Author L.C.- ..U.Z.J.- Title Imprint 16 — J7372-3 < OO-EDTJCATIOH" OF THE SEXES. A PAPEF^ BEAD BEFORE THE mm JUNE 10, 1874. BY THOMAS A. FOSTEK, M.D. . PORTLAND, ME: STEPHEN BEERY, PRINTER. 1874. .or CO-EDUCATION OF THE SEXES. 1 No Physiologist or Hygienist, who has given the subject any nsideration, will pretend that oiy: present system of education perfect. None feel the importance of improvement in this rection more than teachers and physicians. The hygienic dition of our educational buildings are in many instances )st wretched. Children of both sexes are usually put to school t > young, and are also required to do too much in a given time. Either the standard of education is set too high for a large majority, or there is too little time given to reach it. The best interests of our children, both boys and girls, excludes the possibility of identical education carried to any great extent. Minds are not alike in children. They naturally incline in different directions, and need different training for their best good. To a certain extent, however, identical education may be quite profitably carried on. The real foundation of a good edu- cation is laid by acquiring a thorough knowledge of one's own language. This, as well as the rudiments of the more useful sciences, can be very properly taught to both sexes in the same manner. But as advancement is made in the various branches of education, the identical mode of instruction becomes objection- able, both to males and females. It has been said by recent writers, and I will not deny the truth of the assertion, that our girls suffer more from our present form of co-education than our boys, and the question very properly arises, "Why is this the case? Until of late, it has been thought by most persons, that the mode of life out of school, and the most miserable fashions of dress, were quite sufficient to answer this question. Recently, however, a new cause, that of sexual peculiarities, has been given. Identical co-education has been strongly opposed, upon the ground of a great physiological differ- ence said to exist between boy and girl, man and woman. To this point especially do I call attention at this time. As Prof. E. II. Clark, in his " Sex in Education," has taken the initiatory step in this direction, a review of that book will perhaps be our most direct way of getting at facts. In a literary society the following question was asked : " What hoes history tell us about the injurious effects of wine-drinking in the old countries ? " A gentleman of extensive reading and great literary attainments promptly answered, "That depends upon the historian." Just so is it in regard to other matters. The opinions of writers and speakers are greatly influenced by circumstances. Hence it becomes of much importance, when we wish to weigh the argument of any one, to know from what stand- point he speaks or writes. Science, falsely so called, pretends to occupy a sort of conse- crated temple, where faith takes the place of knowledge, authority imprisons reason, and bigotry demands implicit obedience. But true science acknowledges no ground too sacred to tread upon. Through its influence, reason supersedes superstition, actual knowledge a blind faith, and freedom of thought dethrones bigotry. Preformed opinions, based upon or springing from financial or other interests, not unfrequently so warp the minds of good men, as to lead them into erroneous arguments against both philosophy and common sense. In the light of these facts we have a right to ask if Prof. Clark stands upon impartial ground? Does he write with a mind free from all prejudice ? Had not interests and influences, not directly bearing upon the question of health, led him to a disbelief in the propriety of co-education ? Does he not stand upon what he thinks to be sacred college grounds '? Was the stand-point from whence he wrote one of true science ? May not his relations •with a college that is unwilling to try the experiment of admitting females to any of its departments, have stimulated him to write as he has ? We cannot answer these questions, perhaps, but we can examine his arguments so far as the physiological peculiarities of sex are concerned. To the masses, the science of physiology is but little known or understood. Very few, outside of the medical profession, are at all qualified to judge properly of arguments based upon physio- logical points or questions. Hence it is very easy to mislead the public mind in this direction. It is no very difficult thing, in these days of general nervous, excitement, to start up physiological bug-bears and hygienic scare-crows. Make folks believe that they are physically weak and wretchedly situated, and you have planted within them the germs of disease. Too much of this is being done at the present time, and there is, at least, some reason for fearing that " Sex in Education" blows its loudest blast in this direction. It is true that physiology has not yet become an exact science. Very much of it is still speculative, hence upon many important points leading physiologists disagree. Upon this matter of sexual differences very much is known, and it seems that Prof. Clark has given altogether too much weight to the difference in the functions of the generative organs of male and female, while at the same time he has underrated other equally important points of difference. It