E 202 .1 .S27 Copy 1 CENTENNIAL ADDRESS BEFORE THE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, On SStli -A-TJCrTTST, 1SS3, BY V/ILMOT G. DeSAUSSURE, President. CHARLESTON, S. C. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL. PRINTERS Nos. 3 Broad and 109 East Bay Streets. 1883. CENTENISIAL ADDRESS BEFORE THE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Ojn. SStlj. .^■Cr3--Cr3T, 1333, BY . ■ WILMOT G; DeSAUSSURE, President. CHAELESTON, S. C. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, PRINTERS. Nos. 3 Broad and 109 East Bay Streets. ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the State Society OF THE Cincinnati of South Carolina : You have been invited to assemble this evening to com- memorate an interesting anniversary. On 29th August. 1783, at the first meeting held in Charleston, the State So- ciety of the Cincinnati of South Carolina was organized, and its officers elected. We are met on this, the first centennial of the organization, to do reverence to the memories of those patriots, who, through disheartening trials, and severe pri- vations, steadfastly adhered to the principles of liberty which led them into opposition to, and war with, one of the most jDowerful, if not the then most poAverful, nation of the civi- lized world ; whose courage and constancy through all such trials and privations, and whose stern refusal to listen to the blandishing invitations to return to British allegiance and favor, resulted in, and gave, independence to the United Colonies, making them free and independent States. The citizens of the United States, who enjoy the liberties won by their clear perception of the rights of the people, and live under a free government by the people for the peo- ple, owe a reverent debt of gratitude to the memory of such patriots. We, the members of the Cincinnati Society, a So- ciety " instituted by the officers of the American army, at the period of its dissolution, as well to commemorate the great event which gave independence to North America, as for the laudable purpose of inculcating the duty of laying down in peace arms assumed for public defence, and of uniting in acts of brotherly afioction, and bonds of perpetual friend- ship the members constituting the same," peculiarly, per- form but a pious duty, when we assemble to do reverence to their memories. The centennial of the institution in South Carolina, makes this a fitting time, when we, the members of the South Carolina Society, should express our gratitude to, and reverence for, those brave and conscien- tious men. In the lengthening vista of time, in the grow- ing consciousness of mankind as to the true principles of government, year by year, will grow more luminous the wisdom of those who perceived that to the governed be- longed, as unalienable rights with which they are endowed by the Creator, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; " that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." And as in such growing con- sciousness, such wisdom becomes more luminous, the greater and greater will become the reverence for, and gratitude to, the men who perceived these true principles of government, and perceiving, had the courage to battle for their mainte- nance, mutually pledging to each other therefor, their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors. It is not now necessary to consider the causes which led to the opposition by the colonies ; suffice it to say, the motives were high and patriotic. Pacific remonstrances were answered by defiance, and followed by more arbitrary exactions. The seizure of the stamps, the destruction of the teas, the resolutions to consume home products, were re- garded as acts of rebellion, to be crushed out by military force. Boston was heavily garrisoned, and coercive, mili- tary aggression was threatened. Delegates from the colonies were assembled in Congress to deliberate upon the proper course to be pursued. The delegates, and the people of the colonies, yet hoped for a redress of their grievances, and scarcely contemplated separation from, and independence of, the mother country. Even so late as 26th March, 1776, the colonial Congress of South Carolina, in the temporary con- stitution then adopted, declared it a temporary act " until the accommodation of the unhappy differences between Great Britain and America can be obtained (an event which, though traduced and treated as rebels, we still earnestly de- sire)." But while so gathered in deliberation, the com- manding officer in Boston, carrying out the coercive military policy of his government, saw fit to send Lieut.-Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn, with their troops, to seize the military stores gathered by the authorities of the colony of Massachusetts for the public defence. In the gray dawn of that memorable 19th April, 1775, when Major Pitcairn, upon the commons at Lexington, Massachusetts, ordered the company of minute men, barely about sixty in number, to disperse, and not being obeyed, fired upon this little handful of militia, killing Ensign Robert Munroe, and Privates Jonas Parker, Isaac Muzze}^, Jonathan Harrington, Samuel Hadley, John Brown, Caleb Harrington, and Asahel Porter, he in- augurated for his government a contest for a principle which will never cease until the axioms for government promulged in the Declaration of Independence on 4th July, 1776, shall become the acknowledged, recognized ones which must pre- vail between the governments and the people of the world. And the blood shed by those brave men in that early morn- ing, was the first in which was laid the cement for the mutual friendship, to perpetuate the remembrance of which, and of the great event to which it led, the Society of the Cincinnati was instituted. To these protomartyrs to the great principles of political liberty and equality we, not only as citizens of the North American Republic, but as lovers of our kind, owe so reverent a debt of gratitude that we would be recreant ingrates did we not at a fitting time express it. And we, as members of the Society instituted to perpetuate, not only the remembrance of the great event, but to preserve the memories of the friendsliips formed by our ancestors under the pressure of a common danger, and , in many instances, cemented by their blood, would be un- true to the promises made to our forefathers, did we not, at such time as this, perform the pious duty of recalling the names and deeds of those gallant patriots. Gentlemen of the State Society of the Cincinnati of South CaroHna, I in- vite you to rise, and with me to bow in grateful, reverent homage to the memories of the protomartyrs in the cause of American Independence, Ensign Robert Munroe, and Pri- vates Jonas Parker, Isaac Muzzey, Jonathan Harrington, Samuel Hadley, John Brown, Caleb Harrington, and Asahel Porter. Prior to this momentous event, the defence of American liberties had been conducted by the several colonies. Each had raised and equipped its own troops, and directed such movements as seem best calculated to further the purposes for which such forces had been enrolled. Lexington was quickly followed by the beleaguerment of Boston, and it became so manifest that a war of magnitude had been en- tered upon, that the Continental Congress, on 15th June, 1775, 7 Resolved, That a general be appointed to command all the Continental forces raised, or to be raised, for the de- fence of American liberty. The Congress then proceeded to the choice of a general, by ballot, and George Washing- ton, Esq., was unanimously elected." Gentlemen, you need no invitation to rise at this great name ; instinctively, you will do