LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I/- O I le^'^ J£?/ UNITED STATES OF AMEEIOA. Copyris^ht i8gi. E. P. Diition &^ Co. 2.J6; of Ji.St.f5i">dcyrccl G C New York: t.P, Dutforx £ C'' 31 Wc^rTwentv Third y ri;o PrtiUcU by €.A't\'cr at Nurembftt {Bavaria) ^ fj little town of Bethlehem now still we see thee lie'. Above thy deep and dreaiTiless sleep The silent stars 90 by. ^V-^ of Dcthlchem y <£T in thy cidrk streets shineth The everlastinq Light; The hopes and feiars of dll the years Are met in thee to-night. Vet irv thy darKjtr^eb ^i\in( tke e.verlasti:A<^ I J morniny stars, together Procl(3»im the hch.' birth I And prdi&es s-ing to God the Kinq^ And peace to men on earth. 0- morning I nroGlairrv . the \\o\y birtK! ^ ^^.^.J^^^ v^ hOR^ Christ is born of M^ry And gc\therecl evil above, While morteib sleep the angels keep iheir watch of wondering love. f'j 0\'V silenHy, how silently, The vvondrouo c)ift is given! v5o God imparls to human hearts The blessings of Ris heave No ear iTiav hear his cofTiinc); out in this world of sin, Where nneek souls will receive Hi m still , The dear Christ enters in. n . mormb the aa^el3 I\eep tKeir watch of worvderia^ love ^^7HCR£. Children pure o^nd happy Prdv to the blessed Child, Where AAiserv cries out to Thee, v5iin of the A'\other mi id. IDhere CKildrcn pure c\r\d happ/ to the CMd /V/H£R£ ChariU' stands vvdtchinq, And Fdith holds wide the door, The dark night \vdl\es;the glory breaks, And Christmas connes once more. t^e dark and '"^^^ CKri5trT\a3 corr\e3 owce mora Q holy Child o^ Bethlehem, Descend io lis we prav! Cdst out, our sin c?ind enter iri; Be b r n in us to - d c\v*. We hear the ChristiTias c^ngels The greai glad tidincjs tell; come to us, abide vvitfi us, Our Lord Ernrncvruiel! P/) illips Pro oko mmi wSSI, °^ CONGRESS