being the most northern of the sedentary Southern In- dians. Their strongholds on the bluffs of the Missis- sippi and the inaccessibility of this country on account of its deep, sluggish, mud-bordered streams, seem to have given them a sufficient measure of protection against their enemies, but elsewhere in the State the In- dians were rooted out by their wars. The last tenants of the State, east of the Tennessee River, were the Shawnees, — that combative folk who ravaged this country with their ceaseless wars from the head-waters of the Tennessee to the Mississippi, and from the Lakes to Alabama. It was no small advantage to the early settlers of 48 KENTUCKY. Kentucky that they found this region without a resi- dent Indian population, for, bitter as was the struggle with the claimants of the soil, it never had the danger that would have come from a contest with the natives in closer proximity to their homes. As it was, they had not to wage a perpetual w^arfare with a fierce enemy, near its base of supplies, but only to deal with raiding parties, who soon exhausted their stock of pro- visions, which could not be supplied from the game, diminished as it was by the effective hunting of the whites. When they came to carry the war north of the Ohio, the whites found that even great military ex- peditions, such as that of St. Clair, might receive crush- ing defeats from their enemy. Any such army of In- dians as were met in several of the campaigns north of the Ohio, would, for half a century after the settle- ment of Kentucky began, easily have made an end of this feeble colony. It was very fortunate for this first English settlement north of the Alleghanies that it found this open ground, made difficult of access on the north by a great river, and remote from the centres of the native population. In their relatively safe place the infant colony grew strong, and from its vantage ground, which constituted a great salient into the Mississippi Valley, they were able in time to make overwhelming assaults upon the flank of the Indians north of the Ohio. It is interesting to note that the French colonists never made the least effort to explore, much less to possess, Kentucky. They occupied, and in a way con- trolled, much of Indiana, Illinois, and a part of Ohio, but it is doubtful if they ever sent an explorer into the interior of Kentucky. This was due to the fact THE FIRST KENTUCKFANS. 49 that the French theory of occupation in America was utterly different from the English. The French en- deavored to bend the Indians to their purpose, and made no distinct effort to colonize the Ohio Valley either from the Canadas or from Louisiana. As Ken- tucky was unoccupied by the Indians, it was neglected by the French. There is a little but rather untrust- worthy evidence that they made a feeble effort to de- velop some of the lead mines near the Ohio, but noth- ing came of it. Thus the first settlers found themselves, in the main, free from these dangers due to the savages and their Gallic allies. The land lay more open to their occu- pancy than any other part of this country ever did to its first European comers. The Southern Indians had no interest in it ; in fact, the coming of the white man must have been, on the whole, advantageous to them, as it served to make an end to the raids of the Northern Indians. None of the tribes north of the Ohio had a very good title to the ground, or were williug deter- minedly to fight for it, as they did for the land about their villages. What resistance they made was soon overcome by the valor of the first of Virginia colonists that came to this region. There is yet another circumstance concerning the condition affecting the early settlement of Kentucky that deserves mention : this is the pe'culiar law concern- ing the allotment of the public domain, which has been in use both in this State and in Virginia since their foundations were laid. When Virginia was settled it was under a charter, or patent, that gave the control of the unoccupied country into the hands of its authorities. Although 50 KENTUCKY. during the British period there was a semblance of con- trol by the home government over these allotments, they were practically managed by the colonial govern- ment alone. Grants were, after the first days of the colony, made on the payment of various fees, for sur- veying, etc., and a small tax per acre for the land " taken up." This is substantially the same method as that followed by the Federal government, with the important difference that Virginia, and several other Southern colonies, never made any preliminary survey of the land before it was sold to settlers. Each claim- ant was required to have his own survey made, desig- nating thereon the bounds of the land occupied. This was then recorded in the land-ofBce of the State, and gave the basis for the issue of the land- warrants. This system had advantages and disadvantages of great mo- ment. It allowed the rapid settlement of the country and the establishment of titles long in advance of any possible map - making. With a compass and a chain a surveyor, with a few hours' work, would give the bounds of a tract of a thousand acres, so that they could be held or sold with safety. While the settle- ments of the Northwest have had to follow in the wake of the government surveyors, the settler in Kentucky became his own surveyor. The disadvantages of this method were, however, very great. There being little or no limitation of size to these surveys, they were of all areas and shapes. The poor man was content with his patch of one hun- dred acres ; the speculative capitalist of the day would, perhaps, " run out " a hundred thousand acres or more. In time half a dozen patents would be laid over the same laud. Areas of unpatented land, of all shapes and THE FIRST KENTUCKIANS. 61 sizes, lay between the patents. As land grew dearer the would-be " blanket " patents were put over exten- sive districts, in the hope of capturing these unappropri- ated lots. Of all these conflicts the Virginia, and, fol- lowing it, the Kentucky land-office took no note. To this day one can, if he please to pay the costs, " pa- tent " any laud that lies in Kentucky, and repeat the process on the same area each year. The State only guarantees the entry if the land is unpossessed under previous title of valid kind. In time a vast amount of litigation and no end of trouble came out of this scheme. At this moment, owing to the absence of records, there are hundreds of thousands of acres in Kentucky over which no sort of ownership has ever been exercised. No taxes are collected on them. If they have ever been surveyed, no one knows under what patents they are claimed. While this primitive and imperfect sys- tem of distributing the public lands was the best possible for this early day, — was, indeed, a condition precedent to any settlement at all, — it left a train of doubtful titles that has to this day proved harmful to the best interests of the State. This evil is, however, rapidly passing away, for possessive titles have, in almost all cases, remedied any flaw in the original claim. This system of allotting land is a good specimen of the American capacity for simplicity in matters which else- where would have been arranged in a more complicated but less adequate fashion. It should be said that this description of the method of titles does not apply to the district west of the Tennessee River ; that was pur- chased from the Indians long after the settlement of Kentucky. This small part of the State was divided into rectansular areas, as in the Northwestern States. 62 KENTUCKY. The imperfection of the early land system of Ken- tncky may serve to show the difficulties that came to this lone Commonwealth from the absence of all gov- ernmental care in its founding. All the other new States of this Union have had their early stages of de- velopment guarded by the Federal government. They were provided with an effective land system, a system of laws suited to their needs, and the protection of government troops. The Kentucky settlements had to do without these important aids. CHAPTER VI. FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. We have now noticed the principal features in the history of the folk that furnished the greater part of the early colonists of Kentucky, as well as the physical conditions of the land itself. We may next proceed to consider the history of the earliest explorations and the first steps toward the settlement of the State. Although Virginia had a just claim to all the re- gion of the Ohio Valley north of the parallel of 36° 30', that is, if there were any justice in the colonial grants at all, this empire of the unknown was little esteemed in the early days of that colony. They knew only that it lay far beyond rugged mountains, peopled by their new- found enemies the red men, and claimed by their hered- itary enemies the French. Some knowledge of it they had from their expeditions against the French, and the chance reports of the few travelers who ventured near it, but it was not until there began to be a need of find- ing place for the growing population of the colony that they turned their minds toward this country. At this time the settlements were well up to the borders of the Alleghany Mountains, — indeed, all the richer valleys of the eastern part of that chain were pretty thoroughly taken up by settlers. The greater part of this region was of a nature to be extremely repellent to the Virginia farmer. The price of grain and cattle 54 KENTUCKY. was exceedingly low ; he was accustomed to feel that he must either have ground well fitted to tobacco, or else soil that would give a large return for his labor in the less exportable crops. Therefore the fairly good lands of the Alleghanies seemed, and indeed were, to him worthless. 'It is a simple application of the theory of rent taught by political economy. The Alleghanies were, however, an extremely diffi- cult — indeed, at first a nearly impassable — barrier to western movement. They consisted of a number of long ridges, set in rank behind rank ; their slopes were steep, their forests dense, and where they were cut by streams these flowed in caiion-like gorges generally unfitted for roadways. No other than a forest-bred peojDle would have dared this wilderness in search of cheap and good land. It is difficult to picture to ourselves the hazard- ous nature of this movement. We must believe that the first adventurers had slow imaginations or a rare valor, else the evident risks of their project would surely have sufficed to deter even the bravest men, spurred by no sense of duty to this enterprise of con- quering a far-away and mythical land. The colonial charters of Virginia gave to that col- ony a claim upon all the lands of the Mississippi Valley that lay to the west of the boundaries of Pennsylvania and New York, as well as of the colony itself. At the time when these grants were made, and for generations afterward, this western domain was to Virginia a very intangible property, if indeed it deserved the name of a possession. The little that was known about it came mostly through the French authorities, or from a few ad- venturous traders who had visited that country. To the Virginians of the seventeenth and the first decades of FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 55 the eighteenth century, charter rights in a country from which came recurrent dangers in the shape of Frencli or Indian wars seemed of no value whatever. When, however, the fall of Louisburg and Quebec and other events in the warfare with the French in Canada began to show that the English were likely to win control of the continent, when the fear of the savages was some- what diminished by a long and generally successful struggle with them, the minds of the Virginia people began to dwell upon the possibilities of that broad and fertile country which lay beyond the barren ridges of the Alleghanies. The history of Virginia shows us that there were sev- eral reasons which led its people to desire western pos- sessions long before the more northern colonies began to look to the Mississippi Valley for new homes. In the first place, the Virginia people' came from the more rural population of England and Scotland, and from the beginning were ever in their mode of living a less urban people than the more northern colonists of Amer- ica. Within the tobacco belt agriculture was a much more profitable occupation than it ever became within the northern colonies during the colonial times. This and the other crops produced by slave labor were won by a careless tillage, that rapidly reduced the fertility of the land, and made it desirable to seek fresh fields for the devastating ploughs.^ 1 It would not be possible to contrive a more perfect means of rap- idly exhausting the soil than the method of tillage commonly in use in the old days in this Virginian country. The " tilth," or depth of the ploughing, rarely exceeded six inches, and oftener was less ; ploughs Avere run year after year at the same depth, until there was a hard pan formed by the action of the plough heel, which shut the roots of the crops out of the sub-soil. Manuring was never under- 56 KENTUCKY. The use of slave labor in agriculture demands exceed- ingly rich soils ; even with so exportable an article as tobacco, tillage cannot profitably be carried on by means of slaves on lands that are not excellent in quality. Tliis is plainly shown by the fact that the hill regions of the South did not become occupied by slaveholders. In all the vast expanse of the AUeghanies, where the soils are relatively poor, there is scarcely more negro blood than there is in New York or New England, and those negroes who are now found there are mostly waifs recently brought by the railways and other modern en- terprises. Here and there, where the AUeghanies in- close small areas of limestone rock, which by its clay produces soils of the first order, the slaveholder planted himself and for a time tilled his crops ; but as a whole the institution did not fit mountain regions, however fertile the valleys might be, for the tracts of arable land were not large enough to permit the plantation system to be applied to their tillage, so that they fell to the non-slaveholding class. The student of genei-al history will find interest in the fact that this unfitness of the Appalachian system of mountains for tillage by slaves became a very important element in the civil war. The people of this district during the conflict were either armed Union men or lukewarm adherents of the Confederacy. The Appalachian district formed a great salient of anti-slavery people that cut the South nearly in twain. taken ; not uncommonly the stables were allowed to fill with unre- moved dung until the beasts could no longer enter them. When the exhaustion of the abused soil was so complete that it could no longer be profitably cultivated, the place was "turned out," the healing for- ests again possessed it, while the proprietor Avent "over the divide " and set about his devastating work on another farm. FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 57 In the middle of the last century the lands fitted for the use of slaves in Virginia, at least in that part of the State east of the Blue Ridge, were fully occupied. The Shenandoah Valley was in good part settled, and the whole of its fertile parts was possessed either by active tillers or by large owners like Lord Fairfax, who re- tained them for speculation. The farming class found themselves faced by the long parallel ridges of the Al- leghanies, which stretch in an almost continuous wall from the border of New York State to the country of the Gulf slope, a region unfit for tillage. The compulsion to westward migration then acting upon the Virginia people was something like that which in the olden days drove their remote ancestry from Cen- tral Asia over the lands of Europe to the Atlantic. In neither case were the people crowded in the sense that the Belgium or the Massachusetts people are now crowded together, but they were in each case aggre- gated beyond the limits of their conditions. With herds- men there can only be a very few people to the square mile; with slave agriculture the number may be greater, but still far below the number that may advan- tageously inhabit the same district under conditions of freedom. Even before 1750 adventurers seeking trade with the Indians had been exploring the Alleghanies for ways into the West. It had already been found that the most practicable route was by following to the south- ward the great mountain trough that separates the Blue Ridge from the Alleghany range of mountains. The course of this valley is nearly to the southwest, and its high-lying fertile limestone plains are drained in turn by the Shenandoah and the Roanoke, that send their 68 KENTUCKY. waters to the Atlantic, and the Kanawaha, or New River, and the Tennessee, tributaries of the Ohio. In this trough, that separates the eastern and western ranges of the Appalachian Mountains, the traveler can journey through a length of many hundred miles with- out having to pass over any difficult ways. From this valley there are two natural ways to the Ohio : at the crossing of the New River, or from the mouth of the Greenbrier River, it is possible to turn sharply to the north down that stream, and then along its banks to follow a tolerably direct line to the Ohio, the stream itself beiusf unnavis^able for much of its length ; or, better still, the mountain valley may be fol- lowed about a hundred miles further to the southwest to a point where for a considerable distance the Cum- berland River and the Powell branch of the great Ten- nessee run for some distance parallel to each other, sep- arated only by the narrow wall of the Cumberland Mountain. At this point the Cumberland Mountain is a single ridge, generally too steep even for horse-paths, but at several points it breaks down into traversable passes. Crossing this mountain over any of these passes, the westward farer had only to follow the Cum- berland, as it cuts its way through the Fine Mountain and the irregular hills still farther to the west, to find a difficult but practicable way into Eastern Kentucky, one possible to pack animals, which could find foothold on the Indian paths or buffalo trails, and easily made pos- sible to that ship of the wilderness, the admirable American wagon.-^ 1 At the time when Kentucky was settled the European pack-sad- dle was still in general use in this country. It was almost the only means of conveying burdens employed down to the end of the six- FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 59 From the time of the settlement of the Shenandoah Valley this southward extension of its fertile lands was well known to the Virginians. As early as the seven- teenth century one of the frontier forts was placed in the southern part of the valley. These ways to the West were traversed even in the seventeenth century by many of those hardy spirits who skirmish beyond the advancing lines of civilization.^ The first authentic report of a deliberate journey be- yond the line of the Alleghauies is that of Doctor Thomas AValker, who in 1750 traveled to the central parts of the region afterwards called Kentucky, and re- turned with a good report of the country. This journal still exists in manuscript. He seems to have been a re- markably intelligent explorer, for he noticed the east- ernmost outcrop of the Appalachian coal-field, which so far is probably the first mention of any fact of a geo- teenth century. It held on in Virginia for more than a century after* it had generally passed out of service in the Old "World. Remnants of its use may still be found in some of the sequestered corners of the Southern Appalachians. But for this simple instrument the settle- ment of Kentucky would hardly have been possible, for it was many years before a wagon road was constructed. 1 Even as early as 1654 a certain Colonel Wood was in Kentucky as an explorer, but of his route we know little or nothing. Rafii- nesque, in his most untrustworthy annals of Kentucky, says that a Captain Bolt came from Virginia to Kentucky in 1660. In 1730 John Sailing, a Virginian, was taken prisoner by the Cherokee Indians and carried to Tennessee, thence to the salt licks of Kentucky ; a second capture by Illinois Indians led to his traveling as far as Kaskaskia ; escaping from his second captivity by ransom, he finally reached Vir- ginia again. He was probably the first Virginian to tread the way leading to Kentucky by Cumberland Gap, which so many of his fel- lows were to follow, but as his journey was not voluntary he cannot claim real credit as an explorer. There is also a tradition that in 1742 a man named John Howard crossed the mountains and went down the Ohio, but the fact is doubtful. (See Collins, i., p. 15.) 60 KENTUCKY. logical nature concerning any part of the Virginia mountains. Walker named the principal features of the country he traversed : the Waseoto mountains, which he called Cumberland ; the Shawnee River, to which he gave the same name ; the Chatterawah, which, with the Virginian dislike of Indian names, he called the Big Sandy. There is some excuse for his calling the finest of the Alleghany Mountains and the most beautiful of its rivers after the very unsavory George, Duke of Cumberland, and the beautiful Chatterawah the Big Sandy ; for the fact is Kentucky had been re- cently in good part abandoned by the Shawnee Indians as a place of residence, and had become a border fight- ing-ground between the Indians north of the Ohio and the Cherokees and other tribes of the Tennessee Val- ley and the country to the south and east of it, so that the traveler had no chance to get the aboriginal names of its geographical features from natives. In 1751 Christopher Gist, an agent of the Ohio Com- pany, a corporation having from Virginia an unplaced grant of 500,000 acres of land, visited Shawnee town, at the mouth of the Scioto River, where Portsmouth, Ohio, now stands. Here he found a settlement con- taining about three hundred Indians : one part of their lodges on the southern, or Kentucky side of the Ohio, but the most on the northern, or Ohio, border of the stream. So entirely was Kentucky at this time aban- doned by the Indians that this was probably the only settlement within the limits of the State, except some Indian towns along the Mississippi River. There were many Indian traders residing at this settlement, show- ing that the country had already been extensively pen- etrated by those adventurous men. Gist's explorations FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 61 were extended as far as Big Bone Lick, whence he obtained some of the fossil elephant remains.-^ Thence he followed an Indian trail up the Kentucky and across the mountains to the Kanawha.^ In 1752 Lewis Evans issued the first map of the re- gion, including Kentucky.^ It is probable that few copies of this map remain in existence. In 1756 a white woman, a Mrs. Mary Inglis, was taken prisoner in Southwestern Virginia and conveyed to Central Ken- tucky, where she escaped and made her way home afoot after a journey of appalling difficulty. The narrative of her adventures is thus given in Col- lins's " History of Kentucky : " — " The first white woman in Kentuck}^ was Mrs. Mary Inglis, nee Draper, who in 1756, with her two little boys, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Draper, and others, was taken prisoner by the Shawanee Indians from her home on the top of the great Alleghany ridge, in now Mont- gomery County, West Virginia. The captives were taken down the Kanawha to the salt region, and, after a few days spent in making salt, to the Indian village at the mouth of the Scioto River, where Portsmouth, 1 Big Bone Lick was early looked upon as the principal curiosity of the countr}'. Many of the expeditions encamped there. When first visited by the -n-hites the bones of the tnamnioth and the mastodon were plentifully scattered over the ground about the salt springs. The camping parties used the ribs of the fossil elephants for tent poles and the vertebrse for seats and as rests for their camp kettles. At a later time Jefferson had a valuable collection of these remains brought to Washington and deposited in the government buildings, along with other geological material that this many -minded man brought to- gether. These specimens remained in the patent-office imtil at length, it is on tradition reported, they were sent to the bone mill by one of the ignorant servants of that office. 2 See Collins, i. 15. 3 See Collins, i. 15. 62 KENTUCKY. Ohio, now is. Here, although spared the pain and dan- ger of running the gauntlet, to which Mrs. Draper was subjected, she was, in the division of the prisoners, sep- arated from her little sons. Some French traders from Detroit visiting the village with their goods, Mrs. In- glis made some shirts out of the checked fabrics. As fast as one was finished, a Frenchman -would take it and run through the village, swinging it on a staff, praising it as an ornament and Mrs. Inglis as a very fine squaw ; and then make the Indians pay her from their store at least twice its value. This profitable employment continued about three weeks, and Mrs. Inglis was more than ever admired and kindly treated by her captors. " A party setting off for Big Bone Licks, on the south side of the Ohio River, about one hundred and forty miles below, to make salt, took her along, together with an elderly Dutch woman, who had been a long time prisoner. The separation from her children de- termined her to escape, and she prevailed upon the old woman to accompany her. They obtained leave to gather grapes. Securing a blanket, tomahawk, and knife, they left the Licks in the afternoon, and to pre- vent suspicion took neither additional clothing nor pro- visions. When about to depart, Mrs. Inglis exchanged her tomahawk with one of the three Frenchmen in the company, as he was sitting on one of the big bones cracking walnuts. They hastened to the Ohio River, and proceeded unmolested up the stream, — in about five days coming opposite the village their captors and they had lived at, at the mouth of the Scioto. There they found aa empty cabin, and remained for the night. In the morning they loaded a horse, browsing near by, FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 63 with corn, and proceeded up the river, escaping obser- vation, although iu sight of the Indian village and In- dians for several hours. " Although the season was dry and the rivers low, the Big Sandy was too deep to cross at its mouth ; so they followed up its banks until they found a crossing on the driftwood. The horse fell among the logs, and could not be extricated. The women carried what corn they could, but it was exhausted long before they reached the Kanawha, and they lived upon grapes, black walnuts, pawpaws, and sometimes roots. These did not long satisfy the old Dutch woman, and, frantic with hunger and exposure, she threatened, and several days after at twilight actually attempted, the life of her companion. Mrs. Inglis escaped from the grasp of the desperate woman, outran her, and concealed herself awhile under the river-bank. Proceeding along by the light of the moon, she found a canoe — the identical one in which the Indians had taken her across the river five months before — half filled with dirt and leaves, without a paddle or a pole near. Using a broad splin- ter of a fallen tree, she cleared the canoe, and con- trived to paddle it to the other side. In the morning the old woman discovered her, and with strong prom- ises of good behavior begged her to cross over and keep her company ; but she thought they were more likely to remain friends with the river between them. Thoui^h approaching her former home, her condition was grow- ing hopeless : her strength almost wasted away, and her limbs had begun to swell from wading cold streams, frost, and fatigue. The weather was growing cold, and a light snow fell. At length, after forty days and a half of remarkable endurance, during which she trav-. 