A NEW GAZETTEER rrys?^ OF >a THE UNITED STATES AMERICA; CONTAINING A COPIOUS DESCRIPTION OF THE STATES, TERRITORIES, COUNTIES, PARISHES, DISTRICTS, CITIES AND TOWNS — -MOVW- TAINS, LAKES, RIVERS AND CANALS COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, AGRICUL- TURE, AND THE ARTS GENERALLY, OF THE UNITED STATES ; EMBRACING ALSO THE EXTENT, BOUNDAKIES AND NATURAL PRODUCTIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL SUBDIVISIONS, THE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF CITIES AND TOWNS, AND THEIR BEARING AND DISTANCE FROM IMPORTANT PLACES ; INCLUDING OTHER INTERESTING AND VALUABLE GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, POLITICAL AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION ; WITH THE POPULATION OF 18 30. BY WILLIAM DARBY AND THEODORE DWIGHT, JR. SECOND EDITION, REVISED. HARTFORDr PUBLISHED BY EDWARD HOPKINS. 183 4. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1832, by EDWARD HOPKINS, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Connecticut. PREFACE, TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THIS WORK. The collection and arrangement of the materials for this Gazetteer, were commenced in April, 1830, and have been steadily continued to the present time, Nov. 1832. It must therefore be evident that great labor has been expended upon the work — how satisfactory to the public the result of the undertaking will prove, remains to be decided. It is not with a view to enhance the value or importance of these labors, but to explain one of the princi- pal causes of delay attendant upon the publication of this volume, that some remarks are introduced on the manner, and protracted time of publishing the census, Avhich was not available until June of the current year, or about two years after it was taken ; this fact, together with the confused, and utter want of arrangement in that document, renders un- necessary any farther apology for the delay to which we advert. Indeed, as this docu- ment is published, it is to a convenient analysis of the population of the U. S., what stones in a quarry are to a building ; and deserves to be estimated much as the material, on the ground where an edifice is to be erected. In every state and territory, with the excep- tion of the northern district of New York, the eastern district of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the western district of Virginia, North Carolina. Georgia, Kentucky, the wes- tern district of Tennessee, and Ohio, an alphabetical arrangement of the census table waa generally omitted, and of course to find any given county or town, required an examina- tion of the whole mass. The inconvenience of this arrangement may be estimated, when it is known that five hundred and thirty counties, with their towns, are thus defective in arrangement. Of some states, nothing is given but the aggregate of the counties ; and in Georgia, no city, town, or village is named: — the returns of someotiier states are equally imperfect. These facts will account for numerous apparent deficiencies in population, and explain their true cause. The post offices, particularly in the middle, southern, south- western, and western states, have been inserted from the official list of 1831 ; and great pains have been taken, with the aid of the best maps, to locate the most obscure of them. The qualifying term, " post road" has been adopted, ashy that the postage of lettei's, &c. is regulated, altho' in innumerable cases these much exceed more direct routes. In regard to rivers, it may be doubted whether their extent should be estimated by the meanders of the streams, or by the length of their basins, or vallies. Except in New England, New York, and New Jersey, we have chosen to estimate them by the latter method, the length of the surface which they drain. Tanner's new and excellent map of the U. S., a proof sheet of which was early and obligingly Ibrwarded to Mr. Darby, has been the guide generally followed in regard to geographical position ; with the aid of this, extensive additions have been made to the geography of the western country, particularly that of the states of Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, and the territories of Michigan and Huron. The extended plan of this Gazetteer, seemed at first to promise the compiler of that part of it embracing New York, New Jersey, and the New England states, an opportunity to introduce large details of the intellectual and moral institutions of the country ; and the hope of accomplishing this object was one great motive for his engaging in the work. Ex- periment however soon proved, that the prescribed limits, although large, would not allow the introduction of many such details, without excluding others more practically indispen- sable, in a work of this kind. He acknowledges his obligations to the authors oi'the follow- ing works, from some of which he has derived much statistical information ; Greenleaf's Survey and Map of Maine; Farmer and Moore's Gazetteer of N. Hampshire; Thomp- son's Gazetteer of Vermont; Spoflbrd's Gazetteer of Massachusetts; Pease and Nile's Gazetteer of Connecticut and Rhode Island; Spafibrd's Gazetteer of New York, and Gor- don's Map of New Jersey; with particular gratitude he also acknowledges his obligations to Jameg Parker, Esq. of Araboy, N. J., for valuable statistics of different parts of that state, which have been embodied in the work. IV PREFACE. In the compilation of the Gazetteer of the U. S., numerous authorities beside those already mentioned, have been consulted ; and accuracy has ever been a prominent object of its compilers. But some recent sources of information have been deficient ; — the census was formerly an invaluable source of various statistical matter ; that of 1830, however, has proved to be entirely useless on every subject other than population. Inconsistencies and contradictions in orthography, and in statistics of different kinds, found even in works of the highest reputation, may perhaps have induced some errors and omissions here. Indeed to say that such will not be found in the work, would be presumption; from the very nature of it, perfect accuracy cannot reasonably be insisted on in every detail, by the reader. Such errors and omissions as have been discovered, on a rapid review of the work, have been noticed in the Appendix. We may say, however, what is undeniable, that much has been added to the geography of the country, in the present work ; that numerous new counties, and towns, have been embodied in it, and that it contains many and important corrections of some similar and respectable works. On the whole, as a convenient and safe book of reference, extended in its detail far beyond any work of the kind heretofore published, and to a great extent original, we hope, and confidently believe, that it will prove both useful and valuable, to those who have occasion to consult its pages. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. This edition of Darby and D wight's Gazetteer of the United States, called for by the rapid sale of the former one, is published after a very thorough revision by Mr. Darby, and other individuals. Mr. Dwight, one of the compilers of the volume having declined a re- vision of his portion of it, this labor has devolved upon others ; but the publisher is confi-^ dent that this part of the work iias received the same careful attention as the rest. The present edition has been enlarged, by the addition of a considerable number of new counties and towns; and beside these, several new counties, not received in season for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix. Such errors, and omissions also, as have been discovered, and as were incidental to tiie first edition of such a work, have been corrected in the present one. Under the head of ' Rail Roads and Canals,' which have been thus arranged for more convenient reference, will be found the principal improvements of this kind in our country ; and among the statistical tables, at the end of the volume, will be found two in reference to these. ' In all cases, where the population appears without date, it is that of 1830 ; and where counties existed at the time, that of 1820 is also given ; thus exhibiting the increase of population within the two periods. Beside the improvements which have been mentioned, several new statistical tables have been added to those con- tained in the former edition, and a map also of the United Sates, which, it is believed, will much enhance the value of the work. ABBREVIATIONS. Ark. — Arkansas. Ala. — Alabama. Conn. — Connecticut. Del. — Delaware . Dist. Col, — District of Co- lumbia. Flor.— Florida. Geo. — Georgia. Ind. — Indiana. II. — Illinois. Ky. — Kentucky. La.— Louisiana. Mass. — Massachusetts. Md. — Maryl.m.l, Me. — Maine. Mich. — Michigan. Misp. or Miss. — Mississippi. Mo. — Missouri. N. C. — North Carolina. N. H. — New Hampshire. N. J. — New Jersey. N. Y.— New York. N. W. Ter.— North West Territory. O.— Ohio. Phil.— Philadelphia. Pa. — Pennsylvania. R. I.— Rhode Island. S. C, — South Carolina. Ten. — Tennessee. U. S.— United States. Vt. — Vermont. Va. — Virginia. W. C— Washington City. cap. — capital. c. h.or C. H. — court house. CO. — county. dist. — district. isl. — island. lat. — latitude. long. — longitude. ms. — miles. mtn. — mou ntain. pop . — populati on . p-o. — post ofBce. p-t. — post town. p-v. — post village. pr. — post road. r. — river. s-p. — sea-port. sq. ms — square miles. St. jus. — seat of justice. t. — town. ter. — territory. tsp. — township. A few othor .nbV.rovintions used in tlir work will at onco ho intrlli'Tililr- to tlir. roador GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ABB ACC Aaronsburg, p-v. Centre co. Perm. ; situated on one of the highest branches of Penn's creek, 18 m. E. of Bellefonte, and by p-r. 79 m. n. w. Sunbury, Aberdeen, p-t, Brown co. O. Abbeville, dist. S. C. ; extending along and from Savannah r. ; bounded n. w. by Anderson dist. ; N. e. by Saluda r. separating it from Lau- rens dist. ; s. E. by Edgefield dist. ; and s. w. by Savannah r. separating it from Lincoln and El- bert COS. in Geo. It lies in form very nearly a square of 31 ms. each side ; area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33'^ 50' to 34° 28' n. ; and in long, from 4° 56' to 5° 42' w. from W. C. The southern and central parts of Abbeville slope toward and are drained into Savannah riv- er, with a southern declination. A narrow zone from Gettysburg, very nearly an equal distance s. w. by w. from the borough of York ; and by p-r. 86 m. n. W. G. Abbott's Mills, and p-o., Rutherford co. Tenn. ; by p-r. 40 ms. southeastward from Nash- ville. Abingdon, p-v. Harford co. Md. ; 22 ms. north- eastward from Baltimore. Abingdon, p-v. and st. jus., Washington co. Va. ; situated at the southeastern side of a moun- tain ridge, about mid-distance between the two main forks of Holston river and about 7 ms. distant from each, also on the Great Valley road. According to Tanner's map of the U. S. this place stands about 8 ms. northwardly from the northern boundary of Tennessee, n. lat. 36° 42', long. 4° 58' w. from W. C., by p-r. 385 ms. s. w. along the northeastern border slopes to the south- by w. from W. C., and 309, a little s. of w. from eastward towards the main stream of Saluda riv- Richmond. er. By the census of 1820, this district contain- ed a population of 23,167 ; but in the ensuing ten years it had increased to 28,149. Of the latter 7,680 were white males ; 7,181 white fe- males, and the residue, 13,288, were people of color. Distributive population by the census of 1830, was 30 to the sq. m. Cf. t. Abbeville. Abbeville, p-v. and st. jus. Abbeville dist. S. C. ; situated near the centre of the dist., on one of the branches of Little r., at n. lat. 34° 11'; long. w. W. C. 5° 20'; 63 miles n. n. w. Augusta in Geo., and by post road, 100 m. a very little N. of w. Columbia. Abbeville, or Abbeyville, p-v. Mecklenburg CO, Va. ; situated on the left bank of Staunton or Roanoke r., about 10 ms. above the influx of Dan r., and by p-r. 126 ms. s. w. Richmond, and 227 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Abbot, t. Somerset co. N. H. pop. 405. Abbottstown, p-v. Adams co. Penn. ; situa- ted on almost the eastern line of the co., and on a branch of Conewago cr., 15 ms. n. e. by e. 2 Abington, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. ; 22 ms. s. E. Boston, contains two ponds, one emptying into North r. and the Atlantic, the other into Taunton r. and Narragansett bay. Spirited res- olutions against the right claimed by the British Parliament to tax the colonies were passed here, 1770. Pop. 2,428. Abington, p-v. Windham co. Conn. Abington. p-v. Luzerne co. Penn. ; 15 m. n. E. from Wilkes Barre, and by p-r. 137 ms. n. e. Harrisburg, and 245 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Abington, p-v. Wayne co, Ind, ; by p-r. 76 ms. N. E. by E. Indianopolis. Abram's cr., Colombia co. N. Y. ; is formed by the junction of Kinderhook and Claverack crs. and after a course of half a m. falls into Hudson r. 4 m. above Hudson. Absecom, Gloucester co. N. J. a part of the beach on the sea coast extending from Great Egg Harbour northward to Absecom Inlet, about 8 ms. in length. AccoMAc, the northernmost of the two cos. ADA I which constitute together, that section called " The Eastern Shore of Virginia." This co. ex- tends from the Atlantic o. to Chesapeake bay, is bndd. by the Atlantic ocean e. ; Norchampton co. Va. s. ; Chesapeakebay w. ; Pocomokebay n. w. ; and Worcester co. Md. n. ; extending in lat. from 37° ^8' to 38° 02' n. and in long, from 1° 24' to 1° 46' E. from W. C. Greatest length from s. s. w. to N. N. E. 48 ms. ; mean width about 10 ms. area 480 sq. ms. Much of the surface is sand banks, or islands along the Alantic coast ; the real arable superficies is about 400 sq. ms. The surface is level. Cf. t., Drummondstown. Pop. 1820, 15,966, 1830, 19,656. Of the latter, were white males 4,495 ; white females 4,969, total 9,458 ; and the residue people of color. AccoiMAc, c-h. See Drummondstown. Accord, p-v. Ulster co. N. Y. AcHOR, p-v. in the northern part of Columbi- ana co., 0. AcRA, p-v. Greene co. N. Y. Acton, t. Windham co. Vt. ; 32 ms. n. e. Bennington, 18 n. w. of Brattleboro', has an un- even surface, well watered by brooks, but with- out good mill streams. Pop. 176. Acton, p-t. York co. Me. Pop. 1,398. Acton, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. ; 24 ms. n. w. of Boston, has a good soil. Asabet r. a chief tributary of Concord r., passes through a part of it, as well as its two branches, and the p-r. from Boston and Concord to Groton and Keene. Pop. 1,128. AcwoRTH p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. ; 50 ms. w. Concord, 87 w. of Porfsmouth, 93 n. w. Boston. Cold river rising at Cold Pond, affords mill seats. The town is agricultural, has a good soil, and raises flax, and cattle. It is on the p-r. and turnpike from Charlestown to Concord and Bos- ton. Pop. 1,401. Adair, one of the southern cos. of Ken. ; bndd. by Russell s. and s. e. ; Monroe s. w. ; Barren w. ; Greene n. w. ; and Casey e. The greatest length is about 40 ms. from n. e. to s. w. ; mean breadth 17, and area 680 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 51' to 37° 28' n. and in long, from 7° 50' to 8° 30' w. from W. C. The northern, central, and indeed the far greater part of this county slopes to the n. w. and is drained in that direction by confluents of Green river. The southern part declines towards and is drained by creeks falling into Cumberland river. In 1820, this county was much more extensive than it is at present, being lessened by the interme- diate creation of Russell county. Pop. 1830, 8,220. Cf. t. Columbia. Adairsville, p-v. Logan co. Ken. ; by p-r. 181 ms. s. w. Frankfort ; and 10 in a similar direction from Russellville, the co. st. Adams, Cape of the U. S., on the Pacific o. It is the Point Ronde of Lapeyrouse, and the southern point at the mouth of Columbia r. It is thus described in a geographical sketch of Oregon Territory, published at Boston, 1830. — " Point Adams forms the south side of the river Columbia. It is a low projection of land, bearing g. e. about seven miles from the Cape (Disap- pointment), and thinly wooded. From it sand banks extend within one mile of the Cape (Dis- appointment), and inside of the bank which runs out from the Cape." As laid down by Tanner, i ADA in his map of the U. S., the lat. is 46° 17' n. and long. 46° 50' w. W. C. Variation of the mag. netic needle at, 22° 40' e. See Columbia r. Adams, t. Coos co. N. H. ; now Jackson, which see. Adams, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. ; 125 ms. N. w. Boston, 20 n. Pittsficld, 40 e. Albany, was named after Samuel Adams, is divided from Williamstown on the w. by Saddle Mountain. Hudson's branch, a mill stream, comes from Vermont, and falls into Hoosick r. through a channel in one place cut 60 feet into a white marble quarry, leaving a natural bridge, 12 or 15 feet long, 10 wide and 62 high. Some of the marble is clouded. Fort Massachusetts was on the N. E. end of Saddle Mountain. The Mar- quis de Vaudreuil attacked it, August 26, 1746, with 900 French and Indians, bu*^ was resisted, with 45 killed, for 24 hours, by 33 men, women and children, under Col. Hawkes, who obtained an honorable capitulation. August 2, 1748, it was attacked by 300 French and Indians who were repulsed by Col. Williams. The Adams and Hoosick cotton and woollen manufactories were incorporated 1809, and 2 more in 1814. There are about 25 cotton and woollen in all. There is a turnpike to Claremont. There are many fine dairies. Graylock, a peak of Saddle mtn. and highest land in Massachusetts, is 3,580 feet above Hudson r. at Albany. It has two vil- lages, N. and s. Pop. 2,648. Adams, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. ; 166 ms. w. of Albany, is 6 ms. square, has very rich arable land, good for grain. N. branch of Big Sandy cr. and Stony cr. furnish mill seats. "Many re- mains of ancient mounds are found here, with coarse earthen pipes, stone hearths many feet under ground, &c. 7 tumuli have been observed, with ditches round them, enclosing from a half to two acres. Pop. 2,995. Adams, one of the southern cos. of Penn. ; bndd. by Franklin co. w. ; Cumberland n. ; York N. E. and E. ; and Frederick co. Md. s. Length 25 ms. mean breadth 18, and area, 450 sq. ms. Extending from lat 39° 42' to 40° 2', and in long, from the meridian of W. C. to 0° 30' w. This CO. is table land, and nearly equally divided between the basins of Potomac and Susquehan- na. The southern part slopes towards the for- mer stream, and is drained by the sources of Monocacy, whilst the northern section gives source to Conewago, and declines towards the Susquehanna. The surface of the whole co. is hilly, but soil generally fertile. Cf. t. Gettys. burg. Pop. 1820, l'*,370, 1830, 21,379. Adams, one of the southwestern cos. of Misp. ; bndd. n. e. by JeflTerson ; e. by Frank- lin ; on the s. by Homochitto r. which separates it from Wilkinson ; and on the w. it is separa. ted from the parish of Concordia in La. by the Mississippi r. From s. s. w. to n. n. e. along the general course of the Mississippi, the length is about 40 ms., mean breadth 15, and area bOO sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 15' to 31° 46, and in long, from 14° 16' to 14° 43' w. of W. C. The general slope is to the southwest- ward. Surface broken by hills, which though very numerous are of inconsiderable elevation ; except some bottoms along the Mississippi and Homochitto, there is but little level land in the ADD 7 county. The soil is, tliough of various qualities in different parts, generallyproductive. Staple, cotton. Cf. ts. Natchez and Washington. Pop. 1820, 12,073, 1830, 14,9 19. Adams, one of the southern cos. of Ohio ; bndd. by Brown co. w. ; Highland n. w. ; Pike N. E. ; Scott E. ; and by the Ohio r. separating it from Lewis and Mason cos. of Ky. s. Length 28, breadth 22, and area 616 sq. nis. Extend- ing in lat. from 38° 37' to 40° n., and in long, from 6° 12' to 6° 36' w. from W. C. The gen. eral slope of this county is to the southward and towards the Ohio r. ; it is hilly but fertile. Cf. t. West Union. Pop. 1820, 10,406, 1830, 12,278. Adams, one of the western cos. of Illinois; bndd. as laid down on Tanner's map on the n. by Hancock ; e. by Schuyler ; s. e. and s. by Pike ; and on the w. is separated from Marion CO. and a section of the unappropriated part of the state Missouri, by the Mississippi r. Length from s. to N. 32, mean width 24, and area 76o sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 11', and in long, from 13° 52' to 14" 26' w. from W. C. The western and central parts of this CO. slope westward towards the Mississippi r. whilst the eastern border gives source to creeks, the water of which is finally discharged into Illinois r. Cf. t. Quincy. Pop. 1830, 2,186. Adams, p-v. Seneca co. 0. ; by p-r. 98 ms. northward from Columbus, and 412 n. w. by w. W. C. Adams, p-v. Decatur co Ind. ; by p-r. 48 ms. E. E. by E. Indianopolis. Adams Basin, p-v. Monroe co.N.Y. Adamsburg, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa. ; on the main road from Greensburg to Pittsburg, 6 ms. w. from the former and by p-r. 176 west- ward from Harrisburg, and 198 n. w, W. C. Adams, old, c. h. andp-o. Adams co.Misp. ; 9 ms. Natchez. Adams' Mills, and p-o, Pulaski co. Ky. ; by p-r. 82 ms. a little e. of s. Frankfort. Adamstown, p-v. near the northeastern bor- der oi Lancaster co. Pa. ; 23 ms. n, n. e. from the city of Lancaster, and 12 s. s. w. from Read- ing. Adamsville, p-v, Washington co. N. Y. Adamstille, p-o, Berks co Pa. ; 9 ms. from Reading, and 61 eastward from Harrisburg. Adamsville, p-v. Frederick co. Md. ; by p-r. 48 ms. N. w. W. C. Adamsville, p-v. Marlborough dist. S. 0. ; by p-r. 110 ms. eastward from Columbia, and 398 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Addison, t. Washington co. Me. ; 15 ms. w. Machias. Pop. 741. Addison Co. Vt. ; bndd. by Chittenden co. n. ; Chittenden, Washington and Orange cos. e. ; Windsor co. s. e. ; Rutland co. s. ; Lake Cham- plain w. Pop. 1820, 20,469 ; 1830, 24,940. It is crossed by Otter creek s. to n., and by the Green mtns. e. The co. st. is Middlebury. It has a good port on the lake at Basin Harbor. r Addison, p-t. Addison co. Vt. ; e. of Lake Champlain, opposite Crown Point, N. Y., 83 ms. N. Bennington, 40 s. w. Montpelier. This was probably the first settlement by Europeans in this state w. of the Green mtns. In 1731 the French built a fort at Crown Point, and occupied ALA this shore. The English first came in 1770. It is low and generally level, with few streams. Snake mtn. is in s. e. corner. Otter cr. and one of its branches, with Mill and Pike rs. (fallmg into Lake Champlain,) are within tlie t. Sul- phuret, and magnetic oxide of iron are found. Pop. 1,306. Addison, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. ; 25 ms. s. of Bath, N. of Pennsylvania line ; has Canisteo (navigable for boats) and Tuscarora crs. ; but the land is broken, and has little value, except for timber. Grindstones are here made of sand, stone. Pop. 944. Addison Point, p-v. Washington co. N. Y. Adelphia, p-v. in the northeastern part of Ross CO. O. ; by p-r. 46 ms. southwardly from Columbus, and by the common road, 20 n. e. from Chilicothe. Adgates' Falls N. Y. (See Chesterfield, N. Y.) Adrian, p-v. Lenawee co. Michigan Ter. ; by p-r. 10 ms. from Tecumseh the co. st. 73 s, w. by w. Detroit, and 502 n. w. by w. W. C. Adriance, p-v. Duchess co. N. Y. Agamenticus Mountain, York, York co. Me. Agawam, p-v. Hampden co. Mass. ; 2 ms. s. w. Springfield. Agawam r. Mass. (See Westfield r.j Agnew's Mills, and p-o. Venango co. Pa. ; by p-r. 248 ms. n. w. W. C. Ahosky Ridge, p-o. northern part of Hertford CO. N. C. ; by p-r. 121 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh, and 240 very nearly due s. W. C. Ahpmoojeenee-Gamook, lake. Me. ; n. of Moosehead lake, empties St. John's r. Akron, p-v. Portage co. O. Alabama r. the great northeastern constituent of Mobile r. is formed by the confluent streams of Coosa and Talapoosa rs. and receives as a tributary, the Cahaba from the north. Of the three constituents of Alabama, the Cahaba is the only one entirely in the state of Alabama, Rising between the vallies of Black Warrior and Coosa rs. in the cos. of Jefferson and St. Clair, the Cahaba assumes a course a little w. of s. and which it maintains over Shelby, Bibb, Perry and Dallas cos. falling into Mobile at the town of Cahaba in the latter co. The valley oif Cahaba is about 120 ms. in length, with a mean breadth of 20, and vmh an area of 2400 sq.ms. Coosa, or the main constituent of Alabama, has its highest and most remote source in Ten- nessee, interlocking sources with those ofHi- wassee and Chattahooche. The most northern sources of Coosa are at n. lat. 35° 05', and are the most northern fountains, the v^^ater of which is finally discharged into the Gulf of Mexico, E. from the Mississippi basin. There known by the name of Connessauga, it flows first w. but curving to s. s. w. about 70 ms. receives from the e. the Etowah. The latter rises in Geo. be- tween the sources of Hiwassee and Chattahoo- che, and only separated about 15 ms. from the Turoree branch of Savannah r. by spurs of the Blue Ridge. Issuing from this elevated region, the Etowah, with a sweeping curve to the south- ward, pursues a general course of s. w. by w. 100 ms. to its union with the Connessauga or Ostenalah. Having their fountains and chan- nels in the comparatively high Appalachian ALA ALA vallies, the superior branches of Coosa are rapid mountain streams. Below the junction of Eto- wah and Connessauga, the united waters hence- forth known as the Coosa, flow 8 or 10 ms. westward, when, leaving Geo, and entering Ala. the now considerable volume by an elliptic curve inflects first to s. w. thence s. and finally s. s. E. to its junction with the Tallapoosa to form the Alabama, at Coosauda, n. lat 32° 28', long. 9° 22' w. W. C. The entire comparative course of the Coosa is about 240 ms. but by the bends may not fall much short of 400 ms. The valley it drains is about two hundred ms. in length, with a mean breadth of 45 ; area 9000 sq. ms. Talapoosa, or eastern branch of Mobile, rises between the vallies of Etowah and Chattahoo- che, and principally in Carroll co. Geo. at n. lat. 34° nearly. Flowing s. s. w. it enters Ala. and continuing that course 130 ms. turns abruptly to the w. 25 ms. unites with the superior volume of the Coosa as already noted. The valley of Talapoosa lies entirely between those of the Coosa and Chattahooche ; it is about 150 ms.in length, with a mean width of 25, and area, 3750 sq. ms. In one striking feature, the Coosa and Tala- poosa have strong resemblance to each other. In the lower part of their respective courses in Ala. neither receive tributaries above the size of a large creek. Alabama, formed thus by the union of the Coosa and Talapoosa, assumes a general west. ern course to the influx of Cahaba, and thence cur\ing to the s. s. w. to its junction with Tom- bigbee to form the Mobile. By a comparative course from the mouth of Coosa to that of Tom- bigbee, the length of the Alabama is 130 ms. but so tortuous is its channel, that the navigating length falls little, if any, under 250 ms. The valley of the Alabama proper is about 120 ms. by 30, with an area of 3600 sq. ms. Combining the area of all the sections of the Alabama val- ley, we find it comprises 18,750 sq. ms. From the great diiference of height between the sources and mouth of the assemblage of con- fluents, the streams of this valley are rapid. At times of flood they are all, however, naviga- ble for down stream vessels from near their sources. Schooners of 5 feet draught are navi- gated into Alabama and as far as the lower falls at Claiborne, 50 ms. above the mouth. Alabama, one of the United States, bndd. w. by the state of Misp. ; n. by the state of Ten. ; E. by Geo. ; s. by Flor. ; and s. w. by the Gulf of Mexico. This state has an outline in com- mon : Miles. With the state of Mississippi . . " " Tennessee . . " " Georgia . . . Along lat. 31°, and in common with Florida Down Perdido river, from lat. 31° to its mouth Along the Gulf of Mexico to place of beginning 330 153 306 150 60 60 Having an entire outline of . . 1059 The area of Ala. is 51,770 sq. ms., equal to 33,132,800 statute acres. Greatest length of the Gulf of Mexico to the Termessee line 336 ms., the mean breadth from e. to w. 154. Ge- ographically, this state lies between lat. 30° 10', and 35°, and in long, between 8° 05', and 11° 30' w. W. C. This state lies, with the exception of its south- eastern and southwestern angles, in the valley of Tennessee and basin of Mobile. If taken un- der a general view, it is subdivided into two un- equal physical sections. The northern and smaller section is comprised in the valley of Tennessee. That river whiding by a general western course, but with a sweeping curve to the south, enters at the northeastern angle of the state, and issues from it at the northwestern. The southern, and by far the most extensive section, has a slope very nearly due south, and is drained by the main streams, and numerous confluents of Tombigbee, Black Warrior, Ala. bama, Mobile, Conecuh, Choctawhatchie and Chattahooche rivers. Northern, or the Tennessee river section of Ala. contains the counties of Square Population, Population, miles. 182". 1830. Franklin 684 4,988 11,078 Jackson 1040 8,751 12,700 Lauderdale 672 4,963 11,781 Lawrence 816 14,984 Limestone 600 9,871 14,807 Madison, C48 17,481 27,990 Morgan 600 5,060 9,062 Amount 46,054 102,402 The surface upon which resided the respect- ive populations of 1820, and 1830, was nearly the same, we therefore find that the northern Ala. gained in the 10 intermediate years, 222 percent. Passing the ridge which separates the sour- ces of the southern creeks of Tennessee river, from those of Coosa, Black Warrior and Tom. bigbee, we are on the northern and higher bor- der of the great southern slope of Ala. down which spread the counties of Sq. miles Population, Population, in 1830. 1820. 18.30 Autauga 1080 3,853 11,874 Baldwin 2000 1,713 2,324 Bibl) 800 3,676 6,306 Blount 1650 2,415 4,233 Butler 1000 1,405 5,650 Cataco 5,263 Clarke 1200 1 5,839- 7,595 Conecuh 1531 5,713 7,444 Covingion 1664 1,522 Dale 1610 2,031 Dallas 1064 6,003 14,017 Fayette 1250 3,547 Greene 836 4,554 ] 5,026 Henry 1344 2,638 4,020 Jefferson 1040 6,855 Lowndes 9,410 Marengo S60 2,933 7,700 Marion 1140 4,058 Mobile 2250 2,672 6,267 Monroe S60 ■ 8,838 8,782 Montgomery 1500 6,604 12,695 Perry 966 11,490 Pickens 648 6,622 Pike 1750 7,108 St. Clair 720 4,166 5,975 Shelby 1100 2,416 5,704 Tuscaloosa 858 8,229 13,646 Walker 1500 2,202 Washington 840 3,474 Wilcox 1200 2,917 9,548 33,451 81,847 207,125 Add N.Ala, 5060 46,054 102,402 Amount 38,511 127,901 ALA 9 The preceding area of 38,511 sq. ms. compri- ses that part of Ala. purchased from the Indi- ans, and organized into counties. But there is on the northeastern border a section of about 600 sq. ms. still in possession of the Chicka- saws. On the western border, and nearly op- posite the middle of the state, there is a second tract, possessed by the Choctaws, which com- prises about 1800 sq. ms. Again, there is a region of about 11,000 sq. ms. along the east- ern and N. eastern side of the state still possess- ed by the Creeks and Cherokees. The Presi- dent of the U. S. in his message to Congress, at the opening of the present session, informs that body that measures have been taken under the laws of the U. S., " by which the whole of the state of Misp. and the western part of Ala. will be freed from Indian occupancy, and open- ed to a civilized population. The treaties with these tribes are in a course of execution, and their removal, it is hoped, will be completed in the course of 1832." By the preceding elements, we are shown that in the decennial period from 1820 to 1830, the population of Ala. had gained 234 per cent. We may premise, that in the preceding phys- ical division of Ala. into northern and southern sections, we have not pursued the same limits of divisions adopted in taking the recent cen- sus, but the difference is not material to any general result. The following tabular state- ments are from the census of 1830. Recapitulation, exhibiting the general aggre- gate amount of each description of persons in the northern district of Alabama. White Pe rsons. Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 9,459 8,964 From 5 to 10 6,727 6,427 " lOtolS 5,221 4,936 " 15 to 20 4,300 4,404 " 20 to 30 7,036 6,30fi " 30 to 40 4,458 3,665 " 40 to 50 2,516 2,135 " 50 to 60 1,501 1,186 " 60 to "^0 773 575 " 70 to 80 246 182 " 80 to 90 63 69 " 90 to 100 11 16 100 and upwards 00 7 Total, 42,311 38,862 Of the above, were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 11 ; between 14 and 25, 12 ; of 25 and upwards, 8 ; bluid, 30 ; foreigners, not nat- uralized, 20. Of the colored population, there were, Free. Slaves. Males. Females. Males. Females. Under 10 years of age, 75 54 8,252 7,974 From 10 to 24 54 4S 7,318 7,1.52 " 24 to 36 66 31 4,247 4,209 " 36 to 55 39 19 1,957 1,897 " 55 to 100 19 • 16 604 507 100 and upwards 1 5 8 Total, 253 169 22,383 21,747 Aggregate amount of each description of per- sons in Southern Alabama. ALA Females- 4,894 2,560 1,545 744 250 75 13 3 50,698 Of the above were deaf and dumb under 14 years of age, 34 ; between 14 and 25, 13 ; 25 and upwards, 11 ; blind, 38 ; foreigners not nat- uralized, 45. Of the colored population there were, Males. 30 to 40 6,941 40 to 50 3.513 50 to 60 2,092 60 to 70 968 70 to 80 345 80 to 90 84 90 to 100 8 100 and upwards. 3 Total, 58,535 White Persons. Males. Females. Under 5 years of age 13,.305 12,376 From 5 to 10 8,755 8,375 " 10 to 15 6,908 6,165 " 15 to 20 5,209 5,547 " 20 to 30 10,404 8,151 Fr ee. Slaves. Male. Female. Male. Female. Under 10 years of age, 200 191 13,585 13,412 From 10 to 24 148 101 12,235 12,517 " 24 to 36 112 100 6,853 6,879 " 36 to 55 85 '■.5 3,201 3,001 " 55 to 100 37 40 8,091 805 " 100 and upwards, 00 2 22 18 Whites. 81,173 109,233 Total, 582 559 36,787 36,632 Recapitulation. Northern Alabama. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 422 44,130 125,725 Southern Alabama. 1,150 73,419 183,802 Total population of Alabama, 309,527 Physical Features. — The surface of Ala. is divided into two very unequal sections, as we have shown under the head of population. The northern and smaller plain is a part of the val- ley of Tennesse r., the main volume of that stream entering at the n. eastern, and leaving the state at the n. western angle, flowing in the intermediate distance by a general course to the westward, but with a sweeping curve to the s. The Tennessee enters Ala. in a mountain val- ley, immediately below the influx of Sequatche r., flows thence by comparative courses 60 ms. in a direction to the s. w. ; thence abruptly in- flecting to N. w. by w. 130 ms., passes a chain oi the Appalachian system by the noted pass call, ed the Muscle Shoals ; below which, curving gradually more to the northward, leaves the state at the influx of Bear cr. In this distance of 190 ms., Tennessee receives but one tributa- ry stream deserving the name of a river ; that is Elk r., which enters from the right ; but the con- fluent creeks are numerous on both sides. North, ern Ala. is finely, indeed beautifully variegated by hill, dale, and in some places by plain. It was the first part of the state inhabited by whites, if we except a few spots along Mobile and Tom- bigbee rs., above and below the town of Mobile, and is yet far more densely settled ; the mean to the sq. m. being by the census of 1830 a small fraction above 20, whilst that of Southern Ala. did not amomit but to a little above the one third, or not quite seven to the sq. m. The southern and much most extensive zone, or inclined plane, falls by a very gentle declivity from lat. 34° 20' to the Gulf of Mexico, over something more than 4 degrees of lat. This slope is drained and finely variegated by the numerous branches of the Coosa, Tallapoosa, Cahaba, Black War- rior, Tombigbee, and Alabama rivers, all con- tributing to form the Mobile. The s. eastern ALA 10 ALA angle of the state declines to the s. westward, and is drained in that direction by Choctaw, Yellow Water, Conecuh rivers. A very nar- row strip of the southeastern border declines eastward, and is drained into and bounded by the Chattahooche river. The state is over both physical sections, very advantageously supplied with navigable rivers, though possessing within its own limits but one outlet to the Gulf of Mexico by Mobile Bay. The tides being moderate, not exceeding two and a half feet at a mean. The entrance of sea vessels of any draught, is arrested by rapids at Claiborne, in Alabama, and St. Stephens, in Tombigbee river ; both places being about one hundred ms. direct distance above the outlet of Mobile Bay, into the Gulf of Mexico. In com- mon winters, the rivers of even northern Ala. are but little impeded by ice, but there do occur seasons, and that of 1831 — 32, is an example, when Tennessee river and its confluents are completely frozen. The streams flowing south- wardly, towards the Gulf of Mexico, are still more rarely, and below N. lat. 33°, perhaps nev- er rendered unnavigable by frosts. The exces. sive droughts of summer are, indeed, far more frequently the cause of impeding navigation in, not only the rivers of Ala. but all the streams between the Mississippi and the Atlantic ocean below lat. 35°. The seasons at the extremes of Ala. in regard to mean and extreme temper- ature differ greatly. The border along the Gulf of Mexico may be called tropical when com. pared with the valley of Tennessee. Between lat. 30° 10', and 31° 30', or below tide water, excessive frosts or lying snows are rare ; but the temperature changes sensibly advancing to- wards and into the valley of Tennessee. No part, however, of the state reaches sufficiently to the southward to admit the profitable cultiva- tion of sugar cane. Cotton is the general staple of the state. Indian corn or maize is the usual crop ; but in the middle and northern part small grain succeeds well. The arable land of south- ern Ala. lies mostly along or near the water courses and is composed of two species. Al- luvion, properly so called, and Interval land. The latter a kind of intermediate soil between the alluvial river bottoms and the open pine woods. The latter description of land, is ster- ile, and comprises the much greater part of the surface of the state, more comparatively exten- sive, however, on the southern than on the north- ern section. Constitution of Government, Judiciary. — The ter. now constituting the state of Ala. was for- merly included jri the western ter. of Geo. after- wards in the JVIisp. ter. (See Geo. and Misp.) In March 1817, the Misp. ter. was divided by an Act of Congress, by which authority was given to form the western section into a state, and subsequently the eastern part was formed into a ter. under the name of Ala. The increase of population was so rapid as to entitle it to admis- sion as a state government in 1818, and applica- tion was made to Congress accordingly. A bill was brought in and a law passed, March, 1619, empowering the people of Ala. to form a Con. stitution; under the authority of which, a Con. vention met at Huntsville in Northern Ala,, and on August 2, 1819, adopted a Constitution of State Government, which was ratified by Coin- gress December 1819, and the state admitted into the Union. The Constitution of Ala. pro- vides : — that " The powers of the government of the state of Ala. shall be divided into three distinct departments ; and each of them con- fided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. No per- son or collection of persons, being of one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, ex- cept in the instances hereinafter expressly di- rected or permitted." " The legislative power of this state shall be vested in two distinct branches : the one to be styled the Senate, the other the House of Rep. resentatives, and both together the General As. sembly of the state of Ala. " The members of the House of Representa. tives shall be chosen by the qualified electors, and shall serve for the term of one year. No person shall be a representative unless he be a white man, a citizen of the U. S. and shall have been an inhabitant of this state two years next preceding his election ; and the last year there- of, a resident of the county, city, or town, for which he shall bo chosen, and shall have attain, ed the age of twenty-one years. " Senators shall be chosen by the qualified electors, for the term of three years, at the same time, in the same manner, and at the same places where they may vote for members of the House of Representatives ; and no person shall be a Senator unless he be a white man, a citizen of the U. S. and shall have been an inhabitant of this state two years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof a resident of the dis- trict for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained to the age of twenty-seven years." " Every white male person of the age of twenty-one years, or upwards, who shall be a citizen of the U. S., and shall have resided in this state one year next preceding an election, and the last three months within the county, city or town, in which he offers to vote, shall be deemed a qualified elector : Provided that no soldier, seaman, or marine, in the regular army or navy of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any election in this state." Electors protected from arrest in civil cases, going to, attendance at, or return from the places of elec- tion. Art. 4. — " The supreme Executive power of this state shall be vested in a chief magistrate, who shall be styled the governor of the state of Alabama. The governor shall be elected by the qualified electors at the time and places when they shall respectively vote for represent, atives. He shall hold his office for the term of two years from the time of his installation, and until his successor shall be duly qualified ; but shall not be eligible for more than four years in any term of six years. He shall be at least thirty years of age, shall be a native citizen of the United States, and shall have resided in this state at least four years next preceding the day of his election." " The Judicial power of this state shall be vested in one Supreme Court, Circuit pourts to ALA 11 be held in each county of the state, and such in- ferior courts of law and equity, to consist of not more than five members, as the general assem- bly may from time to time direct, ordain or es- tablish. No person who shall have arrived at the age of seventy years, shall be appointed to, or continue in the office of Judge in this state." Education. — The following section is made part of the constitution of Alabama. " Schools and the means of education, shall forever be encouraged in this state ; and the general as- sembly shall take measures to preserve, from unnecessary waste or damage, such lands as are or hereafter may be granted by the United States, for the use of schools, within each town- ship in this state, and apply the funds which may be raised from such lands, in strict con. formity to the object of such grant. The gene- ral assembly shall take like measures, for the improvement of such lands as have been or may be hereafter granted by the United States to this state, for the support of a seminary of learn- ing, and the monies which may be raised from such lands by rent, lease, or sale, or from any other quarter, for the purpose aforesaid, shall be and remain a fund for the exclusive support of a state university, for the promotion of the arts, literature and the sciences ; and it shall be the duty of the general assembly, as early as may be, to provide effectual means for the improve- ment and permanent security of the funds and endowmen'^s of such institution." The new university of Alabama is going on very prosperously, the number of students hav- ing recently increased considerably. Dr. Alva Woods is President of the Institution, and Pro- fessor of Moral Philosophy. The catalogue gives the names of 93 under grad'uates, viz. 8 seniors, 27 juniors, 33 sophomores, and 25 fresh- men. The following provision is proof decisive of the progress of liberality and humanity : — " In the prosecution of slaves for crimes, of a high- er grade than petty larceny, the general assem- bly shall have no power to deprive them of an impartial trial by a petit jury." The Constitution of Ala. may be amended or revised, whenever two thirds of each house of the general assembly propose such amendments or revision. The proposed changes duly pub- lished three months before the next general election, when and where the voice of the peo- ple is taken, and if " it shall appear that a ma. jority of all the citizens of this state, voting for representatives, have voted in favor of such proposed amendments : and two thirds of each house of the next general assembly, shall af- ter such an election and before another, ratify the same, they shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as parts of this constitution." History. — This state derives its name from that of one of the noble rivers which channel its surface. Early in the eighteenth century, the French, in founding the colony of La. form, ed small settlements on Mobile r., and built a fort where the city of Mobile now stands, but a large share of what is now Ala. remained in possession of the native Indians for about a century after the fovmding of La. The original charter of Geo. covered the whole zone from ALA 31° to 35° lat. ; of course four degrees wide of Ala. was included in Geo. In 1802, a cession was made by Geo. to the U. S. of all her west- ern territory between Chattahooche and Missia. sippi rivers, as far up the former as near lat. 33°, and from thence to lat. 35°, by the existing line of demarcation between Geo. and Ala. Ala. continued a part of the Misp. ter. until se. parated in the manner stated under the head of Constitution ; where also the material facts in the history of the state are also given. For seat of government see Tuscaloosa. Alabama, p.t. Genesee co. N, Y. Pop. 783. Alachua co. Flor. ; bndd. n. by Duvall co. N. E. St. John's CO. ; e. s. e. and s. by the coun. try of the Seminole Indians, and w. by the Gulf of Mexico. Extending from south to north along the Gulf from lat. 27° 28' at Sarazota En- trance, to lat. 29° 24', at the mouth of Suwan. ne r. ; and in long, from 5° 10' to 6° 20' w. W. C. In length it is about equal to the difference of its extremes of lat. or about 140 ms. ; the breadth varies greatly, but maybe about a mean of 30 ms. ; area, 4,200 sq. ms. The surface slopes westward, but the declivity is slight, and discharges with no great rapidity of descent, Hillsboro', Anaclote, Amasura, and Suwanne rs. It is generally flat, part marshy, some prairie. Soil mostly sterile. C. H. at Dells. Alachua Savanna, a grassy plain in Alachua CO. Florida; "lies about 4 ms. above Orange lake ; its length is 7 ms. and its breadth 3 ms. Phe great body of water in this Savanna is rep- resented as losing itself in a large sink, suppo- sed to be at the northern side, and to discharge itself through a subterranean passage into Or- ange lake. Whatever may be the case, this Savanna exhibits but the appearance of a level, watery meadow, covered with a thick growth of aquatic grass, a circumstance which causes it to be called, in the idiom of the country, a gras. sy lake. Its outlet, the Chechale, which flows into Orange lake, is of rather small size. The Alachua Savanna is lined with hammocks, in which the live-oak and water-oak are predomi- nating." Alapapaha, a r. of Geo. and Flor. the eastern branch of Suwanne r. See Suwanne. Alaqua, a small but remarkable r. of Flor. in Walton co. rises in a ridge of hills near the centre of the co., and in two branches which unite to form Alaqua, which, assuming a south- ern course, falls into Choctaw bay. This stream admits the entrance of vessels drawing 5 feet water, for a distance of 15 ms. to the margin of a fine body of fertile land, already extensively settled and cultivated. " Alaqua," says Wil- liamson in his Florida, " is the largest stream that enters from the Ridge. The springs o-f the two eastern branches of this river rise grad- ually in cane patches, and flow through a beau- tiful undulating country of good land." Alaqua, p-v. and st. of jus. for Walton co. Flor. is situated on Alaqua r. 70 ms. a little n. of E. Pensacola, and by p-r. Lfil ms. a little n. of w. Tallahasse. Lat. 30° 38': long. a° 20' w. W. C. Alatamaha, a fine r. of Geo. draining the cen- tral parts of that state, and the space between the branches of the Flint, Chattahooche, and ALB 12 ALB Savannah rs. The Oconee and Ocmulgee rs. are the great constituent streams of the Alata- maha. The two former rising southeastward from the valley of the Chattahooche ; the Oco- nee in Hall, near Gainsville, and the Ocmul- gee in Gwinnet and De Kalb cos. Both streams rise so near as from 10 to 15 ms. from the main volume of Chattahooche, but both assuming a nearly parallel course ofs. s. e., about forty ms. asunder. The Oconee, or eastern branch, pur. sues the original course with but slight general inflections, 170 ms. to its junction with Ocmul- gee, between Montgomery and Appling cos. The western, or Ocmulgee branch, pursues the original course, 160 ms., to near Jackson- ville in Telfair co., where it curves round to n. E., 30 ms. to its union with Oconee, almost ex- actly on lat. 32°, and directly w. from the mouth of Savannah r. Below the junction of Oconee and Ocmulgee rs. the united waters form the Alatamaha, which,maintaining nearly the course of Oconee s. s. e. by comparative courses 90 ms. falls into the Atlantic by one main and se- veral smaller outlets, between St. Simon's and Sapeloo islands, and between Mcintosh and Glynn cos. The entire length of the basin of Alatamaha is 250 ms., with a mean width of 50, and area 12,500 sq. ms., and lying between lat. 31° 15' and 34° 28', and between long. 4° 22' and 7° 20' w. W. C. The sources of Alatama- ha interlock with those of St. Ilia, Cambahee, Ogeeche, and Savannah rs. flowing into the At- lantic, and with those of Chattahooche, Flint, and Suwanne, flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. As a navigable channel, Alatamaha has 14 feet water on its bar. Boats of 30 tons are na- vigated to Milledgeville on the Oconee, and to an equal or greater distance up the Ocmulgee. Down stream navigation is practicable on both rivers from near their sources. The climate of this basin differs very much between the extremes, from diff"erence of lati- tude and of level. The lat. differs near 3^°, and the level not less than 1000 ft., giving an en- tire difference of temperature, of upwards of 5° of Fahrenheit. The vegetable productions, both natural and exotic, present a corresponding variety, with the extent of climate. On this ba- sin, near the mouth of Alatamaha, the orange tree and sugar-cane are cultivated, and on its high- er branches, the apple, peach, and pear ; wheat, rye, oats and meadow grapes flourish. The •staple vegetable, however, over the whole ba- sin, which is most cultivated and valued, is Cot- ton. Tobacco, Indigo and Rice, are also occa- sionally produced. Alba, p-v. Bradford co. Pa. Albany, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 18 ms. n. w. Pa- ris. Pop. 387. Albany, p-t. Orleans co.iVt. 6 ms. sq., 34 ms. N. Montpelier, contains several ponds, and part of Black r. The market road from Boston to Montreal passes through it. Pop. 683. Albany co. N. Y. bounded by Schenectady and Saratoga cos. n. ; Rensselaer e. ; Greene E. ; Schoharie w. ; 22 by 21 ms. ; 462 sq. ms. ; N. lat. 42° 21', long. 20' e. and 15' w. New York city, is w. of Hudson r., about 144 ms. n. New York ; containa 9 t-sps. Albany is the cf. t. FormationB, transition and secondary, on slate rock, over which lies graywacke, especially in the west and middle. There are also shell lime stone and sand stone. Loose primitive rocks lie on the surface ; and the minerals are nume- rous. The soil is various, low and rich on Hud- son r., sand plains in the interior, hilly w., rocky N., much land is uncultivated. Norman's, Coey- man's, Bethlehem and Ten Miles crs. are small mill streams. Catskill r. rises in the s. The Erie and Champlain canals unite and ter- minate in this county, and the Mohawk and Hud- son rail road (for which see Albany,) is entirely within it. One of the first settlements in the state was here. There is an agricultural soci- ety for the county ; at Watervleit on the canal, is the United States arsenal, the principal depot for arms in the northern States. Population, 1820, 38,116; 1830, 53,560. Albany, city, Albany co. N. Y. Capital of the state ; on the w. bank Hudson r. 144 ms. n. New- York, 165 w. Boston, 230 s. Montreal, 30 N. Hudson, 15 s. e. Schenectady, is the second city in the state in population, trade, wealth and resources. It has been greatly increased and enriched by the operation of the Erie and Cham- plain canals, which unite 8 ms. north of the cen- tre of the city and terminate at the Basin, which is formed in Hudson r. by a pier 4,300 ft. in length, along the upper part of the city, by which sloops, tow boats and canal boats are brought side by side, or have their cargoes ex- changed over the pier. The amount of canal tolls received at Albany in 1830, was $212,056 ; 1831, ,f 269,443. The Capitol which stands on the fine square at the head of State street, facing e. is a large and spacious stone building, and has two spa- cious and richly furnished chambers for the Senate and Assembly. In it are also rooms for the Superior Court, the Chancellor's Court, an office for the Governor, Committee, Jurors, and other rooms. The City Hall, situated on the same square, and facing west, is a noble build- ing of white marble, where are held the Courts of the U. S. Circuit, of Common Pleas, the Mayor's, &c. The building is surmounted with a large dome, richly gilded, which marks its site to the traveller when many ms. distant. This building, together with the Academy which stands on the same square, and which is a beau- tiful structure of free-stone, are a just source of pride to the citizens, and are evidence of the taste, wealth and enterprise of the inhabitants. Here are a Female Seminary and an Academy, to which are apportioned, from the school fund, to the former, $115. 50, and to the latter, $360. 68. There are 5 Banks, 3 Insurance Offices, an Institute, Library and Athenaeum. The number of travellers passing through this city is very great, at all seasons. While the river is navigable, four elegant steamboats ar- rive here from N. York daily, and as many de- part, transporting hundreds of passengers ; while the travelling is great in all other direc- tions, by tow-boats, canals, stages, &c. A steam boat line was also established, 1832, between N. Y. and Troy. Steam tow.ljoats and sloops transport a vast amount of merchandize for and from the canals. The Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road, designed to avoid the locks and cir- ALB 13 ALE cuit of the Erie canal, was partly in use in 1831, and is now completed. It extends in a straight line from Albany to Schenectady, 14 ms. over an elevated sandy plain, with an inclined plane at each end. On that near Schenectady, a sta- tionary engine is placed, 130 ft. above the canal : 2 of the 3 sections are level ; the others slope very gently towards Albany. It is thought that 600 passengers will pass on this road daily, and many more during the travelling season. The annual expenses are estimated at ^14,600. Rail-road routes have been surveyed from Al- bany to Boston, and it is proposed to construct one either by the 8th Mass. turnpike, through Blanford, or by the Pontoosuc turnpike. An- other is proposed, to West Stockbridge, Mass. at an estimated expense of |'500,000, to connect part of the valley of Housatonic r. with Hud- son r. A charter of a N. York city and Albany rail-road has been granted, to run e. of Hudson r. Pop. 26,000. Albemarle Sound, a deep bay of N. C. is the estuary of the Roanoke and Chowan rs. ex- tending 60 ms. in length from e. to w. along n. lat. 36° with a mean breadth of 8 ms., but pro- truding several deep minor bays. The Roanoke enters from the w. and the Chowan from the n. w. at the extreme interior of Albemarle, which spreads below the entrance of those rs. in a shallow expanse of water, with a level, or rather flat country along each shore. Every small in- let has its own comparative broad bay, by one of which the Pasquotank, a navigable inland com- mimication by the Dismal Swamp canal, has been formed between Albemarle sound and Chesapeake bay. Albemarle sound is separa- ted from the Atlantic ocean, by long, low, and narrow reefs of sand ; but having two channels of connexion southward with Pamlico Sound, one on each side of the Roanoke Island, and on the northward an opening to the ocean by Cur- rituck Sound and inlet ; both rs. are navigable to near their sources. The climate of this ba- sin differs very much between its extremes both from difference of latitude and of level. The latitude differs near 3i degrees, and the level not less than 100 ft. giving an entire difference of temperature of upwards of 5° lat. The ve- getable productions, both natural and exotic, have a corresponding variety with the extent of climate. On this basin, near the mouth, the orange and sugar cane are cultivated ; and on its higher branches, the apple, and wheat, rye, oats, and other cerealia. The staple vegetable, however, both in the interior and islands conti- guous to this basin, is cotton, though admitting a very wide range of staple, such as tobacco, indigo, &LC. Rice is extensively cultivated. Albemarle, one of the central cos. of Va. bndd. N. w. by the Blue Ridge which separates it from Augusta and Rockingham, on the n. e. by the western part of Orange, on the e. by Louisa and Fluvanna, on the s. by James r. which separates it from Buckingham, and on the s. w. by Nelson. Length from s. w. to n. e. 35 ms., mean width 20, and area 700 sq. ms. lat. 38° passes over very nearly the middle of the county, which is again nearly divided into two equal parts by long. 1° 30' w. W. C. The body of this co. is drained by the constituent 3 creeks of Rivanna r. which uniting below Char- lotteville, pass through the s. w. mountain, and a few ms. lower enter Fluvanna. The face of this CO. is elegantly diversified by hill and dale, whilst the Blue Ridge affords a fine n. w. border, and the more humble ridges of the south-west mountain decorate the eastern part. The soil, of course, partakes of the variety of feature from mountain, rocky and sterile, to productive river alluvion. Cf. ts.Charlotteville, Scottsville, and Warren. Pop. 1820, 19,750, 1830, 22,618. Albertsons, p-0. Duplin Co. N. C, 70 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Albion, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. Pop. 1,393. AlbIon, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y. Pop. 669. Albion, p-v. and st. jus. Edwards co. II., sit. uated between Bon Pas and Little Wabash rs. 44 ms. s. w. Vincennes, and by p-r. 733 ms. west- ward from W. C. and 92 s. e. by e. from Vanda- lia; lat. 38° 23', and Long. 11° 07' w. W. C. Albrights, p-o. Orange co. N. C. 70 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Alburg, p-t. and port of entry. Grand Isle co.Vt. 33 ms. N. Burlington, is of triangular form, 10 ms. long and on an average 3^ wide, with L. Canada line N. Missisque Bay e. and l. Champlain w., forming a point s. It was settled in 1782, by refugees who returned from Canada. The sur- face is very level, and there are no mts. or con. siderable streams. The soil is rich ; timber, ce- dar, elm, beech and maple. There is a mine- ral spring, used in scrofulous cases. Pop. 1,239. Alden, p-t. Erie co. N. Y. 22 ms. e. Buffalo, Pop. 1,257. Aldie, p-o. Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 39 ms. westward from W. C. Alexander, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. ; 8 ms. s. s. w. Batavia, is crossed by Tonne wantacr. with several branches, and has a gently varied sur- face, with a soil yielding grain, grass, &c., beech, maple, elm, ash, &c. The village is on Tonnewantacr. Pop. 2,331. Alexander, t. Washington co. Me. 30 ms. n. Machias. Pop. 334. Alexander, p-v. Athens co. 0. by p-r. 79 ms. s. E. by e. from Columbus, and 350 n. w. by w, W. C. Alexander, p-v. southern part of Montgome- ry CO. O. by p-r. 73 s. w. by av. half w. Colum- bus, and 469 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Alexander, extreme southern county of II. bounded n. by Union, Johnson n. e., the Ohio r. separating it from Mc. Crackan co. Ky. s. e. and the Mississippi r. separating it from Scott CO. Mo. s. and s. w., and from Cape Girardeau CO. Mo. w. and n. w. Length from s. to N. 25 ms ; mean breadth 18 ; and area 450 sq. ms. Lat. 37° to 37° 21'. Long. W. C. 12° 8' to 12° 35' w. This county occupies the peninsula above and between the junction of the Ohio and Misp. rs. ; the form, a rude approach to a tri- angle, the salient point southward in the direc- tion of the general slope. Cash r. or cr. a small stream rising in Union, and Johnson cos. trav- erses Alexander in another direction, falling in- to the Ohio r. about 5 ms. above its junction with the Misp. Cf. t. America. Pop. 1,390. Alexander's mills, p-o. Fleming co. Ky. ; by p-r. 86 ms. estrd. from Frankfort. Alexandria, t. Grafton co. N. H. 30 ms. n. ALF 14 ALL by w. Concord, 72 n. w. Portsmouth. On Smith's and Fowler's rs. are 2,000 acres of interval land, good for flax, potatoes and grass. Wheat and maize grow well in other parts. The moun. tainous tracts are rocky. Pop. 1,083. Alexandria, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. opposite the iOOO Isls. in St. Lawrence r. which belong to it. The shore, which extends 9 ms. is high, rocky and varied, with many bays. The St. Lawrence is 2 ms. wide. It contains Indian r. Mullet, Otter, Hyde, Plesses, and Crooked crs. with other mill streams ; and 12 ponds, | to 3 ms. long. There are many falls, and numerous fish. At the falls on Ind. r. (60 ft.) is Theresa r. That r. is navigated by boats to Rossie. The timber is maple, beech, bass, elm, red and white oak, black and white ash, hemlock, pine, &c. It is crossed by the military road from Plattsburg to Sackett's Harbor. Pop. 1,523. Alexandria, p-t. Hunterdon co. N. J. n. w. Musconetcunk r., s. w. Delaware r. ; Musco. netcunlimtn. w. Pop. 3,042. Alexandria, p-v. Huntingdon co. Penn. on Frankstown branch of the Juniatta, 10 ms. n. n. w. Huntingdon, and by p-r. 96 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. Alexandria city, s-p. p-t. and st. jus. for the CO. ofthe same name, D. C situated on the right bank ofthe Potomac, 7 ms. below the capitol in Washington. The public buildings in Alexan- dria are several churches, court-house, acade- my, &c. The streets run at right angles to each other, and nearly so to the Potomac. This city is the centre of a considerable commerce par- ticularly in the article of flour. The harbor ad- mits vessels of any draught, from ships of the line downwards. The meridian of Washington passing through the capitol, leaves the central part of Alexandria, near 3 minutes to the e. lat. Alexandria 38° 48". Pop. 1810, 7,227 ; 1820, 8,218 ; and in 1830, 8,263. Alexandria co. D. C. comprising that part ofthe Dist. ceded by Virginia, and lying s. w. from the Potomac. From s. e. to n. w. it is 10 ms. in length widening from the lower part of the city of Alexandria where it is a mere point, to a width of 4 miles from the little falls of Potomac, area about 36 sq. ms. The surface with but little exception hilly, and soil thin. It is connected with the city of Washington by a wooden bridge over the Potomac. See D. C. Pop. 1830, exclusive of the city, 1,345, and in- cluding the city, 9,608. Alexandria, p-v. and st.jus.of Rapide Parish, eituated on the right bank of Red r. about half a mile below the lower rapids in the bed of that Btream, and by water 350 ms. above New Or- leans ; and by a similar means of conveyance 65 ms. below Natchitoches. The t. is mostly comprised in a single line of houses along the r. Pop. about 800. Lat. 31° 18' N. long, from W. C. 15° 39' W. Alexandria, p-v. Smith co. Ten. by p-r. 86 ms. N. E. Nashville. Alexandria, p-v. Campbell co. Ky. by p-r. 75 ms. N E. Frankfort. Alexandriana, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C. by p-r. 151 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Alford, t. Berkshire co. Mass. 125 ms. w. Boston, E. N. Y. line, is watered by Green r. and another branch of Housatonic r. and cross- ed by a turnpike. It is on the e. declivity of Tanghkannuck mts. Pop. 512, Alfordsville, p-v. Robeson co. N, C. by p-r. 109 ms. s. s. wstrd. Raleigh. Alfred, p-t. and half-shire, York co. Me. 24 ms. N. York. Pop. 1,453. Alfred, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 10 ms. E. Angelica, W. Steuben co. is well watered by streams of Canacadea cr. Pop. 1,416. Allagua, {See Alagua.) Allegan, a new co. of Mich, bounded by Ot- taway co. n., KentN. e., Barry e., Kalamazoo co. s. E. Van Buren, s. and s. w., and lake Huron w. Breadth 24 ms., mean length from w. to e. 38 ms. and area about 900 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 35', and long. 9° w. W. C. intersect near the centre of this CO.. which lies about 150 ms. in a direct line a little n. of w. Detroit, Slope wstrd., and in that direction traversed by Kalamazoo r., which stream enters lake Mich, on the western border ofthe county. Pop. uncertain. Alleghany, important r. of wstrn, Pennsyl- vania and N. York, and one ofthe constituents of the Ohio. In strictness of Physical Geogra- phy, the Alleghany is the Ohio, of which the Monongahela is only a branch. By the Indians of different tribes, the words Ohio and Allegha. ny mean the same thing, clear or fine river, of which native names, the French term Belle Riv-^ ierewcLs a literal translation. By the Shawnese, the Alleghany was called Palawa Thepika, The remote sources of this stream are in Mc Kean and Potter co. Pa., from whence, flowing north- ward, they unite and enter the state of N. Y., over which it curves 40 ms. in Cataraugus co., and re-enters Pennsylvania, within which, in Warren co., it receives a large branch, the Co- newango, from Chatauque co. N. Y. and assu- ming a s. w. direction, to Venango, where the main stream is again augmented by a considera. ble branch, French Creek, from the N, W. Now a considerable stream, Alleghany, by a large eastern curve flows 120 ms. by compara- tive courses, to Pittsburg, where it receives the Monongahela, and forms the Ohio. Below the influx of French Creek, the Alleghany receives- no further large branch from the right, but from the left it receives Clarion r., Red Bank and Mahoning crs. and a still more important tribu- tary, the Kiskiminitas. The entire length ofthe basin ofthe Alleghany extends 173 ms. nearly along long. 2° w. Washington. The higher sourceu of Stoney cr. branch ofthe Kiskimini- tas, rise at lat. 42° 26'. The mean breadth of the basin about 70 ms. ; area 12,110 sq. ms. The position of this r. is admirably calculated to render it a great navigable chain of intercom- munication. The main volume is a boatable stream at Hamilton, N. Y. within 25 ms. from the navigable water of Genesee r. at Angelica. French cr. becomes navigable at Waterford, with a portage of only 14 ms. between that point to the navigable waters of lake Erie. These lines have already become of commercial im- portance, but on the eastern side ofthe basin, the channel of the Kiskiminitas is becoming that of a part ofthe Pa. canal. The latter great work commences on the Conemaugh, at .Tohnstown^ and follows that stream and its continuationj the Kiskiminitas to the Alleghany, which it crosses, & following the right bank to the mouth. ALL 15 ALL re-crosses, and passing through Pittsburg, en- ters the Monongahela by Lukes run. A rail road has been designed to continue from the lat- ter canal line at Johnstown, and crossing the main ridge of the Alleghany mountains, ter- minates at Frankstown on the Juniatta, from whence the chain of canal re-commences, and continues by the basins of the Susquehanna and Schuylkill to the city Philadelphia.-— /Sec Ohio basin. Alleghany, mtn. of the Appalachian system. It is an unanswerable objection to giving the name of Alleghany to the whole system, that it has been appropriated to a particular chain in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. From the basin of the Kenhawa, to that of the west- em branch of the Susquehannah through four degrees of latitude, the Alleghany is a dividing ridge between the waters flowing into the At- lantic, from those of the Ohio, giving source estrd. to the branches of James r. and the Poto- mac, and on the other side, or wstrd. to those of the Kenhawa, Monongahela, Youghioghany, and Kiskiminitas. The ridges which form tiie particular chain of the Alleghany, are not very distinctly defined, though the entire chain con- stitutes so remarkable a feature in the geogra- phy of the U. S. The length of the Alleghany is, from Monroe co. in Va. in the valley of the Kenhawa, to Centre co. in Pa. in the valley of Susquehanna, 300 ras. The height varies, but may be stated at 2500 ft. as a mean. Similar to all other chains of the Appalachian system, that of Alleghany does not rise into peaks, but stretches in parallel ridges, which, to the view from either side, presents gently rounded, and swelling knolls, or elegantly defined lines, which bound the distant horizon. The compo- nent material of the Alleghany is mostly gray- wacke, though limestones and other rocks occa- sionally occur. This chain is rich in iron and bituminous coal. Some ridges have naked sum- mits, but this feature is rare, the ridges general- ly being clothed with timber in all their height. A few mountain plains with tolerable soil for agriculture occur, but mostly, the soil is rocky and barren, and often marshy. Pine and oak the most abundant timber. — See Appalachian System. Alleghany co. N. Y. in the w. part of the state, N. Pennsylvania line, 260 ms. w. Albany, bndd. by Genesee and Livingston cos. n., Steu- ben E., Pa. s., Cataraugus and Genesee w., 40 ms. by 28, has 1120 sq. ms. It contains 13 ts., and is divided nearly equally by Genesee r. running n. with two falls 90 and 60 ft. Much of the soil is good alluvion, and the rest a gent- ly varied surface, generally better for grass than for grain. Iron is mined in the n. There is a good number of mills and manufactures. Pop. 1820, 9,330 ; 1830, 26,218. Alleghany co. of Pennsylvania, having Washington co. s. and s. w., Beaver n. w. ; But- ler N. ; and Westmoreland e. Length from e. to w. 32 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 575 sq. ms. The face of this county is in a peculiar manner diversified. Though not traversed by any mountain chain, the hills are high and swel- ling. The soil is fertile to the highest sum. mits, and in its natural state covered with a very dense forest. But it is the rs. and their varie- gated banks, which form the true decoration of this fine co. ; the Alleghany enters from the n. E. and the Monongahela from the s. e., and uni. ting at Pittsburg, form the Ohio ; the latter winding to the n. w. traverses 14 ms. of the western part of the co. To the rivers may be added Chartiers, and many other crs. which contribute to drain and fertilize the fine vales which spread over this beautiful country. For lat. and long, see Pittsburg. In ]820, the population was, i2icluding Pittsburg, 34,921, in 1830, pop. 50,652 including the city of Pittsburg, and exclusive of Pittsburg, 37,984. Alleghany, extreme western co. of Mary- land, bounded by Washington in Md. e., west branch ofthe Potomac, or Hampshire and Ha- nay counties in Va. s., Randolph and Preston COS. o/'Va. w., and Fayette, Somerset, and Bed- ford cos. in Pa. n. Extreme length along the Pa. line is 65 ms. but the breadth is very irreg- uJar : on Randolph and Preston cos. it is about 35 ms., at Cumberland about 7 ; the mean breadth 12J, superficies 800 sq. ms. This co. is traversed by the main chain of the Allegha- ny which discharges the higher branches ofthe Youghioghany to the n. w., and those of the w. branch of the Potomac to the s. e. The entire face of the country is excessively broken and rocky, yet there is much excellent arable land, some tracts of good soil even on the mountain plains. The U. S. road commences at Cumber- land, and the elevation of the country may be seen, by the fact that Cumberland stands el- evated above tide water 537 feet, and following the U. S. road 9 ms. to Frost t. the rise is 1255 ft., and is 26 ras. to the highest summit, 2289 ft. Bituminous coal abounds in the mountain bowels of this CO. which, should one or both the Balti- more and Ohio rail road, and Chesapeake and Ohio canal be completed, even to Cumberland, must become of great importance. For lat. and long, see Cumberland. In 1820, pop. 8,654, 1830, 10,609. Alleghany co. of Va., bndd. by Monroe s. w., by the Alleghany mtn. or Green Briar n. w,, Bath N. E., and Botetourt s. e. Length from n, E. to s. w. 28 ms., mean breadth 18jns., area 500 sq. ms. This co. occupies a high moun. tain valley, drained by some of the higher branches of James r. Dunlap's and Bolt's crs. rising in Monroe, flow n. e. into Alleghany, unite with Jackson's r. near Covington, and form the main western branch of James river, which continuing n. estrd, receives Cowpasture, on the N. E. border ofthe co. Lying between lat. 37° 35' and 3Ll°, and long. 3° w. W. C. and rising to a mean level, exceeding 1000 feet above the ocean tides, the seasons of this county are essentially influenced by mountain exposure, and by native height. Staples, grain, flour, &c. Cf. t. Covington. Pop. 2,816. Alleghany Bridge p-o. McKean co. Pa. by p-r. 210 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Allemance, p-v. Guilford co. N. C. 77 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Allen, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y., by p-r. 276 ms. w. Albany. Pop 898. Allen, p-v. Cumberland co. Pa., 16 ms. Har- risburg. Allen, southern and border co. Ky., bndd. by Simpson w., Warren n., Barren n. e., Monroe ALL E. and Jackson in Ten. s. Length from n. to s. 23 ms., mean width 17, and area about 400 sq. ms. Surface generally level ; soil middling. It is drained by the higher crs. of Big Barren, branch of Green r. Cf. t. Scottsville, lat. 36° 45', and long. 8° 50' w. intersect in this co. Pop. 1820, 5,327, 1830, 6,486. Allen, co. of 0. bounded s. e. by Logan, s. by Shelby, s. w. and w. by Mercer, n. w. by Van. wert, N. by Putnam, and e. by Hardin. Length from E. to w. 26 ms. breadth 24, and area 624 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 35', and long. 7° 10' w. W. C. Slope to the n. w. It is drained into the sthrn. branch of Au Glaize r., and contains the large Wapahkonetta Reserve. Chief t. Wapahkonet- ta. Pop. 1830, 578. Allen, p-o. Miami co. 0., 66 ms. wstrd, Co- lumbus. Allen, co. Ind. bounded e. by Pauldii\g co. O. ; it lies to the n. e. from Huntingdon co, Ind. To the w., N. and s. the bounding cos. uncertain. It is a square of 26 ms. each side ; area 676 sq. ms. For central lat. see Fort Wayne. Under the respective articles Maumee and Wabash rs. the peculiar structure of the country now inclu- ded in Allen co. may be seen. A canal to cross this CO. and to unite the navigable waters of Maumee and Wabash is in actual progress (See article rail-roads and canals, col. first, of page 447.) Cf. t. Fort Wayne. Pop. 1830, 996. Allen's cr. Genesee co. N. Y., 140 ms. long, enters Genesee r. in Wheatland. It waters a fertile country, which it supplies with many mill seats. It was named after an Indian robber. Allen's Ferry, and p-o. Warren co. Ten. ; by p-r. 76 ms, s. e. by e. Nashville. Allen's Fresh, p-o. Charles co. Md. by p-r. 43 ms. sthrd. W. C. Allen's Settlement, p-o. Natchitoches pa. rish, La., by p-r. 252 ms. n. w. New Orleans. Allen's store, p-o. Randolph co. N. C. by p.r. 78 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Allenstown, Merrimack co. N. H. e. Sun. cook r., 11 ms. s. e. Concord, 38 w. Portsmouth, 58 N. N. w. Boston ; contains 12,225 acres of ordinary land. The timber is oak and pine, great quantities of which are sent to Boston. Bear brook furnishes mill seats. Catamount hill supplies building granite. Pop. 484. Allensville, p-o. Mifflin co. Pa. by p.-r. 76 ms. n. wstwrd. Harrisburg. Allenton, p-o. Montgomery co. N. C. by p.r. 123 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Allenton, p.v. in the s. part of Wilcox co. Ala. 19 ms. southwardly from Canton, the st. jus. and by p.r. 132 ms. a little e. Tuscaloosa, and 931 s. w. W. C. Allenton, p-v. in the northern part of Greene CO. Ky. 15 ms. northwardly from Greensburg, the St. jus., and by p-r. 75 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Allentown, v. west corner of Upper Free- hold, Monmouth co. N. J. 11 ms. e. Trenton, on Doctor's cr. a branch of Croswick's cr. Allentown, p.v. borough and st. jus. for Le. high CO. Pa. The proper, legal name of this borough is Northampton, which see. Alligator, p.o. in the northern part of Ala. chua CO. Flor. by p-r. 110 ms. s. e. by e. from Tallahasse, and 851 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Alligator point, sthrn. extreme of Madison 16 AME CO. Flor. It is the cape on the western side, at the mouth of Suwanee r. and separates Vaca- saussa bay from Santa Fe bay. On Tanner's U. S. it is laid down at lat 29° 21', long. W. C. 6°21'w. Alloway's Creek, Salem co. N. J. empties into Delaware r. about G ms. s. of Salem, It ri- ses in the same co. Alloway's Creek, Lower t. Salem co. N. J. between AUovvay and Slow crs., n. e. Delaware river is almost connected with low lands and swamps. Pop. 1,223. Alloway's Creek, Upper p-t. Salem co. N, J. on the upper parts of Alloway's cr. Pop. 2,136. Almirante, p-o. Walton co. Flor. by p-r. 132 ms. Pensacola. Almond, p-t. Allegany co. N. Y. 12 ms. n. e. Angelica, has pretty good land, with maple, beech, bass, elm, oak, ash, and other timber. Canadea creek and branches furnish mill seats. Pop. 1804. Alna, p-t. Lincoln CO. Me. 10 ms. n. Wiscas- set. Pop. 1175. Alstain's p o. St. Mary's co. Md. by p-r. 52 ms. s. s. E. W. C. Alstead, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 12 ms. s. e. Charlesiown, 14 n. Keene, 50 w. Concord ; 24,- 756 acres ; has mill seats on Cold r. &c. War. ren's and other ponds afford many perch and pickerel. The soil is strong. There are 2 public libraries. Pop. 1559. Alton, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 22 ms. n. e. Concord, 25 n. w. Dover, s. Winnipisseogee lake and bay ; contains 23,843 acres. The soil is rough and rocky, but strong ; the timber is oak, beech, maple, pine, &c. It contains Mount Major and Prospect Hill, and part of Merry- meeting bay, which receives Merrymeeting r. Pop. 1993. Alum Bank, p-o. Bedford co. Pa. by p-r. 120 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Amasura, Amazura, or Amaxura r. of Flor. rising in the Seminole country, interlocking sources with those of St. John's and Hillsborough rs., lat. 28° 25', and flowing thence 45 ms. to the N. w., curves to the w., enters Alachua co., in. which, after a course of 30 ms. it falls into the Gulf of Mexico. Amboy, t. Oswego co. N. Y. Pop. 669, Amboy, (or Perth Amboy,) city and p-t. Mid- dlesex CO. N. J. is situated on the n. side of Raritan r. at its junction with Arthur kill sound, that separates Staten Island from N. J. and lies 25 ms. s. w. New York, and 65 n. e. Philadel- phia. The town is at the head of Raritan bay. It has an excellent harbor, easy of access, by a channel affording 21 feet of water. The Camden and Amboy rail road terminates on the s. side of the Raritan opposite this place. Perth Amboy is a port of entry for a district of the same name, the tonnage of which in 1829, was 7,510 tons. Pop. 879. Amelia, co. of Va. bndd. n. w. by Cumber- land or the Appomattox r., n. by the Appomat. tox or Povvhattan, n. e. by Appomattox or Ches- terfield, s. e. by Namazine cr. or Dinwiddle, s. by Nottaway, and w. by Piince Edward ; length from s. e. to n. w. 30 ms. with a mean width 10, area 300 sq. ms. It is drained by various crs. flowing to the north eastward, into AMH 17 AMI Appomattox. The surface is pleasantly diver- sified ; soil of middling quality. For lat. and long, see next article. Pop. 1820, 11,106 ; 1830, free whites, 3293 : slaves, 7518 ; free colored, 220 ; total, 11,031. Amelia, c. h. and p.o. Amelia co. Va. 40 ms. s. w. by w. from Richmond. Lat. 37° 13', long. 10° 11' w. W. C. Amelia, isl. of Flor. forming the eastern part of the CO. of Nassau, and the north eastern of the Territory. It is 13 or 14 ms. long, with a mean breadth of about 1 m. ; surface low and sandy. The position of this narrow strip is a little inclining from n. and s. towards n. w. and s. E. extending from the mouth of St. Mary's r. to that of Nassau. Cf. t. Fernandino. Amenia, p-t. Duchess, co. N. Y., w. Conn. 24 ms. E. N. e. Poughkeepsie, 12 ms. by 4i ; contains Great Oblong, Kent, and West mts. which are of a poor soil. It has a number of mills, &c. Pop 2,389. America, p-v. and st. jus. Alexander co. II. on the right bank of Ohio r. 13 ms. above the influx of that stream into the Misp., and by p-r. 181, though by direct r. not more than 135 ms. a very little s. of w. Vandalia. Lat. 37° 10', long. W. C. 12° 12' w. Ameriscoggin r. (See Androscoggin.) Amesbury, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 40 ms. n. e. Boston, 4 w. Newburyport, n. side of Merrimac r. s. N. H. It is celebrated for the manufac- ture of flannel. Powow r. runs through the tsp. and aflbrds excellent seats for manufactories. It is navigable to the falls, where ships of 300 tons have been built, and sent into Merrimac r. through a draw bridge at the mouth of the Powow r. Pop. 2,445. Amherst, p-t. and co. town, Hillsborough co. N. H. 28 ms. s. Concord, 47 n. w. Boston, 60 w. Portsmouth. Souhegan r. passes through it and furnishes mill seats. There are 3 ponds, called Babboosuck, Little Babboosuck, and Jo English. The soil on Souhegan r. is excellent ; on the hills it is generally good. 50 years ago, iron ore was wrought here. The alluvion is sand, with loose masses of primitive rock on the surface ; the hills primitive. Pop. 1,657. Amherst, p-v. Hampshire co. Mass. 8 ms. N. E. Northampton, 85 w. Boston, 7 e. Conn. r. Is hilly, with a very good soil. Amherst Col- lege w&s founded in 1821, and incorporated in 1825. There are 3 buildings for students, 4 stories high, containing each 32 rooms : a fourth contains a large chapel, and rooms for various purposes. A fifth college building is soon to be erected. Within the past year, a subscription for the benefit of this institution has been rais- ed, amounting to ,^50,000 ; and during the same period, large additions have been made from Europe to the Library, and Chemical and Phi- losophical apparatus, collectively valued at ,$8,- 000. Beside the President, who is professor of Mental Philosophy, and Divinity, there are 6 pro- fessors and 2 tutors. The expenses are from ^96 to $122 a year to each student. There are two parallel courses of study, one embracing the ancient languages and literature, the other mod- ern. The apparatus was obtained in Europe. Board costs $1 or J^l,50 a week. Students in 1831-2, 195. The Amherst Academy and Mount Pleasant Institutions are also in this t. The former, where youth are fitted for college, has a building 40 by 60 feet, 3 stories. The former, on the plan of a German gymnasium, has a building 200 feet long. Pop. 2,631. Amherst, Erie co. N. Y. 7. ms. e. Buffalo, 5 or 6 ms. by 17. Tonawanta creek is on the N. and its tributaries, Ellicott's, Cayuga, Con. jocketa, Skyajocketa, Seneca and Cazenove creeks run through the t. The soil is a gravel, ly loam, nearly level, bearing small oaks, and chesnuts, &c. with stony tracts. Limestone is found, with nodules of gun.flint. Williamsville, V. 11 ms. N. E. Buffalo v. has a toll-bridge 210 ft. long, and many mills. On some reserved land s. w. are some Seneca Indians. Fop. 2,489, Amherst co. Virginia ; bndd. by Bedford co. or James r. s. w. ; on the s. by .lames r. or Campbell co. ; s. e. by James river or Camp- bell and Buckingham cos. ; e. and n. e. by Tye river, or Nelson co. ; and n. e. by Blue Ridge or Rockbridge co. The form of this county is that of a parallelogram, 22 by 19 ms. ; area 418 sq. ms. It is enclosed on 2 sides s. w. and s. e. by James river, and entirely drained by the con. fluents of that stream ; general slope of the county to the southward; oceanic elevation, from 500 to 800 ft. ; with a tolerable fertile soil, the face of Amherst is beautifully variegated by a mountain, hill, and river scenery. For lat. and long, see next article. Pop. 1820, 10,483, 1830, 12,071. Amherst c-h. and p-o. Amherst co. Va, 102 ms. w. Richmond, and 15 n. n. e. Lynchburg, at lat. 37° 29' long. 2° 12' w. W. C. Amissville, p-o. Culpepper co. Va. 86 ms. s> w. W. C. and 100 n. n. w. Richmond. Amite r. of the states of Misp. and La. ; rises in the former, 40 ms. s. e. by e. from Natchez, and in Franklin co. over which, and Amite co. it flows sthrd. 35 ms. and enters La. ; continu- ing a southwardly course 50 ms. farther it re- ceives the Iberville from the w. and turning ab- ruptly to the east, falls into lake Maurepas, af- ter an entire comparative course of 100 ms. Schooners drawing 5 ft. water are navigated up this stream to Galvezton, at the mouth of the Iberville. Amite, one of the southwestern cos. of Miss. ; bounded w. by Wilkinson ; n. by Franklin ; e. by Pike ; and s. by East Feliciana and St. He- lena parishes in La. It is in form of a paral- lellogram, 30 ms. from e. to w. and 24 from n. to s. area 720 sq. ms. Surface moderately hil- ly, and though some good land is found along and near the streams, the great body of the county is sterile and covered with fine timber. The Honochitto river forms a few miles of its boundary on the n. w. and the Tangipa rises in its s. E. angles, but the central and far greater part of the surface is drained by the Amite r. Lat. 31° 15', long. 14° w. W. C. Pop. 1820, 6,859, 1830, 7,934. Amitv, Alleghany co. N. Y. Pop. 872. Amity, p-v. of Washington co. Pa. on Bane's Fork of Ten Mile cr. 10 ms. s. from Washing- ton, the CO. t., and 248 ms. wstrd. from Harris- burg. Amity, tsp. of Berks CO. Pa. Pop. 1810, 1,090, 1820, 1,279, 1830, 1,384. Amity, p-v. in the s. w. part of Trumbull co. ANC 18 AND Ohio ; 10 ms. s. w. from Warren, the st. jus. and 147 by p-r. n. e. by e. Columbus. Ammonoosuck, Lower or great r. chiefly in Grafton co. N. H. rises on the w. side of the White mts. with one of its sources coming from near the summit of Mount Wasliington, within a few rods of the source of the Saco r. which runs into the Atlantic. This stream has a s. w. course of about 50 ms. and after receiving the wild Ammonoosuck, 2 ms. from its mouth, en- ters Conn. r. between Bath and Haverhill. It has a clear current except in floods, and a valley half a m. wide. It has a fall of 40 ft., 6^ ms. from the notch in the mts. Ammonoosuck, Upper, or Little, Coos co. N. H. rises n. of the White mts. runs near to An- droscoggin r. and after an irregular course of about 50 ms. through a romantic valley 7 or 8 ms. wide, enters Conn. r. in Lancaster. Amoskeag, p-v. Hillsboro co. N. H. 16 ms, below Concord. Amoskeag Falls, Merrimack r. N. H. 48 ft. 3 in. descent in ^m. are dammed in several places, and have a canal of 1 m. with 9 locks. Cost $35,000. Amsterdam, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. n. Mohawk r. containing 72 sq. ms. Soil various, generally fertile, with alluvion on the r. Here was fort Johnson. Chuctenanda cr. falls 120 ft. in 100 rods from the Mohawk, at Amsterdam village. Pop. 3,354. Amsterdam, p-v. Botetourt co. Va. 5 ms. s. from Fincastle and by p-r. 204 w. Richmond. Amsterdam, new and rapidly increasing vil. . CO. state of Misp. situated on Big Black r. about 100 ms. by water above its influx into Misp. r. It already contains 50 dwelling hous- es, 6 dry goods stores, 2 groceries, 2 cotton warehouses, a neat church, and about 250 in- habitants. The exact location of this vil. is not given in the account from which this notice is compiled, but must stand at about 130 ms. N. N. e. Natchez, and 70 ms. n. Jackson. Amwell, p-t. Hunterdon co. N. J. 18 ms. n. Trenton. Flemington, the st. jus. of the co. is in this town. Pop. 7,385. Amwell, tsp. Washington co. Pa. Pop. 1,733. Anastatia, isld. of Flor. on the Atlantic, ex- tending 18 ms. from the harbor of St. Augus- tine, to Mantanzas Inlet, with a breadth not ex- ceeding a mean of half a m. It is a low, sandy, ocean beat reef, separated from the main land by one of the Rigolets so very common on the Atlantic and gulf coasts of the U. S. Accor- ding to Tanners' U. S. the signal tower on the northern end of the island, is at lat. 29° 50', long, 4° 29' w. W. C. Ancocus (or Rancocus") cr. Burlington co. N. J, runs N. w. enters Delaware r, 6 ms. s. Bur- lington, is navigable 16 ms. and aflibrds many mill seats. Ancram, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. 21 ms. s. e. Hudson, 51 s. Albany, formerly was included in Livingston's Manor. Ancram cr. traverses it, and supplies mills, &c. particularly Ancram Iron Works, the ore for which, is brought from Salisbury, Conn. The soil is various but gene- rally good, and is held chiefly on life leases. Charlotte Pond empties into Dove cr, a branch of Ancram cr. Pop, 1,533. Andalusia, p-v. Bucks co. Pa. by p-r. 96 ms. E. from Harrisburg. Anderson, one of the Western dists. of S. C, lying between the Savannah and Saluda rs. hav- ing Picken's dist. n. w. ; Grenville, n. e.; Abber- ville, s. E. ; and Savannah r. or Elbert co. in Geo. s. w, ; in form of a rhomb of 28 ms. each perpendicular, and about 800 sq. ms. The two new dsts. of Anderson and Pickens, were form- ed from Pendleton which is abrogated. Though bounded by Saluda on the n. e. the far greater part of Anderson is drained by the confluents of Savannah r. ; the slope sthrd. The centre of the dist. is at lat. 34-^° very nearly, and w. long. 5" 40' W. C. Chief t. Pendleton. Pop. 1830, 17,169. Anderson co. Ten. bndd. by Granger e., Knox s. E., Roane s. w., Morgan w. Campbell n. w., and Claibone n. e. Length from s. w. to n. e, 38 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 570 sq. ms, Lat. 36° 7', and long. 7«' w. of W. C. intersect near the centre of this co. The n. e. part is bndd. by, and the s. w. part traversed by Clinch r. The central section is in fact a deep valley between Cumberland mtn. and Chesnut ridge- Cf.t. Clinton, Pop. 1820, 4,674, and in 1830, 5,310. Anderson co. Ky. bndd. by Mercer s. Spen- cer w. Shelly n. w. Franklin n. and Kentucky r. which separates it from Woodford e. Length 18 ms. mean breadth 10, and area 180 sq. ms., lying between lat. 37° 58' and 38° 8' and long. 7° 46' and 8° 8' w. W. C. Though bordering on Kentucky r. Anderson is drained in most parts by the branches of Salt river, which flows wstrd. Cf. t. Lawrence. Andersonborough, p-v. Perry co. Pa. 37 ms. N. w. Harrisburg, Anderson c. h. p-o. Anderson dist. S, C. by p-r. 148 ms. n. w, by w. Columbia. Anderson's p-o. Wilson co. Ten. 34 ms. east- ward from Nashville. Anderson's Store, and p-o. Morgan co. O. by P-r. 84 ms. eastward from Columbus. Anderson's Store, p-o. Caswell co. N. C. 56 ms. N. w Raleigh. Andersontown, (or Andersonton,) p-v. and St. jus. Madison co. Ind. situated on White r. by p-r. 41 ms. n e. from Indianapolis, lat. 40° 7', long. 8° 42' w. from W. C. Andersonville, p-v. in the n, western angle of Franklin co. Ind. 20 ms. n. w, Brooksville, the St. jus. and by p-r. 50 ms. s. e. by e. Indi- anapolis. Andersonville, p-v. of Pickens dist. S. C, situated on the point of junction of Trigaloo and Seneca rivers, on which the two latter streams unite to form the Savannah r, by p-r. 152 ms. s. w. by w. from Columbia. Andes, p-t. Delaware co, N. Y. 15 ms. s. Delhi, 55 w. Kingston, 10 ms. by 15, is water, ed in the e. by Delaware r. which is navigable in rafts to Philadelphia. Tremperskill r. and branches spread over much of the town, afford- ing mill seats. There are also streams of the Little Delaware, and the Plattekill. The sur- face is hilly, and the soil rich, bearing maple, beech and hemlock. Pop. 1,860. Andes, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y. 90 ms. s. w. Alban AND 19 ANN Andover, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 61 ms. w. of Augusta, one of the most n. tsps. in the co. named. It is mountainous, a little n. of An- droscoggin r. and is crossed by one of its branch- es. There is but one tsp. between it and N. H. Pop. 399. Andover, West Surplus, t. Oxford co. Me. Pop. 119. Andover, North Surplus, Oxford co. Me. Pop. 76. Andover, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. 18 ms. N. w. Concord, has Pemigewasset r. e. and Blackwater r. s. vv, which, with their branches, supply many mill seats. There are also six ponds of pure water, with pleasant shores. The surface is very uneven, and in some places, rocky and barren, but generally of good soil. Ragged mountains are n. and Kearse- arge has its base in the western part. Popula- tion, 1,324. Andover, t. Windsor co. Vt. 20 ms. s. w. Windsor, 68 s. Montpelier, 37 n. e. Bennington ; first settled 1768. Markham's mtn. and mt. Terrible w. It has only a few head streams of Williams r. Pop. 975. Andover, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 20 ms. n. Boston, 16 w. N. w. Salem, 20 s. w. Newbury- port, on the main p-r. from Boston to Haverhill and Concord, s. e. Merrimack r. incorporated 1646, is a beautiful town, hilly, generally with good soil and farms. There is a pond 7 ms. round, whose outlet into Merrimack r furnish- es mill seats, as does Shawsheen r. There is a bank, with woollen and cotton manufactories. Phillips Academy, founded in 1778, by Samuel and John Phillips, contains about 130 students, in a building adjoining the Theological Acade- my, 40 feet by 80, and has funds to the amount of more than $50,000. It has 2 departments, Classical and English, and connected with it is a library of several hundred volumes. The Abbot Female Academy has a principal, 4 as- sistants, and about 80 pupils. The Theological Seminary here is the oldest in the U. S. and was established in 1807, chiefly by the donations of Wm.Bartlett, Moses Brown, Phebe Phillips, John Phillips, Samuel Abbot, John Norris, and his lady. It has a president, 4 ordinary' and one extraordinary professorships, and the buildings furnish accommodations for 120 students. The private donations which support the Institution amount to about $400,- 000, from which the students are partly or whol- ly instructed. A class of 40 left this Institu- tion in Sept. 1831. There is also a seminary for teachers here, established about 1830, for common and other English schools and practi- cal men." The usual English branches may be pursued in it, with mathematical and natural sciences, moral and intellectual philosophy, and even modern languages, apparatus, lectures on school keeping, &c. It has 4 terms in a year, at $5 to $8 for eaeh branch per term, including vocal music. Boarders in commons work on the farm 2 hours a day, which reduces the price to 77 cents a week. Pop. 4,540. Andover, p-v. Tolland co. Conn. 17 ms. e. Hartford. Andover, p-v. Alleghany co. N. Y. 252 ms. w. Albany. Andover, v. Byram, Sussex co. N. J. 30 ms. N. Trenton, 40 ms. w. n. w. N. Y., n. Musco- netcong r. Andover, t. Alleghany co. N. Y. Pop. 598. Andover, t. Ashtabula co. Ohio, 194 ms. n. E. Columbus. Pop. 4l4. Androscoggin, r. (or Ameriscoggin,) Me. The outlet of lake Umbagog rises in N. H. (one branch, Peabody's r. flowing from the White mts.) then passing into Me. runs e. then s. and joins Kennebec r. at Merrymeeting bay, 18 ms. from the sea. It falls 30 ft. near Lewistown. It flows between two mountainous ranges. Angelica, p-t. and cap. Alleghany co. N. Y. 260 ms. w. Albany, 40 w. Bath, 9 ms. by 30, is divided n. and s. by Genesee r. whose branches supply mill sites, and is slightly undulated with a large share of good soils, of various descrip- tions, and many kinds of forest trees. Belvi- dere v. has a bridge over Genesee r. and Ange. lica V. cofitains the county buildings, 2 ms. E. of that r. Some iron ore is found here. Pop. 998. Anglinton, P-V. Gwinnet co. in Georgia, by p-r. 98 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. Annapolis, city, seat of government for Md. and of justice in and for Ann Arundel co. is situated on the right bank of the Severn r, 3 ms. above its mouth into Chesapeake Bay, 37 ms. N. 76 E. W. C. and 30 a little e. of s. Bal- timore. The seat of government was fixed in this city in 1699 and has remained there ever since. In 1820, the popr was 2,260 ; in 1830, 2,623. Lat. 38° 58' long. W. C. 0° 31' e. St. John's College in Annapolis was founded and endowed in 1784. The number of alumni ia about 650. The present building is 3 stories high, 90 ft. long and 60 wide. Others are about to be erected. The charges in the regular col- lege bills, as stated in the President's expose, are as follows : — payable quarterly in advance. English department, $24 per annum. Prepara- tory classes, 40 do. Freshmen and Sophomore classes, 40 do. Senior and Junior classes, 50 do'. There is no commons in the college ; but good boarding, it is stated, can be procured in the city for §120 per annum. " An abatement of the college bills may be made to necessitous students ; and provision is secured for the gra- tuitous instruction of 10 students who may bring the proper testimonials for that pur- pose." Annapolis, p-v. Jefierson co. Ohio, 16 ms. n. w. by w. Steubenville. Ann Arbour, p-t. and st. jus. Washington co. Mich, situated on Huron r. by p-r. 42 ms. w. Detroit, lat. 42° 18', long. 6° 45' w. W. C. Ann Arundel co. of Md. bndd. by Calvert CO. s. Patuxent r. or Prince George's co. w. Pa- tuxent r. or Montgomery co. n. w. Patapsco r. or Baltimore co. n. and Chesapeake bay e. This CO. lies in form of a crescent 60 ms. in length from Fish cr. at the n. e. angle of Calvert, to where it touchesFrederick co. at Poplar Spring; mean breadth about 12, and area 720 sq. ms. Face of Ann Arundel is either hilly or rolling ; the soil is varied, but in general of a middling quality. The eastern part on the Chesapeake is very much indented by small rivers and bays;. Pop. 1820, 27,165 ; 1830, 28,295 APP Annsville, Oneida co. N. Y. Pop. 1,481. ANNSville, p-v. Dinwiddle co. Va. by p-r. 57 ms. southwardly from Richmond. Annville, p-v. Lebanon co. Pa. 17 ms. e. Harrisburg. Anson, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 12 ms. n. w. Norrldgewock, 40 Augusta. Pop. 1,533. It lies w. Kennebec r. and is crossed by 7 mile brook, in the s. part of the co. Anson, border co. of N. C. bndd. by the co. of Mecklenburg w. Rocky r. or Montgomery N. Yadkin r. or Richmond e. and by Chester- field dist. in S. C. s. Length from e. to w. 33 ms. mean breadth 23, and area 760 sq. ms. The slope of this county is to the n. e. and estrd. ; face of the country broken. Cf. t. Sneadsbo- rough. N. lat. 35° and long. 3° w. from W. C. intersect in the eastern part of the co. Pop. 1820, 12,534, 1830, 14,095. Anson gold mines and p-o. Anson co. N. C. about 140 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Anthony's Kill, a mill stream, running from Long and Round lakes into Hudson r. between Half moon and Stillwater. Anthony's cr. and p-o. north eastern part of Green Briar co. Va. by p-r. 195 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Anthony's Nose, mt. N. Y. There are 3 or 4 hills or mts. by this name, in different parts of the state, which bear some resemblance to a human nose ; 2 in the Highlands, e. Hudson r. 1 in Johnstown, n. Mohawk r. Antietam cr. of Pa. and Md. rises in Frank- lin CO. of the former, and entering the latter, flows sthrd. past Hagerstown in Washington co. falls into the Potomac. Antioch, p-o. Marengo co. Ala. about 80 ms. a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa. Antistown, p-v. Huntingdon co. Pa. by p-r. 124 ms. wstrd. from Harrisburg. Antrim, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 30 ms. w. by s. Concord, 20 n. w. Amherst, 67 n. w. Boston ; contains 21,743 acres, w. Contoocook r. is hilly with much good land, especially the river alluvion ; n. branch supplies mill seats. The w. part is mountainous, but affords good pasturage. Gregg's Pond covers 200 acres, and is 80 feet deep, with many perch and pike ; there are 5 others. The soil is generally gra- velly loam, good for grass, corn, oats, flax, &c. apples, maple beech, birch, ash, elm, hemlock, &c. with very little white pine. First settled 1768. Pop. 1,309. Antrim, tsp. Franklin co. Pa. bordering on Washington co. Md. Pop. 3,831. Antwerp, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. 170 ms. n. w. Albany, 8 ms. by 13, has an uneven surface, with much good soil for grass and grain, well watered by Oswegatchie and Indian rivers. It contains 2 p-vs. Antwerp and Oxbow. Pop. 2,411. Aplington, p-v. and st. jus. Columbia co. Geo. 21 ms. N. N. w. from Augusta, and 70 ms. n. E. by E. from Milledgeville in Geo. Lat. 33° 32', and long. w. from W. C. 5° 20'. Apollo, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. by p-r. 222 ms. wstrd. from Harrisburg. Appalaciiee Bay. This term has been given to a rather undefined expanse of water spread- ing from Apalachicola bay and St. George's 20 APP island, estrd. to the coast of Madison co. in Flor. bndd. inward by the Ocklockonne and St. Mark's bays, and merging outwards by no as- signable limit into the Gulf of Mexico. As a navigable inlet, Appalachee bay is of little con- sequence ; but it gains importance as being the channel of entrance to Tallahasse, and afford- ing 7 ft. water to St. Mark's. The wide and shoaly bank, which obstructs the coast from Espiritu Santo to Vacassaussa, continues unin- terrupted to the bay of Appalachee, where its breadth is reduced to about 3 ms. and a chan- nel found to enter the river St. Mark. This channel is accessible to vessels drawing 10 ft. and affords to them a good anchorage 8 ms. from St. Mark. Vessels drawing 8 ft. can at high tide reach St. Mark. The distance along the coast, from Vacassaussa bay, mouth of Su- wanee, to Appalachee bay, mouth of St. Mark's r. is about 95 ms. ; and the latter bay offers the only anchorage to be found from the bay of Espiritu Santo, that is to say, on an extent of coast of about 230 ms. — {Vide Engineer's Re- port.) Appalachee, small r. of Geo. and w. branch of Oconee, rises about lat. 34° in Jackson and Gwinnett cos. flows s. e. 50 ms. and falls into the Oconee between Magan and Green COS. Appalachian system of Mountains. This though in no part very elevated system, is amongst the great distinguishing and prominent features of the earth. Composed of several chains, the outline of the entire system is very difficult to designate, but an attentive observer on the course of its rivers, and on the physiog- nomy of the adjacent sections of the continent, will very soon perceive irresistible evidence that the Appalachian system extends far beyond, and on all sides, from what may be drawn as its axis line. If we commence on the s. w. the system becomes prominent between the Tombigbee and Black Warrior or Tuscaloosa rs. and extends thence to the n. estrd. within the U. S. something above 1500 ms. This length by no means terminates the chains in either direction, as they are protruded very dis- tinctly to the s. w. of Tombigbee r. and into the state of Mississippi ; and in the opposite extre- mity down the St. Lawrence r. to near the mouth of that stream, and the whole system falls little if any short of 1800 ms. in length. Taken transversely, the width of the system is very dif- fEcult to determine. As a mean, the actual prom- inent chains dilate to a width which maybe safely estimated at 150 ms. ; or the Appalachian sys- tem in the U. S. comprise within their distinct chains an area of 225,000 sq. ms. This immense mountainous region gives source and course to innumerable streams, which find their respective recipients in the Gulf of Mexico, s. w., the basin of St. Law- rence N. E., and the Atlantic e. and s. e. Un- der the respective articles, Alleghany, Blue Mountains, and Blue Ridge, will be given much of the matter necessary to a detailed view of the system of which they form important parts. There is one feature, however, of this system, which at the risk of repetition we shall notice in this place. The common belief that mts. APP 21 APP are the superlative of hills, is erroneous in eve- ry respect, for if such was the fact, no system of mts. could be distinct, as the slopes would have a gradual rise from the oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers, and would appear every where merely broken by the hilly protuberances, and must ap- pear without lateral chains. If we take the Appalachian chains as examples, we at once behold not only the specific but generic differ- ences between them and hills. The mountain chains stretch with generally a rude, but often a very symmetrical approach to parallelism. The rivers flow along the deep vallies between, or cut the chains at near right angles. These recip- rocal phenomena, give to the joint mountain and river scenery of the U. S. a very interesting as- pect. The rivers flow in such regular general courses as to, in some degree, justify suspicion that the maps were made from hypothesis ; but if our maps err on this subject, the error is on the other side, in not following the natural regu- larity with sufficient care. This regularity is in a particular manner conspicuous in the De- laware, Susquehannah, Potomac, James and Roanoke rivers, of the Atlantic slope, and is by no other streams shown more conspicuously than by the Ohio, and confluent rivers on both slopes of its valley. This geological structure is again demonstrated by the St. Lawrence ba- sin on an immense scale. But the most re- markable, indeed we may say astonishing fea- ture in the great outlines of the U. S. is the great conformity of the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the interior curves of the Appalachian sys- tem. The ledge of rock, over which so many of the Atlantic rivers are poured into tide wa- ter, is in reality the outer visible ' chain of the Appalachian system. Within the outer ledge, and generally at the distance of from 15 to 20 miles, extends the first elevated chain. Here we may be permitted to notice the great defect of delineation on our maps, as not only this outer, but the second chain also, is generally omitted, or marked in distinct and distant ridges. The Blue Ridge is the first chain to which a con- spicuous representation is given on our best maps. Thence with some unnecessary confu- sion the three main chains, the Kittatinny, Alle- ghany proper, and what is called in Tennessee, and between Virginia and Kentucky, the Cumber- land Mountain, are tolerably marked. Between the extremes of the system, the Appalachian chains deflect greatly from an uniform course. Towards the southern extreme in Ala. Geo. Tenn. N. C, and as far as the basin of Roanoke in Va. the direction of the chains is considera- bly east and west of n. e. and s. w. ; over the residue of Va., and over Md., or to the valley of Potomac, the course is very nearly s. w. and N. E. In Penn. the system again deflects to the east of N. E. and which direction is continued into the basin of the Delaware. Thence over the basins of Hudson and Connecticut, the chains range a little east of n. It is evident that with the sources of Connecticut, another and great inflection takes place to the n. e., but dim as is the sight on many sections of this system to the s. w. of the St. Lawrence basin, it may be literally considered as immersed in darkness beyond to the n. e., though there is 4 sufficient evidence to sustain the theory that the system is continued into Labrador. The Atlantic tides traverse the Appalachian chains by the channel of the Hudson, and pene- trate still farther inland in that of St. Lawrence but in the latter instance the ocean swell is ar- rested before reaching the interior chains. The rivers appear to have been in no instance influ- enced in their recipients by the Appalachian chains. The St. Lawrence has its remote foun- tains far to the interior of the system ; the Sus- quehanna also to the wstrd. of all the chains but one or two of inferior elevation. From the Susquehanna to the southwestward, as far as the Altamaha inclusive, the Atlantic rivers derive their sources within the system, and pierce the chains in their respective courses towards the Atlantic. On the other side, similar remarks apply to the confluents of Ohio, which also rise within, and break through, the Appalachian chains in their courses towards their recipient. A minute survey of this system is a real desid- eratum, and would determine the direction of the vallies, their elevation above tide water, and the navigable obstructions or facilities in the channels of the streams. Much has indeed been done to obtain element for a correct map of the Appalachian system, but the surveys be- ing detached the elements lie scattered. The following being founded mostly on actual sur- vey is given as a general view. If we open a book about the middle, and place it reversed on a table, and then trace pencil lines obliquely over both sides and over the hinge part of the binding, it will afford a strong resemblance to the manner by which the Appalachian chains traverse the U. S. Again, if we commence at' the channel of the Hudson, not only the chains, but the base on which they stand, rise, until in N. C. from whence issue the sources of Yad- kin and Great Kenhawa, the elevation of the cultivated vallies exceeds a mean of 2000 feet, whilst in the opposite direction the rise is still more abrupt, as the farms along the higher con- stituent streams of Connecticut r. also exceed a mean of 2000 feet. The vallies thus we see, have an ascent from tide water, but they are re- spectively table lands. For instance, if we suppose the mountains taken away, we would find the vallies between them, as they now exist, separated by immense buttresses, and their ap- pearance would be similar to terraces in a slo- ping garden. It is this declination and relative level which gives such variety to the climate of the Appa- lachian regions, in which relative latitude is on- ly one, and not in many cases the most impor- tant element to determine relative temperature. As a general rule it may be adopted safely, that proceeding from, or advancing to the At- lantic coast to or from the mountain valleys, that the climate changes as rapidly, if not more so, than in a similar distance proceeding north or south. From this constitution of the moun. tain system arises also the fact, that the sum- mer climate of the southern part of the Appa- lachian system is so delicious. If, indeed, we stretch our view over the whole system, we find the air, water, and earth pre-eminently combining to give advantages to human society. APP 22 APP In a state of nature, with very small compara- tive exceptions, the whole Appalachian region was covered with a dense forest. Along the actual chains, evergreen trees, mostly terebin. thine species prevail ; and in the intermediate vallies, oaks and hickories abound. Around the southern extreme, and spreading to the At- lantic ocean and gulf of Mexico, extend almost interminable pine forests. Separate and min- gled with these more general species, grow in- numerable other forest trees, and indigenous vegetables of more humble individual magni- tude. Though the valuable minerals yet disco- vered in this great physical section are not spe- eifically very numerous, the quantity and intrin- sic importance of those actually discovered ful- ly compensate for the absence, or perhaps only non-discovery of others. Iron ore, mineral coal, limestone, and marble, all abound. Of these, iron ore is the most abundant, and most widely distributed. This most indispensable of all me- tallic productions is already extracted to great extent, and presents the security of an abun- dance beyond hmnan power to exhaust. Gold has recently been one of the produc- tions of ihe sthm. part of the Appalachian region, and is already extracted from its native beds to no mean amount ; whilst a far more valuable fos- sil, mineral salt {muriate of Soda,) has long been produced in various parts of the western side of the system. Lead and copper are also found, though in no very great abundance, and extract- ed from various parts, and indications of other metals are discovered. In external appearance, the Appalachian chains are composed in the far greater part of long regular ridges, in which the intervention of peaks are rare. The com- ponent rocks are specifically much varied, but a rock which has received the name of Gray Wacke is predominant. Granite, gneiss, and limestone exist in immense quantities, though the latter seldom or ever form any great part of the real mountain mass. Along the north-west- ern side of Blue Ridge, from Vt. to the Caroli- nas, extend beds of limestone which, spreading from the mountain base, from three or four to eight or ten miles wide, underlays the super- strata. This is probably one of the most ex- tensive calcareous formations of the earth, but it is only one of those presented on the Appala- chian surface. Expanding towards the Ohio are again limestone tracts, which give fertility to spaces already brought into cultivation, and admitting an incalculable density of population. In fine, the Appalachian system may be regard- ed as the skeleton of the eastern section of the U. S., but a skeleton comprising some of the richest treasures of the globe, and in the water falling over its rough exterior, affording a pow- er, which in the hands of an intelligent people leaves no limit to mechanical operation. In its rivers, which have already torn away the rocky fragments from their channels, commercial routes are already traced, and an incalculable amount of human labor saved. The chains of this system compose at once the ornament, and the boldest outline of the fine country over which they extend. (See under their respective heads the principal chains of the system.) Appalachicola Bay, or the estuary of Appa- lachicola r. This bay, properly speaking, is composed of two connected parts — St. George's Sound, and Appalachicola Bay proper. St. George's Sound. The shoal which ex- tends all along and parallel with the coast, makes out abruptly at Ocklockony bay to the s. for a distance of about 12 ms. and projects from South Cape. West of this Cape, it re-assumes its parallel course to the coast, and may be con- sidered as terminating at Cape San Bias ; on this distance it forms the basin of the islands whicli cover St. George's Sound. These islands are three in number. To the n. e. towards Ock- lockony, the first is Dog Island, 6 ms. long. Thence, stretching first s. w. by w. and thence with a projection to n. w. extends to St. George's Island, 30 ms. in length. Continuing the course of the N. w. curve of St. George's Island, ex- tends to St. Vincent's Island, 9 ms. long. The water distance from the e. to the w. end of the Sound is about 50 ms. The width at its east- em extremity, is about 4 ms. and n. from Cape St. George, about 9 ms. The Sound can be en- tered by any of the passes ; one round the east- ern point of Dog Island, the second between this island and St. George's Island, the third be- tween St. George's Island and St. Vincent's Isl- and. The first, called the eastern pass, offers a depth of 14 ft. at low tide, and this depth is found on a width of 600 yards, on a bar which lies at about 2^ ms. from the Sound. The se- cond or middle pass, has a least depth, at low tide, of 15 ft. on the bar ; its channel is con- tracted between the shoals which make out of the two islands ; the width on the bar, for 15 ft. water, is about 650 yards ; the entrance is on Dog Island side. The distance between Dog and St. George's Islands is three ms. The third pass, called the main pass, has a width, on the bar, of 300 yards, for a depth of 14 or 15 ft. at low tide. The bar lies s. eastward of Flag Isl. and, and about 2 ms. s. w. of the entrance into the Sound. Between St. Vincent's Island and the main shore, called the Western or Indian pass, the depth, it is said, admits only canoes. From the eastern to the middle pass, St. George's Sound affords from 9 to 18 ft. water ; but hence wstrd. to the main pass, it is so obstructed by banks as to admit vessels of 6 ft. draught only. Mean rise of tide, 2.