Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT /■: CONCORD- THE LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD AND VICINITY EMBRACING PENACOOK. EAST ^^ WEST CONCORD. BY GEO. F. ^ACON. ILLUSXRAXED. MP ?O!890 ' V- o - -^ j 9 7 BOSTON : MERCANTILE PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 258 Purchase Street. I 890. HREKACK. In lliis historical and statistical review of the commercial aiul manufacturing interests of Concord, it lias been our ])urpose in as thorough a manner as was possible to justly describe those enterprises which have contributed so largely during the last half century to the material advancement of the city. History plainly shows that many large cities owe their prosperity and growth chiefly to advantages of situation, great influx of foreign people, and similar causes; the present prosperity of Concord, however, is due mainly to the genius and efforts of its people. A study of these facts, and of its varied mercantile interests, which arc presented herewith, must show clearly, we think, the rich harvests that have been reaped from the exertions and foresight of the past, the present flourishing and influential position of Concord as a commercial center, and its bright outlook for many lines of growth in the time to come. MERCANTILE PUBLISHING CO. corvRiGnT. MERCANTILE PUBLISHING CO. 1890. [For Contents see last pages. ^ f Oy* NTRODUCTORY. Tun history of Concord as a city d.ates from 1S53, for it was on tlie tenth of March in that year that the city charter was adopted, it having been granted July 6, 1849, and rejected three times by popu- lar vote, finally being accepted by a majority of 269 in a total vote of 1387. The history of the parish and town is of deep interest but does not properly come within the scope of the present work, which deals especially with the Concord of to day and may be considered as a sort of appendix to the com- plete, aulhoiitative and admirable history of Concord from 17'25 to 1853, written by the Rev. Nathaniel Bouton and ])ublished in 1856. This is a standard work whose value steadily increases with the passage of time, and we wish here to express our obligations to it for many of the facts presented in the introductory sketch, which by summarizing Concord's development in the past may lead to a more -complete understanding of her probable growth in the future. The "History of Merrimack and Belknap Counties," published by J. W. Lewis & Co., of Philadelphia, in 1885, has also been of great service by reason of its clear presentation of facts concerning Concord's later history, and it is to be Tegretted that the necessarily high cost of that handsomely and substantially gotten up volume of iiearly 1000 pages should jirevent a copy of it from being owned by every family in the large and important section of whicli it treats so interestingly and accurately. CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTERESl. THE KIKSX SETTLKMKMX. "Where once the savage Penacook Took deadly aim at beast and bird, And all the silent valley heard His whizzing arrow, where to-day Whistles the engine on its way." The first settlers of New England found it inhabited by five distinct Indian nations, among these- being the Pawtucketts, concerning whom Daniel Gookin wrote in 1074 as follows : "Their country lieth north and northeast from the Massachusetts, whose dominion reaches so far as the English jurisdiction or colony of the Massachusetts doth now extend ; and had under them several other smaller sagamores ; as the Pennakooks, Agowames, Naamkeeks, Pascataways, Accomintas, and others. They were a considerable people heretofore, about three thousand men, and held amity with the- people of Massachusetts. But they were almost totally destroyed by the great sickness that prevailed among the Indians, so that at this day they are not above two hundred and fifty men, beside women and children. This country is now inhabited by the English, under the government of Massachusetts."" The "Pennakooks," or Penacooks, to use the accepted style of spelling, occupied the tract of land on which Concord is located, anil are said to have taken their name from the erratic course pursued by the Merrimack river in flowing through the township, Penacook meaning "the crooked place." When first known to the English their chief was Passaconaway, who had a great reputation as a sorcerer, and was credited with the ability to turn water into ice in the heat of summer and do many other wonderful things. In spite of the superstitious awe with which he was regarded, even by the English,, lieforesaw that armed opposition to them would result in the ruin of his people, and hence was as friendly as circumstances would allow. Passaconaway was induced to embrace Christianity by the- apostle Eliot, in 1G4S, and when the great chief died some twenty years later, at the age of more than one hundred, his farewell command to his son Wonolancet, who succeeded him in the leadership of the- Penacooks, was, "Never be enemies to the English ; but love them and love their God also, because the God of the English is the true God and greater than the Indian gods." This command was- faithfiilly obeyed, for although Wonolancet suffered many privations and finally lost all his property by reason of unjust suspicions, he never injured the English by word or deed, but on the contrary interposed several times to save them from attack. The last sagamore of the Penacooks was Kancamagus, a griiiulson of Passaconaway, but totally unlike him in character. Kancamagus was concerned in the attack upon Dover, in 1689, and was- among the si.x "eastern Indian enemy, sagamores" who signed a treaty of peace with the Massachu- setts government, November 29, 1690. The power of the Penacooks as a tribe was then at an end,, and such as were hostile to the English joined other tribes, the rest remaining in the vicinity of Penacook and rendering valuable aid to the early settlers by supplying them with food in winter and doing them other services. The first petition for a grant of land in "a place which is called Pennecooke," was presented Id 1659, but this and several others which followed amounted to nothing, for although the grants were made they were forfeited on account of breach of conditions, and it was not until June 17, 1725, that the decisive petition was presented to the authorities of Massachusetts Bay Province. This waa granted January 17, the petitioners being given a tract "to contain seven miles square" upon certain conditions, among which were the building of a meeting-house within three years, the cutting of a, road through the wilderness to the plantation, and the division of the land into one hundred and three equal parts or shares, of which one hundred were to be given to one hundred desirable persons or families on the payment of five pounds for each lot, the remaining three shares being reserved : one for the first settled minister, one for a parsonage, and one for the use of the school forever. The land having been duly surveyed and apportioned to the settlers, they set actively to work to- fulfill the other conditions and by 1728 had erected a meeting-house and made arrangements for CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 5 building a saw mill, a grist mill, and for establishing a ferry. In 1730 the proprietors petitioned the •General Court to be given the rights and privileges of a town, but the result was not altogether satisfactory, and in December, 1732, another petition was presented, by the granting of which the inhabitants of Penacook were enabled to hdd legal meetings for the choice of officers and the raising •of money for town purposes. But the General Court appointed the moderator of these meetings and it was not until February 27, 1733, that the bill was passed which made the plantation of Penacook the town of Rumford. Why this name was chosen is not definitely known, but probably it was because some of the proprietors came from the English parish of that title. In 1740 the town was greatly excited by the terms of the settlement of the long-disputed question as to the division line 4)etween Massachusetts and New Hampshire, for the decision arrived at had the effect of placing Rumford under New Hampshire's jurisdiction, whereas both sentimental and practical considerations attached the townspeople to the Massachusetts government. Every effort was made to bring about The Merrimack River from Bluffs. a continuance of the existing condition of affairs, but without avail, and the passage of what was called the "District Act" by New Hampshire, made Rumford a district and subjected her to the indignity and expense of taxation without representation. From 1742 to 1754 Indian warfare very seriously interfered with the development of New- England frontier settlements, and before these troubles were over Rumford became involved in legal •complications with the town of Bow, so that between the two opposing forces her very existence was imperilled. The tract of land granted by Massachusetts in 1725 was covered in part by a grant made by New Hampshire in 1727, this latter grant conveying eighty-one square miles of territory to one bundred and seven proprietors and their associates and forming " a town corporate by the name of Bow." In November, 1750, an action of ejectment was brought against Dea. John Merrill, one of the Rumford proprietors, by the Bow proprietors, this being the first of a series of similar actions against •different parties. The Rumford proprietors combined to defend these suits, but every case brought to trial in New Hampshire was decided against them, and only a firm belief in the justice of their cause gave them faith to continue the apparently hopeless struggle. Agents were sent to England to present 6 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. the points at issue before His Majesty in Council, and tbe result was that the adverse judgment wa» reversed and the position of the Rumford proprietors endorsed. This was in 1762, but it was not. until 1772 that the controversy was finally terminated. In May, 1705, the "parish of Concord" was created, the name being given in commemoration of the "concord" of action which had characterized the residents of Pen.acook and Uumford from th& very beginning. The territor}' was known as a parish until January, 17.*4, when a small portion of Canterbury and London was annexed, and it was "enacted that the parish of Concord be henceforth called the town of Concord, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding." The town steadily grew and prospered, and in 1790 had become of such importance that it became- neces-ary to provide a hou.^e for the accommodation of the General Court, and the sum of five hundred and fiflyfive dollars was raised by private subscription, one hundred pounds additional being afterward appro|)riatfd by the town for the purpose. The structure was known as the Town House and was utilized by the General Court until the completion of the State House in 1819, which year is also- memorable as the date of the appearance of the first steamboat on the river at Concord. It was designed to tow loaded boats up the river but lacked the power necessary to overcome the rapids and hence the company by whom it was controlled had to depend upon the primitive methods of sails, oars, and "setting-poles." The first boat arrived at Concord in the fall of 1814, but it carried only a. small cargo as the river-locks were not then completed. The first boat, with regular freight from. Boston to Concord, through the Middlesex Canal, arrived June 23, 1815. The rates for freight from. Boston to Concord during the first four years, were ^12 per ton of 2,240 pounds; the rate from Concord to Boston being S^S for the same weight. The charges were gradually reduced and in 1841-42' had fallen to $4 per ton of 2,000 pounds, whether carried up or down the river. The largest business- done in any one year was in 1839, the receipts being $38,169. The average receipts were about $25,000 per annum, the company doing a very profitable business until the opening of the Concord railroad in the fall of 1842. The first train from Boston to Concord arrived at quarter of seven, Tuesday evening, September sixth, and consisted of three passenger cars drawn by the " Amoskeag." Such an arrival was an event indeed, and the whole town turned out to honor the occasion. Amid shouting, cheering and the thunder of cannon the train came to a stop, and when it was announced that such as could be accom- modated would be given a " free ride," a tremendous rush was made and every available inch of sitting and standing room was occupied. A regular service of two passenger trains per day was- inaugurated, and the following week three trains per day were run. The first omnibus to run in Concord was owned by George Dame, of the Pavilion Hotel, and began its trips between the north end of Main street and the depot in 1852. It was gorgeously painted and upon the panels were views of the State House, depot and Main street, and a likeness of Franklin Pierce. Jiy this time Concord had become a wealthy and populous town, the United States census of 1850 giving the valuation of real estate as $3,015,286, and of personal estate as $573,624, making a total valuation of $3,588,910. The population was 8,584, having increased to that figure from 4,903 in 1840. Although many disliked to abandon the system of government which had served so well in the past^ the great number of voters rendered some change imperative, and the popular conviction of this fact finally overcame all opposition and secured the adoption of a city charter, March 10, 1853. The first election under this charter occurred March 26, 1853, but no choice of mayor was made, there being three candidates and the most popular receiving twenty-one less votes than his two opponents. At a second election, held April 5th, he was elected by 192 majority out of a total vote of 1,466, and the following day the city government was formally organized by the induction to office of the mayor elect and the two branches of the city couticil, the following gentlemen having been chosen : Mayor — Joseph Low. Ahlermcn — AVanl 1, John Batchelder ; ward 2, John L. Tallant ; ward 3, Joseph Eastman ;^ ward 4, Robert Davis ; ward 5, Edson Hill ; ward 6, Matthew Harvey ; wanl 7, Josiah Stevens. Common Council — Ward 1, Jeremiah S. Durgin, Eben F. Elliot; ward 2, Samuel B. Larkin,. Ileman Sanborn ; ward 3, George W. Brown, Moses Iluinphrey ; ward 4, Ezra Carter, George ]\Iinot ;. ward 5, William H. H. Bailey, Cyrus Barton ; ward 0, Ebenezer G. JFoore, Thomas Bailey ; ward 7^ iVr.isos Sliute, Giles W. Ordway. CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 7 And now, having sketched Concord's history from the time when the territory was but a savage wilderness until it became Penacook Plantation, Rumford town, Rumford district, Concord parish, Concord town, and finally Concord city, let us proceed without further preface to a consideration of the Concord of to-day, and see how far it has fulfilled the hopes of its founders and what are the opportunities held out to the manufacturer, the merchant, the workingman and all the members of that wonderfully intricate and interdependent body known as " society." THE CONCORD OK XO=DAY, ' ' Sucli Concord is ! but who aiay see A vision of the town to be ? " Concord is located in the southern central part of Merrimack County, and is bounded' on the north by Webster, Boscawen, and Canterbury ; on the east by London, Chichester, and Pembroke ; on the south by Pembroke and Bow ; on the west by Dunbarton and Ilopkinton. It is the capital of the State of New Hampshire and the county-seat of Merrimack County, and is also a very important manufacturing and mercantile centre; its representative products being well and favorably known throughout the United States and in many foreign countries, while the enterprise and the advantages of position possessed by Concord merchants have made the city the purchasing centre for all the country adjacent. Many of its products are shipped to Boston for export and for domestic distribution, that city being but seventy miles distant, and the railway facilities for the transportation of freight and passengers being excellent. Concord is directly on the line of communication between the representative industrial and commercial centres of the East and the important and rapidly developing market in the great Northwest, and the remarkable prosperity of the city's manufacturing enterprises during the past five years, affords an indication of what may reasonably be expected in the near future, and has had the effect of calling the attention of capitalists and practical manufact- urers to the opportunities here presented for the profitable establishment of extensive manufacturing plants. In spite of the immense amount of water power now in use in Concord, there are undeveloped privileges having sufficient capacity to supply power for the driving of machinery, the direction of which would necessitate the employment of thousands of operatives ; and it may be added that the policy of the city concerning the establishment of new industries is very liberal, and will be referred to more in detail under the head of " The Commercial and Industrial Outlook." By the United States census of 1880, Merrimack County is given a population of 46,300, that of Concord being stated as 13,845. The valuation of the county, April 1, 1879, was $24,882,550, and the valuation of the city the same year was $10,604,465. The census of 1890 will show a very marked increase over these figui-es, especially those relating particularly to Concord, for the growth of that city is very steady and permanent, as the great majority of those who take up their abode within its limits "come to stay," all the conditions being favorable to the development of an intelligent, public-spirited, and law-abiding population. The opportunities for remunerative employment are many and varied, and the cost of living is moderate, especially when the industrial, mercantile, educational, and social advantages available are taken into consideration. Houses and tenements may be rented at reasonable rates, the most of them being in excellent condition and having pleasant, healthful, and convenient locations. During the past three years more than one hundred and seventy houses have been erected, including several palatial private residences, but the constant growth of the city creates a steady demand for desirable tenements, and those built to rent at from $8 to §14 per month are especially popular and prove a very safe and profitable investment. The stores of the city are generally large, well lighted, finely equipped, and neat and attractive in appearance within and without, but what is of more interest to purchasers is the fact that 8 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. unsurpassed advantages are oflFered to retail and wholesale buyers. The markets contain a full assortment of seasonable food products at all times of the year, and in the line of country produce oflFer inducements which very few cities can parallel, for Concord is in the midst of a region which produces an abundant supply of vegetables, fruits, grains, eggs, butter, cheese, etc., and under existing arrangements these commodities are furnished to consumers in a very fresh and appetizing condition. Wood and coal are obtainable at reasonable rates, the former coming from the surround- ing country, which also supplies large quantities of hay, corn and feed in general, much of the money received for and other products being paid out to Concord merchants for farming tools, liardware, clothing, dry goods and the many other commodities they are prepared to furnish at especially favorable rates. An extensive wholesale trade is also carried on, as the country merchants for miles around obtain tin- l.iilk '•!" \\\^■\v ^u|i]ili('s in tliis city. TuE State Capitol Bun. dinc at Concord. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. Under existing conditions a good common school educ.ition is jiraclically iiidis])ensable to success in business life, and the excellent opportunities Concord offers for obtaining such, deserve prominent mention in even a brief summary of the advantages of the city as a place of residence. It is true that many men have won distinction as inventors, as manufacturers, or as merchants, in spite of an almost total lack of early educational advantages, but they were enabled to do so by the possession of great natural ability, indomitable ])erseverancc and the favoring conditions which prevailed before competition had raised the standard in every field of effort and malerially narrowed the chances for individual success. Parents owe it to their children to see that they are equipped at all points for the struggle of life, and a good general education is of no less importance than sound health and sound morals. It is the fashion of the day to judge schools by the practical results they attain, and not by the claims they make or the magnitude of the field they essay to cover, and certainlj' the results attained by the Concord schools justify us in giving them a leading place among New England educational institutions. The graduates of the grammar schools have a good, sound English education, fitting them to take places in offices, stores, and factories, with minds prepared to receive knowledge relating to the special duties they have entered upon ; to reason logically, and in short to gain CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 9 that practical education to which a school education is merely preparatory. The high school graduates who enter colleges, or other institutions of learning, make records and assume positions in their classes which conclusively prove that their preparatory training has been intelligent, faithful, and valuable. " By their fruits ye shall know them," and the knowledge the citizens of Concord possess ■of what their schools have done and are doing, compensates them for their liberal expenditure of time and money for their support. The pioneer school of Concord was established in 1731, its support being assumed by the town in 1733. For more than thirty years it was kept in four sections of the town— East Concord, West Ooncord, Ilopkinton road and Main street — but after 1766 a winter school was maintained at each of these places. The first school house was built in 1742, and at the beginning of the Nineteenth ■century there were about nine school houses in the town's possession. These were all small and rude structures, and no better method could be devised to gain an adequate idea of the enormous increase in the wealth and culture of the community since their erection, than to compare the best of them •with the poorest school building Concord has to-day. In 1S07 the town was divided into sixteen school districts, and in 1818 the first visiting •committee was appointed ; but the act which had by far the most beneficial effect upon local schools •was the establishment of the Union School District, in 1853, for from that date the improvement in schools, school buildings and systems of instruction and supervision has been rapid and continuous. A Board of Education was appointed in 1859, nine representative citizens, elected September tenth of that year, constituting it. As the population of city increased and the questions to be considered multiplied in number and importance, the duties of the Board became too exacting to be performed satisfactorily under existing arrangements, and the result was the passage, in 1874, of an act authorizing the appointment of a Superintendent of Schools. The original incumbent was Daniel C. Allen, and he and his successors deserve a good share of the credit for the marked improvement in the efficiency of the school system which has since been brought about. During the years 1888 and 1889 the city expended about $140,000 for new school buildings, the High, Franklin, and Kimball school houses being erected during that period. These are model structures for the purposes for which they are utilized, both in design and construction, being commodious, excellently lighted and heated, thoroughly ventilated and very conveniently arranged. •Other school buildings are the Tahanto, Walker, Chandler, Ruraford, and Bow Brook. The Tahanto and Walker houses have recently been thoroughly renovated and equipped with improved ventilating appliances, and it is within the bounds of truth to say that, taken as a whole, the school buildings of Concord will now compare favorably, as regards heathfulness and convenience, with those of any other New England city. Liberal appropriations are regularly made for the support of the school system ; there is none of that overcrowding so common in most of the larger cities, but every child of suitable age is given abundant opportunity to gain a good education under favorable conditions, and is supplied with all necessary text books free of expense. There are various private schools in the city, prominent among them being St. Mary's day and boarding school for young ladies, but by far the most important of these institutions is St. Paul's ^School, which, like St. Mary's, is conducted under the auspices of the Episcopal church. This is one of the best-known church classical schools in the world, for although of recent origin when compared with other famous institutions of a similar character, its management has been such as to have given it wide and honorable celebrity, and to have rendered frequent and extensive enlargement of its facilities absolutely necessary. The school is located at Millville — a suburb of Concord — and is about two miles from the centre of the city, on the borders of a pretty little lake, in a beautiful valley with high hills on every side. The institution was founded by George Cheyne Shattuck, M. D., a wealthy resident of Boston, and iihe original school building was the country-scat of the founder. The school was first opened in 1856, and this building continued to be used for school purposes until its destruction by fire in 1878. It was replaced by a structure known as "The School," and pronounced by expert judges to be one of the most complete buildings of the kind to be found in the country. Long before this, however, it had 10 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. become necessary to provide greatly increased accommodations, and these were furnished by the erection of the " Upper School," a handsome three-story granite building built in 1869 ; the " Lower School," in 1870 ; the Rectory, in 1871 ; a large school house, in 1873, and the Infirmary or Sanita- rium, in 1877. The school opened in 1856 with five pupils ; there are now nearly two hundred and fifty, and so anxious are some parents that their sons should profit by the advantages here offered,, that they enter their names five and six years before they are old enough to be admitted. As the- Reverend Hall Harrison has said, in writing of the institution, after eulogizing the personal characteristics and paying tribute to the efficiency of the methods pursued by those having its- interests in charge : " But after making all due allowance for these personal qualifications, which it might indeed be difficult to replace, it is quite certain that if anything like the wise judgment and unselfish labor of the past quarter of a century shall mark the administration of Dr. Colt's successors, St. Paul's, Government Building, Coxcord. Concord, will more and more take a loading rank among those noted places of education which after all, are the true glory of our country, because they are the best security that we have for the cultivation of those virtues which lie at the foundation of the safety, honor, and welfare of our people." The complete course of study covers seven years, and students are prepared to enter the freshman and sophomore classes of any American college, but many enter business life directly from this institution. Schools and libraries are closely related, and in the Fowler Free Library Concord has an^ institutioh of which she may well feel proud, and which is destined to increase steadily in value and importance. The building was erected hy William P. and Clara M. Fowler, in memory of their parents, and was dedicated in 1889. It is a handsome and substantial structure and is sufficiently commodious to provide for all probable demands upon its facilities for a long time to come. The several Shakespeare clubs of the city have a fine room allotted to them in this building. There are a number of excellent private and semi-private libraries in Concord, the most- important of them being that of the New Hampshire Historical Society, which was formed at CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 1 1 Portsmouth in 1823, for the purpose of discovering, procuring, and preserving matter relating to the natural, civil, literary, and ecclesiastical history of the United States in general, and the State of New Hampshire in particular. The society celebrated its semi-centennial anniversary May 22, 1873, a feature of the occasion being the dedication of its newly fitted-up building. There have been some ten volumes of valuable historical matter published by this association, whose library now comprises- about 9,000 volumes, more than 12,000 pamphlets, over 100,000 newspapers, an extensive and valuable collection of manuscripts, together with many ancient and curious articles, some of which are associated with the most noted personages and decisive events in American history. THE PRESS. The newspaper press of Concord comprises two dailies and three weeklies ; the former being the Concord Monitor and the People and Patriot ; the latter the Independent Statesman, People and Patriot, and CoJicord Tribune. The Monitor has the distinction of being the first permanent daily paper established in Concord, for although a number of efforts had previously been made in this direction all had ultimately failed. The Monitor made its initial appearance May 23, 1864, the publishers being Cogswell and Sturtevant. At that time the attention of the Northern people was of course concentrated upon the actions and fortunes of their soldiers in the South, and as the Monitor not only published full telegraphic reports but made a specialty of news concerning New Hampshire troops in the field, it made an instant and decided "hit." But the expenses of publication were heavy, and as no part of the subscribed guaranty fund of $3,000 was ever turned over to the publishers (wha had contracted to print and publish the paper at a fixed compensation, without editorial responsibility), and as a large sum was owing to them, the paper and its accounts were given to them in part payment of their claim. This was in August, 1865, and Cogswell & Sturtevant continued the editorial and business management of the 3Ionitor until January 2, 1867, when the Monitor and Indep)endent Democrat offices were combined and the "Independent Press Association" formed. The "Republican Press Association" was organized October 1, 1871, and purchased the papers and the business of the Independent Association and of the Republican Statesmen, merging the two enterprises into one. From this time the Monitor has been solidly and steadily prosperous ; it has been enlarged several times, is constantly gaining in circulation, advertising patronage and influence, and is a "monitor" whose admonitions concerning municipal affairs are worthy of the most respectful consideration, and have saved tax payers many a dollar and wisely guided the expending of many more. The People and Patriot was established by the Democratic Press Association in 1885, and has since very ably represented the principles of the democratic party as applied to municipal, state and national politics. Although the paper as now published is of comparatively recent origin, a full account of what may be called its pre-natal history would have to go back nearly half a century to trace its origin, for the first number of the Daily Patriot was issued June 2, 1841. The first prospectus for a daily paper in Concord was sent out by William P. and John M. Hill, in May, 1841, but the first number of their paper, IlilVs Daily Patriot, did not appear until June third — one day later than the appearance of the Daily Patriot, which was published by Barton & Carroll. Both these papers were issued only during the sessions of the Legislature, and HiWs Daily Patriot suspended publication at the close of the second volume, in 1842. The publication of the Daily Patriot steadily continued in spite of various changes in ownership, and January 3, 1868, it began to be issued regularly throughout the year, so continuing until November 1, 1877, when it was stopped. Charles C. Pearson & Co. had commenced the publication of a legislative paper, called the Daily People, in June, 1870, and it was continued until the completion of the ninth volume, in 1878. The following year Mr. Pearson began the publication of the People and Patriot, issuing it daily during the legislative session of 1879. December first of that year he resumed its publication, sending out six issues a week, and September 3, 1881, the enterprise was abandoned, but as before stated was revived by the Democratic Press Association in 1885. The People and Patriot now has a large circulation and a good amount of advertising patronage, fairly sharing honors with the 3/onitor-. Both papers are ably conducted and although looking at many things from different points of view. 12 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. both unquestionably have the best interests of the city, state and nation at heart. The People and Patriot publishes a weekly edition and one is also issued from the Monitor office, known as the Imlepeitdent Statesman ; these have an especially large out-of-town circulation. Another weekly is the Concord Tribune, the successor of the M'eekli/ Blade, which succeeded the Concord Daily Blade, ■established September 1, 1880. The Tribune occupies a field of its own and appeals successfully to the support of a large and important class of readers. THE WATER SUPPLY. The water supply of a city has so important a bearing upon its healthfulness, upon the cost of tnanufacturing, and upon the probable fire losses and consequently the insurance rates, that there is no other single advantage offered by Concord as a city to live and do business in, which will outweigh its magnificent water service. "Magnificent" is a pretentious word and may perhaps be legitimately objected to from a literary point of view when used in this connection, but it seems to describe, as no ■other word can, a service which, although not perfect, is doubtless as nearly so as that enjoyed by any New England city. Concord has expended about half a million of dollars on her water works, and the system is so arranged as to enable a heavy increase in the present consumption to be provided for at ■comparatively small cost. The great fire of 1851 caused an awakening of the people to the imperative need of an additional water supply, and earnest efforts were made to provide such, but little or no progress was made, for all available money was needed in the development of ])rivate business interests, and the people objected strongly to material increase in the rate of taxation. Finally a committee was appointed to investigate the matter, and in a report dated December 16, 1859, it is stated : " Our population is at present supplied in part from wells and in part by several aqueduct ■companies, the two principal of which are the 'Torrent Aqueduct Association' and that of Nathaniel White. In addition to these are several others of more limited capacities, each supplying from one or two to forty families." The Committee examined five different sources of supply, comprising Merrimack River, Horse- shoe Pond, Ash Brook, Little Pond, and Long Pond, and very wisely gave their preference to the last on the list, summarizing its advantages and the attending conditions as follows : " Long Pond is ■distant three and one-half miles from the State House, has an area of two hundred and sixty-five acres, and is, in some places, seventy-five feet deep. Several small brooks enter it, but it is fed principally by springs. The land about it is of a granite formation, and rises pretty rapidly to a height of from three hundred to four liundred feet, and is mostly cleared. The Pond is surrounded by a water-shed of some 3,000 acres in extent. Its bottom is of white sand, overstrewn with granite boulders, and is free from sediment and aquatic weeds. There are no boggy meadows on its shores. Its water is soft, pure, perfectly transjjarent, and abundant in quantity." Although issued thirty years and more ago, this report is a faithful description of the Long Pond, or rather the "Lake Penacook" of to-day, for no changes have occurred such as would exert a contaminating influence on the water. The outbreak of the Rebellion put aside all thoughts