seems, from the general tenor of " Sex in Education," that the particular point which it labors to bring prominently before the public is, that the Ovaries have connected with them or their functions some peculiar tendency to arrest in development, or else some very debilitating effect upon the female system, entirely different from anything with which the male has to contend. Is this the truth? Let us examine the matter carefully, and see if there may not be some error in the Dr.'s reasoning or rather assertions. That we may the better understand the premises from which the argument starts, or upon which it rests, Ave will first ask, G What are the ovaries, these terrible pests of the female organiza- tion ? On the 37th page of "Sex in Education," we find the follow- ing: "The ovaries, which constitute," says Dr. Dalton, "the essential parts of this apparatus, and certain accessory organs, are now rapidly developed." "Previously they were inactive." " At this period they take on a process of rapid growth and development." "No such extraordinary task, calling for such rapid expenditure of force," " is imposed upon the male physique at the same epoch." This is about all Prof. Clark has to say in answer to the ques- tion, "What are the ovaries?" And this would most certainly lead those ignorant of anatomy to suppose that the male pos- sessed nothing in his organization at all analogous to these female organs. And the vast importance and rapid growth and development would naturally lead those ignorant of the facts in the case to suppose that these organs were of pretty good size ; as large perhaps as the kidneys or may be the liver. Let us be a little more particular in our description of them. Prof. Henry Gray, the author of Gray's anatomy, than which no more reliable text book is published, answers our question as follows : ■* '•'•The ovaries are analogous to the testes in the male. They are oval-shaped bodies, of an elongated form, flattened from above downwards, situated one on each side of the uterus." " They are each about one inch and a half in length, three-quarters of an inch in width, and about one-third of an inch thick, and weigh from one to two drachms." "The ovary is invested by peritoneum, excepting along its anterior attached margin; beneath this is the proper fibrous covering of the organ, which incloses a peculiar soft, fibrous tissue or stroma. Imbedded in the meshes of this tissue, are numerous small, round, transparent vesicles in various stages of develop- ment; they are the Graafian vesicles or ovisacs containing the ova."* All anatomists give essentially the same description of this little organ. By all it is considered analogous to the testicle of the male. The peculiar product, which is the ova, is also ana- logous to the spermatozoa, the peculiar product of ths testicle. *Gruy"s Anatomy, Fifth Edition, page 818. In the early stages of development the ovary cannot be dis- tinguished from the testicle, and the development and growth of both go on almost exactly alike, from the earliest infancy to old a ere. •~' Until the age of puberty the ovum is not susceptible of im- pregnation, neither is the spermatozoon capable of impregnating. This period of puberty takes place at about the same time of life in both male and female, and similar changes of physique and generative organs are brought about by it in both sexes. For the truth of these assertions we refer to good authority : " The essential parts of the generative apparatus, namely, the testes in the male and the ovaria in the female, are first developed in such immediate proximity with the corpora wolffi- ana that they have been supposed 'to sprout forth from them. They make their first appearance in the chick as delicate striae on the wolffian bodies about the fourth day ; at which period no dif- ference can be detected between the testes and ovaria, which originate in precisely the same manner."* " The power of procreation does not exist in the human male before the age of from 14 to 16 years. At this epoch, which is ordinarily designated as that of puberty, a considerable change takes place in the bodily constitution. The sexual organs undergo a much increased development ; various parts of the surface, especially the" chin and pubes, become covered with hair; the larynx enlarges and the voice becomes lower in pitch, as well as rougher and more powerful ; and new feelings and desires are awakened in the mind. Instances, however, are by no means rare in which these changes occur at a much earlier period." f " In the human female, the period of puberty, or commencing aptitude for procreation, is usually between the thirteenth and sixteenth years; it is generally thought to be somewhat earlier in warm climates than in cold, and in densely populated manufac- turing towns than in thinly-peopled agricultural districts. The mental and bodily habits of the individual have also considerable influence upon the time of its occurrence ; girls brought up in the midst of luxury and sensual indulgence, undergoing this change earlier than those reared in hardihood and self-denial. The changes in which puberty consists, are for the most part con- nected with the reproductive system. The external and internal organs of generation undergo a considerable increase of size; the mammary glands enlarge and a deposition of fat takes place in the mammae and on the pubes, as well as over the whole surface ♦Carpenter's Human Physiology, Page 800. t Same, page 751. of the body, giving to the person that roundness and fullness which are so attractive to the opposite sex at the period of com- mencing womanhood."