■: \/ ^»^ %.^ ^^li^ ^/ ^^\ %.^ »"'*. ^iigr; /-^^ -.igll- /vy^r^ /"^^ ■•^- o'' ^^-'■^. RECEPTION TENDEKED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA GEORGE n. BOKEE. MINISTER OF THE UNITED STATES TO TURKEY. Friday Evening^, December 22, 1871. PlIILADELFIIIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, lO^* JAYNL STREET. 7h J- Believing that every gentleman who participated in the Reception tendered Iiy the Members of the Union League of Philadel[>lua to George II. Boker, on the evening of December 22, 1nllict was ended and the Union re-established, flinging on the winds, that they might sweep with it around the borders of the land, a jubilant pa?an of triumph, and lifting through the o'erarching sides a h}nni of humble thankfulness to the good God who, in our sorest travail, vouchsafed us His blessing and protection. Hiis is not the place for more than a passing allusion to this topic, fruitful as it is, but I will not forbear to say that among the poems of the war, brilliant and admirable as many of them are, 1 Icnow of none which, considering the wisdom of its design, the singular felicity of its execution, the opportune moment at which it ajjpeared, the instant and immense eftect it had on men's minds and 22 consciences, can claim higher rank tlian tlie nol)]e and generous appeal, shining all over -with the lustre of a l)road humanity, which Mr. Boker emhodied in his fomous "Black Regiment." And for this, and for these, and for kindred contributions, we are here to praise him. And now, gentlemen, speaking for you, not less than for myself, I come to that which is at once pleasant and painful. Pleasant it is to know that our honored Chief Magistrate, certainly in this Avisely discreet, has selected Mr. Bokek for an important foreign mission, in which two of oiu" fellow-members, happily now present, have earned just distinction. Pleasant it is to feel that in this selection, while the President has done credit to his o-wTi sagacity, he has, also, conferred a benefit on the government which he administers. For, regard Mr. Boker in whatever aspect we may, whether as a staunch defender of the Union when to be so meant something more than cheap profession, and an able advocate now of the doctrines on which alone it can be maintained; or as a citizen of recognized worth and deservings ; or as a scholar in whom superior natural abilities have been assidu- ously cultivated; or as a close observer and sound thinker, versed in the facts and philosophies of his- tory-, familiar with public atfairs and competent to deal with them ; or as a Avell-ordered, well-balanced, well-provided man, dignified in his deportment, 23 courteous in his manner, persuasive in his address, and bountifully furnished with all good grace to grace a gentleman; it cannot be gauasaid that he is pre-eminently fitted. But, while it is pleasant to know and feel all this, it is painful to know and feel that by reason of this very selection he is soon to part from us. In a little while his seat at our council board will Ije vacant; in our daily and our nightly reunions we shall miss the greeting- of his beauiing smile; his manly Ibrm will disappear from among us. For all of us, such is the universal good-will he has won, this will be a serious regret: for many of us, with whom intimate relations have ripened acquaintanceship into esteem, it will be a sincere sorrow. For myself, congeniality of tastes and, in many thiugs, similarity of pursuits have drawn me into so close a connection with Mr. BoKKR that there has grown between us such mutual confidence, and — I think I do not overesti- mate his sentiments, as I am sure I do not over- state my own, when I add — such cordial and fraternal regard that his absence will take many — very many — happy hours out of my coming days. But I console myself with the trust that that absence will be for a brief season; and that, Avhile it lasts, wherever he may go he will carry with him kindly remembrances of us all ; and where^'er he may be as he recalls this scene there will come with it the consciousness that though the palaces 24 of crowned kings may oftcr more dazzling splendors, in none of them all, no, not in all the world beside, can he find hearts so warm or friends so true as surround him here to-niy-ht. Before the applaiise which followed the remarks of Mr. MeMiehael had subsided, the Hon. Wayne MaoVeagii, the immediate jiredecessor of Mr. BoKER in the position of Minister to Turkey, stepped forward and said: — You know, gentlemen, that I would not intrude between you and the guest of the evening if I felt that I could forbear to do so, and you know it is no idle phrase I use, when I assure you from my heart that I am always yery glad to meet my brethren of the Union League. And it is not as the predecessor of Mr. Boker in the honorable mission whose duties he goes to discharge, lint simply as a memljcr of the Union League of Philadelphia, that I beg you to listen to me for a moment before you listen to him. I ought always to be glad to be here; for, from my first coming among you until now, I have met nothing but kindness at your hands and at his. And, though all the faces are not here to-night that we used to meet when I first knew Mr. Boker as your Secretary, I am sure Ave cherish with tender recol- lections the memories of those who have gone before ns, and I, at least, ought never to forget Mv. Binney and Mr. Ornc. And of the living, I sliould never forget Messrs. MeMichael, Claghorn, Carey, Borie, Lindley Smyth, and Fell, and many, many others ■who are aronnd me now. From them all I have received unvarying kindness. Seeing Mr. Boker here to-night, nnd these familiar faces, carries nic hack in memory to our more modest home on Chestnut Street and the dark days of the war. I remember very Avell how heartily we all rejoiced in every success, and how like brothers we sorrowed in every disaster. I remember how our hearts were heav}^ with gloom when Burnside lost Fredericksliurg. I remember how our hearts leajied with strange joy when we believed Hooker had Avon Chancellorville. And those were the days which tested the vitality and the utility of the Union League of Philadelphia. It is not now when American Democracy has been sustained, and a triumphant party admin- isters the gON'ernment in the interest of the cause which Avas Avon on the held of battle; but then, Avhen Lee was marching on Philadelphia; Avhen McClellan A\'as thrown Ijack from Riclnnond, and Avhen defeat and darkness prevailed everywhere ; then Avas tried the A'irtue of the men Avho founded the Union League of Philadelphia. And the obligations then incurred to Mr. Bokek have 4 26 never yet been properly recognized. In those days I was privileged to see mneh of the friend whose going from us we are met to deplore to- night. Whoever else faltered, whoever else hesi- tated, we all know in our heart of heart that no man ever met with Mr. Boker without having his loyalty invigorated. To him we are all more indebted, and we associate him more vividly and more distinctly with the Union League of Phila- delphia than any other of its members. I have already said I owe large debts of gratitude to them all — the living and the dead. I shall never forget the great good it did me when Horace Binney did me the honor to print, at his owai expense, twenty-fi^'e thousand copies of my address to the Republicans of Pennsylvania. I shall never forget the