of expensive local improvements, and for some years after its close no decisive steps were taken concerning the water supply, but at a mass meeting ot citizens held October 1, 1870, it was "Resolved, that the safety, health, prosperity, and growth of our city absolutely demand a greater and better supply of water than it now has." A committee was appointed to vigorously push the matter, and in August, 1871, they reported that they had obtained from the Legislature " Au Act to authorize the city of Concord to establish water-works in said city." A Board of Water Commissioners was appointed in January, 1872, and the work of preparation and construction was very vigorously pushed. The right to draw water from the pond was bought of the owners of the water power at West Concord, for |i60,000, and contracts were made with the American Gas and Water Pipe Company for the construction of the main line, distributing branches, and the furnishing and setting up of gates, hydrants, etc., at a total CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. IS cost of about $144,000. The stock of the Torrent Aqueduct Association, and the water rights of Nathaniel White were bought for $20,000, and a little more than $16,000 was paid for other rights- and for land damages. The contractors put a large force to work and hurried matters along so- successfully that water was admitted to the pipes only eight months after the beginning of operations,. or January 14, 1873. Although done hurriedly, the work was done very thoroughly and has given excellent satisfactior> from the first. In fact its very perfection soon made an extension of the delivery facilities imperative, for as the knowledge of the convenience and reliability of the service became more general, there was a constantly growing demand for water and the consumption reached a point where the fourteeo inch main was unable to supply an adequate amount to the higher portions of the territory covered. The result was the laying of a second main, eighteen inches in diameter ; the work being completed in the summer of 1882, the total construction account being thus brought up to $492,000. (_ ().N(cii;i> FRiiM ^TATK HoUSE CuPOLA, LOOKING SoUTH. Improvements have been made from time to time as circumstances required, and nearly every dwelling in the city is now supplied with an abundance of pure water, it having a good "head" in- the pipes, as Penacook Lake is one hundred and twenty feet above Main street in front of the State House. THE FIKE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS. A city having such a water service should have a fire department to correspond, and certainly Concord pursues a consistent policy in the matter, her fire department being as efficient as any in the State. Its mechanical equipment is generally modern in style and is handled by some two hundred trained firemen, who know their business and are commendably prompt and fearless in the discharge of their duty. On many occasions they have shown their ability to cope with all ordinary conflagra- tions, and although, in the light of recent experiences at Lynn and Boston, it would be presumptuous to claim that a disastrous fire in Concord is impossible, still it should be remembered that the character of local buildings and their contents, and the absence of the narrow streets, high walls and other 14 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. •conditions unfavorable to fire-fighting, which greatly aided to increase the loss at the cities named, all tend to justify the confidence wliich manufacturers, merchants, insurance companies and the citizens general repose in the Concord fire department. At the Central station there are two second-class Araoskeag steamers and two first-class Amoskeag hose carriages ; all these pieces of apparatus being drawn by horses, of which six are always imme- ■diately available. There is also a hook and ladder wagon, manned by twenty men. At the north end is the "Alert Hose," and at the south end the "Good Will Hose," the former company using a modern department wagon and the latter a four-wheel Amoskeag carriage. Each house is equipped ■with a swinging harness, and horses are constantly in readiness in adjoining stables. In Penacook there is a fourth-class Silsby steamer and a second-class Amoskeag hose carriage ; liorses are available, but the steamer may be drawn by hand should circumstances require. At East ■Concord, is the " Old Fort " hand engine and hose company, and in West Concord is a similar -organiaztion known as the "Cataract" Company. The electric fire-alarm service is wide spread and reliable, and a large number of hydrants are distributed throughout the city. New Hampshire State's Piuson at Concord. Concord's Police Department is worthy to be classed with the Fire Department, for although happily there is no occasion for it being maintained on anything like so large a scale, still it is amply sufficient to meet all demands upon it, and for a city of its population and amount of territory to be ■covered, Concord is remarkably free from disorder and from crimes against persons and property. The efficiency of any police force depends in a great measure upon the public sentiment behind it, and as the citizens of Concord, as a whole, are firm believers in the principle "Order is heaven's first law," they will not tolerate disorder, and are ready to lend financial and, if necessary, physical aid to the police in their efforts to repress it. It is this consciousness of popular support that makes ■Concord's policemen courteous in their dealings with the public, but prompt and fearless in preserving ■order when force is necessary ; while on the other hand those who have a disposition to break the law are in many cases restrained by the conviction that they are in a hopeless minority, and by the knowledge that the police have only to ask aid in order to get it instantly. A new Police Station of brick and stone is now in course of erection at an expense of about Sl'0,0()0. HOTELS. IJeing the State Capital, as well as an important mercantile and manufacturing city, it is natural that the hotel accommodations of Concord should be at times heavily drawn ujjon, and should be superior to those available in almost all other cities of no greater population. Among the local hotels are the American House, Elm House, Commercial House, and the hotel of the Eagle and Pheni.\ Hotel Co. The last named house is located opposite the State House yard, and is a very CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 15 commodious and finely equipped structure, it liaving been rebuilt and newly furnished in 1890 at a •cost of more than 135,000. It has one hundred and forty rooms, is supplied with elevators, electrical appliances and other conveniences, and is a worthy representative of Concord hospitality. All the liotels are well managed, and as a whole cater successfully to all classes of trade ; so it is not claiming too much to say that they have done their full share towards building up the favorable sentiment -with which the city is regarded elsewhere. CHURCH, BENEVOLENT, AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Although the temporal needs of Concord's residents are excellently provided for, their spiritual needs have by no means been neglected, for the city and suburbs contain many church societies, representing all the leading denominations and worshipping in edifices which, with scarcely an ■exception, are commodious and beautiful, while many have large and convenient chapels connected. -Among societies in the city proper are the First and South Congregational ; the First Methodist Episcopal, and the Baker Memorial Methodist Episcopal ; the First Baptist, Pleasant street Baptist, and Free-Will Baptist ; the Universalist ; the Unitarian ; the Episcopal ; the Advent ; and St. John's, Roman Catholic. In East Concord there are the Congregational Church and the Episcopal Mission ; in West Concord, the Congregational Church ; and in Penacook, the Baptist Church, St. John's Catholic Church, and the Episcopal Chapel. There are many regular church-goers among ■Concord's population, and as strangers are cordially welcomed, there is usually a good attendance at ■divine service. There are many fraternal and benevolent societies in the city, and the good-natured rivalry which exists between some of them is distinctly beneficial in its effects, as it is never carried to -excess, and does much to stimulate interest in and to increase the membership of organizations which ■depend upon such increase for the means to carry out their helpful aims. The Odd Fellows have a very large membership here, and in 1890 dedicated a handsome and ■commodious building erected at a cost of about $38,000. The Masonic orders also have beautiful rooms, and are in a most flourishing condition, while the Grand Army of the Republic is very strong and influential here, as would naturally be imagined by those familiar with Concord's record during the Rebellion. E. E. Sturtevant Post, No. 2, has its headquarters in the city proper ; William I. Brown Post, No. 31, at Penacook, and Davis Post, No. 44, at West Concord. The Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Ancient Order -of Hibernians, and other prominent secret societies, are all well represented. The temperance movement has received no little aid from local organizations, for Concord has ■numbered manj- enthusiastic advocates of temperance among its residents from a very early period in its history, and the home societies now number about a dozen, and are very alert and etticient. Among those organizations whose membership is limited to professional men, may be mentioned the New Hampshire Medical Society, the New Hampshire Homoeopathic Medical Society, the Centre District Medical Society, the New Hampshire Dental Society, and the New Hampshire Pharmaceu- tical Association. There is a Young Men's Christian Association in Concord and another at Penacook. The oldest benevolent society in the city is the Concord Female Charitable Society, established in 1812. The Concord Female Benevolent Association was organized in 1835, and in 1852 the Rolfe and Runiford Asylum for destitute native female children of Concord was founded by the Countess -of Rumford, it being opened for the reception of inmates in January, 1880. There is an Orphan's Home near Millville, and the Odd Fellows Home is situated upon the street leading to that beautiful rfiuburb. The New Hampshire Centennial Home for the aged, is another institution which is accomplishing great good in its chosen field, and its location is on Pleasant street, opposite the :ground8 of the New Hampshire Asylum. There are several Mutual Relief Associations in the city, and there is also the French Canadian Society, St. Patrick's Benevolent Society, and other helpful organizations, so that no person, whatever his nativity or creed may be, need lack sympathetic help when circumstances render aid of some kind essential. 16 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Among Concord's more prominent public buildings, the first which should be mentioned is, of course, the State House, which was first occupied b}' the Leg.slature at tlie June session in 1819, although the building was not entirely completed, ilany improvements have been made in it since- that date, and about a quarter of a century ago it was enlarged at an expense of nearly |;200,000, the total cost of the work being paid by the city. The structure is massive and handsome in design and stands in the midst of spacious grounds containing many beautiful shade trees. It is built of the- famous "Concord" granite, the stone being obtained from the quarries a little more than a mile- distant, on the line of the Concord Electric Railway. Coxcoiii) rr.uM. Sr.vxi: lluusE Cupola, looking XoRinEAST. The New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane was opened for the reception of patients in the- latter part of 1842, and during the first seven months seventy-six patients were admitted, the original structure being capable of accommodating only ninety si.\. New buildings have been added and old ones enlarged and improved, until now more than three hundred and fifty patients can be cared for without the least crowding. The institution is located in the heart of the city, the grounds having ar> area of about one hundred and twenty-five acres and being very highly improved. Special care is taken to make the surroundings and conditions as homelike as possible, and this has long ranked high among the model insane asylums of this country. From 1857 to 18S.T it was in charge of Dr. Jesse P. Bancroft, and on his resignation the duties of superintendent were taken up by his son. Dr. Charles P^ Bancroft, who has met with gratifying success in maintaining the high standing of the institution. There has been a City Hospital in Concord since October, 1884, and the facilities offered have been of great public benefit, although the location and arrangement of the premises utilized have interfered somewhat with the efficiency of the service. This condition of affairs, however, will soor> be a thing of the past, for, thanks to the generosity of George A. Pillsbury and his wife, Margaret,. Concord will speedily possess a hospital building worthy of being classed with the best of her other public edifices. Mr. Pillsbury is a member of the great milling firm so famous throughout the CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. IT country, and is a resident of Minneapolis, of which city he has been mayor. But he has also been mayor of Concord, and he has not allowed his later honors to banish the deep interest he has always shown in our city's welfare, a recent proof of this interest being the giving of $30,000 for the erection of a city hospital. The United States Court House and Post Office building was completed in 1888 at a cost of $300,000, and is a very handsome and commodious structure, occupying a most eligible site and being very conveniently arranged for the accommodation of the post office. United States courts, pension agency, etc. The mail facilities of the city are excellent, the service being frequent, prompt and reliable. A very large amount of all classes of mail matter is handled monthly, and the reliability and general efficiency of the carrier service are of great benefit to the community in general and especially to manufacturers and other business men. The Board of Trade Building was completed in 1873, and is now as ever an ornament to the city and a monument to the energy, enterprise and foresight of those who provided the money for its Chase's Block, North Main Street. erection. Although the board of trade, as an organized body, did not erect the building, nearly all the subscribers to the stock were members of the board, and the completion of the structure was celebrated by a social festival, held October 20, 1873, under the auspices of that organization. White's Opera House is a very popular resort among those seeking diversion in the mimic life of the stage, for many prominent dramatic and musical "combinations" appear here during the season. The house is conveniently appointed and has seating capacity for nearly one thousand. There are other public halls, convenient in location and arrangement, among them being Grand Army Hall, Phoenix Hall and Chase's Hall. CONVENIENCES. The city is lighted by both gas and electricity, both being furnished by the Concord Gas Light Company, which was incorporated in 1854 and has a capital of $125,000. Some twenty miles of main pipe have been laid and gas is furnished to from 1,200 to 1,500 consumers ; several hundred street lamps also being supplied. Electricity is also used for both exterior and interior illumination, and the stores along the principal streets present a brilliant appearance after night fall, as nearly all of them have great plate-glass show windows, and certainly the goods displayed in them do not sufler from lack of abundant light. 18 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. Another and most important application of electricity here has to do with the running of street cars, for what was the Concord "Horse" Railroad can claim that title no longer, the cars now being run by the Thompson-Houston system of electrical appliances — a system which has satisfactorily solved the famous "horse-car problem" in Boston, where it has been adopted by the only street railway company and applied to hundreds of cars. The system is even more satisfactory in Concord, where the streets are less crowded and the danger of accident greatly lessened, and as "rapid transit" is now an accomplished fact, the outlying districts on the company's line may be expected to increase in population and wealth more rapidly than ever. This road began running in April, ISSl, and has considerably more than doubled its rolling stock since that time. The line runs from South Maia street, or the "South End," through West Concord to Penacook. DRAINAGE. Many and important as are the hygienic advantages arising from an abundant supply of pure water, they are robbed of much of their efifect unless reinforced by a comprehensive and efficient system of drainage, and the location of Concord together with the character of the soil is distinctly favorable to the easy and wholesome disposition of waste. A large amount has been judiciously e.xpended upon sewers and drains, and the present condition of the sewerage system is good, the drainage of the city being very efficiently accomplished; but further facilities have been rendered necessary by the growth of the community, and as the citizens realize that it is most economical to spend money freely in such a cause as this, and to provide for the future as well as the present, the city government will undoubtedl}' provide seasonably for the extension and general improvement of the sewerage system as may be required. The streets of the city are as a rule, broad, well arranged, and well kept, notably Main street, in which the citizens are fully justified in taking pride, for it is the unanimous verdict of strangers, as well as residents, that this is without exception the finest business street in New England. It was laid out in 1785, and those who defined its limits must have had some conception of the probable growth of the community, for the street is of very generous width, even in the heart of the city, and can accommodate an enormous amount of traffic without crowding. It is paved, concreted or macadamized from end to end and is bordered by an abundance of shade trees, some of them being «lms of magnificent proportions. Concord's sidewalks are on a par with her streets, for they are of exceptionally fine quality, nearly all being concreted, as the city is the home of this industry. It is everywhere admitted that a first-class concrete walk is far superior to one made of any other material, and the concrete work employed in this city is equal to the best noticeable anywhere. The roads about Concord are maintained in generally excellent condition, and help materially to make the many picturesque drives thoroughly enjoyable. The country adjacent contains many attractive bits of scenery, and some of the views are justly entitled to rank among the most pleasant prospects in New England. The towns of Dunbarton, Hopkinton, Bow, Pembroke, and others that might be named, are within easy drive, and each has a reputation for natural beauty which is added to by the cotnments of every fresh visitor. THE BANKING FACILITIES. The magnitude and character of the banking facilities enjoyed by a community form a convenient standard by which its position as a mercantile and manufacturing centre may be determined, and as a general rule an intelligent judgment made on such a basis is extremely accurate, for although in exceptional cases the banks are unworthy of the community, or the community is lunworthy of the banks, still these exceptions but "prove the rule," for on close investigation it will he found that they result from forced and unnatural conditions. The banks as truly represent the business methods and the mercantile standing of the people on whom they depend for patronage, as do the newspapers their intellectual and moral standing, and a people who support first-class iinancial institutions may, as a whole, invariably be depended upon to do business on sound principles CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 19 »nd to be enterprisini? and intelligent in developing natural resources. Hence the high standing of Ooncord's banks, although gratifying and commendable, is the necessary consequence of the •conditions which gave them birth and which have attended their development to the present time. It is nearly eighty-five years since the first banking institution in this city was incorporated, and •of course that was long before a city charter was ever thought of, for it was in 1806 — only twenty- two years after Concord had changed from a " parish " to a full fledged "town." But, although only a town, it had its conflicting interests as truly as the largest city has, and in spite of the well-earned reputation for " concord " of action which had given it its name, its residents showed that they •could oppose one another as vigorously and stubbornly as they, united, had fought the Bow proprietors. Main Street, Concord, looking North. There was a " North End " interest and there was a "South End" Interest, and after Timothy Walker, William A. Kent, and others, were incorporated "by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Concord Bank," trouble at once arose in consequence of questions of location and management. Hon. Timothy Walker was the champion of the " Northenders," and Colonel William A. Kent •of the "Southenders ;" and as no agreement could be arrived at, each side claiming that its position was clearly the just one, the upshot of the matter was the opening of two banks under the same -charter, the Upper Bank and the Lower Bank, each of which claimed to be the " only and original Simon-pure Concord Bank, and denounced the other as a "base and fraudulent imitation." The consequence of their not being able to even " agree to disagree " was ceaseless trouble and constant loss to both, for the competition was keen and incessant, and neither institution was very delicate in its choice of methods to overcome the other. At one time the Upper Bank forced a run •upon the Lower, by demanding the redemption in specie of a large number of their bills, of which the former institution had secured possession. The Lower Bank kept the ball rolling by instituting -suits against its rival for issuing bills without legal warrant, the result of this action being a long •drawn out legal battle to decide which was the lawful Concord Bank. The lawyers profited by the •contention if nobody else did, and among those who got a fee out of it was the early and famous legal 20 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. antagonist of Daniel Webster, Jeremiah .Mason. He was retained as cousel for Nehemiah Jones^ who had brouglit suit against Timothy Walker, the indictment in the case containing more than one- hundred counts, being a sort of "drag-net'' affair, covering all the points in dispute and designed to surely catch Walker in some of its many ingeniously contrived meshes. So able a lawyer as Mason- at once perceived the hopelessness of settling the matter in Court and endeavored to effect a. compromise. Those at all familiar with his career know that he did not mince his words when circumstances made plain-speaking advisable, and hence will readily accept the tradition which credits him with saying, when his client objected to the expense of the proposed settlement : " As you have- got into gentlemen's company, you must expect to pay a gentleman's price." After the banks ceased persecuting one another, they naturally rose in the esteem and confidence of the public, and both did a generally profitable business under the one charter until twentv years had expired, when the Upper Bank secured a new charter under the name of the " Merrimack County Bank." The Lower Bank had its charter altered and extended in 1826, and continued, business until its failure in 1840. Such a demoralizing and foolish conflict as that between these two banks would be impossible ia tbe Concord of to-day, for although the interests involved are now vastly greater, and the prize sa much the more worth the winning, our financiers, as well as our merchants and manufacturers, rigidly discriminate between competition and opposition, and recognize the fact that mutual aid confined ta legitimate limits is the best policy to be followed by all parties concerned. At the present time there are three National and four Savings Banks in Concord, all of which- are in a sound and prosperous condition, while some among them are exceptionally strong, even in. comparison with other leading financial institutions throughout the country. As would be supposed from its name, the First National Bank was the pioneer Concord institu- tion organized under the national banking laws, although the other two National banks in the city had been>carried on under State charters for many years before the organization of the First National Bank in March, 1864. Asa Fowler wa» the first president, he being succeeded in 1867 by George A. Pillsbury, who resigned in 1878 and went West, where he was destined to win fame and fortune as a member of the great milling firm^ now known throughout this country and Kngland. He has had worthy successors in the office of pres- ident of the bank, and as the directors have also- always been men of ability, it is easy to account for the exceptional prosperity the institution haa enjoyed from the start. It has a capital of $150, 000- and an extremely large surplus — so exceptionally large in fact that the bank has been reported by the comptroller of the ciiireney to have the highest per cent, surplus of any New Hampshire bank. The National State Capital Bank was not long behind the First National in beginning operation* under a national charter, for it was re-organized under national banking laws, January 2, 1865, or only about ten months after the other institution. Its origin as a State bank dates back to 1 853, the Slate Capital Bank having been organized January 26th of that year. The original capital stock waa 8100,000, and this amount was increased one-half .:z.- '^- in 1854, reduced to $120,000 in 1802, and a year First National Bank. later reduced to 8100,000. CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 21 After the obtaining of a national charter the capital stock remained at 1100,000 only a little «more than three months, it being increased to $150,000 April 17, 1865. A further increase to $200,000 was made May 31, 1872 ; the bonds and right of circulation of Carroll County National Bank, of Sandwich, having been purchased. The National State Capital Bank is worthy of its name and stands high in the financial and general business world, by reason of the wise conservatism of its ananagement and the efficiency of its service. Loan and Tkust Savings Bank Building. The Mechanicks' National Bank was organized January 3, 1880, but from one point of view may be considered the oldest established bank of discount and deposit in the city, for as the Mechanicks' Bank it was first incorporated July 5, 1834. The original capital was 8100,000, and the charter was •extended June 22, 1853 ; the bank closing up its affairs in 1865. At the time business was stopped, Josiah Minot acted as president and Charles Minot as cashier, so that when these gentlemen began ■operations as a private banking firm under the style of Minot & Co., in January, 1866, it was in one sense a revival of the "Mechanicks"' business, and it steadily continued until its re-organization as the Mechanicks' National Bank in 1880. Josiah Minot was the first president of the new institution, and was associated on tlie Board of Directors with John Kimball, John M. Hill, B. A. Kimball, Joseph. 22 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. B. Walker and other represenlative citizens. Thia bank has a capital of $150,000, is very strong financially and enjoys a goodly share of the patronage and the confidence of resident businesB- nicn. It is asserted by not a few eminent students of public affairs, that tlie number, importance^ and condition of the Savings Banks in any given section of the country aflford an accurate barom- eter of the state of industry and trade, besides- giving valuable hints relating to the personal habits of members of the community, and the- residents of Concord have certainly no reason to- shrink from the application of such 9 test ; for were not their industries and mercantile enter- prises generally prosperous, and the community as a whole industrious, thrifty, and profitably- employed, the local savings banks could never have reached their present development, and would not be able to safely challenge comparisoik with a like number of similar institutions any- where, catering to no greater population. Of the four Concord savings banks tlie New Ham])sliire Savings Bank is by far the oldest, it having been incorporated away back in 1830^ 'I'he institution was organized July 21st, of that year, and during its sixty years of existence has. paid its depositors more than one million and a half of dollars in regular dividends, and about $200,000 in extra dividends ; the rate of interest thus far having averaged about four and a half per cent. — a very remardable showing considering the pains the management have always taken to- ensure the absolute safety of funds placed with. them for investment. The Merrimack County Savings Bank was incorporated 1867, but was not organized until May 3^ ISTO, the first deposit being made June first. Lyman D. Stevens has been president of this bank from the beginning, and John Kimball has been treasurer for a like period. The record of this institution during the past five years goes far to establish the claim that savings banks accurately indicate the degree of prosperity a community is enjoying, for it is an open secret that Concord's representative industries have prospered remarkably since 1885, and during that lime the deposits in and surplus of the Merrimack County Savings Bank have more that doubled, the amount now due depositor* considerably exceeding a million and a half of dollars, and the surplus approximating $120,000. The Loan and Trust Savings Bank was incorporated in June, 1872, and has proved a valuable addition to the savings institutions of the city and the State. The amount due dejwsitors has increased to the extent of more than $700,000 during the last five years, and at present approxi- mates two and a quarter millions of dollars. The guarantee fund amounts to *100,000 and the undivided profits considerably exceed that sum. The Union Guaranty Savings Bank is by far the youngest institution of the kind in the city, it having been incorporated in 1887, but it is already firmly established in the confidence of the community, as it is managed in connection with one of the strongest of New England's financial institutions by men of ability an 1 ripe experience. It has a perpetual guarantee fund of $50,000, haa Board of Th.vde Buildi.m Maih Stkeet. North CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 23 already accumulated a surplus of about one-fifth that amount, and now holds deposits amounting to about half a million dollars. The facilities afforded by the National and the Savings banks of the city are supplemented by the admirable service offered by such representative financial houses as those of Crippen, Lawrence & Co., E. H. Rollins & Son, the American Trust Company and others, so that as regards opportunities for investment and the many other advantasjes arising from a comprehensive and ably conducted banking service. Concord stands high among New England cities. New PIampshire Asylum foe Insane, ( <>; THE GRANITE BUSINESS. A consideration of Concord's natural advantages must of necessity include the many valuable granite quarries there located, for these have long been a very important source of wealth, and yield stone of a quality which has made Concord granite the standard by which that from other localities is judged. The local supply is almost inexhaustible, the lai'ge eminence known as Rattlesnake Hill being composed almost entirely of granite, while Oak Hill merits a similar description. A large amount of capital and many men are employed in the quarrying and working of the stone, and the most improved appliances and tools have been universally adopted, reducing the expenses of production to a minimum and enabling outside competition to be easily met. The exceptionally comprehensive United States census of 1880 included a close investigation by experts of the existing condition and future prospects of the quarrying industry, and the results arrived at concerning Concord granite are in the highest degree favorable, as will be seen from the necessarily limited quotations from the reports of the government agents which follow. From a scientific point of view, the sort of stone found in this vicinity is a " massive, gray, biotite — muscovite granite." In spite of this formidable description we are told that "it is a good, safe, free stone to work and takes a high polish." 24 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OP INTEIiEST. For commercial purposes it is divided into four classes : No. 1, the best, for moDumental work j No. 2, for general building purposes ; No. 3, for underpinning, capping, etc.; No. 4, for foundation stones. The Census Commissioners went very dee])ly into the subject of the durability of granite, and the fleveral varieties were closely tested and compared. Granite buildings and monuments throughout the country were minutely examined, and from the report made on those located in tlie City of New York we take the following: "In the fine-grained granite from Concord, N. 11., employed in the building on the southeast corner of 23d street and Cth avenue, many of the blocks are set on edge, but the only change yet seen is that of discoloration by street dust and iron-oxide from the elevated railway." Main Street, looking Soutu froii Opera House. A complete list of the granite structures tiiroughout the country is given, and a notable proportion of these are built of the Concord stone, among such being the Charter Oak Insurance Building, Hartford, Ct. ; many New York structures, and numerous Boston edifices, as for instance the Security Bank, the Masonic Temple, the //(JCfl/f^ building, the Life Insurance Building, the Germania Savings Bank, the City Hall, Horticultural Hall and others. The monument to the discoverer of annBsthetics> in the Boston Public Garden, is also of Concord granite, as is the Soldiers' Monument at Concord, Mass., the Cadet Monument in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, and the Soldiers' Monument in Manchester, N. H. Of late years granite has become exceedingly popular as a monumental stone, and nearly all first-class cemetery work is now made from this material, a use to which the better grades of Concord granite is particularly adapteil. The demand for it as a building stone is also increasing as the country gains in wealth and culture, and the importance of the question of the permanence of this demand justifies the giving of space for the answer as it is stated by the distingui.slied scientist. Prof. N. S. Shaler, in the Census Reports of 1880. The report is headed : "General Relations of New England Building Stones to the Markets of the United States," and, after stating in detail the important advantages possessed by New England quarries by reason of their nearness to tide- water and the effect of the glacial action, which stripped off the cap of decayed rock found encumbering deposits of crystalline rocks in other sections of the country, the report reads as follows : CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 25 "These two advantages — the neighborhoodjof, the crystalline rocks to the sea, and the absence of any worthless, decayed, upper part — will always give the New England rocks of the granitic group a very great advantage over those of any other part of the eastern United States. ... It should also be noticed that the cost of quarrying granite of good quality is perhaps less than that of any other work of the same general utility, certainly much less than the cost of our other principal l)uilding stones, so that, for all large structures where rude strength is the only need, quarries of this ■stone are always likely to be at a great advantage in production. . . . There are no other sources -of supply of granite that are ever likely to compete with this stone district of New England." Prof. Shaler sums up the whole matter as follows : "It is quite clear, therefore, that the position of the New England granite quarries is particularly favorable, and that they are likely to command the market for a great while in the future." iMaix Street, Concord, at ihe Nuktu End. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. Most prominent cities, like most prominent men, are many-sided in character — that is to say they are dependent upon no one feature for the maintenance of their importance, as that is the result of a harmonious combination of characteristics, all of which contribute to the sum total and aflford a com- mon but striking example of one of our main principles of government, "in union is strength." Concord, for instance, is best known to some as the capital of the State ; to others, as a great purchasing centre where supplies may be bought to the best possible advantage, and to still others as the source from which come various manufactured articles, proved by practical test to be the best in the market. It is in the last-named capacity — as a leading manufacturing centre — that the city is best known outside the limits of New Hampshire, and it is a noteworthy fact of which every public-spirited ■citizen may well be proud, that the representative products of Concord owe their popularity to their quality rather than to their "cheapness ;" for it has long been, and is to-day, the policy of prominent local manufacturers to cater to the most intelligent trade, and, while giving unsurpassed value for the money received, to have that value represented by quality, not by quantity. Name a few of our lead- ing products, and see what associations are connected with the list : " Concord Coaches," "Concord Axles," " Concord Harness," — -what is it that has made these goods well and favorably known through- 26 COHCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. out the civilized world ? Not clicapness, but uniform and unequalled excellence. The makers of them have the experience, the ability, the capital, the mechanical facilities and the skilled assistants neces- sary to enable them to attain the best possible results, and to easily meet all honorable competition ; that they accomplish both these ends, the re])Utation of and the demand for their products abundantly prove. The immense business now carried on by the Abbott-Downing Company was founded many year* ago, and would have developed even more rapidly than it did had not the founder refused lo turn out more work than he could personally supervise the construction of. Nowadays, when the magnitude- and variety of the interests involved make it absolutely necessary to entrust the carrying out of details, to subordinates, such a policy as that may seem provincial and old-fashioned, but it indicates a sturdy honesty worthy of emulation in any age, and goes far to explain the world-wide fame of the "Concord Coach," — a fame as well deserved now as ever. The present company utilize a most elaborate plant;, and employ an extensive force of help in the manufacture of light and heavy vehicles ; the goods- being shipped to all parts of the world. The "Concord Axle Company" was incorporated in 1880, with a capital of §50,000, to manufac- ture the original "Concord Axle," and kindred articles. Those having the direction of the company's- affairs have been identified with the production of the goods in question since 18C3, and we need hardly add that the reputation of the " Concord Axle " has been fully maintained. The factory is- located in Penacook, and about seven hundred tons of wagon axles are turned out in the course of a. year, besides three hundred tons of castings, and other articles. It is fitting that a city producing first-class coaches, wagons and carriages, should also produce first-class harness, and the fame of the "Concord Harness" is on a par with that of the Concord Coaches and Axles. This harness is now made by the James R. Hill Harness Company, and is known and prized throughout the civilized world. Far from depending on past reputation, the present company spare no pains to keep the quality of the product fully up to the standard, while offering many new and attractive styles, and the result is to be seen in the steadily growing demand for the goods in this- country and abroad. James R. Hill, the founder of this business, was a man of great force of char- acter and distinguished ability, and literally "worked his way up" until he reached a leading position among New England manufacturers. The first shipment of harness to California from the east wa» made by Mr. Hill in 1849, and his enterprise in seeking out foreign markets, even at that early day, is shown by his having made a shipment to Chili in 1853. He had many things to contend with during his early business career, and met with serious loss by fire, but he had that ability and perseverance which command success, and as his capital increased he became interested in various enterprises which had such claims upon his attention that he found it inexpedient to retain sole control of his harness business, and hence in 18G5 the firm of James R. Hill & Co. was formed, and the enterprise continued under that management until the organization of the present company. A representative Concord industry, which, although of quite recent origin when compared with that carried on by the James R, Hill Harness Company, has still some eighteen years of prosperity to- look back upon, is that conducted by the Page Belting Company, incorporated in 1S72. This business was originally located in Franklin, where it was established by Page Brothers in 1808, and since its removal to Concord it has developed with a steadiness and rapidity which indicate that the claims- made for this city as a most advantageous point at which to establish important manufacturing- enterprises, are fully justified by the facts. When the company began operations here in 18V2, it had a paid-in capital of $75,000. In 1873 it was increased to $125,000; in 1878 to $200,000 ; and in 1887 to 8250,000 — figures which tell their own story of the skillful utilization of favorable conditions. The comi)any is authorized to have a. capital of half a million, and present indications are that that amount will be reached before many years, as the demand for the product is apparently unlimited ; customers being found throughout the United States, and an extensive export business being done. Leather belting and lacing are the chief productions, an exceptionally complete line being manufactured. The plant covers an area of some ten acres, and has sufficient capacity to turn out 750 hides for belting and 1,200 sides of lace leather per week, employment being given to about 175 men. CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 2T There are various other prominent manufacturing enterprises which deserve careful consideration, but which, owing to the limitation of space, must be dismissed with mere mention. Among these are those conducted by the Ilolden Manufacturing Company, producing flannels and woolen dress goods ;^ the Haley Manufacturing Company, making curtain fixtures, skates and other articles ;, the Concord Carriage Company, producing vehicles of standard excellence ; W. S. Davis & Son, manufacturers of wagons, hose trucks and carriages ; the New England Granite Company, doing stone-work for monumental and building purposes ; C. M. & A. W. Rolfe, makers of doors, sash, blinds,, etc.; the Prescott Organ Company, producing instruments having a national reputation; Ford «fc Kimball and Clapp & Co., brass and iron founders ; the Concord Manufacturing Com- pany, located at West Concord, and very extensively engaged in the production of all-wool flannels and heavy twilled goods ; William B. Durgin, manufacturer of solid silverware ; the Contoo- cook Manufacturing and Mechanic Company, located at Penacook, and producing an immense amount of print cloths ; the Penacook Mill, carrying on the same business on a still more extensive scale ;. Stratton, Merrill & Co., located at Penacook, and operating the only Patent Roller Process fiour mill in New England ; and C. H. Amsden & Co., also of Penacook, and proprietor of the largest furniture factory in New England, they using about a quarter of a million feet of lumber per month. The above list is by no means complete, and yet it gives some idea of the variety, magnitude and standing of Concord's industries, and their distribution throughout the city and suburbs. The Concord & Montreal and Northern Railroads both have well-equipped shops here, at which a. great deal of repairing and constructing is done. THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK. The outlook for the various industries located within the city limits is at this time most- encouraging. For many years the establishments producing the world-famed Concord carriages and coaches, and the equally well known Concord harnesses, have given employment to many men. These concerns have deservedly won strong positions in the business world, and they have gradually grown from small beginnings into large and prosperous enterprises, yielding good profits to their owners, and continuous and remunerative employment to their very large numbers of employees. And what may be thus said of these two representative establishments, may with equal justice be applied to nearly, if not quite, all the manufactories within the borders of the city, including the most varied industries. Although not distinctively a manufacturing city, it produces very considerable quanti- ties of flannels, cotton and woolen goods, furniture, carriages, leather belting, axles, pianos and organs,, hubs and wheels, shoes, fire hose, brick, hammered and polished granite, wood-working machinery, churns, silverware, lumber, and other standard products. During the past five years there has been a decided and noticeable increase in the volume of business, and many of the articles produced by the skilled workmen of Concord, find a ready and extensive sale throughout the United States and in many foreign countries. This is especially so of the goods produced by the Concord Axle Co., the Abbot-Downing Co., the James R. Hill Co., and: the Page Belting Co., which are known all over the world. The railroad facilities are such as to offer great advantages to Concord as a business and manu- facturing center, as it is directly on the line of travel between the great Northwest and the commer- cial and manufacturing centres of the East, and only two hours ride from Boston. The expenses of living are moderate, rents are very reasonable for the accommodations afforded, and the mechanic, the- artisan and the day laborer secure all the advantages of the larger cities, with but few of the drawbacks. The policy of the city is very favorable to new industries, and toward a reasonable exemption, from taxation for a term of years, for such enterprises as desire location and would give to the com- mercial and manufacturing forces of the city such additions as to make them desirable acquisitions. There are still remaining in Concord undeveloped water privileges that are capable of supplying power for the employment of thousands of workmen when they shall be utilized by the erection of the proper manufacturing plants. But one by one the various mill-sites have been occupied on the- Contoocook river, in that part of Concord known as Penacook, and the recent erection of the massive- stone dam for the use of the woolen mill, now in process of construction in that village, reduces thft 28 CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. available sites there remaining so as naturally to turn attention to the Merrimack river. Here there are two most excellent water powers, the one at Garvin's Falls being partially developed while that at Sewall's Falls will probably lie developed at an early day. The Sewall's Falls water power, with its adjacent land, is situated only about four miles from the center of the city, and entirely within the city limits. It is capable of development so as to readily sustain a population of from fifteen to twenty thousand. Contiguous to the Falls there is a large area of land owned by the Water Power Company, favorably situated for the erection of manufacturing establishments, and hav- ing equally favorable location for building the residences and houses of the hundreds finding employ- ment within the establishments erected to utilize the power of the falls. The land has already been surveyed and is ready to be staked out for a village which will be one of the most delightfully Nkw Dam on the Contoocock liivici; at Pknacook. situated and healthful in New England. It will have all the advantages of cheap homos, olieap power, excellent drainage, and the innumerable advantages which result from such an admirable location. Not only can the power at Sewall's Falls be used for the neighboring manufactories, but the recent discoveries in the transmission of power by electricity will make it possible to furnish power at a very low rate in the central part of the city. The possible advantages of the unused power at Sewall's Falls can scarcely be overestimated, and at no distant day this power is to be utilized, and when employed it will bring increase in population, in manufacturing, and in commerce, with all the advantages that result from tlie regular distribution of large sums of money in compensation for productive labor. CONCORD AND ITS POINTS OF INTEREST. 2» The preparation of this brief statement of facts bearing upon Concord's past, present and future, has been no easy task, for its very brevity added much to the difficulty of the work by necessitating careful selection and close condensation of the immense amount of material available. That the sketch as it now stands will give universal satisfaction is not for a moment to be expected, and indeed no one can appreciate more clearly than the writer that it falls far short of perfection and would have becD more ably done had its preparation been entrusted to abler hands. But he did his best, and asks credit for honesty of intention, whatever may have been his errors of judgment. This book is assured a very large circulation. It will be read even more generally outside the city than it will be in it, and in this hurrying age the systematic condensation which has been practiced io its compilation materially adds to its value by ensuring a much more thorough and general reading than it would otherwise have received. Primarily intended for business men, it is written from a business point of view, and contains much valuable information concerning one of the most enterprising cities in New England. The information is valuable, however faulty may be its presentation, and not only those living in other sections of the country but many residents of Concord may profit by a. perusal of the story of New Hampshire's capital. Men are prone to close their eyes to opportunities near at hand, and there is not a city in New England but what has suffered from this fact. We New Englanders build up the West, the South and the Northwest ; we spend money like water to develop the resources of other sections ; we take desperate risks in constructing railroads over and through mountain ranges, across miles of uninhabited prairie and over broad rivers, that the productions of some far-off city or town may find a market ; we sink shafts thousands of feet through the solid rock on the bare chance of extracting paying quantities of precious metals ; in short, in a hundred ways we maintain our world-wide reputation for magnificent enterprise and business audacity, and meantime we neglect dear old New England, that kind and lavish, if stern-appearing, old mother who gave us birth, who cherishes our friends and our homes, and who gives us the enormous sums we so freely spend elsewhere. This should not be. "Boom New England," is a good motto if a new one, and its sound sense \» latterly being appreciated by many of those heavy investors who have enriched other sections without profit and often at a serious loss to themselves. The future of New Hampshire in general, and of Concord in particular, never looked brighter than now. The brief sketch headed "The Commercial and Industrial Outlook," should afford food, not only for thought, but also for congratulation, for it sets forth, despite the narrow limits to which it is confined, some of the things which have been and are being done to further develop local interests. Its reference to the possibilities offered by the electrical transmission of power, opens up a wide field of speculation, for truly, with that wonderfuB agent, "No man knows what a day may bring forth." Concord has vast water powers undeveloped, besides those long and profitably utilized ; she has- pronounced advantages of position, a healthful location, an industrious and law-abiding population, numbering nearly 17,000 by the census of 1890, a disposition to cordially welcome and aid deserving new enterprises, and an international reputation as a manufacturing center. Surely the development so auspiciously begun is but an earnest of what may be expected in the near future, and every man. living or working within the broad territory under Concord's jurisdiction owes it to his city, his fam- ily, and himself to do all he honorably can to ha.sten that development and keep Concord in the front rank of New England cities." "And thus shall our beloved town, Add to its wealth of old renown A name for strength and sterling worth, Borne, Uke her coaches, round the earth." Concord Commercial Club. ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER i8, 1889. Officers and Committees HOWARD A. DODGE, FRANK W. ROLLINS, PAUL R. HOLD EN, PKESIDKNT. Hon. EDGAR H. WOODMAN. VICK-PRESIDENT. GEORGE P. PAGE. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. CHARLES H. AMSDEN. TIIIKD VICE-PKESIDENT. JAMES H. CHASE. TKEASUREK. JOSIAH E. FERNALD. SECRETARY. AUGUST P. REIN. DIRECTORS. WILL M. MA.SON, EDSON ,). HILL, ARTHUR C. SANBORN, JAMES C. NORRfS, CHARLES E. FOOTE, GILES WHEELER. Standing Committees. OEORGE F. PAGE, WILLIAM F. THAYER, FRANK W. ROLLINS, HENRY W. STEVENS, EDSON J. HILL, ON NEW INDUSTRIES. GEORGE W. ABBOTT. ON CITY IMPROVEMENTS. WILLIS D. THOMPSON, WILLIAM E. HOOD, FERDINAND A. STILLINGS, AI B. THOMPSON, EDMUND H. BROW^N. ON ENTERTAINMENT. EDWARD N. PEARSON. SOLON A. CARTER, CONCORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Members of Concord Commercial Club. STILLMAN HUMPHREY, SAMUEL C. EASTMAN, GEORGE F. PAGE, ■GRANVILLE P. CONN, ■GEO. D. B. PRESCOTT, WARREN K. DAY, EDWARD A. JENKS, CHARLES S. PARKER, LY'MAN JACKMAN, :EDS0N J. STILL, 'GEORGE MAIN, JAMES H. CHASE, FRED'K S. CRAWFORD, EDWARD N. PEARSON, BENJAMIN C. WHITE, ARTHUR C. SANBORN, ■GEORGE H. EMERY, AVILLIAM F. THAYER, EDWARD N. SPENCER, •JOSIAH E. FERNALD, H. M. BRICKETT, JOHN C. THORNE, WILL M. MASON, EDWARD DOW, HENRY^ W. STEVENS, XiYMAN D. STEVENS, i:DGAR H. WOODMAN, HENRY^ ROBINSON, HENRY^ O. ADAMS, LOUIS J. UFFENHEIMER, FRED REED, W. A. THOMPSON, FRANK W. ROLLINS, HARRY H. DUDLEY, A. PERLEY^ FITCH, P. B. COGSWELL, S. C. MORRILL, GEORGE A. CUMMINGS, E. B. WOODWORTH, F. A. STILLINGS, W. ROBINSON, FRANK E. BROWN, H. E. CAMBERLIN, M. J. PRATT, JAMES C. NORRIS, THOS. A. PILLSBURY, C. H. DAY", CHARLES H. MARTIN, HENRY^ J. CRIPPEN, CHARLES E. REMICK, DAN'L B. DONOVAN, JAMES MINOT, WM. M. CHASE, FRANK S. STREETER, OBADIAH MORRILL, HARRY G. SARGENT, JOHN KIMBALL, GILES WHEELER, A. R. AY^ERS, WM. E. HOOD, JOSEPH T. SLEEPER, HOWARD A. DODGE, WILLIAM G. CARTER, E. B. HUTCHINSON, HENRY" W. CLAPP, H. W. FARLEY, GEORGE E TODD, WILLIS D. THOMPSON, A. B. CROSS, DAVID D. TAYLOR, CHARLES FAIRBANKS, T. A. HEATH, CONCORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. GEORGE UNDERIIILL, WILLIAM P. FISK, W. J. AIIERN, E. W. WILLARD, FRANK H. GEORGE, O. H. PEIELPS, GEORGE O. DICKERMAN, WARREN CLARK, CHARLES H. ALLEN, ARTHUR C. STEWART, EDSON C. EASTMAN, CHARLES R. CORNING, V. C. HASTINGS, FRANK L. SANDERS, J. B. WALKER, S. S. KIMBALL, JOHN P. GEORGE, JOHN C. ORDWAY, CHARLES H. AMSDEN, JOHN H. PEARSON, JOHN F. WEBSTER, C. R. ROBINSON, W. G. C. KIMBALL, HENRY H. HUSE, WILLIAM YEATON, IRVING A. WATSON, JOHN M. MITCHELL, SOLON A. CARTER, GEO. A. BLANCHARD, JAMES C. BADGER, DAVID E. MURPHY, HENRY McFARLAND, HENRY W. HAYDEN, PAUL R. HOLDEN, ADAM P. HOLDEN, GEORGE W. ABBOTT, CHARLES M. ROLFE, EDMUND H. BROWN, D. ARTHUR BROWN, A. C. ALEXANDER, CHARLES E. FOOTE, STEWART I. BROWN, NATH'L S. GALE, B. O. KIMBALL, CHARLES T. PAGE, ENOCH GERRISH, A. B. THOMPSON, WOODBURY E. HUNT, NATH'L E. MARTIN, JOHN F. MOSELEY, MOSES HUMPHREY, JOHN F. JONES, L. DOWNING, Jr., G. B. EMMONS, THEO. H. FORD, PHILIP C. BEAN, CHARLES H. SANDERS, HIRAM O. MARSH, M. W. NIMS, GEORGE F. DURGIN, THOMAS P. SULLIVAN, CHARLES H. BARRETT, H. C. BAILEY, AUSTIN S. RANNEY. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. JAMES R. HILL & CO. ESTABLISHED IMU. y' "THE CONCORD HARNESS The firm of James B. Hill & Co , the only makers of the "Concord Harness" and collars, is probably as well and favorably known as that of any other house in this coun- try, as makers of the celebrated and world-renowned "Concord Harness," and the firm's business forms no small portion of the manufacturing industry of the capital city. The founder of the house, Mr. James K. Hill, com- menced business, in a small way, in 1840, and by his indomitable energj- and perseverance, attending strictly to business and making good work, soon gained for him a good reputation throughout the State. And as the rail- roads pushed out into the far West, necessitating connect- ing lines by staging, those who had used his harness in the East, wanted them in their new enterprises, and so as time rolled on, the business was increased. In 18.51, the pres- ent senior partner of the firm entered the employ of Mr. Hill as an apprentice, commencing at the very foot of the ladder, learning all the details of every part of the trade, and in 1859 was placed in charge of the manufacturing depart- ment, and in 1865 was admitted to equal partnership with Mr. Hill and J. E. Dwight, the son-in-law of Mr. Hill, and since that time, the practical management has rested on his shoulders. On the decease of Mr. Hill in 1884, Mr. Emery and Mr. Dwight purchased the heir's interest and the business has since been managed under the same firm- name, in 1888 a stock company was formed continuing the same name, Mr. Emery becoming president and general manager and Mr. Dwight treasurer. A word in regard to the workshops, which are very expensive although the stranger passing by on Main street would not see the immense workshops in the rear. The building located on North JIain street, comprises a three-stor}' building and basement, 40 X 125 feet, with a three-story and basement building connected in the rear, 40 x 160, and a collar shop building, two stories in height, 25 X 60 feet. The companj' has recently opened a store in Boston at 30 Sud- burj' street, 61-63 Portland street. Employment is given to 100 to 150 skilled workmen according to the season. The company does an extensive wholesale business, the largest probably of the kind in New England. No con- cern in the country gives more genuine value for every dollar received. The quality of the work manufactured by this concern stands unrivalled, being acknowledged not only to be the best to be had, but the Standard Harness of America. The trade of this house" extends to every part of the inhabited globe where American or English enterprise has gained a foothold. The firm took the highest award at the Centennial in '76, special awards at Sidney- in "79, and the only party receiving two awards at the Melbourne exhibition of '80. Their harness also took the first prize again at Melbourne in '88 and have alwa3-s taken the high- est awards when placed in competition. Barnum & Bailey are heavy patrons of this company's productions, and are using a complete outfit in all their departments of harness made by this firm. While express and coach harness are a prominent feature, yet a specialty of the house is the making of fine harness, including fine carriage harness, coupe, rockaway, gentleman's light driving and business harness of all sorts and descriptions. The customer can have his taste gratified in every respect, and in point of style they are surpassed by none. The following editorial article taken from the Coach and Sncldleiy Journal, published in New York City, shows how the trade look upon the goods manufactured by this firm : " George H. Emery, senior member of the firm of James R. Hill & Co., Concord, N. H , paid a flying visit to this city last week for the purpose of buying stock for the firm, whose business is steadily increasing notwithstanding their factory is located in a citj^ that of itself offers little induce- ment to business visitors. The value of a good reputation, honorable and square dealing, was never made more appar- ent than it is with the house of ' The Concord Harness,' their trade mark being an imperturbable barrier to rival houses, and especially to that class who have not the ability to invent new styles themselves, and can onlj' copy and imitate others. There are such houses in the trade, and their reputations in this respect are well known. This house is among the pioneers and in the advance ground in getting up new styles, and probably there has been more copying from ' The Concord Harness ' than all others in the countrj', as it seems to be the ne plus ultra of some harness manufacturers of the class we have mentioned to say they can make as good a harness as the ' Concord Harness,' made by James R. Hill & Co. It was Mr. Emery who first conceived the idea of making a standard harness, and obtained for his house their trade mark, which consists of the words ' The Concord Harness,' and 34 LEADINO inSINESS MEX OF CONCORD. also, at a later date, another in which music is mitde to appear, llie significance of whicli has been a puzzle to many, as it was to us. to know what rausic had to ilo with a harness We asked Mr. E. for the meaning, wlio said, — • Why, what Is music but harmony, and what is har- mony but a concord of sounds ? And in all our harness we combine harmony in their proportions, one strap with another: hence they are "Concord Harness."' There is no danger of the good name of the house being sacrificed under its present management, as botli members of the firm have had a long and practical experience, the senior from 1851, and the junior from 18G5 Knowing how and what to buy is an attainment reached by comparatively few, but Mr. Emery is prominent among that few. He is looked upon bj- the Xew York harness leather manufact- urers as one of the most competent judges of harness leather that visits this city. When David Moffat, the acknowledged leader in the manufacture of harness leather, says, as he did to the editor, of Mr. Emery, — ' He is a thorough and critical judge of harness leather : he knows all about it. He knows good leather at sight, and, in buy- ing, selects only the best : it is useless to offer him any- thing else. He buys close, but he buys good stock only,' — it speaks volumes in praise of the buyer, and gives assurance to those who buy ' The Concord Harness ' that they will get Iiarness made of good stock and in a work- manlike manner." No higher endorsement can be had. The of the firm's trade mark " The Concord Harness "is not limited to any one style of harness, but is and always has been applied and used by them for every description of harness of superior quality of stock and workmanship, meaning that the purchaser should become accustomed to rely upon the quality of any harness sold him under this name, and while the motto which is original with this house (although it has been copied by others) " Not how cheap but how good" when applied to the quality of "The Concord Har- ness," is wholly true, yet if a cheap harness is wanted, it can be obtained of them in any style desired, at prices lower than the lowest. Aside from the manufacturing of harness, the firm carry a line of all kinds of goods belong- ing to the trade, carriage and stable furnishings, horse clothing, trunks, travelling valises, and all sorts of sad- dlery hardware generally. On seeing the firm's trade mark where the music is made to appear the poet has fur- nished the following verses which state the facts very clearly : TUNE, AMERICA. 111. In Afric's sunny clime, Austrnlia'6 land sublime. O'er EuropeV plains, O'er Asia's boundless ground, — In fact, the world around. Is " Concord Harness " found, Wliere men draw reins. IV. ■' Nol how cheap, but how good," So, with harmonious voice, Long has our i]|}otto stood Proclaim the i>eople'8 choice, Before all men. From near and far. Surpassed by none e'ormade. Shout, to the heavens blue ! No matter what the grade. Shout, men of every hue I Of no fair test afraid. Shout, for the "Concord." true! By draft or pen. Concordia .' I. Come, drivers, let us sing, Alake all the welkin ring With sounds of praise. Praise for the Harness fine, ^lade in the best design. Beauty in every line, Strong in all ways. 11. Mechanicks National Bank of Coucord.-The Mechanicks National Bank is one of the oldest established and most truly representative financial institutions in New Hamp- shire, and for nearly si.\ty years has steadily and ))Ower- fuUy assisted in the development of the manufacturing and mercantile interests of the State, giving particular attention to enterprises located in Concord and vicinit}'. Those who are attracted only by what is vaguely termed " brill- iant" financiering will find but little to interest them in the record of this bank, but those who are old-fashioned enough to admire purely legitimate methods, and to appre- ciate a policy both conservative and progressive will heart- ily endorse its management from the beginning. The Mechanicks Bank was chartered under State laws in 1834 and was nationalized in 1880. It has a capital of $150,000 and is thoroughly equipped in every waj' for the carrying on of a general banking business, including the reception of deposits, the collection of drafts, the purchase and sale of standard securities and the discotiuting of approved commercial pajier. The institution during the past season of 188'J has secured the extensive apartments on 3Iain street in the corner of the Board of Trade Building, which have been rearranged — newly fitted, and furnished with special reference to the requirements of the bunk so that, as completed, thej' are uusurpa.ssed for their purpose, by any banking rooms in New England. The facilities it here offers are availed of by the leading manufacturers and mercantile houses of the city and vicinity. Its representa- tive character is due not alone to its long and honorable career, but also to the character of the men identified with its management, for its officers and directors are gentlemen of such prominence as are rarel}' grouped together in a single institution, and on account of this fact we take the liberty to make personal mention of each as we record their names The position of president is held by Hon. Edgar H. Woodman, who for four 3ears was mayor of this city, a lawyer by profession and holds many positions of trust, and is interested in the future development and prosperity of Concord and at the present time is active in this direction as president of the "Concord Commercial Club." The cashier Is Mr. .James Minot, and is a nephew of Mr. Geo. Jlinot. the first cashier of the old State Bank. Mr. Minot is one of the most experienced and best known of the cashiers nf New England. He Is also a veteran of the late war and prominent In Grand Army circles, having served two terms as Assistant Adjutant-General, Depart- ment of N. H. The board of directors is constituted as follows : Mr. Joseph B. Walker, a direct representative of the early settlers of Concord of the same surname, all of whom have been hi.ghly respected and successftd citizens Hon. .John Kimball has been mayor of the city for four j'ears, a State senator and has occupied numerous posi- tions of trust and confidence and is at present treasurer of the Merrlnuick County Savings Bank. Mr. John M. Hill, for twenty five years the treasurer and general manager of the Concord Gas Light Co., and sufiicientl}' well known throughout the Slate to be si-lec'ed as a candidate for gov- ernor bj- the democratic party, with which he has always been Identified. Hon. Benjamin A. Kimball, formerly a State senator and member of the governor's council, and now the managing director of the Concord & Montreal Railroad. Hon. Charles H. Amsden, a well known manu- facturer at Penacook, In this city, has a wide reputation as an enterprising busino.=s man. was State senator, and recently selected as a candidate for governor by the demo- cratic party. ExMayffr Edgar H Woodman lias already been referred to as president. Frank W. Uollins. the youngest member of the board takes the place of his father, Hon. E. H. Rollins, the well known senator from New Hampshire who is recently deceased, a rising young banker and business manager of the well-known firm of E. H. Rollins & Son! With such a bo.ard of management, there can be no question but that the old Meclianicks National Bank will continue to increase its prosperity and usefulness. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 35 HARRY D. HAMMOND & CO.. THE LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE i3Nr cJoasrcJOMD. ^^^No one can treat C-ustoiuers better with Price, Quality and Style. Lean and Trust Savings Bank, 37 Main Slreet, Coucord, N. H. — Tbe cliief incentive to and aid in saving money is now aflforded by tlie various excellent savings banks distributed tlirougliout tlie country, and one of the best of tliese worthy institutions is the Loan and Trust .Savings Bank of this city. The design of this bank as out- lined by the management is as follows: "The Loan and Trust Savings Bank is designed to afford a safe and profitable investment of all sums of monej' entrusted to its care, and is alike open to all classes in the community, thus enabling the industrious and frugal, by commencing enrly in life to make provi>ions for the future, and at the same lime offer- ing encouragement to those who have not been such to lessen their expenses and lay by something for a time of need." No one can deny that a well-managed institution having such aims is a great benefit to any community; and that this bank is well-managed is proved, first by the record made since its incorporation in 187^, second by the implicit confidence reposed in it by those conversant with its re sources and methods, and third by the following figures from the statement of its condition, April 5, ly&O: De- posits, ,f3,163, 634.94; guarantee fund, $100,000; undivided profits, 1123,112.73. As in all regular savings banks the guarantee fund and undivided profits as well as all income derived therefrom belong to its depositors. The com- plete list of officers is as Pdlows: President, James S. Norris, vice-president, Lewis Downing, Jr ; treasurer, Jiihn F. Jones; teller, Fred N. Ladd; trustees, James S. Norris, Lewis Downing, Jr., Howard A. Dodge, John F. Jones, Silas Curtis, L. VV. Cogswell, Paul R. Holden, Howard L. Porter, John M. Mitchell, John C. Linehan, James C. Norris, Josiah E. Fernald. Investment com- mittee, James S. Norris, Lewis Downing, Jr., Howard A. Dodge, Howard L. Porter and John F. Jones. The in- terests of depositors are certainly secure under such guar- dianship, and we believe it would be impossible to point 'out an institution where small sums of money can be more safely and profitably invested. E. W. Brooks, wholesale and retail dealer in Flour, Grain and Groceries, foot of West street, South End, Con- cord, N. H. — The business carried on by Mr. E. W. Brooks was founded in 1889. Jlr. Broolis is a native of Portland, Maine, and has had long and varied experience in connection with the handling of flour, grain, groceries, etc., the result being that he is in a position to furnish strictly dependable goods at strictly bottom prices. The premises utilized are located at tlie foot of West street. South End, and comprise two floors each of which is about 23x60 feet in dimensions. This affords oppor- tunity for the carrying of a lieav}' stock and it is fully improved, a large and complete assortment being con- stantly on hand. Particular attention is paid to the hand- ling of such brands of flour as are especially adapted for family use, and as very low prices are named in this department housekeepers would do wtU to place a trial order with Mr. Brooks. The stock of groceries comprises staple and fancy articles of all kinds, and includes some of the choicest teas, coffees and spices to be found in Con- "COrd. Employment is given to two efficient assistants, and callers may safely depend upon receiving prompt and polite attention. H. C. Bailey, Photographer, State Block, corner Main and School Streets, Concord, N. H. — Naturally the first question asked by those desiring to be photographed is: " Who does the best work ? " We believe who visit the new studio of H. C. Bailey, Main and School streets, will be well satisfied that they have chosen the right place. This studio was thoroughly remodeled and newly fitted up in the early months of tlie year 1888, and was taken pos- session of hy the present proprietor the fifteenth day of May the same year. The premises occupied comprise two floors, utilized as reception and ladies' parlors, dress- ing rooms, printing, burnishing, solar and skylight rooms, the latter being conveniently fitted up with every modern improvement requisite to perfect portraiture, and the former elegantly furnished and adorned with hundreds of cabinets, imperials and life size portraits, which are well worthy a careful inspection. Mr. Bailey was born in Lisbon, N. H., but has resided in Concord the past thirty years, and has long been a well known business man in this city. He was the first photographer in this part of New Hampshire to totally discard the old wet plates and use exclusively the new instantaneous process, also the first to produce successful pictures at night by the flash light, and at the present time owns the exclusive right for Concord and vicinity of the celebrated Talcott glass mounts, the Genelli stamp portrait, and the latest impor- tant improvement in modern photography — Snell's beauti- ful patented water colors Mr. Bailey has a branch studio and art store in Woodsville, N. H., recently built expressly for him, which will compare favorably with any establish- ment in New England. This necessitatis an increase of workmen and artists in the Concord studio, where all the photographic work is finished under Mr. Bailey's personal supervision, whose taste and experience in posing sitters and regulating light and shade are such as to accomplish the most satisfactory and life-like results, and well deserves the large patronage which this studio receives. 