^ ft. as 15 days observa- tion ; s. w. wind prevailing. Appalachicola Bay is the mere opening of the r. of that name into St George's Sound. Its entrance into the sound is upwards of 5 ms. wide. The distance in a s. w. direction, from the main pass between St. George's and St. Vincent's islands to the w. point on the bay, is about 12 ms., but interve- ning obstructions compel vessels bound up or down, to curve estrd. which increases the dis- tance 6 ms. Vessels drawing 10 ft. can anchor in the bay, but only 7^ can be carried up and in. to the river. Vessels drawing from 5 to 5^ ft. can be navi- gated between Appalachicola bay and Ocklock- ony bay, by keeping not far from the shore, and entering St. George's Channel at its eastern end. Except the Capes of St. George and St, Bias, the out shore of the islands covering the sound maybe considered as bold, within a short dis- tance from the land. — {Vide Engineer's Report.) APP 23 ARC Appalachicola, r. and basin of the U.S. in Ala. Geo. and Flor. The r. is formed by the united streams of the Chattahoochee and Flint rs. The Chattahoochee rises in Habersham co. Geo. lat. 31° 50', and between long. 6° 7' w. from W. C. interlocking sources with Savannah, Hi- wassee, branch of the Tennessee, and Etowah branch of Coosa r. Flowing thence s. w. by comparative courses 200 ras. to lat. 33°, where it assumes a southern course of 200 ms. to its junction with Flint r. at lat. 30° 42'. It is a sin- gular feature in the character of Chattahoochee valley, that in a length of 320 ms. it is in no place 50 ms. wide, and does not average a ■width of more than 30 ms. giving to this length- ened valley only a superficies of 9,600 sq. ms. Flint r. rises in Coweta, Campbell, Fayetie, and Henry cos. of Geo. between the main volume of Chattahoochee, and the sources of the Oakmul- gee, and flowing thence s. s. e. by comparative courses, 120 ms. nearly parallel to the latter, thence inflects to s. s. w. 100 ms. to its junction with Chattahoochee. Though comparatively wider, the valley of Flint, like that of Chatta- hoochee, is narrow. In Dooley and Lee cos. of Geo. where, in lat. 32° the valley of Flint is widest, the breadth is only 65 ms. and the en- tire valley does not exceed a mean of 35 ms. or about 7000 sq. ms. The Appalachicola is form- ed by the united waters of Chattahoochee and Flint, which, assuming a course a little e. of s., receiving from the n. w. the small r. Chissola, and not even a large creek from the opposite slope, after flowing 70 ms. falls into Appalach- icola bay by several channels, at lat. 29° 46' and exactly on long, 8° W. C. The Mississippi and Appalachicola are the only confluents of the Gulf of Mexico in the U. S. which protrude deltas at their mouths, and the latter, compared with its length of course, of all rivers of the U. S. presents the greatest variety of climate. This basin stretches through 5^° of lat. and ri- sing on a mountainous region, elevated at least 2000 ft. above the surface of the Mexican Gulf, or an equivalent in relative height to 5° of lat. the difference of temperature at the extremes must equal near 10°. The entire superficies in the basin of Appalachicola, is 19,700 sq. ms. of a dry, and, except near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, a broken, and near the superior sources, a mountainous country. Though less in volume than the Mobile, it is comparatively a more navigable stream. Sea vessels ascend to the junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee. The Appalachicola r. has three outlets into the bay of the same name. The first, a straight chan. nel, close to the right shore, and through which 5 feet only can be carried at low tide. Second, the main channel, which is very crooked, bends in a semicircle towards the e. and affords up to the r. a depth of 7^ ft. Thirdly, the swash, or N. E. channel, which comes into the main chan- nel 3 ms. from the bar, and presents a depth of 5 ft. through. It must be remarked, that the tide makes earlier in the first channel than in the others. The mean rise of tide has been If ft. for ten days observation. The bay of Appalach. icola cannot admit, at low tide, vessels drawing more than 10 feet. — (Vide Engineer's Report.) Apple r. small stream rising in the N. W. Ter. flows southwardly into II., traverses Joe Daviess co. and falls into the Mississippi, about 20 ms. below Galena. Apple RrvER, p-v. on the r. of the same name, Joe Daviess co. II. about 20 ms. s. e. by e. Gale- na, and by p-r. 310 ms. n. n. w. Vandalia, and 974 ms. W.C. AiPLETON, p-t. Waldo CO. Me. 35 ms. n. e. Wiscasset, 35 w. s. w. Augusta, between St. George's and Muscongus rs. which pass Warren and Waldoboro' to the sea. Pop. 735. Appling CO. of Geo. bndd. s, by Ware, s. w. by Irwin, w. by Telfair, n. w. by Montgomery, or the Ocmulgee r., n. and n. e. by Tatnall or the Altamaha r. and e. by Wayne. Length along the sthrn. boundary 40, mean width 25, and area 1,000 sq. ms. The northern part is drained by small crs. flowing into the Ocmulgee or Altama- ha rs., but the central, southern, and more than half the whole area is watered by various branches of Santilla r. (For lat. and long, see Applingville.) Pop. 1820, 1,264, 1830, 1,468. Applington, (or Columbia Court House,) p-v. and St. jus. Columbia co. Geo. 21 ms. n. w. by w. Augusta, and by p-r. 81 ms. n. e. by e. Mil. ledgeville. Lat. 32° 32', long. 5° 20' w. W. C. Applingville, (or Appling Court House,) now Holmesville p-o. and st. jus. for Appling co. Geo. lat. 31° 16', long. 5° 28' w. W. C, in a direct line about 100 ms. s. w. by w. Savannah, and 120 s. s. e. Milledgeville. Letters intend- ed for this place ought to be directed to Holmes- ville, or Appling Court House. Appomattox, r. of Va. rising in Buckingham and Prince Edward cos. and flowing thence by a very crooked channel, but by a general east- ern course, with the cos. of Prince Edward, Amelia, Dinwiddle, and Prince George on the right, and Buckingham, Cumberland, Powhatan, and Chesterfield on the left, falls into James r. after a comparative course of 90 ms. The tide ascends the Appomattox, to the falls of Peters- burg, about 20 ms. above the mouth, and thus far contains depth of water for large merchant vessels. This stream drains a very fine sec- tion of Virginia, between lat. 37° 33' and 37° 26'. Appociuinimink, small r. or cr. of New Castle CO. Del. rising in Kent and Ccecil cos. Md. in- terlocking sources with Sassafras r. of Chesa- peake bay, and flowing thence eastwardly, falls into Delaware bay, below Reedy island. Aquackanack, t. Essex co. N. J. w. Passaic r., 9 ms. N. Newark. Boat navigation extends to the village. AauAsco, p-v. Prince George's co. Md. situa- ted on the right bank of Patuxent r. 34 ms. s. e. W.C. Aquia, p-o. Stafford co. Va. on a small cr. of the same name, by p-r. 42 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Ararat, p-o. Patrick co. Va. by p-r. 311 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Arbela, p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. by p-r. 47 ms. estrd. Harrisburg. Arcadia, p-v. Wayne co. N. Y. Pop. 3,774. Arcadia, p-v. Morgan co. II. by p-r. 122 ms. N. w. Vandalia. Arcola, p-v. Lawrence co. Ind. by p-r. 82 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. ARK 24 ARK Ard's Bluff, p-o. on Pearl r. Marion co. Misp. about 120 ms. s. e. by e. Natchez. Arena, new co. Mich., bndd. s. w. by Mid- land, by Gladwin w., on the north by the unap- propriated part of the territory, and on the E. and s. E. by Saginaw bay. Breadth from s. to N. 24 ms., mean length 30, and area 720 sq. ms. Lat 44° and long. 7° w. W. C. The centre of the CO. lying a little e. of n. n. w. 130 ms. from Detroit. Slope estrd. Population uncertain. Argyle, t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 326. Argyle, p-t. Washington co. N. Y., 6 ms. s. Sandy Hill, 44 n. Albany, e. Hudson r. has an undulated surface, pretty good soil, with several ponds and mill streams, and 2 villages, Argyle and Fort Miller, where is a bridge over Hudson T. Pop. 3,459. Arkansas, r. of the U. S. and of the Mexican province of Texas, rises in the eastern vallies ofthe Rocky or Chippewayanmts. about lat. 42°, and long. 31° w. W. C. interlocking sources with those of Lewis r. branch of Columbia, the main volume of Platte r. of Mo., opposite to those of St. Buenaventura, ofthe Pacific ocean, and the Rio Grande del Norte. Flowing 200 ms. s. e. nearly parallel to the Rio Grande, the Arkansas assumes an easterly course of 400 ms. to its junctujn with the Negracke, and re- turns to the course of s. e. 250 ms. to the en- trance of the great western confluent, the Ca- nadian r. This r. is the great southwestern confluent of the Arkansas, and as laid down by Maj. Long, rises in the mtns. of New Mexico, 27° of long. w. W. C, and between lat. 33° and 37°. Rising in the eastern vallies of a rather elevated chain, the two main, and numerous minor branches of the Canadian pursue a gene- ral eastern course over 9° of long., the various branches first uniting into one stream, which joins the Ark. at lat. 35°, and long. 18° w.V/. C. The valley of the Canadian r. is in length about 500 ms. with a mean breadth of 100 or area 50,000 sq. ms. The far greater part of this physical section is an open, unwooded series of plains, or rolling prairie. The soil is sterile, and partakes much ofthe character ofthe step- pes of northern Asia. Maj. Long, in 1817, found the bed of this r. almost dry, and himself and party were exposed to great suffering from want of water, on the banks of a river, following its windings, perhaps a thousand miles from its source. The valley of the Canadian is in fact, a part of a real North American desert. The Canadian drains the space eastward from the sources of Rio Grande del Norte, and between that of Arkansas and Red r. About one half of this valley is e. of the 100th deg. w. from Greenwich, of course in the U. S. Below their junction, the united waters of the Arkan- sas and Canadian rs. pierce the Arkansas mts. and flow s. e. 250 ms. to their final union with the Mississippi, at lat. 33° 56', and long. 14° 10' w. W. C. Ofthe confluents of the Arkan- sas, the first rank is due to the Canadi- an river. The latter, though long known by name, has been but recently sufiiciently ex- plored, to enable geographers to assign its due rank. As laid down from Maj. Long's discov. eries, this r. by two great branches, rises in the mts. of New Mexico, as far wstrd. as 28° from W. C. and within 40 ms. from the main stream ofthe Rio del Norte, between the towns of Santa Fe and Taos, and between the sources of Arkansas proper and those of Red r. and be- tween lat. 34° 30' and 37° 30'. From this mountainous origin, the Canadian, by two branches, called relatively North and South Canadian rs., flows over the wide central plains of North America by a course of e. a little s., the two streams generally at from 40 to 60 or 70 ms. asunder, gradually approach each other, and finally unite, after a comparative course of upwards of 700 ms. Besides the two middle or principal branches of Canadian r., there are beside many smaller, one the s. e. Fork, a stream 300 ms. long, rising between the southern Canadian, and the branches of Red r. and falling into the main Canadian below the junction of its two great constituents. Below the union of all these confluents, the Canadian, after an easterly course of about 50 ms. joins the Arkansas at lat. 35°, and 18° w. W. C. and directly on the western side ofthe Arkansas mts. Betv/eenthe Kansas and Osage branches of Missouri, the Arkansas rats, and Arkansas r. a space of about 10,000 sq. ms. is drained by Verdegris, Neosho or Grand, and Illinois rivers, which flow sthrd. into Arkansas, which they join wstrd. from the Arkansas mts. The entire surface contained in the Arkansas valley, above the mountains, is at least 170,000 sq. ms. Be- low the mountain pass, the Arkansas valley, in a length of 250 ms. does not average a width above 40 miles, or 10,000 sq. ms. Combining the two sections, the entire surface drained by the Arkansas and all its confluents, amounts to 178,000 sq. ms. The geographic position of this valley is between lat. 34° and 42°. In com- parative geography, the river of Europe, which in course and extent most nearly approaches the Arkansas, is the Danube. By actual calculation, the Arkansas flows s. 65°, e. a fraction above 1,300 statute ms. in a direct line from source to mouth. The Danube flows s. 82°, e. within an inconsiderable fraction of 1,470 ms. The sub- valHes of the Danube are something more ex- tensive than those of Arkansas, but in a general view, if even the inflections of those two great rs. are compared, the resemblance is very strong, and if White r. was included in Arkan- sas valley, as it might be without much violence to correct analogy, the two valleys would pre. sent features peculiarly similar. But with the outline and general course of the main and minor volumes ofthe Danube and Arkansas, all resemblance between these rivers ceases. The latter, indeed, in many essential physical fea- tures, bears a striking resemblance to the Nile, though taken as a whole, the Arkansas stands alone among the rivers ofthe earth. Rising on a mountainous table land of probably 5,000 feet elevation, and entering the Mississippi where the river level does not exceed that of the ocean 150 ft. the actual depression of slope is equal to 12 degrees of latitude, giving a difference oftem- perature of 20 degrees. The far greater part of the inclined plane falling from the Chippe- wayan towards the Arkansas mts. is naked of timber and sterile, scarce of fountain water and presenting a perfect model ofthe central step- ARK. i pes of Asia. In the winter and spring, or in the rainy season, the streams bear down immense masses of water, whilst in autumn and in the early part of winter, they are dwindled to mere rills where any stream continues ; but in the Canadian, even that feature ceases, and the bed of the river becomes in September, October and November, a lengthened line of dry sand, and in many places, miles intervene without even a remaining stagnant pond. Those harsh fea- tures are softened rather than changed, below the mountains marked in Tanner's maps as Ozark mts. ; prairies still continue, though less extensive and less sterile than those more westward. Springs of fresh water also in- crease, approaching the inundated plains near the Mississippi, but in a general view, the en- tire valley of Arkansas may be regarded as naked and rather sterile. To this character, the most striking exception is afforded by the inundated border near the Mississippi. With- out including minute bends, the Arkansas flows 300 ms. from the mouth of Canadian, to its own influx into the Mississippi. This part of the valley does not exceed a mean breadth of 50 miles, the tributary streams are of course small ; prairies gradually cease, and approach- ing the great recipient, an annually overflowed and deeply wooded plain, terminates the length- ened valley of Arkansas. The inundations of this great though secondary river, are as regu- lar as those of the Mississippi, but from the position of the valley, the discharge of the Ar- kansas is less in quantity in a given time, than might be expected. The water of the Missou- ri, a milky blue, and that of the Ohio, a blackish green, are very distinct from the ochreous red water of the Arkansas, which latter again dif- fers from the brighter red volume of Red river. The great Arkansas flood reaches the Delta in May, and early in June, preceding the tide from Missouri and the higher Mississippi, and near- ly simultaneous with that of the Ohio. Arkansas, Ter. of the U. S. bounded w. by the yet imorganized territory formerly a part of La., N. by the state of Mo., e. by the Mississip- pi r., and s. by the state of La. On Taimer's map of the United States the ter. of Ark. is made commensurate on the w. with the state of La. or 17° 30' w. long. W. C. having outlines in common with La. on lat 33° of 190 ms., on the Mexican province of Texas about 40 ms., along the western ter. of the U. S. 210, in com- mon with the state of Mo. along lat. 36° 30' 266 ms., down St. Francis r. to lat. 36° 50 ms., along lat. 36° to the right bank of the Missis- sippi r. 34 ms., down the right bank of the Mis- sissippi r. to the N. E. angle of La. 360 ms., en- tire outline 1140, lying between lat. 33° and 36° 30', and between long. 12° 44' and 17° 30' w. W. C. The ter. within these outlines, em- braces an area of 54,860 sq. ms. lying so very compact as to approach a square of 234 ms. each side. Ark. is naturally divided into three distinct sections. The e. section, along the Mississippi, White, St. Francis, and Ark. rs. is mostly level, and in winter and spring, except the margin of the streams, liable to inundation. With some prairie, this e. section is covered with a dense forest. The soil, where arable, is 5 ARK very productive. The middle section, watered by the higher branches of White r., by the main volume of Arkansas, the higher branches of Ouachitta, and by Red r. is broken, in part rath- er mountainous, and presenting extensive prai- ries. The w. and n. w. section is mountainous, with extensive prairies. Though an interior re- gion. Ark. is in a high degree supplied with navi. gable streams. Beside the Misp. which forms the eastern boundary, St. Francis rises in Mo., and flowing s. enters Ark., over which it flows 120 ms., falls into the Mississippi, about 60 ms. above the mouth of White r. The latter, a much more considerable stream, rises in the s. part of Mo. by two great branches. White r. proper and Black r., which, uniting in Ark. flows below the junction 120 ms. and falls into the Missis- sippi, 15 ms. above the mouth of Arkansas r. Though impeded by shoals, the Arkansas is a navigable r. far above the limits of the territory to which it gives name. The Ouachitta rises by numerous branches in the Masserne moun. tains, between Arkansas and Red rs. and is navigable at high water with boats of considera- ble size, by the bends 200 ms. within Arkansas. Redr. traverses the extreme s. w. angle of the territory. It may be doubted whether in this large ter. there is one spot 100 ms. from a navi- gable water course. The St. Francis, White, and Arkansas rs. form navigable channels with, in the ter. into the Mississippi, whilst the Red r. and its confluent the Ouachitta, leave the ter., traverse Louisiana, and finally join the same great recipient. The mineral wealth of Ark. has been too imperfectly developed to admit definite notice. The immense salt prairies or steppes of the interior, give a brackish taste to the water of Arkansas. Numerous salt springs are scattered over the country. Indications of lead and iron are numerous. Some lead has been smelted, but not in large quantity. As a whole, Arkansas may be regarded as a barren country, though scattered over the entire extent, tracts of exuberantly fertile soil occur. If we compare it with La., and from what I have seen of both these two regions, they appear remark- ably similar in the relative extent of arable to unproductive soil in each, respectively, the cultivateable surface would be about as one to four. The diflerence of latitude and elevation, give to the respective sections of Ark. a much greater range of temperature, than from its ex- tent could be expected. Cotton can be cultiva- ted to advantage on the s. and s. e. sections ; but advancing up the streams and rising to a much higher elevation, the temperature falls, and small grain succeeds well. On the whole, the climate of Arkansas may be considered as excessively variable ; that of the s. resembles Louisiana, whilst towards the n. and w. the seasons approach those of Missouri. Amongst the curiosities of Arkansas, may be particularly mentioned the Hot Springs. These fountains, with a temperature near that of boiling water, are 47 ms. s. w. by w. from Little Rock, on the Arkansas, and near the main stream of Washi- tau. They became a place of resort for inva- lids about 1800, and have increased in reputa- tion. The adjacent country is rocky, sterile, and mountainous, the water pure, and air elas- ARK 26 ASC tic, affording a most delicious retreat from tire summer and autumn temperature of Louisiana and South Arkansas. The Washitau is navi- gable with steam boats to within 30 ms. vof the springs. Arkansas being yet a territory, the government is therefore not permanently fixed, which precludes the propriety of inserting the existing form in this place. The pop. of Ark. in 1820, was 14,273, and in 1830, had increased to 30,388, as follows : White persons. Males. 3,0:20 2.0 il 1,626 1,272 2,835 1,820 Under 5 years of age. From 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 51), 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and upwards 434 209 69 12 1 Total, 14,195 Of these, 10 were deaf and dumb, and 8 blind. Colored Population. Under 10 years of age, 27 From 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and upwards, 1 Free. Slaves. Males. Fems. Males. Fems. , 27 17 846 803 17 13 814 836 23 10 395 399 17 7 192 193 3 6 47 51 ds, 1 1 Total, 53 2,293 2,283 Of colored persons, 4 were deaf and dumb, and 2 blind. Recapitulation, Whites. Free col. Slaves. Total. 25,671 141 4,576 30,388 Arkansas, CO. of the territory of the same name, lying on both sides of Ark. r. having •Chicot CO. s., Clark w., .Jefferson n. w., White I. or Monroe co. n. e., and the Mississippi r. e. Length from n. to s. 60 ms. mean width 40, and area 2,400 sq. ms. This co. is traversed ob- liquely from N. w. to s. e. by the Ark. r., and the White r. bounding it to the n. e. renders the lower part subject to annual overflows. The Bayou, Barthelamy, and Boeuf rs., branches of the Washitau, rise in the s. part, flow s. over Chicot CO. enter La. The w. side rises into eminences, but the body of the county is level. Pop. 1,423. (For lat. and long, see next arti- cle.) Arkansas, p-v. and st. jus. for Ark. co. Ark. Ter. This is the same village formerly called "The Post of Arkansas," and was founded by the French in 1685. It stands on the n. bank of Ark. r. at lat. 34°, long. w. W. C. 14° 25'. The site is a high, narrow bluff of poor soil, with the inundated flats of White r. in the rear. Distant about 100 ms. s. e. from Little Rock, and by the bends of the r. 50 ms. from the Mis- sissippi. Arkopolis, p-v. and seat of government, Ark. ter. (See Little Rock.) Arkport, p.v. Hornellsville, Steuben co. N. Y. 20 ms. s. Bath, 260 ms. w. by s. Albany, on Canister r. Arkwright, Chautaque co. N. Y, Pop, 926. Arlington, p.t. Bennington co. Vt., 12 ms. n. Bennington, 106 Montpelier, and 40 from Troy, Saratoga Spa, Whitehall and Rutland, was first settled in 1763, and is watered by Roaring Branch, Mill cr. Warm cr. and Green r. as well as Battenkill r. of which they are branches. There is plenty of mill seats, and much fine in. tervalland. North and Red mts. in the w. are divided by Battenkill r. and bear white, red and black oak, white and black birch, chesnut, wal- nut, &c. The soil is rich, and bears grain. Much white marble is quarried here for tomb- stones, &c. and lime-Stone is burnt. There is a ferruginous spring, and a curious cavern in this t. Pop. 1,207. Armagh, p.v. s. part of Indiana co. Pa. about 60 ms. e. Pittsburgh, and 35 n. e. Greensburg. Armstrong's p-o. Wabash co. 111. by p-r. HI ms. s. e. by e. Vandalia. Armstrong co. of Pa. bndd. e. by Jefferson co. s. E. by Ind., s. by Kiskiminitas r. or Westmore- land co., w. by Butler, and n. by Clarion r. or Venango co. Length 45, mean width 20, and area 900 sq, ms. The face of this county is delightfully diversified with hill, dale, and riv- er scenery. Alleghany r. enters at the n. w. angle, and sweeping over the coimty by an el- liptical curve, leaves it at the s. w. angle, re. ceiving within the co. from the e. Clarion r. Red bank, Mahoning, and Crooked crs., whilst the Kiskiminitas enters as a s. border. Lat. 41° and long. 2° 30' w. W. C, intersects a little n. of the centre of the co. Cf. t. Kittanning. Pop. 1820, 10,524, in 1830, 17,695. The traverse section of the Penn, Canal, crosses Kiskiminitas at Warren t., and enters Armstrong from West- moreland CO. and thence follows the right bank of the Alleghany r. The canal is then carried over the latter stream, and dovsoi its right bank to Freeport, where it leaves Armstrong and en. ters Alleghany co. Arnold's, old place, p-o. Fauquier's co. Va. by p.r. 56 ms. w. W. C. Arnold's p-o. Rush co. Ind., by p-r. 50 ms. a little s. E. Indianopolis. Arnoldstown, p-v. Campbell co. Va., by p-r. 131 ms.s. w. W. C. Aroostic, (or Aroostook) r. Me. rises near the w. bound of Penobscot co. which it crosses N. E. in a devious course, receiving several branches, and falls into St. John's, in N. Bruns- wick. It passes through lands almost unsettled, but which will probably become valuable. Its head waters are 20 ms. from those of Penob- scot r. and part of the intervening country is very hilly, with numerous ponds, the rest marshy. A road is making from this r. to the Mattawan- keag, a branch of Penobscot r. which is to be extended 60 ms. n. to Madawasca. This will facilitate emigration. Aroostook settlement, Washington co. Me, Pop. 261. Arthursburg, p-v. Dutchess co, N. Y. 77 ms, s. E. Albany. AsBURY, p-v. Warren co. N. J, 35 ms. n. Tren- ton N. w, Musconetcong r. Ascension, parish of La. bounded by Assump- tion s. E., St, James e,, Amite r, n, e,, Ibber- ville N. w. and Atchafalaya r. w. length from n. E. to s. w, 40 ms., mean width about 10, and ASH area 400 sq. ms. The face of this parish is one great plain, and most part liable to annual sub- mersion, similar to every other part of the del- ta. The bank of the Misp. is the highest part of the parish, and that winding across it near the middle, contains the far greater part of the pop. This parish is rendered remarkable from con- taining the outlet of the La Fourche.. This stream is in fact a mouth ofthe Misp. from which it flows at Donaldsonville, (see La Fourche). What soil of Ascension is sufhciently elevated for cultivation, is highly fertile. Staple, sugar and cotton. For lat. and Ion. see Donaldson- ville. Pop. 1820, 3,728, in 1830, 5,426, cf. t. Donaldsonville. AscuTNEY, mtn. Windsor co. Vt. between Windsor and Weathersfield, is 3,320 feet high- er than tide water, and 3,116 above Conn, riv- er at Windsor. It is nearly bare, except on the N. E. side, and consists of granite. The view from the summit is very fine. The ascent is performed in 2^ hours. From Windsor, the route is 4 ms. to the base, half a mile up is a moderate ascent, after which it is steep. AsHBURNHAM, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 55 ms. N. w. Boston, was granted to certain sol- diers from Dorchester, in a Canada expedition in 1690. It is watered from ponds, by mill streams of Miller's r. which falls into Conn. and Nashua and Souhegan rs. which fall into Merrimack r. It is hilly, with a strong soil producing grass, fruit and forest trees. Two incorporated companies manufacture leather and soap stone in large quantities. $500 worth of chairs are made here weekly, and many nails, clapboards, &c. Fop. 1,402. AsHBY, p-t. Middlesex do. Mass. 50 ms. n. w. Boston, is handsomely varied with hill and vale, with good farms, producing grass and fruit, and has a fine mill stream, a branch of Nashua r. ri- sing in it. Pop. 1, 240. Ashe, n. M'strn. co. N. C, bndd. by Surrey co. of the same state n. e., the main spine of Blue Ridge or Wilkes co. s. e.. Buncombe s. w., and Carter co. of Ten. w. Ashe co. occupies part ofthe elevated valley between Bald mtn. and Blue Ridge, and from the courses of the rivers, must be the highest section of the valley, and at least 2500 ft. above the Atlantic tides. The N. E. part ofthe co. slopes towards Va. and is drained by the extreme sources of Great Ken- hawa, whilst the discharge of the s. wstrn. part is formed by the sources of the Watauga branch of Holston. The extreme length of Ashe, from N. E. to s. w. is 70 ms. with a mean breadth of 12 ms., area 840 sq. ms. The surface is bro- ken and soil of middling quality. The climate is peculiarly fine, airpure and bracing. In long. this county lies very nearly between 4° and 5° w. W. C, while the central part is about lat. 36° 20'. Pop. 1820, 4,335, and in 1830, 6,987. Cf. t. Jeff'ersonton. AsHFiELD, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. 15 ms. n. w. Northampton, 105 w, Boston, is on high land between Deerfield and Westfield rs. to each of which it sends a tributary. It was settled and garrisoned about 1754, and called Huntstowni, but abandoned in 1755, and re-settled in 1763. Fop. 1,732. AsHFORD, new v. Berkshire co. Mass. 27 ASS AsHFORD, p-t. Windham co. Conn. 31 ms. e. Hartford, about 9 ms. long, and 7 broad, 59 sq. ms. is hilly, with a gravelly soil, but favorable for grazing, and raises many cattle. Slill, Big. elow, and Mount Hope rs. are smaW. Crystal pond, 1 m. by ^ m. is between this town and Pomfret. There are two small villages. First settled in 1700. Pop. 2,660. AsHEORD, p-t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y. 282 ms. w. by s. Albany. Pop. 631. Ashland, p-v. in the northern part of Rich- land CO. O., by p-r. 88 ms. n. estrd. Columbus. Ashley's Mills, p-o. Telfair co. Geo. 102 ms. by p-r. sthrd. Milledgeville. AsHPALAGA, p-t. village of Jackson co. Flor. on the Appalachicola r., by p-r. 35 ms. westward Tallahasse. Ashtabula, n. estrn. co. of O. bndd. n. e. by Erie co. Pa., e. by Crawford co. Pa., s. by Trumbull co. 0., w. by Geauga, and n. by Lake Erie. Greatest length along Pa. 32 ms., on the wstrn. border the length is about 26 ms., mean, length 29, and breadth 28, area, 812 sq. ms. ex- tending m lat. 41° 32' to 41° 58', and in long, from 3° 30' to 3° 58' w. W. C. The southeast- ern angle of this co. slopes to the s. e. and gives source to the Shenango and other branches of Big Beaver. The western and central sections have a N. western declivity, and are drained by the sources of Grand r. of Lake Erie, while the N. eastern part slopes northwardly, and is wa- tered by Conneaut and Ashtabula rs. From the preceding elements, we find this co. occupying a part ofthe table land between the vallies of Erie and 0.. Cf t. Jeff"erson. Pop. 14,584. Ashtabula, p-v. on the r. of the same name at its efiux into Lake Erie, northern part of Ash- tabula CO, O., about 40 ms. s. w. by w. Erie, in Pa., and by p-r. 191 ms. n. e. Columbus. AsHUELOT r. Cheshire co. N. H., rises from a pond in Washington, runs s. to Keene, then s. w, to Conn. r. 3 ms. from the line of Mass. To make it navigable for boats, from Keene to the mouth, considerable exertions were made seve- ral years ago ; several places were locked. Ashville, p-v. and st. jus. for Buncombe co. N. C, stands on French Broad r., 40 ms. n. n. w. Rutherfordton, and by p-r. 273 ms. wstrd., Raleigh, lat. 35° 32', long. 5° 28' w. W. C. Ashville, p-v. and st. jus. St. Clair co. Ala. on Canoe cr. (branch of the Coosa) by p-r. 90 ms. N. E. Tuscaloosa, and about 70 s. s. e. Huntsville, lat. 33° 48', long. 9° 21' w. W. C. AssANPiNK, r. or cr. N. J. the boundary of Burlington and Hunterdon co. rises in Mon- mouth, and falls into the Delaware at Trenton. This stream separated the British and Ameri- can armies in 1777, the day previous to the bat. tie of Princeton. AssiNiBoiN, large r. of N. America, partly in the U. S. and partly in the British territories. It is formed by two great branches, Assiniboin prop- er, and Red r. The Assiniboin rises by numer- ous branches between Lake Winnnipec, and the N. eastern curve of Missouri. Flowing s. e. up- wards of 300 ms. it receives from the sthrd. a remarkable confluent, Morse or Sourie r. The latter rises in the U. S., and, what is remarka- ble, within 1 m. of the main volume of the Mo. Below the influx of Morse r. the Assiniboin ASS 28 ATC curves to the estrd. about 100 ms. to its junc- tion with Red r. Red r. or the southern branch of Assiniboin, rises in the U. S. on the marshy and extended plain which gives source to ihe higher confluents of Misp. but the extreme southern fountain of the former, as laid down by Tanner, is at lat. 45'^ 37', interlocking sources with St. Peter's r. and extending 1° 39' of lat. s. of the northern source of the Misp. Issuing from this elevated table land, Red r. assumes a general iHiOrthern course, but with an elliptic curve to the wstrd. receiving from the eastern side descending. Otter Tail, Buffalo, Wild Rice, Plum, Sand Hill, Red Fork, Swamp, Salt, and several smaller streams. From the wstrd. this r. is augmented also in descending by Ipse, Thienne, Elve, Goose, Turtle, Saline, Park, Tongue and Pembina rs. Immediately below the influx of the latter, the main volume crosses lat. 49° enters the British territories, inflects to the N. eastward, and finally joins the Assiniboin very nearly on lat. 50° and about 40 ms. above the influx of the latter, into the sthrn. extreme of Lake Winnipec. The direct length of Red r. is about 300 ms. but its comparative course no doubt exceeds 350. The valley of Red r. extends between those of Missouri and Missis. sippi, and it is remarkable that the sources of streams flowing into Red r. from the wstrd. rise close upon the margin of Mo. near the Mandan villages, (see Pembina.) Red r. is rendered re- markable for another physical feature; its source is the extreme southern extension of the great northern inclined plane of the continent of N. America. The following note, inserted in Tanner's U. S., will serve to illustrate the sin- gular features of the region from which Red, Misp. and Rainy Lake rs. have their sources. The note alluded to, quoted below, is inserted on the map between the extreme sources of Misp. Grand Fork of Rainy lake r. and Red lake, from which flows the Red Fork of Red r. "An un- interrupted water communication between the Grand Fork of Rainy Lake r. and Winnipec Lake is said to exist at this place." Rainy lake r. is another very singular water course, the drain of innumerable lakes, between lakes Superior and Winnipec, which though entering the lat- ter lake by a separate mouth from the Assini- boin, may be correctly noticed under that head. The Plateau, from which the sources of the Misp. and Assiniboin flow, is continued to the N. eastward to within 200 ms. of Hudson's Bay. Amongst the countless lakes scattered over this elevated but comparatively flat space, there are two chains to the n. west of Lake Superior, which, after discharging their waters from one reservoir into another, converge, and unite about lat. 48° 20', and long. 15° w. W. C. Thus far, the general course is wstrd. but inflecting to the N. w. dilating into Sturgeon lake, again into a r. and thence once more opening into the large Lake Rain. From the s. western mar- gin of Lake Rain, issues a large navigable stream, the proper Rain Lake r. This stream, flowing a little n. of wstrd. about 80 ms. by comparative course, falls into another consid- erable sheet of water called Lake of the Woods. From the source of the sthern. branch of Rainy Lake r. to the Lake of the Woods, the lakes and intermediate straits or rs. form the boun- dary between the U. S. and the British territo- ries. The southern extremity of the Lake of the Woods is traversed by the 49th degree of lat. and the lake and its discharge into Lake Winnipec, assuming a northwestern course, the residue of the valley of Rainy Lake r. is in the British territories. AssoNET, p-v. Berkley t. Bristol co. Mass, 42 ms. s. Boston. Assumption, or Assomption, parish of La., bounded by the Misp. r. n. e. St. Johns Baptist,. E. La Fourche interior, s. e. and s. Atchafalaya r., w. and n. w. by the parish of Ascension. Similar to all other parts of the delta. Assump- tion is a plain slightly raised above the common level of the rs. The Misp. forms one of the borders, whilst La Fourche entering from As- cension, winds in a direction from n. n. w. to- s. s. E., dividing Assumption into two nearly equal parts. Length from s. w. to n. e. 40 ms., mean width 15, and area 600 sq. ms. Most of the arable land is on the two above mentioned rs. as the surface falls gradually from the La Fourche towards the Atchafalaya, and the banks of the latter rise in very few places above annu- al overflow. Much of Assumption is, indeed, open, untimbered, and overflow marsh. The inhabitants reside in great part on the margin of the Misp. and La Fourche. The arable mar- gin on the right bank of the Misp. at the efflux of La Fourche, is continued down the latter, tho* narrower than along the former stream. The soil is of similar quality on both rs. and crops are specifically similar. Though cotton is the common staple, some sugar farms are scattered along the banks of La Fourche in Assumption. The orange tree also begins to flourish in this parish. Lat. 30°, and long. 14' w. W. C. intersect in the nthrn. part of Assumption. No town of note. Pop. 1820, 3,576, in 1830, 5,669. Assumption, C. H. and p-o. on La Fourche, by p-r. 91 ms. N. O. AssYLUM p-0. Bradford co. Penn. by p-r. 184 ms. northward Harrisburg. Atacapas, large settlement of La. lying along both banks of Teche r. and extending south- eastward from Opelousas to the Gulf of Mexi- co. Under the French and Spanish govern- ments, Atacapas was under the jurisdiction of a commandant; it is now subdivided inl or 100 feet above tide level. The slope from the alluvial section of the city, now the basin, is not regular, but is in no place very ab- rapt. The lower part rests on a real recent al- luvion, around a basin into which only vessels of 200 tons can enter. Southward from the main body of the city, and over the basin, rises 6 a conical hill, on which stands Fort McHenry the citadel of Baltimore, and below which the harbor widens and deepens, so as to admit ships of 18 ft. draught to Fell's Point, or the lower and southeastern part of the city. Baltimore, Hundred, of Sussex co. Del. Pop. 2176. Baltimore, a small village in the middle and eastern part of Fauquier co. Va. about 50 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Baltimore, p-v. Fairfield co. 0. by p-r. 30 ms. s. E. from Columbus. It is in the nthrn. part of the CO. and on the Ohio and Erie canal, has ris- en rapidly from the advantages of position, and contains upwards of 200 houses, and 500 inhab- itants. Bane3bridge, and p-o. in the northern part of Richmond co. N. C. by p-r. 5 ms. nthrd. from Rockingham, the co.st. and 108 ms. s.w. Raleigh. Bangor, p-t. and cap. Penobscot co. Me. w. side Penobscot r. 35 ms. n. Castine, 66 n. e. Au- gusta, 52 from Owl's Head point, a cape of Pe- nobscot bay, is the most flourishing town in the State. The place was a wilderness 30 yeara since. It stands at the head of navigation, and is easily accessible except in the winter. The Maine charity school, a theological seminary, was established here in 1815, and prepares young men for the desk. The course of study embraces 4 years. There is also a mechanic association. Bangor is destined to be the cen- tre of business within the State, for more than half of Me. and it will command the trade of 9000 sq. ms. or more than i without competi- tion. The water power in the vicinity is said to be superior to that of any other town in the U. S. Great expectations are entertained of the growth of this place. The increase of population be- tween 1820 and 1830, was about 130 per cent, and the surrounding regions have been rapidly peopled from diff'erent parts of the country, though the greater part of the Penobscot valley is still unoccupied. When the lumber shall have been removed, the soil will be arable and valuable. The following recapitulation, the ex- ports of one year, will show the importance of this branch of business to the place. Boards, plank & joists, surveyed, 23,473,180 ft. Do. shipped without survey, 3,354,000 26,827,180 This item, at $8,14 the thousand, amounts to ,471; besides which, 4338 tons of timber, at $2,75, 99,671 feet ranging timber at $2,50, shingles, clapboards, and laths, to the value of $96,000, and staves, oars, and other small lum- ber to the value of $7,000 more, make a total sum of $335,891. The transportation employs many vessels, their own and from other districts also. Build- ing goes on fast, but rents are high. Above 3,000,000 bricks were made in 1831. Abridge crosses the Kenduskeag. 4 churches have been built in 3 years, and a jail and court house are intended to be built this season. Naviga- tion in the summer, and sleighing in the winter, give great activity to the place. Pop. 2,867. Bangor, p-t. Franklin co. N. Y. 210 ms. Alba, ny, 6 ms.by 48, is but little settled, has a sandy- loam, bearing beech, maples, bass, elm, cherry BAR 38 BAR and cedar. Little Salmon r. is the principal stream. Pop. 1,076. Banister, r. of Va. rising by numerous branches in Pittsylvania co. flows 25 ms. in a northeasterly direction, enters Halifax co. and inflects to the s. e. about 30 ms. and falls into Dan r. about 10 ms. above the junction of the latter with Roanoke. Banister drains most part of the peninsula between Dan and Roanoke rs. below the e. boundary of Henry and Frank. lin cos. Banister, named in the p-o. list, Halifax c. h. p. V. and St. jus. Halifax co. Va. situated on Banister r. byp-r. 130 ms. s. w.byw. Richmond, and 220 s. w. W. C. Lat. 36° 44', long. 1° 58' w. W. C. Baptist Town, p-v. Hunterdon co. N. J. 10 ms. w. Flemington. Barbersville, p-o. Jefl'erson co. Ind. by p-r. 95 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Barboursville, p-v. Orange co. Va. at the northwestern foot of South mtn. byp-r. 113 ms. s. w. W. C, and 88 n. w. Richmond. Barboursville, p-v. and st. jus. Cabell co. Va. situated on the right bank of Great Guyan- dot, 5 ms. above its entrance into the Ohio r. by p-r. 355 me. s. w. by w. W. C. and 344 ms. a little N. ofw. Richmond, n. lat. 38° ii4', long 5° 12' w. W. C. Barboursville, p-v. and st. jus. Knox co. Ky. situated on the right bank of Cumberland r., by p-r. 122 ms. s. e. Frankfort, and 533 ms. s. w. by •w. W. C. Lat. 36° 55', long. 6° 47' w. W. C. Pop. 138. Bardstown, p-t. and st. jus. Nelson co. Ky. is pleasantly situated near the Beach fork, and by p-r. 50 ms. s. w. Frankfort, 65 s. w. Lexington, and 38 s. e. Louisville. The town is built on ri- sing ground, which slopes in nearly every direc- tion from it. The business of the place is con- siderable, and there are some valuable manufac- turing establishments in the town. It contains a court house, 3 houses of public worship, pres- byterian, methodist, and catholic ; the latter is very handsome, and contains several handsome paintings. St Joseph's, a catholic college is lo- cated here ; it was founded in 1819, and incor- porated in 1826. The buildings are very hand- some, and the philosophical and chemical appa- ratus are very complete ; the library contains about 1,500 vols. There are 15 instructers, and the average number of students is about 150. Commencement, 1st. August. There is also a female seminary here, and a weekly pa- per is published in the town. Pop. 1,625. Barges, p-o. Wilcox co. Ala. by p-r. 81 ms. Bthrd. Tuscaloosa. Baring, t. Washington co. Me. 209 ms. e. Augusta. Pop. 159. Bark Camp, p-o. Burke co. Geo. by p-r. 67 ms. estrd. Milledgeville. Barkhamstead, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 23 ms. N. w. Hartford, contains about 32 sq. ms. 5 ms. by 6 and a half, and is rough and stony, divided n. and s. by two high granite ridges which run far n. A little iron ore and free stone are found. The soil is hard and dry, and generally not good for tillage, except along the streams. The grazing is good, and considera- ble butter and cheese are sent to market, as well as cattle and sheep. Oak, chesnut, sugar maple, beech, pine, &c. were formerly abun- dant, but have been destroyed partly by fire and wind. Still r. and another main branch of Farmington r. supply mill seats. First settled, 1744. Pop. 1,715. Barksdale, p-v. in the western part of Hali- fax CO. Va. by p-r. 246 ms. s. w. W. C. and 156 s. w. by w. Richmond. Barnard, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 21 ms. n. w. Windsor, 37 s. Montpelier, lies between Quee- chy and White rs. and has a pond of 100 acres, near the centre. Locust cr. and other streams afford mill seats. There is a small village in the centre ; and in the e. part a bog of marl. First settled 1744. Pop. 1,881. Barnard's Station, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. about 200 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Barnardstown, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. was incorporated 1762. It was called Fall Town in 1746, when there was a fort in the place, and that year was attacked by the Indians, and de- fended by three soldiers only. The t. lies upon high land between Conn, and Green rs. and is bounded n. by Vt. Pop. 918. Barnegat, v. Poughkeepsie, Duchess co. N. Y. is remarkable lor the large quantities of limestone which is burnt and transported to dif- ferent parts of the TJ. S. Barnegat, bay and inlet, Monmouth co. N. J. lat. 39° 47', long, 74° 13' w. The bay is about 20 ms. long, separated from the ocean by a beach, and united with it by the Inlet. Barnegat, v. Monmouth co. N. J. on Barne- gat bay, opposite the inlet. Barnes' Store, and p-o. Pike co. Geo. by p-r. 33 ms. w. Milledgeville. Barnestown or Barnesville, p-v. in the north- western part of Montgomery co. Md. on the road from W. C.to New Market, 15 ms. s.E.by E. from Frederick, and by p-r. 40 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Barnesville, p-v. in the western part of Bel- montco. 0. 30 ms. s. w. by w. Wheeling in Ohio CO. Va. and by p-r. 297 ms. n. w. by w. a little w. W. C, and 128 ms. e. Columbus. Pop. 408. Barnet, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt., w. Connecticut r. opposite Lyman N. H. 35 ms. e. Montpelier, 65 N. Windsor, contains 40 sq. ms., has Pas. sumpsic and Stevens' rs. which supply mills, particularly Stevens' mills, where the fall is 100 ft. in 10 rods. The 15 m. falls of Connecticut r. are in this town, and below them are 21 islands, one of which contains 90 acres. The soil is generally rich, and good for grazing and tillage. Tiiere is much slate, and some iron ore. Boats come up Connecticut r. to this place. There are 3 ponds, one of 100 acres. Pop 1,764. Barnett's Mills and p-o. Fauquier co. Va. by P-r. 56 ms. wstrd. W. C. Barneysvile, p-v. Bristol co. Mass. 43 ms. Boston. Barns' Mills and p-o. western part of Monon- galia CO. Va. by p-r. 233 ms. n. w. by w. a little w. W. C. Barnstable co. Mass. is the easternmost land in the state, and comprehends the peninsu- la of Cape Cod. It is bndd. by Massachusetts BAR 39 BAR bay N., Buzzard's bay s. w., the ocean e. and s. e., and Plymouth co. w., connected by a narrow neck, and is almost entirely sandy and barren. The inhabitants are almost all fishermen. Barn- stable is the cf. t. Great quantities of salt are made here from sea water, by solar evaporation ; the water being pumped by wind into large vats exposed to the sun's heat, and covered with moveable roofs from dew and rain. Some parts of this county are like an Arabian desert. There are in the co. sixty.two meeting-houses, at which there is stated preaching, viz : twenty- two for congregationalists, twenty for method- ists, nine for baptists, four for unitarians, three for friends, three for universalists, and one for Roman catholics. Pop. 1820, 24,026, 1830, 28,514. Barnstable, p-t. s-p. and cap. Barnstable co. Mass. 66 ms. s. e. Boston. The tsp. extends across Cape Cod, and is 9 ms. by 5, with a bet- ter soil than most of the Cape, chiefly producing oak and yellow pine. The tide rises from 8 to 14 ft. and supplies many salt vats. The town is on a declivity, s. Barnstable bay, with consid- erable shipping, and at the mouth of the port is a bar with 6 or 7 ft. water at low tide. Incor- porated 1639. Pop. 3,974. Barnstead, p-t. Strafi'ord co. N. H. 36 ms. n. w. Portsmouth, 26 w. by n. Dover, 20 e. Con- cord ; has a swelling surface, good soil, bearing pine, oak, beech, maple, &c. Suncook, Brin- dle, and Halfmoon ponds are stocked with fish, and enter into Suncook r. First settled, 1767. It has a social library. Pop. 2,047. Barnwell, one of the southwestern dists. of S. C. bounded by Edgefield dist. n. w., South Edisto r. separating it from Orangeburg n. and N. e., Colleton e., Beaufort s. e., and Savannah r. separating it from Scriven co. of Geo. s. w. and from Burke co. w. Greatest length by a line along the general course of South Edisto, 60 ms. mean breadth 28, and area 1,680 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 50', to 33° 37', and in long, from 3° 48' to 4° 50' w. Both the two rivers which bound this district on the southwest and northeastern sides, as well as the two Sal- kehatchies which rise within it, flow to the s. e., the general slope of the district is therefore in that direction. Soil in general of middling quality. Chief staple, cotton. Cf. t. Barnwell. Pop. of the dist. 1820, 14,750, 1830, 19,236. Barnwell, C. H. and p-v. and st. jus. Barn- well dist. S. C. situated on Great Salkehatchie r. near the centre of the dist. 90 ms. n. w. by w. Charleston, and by p.r. 62 ms. s. s. w. Co- lumbia, and 562 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Lat. 33° 13', and long. 4° 20' w. W. C. Barre, p-t. Washington co. Vt. 50 ms. n. w. Windsor, contains 31 sq. ms. First settled 1788. The soil is a dry, warm loam, without stones, with an uneven surface, and the people are good farmers. Cobble and Millstone hills in the s. E. yield much granite for building and mill stones. The latter are sent to different parts of the U. S. Spanish brown and alum are found. Ste- vens' and Jail branch, uniting and joining with Onion r. give excellent mill seats. There are 2 villages, and 14 school dists. Pop. 2,012. Barre, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 66 ms. w. from Boston, named after Col. Barre, a distin. guished friend of America in the British parlia ment, is one of the first agricultural towns in the CO. Ware r. passes through it, and there are here several of its branches. The ground is high, dividing the head waters of Ware, Black- stone, and Nashua rs. Pop. 2,503. Barue, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y. 13 ms. n. Bata- via, 5 Montpelier, is on the mountain Ridge, and is watered by small branches of Oak, Orchard and Sandy crs. Pop. 4,768. Barren, Big and Little, the two southern con- fluents of Green r. Ky. Big Barren r. has its numerous sources in Jackson, Smith and Sum- ner cos. Ten. Flowing thence in a n. n. w. di. rection, it enters Ky. receiving confluents from Barren, Monroe, Allen, Simpson and Warren cos. they unite in one channel, in the latter, near Bowling Green. Assuming thence a n. w. course. Big Barren, now a navigable stream, joins Green r. on the border between Warren and Butler cos. The valley of Big Barren is about 70 ms. in length, by a mean width of 30 ; area 2, 1 00 sq. ms. Little Barren, a much infe- rior stream to the preceding, rises in the east- ern part of Barren, and western of Adair cos., and flowing in a n. n. w. direction, first separates Barren from Green, and thence Green from Hart cos. finally joining Green r. near Sinking Spring, after a comparative course of about 30 ms. Barren, one of the southern cos. of Ky. bndd. s. by Monroe, w. by Warren, n. by Hart, n. e. by Green, and e. by Adair. Length from e. to w. 30 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 36° 52' to 37° ll' n. and in long, from 8° 30' to 9° 02' w. W. C. The eastern part of this co. is drained by Little Bar- ren, but the greater part of the surface is drain- ed by the sources of Big Barren. Surface rath- er level and soil far more fertile than the ill- chosen name would induce the reader to sup- pose. Cf. t. Glasgow. Pop. in 1820, 10,328, 1830, 15,079. Barren Creek Springs, p-o. in the extreme northern part of Somerset co. Md. about 80 ms. s. E. Baltimore, and 80 s. e. by e. W. C. Barren Hill, p-o. Montgomery co. Pa. by p-r. 93 ms. n. e. W. C. Barrington, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 20 ms. N. w. Portsmouth, 30 e. Concord, 65 n. Boston, has a surface somewhat broken and rocky, with much gravelly loam. The' oak ridges have a sandy loam, good for tillage. There are 13 ponds, whose streams furnish mill seats. The rocks are granite, &c. and there are bog iron ore, crystals, &c. The Devil's Den is a curious cavern. First settled, 1732. Pop. 1,895. Barrington, p-t. Bristol co. R. I. 7 ms. s. e. Providence, s. Massachusetts, n. e. Narragan- set r. is about 3 ms. by 3, with a surface nearly level, and a light sandy soil, good for grain. Sea weed is used as manure. Abridge crosses to Warren. There is plenty of fish, and some salt is made. Pop. 612. Barrington, Great, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. (See Great Barrington.) Barrington, p-t. Yates co. N. Y. e. Crooked lake, 21 ms. n. e. Bath, 219 w. Albany, 6 ma. by 5, has a good soil, nearly level, with chest- nut, oak, walnut, and some pine. Pop. 1,854. BAS 40 BAT Barron's, p-o. Perry co. Ala. 52 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Barry, new co. Mich. bndd. by Calhoun s. e., Kalamazoo co. s. w., Allegan w., Kent n. w., Ionia N. E., and Eaton e. Length from s. to n. 24, breadth 21, and area 504 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 35', long. 8° 20' w. W. C. The sthrn. part slopes to the s. and is drained by crs. flowing into Ka- lamazoo r. but the body of the co. slopes to s. w. by w. and in that direction is drained by Apple r. branch of Grand r. The central part is about 120 ms. a little n. of w. Detroit. Pop. uncertain. Barryville, p-v. Sullivan co. N. Y. Barryville, p-v. in the northern part of Stark CO. O. by p-r. 127 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 322 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Bart, tsp. and p-o. eastern part of Lancaster CO. Pa. by p-r. 54 ms. southeastward from Har- risburg. Pop. 1,470. Bartholomew co. of Ind. bndd. by Johnson N. w., Shelby n. e., Decatur e., Jennings s. e., Jackson s., Monroe w. Length 24 ms. mean width 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 03' to 39° 21', and in long, from 8° 38' to 9° 08' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is nearly southward. In it unite Clifty, Plat Rock, and Blue rs., confluents of Driftwood, fork of White r. Bartlett, p-t. Coos CO. N. H. 45 ms. s. w. Lancaster, 75 n. by e. Concord, 85 n. by w. Portsmouth, lies at the s. base of the White mtns. and contains about 13,000 acres of rough land, but little cultivated, with some good, on Saco r. Named after Gov. B. Pop. 644. Barton r. Orleans co. Vt. rises near the source of Lamoille r. and runs n. to lake Mem. phremagog, watering about 160sq. ms. Barton, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. e. Montpelier, is crossed by Barton r. and has apaJt of Willough- by's r. a branch of it, with several ponds. Bell- water pond, a source of Barton r. has an outlet with mills, and a village. First settled, about 1796, from N. H. and R. L Pop. 729. Barton, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. Pop. 982. Barton's p-o. Lauderdale co. Ala. by p-r. 164 ms. northwardly from Tuscaloosa. Bascobel, p-v. Jackson co. Geo. by p-r. 85 ms. a little w. of n. Milledgeville. Basin, and Valley, are two terms very fre- quently used is this treatise, as applied to rivers. The term Basin is employed to designate the whole space claimed by a river from its most remote fountains to its ultimate disappearance in some ocean or sea, or inland lakes. In this application of the word Basin it is a generic term, and the word Valley a specific term. As prominent examples we may adduce the Mis- sissippi, and its confluents the Missouri and Ohio. When the expressionis used, therefore, " Basin of the Mississippi," it is intended to embrace the entire space drained by that river and all its confluent streams. So also of the Basin of any other river, but can be only under- stood of rivers which do not flow into other riv- ers, but into a final recipient, be it ocean, sea, lake, bay, or gulf; or as there are many exam- ples in the eastern continent, and some few in America, into a sandy desert. Thus we say with correctness, basin of Connecticut, Hudson, Delaware, &,c. Valley is used to designate the space drained by a river falling into another river, and losing its name ; such as Missouri, Ohio, and Arkan. sas, into the Mississippi, Mohawk into Hudson, or the Lehigh and Schuylkill into Delaware. The least unequivocal principle to adopt in settling the relative importance of any river, is the space drained by the streams which contri- bute to form its volume. This gives the com- parative territorial extent of the Basin or Val- ley, and determines the space occupied on the surface of the earth. This is also the only principle to solve the problem which is of uni- versal application. (See Art. rivers.) Basking Ridge, p-v. Bernard, Somerset co. N. J. near the head waters of Passaic r. 7 ms. s. w. Morristown, is situated on elevated land, and is memorable for the capture of Gen. Lee by the British in the revolutionary war. Part of the house is still standing near the stage road. Stage coaches go daily for New York by 2 routes, except in winter. Bason Harbor, p-v. Ferrisburg t. Addison CO. Vt. is one of the best harbors on Lake Cham- plain. Bass Islands, a group of small islands in lake Erie, lying off" Sandusky Point, and form- ing a part of Huron co. 0. This cluster gains importance from containing the fine harbor of Put-in Bay. The group is composed of three main islands and a few islets. The southern lies in form of a crescent, concave to the s. and convex to the n. The second or middle Basa crosses like a chord, and approaching the cusps of that to the s. encloses a noble sheet of wa- ter, with 12 feetdepth, two entrances, one to the east and the other to the west. If we can ex- cept Buffalo and Detroit rs. this is the best ha. ven belonging to lake Erie. As laid dovm by Tanner in his U. S. map, Put-in-Bay lies 18 ms. N. N. w. of the entrance into Sandusky bay ; and 30 ms. s. e. of the mouth of Detroit r. n. lat. 41° 42', long. 5° 42' w. W. C. When visit- ed by the author of this article, in 1818, the Bass Islands were uninhabited. Batavia, p-t. and cap. Genesee co. N. Y. 256 ms. w. Albany, 20 s. Erie canal, 36 e. Buffalo, is crossed by Tonawanta creek, aud has small head streams of Oak, Orchard and Black creeks. It has level land, good for farms, and is on the road from Albany to Buffalo. The village is ve- ry neat. Here are the county buildings, and the house of the agent of the Holland land com- pany. Pop. 4,264. Batavia, p-v. and st. jus. Clermont co. O. sit. uated on the e. branch of Little Miami r. 24 ms. a little s. of e. Cincinnati, and by p-r. 109 ms. s. w. Columbus, and 496 w. W. C. Lat. 39° 2', long. 7° w. W. C. Batesville, p-v. in the eastern part of Guern. sey CO. O. by p-r. 119 ms. e. Columbus. Batesville, p-v. and st. jus. Independence co. Ark. situated on the left bank of White r. 87 ms. N. N. E. Little Rock, and about 250 ms. s. s. w. St. Louis. By p-r. 1044 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 35° 44', long. 14° 18' w. W. C. Bath, p-t. s-p. Lincoln co. Me. w. Kennebec r. 37 ms., Augusta 15 ms., ocean 14 ms. s. w. from Wiscasset, 34 n. e. Portland, 153 n. e. Boston, is the highest place to which the r. is BAT 41 BAT navigable in winter. It stands on an acclivity, and is almost isolated by some of the numerous arms of ths sea which penetrate that part of the coast. Pop. 3,773. Bath, p-t, Grafton co. N. H. e. Conn. r. 42 ms. N. E. Dartmouth college, 81 n. n. w. Con- cord, 148 ms. N. N. w. Boston, has some rich land, and is sheltered e. by the White mtns. and w. by the Green mtns. It has many good mill seats on the Ammonoosuc r. and a bridge across it 350 ft. Ihere is a majestic fall in Conn. r. near this place. Perch pond, 100 acres, is also here. Gardner's mtn. about 500 ft high, which divides the t. consists of granite, slate, &c. and contains alum, pyrites, some iron and silver, and a stone which dissolves in warm water. The hills have a red loam, or marl, with maple, beech, birch, oak, &c. The vallies alluvial, with white pine, hemlock, spruce, elm, &c. Pop. 1,623. Bath, p-t. and cap. Steuben co. N. Y. 240 ms. w. Albany, 41 s. s. w. Geneva, 41 e. An- gelica ; is crossed by Conhocton r. which winds through it for 30 ms. and its streams furnish mill seats. The soil is various and irregular. The village is on the e. side of Conhocton r. which is 75 ft. wide. Pop. 3,387. Bath, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. 