kindness and support which Lindley Smyth I'endered me. And yet the oldest or youngest member of this League, if he should name the one man before all others whom he associates with its history, whom he identifies with its triumphs, who is at once its embodiment and representative, Avould name Mr. Bokee. I con- gratulate the President on his Minister. He has made a fit selection. He has done honor to us; for to the Union League Mr. Bokeu's broad and sound culture, his gracious manners, and, alcove all, his unfailing courage, have never been wanting. And we can congratulate to-night, not only the Pi'csident on his Minister, Imt I am sure we can, with equal propriety, congratuhite tlie Minister upon liis Chief. Speaking not in tlie name, for I have no authority to speak for them, but speaking what I believe to be the sentiments of the young Repul)licans of Peinisylvania, I venture to declare they will listen to the criticisms of honest men and Avill profit by them, even if they criticize the Presi- dent. They will entleavor to reform and emioble our public life in America, and make it worthy of the best government in the world. But they listen with great impatience to the criticisms of dishimest and bad men ii[)on the stainless character of the President, anil they will resolve in the future, as in the ])ast, to save the nation, and to do the good they propose to do, through the instrumentality of the Republican party. Indeed it is because of his unswerving- fidelity to that party, in good and e\il report, that we honor Mr. Boker especially to-night, because he believes with us that the party whicli saved the Repul)lic, wliich freed the slave, which renominated and re-elected Abraham Lincoln, will renominate and re-elect Ulysses S. Grant. Therefore, while we congratulate the President upon his ^linister, we congratulate the Minister upon his President. I am also privileged, I know, in the name of the distinguished and erudite gentleman who held that post before me, as well as in my own name, to 28 congratulate Mr. Boker upon the mission to which the President has accredited him, because he goes to a delightful climate, a most interesting country, and a people who, in spite of a false religious creed and a false social system, gather into themselves some of the l)est elements of a good manhood. AVe predict for him unalloyed happiness. And for ourselves we predict even higher and l)righter flights of the Muse by the shores of the Bosphorus than have ever been realized by the banks of the Schuylkill and the Delaware. We congratulate him because he goes to a place of great bcaiity and increasing interest, where nature presents all that is delightful, and all enhanced b}^ the associations of history, poetry, and mythology. While therefore we are soi'ry to see him go, we are rejoiced to know that he goes so honorably and to such pleasure as is before him. With full hearts and in all sincerity, we call him patriot, poet, friend, and say, God bless you, and farewell. Mr. MacVeagh having concluded, the Hon. Edwaiid Joy Morris, the representative of the United States at Constantinople for some years preceding the term of Mr. MacVeagh, claimed attention for a few moments, and continued: — I feel myself honored in being permitted to address the members of this jiatriotic organization 29 — a body which Avas called into existence 1\v the dangers wliich menaced the life of the Repnhlic — and whose members throughout the struggle lor the salvation of the Union devoted themselves with a zeal that never flagged, and that hesitated at no personal sacrifices, to the noble mission which they had luidertaken. The Union League of Philadelpliia has gained an honorable reputation in our future annals. The history of the Civil War cannot be written without recording the invaluable services rendered to the government during that memorable struggle by this Association. You roused the public mind to a true sense of the situation; you fonned a patriotic centre around which the friends of the country could rally; you uplield the flag of the Union in a divided commiuiity; you kept alive the flame of loyalty to a common country; and you systematized and rendered doubly eftcetive the efforts of masses and individuals. Without such a comlnnation, the government would have been deprived of that concentrated })opular sympathy and sup])oi-t, Avhicli was indispensal)ly necessary to it in the crisis to which it was exposed. Called to the service of the government abroad, I was not in the country during the war, but I was an anxious spectator of the action of organizations and individuals, and I watclied with interest the develoi)ment of the power ami influence of this League, until it culminated into a position which placed it in the foreground of all 8uch associations. No disasters discouraged you. "When the prospect was the gloomiest, your zeal seemed to be enkindled to more earnest eftbrts to stimulate the spirit of resistance — you sent regiment after regiment into the field, more than any other similar body, and you repaired from time to time the shattered ranks of that gloi-ious army, so often led to victory by the illustrious commander whom a grateful people has since so justly called to the Presidency of the Republic, which his genius and -salor saved from destruction. It is fitting that he who was l)est acquainted with the value of the services of this League, should bestow upon it some special mark of his apprecia- tion. In selecting your honored Secretary, Mr. BoKER, as the recipient of his favor, the Pi-esident pays a merited compliment to both the League and to one of its most efficient officers — a gentleman distinguished for rare qualities of mind and heart, and who, as your Secretary during the war, won himself great credit by the services he rendered to the Union cause. As a gentleman and a scholar, and as an American whose patriotism has been tested in the sternest period of trial, we know that he will do honor to the government he is to represent, that he will uphold the national name and character, and will prove himself f;xithful to the oi generous instincts of the Association, witli Avliich lie has so long been connected. I cordially wish him God-speed in the important and res})()nsil.)le field of dnt}' to which he has been assigned l)y the President. Mr. Morris was immediately followed by the Hon. John "W". Forney, Collector of the Port of Phila- delphia, who said: — What I have to say shall be briefly said. I cannot find words in the niiilst of the rushing memories of the past — that past in which om- friend and brother bore so conspicuous a part. If I may be permitted to refer for a moment to myself, I will say that in all those years of war and death; in that decade of tragic history, this brave spirit never came to me without hopeful, heart fid counsel and support. Xo calamity demoralized, no treachery appalled, no resp(insibility weakened him. In that dark hour, when the smi seemed to have fiillen from the skies, wdien our beloved leader fell, it was Bokek who hymned the national sorrow over the bier of the martyr Lincoln; and in that moment when timid men feared to give the l^allot to the colored man, who had so nobly borne the musket, it was Bokejj who articulated the 82 nation's gTatitude, and in his great epic framed at once an inspiration and an argument. The administration honors itself more tlian it does tlie League by calling him to