E nk. Copyright!^", CORfRIGHT DEPOSre HH f bl o s3 IT^O HISTORICAL NOTES EESPEOTINa THE AREA AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF TEE OTITED STATES AND ITS GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS, WITH THE STATISTICS OF AEEAS, FAMILIES, AND DWELLINGS. *^'iy^?'r7ii^'^^^-^"' t-i^Sk. %s?^^ i3Si3?r?5EEr:'^r:-:^aas UISTORIOAL NOTi ^.S RESPECTING THE ACQUISITION OF TERRITORY BY THE UNITED ST/ ^Tpo. rp„p KKl'CTION OF EXISTING AND OBSOLETE POLITICAL DIVISIONS OF THE UNITED S" ' ' ' THEIR SUCCESraVE CHANGES IN ORGANIZATION AND AREA/ x'ATES, AND I iCQtJISITION OF TElJlilTOEY BY THE UNITED STATES. CESSIONS TA' States 'u—rrioi- to 1781, six ouly of tbo origiual tliirteeu States, viz : Xoa r Hanipsliire IJliodu Islaiul, New Jersey, reiiu.- ylvania, llarylaiul, aud Delaware, bad exaetly denned boiiudaiies . Of the remainiiio- seven States, some claimed' to extend to the Tacific Ocean and others to the Mississippi Itiv er. The States with inexact boundaries ceded th .eir claims to lauds west of their present limits in succession, as ' .bllows : March 1 17 SI, New York. Marck 1, 1781, Virginia; the cession including the State of Kentu cky and the parts of the States of Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana Avliich lie south of the Eortyfirst parallel. Virgic ia reserved from this cession l.lOjOOO acres of land, near the rapids of the lUver Ohio, and about 3,500,000 acres hcU ,-ecn the Rivers Scioto and Miami for military boui ity lands. April 19, 1785, Massachusetts; including her, claims to territory west of t!ie present western bound'ary of the State of New York. September 11, l - 0 and Alt) ceded by Spain, lying between the Pearl and Peidido Eivers. The whole Territory has since been absorbed by the States of Alabaiua and Mississippi. Indiana.— By Act of May 7, 1800, to take effect July 4, 1800, formed as a Territory frora the Torritorv Northwest of the Eiver Ohio. It consisted of all of the last-mentioned territory west of the present eastern bound- ary of the State of Indiana extended northward to the international boundary line, (Ab, Ac, A<], Ae, C(j, IF, A', Y and Z.) By Act of April 30, 1802, that part [Ar, Bs) of the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio which was not included in the State of Ohio was annexed to the Territory of Indiana, which, by this increase, was extended eastward to include the whole of that now known as the lower peninsula of Michigan. By Act of March 20, 1804 to take effect October 1, 1804, (the act dividing the "Province of Louisiana," ceded by France, into the Territory of Orleans and the District of Louisiana,) the District of Louisiana, being all of the French cession west of the Mis- sissippi Eiver except the present State of Louisiana, (see cession by France, ah ^r,) was committed to the govern- ment of the oflicers of the Territory of Indiana. By Act of April 19, 1810, the southern portion of the Territory of Indiana was enabled to become a State. By Joint Eesolutiou of December 11, 1810, the same was admitted as a State. Ohio.- By Act of June 30, 1802, formed as a State out of that part (7? *•) of the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio, which remained after the erection of the Territory of Indiana, by excluding all of that remainder lying north of a line drawn due east through the southernmost extremity of Lake Michigan. By the Act of June 15, 183G, (the enabling act for the State of Michigan,) and the Act of June 23, 1830, the northern boundary of the State was "established by and extended to" a direct lino running from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the 57G HISTORICAL NOTES. most nortberly capo of Miami Bay, tbcnco in Lake Erie to tin 5 inteniatioiial bouiulary line and to the Peimsylvauia liuc. By this legislatiou B» was added to the State. Louisiana.— By Act of March 2G, 1804, to take effect October 1, 18 1, tho sonthern part (Am) of the "Province of Louisiana," ceded by France, was constitutei I the Territory of Orlcan.s, which, on tho cast of tho Mississippi Hiver, iucUiiled only tho land south of tho "Kivt rs Iber\illo and Amito and the Lakes Maurepas and routchartrain." By Act of February 20, 1811, the same was enabled to become a State; by Act of April 8, 1812, ♦o take effect April 30, 1S12, the same was admitted as a Stale, with the T.ame of Louisiana. By Act of April 14, 1812, there was added the territory [An) east of the Mississippi Eirer and north of tho '-'Eivers Iberville and Amite and Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain." Missouri.— By Act of March 20, 1804, to take e fleet October 1,1804, formed from the northern part of the "rroviiice of Louisiana," and styled the District of Louisiana, butcomm;.tted to the ft-overnment of the oflicers of the Territory of Indiana. Its southern boundary was tlio present .'joiilliern boundary of Arkansas, and it con- tained all the lands of tho United States west of the Mississippi Eiver not within the State of Louisiana. By Act of March 3, 1805, the samo vTas organized as the Territory of Louisiana- by Act of June 4, 1812, to take effect ou the lirst Monday of December, 1812, the same was reorganized as the Territory of Missouri. By Act of Mai'ch C, 1820, tho northern part, Ar, of the Territory of Missouri, bounded as the present State of Missouri, except on the west, where it was limiied by the meridian passing through tho conlluence of the Kansas and Missouri Eivers, was enabled to become a State under the name of Missouri. By Joint Eesolution of March 2, 1821, admission of the same as a State further provided for; by Proclamation of August 10, 1821, admitted as a State. By Act of June 7, 1S.3G, which took effect by the Proclamatiou of JIarch 28, 1837, the western boundary of the State was extended to the Missouri Eiver. MicmCvAN.— By Act of January 11, 1805, to take effect June 30, 1805, formed as a Territory from the Ter- ritory of Indiana. It then consisted of Bs, Ab, Ad, and Ar, being mainly that known as tho lower peninsula of Michigan, and bounded on the west and northwest by a line "through the middle of said lake [Michigan] north- wardly to its northern extremity, and thence duo north to the northern boundary of the United States, and on the south by a luio drawn duo east from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan." By Act of April 10, 1810, and Joint Eesolution of December 11, ISIG, Ab was taken into the State of Indiana. By Act of April 18, 1818, (the en- abling act for, the State of Illinois,) there was added to the Territory J.c, C(j, X, Y, and Z, being all that part of the former Territory of Indiana lying north of and not included in the State of Indiana, and tbat part of the Territory of Illinois which was not included in the State of Illinois. This addition extended the Territory westward to the Mississiyipi Elver. By Act of June 28, 1S34, there was added to the Territory the territory {Af, A(j, Ah, Ai, and i\") between the ilississippi Eiver on tho east and the Missouri and White Earth Eivers on the west, and between the. northern boundaries of tho States of Missouri audlUinois on the south and the international boundary lineou the north. The Territory then extended from Lakes Huron and Erie westward to the Missouri Eiver. By Act of June 15, 1S3C enabled to become a State as novf bounded ; by Act of January 26, 1837, the same was admitted as a State The remainder of the Territory of IMichigan was afterward absorbed by the States of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and a part (N) of the Territory of Dakota. Illinois.— By Act of February 3, 1809, to take effect March 1 , 1 S 9 , formed as a Territory from the Ter- ritory of Indiana; was then bounded on the east by the present eastern boundary of the State of Illinois, extended northward to the international boundary line, on the north by British America, and on the west and southwest by the IMississippi Eiver. By Act of April IS, 1818, enabled to become a State as now bounded ; by Joint Eesolution of December 3, 1818, tho same was admitted as a State. Mississippi.- By Act of March 1, 1817, formed from the western part^of the final Territory of Mis- sissippi and enabled to become a State; by .Joint Eesolution of December 10, 1817, admifted as a State. Alabama.— By Act of M a r c h 3 , 1817, formed as a Territory from the easi oru part of tho final Territory of ■Mississippi; by Act of March 2, ISIO, enabled to become a State; by Joint Eesolution of December 14, 1819, admitted as a State. AilKANSAS.— By Act of 51 a r c h 2,1819, formed as the Arkansaw Territory from the .southern part of tho Territory of Missouri; by Act of June 15, 183C, the samo Avas admitted as the State of Arkansas. Maine.— By Act of March 3, 1820, to take effect March 15, 18 20, admitted a,s a State; formed from Massa- chusetts. Florida.— By Act of March 30, 1822, made a Territory ; by Act of March 3, 1845, admitted as a State ; territory ceded by Spain. The Indian Country is a geographical but not an organized political division of the United States. By Act of June 3 0, 1834, regulating trade and intercourse with Indians, thi.s Country was declared to be "all that ^iBmmKmmimmm^amsmmmmmimmmmmmmummmmmamaBSBBmBssisssaai^ssssi's^ HISTORICAL NOTES. 