so, expressing in your hearts and countenances the inexpressible gratitude to, and reverence for, that pure patriot, that able commander, that wise counsellor, that modest gentleman, to whom. Primus inter pares, it has been accorded by the American people, that he should be called " First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his coun- trymen." This appointment may be said to have been the inception of the army on the Continental establishment. Lossing, in the Field Book of the Revolution, says : " The subject of the appointment had been informally discussed two or three days before, and John Adams had proposed the adoption of the Provincial troops at Boston as a Continental Army." Gen. Washington formally took command of the forces around Boston on 3d July, 1775, and on 4th July, 1775, issued an order, a part of which is as follows : " The Conti- nental Congress having now taken all the troops of the several colonies which have been raised, or which may be hereafter raised, for the support and defence of the liberties of America, into their pay and service, they are now the troops of the United Provinces of North America ; and it is hoped that all distinction of colonies will be laid aside, so that one and the same spirit may animate the whole, and the only contest be, who shall render, on this great and try- ing occasion, the most essential service to the great and common cause in which we are all engaged." I have not had access to any proceedings of the Continental Congress, and am unable to give the act, ordinance or resolution under which the colonial troops were taken into the Continental service. Nor have I been able to find the numbers of the regiments, the commanders, or officers. It seems to me, that the Society of the Cincinnati owe it to one of the purposes of its institution, the perpetuation of the remembrance of that vast event, to endeavor to collect the regimental and other organizations which formed the Continental Army, with the names of as many of the officers attached to each, as is practicable, and to publish these in some form which will be permanent, and easy of access. We of this day are largely ignorant upon this subject, and know not even where to seek the information. A¥ere it possible, it would be desi- rable to obtain a record of every man who composed that army. The private soldiers who bore the brunt of the war, whose bleeding feet stained the snows of the winter quarters at Valley Forge, and returned, unpaid, to desolated homes, and cheerfully resumed the plough and other agricultural implements laid down in order to take up the musket and the sword in the public defence, are as much entitled to our admiration and veneration, as the officer by whom they were led. This is impracticable, and the Cincinnati should endeavor to do as much as it can, by collecting and preserv- inp- the orpanizations and names of officers. By the provisional articles between the United States and his Britannic Majesty, signed at Paris, on 30th November, 1782, " his Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz : New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, sovereign and independent States ; that he treats with them as such." This terminated the long war of the Revolutron. The army was not disbanded until a later period, but prac- tically, the war was ended. Savannah was evacuated by the British on 11th July, 1782 ; Charleston was evacuated on 14th December, 1782 ; NeAV York was not evacuated until 25th November, 1783. A general treaty w^as signed at Paris on 20th January, 1783, and on 17th April, 1783, the Continental Congress issued a proclamation of a cessation of hostilities by sea and land. But so long as any part of the United States was occupied by British troops, the Continental army could not be dis- banded, but under Washington's advice, Congress passed a resolution granting him leave to issue such furloughs as he thought proper. Acting under this resolution, he did grant many, enabling the troo})s to return home and prepare for the duties of civil life, but retaining a sufficient number in cantonment to meet any emergency which might arise. It was while things were in this condition, that the Society of the Cincinnati was instituted. In his Life of Washington, Irving says : " The officers in the patriot camp ©n the Hud- son were not without gloomy feelings at the thought of their approaching separation from each other. Eight years of dangers and hardships, shared in common and nobly sus- tained, had welded their hearts together, and made it hard to rend them asunder. Prompted by such feelings. General Knox, ever noted for generous impulses, suggested, as a mode of perpetuating the friendships thus formed, and keep- ing alive the brotherhood of the camp, the formation of a society composed of the officers of the army. The sugges- tion met with universal concurrence, and the hearty appro- bation of Washington. Meetings were held, at which Baron Steuben, as senior officer, presided. A plan was drafted by a committee composed of Generals Knox, Hand, and Hunt- ingdon, and Captain Shaw ; (Captain Shaw is reputed to have drawn the plan), and the Society was organized at a meeting held on the 13th of May, at the Baron's quarters in the old Verplanck House, near Fishkill. By its formula, the officers of the American army in the most solemn man- ner combined themselves into one Society of friends ; to en- dure so long as they should endure, or any of their eldest male posterity, and in failure thereof, the collateral branch- es who might be judged worthy of becoming its supporters and members. In memory of the illustrious Roman, Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus, who retired from war to the peace- ful duties of the citizen, it w^as to be called ' The Society of the Cincinnati.' The objects proposed by it were to pre- serve inviolate the rights and liberties for which they had contended ; to promote and cherish national honor and union between the States ; to maintain brotherly kindness toward each other, and extend relief to such officers and their families as might stand in need of it. * * Individuals of the respective States, distinguished for patriotism and talents, might be admitted as honorary members for life; their numbers never to exceed a ratio of one to four. * * Washington was unanimously chosen to officiate as Presi- dent of it, until the first general meeting, to be held in May, 1784." It was under such circumstances, and for such purely patriotic and friendly purposes, that in the Cantonment on the Hudson, on the 10th of May, 1783, the Society of Cin- cinnati was proposed ; on the 13th of May, 1783, was insti- tuted by a declaration of the objects of its institution ; and on the 19th of June, 1783, organized, by, " Resolved, That his Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief, be requested to officiate, as President-General, until the first general meet- ing, to be held in May next," by the election of a Treasurer- General and a Secretary-General, and the adoption of the badge, or order, called for in the institution. The country having just emerged from a long and ex- 10 haustive war, one object of which had been the estabhsh- ment of repubHcan equality as contra-distinguished from any privileged class or order, the institution of a society,, admission to which was confined to a comparatively small number, and made hereditary, and the adoption of a dis- tinguishing badge, or order, naturally gave rise to appre- hension. The Society of the Cincinnati was violently as- sailed, and denounced as being dangerous to the young re- publican liberty. Inflammatory pamphlets were written in