* From this, and much more of a similar character that is found in other Works on anatomy and physiology, it seems evident that there is really no great difference in the change that takes place at the age of puberty in the male and female. In both sexes this change is of equal importance, and the ovary is of no more consequence to the female than the testicle is to the male, and needs no more care. In regard to the assertions made by Prof. Clark, that prior to puberty the ovaries merely exist in a germinal form of complete inactivity, there seems to be good reason for a contrary opinion. We might just as well say that the testicle existed only in this condition. The fact is, that both are constantly growing, devel- oping and being fitted for their special functions of generation, from early infancy to the period of puberty, at which time they are capable of producing their ripened fruit, the ova and sperma- tozoa. Let us hear what Prof. Gray says upon this subject : "The formation, development and maturation of the Graafian vesicles and ova, continue uninterruptedly from infancy to the end of the fruitful period of woman's life. Before puberty the ovaries are small ; the Graafian vesicles contained in them minute and few in number; and few probably ever attain full develop- ment." t We might with the same propriety and truthfulness say, that the bud of the tree or plant existed in a state of inactivity from its first appearance to the time of its blossoming, as to assert that the ovaries do so from infancy to puberty. These facts being admitted, it is difficult to understand why the ovaries should, so disable the female as to render it necessary for her to consider herself an invalid one-fourth of the time (luring her most useful days, while the testes, whose development, activity and usefulness bear such an exact resemblance to them, are so entirely ignored as not to be worth mentioning. Menstruation is not a pathological act of the female system; it *■ Carpenter's Human Physiology, page 755. t Gray's Anatomy, page 810. is purely physiological in its nature, an indication of health and womanhood, just as an occasional seminal discharge from the male organs of generation, after the period of puberty arrives, is a physiological act indicating health and manhood. Both are accompanied by some unusual excitement, and followed by a corresponding depression, but by no means of such a serious character as to make one an invalid. Both the function of the ovary and testicle is liable to become deranged, like the functions of all other organs in the system. As a rule, like causes will produce similar troubles in both male and female. Unnatural stimulation will produce disease; and this is probably one of the most common causes in both sexes, more practiced, we are inclined to think, by males than by females. It does not seem at all reasonable to believe that a regular course of study would be any more likely to bring on a pathological condition of these organs, than of the respiratory, circulatory or digestive organs. Other things being equal, there are good physiological reasons for believing that the female organization would stand mental labor and a sedentary life better even than the male. The nervous system of the female is more sensitive and quicker to receive impressions ; while the osseous and muscular are smaller, and not designed for so much physical exercise. Hence it would seem that our present school system is more especially a girls' system than a boys', and, if either have reason to complain, it is the latter. Boys and men seem to be designed by nature for great physical exercise, for knocking about and laboring in the out-door air, while the girls and women seem better calculated for a more quiet in-door life. At any rate there is no good reason that can be drawn from physiology for calling our schools " boys' schools." The Professor's argument, drawn from Comparative Physiology, is very " far-fetched " and quite ludicrous ; still we are inclined to think he did the best he could in that direction. Let us examine it a bit, and then bring out a little of the actual knowl- edge that may properly be drawn from this source. "The lily is not inferior to the rose, nor the oak superior to the clover; yet the glory of the lily is one and the glory of the 2 10 oak is another ; and the use of the oak is not the use of the clover. That is poor horticulture which would train them all alike." * Is this difference in the herbs of the field and the trees of the forest, that calls for different training, dependent upon sex? No one pretends that men and Avomen, boys and girls should be trained like oxen and cows, or geese and ducks. The glory of man is one and the glory of the ox is another, and the use of the cow is not the use of the duck. But this is no evidence that sex has anything to do with their mental training. We learn from comparative physiology that, in many species of plants and trees, the male and female are as entirely separate and independ- ent of each other as they are in the higher species of animals. Would the doctor deem it necessary to cultivate