577 part of tbe United States west of tlie Mississippi [River] and not witbiu tlie States of Missouri and Louisiana and the Territory of Arkansas." This Act limited the Indian Country on the east by tlie present western boundaries of the States of Missouri and Arkansas, and north of these boundaries by the Mississippi Elver, on the west by the racific Ocean, and ou the north and south by international boundaries. As the different tracts of land, which from time to time have been set apart, for the use of Indians, ou the east side of the Eiver Mississippi, have always been included within the boundaries of some political division, so this Indian Country on the west of this river was, when first bounded by the above-cited statute, identical in extent with the organized Territory of :Missoun. The Country and the Territory have alike suffered successive losses of the .same areas, and the Territory the loss of organization, until the government and the name of the Territory of Missouri have become obsolete, and the present Indian Country contains all of the land of the once Territory of Missouri which has not been abssol'bed by other political divisions. In ISiJO the boundaries of the Indian Country were as follows : On the east, the present western boundaries of the States of ^Missouri and Arkansas; ou the south^ the Eed lliver; on the west, the Twenty-third meridian (100th Greenwicli) as far north as the Arkansas lliver, and along that river to the intersection of the Eocky IMountains and the Twenty-ninth meridian, (lOCth Greenwichj) and along that meridian northward to the ]iroposed southern boundary of the original Territory of Nebraska, which became the northern- limit of this Country. AVithin these limits, however, is included that part of the territory ceded by Texas to the United States which was not included in the Territory of New Mexico, being a paicBl of land between the Arkansas lliver on the north and the present northernmost boundary of the State of Texas, and between the Twenty-third and Twenty-sixth meridians, (lOOth and 103d Greenwich.) Including this latter territory, the area of the Indian Country at 1850 was 19o,'27i scpiare miles. By Act of May 30, lS.j-1, the Territory of Kansas was erected, and its southern boundary, from the State of Missouri to the Twenty-third meridian, (lOOth Greenwich,) became the northern limit of the Indian Country. The limits of the Indian Country remain as they were left by that act; area, GS,991 square miles. A part of the territory above mentioned as ceded by the State of Texas was included in the Territory of Kansas. The residue, bounded on the north by the Territory of Colorado and the State of Kansas, on the east by the Indian Country, on the south by the State of Texas, and ou the west by the Territory of New Mexico, and included between 30° 30' and 37° of latitude and the Twenty-third and Twenty-sixth meridians, (lOOth and 103d Greenwich,) having an estimated area of 10,800 square miles, still remains an unorganized portion of the public donwin. In the coustructiou of the subsequent Area table, for couvenience, the area of this last-mentioned unorganized territory has been included in that of the Indian Country. Wisconsin.— By Act of April 20, 1836, to take effect July 3 , 1830, formed as a Territory out of lands orig- inally acquired by Treaty of Teace with Great Britain, in 1783, and other lands which were a part of the"^?rench cession. At the date of this act all these lands were in the Territory of Michigan. The part east of "tbe Missis- sippi, (X, Z, and Cij,) had formerly been su ccessively iu the Territory Northwest of the lliver Ohio, and the Territories of Iiuliana, Illinois, and Michigan. The part of the Territory [Af, A(j, Ah, Ai, and N) west of the Mississippi River had formerly been in the Territory of Mi shigan. As so constituted the Territory of Wi.scou.siu was bounded on the east, northeast, and on tbe south as far co the west as the Mississippi River by tbe present boundaries of the State of Wisconsin ; on the south, going westward from the Mississippi River, by thX3 present northern boundary of the State of Missouri ; ou the west by the Idissouri River, and ou the north by the international boundary line. By Act of June 11', 1838, all of tbe Territory {Af, Ag, Ah, Ai, and i\') west of the Mississippi IHver and of a line due uorth from the sources of that river to tbe iuternational boundary line, was taken to fomi the Territory of Iowa. By Act of August G, ISiC, the Territory tlius reduced in size was enabled to become a State, as now boiuided; by Act of May 20, 1848, admitted as a State. Tbe remainder of tbe Territory of Wisconsin not included iL the Territory of Iowa or iu tbe State of Wisconsin was, in 1840, included in tbe Territory of Minnesota. Io^yA.— By Act of June 12, ir,38, to take effect July 3, 1838, formed as a Territory from the Territory of Wisconsin, and included all tbe tei.Titory (4/, ^1(/,A/(,A(, and iV^) between the Mississippi and Missoiu'i Rivers and north of the present northern bou ndary of the State of Missouri. By Act of March 3, 1845, admitted as a State, [Af and Ah,) having tbe same boundf iries as at present, except that to the west the State extended only to the meridian of 17° 30', while ou the north it extended to tbe parallel passing through tbe mouth of tbe Maukato or .Blue Earth Eiver. By Act of August 4, 1^', 40, tbe State of Iowa was extended westward and restricted on tbe nc rtb to its present boundaries : by Act of December 28, 184G, re-admitted as so enlarged. Texas.— By Joint Eesoluti on of December 29, 1845, admitted as a State; had previously been t, u inde- pendent republic, and at an ea riier date a portion of Mexico. Okegon.— By Act of August 14, 18 48, formed as a Territory out of the French cession, exteudiuff ,fi'om the Forty-second parallel to 1 lie international boundary line, and from the PacKic Ocean eastward to the Rot'lv^ Mountains; area, 288,345 squ are miles. By Act of February 14, 1859, admitted as a State as now bounded ; are. b 73 taBSk. Ktm ■UM 578 HISTORICAL NOTES. 95,274 square miles. The part of the" Territory uot included iu the State, 193,071 square miles, {Bit, V, Ax, Hj, and Be,) became the original Territory of WasUiugton. Minnesota.— By Act of Marcli 3, 1819, formed as a Territory out of land east of tUc Mississippi Eiver ceded by Great Britain, which was first in the Territory Northwest of the Biver Ohio, afterward successively iu the Territories of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, (Z,) and out of other lauds west of the Mississippi Elver, ceded by France, which were successively in the Territories of Louisiana, (afterward organized as the Territory of I\ris.souri,) Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa, [N, Ai, and Ah.) At the passage of this act, this Territory consisted of the parts of the Territories of Iowa and Wisconsin which were not respectively included iu the States of the same names. As thus constituted the Territory extended from the northern boundary of the State of Iowa northward to the inter- national boundary line, and from the western boundaries of the States of Wisconsin and Iowa to the Missouri and White l^arth Elvers ; area, 105,491 square miles. By Act of ]?ebruary 20, 1857, the portion of the Territory east of the present western boundary of the State {Z, Ah, and ^ i) Was enabled to become a State; by iVct of May 11, 1858, the same was admitted as a State; area, 83,531 square miles. The palt of the Territory uot included iu the State, 81,900 square miles (X) became a part of the Territory of Dakota. California.— By Act of September 9 ^ 1850, admitted as a State ; from territory ceded by Mexico. Utah.— By Act of September 9, 1850, formed as a Territory, extending from the Eocky Mountains westward to California, and from the southern boundary of the Territory of Oregon-, being the Forty-second parallel, southward to the Thirty-seventh parallel ; area, 220,190 square miUjS. By Act Of February 28, ISGl, 29,500 square miles, (Z) set off to the Territory of Colorado. By Act of March 2; 18G1-, 10,710 square miles {Bf ) set off to the Terri- tory of Nebraska. By Act of March 2, 1801, 73,571 square miles {Bg) set off to thb Territory of Nevada. By Act of May 5, ISGG, 18,326 square miles {Bh) set off to the State of Nevada. By Act of July 25, 18GS, 3,580 square miles (Ct?) set off to the Territory of Wyoming. The remainder, 81,170 square miles, forms the present Territory of Utah. New Mexico.