one part of the country ; in another, ridicule was sought to be thrown on the society ; in another, sturdy patriots,, whose names were and still are dear to the American citizens, sought, by what they deemed valid reasoning, to show how the republican equality of the citizens might be endangered. I do not mean to say that those who thus assailed and de- nounced the Cincinnati, were influenced by the cause pres- ently to be mentioned, but I do mean to say, that the men who most determinedly opposed it, were men, who, accord- ing to the institution, were not entitled to membership. Writing of the Cincinnati, McMaster, in his History of the People of the United States, says : " The verdict of pos- terity has long since acquitted the founders of the Cincin- nati of any evil designs against the life of the State. But it would have been a hard task to have brought to this mind the men, who, in 1783, heard with mingled feelings of alarm and disgust, that a military order had been established, that its honors had been made hereditary, that Frenchmen had been admitted to its ranks, that a petition had been laid at the foot of the throne, had been graciously received, and that the Eagle and the blue ribbon of the Cincinnati were daily to be seen in the proudest of courts, wdiere no subject had ever before been permitted to wear the decorations of a foreign State. Scarcely a larger share of public attention is now enjoyed by the society than is bestowed on the many social and literary clubs which from time to time hold re- ceptions and give dinners to guests from over the sea." So great had been the popular clamor in regard to the society, that at the first general meeting, held at Philadel- 1! phia, on Tuesday, 4th of May, 1784, " The President then arose ; expressed the opposition of the State of Virginia and other States ; observed that it had become violent and formi- dable, and called for serious consideration ; desired the mem- bers of the several States to declare the ideas which pre- vailed in their countries with regard to our institution, and the various manners which the}^ had pursued to obtain this knowledge." The delegates to the States Societies who were present successively stated the opinions of the people of their several States. In every one of the States, except New York and Georgia, the feeling against the Society was announced as decided. " The President General arose and acknowledged the in- formation from all the States ; endeavored to prove the disagreeable consequences which would result to the mem- bers of the Cincinnati from preserving the institution in its present form ; illustrated the force and strength of the oppo- sition to it in a variety of examples, supported by his own knowledge, and information from confidential friends : pro- posed, as the most exceptionable parts, and that require alteration in their very essence, the following, viz : the he- reditary part, — interference with politics, — honorary mem- bers, — increase of funds from donations, — and the damage which would be the result to community from the influence they would give us ; declared that, was it not for the con- nection we stood in with the very distinguished foreigners in this institution, he ivould propose to the Society to make one great sacrifice more to the world, and abolish the order altogether, the charitable part excepted ; that, considering the connec- tion which we stood in with France, the particular situation in which our Society had placed some of their officers, he was willing, provided we could fall on a middle way, that would neither lead us to the displeasing of them, or en- couraging the jealousies and suspicions of our countrymen, to adopt it. But he doubted if this was possible ; and if it should so appear on a full investigation, he was determined at all events to withdraw his name from amongst us. 12 From the journals of that meeting, it would appear that the General Society adopted, and proposed for adoption by the State Societies, such modifications as would remove the objections which had been made. It would also appear that the proposed modifications were never adopted by the State Societies. . Meanwhile, the clamor against the Cincinnati abated ; it became evident that, so far from endangering the public liberties, it served rather to keep alive the memories of the principles for which the war of the Revolution was fought. And it became recognized, and is now recognized, as a purely patriotic, historical institution, whose aim is to perpetuate the remembrance of the great event which gave liberty to the American States; to keep alive the friendships formed by our forefathers under the pressure of a common danger, and, in many instances, cemented by their blood ; and a determination to promote and cherish between the respective States, '' that union and national honor so essen- tially necessary to their happiness and the future dignity of the American Empire." Who that remembers that touching scene in New York, on Thursday, 4th December, 1783, wdiere "the principal officers of the army, yet remaining in service, assembled at Faunce's, to take a final leave of their beloved chief. * =^ * Washington entered the room where they were all waiting, and taking a glass of wine in his hand, he said, " With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as pros- perous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable." Having drunk, he continued, " I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged to you if each will come and take me by the hand." Knox, who stood nearest to him, turned and grasped his hand, and while the tears flowed down the cheeks of each, the Com- mander-in-Chief kissed him. This he did to each of his officers, while tears and sobs stifled utterance. Washington soon left the room, and passing through corps of Light In- fantry, he walked in silence to Whitehall, followed by a vast procession, and at two o'clock entered a barge to proceed to 18 Paulas' Hook on his way to lay his commission at the feet of Congress at Annapolis. When he entered his barge, he turned to the people, took off his hat, and waved a silent adieu to the tearful multitude ;" who, it is repeated, that remembers this parting, can doubt with what strong attach- ment Washington regarded the Society of the Cincinnati ? Who that has read Washington's letter to Barton, in 1788, in which he says : "I make these observations with the greater freedom, because I have once been a witness to what I conceived to have been a most unreasonable prejudice against an innocent institution — I mean the Society of the Cincinnati. I was conscious that my own proceedings on the subject were immaculate. I was also convinced that the members, actuated by motives of sensibility, charity and patriotism, were doing a laudable thing in erecting that memorial of their common services, sufferings, and friend- ships," can doubt the purity of feeling wdth which he be- came associated with the Cincinnati? Assured, then, of his attachment to the Institution, and the purity of feeling whicTi induced his association with it, how grand and patri- otic was his declaration, that if the popular apprehension could not be allayed, " he would propose to the Society to make one great sacrifice more to the world, and abolish the order altogether." Upon this centennial of the organization of the State So- ciety of the Cincinnati of South Carolina, it w^ould be in- teresting to trace the history of the General Society, and of the several State Sooieties, during the century ; bat it would weary you were it attempted at this our i3ocial gathering, even if I had the ability to do so. An abler voice, and