the male and female willow or poplar, or hemp plant differently on account of their sex? Through the whole range of Comparative Physiology we fail to find any very marked difference in the modes of life of the male and female, except during the periods of fecundation and nursing; notwithstanding the sex can readily be distinguished in many of the species by the difference in their looks. The anal- ogous organs, ovaries and testes, are found in all the higher animals, and their functions correspond to those of the human species. "The development of the ovum, like that of the spermatic cells, sometimes takes place in the parenchyma of the germ- preparing organs or ovaries, sometimes within their cavity. In many of the lower animals, the testes and ovaries bear such a close resemblance to each other as to be quite undistinguishable, and the same is the case in the early condition of the generative apparatus even of man. Like the augmented development of the contents of the spermatic organs, that of the ovaries is generally periodical. A large number of ova in most of the lower tribes of animals are advancing towards maturity at the same period, and they are discharged either simultaneously or successively; after which the ovarium relapses into the previous inactivity. In the human female, however, and in that of many domesticated animals, the ' difference between these two states is much less marked ; and, • although the complete maturation of the ova and their escape * Sex in Education, page 15. 11 from the ovary may only take place at particular intervals, yet there appears to be a continual advance towards that maturation, even during the earlier periods of life." * "The menstrual epochs of the human female correspond with the periods of oestruation in the lower animals. Their general resemblance to these periods is too evident to require demonstra- tion." " The periods of oestruation, furthermore, in many of the lower animals, are accompanied with, an unusual discharge from the generative passages ; and this discharge is frequently more or less tinged with blood." "In the human female the bloody discharge is more abundant than in other instances, but it is evidently a phenomenon differing only in degree from that which shows itself in many species of animals." f " There is good reason to believe that in the human female the sexual feeling becomes stronger at the period of menstrua- tion." f~ Now it does not seem natural for this to be the case, if, during these periods, the female is physically disabled. Observation and experience has taught most of us that, during the periods of oestruation or heat, the lower animals are naturally more active, both physically and mentally, than at other times. From this we might reasonably infer that the usual amount of activity would not be injurious to the human female during her menstrual periods. But Prof. Clark tells us " The system never does two things well at the same time." § Of course the Doctor does not mean to announce this as a physiological axiom. It would be a new and strange one indeed, for we all know very well that the health of every one depends upon the system doing a great many things well all the time, and at the same time. It must perform the circulatory function, the respiratory function, the digestive function, and many other things well all the time, in order to keep the system in the best condition. The muscular system cannot indeed act to any great extent without the action of the nervous. The mind, through the action of the nerve-centers, guides and directs us in all we do voluntarily. The more perfect * Carpenter's Comparative Physiology, page 531. tDalton's Human Physiology, page 5G0 (18G7). t Carpenter's Human Physiology, page 750. § Sex in Education, page 40. 12 our actions, the more perfect must be the action of the ner\ system to control them. Extraordinary work of various kinds cannot he well done at the same time by the system without injury. If we over-work any part or apparatus we injure the whole system, and if we persist in so doing we soon produce functional derangements, soon followed by actual organic disease. Too much study of any kind, with too little physical exercise, is bad. It is the over-work of the nervous system and the lack of muscular exercise that is producing so much general debility among us. It is for this reason, largely, that our present system of " Girls' Schools " is so objectionable. It is a proper exercise of all parts, under proper hygienic conditions, that is so much needed by all classes, males as well as females, in these times of mental excitement and physical debility. Dr. Clark admits, on page 17 of " Sex in Education," the truth of what Gail Hamilton says, viz : " A girl can go to school, pursue all the studies which Dr. Todd enumerates, except ad infinitum/ know them not so well as a chemist knows chemistry, or a botanist botany, but as well as they are known by boys of her age and training, as well, indeed, as they are known by many college- taught men, enough at least to be a solace and a resource to her ;, then graduate before she is eighteen, and come out of school as healthy, as fresh, as eager, as she went in. " But " (he says), " it is not true that she can do all this and retain uninjured health and a future secure from neuralgia, uterine disease, hysteria and other derangements of the nervous