— By Act of September 9, 1850, which, by Proclamation of J3ecember 13, 185 0, was declared to take effect at the date of proclamation, constituted a Territory; extending from Califbtnia -eastward to the Twenty-sixth meridian, and from the northern boundary line of Mexico northward to the Thirty-seventt parallel, while between the Eocky Jlountains and the Twenty-sixth meridian it extended northward to the Thirty-eighth parallel; area, 21.''j,S07 square miles. By Act of August 1, 1851, the territory acquired from Mexico by the Gadsden treaty, 45,535 square miles {CJc and CI) was annexed. It thus had a total area of 201,342 square miles, wholly con- stituted from cef isious from Mexico and from the State of Texas. By Act of February 28, 1801, 14,000 square miles, (/] set off to the. Territory of Colorado. By Act of February 24, 1803, 120,141 square miles [E, Bi, and Glc) set off as the Territory- of Arizona, (see Arizona, i^osf,) leaving 121,201 square miles, the present area of the Territory. WAsniNCfxON.— By Act of March 2, 185 3, formed as a Territory from the Territory of Oregon, and included all of the Territory not afterward included iu the State of Oregon; area, 193,071 square miles, (B«, T, Ax, Bj, and Be.) By Act of March 2, 1801, 4,038 square miles {Be) set off' to the Territory of Nebraska, fey Act of March 3, 1.^63, all of its territory then east of the Fortieth meridian and the Snake Eiver, 118,439 square miles, set off to the Territory of Idaho, (see Idaho, xmst.) The remainder, 09,994 square miles, constitutes the present Terri- tory of Washington. Kijv^SAS.- By Act of M a y 3 0, 1854, formed as a Territory, extending from the western boundary of Missouri westward to the Eocky Mountains, then the eastern boundary of the Territory of Utah'; and from the Thirty- seventh northward to the Fortieth parallel, excepting that part of the Territory of New Mexico north of the Thirty- .seventh parallel; area, 120,283 sqnare miles, {E, J, Aj, and Ah) By Act of January 29, I80l, that portion of the Territory east of the Twenty-lilth meridian, 81,318 square miles, {Aj and Al,;) was admitted as a State. By Act of February 28, 1801, the remainder of the Territory, 44,905 .square miles, (if and J,) was included iu the Territory of Colorado. Nebraska.— By Act of May 30, 1854, formed as a Territory from the public domain included between the western boundary (mainly the Missouri and White Earth Rivers) of the then Territory of Minnesota and the .Ilocky Mountains and between the Fortieth parallel and the international boundary line : area, 351,558 square milcSj {Ay, A::, Be, B(l, K, 0, and P.) By Act of February 28, 1801, 10,035 square miles {K) set off to the Territory of Colo- rado. By Act of March 2, 18G1, 228,907 sqnare miles {0, 1', Aij, and Bd) set off to the Territory of Dakota. Hith- erto this area has been reported, officially as 244,942 S(iuare miles through failure to deduct 10,035 square miles mentioned above, which had beeui set off from the Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Colorado iu the mouth before the Territory of Dakota. Avas organized. By the same act the Territory of Nebraska received from the original Territory of Washington 4,038 square miles, {Be,) and from the Territory of Utah 10,740 scpiare miles, {Bf.) As thus constituted the Territory of Nebraska extended from the Missouri Eiver westward to the Thirty-third Kfa ""wmami HISTORICAL NOTES. 579 meridiau, and from the present nortliern boundary of the State of Xebraslca, and west thereof from the Forty-third parallel southward to the present southern boundary of the State of Nebraska, and west thereof to the Forty-first parallel ; its area was 121/J94 square miles. I3y Act of March 3, 1SG3, there were set off to the Territory of Idaho 45,999 square miles, made up— 1st, of 30,021 stpiare miles (7>'c') at first in the origiual Territory of Nebraska; 2d, of 4,038 square miles (Be) once iu the Territory of Oregon and afterward in the original Territory of Washington ; and, 3d, of 10,740 square miles {Bf) originally in the Territory of Utah. These reductions left the area of the Terri- tory of Nebraska 75,995 square miles. By Act of April 19, 1804, the same Territory enabled to become a State ; by Act of February 9, 1807, admitted as a State. Colorado.— By Act of F e b r u a r y 2 8, 1801, formed as a Territory with an area of 104,500 square miles, consisting— 1st, of 14,000 square miles (i) from the Territory of New Mexico j 2d, of 29,500 sipmre miles (7.) from the Territory of Utah; 3d, of 10,035 square miles (K) from the origiual Territory of Nebraska: and 4th, of 44,905 square miles (H and J) from the Territory of Kansas. Nevada.— By Act of March 2 , 1 S 1, formed as a Territory from a strip of the State of California and that part of the Territory of Utah west of the Thirty-eighth meridiau. California, however, has not ceded the part of her teiritoi y included in the statutory boundaries of Nevada ; area, exclusive of this pol-tiou of California, 73,574 square miles, {Bg.) By Act of March 21, 1SG4, enabled to become a State ; October 31, 1804^ proclaimed a State. By Act of May 5, 1800, there was added to the State of Nevada 18,320 .square miles (L'A) frOhi the. Territory of Utah, and 12,225 square miles (Bi) from the Territory of Arizona. Present .irea of the State of Nevada^ 104,125 square miles. Dakota.— By Act of March 2 , 1801, formed as a Territory, extending from the Western boundaries of the States of Minnesota and Iowa westward to the llocky Mountains, and from the present northern boundary of the State of Nebraska and to the west thereof from the Forty-third parallel northward to the interuatloiial .boundary Hue. It contiisted of the portion of the original Territory of Nebraska north of the last-mentioned boundAry-, 22l',907 square miles, (0, P, Ai/, and Bd,) and of all of the Territory of Minnesota remainiug after the erection of the State .of Minne- sota, 81,900 S(ptare miles, (N;) having thus a total area of 310,867 square miles. By Act of March 3, 1803, tht' Terri- tory of Dakota gave to the Territory of Idaho, of land at first in the origiual Territory of Nebiraska, 101,935 sq.'i^i'o miles, {B(l, P, and Ay.) Hitherto this area has been officially reported as 177,970 squate mileSj erroneously includir'o l(i,035 square miles (K) which had passed from the origiual Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Colorado beforO the organization of the Territory of Dakota. There then remained au area of 148,932 square miles. Hitherto this area has been officially reported as 150,932 square miles, which is the present area of the Territory of Dakota, the ditterence of 2,000 square miles (P) being accounted for by a strij) of the present Territory of Dakota west of the Ter- ritory of Wyoming, which, at the period referred to, was not embraced iu the Territory of Dakota. By Act of May 20, 1804, (the act erecting the Territory of Montana,) the Territory of Dakota received from the Territbry of Idaho — 1st, land whieh had been first in the origiual Territory of Nebraska, next in the Territory of Dakota, afterxthrd in the Territory of Idaho; in extent, 45,000 square miles, {Bd and P;) 2d, laud which had been at first iu the oHginal Ter- ritory of Nebraska, afterward in the Territory of Idaho; in extent, 30,021 square miles, {Be;) 3d, laud which had been originally in the Territory of Utah, next in the Territory of Nebraska, afterward in the Territory of Idaho; in extent, 10,7-40 square iiules, (iJ/'y) 4tli, land originally iu the Territory of Oregon, next in the original Territory of Washington, next iu the Territory of Nebraska, and afterward iu the^ Territory of Idaho; iu extent, 4,038 scpiare miles, {Be.) Total received from the Territory of Idaho, 91,005 square miles. The area of the Territory of Dakota was thus 240,597 square miles. By Act of July 25, 1808, tlie Territory of Dakota gave to the Territory of Wyom- ing 89,005 square miles, being all of the above-mentioned 91,005 square luiles, excepting 2,000 square miles (P) from the item 45,000 square miles. The present area of the Territory of Da'kota (150,932 square miles) is thus obtained, but a tract containing 2,000 ,s(piare jniles (P) lies separated fi'om the main body of the Territory by the eutire extent east to west of the Territory of Wyoming. The present area of i';he Territory of Dakota is made up of A^, 0, and P. Arizona.— By Act of February 24, 1803, formed as a Territory {E, Bi, and Clc) from the western part of the Territory of New Mexico ; area, 120,141 square miles. By Act of May 5, 180C, 12,225 square miles {Bi) set off to the State of Nevada. Preseiit area, 113,910 square miles. Idaho.- By Act of March 3, 1803, formed as a Territory ; then c-ousisted of— 1st, 118,439 square miles, (7, Ax, and Bj.) Hitherto this area has been officially reported as 123,077' sqU are miles through failure to deduct 4,038 square miles {Be) which, by Act of March 2, 1801, had been set off from the- original Territory of Washington to the T( rritory of Nebraska. It was at first a part of the Territory of Oregon, an .d next in the original Territory of Wash- ington, being what remained after the present Territory of Washington h: ul been carved from it, less 4,038 square miles above mentioned; 2d, of 101,935 square miles {Bd, P, and Jy)' once or the original Territory of Nebraska and subsequently iu the Territory of Dakota; 3d, of 30,021 square' miles {Be) directly from the Territory of Nebraska; KBaseor 580 HISTORICAL NOTES. 