at a more fitting time, should take up the subject, and place upon a permanent record the history of one of the most purely patriotic and historical Orders which the world has ever known. I invite your attention, gentlemen of the South Carolina Society, on this occasion, more particularly to the memories of those brave men who became of the Continental estab- lishment in South Carolina, and to the organization and 14 continuance of the Cincinnati, as a State Society, in South Carolina during such century. At the first meeting of the South Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, at Charleston, on the 29tli August, l|83, the fol- lowing officers were elected, viz : Major-General William Moultrie, President. Brigadier-General Isaac Huger, Vice-President. Major Thomas Pinckney, Secretary. Captain Charles Lining, Treasurer. Lieutenant James Kennedy, Assistant Treasurer. Lieutenant Samuel Beekman, Steward. John Sandford Dart, Esq, Steward. And on 6th October, 1783, the following were appointed as the Standing Committee : Colonel Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Colonel Barnard Beekman, Captain Felix Warley. Lieut-Col. Wm. Washington, Lieutenant Charles Brown, Major Robert Forsyth, Doctor David Oliphant. The loss of our records forbids us from saying who assisted at the organization, and the original roll of members, hap- pil}^ preserved, does not aid in informing us. Our printed list of members is copied from that roll as nearly in order as practicable, but the roll was not signed in columns, and hence it is very conjectural in what order, or at what dates, the original roll was signed. The newspapers of that day contain no reference to the organization, nor any advertisement for a meeting. It may, therefore, be supposed, that the meeting was held upon notice to those entitled to be present. The earliest paper notice which I have found, is the following, in the Carolina Gazette of the 6th of July to the 8th of July, 1784, viz : " By Order of the President. " An extra general meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati' established in this State, will be held at the City Tavern, on Tuesday, the 27th inst., at ten o'clock in the morning, when the members are requested to attend punctually at said hour. ^< 5th of July, 1784." 15 In the Columbia Herald, of the 4th of July, 1785, appears as follows : " Anniversary of the Cincinnati. " The Anniversary of the Society of the Cincinnati, es- tablished in this State, will be celebrated on Monday, the 4th day of July inst., at the City Tavern. " Dinner on the table at three o'clock. " Henry Collins Flagg, " William Smith Stevens, " Stewards." In the Columbian Herald, and Gazette of the State of Souili Carolina, of the 6th of July, 1785, under the head of local news, notice is taken of the parade of troops, and it adds, " His Excellency, the Governor (attended by many gentle- men) reviewed the whole under arms, being drawn up from the State House down Broad Street. And, afterwards, gave an elegant entertainment at the City Tavern, to a number of gentlemen, among them the Consul and Vice-Consul of his most Christian Majesty, the officers, civil and military^ of the State, the members of the Cincinnati Society, and several strangers," &c. In the Evening Gazette of the 5th of July, 1786, under the local head, in noticing the celebration of the 4th of July, it is said : " The members of the Cincinnati and South Carolina Societies dined at the City Tavern." The above are all the notices by, or references to, the Society, which I have been able to find, up to that time. Whether this was in consequence of the meagre notices at that period, of local events ; or to the custom which, then, largely prevailed, of summoning members to society meet- ings by personal summons rather than by public advertise- ment ; or to the disinclination of the Society to obtrude it- self on public notice, in consequence of the popular clamor ; it is impracticable now to tell. In 1787, the popular clamor appears to have greatly sub- sided, and the Cincinnati had a public celebration, which is 16 noticed in the Morning Post of the 5th of July, 1787, as follows : " The Society of the Cincinnati assembled at the President's house, and from thence walked to St. Michael's Church, where a most excellent sermon, adapted to the great and eventful day, was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Purcell. The society then paid their respects to the Governor, at his house; from whence they adjourned to the City Tavern, and after the business was over, they dined and spent the remainder of the day with the utmost hilarity." The Cincinnati has always regarded itself as an assemblage of friends, and has not been accustomed to furnish a list of its officers, or an account of any of its transactions, for pub- lication. It has not withheld the names of its officers, when sought, as local information. Hence, possibly, the little in- formation to be gleaned from the newspapers. The above extracts are given, as furnishing all which I have been able to find in the newspapers, regarding its earlier life. On the centennial day of the organization in South Caro- lina, it has seemed to me, that it would interest you, to learn something of the institution of the Society, and the earlier account, so far as it can now be gathered, of our State Soci- ety. But there is a duty which rests upon us, and to which your attention is invited. It is to put in some permanent shape, an account of what troops of South Carolina were upon the Continental establishment, and to tell something of those who have presided over our State Society. I have sought in vain, to find some official record, which would give me the troops on the Continental establishment from this and the other thirteen States. There are records in the State Department at Washington, which would give much information, but they have never, to the best of my knowledge, been published, and from some idea of State policy are so jealously guarded from public examination, as to be practically sealed books. Desiring to obtain a list for the archives of this Society, of the South Carolina troops, application was made to the Department ; a very courteous reply was received, in which it was said : " I regret to state that the communication of such information would be con- 17 trary to the long established rales of the Department gov- erning the archives. Facts concerning the military services of the officers and soldiers of the Revolution can ^nly be made known to the legal heirs of the same. This restric- tion it is deemed necessary to maintain until there shall be fixed by Congress a limitation as to the time when claims relative to the Revolution can be presented." Debarred from authentic, official records, by this answer, the commit- tee which prepared the pamphlet published in 1881, en- deavored as far as practicable to make out a list of the regi- ments, &c., furnished by South Carolina. Upon this occa- sion, it will be of interest to give some additional informa- tion. Prior to the battle of Lexington, following the plan indi- cated by the Congress which assembled at Philadelphia, the several Colonies had called Provisional Congresses. So long- as the Colonies acted under the Royal form of government, their Legislative assemblies were cramped by the Governors, who as appointees of the British Crown, were able to pre- vent, if they could not control legislation. The Provincial Congresses being composed of delegates from the peoples of the Colonies, and without the counteracting control of the Royal Governors, were able to do those revolutionary acts which could not be done through the Legislative Assem- blies. Such a Provincial Congress had been called in South Carolina ; it assembled on 11th January, 1775, and unani- mously chose Col. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney,as its Presi- dent. Various acts were done by it in the way of remon- strance to the British acts of aggression, and on 17th Janu- ary, 1775, presented to Lieutenant-Governor Wm. Bull, who declined to recognize the Congress. Upon his declining to do so, the Congress adopted, on 17th January, 1775, the fol- lowing resolution : " Resolved, That it be recommended by this Congress to all the inhabitants of this Colony, that they be diligently attentive in learning the use of arms ; and that their officers be requested to train and exercise them, at least, once a fort- night." 9 18 And the Congress adjourned until it shall be summoned to convene by the Charles Town General Committee. Things were in this condition, " when, on the 19th day of April, war was declared against America, by the British troops firing upon the inhabitants of Lexington, an account of which flew over the whole continent, and now all hopes of a reconciliation were at an end, and recourse to arms was the only and last resort." " In consequence of the battle of Lexington, the General Committee immediately summoned the Provincial Congress to meet on the first day of June. * * The reasons given for their call were : I. The British troops in the Province of Massachusetts did, on the 19th day of April last, commence civil war in America, with force of arms, seizing and destroying the property of the people of that Colony, making hostile assaults upon their persons, whereby many of them fell in battle, in defence of their property and the liberty of America ; a conduct in the British troops amounting, in effect, to a direct and hostile attack upon the whole people of this continent, threatening them with all the calamities of slavery. II. Because this Colony cannot discharge her duty in defence of American freedom, unless we put it into a state of security against any attack by the British arms," &c. The Provincial Congress assembled on the appointed day, "on our first meeting they determined upon a defensive war ; and the fourth day it was resolved to raise two regi- ments of five hundred men each. * * * xhe day after the officers of the first and second regiments of foot were ballotted for, it was resolved to raise a regiment of cavalry rangers of five hundred men." The officers elected were : Field Officers oj the First Regiment: Christopher Gadsden, Colonel ; Isaac Huger, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Owen Roberts, Major. Field Officers of the Second Regiment : William Moultrie, Colonel ; Isaac Motte, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Alexander Mcin- tosh, Major. 19 Captains of the First and Second Regiments : Charles Cotes- worth Pinckney, Barnard Elliott, Francis Marion, William Cattell, Peter Horry, Daniel Horry, Adam McDonald, Thos. Lynch, William Scott, John Barnwell, Nicholas Eveleigh, James McDonald, Isaac Harleston, Thomas Pinckney, Francis Huger, William Mason, Edmund Hyrne, Roger Parker Sanders, Charles Motte, Benjamin Cattell. First Lieutenants in the First and Second Regiments : Anthony Ashby, James Ladson, Richard Singleton, Thomas Elliott, William Oliphant, John Vanderhorst, Robert Armstrong, John Blake, Glen Drayton, Richard Shubrick, Richard Fuller, Thomas Lesesne, Benjamin Dickinson, William Charnock, John Mowatt, Joseph Ion, James Peronneau, John A- Walter, Thomas Moultrie, Alexander McQueen. Field Officers of the Regiment of Pvangers : William Thomson, Lieutenant-Coionel ; James May son. Major. Captains of Rangers : Samuel Wise, Eli Kershaw, Edward Richardson, Ezekiel Polk, Robert Goodwin, Thomas Wood- ward, John Caldwell, Moses Kirkland, John Purvis. First Lieutenants of the Regiment of Rangers : John Lewis, P. Imhoff, Charles Healtey, Alexander Cameron, Richard Winn, John Donaldson, Hugh Middleton, Lewis Dutarque, Francis Boykin, Samuel Watson. The foregoing is collated from Moultrie's and Ramsay's War of the Revolution in South Carolina. As a matter of course, as the war progressed, many addi- tional officers were added to these regiments, and appoint- ments made in the additional organizations which were raised. It is impracticable to give all of their names, but as many have been collected as possible, from various sources, and are given in the pamphlet reported by the Committee, and published by the Society in 1881. ^ The Regiment of Rangers was subsequently known as the Third Regiment. When these regiments were raised, there was in existence in Charleston an organized military corps of many years standing, known as the Charleston Battalion of Artillery, consisting of two companies, and officered as follows : Thomas 20 Grimball, Jr., Major ; Thomas Heyward, Jr., and Edward Rutledge, Captains ; Anthony Toomer, Charles Warham, Daniel Stevens, and Benjamin Wilkins, Lieutenants. The threatening appearance in 1775, also called into ex- istence in Charleston another military organization, the German Fusiliers, officered by Alexander Gillon, Michael Kattiesen, Boquet, and Dupont. These two organizations were never upon the Continental establishment, but their gallant services entitle them to be noticed on this occasion. Until the siege and capitulation of Charleston, in 1780, they were constantly called upon for active military service. At the Battle of Port Royal Ferry, the Artillery bore an arduous and honorable part. The German Fusiliers also acted most gallantly at that battle. Subsequently, at the siege of Savannah, the German Fusi- liers formed a part of the storming party led by Col. John Laurens against the Spring Hill redoubt, and their deter- mined courage was evinced by the fact that Charles Shep- pard, their Captain, and Joseph Kimmel, their First Lieu- tenant, were left dead upon the field of battle, together with a number of members of the Company. At the siege of Charleston, in 1780, both of these organi- zations were conspicuous, the Artillery manning the works at the town gate. With the capitulation, they became prisoners of war. What has just been said of the Charleston Battalion of Artillery and the German Fusileers is an episode, and, properly, has nothing to do with the purpose for which we are assembled. Yet I should not say this, for all the soldiers who contributed to achieve American Independence should be held in especial reverence by the members of the Cin- cinnati Society, and whether such soldiers were upon the Cbntinental establishment, or in State service, it is the grate- ful duty of so purely an historical, patriotic society as ours to commemorate their services, and seek to preserve a record which will transmit them to posterity. The Provincial Congress, having at this June session or- dered the raising of the above stated regiments, supplemented 21 their proceedings by appointing a council of safety, to which was entrusted the administration of affairs during the recess of Congress. In the proceedings of this Council of Safety will be found a large number of names of the officers of the three regiments above recorded, to whom commissions were issued. The Provincial Congress reassembled on 1st November, 1775, and on 13th November, 1775, " Resolved, That as there is a great want of men to manage and fire the artillery in Fort Johnson and the other fortifications now erected, and such batteries as it may hereafter be thought necessary to erect, a regiment of artillery be forthwith raised and em- body ed, to serve either in garrisons or otherwise, by land or water, as the service of the colony may require, to consist of three companies of one hundred men each, including non- commissioned officers and gunners." On 14th November, 1775, the following were elected officers of the Regiment of Artillery : Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, Owen Roberts, Esq. Major, Hon. Barnard Elliott. Captains, Barnard Beekman, Esq. ; Charles Drayton, Esq. ; Sims White, Esq. Paymaster, Paul Townshend, Esq. Surgeon, John Budd, Esq. Additional commissions for officers in the regiment will also be found in the proceedings of the Council of Safety. On 17th November, it was " Resolved, That the Regiment of Artillery now to be raised and embodyed, be the fourth Reo^iment in the service of the colon? ; and that officers of equal rank in the four regiments in the colony service, shall take precedence according to the dates of their respective commissions." In march, 1776, the Provincial Congress resolved to raise two regiments of riflemen : Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Huger is appointed Colonel of the 1st Regiment. Major Alex. Mcintosh is appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the 1st Regiment. 