system, if she follows the same method that boys are trained in." Some might reasonably infer from this that Gail Hamilton, or somebody else, had attempted to prove that such a course of study and training as here spoken of would prove a safeguard to the female; a sure preventive of all the ills that flesh is heir to through the remainder of her life. We are not, however, aware that any such an attempt has ever been made by any one. Such a course of study has a tendency to throw the system out of its proper equilibrium, and, in a large majority of cases, muscular debility and various forms of nervous 13 disease are generated by it, quite as frequently in the male as in the female. Are not our young men constantly breaking down in our educational institutions? Do not male graduates ever suffer in after life from nervous diseases ? Oh yes ! sad though it may be for us poor frail mortals to acknowledge it, yet we might just as well own up to the fact that disease is on our track. Even the generative organs of the male are not always in a normal condi- tion. On the other hand, these diseases are by no means confined to students, either male or female. They are met with in all depart- ments of life, particularly where sedentary habits are followed. Bad air, poor food, improper dressing and late hours, care, anxiety and trouble of mind, are the chief causes. " There have been instances, and I have seen such, (says Prof. Clark) of females in whom the special mechanism we are speaking of remained germinal, undeveloped. They graduated from school or college excellent scholars but with undeveloped ovaries." * Now, we will not say that the Doctor has not seen such cases. We have no doubt but that he has had cases that he supposed to be of this kind. All medical writers, however, that we have been able to consult, speak of such cases as being very rare, and un distinguishable except by post-mortem examination. The ovaries, one or both of them, are sometimes absent as well as undeveloped. But such conditions of the ovaries are no more- frequent than similar conditions of the testes in the male. When these abnormal conditions do exist, they are usually accompanied by congenital deformities of other parts of the gen- erative system, and the girl retains her general girlish appearance through advanced womanhood, in mental as well as in physical qualities. The following is taken from reports of two cases seen by Prof. T. G. Thomas, author of a recent valuable work on Diseases of Women. 1st. " She is twenty-four years of age, and yet has the appear- ance of a girl of thirteen. Indeed, it is difficult to believe the *Sex in Education, page 39. 14 statement that she is more than that age. The features, limbs, mode of expression and general deportment are those of a child. Case 2. "The patient is eighteen years old, and has never menstruated; has suffered from epileptic seizures, which have evidently impaired the force of her intellect. "The girl is slow in her movements, childish in manner and stupid in replying to questions."* No cause is spoken of in this work for either of the cases. Sir J. Y. Simpson, in his late work, says nothing upon this subject whatever, neither do Hodge, Hewitt, Ashwell or Wells. West speaks of it much as Thomas does. It is quite evident, therefore, that undeveloped ovaries is a very rare trouble with females, and from the cases reported we have no reason for supposing that identical co-education acts as a cause of it. And furthermore, the continued childishness of those cases where it has been found to exist, would seem to render it quite improbable that a high degree of literary attainments would be reached by such. The most perfect development of the whole, demands that of every part. There are many causes of sterility, and it is by no means confined to the female. It is not always certain that a wife is sterile because she does not bear children. The generative organs of the husband may be in some way incapable of produc- ing the sperm-cell. The most frequent cause of this condition in the woman is found connected with the womb ; such as mal- positions, irritation, &c, none of which are brought on by literary pursuits ; and so it is in cases of ovarian disease and menstrual irregularities; other causes than those of regular study bring them on. No doubt many women take advantage of what they learn nowadays, by using various means, some of which are quite sure to produce disease, for preventing conception taking place too soon, as they say, after marriage. v When the question of co-education in our colleges was first brought before the public, the great objection urged against it seemed to be of a moral character. It was thought by many very good persons, particu- larly those having the management of these institutions, that the moral standing of the students would be lowered in some way * Thomas on tlie Diseases of Women, page 523. 