64 KENTUCKY. eled not less than twenty miles a day, she reached a clearing and the residence of a friendly family, by whose kind and judicious treatment she was strong enough in a few days to proceed to a fort near by, and the next day she was restored to her husband. Help was sent to the Dutch woman, and she, too, recovered. One of the little boys died in captivity, not long after the forced separation ; the other remained thirteen years with the Indians before his father could trace him up and secure his ransom. Mrs. Inglis died in 1813, aged eighty-four. Her family was one of the best, and her daughters married men who became distinguished." ^ In 1765 Colonel George Croghan, who had pre- viously visited the Ohio with Gist, made a surveying journey down that stream from Pittsburg to the Mis- sissippi. The survey was of the I'udest sort ; he made an error of ninety-seven miles in his estimate of the distance from Pittsburg to the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi, and similar errors in all his determina- tions, but his work deserves to be remembered as the first effort to do surveying in this basin. In 1766 a party of five persons, including a mulatto slave, under the command of Captain James Smith, explored a large part of what is now Tennessee, and probably extended their journey through Southern Kentucky. Journeys to Kentucky now became frequent. Every year sent one or more parties of pioneers to one part or another of the country. In 1769 Daniel Boone and five companions, all from the Yadkin settlements in North Carolina, came to Eastern Kentucky. One of the party was killed, but Boone remained, while his companions returned to their homes. Thus it will 1 Collins, ii. p. 53. FIRST EXPLORATIONS OF KENTUCKY. 65 be seen that Boone's first visit was relatively late in the history of Kentucky explorations. Almost every part of its surface had been traversed by other ex- plorers before this man, who passes in history as the typical pioneer, set foot upon its ground. In the time between 1770 and 1772 George Washington, then a land-surveyor, made two surveys in the region which is now the northeast corner of Kentucky, included in the present counties of Greenup, Boyd, and Lawrence. The reader should bear in mind the fact that these movements were made in the face of grave dangers from the Southern Indians. The Shawnees, the most warlike of the Western tribes, had, it is true, been driven from their settlements in Kentucky, but the land was claimed by the Cherokees, a numerous and combative association of tribes. In 1756 the Earl of Loudon, then commander of the British troops in America and Governor of Vii-giuia, built a fort on the Tennessee River, about thirty miles from where Knoxville now stands. In 1758 the celebrated Colonel Bird erected another fort. These forts held garrisons of several hun- dred men, and were mounted with cannon. Despite the strength of these outposts they were overwhelmed by the Indians, and their garrisons destroyed or forced into disgraceful retreat. The influence of the French made it impossible to effect any permanent agreement with the savages. Thus the early settlers who moved into Kentucky were compelled to face the dangers of combat with warlike tribes, emboldened by success in their combats with the whites. The singular feature about all these early wander- ings in Kentucky is, that although they had been going on for thirty years or more, many of the explorers 5 66 KENTUCKY. returning two or three times to the ground, they wero moved more by the spirit of adventure than by any dis- tinct love of gain or idea of permanent settlement. To make a perilous journey into the dark and bloody bat- tle-ground of the Indians, and then to return with many stories of hair -breadth escapes and a scalp or two, seems to have been the motive and the end of these numerous expeditions. It is noteworthy that there is no trace of a search for precious metals in all these ex- peditions. That greed of gold, which was so prominent a feature in the early explorations of Virginia, was wanting in the colonization of Kentucky. This desire, never so strong in the English as in the Spanish set- tlers of America, appears to have been quite dead in the latter part of the seventeenth century in the colo- nies of the former people. About 1770 the favorable reports of these explorers began to move the minds of a more agricultural class, and from that time onward the idea of colonization and j^ossession became more common. The system of the Virginia land-office, which permitted people to " locate " on any unoccupied land, making their own surveys and marking their own boun- daries, favored this first staire of settlement. CHAPTER VII. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The first distinct efFort to found a colony was made by James Harrod and about forty companions, who found their way down the Ohio near to where Louis- ville now stands, and thence by land to what is now Mercer County, in Central Kentucky, where they estab- lished, on June 16, 1774, a village which they called, in honor of their leader, Harrodsburg. Earlier attempts at settlement were made at Louisville, but the fear of Indians caused the speedy abandonment of this post. At other points the explorers occasionally made tempo- rary habitations, tilled a crop of maize for subsistence, and then continued their wanderings. But Harrodsburg was the first deliberate settlement of importance, and the first that was intended to be permanent.^ In 1775 other and stronger footholds were gained. Boone built a fort in what is now Madison County, and Logan an- other at St. Asaphs, in Lincoln County. The settlement of Kentucky was greatly favored by the decisive victory gained by Lord Dunmore's troops over the Indians from the north of the Ohio, at the mouth of the Kanawha. This battle, known as Point Pleasant, was the first pitched battle between the Ohio Indians and the whites, in which the savages had no aid from the French. Although the Indians fought 1 See Collins, ii. p. 517. 68 KENTUCKY. with great bravery, prolonging the combat for a whole day, they were in the end comi%letely routed, with great loss, and signed a treaty abandoning the whole country south of the Ohio to the whites. The signal nature of their defeat, even more than their treaty, caused the principal Ohio tribes for several years to be wary of venturing into Kentucky, where they knew they would encounter men of the same quality. This victory, though bought with a loss of about one hundred of the colonial troops, was of priceless value to the Kentucky settle- ments. It not only diminished the fear of the Ohio Indians in this colony, but for a time, at least, it opened the road to Kentucky by way of the Ohio. Moreover, as many of the heroes of Point Pleasant afterward settled in Kentucky, it gave confidence to its settlers in their subsequent combats with tlie aborigines. That the process of possessing the land was going on with speed may be seen from the fact that Hender- son and Company, land-agents at Boonesborough, issued from their office in the new-built fort entry certificates of surveys for five hundred and sixty thousand acres of land. The process of survey was of the rudest kind, but it served the purpose of momentary definition of the areas made it possible to deal with the land as a com- modity, and left the tribulations concerning boundaries to the next generation. These land deeds were given as of the " colony of Transylvania," which was in fact the first appellation of Kentucky, a name by which it was known for several years before it received its pres- ent appellation. At this time, the last year that the work of settling Kentucky was done under the authority of his majesty King George the Third, there were probably about one EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 69 huDdred and fifty men who had placed themselves in settlements that were intended to be permanent within the bomids of what is now the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky. There may have been as many more doing the endless exploring work which preceded the choice of a site for their future homes. The men at Boone's Sta- tion claimed, and seem to have been awarded, a sort of hegemony among the settlements. On the 23d of May, at the call of Colonel Henderson, the land-agent of the proprietors, delegates from these settlements met at Boonesborough, and drew up a brief code of nine laws for the government of the young Commonwealth. This, the first legislative body ever assembled in the region west of the Alleghanies, met with all the important forms of a colonial government. The speech of the act- ing governor. Colonel Henderson, reads like the address of a British sovereign from the throne, with a slight addition of frontier flourishes. The chairman of the convention answered him in equally formal phrase, and, after a day or two of preamble, the unhoused par- liament proceeded to business, passing the following laws ■'■ : — 1. An act to establish courts of judicature and regu- lating the practice therein. 2. An act for resjulatinof the militia. 3. An act for the punishment of criminals. 4. An act to prevent profane swearing and Sabbath- breaking. 5. An act for writs of attachment. 6. An act for ascertaining clerks' and sheriffs' fees. 7. An act to preserve the range (that is, the right of public pasture). 1 See Collins's Ktntucky, vol. ii. p. 508. 70 KENTUCKY. 8. An act for preserving tlie breed of horses. 9. An act for preserving game. Tlie foregoing laws have not come down to us in detail ; we have only their titles, two of which merit notice. The Puritanic quality of the fourth of thesG commandments is balanced by the livelier quality ot the eighth.^ The Boonesborough parliament adjourned to meet in September, but it never reassembled. The venture which led to its institution fell altogether to ruin, and the name of Transylvania has been almost entirely for- gotten. We cannot afford the space to give more than an outline of this curious fragment of Western history. The colony of Transylvania rested on a purchase of about seventeen million acres, or about one half the present area of Kentucky, which was made by some people of North Carolina from the Overhill Cherokee Indians, a part of the great tribe that dwelt on tlie Holston River. For this land the unfortunate adven- turers paid the sum of £10,000 of English money. This was a form of land-grabbing by purchase from the Indians peculiar to the eighteenth century ; it not hav, ing been at that time well affirmed that while States could cheat Indians out of their possessions the privi- lege was denied the private citizen. The Cherokees knew full well that in fact they had no title in this land to sell ; the land had probably never been in their possession ; it was more of the nature of unowned land than any other fertile district in the Mississippi Val- 1 The first race track in Kentucky was laid out about 1775, at Shallow Ford Station. A man engaged in trying the paces of his horse upon' this track was shot by an Indian secreted in a neighbor- ing cane-brake. See Collins, ii. p. 521. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 71 ley ; it was, in fact, a lot of common ground where there was no lord of the manor. Immediately after the Boonesborough parliament the position of the Transylvania company became very In- secure ; its own people began to doubt the validity of the titles they had obtained from the company, because, after a time, they learned from various sources that the lands of this region of Kentucky had been pre- viously ceded to the English government by the Six Nations, and were included in the Virginia charter. In the latter part of 1775 eighty men of the Transylvania settlement signed a memorial asking to be taken under the protection of Virginia ; or, if that colony thought it best, that their petition might be referred to the Gen- eral Congress. This protest is a remarkably sober and well-written document, which gives us a high opinion of the character of the men who prepared it.-^ The proprietors of the colony made their answer to this rebellion by sending a delegate to the Federal Congress at Philadelphia, who was to request that the colony of Transylvania be added to the number of the American colonies. Their petition set forth that " the memorialists, having made this purchase from the abo- rigines and immemorial possessors, the sole and uncon- tested owners of the country, in a free and open treaty, and without the violation of any British or American law whatever, are determined to give it up only with their lives." ^ Nothing came of this protest. Congress refused to seat their delegate, Patrick Henry and Jef- ferson, then representing Virginia, opposing the efforts of the proprietors. The Governor of North Carolina 1 See Hall's Sketches of History in the West, vol. ii. pp. 23G-239. 2 Collins, ii. p. 512. 72 KENTUCKY. issued a proclamation declaring their purchase illegal. The colony gradually fell to pieces, though the State of Virginia took no decided action with reference to it until in 1778 that Commonwealth declared the acts of the company void, but, in a generous spirit, offered com- pensation to Colonel Henderson and the other adven- turers. The Transylvania company received two hun- dred thousand acres of valuable lands, and their sales to actual settlers were confirmed by an act of the Virginia Assembly. Thus the strongest, though not the first, colony of Kentucky, was a misadventure and quickly fell to pieces, but during its short life it did more to affirm the position of the whites on this ground than all the other settlements put together. That at Harrodsburg and other ventures beyond the Transylvania company's con- trol were made without any moral support from beyond the mountains. Although the men who founded them were doubtless personally brave, they had not the cour- age to face at once the toils of the wilderness and the assaults of the savage foe. The Boonesborough settle- ments were planted by men of peculiar vigor, and were supported by a set of very resolute people, acting as a corporation, who had means and courage to meet emer- gencies. Moreover, they were in a position to exercise some choice in the character of their colonists ; they saw to it that only men of character and courage were per- mitted in the district. As the Indians did not occupy Kentucky, but only used it as an occasional hunting-ground, it was not diffi- cult for the wary explorer to journey all over the land without encountering their parties ; nor were the sav- ages likely to become excited by the temporary pres- EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 73 ence in this country of small bands of the whites, who sought to exercise no possession. When, how- ever, these wandering parties began to establish them- selves on the ground the matter seemed more serious to them. No sooner had the Harrodsburg settlement been founded than the Indians assaulted its people. Al- though the loss from this assault amounted to but one man killed, his companions were so frightened that for a time they deserted their home ; some of the panio stricken folk escaping through the woods to the Mis- sissippi, and thence to New Orleans, while the others returned to Virginia by the way they came. A portion of these people returned the next year after the vigor- ous colony of Boonesborough was founded, and re- founded their village under the shadow of its protection. It will not do to impute cowardice to these lonely pio- neers. We can conceive their position in this vast and unexplored forest land, without even a road to bind them to their far-off mother country ; where at any moment an overwhelming force of fierce enemies might spring from the dark woods. The greatest difficulty was to bring these little bands to a sense that they could by determination meet and make an end of these dangers ; that all alone in the wilderness they could deal with this savage foe who had so recently beaten the armies of Braddock and of Washington. This les- son of patient, enduring courage was taught by the Transylvania company ; it could not well have been gained except through such strength as this vigorous and determined company gave to its settlements. The history of the assaults on the Boonesborough station is much like a host of other histories of West- ern settlements, but it has for us a special interest for 74 KENTUCKY. the reason that the attacks took place in the very be- ginning of the struggle of outlying settlements with the Indians of the Mississippi Valley, and that they were met by small parties of isolated men, who could hope for no aid of state or national government, and who had no resource except what they found in themselves, or might obtain from the proprietors of the colony. The first task of the Transylvania company was to cut a " trail " or horse-way from the Holston Valley to Central Kentucky ; this work was done under the com- mand of Daniel Boone, then a servant of the company. It was an undertaking of no great difficulty, as the only aim was to make a way passable to pack-horses, but it was a work which required some time. The party con- structing this road was observed by the hunting parties of the Indians, and their undertaking was seen to be a more serious matter than the previous desultory inva- sions of their land.^ The first engagement between the whites and Indians on Kentucky soil came at the end of this task of road-making. Boone and his men were sleeping without guards, when just before day the In- dians rushed into the camp. A portion of the company was put to flight, which did not end until they were safe in Virginia, but the remainder rallied and held their ground. A negro servant was killed ; Captain Twetty, one of the leaders of the party, was killed ; and a young man, Felix Walker, wounded. The success of the whites in beating off the Indians, their courage in wait- ing under arms by the side of their wounded man for twelve days until they could carry him to the site of the fort which they intended to build, were fortunate for the future Commonwealth, for they thereby gained a 1 See Collins, ii. p. 497. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 75 confidence which enabled the little 'band to meet yet more serious perils. Two days later the same party of Indians assailed another camp and killed two men. Boone's letter to Colonel Henderson gives us the first clear view of that cool_, intrepid man, who was to do so much for the early settlement of Kentucky.^ Collins, in his History of Kentucky, gives extracts from the very interesting diary of Colonel Henderson. This man was one of the heroes of his time. Born in Eastern Virginia, of poor parents, ignorant of the alphabet until he came to man's estate, he forced himself by sheer strength to a high position as a leader of men. After the dissolution of his colony he settled in the great do- main which Virginia granted to himself and his asso- ciates in compensation for their efforts in founding the Transylvania colony. His diary shows that he was one of the few frontiersmen who could admire the beauties of the world about him even amid the cares that beset the colonist." Bringing their wounded man with them, Boone has- tened to the point on the Kentucky River which he had chosen for his stronghold. The position was well taken. It was on the south side of the principal river of the State, sufficiently advanced to protect a large tract of country by receiving the blow of invasions, and not too remote to hope to maintain its connections with the base of supplies in Virginia and North Carolina. The settlements in East Tennessee defended this part of Kentucky from the Southern Indians. The Virginia experience with Indian warfare had al- ready shown the best method of making a simple fortifi- cation that would serve well both for shelter and for de- 1 Collins, ii. p. 498. 2 Collins, ii. p. 500. 76 KENTUCKY, fense against savage warfare. The Boonesborough fort is a type of all these early fortifications, aucl as the first Kentucky stronghold merits a brief description. The fort was laid out as a parallelogram, about two hundred and fifty feet long and one hundred and twenty-five feet wide ; at the four corners log-houses, each two stories high, were built ; the part of the walls of those block- houses that lay beyond the fort were without windows, but pierced with loopholes, from which a clearing fire could be delivered along the curtains of the fort. The sides were formed in part by the outer walls of cabins, and in part by lines of stockade, made by placing squared timbers vertically in the ground and binding them together by a horizontal stringer or stay-piece on the inside near the top. The steep roofs of the houses were covered with thick slabs of riven beams, held in their places by means of horizontal bars of wood laid upon them and tied by withes to the rafters. Iron was little used in these early constructions of the wilderness, and to this day houses are built in the mountain dis- tricts of Kentucky which do not contain a pound of the metal. Two gates of stout framed wood in the middle of the longer side, commanded on the inside by the small windows on the inside faces of the houses, and on the outside by the loopholes of the block-houses, com- pleted the outlines of this primitive castle. As long as artillery was not used — and in the early fights it usu- ally had no place — such defenses were all that could be desired. The central square gave a large space for herd- ing cattle. Each cabin was separately defensible, and the tolerably complete separation of the several houses made them safe from conflagrations ; one cabin could be burned without involving the destruction of the others. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 11 This system of a defensive village differs in certain ways from anything known in other countries. I have been unable to find that it had been used at an earlier period in other parts of America outside of the Southern colonies : it probably never was used in Europe. It is likely that it is a modification of the Indian stockade, al- ready known to the early settlers. It is an admirable adaptation of the defensive quality of the log-house to the modern rifle ; when defended by a score or two of deliberate and determined men, such a fort cannot be taken by escalade, for each block-house is a keep that has to be taken by a special assault. The only risk is from an enemy being able to fire the houses, but with a sufficient supply of water a fire can readily be extin- guished from the inside. Although there was no care in providing these structures with a moat or ditch, they proved remarkably successful forts, and were never car- ried against a reasonably good resistance. This pattern of stronghold became the type of all stations constructed in Kentucky and elsewhere. The weapon of these pioneers, the small-bored, long, heavy-barreled rifle, was the best gun that has ever been used by the frontiersman in the forest. Its small charge made the supply of lead and powder less diffi- cult than it would otherwise have been, and up to one hundred and fifty yards (the ordinary limit of forest ranges) it was an exceedingly accurate weapon. With one hundred sturdy men for a garrison it would be very difficult to take such a fortification, even with well-dis- ciplined troops ; against Indian attacks it never failed to prove a sufficient defense. The contest with the Indians went on in a desultory way while the Boonesborough fort was building ; but it 78 KENTUCKY. was not until two years after its construction, when the Revolutionary War had begun and Point Pleasant had been forgotten, that the Indians assailed it in force. On the 15th of April, 1777, a fierce assault was made upon it by a small party of savages ; but the Indians were beaten off with considerable loss, while that of the whites was trifling. On the 4th of July of the same year another attack was made, in which the Indians again lost so heavily that they hurriedly left the coun- try. On the 8th of August, 1778, they returned in much larger force. The attack which they now made was not like the others, a mere raid of wandering parties ; the Revolutionary War was now so far advanced that the savages were under the lead of British officers, and under their direction acted with far more skill than they could do alone. In this last great attack the fort was summoned by a British officer acting under his own flag, so that this capital little event deserves a place among the actions of the Revolutionary War. When summoned to surrender, Boone obtained two days for deliberation, which appears to have been granted under singular conditions, for it is stated that he used the time in getting the cattle into the fort, and in other preparations for resistance. He then, with the unani- mous approval of his garrison, resolved to withstand a siege. After this well-contrived beginning, Boone, who seems to have had a rather unsuspicious nature, .ac- cepted an invitation to go with eight of his men be- yond the walls of the fort for further treaty. After some parleying the enemy attempted to capture the party, but they escaped to the fort under a fire that wounded only one man. The active siege of several EAIiLY SETTLEMENTS. 79 days proved fatal to a large number of the assailants. The British commander then endeavored to drive a tun- nel from the river bank into the fort ; but this was dis- covered in time, and effectually countermined by the defenders. On the next day the siege was raised, the Indians having sustained a loss, it is said, of thirty- seven killed, while the loss of the garrison was only two killed and four wounded. After this, the last siege of Boonesborough, the forti- fied posts of Kentucky were rapidly pushed into the fertile and attractive Blue Grass region of Central Ken- tucky, and soon became so numerous that Boone's Sta- tion was no longer of importance, and other posts re- ceived the blows which the Indians delivered against the increasing settlements. In December, 1776, Kentftcky County was divided from the County of Fincastle in Virginia, Harrodsburg being designated as a county seat. This was the first legislative recognition on the part of the mother colony of the individuality of the western settlements. Hith- erto Kentucky had been legally only the western fringe of the outermost Virginia county. The pressure of the Revolutionary War upon the re- sources of Virginia was so serious that we find no rec- ognition of the Kentucky settlements during the year 1777. But in 1778, the raids of the Indians in Ken- tucky having evidently been instigated by the British, Colonel George Rogers Clark, who was afterward to play a large part in Western affairs, was sent with an expedition against the posts in Illinois. With one hun- dred and thirty-five men, mostly persons who had been trained in Indian warfare, he made a very remarkable forced march throuirh the wilderness from the Ohio 80 KENTUCKY, River to Kaskaskia, and captured the place by surprise. In swift succession he took Cahokia and Vincennes. Coming in the same summer with the great failure of the British aud Indians in the third siege of Boones- borough, these important events did much to affirm the position of the Kentucky settlements. The pioneers were yet to endure severe tests, but their achievements gave them a measure of their strength aud a gauge of valorous actions, so that henceforth they felt strong enough to maintain their place. Their victories made the ground seem their own. At the end of his campaign Clark built a fort at the falls of the Ohio, the first stronghold on this stream. By one of his swift movements he repossessed himself in February, 1779, of Vincennes, which the British from Detroit, under Governor Hamilton, had recaptured in December. In the next year, inspired by the suc- cess of his campaigns, another movement was carried north from the Ohio against the Indians at Chillicothe. This expedition was beaten back to Kentucky, but the Indian town was burned and two chiefs killed. ^j the end of this year that part of Kentucky which lies north of the Kentucky River had been occupied by several small stations. Notwithstanding the Revo- lutionary War, perhaps in part on account of the dis- turbances which it brought about in Eastern Virginia, a heavy immigration into Kentucky began in 1780. The annual tide of immigration in this and the following years mu^t have amounted to at least five thousand souls per annum. Three hundred boats, containing at least three thousand people, descended the Ohio to Louisville this year. Monette estimates that the popu- lation in 1783 amounted to about 12,000. In 1784 it is EARLY SETTLEAfENTS. 