.f^k ™^ lE^ O L L Copy 1 f Graduates and Undergraduates yWHEP^ST jCoLLEGE, WHO SEUVEK IN THK ARMY 0R NAVY 0F THE UNITED STATE: During the War of the Rebellion. I'RKPAHEI> UNKKK THE DniECTION OK THK K ACLTLTV OK THK (OLl.KGR. AMHKHST: Henry M. >fcC'T.OTiD, liooK \\i> Inn I'kinii-f;. 1871. K. O Ij Xj Graduates and Undergraduates j^jA H E i\^s T College, WHO SERVED IN THE ARMV m NAVY 0F THE yNITED STATES, During the War of the Eebellion. PKKPAnHD UNDER THE DIRBCTION OF THE FACULTY OP THE COLLBGB. Mi^ AMHERST • Hknry M. IMcCloud, Book and Job Printkr. 1871. ■As As I^O XjL 1828. Timothy RoedsSon Cbessey. 1861-63, Chaplain 2nd Re^t. Min- nesota Vols. 1829. William Frank Nelson. Commissioned Hospital Chaplaiu, July, 1862 ; stationed at Cincinnati during the war, with detail service to Louisville and Chattanooga, after the battles of Chicamauga and Lookout Valley, Gen. Rosecrans commanding ; wounded in the face, while on dutj, and disabled. Mustered out, July 28th, 1865. 1830. Thomas Reed Rawson. Commissioned Hospital Chaplain, Aug. 16th, 1864 ; stationed at General Hospital, Albany, K Y. Mustered out, Oct. 31st, 1865. 1831. Orlow Mather Doeman. Appointed Paymaster, July, 1862, with rank of Major ; served at Baltimore under Gen. Wool ; Hilton Head, S. C, under Gens. David Hunter and Q. A. Gilmore ; Fort Monroe and Norfolk, under Gens. B. F. Butler and U. S. Grant ; Raleigh, N. C, imder Gen. Ruger ; Florida campaign, under Gen. Gilmore ; Forts Wagner and Sumter, and around Richmond. Sick with dysentery and typhoid fever. Mustered out at Washington D. C, Feb. 1866. 4 Ameierst College Nathaniel Augustus Fishek. Commissioned State Surgeon, Feb. 14th, 18G2 ; March 7th, 1863, Surgeon 13th Conn. Vols.; Jan. 2ncl, 1864, Surgeon 29th Conn, (colored) Vols. Entered New Orleans soon after its surrender ; served at Port Hudson, Bayou La Fourche, Ked Kiver cami^aign, Sec, under Gens. Banks and Butler. Sick in St. James Hospital from April 25th to middle of June, 18G4, when the commission was resigned. AVas connected with the 29th Conn. Kegt. two months, leaving on account of health. * John Lawrence Fox. Sept. 6th, 1837, commissioned Asst. Sur- geon ; promoted to Surgeon Aug. 16th, 1847. Spring of 1864 ap- pomted Fleet Surgeon to North Atlantic Blockading squadron rendezvousing near Fort Monroe. Under arduous labors, his health gave way, and in Nov. 1864, he left the service, and died Dec. 17th, 1864. * David Lewis Johns. Enlisted at Chicago in one of the earliest regiments raised there, but almost immediately after, was taken sick, and died in camp, Dec. 25th, 1861. 1832. Robert Wilson. Sept. 24th, 1862, commissioned Col. of 14th N. H. Vols. ; not promoted, though often performing Brigade and Dis- trict service. Served from Oct., 1862, to April, 1863, in Valley of Potomac, between Great Falls and Harper's Ferry, Gen. Grover commanding ; April, 1863, to Jan. 7th, 1864, in defenses of Washing- ton, Gen. Martindale commanding ; Jan. and Feb., 1864, independ- ent command in West Va., hunting guerrillas ; April 12th, 1864, re- pprted to Gen. Banks at New Orleans, and placed in command of District of Carrollton ; June 7th, joined 19th Army Corps at Red River, La., under Gen. Emory ; July 21st, 1864, reported to Gen. Grant at City Point, Va. ; Aug. 18th, to Gen. Sheridan, near Berry- ville, Va. Sick with diphtheria, Jan., 1864 ; with malarial fever July, 1864, on account of which, resigned, and was mustered out Sept. 6th, 1864. 1833. WiLLUM Oliver Collins. Commissioned Col. of 11th Ohio Vol. Cavaky in the summer of 1861 ; reported to Gen. Halleck, at St. Army and Navy Koll. 5 • Louis, and ordered to open communications to Salt Lake City. Advanced, in March, 1862, to Fort Laramie, and from thence up the North Platte to South Pass, leaving detachments at various points. Though nominally in the Dept. of Missouri, District of Nebraska, and under Gens. Halleck, Custis, Schofield and Pope, was, to all practical purposes, a detached and independent com- mander, over a district extending from the junction of the North and South Platte, to Green River in Utah Territory, including the tribes of the Sioux, Arapahoes, Cheyennes, Kiowas, and Utes. En- agements numerous and sufferings intense, but no great battles or campaigns. Retiirned in spring of 1865, and was mustered out at Omaha. 1834. Sahiuel Hopkins Emery. April, 1862, commissioned by Secre- tary Stanton to visit the army with nurses and stores. Sub- sequently appointed Hospital Chaplain, and served at Quincy, 111., until close of the war. William Graves Williams. Sept. 23d, 1864, commissioned Hos- pital Chaplain; mustered into service at Ashfield, Mass., Oct. 8th ; stationed at Jackson Hospital, Memphis^ Tenn ; in that and the W^ashington and Marine Hospitals of that city, served till July 27th, 1865 ; Chaplain of U. S. General Hospital and U. S. MiHtary Prison, at St. Johns, Ark., Gen. Reynolds commanding. Mustered out at St. Louis, May 26th, 1866. John Harvey Wright. Commissioned Asst. Siirgeon U. S. Navy, 1839, from that to Surgeon, 1855. By reason of infirm health, was — placed on the reserved list at an early period of the war. 1836. Alfred Brewster Ely. Nov. 9th, 1861, commissioned Quarter- master 13th Conn. Vols., with rank of Lieutenant ; Nov. 11th, 1861, appointed Aid-de-camp to Brigadier Gen. Benham in West Virginia ; 6 Amhekst College resigned from 13tli Conn., and appointed 1st Lieutenant Co. 1, 11th Conn. Vols., and senior Aid to Gen. Benham. March 2Gth, 1862, appointed acting Asst. Adj. Gen., Northern Division of Dept. of the South, under Gen. Benham. In active service at Hilton Head, Beaufort, Fort Pulaski, &c. April 30th, 1862, appointed Asst. Adjt. Gen., with rank of Captain. After battles of Edisto and Stono, ordered North, and served on staff of Maj. Gen. Morgan. On sick leave for several months from disease contracted in the marshes of the Edisto and the Stono. Resigned in 1863. Edwaed Cokrie Pritchett. Sept. 10th, 1861, appointed Chap- lain 50th N. Y. Regt. (Engineers), brigaded under Gens. Woodbury, Butterfield, and Benham, with Army of Potomac under Gens. McClellan, Burnside, Hooker and Meade. In active service at siege of Yorktown, the march to Hampton, battle of Mary's Heights, and below Fredericksburg ; during campaign of the Wilderness detained at Washington with Brigade Hospital. Sick with Virginia fever during campaign on the Chickahominy, but never lost a day. Mustered out Sept. 20th, 1864 Nath^^niel Richaedsom. May 6th, 186-1, appointed Chaplain 36th Mass. Vols. Served before Petersburg, most of the time in Field Hospital of 9th Army Corps, under Gen. Biu'nside ; sick at Campbell Hosj^ital, Washington, and Annapolis, Md., twelve weeks. Mustered out at Alexandria, June, 1865. 