36 LEADING BV SIX ESS MEN OF CONCORD. E. H. Rollins &, Son (incorporated). A Legal Deposi- tory for Trust Funds, Financial Agents of tlie Courts, Boston, Mass., Concord, N. II. — Tlic action of the legis- lature of New Hampshire in chartering Ihc corporation of E. H. Rollins & Son at its June session. ISiSU, as the suc- cessor of the long established firm of E. H. Hollins & Son, was a handsome but deserved compliment to that repre- sentative concern, for the slock of the corporation was taken by tliose interested in tlie old firm, and it is an open secret that the favorable action of the legislature was largely due to an understanding that such was to be the case. The act was referred to both the banking and judi- ciary committee, each of wliich reported in its favor with- out one dissenting voice, and it provides that tlie affairs of tlie corporation "shall be under the supervision and con- trol of the bank commissioners," thus subjecting tlie management to the same conservative restrictions as are exercised in the case of savings banks, etc. The company is especially autliorized by its charter ; To receive funds of trustees, guardians, administrators and others ; to act officially as financial agents of the courts of this and other States; to act as trustees for individualsand corporations ; to execute all powers incident to a safe deposit and trust company ; to negotiate loans for itself and others and to issue its debentures; to deal in money and securities and do a banking business. The loaning of its funds to any stockholder is forbidden bj' law. The former firm and the present company are identical in at least one very import- ant principle of management : every important officer being .so largely interested in the capital of the concern as to cause his personal interesls to be the same as those of the company. The popular judgment of this and other principles of management is shown in the fact that the aggregate business of the several departments exceeds that of any other New Hampsliire financial institution. In the banking department deposits will be accepted on con- ditions similar to those made by savings banks, interest at 5 per cent, per annum being paid. The trust department is entirely separate from all olliers, and has charge of the investment and disbursement of trust funds, and the per- formance of kindred duties atlaching to legal financial agents. The bond dcparlment is devoted to tlie negotia- tion and sale of high-grade New England municipal bonds, and of issued by Western counties and municipalities. In the bank stock department is handled a conservative line of national bank stock ; the leading commercial centers of the West being well represented. The invest- ment dii)arlment conducts all the vast amount of business incidental to loaning money on farm or city property in the West and negotiating securities founded thereon through- out New England. The placing of mortgage loans is con- fined to certain sections in Colorado and to the valley of the Red River of the North in North Dakota ; the Colorado loans being placed by the Rollins Investment Co., and the Dakota loans throu<;h the company's office in Grand Forks, the manager of which is a large stockholder, and person- ally examines every loan. Seven per cent., ungual anteed loans, six per cent, guaranteed loans and six per cent., debenture bonds are offered by the company, and perhaps the best evidence of the character of these securities is that afforded by the fact that the company's customers include the leading savings banks of the Stale and many other banks and institutions throughout New England. The American Loan and Trust company of Boston is the trustee (or E. H. Rollins & Son debentures, and in this connection the statement of that company and of the Rollins Investment Company will be of interest ■. AMERICAN LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. TRUSTEE FOR E. H. ROLLINS & SON DEBENTURES. Boston, Mass., April 29, 1889. Assets. Stocks and Bonds $580,944.18 I>oans (short time) 2,890,412.28 Expense Acc't 11.6,58.61 Cash 618,69.5.65 ^4,101,710.72 LiabilUiei. Capital 11,000,000.00 Surplus 125.000.0a Undivided Profits 53,074 11 Deposits 2,'.>23,036.01 $4,101,710.72. ROLLINS INVESTMENT COMPANY. DENVER OFFICE OF E. It. ROLLINS & SON. Denver, Col., March 31, 1889. Resources. Loans secured on Real Estate $04,693.44 Loans on Personal Security 32,954.75 Stocks, Bonds and Warrants 166,326.22 Furniture and Fixtures 4,101.25 Current Expenses 10,411.66 Interest due 2,7.50.80- Due from Offices and Persons 59,029.07 Due from Banks and Bankers 72,025.63 Cash 1,388.05- * $414,282.87 l.iahilities. Capital Stock paid in $200,000.00- Surplus Fund 30,000.00 Guarantee Fund 5,000 00 Undivided Profits 38,510.47 Loans paid, but not remitted for . 5,834.78- Due Borrowers on Loans made 16,.565.79 Deposits 113,006.83. Cashier's checks outstanding 5.365.00 $414,282.87 The E. II. Rollins & Son Companj' has a paid up capital of $150,000, and its officers comprise the following repre- sentative citizens ; President, F. W. Rollins ; vice presi- dents, E. W. Rollins, Hiram A. Tuttle ; treasurer, H. H. Dudley ; secretary, H. B. Roby ; manager Boston office, Louis G. Hoyt ; manager Grand Forks office, George A. Batchelder ; directors," F. W. Rollins, £. W. Rollins, H. H. Dudley, H. B. Roby, Louis G. Hoyt, George A. Batchelder, John Laighton, J. Frank Seavey, Dr. W. G. Carter. Oliver Racine, manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of" Eastern Granite, Concord, Sunapee, Quincy, Barre, etc., Fine Cut and Poli-slied Cemetery Work. Prompt Attention to Orders and Correspondence, Concord, N. H. — It is diffi- cult to accurately forecast the future, but there seems to- be no room for doubt that granite is to largely take the ptece of marble for cemetery work, building purposes, etc. Certainly such has been the tendency during the past scor& of years, and the popularity of granite is still constantly increasing. In our New England climate especially, it is far superior to marble and other soft stones for out door use, and so far as beauty and variety are concerned it will compare favorably with any ornamental stone. If any of our readers are disposed to question this latter statement, we would respectfully request them to call at the estab- lishment conducted by Jlr. Oliver Racine, located on North State street, for he is a manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of eastern granite, including Concord. Sunapee, Quincy, Barre, etc., and carries a large and varied stock at all times. A specialty is made of fine cut and polishi d cemetery work ; and where the grain of the stone is brought out by polisliing, such beautiful effects arc attained; as no marble in the world can equal, while the is as- durable as it is effective. Mr. Racine is a native of Canada, and became connected with his present enterprise in 1882, as a member of the firm of Racine it SIcGuire, assuming sole control in 1886. He does both a wholesale and retail business, and is prepared to furnish reugh or finished granite in (juantities to suit at the lowest market rates. Employment is given to from ten to fifteen assistants, and orders and all correspondence are assured prompt and careful attention ; estimates being cheerfully furnished on, application. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD 37 F. A. Piper, dealer in Pianos and Organs ; Pi- ano- Forte Tun- er. Agent for Mebliii & Sons, Lawrence&Sons Pianos, Prescott Pianos. No. 92 X ( I r t li JI a i n Street, Concord, N. H. — Tliat tliere is "no liome witliout music," has bf (■nine almost a truism and real ly, it is wonder "^ - ful how wide- spread, and in- •deed universal the love of harmonj' is. It has resulted in the manufacture of thousands of pianos and organs per annum, and as some of these are unfortunately made only to ^ell, and not to stand the test of years of wear, it behooves the purchaser to be very careful lest good money be given for a poor instrument. The best way of course, to guard against imposition is to deal only with houses of high and long established reputation, and in the line of pianos and -organs we can recommend that conducted by Mr. F. A. Piper who occupies a part of a store with Mr. Oliver Ballou, at 92 North Main street. He deals in pianos and ■organs of various makes, which stand high in the estima- tion of the trade, but he makes a specialty of Jlehlin & Sons, and Prescott Pianos, for which he is the agent in this section. He also deals in violins, banjos, guitars, sheet music and musical merchandise. This house was fouuded several years ago by Mr. A. J. Prescott who was succeeded in 1887 by Mr. F. A. Piper, and it was in November of the ■«ame year that he removed to his present location, where Jie is pleased to exhibit the variou^ instruments and give all information as to their respective qualities in regard to tone, ac;tion, and capabilities for enduring the wear which they will have, and the changes of our climate which materially affect some instruments. Mr. Piper is also a ^pianoforte tuner, and is prepared to attend to all orders at ■■short notice and warrants satisfaction in all cases. J. D. Johnson & Son, manufacturers of Harnesses, Col- lars, Halters, Whips, etc., Concord.-Everybody knows that ■"practice makes perfect," and as Mr. Johnson has been -engaged in the manufacture of harness for many years he certainly ought to be reasonably perfect by this time. As a matter of fact, the firm of J. D. Johnson & Son have the reputation of producing harness that has but few equals and no superiors in the market, and although they don't adver- tise to sell a first-class liarness at less than the cost of the stock used in its manufacture, it is conceded by practical men that no concern in the State gives more genuine value for money received. The late Mr. J. D. Johnson, formerly the senior member of this firm, was a native of Weut- worth, N. H.. and began business in Concord in 184.5 In 1876 the firm was changed by the admission of Mr. Fred. S. Johnson, who is a native of this city. The present firm aame was then adopted, and since the death of J. D. John- son in 1884 the business has been continued b.y his son, the surviving partner, Mr. Fred. S. Johnson. The premises utilized are located on Bridge street, and have an area of 800 squire feet, exclusive of the rooms used for storage purposes. The high reputation of the firm's products is by no means confined to this city and vicinity, for large shipments were formerly made to Australia, New Zealand, San Francisco, etc., and doubtless by this time the export trade would have attained great magnitude bad not the harness industry been introduced at all those points. The home demand however is quite extensive, and the firm ■carry a full line of harnesses, collars, halters, whips and horse furnishings in general, and have every facility at jhand for the doing of custom work in a uniformly superior manner and at short notice. No fancy prices are quoted, and the goods are in every instance guaranteed to prove just as represented. National State Capital Bank, 37 Main Street, Con- cord. — That commer- ^^ cial stability is largely fe5^__ dependent upon the -^-.tS: facilities afforded by liscal institutions is a fact too obvious to require demonstra- ,, lion here, and it goes - without saying that ,' - the banks of Concord " ' are intimately linked i: with the growth of .! ! every enterprise in iii;il i this city and vicinity, .r Especially is this true r:r«pj)iF of the National State " Capital Bank, for this has ever been a favo- rite with the business world, its unusually ^^ extended line of de- ""'^■*^^----.,^-__,_A-- "* posits being largely those of active merchauts and manufacturers, whde it dis- counts a large proportion of the most desirable commercial paper on the market. This bank was organized in 1853, and received a National charter in 1865. It has a capital of 1300.000, held by leading citizens as one of the choicest and most remunerative of investments, and the existence of a surplus of $100,000 attests the conservatism and gen- eral ability of the management. The board of directors is constituted of Messrs. Lewis Downing, Jr., James S. Nor- ris, Lymin D. Stevens, John H. Pearson, John F. Jones and Henry J. Crippen — men prominent and influential in commercial circles, their names being synonymous with stability and integrity, so it is natural that no financial institution in the city should enjoy greater confidence than that with which they are so prominentl}' identified. Mr. Lewis Downing, Jr., is president of the bank, and Mr. J. E. Fernald, cashier. It is located at No. 37 Main street, in a handsome, commodious and substantial building, erected by themselves in 1880, one of the architectural ornaments of Concord. The banking rooms are very con- veniently fitted up and suflicient clerical assistance is eniplo3'ed to ensure the prompt and accurate transaction of all business submitted. The following statement gives a comprehensive idea of the resources of the institution and the extent to which they are utilized : ST.\TEMENT, APKIL 5, 1890. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States Bonds to secure circulation. . . . Due from reserve agents Due from other national banks Banking house Bills of other national banks and companies. Legal tender notes and gold Redemption fund Bond account $536, 50, Liitbilities. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits National Bank notes outstanding. , Dividends unpaid. $783,313.05 . . . $200, 100. 20, 44 3 Deposits 414 000.00 000.00 740.. 53 IGO.OO .435.00 871.53 $783. '213. 05 38 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. Organized 1845 Bwljnpk Itifi e INSURANCE WILLLVM H. BEERS, President Crowe LL ficMcKELLAR GenI Agents CHASE'S BLOCK 15N0.MAIN ST. CONCORD. N H. Wliat the lawyers call "the burden of proof," is now thrown on the man who is not insured, for such a revolu- tion has occurred in public sentiment within a decade or so, that a man who can be insured but neglecis to take out a policy, is regarded as careless and selfish unless he can prove the contrary to be the fact. Heally the only ques- tion for a sensible man to consider is where be can place his insurance to the best advantage, and we can aid pow- erfully in an entirely satisfactory solution of that by directing our readers' attention lo tbe facilities offered by the Xew York Life Insurance Company, wliose Slate agency for New Hampshire is in Koom No. 4, Chase's Block, No. 15 North Main street. Uere may be found Messrs. Crowell & McKellar, who are the general agents for New Hampshire, and control subagents throughout the State. They established their agency in .Vpril, 1889, and have already written a great many policies, for not only do tliey understand bow to bring the advantages of dependable life insurance home to every inquirer, but they are in a position to furnish the highest type of insurance at the lowest market rates. The New York Life is one of the strongest and most extensive life companies in the world, and the magnitude of its operations is most sigoificautly shown by tlie record of a single year (1889) : INCOME ACCOUNT. From policy-holders §24,.')83.921.]0 " interest, rentals, etc 4,.577,345.14 Total income 20,163,266.24 DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT. Death claims and endowments §6,2r)2,005.50 Dividends, auimities and purchased insur- ance .5.869,020.16 Total paid policy-holders 12,131,121.66 These figures are impressive and would be even more so were it not for their magnitude, which prevents their being entirely comprehended. For instance the total income for the year of 1889, over twenty nine millions of dollars, is loo huge to be appreciated, but its significance becomes evident when it is learned that it amounts to nearly one fifth of the total income ot all the life compa- nies. Look for a moment at the summary for Iho 45 years' business. Kereived from policy holders in premiums, $207,- 679,689.43 ; lU'emiums for annuities |!;15,84G,595.(i6 ; Total from policy holders, $223,526,284.49. raymenls to policy- holders and llieir representatives with assets now held as securiiy for policies in force exceeds the amount received from policyholders, 110,871,375.34. Interest, rentals, etc., $52,808,009.94 ; death-losses paid, $.50.040,257.60 ; Interest and rents exceed death-losses paid. $2,827,812.34. Assets, .«;10.5,05;S,0U0.9(; ; surplu.s, .$15,600,000.00. Some one may ask, who are the ollicers of this company respon- sible for the supervision of its affairs'? VVm. 11. Beers, the president, has been connected with the company from its infancy, advancing step by step from clerk to cashier, actuary, vice president, to his present position. First vice- president, Henry Tuck : second vice president, A. H. Welch: and actuary R\ifus AV. Weeks, have all reached their present position by advancement step by step. With such an administrative staff of officers, the company have and are always advancing the interests of its policy-holders and when we consider the fact, that the amount of its endowment and annuity policies is larger by more than forty millions of dollars, ils forms of policies and the results more satisfactory than any other company, it speaks volumes for the executive ability of ils ollicers. The New England Branch, located at Boston, Mass., com- prising the New Kngland Slates, excepting Vermont is under the supervision of Major Ben. S. Caltf, one of the oldest and most prominent lite underwrilers of Massachu- setts, witli lion. D. P. Kingsley — late insurance commis- sioner of Colorado— as inspector of agencies Jlessrs. Crowell & Mclvell irwill be happy to give full and detailed inlormation upon application, and will gladly furnish the actual results of policies whieli have matured and been set- tled in 1889, and mail communications will be promptly and carefully attended to. D. M. Camp, successor to A. W. Gale, Ice Cream and Dining Rooms, Oysters, Home made Bread, Holls and Pastry, fine Confectionery and Cigars, 31 North JIain Street, Concord, N. H. — '^ihc establishment now conducted by Mr. D. M. Camp is one of the most widely popular of Concord's "instilutions,"andil well deserves ils popularity, for a better place lo gel a dinner, a light lunch or an ice cream is hard to find in the city. 'This enterprise was established in 1862, and after two or three chances in ils management came into the possession of Mr. A. \V! Gale in 1886. who was succeeded by llie present proprietor in 1889. Mr. D. M. Camp is a native of Stowe, Vt., and is very well and favorably known throughout Concord. He conducts ice cream and dining rooms at No 31 North Main street and a restaurant located at the Concord depot. The up- town cstabushment can seat seventy two guests at a lime, and the one at the depotsixleen, they are very conveniently fitted up and always kept in a most attractive condition. Mr. Camp deals in oysters, home-made bread, rolls and pastiy, also fine confectionciy and cigars. He employs fifteen reliable assistants and is prepared to cater for balls^ parlies or any public occasion in a most able and satisfac- tory manner. The secret of the high reputation for delicacy- LEADINO BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 3? and fineness of flavor hold by his productions is easily ex- plained, for it is the legitimate result of the use of the best obtainable materials aiul careful supervision of every pro- cess of manufacture. Success gained by such methods is as permanent as it is well deserved, and it naturally follows that I\[r. Camp's business is steadily and rapidly increasing. Moderate prices are quoted in bothestal)li.shments, and the largest orders can be filled at short notice. vv— ^lvTlJ\'G[(?o roXcof^D N-H.*u7s.A, Boston Branch, IT Federal Street.— The enterprise conducted by the Page Belting Company was inaugurated in 1868 by Page Brothers, the original location being Franklin, N. H. The undertaking was removed to Con- cord in 1873, and the existing company was incorporated, with an authorized capital of half a million. The capital actually paid in was 175,000 in 1872, the following year it was increased to $125,000, again increased in 1878, to $200,000, and again in 1887, to $250,000.— figures which indicate to some degree at least the constant and rapid development of the business. Jlr. George F. l-'age is pres- ident of the company, and Mr. C. F. Page is trea'urer. Employment is given to 175 assistants, and the annual product is large in amount and extensive in value a great proportion of it consisting of high grade goods, in the manufacture of which the company especially excels The goods are sold throughout tliis country, and are also exported to some extent, and during the past year several government contracts have been filled. The works are situated on two railroads, and are connected with the Con- cord & Montreal railroad, by private tracks. The total plant covers an area of about ten acres, and among the most prominent buildings it comprises may be mentioned a tannery, one story in height and 60 X 220 feet in dimen- sions ; a two story belt shop measuring 45 X 2.50 feet ; a two-story bark mill, measuring 35 X 45 feet, together with storehouses, tenements, out-buildings, etc. Three steam engines and boilers are included in the plant, and the works can consume 750 hides per week in the manufacttne of belting, and 1200 sides of lace leather during the same period. The company manufacture four staple grades of belting and five special grades, the latter being known respectively as the Crown Extra, Page's Two Ply, the Dynamo, Hercules raw hide, and Agricultural. Each of these is adapted to a special work for which, either in price or quality, staple goods may not be exactly suited. Avery popular specialt_v is the "Hercules" lacing, and another is the Acme link belt, constructed on entirely new principles and manufactured exclusively by this company, under a patent issued JIarch 19, 1889. A stock of the sizes in most general request is constantly carried so that orders can be filled without delay. The Eureka Dynamo belting was also patented in March, '89, and is very highly thought of by practical electricians as it combines pliability, freeiioni from stretch, straightness in running, maximum traction and moderate cost. Standard kit cut laces and other specialties might be added to the list, but we will content ourselves with referring those interested to the handsome illustrated pamphlet issued by the company. This little book should be in the hands of every manufact- urer for it contains, besides a catalogue of leather and rubber belting, straps of all kinds, lace leather, etc., val- uable practical rules for the purchase and use of belting, and a list of kinds and grades of belting to u-e for different kinds of work. It will be sent on application at the Con- cord works or at the branch oftices in Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Tlie following claims and warrants will be of interest to every belt-user and it should be remembered that they are issued by a concern of known and undoubted responsibility : Claims, First, leather of superior quality; Second, thorough stretching, belt to run very straight, and with a minimnm of taking up. Third, the very best of workmanship. Fourth, attractive finish ; Fifth, liberal dealing with customers. Si.rth, uniform quality in successive shipments. The care we exercise, and the accurate selection into various grades, our large and general trade, and our interests, all enable and incite us to send the same thing in quality every time. War- rant : First, we warrant our goods to be as represented, and to give satisfaction with proper usage. Second, we warrant our goods to run unifoim in successive shipments of the same grades. Third, we warrant satisfactory deal- ings to our customers. Fourth, we warrant our prices to be as low as such quality of goods can be offered. Thomas H. Dunstane & Son, Granite Monuments, etc., Main Street, Concord. — There are many granite monu- ments, headstones, etc., produced in Concord every year, for that city is a great centre for the granite trade and work is shipped to many distant points, but we risk noth- ing iu asserting that no concern in this line of business gives more genuine value for money received than Messrs. Thomas H. Dunstane & Son, for the workmanship of their productions is first-class in every respect, and their charges are uniformi}' moderate. The senior partner has been identified with the enterprise for about ten years, begin- ning in 1880 as a member of the firm of Hasking & Dun- stane, who were succeeded in 1886 by Ola Anderson & Co., the present firm assuming control in 1889. It is made up of Thomas H. Dunstane and Thomas H. Dun- stane, .Jr., both of whom are natives of England, and are skillful workmen as well as succe.'sful business men. Granite monunnnts, headstones, tablets, curbing and cem- etery wcrk in general are manufactured, both a wholesale and retail business being done and employment being given to from four to six assistants. The premises utilized are local ed on Main street, and callers are assured prompt and courteous attention and will be shown a large variety of designs to choose from, varying from the simplest to the most elaborate and suited to all tastes and all purses. F. E. Colburn, dealer in Ice Cream, Cake, Confectionery, etc., Oyster and Dining Rooms, 33 North Main Street, Concord. N. H. — Mr. Colburn has been the proprietor of this house since 1884,' and it has become very popular, because he has striven to learn the wants of the public and has spared neither trouble nor expense in satisfying his patrons. He is one of the best known in this vicinity for the nature of his business favors the making of acquaintances, and after eating one of his finely-cooked dinners you feel as though he were a personal friend of yours. The premises are located at No. 83 North Main Street, and have seating capacity for fifty persons, and a first-class trade is carried on at his oyster and dining rooms. Mr. Colburn is a dealer in icecream, cake, con- fectionery, etc., and he is als3 prepared to cater for parties, balls, etc., and those for whom he has provided on such occasions can testify to his capabilities and the puiity and excellence of the edibles furni.shed by him. All orders are carefully and accurately filled, and satisfaction will be given in all cases. Mr. Colburn supplies his tables with choice food and plenty of it and those who go hungrj' from his establishment have only themselves to thank for it, for he is generous in his supplies, and his prices are low enough to come within the means of all. Good manage- ment prevails and the service is prompt and courteous. 40 LEADiyO BCSISFSS MEN OF COXCORD. William B. Durgin, Designer anil Maker of AVares in Sterling iSilver, Concord, N. H.— Tlie increase in the wealtli of the country and llie decrease in the coat of sil- ver, have combined to buiUl up a great and constnntly increasing demand for sterling silverware, and the value of the total annual production of such arlicles in the United States reaches well up into the millions. One of the best-known designers and makers of wares in sterling silver in New Kngland, is Mr. William \i. Durgin of this cit}-; for the business conducted by him was established in 1853 and has developed with even greater rapidity than has the demand for the of goods he manufactures. When he began o|)crations he employed but three men, and his facilities for manufacturing were correspondmgly limited; at the present time he employs from ninety to one hundred assistants, and utilizes a soacious factory fit- ted up with the most improved machinery throughout, including a steam-engine of fifty hor.'e power. The build- ing is three stories in height, and some 40x100 feet in dimensions, giving a total floor space of about 12,000 square feet. About §300,000 worth of finished goods are produced annually, and the articles find a ready market among the most fastidious trade; thej' being unsurpassed for originality and beauty of design and fineness of work- manship. Mr. Durgin .sells to the retail trade, and the best possible evidence that his productions are profitable and desirable to handle is afforded by his long list of regu- lar customers and his steadily increasing business. His superior facilities enable him to till orders at short notice, and to quote prices that will compare favorably with any named on goods of similar grade. He is a native of Camp- ton, N. H., and is so well-known in social and business circles as to render extended personal mention altogether unnecessary. Stratton, Merrill & Co., Holler Process Flour Millers. Manufacturers of Meal, Grain and Feed at wholesale. ofHce, Railroad Square, Concord, N. H., Mills at Penacook, N. II. — Since the business carried on by Messrs. Stratton, Merrill & Co., was founded, nearly a third of a century ago, the flour and grain trade "has undergone radical changes, which are too generally appreciated to require mention here; but the enterprise in question has been managed with marked ability, and in such a progressive manner that the pnsent proprietors control the most per- fectly equipped mill in New England and turn out a pro- duct which has no superior in the market. The mills are located at Penacook, N. H., and are fittedup throughout ■with the latest improved machinery, driven by water- power. The corn-mill has a capacity of 2,. 500 bushels per day, and the flour mill has a capacity of 2.50 barrels per day; this being the only mill in New England manufact- uring by the Patent HoJler Process. Three water-wheels are utilized, giving a total of 310 horse power, nearly equally divided between the two. mills. The office and storehouse are located in this city, in Railroad square, the premises occupied comprising three floors, each measur- ing 60X100 feet. An exclusively wholesale business is done, the hulk of the flour, meal and cracked corn pro- duced being sold in this State and Massachusetts. With such facilities, it is hardly necessary to say lliat the most extensive orders can be filled at short notice, while the prices quoted are always in accordance with the lowest market rates on goods of similar grade. This undertaking was established in 1858 by John H. Pearson ifc Co., who Were succeeded by Barron. Dodge & Co in 1804, and they by Whitcher, Stratton & Co. in 1872, the present firm dating from 1881. It is constituted of Mr. George L. Stratton, a native of Lancaster, Mass. ; Jlr. Henry C. Mer- rill, a native of JIanchester, N. II.; Jlr. William K. McFarland, a native of Concord; and Mr. .lohn W. .lohn- ston, a native of Pittsfield, N. II Messrs Jlerrill and Johnston reside in Manchester, the former being a trustee of the Amoskeag Savings Bank of that city. All the members of the firm are widely and favorably known in business and social circles; and they have reason to be proud of their connection with the most truly representa- tive enterprise of the kind in New England. New Hampshire Savings Bank CONCOKD, N. H. INCORPORATED 1830. OFFICERS. .S.V.MUEL .S. KIMBALL, President. WILLIAM P. FISKE, Treasurer. TRUSTEES. S.tMUEL S. KiMllVLL, EXOCH GEIlltlSH, Jesse P. Banckoft, .Toseph B. Walker, John H. Stew.a.rt, Silve-ster Dana, M. H. Bradley, P. B. Cogswell, M.VRK R. IIOLT, \Vm. G. Carter, Charles T. Page, John C. Thorne, Samuel C. East.mas, Hentiy McFari^nd, John C. Obdwat. Ai B. Thompson, R. Walker. Chas. P. Bancroft. C. M. Boynton's Grand Depot, Dry Goods and Small W^ares. Sign of the " Big Hand," 29 Central Block, oppo- site Depot Street, Concord. — No business man in town is more generally and favorahlj' known than Jlr. C. M. Boynton. He is a native of this city and won a host of friends while acting as clerk in the formerly well-known dri' goods house of .J. French in State Block, and as senior partner of the jiopular estalilishment of Boynton & Wil- iard in Board of Trade Building, before he opened his present poptilar house in 1881. He is equally well known in social and fraternit}' circles, and is prominently identified with the Knights of Pythias, being secretary of the E. R. K. of P. of the World for section No. 11, the I. 0. O. F., and the Springfield Mutual Relief Association, being a director in the latter company. He is also vice-president of Concord Building and Loan Association, belongs to the Masonic order, and is also a member of the Royal Arca- num. Mr. Boynton has had a long and prosperous career in the dry and fancj' goods business, and is undoubtedly one of the most successful buyers as well as one of the very best salesmen in the entire State. The " Sign of the Big Hand" indicates the Concord lieadquartersfor bargains in dry goods and small wares, and a call at No. 29 Central Block, opposite Depot street, will demonstrate the fact that whether you arc in search of late novelties, depend- able goods, polite attention or low prices you can find what you want here, and be so treated as to make it sure that you will lepeat the visit when anything more in Mr. Boynton's line is required. It would be impossible to give a detailed description of the stock within our limited space, but suffice it to say, it is ever attractive, ever fresh and ever complete in all dejiartments. A very large mail business is done, and samples and goods are mailed to every part of the State, so that the legend, "C. M. Boyn- ton, Dry Goods, Concord, N. II." has become a household word throughout the entire commonwealth. Orders are assured prompt and careful attention, and Mr. Boynton spares no jiains to (ull\- satisfy every customer. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONGO RD. Geo. W. Jennings, Livery, Sale and Transient Stable. Feed, Twenty-Five Cents. Rear Amer- ican House. Nortli jVIain Street, Con- cord, N. H.