1061 k^^ QBs&ldllLAkL Book ^ : ■ General Catalogue OF LBY UNIVERSITY, 1887 SECOND General Catalogue OF THE OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF COLBY UNIVERSITY Waterville, Maine. 1820-1887. WATERVILLE, ME. : PUBLISHED FOR THE ALUMNI, JULY, 1SS7. ti On) Chartered by the Legislature of Massachusetts as The Maine Litek- AE.Y AND Theological Institution, February 27, 1813. Theological Department opened, July, 1818. Literary Department opened, Octo- ber, 1819. Authorized by the first Legislature of Maine "to confer such degrees as are usually conferred by Universities," June 19, 1820. Name of the Institution changed to "Waterville College by Act of Legislature, February 5, 1821. Name of the Corporation changed to "The President and Trustees of Colby LTniversity," by Act of Legislature, January 23, 1867. Printed at the Sentinel Oflice, Waterville, Me. By Transfer Buveau of Educa^on APR 8 1936 CATALOGUE. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. PRESIDENTS. Note. The asterisk indicates decease. Titles and degrees of officers are given as tliey were during the term of office. 1822-1833. *'Rev. JEREMIAH CHAPLIN, D.D. *1841. 1833-1836. *Rey. RUFUS BABCOCK, D.D. ^'1875. 1836-1839. -^'Rev. ROBERT EVERETT PATTISON, D.D. ^^874. 1841-1843. -^'ELIPHAZ FAY, A.M. ^^854. 1843-1853. Rev. DAVID NEWTON SHELDON, D.D. 1854-1857. '"Rev. ROBERT EVERETT PATTISON, D.D. ^'1874. 1857-1873. ^'Rev. JAMES TIFT CHAMPLIN, D.D. *1882. 1873-1882. Rev. HENRY EPHRAIM ROBINS, D.D. 1882- Rev. GEORGE DANA BOARDMAN PEPPER, D.D. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1835-1847. ■^'Hon. Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. *1855. 1847-1849. ■^'Hon. William King. *H852. 1850-1853. *Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D. '^'1872. 1853-1859. ^'Hon. John Hubbard, M.D., LL.D. ^'1869. 1859-1874. *Hon. Abner Coburn. *'1885. TREASURERS. 1831-1832. *Hon. Timothy Boittelle, LL.D. '^'1855. 1832-1834. ^''Daniel Cook, M.D. "^'1863. 1834-1851. -'James Stackpole, A.M. "^'ISSO. 1851-1881. Eldridge Laavrence .Getchell, A.M. 1881- Hon. Percival Bonney, A.M. GENEEAL CATALOGUE OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, PRESIDING OFFICERS. 1822-1874. The President of the Coleege, ex officio. 1874-1885. ^-'HoN. ABXER COBURN. *1885. 1885- Hox. JOSEPH WARREN MERRILL, A.M. SECRETARIES. 1820-1834. *'Rey. Otis Briggs, A.M. •n842. 1834-1841. ■^'Hon. Lemuel Paine, A.M. ^'^852. 1841-1842. Rev. Saiitjel Francis Smith, A.M. 1843-1847. *'Hon. Isaac Redington. *''1878. 1847-1848. ^•'Rev. Hanbee Gershom Nott, A.M. *1873. 1848-1852. Eldridge Laavrence Getchell, A.M. 1852-1862. *Rev. Nathaniel Milton Wood, A.M. '^^876. 1862-1866. Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, A.M. 1866-1867. Rev. Joseph Ricker, A.M. 1867-1875. Rev. Benjamin Franklin Shaav, D.D. 1875-1879. Rev. Samuel Pierce Merrill. 1879- Hon. Percival Bonnet, A.M. TRUSTEES. 1821-1825. -''Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D.D. -'4825, . of Boston, Mass. 1821-1826. -'^Elijah Barrell. •■n866. . Greene. 1821-1827. --'Rev. Sylvanus Boardman. '"1845. . New Sharon. 1821-1842. '"Rev. Lucius Bolles, D.D. -^844. . Salem, Mass. 1821-1855. -•'Hon. Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. ■■'1855. Waterville. 1821-1842. --Rev. Otis Briggs, A.M. *1842. . . Hampden. 1821-1828. --Rev. Stephen Chapin, D.D. ^'1845. Washington,D.C. 1821-1822. ''-'Ebenezer Delano. .... Livermore. 1821-1859. --Nathaniel Oilman. ••4859. . . Waterville. COLBY UXn^ERSITY. 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1822- 1822- 1823- 1825- 1826- 1826- 1827- 1828- 1829- 1830- 1831- 1832- 1832- 1833- 1833- 1833- 1834- 1834- 1834- -1849. -1829. -1842. -1826. -1832. -1837. ■1823. •1848. ■1838. •1848. ■1833. ■1833. ■1842. ■1840. •1835. ■1840. ■1833. ■1832. ■1830. ■1853. ■1834. ■1838. 1836. 1830. 4852. 1855. 1849. 4871. 4834. 1852. 4841. 4834. 4839. 4842. 4838. 1840. 1840. 4851. 1856. *''Rev. JoHX Hayxes. ^-'1863. . . Mount Vernon. ^Cmrs HAiJLLEsr, M.D. ^^829. . . . Paris. *Hon. Makk Harkis. ^^843. . . . Portland. •''Hon. M-^EK Laxgdox Hill. *1842. Phipsburg. *JoHX HovEY. -•'1851. . . . Mount Vernon. *Ukiel Huxtixgtox, M.D. -•'1839. . Bowdoinham. *Rev. Adoxeram; Judsox, Sr. "^-'1826. . Nobleboro. ■•'Hon. WrLEiAii Kixg. "'•'1852. . . . Bath. ^•'Rey. Robert Low. *1848. . North Livermore. ••'Hon. JuDAH McLellax, A.M. -''1864. Skowhegan. *''Rev. Daxiel Merrill, A.M. -''1833. Sedgwick. ••'Rev. Phixeas Pillsbury. ""'1859. . . Greene. "'•'Rev. Thomas Baldwix Ripley, A.M. "'''1876. Portland. *Hon. JosiAH WiLLARD Seaver. "'•'1847. South Berwick. ■^•'Bexjamix Shepard. '''•'1835. "^'Rev. Silas Stearxs. -•'1840. "'•'Calvix Stockbridge. -•'1833. *Rev. JoHx Tripp, A.M. ^^'1847. ^•'Hon. Ebexezer Tucker Warrex, A.M "'•'Hon. Xathax "Westox, LL.D. "'1872 *Rev. Daxiel Chessmax, A.M. ^'1839 '•'Japheth Coombs Washbl'rx. ^•'1850 *Hon. Albiox Keith Parris. "'''1857. ■^^Rev. Daxiel Sharp, D.D. -•'1853. ••'Royal Clarke. ^'1858. '•'Rev. JoHX Butler, A.M. '^•'1856. "'Hon. Lemuel Paixe, A.M. -'1852. *Rev. Adam Wilsox, D.D. ••'1871. *Rev. Joseph Torrey. ^'Rev. Barox Stow, D.D. "-''1869. ^Samuel Garxsey. ''•'1 8 73. ^^Daxiel Cook, M.D. ^^863. *Alpheus Shaw. "^'1869. *Hon. JosiAH Pierce, A.M. ""'1866. *Rev. JoHX Sharp Magixxis, D.D. "'1 *Rev. Jeremiah Chaplix, D.D. '*1841. "^Hon. Alford Richardsox. *1854. "'James Stackpole, A.M. '^•'1880. ■^•'Rev. James Gilpatrick, A.M. *1865. Water^-ille. Bath. Yarmouth. Hebron. ""'1830. Hallowell. Augusta. HaUoweU. China. Portland. Boston, Mass. Bangor. Thomaston. . Vinslow. "Waterville. . Readfield. Boston, Mass. Bangor. Waterville. Portland. Gorham. 1. Portland. Rowley, Mass. Portland. Waterville. BluehiU. 6 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1836-1845. *Eleazer Coburx. ■^'1845. . . Skowhegan. 1886-1842. *Neal Dennison Shaw. ^^1864. . . Eastport. 1837-1847. *'Hon. George Evaxs, A.M., LL.D. -^867. Portland. 1838-1847. *'Hon. EmvARi* Kext, LL.D. ^-'1877. . Bangor. 1838-18.58. *AxDKEAV Masters. ••'1881. . . . Hallowell. 1839-1870. *Rev. Arthur Drixkavater. '''1874. "Waterville. 1840-18.51. ^Charles Traftox, M.D. -^8.5.5. . So. Berwick. 1840-1860. Rev. Samuel Fraxcis Smith, D.D. Newton Centre, Mass. 1840-1843. -^Rcv. Johx Billixgs. ^'1864. . . . Fayette. 1841-18,55. --'Byrox Greexough. ^^1871. . . . Portland. 1841-1862. ■^■Rev. Haxpel Gershom Nott, A.M. ^^873. Bath. 1841-1847. -''Hon. Elijah Livermore Hamlix, A.M. "'1872. Bangor. 1842-1855. -^Dakiel Merrill. ^1864. . . . Belfast. 1842-1849. -'Hon. Otis Crosby Gross. -^849. New Gloucester. 1842-1853. *-Rev. Caleb Bailey Davis, A.M. ^'1855. . Paris. 1842-1850. Rev. Leavis Colby, A.M. . Cambridgeport, Mass. 1843-1849. *Hon. Josiah Pierce, A.M. ••4866. . . Gorham. 1843-1849. '-Rev. Jeremiah Chaplix, A.M. *1886. Newton Centre, Mass. 1843-1850. ^'Rev. Amariah Kalloch. ^''1850. . Thomaston. 1845-1885. '"''Hon. Abxer Coburx. '^•'1885. . . Skowhegan. 1847-1873. ■•'Sam^tel Garxsey. *1873. . . . Bangor. 1847-1855. '^Hon. Isaac Davis, LL.D. *'1883. Worcester, Mass. 1847-1856. *Hon. Hiram Belcher, A.M. *'1857. Farmington. 1849-1862. -^'Hon. Johx Hubbard, M.D., LL.D. ^'1869. Hallowell. 1849-1862. ^-'Hon. Henry William Paixe, LL.D. Boston, Mass. 1849-1856. ^'Hon. Thomas Robixsox. *1858. . Ellsworth. 1849-1855. ^^Hon. Elisha Madisox Thurstox, A.M. *1859. Charleston. 1849- Rev. Joseph Ricker, D.D. .... Augusta. 1849-1853. Rev. Edgar Habkness Gray, A.M. . Yallejo, Cal. 1850-1858. *Hon. Josiah Pierce, A. M. *"1866. . . Gorham. 1850-1866. Rev. Abraham Holley Graxger, D.D. Burrillville, R. L 1850-1863. Rev. Samuel Luxt Caldwell, D.D. Providence, R. I. 1852-1858. *Alpheus Shaav. *1869 Portland. 1852-1855. "'Rev. Wili.iam Lamsox, D.D ••'1882. East Gloucester, Mass. 1852- Moses Giddixgs. ...... Bangor. 1853- Re\'. Daa'id Neavtox Sheldox, D.D. . Waterville. 1853-1855. "'^George Washixgtox Keely, LL.D. '"'1878. Waterville. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 1853-1858. ■^■-Rev. Lorenzo BiCKFOKD AI.LEN, A.M. -'1872. Yarmouth. 1855-1881. ^'Rev. WiLMAM Hosmer Shailer, D.D. *1881. Portland. 1855-1868. *Hon. Noah Smith, Jr. ^'1868. . . Calais. 1855-1860. ^'Abial Wood Kennedy, M.D. *1861. . Warren. 1856-1858. ^'Hon. and Ret. Ebenezer Knoweton, A.M. *'1874. Montville. Hallo well. Waterville. Waterville. Bangor. - Portland. 1856- Rev. Nathaniee Butler, D.D. . 1856-1859. John Barton Foster, A.M. 1856-1869. Nathaniel Rogers Boutelle, M.D. . 1857- !';■'.: Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, LL.D. 1857- Hon. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, LL.D. 1857-1863. "'Rev. William Lamson, D.D. *1882. East Gloucester, Mass. 1857-1862. Joseph Story Boston, Mass. 1858-1867. Hon. Mark Hill Dunnell, A.M. Owatonna, Minn. 1858-1864. *Rev. George Knox, A.M. "^'1864. Lawrence, Mass. 1858-1871. *Henry Brown Hart. *187l. . . Portland. 1859-1879. ^Hon. Dennis Libby Milllken. *1879. Waterville. 1859-1862. George Freeman Emery Portland. 1860-1865. -''Hon. Thomas Stanley Pullen. *''1865. Foxcroft. I860- Rev. Albion Keith Parris Small, D.D. . Portland. I860- Hon. William Wilson Hallowell. 1861-1875. *^Hon. Henry Kennedy. *1875. . Waldoboro. 1862-1869. *Rev. Nathaniel Milton Wood, D.D. *1876. Lewiston. 1862-1869. *'Hon. Lot Myrick Morrill, A.M. ^'1883. Augusta. 1862- James Hobbs Hanson, LL.D. . . Waterville. 1862-1880. *Hon. Benjamin Day Metcalf. '^880. Damariscotta. 1862-1863. Hon. Joseph Warren Merrill. Cambridge, Mass. 1863- Rev. Franklin Merriam, A.M. East Weare, N. H. 1863-1882. *Rev. Henry Vaughan Dexter, D.D. ^•'1884. Baldwinville, Mass. 1865-1879. ^'Gardner Colby. *1879. . . Boston, Mass. 1865- Rev. George Whitefield Bosworth, D.D. Boston, Mass. 1865-1868. ^Joseph Barrows. ••'1868. . . Readfield. 1866-1881. ■^''Rev. Ebenezer Edson Cummings, D.D. '^^886. Concord, N. H. 1868-1876. ^''Hon. Charles Rendol Whidden, A.M. *1876. Calais. 1869- Hon. Joseph Warren Merrill, A.M. Cambridge, Mass. 1869-1870. Rev. Alvah Hovey, D.D. Newton Centre, Mass. » GEXEIIAL CATALOGUE. 1869-1880. Hon. Calvix HorKixs. . . . Mount Vernon. 1870-1886. -^Hon. Wiij.iam Ej^avakd Wokdixg, LL.D. -'4886. Plainview, Minn. 1870- Rev. Oakmax Si'Rague Steauxs, D.D. Xewton Centre, Mass. 1870-1876. Hon. Alexaxder Campbell. . . Cherrj-field. 1870- Rev. Bexjamen" Fraxklen^ Shaav, D.D. Waterville. 1871- Rev. Abijah Robixsox Craxe, D.D. East AVinthrop. 1871-1879. Hon. George Hexry Pilsbury. . New York. 1874-1874. '"Chapix Humphrey. *1874. . . . Bangor. 1875-1881. Rev. James Tift Champlix, D.D. , LL.D. ^^882. Portland. 1876- Hon. Percival Boxxey, A.^I. . . Portland. 1877- Hon. "\ViLLL\M JoHxsox CoRTiiELL. . . Gorham. 1877-1883. Hon. Almore Kexxedy, A.M. . Waldoboro. 1879- Gardxer Roberts Colby. . . New York. 1879- Bexjamln" Fraxklix Sturtevaxt. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1880-1882. Rev. Hexry Ephraim Robixs, D.D. Rochester, N. Y. 1880-1886. ^-Trof. Charles Edavard Hamlin, LL.D. -"^886. Cambridge, Mass. 1881- Hon. Robert Oliver Fuller. Cambridge, Mass, 1881- Rev. William Harrisox'- Aldex, D.D. Portsmouth, N. H. 1881- Rev. Hexry Saveetsir Burrage, A.M. . Portland. 1881- Rev. Francis Wales Bakeman, D.D. Chelsea, Mass. 1882- Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, D.D., LL.D. Waterville. 1882-1883. -''Rev. Isaiah Record, A.M. -'1883. . . Houlton. 1883- Hon. Edmund Fuller Webb, A.M. . Waterville. 1883- Rev. Charles Yeranus Hanson, A.M. Damariscotta. 1885- Moses Lyford, LL.D. . . Springfield, Mass. 1886- Hon. Eustace Carey Fitz, A.M. . Chelsea, Mass. 1886- Hon. Russell Benjamin Shepherd. Skowhegan. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. PROFESSORS. Sacred Theology. 1822-1828. *Rev. Stephen Chapin, D.D. •'•'1845. 1829-1832. *Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, D.D. ^'1841. Languages. 1822-1827. ^-'Rev. Avery Briggs, A.M. *1883. 1827-1833. Thomas Jefferson Conant, A.M. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 1827-1828. ^'Rev. Avery Briggs, A.M. -''1883. 1828-1829. *'Robert Everett Pattison. '^'1874. 1829-1852. "^'George Washington Keely, LL.D. ^''1878. 1853-1855. Rev. Kendall Brooks, A.M. 1856-1872. Moses Lyford, A.M. ^Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica. 1830-1833. '"''Joseph Adams Gallup, A.M., M.D. ^'1849. ■\Anatomy and Surgery. 1830-1833. WiLLARD Parker, A.M., M.D. ■\ Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence. 1830-1833. *''David Palmer, M.D. Rhetoric and the Hebrew La^iguage. 1831-1838. *Rev. Calvin Newton, A.M. *1853. Latin and English Languages and Literature. 1832-1833. ^-'JoHN O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. '^'1872. tin the Clinical School of Medicine at Wooclstock,Vt.,then connected with the College. 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Crreek and Latin Languages and Literature. 1834-1839. -^Tpiinehas Barnes, A.M. *1871. 1839-1840. --Rev. Asa Druky, A.M. *n870. 1841-1858. *Rev. James Tift Champlin, D.D. -^882. 1858-1872. John Barton Foster, A.M. Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. (The Babcock Professorship since 1868.) 1836-1839. -^'Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D.D. -''1874.. 1841-1843. -^'Eliphaz Fay, A.M. *1854. 1843-1853. Rev. David Neavton Sheldon, D.D. 1853-1858. *"'Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D. D. ^^'1874. 1858-1873. -^Rev. James Tift Champlin, D.D. *1882. 1873-1882. Rev. Henry Ephraim Robins, D.D. 1882- Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, D.D., LL.D. Chemistry and ISfatural History. (The Merrill Professorship after 1865.) 1838-1852. Rev. Justin Rolph Loomis, A.M. 1853-1873. ^Charles Edward Hamlin, LL.D. ^'1886. 1873-1885. William Elder, A.M. Rhetorie. 1843-1850. Martin Brewer Anderson, A.M. 1850- Rev. Samuel King Smith, D.D. Modern Languages. 1866- Edward Winsloav Hall, A.M. Physics and Astronomy. 1872-1884. Moses Lyford, LL.D. 1884-1886. Franiv Sumner Capen, A.M. 1886- William Augustus Rogers, A.M., Ph. D. Greek Language and Literature. 1872- John Barton Foster, LL.D. Latin Language and Literature. 1873- Julian Daniel Taylor, A.^L COLBY UNIVERSITY. 11 Mathematics. 1875- Laban Edwards Warren, A.M. History. 1881- Albion Woodbury Small, A.M. Chemistry. (The Merrill Professorship.) 1885- William Elder, A.M. Mineralogy and Geology. 1885- Marshman Edward Wadsavorth, A.M., Ph. D. TUTORS. 1822-1823. ^George Dana Boardman. *1831. 1823-1827. ^'Ephraim Tripp. *1871. 1823-1824. *Elijah Foster. ^^'1834. 1824-1826. *Addison Parker. *1864. 1827-1828. ^Leonard Tobey. *1851. 1828-1832. *'JoHN O'Brien Chaplin. *1872. 1830-1831. Henry William Paine. 1833-1835. Jonathan Everett Farnam. 1833-1837. ^'Samuel Randall. *1862. 1835-1836. ^William Lamson. *1882. 1836-1838. Justin Rolph Loomis. 1837-1839. Edwin Noyes. 1838-1839. ■^'Danford Thomas. *1882. 1839-1841. ^Samuel Sawyer Johnson. *1842. 1841-1843. Martin Brewer Anderson. 1846-1847. Samuel King Smith. 1850-1850, Junius Artemas Bartlett. 1855-1855. *'Henry Allen Sawtelle. ^^'1885. 1855-1862. HoBART Wood Richardson, A.M. 1868-1873. Julian Daniel Taylor, A.M. 12 GEXEEAL CATALOGUE OF INSTRUCTORS AND LECTURERS. 1828-1831. ''"Frederick Augustus Willard, A.M., Lecturer on Chem- ical Philosophy and Botany. -''1866. 1833-1834. ''-"Phixehas Barnes, A.M., Acting Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. '^'1871. 1833-1837. "^''EzEKiEE Holmes, M.D., Lecturer on Chemistry, Mineral- ogy, Geology, and Botany. *1865. 1834-1841. Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, A.M., Acting Professor of Modern Languages. 1835-1836. Stephen Benson Page, A.B., Instructor in Elocution. 1839-1843. Rev. Calvin Emmons Park, A.M., Acting Professor of Rhetoric. 1852-1853. Theophilus Capen Abbot, Instructor in Chemistry and Natural History, 1852 ; Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1853. 1874-1875. Rev. Nathaniel Melcher, A.M., Acting Professor of Mathematics. 1875-1878. ■^''Atavood Crosby, A.M., M.D., Instructor in Gymnastics and Military Drill, --n 8 8 3 . 1875-1878. Fred Morse Wilson, M.D., Instructor in Gymnastics and Military Drill. 1880-1882. Frederick Crosby Robertson, Instructor in Elocution. 1882-1885. Charles Branch Wilson, A.M., Assistant in Chemistry and Natural History. 1882-1883. Carlton Beecher Stetson, A.B., Assistant in Greek. 1883-1884. Lucius Alonzo Butterfield, Instructor in Elocution. LIBRARIANS. 1822-1828. *Trof. Avery Briggs, A.M. *1883. 1828-1833. ^Trof. John O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. '^'1872. 1833-1835. Tutor Jonathan Everett Farnam. 1835-1837. ''-'Tutor Samuel Randall, A.M. ••'1862. 1837-1842. Prof. Justin Rolph Loomis, A.M. 1842-1850. Prof. Martin Breaver Anderson, A.'Sl. 1851-1873. Prof. Samuel King Smith, D.D. 1873- Prof. Edavari) Winsloav Hall, A.M. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 13 FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. 1886-1887. Rev. GEORGE DANA BOARDMAN PEPPER, D.D., LL.D. PRESIDEKT. BABCOCK PROFESSOR OF INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Rev. SAMUEL KING SMITH, D.D., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC. JOHN BARTON FOSTER, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF THE GREfelv LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. EDWARD WINSLOW HALL, A.M., PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LIBRARIAN. WILLIAM ELDER, A.M., MERRILL PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. JULIAN DANIEL TAYLOR, A.M., PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. LABAN EDWARDS WARREN, A.M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, A.M., PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. MARSHMAN EDWARD WADSWORTH, A.M., Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ROGERS, A.M., Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY. THE ALUMNI Note. The degree of A. B. has been conferred upon each graduate. The date of receivmg the degree of A.M. is three years after graduation when not otherwise stated. The year of ordination and of admission to tlie har is not mentioned wlien identical with the date of entering upon the pastorate or the practice of law. Clergy- men are Baptist if no denomination is specified. The age of deceased graduates is given as at last birthday. Class of 1822. ^'Geokge Daxa Boardmak, a.m. Tutor, 1822-23; Resident Licentiate, An- dover Theol. Sem., 1823-24; Missionary to Burmah, Bapt. Bd. For. Missions, 182.5-31 ; Founder of the Karen Mission ; died near Tavoj-, Burmah, Feb. 11, 1831, aged 30. *Ephkaim Tripp, A.M. Prin. He- bron Acad., Me., 1822-23; Tutor, 1823-27; Teacher, Fayetteville, N. C, and in Ala. and Miss. ; Clerk of Courts, Carroll Co., Miss. ; died, Winona, Miss., April 7, 1871, aged 72. ^ Class of 1823. ^Elijah Foster, A.M. Tutor, 1823-24; Resident Graduate, 1824-25; Li- centiate, Beverly,Marblehead, and ^""o- burn, Mass., and Dover, N. H., 1825-29; Pastor, Dover, X. H., 1829-31 ; Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass., 1831-34; died, Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 27, 1834, aged 35. ^Henby Paine, A.M. Prin. East- port Acad., Me., 1824; Teacher, A^^ind- sor, Vt., 1825; Licentiate, Whiting, Vt., 1826 ; Prin.Monmouth Acad; Me. ,1827-31 ; Prin. Watervillc Acad., 1831-35; Prin. China Acad., 183.5-44; Teacher, Roclv- land, 1844-49; Prin. Thomaston Acad., 1849-5G; Teacher, Rockland, 185G-68; died, Rockland, Me., Nov. 12, 1868, aged 75. *Hadley Procter, A.M. Pastor, China, Me., and Prin. China Acad., 182.!- 26; Pastor, Rutland, Vt., 1826-35; Prin. Vermont Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, 183.5-36; Pastor, Rutland, 1836-38; China, Me., 1838-42; died, China, Me., April 12, 1842, aged 48. 3 Class of 1824. '"Joel Perez Hayford. Resident Graduate, 1824-25; Licentiate, in Vt., 1825-27; Pastor, Morristown and John- son, 1827-31 ; died, Johnson, Vt., Dec. 21, 1831, aged 32. "^'Calvin Holton. Missionary to Africa, Bap. Bd.For.Missions,1826; died, Monrovia, Liberia, July 23, 1826, aged 29. •'"Ebenezer Hutchinson, A. M. La\vyer,Waterville,Me.,1824-29; Athens, 1829-62; Repr. Me. Legisl. ; Sec. Me. Sen- ate, 1827-;30; County Attorney for Som- erset Co; died, Athens, Me., May 19, 1862, aged 68. Class of 1825. ''"John O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. Prin. Preparatory Dept., 1826-28; Tutor, 1828-32 ; Prof. Latin and English, 1832- 33; Librarian, 1828-:33; Prof. Greek and Latin, Columbian College, D.C., 1833-43; died, Conway, Mass., Dec. 22, 1872, aged 65. -•'WiLLARD Glover. Pastor, Lim- erick, Me., 1827-29; Acting Pastor, Par- son.sfield,Buxton,Waterboro and Paris, 1829-32 ; Wiscasset and Newcastle, 18152 ; Bloomtiold, 1833; Assoc. Pastor, Water- boro, 18;i6; Acting Pastor, Heath, Mass., and Lyndeboro, N. IL, 1837-38; Acting Pastor aiul Teacher, Cumberland, R. I., 1839-40; Vinalhaven, Me., 1841-46; Swan- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 15 ville, 1847-54; Addison, 1855-60; Pastor, Deer Isle, 1880; Acting Pastor and Teacher, Belfast, 1861-06; died, Jones- port, Me., Sept. 18, 1866, aged 70. *Bexjamix Hobart. Farmer and Lumber Merchant, died, Edmnnds, Me., June '21, 1884, aged 81. John Hovey. Teacher, Perry, N.Y., 1826-28; Prin. Select School, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1828-30; Farmington, 1830-52; Rose, 18.52-64; Po.stniaster, Danby, 187.5- 79; address, Danby, Ionia Co., Mich. *Alonzo King. Pastor, No. Yar- mouth, Me., 1826-:31; Xorthboro, Mass., 18.32-34; Westboro, 1835; died, Westboro, Mass., Nov. 29, 1835, aged 39. Author ot Memoir of George Dana Boardman (1835) . ^Francis Green Macomber. Pas- tor, Beverly, Mass., 182.5-27; died, Bev- erly, Mass., July 1, 1827, aged 29. * Thomas Ward Merrill, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1828; Prof. New- Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 1828-29; Prin. Classical School, Ann Ar- bor, Mich, 1829-30; ordained, 1831 ; First Missionary,Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, Praii'ie Ronde, Midi, 1832 ; Founder of Kalamazoo Coll. ; died, Lansing, Midi., April 8, 187S, aged 76. *Henry Moor. Midshipman, U.S. Navy, 1825; Lieut., 1835; killed by boiler explosion near Marysville, Cal., March 21, 18.53, aged 46. "^'■Joshua Randall. Prin. Fox- croft Acad., Me., 182B; Me. Wesleyan Seni., Kent's Hill, 1827 ; Lawyer,Phillips, 1828-40; Farmington, 1840-47; Dixfield, 1847-48; died, Dixtield, Me., Nov. 12, 1848, aged 50. ^Harrison Avery Smith. Law- yer, East Vassalboro, Me., 1829-33; Waterville, 18.33-.55; died, Kalamazoo, Mich., ,Iuly 20, 1882, aged 76. ■* Arthur Thompson. Teacher in Maryland, No. Carolina, and Georgia, man J' j^ears; died, Pownal, Me., Dec, 18.53, aged .55. 11 Class of 1826. ^'Samuel Farrar. Merchant, Skowhegan, Me., 1829-34; Manager Woolen Factory, Dexter, 1838-56; Pres. Mercantile Bank, Bangor, 1844-.57; Sec. and Treas. R. R. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1857-61 ; died, Geneva, Wis., Dec. 6, 1862, aged 56. ''''George Clifford Getchell. I,awj^er, Anson, Me., 1829-70; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1836, 1837, 1846; Clerk Me. House of Reps., 1838, 1841; State Land Agent, 1854; died, Waterville, Me., Aug. '32, 1881, aged 75. *MosES Gould. Student of Medi- cine, 1826-29; Druggist, Baltimore, Md., 1830-43 ; died, Boxford, Mass., June 30, 1843, aged 43. ■^'Albert Gallatin Jewett. Law- yer, Bangor, 1829-45 ; County Attorney 5 years; Charge d'Affaire.s, Peru, 1845- 48; Mayor, Belfast, Me., 1863, 1864, 1867; died, Belfast, Me., Apr. 4, 1885, aged 8-2. *Elijah Parish Lovejoy. Prin. China Acad., Me., 1826; Teacher, St. Louis, Mo., 1827; Editor and publisher The Times, 1828-S2; Student, Princeton Theol. Sem., 18.32; Licentiate, 2d Presb. of Phila., 1833 ; Editor and publisher St. Louis Observer, 1833-36; ordained 1834; Observer removed to Alton, 111., 1836; shot-by a pro-slavei-y mob, Alton, 111., Nov. 7, 1837, aged 34. *Ebenezer Mirick. Pastor, Sedg- wick, Me., 1829-34; Brooksville, 1834-57; died, Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 1, 1879, aged 81. '^'Orlando Holbrook Partridge, A.M., M.D., Bowd., 1829. Physician, Trnro, Mass., 18-29-36; Phila, Pa., 1838-.59; died, Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1859, aged 53. 7 Class of 1827. "'John Francis Hoavard Angier. Lawyer, Montville, Searsmont and Bel- fast, Me., 1830-56; died, Belfast, Me., June 17, 1856, aged 48. 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ^-Freemajs^ Bradford, A.M. Law- yer, Portland, Me., 1S31-G4; Aubiirn, is(>4-7-2; PortUuKl, 1872-73; Register of Probate, lS49-.5(i; aied, Portland, Me., Oct. -23, 1873, aged 71. *Harvey Bingham Dodge. Pas- tor, West Plattsljurg, X. Y., 1830-31 ; Mis- sionary, N. Y., 1831-:« ; Pastor, Farmers- ville,1833; Greene, 1834-3(>; Fort Coving- ton, 18:56-39; Parma, 18.39-41; Xewton Falls, Ohio, 1841-42 ; Garrettsville, 1842- 44 ; West Plattslnirg, N. Y., 1844-47 ; died, Plattsburg, X. Y., Nov. 11, I860, aged m. •^•'Harvey Evaks. Lawyer, Har- mony, Me., 1830-31; West Waterville, 1831-32 ; Oldtown, 1832-34 ; Sebec, 1834^-36 ; Benton, 1836-40; died, Benton, Me., -July 11,1840, aged 43. *WiLEiAM Augustus Evaxs, A.^SL Lawyer, Livermore Falls and Jay, Me., is:3a4l; Clerk, Treasury Dept., Wash- ington, D. C, 1841-62 ; Lawyer, Athens, Me., 1863-65; Fort Fairfield, 186.5-71; Bluehill, 1871-74 ; died, Bhnihill, Nov. 21, 1874, aged 64. ^•'Thomas Fitch, A.M. Farmer, Windsor, Conn., 1827-29; Hartland, 1829- 31; Montgomery, Mass., 1831-34; West- fleld, 1834-45; West Spring-Jleld, 184.5-72; died,AVest Springtield, Mass., .Jiily20, 1S72, aged 70. *^Enoch Weston Freeman. Pas- tor, New Gloucester, Me., 1827; Lowell, Mass.,1828-35; died, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 22, 1835, aged 36. Published A Selection of Hymns (1829). ■^'Henry Joseph Hall. Ordained, 1820; Pastor, i\Ionkton,Vt.,1828-30; Corn- wall, 1830-32 ; Missionary in Indiana and Mich., Mass. Home Miss.- Soc, 1832-39; Pastor, East Blooniington, N.Y^, 1840-45 ; Agent Am. Bible Soc, Alexandria, Va., several years ; died, Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 31, 1872, aged 76. *' Albert Gallatin Lane. Law- yer, Eastport, iM(!., 1830-152; Machias, 18:}2-.59; Register of Probate; Clerk of Courts, 1852-59; died, Machias, Me., >Iarch 27, 18.59, aged .50. ^^■'Lyman Bawson. Lawyer, Hum- ford, Me., 1830-74 ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1838, 1839; Judge of Probate, 1839-46; died, Kumford,'Me., Aug. 22, 1874, aged 75. *IsAAC Redington. Lawyer, Wa- terville, Me., 1830-.50; Member Me. Sen- ate, 1846-47; Treasurer A. & K. K. R., 1S50-.53; Lawyer, New Y'ork, till 1875; died, Skowhegan, Me., Oct. 6, 1878, aged 75. ^Thomas Robinson. Lawyer, Jef- ferson, Me., 1831; Ellsworth, 18;n-58; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1848; Member Bd, of Trustees, 1S49-.56 ; died, Ellsworth, Me., July 2, 18.58, aged 57. •^'Timothy Pickering Ropes, A.M. Pastor, Hampton Falls, N. H., 1829-30; Weston, Mass., 1830-;J3 ; Lexhigton, 1833- 34; Prin. Lexington Acad., 1834-.3S; Teacher, Winchester, Va., four years; Pastor, Lexington, Mass.,184.5-4G; Fann- er, Hampton Falls, 1847-.52; Pastor, 18.52- .54; Carimona, Minn., 18.54-.55; LeRoy, 18.5.5-05 ; died, LeRoy, Minn., July 3, 1873, aged 70. ^'Samuel Stevens, A.M. Student of Medicine, 1829-30; Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1831-:32; died, Dover, Me., March 4, 1832 , aged 31 . Class of 1828. ••'James Brooks. Teacher and Law student, Portland, Me., 1828-29; Editor PortJamJ AdrvHiser, 1829-36 ; Repr. Maine Legisl.. 