1837. * James Averill. Commissioned Oct., 1862, Chaplain 23d Conn. Vols. ; in Department of the Gulf, at Camp Parapet and La Fourche under Gen. Banks ; taken with malarial fever in May, and died at La Fourche, June 11th, 1863. Robert Stevens Hitchcock. Commissioned Chaplain 2nd Md. Regt., Aug. 1st, 1861 ; served under Gen. Burnside, in S. C. and Army and Navy Roll 7 Va., at 2ncl battle of Bull Kun, Chantilly, Autietain aud Fredericks- biu-g ; transferred to Ky, ; severely .wounded, and left in cliarge of Hospital in Franlifort, Ky. Resigned soon after. 1838. Joel White Fletcher. Aug. 23d, 1861, commissioned 2nd Lieut. Co. I, 21st Mass. Vols. ; on detached and recruiting ser\ice ; arm fractured, and in consequence resigned June 20tb, 1862. Henky Obed Mayo. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Navy, Feb. 24tb, 1816 ; promoted to Surgeon, Jan. 21tb, 1859 ; served in Mediteranean, Home, and Brazil squadrons until opening of the war ; 1861, sloop Savannah ; 1862-3, steam sloop Powhatan, South Atlantic sqiiadron ; 1864-5, flag-ship of West India squadron. John Spare. Commissioned Apr. 10th, 1862, at New Bedford, Mass., acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. April, 1863, served in Mediter- ranean squadron, blockading the Sumpter at Gibralter and watch- ing blockade runners ; 1863-4, on the blockade at Wilmington, N. C; battle of Fort Fisher, Admii'al Porter commanding; 1864-5, blockade of Charleston ; off that city at its evacuation ; 1865-6, in Giilf squadron at Apalachicola, Pensacola, &c., under Admiral Thatcher. Sick with dyspepsia, three weeks, at Norfolk Navy Yard, Dec. 1864. Resignation accepted July 2nd, 1866, at Pensacola Navy Yard. ^Charles Ellery Washburn. Commissioned 1862, Surgeon 112th N. Y. Vols. ; promoted Brigade Surgeon and Medical Director of Gen. Ames' Division of Gen. Terry's command; participated in some of the bloodiest battles of the war, the last of which was the storming of Fort Fisher; taken sick with typhus fever at Wilming- ton, N. C. while caring for returned Union prisoners, and died April 10th, 1865. 8 Amherst College 1840. Thomas Grier Murphey. Commissioned Sept. 23d, 1861, at Wil- mington, Del., Chaplain IstRegt., Del. Infantry, with rank of Cap- tain of Cavalry. Re-commissioned, Oct. 1st, 1864, in same regiment, the first in the army of the Potomac mustered in as veterans; par- ticipated in the following battles : capture of Norfolk, Va., May 10th, 1862, under Ge^. Wool ; Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Gen. Mc- Clellan ; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th, 1862, Gen. Burnside ; Chancellorsville, Va., May 13th, 1863, Gen. Hooker ; Gettysburg, Pa. July 2d and 3d, Gen. Meade ; Wilderness, Va., May 5th to 12th, 1864,' Gen. Meade ; Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th to 17th, Gen. Meade ; before Petersburg, June, 1.5th, 1864 — Apr. 2nd, 1865 ; cap- ture of Gen. R. E. Lee, and Army of Northern Va., at Appomattox Court House, AprU 9th, 1865. Sick with typhoid fever during first winter of the wai', and also in summer of 1862, at time of battle of Antietam. Mustered out, July 14th, 1865, at Wilmington, Del. 1842. Lauren Armsby. Commissioned Jan. 1863, Chaplain 8th Minn. Vols. In battle with Sioux Indians, vaUey of the Little Missouri, Aug. 8th, 1864, Gen. Sully ; near Murfreesboro', Dec. 4th to 7th, 1864, Gen. Milroy. For a month cut off from all supplies, at Fortress Rosecrans ; fi-om there marched to Clifton, Tenn., then transpor- ted to Washington ; ordered to Fort Fisher, thence to Beaufort and Newbern ; March 21st, 1865, joined Sherman's army at Golds- boro', and started in pursuit of Gen. Johnston ; on Gen. Lee's sur- render left Gcu. Sherman at Raleigh, and marched to Charlotte, N. C. Mustered out there, July 11th, 1865. Edward Duffield Neill. At commencement of the war, commis- sioned Chaplain 1st Minn. Vols. Served at Bull Run, Chickahom- iny, Fair Oaks, Wilderness, and MiUtary Hospital in Philadelphia. Resigned, Jan. 1864. 1843. Calvin Holmes. Commissioned Nov. 26th, 1862, at Cincinnati, C, in Paymaster's Dept., rank of Major; promoted Lt. Colonel, Jan. 1865. Serv-ed at Washington, Fortress Monroe, with armies of the Poto- Army and Na-s^ Roll. 9 mac ani ; summer of 1863, on expedition against Sioux Indians, under Gen. Sully ; May, 1864— March, 1865, at Fayettevill, Ark., Gen. Steele, commanding ; March, 1865— Aug., 1866, at Fort Smith, Ark. Sick at Fayette°ville with dysentery, and at Fort Smith with chills and remittent fever. Mustered out Aug. Mi, 1866. GEORCiE Edward Dunlap. Commissioned Aug., 1862, at Rochester, Mass., in Co, C, 51st Mass. Vols., Orderly Sergeant ; served in ex- pedition to Goldsboro' ; at battles of Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro". N. C, under Gen. Foster ; stationed at Beaufort and Fort Macon, N. C, at time of battle of Gettysburg ; at Baltimore, searching for concealed arms and prisoners. Mustered out, July 27th, 1863, at Worcester, Mass. Asa Severance Fiske. Commissioned Jan., 1862, Chai^lain 4th Minn. Vols., at St. Paul, Minn ; served at Corinth, luka and Vicks- burg, under Gens. Grant, Rosecrans, Pope and Sherman. For two years in charge of Fi-eedmen in District of Memphis, by order of Gen. Grant. Mustered out April, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Appleton Howe Fitch. Commissioned May, 1864, 1st Lieut. Co. F. 139th 111. Vols., at Peoria, 111. Mustered out Oct., 1864. at Peoria. 111. *Edward SmTH Gilbert. Enhsted April 20th, 1861, at Rochester N. Y., Co. D, 13th K Y. Vols.; elected 2nd Lieat ; May 1st, promo- ^-Eed Captain 25th N. Y. Vols.; Major, April 17th, 1862," and Lieut.