1 ms. n. n. w. from Easton, and 8 a little w. of n. Bethle- hem. Bath, one of the central cos. of Va. bndd. by Alleghany co. s., and s. w. by Alleghany mtn. separating it from Greenbrier on the w. and Pocahontas on the n. w. by Pendleton n. e. by the Great North mtn. separating it from Au- gusta on the E. and Rockbridge on the s. e. Length from n. e. to s. w. 36 ms. Mean breadth 21, and area 756 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 50' to 38° 25', and in long, from 2° 18' to 3° w. W. C. Bath occupies part of a high mountain valley, with a slope to the southwest- ward. The extreme northwestern constituents of James r. Cowpasture and Jackson's rs. have their sources along the southwestern border of Pendleton, but flow into and traverse Bath in a southwestern direction. North r. another branch of James r. issues from the eastern part of this CO. and traversing Rockbridge, joins its recipient at the western foot of the Blue Ridge. The mean elevation of the cultivated surface of Bath, exceeds 1200 ft. or an equivalent to 3° of iat. The face of the country is very broken and in part mountainous ; and with the latitude and elevation produces winters severe and lengthen- ed. The cultivated vegetables also evince a cli- mate of much lower mean temperature than on like latitudes near the Atlantic coast. Soil in general sterile. Cf. t. Warm Springs. Pop. 1820, 5,237, 1830, 4,002. Bath, C. H. or Warm Springs, p-v. Bath co. Va., by p-r. 170 ms. n. n. w. Richmond, and 226 s. w. W.C. Bath, p-v. in the eastern part of Beaufort co. N. C. situated on a small bay near the n. shore of Pamlico r. 16 ms. s. e. by e. from the port of Washington, and by p-r. 138 ms. a little s. of e. Raleigh. Bath, p-v. in the n. eastern part of Medina co. O. by p-r. N. E. Columbus, and 344 ms. n. w. by w.W.G. Bath, co. of Ky. bndd. by Morgan s. e., Mont" gomery s. w. and w., Nicholas n. w., and Lick' ing r. separating it from Fleming n. and n. e. Length from s. e. toN. w. 25 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 256 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 38° to 38° 17' N. and in long. 6° 30' to 6° 50' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the n. wstrd. towards Licking r. Cf. t, Owingsburg, and Sharpsburg. Pop. 1820, 7,961, 1830,8,799. Bath Iron Works, and p-o. in the southern part of Rockbridge CO. Va. by p-r. 167 ms. w. Richmond, and 209 s. w. by w. W. C. Baton Rouge, p.v. in the nthrn. part of Ches- ter dist. S. C. by p-r. 66 ms. n. Columbia. Baton Rouge, East, parish of La., bndd. by the parish of Iberville s. e., Mississippi river, separating it from the parish of w. Baton Rouge on the s. and w. and from that of point Coupee on the N. w., E. Feleciana n., and the Amite r. separating it from St. Helena e. Length from N. to s. 23 ms., mean width 15, and area 345 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 36° 18' to 30° 37', and in long. 14° to 14° 22' w. W. C. This parish contains the first land which rises above the level of the delta, ascending the Misp. Imme- diately above the efflux of the Iberville outlet, the surface begins to swell into eminences or hills of humble elevation. The soil of the pa- rish, in a state of nature, was covered with a very dense forest. The slope either way is but slight, that eastward towards Amite r. is wid- est. Cf. t. Baton Rouge. Pop. 1820, 5,220, 1830, 6,698. Baton Rouge, (Red Stick,) p-v. and st. jus. for East Baton Rouge, parish of La. is situated on the left bank of the Misp. r. at n. lat. 30° 31', and long. 14° 18' w. W. C. 30 ms. above Don. aldsonville, and 117 above N. Orleans, and by p-r. 1237 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. This town was founded on the lower bluff or high land which reaches the bank of the Misp. and ex- tends mostly in one street along the margin of the hill. The site of Baton Rouge is, however, only a hill comparatively, as it does not rise above high water mark more than 25 ft. but con. trasted with the uniform plain along the margin of the river, the apparent elevation of Baton Rogue is real and pleasing deception in vision. Pop. 1,000. Baton Rouge, West, parish of La. bndd. by the parish of Iberville s. e., the Atchafalaya r. separating it from the parish of St. Martin's s. s. w., and St. Landre'or Opelousas n. w., parish of Point Coupee n. and the Misp. r. separating it from East Baton Rouge on the e. Length from E. to w. 35 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 700 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 30° 12\ to 30° 32', and in long, from 14° 15' to 14° 55' w. W. C. The surface being a part of the delta of ' the Misp. is an almost undeviating plain, with a very slight sthrn. declivity, and the far greater j part liable to annual submersion. The arable part lies along the streams, and the soil being invariably fertile, every spot which can be brought under the plough is highly productive. Cotton is the common staple ; sugar has been attempted, but the situation is a little too far N. for the sugarcane. In the post ofHce list of 1831, no p-o. is named in this parish; nor does it contain a village worthy of notice. The BEA 42 BEA settlements border the streams, and are princi- pally upon the Misp. Pop. 1820, 2,335, 1830, 3,084. Battahatcha, r. of Ala, and Misp. rising in Marion CO. of the former, having interlocking sources with Bear or. branch of Ten. r. and with those of the N. western sources of Black Warrior r., and flowing thence s. wstrdly. enters Monroe co. Misp. falling into the Tombigbee after a comparative course of 70 ms. Battenkill, r. r sing in Vt. and crossing Washington co N. Y , joining Hudson r. half a mile above Fish cr. is a good mill stream 50 ms. long. Battletown, p-v. Frederick co. Va., situated on Opequhan cr. 12 ms. s. e. Winchester, and by p-r. 68 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. Battle cr. and p-o. s. wstrn. angle of Marion CO. Ten. by p-r. 107 ms. s. estrd. Nashville. Bayou Chicot, p-o. in the n. wstrn. part of the settlement of Opelousas, or parish of St. Landre'. La., about 30 ms n. w. from the vil- lage of St. Landre', and by p-r. 1298 ms. s. w. by w, W. C, Bay Settlement, and p-o. extending along the Erie shore, or estrn. part of Monroe co. Mich. It lies n. wstrd. Maumee Bay, and by p-r. 46 ms. s. w. Detroit. Bazetta, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Trumbull CO. 0. 7 ms. N. w. Warren, and by p-r. 162 ms. N. e. by E. Columbus, and 302 ms. n. w. by w. W.C. Beal's Island, Washington co. Me. Pop. 55. Beallsville, p-v. on the U. S. road, s. estrn. part of Washington co. Pa. 14 ms. from Wash- ington, the CO. St., by p-r. 218 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, and 300 ms. wstrd. Philadelphia. Beallsville, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Mon- roe CO. 0. 10 ms. wstrd. Woodsfield, and by p-r. 140 ms. a litile s. of e. Columbus, and 294 ms. wstrd. a little n. W. C. Bean's Station, p-o. Granger co. Ten. by p-r. 204 ms. estrd. Nashville. Beak cr. a small confluent of Ten. r. rising in Marion and Franklin cos. Ala. flows westward into the state of Misp. in which it inflects to the nthrd. and falls into Ten. r. after a comparative course of 70 ms. This small r. gains impor- tance from forming the boundary on and near Ten. r. between the states of Ala. and. Misp. Beard's Ferky, and p-o. wstrn. part of Mor- gan CO. II. 7 ms. wstrd. Jacksonville, the co. st. and by p-r. 140 ms. n. w. by w. Vandalia. Beard's Store and p o. Anson co. N. C. by p-r. 102 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Beatie's Bluff and p-o. sthrn. part of Madi- son CO. Mo. by p r. 50 ms. s. St. Louis, and 1085 s. w. by w. W.C. Beatie's Ford, and p-o. Lincoln Co. N. C. by p-r. 151 ms. estrd. Raleigh. Beatty's Bridge, and p-o. New Hanover co. N. C. by p-r. 114 ms. s. estrd. Raleigh. Beattystown, v. Warren co. N. J. on the Muskonetkunk, 2J ms. below Hacketstown. Beaucoup, p-v. Washington co. II. No loca- tion given in p-o. list. Beaufort co. N. C. on both sides of Pamlico r., bndd. by Pamlico Sound e., Craven co. s. and s. w., Pitt w. and n. w., Martin n. and Hyde N. E. Length 40 ms., mean breadth 17, and area 670 sq. ms.; n. lat. SS^ 30' and the merid- ian of W. C. intersect in the wstrn. part of this CO. The whole surface is a plain, and liable to periodical submersion. Staples, cotton, rice, &c. Cf. towns, Washington and Baths. Pop. 1820, 9,900, 1830, 10,969. Beaufort, extreme sthrn. dist. of S. C. bndd. by Atlantic s. e.. Savannah r. which separates it from Scriven, Effingham, and Chatham co. Geo. S.W., Barnwell dist. n. w., and Cambahee r. separating it from Colleton dist. n. e. Great- est length in a direction from s. to n. and from the outer side of Turtle Island to the s. e. boun. dary of Barnwell dist. 61 ms.; mean breadth 30, and area 1830 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 32° 3', to 34°, and in long. 3° 30', to 4° 30' w. W. C. The slope of this dist. is to the s. estrd. but the declivity is very slight, being from the utmost extent inland a level plain, terminating towards the Atlantic in numerous interlocking streams, enclosing, with many others of lesser note, Hilton Head, Turtle, Hunting, Reynold's, St. Helena, and Port Royal Islands. Though no entrance into Beaafort is of great depth, it is remarkably well supplied with commercial in- lets for vessels of moderate draught, of which the principal are Savannah r. Callibogue Sound, Port Royal Entrance, and St. Helena Sound, or the outlet of Cambahee r. Commercially, Sa- vannah, in Chatham co. Geo. is a port of Beau- fort, admitting vessels of 16 feet draught. Ves- sels drawing 14 feet are navigated to the port of Beaufort. Beside the two rs. which bound this district on the s. w. and n. e. sides, the cen- tral parts are drained by the Cosawhatchie r. which, rising in Barnwell and entering Beau- fort, flows s. estrd. 35 ms. to where it divides into two channels, which a fewms. lower, again separate. The nthrn. channel, under the name of Coosau river, flows estrd. into St. Helena Sound, whilst that of the s. maintains the origin, al direction to the s. estrd.. gradually widens into Broad r. and finally contributes to form Port Royal Entrance. The position of this dis- trict, and its moderate elevation, give it a cli. mate which admits the culture of sugar, rice, cotton, and in some places the orange tree. Cf. t. Beaufort, though the st. jus. is at Coosa- whatchie. Pop. 1820, 32,199, 1830, 37,032. * Beaufort, p-t., port of entry, and st. jus. Beaufort dist. S. C. situated on the wstrn. bank of Port Royal r., 14 ms. n. Port Royal Entrance, by the land road, 50 ms. n. e. Savannah, 75 s. w. Charleston, and by p-r. 148 ms, a little e. of s. Columbia. Lat. 32° 25', long. 3° 42' w. W. C. The harbor of Beaufort is spacious, and of more than sufficient depth to admit the entrance of any vessel which can pass the bar of Port Royal Entrance. Steam and other vessels of small draught, have an inland passage by Beaufort in- to Coosau r. The whole of St. Helena parish in which this seaport is situated, contained, in 1830, a population of 8,788. Beaufort, s-p. and p-t. Cartaret co. N. C. sit- uated on the main land at the head of Onslow Bay, and opposite Old Topsail Inlet, about 11 ms. N. w. Cape Lookout, and by p-r. 164 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Lat 34° 47', long. 0° 18' e. W. C. This is one of the best ports of N. Caro- lina, admitting vessels of 14 ft. draught, and affording complete shelter. It is well situa- ted to become a mart of considerable conse. BEA quence. A canal has been proposed across the intermediate peninsula to unite Onslow Bay with Neuse r. and if such a work was executed, Beau- fort must become the southern of its depots. In the Census lists of 1830, the population of this place not given separate from Cartaret co. Beaver, Big r. of Pa. and 0. is composed of two branches, the Mahoning and Shenango. The Mahoning rises by numerous branches in Columbiana, Portage and Trumbull cos. O. which, uniting in the latter co. bends from. n. E. to s. E. and after an entire comparative course of 60 ms. enters Beaver co. Pa. in which it re- ceives the Shenango from the n. The latter ri- sing in Crawford and Mercer cos. Pa. flows by a general course of sixty ms. sthrdly. to its junc- tion with the Mahoning. Below the union of its main constituents, Beaver flows a little e. of s. 20 ms. receiving from the estrd. in the interme- diate distance, the Conequenessing, and falls in- to the 0. at the t. of Beaver, after an entire com- parative course of 80 ms. This stream rises on a table land elevated from 800 to 1200 ft. and is precipitated over a fall of about 44 ft. entire de- scent, about IJ ms. above its entrance into Ohio. The elevation of the farms near the mouth, is about 700 ft. above the Atlantic tides. The val- ley of this river lies between lat. 40° 44' and 41° 43' and comprises an area of 3,850 sq. ms. The channel from the mouth to Warren, in Trumbull co. O. forms apart of the route along which a canal has been projected to unite the Ohio river to lake Erie, or to unite with the Ohio canal. The valley of Beaver has that of the Alle- ghany r. to the N. E. that of Cayahoga to the n. w. and that of the Tuscarawas branch of Musk- ingum to the s. w. and w. To the n. it has in- terlocking sources with those of Conneaut, Ash- tabula and Grand rs. flowing into lake Erie. Beaver co. of Pa. bndd. by Mercer co. n., Butler E., Alleghany s. e., Washington s., Ohio CO. Va. s. w., and Columbiana co. 0. n. w. Great- est length along the state of Ohio 36 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 30' to 41° 02', and in long, from 3° 06' to3o 30' w. W. C. The O. r. enters the south- eastern border and flowing thence n. n. w. 10 ms. to the influx of Big Beaver, inflects thence to s. w. by w. leaving the co. below the mouth of Little Beaver, and dividing it into two une- qual sections. The smaller section comprising about one third of the entire surface lies south of Ohio r. and slopes northwardly towards that stream. The northern section comprised in the vallies of Big and Little Beaver, has a southern declivity towards Ohio r. The sur- face of the whole co. on both sides of Ohio r. is very hilly, but the soil almost uniformly pro- ductive. Cf. t. borough of Beaver. Pop. 1820, 13,340, 1830, 24,183. Beaver, borough, p-t. and st. jus. Beaver co. Pa. situated on the right bank of Ohio r. and on the point below the mouth of Big Beaver 30 ms. by water below Pittsburg ; 45 a little w. of n. Washington Pa. 35 ms. n. e. Steubenville O. by p-r. 251 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 229 a little N. of w. from Harrisburg. Lat. 40° 44', long. 3° 23' w. W. C. Pop. of tsp. 1820, 351 ; of the borough alone in 1830, 914. 43 BED Beaver cr. N. Y. a mill stream, rises in Ulster and Sullivan cos. and runs through Delaware CO. into a branch of Delaware r. Beaver Creek, p-o. Anderson co. Ky. about 15 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Beaver Dam, p-v. in the central part of Erie CO. Pa. 7 or 8 ms. southwardly from the borough of Erie, and by p-r. 325 ms. n. w. W. C. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 142, 1830, 443. Beaver Dam, p-o. Goochland co. Va. near the northern bank of James r. by p-r. 25 ms. above Richmond, and 139 s. s. w. W. C. Beaver Dam, p-v. in the eastern part of Ruth- erford CO. N. C. 19 ms. estrd. from Rutherford- ton, and by p-r. 204 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Beaver Islands, group in Lake Michigan, lying at near the mid-distance between the straits of Michilimackinack and the strait usu- ally called the Grand Traverse, which unites Lake Michigan to Green Bay. The Beaver Islands are part of a chain which stretches from N. to s. and composed of Round Island, Great Beaver Island, and the Fox Islands : to which might be added the two Maniton islands, lying about 16 ms. sthrd. of the Fox Islands. Beaver Meadows, p-o. in the northern part of Northampton co. Pa. 21 ms. n. Easton, and by p-r. 21 1 ms. N. e. W. C. Beavertown, p-v. in the southern part of Union co. Pa. by p-r. 59 ms. a little w. of n. from Harrisburg. Pop. of the tsp. 2,280. Becket, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 17 ms. s. e. Lenox, 110 w. Boston, is on high land of the Green mtn. range, and contains 4 ponds which give rise to branches of Westfield, Farmington and Housatonic rs. The inhabitants are chiefly farmers. Pop. 1,063. Beckhamsville, p-v. Chester dist. S. C. situa- ted on Catawba r. by p-r. 50 ms. n. Columbia, and 479 s. s. w. W. C. Beddington, t. Washington co. Me. 35 ms, N. w. Machias, is the fourth town from the coast, and is crossed by the upper parts of Pleasant and Narraguasus rs. It adjoins Han- cock CO. Bedford, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. w. side Merrimack r. 8 ms. n. w. Amherst, 18 s. Con- cord, 52 N. w. Boston, contains 20,660 acres. Merrimack and Piscataquog rs. water the town. Piscataquoy v. is in the n. e. part. The w. part is uneven and stony, but warm. The E. is a pine plain, and some intervals. White, red, and black oak, walnut, chesnut, birch, pine and hem. lock are the trees. Much white oak has been sent by the r. and Middlesex canal, for ship tim- ber. Hops have been raised here to a large amount. Cotton and woollen are manufactured. There is a brook which falls 200 ft. Iron ore, black lead, copper, pyrites, gneiss, &c. are found. The t. was granted by Mass. in 1733, to officers, soldiers, &c. of Phillip's War. First settled, 1737. Pop. 1,563. Bedford, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 16 ms. n. w. Boston, s. w. Concord r. Shawsheen r. a good mill stream, rises here. It is a small town, and half shire. Pop. 685. Bedford, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y. 44 ms. N. New York, 130 s. Albany, s. e. Croton r. 6 ms. square. Several small streams supply ma- ny mill seats. It is elevated land, with various BED 44 BEL soils for farms, well watered, and producing much excellent rye. It belonged to Conn, till 1700. The village was burnt in the revolution- ary war. Hon. John Jay lived here many years, and here died. Pop. 2,750. Bedford go. Pa. bndd. w. by Somerset, n. w. by Alleghany mtn. separating it from Cambria CO., N. E. by Huntingdon co., e. by Franklin, s. e. by Washington co. Md., and s. and s. w. by Al- leghany co. Md. Greatest length from the Ma- ryland line to the northern angle, 52 ms., con. taining 16l2 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 30', and in long, from 0° 53' to 1° 44' w. W. C. The surface of this large co. is lined with chains of mtns. extending from s. s. w. to N. N. E. with very productive intervening valleys. In regard to the rs. the central part is a table land, from which creeks flow southward- ly into the Potomac r. The northern and lar- ger section declines to n. n. e. and gives source to both the Raystown and Frankstown branches of Juniata. To travel over Bedford without giving other than a cursory glance, the country would appear a congeries of rocks and mountain ridges, yet the valley soil is generally good, and in many places very productive. Many of the mountain ridges have broad table lands of excellent quality on their summits. There is no part of Bedford co. which does not exceed an elevation of 500 ft. above the Atlantic level, and the farms along the eastern margin of the Alleghany mtn. to at least 1700 ft. 'The mean height of the arable land is from 1200 to 1300 ft. or an equivalent to at least three degrees of lat- itude. The winters are long and severe, but the highly diversified features of this region ren- der it a delightful summer residence. The min- eral springs near the borough of Bedford are much frequented. The northern extreme of Bedford is traversed or rather touched by one of the rail-roads of Pa. a link in the great chain of internal improvement, advancing to comple- tion in that state. Staples of the county, grain, salted provision, live stock, &c. to which iron, and mineral coal of the bituminous species may be added. Cf. ts. Bedford and McCoiinelsburg. Pop. 1820, 20,248, 1830, 24,502. Bedford, p-v. borough, and st. jus. Bedford CO. Pa., situated on one of the higher branches of Juniata r, 105 ms. s. w. by w. from Harris- burg, 200 ms. almost due w. from Phil, and by p-r. 126 northwestward from W. C. According to Tanner's U. S. the borough stands exactly on lat. 40°, and very near 1° 30' w. W. C. This village had its origin in a fort, and was laid out as a town in 1771. The situation is truly roman- tic. The main body of the village stands on a globular swell in a beautiful mountain valley. The scenery has great variety of feature ; soft- ness is blended with grandeur ; there is nothing of sublime, but a pleasing boldness and richness strikes the eye on all sides. The village is, in summer, a place of fashionable resort by per- sons visiting the mineral waters in its vicinity. It does not, however, appear to gain rapidly in permanent Pop. In 1820 the inhabitants were 789, and only 869 by the census of 1830. Bedford co. of Va. bndd. e. and s. e. by Campbell co., by Roanoke r. separating it from Pitteylvania, s., Franklin s. w., by Blue Ridge, separating it from Botetourt w. and n. w., and by James r. separating it from Amherst, n. e. Length between James and Roanoke rs. 30 ms. mean width 22, and area 660 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 37° to 37° 32', and in long, from 2<» 10' to 2° 50' w. W. C. The declivity of this CO. is to the southeastward ; the northern part containing, in the peaks of Otter, the highest elevation of the Appalachian system, 4,250 ft. unless the White mtns. of N. H. are included. From this elevated part of Blue Ridge, Bedford slopes with the course of the great bounding rs. and with that of the two small intermediate streams. Goose and Otter. Cf. t. Liberty. Pop. 1820, 19,305, 1830, 20,246. Bedford co. of Ten. bndd. w. by Maury, n. w. by Williamson, n. by Rutherford, n. e. by Warren, s. e. by Franklin, and s. by Lincoln. Length from e. to w. 40 ms. mean width 25, and area 1,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 20' to 35° 44', and in long, from 9° 02' to 9° 47' w. It is nearly commensurate with the high, er part of the valley of Duck r. and with the general course of that stream, slopes wstrd. Cf. t. Shelbyville. Pop. 30,396. Bedford, p-v. in the northern part of Oldham CO. Ky. 10 ms. n. e. from Westport, the st, jua. and by p-r. 53 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Bedford, p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence co. Ind., situated on the right bank of the east fork of White r. at and above the mouth of Salt cr., 60 ms. N. w. by w. Louisville Ky. and by p-r. 73 ms. s. w. Indianopolis, and 633 ms. wstrd. from W. C. Lat. 38° 52'. Bedfordville, p-v. Burke co. N. C. by p-r. 205 ms. w. Raleigh. Bedminster, t. Somerset co. N. J. 20 ms. n. w. New Brunswick. Pop. 1,453. Beech Grove, p-v. Luzerne co.Pa. by p-r. 86 ms. N. N. E. Harrisburg. Beech Grove, p-v. Bedford co. Ten. 48 ma. sthrd. from Nashville. Beech Hill, p-v. Jackson co. Ten. 47 ms. N. E. from Nashville. Beech Park, p-o. Gallatin co. Ky. by p-r. 34 ms. northwardly from Frankfort. Beekman, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y. 12 ms, e. Poughkeepsie. The Clove is a fine valley be. tween w. mtn. and Oswego ridge 1 or 2 ms, by 6, with a warm gravelly loam, much improved by gypsum, and watered by Clovekill, flowing through it and turning mills, Bushkill joins it, and they form Fishkill r. on which is Beekman V, Great Pond covers about 300 acres and emp- ties into the r. as does Sprout cr. Many human bones have been found here, probably left in some Indian fight. Pop. 1,584. Beekmantown, p-t. Chiston co. N. Y. 6 ms. N. Plattsburg, 165 n, Albany, w. Lake Cham- plain, has fertile land in the e. part, and most of its population farmers. Pop. 2,391. Beela>'s Ferry and p-o. Perry co. Pa., by p-r. 3 1 ms. Harrisburg. Beeler's Station and p-o. in the sthrn. part of Ohio CO. Va., by p-r. 250 ms. n. w. by w. something w. of W. C. and 350 ms n. w. by w. Richmond. Belair, p-v. Lancaster dist. S. C, by p-r, 81 ms. nthrd. Columbus. Belbrook, or Bellbrook, p-v, in the s. wstm. BEL 45 BEL part of Greene co. O. 9 ms. s. w. Xenia, the st. jus. for the co., and 40 n. n. e. Cincinnati. Belchertown, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 80 ms. w. Boston, 12 e. Northampton, has hills of gentle declivity, with loam and gravel. The village is large, handsome, and on high ground. Pop.2,49L Belew's cr. and p-o. in the n. estrn. part of Stokes CO. N. C, by p-r. 127 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Belfast, p-t. s.p. cap. of Waldo co. Me. 40 ms. e. Augusta, 9 w. Castine, from which it is separated by Penobscot r., which, although about 30 ms. from the sea, is very broad. A wide, but short stream crosses the tsp. with several of its branches. It is 40 ms. n. e. Hallowell. The harbor has considerable advantages, and the coasting trade is great. Pop. 3,077. Belfast, p-v. Alleghany co. N. Y. 262 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 743. Belford, p-v. Nash co. N, C. by p-r. 50 ms. e. Raleigh, Belgrade, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 10 ms. n. Augusta, is situated between 3 lakes or large ponds. Pop. 1,375. Belgrade Mills, p-v. Kennebec co. Me.lS ms. N. Augusta. Bellborough, p-v. Williamson co. Ten. by p-r- 32 ms. sthrdly. Nashville. Bellefontaine, p-v. and st. jus. Logan co. 0. 125 ms. N. N. e. Cincinnati, and by p-r. 458 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 62 ms. n. w. Columbus. Lat. 40° 21', long. 6° 43' w. W. C. Pop. 266. This place stands on the table land between the valleys of Sciota and Great Miami rs., the wa- ter sources discharging from its vicmity like radii from a common centre. Bellefonte, borough, t. p-v. and st. jus. Cen- tre CO. Pa. situated on Spring cr. a branch of Bald Eagle r. 45 ms. s. w. Williamsport, 35 n. N. E. Huntingdon, and by p-r. 85 ms. n. w. Har- risburg, and 192 n. n. w. W. C. Lat. 40° 55'. Pop. 698. Bellefonte, p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co. Ala. situated on Paint Rock r. 25 ms. a little s, of e. Hantsville, and by p-r. 171 ms. n. e. Tuscaloo. sa. Lat. 34° 43', long. 9° 20' w. V/. C. Belle Haven, p-o. in the s. estrn. part of Ac- comac CO. Va. 20 ms. s. Drummondstown, and by p-r. 194 ms. s. s. e. Annapolis, and 226 s. e.W. C. Belle Isle, p-o. in the nthrn. part of Matthews CO. Va., by p-r. 98 ms. a little s.ofE. Richmond, and 182 ms. s. s. e. W. C. Belle Valley, p-o. in the n. estrn. part of Rockbridge co. Va. by p-r. 147 ms. w. Rich, mond, and 188 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Belle View, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Calhoun CO. II. by diiect distance, about 100 ms. but by p-r. 146 ms. n. w. by w. a little w. Vandalia, and 926 ms. w. W. C. Belleville, p-v. Essex co. N. J. 3 ms. N.New- ark, w. Passaic r. is in a pleasant situation, and has a large printing, bleaching, and dying facto- ry for cotton, woollen and silk. The principal building is of hewn stone, 263 ft. long and of 3 stories. The bleaching and print works are now upon the largest scale, producing upwards of 4,000 pieces weekly, of a variety of styles of goods. Belle Vxlle, p-v. on the western border of 7 MifflHn CO. Pa., 20 ms. n. e. Huntingdon, and by p-r. 77 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg, and 169 ma. N. N. w. W. C. Belle Ville, p-v. on the left bank of Ohio r. at the mouth of Lees cr. 30 ms. below Mariet- ta, and by p-r. 314 ms. wstrdly. W. C. Belle Ville, p. v. in the nthrn. part of Cone, cuh CO. Ala. 12 ms. nthrdly. Sparta, the st. jus. and by p-r. 193 ms. a little e. of s. Tuscaloosa, and 959 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Belleville, p-v. in the estrn. part of Roane co. Ten. 9. ms. estrd. Kingston, and by p-r. 148 ms. a little s. of e. Nashville, and 567 s. w. by w. W.C. Belleville, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Richland CO. 0., Ill ms. s. Mansfield the st. jus. and by p-r. 62 ms. ^. N. e. Columbus, and 368 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Belleville, p-v, and st. jus. St. Clair co. II. 15 ms. s. E. St. Louis, Mo. and by p-r. 71 ms. s. w. Vandalia, and 843 ms. wstrdly. W. C. Bellingham, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 26 ms. 3. w. Boston, N. R. I., is a manufacturing place. The Bellingham cotton and woollen factory, in. corporatedl814 — capital ^15,000, and Boston do. 1813,(^400,000, are moved by the water of Charles r. The soil is sandy. Pop, 1,102. Bellona, Arsenabard p-o. on the right bank of James r. 14 rns. above and wstrd. Richmond, but in Chesterfield co. Va. Bellows Falls, p-v. Westminster, Windham co.Vt. about 40 ms. n, e. Bennington, 80 s. Pvlont- pelier, is in a pleasant and picturesque situation, at the place where Connecticut r. after flowing tranquilly through Charlestown meadows, with a current 350 feet wide, and 25 deep, rushes down a fail of 44 ft. in half a mile, amongst rocks of hard gray granite, into which the water has worn deep holes. In summer, the r. is here only 16 ft. wide. Above the falls is a bridge ; and a canal three quarters of a mile long, waa dug through the rocks, some years ago, at much expense, for the passage of flat bottomed boats and rafts. A steam boat has once or twice gone through and navigated the r. above. There is an ancient bed of the r. w. of the vil- lage. Bones and weapons of Indians are found here, and a rude specimen of their art is seen on a rock. It was once a great fishing place for salmon. Bell's Landing, and p.o. on Alabama r. in the northern part of Monroe co. Ala. by p,r. 136 ms. s. Tuscaloosa, and 935 s. w. by w. W. C. Belmont, p t. Waldo co. Me. 20 ms. w. Cas- tine, 34 Augusta, is near the centre of the CO, Pop. 3,077, Belmont, one of the eastern cos. of 0. bndd. s. by Monroe, w. by Guernsey, n. w. by Harri- son, N. E. by Jefferson, and e. by Ohio r, sepa. rating it from Ohio co. Va. Greatest length along the northern border, 30 ms. the breadth 20, and mean length ^26, the area 520 sq, ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 52' to 40° 10', and in long, from 3° 40' to 4° 14' w. W. C. This co. is divided into 2 very nearly equal sections, by the dividing table land between the vallies of Ohio and Muskingum, from which flow estrd. small crs. into Ohio r. and issue wstrd. the sources of Will's and Stillwater branches of Muskingum. The surface is a series of hills, with deep and BEN 46 BER narrow intervening vallies. Soil almost uni- formly fertile. Cf. t. St. Clairville. Pop. 1820, 20,329, 1830, 28,412. Belmont, p-v. in the Central part of Belmont CO. 0. 17 ms. w. Wheeling in Va. and by p-r. 119 ms. E. Columbus, and 288 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Pop. 142. Belmont, p-v. in the eastern part of Wayne CO. Misp. 10 ms. eastwardly from Winchester, the St. jus. and about 180 ms. e. Natchez. Belpre, p-v. in the southern part of Wash- ington CO. O. situated on the right bank of Ohio r. opposite the mouth of Little Kenhawa r. and the village of Parkersburg, Wood co. Va. 12 ms. below Marietta, and by p-r. Ill s. e. Colum- bus, and 316 ms. w. W. C. Belvernon, p-v. on the right bank of Monon. gahela r. and in the extreme northwestern an- gle of Fayette co. Pa. 20 ms. a little w. of n. Uniontown, the co. st. and by p-r. 194 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg, and 217 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Belvidere, t. Franklin co. Vt. 32 ms. n. e. Burlington, 32 n. Montpelier, on the w range of the Green mts. contains 30,100 acres, is wa- tered by two branches of I;amoille r. but has much mountainous land. Pop. 185. Belvidere, p-t. and cap. Warren co N. J. 11 TOS. N. E. Easton, 70 w. New York, is on the e. side of Delaware r. at the mouth of Bequest r. on a broad plain. Benedict, p-v. on the right bank of the Pa- tuxent, in the extreme eastern angle of Charles CO. Md. by p-r. 49 ms. s. s. e. W. C. and 54 s. Annapolis. Benevola, p-v. in the northwestern part of Henry co, Ky. by p-r. 566 ms. vs^estrd. W. C. and 47 ms. n. w. Frankfort. Bennett's Branch, small cr. and p-o. in the northwestern part of Clearfield co. Pa. 100 ms. N. E. Pittsburg, and 120 n. w. Harrisburg. Bennett's Store, and p-o. Halifax co. Va. by p-r. 131 ms. s. w. Richmond. Bennettsville, P-v. and st. jus. Marlborough dist. S. C. situated between the Little and Great Pedee, 25 ms. s. e. from Sneadsboro' in N. C. and by p-r. 406 ms. s. s. w. W. C, and 102 n. e. by E. Columbus, lat. 3 i° 36', long. 2° 40' w. W. C. Bennettsville, p-v. in the northern part of St. Clair co. Ala. 13 ms. northwardly from Ash- ville the st. jus. and by p-r. 735 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 142 m.s. n. e. Tuscaloosa. Bennington, co. Vt. s. w. corner of the state, is bndd. by Rutland co. n., Windham co. e., Massachusetts s., and New York w. It lies be- tween 42° 44' and 43° 18' lat., and 3° 46' and 4° 10' E long. ; it is 20 ms. by 39, and contains 610 sq. ms. a large part of it mountainous. Streams flow out on all sides into Deerfield, Hoosack, Battenkill, and Westrs. and Otter and Wood crs. and give good mill sites. The low lands are good for tillage. A range of lime- stone crosses the co. n. and s. and good marble, chiefly white and fine grained, is taken from several quarries. Some iron and lead ore is also found. Bennington and Manchester are the shire and chief towns. This was the first CO. settled in Vt. w. of the Green mts. Most of the committees of safety in the state, in the rev- olutionary war, were held here. Pop. 1820, 16,125, 1830, 17,468. Bennington, p-t. and half shire, Bennington CO. Vt. 100 ms. s. w. Montpelier, llOw. byN. Boston, 33 n. e. Albany, 160 n. New York city, 375 E. by N. W. C. was chartered by Gov. Ben- ning Wentworth, 1749, and was first settled by separatists under Samuel Robinson, 176 1, who first resisted the authority of New York. The battle of Bennington, 1777, occurred near the line of this town, in Washington co. N. Y. Iron ore, marble, &c. are found here in large quantities. There are mills and factories, large iron works, &c. The village is on a hill, with a court house, academy, &c. Pop. 3,419. Bennington, p-t. Genessee co. N. Y. 18 ms. s. w. Batavia, 250 w. Albany, has Ellicot's cr. on the N., Cayuga branch of Buffalo cr. s. w., Tonawanta s. e., &c. The land is nearly level, and pretty good. Pop. 2,224. Bennington, p-v. in the northeastern part of Delaware co. 0. situated between Big Walnut and Alum crs. 41 ms. a little e. of n. from Co- lumbas, and 60 ms. n. w. Zanesville. Bensboro', p-v. Pitt CO. N. C. 115 ms. estrd. Raleigh. Benson, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 57 ms. n. Ben- nington, 84 Montpelier, e. Lake Champlain, i to to 1^ ms. wide, contains 25,214 acres, is poorly watered, but has a pond, Hubbardton r. &c. A stream which flows from a swamp, runs under a hill ^ a mile. First settled, 1783. Timber, chiefly pine, with hemlock, beech, maple, wal- nut, &c. Pop. 1,493. Bent cr. and p-o. in the southwestern part of Buckingham co. Va. by p-r. 196 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 112 wstrd. Richmond. Bentleyville, p-v. on Pigeon cr. eastern part of Washington co. Pa. 13 ms. s. e. by E. Wash- ington, the CO. seat, 9 ms. n. w. by w. Browns, ville, and by p-r. 222 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Benton, p-t. Yates co.N. Y. 18 ms. s. e. Can. andaigua, w. Seneca lake, 6 ms. by 8, has the outlet of Crooked lake and Cushong cr. with mills, &c. slightly varied surface, a warm, gra- velly soil, producing fruit trees, and forests of oak, chesnut, maple, and beech. The soil rests on argilaceous lime and slate. It has Hopeton and Dresden villages, and part of Penn-Yan. Pop. 3,957. Benton, p-v. and st. jus. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 45 ms. nthrd. from Jackson, and about 120 N. N. E. Natchez. Benton, p-v. and st. jus. Scott co. Mo. about 25 ms. N. w. by w. from the mouth of Ohio r . and 40 ms. n. from New Madrid, on Misp. r. lat. 37° 05', long. 12° 38' w. W. C. Bent's p-o. in the extreme southwestern angle of Washington co. 0. by p-r. 320 ms. wstrd. from W. C. and 107 s. e. Columbus. Bergen, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 16 ms. e. n. E. Batavia, 240 Albany, 8 s. Erie canal, has a varied surface, and soil very favorable for fruit. Black cr. supplies some mill seats. Pop. 1,508. Bergen, co. N. J. bndd. by Orange co. N. Y. N., Hudson r. e., Pequannock and Passaic rs. s. w., with Newark bay and Kill-van-Kuhl, s. e., and Essex co. n. w., is crossed by Hackensack, Saddle, and Ramapo rs. running southwardly, and many small streams, with falls. The Short hills enter the co. near the middle, and the Pom- ton or Ramapo mtns. cross it above. There BER 47 BER are large marshy meadows in the s. e. Along the Hudson extends a remarkable trap precipice, called the Pallisadoes. The n. part is moun. tainous, with many iron mines and forges, some of which are not in operation. The lower part of the CO. is pleasantly situated opposite New York city, from which it derives much advan- tage, having communication by steamboats. This CO. was originally settled by emigrants from Holland, and their descendants have con- tinued, like their fathers, an industrious and thrifty people. The co. contains 9 tsps. Cf. t. Hackensack. Pop. 1820, 18,178, 1830, 22,414. Bergen, p-t, Bergen co. N. J. w. Hudson r. and opposite N. York city ; it has a gently vari- ed surface, with extensive meadows along the head of Newark bay ; the village lies 3 ms. from the city of N. Y. The soil is pretty well cultivated, supplying vegetables, &c. to the city. It was settled from Holland, and the inhabitants still speak Dutch. Pop. 4,651. Berger's Store, and p-o. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 164 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Berkley, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 35 ms. s. Boston, E. Taunton r. Pop. 907. Berkley, co. Va. bndd. by Jefferson s. e., Frederick, s. w., Morgan, w. and n. w., and Po. tomack r. separating it from Washington co. Md. N. e. Greatest length from n. e. to s. w. 28 ms., mean breadth, 14 ms. and area 392 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 14' to 39= 35' and long, from 1° 14' to 2° 11' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the n. e. and it is drained in that direction by Back and Opequhan crs. The mean elevation of the arable surface of the farms, from 500 to 700 ft. above tide water. Surface, broken and mountainous. Cf. t. Mar- tinsburg. Pop. 10,528. Berkley Springs, otherwise called Bath, p-v. and St. just Morgan co. Va. situated 8. ms. s. s. w. Hancockstown, Md. 45 ms. n. w. by w. Harper's Ferry, and by p-r. 93 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 186 ms. n. n. w. Richmond. Berks, co. Pa. bndd. n. e. by Lehigh co. e., l)y Montgomery, s. e. by Chester, s. by Lancas- ter, s. w. by Lebanon, and w. and n. w. by Kit- tatinny mtn. separating it from Schuylkill. Breadth 30 ms. the northeastern and south- western sides being parallel, mean length 34, and area 1,020 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40= 09' to 40° 42', and in long, from 0=> 30' to 1° 24' E. The face of this fine country is greatly diver- sified; bounded on the n. w. by the Kittatinny, and s. E. by the s. e. chain of mtns. it contains a part of two mountain vallies. The general slope is to the southeastward, and it is traversed in that direction by the Schuylkill r. which breaks through the Blue Ridge at Reading. The latter chain traverses Berks in a s. wstrn. di- rection, dividing the co. into two unequal valley sections. The lower and lesser, lies between the Blue Ridge and Southeast mtn. and widens from N. E. to s. w. from 3 to 15 ms. The sec- tion above Blue Ridge has a nearly equal breadth of 18 ms. something more than a third of which is on the great limestone strata which flanks the Blue Ridge on the n. wstrn. side. The limestone tract is the most fertile, but the gen- eral character of the soil of the co. is that of productiveness, and the staples are numerous and valuable. The mean level of the arable soil of Berks is about 300 ft. above the level of tide water in Delav/are r. The seasons of in- florescence, foliage, and of harvest, are sensi- bly different above and below Blue Ridge. Under the head of canals and roads, the great improveirents which traverse Berks are no- ticed. Cf. t. Reading. Pop. 1820, 37,327, in 1830, 53,152. Berkshire, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 50 ms. N. w. Montpelier, 31 n. e. Burlington, has a variety of good soils, and is watered by Missisque and Pike rs. and many brooks which supply water power. The timber is beech and maple. First settled, 1792. Poo. 1,308. Berkshire, co. Mass. the w. co., is bndd. by Vt. N., Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin e., Conn, s., N. Y. w. The people are engaged in agriculture, and a variety of manufactures ; Housatonic and Hoosic rs. are the principal streams, whose waters are divided from those of Conn. r. by the Green mtn. range. Much white marble is obtained from the quarries. Lenox is the co. town. Pop. 1820, 35,720 ; 1830, 37,835. Berkshire, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 14 ms. n. Oswego, 160 w. Albany, e. of w. branch of Os- wego cr., 8 ms. by 14, has a gentle varied sur- face, with soil favorable for grain and grass, es- pecially the meadows on the e. branch of Os- wego cr. First settled, about 1793, from Berk- shire CO Mass. It is well watered, and the land is held in fee. Pop. 1,883. Berkshire Valley, p-v. Morris co, N. J., on the Rockaway, 8 ms. x. Dover, 16 N. Morris, town Berkshire, p-v. towards the estrn. side of Delaware co. 0. 10 ms. e. Delaware, the st. jst. and by p-r. 23 ms. n. Columbus. Pop, of the tsp. of Berkshire, 1,057. Berlin, t. Oxford co. Me, 45 ms. n, w. Augusta. Pop. 478. Berlin, Coos co. N. H. an uninhabited t, 125 ms. from Concord, containing 31,154 acres, and was granted Dec. 31, 1771 to Sir Wm. Mayne and others, of Barbadoes. The Ameriscoggin and Upper Amonoosuck pass through it. Berlix, t. Washington co. Vt. 4 ms, from Montpelier, near the centre of the state, con. tams 21,855 acres, much broken but good land, and is watered by Onion r., on n. line Dog r., and has a pond 2 ms. long. First settled, about 1786. Pop. 1,664. Berlin, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 33 ms, w. from Boston. North brook furnishes mill seats. There is a quarry of building stone. Pop, 692. Berlin, p.t. Hartford co. Ct. 11 ms. s. Hart- ford, 23 N. New-Haven, about 5 ms. by 8, with 40 sq. ms., is uneven, with mtns. s. w. and w. The rocks are clay, slate, and greenstone, of the range extending from Middletown to North, field Ms., and some coal, carb. lime, iron py. rites, silver, &c. have been found. The soil is generally a gravelly loam, and is very good for grass, grain, and orchards. Tin W)are.— This manufacture was carried on for many years here, to a great extent, and the products sent to all parts of the U. S. and other countries. It was introduced here, and into the U. S, by Ed- BER ward Patterson, an Irishman, about the time of the revolutionary war. The neighboring towns are now engaged in it, and manufacturers have gone to the southern states ; and the business is now carried on in almost all parts of the country. Other manufactures are also carried on here. Pop. 3,047. Berlin, p.t. Rensselaer co. N. Y. 20 ms. e. Albany, 20 e. s. e Troy, 7 ms. by 8, is hilly and partly mountainous, with much poor soil, many marshes and evergreen forests, and some fine vallies. It is watered by Little Hoosac cr. and some small streams. The soil is generally per- manently leased by S. Van. Rensselaer, Esq. for about 10 bushels of wheat for 100 acres. A few Germans settled here in 1764. Pop. 2,019. Berlin, p-v. and borough of Somerset co. Fa. on the main road from Cumberland in Md. to the borough of Somerset, 25 ms. n. w. of the former, and 10 s. e. from the latter place, and by p-r. 157 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Berlin, p-v. Worcester co. Md. by p.r. 150 ms. s. E. by e. W. C. Berlin, p-v. in the eastern part of Maury co. Ten. by p-r. 47 ms. a little w. of s. Nashville. Berlin, p-v. in the n. eastern part of Holmes CO. 0. 8 ms. a little n. of e. Millersburg, the co. seat, and by p-r. 333 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 88 ms. N. E. Columbus. Bermudian, p-v. York co. Pa. 18 ms. sthrd. from Harrisburg and 96 nthrd. W. C. Bernard's p-t. Somerset co. N. J. watered by Raritan and Passaic rs. Pop. 2,062. Bernardston, p-t. Franklin CO. Mass. 96 ms. N. w. Boston on high land between Green and Connecticut rs. is uneven, with pretty good soil. First settled 1746, and was attacked by Indians the same year. Pop. 918. Berne, p-t. Albany co. N. Y. 20 ms. w. Alba- ny, on the high lands between Albany and Sco- harie cos. has some of the Helderberg mtns., small streams, 2 ponds of 100 acres, fine vallies of calc. loam, marshes and beds of clay, turf and marl. There are many marine petrifactions in the rocks. Pop. 3,607. Berrien, co. Mich. bndd. n. e. by Van Buren CO., by Cass co. e., St. Joseph's co. Ind. s. e.. La Porte co. Ind. s. w., and Lake Michigan w. Length from s. to n. 33 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 594 sq. ms. Lat. 42°, and long. 9° 25' w. W. C. Slope to the northwstrd. and in that direction is traversed by St. Joseph's r. which enters at the southeastern angle, and winding to the n. w. receiving tributaries from the northestrd. and falling into lake Michigan at the St. jus. Saranac. Cf. t. Newburyport. Pop. 1830, 325. Berrien, p-v. and st. jus. Dooley co. Geo. sit- uated on the table land between Oakmulgee, and Flint rs. by p-r. 739 ms. s. w. W. C. and 97 ms. s. s. w. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 03', long. 6° 48' w. W. C. Berry's p-o. Wayne co. Ky. 11 ms. sthrd. from Monticello, the co. seat, and by p-r. 121 me. a little e. of s. Frankfort. Berrysville, p-v. in the northern part of Knox CO. Ind. 13 ms. nthrd. from Vincennes, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 113 ms. s. w. Indianop- -olis. Bertie co. N. C. bndd. n. w. by Northamp. 48 BET ton, N. by Herford, e. by Chowan r. separating it from Chowan co., and by Roanoke r. separa- ting it from Washington s. e., Martin s. and s. w., and Halifax w. Greatest length 40 ms. from Chowan point, at the head of Albermarle sound and junction of Roanoke and Chowan rs. to the extreme northwestern angle on Roanoke r., mean breadth 25, and area 1000 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 35° 40' to 36° 15', and in long, from 0° 20' E.to 0° 21' w. W. C. The slope is to the south, eastward. Surface generally level, and in part marshy; staples, cotton, tobacco, &c. Cf. t. Windsor. Pop. 1820, 10,805, and 12,262 in 1830. Berwick, p-t. York co. Me. 16 ms. n. w. Portsmouth N. H. 103 s. w. Augusta, on Salmon Fall r. contains an academy, and has consid- erable trade in lumber, &c. Pop. 3,168. Berwick, South, p-t. York co. Me. 17 ms. n. Portsmouth, 103 s. s. w. Augusta, is situated at the falls of Salmon Falls r. e. N. H. Berwick, p-v. and borough of Columbia co. Pa. situated on the right bank of Susquehanna r. and on the extreme eastern border of the co., 28 ms. below and s. w. from Wilkesbarre, and by p-r. 86 ms. n. e. from Harrisburg, and 196 n. n. e. W. C. Population, 500. Bethania, p-v. Stokes co. N. C. 5 ms. sthrd. from Germantown, the co. seat, and 122 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Bethany, p t. New Haven co. Conn. 45 ms. s. w. Hartford. Bethany, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 8 ms. s. s. e. Batavia 240 w. Albany, is on the highest ground between Black and Tonawanta crs. and has a surface favorable for farming. Pop. 2,374. Bethany, p-v. borough and st.jus. Wayne co. Pa. situated on Dyberry cr. a branch of Lacka. waxen r. about 80 nis. a little w. of n. Easton, 3 ms. n. Honesdale on the Lackawaxen canal, and by p-r. 265 ms. n. n. e. W. C. and 162 n. e. Harrisburg. Lat. 41° 37', long. 1° 42' e. W. C. Pop. 327. Bethany, p-v. Brooke co. Va. 26 ms. n. w. from the borough of Washington, Pa. and 282 ms. N. w.by w. W. C. and 375 n. w. Richmond. Bethany Church, and p-o. western part of Iredell co. N. C. 6 ms. westrd. from Statesville, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 402 ms. s. w. W. C. and 152 w. Raleigh. Bethel, p-t. Oxlord co. Me. 18 ms. n. w. Pa. ris, 53 Augusta, s. and e. Androscoggin r. Pop. 1,620. Bethel, p-t.Windsor co.Vt. 30 ms. s. Montpe. lier, 30 n.w. Windsor, contains 23,060 acres, has a mountainous surface, but generally a warm, and productive soil, watered by White r. and its second and ihird branches ; with 2 rs. e. and w. First settled about 1780. Pop. 1,240. Bethel, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. Bethel, p-t. Sullivan co. N. Y. 16 ms. w. Monticello, 10 ms. by 15, e. Delaware r. and Pa., has Coliakoon and Mongaup crs. White lake, 1 m. long, with a p-o. mills, &c. at the outlet. Cochecton V. is on Delaware r. Pop. 1,203. Bethel, tsp. and p-o. Berks co. Pa. by p-r. 80 ms. escrd. from Harrisburg. Pop. 1,491. Bethel, p-v. in the s. wtrn. part of Hartford CO. N. C. 14 ms. s. wstrd. Winton, the co. seat, and by p-r. 254 ms. s. W. C. and 143 n. e. by e. Raleigh. BET Bethlehem, pt. Grafton co. N. H. 100 ms. n. Concord, is crossed by Great Ammonoosuc r., contains 28,608 acres. Round and Peaked mtns.; produces good crops of grain and grass, pine and sugar maple. Some mineral springs and mtn. and bog iron ore exist. First settled 1790. Pop. 673. Bethlehem, p-t. Albany co. N. Y. | m. s. w. Albany, w. Hudson r., contains 96 sq. ms. part of Vlamanskill, Norman's cr., Vlykill, and a part of Helderberg hills. There is much rich alluvial land near Hudson r. inhabited by descendants of early Dutch settlers. There are several caverns. The seat of Gen. Schuyler, distinguished in the revolutionary war, is near the r. New Scotland, and Rensselaer's mills, (mouth of Norman's creek) are villages. Pop. 6,082. Bethlehem, t. Hunterdon co. N. J. Pop. 2,032. Bethlehem, p-v. and borough, Northampton CO. Pa. situated on a fine acclivity rising from the Lehigh r. below the mouth of Manocasy cr. 48 ms. a little w. of n. Phil. 12 ms. s. w. by w. Easton, and by p-r. 184 ms. n. e. W. C. lat. 40° 37', long. 1° 46' e. from W. G. Bethlehem was founded on land purchased by the Unitas Fratum, United Brethren, under Count Zin- zendorf, 1741. The Moravians, as the United Brethren are usually called, have retained the ownership, and have produced a very neat and flourishing borough. The body of the village extends up the acclivity from the Lehigh bridge. The houses are neat, substantial, and though not splendid, have a fine appearance when seen from the vicinity. This village, from the date of its foundation, has been the seat of a female school, and in which many of the most accomplished women of the middle states of the U. S. have received their educa- tion. There is but one house of public worship, in which divine service is performed in English and German. Though from having to contend with so many other respectable seminaries, that of Bethlehem has not mamtained its rela- tive rank, still it may be safely asserted, that the solid and useful elements of female educa- tion can be obtained at this school with a cheapness, and moral and bodily health, ex- ceeded by but very few, if any others in the U. S. The manners of its inhabitants and the richly varied scenery of its neighborhood render Bethlehem a very pleasant place of visit to the traveller. The Lehigh canal passes ahmg the river bottom at the lower extreme of Bethlehem. Pop. tsp. 2,430, of which the village contained about 1,200. Bethlehem, p-v. on Tuscarawas r. and Great O. canal. Stark co. 0. about 60 ms. n. w. by w. Steubenville, 60 ms. n. n. e. Zanesville, and by p-r. 329 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 114 n. e. by E. Columbus. Bethlehem, p-v. on the right bank of O. r. and eastern part of Clarke co. Ind. 26 ms. above Louisville, Ky. and by p-r. 592 ms. w. W. C. and 101 s. s. e. Indianopolis. ' Bethlem, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 38 ms. w. s. w. Hartford, 33 n. w. N. Haven. 4 ms. by 4^, about 18 sq. ms., is hilly, with granite rocks, and a gravelly loam, good for grazing and grain. 