81 estimated that it amounted to 30,000. In this and many following years the work of war and settlement went on together. A column of British and Indians about six hundred strong, with two pieces of artillery, penetrated Eastern Kentucky and captured two stations near where Paris now stands. They did not remain to try conclusions with the settlers, who swiftly gathered to meet them, but escaped in safety to Detroit, whence they came. The blow was revenged by a counter stroke from the ever ready Clark, who first built a block-house fort at Cincinnati, where the British had crossed the stream, to guard against future raids up the Licking Valley, and then went northwards to ravage the towns of Piqua and Chillicothe. Settlements now began to spring up all over the area of good lands. The Virginia government erected a fort on the Mississippi, a few miles below the junction of the Ohio, thus marking the westernmost limits of the col- ony. The original county of Kentucky was divided into three : Jefferson, Lincoln, and Fayette, each with a military commander having the rank of colonel, who had under him a surveyor-general of lands. The year 1781 was an uneventful one, the only seri- ous action being an assault on the garrison of the Mis- sissippi fort by the Chickasaws and Cherokees, which, though repulsed, was ominous of trouble to come, for it brought those tribes, which had previously given little trouble to the whites, into the list of their numerous enemies. The establishment of this fort was the work of Gov- ernor Jefferson. It was an unnecessary demonstration of energy, such as is apt to happen when an effort is made to manage the difficult business of governing a 82 KENTUCKY. colony with a long arm. Against this blunder we may set the general sagacity and liberality of Virginia's man- agement of KentuckJ^ affairs. Even in the distress of the Revolution, she had always something to spare for her more sorely tried children of the western hills, and no Virginian ever had a warmer heart towards Kentucky than Jefferson. He had a keen imagination, and a singular power of projecting his sympathies afar. In the preceding year he had secured a large gift of lands for the work of education in Kentucky. Virginia had nothing else to give, and the gift was an easy one to make ; but it deserves to be remembered that in the time of severest trial the mother colony bethought her- self of the intellectual interests of these far-away chil- dren. In 1782, the struggle with the British and Indians was even more fierce and sanguinary than in the pre- ceding years. In March, a party of about seventy-five Wyandot Indians crossed the Kentucky River above Boonesborough ; their presence in tlie country was made known by the fact that a raft which they had used in crossing the river, and then turned adrift, floated by the fort. The commander of the fort, who with the sagacity of the frontiersman correctly interpreted this sign, sent runners to warn the neighboring stations. The men of Estill's Station went in search of the enemy, but in the chances of the forest did not come upon the savages until they had been to the station and killed a young woman within sight of the fort. Near Mount Sterling the pursuing whites caught up with the enemy and at once assailed them. At first the Indians were driven back, but their chief being sorely wounded they rallied about him. The whites followed their usual EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 83 tactics, and detached six of their tweuty-five men to turn the Indian flank and deprive them of the protec- tion that the timber afforded them. These men of the flanking party were seized with a panic and fled ; the remaining Indians rushed upon the diminished force of the whites, and after a fierce hand-to-hand struggle drove them from the ground. Estill, the commander, was killed, and six of his men met their death from the tomahawk. Measured by the forces engaged or the loss in killed, the affair was a trifling one ; but it showed in the Indians a quality of determination which indicated that they were becoming better skilled and steadier in warfare, and that they were, numbers for numbers, quite the equal of the whites. In August of this year, a party of whites, under Cap- tain Holder, attacked a party of Indians at the upper Blue Licks, and was worsted, with a loss of four men. In the same month a force of six hundred Indians be- longing to various tribes, and commanded by the famous Simon Girty, moved unseen across the northern part of the State and surprised Bryan's Station, situated at a point about five miles north of Lexington. Fortu- nately, the fifty men of the station were engaged in night preparations for an expedition to avenge Holder's de- feat. This deterred Girty from his purpose of carrying the neglected and weak fortification by storm, for the notes of preparation within it satisfied him that his movement was discovered. But it was not until the gate was thrown open to permit the marching forth of the command on their way to the Blue Licks that a volley from the savages showed the whites that they had a foe at their doors. They were in no condition for effective defense ; their palisades needed repair, and 84 KENTUCKY. the fort was destitute of water, the spring being at a considerable distance from the gates. This want of water was a common difficulty in these stations, and in several sieges led to great suffering. At first sight it seems a very stupid neglect of the most ordinary pre- cautions, yet, like the other stupidities of a clear-headed and generally prudent people, it admits of explanation. The first necessity of a station was that it should have a salubrious site, and this is never obtainable at points where a spring breaks forth. The fact that at almost any point in Kentucky a well will procure water was as yet unknown, and was against the prevailing opinion of the time, which was that the water all ran in special underground streams. Some notice of invasions was always hoped for, giving time for water enough to be stored in the fort to meet the needs of a siege. The garrison of the station acted quickly and effect- ually. Two mounted messengers at once broke through the Indian lines to carry warning to other stations. Everything depended on these runners getting away, and many of the most valorous acts of this border war- fare centre around these sallies. Thtn the women were told that the safety of the fort demanded that they un- dertake to bring a supply of water from the spring, the leaders judging that the Indians would not fire on them, as thereby they would unmask their place of assault. The event showed that they estimated their foe rightly. These brave creatures went in a body to the spring, and returned with a supply large enough to meet all needs. It is probable that the reader will not altogether like this episode. It seems an ungallant thing for men be- hind barricades to send women into the open before the guns of an enemy. Yet as we cannot question the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 85 valor of these men, we are forced to believe that it cost them more to send the women on such an errand than to have charged upon the hidden foe ; we must, how- ever unwillingly, admire the clear-sighted craft that remedied their otherwise fatal deficiency. As soon as the fort was supplied with w^ater, the leader, Captain Craig, made another shrewd move. A detachment of thirteen of the younger men was sent out to attack the savages, who had made a feint against the side of the fort away from the spring. They were to fire as fast as possible and make a great din, in order that the force presumably in ambush on the spring side, supposing that the whole garrison was engaged in the sally, might make their contemplated assault on the point which they expected to find undefended. The plan succeeded as it deserved. The principal body of the enemy believed that the whole garrison had been in- veigled into a battle beyond the walls. The party of Indians making the feint rapidly fell back, as they were instructed to do, and as soon as the sound of firing showed that their pursuers were far from the fort, the main body of Indians, several hundred in number, sprang from their hiding-places and rushed upon the seemingly unmanned wall. They met the steady fire of forty well-aimed rifles, and, after a courageous as- sault, were beaten back with great loss. While the foe was endeavoring to carry this wall, the party that had made the sally, informed by the firing that their work was done, returned through the opposite gateway, before the foe, baffled in their assault, had closed around the fort for a regular siege. The mounted men who broke through the Indian lines at dawn found the Lexington garrison on its way 86 KENTUCKY. to Blue Licks. By hard marching, these men, a part on horseback and a part on foot, hastened to the fort. Girty, knowing that messengers had broken out, laid an ambush for the returning forces near the station, where the narrow road was bordered on one side by high corn and on the other by a dense wood. The eager rescuers fell into the trap, but the horsemen knew that to turn about would be fatal, since it would give the foe time for aiming ; so they spurred through the fire and won the fort, their speed and the cloud of dust making the aim of the excited savages so poor that none of them were killed. Scurrying horsemen are bad targets, and the western rifle, on account of its length and weight, is the worst possible arm for use on moving objects ; more- over the Indian appears always to have been less steady under the strain of excitement than the white man. The footmen who were creeping to the fort through the maize came to the rescue of the horsemen, to be scat- tered before the tenfold force of their enemy ; but most of them, owing to the shelter of the high-growing In- dian corn, escaped ; only six were killed. When night came Girty was discouraged. His force had lost heav- ily, the beleaguered garrison had received a daring re- enforcement, and he knew that overwhelming forces would soon be upon him from neighboring stations. Whatever was to be done must be done at once. There- fore, sheltering himself in the darkness, he crept to a place behind a stump, whence he hailed the garrison and demanded their surrender. The colloquy is so pic- turesque that we give it as Collins tells it : ^ — " He highly commended their courage, but assured them that further resistance would be madness, as he 1 See CoUius, ii. p. 190. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 87 had six hundred warriors with him, and was in hourly expectation of reenforcements with artillery, which would instantly blow their cabins into the air ; that if the fort was taken by storm, as it certainly would be when their cannon arrived, it would be impossible for him to save their lives ; but if they surrendered at once, he gave them his word that not a hair of their heads should be injured. He told them his name, inquired whether they knew him, and assured them that they might safely trust to his honor. " The garrison listened in silence to his speech, and many of them looked very blank at the mention of the artillery, as the Indians had^ on one occasion, brought cannon with them and destroyed two stations. But a young man by the name of Reynolds, highly distin- guished for courage, energy, and a frolicsome gayety of temper, perceiving the effect of Girty's speech, took upon himself to reply to it. , " To Girty's inquiry, ' whether the garrison knew him,' Reynolds replied, ' that he was very well known ; that he himself had a worthless dog, to which he had given the name of " Simon Girty," in consequence of his striking resemblance to the man of that name ; that if he had either artillery or reenforcements, he might bring them and be d — d ; that if either himself or any of the naked rascals with him found their way into the fort, they would disdain to use their guns against them, but would drive them out again with switches, of which they had collected a great number for that purpose alone ; and finally, he declared that they also expected reenforcements ; that the whole country was marching to their assistance, and that if Girty and his gang of murderers remained twenty -four hours longer before 88 KENTUCKY. the fort, their scalps would be found drying in the sun upon the roofs of their cabins.' " Girty took great offense at the tone and language of the young Kentuckian, and retired with an expres- sion of sorrow for the inevitable destruction which awaited them on the following morning. He quickly rejoined the chiefs, and instant preparations were made for raising the siege. The night passed away in un- interrupted tranquillity, and at daylight in the morning the Indian camp was found deserted. Fires were still burning brightly, and several pieces of meat were left upon their roasting-sticks, from which it was inferred that they had retreated a short time before daylight." Not long after the Indians decamped, forces from other stations began to arrive ; by noon there was a party of one hundred and sixty men together. As the Indian force was estimated at six hundred, and as ex- perience had proved that this race was as formidable after defeat as after victory, prudent advisers counseled waiting. until a larger force was gathered. Such a delay was likely, however, to give the Indians a chance to escape altogether ; so, although Boone, Todd, Trigg, and forty-five other commissioned ofiicers were in the coun- cil of war, immediate pursuit was undertaken. It will be observed that even in this early day the proportion of titled men to the untitled was about one in three, but they deserved their brevets. Late on the morning of the 19 th of August the speedy march brought the pioneers upon Girty's force. It was evident to Boone and the other more deliberate soldiers that the Indians were loitering with the expectation of pursuit ; and to any men disposed to take counsel of their fears the sit- uation of the whites was at least a very grave one. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 89 They were in face of thrice their number, from whom even to receive an attack would have been extremely perilous. To give such an overwhelming foe the im- mense advantage which in forest contests belongs to the defender is madness to any but these wild spirits thirst- ing for vengeance. The true military policy would have been to fall back towards the oncoming force of three hundred men under Logan of Lincoln. After that the best thing would have been to fortify them- selves where they were, and await the attack which the Indians would probably deliver. Boone was the natural leader of the force, and though a cool-headed man was too diffident to assert his opinions. Todd was actually in command, if any one could have been deemed in command of such an undisciplined body. Boone advised either that they await the coming of Logan, or that if an immediate attack were resolved upon their party be divided and a portion used for a flank attack, so as to deprive the savages of the full measure of protection which the timber would afford against an assault in front. He knew the country well, and while a thoroughly brave man, he was disposed to fight with foresight and an eye to the shifts of the wary race he had been combating for the previous ten years. While the deliberation was going on, a certain Major McGary swung his hat in the air and cried, " Let all who are not cowards follow me." This was a challenge that made an end of deliberation. Among the men of that day a banter to any act of daring was a thing not to be considered, but to be accepted without debate. The whole party, horse and foot commingled, rushed into the Licking River and struggled to the opposite shore. Before them was a slope, worn bare by the 90 KENTUCKY. trampling of the buffalo on the way to the salt springs which lay a little beyond. Pursuing this path of the wild cattle, they went pell-mell for the distance of a mile before they encountered the enemy. Wearied and disordered by their long charge they came at last to a point where the ridge they were traversing was cut by bush-clad ravines on either side. Then at once from the dense, brushy wood there came upon them a with- ering fire from the Indian rifles, which quickly brought them to a stand. When the advance of the whites was arrested, the Indians skillfully began to extend their lines so as to enfold the thinned ranks of the whites as in a net. As soon as this object became plain, a panic as wild as their late confidence seized on these men, and they rushed back towards the river with the In- dians in furious pursuit. There was a fierce struggle at the ford, where the tide of flight and chase plunged together into the stream. A score or so of the horse- men succeeded in crossing the stream before the mass of the fugitives were overwhelmed by their pursuers. One of their number, by the name of Netherland, who had previously been regarded as cowardly, succeeded in rallying some of his comrades, so that he brought a well-directed fire upon the advancing enemy, arresting for a moment the pursuit. But for this action few of the footmen would have escaped. As it was, the respite was brief. The Indians crossed the river above and below the ford, and sought to surround the fugitives. The beaten Kentuckians dispersed through the forest, finding their way by circuitous routes to their homes. In this action the loss of the whites was about sixty- seven killed and seven made prisoners, or near one half the men engaged. It amounted to about one tenth of EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 91 the fighting men in Central Kentucky, and unhappily included a very large number of the natural leaders of the settlements. Colonels Todd and Trigg, Majors Harlan and Bulger, and Captains Gordon, Bulger, Mc- Bride, and Lindsey, were among the slain. Boone's son Israel was mortally wounded in the fight ; his fa- ther succeeded in bearing him from the field and into the forest, beyond the line of the struggle, where, alone, he watched him until he died. This terrible defeat seemed for a moment to cow the spirit of the settlers. Even Boone, in a letter to the Governor of Virginia, said that unless five hundred troops were sent to aid in the defense, the country could hardly be held. This feeling was, however, but mo- mentary. When Colonel Clarke called for troops to avenge this raid of the Indians by a foray into Ohio, nearly a thousand men answered his summons, and ren- dezvoused at the mouth of the Licking River, where Covington now stands. This force ravaged a number of large Indian settlements on the upper waters of the Great Miami, destroying a large area of corn-fields and burning the dwellinors. The principle that appears to have underlaid the white warfare in these years was to abstain from inva- sions north of the Ohio, except in retaliation for Indian raids, and then to make them much more destructive than the blows they avenged. Thus, in time, the prin- ciple of profit and loss led the red men to be less will- ing to rouse a hornet's nest about their ears by their forays. In fact, the vengeance taken for Girty's raid was so severe that no other large concerted invasions of Kentucky were undertaken, though for many years small bands of Indians in search of plunder often crossed 92 KENTUCKY. the Ohio. The treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States, the news of which came to this district in the spring of 1783, also did much to end the larije and deliberate contests between the Indians and whites. CHAPTER VIII. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. The years 1783 and 1784 were years of cousolida- tion and growth. The i3opulation was still so scattered that there was no commerce. It is on record that the second store of the colony was opened in 1783, and the third in the following year. As the white population, within the bounds of the present State, was now some- where about thirty thousand souls, the primitive condi- tion of supply is indicated by these facts. In these years the first distilleries were started. From all we can learn, it appears that the first decade of Kentucky life must have been lived without any considerable amount of alcoholic stimulus. The art of brewing, which the colonists brought from England, was lost in Virsfinia, where beer was never a common drink, and the still was a contrivance too costly to find a place in the life of a people who had returned to very primitive ways of living, and had nothing to spare for luxuries. The rapid gain in confidence which came from the natural growth of these years and the diminution of In- dian raids shows itself in the political movements which now began to stir among the people. The pioneers having secured the beginnings of the State, desired to have their future life in their own hands. On every side arose a demand for a parting from Virginia and for separate life. There was no clamor or ill-will in the 94 KENTUCKY. movement, and no suggestion of enmity toward the beloved mother colony, who had never sought to make any profit from her western dependency. Virginia was held in deserved affection ; she had never failed to give help when it was called for, even in the most trying years of the Revolution, and had never sought any rec- ompense for her gifts. This request for independence was received in the best possible spirit by Virginia. In 1786 the General Assembly of that State passed the first act for the sep- aration of Kentucky, setting certain conditions on which the colony might go free. The conditions were as fol- lows : The free white male inhabitants were to choose five representatives from each county. These were to determine whether the people demanded independence. If so, they were to fix a date later than September 1, 1787, for the separation, the parting to take effect only on condition that, prior to June 1, 1787, Congress should assent to the admission of Kentucky into the Federal Union. The processes that led to this act of partition have for us a special interest, inasmuch as they throw some light on the conditions of society at that time. The difficulties arising from the remote position of Kentucky and the slowness of communication with Virginia be- came evident during the struggle with the Indians. The colony had in effect little more than the sympathy of Virginia, for the aid in troops, though willingly given, always came too late for defensive action. The danger arising from savage invasion was sudden, and had to be dealt with quite independent of the Virginia govern- ment. It is likely that the demand for independence would have originated even earlier than it did, but for SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 95 the doubts and fears that the Revolutionary War brought upon the country. Whatever may have been the desire for a more effective government, which could only be secured by independence, it could not take shape until that momentous question was settled. The first conven- tion intended to consider the matter of independence was held in Danville on December 27, 1784. It was called by General Logan and some other citizens, who met in their private capacity in the preceding February. They advised that each militia company in Kentucky should elect one delegate to the convention. Thus, the first general convention rested naturally and fitly on a military basis. The question of parting from Virginia was gravely debated. Despite the diversity of opinion, there was an overwhelming majority in favor of asking the mother government for an act of separation ; yet, with a conservative instinct, the convention did not deem it well to act on its own responsibility, but limited itself to advising the citizens to choose at their annual elec- tion a convention of twenty-five delegates, who should determine the matter in a final way. There was every sign of an extreme care in the way in which this ques- tion was approached. The patience with which the problem of separation from Virginia was treated, both by the mother State and by the people of the Kentucky settlements, was prob- ably in part to be attributed to the unhappy results of a similar experiment that was then going on in the val- ley of the Tennessee. In 1784 North Carolina, grow- ing impatient of the burden that her western settle- ments imposed upon her treasury, and irritated by the complaints of the people in those districts, passed an act conveying to the Federal government all the lands 96 KENTUCKY. that now constitute the State of Tennessee. The peo- ple of the country that is now Eastern Tennessee feel- ing themselves left without a government, made haste to organize themselves into an independent common- wealth, which they called, as a tribute of respect to the illustrious philosopher, the State of Franklin. These people ajiplied for admission into the Union, but the Federal government being slow and unwilling to act, and North Carolina having repealed the act of cession of her western provinces to the Union, the State of Franklin came into very troubled waters for some years. There was a conflict of authority in this region which led to a premature decadence of the Tennessee settle- ments, and in time to violent misrule of the country. Some efforts were made to persuade the Kentuckians to join themselves to the State of Franklin, a provision having been made for such cooperation in the constitu- tion of the experiment, but they came to nothing. The new State gradually fell to pieces, and in 1787 its bril- liant and able Governor, John Sevier, was put on trial for high treason. He was released by a daring rescue, and subsequently pardoned and restored in name to the leadership, which he never lost in the affections of his people. These very picturesque incidents were exceed- ingly unprofitable to the Tennesseans. They served, however, to deter a part of the Kentucky people from any rash experiments with their government.^ The second convention assembled in May, 1785, and after deliberation decided that a separation was desira- ble ; but, continuing their cautious course, they asked the people to review the circumstances, which the con- 1 For a further history of the State of Franklin, see the excellent account given by Eamsey, in his Annals of Tennessee, pp. 282 et seq. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 97 vention presented in the form of an address, and finally determine the question of their political future. By the time the third convention assembled, in the following August, the threat of a new Indian outbreak and the evident inefficiency of the Virginia government had in- creased the desire to make good the independence of the settlements, so that a rather vigorous petition for separation was drawn up and forwarded by a committee to the Virginia Assembly. The Virginia Assembly promptly agreed to the proposition, annexing thereto certain reasonable condi- tions, the most important of which was that a fourth convention should affirm it to be the will of the people that they should separate, and that the Federal Con- gress should, in advance, consent to the admission of Kentucky into the Federal Union. Now began a political conflict of a very curious kind. The Federal Union was a new, and as yet un- proven, experiment in government; the two years of its trial had not served to show its usefulness ; on the contrary, it seemed to be utterly without power to en- force its authority in the West. The peace between the United States and the British had enfeebled but not ended the desultory war between the savages and British on the one hand, and the Kentuckians on the other. The British still held their fortified posts within the American territory : the new-made peace seemed at most a half-regarded armistice. The provisions of the treaty which were of most importance to the Ken- tuckians, namely, the surrender of the British posts in the Northwest, were not carried into effect for several years. There was a general fear that a great Indian invasion was imminent ; small conflicts were of fre- 7 98 KENTUCKY. quent occurrence. The fault, it must be confessed, was in good part with the whites. Wandering bands of whites, rough fellows, who had come to look upon the Indians as natural enemies, were constantly committing outrages on the Indians both north and south of Ken- tucky. It was natural that the savages should avenge the assaults by raids on the white settlements. The set- tlers, knowing little of the circumstances that led to these acts of war, were convinced that nothing but the extermination of all the neighboring Indian tribes would bring a permanent peace. The United States made treaty after treaty with the Indians, but the Federal government was as a military power weaker than many of the separate States, and did nothing to chastise the savages when they broke their treaties of peace. Therefore it was natural that the Kentucky people, who knew little about the great difficulties in the way of the Federal government, and who as men accustomed to vigorous action were disposed to despise its inefficiency, should have chafed at the limitation placed by Virginia on the consent to their independence, which required them to sue for and gain the consent of the Federal government before they could have the freedom of action which seemed to them so vitally necessary. At this point, General Wilkinson, of Fayette County, a man well fitted for leadership, but a conspirer by nature, as was shown by his subsequent behavior in the Spanish intrigues, undertook to form a party for the immediate and unconditional separation of the settlements from Virginia. Wilkinson, for a time a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, was a trader who did a good deal to develop the early commerce of the country. It appears likely that the cultivation of to- SEPAEA TION FROM VIRGINIA. 99 bacco, which furnished the first agricultural export of the State, the first export of any kind except a few pel- tries, was due to him. We shall have in the sequel to trace in some detail the career of this singular man. This scheme of secession found much approval among the military class of the community. The natural course of events had led to the creation of a military caste in the settlements. The only strong organizations were the military companies, and their commanders held a position of peculiar honor, and naturally felt their im- portance. In a separate state that would be sure of a rapid development, they could expect to retain and magnify their offices; while under the United States government, which had already forbidden their little wars with the Indians beyond the Ohio, they would of course sink into insignificance. Thus out of a milita- rism came the first political danger of this young State. Wilkinson succeeded by despicable tricks in securing his election as a member of the convention that it was hoped would finally determine the political position of the Commonwealth. By the time the election was over, a new political notion began to take shape in his schem- ing brain. The treaty of peace with Great Britain had left the question of the navigation of the Missis- sippi in a peculiar position. The Spaniards were now in possession of all the country on both sides of the river below the parallel of thirty-one degrees. Holding the banks of the Mississippi, that power had undoubted right to control the navigation of the river below that point to the sea. The Kentuckians, foreseeing that the right to navigate this stream to its mouth would soon be of the utmost importance to their development, im- mediately began to discuss the matter of this right. It 100 KENTUCKY. was hard for them to believe that the water which flowed by their door could not freely bear their boats on to the Gulf of Mexico. From the propriety and commercial necessity of their being able to pass by it to the high seas, they quickly proceeded to the assumption that the right was theirs, and that only the feeble action of the Federal government deprived them of it. This grudge against the new central government was intensified by the fact that, soon after the Virginia Assembly had me- morialized Congress to the effect that the free naviga- tion of the Mississippi should be insisted on, John Jay, then Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and also commis- sioner to treat with the Spanish envoy, offered to sus- pend the claim to this free navigation for a period of twenty-five years, in consideration of certain other con- cessions to American commerce that in no way inter- ested the people of the Ohio Valley. At this time Con- gress sat in New York ; it was a far cry to Kentucky ; news came slowly and mostly by rumor. Wilkinson's party — we must believe with fraudulent intent — spread the report that it was Congress that was making this arrangement with the Spaniards ; when in fact it was only a matter of discussion between Mr. Jay and the Spanish envoy, and never was presented to Congress. Since it was evident from the turn taken in the local debates that the people could not easily be led into a resolution to try separation from the Federal govern- ment, Wilkinson's party bethought themselves of an- other device, which was that the people of the settle- ments should see what terms could be made directly with the Spaniards, to insure the future of the State on this important matter of an outlet to the sea. It is evident that there was a clear and momentous object in their SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 101 minds ; for although Wilkinson had been elected at the cost of many diverse expedients to the exceedingly im- portant convention in which his presence was neces- sary for all the plans of his cabal, he started on a jour- ney to New Orleans, where he remained several montlis. On his return to Kentucky, he brought a curious private trading treaty, which permitted him to import " free of duty all the productions of Kentucky." It allowed him to furnish tobacco to the Spanish government at about ten cents per pound, or five times the price then paid for it in Kentucky. Wilkinson's return was made in great state. It is said that he came back in a chariot drawn by four horses, with a retinue of slaves ; but this must apply to the last part of his journey, as there was at that time no wa^on road to the south. His friends received him as an ambassador who had won ffreat concessions from a foreign sovereign, claiming that he had secured by his personal negotiation that which the Federal government had offered to barter away. The results of his work were used as evidence that the Kentucky community could do very well with its interests if the impotent Fed- eral government no longer had a hold upon them. John Brown, an educated gentleman who had repre- sented Kentucky in the Virginia Assembly, and had been appointed by that government as one of the dele- gates to Congress, became convinced that the opposition on the part of the Northern States to the admission of Kentucky was very strong; and it is asserted that by private letters he advised the abandonment of the proj- ect of union, and that the Kentucky people set up as an independent State. He gave it as the result of his con- ferences with the Spanish minister that the State of 102 KENTUCKY. Kentucky would, if independent, be able to make terms with tliat government which would not be granted to the United States. It seems most likely that Brown did not really intend to oppose the entrance of Ken- tucky into the Union, but only desired to coerce the Federal government into the admission of Kentucky by the threat of independent action. All these circumstances tended to give great strength to the separatist party. To make matters worse, the convention, called to meet at Danville, hung fire on ac- count of the absence of many of its members on the fruitless expedition of General Clark against the No- bosh Indians ; and when, after months of waiting, it got a quorum together, the question of the time of parting from Virginia and of admission into the Union seemed so difficult that no advance was made toward the de- sired end. One convention followed another, each put- ting forth the call of its successor, or being summoned to meet by the Virginia Assembly ; but it was not until the third act for separation had been passed by Vir- ginia, and the seventh convention had met in Kentucky, that the parting was effected. Six years elapsed during this period of disordered relations. It would be very interesting to trace in detail the progress of the nego- tiations with Virginia and the United States govern- ment ; but though it forms one of the most important chapters in the history of the State, it cannot be told without taking too much of the limited space of this volume. The matter may be briefly summed up as follows. Virginia was from the first willing that Kentucky should go on tliev independent path which she had so valiantly opened while a dependency, but was unwilling SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 103 that the event should take place until the Federal Con- gress was ready to accept Kentucky as a new State. At this time Congress was wrestling with the problem of the new constitution. The success in forming and affirming this constitution seemed a very doubtful and certainly was a very difficult problem. The admission of a new State containing people known to be disaf- fected toward the Union appeared likely further to com- plicate the sufficiently estranged relations of the jarring units of the government. It was perfectly natural that the old Congress should feel it important for the admis- sion of Kentucky to follow rather than to precede the ratification of the new constitution. Despite the uuhapp}'- results of the Franklin experi- ment, which were now becoming evident, these delays greatly favored the development of the disunion party ; BO that when the citizens of Virginia voted on the ques- tion of the new constitution, although Virginia as a whole ratified that instrument by a vote of eighty-eight to seventy- eight, the Kentucky representatives cast but three votes for it to eleven against it. This gives a fair measure of the state of mind of a large part, but proba- bly not the majority, of the people at that time. The greater part of the political leaders of Kentucky were incensed at the refusal of the Federal government to receive them. They desired that the constitution should not be adopted, so that they might, by the breaking up of the confederation, be left free to deal with their problems in their own way, without any obligation to the inefficient Federal authority that controlled them without proper representation. It was a renewal of the motives of the Revolution of 1776, with the Federal government iu place of the British power. There can 104 KENTUCKY. be no doubt that an extensive correspondence with the Spanish authorities was going on in these years, and that many leading men of the State were concerned in it, among them Mr. Henry Innis, then attorney-general for the district of Kentucky. But it seems probable, from facts that will appear hereafter, that the mass of the population was far from being in sympathy with them. In the convention which met on the 3d of November, 1788, Wilkinson and his followers, then known as the Court party, on account of the official position of its principal followers, developed their plans and urged im- mediate separation from Virginia by an act of revolu- tion and the setting up of a sejDarate government. They kept the relations that were to be established with Spain for subsequent consideration, but left it to be inferred that these were to be by treaty alone. There is no clear evidence that any of the members of the party seeking independence desired to effect a union with Spain on any terms whatever. Marshall and other writers are of the contrary opinion, but it is likely that their opinions were colored by prejudices. When it came to a decisive vote on the scheme of Wilkin- son's party, it was clear that they had not a majority in the convention in favor of a violent separation from Virginia, though it is possible that a majority favored an independent government after the State had been separated in a legal way. An address was voted to the Federal Congress, which renewed the prayer of the people for sympathy and protection. It is a curious document, the more curious when we remember that it was drawn up by Wilkinson himself.^ His enemies assert that he expected that the Federal Congress 1 Marshall, ii. 331. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 105 would be quite unable to grant the requests of the petition, and that their failure to do so would enable him to further his original plan. With this action, the shadowy history of the Spanish intrigues comes practically to an end. The convention memorialized the Virginians once again concerning sep- aration. The convention which considered this measure found it unsatisfactory, because Virginia named certain rights concerning lands which seemed to limit the sov- ereignty of Kentucky. Two years went by in further debate with the mother State concerning the details of land administration, division of debt, and other neces- sary preparations for admission into the Union. Dur- ing this time the Wilkinson party seems gradually to have abandoned their scheme for relations with Spain. While Wilkinson went on with his trading ventures, the others appear to have lost all interest in the matter. There is an element of mystery in these Spanish ne- gotiations which will probably never be cleared away. In reviewing the evidence, it seems likely that there were two distinct classes of men in the conspiracy. Wilkinson and his party probably at one time desired entire separation, and treaty relations with Spain. There is evidence enough to make this position clear. We cannot say the same of Brown and many other more deliberate men. On their part it was probably a piece of political manoeuvring that had for its object, not a union with Spain, but the forcing of action on the part of Virginia and the Federal government. There is no doubt that Brown saw a real indisposi- tion on the part of the more northern States to admit the partition of Virginia, and also, perhaps, a certain risk, that as Kentucky grew to be a more valuable pos- 106 KENTUCKY. session, Virginia might be more unwilling to relinquish her hold upon its territory. By this feint, — which, under the circumstances, was justifiable, — Brown and his associates managed to urge the act of separation to completion, and so ended a ten-years' struggle for in- dependence. In no other way can we reconcile the sudden subsidence of the intrigue with Spain so soon as it became clear that the separation from Virginia could be accomplished, that the Federal government was willing to admit them without further delay, and that this government was likely to have strength to aid in their development. The action of their party is not reconcilable with the supposition that Brown aftd the other men of character intended to use the separatist movement for anything more than a threat. Granting, however, that the object had been separa- tion from Virginia and actual independence, there is no real basis for accusing the Court party of anything like treasonable intents. We must remember that the Fed- eral Union hardly existed when the intrigues began. The confederation of the colonists proved itself too weak for its purposes. Virginia had given her quali- fied assent to a separation that was universally desired by the Kentucky people. There was as yet no place for a true allegiance to the shadowy Federal Union in the history of this people. The spirit of local independence in governmental affairs had just secured its approval in the separation of the mother colonies from Great Britain. These colo- nies had fought their battles with the motive of local and not national interest. The sense of national inter- est was a thing yet to be created. If these men desired to stand in name, as they had stood in fact, amid the SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 107 greatest trials that can befall a community, alone and self-reliant, there was no shadow of a moral objection to their so doing. They as yet owed absolutely nothing to the nascent Federal government. History has shown that they would have made a great mistake if they had succeeded in accomplishing their apparent aim. For that verdict of time they are not responsible. There is a remarkable likeness between the incidents of the separatists' struggle of 1784-90, and those of the secession movement in 1860-61. In both cases the greater part of the leaders were for violent action, and in both cases they made the fatal error of supposing that the people were v/ith them. The obstinate unwill- ingness of the masses to be hurried in their political action saved this people from the blunder of secession in the critical moment of both centuries. Twice they escaped from danger through the exercise of this sin- gular political caution that has ever characterized their action. The acumen of their decision in their first trial deserves more credit than the second ; in the former, the proposition was for a separation from a government that hardly existed, and against which many valid ob- jections could be urged. Such a separation would have violated no pledges whatever. In February, 17i>l, Congress passed an act admitting Kentucky, to date from the 1st of June, 1792, and on April of the following year a convention assembled at Danville to form a State constitution. In these first steps towards a union with the Federal government there is no trace of hesitation or repining. There was no party opposing the union ; at the time it was effected, Wilkinson's cabal was silent, if not forgotten. The 108 KENTUCKY. just inference is, that the only strength that this abor- tive project had among the people was due to the fact that they believed themselves denied admission to the Union. During this time, while Kentucky was pleasantly oc- cupied with the matter of national politics, an occupation in which they always have found the keenest interest, there was a busy local life and a steady inflow of immi- gration. A rough census showed that in 1790 there were 61,133 whites, 12,430 slaves, and 114 free blacks, or a total of 73,677. At the time of separation from Virginia, the population had probably increased to about 100,000, for with each year there was an increase of the tide of immigration from Virginia and Central North Carolina. At this time, when the settlements along the Ohio had taken firm root, there came into Kentucky a con- siderable immigration from the northern States of the Union. A large number of settlers from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New England found homes here. Es- pecially was this the case with immigrants from Con- necticut. Many families from that thrifty State settled in Mason and the adjoining counties. The effect of their presence was seen in the rapid development of education in this section. Mason County became the best schooled county in the State, and from it came a remarkably large number of teachers, editors, and other scholarly men. The distinguished family of Johnston, from whom descended General Albert Sidney John- ston and many other talented men of the name ; the family of Wadsworth, and others are of this blood. The total immigration of New England people proba- bly did not amount to over fifty families, but it was an important contribution to the life of the colony. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 109 Although there were no longer large invasions of the savages from beyond the Ohio, there was still a constant succession of small Indian raids, to the last degree har- assing to the settlers. The greater part of the State was still densely wooded, and through these coverts the savages crept, searching for unprotected farm-houses and wayfarers. Every stroke was an act of butchery. In the early days the Indian warfare was singularly humane ; they never outraged their women prisoners, and rarely butchered their captives. They had now learned a more brutal warfare from the whites. There can be no question that the Indian customs of war were debased by the example of their enemies. For many years the Ohio River had been a favorite means of transit from Virginia, for it was now the northern part of Kentucky that was receiving the most settlers, and the route by the Ohio was the best way to it. The voyagers were frequently waylaid by piratical bands of Indians, who assailed them in their canoes. Volumes could be written about the combats and butch- eries that took place on the river. The effective way of remedying this evil would have been to have placed these boats under some convoy system, but to the Ken- tuckians the proper means seemed to be to crush the savage in his lair. In November, 1791, the Federal government sent a force of regulars under St. Clair against the Indians on the Miami. The Kentucky militia refused to volun- teer under a commander whom they deemed with good reason an imbecile, but clamored to be allowed to wage the war in their own way. A thousand men were, how- ever, drafted into the service, and ordered to march with St. Clair. The most of these deserted; so that when 110 KENTUCKY. on the gray morning of November 4tli the Indians as- saulted St. Clair, he had only about one thousand men with him, the greater part of whom were regulars. St. Clair was tied to his tent by a fit of the gout. The In- dians entirely surprised this force. At first it seemed as if, despite the confusion arising from the fierce rush of the enemy, they might hold their ground ; but there was no reasonable effort made to follow up the temporary success that came from the valor of certain parts of the command, so, after some hours of brave fighting, a re- treat was ordered that soon became a wild rout. Eight hundred and ninety enlisted men and sixteen officers were killed and wounded. General Richard Butler, one of the most valuable officers of the army, was among the slain. Only two years earlier in the history of these settlements this catastrophe, much the most serious that ever befell any expedition in which the Kentucky peo- ple had been engaged, would have carried consternation into the hearts of the Keutuckians, but the State was now too populous to feel the loss of men as a disas- trous blow. Despite St. Clair's defeat, the Indian raids were henceforth reduced to small parties creeping under the cover of the forests. The defense of the State was henceforth mainly intrusted to the Federal author- ities, and the heroic time of Kentucky was ended. It will be profitable to consider, in a general way, the progress of events in Kentucky from the beginning of its settlement to this time of admission into the Union, which practically ends the pioneer epoch of its life. The period of wild though noble development is now to give place to a more orderly life, and to a de- pendence on a strong Federal authority. From the settlement of Harrodsburg in May, 1774, SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. Ill to the admission of Kentucky into the Union in June, 1792, was seventeen years. In these crowded years, full of an incessant battle with the wilderness and its tenants, a struggle in which thousands of brave men fell, a State had been created. For nearly one half the time during which this great work was a -doing, the parent colony of Virginia was engaged in a war that drained her energies to utter exhaustion. There is no similar spectacle in history that is so curious as this swarming of men into the wilderness during a time when their mother country was engaged in a life-and-death struggle. We can only explain it throuofh the intense land hung^er that marks the Saxon people. The thirst for land, which we find so strongly developed in the Elizabethan English, seems to have been transmitted to Virginia in an intenser form. Knowing that free lands were to be won by giving life for it, the Virginia and North Carolina people were driven to desert their comfortable dwelling-places in the colonies for the battle in the West. There is no other case where this land-winning motive is so clearly seen as here. All our other western immigration has been fostered by the protection of the government. These people could look to no protection but what they gave themselves. Twenty years of such life developed a particular sort of man, — a kind that was never known before or since in such numbers in any one country. It is the writ- er's fortune to have spent his early years in a society that still contained some few of the men who took their shape from the life that was lived in the first three de- cades of Kentucky civilization. They had a very pe- culiar quality of^ mind. Its most characteristic feature 112 KENTUCKY. was a certain dauntlessness, a habit of asserting the in- dependence of all control except that of the written law. Their speech was rude and often exaggerated. As a class, thej were much like the men of to-day in the Rocky Mountains, except that they had not the eager desire for gain that takes away from the charm of that people. This advantage made the frontiersman of Ken- tucky a much more agreeable fellow than his money- seeking modern kinsman of the far West. He was far more sympathetic, more externalized, than the miner of Colorado to-day. We may infer some of the peculiar qualities of this people from certain features in their history. First we may notice their curious respect for the written law. Courts of justice were at the outset established in Kentucky, and the life was at once ad- justed to the usages of the civil law. There was far less government by the mob than in the settlements of to-day in the far West. The patience of the people with the obstacles which legislation put to their will is admirably shown in the long quest of independence of the Virginia government. Year after year, though suf- fering from serious and galling evils connected with this system of control, they patiently petitioned for redress, keeping not only within the limits of the Virginia law, but retaining always a courteous, though firm attitude in their demands. This attitude was even more char- acteristic of the mass of the people than of the leaders. Even when the Court party, containing the larger part of the natural leaders of society, endeavored to lead the State to illegal, though not altogether unjustifiable, activities, the sense of obedience to the law led the mass of men to stick to the true way of government. The fact is, there was a great solidity to this people. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 113 None but people of character could withstand the strain in which they lived. They were not burdened by the weak, incompetent men who led other societies into political debasement. The criminals, the weaklings, and the other rejecta of society had no place in this embattled colony. There was a large proportion of the population composed of what may be fairly called educated, as distinguished from instructed men. They had far less learning than fell to the share of the orig- inal colonies at the time of colonization, but as a rule they were much more perfect material for citizens in a pioneer State than fell to the lot of any of the original settlements. They were bred in a frontier life to hab- its of independence and self-control. The early records of Kentucky life are too imper- fect to afford any clear insight into the condition of education or the intellectual motives of the pioneers. Recently, however, Thomas Speed, Esq., of Louisville, has disinterred a quantity of papers giving the record of apolitical club that existed at Danville from 1786 to 1790. This association was composed of about thirty of the brightest spirits of the time, who were resident in and about this little town. On its roll we find the names of many of those who had already or were after- wards to lead the State in the paths of peace or war.^ The larger part of the members belong to families that 1 The following are the names of the members : Ifenry Innos, Christopher Greenup, John Brown, Robert Craddock, Thomas Todd, John Belli, G. J. Johnson, George Muter, Peyton Short, Stephen Ormsby, William McDowell, Thomas Allen, Thomas Speed, James Speed, Abe Buford, Samuel McDowell, Benjamin Sebastian, Baker Ewing, P. Tardeveau, William Kennedy, Willis Green, Matthew Wal- ton, William McClung, James Brown, John Overton, Robert Dougher- ty, Joshua Barbee. 114 KENTUCKY. are still among the leaders of the State, showing, as many other facts do, that this colony, like the other strongly individualized States of America, owe their quality to the influence of strong continuous house- holds. The notes of this club give a very fair idea of the intellectual quality of its meetings.-^ For several years, or until the changes of the shifting popidation removed its leaders far from their original abodes, this club industriously debated the questions of polity that concerned the settlements. The record of the debates is given in a simple and excellent English, that would hardly find a parallel in a debating club in any western settlement of this day. Among the many questions discussed by the club were the following : First, we have the great question as to the propriety of separating from Virginia. This was decided in the affirmative, after a long and careful debate. Next in importance was the question " whether the emission of a paper currency would be an advan- tage to the inhabitants of this district." Some of the remarks of this debate are very interesting, showing that these men had a firm grip on the problem. Chris- topher Greenup well summed up the main considera- tions by saying, " Money is the sign of wealth, and paper the sign of that sign." Mr. Muter claimed that " to make paper currenej'' a legal tender is fatal to it ; specie has an intrinsic value." The culture of tobacco was debated, and it was voted that it was not desirable that the district should enter on this industry. Another 1 I am indebted to Mr. Speed for an opportuiiit}' to examine the original records. They are mostl}'- on small slips of paper, showing the value of that article in the early western days. They give a very clear idea of all its debates. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 115 question was, " Is the exclusive right of the Indian tribes to the territory claimed by them provided in the laws of nature and of nations, and can they consis- tently with such laws be divested of such rights with- out their assent ? " After a debate the first part of this proposition was affirmed and the second part negatived, a remarkable decision under the circumstances. The most considerable task of the club was their debate on the proposed Constitution of the United States. Among the records is what appears to be a proclamation of this constitution, in a preliminary form, bearing date 1787; appended thereto is a letter of Washington, noting the fact that it is submitted to the people of the United States. This constitution was carefully debated by the club. The changes that they voted are very interesting. They proposed that the speaker of the Senate should be chosen by that body ; that the members of that body should be ineligible for reelection for seven years, and the President ineligible for four years after the close of his term. After bills had been passed by the two houses, they were to be submitted to the Supreme Court, and approved by it, before receiving the signature of the President. The clause which provides for the support of the militia in the execution of the laws was amended so as to read " to enforce obedience to the laws of the Union." Their discussion shows a clear perception of the important difference between executing the laws in the ordinary sense, and the enforcement of obedience thereto in case of resistance. The draft of the constitution provided that Congress should not prevent the importation of slaves until 1808. The club voted to strike out this limitation. It will be 116 KENTUCKY. seen by this action that the same motive of opposition to the slave-trade, which is embodied in the first con- stitution of the State, existed in this political club. It is worth while to dwell to this extent upon the work of this interesting society, for the reason that it is the only source of such history that has come down to us.^ Up to the time of their separation from Virginia, the life of Kentucky's pioneers was in a certain way ex- ceedingly rude ; the greater part of the population was packed into the rustic castles, termed stations, of which there were two or three hundred within the State. Each of these places contained one or more dwelling- houses and a " corral," so arranged with stockades and loopholes as to make a stronghold good against Indian assaults. There were usually from ten to fifty men at each station, — enough to make good a defense until succor could arrive. This rendered a certain crowding of the population necessary, which endured until it he- came safe to trust to the separate farm-house, so dear to the English heart. It is surprising that the fortified sta- tion did not lead to some desire for village life such as I we find in Europe; but as soon as the Indian depreda- I tions became even a little slackened, the people isolated / themselves, as it had been their wont in Virginia. A j lonely house in the middle of a great farm M^as their I ideal, and they attained it even before it could be had V with safety. In these early settlements there was an immense amount of physical labor that fell upon men and women alike. In the first twenty years there were very few 1 I have availed myself, in preparing the foregoing statement, of the excellent account of the Political Club, given by Mr. Speed in the Louisville Covimercial of September 29, 1878. SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA, 117 slaves. They did not begin to be a considerable ele- ment in the population until about the time of the sep- aration from Virginia, when, the Revolutionary War having ended, there was a richer class among the im- migrants. Even in that year there was only one sixth of the population held in bondage. The lot of men and women was ceaseless labor, only interrupted by com- bat with the savages. To create a civilization in the unbroken forests that occupied all the region which was settled in the first two decades, called for some- thing like twice the amount of labor that is necessary to accomplish the making of a home in a prairie country. One lightening of the ordinary pioneer's lot these peo- ple had. The climate was admirable, and there were no indigenous maladies. They were generally exempt from the malarial fevers that have cursed the early days of the other Western States. Their life was almost al- together in the open air. The unglazed windows of the houses and their creviced walls made them almost as free from house-poisoning as the open air. The people were for some years almost without do- mesticated animals ; even horses were, at first, but little used. In consequence of this, the men developed a re- markable capacity for swift and long marches. They readily outmarched the Indians, or rather outran them, for the regular pace when on an Indian trail seems to have been a jog trot. They were accustomed to make great distances on scant provision of food. A little parched corn, munched as' they ran, would maintain their strength. In a few years, however, the settlers were able to own horses, and very soon the foot-march- ing became less common, and the people entered on the stage of their development in which they used the 118 KENTUCKY. horse in all their journej's. Afterwards, in hunting In- dians or in pursuing lesser game, they generally were mounted. We have little concerning education in these early days. There were no organized schools, and the mass of the people received only a little household teaching. Still it is doubtful if the percentage of illiterates among the children at this time was as numerous as it is at present in the mountain counties of the State. It must be remembered that the excess of adult males in these early days was very great. Though women and chil- dren were with the first settlers, they were relatively much less numerous than in a normal society. This di- minished the need of the school-master. The religious condition of the people was, from the first, tolerably satisfactory. The first ministers of the gospel were the Baptists, who, with their usual valor, entered the State with the earliest settlers. The Rev. John Hickman seems to have been the first to begin the work in 1776. In 1780 a vigorous immigration of people of this faith took place. One church — that headed by the Rev. Lewis Craig — moved en masse from SjDottsylvania County, in Virginia. When the Revolution was over, and the tide of immigration was at its flood, it brought a host of Baptist preachers with it. The Methodists at first made but little headway in Kentucky. In 1787 they claimed but ninety members in the State. The first Presbyterian clergyman began his work in 1783. The Baptists were tho religious pioneers of Kentucky, and to this day they hold the first place in its churches. The Roman Catholics were represented among the very first settlers in Kentucky. Dr. Hart and Wil- SEPARATION FROM VIRGINIA. 119 liam Coomes, who settled at Harrod's Station in 1775, — the one a physician and the wife of the other a school-teacher, — were both Maryland Catholics ; so, as Collins remarks, " the first practicing physician and the first teacher in Kentucky were Roman Catholics." They were both valiant and valuable men. They were followed by many other families, who founded the large Catholic community that still exists near Bardstown, in Nelson County. Their first church was founded in 1787. These people were all of the Maryland stock, and were a most important contribution to the blood of Kentucky, though they have maintained a peculiar iso- lation, having had but a small share in the political life of the State. The first twenty years of the history of Kentucky brought about a more considerable gain of the English population in the interior of the continent than had been accomplished in all the preceding century. The barrier of the Alleghanies was crossed, and a great bas- tion of Anglo-Saxon people built out into the wilder- ness of the Mississippi Valley, separating the Indians of the north from those of the southern country. It is easily seen that the possibility of doing thus much depended on the temporary withdrawal of the Indian tribes from residence in Kentucky. If they had been in force on the ground, it is to be questioned whether the pioneers could have made their occupation good until the Virginian or the national government had broken the Indian power. As it was, they found a gap in the enemies' lines, of which they took swift advan- tage, pouring through it like a flood and intrenching themselves in their new position. Account for it as we may, this spontaneous, unaided 120 KENTUCKY. movement of people into Kentucky, and their swift or- ganization of a State under such appalling difficulties, must always remain as one of the most surprising achievements -of the English race. We know of no other series of events that so well exhibits the singular prepotency of that people as their swift mastering of this part of the earth. CHAPTER IX. THE COMMONWEALTH AND ITS PROBLEMS. The next chapter ia the account of the development of Kentucky very fairly begins with the adoption of the first Constitution of the Commonwealth. In 1792, after more than ten years of patient, lawful endeavor, this people found themselves free to express their ideas of government in their own way. Danville, a town that was from the first the centre of the State life, was the seat of the convention for adopting the constitution. The people entered into this work of framing an organic law with great satisfaction, for it was a work they had long desired to be about. The constitution which they framed affords a capital index of the state of public feeling at the time as to many important matters. It was adopted by the convention and promulgated without the test of approval by popu- lar vote, but the evidence goes to show that the people ratified this instrument with a very general approval. In its general form this constitution is clearly mod- eled on that of the United States.-^ This has been properly attributed to the commanding influence of Colo- nel George Nicholas, who, as delegate from Virginia, had taken an important part in the formation of that instrument. Next, we notice that this document shows throughout an effort rather to adapt the framework of 1 See Appendix A. 122 KENTUCKY. the law to the existing needs of the commnnity than to seek any ideal perfections. The conservative historian, Humphrey Marshall, notes the absence of sufficient checks on the popular will ; in a word, that the scheme was that of a democracy rather than that of a republic. It was certainly open to this objection, if indeed it be /an objection. The people were democratic in their po- j litical spirit. Their society was a pure democracy. It ^ was to be expected that their law should conform to their motives and conditions. The following points in this constitution deserve es- pecial attention : — First. The suffrage was given to all male citizens of proper age who had not been disfranchised by convic- tion of crime. This is probably the first experiment of manhood suffrage in any modern State. Second. The whole body of the judiciary was constituted by appoint- ment without specified term of office. This follows the universal custom of the time. Third. Ministers of the gospel were excluded from office as legislators. It is a curious survival of an English prejudice. It is espe- cially remarkable from the fact that it is almost the only trace of the limitation of the citizens' rights that is not connected with the local needs of the people. Their Baptist j^arsons were clearly no element of dan- ger to the State. Fourth. The article concerning slav- ery is also important, as it distinctly shows a decided prejudice against the commerce in slaves. They are not to be brought into the State as merchandise, and none are to be brought that were imported into Amer- ica since 1789.^ It also recommended the legislature to pass laws permitting the emancipation of slaves under 1 See, also, the debates of the Political Club. THE COMMONWEALTH AND ITS PROBLEMS. 123 the limitation that they shall not become a charge on the county in which they reside. This article shows that the difficulties of the slavery problem were already before the minds of this people, busy as they were with their immediate needs. The most important omission of this constitution is the absence of any reference to a public school system. In this it differs noticeably from most of the constitu- tions of the Northern States. The neglect of this need has been from the first, as it now is, a weak feature in the Kentucky system of society. There is yet another feature that deserves notice. The Supreme Court of the State is made the court of first instance in the determination of all questions con- cerning the ownership of lands under the Virginia pa- tent system. This provision was introduced by Colonel Nicholas. On proposing it, as it had not been an ele- ment in his canvass, he took the good way of resigning his seat in the convention and asking for a reelection, which was immediately given him without contest. This uncontested return of the proposer was taken as evi- dence that the people desired the arrangement. The object of this provision was to prevent the action of local prejudice in the settlement of legislation concern- ing land titles. This prejudice is always sure to be strong in the case of such laud titles as were growing up under the rough system of " location " that the laws permitted. Boundaries being unfixed, there was already a disposition to disregard the rights of original patentees and to use the unoccupied land as common property. Any jury drawn from the neighborhood in which the disputed land lay was likely to contain men who had a sinister interest against the establishment of patent 124 KENTUCKY. claims. Thus the State at the outset found itself in clanger, through defective titles, of losing a pai-t of the value of the soil which had inspired the people to its conquest. The remedy was unusual, but fully warranted by the needs of the case, though in experience it was found impracticable. Immediately after the adoption of this constitution, General Isaac Shelby was elected governor. In him the State secured an admirable chief magistrate. They could not have chosen better. He was a Marylander, who became, in his early manhood, a citizen of what is now North Carolina. He did brilliant service in the battle of Point Pleasant, in October, 1774, an action that by its cons})icuous success did much to relieve Ken- tucky from the danger of overwhelming pressure from the Indian tribes. Afterwards in North Carolina he played a most gallant part in many small expeditions, but especially in remedying the ruin that the defeat of Gates at Camden brought upon the Continental cause. When others were appalled by the magnitude of this disaster, Shelby seemed to have awakened to a full sense of his really great military power. He saved a little army he then commanded, and secured a large number of prisoners in his hands by a swift march to the west into the recesses of the Blue Ridge Moun- tains. Then, when he had disposed of his captives, he turned upon the famous Ferguson, and by the well conceived and admirably executed move on King's Mountain, destroyed the force of that able commander at a single blow. Although Shelby was not in name the chief in this action, there is no reason to doubt that the conception of the campaign and the vigor of its execution were his alone. His also was the scheme of THE COMMONWEALTH AND ITS PROBLEMS. 125 attack which led to the battle of Cowpens. After va- rious other admirable feats of partisan warfare, he ob- tained leave to absent hioiself from the field in order to take his seat in the Generid Assembly of North Car- olina. Thence he went to Kentucky in 1783, where he married, and afterwards remained, taking a part in the early struggles for emancipation from Virginias con- trol. As brave in action as he was wise in council, his choice as the first governor was an honor and a blessing to the young Commonwealth. The people of Kentucky were now again in face of the two problems which had troubled them from the beginning. The Indian outrages were still flagrant, for though no large parties dared make regular expeditions into the State, small forays made through the byways of the forests were of constant occurrence. On April 1, 1793, Morgan's Station, on Slate Creek, seven miles east of Mount Sterling, was captured, and nineteen women and children taken into captivity. The boats of immigrants on the Ohio were subjected to constant assaults. The Federal government refused to authorize any independent action of Kentucky troops, but in- sisted that they should act with the regulars and under regular officers. This concession the Kentucky militia were unwilling to make after their unhappy experience with Clark's last expedition and St. Clair's imbecile effort. Finally, a draft of men was sent to General Wayne, but the season being late his expedition was abandoned. So once more the people had reason to be disappointed with the Federal system of Indian war- fare. At the same time, while the people were irritated by the neglect of the Federal government, the question 126 KENTUCKY. of the navigation of the Mississippi came again into the public mind. On this occasion it was a French and not a Spanish party that led to the excitement. The Span- ish intrigue was a sufficiently curious bit of politics, but the French scheme was even more singular in its motives. The beginning of this trouble is first distinctly seen in the organization of several so-called Democratic clubs in Central Kentucky. These clubs were fashioned on, and in affiliation with, the famous Philadelphia club which was moulded on the Jacobin clubs of Europe. There can be no doubt that these Democratic clubs were designed to resist the increasing encroachments of the Federal authority on the province of the local gov- ernments. It is equally clear that they drew their in- spiration from the great Americo-European movement we misname the P^rench Revolution. There was little reason to fear that these affiliated societies which were springing up all over the country would be more than a wholesome check upon the Federal power, properly regarded at the outset as involving an element of dan- ger to the individual States. But these societies called Democratic were destined to receive their overthrow from the source that gave them birth. As is well known, the colonies, when treating with France for as- sistance in the extremity of their need during the war with the mother country, consented to make war on England whenever the French government did. When after twenty years we were called on to act in accord- ance with this'dangerous stipulation, the Federal govern- ment very properly refused to keep the contract which its predecessor had made. This refusal was clearly an act of bad faith, but any other action would have been even more iniquitous. The fathers of the American THE COMMONWEALTH AND ITS PROBLEMS. 127 State had bargained to give more than they had a right to promise. That extremely active bit of the French Revolution known as Citizen Genet, the French ambassador to the United States, was not disposed to regard the proc- lamation of neutrality issued by the Federal authori- ties, but immediately on his landing at Charleston set about the process of commissioning cruisers against Eng- lish ships even before he presented himself at Wash- ington. At this distance of time there is something very interesting in the performance of this " infuriated foreigner," as Marshall well calls him. He seemed to feel as his countrymen felt in that age, that he owned the earth, and that there were no rights of other coun- tries to be respected. In his journey to the seat of government he was constantly engaged in arraying the malcontents of the country against the Federal admin- istration, and in preparing to levy war on Britain from the soil of the United States. The Jacobin clubs were, doubtless, to a certain extent, in sympathy with his mad course. The French outbreak in 1793 was still in its nascent state, and had not yet set all decent men against it by the brutal excesses of its later time. The Democrats, fearing with what at the time seemed good reason that the Federal government was working towards an aristocracy, naturally felt a lively sympathy with a people in combat with the British, who seemed to have attained to a livelier sense of the equality of men than the ruling party in the United States. More- over, there was a tie of blood, — blood shed on the bat- tle-fields of the Revolution by French and Americans together, — that made the appeal of France very strong to many hearts. At this time Louisiana was still under 128 KENTUCKY. the control of Spair», which government was the ally of Great Britain. Foiled by the vigor of Washington's government, in his effort to levy war from the eastern States, Genet and his followers conceived the plan of using the long- ing of Kentucky for the free navigation of tlie Mis- sissippi for the furtherance of his plans. In October, 1793, the Lexington Club resolved, " That the right of the people on the waters of the Mississippi to the nav- igation was undeniable, and that it ought to be peremp- torily demanded of Spain by the government of the United States." ^ Genet employed several Frenchmen — the principal of whom, a certain Charles Depau, is said to have been at this time a resident in Kentucky — to organize an expedition against Louisiana. Gen- eral George Kogers Clarke, now in his decay, accepted the commission of "major-general in the armies of France and commander-in-chief of the revolutionary le- gions on the Mississippi." The ultra-Federalists of Kentucky believed that Gov- ernor Shelby was conniving with the French party, but it appears to the present writer, after a careful reading of the evidence, that his action was only the proper caution of a man who had very limited power to act under the circumstances of the situation. The matter was really one that concerned the Federal government alone. The laws that appeared likely to be violated were Federal and not State laws ; it would not have been fit that the Governor of Kentucky should have strained his limited powers to meddle with the business. As an individual he doubtless sympathized with the project of opening the Mississippi to free navigation ; 1 Marshall, ii. p. 92. THE COMMONWEALTH AND ITS PROBLEMS. 129 yet he held himself ready not only to enforce the laws of Kentucky, but " to perform whatever may be consti- tutionally required of me as Governor by the President of the United States." His letter to Washington is admirable in its tone, and exhibits more submission to the Federal authority than would now be shown by most governors. The silencing of Genet and the prompt action of the Federal government arrested this expedition against a friendly power. The Genet incident was now ex- hausted, but it showed that the mind of the people was still very excited on this question of the Mississippi navigation. The violent language of the Jacobin clubs of Kentucky, and the disgrace that came upon all the sympathizers with France from the excesses into which that revolution fell, had in time a good effect on the politics of Kentucky. It was to these incidents that we owe the first considerable strengthening of the pro- nounced Federal party in the State. It is a singular fact that matters as remote as the revolution in France should have greatly affected the political motives of this young Commonwealth. An important incident in the Indian wars served to divide the public interest with the French scheme, and in time to turn their attention away from that fiasco. General Wayne had projected an invasion into the In- dian country in the autumn of 1793. A thousand Ken- tuckians had been drafted for the expedition, and joined it most unwillingly. They were returned, because the expedition was abandoned. Their experience with " Mad Anthony," though brief and only in the camp and march, for there was no fighting, was such as to give them confidence in his qualities as a commander. 