4th, of 10,740 square miles {Bf) originally in the Territory of Utah, afterward iu the Territory of Nebraska; 5tb, of 4,C3S S(iuare miles {Be) once iu the Territory of Oregon, next of the original Territory of Washington, and afterward of the Territory of Xebraska ; making the total original area of the Territory 320,373 square miles. By Act of May 20, 1SG4, the entire Territory of Montana, 143,770 square miles, {Ax and Ay,) was formed out of the Territory of Idaho. By the same act 91,00.j square miles (see Dakota, ante) further were set off to tlie Territory of Dakota, leaving an area of 90,'J32 square miles. By Act of July 20, 1808, 4,038 square miles (7^"} once in the Territory of Oregon, next iu the original Territory of Washington, and afterward in the Territory of Idaho, [not to be confounded with the 4,038 square miles {Be) twice mentioned just above,] were set off to the Territory of Wyoming. This transfer reduced the Territory to its present area, 80,294 square miles, all of which was once iu the Territory of Oregon, and after- ward in the original Territory of Washington. West Virginia.— By Act of December 31, 1802, declared to be a State,- to be admitted at a date sixty days after proclamation to be made by the President. By Proclamation April 30, 1803, said act made to take effect June 9, 1803; from Virginia; area, 23,000 square miles. Montana.— By Act of May 20, 18 04, formed as a Territory from thfe northeastern part of the Tenitory of Idaho. It consists— 1st, of 110,209 square miles, Ay, at first part of the original Territory of Nebraska, next iu the Territory of Dakota, and afterward in the Tenitory of Idaho ; and, 2d, of 27,-507 square miles. Ax, first iu the Territory of Oregon, next iu the original Territory of Washington, afterward iu the Territory of Idaho. Aggregate area of the Territory, 143,770 S(]uare miles. Alaska— By Treaty of M a y 2 8 , 1 S 7 , ceded by Eussia. A geographical bnt hot a political division of the United States. Area 577,390 square miles. Wyoming.— By Act of J u 1 y 2 5 , 18 68, formed as a Ten-itory from portibtfe bf the then Territories of Utah, Dakota, and Idaho, aggregating 97,883 square miles, as follows: 1st, 30,021 sqiiare miles {Be) once in the original Territory of Nebraska, next iu the Territory of Idaho, afterward in the . Territoiy of Dakota; 2d, 10,740 square miles {Bf) originally in the Territory of Utah, next iu the Territory of Nebraska, next in the Territory of Idaho, afterward in the Territory of Dakota; 3d, 4,038 square miles {Bj) once iu the Territory of Oregon, next iu the , original Territory of Washington, next in tlie Territory of Idaho; 4th, 43,000 square miles {Bd) at first in the ' original Territory of Nebraska, next in the Territory of Dakota, next in the Territory of Idaho, aftersvard in the Territory of Dakota ; 5th, 3,580 square miles {Cd) originally iu the Territory bf Utah ; Cth, 4,038 square aniles (Be) a tract the history and description of which are as follows : It is a. right-angled triangle, having for its baso the Forty- second parallel, its perpendicular the Thirty-third meridian, aud its irregular hypothenuse the crest of the Rocky Mountains. It was at first the extreme southeastern projection of the original Territory of Oregon. It then occupied the same relative position in the original Territory of Washington, which extended westward to the Pacific ! Ocean. It next became a part of the western extremity of the Territory of Nebraska, which reached eastward to the iMissouri River. It was next attached to Idaho, afterward to Dalcota, from which it was set off to WvoiL'ing, iwhere it remains for the present. The Territory of Wyoming, therefore, consists of two parcels from each of ihe orignuil Territories of Nebraska, Utah, aud Oregon; and, while it has" received no territory from Montana aad Colorado, which adjoin it on the north and south, it nevertheless contains lands which have at different times beeu comprised iu six other Territories, Dearly oie-lialf of the Territory having twice formed a part of Dakota. ■■■ ammmmmmmimmmmaastiji HISTORICAL NOTES. 581 DESCEIPTION OF PARCELS OP TEERITORT INTO WHICH THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN DIVIDED BY THE SUCCESSIVE BOUNDARIES OF POLITICAL DIVISIONS. Alabama, the State of: area, 50,722 square miles; is composed of il,-Z>, C, and D, ceded by the States of Georgia and South Carolina, and by Spain. A. Alabama, now in the State of: estimated area, 1,700 square miles. Being a strip of land twelve miles wide across the northern part of the State and adjoining the southern boundary of the State of Tennessee. Ceded by the State of South Carolina. Transfers : from the Territory South of the River Ohio to the Mississippi Territory and to the State of Alabama. B. Alabama, now in the State of: estimated area, 27,722 square miles. Lying between the States of Georgia and Mississippi and between A and a line drawn due east from the mouth of the Yazoo River to the Chattahoochee River. Ceded by the State of Georgia. Transfers: from the Mississippi Territory to the State of Alabama, C. Alabama, now in the State of: estimated area, 19,000 square miles. Between the States of Georgia and Mississippi and the southern boundary of B and the 31st parallel. Ceded by the State of Georgia. Transfers : from the Mississippi Territory to the State of Alabama. D. Alabama, now in the State of: estimated area, 2,300 square miles. Between the Perdido River and the State of Mississippi and between the 31st parallel and the Gulf of Mexico. Ceded by Spain, Transfers : from the Mississippi Territory to the State of Alabama. Alaska, (the unorganized territory o:^:) area, 577,390 square miles. Ceded by Russia. (See page 571.) Arizona, the Territory of: area, originally, 126,141 square miles. Consisted of U and U/; C'fc was added from Mexico and Bi was transferred to the State of Nevada; now consists of B and Ck; area, 113,910 square miles. Ceded by Mexico. Transfers: from the Territory of New Mexico to the Territory of Arizona. E. Arizona, now in the Territory of: estimated area, 82,381 square miles. All of the Territory north of the River Gila. Ceded by Mexico in 1818. Transfers : from the Territory of New Mexico to the Territory of Arizona. Clc. Arizona, now in the Territory of: estimated area 31,535 square miles. The part of the Territory south of the River Gila. Ceded by Mexico in 1853. Transfers : from the Territory of New Mexico to the Territory of Arizona. Arkansas, the State of, or the Territory of, (the Territory obsolete :) area, 52,198 square miles. The State and the Territory identical in extent. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the District of Louisiana to the Territory of Louisiana, to the Arkansaw Territory. California, the State of : area, 188,981 square miles. Ceded by Mexico. Colorado, the Territory of: area, 104,500 square miles. Composed of S, I, J, K, and L. Ceded by France and Mexico. E. Colorado, now in the Territory of: area, 4,000 square miles. Bounded on the north by tlie Arkansas River, cast by the 25th meridian, south by the 37th parallel, and west by the 2Cth meridian. Ceded by Mexico; also by the State of Texas. Transfers : from the Territory of Kansas to the Territory of Colorado. J, Colorado, now in the Territory of: area, 14,000 square miles, Bounded on the north and south by the 3Sth and 37th parallels, cast by the 2Gth meridian, and west by the Rocky Mouuta.ins. Ceded, the part north of the Ai-kausas River, (if any,) by France ; south of the river, by Mexico. Transfers : from the Tendtory of New Mexico to the Territory of Colorado. J. Colorado, now in the Territory of: area, 40,905 square miles. Bounded north by the 4(.»th parallel, east by the 25th meridian, south by the Arkansas River westward to the 2Gth meridian a.ud by the 3S th parallel, and on the west by the Rocky Mountains. Ceded from the original Territory of Kansas (being, with BT, the portion of the Territory of Kansas which was not included in the State of Kansas) to the Territory of Colorado. K. Colorado, now in the Territory of: area, 10,035 square miles. Bounded no rth and south Jjy the 41st and 40th parallels, east by the 25th meridian, and west by the Rocky Mountains. Ceded by France. Triinsfers : from the original Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Colorado. L. Colorado, now in the Territory of: area, 29,500 square miles. Bounded nort h and south by the 41st and 37th parallels, east by the Rocky Mountains, and west by the 32d meridian. Ceded b.y Mexico. Transfers : from the Territory of Utah to the Territory of Colorado. Connecticut, the State of: area, 4,750 square miles.