- Col., Sept. 12th, 1862. Served at l.st and 2nd Bull Run, Hanover Court House, Yorktov/n, Mechanicsville, and Gaines' Mills, under Fitz Jolm Porter, commanding Division, and Gen. McCleUan com- manding Army. Taken prisoner at Gaines' Mills, June 14th, 1862 • carried to Richmond, and exchanged Aug. 16.h, at Hariison's Landing. Died, Feb. 22nd, 1863, from disease contracted in Rich- mond, Va. 18 Amherst College * Dixi Crosby Hoyt. Enlisted July, 1861, iu 13th Mass. Vols., at Westboro', Mass. Discharged soon after on account of sickness. Commissioned Post Surgeon at Readville, in summer of 1862, and Asst. Surgeon 5th Mass. Vols., Oct. 22nd. Engaged in several battles at Newbern and Eanston, N. C. Mustered out July 2nd, 1863, and Aug. 24th of the same year appointed 1st Asst. Surgeon, 2nd Mass. Heavy ArtiUery. Stationed at Beaufort and Newbern, N. C.; died there of yellow fever, Nov. 1st, 1864. George Lowell Montague. Left College 1854. April 29th, 1861, enhsted at Beloit, Wis., iu 6th Wis. Vols.; commissioned 1st Lieut. May, 1861; resigned in Nov. of same year, to assist in raising troops. Aug. 11th, 1862, enlisted at So. Hadlej', Mass., in 87th Mass. Vols. Promoted Captain, Aug. 13th, 1862 ; Major, Sept. 4th, 1862; Lieut. Colonel, Jan. 17th, 1863; Brev. Colonel, May Sept. 12th, 18G4, for distinguished gallantry at Spottsylvania Court House ; in command of the Regt. fi-om May 6th, 1864, except when in command of Brigade. Served at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg* Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, &c., under Gens. Burnside, Franklin, Hooker, Meade, Sedgwick, Grant and Sheridan. Wounded at battle of Wilderness, and three times at S^Dottsylvania Court Horse, but not seriously; absent from command less than thirty dtxys, and resigned on account of injury received from fall of his horse, March 4th 1865. Joseph Brown Reynolds. Commissioned May 2nd, 1864, at Boston, in 49th Mass. Vols. Asst. Surgeon; in battle of Port Hudson, May 27th, and June 14th, 1863, under Major Gen. N. P. Banks. Mus- tered out at New Orleans, in May, 1864. Ezra Thompson Sprague. Enlisted April 1861, at Madison, Wis., in Co. K, 1st W^is. Vols. ; promoted Corporal and Sergeant ; Com- manding Adjutant 8th Wis. Vols., Oct. 1861; Sept. 13th, 1864, promoted Colonel 42nd Wis. Vols; served at Falhng Waters, and FredericktoAvn, Md., New Madrid, Island No. 10, luka, Corinth, Vicksbm'g, Pensacola, Red River expedition ; stationed as com- mander of the Post, at Cairo, Sept., 1864 ; left the service July, 1865. Army and Navy Roll. 19 Chauncey BoARDiNL^N Thomar. Jimo 6th, 1862, commissioned Hos- pital Chaplaiu at Washington, D. C. Served at Alexandria, Va., June, 1862 — July, 1863; at New Orleans, La., until mustered out July 13th, 1866. Charles Henry Walton. Commissioned 1st Lieut. 6th N. Y Vols, at New York, in Autimm of 1861. Promoted acting- Asst. Quartermaster. Served at Santa Rosa Island, Fla.; sick with swamp fever and resigned in Autumn of J 862. John Loren Wilson. Enlisted Aug. 5th, 1862, at Springfield, 111., in 114th 111. Vols. Elected Captain; promoted Asst. Provost Marshal at Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 27th, 18G4, and Provost Marshal Oct., 1864. Served at Memphis and Vicksburg under Gen. Grant. 1856. James Marsh Ellis. Commissioned May 28th, 1861, 2nd Lieut. Co. B. 2nd Mass. Vols ; assigned to staff duty with Gen. Banks, as Captain and Commissary of subsistance ; Nov. 22nd, 1861, trans- ferred to staff of Gen. Abercrombie. In 1863 commissioned Lieut. Col. and Chief Commissary of subsistence, 23d Army Corps, oh staff of Gen. Hartsuff. Served in Shenandoah campaign under Gens. Patterson and Banks ; 2nd Bull Run, Gen. Pope ; Antietam, Gen. McClellan ; Fredericksburg, Gen. Burnside ; East Tennessee, Gen.'Hartsuff ; Baton Rouge, and Red River campaign, Gen. Banks. Resigned, Oct., 1864. * Edwin Coleman Hand. Enlisted early in the war and assisted in raising a company for 10th N. Y. cavalry, in which he was commis- sioned 2nd Lieut., and promoted Capt. Served through the war ; was at the battle of Antietam, and in several cavalry raids. Died of typhoid fever, at Binghamton, N. Y., June 27th, 1865. Augustus Harrington. Mustered into the 136th N. Y. Vols., at Camp Portage, Livingston Co., N. Y.; left camp for the front, Oct. 2nd, 1862 ; promoted Capt., commission dating from Sept. 2nd, 20 Amhekst College 1862 ; iu reserve divisiou at Fredericksburg, and afterwards on picket and outpost duty on the Rappahannock ; in the advance at Bank's Ford, Va., Jan. 21st, 1863. Resigned, and mustered out, Jan. 22nd, 1863. Thoi\L4.s Peverly Herrick. Commissioned early in the war as Capt. of 7th Kansas Cavahy, and promoted Col. Served at battles of Corinth, CoifeevHle, and Tupellos, in Mississijjpi, in command of Brigade. Suffered from neuralgia, but served to the close of the war. William Bird Kimball. Enlisted May, 1861, at Westboro', Mass., in 13th Mass. Vols. Promoted Sergt., July 19th, 1861 ; Commiesary Sergt., March 1st, 1862 ; 2d Lieut., May 25th, 1862 ; 1st Lieut., Feb. 27th, 1863 ; Captain, Oct. 4th, 1863. Served at 2nd Bull Bun, under Gen. Pope ; on detached service in Com- missary Dept. at time of Antietam and 1st Fredericksburg battles ; 2nd Fredericksburg under Gen. Hooker, Gen. Reynolds, Corps Commander ; at Gettysburg under Gen. Meade, and Gens. Reynolds and Doubleday, Corps Commanders ; in campaign of Wilderness, Gen. Warren, Corps Commandei*. Mustered out at Boston, August Xst, 1864. Stillman Rice. Commissioned at Madison, Conn., Sept. 10th ^ 2nd Lieut. 27th Conn. Vols. ; j^romotcd 1st Lieut., March 13th, 1863. Served at Fredericksburg under Gen. Burnside ; Gen. Sum- ner, Division Commander ; Chancellorsville, under Gen, Hooker ; Gettysburg, under Gen. Meade. Taken prisoner at Chancellors- ville, May 3d ; 1863, reached Libby Prison May 8th ; paroled May 13th. Mustered out at New Haven, Conn., July 27th, 1863. Samuel Chester Staples. Commissioned Major, Sept. 15th, 1862. Served in Army of the Potomac as Paymaster, from Sept. 1862 to Jan. 1863 ; ordered to Newbern, N. C, under Gen. Foster, but in July, returned again to Army of the Potomac ; served under Gens. Kilpatrick, Gregg and Pleasanton ; Feb. 8th, 1864 ordered to Santa Fee, New Mexico, thence to El Paso, Texas, and Department Army and Navy Roll. 21 of Arizona, under Gen. Castleton ; in spring of 1866 ordered to Department of CaUfornia, under Gen. McDowell. Mustered out at Santa Fee, July 20th, 1866. 1857. John Henry Bo.vlt. Commissioned June 26th, 1863, Ist Lieut. 11th Ohio Cavalry. Mustered out, April 1st, 1865. JosiAH Copley. Left College, 1856. Enlisted June 26th, 1861, in Co. F, 21st 111. Vols. Served in Missouri under Col. U. S. Grant ; fought at Fredericktown, Mo., 1861, under Col. Carlin ;. siege of of Corinth, under Gen. Pope ; battle of Perryville, Ky., under Gen. Mitchell ; Knob Gap, Tenn. and Stone River, 1862, under Gen. McCooke ; Liberty Gap and Chicamauga, 1863. Sick with hemorrhage and swamp fever. Confined in Libby Prison ; Damdlle, Va. ; Andersonville, Ga. ; Florence, S. C. Mustered out at Spring- field, 111., June 28th, 1865. Alva Lillie Frisbie. Commissioned Chaplain of 20th Conn. Vols., Aug., 1868. Present at Resaca, and skirmish at Cassville, Ga. ; marched with Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta ; served under Gens. Sherman, Slocum, Hooker and Thomas. Mustered out, July,1864. Thomas Gordon Grassie. Commisssioned Chaj)lain in 108 th N. Y. Vols., AprH 26th, 1864, at Falmoath, Va. In Imttles of Chancel- lorsville, Gettysbiu-g, Bristow Station, Wilderness, Ream's Station and Deep Bottom ; served under Major Gens. Couch, Warren and Hancock ; in August, 1863, on sick leave twenty days. Attacked with malarial fever in August, 1864, and obliged to leave the ser- vice. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, Jan., 1865. George Trask Higley. Enhsted Oct. 8, 1864, at N. Y. City, in 13th N. Y. Cavalry ; acting Company and Q. M. Sergeant. On de- fenses at Washington ; in pursuit of Mosby's and Johnson's guer- 22 Amherst College illas ; served under Brig. Gen. Gamble. Mustered out at Wash- ington, D. C, Sept. 25th, 1865. Ferdinand Shaw. EnHsted Jan. 14th, 1862, at Albany, N. Y., in 12th N. Y. Light Battery. Promoted Q. M. Sergeant April 5th, 1863 ; Lieut, and Quartermaster, Aug. 11th, 1864 ; Commissarj- of Subsistance, rank of Brev. Major, July 6th, 1865. Throughout the campaign before Richmond, commencing active service at Gettys- burg. Served under Gens. Meade and Grant ; also served in Com- missary Dept. one year after surrender of Richmond. Mustered out at Fredericksburg, Va. April, 1866. 1858. Timothy Field Allen. Commissioned Aug., 1862, acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., from New York. Stationed in hospital at Point Lookout, Mo. Resigned after serving four months. Daniel Jay Bliss. Enlisted in 34th Mass. Vols., July 7th, 1862, at Ware, Mass. Fought at Newmarket, May 15th, 1864, Gen. Sigel commanding. Wounded and disabled for the rest of the war. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, June 27th, 1865. Ethan Allen Paul Brewster. Commissioned 2ud Lieut. 8th Mass. Vols., April 30fch, 1861. Mustered out Aug. 1st, 1861. -Com- missioned Captain 23d Mass. Vols., Oct. 8th, 1861. Promoted Major, May 5th, 1863. Served at battles of Roanoke, Newbern, Rawles' Mills, Kinston, Goldsboro and Appomattox. Mustered out Oct. 13th, 1864. James Collins. Commissioned Surgeon 3d Regt. Pa. Reserve Corps, June 21st, 1861.; Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. Feb. 10th, 1864 ; Surgeon, U. S. A. Feb. 7th, 1865 ; Brev. Lieut. Col., June 1st, 1865 ; in battle at Mechanicsville, Gaines' MiUs, Peach Orchard, Charles City Cross-Roads, 2nd BuU Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Wil- derness and Petersburg. Under Gens. McCall, McDoweD, Porter, Reynolds, Crawford and Meade. Confined in Libby Prison. Mus- tered out, July 19th, 1865, at Washington D. C. Army and Navy Eoll. 23 Horace Smith Fuller. Commissioned acting- Asst. Siu-o-eon, XJ. S. A March 30tL, 1865. Ordered to McDougal Genl. Ho.spital, Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Harbor. Honorably discharged at closing of Hospital, Aug. 18th, 18G5. * Joshua Barker Flint HoBBs. Left College 185G. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cavalry, at Boston, Oct. 1863; promoted Captain ; fought at Culpepper, Auburn, Todd's Tavern, around Richmond, Vaughn's Road, St. Mary's Church and Cold Harbor ; disabled by the explosion of a shell ; in hospital at Annapohs. Mustered out at Boston, Oct. 1864. Died, Jan. 6 th 1865, from inju- ries received in the service. Chester AVarner Hawley. Commissioned Chaplain, Oct. 10th, 1864, 185th Regt. N. Y. Vols. With Regt. before Petersbui-g; at Weldon R. R. raid, Dec, 1864 ; Hatcher's Run, March 29th ; White Oak Road, March 31st; and at surrender of Gen. Lee, at Appomattox Court House, April 9th, 1865. Under Gens. Meade and W?irner. Mustered out at Washington, D. C. May 3d. 18G5. *Henry Martyn Kellogg. Left College 1857. Enlisted in sum- mer of 1861, in Co. C, 33d Regt. Rl. Lifantry, at Bloomington, El. Promoted Lieut, and subsequently Capt. Sick at St. Helena, Ark. Killed at siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 20th, 1863. Havllah Mowry Sprague. May 26th, 1 861, commissioned Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., with rank of 1st Lieut. In battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10th 1861 ; afterwards on Gen. Halleck's Staff a.s medical attendant at Corinth, Miss. Ordered to St. Louis in the Autumn of 1862 ; in charge of General Hospital at St. Louis in spring of 1863; in N. Y. City, in Avitumn of 1863, member of a Medical Board of Examination ; in summer of 1864, in charge of Genl. Hospital at Fort Schuylar N. Y". Harbor; in Autumn of 1864, on Examining Board at N.Y. City. Resigned at N. Y. City, May 1st, 1863. Henry Goddard Thomas. Eahsted April 27th, 1861, at Port- land, Me., in Co. G. 5th Me. Vols.; commissioned Capt., May 4th 24 Amherst College 1861. Appointed Capt. 11th Infantry, U. S. A., Aug. 5th, 1861, for gallantry in McDowell Campaign ; Col. 2nd Regt. U. S. colored troops March 1st, 1863 ; Col. 19th Regt. (colored) Dec, 1863 ; Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., Nov. 30th, 1864 ; Brev. Maj. Gen., March 13th, 1865; Brev. Maj. U. S. A., from battle of Spottsylvania ; Brev. Lieut. Col., from explosion of Petersburg mine, July 30th, 1864; Brev. Col. and Brev. Brig. Gen., for gallantr}^ in campaign of 1864, and trans- ferred to 20th Infantiy U. S. A., July 28th, 1866. Served under McDowell in Vii'ginia campaign of 1861 ; went to La., in 1863, under Gen. Banks; returned to Army of Potomac, soon after ordered to ^Maryland, and raised a Colored Regt.; joined 9th Corps under Gen. Burnside, in command of Brigade, May 3d, 1864; in Grant's campaign fi'om Wilderness to fall of Richmond, then transferred to army of the James. Sick with gastric and malarial fever. Captured Aug. 1st, 1864, and released next day. Since close of the war in command of Fort Rawson, Dakotah Territory. Justin Edwards Twitchell. Commissioned May 29th, 1863, at Day- ton, Ohio, Chaplain 131st Ragt., Ohio Vols. Stationed at Fort Fed- eral Hill, Baltimore, Md. Mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 25th, 1863. 