130 KENTUCKY. Therefore, in the following spring there was no diffi- culty in securing sixteen hundred volunteers for the de- layed expedition. The battle which he won on August 20, 1794, at Fallen Timbers, on the Miami, was bril- liantly successful. The fight was almost under the walls of one of the forts which the British continued to occupy in this re- gion, and the flushed troops could hardly be kept from assaulting this stronghold of men whom they still be- lieved to be their enemies. An attack on the fort would have been morally justified, for these posts, retained by the British in contravention of the treaty of peace, were in fact points of supply for the Indians. The presence of these foreign stations on their border was in part the cause of the continued irritation against the Federal government, which was still felt by the Kentuckians. This victory, in which the Kentuckians were in com- mand of a Federal general, and in which they fought side by side with the regular companies of the United States army^ did more than anything else to quiet this opposition to the General government. The heretofore despised regulars opened the battle by a brilliant charge with the bayonet on the Indian line, — a charge that scattered the foe. It is quite natural that this should have entirely changed the feeling of men who rested all other judgments of their fellows on their behavior in battle. This battle practically made an end of the Indian troubles in Kentucky. CHAPTER X. KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. In August of this year came the news of the condi- tional treaty with Great Britain, that finally ended the hopes of those who looked for a union with France in the war with the ancient enemy. Although this treaty made for the time an end of the Indian hostilities, it was received with great indignation by the partisans of France, who now numbered far more than a majority of the Kentucky people. It is difficult to analyze the motives that caused this outbreak of discontent. The people were, however, intensely disgusted with the ac- tion of the authorities in Washington, and turned with the bitterest hatred against their worthy senator, Hum- phrey Marshall, who had voted for the treaty. We cannot determine how numerous was this party, but it clearly included a majority of the leaders. It should be noticed, however, that this action in no way involved a revolt against the government, but only a verbal re- sistance to the party that was in power. It was practically nothing more than an intense dis- gust at the action of the Federal government, such as people may entertain against a control which they have no idea of throwing off. The failure of the Federal gov- ernment to keep a contract to make war in a given contingency was naturally exasperating to a people with whom war had long been the principal business, as well as the only luxury, of life. 132 KENTUCKY. In the year 1795 the Federal government effected a treaty with Spain, by which the right of navigation was accorded to the American settlements on all the waters of the Mississippi. Just before this treaty was con- cluded Spain made a last effort to detach Kentucky from her allegiance. This effort was entirely unavailing. It was conducted with such secrecy that even the imper- fect account of it did not become public until ten years afterwards. Politically if was entirely abortive, but it serves to throw a clear light on the way in which the Kentucky people now stood affected to the Federal Gov- ernment. It is especially important for the light it throws on the motives of the resolutions of 1798, which we shall soon have to examine. In July, 1795, a com- missioner named Thomas Power was sent by the Gov- ernor of New Orleans to reopen communications with the leaders of the negotiations of former years. One of these, Benjamin Sebastian, was now a judge of the Supreme Court of Kentucky. From Sebastian the com- missioner went to Innis, Nicholas, and Murray, who had been in the old intrigue, and then to General Wil- kinson, once again, after his interlude of trading and conspiring, a federal officer stationed at Detroit. The proposal was in effect that his Catholic majesty, the King of Spain, would give to these gentlemen $100,000 for their services in inciting the people of Kentucky to revolt against the United States. That when the revolt was proposed he would furnish abundant muni- tions of war for their use, and give their rebellion the military support of the Spanish government ; further- more, that when independence had been secured, Spain would give Kentucky and the other western communi- ties the benefit of her alliance. KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 133 We cannot determine how far these men felt these propositions to be attractive, but it is clear that one and all they deemed them entirely impracticable, and that they not only absolutely refused the offer, but kept the proposition from the knowledge of the people. Their statements make it clear that they did not think that at this time it would be possible to form any party in Ken- tucky to advocate secession. There can be no doubt that the Spanish governor chose his confederates with discretion, and that his offer of immediate money, amounting in value to about the equivalent of half a million dollars in our day, and of place and power be- yond, was tempting to these men, who were poor and of an adventurous type of mind. Its unhesitating re- jection shows clearly that it was not a thing that they deemed in any way possible. The essentially loose na- ture of Sebastian is proyen by the fact that he had re- ceived a pension of two thousand dollars per annum from Spain during the years from 1795 to 1806. This is perhaps the darkest incident in the history of Ken- tucky. Sebastian's relation to the Spanish government, and the whole matter of this last intrigue, was kept so secret, that nothing was known of it until it was by chance disclosed in 1806. Sebastian was then, and had for many years been, one of the judges of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. A committee of the legislature found Sebastian guilty of receiving a pension from Spain. There was no pro- vision in the law for his punishment, so he was allowed to resign and take himself away.^ The conspiracy, if 1 Sebastian's history is very curious. British by birth, it is said that he began life as an Episcopalian clergj-man. Drifting to this country, he became a lawyer, and tinally a jurist of excellent ability. 134 KENTUCKY. it may receive this name, was then ten years gone. The other gentlemen who had been concerned in it, Messrs. Innis, Nicholas, and Murray, appear to have known nothing of Sebastian's position as a hireling of the Spanish government. They can only be blamed for their failure to make this act of hostility to the United States known to the Federal authorities. This omission was more serious from the fact that one of these gentlemen, Judge Innis, was then the circuit judge of the United States for Kentucky, and bound by the sacred obligations of his office to guard the govern- ment from such machinations of a foreign power. To this criticism of his conduct Judge Innis made a very lame answer. He says, in the evidence before the com- mittee of the legislature, " the reasons why himself and Colonel Nicholas did not communicate the subject to the executive of the United States were these : 1st. It was known that neither of us approved of Mr. Adams's administration, and that we believed that he kept a watchful eye over our actions ; that the communication must depend upon his opinion of our veracity, and that it would have the appearance of courting his favor. 2d. We both had reason and did believe, that the then ad- ministration were disposed upon the slightest pretext to send an army into this State, which we considered would be a grievance upon the people, and therefore declined making any communication on the subject, as we apprehended no trouble from the Spanish govern- ment." Despite his great talents, he seems to have been a man always in straits for money. This led to his fall. It should be remembered, however, that the position of a foreign pensioner was not regarded with the same abhorrence in the last century that it is in this, and that the beginning of his relations with the Spanish government dates from a time when he was a private citizen. KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 135 It is impossible, within the limits of this volume, to give a careful analysis of these Spanish intrigues, but a careful study of the circumstances will convince the student that in the singular character of Wilkinson he may find a clue to this remarkable chapter of American history. It will be necessary to trace this character by a sketch of the life of this remarkable man. Wilkin- son was born in Eastern Maryland, and was, for the times, very well educated. He became a physician ; at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War he entered the army, and soon developed very considerable capacities as a soldier. He was in the siege of Boston, having arrived soon after the battle of Bunker Hill. His ac- count of the incidents of that siege is very interest- ing. He was with Arnold as aid-de-camp in Canada ; was with the army through the campaign that ended at Saratoga. The incidents of his campaign in the Kevolution are told in the first volume of his Memoirs, a tediously voluminous work of three volumes, contain- ing nearly three thousand pages of matter, principally his defenses before the two courts-martial to which he was subjected.^ Wilkinson was obscurely involved in the curious diffi- culty between Generals Washington and Gates. Gates made him deputy adjutant of his army a few days be- fore he was removed from his command. In time he received the rank of brevet brigadier - general. He quarreled with Gates, whom he accused of treachery and falsehood, and resigned his brevet rank, retaining his commission as colonel. Congress, approving his action in his quarrel with Gates, made him, in 1779, 1 The Memoirs of my own Times, by General James Wilkinson. In. three volumes. Philadelphia, 181G. Printed by Abraliam Small. 136 KENTUCKY. clothier-general of the army. In this capacity he served to the end of the Revolutionary War. In this period of trial Wilkinson appears to have been a patriotic and devoted officer. At the end of the Revolution he left the army, and became, in some obscure way, concerned with some capitalists in a scheme of trade in the Mississippi Val- ley. From 1793 to 1806 he is singularly silent as to his occupations. His Memoirs, infinitely detailed for the other part of his life, do not directly mention any of his acts from 1779 to 1806. All we know of him is from the imperfect record of his performances in Kentucky. His great energy, fertility of resources, and singular business tact, gave him a large place in the develop- ment of the commerce between Kentucky and the Span- ish possessions in Louisiana. He, in fact, created this traffic by way of the Mississippi to the sea, and was indeed the pioneer of commerce in this valley. His facile, cultivated ways, his lavish expenditure of money, and general largeness of nature, undoubtedly did much to ingratiate him with the Spanish authorities. It was natural that the Spaniards, with the thirst for territory common to the Spanish mind, should desire to win larger control over the Mississippi Valley than they then had. It would be a triumph if Kentucky could be detached from the Federal government and brought under her control. Wilkinson doubtless seemed to the Spanish authorities an apt instrument for this work. It is likely that he in some way engaged himself to abet this project, and that the extremely liberal concession of trade which he brought to Kentucky in 1787 was a compensation for this work. The concession was es- teemed extremely valuable, and there is no other assign- KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 137 able reason for the grant. That there was an element of treason in his projects is made clear by his subsequent course. This traffic, which continued for many years, put him in the power of the Spanish government, by the fact that they withheld a large part of the money due him for tobacco furnished to the Louisiana agents. It seems likely that whatever designs Wilkinson may have formed, looking to the separation of Kentucky and its alliance with Spain, they did not long commend themselves to his judgment. He apparently abandoned all decided efforts after his first failure to secure action in this direction. Still, as he had money to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars in Spanish hands, he bad to keep up the semblance of devotion to their pur- poses. In 1801 we find Wilkinson once again in the Federal army, with the rank of brigadier-general. He gives no explanation of his reestablishment in the army, and his reappearance there in high command, after his well known relations to the previous Spanish intrigues, is one of the mysterious incidents of American history. What is still more curious is that he was placed in com- mand of the very department where he could have the most to do with the Spaniards. He remained in com- munication with the Spanish authorities after he entered on this responsible position. In the term of President Madison, Wilkinson at last fell under suspicion. Charges of official misconduct in many different events were brought against him, and it appears from the official records that he was ill used by the Federal authorities, who appeared inclined to pre- judge his case and not to give him a fair trial. His first trial was in the National House of Representa- 138 KENTUCKY. tives, which seems to have beea unfair in its methods. The next was before a court-martial, which appears to have given his case a most exhaustive consideration. Although in this trial his judges seemed to have been prejudiced against him at the outset, the verdict was distinctly in his favor. It was clearly proven that the several " mule loads " of silver which he had received from the Spanish authorities were in payment of debts due him on account of tobacco furnished before he re- joined the army, though the charge that he had been a pensioner of Spain during his period of civil life was not disproved. The court-martial reported that in his negotiations with the Spaniards he was actuated by a desire to re- ceive the money justly due him, and that any excess of attention given by him to the Spanish authority was to be explained by this fact. It was clearly shown that when Thomas Power came with the last proposition of the Spaniards, that which afterwards brought trouble to Messrs. Nicholas, Innis, and Murray, he went from Kentucky to Detroit, where Wilkinson was then sta- tioned. The latter received him coldly, and without heeding his propositions sent him back under guard to the frontier, with orders not to return under any cir- cumstances. The last " mule load " of silver had been received, and it was no longer necessary for him to keep any communications with the Spaniards. Although acquitted by a jury of his peers, Wilkinson was still the subject of constant watchfulness and covert hostility on the part of Secretary of War Armstrong, and apparently also on the part of President Madison. After the War of 1812-1815, in which he evidently did faithful though hampered service, he was once more KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 139 court-martialed. Again the prosecution was singularly vindictive, and again did General AVilkinson receive a complete exoneration from very grave but evidently un- supported charges brought against him. It is impossi- ble to give him too much credit for the signal ability with which he conducted his defense in both these trials. His speeches in his own defense, though affected and stilted, are capital specimens of pleading. In the closing appeal which he made to the court in his last trial he rises to the height of true eloquence. No one can go patiently over the records of these trials without feeling a keen sympathy with this able man. Whatever his error of judgment in the Spanish negotiations may have been, though it was probably grave, it was atoned for by long and devoted services in the midst of a constant hostility from his superiors. Soon after the last trial Wilkinson left the army and went to Mexico, where he died in 1825. There is no more enigmatical or more pathetic figure in American history. In the following two years the State, relieved of its anxieties of Indian warfare, and with its desires con- cerning the navigation of the Mississippi gratified, pur- sued a course of peaceful development. This period of repose is naturally marked by an increased interest in educational matters. The institution known as the Ken- tucky Academy was established by subscriptions amount- ing to $10,000, which came in the main from the East- ern States. The State supplemented this sum by a gift of six thousand acres of land, while an equal amount was given to four other academies. This attention to local affairs must not be taken as evidence that the State had in any way relaxed its close 140 KENTUCKY. watch on the behavior of the much suspected Federal government. It now repaid, with interest, the suspicion which the Federal government had long given to its own actions. On the passage by Congress of the famous alien and sedition laws a storm of protest broke out against the centralizing tendencies of the Federal gov- ernment. As is well known, those laws were provoked by the behavior of Genet and his partisans. They pro- vided the government with power to expel foreigners for certain causes, and also made it a felony to libel the President of the United States or either house of Con- gress. To a people disposed to find in each successive step of the Federalist party an intent of changing the repub- lic to some form of a monarchy, these additions to the central power might well seem dangerous. That which concerned the expulsion of foreigners was of no par- ticular account, but the sedition clause would even now be regarded as an intolerable piece of legislation, for the reason that, however great the evil that comes from reckless political abuse, it would be a thousand times worse to grant the central government power to limit discussion of its acts. So far from regarding the outbreak of passion that these laws provoked as an evidence of seditious discon- tent, we should rather look upon it as evidence of a proper sensitiveness to the danger of over-government. We have seen that those who were working in the inter- est of the Spanish government, and who had a "sinister interest " in discovering a treasonable party in Ken- tucky, had failed to see any chance for the creating of such a party. This must be taken as prima facie evi- dence that there was no material for rebellion in Ken- KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 141 tucky ; indeed, it goes far as an auswer to the assertion that the State was in a seditious mood. But let us now look at the other evidence of a secession spirit, which some students think they find in the resolutions of 1798. These resolutions were adopted in November of that year. They were offered by John Breckinridge, one of a long line of distinguished men, but they undoubt- edly were approved by Jefferson, if they were not ac- tually from his hand.-^ The greater part of these resolutions is now so well ac- cepted that even the most federally minded would hardly be willing to question them. The statement, however, that " each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of re- dress," contains the element of political heresy that de- serves attention. There can be no reasonable question that this statement expressed the nearly unanimous opinion of the people of Kentucky. There was but one dissenting voice in the two houses. This was given by William Murray, who had been one of the persons se- lected by the Spanish Governor Carondelet as likely to favor the secession of the State. It appears possible that his dissenting vote was given in order to balance his as yet unpublished relation to that intrigue ; it cer- tainly was a favorable occasion for him to purge himself of that iniquity. At this time the legislature contained a very fair representation of all the elements in the State, Feder- alists as well as Separatists. We cannot believe that a reference to the people would have changed the result. In considering this vote we must bear in mind the fact that, less than three years before, bold and well iii- 1 See Appendix B. 142 KENTUCKY. formed men had deemed it chimerical to try to sep- arate the State from the Federal Union. There had been nothing in the mean time to change the temper of the people. On the contrary, everything conspired to bind them more firmly to the Federal government. The Indian difficulties were suppressed and the navi- gation of the Mississippi was in a fairly satisfactory position. With these matters settled, there was no. longer any basis for rebellion. The victory of Wayne had certainly done much to insure the respect for the Federal government, as it made an end of the charges of incompetency, so often and with such good reason brought against it. We must find the explanation of this nullification doc- trine, however, in the general conditions of the public mind as to the nature of the Federal relations. At the outset of this inquiry we should notice that it is difficult for us to see in this day the way in which people looked on the Federal government during the tenth decade of the last century. The several colonies had fought their war of separation from Britain as separate political units, each with its own motive, and none with any distinct idea of what the future government was to be. Each had fought for its local rights, for its own hand. These local rights were all that there were to fight for. The essence of their struggle was for local, as distin- guished from external, government. The long political struggle of Kentucky for separation from Virginia is in itself a capital instance of the feeling of this time. The better known debates in the convention that adopted the Constitution of the United States show that at ■BVery point the States fought zealously, even furiously, for their separate rights. No candid person can read KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 143 these debates without rising from his task with the con- viction that tlie delegates of this constitutional conven- tion failed to determine the precise relation between the States and the Federal government. They were driven farther than the people had gone, or were then prepared to go, in the direction of consolidation by the logic of facts that they only could perceive in their full meaning. If there had been an effort to put the sedition act in the constitution, no one can doubt that it would have been overwhelmingly defeated in the con- vention. The fate of the Adams party in the next coming election shows plainly that even in the States that inclined most strongly to Federalism, these laws were generally disapproved. Since the one distinct object of the American Revolu- tion had been to secure local government, it is not to be wondered at that a people who more than any other in the United States were by their history devoted to this end, should have revolted against the alien and sedition laws, which clearly were very dangerous advances in the direction of that consolidation against which they had effectively protested in the convention. In the extrem- ity of their conceived need they naturally turned to the patent omissions in the contract by which they were bound to the Federal government. The convention had studiously refrained from providing any means whereby the States should be coerced into submission to the Union, — differing in this regard in a very suggestive fashion from similar constitutions in other countries ; * and this was no accidental omission, but one that re- sulted from a careful \iiscussion of the problem. That 1 As, for instance, Switzerland, which provides for a process of federal execution. 144 KENTUCKY. patriotic men felt this doubt about the conditions of the constitution is well shown by the subsequent proceed- ings in other States, — notably in Virginia and Massa- chusetts, — where ilien whose character cannot be im- pugned without casting a shadow on a whole people, took the same view of the relation between the several States and the Federal government. We must grant that the seeds of nullification and secession were in these resolutions of '98, but these germs of trouble were sown in the events that led to the independence of the colonies, and were nourished by the intentional omissions of the constitution itself. The constitution as we know it, an instrument af- firmed partly by assent of the greater part of the States, then by the circumstances of the South Carolina nul- lification in the fourth decade of this century, and finally by the result of the civil war, did not then exist. All that was before the minds of men was a new and very debatable instrument, concerning whose meaning there was naturally a great difference of opinion. The Ken- tucky resolutions were the first proclamation of the great discussion which was destined to continue for two generations, to be in the end decided, as it could only be decided, by a third, in the most famous civil struggle of all time. That the resolutions were intended only as the ex- pression of a sentiment, and not as the basis for any contemplated action, is shown by the previous and suc- ceeding course of politics within the State. It would be a distortion of history to look upon this action as if it had been taken in 1860. It was, in fact, only a caveat directed against the course of a party disposed to take an even more unconstitutional view of the Union than was held by those who voted for the resolutions. KENTUCKY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 145 After having thus relieved its mind on this engross- ing question of national politics, the Kentucky assembly turned some of its attention to the difficulties of its own organic law. During this period, as too often in the subsequent history of the Commonwealth, the interest in national politics had overshadowed the local needs. The first step was to improve the local government by calling a convention to revise the constitution. This instrument, like all first instruments of the kind, was found to be unserviceable in several respects. The peo- ple did not like the system of choosing the governor and the members of the upper house by the electoral college plan, but desired to have a more immediate power of election. The immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in land cases was also unsatisfactory to the people ; the danger of land suits caused by the rude methods of survey in use was being amply justified. As the land was still of relatively slight value, and the means of communication with the seat of the court lim- ited, this method of procedure was troublesome. With the action carried on in a local court the owner and witnesses, even in case of appeal, would have no occa- sion for resort to the State capital. Tliese matters were changed by the constitutional convention of 1799 ; other alterations were also introduced. The governor and senators were made elective by the popular vote, and the Supreme Court hereafter had only appellate juris- diction. The spirit of revision had already led, in the session of 1797-98, to considerable alterations of the criminal code. This legislation limited the penalty of death to the crime of deliberate murder, — thereby show- ing an advance in the theory of punishments remarkable in a primitive community. 