— Al- though it U un- doviliteilly (litlUnilt if not impossible to carry on a livery «table (or any other enterprise) so as to satisfy everybody, still, as a general thing the public are not slow to appre- ciate liberal dealing, and show their approval by the sup- port the}- give to establishments that are conducted in accordance with such methods. A case in point is that aflforded by the livery, sale and transient stable of which Mr. Geo. \V. Jennings is the present proprietor Mr. Jennings succeeded Messrs. Brown & Otis, who had con- ducted this enterprise for some time and a gratifying trade has been built up which is steadily increasing. He has some very desirable teams for livery service, and those ■who wish to hire a good horse and a stylish easy running ■carriage for a moderate sum, would do well to give him a call. Orders are filled at very short notice and the teams are kept in such first-class condition as to be presentable in any company. An extensive transient business is done for there are good accommodations for horses, the stable ■comprising twentj' stalls. Mr. .Jennings employs about four competent assistants, and every animal left in his care will receive the best of feed and treatment. The price of feed is twent3'-five cents. All who have dealings iiere can speak in praise of its present management. C r i p p e n, Law- rence & Co., Kansas Slortgages, Salina, Kansas ; Denver, Col. Eastern Oflice, National State Capi- tal Bank Building, Concord, N. H. — An immense amount of New Hampshire cap- ital has been invested in the West during I lie past score of years, and where an (■(lual amount of pru- dence lias been exer- cised as would have been used in making investments in this State, tlie results have been in the highest degree satis- factory. It is now as true as it was ten years ago, that western farm mortgages placed through well-informed and reliable parties are unsurpassed by any securities in the market as regards security and profitable- ness. Such of our readers as reside in Concord or in fact anywhere in that section of the State, will inevitably be reminded of Messrs. Crippen, Lawrence & Co., when reference is made to western mortgages, for this firm have •done more to make these securities popular among conser- vative investors any other one concern in New Hampshire ; and the existing demand for them on the ■part of savings banks, insurance companies and other institutions of a kindred character is the direct conse- quence of the intelligent, honorable and enterprising methods which have been practiced by this representative firm from the very first. The inception of Messrs. Crippen, Lawrence & Co.'s business occurred about 18T3 for it was at that time that the senior partner of the present firm ■began to invest for personal friends in western mortgages. He was then cashier of the State Capital Bank, and "his previous career had been of a nature to give him a wide knowledge of men and affairs and an adequate conception of the future of this country in general and the western portion of it in particular. Being a man of exceptional natural ability and having made a study of financial mat- ters, it naturally followed that ]\Ir. Crippen's investments were well made and the results were so gratifying that in deference to the popular demand the firm of Crippen, Lawrence & Co. was formed to carry on operations on a larger scale, the partners being Messrs. H. J. and J. J. Crippen and George E. Lawrence. The latter had charge of the Concord office and at his death, in 1881, Mr. H. J. Crippen gave up his position as cashier and devoted his entire time to the firm. No change has been made in the name, but Mr. H. J. Putnam is now associated with Messrs. H. J. and J. J Crippen in the business. Mr. H. J. Crippen is now State representative, and was promi- nently identified with the school board for twenty years ; still being deeply interested in educational affairs. He is a native of England, but both his associates in business are Massachusetts men by birth. The firm have an office in Salina, Kan., and in Denver, Col., besides the one in this city, and have unsurpassed facilities for the secure and profitable investment of both large and small suras, all business being assured prompt and careful attention, and no pains being spared to fully maintain the enviable repu- tation so long held. Batcbelder & Co., Grocers, 14 North Main Street, Con- cord, N. H. — Some genius or other has remarked, that " some proprietors run their stores, while some stores run their proprietors," and, whoever he was, no intelligent person can question his soundness on that subject, at least. System and order will accomplish a great deal, and when these are joined to experience as is the case at the estab- lishment conducted by Batchelder & Co., success is assured. The grocery business was founded here in 1866, by N. S. Batchelder & Co., and the firm so continued until they were succeeded in 1871 by the present flriu of J. T. and A, B. Batchelder, both of these gentlemen being natives of New Hampshire. Mr. J. T. Batchelder served in the late war for four years, and attained the rank of first lieutenant. He has also been an alderman. The premises occupied comprise one floor 22X85 feet in dimen- sions and a basement of the same size. As these gentle- men have been engaged for about a score of years in the retail grocery trade, it would indeed be strange if they were not able to offer their customers special advantages in many directions by this time. The stock which they carry is very large and varied, and consists of staple family groceries, flour and grain. Employment is given to six competent and polite assistants, and particular effort is made to serve all customers with promptness and cordial ity. While all the goods are first class, their prices will be found moderate, and the high reputation of this estab lishment for honorable dealing is well merited. Geo. T. Comins Co , Manufacturers of Hardwood Bed- steads, Concord, N. H. — The George T. Comins Company is of comparatively recent origin, having been incorporated in 1889, but the business with which it is identified is of much earlier date, having been founded more than twelve years ago by Mr. George T. Comins The company is engaged in the manufacture of hardwood bedsteads, and some idea of the magnitude and importance of the enter- prise may be gained from the fact that from 70,000 to 80,000 bedsteads are produced annually. One might suppose it would be diflicult for a single concern to dispose of so enormous a product of bedsteads alone, but the company find a readj' market for all the}' turn out, as the product is uniform in quality, both of stock and workmanship, and the lowest market rates are quoted at all times. The office is located in the board of trade building, and a very com- modious storehouse is utilized as a heavy stock is almost invariably carried. The company has a capital of .flO.OOO, and some of Concord's leading business men are identified with it, the position of president being held by Mr. John Kimball, that of treasurer by Mr. Edward P. Comins, while Mr. George T. Comins acts as manager. 42 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. Eagle and Phenix Hotel Co., Edsoa J. Hill, ^lanager, Concord, N. H. — II hns been said " there is nothing 8o good but what it could be better." and 3Ir. Edson J. Hill IS evidentlj- a believer in that principle, for altliough the Pheni.x Hotel has won a most enviable reputation during the past six years under his manajremcnt, he has constantly endeavored to improve the service rendered, and the incorporation of the f^igle & Pheuix Hotel Company puts him in a position to offer accommodations unsurpassed by the leading hotels of Boston and other great cities. This company was incorporated in 1890, with a capital of ^120.000, Mr. Eilson ,1. Hill being treasurer and manager, and Mr Samuel C. Eastman also beiiii; promiiienlly iden- tified with it. It is the inteuticm of the management to carry on a house which shall be strictly first-class in every respect, and neither trouble nor money is spared to carry out this intention to its fullest extent. The new Eagle Hotel can accommodate -100 guests, and is heated by steam, lighted by gas and electricity, supplied with a com- modious elevator, and in short, equipped throughout with every modern convenience. Employment is given to from thirty to forty assistants, and the hotel is kept in the best of condition from roof to cellar, careful supervision being- exercised and affairs being so thoroughly systema'ized as to enable ever3'tbing to go on smoothly, and the large and rapidly growing business to be handled easily and efficiently. The cuisine is equal to the best, and the bill of fare always contains a complete variety of seasonable food, the best the market affords being utilized and provision being made for the most diverse tastes. The table service is prompt, intelligent and obliging, much less delay being experienced than at many houses doing a great deal smaller business. The Eagle Hotel is very pleasantlj' and centrally located, and is a prime favorite with tourists and others travelling for pleasure as well as with luisiness men. Guests may safely depend upon being called promptly at any designated hour, and the facilities for transportation to adjacent points are first-class, prominent among them being those furnished by the e.xccllerit livery connected with the house, hI which single or double teams with or without drivers can be oljtained at short notice, at all hours and at reasonable rates. The citizens of Concord are to be congratulated on having such an establisliment as this to represent their business methods, and those who appreciate how much the outside reputation of a commu- nity is affected by its hotel accommodations will agree with us that the best interests of Concord are materially aided by this liberally conducted enterprise. W. G. C Kimball, Photographer, Legislative Groups, Frames, etc., Chase lilock, opposite Statesman Building, Concord, N. H. — Few people aside from those connected with the profession, have any idea of the number of things that must be attended to in order to produce a good photo- graphic likeness, and if more were generally known re- garding the difliculties that must l)e met and overcome, there would be much less surprise expressed at the rarity of really good photographs. Among the best equipped artists in this line in this section, is Mr. W. G. C. Kimball, whose studio is located in Chase block. This studio was originally started in IS.iO, bj' Jlessrs. W. H. & J. L. Kim- ball, the present proprietor, Mr. W. G. C. Kimball, assum- ing full control of the business in 18G0. Sixteen apart- ments are occupied, comprising reception and toilet rooms, operating, printing, developing, toning and mounting rooms and every attention is paid to the comfort and convenience of patrons, prompt attention being given to every caller, and every needful facility being at hand to enable orders to be filled at short notice, in an eminently first-class man- ner. Seven competent assistants are erhployed. and the work done at this studio is very carefully finished, and especial attention is given to securing a perfect likeness and at the same time preserving that softness of outline so indispensable to a really artistic picture. Mr. Kimball is remarkably low in his prices and courteous in his dealings. He is a native Concord, and served in the army during our late war of the rebellion receiving the promotion from ser- geant-major to lieutenant-colonel at twenty-one years of age. The American Trust Company, Concord, N. H. — The American Trust Company was incorporated in 18S7 by a special charter from the legislature of New Hampshire, with a paid cash capital of $100,000 and an authorized cap- ital of $.'500,000. Organized iu 1888 it succeeded to the bond and loan business already established by Win. Yeaton, and Ht once assumed a prominent position in the financial world, for its management is in the hands of men of experience, honesty and ability, who make themselves thoroughly familiar with any enterprise with which they are connected. Each one of the resident directors is identified with the prosperity of Concord, all owning real estate here, and all are successful business men ready and willing to help any enterprise likely to promote Concord's best interests. They combine successful business experience with an extensive acquaintance among financial men in New England, New York and the West, and guarantee careful, conservative management of the American Trust Company. It is authorized by its charter to do a general banking business; to act as trustee for individuals, estates- or corporations, and to buy and sell investment securities. It is obvious that this company with experienced managers can offer efiicient and valuable service to prudent investors and the general public, and it is gratifying to know that an extensive and rapidlj' increasing business is done in conservative investment securities, no investment being offered for sale until careful investigation shows the secur ity to be ample and of solid merit. After sale each one is carefully watched until matured and paid off, each patron's interest l)eing carefully guarded. As trustee the company has already large financial interests committed to its care. As the officers are thoroughly familiar with Concord's^ resources and with the standing of the many large manu- facturingand mercantile enterprises carried in this section, they are excellently qualified to aid in the advancement of meritorious local interests, but worthless, windy schemes are not likely to receive much consideration at their hands. In its bond and loan business the company has very strong financial connections in New Y'ork and the west, and its facilities for investing large or small amounts in sound securities is not excelled by any company in the country. The president and manager, Mr. William Y'eaton, had been treasurer of the Farmington Savings bank, and alsa the New England agent of the Dakota Farm Jlortgage Company, before assuming his present position; he has made investments a study, personally visits each loaning field in the west, and started the business of the company upon the principle that business relations should be estab- lished and maintained only with firms and corporations having a good reputation in their own community. He is ass'iciated with F. S. Streeter as vice president and Mr. H. C. Brown as secretary, the board of directors being consti- tuted as follows: W. N. Coler, Jr., William Yeaton, F. S. Streeter, John ^l. Mitchell, Edson J. Hill, James B. Edgerly and Austin S. Ranney. J. J. Wyman, dealer iu Tripe, Tallow, Swine, Neat's Foot Oil, Bones, etc., Uumford street. Concord, N. H. — The enterprise carried on by Mr. .1. J. Wymau was in- augurated just about a third of a century ago, operations having been begun in IS.'jT. The proprietor is a native of Concord and is so generally known in business and social circles as to make extended personal luention cntirelj' un- necessary He is a dealer in tripe, tallow, swine, neat's foot oil, bones, etc., doing both a wholesale and retail business and having such facilities as to enable him to fill the most extensive orders sit short notice, and to quote- prices in strict accordance with the lowest market rates. Several buildings are utilized, located on Rumford street, and power is furnished by a five horse steam engine. Sir. Wyman has had such extended experience in connection with his present line of business, that it goes without saj'- ing, he is thoroughly familiar with it in every detail and is prepared to carry it on to the best possible advantage, and to offer imsurpassed inducements to his customers. His productions have a high reputation for uniform excel- lence; the processes of manufacture being carefully super- vised, and employment given to experienced assistants. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 4» C. H. Martin & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc., 11 North Main Street, Concord, N. H— The firm of C. H. Martin & Co. have carried on operations in this city for a full quarter of a century, and few houses in tjie State in a similar line of business are more generally known, while none have a higher reputation for absolute reliaoilitj'. Operations were begun by Messrs. Allison & Brown, who gave place to Messrs James Morgan & Co., the present firm coming into possession in 1865. The partners are Mr. C. II. Martin, a native of Grafton, N. H. ; Mr. R T. Crowell, a native of Hopkinton, X. H ; and Mr. Geo. L. Brown, who was born in Dunbarton, N. II. The latter gentleman has served as representative, and all the members of the firm are so well known as to make extended personal mention unnecessary. An extensive wholesale and retail business is cairied on ; the premises being located at No. 11 North Main street, near Pleasant street, and comprising one floor and a base- ment of the dimensions of 30xT0 feet and a rear room measuring 35X12 feet. A heavy and complete stock is constantly on hand, it being made up of goods chosen from tlie most reliable sources and guaranteed to be equal in every respect to the best the market affords. It includes drugs, medicines and chemicals, paints, oils, etc., and a fuiriine of each of these commodities is always on hand to select from. Employment is given to four experienced assistants, and orders are assured prompt and careful attention, a prominent specialty being made of the com- pounding of physician's prescriptions, and no pains being spared to ensure absolute accuracy, while moderate charges are made in every instance. S. G. Lane, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, 60 North ;Main Street, Concord, N. H. — It is perfectly safe to make the asseition that no one in this section of the State is more prominent in connection with real estate matters than Mr. S. G. Lane, for this gentleman has been identified with such interests for nearly a third of a century, and was in fact the first one in Concord to adver- tise as a real estate agent, the inception of his business occurring in 1860. Mr. Lane was born in Chichester, N. H., but has been so long and is so prominently identified with Concord's interests as to be a Concord man by adoption, to say the least. No more competent authority on local real estate matters can be found anywhere, and his office at No. 60 North Main street is the headquarters for people wishing to buy, sell, exchange, rent or lease such property. Mr. Lane has constantly on his books a variety of desirable estates, town and country dwellings, stores, offices, factories, etc , and one may save a great deal of time and trouble by goitig directly to him, instead of proceeding in the hap hazard fashion which so many who ought to know better follow. T. A. Heath & Co., Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamp Goods, etc., 61 North Main Street. Concord, N. H.— This enterprise was started in 1880 by Mr. T. A. Ileath and was conducted by him until in 1886, when Mr. Smith Tenne}' became associated with him. In 1887 the present firm of T. A. Ileath & Co was formed, and the most significant evidence that can be given concerning the character and popularity of this house is that afforded by the fact that it is riipidly becoming known throughout this section as the headquarters for china, crockery, glassware, lamp goods, wall paper and draperies. So pronounced a success is not to be gained without hard and intelligent work, and Mr. Heath has certainly worked haid, but he has the satis- faction of knowing that his etforls are appreciated by the general public, and is therefore encouraged to continue his efforts with renewed vigor. The premises made use of comprise one floor and basement 23xT5 feet in dimensions. The stock, which is extensive and varied, consisis in part of fine china, glassware, etc. The styles designated as the Tournaj', the Aberdeen and the Buckingham, are stock patterns, which can be had in separate pieces as well as in sets, and matched for years to come as readily as white ware. These are new and choice goods which will be shown with pleasure. They have also a large assortment of wall papers and draperies, of which they make a specialty, and can show many new and fashionalile designs which must suit all tastes. Three competent assistants are employed and courteous atteniion is given to all customers, and orders are promptly filled. H. N. Farley & Co., manufacturer of and dealers in Italian and American Marble, Scotch and American Granite, Monuments, Head Stones and Tablets of every description. Main, South Corner of Freight Street, Con- cord, N. H. — One of the oldest established busiuess enter- prises of the kind in the State is that conducted by Messrs. H. N. Farley & Co., for it was inaugurated more than eighty years ago, operations having been hegnn in 1818. The founder was Mr. Nathan Farley, and was succeeded by H. N. Farley & Co., consisting of Messrs. H. N. and George B. Farley, who assumed control in 1866. Both these gentlemen are natives of Concord and are too well known hereabouts to render extended personal mention necessary. They continued the business until April 1, 1890, when Mr. D. M. Spline was admitted to the firm without change of firm-name.'.Mr. Spline brings to the busi- ness a ripe and varied experience, having been connected with this line of business from apprenticeship, having been in business for himself at Petersborough, N. H., and and for the last three years as traveling .salesman for the Valido Marble company of Fair Haven, Vt. Mr. Spline will be the traveling salesman for the firm of which he i& now a partner. The firm are manufactuiers of and dealers in monuments, head stones and tablets of every descrip- tion, and can furnish them in Italian and American marble and Scotch and American Granite. Granite curbing will also be furnished at short notice and at the lowest market rates, and cemetery woik of all kinds will be skillfull}' done at reasonable prices. The firm offer a great variety of designs to choose from, ranging from the simplest to the most elaborate, and thus are in a position to suit all tastes as well as all purses. The premises utilized are located at the south corner of Main and Freight streets, a few rods below the Elm House, on the same side ; and callers are assured prompt and courteous attention, estimates being cheerfully made and all desired information given. The- work turned out by this concern is equal to the best, and we know of no esuiblishment at which an order for monu- mental stone cutting can be placed to better advantage, or with more assurance of the results being satisfactory. George W. Waters, practical Embalmer and Under- taker, and dealer in fine Caskets, Coffins, Robes, etc., warerooms 18 Pleasant Street, Concord, N. H. Also dealer in Light and Dark Concord Granite; Monuments, Tablets and Statuary a sjjecially. West Concord, N. H. — Among the most enterprising and successful business men of Con- cord may be found Mr. George W. Waters, who is a prac- tical embalmer and uudertaker, also dealer in light and dark Concord granite, which business was inaugurated in 1879 under the name of George W. Waters, the present proprietor. Mr. Waters has through his native ability and enterprise succeeded in building up his presi nt pros- perous industry The undertaking warerooms utilized by him are located at No. 18 Pleasant street, where orders for anything in the line of undertaking will receive prompt and careful attention. Fine caskets, coffins, robes, etc , are constantlj- carried in stock and will be found very reasonable in price. The granite works are located at West Concord, where light and dark granite is dealt in. Cemetery work of all kinds is done and a specialty made of monuments, tablets and statuary. A large business is done at these granite works, employment being given to fifteen experienced workmen, and as the product of the house has met with great favor among those interested, the annual output is constantly increasing. All orders in either department of Mr. Waters business will receive prompt and painstaking attention, and the goods are fully war- ranted to give the best satisfaclion Mr. Waters is well known throughout Concord and vicinity and is highly esteemed for his many excellent qualities. 44 LEADIXO BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. Welsh & liOvely, Dry Goods and Small Wares, 19 Main ■Street, Concord, N. II. — Among the leading houses devoted to the sale ol dry goods and small wares there is none more worthy of prominent mention than that conducted since March 10, 1890, by Messrs. Welsh & Lovely who at that ■dale succeeded Messrs. D. E. Clark & Son, Mr. Clark, the senior member, having successfully carried on the business for thirty eight years. This house 1ms for many years borne tlio reputation of handlinir the best lines of dress goods obtained only from |)erfectly reliable sources. The assortment embraces the latest styles and newest patterns all .goods being marked at popular jirices. The premises occupied are located in Chase's new Block and afford a fine store with an area of SOx'iO feet. The individual mem- bers of the firm are Mr. II. Welsh, a native of Southbridge, Mass., and Mr. T. S. Lovely, a native of Concord. Mr. Lovely is particularly well adapted for the enterprise as he has had ten years experience in the drj' goods business in this city, and hence is well and favorably known to the purchasing public in this vicinity. Mr. Welsh has also had about twelve years experience in general mercantile business We commend this firm to our readers as one whose ambition is to merit the confidence and patronageof the public, who appreciate honorable and upright dealing. Frank P. Mace, Bookseller and Stationer, and dealer in Photograi^h and Autograph Albums, Scrap Books, etc., IS'o. SG Xorth Main Street, Concord, N. II.— The enter- prise named above w-as originated by Mr. Wm. 11. Fiske, who was succeeded in 1875 by the present proprietor, who is a native of this citj'. The premises occupied are 30x80 feet in dimensions, and are well filled with a choice collec- tion of books and stationers' goods. A full supply of the latest novels is always at hand, as well as a fine selection ■of those standard works that will never lose their popular- ity, and book lovers who have not visited this store, will be both pleased and surprised when they do so, to find such a variety, as all tastes can be suited. He also carries a large .supply of stationery in which he can show some novelties, as well as all the popular styles of paper with which the market is now so well supplied, and in which there is such a great variety. He deals largely in photo- graph and autograph albums, scrap books, etc. lu fact you can find most everything which one would expect to find in a store of this kind. Goods will be shown with pleasure, and all information regarding them will be given in a courteous manner to all. Confectionery and soda will also be found here in good quality and condition. Mr. JIace having been established here for so lon.i; a time has become thoroughly acquainted with the tastes of his patrons, and they are sure to find just what they want, «nd his honorable dealings in the past are all the security he needs for future success La Belle & Co., dealers in and manufacturers of Con- ■cord, Sunapee, Quincy and B.arre Granites, Concord, N. II. — Granite, and in fact, anj' kind of stone, will not stand ■unskilled treatment, or in other words, there is somethin.g -about stone which makes poor workmanship look a great deal worse when this is the material wrought, than is the ■ with wood, iron, or any other substance. For this leason orders for stone work should be very carefully placed, and if intelligent discrimination be exercised, grat- ifying results can be attained at no greater cost than tittends much of the botch work too common in the market. La Belle & Co. have only carried on operations in Concord since 1889, but an enviable reputation has already been gained for producing first class work in their line of busi- ness. Fine cut and polished cemetery work of every lumbing is apt to cost dearlj- in more respects tlian one ; for doctors' bills count up heavily and, after all, the chances are that the work will have to be done over again. Mr. George Goodhue is universally known throughout this section of the State as a reliable, practical plumber, gas and steam fitter, and it is natural that he should be, for he has been engaged in this business iu Concord for nearly a score of years, having begun operations in 1871. He utilizes spacious premises at Xo. 7 Capitol street, and carries a very heavy and comi)lete stock, being a .jobber of plumbers' materials of all kinds, together with iron and brass pipe and fittings, wash bowls, marble slabs, etc. A specialty is made of gas fixtures, and anything iu thisline, from the simplest to the most elaborate pattern, will be furnished at short notice and at the lowest market rates ; customers being given an opportunity to choose from the latest novelties. Particular attention is given to fitting up dwellings, stores, factories, etc., and estimates will be cheerfully furnished on application. Another very import- ant department of the business is contracting lor water- works, sewers, etc., Mr. Goodhue being in a position to figure very closely on work of this kind, and, what is still more to the point, to faithfully carry out ever}' agreement. Towns, corporations or individuals contemplating such im- provements would do well to notify him ; and all com- munications by mail or otherwise are assured immediate and careful attention. Mr. Goodhue is ably represented when necessary by his superintendent, Mr. George S. Jlilton, who for nine years has held that position, and is tlioroughly conversant with the business and whose coun- sel is appreciated by his employer. Concord Carriage Co., Reorganized and Limited. Man- ufacturers of Heavy Trucks, Wagons, Caravans, Barges, Furniture, Job and Express Wagons. Jobbing promptly and neatly done. All Work Warranted to Give Satisfac- tion. Works at the Old State Prison Shops, Concord, N. II. — The Concord Carriage Co. began operations some fifteen years ago, but was reorganized in 1890, and now is better prepared than ever before to fill orders promptly and to quote the lowest prices possible on thoroughly flrst- class work. The gentlemen identified with it are well and favorably known in business circles, and may be depended upon to spare no pains to keep the service at the highest standard ol efliciencv- Mr. II. I. Worthington is a native of Connecticut, and Jlessrs. Lewis M. Brown and Guy S. Rix were born in this city. The company's works are at the old State's prison shops, and are commodious and well- arranged, fitted up with improved machinery, driven by an engine of thirty five horse power. Employment is given to an adequate force of skilled assistants, and the manufacture of heavj' trucks, wagons, caravans, barges, furniture, job and express wagons is extensively carried on, the vehicles being strongly and durably made in every part and equipped with the latest improvements. Jobbing is done in a neat and workmanlike manner at very short notice, and the charges are uniforndy moderate. A large and varied stock of light and heavj' wagons and carriages is constantly on hand, the vehicles, being fully guaranteed to prove precisely as represented, and the prices compar- ing favorably with those quoted by any dealer in articles of equal merit. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OP CONCORD. 45 Thomas Woodward, manufacturers of Italian and Store awnings, Tents, Flass, Uoat SaiU, Sun Sliades, Trimli Covers and Hammoel feet, and another 40 feet square. A heavy and varied stock is constantly carried, and the largest order can be filleil at- very short notice. Besides handling boots and shoes of aU kinds the company are manufacturers' agents for the- famous Woonsocket rubber goods, and are prepared to- furnish those standard articles at the verv lowest maikot. rates. Ford & Kimball, Car Wheels, Brass and Iron Founders. Office 29 .Main Street, Concord, N. H — The business car- ried on by Messrs. Ford & Kimball was founded nearly" fortj'-five years ago, and (or a long time has been classed' among Concord's representative industries. Operations, were begun in 1840 by Messrs. Ford, PiUsbury &, Co., who were succeeded the same year by Messrs. W. P. and T. H. Ford. In 1850 the business was removed to the Xortb. End, and ten 3'ears later the present premises were bought. The existing firm was organized in 1805 and is constituted of Jlcssrs T. H. Ford and B. A. Kimball; the former a native of Sanboruton, and the latter of Boscawen, X. II. The manufacture of car wheels is the leading specialty,, an;!.") (13 Norwich Union of England.. " 1.41 1.44.j.(IO Sun Fire Onice " .. " l,!mi>,331.0r) All business is assured prompt and paiiislaking atten- tion, and we need hardly add that Messrs. Jaclanan & Lang are in a position to elTecl insurance to any desired amount on the most favorable terms. 'William 'Wright's Stable, Livery, Boardinc: anil Hack Stable; Carriiiges furnished for Parlies. Weddings. Funer- als, etc. Opposite Odd Fellows' new block, Pleasant Street. Concord, N. II.— The livery, boarding and hack stable, conducted by Mr William Wright on Pleasant street, opposite the Odd Fellows' new block, is worthy of liberal patronage, both from horse owners and the public in general, for the former may board their horses there in the full i;ssurance that they will bo given proper attention, while the latter may obtain first class teams at short notice and at very reasonabbr rates. This stable was opened by Messrs. Bu.shey & Bowser, and after one or two changes in its management came into the possession of the present proprietor in 188!t. He is evidently an excellent judge of horsefiesb, for be has some universally good animals in his stable, and keeps them in tlu' pink of condition at all times. There are twenty stalls on the ])remises, and a sufi'u ieiit number of horses and carriages are on hand to properly accommodate the rapidly growing business. We are confident that those who may place a trial order with Mr. Wright will thank us for calling their attention to his facilities, for bis teams arc decidedly sujierior to commonly devoted to livery purposes. Carriages will be furnished for parties, weddings, funerals, etc.. and cus- tomers are assured prompt antl polite attention, and the prices rule very low. G. B. Emmons, Provisions, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Laml>- and Veal, Poultry and Game. Also a Complete Slock of Vegetables. No. 4 North Alain Street, Concord, N. IL— This is one of the best-known enterprises of the kind to be found in this section, it having been inaugurated many years ago, and since continued with steadily increasing success. We learn that after some changes had taken place in the management of this bouse tlie firm name in 1871 was Flanders & Emmons, and in 1875 the present proprietor, Mr. G. H. Emmons, assumed .sole control. The business has materially developed since coming under his liberal and enterprising methods, which are evidently tboroughlj' appreciated \iy t!;o»e conversant with them. The premises utilized are of the dimensions of 20x1)5 feet, and the stock carried is large and complete in every respect, being made up of beef, pork, mutton, lamb and veal, poultry and game, also a complete stock of vegetables. They sell the nicest lard to be found in the city. Only choice family goods which are of the best quality are ofiered to customers, who by long dealings with them trust implicitly to their judgment and honesty. Kmployment is given to seven competent assistants, and all orders are assured prompt and careful attenliou. Mr. Emmons is a. native of Bristol, N. IL, and is a highly respected citizen. He has been an alderman and is now a representative. J. H. Morey, Pianos and Organs; also teacher on Piano- and (Jrgiin. 3 North Main Street. Concord, N. IL— We believe ili:it the public generally appreciate the fact that the cbeaiiesl piano or organ to buy is an instrument that is strictly lirsiclass in every respect, and hence we will not waste space in urging as to the truth of this proposi- tion. Those who think that the lowest priced instrument is invariably the clieiipcst ate very decidtdly mistaken, but as such people only learn (if they learn at all) from ex- perience, we will not addre5S them in this brief article. It is no harder to obtain one's money's worth in the purchase- of a piano or an organ than in the buying of any other stan- dard article of trade, but it is necessary to bear in mind the fact that to secure honorable tnatment you must deal with an honorable establishment. The store conducted by Mr. J. IL Morey has gained so wide spread a reputation for entire reliability that few, if any, of the residents of Concord or vicinity can be ignorant of it. Mr. Morey deals in pianos and organs, and occupies a store 20x60 feet in dimensions at No. 3 North Main street. He han- dles only the best makes of pianos and organs, and is pre- pared to furnish either at the lowest matket prices. Mr. Morey is a native of Franklin. N. IL. and has conducted. his present line of business in Concord since 1852, where he has gained a high reputation not only as a dealer, but also as a teacher of the piano and organ. Thome's Shoe Store, established 1835. John C. Thorne. successor to Calvin Tlionic A Son, Hoots. Shoes and Slip- pers. All work warraiiti (1. Opposite Opera House. Con- cord, N. II — It would not require a great while for even an absolute stranger in Concord to gain a [iretty correct idea of the estimation in whieh the establishment carried on by Mr. John C. Thorne is held. This store, which is popularly known as Thome's shoe store, was founded in 1835 by iMr. Calvin Thorne and conducted by him until 18G5, when the firm name was changed to Calvin Thorne & Son. In 18S4 Jlr. .lohn C. Thorne. the present pro- prietor, assumed the entire management of the liusiness. One tloor and basement. 20x(>0 feet in dimensions, are occupied, and two competi nt assistants are always at hand to give courteous attention to all customers. Boots, shoes and slippers of all grades and sizes are kept in large quan- tity, and at all prices. Fine repairing, which is so hard to liAve executed to satisfaction nowadays, is made a specialty of. Mr. John Thorne, who is a native of Concord, under- stands the shoe trade thoroughly, and gives his business close attention. He is very well known thioughout the city, and has held the olllce of alderman and councilman. All who will call at bis establishment, located opposite the Opera, can see for themselves the honorable way in which all parts of the business are carried on. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 51 Manufacturers and Merchants Mutual Insurance Co., of N. H.—Tlie Manufacturers and Merclmnls Mutual Insur- ance Company affords a striking example of what such a company should be. for it has been ably and progressively managed from the start, and its fourth annual statement made under the date of January 1, 1S90, presents an array of figures which cannot but be gratifying to policy holders and management alike. No insurance organization in the State has experienced a morehealthful and steady growth, as will be seen from the following figures taken from the statement in question : Cash assets, January 1, 1887, $21,- 315.98; net cash surplus, 12,818.64. Cash assets January 1, 1888, .$30,334.96 ; net cash surplus, $6,95.3.96. (^asli assets, January 1, 1889, $.53,123.75 ; net cash surplus, $21,094.65. Cash assets, January 1, 1890, $65,783,09 ; net cash surplus, $27,847.53. Further and more convincing evidence of the company's prosperity is afforded by the fact that the follow- ng dividends are now being paid on expiring policies: on one and two-year policies, 20 per cent ; on three-year policies, 25 percent ; on four-year policies, 40 percent ; on five-year pol- icies, 50 per cent. No dividend is paid on policies written for a shorter terra than one year, or on those cancelled before expiration As a feeling of uncertainty has existed in certain quarters concerning the effect of the return of foreign companies upon the business of New Hampshire insurance organizations our readers will be gratified to learn that the Manufacturers and Merchants Mutual Insur- ance Company makes the following favorable showing: Cash premiums on New Hampshire business written in January. 1890, $7,914.04 ; cash premiums written in January, 1889, $6,867.85; increase for the month, $1,046.19. The officers of this representative company are ; president, Edward G. Leach ; vice-president, I. W. Hammond ; secretary, Lyman Jackman ; treasurer, John F. Jones. J. C. Norris &. Co., manufacturers of Crackers, Biscuit and Confectionery. Established in 1823. No. 18 South Main Street; Retail. 17 North Main Street, Concord, N. H. — The development of the industry of which J. C. Norris & Co. are now the proprietors, is as interesting as any of Concord's enterprises, for it is not only one of the oldest- established undertakings of the kind in New Hampshire, but is also one of the most extensive and truly representa- tive business concerns that Concord can show. Operations were begun nearly seventy years ago, being inaugurated in 1823 by Mr. Amos Wood, who was succeeded by Capt. Ebenezer Symmes, for whom Mr. .lames S. Norris bgan work as a salesman in 1847. In 1850 Mr. Norris purchased the business and successfully continued it for nine years without interruption, when the fire in 1859, that swept away the old South church at the corner of Main and Pleasant streets, also devoured all his buildings except the house in which he lived, with a total loss on business, buildings and stock of about $10,000 ; with characteristic energy and faith in the future he rebuilt during the sum- mer and again established his business successfully. The war soon following he obtained contracts for supplying the military C!imp near the city with bread, delivering as high as two tons in a single day. In 186G Mr. G. VV. Crockett was admitted to partnership under the firm-name of J. S. Norris &, Co. In 1875 Mr. Crockett sold his inter- est and Mr. James C. Norris became identified with the business as a member of the firm under the name of James S. Norris & Son. Again in 1878 the firm was changed to Norris & Crockett. Mr. Norris. senior, retiring, and Mr. Norris. Jr., becoming senior partner. Ten years later in 1888, Mr. Norris became associated with Mr. David D. Taylor under the present firm-name. Both partners are natives of New Hampshire, Mr. James C. Norris having been born in this city and Jlr. Taylor in Sanbornton. They are familiarly known in business and social circles, and give constant personal attention to their extensive business. They manufacture crackers, biscuit, bread, cake, pastry and confectionery in great variety. The daily consumption of material being about twenty barrels of flour, 400 pounds of lard and three to four barrels of sugar. They have a very extensive wholesale business as •well as a large local retail trade. They baudle peanuts extensively, last year over 2000 bushels were roa'ted and sold by them; they obtain them direct from Virginia and are of excellent quality. They i)ossess every facility for filling the largest orders promptly, their premises are spa- cious and convenient and comprise two stories and a base- ment 40 X 90 feet and located at No. 18 South Main street,, where is also a finely equipped office. They have a retail store also at No. 17 North Main street. Employment i» given to thirly assis-tants. They are in a position to meet any honorable competition in any line of the business. They also do a large jobbing business in cigars and will furnish superior goods at the veiy lowest market rates. They keep three salesmen on the road for out-of-town trade, and two in the city. Silsby & Son, Printers and Binders, and dealers in Stationery and Fancy Goods, Counting Room and Oflfice Supplies. The manufacture of Blank Books a Specialty. No. 93 North Main Street, Concord, N. II. — The business conducted by Messrs. Silsby & Son, was founded half a century ago by Messrs. Morrill & Silsby, and for many years has been regarded as a leading and representative undertaking. The existing firm was formed in 1880 and is constituted of Messrs. G. II. II. and Geo. H. Silsby, both of whom are natives of this State. A general print- ing and binding business is done, particular attention being paid to the manufacture of blank books, these being made in standard sizes and styles and carried in stock, and also being manufactured to order, at short notice, after any pattern desired. Stationery and fancy goods, count- ing-room and office supplies are largely dealt in, spacious premises being occupied at y:i North Main street, as office and salesroom, with main factory elsewhere, a heavy and exceptionally complete stock being carried, cont-isling in part, of account books of all kinds, fine memorandums, pass books, order books, lawyers' ane, but there is no need of paying fancy prices, and we have no hesitation in asserting that although the rates charged for board at the stable of Messrs. Colton, George & Co., at No. 133 North Main street, are uniformly moderate, animals areassuied as com- fortable quarters, as suitable and abundant food and as kind and intelligent care as at any stable in this section of the Stale. The proprietors of the Globe livery, boarding and hack stable, are Mr. W. E. Colton, H. S. "George and A. Colton, all of whom are natives of Concord, and well known throughout the city. They give close personal a'tention and employ sufficient assistance to ensure prompt and efficient service in every department of their business. 'I here are fourteen stalls on the premises and some very desirable teams are available for livery purposes, turnouts being furnished at very short notice and the prices quoted being low enough to suit even the most economicallj' dis- posed. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CON CORD. 53 George Main, Florist and Seedsman, also dealer in Fruit Trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Greenhouses Nos. 3 and 5 Merrimack Street, also Nos. 3 and 5 Orchard Street, Store in Odd Fellows Block, Pleasant Street, Concord, N. H. — The enterprise conducted by Mr. George Main was established about a quarter of a century ago, and has become one of the most extensive and popular undertak- ings of the kind in this section of the country. Mr. Main is a native of Rochester, N. H., and is as skillful a florist and as reliable a seedsman as can be found in this State. He has unsurpassed facilities for the cultivation of flowers, flowering shrubs, etc., and is in a position to till the most extensive orders at short notice and at the lowest market rates. The greenhouses are at Nos. 3 and 5 Merrimack street and Nos 3 and 5 Orchard street, and are fitted up in the most approved manner, while their extent is s-liown by the fact that the area under glass is about three quarters of an acre. Mr. Main deals largely, both at wholesale and retail, in flowers, seeds, flowering shrubs, fruit trees, etc., and makes a specialty of roses, handling all the popular varieties and being prepared to furnish any desired quan- tity at very short notice. He has a store in Odd Fellows' Block, Pleasant street, where a full assortment of plants and cut flowers may be found, together with floral designs in great variety. Appropriate emblems and decorations for weddings, funerals, etc., will be made to order at very short notice, customers having a long list of designs, ranging from the most simple to the most elaborate, to choose from. Foremost among Mr. Main's assistants is >Ir. John Patterson, who has proved himself to be one of the most artistic and practical landscape gardeners in the country, having met with great success in adapting means to ends, or in other words in obtaining the best possible effects from existing conditions. Orders for landscape gardening in all its branches will receive prompt attention and we have no hesitation in guaranteeing complete satis- faction to all who may avail themselves of the service offered. Benj. Bilsborough, House Painter and Paper Hanger, rear ot Masonic Block, Concord N. H. — There are many advantages connected with owning the house you occupy but there are also some disadvantages, and among these must be clas-ed the necessity of keeping the premises in repair. Of course one who hires a house actually pays the cost of all repairing indirectly, but he at least is spared the bother of making arrangements to have such work done, and that is considered no little trouble by many real estate owners. Still, like everything else, it depends entirely on how the task is undertaken, whether it will prove disagreeable or not, for if some little pains is taken to place orders with the right parties, repairing can be readily and properly done at moderate expense. In this connection we may fittingly call attention to the establishment of Mr. Benj. Bilsborough, located at the rear of Mafonic Block, Concord, for this gentleman makes a specialty of house painting, decorating and paper hang- ing, and is prepared to do strictly first-class work at short notice, and at moderate rates. A sufHcii ntly large force of experienced workmen is employed to enable all com- missions to be executed without annoying delay, and no trouble is spared to accomplish results that will prove sat- isfactor)' to the nio-l fastidious, while the proprietor, Mr. Bilsborough is well and favorably known among the enter- prising business men of Concord and vicinity. F. W. Laudon & Co., Electricians, No. 26 School Street. Concord, N. H. — That electricity is coming into more general and varied use every day, is a fact too evi- dent to require further demonstration. So rapid and con- tinuous is the progress made in its utilization, that an exhaustive list of its applications compiled to da3', would probably be incomplete before a month had elapsed Electricity secures our safety, ministers to our comfort, and promotes our health, for, independent of its virtues as a direct remedial agent, it supplies an illuminant which consumes no air, and may therefore safely be used under conditions that make the use of gas or oil dangerous and even deadly. F. W. Landon & Co. are doing much to introduce electrical appliances in this section. This is regarded as a leading firm in Concord, in its special line of business, for it has unequalled facilities for the putting in of electric bells, fire alarms, hotel and house annunciators, gas lighting, also speaking tubes, etc. Telephone and tel- egraph supplies of all descriptions may be liought here to advantage. Gas-lighting by electricity reduces the liability of accidental fire to a mininuim as it renders the use of matches altogether unnecessar}'. P. W. Ij«ndon & Co. guarantee the successful working of all electrical apparatus supplied and put up by them. Orders are promptly and thoroughly executed in all branches of this business. W. J. Fernald, dealer in Furniture, Carpets and Dra- peries, corner Main and Pleasant Streets, Concord, N. H. — Everybody must have furniture, everybody must have carpets, and everybody should have spring beds, mat- tresses or feather beds, for these are very powerful aids in resting a tired body, and the body that works to earn the money to buy them should be made as comfortable as possible. The average individual spends one third of his life in bed, and therefore it is important that the latter be made as healthful and easy as is consistent with circum- stances. When any of our readers have occasion to pur- chase any of the articles mentioned above, to say nothing of baby carriages, oil cloths, straw matting, feathers, etc., we recommend them before purchasing to call and examine the fine slock of goods to be found at the corner of Main and Pleasant streets, for this establishment is conducted by Mr. W. J. Fernald, a native of Dover, Maine, but who for over a score of years has conducted this enterprise successfully, until now the business occupies the entire block, comprising three floors which are used as show and salesrooms, besides a well equipped workshop on Freight street. Six competent assistants are employed, Mr. Fer- nald's long experience in the business is sufficient guaran- tee that he knows how to buy and sell goods to the best advantage. His prices are very moderate and his repre- sentations can be confidently relied on. Mr. Fernald has been active in the affairs of the city, having served as selectman of his ward and two terms in the common council and is at pre.-eut president of that body. Miss H. E. Robioson, Teacher of Instrumental Music, 40 North Main Street, Concord, N. H. — Without for a moment disputing the self evident fact that rapid and assured progress in the art of music is largely a matter of temperament and other natural attributes of character, it may still be maintained that the services of a competent, conscientious and enthusiastic teacher are of inestimable value in guiding pupils along the oft-times difficult path that leads to success. Many a prominent musician has testified that his or her early progress was seriously hin- dered by what the event proved to be incompetent instruc- tion, and it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that care- ful discrimination should be exercised in the choice of instructors, especially at the beginning when improper methods will inevitably result in the formation of bad habits (from a musical point of view) which it may take years of effort to eradicate. Therefore we earnestly say to all seeking musical tuition for themselves or for others, begin right ; choose a teacher of established reputation and then follow instructions implicitly. Without the lea'-t disparagement of others it may be said that Mi«s H. E. Robinson has gained a leading position among the teachers of instrumental mui-ic during the eighteen years that she has practised her profession in this city (of which she is a native), and we take pleasure in recommending her to our readers, being assured they will have reason to thank us should they avail themselves of her services. Her rooms are conveniently located at No. 40 North Main street, and detailed information as to terms, etc., will cheerfully be given on application. Miss Robinson has many pupils in Concord and vicinity and takes a personal and helpful interest in the advancement of each of her scholars. 54 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCOIW. The Fire Underwriters Association, Home Office, Stale Ciipital Bank Building, Concord, N. H.— It rc.. .Main ami Center Sts., Con- cord, N. II. — People who care more forstyle than they dofor comfort, and who judge of the desirability of the seivice offered at a public house entirely by the charges made in con- nection with the same, will not be espet ially interested in the Commercial house and will hardly find it worth their while to read this brief notice of the same; but the major- ity of o\ir readers are not included in this class and there- fore we need no apology for devoting space to a considera- tion of the hotel in question. The proprietors, Jlessrs. Sanborn & Lewis, seem lo have but one object in view, and that is to make their guests feel entirely comfortable and at home. Of course ihey are not in the business for the fun of the thing, and they propose to make a fair profit on their investments, but Ihey evidently believe that a liberal policy pays the best in the long run. The individual pro- prietors are Mr. Charles E. Sanborn and Fred G. Lewis. Jlr. Sanborn will bo familiarly remembered by many of the guess of the old Eagle hotel as " Charley," who for several years served I hem there in various capacities and is now ready to show to any that may try the hospitality of the " Commercial house." that he is there to contribule- to their pleasure and comfort. Mr. Lewis will be remem- bered by most everybody who has spent any time in Con- cord as " Fred Lewis the hackinan," for he has conducted that business here for eighteen years and has hosts of friends who apprecialed his promptLcss and reliability for always being on hand at the time appoinud and giving the best of service in his line; ycui will find him at the depot on the arrival of trains to convej- you to the Com mercial house, where he will assist in looking after your best welfare. The Commercial house is very pleasantly and conveniently situated at the corner of Noith Main and Center streets, and has been quite extensively rebuilt and newly furnished throughout since the properly came into Sanborn & Lewis' hands in 1889, twenty new rooms hav- ing been added. 'I he hou,se was opened about February 1, 1890. and has received such a generous patronage that they now contemplate important improve nients during the summer; althouiih the dining room will now seat about sixty persons, larger accommodations are reresent location, and in 1883 the firm name lucanie .V. Webster & Co., so remaining until 1886, when the present proprietor assumed sole control. Mr. David Webster is a native of Plyiuouth, N. H., and is very widely known both in business and social circles. He utilizes well equipped premises, loc.ited at No. 40 Centre street, and 24X'')5 feet in dimen-ions. they accommodating a large and carefully chosen stock, comprising choice staple and fancy groceries, and exceptionally complete in every dcpirtmcnt. Flour and grain are also largely dealt in, and Mr. Webster has a well earned reputation lor sup- plying strictly dependable goods at thelowest market rates. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 5» H. O. Sturtevant & Son, dealers ia Choice Family <3roceries, Fine Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Meal, Pork, Lard, Hams, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Salt, Dried Fruit, Stone and Enrtlieuware, etc., for Cash, McShanc's Block, 17 Warren Street, Concord, N. H. — Mr. H. C. Slurtcvant founded this business in 1873 and was sole proprietor until 1887, when his son, Mr. A. F. Sturtevant, became asso- ciated with him. The business has since then bceu con ■ducted under the name of H. C. Sturtevant & Son. Then' are few of our local merchants engaged in this line ot goods who are better known than these gentlemen. Tlie ■assortment of choice family groceries and provisions is as complete as could be desired, for Mr. Sturtevanl's long experience has made him perfectly familiar with the requirements of city trade, and prepared him to cater to it with the best possible advantage. Fme tea, coffee, sugar, flour, meal, pork, lard, hams, butter, cheese, eggs, salt, dried fruit, sloue and earthenware are also to be found here, and the goods are sold as low as the lowest, as the terms are "for cash." Sturtevant & Son offer liberal in- ducements to purchasers, and they have every facility at iand to enable orders to be promptly filled. Goods are •delivered in any part of the cit)' free of charge. Mr. Sturtevant, who is a native of Hartford, Vt., served in the army during the late Rebellion, and he has also been a member of the legislature. Mr. A. F. Sturtevant is a na- tive of Springfield, Mass. Heath & Chesley, dealer in Furniture and Draperies. Hair M;ittresses, made to order, a specialty. Opera House Block. 109 North JIain Street, Concord, JST. H.— The fur- nishing of a house may be a difficult or an eas3- matter, according to the manner in which it is undertaken, and if -any of our readers have such a task to perform we can .-give them no better advice than to go directly to the estab- lishment conducted by Messrs. Heath & Chesley at 109 North Main street, and choose from the extensive and varied stock there offered. By so doing, they are assured first, that they will have a full assortment, including the ver3' latest and most desirable novelties, to select from; second that the goods will prove precisely as represented in every instance, and third that the prices paid will be as low as are quoted by any dealer on articles of equal merit. There are minor advantages such as courteous attention, prompt service, etc., which we will not mention in detail. Mr. Heath began business in 1887. and in 1889 associated himself with Mr. Chesley, under the present style of Heath •& Chesley, and considering the inducements we have briefly touched upon, it is not surprising tliat a large trade Las since been built up. Mr. Frank E. Heath, is a native ■of Sonu-rville. Mass., and Mr. W. C. Chesley of Concord, both partners being too well known hereabouts to render ■extended personal mention necessary. The premises ■occupied a store 20x90 feet in dimensions, and a workshop, and affords room for the carrying of a heavy stock embracing upholstered furniture, draperies, desks and parlor tables, etc. Mattresses are made to order, and repairing of all kinds is neatly and promptly done. Every article is sold strictly on its merits, and calkrs are assured prompt and polite attention at all times. William O. Fraser, SlonumentS, Tablets, etc., Concord. — You can't gel something for notliing, and you can't get first-cla's cemetery work without paying for it, but never- theless there is no reason why one should pay fancy prices for firstclass stone-work any more than for anything else ithatis first-class, and one way to avoid having to do so is to tplace your order with Mr. William Fraser. for while the work turned out at his shop is equal to the best, the prices are uniformly moderate. Mr. Fraser hi)s earned on his present enterprise since 1884. at which date he began operations a< a member of the firm of Fra,ser & ^McKelpin. In 1886 he assumed sole control, which he has since retained. Cemetery work of all kinds will be done in a uniformly superior manner at short notice, many beautiful and appropriate designs for monuments, tablets, head- stones, etc , being constantly on hand to choose from. Estimates will cheerfully and promptly be made on appli- cation, and those contemplating the placing of orders for anything in Mr. FrHser's line will best serve their own interests by communicating with him at their earliest con- venience. 'f^%r Nutting & Hayden, manufacturers of Granite Cutlers' and Quarry Tools Oltice and Factory, Ferry Street, Con- cord, N". H. — It will readily be believed that the tools used in working so hard and intractable a mateiial as granite, must be skillfully made of excellent material if they are to do good service, and as the productions of Messrs. Nutting & Hayden are in active and increasing demand among granite cutters, the natural presumption is that they are equal to the best in both these important respects. Opera- tions weiK begun in 1881 by Jlessrs. L. M. Nutting & Co., who were succeeded by the present firm in 1888. Mr. Nutting is a native of Danbury, Vt , while Mr. H. W. Hayden was born in Quincy. Mass., a town whose name is so associated with granite that it is almost impossible to think of one without calling to mind the other. Mr. Hay- den has been in business in Concord since 1880, he carry- ing on a shop in the Union Steam Mill where polishing is done for granite companies and others. The premises utilized by Messrs. Nutting and Hayden are located on Ferry street, and comprise two floors of the dimensions of 50x30 feet, and a blacksmith shop measuring 30x24 feet. A speciallj' is made of manufacturing bush hammers, and both a wholesale and retail business is done, employment being given to from six to eight assistants, and all orders being promptly filled at the lowest market rates. ■Wm. S. Davis & Son, manufacturers of Express and Hose Wagons, Open and Top Carriages and Sleighs on hand and built to order — Concord has a wide reputation in connection with the production of wagons, carriages and other vehicles, and by no means the least important among the houses which have contributed to this reputa- tion is the firm of William S. Davis & Son, whose factory is located at the corner of South Main and Chandler streets, where an entire building comprising two stories and a basement and measuring 40x75 feet is occupied, together with a one and one-half story woodworking shop of the dimensions of 30x75 feet. The firm manufacture express and hose wagons. The latter takes first rank in the points of finish, durability and weight, being lighter and stronger than other wagons of the same capacity. They also make open and top carriages and sleighs, build- ing the latter to order and also carrying a varied assort- ment in stock at all times. They have every facility at hand to enable them to turn out flrst-class work at mode- rate cost, and as they employ skilled help, are well pre- pared to fill orders for new work and for repairing at very short notice. Carefully selected materials are used and every precaution is taken to maintain the enviable reputa- tion their productions have long held for strength and durability. The partners are Messrs. William S. and Charles A. Davis, the former being a native of Boston, ]\Iasf., and the latter of this city. Mr. William S. Davis served three years in the arm}' during the Rebellion, and became identified with his present enterprise in 1873. He has a very large circle of friends throughout this vicinity, as has also his son, who holds the responsible position of chief engineer of the fire department. Both members of the firm give close personal attention to the details of the business and spare no pains to improve the elficiency of the service rendered. 60 LEADING Brs/NE.'^S! MEN OF CONCORD. '-■ m IB Ti ~^i^x^:?-^^i k i i i, ^ The Abbot- Downing Company, Manufacturers of Coaches, Wagons and Carriages.— It woulil be practically impossible, outside the limits of a special volume of its own, to do anything like real justice to the Abbot-Down- ing Co., which is one of the largest and most complete establisliments of the kind in the United States. Neither would any account of the varied industries of Concord be complete without containing at least some allusion to this enterprise, and for this reason the following brief state- ment o( a few facts concerning the company's history and present facilities may be taken in place of what we should prefer to make, a complete description and review of the business. The limited scale on which these works were orieinally established is matter for astonishment in view of the present magnitude of the establishment. The foun- dation of the business was laid in 1813, by J[r. Lewis Downing, making at the present time 77 years of continu- ous business, with some slight variation in the lirm name, at different times. The first "Concord Wagon" was built for Benjamin Kimball of Concord, November 4, 1813, since which, thousands of them liave been made and sent to all parts of the world. In 1S28 the firm of Down- ing & Abbot was organized, who continued the business until 1847, when they dissolved partnership and established two separate houses, viz: Lewis Downing & Sons, and J. S. & E. A. Abbot. The junior partner of the first named firm was Lewis Downing, Jr., who had been connected with the business since 1837, and who is now the honored president of the Abbot-Downing Co. In 1865 the firm of Abbot, Downing & Co. was organized, consisting of Messrs. Lewis Downing, Jr., J. 8. Abbot, E. A. Alibot, Alonzo Downing, and Mr. J. II. Abbot. The Abbot- Downing Co. was incorporated in 1873, with a capital of $400,0fl0, and Is officered as follows: President, Lewis Downing, Jr.; vice president, Joseph IL Abbot; treas- urer, Edward A. Abl)ot; secretary, Francis L. Abbot; superintendent, R. M. Morgan. Tlie works at the present time cover six acres, and the buildings comprise all of the most approved appointments calculated to facilitate economical manufacture, and the mncliinery requires a 90 horse power Corliss engine and three boilers of 1.50- horse power to effect the necessary action. This company is the oldest carriage company In tlic United States, anri lire the originators of the "('oncord Wagons," "Concord Toiu li. :., I. ..IK i.i'i \\ iiri_i>, aii.i ' L'oncord Axles." As manufacturers of coaches, wagons, carriages and trucks the)' are known the world over. Heavy goods are made a specialty, and in this department of manufacture they stand without a successful rival. As all parts of the vehicle, including axles, springs and wheels, are made within the works, they are enabled to furnish their customers with an article tliat they know to be reliable, and of the best quality obtainable. Their express wagons^ and trucks are the perfection of durability and fine work- manship, and are unequalled for strength, lightness, and general excellence by those of anj' other first class house in the world. The first stage coach was built at these works 1835. In 1865 they built thirty-four stages for Wells, Fargo & Co., to be used bj' them in mountain work while building the Union Pacific railroad. For the- last three 3'ears they have built about fifty large stage coaches, to be drawn bj' twelve horses, and used in the mountainous regions of South Africa, carrying freight and passengers to the Transvaal gold fields in that vicin- ity. They use 400 tons of iron and steel, and 500. OOO- feet of lumber per vear, and manufacture annually from 1,800 to 2,000 wagons. Their pay-roll is |13,000 to $15,- 000 per month, constituting a powerful element in pro- moting the industrial thrift of this commuuity. They employ two hundred and fifty hands in Concord, forty at their repair shop in New York City, and fifteen In the lumber regions of Vermont. Their principal branches are at No. 52 Oliver street, Boston; No. 142 Prince street. New York; and at Melbourne and Sydney, Austra- lia. Their trade is coextensive with the globe. Wagons- of various styles, and trucks, are kept in stock at al) times, and orders are filled with promptness and care. This company is undoubtedly the institution which, more than any other, makes Concord famous the world over. Its officers are known as among the most patriotic, phllan- throphic and public spirited citizens of the city and State, and their names are familiar in every quarter. The presi- dent, Mr. Lewis Downing, Jr., was born and reared on the very grounds where the works of the company have stood for the past seventy five years. On the completion of fifty yciirs of ccmtinuous service in this industry. May 4, 1887, he presented the emploj'es of the company with a. beautifully printed and engraved souvenir, accompanieik LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF COJSCOIW. 6-1 ^y a photograph of himself, extending hiscongratulationa ami best wishes, ami referring, among other things, to the fact that thirteen of the employes had an average .'•ervice of forty-two years— The longest tifly-one ami the shortest thirty seven yei^rs — a wonderful record, wliiL-h lie .justly considers unparalleled. Mr. Downing is the presi- dent of the National State Capital Bank, a director in the Stark Mills at Manchester, and takes an active interest in ■everything that is likely to prove advantageous to the •city, county and State. The vice-president. Jlr. Joseph H. Abhot, is also a native of the city, as is the treasurer, Mr. Edward A. Abbot, and the secretary, Jlr. Francis L. Abbot, all are earnestly engaged in maintaining the pres- tige of the establishment, and theri-by meeting every •demand of their immense trade. We doubt if the citi- zens of Concord fully appreciate the great benefit it has derived from this establishment, the homes it has helped to build, and the families it has found employment for. Could the amount of money it has paid its employes, for the last fifty years alone, be correctly ascertained, it would probably astonish all, by the number of its thousands of dollars. Nearly all has been collected from parties residing out of the Stale, and distributed by the employes almost wholly in Concord. We hope, for the benefit of all concerned, the establishment will continue to grow and prosper, and by the sons and grandsons be <;arried through the balance of the century, and so make up the record of 100 years. Porter Blanchard's Sons. Established 1818, Concord, N. H. — It is very seldom in these days of hurry and •change, that a manufacturing firm can date its establish- ment over seventy years ago. The making of churns and -dairy implements was begun in the town of Concord by Ahe founders of this firm in 1818. The manufacture has been continu- ous ever since, and from hav- ing only a local sale and repu- tation, their goods are now sent to every part of the world where butter is made. The high standard of ex- cellence has been scrupu- lously main- tained, and the uniform merit of the goods has been the reason of the large increase of sales, as the firm has never employed a travelling salesman. The goods have done their own talking wherever they have been introduced. From a very modest beginning the business now requires and occupies a four-story brick factory, two hundred feet long, and it is safe to say that there does not exist a more conveniently arranged factory for the quick and economi- cal manufacture of goods. The machinery is all of the latest patterns, and the workmen are the best that can be obtained. The cardinal points of excellence of stock and workmanship are never forgotten It is a fact that all goods bearing the name of this firm may be safely consid- -ered "the best" in their line. They have recently greatly enlarged their line of goods, and now make or can furnish at manufacturers' prices, everything needed in a butter factory or private dairy. "Their latest important invention is called a Self Skimming Milk Can, and is a most ingenious as well as simple device by which the •cream, after it has passed to the top of the m'ilk in a deep can, is retained by a valve and lifted oS with the greatest ■«ase and economy, It is deservedly attracting a great U0^ deal of attention from practical dairymen who want the " latest and best." Their factory churns and other factory implements are in demand all over the world, a good number being sent to foreign countries. Their well- known famil)' churns are conceded by intelligent and un- prejudiced judges to combine more desirable qualities than any other make or kind. They have never been beaten in any fair competitive trial either in quantity or quality of butter made. In their anxiety to get something to beat the "old and reliable Blanchard," manufacturers have made churns of all sorts of queer shapes, hung them at every variety' of angle, and then made convenient theories to match them. But thej* have failed in their etiorts. The Blanchard remains at the head of all butter-making uten- sils. More than one hundred thousand persons can testif}- to the truth of this statement. They are making the best and handsomest cheap butter box in the market. The)- hold from one to ten pounds, and are largely used. Their print butter carrier is just what the dairyman needs to get his butter to his customer in the very best condition. It may be made into tasteful blocks in a Blanchard butter mold, and from the cool, clean carrier, delivered to the consumer in tempting shape. The wise dairyman knows how important this is. They have a new family butter worker now ready for sale, which combines the important and desirable merits of several other kiuds. It is very neat and cheap, and bound to win. The new parchment dair\' paper is a great success, and every way lietter and cheaper than cloth for all dairj' purposes. They have it for sale in an5' shape or quantity. All dairymen, or parties interested, are invited to send for circulars which give description, sizes and prices. Ever3'thing bearing the name of this firm as makers is guaranteed to be in every waj' just as represented, and made " 'pon honor." Thompson & Hoague (business established in 1855, by Gust Walker), Hardware, Iron, Steel, Agricultural and Mechanics' Tools, Alill Supplies, Cordage, Akron Sewer Pipe, Fertilizers, etc.. Hardware store, 43 North Main street, "The Depot Iron store," Railroad square, Concord, N. H. — There is naturally a very brisk and continuous demand for hardware, iron, steel, mechanics' tools, etc., in so important a manufacturing and railroad centre as Concord, and among the houses engaged in this line of business are some which are well and favorably known throughout the State, notably that conducted by Messrs. Thompson & Hoague (formerly Willis D. Thompson). The main store of this firm is in Phenix block where the business was founded by J[r Gust Walker in 1855. The premises devoted to the iron and heavy hardware bnsiness (previously carried on by Messrs. Walker & Co.) are known as the " Depot Iron store," and are located in the substan- tial brick strncture in Railroad square, opposite the passen- ger station. This building which was built for the pur- pose, has a main floor which measures .50xT0 feet, while the two upper floors are used for storage purposes and for the display of farming implements. Messrs 'Thompson & Iloague are the manufactureis' agents for the sale in this vicinity of the world renowned Bucke\'e mowers, of which a large number are sold each yeai — in fact so many are now in use as to create a large demand for the sections and extra parts of the machines for repairs. Of these the firm carry a full supply. The latest and most approved makes and patterns of sulky plows, disk harrows, corn planters, horse hoes and all other tools and machines as well as fertilizers needed by the farmer are constantly in stock. It has been said, and with truth, that the lawn mower has been one of the greatest factors in beautifying the thousand of cities and villages of our land. This house has the best — the "New Model." Blacksmiths, car- riage makers and machinists when in want of too's or sup- plies, do well to order of this firm because they have a stock selected with special reference to their wants. New and elegant styles of bronze builders' hardware and fine locks are constantly being added to the stock of this house, which taken in connection with the plainer styles of lower price, enable this house to trim expensive residences and public buildings as well as the cheaper dwellings. 