1835 ; Editor and Proprietor iVew York Express, 1836-73 ; Repr. N.Y. Legisl., 1847; Member 31st, 32d, 38th, 39th, 43d, 13d, U. S. Congress, 1849-73; died, Wash- ington, D. C, April 30, 1873, aged 65. ■^•'•Jeremiah Chaplin, A.M., 1833 ; D.D., 18.57. Prof. Greek and Latin, New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 18:i4-;57; Student of Theology, Madison Univ., 18:18-39; Prof. Hebrew and Moral Science, Theol. Sem., Winsboro, S. C, 18:5i)-41 ; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1843- 49; Pastor, Bangor, Me., 1841-16; Ded- ham, Mass., 1850- ; Newton Corner, 1863-65; Theol. Instructor, Home Miss. Soc, New Orl(>ans, La., 18(i.5-68; from 1868, in literarv pursuits, Bo.ston,Mass.; .He.l, New Utrecht, N.Y., Mar. .5, 1886, aticd 7:!. Authtir of The Krenlug of Life COLBY UNIVERSITY. 17 (1858) ; Memoir of Rev. Duncan Biinbar (1865) ; The Hand of Jesus (1869) ; Life of President Dunster (187-2) ; Life of Charles Sumner (1874) ; The Memorial Hour (1874) ; Life of Franklin (1876) ; Life of Galen; compiler of The Riches of Bimyan (1850) ; Chips from the White House (1881). *Ebenezer Edson Cummings, A.m. 1848; D. D., Dartmouth, 1855. Pastor, Salisbury, N.H., 1828-32; Concord, N.H., 183-2-68; Member Bd. ot Trustees, 1866- 81; died. Concord, N. H., Feb. -22, 1886, aged 85. *Charles Foster. Student of Medicine, 18-28-29; died, Pembroke,Me., April -22, 18-29, aged 21. *Jacob Quincy Kettelle. Law- yer, Calais, Me., 1831-41; Boston, Mass., 1841-65; died, Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1865, aged 62. ^'Samuel McClellan. Tutor, College at Jackson, La., 181^0-33; Law- yer, Dexter, Me., 1835-68; died. Dexter, Me., Aug. 1, 1868, aged 58. *NicHOLAs Medbery, A.M., Bow- doin, 1836. Pastor, Middleboro, Mass., 1828-32; Watertown, 183-2-43; Newbury- port, 1843-53 ; Asliland, 1853-55 ; Peabody, 185.5-57; City Missionary, Portsmouth, N. H., 1857-71; died, Dover, Mass., May 30, 1878, aged 77. *SuLLivAN Sumner Rawson. Lawyer, Eastport, Me., 1831-51 ; Collec- tor of Customs, 1840-41 ; Member Me. Senate, 1844; Lawyer, San Francisco., Cal., 1851-66; Member Cal. LegisL, 1851- 52; died, San Francisco, Cal., June 11, 1866, aged 60. ^Abraham Sanborn. Lawyer, Le- vant, Me., 1833^7; Repr. Me. Legisl., 18.52, 1870; died, Bangor, Me., Feb. 7, 1885, aged 79. *Hermon Stevens. Lawyer, Rockland, Me., 1831-65; died, Water- ville, Me., March 15, 1867, aged 61. *Albert Carlton Thayer, M.D. Columbian, 1831. Physician, Benton, Me., 183-2-.33; Skowhegan, 18.33-34; died, Skowhegan, Me., Dec. 28, 1834, aged '25. *Manly Burt Townsend. Law- yer, Calais, Me., 1831-42; Alexander,1842 -49; Member Me. Senate, 1844-46; Presi- dent of Senate, 1845-46; died, Alexan- der, Me., Dec. 7, 1849, aged 46. 12 Class of 1829. *AsA Matthews, A.M., 1833. Prin. Hampden Acad., Me., 1831^37, and 1838- 41 ; Prin. Acad., Williamston, N.C., 1842- 52; Farmer, Newport, Me., 18.52-77; died, Newport, Me., Nov. 28, 1877, aged 73. Leander Smith Tripp, A.M., M.D. Bowdoin, 1834. Phj^sician, East Dix- field. Me., 1836-37; Norway, 1837^1; Teacher, Bridgton, 1842 ; ordained, 1843 ; Pastor, "Waterboro, 1844-46; Limington, 1846-47; Limerick, 1847-50; Shapleigh, 1850-.53 ; Effingham, N. H., 1853-55 ; Sabat- tus. Me., 185,5-60; No. Sedgwick, 1861-67; Lunenburgh, Vt., 1867-69; Surry, Me., 1869-80;. address, Bhiehill, Me. *Erastus Willard, a.m., 1844. Newton TheoL Inst., 1833; Pastor, Graf- ton, Vt., 1833-35; Missionary to France, Am. Bapt. Miss.Union, 18.3.5-56; Mission- ary to Ottawa Ijidians, Kansas, Home Miss. Soc, 1857-60; Pastor, Washburn, ni., 1861-62; So. Hampton, N. H., 186-2-64; Salem, N. Y., 180.5-71 ; died, Newport, R. I., Dec. 29, 1871, aged 71. Robert Williams Wood, M.D., Bowdoin, 1832. Physician, Aurora, Me., 1833; Orono, 1834-38; Hospital for Am. Seamen, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1839-49; introduced sugar growing, 1848, and since engaged in that business; re- turned to U.S., 1866; Libn. Am. Statisti- cal Assoc, Boston, Mass., 187-2-84; ad- dress, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 4 Class of 1830. "^'Moses Lark Appleton. Lawyer, Sebec, Me., 1833-35; Bangor, 1835-.59; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1849-50; State Bank Commissioner, 1856; died, Bangor, Me., Sept. 25, 1859, aged 48. Caleb Burbank. Lawyer, Cherry- fleld. Me.; Member Me. Senate, 1841; San Francisco, Cal., from 1854 ; Member Cal. Legisl. ; Judge of Court of Com- mon Pleas ; address, Stoclcton, Cal. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *WiLLiAM Hexry Burrill. Law- yer, Searsport, Me., 1833-37; Register of Probate, Belfast, 1SJ7-49; liepr. Me. Legisl., 1872; died, Belfast, Me., Oct. 8, 1884, aged 71. ^Edavlnt William Garrison, A.M. Acting Pastor, Cherryfleld, Me., 1831-32 ; Ellsworth,1833; Sedgwick, 18:5-1-3.1 ; Han- cock County, 183.5-36; Pastor, Cherry- fleld, 1830-38 ; Acting Pastor, No. . Sedg- wick, 18;3iM0; died, Sedgwick, Me., July 4, 1840, aged 3.5. Author of Memoirs of Mrs. n. B. PhiMiam (1840). * Joseph Hodges, A.M., 18 34. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1833 ; Pastor, Weston, Mass., 183.5-30; Amherst, 1840-41; Cole- raine, 1841-43; Palmer, 1843-47; East Broolcfield, 1847-.52; No. Oxford, 18.52-55; Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, 18.5.5-61; died, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 23, 1863, aged 57. ^Eaton Mason. Pastor, Spring- field, N. H., 1831-32; Acting Pastor, Effingham, 1832-33; Bridgton, Me., 1833- 35; Pastor Cong. Ch., Sweden, 183.5-45; died, Dixfield, Me., Nov. 1, 1845, aged 41. Henry William Paine, LL.D., 18.54; Prin.Waterville Acad., Me. ,1829-30; Tutor, 18:^0-31 ; Lawyer, Hallowell, Me. ; Member Me. Legisl. ; Member Bd. Trus- tees, 1849-62; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1851 ; Fellow of Am. Academy ; Member Board of Overseers Harvard Univ., 1870-72; Lecturer on Law of Real Prop- erty, Boston Univ. Law School, 1872-84; Lawyer, Boston, Mass. ■^'William Richardson. Prin. Fox- croft Acad., Me., 1830-31; Law Student, 1S31-:M; Prin. Acad., Enfield, N. C, 1834- 40; Gatesville, 1840-42; Planter, WaJ^les- boro, Tenn., from 18.54; died, Wayne Co., Tenn., dale unknown. Wilson Crocker Ryder, A.M., 1834. Pastor, :Mariavillc, Me., 18:50-32; Corinth, 18:i2-:U; Chcrryflehl, ]8:34-;5G; Northboro, Mass., 1837; Leeds, Me., 1837-39; Wayne, 1840; since 1841, farm- ing and lumljcring; address, Roek, \'\\- monlh Co., Mass. Author of Lcctitns on Fiifiiri' I'lnilslniicnt (1S;J6). Class of 1831. ^Lucius Henry' Chandler. Teach- er, Capeville, Va., 1831-.34; Lawyer, Thoma.ston, Me., 1836-45; Boston, Mass., 184.5-.50; Norfolk, Va., 18.50-68; U. S. Con- sul, Vfatanzas, Cuba, 1861-63 ; U. S. Dist. Attorney for Eastern Va., 186:5-68 ; Com- monwealth Attorney for Richmond, 1868-70; U. S. Pension Agent, 187.5-76; drowned, Norfolk, Va., April 6, 1876, aged 64. *'Jacob Mott Cook. Prin. High School, New Sharon and Norridgewock, Me., 1831-:53 ; died, Norridgewock, Me., Nov. 13, 1833, aged 29. ■^'Samuel Glidden Glidden. Sea- man, 1839-40; Ship-master, 1841; Com- mission merchant. New Y'ork, several years; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct., 16, 1869, aged 53. Frederick Lord. Lawyer ; Judge of Probate 4 yrs. ; 2d Judge County Court; Fanner, Paw Paw, Van Buren Co., Mich. ■^''W^YMAN Bradbury Seveit Moor, A.M. Lawyer, Waterville, Me., 1834-49 ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1842; Attorney Gen- eral of Me., 1844-48; U. S. Senator, 1848; Lawyer, Bangor, 1849-52; Waterville, 18.52-57; U. S. Consul General, Montreal, Can., 1857-61 ; Army supplies and tobac- co business, 1861-68; died, LjTichburg, \A., March 11, 1869, aged 57. 5 Class of 1832. Albert Ware Paine. State Exam- iner of Banks and Insurance, 1868-70; State Insurance Commissioner, 1870-73; State Tax Commissioner, 1874; Memb. Me. Hist. Soc. 1881 ; since 18:55, Lawyer, Bangor, Me. Author of Paine Geneal- ogy (1881) ; The Xew Philosophy (1884). *Hosea Quinby, A.M.,D.D.,1866. Prin. Parsonsfleld Sem., Me., 18:52-39; ordained, 18:53; Pastor F. W. Bapt. Ch., Meredith, N. IL, 18:59-40; Prin. Lapham Inst., No. Scituate, R. I., 1840-54; Pastor an. Prin. HalloM-ell Acad., Me., 18.34-35; Pri- vate Tutor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1836- 37; Cambridge Divinity School, 18:i9; died, Worcester, Mass., March 20, 1854, aged 43. Charles Nickersox. Farmer, Big Creek, Edgefield Co., S. C. "^'Carlei^x Parker. Prin. Kenne- bunk Acad., Me., 1834-35 ; Prin. Yeruiont Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, Yt., 1836- 40; Groton Acad., X. Y., 1841-44; Home School for Boys, Framingham, Mass., 1848-51; Wayne, Me., 1852-56; Hebron, 18.5(j-63; Home Missionary, So. Ca., 1S64; Pastor, Canton, Me., 186.5-69; Xorridge- wock, 1869-71 ; died, Xo. Livermore, Aug. 22, 1874, aged 67. ^Albert Welsted Poole, A.M. Teacher, Clinton, La., 1886-38; Planter and circuit preaclier, Woodland, La. ; died, Portland, Me., Sept. 27, 1865, aged 52. ^Lemuel Porter, A.M., D. D., ]\Iadison, 18.54; ordained, 1830; Xewtoii Theol. Sem., ia34-;i5; Pastor, Lowell, Mass., 18.3.5-51 ; Pittsfield, 1851-62; Bloom- ington. 111., 1862-6;j; Dist. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, 18()4; died, Chicago, 111., Oct. 17, 1864, aged 55. Sylyanus Oilman Sargext, A.M. Xewton Theol. Inst., 1837; Pastor, Bel- fast, Me., 18:18-46; Frankfort, 1846-.56; Agent and Missionary, Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 18,")8-74 ; Acting Pastor, Windsor, S().(;ardincr, Sidney; address, Augusta, -Me. *WlLLL\M Stockbridge, A.M., M.D., Berkshire, 1836. Physician.Wood- ville, Miss., 1840-41 ; West Feliciana Par- ish, La., 1841-.53; died, West Feliciana, La., Oct. 2, 18.53, aged 39. Class of 1835. 16 *'LoRExzo BicKFORD Allex, A.M., D.D., 1860. Prin. Richmond Acad., and Waterville Acad., Me., 1835-39; Teacher and Stiadent, Theol. Sem., Thomaston, 18;i9; Pastor, Thomaston, 1840-49; Sec. Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 184.5-56; Pastor, Yarmouth, 1849-56; Member Bd. Trus- tees, 1853-58 ; Prof. Ancient Languages, Burlington Univ., Iowa, and President, 1857-65; Pastor, Minneapolis, Minn., 186.5-68; Assoc, pastor, and Prin. Grove- land Sem., Wasioja, Minn. ,1868-72; died, Wasioja, Minn., Aug. 20, 1872, aged 60. "^'Hexry Padelford Browx. Law Student, Bangor, Me., 1835; died, Ban- gor, Me., Oct. 1, 1835, aged 19. "^'Richard Garlaxd Colby. Prin. Bath Acad., Me., 1S3.5-36; Lawyer, Low- ell, Mass., 1838-45; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1841; City Solicitor, 1842; died, Lowell, Mass., Oct. 14, 1845, aged 33. ^Oliver Emersox. Lane Theol. Sem., 1840; Missionary, X. E. Iowa, 1840- .55; ordained, 1841; Trustee Iowa Coll. 18.52-83; Agent Am. Home Miss. Soc, 18.5.5-61; Congl. Mission ai-y Evangelist; died. Miles, Iowa, Xov. 10, 1883, aged 70. *JoxATHAx Goodhue Felloaves, A.M. Dartmouth, 18:59. Admitted to tlie bar; Teacher in Ky., Tenn., La., and Miss.; from 1866, merchant and newsdealer. Canton, Miss; died, Can- ton, Miss., May 15, 1887, aged 75. Amarl\h Joy, A.M. Ordained 18.35; Xewton Theol. Inst. ,18:58; Pastor, Farmiugton, Xew Sharon, Hampden, Kennebunk, Mc, Great Falls, X. 11., Cornish, jNIe., Akron, O.; since 1864, address, Joyflehl, Mich. Author of The Pastor's Gijt (18.54). ^William Lamsox, A. M., D.D., 1856. Tutor, 18:5.5-;i6 ; Pastor, Gloucester, i\rass., l8:{(;-:i9; Xewton Theol. Inst., 1840-U ; Pastor, Thomaston, Me., 1841- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 21 42; Gloucestei-, Mass., 1842-48; Ports- mouth, N. H., 1848-49; Brookline, Ma s., 1849-75; Member Bel. of Trustees, 18.52- 55, and 1857-63 ; died, East Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 29, 1882, aged 70. William Mathews, A.M.,LL.D., 1868. Dane Law School, 1836 and 1839; Lawyer, Benton, Me., 1840; Editor and Publisher The Watervillonian, Water- ville, 1841; The Yankee Blade, Gardiner, 1813, and Boston, Mass.,1847-.55; engaged in literary pursuits, Chicago, 111., 18.56- 59; Librarian Y. M. C.Assoc., 18.59-62; Prof. Rhetoric and Eng. Lit., Univ. of Chicago, 1862-75 ; address, Boston, Mass. Author of Getting Onin the World (1873) ; The Great Conversers (1874) ; Words, Their Use and Abtt.se (1877) ; Hotirs with Men and Books (1877) ; Oratory and Ora- tors (1878) ; Literary Style (1881) ; trans- lator of Sainte-Beuve's Monday Chats (1877.) Stephen Benson Page,A.M.,D.D., Denison, 1865. Instr. in Elocution, 1835- 36; Newton Theol. Inst., 1839; Pastor, Massillon, O., 1840-44; Wooster, 1844-50; Nor walk, 18.50-54; Cleveland, 18.54-66; Financial Agent, Denison Univ., 1866- 67; Dist. Sec. Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, 1867-80; Memb. Bd. Trustees, Deni- son Univ. ; address, Cleveland, Ohio. ^'Thomas Hobaet Perry, A.M., 1845; M.D., Phila., 1847. Prof. Math.,U.S. Navy, 1837-44; Coast Survey, 1844; Min- ister, Swedenb. Soc, St. Louis, 1847-49; died, St. Louis, Mo., May 7, 1849, aged 35. *Benjamin Osgood Peirce. Prof. Math, and Lang., New Hampton Lit. Inst., N. H., 1835-37; Prin. Fem. Acad., Madison, Ga., 1838-39; Prin. Penfleld Fem. Sem., 1839-40; Prof. Cheni. and Nat. Phil., Mercer Univ., 1840-49; from 1849 in business pursuits ; died, Beverly, Mass., Nov. 12, 1883, aged 71. James Stone, A.M., M.D., Har- vard, 1838. Physician, Haverhill, Mass., 1839-43; since 1843, Druggist, Salem, Mass. *Albert Freeman Tilton,A.M., 1840. Prin. Townshend Acad., Vt., 183.5- 36; Teacher, Boone Co., Ky., 1836-37; Prin. Bapt. Inst., Franklin, Ind., 1837-41 ; ordained as Evangelist, 1841; Mission- ai-y in Indiana, 1841-44; Pastor, West Waterville, Me., 1844-46 ; Acting Pastor, Brunswick, Richmond, and Leeds, 1846- 49; Franklin, Ind., 1849; died, Franklin, Ind., Sept. 26, 1850, aged 40. James Upham, A.M., 1840; D.D., I860. Prin. Acad., Farmington, Me., 1835-36; Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-39; or- dained, 1840; Prof. Theol. Inst., Thom- a.ston, Me., 1840-41 ; Pastor, Manchester, N. H., 1842-43; Milbury, Mass., 1843-45; Prof. New Hampton Lit. Inst., Fairfax, Vt., 184.5-,59, and President, 1859-66; Edi- tor Watchman and Iteflector, Boston, Mass., 1868-75; New England Editor Religiotts Herald, Richmond, Va., 187.5-82; Health Editor Yotith's Comiianion, Bos- ton, since 1878; address, Chelsea, Mass. 14 Class of 1836. *M0SES BURBANK, A.M., 1853. Teacher, Hampton Falls, N. H., 1836-38; Shelbyville and Taylorsville, Ky., 1838- 45; Newton, Mass., 184.5-54; Prin. Lud- low Acad., Vt., 18.54-66; Editor Black River Gazette, 1866-67; died, Ludlow, Vt., March 11, 1867, aged 55. Isaac Miller Comings, M.D., Ma- con, 1842. Prin. Richmond Acad., Me., 1837; Elizabeth City Acad., N. C, 1838- 39; Zebulon Acad., Ga., 1840; Prof. Anat., Med. Coll., Macon, Ga., 1843-48; Worcester Med. Inst., Mass., 1848-50; Va. Med. Inst., 1850-.52; Prof. Anat. and Surg., Metrop. Med. Coll., N. Y., and Bot. Med. Coll., Ga., 1857-60; Reform Med. Coll., Atlanta, Ga., 1881; since 1860, Physician, New York. ^Jonathan Garland Dickerson, LL.D.,1865. Lawyer, Thomaston, Sears- port, and Frankfort, Me., to 1849; Depy. Collector Customs ; from 1849, Lawyer, Belfast; Repr.Me. Legisl.,1842; Collec- tor of Customs, 1858-61 ; Assoc. Justice, Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, from 1862; died, Belfast, Me., Sept. 1, 1878, aged 66. *Ahira Jones. Newton Theol. Inst., 1836-38; Pastor, Saco, Kennebunk- port, Hallowell, Me., 1838-52; Agent Bapt. Tri. Conv., Vt. State Conv., Am. Bapt. Pvib. Soc.,1852-74 ; Pastor, Jericho, 22 GENERAL, CATALOGUE OF Vt., 1S74-S0 ; (lied, West Cornwall, Vt., Dec. 11, 1SS4, aged 74. OziAS Millet, A. M. Civil and Mining Engineer, Golden, Colorado. *Otis Hackett Mokrill. Prin. Bartlett School, Lowell, Mass., 1S3G-51; Kepr. Mass. Legisl., 1851 ; died, Lowell, Mass., June 9, 1S5-2, aged 3fi. *Iyory Quinby. Lawyer. Mon- mouth, 111., 1837; Judge of Probate, 1849-53 ; R. R. Contractor and Banker, 1853-.59; Mayor; Trustee and Treas., Monmoutli Coll.; died, Monmouth, 111., Oct. 23, 1869, aged .52. *Hall Roberts. Prin. Union Acad., Kennehunk, Me., 183G-43; Prof. New Hampton Lit. Inst., N. H., 1843-47; Prin. High School, Concord, from 1847, several years ; Sec. N. H. Board of Edu- cation; Pres. State Nat. Bank; died, Concord, N. H., Oct. 13, 1862, aged 48. *George Anson Sargent. Prin. Freedom Acad., Me.,ia36-37; Teacher, Newton Upper Falls, Mass., 1837-38; Salem Grove, N. C, 1838^0; died, Salem Grove, N. C, Sept. 7, 1840, aged 28. *MosES MiGHELs Smart, A.M., M.D. Central, 18.50. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839; Resident Licentiate, Ando- ver Theol. Sem., 1840; Pres. F. W. B. Theol. School, Parsonsfleld, Me., 1840- 42 ; Adm. to the bar, 1843 ; Pres. F. W. B. Theol. School, Lowell, Mass., 1842-44, and \Vhitestown, N. Y., 1844-49; Prof. Bibl. Theol.; died Whitestovvu, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1885, aged 73. Author of Brief View of Christian Doctrine (1843). ^'William Smith, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1839; Pastor, Chelsea, Mass., 1840-41; died, Chelsea, Mass., July 26, 1841, aged 30. *Frederick Augustus Wadleigh. Rector Episc. Ch. Guilford, Vt., 1841-45; Arlington, 184.5-65; East Berkshire, 186.5- 79; died, Enosburg Falls, Vt., Mar. 25, 1884, aged 69. James Sullivan Wiley. Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1836-38; Member 30th U. S. Congress, 1847^9; since 18:18, Lawyer, Dover, Me. ^William Edavard Wording, A. M., LL.D., 18.58. Prof. Greek and Latin, New Hampton Lit.and Theol Inst.,N.H., 1836-41; Prin. High School, Cheraw, S. C, 1841-44; Lawyer, Cheraw, 184.5-47; Racine, Wis., 1847-62; Judge of County Court, 18.50-62; U.S. Tax Com'r, S. C, 1862-70; Member Bd. Trustees from 1870; Lawyer and banker, Plainview, Minn. ; died, Fargo, Dak., Jan. 23, 1886, aged 74. ^^ Class of 1837. *Martin Luther Bickford,A.M., 1851. Newton Theol. Sem.,1838-40 ;Teach- er,Hanover Co. ,Va., 1840-44 ; Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Richmond, Va., 184.5-.52; Pastor, Waltham, Mass., 18.52-63; Chico- pee, 1863-65; Merchant, Cleveland, O , 1866-71; Pastor, Oberlin, 1871-72; Elyria, 1874-76; died, Elyria, Ohio, April 9, 1876, aged 61. George Whitfield Bosavorth, A.M., 18.54; D.D., 1862. Newton Theol. Inst., 1841 ; Pastor, Medford, Mass., 1841- 46; So. Boston, 1846-55; Portland, Me., 1855-65; Lawrence,Mass.,186r>-69; Haver- hill, 1869-79; Cor.Sec. Me. Bapt. Ed. Soc, 1856-65; Cor. Sec. Northern Bapt. Ed. Soc, 186.5-79; Memb. Bd. Trustees from 1865; since 1879, Sec. and Supt. Mass. Bapt. Convention, Boston, Mass. * Francis Alonzo Gates, A.B., Cohambian ; A.M., 1871. Teacher, Zebu- Ion, Ga., 1837-40; Campbellton, 1840-41; Marietta, 1841^13; Cave Spring, 1843^5; East Corinth, Me. ,184.5-48; Farmer.Brad- ford, 1850-53 ; Mass111on,Iowa, from 1853 ; died. Philips Co., Kansas, Nov. 21, 1880, aged 70. Eldridge Laavrence Getchell, A. M., 1849. Since 1839, Lawyer, Water- villc. Me.; P.M., 184.5^9, and 1854-61; Cashier, Waterville Nat. Bank, 1863-79; Sec. Bd. Trustees, 1848-.52; Treasurer, 1851-81; Waterville, Me. Franklin Merriam, A.M. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840; Pastor, East Win- throp, Me., 1840-47; Richmond, 1847-48; Searsmont, 1848-50; Agent Am. and For- Bible Soc.,1851-.54; Pastor, Exeter, N.H., 18.54-.56; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 18.56-57; Pastor, New Boston, N. H., 18.59- COLBY IJNIVERSITY. 62 ; East Jaffrey, 1862-65 ; Hanover, 1865- 72 ; Danbury, 1872-82 ; Bow, 1882-85 ; since 1885, East Weave, N. H.; Member Bd. Trustees since 1863. *Chakles Morrill. Prin. Dracut Acad., Mass., 1838-39; Teacher, Lowell, Mass.,1839-45 ; Prin. Green Gram. School, 184,5-67; Supt. Public Schools, Lowell, Mass., 1867-84; died, Lowell, Mass., Apr. 2, 1884, aged 65. CONSTANTINE BaTES MaRSTON, A.M. Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, and Agent Am. Tract Soc, to 1861 ; ordained, 1858; Farmer, West Waterville, Me. Benjamin Franklin Shaw, A.B., Dartmouth, 1837; A.M., 1871; D.D., 1872. Newton Theol. Inst., 1839-40; ordained, 1843; Pastor, China, Thoraaston, Water- ville, Dexter,IMe. ; Missionary ,Me. Bapt. Miss. Convention ; Member Bd. Trustees since 1870; address, Waterville, Me. *Obed Burnham Walker, A.B., Columbian, 1837; A.M., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-38 ; Pastor, Livermore, Me.,1839^3; Foxcroft and Dover,1843-46; Waldoboro, 1846-50; Brooklin, 1850-.55; Guilford, 185.5-63; Monmouth, 1863-66; Athens, 1869-77; died. So. Norridge- wock. Me., May 27, 1882, aged 74. Nathaniel Marshman Williams, A.B., Columbian, 1837; A.M., 1854; D.D., Univ. of Cliicago, 1871. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-39; Pastor, New Sharon, Me., 1840-42; Farmington, 1842-46; Saco, 1846- 52; Somerville, Mass., 1852-61; Ells- worth, Me., 1861-65; Peabody, Mass., 186,5-68; Methuen, 1868-71 ;Wickford,R.I., 1871-77; Acting Pastor, Andover, Mass., 1877-81; since 1881, Pastor, Wanier,N.H. Author of Notes on the Gospel of Matthew (1870) . 10 Class of 1838. Benjamin Franklin Butler, A. M., 18.52; LL.D., 1862, and Williams, 1863. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass., 1840-61 ; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1853; Member Mass. Sen- ate, 18.59-60; Brig. Gen. Mass. Vols., 1861; Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols., 1861-65; Member 40th,41st, 42d,43d, and 45th U.S. Congress, 1867-78; Governor of Massachusetts, 1883; Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Franklin Everett, A.M. Prin. Black River Acad., Vt., 1839-40; Prin. Acad.,Canajoharie, N.Y.,1841-4;3 ; Otsego Acad., Cooperstown, 1844-45; Everett Acad., Grand Rapids, Mich.,1846-72 ; City Recorder, 18.54; address. Grand Rapids, Mich. Author of Memorials of the Grand River Valley. Oliver Cromwell Gardiner. Assoc. Editor Democratic Review; in lit- erary pursuits. New York. Author of Life of S. J. Tilden ; Life of Gen. W. S. Hancock. Edgar Harkness Gray, A.M., 1854; D.D., Rochester, 1864. Pastor,Free- port.Me., 1839-43; ShelburneFalls,Mass., 1843-47; Bath, Me., 1847-.50; Shelburne Falls, Mass., 18.50-63; Washington, D.C., 1863-69, and Chaplain U. S. Senate, 1864- 68; Shelburne Falls,Mass.,]869-73;Wash- ington, D. C, 1873-78; San Francisco, Cal., 1879-80; Vallejo, Cal., 1880-82; since 1882, Oakland, Cal. ■*Levi Beals Hathaway. Newton Theol. Inst., 1838-40; Pastor, Farming- ton, Me., 1841-42; Roekport, Mass., 1842- 43; died, Roekport, Mass., Aug. 1, 1843, aged 33. ^Crosby Hinds. Lawyer, Mer- chant, and Farmer, from 1841, Benton, Me. ; Member Me. .Senate, 1864,1865 ; P.M. from 1842 ; died, Benton,Me.,Sept. 4, 1883, aged 71. Moses Jones Kelley, A.M., 1842. Newton Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, East Longmeadow, Mass., 1842-43; Sauger- ties, N. Y., 1844; Amenia, 1845-46 ; Evan- gelist, in Mass., 184&-48; Pastor, Old- town, Me., 1848-^9; Frankfort, Gardiner, Nobleboro, to 18.55; Liberty, Jefferson, Cherryfleld, to 1862; Chaplain 6th Me. Vols., 1862-64; Evangelist, in 111., 186.5-66; Missionary, Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 1868- 69; Chaplain, Asylum Disabled Soldiers, Togus, 1869-70; Post Chaplain, U. S. Army, Oregon, Minn., and Dakota, 1870- 79; Pastor, St. James, Minn., 1883-85; address, Minneapolis, Minn. ^Stephen Harvey Mirick, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1843; ordained, 1843; Prin. Young Ladies' Inst. Char- lottesville, Va., 1845-53, and Washing- 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ton, D.C., 1S53-57; Pastor, Camden, X.J., 1858; Lewisburg, Pa., 1859-66; from 1867, Clerk 3d Auditor's Office, Treasury Dept.; died, "Washington, D. C, Oct. 29, 1883, aged 61. ''^ James Oliver. Teacher in Me., , 1838-39 ; Clerk, an-anging Archives of Mass., Cambridge, Mass., 1840-41 ; Teach- er, Concord, 184-2; Boston, 1844; died, Cambridge, Mass., Jan., 1845, aged 36. Joint author of Wreck of the Glide (1848). ^Nathaniel Oilman Rogers. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1838-40 ; Clerk, U. S. Ship Boston, 1840-41 ; Purser, 1842-43 ; Teacher in Va., 1845-47 ; U.S. Armj-, 1847 ; died Mexico, 1847, aged 29. William Albert Shepard, A.M. Civil and Mining Engineer, Xew York. Nathaniel Tobey Talbot, A.M., 1853. Lawyer, Kockport, Me., since 1840; Judge of Probate, 1864-68; since 1866, partner in lumber and ice busi- ness; address, Rockpoi-t, Me. *Danford Thomas, A.M., 1841; LL.D., 1876. Tutor, 1838-39 ; Prof. Greek and Latin, Georgetown Coll., Kj'., 1839- 69; Prof. Greek and Gex-man, 1869-82; died, Georgetown, Ky., May 17, 1882; aged 64. *Elisha Madison Thurston, A.M. Prin. Charleston Acad., Me., 1838-44; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1843; Member Me. Senate, 1846, 1847; Sec. Me. Bd. of Edu- cation, 18.50-52 ; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1849-55; Lawyer, Manhattan, Kan., 18.55- 59; Mayor, 1859; died, Manhattan, Kan., March 17, 1859, aged 48. *Frederic Slocum Wiley. Law student, Phila.; Theol. Sem., Alexan- dria, Va., 184.5-48; Asst. Rector, Brook- lyn, X. Y., 1848-49; Rector, Epi.sc. Ch., Honesdale, Pa., 1849-.50; Saratoga, N. Y., 1850-51; Philadelphia, Pa., 18.52->55; New York, 18.5.5-62 ; Chaplain, 7l8t X.Y. Vols., 1862; died, Florence, Italy, Jan. 20, 1864, aged 44. Class of 1839. Lewis Barrows, A.yi. Newton Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, Woolwich, Dexter, Hampden, Oldtown, Me. ; Rock Island, 111. ; Agent ; Am. and For. Bible Soc, and Missionary, Iowa, 20 years; since 1882, Pastor Cong'l ch., Bartlett, W'heeler Co., Neb. Andrew KToavard Briggs, A.M., 1849. Lawyer, Carmel, Me., 1841-47; Hampden, 1847-53; Bangor, 1853-65; since 1865, Boston, Mass. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, A.M., D. D., 1858, LL.D., Brown Univ., 1884. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845; Pastor, Ban- gor, Me., 1846-.58; Providence, R. I., 1858-73; Member Bd. Trustees, 18.50-6:^; Fellow of Brown Univ. since 1859; Prof. Eccl. Hist., Newton Theol. Inst., 1873-78; President Vassar Coll., 1878-85; address, Providence, R. I. *IsAAC Chipman,A.M. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil., Acadia Coll., N.S., 1838-52 ; drowned, near Cape Blomidon, June 7, 1852, aged 34. ■^'Stephen Coburn, A.M. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., 1840-44; Lawyer, Skowhegan, Me., from 1845; Member Me. Bd. of Education, 1849-52; Member 36th U. S. Congress, 1861; drowned, Skowhegan, July 4, 1882, aged 64. Nathaniel Thomas Fay. Andover Theol. Sem., 1839-40; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1842; since 1843, Pastor Cong. Ch., Montgomeiy, O.; address, Prairie De- pot, Wood Co., Ohio. Abraham Holley Granger, A.M., D.D., 1864. Newton Theol. Inst., 1843; Pastor, Warren, Me., 1843-54; Provi- dence, R. I., 1854-78; Member Bd. Trus- tees, 18.50-66; Trustee Brown Univ. fi'om 18();5; since 1878, Pastor, Burrillville, R.I. ■^'John Johnson, A.M. Bangor Theol. Sem., 18.39; Pastor, Charleston, Me., 18;59-4;i; Addison, 184.3-45; Chcny- field, 184,5-.")2; business and travel, 1852- 57; l'astor,Chai'lpston, 1857-75; Sullivan, 1875-80; Kcpr. ISIe. Legisl., 1866; died, Bradford, Me., Dec. 5, 1886, aged 76. "^'Samuel Saavyer Johnson. Tutor, 1839-41 ; died, Ludlow, Vt., March 14, 1842, aged 32. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 25 *R,UFUS Lapham. Prin. Acad., Billerica, Mass., 1839-42; Lawyer, Low- ell, Mass., and Ansonia, Conn. ; Invent- or ; (lied, New York, Apr. 2.5, 1884, aged 70. Mylon Mekriam. Hamilton Lit. and Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, Grafton, Vt., 1842-46; Derby, 1846-48; Waterville, Me., 1848-49; New Gloncester, 1850-51; Sharon, Mass., 18.52-58; Newport, N. H., 18.58-59; Cavendish, Vt., 1859-60; Shafts- bury, 1861-63; West Hartford, Conn. ,1870- 72; Allendale, R. I., 1875-77; East Provi- dence, 1877-80; Coleraine, Mass. ,1881-86; since 1886, Hampton, Mass. *David Purinton. Teacher, Ham- ilton, O., 1840-42; Lawyer, Muscatine, la., 1843-47; Prin. Mechanics' Acad., Iowa City, 1847; fi'om 1847, Farmer, Adams, la.; died, Kenneyville, Minn., July 25, 1886, aged 69. *David Aiken Richardson, A.M. Teacher, Alton, HI., 1840-45; St. Louis, Mo., 1845; died, Bangor, Me., March 10, 1847, aged 37. Joseph Ricker, A.M., D.D., 1868. Editor Zion's Advocate, Portland, Me., 1839-43 ; Pastor, New Gloucester, 184.3-47 ; Belfast, 1847-52; Woburn, Mass., 1852-58; Chaplain Mass. State Prison, 1858-61; Pastor, Milford, 1861-65; Augusta, Me., 186.5-71, and Chaplain Me. Insane Hosp., 1869-70; Sec. Mass. Bapt. Conv., 1858-66; Member Bd. Trustees since 1849; Sec. Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv. since 1869; Au- gusta, Me. *JosHUA SotTLE Thompson, A. M., 1844. Lawyer, Waterville, Me., 1841-42 Prin. Acad., Swedesboro, N. J., 1842-44 Lawyer, since 1844; County Prosecutor of the Pleas, .1849-80; Pres. Woodbury and Swedesboro R.R. Co. ; died Swedes- boro, N. J., Nov. 1, 1881, aged 65. * Willi AM Harrison Thompson. Prin. Acad., Swedesboro, N. J., 1839-42; died, Swedesboro, N. J., Aug. 16, 1842, aged 28. *Edward Williams. Law student, Augusta, 1839-41; on whaling voyage, several years ;in business,New Orleans, La. ; died. New Orleans,La.,1862, aged45. Thomas Goddard Wright, A.M., Hamilton, 1842, and Madison,1846. Ham- ilton Theol. Sem., 1842; Pastor, Lyons, N. Y., 1844-47; Claremont, N. H., 1847-51 ; Sandisfield, Mass., 1851-.53 ; Newark, N.J. 18.53-55; Westport, N. Y., 18,55-57; Wap- pinger's Falls, 1857-60 ; Roadstown, N. J., 1860-71; Phila., Pa., 1871-72; Westerly, R. L, 1872-74; Newfane, N. Y., 1874-75; Watkins, N. Y., 1875-78 ; Media, Pa., 1878- 81; Hoosick, N. Y., 1884-85; since 1885, Hopewell, N. J. 18 Class of 1840. Martin Brewer Anderson, A.M.; LL.D., 1853, and Univ. of State of N.Y^, 1883 ; L.H.D., Columbia Univ., 1887. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840-41; Tutor, 1841-43, and Librarian, 1842-50; Prof. Rlietoric, 1843-50; Editor aVe«D Yorlc Recorder, WbO- 53; Pres. Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, 1864; Pres. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1869- 72; Memb. N. Y. State Bd. Charities, 1868; Assoc. Ed. Johnson's Cyc. ; Trus- tee Vassar Coll. ; since 18153, President University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. *Samuel Waters Avery. Teach- er, Richmond, Me., 1841-43; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847; Pastor, Lubec, 1849- 51; Searsport, 1851-57; Fayette, 18.58-64 Lisbon Falls, 186.5-68; Sabattus, 1809-70 Sec. Me. Bapt. INRss. Conv., 1860-67 Druggist, 1867-75; died, Lisbon Falls, Me., Dec. 17, 1875, aged 61. ^Marshall Spring Chase, A.M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass., 1843-51; San Francisco, Cal., 1851-59; Martinez, 1859- 69; died, Martinez, Cal., Jan. 24, 1869, aged 47. * Arthur Fuller Drinkwater, A.M., Brown, 1843. Member Me. Bd. of Education, 1847-.52; Judge Municipal Court, Ellsworth, 1869-72; Collector Int. Rev. .5th Dist., Me., 1873-76; Editor EUs- worfh American, 1872-78; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1878; died, Ellsworth, Me., May 27, 1882, aged 63. Barnabas Freeman, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Wiscasset, Me., 1840-41 ; East- port, 1841; Bucksport, 1842; adm.tothe bar, 1843 ; Memb. Bd. Overseers Bowd. Coll., since 1857; Lawyer Yarmouth, Me. 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF William Franklin Goldthwaite, A.M., 1844. Teacher Lil. Inst. Eufaula, Ala., 1841; Lowndesboro Acad., 1842; Montgomery Acad., 184-2; Bellanger's Acad., New Orleans, La., 1843-44; Prof. English, Greek and Latin, Jefferson Coll., 184'l-46; Shipping Agent, New Orleans, 1846-49; since 1849, Bookseller, New Orleans, La. *Leavis Holme.s. Pastor, Edgar- town, Mass., 1841-43; Canton, 184;^-45; Groton, 184.>49; Barre, 1849-.54; Edgar- town, 1854-58; Middlefleld, 1859-65; Scit- uate, 186.5-68; Leicester, 1869-76; Acting Pastor, Plymouth, Mass., 1879-80; died, Plymouth, Mass., May 24, 1887, aged 74. Author of The Arctic Whaleman, and Whaling (1857) ; Biography of Iter. Thom- as Conant. *Lebbeus Kingman. Pastor, Sedg- wick, Me., 1841^2; Guilford, 1843-45; Surry, 184.5-48 ; Veazie, 1848-50; No. Sedg- wick, 18.50-.54; China, 1854-.58; Dexter, 18.58-64; New Gloucester, 1864-66; Fruit raising, Viueland, N. J., 1866-69; died, Vineland, N. J., Nov. 15, 1869, aged 59. ^William Stevens Knapp. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840-42 ; Pastor, Bloom- field, Conn., 1845-47; Johnstown, N. Y., 1847-.50; Canaan, 1850-51; died, Canaan Centre, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1851, aged 38. *George Knox, A.M., 1845. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840-41; Pastor, Tops- ham, Me., 1841-45; Cornish, 1845-47; Lcwiston, 1847-60; Bninswick, 1860-61; Chaplain 1st Me. Vols., 1861; Chaplain 10th Me. Vols., 1861-63; Pastor, Law- rence, Mass., 1863-64; Chaplain 29th Me. Vols., 1864; died, near Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 31, 186-1, aged 48. *Simeon Heath Lowell, A.M. Prin. St. Brides Acad.,Va., 1840-41 ; Law- yer. East Machias, Me.,1843-.55 ; Phillips, 18.5.5-61; Farniington, 1861-76; Clerk ot Courts, 1861-74; died, Farniington, Me., Aug. 2, 1876, aged 59. *Thomas Rainsford. Asst. Bridge- water Normal School, Mass., 1841; Pri- vate Tutor, .Moiitgmnery, Ala., 1842-13; Prin. Acad., Kenton, 184;i-44 ; died Ben- ton, Ala., July, 1814, aged 29. * Wilder Brown Start. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1840-42; died, Camden, Me., Mar. 13, 1846, aged 31. Oakman Sprague Stearns, A.M., D.D., 1863. Newton Theol. Inst., 1846; lustr. in Hebrew, N. T. L, 1846-47; Pas- tor, Southbridge, Mass., 1847-54; New- ark, N. J., 1854-55 ; Newton Centre, Mass.. 1855-68; Member Bd. Trustees, since 1870; since 1868, Prof. Old Testament Interpretation, Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. ^William Tilley. Pastor, Sidney, Me., 1842-.52; Jefferson, 18.52-56; West Waterville, 18.56-62; Jefferson, 1862-71; Sidney, 1871-75; Jefferson, 1875-82; died, Jefferson, Me., Oct. 2, 1882, aged 74. 15 Class of 1841. *Calvin Bickford. Prin. High Sch., Cherrj-field, Me., 1841-43; Warren Acad., 1843-46; Wiscasset, 1846-47; Vas- salboro, 1847-48; Warren Acad., 1848- 60; Camden, 1862-64; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1865,1867; Memb. Me. Hist. Soc, 1867; Farmer; died, Warren Me., Mar. 6, 1883, aged 70. *Alonzo Coburn, LL.B., Harvard, 1845. Lawyer and Farmer; died, Skow- hegan. Me., Nov. 19, 1882, aged 70. ■^'"Samuel Weston Coburn, A.M., 1847. Merchant and manufacturer, Skowhegan, Me., 1843-55; from 1855, Farmer; died, Skowhegan, Me., July 30, 1873, aged 58. John WigginColcord, A.M., 1846. Prin. Acad., Hancock, N. H., 1842^7; Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me. 1847-.50; Prin. Portland Acad., lS.50-.53; Asst. Boys' High Sch., 1853-55; Prin. High Sch. Peabody, Mass., 185.5-57; Young Ladies' Sch., Chicago, 111., 1857- 58; Assoc. Editor Zlon's Advocate, Port- land, Me., 1858-73; Teacher, Portland, :Me. JosiAH H.VRMON. Farmer, Troy, Me. Charles Collins Long. Pastor, Kockport, INle., 1842-45; Sedgwick, 184.5- .50; Mariaville, 1850-58; Addison, 18.58- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 27 62; Mariaville, 1862-68; Calais, 1868-71; MacMas, 1871-83; address, MacMas, Me. ■^'Thomas Merrili.. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844; Pastor, Baring, Me., 1846-47; Merchant, Newburjqjort, Mass., 1847-49; died, Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 24, 1849, aged 35. "^'JoHN Leese Moses, A.M. Edi- torial staff Knoxville Register, several years; Cashier Bank of Knoxville; Treas. and Supt. Knoxville and Ohio R. R. Co.; Judge and Chairman County Court; Pres. Bd. of Trustees, Univ. of Tenn. ; died, Knoxville, Tenn., Apr. 2, 1887, aged 64. Calvin Smith Penneel, A.M., Antioch. Prof. Latin, Antioch Coll.; Prof. Moral Philosophy and Metaphys- ics, Washington Univ., and Prin. Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo. Charles H a t h o r n Wheeler, A.M., Rector Episcopal Ch., Provi- dence, B. I. *JoHN Webster Wiggin. Prin. Towushend Acad., Vt., 1842-43; Pastor, Wilton, N. H., 1844; Westfleld, Mass.; Benton, Manchester, and Throopsville, N. Y.; died, Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1862, aged 48. ^'William Webber Woodbury, A.M., 18.54. Prin. High Sch., Augusta, 1840-43; Bath, 1843-48; Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffleld, Conn., 1848-56; died, Suf- fleld. Conn., March 18, 1856, aged 40. 12 Class of 1842. Nathaniel Butler, A.M., D.D., 1873. Pastor, Turner, Me., 1845-50; Agent Am. Baptist Miss. Union, 18.50-52; Pas- tor, Eastport, 1852-55; Rockland, 185.5- 59; Auburn, 1860-63; Camden, 1864-69; Alton, 111., 1869-72; Leavenworth, Kan., 1872-73; Bangor, Me., 1873-76; Dexter, 1877-78; No. Vassalhoro, 1878-80; Hallo- well, 1880-81; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1880; Member Bd. Trustees since 1856; Ad- dress, Hallowell, Me. *Lucius Chickering, A.M., 1848. Pastor, Thetford.^Vt., 1846-51 ; Weston, 1851-.54; Parmer and Missionary, Lunen- burg, 1854-39; Agent Am. Tract Soc, 1869-70; Pastor, Weston, 1870-72; died, Weston, Vt., Sept. 18, 1872, aged 56. *Henry Vaughan Dexter, a.m., D.D., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845; Pastor, Calais, Me., 1845-54; Augusta, 1854-00; Ca]ais,1860-69; Kennebunkport, 1869-71; Baldwinville, Mass., 1871-75; Member Bd. Trustees from 1863 ; died, Baldwinville, Mass., July 23, 1884, aged 69. Author of The Unerring Guide (1877) ; The Bible Reader (1877). ■^'Thomas Frye, M.D., Univ. N.Y., 1845. Missionary and Physician, Am. Bapt. Miss.Union, to Cherokee Mission, 1845^6 ; Physician, Louisville, Ky., 1846- 47; Rockland, Me., 1847-74; died, Rock- land, Me., Nov. 20, 1874, aged 61. ■^'Samuel Stanley Fullerton. Teacher, Wilmington, Mass., 1842; died, Dracut, Mass., April 19, 1843, aged 31. *Moses Hanscom. Teacher, Ra- leigh, N. C, 1843; Merchant, Lowell, Mass., 1845-.50; Miner and Photo. Artist, Marysville, Cal., 1852-63; died, Mary s- ville, Cal., April 20, 1863, aged 38. James Hobbs Hanson, A. M., LL.D., 1872. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1843-54; Eastport High Sch., 1854- 57; Boys' High Sch., Pbrtland, 1857-63; Private Sch., 1863-65; Jfllember Bd, Trus- tees since 1862 ; since 1665, Prin. Cobum Classical Institute, Waterville, Me. Author of Preparatory Latin Prose Book, Including Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, Sallust's Catiline, and Cicero's Select Orations and Letters (1861). .Joint editor of Hand Book of Latin Poetry, Including Selections from Ovid, Virgil and Horace (1865). ■^'Henry McClellan. Law stu- dent, 1842-44; Leather Merchant, New York, from 1844; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1879, aged 59. Alfred Morse. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846; ordained, 1847; Missionary, Lubec and Whiting, Me., 1847-48; Pem- broke, 1849-.50; Dixfield, 18.50-52; Acting Pastor, Cong'l ch., Maumee City, O., 1852-54; Missionary, Henry, 111., 1854-58; Knoxville and Abingdon, 1858-62; Rose- 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ville, 1SG2-64; Austin, Minn., 1864-68; Ne- vada and Rose Creek, 18G8-79; address, Austin, Minn. VOLNEY Ar GrSTINE S P R A G U E , A.M., 1846. Teaelier in tlie South, 18-t-2- 47; Lawyei', Corinna, 1848-71 ; since 1871, Dexter, Me. 10 Class of 1843. Amos Fletcher Baker, 1849; A.M., 1849. Farmer, Vevay, Ind. (V). *Z ACHARIAH BOOD Y C A T E R L Y' . Lawj-er, Lowell, Mass., 1847-53; Sec. U.S. Legation, Lima, Peru, 1853-60; Lawyer, Wasliington, D. C, 1860-62; died, Beau- fort, S. C., May 24, 1862, aged 40. Lymax Chase, 1869 ; M.D., Dart- mouth, 1846. Physician, Turner, Me., 184G-4S; ordained, 1848; Pastor, Free- port, 184S-.")0 ; Bluehill, 18."30-.'»; Warren, 18.i5-.57; PittsfleUl, N. H., 1857-.59; Lake Village, 1860-65; Kennebunkport, Me., 1865-67; Hightstown, X. J., 1867-69; Teacher Xat. Sci., Peddie Inst., 1869-70; Pastor, Metliuen, Mass., 1871-76; San Francisco, Cal., 1876-78; Kennebunk- port, Me., 1878-85; Pliysician, Kenne- bunkport, Me. JoHX Barton Foster, A.M. ,1864 ; LL.D., 1876. Prin . China Acad., 1844-45 ; Prin. Lexington Acad., Mass., 184.5—16; Xcwton Theol. Inst., 18.50; Editor Zion's Adrocfite, 18.50-.58; Member Bd. Trustees, 1856-.59; Prof. Greelc and Latin, 18.58-72; since 1872, Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Colby University, Waterville, Me. Moses Lyford, A.M., 1848; LL.D., 1874. Prin. Kcnnebunk Acad., Me., 18i3- 46; Townsbcnd Acad.,Vt., 1846-.50; Boys' High .School, Portland, Me., 18.50-.5(;; Prof. Math, and Xat. Phil., 18.56-72; Prof. Xat. Phil, and Astronomy, Colby Uni- versity, 1872-84; ^Member Bd. Trustees since 1885; Springlicld, Mass. James Weymoi^th Merrill, A.M., 1849. Teacher, Jackson, Miss., 184.5-46; Lawyer, Athens, Me.,18.50-66; Dcpy.I'.S. Marshal, 18.50; Hepr. Me. Legisl., 18.57; Clerk of Courts, 18.59-6;5 ; (,>rnu-. 2Sth Me. Vols., 186;i; Charles City, Iowa, In;(;-74; County Supt. Sch., 1870-73; since 1874, Lawyer, Ileal Estate and Ins. Agent, Kockford, Floyd Co., Iowa. ^Bex.tamix' White Norris. Mer- chant, Skowhegan, Me., 1846-.51; Oil- cloth Mfr., 18.52-64; State Land Agent, 1860-63; Agent Freedmen's Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. ,186.5-67; Member 40th U. S. Congress, 1867-69; died Montgom- ery, Ala., Jan. 26, 1873, aged .54. "^'Samuel Philbrick. Died, Wat- erville, Me., Aug. 16, 1844, aged 21. Charles Thomas Traftox, M.D,, Jeflferson, 1846. Physician, Boston, Mass., 1S46-.50; since 1850, South Ber- wick, Me. Jabez Matheavs Waters, 1868. Firm of Waters & Barrett, Mfrs. of chairs, etc., Cincinnati, O. ^•'Charles Rexdol W hid den, A.M., 18.59. Lawyer, Calais, Me., 1848- 76, and Mayor, 1864-66; County Atty. 12 years; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1868, 1869; Col- lector of Customs, 1869-73; Memb. Boundary Com.; Memb. Bd. Trustees, 1869-76; died, Calais, Me., Dec. 3, 1876, aged 54. Albert Bowmax Wiggin, A.M. Prin. Paterson Seminary, Paterson, X. J. * James Hervey Withixgtox, A.M. Prin. Anson Acad., Me., 184;i-46; Hallowell Acad., 1846-.54; Family Sch., Gerniantown, Pa., 1854-69; So. Amboy, X. J., 1869-77; died. So. Amboy, X. J., June 3, 1877, aged 64. 13 Class of 1844. William Martin Bickxell. Prin. Anson Acad., Me., 1844-47; Prin. Acad., Plymouth, X. C, 1847-50; Har- vard Divinity Sch., 1853 ; Pastor, Unit. Soc, Pembroke, Mass., 1857-01 ; Teacher, Milton, Mass., 1861-63; Prin. Acad., Bridgewater, 1864; Pastor, Kowe, 1867- 85; address. Maiden, Mass. '^'Charles Coburx. Died, Skow- hegan, Me., Oct. 30, 1844, aged 22. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 29 *'WiLLiAM CoETHELL. Teacher, Jefferson, 1844-45 ;• Silver Run, Ga., 1846- 47; Sweet Water, 1848-50; Editor Lincoln MisceUanij, Tliomaston, Me., 1850-54; Pastor, So. Walcloboro, Me., 1857-60; Hartlancl, 1860-63; Montville, 186.5-66; No. Sedgwick, 1867-71; Eden, 1871-77; died, Eden, Me., Nov. '29, 1879, aged 62. *'JoHN Reed Gkeenough. Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1847; Pastor, Oldtown, Me., 1847-48; Asst. Clerk Courts, Ban- gor, 1848-52; died, Bangor, July 10, 1853, aged 28. Sidney Keith, A.M. Teacher, Brandon Acad., Vt., 1845-47 ; High Sch., Chelsea, Mass.; Lawyer, Castleton, Vt., 1850-53; Rochester, Ind., since 1853; Judge 41st Judicial Circuit, Ind., 1876-83 ; Lawyer, Rochester, Ind. Albert Winslow Paine, A.M., 1851. Teacher, Belfast, Me., 1844-48 ; Mil- waukee, Wis., 1848-50; Lawyer, Fond du Lac, 1850-61; Dist. Atty., 18.56-.58; 1st Wis. Vols., 1861; Clerk U. S. Treasurer's Office, Washington, D. C. Samson Powers, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844-46 ; Pastor, Winthrop, Me., 1849-54; Mt. Vernon, 1857-65; Alfred 1865-67; South Litchfield, Me. *Lobenzo Dow Royce, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst.,1847 ; Pastor, Tliom- aston, 1848-50; died, Maiden, Mass., Sept. 3, 1850, aged 29. *Geoege Woodbridge Stickney. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844-46; Pastor, Camden, Me., 1848: died, Waterville, Me., Oct. 15, 1850, aged 24. John Bowen Wheelwright, 18 53. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1844-46; Pastor Cong, eh., Whitneyville, Me., 1846-49; Weld,1849-54 ;Westbrook,18.54-59 ;Bethel, 1859-67; South Paris, 1867-76; since 1876, Woodford's, (Deering,) Me. Edgar Whidden. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845-47; Teacher, Calais, Me , 1848- 53; Postmaster, 1853-61; in business, 1862-74; Judge Municipal Court, 1879-80; Calais, Me. ^''Nathaniel Milton Wood, A.M., D.D., 1867. Private Tutor, Columbus, Miss., 184,5-46; Western Theol. Inst., Covington, Ky., 1846-47; Pastor, Skow- hegan. Me., 1848-.52 ; Waterville, 1852-60; Lewiston, 1860-66; Thomaston, 1866-68; Upper Alton, 111., 1868-73; Member Bd. Trustees, 1863-69; Trustee Shurtleff Coll., 1868-74; Prof. Systematic Theol., Shurtleff Coll., 1873-74; died, Camden, Me., Aug. 2, 1876, aged 54. A volume of his Sermons, edited by N. Butler, D.D., was published in 1877. Class of 1845. 12 Theophilus Capen Abbot, A.M., LL.D., Univ. Mich., 1871. Teacher, Townshend, Vt., 1845-46; Augusta, Me., 1847; Thomaston, 1848; Bath, 1849; Port- land, 1849-50; Houlton, 1851; Instructor, Colby Univ., 18.52-53; Teacher, Berrien, Mich.,1855; Ann Arbor,1856-57; ordained to ministry in Cong, ch.,1867; Prof. Eng. Lit., 1858-63, President, 1863-85, and since 1885, Prof. Mental Phil, and Logic, Mich. State Agric. Coll., Lansing, Mich. *James Winchell Capen. A.M., 1855. Newton Theol. Inst., 1849; ord. 1849; Pastor, Sacramento, Cal., 1850-52; Episc. Missionary in N. Y., Cal., and Fla., 1853-67; from 1869, Rector Grace Church, Whitney's Point, N. Y.; died, Whitney's Point, N. Y., Dec. 37, 1886, aged 63. ■^'Charles Green Hanscom. Law- yer, Potosi and Oshkosh, Wis., 1847-.50; La Crosse, 18.51-63; Member Territorial Legisl., Colorado, 1863; shot by Indians, July 14, 1864, aged 40. '^'HoBBS Hatch. Prin. Elliot Acad., Me. ; died.Wells, Me.,Dec.3, 1845, aged 35. ^^ Augustus Pullen. Prin. New- port Acad., Me., 1845-46; Prin. Acad., Williamston, N. C, 1846-47; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847-48; Teacher, Newport and Union, Me., 1848-49; Missionary, Union and Frankfort, 1849-50; died, Old- town, Me., Aug. 31, 18.50, aged 36. Samuel King Smith, A.M., D.D., 1871. Tutor,1846-47 ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847-48; Editor Zion's Advocate, 1848-50; Prof. Rhetoric since 1851; Librarian, 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1851-73; ordained, 1871; Colby I'niver- sity, Waterville, Me. ^JoxATHAN Vax "VVagenen. Instr., Vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, yt.,184.5- 46; Teacher, Macon and Colinnbns, Miss. ; Telegraph operator, Cape Girar- deau, 111., and Smithland, Kj'.; died, Smithland, Ky., March 4, 18.t2, aged 24. Class of 1846. *HuGH Dempsey, a.m. Newton Theol. Inst., 1849. Colporteur in Me., 1849-152; Pastor, Jay, 18.i3-.')9; died, Fair- field, Me., May 11, 1859, aged 42. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, A.M., 1849; LL.D., 1871. Prin. China Acad., Me., 1846-48; Vassalhoro Acad., 1848^9; adm. to the bar, ISijO; Lawyer, Water- ville, 1851-6U; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1857, 1858, 1869; Speaker Me. House Repr., 1858, 1869; Member Me. Senate, 1860; Attorney Gen. of Me., 1860-C4; Member Bd. Trustees since 1857; Member Me. Hist. Soc.,lS78; since 1860, Lawyer, Port- land, Me. Author of Maine Masonic Text- Book (1877) ; History of Portland Lodge (1881). ■^'Thomas Webster Herrick. Prin. Waterville Liberal Inst., Me. ,1846- 47; adni. to the bar; Hardware dealer, Waterville, 1852-72; died, Eggleston's Spring, Va., Mav 7, 1872, aged .55. George Rogers Starkey, A.M., 1865 ; M.D. Prof. Anat. and Surg., Penn ; Honi. Med. Coll., and Physician, to 1869. of firm, Starkey & Palen, Comp. Oxy- gen Treatment, Philadelphia, Pa. Greexleae Augustus Wilbur, A.M., 1849; M.D. , Jefferson Med. Coll., 18.50. Prin. Union Acad., Keniu'bunk, Me., 1846; Surgeon 11th Mc. Vols., 1862; Surgeon, Provost Mar. Bd.,3d I)ist.,Me., 1863-65; U. S. Examining Surg., 1877-80; Physician and Surgeon, Skowliegan, Me. Class of 1847. *JOHN S.MULLEN BaKER. U. S. Provo.st Marshal, 2d Dist. Me.; Memb. Executive Council, 1867; Lawyer, Bath ; died, Bath, Me., Apr. 27, 1882, aged ,55. Stephen Longfellow Boavler, A.M. Med. Dept., Harvard, 1849-50 ; Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1850-52 ; Pastor Cong, ch., Machias, 18.5-3-54; Orono, 1854-62; Agent Christian Com., 1863-65; Pa.stor, Hampden, 186.5-71; Saecarappa, 1871-74; Machias, 1874-79 ; Bethel, 1879-85; since 1885, Berlin, N. H. Elkanah Andrews Cummings, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.50; Pastor, Amherst, Mass., 1850-.53; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 18.53-55; Financial Sec., Fem. Coll., Woi'cester, 18.5.5-64; Publisher, Boston, 1864-08; Postmaster, Maplewood, 1868-77; Minister to Mission ch., 187.5-80; Agt. Home for Friendless and Fallen, 1884-87; address. Maple- wood, Mass. Hiram Cushman Estes, D. D., 1872. Harvard Divinitj' Sch.; Pastor, Auburn, 1850-.52; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. L^nion, 18.52-55; Pastor, Trenton, 185.5-60; Repr. Me. Legisl., 18.59; Pastor, Leices- ter, Mass., 1860-62; Jericho, Vt., 1862-72; Paris, Me., 1872-83 ;Winchendon, Mass., 1883-1886; since 1886, Leicester, "(Roch- dale P. O.) Mass. Author of Ike Chris- tian Doctrine of the Soul (1873). ^George Greenwood Fairbanks, A.M., 18.50, D.D., 1883. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1847-48; Xewton Theol. Inst., 1851 ; Pastor, Medfield, Mass. ,1851- .55; Somerville, 18.5.5-66; So. Dedham, 1866-69; Pres. Bd. Trustees, Peirce Acad., 1869-81 ; Middleboro, Mass., 1869- 87 ; died, Middleboro, Mass., Jan. 4, 1887, aged 60. Alexander Gamble. Broker, San Francisco, Cal. "^'Charles Edward Hamlin, AM., 1850; LL.D., Univ. Lewisburg, 1873. Prin. Vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst. .Brandon, Vt., 1847- 48; Prin. High Sch., Bath, Me., 1848-49; Assoc. Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suttield, Conn., I849-.53 ; jMerrill Prof. Cheni. and Nat. Hist., 18.53-73; Necrologi.st Alumni Assoc; Fellow Am. Acad., 1876; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees from 1880; from 1873, Curator ot Conchology and Pahvontol- ogy. Museum Comp. Zool., and Instr. in (ieogr. and GeoL, Ilarvartl Univ., 187.5-77; died, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 3, COLBY UNIVERSITY. 31 1886, aged 60. Author of Obituary Record of Graduates, 1822-70, and Supplements 7-5,(1870-84) ; Observations on the Pliysical Geography and Geology of Mt. Ktaadn, (1881); Syrian Molluscan Fossils, (1884). Walter Macomber Hatch. Civil Engr., 1847-48; Publisher's Agent, 1849- 51; Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Atlanta, Ga., 1853-57; Member 111. Bd. of Educa- tion, 1863-69; Trustee Univ. of Chicago, 1864-70 ; Lawyer, Bloomington, 111., 1857- 87; Colorado Springs, Colo. Abner . Oakes, a.m. Clerk to Sec. of State, 1847-48; Asst. State Libn., 1849-50; Ballston Spa Law Sch., 1850-51; since 1851, Lawyer, South Berwick, Me. Timothy Otis Paine, LL.D.,1875. Semitic Prof, in Theol. Sch. of Gen. Conv. New Jerusalem ch., Boston, Mass.; Member Am. Oriental Soc, 1874; Harvard Biblical Club, 1880; since 18.56, Pastor New Jerusalem cli., Elmwood, Mass. Author of Solomon^s Temple (1861) ; The Holy Houses (1886). ^Gilbert Lafayette Palmer. Lawyer, Athens, Me., 1849-58; Postmas- ter, 185-2-55 ; died, Athens, Me., March 14, 1858, aged 33. James Monroe Palmer, A.M., 1850. Prin. Waterville Liberal Inst., Me., 1847-48; Prin. Select Sch., Bangor, 1848-50; Bangor Theol. Sem., 18.53; or- dained, 18.54; Ch. Supply, Fairfield, 185.3- 54; Topsham, 1854-55; New Market,N.H., 18.55-58; Pastor, Cong. ch. Rochester, N. H., 18.58-64; Biddeford, 1864-67; Insur- ance Agent, Portland, 1867-75; Publish- er's Agent, Boston, Mass., 187.5-76; Sec. and Treas. Gas Economizing Co., 1877- 80; address, Boston, Mass. * Wi L L I A m S aneord . Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; Repr., Gen. Assem- bly, R. I.; Judge, Court ot Magistrates; died. Providence, R. I., Oct. 17, 1878, aged 55. *Thomas Milton Symonds, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst.,1850 ; ordained,1850 ; Teacher and Minister, Rock, Mass., 18.50-51; Pastor, Green Bay, Wis., 1851- .52; died, Green Bay, Wis., July 4, 18.5-2, aged 31. ■^"Augustus Ebenezer Trafton. Druggist, Great Falls, N. H., 1847-.52; died. So. Berwick, Me., July 20, 1853, aged 24. *David Saavyer True, A.M. Prin. Charleston Acad., Me., 1847-48; East Corinth Acad., 1848-51 ; Lawyer, Daven- port, Iowa, from 1852 ; died, Davenport, Iowa, April 23, 1873, aged 49. Henry' Ripley' Wilbur, A.M., 1850. Newton Theol. Inst., 1851 ; Pastor, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 18.53-57; Galena, 111., 1859-64; Peoria, 186.5-66; Ced.ar Rapids, Iowa, 1866-67; Sheldonville, Mass., 1868- 71; Andover, 1872-76; address, Andover, Mass. MosES WooLSON. Prin. High Sch., Bangor, Me., to 18.50; Girls' High Sch., Portland, 1850-62; Cincinnati; Sub-Mr. Eng. High Sch. for Boys, Boston, Mass., to 1873; Concoi-d, N. H. Class of 1848. 