10 146 KENTUCKY. The last political act of the century was an effort to amend or repeal the resolutions of '98. The Common- wealth had solicited the cooperation of the other States of the Union ; but, except in the case of Virginia, she had received no approval, and some of the answers were bitter in their tone. This bitterness is particu- larly noticeable in the reply which came from the Legis- lature of Massachusetts, and was one of the sources of the dislike that long existed towards that State among the Kentucky people. The result of this effort was that the reconsideration was denied and the resolutions reaffirmed. This reaffirmation of the long debated res- olutions shows clearly that they were based on the de- liberate judgment of the people, and were not in any way the result of hasty or inconsiderate action. The Federal census of 1800 showed an astonishing increase in the population of Kentucky. The total had risen to 221,955 ; 179,873 were whites, 40,343 slaves, and 737 free colored. Thus the whites had increased about 200 per cent, and the slaves 224 per cent, in the preceding decade.-^ 1 See Collins, i. p. 25. CHAPTER XL THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. The first year of the new century was an eventful one in Kentucky. The long pause in warfare had given a chance for the minds of the people to turn into other more peaceful channels. The first work of this social chano-e was a great increase in the religious sentiment. That form of religion known as Methodism, which long ao-o had reached its heiojht in the Eastern States, now began rapidly to develop in Kentucky. The excitement was very great. One camp-meeting, near Paris, was said to have been attended by twenty thousand people. Thousands were thrown into the convulsive state that was then believed to be a mark of the divine power. Although such exhibitions are not pleasant to those who take more sober views of religion, there is no doubt that these violent revivals of the religious impulse, which for years marked the history of Kentucky, were very important elements in determining the quality of the people. At one time or another, perhaps one half the population was brought under the influence of an enthusiasm that for a moment took them quite away from material things. There are more refined ways of awaking the altruistic sentiments than were followed in the old Methodist revivals ; but in these rough-cast folk, hardened by a life that was necessarily very ma- terial, and with few influences that were calculated to 148 KENTUCKY. awaken the sympathies or the deeper thoughts of the mind, these religious excitements had their value in mental culture. Thousands who never otherwise would have been taken from the life of the day obtained some insight into the depths of the problem of existence, which could come to them in no other way. To a large part of the people who came under this strong influence of religious fervor the result was mo- mentary, but a larger part yet got from it effects ithat lasted all their lives. No one, who remembers the peo- ple who owed their conversion to this time, can doubt that on the whole it was a blessed influence, and did more than anything else to smooth away the rudeness which the endless combats of thirty years had put upon the people. In the train of this " revival " came, naturally enough, the development of the first distinct anti-slavery move- ment in Kentucky. Even as early as 1799, Henry Clay, who had recently settled in Kentucky, was an advocate of emancipation, but nothing came of his pro- ject until years afterwards. In 1804 a number of Bap- tist ministers, six of whom are described as men of note and others of no fame, started a crusade against slavery.^ " They called themselves," says Collins, " the friends of humanity, but we know them in the record of these times as emancipators." There is no mistaking their object; none of the Abolitionists of later day could have been stronger of speech. Their church pronounced against them, saying " that it was improper for minis- 1 The six men of note were Carter Torrant, David Barrow, John Sutton, Donald Holmes, Jacob Gregg, and George Smith. See Col- lins, i. 419. THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. 149 ters, churches, or associations to meddle with the eman- cipation of slavery, or any other political subject ; " ad- vising them to " have nothing to do with it in their religious capacity." These protestants against slavery unfortunately withdrew to a separate local association known by the curious name of " the Baptist Licking Locust Association Friends of Humanity," and in this narrow field soon ceased to be heard of more. This society marks the beginning of the outspoken opposi- tion to slavery which was destined to a slow though a sure growth in the years to come. We shall have oc- casion in the sequel to examine into the history of this opinion. In 1802 the first banking system of Kentucky and of the Mississippi Valley grew out of an accident of legislation. The i^rowinof trade with the Lower Missis- sippi, begun by Wilkinson and his associates, and now of considerable importance, made some system of in- surance necessary. This trade was conducted princi- pally by small merchants, who could not well afford themselves to take the risks of the little craft which they floated down and " poled " up the stream. A com- pany was therefore chartered to give them the protection they required from total loss by accident. This char- ter contained a provision which allowed the company to issue transferable notes, and so the State came by a banking system that served a good purpose for many years. It was well it came by chance, for these peo- ple had much the same objection against invested cap- ital that marks the Granger movement of the present day. The charter for a bank, as such, would certainly have been refused. This fear of paper currency, which long remained a permanent feature in Kentucky, rested 150 KENTUCKY. upon an unhappy experieoce with the Continental money, through which the country had just passed. The lesson was severe enough to be well remembered. In this year the trade by the Mississippi, which now was the life of the rapid commercial advance that was going on in the State, was suddenly interrupted, the treaty conceding it having expired without renewal. At once the State was again in a flaming excitement over the navigation question. Before the disturbance could go far, a fortunate stroke of diplomacy ended the ques- tion forever. By the treaty of St. Ildefonso, France regained the territory of Louisiana, which years before she had lost to Spain. It came back to her with its bounds essentially unclianged. Bonaparte was then on the eve of war with England, in which this fair colony would most likely be wrested from him through the command of the sea that Britain enjoyed. He there- fore sold it for the sum of eighty million francs to the United States. On December 20, 1803, the Americans took possession. It is worth our notice that General Wil- kinson received the possession for the Federal govern- ment. Thus, by the chance of time, this intriguer came in a legitimate way to enjoy authority in Louisiana. Wilkinson and his followers reappear in the next considerable incident in Kentucky history, namely, the Burr conspiracy, which in its motives and its following is the natural successor of the French and Spanish movements. There is great difficulty in telling the story of this remarkable conspiracy. Burr, its leader, was a meas- ureless liar. Several of the men arrested with him were persons singularly skilled in intrigue, and remark- ably able in holding their secrets. Burr was a man of THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. 151 commanding intelligence, of marvelous self-possession, and great foresight. Unhapi)ily these great abilities were marred by an instinct for dangerous intrigue and an infinite untrustvvorthiness. He was Vice-President in the first term of Jefferson's administration, and seemed^ then in a fair way of promotion to the highest hono^ Failing to achieve this, he conceived a vast but histor- ically obscure project of a south-western empire, which was to be won from the territories lying to the south and west of the United States. This project appears to have taken shape in his mind while Louisiana was still in the hands of Spain. His purpose at this time probably was to use the desire of the people in the Mis- sissippi Valley to gain a hold upon the outlet of that stream for the advancement of his fortunes. The ces- sion of Louisiana cut a portion of his ground away, but did not altogether destroy his hopes of success. The Spanish possession of Mexico, then including all of Texas and the unknown region of the Rocky Moun- tains, still afforded a wide field for action. It appears likely, however, that he had some idea of separating this region of the Mississippi from the control of the United States, uniting it with the conquests that he hoped to make in the area still claimed by Spain. The project was a great and shadowy scheme, but more captivating to the wild spirits of the time than if it had been clearly defined. In the summer of 1805 Burr journeyed through Ken- tucky, and began the arrangements for the execution of his project. Again, in the following summer, he passed through the State on his way from New Orleans to the island home of Blennerhasset, in the Ohio, where he had his headquarters. Although his machinations 152 KENTUCKY. were quietly conducted, enough was known of their purport to enable Mr. Daviess, the attorney for the United States, to lay the outlines of the scheme before the President. It was necessary to construct many boats for the transportation of the several thousand men who were to be engaged in the expedition, and this work necessarily attracted attention. In the summer of 1806 a letter from Burr to Gen- eral Wilkinson, who was then territorial governor of Missouri, became public. In this Burr made the largest possible claims of support in his project from the Fed- eral government as well as from England. He asserted that the navy of the United States and the British squad- ron at Jamaica were to cooperate with him, — a state- ment that should have aroused suspicion of his sanity. In this letter there is no announcement of a definite plan, no statement of the end to be attained. There is questionable testimony as to his conversations at this time which goes to show that he had some idea of get- ting control of the Mississippi Valley, and afterward of changing the whole government of the United States. If this testimony can be believed, it affords, as the histo- rian Butler remarks, fair ground for believing that Burr was insane.-^ In November, 1806, Daviess, as attorney for the United States, made a presentation of the case to the Federal court, and asked for process against Burr. Although this application was denied by the court in Burr's absence ns " unprecedented and illegal," and Burr was under no obligation to answer further, he chose to present himself before the court and demand a trial, claiming an absolute innocence of the charges. Owing to the absence of witnesses Daviess could not 1 Butler, History of Kentucky^ p. 312- THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. 153 prove his allegations ; the grand jury failed to find a bill of indictment, and Burr was discharged. The event was of no particular consequence in the history of this conspiracy save that it affords complete proof of Burr's utter untrustworthiness. Henry Clay, who had begun his great career in Kentucky, was one of Burr's coun- sel. Before Clay took charge of the case he received Burr's pledge of honor that he was in no way engaged in such a project as his enemies charged.^ It is only necessary to say that the letter to Wilkinson, which afterward came to light, was written in the preceding July. There can be no doubt that this declaration of Burr to Clay had much to do with his immediate ac- quittal. To the singular charm of person and manner with which this man was blessed, and which overpow- ered the hearts of men ajid women, we must attribute the wild joy with which his acquittal was received. Still the charm was not all Burr's alone. The people of this State undoubtedly longed for adventure. The old avenues of action were closed. The State was full of men who had lived through the heroic age of the country, and the rising generation caught from them the love of conquest. These men inherited the spirit of the Elizabethan English. For two centuries their blood had been constantly stimulated by contests, and was as yet untamed by the commercial life that has in later days, in part, changed the motives of this people and inclined them to the ways of peace. We cannot deny that the mass of the Kentucky people were always " fillibusterish," though they had at the same time a po- litical sense which weighed down the natural hunger for adventure. There is not a decade in which we do 1 See Collins, i. p. 293 154 KENTUCKY. not find some evidence of tbis motive, until the civil war, with its* hard fighting, wore out the old humor, — at least for a time. Burr's bubble collapsed ; no force was necessary to make an end of it. His ten thousand men dwindled down to less than five hundj;:ed,~^\Vilkinson, on whom Burr seems to have relied for material support, Jjmme- diately divulged his plans to the government. Once again it is difficult to say whether in this act Wilkinson played a double part or not. The first court-martial that tried him acquitted him of the charge of treasona- ble correspondence with Burr ; but it is hardly to be believed that Burr would have unfolded his plans to him without some evidence of sympathy.- The excitement concerning Burr's project led to an investigation of the malfeasaiice of Judge Sebastian, before referred to. This miserable man was found to be a hireling of the Spanish government all the while that he had been a member of the highest court of the Commonwealth. It was in this legislative inquiry that the history of the last effort of Spain to seduce Ken- tucky from her allegiance became known. As before noted, the oSer of Spain was rejected by all the parties to whom it was addressed. Even Sebastian, though in the pay of Spain, agreed with the others in this judg- ment. The inquiry resulted in the resignation of Se- bastian. As there was no violation of statutes in his conduct, prosecution was impossible. With this incident the long history of the Spanish intrigues was quite ex- hausted. The materials for a full account of this curi- ous effort on the part of Spain are not yet accessible. There is probably no incident of American history that would be so profitable a subject for careful study. THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. 155 After this period of political disturbance there came a terra of years in which the historian finds only ma- terial growth to be recorded. This process of devel- opment was going on with extreme rapidity, as will be seen from the tables at the end of this volume. The census of 1810 showed that the population had risen to 406,511, of which the whites were 324,237, slaves 80,561, and free blacks 1,713. By comparing this record with the census of 1800 it will be seen that the negro population was now gaining on the white, the increase of the former being at the rate of eighty-four per cent, and of the latter ninety-nine per cent. There was also a noticeable increase of the free colored people, which now amounted to more than two per cent, of the total population of African descent. The rate of increase of the free blacks was about one hundred and fifty per cent. This rapid increase of the free blacks is fairly to be taken as an indication of the anti-slavery propaganda that began with Henry Clay. Although there is little in print about it, there is evidence enough to show that the minds of the people were strongly directed to the consideration of this grave question. The long period of political quiet that marked the first years of the century was broken first by the In- dian wars in the northwest, and these campaigns gave a last chance for many an old Indian fighter to renew the memories of his youth. The battle of Tippecanoe ended the struggle. It was a trifling action as regards the number engaged or the number who fell, but for the moment it roused a great enthusiasm among the people. Kentucky lost in this battle two valuable citi- zens in Colonels Daviess and Owen. At this time the tide of people that hitherto had set 156 KENTUCKY. like a flood into Kentucky began to pour from its terri- tory to the western and northern fields. There were many who found the wrestle with the Indians and the wilderiiess sweeter than all the satisfactions of civilized life. Amono; those who went into the then Far West was the now aged Boone, This singular, guileless man had lost all his "land locations" in Kentucky through a lack of capacity to care for his affairs. So he removed to Missouri when near seventy years old, though yet a vigorous man, hoping to make a new life in that wil- derness. He there entered ten thousand acres of land, but again lost it through some informality in the legal conditions. In his extremity he besought the help of Kentucky in a simple yet affecting memorial, stating " that he had no spot he could call his own whereon to lay his bones." ^ The State begged a gift of ten thousand acres of land for him, and Congress readily granted the petition ; but this, too, was soon lost in some lawsuits, so that the brave old man, who had helped to conquer an emjDire, died landless at last. In dismissing this old heroic spirit it is proper to state that the popular opinion that Boone was the leading pioneer in Kentucky is a mistake. His 1 We may here notice the curious habit of burial on the land of the deceased to which Boone alludes. As is well known, the English an- cestors of this people had the usual habit of burs-ing in churchyards. In the scattered population of Virginia churchyard burial in such places became impossible. In its place grcAv up the habit of interring the dead beside the homestead. This ground, consecrated by the dust of the family, was the last possession parted with ; indeed, it almost always remained in the possession of the kindred to the farthest gen- eration. So it came about that for a decent man to own no acres that might receive his dust was something that appealed strongly to his fellows. It is a social instinct peculiar to the Southern States of this Union. 777^ BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY. 157 adventures were singularly picturesque, and at the out- set his calm heroism was of g^reat value in jrivino: con- es o o fidence to the settlers ; but he did not have powers of command. There was a certain silent diffidence in his temperament, a lack of self-assertion, which hindered his promotion among men of that time. In later years the people seized upon him as a type of the pioneer. It chose well, but his place in Kentucky life was never as large as it is commonly supposed to have been. CHAPTER XTI. THE WAR OF 1812. The Indian disturbances that led to the Tippecanoe campaign were stimulated by the controversies that pre- saged the War of 1812. It was only after some years of dispute that trouble came to blows, but the British and Canadians doubtless aroused the spirit of depreda- tion in their willing allies, the savages, long before war actually began. The Kentucky people, through their public meetings and their legislature, expressed their desire for this struggle some years before it came. The irritations of the Revolutionary AVar had never been al- layed nor the combat entirely quelled. In the levy of one hundred thousand men for this war with Great Britain, Kentucky's quota was fixed at fifty-five hundred. She was required to send at once fifteen hundred of these to the aid of Hull at Detroit. This call was answered by the very best men of Ken- tucky. So eager were they for the service that the com- mand was swelled by volunteers, who would not be re- fused, to over two thousand men. As they crossed the Ohio on their march they learned of the shameful sur- render of Hull's army and the important forts at De- troit. Unhappily these raw Kentucky troops were of a less hardened nature than those of earlier years. The pioneers were mostly gone. Those who remained were generally beyond the military age, so the leading offi- cers alone were war-tried men. THE WAR OF 1S12. 159 Circumstances pointed to General Harrison as the fit- test man for the command of the army. Hull, who was still in nominal command, was so universally contemned that the militia-men refused to serve under him. In this period it required about twenty days to make the jour- ney to and from the seat of government. Allowing time for action at Washington, a month would go by before the evils of Hull's defeat would be remedied. There was reason to fear that the elated British army would push on at once to the Ohio, a movement that they could easily have then made. In this condition of affairs the Governor of Kentucky determined to com- mission General Harrison, then a citizen of Ohio, as major-general of Kentucky, and set him in command of an expedition to retake Detroit, if possible, or at least to stay the tide of invasion by a vigorous move in that direction. This bold resolution is a capital proof of the military energy of the Commonwealth. With this force from Kentucky, together with militia from Cincinnati, Harrison moved swiftly to the north, his army swelled by continual additions of volunteers from both sides of the Ohio River. Pie was soon upon the waters of the great lakes. The Indians fled before him, their scouts carrying the report that " Kentuc was coming as nu- merous as the trees." He relieved Fort Wayne, on the Maumee, from its siege without having to fight a battle. Thus the first object of the movement was accomplished without difficulty. The southward march of the British was arrested, and time was given for the Federal gov- ernment to act. Further successful advance of Harrison's army was hindered by many difficulties. The autumn weather was exceedingly trying ; the men were compelled to march 160 KENTUCKY. knee deep in miles of swamps that covered this coun- try in the rainy season. Taken at once from comfort- able homes to this miserable life, without any of the hardening experience of camps of training, with no fight- ing, no excitement, except the work of burning aban- doned Indian towns, the troops lost heart. One of the Kentucky regiments revolted, though it was quickly brought to its duty by the vigorous remonstrances of its officers. With an army worn by vain marching, un- provided with artillery, and poorly fed, Harrison's battle was for a long time fought with the wilderness and winter for his foes. In January, 1813, the western- most part of the army found a chance to strike a blow at the British and Indian force at the river Raisin. Al- though these events were beyond the limits of Ken- tucky, they are a part of Kentucky history, for nearly all the men engaged were from this Commonwealth, and the consequences of the action were far-reaching. The immediate aim of the movement that led to the battle of the Raisin was to overwhelm a body of about four hundred Indians and British, who were fortified at Frenchtown, on that river. This post was within a day's march of the large British garrison at Maiden, and two days' march from the fort at the rapids of the Maumee. The opportunity was good, and a successful attack followed by an immediate retreat upon the Fed- eral base would have been a brilliant military stroke. A detachment of about one thousand Kentucky troops, under the command of Colonel Lewis, was sent upon this errand. They were, iu the main, the regi- ment of Allen, which had lately been guilty of insub- ordination. The attack was successful ; the fortifica- tions were carried by storm, and the garrison pursued THE WAR OF 1812. 161 a considerable distance. Then, in place of promptly re- tiring, the captured fort was held and a report of the success sent to Winchester, the commanding officer of the brigade. Winchester, instead of ordering a re- treat, came to the fort with two hundred and fifty renies against Republican governments, and new pretexts for those who wish it to be believed, that man cannot be governed but by a rod of iron : that it would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights : that confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism : free government is founded in jealousy and not in confidence ; it is jealousy and not confidence wliich prescribes limited Constitutions to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power : that our Consti- tution has accordingly fixed the limits to which and no fur- ther our confidence may go ; and let the honest advocate of confidence read the alien and sedition acts, and say if the Constitution has not been wise in fixing limits to the govern- ment it created, and whether we should be wise in destroy- ing those limits ; let him say what the government is if it be not a tyranny, which the men of our choice have conferred on the President, and the President of our choice has as- sented to and accepted over the friendly strangers, to whom the mild spirit of our country and its laws had pledged hos- pitality and protection : that the men of our choice have more respected the bare suspicions of the President than the solid rights of innocence, the claims of justification, the sa- cred force of truth, and the forms and substance of law and justice. In questions of power then let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the claims of the Constitution. That this Commonwealth does therefore call on its co-States for an expression of their sen- timents on the acts concerning aliens, and for the punish- ment of certain crimes herein before specified, plainly declar- ing whether these acts are or are not authorized by the Federal Compact. And it doubts not that their sense will be so announced as to prove their attachment unaltered to limited government, whether general or particular, and that the rights and liberties of their co-States will be exposed to no dangers by remaining embarked on a common bottom with their own: That' they will concur with this Common- wealth in considering the said acts as so palpably against the Constitution as to amount to an undisguised declaration, that the compact is not meant to be the measure of the powers of the general government, but that it will proceed in the exer- cise *over these States of all powers whatsoever : That they will view this as seizing the rights of the States and consoli- dating them in the hands of the general government with a 416 APPENDIX. power assumed to biud the States (not merely in cases made Federal) but in all cases whatsoever, by laws made, not with their consent, but by others against their consent : That this would be to surrender the form of government we have chosen, and to live under one deriving its powers from its own will, and not from our authority ; and that the co-States, recurring to their natural right in cases not made Federal, will concur in declaring these acts void and of no force, and will each unite with this Commonwealth in requesting their repeal at the next session of Congress. Edmund Bullock, S. H. R. John Campbell, S. S. P. T. Passed the House of Representatives Nov. 10, 1798. Attest: Thomas Todd, C. H. K In Senate, Nov. 13, 1798, unanimously concurred in. Attest : B. Thruston, Clk. Sen. Approved Nov. 16, 1798. James Garrard, G. K. By the Governor. Harry Toulmin, Secretary of State. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Secretary's Depart3IEnt, Boston, October 20, 1884. A true copy of the original, on file in this Department. Witness the Seal of the Commonwealth. Henry B. Pierce, [L. S.] Secretary, APPENDIX B. The following tables are taken from the statistics of the tenth census of the United States. They are intended to give the reader a basis on which to criticise some of the gen- eral statements in the foregoing pages, and not as a statistical account of the Commonwealth, a task that is beyond the pur- pose of this very limited book. The reader who desires to extend his knowledge of the APPENDIX. 