a position in the foreign service. He would till a higher place with the highest ability. We only lend him to the government. We shall wait and watch for his return. Sad hearts will bid him good-bye; warm hearts will bid him God-speed; grateful hearts will welcome him back. Farewell, Boker! At the close of Mr. Foi'ney's remarks, the President of the League, Mr. McMichael, stated that there was present a Avarm personal friend of Mr. Boker, from whom it was desired something- should be heard. Thus appealed to Mr. Bayard Taylor, the eminent poet, answered: — Gentlemen of the LTnion League — I am not a professional, not even an habitual speaker, as I hope yon all know. I always rather shrink from than court an opportunity to present myself in that character. I am, however, more than willing to- night, — I am heartily glad to join with all the friends of George H. Boker in this parting testi- monial of the esteem in which they hold him. It does not always happen in our country that official distinction falls on the head which merits it. We ill Pennsylvania have been fortunate in forming- an exception to that fact. We have fnrnished the conntry with a representative in Turkey for a imiiiber of years past, and always worthily and well. I have had a great many chances of personal observation, under various administrations, and have noticed the rather random way in which some of our diplomatic appointments are made, under our system of selecting- according- to g'eo- gra|)hical claims or merely partisan services, with- out considering- special qualifications for the post. I consider it a subject of congratulation for all parties — for the whole people, when the repre- sentative of a great nation in a foreign land is so fortunately chosen as now. As a Republican, as a Pennsylvania 11, as one avIio has devoted nearly his whole life to literature, I have the closest relations of sympathy Avith Mr. Bokei;. It has also been my good fortune to claim him for a personal friend for nearly twenty-four years. Perhaps there could be no better illnstration of his character than by stating- how this acquaintance began. When I went to New York, as a young adven- turer in the field of letters, almost the very first duty given to me to perform was a review of Mr. Bokee's first volume of poetry. I was ordered by my snperior at the time to take the book and — to abuse it; especially to point out what he gave me to understand were its crudities and imitations. 34 although they were not so apparent to my own mind. Under the circnmstances, I had no alterna- tive, and felt myself l)ound to obey his orders strictly. I can easily imagine the rage of the author when he came to read my article. A month or two afterward I made his personal acquaintance, and shortly afterward — it was not long, for I had an immediate instinct of the breadth and liberality of his nature — I luiburdened my conscience by confessing- to him the wrong I had been compelled to do him. About six months subsequently my own first volume of poetry was published. Here there was a splendid chance for retribution, and of the most tremendous character. Do you suppose he availed bimself of it? Just the reverse. He wrote a review, in Avhich all my faults and imperfections and the crudities of which I really was guilty were buried fathoms deep, and whatever point might be interpreted as a merit was lifted into a sort of mountain peak, high above all the tides of time. He really made me believe that — but, no: I need only say that it was very much more than I believe of myself, now. From that time to this, whether in the inevitable struggles of life, in the time which tried the life of the nation, or in the discouragements of following literature in an un- literary age (as this seems to be, in our countiy), I have always turned to him for new help and ti-esh courage. I know the brave and steadfast spirit displayed by him in other than literary work for so man}^ years, and with the results of which you are all more liimiliar than I. I know the ripeness and soundness of his mind, the fine balance of his intellectual qualities, and the devo- tion which has made those qualities the servants of his country's will and his country's good. But it is not in this character that 1 shall miss his presence among us. I shall miss the faithful literary counsellor, the sympathizing and encourag- ing friend, and I must beg you to let me in my own way — in his way — in the way of the young- authors of the country, whom to-night. I venture to represent — read my farewell. Give to the patriot heart your warm "God-speed!" Let every wisli his parting sails impel, Honor the eager will, the ready deed, But to the poet let me bid farewell ! You know how wisely and bow nobly he The nation's faith and power will represent; How true and frank the Orient will see In him the features of the Occident. Hail, then, the statesman, the diplomatist, Who the safe steward of your trust shall l)c! I see his mission through the golden mist Of song, and so must sing it as I see. 36 I know liow clear the crescent sickle sets, How flushed with roses hroailens there the morn O'er Stamboul's ridge of reedy minarets, And o'er the waters of the Golden Horn. I know what lustrous eyes are sometimes seen Through garden leaves and latticed window-bars, And fear some twin Circassian stars may wean His fealty from our seven-and-thirty stars. I know how tall, how strong and light of limb The men of Islam in their own domain ; But they must have a care, lest, seeing him. The girls of Daraar fmd Prince Adeb plain! And when some turbau'd Shekh shall him behold. The flight of ages he may well forget. And think him Saladin, or Hatem old, Or dream that Haroun reigns in Bagdad j'ct. The Moor Calaynos there may pass him by. Nor guess what hand for us his portrait drew; Our poet shall not find an alien sky. Nor other lives than he already knew. His fanc}' long ago prefigured all He there may see, and seeing, haply sing; But I shall bid some tender memor}' call His home's old music from the newer string. When he, returning from the Sick Man's door, Climbs Pera's hill, an idle hour to dream. His eyes shall see, o'er Marmora's azure floor. The white Olympus of Bithynia gleam. 37 If not Jove's mount, its Asian counterpart, A symbol of the steep liis youth assailed, Of those wlio climbed with his courageous Iieart, And tliose who midway to the summit failed. Still may it shine for him, our Mount of Song! Recalling still his lirothers iu the West, Who, kuowing him as man and [joet long. As man and poet claim to love him best! When Mr. Taylor finished rcadhig- his poem, whieh was received witli great enthusiasm, Mr. BoKER -was loudly called for, and upon stepping forward was received with round after round of cheers. Quiet having at last been attained, he commenced his acknowledgments, saying: — You cannot imagine my feelings, gentlemen, upon this occasion, for the manner in which you have received me. If I should open my mind, what could I return to you but thanks — thanks — thanks for the honor which you have done me? I feel the weight and importance of this reception. I do not come here with a prepared speech. 