1859. William Lee Apthorp. Enlisted at Kingston, N. Y. in the 90th N. Y. Vols. Promoted Sergeant, June 27th, 1862 ; Capt. 2nd S. C Vols, (colored) March 3d, 1863 ; Lieut. Col., March 1st, 1865. Served during the war in Dept. of the South. On Morris Island during siege of Charleston and bombardment of Fort Sumter, and in all the operations from S. C, to Florida, under Gens. Hunter, Gilmore and Foster. Mustered out at Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 28th, 1866. Jajies Fitzgerald Claflin. Enlisted in 5th Mass. Vols., at Marl- boro, Mass. In battles of AVhitehall and Kinston, and in all the marches and skii-mishes under Gen. Foster during winter of 1862-3. Sick with congestive fever, and returned home, July, 1863. Mustered out at Boston, in Aug., 1863. Amn AND Navy Koll. 25 * Joshua Gilman Hawkes. Enlisted in the 52nd Eegt. Mass. Vols., in the Autumn of 1832. Soon promoted Sergeant. In Jan., 1863, while in camp at Baton Kouge, was sick with camp fever, but recov- ered so far as to accompany Eegt. in the Teche expedition in April and May ; at the siege of Port Hudson and the aissault of the 14th of June. On the 23d of July, embarked with his Regt. on the steamer Chouteau for Cairo ; the next morning was missing. Prob- ably feU overboard in. the night. ^Sidney "Walker Howe. Commissioned 1st Lieut, in 1st Regt. N. Y. Excelsior Brigade under Gen. Hooker. Killed at battle of Williamsburg, May 5th, 1862. Philander Ueav. Enlisted in 75th Regt. N. Y. Vols., Sept. 14:th, 1861, at Auburn, N. Y. ; promoted Hospital Steward, March 14th, 1862, and Chaplain 4th La. Native Guards, April 11th, 1863. Present at the engagement at Bayou La Fourche, Oct. 26th, 1862; 1865, in campaign against Mobile ; and at the capture of Fort Blakely, April 8th, 1865. Mustered out at New Orleans, Dec. 81st, 1865. Luther Rominor Smith. Commissioned junior 1st Lieut., 9th Mich. Light Battery, Aug. 14th, 1862, at Detroit, Mich. ; promoted Capt., early in 1864 ; fought at battle of Gettysburg under Gen. Stahl ; in Autumn of 1863 in Army of the Cumberland, and next spring trans- ferred to 20th Army Corps under Gen. Hooker ; participated in all the battles in which that corps was engaged until fall of Atlanta. Mustered out at Detroit, Mich., July, 1865. Henry Tupper. Enhsted in the 36th Mass. Vols., July 14th, 1862, at Monson, Mass. Promoted Sergeant; v.itli the Army of the Poto- mac from Sept. 7th, 1862, to Feb. 1863; at 1st battle of Fredericks- -Jbarg, and afterwards transferred to Newport News; March 20th sent to Kentucky, in June to Vicksburg, and after its surrender, in the pursuit of Gen. Johnston. Served under Gens. McCleUan, Burn- side, Hooker, Grant, and Sherman ; sick with chills and fever in Kentucky, and sent to Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R. I. ; after re- covering, placed in 2nd Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged, July 14th, 1865. 26 Amherst College John Stites "^Vhilldin. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon of 145th Pa. Vols., Sept. 12th, 1862 ; promoted Surgeon of 208th Pa. Vols., Feb. 25th, 1865 ; served with Army of the Potomac, and in mearly all its battles from Antietam to surrender of Lee at Appo- mattox. Discharged June 1st, 1S65. EicHARD Morris Wyckoff. Commissioned acting Asst. Surgeon, IJ. S. A., rank of Capt., Aug. 3d, lt,61 j served at McDougal General Hospital near Fort Schuyler, and on hospital transport S. K. Spalding. Mustered out July 20th, 1865. 1860. Horace Binney. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. 118th Pa. Vols., Aug. 30th, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieut., then Captain. On the stafif of Maj. Gen. Wright ; April 18 bh, 1863 — June 1865 ; Aide-de-Camp to Brig, and Brev. Maj. Gen. Neil; Brev. Maj. U. S. Vols. Served in all general engagements of Army of Potomac from Antietam to Petersburg ; in battle of Winchester ; wounded in first day's battle of Wilderness. Mustered out June 7th, 1865. Subsequently com- missioned 2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Infantry. Resigned June 30th, 1867. Justin Perkins Kellogg. Enhsted Aug. 20th, 1862 in 52nd Mass. Vols. Promoted 2Ld Lieut. Sept. 12th, 18G2, and 1st Lieut. Oct. 28fch ; in Gen. Banks expedition to New Orleans; also in expe- dition against Port Hudson, March, 1863 ; and Bayou Teche in Western La. in April ; in the fight at Irish Bend, and in siege of Port Hudson. Eesigned Aug. 14th, 1863. *JosEPH Mason. Appointed Hospital Steward of the hospital ship Euterpe, July, 18G2. August 5th to 25th, acting Medical Cadet at the MiU Creek Genl. Hospital. Died of typhoid fever at Mill Creek, near Fortress Monroe, Nov. 19th, 1862. * Lucius Lathrop Merrick. Enhsted July, 1862, in 36th Mass. Vols. ; promoted Sergeant. Served in defense of Knoxville, Gen. Burnside, commanding ; wounded, and taken prisoner ; in battle of Wildernes, May, 1864, again wounded ; in battle near Peters- burg shot through the body and captured by the rebels. Died on one of their Hospital boats, Oct. 7th, 1864. Army and Navy Roll. 27 WiLLL^M De Forest Prentiss. Commissioned May 26th, 1861, •2nd Lieut., in Co. G, 31st N. Y. Vols. Promoted 1st Lieut. Oct., 1861, and Capt., Dec, 1861. Served at 1st Bull Run, West Point, Gaines' Mills, Savage Station, Malvern Hill, South Mountain and Antietam, under Gens. McDowell and Franklin. Mustered out on account of sickness, at Frederick, Md., Sept. 29th, 1862. Edward Olcott Shepard. June 16th, 1862, commissioned 1st Lieut. 32d Mass. Vols.' Promoted Capt., Nov. 11th, 1862 ; Major, June 30th, 1864 ; Brev. Lieut. Col., Feb. 6th, 1865. Seiwed in bat- tles of Gainesville, 2nd Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysbiu-g, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Petersburg, and at Weldon Raili'oad. Under Gens. Meade, Warren, Griffin, and Fitz J. Porter. Wounded at Gettys- burg, Wilderness, Petersburg ; wounded and taken prisoner at Hatcher's Run, Feb. 6th, 1865. Mustered out at Boston, July 17th, 1865. Samuel John Storrs. August, 1862, enlisted in 52d Mass. Vols. ; promoted Capt., August, 1£62, and Lieut. Col. Nov. 19th, 1862 ; served in the Teche campaign, spring of 1862; Port Hudson, sum- mer of 1862. Under Gens. Grover, Weitzel and Banks. Mustered out at Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 5th, 1863. Francis AmvvV Walker. July, 1861, commissioned Sergt. Major 15th Mass. Infantry, and appointed Capfc. Asst. Adj. Gen., Sept. 1861 ; Maj. Asst. Adj. Gen., Aug., 1862 ; Lieut. Col. Asst. Adj. Gen., Jan., 1863 ; Brev. Col. of Vols., 1864 ; Brev. Brig. Gen. of Vols., 1865. Served with Gen. Stone on Upper Potomac, in summer of 1861 ; with Couch near Washington, Sept., 1861 ; Peninsular cam- paign with McClellan ; siege of Yorktown ; battle of Williamsburg ; Fair^aks ; " Seven Days " ; 2nd Ball Run ; Antietam, Fredricks- bui'g, under Burnside, and Chancellorsville, under Hooker ; in campaign of Gen. Grant, 1861 ; battles of Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. Wounded at Chancellorsville ; captured at battle of Ream's Station, Aug., 1834; paroled Oct., 1864. Resigned, Jan., 1835, on account of disease contracted in prison. 28 Amherst College Lewis Willard West. Enlisted Sept. 16th, 1861, in 27th Mass. Vols., at Hadley, Mass.; promoted Corporal, Nov. 1st, 1861 ; served in Burnside's expedition to North Carolina ; battles of Roanoke Island, Newbern, N. C. ; Gen. Foster's expedition to Goldsboro' ; battles of Kinston and Whitehall. Sick with bilious fever, and twice with diphtheria. Mustered out at Newbern, N. C, April Ist, 1863. Edward Reed Wheeler. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon in 24th Mass. Vols., May 10th, 1864 ; pronjoted Surgeon, Nov. lOfch, 1864. Served at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; Deep Bottom, Va. ; Deep Run, Va. ; Petersburg, Sept. ; Darbytown Road, Va. ; under Gens. Butler, R. S. Foster, Terry, Binney, Ames and Turner. Mustered out at Richmond, Va., Jan. 20th, 1866. 1861. Ed-\vin Norton Andrews. Commissioned Chaplain in 2nd N. J. Cavalry at Memphis, Tenn., Jan., 1864. Served in several cavalry raids under Gen. Grierson ; sick with remittent fever at Memphis, Feb., 1865." Mustered out March 21st, 1865. John Perkins Apthorp. Enlisted Aug. 28th, 1862, in 10th Mass. Light Battery at Boston ; served in defenses of Washington, under Gen. Heintzelman ; battle of Auburn, under Gen. French ; battle Kelly's Ford, Nov., 1868, under Gen. Humphrey; battle of Wilder- ness ; Spottsylvania ; battle of North Anna, under Gen. Hancock ; Cold Harbor ; siege of Petersburg ; Ream's Station ; Hatcher's Run ; Lee's retreat and sun-ender. Mustered out at Galloups Is- land, Boston Harbor, June 9th, 1865. Thomas Blagden. Feb., 7862, appointed Captain's Clerk, U. S. steamer Housatonic ; commissioned acting Ensign and attached to Admiral Dahlgren's Staff in June, " 86 * ; served in blockade off Charlestown, S. C, and in bombardment of Forts Wagner, and Sumtei'. Resigned November, 1833. Ariviy and Navy Roll. 29 Chaeles E. Chenery. Left College 1858. June 18th, 1862, entered naval service as acting Asst. Paymaster on board steam sloop Nar- ragansett, Pacific squadron ; commissioned Paymaster May 4tli, 1866, and served in North Atlantic squadron under Rear Admiral J. S. Palmer. Resigned Sept. 15th, 1868. Edward Comstock. Commissioned Oct. 1st, 1862, 1st Lieut, and Adjt., 46th N. Y. Vols. ; promoted Brev. Capt. and Major. Served in battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellors ville, Gettysburg, and in aU marches of Army of the Potomac from Nov., 1862 to Aug., 1863; Staff officer in Cavalry during Gen. Sherman's advance from Chat- tanooga to Atlanta. Under Gens. Burnside, Hooker, Meade and Sherman. Resigned at Chattanooga, Aug. 28th, 1864. Sidney Crawford. Commissioned Asst. Paymaster, Aug. 13th, 1864. Stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. and Denver City, Col. Left the service Aug. 13th, 1865. James M. CusHMAN. Left College 1858. April 16th, 1861, enlisted in Co. G, 4th Mass. Vols. Served at Fortress Monroe as clerk at chief headquarters ; in battle of Big Bethel under Gen. Butler ; afterwards stationed at Newport News and Hampton, Va. Mustered out at Long Island, Boston Harbor, July 22nd, 1831. John Dole. Ma}', 1862, enlisted on Volunteer Medical Staff ; served in the seven days' fight in Peninsula campaign ; appointed Medical Cadet in the Regular Army, and transfeiTed to Army Gen- eral Hospital, New Haven, Ct., under Post Surgeon Jewett. John Herbert Evans. Oct. 15th, 1861, commissioned 1st Lieut. 56th Ohio Vols., at Portsmouth Oliio. Promoted Capt. Nov. 20th, 1861. Served at Shiloh, April 6th and 7th, 1862 ; marched to Memphis and St. Helena ; in two expeditions up White River to Duval's Bluff, Ark ; in expedition against Vicksburg ; battles of Port Gibson, Miss., Raymond, Champion Hills ; siege of Vicksburg ; expedition to Jackson ; transferred to Army of Gulf ; joined Gen. 30 Amherst College Banks' Reel River expedition ; in battle of Sabine Cross Roads. Sick with fever at St. Helena, Ark. Mustered out at New Orleans, Nov. 25th, 1864. Samuel Page Fowler. Sept. 1862, enlisted in Co. K, 8th Mass. Vols., at Danvers, Mass. Promoted Sergeant, Sept., 1&62. Served in campaign in N. C, from Nov., 1862, to July, 1863, under Gen. J. G. Foster and Gen. Hoffman ; sick in Hospital from May to July. Mustered out at Wenham, Mass., Aug., 1863. Elijah Harmon. Enlisted in 52nd Mass. Vols., at Hawley, Mass.j Aug. 15th, 1862, and soon after promoted Sergeant. Served in campaign of 1863, resulting in captm-e of Port Hudson, under Gen. Banks. Mustered out at Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 14th, 1£63. *Henry a. Hubbard. Left College 1858. Commissioned Sept. 20th, 1861, at Springfield, Mass., Capt. Co. I, 27th Mass. Vols. Served in Burnside's expedition ; taken sick and died at Roanoke Island, Feb. 12th, 1862. Arthur Kemble. Left CoUege 18^8. Commissioned Aug. 1861, acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. Served in North Atlantic squadron ; at siege of Fort Macon. Resigned May, 1862. Charles Goodrich King. Enhsted May 26th. 1862, in 10th R. L Vols., at Providence, R. I. ; appointed Hospital Steward, June 1st, 1862. Mustered out at Providence, R. I.. Sept. 10th, 1862. Frederic B. Lawson. Le!"t College 1S5S. Sept. 16th, 1862, com- missioned acting Asst. Su-geon, U. S. N. Served 1862-1864 on sloop I)ale, at Eey West, East Gulf s^^uac^on. Rear Adm ral Bailey commanding; 1 61-65, staamer H intsville ; 1865, ship Sabine, Norfolk, Va. Resigned Nov. 20th, 1.65. Army and Na\'y Roll. 31 JosKPH Allen Leach. Commissioned Feb. 1st, 18B4, Chaplain 19th U. S. C. T., at Baltimore, Md. ; acting Aide-de-Camp. With Army of the Potomac most oi" the time till close of the war. Mus- tered out at Washington, D. C, Juno, 18G6. Edwin Rufus Lewis. Sept. isc, 1831, commissioned 1st Lieut, and Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Lewis Wallace ; resigned Dec. 1866. Enhsted in 21st Mass. Vols., Aug. 23d, 1862 ; promoted Sergt Major., Dec. 3d, 1862; 1st Lieut, and Adj., April 26th, 1883; Capt., June 18fch, 1864. Served at battle of Fredericksburg, Blue Springs, Tenn., Campbell's Station, siege of Knoxville, Wilderness, Va., Spottsylvania, Shady Grove Road, Cold Harbor, Petersburg Mine, Weldon R. R. Wounded twice at Fredericksburg antl once during siege of Knoxville. Mustered out Aug. 30th, 1.864. James Lewis. Aug. 14th, 1862, commissioned Capt. Co. C. 144th N. Y. Vols. Promoted Lieut. Col., July 3d, 1863 ; Col. Nov. 27th, 1864. Served at siege of Suffolk in Spring of 1863 ; under Gen. Dix on Peninsula ; at siege of Charleston, and bombardment of Fort Sumter ; capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg, in Aug. and Sept., 1S63 ; in engagement on James Island, Feb. 10th, 1865. Mustered oat at Elmira, N. Y., July 14th, 1865. Daniel Thurber Nelson. Served in Hospital transport service June — August, 1861 ; acting Medical Cadet at Mass. Genl. Hospital, Boston, Mass., Aug., 1862 — March 1865 ; acting Asst. Surgeon in armies of the James and Potomac until close of the war ; in cam- paign before Richmond and Petersburg ; battles in pursuit of Gen. Lee. Mustered out at Richmond, Va., June 20th, 1865. Henry C. Room. Left College 1858. Commissioned 1st Lieut N. Y. Vols. Promoted Captain, with command of Regt. at Rich- mond, 1865. Frederick Milton Sanderson. Augaist, 1861, onhsted as private in 21st Mass Vols., at Worcester, Mass.; promoted 1st Sergt., Oct 5th, 1861; 2nd Lieut, March 3d, 1862; l^t Lieut., July 21st; Capt., Sept. 2nd. Served at Roanoke Island in Feb. 186 1 ; Fred- ericksburg, Rapidan River, Culpepper Court House, Bull Run, 32 Amherst College Chantilly, Frederick City, Md., So. Mountain and Antietam. Under Gens. Burnside, Reno and Slaerman ; slightly wounded at Roanoke Island. Mustered out at Mt. Sterling, Ky., April 25tli, 1865. Moses Porter Snell. Enlisted Aug. 6th, 1862, in 36th Mass. Vols., at North Brookfield, Mass. Appointed 1st Lieut. 