- One of the original thirteen States. Daicota, the Territory of: area, 150,932 square miles. At first it consisted of N, 0, J', Bd, and Ay: area, 310,807 square miles; then Bd, F, zindAy were set off to the Territory of Idaho : area then, 148,932" square miles; next, Bd, P, Bo, Bf, and Be were received from the Territory of Idaho : area then, 240,597 square miles; next were trans- ferred to the Territory of Wyoming all of the parcels last above mentioned, excepting P. The Territory of Dakota now consists of N, 0, and P, 532 HISTORICAL NOTES. I N. Dakota, now m the Territory of: area, 81,0C0 square miles. Boumled uortU by the lOth parallel, cast by the western boundary of the States of Minnesota and Iowa, south by the Missouri Eiver, and west by the Missouri and White Earth Eivers. Ceded by France. Transfers: from the "Province of Louisiana" and the District of Louisiana (afterward successively called the Territory of Louisiana and the Territory of Missouri) to the Territories of Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and Dakota.* 0. Dakota, now in the Territory of: area, G6,'.)T2 square miles. Bounded north by the 49th parallel, east by the White Earth and Missouri Eivers, south by the present northern bouiulary of the State of Nebraska west of the mouth of Niobrara Eiver, and west by the 27th meridian. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the original Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Dakota. r. Dakota, now in the Territory of: area, 2,000 square miles. Bounded north by the parallel of -t-fo ;50', east by the 34th meridian, and south and west by the Eocky Mountains. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the orig- inal Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Dakota, to the Territory of Idaho, to the Territory of Dakota. Delaware, the State of: area, 2,120 square miles. One of the origiual thirteen States. District of Columbia, the : area, C4 square miles. Consisted of Co and Cn, 100 square miles. Ceded by the States of Maryland and Virginia; Cn, 30 square miles, was afterward receded to the State of Virginia. Florida, the State of, or the Territory of, (the Territory obsolete:) area, 59,208 square miles. Ceded by Spain as " East Florida." Georgia, the State of: area, 58,000 square miles. One of the origiual thirteen States. Was composed of U, B, C, As; and At; now composed of T and U. T. Georgia, now in the State of: estimated area, 1,500 square miles. Is a strip of land about twelve miles wide across the northern end of the State of Georgia, adjoining the States of North Carolina and Tennessee. Ceded by the State of South Carolina to the United States and received from the United States by the State of Georgia when the latter State made her cession to the United States. Transfers : from the Territory South of the Eiver Ohio to the State of Georgia, U. Georgia, now in the State of: estimated area, 56,500 square miles. Is the State except T, being the eastern part of the State as bounded when the State of Georgia ratitied the Constitution of the United States. Idaho, the Territory of: area, 80,294 square miles. At first it consisted of V, Be, Bj, Ax, Ay, P, Bd, Be, and Bf: area, 320,373 square miles; nest, Ay and Ax were taken from it to form the Territory of Montana, and Bd, 1', Be, Bf, and Be were set off to the Territory of Dakota; area of the Territory then, 90,932 square miles; and, lastly, Bj was transferred to the Territory of Wyoming. The Territory now consists of V, ceded by France. Transfers: from the Territory of Oregon to the Territory of Washington, to the Territory of Idaho. Illinois, the Territory of, (obsolete:) estimated area, 144,002 square miles. Was composed of W, X, Y, and Z; ceded by Great Britain and the State of Virginia. Transfers : from the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio to the Territory of Indiana, to the Territory of Illinois. Absorbed by the States of Illinois and Wisconsin, the State of Minnesota east of the Mississippi Eiver, and that portion of the State of Michigan west of the eastern boundary of the Territory. Illinois, the State of: area, 55,410 square miles. South of the 41st parallel ceded by the State of Virginia ; north of the same, by Great Britain. Ti'ansfers: from the Territory of Illinois, siq>ni. Indiana, the Territory of, (obsolete:) origiual estimated area, 205,151 square miles. Comprised W, X, Y, Z, Ab, Ae, Ad, Ac, aud C(j ; afterward Bs and Ar were added ; estimated area then, 220,194 srfuare miles. Ceded as was the Territory of Illinois, supra. Transfers : from the Territory Northwest of the Eivor 6hio to the Territory of Indiana. Absorbed by the States of Indiana, Michigau, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota east of the Mississippi Eiver, and by the parcel Bs, now in the State of Ohio. Indiana, the State of: area, 33,809 square miles. Composed of Ah and Ac. Ceded as was the Territory of Illinois, supra. Al). Indiana, now in the State of: estimated area, 1,200 square miles. Bounded on the south by a line drawn east from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the present eastern boundary of the State, a.Md on the east by the present eastern boundary of the State; on the north by a line di-awn due east and west ten milt s north of the southern boundary of this parcel; on the west by a line from the southern point of Lake Michigan noithward to its intersection with the northern boundary line of this parcel. Ceded by Creat Britain. Transfers: from the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio successively f,o the Territories of Indiana and Michigan and to the State o.f Indiana. Ac. Indiana, now in the State of: eslimated area, 32,009 square miles. Being the State of Indiana, less Ab, with the same transfers as Ab, except that if was never in the Territory of Michigan, * As all of the iiarcels of territory west of tlio Mi: 'sissippi River wliieli were ceded by France (sa^e tbat jiart of the State o f Louisiana lying west of the River Mississippi) wore successively in the Province, tLe District; aud the Territory of Louisiaun, mention of lliesc traus- fcrs will bo omitted iu subsequent descriptions of parcels. HISTORICAL NOTES. 583 iNDUN CorNTRY, the imorgauizcd : area, 08,991 sqnare miles, (See page 576.) Iowa, the Territory of, (obsolete :) estimated area, 194,53() square miles. Consisted of Af, Af/, Ah, Ai, and N. Absorbed by the State of Iowa, by that part of the State of Minnesota lying west of the Kiver Mississippi, and by the portion of the Territory of Dakota lying east of the Eiver Missouri. Iowa, the State of: area, 55,0-15 square miles. As first admitted consisted of AfandAh; now consists of J/ and Ag. Ceded by France. Af. Iowa, now in the State of: estimated area, 30,720 sqnare miles. Bounded north, east, and south by the present boundaries of the State, and on the west by the meridian of 17° 30'. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the Territory of Missouri successively to the Territories of Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and to the State of Iowa, A(j. Iowa, now in the State of: estimated area, 18,325 square miles. Bounded on the north and south by the present like boundaries of the State of Iowa, on the' east by the meridian of 17° 30', and ou the west by the Big Sioux and IMissouri Ilivers. Ceded by France. Transfers : the same as Af. Kansas, the Territory of, (obsolete:) area, 126,283 square miles. It consisted of ^, J,Aj, and A/v, Ceded by France, except ^ and AJc and the part of J south of the Arkansas Eiver, which was ceded by Mexico, The por- , tion ceded by France was originally in the " Troviuce of Louisiana ; '' the portion ceded by Mexico first appears in this Territory. Absorbed by the State of Kansas and a portion of the Territory of Colorado. I Kansas, the State of: area, 81,318 square miles. Consists of Aj and Al: Ceded, the part east of the 23d meridian and north of the Arkansas Eiver,- by France ; the remainder by Mexico; ] Aj. Kansas, now in the State of: estimated area, 73,512 square miles. Bounded north and cast by the present ' boundary of the State of Kansas, on the south by the present boundary of the State of Kansas westward to the 23d meridian, then northward on that meridian to and along the Arkansas Eiver, westward to the 25th meridian, which bounds this parcel ou the west. Ceded by France, Transfers : from the Territory of Missouri successively to the Territory of Kansas and to the State of Kansas, Al: Kansas, now in the State of: estimated area, 7,776 square miles. Bounded on the north by the Arkansas I Eiver, east by the 23d meridian, south by the 37th parallel, and west by the 25th meridian. Ceded by Mexico. I TrausiVrs : from the Terrihory of Kansas to the State of Kansas. i Kentucky, the State of: area, 37,080 square miles. Ceded by the State of Virginia, Louisiana, the Province of, (obsolete j) estimated area, 1,100,577 square miles, (See French Cession, page 573.) Louisiana, the District of, (obsolete:) estimated area, 1,122,975 square miles. Consisted of the then Territory of the United States west of the Mississippi Eiver not included iu the State of Louisiana. (See Indiana, page 575.) Loi'isiANA, the Territory of, (obsolete.) Same area as the District of Louisiana^ became the Territory of Missouri. Louisiana, the State of: area, 41,310 square miles. It consists oi Am and An. Ceded by France and Sj:)ain, Am. Louisiana, now in the State of: estimated area, 37,002 square miles. Comprehends