1 must trust to the influences of the moment. I thought it woidd have lieen a heartless thing, in cold blood, in my study, to have based a proble- matical reply upon a possible address. Of course I did not know the substance of the remarks which were to be made liy my fi-iends here. ;}8 I wish to say a few words regarding my connec- tion with this Institution — the Union League. A great deal of credit has been given to me to-night for my personal relations with the League — for the work which I have done for it. After all I have only represented you in all that I have done. I happen to have a sympathetic mind, and I under- stood the feeling and will of the League and the mind of the League — how it thought and felt — and having that instinct, I represented you in a way to be approved. It was not because I did it inde- pendently. I knew Avell the course I was taking- was the course wiiich I was desired to take. I was the mere exjjonent of the League. According to the best of my abilities, I have done my duty here, and it has been simply my duty. You all Ivuow that I began life as a Democrat. I have upon my conscience the fact that my first vote was cast for James Buchanan. When I saw the manner in Avhich the South was disposed to press us, I took the first step from the party with Stephen A. Douglass. After that, when the matter became a serious one, and the sword was drawai, it struck me that politics had vanished entirely from the scene — that no more politics remained — that it was a mere question of patriotism or disloyalty. Then I ranged myself on the side on which I am now found; and I know that the Republican party, in persevering with its policy, 39 is cnrryiiig out to its logical issue the policy under which it conducted the war. Gentlemen, you must feel for nie in the embar- rassing position in wdiich I am placed to-night. This celehration I know is of a personal nature. I feel it from the bottom of my soul. I know everything done here to-night has lieen done for me personally, as a friend and as an old officer of the League who is about to leave you and sees you now together possibly for the last time. There- fore my situation here is a very embarrassing one. It is not as though I were firing away at the reputation of another. I think I could be eloquent if I were talking about Mr. McMichael or some other well-known and highly respected gentleman ; but it is impossible for me to talk about myself. I therefore, gentlemen, simply wish to repeat again my thanks to 3^011 on this occasion, which I shall never forget, God knows, as long as I live. When I am far away on the shores of the Bosphorus, I shall often think of this happy meeting. In regard to certain situations in which I may be placed, as stated in moving verse by my friend Taylor, I can but say that his experience has preceded mine. He was also a nnicli 3'ounger man than I shall be when I reach there. I shall, however, promise to do the best I can for the disconsolate damsels whom he left Ijchind him. 40 Let me once more ofter my sincere thanks, and wish you a cordial farewell. The applause which followed the conclusion of Mr. Bokek's address and the emotion it excited Avere as hearty and as genuine as that with which he was received. A succession of toasts to his health and prosperity having been drunk, the chairman, Mr. McMichael, announced that a distin- guished member of the Cabinet of the President of the United States was present, as were also two most eminent Senators; declining to enter into any eulogy of these gentlemen, he proposed the health of General George M. Robeson, Secretary of the ]N^avy. Thus introduced the Secretary said: — My friends and fellow members of the Union League, of Philadelphia — I thauk you for the kindness of the sentiment which your President has given, and for the manner in which you have received it. Representing here to-night, in some sort, the Executive of our N^ation, who is at once the representative of our principles and the chief and leader of our party, I am proud to say, as an original meniber of the Union League, that the appointment of our friend, whom Ave are assembled to honor, richly deserved and nobly achieved as it has been by personal character and patriotic 41 service, was confeiTcd also as a public recog-nition of the patriotic, national, and American spii'it of your organization, an organization as valualiie in action and in inliucnce as any our country has ever known. In response to whatever was personal to myself in the allusions of your President, I have nothing to say, since whatever I have done in the past has been only as a memlx-r of that great army of which we are all soldiers, and whatever any of us may achieve in the future must depend upon the success of those principles, which uniting us in a common cause have bound us together in a connnon destiny. The appreciation of g<;)od men, however, is always pleasant; and in these da}'s Avhen personal character is never safe from the assault of persistent slander; when whatever is most sacred in private life is the daily prey of the jackals who minister to a prurient appetite; when the largest successes are depreciated, and, as far as may be, defeated by a pretentious scepticism, Avhich aspires to regulate, to its OAvn mould, the morals, the manners, and the develii[)ment of our American government and people; when the fugitive repre- sentatives of foreign demagogism come up Avith the insolent ambition to command us and our children, then it is certainly a satisfaction to be assured of the support of disinterested men, and to receive the approbation of representative Americans for pul)lie conduct, antl the principles and policy Avhich we 42 represent. But I care not to dwell upon either personal or official questions ; for 3011 know I belong to an administration Avhicli believes in the eloquence of action rather than of profession; and serve under a chief whose whole public life, military and civil, has been spent in answering adverse criticism by uniform good conduct, accusation by achievement, depreciation b}^ devotion, sneers by successes, until in the review of the last ten years, among the most solemn and eventful of history, he stands before the world, and will stand on the pages of history, a central living iigure around which are grouped the great events of the decade. I will not in these days of self-assertion attempt to define the qiialities of greatness, but it seems to me that great results are the tests of great qualities ; and that he Avho has been in peace and war the pivot and the master of the greatest events of great times, fulfils some of the conditions, and exhibits some of the qualities of greatness. But, my friends, if he of whom I speak has achieved any greatness it has been as a representa- tive of the American people; himself a most marked embodiment of our American idea, a pure represen- tative of the general results of American character, intellect, and action. The secret of American success in the past, and its assurance for the future, is to be found in the spirit of American character, and the impress of American ideas uj^on the s]jirit 43 of our popular government, and the daily iiib of our people. Let me not he misundei'stood. I seek not to depreciate and repel our brethren from beyond the sea. It is the very spirit of our government to attract the liberty loving of every language and of every land; but I desire that they shall not seek to al)sorb and assimilate us, but will be themselves absorbed and assimilated by us. This is the natural and necessary result, truer for us and bettei" for them and for humanity, for the principles of American progress are the principles of