Class, i- ■' J ^ Book Copp$htl^°. ^Tt COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. WB\}itt J^oujsc 33ortraits 7i Complete CoUectton of tl)e i^ortrato of t\)t i^resttient^ and ^ptstresse^ of tl)e 22Jl)tte i^ouse from 2IHasl)ington to Caft CompilcD, arrangcD anD piiblisftcD bp J|. it. iSalDtuin ^ublisljins Company Q^inneapolis, 00inn. Copyright. 1010 By H. L. BALDWIN PL BLISHIXG COMPANY WHITE HOUSE PORTRAITS is a selection of the portraits illustrating the sketches of the Presidents anil ^listresses of the White House in Mrs. John A. Logan's work, " Our National Ciovernnient. " The C(nnplete work contains not only full and interesting accounts of the lives of the Presidents and Ladies of the White House, but also a detailed description of the operations of all the governmental departments. The book contains 80 full-jiaged illus- trations. Price in one volume complete, in Cloth Binding, $3. '-25; in Three-quarters INIorocco, $3.75; in Full ^Morocco, gold edges, $4. '25. H. L. BALDWIN PUBLISHING COMPANY :: MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CCI.A265615 GEORGE WASHINGTON. the original portrait by Stuart of Fine Arts. JIARTHA WASHINGTON. JOHN ADAMS. From the portrait by Stuart owned by Mr. T. Jeffcr Coolidge, Boston. MRS. JOHN (ABIGAIL) ADAMS. From a fortrait by Stuart. Fro)) College. THOMAS JEl-TEKSON. filial portrait by Stuart oz<-nei1 by JAMES MADISON. From the original portrait by Stuart Join College. MRS. JAMES (."DOI.LV") :\rAnisoN. Coolidgc, Bosto JAMES MONROE. portrait by Stuart owned by Mr. T. Jcfferso MRS. JAMES MONROE. A JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. From the original portrait by Healy in the White House. MRS. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. ANDREW JACKSON. [ittal portrait by Hcaly. MRS. E.MILY DOXELSOX. Wife of President Jackson's nephew and private secre- tary. One of the mistresses of the White House during President Jackson's administration. MARTIN VAN BUREN. the original portrait hji Hcaly in the White Ho MR'^ ABRAHAM VAN BL-REN (ANGELICA SINGEL- TON). Mistress of the White House during the aflmiuistration of her father-in-law. President Van Buren. From the original portrait in the White House. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. an onginal portrait by Hoyt. MRS. WILLIAM 11. HARRISON. JOHN TYLEK. From an old dagncrrcotyfc. MRS. JOHN TYLER. President Tyler's second wife and the first bride to enter the White House as its mistress. From the original portrait by AvcUi in the White House. JAMES K. rOLK. ohi (Ingucrrcolyl^c. jruS. JAMES K. por.K. r original Mrtrait presented it en of Tennessee. the White House V ZACHARY TAYLOR. l-i-om a, I old dugtiortotype. Letitia Tvlkk, I'iKsT Wife of President Jchix, WHO Died in the White Hou^e N.I porlniit of Mrs. Z.nchar.v Taylor placed liiTf for taken. This portrait i MILLAKll JU.LMOKE. ilKb. .MILLAKU IILLMOKE. FRANKLIN I'lEUCE. ilKS. IKAiNkLliN riEKCE. JAMES BUCHANAN. MRS. HARRIET LANE JOHNSTON. Mistress of the Wliite House during tlie admiuistratio lier uncle. President Buchanan. l-roni lite original [■ortiuit by Miniaig painted in IS'JO. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. From an original negative ■iking and life-like portrait i om Hfe. of him ArUS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. iriginal negative made from life. AXIJKEW JollXSdX. rigilial lU-galirL' made frum life. MRS. AXllREW JOIIXSOX. ULYSSES S. GRANT. From an original negative made from life. MRS. ULYSSES S. GRANT. From an original negative made from life. RUTHERFOKU B. HAVES. From an original negative made from life. MRS. RUTIIERFOKD B. HAVES. From an original negative made from life. Ml;^. TAMl.S A. liAKIlELD. Froiu an origiiwl ncgali:;- from life. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. riginal iicgalr.c made from life. MRS. JOHN Mcelroy. Mistress of the White House during the her brother, President Artliur. STEPHEN GROVER CLEVELAND. Ill original negative made from life. ■MRS. STEI'IIEN (IROVER rLE\EL.\ND. m an original negalize made from life. BENJAMIN HARRISON. From an original negative made from life. MRS. BENJAMIN HARRISON. From an original negative made from life. Wil.LlAM McKINLEY, Jr. From an original ncgatiz'c made from life. MRS. WILLIAM McKINLEY, Jr. From an original negative made from life. THEODORE KOOSEX EET. From a» m-igim,! i,cgatr.'c nu,.U- fro,,, life. MRS. THEODORE Rl JOSE\ ELT. From the portrait bv Chartran, presciilcil to the While House by the French Republic. WILLIAM II. TAFT. original ncgati-^'C made from life. MRS. WILLIAM 11. T.\FT. original negative made from life. Lcua'll