49 BIG bearing oak, maple, nut-wood, &c. Branches of Pomperaug r. supply mill seats. Pop. 9tJ6. Bettsburg, p-v. Chenango co. N. Y. 120 ms. w. Albany. Bevansville, p-o. in the eastern part of Al- leghany CO. Md. by p-r, 109 ms. n. w. W. C. and 142 n. w. by w. Annapolis. Beverly, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 17 ms. n. e. Boston, N. Salem harbor, connected with Salem by a bridge 1500 ft. by 32, has excellent soil well cultivated, and is much engaged in fish, eries. Pop. 4,073. Beverly, p-v. and st. jus. Randolph co. Va. situated on Tygart's Valley r. or the eastern fork of Monongahela r. about 60 ms. very nearly due s. from Morgantown, 45 s. e. Clarksburg, by p-r. 221 a little s. of w. W. C. and 210 n. w, by w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 50', long. 2° 55' w. W. C. Bibb, co. of Geo. bndd. by Tehocunno cr. separating it from Houston s. and part of Craw- ford s. w., by the northern part of Crawford w., Monroe n. w., .Tones n. e., and the Ocmulgee r. separating it from Twiggs e. Length parallel to the general course of the Ocmulgee 30 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq. ms. extend, ing in lat. from 32'-" 35' to 33°, and in long, from 6° 36' to 7° w. W. C. The general slope is southeastward. The Ocmulgee r. enters at the extreme northern angle, and flowing with- in the CO. about 20 ms. becomes thence a boundary between it and Twiggs co. Cf. t. Macon. Pop. 7,154. Bibb, co. of Ala. bndd. by Perry s. Tuscaloosa w. and N. w. Jefferson n. Shelby n. e. and E. and Autauga s. e. Length 40 ms. mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 46' to 33° 20', and in long, from 10° 3' to 10° 30' w. W. C. The general slope is s. southwestward, and is drained in that di- rection by Cahaba r. Cf. t. Centreville. Pop. 1820, 3,676, and in 1830, 6,306. BiDDEFORD, P-t. York CO. Me. 38 ms. n. e. York, s. Saco r. It extends to the sea, and has Fletcher's neck and light house off" the mou'h of Saco r. and near Wood isl. with a revolving light. Pop. 1,995. Big Black, or Chitteloosa r. of Mis. rises in the country of the Choctaw Indians, interlock, ing sources with those of the Oaknoxabee, branch of Tombigbee, and with those ol Pearl r. and flowing thence about 60 ms. westward, along north lat. 33° 10' ; enters Yazoo co. in- flects to s. w. and with a very tortuous channel continues that direction 100 ms. to its junction with the Mississippi between Warren and Clai- borne cos. at lat. 32° 2', and long. 14° 7' w. W. C. after a comparative course of 160 ms. The valley of Big Black lies between that of Yazoo, and the higher part of that of Pearl. Big Bone Lick, p-v. Boone co. Ky. situated on a creek of the same name, in the sthrn. part of the CO. about 30 ms. s. s. vv. from Cincinnati, and by p.r. 66 ms. nearly due n. Frankfort. Bigbtville, p-v. sthrn. part of Maury co.Ten. 7ms. sthdly. from Columbia, the co. seat, and by p-r. 42 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Big cr. a small branch of White r. Ark. rises in St. Francis co. and flowing sthrd. over Phi- lip's falls into White r. about 15 ms. above ths BIG 50 BIL mouth of the latter. The valley of Big or. lies between those of White and Mississippi rs. Big Creek, p-o. s. estrn. part of Logan co. Va. about 70 ms. s. s. e. Charleston, on Great Kenhawa, by p-r. 396 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 338 a little s. of w. Richmond. Big Creek, p-o. on the last noted stream, by p-r. 106 ms. s. e. by e. Little Rock, and 1,056 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Big Creek, p-o. on a small creek of the same name, nthrn. part of Shelby co. Ten. by p-r. 221 ms. s. w. by w. Niishville, and 918 ms. in a nearly similar direction W. C. Big Darby, p-v. in the n. w. angle of Picka- way CO. O. 13 ms. s. w. Columbus. Big Eagle, p-v. in the n. estrn. part of Scott CO, Ky. by p-r. 34 ms. n. e. Frankfort. Big Flats, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 10 ms. n. w. Elmira, 218 w. s. w. Albany, has rich alluvial lands on Cheming r. but the hills are sterile, bearing only pitch and white pine, and shrub oak. Pop. 1,149. Big Hatchy, r. of Misp. and Ten. rises in the Chickasaw country, and nrthrn. part of the for- mer, and flows thence n. into Hardiman co. Ten. and inflecting to n. wstrd. pursues that course over Hardiman and Wood into Tipton co. In the latter the channel curves round to s. w. to its final discharge into the Misp. above the se- cond Chickasaw Bluff", after an entire compar- ative course of something above 100 ms. The valley of Big Hatchy lies between those of Loo- sahatchy and Forked Deer rs. Big Horn, r. great sthrn. branch of Yellow Stone r. has its remote sources in the Chippe- wayan or Rocky mtns. and as laid down by Tanner, has interlocking sources with those of Arkansas and Platte rs. on the sthrd. and with those of Yellow Stone nrthwrd. Its extreme s. wstrn. fountains are the springs which feed Biddle lake, n. lat. 42° 20', long. 32. w. W. C. From this elevated region Big Horn flows 150 ms. to the n. e. receives by the influx of Stink- ing Water r. from the wstrd. a large accession, and inflecting to a course of n. n. e. 200 ms. joins the Yellow Stone at Manuel's Fort, lat. 46°, after a comparative course of 450 ms. The valley of Big Horn lies between those of Yellow Stone proper and Tongue rs. The country it drains is generally composed of open arid plains. (See Yellow Stone.) Big Island, tsp. and p-v. Marion co. 0. By p-r. the p-o. is 51 ms. a little w. of n. Columbus. Pop. 470. Big Lick, p-v. in the southeastern part of Botetourt co. Va. 53 ms. a little s. of w. Lynch- burg, 173 wstrd, from Richmond, and by p-r, 250 ms, s. w. by w. W. C. Big Mills, and p-o. Dorchester co. Md. 14 ms. from Cambridge the co. st. and by p-r. 113 ms. s. E. by e. W. C, and 76 s. e. Annapolis. Big Prairie, and p-v, in the southwestern part of Wayne co. O. by p-r. 77 ms, n. e, Colum- bus, and 357 n. w. by w. W. C, Big River Mills and p-o. in the eastern part of St, Francis co. Mo. about 70 ms, s. St. Louis, 30 s, w. St, Genevieve, and 9 estrd. Farmington, the CO. st. Big Sandy, r. of Va, and Ky. having its most remote sources in the northwestern slopes of Clinch mtn. but receiving tributaries from a dis- tance of 70 ms. along th,e upper parts of Russel, Tazewell and Logan cos. Va. The eastern or main branch rises in Logan and Tazewell, but the higher streams uniting, the main channel becomes for a distance of 30 ms. a line of de- marcation between those two cos. to where it passes Cumberland mtn. From the latter point to its influx into Ohio, the channel of Big Sandy separates Ky. from Va., flowing between Logan and Cabell of the latter, and Floyd, Lawrence, and Greenup of the former state. The main or eastern branch of Big Sandy has interlocking sources with those of Guyandot, Bluestone, branch of Great Kenhawa, Clinch, branch of Tennessee, and its own West Fork. The West Fork of Sandy rises in Russel co. Va. flows thence vsrestward, traverses Cumber- land mtn. and enters Pike co. Ky. Passing over Pike into Floyd in the original direction, the channel curves to northward, and unites with the eastern branch, between Lawrence of Ky. and Cabell of Va. The valley of Big Sandy is in its greatest length from s. s. e. to n. n. w, about lODms. with a mean breadth of about .W, area 3000 sq. ms. ; bounded to the westward by the vallies of Kentucky and Licking rs., to the northeastward by that of Guyandot, and east- ward by that of New r. or the upper waters of Great Kenhawa. The main stream enters the Oiiio at Catlettsburgh in Greenup co. Ky. and opposite to the extreme southern angle of the state of Ohio. Lat 38° 24' and long. 5° 33' w, W. C. Big Sioux, r. (See Sioux r.) Big South Fork, of Cumberland r. rises in Morgan co. of Ten. between Fentress and Campbell cos., and flowing thence, interlocking sources with those of Emery's r. by a general course a little w. ofN. enters Wayne co. Ky., which it traverses to its final influx into Cumber- land r. having a compai'ative course of about 40 ms. Big South Fork, p-v. in the southern part of Wayne co. Ky. by p-r. 28 ms. s. e. Monticello, the CO. St. and 138 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. Big Spring, and p-o. westernpart of Giles co. Va. 26 ms. wstrd, from the c. h. of Parisburg, by p-r, 324 ms, s, w. by w, W, C. and 266 a little s. of w, Richmond. Big Spring, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Har- din CO. Ky. 17 ms. wstrd. Elizabethtown, the co, seat, 45 ms. s. s. w. Louisville, and by p-r. 98 ms, s. w. by w. Frankfort. Big Spring and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Mont- gomery CO. Mo. about 80 ms. a little n. of w. St. Louis, and by p-r. 64 ms. n. e. by e. Jefferson, and 952 wstrd. W. C. Big Swamp, and p-o. n. wstrn. part of Mont- gomery CO. Ala. by p-r. 112 ms. s. s. e. Tusca- loosa. Big Walnut r. one of the easterly branches of Sciota r. rises in Delaware co. 0. and flowing thence southwardly, traverses the estrn. parts of Delaware and Franklin, and joins the Sciota in the nrthrn. side of Pickaway co. after a compar- ative course of about 55 ms. Big Walnut has interlocking sources with those of White Wo- man's r. a branch of Muskingum. BiLLERicA, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 20 ma. BIS 51 BLA N. w. Boston, is supplied with mill sites by Con- cord and Shawsheen rs. and has a handsome v. in the centre, on a fine eminence, with an aca- demy. Pop. 1,374. BiLLSBURG, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Ran- dolph CO. Va. by p-r. 224 ms. w. W. C. and 240 N. w. by w. Richmond. BiNGHAiM, t. Somerset co. Me. 26 ms. n. Nor- ridgewock, 55 n. Augusta, e. Kennebec r. oppo- site Concord. It has a few brooks. Pop. 535. Bingham, formerly Rose's, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Potter co. Pa. 15 ms. Cowdersport, and by p-r. 192 ms. n. w. Harrisburg, and 298 ms. N. N. w. W. C. BiNGHAMPTON, p-v. and cap. Broome co. N. Y. 40 ms. s. w. Norwich, at the junction of Che- nango and Susquehanna rs. BiRCHARDSviLLE, p-0. in the estrn.part of Sus- quehanna CO. Pa. about 9 ms. from Montrose the CO. seat, and by p-r. 172 ms. n. n. e. Harris- burg. Birch Pond, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Fayette CO. Ten. 12 ms. from Somerville, the co. seat, and by p-r. 196 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville, and 885 ms. in the same general direction from W. C. Birch r. and p-o. in the nrthrn. part of Nich- olas CO. Va. 17 ms. n. w. from the st. jus. of the CO. and by p-r. 327 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Birdsall, p-v. Alleghany co. N*. Y. 240 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 543. Birdsong's BlufI', and p-o. on the sthrn. branch of Forked Deer r. and wstrn. part of Madison co. Tenn. 9 ms. wstrd. from Jackson, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 156 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. BiRDsviLLE, p-v. wstrn. part of Burke co. Geo. 16 ms. wstrd. from Waynesboro', the st. jus. and E. Milledgeville. Birmingham, p-v. on the Little Juniata r. n. wstrn. part, of Huntingdon co. Pa. 15 ms. n. w from the borough of Huntingdon, and by p-r. 105 ms, N. w. by w. Harrisburg, and 163 ms. N. n. w. W. C. Btscane, bay of Florida, on the estrn. or At- lantic side of that peninsula. This elliptical sheet of water opens from the Bahama channel, having at the extremes of its entrance, cape Florida n. and Ellis island s. The small Para- dise Islands or Keys lie scattered between the two capes. The centre of the bay is about n. lat. 25° 35' and long. 3° 20' w W. C. BisHOPSViLLE, P-V. near the extreme nrthrn. angle of Sumpter dist. S. C. about 20 ms. e. Camden, and by p-r. 67 ms. n. e. by e. Colum- bia, and 477 s. s. w. W. C. Bissell's, p-o. in the s. wstrn. part of Geauga CO. O. about 20 ms. s. s. w. Chardon, the co. seat, and by p-r. 136 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 333 n. w. by w. W. C. BisTiNEAU, lake of La. in the valley of Red r. This very remarkable sheet of water is, how- ever, only the most extensive of a series of similar reservoirs along both sides of the main channel of Red r. for a distance of 120 ms. be- low its entrance into La. The author of this article surveyed the country on both sides, in the region of these lakes, and from actual ob- servation came to the conclusion that the Cado, Coshatta, Spanish and Cassin lakes on the right, and Bodcau, Bistineau, Black, Saline, and Noix, on the left, are all of comparative recent forma, tion, and formed by the operation of one gene- ral cause. Taking Bistineau as an example, since their features are common, it extends along a valley, between hills of considerable elevation, for a distance of about 35 ms. vary, ing from half am. to 3 ms. wide. Into the head of this lengthened body of water Dacheet r. enters, and at the opposite or lower extreme it narrows into a river cliannel connecting it with Red r. It is completely evident that what is now a permanent lake, lies over what was for. merly the valley and low lands, or bottom ground of Datcheet, but the alluvial deposit brought down by Red r. gradually formed bars between the base of the hills and effected natur- al dams. These lakes contribute most efficiently to mit- igate the floods of Red r. over La. In the lat- ter, summer, autumn, and early winter, as the streams become low, a considerable part of the water of Bistineau and similar lakes drains out, and extensive natural meadows skirt the mar. gin of the contracted lakes. On the contrary, at the season of winter snows, thaws, rains, and spring flood, the lakes open immense deposito. ries into which the surplus water of the main stream is poured. (See Ocatahoola, and Delta.) Black r. Windsor co. Vt. 35 ms. long, joins Connecticut r. at Springfield, after passing through many ponds, and watering 160 sq. ms. Black r. Orleans co. Vt. runs 30 ms. n. into the s. bay of lake Memphremagog, watering 150 sq. ms. Black r. N. Y. is the third r. in size which is wholly in the state. Rising near the sources of Hudson r. e. Canada cr. after a crooked course and receiving many branches, it enters Black r. bay, an arm of Chaumont bay, near the outlet of lake Ontario. Long Falls extend 14 ms. be- low Wilna, and High Falls, at Turin are 45 ms. below these. The water looks dark, and is deep and slow, and the land on the low part is good. It is 18 rods wide at Louville, 40 ms. from its mouth. Black r. of N. C. one of the estrn. branches of Cape Fear r. rises in the n. estrn. part of Cumberland co. between the vallies of Neuse and Cape Fear. rs. Flowing thence about s. s. eastwardly over Cumberland, Sampson, Bladen and New Hanover cos. it falls into the main stream of Cape Fear r. between New Hanover and Brunswick cos. after a comparative course of 90 ms. Black r. of S. C. the s. wstrn. branch of Great Pedee r. has its most remote source in Kershaw dist. and flowing thence over Sumpter and Williamsburg, falls into Great Pedee 3 ms. above the harbor of Georgetown in Georgetown dist. after a course of 110 ms. The higher con- fluents of this stream drain the greater part of Sumpter and Williamsburg dists. Black r. and lake of La. The r. rises out of the pine forests of the parish of Claiborne, in. terlocking sources with those of the Terre Bonne branch of Washitau, and flowing thence sthrd. expands into a lake and again contracts to a r. which joins the Saline to form the Rigolet de Bondieu. The valley of Black lake and r. lies between those of Saline and Bistineau. BLA 52 BLA Black r. of La. separating the parishes of Concordia and Rapides, though thus locally designated, is in reality lower Washitau. Where the higher Washitau receives the Tensau from the N. E. and the Ocatahoola from the w. the united waters take the local name of Black r. which by a very tortuous channel unites with Red r. about 30 ms. above the junction of the latter with the Mississippi. The soil along both banks of Black r. of La. is highly fertile, and yet rendered generally uncultivatable from annual overflow. The channel of Black r. is navigable except at very low water. Black r. of Huron, one of the estrn. branches of the Missouri proper, rises in Ocooch mtn. interlocking sources with those of Ouisconsin, and flowing thence about 100 ms. by compara- tive course to the s. w. by w. falls into the Mis- sissippi nearly on lat. 44°, and by the land road about 100 ms. above Prairie du Chien. Black r. of Mo. and Aik. rises by numerous branches in the former, interlocking sources with those of St. Francis, Maramec and Gas- connade rs. and flowing thence by two main branches. Current r. to the w. and Black r. pro- perto the e. The latter winds, first s. s. e. but curving gradually to the s. w. enters Arkansas, and unites with Current r. in Lawrence co. af- ter an entire coinparative course of 110 ms. After their junction, the name of Current r. is lost in the general term Black r. which, turn- ing to s. s. w. and continuing in that direction by comparative courses 60 ms. in turn loses its name in that of White r. at their union in Inde- pendence CO. Ark. It may be remarked, that in the much greater part of its course, Black r. receives no tributary of consequence from the left. The channel seems to be a common reci- pient for numerous streams from the n. vv. Of these tributaries. Eleven Points, Spring and Strawberry rs. enter below the influx of Current r. The valley of Black r. including all its con- fluents, extends from lat. 35° 32' to 37° 40' and is about equal to a parallelogram of 150 by 60 or with an area of 9000 sq. ms. very nearly tra- versed centrally by long. 14° w. W. C. Black Lake, see Oswegatchie lake. Black Rivek, v. Morris co. N. .7. on a stream of that name, which runs into the n. branch of Raritan r. 14 ms. w. Morristown. Blackbys, p-v. in the western part of Indi- ana CO. Pa. by p-r. 202 ms. n. w. W. C. and 170 a little n. of w. Harrisburg. Blackbyville, p-o. in the northern part of Wayne co. 0. 8 ms. northwardly from Wooster, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 94 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 355 n. w. by w. W. C. Black Horse, tavern and p-o. Chester co. Pa. Black Rock, Conn. (See Fairfield, Conn.) Black Rock, p-v. Buffalo, Erie co. N. Y. 2 ms. N. Buffalo, has a large artificial harbor, made by a pier, intended as the canal harbor in lake Erie. A large amount of money was ex- pended in constructing and repairing it, as it was repeatedly injured by storms, &c. For a few years the village was very flourishing while it was expected to become an important place ; but the capital and business have since been chiefly transferred to Buffalo. Black Rock was burnt by the British during the last war, and but one house left standing. There is here a ferry to Waterloo, on the Canada side about | m. Blacks and Whites, p-o. Nottaway co. Va. by p-r 60 ms. s. w. Richmond. Black's Bluff and p-o. on the right bank of Alabama r. about 105 ms. n. n. e. Mobile, and by p-r. 126 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Blacksburgh, p-v. in the northern part of Montgomery co. Va. 9 ms. northwardly from Christiansburg, the co. seat, and by p-r 290 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 215 ms. westwardly from Richmond. Black Stocks, p-o. in the s. western part of Chester district S. C. by p-r. 46 ms. n. n. w, Columbia. Blackstone r. or Pawtucket, rises in Wor- cester CO. Mass. and after a s. w. course across the N. E. corner of R. I. enters Providence r. on the line of Mass. It supplies a great number of factories and mills, and adds vastly to the wealth of the region through which it flows. The Blackstone canal lies very nearly along its course. Blackstone, p-v. Worcester co. Mass. 41 ms. s. w. Boston. Blackstone Canal, Mass. and R. I. (See Rail Roads and Canals.) Blackstone, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 41 ms. s. w. Boston. Blacksville, p-o. Monongalia co. Va. by p-r. 243 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. Black Walnut, po. Halifax co. Va. by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. Richmond. Black Warrior, (Tuscaloosa) r. of Ala. is formed by two main branches, Locust Fork to the estrd. and Mulberry r. to the wstrd. Both of these constituent streams have their sources in the ridge of hills which separate the Mobile and Tennessee vallies, and between the conflu- ent streams of Coosa and Tombigbee. The Locust Fork, or eastern branch, rises in Blount CO. within 20 ms. from Coosa r. at the mouth of Will's cr. and about the same distance from the extreme southern bend Tennessee r. Flow- ing thence southwestwardly over Blount co. it unites with Mulberry r. in the western part of Jefferson co. after a comparative course of 80 ms. Mulberry r. though with a more contracted length of course than the Locust branch, is however the main stream. Deriving its nume- rous confluent crs. from Lawrence, Walker, and the western and central part of Blount cos. the general course of the Mulberry is from n. to s. ; comparative length 60 ms. Below the union of its two great constituents the Black Warrior receives no tributary worthy notice in a comparative course of 80 ms. to its final junc- tion with Tombigbee. The valley of this r. approaches the form of a triangle ; base 150 ms. from s. w. to n. e. and from the source of Locust r. to the mouth of the main stream ; greatest breadth 65, and area 4,875 sq. ms. ex- tending in lat. from 32° 32' to 34° 25', and in long, from 9° 15' to 11° w. W. C. In this val. ley are contained all the cos. of Blount and Walker, great part of .Jefferson, Tuscaloosa and Greene, with about one third of Fayette. It has the valley of Tombigbee w., Tennessee N., Coosa N. e., and Cahaba, s. e. BLA 53 Blackwater, r. Merrimack co. N. H. joins Contoocook r. in Hopkinton. Blackwater, r. of Va. has its extreme source in Prince George's co. and within 8 or 10 ms. sthrd. from the influx of Appomattox into James r. Flowing thence southeastward over Surry and Sussex, inflects to the southward and sepa. rating Southampton on the right from the isle of Wight and Nansemond on the left, falls into the Nottaway r. very nearly on the border be- tween Va. and N. C. after a comparative course of 70 ms. Blackwell's Isl. in the East r. opposite N. York city, near Hurl Gate, is occupied by the city prison or penitentiary, where about 200 convicts are employed in hammering stone &c. and the institution has become a source of profit to the corporation. Blackwell's Mill and p-o. Fauquier co. Va. by p-r. 60 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 116 n. n. w. Richmond. Bladen, one of the southern cos. of N. C. bndd. N. w. by Cumberland, by Black r. separa- ting it from Sampson n. e., and from New Ha- nover E., Brunswick s. e., by White Marsh or. separating it from Columbus s. w., and by the eastern branch of Lumber r. separating it from Robeson w. Length from s. e. to. n. w. 40 ms. mean breadth 30, and area I'iOO sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 34° 14' to 34° 42' and in long, from 1° 15' to 2° 04' w. W. C. The main volume of Cape Fearr. enters the northwestern border and winding southeastward divides Bla- den into two not very unequal sections. The general slope is sthrd. Much, indeed most of its surface is flat and marshy. Cf. t. Elizabeth- toNvn. Pop. 1820, 7,276, 1830, 7,814. Bladensburg, p-v. in the northwestern part of Prince George's co. Md. and on the bank of the e. branch of Potomac, 6 ms. n. e. from the general p-o. W. C. and 31 ms. w. Annapolis. It is a village extending chiefly in one street, along the main road from Baltimore to W. C. Blair's Cross Roads, and p-o. Grainger co. Ten. by p.r. 191 ms. estrd. from Nashville. Blair's Ferry, and p-o. in the eastern part of Roane co. Ten. by p-r. 20 ms. from Kingston the CO. seat, 179 a little s. of e. Nashville, and 546 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Blair's Gap, and p-o. in the extreme western part of Huntingdon co. Pa. 35 ms. n. from the borough of Bedford, and by p-r. 120 ms. wstrd. from Harrisburg, and 158 n. n. w. W. C. Blair, p-v. and st. jus. Harford co. Md. 23 ms. N. e. Baltimore, lat. 39'' 33', long. 0° 40' e. W. C. Blairsville, borough and p-v. on the right bank of Conemaugh r. southern part of Indiana CO. Pa. by p-r. 161 ms. a little n. of w. Harris- burg, and 189 n. w. W. C. This borough stands on the Pa. canal, and is a flourishing village. Fop. 957. Blairsville, otherwise Bellville, p-o. in the southwestern part of York dist. S. C. 9 ms. s. w. from Yorkville, the st. jus. of the co. and by p.r. 86 ms. a little w. of n. Columbia and 441 ms. s. w. W. G. Blakely, p-v. in the northeastern part of Stokes CO. N. C. by p-r. 316 ms. s. w. W. C. and 132 n. w. by w. Raleigh, 8 BLE Blakely, p-v. and st. jus. Early co. Geo. sit- uated between Flint and Chattahooche rs. by p.r. 869 ms. s. w. W. C. and 227 ms. in a near- ly similar direction from Milledgeville Lat. 31° 22', and long. 8° w. W. C. Blakely, p-v. port of entry, and st. jus. Bald- win CO. Ala. situated on the left bank of Ten- saw r. or eastern arm of Mobile r. 8 ms. n. e. and on the opposite side from the city of Mobile, and by p-r. 228 ms. a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa, and 1,020 s. w. by w. W. C. n. lat. 30° 44', w. long. 11° 04'. By the returns of the census of 1830, the population of this place is not giv- en separate from that of Baldwin co. but is sup- posed about 500. Blakesburg, Plantation, Penobscot co. Me. 20 ms. N. Bangor, 90 n. n. e. Augusta, one tsp. s. Piscataquay r. crossed by Dead cr. both branches of Penobscot r. Pop. 403. Blakesburg, p-v. Putnam co. Ind. 12 ma. from Green Castle, the st. jus., and by p.r. 614 ms. westrd. W. C. and 54 westrd. Lidianopo- lis. Blanchard's Fork, the eastern constituent of the Au Glaize branch of Maumee r. O. The extreme source is in the central part of Hardin CO. interlocking sources with those of Sciota and Sandusky, and flowing thence northwardly 30 ms. into the central part of Hancock co. where abruptly inflecting to the wstrd. it crosses Hancock into Putnam, and finally unites with Au Glaize, near the western border of the latter co. Blanford, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 15 ms. w. Springfield, 116 s. w. Boston, s. w. Westfield r. two branches of which rise here among hilly country, and are subject to sudden floods. It is a good farming town, and was principally settled from N. of Ireland. Pop. 1,590. Blanding, p-v. Orangeburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 61 ms. southwardly from Columbia. Blazing Star, a noted ferry on the sound be- tween N. J. and Staten Island, 5 ms. s. of Elizabeth, 7 ms. n. of Amboy. Previous to the revohuion, on the main route between Phil and N. Y. Bledsoe, co. of Ten. bndd. s. w. by Marion, by Cumberland mtn. separating it from Warren w., and White n. w., by Morgan n., Roane n. e., and by Walden's Ridge, separating it from Rhea co. e. Length from s. w. to n. e. 40 ms. mean breadth 15, and area 600 sq. ms. Ex. tending in lat. from 35° 25' to 36° and in long from 7° 48' to 8° 36' w. W. C. This co. oc- cupies part of the comparatively elevated valley between Cumberland mtn. and Walden's Ridge; the central part being a table land from which flows sthwstrdly. the sources of Sequatchie, and northeastwardly those of Emery's r. The surface hilly and in part mtnous. Cf. t., Pikes, ville. Pop. 4,648. Blendon, p-v. and tsp. of Franklin co. O. The tsp. in 1830, contained a population of 666. The p-o. is within a few ms. from Columbus, the seat of government, but the exact distance is not given in the p-o.. list. Blenseim, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 44 ms. w. Albany, 38 n. .n. w. Catskill ; is supplied by Schoharie cr, and branches, with many fine mill seats, includes the w. part of the Catsberg hills, BLO bears oak, walnut, beech, maple, birch, &c. Pop. 2,280. BussFiELD, p-0. Lenawee co. Mich, by p-r. 67 ms. s. w. by w. Detroit. Blockersville, p-v. Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 64 ms. a little s. of w. Columbia, and 553 ms. s. w. W. C. Block Island, or New Shoreham, isl. and t. Newport co. R. I. lies in the Atlantic, 15 ms. s. s. w. Point Judith, 12 s. of the nearest part of the continent, 3 ms. by 8, has an uneven surface generally high, with a chain of ponds from n. to centre, has no forests and is devo!ed to tillage, though il)rmerly to pasture. It is a heap of loose earth, with separate masses of granite, and is constantly washing away by the sea. It has no harbor, and boats are secured only by being drawn upon shore. Long. 71° 30' w., lat. 41° 8'. It is proposed by the U. S. govern- ment to form a harbor here. Blockley, tsp. along the right bank of Schuylkill r. Philadelphia co. Fa. 3 ms. Phila- delphia. Pop. 1810, 1,618, 1820, 2,655, and in 1B30, 3,401. Bloody Brook, p-v. Franklin co. Mass. 90 ms. w. Boston, the scene of a battle in 1675. Bloody Run, p-v. Bedford co. Pa. on the left bank Juniata r. 8 ms. e. borough of Bedford, and by p-r. 118 ms. n. w. W. C. Bloom, p-v. on the s. e. part of Seneca co. O. by p-r. 423 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 83 northward of Columbus. Bloomfield, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 7 ms. n. ,E. Norridgewock, 33 n. Augusta, s. Kennebec r. at the bend. Has an academy. Pop. 1,072. Bloomfield, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y. 13 ms. w. Canandaigua, 12 ms. by 6, has an agreeable variety of surface, with a good and well culti- vated soil, and is supplied with many mill seats by Honeoye outlet and Mud cr. It produces grain, grass, and plenty of apples, &c. East and West Bloomfield are p-vs. In the latter is an academy. Pop. 3,861. Bloomfield, p-t. Essex co. N. J. 5 ms. n. w. Newark. Pop. 4,309. Bloomfield, v. Essex co. N. J. in the town of that name, distinguished by E. and W. Bloomfield, two flourishing villages on a small stream which affords power for many manufac- tories of woollen, paper, &c. &c. There is a large and well conducted academy, 4 ms. n. of Newark. The Morris canal passes through the village. Bloomfield, p-v. and tsp. of Crawford co. Pa. 16 ms. wstrd. Meadville. Bloomfield, p-v. Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 51 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. , Bloomfield, p-v. in the northeastern part of Nelson co. Ky. by p-r. 44 ms. s. w. Frankfort, and 595 wstrd. W. C. Pop. 301. Bloomfield, p-v. in the s. estrn. part of Oak- land CO. Mich. 19 ms. n. w. Detroit. Bloomfield, p-v. and st. jus. Greene co. Ind. situated on the west branch of White r. by p-r. 648 ms. w. W. C. and 76 below and s. w. In- dianopolis, lat. 39° 06' and long. 10° w. W. C. Bloomfield, p-v. Edgar co. II. by p-r. 120 ms. N. E. Vandalia, and 689 ms. w. W. C. Bloomingburg, p-v. Sullivan co. N. Y. 23 ms. w. Newburgh on Shawangunk cr. 54 BLO Bloomingburg, p-v. in the N. part of Fayette CO. O. by p-r. 44 ms. s. w. Columbus. Pop. 100. Bloomingdale, p-v. in the w. part of Jeffer- son CO. 0. 14 ms. from Steubenville, and by p-r. 274 N. w. by w, W. C. and 135 n. e. by e. Co- lumbus. Blooming Grovc, p-t. Orange co. N. Y. 12 ms. w. West Point, is broken by mountainous ranges of the Highlands, and watered by Murd- ner's or Murderer's cr. Skunnemunk mtn. has several commandiny; eminences, s. e. Salisbury mills is a village and 2 ms. w. of it Washing- tonville. Craigsville and Oxford, are small vil- lages. Pop. 2,099. Blooming Grove, p-v. in the n. e. part of Tazewell co. II .by p-r. 772 ms. n. w. by w. half w. W. C. and 169 northwardly Vandalia. Bloomington, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. Ind. by p-r. 627 ms. w. W. C. and 51 s. w. Indianopo- lis ; lat. 39° 12', long. 9° 34' w. W. C. Bloomington, p-v. and st. jus. McLean co. II. Neither the co. or village is located by either Tanner's United States, or the p. o. list of 1831. Bloomingville, p-v. in the n. part of Huron CO. O. 15 ms. N. Norwalk, the co. seat, and by p-r. 415 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 108 a little of N. Columbus. Bloomsburg, p-v. situated on the right bank of the main or e. branch of Susquehannah r. and in the s. e. part of Columbia co. Pa. by p-r. 75 ms. above Harrisburg, and 196 a little e. of n. W. C. Bloomsburg, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Halifax CO. Va. 13 ms. s. Banister, the co. seat, and by p-r. 233 s. s, w. W. C. and 143 s. w. by w. Richmond. Bloomsbury, v. Burlington co. N. J. lies ad- joining the city of Trenton, and includes all the buildings s. of the Assanpink creek. The bridge over the Delaware is in this town. Bloomsbury, v. Hunterdon co. N. J. on the Muskonetcunk 6 ms. e. Easton, 40 w. n. w. New Brunswick. Bloomville, p-v. Delaware co, N. Y. 70 ms. s. w. Albany. Blount, co. of Ala. bndd. by JefTerson s., Walker s. w. and w., Morgan n., the Cherokee country n. e., and St. Clair co. e. and s. e. Greatest length from e. to w. 55 ms. mean breadth 30, and area, 1,650 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 45' to 34° 16', and in long, from 9° 14' to 10° 12' w. W. C. The n. and n. e, boundaries of this co. are along the dividing ridge between the vallies of Tennessee, and Tombigbee branch of Mobile r. From this rather elevated tract, the higher sources of both branches of Black Warrior r. are poured southwardly, giving a general slope to the county in that direction. The surface is hilly, and soil with some exceptions rather sterile. Chief t, Blountsville. Pop. 1820, 2,415, 1830, 4,233. Blount, co. of Ten. bndd. by Tennessee r. separating it from the Cherokee country s. w., and Monroe co, of Ten. w., by Holston r. sepa- rating Roane co. n. w., and Knox n., Sevier co. N. E. and E., and the Iron mtn. separating it from Haywood co. N. C. s. e. Length 48 ms. mean breadth 14, and area 672 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 28' to 36" 53', and in long, from 6° BLU 55 BLU 24' to 7° 12'. The slope ot this co is \. wstrd. towards Holston r. The surface is broken, but soil good. It is among the most ancient settle- ments of Ten. by the whites. Cf. t. Maysville. Pop. 1820, 11,258, 1830, 11,028. Blount Spring, p-o. in the s. part of Blount CO. Ala. by p-r. 90 ms. n. e. from Tuscaloosa, and 789 s. w. by w. W. C. Blountsville, p-v. Jones co. Geo. 17 ras. w. Milledgeville. Blountsville, p-v. and st. jus. Blount co. Ala. situated on Locust branch of Black Warrior r. 56 ms. sthwd. from Huntsville, and by p.r. 748 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 110 n. e. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 34° 05', w. long. 9° 35' W. C. Blountsville, p-v. and st. jus. Sullivan co. Ten. 107 ms. n. e. by E. Knoxville, and by p-r. 409 s. w. by w. W. C. and 306 a little n. of e. Nashville. Lat. 36° 32', long. 5° 18' w. W. C. Blue Earth, r. a nrthrn. br. of Kansas r. ri- ses at about 2H° w. long. W. C. and between the Platte r. and Republican Fork of Kansas, and flowing thence by a general s. estrn. course ; comparative length of 150 ms. falls into the left side of Kansas r. at n. lat. 39°. The valley of Blue Earth r. lies between that of the Republi- can Fork of Kansas, and those of Great Neme- haw, and some lesser confluents of the Missouri below the mouth of Great Nemehaw and that of Kansas r. Blue Hill, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 12ms.N. e. Castine, 78 Augusta, on a large Bay. It has an academy. Pop. 1830, 1,486. Blue House, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Colleton dist. S. C. by p-r. 93 ms. s. Columbia, and 588 B. w. W. C. Blue Mountain. This undistinguishing term has been applied to several chains of the Appa- lachian system in the U.S. but more particular- ly to that one called by some tribes of Indians " Kaatatin Chunk," or Endless mountain. If we turn our attention to the Appalachian chain we find them often only interrupted, where a cursory survey would lead us to place a termination. Whether the Kittatinny chain, or " Blue Moun- tain" could be detected estwrd. from the Hud- son we are unprepared to determine, but wstrd. of that river, this chain is found distinct in the Shawangunk, near Kingston, in Ulster co. N. Y. It thence ranges s. w. meets and turns Dela- ware r. at the extreme nrthrn. angle of N. J. and continues its original direction to the Del. Water Gap, where the mountain chain is tra- versed by the river, and the former curves more wstwrd. enters Pennsylvania, over which it ran- ges about 150 ms. to the nithrn. angle of Frank- lin GO. after having been pierced by the Lehigh, Schuylkill, and Susquehannah rivers. Between Franklin and Bedford cos. the Kittatinny reas- sumes nearly its original direction in the state of N. Y. and though in some places confounded with the Alleghany, really continues a distinct chain over Md. Va. N. C. and Ten. into Ala. s. w. of Susquehanna, the Kittatinny rises, and extending first nearly w. between the confluents of Conedogwinet and Shoreman's rivers, is thence broken into ridges bounding on the w. the valley of Conecocheague, gradually curves to the sthwrd. and reaches Potomac, extend- ing very little w. of s. Rising again beyond the Potomac, between the Opequan and Black creeks, it runs nearly parallel with the Blue ridge, is passed by the North Fork of She- nandoah, and extends thence between the two main branches of that river. Though scarcely appearing distinctly on our best maps, the chain of Kittatinny is completely distinct and continues over Rockingham, Au- gusta, and Roxbridge cos. Va. into Botetourt, to where it is traversed by James river, below the mouth of Craig's creek. Rising again beyond James r. the chain stretches along the higher sources of James and Roanoke rs. to the centre of Montgomery co. near Christiansburg. Here it leaves the Atlantic slope, and merges into the valley of O. by entering the subvalley of New river or upper Kenhawa. Thus far, in all its range from the Hudson; the Kittatinny chain is broken into links by the high- er sources of the Atlantic rivers, and similar to the Soutlieast mountain and Blue ridge, tha base gradually rises, ascending the vast inclin- ed plain obliquely, until it reaches the high. est apex between the sources of Roanoke and those of Little river branch of New river. In this region the lowest gap through which measurements have been made for a project- ed canal, is 2049 feet above the level of the Atlantic ocean. The base of the chain now commences to depress and inflecting to a course considerably west of southwest, is traversed by New river or Upper Kenhawa. Beyond the latter stream, under the local name of Iron mountain, and discharging to the eastward the confluents of New river, and from the opposite flank those of the south branch of Holston and Watauga, reaches the extreme n. estrn. angle of Ten. At the latter point, the chain assumes a direction very nearly s. w. and under the va- rious local names of Iron mountain, Bald moun- tain, Smoky mountain, and Unika mountain, is pierced in succession by Watauga, Doe, Nole- chucky, French Broad, Big, Pigeon, Tennesee, Proper, and Hiwassee rs. and merges accord- ing to Tanner's map of the United States, into Blue ridge, in the northern part of Georgia, be- tween the sources of Coosa and Hiwassee rs. If the whole body of the Kittatinny and its mean elevation is compared with the body and elevation of Blue ridge, the former exceeds in both respects, trom the Hudson to their termi- nation in Georgia, though at the High lands on the Hudson and in the Peaks of Otter, the Blue ridge rises to a superior elevation from their re- spective bases. As a distinct and defined chain the Kittatinny is upward of eight hundred miles in length. The height above the ocean varies from 800 to 2,500 feet. All the ridges in their natural state were wooded to their summits, though the trees are generally stunted in growth at any consid- erable height. In the vallies along both flanks the timber is often very large and lofty ; par- ticularly the pines, oaks, hemlocks, and lirio- dendron. On some of the ridges good arable soil is found on the summits, but sterility is the general character of the soil. Amongst the pe- culiar features of this chain, one may be re- marked, which gives it a very distinct charac. ter. In all its length, it is no where strictly a dividing limit between river sources. Without assuming any connexion with the mountains BLU 56 BLU eastward of the Hudson, the Kittatinny is pierced by the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill, Susquehannah, Potomac and James rivers, flow- ing into the Atlantic ocean, and by the Great Kenhawa, and various branches of Tennnesee flowing into the valley of Ohio, or basin of the Mississippi. Blue Ridge ; of the distinctive chains of the Appalachian system, and indeed of all the sec- tions of this system, the Blue ridge stands most apart and prominent, though of much narrower base, and of less mean elevation than either the Kittatinny or Alleghany. On a colored map of Virginia the Blue ridge has a very stri- king appearance, arising from the fact of being a county limit in all its range over that state. Without tracing a probable but hypothetical identity, between the mountains of Mass. Conn, and Vt. with the Blue ridge, we first meet this chain distinct at West Point on the Hudson river. Thence it rises into broken but continu- ous ridges over N. Y. and N. J. to the Dela- ware, in a southwesterly direction. Traversed by the Delaware immediately below the influx of Lehigh, and inflecting similar to the Kitta- tinny, to s. w. by w., it is pierced by the Schuyl- kill at Reading, by the Susquehannah below the mouth of Swatara, by the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, by James river, between Bedford and Amherst cos. Virginia, and by the Roanoke be- tween Bedford and Franklin cos. in the same state. In its further progress s. w. from Roan- oke, the Blue ridge becomes the limit of river source to its final extinction in Ala. The length of this chain from the Hudson to Roanoke, 450 ms. and from Roanoke to where it ceases to be a distinct chain in Ala. 350 ms. having an en- tire length of 800 ms. s. w. from the Hudson. The Hudson does not, however, terminate the Blue ridge to the n. eastward. Many river passages through mountains have been noticed and celebrated, and, amongst others, the pas- sage of this chain by the Potomac at Harper's Ferry ; but it may be doubted whether from all the attendant circumstances, any similar phe- nomenon on earth combines so many very re- markable features as the tide stream of the Hudson through the two chains, the southeast mountain and Blue ridge. Profoundly deep, far below the utmost draught of the largest vessels of war, the flux and reflux of the tides rush along a narrow and tortuous channel, on both sides bounded by enormous craggy and almost perpendicular walls of rock, rising from one thousand to twelve or fifteen hundred feet above the water surface. Sailing along this astonishing gorge the mind involuntarily demands by what opera- tion of nature has this complication of wonders been produced ? Again, what in an eminent degree enhances the surprise and admiration, is the fact, that this great river pass is made directly through a mountain nucleus. In all the chains of the Appalachian system, masses rise at different places, far above the ordinary height, and spreading much wider than the mean base of the chain in which they occur. The peaks of Otter — the peaks in the Catsbergs, in Windham, Green co. N. Y., several peaks of the Green mts. in Vt., and above all, the White mts. of N. H. are examples. The Highlands, pierced by the Hudson, and passed by the tide from the ocean, are however, every thing con- sidered, by much the most remarkable of these mountain peaks or groups to be found, not only in the U. States, but probably on this planet. Receding from the highlands, either to the s. w. or N. E. the chain depresses so much, that on our maps, the continuity in either direction, is generally not represented. There is, neverthe. less, in the vicinity of the Hudson, no real interruption of either the s. e. mtn. or Blue Ridge, along their lines of direction. The highest peaks being in the Blue ridge on both sides of the river. Of these peaks, the highest is Butter Hill, which rises 1,535 feet above the ocean tides, and rising abruptly from the water, affords a very fine and extended landscape to the N. w. and n. After leaving the Hudson, Blue Ridge con- tinues to n. e. about 20 ms. and then, similar to other chains of the same system on both sides of that river, rapidly inflects to a course a very little N. of E., a direction which it maintains above 250 ms. in the states of N. Y., Mass. and Vt. For the first 70 ms. of its northerly course, the Blue Ridge discharges from its eastern flank numerous branches of Housatonic, and from the opposing slope, Fishkill, Wappingers, Jansen's or Ancram, and Kinderhook creeks, flowing wstrd. into the Hudson. With the sources of Housatonic and Hoosack rs. the features of Blue Ridge change ; hitherto from the Hudson, a line of river source, it now loses that character, and is broken into innumerable ridges by the higher sources of Hoosack and Batten Kill, flowing into the Hudson, and thence by those of Paulet, Otter, Onion, La Moille, and Missisque rs. falling into lake Champlain. All these latter streams rise in the s. e. moun- tain, and flowing down a western slope pass the Blue Ridge. A hypothesis may be hazarded that what is designated Green mountains in the southern part of Vt. and the ridge or series of ridges known by the same term in the northern part of the same state, are fragments of two separate chains, though generally represented as the continuation of one and the same chain. Re- garding the great western chain e. of the Hud- son, in the state of N. Y., Mass. and Vt., as the continuation of Blue Ridge, the whole length of the chain in the U. S. exceeds 1,000 ms. In relative elevation, the Blue Ridge is humble, though in one part, Bedford co. Va. the peaks of Otter rise to 4,200 feet above tide water. Generally, the ridges are from 700 to 1,000 feet above their bases, and the base rising with the mountain, when the ridges are seen from the elevated table land, from which flow Roanoke, Kenhawa, Yadkin, and Tennessee, they are, in fact, less imposing than when seen from the Hudson, Delaware, Susquehanna, Potomac or James rs., though ot the former region, the real oceanical elevation is more than double to what it is near the more northern rivers. From its prominence, and southwestwardly from the Hudson, its isolation, Blue Ridge has been, though very erroneously, regarded and BOE 57 BOL delineated as the extreme southeastern chain of the system ; in reality, however, it is the third distinct chain advancing from the Atlantic ocean. (See art. Southeast mtn.) Blue Rock, p-v. in the western part of Musk- ingum CO. O. 12 ms. from Zanesville, and by p-r. 71 E. Columbus, and 348 n. w. by w. W. C. Blue Spring Grove, p-o. Barren co. Ky. 12 ms. N. Glasgow, the st. jus. and by p-r. 126 s. w. Frankfort. Blue Stone, small r. of Va. in Tazewell and Giles cos. rises in the latter, interlocking sources with those of Clinch and Big Sandy, flows thence n. e. down a mountain valley into Ne w r. which it enters about five ms. above the influx of Green Brier r. Blue Stone, p-o. on the Blue Stone r. south- eastern part of Tazewell co. Va. by p-r. 279 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond, and 337 s. w. by w. W. C. Blue Sulphur Spring, and p-o. Green Brier CO. Va. by p-r. 203 ms, w. Richmond, and 264 s. w. by w. W. C. Bluffdale, p-o. in the w, part of Greene co. II. 10 ms. w. Carrollton, the st. jus. for the co. and by p-r. 116 ms. a little n. of w. Vandalia, and 897 w. W. C. BoALSBUKG, p-v. in the southern part of Centre CO. Pa. 15 ms. s. Bellefonte, by p-r. 81 n. w. Harrisburg, and 183 n. n. w. W. C. BoARDMAN, P-v. on Mahoning r. and in the s. E. part of Trumbull co. 0. ll ms. s. e. and be- low Warren, the st. jus., and 161 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. BoDCAU, r. of Ark. and La. The Bodcau rises in Hempstead co. of the former, and flow- ing thence s. over La Fayette, enters Claiborne parish, La., expands into a lake and again into a river which falls into Red r. opposite the great raft. The valley of Bodcau lies between those of Bistineau and Red r. The lake of Bodcau is similar in its features to that of Bis- tineau, which see. BoEUF, large bayou or creek of La. has its source in the pine forests, of the parish of Rapide, 8 or 10 ms. s. w. from the village of Alexandria on Red r. This remarkable water course flows first to the n. e. towards Red r. and entering the alluvial tract near that stream, approaches within a few hundred yards of that arm of Red r. called the Rapide bayou, but the Boeuf retires to the s. e. about 15 ms. where it divides into two streams, one of which, the left or eastern, winds eastwardly and communicates with Red r. by an outlet from that stream ; and again dividing, the right branch forms the bayou de Glaize, which unites with the Atcha- falaya, 5 ms. below the outlet of the latter from the Mississippi. The main or right branch of the Boeuf, after the division of its waters as noticed above, as- sumes a course of s. s. e. by direct distance thirty miles, but perhaps a third more following the windings to its junction with the Crocodile, to form the Courtableau r. The lands along the Boeuf are exuberantly fertile. By its chan- nel, at seasons of high flood, a navigable con- nexion exists for small vessels, between Red r. and the streams of Opelousas and Attacapas. The writer of this article made this navigation in a very large pirogue, built on lake Bistineau, brought down Red r. and through the interme- diate bayou into the Boeuf, and down the Boeuf into the Courtableau to Lemelle's landing, 4 ms. from the village of St. Landre in Opelousas. Boeuf, r. of Ark. and La. rises in the former and in Arkansas co. and within 7 or 8 ms. from Arkansas r. Interlocking sources with those of the Barthelemy, and flowing at a mean distance of about 20 ms. from the Misp. r. over Ark. and Chicot cos. the Boeuf enters La. Bending to s. s. w. about 70 ms. and again curv- ing to a little E. of s. joins the Washitau, twenty direct miles north of the junction of the latter with Ocatahoola and Tensaw. The entire comparative course of the Boeuf is 170 ms. The valley of Boeuf generally separates the pine forest land from the annually overflown tracts along the Misp. and Tensaw rs. A boatable channel could be easily formed to unite the Misp. with the Washitau by means of the Boeuf, and by a canal from Grand lake im- mediately above the northern boundary of Louisiana. Bogle's p-o. in the s. w. part of Iredell co. N. C. by p-r. 167 ms. w. from Raleigh. Bogle's p-o. Ferry co. Ala. by p-r. 50 ms .s. e. Tuscaloosa. BoGUE Chitto, r. of the states of Misp. and La. is the s. w. branch of Pearl r. rising in Lawrence co. of the former, flows thence by a course a little e. of s. over Pike, and enters Washington parish, La. Inflecting to southeast 35 ms. over Washington, it thence bends still more e. and for a distance of 25 ms. separates the latter from St. Tammany parish to its final influx into Pearl r. after an entire comparative course of about 90 ms. The Bogue Chitto has interlocking sources with those of Bayou Pierre, and Homochitto, but higher part of the valley of Bogue Chitto lies principally between that of Pearl and Tangipaha, and the lower part be- tween that of Pearl and Chifuncte. Bohemia, large cr. in the southern part of Coecil CO. Md. This cr. rises in Newcastle co. Del. and flowing thence w. opens into a com- paratively large bay, which communicates with the Elk r. between 4 and 5 ms. above the opening of the latter into Chesapeake bay. The Bohemia heads with the Appoquinimink. Bolivar, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 265 ms. w, Albany. Pop. 449. Bolivar, p-o. Westmoreland co. Pa. by p-r. 189 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 166 w. Harris- burg. Bolivar, p-v. in the s. part of Robeson co. N. C. by p-r. 101 ms. a little w. of s. from Raleigh. Bolivar, p-v. Washington co. Misp. about 100 ms. N. N. E. Natches. Bolivar, p-o. and st. jus. Hardiman co. Ten. situated on Big Hatche r.70ms. a little n. of e. Memphis, on Misp. r.. and by p-r. 849 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 158 in nearly a similar direc. tion from Nashville. Lat. 35° l6' and long. 12° w. W. C. Bolivar, p-v. on Tuscarawas r. in the north- ern angle of Tuscarawas co. O. 10 ms. above and north from New Phil, the st. jus. and by p-r, 111 ms. N. E. by E, Columbus, and 324 n. w. by w. W. C. BOO 58 BOR Bolivia, p-v. in the n. w. part of St. Genevieve CO. Mo. by p-r. 894 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. and about 65 a little w. of s. St. Louis. Bolsters' Mills, p-v. Cumberland co. Me. 81 ms. Augusta. Bolton, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt. 17 ms. n. w. Montpelier, 17 s. e. Burlington, is very moun- tainous, and has but a small part habitable, on the w. range of the Green mtns. crossed by Onion r. and several branches. Pop. 452. Bolton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 33 ms. w. Boston, has a varied surface, with good soil, between Concord and Nashua rs. Pop. 1,258. Bolton, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 14 ms. e. Hart- ford, 3 ms. by 5, is on the granite range which divides the waters of Conn, and Thames rs., has a coarse gravelly loam, with very good grazing, with oak, walnut, chestnut, &,c. It has a branch of Hop r. and one of Salmon r. Pop. 744. Bolton, p-t. Warren co. N. Y., 14 ms. n. Caldwell, 76 n. Albany, w. Lake George, e. Sca- roon r. has a mountainous or hilly surface, with broad vallies. It yields wheat, rye, grass, &c. with fruit trees near the lake. Timber is car- ried down the lake on rafts. The people are chiefly from N. England. The t. includes Tongue mtn. n. w. Bay, and the Narrows of Lake George, which is spotted with innumera- ble islands, and offers the most romantic scenery on the lake. The steamboat Moimtaineer plies from Caldwell to the bottom of the lake, 14 ms. Fop. 1,466. Bolton, v. Ulster co. N. Y. on the Hudson and Delaware canal. Bond, co of II. bounded by Clinton s., Madi- son w., Montgomery w., and Lafayette e. Length 20, breadth 18, and area 360 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 38° 44' to 39° 02', and in long. from 12° 16', to 12° 36' w. W. C. The slope is nearly due south, and in that direction is drained by Shoal creek and other smaller streams flowing into Kaskaskiar. Cf. t. Gren- ville. Pop. 3,124. Bone, p-o. Hopkins co. Ky. by p-r. 210 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Bo.nnetCarke', (Square Bonnet,) remarkable bend of the Mississippi r. Bonnet Caere', p-o. on Bonnet Carre' Bend, parish of St. John Baptist, La., 36 ms. above New Orleans, and by p-r, 1241 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Bono, p-v. in the southern part of Lawrence CO. Ind. by p-r. 84 ms. a little w. of s. Indianopo- lis, and 631 westward W. C. BoN Pas, p-v. on the right bank of Wabash r. in the extreme n. e. angle of White co. II. 45 ms. s. w. Vincennes, and by p-r. 106 ms. s. e. by E. Vandalia, and 747 Westward W. C. Box Secouus. (See Mobile bay.) Boone, p-v. in the w. part of Pickens co. Ala. 11 ms. w. Pickensville, the st. jus. and by p-r. 48 ms. w. Tuscaloosa, and 906 s. w. by w. W.C. Boone, one of the two extreme northern cos. of Ky. bndd. by Grant s., the Ohio river below the mouth of Great Miami, separating from Switzerland co. Ind. w., and Dearborne co. Ind. N. w., by Ohio river above the mouth of Great Miami, separating it from Hamilton co. 0. n., and by Campbell co. Ky. e. Length from south to north along the Ohio river, 25 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 47', to 39° 08' n., and in long, from 7° 35', -to 7° 51' w. from W. C. The slope is westward towards the Ohio r. surface very hilly, but soil productive. Cf. t. Burlington and Flor- ence. Pop. 1820, 6,582, 1830, 9,075. Boone, co. of Ind. bndd. s. by Hendricks, w. by Montgomery, n. by Clinton, e. by Hamilton, and s. e. by Marion. Length 26, breadth 20, and area 520 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 57', to 40° 13', and in long, from 9° 13', to 9° 42' w. from W. C. The slope is westward and drained in that direction by Sugar and Rac- coon crs. and other streams flowing into Wa- bash r. Thorntown, the st. jus. is situated in direct distance 35 ms. southwestwardly from Indianopolis, but by p-r. 62, and 598 ms. w. W. C. Pop. 622. Boone, co. Mo. bndd. on the n. w. by How- ard, N. by Randolph, n. e. by Audrain, e. and s. E. by Callaway and Monroe, and s. and s. w. by Missouri r. separating it from Cole co. Length from south to north 40 ms. : mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 38', to 39° 12' and in long, from 15° 03', to 15° 32' w. W. C. It slopes a little w. of s. and is drained in that direction by Rock cr., Cedar cr. and other small streams falling in. to Missouri r. Cf. t. Columbia. Pop. 8,839. BooNSBORo', or Morganville, p-v. in the east- ern part of Washington co. Md. 11 ms. s. s. e. Hagerstown, 16 n. w. by w. Frederick, and by p-r. 59 N. w. W. C. BooNESBORo', P-v. ou the left bank of Ky. r. Madison co. Ky. 41 ms. s. e. Frankfort, 13 s. s. E. Lexington, and by p-r. 526 a little s. of w. W.C. Boone's Mill, and p-o. Franklin co. Va. by p-r. 167 ms. s. w. Richmond, and 263 s. w. by w. W. C. Booneton, v. Morris co. N. J., on the Rock- away r., where there are a succession of falls affording great water power, and on which sev- eral extensive manufactories of iron are erect- ed, 10 ms. N. N. E. of Morristown. The Morris canal passes by this place. Booneton, p-v. Boone co. Mo. by p-r. 57 ms. northwardly from Jefferson, and 992 ms, west- wardly from W. C. BooNESviLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Warrick co. Ind. situated between Pigeon and Cypress crs. 19 ms. N. E. by e. Evansville, on Ohio r., 55 ms. s. s. E. Vincennes, and by p-r. 187 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. BooNEViLLE, p-v. st. jus. Coopcr CO. Mo. situ- ated on the right bank of Missouri r. opposite to Franklin in Howard co., by p-r. 185 ms. a lit- tie N. of w. from St. Louis, and 51 n. w. by w. Jefferson. BooNviLLE, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 27 ms. n. Utica, is hilly in some parts, is crossed by Black r. of L. Ontario, lO ms. above High Falls. The v. is in the s. on the Black r. road. Pop. 2,746. BooTHBAY, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 10 ms. s. e. Wiscasset, 39 from Augusta, w. Damariscotta r. which, with another arm of the sea w. almost insulate it. Pop. 2,286. BoRDENTOwN, p-v. Burlington co. N. J. Beau- tifuUy situated on the Delaware at the mouth of Crosswicks cr. 6 ms. below Trenton, 25 above BOS 59 BOS Philadelphia. Here is the residence of Joseph Bonaparte, who has enclosed an extensive and beautiful park in the vicinity. The Delaware and Raritan canal discharges here into the Del- aware river, and the Camden and Amboy Rail- way passes through the town, affording great advantages of communication. BoRDENViLLE, p-o. Carteret co. N. C. by p.r. 177 ms. s. E. Raleigh, and near the Atlantic coast. BoRDLAY, p-v. in the western part of Union CO. Ky. by p-r. 753 ms. w. W. C, 2 15 a little s. of w. from Frankfort, and 10 w. from Morgan, field, the co. seat. BoRGNE, lake of, as usually denominated, is a bay, and the western extreme of Pascagoula sound. The sheet of water particularly called lake Borgne, lies between the parish of Plaque- mines in La. and Hancock co. Misp. It com- municates on the N. E. with Pascagoula sound by the pass of Christian, between Cat island and the main shore of Mississippi, on the e. with the gulf of Mexico by the pass of Marian, and to the N. w. with lake Pontchartrain, by the two passes of Rigoletts and Chef Menteur. From its position lake Borgne is important, as through it exists the inland or Pontchartrain entrance to New Orleans. (See Pascagola sound.) BoREDiNo, p-v. in the n. w. part of Wayne co. Mich, by p-r. 547 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 30 westwardly from Detroit. BoRRYSviLLE, p-v. Nimeshillon, tsp. Stark co. O. 10 ms. N. E. Canton, and by p-r. 126 ms. n. e. by E. Columbus. BoscAWEN, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. 