progress and humanity throughout the world, and the con- ditions of such a success as is here witnessed are only to be found in those principles which unite the destinies of the republic with the hopes of civilization and humanity. Our nation is new among the communities of the world, but it assumes its place of leadership by virtue of a new and special creation, conferred upon the held of battle and in the presence of attendant peoples. A nation gathered from the vitality of every land, and uniting in one community the pi'Ogressive energies of every race, with a continent as a heritage, and freedom as a birthright, it is fit that we should be the champion as well as the exponent of the Avorld's progress for ourselves not only, but for all the peoples of the earth. The results of these conditions are liegiuuiug to be frit and realized tlu-oughout tlio world. The 44 imprt'ss and cfteet of American character and I)rinei])lcs are felt throngh all the avenues of liersonal and political influence, in peace as well as war, in the schools of diplomacy as on the field of battle — may I be permitted in this connection to repeat an allusion which T have before had occasion to make upon this very snliject of American man- hood as exhibited in our diplomacy abroad. In the capital of Imperial France, gorgeous with the grandeur and the gold of historic ages, were gathered, eig-hteen months ago, the selected repre- sentatives of every enlightened government of the earth. Their roll glittered with historic names, and was rich Avith the l^lazonry of arms and orders. They embodied the ideas, were clothed with the dignity, charged with the duties, and invested with the powers of the civilized world. Among them all, perhaps, neither the simple name nor the unpretending person of the American representative would at that time attract the attention of the thoughtless or the proud. But (Un-ing the period which has since passed, France has been the theatre of scenes calculated to try the qualities of all who witnessed or had part in them. Read to-day the record of the stirring months. On that lofty roll but one name seems written in letters of living light, and of all that glittering- throng but one figure stands boldly out to challenge 45 the attention and command the respect of the world. l^'he exponent of the hlieral views of onr govern- ment, and of the comprehensive civiUzation of onr people, our Amci-ican representative was, thronghout the var3ing struggle, at once the representative of progress and of law, of freedom and of civilization ; and in the fierce convulsions amid which were dis- solved and lost, together with the influences of human reason, the securities of civil government and the bonds of civil society, he remained the sole representative, guardian, and protector of religion and humanity. The traditions, the forms, the courtesies, the securities of diplomatic intercourse were swept away amid the wild confusion, but he supplied traditions by ideas, forms l\y actions, courtesies by kindness, securities by courage, till he seemed to stand before the nations, amid the wreck of governments and the ruins of society, as the sole representative of Christian civilization, while the elite of European diplomacy were dwarfed and belittled before the life-size stature of Amei'i- can manhood. Now, my friends, what I rejoice in most to-nigjit, and congratulate myself and you most sincerely upon, in the appointment I mean of our friend, is the American quality of his character and mind! Looking for the moment beyond the strong personal feelings which grow out of long friendship and 46 kindly association, l)eyond my high appreciation of his quaUtics of head and heart, Ix'yond the nol^le record of his patriotic service and influence, 1 rejoice in him to-night, and bid him God-speed, as a rej)resentative of American manhood and character. President McMichael proposed three cheers for Minister Washburne, to whom the speaker refen-ed in his address. The proposition was responded to in such a manner as clearly to show the high appreciation by the gentlemen present of the work of our Minister to France. The Hon. Simon Cameron, United States Senator from Pemisylvania, was then introduced. Gen. Cameron spoke as follows : — Gentlemen — It is somewhat unkind to ask me to address this company after those gifted in speech have spoken so eloquently; but your greeting to me is so Idnd that I cannot refuse to say a few words. Old men love to look backwards. They may act their part in the afltairs of to-day, but when the hours of rest on the occasions of festivity come they have more to do with memories than projects. And so it is with me to-night when we arc assembled to honor Geokge H. Bokeu. Even now I have a vivid remembrance of another of the 47 naino, Clmrles Bokcr, and I recall him as the man who did a iiuhlc thiiio- at a critical time. When a fearful financial tornado .swept the banks vt' the country into ruin, and everything seemed to be in danger of destruction; Avhen panic-stricken men felt themselves paralyzed by the great desolation; then this Boker of whom I speak — in heaven long years ago — and another brave man whom I saw here in the early hours of this evening, "William D. LcAvis, took charge of the currency and credit of this city, and saved ns all from destruction. "We have met to-night to bid farewell and God-sjieed to Charles Boker's son, and I honor him for the proud name he has earned. But I honor him also for the metal that is in him. I honor liim. as the son of that ])rave man whom panic could not craze, nor disaster appal. And I have an especial pleasure in the feeling of pride I experienced w hen the President paid my old friend's son the deserved compliment of choosing him to represent our country at the court of a great nation, and before the oldest dynasty in Europe. The new Minister to the Sublime Porte is especially fitted to fulfil the high duties laid upon him, and the President has chosen wisely in laying these duties on so capable a citizen, so excellent a gentleman. Looking backAvard yet, I remember how this Union League came into existence. In those days it Avas not considered ''gejiteel" to be a 48 Republican. All who bad a terror of social inlluence, of society as it is called, bad found refuge in a party wbicb bad become the champion of caste, and died in the base service of its master. When the war began between caste on the one hand and liberty on the other, a very considerable proportion of those who loved to call themselves ''genteel," many gentlemen of fortune, old Feder- alists already in good society, and a myriad of snobs, who wanted to get into that circle, joined the Democratic party. It had become a sort of social maxim, when Mr. Buchanan ran for the Presidency, that Democracy and Aristocracy, by some occult influence, had become one and the same thing. And it followed that an attempt was made to tramp out every one who refused to worship the Image of Slavery and ''Democracy." And yet, notwithstanding this, some gentlemen withstood these would-be masters sternly. Geokge H. BoKER, Lindley Smyth, and James H. Orne — and more formed of the same stufl:' — undertook to organize an 02:)position to this exclusive coterie, and began the combination of their forces. This Union League of Philadelphia, known all over the land, and in many foreign lands, is the result. Mr. BoKER — as I happen to know — being handsome, (for