39th U. S. C. T., April 26th, 186 i, at Baltimore, Md. ; served in Wilderness campaign, and seige of Petersburg ; Sept. 23d, 1864, detailed as acting Aid-de-Camp to Maj. Gen. Crawford ; in 1st and 2nd battles of Hatcher's Run, White Oak Road, Five Forks, and at Lee's Sur- render ; for services in this campaign, promoted Brev. Capt. ; after- wards served as A. A. D. C. to Gen. Duncan at Newbern, N. C. Mustered out in Dec. 186-1. Edwin James Sweet. Left College 1858. June 21st, 183 1 , enhsted in Co. G, 40th N. Y. Vols., at Yonkers, N. Y. Promoted Corporal, June 1st, 1833 ; Sergt., Feb. 1st, 1863 ; 1st Sergt, March 1st ; 2nd Lieut., June 5th, 1863 ; 1st Lieut, and Adj., Feb. 5th, 1864 ; Brev. Maj., April, 1865. Served at siege of Yorktown, Va., April, 1862, Wil- liamsburg, May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, and June 1st ; Malvern HiU, July 1st ; 2nd Bull Kun, Aug. 30th ; Chantilly, Sept. 1st ; Fredericksbm-g, Dec. 13th; Chancellorsville, May 5th, 1863 ; Gettys- burg, July 1st, 3d ; Wilderness, May 5th, 6 th, 1864 ; Spottsylvania, May 12th ; North Anna, May 24th ; Cold Harbor, June 3d ; Petersburg, June 16th and IS^h ; under Gens. McClellan, Heintzle- man, Kearney, Biu-nside, Hooker, and Meade ; wounded in the breast at Gettysburg, July 2d, 1863 ; sick with pneumonia, in Spring of 1864. Mastered out at N. Y. City, July 18th, 1864. 1862. Edward Adams. Left college 18 "59. Appointed Surgeon's Steward, Feb. 13th, 1865, on U. S. Steamer Wachusetts ; March 5th sailed in search of Rebel Privateer Shenandoah ; afterwards joined the Asiatic squadron, under Rear Admii-al Bell. Discharged at N. Y. City, Feb. 8th, 1868. Francis Wayland Adams. Enlisted in 51st Maes. Vols., at Brook- field, Mass., Sept., 1862. Promoted Ist Lieut., Oct. 8th. Served in N. C. under Gen. Foster ; at battles of Kinston, Wliitehall and Abmy and Navy Roll 33 Goldsboro. Sick with malarial iexer, and obliged to return North. Resigned Jan. 25tli, 1863. Washington Irving Allen. Left College 1S61. Commissioned* 1st Lieut. Co. D., 31st Mass. Vols., at Ware, Oct. 9th, 18G1. Promoted Capt., Dec. 21tb, 18G2 ; Major, Nov. 21th, 1861 ; Lieut. Col., June 7th, 1865. Served at siege and capture of New Orleans ; Port Hudson ; in Gen. Banks' Red River expedition ; in battles of Sabine Cross Roads, Mansfield, Cave River Crossing and Yellow Bayou ; assault on Spanish Fort and capture of Mobile. Under Gen*. Butler, Augur, Grierson, Banks and Dudley. Wounded at Port Hudson, June 14th, 1863. Mustered out at Mobile, Ala., Sept. 9th, 1865. Augustus Alvord. Left College 1860. Enlisted in 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery, at Hartford, Conn., Nov. 24th, 1863. Promoted Chaplain 31st U. S. C. T., Feb. 9th, 1865. Served before Richmond and Petersburg ; at capture of Richmond and surrender of Lee ; in expedition to Western Texas. Under Gen. Grant in Army of the James, and Gens. Sheridan and Weitzel, in Texas. Mastered out in Texas, Oct., 1865. Arthur Gardner Biscoe. Enhsted in 51st Mass. Vols., Aug. 25th, 1862. Served under Gen Foster in battle of Whitehall, N. C, Dec. 16th, 1862. Mustered out at Worcester, July 27th, 1863. Joseph Willard Brown. Left College 1860. Enlisted in Co. K, 7th Mass. Vols., at Abington, May 24th, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lieut., July 15th, 1854. Served at Washington, Fredericksburg* Shenandoah Valley, Beaufort and siege of Suffolk ; in command of Fort Ethan Allen, Va. , and Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; Cottonwood Springs, Neb., Fort Larmie, Wyoming Ter., in expedition against the Indians. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, Dec. 16th, 1865- Joseph jOlark Clieford. Commissioned Sergt. 42nd Mass. Vols, at Medway, Sept. 3d, 1862. Promoted 2nd Lieut., Nov. 12t.h,' 1862. Served in Dept. of the Gulf, under Gens. Sherman and Banks. Mustered out at Readville, Aug. 20th, 1803. Commissioned 34 Amherst College 1st Lieut. 5th Heavy Artillery, at Concord, N. H., Sept. Sth, 1864 ; Acting A. D. C. to Gen. Haskins in Dept. of Washington, Nov. 1864 — June, 1865. Mustered out at Concord, June 22nd, 18G5. Appointed 2nd Lieut, in Ordnance Dept. U. S. A., June 23d, 1865. Since the war. at St. Louis Arsenal. Ezra Christian Ebeesole. Enlisted in Pa. Cavalry, Home Guards, June, 1863. Served three months in State defense. Mustered out and re-enlisted in 44th la. Infantry, at Davenport, la., June 1st, 1864. Held rank of Sergt. and served at Memj)his and La Grange, Tenn., under Gen. Washburn. Mustered out at Davenport, la. Sept. 10th, 1864. Dyer Ball Nelson Fish. Left College 1859. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon 27th Mass. Vols., at Boston, Jan. 9th, 1863. Pro- moted Surgeon Sept. 20th, 1864. Served in siege of "Little Wash- ington, Gum Swamp, Port Walthall, Arrowfield Church, Drury's Bluflf, Cold Harbor, and siege of Petersburg. Under Gens. Foster, Butler, Smith, Ord, Palmer and Schofield. Mustered out at New- bern, N. C, June 26th, 1865. Henry Allen Ford. Left College 1859. Commissioned 2d Lieut, Co. F, 19th Mich. Infantry, July 28th, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieut., April 24th, 1862, and Capt., June 1st, 1864. Served in battles of Thompson's Station, Resca, Dallas, Cassville, Beechtree Creek, Ben- tonville ; Kentucky campaign, against Smith and Bragg, and Sherman's raid through Carohnas. Under Gens. Dustin, Baird, Butterfield, Granger, Williams, Hooker, Rosecrans and Sherman. Captured at Thompson's Station, Tenn., March 5th, 1863, and con- fined two months in Libby Prison. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, June 9th, 1865. Lucius Fayette Claek Garvin. EnHsted in 51st Mass. Vols., at Worcester, in Nov., 1862. Served at Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro, under Gen. Foster. Suffered much from sickness, and mustered out at Worcester, Mass., July, 1863. Henry Hill Goodell. Commissioned 2nd Lieut., Co. F, 25th Conn. Vols., at Hartford, Ct., Aug. 16th, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieut. , April 14th, 1863 ; A. D. C. on Staff in 19th Army Corps, July 8th Army and Navy Roll. 35 of the same year. Served at Irish Bend, Vermilhoii, siege of Port Hudson and in the Teche campaign. Mustered out at Hartford, Ct., Aug. 26th, 1863. *Henry Gtridley. Commissioned 1st Lieut., 150th N. Y. Vols., at Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 6bh, 1862. Served in battle of Gettys- burg, pursuit of Lee ; transferred to Army of Tennesee in fall of 1 863 ; Sherman's march to Atlanta ; battle of Marietta, Ga. Sick with fever at Kellogg's Ford in summer of 1863. Killed at battle of Marietta, June 22nd, 1864. Eben Thomas Hale. Left College 1859. Enlisted in Co. A, 45th Mass. Vols., at C!amp Meigs, Eeadville, Mass., Aug. 30th, 1862. Served at Goldsboro, lunston and Whitehall. Mustered out at Readville, Mass., July 8th, 1863. Samuel Harrington. Left College 1861. Commissioned 1st Lieiit., 25th Mass. Vols., at Worcester, Mass., Oct. 12tli, 1861. Promoted Capt., Nov. 5th, 1862 ; Lieut. Col., Jan. 10th, 1865. Served at Roanoke, Newbern, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Port Walthall Junction, Arrowfield Chiu-ch, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Wise's Forks. Under Gens. Burnside, Foster, Butler, Smith and Meade. Mustered out July 13th, 1865. . Thomas Henderson. Left College 1859. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon, Feb. 3d, 1863. Served in Lawton Gen'l Hospital at St. Louis, Mo., Gen'l Hospital at RoUa, Mo. and Harney Gen'l Hospital. Sick with Varioloid. Charles Marsh Kittredge. Appointed Orderly Sergeant 13th N. H. Vols., at Mt. Vernon, N. H., Sept. 1st, 1862. Promoted 2nd Lieut., May 1st, 1863. Served at Fredericksburg, siege of Suffolk and Peninsula campaign. Under Gens. Burnside and Getty. Wounded at Fredericksbiu-g, Dec. 13th, 1862. Sick at Norfolk, ~Y^., Aug. 1863. Resigned Nov. 14th, 1863. Alva Aziza Knight. Commissioned 1st Lieut. 2nd S. C. Vols., at Beaufort, S. C, April 13th, 1864. Promoted Cap(., Oct. 12th, 1865. Served at James Island, Fort Wagner, Morris Island, John's Island, Devaux Landing and Honey Hill. Under Gene. Hunter, Gilmore, Hatch, Foster, and Birney. Mustered out at Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 12th, 1866. 36 ' Amheest College Zecharl^h Edwari>s Lewis. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon, tJ. S. A., June 7th, 18o4. Served at Jefferson Grenl. Hospital, Jefferson- ville, Ind. Left the service Sept. 7th, 1864. RuFus Pratt Lincoln. Commissioned 2nd Lieut., 37th Mass. Vols., at Amherst, Mass., Aug. 27th, 1862. Promoted Capt., Oct. 15th, 1862 ; Major, July 17th, 1864 ; Lieut. Col., March 4th, 1865 ; Col., May 19th, 1865. Served at battle of Fredericksburg, Mary's Heights, Franklin's Crossing, Gettysburg, Rappahannock, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg and Ta^'lor's Creek. Wounded at Wilderness and Spottsylvania. Mustered out, July 29th, 1865. George Macomber. Commissioned 1st Lieut. 34th IMass. Li- fantry, Aug., 1862. Promoted acting Adjt., June, 1863 ; acting Asst. Inspt. Gen., Army of West Va., July, 1864 ; Capt., Sept. 1864 ; transferred to 24th Mass. Vols., and promoted Brev. Major, June, 1865 ; 2nd Lieut., 14th U. S. Lifantry, May 1866 ; 1st Lieut. 32nd U. S. Infantry ; Brev. Major U. S. A., March 2ud, 1867. Served at Ripon, Newmarket, Piedmont, Snicker's Gap, Winchester, Hallstown, Berryville, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg and Appomattox Court House. Under Gens. Hunter and Sheridan, Edward Morris. Left College, 1860. EnHsted in 46th Mass. Vols., at Springfield, Aug. 29th, 1861. Served at Newbern and Plymouth, N. C, under Gen. Foster. Mustered out at Springfield, July 29th, 1863. Frederick Daniels Morse. Enlisted in 42nd Mass. Vols., at Medway, Sept. 3d, 1862. Served at battle of Brashear City, in Array of the Gulf, under Gen. Banks. Captured at Brashear City, June 22nd, 1863, and paroled June, 26th. Mustered out at Read- ville, Aug. 20th, 1863. *Elliott Payson, Left College 1859. Enlisted in Naval service at Cincinnati, O., Feb., 1863. Served on gunboat Tecumseh, in Western giuilcat licet. Died of pneumonia, at Cairo, 111., March 24th, 1863. Cyrus Murdock Perry. Commissioned Chaplain 24th N. Y. Cav- alry, April 14th, 1865. Served under Gen, Sheridan. Mustered out at Syracuse, N. Y. Aug. 4th, 1865. Army and Navy Roll. 37 Alvah Mills Richardson. Enlisted iii 45th Mass. Vols., at Boston, in Aug., 1862. Served in Gen Foster's expedition and battles of Kinstou and Wluteliall. Sick -with typhoid fever. Mustered out at Boston, in Aug., 1863. Samuel Augustus Stoddard. Enhsted in 24th Light Artillery, at Perry, N. Y., Sept. 5th, 1862. Promoted Corporal, Oct., 1862. Served in battle of NeAvbern and at Plymouth, N. C. In hospital eight Aveeks with remittent fever. Mustered out at Syracuse, N. Y., July 7th, 1865. Mason Whiting Tyler. Commissioned 2nd Lieut., 37th Mass. Vols., at Amherst, Mass., Aug. 1st, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieut., Sept. 4th, 1862 ; Capt., Jan. 17th, 1863; Major, March 4th, 1865; Lieut. Col., May 19th, 1865 ; Col., June 26th, 1865. Served in battles of 1st and 2nd Fredericksburg, Burnside's Campaign, Salem Chm-ch, Gettys- burg, Ra^jpahannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Hanover Junction, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, Fort Stearns, Summit Point, Winchester, Hatcher's Run and Forts Steadman and Sedgwick. Wounded at Winchester and Fort Sedgwick. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, July 2nd, 1865. Samuel Colville Vance. Commissioned Capt., 27th Mass. Vols, at Springfield, Oct. 9th, 1861. Promoted Maj., 70th Ind. Vols., Aug. 9th, 1862 ; Col., 132nd Ind. Vols., 1863. Served in battles of Roanoke, Newbern, and Russellville, Ky. Under Gens. Thomas and Burnside. Mustered out at Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5th, 1863. George Warrington. Commissioned 1st Lieut., 8th U. S. C. T. at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 14th, 1863. Served in battle of Olustee, Fla. and in Dept. of the South, under Gen. Seymour. Wounded at Olustee, Feb. 20th. 1864. Mustered out at Annapolis, Md., Oct. 3d, 1864. ' 1863. William Nelson Batchelder. Left College 1861. Enlisted in 102nd N. Y. Vols, at N. Y. City, Dec. 10th, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lieut., April 5tb, 1862, 1st Lieut., July 16th, and Capt., Nov. 12th, of same year. Served at Harper's Ferry, Cedar Mountain and Antietam. Under Gens. Banl