18 Junius Artemas Bartlett. Tu- tor, 1850; Pastor Presb. ch., Newbury- port, Mass., 1877-78; Congl. ch., Reeds- burg, Wis., 1879-80; Whitehall, Mich., 1880-81; Pres. ch., Knightstown, Ind., 188-2-83; Audubon, la., 1884-85; since 1886, Centerville, Iowa. *John Chester Hyde, A.M., Lew- isburg, 1864. Prin. Acad., Bucks Co., Pa., 1848-51; Rochester Theol. Sem., 1854-56; ordained, 1852; Pastor, Point Pleasant, Pa., 1851-54; W. Henrietta, N.Y^., 18.54-56; Hastings, Minn.. 1856-59; St. Anthony, 18.59-61; Camden, N. J., 1861-64; Cape Island, 1865-67; Financial Sec. Peddie Inst., Hightstown, 1864-66, 1868-70; Pas- tor, Cape May City, 1866-68; Bristol.Pa., 1871-74; died, Bristol, Pa., May 6,1884, aged 63. *Jacob Smith Marshall. Mer- chant and Postmaster; died, China, Me., Aug. 21, 1860, aged 32. Joseph Harriden Seaver. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1851; ordained, 1852; S. S. Missionary, Boston, 18.53-55; Pas- tor, Marshfleld, Mass., 18.5.5-56; Brews- ter, 1857-58 ; Georgetown, 1858-62 ; Barn- stable, 1863-65; Marshfleld, 1868-69; Lee, 32 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Mass., 1870-71 ; City Missionary, Salem, 1872-73; Pastor, So. Yarmouth, 187.5-77; Merrimaepoit, 1878-82; Cummingtoii, 1882-83; Cliarlemont, 188.5-86; address, Salem, Mass. * William Nelson Titus. Adm. to bar, 1851 ; Lawyer, Alna, 18.52-.54; died, Monmoutli, Me., July 20, 18.54, aged 30. Elliot Walkek. Lawyer ; Judge of Probate since 1881; Newport, Me. 6 Class of 1849. ^Thomas Flint Bakton, M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1852. Physician, Jetrerson, Me., 1852-65; Oldtown, 1865- 67; died, Oldtown, Me., Feb. 7, 1867, aged 41. Solomon Everett Bixby. Pas- tor Cong, ch., Holland, Mass. Augustus Reuben Brainerd. Gold and silver mining; address. Royal Hyde Park Hotel, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Mark Andrew Cummings. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1849-50; Prin. No. Ben- nington Acad., Vt., 18.52-,54; Black River Acad., Ludlow, 18.54-.5o; Prof. Math, and Nat. Sci., New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., Fairfax, 185,5-60; Pastor, No. Fair- fax, 18.57-61; Prin. Boys' Boarding Sch. and Hill's Acad., Essex, Conn., 1861-70; supply. No. Lyme, 1870; address. Maple- wood, Mass. Stephen Rollins Dennen, D.D., Iowa Coll., 1874. Bangor Theol. Sem., 18.52; Resident Licentiate, Andover Theol. Sem., 18,53; Pastor Cong, ch., New Haven, Conn., 1874-83; address. Concord, Mass. *Henry Smith Downs, Bangor Theol. Sem., 18.52 ; Pastor Cong. ch.,Nor- ridgewock, 18.52-.58; died. Auburn, Me., Nov. 25, 1860, aged 38. Mark Hill Bunnell, A.M. ,1852 ; LL.I)., Shnrtletr, 1868. Prin. Norway Acad, and Hebron Acad., Me., 1849-.54; Repr. Me. Legisl., 18.54; Member Me. Senate, 18.55; State .Supt. sduxils, ls'i5, 18.57-60; Lawyer, Portland, 1860; Col. 5th Mc. Vols., 1861 ; U. S. Consul, Vera Cruz, Mex., 1862; Hon. Memb. Soc. Geog. and Statistics, Mexico; Repr. Minn. Legisl., 1867; Trustee Colby Univ., 18.58-67; State Supt. Pub. Instr., Minn., 1867-70; Mem- ber 42d to 48th U. S. Cong., 1871-83; Law- yer, Owatonna, Minn. *WiLLiAM Shaav Greene, A.M. Prin. Ea. Corinth Acad., Me., 184»-.53; Judson Fem. Sem., Marion, Ala., 18.53- ,54 ;AVorce,ster Acad., Mass.,I8.54-.58 ; Law- yer, Springflleld,from 1862; died, Spring- field, Mass., June 21, 1878, aged 55. Hadley Procter Hanson. Teach- er, aiilford, Mass., 1849-.50; Book-keeper, Boston, 1852-66; Treas. So. Boston R. R. Co., 1866-77; since 1877, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Boston, Mass. "^^ Willi AM Hoit Humphrey. New- ton Theol. Inst., 18.50-52; Pastor, Rich- mond, Me., 1854-58; Halifax, N. S., 18.58- 62; Supt. Schools and Prin. High Sch., Minneapolis, Minn., 1862-63; from 1863, Pastor, Hastings ; died, Hastings, Minn., Dec. 6, 1865, aged 42. Edward Gushing Mitchell, A. M., 1863 ; D.D., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1853, and Resident Graduate, 1854; Pas- tor, Calais, Me.,1854-,56; Brockport,;N.Y., 1857-58 ; Rockford, 111., 1858-63 ; Prof. Bib- lical Lit. and Interp., Theol. Dept.Shuvt- lett'CoU., 1863-70; Prof. Hebrew and Old Testament Lit., Bapt. Union Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1870-76; Prof. He- lu-ew. Regent's Park College, London, Eng., 1876-77; President Baptist Theo- logical School, Paris, France, 1878-83; President /J?-o tern. Roger Williams Uni- versity, Nashville, Tenn., 1884-85; Edi- tor The Present Age, Chicago, 1883-84; Lowell Institute lecturer for 1884, upon " Biblical Science and Modern Discov- ery" ; Lecturer, Hebrew School, Mor- gan Park, 111., Worcester, Mass., Brook- lyn, N. v., 1884-85; atldress, Cambridge, Mass. Author of A Critical Handbook — a Guide to the Auihenticiti/, Canon, and Text of the Xeiv Testament, (1881) ; Les Sources du Xoureaii Testament, — liecher- ches snr l'anthenticit6,h canon, et le texte dii Xoureau Testament, Paris, (1882) ; Hebrew Introdiirtian, — ,//) Elementary Hebrew Crdiinitariiud HentUiig lUwk (1883). Edit- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 33 ed and enlarged Davies' Hehreio Lexi- con, (1880) ; revised and re-edited Gesen- ius' Hebrew Grammar (1883) . James Sullivan Newell, A.M. Prin. No. Bennington Acad., Vt., 1849- .50; Troy Acad., IS.'JO-.'iS; Essex Sem., Conn., 1853-GO; firm of .J. S. Newell & Co., Mechanical Engrs. and Machinists, Boston, Mass. * Albion Parris Oakes. Prin. Acad., Waldoboro, Me. ; Lawyer, from 1853; died, Waldoboro, Me., June 21, 1859, aged 34. Andrew Croswell Ph i l l i p s . Prin. Gram. Sch., Portland, Me., 1850- 52; Adm. to the bar, 18.53'; Lawyer, Prai- rie du Chien., Wis. ; Dist. Atty. three years ; Lawyer, Phillips, Me. ; County Atty., 186.5-68; Ed. Farmington Chronicle, 1867-68; U. S. Consul, Ft. Erie, Can., 1868- 80; City Atty., Sioux Falls, Dakota Ty. ^'George Augustus Pierce, A.M., 1870; M.D., Univ. Peini.; died, Provi- dence, R. I., Aug. 20, 1885, aged 57. John Rounds. Newton Theol. Inst., 1851-.53; Pastor, New Gloucester, Me., .18.52-60; Freeport, 1860-65; Alna, 1865-68; Chelmsford, Mass., 1868-72; Hol- den, 1872-74; Northfleld, Minn., 1874-79; Red Wing, Minn. Albion Keith Parris Small, D.D., 1879. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1849-51 ; Pastor, Buckfleld, 1851-,58; Ban- gor, 1858-68; Portland, 1868-74; Fall River, Mass., 1874-83; Memb. Bd. Trus- tees from 1860; since 1883, Portland, Me. George McLellan Staples, A.M., M.D., Harvard, 18.55. Prin.Hebron Acad., Me.; Gram. Sch., Portland; Physician, Farmington, 1855; from 1856, Dubuque, la.; Surg. 14th Iowa Vols., 1861; Surg.- in-chief, Gen. C. F. Smith's Div., at Foi-t Donelson, and of Gen. W. A. L. Wal- lace's Div. at Shiloh, 1862; Med. Direc- tor, 6th Div., 16th A. C, 1863-64; Med. Director, Right Wing 16th A. C, 1864; Bvt. Lt. Col. Vols., 1865; U. S. Exam. Surg.; Div. Surg., 111. Central R. R., Dubvique, la. Moses Hanscom Tarbox. Or- dained, 1851; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855; Pastor F. W. Bapt. ch., Bangor, Me., 185.5-62; Amesbury, Mass., 1863-65; Cor- nish, Me., 1865-66; Missionary, Penob- scot County, 1866-69; Pastor, Dover, 1869-72; Houlton, 1872-74; Missionary, Lewiston, 1874-78; Burnham, 1878-80; since 1880, Pastor, Elk River, Sherburne Co., Minn. *Versal Jesse Walker, A.M. Teacher, Saxton's River, Vt., 1849-50; Prin. China Acad., Me., 1850-52; Ea. Cor- inth Acad., 1852-.54; Teacher in Cal., 18.55-59; Prin. High Sch., Winona, Minn., and Supt. Schools, 1859-69; from 1869, Prof. Latin, Univ. of Minnesota; died, Minneapolis, Minn., May 18,1876, aged 52. George Boardman Williams, 1885. Pastor, Hampden, Me., 1849-51; Kingston, Mass., 1853-60; Hampden,Me., 1860-66; Braintree, Mass. ,1869-71 ;Quincy, 1871-77; Chaplain Sailor's Snug Harbor, Quincy, 1873-84 ; addi-ess, Kingston, Mass. 21 Class of 1850. Moses Clement Blanchard. In- surance Agent, Atlanta, Ga. *"JoHN Augustus Blanchard, A.M. Lawyer; died, Oldtown, Me., Sept. 23, 1886, aged .54. Joseph Blackwell. Lawyer, since 18.59, New Liberty, Ky. ■^'Samuel Cole. Theol. Sem., Rochester; Pastor, Belfast, Me., from 18.53; died, Beverly, Mass., Nov. 11,18,54, aged .30. Charles Fairman, A.M., LL.D., Shui-tlcff, 1873. Prin. Litchfield Liberal Inst., Me., 1850-.52; Yates Acad., N. Y., 1853-63; Medina Acad., 1863-67; Nunda Acad., 1867-68; Prof. Matli., Shurtleff Coll., ffe68-73 ; Prin. Cook Acad., Ha- vana, N. Y., 1873-75; since 1875, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111. Ephraim Hunt, LL.D., 1870. Prin. Mon. son Acad., Me., 18.50-51; High Sch., Gardiner, 1851-52 ; Instr., Lafayette Coll., Ala., 1852-53 ; Eng. High. Sch., Bos- ton, Mass., 1854-68; Head Master Girl's 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF High and Normal Sch., Boston, 1868-72; Supt. Pub. Schools, Portland, Me., 187.5- 77; Supt. Pub. Schools, Newton, 1877-81; address, Medford, Mass. Author of Literature of the English Language (1870) . IfBEN-TAMIN LaTJUISTON KnOWLTON. Teacher, Yates Acad., N. Y., 18.50-51; Lawyer,froni 1854, Jamaica,Vt. ; County Atty., 18.56-57; died, Jamaica, Vt., Sept. 19, 18.59, aged 35. George Shepherd Low. Master Commissioner, Circuit Court, Ky., 1862- 68; Lawyer, Owenton, Ky. James Harvey Parmelee. Prin. No. Conway Acad., N. H., 1851 ; Roches- ter Theol. Sem., 1852-.54; Pastor in Ohio, Iowa, Wis., and 111., 18.54-69; Pastor, W. Wardsboro, Vt. ; address, Bernards- ton, Mass. Author of Problems of The- ology (1886). *George Marshall Robinson. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.50-.52; Pastor, Sidney, Me., 18.53-.54; Searsmont, 18.55-56; from 1857, carriage maker, Livermore Falls; died, Livermore Falls, Me., Apr. 29, 1873, aged 51. *LoRENZO Austin Smith. Teacher, in Ohio, 1850-.52; Byhalia, Miss., and West Point, Ark., 18.52-54; Teacher and farmer, Searcy, Ark.; forced into Confed. service, 1864; drowned in White River, Ark., 1864, aged 41. Class of 1851. Thomas Barnes Buck. Merchant, Stockton, Cal. Gilbert Herman Carpenter. Dealer in Musical Instruments, Water- ville. Me. *Albion Byron Clark. Prin. Shelburne Falls Acad., Mass., 18.51-54; Newton Theol. Inst., 18.54-.55; Pastor, Skowhegan, Me., 18.55-59; Agent Am. Bapt. Pub. SocNew York, 18.5!)-63; Pas- tor, Columbia, Cal., 18G3; died, Skowhe- gan, Me., Sept. 9, 1865, aged 39. *JoHN Oberon Coolidge. Prin. Patten Acad., Me., 1851-52; Prin. County School, Woodstock, 111.; died, Wood- stock, 111., Aug. 28, 1852, aged 25. James Stanley Emery. Prin. vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, Vt., 1851-52; Memb. Kan. Legisl., 1863-64; U. S. Dist. Atty., 1864-67; Memb. Bd. Regents, State Univ., 1863, 1874; Pres. Bd. Trustees, Ottawa Univ., 1868-78; since 18.54, Lawyer, Lawrence, Kan. John Gamble. Teacher, Big Oak Flat, Cal. *-Thomas Hersey Garnsey. Prin. Talladega Acad., Ala., 1851-.53; Lawyer, Bangor, Me., 18.55; Repr. Me. Legisl., 186.5-66; died, Boston, Mass., May 20, 1884, aged .53. William Hastings Hodges. Civil Engineer and Teaclier, Lineolnville Centre, Me. William Godding Lord, A.M., and Dartmouth, 1885. Prin. Limington Acad., Me., 1851-56; Teacher, Ware, Mass., I856-.57; High Sch., Saccarappa, 1860-64; Prin. Gorham Sem., 186.5-67, and Village Sch., 1872-75; High Sch., Scar- boro, 1876-79; Prin. Limington Acad., 1857-60, 1864-65, 1867-72, 187.5-76, and since 1879; Limington, Me. Burleigh Pease, A.M., 1857. Teacher Public Schools, Bangor, Me., till 1880; Bangor, Me. Aaron Appleton Plaisted. Law- yer, Dubuque, la., 18.54-57; since 1857, Cashier Ticonic Nat. Bank, Waterville, Me. ^^ Class of 1852. Francis Macomber Dodge. Wenham, Mass. George Washington Dow, A.M., Brown, 18.55. Post-grad, student. Brown, 1853 ; Prin. High Sell., Lexington, Mass., 18r)4; Brighton,18.55; Prof.Math.Burliug- ton Univ., 1857-.58; Prin. Ogden Sch., Chicago, 111., 18.59-60; U. S. Recruiting Officer, 1863-64; since 1864, Mfg. Chem- ist, Moline, 111. George Boardman Gow, A.M., 1861; D.D., 1881. Prin. Litchfield Inst., COLBY UNIVEKSITY. 35 Me., 1853; Waterville Acad., 18.5.3-.5.5; Newton Theol. Inst., 18.58 ; Pastor, Ayer, Mass., 18.58-61; Prin. New London Inst., N. H., 1861-64; Pastor, Gloucester,Mass., 1864-67 ; Worce-ster, 1867-72 ; Agent, Wor- cester Acad., 1872-74; Pastor, Millbury, 1874-80; Brattleboro, Vt., 1880-83; since 1883, Glen Falls, N. Y. *WiLLiAii Henky Hobbie, A.M. Teacher, Unity and Belfast, Me., to 1861 ; Publisher, New York; died. New York, Jan. 7, 1887, aged 67. *Ebenezer Hawks Libby. Prin. Vassalboro Acad., Me., 18.i3-.54; Pastor, F. W. Bapt. cb.. East Hebron, 1860-61; East Raymond, 1861; 2.5th Me. Yols., 1862-63; 32d Me. Yols., 1864; Pastor, Windliam, 1865; died, Windham, Me., Sept. 18, 1868, aged 4.5. *Selden Fletcher Neal, A.M., 1861; M.D., Harvard, 18.57. Prin. No. Anson Acad., Me., 18.52; Hebron Acad., 1857-61; Teacher of Math., Me. State Sem., Lewiston, 1861-63; Prof. Math., Bates Coll., 186.3-64; Surg. U. S. Yds., 1864-65 ; Physician from 1866, Livermore Falls; died, Livennore, Me., Mar. 20, 1872, aged 49. *RicHAKr) Means Nott, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Red Creek, N. Y., 18.52- 55; Calais, Me. ,18.5.5-.57; Rocbe.ster Theol. Sem., 18.59 ; Pastor, Rochester, N.Y.,18.59- 65; In business, Atlanta, Ga., 186.5-68; Pastor, Aurora, 111., 1869-72; Wakefield, Mass., 1872-74; died, Wakefield, Mass., Dec. 21, 1880, aged 49. Author of Memoir of Abiier Kingman Nott (1865). George Marshall Preston. New- ton Theol.Inst., 18.55 ; Pastor,Sturbridge, Mass., 18.5,5-.58; Medford, 18.58-68; Woos- ter, O., 1869-71; Independence, la., 1871- 73; Oldtown, Me., 1373-78; Lanesboro, Mass., 1878-80; since 1880, Cheshire, Mass. Daniel Webster Wilcox. Roch- ester Theol. Sem.; Clergj-man, Shel- burne Falls, Mass. 9 Class of 1853. JoTHAM Francis Baldwin, A.M. Prin. Bloomfield Acad., Me., 1853-.54; Wash. Acad., E. Machias, 1854-55; Law- yer, Belle Plaine, Minn., 18.56-60; Memb. Minn. Senate, 18.58-60; since 1860, Cincin- nati, O. William Pitt Bartlett. Prin. Hallowell Acad., Me., 18.53-.55; Lawyer, Watertown, Wis., 18.56; Member Wis. Legisl .,1860,1873 ; Dist.Attorney, 6 years ; County Judge, 2 years; Register U. S. Land Ofiice, 1875-79; Regent Wis. State Univ., fi-om 1886; since ia57, Eau Claire, Wis. *George Bradley. Lawyer, Ban- gor, Me., 18.5.5-56; Belle Plaine, Minn., 1856-65; Speaker, 1st sess. Minn. Legisl., 18.58; Receiver, U. S. Land Office, 1860; 2d Lt. 8th Minn. Yols., 1862; Maj. and Lt. Col. 7th Minn. Yols., 1862-65; from 1865, Lawyer, Minneapolis; died, Min- neapolis, Minn., Feb. 11, 1879, aged 46. George Bullen, A.M., and Brown, 1876; D.D., 1880. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.58; Pastor, Skowhegan, Me., 1860-62; Chaplain 16th Me. Vols., 1862-63; Pastor, Wakefield, Mass., 1864-66; since 1868, Pawtucket, R. I. Charles Henry Davis. Worces- ter, Mass. John Atkinson Lowell, A.M. Prin. Parsonsfleld Sem., Me., 18.53-.57; Teacher, Me. State Sem., Lewiston, 18.57- 60; Pastor, F. W. Bapt. ch., LewLston, 1861-69; Newmarket, N. H., 1869-70; Law- rence, Mass., 1870-72 ; Res. Lic.,Andover Theol. Sem., 1872-73; Member Bd. Tms- tees. Bates Coll., ft-om 1863; since 1873, Pastor, Danville, N. H. Alfred Oaven, A.M., D.D., Kala- mazoo, 1871. Newton Theol. Inst., 1858; Pastor, Lynn, Mass., 18.58-67; Detroit, Mich., 1867-77; Chicago, 111., 1877-79; President Denison University, Gran- ville, O., 1879-86; address, Nashville, Tenn. Henry Miller Pierce, A.M., 18.57; LL.D.,Lewisburg, 1866. Prin. New- castle Acad., Me., 18.5.3-.55; High Sch., Chicopee, Mass., 18.56-.57; Pres. Rutgers Coll. tor Women, New York, 18.58-71; Gen. Man. Standard Charcoal Co. .Good- rich, Tenn.; of Calera Furnace and Charcoal Co., Calera, Ala.; of Decatur 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Charcoal Chemical Works, Deeatiir, Ala. ; of Nashville Iron, Steel, and Char- coal Co.; of Standard Charcoal, Iron, and Chemical Co. ; and Pres. Xashville Land Improvement Co., Xashville, Tenn. Hakris Merrill Plaisted, A.M., LL.B., Albany, 18.i5. Prin. Waterville Lib. Inst., Me., 18.53; Lawyer, Bangor, since 18.56; Capt. and Lt. Col. 11th Me. Vols., 1861 ; Col. 11th Me. Vols., 1862 ; Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols. ,186.5 ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1867, 1868; Atty. Gen., Me., 1873-7.5; Member 44th U.S. Congress,1875- 76; Governor of Maine, 1881, 188-2; Edi- tor and Propr. The Xew Age, Augusta, Me. Author of Digest of Maine Reports (1880). *Frank Plumer. Lawyer, Daven- port, la., from 1856; died, Davenport, la., Sept. 11, 1866, aged 39. Hob ART Wood Richardson, A.M. Tutor, 183.5-62; U. S. Land OfHce, Wash- ington, B.C., 186:^-64; U. S. Coast Survey, Portland, Me., 1864-66; Editor Portland y^ress, 1866-68 ; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1877; Supervisor Census, 1880; since 1868, Editor Portland Advertiser, Port- land, Me. Author of Paper Money (1878) ; The National Banks (1880) ; The Standard Dollar (1881) ; Introduction to York Deeds (1887). Robert Folger Stratton, M.D., Harvard, 18.57. Physician, Knox Co., 111., 18.57-6-2 ; Surg. Ilth 111. Cav., 1862 ; U.S. Exam. Surg., since 1865; Saint Joseph, Mich. Stephen Rollo Thurston, A.M., Commission Merchant, Portland, Me., 18.54-67; Ins. Agent, 1867-73; Correspon- dent, with A. H. Andrews & Co., Chi- cago, 111. Joshua Woodman Weston, A.M. Prin. Conway Acad., X. H., I853-.54; Bridgton Acad., 185.5-,57; Instr. Math., Antioch Coll., 18.58-60; employed in PuIjHc Schools, Decatur, 111., 1863-66; Siipt. Pub. Schools, La Crosse, Wis., 187-2-77; since 1877, drug business and real estate. La Crosse, Wis. 14 Class of 1854. ^Derrick Stafford Bridgham. Engineer and farmer, in Cal., 18.55-.58; drowned, Frazer River, Oct. 17, 18.58, aged 24. Albion Keith Parris Knowlton, a.m. Prin. No. Conway Acad., N. H., 18.54-55; Thomaston Acad., Me., 18.56-59; High Sch., Lewiston, 1860-62; adm. to the bar, 1860; Judge Municipal Court, 1872-76; City Solicitor, 1881-82; Lewis- ton, Me. *Cyrus Wesley Lander, 1875. Prin. Bloomfield Acad., Me., 1854-55; Teacher and miner, Columbia, Cal., 18.56-61; Supt. Pittsburg R. R. and Coal Mining Co., 1861-64; from 1867, Lawyer, Martinez ; County Judge from 1870 ; died Martinez, Cal., Jan. 16, 1874, aged 45. Samuel Worcester Matthews, a.m., 1858. Prin. Lee Acad., Me., 1854; Williamston Acad., N. C, 1856-.59; Cor- inna Acad., Me., 1859; Lawyer, Hamp- den, 1860-79; Asst. Assessor Int. Rev., 186-2-72; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1873; Depy. Collector Customs, 188-2-85; Editor and l^roprietor Aroostook Repuhlican, Cari- bou; State Com'r of Industrial and Labor Statistics, 1887; Augusta, Me. ^'Henry Allen Sawtelle, A.M., D.D., Hillsdale, 1874. Prin. High Sch., Waterville, Me., and Tutor, 1854-55; Newton Theol. Inst., 18.58; Pastor, Lim- erick, Me., 1858-59; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, to Hong Kong and Swatow, China, 1859-61; Pastor, San Francisco, Cal., 186-2-76; Assoc. Ed. The Evangel, 1862-64; Ed. The Spare Hour, 1868-70; Pastor, Chelsea, Mass., 1877-82; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1882-83; San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1883-84; died, Water\dlle, Me., Nov. 22, 1885, aged 52. Author of The Communion (1866) ; Things to Think 0/(1873). *JoHN Butler Wilson, A.M.; M.D., Jefferson, 18.59. Prin. Ea. Corinth Acad., and High Sch., Dexter, Me., 1854- ■57; Physician, Exeter, 1860-61; Capt. 15th Me. Vols., 1861-63; Surg. 7th U.S. Inf.; Med. Inspector, Dist. ot Fla. ; from 1865, Dexter, Me.; died, Dexter, Me., Mar. 13, 1866, aged 32. 6 COLBY UNIVERSITY. 37 Class of 1855. Nathan Weston Blanchard, 1874; A.M., 1877. Collector, Placer Co., Cal., 1860-62; Memb. Assembly, 18G-2-63; Lumber Merchant to 1872; Firm of Blanchard & Bradley, Flour Mills; Orange and Lemon gi-ower, Santa Paula, Cal. *'James Tyler Bradbury, A.M. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1855-58; Vassalboro Acad., 1858-59; from 18.59, West Liberty Acad., West Va. ; died, West Liberty, W. Va., June 14, 1863, aged 37. David Fifield Crane, A.M. Since 1859, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Labkin Dunton, a.m., LL.D., 1880. Prin. Lincoln Acad., Newcastle, Me., 1856-57; Lawyer, Waterville, 18.58- 59; Prin. High Sch., Bath, 1859-67; Sub- Mastei', Lawrence Sch., Boston, Mass., 1867-68, and Prin. 1868-72; since 1872, Head Master Normal Sch., Boston; address, Allstou, Mass. Charles Freeman Foster, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1855-57; Pastor, So. Amesbury, Mass., 1857-59; Bidde- lord. Me., 1859-61; Yarmouth, 1861-63; Chap. State Almshouse, Tewksbury, Mass., 1864-66; Chap, and Asst. Supt., State Pri. Sch., Monson, 1866-75; Prin. Pam. Sch. for Boys, Chicopee, 1875-77; High Sell., Chester, Pa., 1877-78; since 1878, Supt. Pub. Schools, Chester, Pa. Reuben Foster, A.M. Prin. Vas- salboro Acad., Me., 1855-56; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1866, 1867, and Speaker, 1870; Member Me. Senate, 1871, and Presi- dent, 1873 ; since 1858, Lawyer, Water- ville, Me. Oliver Crosby Gray, A.M., 18 69, and St. John's, 1868, LL.D., 1884. Prin. Pub. Schools, Minneapolis, Minn., 1855- 56; Monticello Acad., 1857-58; Fern Sem., Princeton, Ark., 1860, 1866-67; Col Confed. Army, 1861-64; Prof. Math., St John's Coll., 1868-71, and President, 1872-74; Prof. Math, and Civil Engineer ing, Arkansas Industrial Univ., 1874-79 Prof. Pure Math., 1878-84; Supt. Pub. Schools, Fayetteville, Ai-k. "^^ William Solyman Heath. Law- yer, Minneapolis, Minn., 1856-58; Vice- Consul U. S., Montreal, Can., 18.58-.59; Lawyer, Rockland, Me., 18.59-61; Capt. 3d Me. Vols., 1861 ; Lt. Col. 5th Me. Vols., 1861 ; killed at battle of Gaines' Mills, Va., June 27, 1862, aged 28. ^Washington Irving Humphrey, Newton Theol. Inst., 1855; died, Yar- mouth, Me., Feb. 13, 1856, aged 26. John Warren Lamb, A.M. Prin. Lebanon Acad., Me., 18.57-60; Water- ville Acad., 1862-65; Prof. Math., Bates Coll., 186.5-68; Insurance Agent, Hart- ford, Conn. Samuel Kelley Leavitt, A.M. Instr. Lit. and Scien. Inst., New London, N. H. ; Prin. High Sch., Holyoke, Mass., Hallowell, Me., and Evansville, Ind.; adm. to the bar, 1859; Lawyer, Evans- ville, 1861-70; Capt. 65th Ind. Vols., 1862- 65; Pastor, Keokuk, la., 1870-72; Cincin- nati, O., 1872-84; since 1884, Jackson- ville, Fla. *'RuFus Knight Marriner, A.M., 1867. Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me., 1855-,57; adm. to the bar, 1859; Prin. AVaverly Inst., N. Y., 1859-60; Lawyer, Waverly, 1860-62 ; Teacher, Santa Rosa, Sacramento, and San Francisco, Cal., 1862-67; from 1867, Lawyer; died, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 19, 1875, aged 44. Tristram Franklin McFadden, A.M. Adm. to the bar, 18.58; Lawyer, Fairfield, Me.; Publishers' Agent, Cam- bridge, N. Y. John William Parrington, Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me., 1857; Lawyer, Americus, Kan. Joseph Gancello Pettengill. Lawyer, Enaporia, Kan. Charles Jenkins Prescott, A.M., Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 18.5.5-56; Instr. in Classics, Mobile Coll., Ala., 1856-62; Instr. Math. Eaglesvvood Mil. Acad., Perth Amboy, N.J., 1862-68 ; Prin. Essex Hall Sch., Orange, N. J., 1868-80; since 1880, Prin. Pub. Sch. No. 13, Jersey City; residence, Orajige, N. J. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Charles Francis Richards, A.M., 18(>4. Treas. Camden Savings Bank, Rockpoi-t, Me. Henry Kendall Trask, A.M., LL.D., 1881. Prin. Bloonifleld Acad., Me., 1855-57; Prin. Higli Sell., and Supt. Sell., Morris, 111. ,1857-61 ; Prin. Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis., 1861-68 ; since 1868, Prin. So. Jersey Institute, Bridge- ton, N. J. *HiRAM Fuller Wall. Died, Hallowell, Me., Sept. 13, 185.% aged 21. *Legh Richmond Webber. Teacher, New Portland, Me., 18.55-56; Troy, Vt., 1856-57; Teacher and farmer, Kansas, 18.57-61; U. S. Vols., 1861-64; died, Augusta, Me., Jan. 5, 1866, aged 35. Charles Frederick Weston, A. M., 1872. Newton Theol. Inst., 1855-56; Rochester, Theol. Sem., 18.58-.59; ordain- • ed, 1863 ; Pastor, Lincoln, Fayette, Me. ; Russell, Mass. ; E. Avon, N. Y. ; Fowler- vllle, Mich.; Orleans, N. Y.; Limerick, Me. ; address, Colorado Springs, Colo. *RoscoE James White. Lawyer, Belfast, Me., 1859-60; Merchant and tan- ner, Princeton, Me., 1860-65; died Au- gusta, Me., Aug. 30, 1868, aged 32. *JoHX Woodman. Drowned, Wa- terville, Me., June 27, 1855, aged 25. Class of 1856. Abijah Robinson Crane, D.D., 1884. Prin. Acad., Ea. Corinth, Me., 1857; Law Student, 18.58; Newton Theol. Inst., 1861 ; Pastor, Hallowell, Me., 1861- 74; Financial Sec, Colhy Univ., 1874- 77; Bepr. Me. Legist, ]880;.Memher Bd. Trustees from 1871 ; since 1877, Pastor, East ^Vintllrop, Me. Charles Carroll Loav, A.M., I860. Farmer, Guilford, Lake City P. O., Minn. *CiiARLEs Andrew Miller, A.M. A(hn. to the bar, 18.58; Lawyer, Rock- land, Me., 1850-63; Asst. Clerk Me. IIo. Keps., 1858, 1859, and Clerk, 1860-6:!; Major, 2d Me. Cav. Vols., 1863-<)4; Plant- er, Montgomery, Ala., from 1865; Sec. of State, Ala., 1869, 1870; died, Skowhe- gan. Me., May 7, 1877, aged 42. Asa Perkins. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.58-60; Pastor, Rockport, Me., 1860-62; E. Harrington, 1863-66; Liver- more Falls, 1867-68 ; Limerick, 1870-77 ; Supply, Machiasport and E. Machias, 1877-78; Fayette Corner, 187&-80; Treas. Savings Bank, Limerick, Me. Joseph Augustus Ross. 20th Me. Vols., 1862-65; 1st Lieut. 41st U. S. C. Vols.; from 1875, Lawyer; County Atty., 1877-78; Princeton, Minn. *RoscoE Greene Smith, A.M. Instr. Nat. Sci. F. W. Bapt. Inst., New Hampton, N. H., 1856-.58, and Prin., 18.58- 60; died, Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 31, 1860, aged 28. Charles Henry Smith, A. M. Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Me., 18.56-60; Lawyer, Machias, 1865; Member Me. Senate, 1866; Capt. 1st. Me. Cav., 1861; Maj. Lt. Col., and Col., 1863; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1864; Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols., 1865; Col. 28th U. S. Inf., 1866; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A., 1867; B\'t. Maj. Gen. U. S. A., 1867; since 1869, Col. 19th U. S. Inf., Ft. Clark, Texas. *Charles Wesley Snow, A.M., M. D., Bowdoin, 1860. Physician, Skow- hegan, Me., from 1860; Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Augusta, 1864-65; died, Skowhegan, Me., Sept. 28, 1876, aged 42. 8 Class of 1857. Jonathan Quincy Barton, A.M., 1867. Paymaster, U. S. Navy; U. S. Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. ♦Stephen Boothby. Prin. Select Sch. for Boys, Bangor, Me., 1858; Law- yer, Portland, 1860-61; 1st Me. Cav., 1861; 1st Lt. and Capt., 1862; Major and Lt. Col., 1863; mortally wounded, Bea- ver Dam Station, Va., 1864; died, Point Lookout, Md., June 5, 1864, aged 30. "'John Brackett Bradbury. Teacher, Grafton, Mass., 1857; died, Limington, Me., Apr. 27, 1858, aged 24. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 39 Henky Lewis Chase. Teacher, 1857-60; East Windsor Theol. Sem., 1861-62; Andover Theol. Sem., 1863; Pastor, Cong, ch., North Carver, Mass., 1863-67; Dyersville, la., 1867-70; Green Mountain, la., 1870-81 ; Green Mountain, la. WiJLLiAM Johnson Corthell. Prin. High Sch., Calais, Me., 1857; County Supt. Pub. Sch., 1869; Supt. Pub. Sch„ Calais, 1869-76; Repr. Me. LegisL, 1873, 1874; Member Me. Senate, 1875; State Supt. Sch., 1876; Member Bd. Trustees, from 1877; since 1878, Prin. State Normal Sch., Gorham, Me. Augustus Alt, en Fletcher. Teacher, Me. and Western States to 1880; Register of Probate, 1880-84; since 1884, in business, Lincoln ville, Me. Zenas Paine Hanson, M.D., Chi- cago, i86i. Surg. 42d 111. Vols; Physi- cian, Chicago, 111. Henry Augustus Hart, A.M., 186-2. Newton Theol. Inst., 1860; Pastor, Rockland, Me., 1860-65; Yarmouth, 1865- 69; since 1869, of firm. Hart & Co., Wool dealers, Portland, Me. Alanson Currier Herrick. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1861-71 ; Union Theol. Sem., 1866; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1867, 1868; Pastor, Canton, Me., 1872-76; Freeport, Me., 1876-84; since 1884, Sac- ramento, Cal. George Mellen Prentiss King, A.M., 1865, D.D., 1886. Instr. Rhet., Maryland Agric. Coll., 1858-59; Pastor, E. Providence, R. I., 1860-67; since 1867, Pres. Waylaud Seminary, Wasliington, D. C. Francis Mayo, A.M. 1887. Prin. Acad., Monson, Me., 1857; North Anson Acad., 1858; Prin. High Sch., Liberty- ville. 111., 1859; adm. to the bar, 1862; Private and Corp. 67th 111. Vols., 1863; Lawyer, Chicago, 1864-78; since 1878, So. Chicago, 111. Francis Lyford Morse, A.M., 1865, Ph.D. Maryville, 1886. Prof. Math., Hanover Coll. ; Hanover, Ind. I ^Joseph Odell. Prin. Lebanon Sem., Ky., and Editor Central Kentuck- tan, 1857-59 ; Editor Richmond Messenger, 1860; Editor Z)ai7i/ Commercial New Al- bany, Ind., 1866-67; Assoc. Ed. Journal, La Fayette, Ind., from 1867; died, La Fayette, Ind., Oct. 19, 1871, aged 38. *MosEs Jewett Prescott. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1860; Pastor, Kenne- bunkport. Me., 1860-63; died, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 5, 1863, aged 31. Russell Benjamin Shepherd. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 1857-58; Girls' Higli Sch., Bangor, 1859-62; adm. to the bar, 1862; Atljt. 18th Me. Vols., 1862; Major 1st Me. Art., 1862; Lt. Col. and Col., 1864; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865; Cotton Planter, Ga., 186.5-69; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1875, 1876; Member Me. Sen- ate, 1877; Member Executive Council, 1878; Member Bd. Trustees from 1886; since 1875, Agt. Coburn Woolen Mfg. Co., Skowhegan, Me. Jonathan Godfrey Soule, A.M., 1865. Prin. Hartland Acad., Me., 1857- 59; Inst. Evansville Sem., Wis., 1859-63; Prin. Hartland Acad., Me., 1863-67; Fox- croft Acad., 1867-71 ; since 1871, Lawyer, Waterville, Me. Charles Frederick Vent. Pub- lisher, Cincinnati, O., to 1886; Brick mfr., Chicago, 111. GowEN Coombs Wilson. Prin. High Sch., Hallowell, Me., 1857-59; Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1861 ; Pastor Cong, ch., Winterport, 1861-66; since 1866, Wind- sor, Conn. Class of 1858. 18 Thomas Foxwell Bachelder, A.M., 1870. Prin. High Sch., Columbia, Me., 1858-59; Lawyer, Grand Rapids, Wis., 1859-64; San Fi-ancisco, Cal., 1865- 83; Fruit grower, Sunol, Cal. Charles Pierce Baldwin, A.M., Prin. High Sch., Bangor, Me., 1859-61; Capt. 11th Me. Vols., 1862, Major and Bvt. Col., 1864; Lt. Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865; since 1866, silver min- ing, Georgetown, Col. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF SiMox Stkatton Brown, A.M., 1862. Lawyer, Freedom, Me., 1859-64; Fairfleld, 1864-81; Member Executive Council, 1879-80; Watcrville, Me. *Sabine Emeky. Prin. Bloomfield Acad., Me., 18.58-60; Prin. High Sell., Eastport, 1860-61; Capt. 9th Me. Vols., 1861; Major, Lt. Col. and Col., 1862-64; adm. to the har, 1864; Lawyer, Balti- more, Md., 186.T-68; died, Baltimore, Md., March 24, 1868, aged 34. Jonathan Cilley Fales, A.M. Listr. Nat. Scien., Morse Acad., New Albany, Ind. ; Prot. Natural Sciences, Centre Coll. ot Ky., Danville, Ky. Isaac Small Hamblen, A.M. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 18.58-61; Merchant and law student, 1861-65 ; New- ton Theol. In.st., 1868; Pastor, Rockland, Mass., 1868-72; Winehendon, 1872-80; Holden, Mass., 1880-86; since 1886, No. Berwick, Me. Amos Li^nt Hinds, A.M. Farmer, Benton, Me. Benjamin Franklin Laaa^rence, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1859-60; Pas- tor, Cape Neddick,Me., 1862-65; Corintli, 1865-67; Dexter,1867-70; Brunswick, 1870- 74; Groton, Mass., 1874-80; Meriden, N.H., 1881-86; since 1886, Ea. .Jefferson, Me. * Joseph Winsloav Levett. Asst. in Seminary, Hernando, Miss., 18.59; Prin. Fem. Inst., New Britain, Pa., I860; private, Confed. Army ; died, Memphis, Tenn., Sept., 1866, aged 28. Horace Barroavs Marshall, A.M. Pastor, Hartland, Me., 1858-59; Turner, 1859-62 ; Buxton, 1862-65 ; Waldo- boro, 186.5-68; A'^ineyard Haven, Mass., 1868-71; Prin. Grove Hill Seni., 1871-73; Pastor, Clielmsford, 1873-75; Kingston, 1875-80; Oldtown, Me., 1880-81; Buck- fleld, 1881-82; Home Missionary, Pipe- stone City, Edgarton, and Fairmont, Minn., 1882-85; Financial Agt. Pillsbury Acad., Owatonna, 188.5-86; since 1886, Pastor, Cape Neddick, Me. *WiLLiAM Triit Parker. Prin. High Sell., i;ilsw()rtli,Me.,ia58-,59; Prof. Math. Bethel Coll., Ky., 1859-60; Law- yer, Ell swoith. Me., 1861-62; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 1st Me. Art., 1862; killed in battle, Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 19, 1864, aged 24. Ea'erett Wilson Pattison, A.M., Shurtleff, 1866. Prin. AA". Gardiner Acad., Me.,18.58-.59; Instr. Oread Inst., AA^orces- ter, Mass., 1860-61; Private, 2d Mass. A'ols., 1861 ; 1st Lieut, and Judge Advo- cate 1st Div. 12th A. C, 1862; Capt., 1864; since ]865,Lawj'er, St. Louis Mo. Author of Digest of Missouri liepoj-ts (1873, 1879). *George Gilman Percia al, a.m., 1862 ; M.D., Bellevue, 1863. Sheffield Sci. Sch., 1860; Asst. in Chem., Yale, 1861-62; Asst. Surg. U. S. A'ols., 1863-65; Prof. Chem. Homeop. Med. Coll., Pa., 1868-69; Druggist, Phila., Pa., to 1870; Photo. Engi-aver, New Y'ork, to 1880; Mfg. Chemist; died, AA'aterville, Me., Aug. 3, 1883, aged 44. Charles Henry Roave, A.M., 1864. Newton Theol. Inst., 1861 ; Acting Pastor, Holyoke, Mass., 1861-62; Augus- ta, Me., 1862-64; Chaplain U. S. Hosp. Dept., 1864-65; Pastor, Boston, Mass., 1866-71; T^^eymouth, 1871-74; A^^ollaston Heights, 1874-78; Cambridge, 1878-81; Mystic River, Conn., 1881-84; since 1884, AVhitman, Mass. JuDsoN Wade Shaav, A.M., 1865. Prin. Acad., No. Anson, Me., 1858, 1859; in educational work, 1860-75; employed on Greenleaf's Higher Math. Series, 1863 ; on Walton's Arithmetics, i9&>,\i~Q; Bible and S. S. work, 1875-78; Andover Theol. Sem., 1879, 1881-83 ; Supply, Union Cong'l ch. Andover, Mass., 1883; No. Conway, 1884; lecturing and writing, 1885, 1886; Pastor, Royalston, Mass. *Hampton Dunreath Plummer Small. Teacher, AVinthrop, Dresden and Dixmont, Me., 1858-02; died, Mt. A^ernon, Me., Aug. 23, 1862, aged 29. 16 Class of 1859. Alfred Eliab Buck. Prin. High Sch., Hallowell, and Lewiston, Me., to 1861; Capt. 13th Me. A'ols., 1861; Lt. Col. 91st U. S. Vols., 18(«; Lt. Col. 51st U. S. A'ols., 1864; Bvt. Col. A'ols., 186.5-66; COLBY UNIVERSITY. 41 mfr. turpentine and rosin, Ala., 1866-67 ; Presidential Elector, Ala., 1868; Meni" ber 41st U. S. Cong., 1869-70; Clerk U. S. Dist. and Circuit Court, Atlanta, Ga. Stephen Copeland Fletcher, A.M., 1865. Capt. 7th Me. Vols., 1861, and Major; Lt. Col. 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 1864; Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1865-67; ordained, 1866; Pastor,Wilton, N.H., 1867-73; since 1873, New London, N. H. * Alexander Fuller, A.M., 1865. Bangor Theol. Sem., 186-2; Pastor Cong, cli., Plymouth, Mass., from 1863; died, Kingston, Mass., Dec. 5, 1869, aged 30. Daniel Foster Goodrich. 2d Lieut. 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 1864; 1st Lieut., 1865; Memb. Minn. Senate, 1878- 87; Lawyer, Blue Earth City, Minn. Levi Ludden. Prin. Boys' Gram. Sch., Bangor, Me., 1860; High Sch., Mil- ford, 1861; High Sch., Prince William, N.B., 186-2-63; Private, 1st D. C. Cav., 1864; 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Vols., 1864-65; Prin. Wilkinsburg Acad., Pa., 1866-69; since 1869, Prin. Preparatory Dept., Western Univ. of Pa., Allegheny City, Pa. *JtrDAH Teague Pompilly, a.m., Newton Theol. Inst., 1859-60; Asst. Hughes High School, Cincinnati, O., 1860-03; from 1863, Insurance Agent; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1870, aged 33. Hiram Chaney Vaitghan, M.D., Harvard, 1864. Prin. Athens Acad., Me., 1859-60; Hallowell High Sch., 1860- 61; Hosp. Steward, 14th Me. Vols., 1861- 62; Capt. 24th Me. Vols., 186-2-63; Asst. Surg. U. S. N., 1864-65; in charge Hosp. for Freedmen, Jacksonville, Fla., 1865- 66; Physician, Lewiston, Me., 1867-68; Manager Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1869-78 ; Editor E Usivortli American, 1878- 85; address, Poxcroft, Me. 7 Class of I860. George Brainerd B u z e l l e . Bangor Theol. Sem., 1863; U. S. Chr. Com., and Am. S. S. Union till 1868; Acting Pastor, Princeton, Me., 1868-69; since 1869, in business pursuits, Port- land, Me. Joseph Freeman Elder, D.D., Madison, 1875. Prin. Hebron Acad., 1860-61; Private tutor, Ohio, 1862-64; Rochester Theol. Sem. 1867; Pastor, Orange, N. J., 1867-70; Member Bd. Trustees, Rochester Theol. Sem.; Trus- tee Am. Bapt. Home Mission Soc, 1870- 85; since 1870, Pastor Bapt. ch. of the Epiphany (formerly Oliver St.), New York. JosiAH Manchester Haynes, 1863, A.M. Prin. Lincoln Acad., New- castle, Me., 1860-62; Lawyer, New York, 1864; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1876-77; Member Me. Senate, 1878, and President, 1879; Speaker Me. Ho. Reps., 1883-84; Memb. Nat. Rep. Com. for Me., 1884-88; since 1865, shipbuilding, lumber and ice busi- ness, Augusta, Me. John Henry Jackson A. M., M.D., Bowdoin, 1868. Prin. Acad., Ef- fingham, N. H., and Lincoln, Me., to 1862; Union Sch., Grand Rapids, Wis., 1862-65; Physician, Vassalboro, Me., 1868-73; since 1873, Pall River, Mass. *Henry Abial Kennedy, 1862. Depv- Collector Customs, Waldoboro, Me., 1863-81; Collector, 1881-84; died, Waldoboro, Me., Mar. 9, 1884, aged 49. Almore Kennedy, A. M., 1872. Member Me. Senate, 187'2-73; Judge of Probate; Member Bd. Trustees 1877-83; since 1862, Lawyer, Waldoboro, Me. Ransom Norton, A.M. Prin. High Sell., Livermore, Me., 1860-61 ; Corinna Acad., 1861; High Sch., Oldtown, 1861- 62; High Sch., Eliot, 1862-63 ; High Sch., Uxbridge, 1863; Houlton Acad., 1864; Clerk of Courts, 1868-80, 1883-87; since 1866, Lawyer, Houlton, Me. Levi Merriam Pierce, Prin. Ox- ford Liberal Inst., So. Paris, Me., 1860- 61; Oxford Normal Inst., Paris, 1861-63; High Sch., Uxbridge, Mass., 18&3-66; High Sch. Chicopee Falls, 1866-72; Pres. Arlington Piano Co., Boston, 1872-75; since 1876, of firm Carter and Pierce, music dealers, Springfield, Mass. Stillman Hersey Record, A.M., 1865. Newton Theol. Inst., 1863 ; Acting Pastor, Sterling, Mass.,1863-64; Mission- 42 GENEllAL CATALOGUE OF aiy, Am. S. S. Union, in R. I., Mass., X. H., and Me., 18(>4-70; address, Worces- ter, Mass. Jacob Bartlett Shaw, A. M., 1866. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washing- ton, D. C, 1861-63; Examiner Pension Claims, 1863-65; Treas. Improved Sole Sewing Macliine Co., Cambridge, Mass. *WiLLiAM Waxlace West. Med- ical Student, 1860-61 ; Hospital Steward, and Asst. Surg., 8th Me. Vols., 1861; died, Waterville, Me., Feb. ,5, 1862, aged 11 Class of 1861. Frederic Dana Blake, A. M. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1864; Instr. in He- brew, N. T. I., 1863-64; Pastor, Gardin- er. Me., 1864-68; New London, N. H., 1869-73; Cherrytield, Me., 1875-80; Oak- land, Me., 1880-83; since 1884, Wickford, R.I. George Stickney Flood, A.M., 1865. Dealer in M'^ood and Coal, Water- ville, Me. William Allen Hatch, 1864, A. M., M.D., Harvard, 1867. 2d Lieut. 3d Me. Vols., 1861; 1st Lieut, and Capt., 1862; Major SOth U. S. Vols., 1863-65; Agent, Treasury Dept., Rodney, Miss., 1865; Physician, Caribou, Me., 1870; Prelect, Girard Coll., Phila., Pa., 1871- 72; Apothecary, Melrose, Mass., 1873-78; since 1881, Rector Episc. ch., Maryville, Mo. Amos Messer Jackson, M. D., Dartmouth, 1872. 2d Lieut. 24th Me. Vols., 1862, 1st Lieut., 186;}; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps, U. S. A., 186:^; Major 10th U. S. C. Art., 1864; Bvt. Licut.-Col. 1865; in business, Lewiston, Me., 1867-71; -Since 1873, Physician, Fall River, Mass. Randall Elvin Jones, Prin. Acad. AVaterville, Me., 1861-62; High sell. Rockland, 1862-63 ; Shipmaster, 1864-77; Lime mfr., Rockport, 1877-83; since 1884, with Gt. Falls Ice Co., Randolpli, Mo. Albert Prescott Marble, A.M., 1865; Ph. D., 1880. Instr. Math., Way- land Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis., 1861-64; Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Me., 1865; Berkshire Fam. Sch., Stockbridge, Mass., 1865-66; Prin. Worcester Acad., Mass., 1866-68; since 1868, Supt. Public Schools, Worcester, Mass. 6 Class of 1862. *Aretas Gustavus Barker, A.M. Prin. Masonic Charitable Inst., Effing- ham, N. H., from 1862 ; died, Effingham, N. IL, Apr. 11, 1867, aged 31. William Carey Barroavs. Sergt. 24th Me. Vols., 1862 ; 2d Lieut., 1863 ; New- ton Tlieol. Inst., 1866; Pastor, Freeport, Me., 1866-68; No. Berwick, 1868-72 ; Wal- tham, Mass., 1872-75; Biddeford, Me., 1875-78; Rockland, 1878-82; Lewiston, 1882-85; address, Lewiston, Me. *■' Frank Bodfish, M.D., Bowdoin, 1864. Hospital Steward, 21st Me. Vols., 1862; Asst. Surg. 56th 111. Vols., 1864-65; Asst. Surg. 1st Me. Cav., 1865; from 1866, Phj^slcian and apothecary, No. Anson, Me.; died No. Anson, Me., July 16, 1886, aged 45. Elias Brookings, A. M. Prin. Cherryfleld Acad., Me., 1862-64, and 1865-67;lst Lieut. 31st Me. Vols., 1864-65; Prin. Hitchcock Free High Sch., Brim- fleld, Mass., 1867-69; since 1869, Prin. Central St. Gram. Sch., Springfield, Mass. William Eustis Brooks, A.M. 1st Lieut, and Capt. 16th 3Ie. Vols., 1862-63; Bangor Tlieol. Sem., I j'ear; Tlieol. Sem., Yale; Pastor Cong, ch., Derby, Clinton, and West Haven, Conn. ; Pres. Tillotsoii Normal and Collegiate Institute, Austin, Tex., 1880-85; Pastor, Western Ave. Congl. ch., Chicago, 111. Alonzo Bunker, D.D., 1887. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1S65; ordained, 1865 ; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Toungoo, Burma. Author of Life of Christ, in Sgau Karen; Catechism, in Gai-eho Karen ; Catechism, in Karren- nee; translated into Sgau Karen, Daries' Euclid; Foster's Story of the Bible, (1884). Augustus Champlin, A.M. Prin. Gram. Sch., Evansville, Ind., 1862-63; China Acad., Me., 1863; in business. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 43 1864-67; Lawyer, Dexter, 1868-70; Ins. Agent, Bangor, 1870-78; since 1878, Adjuster Fire Ins. Claims, Portland, Me. "Whiting Stevens Clark, A.M. Capt. 1st Me. Art., 1862, and Major, 1864; Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Col., 1864; Asst. Secy. Me. Senate, 1866; Lawyer, Ban- gor, Me., 1866-80; Judge Police Court, 1868-73; since 1880, Des Moines, la. William Dyer Ewer, A.M. Sergt. 16th Me. Vols. ; Teacher, Me., N. H., and Cal.,tol874; Prin. Milton Classical Inst., N. H. ; Employment Agency, San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1874-87; Fruit grower, Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., Cal. George Gifford, A.M. Lawyer, Cherryfleld, Me., 1865-06; Augusta, 1867; Editor Daily Press, Portland, 1867-72; Memb. Me. Legisl., 1873; Editor Sunday Star, 1872-74 ; Agent U.S. Treasury, Lon- don, 1878; Sec. to Conir. Gen., Paris Exposition, 1878; U. S. Consul, Nantes, France, 1878-81; La Roehelle, 1881-84; since 1884, U. S. Consul, Bale, Switzer- land. ^Frederick Hale, A.M. Lawyer, Ellsworth, Me., 1863-68; died, Wood- stock, Vt., May 6, 1868, aged 28. Edavard Winslow Hall, A.M Instr. Oread Inst., Worcester, Mass. 1862-63; War and Treas. Depts., Wash ington, D. C, 1863-66; Univ. Gottingen 1872-73; Me. Hist. Soc, I88I; since 1866 Prof. Mod. Lang., and from 1873, Libra rian, Colby University, Waterville, Me. Samuel Hamblen, 1867. 3d Me. Vols., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1862; Capt. U. S. Vols., 1863; Lt. Col. U. S. Art. Vols., 1864; Bvt. Col. U. S. Vols., 1867; Drug- gist, Buffalo, N. Y., 1867-69; Lawyer, 1869-71; Supt. Pub. Ed. and State Atty., Quincy, Fla., to 1879; U. S. Supt., Hot Springs Reservation, 1883-85; since 1879, Lawyer, Hot Springs, Ark. George Langford Hunt, A.M.; D.D., Wake Forest, 1875. Newton Theol. Inst., 1862-63 ; Pastor, Barre, Mass., 1863- 64; Athol, 1864-67; Northampton, 1867- 69; Mystic River, Conn., 1869-80; Hobo- ken, N. J., 1881-85 ; adm. to the bar, 1885 ; address (1886) , Y'ankton, Dak. Asa Lyman Lane, A.M., 1866, Prin. Reid Inst., Reidsburgh, Pa., 1863- 67; Newton Theol. Inst., 1870; Pastor, Biddeford, Me., 1870-75; Piin. New Lon- don Acad., N. H., I87.'3-76; since 1876, Instr. Nat. Sci. and Math., Classical Inst., Waterville, Me. *'Arch Dorillous Leavitt. Capt. 16th Me. Vols., 1862; Major, 1863; mor- tally wounded, battle of Laurel Hill, Va.; died, Washington, D. C, May 30, 1864, aged 23. John Francis Liscomb, A.M. Gen. Agent and Treas., Portland Steam Packet Co., Portland, Me. * Albert Quincy Marshall,M.D., Bowdoin, 1867. Prin. High Sch., Turner, and Oxford, Me., to 1864; War Dept., Washington, D. C, 1864; from 1867, Phy- sician, New Gloucester, Me. ; died. New Gloucester, Me., May 3, 1880, aged 43. Moses Campbell Mitchell, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Farmington, Me., 1862- 63; Pratt Free High Sch., Middleboro, Mass., 1864-67; Wilton Acad., Me., 1867- 68; Duke Co. Acad., Martha's Vineyard, Mass., 1868-71, and Earn. Sell, for Boys, 1871-78 ; since 1878, Propr. Boys' School, Billerica, Mass. Justin Payson Moore, A.M. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1865; City Mission- ary, San Francisco, Cal., several years; in business, San Francisco, Cal. *^IsAiAH Record, A.M., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Tuna- er, Me., 1869-76; Houlton, 1876-83; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, 1882-83 ; died, Houlton, Me., Mar. 14, 1883, aged 48. Richard Cutts Shannon, 1863 ; A.M., 1866, LL.B., Columbia, 1885. 1st Lieut. .5th Me. Vols., 1862; Capt. and A.A.G.; Bvt. Lieut. Col.; Sec. U. S. Legation, Brazil, 1871-75, and Charge d' Affaires, 1872, 1873-74; President Bo- tanic Gardens R. R. Co., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; adm. to the bar, 1886 ; New York. Zemro Augustus Smith, 1877. Capt. 1st Me. Art. Vols., 1862; Major, 1864; Lt. Col., and Bvt. Col. U. S. Vols., 1865; Editor Daily Press, Portland, Me., 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1871-76; since 187G, Assoc. Editor Boston Journal, BostonJ Mass. ^William Amory Stevens. 2d Lieut. IGtli Me. Vols., 186-2; 1st Lieut, and Capt., 1863; liilled before Peters- burg, Va., May 19, 1864, aged '25. OziAS Whitman, A. M. Prin. Litclifleld Acad., Me., 1862; China Acad., 1863; Oak Grove Sem., Vassal- boro, 1864; High Sch., Eastport, 1865- 70; since 1870, Supt. Public Schools, Bed Wing, INIinn. George Adam Wilson, A.M. Private 21st Me. Vols. ; adm. to the bar, 1864; Member Me. Legisl., 1883-4; Judge of Probate since 1884; Irom 1865, Law- yer,andfrom 1872, Treas. Savings Banlv, So. Paris, Me. 26 Class of 1863. Percival Bonney, A.m. Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C., 1863-65; Law- yer, Bath, Me., 1866; from 1866, Port- land ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1870, 1871 ; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, since 1876, See. from 1S79, and Treas. from 1881 ; since 1878, Judge of Superior Court, Portland, Me. Simeon Lovell Bearce Chase, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1866; Pas- tor, Bangor, Me., 1866-72; Rockland, 1872-78; Bath, 1878-79; Freehold, N. J., 1881-83; Methuen, Mass., 1883-87; ad- dress, Bucklield, Me. Charles Melvin Emery, A.M. War Dept., Washington, P. C, 1864-65; Newton Theol. Inst., 1868 ; Pastor, Thoni- aston. Me., 1868-74; Chaplain Hygienic Inst., Dansville, N. Y., 1875-77 ; Pastor, Greene, Me., 1878-82; Fail-field, 188-2-85; Freeport, 188.5-87; address, Freeport, Me. Francis Snow Hesseltine, 1866, A.M. Capt. 3d Me. Vols., and IMajor, 1861; Lt. Col., 186-2-65; Lawyer and Reg- ister of Bankruptcy, Savannah, Ga., 1865-70; since 1870, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. George Calvin Hopkins. 2d Lieut. 19th Me. Vols., 1862; since 1864, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Author of Digest of Maine Reports, (1879) ; Oliver's Conveyancing Revised (1881). George Boardman Ilsley, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1866; Pastor, Springvale, Me., 1866-73; Yarmouth, 1873-79; Lewiston, 1879-81; since 1881, Bangor, Me. Sylvanus Boardman Macomb er, A.M. Private, I3th Me. Vols. ; ordained, 1863; Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, East Harrington, Me., 1868-69; Alfred, 1870-72; Sterling, Mass., 187-2-73; So. Lyndeboro, N. H., 1874; Montgomery Centre, Vt. John Oliver Marble, A.M.,M.D., Georgetown, 1868. Physician, Worces- ter, Mass. Nathaniel Meader. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1876, 1877; Treas. Hubbard and Blake Mfg. Co., Oakland, Me.; address, Water ville. Me. *HoRATio Nelson Nutting, A.M. Teacher, Woodland, Cal., 1864; Butte Co., 1864-66; Siipt. Pub. Sch., San Mateo Co., 1867-71; adm. to the bar, 1870; Edi- tor Times and Gazette, i^yrs. ; Dist. Attor- ney, San Mateo Co., 187-2-80; died. Red- wood City, Cal., Nov. 30, 1S82, aged 44. ''•'George Stephen Scamman. Prin. High Sch., Skowhegan, Me., 1863-64; Capt. nth Me. Vols., 1864-65; Prin. Gram. Sch., Maiden, Mass., 1868-71; adm. to the bar, 1871 ; Propr. Maiden Tribttne; died. Maiden, Mass., Mar. "22, 1883, aged 37. Marcellus Lovewell Stearns, 1877. Private l'2th Me. Vols., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1862; 1st Lieut., 1863; Vet. Re- serve Coi-ps, to 1868; Member Fla. Legisl., and Speaker, 1869-72; U.S. Sur- veyor Gen. ot Florida; Lieut. Gov., 1873; Gov. of Florida, 1874-77; U. S. Comnir., Hot Springs, Ark., 1877-79; Lawyer, Quincy, Fla. George Dana Stevens. Teacher, Richland, Wis., 1864-69; Hudson, Wis., 1869-71; Pastor, Richland, 1871-74; Bloomington, 1874-80; since 1880, Cass- ^•ille, Wis. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 45 Charles Dana Thomas, A.M. U.S. Mil. Storekeeper, Knoxville, Tenn., 1864-65; Chief clerk, Introd. Dept., Van Antwerp, Bragg and Co., Publishers, Cincinnati, O. William Ricker Thompson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868 ; Pastor, Brigh- ton, Mass., 1868-71; Fayville, 1874-77; West Townsend, 1877-80; since 1880, New Ipswich, N. H. William Penn Whitehouse,A.M. Prin. Vassalhoro Acad., Me., 1863-64; Lawyer, Augusta, since 1865; County Attorney, 1869-77; since 1878, Judge of Superior Court, Augusta, Me. 16 Class of 1864. Henry Joseph Gushing, M.D., Harvard, 1868. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 1864-67; Qm. Sergt. 21st Me. Vols., 1865; since 1868, Physician, Merrimac, Mass. William Smith Knowlton. Prin. Monson Acad. Me.; Poxcroft Acad., 1865; Hitchcock Free High Sell., Brim- fleld, Mass., 1867; Monson Acad., Me., and County Supervisor Sch., 1871-73; Pastor, Monson, 1872-75; Prin. Houlton Academy, 187.5-85; St. John's Class. Sch., Presque Isle, 1885-86; Prin. Caribou High and Fitting School, Caribou, Me. *Edward Clarendon Littlefield Newton Theol. Inst., 1864; died, Eox- bury, Mass., Nov. 22, 1864, aged 20. Henry Clay Merriam, 1867. Capt. 20th Me. Vols., 1862; Capt. 80th U. S. Vols., 1863; Lt. Col. 73d and 85th U. S. Vols., 1864-65; Bvt. Col. Vols., 1865; Major 38th U. S. Inft.,1866; Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. A., 1867; Bvt. Col., 1867; 24th U. S. Inft., 1869; Lt. Col. 2d U. S. Inlt., 1876; Col. 7th U. S. Inf., 1885; Fort Laramie, Wyo. Harrison Merrill Pratt. Law- yer, Bath, 1866; Insurance Agent, New York; Teacher, Turner, Me. Stanley Thomas Pullen. Prin. Foxcrott Acad., Me., 1864-65; Lawyer, Foxcroft, 1866-69; Portland, 1869-73; Rep. Me. Legi.sl., 1874; Editor Portland Daily Press, 1872-83 ; Trustee Me. Normal Schools, 1873-79; Surveyor of Customs, 1882-85 ; Member N. Y. Stock Exchange ; of firm, Pullen, Crocker & Co., Bank- ers and brokers, Portland, Me. Cyrus Greenwood Richardson, A.M., LL.B., Albany, 1866. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo., 1866-70; since 1870, Denver, Colo. Ira Waldron, A.M. Newton Inst., 1864-65; Teacher, Columbus and Toledo, Oliio; Publisher's Agent, St. Louis, Mo. (1882). * William Peirce Young, A.M., 1868. Lawyer, Milo, Me., to 1882; Au- gusta, 1882-85; died, Augusta, Me., Aug. 7, 1885, aged 46. 9 Class of 1865. Henry Merrill Bearce. Lieut. 23d and 32d Me. Vols., 1864-65; Lawyer, from 1866; Member Me. Legisl., 1883; Member Me. Senate, 1885-86; President Norway National Bank; Treas. Norway Savings Bank, Norway, Me. William Thomas Chase, A.M., D.D., Univ. Chicago, 1884. Ordained, 1863; Chaplain 4th U. S. Vols., 1863-64; Newton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Dover, N. H., 1869-74; Lewiston, Me., 1874-79; Cambridge, Mass., 1879-84; since 1884, Minneapolis, Minn. George Wyman. Clowe, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, Hud- son, N. Y., 1868-72; White Plains, 1873- 80; since 1885, Pastor People's Bapt. ch.. New York. Grenville Mellen D o n h a m . Of firm, Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, Book- sellers and Publishers, to 1886; Port- land, Me. Howard Haskell Grover, A.M. Private, 25th Me. Vols.; Teacher, Mo- line, 111. (1882). Charles Veranus Hanson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, Pea- body, Mass.,1868-79; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1872-73 ; Member Bd. Trustees from 1883 ; 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Pastor.Dainaviscotta, Me. ,1870-87 ; Prov- idence, H. I., 1887; address, Dainaris- •cotta. Me. William Henhy Lambeut, A.M. Adiii. to the bar, 18G(>; Prin. Corinth Acad., Me., 18(!7; Hi^h Sch., Castine, ]8G7-(ii); High Sell., Augusta, 1809-71; High Sch., Lewiston, 1871-74; Iligli Sch., Fall Uiver, Mass., 1874-79; Supt. Public Schools, Maiden, Mass., 1879-8.'5; since 188.5, Prin. High Sch., Fall Kiver, Mass. Augustus Dennett Small, A.M. Instr. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suflleld, Conn., 18Cr)-a6; Prin. High Sch., liockland, Me., 18G7-71; High Sch., Newport, K. I., 1871; Supt. Public Schools, Newport, R. I., 1871-73; Member Bd. of Education, ll.I., 187'2-73; Supt. Public Schools, Salem, INlass., ]87;i-81 ; Manager Ed. Dept., New Eng. Agency, I). Apjileton & Co., Bos- ton, 1881-82; since 1882, Submr. Law- rence Sell., Boston, Mass.; address, Allston, Mass. 8 Class of 1866. Francis Wales Bakeman, D.D., 188.'). Newton Theol. Inst., 1809; Pastor, Newburyport, Mass., 1809-71; Janes- ville. Wis., 1871-73; Worcester, Mass., 1873-70; Member Bd. Trustees, from 1881 ; Pastor, Auburn, Me., 1877-84; since 1884, Chelsea, Mass. George Walter Hunt. Adm. to the bar, 1808; Lawyer, and since 1883, Register of Deeds, Bath, Me. Hazen Pingree McKusick. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1809; Pastor, Normal, 111., 1870-71 ; Teacher, Norwalk, Cal. Austin Thomas, M.D., Bowdoin, 1870. Private, ISOth Ohio Vols., 1804; Prin. China Acad., Me., 1800; Winthrop Acad., 1800-07; No. Parish Acad., Au- gusta, 1867-08; Asst. Physician, N. Y. Asylum (or Insane, 1870-72; Physician, Unity, Me., 1872-74; Phittsburgli, N. Y., 1874-78; Nittany, Pa., 1878-84; since 1884, Unity, Me. *Fkank Warren Tolman. New- ton Theol. Inst., I800-C7; Theol. Dept. ShurtlelV Coll., 1807-09; Pastor, Farm- ington, Me., 1870-72; Campton, N. H., 1873-70; Dexter, Me., 1876-77; So. Ilamp- ton, N. H., 1877; died. So. Hampton, N. II., .Julv 14, 1877, aged 34. 5 Class of 1867. Dudley Perkins Bailey, 1877; A.M., 187.5. Prin. Acad., Hebron, Me., 180.5; No. Anson Acad., 1800-07; llarps- Acad., 1808; adm. to the bar, 1870; Asst. Ed. Portland Press, 1S70; Lawyer, Port- land, 1870-72; Contrib. to Amer. Ex- change and Review, 1873-75 ; to Banker's Magazine, 187.5-87 ; Member Mass. Legisl. 1880, 1887; since 1872, Lawyer, Boston and Everett, Mass. Author of Clearing Houses (Part 3 ot Bolles' Practical nanlclng, 1884), Hist. Sketch of Everett (1878). Lemuel Howard Cobb. Editor Portland Daily Press, Portland, Me. Charles Ransom Coffin, A.M., 1872; Instr. Dio Lewis Sch., Arlington, Mass., 1807-08; Normal Sch., Bridge- water, Mass., 1809; Teacher, Pub. Schools, Mass., 1809-70; since 1871, In- structor in Greek, AVestern Univ. of Pa., Pittslmrg, Pa. Albert D.a.n forth. Lawyer, Grand Forks, Dak. Henry Ware Hale, A.M., 1872. Bapt. Union Theol. Sena., 1871-72 ; New- ton Theol. Sem., 1872-74; ordained, 1874; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss, l-nion, Sliwaygyeen, Burma. Joshua Hoavard Millett, 1886, A.M., 1878. Adm. to the bar, 1870; Mem- l)erMass. Legist., 1884, 1885; Since 1870, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. John Frank Moody, 1874, A.M., Bowdoin, 1871. Prin. Yarmouth Acad., Me.; Hebron Acad., 1872-79; Priu. Bridgton Acad., 1879; Edw. Little Inst. Auburn, Me. 7 Class of 1868. William Oliaer Ayer. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1868-71 ; Pastor, Peterboro, N. IL, 1871-74; Skowhegan, Me., 1874-84; since 1884, Everett, Mass. COLBY UNIVEIlfilTY. 47 Thomas Mklvin Butler, A.M., Private, 10th Mc. VoIh., ]8«2-(il; 2(1 Lieut. '24tli U. S. VoIh., i8(;4, aiul Int Lieut., ISCO; Newton 'J'li(!OI. InHt., 1871; PaBtor, II<)i)l4-(J5; Pastor, Monmouth, Me., 1872-74; Biyant's Pond, 1874-77; St. George, 1878- 80; Bluehill, 1880-82; Lisbon Falls, 1882- 83; since 1883, Friendship, Me. Howard Rogers Mitchell. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1875; Pastor, Oska- loosa, Iowa, 1875-76; Pella, 187fW8; Hinsdale, N. II., 187(^80; Conway, Mass., 1880-85; since 1885, Huntington, Mass. Wilder Washington Perry, A.M. 1887. Kcpr. Mc. Logisl., 1870, 1880; Insurance Agent; Editor and prop'r Camden Herald, 1874-82; since 1882, Real Estate and Insurance, Camden, Mc. Alfred S w e e t s e r Sto well. Newton Theol. Inst., 1872-75; Pastor, Siilciu, N. Jl., 187.5-80; sijicc 1880, Dcrry, N. H. Horace Wayland Tjj-den, A.M. Private, llth Mv.. Vols., 1803-0(i; Xcwtou Tiieol.lnst., 1875; Pastor, Augusta, Me., 187.5-84; since 1884, Hyde J'ark, Mass. Louis Albert Wheeler. Sec'y Kennebec Fi-aniing Co., Fairfield, Me.; since 1880, Asst. Cashier, U. S. Nat. Bank, Atcliison, Kan. 8 Class of 1873. NaTJIAMEL JiUTLER, Jr., A.M. Instr. Feriy Hall Fein. Coll., Lake Forest. 1)1., 1873-70; Instr. Highland Hall Coll. loi' Women, Highland Park, 187f!-79; Mastfir Yale Sell, lor I5oys, Chicago, 1870-80; Prin. Higliland Hall College tor Women, Highlanrl J'ark, 111., 1880-84; ordained, 1884; Prof. Hhet. jind Eng. Lit., Univ. of Chicago, 1884- W; since 1886, Prof, of Liiliii, Cniv. of Illinois, Champaign, 111. Levi Hoyt Clement. Instr. Franklin Sch., Topsham, Mc, 1873-74; since 187.5, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Fred Fuller, M.D., Harvard, 1870. Prin. Presque Isle Acad., Mc, 1873; High Sch., Methuen, Mass., 1873- 75; since 1880, Physicdan, Brooklyn, N. Y. A u G u s T u s JIjll Kelley, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Mc, 1873-75; Prin. High Sch., Belfast, 187.5-82; since 1882, Sub Master, Chapman Sch., Bos- ton, Mass. Frank HERiiEirr Parlin, A.M., LL.B. Harvard, 1870. A dm. to the bar, 1882; East Winthrop, Mc John Herbert Philbrick, A.M. U. S. Mil. Aca- 84; since 1884, Classical Teaclier, Higli Sch., Springfield, Mass. Herbert Tilden, A.M. Prin. Black River Acad., Ludlow, Vt., 1875- 76; Pastor, Lamoine, Me., 1877-79; Bar Harbor, 1879-80; Sedgwick, 1880-83; Newton Theol. Inst., 1883-84; Pastor, Old Town, 1884-86; since 1886, Farm- ington. Me. JosiAH OdinTilton, a.m., 1879 M.D., Univ. o f N. Y. 1882. Prin. Prep Dept., Peddie Inst., Hightstown, N. J. 1875-76; Asst. Glenwood Inst., Matanan N. S., 1876-77; Prin. High Sch., Peter boro, N. H., 1877-80; Physician, Cam bridge, Mass., 1882-83; since 1883, Lex ington, Mass. 16 Class of 1876. Fred Virgil Chase, A.M. Instr. Worcester Acad., Mass., 1876-81 ; since 1883, Lawyer; from 1887, Asst. Co. Attor- neJ^ Portland, Me. Atwood Curtis Hall. Teacher, Vacaville, Cal., to 1880; Damariscotta, Me. •Clement Howard Hallowell, M.D., Boston Univ., 1879. Physician, Topeka, Kan. Edwin Collins Long, A.M., 1880. Pastor, Milo, Me., 1877-80; Monson, Me., 1880-83; Rochester Theol. Sem., 1883-86; Pastor, Painesville, O. Clarence Edmund Meleney, A.M. Prin. Warren Acad., 1876-77; Gram. Sch., Marlboro, Mass., 1877-78; Gram. Sch., Quincy, Mass., 1878-79; Prin. Pub. Sch., No. 2, Yonkers, N. Y., 1879-80; Prin. Newton St. Public Sch., Newark, N. J., 1880-83; since 1883, Supt. Pub. Sch., Paterson, N. J. Charles Albert Russell, LL.B., Boston Univ., 1878. Lawyer, Glouces- ter, Mass. Albion Woodbury Small, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1879; Student of Hist., Univ. of Berlin, 1879-80, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1880-81; Memb. Me. Hist. Soc, 1881; since 1881, Prof, of History, Colby University, Waterville, Me. Charles Coffin Tilley. Pastor, Nobleboro, Me., 1876-77; Newton Theol. Inst., 1877-79; Pastor, Fairfield, Me., 1879-81; So. St. George, 1881-82; Noble- boro, 1882-84; Foxcroft, 1884-86; since 1886, Lewiston, Me. Ansley Ezra Woodsum. Newton Theol. Inst., 1879; Pastor, Milford, Mass., 1879-82; Rockland, Mass., 1882- 87; Milford, N. H. 9 Class of 1877. William Henry Brownson. Asst. Ed. Daily Advertiser, Portland, Me. Louise Helen Coburn. Instr. Greely Inst., Cumberland, Me., 1878; Skowhegan, Me. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, Jr., A.M. Since 1879, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Joseph Howard Files. Asst. Ed. Daily Advertiser, Portland, Me. John Marshall Foster, A.M. 1887. With Taylor Mfg. Co., New Brit- ain, Conn., to 1883 ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1887; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Swatow, China. 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF William Hakkis Gibbs. Adm. to the bar, 1881 ; with Xew Home Sew- ing Machine Co. ; address, Waterville, Me. Florextixts Merrill Halloavell. Lawyer, Kearnej', Neb. Harry Neil Haynes. Lawyer, Ft. Collins, Col., 1878-81; Greeley, Col. JosiAH Robert Henderson, A.M., 1883. Rochester Theol. Sem., 1880; Pas- tor, Penfield, N. Y., 1880-83; Wyoming, O., 1883-8.5; since 1885, Palmyi-a, N. Y. William Henry Looney. Since 1879, Lawyer; City Solicitor, 1882, 1883, 1884; U. S. Com. to talie testimony in Alabama Claims, 1883; Member Me. Legisl. 1887; Portland, Me. Edward Oliver Lord, A.M. Ed- itor Free Press, Great Falls, N. H. Edwin Francis Lyford, A.M., 1882. Adm. to the bar, 1879; Asst. High School, Waterville, Me., 1880-82; Law- yer, since 1882; Member City Council, 1885, 1886; Springfield, Mass. Charles Francis Meserye, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Rockland, Mass., 1877- 85; since 1885, Prin. Oak St. Sch., Spring- field, Mass. Author of Historical Sketch of Ahington, So. Abington, and Rockland, Mass., (1884). Charles Dennison Smith, M.D., Bowdoin, 1879. Permanent Secy. Me. Med. Assoc; City Physician, 1884, 1885, 1886; Chairman Portland Bd. of Health, 1887; Portland, Me. JuDsoN Andreav Sturtevant. Prin. High Sch., Hanover, Mass., 1877- 78; Newton Theol. Inst., 1878-79; Union Bapt. Theol. Scm., Morgan Park, 111., 1879; ordained, 1880; Pastor, Sonora, Cal., 1880-84; since 1884, Vallejo, Cal. George Weston Young. Prin. High Sch., Bristol, Me., 1877-81 ; Wiscas- set, 1881-83; Bristol, 1883-86; since 1886, Prin. Blair Sch., Washington, D. C. 16 Class of 1878. William Carey Burnham, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Havelock, N. B., 1879; Instr. Rockland Coll., N. Y., 1880-81; Prin. High Sch., Bathurst, N. B., 1881- 82; St. Martin's, 1883; Instr. Bapt. Sem., Atlanta, Ga., and Woodstock Coll., Out., 1884-85; Instr. Shortlidge Acad., Media, Pa. Charles Augustus Chase, A.M., M.D. Harvard Univ. 1884, and Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1885. Prin. Derby Acad., Vt., 1878-81; Physician, Minne- apolis, Minn. Walter Isidoro Dayis, A.M. Prin. China Acad., Me., 1878-79; High Sch., Gorham, N. H., 1880; since 1881, Prin. High Sch., Colquit, Minn. Fred Eli Deavhurst. Prof. Latin and Hist., Conn. Lit. Instn., Sutfield, Conn., 1878-79; Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; since 1882, Pastor, AA'oUaston, Mass. Albert Colby Getchell, A.M., M.D-, Jefferson, 1885. Harvard Med. Sch., 1878-79; Bridgewater Normal Sch., Mass., 1881; Prin. Gram. Sch., AYorcester, Mass., 1882; Jettn. Med. Coll., 1883-85; since 1885, Physician, Worcester, Mass. Frank John Jones. Newton Theol. Inst., 1878-80; Pastor, Allenton, R. I., 1880-84; Iowa Falls, la., 1884-85; Seekonk, Mass.. 1885-86; since 1886, Ea. Providence Centre, R. I. William Gerry Mann , B . D . , Yale, 1882. Prin. High Sch., Milo, Me., 1878-79; Theol. Dept. Yale Univ., 1882; since 1882, Pastor Cong'l. ch., Monson, Me. Walter Herbert Matheavs. In business, Tennant's Harbor, St. George, Me. Emily Peace Meader. Water- ville, Me. Daniel Webster Pike. Prin. High Sch., Swanzey, N. H., 1882; Civil Engineer, Kansas City, Mo. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 53 ^Charles Henry Salsman. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1881 ; Pastor, Lebanon, O., 1881-83 ; (lied, Lebanon, O., Feb. 7, 1883, agert 36. Henky Marcus Thompson. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1878-80; Pastor, St. Mary's, O., 1880-81 ; Iowa City, la., 1881- 85; since 1885, Iowa Falls, la. Howard Benjamin Tilden. Prin. Higli Sch., Oakland, Me., 1878-79; Pastor, Lanioine, Me., 1880-82; Newton Theol. Inst., 1882-85; since 1885, Pastor, Edgartown, Mass. Drew Thompson Wyman. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1878-79,1881-83; Pastor, Spencer, Mass., 1880-81 ; since 1882, W. Sonierville, Mass. *George Franklin Youngman. Prin. Hartland Acad., 1878-80; High Sch. Fairfleld, 1881; died, Waterville, Me., Jan. 21, 1882, aged 27. 15 Class of 1879. Charles Edward Conant, LL.B., LL.M., Columbian, 1882. Adm. to the bar, 1881; since 1882, Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Everett Flood, M.D., Bowdoin, 1881. Asst. Pliysician, Lunatic Hospi- tal, Worcester,Mass.,1881-86; since 1886, Physician, Providence, R. I. James Geddes. Stenographic Clerk, Bradley Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Hannibal Emery Hamlin, LL.B., Boston Univ., 1882. Adm. to the bar, 1883; Lawyer, Ellsworth, Me. Nathan Hunt. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; since 1882, Pastor, Milton, Mass. Hat TIE Emily (Britton) Joy. Grand Foi-ks, Dak. Willis Albert Joy. Assoc. Ed. Free Press, Great Falls, N. H., 1879-80; Clerk to Pres. C. and E. I. R. R., Co., Chicago, 111., 1880-81; Adm. to the bar, 1882 ; Lawyer, Grand Forks, Dak. Charles Stanwood Lemont. Prin. High Sch., Camden, Me., 1880; Newton Theol. Inst., 1886; West Bath, Me. Will Hartwell Lyford, A.M. Cliief Clerk, President's office, C. and E. I. R. R. Co., Chicago, 111., 1879-83; Adm. to the bar, 1884; Lawyer; Asst. Gen'l Solicitor, C. and E. I. R. R. Co., Cliicago, 111. Elizabeth Mathews. Asst. Mon- mouth Acad., M., 1879-81; Teacher of Latin and Drawing, Reading, Pa., 1882; Waterville, Me. William Withington Mayo, A.M., 1883. Prin. High Sch., Lubec, 1879-80; Asst. Houlton Acad., 1880-81; Prin. Hebron Acad., 1881-85; since 1885, Prin. High Sch., Fountain, Colo. George Merriam, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; ordained, 1883; Pas- tor, Abilene, Kan., 1882-84; since 1884, Solomon City, Kan. "^'William Emery Morang. Prin. High Sch., Wolfboro, N. H., 1879-81; Prin. High Sch., No. Chelmsford, Mass., 1882-83; Supt. Pub. Sch., Falmouth, Mass., 1883-84; from 1884, Prof. Latin, Roger Williams Univ.; died, Nashville, Tenn., June 30, 1887, aged 37. George Edwin Murray. In busi- ness, Lawrence, Mass. Charles Edson Owen. Prin. Monmouth Acad., Me., 1879-81 ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1884; since 1884, Pastor, Oakland, Me. Allen Pelatiah Soule. Prin. Wadsworth Gram. Sch., Danvers Cen- tre, Mass., 1879-80; Prin. High Sch., Oakland, Me., 1880-83; Dexter, 1883-84; Supt. Pub. Sch.,Hinghara, Mass.,1885-87 ; Agt. for Ivison, Blakeman & Co., Pub- lisliers, Boston, Mass. Justin Adeer Walling, M.D., Bowdoin, 1882. Prin. High Sch., Har- rington, Me., 1879-80; Physician, Jones- port,1883-87 ; Millbridge, Me. Charles Franklin Warner, 54 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF A.M., 1886. Bridgewater Normal Sch., Mass., 1881; Prill. High Sch., Coraville, Me., 1881; Prin. Gram. Sob., and Sup. Sell., Augusta, 1882-83; since 1883, First Asst. State Normal Sch., Farmington, Me. Edwin Cakey Whittemore. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882 ; Pastor, New Boston, N. H., 1882-84; since 1881, Au- burn, Me. m Class of 1880. John Elijah Case. Newton Theol. Inst., 1880-82; Missionary, since 1882, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Toungoo, Burma. *Charles Haynes Case. Teacher, and P. M., Pasadena, Cal.; died, Pasa- dena, Cal., Jan. 1, 1887, aged 28. Hugh Ross Chaplin. Lawyer, Bangor, Me. Cabkoll Winn Clark. School Furnishings, Boston, Mass. James Edavard Cochrane, A.M. Rochester Theol. Sem., 1883; Pastor, Paris, Me., 1883-86; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union.from 1886, Maulmain, Burma. Edgar Herbert Crosby. Piin. High Sch., Brownville, Me., 1880-81; Milo, 1881-82; Prin. Monson Acad., Monsou, Me. Caleb Buffum Frye. Prin. Sch. of Lang., Boston, Mass., to 1885; Pri- vate Tutor, Boston, Mass. Fred Samuel Herrick, A.M., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1884. Since 1884, Physician, Brookliu, Me. Joshua Loring Ingraham, A.M. Instr. Worcester Acad., AVorcester, Mass., 1880-82; Teacher, Rockport, Me., ISa^-a^; since 1883, Prin. Pillshury Acad., Owatonna, Minn. Herbert Leslie Kelley. In business, Faii-fleld, Me. Ernest Frothingham King, A.M., M.D. Howard Univ., 1883. Instr. Wayland Sem., Washington, D. C, 1880-85; Physician, Washington, D. C. Carl Clinton King, A.M., LL.B. Boston Univ., 1884. Prin. High Sch., Caribou, Me., 1880-82; Presque Isle Acad., 1882-83; Lawj^er, Caribou, Me. Harry Lyman Koopman, A.M. Prin. Gram. Sch., Claremont, N. H., 1880-81 ; Asst. Astor Library, Xew Y'ork, 1881-82; Cataloguer, Cornell Univ. Lib., 1883-84; Columbia Coll. Lib., 1884-85; Rutgers Coll. Lib., 188.5-86; since 1886, Library Univ. of Vt., Burlington, Vt. Author of The Great Admiral (1883); Orestes, a dramatic sketch, and other poems, (1887). Jonathan Titus MacDonald, M.D., Cooper Med. Coll., 1884. Prin. Pub. Sch., Livermore, Cal., 1880-82; since 1885, Physician, San Francisco, Cal. Minnie Hartford (Mathews) Mann. Teacher, Georgetown, Col., 1880-81; Monson, Me. Laurentius Melancthon Nason, M. D., Jefferson, 1884. Prin. Gram. Sch., Saccarappa, Me., 1880-81 ; Physi- cian, Worcester, Mass. Hartstein Wendell Page, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Newport, N. H., 1880-84; High Sch., Ware, Mass., 1884-85; Stu- dent, Me. Med. Sch., Brunswick, Me. Arthur Milton Thomas, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Richmond, Me., 1880-85 ; since 1885, Prin. Ricker Classical Inst., Houlton, Me. James Elisha Trask, ii.M. Instr. So. Jersej' Inst., Bridgton, N. J. 19 Class of 1881. Charles Edward At wood. Exe- ter, N. H. Day ID JuDsoN Bailey, A.M. Rochester Theol. Sem., 1884; Pastor, COLBY UNIVERSITY. 55 Bolton, N. Y., 1884-85; Warrensburgh, 1885-86; Pastor, Shelby Centre, N. Y. AsHER Hinds Barton. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Prank Dearborn Bullard, A.M. Instr. Houlton Acad., Me., 1881-83 ; Prin. High Sch., Brownville, 1883-84; Instr. Sierra Madre Coll., Pasadena, Cal., 1884-85; Prin. Azusa Schools, 1885-86; Student, Med. Coll. Univ. So. Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. ^Charles Miller Coburn, Drowned, Skowhegan, Me., July 4, 188'2, aged 22 ^'Fkank Burton Gushing. Med. student; died. New York, Dec. 30, 1883, aged 24. John Francis Davies, A.M. Cat- aloguer, Pawtucket and Woonsocket, R. I., 1882; since 1882, Asst. Libn., Pub- lic Library, St. Louis, Mo. Alfred Henry Evans, A.M. 1885. Instr. Worcester Acad., Mass., 1882-84; Univ. of Berlin, 1884-85; Instr. in Greek, Cusliing Acad., Ashburnham, Mass. Frederick Mack Gardner. New- ton Theoi.inst.,i884 ; Pastor, Winthrop, Mass, 1882-84; since 1884, Lawrence, Mass. Isaac William Grimes. Roch- ester Theol. Sem., 1884; since 1884, Pas- tor, W. Springfield, Mass. Sophia May Hanson, A.M. 1886. Asst. Cobiu-n CI. Inst., 1882-84; Teacher, Philadelphia, Pa., 1884-87; address, Waterville, Me. Clarence LaVerne Judkins. Prin. Sch. Lang., Boston, Mass., 1882-84; Teacher, Cornish, Me.; Monmouth, Me. Horatio Bickford Knox. Prin. Boynton Sch., Eastport, Me., 1881-84; since 1884, Prin. High Sch., Palmer, Mass. -Samuel Keene Marsh, . A.M. Prin. Monson Acad.,Me., 1881-82; since 1882, Instr. in Math., Gr. and Lat., Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N. Y. Carleton Parker Marshall. Prin. High Sch., Linwood, N. J., 1881-83 ; Druggist, Pipestone City, Minn., 1883-86 ; since 1886, Prin. City Sch., Wickes, Montana. George Albion McIntire, A.M. 1887. Law Student, Skowhegan, Me., 1881-83; Prin. Pub. Sch., Echo, Or., 1883-86; since 1886, Prin. High Sch., La Grande, Union Co., Oregon. JosiAH Russell Melcher. Book- keeper, Brooklyn, N. Y. George Nathan Merrill. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, (1882). Charles Edwin Meservey. Adm. to the bar, 1884; Lawyer, Rockland, Me. Fred Craig Mortimer. Office of Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N. Y., to 1886; Editorial Rooms, N. Y. Times, New York. Kate Englesby Norcross. A.M. Somerville Mass. John Howard Parshley. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1881-83; ordained, 1877; Pastor, Westboro, Mass., 1883-84 ; Woon- socket, R. I., 1884-87; Damai-iscotta, Me. Fred Myron Preble. Newton Theol. Inst., 1884; Pastor, and Chaplain Vt. State Prison, Windsor, Vt., 1885-87; Pastor, Pittsburg, Pa. Fred Rice Rowell. Adm. to the bar, 1883 ; of firm, Robinson & Rowell, Lawyers, Rockland, Me. Horace Eugene Sawyer. Prin. Acad. Danville, Vt., 1882-83; Gram. Sch., Oxford, Mass., 1883-84; since 1884, Prin. High Sch., Williamsburg, Mass. Frank Kingsbery Shaav. Adm. to the bar, 1886; Lawyer, Waterville, Me. Jennie Merrilees Smith. Pre- ceptress Latin, Gr. and Math., Dei'by 56 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Acad., Vt., 1883-85; address, Watervillc, Me. EvEKETT Moses Stacy. Teacher, Moawequa, 111., 1881-82; Bookseller, Express and Telegr. Agt., Oakland, Me. Carltox Beecher Stetsox, A.m. 188."). Instr. Bridgton Acad., Me., 1881-8-2 ; x\sst. in Greek, Colby Univ., 188-2; Prin. High Sell., Ellsworth, 188-2-83; Univ. Berlin, 1883-85; Post-Grad. Student, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1885-86; Instr. in Latin, Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. Philo Steward. Adm. to the bai-j 1884; Lawyer, Duluth, Minn. Francis Fremont Whittier, M.D., Dartmouth, 1884. Prin. High Sch., Earniington, Me., 1881-8-2; Prin. Derby Acad., Vt., 188-2-83; Physician, Brook- line, Mass. Charles Branch Wilson, A.M. Asst. In Chem. and Nat. Hist., Colby Univ., 188-2-85; Waterville, Me. John Capron Worcester, A.M. 1886. Prin. High Sch., Mcjidon, Mass., 1881-8-2; since 1882, Prin. High Sch., West Boylston, Mass. John Monroe Wyman. Newton Theol. Inst., 1884; since 1884, Pastor, Roslindale, Mass. 34 Class of 1882. George Austin Andrews, A.M. 1886. Prin. High Sch., Rockport, Ma., 1882-87; Prin. Xonnal Dept., Atlanta Bapt. Sem., Atlanta, Ga. William Wallace Andrews. Prin. Center St. Sch., Portland, Me. Walter Sanger Bosavorth. Ex- press Messenger, Fitcliburg, Mass. Orie Olivia Broavn. Teacher, Chester, N. Y., 1883-84; since 1886, No. Leverett, Mass. Edavard Mortimer Collins. Prill. High Sch., Georgetown, Col., 188-2-87 ; adm. to the bar, 1887 ; Spokane, Wash. Ty. William Campbell Craaa'ford, A-M., 1886. Prin. Gram. Sch., Belfast, Me., 188-2-85; Prin.Hjgh Sch., Thomas- ton, 1885-87; Prin. Gram. Sch., AVater- ville. Me. Hubert Artson Dennison. De- signer and Engi-aver, Boston, Mass. George Lora Dunham, A.M., 1886. Prin.Dixfleld Acad., Me., 188-2-83; Centre-St. Gram. Sch., Portland, 1883-84 ; Asst. High Sch., Portland, 1884-86; since 1886, in business, Brattleboro, Vt. Henry' Dunning. Teacher, Ben- ton Falls, Me., 188-2-83; since 1883, Re- porter, Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, Boston, Mass. Ezra Franklin Elliot. Teacher and Farmer, Angus, Minn., 188-2-86; since 1886, Snpt. Sch. for Polk Co., Crookston, Minn. Frederic William Farr, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1885; since 1885, Pastor, Biddeford, Me. Fred Nathaniel Fletcher. Prin. High Sch., Castine, Me., 1882-84; Editor Alpena Pioneer, Alpena, Mich. KoBiE Gale Frae. U. S. Vice and Depy. Consul Genl., Halifax, N. S., 1882-85; since 1885, Liquidating Clerk, Custom House, Boston, Mass. William Horace Furber, A.M. 1887. Prin. Acad., Hull, Mass., 1883-84; So. Gram. Sch., Hingham, Mass. ,1884-85; Prof. Math., Dean Acad., Franklin, Mass. "^'George Erastus Garland. Al- bany Law Sch., 1883; died, Waterville, Me., Oct. 12, 1884, aged 21. William Emmons Jordan. Since 1883, with C. B. Greenleaf, Druggist, Portland, Mo.; address, Ea. Deeriiig, Me. Bela Malcolm Laaarence, A.M. Since 1883, Instr. Pillsbury Acad., Owa- toiiiia, Minn. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 57 Minerva Eliza Leland, A.M. 1887. Asst. High Sch., Scituate, Mass., 1885; Asst. High Sch., Springfleld, Vt., 1885-87; address, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Alvin Penley Leighton. Cum- berland, Me. Manuel Casaus Marin. Newton Theol. Inst., 1885, and Post-Graduate, 1885-86; ordained, 1886; Barcelona, Spain. Samuel Joshua Noavell. Agt. for Agric. Implements, 188.3-85 ; in busi- ness, Sanford, Me., 1885-87; Prin. High Sch., Rockport, Me. Levi Herbert Owen, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Fairfield, Me., 1882-84; Oakland, 1884-85; since 1885, Prin. High Sch., Milford, N. H. Bertis Alvaro Pease, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Milford, N. IL, 1882-85; Law Student, 1885-86; since 1886, Prin. Mt. Pleasant Sch., Nashua, N. H. William Edgar Perry. Prin. High Sch., Cherryfleld, Me., 1882-83; since 1883, Sub-Master High Sch., Brock- ton, Mass. Warren Coffin Philbrook. Asst. Normal Sch., Farmiugton, Me., 1882-83; adm. to the bar, 1884; Prin. High Sch., Waterville, 1884-87 ; Lawyer, Waterville, Me. William Moor Pulsifer, M.D. Harvard, 1886. and Hahnemann INIed. Coll., 1887. Teacher, Auburn, Me., 1882; Prin. High Sch., Brewster, Mass., 1883; Physician, Skowhegan, Me. William Henry Robinson, A.M. 1887. Asst. OalvM'Ood Seni., Union Springs, N. Y., 1882-83; Dundee Prep. Sch., Dundee, 1883-84; Oberlin Theol. Sem. 188.'j-86; Pastor M. E. Ch., Gran- ger, O., 1886-87; Huntington, O. John Charles Ryder. Prin. High Sch., Farmington, Me., 1882-83; Sub-Master AVilliams Sch., Chelsea, Mass., 1883-85; Dearborn Sch., Boston, 1885-87; Sub-Master O'Brien Sch., Bos- ton, Mass. George Dana Sanders. Newton Theol. Inst., 1885; since 1885, Pastor, E. Gloucester, Mass. Edward Francis Tompson. Adm. to the bar 1882; Lawyer, Portland, Me. Charles Augustus True. Adm. to the bar 1885; Lawyer, Portland, Me. Herbert Spurden Weaver. Since 1885, Prin. Williams Gram. Sch., Chelsea, Mass. Benjamin Robertson Wills. Pri- vate Tutor, Short Hills, N. J. 33 Class of 1883. Richard Henry Baker. Pastor, Cherryfleld, Me., 1883-86; Newton Theol. Inst., 1886-87; Pastor Sixth St. Bapt. Ch., New York City. Henry' Crosby" Barton. Clerk, Oldtown, Me. ' Arthur Adams Cambridge. Pas- tor, Bowdoinham, Me., 1883-84; Frank- lin, 1884-85; Hancock, 188.5-86; since 1886, Ellsworth, Me. Edward Earle Cates. Prin. High Sch., Gorham, N. H., and Friend- ship, Me., 1883-84; Prin. Acad. Renssel- aerville, N. Y., 1884-85; Prin. Acad. .Greenville, 1885-86; since 1886, Prin. Acad., E. Springfleld. N. Y. Horace Getchell Cates, M.D. Minn. Hosp. Coll., 1887. Physician, Santa Monica, Cal. WiLFORD Gore Chapman. Since 1885, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Charles Dole Edmunds, M.D. Harvard, 1886. Physician, Bangor, Me. Charles Henry Hanson, LL.B., Boston Univ., 1886. Since 1886, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Frank Herbert Hanson, A.M. Book-keeper, Rochester, N. Y., 1883-84; since 1884, Prin. Gram. Sch., Atlantic City, N. J. George William Hanson, LL.B., 58 (4KNKRAL CATALOGUE OF Boston Univ., 18t<(!. Siin;e 18SU. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Hexry Waldex Hauruu. Mas- ter t'luirch Hill Gram. Sc-h.. I'awtnoket, R. L AsHER Crosby Hixus. Telegraph Ed., Portland Adrertiier, 1885; since 1886, Assoc. Ki\. rxdhi Press. Forthiud, Mc. BEx.rAMix Jasox Hixds. I'rin. High Sell., Albion, Me., 18S.'); I'rin. High Sell., MiU-hias. Me. Merrixt Austix Joiix.sox. Prin. High Sch., So. Thomastoii. Me., 1883- 86; Lawyer, Rocklanil, Me. Alfred Kixg, M.D. Bowdoin, 1880. City Physician, Bortlaiul, Me. David Waldo Kxowltox. Priu. Jackson Night Sch., and Law Student, Minneapolis, Minn. Geor(;e AVesley Hardixg Libby, M. D., Harvard, 1888. Asst. Houlton Acad., 1.S88-84; Physician, City Hospi- tal. Worcester. Mass. Hexry Harrisox Maxsek. Pas- tor, since 1884. liarre, Mass. Prescoit Irving Merrill. Teach- er, Randolph, X. V., 188.5; Prin. Pub. Sell., Virginia City, .Montana. Alfred Ira Noble, M.D., Bow- doin, 1880. Physician. Boston, Mass., 1886; Med. Statr, State Lunatic Hosp., Worcester, Mass. Charles Scmxer Richardsox, A M. Prin. High Sell., Gorhaiu, N. H., 1883; since 1,S83, Prhi. Dakota Normal Sell., Madison, Dak. Edward Clintox R o b i x s o x . A. M., 188". With Houghton, MitHin ^V: Co., Publishers, Boston, Mass. Samuel Bexjamix S h e p a r d . Treas. Me. Furniture Co., Bar Mills, Me. GEORCiE William S.mith, LL.B., Albany, 1887. Prin. High Sch., Wiscas- set. Me., 1883-8,5; Lawyer, Duluth, Minn. Charles Edward Tilton, A.M., 1 887. Prin . High Sch., Oakland, 1883-84 ; since 1884, Prin. High Sch., Fairfield, Me. Hexry Trowbridge, LL.B., Al- bany, 188."). Since 188.5. Lawyer, Den- ver, Colo. Elgix Camerox Verrill. Since 1886, Lawyer and Solicitor ot Patents, Portland, Me. Walter Richard W ii i x x l e . Prill. Higli Sell., Deep River, Conn., 1883-84; since 1S84. Prin. High Sch., Ellsworth. Me. Fraxk Ross AVoodcock. Teacher, Brewster, :Mass., 188:^-84: in business, lieltast. Me. Ben.iamix Fraxklix W high X . Pi-in. Higli Sch., Princeton, Me., 1884; since 1886, Ln wyer, Waterville, Me. Class of 1884. Nellie Amanda Bragg. A.M. Asst. High Sell.. Auburn, Me. Edwin Palmer Burtx. Newton Theol. Inst.; address, Bu.xton Centre, Me. W'lLLARD Kimball Clement. Cniv. of Jena, lS8t-SG; l^niv. of Leip- zig, (Jermauy- Joux Erxesx Cummixgs. Newton Theol. Inst., 1887; Missionary, Am. Bajit. Miss.l'nion, to Henzada, Burma. SrsAX Amelia Curxis, A.M. Since 1884, Prin. Normal Dept. AA'^ayland Seiii., Washington, D. C. John Lixcolx Dearixg. Supt. Public Sell., Deep River, Conn., 1884- 86; Newton Theol, Inst., Newton Cen- tre, Mass. COLKY UNIVERSITY 59 Henry Franklix Dextek. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1887. Pastor, Hart- laiul, Me. Arthur Lixcolx Doe. <5rani. Sell., Woonsocket, 11. I. Prii Trancis Mitchell D o n x e l l . Civil lOnjifineer, Honlton, Me. Elwood Earle Dudley. Teacher Canon City, Colo. "Walter Craxe ExMErsox. Local Editor, Bhldefovd Time.f, Bicldefoitl, Ale., 1884; Editorial staff, Daili/ Prc.f.t, Port- land, Me., 188.0-86; sinee 18SG, Editorial staflf, Portland AdrertUer, Portland, Me. Charles Sumxer Estes, A.M. Asst. Kicker Cla.ssical Inst., Iloulton, Me. Mary Augusta Gould, A.M. Asst. Hig-h Sell., Portland, 18S.J-8G; Portland, .Me. John Coxaxt Keith. Carpenter, Bar Harbor, Me. Henry- Kixgjiax. Hartford Theol. Seni., 1S87; Brookline, Mass. Herbert Mayheav Lord. City Editor, C'oiirie.r-Gazeite, Rockland, Me., 1884-86; Editor Sentinel, Waterville, 1886-87; PDditor Conrler-Gaxette, Rock- land, Me. iSHAiLER Matheavs, A.M. Ncwtoii Theol. Inst., 1887; Assoc. Prof. Rheto- ric, and Instr. in Elocntion, Colby Uni- versity, Waterville, Me. Ezra Elmer McIxtire. Priii. High Sch., Clinton, Me., 1884-8.1 ; City Ed. Bangor Commercial, 188.5-S6; since 1886, Supt. Public Sch., Union, Iowa. Charles William Morrill, 188.5. Depy. Clerk of Courts, Taconia, W ash. Ty. RuFus Moultox. Harvard Med. Sch.; address, Springvale, Me. Thomas Packard Putxam. Book- keeper, Houlton, Me. Edward Franklin Robinson, A.M. Asst. Friends' School, Provi- dence, R. I. Edward Everett Stevens. In business, Minneapolis, Minn. Alfred Irving Thayer, M.D. N. Y. Hoiueop. Med. Coll. 1887. Physi- cian, Newark, N. J. Benjamin Francis Turner. Newton. Theol. Inst., 1887; Missionarj^ Am. Bajit. ITnion, to Tavoy, Banna. •2.5 Class of 1885. Chance Y Adams. Prin. High Sch., Phillips, Me., 1885: Druggist, No. Anson, Rle. Burleigh Smart Annis. Prin. High Sell., Richmond. Me., 188.5-86; since 1886,Prof. Math , Wcsleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass. GEORCiE RicKER Beruy. Teachcr, Pembroke. Me., IS8.5-86; Newton Theol. Inst.. Newton Centre, Mass. Charles Carroll. Law Student, Houlton, jMe. Wilbur Willis Cochrane. Roch- ester Theol. Sem., Rochester, N. V. Frank Hoavard Edmunds. Prin. High Sell,, Milo, Me., 1885-86; Albany I>aw Sch., .Albany, N. Y. •''Ben.iamin Franklin Fish. Asst. Wayland Sein., Wash., D. C, 188.5-86; died, Freeport, Me , May 7, 1887, aged •25 years. Arthur Montgomery Foss. Prin. High Sch., Bar Harbor, Me., 188.5-86; Law Student, Bar Harbor, Me. Edward Fuller. Harvard Law Sch.; address, Skowhegan, Me. Harry Leland Jewett. Prin. High Sch, Readfleld, Me.; address. Eureka, Me. 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Feed Albertis Snoav. Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. William Henry Snyder. Prin. High Sell., Littleton, Mass., 188.5-87; rost-gi-aduate student, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Bertha Louise Soule. Asst. High Sch., Bath, Me., 1885-87; Asst. High Sch., Skowhegan, Me. Amos Brown Townsend. Me. Med. .School; addi-ess, Waterville, Me. 14 Class of 1886. Byron Boyd. Prin. High Sch., Bar Harbor, Me., 1886-87; Sec'y Bar Harbor Land Co., Bar Harbor, Me. Luther Crocker Bridgham. Prin. High Sch., Sherman, Me., 1886-87; address. West Minot, Me. Charles Corey Brown. Nor- walk, Los Angeles Co., Cal. Wallace Erwin Bruce. In business and P. M., So. Norridgewock, Me. JuDSON Billings Bryant. Teach- er, Knox, Me., 1886-87; Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Randall Judson Condon. Mem- ber Me. Legist. 1887; Prin. High Sch., Richmond, Me. Leonard Lorenzo Dick. Asst. Dummer Acad., ByfieUl, Mass., 1887; Boston, Mass. Hokatio Russ Dunham. Prin. Paris Hill Acad., Mc, 1886; High Sch.. Livermore Falls, 1887 ; in business, Wa- terville, Me. Fred Grant Dunn. Law Stu- dent, Presque Isle, Me. George Edgar Googins. Law student, Boston Univ.; address. Mill- bridge, Me. Richard Alston Metcalf. Asst. Prin. Salt Lake Acad., Salt Luke City, Utah. Seldom Burden Overlook. Prin. High Sch., No. Waldoboro, Me., 1886-87; Me. Med. Sch.; address, Washington, Me. George Perley Phenix. Asst. Hebron Acad., Hebron, Me. Sheridan Plaisted. Law Stu- dent, Waterville, Me. Ralph Howard Pulsifer. Hah- nemann Med. Coll.; address, AVater- ville, Me. Harry Lyman Putnam. Prin. High Sch., Deep River, Conn. Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell. Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Albert ]Marsiiall Richardson. Asst. Wayland Sem., Washington, D. C. Ei.isHA Sanderson. Newton Theol. lust.. Newton Centre, Mass, Charles Porter Small. Me. Med. Sch.; address, Poi-tland, Me. Harry Atherton Smith. Clerk, Lewiston, Me. Irving LaForest Townsend. Prin. Gram. Sch., Amherst, Mass. Herbert Walteii T r a f t o n . Teacher and Law Student, Fort Fair- field, Me. Stephen Elvaro Webber. Prin. High Sch., Calais, Me. John Ryder Wellington. Prin. Somerset Acad., Athens, Me., 1886-87; Surgeon Genl's office, Washington, D. C. Bessie R.yndall White. Asst. No. Scituate Acad., Mass. Julia Ella Winslow. Asst. Co- burn Classical Inst., AVatervillc, Me. 27 Class of 1887. Orris Lyford Beverage. Prin. High Sch., Hallowell, Maine. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 61 Fred Raymond Bowman. Sidney, Me. Woodman Bradbury. Newton Tlieol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Winifred Helen Brooks. Water- ville, Me. Everett Edavin Burleigh. Houl- ton, Me. Preston Newell Burleigh. Law student, Houlton, Me. Charles Edwin Cook. Friend- ship, Me. Nathaniel Hanscom Crosby. Brownville, Me. Henry Fuller Curtis. Medical student, Kennebunk, Me. HoLMAN Francis Day. Local editor, Fairfield Journal, Fairtield, Me., 1887; Editor, Union Publishing Co., Ban- gor, Me. Charles Edavakd Dolley. Prin. No. Paris Acad., Mc., 1887; in business, Waterville, Me. Horace Davenport Dow. Prin. High Sch., Williamsburg, Mass. Harvey Doa,ne Eaton. student, Skowhegan, Me. LaA Walter Bates Farr. Law stu- dent, Waterville, Me. Adam Simpson Green. Lecturer, Boston, Mass. RoscoE William Harvey. Local editor, Waterville Sentinel, Waterville, Me., 1887: Readfleld, Me. Stanley Harry Holmes. Prin. High Sch., Milo, Me. Eugene Wilder Jewett. Teach- er, Sullivan, Mc., 1887; address. Eure- ka, Me. Maud Elma Kingsley. East Machias, Mc. Joel Francis L a r r a b e e , jr . Druggist, Waterville, Me. Herbert Melvin Moore. Prin. High Sch., Bar Harbor, Mc. Bessie Adams Mortimer. Asst. Sem. for Young Ladies, Rochestei-, N.Y. Fred Kramph Owen. Local Editor, Sunday Express, No. Adams, Mass. Irving Ossiax Palmer. Prin. Derby Acad., Derby Centre, Vt. Elmer Ellsworth Parmenter. Asst. Mitchell's Boys' Sch., Billerica, Mass. *Fred Miller Perkins. Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass.; died, Somerville, Mass., Jan. 2, 1888, aged 23. Mary Ellis Pray. Asst. High Sch., Norway, Me. Charles Carroll Richardson. Prin. High Sch., Wayne, Me. Elmer Asa Ricker. Biddeford, Me. Maurice Herman Small. Prin. High Sell., Norway, Me. Appleton White Smith. Newton Centre, Mass. William Franklin W a t s o n . Prof. Chem. and Phj^sics, Furman Univ., Greenville, S. C; Author ot The Children of the Sun., and Misc. Poems (1886). 3,3 Edward Forrest Goodwin. Law student, Skowhegan, Maine. Alfred Lynwood Snow, Milo, Me. 34 62 (JKNKltAL (^ATALOCIK OF HONORARY GRADUATES. XoTE. The tU'.LTi'L'L' lii'st nu'iitioucil siftcM' ciieli luuuc was fontV-rri!!! by this coUego. The ninnes of Alumni wlio h;ive rec-iuved lionoriiry (le.nfees iire not inehuled in this list. 1822. '"Samuel Watt. A.M., and Colum- bian, isij; I). I)., Wake Forest, 184!). Or- dained, 1SI8; Tutor, Columbian Coll., ]823-'27; Pastor, Ncwberu, N.C., 18i7-30; Oor. See. N. C. Bapt. Con v., 1830-34; Founder ot Wake Forest Coll., and President, 1834-46; Pa.stor, Caswell Co., X. C, 184G-51; Pres. Young Ladies' Sem., O.Ktord, 18.51-5G; died, AVake For- est, X. C, .Tuly 28, 1807, aged 77. 1823. "'•'Elltaii Livkkmoke Ham I, IX, A.M. ; A.B., KrownUniv., 1810. Lawyer, Columbia, Me.; from 183.j, Bangor; llepr. Me. Legi.sl., 1840,1847; Member Me. Senate, 18.58-.i9; State Land Agent, 1838, 1841; jNlember Bd. Trustees, 1841- 47; Member :Me. Hist. Soc, 18.50; Mayor of Bangor; 18.51, 18.52; died, IJangor, Me., July 17, 1872, aged 72. 1824. '•'EzEKiKL Holmes, A.M.; A.B., Brown Univ., ]821 ; M D., Bowdoin, 1824. Prin. Gardiner Lyceum, Mb., 1829; Ed. Farmers' and Mechanic's' Journal, 1820; Kd. American Stanifard, 1831; r.,i!Ctur(!r in Cliem. and Nat. Ili.st., 183.3-37; Kd. Maine Fanner, from 1833; H(^pr. Jh^ Legisl.. 1S3.5-40, and ISoO: M(!mber .Mc;. .Senate, 1840-42; Mem b(M- Me. Hi.^t. Soc. 1840; See. Me. Agricultural Soe., IS.j.5-(;.5: State Sci. Survey, 18(;i-(;2; dicMl, Win- thro)!. Me.. Feb. 0. ISIm, uged (w. '"MoJiN G.vLi; Mkkkili,, .\.M.:A.B., Brown V'niv.. 1821 ; M .1).. I'.nw doin. 1S24: died, 1S2(;. aged 20. 1825. "D.vNiKi, i,(i\ 1 .111^ . .\..\r. ClcTo-y. man, Cong. eh. ; dii'd. Alljion. .Me., Aug. 11, 1833, aged .58. "Moiix Tiiipp. A. M. Ordained, 1791; Pastor, Carver, Mass.; Hebron, Me., 1798-1843; Member Bd. Trustees, 1821-32; died, Hebron, Me., Sept. IG, 1847, aged 86. Author ot Strictures on Universal Heconciliation . 1826. Cl.vrk I.illybridge, a.m.; M.D., Bowdoin, 1824. Student, Theol. Dept., 1831; Physician, Statford, Conn. ••'JoxATHAX Wales, A.M. and M.n., 18:52. ot liandolph, :Mass. 1827, "'Elias Cobb, A.M. LaAvyer, An- son and Solon, Me.; died, Solon, Me., about 1808. ■''GusTAvus Fee LOWES Daais, A.M.; D.D., WesleyanUniv., 183,5. Or- dained, 1816; Pastor. So. Reading, Mass., 1818-1820; died, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 17, 1836, aged 30. "'Isaac Merriam. A.M. Clergy- man, Kastport, Me : 'I'remont, 111. 1828. •■'HiR.vM Ijelcher, A.m. Lawyer, Farmington, iNle., from 1812; Kei)r. Me. Legisl., 1822, 1820, 18.32; Member Me. Senate, 1838-.30: Member ;iOth V. S. Cong., 1847-tO; Me. Ilisr. Soe., IS+O; Minuber Bd. Truslet^s. lS47-.5(); died, Faruiiiigton, Me.. Mny 6. 18.57. aged 67, ''Damii, Kmcut Kkxxeuv, A.M.; M,l)., Bow (loin, 182(i. Physician, Booth- bay, Me.: died, Wiseassel, Me., Aug, 26. 1873, aged 7.5. COLBY UNIYEUSITV, 63 ^'^Charles Otis Kimball, A.M. Clergyman, Metliuen, Mass.; died, 18.5-2, aged GO. "^^Samuel Plaisted, a.m.: A.B., Brown Univ., 18'2o; M.D , Bowdoin, 1828. Physician, Waterville, Me.; died, Wa- terville. Me., April 11, ]8(i0, aged .58. 1829. "'Hervey Fittz, a.m.; A.B., Am- herst, 182(J. Xewtoii Theol. Inst., 1829; Pastor, Waterville, Me., 1829-30; Hallo- well, 18;il-;«;Middleboro, Mass., lS32-3fi: Thonii)son, Conn.; ]Marblehead, jNFill- bury, Mass.; Agent Mass. Bajit. Conv., from 1813; died, JMiddleboro, 3Iass., .Tune 10, 1878, aged 78. "'Leonard Tobey, A.M.: A.E., Williams, 182i_;. Tator, 1827-28; died, 18.51, aged 51. ""Frederick Aufiusxi^s Willard, A.M.; A. 15., Amlierst, 1826. Xewton Theol. Inst., 1830; Lect. on Chcm. Phil, and Botany, 1828-31 ; Pastor, Worcester, Mass., 1832-35; Xewton Centre, Mass., 1835-39; Louisville, Ky., 1839-43; So. Danvers and So. Abington, Mass., 18.54- .56; Xeedhani, lS5ti-(;5; ilied, Philadel- phia, Pa., -Mar. 17, ISIJO, aged .59. 1830. "'Irah Chase, D.D.: A.B.. Middle- bury, 1814. Ordained, 1817; Missionary in Va., 1817-18; Prof. Lang, and Biblical Lit., Columbian Coll , 1818-25; Pi'of. Biblical Theol., Xewton Tlieol. lust.. lS2o-3(i, and Prof. Keel. Hist.. ls;!i;-4.5; died, Xewtonvillc. :Mass.. Nov. I, isiil. aged 71. Author ol Li/r of liii iii/dii : J)esi(/ii of' JJiiptiaiii: <'iiiistiiin'i(i/i ; Paymr. U. S. A., 186-2- 65; died, St. Louis, Mo., June 10, 1865, aged 38. 1S60. Nathaniel Rogers B o u t e l l e, A.M.; M.D.,Jefferson Med. Coll. Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, 1856-69; Physician, Waterville, Me. *Geokge W. Briggs, A.M; Ph.D., Madison, 1871. Prin. Feni. Seni., Au- burndale, Mass. ; died, 1874, aged 52. 1862. *Samuel a. Collins, A.M. Pas- tor, Palmer Depot, Mass. ; died, Cincin- nati, (?),0., 1877. Hezekiah Harvey, D.D.; A.B., Madison. Hamilton Theol. Sem., 1847; Tutor, Madison Univ., 1849; Pastor, Homer, Hamilton, N. Y.; Prof. Eccl. Hist., Madison Univ., 1858; Prof. Bibli- cal Criticism and Interp. and Pastoral Theol., 1861; Pastor, Dayton, O., 1864; since 1869, Prof. Pastoral Theol. and N. T. Exegesis, Madison Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. Author of The Pastor; The Church. 1863. *Thomas Fenner Curtis, D.D. Prof. Biblical Theol., Lewisburg Univ., 18.55-65; died, Cambridgeport, Mass., 1872, aged 56. Author of 2he Communion; Progress of Baptist Principles; Human Element in the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (1867). ■^'William Addison Pitt Dilling- ham, A.M. Clergyman, Univ. ch. ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1804, 1865, and Speaker, 1865 ; died, Waterville, Me., April 22, 1871, aged 47. George Pendleton Mathews, A.M., and D.D. 1883. Theol. Inst., New Hampton, X. H., 1844-46; Pastor, Lib- erty, Me., 1847-51; Alna, 1851-56; Gar- diner, 1856-00; Bath, 1860-66; Auburn, 1860-75; Thomaston, 187.5-84; since 1884, Brunswick, Me. *Charles Greenleaf Porter, A.M. Pastoi-, Winterport, Me., 1843-45; Bangor, 184.5-66; Houlton, 1867-70; died, Bangor, Me., Mar. 7, 1876, aged 62. David Dinsmore Stewart, A.M., and Bowdoin, 1872. Since 1847, Lawyer, St. Albans, Me. 1865. Oliver Otis Howard, LL.D.; A. B., Bowdoin, 1850, A.M. 1853; LL.D., Shurtleff Coll., 1865, and Tennessee Coll., 1866. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1854; 2(1 Lieut. U. S. A., 1855; 1st Lieut., 1857; Asst. Prof. Math., U. S. Mil. Acad., 18.57- 61; Col. 3d Me. Vols., 1801; Brig. Gen. Vols., 1861; Maj. Gen. Vols., 1862; Brig. Gen. U. S. A., 1864 ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A., 1865; Com'r Freedman's Bureau, 1805-72; Pres. Howard Univ., 1809-73; Supt. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1873-82; Comd'g Dept. of the Platte, Ft. Omaha, Neb. 1866. Warren Baxter Ewer, A.M. San Francisco, Cal. Edmund Fuller Webb, A.M. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1872, 1873, and Speak- er, 1873; Member Me. Senate, 1874-75, and President, 1875; Member Bd. Trus- tees since 1883; Lawyer, Waterville, Me. Author of Railroad Laws of Maine (1875). 1867. *Lucius Bradford, A.M. I'astor, Sebec, Me., 1838; Guilford, 1839-42; Jay, 1843-45; Monson, 1847-51; Sidney, 1852; No. Livermore, 1853-58; Brooklin, 1859; died, Brooklin, jMc., Sept. 9, 1807, aged 50. George Dana Boardman Peprer, D.D.; A.B., Amherst, 1857, and LL.D. 1882. Newton Theol. Inst., 1860; Pastor, Waterville, Me., 1860-64; Prof. Eccl. COLBY UNIVERSITY, 69 Hist., Newton Theol. Inst., 1865-67; Prof. Christian Tlieol., Crozer Tlieoi. Sem., 1868-82; since 1882, President Colby University, Waterville, Me. Author of Outlines of Systematic Theology (1873.) Benjamin Adams Robie, A.M. Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1865; Res. Licenti- ate, Anclover Theol. Sem., 1866; Pastor Cong, ch., Waterville, Me., 1866-71; Wil- mington, Mass., 1871-74; Groton, 1874- 83; since 1883, Grafton, Mass. Artemas Wyman Sawyer, D.D.; A.B., Dartmouth, 1847. Newton Theol. Inst., 1853; ordained, 1853; Prof. An- cient Lang., Acadia Coll., N. S., 18.55-61 ; Pastor, Saratoga, N. Y., 1861-64; Prin. New London Lit. and Sci. Inst., N. H., 1864-69; since 1869, Pres. Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N. S. Jackson Smith Schultz, A.M. Merchant and mfr., New Yorli. Author of Leather Manufacture in United States. Amos Webster, A.M.; D.D., Co- lumbian, 1867. Ed. Christian Era, 1856- 76; Clergyman, Hyde Park, Mass. 1868. "^'JoHN McKinley, a.m. New Hampton Theol Inst., 1861 ; Res. Licen- tiate, Andover Theol. Sem., 1863; Pas- tor, Lebanon, N. H., 1862-68; died, Leb- anon, N. H., Sept. 20, 1868, aged 36. Philetus Bennet Spear, D.D.; A.B., Madison, 1836, and A.M., 1842. Hamilton Theol. Sem., 1838; Tutor, Madison Univ., 1837; Prof. Hebrew, to 1850; Emeritus Prof, ol Hebrew and Latin, Madison Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. *Cyrus Tibbetts, A.m. Pastor, Farmington, Me., 1852-55; Belfast, 1856- 57; Plaistow, N. H.,' 1858-61; Eastport, Me., 1862-66; Damariscotta, 1866-70; Rockland, 1870-72; from 1872, No. Ber- wick; died, No, Berwick, Me., Jan. 12, 1876, aged 55. 1869. "^Eeisha Hunt Allen, LL.D; A.B., Williams, 1823. Lawyer, Bangor, Me., Repr. Me. Legisl.and Speaker,1838; Member 27th U. S. Cong., 1841-43; Mem- ber Me. Hist. Soc, 1846; U.S. Consul, Honolulu, Sandwicli Islands, 1850-.53; Hawaiian Minister Finance, 1853-57; Chief .lustice Supreme Court and Chan- cellor Hawaiian Kingdom, 1857-77; En- voy Extraor. and Minister Plenipo. to U. S. from Hawaiian Kingdom; died, Washington, D. C, .Jan. 1, 1883, aged 78. Sewall Brown, A.M. New Hampton Theolflnst., Vt., 1860-61; Pas- tor, E. Winthrop, Me., 1862-68; Cherry- field, 1868-71; Missionar5^ Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, Wyoming and Utah Ter., 1871-72; Pastor, So. Dover, Me., 1873-77; Minneapolis, Minn., 1877-81; East Corinth, Me., 1881-87; Old Town, Me. Jonathan Young Scammon,LL.D., and Univ. Chicago, 1862. Lawyer, Chi- cago, 111. 1870. '^'Levi Sumner Burbank, A.M. Instr. Paducah Coll., Ky., 1856-58; Instr. Wake Forest Coll., N. C, 1858-59; Pres. Paducah Coll., 1859-61; Prin. Lancaster Acad., Mass., 1861; Instr. Nat. Sci. High Sch., Athol, Mass., 1862-64; High Sch., Westboro, 1864-66; High Sch., Lowell, Mass., 1866-72; Prin. Warren Acad., Woburn, Mass., 1872-77; died, Woburn, Mass., Aug. 20, 1880, aged 51. John Alfred Metcalf Chapman, A.M., D.D.,Wesleyan,, 1871. Pastor St. Paul's M. E. ch.. New York. John Frank McKusick, A.M. 2d Lieut. 1st Me. Cav. Vols., 1864-65; in 1866, Lawyer, Alexandria, Va.; Lock- hart's Run, W. Va. David Jonathan Pierce, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1870; ordained, 1870; Prin. Wyoming Inst., and Pastor, Laramie, Wyoming Ter., 1870-74; Port- land, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. Ty. Llewellyn Powers , A . M . ; LL . B . , Albany, 1860. Adm. to the bar, 1860; County Atty., 1865-71; U. S. Collector Customs, 1869-73; Bepr. Me. Legisl., 1874-76; Member 45th U. S. Cong., 1877- 79; Lawyer, Houlton, Me. 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1871. *''Amasa Bryant, A.M. Pastor, Damiiriscotta Mills, Me., 18.t2-5(); Liver- more Falls, 185G-60; Topsham, 18G0- ; East Winthrop, Me., Dover, N. H. ; died. Springvale, Me., May 26, 1879, aged 52. James Mitchell Fqllett, A.M. Pastor, Jay, M^., 1846^7 ; Dover, 1849-59 ; Gardiner, 1861-64; Old Town, 1864-67; Corlntli^ 1868-70; Dover, 1871-7.3; Har- rington, 1874-79; Presque Isle, 1879-8.3; since 1883, Buclcfleld, Me. William Bekry Lapham, A.M.; M.D., New York, 1856. 1st Lieut. Capt. and Bvt. Major 1st Me. Mtd. Art. Vols., 186.3-65; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1867; U. S. Exam. Surg, since 1867; Ed. Maine Farm- er, 1872-81; Me. Hist. Soc, 1872; Corr. Memb. Roj'al Hist. Soc; Ed. Genealo- gist and Biographer, 1875-78; Augusta, Me. Author of Bisbee, llicker, Chapman, and Lapham Genealogies; History of Woodstock, (1882); History of Paris, (1884). Samuel Baldwin Morse, A.M., D.b., 1887. Prot. Ancient Lang., Urania Coll., Glasgow, Ky., 1859-61; Prof. Anc. Lang., California Coll., Vacaville, Cal., 1861-66; Newton Theol. Inst., 1866-69; Pastor, Stockton, Cal., 1869-77; Brook- lyn, Cal., 1878; Pres. California Coll., Oakland, Cal. 1872. Hamlin Fairfield Eaton, A.M. From 18.56, Prin. andpropr. Eaton Fam- ily Sch., Norridgewock, Me. ^Walter Taylor Sargent, A.M. Pastor, Damariscotta, Me., 1838^0; Bowdoinham, 1840-42 ; Mt. Vernon, 1842- 48; Acton, 1850-55; San ford, 1855-57; Greene, 18.57-64; Dexter, 1864-66; Rich- mond, 1866-68; Greene, 1869-70; Free- port, 1870-76; died, Freeport, Me., May 13, 1886, aged 77. ^Joseph Oberlin Skinner, A.M. Ordained, ia37; Pastor Univ. ch., Hol- liston, Framinghani, Dudley, Concord, Mass.; Ludlow, Chester, Vt.; Rock- land, Me.; Nashua, N. H.; St. Albans, Vt.; Malone, N. Y.; No. Montpelier, Vt.; Waterville, Me.; died, Waterville, Me., Jan. 12, 1879, aged 62. Author ot History of Waterville Lodge (1874) ; Ed. Unirersalist Register. Henry Olin Walker, A.M. New- ton Theol. List., 1863; ordained, 1863; Pastor, Weare, N. H., 1864-67; since 1867, Deerfield Centre, N. H. ^William Whiting, LL.D.; A.B., Harvard, 1833, LL.B. 1838, and A.M. 1854. Lawyer, Boston, Mass., fi-om 1838; So- licitor, War Dept., U. S., 1862-65; Pres. X. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, 18.53-58; Corr. Member N. Y. Hist. Soc ; Hon. Member Hist. Soc, Pa., Wis., and Fla. ; Member- elect 43d U. S. Cong.; died, Boston Highlands, Mass., June 29, 1873, aged 60. Author of Memoir of Her. Jos. Har- rington; War Poivers of the President (1862) ; Military Arrests in Time of War; Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whiting, D.D. (1872). 1873. William Harrison Alden, D.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1849, and A.M., 1852 ; Newton Theol. List., 18.52; Pa.stor, No. Attleboro, Mass., 1852-57; Lowell, 18.57- 64; Albany, N. Y., 1864-68; Member Bd. Tru.stees from 1881; since 1868, Ports- mouth, N. H. ■^■James Tift Champlin, LL.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1834, and A.M., 1837; D.D., Univ. Rochester, 1855, and Brown Univ., 1863. Tutor, Brown Univ., 1835- 38; Pastor, Portland, Me., 1838-41; Prof. Greek and Latin Lang, and Lit., Colby Univ., 1841-58; Pres. Colby Univ., 18.57- 73,and Prof. Int. and Moral Phil., 18.58-73 ; Member Bd. Trustees, 187.5-81 ; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1849; died, Portland, Me., Mar. 15, 1882, aged 70. Author of Eng- lish Grammar (1851) ; Greek Grammar (18.52) ; Princi}}les of Ethics (1861) ; Politi- cal Economy (1868) ; Intellectual Philoso- phy (1868) ; Text-Book on Constitution, U. S. (1880). Ed. with notes, Demosthenes on the Crown (184;i) ; Select Popular Ora- tions of Demosthenes (1848) ; Oration ot jEschines against Ctesiphon (1850) j Bp. Butler's Ethical Discourses (1859) ; Bp. Butler's Analogy of Peligion (1860); Se- lections from lacitus (1876); Scripture COLBY UNIVERSITY. 71 Heading Lessons (1878). Trans. Kuhnei-'s Latin Grammar (1845) ; Ktihner's Latin Exercise Book (1856) . Chakles Macombee, Herring, A.M. New Hampton Tlieol. Inst., N. H., 1848; Pastor, Dexter, Me., 1849-58; No. Oxford, Mass., 1858-59; Dover, Me., 1859-65; Brunswick, 1865-68; Gardiner, 1868-7-2; Houlton, 1872-74; So. Tliomas- ton, 1875-78; SuiDply, Woolwich, since 1878; address, Brunswick, Me. Ammi Stokee, Ladd, A.M. Pas- tor, M. E. cb., New Sharon, Me., 1864-63; Kent's Hill, 1865-68, and Prot. Mental and Mor. Sci., Me. Wesleyan Seni. and rem. Coll., 1867-68; Waterville, 1869-71; Biddeford, 1872-74; Bath, 1875-77; Port- land, 1878-80; Lewiston, 1881-82; Bath, 1882-84; Biddeford, 1884-85; Bangor, 188.5-87 : Auburn, Me. Admiral Paschal Stone, LL.D.; A.M., Bowdoin, 1869. Priu. High Scb., Portland, Me., 1864-73; since 1873, Supt. Pub. Schools, Springfield, Mass. Au- thor of History of England (1883) . Parkman Shaav Warren, A.M. Prin. High Scb., Castine, Me., 1870-71; Prin. High Scb., Methuen, Mass. ,1871-73; Prin. Collins Scb., Gloucester, Mass., 1873-74; Prin. Oliver Sell., Lawrence, Mass., 1874-79; since 1880, Banker, Solo- mon City, Kan. 1874. Adoniram Judson Billings, A.m.; M.D., Albany, 1854. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1862,1868; Member Me. Senate, 1866-67; Surg. 19tb Me. Vols., 1862; Surg. Bd. Enrolment, 5tb Dist., 1864; Physician, Freedom, Me. *Atwood Crosby, A.M.; M.D,, Bowdoin, 1864. 3d Me. Vols., 1861-62; Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1864-65: Physician, China, Me., 1865-66; Buckfleld, 1866-67; Instr. in Military Drill, Colby Univ., 187.5-78; from 1867, Physician, Water- ville, Me.; died. Las Vegas, N. Mex., Jan. 25, 1883, aged 44. Nelson Allen Luce, A.M. Prin. Freedom Acad., Me., 1865-70; Supervisor Scb., Waldo Co., 3 yrs.; engaged in holding Teachers' Institutes, in employ ot the State, 1872-73; Asst. Supt. Scb., Maine, 1874-79; since 1879, State Supt. Schools, Augusta, Me. 1875. James Gillespie Blaine, LL.D. A.B., Washington Coll., and A.M. LL.D., Bates Coll., 1869, and Bowdoin 1884. Ed. Kennebec Journal, 1854-.57; Ed Portland Advertiser, 1857-58; Repr. Me Legisl., 1858-61, and Speaker, 1861; Me Hist. Soc, 1864; Member 38tb to 44tb U, S. Cong., 1863-76, and Speaker, 41st, 42d and 43d Cong.; Member TJ. S. Senate 1876-81; Sec. of State Dept., 1881; Au gusta, Me. Susan Maria Hallowell, A.M. Asst. High Scb., Bangor, Me., 1856-75; since 1875, Prof, ot Botany, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Frank Hussey Jackson, A.M. Lawyer, Hallowell, Me., 1875. 