Avhich he should not be held to too strict a responsibility) and young (he is getting bravely over that) ; and being also gifted with the powers 49 of organizing-, became its secretary, and soon became tbe master spirit of the enterprise. I i-emember during- tlie political campaign -whieb ended in the second election of Mr. Lincoln — I bad accepted tbe tbankless place of Cbairman of tbe Republican State Committee — it became necessary to invite tbe Uiiion League to advance money to cany on tbe campaign. Livitations of tbis character were not generally responded to by those to Avbom they were addressed. But tbe League did respond, and responded so generously that when the battle was over I banded them back a surplus of some eight thousand dollars ; and, to their everlasting- praise be it known, this sum, with much more, was used in recruiting- regiments to enable Lincoln to carry out tbe verdict of the people, rendered in his triumphant re-election. I think an act like this should be noticed far more prominently than it ever has been. I believe tbis Union League, under God, did more than any civil organization in America to put down tbe Eebellion. To it must praise be ascribed for doing- much to enable the great leader of our armies to win those victories which redeemed our country, and raised him to tbe position he now holds, as the chief magistrate of our nation and tbe first soldier of tbe world. He has done well to honor tbe Union League by choosing the guest of tbis evening- for honorable ])olitical employment, and 7 50 with such representatives of his administration as our friend, success is sure. And now a word concerning the President. He assumed the duties of his great office at a time when the country was jnst emerging from a mighty war. The opportunity, open three years previously, for a restoration of hai-mony had been strangely, wickedly thrown away. The defeated rebels, charmed and amazed at Grant's quiet and manly desire to shield them from persecution, Avere ready to do anything when Lee surrendered. They were astounded at the magnanimity of their conqueror. But in an evil hour — so far as men may judge — a demagogue became the President of the United States. This restless, this unwise, petulant man, aiming at notoriety and popularity, and being unable to grasp the great events, which by a strange providence exalted him, adopted a policy which re-inspired the crushed rebellion and re- manded the South to political chaos. The country turned to Grant, as to a saviour, to bring order out of confusion, and the terrible duty he was called on to perform was thus aggravated to the last pitch of difficulty. But the same steady hand, the same untalteriug courage, the same relentless firmness which put down armed resistance to the laws, o-rappled with the subtler and more dangerous opposition of a revengeful public opinion, and secret organization controlled by malevolence alone — with 51 the Rebellion restored while our armies were scattered. How he has met this trying- situation Ave all laiow. And it would be well for his critics, and his maligners, to bear this always in remem- brance : that Grant's administration inherits the curse gx'uerated by the misrule of his predecessor. The public morals always suffer from the cfiects of war. The political integrity of the country became submerged in the scandalous administration which followed the return of peace. And now all good men see, all good men approve, the course of this able general, this upright magistrate. When dis- order rears its head, he puts it down with a strong- hand. When a public officer is proven a defaultei-, swift punishment follows. And, in addition to this, the present administration has earned the eternal gratitude of the country by paying ofi" more of our national burthens since it has managed our affairs, ten times over, than has ever been paid by any government on the face of the earth in the same period of time. If I have spoken longer than I intended — and I feel that I have — I must lay the l)lame on the broad shoulders of Bokku and of Grant, and I therefore close by a renewal of best wishes for the futiu'e of both. The Hon. John Scott, United States Senntor Ironi Pennsylvania, was then presented, and said: — Gentlemen of the Union League — I came here, this evening, to do honor to your Secretary, now made Minister to Turkey. You have already heard from the President of your Association, from the predecessors of Mr. Boker in that mission, from l)oets, and from others, and I do not come, at this late hour, to speak at any length to you. I shall join in honor to your guest, by addi'cssing the few words I have to sa}^ in conclusion to him. The society of which you are an esteemed member and an officer was one of the great instru- mentalities in successfully resisting the rebellion. Since its close, sir, the great spectacle has been presented of the oldest nation on the earth, claiming at least to be such, sending its embassy to us, headed by a citizen of our own land, starting out to visit all the nations of the earth, and coming- first to this, the youngest of the nations, I may say, to pay us reverence. You go now, the representative of this nation, to take your post on the dividing line between Europe and Asia. You go, sir, from this city, within whose limits was made, as has often been said, the only treaty never ratified by an oath and never broken. As you go, poet-diplomatist, passing the land of Machiavel 53 and under the shadow of Parnassus, may a new insph-ation Hght upon 3'our patriotic muse, and your Avords come back to us from those shores, as they have come to us in our own kind, words of cheer and hope. But I feel too I am justified in saying- that you go from this spot to say to those nations for us that truth is the l)ost diplomacy, and that the sacred observance of national faith witli citizen and foreigner, with civilized as well as savage men, is the strongest l)ond of national peace. Hold this as the policy of om- government, and carrying it with you, I say to you, farewell, and God-speed. The final address of the evening was made by Mr. Daniel Dougiieuty, who said: — Mr. Chairman and Brothers of the League — In the presence of so many distinguished citizens from abroad, and of most of our prominent members, I had supposed until this moment that I who since the close of the war rarely visit you, wouhl have remained a silent, though an earnest sharer in this joyous scene — joyous scene it is, though tinged with sweet sorrow in parting from a friend. At your summons I rise with no prepared tlioui^hts, no studied sentences. The inspiration 54 of these surroundings, the emotions of this heart, will prompt the few words that I may speak of him to whom we are about to bid farewell. The world knows him as the accomplished scholar, the sterling- patriot, the illustrious Ameri- can. We know him as the genial companion, the true friend, the nj)right man. Every sentiment uttered to-night — glowingly, feverently uttered — found an echo, a double echo, in my heart. We arc proud of him as a Pcnnsjdvanian, aye, as a Philadelphian; and this feeling of pride in our own city, this feeling that in recent years has died away, should be recreated, encouraged, and culti- vated. There are some things of which Ave are ashamed — yet more, many more, that we have cause to be proud of We never will exert the influence we should, here and among our sister