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Parties wishing drafts or checks cashed, will tind Geo. Yost a most genial and obliging banker, at Theresa. N. Y- Canadian comers can choose between the river boats and tlie Grand Trunk Railroad, which huss the Canadian shore. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO. S STEAMERS. NAME. COMMANDERS. Brooklyn Harvey Brown Empire Ed. White City New York L. H. Waterbury Maine J. H. McCormick Nashua. John Landfair Lawrence Abner Reed Cleveland James Connors City Concord Charles Ely Lowell H. Bailey Granite State Wm. Garden St. Albans J. J. Knapp City Toledo D. H. Davis Milwaukee Wm. Leonard Champlain A. C. Chapman Garden City Alva Shaver Oswegatchie . . Ira Bishop Buckeye Chas. Christy *t THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. 21 THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. BY HON. CALED LVON. The Thousai;d Isles, the Thousand Isles, Dimpled the wave around them smiles, Kissed by a thousand red-lipped flowers, Gemmed by a thousand emerald bowers, A thousand birds their praises wake, By rocky glade and plumy brake, A thousand cedars' fragrant shade Falls where the Indians' children played ; And fancy's dream my heart beguiles While singing thee, the Thousand Isles. No Vestal Virgin guards their groves. No Cupid breathes of Cj'prian loves, No Satyr's form at eve is seen, No Dryad peeps the trees between. No Venns rises from their shore. No loved Adonis, red with gore. No pale Endymion wooed to sleep, No brave Leander breasts their deep, No Ganymede, no Pleiades — Theirs are a New World's memories. The flag of France first o'er them hung, The mass was said, the vespers sung. The freres of Jesus hailed the strands. As blessed A'irgin Mary's lands. And red men mutely heard, surprised, Their heathen names all christianized. Next floated a banner with cross and crown, 'Twas Freedom's eagle plucked it down, Retaining its pure and crimson dyes With the stars of their own, their native skies. There St. Lawrence gentlest flows. There the south wind softest blows, There the lilies whitest bloom, There the birch hath leafiest gloom. There the red deer feed in spring. There doth glitter wood-duck's wing, f* ^ 22 ' ALEXANBEIA BA Y AND There leap the muscalonge at morn, There the loon's night song is borne, There is the fisherman's paradise, ■^Yith trolling skifl" at red sunrise. The Thousand Isles, the Thousand Isles, Their charm frum every care beguiles ; Titian alone hath grace to paint The triumph of their patron saint. Whose waves return on memory's tide, LaSalle and Piquet side by side. Proud Frontenac and bold Champlain There act their wanderings o'er again; And while their golden sunlight smiles. Pilgrims shall greet thee. Thousands Isles ! BUILDERS OF THE THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE. Owners and Managers — O. G. Staples and C. A. Nott, Water- town, N. Y. Architect — Fred W. Brown, Albany, N. Y. ifa6'6>7i— Charles Englehart, Watertown, N. Y. Carpenters— ^o^\\ Dillenbeck, Antw^erp, N. Y.; Wm. Port, Watertown, N. Y. Tinners — Woolsey & Benedict, Syracuse, N. Y. Qas Fitter and Plumber — Alfred Tily, Syracuse, N. Y. Slate Roofing— W. G. Hitchcock & Son, Syracuse, N.Y. Stairs — S. B. VanDuzee & Co., Gouverneur, N. Y. Ornamental Iron Works— ^^ . D. AVilson, Watertown, N, Y. Carpets— K. T. Stewart & Co., New York. Furniture— S. C. Hayden & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Oas Fixtures— Tucker Manufacturing Co., New York. Crockery — Hopson & Shepard, Utica, N. Y. Silver TF«?'e— West Meridian Silver Co., Thos. Chalmers and Son, New York. —^ ■@" THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. Excursion Season of 1 8 7^. EoDie, Itertowii k OilisMi 1 1 The BEST, itUICKEST and 0\LY DIRECT ROUTE TO CLAYTON AND ALEXANDRIA BAY AND THE SPEEIVDID FISHI1\0 OROUXBS AMONG THE THOUSAND ISLANDS OF THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. This is the only all Rail Route to the St. Lawrence River by which Tourists and Excursionists can iiave a view of all of the TlK)usancl Islands from the fool of Lake Ontario, and avoid the tedious and uncomfortable lake trip Irom Lewi^ton, Toronto and Oswego. Also the very unpleasant transfer of two miles from the Grand Trunk Railwaj'' Station at Kingston to the Steamboat Landing- at a very unseasonable hour in the morning. The Steamer J. H. Kelly has been thoroughly