8 ms. N. N. w. Concord, 52 n. w. Portsmouth, e. Mer- rimack r. 7 ms. by 7, contains 32,230 acres, and is partly watered by Blackwater r. on which are fine meadows and mill sites, and it has Great and Long ponds. It has extensive meadows on Merrimac r. The hilly country (five sevenths of the t.) is fertile and bears oak, &c. It is re- markably healthy. First settled 1734; the in- habitants lived in garrison 22 years. Pop. 2,093. Bosric's Mills, and p-o. in the s. part of Richmond co. N. C. by p-r. 41 1 ms. s. w. W. C. and 127 s. w. by w. Raleigh. Boston Corner, t. Berkshire co. Mass. Pop. 64. Boston, s-p. capital of Mass. and st. jus. Suf- folk CO. is the largest city in New England, and the fourth in the U. S. in population. It stands on an irregular peninsula, at the bottom of Mass. bay, and is united s. w. to the main land by a nar- row neck, which formerly was overflowed by high tides. Length nearly 2 3-4 ms., original breadth 1 m. but by the addition of streets built out upon the flats is now much wider; so that including South Boston (which is not within the peninsula) the whole extent is about 3 sq. ms. It is distant from W. C. n. e. 436 ms. 300 n. e. Phil., 210 n. e. New York, 100 e.n. e. Hartford, 40 N. E. Providence ; long. 70° 58' 53" w.; lat. 42° 22'. Pop. 1765, 15,520, in 1790, 18,038, in 1800, 24,937, in 1810, 33,250, in 1820, 43,298, and in 1830, 61,392. Its harbor is commodious ; it might contain 500 ships, and is of depth suf- ficient for those of the largest size. It is pro- tected from storms by numerous islands. On Governor's and Castle islands, are forts War- ren and Independence, which defend the harbor, and in a good degree shelter it from the sea. The entrance is very narrow. Cotmnerce. — The commerce of Boston has always been great. Many ships are owned and employed in their coasting and foreign trade ; during the year ending Sept. 30, 1832, the value of imports into the district of Boston and Charlestown was $15,492,432; value of ex- ports $9,605,087. The duty accruing in the same district and time amounted to $5,490,- 126,95. Aggregate tonnage of 3 lines regular coasting vessels to New York 1920, and their cargoes estimated at $6,000,000 per annum. There are also regular packets to Phil., Balti- more, Alexandria, Georgetown, Washington, Charleston, Hartford, Albany, Troy, &c. Large investments have been made by the capitalists here, in the joint stock manufacturing establish- ments of Mass. in Lowell, Waltham and many other towns ; and in N. H., R. I., Conn, and oth- er states. The interior communication has been much improved. The Middlesex canal, which is 29J ms. long, breadth 30 feet, and depth 3 feet, with an elevation of 104 feet, ex- tends to Lowell from Boston harbor, and forms with Merrimack river a navigable channel to Concord, N. H. Large quantities of manufac- tured goods and the raw material, granite, tim- ber, &c. are transported upon it. There is a rail road to Lowell, and several others are pro- jected; from Boston to Albany, to Worcester, and Ogdensburg, N. Y. to Providence R. I. and Taunton ; and surveys were begun in 1831 for one or more to the waters of Narraganset bay. Numbers of fine stage coaches run regularly on all the principal roads from Boston, and the travelling between that place and Providence is very great, while the steam boats ply on Long Island sound. By steam boats to Augusta, Me. and thence to Quebec by the Kennebec road, travellers have gone through in five days. A company has been formed, with a considerable capital, for the purpose of running a line of steam-carriages from Boston to Salem. It is in contemplation to put 4 carriages (to contain 24 to 30 passengers each) upon the road ; and to commence operations during the present sum- mer, (1833.) Banks, Insurance Companies, ^c. — There are 22 Banks, the aggregate capital of which is .$15,600,000, including a branch of the U. S. bank, capital $1,500,000, and the State bank, capital $1,800,000. In 1831 their dividends were $770,000. There are 13 Marine Insu- ranee companies, capital $3,375,000, and 10 Fire Insurance companies, capital $2,800,000 ; the Mass. hospital and Life Insurance company, capital, $500,000, and the Mass. Assurance, and Fishing Insurance companies. Seventeen of these companies, in 1831, averaged more than 5 per cent, dividend. Bridges, ^-c. — There are seven bridges con- necting Boston with the neighboring country. The oldest, Charles r. bridge, 1,503 feel long, 42 wide, built on 75 piers and extending across Charles r. to Charlestown ; Warren, nearly par- allel with the former, and also running to Charlestown, 1,420 feet long, on piers, and macadamized, at the end of which the Lowell BOS 60 BOS rail road terminates ; Craigie's bridge, running in a N. vv. direction to Lechmere point, standing on piers also, and macadamized ; Cambridge, or West Boston bridge, running nearly e. and w. 3,483 feet in length, and supported by 180 piers, extending to Cambridge port ; and the Western Avenue, or Mill dam, so called, 8,000 feet long and 50 wide, running a little s. of w. across to Roxbury. This latter is formed of solid earth, supported by stone walls on the sides ; with the addition of a cross dam, two large basins are formed which are alternately filled at ebb and flood tide, by means of which a perpetual water power is created for mills, and other machinery connected with it. These dams were built in 1823 — 4 and cost over $600,- 000. There is a branch from Craigie's bridge also, which runs to Charlestown point, near the Mass. state prison. The preceding are all toll bridges. South Boston bridge, running about s. s. E. from the Neck to South Boston, former- ly a toll bridge, rendered unprofitable by the erection of the free bridge from Wheeler's point, the s. extremity of the city, has been surrender- ed to the corporation and is now free. The wharves are numerous, generally spa- cious, and offer ample accommodation for ship- ping, and store houses for merchandize. Long wharf is 1,650 feet in length, and on Central wharf, which is 1,240 feet long and 150 wide, is built a uniform range of brick stores, 4 stories high, extending the whole length of the wharf. In the centre of these is a hall and observatory, where the telegraph office is kept, which is conducted on the most approved semaphoric system. Here, by means of intermediate sta- tions on Rainsford island, and Point Alderton at the mouth of the harbor, intelligence can be conveyed in 3 minutes to and from vessels 50 miles from the city. Commercial and India wharves, also, are very extensive. Public Buildings, <^c. — Boston in the num- ber and extent of its public buildings, stores, &c. is not exceeded by any other city in the U. S. The state house stands on an eminence, the highest in the city, is built of brick, and from the summit of its dome presents a most extensive and beautiful view of the city and sur- rounding country. In a niche erected for the purpose, on the lower floor, stands Chantry's statue of Washington, a fine specimen of sculp- ture, erected at an expense of $16,000. Fane- uil hall market,said to be the most beautiful build- ing of the kind in the world, was built in 1826. It stands near the principal wharves, in the cen- tre of business ; it is built of granite, the centre about 60 feet square, surmounted by a dome ; there are -2 wings, having at each extremity 4 massy granite columns, weighing about 25 tons each. Its extreme length is 540 feet, width 50, and is 2 stories high ; the upper one has a spa- cious hall, occupied by the New England so- ciety for the encouragement of domestic man- ufactures. Semi-annual sales oi these articles are held here. At the last sale in 1831, cotton and woollen goods, amoimting to $452,945, boots and shoes, $61,133, and furniture, $4,876 were sold. The Tremont house is the most elegant and commodious hotel in the U. S. Its front is gray sienite, ornamented with a splen- 1 did portico of the Doric order, with fluted pil- lars. It cost upwards of $100,000. These, with the Tremont theatre, the Mass. general hospital, the masonic temple. Trinity church, built of stone in the Gothic style, at a cost of upwards of $160,000, and many others, are splendid specimens of architecture. Other pub- lic buildings are the county court house, which is built of stone, and cost $92,000 ; Faneuil hall, where town and political meetings are held; the custom house; 41 churches, some of which are very elegant; a house of industry ; a house of correction; a county jail, and 10 pubjic school houses. Of the churches, 12 are occupied by Unitarians, 10 Congregationalists, 4 Episcopalians, 4 Baptists, 3 Methodists, 3 Uni- versalists, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 Freewill Bap- tists, 2 African, one of which is Baptist, and the other Methodist. The Swedenborgians al- so have a society. Literary, scientific, and charitable institu. tions. — The medical branch of Harvard univer- sity is established in Boston, where the profes- sors reside. A library of about 5000 vols, is connected with this department. The Boston Atheneum has two buildings, one containing a library of 24,000 volumes ; the other has two halls, one for the exhibition of paintings, &c. the other for public lectures ; there are also rooms for various scientific purposes. Of sci- entific institutions there are the American aca- demy of arts and sciences; the Mass. histori- cal society ; the Mass. medical society, and the mechanic institution, where an annual course of lectures is delivered on the mechanie arts. Beside these, there are the humane society, the Boston dispensary, by which attendance and medicine are furnished to the poor free of ex- pense ; the asylum for indigent boys ; the fe- male orphan asylum, and several others. Schools. — Boston takes an honorable station, atthe head of American cities, in public schools. Among these are the Elliot, Mayhew, Adams and Boylston for boys; and Hancock, Bowdoin, and Franklin for girls. There are a latin and grammarschool, free to boys from 9 to 15 years of age ; 8 grammar and ^yriting schools for boys and girls, in each of which is a master for each branch ; a high school, where are taught vari- ous mathematical branches, and a course of English education ; an African school, and about 60 primary schools for children from 4 to 7 years of age, which are taught by females. These schools are supported at an annual ex- pense of about $55,000. The African school is supported by the interest of a fund of $5000, given by Abiel Smith. The public schools are visited annually by the aldermen and school committee, when medals are distributed; 3,913 children attended the primary schools in 1831. There are numerous private schools also, high- ly creditable to their founders, and to the city. The streets in the older parts of Boston are narrow and crooked, but the more recent ones are generally strait, many of them wide, and well built. Granite brought from the banks of the Merrimack and from Quincy, has been much used for many years past, to the great improve- ment of public and private edifices. Among the latter are to be found many spacious and EOT 61 BOW truly magnificent structures, unsurpassed, per- haps not to be equalled in our country. The wharves and several streets are furnished with line blocks of stores, among which those on each side of Faneuil hall market and built of the same material, are in the first rank. These ranges of stores are four stories high, iibout 600 feet long, and are uniformly built. The prin- cipal public square is the common, containing about 50 acres, sloping gradually, yet undulat- ing from the state house. In the centre is a fine pond, and on two sides it has some of the most elegant buildings in the city. The Mall, extend- ing around it, is a gravelled walk, shaded with many fine elms, and with the common is much admired by strangers. A cemetery has been formed at Mount Auburn, which is to be planted with shrubs, &c. on the plan of that of Pare la Chaise, near Paris. It is in a secluded vailey, near a pond, with serpentine walks, and is named after different trees and shrubs. The deaths in Boston, in 1832, were 1761, of which 72 were by malignant cholera. In the pre- ceding year, the number of deaths was 1424. There are 7 daily newspapers published here, and numerous semi-weekly and weekly prints. There are also many other periodicals, con- ducted, many of them, with great ability, among which is the North American Review. Boston was founded 1630, and the first church erected in 1632. This was the birth place of Franklin. Boston, p-t. Erie co. N. Y. 23 ms. s. s. e. Buf- falo, 289 w. Albany, has an uneven, moist loam, elevated, with the streams of Canquaga cr. bear- ing beech, maple, hemlock, linden, &c.; best for grass. Pop. 1,521, BoswELLSTiLLE, p-v. Louisa CO. Va. about 40 ms. N. w. Richmond. Botetourt, co. of Va. bndd. s. w. by Montgo- mery and Giles, w. by Potts' mtns. separating it from Monroe, n. w. and n. by Potts' mtns. separating it from Alleghany co., n. e. by Rock- bridge CO., e. by Blue Ridge, separating it from Bedford, and s. e. by Blue Ridge separating it from Franklin. Length s. w. to n. e. 40 ; mean breadth 25, and area 1000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 08' to 37° 46', and in long, from 2° 28' to 3° 19' w. W. C. The mountainous country has two slopes, one estwd. with the general courses of Jamee and Roanoke rs. and the other n. estwd. down the mountain valley, between the Blue Ridge and Kittatimiy mtns. Salem, on the Roanoke, and in the sthrn. part of the CO. is 1006 ft. above tide water, and Pat- tonsburg on James r. in the n, estrn. part, 806 ft. The acclivity is rapid towards the wstrn. border on Potts' mtn. and the mean elevation of the arable soil may be assumed at 1250 ft. The great body of the county is drained by the con- fluents of James r. ; the sthrn. angle is traversed by Roanoke. Both rivers are navigable to tide water. Cf. ts. Fincastle and Salem. Pop. 1820, 13,590, 1830, 16,354. Botetourt Springs, and p-v. Botetourt co. Va. by p-r. 11 ms. westward from Fincastle, the CO. seat, and 189 w. Richmond. Bottle Hill, p-v. Chatham, Morris co. N. J. 16 ms N. w. Elizabethtown, 5 ms. s. w. Morris, town, is agreeably variegated with pretty good soil and fine landscapes. It is the residence of 9 several respectable French families. Stao^e coaches run daily on 2 lines to N. Y. Bouquet, r. Essex co. N. Y. 35 ms, long, funs E. into lake Champlain, 93 ms. n. Crown point, and is boatable 2 ms. V/ith its branches it af- fords many mill seats. An entrenchment was thrown up here by General Burgoyne. Bourbon, co. of Ky. bounded s. by Clark, s. w. and w. by Lafayette, n. w. by Harrison, n» and N. E. by Nicholas, and e. by Montgomery. Length 17 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 225 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 38° 03' to 38° 22', and in long, from 6° 56' to 7° 25'. This highly productive country slopes to a little w. of n. and is drained by various confluents of the south Fork of Licking r. Cf. ts. Paris and Millers- burg. Pop. 1820, 17,664, in 1830, 18,436, or at the latter epoch, a fraction above 72 to the sq. m« Paris, the st. ju^. is by p-r. 43 ms. e. Frankfort. BouNDBRooK, p-v. Warren, Somerset co. N. J. 7 ms. N. w. New Brunswick, has a good level soil, N. Raritan r. The farms are small, but pretty well cultivated. BoviNA, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y. 89 ms. s. w. Albany, 10 s. e. Delhi, is hilly, with good gra.< zing, and contains Fish lake. Pop. 1,348. Bow, P-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 6 ms. s. e. Concord, contains about 16,000 acres, s. w. Merrimack r. has an uneven and hard soil, con- tains Turee pond, and Turkey t. In Merrimack r. are Turkey and Garven's Falls. Bow canal, 3 ms. from Concord, ^ m. long, surmounts a fall of 25 ft. cut through granite ; cost f 13,000. 1^2,000 of the first income were paid for clearing Turkey falls, &c. It is very healthy. Pop. 1,065^ BowDoiN, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 20 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, has no considerable streams. Fop. 2,095. BowDoiNHAM, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 20 ms. Sj by w. Augusta, w. Kennebeck r. Pop. 2,061. Bower, t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 49. Bowers, p-v. in the southern part of South- ampton CO. Va. by p-r. 91 ms. s. s. e. Richmond. Bovvers' Store and p-o. in the northern part of Ashe CO. N. C. by p-r. 374 ms. s. by w. W. G. BowERsviLLE, p-o. in the southern part of Geo. 10 ms. s. from Carnesville, the st.jus. and by p-r. 124 a little e. of n. Milledgeville. Bowler's, p-o. in the southern part of Essex CO. Va. by p-r. 62 ms. n. e. by E. Richmond. Bowling Green, p-v. and st. jus. Caroline co, Va. by p-r. 43 ms. n. n. e. Richmond. Bowling Green, p-v. in the southern part of Oglethorpe co. Geo. by p-r. 62 ms. n. n. e. Milledgeville. Bowling Green, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. Ky. on Big Barren, a branch of Green r. by p-r. 142 ms. s. w. Frankfort, and 77 a little E. of n, Nashville. Bowling Green, p-v. and st. jus. Clay co, Ind. on Eel r. a branch of the West Fork of White r. 69 ms. s. w. by w. from Indianopolis. Bowling Green, p-v. and st. jus. Pike co. Mo. by p-r. 84 ms. n. w. from St. Louis, and 132 ms. n. e. by e. from Jefferson. Bowman's Mtn. or Bald Mountain, local name of that part of the Alleghany chain extending over Lycoming and Luzerne cos. Perm, be- tween the two main branches of Susquehannah river. The general range of the Alleghany BOY 62 BRA chain, including Bowman's mountain, until it merges into the great nucleus of the Catsbergs, is from the southwest by west, to northeast by- east. Northeastward of the main branch of Susquehannah it is known as the Tunkhannoc mountain. The ordinary height above its base is about 1000 ft. and resting on a plain, with a mean elevation of 500 ft. The actual oceanic elevation of Bowman's mountain is about 1500 ft. The naked and barren aspect of this ridge, has given it the term of Bald mountain. Bowman's Mills, and p-o. in the n. w. part of Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 23 ms. n. n. w. from Harrissonburg, the st. jus. for the co. and 145 N. w. by w. Richmond. Bowman's Valley, drained by Bowman's and Bourn's crs. between Bowman's and Mahoopeny mountains, Luzerne co. Pa. The soil is in gen- eral sterile. Bowyer's Bluff, precipice of limestone rock, forming the west point of Washington harbor, Green Bay lake, Michigan, and about 100 ms. s. w. from Fort Mackinaw. BowYER Fort was a small stockade water battery placed on the salient angle of Mobile point, Baldwin co. Ala. and erected to defend the entrance into Mobile bay. Here on the 5th of September, 1814, Major W. Lawrence, with a small garrison of 158 men repulsed an attack made by a British squadron of which the Hermes of 28 guns was destroyed. On the 8th of Feb. 1815, this feeble post was regularly in- vested by aland and naval force and surrender- ed to the British by Major Lawrence, but at the subsequent peace was restored to the U. S. BoxBOKouGH, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 30 ms. N. w. Boston, between Concord and Nash- ua rs. is a small t. Pop 474. BoxFORD, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 24 ms. n. e. Boston, is uneven and gravelly, with poor soil, but well cultivated and fruitful, and has a lega- cy of ^2061 left for Latin and grammar schools by Hon. Aaron Wood. Rye straw bonnets are made here by females, in great numbers. In 1830, many were sold in the cities at 10 and $14 as imported, which cost about 2 or $3. Pop. 935. Boyd's, p-o. in the eastern part of Henry co. Ind. by p-r. 53 ms. a little n. of e. Indianopolis. Boyd's Cr., and p-o. Sevier co. Ten, by p-r. 216 ms. a little s. of E.Nashville. Boydstown, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 123. Boydton, p-v. and st. jus. Mecklenburg co. Va. near the centre of the co. 88 ms. s. w. Rich- mond. BoYERSTowN, p-o. Bcrks CO. Pa. by p.r. 68 ms. eastward from Harrisburg. BoYES r. br. of Misso. r. rising interlocking sources with those of Raccoon, Fork of Des Moines r. and flowing thence by a nrthwstrn. course of 120 ms. falls into the left side of Misso. r. about 12 ms. below Fort Calhoun. The central part of the valley of this r. is about N. lat. 42°, and long. 18° w. of W. C. Boyle's Store, and p-o. in the northern part of Stoke CO. N. C. by p-r. 156 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Boylston, t. Worcester fco, Mass. 7 ms. n. e. Worcester. Pop. 820. Boylston, t. Oswego co. N. Y. Pop. 388. Bozrah, p-t. New London co. Conn. 33 ms- w. s. w. Hartford, 14 n. by w. N. London, 5 w. Norwich, 4 ms. by 4i ; 18 sq. ms. is uneven, with granite rocks, and rich gravelly soil, bear- ing oak, walnut, chesnut, &c. grass, grain and flax. It is watered by Yantic r. Pop. 1,073. Braceville, p-o. and tsp. Trumbull co. O. by p-r. 153 ms. n. e. by e. from Columbus. Pop. 584. Bracken, co. Ky. bndd. e. by Mason, s. e. by Nicholas, s. w. by Harrison, w. by Pendleton, and N. by Ohio r. separating it from Clermont CO. 0. Extending in lat. from 38° 30' to 38° 47' and in long, from 6° 50' to 7° 11' w. from W. C. Length 20, mean breadth 11 ms. area 220 sq. ms. Though bordering on Ohio r. and of moderate extent. Bracken co. lies mostly on a tabic land, the southern part declining wstrd. and drained in that direction by the North Fork of Licking. The northern section slopes nthrd. towards Ohio r. Surface very broken, but soil productive. Cf. t. Augusta. Pop. 1820, 5,280, 1830, 6,518. Bracken Cross Roads, p-o. in the southern part of Bracken co. Ky. by p-r. 62 ms. n. e. Frankfort. Bracken's p-o. in the eastern part of Sum- ner CO. Ten. by p-r. 41 ms. northeastward from Nashville. Braddock's bay, on lake Ontario, N, Y. (See Greece.) Bradford, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. 28 ms. w. Concord, midway between Connecticut and Merrimack rs. 31 ms. from Amherst, 80 n. w. Boston, contains 19,000 acres, of which 500 are ponds, furnishing small mill streams. Todd's in pond, the n. branch of Warner r. has floating islands. The t. is partly hilly, partly level, with various soils, and has quarries in the e. part. Pop. 1,285. Bradford, p-t. Orange co. Vt. 7 ms. s. New- bury, 25 Montpelier, w. Connecticut r. Pop. 1,507. Bradford, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 30 ms. n. Boston, 20 N. Salem, 10 w. Newburyport, s. and E. Merrimack r. is uneven, with much good soil. Johnson's cr. supplies mill sites. A bridge of 800 ft. crosses to Haverhill, on stone piers. Ship building has been carried on. There are several villages and an academy, and shoes are made in great quantities. Pop. 1,856. Bradford, one of the northern cos. of Pa. bndd. E. by Susquehannah, s. e. by Luzerne, s. by the eastern part of Lycoming, w. by Tioga CO. of Pa., and n. by Tioga co. of N. Y. Length from e. to w. 40, mean breadth 30 ms. area 1,200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 41° 32' to 42° and in long, from 0° 2' w. to 0° 44' e. W. C. This CO. is traversed from n. w. to s. e. by the main volume of the Susquehannah, which receives its large tributary, the Chemung or Ti- oga river, on its northern border. The co. is formed by two slopes, the western declining rather e. of n. towards the Susquehannah, whilst the eastern slope falls also towards the Susquehannah. The face of this large co. is mountainous, though much excellent soil skirts the stream. It has a very diversified surface, as regards both land and water scenery. Near the northern border, the main Susquehannah BRA 63 BRE receives the Chemung or Tioga from the north- west, and the united waters after a rugged and tortuous course, s. eastward, through mountain chains, leave the s. estru; angle of Bradford and enter Luzerne. Derived also from eleva. ted sources, the Wyalusing pours down from Susquehannah co. and on the opposite sides, Towanda and Sugar creeks fall rapidly out of the vallies of Bowman's mountain. Bituminous coal is found on the Towanda creek. The mountain vallies abound in excellent timber, consisting of hemlock, oak, pine, cedar, sugar maple, beech, elm, &c. ; other staples, grain, flour, live stock, &c. Cf. ts. Towanda and Ath- ens. Pop. 1820, 11,554, 1830, 19,746. Bradford Springs, p.o. Sumpter dist. S. C. by p-r. 48 ms. e. Columbia. Bradleysburg, p-v. in the northern part of Louisa CO. Va. by p-r. 64 ms. n. w. by w, Rich- mond. Bradley's Store and p-o. in the northern part of Northampton, co. N. C. by p-r. 87 ms. N. E. by E. Raleigh. Bradleyvale, t. Caledonia CO. Vt. crossed by Moose r., is unsettled. Pop. 21. Bradleyville, p-v. Litchfield co. Conn, 35 ms. w. Hartford. Bradshaw, p-v. n. part Giles co. Ten. by p-r. 66 ms. s. w. Nashville. Brailsoin's Mills, p-v. Washington co. Ten. by p-r, 245 ms, e. Nashville and 80 eastward from Knoxville. Braintree, t. Orange co. Vt, 21 ms. s, Mont- pelier. Pop. 1,209, Braintree, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. s. of Boston, is the birth place of John Adams, 2d President of the U, S, ; is on Montiquot r. Pop. 1,758, Braintrem, p-v, in n, w, part of Luzerne co. Pa. by p-r. 157 ms. from Harrisburg. Pop. 722. Brakabeen, p-v. Schoharie co. N. Y. Branch, one of the southern cos. of Michigan, bounded w. by St. Joseph co., n. by Calhoun, Hillsdale e., and La Grange co. of Ind. s. w. It is a sq. of 21 ms. each way, 441 sq. ms. Lat. 42°, and long. 8° w. W. C. intersect in this co. Slope wstrd., and in that direction drained by various branches of St. Joseph's r. of lake Mich. The central part is 110 ms. a little s. of w, De- troit, Pop. uncertain. Branchtown. p-v. Phil. co. Pa. 7 ms. from Phil. Brandenburg, p-v. and st. jus. Mead co. Ky. on Ohio r. by p-r, 108 ms, s. of w. Louisville. Pop. 33L Brandon, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 40 ms. n. w. Windsor, 40 s, w, Montpelier, 65 n. Bennington, is level, except near the Green mtns. in the e. with much light, fertile loam. On Otter cr. is fine alluvial ; but there is a large pine plain. Mill r, has good mill sites. First settled, 1775, White and yellow pine, white and red oak, cherry, hard and soft maple, ash, and cedar, prevail. Bog iron ore, from a bed, yields 33 per cent, of soft metal. Copperas is also found ; there are several marble quarries, and 2 curious caverns. There is a circulating library and a Lyceum. Pop. 1,940. Brandon, t. Franklin co. N. Y. Pop. 3 1 6, Brandon, p-o, and st. jus. Rankin co. Misp. 16 ms. N. E. Jackson, Brandonville, p-v, Preston co, Va, 268 ms. N. w. Richmond, Brandywine, a considerable cr, or r. of Pa. and Del, It rises in the Welch mountains, between Lancaster and Chester co, of the former, flows thence s, e. by comparative courses 30 ms, and enters New Castle, co, of Delaware, Continuing the original course 10 ms, to Wilmington, it there receives the Chris- tiana creek from the w. The latter, an inferior but navigable stream, is formed by Red clay, White clay, and Christiana proper. The united water forming the harbor of Wilmington, ad- mits vessels of considerable draft. Brandy- wine again deserves particular notice for the number of manufactories it serves to move. Beside those of flour, numerous powder and paper mills, and cloth factories are in operation along this stream, which falls from a compar- atively high country to the tide level of the Del. Brandywine Manor, p-v. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. about 40 ms. westward from Phil, Brandywine Mills, and p-o, in the north- western part of Portage co, 0, by p-r. 130 ms. N, E, Columbus, Branford, p-t. New Haven co. Conn. 10 ms. E. N. Haven, 40 ms. s. Hartford, n. Long Island Sound, 5 ms. by 9, 45 sq. ms. is uneven, with gravelly loam, with oak, elm, walnut, butternut, &c. and yields grain. The farms are good ; Branford river is small and navigable a short distance in vessels of 50 or 60 tons, A beauti- ful pond, called Saltonstall's lake, is on the w. boundary ; and 2 clusters of islands, Thimble, and Indian, in the Sound, belong to the t. Many of the people engage in fishing a part of the year. Pop. 2,332. Brantingham, t. Lewis co. N. Y, Pop, 669, Brasher, t, St, Lawrence co, N,Y. Pop, 828. Brasherville, p,o. Perry co, Ky. by p-r, 163 ms, s, e. by e. Frankfort. Brattleborough, P-t. Windham co, Vt, 30 ms, E. Bennington, 60 n. e. Albany, 75 w. Bos- ton, 80 N, Hartford, on W, bank Conn, r, cf, t. of the CO, ; it was the first settlement in Vt. 1724, and called Fort Dummer, It has two villages, e. and w, parishes, an academy 40 by 56 ft. Great and Little Round mtns,, with a va- ried surface and soil, and two streams, West r. and Whitestone branch. The e, village is large, active, and pleasant, with good mill seats on Whitestone br, near its mouth. There a bridge crosses to Hinsdale, N, H, over Conn, r, which runs rapidly here at the " Swift water," A company has been formed to make a rail road from the e. side of Brattleboro' to the w, side of Bennington or Pownal, across the state, to connect the Troy and Bennington rail road with the Boston and Lowell rail road reaching to Brattleborough, Pop. 2,141. Bratton's p-o. Smith co. Ten. by p-r. 58 ms. N. estwrd. from Nashville. Brattonsville, p-o, York district, S, C. by P-r. 70 ms. n. Columbus. Breakwater in Delaware bay. This being an unfinished work we cannot attempt what would necessarily be an imperfect description. We extract the following notice : " Opera, tions on this great national work are recom- menced. The appropriation of the present BR I G4 BRI year (1833) is $270,000. This work, even in its unfinished state, has afforded a secure haven to many a tempest tossed mariner, during the past winter ; and, when completed, its benefits to the commercial community, will be incalcu- lable." Breckenridge CO. of Ky. bndd. n. w. by Ohio f. which separates it from Perry co. in Ind., Meade n. w., Hardin s. e.. Rough cr. branch of Green r. which separates it from Grayson s. and by Hancock w. Length 35, mean breadth 20 ms., area 700 sq. ms., surface not very bro- ken ; soil generally fertile. {For lat. and long. see Hardinshurg, the co. si.) In 1820, pop. 7,485, 1830, 7,345. Bremen, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 45 ms. Augusta. Pop. 770. BrentonsvIlle, p-o. Owen co. Ind., about 50 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Brents, p-o. Henry co. Ky. by p-r. 36 ms. n. W. from Franlcfort. Brentsville, p-o. and c-h. Prince William co. Va. 31 ms. s. w. W. C. Brentwood, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 37ms. s. E. Concord, with 10,465 acres, watered by Exeter r, and other streams, yields grass well. At Pick Pocket Falls, on Exeter r. are several mills and factories. Iron ore and vitriol have been foimd. Pop. 770. Breton, two small islands of La. in the s. wstrn. part of Chandeleur bay, about 28 ms. nearly due n. from the main pass of Miss, and 1^ ms. s. w. from the Grand Gozier. There is a channel with 12 ft. water between Cape Bre- ton and Grand Gozier, lat. 29° 26' long, on Tan- ner's U. S. map, 12° 02' w. W. C. Breton Woods, Coos co. N. H. at the n. w. base of the White mtns. and adjoining ungrant- ed lands ; it is almost uninhabited, is uneven, dreary, and contains 24,640 acres, with part of Pondicherry mtn. n., and Amonoosuc and streams of John's and Israel's rs. Pop. 108. Brevard, p-o. Smith co. Ten. 54 ms. n. e. by p. Nashville. Brevardsville, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. 267 ms. w, Raleigh. Brewer, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 5 ms. s. e. Bangor, 67 n. e. Augusta, e. Penobscot r. n. Hancock co. Pop. 1,078. Brewster, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass. 88 ms. B. E. Boston, 18 N. w. Plymouth, s. Cape Cod bay, and beyond the elbow of the cape ; was named after elder Brewster, one of the first set- tlers of Plymouth, who died 1644. Pop. 1,418. Brickersville, p-o. Lancaster co. Fa, by p-r. 45 ms. estrd. from Harrisburg. Bkiceland's Cross Road, p-v. in the northern part of Washington co. Pa. by p^r. 233 ms. wstrd. from Harrisburg, 25 a little s. of w. Pittsburgh, and 11 E. Steubenville. Brick Meeting House, and p-o. in the north- ern part of Cecil co. Md. 12 ms. n. w. Elkton. Bricksville, p-v. in the s. w. part of Caya- hoga CO. O. by p-r. 122 ms. n. e. Columbus. Brickville, p-o. formerly Town Creek Mills, in the n. part of Lawrence co. Ala.iiy p-r. 128 ms. a little e. of n. Tuscaloosa. Bridgehampton, p-v. Southampton, Suflolk CO. N. Y. 100 ms. e. New York. BEinGEPOBT, p-t, and borough, Fairfield co. Conn. 3 ms. w. Stratford, 17 w. New Haven, 51 s. w. Hartford, 62 n. e. New York, on the w. side Bridgeport harbor, which is 3 ms. long, from L. I. Sound, ^ to2 ms, wide. Pequanock r. furnishes mill seats. The harbor is narrow, shoal except in the channel, with a bar, having 13 ft. at high water, is easy of access, and has a beacon of 40 ft. There is a lighthouse on Fairweather isl, and a toll and draw bridge at the head of the harbor. It is a thriving and pleasant town, with good soil. Banking capital, §305,500. Pop. 2,800. Bridgeport, v. Junius, Seneca co. N. Y. call. ed also W. Cayuga v. at w. end Cayuga bridge^ 185 ms. w, Albany, The lake boats touch here. Bridgeport, p-v. Harrison co. Va. 10 ms. s, E. Clarksburg. Bridgeport, borough of Fayette co. Pa. situ- ated on the right bank of Monongahela r. sepa- rated from Brownsville by Dunlap's cr. The site of Bridgeport is a high bottom of the river. Pop. 1820, 624, 1830, 727. Bridgeport, p-v. Pease tsp. n. eastern part of Belmont co. O, 10 ms, from St, Clairsville, and by p-r, 134 ms, e, from Columbus. Pop. 165. Bridgetown, Cumberland co. Me. 39 ms. n, W.Portland. It has an academy. Here begins the Cumberland and Oxford canal, at Long pond, and extends (including Brandy and Sebago ponds and outlets, 27 ms.) to Portland, 50 ms. There are 24 locks. Tolls per mile, for planks, 6 cents per M. feet; shingles, 2 cts. perM.; wood, 6 cts. a cord ; timber 6 cts. a ton ; goods in boats, 6 cts. a ton ; boats, rafts, &c. 6 cts. additional for each lock. Pop. 1,541. Bridgetown, p-t. and cap. Cumberland co. N. J. 50 ms. s. E, Philadelphia, and 69 from Trenton, on Cohanzey cr, 20 from Delaware bay; contains the co, buildings, and is access, ible to vessels of 100 tons. Bridgeville, (or Bridgetown,) p-v. on, or near the right bank of Nanticoke r. Sussex co. Del. 35 ms. a little w. of s. from Dover, and about 30 ms. nearly due e. from Eastern Md. Bridgeville, p-v. in the n. e. part Muskin. gum co, O. by p-r. 68 ms. estrd. Columbus. Bridgewater, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 20 ms. N. N, w. Concord, w, Pemigewasset r. e. New- found pond ; yields grass, with no large streams. First settlement 1766, Pop, 784. Bridgewater, p-t. Windsor co, Vt, 45 ms, s. Montpelier, 17 n. w, Windsor, 60 ms. n. e. Ben, nington, 7| ms. by 8, with 46 ^ sq, ms, first set- tlement 1779 ; is watered by Queechy r. and branches, which supply mills, and is uneven, partly rough and stony, with primitive rocks, and a quarry of soap stone, which is manufac- tured. Iron ore is also found. Pop. 2,320. Bridgewater, p-t. Plymouth co, Mass. 28 ms, s, Boston, 18 ms, n, w. Plymouth, has tolerable soil, but a sandy tract begins here which goes through the s. part of the co. Arms were made here in the revolutionary war — first settled, 1651 — burnt in 1676, by Indians. It contains 88 acres of tillage, 1,547 mowing, and 4,904 pasturage. Pop. 1,855. Bridgewater, p-t. Oneida co, N. Y. 12 ms. s. ITtica, 6 ms, by 4, well watered by head streams of Unadilla r. It has a 'rich vally v.. and is hilly w. Pop, 1,608, BRI 65 BRI Bridgevvater, t. Somerset co. N. J. lies n. of the Raritan, and extends from Boundbrook w. to the line of Hunterdon ; Somerville the CO. St. is in this t. Pop. 3,549. Bridport, p-t. Addison co. Vt. e. lake Cham- plain, opposite Crown Point, 8 ms. w. Middle- bury, 35 s. Burlington, 41 s. w. Montpelier, with 42 sq. ms. It is nearly level, with loam and slaty sandstone, bearing oak, white and Norway pine, on the lake — maple and beech e. It has few streams. The soil contains Epsom salts, which were formerly made from the water. There are wharves and landing places on the lake. First permanent settlement, 17G8. Pop. 1,774. Brier Creek, p-o. Wilkes co. N. C. by p.r. 194 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Brighton, t. Somerset co. Me, Pop. 722. Brighton, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 5 ms. w. Boston, s. Charles r. has pleasant hills and val- lies, good soil, well cultivated, with 200 acres of marsh. The annual cattle Fair is the most important in New England. It was commenced in the revolutionary war, and is now under the direction of the Mass. agricultural society, who have a neat building for the exhibition of various articles for which premiums are offered. In 1830, were sold. Beef cattle, 37,767 Sales ^977,989 75 Stores, 13,685 " 154,564 00 Sheep, 132,697 " 215,618 17 Swine, 19,639 " 70,970 50 ^1,419,142 42 Whole number,203, 789 Pop. 1830, 972. Brighton, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. e. Genessee r. opposite Rochester, s. Lake Ontario, 66 sq. ms. has a good soil, and a great amount of wa- ter power on Genessee r. with many flour mills, factories, &c. Carthage v. or Clyde, 2^ ms. n. Rochester, has considerable business as the landing place of lake vessels below the lower falls of Genessee r. The banks are 200 ft. per- pendicular, of rock in strata. A wooden bridge was thrown across some years ago, which soon after fell. Erie canal passes through the t. and receives a feeder from Genessee r. above the rapids. Pop. 6,519. Brighton, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. about 20 ms. Pittsburg. Brighton, tsp. and p-o. in the n. part Loraine CO. O. by p-r. 116 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Brightsville, p-v. in the n. part Marlborough dist. S. C. by p-r. 102 ms. n. e. by e. Columbia. Brimfield, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 19 m. e. Springfield, 75 s. w. Boston, on e. side of the Jjime range of mtns. with hills and valleys, 6 ms. by 5, and good farms. First settled 1701, with Chickopee and Quinebaug rs. Gen. Eaton, formerly U. S. Consul at Tunis, was born here. Pop. 1,599. Brindletown, p-o. Burke co. N. C. 199 ms. w. Raleigh. Brinkleysville, p-v. in the w. part Halifax CO. N. C. by p-r. 83 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Bristol, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 13 ms. E. Wis- casset, 45 Augusta. Pop. 2,450. Bristol, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 90 ms. n. w. Boston, 16 s. Plymouth, 30 n. Concord, is hilly ivith a good soiL It lies w. Pemigewasset r- contains 9000 acres land, besides several ponds of water, one, 2 or 3 ms. by 6, called Newfound pond, which empties by an outlet into Pemige- wasset r. a pleasant village, stands at the junc- tion. A toll bridge crosses to New Hampton. Black lead is found here. Pop. 779. Bristol Mills, p-v. Lincoln co. Me, 42 ms, Augusta. Bristol, p-t. Addison co. Vt. 54 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 25 s. e. Burlington, 26,000 acres. First settled at the close of the revolutionary war ; J of the t. w. Green mtns. is quite level and rich, the rest broken and useless. A range of mtns. crosses n. ands. above New Haven r., it is called the Hog Back ; below, South mtn. Pop. 1,247. Bristol co. Mass. bndd. by Norfolk co. n., Plymouth co. the sea and R. I. s. and R. I. w. contains 19 towns, of which New Bedford and Taunton are the co. sts. New Bedford is large and flourishing. The co. is divided by Taunton r., whose streams supply mills and manufacto- ries. Pop. 1820, 40,908, 1830, 49,592. Bristol, co. R. I. bndd. by Mass. n. e. and N. w.. Mount Hope bay s. e., Narraganset bay s. w. 3 ms. by 8, with 25 sq. ms. between two fine sheets of water, a pleasant situation, diver- sified surface, rich loam, with granite rocks, except N., where it is more level. The harbors are good, and much commercial enterprize has existed here, in proportion to the size of the towns. This was the country of the Indian King, Philip. There are few manufactories. A sealing company was formed here in 1831. Bristol is the co. t. Pop. 1820, 5637, 1830, 5446, Bristol, p-t., s-p. and cf. t. Bristol co. R. I. 13 ms. N. Newport, 15 s. Providence, 2 ms. by 5, 12 sq. ms. on a good harbor, e. side of Nar. ragansett bay, w. Mount Hope. It has an agree- able variety of surface, with Mount Hope, a talj eminence, s. e., the chief seat of Metacom, or King Philip, who made a destructive war on the New England colonies, 1675, and was killed here 1676. The land is well cultivated, Many onions are exported. There are 4 banks, capi- tal ^361,250. Part of the town was burnt in the revolutionary war. The trade is less than formerly, employing 30 in foreign trade, and 12 coasters. The business of the place, however, is improving, and some whaling ships are now owned there. A factory is building for patent wrought nails. There are 5 churches, Baptist, Episcopal, Methodist, Reformed Methodist, and Presbyterian. Pop. 3,054. Bristol, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 16 ms. w. by s. Hartford, 28 n. New Haven, 5 ms. by 5^, about 27 sq. ms., hilly, gravelly loam, good for grain and grass, bearing oak, chestnut, &c. The rocks are granite, with some iron and cop- per ore, and the streams small branches of Farmington r. The manufactories are various, including wooden clocks, 30,000 of which were made in 1831. 800 persons are employed in making brass clocks. Pop. 1707. Bristol, Ontario co. N. Y. 10 ms. s. w. Canandaigua, has an inferior soil, high, broken land between Canandaigua and Honeoye lakes, which discharge e. and w. The source of Mud cr. gives a few mill seats. It l)as a burning spring. Pop. 2,952. BRO 66 BRO Bristol, p-t. borough and port, Bucks co. Pa. situated on the right bank of Delaware r. 20 ms. above Philadelphia, and 12 below Tren- ton. It is a neat and elegant village on a swell. ing bank, runnin^j chiefly in one street along the river. Pop. 1,262. Bristol, tsp. s. e. part of Bucks co. Pa. lying around the borough of Bristol. Pop. 1,534, ex- clusive of the borough. Bristolville, tsp. and p-o. in the eastern part of Trumbull co. O. ; the p-o. is by p-r. 167 ms. N. eetrd. from Columbus. Pop. 526. Britton's Store, and p-o. Bertie co. N. C. by p-r. 110 ms. n. of e. Raleigh. Broadalbin, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. 38 ms. w. Albany, 6 n. Mohawk r., 5 ms. by 10, has a strong loam, yields grass, grain, &c. su- gar maple, beech, birch, &c. First settled 1776; deserted in revolutionary war. Chucte- nunda, Fonda's, Hans, and Frenchman's crs. which give mill sites. The v. on w. line is 10 ms. from Johnstown. Pop. 2,657. Broad, r. of N. and S. C. having its extreme source in the Blue Ridge, and in Burke co. N. C. but draws most of its remote constituents from the valley of Rutherford co. Pursuing thence a southeastern course, the various branches unite and enter S. C. between Yorke and Spar- tanburg dists. Inclining to a general course of s. s. E. receiving only large creeks from the left, but on the right, augmented by the com- paratively considerable streams of Pacolet, Tyger, and Enoree rivers, it finally unites with the Saluda at Columbia, to form the Congaree. The valley of Broad r. including all its conflu- ents, reaches from n. lat. 34° to 35° 30' inter- locking sources with the Catawba, French, Broad and Saluda rivers, and draining a valley embracing 130 ms. by a mean breadth of 35 ms or an area of 4,550 sq. ms. Broad, r. of Geo. one of the western branch- es of Savannah r, rises in Habersham, Hall, and Franklin cos. pursues thence a s. eastern course through Albert, Madison, Oglethorpe and Wilkes cos. and falls into Savannah r, at the centre of the triangle, between Petersburg, Vienna, and Lisbon, after a comparative course of 70 ms. Broad r. S. C. is formed by the tide water part of Coosawatchie r. and is the local name of the inner part of Port Royal entrance, Beaufort dist. The bay, for it is in fact such, called Broad river, inside of Hilton Head, ex- tends in a n. western direction, 20 ms. with a mean breadth of 2 ms. and opens to the ocean 22 ms. N. E. from the mouth of Savannah r. Broad creek, p-v. on the western shore of Kent Island, Queen Anne co. Md. nearly op. posite and lO ms. distant from Annapolis, and 47 ms. a little n. of e. from W. C. Broad mtn. one of the Appalachian chains in Northampton and Schuylkill co. Pa. It is the next chain, or rather ridge wstrd. from the Mauch Chunk mtns. and like the latter, contains much anthracite coal. It receives its name from its width on the summit, which differs from 2 to 5 ms. {See Appalachian system.) Broad mountaix, p-o. on the Broad mtn. and N. eastern part of Schuylkill CO. Pa. 71 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Brockport, p-v. Sweden, Monroe co. N. Y- 18 ms. w. Rochester on Erie canal, has grown to some importance in a few years. A rail road to Alleghany r. has been proposed, about 85 ms. Brock's gap, and p-o. Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 113 ms. n. w. Richmond. Brockville, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 139 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Brockwayville, p-o. in the s. eastern part of Jefferson co. Pa. by p-n 154 ms.,N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Bronson's Prairie, and p-v. Branch co. Mich. by p-r. 133 ms. Detroit. Bronx cr. Westchester co. N. Y. runs from Rye pond to East r. about 28 ms. and supplies mills. It has been proposed to lead the water to N. York, to supply the city, to which it is supposed to be adequate. Brooke, n. w. co. of Va. bndd. w. by Ohio r. which separates it from Jefferson co. Ohio, n. w. by Ohio r. which separates it from Colum. biana co. O., e. by Beaver and Washington cos. Pa. It is a mere slip, 30 ms. by 5 ms. and area 150 sq. ms. Surface very hilly, but highly fertile soil. Buffalo, Cross, Harman's, and other creeks rising in Pa. traverse Brooke in their way to Ohio r. The staples are grain ; and its products some iron, and bituminous coal. Cf. t. Wellsburg. Pop. 1820, 6,611, in 1830. 7,041. Brookeville, p-v. on a small branch of the Patuxent, Montgomery co. Md. 22 ms. almost due N. from W. C. and 28 ms. s. w. from Balti- more. In this village is an academy in active operation, in which are taught the Latin and Greek languages, with the various branches of an English education. Brookfield, p-t. Orange co. Vt. 17 ms. s. Montpelier, 40 n. w. Windsor, nearly on the height of land between White and Onion rs. is generally good grass land, with the second branch of White r. and several large ponds. Lime is made here from marl. First settled, 1779. Pop. 1,677. Brookfield, Strafford co. N. H. p-t. Pop. 671. Brookfield, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 18 ms. w. Worcester, 64 s. w. Boston, is beautifully varied, has good soil, with two large and beau- tiful fish ponds, and three handsome villages. Quaboag r. flows into Chickapee r. Iron ore is found. This was one of the earliest white settlements of Mass. and suffered much. It was first settled 1660, burnt by the Indians 1675, and deserted for several years. Pop. 2,342. Brookfield, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 33 w. N. Haven, 50 s. w. Hartford, s. w. Ousatonick r. contains 17 sq. ms. It is crossed by Still r. Ousatonic r. has a bridge, and affords fish, par- ticularly shad. It yields wheat and rye, oak, hickory, maple, chesnut, &c. The rocks are limestone, and afford marble. Pop. 1,261. Brookfield, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. 22 ms. s. by w. Utica, 90 w, Albany ; is hilly and fertile, and well watered, with lime rocks of petrified shells. Pop. 4,367. Brookfield, one of the northern tsps. of Tioga CO. Penn. the p-o. by p-r. 185 ms. n, Harrisburg. Pop. 328. BRO 67 BRO Brookfield, tsp. and p-v. Trumbull co. O. by p-r. 170 ms. n. e. Columbia. Pop. of the tap. 874. Brookhaven t. Suffolk co. N. Y. crosses Long Island ; 20 ms. long, with 300 sq. ms. has various soils, few inhabitants, and much forest. On the harbors and Long Island Sound, the soil is good. It comprehends several important headlands in the Sound ; Crane Neck, Old Field Point, Strong's Point, and Mount Misery. A light house stands on Old Field Point. There is much salt meadow and sand on the Sound, and plenty of fish are taken. On the s. are many trout brooks and mill streams. In- terior are pine plains, with plenty of good deer. N. are good small harbors — Stony Brook, Setauket and Drowned Meadow ; s. is South Bay. Population, 6,095. Setauket, v. 58 ms. E. N. Y. is the oldest, and was once inhabited by a tribe of Indians. There are also the villages of Stony Brook, Drowned Meadow, Old Man's, Miller's Place, Wading r.. Coram, Patchogue, Blue Point, (celebrated for Oysters,) Fireplace, Mastic, the Forge and Moriches. The last 4 are on S. Bay, which extends from Hempstead, Queen's co. to Southampton, Suf- folk CO., nearly 100 ms. and from 2 to 5 ms. wide. It affords fine fish, and clams ; and much pine is carried to N. Y. for fuel. It has been proposed to cut a canal through the w. shore to open it more directly to navigation. Stage coaches run regularly from Patchogue, &c. to Brooklyn. Ronconcoma pond, 3 ms. round, on the w. line, is the centre of Long Is- land. Pop. 6,098. Brookline, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. 45 ms. from Concord, 7 Amherst, 43 n. w. Boston, contains 12,664 acres, 240 of them water ; Ni- sitissit r. runs into Potanipo pond, in the centre, and thence to Nashua river in Pepperell. Pop. 627. Brookline, p-t. Norfolk co, Mass. 5 ms. s. w. Boston, has an agreeably diversified surface, adorned with many well tilled farms, and coun- try seats belonging chieflv to city gentlemen. Pop. 1,043. Brooklyn, t. Windham co. Vt. 40 ms. s. Windsor, 2 ms. by 8. First settled 1777. Grassy cr. runs through a valley in the centre. Here is a bed of porcelain clay. Pop. 376. Brooklyn, p-t. and st. jus. Windham co. Conn. 14ms. n. Norwich harbor, 30 e. Hartford, 44 w. Providence, 6 ms. by 8, with 46 sq. ms., has a good soil and is hilly, with primitive rocks, and a quarry of building stone near the ch. It yields a variety of produce, and walnut, oak, chestnut, &c. Willimantic and Nachaug rs. unite and form Shetucket r. and with branch- es give mill sites, and fish. First settled, 1686. It has 2 societies. Pop. 1,451. Brooklyn, p-t. Kings co. N. Y. on the w. end of Long Island, opposite N. Y. city, of which it in fact forms a suburb, is the 3d town in the state in population. The village, which is in. corporated, and the largest in the state, stands on an acclivity rising from the East r. and an extent of high land above, so that some of the houses overlook the metropolis. The lower streets are narrow and crooked, but the higher strait and agreeable. There are 7 churches, 2 Presbyterian, 2 Baptist, 1 Dutch Reformed, i Episcopal, 1 Catholic. Banking cap. $300,000. It has two markets, court-house, several good private schools man. ufactories of different kinds, extensive store- houses, &c. A navy yard of the U. S. is a little N. of the village, s. of Wallabout bay, where the largest ships are built, launched, and repaired in security. There are two large buildings for constructing frigates and larger ships, under shelter ; the house of the com- mandant, barracks for marines, and a small vil- lage adjacent ; 3 steam ferries connect Brook- lyn with N. Y. and many merchants reside in the village. Aug. 26, 1776, the British gained a battle nearBrooklyn, by which they obtained pos- session of N. Y. Pop. 1820, 7,175, 1830, 15,396. Brooklyn or Bk.ookla.nd iron works, Morris CO. N. J. at the outlet of the Muskonetcunk lake, 14 ms. n. n. w. of Morris Town. A dam is erected here to raise the lake for the supply of the Morris canal. Brooklyn, p-v. Halifax co. Va. by p.r. 101 ms. s. w. Richmond. Brooklyn, p-v. Conecuh co. Ala. by p.r. 176 ms. E. of s. Tuscaloosa. Brooklyn, t-s. and p-v. in the northern part of Cuyahoga co. O. by p r. 149 ms. n. e. Colum- bus. Pop. 646. Brookneal, p-v. in the s. w. part Campbell CO. Va. by p-r. 162 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Brooks, p.t. Waldo co. Me. 51 ms. Augusta. Pop. 601. Brooksville, p-v. Montgomery co. Ten. by p-r. 54 ms. n. w. Nashville. Brookville, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 8 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 1,089. Brookville, p-v. in the s. w. part of Albe- marie co. Va. 20 ms. s. w. Charlotteville, and by p-r. 101 ms. N. w. Richmond. Brookville, p-v. and st. jus. .Tefferson co. Pa. by p-r. 165 ms. n. of w. Harrisburg. Brookville, p.v. and st. jus. Franklin co. Ind. on White Water r. 30 ms. n. w. Cincin. nati, and 70 s. e. by e. Indianopolis. Broome co. N. Y. bndd. by Cortlandt and Chenango cos. n., Delaware co. e., lat. 42°, and Pennsylvania s., Tioga co. w., contains 8 tsps. and about 700 sq. ms. It is watered by Susquehannah r. and some of its branches ; has many hills, with a hard pan soil, but large and rich vallies, with gravelly loam. Susquehan- nah r. is boatable, and falls are numerous. First settled, from w. Massachusetts, about 1790. It is healthy and yields fruit, as well as other productions. Binghampton is the co. t. Pop. 1820, 14,343 ; 1830, 17,759. Broome, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 35 ms. s. w. Albany, e. Schoharie cr. includes part of Cats- kill mts. with good alluvial vallies w. Different streams supply fine mill seats. Most of the land is leased. Livingstonville p-o. is in s. b. part. Pop. 3,161. Brothertown, Indian v. Paris, N. Y. 8 ma. s. w. Utica, was granted by the Oneida Indiana to the remnant of the Stockbridge and other tribes of N. England. They resided here in considerable numbers, with a church, a mis- sionary, &c. but many of them have recently gone to Green Bay. BRO 68 BRO Brower, p-o. Berks co. Ten. by p-r. 74 ms. E. Harrisburg. Broweh's Mills, and p-o. in tho s. w. part Randolph co. N. C. by p-r. 76 ms. westward Raleigh. Brown University, {See Providence, R. I.) Brown, one of the southern cos. of Ohio, bndd. by Ohio r. separating it from Mason and Bracken cos. of Ky. s., by Clermont co. O. w., Clinton n. w., Highland n. and n. e., and Adams E. Length from s. to n. 30, mean breadth 17, and area 512 sq. ms., extending in lat. from 38° 44' to 39° 17', and in long, from 6° 40' to 6° 58' w. W. C. The n. wstrn. part between Cler- mont and Highland cos. slopes to the s. e. and is drained by the east Fork of Little Miami. The southern and larger section declines to- wards Ohio r. and is drained by White Oak and several smaller crs. The surface of the whole CO. is broken, but soil excellent. Cf. t. George- town. Pop. 1820, 13,356, 1830, 17,867. Brown, co. Mich. This co. is bounded n. by Michilimakinac co.; w. by Crawford, and s. by Indian country. On the e. it has lake Michigan ; and the whole embracing a square of about 120 ms. each side, or 14,400 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 4ii° 40' to 45° 30', and in long, from 9° to 11° 30' w of W. C. The configuration of the country is very remarkable. The westrn. part comprises the lowest depression of an in- clined plain, sloping sthestrdly. and down which flow Menomonies and Wolf rivers, together with numerous smaller rivers and creeks. This base is occupied by Fox r. Green bay, and Winnebago lake. An opposite slope might be sought for, but except a very narrow mar- gin such is not the case ; but on the contrary another inclined plain declines almost from the shores of Winnebago lake. Fox r. and Green bay also s. e. towards lake Mich. This latter plain gives source and course to the Manawa- kee, Melwakee, Saukee, Sheboygan, Manito- Wok, and Twin rivers, with some others of les- ser note. The surface of Brown co. is undula- ting rather than either hilly or flat. Much of the soil is fertile, occupying part of the direct route from the Canadian sea to the Upper Misp. r. The settlements along Green bay are an- cient, and were first made by the French. Cf. t. Fort Howard. Pop. 1830, 1,356. Brown, p-o. Lycoming co. Pa. Brown, p-o. in the e. part of Stark co. O. by p-r. 13;jms. N. e. Columbus. Brownfield, p-t. Oxford co. Me. on Saco r. 28 ms. s. w. Paris, 81 Augusta. Pop. 936. Brownfield, p-o. in the northern part of Bel- mont CO. O. by p-r. 152 ms. e. Columbus. Brownhelm, p-o. in the northern part of Lo- raine co. O. by p-r. 139 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Browningtown, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 95 ms. N. Windsor, 45 n. e. Montpelier, 57 e. Burling- ton, has 16,750 acres, with mill sites on Wil- loughby's r. and branches, which empty n. into lake Meinphremagog. Pop. 412. Brown's, p-o. Fairfield dist. S. C. by p-r. 23 ms. northwardly from Columbia. Brownsboro', p-o. in the s. part of Montgom- ery CO. Md. 9 ms. from W. C. Brownsboro', p-v. in the n. part of Madison CO. Ala. by p-r. 10 ms. from Himtsville, the st, jus. Brownsboro', p-v. in the western part of Old- ham CO. Ky. by p-r. 41 ms. n. w. Frankfort. Brownsburg, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. about 27 ms. n. Phil. Brownsburg, p-v. on Hays' cr. in the n. part of Rockbridge, co. Va. by p-r. 143 ms. a little n. of w. Richmond. Brown's Cove, and p-o. in the n. part of AU bemarle co. Va. by p-r. 109 ms. n. w. Rich- mond. Brown's Cove, and p-o. in Jackson co. Ala. by p-r. 181 ms. n. e. Tuscaloosa. Brown's Creek, and p-o. in the e. part of Union dist. S. C. 10 ms. E. Unionville and by p-r. 66 ms. N. N. w. Columbia. Brown's Ferry and p-o. Limestone co. Ala, by p-r. 129 ms. a little e. of n. Tuscaloosa. Brown's Mills, and p-o. Mifflin co. Pa. by P-r. 60 ms. northwestward Harrisburg. Brown's Mills and p-o. in the n. w. part of Washington co. 0. 