cities, mitil wc full}^ realize the importance of Philadelphia. Then all true Philadelphians will strive to make her pre-eminent, rejoice in her prosperity, glory in her renown, and this very feeling will drive into deserved obscurity the low fellows who too often aspire to prominence, and bring forward the men whose virtues commend them to the community, and whose learning, tal- ents, and genius should be part of the common fame of the N'ation. And Boker is among oiu- best. His lyre has rapturously sung sAveet strains of love, liberty, and loyalty — aye loyalty. It is the fashion of late with some to sneer at this word. It means not adherence to party, bnt devotion to country. The pen of our Poet consecrated to fame those who were true, and consigned to infjimy those who were false, to the nation in her hour of extremest peril. I own that I would have preferred to have seen this tril)ute to oin- Iricnd freed from all party ties. There are hundreds, aye thousands, in this city who difTering- on State and ^National questions, yet Avho have known him all the days of his life, and would most heartily have shared in showering honors on George H. Bokek. As you expect to sail within two weeks, I hope this night a month hence you will have safely landed in Europe. Though you will he far from Philadelphia; though this Institution, identified with you since its formation, will miss your valuable services ; though your intimates will lose you in joyous hours of festivity; though new scenes and associations will crowd upon and around you ; though Royalty ^vith its splendor may greet, it cannot dazzle you, or make you for a moment forget the friends you leave l)ehiud. And rest assured, you will not be forgotten b}' us. Philadelphia will glory in her absent son. These walls will hear unceasinglv the mention of 56 your name ; in oiu- social lionrs we will • fondly think of you; and thousands will joyfully greet you on your return, as now all speak in sadness, through me, these last farewell words. Good-bye, dear Boker, and God bless you, wherever you may be ! DURIKCt the evening- letters Avere rccad, express- ing- regret at their inability to be present, from the President of the United States and from the Members of his Cabinet, excepting- the Secretary of the !Navy. -whose presence has been referred to ; from the Governor of Pennsylvania, and also the ft )llowina- : — From William Culloii llryant. Xew Yokk, December Id, 1871. Gentlemen — It wonld give me particular pleasure to attend the reception aliont to be given by the Union League of Philadelphia to a gentleman ol' such high personal and literary merit as Mr. BoKER, but I have engagements here which put it out of my power. I am, gentlemen, with great regard. Your obedient servant, W. C. BRYANT. 8 58 From James T. Fields. Boston, December IC, isn. Gentlemex — I am gi'eatly annoyed that the 22d of this month mnst find me, if I am Uving, some three hundred miles East instead of South, as I have been engaged to speak in Maine that evening, and cannot he allo-\ved to hunt up a substitute. Otherwise I should be with you all at the glorious League, and add my voice to the cheers that will go up for our dear friend Bokek. I have long- known him as a poet, and a ripe and good one; now we are to honor him as a statesman also, for he has won that high name by admirable service to his country in her days of sorest need. Let me send, as I cannot luring it myself, to your table of good fellowship at the League, a sentiuient which Pope was kind enough to put into verse for me before any of us Avere born : Health and Happiness to George H. Boker; •'Statesman .yet friend to triitli! of soul sincere. In action faithful, and in honor clear; Who broke no promise, served no private end, Who gained no title and who lost no friend." With sincere regard, JAMES T. FIELDS. From Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, December 17, 1871. Dear Sik — I regret very sincerely that my engagements render it impossible for me to be present at the reception tendered by the meml)ers of the Union Leagne of Philadelphia to their distingnishcd fellow- citizen, Mr. Geoiigk H. Bokek. Had it been in my poAver I should have been most happy to meet Mr. Bokek and his friends on an occasion which mnst prove so full of interest. We all rememl^er the signal services he rendered to our common country during its terrible years of trial. His public spirit made itself felt in many Avays — in none more effectively than in writing those spirited lyrics which cheered so many hearts in the darkest hours. He will be followed to the scene of his new duties l)y the best wishes of all Avho have known him, and all Avho have known his patriotic zeal and devotion. I should have been better pleased to take his hand and Avish him a speedy voyage, a prosperous mission, and a safe return; but I nnist content myself Avith saying, through this colder channel ol" expression, that 1 fully share all the ()0 kind I'eeliiig- Avhieh Avill gather around him a great cluster of friends to l»id him farewell and God- speed. Believe me, dear Sirs. Yours very truly, O. W. HOLMES. From Richard H. Stoddard. "75 E.\sT Tenth Street. New York, December 18, 18tl. My Dear Sirs — You do me honor by inviting me to the reception of my good friend Boker, and it is with sincere regret that I cannot be present. I have known Mr. Boker, man and boy, more years than I can remember, and there is no one for Avhom I have more respect and admiration. I am glad that he is to i-epresent our country aliroad, as far as he is concerned, but I am sorry on my ovn\ account. I shall so miss his handsome face and his thinning curls. Shake his hand for me, on his i-eception night, and believe me, Sincerely yours. R. H. STODDARD. Gl From James ItusscU Lowell. Gentlemen — I regret \ery inueh that my eng\ig-cmeiits ^\\U not permit mo to aceept the very agreeable invitation of the Union League. It would liavc given me great pleasure to have thrown my old shoe with the rest after one who will represent ns so flxvorably abroad. Very truly yours, J. R. LOWELL. Elmwooi>, LSth Dec. IStL From Henry W. Longfellow. Cambridge, Deeember IS, LS7L Gentlemen — I have had the honor of receiving your kind invitation to be present at the reception of Mr. BoKEK, by the Union League of Philadelphia, and regret extremely that my engagements here prevent me from accepting it. I highly esteem Mr. Bokeii l)otli as a- poet and as a man, and should be glad to show it in this Avay if it Avere possible for me to do it. (52 Begging you to accept ray tliankt^ and ray regrets, I ara, gentlemen. Yours faithfully, IIEXRY W. LONGFELLOW. From K. P. Whipple. Boston, December 18, ISTL Gentlemen — I regret that I shall be unable to be in Philadelphia on the 22d inst., to join in the reception given to our friend Mr. Boker. His first "mission" was literature; and for the last ten years he has subordinated it to patriotism Avithout being untrue to its essential spirit and inspiration. He has learned statesmanship in the school where it is best taught — in the school which teaches the duty of hard and earnest and ardent work for the cause of countr}^ and liberty. Boston joins Phila- delphia in wishing him success and happiness in his new career of diplomac}'. Of one thing we are all confidently assured, that the Minister Avill do nothing unworthy the Minstrel. Very sincerely yours, E. r. wiiiprLE. 