all of the State of Louisiana except the po^rtion east of the Mississippi Eiver and north of the " Elvers Iberville and Amite and Jjakes Maurepas and I'ontchart.rain." Ceded by France. Transfers : from the Province of Louisiana to the Territory of Orleans, to the State of Louisiana, An. Louisiana, now in the State of: estimated area, 3,711 square miles. Being the part of the present State t<| of Louisiana not included in Am. Ceded by Spain. Maine, the State of: area, 35,000 square miles. Ceded by the State of Massachusetts. The portion of the State of Maine west of the Eiver Kennebec and north of a right line connecting a point on that river one hundred and ^ twenty miles from its m outh, Avith a point an equal distance from the mouth of the Piscataqua Eiver, and in the U general direction of that river projected northerly, appears never to have been within the old British Province of \ |]\Iain, or of Massachusetts Bay, or in the State of Massachusetts. If so, the title to this tract of land was vested Indirectly in the United States by the Treaty of 1783, with Great Britain. || Makyland, the State of: area, 11,124 square miles. One of the original thirteen States. Originally, was Ap and Co. The District of Columbia, (Co,) 04 square miles, was ceded by the State of ^Maryland to the United States, Massachusetts, the State of: area, 7,800 square miles. One of the original thirteen States, and then con- sisted of Ao and Aq. (See- Maine.) After legislation granting and receiving sovereignty and jurisdiction by the States jroucerned, and after con^-;ent to the cession by Congress, the southwestern extremity of the State of ^Nlassachusetts lUnown as the District of Boston Corner was, by the Proclamation of the Governor of the State of Massachusetts, I 'dated January 11, 1855, declared ceded to the State of New York, Pursuant to an Act of the Legislatm-e of Massa- , j:;husetts, passed April 10, 1801, and to a Decree of the Supreme Court of the United State^ in the December term of iSGl, the boundary between the States of Massachusetts and Ebode Island was so adjusted that these States inter- hanged parcels of territory. These two transactions transferred areas too small for further description, or for nscrtion in the succeeding table of parcels, or for delineation ou the map of parcels. 3 1 1 584 HISTORICAL NOTES. Michigan, the Territory of, (obsolete:) at first cousisted of Ab, Ad, Ar, and Bs ; estimated area, 41,243 square miles; next Ae, Cg, X, Y, and Z were added, and Ah was subtracted; estimated area then, 130,975 square miles ; afterward Af, Ag, Ah, At, and N were added, iucreasiiig the area to 331,511 square miles. The Territory is now covered by the States of Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, by parts of the States of Ohio and Indiana, {Bs and Ah,) and by the part of the Territory of Dakota which lies east of the Missouri and White Earth Rivers. Michigan, the State of: area, 50,451 square miles. Consists of Ad, Ac, Ar, and Y. Ceded by Great Britain. Ad. Michigan, now in the State of: estimated area, 19,000 square miles. Bounded on the south by a line drawn duo east through a point ten miles north of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the eastern bound- ary of tlic State of Indiana, on the 'east by said boundary of Indiana extended northward until it intersects the western boundary of this piece of teiTitory, which begins on the southern boundary of this parcel and runs north- wardly through the middle of that lake to the point of intersection witli its eastern boundary. Ceded by Great Britain. Transfers: from. the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio successively to the Territories of Indiana and Michigan and to the State of Michigan. Ar. Michigan, now in the State of: estimated area, 20,443 square miles. Being all of the State of Michigan east of the eastern boundary of the State of Indiana extended northward to the international boundary line. Same cession and transfers as Ad, Ae. Michigan, now in the State of: estimated area, 7,iS0 square miles. Consists of all the territory (except Cg) bounded on the east by the western boundary of Ar, on the north by the international boundary line, on the west by the meridian of the eastern boundary of Illinois, on the south by the northern boundary of Ah. Same cession and transfers as Ad. Y. Michigan, now i'u the State of: estimated area, 9,828 square miles. Bounded on the east by the western boundary of Ac, on the north and northwest by the international boundary line, on the south and southwest by the State of Wisconsin. Ceded by Great Britain. Transfers : from the Territory Northwest of the Ifiver Ohio suc- cessively to the Territories of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, and to the State of Michigan; Minnesota, the Territory ol> (obsolete:) area, 105,401 square miles. Consisted of N, Z, Ai, and ^1/;. Absorbed by the State of Minnesota and that portion of the Territory of Dakota lying east of the Missouri Eiver. Minnesota, the State of: area, 83,531 square miles. It consists of Z, Ah, and Ai. Ceded, east of the Missis- sippi Itiver, by Great Britain; west, by France. Z. Minnesota, now in the State of: estimated area, 20,000 square miles. Bounded on the north by the inter- national bonudary line, on the east by the boundaries of the State, on the west by the Mississippi PJver and a line drawn due north from its source to the international boundary line. Ceded by Great Britain. Transfers: from the Tin-iitory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio successively to the Territories of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, WiscouFiu, and Minnesota, and to the State of Minnesota. Ai. Minnesota, uow in the State of: estimated area, 50,475 square miles. Bounded on the north by the inter- national boundary line, on the east by a line drawn from the international boundary line due south to the source of the Mississippi Kirer, and by the Mississippi Eiver, southward to and along the northern boundary of Ah, to and southward along the meridian of 17° 30', to and westward along the parallel of 43° 30' to the western boundary of the State of Minnes.ota, and on the west by the western boundary of the State of Minnesota. Ceded by France. Transfers: from the Territory of Missouri successively to the Territories of MicLigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Min- nesota, and to the State of Minnesotii. Ah. Minnesota, uow in the State of: estimated area, 7,050 square miles. Bounded on the north by the par- allel passing through the confluence of the Blue Earth or Maukato and the Minnesota Elvers, on the east by the Mississippi Elver, on the south by the parallel: of 43° 30', and on tlie west by the meridian of 17° 30'. Ceded by . Irauce.^ Transfers: from the Territory of aOssouri to the Territories of Mick'gan, ATisconsin, and Iowa, to the State ot Iowa, again to the Territory of Iowa, to the Territory of I\Iinnesota, and to the State of Minnesota. : Mississippi TekbitoPvY, (obsolete:) at first consisted of G and At; estimated area, 33,950 square miles: after- Z^^tf' ^' ^^*'' ''^"^^ ^''" '^'^^'^ Jirttled; estiraat,ed area, 91,978 square miles: afters rard I) and Ait were added; area, Ji,btS square miles. The eastern part becai ae the State of Alabama and the wes tern the State of Mississippi. Mississippi, the State of: area, 47,150 s(iuare miles. Consists of ^s, At, An, and Cm. Ceded by the States of South Carolina and Georgia, and by Spain. l' Cm. Mississippi, uow in the State of:, estimated area, 1,700 square miles. A strip of laud twelve miles wide I across tie northern part of the State of Mi: jsissippi, next the State of Tennessee. -Ceded by the State of South Car- i o ma. Iransfers: from the Territory Sout h of the Eiver Ohio to Mississippi Territ Jry and the State of Mississippi. Ir ^ ^ f' f ''^"'^'I'l*'' ™^^ '" ^he State of: estimated area, 20,900 square miles. Lh ?s south of Cm and north of A^ l.eued by the State of Georgia. Transfers,- li-om Mississippi Territory to the State of Mississippi. HISTORICAL NOTES. 