18 ms. n. w. Marietta. Brown's Store, and p-o. Caswell co. N. C. by p-r. 99 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Brown's Tavern, and p-o. Ann Arundel co. Md. 46 ms. n. w. Annapolis. Hrownstown, p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co. Ind. situated on Driftwood Fork of the e. branch of White r. by p-r. 69 ms. a little e. of s. In. dianopolis, and 50 n. w. Louisville, Ky. Brownstown, p-v. in the s. estrn. part of Wayne co. Mich. 18 ms. s. s. w. Detroit, and by p-r. 508 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Brownsville, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 40 ms, n, Bangor, 97 n. n. w. Augusta, n. Piscataway r. and on Pleasant r, one of its branches, with a large pond e. Pop. 402. Brownsville, p-v. and borough of Fayette co. Pa. founded on a rapid acclivity rising from the Monongehela r. where stood formerly Red Stone Fort. The U. S. road passes along the main street, upon which the bulk of the houses are situated. It is separated from Bridgeport by Dunlap's cr. and stands 12 ms. n. w. from Union, the co. st. 35 ms. a little e. of s. Pitts- burg. Pop. borough, 1,222. Brownsville, p-o. Frederick co. Md. by p-r. 65 ms. n. w. W. C. Brownsville, p-v. in the n. part of Granville CO., N. C, by p-r. 58 ms, n. Raleigh. Brownsville, p-v. in the s. past of Marlbo- rough dist. S. C, by p-r. 116 ms. n. e. by e, Co- lumbia. Brownsville, p-v. and st. jus, Haywood co. Ten. situated near the centre of the co. by p-r. 175 ms. a little s. of w. Nashville, and 891 ms. s. w. by w, W. C. N. lat. 35° 35', and 12° 20' w. W. C, Brownsville, p-v, and st, jus, Edmonson co. Ky, by p-r. 138 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, and 678 wstrd. W. C. Pop. 229. Brownsville, p-v. in the n. e, part Licking CO. 0. by p-r. 49 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Pop. 155. Brownsville, p-o. Union co, Ind. by p-r. 76 ms. E. Indianopolis. Brownsville, p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co, II. situated on Muddy cr. by p-r. 833 ms. wstrd. W. C, 127 s. Vandalia. Brownsville, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. at the mouth of Black r. n. side, s. e, L. Ontario and BRU 69 BUG Griffin's bay, 6 ms. by 15, has a marly loam, with much limestone, bearing beech, maple, bass, elm, &c. The v. is 3 ms. from the mouth of Black r. on its shore, at the head of naviga- tion, and the lower rapids, with some manufac- tories. Pop. 2,938. Brucetown, p-v. Frederick co. Va. 7 ms. wstrd. Winchester. Bruceville, or Hendricks' Mills, p-o. on Pipe cr. Frederick co. Md. 18 ms. n. e. the city of Frederick. Bruington, p-v. in the n. part of King and Queen co. Virginia, by p-r. 36 ms. n. e. Rich- mond. Brunel's p-o. Davidson co. N. C, by p-r. 100 ms. w. Raleigh. Brumfieldville, p-o. Berks co. Pa. by p-r. 9 ms. w. Reading. Brunso.m's p-o. Stewart co. Ten. 14 ms. wstrd. Dover, the st. jus. Brunswick, p-t. Essex co. Vt. 55 ms. n. e. Montpelier, 23 sq. ms. w. Conn. r. First set- tlement 1780, watered by w. branch of Nulhe- gan r. Wheeler's and Paul's streams cross the town and afford mill sites. A mineral spring flows from the bank of Conn. r. near a pond. Pop. 160. Brunswick, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 23 ms. N. E. Portland, 30 s. Augusta, s. w. Androscog- gin r. at the falls, which supply excellent mill sites. Bowdoin college, incorporated 1794, was endowed by the Mass. legislature with 5 tsps. of land, and §^3,0l)0 per annum. This sura was continued by the legislature, of Me. James Bowdoin, its chief benefactor, gave the college 6,000 acres of land, in the town of Lis- bon, and also purchased for it a well arranged collection of minerals, and some fine models of crystalography. The college buildings are de- lightfully situated, on a plain near the Andros- coggin. It has a president, 6 professors in languages, natural philosophy, chemistry, mine- ralogy, rhetoric and oratory, intellectual and moral philosophy, with lectureships in sacred literature and political economy. Alumni of the college, 1833, 792 ; students, 157 ; vols, in col. library, 8,000 ; do. in students' library, 6,000. Com. 1st Wednesday in September. The course of instruction resembles that of most other colleges in the United States. A medical academy is attached to it, with 100 stu- dents. Pop. 3,587. Brunswick, t. Rensellaer co. N. Y. 5 ms. e. Troy, N. Sand lake, is high and broken n. w. The land w. is handsom.e. Poestenkill cr. fur- nishes good mill sites ; there are also Tamha- noc and Wynant's crs. The soil is leased at low rates. Pop. 2,570. Brunswick, one of the southern cos. of Va. bndd. by Mecklenburg w., Lunenburg n. w. and n., Nottaway r. separating it from DinwidJie N. E., Greensville e., Northampton co. in N. C. s., and Warren co. N. C. s. w. It is nearly a square, 26 ms. each side ; area 676 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 32', to 36° 56', and in long, from 0= 39', to 1° 04' w. W. C. The southwestern angle touches the Roanoke, and a small section is drained southwardly into that stream ; but the body of the co. is comprised in the vallies of Meherin and Nottaway re. and 10 declines eastward. Cf. t. Lawrenceville. Pop. 1820, 16,687, 1830, 15,767. Brunswick, extreme southern co. of N. C. bndd. by White Marsh cr. separating it from Columbus CO. of the same state w., by Bladen N. w., by Cape Fear r. separating it from New Hanover on the n. e. and e., by the Atlantic ocean s., and by Hony dist. S. C. s. w. Length from the border of S. C. to the Forks of Cape Fear r. 48 ms., mean breadth 28, and area 1,344 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 33° 53', to 34° 32', and in long, from 1° to 1° 46' w. from W. C. The slope of this county is nearly southward ; the surface generally flat, marshy and sterile. Ch. t. Smithville. Pop. 1820, 5,480, 1830, 6,516. Brunswick, p-v. and st. jus. Glynn co. Geo. by p-r. 733 ms.s. s. w. W. C. and 200 s. e. Mil. ledgeville, n. lat. 31° l2', long. 4° 40' w. from W. C. It is a sea port, and situated on Turtle r. about 10 ms. nearly due w. from the opening between St. Simon's and Jekyl islands. Brunswick, p-v. and tsp. in the nrthrn. part of Medina co. 0. The p-o. is about 25 ms. s. w. Cleaveland, on lake Erie, and by p-r. 356 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 118 n. e. Columbus. In 1830, the tsp. contained a pop. of 449. Brushy hill, p-o. in the w. part St. Clair co, II., by P-r. 84 ms. n. of New Vandalia. Brutus, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 5. ms. n. Au. burn, 153 ms. w. Albany, on Erie canal, s. Sene- ca r. 5 to 6^ ms. by 10, is uneven, with many gravel hills, but very fertile and well watered, and affords gypsum and good lime stone for building. Weeds Port, on the canal, 7 ms n. Auburn, 4 e. Bucksville, 9 e. Montezuma, has a large basin. Pop. 1,827. Bryan, co. of Geo. bndd. s. e. by the Atlantic, Liberty co. s. w., Bullock, n. w. and n., and the Great Ogechee r. separating it from Effingham and Chatham, n. e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 40 ms. ; mean breadth 12, and area 480 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 43' to 32° 12', and in long, from 4° 08' to 4° 46' w. W. C. Cf. t. Hardwick. Pop. 1820, 3,021, 1830, 3,139. This CO. includes the sea coast of Ossabaw isl. from St. Catharine's sound, to that of Ossabaw or mouth of Great Ogechee r. Bryan's p-o. in the w. part of Hardiman. co. Ten. 12 ms. wstwrd. from Bolivar, the st. jus. for the CO. Bryantown, p-v. Charles co. Md. 32 ms. a. W. C. and 10 n. e. Port Tobacco. Bryant's, p-v. in the s. e. part of Fayette co. Pa. by p-r. 178 ms. s. w. by w. Harrisburg. Brydie's Store, and p-o. in the n. part of Lunenburgco. Va.byp-r. 91 ms. s.w^ Richmond. Buchannon, p-v. in the n. part of Lewis co. Va. by p-r. 266 ms. n. w. Richmond. Buck, p o. in the e. part of Lancaster co. Pa. by p-r. 54 ms. e. Harrisburg. Buckfield, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 6 ms. s. Paris, 34 Augusta. Pop. 1,514 ; has a mtn, s. w. and is crossed by a stream of water. Buckhead, p-o. Fairfield dist. S. C. 35 ms. n. Columbia. Buckhead, p-o. Morgan co. Geo. by p-r. 50 ms. N. n. w. Milledgeville. BuoKHORN, p-o. Columbia co. Pa. by p-T. 7Q ms, N. Harrisburg. BUG BucKHORN Falls, and p.o. Chatham co. N. C. by p-r. 28 ms. w. Raleigh. Buckingham, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. about 27 ms. N. Philadelphia. Pop. of tsp. of B. 2,132. Buckingham, co. Va. bndd. by Appomattox r. separating it from Prince Edward, s. w. by Campbell, w. by James r. separating it from Amherst, n. w. by James r. separating it from Nelson, n. by James r. separating it from Albe- marle, N. E. by James r. separating it from Flu- vanna, and E. by Cumberland. Length 34, mean breadth 24, ros. ; area 816 sq. ms. Ex. tending in lat. from 37° 13' to 37° 45', and in long, from 1° 12' to 1° 55' w. W C. Though from the southern part of this co. the Appomat- tox rises and Hows eastward, the body of the CO. dechnes northwardly towards James r., ■which latter stream forms about one half the entire outline. Cf. t. Maysville. Pop. 1820, 17,582, 1830, 18,351. Buckingham, c. h. and p-o. (See Mays- ville.) Buckland, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. 105 ms. w. N. w. Boston, 12 w. Greenfield, s. Deerfield r. Pop. 1,039. Buckland, p-v. in the n. w. part Prince Wil- liam CO. Va. 5 ms. s. w. from Hay Market. Bucklin, p-v. Wayne co. Mich. 16 ms. from Detroit. Bucks, co. of Pa. bndd. by Phil. co. s., Mont- gomery s. w., Lehigh and Northampton cos. N. w., Delaware r. separating it from Hunter- don CO. N. J. N. E. and e , and Burlington co. N. J. s. E. Greatest length (from opposite Bordentown to the borders of Northampton and Lehigh), 42 ms., mean breadth l3, area 546 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 04' to 40° 36', and in long, from 1° 35' to 2° 22' e. W. C. The general declivity is eastward, and obliquely to- wards the Delaware r. To this the n. w. angle is an exception ; it slopes southwardly, and is drained by the sources of Perkiomen cr. The soil of Bucks is diversified, and moderately fer- tile, some parts highly productive, and is amongst the best cultivated cos. of Pa. The surface is pleasantly broken into hill and dale, and the northwestern border formed by one of the minor chains of the Appalachian system. Of the large crs. which rise and terminate in this CO. the principal are the Neshamany in the southern, and Tohicken in the northern part. A canal is completed, or nearly so, along the Bucks CO. bank of Delavs^are r. from Bristol, to be extended to form a chain with the Lehigh navigation at Easton. The staples of Bucks co. are composed of nearly every species of pro- duce brought to the Phil, market, and which the chmate will admit. Cf. ts. Doylestown, st. jus. and Bristol. Pop. 1820, 37,842, 1830, 45,- :745. BucKSEYTowN, p-v. Frederick co. Md. by p-r. 49 ms. n. w. W. C. BucKSPORT, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 25 ms. e. Castine, 61 Augusta, E.Penobscot r. and just above Orphan island. Pop. 2,237. Buck's Store, and p-o. Tuscaloosa co. Ala. by p-r. 32 ms. from Tuscaloosa. _ BucKsviLLE, V. Mentz, Cayuga co. N. Y. 8 Ins. N. Auburn, on Erie canal. BucYRUS, tsp. p-v. and st. jus. Crawford co. 70 BUF O. on the table land between the sources of Sandusky and Sciota rs. by p-r. 69 ms. n. Co- lumbus. Pop. V. 308, tsp. exclusive of the v. 362. Buffalo, small r. of Misp. rises in Amite co. between the n. sources of Amite r. and the southern of Homochitto, and flowing thence westwardly over Wilkinson co. falls into the Misp. above Loftus heights, after a course of 80 ms. over a very broken but highly productive country. Buffalo, city, port of entry, st. jus. Erie co. N. Y. E. end of lake Erie, at the head of Niaga- ra r. and of the Erie canal, on the n. e. side, and at the mouth of Buffalo cr. It is very ad- vantageously situated, and has rapidly increased since the completion of the canal. It was burnt by British troops, 1814, except one house. The cr. affords mill sites of great importance, and a canal has lately been formed from the falls to the town, on which are important hydraulic works. Near its mouth the cr. forms a good harbor, with 12 or 14 ft. water for a mile. On account of a sand bar, a pier has been built into the lake 1000 feet; there is a light house. There are seven steam boats which form a daily line hence to Detroit; and four others form a regular line to Cleaveland, Ohio, touching at the different ports. Among these are several very superior boats ; and the facilities they afford to travellers, as well as for transportation, are ex- cellent. Frequent excursions are also made to Green Bay. A vast and increasing amount of produce is thus brought hither from tRe lake shores, and other articles by canal. There were shipped east in 1829, 3,640, 1830, 149,219, and in 1831, 186,148 bushels of wheat ; in 1829, 4,335, 1830, 31,810, and in 1831, 62,968 barrels of flour ; received during the same period, 1829, 65,435, 1830, 75,370, 1831, 74,064 bar. rels of salt. Canal arrivals and clearances, in 1829, 1,068, 1830, 2.083, 1831,2,425. Canal tolls, 1829, $25,873 48, 1830, $48,953 02, 1831, $65,980 71. The other waters are To- nawanta cr., Ellicot's, with branches, and seve- ral streams of the lake. Soil and surface vari- ous. The V. is large, flourishing, and very pleasantly situated on an elevation overlooking the lake, with regular streets, a square, fine public houses, and stores. The v. of Black Rock is in this t. (see Black Rock), and a tract of the reserve lands of the Seneca Indians. There Red Jacket lately died. The great road from Albany ends here. Pop. 1820, 2,095, 1830, 8,668. Buffalo, p-v. and tsp. of Washington co. Pa. 13 ms. w. from the borough of Washington. Pop. of the tsp. 1,519. Buffalo, p-v. on the right bank of Great Ken- hawa, s. e. part of Mason co. Va. about 50 ms. s. E. Mount Pleasant. Buffalo, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 187 ms. a little s. of. w. Raleigh. Buffalo Forge, and p-o. in the s. part, of Rockbridge co. Va. 8 ms. w. Lexington, the co. seat. Buffalo Springs, and p-o. w. part of Am- herst CO. Va. by p-r. 147 w. Richmond. Buforel's Bridge, and p-o. on Salkehatchie r. s. part of Barnwell dist. S. C. 14 ms. s. k. Barnwell. BUN 71 BUR Bull Creek, p.o. Wood co. Va. by p-r. 299 ms. w. W. C. BuLLiT CO. Ky. bndd. by Jefferson n., Spen- cer E., Nelson, s. e., Salt r. separating it from Hardin and Meade cos. s. w., and by a very narrow point on the Ohio r. above the mouth of Salt r. and opposite Harrison co. Ind. Length from E. to w. 25, mean breadth 10 ms. and area 250 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 47' to 38° 03', and long, from 8° 30' to 8° 55' w. W. C. One of the main confluent streams of Salt r. enters the e. border, and traverses Bullit co. in a s. w. by w. direction, and uniting with Rolling Fork, assumes a course n. w. and falls into Ohio r. at the extreme western angle of the county. Similar to most cos. which border on Ohio, the features are hilly, and soil productive. Cf t. Shepherdsville. Pop. 1820, 5,381, 1830, 5,632. Bullock, co. Geo. bndd. by Bryan s. e. the Cannouchee r. separating it from Tatnall s. w. Emanuel n. w. and Great Ogeeche r. separat- ing it from Scriven n. e. and from Effingham e. Greatest length from s. e. to n. w. 40 ms. mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 32° 6', to 32° 43', and in long, from 4° 28' to 5° 10' w. W. C. Enclosed between two rs. which both flow to the s. estrd., the general slope of the co. is in that direction. The soil is generally sterile ; staple, cotton. Cf. t. Statesboro'. Population 1820, 2,578, in 1830, 2,587. Bui;jL'^asture, r. and p-o. in the n. estrn. part of Bath CO. Va. by p-r. 164 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Bullpasture is the local name of the higher part of Cowpasture r. or the middle constituent of James r. BuLLTowN, p-v. on Little Kenhawa r. Lewis CO. Va. 30 ms. w. of s. Clarksburg. Buncombe co. of N. C. bndd. by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Greenville and Pickens dist. S. C. on the s. by a mountain chain, which separates it from Haywood co. N. C. on the w. by the main chain of Kittatinny, which separates it from Greene, Washington and Car- ter cos. of Ten. n. w. by Ashe co. of N. C. on the N. E. and by the Blue Ridge, which sepa- rates it from Burke and Rutherford cos. N. C. on the E. Greatest length from s. w, to n. e.. along the Blue Ridge, 100 ms. ; mean breadth 20, and area 2,000 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 35° 3' to 36° 8'n. and in long, from 4° 41', to 5° 51' w. W. C. Buncombe occupies apart of the great valley between the Blue Ridge and the Kittatinny. The latter chain, where it sepa- rates N. C. from Ten. is called by the local names of Bald mountain, or Iron mountain. Within this valley, and as far s. as n. lat 35° 5' rises the French Broad r. which, receiving tri- butary creeks from both chains flows in a north, wardly direction, with a curve to the e. 55 ms. to its passage through the Bald mtn. after having drained the sthrn. part of Buncombe. Similar to the French Broad, the Nolachucky rises also in Buncombe, and draining the nrthrn. part of the CO. by confluent streams from both chains, bends to n. w. and enters the state of Ten. be- tween the Bald and Iron mtns. Buncombe co. comprises the s. e. section of the basin of the Misp. ; the French Broad interlocking sources with those of Santee and Savannah rs. as the Nolachucky does with those of the Catawba. Buncombe is an elevated region, the lowest point perhaps exceeding 1,000 ft. above tide water, and the farms varying from that height 1,400, or 1,500 ft. which, with a northwestern exposure gives to Buncombe a winter as in- tense, if not more so, as that of southern Mary, land. The surface is excessively broken, and soil as greatly varied. The air and wa-,er are, however, as fine as that of any other section of the earth. Cf. t. Ashville. Pop. 1820, 10,542, 1830, 16,281, BuNDYSBURG, p-v. in the northern part of Geauga co. 0. by p-r. 13 ms. northwardly from Chardon. Burgess' Store, and p-o. in the s. part of Northumberland co. Va. by p-r. 101 ms. a little N. of E. Richmond. BuRGETTSTowN, Small p-v. in the n. w. part of Washington co. Pa. Burke, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt. 40 ms. N. e. Montpelier, 37 n. Newbury. First settled, 1790, — has Passumpsick r. with many mill sites, and Burke mtn. 3,500 ft. s. e. It is uneven, with good soil, and hard wood, and evergreen trees. Magog oil-stones are brought from an island in Memphremagog lake, and manufac. tufed here. Pop. 866. Burke, co. N. C. bndd. by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Buncombe n. w., by Wilkes N. E., Iredell e., Catawba r. vi^hich sep- arates it from Lincoln s. e., and by Rutherford and the western part of Lincoln s. This co. is commensurate with the upper valley of Cataw- ba, enclosed on three sides by Montague hills, Blue Ridge, and Brushy mtn. The various crs. rising in these mtns. and flowing towards the in- terior of the county form Catawba, which, flowing estrd. to the western border of Iredell, then turns abruptly to the s. and continues that course to its final issue from N. C. In lat. Burke co. reaches from 35° 32' to 35° 8'n. and in long, from 4° 12' to 5° 15' w. from W. C. Greatest length n. e. to s. w. in the general di. rection of the Catawba valley, 65 ms. mean breadth 25 ms. and area 1625 sq. ms. Similar to most mountain valleys, the soil is of every quality. The elevation renders it a grain dist. Pop. 1820, 13,411, in 1830, 1 7,888. Cf. ta. Morgantown and Mackeysville. Burke, co. of Geo. bndd. by Scriven s. e., Great Ogeechee r. or Emanuel co. s., Jefferson w., Richmond n., and Savannah r. which sepa- rates it from Barnwell dist. S. C. on the n. e. Length 40 ms. mean breadth 30 ms. and area 1,2jO sq. ms. Beside Savannah and Great Ogeechee, which bound this county, it is water- ed by Brier cr. which, entering its western bor- der, traverses the co. in a s. e. direction. Lat. 33° and long. 5° w. W. C. intersect near the centre of Burke. Cf. t. Waynesboro. Pop. 1820, 11,574. Burkes Garden, and p-o. Tazewell co. Va, 20 ms. N. N. w. Evansham. Bukkesville, p-v. in the nthn. part of Prince Ed. ward CO. Va. by p-r. 66 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Burkesville, p-v. and st. jus. Cumberland co. Ky. on the right bank of Cumberland r. by p-r. 152 ms. a little w. of s. from Frankfort. BUR 72 BUS BuRKETsviLLE, p-v. Frederick co. Md. Burlington, p-t. and port of entry, and st. jus. Chittenden co. Vt. 38 ms. Montpeiier, 22 s. e. Plattsburgh, 97 s. Montreal, 75 n. Whitehall, has a fine and advantageous situation, e. lake Champlain, and is large and flourishing. The V. is on a slope of 1 m. to a fine harbor. On the top of the hill is the University of Vermont, incorporated 1791 and vi'hich went into opera- tion, 1800. It is finely situated e. of the vil- lage, on an elevation 245 ft. above the lake, and commands an extensive and delightful pros- pect. There are 3 brick edifices belonging to the institution ; 2 for the students, the other containing a chapel, and rooms for other pur- poses. Its endowments, which consist chiefly of lands, are considerable. A president and 3 professors compose the faculty. There is a medical school connected with the university. Alumni of the col. 182 ; students, 21 ; vols, in col. library, 1000; do. students', 500. Com- mencement, 1st Wednesday in Aug. Many of the private houses are in beautiful taste, with large gardens, &c. It has the county buildings, an academy, bank, (^150,000 capital,) &c. Many of the vessels on the lake belong to this village. A manufacturing village is at the falls of Onion r. 5 ms. from its mouth, 1^ m. n. e. Burlington. First settled just before the revolu- tion, which interrupted it. It is agreeably un- even, with a soil not very good : hard timber s. w.,pine plains n. e. Below the falls is a fine alluvial tract. Limestone abounds, and some iron ore is found. The Champlain glass com- pany here make excellent glass. Very good stage coaches travel by day light to Boston, through Middlebury, -Rutland, Keene, and in other directions. A branch of the U. S. bank is located here. Burlington college is | m. e. of the village, overlooking it and much of the lake. Two steam boats which ply between Whitehall, and St. John's, L. Canada, touch here, and another runs to Plattsburgh, 25 ms. The road to Rutland is quite level, with fine scenery. Pop. 3,526. Burlington, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 12 ms. N. w. Boston. Pop. 1830, 446. Burlington, p-t. Hartford co. Ct. 16 ms. w. Hartford, 5 ms. by 6, 30 sq. ms. is irregular, with a gravelly loam on granite rocks, yielding grain, &c. and is watered by Farmington r. and branches of Poquaback r. Pop. 1830, 1,301. Burlington, co.N. J. nearly triangular, bndd. by Hunterdon, Middlesex and Monmouth cos. n. N. w. & N. E., Little Egg Harbor s. e., Gloucester CO. s,, and extends from Del. r. to the Atlantic. It has Rancocus and Croswicks crs. with Assan. pink cr. n. and Little Egg Harbor cr. s. Bur. lington is the co. town, and it contains also Bor- dentown. Mount Holley, &c. The land near the Delaware, is level, fertile, highly cultivated and sends supplies to Phil., but much of the re. mainder is poor. A great part of the pop. are Friends. The steam boat navigation of Dela- ware r. is important to the co. and one of the great routes of travelling between Philadelphia and New York is by Bordentown, where the rail road strikes the Delaware from Amboy, and whence it extends to Camden, Pop. 1820, 28,822 ; 1830, 31,107. Burlington co. N. J. on e. bank Delaware r. 11 ms. s. Trenton, 17 n. e. Phil., is a very pleas- ant place, with green banks on the river, and some fine country seats, principally of Phil, gentlemen. The co. buildings, a bank, and an academy, are here. The large steam boats touch here several times every day. The soil is good, level, wtU cultivated, and inhabited by industrious people. It is opposite Bristol, Pa. Pop. 2,670. Burlington, p-t. Otsego, co. N. Y. 12 ms. w, Cooperstown, 78 w. Albany, is hilly, arable, productive, and well supplied with mill sites, by Butternuts and Otsego crs. which have rapid descents. The trees are maple, beech, birch, elm, &c. Pop. 2,459. Burlington, p-v. in the s. estrn. part of Brad- ford CO. Pa. by p-r. 162 ms. e. of n. Harrisburg. Burlington, p-v. Hampshire co. Va. about 160 ms. N. N. w. W. C. Burlington, p-v. Meigs co. Ohio, 8 ms. wstrd. from Chester, the co. st. Burlington, p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence co. 0. situated on Ohio r. in the extreme sthrn. point of the state, nearly opposite the mouth of Great Sandy r. by p-r. 135 ms. s. s. e. Columbus. Pop. 149. Burlington, p-v. and st. jus. Boone co. Ky. 12 ms. s. w. Cincinnati. Pop. 276. Burnham's, p-t. Waldo co. Me. 37 ms. s. Au- gusta. Pop. 803. Burning Spring, p-v. in the n. w. corner Floyd CO., Ky. by p-r. 126 ms. s. e. Frankfort. Burns, town Alleghany co. N. Y. Pop. 702. Burnt Cabins, p-v. Bedford co. Penn. by p-r. 70 ms. s. w. by w. Harrisburg. Burnt Coat, island, Hancock co. Me. oflf Blue Hill bay and Union r. Pop. 254. Burnt Corn, p-v. in the s. part of Monroe co. Ala. by p.r. 183 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Burnt Prairie, p-v. in the s. part White co. 11. 15 ms. from Carmi, the st. jus. for the co. Burnt Tavern, p-o. in the s. part Garrard co. Ky. by p-r. 49 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. BuRRiLLViLLE, p-t. Providence, co. R. I. 24 ms. N. w. Providence, is a new t. e. Conn, line, 5 ms. by 12, with 60 sq. ms. rough, with pretty good timber and grazing land, on primitive soil, watered by the outlet of Allum pond. It is a manufacturing town. Pop. 2,196. Burrow's Old Store and p-o. in the n. part of Madison co. Ala. by p-r. 15 ms. from Hunts, ville, the st. jus. BuRRSviLLE, p-v. Caroline co. Md. by p.r. 87 ms. E. W. C. and 50 from Annapolis. Burton, t. Strafford co. N. H. 75 ms. n. e. Concord, 45 Guilford, 75 Portsmouth, 5 ms. by 12, with 36,700 acres, supplied by Swift r. a branch of Saco r. and other streams, with mill sites. They were once stocked with oiter and beaver. There are high, granite mtns. Cho. corna, &c. The soil is generally good, with maple, birch, ash, pine &c. Pop. 325. Burton, p-v. and tsp. in the e. part of Geauga CO. O. 9 ms. s. E. Chardon. Pop. of tsp. 646. Burtonsville, p.o. E. part of Orange co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. n. w. Richmond. Bushkill, p-v. on Del. r. at the mouth of Eushkill cr. Pike co. Penn. 90 ms. e. of n. Phil. Bushkill, the name of two crs. of Penn. one Burlington, city, port of entry and st. jus. ' rising near the centre of Pike co. in three BUT 73 BYR branches which rise and fall into the Del. at the village of the same name ; the second rises in the Blue or Kittatinny mtns. Northampton co. and falls into Del. r. ai Easton. BcjsHviLLE, p-v. Franklin co. Geo. by p-r. 116 ms. nthrd. Milledgeville. BusHwicK, t. King's co. N. Y. on Long Isl- and, E. East r. opposite N. Y., is hilly, with a light, fertile loam, with Bushwick and Wil- liamsburg v. At the latter is a steam ferry boat to N. Y. Pop. 1,020. Buskirk's Bridge, p-v. Cambridge, Wash- ington CO. N. Y. BusTi, p-v. Chatauque co. N. Y. 334 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1,680. BusTLETowN, p-v. Phil. CO. Penn. 11 ms. n. e. Phil. Butler, t. Wayne co. N. Y. Pop. 1,764. Butler, co. of Penn. bndd. by Alleghany s., Beaver w., Mercer n. w., Venango n., and Arm- strong E. Length 35, mean breadth 23 ; and area 8J0 sq. ms. extending from n. lat. 40° 42' to 41° ir, and in long, from 2° 48' to 3° 14' w. from W. C. Alleghany r. merely touches the N. E. angle of Butler, from which it then re- cedes, and again touches the s. e. angle at Freeport. The body of the county is drained by the Slippery Rock, and other branches of Connequenessing, flowing wstrd, into this r. Surface very hilly, but soil excellent for grain, fruit, and pasturage. Cf. t. Butler. Pop. 1820, 10,251, 1830, 14,683. Butler, p-v. borough and st. jus. Butler co. Penn. on the Connequenessing, 32 ms. e. of n. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 205 ms. wstrd. Harris- burg. Pop. 567. Butler, co Ky. bndd. by 0. co. n. w., Gray- son N. E., Warren s. e., Logan s. w. and Muh- lenburg w. Length from s. w. to n. e. 38 ms. mean breadth 15, and area, 570 sq. ms. extend- ing from N. lat. 37° to 37° 23', and in long, from 9° 25' to 10° 2' w. Green r. receives its great tributary. Big Barren, on the s. e. margin of this county, and the united waters in a n. w. direc- tion, flow across the county, and then turning s. w. form a common boundary between it and O. CO. to the eastern angle of Muhlenburg co. Thus, though Butler may be considered an in- land CO. a line navigable channel unites it to O. r. Cf. t. Morgantown. Pop. 1820, 3,083, 1830, 3,058. Butler, co. Ala. bndd. w. by Monroe and Wilcox, N. by Lowndes, e. by Pike, and s. by Covington and Conecuh. Length 35, mean breadth 30, and area 1000 sq. ms. extending from N. lat. 31° 30' to 31° 57', and in long, from 9° 38' to 10° 2' w. W. C. Surface undulating, and soil generally thin and sterile. It is a table land from which flow many crs. towards Ala- bama r. but the body of country slopes south- wardly, giving source to Patsligala, Pigeon and Supulga, branches of Conecuh r. Staple, cot- ton. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 1820, 1,405, in 1830, 5,650. Butler's p-o. Putnam co. Geo. by p-r. 28 ms. nthrd. Milledgeville. Butler's Mills, p-o. Montgomery co. N. C, by p-r. 100 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Butler's Ferry and p-o. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r. 94 ms. n. e. by e. Nashville. BuTTAHATCHE r. rises in the western part of Marion co. Ala. and flowing s. s. w. enters and traverses Monroe co. Misp., falls into Tombig- bee 12 or 13 ms. above Columbus, after a com. parative course of 70 ms. 1 his stream hag interlocking sources with Hear cr. flowing into Ten. with the Black Warrior. Buttermilk Channel, the channel between Governor's Island and Long Island in New York harbor. Butternuts, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 21 ms. s. w. Cooperstown, 87 w. Albany, bears grain and grass ; maple, beech, birch, elm, &c., watered by Unadilla cr. and other streams ; contains Louisville v. Gilbertsville v. and Gilbert's v. p-o. Pop. 3,991. Butts, co. Geo. bndd. by Monroe s.. Pike w., Henry n. w., and Ocmulgee r. separating it from Newton n. e., Jasper e., and Jones s. e. Length 28 ms. breadth 15, and area 420 sq. ms., extend. ing in lat. from 33"^ 5' to 33^ 28', and in long, fronr 6° 5u' to 7° 13' w. W. C. Cf. t. Jackson. Pop. 4,944. Butztown, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. by p-r. 103 ms. N. e. by e. Harrisburg. Buxton, p-t. York co. Me. e. Saco r. 8 ms. n. w. Saco, 40 N. York, 71 s. s. w. Augusta, bordering n. e. on Cumberland co. Here is a large manufactory on Saco r. at a fall of 79 ft. ; 7 ms. by 40. Pop. 1830, 2,856. Buygonsville, p-v. eastern part of De Kalb CO. Georgia, by p-r. 92 miles n. w. Milledge- ville. Buzzard's Bay, on s. coast. Mass. 7 ms. by 40. with Plymouth co. n., Barnstable co. e., Bristol CO. w. and Atlantic Ocean s. It extends within 3i ms. of Cape Cod Bay, 2^ Barnstable, to which a canal has been proposed for coast- ers through Sandwich. It receives a number of small streams ; Elizabeth islands are off the mouth. Seakonet is the w. Point. Byberry, tsp. and p-o. Phil. co. Penn. by p-r. 11 ms. N. e. Phil. Byfield, p-v. and parish, Rowley and New- bury, Essex CO. Mass. 6 ms. s. w. Newbury, port, has a good soil, well cultivated. Parker r. falls 40 feet in 1 m. of tide, with many mill sites, on one of which was the first woollen fac tory in New England, perhaps in America. Boats go to the ocean. Here is Dummer's acad- emy, founded 1756, by Lt. Governor D. with a fine farm, for a grammar school ; opened 1763; the first academy established in Massa. chusetts. Byon, p-v. and st. jus. Baker co. Geo. on Flint r. at the Falls, by p-r. 150 ms. s. w. Mil- ledgeville. Byram, r. on the s. w. bound, of Conn, be- tween it and N. Y. is small, and runs into Long Island Sound. Byram, t. Sussex co. N. J. lies on the Mus- conetcunck, and contains a part of the range of Schooley's mtn. verges upon Morris canal s. with Hop Pond on the e. Pop. 958. Byran's po. Pike co. Geo. by p-r. 68 ms. w. Milledgeville. Byron, p-t. Genesee co. N, Y. 10 ms. e. n. e. Batavia, 5 ms. by 6, has level and good land, watered by Black, Bigelow and Spring creeks, with some mill seats. Pop. 1,936, CAD 74 CAL c. Cabarras, CO. of N. C. bndd. s. w. by Meck- lenburg, N. w. by Iredell, n. by Rowan, and s. e. by Montgomery. It is in form of a triangle, base from e. to w. along Montgomery and Ire- dell 30 ms. and salient point stlird. between Montgomery and Mecklenburg, with a perpen- dicular of 20 ms. which yields 300 sq. ms. Cabarras occupies a mountain valley drained by the higher sources of the Rocky river. These streams with a general southern course unite in the southern part of the co. and leaving it at the extreme s. point turn thence eastward, sep- arating Montgomery and Anson co. fall into the Yadkin. The face of Cabarras is broken and in part mountainous, though much of the soil is productive. Lat. from 35° 13', to 35° 30', and long, from 3° 21', to S° 52' w. W. C. Cf. t. Concord. Pop. 1820, 7,228, 1830, 8,810. Cabell, co. of Va. bndd. by Mason co. n. e., Kenhawa e., Logan s. e., Sandy r. which sepa- rates it from Lloyd, Lawrence, and Greenup COS. of Ky. w., and by O. r. which separates it from Galia and Lawrence cos. O. n. Greatest length from s. w. to n. e., 50 ms. mean width about 20, and area of 1000 sq. ms. Extending from 37° 55', to 38° 40' n. and in long, from 4° 45', to 5° 34' w. from W. C. Beside this and Sandy rs. which form part of the boundaries of Cabell, it is subdivided into two not very unequal parts, by the Great Guyandot, which rises in Logan, enters Cabell, over which in a north- western direction, it reaches the Ohio r. below Barbersville. The face of Cabell is very broken and in part mountainous. The soil, except a minor part, rocky and sterile. Cf. t. Barbers- ville. By the census of 1820, Cabell, then in- cluding about one third of what is novv compris- ed in Logan, contained a pop. of 4,789, in 1830, Cabell, as then restricted, contained 5,834. Cabell, c. h., p-o. and st. jus. Cabell co. Va. {See Barboursville, Cabell co. Va.) Cabin Creek, p-o. in the northern part of Lewis CO. Ky. byp-r. 83 ms. n. e. by e. Frank- fort. Cabin Point, p-v. almost on the meridian of W. C. and in the w. part of Surry co. Va. 49 ms. s. E. Richmond. Cabot, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt. 18 ms. n. e. Montpelier, 65 n. Windsor, 6 ms. sq. on the head waters of Onion r. First settlement, 1785. The plain is on the height between Conn, and Onion rs. The soil is hard and uneven. Ze- rah Colburn was born here. Pop. 1,304. Cackley's, p-o. Pocahontas co. Va. by p-r. 202 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Cadiz, p-v. and st. jus. Harrison co. Ohio, 27 ms. s. w. by w. Steubenville, and by p-r. 124 n. E. by E. Columbus. It is a very neat, thriving village. Pop. 1820, 537, 1830, 818. Cadiz, p-v. and st. jus. Trigg co. Ky. on Little r. a small branch of Cumberland r. about 100 ms. N. w. Nashville, Ten. and by p-r. 218 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Caddo, p-v. Clarke co. Ark. by p-r. 75 sthrd. from Little Rock. Cadwallader, p-v. in the e. part of Tusca- rawas co. 0. by p-r. 112 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Cahaba, r. Ala. rises in Jefferson and St. Clair cos. flowing s. w. by w. over Bibb, Shelby, Perry, and Dallas cos. falls into Ala. r. at the town of Cahaba, after a course of 120 ms. Cahaba, p-v. and st. jus. Dallas, co. Ala. on the right bank o( Alabama r. immediately be- low the mouth of Cahaba r. 77 ms. s. s. e. Tus- caloosa, and about 140 ms. n. n. e. Mobile. Cahokia, p-v. on the left bank of the Misp. r. St. Clair co. 11. 5 ms. s. e. St. Louis. Cahoos Falls, N. Y. 3 ms. from the mouth of Mohawk r. is one of the greatest cataracts in the U. S. The Mohawk falls very abruptly about 70 ft. over a broken precipice of slaty rock, in one sheet of foam, at high water. The banks below are nearly 100 ft. high, rocky and perpendicular. Fish abound in the basin. Erie canal, on the s. bank, surmounts the fall by locks, and crosses the r. on an aqueduct, a little above. A bridge crosses about 1 m. below, and Champlain canal by a ferry. Cain's p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. 64 ms. estrd. Harrisburg. Cainsville, p-v. Wilson co. Ten. by p-r. 48 ms. estrd. from Nashville, and 700 s. w. by w. W. C. Ca Ira, (pronounced Sa Era) small p-v. on Willis r. in the w. part Cumberland co. Va. 62 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond, and 45 ms. n. e. by E. Lynchburg. Calahan's, p-o. Alleghany co. Va. by p-r, 189 ms. w. Richmond. Cairo, p-t. Green co. N. Y. 10 ms. n. w. Catskill, 11 w. Athens v., 40 s. Albany, has the summits of Catskill mts. on s. bound, nearly 7i ms. sq., is hilly, with alluvial levels, on Cats- kill cr. and 2 branches, which also supply iroa works, mills, &c. Pop. 2,912. Calais, p-t. Washington co. Me. 30 ms. n. w. Eastport, 204 e. Augusta ; below the falls of St. Croix r. it is accessible to navigation through Passamaquoddy bay. It stands a little above and nearly opposite St. Andrews in New Bruns- wick. Pop. 1,686. Calais, t. Washington co. Vt. 37 ms. e. Bur- lington, 12 Montpelier. Pop. 1,539. Calcasiu, r. of Louisiana, rises in the parish of Natchitoches, between Red and Sabine rs. Flowing thence in a nearly general southern course, but curving to the eastward, with a re- markable compliance to the course of lower Sa- bine. From the source of the former, to the head of Calcasiu lake, the two rivers mauitain a nearly regular distance of about 35 ms. asunder. The Calcasiu rises in a forest of pines, which continues to be the prevailing tree on all its tributaries to where all forest ceases ; and is followed by the prairies of Opelousas. Issuing from this great body of woods, the Calcasiu, similar to the Sabine, expands into a lake of from 1 to 10 ms. wide, and 30 long, and again contracting into a river, falls into the Gulf of Mexico at n. lat. 29° 28', long. 16° 20' w. W.C. Though the tide flows up this river above the head of its lake, it can scarce be called naviga- ble, as there is not more than 3 feet water at its mouth, and not much more in the lake. The CAL 75 CAL soil it waters, both in woods and prairie is most- ly thin and sterile, though in the former section supplied with abundance of pure and limpid spring water. Caldwell, p-t. and cap. Warren co. N. Y. 62 ms. N. Albany, at the head of lake George, 7 ms. in extent, is very hilly and picturesque, the scenery on this lake being more admired than almost any other in the U. S. The head of the lake is in the centre of the township, and towards it slopes a high ridge of 2 or 3 ms. s. French mtn. nearly e. and Rattlesnake mtn. 1^ ms. w. leaving little arable land. Part of Sca- roon creek, the e. branch of Hudson r. touches the w. bound. Caldwell v., near the head of lake George, w. containing the co. buildings, is pleasant, with a fine view down, and over the sites of Fort George and Wm. Henry. There is a hotel for about 200 persons, looking upon a basin and the lake, for visiters who resort here every summer. Near it is the line of approach- es of Gen. Montcalm, who captured Fort Wm. Henry 1757, and allowed the prisoners to be massacred by Indians. A steamboat plies hence to the bottom of the lake in the warm season, and the excursion surpasses all others of the kind in the country for beauty of scenery. Gen. Johnson was attacked, 1765, where Fort George was built, by Gen. Diesliau ; the latter was de- feated and mortally wounded. Pop. 797. Caldwell, p-t. Essex co. N. J. on the Pas- saic, about 9 ms. n. w. Newark, 59 n. Trenton. Pop. 2,004. Caldwell, co. of Ky. bndd. s. w. by Tennes- see r. which separates it from Callaway and McCracken cos., n. w. by Livingston, n. e. by Tradewater r. which separates it from Hopkins CO., and n. e. by Trigg. Length 32 ms. breadth 22, and area 700 sq. ms. Cumberland r. en- ters the s. e. border, and by a very winding channel, passes over the s. w. part, leaving a strip of 1 to 8 ms. wide between the latter r. and Ten. r. Surface mostly level, and soil productive. Cf. ts. Eddyville and Princeton. Lat, 37°, and long. 10° w. intersect in this co. Pop. 1820, 9,022, 1830, 8,324. Caldwell's p-o. Washitau parish, La. by p-r. 201 ms. N. w. N. Orleans. Caledonia, co. Vt. w. Connecticut r. 700 sq. ms. is crossed in w. part by the height of lands on E. range of Green mtns. between which and Conn. r. is fine country, with Passumpsic r. &c. w. of it, forms Onion r. Limestone, granite, &c. abound, and sulphur springs. Cf. and co. t. Danville. Incorporated 1792. Pop. 1820, 16,- 669, 1830, 20,967. Caledonia, p-t. Livingston co. N. Y. 31 ms. w. Canandaigua, 12 n. Genesee, 17 above Ro- chester, w. Genesee r. which is very crooked, but affords navigation to Erie Canal ; it has ex. cellent wheat land. 2^ ms. by 8. Pop. I,6l8. Caledonia, p-v. in the s. w. part Moore co. N. C. 20 ms. sthrd. from Carthage, the co. seat, and by p-r. 89 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Caledonia, p-v. in the w. part Henry co. Ten, by p-r. 1 23 ms. a little n. of w. Nashville. Caledoma, p-v. in the southern part Jeffer- son CO. Ind. by p-r. 97 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. Caledonia, p-v. in the western part Wash- ington CO. Mo., 15 ms. wstrd. Potosi, the st. jus. Calhoun, co of II. comprising the point be- tween the Mississippi proper and Illinois rs. bndd. by II. r., separating it from Greene co. e., and the Misp. r., separating it from St. Charles CO. Mo. s., Lincoln co. Mo. w., and Pike co, Mo. N. Length nearly parallel to both the bounding rs. 40 ms., mean breadth 6 ms., and area 240 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 52' to 39° 38', long, from 13° 26' to 13° 52' w. W. C . Cf. t. Gilead. Pop. 1830, 1,090. Calhoun CO. Mich. bndd. by Jackson e., Hills- dale s. E., Branch s. and s. w., Kalamazoo w.. Barry n. w., and Eaton, n. e. Length from e. to w. 30 ms. breadth 24, and area 720 sq. ms. N. lat. 42° 15', and long. 8° w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Slope wstwrd., sthrn. part drained by branches of St. Joseph's r. of lake Mich., and the nthrn. by the Kalamazoo r. The cen- tral part is about 110 ms. w. Detroit. Pop. un- certain. Calhoun, t. Orange co. N. Y. Pop. 1,535. Calhoun's, p-v. and st. jus. McMinn. co. Ten. on Hiwassee r. 78 ms. s. w. Knoxville, and by p-r. 159 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Calhoun's Mills, and p-o. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 136 ms. s. w. Richmond. Calibogue Sound, an inlet of S. C. between Dawfuskee and Hilton Head islands. It opens a little E.of N. 7 ms. from Savannah r. entrance, and extending inland is lost in a maze of inter- locking inlets, enclosing the numerous islands which chequer the ocean border of Beaufort dist. between broad and Savannah rs. Calland's p-o. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 136 ms. s. w. Richmond. Callaway, co. of Ky. bndd. by Graves w., Mc Cracken n., Tennessee r. separating it from Caldwell, n. e., Trigg e., Stewart co. Ten. s. e., and Henry co. Ten. s. Length 30, mean width 20 and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 30' to 36° 56' n., and in long, from 1 1° U' to 11° 35'. The estrn. margin of this co. de- clines N. E. towards Tennessee r. but the body of it is drained by Clarke's r. flowing n, into Ohio. Cf. t. Wadesborough. Pop. 5,164. Callaway, co. Mo. bndd. by Boone w., Au- drain n., Montgomery e., and by Miser r. sepa- rating it from Gasconnade co. s., and Cole s. w. Length from s. w. to n. e. 38 ms., mean breadth 14, and area 532 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 30' to 39° n. and in long, from 14° 36' to 15° 10'. This CO. occupies a part of the nrthrn. inclined plain of Miser, and as delineated by Tanner, the 39th degree of n. lat. which separates it from Audrain, extends between the two COS. very nearly along the dividing ridge from which issue the extreme sthrn. sources of Salt r. and those of creeks flowing sthrd. into Miser r. The body of the co. lies about 90 ms. a little n. of w. St. Louis, and opposite the en- trance of Osage r. into Miser r. Cf. t. Fulton. Pop. 6,159, but this aggregate included the pop. of the area now in Audrain, co. Cala way's Mill, and p-o. Franklin co. Va. by p-r. 190 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Callinsburg, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. by p-r. 248 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Calumick, called relatively. East Calumick and West Calumick, two small but remarkable streams. East Calumick rises in La Porte co. CAM CAM Ind. from whence flowing w. it is discharged into the extreme sthrn. part of lake Mich, after a course of about 30 ms. West Calumick is a more extensive stream than its relative. Rising in Ind. and flowing n. westwardly about 40 ms. enters II. where inflecting to a nrthrn. course 20 ms. falls into the s. wstrn. angle of lake Mich. The whole country to the sthrd. of and adjacent to lake Mich, is with but little exception an im- mense level with a very slight inclination to- wards the lake. From this plain oozes rather than flows the water in any direction, and from it originates the sources of Tippecanoe br. of Wabash, Kankakee br. of Illinois r., and the two Calumicks and other small streams enter- ing the sthrn. extreme of lake Mich. Calvert co. Md. bndd. n. by Ann Arundel CO., E. by Chesapeake bay, and s. s. w. and w. by Patuxent r. which separates it from St. Ma- ry's, Charles, and Prince George's cos. Length 33 ms., mean width 8, and area 264 sq. ms. Rolling surface, rather than level or hilly. For lat. and long, see article Prince Fredericktown, the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 8,073, 1830, 8,900. Calvert, p-o. Franklin co. Ky. Cambria, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y. 7 ms. n. w. Lockport, 13 e. Lewiston v. is crossed e. and w. by the mtn. ridge, and Erie canal, with small streams of Howell's, Cayuga, and 18 m. crs. The soil is pretty good, ill watered, and greatly diversified. Lockport, a very important v. is in this t. (See Lockport.) Pop. 1,712. Cambria co. Pa. bndd. e. by the Alleghany chain which separates it from Bedford and Huntingdon, n. by Clearfield, w. by Laurel Hill, separating it from Ind. and Westmoreland, and s. by Somerset. Length from s. to n. 36 ms., mean breadth between the two chains of mtns. 20 ms., and area 720 sq. ms. Cambria occupies part of the elevated mountain valley, from which the streams flow, like radii from a com- mon centre. The sthrn. part is drained by nu- merous creeks of Conemaugh r. whilst the nrthrn. section gives source to the extreme heads of the w. branch of Susquehannah. By the surveys made on the route of the Pennsyl- vania canal, it appears that Johnstown, at the forks of Conemaugh in this co. is elevated 1154 ft. above the tide water in Delaware r. This point is at least 150 ft. below the common level of the county, which may be assumed at 13u0 ft. The surface of the co. is hilly, rocky, and in part mountainous, with a soil of middling quali- ty. In lat. it extends from 40° 15' to 40° 40', and in long, from 1° 22' to 2° w. W. C. Pop. 1820, 3,287, in 1830, 7,076. The canal and railway route, designated the Pa. canal passes over the sthrn. part of Cambria. Cambridge, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 30 ms. n.w. Montpelier, 22 n. e. Burlington, 28,533 acres, first settled 1783. Lamoille r. runs l2ms. in it, with branches and mill sites. It is uneven, but fertile, with 3 villages. Pop. 1,613. Cambridge, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 3 ms. N. w. Boston, was first settled 1631. It has 3 principal divisions ; Cambridge, containing the university, an arsenal, and several churches, is pleasantly situated on a beautiful plain, ex- tending from Charles r. It is a handsome vil- lage, and contains the residences of several of- fleers of the university. Cambridge port, p-v. is a village of considerable business, containing several churches, connected by w. Boston bridge with the city ; and East Cambridge, p-v. on Lechmere point, is also a flourishing village, where are various manufactories, among them the largest of glass in the U. S., a court house, jail, and 4 churches. This point is connected with Boston by Craigie's bridge. Harvard Uni- versity, the oldest institution of the kind in the U. S. was founded in 1638, and derives its name from Rev. John Harvard, who made the first large donation to it. It was designed to be a nursery for the churches. The buildings are University Hall, an elegant granite edifice, 140 ft. by 50, and 42 high ; Massachusetts, Hollis, Harvard, Stoughton, and Holworthy Halls ; Holden Chapel, of brick, containing a chemical laboratory, anatomical museum, and other lec- ture rooms, and Divinity Hall, a commodious building, appropriated to theological students. The library is the largest in the U. S. containing 40,000 volumes, exclusive of that for the stu- dents, of 4,600. The library of the college is very valuable, containing a very complete col. lection on American history and its subjects ; the number of maps and charts exceeds 13,000. There is also a mineralogical cabinet, and a botanic garden of 8 acres. Connected with the University are also a law and medical schools, (the latter located in Boston,) and a theological seminary. By large donations from the state, and individuals also, this institution is more rich- ly endowed than any other in the U. S. Its in- come is between g40,000 and $50,000 (about half from tuition) and the expenditure is about the same : the personal property of the college is over t$3OO,0OO. Several professorships have thus been established. The president's house, and the medical college in Boston, containing a library of about 5,000 vols, belong to the institu- tion. Presidents, as inducted : Dunster, 1640, Chauncey, '54, Hoar, '72, Oaks, '75, Rogers, '82, Mather, '85, Willard, 1701, Leverett, '08, Wadsworth, '25, Holyoke, '37, Locke, '70, Langdon, '74, WiUard, '81, Webber, 1806, Kirk- land, '10, and Quincy, 1828. Number of in- structers, 1833, 24 ; total alumni, 5,685 ; under- graduates, 1832-3, 210 ; medical students, 82 ; law, 31. Commencement is on the last Wednes- day in August. The first printing press in America was loca- ted here, and was used by Stephen Day, who printed " The Freeman's Oath." The American army encaniped here in 1776, during the siege of Boston, and some of their entrenchments re- main. On Copp's hill is a monument bearing date 1625. Pop. 6,072. Cambridge, Washington co. N. Y. 12 ms. s. Salem, 35 n. e. Albany. It is in part, hilly, has good farms, on a warm deep gravel. Streams, White creek, with a few mill seats. Pop. 2,3 19. Cambridge, p-v. and st. jus. Dorchester co. Md. on s. side of Choptank bay, about 12 ms. above its mouth, 36 ms. s. e. Annapolis in a direct line, butby p-r. 53. Cambridge, p-v. in the e. part of Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 81 ms. a little n. of w. Colum- bia. Population 1820, about 350. Cambridge, p.v. and st. jus. Guernsey co. CAM 77 CAM O. on Wilts creek, 53 ms. w. Wheeling, and by I has 3 villages, Camillus on Otisco or., Elbridge little N. of E. Columbus. Pop p-r. 83 ms 518. Camden, p-t. Waldo co. Me. 12 ms. n. e. Tho- mafton, 59 s. e. Augusta, on Penobscot bay. Pop. 2,200. Camden, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 20. ms. n. w. Rome, 6 ms. by 12, has many mill sites on Fish cr., is uneven, with a fertile sandy loam, good for grain, bearing beech, maple, bass and hem- lock. Camden and Taberg iron works are vil- lages. Pop. 1,945. Camden, p-v. Newton, Gloucester co. N. J., e. Delaware r. opposite Philadelphia, with a ferry. Here commences the Camden and Amboy rail road, designed to transport travellers and mer- chandize between New York and Philadelphia. (See Rail Roads and Canals.) Camden, co. of N. C. bndd. by Nansemond and Norfolk cos. Va. n., by Currituck co. N. C. N. E., Albemarle sound s., and Pasquotank r. and CO. w. Greatest length from s. e. to n. w. 38 ms. ; mean breadth 6, and area 228 sq. ms. ; N. lat. 36° 15', long. 38' e. W. C. Surface level, and in part marshy. Pop. 1820, 6,305, 1830, 6,733. Camden, C. H. and p-o. Camden co. N. C, by p-r. 199 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Camden, p-v. in the estrn. part of Kent co. Del. by p-r. 3 ms. from Dover, and 117 a little N.ofE. W. C. Camden, p-t. and st. jus. Kershaw dist. S. C. near the left bank of Wateree r. 31 ms. n. e. Columbia, and 123 ms. n. n. w. Charleston. Wateree r. is thus far navigable for boats of 70 tons, which gives to Camden considerable trade. Pop. 1820, about 1,000. It contains an acade- my, and several places of public worship. Camden, s. estrn. co. of Geo. bndd. by St. Mary's r. s. and s. w., Warren co. w., Wayne CO. n. w., Scilla r. or Glynn n. e. and the Atlan- tic e., without including a long narrow strip in the s. wstrn. part of this co. and in the great bend of St. Mary's r. ; the body is a parallelo- gram of 35 by 25, and the whole area about 1,000 sq. ms. Lat. from 30° 21', to 31° 10', and long, from 4° 36', to 5° 24'. The surface is in great part a plain, with Cumberland isl. stretching along nearly its whole front. The Santilla r. enters it from Wayne's co. and flow- ing s. 20 ms., turns abruptly e., pursues the lat- ter course 30 ms. into St. Andrew's sound. The r. St. Mary's affords the deepest entrance on the Atlantic coast of U. S. s. of Chesapeake bay, a depth sufficient for ships of war of the first class. Cf ts. St. Mary's and Jefferson. Pop. 1820, 3,402, in 1830, 4,578. Camel's Back, or Hump, mtn. Huntington, Chittenden co. Vt. one of the highest of the Green mtns. 4,188 ft. above tide, 3,960 above Montpelier state house. 17 ms. w. Montp., 25 N. E. Middlebury, 20 s. e. Burhngton. It affords a fine view, and is seen from lake Champlain. Camekon, t. Steuben co. N. Y. 8 ms. s. of Bath, watered by Canisteo and Conhocton crs. has broken land, with some alluvion, and pine, hemlock, maple, beech, &c. Pop. 1830, 924. Camillus, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y. 10 ms. N, w. Onondaga, 160 vr. Albany, is supplied by Seneca r. with navigation and mill seats, and 11 on Skeneateles cr. and Jodan on Erie canal, which crosses the town. There are remains of two large works, supposed to be ancient for- tifications, 4 ms. from Seneca r. ; one is of 3 acres on a hill, with a ditch and earth wall, with gate ways. There is also a well. Gypsum is found on Otisco cr. Pop. 2,518. Campbell, co. of Va. bndd. by Stanton and Roanoke rs. s. separating it from Halifax and Pittsylvania cos., by Bedford w., James r., n., separating it from Amherst, by Buckingham N. e., and by Prince Edward and Charlotte e. Campbell is a rude advance to a sq. of 24 ms. each side, with an area of 576 sq. ms., extend- ing in lat. from 37° to 37° 26', and in long, from 1° 46' to 2° 22' w. from W. C. Surface much broken, but soil productive in grain, fruits, to- bacco, pasturage, &c. Cf. t. Lynchburg. Pop. 1820, 16,570; 1830, 20,350, including the t. of Lynchburg. Both the bounding rivers of this CO. are navigable for boats far above its limits, affording an opening by water to Chesapeake bay and Albemarle sound. Campbell, co. Geo. bndd. e. and n. e. by De Kalb, s. by La Fayette and Coweta, s. w. by Carroll, and n. w. by Chattahooche r. Length 30, mean breadth 10 ; area 300 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 33° 37' to 33° 56', and in long, from 7° 30' to 7° 53'. The southern, a paral. lelograrn from e. to w. and the northern stretch- ing a triangle up the Chattahooche. General slope s. wstrd. towards Coweta and Carroll cos. Pop. 3,323. Campbell, c. h. and p o., Campbell co. Va. 11 ms. s. s. e. Lynchburg. Campbell, co. Tenn. bndd. by Claiborne n. e., Clinch r. separating it from Anderson s. e., by the northern part of Anderson s., Morgan s. w.. South Fork of Cumberland r. separating it from Fentress w., and Wayne co. Ky. n. w., and Whitley co. Ky. n. Length 48, mean breadth 16, and area 768 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 14' to 36° 35' n. and in long, from 6° 42' to 7° 35' w. of W. C. Cumberland mtn. divides this co. into two unequal sections, tra- versing it from N. E. to s. w. The smaller por- tion lying s. E. of the Cumberland chain is tra. versed by Powell's, and bndd. by Clinch r. with a slope to the sthwstd. The much larger sec- tion lies to the n. w. of Cumberland chain with a general wstrn. declivity, and drained by the higher branches of the Sth. Fork of Cumber- land r. The surface is broken and in part mountainous. Chief town, Jacksboro.' Pop, 5,1!0. Campbell, co. of Ky. bndd. by Ohio r. which separates it from Hamilton co. O. on the n., and Clermont co. 0. on the e., s. by Pendleton, and w. by Boone cos. Ky. Length 20, mean width 12, and area 240 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 49' to 39° 07', and in long, from 7° 12' to 7° 32' w. from W. C. Similar to other cos. of Ky. near 0. r. the features of Campbell are hilly, but soil fertile ; placed directly opposite Cin- cmnati, and traversed in its greatest length by Licking r., it is well situated for trade and com- merce. Though bordering on Ohio along two sides, the body of the co. is in the valley of Licking, and slopes with the course of that CAN Btream to the s. s. w. Cf. ts. Newport and Co- vington. Pop. 1820, 9,022 ; 1830, 9,883. Campbell's Mills, and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Abbeville dist. S. C. 8 ms. from Abbeville Court House, and by p-r. 108 ms. wstrd. Co- lumbia. Campbell's Station, and p-o. in the s. w. part of Knox co. Ten. on the road from Knox- ville to Nashville, 14 ms. wstrd. from the for- mer, and 184 ms. a little s. of e. from the latter place. Campbellsville, p-v. Giles co. Ten., by p-r. 66 ms. a little w. of s. from Nashville. Campbellsville, p-v. in the n. e. part of Greene co. Ky. 12 ms. s. e. Greenburg, the st. jus. for the co. and by p-r. 78 ms. s. s. w. from Frankfort. Pop. 122. Campbellton, p-v. and st. jus. Campbell co. Geo. situated on Chattahooche r. by p-r. 134 ms. N. w. by w. from Milledgeville. Campbellton, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Jack- son CO. Flor.by p-r. 96 ms. wstrd. Tallahasse. Campbelltown, p-v. in the s. vv. part of Leba- non CO. Pa. 15 ms. e. Harrisburg. Camp Creek, and p-o. Livingston co. Ky. Campti, p-o. in the nthrn. part of Natchito- ches parish. La. by p-r. 7 ms. nrthd. from the village of Natchitoches. Campton, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 27,892 acres, 50 ms. N. N. w. Concord, 75 n. w. Portsmouth, is uneven, with mtns. and rocks. It has Pemi- gewasset and its branches. Mad andBeebee rs., also W. Branch r. and Bog Branch. There is good soil in the vallies, white oak, pitch pine, iron ore, and many orchards. First settled 1765. Pop. 1,314. Camptown, p-v. Orange, Essex co. N. J. Canaan, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 10 ms. e. Norridgewock, 34 n. by e. Augusta, e. Kenne- bec r., bordering on Kennebec co. Pop. 1,076. Canaan, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 40 ms. n. w. Concord, 16 e. Dartmouth college, on the high land between Conn, and Merrimack rs. It has several ponds and small streams. Heart pond, on high groimd, has formed a low bank of earth nearly round its circumference, by the motion of the ice in breaking up in the spring. The soil is pretty good, yielding grain, flax, &c. First settled 1766 or 7. Pop. 1,428. Canaan, p-t. Essex co. Vt. Pop. 373. Canaan, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 16 ms. n. n. w. Litchfield, 41 n. w. Hartford, s. Mass., e. Ousatonick r., 6 ms. by 9, with 50 sq. ms. is on granite mtns. with fine vallies. Lime stone is quarried, iron ore is mined, and there are sev- eral forges, &c. The soil and timber are vari- ous. Branches of Ousatonick r. give many mill seats. Pop. 2,301. Canaan, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. 24 ms. s. e. Albany, 22 n. e Hudson, has Williamstown rntns. e. with hills and vallies s. w. Gypsum has done much for the soil, much of which is very good. It has generally pure water, some bog iron ; Whitney's pond and outlet, Klein kill, &c. and a bed of marl. Pop. 2,064. Canaan, p-v. andtsp. in liie northern part of Wayne co. O. The p-o. by p-r. 97 ms. n. n. e. from Cclumbus, and 358 ms. n. w. by w. from W. C. Pop. of tsp. 1830, 1,030. 