22 Benjamin Huger, Esq., is appointed Major of the 1st Regi- ment. Captains: Hezekiah Maham, Benjamin Tutt^ George Cogdell, William Richardson, John Brown, Francis Prince^ David Anderson, Thomas Potts (Ramsay omits David Anderson and Thomas Potts, and in their places puts Rich- ard Richardson, Jr., William Henderson, John Bowie). Officers of the 2d Regiment of Riflemen ; Thomas Sumpter. Esq.^ Lieutenant Colonel. William Henderson, Esq., Major. Captains : James Duff, Richard Richardson, Jr,, Samuel Taylor, George Wage, William Brown. On the 26th of March, 1776, the Provincial Congress adopted a Constitution, by which the form of government became changed from a Province into an independent State^ choosing its own Legislative and Privy Council, President and other State officers. From thenceforth, the Acts as they appear upon the Statute books, are those of the State gov- ernment ; the first being " An ordinance for making disposi- tions of money for the support of government, and to ena- ble His Excellency, the President and Commander-in-Chief of South Carolina, for the time being, to exercise certain powers, in manner therein mentioned," signed by the Speaker of the Legislative Council, the Speaker of the Gen- eral Assembly, and assented to in" Privy Council on the 6th of April, 1776, by John Rutledge, first President of the State of South Carolina. On the 11th of April, 1776, an ordinance relative to the duties of Muster-Master-General was passed, " That the Muster-Master-General, or his deputy, shall muster each respective regiment, independent company and detachment of regular forces of this Colony, and each ship's crew in the service thereof, not less than once in every three months," &c. In the General Assembly held under such Constitution, on the 20th of September, 1776, it was " Resolved, That this House do acquiesce in the resolutions of the Continental Congress of the 18th of June, and the 24th of July last, relative to the putting of the two regiments of infantry, the 23 regiment of rangers, the regiment of artillery, and the two regiments of riflemen in the service of this State, upon the Continental establishment." Of this resolve, General Moultrie says, " by this resolve, the South Carolina officers came into the Continental line as youngest officers of their different ranks." It will thus be seen that South Carolina placed upon the Continental establishment, certainly, six regiments of troops of different arms, not later than the 20th of September, 1776. That such was the fact is further evinced by an Act of the 28th of March, 1778, a part of the preamble to which is, " Whereas, a regard for our own welfare, and the inter- ests of America, renders it indispensably necessary that the six regiments of this State on the Continental establishment should be completed without delay," &c., and is still further shown by the preamble to an Act of the 29th of January, 1779. In April, 1779, after the capture of Savannah by the British, Gen. Prevost of that army invaded South Carolina, and besieged Charleston. Just prior to his invasion, on 19th February, 1779, the General Assembly passed an ordi- nance for raising and supporting a regiment of Light Dra- goons for the public service. Of this, it is said in the Statute at Large : " Too much obliterated to be copied ; " and it is not given in Grimke's Public Laws, except by its title. It is therefore impracticable now to say, whether such regiment was intended as a part of the Continental establishment. Of it, Ramsay, after speaking of the effort to raise the militia, says : " Every effort was made to strengthen the Continental Army. Additional bounties and greater emolu- ments were promised as inducements to encourage the recruiting service. The extent and variety of miltary ope- rations in the open country pointed out the advantages of cavalry. A regiment of dragoons was therefore ordered to be raised, in which the following appointments took place : Daniel Horry, Colonel. Hezekiah Maham, Major. John Canterier (Couterier), John Hampton, Benjamin 24 Screven, Richard Gough, Thomas Giles, Isaac Dubose, Cap- tains. That such an organization was in the field, appears from Gen. Moultrie's letters in May, 1779, and according to the tenor of Gen. Washington's order of 4th July, 1775, it would seem as if such regiment should be included among the troops of South Carolina upon the Continental establish- ment. If this is so, it was the seventh regiment contri- buted by South Carolina to the Continental establishment. At the capitulation of Charleston to the British, on 12th May, 1780, among the troops which w^ere surrendered, was a detachment of Light Dragoons, in which were three Cap- tains. This capitulation was followed by the over-running of the State by the British, and the establishment of fortified posts in various places. The Governor and civil authorities had left the State, and, to all appearances, the British authority was firmly re-established, and South Carolina relegated into a colony. But, in the midst of the gloom, began to appear that brilliant struggle by the people against overwhelming odds, for the recovery of their liberties, and the driving of their foes from their soil. Moultrie says : " The war was now carried from the lower to the upper part of South Carolina, and into North Carolina, and the friends of independence were obliged to retreat before them into North Carolina. Among the most conspicuous and useful of these was Col. Sumpter, who had formerly commanded the Fifth South Carolina Continental Regiment; a brave and active officer, and well acquainted with the interior parts of North and South Carolina. The exiles from South Carolina joined their friends in North Carolina, and made choice of Col. Sumpter to command them ; at the head of this small body of republicans, he returned into South Caro- lina, almost without arms or ammunition, and no stores to supply their wants, and when most of the inhabitants had given up the idea of supporting their independence ; in this situation did he oppose himself to the victorious British Army ; they sometimes began an action with not more than three rounds per man, and were obliged to wait to be sup- 25 plied with more, by the fall of their friends or enemies in battle." In another place, he says : " Although there was no Continental army in South Carolina for several months, it can never be said she was a conquered country, whilst Gens. Sumpter and Marion each kept a body of men in the field in support of her independence." Either at Beckhamville, in