overhauled, and refitted, and partly refurnished, which during the Sum- mer Season, will make two trips dail}^ (Sunday's excepted) between Alexandria Bay, Olaylon and Cape Vincent, connect ing with Express Trains of this Road to and from Cape Vin- cent. Arrangements have been made, commencing July 1st, to run Palace Drawing-Room Cars between Albany and Cape Vincent via Rome. Also between Niagara Falls and Cape Vincent via Syracuse Northern Railroad, without change. Tourists and Pleasure Seekers can leave New York nt G:00 p. M., in through Sleeping Car (breakfast at Watertown) f- ^ ^ "f" 4 ALEXANDRIA BA Y AND 24 and arrive at Clayton about 10:30 a. m., and Alexandria Ba}^ for an early dinner. Also, leave Albany by Day Express about 9:00 A. M., in through Drawing-Room Car, and Niagara Falls by Special Day Express at 7:30 a. m., via K Y. C. & H. R. R R., in through Drawing-Room Car, arriving at Cape Vincent from Albany, Saratoga, Niagara Falls and intermediate points, about 5:00 p. m., Clayton 7:00 p. m., Alexandria Bay 8:00 p. M , and those who desire can resume their trip the following morning, on one of the Royal Mail Line of Steamers through to Montreal, w^hich leaves Clayton about 7:00 a. m., and Alex- andria Bay 8:00 a. m. This Compan}^ offers to pleasure travel,via the St. Lawrence River, advantages and comforts superior to any other route, and by which persons can have a view of all of the Thousand Islands, and enjoy a delightful sail on Steamer Kelly from Cape Vincent to Clayton and Alexandria Bay. This Road is equip- ped with new and elegant Day Coaches and Drawing-Room Cars, with the most improved and best car couplings and pat. eut platforms, which combined with its Perfect Track enables the Company to run all their trains at a high rate of speed with perfect safety, which fact, with the shortness of the Line guarantees the arrival of passengers at their destination much sooner than can be attained over any other Railway. £xciirf!iioii Tickets to Clayton and Alexandria Bay and return. Also, Tickets to Montreal Quebec and White Moun- tains, and Round Trip Tickets via Montreal, Lake Cham- plain Lake George and Saratoga, &c., &c., can be obtained at all the principal offices and hotels in New York. Also at Philadelphia, Pa., Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Richfield Springs^ Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and all the Principal Stations of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.. The Syra. cuse Northern R. R. from Syracuse, makes direct connections with the Express Trains of this Company at Sandy Creek Junction. Pleasure Seekers and Fishing Parties will save time and money by securing tickets by this short and only direct route to the St. Lawrence River and Thousand Islands via Cape Vincent. H. T. FRARY, J. W. MOAK, GenH Ticket Agt. Gen'l Supt. -^ -4. THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. 25 SUMMER OF 1874. Syracuse Northern Railroad THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE FROM THE WEST To Aloxaiiftria Bay, Clayton, Tlie Tlioiisanfi Isiaiifls, AND MONTREAL. Pleasure parlies and tourists, who wish to avoid the disagree able trip ou Lake Ontario, and to enjoy the beauties of the St. Lawrence River, should take this route — making the whole length of the river to ;Mt)ntreal by daylight. Passengers can take the early mornh^g train from Niagara Falls or Buffalo, to Syracuse, (dining there,) and make close connections with the S. N. and R. W. & O. R. R.'s to Cape Vincent, there con- necting with steamer for Alexandria Bay — giving tourists an opportunity to pass the night on shore, and resume their trip to Montreal at their leisure, via Royal Mail Line of Steamers, which leave Alexandria Bay daily at 8 a. m. Drawing Room Cars are run daily via this route, between Niagara Falls and Cape Vincent. Tickets via this favorite line on sale at all principal offices, in the west and south\\-est, and on the line of the N. Y. C. and H. R. R. west of Syracuse. Be sure and purchase tickets via this route, and save time and money. Excursion Tickets to Alexandria Bay and return, on sale at reduced rates. C. B. MORSE, Sup't, Syracuse, N.Y. R. D. W. MANN, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Syracuse, N. Y. 4fe- ^ ^ r. "W' A'- \/ .^M^'» "^..^" ''^' »^,/?^- 0_^_^^^ oV-^^'» -^-^^^^^ •5^"^. 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