1876. Joseph Manning Burtt, A.M. Pastor, Newfane, N. Y., 1843-,50; Propr. and Assoc. Ed. Cliristian Era, Boston, Mass., 1852-56; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1856; Pastor, Georgetown, Mass., 1863-71; 1871-77, since 1881, Buxton Centre, Me. David Wass Campbell, A.M. Cherrj-fleld, Me. Wendall Omak Fletcher, A.M. Prin. High Scb., Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 1865; Prin. Bapt. Acad., Louisiana, Mo., 1866-69; Supt. Pub. Scb., Chillicothe, Mo., 1870-72; Prin. High Scb., Warren, Me., 1873-77; High Scb., Rockland, 1878- 79; High Scb., Biddeford, 1879-81; of firm, Clason & Fletcher, Booksellers, Lincoln, Neb. Albert Christopher Hussey, A.M. Ordained, 1869; Newton Tbeol. Inst., 1872; Pastor, Grafton, Mass., 1872- 79; since 1879, Northampton, Mass. Alfred Francis Richardson; A.M. Prin. High Scb., Dexter, Me., 1876. c^ GENERAL CATALOG CE OF 1877. Clejiext Makmaduke Graham Harwood, A.m. Ordiiined, 1870; Pas- tor, Eastport, Me., 1871-81; Camden, 1881-84; since 1884, Skowhegan, Me. Henky Melville Kixg, D.D.; A.B., Bowdoin, 1859, and A.M., 1862. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 186'2; ordained, 18G2; Inslr. in Hebrew, X. T. I., 1862-63; Pastor,BostonI-Iigblands,Mass.,186.3-82; since 1882, Albany, N. Y. Charles Collins Rounds, A.M.; B.S., Dartmonth, 1857, and M.S., 1860; A.M., Bowdoin, 1870; Pb.D., Bates Coll., 1881. Prin. Gram. Sob., Cleveland, O., 1850-65; Instr. Edward Little Inst., Au- burn, Me., 186.5-67, and Prin., 1867-68; Prin. State Normal Sell., Farmington, Me., 1868-S3; Prin. X. H. Normal Scb., Pljnnoutb, N. H. Jeremiah Dearborn T i l t o n , A.M. Ordained 1851 ; Pastor, Limerielv, Me., 1850-54; Sanboniton, N. H., 1854-66; MiUord, 1866-73; Kumney, 1873-82; San- boniton, 1882-85; since 1885, Milford, N. H. 1878. Amory Battles, A.M. Harvard Div. Sell., 1850; Pastor Univ. cb., Ban- gor, 1851-72; Unit, cb.. West Newton, Mass., 1872-73; Univ. eli.. Dexter, Me., 1873-79; Acting Pastor, Waterville, 1880- 81; address, Bangor, Me. 1879. *Albert Aaron Ford, A.M. New- ton Tbeol. Inst., 1870; Pastor, Paris, Me., 1870-72 ; Belfast, 1873-75 ; E. Aubnrn, 1876-79; Tennant's Harbor, 1879-80; AYaldoboro, 1880-84; died, Kent's Hill, June 2, 1887, aged 46. Howard Owen, A.M. Assoc. Ed. Kennebec Journal, Augusta, Me., 1868-79; Ed. Ikuigor Whig, 1880; Ed. Maine Farmer and since 1880, Register ot Probate, Augusta, Me. 1880. Augustus ]\Iarion Burton, A.M. I'rin. Cbcn-ylield Acad., Me., 1880-81; Prin. Union Acad., Corinna, Me., 1882; address, Clinton. INte. ■^•'Granville Park Cochrane, A.M. 1st Lieut, and Capt. 7tbMe. Vols., 1861 ; died, Wintbrop, Me., Sept. 10, 1882, aged 46. Eustace Carey Fitz, A.M. Mayor, Cbelsea, Mass., 1864, 1865, 1866; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1873, 1874; Member Mass. Senate, 1875, 1876; Member Execu- tive Council, Mass., 1881-82; Member Bd. Trustees, from 1886; Mercbant, Cbelsea, Mass. 1881. *'' Comfort Edwin Barrows, D.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1858, and A.M., 1861. Newton Tbeol. Inst., 1861 ; Pastor, Pea- body, Mass., 1861-64; Trustee Brown Univ., from 1878; from 1865, Newport, K. I.; died, Newport, R. I., Dec. 26, 1883, aged 52. '^''Samuel Kimball Hitchings, B.S. Prill. Greely Inst., Cumberland Centre, Me., 1881-82; Instr. in Nat. Sci. and Prin. Higb Scb., Biddetord, from 1882; died, Cumberland, Me., Mar. 10, 1887, aged 29. 1883. ^Robert Bruce Tolles,A.M. Pres. Boston Optical Co.; Member Royal Microscop. Soc. ; Optician; died, Boston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1883, aged 61. 1884. Elisha Ben.tamin Andrews, D.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1870, and A.M.; LL.D. Univ. Nebr. 1884. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1872-74; ordained 1874; Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffleld, Conn., 1870-72; Pastor, Beverly, Mass., 1874-75; Pres. Denison Univ., 1875-79; Prof. Homilct- ics, etc., N. T. I., 1879-82; since 1882, Prof. History and Polit. Economy, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Antlior of Brief Institutes of Constitutional Jiis- tory (1886) ; Brief Institutes of General History (1887). Priscilla H . B R A I S L I N, A.M. Prof, of iSIatlieniatics, Vassar Coll., rougbkeepsie, X. V. COIjBY U]SflVJ:USlTY. 73 John Andrew Peteks, LL.D., and Bowcloin, 1885; A.B., Yale, 184'2. Harv. Law Sell.; Lawyer, Bangor, Me., since 1844; Member Me. Senate, 1862- (j4; Me. House of Reps., 1864; Attorney Gen. ot Maine, 1864-67; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1866; Member 40th, 41st and 42dU. S. Cong., 1867-7.3; Assoc. Justice, Sup. Jud. Court, Me., 187.3-83; .since 1883, Chief Justice, Sup. Jud. Court, Bangor Me. Frederick Charles Thayer, A.M.; M.D. Bowdoin, 1867. Physician, Waterville, Me. 1885. Albion Harris Bicknell, A.M. Artist, Maiden, Mass. Asa Dalton, D.D.; A.B., Har- vard, 1848. Harvard Div. Sch., 1849; Newton Theol. Inst., 1849-51; Rector Episc. ch., Augusta, Me., 1851-54; Ban- gor, 18.'i6-62; since 1863, Poi-tland, Me. Sanford Hanscom, a.m.; M.D., Harvard, 1868. Since 1868, Pliysician, East Somerville, Mass. Thomas Brackett Reed, LL.D.; A. B., Bowdoin, I860. Act. Asst. Paymr., U. S. N., 1864-65; adm. to the bar, 1865; Member Me. Legist., 1868-69; Me. Sen- ate, 1870; Attorney Gen. Me., 1870-73; Member 4,5th-.50th U. S. Cong.; Port- land, Me. Franklin Simmons, A. M. Sculptor, Rome, Italy. 1886. Alden Fitzroy Chase, Ph. D.; A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1869, and A. M. Ordained, 1872; Teacher of Math., WesL Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 1869-71 ; Math, and Eng. Lit., Me. Wesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, Me., 1871-83; Member Me. Hist. Soc, J884; Prin. High Sch., Mill- bury, Ma.ss., 1884; since 1884, Prin. East Maine Conference Sem., Bucksport, Me. Eugene Hale, LL.D., and Bates, 1882. Adm. to the bar, 18.57; County Attorney, Ellsworth, Me.; Member Me. Legisl., 1867-68, 1880; Member 41st-46th U. S. Cong., 1869-81; since 1881, U. S. Senator; Ellsworth, Me. David Dana Spear, A.M.; M.D., Berkshire Med. Coll., 1867. Physician, Kennebunk, Me., 1867-73; since 1873, Freeport, Me. Horace Jkkome White, A.M. Pastor, Baptist ch., Augusta, Me. 1887. Charles Rufus Brown, I'h. D.; A. B., Harvard, 1877. Newton Theol. Inst., 1874-7.5, and 1877-78; Union Theol. Sem., 1878-79; Univ. of Berlin and Leip- zig, 1879-81; Pa.stor, Franklin Falls, N. H., 1881-83; since 1883, Assoc. Prof. Old Testament Interp., Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. ai'^XKKAL CATALOOri-: OI-' GRADUATES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, XOTK. The followiiiK uaiiu-s ol' those wlio received the dcsree of Doctor of Medi- cine after eoiupletiug tlie course ot study at the Clinical School ot Medicine at Woodstock, Vt., tlien connected with the College, are taken trom the Triennial Cat- alogue puhlislKMl in 1834. 1830. Calvin Allex, M.D. From Weston, Vt. Leonard Baston, M.D. From Weston, Yt. John F. Cakpextei?, M.D. Settled at Lawrence, X. V. WiLLARD Putnam Gibson, M.D. Settled at Woodstock, Vt. ^ Abraham Harding, M.D. From Woodstock, Vt. Isaac Minard, M.D. Settled at Hartland, Vt. Stillman Ralph, M.D. From Reading, X. Y. James Rice, M.D. From Whitefleld, X. Y. "'Oliver Russ, M.D. Settled at PomlVet, Yt. ■^•'Nathan H. Thomas, M.D. Died, 1881, at Stowe, Vt. Erasmus Wilson, M.D. From Hartland, Vt. 11 1831. Orsan M. Allaban, M.D. Horace Austin, M.D. VoLNEY Church, M.D. Jonathan C. Hall, M.D. Fredluic'k L. Kiddku, M.D. WiLLARD KeLSEY, M.D. Job G. Littlefieli), M.D. Jeremiah F. ^Miller, M.D. Dalson ISIorton, M.D. Leayis Patch, M.D. Royal Sharp, M.D. Guy Staughton, M.D. Aaron Sumner, M.D. William F- Tilton, M.D. Berkely O. Tyler, M.D. WiLi,ARi) A. Watkins, M.D. 1832. William R. Adams, M.]~). "'■'Joel Anger, M.D. Settled at Hiiverliill, X. II. Edward Barton, M.D. J. M. G. Blodget, M.D; From SonuM's, t^onn. Isaac D. Carpenter, ^I.D. From Stratnu'd, \t. ••'Seneca Carter, M.D. Settled at Plymouth. Vt. Ika Cr.EMENT, M.D. From Cornish, N. H. COLBY UNIVERSITY 75 Oliver J. Coebin, M.D. From Newport, N. H. Hiram Crandall, M.D. Physician, Burlington, Vt. Sanford Emery, M.D. Phinehas Fletcher, M.D. From Saratoga, N. Y. Charles Hoit, M.D. From Deerfleld, Mass. A. Hartwell Jaquith, M.D. From Asliby, Ma.ss. W. B. Lincoln, M.D. From Peru, Vt. William M. Lyman, M.D. From Schenectady, N. Y. Thomas B. Marston, M. D. From Concord, N. H. Horace May, M.D. From Wilming'ton, Vt. J. H. MoKSE, M.D. From Hudson, N. H. John Mosher, M.D. From Tinmoutli, Xt. John Paul, M.D. From Shipton, Can. Hiram Perkins, M.D. From Unity, N. H. Thaddeus Phelps, M.D. From Knoxville, Pa. "^^ James B. Porter, xM.D. Died at Rutland, Vt. Horace Powers, M.D. From Croyden, N. H. Hermon H. Smith, M.D. From Cairo, N. Y. Charles S. Sterling, M.D. Oliver E. Strong, M.D. From .Jones County, N. C. David Whitney, M.D. From Shelburne, ISFass. 76 (iKNKRAL CATALOGUE OF GRADUATES OF THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, XoTE. The following names of those who hart completed the course oi' study ii> the Theological Department are reprinted fi-oni the Triennial Catalogue piddished in 1825. 1820. Michael Carltojs-. Bluehill, Me. : Pastor, Hopkinton, N. H., to 183-2. Samuel Fogg. Pastor, Thomas- ton, Mo., 1821-2G; Greene, 1828-31; E. Winthrop, 1831-36; Missionary in Me.; died, Monmouth, Me., Oct. 18, 18G8, aged 82. *Ebenezek Nelsox. Pastor, Lynn, Mass., 1820-27; W. Cambridge, 1828-34; Sec. No. Bapt. Ed. Soc, 1834-37; Pastor, Middleboro, 1837-50; Agent, Newton Theol. Inst., 1827-28, and 18.50-.51; died, Lviin, Mass., April C, 18r)2, aged W. 1821. "^•'Samuel Cook. Ordained, Ef- fingham, N. H.; Pastor, Brentwood, Hampton Falls, Hopkinton, Meredith and Dunbarton, N. H. ; Agent, N. H. Bapt. Conv. ; Chaplain N. H. State Prison; died. Concord, N. H., Feb. 15, 1872, aged 81. 1822. •''John AxwooD, A. M., 1832. Pas- tor, New Boston, N. H., 182.5-36; Fran- cestown, I j'r. ; Hillsboro, 7 yrs. ; State Treasurer, N. H., 1847-53; Chaplain N. H. State Prison; died, New Boston, N. H., Apr. 28, 1873, aged 77. ^Henry Stan wood. Teacher Chi- na Acad., Me., 1822-23; Pastor, Bapt. ch., Lyme, Conn., 1824-26; Bristol, 1826- 33; Hartford, 1833-35; Bookseller, Koch- ester, X. Y., 1837-38; Pastor, Bush, N. Y., 1836-48; Sui)ply, Fail-port, 2 yrs.; Rochester, 2 yrs.; from 1855, resident, Kalamazoo, Mich., and ch. supply in Mioh.; died, Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 7, 1883, aged 85. John C. Welch. Pastor, War- ren, R. L, 1823-40; Seekonk, Mass., from 1840. 1823. Samuel Everett. 1824. William Bowex. Pastor, Edgar- ton, Mass., in 182S; Norwalk, Conn., before 1840. Silas Kenney. ham, Mass., 1828. Pastor, Belling- 1825. *JoHx BiLLiXGs. Pastor, Addi- son, Mc., 1826-44; No. Livermore, 184.5- 46; Addison, 1846-49; Mt. Vernon, 1849- 56; Norridgewock, i8.56-.58; Parkman, 1861-64; Member Bd. Trustees, 1840-43; died, Fayette, Me., Dec. 20, 1864, aged Caleb Clark. *EzKA Going. Pastor, Sidney, Me., 1827-29. Died, Granville, O., Dec. 26, 1863, aged 68. Whitman Metcale. ^Missionary in Me., 1825. *Oren Tracy, A.M., 18;32. Pas- tor, East Stoughton, Mass., 1825; Fitch- biu'g, Athol ; New London, N. H., New- port; died, Greenfield, JIass., Sept. 6, 1863, aged 65. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 77 GENERAL SUMMARY. WHOLE NUMBER. ALUMNI, HONORARY GRADUATES, . MEDICAL GRADUATES, THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES, TOTAL, ALUMNI, HONORARY GRADUATES, . MEDICAL GRADUATES, THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES, DECEASED. TOTAL, PRESENT NUMBER. ALUMNI, HONORARY GRADUATES, . MEDICAL GRADUATES, THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES, TOTAL, STATISTICS OF THE GRADUATES. CLERGYMEN, 228 GOVERNORS, 2 IN BUSINESS, 72 JOURNALISTS, 39 JUDGES, 14 LAWYERS, 188 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, . . 8 862 170 55 15 1102 253 353 609 82 50 8 749 MISSIONARIES, . . . . . 14 PHYSICIANS, 62 PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES, . 8 PROFESSORS, 37 SUPTS. OF SCHOOLS, ... 9 U. S. VOLS., 1861-65 ... 65 WOMEN, 21 78 ( i K S K R A L V A T A LO( ; V K O V INDEX OF GRADUATES. NOTK. Hoiioi-ary GradiiMtes are iiulicatod by thc> U-ttcr/;, Moilical (iraduates by »i, and Tlu'olonical Gracbiatos bv t. NAME. cr-ASS. Abbott, Theophilus Capon, 184."> Adams, Chancej', 18S5 Adams, ■William K., 183-2 m.. Adlani, Samuel, 1846 /;. Aldeii, William Ilavrisoii, 187;! h Allabaii, Orsan M., 18ol m. . Allen, Albert Barney, 1874 . Allen, Calvin, 1830 m. . Allen, Elisha Hunt, 1869 /;. . Allen, Lorenzo Bickford, 1835 Anderson, Martin Brewer, 1840 Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, 1884 / Andrews, George Austin, 1883 Andrews, William Wallace, 1882 Anger, Joel, 183'2 m. Angier, John Francis Howard, 18; Annis, Burleigh Smart, 1885 , Applcton, Moses Lark, 1830 . Atkinson, Nicholas Noyes, 186!) Atwood, Charles Edward, 1881 Atwood, John, 182-2 i. . Austin, Horace, 1831 m. Averill, Alexander M., 1857 h. Avery, Samuel Waters, 1840 Ayer, William Oliver, 1808 Bachelder, Thomas Foxwell, 1858 Bailey, David Judson, 1881 . Bailey, Dudley Perkins, 18G7 . Bakeman, Francis Wales, I86(i Baker, Amos Fletcher, 1843 . Baki'v, John Smullen, 1847 . Baker, Kichard Henry, 1883 . Baldwin, Charles Pierce, 1858 Baldwin, Jotham Francis, 1853 Ballard, JoseiJli, 1833 /(. . Barker, Aretas Gustavus, 180-2 Barker, Francis, 1834 . Barrows, Allen, 1834 . Barrows, Comfort Edwin, 1881 Barrows, John Harris, 1872 . Barrows, L(nvis, 183".> . Barrows, William Carey, 1802 . Bartlett, Junius Artenms, 1848 r.arllott, William Pitt, 1853 . NAME. CLASS. Barton, Asher Hinds, 1881 . Barton, E Iward, 183-2 m. Barton, Henry Crosbj', 1883 . Barton, Jonathan Quincy, 185 Barton, Thomas Flint, 1849 . Baston, Leonard, 1830 m. . Battles, Amory, 1878 h. Bearce, Henry Meri'ill, 1805 . Belcher, Hiram, 18-28 h. Berrj-, George Kicker, 18S5 . Beverage, Orris Lyford, 1887 Bicktord, Calviii, 1841 . Bickford, Martin Luther, 1837 Bicknell, Albion Harris, 1885 h Bicknell, William Martin, 1844 Billings, Adoniram Judson, 1874 Billings, John, 1825 t. . Bixby, Solomon Everett, 1849 Blackwell, Joseph, 1850 Blaine, James Gillespie, 1875 /(. Blake, Frederic Dana, 1801 Blanehard, John Augustus, 1850 Blanohard, Moses Clement, 18.50 Blanehard, Nathan Weston, 1855 Blewctt, Scotto Hedge, 1871 Blodget, J. M. G., 1832 »;. . Boardman, George Dana, 1822 Bodflsh, Frank, 1802 Bonney, Pereival, 1803 . Boothby, Stephen, 18.57 . Bosworth, George Whitlield, 183 Bosworth, Walter Sanger, 1882 Bontelle, Nathaniel Rogers, 1800 Boutelle, Timothy, 1839 /(. . Bowen, William, 18-24 /. Bowler, Stephen Longfellow, 184 Bowman, Fred Raymond, 1887 Boyd, Byron, 1886 Bradbury, Charles Webster, 18.34 Bradlmry, James Tyler, 1855 Bratlbury, John Brackett, 185 Bradbury, Woodnnm, 1887 Bradford, Freeman, 1827 Bradford, Lucius, 18li7 /(. Bradford, /abdiel, 18;U 74 57 38 32 74 72 45 62 59 00 20 22 73 28 71 76 32 33 71 42 33 33 37 48 74 14 42 44 38 22 50 08 65 70 30 61 60. 19 37 38 61 10 08 19 COLBY UNIVKIfSITV 79 NAME. CLASS. Briulley, George, 1853 Bragg, Nellie Aiuanfla, 1884 . Brainerd, Augustus Ki^ubcu, 18-1 Braisliii, Priscilla II., 188-1 h. Bridghaiii, Den-ick Stattbrtl, 1854 Briflghani, Luther Crocker, 1880 Briggs, Andrew Howard, 1839 Briggs, George W., 1800 /(. . Britton, Isaac, 186!) Brookings, Elias, 18G-J Brooks, James, 1828 Brooks, Kendall, 1854 h. Brooks, AVilliam Eustis, 1862 Brooks, Winifred Helen, 1887 Brown, Charles Corey, 1886 . Brown, Charles Rufus, 1887 li. Brown, Henry Padelt'ord, 1835 Brown, John Newton, 1838 /;. Brown, Orie Olivia, 1882, Brown, Sewall, 186!) h. . Brown, .Simon Stratton, 1858 Brownson, Williain Henry-, 1877 Bruce, Wallace Erwin, 1886 . Bryant, Amasa, 1871 Ii. . Bryant, Judson r.illhigs, 1886 Buck, Alfred Eliali, IH58 Buck, Thomas Barnes, 1851 . Bullard, Frank Dearborn, 1881 Bullen, George, 1853 Bunker, Alonzo, 1862 Burbank, Caleb, 1830 Bvirbank, Levi Sumner, 1870 /;. Burbank, Moses, 1836 Burleigh, Everett Edwin, 1887 Burleigh, I'reston Newell, 1887 Burnham, Williain Carey. 1878 Burrill, William Henry, 1830 . Burton, Augustus Marion, 1880 , Burtt, Edwin Palmer, 1884 . Burtt,Josei)h Manning, 1876, /;. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1838 Butler, John, 1832 /(. . Butler, Nathaniel, 1842 . Butler, Nathaniel, Jr., 1873 . Butler, Thomas Melvin, 1868 . Buzelle, George Brainerd, 1860 ■Caldwell, Samuel Lunt, 1839 •Cambridge, Arthur Adams 1883 Campbell, David Wass, 1876 h. •Campbell, Fred Irving, 1871 . Capen, James Winchell, 1845 ■Carlton, Michael, 1820 t. . Carpenter, Gilbert Hermon, 1851 Carpenter, Isaac D., 1832 rii. <3arpenter, John F., 1830 m. . €arroll, Charles, 1885 najie. class. Carter, Seneca, 1832 m. . Carver, Leonard Dwight, 1868 Carver, Mary Catfrey Low, 1875 Case, Charles Ilaynes, 1880 . Case, John Elijali, 1880 . Cates, Abraham Barker, 1874 . Cates, Edward Earle, 1883 . . Cates, Horace Getchell, 1883 . Caverly, Zachariali Boody, 1843 Champlin, Augustus, 1862 Clianiplin, James Tilt, 1873 h Cliandler, Lucius Hcniry, 1831 Chaplin, Hugh Koss, 1880 . . Chaplin, Jeremiah, 1828 Chaplin, John O'Brien, 1825 . Chapman, John AltredMetcalf, 1870 Chapman, Wiltord Gore, 1883 . Chase, Alden Fitzroy, 1886 h. Chase, Charles Augustus, 1878 Chase, Charles Wesley 1869 . Chase, Fred Virgil, 1876 . . Chase, Henry Lewis, 1857 Chase, Irah, 1830 h. . . . Chase, Lyman, 1843 Chase, Marshall Spring, 1840 Chase, Simeon Lovell Bearce, 1863 Chase, William Thomas, 1865 Chickering, Lucius, 1842. Child, James Loring, 1836 Chipnuvn, Isaac, 1839 Church, Pharcellus, 1832 Church, Volney, 1831 m. Clark, Albion Byron, 1851 Clark, Caleb, 1825 t. Clark, Carroll Winn, 1880 Clark, Whiting Stevens Clark, William Henuvn, Clarke. Ivory, 1834 . Clay, Charles Leonidas, Cleaveland, John, 1831 Clement, Irii, 1832 m. Clement, Levi Hoyt, 1873 Clement, Willard Kimball, 1884 Clough, John Blake, 1868 Clowe, George Wynnvn, 1865 . Cochrane, Wilbur Willis, 1885 Cobb, Elias, 1827 h. Cobb, L(!nmel Howard Cf)burn, Alo]izo, 1841 Coburn, Charles, 1844 Coburn, Charles Miller Coburn, Louise Helen, Coburn, Samuel Weston, Coburn, Stephen, 1839 Cochrane, Granville Park, 1880 h Coclirane, James Edward, 188(i Collin, Charles Hansom, 1867 . //. h. 1862 1868 1868 1867 1881 . 1877 . 1841 •ACE. 74 47 50 54 54 50 57 57 28 42 70 18 54 16 14 69 57 73 .52 47 51 39 63 28 25 44 45 27 64 24 63 74 34 76 .54 43 47 19 47 63 74 40 58 47 45 59 62 46 26 28 55 51 26 24 72 .54 46 80 GENERAL CATALOGUE Ol-' NAME. CLASS. Colbj', Kicliaril CJiirliViid, 183.") Colcoi'cl, Edward John, ]S"5 . Colcoi-d, Joliii \Vijj:gin, 1841 . Cole, Robert, lS.i4 /(. Cole, Samuel, 1S.50 Collins, Edward Mortimer, 1882 Collins, Samuel A., 1802 h. . Comings, Isaac Miller. 1836 . Conant, Cliarlcs Edward, 1879 Condon, Randall .Judson, 188(! Cook, Charles S;dwin 1887 Cook, Daniel Francis, 1833 . Cook, Jacob Mott, 1831 . Cook, Samuel, 1821 t. . . Cookson, John, 183.5 h. . Coolidge, John Oberon, 18.51 . Corbin, Oliver J., 1832 m. Coniish, Leslie Colby, 187.5 . Corthell, ■\Vinian], 1844 . Corthell, William Jolinson, 18.5 Cox, Francis Augustus, 183.5 h. Cox, John Hosnier, 187.5 . Crandall, Hiram, 1832 m. Crane, Abijah Kobinson, 18.5(; Crane, David Fifield, 18.55 Crawford, William Campbell, 188: Crosby, Atwood, 1874 /;. Crosby, Edgar Herbert, 1880 . Crosby, Nathaniel Hansconi, 188 Cummings, Ebenezer Edson, 1828 Cunimings, Elkanah Andrews, 184 Cummings, John Ernest, 1884 Cummings, Mark Andrew, 1849 Cumston, Charles Henry, 1870 Curtis, Henry Fuller, 1887 Curtis, Susan Amelia, 1884 Curtis, Thomas Fenner, 1863 /(. Gushing, Frank Burton, 1881 . Cushing, Henry Joseph, 1864 Dalton, Asa, 1885 /*. Danforth, Albert, 1867 . Davies, John Francis, 1881 . Davis,. Caleb Bailey, 1842 /(. Davis, Charles Henry, 18.53 . Davis, George, 18.36 //. . Davis, George Weston, 1SG8 . Davis, Gnstavus Fellow(;s, 1827 Davis, Walter Isidoro, 1878 . Day, Hartley Wood, 1841 /(. . Day, Holman Francis, 1887 Dearing, John Lincoln, 1884 . Denipsey, Hugh, 1846 Deunen, .Stephen Hollins, 184!) Dennison, Hubert Arlson, 1882 ]>cnnison, Joshua ,\., 1830 //. Dewhurst, Fred Eli, iS7.S XAMK. CLASS. Dexter. Henry Franklin, 1884 Dexter, Henry Vaughan, 1842 Dick. Leonard Lorenzo, 1886 . . 60 Dickerson, Jonathan Garland,' 1836. 21 Dillingham, William Addison Pitt, 1863 // Din.smore, Charles M., 18.59 h. Dodge, Francis Maconiber, 18.52 Dodge, Harvey Bingham, 1827 Dodge, Oliver Augustus, 1833 Doe, Arthur Lincoln, 1884 Dolley, Charles Edward, 1887 D(niham, Grenville Mollen, 1865 Donnell, Francis Mitchell, 1884 Dow, Horace Davenport, 1887 Dow, George Washington, 18.52 Downs, Henry Smith, 1849 Drinkwater, Arthur, 1833 7*. Drinkwater, Arthur Fuller, 1840 Drumniond, Josiah Hayden, 1846 Drummond, Josiah Hayden, Jr , 18 Dudley, Elwood Earle, 1884 Dunham, George Lora, 1882 . Dunham, Horatio Kuss. 1886 . Dunn, Fred Grant, 1886 . Dunn, Heuben Wesley, 1868 . DunncU, JIark Hill, 1849 Dunning, Henrj', 1882 Dnnton, Larkin, 18.55 Eaton, Hamlin Fairfield, 1872 A Eaton, Harvey Doane, 1887 Ednuinds, Charles Dole, 1883 . Edmimds, Frank Howard, 1885 Elder, Joseph Freeman, 1860 Elliot, Ezra Franklin, 1882 . Emerson, Oliver, 1835 Emers(m, Walter Crane Emery, Charles Melvin, Emery, James Stanley, Emery, Sabine, 18.58 Emery, Sanford, 1832 Estes, Charles Sumner, Estes, Hiram Cushman, Evans, Alfred Henry, Evans, Harvey, 1827 Evans, Jonas, 1832 /(. Evans, William Augustus, 1827 Eveletb, Frederic Howard, 1870 Everett, Franklin, 18.38 . Everett, Samuel, 1823 /. Ewer, Warren Baxter, IStjii Ji. Ewer, William Dyer, 1862 Fairbanks, Gi-orge Greenwood, 184 Fairman, Charles, 1S50 . Fales, Jonathan Cilley, 18.58 . Farnnm, Jonathan Everett 1833 Karnniii, (Jeoi'ge Llewellyn, 1870 1884 1863 . 1851 . 18S4 1847 1881 COLBY UNIVEU81TV 81 NAME. (LASS. Fan-, Frederic William, 1882 Farr, Walter Bates, 1S87 Fai-rar, Samuel, 1826 Fay, Nathaniel Thomas, 18.39 Felch, Alvan, 18.^1 h. Fellowes, Jonathan Goodhue, 183 Files, Joseph Howard, 1877 . Fish, Benjamin Francis, 1885 Fisher, Gilman Clark, 1869 Fitch, Thcnnas, 1827 Fittz, Hervej% 1829 h. . Fitz, Eustace Carey, 1880 li. . Fletcher, Augustus Allen, 18.i7 Fletcher, Fred Nathaniel, 1882 Fletcher, Phinelias, 1832 m. Fletcher, Stephen Copeland, 1858 Fletcher, Wendall Omar, 1876 It Flood, Everett, 1879 Flood, George Stickney, 1861 Fogg, Samuel, 1820 t. . Foil ett, James Mitcliell, 1871 h. Ford, Albert Aaron, 1879 li. . Foss, Arthur Montgomery, 1885 Foster, Charles, 1828 Foster, Charles Freeman, 18J55 Foster, Charles Wiltaert, 1871 Foster, Iillijah, 1823 . Foster, John Barton, 1843 Foster, John Marshall, 1877 . Foster, Reuben, 1855 Freeman, Barnabas, 1840 . Freeman, Enoch Weston, 1827 Fi-ye, Caleb Buffum, 1880 Fiye, Robie Gale, 1882 . Frye, Thomas, 1842 . Fuller, Alexander, 1858 . Fuller, Edward, 1885 Fuller, Fred, 1873 . FuUerton, Samuel Stanley, 1842 Furber, William Horace, 1882 Gamble, Alexander, 1847 Gamble, John, 1851 . Gardiner, OliverCromwell, 1838 Gardner, Fred Mack, 1881 . Garland, George Erastus, 1882 Ganisey, Thomas Hersey, 1851 Garrison, Edwin William, 1830 Gates, Francis Alonzo, 1837 . Geddes, James, 1879 . Getchell, Albert Colby, 1878 . Getchell, Eldridge Lawrence, 1837 Getchell, George Clifford, 1826 Gibbs, William Harris, 1877 . Gibson, Willard Putnam, 1830 Giddings, Rockwood, 1833 . Gifford, George, 1862 56 61 15 24 66 20 51 59 47 16 63 39 NA.ME. I LASS. I'AGE. Gili)iitrick, James, 1833 h. . . . 64 Glidden, Samuel Glidden, 1831 . . 18 Glover, Willard, 1825 . . . . 14 Goodrich, Daniel Foster, 1859 . . 41 Gobig, Ezra, 1825 t 76 Going, Jonathan, 1832 h. . . . 63 Goldthwiiit, William, 1873 . . . .50 Goldthwaite, William Franklin, 1840 . 26 Googins, (jeorge Edgar, 1886 . . 60 Gould, Mary Augusta, 1884 . . . 59 Gould, Moses, 1826 15 Gould, Walter, 1833 19 Gow, George Boardman, 1852 . . 34 Granger, Abniham Holley, 1839 . . 24 Graves, William, 1831, h. . . . 63 Gray, Edgar Harkness, 1838 . . 23 Gray, Oliver Crosby, 18.55 . . . 37 Green, Adam Simpson, 1887 . . . (il Greene, Roscoe (ioddard, 1839 h. . 65 Gr(UMie, William Shaw, 1849 . . . 32 Greeuough, Joliii Heed, 1844 . . . 29 Grimes, Isaac VVilliam, 1881 . . . 55 Grover, Howard Haskell, 1865 . . 45 Gunning, Robert Halliday, 1847 h. . 66 Guriiey, A Ibanns Kimball, 1871 . . 48 Hale, Eugene, 1886, h 73 Hale, Frederick, 1862 . . . . 43 Hale, Henry Ware, 1867 . . . . 46 Hall, Atvvood Curtis, 1876 . . . .51 Hall. Charles Francis, 1875 . . . .50 Hall, Edward Win slow, 1862 . . 43 Hall, George AVashington, 1875 . . .50 Hall, Henry Joseph, 1827 . . . 16 Hall, JonatlianC., 1831 m. . . . 74 Hallowell, (Element Howard, 1876 . . 51 Hallowell, Florentius Merrill, 1877 . .52 Hallowell, Henry Carleton, 1868 . . 47 Hallowell, Su.san Maria, 1875 h. . . 11 Hamblen, Isaac Small, 18.58 . . . 40 Hambli'ii, Sanuiel, 1862 . . . . 43 Hamlin, Charles Edward, 1847 . . 30 Hamlin, Delwin Augustus, 1871 . . 48 Hamlin, Elijah Tjivermore, 1823 h. . 62 Hamlin, Hannibal, 18.59 h. . . . 67 Hamlin, Hannibal Emery, 1879 . . .53 Hannaford, Lyman Brooks, 18.>t h. . 67 Hanseom, Charles Green, 1845 . . 29 Hanscoin, Moses, 1842 . . . . 27 Hanseom, Sanford, 1885 Ji. . . . IZ Hanson, Charles Henry, 1883 . . 57 Hanson, Charles Veranus, 1865 . . 45 Hanson, Frank Herbert, 1883 . . 57 Hanson, George William, 1883 . . .57 Hanson, Hadley Procter, 1849 . . 32 Hanson, James Hobbs, 1842 . . . 27 Hanson, Sophia May, 1881 . . . 52 82 (tKNKKAL (ATALOfa'K OF NAMK. CLASS. Hanson, Zenas Paine, IS.")? Harding, Aljrahani, 18;>() m. Harmon, Josiali, 1841 Harrnb, Henry Walden, 188". Hart, Henry Augustus, I8.')7 . Harvey, Hezekiali, 18(52 7*. . Harvey, Roscoe William, 1887 Harwood, Clement Marmaduki Graham, 1877 /;. Haskell, ?:iihu Burritt, 187-2 . Hateh, Hobbs, 1845 - Hatch, AV alter Macomber, 1847 Hatch, William Allen, 1861 • Hathaway, Levi Beals, 1838 . Hayford, Joel Perez, 1824 Haynes, Harry Neil, 1877 Haynes, Josiah ^lancliest.er, 1860 Heath, William Solyman, i8,55 Henderson, Josiah Robert, 1877 Herriek, Alauson Currier, 1857 Herrick, Fred Samuel, 1880 . Herriek, Thomas Webster, 1846 Herring, Charles Macomber, 1873 } Hesseltine, Francis Snow, 1808 Hill, Hiram Hovey, ISo:! h. . Hinds, Amos Lunt, 18.>S . Hinds. Asher Cro.sby, 1883 Hinils, Benjamin Jason, 1883 Hinds, Crosby, 1838 Hitcliings, Samuel Kimball, 1881 // Hobart, Benjamin, 182;") . Hobbie. William Henry, 18152 Hoby, James, 183.5 /;. . Hodge, James Lawrence, 184.5 h. Hodges, Joseph, 1830 Hodges, William Hastings, 18.51 Hoit, Charles, 1832 m. . Holmes, Kzekiel, 1824 /(. Holmes, Lewis, 1840 Holmes, Stanley Hai'ry, 1887 Holton, Calvin, 1824 Hopkins, (ieorge Calvin, 1863 Hopkinson, Henry Malcom, 1868 Hovey, .John, 1825 Howard, George Bassett, 1875 Howard, Oliver Otis, 186.5 /;. Howe, William, 18.33 Hubbard, John, 18.51 /(. . Hubbard, -John, Jr., 1858 /(. . Hudson, Henry, 1875 Humphrey, Washington Irving, 18, Humphrey, William Hoit, 184!) Hunt, Ephraim, 1850 Hunt, George Langtord, 1862 Hunt, George Waltei-, 1866 . Hunt, Nathan, 1879 . 3!) 74 26 58 39 68 61 1883 1839 1882 NAMK. CLASS. Huntington. Daniel, 1831 /(. Hussey, Albert Christopher, 1876 U Ilutchiuscm, Kbenezer, 1824 Hutchinson, Enoch. 1834 Hyde, John Chester, 1848 Ilsley, George Boar