15 by allowing females to enter the recitation rooms, and there exert their influence. But a little experience upon this point has taught just what the advocates of this liberal system believed it would, the utter groundlessness of these objections. The friendly co-mingling of the sexes in the high and laudable pursuit of literal)- attainments, is one of ;che most ennobling and elevating occupations of .life. It strengthens the confidence of the female and enables her to depend upon herself, while it knocks off the rough, disagreeable corners of the male character, and gives it a better appearance to the world. All nature follows this course in her training of male and female, from the lowest vegetable to the highest species of the animal kingdom. Psy- chology as well physiology justifies the making of this assertion. It may not be amiss to say a few words about the Doctor's clinical reports ; not that there is anything peculiar in them, for they do not differ materially from thousands of reports found in medical works upon diseases of females, except in the one particular of attributing their cause to co-education, or regular, continuous study. There is one important point, however, of which he does not speak, that no doubt most practicing physicians have not failed to observe ; and in connection with this argument it is of very great importance. It is this : Analogous cases of physical debility, disease and death from similar causes, are quite as frequently met with in males as in females. How frequently we hear of young men who are obliged to leave school or college on account of ill health. Thousands of such cases are reported, and every year adds fearfully to the list. How often we feel it our duty to recom- mend a discontinuation of study, and a more natural out-door life to young men in high schools and colleges. It ought not, therefore, to be considered strange, that young ladies subjected to similar causes should be afflicted in a like manner. How common indeed, it is for physicians to be consulted by male students, who think themselves sick on account of what they suppose to be an abnormal action of the generative organs. We might report many cases occurring in males, equally as serious as those of females reported by Prof. Clark, but we should hardly 16 feel justified in denouncing the common school system on account of them. These facts being known, the Doctor's clinical argument amounts to nothing against the co-education of the sexes. Tli ere are, of course, many good things in the Doctor's book. But the particular point for which he seems to have written it is evidently a mere scare-crnw, much better calculated to frighten anxious mothers and timid, fidgety young ladies, than to impart to the public correct physiological laws. There is really no par- ticular difference in the development of boys and girls, neither do sexual peculiarities amount to much to the unmarried. Let us now look at the bearing of the subject from a psycho- logical standpoint. The mind, so far as we know it, is a manifestation of brain action, caused by impressions conveyed to the cellular matter of the brain, either from objects outside the body through the special senses, or from the different parts of the body itself through what is sometimes called the internal sense, that sense by which we are made aware that something is going wrong with our physical machinery. The mind is in a normal, healthy condition when all the functions of the body are physiologically performed, pro- viding it receives no disturbing and deranging impressions from without. But through the special senses, working in a perfectly physiological manner, injurious impressions may be received, which may so derange the action of the brain as to produce in the mind a firm belief that the body is sorely diseased. Thus, in many instances, the mind becomes abnormal from a purely func- tional derangement of the brain. Now this mental derangement reacts upon all the physical functions to a greater or less extent according to degree of intensity. In this way fright sometimes takes one's strength all away, and may even cause death. The sight of blood causes fainting in some cases, and the smell of certain things may produce nausea and vomiting. Fear undoubt- edly renders the system more susceptible to epidemic influences. It is reported, on good authority, that many persons have died from fright when malignant, contagious diseases, such as yellow fever or Asiatic cholera, were raging about them. In a similar 17 way, many nervous diseases, such as hysteria, gaping and the various forms of what is called hy our spiritual friends medium- ship, seems to be contagious. Every physician knows, or should know, the power of impres- sion al influences upon the mind of his patient. No organ in the human body is half so liable to functional derangement as the organ of the mind. And functional derangement of no other organ reacts upon the general system with anything like the force of the brain. All these functional derangements of this organ, resulting from impressions received through the special senses, are usually called imaginary. They are, however, depend- ent upon abnormal nerve action, and are, therefore, just as real as though they were caused by functional derangements of the body itself, producing like impressions upon the brain matter. There is this difference, however, that in the one case the cause is best removed by counter-influences conveyed to the brain through the special senses ; in the other by remedies taken into the system. A rule, perhaps as universal as any can be, applying to the physical condition of the human species is, that whatever gives joy and lasting pleasure is conductive to health, while grief, regrets and disappointments invite disease. Hence the great importance of cheerfulness, of cultivating a disposition of contentment and reconciliation, of looking upon the bright side of life, and of believing that there is more good than evil in the world, and more joy than sorrow in store for us here in this life, for " as a man thinketh so is he." In the light of these truths, what will probably be the effect of Dr. Clark's theory of invalidism upon young ladies who believe it? Is it an encouraging theory ? Will its belief be cheering and tend to make life more joyful? Or has it rather a gloomy outlook, a depressing effect, a disease-generating tendency. I l-eally believe that the general advocacy of this theory by a few of the leading physicians of the country, would increase the nervous derangements and functional diseases of female students twenty-five per cent, in the next ten years. 