Chester County, by a party of determined Whigs, under the leadership of Captain John McClure, of the militia, or at Mobley's, in Fairfield County, under the leadership of Colonel William Bratton and Cap- tain John McClure, two militia officers, the first blow was struck for the recovery of the State. Both of these affairs were, about June, 1780, and from thenceforward until, on 14th December, 1782, Charleston was evacuated by the British, the militia of South Carolina, under officers such as above named, or such as General Pickens, Sumter, and Marion, were so conspicuous in their services in the defence and recovery of the State as to have repeatedly received the thanks of the Continental Congress. While the war in the Northern States was largely conducted with Continental troops, that in South Carolina and Georgia, after these States were overrun, was largely conducted with militia, or organ- ized forces designated as State troops. The undaunted cour- age, indomitable energy and zeal, fortitude under the great- est of privations, and constancy under most depressing and untoward circumstances, of these gallant heroes of the Revo- lutionary War, entitle them, not only to the undying gratitude of their countrymen, but should, and if their services had been properly known, probably would, at the institution of the Cincinnati, have led to their being in- cluded among those who were entitled to membership therein. Those who instituted the Society knew little or nothing of the war in South Carolina and Georgia, and, naturally, confined it to that class of troops with which they were accustomed to associate. But, as members of the Cin- cinnati, an order instituted to commemorate the great event which led to American Independence, we may, nay, should, on this anniversary, commemorate the great services ren- 26 dered by the militia of South Carolina' — should put on record our appreciation of, and reverence for, the brave men who, from the depths of the swamps, emerged whenever an opportunity presented to strike for their country, and strove to rescue it from the tread of the British soldiery. Gentle- men of the Cincinnati of South Carolina, unite with me in doing homage to the memories of the brave militia of South Carolina for their services in the rescue of the State. In July, 1780, General Gates was sent to South Carolina, with Continental troops of the Maryland and Delaware lines, and in the disaster at Camden, on 16th August, 1780, the State was again deprived of a Continental army, and again thrown on the militia for defence and rescue. It was while Gates was on his march to Camden, that he was joined by Marion with "his ragged command, worse than Falstaff ever saw, and excited the ridicule of the well clad Conti- nentals." Of this militia Col. Otho H. Williams, said: " Their appearance, was, in fact, so burlesque, that it was with much difficulty the derision of the regular soldiery was restrained by the officers ; and the General himself was glad of an opportunity of detaching Col. Marion, at his own instance, toward the interior of South Carolina, with orders to watch the motions of the enemy, and furnish intelli- gence." It was this ragged militia, too ragged, when the British evacuated Charleston, to be allowed to form a part of the troops which occupied that city, because their naked- ness would have shocked decency, that prepared the way by its heroic exploits, for the successful after campaign of Gen. Greene, and without its services in such campaign he would, in all probability, have been unsuccessful. Marion, at Brit- ton's Neck, at Nelson's Ferry, at Fort Watson, at George- town, at Parker's Ferry, dealt redoubtable blows, and pre- pared the way for the evacuation of Camden, and for Eutaw. Pickens, at Cowpens, at Augusta, and by his ceaseless beat- ing up of various British outposts; largely contributed to the same result. Sumter, the first to resume on a scale of any magnitude, the warfare for the rescue of his State, at Hanging Rock, at Blackstocks, at Fishdam Ford, by his op- 27 erations around Orangeburg, led to the withdrawal of the garrison at that post, to Eutaw, and eventually, with Mari- on's men, to the shutting up of the British within the forti- fications of Charleston. Col. Wm. Harden, Major John Hampton, Col. Richard Hampton, Col. Wade Hampton, Col. Henry Hampton, Capt. Samuel Hammond, Capt. Tarl- ton Brown, Capt. Wm. Butler, Capt. Wm. Martin, Capt. John Starke, Col. Thomas Taylor, Capt. James Taylor, Col. John Thomas, Jr., Capt. Joshua Toomer, Col. James Williams, Col. Henry White, Gen. Richard Winn, able as- sistants and coadjutors with Marion, Pickens and Sumter, formed parts of that determined militia army which first checked the current of conquest, and contributed towards driving the British army into the sea. If this episode seems foreign to our special purpose, pardon it, I pray you. I cannot forget that to these men, is largely due the liberties of South Carolina, and I cannot but believe that I discharge a duty to the purposes of the Cincinnati Society, in putting on record the services of such men. In October, 1780, Gen. Greene succeeded to the command of the Southern Department, and availing himself of the spirit which had been aroused, and wisely using the services of those who had encouraged such spirit, began the cam- paign which with many vicissitudes and depressing reverses, yet grew brighter each day, until that memorable 14th December, 1782, when, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he es- corted Gov. Matthewes to the State House. When " from windows, balconies, even house tops, the troops were greet- ed with cheers, waving of handkerchiefs, and cries, " God bless you, gentlemen, welcome ! welcome !" A campaign which so endeared him to the people of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, as to lead the Legislatures of those States to express the gratitude of the people in sub- stantial evidences. When Gen. Greene entered upon the command of this department, he found but a handful of Continental troops, and proceeded to organize additional forces as rapidly as practicable. First, he availed himself of all the militia and 28 partisan corps which he found in service. Then in March, 1781, " Gen. Sumpter, with the approbation of Gen. Greene, raised three small regiments of regular State troops." At or about the same time he authorized the raising of cer- tainly two, and probably five, regiments of Light Horse ; these regiments of Light Horse were to be raised under Col. Peter Horry, Col. Hezekiah Maham, Col. Henry Hampton, Col. Wade Hampton, and Col. Middleton. In writing to Col. Peter Horry, on 24th September, 1781, in relation to the regiment of Light Horse being enlisted by him. Gen. Greene says of them : " As the very name of a regular sol- dier fills them (the Tories) with terror." Whether these troops were upon the Continental establishment or not, it is impracticable to say without official data, which I have not access to. The officers raising these commands appear to have regarded themselves as in the regular service. Writing of Col. Maham's Command, Gen. Greene, on 16th January, 1782, said : " My intention with respect to that corps was, that it should stand upon the same footing as Lieut.