585 At. Mississippi, now in the State of: estimated area, 14,95G square miles. South of As, and bounded on the north by a line drawn due east through the month of the Yazoo Eiver and on the south by the 31st parallel. Ceded by the State of Georgia. Transfers: from IMississippi Territory to the State of ]Mi88issippi. Ati. Mississippi, now in the State of: estimated area, 3,G00 square miles. All of the State of Mississippi south of the 31st parallel. Ceded by Spain. Transfers : from JMississippi Territory to the State of Mississippi. Missouri. Territory of, (obsolete:) estimated area, 1,122,975 square miles. Was a reorganization of the Terri- tory of Louisiana with the same boundaries. Consisted of all of the " Province of Louisiana " except Am. Missouri, the State of: area, 05,350 square miles. Consisted first ofAv; afterward Aie was added. Av. Missouri, now in the State of: estimated area, G2,1S2 square miles. Is the State of Missouri east of the imeridian passing through the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Elvers. Transfers : from the Province to the District and Territory of Louisiana, and to the Territory and State of Missouri. Was the original State of Missouri. Aw. Missouri, now in the State of: estimated area, 3,1GS square miles. Consists of all of the State west of Av. Transfers; same as Av, except that it was not in the original State of Missouri. Montana, the Territory of: area, 143,770 square miles. Consists of Ax and Aij. Ceded by France. Ax. Montana, now in the Territory of: area, 27,507 square miles. Bounded north by the 49th parallel, east oy the IJocky IMountains to their junction with the Bitter Boot Mountains, west by the Bitter Boot Mountains to the 39th meridian, and on that merulian northward to the 49tli parallel. Ceded by France. Transfers! from the jTerritory of Oregon to the original Territory of Washington, to the Territory of Idaho, to the Territory of Montana. Ay. Montana, now in the Territory of : area, 110,209 square miles. Bounded north by the 49th parallel, east by the 27th meridian, south by the 45th parallel to the 34th meridian, southward on that meridian to the parallel if 443 30/, westward on that parallel to the Rocky Mountains, and on the west by the Rocky Mountains. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the original Territory of Nebraska to the Territories of Dakota, Idaho, and Montana. Nebraska, the Territory of, (obsolete.) At first consisted of Az, K, 0, Be, Bd, P, and Ay; ai-ea, 351,558 square udes; then K was set off to the Territory of Colorado; area then, 335,523 square miles; next, 0, P, Aij, and Bd cere set off to the Territory of Dakota, and at the same time Be was added from the Territory of Washington, Bf rom the Territory of Utah; area then, 121,994 square miles; next, Be, Be, and i?/were set off to the Territory of daho. The remainder of the Territory, area, 75,995 square miles, became the State of Nebraska. Nebraska, the State of: area, 75,995 square miles. Ceded by France. Nevada, the Territory of, (obsolete :) area, 73,574 square miles. Consisted of Bfj. Ceded by Mexico. Trans- i'ers : from the Territory of Utah to the Territory of Nevada. 1 Nevada, the State of : area, 104,125 square miles. Consists of 5(7, £/i, and i?/, I Bg. Nevada, now in the State of: area, 73,574 square miles. Bounded north and south by the 42d and 37th ^ arallels, east by the 38th meridian, and west by a part of the eastern boundary of the" State of California. Ceded iy Mexico. Transfers : from the Territory of Utah to the Territory of Nevada, to the State of Nevada. Bh. Nevada, now in the State of: area, 18,320 square miles. Bounded north and south by the 42d and 37th arallels respectively, east and west by the 37th and 3Sth meridians respectively. Ceded by Mexico. Transfers: •om the Territory of Utah to the State of Nevada. Bl. Nevada, now in the State of: area, 12,225 square miles. Bounded north by the 37th parallel, east by the ith meridian, southeast l)y the Colorado River, and west by the boundary line of the State of California. Ceded y Mexico. Transfers : from the Territory of Arizona to the State of Nevada. New Uampshike, the State of: area, 9,280 square miles. One of the original thirteen States. It seems that le portion ot the State of New Hampshire which is north of the 45th parallel was not in the British Province of- I ,^ew Eampshire. If so, the title to this parcel was vested directly in the United States bv the Treatv of 178;j with t reat Britain. INew Jersey, the State of: area, 8,-320 square miles. One of the original thii-tecn States. New Mexico, the Territory of: area, 121,201 square miles. At first consisted of Bm, Bi, B, and /; area, 215 807 luare miles; afterward were added Ck and CI, part of the first cession from 3Iexico; area then, 201,342 square I nles ; tirst, I was set off to the Territory of Colorado ; area then, 247,342 square miles ; next, B, Bi, and CIc cut off , > torin the Territory of Arizona. Ceded by Mexico and by the State of Texas _ Bm. New Mexico, now in the Territory of: estimated area, 107,201 square miles. The Territory north of the Gila _ iver and east ot the western boundary of the former Mexican Territory of Ne^r Mexico. Ceded by Mexico in 1848. ■ n ^*^y ^^*^^;<=«' "o^v in the Territory of: area, 14,000 square miles. ' All of the Territory of New Mexico, except ^ m. Ceded by Mexico in 1853. ^ ^r^J^j^' ^^l ^^T ""^V'"-'"' '^''^^^ ''^""'^ ""^'-^'' ^"'^ ^f the original thirteen States. Originally consisted • Bn and Bo. (See Massachusetts, a«fe.) ■B 536 IIlSTORICxVL NOTES. :5f0RTH Carolina, the State of: area, oO,10i square miles. Oue of the origiual thirteen States. At first con- sisted of Bj) and Bq. . , ^ „ Ohio, the Territory Nortliwest of the Eivcr, (obsolete:) estimated area, 2G5,5.-,8 square miles. Consisted ot all the parcels west of the western boundary of the State of rennsylvaiiia, and between the Ohio and Mississippi Elvers, now covered by the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and that part of Minnesota east of the Mississippi Eiver and of a line drawn north from the source of the Mississippi River to the international boundary line. See the notes respecting each of the States included within the Territory. Ouio, the Territory South of the Iliver, (obsolete:) estimated area, SS,1S0 s-piare miles. Consisted of the terri- tory now covered by the States of Kentncky and Tennessee, and Cm, A, and T, now in the States of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Ohio, the State of: area, 39,901 square miles. Formed as a State from the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio. Consisted of Br. Afterward Bs was added. Br. Ohio, now in the State of: estimated area, 39,364 square miles. The portion of the State south of a line drawn due cast through the southernmost extremity of Lake Michigan. Ceded north of the fist parallel by Great Britain, south thereof by the State of Virginia. Transfers : from the Territory Northwest of the Elver Ohio to the State of Ohio. Bs. Ohio, now in the State of: estimated area, 600 square miles. Bounded south by Br, and on the north by a line from the .southernmost point of Lake Michigan to the northernmost point of Miami Bay. Ceded by Great Britain. Transfers: from the Territory Northwest of the Eiver Ohio to the Territory of Michigan, to the State of Ohio. Oregon, the Territory of, (obsolete:) area, 288,345 squarfe miles. Originally composed of Bt, Bu, Y, Bj, Be, and Ax, being all of tlie then Territory of the United States north of the 42d parallel and west of the Eocky Moun- tains ; next, Bu, Y, Ax, Bj, and Be were cut off to form the original Teriitory of Washington. The remainder of the Territory became the State of Oregon. Ceded by France to the United States. Transfers : from the Territory of Oregon to the State of Oregon. OiJECxON, the State of: area, 05,274 square miles. Ceded by France. From the Teriitory to the State of Oregon. Orleans, the Territory of, (obsolete :) estimated area, 37,002 scpiare miles. Ceded by France. Transfers : from the " Province of Louisiana," and became the first State of Louisiana. Pennsylvania, the State of: area, 46,000 square miles. One of the original thirteen States. "Was Bv; after- ward Cj) WJis'aflded. Bl< Pennsylvania, now in' the State of: area, 45,084 square miles. All of the State south of the 42d parallel. Is the original State of Pennsylvania. Q). Pennsylvania, now in the State of. All north of the 42d parallel and west of the State of New York: area, 310 square miles. By the cess::on of the State of New York in 1781, and of the State of 3Iassachusetts in 1785, the United States acquired title to this parcel of territory. By Eesolution of Congress, passed June 0, 1788, the right of soil was conditionally sold to the State of Pennsylvania, and a survey of the parcel was ordered. By Eesolution ot September 4, 17SS, the right of .government and jurisdiction was relinquished to the State of Pennsylvania. By Treaty, made January 9, 17S9, between the State of PennsylvauLa, and the Six Nations, the Indian title to this parcel was vested in the State of Pennsyhrauia. By Act of Congress, passed -lanuary 3, 1702, the President was authorized to issue letters-patent granting this parcel to the State of Pennsylvania. Such letters-patent were issued ]Maich 3, 1792. Ehode Island, the State of: area, 1,306 square mUes, One of the original thirteeu States. See ^Massachusetts. South Carolina, the State- of: area, 34,000 square miles. One of the original thirteen Statos. Previous to her ratification of the Constitution of the United States cou.sisted of Bx, Cm, A, and T. Tennessee, the State of: area, 45,000 square miles. Formed from territory ceded by the State of North Carolina. Texas, the State of: area, 274,356 square miles. Once a province of Mexico ; achieved her independence from Mexico. Was admitted -as a State, and ceded to the Uurited States her lands west of the 27th meridian, now in the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico. Unorganized Territory West of the Indian Ccittntry: estimated area, 10,800 square miles. Bounded by 30° 30' and 37° of lat itnde and the 23d and 2Gth meridiii.ns. Ceded by Mexico. (See Indian Country, page 570.) Utah, the Terrifajry of: area, 84,476 stpiare miles. Originally included Bs, Bv t,,.