63 From Thomns P.. Ahlricli. Boston, !N[ass., Deceml)cr 10, 1S7I. Gkntlemen — I find the duties very disagrccaljle "wliieli prevent me from being present at tlic rece^jtion to l)e given to Mr. Boker by the Union League of Philadelphia. It is pleasant to sec Philadelphia treating one of her oavu distinguished Men of Letters as if he Avere a distinguished Man of Letters from somewhere else ! We are grindy told that '*a ]^)rophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house." This piece of cynicism is happily at fault in BoKEii's case. He is valued most Ijy those who know him best, among whom is. Your very obedient servant, T. 15. ALDRK'II. From (ieorgc W. Curtis. Wasiiinoton, D. C, 2Uth Dec. Is71. Gentlemen — I am sincerely sorry that I cannot accept your kind invitation to the reception in honor of Mr. Boker, who goes to contimie the good service of his fellow Pennsylvanians, Mr. Morris and Mr. 04 MacVeagh, not only in guarding the national interest and lionor, hut in showing to the East' the character and aeconi])lislnnents of an American gentleman. There will be no one at your feast wliose God- speed to our friend will be heartier than that of. Your obedient ser'S'ant, GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. From Edmund C. Steadman. New York, .January 9, 1SY2. Gentlemen — It is with me a matter of sincere regret that your in^'itation to be present at the reception to Geoege H. Bokek failed to reach me by mail or otherwise. I should deem it a privilege to assist in any formal recognition of the genius and patriotism of one whoui I have so long loved as a comrade, admired as our foremost dramatic poet, and honored for his superb manhood and his unswerving devotion to the Union cause throughout our Civil War. The services which Mr. Boker rendered to his country are not alone to be measured by his inseparable connection with the history of your renowned Union League, but were potent wherever the hearts of the people were reached — and where were they not? — by such nol)lo lyrics ns "On Boai'd the Cmiiberlaiid," " The Black Regiinent," and " The Ballad of ISTcw Orleans." In coinmon Avith the entire brotherhood of American authors, I feel that his appointment to a foreign mission is a tribute to letters and poesy; and that in imitating- the example of the greatest nations of ancient and modern times, and conferring honors upon those who " make the songs of a people," our country honors herself and strengthens the devotion of her most eai'nest and unseliish sons. Very respectfnily yours, EDMUXI) 0. STEADMAN. CONTRIBUTOES. Clayton IMacmicliacl, M. Hall Stanton, Joseph Harrison, Jr., Charles K. I.Ic, Robert S. Sturgia, Gibson Peacock, Edward S. Mawson, Georo-e Plitt, Xavier Bazin, James II. Campbell, James V. Watson, George Whitney, Joseph Frailey Smith, Cornelius A. AValborn, Joseph Wrn. Bates, Bloomfield II. ^loore, George J. Gross, AValter ^IcMichael, Morton McMiehael, William P. Brock, Francis S. Hoffman, John L. Shoemaker, Alexander Biddle, Thomas S. Ellis, William Cadwalader, William P. Cresson, John E. Cope, James II. C^astle, William I). Lewis, Franklin A. Comly, William Wistcr, Thomas Fitzgerald, Joshua B. Lippincott, Augustus Iv. Ilall, -lunius E. Kingslcy, Benjamin G. Godfrey, Cliarles Xoi-ris, James L. Clagliorn, Strickland Kneass, George F. Tyler, Charles S. Lewis, Francis Wells, Charles J. Stiile, James Milliken, Joseph II. Schenck, Joseph Wm. Miller, George S. Fox, Charles A. Besson, 68 J. Morgan Jciinlson, Samuel S. White, William S. Vaux, Josliua T. Ileald, Thomas Sparks, Clayton French, Rohert Wood, Ahraham Barker, rhilip R. Freas, George W. Chikls, Francis W. Lewis, M.D., James S. Mason, William J. Caner, Francis L. Bodine, Joseph G. :Mitcliell, William J. Jcnks, Rohert P. Gillingham, William Sellers, John Sellers, William B. Bement, Henry C. Lea, John F. Graff, Lewis Andenried, Thomas A. Biddle, Edward S. Clarke, Annesley R. Govett, E. Joy Morris, George W. Farr, Jr., Edward Browning, William IL Kern, George E. llofiman, Ferdinand J. Dreer, William H. Sowers, AYilliam K. I'ark, Ahraham ILirt, Hugh Davids, Gustavus S. Benson, J. Raymond Claghorn, Edward Wharton, John J. Thomas, R. Dale Benson, Edward P. Kersliaw, Edwin M. Lewis, Joseph Trimble, William IL Lippincott, John A. Houseman, Joseph Wharton, Joseph Lea, J. Frederick List, William IL Kemhle, William M. Farr, Benjamin C. Tilghman, Horatio K. Burroughs, Matthew II. Messchcrt, Lindley Smyth, Ira E. Walraven, Charles O'Xeill, Sanderson R. Martin, Thomas M. Coleman, John W. Lockwood, Robert II. Gratz, Henry C. Howell, Samuel B. Thomas, Charles S. Wurts, M.D., 69 Joseph 11. Roach, George Thompson, George M. Stroud, David S. Brown, George R. Wood, Clarence II. CJlark, Alexander G. Cattell, Stephen Flanagan, James M. Flanagan, Jay Cooke, .). Bernard Wilson, 1*. Frazer Smith, Virtue C. Swcatman, Geoi'ge J. Ricliardson, Charles II. Graft", John Crump, John S. Gerhard, Alexander K. MeClure, William II. Allen, Horatio G. Sickel, Edward B. Edwards, Thomas T. Tasker, Jr., Edwin L. Reakirt, Aaron V. Gibbs, J. Rodman Paul, John Clayton, James Forney, Benjamin Stevenson, Edward Roberts, Jr., George Cadwalader, John Rice, llenrv Blauchard, Edwin L. Davenport, Clement Biddle, Archibald Melntyre, G. Dawsou Coleman, Cadwalader Biddle, ir. Rratt McKean, Adolph E. Borie, Charles Lennig, Nicholas Lennig, J. (if. L. Brown, Edward Penington, -Jr. John M. Read, •Fames Spear, Charles Macalester, '\\'illiam Wetherill, Eairman Rogers, J. Gillingham Fell, •loseph II. Trotter, William R. Leeds, George J. Weaver, Jolin K. Valentine, Aaron A. Hurley, Edward C. Knight, I'. S. P. Conner, Henry Lewis, Samuel Bell, Seth I. Comly, John Culin, W. Henry Rawle, Charles AV. Trotter, James E. Caldwell, •Idhu Wagner, 70 Frederick Graff, II. Earnest Goodiiuin, Edward Shippeii, Samuel C Perkins, E. W. Bailey, Joseph Vi. Bullock, Dell. ]S(ol)lit, Thomas Birch, Stephen A. Caldwell, John B. Kenne^', Henry A. Stiles, Henry D. Landis, Charles Gilpin, Thomas Cadwalader. Israel Maule, William Ward, Henry H. Bingham, Peter F. Rothermol, Henry C. Baird, John P. Verree, James T. Mitchell, Charles S. Ogden, Thomas George Morton, Charles E. Smith* John A. llicstand, Louis A. Godcy, Harry Godey, Evan Randolph , Augustus Ileaton, George D. Wetherill, Gouverneur Emerson, M.i). Henry Davis, Henry G. JNlorris, William B. Elliott, Hamilton Disston, William E. Littleton, AV^illiam E. Lejee, Marshall Henszey, Howard Kirk, Thomas AVood, Alan Wood, Jr., J. Edgar Thomson, William Elliott, George S. Strawbridge, Albert II. Smith, Charles Gibbons, James B. Agnew, Richard R. Campion, Andrew :M. Eastwick, Henry C. Gibson, Campbell Tucker, William W. IN'evin, Elwood Wilson, John L. Lawson, Henry C. Carey, John J. Piukerton, Saunders Lewis, Thomas Smith, Anthony J. Antelo, J. I. C. Hare, Peter A. 15. Wiedner, Thomas ilcEuen, M.D., Lewis Wain Smith, A. Boyd Cummings, 71 Adolplius Li]ipo, M.D.. Edward Saimiel, Hector Tj-ndale, Morton ^Ic^Jichael, Jr., John Price Wetherill, Edward Lafourcade, George C'uthljert, John II. ]Michcuer, Ilenrj P. ]\Iuirheid, Thomas Webster, William II. Eiseiibrey, Robert B. Cubeen, Paniol iJougherty, Ivieliard Wood, Andrew Wheeler, Edwin IST. Benson, Samuel L. Smedlej-, Frederick W. Fotteral James I'ollock, Lorin Blodget, Samuel E. Stokes, llichard Wright, Benjamin T. Tredick. H 77 78 i* ■<"\ ^"i) v"^ -1 ^''i o "op ,,0' V:,i' y\ --vs^-" /^\ '^i ^■'''"'^•'ft K""'^' '^^i^f^ -^'\ ^^ Po^^' '°-"*' .<- ... ^<.*^