3 18 I will briefly refer to two parallel cases in the history of medicine, the consideration of which has led me to this belief. Some thirty years ago the subject of spermatorrhoea, invol- untary seminal discharges and nocturnal emissions, was brought prominently before the profession by a few French and English physicians. In due time a book was written and published upon the subject by Lallemand, a French surgeon of some note. A very large proportion of the diseases to which male flesh is heir was attributed to this condition of things. A sexual peculiarity of organization, which, according to this theory, rendered the young man wonderfully liable to invalidism, just as, according to Dr. Clark, the menstrual periods affect the female. What was the result of this new departure from medical science? Why, a small army of specialists, a large majority of whom were ignorant charlatans, having just sufficient knowledge to understand that nocturnal emissions were universal occur- rences, flooded the countries with little books and newspaper notices upon this, to them all important, subject, because their financial prosperity depended upon it. From the reading of these books and notices a very large army of imaginary invalids sprang forth from the ranks of robust, healthy young men, to be duped and cheated by these pretenders; and, in no small number of instances, actually were made invalids by the miserable system of drugging recommended. Away back in the days of Hippocrates, 400 b. c, we have reliable historical evidence that it was known that the female of the human species had a little pear-shaped, hollow organ, the size of a turkey's egg, situated near the centre of the pelvic cavity, at the top of the vagina, midway between the ovaries, which was peculiar to her ; that is, no such organ was found in the male. It was noticed that it had a peculiar function to perform, a very important function, too. It was then considered a very necessary and quite inoffensive organ if let alone ; no more frequently dieased than other organs of the human body. This organ was then and is still called the womb, or uterus. Even in the time of Moses, 1500 b. c, it is supposed that the more intelligent part of the community in which he lived, knew 19 something about this little organ. Weapons were very early invented with which to attack disease should it dare to enter this sanctum sanctorum of future generations. From these early times, down to the beginning of the present century, this little organ behaved very well, and appears to have been t rented kindly. But, at the beginning of the present century, a few French and English physicians began to write up this special gift of the female, and a little before the middle of the century had arrived, J. H. Bennet, M. D., of London, wrote and had published a book upon its diseases. Similar results to females followed the publication of this book, as followed the publication of Lallemand's book on Spermatorrhoea to males. An army of specialists sprang up, good, bad and indifferent ; little books and newspaper notices were circulated broad-cast among young and old, and uterine disease increased in the imagination to such an alarming extent, that it seemed quite uncertain whether or no all our female population was not destined to fill uterine graves, or graves prematurely entered oh account of uterine disease. Such a tremendous effect have the frightful accounts of uterine disease produced upon the imagination of our women, that it is really quite a pleasure to meet a female in the middle period of life, who is not laboring under a depressing fear that she either already has, or will have, some form of female complaint. This little organ, the womb, has been attacked upon the inside and the outside, by sound and syringe, tent and pessary, speculum and caustic, and so bravely has it fought against all these enemies of its peace and life, that it has almost lost its former reputation of innocence and usefulness. Thus do impressions from without influence the human brain, and i*ender the mind abnormal in its actions upon the body. And there can be little doubt but that " Sex in Education," emanating as it does from such high authority, will greatly in- crease the invalidism of our already feeble and nervous young ladies, and probably bring into the broad field of medicine a new army of specialists, armed with their never-failing remedies for full and perfect development of the ovaries of all females that are being educated in the "Boys' Schools." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 646 370 7