-Col. Lee's Legion, which is called an independent corps." I do not know whether Gen. Greene had any authority to empower the raising of troops, and if he had any authority, how far it extended in embracing such troops as a part of the Con- tinental establishment. But it may fairly be presumed, that he acted within what he regarded as the scope of his au- thority. In the Constitution of 1778, it was provided that the Continental Congress shall have authority "to agree upon the number of land forces, and to make requisitions upon each State for its quota, in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such State, which requisition shall be binding, and thereupon the Legislature of each State shall appoint the regimental officers, raise the men, and clothe, arm and equip them, in a soldier-like manner, at the expense of the United States." In February, 1782, Gen. Greene, writing to Col. Peter Horry, says: "I have been told that you and Col. Maham have engaged your men upon diff'erent pay than what is given to the Continental cavalry, but you must at once see the inconvenience such a step must 29 produce to the service ; I cannot think it has any founda- tion, but conclude that whatever extraordinary allowance was made was in the country and not in the pay. You will please make me an exact return of your non-commissioned officers and men, the term of service they are engaged for, and the conditions of bounty and pay ; also, the number of your horses, clothing and accoutrements of every kind. I am making out a general report to Gen. Washington and the Minister of War, of the state and condition of the forces of the Southern Department; the returns are wanted imme- diately." If it is remembered that when General Greene took command of the Southern Department, the civil authority in South Carolina was fugitive, and no Legislature could be assembled upon which to make a requisition for the State's forces, nor was assembled, until by the services of the troops he had, and had called into existence, the British were locked up in Charleston, it may fairly be inferred, that in the orders placing him in command of the Southern Department, Gen- eral Greene was empowered to raise troops, and arm and equip them in a soldier-like manner, at the expense of the United States. While, therefore, the troops so raised under his authority would be designated as State troops, they would yet be upon the Continental establishment, as being raised, armed and equipped at the expense of the United States. General Greene in his report of the battle of Eutaw, dis- criminates between the militia, which were truly State troops, for the Constitution of 1778, provided that " every State shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined mil- itia," and what he designates as State troops, when he says? " and Lieutenant-Colonel Henderson, with the State troops, our left." And Colonel Otho WiUiams, in his account of the killed and wounded at that battle, discriminates by using as distinctions, "South Carolina Line," "South Carolina State Officers," " South Carolina Militia." It is not then, a vio- lent inference to say, that the troops raised under the au- thority of General Greene, were troops furnished by South Carolina upon the Continental establishment, and that the regiments under General Sumter, and the regiments under 30 Colonels Peter Horry, Hezekiah Mahan, Henry Hampton, Wade Hampton, and Middleton, should be added to the seven regiments spoken of in a preceding part of these remarks. It may be, that in these regiments may be found one clue to the jealous secrecy with which the returns, &c., have been guarded from general publication. In the century which has passed since the organization of the State Society of the Cincinnati of South Carolina, there have been ten Presidents of such society. Of these, five were participants in the trials and dangers of the Revolu- tionary War. At the organization, on the 29th of August, 1783, as before stated, Major-General William Moultrie was elected first President. By continuous, annual, re-elections, he held the office of President, until his death, on the 29th of Septem- ber, 1805. He was succeeded by Major (subsequently, in the war of 1812, Major-General) Thomas Pinckney, who, in like manner, held until the 4th of July, 1826 ; when, having been elected President-General in place of his distinguished brother, Major-General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, de- ceased, he declined a re-election to the office of President of the State Society. Major Alexander Garden, the next Presi- dent, served from the 4th of July, 1826, until his death on the 24th of February, 1829. Major James Hamilton was elected as successor of Major-Garden, on the 4th of July, 1829, and continued in office until his death on the 26th of Noveraber, 1833. On the 4th of July, 1834, Dr. William Read was elected President, and served until the 21st of April, 1845, when this venerable and aged soldier and pat- riot, ceased the warfare of life. At his death he was the last surviving Continental officer in South Carolina, and, it is believed, the last surviving Continental officer, but one — Major James Lovell — of Lee's Legion. Dr. Read died at the advanced age of ninety-one years, and was the last of our presidents who had shared in the battles of the Revolution. General James Hamilton was elected President, and con- tinued as such until the 4th of July, 1850, when, having re- moved from the State, he declined re-election. 31 Hon. J. Harleston Read, on 4th July, 1850, was elected as successor of General James Hamilton, and was annually re-elected, dying as President on 23d May, 1859. On 4th July, 1859, Henry A. DeSaussure, Esq., was chosen to fill Mr. Read's place, and he, also, died in office as President ; his death was on 9th December, 1865. Hon. James Simons, his successor, was elected President on 4th July, 1866, and he, too, died still invested with the office of President ; he died on 26th April, 1879. The last business act of his life was to preside over the Society at the quarterly meeting of 19th April, 1879. On 4th July, 1879, the Society honored me by electing me as President. I am the tenth President, and you have been pleased to re-elect me annually. It will be seen that all the Presidents have continued in office from their first election until their death except two, who resigned for the reasons above stated. This conserva- tive usage of re-election has characterized the General So- ciety, and, so far as I know, all the State Societies. We are a band of social brotherhood to perpetuate the friendships of our ancestors, to commemorate the great event which their services brought about, and to keep fresh the memories of that event and those services so long as we and our pos- terity remain. With us, therefore, there should be no strife for office. Our officers are our senior brethren, made so by our own election. Gentlemen of the Cincinnati of South Carolina, assembled on this Centennial Anniversary of the organization of our State Society, we cannot but recall the remembrance of the vast event which led to the Institution. We cannot but feel rekindled the friendships formed by our ancestors under the pressure of a common danger. We enjoy the benefits flowing from the former ; we should cherish as a precious heritage the memories of the latter. Recalling both, upon such an occasion, instinctively we turn towards those patri- otic men and brave soldiers who maintained the bloody conflict of eight years. Unite, then, with me, in acknowl- edging our gratitude to their memories, and to the officers and soldiers of the Revolution, whether of the Continental 32 establishment, the State Lines, or the mihtia ; pay the rev- erent homage due to men who staked their hves and for- tunes for the achievement of poHtical hberty, and, having achieved it, exhibited to their countrymen that they had learned and appreciated " the duty of laying down in peace arms assumed for public defence." LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 011 697 748 5