^-:,^'^''"','""' ''""^ ''' *^^ Territory of: area, 43,660 square miles. Bounded north by the 4oth parallel, east Zln- -'^^'^'^f f "' ^<^"th by the 43d parallel, and west by the Rocky Mountains, mkI at the northwest by the 34th T^'T' it ^^ '""'"• ^^^''^f*^^''^ = fi'O"^ «'« Territory of Nebraska to the Territory of Dakota, to the Terri- toiy of Idaho, to the Territory of Dakota, to the Territory of Wvoming. Monni^L^'lrTT^'T^!!] *^' ^''''*'''^ ''^'- "*"""' ^'''^^ '^"''"^ "^""■^- ^°""''-^'^ «'^ the northeast by the Rocky inaTT^H ^r . n'^ '' ^"'""'^'' "°' ""''' ^^ '''' '''' ■"^"'^•'^"- ^'^'^"^ ^'•^' I^-nce. Transfers: from the orig ond ho tn / 't T" *.' ''' '"^'"'' '^''''''''' '^ ^^^«^^i"gton, to the Territory of Nebraska, to the Territory ox Idaho, to the Territory of Dakota, to the Territory of Wyoming. 41.f nnffii y'^^'"^"^' now i n the Territory of: area, 10,740 square miles. Bounded nor,:h and south by the 42d and ; ' T t' Z'^'"^''''^"' ^''* ^'^' ^^' l^°^'^'y Mountains, and west by the 33d meridian. Ceded by Mexico. Trans- o tli. T "' > 7T^' ""'' ^*''^' *° *^' ^"'"^^^y ""^ ^^ebraska, to the Territory of Idaho, to the Territory of Dakota, to the lerntory of Wyomiu r. ' '' ' •tains .m;f KcDtuekj-, tbo State* of Al 11 ilaiuc, tbe State of Ap,Co Ao, Aq (♦)... . Id.... Id.... Id Id Id Ao, Aq.. Ap I'd Id Id Id /(( 14 ilicblgan, tbe Territory of ■^^ 1(1 Minnesota, tbe Territory of 37 1^ 10 41 Missouri, tbe State of 4-:i 41 41 Nebraska, tbe State of 4'i Nevada, tbe Territory of 4fi Ek Id .... Id.... Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id I'l Bl Id 41 New Me.\ico, tbo Territory of sn New York, tbe State of l)n,lio(*) Bp, Bq Bn,Eo. Id.... Id Id Id Id Id Id En Id Id Id S1 North Carolina, tbe State of Id Bp Obio, tbe Territory Kortbwcst of tlie Eiver ■W,X,Y,Z,Ab,Ao,Ad, Ae,Ar,Br,Bs,Cg. Id Eq,AI,T,A,Cm.. Eq, T. A, Cm rii Obio, tbe State of ■i") Oregon, tbe Territory of "ifi Oregon, tbo State of ST Orleans, tbe Territory of Bv Id.... Id.... Id.... Id Id Id Id Id Id Jd 1,1 Id Id Id 5v, Cp •\<\ Kbodo Island, tbe State of Ew Id Id (in Soutb Carolina, tbo State of Ex, T, A, Cm.. Bx Id Id (;i Bo Id Id m; Tirgiuia, tbe State of Cc,Cn,Cr,Al(l) Id.... Co,Cn,Cf,Al Id Id co,cr, Ai fn (Is West Virginia, tbe State of n'l 7(1 71 ::: ^ n ;v 1 DIVISION OF THE UNITED STATES WAS COMPOSED AT SPECIFIED DATES. 589 1796 179S 1800 1802 1803 1S04 ISOS 1809 1813 1816 1817 A,B,C,D Id Id JI Id Id... Id Id Id Id Id 10 Id Id Id Id Id Id Id... Id... Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id 14 Id tr, B.As. Id T,U Id... Id Id Id Id Id ^y, X, T,z. Id Id Id 17 Ifl Ab, Ac, Ad, Ae, Cg,X,T,Z,W. Ab.Ao, Ad.Ae, Ck, X,Y,Z,W,Ar,Bs. Id... Id(") Ac, Ae, Cg, X, T, Z, W. Ac,Ae,Cg, Ae, Cg Ab, Ac T) Id ■^n "1 no "1 'H 95 Id Id Id Id Id ... (!) Id Id Id vr, fl7 (5) "fl (§) oq Am, An Id nn HI Id Id Id Id Id Id Id Id... Id... Id Id Id Id Id Id Id ._ Id ;i2 Id Id Id Id Id Id :!3 All, Ab.Ar.Bs. Ad, Ar,B3.... Id 34 3,1 M .37 C, At... Id Id Id... C, At, Cm, A.s, A,B. Id C, At, Cm, As, A, B, D, Au. Id 3R Cm,At,As,Ati. Id 3R (5) Id 4n 41 4-2 V 43 44 4." 4r Id Id Id Id Id Id Id... Id ... Id Id Id , Id Id Id Id Id 47 Id 4fi 4!1 Id .... __ Id.. " Id "" T,A,Cm. Id Id Id Id Id... Id... Id Id Id Id Id 50 Id .11 rt'2 As, A, Cm, B (H).... Br 53 Id... Id ■ Id Id Id Id . Id 54 ,'.( Am Id 5- Id Id Id i!q Id Id Id Id Id... Id ... Id... Id... Id Id ...:.... Id Id Id Id Id 5t Id Id Td 5£ Id Id Id Id I i CiC Id Id Id Id Id C fi n Id Id Id Id Id Id... Id... Id Id Id Id Id Id Id — Id — (i.i Id Id id Id Id M r.7 r,a fit) 70 71 (II) The Sp.iDish province of East Florida -waa S, now the State of Florida, and of West Florida was D, Au, and An, respectively in the States of Ala., i tiss., and La. iniiiJwfimHiti««TgffWMH' )yo TABLE SHOWING PARCELS OF TERRITORY OF WHICH EACH POLITICAL NOTE.-Thc foot-nots-s to the tliiiJ and fourth pages of tliis table, having tho reference marks (*,) (V..) (II,) and (**,) are on page 587. Al.ibama, the Territory of Alabama, the State of Alaska, the unorganized territory of. Arizona, the Territory of Arkanaaw Territory Arkansas, the State of California, the State of Colorado, the Territory of Connecticut, the State of Dakota, the Territory of Pelaware, the State of . . Dish'ict of Columbia Florida, the Territory of. Florida, tho State of Georgia, the State of Idaho, the Territoiy of. . Illinois, the Territory of . , Illinois, tho State of Indiana, the Territory of. . Indiana, the State of Indian Country Iowa, the Territory of — Iowa, tho State of Kansas, the Territory of .... Kansas, the State of Kentucky, the State of Louisiana, the Province of . . Louisiana, the District of Louisiana, the Territcry of. . Louisiana, the State of Maine, the State of Maryland, the Sta te of Massachusetts, t'ue State of. Michigan, the Territory of .. 1S19 1820 1S31 Michigan, the Stat« of.. Minnesota, the ?i.'erritory of. . Minnesota, the r.5tate of Mississippi Temtory Mississippi, t'ne State of . . . . Missouri, the. Territory of. . Missouri, t'ae State of Montana, the Territory of. . Nebraska, the Territory of . Nebr ista, the State of , Nev ada, the Territory of , N evada, the State of Wew nampshire, the State of . , iSTew Jersey, the State of , New Mexico, the Territory of. New York, the State of North Carolina, the State of Oh io, the Tcr. Northwest of the Eivei' Ohio, tho Territory South of the KlVef Ohio, the State of Oregon, the Territory of Oregon, the State of Orleans, the Territory of Pennsylvania, the State of . . , Ehode Maud, the State of .South Carolina, the State of. , Tennessee, the State of Texas, the State of Ad,Ar,Bs,Ae, Cg,X,T,Z. Id Id .. Ao.. Id .. A.i. Jd ... IdW. Unorganized ter. w. of Indian Co'try, Utah, the Territory of Vermont, the State of Virginia, the State of Washington, the Territory of. . West Virginia, the State of Wisconsin, the Territory of — Wisconsin, the St.ate of Wyoming, the Territory of Id . Id(l) Av Id.. Id. Id .. Id . Ad,Ar,B3,Ae,Af, Ag, Ah, Ai, C] S,Y,Z,N. Ag,Ai,N Af, Ah.. Ad, Ae.Ar, AJi,Ai,N Af, Ai! X,Z,Cg,Af, Ag,Ah,Ai,N. Uy,C.|,Ak (5) And part of Bm iiud of I, and of J south o f tho Pvivcr Arkansas. iBSaSSSiBB DIVISION OF Till: UNITED STATES WAS COMPOSED, &c.— Continued. 591 1S64 1868 Ct) Id.. Id.. 0, r, Af, Bil, N. 0, N, Bil, P, Be, Bf, Be. Id N,0,P. V,Bj,Ax,r,Ay, B(l,Bc,Bf, Be, V,Bj H,J,Ak,Aj Id Aj.Ak. Z, Ai, Ah Id .. Id . Az,X,0,Bc Bd.P.Ay. Bui,Bi,E,I, Ck, CI. 7d(H)... Az.Ec.Bo, Bf. Bm, Bi, E, Ck,Cl. Id .. Id Id.. Id Bg, Bh, Bi Id Bt.Bti, Bj, Bo.Ax.V By.... Cj.H.AkC") Bz.Bg.Bli Cil, Bf, L. Bii,B,t,Be, Ax, V. Id.... Mm- Id . Id .. Be, B<1. Be, Bf. Bj, Cil. (tt) See Maasachuaetts. page 583. The transfer of IWS is placed in column of IS.'i-l to save space. (;;) No changes in oiganiza tion <»" ""* f">" ^^''^ '° *'^''" 592 HISTORICAL NOTES. mttm NOTES TO THE PRECEDING TABLE OF PARCELS. To the first and second pages of tlic table— * And indefinitely westward. t And the portions of Br, Ac, and W Ijing S(iuth of the list mei'idian, and extended indefinitely •westward. t All of the then territory of the United States west of the Eiver Mississippi, and that part of the State of Louisiana east of that river, and south of the " liivers Iberville and Amite and Lakes Maurepas and Pontehartrain." § Same extent as the "Province of Louisiana" in 1803, less the portion of the Province within the boundaries of the present State of Jjouisiaua. 11 After the admission of the State of Tennessee, in 179G, these parcels were styled "the territory of the Uiuted States south of the State of Tonnessee,'' until 1804, when they were added to Mississippi Territory. II The Spanish Province of East Florida was S, now the State of Florida, and of West Florida was D, ,l)(. and An, respectively in the States of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. • ** Also the District of Louisiana, being all of the French cession except the State of Louisiana, was committed to the .covernmeut of the ofQcers of the Territory of Indiana. To the third and fourth pages of the table — * Unorganized and identical in extent with the Territory of Missouri, being all the then territory of the United States Avest of the Eiver Mississippi not within the present boundaries of the States of Louisiana, Missouri and Ai'kansas. (See Indian Country, page 57G.) t Less F. I Less Av. § And part of Bm and of J, and of J south of the Eiver Arkansas. H All the territory of the French cession between the' Eocky Mountains on the west and the Eiver and State of Missouri on the east. II Absorbed by the original Territory of Nebraska, the Territory of Kansas, and the Indian Country. ** Ceded by the State of Texas, and not included in the Territory of New Mexico. ft See Massachusetts, page 583. , The transfer of 1855 is placed in the column of 1851 to save space. tt No changes in organization or area from 1808 to 1870. car ^ ^1 r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011527 928 2