417 statistics of the State should consult the tables of the last census. The following indications will aid him in an effort to understand the movements of population to and from Ken- tucky. In volume 1, p. 417, of the statistics of the tenth census he will find a map showing the residence of the na- tives of Kentucky in that as well as other States. This will show how large has been the emigration from Kentucky to the Northwestern States. The map on page 273 of the same volume shows the relative amount of the foreign-born popula- tion in Kentucky and the States bordering it on the north : — TABLE I. Native White Population of Kentucky distributed accord- ing TO State or Territory of Birth. PLACE OF BIRTH. NUMBER. United States 1,317,725 Kentucky 1,149,994 Alabama 1,502 Arkansas 1,024 California 125 Connecticut 340 Delaware 153 Florida 68 Georgia 1,807 Illinois 5,522 Indiana 18,104 Iowa 802 Kaiii^as 335 Louisiana 962 Maine 261 Maryland 1,950 Massachusetts 787 Michigan 385 Minnesota 82 Mississippi . . . .- 1,417 Missouri 4,887 New Hampshire 181 New Jersey 701 New York 3,715 North Carolina 8,946 Ohio 26,769 27 418 APPENDIX. Table I. continued. Pennsylvania 5,952 South Carolina 1,211 Tennessee 46,828 Texas . 624 Vermont 252 Virginia 30,193 West Virginia 1,677 Wisconsin 240 District of Columbia 187 TABLE II. Showing Number of those Born in Kentucky Resident in OTHER States and Territories. Alabama . . « 2,624 Arkansas 18,039 California 7,851 Colorado 3,786 Connecticut 155 Delaware 45 Florida 668 Georgia 1,136 Illinois 61,920 Indiana 73,928 Iowa 12,920 Kansas 32,978 Louisiana 6,564 , Maine 42 Maryland 422 Massachusetts 502 Michigan 1,732 Minnesota 2,151 Mississippi 7,844 ■ Missouri 102,799 ^ Nebraska 4,034 Nevada 578 New Hampshire 47 New Jersey 483 New York 1,720 North Carolina 365 Ohio 32,492 APPENDIX. 419 Table II. continued. Oregon 2,754 PennsA'lvania 1 829 Rhode Island 7g South Carolina I94 Tennessee 24 868 Texas 34,121 Vermont 28 Virginia 2,087 West Virginia 4 351 Wisconsin 1 4IO TABLE III. Showing the Nativities of Foreign-Born Population in Kentucky. Austria proper 142 Belgium IO5 Canada 1^010 Denmark 73 Baden 2,668 Bavaria 3^352 Hamburg 95 Hanover 2 264 Hessen 1,381 Nassau 187 Oldenburg 610 Prussia 6,657 Saxony . 522 Wiirtemberg 1,368 Germany, not specified 11,212 England 4^100 Ireland 18,256 Scotland 982 Wales 394 Holland 262 Italy 370 Poland 124 Russia 63 Sweden 95 Switzerland 1 130 Total 59^517 420 APPENDIX. TABLE IV. Native Colored Population of Kentucky according to State or Territory of Birth. Kentucky 252,618 Alabama 352 Arkansas 112 Georgia 364 Illinois 152 Indiana 341 Louisiana 282 Maryland 307 Mississippi 566 Missouri 530 North Carolina 792 Ohio 346 Pennsylvania 80 South Carolina 319 Tennessee 7,558 Texas 117 Virginia 6,322 "West Virginia 59 "Wisconsin 78 Total American born 271,448 The foregoing tables show the origin and in a general way the distribution of the Kentucky people. It should be no- ticed that when in the census tables the number of immi- grants from any other State, or the Kentuckians settling in any other State, are less in number than fifty they have no place in the table, though counted in the totals. The most important conclusion to be drawn from these tables is that Kentucky has received a much less considerable number of people from other countries than she has sent to other States of this Union. In 1880 the total number of per- sons born in Kentucky and then resident beyond the State amounted to about 380,000, while those born in other States of this Union and resident in Kentucky amounted to about 168,000. In other words, Kentucky has of late been sending out more than twice the number of persons that she has re- APPENDIX. 421 ceived from the other American States. In the early decades of the century the proportion of these two movements was even more diverse. Next we note that the greater part of this immigration into Kentucky has been from immediately adjacent States. Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Missouri, and Virginia have fur- nished more than half the total number. On the other hand, the emigrating Kentiickians have as a whole gone to more remote States. The relatively little emigration of the negroes is also well shown by these tables. It will be seen that less than twenty thousand of the blacks, or about one fourteenth of the population, were born in other States. TABLE V. Population of Kentucky during the Last Ten Decades. 1880. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. 1830. 1820. 1810. 1800. 1790. 1,648,690 1,321 ,C 11 1 1,155,684 982,405 779,828 687,917 564,135 406,511 220,955 73,677 It will be seen from the foregoing table that the rate of increase has been remarkably steady for the decades since 1810. The most noticeable difference being in 1830-40, when the emigration to the Western States was very great. The disturbances of the Civil War made but a slight inter- ruption. Table VI. shows that the negroes and whites in Kentucky are almost equally fecund, the negroes having a slight but unimportant superiority m the number of births in the thou- sand; but among the negroes the proportion of male and female children is almost exactly the same, or 208 to 207, while among the whites the males exceed the females at birth in the proportion of 126 to 122. This proportion is approximately maintained through life. Between ten and fifteen years of age an important change is observed: the negro children of that age form less than 422 APPENDIX. H Iz; s o Is a 20,732 19,870 16,813 14,628 15,198 11,464 8,044 7,381 5,944 4,747 4,183 2,242 2,434 1,337 1,196 583 447 166 116 51 102 g g 6 3DC»lOCOOCDC0OTJOCOrHCOC0;^lOOl;^ g s ^ §i;^ 5 is g„s|S ^ s„j§;-5 8 s s s ^ ■" =^ O oTl-^-* ^"o t~ CO lO '*"•*" IN Cvj ,1 r-T s 3 o OCOCOrHOOOO-<*iaiCOCDr-IOl.OI-.giOpr-Jpra r-f t a. i a C0O35Cn3i:-1.0(Ml~l-!M-*0^.rH(M 0,CO^iO r-l |¥^¥s~i5rs¥^ s ;^ s =* "= ~ ^ i ■^ s 105,343 100,137 88,386 73,270 68,594 52,736 43,106 37,438 30,033 25,026 23,440 16,494 13,852 9,113 6,154 3,300 1,563 559 131 39 16 i| 1 206,717 197,187 173,312 147,232 138,563 103,974 84,611 74,693 59,810 49,800 44,644 30,963 25,755 17,292 11,440 6,384 3,200 1,137 305 91 49 C5 1 a 122,106 116,920 101,739 88,590 85,167 62,675 49,549 44,636 35,721 29,521 25,407 16,711 14,337 9,516 6,482 3,667 2,084 774 299 103 135 1 CO 00 1 (M S5 O lO_l^ "^COCOCOr-IOiOIM'Or-IOOCOCOr-l 1 3 l-iOOCOCOCMC01-c3^ooo^iOt~t-COOt-cOT-liO 1 . Under 5 years . 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years . 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 to 74 years 75 to 79 years 80 to 84 years 85 to 89 years 90 to 94 years 95 to 100 years 100 and over Is APPENDIX. m one nintli of the total of that race, while the white children of that age amount to over one eighth of the total population of their blood. Between the ages of twenty-five and twenty- nine the same feature is not discernible; the negroes then have established themselves in their conditions, and afterwards have a promise of longevity quite equal to the whites. As far as statistics go the principal differences between the races in Kentucky seem to be : that the negroes have a larger proportion of female births, a larger infant mortal- ity, and, after middle age, a greater expectation of life, though the well-known fancy of old blacks for claiming a greater age than they have attained doubtless vitiates this part of the statistics. TABLE VII. Table showing the Relative Production as compared with Other States, of Certain Agricultural Staples in Ken- tucky, IN Successive Decades. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. Wheat First Ninth Ninth Eii?hth Maize Second First Sixth Rve Fourth Fifth Fifth Tobacco Second Second Second First Flax Third First Third Eighth Hemp Cotton First First First Eleventh Twelfth Swine Second Second Fourth Fifth Mules Second Second Second Third Value of home (or house- hold) manufactures . Third Second Third This table shows the degree to which the climate and soil of Kentucky are adapted to a varied agriculture. It will be observed that in each decade the Commonwealth is foremost among the States of the American Union in the production of some one or more staples. H^i LIST OF KENTUCKY HISTORIES AND BOOKS RE- LATING TO THE SUBJECT, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED.i ^ Allen, William B. A History of Kentucky. Louisville. 1872. V Arthur, T. S., and W. H. Carpenter. The History of Ken- tucky. Philadelphia. 1852. ' Atherton, William. Narrative of the Sufferings and Defeat of the Northwest Army under General Winchester. Frankfort. 1842. N""' Bishop, Robert H. An Outline of the History of the Church in Kentucky. Lexington. 1824. Bradford, John. Sketches of Kentucky in a Series of Articles in the Kentucky Gazette. Lexington. 1826. Breckinridge, W. C. P. Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Breckinridge County. Frank- fort. 1882. V'^ Brown, John Mason. An Oration delivered on the Occasion of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of the Blue Licks. Frankfort. 1882. ^Butler, Mann. A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville. 1834. Do. Second edition. Cincinnati. 1836. Do. Sketch of Louisville in the Directory of 1832. Louis- ville. 1832. ^' Carfeday, Ben. The History of Louisville. Louisville. 18.52. '^ Carpenter, T. The Trial of Colonel Aaron Burr. 3 vols. Washington. 1807. ' ^ Clark, George Rogers. Sketch of his Campaign in Illinois. Cincinnati. 1869. •^ Collins, Lewis. History of Kentucky. Covington. 1847. 1 This list has been furnished by R. T. Durrett, Esq., of Louisville, Kentucky. LIST OF KENTUCKY HISTORIES. 425 '^ Collins, llichard H. History of Kentucky. 2 vols. Coving- ton. 1874. Craik, Rev. James. Historical Sketches of Christ's Church. Louisville. 1862. v^Dana, E. Geographical Sketches of the Western Country. Cincinnati. 1819. Darien, Joseph Hamilton. View of the President's Conduct. Frankfort. 1807. v^ Darnell, Ellas. A Journal containing an Accurate and Inter- esting Account of the Hardship, etc., of the Kentucky Volunteers. Philadelphia. 1854. v/* Davidson, Robert. History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky. New York. 1847. \y Do. An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave. Lexington. 1840. "v^Deering, Richard. Louisville in 18.59. Louisville. 1859. v Drake, Daniel. Pioneer Life in Kentucky, a Series of Remi- niscential Letters. Cincinnati. 1870. VDuke, Basil W. History of Morgan's Cavalry. Cincinnati. 1867. ^^urrett, Reuben T. The Life and Writings of John Filson, the first Historian of Kentucky. Louisville and Cincinnati. 1884. '^Filson, John. The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke. Wilmington. 1 784. >v/Do. Stockdale edition. London. 1793. ^^Do. Campbell edition. New York. 1793. Fitzroy, Alexander. The Discovery, Purchase, and Settlement of the Country of Kentucky. London. 1786. ^ Flint, Timothy. Indian Wars of the West. Cincinnati. 1833. ^' Hall, James. Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1835. "^ Hutchins, Thomas. A Topographical Description of Virginia, etc. London. 1778. Imlay, Gilbert. A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. London. 1792. • Do. Second edition. London. 1793. V ■ Do. Third edition. London. 1797. Joblen, M., & Co. Louisville, Past and Present. Louisville. 1875. ^Johnston, Wm. Preston. The Life of General Albert Sidney '■'Johnston. New York. 1878. 426 LIST OF KENTUCKY HISTORIES, \/ Kentucky. The Biographical Encyclopaedia. Cincinnati. 1878. v/ Kentucky. Decisions of the Court of Appeals by Hughes, Sneed, Hardin, Bibb, and A. K. Marshall. Kentucky, Journal of House and Senate, first Session of the Leiiisiature, June, 1792. Lexington. 1792. \y Kentucky. Report of Debates in Convention of 1849. Frank- fort. 1849. Kentucky. Resolutions of 1798-99. Frankfort. 1798-99. ^ Littell, William. Political Transactions in and concerning Kentucky. Frankfort. 1806. ^ Do. Laws of Kentucky. 5 vols. Frankfort. 1809-1819. v^-' Lloyd, James T. Steamboat Directory and Disasters on the Western Waters. Cincinnati. 1856. Marshall, Humphrey. The History of Kentucky. Frankfort. 1812. ^ Do. Second edition. 2 vols. Frankfort. 1824. V McAfee, Robert. History of the Late War. Lexington. 1816. ^ McClurg^ John A. Sketches of Western Adventure. Mays- ville. 1832. '<^/9-'^ Do. Dayton, O. 1854. ' ' -• Do. Covington, Ky. 1872. v McDonald, John. Biogra])hical Sketches of General Nathaniel Massie, etc. Cincinnati. 1838. "^ McM^ESfreysy H. Sketches of Louisville and its Environs. Louis- ville. 1819. ^ Metcalf, Samuel L. A Collection of Some of the most Inter- esting Narratives. Lexington. 182L X/ Morehead, James T. An Address in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky. Frankfort. 1840. V Morris, Robert. The History of Freemasonry in Kentucky. Louisville. 1859. ■s/ Parraud, M. Histoire de Kentucke. Traduit de I'anglois de M. John Filson. Paris. 1785. " \/ Persmrp-WHi. History of Fayette County, Ky. Chicago. 1882. -/ Do. History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison, and Nicholas Coun- ties, Ky. Chicago. 1882. Pioneer Life in the West. Philadelphia. 1858. V Robertson, David. Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1808. LIST OF KENTUCKY HISTORIES. 427 Rafinesque, C. S. Ancient History, or Annals of Keutucky. Frankfort. 1824. ♦^ Eanck, George W. History of Lexington. Cincinnati. 1872. s/ Redford, A. H. The History of Methodism in Kentucky. 3 vols. Nashville. 1868. V*^ Do. Western Cavaliers. Nashville. 1876. ^y Robertson, George. Scrap Book of Law, Politics, Men, etc. Lexington. 185.5. v/ Smith, Colonel James. An Account of the Remarkable Oc- currences in his Life. Lexington. 1799. Do. A Treatise on Indian Wars. Paris. 1812. v^^ Smith, M. A Complete History of the late American War. Lexington. 1816. k/' Spalding, M. J. Sketches of the Life, Times, and Character of the Right Reverend Benedict Joseph Flagel. Louisville. 1852. \y' Do. Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky. Louisville. 1844. Taylor, John. A History of the Baptist Churches. Frank- fort. 1823. v/ Toulmin, Harry. A Description of Kentucky. London. 1792. v^ Voyage au Kantoukey et sur les Bords du Genesee. Paris. 1821. Webb, Ben. J. The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky. Louisville. 1884. ^Wilkinson, James. Memoirs of my Own Times. 3 vols. Phil- adelphia. 1816. n/ Williams, L. A., & Co. History of the Obio Falls Cities. 2 vols. Cleveland. 1882. ^' Withers, Alexander S. Chronicles of Border Warfare. Clarks- burg. 1831. INDEX. Abolition of slavery, 197-199. Abolition, first political campaign for, 217. See, also, Anti-Slavery . Adair, Governor, 179. Adams, J. Q., speech of, on Kentucky, 198. Admission of Kentucky into Federal Union, 167. Alien and sedition acts, 140. Alien and sedition, protest against, 143. Alleghany Mountains, effects of, 14, 54 Allen, Colonel, ICO. Anderson, General R., 266, Anderson, General R., proclamation of, 266. Anderson, Fort, attack on, 354. Angostura (Buena Vista), battle of, 20G. Anti-slavery, first movements of par- ty, 122, 148. See, also, Abolition. Aristocracy, fear of, 127, 140. Arms, purchase of, in 1861, 246. Ashland, mob at, 404. Augusta, battle of, 315. Bank of Kentucky, 176. Bank of Louisville, 188. Bank of the Commonwealth, 177, 187. Banking system, origin of, 149. Banks in 1818, 176. Banks in 1857, 220. Banks, charters annulled, 177. Banks, plan of, 190. Banks, value of, to State, 191. Baptists, first, in Kentucky, 118. Baptists' place in Kentucky history, 157. Bardstown, fight at, 340. Barlow, Captain, 354. Barry, Colonel H. W., 351. Barry, William T., 180. Barter, system of, 173. Beech Grove, Fort, 274. Bell and Everett, 234. Benefit of clergy, 407. Benham, General, 206. Benton, M. M., 347. Blue Licks, battle of, 89. Boiling, R. R., 234. Boone, Camp, 258. Boone, Daniel, explorer, 64. Boone emigrates, 150. Boone seeks help, 156. Boonesborough, assaults on, 74, 78. Boonesborough convention, 69. Boonesborough laws, 69. Boonesborough, plan of Fort, 75. Boone's Station, 69. Border State compromises, 241. Bowman, J. B., 361. Boyle, General, 322. Boyle, Judge, 180. Bradford, Colonel (Dr.) J. T., 315. Bragg, General, enters Kentucky, 291- 294. Bragg at Perryville, 306. Bramlette, Governor, 337, 345, 350. Brandenburg, Morgan crosses Ohio river, 341. Breckinridge, John, 233, 234. Breckinridge expelled from United States Senate, 273. Breckenridge, Dr. R. I., 351. Breckinridge, William C. P., vi. Brownie, Colonel, vi., 351, 354, 407. Browne, Darnel, 245. Buckner, General, 247, 261. Buell, General, at Shiloh, 284. Buell, battle of Perryville, 306. Buell enters Louisville, 30i. Buell, retreat of, 300. Buell, retirement of, 317. Buena Vista, battle of, 203. Buffalo trails, 58. Burbridge, General, 346, 351, 355. Burial customs, 156. Burr, Aaron, 150, 152. Burt, Major, 340. Butler, General, 110. Butler, Maun, v. 430 INDEX. Cemetery, state, 213. Cheatnam, General, 307. Chenault, Colonel, 3iO. Cherokee Indians, 70. Chickasaw Indians, 81. Churchill, General, 292. Cincinnati, siege of, 298. Civil government, struggle for, 358. Civil War, attitude in, 23G. Clarke, George Rogers, 79, 81. Clarke, as French general, 128. Clarke, Judge, decision of, 179. Clay, candidate for President, 193. Clay, defeat of, 194. Clay, influence of, 18G, 381. Clay, Cassius M., 217, 218. Clay, Henry, defense of Burr, 153. Clay, Colonel Henry, death of, 210. Clay, Colonel Henry, Jr., 201. Cleburne, General, 192. Climate of Kentucky, 224. Cobb, How^ell, speech of, 249. Collins, Lewis, iv. Collins, R. H., iv. et passim. Commercial advance, 22G. Commonwealth, problems of, 121. Constitution, first, 121. Constitution, important points, 122. Constitution, first revision of, 145. Constitution, second revision of, 213. Con-stitution, difiiculty of changing, 210. Constitution, Federal, Thirteenth Amendment, 3C0. Convention, for separation, 96. Convention, general seces? ion, 102. Convention to form a Constitution, 107. Coombs, Leslie, 234. County system, 397. Court party, intent of, 106. Court, Supreme, power of, 123. Courts of justice, early, 112. Corydon, capture of, by Morgan, 341. Crittenden, General, 307. Crittenden, Senator, 238. Cumberland Gap, 285. Daxmlle, convention at, 102. Danville political club, 113. Davis, General J. C, 318. Debt of Kentucky to Virginia, 1. Debts, power to make limited, 215. Democratic clubs, 126. Democratic party, position of, in 1860, 232. Depew, Charles, employed by Genet, 128. Dosha, Governor, 180. Divorce, 408. Dixon, Archibald, 217. Donelson, Fort, 277. Draft for trooBs, failure of, 356. Dueling, 403. " Duke, General, v. Dunmore, Lord, 67. Durrett, R. T., 426. Duval, Allen, 347. East India Compant, effect of, on Virginia, 4. Elections, interference with, 334, 346. Emancipation convention of 1850, 231. Emancipation proclamation, 332. Emigration from Kentucky, 155, 222. Erie, Lake, battle of, 165. Estell's Station, 82. Evans, Lewis, map of Kentucky, 61. Ewing, General, 350. Explorations of Kentucky, 57. Fallen Timbers, battle of, 130. Falmouth, fight at, 317. Fayette County, 81. Fecundity of Kentucky people, 223. Federal Congress, address to, 104. Federal Congress, tax of, 174. Federal Congress, troops, call for, 242. Federal Congress, attitude towards slavery, 331. Filscn, John, iv. Financial management during civil war, 387. Fincastle Countv, Virginia, 79. Finnell, Adjutant-General, 267, 268. First Kentucky Confederate brigade, 376. Fitch, John, 174, 175. Floyd, General, 278. Forrctt, General, 353. Fortifications, previous methods, 75. Frankfort, attack on, 303. Franklin, abortive State of, 94. Freeclman's Bureau, 366. French ReA'olution, 148. Fry, General Speed, 351. Garrard, 268. Genet, Citizen, 127, 128. Geological Survey, first, 228. German settlers in Virginia, 11. Gilbert, Colonel, 335. Gilnian, General, 339. Girty, Simon, 83. Gooding, General, 307. Goodloe, W. C, vi. Gould, B. A., 372. Grant, General, at Paducah, 251. (rrant, General, at Donelson, 277. Greer., General, vi. Greenup, Christopher, 114. Guerrillas, 325. Haldeman, W. N.,271. INDEX. 431 Hinson, Colonel, 258. Hardee, General, 304. Harris, General, 300. Harrison, Colonel, 258. Harrison, General, 159, 192. Harrod, James, 67. Harrodsburg, 67. Harrodsburg, assault on, 73. Hawes, Governor (secession), 303. Hawthorne, L. R., 378. Henderson, Colonel, 69, 75. Henderson & Co., 08. Henry, Fort, loss of, 27G. Heth, General, 296, 297. Hewitt, Fayette, vi. Hicks, Colonel, 253. Hines, Captain (Judge), 341. Holder, Captain, 83. Home Guards, 207. Houston, General Felix, 193. Hull's surrender, 158. Illinois, expedition to, 79, 163. Immigration, 81, 108. Immigration, attitude of Kentucky to, 396. Independence, spirit of, 106. Indians, hmuanity of, 109. Indians, treaty with, 98. Inglis, Mary, captivity, 61. Innis, Henry, 104. Jacksox, General Antjrew, 185. Jackson, General James, 308. Jay, John, 100. Jefferson, Fort, 81. Jefferson, Thomas, 81. Johnson, G. W., 271. Johnson, Joseph, 361. Johnson, R. M., 193. Johnston, General A. S., 108, 193, 261- 2t53, 283. Johnston, Colonel J. Stoddard, 295, 320. Johnston, "W. P., 201. Kentucky Acadejiy, 139. Kentucky, area of, 24. Kentucky, agricultural products, 32. See, also, Appendir. Kentucky, absence of Federal aid in, 52. Kentucky, buffalo in, 46. Kentucky, behavior of troops, 163. Kentucky coal-beds, 38. Kentucky caverns, 42. Kentucky, civil law in, 402. Kentucky contingent in Mexican War, 201. Kentucky, conditions at settlement, 27. Kentucky, dueling in, 403. Kentucky earthquakes, 44. 28 Kentucky, elevation of, 24. Kentucky, English race not enfeebled in, 23. Kentucky and Federal government, 131. Kentucky, first Kentuckians, 45. Kentucky, French explorations, 48. Kentucky, geology of, 35. Kentucky, health of people, 32. • Kentucky, Indians in, 45. Kentucky, immigration to, 79. Kentucky iron ores, 38. Kentucky land system, 49. Kentucky, loss of life in Civil War, 380. Kentucky, mammoth, 41. Kentucky, mountains of, 26. Kentucky mound builders, 45. Kentucky, peculiarities of origin, 22. Kentucky petroleum, 39. Kentucky, position of people in 1861, 253. Kentuclcy, physical conditions, 24. Kentucky prairie land, origin of, 29. Kentucky, qualities of early people, 111. Kentucky salt licks, 41. Kentucky saltpetre, 43. Kentucky, separation from Virginia, 104. Kentucky, strategic position, 275. Kentucky, sympathy with Texas, 200. Kentucky County divided from Fin- castle, 73. Kentucky, Mammoth Cave, 42. Lebanon captured by Morgan, 290, 340 Legislature of 1861, 241, 247. Legislature, Confederate, 251. Legislature, conservative action of, 205. Legislature, intermittent session, 272. Legislature repeals expatriation acts, 307. Legislature, resolutions of 1801, 242. Legislature, session in Louisville, 322. Lewis, Colonel, 160. Lexington club, 128. Lexington, business of, in 1817, 176. Lincohi, President, 285, 358, 362. Lincoln County, 81. Literary fund, 178. Little, "William, v. Lpiching, 403. Lj-tle, General, 306. Magoffin, Governor, 233, 264, 321. Major, S. I. M., vi. Manson, General, 291, 293. Manufactures, early, 175. 432 INDEX. Marshall, H., General, 201, 210, 248. Marshall, H., Senator, 104, 122, v. Maryland, 21. Mason Comity, 108. Massachusetts, quarrel with, 185. McCarty, Clinton, 234. McCook, General, 307. McKee, Colonel, 201, 210. Measurements of men, 373. Meigs, Fort, 164. Methodists, first, 118. Methodists, revival, 147. Mexican War, 202. Miami expedition, 91. Michaux, F. A., 175. Military law, evils of, 335. Mills, Colonel, 161. Mills, Judge, 180. Mississippi, question of navigation, 99, 120. Mitchell, General, 307. Monetary crisis 1837, 189. Monetary crisis lc57, 220. Monetary system, 172. Money, cut, 191. Money for Civil War, 263. Money, Spanish, 173. Monterey, battle of, 203. Moore, Colonel O. H.,340. Morgan, General George H., 313. Morgan, General John H., 210, 258, 282, 288, 289, 290, 326, 329, 338, 342, 343. Morgan, Lieutenant Thomas, 341. Mount Stirling, 338. Negro testimony in the courts, 368. Nelson, General, 248, 273, 291. Neutrality in Civil War, 237, 249, 252, 381. New Orleans, 167, 171. Nicholas, Colonel George, 121. North Carolina and State of Frank- lin, 96, Oaths, degradation of, 322. Ohio, Indian fights in, 109. Old and new court, controversy, 180. Old and new court, final decision, 182. Old and new court, effects of decision, 183. " Old and New," magazine articles in, • 200. Onslow, Judge, 180. Pack saddle, use of, 58. Parties, division according to soil, 232. Patriot (journal), 181. Payne, General E. A., 351. Pegram, General, invades Kentucky, Perryville, battle of, 304. Pierce, H. B., Appendix. Pioneers, life of, 116, 117. Point Pleasant, battle of, 67. Political club, 113. Political club, debates of, 114, 115. Polk, General Leonidas, takes Co- lumbus, 250. Population in 1790, 108. Population in 1810, 155. Powell, Lazarus W., 217. Power, Thomas, Spanish agent, 132. Presbyterians, first, in Kentucky, 118. Proctor, General (British), 162. Provost marshal, 321, 333, 348. Public works, 189. QuAirriES of early Kentuckians, 111. Raisin, battle of, ICO. Reconciliaticn in 18C5, 361. Relief and anti-relief parties, 179. Relief party, removal of, in 1840, 190. Religious condition of pioneers, 118. Resolutions of 1798, 141, and Appen- dix. Resolutions of 1798, effort to repeal, 146. Revolutionary War, soldiers from, 21. Richmond, battle of, 291. Robertson, Judge, 347. Robinson, Camp Dick, 248. Robinson, Governor, 321. Roman Catholics, 118. Roman Catholics, community in Nel- son County, 119. Rosecrans, General. 338. Rowan, John, 180. &T. ASAPHS, 67. St. Clair's defeat, 110. Salem, fight at, 341. Sailing, J., 59. Sanitary commission, 372. Schoepff, General, 268. School system, 396. Scott, Colonel, 292. Scott, General, 219. Sebastian, Judge, 133, 154. Secession resolutions of '98, 144. Secession spirit of 1790 and 1861, 107. Secession, Wilkinson's scheme, 98. Separation from Virginia, 93, 94. Sevier, Governor, 96. Shawanee Indians, 60. Shelby, Governor, 124, 128. Sheridan, General, 300. Sherman, General W. T., 268. Shiloh, battle, 283. Shiloh, Kentucky loss, 285. Slavery, abolition of, 197. Slavery, conditions of, 196. INDEX. 433 Slavery, effects, 217, 224. Slavery, increase of, 195. . Slavery (auti-), 122, 148^ ^'^ Slaves, enlistment of, ^• Slaves, inattention to value of, in 1861, 254. Smith, Captain James, 64. Smith, General Kirby, 291, 313. Southern rights party, 232. Sovereignty convention, 240, 270. Spain, treaty with, 132. Spaniards, possessions of, 99. Spanish intrigues, 132. Speculation in 1830-1837, 188. Speed, Thomas, 113. State guard, 246, 257. States rights convention, 313. Steamboats, 174. Stephenson, General, 313. Stone River, battle, 338. Tax, Federal, 194. Taylor, General, 201, 203, 213. Tecumseh, 164, 166. Texas annexation, 200. Texas, war of, 193. Thames, battle of, 165. Thomas, General, 274, 301. Thompson, Christopher, 180. Thompson, E. P., history by, 258. Tilghman, General, 247, 277. Tippecanoe, battle, 155. Tirrill, General, 306. Transylvania University, 283,361, 400. Troops, call for, 264. Troops, organization of, 281. Troops, joining Bragg, 324. IJNrrED States Bank, 187. ViRGiNTA, awakening of, after 1790, 18. Virginia, claim on northwestern lauds, 53. Virginia compared with New England, 3. Virginia, character of settlers, 8. Virginia, dissolution of first company, 7. Virginia, education, 16. Virginia, effects of Alleghany Moun- tains, 14. Virginia, early explorations, 57. 28 Virginia, geographical condition, 9. Virginia, organization of society, 14. Virginia, pastors an<^^' O N O ;* cfl ^^-^K » ^0 '^..^^ %.^'' ' '^.^^ ^o. '^ ^''%. ^^ * • ^^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. |§ OCT 89 N. MANCHESTER INDIANA 46962 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 611450 7 J