62 LEADTNQ BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. is iriven to four competent assistants, and all orders are- (lispntched in a pronipt and methodical manner that all- mistakes may be avoided. Thomas Nawn, nianufaclurcr u[ and dealer in Granite-, near Slate prison, Concord. — The business conducted by Mr. Thomas Nawn has steadily and rapidly developed since operations were begun in 1881, and present indica- tions are that it will continue to increase in the future, for Mr. Nawn gives it close personal supervision and spares no pains to maintain the high reputation he has won for filling orders in a superior manner, at short notice and at the lowest market rates. Since 1881 Jlr. Nawn has been sole proprietor. lie is a manufactuier of and dealer in granite and granite cemetery woik of all descriptions, and has an extensive polishing mill at Penacook, besides liis well appointed works near the State prison in this city. Employmeni is given to from twenty to thirty assistants, the number varying with the season, but at any time Mr. Nawn is prepared to fill the most extensive orders at short notice, and to turn out work that will compare favorably ■with any produced in this State. lie caters to all tastes and all purses, for the designs he offers comprise a full assortment, from the most simple to the most elaborate, while in every case the workmanship is equal to the best. Estimates will be promptly made on application, and all communications by mail or otherwise are assured immedi- ate and careful attention. These five Gettysburg memorial? bear Mr. Nawn's card : Second N. H. Regt. Vol. ; General Berdan's Sharpshooters ; Twelfth N. H. Vol.; Eighth N. II. Vol.; Brigadier-General Lewis A. Armistead, C.S.A., erected and paid for by the National Association of the battle field of Gettysburg. Schiller, the great musician's monument, to be erected in Columbus, Ohio, and to be one of the largest stone monuments ever built in New Hampshire, is now being built by Mr. Nawn. G. W. Dudley, Provisions and Groceries, 5 Masonic Temple, Concord, N. H. — There are so many excellent reasons which might be given for the success attained by this house that all of our available space could be tak( n up in presenting them, but after all the only satisfaetoiy way to gain an adequate idea of why a certain establishment is popular is to visit it in person and leave a trial order there, so we will not bother our leaders with reasons but will simply earnestly advise them to call at No. 5 North Main street and see for themselves. The time so spent will by no means be thrown away, for the firm oirry a heavy and varied stock of family provisions and groceries, and no fancy prices are charged for anything, only a fair living profit will be added to the cost. The grocery business has been carried on here in this spot for over fifteen years, and in 1875 it was conducted by Perkins, Dudley & Co., but in 1888 the present proprietor assumed entiie control. The store, whicli is 25x70 feet in dimensions, is thoroughly fitted up in every respect, enabling customers to be con- veniently and promptly served and affording accommoda- tions for the large stock which is carried at all seasons. Mr. G. W. Dudley is a native of Barnsted, N. H., and he is familiar with all the many details of his business, to which he gives his close personal attention. Employment '^^^^ R. H. Ayer, dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. Engraving and Fine Repairing a Specialty. Phenix Hotel Block, Concord, N. H.— Probably wutclies, jew- elry and silverware were never so cheapbi-foreasat the pri sent time, but it is also true that never before was there such a quantity iif "bogus" goods on the market, so that purchas- • \< cannot be tco careful. in making their selec- lions. As a matter of fact tlii; only sure way of ■getting your money's worth " is to patronize a dealer who not only knows his business but has an established repu- tation for IdoUing out for the interests of his customers, and as Mr. I{. II. .\yer can certainly be depended upon in both respects, it naturally follows that he is a good man to call on when anything in the line of watches or jewelry is wanted. This business was originated by Stanley & Aj-er, 1 ut in 1883 Mr. Ayer became sole proprietor. 'This store is located in Phenix Hotel Block, North Main street, and contains a well chosen and varied stock of watches, jew- elry, silverware, diamonds, pearls, gold pens, gold headed canes, spectacles and eye-glasses. He also makes a spe- cialty of engraving and repairing watclics, and everything in the line of jewelry, will be put in order at short notice, and in a thoroughly satisfactory manner at moderate rates. Three competent assistants are employed, and prompt and accurate attention is assured to all. Mr. Ayer is a native- of Concord, N. H., and by his honorable business dealing* has built up a high reputation in this city. He has intro- duced a very novel method of selling watches on the "club plan" and brings a good gold watch within the reach of most any lady or gentleman. For psrticulars see his circular. W. F. Danforth&Son, Wholesale Confectioners, Agents for the AH colored Unexcelled Fireworks, 10 North Main Street, Concord, N. H.— The firm of W. F. Danforth & Son are best known perhaps as wholesale confectioners, and yet the manufaclnre and sale of confectionery form but one departmei t of their business, which also includes the jobbing and retailing of fireworks, toys, notions and novelties of almost every description. The firm have car- ried on operations since 1875. the partners being Messrs. W. F. & R. W Danforth, both of whom weie born in Nashua, N. H. The premises utilized are located at No. 10 North Main street, and are 22x80 feet in size, every necessary facility Ireing at band to enable operations to be carried on to the best possible advantage. A competent force of experienced assistants is employed, and the heav- iest orders are filled at shoit notice, while the smallest com- missions are carefully and promptly executed. Messrs. W. F. Danforth A Son are the sole manufacturers of the genuine soft lo/enge. and all their confections are made from selected material and are pure and healthful in every respect. The firm are agents for the all colored unex- celled fireworks, and deal largely in fiiecrackers, torpedoes, paper caps, tin horns, Japanese lanterns, fiags, balloons, nickeled clocks, jewelry, umbrellas, masks, etc., together with school goods, base-ball goods, hammocks, sleds, Paris carts and wagons, walking sticks, croquet and other games, and a host of other articles too numerous to mei> tion. Any of these goods will be supplied in quantities to suit and at positively bottom prices. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. 6B J. Hazelton & Son, dealers in Dry Goods, Millinery, Hair Goods, Laces, Edgings, Mourning Goods, etc., 73 State Block, North Main Street, Concord, N. H.— It is not to be wondered at if this is one of the best known stores in the city, for it claims to be the oldest of the kind in Con- cord, if not the oldest in the State. It was in 1842 that Mr. J. Hazelton established this house, and successfully conducted it until in 1885, when his son, Mr. Frank R. Hazelton, was admitted to the business and the above name was adopted. These gentlemen deal largely in mil- linery and fancy dry goods, of which they carry a large varie"ty of all the novelties and new and fa-hionable goods which the market afiords. As they are careful buyers and have from their long experience become familiar with the demands of their customers, they are always ready to supply them with all the new styles for eacli season, and they are also well able to show a full line of those substan- tial articles that do not depend upon tlie seasons or fash- ions for their sale. They have a tine display of laces, edgings, mourning goods, and also a choice line of hair goods. Mr. F. 15. "Hazelton has some inventions and patents which he has successfully put upon the market. The first is au umbrella displayer, and the second is liat pendants for displaying hats and bonnets, also a tire extin- guisher which will be upon the market soon. The prem- ises occupied comprise two floors each 23x'?5 feet in dimensions, and a basement. Employment is given to from six to ten polite and competent assistants. The fire extinguisher referred to above has recently been invented by jfr. Frank R. Hazelton, and consists of a glass keg with bale, height 17 inches, diameter, 6 inches. The keg is charge(i under heavy pressure by machinery with car- bonic acid gas and water and hermetically sealed. Pre- vious to charging powerful chemicals are placed in the keg and act as a reinforcement to the first volume of gas by generating a second volume of fire extinguishing gas, caused by heat of the fire. Heat is not required to gene- rate the first volume of gas, as it is always ready under heavy pressure. In a partition fire it is invaluable on account of the two wlumes of gas. The liquid forms a fire- proof coating. There can be no waste of gas in transit, as there is when hose and nozzle are used. They cannot freeze, evaporate, rust, or be tampered with although con- tents are in view. The keg is amljer color and handsomely lettered " Hazelton's High Pressure Chemical Fire Keg." It is splendidly adapted for use in buildings, railroad cars, steamslnps, and to attach to fire department or police patrol wagons. The keg weighs about ten pounds. Lewis B. Hoit, Groceries and Provisions, No. 105 South Main Street, Concord, N. H. — The business con- ducted by Mr. Lewis B. Hoit may be said to have had its origin many 3'ears ago, and it changed hands a numl)er of times before coming into the possession of the present proprietor in 1883, succeeding Mr. George B. Whittredge. Mr. Hoit has had twenty-five years' experience in the grocery business in this city, was sixteen years in the era- ploy of Mr. Frank Hoit before he came into possession of his present store, since which time be has built up a large and increasing trade, and has become one of the most im- portant enterprises of its kind in the city. Mr. Hoit is a native of Ware, N. H , and is generallj' and favorably known in Concord and vicinity. The premises made use of are located at No. 105 South Main street, and measure 100x25 feet, exclusive of two spacious storehouses, so that ample accommodations are provided for an exception- ally heavy and complete stock, comprising groceries and provisions of all kinds. Mr. Hoit caters to all classes of trade, and all tastes as well as all purses can certainly be suited at this popular store. The assortment of staple and fancy groceries includes a full line of canned goods, table delicacies, pure teas, coffees and spices, together with the leading brands of flour for family use. Choice fresh, salted and smoked meats and ftesh vegetables and fruits are extensively dealt in, and as employment is given to four competent assistants callers are assured prompt and courteous attention. George F. Olark, manufacturer of and. dealer in Granite, Concord, N. H.— If anybody wants con- vincing proof that good taste is more general today than ever before in this country, let him visit an old cemetery and compare the monu- ments and tablets of a few generations ago with those of recent erection. He would notice not only a change in design but also in material, for granite is now the favorite monumental stone and is displac- ing marble as com- pletely as that dis- placed slate. The cost of granite work is not nearly so high as was once the case, and if orders be placed in the proper hands it is possible to obtain handsome granite cemetery work at very reasonable rates In this connection we may very fittingly call attention to the facilities possessed by Mr." George F. Clark, for he is a manufacturer of and dealer in granite ard makes a specialty of cemetery work, of all kinds, showing many appropriate and uncommon designs and quoting the lowest market rates on flrstclass^ work. He is a native of Burlington. Vt , and founded his present enterprise in 1884. as a member of the firm of Clark & Blodgett, assuming sole control in 1887. His- works are located near the St.te prison, and every facility is at hand to enable orders to be promptly and satisfacto- rily filled, employment being given to from ten to fifteen, assistants. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and estimates will be cheerfully furnished on application. T. W. & J. H. Stewart, Merchant Tailors, 83 Nortb Main Street, Concord.— This establishment so long and favorably known as one of the most reliable in the State- was established in January, 1849, by Jlr. T. W. Stewart. In 1883 Mr. J. H Stewart was admitted as an equal part- ner, the business being carried on since that time under the present firm name, at No. 82 North Jlain street, occu- pying a modernly fitted up store, 18x90 feet, with base- ment same size, giving employment to from fifteen tO' twenty hands. They have now associated with them Mr. Charles H. Stewart^ son of Mr. J. H. Stewart, who has been thoroughly instructed in the art of cutting and has already earned an enviable position among the fraternity as a first-class cutter. His business will especially be to- look after the interests of the younger portion of our cus- tomers, making the firm well adapted to meet the wants of all classes. Their motto will be in the future, as in the- past, honest dealing with all, prompt to meet all engage- ments, buy the best goods the market affords at their low- est cash value, manufacturing them into garments of the- most approved style consistent with skilled workmanship- and first-class trimmings. All who contemplate replenish- ing their wardrobe will find it to their advantage to mak& a thorough examination of their large stock of very desi- rable suitings, and everything, in fact, that is usually found in a first class tailoring establishment, before mak- ing their purchase. The Messrs. Stewart would take this op'portunity to extend to their customers and the public generally, "their grateful thanks for their long continued and very generous patronage, promising on their part that in the future, as in the past, no pains shall be spared to meet a continuance of the same. 6i LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CONCORD. Prescott Piano and Organ Co , I). H. Prescott, Treas- urer. Offlre and Factory, 71 Soutli Main Street, (Joncord, N. II. — From llic New York Music Trade lievmn : The Prescott upright jiiancs' l)rilliant and successful venture into the piano malcing fieki by the Prescott Piano and Organ Company of Concord, N. H., an unblemished com- mercial reputation of fifty-five years. " Away up in the ancient city of Concord, N, H., hon- ored and respected by a vast constituency of customers througliout the United States, are located tlie works of the Prescott Piano and Organ Company. They are the suc- cessors of the Prescott Organ Company, the grand old concern that has withstood tlie shocks and vicissitudes of five decades triumphantly, and made a better showing every year of its existence than it did the year before. Tlie Prescotts are, and almost from time immemorial liave l)een, slirewd observers of the music market and of the changes in the musical taste of the public. Some three years ago they decided to abandon the manufacture of organs, assigning as their reason for that step that the demand for those instruments liad decreased and was decreasing During these three years the}- have be en steadily developing a piano making business, and at the present moment, thanks to their New England pluck, patience and clearheadedness, the Prescott upright pianos have already acquired considerable renown. Cliccred by this gratifying result of their studiims application in the new field, they have put their shoulder to the wheel with renewed zest and earnestness, and stand prepared to meet every demaml for their strictlj' first class pianos with promptitude and upon a scale of prices that cannot fail to satisfy every reasonable customer. In the construction of these Prescott uprights no labor or expense is spared. The materials of which they are made are the best to be obtained in the market The firm's new scale is drawn with exceeding cure, while the designs and finish of the case work are graceful, rich and attractive. They have also in pro.;ri'S3 a new scale of larger size. After all, the spotless repute of the Prescott Company during no less a period than fifty-three years in the best assurance that can be given tint only first cHss work will be allowed to leave their factory. The proud and honorable position which has been m liutained by them for more than half a century will not be allowed to become a thing of the past so long as a drop of the old Prescott blood remains in the firm, and as yet there Is no sign of any diminution in the supply of that fine New Hampshire ttnld. For all of which rea- sons dealers and others are strougly recom- mended to investigate the Prescott upright pianos, and correspondents will find it to their signal advantage to arrange for new local agencies. The factory and office address is No. 71 South Main street, that of the warerooms No. 92 North Maiu street, Concord, N. H." A. W. Davis, dealer in Ladies' and Children's Tailor-made Garments to Order, No. 7 Capitol Street, Concord. — This business was foun led in IsT.") by Patterson & Davis, who were suc- ceeded in 1876 by Weeks, Patterson & Davis. In 187'J therewas another change, — the new firm consisting of Patterson & Davis. In 1884 the jiresent proprietor, Mr. A. W. Davis, who is a native of Warner, N. 11., assumed full control and possession of the premises. His principal trade is in making ladles' and children's gar- ments to order. He aUo sells some cloths and trimmings. ]\Ir. Davis has extensive facilities and a practical knowledge for conducting this business. His experience has been large, and bis long connection with this house has enabled him to secure a class of trade that is reliable, and can be depended upon, so long as garments -■-- for ladies and children are made in the elegant and tasteful style for which this establishment Is noted. These "tailor made garments" are of superior make and finish, while the style and fit are unequalled by any similar concern. Mr. Davis has in his employ ten skillful assistants, who can be depended upon for finishing garments in the most satisfac- tory manner. Kvery elTort is maite to please each cus- tomer in their Individual taste, as all garments are custom made. Orders will be filed In the shortest time possible, with good worlc Lee Brothers, Practical Plumbers, Steam, Hot Water and Gas Fitting. No. 13 Pleas- ant Street, Concord, N. H. — These gentlemen are mitives of tills city and established this bu-lncss in 1S88. The l)remises utilized are about 1100 square feet in dimen- sions, and In addition they have a Itasemeni. Tliey are practical plumbers, steam and hot water fitters, and may be relied upon as thorough wigns being offered to choose from. The works are at West Concord, and communications addressed to P. O. Box 21 are assured immediate and careful attention. W S. Lougee, Granite Monuments, etc., West Concord. — Even were there no difference in the quality of the work turned out by the various manufacturers of granite monu- ments, etc., it would still be worth while to exercise some discrimination in the placing of orders, for not only do the prices quoted on such work vary appreciably, but some manufacturers pursue a much more liberal policy than others and spare no pains to faithfully cany out every agreement and to deliver orders promptly when promised. Not one of our local monumental workers has a higher rep- utation in this respect than Mr. W. S. Lougee, and the ex- tensive business he has built up since beginning operations in 1884 is the natural consequence of the methods which have given rise to such a reputation. He is a native of Con- cord and served more than a j'ear in the army during the Beliellion. He has held the position of State representa- tive, and is very widely known in social as well as in busi- ness circles. Mr. Lougee employs from four to eight assist- ants, and manufactures granite monuments and cemetery work of all kinds, including headstones, tablets, curbing, urns, etc. No better finished stone-work is obtainable in this city than that coming from this well-managed estab- lishment, and the designs are so many and varied that all tastes and all purses can surely be suited. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF PENACOOK. Foote, Brown & Co., dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crnckery, Room Paper, Paints and Oils, Grass Seeds, Farming Tools, etc., Penacook. — The premises utilized by Messrs. Foote, Brown & Co., are very commo- dious, they comprising two floors and a basement, but they are not a bit too large, for this firm carry the largest stock of general merchandise iu the county and have use for every inch of space available. Anything like detailed mention of their assortment is entirely out of the question, for a mere catalogue of it would occupy several pages, but suffice it to say it comprises dry goods, groceries, hard- ware, crockerj', room-paper, paints and oils, grass seeds, farming tools and other equally useful commodities. Messrs. Foote, Brown & Co. cater to all classes of trade, and their policy of furnishing dependable goods at bottom prices affords sufficient explanation of the magnitude of their business. Employment is given to four assistants, and customers are served with a promptness and courtesy which might profitably be imitated at many a much smaller establishment. This enterprise is as truly repre- sentative as »ny to be found in this vicinity, it having been inaugurated not far from half a century ago and hav- ing held a leading position almost from the first. The original proprietors were Messrs. H. H. & J. S. Brown, the}' beginning operations in 1845, and being succeeded by Messrs. Putnam & Bean, who gave place to Mr. David Putnam, he to Messrs. Putnam & Hall and they to Messrs. Hall & Foote, this latter firm assuming control in 18T0. In 187.^ the style was changed by David A. Brown pur- chasing the interest of Mr. Hall, to Brown &, Foote and in 1886 Mr. D. A. Brown sold to Stewart I. Brown when the existing firm name was adopted. Mr. Charles E. Foote is a native of .'^ali8bury, N. H., and Mr. Stewart I. Brown of Concord. Both these gentlemen are too well known throughout this section to call for extended personal men- tion, and we will onlj' add that they spare no pains to maintain the high reputation so long associated with the ■undertaking with which they are identified. John Whittaker, manufacturer of and dealer in Lumber, Penacook. — A leview of the prominent business men of Concord and Penacook containing no mention of Mr. John Whittaker would be considered by the majority of the residents of that section as much like the play of " Hamlet" with " Hamlet's" part left out, for Mr. Whit- taker is not only an active, enterprising and successful business man but is prominent in public and social life also, he being one of the best-known and most highlj'- esteemed citizens m the county. It is not uncommon to hear a man spoken of as having " liosts of friends," but it is seldom that the expression is so well justified by the facts as it is when used in connection with Mr. Whittaker for his disposition and straightforward method' make friends for him everywhere, and the official position he has held have brought him prominently before the pub_ lie and so enlarged his list of acquaintances that literally "their name is legion." He is a sir knight of Mount Moreb Commandery, Concord, and has represented Pena- cook. ward one. in both branches of the city government, and also in the State Legislature, besides serving a number of years as chief of the Penacook Fire Department. He is a native of Hopkintou and comes of a family that has never been backward in serving the country when service counted for something, his grandfather having been a soldier iu the Revolution, his father in the War of 1812, while he was in the National Civil Service during the Rebellion. Mr. \\ hittaker is an extensive manufacturer of and dealer in lumber, his mills being located at what is known as the "Borough." The business was founded many years ago, and in 1865 came under the control of Messrs. Whittaker, Caldwell & Amsden, they being suc- ceeded by Messrs. Whittaker, Allen & Amsden, and Mr. John Whittaker becoming sole proprietor in 1885. The mills are equipped with a complete plant of improved machinery run by water power, and sufBcient assistance is employed to enable all "orders to he filled at short notice, both a wholesale and retail business being done. 8i LEADISO nUSTNEHS MEN OF PENAtOOK. \W>nw<. OF TiiK Concord Axle Company. Concord Axle Company, manufacturers of Original CoDconI Axles, Penacook, N. IT. — The "Original Con- cord " Axles are known and prized Ihrougliout the civil ized world, their reputation for strength and durabilily being such that even did the Concord Axle Company man- \ifaclure nothing else they would slill have to maintain extensive works in order to supply the demand for these famous arlicles. The enviable record made li.v the " Orig- inal Conconl " Axles is the legitimate result of the use of the very best metal and the employment of skilled labor in their production, and as similar methods are followed in llie manufacture of the other axles, springs, etc., made by the company it naturally follows that they too meet with a ready sale and never fail to give the best of satisfaction. This business was established away back in 1835 by Mr. Warren Johnson, and after several changes in ownership came into the possession of Messrs. D. Arthur Brown & Co., in 1863. The existing company was incorporated in 1880, its management being substantially in the hands of those who have been identified with the enterprise since 1863. Mr. D. Arthiir Hrown is treasurer, the president being Mr. C. II. Amsden, and the superintendent Mr. E. H. Hrown. The premises utilized cover a good deal of ground, and are equipped with an elaborate plant of improved machinery, driven by water power. The foundry is 140 X 50 feet in dimensions, and there is a forge shop, a machine shop, a finishing shop and six large storehouses, besides an office building, measuring 25 X 38 feet. Employment is giTcn to 100 men, and some 700 tons of wagon axles are made per year, together with about 800 tons of castings. The product goes to ever}' portion of the country, and quite an extensive export business is also done. Besides the Original Concord Axles, the company manufacture "Concord Express" axles, "Vulcan," or common axles. Iron Hub Axles, Crank or Jigger Axles, Half Patent Axles, tire-benders, thorobrace irons, axle boxes, castings, etc. They are selling agents for the Archibald Patent Iron Hub wheels. Palmer's Concord Springs, Farr's Patent Sand Bands, whifllclrce springs, etc. The company are the sole manufacturers of the Concord Polishing Machine, for polishing granite and other stone It is simple, efficient, easily managed and durable and is now successfully used at Concord, N. H., Quincy, Mass., Barre, Vt., and elsewhere. All parts are interchangeable and any part may be ordered by number. thus rendering repairs convenient and inexpensive, and obviating long delay in case of accident. E. S. Harris, Dustin I.sland Woolen Mills ; Flannel and Dress Goods, Penacook, X. II. — Since the enterprise con- ducted by Mr. E. S. Harris, proprietor of the Du-tin Island Woolen Mills, was inaugurated in 1848, many and pronounced changes have taken place in manufacturing methods, for forty years is a very long period in modern industrial development During that forty years, Ameri- can woolens have greatly improved in quality, and whereas in 1850 domestic competition with foreign manu- facturers was regarded bj' many as out of the question, in 1890 unprejudiced and competent judges agree that in cer- tain lines the productions of some American makers of woolen goods will compare very favorably with imported fabrics of the same grade. One of the chief difficulties which domestic manufacturers have had to contend with is the absurd bias in favor of things " imported," which has been a national characteristic, but our country grows wiser as it grows older and we are beginning to understand that native productions may easily be equal, and in many instances are far superior to any that can be imported. The Dustin Island Woolen Mills are equipped throughout with improved machinery for the mauHgcment has always been progressive and has spared neither trouble nor expense to improve the quality, and when possible to diminish the cost of the finished product. Tlie original proprietor was Mr. .Mmon Harris, he being succeeded by Messrs. Almon Harris & Sons and they by Messrs. E. S. Harris & Co. The present proprietor was born in this State, and assumed sole control of the business in 1882. He is very generally known in manufacturing and mer- cantile circles, and hia productions have gained a high reputation among consimiers and the trade, their uniformly excellent quality commending Ihcm to the most discrimi- nating purchaser. They comprise a full line of flannels and dress goods, and in design as well as in material and construction the}' are well fitted to hold their own in any market. Five sets of machinery are utilized and employ- ment is given to from sixty to seventy five operatives. The production for March, "iSilO, was 78,500 yards, and with such facilities we need hardly add thiil Mr. Ilartis is prepared to fill the most extensive orders at comparatively short notice and to quote the lowest market rates at all times. LEADIXO BUSINESS MEN OF PENACOOK. 85 H. H. Amsden & Sons, manufacturers of Pine iind Ash Chamber Furniture, Penacnols, N. H. — It is asserted by those who are in a position to speak with authority on tlie subject, that furniture was never before so cheap as it lias been during the past five years, and indeed even the least observant among our readers cannot have failed to notice the lowness of the prices now quoted on furuilure in gen- eral, and especially on chamber furniture. The reasons given for this reduction in price, are the close competition now existing in this line of industry, and the diminution of the cost of production by the use of improved labor-saving machinery. That sliarp compe- tition is now the rule is too evident to call for proof, and that the machinery now used in first class factories is won- derfully ingenious and eflicient may be seen by visiting the establishment carried on under the firm-name of H. H. Amsden & Sons, for this is not only the largest furniture factor}' in New England but is one of the best-equipped in the wliole country. The main building is five stories in height, and 84 X 200 feet in dimensions, and there are also commodious dry-houses, lumber sheds, etc., the prem- ises being very conveniently arranged and every facility being present that will tend to reduce the cost of produc- tion to a minimum without impairment of quality. The factory is thoroughly ecjuipped with the automatic sprinkler throughout. The elaborate plant of machinery is driven hy water power, there being a 200-horse water- "wheel utilized, but steam power is also available when requ'red. Emploj'ment is given to 1.10 a.5sistants, and some idea of the magnitude of the product may be gained from the fact that about 300,000 feet of lumber is con- sumed monthly, which is mostly obtained from Canada. The conveniences for drying lumber are complete with a capacity for 150,000 feet. The firm manufacture ash and oak chamber furniture exclusively ami dispose of most of it in New England and in New York State, although they enjoj' quite an extensive Southern trade and ship many orders to South Araeric.i and Africa. A specialty is made of goods in knock down for export, and the lieav'est orders can be filled at verj' short notice The various processes incidental to manufacture are carefully and skillfully supervised, and from the selection of the stock through all the details of seasoning and working-up, no trouble is spared to assure a continuance of the enviable reputation the products of this factory have so _ long enjoyed among consumers and the trade. The policy of the management in a nutshell is to furnish uniformly dependable goods at the lowest possible figures, and the great magnitude of the business shows how generally this policv is appreciated. The undertaking was founded in 18-)l'byMr. B. F. Caldwell, who in 1853 was succeeded by Jlessrs. Caldwell, Amsden & Co. Ten years later the firm of Caldwell & Amsden assumed control, and in 1868 the existing firm-name was adopted. Mr. C. H. Amsden, the present proprietor, is a native of Boscawen, N. H., aud bc.s served as alderman and as State senator, and was the Democratic candidate for governor in the last election, running ahead of his party ticket in a manner very com- plimentary to him personally as indicating his personal popularity throughout the State. In business circles he is also most favorably known, his enterprise occupying a leading position among the distinctively representative undertakings of this section. D. B. Weymouth, General Store. Penacook, N. H. — Premises comprising two floors and a basement, each of which measure 20X60 feet, giving a total floor space of 3600 squnre feet, can accommodate a very heavy stock, and the fact that this is the capacity of the premises util- ized by Mr. D. B. Weymouth, and that practically all the available space is made use of, demonstrates beyond the nei'd of further statement that the assortment of goods he offers is very complete. It is also very varied, for be deals in general nifrchandise and carries full lines of groceries, flour and grain, boots and shoes in full assortment, styles, widtl'S and sizes, and other commodities too numerous to mention. This business was founded a number of years ago and came under the control of the present proprietor in 1889. Mr. Weymouth was born in Andovcr. N. H. His business policy is as simple as it is popular, it beine to give full value for money received Of course careful management is necessary in order to do so. but Mr. Wey- mouth is a close and discriminating buyer and is therefore enabled to quote the lowest market rates on goods that will prove entirely satisfactory. 8(i LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF PENACOOK. X'^V, \ ^•o-'"^/^ 5.\vv Co. <" r-ZNACOOK, N. H- Fisherville Saw Co., manu- facturers of Cir- cular, Ganjt and Cross Cut Saws ■ind Wliifllctree Springs, Pena- fook, N. li.— I' he business ' nnducted bj' the ( (incern wliose curd we print ;ili(ive was cstab- /1, lislicd half a ' ccntur}' aso and and is clearly en- titled to a promi- '■ ntnt place among the representa- tive uiidt; 11..;-- -1.: iitioii. The circular, gang and cross-cut saws imule by this company have gone into gen- eral use, in many cases under the most exacting conditions, and the record the}' have made substantiates the claim that while quoting prices about the same as those named by other saw manufacturers, the company's policy is not to attain the limit of cheapness but the limit of goodness. Saws of all descriptions are manufactured, including ice saws, which will be made to order at short notice. Cast steel whiflletree and yoke springs are also extensively manufactured, they being very popular, as they are made from the best No. 1 steel, are far superior to any others in the market and are fully warranted. The company give particular attention to the repairing of circular saws, and restore them to their original condition, as they are very careful to aveid any process which while apparently put- ting the saw in good order would so injure it as to greatly impair its durability. They claim to do the best job of saw repairing obtainable, and iu the opinion of practical men they are prepared to make that claim good in every respect. Corresjiondence is solicited, and all communi- cations are assured prompt and careful attention. The manager, Mr. G. S. Locke, is a native of London, N. IL, and is widely Known iu manufacturing circles. He gives careful personal attention to the filling of orders, and employs a sufficient force of assistants to ensure the prompt execution of every commission. Frank E. Bean, dealer in Cream, Vienna and While Bread, iSrown Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Cream Cakes, etc., Penacook, N. H. — There are some bakers who apparently have never heard the old proverb, " You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear," for they insist upon tisiug infe- rior materials and then wonder why the public refuse to accept their productions as tirsl class. Extensive facilities asd experience and skill will go far towards ensuring sat- isfactory results, but material of good qualitj' cannot be dispensed with in the manufacture of bread, cake and pastry that is designed to suit the most fasticjious taste. Evidently Jlr. Frank E. Bean appreciates this fact, for he not only provides improved facilities and employs skilled assistants, but gives careful personal attention to the choice of materials, sparing no pains to get the best the market affords. As an inevitable consequence his produc- tions stand high iu the favor of the public, and while he caters to all classes of trade he finds no difficulty in per- fectly satisfying the most critical. Mr. Bean was born in Salisbury, N. II., and as a member of the firm of Harlow & Bean succeeded Mr. (has. Wiggins in the control of the enterprise to which we have reference, in 18:5, assum- ing .sole possession in 1878. He utilizes one tioor and a basement, having a total area of abcmt 1,000 square feet, and carries a large and varied stock which is constantly being renewed and is consequently always, fresh and tempt- ing. It includes cream, Vienna and white bread, cakes, pastry, etc., and orders can be filled wi'liout delay, employment being given to three assistants. * DR.TOPLIFF'S * SYRUP OF TAR CURES COUGHS.COLDS, SPITTING OF BLOOD AND CONSUMPTION. J. Irving Hoyt^ Druggist, Pena- cook, N. H.— Should the various- mercantile estab- li^hments located ia- I'enacook and vicin- ity be mentioned in the order of their com par^i live useful- ness, that con- ducted by Mr. J. Irving Hoyt would be clearly entitled to a leading posi- tion in the list, for on the whole, no retail establishment is more useful than a well managed drugstore, and that of which Mr. Hoyt is proprietor is well managed in the full sense of the term He is a native of Concord, and has carried on his present enterprise for tea years, succeeding in ISSO .Mr. C. C. Topliff, who had been proprietor since ]8().5. Mr. Hoyt also succeeded Mr. Top- lifT as proprietor and manufacturer of "Topliff Syrup of' Tar," one of the best known cough and consumptiim cures^ and quite an extensive wholesale business is done in this- valuable remedy. Mr. Hoyt is thoroughly familiar with every detail of his business, and as he gives personal atten- tion to the filling of orders the service is as reliable as it is- prompt and obliging. Premises having an area of l,20O' square feet are occupied, and a full assortment of drugs^ medicines and chemicals is constantly carried, enabling physicians' prescriptions lobe compouniled without delay. Every facility is at hand to ensure absolute accuracy in> every detail of this department of the business, and the- ingiedients used are obtained from the most reliable sources and may be depended upon for freshness and purity. Uniformly moderate charges are made and na- trouble is spared to fully maintain the high reputation so- long held in connection with this service. Mr. Hoyt dealft- in toilet and fancy articles, druggists' sundries and other goods usually found in a first class pharmacy, and quotes- the lowest market rates on all the commodities he handles. Harry S. Harris, Livery, Boirding, Transient and Hack Stable, Wasliington House, Penacook, N. H.— The stable connected with the Washington House has been carried on for many years and has changed hands many times, but it is safe to assert that the service rendered was never more- efficient and satisfactory than it has been since the present, proprietor, Mr. Harry S. Harris, assumed control in 1888. He was born in Boscawen, N. H., and has had no little experience in the stable business, as might be easily guessed from the character of the accommodations he affords. There are seventeen stalls on the premises, and a. general livery, boarding, biiting and hacking business is- done, employment being given to three assistants, and all. orders being assured immediate and painstaking atiention. First class livery teams will he furnished at uniformly- moderate rates, and such of our readers as enjoy ilriving, and have no team of their own would do well to make trial of the accommodations suppl ed by Mr. Harris, for we are sure that the result will be entirely satisfactory. Horses boarded here are assured comfortable quarters, kind treatment and an abundance of suitable food, and the- charges made in this department are low enough to suit the xiiost economically disposed. Hacks will be furnished at very short notice, the drivers being careful and welL informed, so that strangers wishing to view the vicinity will find this a most excellent and pleasurable way ia which to do it. Jlr Harris gives careful supervision to. affairs and spares no pains to thoroughly satisfy every customer. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF PENACOOK. ' 8T Foote &, Morse, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Crocker}', Glass and Wooden Ware. Country Produce and Farming Tools, Concord Street, near Penacook House, Penacook, N. H. — There maj' be some advantages gained by the practice of dividing business up into specialties, as is the practice in the cities, as for instance one dealer handling nothing but groceries, another nothing but glassware, a third nothing but provisions, etc., but there are manj' disadvantages also, and that such is the case is seen in the popularity of the great city "depart- ment " stores, which are onl_v general stores under a new name. There are many establishments in Penacook and vicinity carrying a desirable line of general merchandise, but not one which we can more heartily recommend to our readers than that conducted by Messrs. Foote & Morse. This is located on Concord street, near the Pena- cook House, and comprises one floor and a basement, measuring 40x60 feet. This is the oldest store in Pena- cook, the original part having been built in 1836, the first firm being Johnson & Gage. From time to time additions have been added to it until now it contains a large and complete stock to select from, among the more important articles contained in it being dry gaods, groceries, flour, country produce, crockery, glass and wooden ware, and farming tools. These goods are obtained from the most reliable sources and are guaranteed to prove just as repre- sented, while the prices quoted on them will prove satis- factory to the most economically disposed. Prompt and polite attention is assured to every caller, and all orders ■will be accurately filled at very short notice. This busi- ness was founded a good many years ago, and in 1874 came into the possession of Messrs. Foote & Gates, who succeeded Mr. Geo. JI. Dudle}', and were succeeded by the present firm in 1879. Mr. H. T. Foote is a native of Salisbury, N. H., and Mr. G. A. Morse of Peabody, Mass. Both these gentlemen are widely known throughout this vicinit}', not only in business but also in social circles. A. Linehan, Fruits of all kinds. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, etc.. Main Street, Penacook, N. H. — Geuerall}' speaking, everj' penny paid out for fruit is well invested, for no one article of food is more healtliful, and fresh, ripe fruit used in reasonable moderation will save many a doctor's bill, as well as a good deal of discomfort and even positive suffering. But it is of the first impor- tance that the fruit should be sound and ripe, and there- fore some discrimination should be exercised in its pur- chase, for dealers who do not give special attention to the handling of fruit are apt to keep what they do handle so long that it becomes in some cases totally unfit to eat, although it may not appear so. Mr. A. Linehan makes a specialty of fruits of all kinds, and his assortment will always be found fresh and desirable. He quotes the low- est market rales, and those wishing anything in the fruit line would do well to call at his store on Main street, and there make their selections. Mr. Linehan was born in Danbury, N. H., and founded his present business in 1890. He does not confine himself to handling fruit by any means but also deals in confectionery, cigars and tobacco, etc. A full line of notions ranging in price from five cents to one dollar, is on hand to choose from, and a visit to the store will prove both pleasant and profitable. Miss M. S. Peaslee, dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Penacook, N. H. — We believe it has never been satisfactorily demonstrated just who or what is the " leader of fashion," the fact being that certain articles are fashionable while others are not. while apparently there is not the least reason for the distinction. Still the saying goes, "As well be out of the world as out of the fashion," and as the ladies of Penacook and vicinity are far from being "out of the world," it is not surprising that they should have strong objections to being "out of the fashion." There is certainly no reason why they should become so, as our local dealers show decided enter- prise in offering the latest novelties to their patrons, and, indeed, so far as millinery and fancy goods are concerned one would have to journey a good ways to find a more desirable assortment of fa.shionable novelties than may be seen at the establishment conducted by Miss M. S. Peaslee. This lady is a native of Gilraauton. N. H., and has had great experience in connection with her present business, liaving formerly been a member of the firm of M. S. & E. V. Peaslee, who carried it on from 1873 up to the year 1886, when the present owner assumed sole control. It would be useless for us to mention the stock in detail for it is constantly changing and always comprises the leading novelties, so that a description would be "out of date" before it could reach the public. Order work is given prompt and skillful attention, and low prices are uni- formly quoted in every department of the business. J. F. Hastings, Undertaker and Funeral Director, Robes, Coffins and Caskets always in Stock. Also dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Sleigh Robes. Blankets and Whips, Wolf and Rubber Coats, etc. Penacook, N. H. — There is such a great number of small but yet important details to be attended to in preparing for a funeral, that some of them are very apt to be for- gotten by one inexperienced in such matters, and the worry caused by thinking that something may have been neglected is of itself enough to warrant the employment of a competent funeral director, for when this is done all anxiety is at once at an end, as one may rest assured that an experienced man making a specialty of undertaking and funeral directing will leave nothing undone that should have been attended to. Mr. J. F. Hastings executes many important commissions of this kind, and it is natural that his services should be largely availed of, for he has served the public for years in this capacity and has won a high reputation for reliability and general efiicienc)'. Mr. Hastings was born in Bristol, N. H., and became identified with his present business in 1876, as a member of the firm of Crother & Hastings, who were succeeded by Thurber & Hastings the following year, Mr. Hastings becoming sole proprietor in 1879. He occupies commodious and well arranged premises, and constantly carries in stock a full assortment of robes, coffins, caskets, etc., harness and sad- dlery, trunks, bags, sleigh robes, blankets and whips, wolf and rubber coats, etc., are also largely dealt in, and the lowest market rates are quoted on all the articles handled, while prompt attention to every caller is assured by the employment of two efficient assistants. W. W. Allen, Dry Goods, Room Paper .and Carpeting. Ladies' Outside Garments. Country Produce taken in Exchange. Penacook, N. H, — It is safe to assert that no more truly representative mercantile enterprise is located in Penacook than that conducted by Mr. W. W. Allen, for this has been successfully carrieil on for more than forty years, and, indeed, has held a leading posion from tlie start. The original proprietors, Messrs. Dutton & Pratt, began operations in 1848, and were succeeded in 1851 by Messrs. Pratt & York, who gave place to Messrs. Pratt t% Allen in 1855. In 1858 the firm of Allen & Hall assumed control, they being succeeded in 1862 by Mr. W. H. Allen, and he in 1886 by the present proprietor, who is a native of Concord and is universally known in this sec- tion of the State both in business and social circles. He has served two terms as representative, and is now a mem- ber of the board of aldermen. Mr. Allen utilizes spacious and well-arranged premises, their total area being about 2,000 square feet. He carries a large, varied and most skillfully chosen stock, and as the lowest market rates are uniformly quoted, and prompt and polite attention is assured to every caller by the employment of three com- petent assistants, it is not to be wondered at that no more popular establishment can be found in this vicinity. Among the more prominent articles dealt in may be men- tioned dry goods, wall paper, carpeting and ladies' outer garments, and the latest novelties in these lines are always well represented. Mr. Allen takes country produce in exchange, and spares no pains to fully satisfy every cus- tomer. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OP PENACOOK. Albert A. Huff, >[euts and Vegetables. Peiiacook, N. H. -J»Ir. Alberr, A. Huff has carrieJ on his present enterprise only since the beginning of the current year, but his busi- ness experience is much more exteniled than this fact would seem to indicate, for he was proprietor of a store from 1872 to 1886, so that for about fourteen years he had an opportunity to become familiar with the needs of the public He was born in f>mithfield, Maine, and served more than two years in the army during the Rebellion. Mr. Hull occupies premises having an area of about 1200 square feet, and carries a very extensive and carefully chosen stock, made up of fresh, salted, smoked and pickled meats, all kinds of vegetables in their season, canned goods from the most reputable packers, and other equally useful commodities. The assortment is certain, varied and complete enoui^h to admit of all tastes and all purses being suited, and as two competent assistants arc employed prompt and careful attention is assured to every caller. Jlr. Huff carefully supervises all departments of the business and is ever on the lookout to improve tlie service rendered, as he knows what will prove beneficial to his customers cannot fail to advance his own interests also. Fisherville Sovereign Co-operative Asso'n, dealers in Groceries, Flour, Cutlery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Rub- bers, etc. J. C. Farrand, Agent. Rink Building, Pena- cook, N. H.— It is an undenialile fact that the large major- ity of the cooperative enterprises inaugurated in this country have failed, and this is the stock argument of those who deny that industrial and mercantile coopera- tion is practicable, but in every instance of failure the fault has been either in the management or in the condi- tions under which the experiment was tried, and the prin- ciple of CO operation remains as sound today as ever it was. Were it so radically wrong and so visionary as its opponents would have us believe, success would be impos- sible, so that the fact that there are many cooperative in successful operation conclusively proves that the objections made to the principle are unfounded. The residents of Penacook need not go away from home to find a prominent example of successful co operation, for in the enterprise conducted by the Fisherville Sovereign Co-operative Association they have an undertaking which was founded fourteen years ago and has steadily gained in utility and popularity. The association was incorporated in 1876, and its officers have shown most commendable ability and zeal in admioistcring its affairs and in avoiding the mistakes which have proved disastrous to similar enterprises. The public have learned by experience that the undertaking is worthy of hearty and permanent sup- port, and that such is given it may be judged from the fact that four assistants are required to properlj' attend to the many orders received. The president is Mr. J. C. Richards, the treasurer, Mr. F. A. Abbott, and the agent, Mr. J. C. Farrand, all of whom are too well known in Penacook and vicinity to render detailed personal mention necessary. The association occupy very spacious quarters in the rink building and carry a heavy stock of general merchandise, including groceries, flour, cutlery, clothing, boots, shoes, rubbers, etc., together with a full assortment of fresh and salted meats, fresh fish and lobsters. The goods are strictly dependable in every respect, the service is prompt and obliging, and customers get unusual value in exchange for every dollar they expend at this thor- oughly well managed establishment. George N. Dutton, dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Mil- linery, etc., manufacturer of the Dutton Cuff Holder, Penacook, N II. — The popularity of the establishment conducted by Mr. George X. Dutton is by no means the result of luck, but on the contrary has been brought about by hard, intelligent and faithful work continued through a term of years. The proprietor is a native of Concord and became identified with the en erprise in 18S5, as a member of the firm of Sanders & Dutton, assuming sole control in 1888. He deals in dry and fancy goods, milli- nery, etc., and is manufacturer of and dealer in the " Dutton Cuff Holder," which is one of those little devices that once used are never willingly dispensed with. The premises utilized afford space for the accommodation of quite an extensive stock, and on the score of magnitude alone Mr. Dutton's assortment is parallelled by few if any similar stocks in this section, but its quality is even more remarkable than its quantity, and the very latest fashion- able novelties are always well represented. All classes of trade are catered to, and the closest buyers agree that at no store in this section is more genuine value given for money received. Callers are assured prompt and courte- ous attention, goods being cheerfully shown and every opportunity given to make a deliberate and satisfactory selection. F. B. Clough & Co., Furniture. Repairing and Uphol- stering. Penacook, N. H. — When purchasing articles of any description it is well to remember that the first cost is but one of a number of things that should be considered, and especially is this true in the case of furniture, for thoroughly well made furniture will last and look well for many years, while that composed of inferior material carelessly put together will become shabby and broken down in a very short time. And after all, the difference in the first cost is by no means great, and in proof of this assertion we would refer our readers to the establishment conducted by Messrs. F. B. Clough & Co., for this firm deal in thoroughly dependable goods, and yet quote prices low enough to suit the most economically disposed. Goods are cheerfully shown, and anything in the line of furniture can be furnished at short notice and at the lowest market rates. Upholstering is an important department of the business, and furniture repairing in general will be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner at a reason- able price. Jlr. Clough gives careful personal attention to the supervision of affairs, and makes it an invariable rule to allow no defective work to leave his establishment, while at the same time sparing no pains to deliver orders promptly when promised. O. H. Fowler, Druggist and Pharmacist, dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Varnishes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, Penacook, N. H. — Every experienced physician will agree that the cure of disease would bo much more ea>y than is now the case were the drugs and medicines sold by every dealer uniform in character. The public are apt to suspect that a physi- cian who directs them to a certain pharmacy does so because he receives a percentage of the cost of the medi- cines sold, but this is so seldom the case as to be unworthy of consideration. The fact is, a physician learns that a certain pharmacist obtains his supplies from reliable sources, renews them often enougii to prevent serious deterioration from age and is skillful and careful in the compounding of prescriptions. As these things enable the effects of prescriptions put up at his establishment to be more accurately prepared than would otherwise be pos- sible, and as the professional reputation of the iihysician is directly dependent upon his prescriptions having the desired effect, what more natural than that he should direct where they should be compounded ? Mr. C. H. Fowler is one of the most popular pharmacists in this sec- tion of the State, not only among physicians but also the general public, for he has had long experience in the busi- ness and his methods are uniformly reliable. He was born in Webster, N. H.. and was at one time a member of the city council. Mr. Fowler became identified with his present enterprise in 186G, as partner \mder the firm name of Rollins & Co., it having been inaugurated in 1852 by Mr. ,J. S. Rollins, Mr. Fowler assuming sole control in 1875. A heavy stock of drugs, medicines and chemicals is constantly carried, prescriptions being very carefully compounded at reasonable rates. Perfumery and toilet articles are dealt in to a considerable extent, and paints, oils. Tarnishes, brushes, glass, artists' materials, etc., are supplied in quantities to suit at the lowest market rates. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF PENACOOK. 89 J. E. Symonds & Co., Table Mfrs. and Wood-Workers, Penacook. — The enforcement of the law against selling liquors "over the bar," in Massachusetts, has already ■caused a great deal of comment altliough it was not begun until the middle of May, and public opinion seems to be about equally divided as to whether the law is beneficial or not, but at all events it is beneficial to a prominent Penacook establishment, for its proprietors, Messrs. J. E. Symonds & Co., are extensively engaged in the manufact- ure of saloon tables, and their trade extends throughout New England. The saloon tables made by this firm are celebrated for their strength and durability, and as thej- are of the most approved design and are furnished to the trade at bottom prices, it is natural that they should be in great demand. The largest orders can be promptly filled, however, for the manufacturing facilities are very exten- sive and work can be "rushed through" at a great rate ■when haste is desirable, the quality of the productions remnining uniformly excellent. This firm is made up of Messrs. J. E. Symonds and G. W. Abbott, both of whom are natives of New Hampshire, Mr. Symonds having been born in Hancock, and .Mr. Abbott in Webster. Both served three years in the army during tlie Rebellion, and are widely known in business and social circles throughout Penacook and vicinity. They by no means confine themselves to the manufacture of saloon tables but make a full line of extension, dining, kitchen and office tables, besides doing special order work in a superior manner at short notice and at low rates. The factory is two stories in height and 200 X 40 feet in dimensions, and is fitted up throughout with the most improved machinery, driven by a loO-horse water wheel and a fifty-horse engine. Employment is given to thirty assistants and the business is thoroughly s}'stematized, — no imperfect work being allowed to leave the establishment. John Chadvirick, Livery, Board and Feed Stable, Pena- cook, N. H. — The majority of those who patronize livery stables are not unreasonable and therefore do not expect to b3 furnished with horses that can trot in 3;30, or with -carriages that look as though they never had been used, but even the best natured customer may be excused for kicking when he is supplied with the lame apologj- for a horse and the antediluvian vehicle which some public stable keepers seem to think ought to be entirely satisfac- tory. It is very poor policy to force patrons to put up with such "accommodations," for it has a tendency to disgust them with hiring teams and to cause them either to give up driving or to get a turnout of their own. We think that the methods followed by Mr. John Chadwick might be profitably imitated liy some other stable keepers whom we could name, for he spares no pains to keep a sufficiency of desiraljle teams on hand for livery purposes, and although he makes no extravagant claims, still, his rigs will compare favorably with the average private turn- ■out in this vicinity. Mr, Chadwick was born in Bos- cawen, N. H , and succeeded to his present business more than twelve years ago. He was formerly assistant city marshal, and tew, if any, men in this community are better known and more liighly esteemed. The premises utilized are spacious aud well arranged and include sixteen stalls. A general livery, boarding and baiting business is done and employment is given to two elfjcient assistants, so that all orders are assured immediate and careful attention. The charges are uniformly moderate and tlie service gives the very best of satisfaction. Mr. Chadwick is agent for the American Express Co., having served this company aud its predecessor for twelve years. John C Iiinehan, dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Pro- visions, Flour, Grain, etc., Penacook, N. H. — Such a stock as is carried by Mr. John C. Linehan cannot be adequately described in the limited space at our command, for it is so varied and so complete in every department that to merely name the commodities it comprises would more than exhaust our space as well as the patience of our readers. But as a matter of fact such a procedure is quite unneces- sary, for the Penacook public thoroughly understand that patrons of this store are given an exceptionally large and desirable assortment to choose from, and they know that not only staple goods but also the latest novelties are well represented. It would be surprising were not Mr. Lin- ehan's well appreciated by this time, for he has been iden- tified with his present enterprise for nearly a quarter of a century, beginning operations as a member of the firm of Bean & Linehan who succeeded Jlr. M. H. Bean in 1866. The same j'ear the firm name was changed to Brown & Linehan, and in 1869 the present proprietor assumed sole control. Mr. Linehan was a veteran of the late war and is an active and earnest worker in everything pertaining to the interests of the Grand Araiy of the Republic with which he has been most prominentlj' connected. He was Department Commander for this State in 1883-4, and Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief in 1888-9 ; was member of the National Pension Committee, 1884-7, and Pres- ident of the New Hampshire Veteran Association 1885-6. Mr. Linehan served in both branches of the city govern- ment between 1870-77. Trustee of Industrial School since 1883, director in Loan and Trust Savings Bank, Con- cord. From these facts it will be seen that Mr. Linehan is well and favorably known, and it is not to be wondered at that his store is headquarters for the purchasing public •who appreciate first-class goods at bottom prices. Mr. Linehan utilizes one floor and a basement, having a total area of 2000 square feet, and among the more prominent commodities kept in stock may be mentioned groceries, dry goods, provisions, flour and grain. A very large family trade is enjoyed as the goods are chosen expressly for family use, and are thoroughly reliable in quality and low in price. Employment is given to two efficient assist- ants, prompt and polite attention being assured to every caller. INDEX TO BUSINESS NOTICES. BANK»$ AND BANKER!;;. American Trust Co. , The 42 First National Bank, Tlie C6 Loan and Trust Savings Bank 35 Meclianick's National Bank H4 Merrinnack County Savings Bank 45 National State Capital Bank 37 New Hampshire Savings Bank, The ... 40 Rollins, E. H. & Son 36 Union Guarantee Savings Bank, The 67 UOOKSELLEKS AND STATIONERS. Chase, I. G 79 Hunt & Greenwood 47 Mace, Frank P 44 Silsby & Son 51 „ BAKERS. Bean, Frank E 86 Norris, J. C. & Co 51 BOOT AND SHOE MFR9. AND DEALERS. Concord Boot and Shoe Co (wholesale) 48 Greenough & Ilaseltine 57 Moore, Geo. H 72 Porter, Howard L. (mfr.) 57 Thome, John C 50 Thompson, W. A 09 CARUIAGF, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS AND PAPER-HANGERS. Abbott, Geo 78 Bilsborough, Benj 53 Coleman, P H 75 Matthews. H. 67 Moulton, E. A 76 CONTRACTORS AND BUII..DERS. Ferrin. A. C 73 Hutchinson, E. B 47 Kimball, I )an forth & Forrest 78 Mead, JIason & Co 68 Webster, P. W 69 Worthen, Chas. L 77 CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. Abbott Downing Co., The 60 Concord Carriage Co 44 Davis, Win. S., & Son 59 Holt Bros. Manufacturing Co. , The 58 DRUGGISTS. Berry, Geo. A. & Co 49 Fitch, A. Perley 47 Fowler, C. H 88 Foster, II. B 55 Hoyt, J. Irving 86 Martin, C. H. & Co 48 Sullivan, D. W 70 Underhill, W. P. & Co 65 Uuderhill & Kittredge 77 DRY AND FANCY GOODS. Allen, W. W 87 Blancliard, Chas. G 54 Boynton, C. M 40 Davis, A. W 64 Dutton, Geo. N 88 Hammond, Harry D. & Co 35 Hazelton, .J. & Son 63 Murphy, David E 56 Thurston & Emmons 73 Welsh & Lovely 44 Willard, E. W. & Co 65 FLORISTS. Colby, W. M '. 78 Main, Geo .53 hackford,*A. L 57 Wilson, W. S '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 66 FI.OUR, FEED, ETC. Coffin, Frank 4» Straltou, Merrill & Co 40> FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. Battles, F. (North End Fish Slarkel) 79- Spencer, E. N 56 FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. Cloiigh, F. B. & Co 88 Fernald, W. J 53 Heath & Chesley ' 59 McArthur, A. & Co 54 Stewart, J. M. & Sons 48 GRANITE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. Casey, Michael 76 Carpenter Granite Co 45 Clark, Geo. F 63 Clark, Frank R 82 Cummings Brothers 73 Dunstane, Thomas H. & Son 39 Edwards & Dravis 83 Farley, H. N. & Co 43 Fox, Thomas 81 Fraser, John A 7& Eraser, William C 59 Gay Brothers 69 Ilollis, A 78 Hosking, J. R 75 I vey , Henry 65 Knowles, Lyman 80 Lougee, W. S 83 La Belle & Co 44 McAlpine, A. G. & Co 77 McGuire, John 70- Nawn, Thomas 62' Perry, W. H 71 Peabody, L. O 82 Phillips, Harry 79 Putney, B. T 82 Racine, Oliver 36- Spain, JIanin II 67 Swenson, John CS' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Batchelder it Co 41 Brickelt, II. W 7a Brooks, E. W 35^ Carr, William F 47 Concord Beef Co. (wholesale) 74 Cowley, William A 80 Dickerman & Co. (wholesale) 7* Dooning & Fellows 72 Dudley, G. W 62 Emmons, G. B 50 Pollett, A. M 54 Hoit, Lewis B 63 Huff, Albert A 88 Lawrence, C. B 51 Lee it Kenna 70 Merrill, J. B 72 Morrison & Searles 71 Perkins & Berry 52 Phelps. O. H. it Co 57 Reed & Mudgett 58 Sanborn, A. C 77 Sturlevant, II. C. & S»n 59 Upton, F. II 70 Webster, David 58 Whittredge, Geo. B 4ft INDEX TO BUSINESS NOTICES. GENERAL. STORES. Blnnchard, Amos 46 Eastman & Co 81 Fisherville Sovereign Cooperative Association 88 Foote, Brown & Co _. 83 Foote & Morse 87 Greeley & Todd - 49 LarkiD, P. H 55 Linehan, John C 89 McQuesiin, E. & Co 73 Savage, I. M. & S m 71 Weymouth, D. B 85 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Camp, D. M 38 Colburn, F E 39 Commercial House 56 Eagle ■& Phenix Hotel Co 42 Fagan, John H 76 HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL. Humphrey & Dodge 46 Thompson & Huague 61 HARNESS MANUFACTURERS. Hill, James 1'.. & Co 33 Johnson, J. D. & Son 37 INSURANCE. Capital Fire Insurance Co., The 49 Crowell & McKellar 38 Eastman, Samuel C 56 Fire Underwriters' Association, The 54 Jackman & Lang 50 Manufacturers' and Merchants' Mutual Insurance Co. 51 Parker, C. S 46 Staniels, C. E 74 INVEST.HENT SECURITIES. Crippen, Lawrence & Co 41 Rollins. E. H. & Son 36 JEWELRY, WATCHES, ETC. Ayer, R. H 63 Carr, Norman G 71 Junkins, Chas. E., Jr 52 Morrill Brothers 46 Nelson, N. C 74 LIVERY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLES. Chadwick, John 89 Colton, George, & Co. (Globe Stable) .53 Dodge & Bickford (Phenix Stable) 70 Dunklee, Norris A. (Aldine Stable) 48 Harris, Harry S 86 Jennings, Geo. W 41 Philbrick, Darius 76 Wright, William 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Batchelder, C. F. (news agent, billposter, etc.) 57 Ballon, Oliver (picture frames) 74 Durgin, William B (designer and maker of silverware). 40 Dow, Edward (architect) 49 Field, W. O. (hennery) 81 Heath, T. A. & Co. (crockery and glass) 43 Lane, S. G. (real estate) 43 Landon, F. W. & Co. (electricians) 58 Linehan. A. (fruit and confectionery) 87 Parker, Daniel (steam carpet beating) 76 Ranlet & Marsh (coal, wood and ice) 55 Robinson, H. E. (music teacher) 53 Rowell, Jas. H. & Co. (concrete paving) 75 Toof. J. H. (laundry) 78 Wallace, S. & Son (stair-builders) 66 "Wymao, J. J. (tripe, tallow, etc 42 MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Newell. H. N., Mrs 69- Pearson, Fred, Mrs 58 Peaslee, M. S , Miss 87 VVadleigh, G. W 73- MANUFACTURERS. Amsden, II. H. & Sons (pine and ash furniture) 85 Barker, Chas (hard and soft soap) 77 Blauchard's Porter Sons (churn and dairy implements). 01 Bunker, Andrew (sash doors and blinds) 74 Clapp & Co. (brass and iron founders) 68 Comins, Geo. T. Co. (bedsteads) 41 Concord Axle Co 84 Danforth, W. F. & Sons 63: Eastman, Sam'l & Co. (fire supplies) 80- Fisherville Saw Co 86- Ford & Kimball (car wheels foundry) 48 Ford, \Vm. P. ct Co (stoves and plows) 79' Mead, John H. (wood turning) 67 Nutting & Iliiyden (quarry tools) 59' Page Belting Co 39- Robinson, ,Tohn H. (brick) 81 Symonds, J. E. & Co. (tables) 89- Woodward, Thomas (awnings) 45 White, John A. (wood working machinery) 69 Whittaker, John (lumber). ....". 83 PIANOS AND ORGANS. Day, W. K 52- Morey, J. H 50- Piper, F. A 3T Prescott Piano & Organ Co. (manufacturers) 64 PHOTOGRAPHERS. Bailey, H. C 35 Kimball, W. G. C 4Z PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. Bateman, M 52 Clifford, P. A 75^ Goodhue, George 44 Lee Brothers 64 Munns & Paige 71 Randall, E. H 45 PRINTERS AND BINDERS. Crawford & Stockbridge 72 Silsby & Son 51 STOVES, HARDWARE, ETC. George, Frank H 6a Rogers & Mandigo 75 Scribner & Brltton 55 TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Baker, W. S 54 Loveland & Peacock 58 McQuilken, John G. & Co. (Boston One Price Cloth- ing Co.) 70- Sleeper & Hood 47 Stewart, T. W. & J. H 63 TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS. Concord Manufacturine Co. (flannels) 82^ Harris, E. S. (Dustin Island Woolen Mills) 84 UNDERTAKERS. Hastings, J. F 8T Kendall & Lane 54 Waters, Geo. W 4» i i 014 013 580 A