78 CAN Canada, cr., e., runs 30 ms. into the Mohawk> 9 ms. below Little Falls. Canada, cr., w., the largest branch of Mohawk r. 60 ms. long, rises near the head waters of Black r. and enters at the German Flats, 6 ms. above Little Falls. The numerous rapids and cascades make this a beautiful stream, with its lofty banks of dark limestone rock, full of ma- rine petrifactions. It is an important point in the tour of travellers through the state. Two unfortunate visiters have been drowned here within 4 or 5 years. There is a public house near, and pains have been taken to make the dif- ficult passes accessible. Utica is the proper j/lace to proceed from, to pay a visit to this in- teresting vicinity. Canada, cr., Oneida co. N, Y. 10 or 12 ms. long. N. branch. Wood cr. Canadaway, cr., N. Y. 15 ms. long, with many falls. Formerly there was a portage of 6 ms. between this and the Cordaga waters, to Alleghany r. Canadian r. (See Arkansas r.) Ganajohaiiie, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. s. Mohawk r. at Bowman's cr. The N. Y. Cen- tral asylum for the Deaf and Dumb is on the cr. 6 ms. s. of the canal, and 7 n. Cherry Val- ley. The building is of brick, and there are two boarding houses for the male and female pupils, at $80 a year. 15 ms. s. w. Johnstown, 69 w. Albany. The ground is uneven, the crop chief- ly wheat, and there are mill seats on Canajo- harie and Platte kill crs. &c. The people are German. The Nose (a hill,) has a large cave. A rail road is projected to Catskill, 75 ms. Pop. 4,348. Canal, Dovek, p-v. in the northern part of 1 uscarawas co. 0. by p-r. 110 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Canal, Fulton, p-v. in the northwest part of Stark CO. O. by p-r. 117 ms. n. e. Columbus. Canandaigua, lake, Ontario co. N. Y. 14 ms. N. and s. and about 1 m. wide, empties by an outlet N. into Seneca r. The land is handsomely varied on the shores, in some parts high, and near the head well cultivated. Canandaigua, cr. or outlet, Ontario co. N. Y. flows from the bottom of Canandaigua lake to Seneca r. which it enters in Wayne co. 50 ms. long, after receiving Mud and Flint crs. &c. It is navigable from Seneca r. to the block house in Clyde, 12 ms. Canadaigua, p-t. and cap. Ontario co. N. Y. 108 ms. E. Niagara falls, 208 ms. w. Albany, 88 E. Buffalo, on the great road to Buffalo, 6 ms. by 12, contains 8 ms. of the n. part of Ca- nandaigua lake, and part of the outlet, and has fine hills and vallies, with good soil and much wealth. First settled 1790. The village or borough is large, and has a number of fine houses, stores, churches, county buildings, a bank, Slc. on a strait, broad street, 1 raiis long, on the ascent and summit of a high, gentle hill, gradually rising from the n. end of the lake. There is a flourishing female seminary, where some of the higher branches are taught, in which are about 100 pupils. There is also an academy with- a department for the instruction of school teachers, from Aug. 8th, 6 weeks. Pop. 5,162. CAN 79 CAN Canasauga, p-v. near Hiwassee r. in Amoi dist. of that part of the Cherokee territory ad- jacent to McMinn co. Ten. bjr p.r. 186 ms. n. e. by E. Nashville. Canaseraga, cr. N. Y. a branch of Chittenin- go cr. Another is a branch of Genesee r. which it enters 3 ms. n. Geneseo. Canaveral. {See Cannaveral.\ Candia, p-t. Rockingham cu. N. H. 16 ms. s. E. Concord, 4 ms. by 6, with 15,360 acres, has a hard but well cultivated soil, and a high situa- tion, in view of White Hills, and the lights on Plum Island on the coast. It is very healthy. First settled 1748. Pop. 1,360. Candice, t. Ontario co. N. Y. Pop. 1,386. Candor, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 8 ms. n. Owe- go ; has streams of Owego, Pipe, and Mud crs. with mill sites. First settled 1796 ; has pretty good land. Pop. 2,653. Caneadea, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 6 ms. s. w. Angelica, 6 ms. by J2, is supplied with a few mill seats. Genesee r. is in n. e. The soil is pretty good, and bog iron ore is found. Pop. 780. Cane Creek, p-o. Chatham co. N. C. by p-r. 52 ms. w. Raleigh. Cane Creek, p-o. in the northwestern part of Lincoln co. Ten. 62 ms. s. Nashville, and 721 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Cane Hill, p-o. Washington co. Ark. by p-r. 203 ms. N. w. Little Rock. Canestola, p-v. Lenox, Madison co. N. Y. on Erie canal, 25 ms. w. Utica, was a wilder- ness, 1819. Canesus. t. Livingston co. N. Y. Pop. 1,690. Canesus, lake, Livingston co. N. Y. 9 ms. by 1 and 1^, 6 ms. e. Genesee r. into which it empties, in Avon, by an outlet of nine miles. Caney Spring, p-o. Bedford co. Ten. s. s. e. Nashville. Canfield, p-v. and tsp. in the southern part of Trumbull co. O. 18 ms. sthrd. from Warren, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 156 n. e. by e. Co- lumbus. Pop. tsp. 1,249. Canisteo, t. Steuben co. N. Y. 18 ms. s. w. Bath, 260 w. Albany; has Canisteo r. which is boatable, with rich flats for grass and grain. Pop. 620. Cannaveral, Cape of Flor. on the Atlantic, being the salient point of a long, narrow, and low sandy island between Indian r. and the ocean. On Tanner's U. S. it is placed at n. lat. 28° 18', and at long. 3= 23' w. W. C. Cannonsburg, borough and p-v. Washington CO. Pa. on the road from the borough of Wash- ington, the CO. seat to Pittsburg, 7 ms. a little e. of n. from the former, and 18 s. w. from the latter, by p-r. 219 ms. wstrd. from Harrisburg, and 236 N. w. from W. C. It is situated on Chartiers cr. and on a rather bold acclivity from the valley. Here is located Jefferson col- lege, which was incorporated in 1802. The faculty consists of a president and 5 professors — beside which there are 2 teachers. The halls for the accommodation of the literary so- cieties are commodious and tasteful. The college expenses amount to $25 pr. ann. which includes tuition ; the students board in private families. " An Atheneum is connected with ihe college, in which the choicest religious, literary and scientific publications are receiv. ed ;" and in the student's library are " multipli. plied copies of all the class books required in the course of study." A farm connected with the college, will, as soon as the necessary buildings are erected, enable 50 students to nearly support themselves by two hours daily labor. A lyceum contains a respectable cabi. net of minerals and collections in natural histp. ry, and Indian antiquities. The library of the college contains 1000, and the students', 2,400 vols. Number of alumni, (1833) 404; under- graduates, 1832-3, 155; medical students, TOO. Commencement, last Thursday in Sept. The Medical school is located in Philadelphia. Pop. of the borough, 1830, 673. J at. 40° 17', and long. 3° 18' w. W. C. Cannon's Ferry and p-o. in the s. w. part of Sussex CO. Del. 23 ms. s. w. by w. George town, the st. jus. for the co. Cannon sville, p-v. Del. co. N. Y. 94 ras. s. w. Albany. Cannouche, r. of Geo. the western and larg- est confluent of Great Ogeechee ; rises in Emanual co. and flowing s. e. falls into Great Ogeechee in Bryan co. about 12 ms. s. w. from the city of Savannah. The valley of Cannou. che lies between those of Ogeechee and Alta- maha. Length 90, mean breadth 10, and area 900 sq. ms. Canoe, or., and p-o. in the n. w. part of Hunt- ingdon CO. Pa. by p-r. 20 ms. wstrd. from the borough of Huntingdon. Canonicut, isl. Narraganset bay, R. I. Canterbury, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. 8 ms. N. Concord, e. Merrimack r. uneven, with grass, small mill streams, and 2 bridges over Merrimack r. Contains 26,345 acres. Shaker's village s. e. has good gardens, and some man. ufactures. Pop. 1,663. Canterbury, p-t. Windham co. Conn. 40 ms. E. Hartford, 12 n. Norwich, 4i ms. by 8, 36 sq. ms. is uneven, with rich gravelly loam, yielding rye, maize, oats, &c. Quinebaug r. enriches its banks by spring floods ; yields shad, and affords valuable mill sites. Bates's pond is stocked with fish. Pop. 1,881. Canterbury, p-v. on the head of Mother Kill creek, Kent co. Del. by p-r. 8 ms. a little w. of s. Dover. Canton, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 32 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 746. Canton, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 14 ms. s. Boston, flat, 200 ft. above tide, with little arable land ; 2 ponds give rise to two branches of Ne- ponset r. Steep Brook cotton factory here, was incorporated 1815 ; cap. 1^50,000. Population, 1,515. Canton, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 15 ms. n. w. Hartford, 4 ms. by 8 ; 19,000 acres. The soil is gravelly, chiefly yielding oak, grass, rye, corn, oats, and fine orchards, and is crossed by Farmlngton r. Pop. 1,437, including Collins- ville, which see. Canton, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. Pop. 2,440. Canton, p-v. Bradford co. Pa, by p-r. 137 ms. nrthd. from Harrisburg. I Canton, p-v. and st. jus. Wilcox co. Ala. situated on the left bahk of Ala. r. by p-r. 113 CAP 80 CAR ms. a little e. of s. Tuscaloosa, and by the common road, 120 ms. n. n. e. Mobile. Canton, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Trigg co. Ky. by p-r. 9 ms. sthrdly. from Cadiz, the st. jus. for the co. and 235 s. w. by w. from Frankfort. Canton, p-v. and st. jus. Stark co. Ohio, sit- uated on Nemishillen or. a branch of Tuscara- was r. by p-r. 116 ms. n. e. Columbus, and about 60 ms. a little e. of s. Cleaveland. Pop. 1,257. This is one of the finest towns of in- terior 0. There are three or four fine bridges over the Nemishillen in the vicinity ; and the adjacent country is v^'ell cultivated and populous. Cantonment Gibson, p-o. as laid down on Tanner's map of the U. S. is situated on the left bank of Ark. r. on the point below the mouth of Grand r. n. lat. 35° 47'. long. 18° 9' w. from W. C. In the p-o. list it is stated to be 208 ms. from Little Rock, and 1,359 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Cantonment Jessup, military station and p-o. in the n. w. part of Louisiana, and on Sabine r. N. lat. 31° 30', long. 16° 42' w. from W. C. and by p-r. 379 ms. n. w. from New Orleans and 1,353 ms. s. w. W. C. Cantonment Leavensworth, on the Mis- souri r. Clay co. Mo. by p-r. 354 ms. above, and a little n. of w. St. Louis, 220 from Jef- ferson City, and 1,172 ms. wstrd. W. C. Cantwell's Bridge, and p-o. on the Ap- poquinimink creek in the southwestern part of New Castle co. Del. by p-r. 24 ms. n. n. e. Dover. Cape Cod, a peninsula forming part of Barn- stable CO. Mass. s. side Massachusetts bay, is in shape like a man's arm bent inwards at the wrist and elbow. Length 60 ms. varying from 1 to 20 ms. in width. A large proportion is sandy and barren, yet partly populated. The men are employed at sea, and the boys are put on board the fishing boats. More than half the pop. are sailors, or some part of whose lives have been spent at sea. Violent e. winds are gradually wearing it away. Long. 70° 14', w. lat. 42° 4'. Cape Elizabeth, t. Cumberland co. Me. 6 ms. s. w. Portland. Pop. 1830, 1,696. Cape Fear, a remarkable point of N. C. between Long bay and Onslow bay. The term is extended to the whole cape near the mouth of Cape Fear r. but correctly Cape Fear is the ex- treme southern point of , Smith's Isle, and on Tanner's U. S. map, is laid down at n. lat. 33° 55'andlo02'w. W. C. Cape Fear, r. of N. C. rising between the Yadkin and Dan rivers, in Stoke, Rockingham, and Guilford cos. flows thence 200 ms. in a s. e. direction, receiving numerous smaller tributa- ries and is lost in the Atlantic ocean, by two mouths, one on each side of Smith's island. The basin of cape Fear r. is 200 by 40 ms. mean width, 800 sq. ms. between lat. 34° and 36° 2', and in long, between 1° 30', and 2° 18', w. W. C. Cape GmARDEAU, co. of Mo. bndd. by Scott CO. s. E., Stoddard s., Wayne s. w., Madison w.. Perry N., and the Misp. r. separating it from Union and Alexander cos. of II. e. Length e. to w. 38 ms. mean breadth 30, and area 1,140 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 11', to 37° 36' N. and in long, from 12° 30', to 13° 10', west from W. C. Though bordered on the e. by the Misp. r. the greatest part of the surface of this CO. is drained to the southward by the sources of White water or eastern branch of St. Francis r. Cf t. Jackson. Cape Henry, opposite and bearing a little w. of s. from cape Charles, is the southeast point of the mouth of Chesapeake bay; on Tanner's U. S. cape Henry is laid down at lat. 36° 56', and in long. 1° 02' e. W. C. Cape May, co. N. J. bndd. by Gloucester co. N., Atlantic e. and s., Delaware bay and Cum- berland CO. w. It forms the south point of the state, terminating in cape May, the n. cape of Delaware bay, on which is a light house. The east coast is lined by sand beaches, dangerous to navigation. Within it is a stretch of marshy lands, with ponds, inlets and crs. It contains 4 townships. Pop. 4,936, Cape Neddock, York co. Me. 95 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, a rocky, barren, head land, stretching into the Atlantic from a hard and almost unin. habited shore. A few huts shelter a small number of fishermen. It is called in derision the city of Cape Neddock. Capeville, p-v. Eastern shore, Va. North, ampton co. near cape Charles, 176 ms. from Richmond. Cape Vincent, p.v. Lyme, Jefferson co. N. Y. at the foot of lake Ontario, 21 ms. from Brownville, 8 from Kingston. It is on abroad gravelly point, between St. Lawrence r. and Chaumont bay, with Grenadier and Fox isles oflf the extremity. The St. Lawrence is here fer- ried by steam. Captain's Islands, Conn. In Long Island Sound off Horse Neck. On one of them is a light house. Captina, p-v. on Captina cr. s. w. part Bel- mont CO. Ohio, 20 ms. s. w. Wheeling. Carbondale, a very flourishing village on Lackawana cr. at the western base of Moosic mtn. on the n. e. margin of Luzerne co. Pa. 35 ms. N. e. Wilkesbarre, and 130 due n. from Phil. The site of the village is 874 ft. above tide water. It has (1832) 150 houses and log huts, stores, inns, &c. and owes its existence to the Lackawana coal strata, which here is 26 ft. in depth. The coal bed is in an area surrounded by forests, and is opened in about 20 places. The coal is conveyed by stationary steam en- gines — first a distance of 4 ms. with an ascent of 855 ft. and thence over a level of 8,300 ft. to the head of 3 inclined planes, dovwi which in cars it proceeds to Honesdale, at the head of the canal. The whole length of the rail road and planes is 91,000 ft. or about 17| ms. Total ascent from Carbondale to Rix's Gap, the height of land-, '855 ft. and total descent thence to Honesdale 912| ft. Cardington, p-v. in s. part Marion co. O. by P-r. 42 ms. n. Columbus. Carleton, Isl. and p-v. Jefferson co. N. Y. in the St. Lawrence, has a good harbor, and much trade. 10 ms. s. e. Kingston, 30 n. Backet's harbor. Cari.inville, P-v. and st. jus. Macaupin .co. II. by p-r. 95 ms. from Vandalia. CAR 81 CAR Carlisle, t. Middlesex co. Massachusetts, 20 ms. N. w. Boston. Pop. 566. Carlisle, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 40 ms. w. Albany, 8 w. Schoharie, 7 ms. by 8, produces grass and grain. Limestone, sulp. barytes, white pine, maple, beech, &c. Pop. 1,748. Carlisle, p-v. borough and st. jus. Cumber- land CO. Pa. about a mile from the right bank of Conedogwinet r., 18 ms. w. Harrisburg and by p.r. 103 ms. a little w. of n. from W. C, n. lat. 40° 12', and long. 0° 13' w. from W. C. Cumberland was made a co. separate from Lan. caster, Jan. 1749-30, and Carlisle made the st. jus. It is situated on an undulating plain, amid a very fertile and well cultivated country. The houses are generally of brick or limestone. The latter material is easily procured, as the town rests on a soil incumbent over a mass of blue limestone. The streets are at right angles, and the buildings generally commodious. In 1783, a college was established at Carlisle, and named in honor of John Dickinson. This sem- inary, after a long period of languishment, was revived in 1820, by private and legislative dona- tion, and is now, 1830, in active operation. Pop. of the borough, 3.707. Carlisle, p-v. and st. jus. Nicholas co. Ky. 56 ms. a little n. of e. Frankfort, and 38 ms. n. E. Lexington. Carlisle, p-o. in the s. part of Sullivan co. Ind. 12 ms. s. e. Merom, the co. st, and by p-r. 115 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Carlo, p-v. Hopkins co. Ky. by pr. 172 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Carlton, t. Orleans co. N. Y. Pop. 1,168. Carlton's store, and p o. King and Queen CO. Va. by p-r. 44 ms. e. Richmond. Carlyle, p-v. and st. jus. Clinton co. II. on Kaskaskias r. by p-r. 30 ms. below, and s. s. w. Vandalia, and 49 e. St. Louis. Carman's p-o. Harford co. Md. 32 ms. n. e. Baltimore. Carmel, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 15 ms. w. Bangor, 71 n. e. Augusta, has ponds and streams running e. to Penobscot. Pop. 237. Carmel, p-t. and st. jus. Putnam co. N. Y. 11 ms. E, West Point, contains the county build- ings, is hilly, yields grass and contains Maho- pack pond, Croton cr. and other ponds emptying into Peekskill cr. with many mill seats. Pop. 2,379. Carmel, p-o. in the Cherokee nation Geo, by p-r. 224 ms. from Milledgeville. Carmel Hill, and p-o. Chester dist, S, C. by p.r. 74 ms. n. Columbus. Carmi, st, jus. White co. H. situated on a branch of Little Wabash, 29 ms. a little w. of N. Shawneetown, on Ohio r., 16 a little s. of w. New Harmony, and by p-r. 94 ms. s. e. Vanda- lia, Lat. 38° 06', long. W. C. 11° 18' w. Carmichakls, p-o. Greene co. Pa. by p-r. 190 ms. w. Harrisburg. Carnesville, p-v and st. jus. Franklin co. Geo. by p-r. 110 ms. almost due n. from Mil- ledgeville. Caroline, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y. 13 ms. s. E. Utica, 170 w. by s. Albany ; Owego, Six Mile cr., and a branch of Mud cr, supply mill seats. Pop. 2,633. Caroline, co. Md, bounded by Queen Ann N. and N. w., by Dorchester co. s., Rutland and Sussex cos. Del. e., and w. by Talbot co. and Tuckahoe r. Length from s. to n. 30, mean breadth 8, and area 240 sq. ms. Surface undu- lating. The main branch of Choptank r. rises in Kent co. Del., but flows s. s. w. into Caroline, over which it meanders to its junction with Tuckahoe. In lat. from 38° 40' to 39° 10' and long, from 1° 03' to 1° 18' e. Chief town, Denton, pop. 1820, 10,108; 1830, 9,070. Caroline,, co. Va. bndd. by Rappahannock r. which separates it n. from Straflford, and N. e. from King George, e. by Essex, s. e. by King and Queen, and King William, s. w. by N. Anna r. which separates it from Hanover, and N. w. by Spottsylvania. It lies very nearly in form of a parallelogram, 30 ms. from s. w. to N. e. with a breadth of 20 ms., area 600 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 37° 47' to 38° 16'n. and in long, from 0° 02^ to 0° 43' w. W. C. Surface very much broken by hills, with a soil of great variety ; staples, grain, flour, tobacco, &c. Cf. t.. Bowling Green. Pop. 1820, 18,008 ; 1830, 17,760. Carolus, p-v. Vermillion co. II., by p-r. 697 ms. wstrd. from W. C. and 136 ms. n. e. Van- dalia. Carondelet, canal of, extends from Bayou St. John about 2 ms. By this channel, vessels drawing 5 ft. water are navigated from lake Ponchartrain into the city of New Orleans. Carondelet, p-v. on the right bank of Mo. r. 6 ms. below St. Louis. Carpenter's mills, and p-o. Lycoming co. Pa. by p-r. 97 ms. northwardly from Harrisburg. Carritunk, p-v. Somerset co. Me. Carroll, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 336 ms, W.Albany. Pop. 1,015. Carroll, co. of Geo. bndd. n. e. by Campbell CO. ; E. and s. e. by Chattahoochee r. which separates it from Coweta co., s. by Troup co., w. by the state of Ala., and n. by the Cherokee nation. Length from s. to n. 40 ms. mean breadth about 20, and area 800 sq.ms. Extend, ing from lat. 33° 15' to 33° 52' n. and in long, from 7° 52' to 8° 30' from W. C. The extreme sources of both branches of the Talapoosa r, rise in the Cherokee country, but little distance above Carroll co. which they enter and traverse in a s. w. direction. It is a high, dry and bro- ken country. For down stream vessels, the Chattahoochee is navigable above Carroll. Cf. t. Carrolton. Pop. 3,419. Cakroll, CO. W. Tennessee, bndd. n. w. by Weakly ; n. by Henry ; e. by Humphries and Perry ; s. by Henderson ; s. w. by Madison, and w. by Gibson. Length from e. to w. 30, breadth 24, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending from lat, 35° 49' to 36° 08' and in long, from 11° 15' to 11° 50' w. W. C. This co. occupies part of the ta- ble land between Ten. and Misp. rs. ; Sandy cr,, a small branch of the latter, rises in the eastern part of the co., and flows n. n. e. into Henry, whilst the central and western parts are drained by the head branches of Ohio r. flowing wstrd. towards the Misp. Cf. t. Huntingdon. Pop. 9,397. Carroll, a new co. of Ohio, formed the pres. ent year, (1833) and taken from Starke, Colum- biana, Jefferson, Harrison, and Tuscarawas cos. CAR 82 CAS Carrolton, the st. jus. is 135 ms.N. e. by e. Co- lumbus. Carroll, p-v. in the southwestern part of Washington co. 0., by p-r. 96 ms. s. e. by e. Columbus. Carrolton, p-v. and st. jus. Carroll co. Geo. situated near the centre of the co. on the s. Fork of Tallapoosa r., by p-r. 151 ms. n. w. by w. from Milledgeville, n. lat. 33° 35', long. 8° 10' w. from W. C. Carrolton, p-v. in the n. w. part of I airfield CO. O., 20 ms. s. E. Columbus. Carrolton, p-v. and st. jus. of Carroll co. O. ll?5 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. Carrollton, p-v. and st. jus. Greene co. XL, by p-r. lOG ms. n. w. by w. Vandalia, and 60 ms. a little w. of n. St. Louis. Carrollville, p-v. Wayne co. Ten., by p-r. 97 ms. s. w. Nashville. Carsonville, p-v. Ashe co. N. C, by p-r. 238 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Carter, extreme eastern co. of Ten.bndd. n. E. by Washington CO. Va., e. by Ashe co. N. C, v/. by Washington co. Ten., and n. w. by Sullivan. Length, along the Iron mtn., which separates it from Ashe co. 45 ms., mean breadth 12 ms., and area 540 sq. ms. The whole co. is a mountain valley, drained by and commensu- rate with the main branches of Watauga r. which flow from this co. nthrdly. into the mid- dle fork of Holston. The surface is mountain- ous and rocky, extending from n. lat. 36° 05' to 36° 35' and in long, from 4° 40' to 5° 15' w. W. C. The elevation of this part of Ten. above the surface of the Atlantic, must be at least 2000 ft. Cf. t. Elizabethtown. Pop. 1820, 4,835 ; 1830,, 6,414. Carter's store and p-o. in the southwestern part of Prince Edward co. Va. 81 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Carter's store and p-o. in the s. e. part of Nicholas co. Ky. by p-r. 65 ms. e. Frankfort. Cartersville, p-v. on the right bank of James r. Cumberland co. Va., by p-r. 44 ms. wstrd. liichmond. Carteret co. of N. C, bndd. by Onslow co. or Whittock r. w., by .Tones and Craven n., by Pamlico sound n. e., and by the Atlantic s. e., s. and s. w. Length from s. s. w. to n. n. e. 60 ms., mean breadth 10 ms. and area 600 sq. ms. Extendino-in lat. from Cape Lookout 36° 56' n. and in long, from 0° 15' w. to 1° e. W. C. It is a long and sandy, and in part marshy strip, with sandy isles or reefs in front. Cf t. Beau- fort. Pop. 1820, 5,609 ; 1830, 6,597. Carthage, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 46 ms. n. w. Augusta. Pop. 333. Carthage, p-v. Wilna, Jefferson co. N. Y. 16 ms. e. Watertown, 160 from Albany ; con- tains extensive iron works, e. side Long falls, on Black r. Carthage, v. Brighton, Monroe co. N. Y. 2i ms. N. Rochester, at Lower falls of Gen- nesee r. and 5 ms. s. lake Ontario. {See Brigh. ton.) Pop. 333. Carthage, p-v. Tuscaloosa co. Ala. 17 ms. from Tuscaloosa. Carthage, p-v. in the southern part of Camp. Ibell CO. Kentucky, by p-r. 79 miles n. e. Frank- fort. Carthage, p.v. in Mill creek tsp. Hamilton CO. 0. 7 ms. from Cincinnati. Carthage, p-v. and st. jus. Moore co. N. C, 55 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh, and 4^2 n. w. Fay- etteville. Carthage, p-v. and st. jus. Smith Co. Ten. situated on the right bank of Cumberland r. directly opposite the mouth of Cary Fork, 47 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Carver, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 28 ms. s. e. Boston, 8 E. Plymouth, is thinly populated, with 642 acres tillage, 361 mowing and 1939 of pasturage ; soil not very good. Iron ore is found and wrought. Pop. 970. Casco Bay, Cumberland co. Me. between Capes Elizabeth s.w. and Small Point, 40 miles apart. It has fine anchorage, and islands, popularly reported as many as there are days in the year. Portland harbor is on the n. w. corner. Casdaga Lake, Chatauque co. N. Y. con- nected with Conewango lake by Casdaga r. * which is 40 ms. long. Casdaga, p-v. Chatauque co. N. Y. 340 ms. w. Albany. Casev, CO. Ky. bndd. by Estille s., by Adair s. w. and w., Mercer n., Lincoln, e., and Pu- laski s. E. ; length from s. to n. 32 ms. mean breath 14 and area 448 sq. ms. Extending m lat. from 37° 08', to 37° 35', and in long. Irom 7° 34' to 7° 58'. The slope of this co. is to the westrd. From the northern section rise the extreme sources of Salt r. and from the southern those of Green r. The surface is high and broken. Cf. t. Liberty. Pop. 4,342. Cashville, p-v. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by P-r. 1 10 ms. n. w. Columbia. Cass co. Geo. a new co. the position and limits of which are uncertain. Cass co. Ind. bounded e. by Miami co., s. w. by Carroll co., on other sides boundaries un- certain. As laid down in Tanner's improved map of the U. S. it is in length 24 ms. from e. to w., mean breadth 18 ms., and area 432 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 45', long 9° 12' w. W. C. Slope very nearly due w. The main stream of Wa- bash receives Eel r. from the right at Logan, port, the St. jus. of this co., the village standing on the point between the two rivers. Pop. 1830, 1,162. Cass co. Mich, bounded by Berrien w.. Van Buren n., St. .Toseph's e., Elkhart co. Ind. s. e. and St. Joseph, Ind. s. w. It is very nearly a square of 24 ms. each way, and area 576 sq. ms. N. lat. 42°, and long. 9° w. W. C. intersect very near the centre of this co. It is entirely drained by tributary streams of St. Joseph's r. of lake Mich, but from the great general sthrn. curve of that stream, the creeks of Cass co. flow like radii from the centra! part of the co. Chief town, Edwardsburg. Population 1830, 919. Cassina, lake, one of the highest tributary reservoirs of the Mississippi r. It is one of a congeries of irregular lakes scattered over this elevated though flat, and marshy region. Its outlet is at n. lat. 47° 38', long. W. C. 18° w. The outlet of Cassina is discharged into Little Winnipec, and to the n. e. of both. Tanner has placed the following note on his map. "An CAS uninterrupted water communication between the Great Fork of Rainy lake r. and Little Winnipec Lake is said to exist at this place." li' the data on which the preceding note is founded are correct, an actual inland and unin- terrupted water navigation is admitted between the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's bay, Cassville, p-v. on the left bank of Misp. r. opposite the mouth of Upper loway r. and the western part of loway co., Huron, or western Mich. It is situated 27 ms. s. of Prairie du Chien, by p-r. 1,028 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 56 ms. above and n. w. Galena in II. Castana, p-v. in the southern part of Seneca CO. Ohio, by p-r. 97 ms. northwardly from Co- lumbus. Castile, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 30 ms. s. e. Batavia, has pretty good land, is crossed by Genesee r. and contains Gardeau Reservation. Pop. 2,269. Castine, sea port, p-t. and cap. Hancock co. Me. 122 ms. e. n. e. Portland, 78 Augusta, on a promontory, near the head of Penobscot bay, with a good harbor for large vessels, open at all seasons. A narrow isthmus might easily be cut through, and made a powerful fortress, to com- mand the country to St. Croix. Long. 68° 46' w., lat. 44° 24'. Pop. 1,148. Castlemans, r. aN. e. branch of Youghaghany r. rises in AUeg-hany co. Md. and Somerset co. Pa. the higher branches uniting in the latter, flows N. w. 12 ms. and thence s. w. 25 ms. to its junction with Youghaghany, the eastern side of Laurel Hill. It is a real mtn. torrent, having a fall of upwards of 1000 ft. in a comparative course of 60 ms. The valley of this stream is intended as part of the route of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Castlemans, p-o. Gallatin co. Ky. by p-r. 48 ms. N. Frankfort. Castleton, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 10 ms. w. Rutland, 36 sq. ms., first settled 1769. It is crossed by Castleton r. which here receives the waters of lake Bombazine, 8 ms. long, chiefly in this t., containing an island. The land is good, with oak on the hills, and pine in the vallibS, and supplied with mill sites. The Ver- mont Academy of medicine is in Castleton, in- corporated 1818, degrees being received at Middlebury college. There are two buildings, one of which is 50 ft. by 30, 2 stories high, with a dissecting room, and rooms for lectures, the library, chemical laboratory, and anatomical museum. Five courses of lectures are deliver- ed annually, commencing on the first Tuesday in September. The buildings are large, and pleasantly situated. The Rutland co. Gram- mar school, was incorporated 1805. Ponulation 1,783. Castleton, r. Rutland co. Vt. rises in Pitts- ford, runs s. and then w. and joins Poultney r. It is 20 ms. long. Castletown, p-t. Richmond co. N. Y. n. e. corner of Staten isl., s. N. Y. bay, is hilly, with arable land, high and agreeably varied, but lately subject to fever and ague. The v. is near the water, looking e. upon the quaratine ground and Long isl. and contains the Lazaretto, or quarantine hospital, a fever hospital, the Sailor's Snug harbor, and Marine hospital of New York 83 CAT city. A steamboat runs to New York 5 or 6 times daily ; distance 5J ms. The t. contains Clove hills, and others fortified by the British in the revolution. Pop. 2,204. Caswell, co. of N. C. bounded by Person e., Orange s., Rockingham w., and Pittsylvania co. of Va. N. It is a square of 20 ms. each side, extending from lat. 36° 15' to 36° 02', and in long, from 2° 11' to 2° 33' w; from W. C. The slope of this co. is to the n. e. and its waters flow in that direction into Dan r. which stream, already navigable, winds estrd. along the north- ern border of the co. The soil is productive and climate agreeable. Cf. t. Leesburg. Pop. 1820, 13,253, 1830, 15,185. Caswell, c. h., p-o. and st. jus. Caswell co. N. C. on Lime cr. a branch of Dan r. Casville, p-v. Iowa co. Mich. Catahoola, or Ocatahoola, parish of La. bounded by the parish of Washitau n. w. and n., Tensas r. or the parish of Concordia e., Cata- hooche r. and lake s., and Little r, w. Length from s. w. to n. e. 75 ms., mean width 28, and area 2100 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 31° 29' to 32° 20' and in long, from 14° 24' to 15° 24' W. C. The face of this large parish diflers materially in different parts. The Washitau re- enters it from the n. winding over it in a south- ern direction, and receiving near its centre the Boeuf, from the n. e. Northv.'ard from the Ocatahoola r. and between the Washitau and Little rs. the country rises into hills, covered generally with pine timber, and watered by clear, perennial creeks, but soil sterile, except in confined spots near streams. The entire eastern part of the parish lies within the over- flow of the Misp. and except some few strips along the rivers, or on Sicily island, is liable to annual inundation. When the soil of the allu. vial part of Ocatahoola is sufficiently elevated for cultivation, it is very productive. Staples, cotton, live stock, and lumber. Cf. t. Harrison- burg. Pop. 1820, 2,287, in 1830, 2,581. Catahoola, r. and lake of La. The r. rises in Clairborne, Natchitoches, and Washitau par- ishes, flows in a general course s. s. e. about 80 ms. to the extreme s. w. angle of the parish of Ocatahoola, where, at seasons of high water of the Washitau and Misp. rs., it expands into a lake of 18 ms. long, and from 2 to 5 wide. At the head of the lake the river turns abruptly to N. E. by E. continues in that direction through the lake, and again contracting; to a river of about 80 yards wide, flows 15 ms. to where it joins the Washitau to form Black r. Ocatahoola lake is one of those depressions in the great plain of La. which operate to form reservoirs, filled and emptied annually. The bottom of the lake is below that of even the common inundated lands, and when the Washitau and Misp. are rising, receives a surcharge of water by the chamiel of Ocatahoola. The reverse takes place when the great streams are falling ; then the current flows rapidly from the lake, which is finally drained, and in autumn and early winter, becomes a vast meadow covered with herbage, with the river meandering over its surface. Similar fea- tures are presented by Black lake, Natchito- ches lake, Spanish lake, Bristineau, Bodcau, &c. CAT 84 CAY Cataraugus CO. N. Y. bndd. by Cataraugus cr. N., or Erie and Genesee cos., Alleghany co. E., Pennsylvania s., Chatauque co. w., about 34 by 38 ms. 1,292 sq. ms., has Alleghany r. wind- ing through s. part, and streams of Genesee and lake Erie, above which it is 500 to 1,200 feet with high hills. There are white pine tracts and marshes s., but the land is generally firm, with maple, beech, bass, nut, and oak. Grass and grain grow best n. This co. was purchased by the Holland company, 19 tsps., of. t. EllicotviUe. Pop. 1820, 4,090, 1830, 16,726. Cataraugus Reservation, N. Y. 6 ms. by 12, on Cataraugus cr. was reserved by the Sen- eca Indians, who here enjoy christian wor- ship, schools, «&,c. with good habits. Catawba, r. of N. and S. C. called Wateree in the lower part of its course, rises in the Blue Ridge by numerous branches, which flow gene- rally estwrd. over Burke co. unite at Morgan- town, and continuing estwrd. 25 ms. still over Burke, turns abruptly s. s. e. between Iredell and Lincoln. This higher valley of Catawba is about 65 ms. long, with a mean breadth of 20, and nearly commensurate with Burke co. Leaving the latter, the Catawba, in a general course of s. s. E. flows 50 ms. in N. C. and 100 in S. C, finally unites with the Congaree to form the Santee. The Catawba is remarkable for the narrowness of its valley, which in a dis- tance of 215 ms. is in no place 60 ms. wide, and at a mean under 20. In length of course it exceeds the Congaree,' but in volume the latter is greatly the superior stream. Catawissa, p-v. Columbia co. Pa. situated on the left bank of the East Branch of Susquehan- nah r. and at the mouth of a- cr. of the same name. Catfish, p-o. on a cr. of the same name, Ma- rion dist. S. C. by p-r. 138 ms. estwrd. Colum- bus. Catherine, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 18 ms. n. Auburn, 200 w. Albany, 12 ms. sq., gives rise to the inlet of Seneca lake, Newtown cr. &c. It has good land n. with oak and pine, and in other parts, beech, maple, bass, elm, &c. Lime- stone andiron ore are found, and a pigment like Spanish brown. Pop. 2,064. Cathey's cr. and p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. by p-r. 267 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Catlettsburg, p-v. on the left bank of the Ohio r. at and below the mouth of Great Sandy r. Greenup co. Ky. It is the extreme n. e. vil- lage of the state, by p-r. 159 ms. a little n. of e. Frankfort. Catlin, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 18 ms. n. w. E1- mira. Pop. 2,015. Cato, p-t Cayuga co. N. Y. 18 ms. n. Au- burn, 155 w. Albany, n. Erie canal and Seneca r., has a variety of soil, and swamps and ponds. Cross and Otter lakes, and Parker's pond. Pop. 1,782. Catonsville, p-v. Baltimore co. Md. by p-r. 44 ms. n. e. W.C. and 36 n. Annapolis. Catskill, p-t. and st. jus. Greene co. N. Y. 36 ms. s. Albany, 5 s. w. Hudson, w. Hudson r. has gentle hills e. with pretty good soil. Cat- skill mtns. w. and a high plain and sand and elay n. It is watered by Catskill cr. and Keat- erskill cr. its branch ; with rich meadows, and mill sites ; it has 3 villages and 2 banks, capi- tal $250,000. The post v. is the st. jus. 1 mile w. Hudson r., with a pier, where the large steam boats touch ; a ferry, and the co. build- ings. A company has been incorporated to make a rail road from here to Schoharie. Pop. 4,861. The Pine Orchard, on Catskill mtn. is a favorite resort of travellers in the warm months. A fine hotel has been erected there several years, on the brow of a rock, at a great elevation above Hudson r., with a view em. bracing about 70 ms. from n. to s. on the valley of Hudson r., and the hilly country e., including a number of peaks of the Green mtn. range in Mass. and Vt. Thunder storms are often seen below the spectator, and the air is generally cool. Two ponds in the rear of the house, unite their streams, and the water falls 175 ft. and soon after 85 ft. into an immense ravine between 2 ridges of mtns. A limestone range begins a little w. of Catskill v. reaching 4 ms., w. of which is sand-stone, then graywacke slate, the peaks being pudding stone, conglomerate, &c. Stage coaches take visitors to this place from Cattskill ; the road, after the ascent commences, is steep and rough. Caughnawaga, p-v. Johnstovra, Montgomery CO. N. Y. 39 ms. w. Albany, n. Mohawk r. once the residence of the Mohawk Indians. {See Johnstown.) Cave Mills, p-o. Warren co. Ten. by p-r. 74 ms. s. E. Nashville. Cavendish, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 10 ms. s. w, Windsor, 60 s. Montpelier. First settlement 1769. It has a fertile soil, with Black r. and 20 mile stream. Black r. at the falls, has its chan- nel worn dovm 100 ft. Button's village has an academy, and Proctorsville has another. Ser- pentine iron ore, and primitive limestone are found near it. Pop. 1,498. Cavesville, p-o. Orange co. Va. by p-r. 94 ms. N. w. Richmond. Cavetown, p-v. Washington county, Mary- land. Cayuga, lake, N. Y. between Cayuga, Temp. kins and Seneca cos. from 1 to 4 ms. wide, 38 long, n. and s., 35 ms. s. lake Ontario, receives Seneca r. near the outlet, which runs n. The shores rise gradually, 100 or 150 ft. but in some places are precipitous. It has Fall, 6 m. and Main Inlet crs. s. and other fine mill streams, and has several villages on its shores. Cayuga, co. N. Y. 170 ms. w. Albany, bndd. by lake Ontario, Oswego, Onondaga and Cort- land COS. E., Tompkins co. s., Seneca co. w. It is E. Seneca lake. 23^ by 55 ms. are its greatest dimensions, with about 545 sq. ms. It has a spur of Alleghany hills parallel with Cay- uga lake, good soil and very good farms, There is much lime rock, with petrifactions, &c. It is watered by Seneca r. Fall, Salmon, Owasco crs. &c. Owasco lake, and parts of Ontario, Cayuga, Skeneateles and Cross lakes. Erie canal crosses the co. Clay slate, lime- stone, gypsum, and hydraulic lime are found, and argilaceous oxide of iron is abundant. 19 tsps. Cf. t. Auburn. Pop. 1820, 38,897, 1830, 47,947. Cayusa, or E. Cayuga, p-v. Aurelius, Cayuga CEN 85 CHA CO. N. Y. 165 ms. w. Albany, at the bridge and w. side of Cayuga lake. Cayuga, p-v. Claiborne co. Misp. by p-r. 60 ms. N. N. E. Natchez. Cayuta, v. Newfield, Tioga co. N. Y. 20 ms. N. w. Owego, on Cayuta cr. Pop. 642. Cazenovia, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. Il3ms. w. Albany, 11 w. Morrisville, 5 ms. by 12, has Canaseraga lake, of 4^ ms., and Chitte- ningo and Limestone crs. It is level, high land, rich loam for grass and grain. First settled, 1793. The v. is at the s. end of the lake, and is flom-ishing. Pop. 4,344. Cecelios, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. 297 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 378. Cecil, or Coecil, n. e. co. of Md. bndd. s. by Kent co., s. w. by Chesapeake bay, w. by the Susquehannah r., n. w. by Lancaster, n. e. by Chester co. Pa., and e. by New Castle co. Del. Length from s. to n. 22 ms. mean breadth 12, and area 264 sq. ms. Extending from n. lat. 39° 22' to 39° 42', and in long, from 0° 50' to 1° 18' E. W. C. The surface of Cecil is undu- lating, and soil of middling quality. It is in a peculiar manner favorably placed, commer- cially. To the Susquehannah r. and Chesa- peake bay may be added Elk r. and the Chesa- peake and Del. canal. Cf. t. Elkton. Pop. 1820, 16,048, 1830, 15,432. Cecilton, p-v. Cecil co. Md. This place vv^as formerly called Savingston. Cedar cr. one of the w. branches of the n. Fork of Shenandoah r. and separating Shenan- doah and Frederick cos. Cedak cr. and p-o. in the nthrn. part of Shelby CO. Ala. by p-r. 97 ms. n. e. by e. Tuscaloosa. Cedar Creek, v. Monmouth co. N. J. near the sea, on a stream of the same name which rmis into Barnegat bay 6 ms. s. Toms r. Cedar Spring and p-o. in the estrn. part of Centre co. Pa. by p-r. 101 ms. n. n. w. Harris- burg. Cedar Spring, Spartanburg dist. S. C. 5 ms. s. E. Spartanburg, the st. jus. 90 ms. n. w. Co. lumbia. Cedarsville, p-v. in Perry co. O.by p-r. lOl ms. s. w. Columbus. Celina, p-v. Overton co. Ten. by p-r. 85 ms. N.N. E. Nashville. Centre co. Penn. bndd. n. and n. e. by Ly- coming, w. branch of Susquehannah, which separates it from Clearfield and Lycoming w. and N. w., by Huntingdon and Mifflin s. and by Union e. Length 8 ms., mean breadth 26, and area 1560 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 40° 43' to 41° 1 6', and in long, from 0° 12' to 1° 23' w. W. C. Bald Eagle and Perm's crs. rise in this CO. and with the Susquehannah afford some good soil, though the body of the co. is moun- tainous and rocky. Staples, grain, flour, live stock, lumber, iron, &c. Cf. t. Bellefonte. Pop. 1820, 13,786, in 1830, 18,295. Centre, p.v. Guilford co. N. C. by p-r. 77 ms. N. N. w. Raleigh. Centre, p-v. Delaware co. 0. by p-r. 30 ms. N. Columbus. Centre, p-v. Farmington tsp. Trumbull co. O. by p-r. 167 ms. n. e. Columbus. Centre Hae.bor, p-t. Strafford co.'N. H. 48 -ms. K. Concord, 70 n. w. Portsmouth, 110 n. w. 12 Boston, n. e. corner Winnipiseogee lake ; 7,550 acres ; contains part of Squam and Measly lakes, with part of Winnipiseogee lake ; has a varied surface and some good soil. Pop. 1830, 577. Centres Minot, p-v. Cumberland co. Me. 42 ms. from Augusta. Centre Moreland, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa. by P-r. 133 ms. Harrisburg. Centre Point, Montgomery co. Pa. by p-r. 96 ms. Harrisburg. Centreton, p-v. Halifax co. Va. by p-r. 139 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Centreville, p-o. Kent CO. R. I. 11 ms. from Providence. Centreville, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 16 ms. N. w. Angelica, 6 ms. square, has small streams of Genesee r. Bog iron ore abounds. The soil a light loam, with few stones, bearing ma- ple, bass, beech, &c. Pop. 1830, 1,195. Ce.\tre Ville, P-v. Crawford co. Pa. about 100 ms. a little e. of n. Pittsburg. Centreville, p-v. in the s. part of Montgo- mery CO. 0. by p-r. 41 ms. n. n. e. Cincinnati. Centreville, p-v. and st. jus. Wayne co. Ind. on a branch of White Water r. about 70 ms. n. w. Cincinnati 0. by p-r. 63 e. Indianopolis. Centreville, p-v. in the s. part of Wabash CO. II. 115 ms. s. E. by e. Vandalia. Centreville, p-v. in the n. part of Newcastle CO. Del. 10 ms. n. n. e. Wilmington. Centreville, Queen Ann co. Md. situated on Casica cr. 36 ms. s. e. by e. Baltimore, and 31 ms. a little n. of e. Annapolis. It is the seat of an academy. Centreville, p-v. in the w. part of Fairfax CO. Va. 27 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Centreville, p-v. in the n. e. part of Laurens dist. S. C. by p-r. 81 ms. n. w. Columbia. Centreville, p-v. Wilkes co. Geo. by p-r. 81 ms. N. e. Milledgeville. Centreville, p-v. and st. jus. Bibb co. Ala. situated on the right bank of Cahaba r. 32 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Centreville, p.v. Livingston co. Ky. 20 ms. N. E. by E. from Smithland, at the mouth of Cumberland r. by p-r. 275 ms. s. w, by w. Frankfort. Centreville, p-v. Hickman co. Ten. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. Nashville. Centreville, p-v. Amite co. Misp. about 45 ms. s. E. Natchez. Cerestown, p-v. on Oswego cr. a branch of Alleghany r. in the n. e. part of Mc Kean co. Pa. 20 ms. s. E. Hamilton, 165 n. w. Harrisburg. Cerulean Springs, and p-o. Trigg co. Ky. 5 ms. N. e. Cadiz, the st. jus. and by p-r. 221 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Chactaws, nation of Indians. (See Choctaws.) Chagrin, r. p-v. and tsp. in the n. e. angle of Cayahoga co. O. The p-v. is near the shore of lake Erie, 16 ms. E.Cleaveland. Pop. tsp. 1,275. Chalk Level, p-v. in the w. part Humphrey CO. Ten. by p-r. 70 ms. w. Nashville. Chalk Level, p.o. Pittsylvania co. Va. hy p-r. 133 ms. s. w. Richmond. Chambersburg, P-t. and st. jus. Franklin co. Pa. situated on both sides of Oonecocheague cr. 82 ms. s. w. Harrisburg. It is a very thriving borough, situated in a fertile limestone region. Pop. 2,783. CHA 8 Chambersburg, p-v. in the e. part of Fountain CO. Ind., by p-r. 66 ms. n. vv. by w. Indianopolis. Champaign, co. O. bndd. by Clarke s., Miami s. w., Slielby n. w., Logan n., Union n. e., and Madison s. e. Lengtla 29, breadtli 16, and area 464 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 39° 58' to 40° 15', and in long, from 6° 52', to 7° w. W. C. Though the extreme sources of Darby's cr. a branch of Sciota r. flows from the estrn. border, and some fountains of crs. flowing into the Great Miami, issue from the wstrd., the great body of this co. slopes sthrd. and is included in the valley of Mad r. Cf.t.Urbana. Pod. 1820, 8,479, 1830, 12,131. Champion, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. 12 ms. e. Watertown, at the Long Falls of Black r. con- tains 26,000 acres, with rich loam and sand ; first settled from Conn. Pop. 2,342. Chami'LAin, a lake lying between Vt. and N. Y. extends from Whitehall, N. Y. a little beyond the Canada line, 140 ms. nearly n. and S., generally narrow and deep, !2 ms. in the wi- dest part. That part of it from Whitehall to Mount Independence, opposite Fort Ticonde- roga, was formerly considered a part of Wood cr. The principal islands are N. and S. Hero, Lamotte, Valcour, and Schuyler's. It is navi- gated by many vessels of 80 and 90 tons, which are generally built to pass the canal ; an active trade is carried on from the numerous towns and villages on the shores. Large and elegant steamboats ply daily between Whitehall and St. John's, Lower Canada, which touch at the prin- cipal places ; and multitudes of travellers for pleasure every season pass this' route. The shores are varied and pleasant, generally cultiva- ted in farms near the water, and rising towards the mtns. which appear in various directions. The principal eminences of the Green mtns. are fine features in the landscape. The outlet of Lake George enters at Ticonderoga, and Chazy, Saranac, Sable and Bouquet rs. w.. Wood cr. s., and Otter, Onion, Lamoille aud Missisque rs. E. The largest bay is South bay, and Cum- berland the principal head land. Ticonderoga and Crown Point, N. Y. at two important bends of the lake, were formerly great fortresses, both used in the French wars, and abandoned at the close of the revolution. Large remains of the works are seen. The lake was discovered 1608, abounds in salmon, trout, sturgeon pick- erel, &c. ; freezes deep for several months, and is usually travelled with land vehicles from Dec. 10th, to March 15th or 20th. Several new villages have recently grown up on the banks, particularly near iron mines, &c. Champlain, p-t. and port of entry, Clinton co. N. Y. 21 ms. N. Plattsburgh, 188 n. Albany, on Lake Champlain. Great Chazy r. aflbrds mill sites at the v. It contains Pointe-au-fer, and has level land on the lake, generally strong loam or clay, bearing apples, pears, plums. Rouse's Point has lately been taken from this town, and added to Canada. Pop. 2,456. Champlain Canal. (See Rail Roads and Canals.) Chanceford, p-v. York co. Pa. 35 ms. s. e. the borough of York, and 30 a little w. of s. from Lancaster. Pop. of the two tsps. of Chance- ford, Upper and Lower, 2,2 13. ) CHA Chancellorsville, p-o. Spottsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 75 ms. Richmond. Chanulersville, t. Somerset co. Me. 39 ms. N. Augusta. Pop. 172. Chapel Hill, p.v. Orange co. N. C. 14 ms. s. Hillsborough, 24 w. Raleigh, and situated on a branch oi Cape Fear r. It is pleasantly located, and surrounded by an elevated and broken country. This is the seat of the University of North Carolina, incorporated 1788, and com. menced 1791. It has a president and 8 in. structors, and (1832-3) 69 undergraduates. There are in the college library 2,000, and in the students', 3,000 volumes. Commencement 4th Tuesday in June. Ceapinville, p-v. Litchfield co. Con. 50 ms. w. Hartford. Chaplin, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 32 ms. e. Hartford, recently formed of a part of Mans- field, Tolland CO. It is divided by Natchaug r., a branch of Shetucket r., and is a hilly, grazing country. Pop. 807. Chapman's Mills, and p-o. Giles co. Va. by p-r. 225 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond. Chapmans, p-v. Union co. Pa., by p-r. 53 ms. N. N. w, Harrisburg. Chapola, r. of Flor. and Ala., rises in Henry CO. of the latter, enters Jackson, of the former by several crs. which uniting, passes under a natural bridge, about 15 ms. within Florida. Issuing thence, it flows about 30 ms. nearly parallel, and from 10 to 20 ms. distant from the Appalachicola r. and is finally merged in Horts lake, after an entire course of 45 ms., in a di- rection s. s. E. by s. " On its margin," says Williams, " is some of the best land in the country." The most extensive settlements are on its wstrn. border, extending from 1 to 5 ms. in width, and SO in length. The soil is a cho- colate colored sandy loam or red clay, supported by limestone. The timber, a mixture of oak, pine, hickory, and dogwood, filled up with cane. Corn, cotton, and sugar are the most important staples. Chardon, p-v. and st. jus. Geauga co. 0. by p-r. 28 ms. n. e. by e. Cleaveland, on Lake Erie, and 157 ms. n. e. Columbus. Population 881. Chariton, r. of Mo. rises about lat. 40° be- tween the vallies of the Ravine des Moines and Grand r. and flowing thence by a general sthrn. course 130 ms. falls into Mo. r. between Howard and Chariton cos. Chariton, co. of Bio. bndd. e. by Randolph, s. e. by Howard, s. by Mo. r. separating it from Sabine co., w. by Grand r., n. boundaries un- certain. Length 32 ms. mean breauth 26, and area 832 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 11' to 39° 40' and in long, from 15° 39' to 16° 16' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the sthrd. with the general courses of Grand and Chariton rs. Cf. t. Chariton. Chariton, p-v. and st. jus. Chariton co. Mo. by p-r. 79 ms. n. vv. from Jefferson co. and 213 ms. n. w. by w. St. Louis. It is on the left bank of Mo. r. at the mouth of Chariton r. Long. 15°48'w. W. C. Charlemont, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 14 ms. w. Greenfield, 107 n. n. w. Boston, is watered by Deerfield r., and contained 3 garrisons. CHA 87 CHA erected 1754, against the French and Indians. Pop. 1,065. Charles r. Mass., rises near R. I. and flows through Norfolk and Middlesex cos., between which it forms part of the boundary, and joins Mystic r. in Boston harbor. Charles, co. of Md. bndd. by Potomac r. s. s. w. and w.. Prince George's n., Swanson cr., Patuxent r., St. Mary's co., and Wernico r. e. Length 30 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 38^ 15' to 38° 40', and in long, from 14' w. to 19' e. W. C. Sur- face broken, and soil of middling quality. Cf. t. Port Tobacco. Pop. 1820, 16,500, 1830, 17,769. Charles City, co. of Va., bndd. by James r., which separates it from Prince George's s., Henrico n. w., Chickahominy r. which sep- arates it from New Kent, n., and again by the latter r. which separates it from James City, e. Length 26 ms. mean breadth 8 and area 208 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 37° 09' to 37° 28' and in long, from 5' e. to 22' w. from W. C. Surface rolling. Pop. 1820, 5,255; 1830, 5,. 500. Charles city, c. h. and p-o. near the centre of the CO. 31 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond. Charleston, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 73 ms. N. E. Augusia. Pop. 859. Charleston, t. Orleans co. Vt. Pop. 564. Charleston, dist. of S. C. bndd. s, w. by Colleton dist., n. w. by Orangeburgh, n. and n. E. by Santae r. which separates it from Sumpter, Williamsburg and Georgetown, and s. e. by the Atlantic. The greatest length along the At- lantic coast 68 miles, and inland at nearly right angles to the coast, 55 ms. Mean breadth about 33, and area 2,244 sq. ms. The surface of this dist. is in great part an innundated plain nearly commensurate with the basin of Ashley and Cooper rs. The part towards the Atlantic presents a net work of interlocking streams and islands. The soil where of sufficient elevation for cultivation is highly productive. Staples — cotton and rice. As a commercial section, Charleston dist. is favorably situated, since beside the harbor of Charleston city, there are many inferior inlets. A canal has been con- structed to unite Cooper r. with the Santee opposite Black Oak island. Lensth 21 ms. em- bracing in lat. from 32° 32' to 38° 28', and in long, from 2° 20' to 3' 32' w. from W. C. Charleston is in itself a considerable physical section. From observations made from 1750 to 1789 inclusive, and from 1791 to 1824 in- clusive, the mean annual temperature of Jie city of Charleston lat. 32° 44' is within an in- considerable fraction of 60° Fahrenheit. This is a temperature higher considerably than that on similar lat. in the valley of the Misp. Cf. t. Charleston. Pop. 1820, 80,212, 1830, 106,706. Charleston, city and s-p. Charleston dist. S. C. situated on the point between Ashley and Cooper rs. 6 ms. from the open Atlantic ocean, 113 ms. s. s. E. Columbia, and by p-r. 539 ms. s. s. w. from W. C, n. lat 32° 44', long, as marked on Tanner's U. S. 3° w. from W. C. The bay formed by Ashley and Cooper rs. is about 2 ms. wide, and extending from city point a little s. of e. There are two entrances, i the deepest of which admits vessels of 16 ft. draught, but the channel coming close upon the s. w. end of Sullivan's Island, gives a safe means of defence, which was reduced to cer- tainty in the revolutionary war, when on June 28th, 1776, a British fleet under Sir Peter Parker was repulsed and shattered by the cannon of Fort Moultrie, a mere stockade battery. On the w. the harbor of Charleston is united to Stono r. by Wappoo cr. and by the channel of Cooper r. and a canal of 2i) ms. it is connected with Santee r. 50 ms. a little w. of n. from the city. Ashley, Cooper and Wando rs. are all navigable for small vessels above the harbor. The whole adjacent country, being a plain, but little elevated above tide vv'ater, the city is liable to occasional inundation from ocean swells. It is nevertheless -a fine commercial mart, well built and prosperous. Every spot in the vicin- ity capable of improvement is decorated with plantations in a high state of cultivation. With- in the city exist all those institutions which mark a wealthy community. The most noted public edifices are the Exchange, City Hall, 6 Banking Houses, a Guard House, an Arsenal, 2 College buildings, academical and medical, a large fire proof building, erected for the greater security of public documents, at an expense of Ji&60,000, Court Flouse, numerous places of public worship, among which are some of the most ancient in the U. S., 2 markets, one of whicli is very extensive, St. Andrew's Hall, an Alms House, an Orphan Asylum, and many other charitable institutions, richly endowed among which are the St. Andrews, South Caro- lina, and the Fellowship societies. The Orphan Asylum, in which 150 children are protected, supported and educated, is an honor to the state. The public Library contains 15 to 20,000 volumes. Charleston college, chartered in 1785 has been recently re-organized (1824) and is now on a very respectable footing. The principal edifice is very commodious, and the buildings, which are within the city, are sur- rounded by spacious grounds, and enclosed by high brick walls. It has lately received a val. uable addition to its philosophical apparatus, and its property is valued at $60,000. It has three departments, scientific, classical and English, and in these are 177 students. These attend the lectures of the Professors of Chemistry, Natural History and Physiology, in the Medical College, which is now extensively patronised. There are 7 instructors in the Academical College, and its library contains about 3,000 volumes. Charleston offers a delightful residence to the planters, who are widely scattered through the surrounding country, many of whom have fine residences in the city. It is one of the gayest cities of the U. S. and its society is ex- cellent. The progressive population of Charles, ton is as follows : in 1790, 16,359 ; 1800, 18,711 ; 1810, white persons, 11,568, slaves and free blacks, 13,143, total 24,711; 1820, whites, 10,- 653, slaves and free blacks, 14,127, total 24,780; 1830, whites, 12,928, slaves and free blacks, 17,361, total 30,289. Charleston, p-v. & st. jus. Jefferson co. Va. 10 ms. s. w. by w. Harper's Ferry and 63 n. w, W.C . CHA Charleston, p-v. Cecil co. Md. 10 ms. s. w. by w. Elkton, and about 60 ms. n. e. Baltimore. Charleston, p-v. and st. jus. Kenhawa co. Va. situated on the right bank of the Great Ken- hawa r. and on the point above the mouth of Elk r. about 50 miles by land above the mouth of Great Kenhawa, and by p-r. 304 n. w. by w. Richmond. Charleston, p-v. and st. jus. Clarke co. Ind. by p-r. 105 ms. s. s. e. from Indianopolis, 14 n. N. w. from Louisville in Ky. It is situated on the bank of Ohio r. Charleston, p-v. and tsp. in the sthrn. part of Portage co. 0. by p-r. 132 ms. n. e. Colum- bus, and 10 s. Ravenna, the co. st. Pop. 475. Charlestown, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. 51 ms. from Concord, 100 from Boston, iK from Wind- sor Vt., E. Conn, r., contains 21,400 acres. Little Sugar r. and 3 isls. are opposite this town in Conn. r. It has various soils, few mill sites, 1500 acres of rich meadow in one place, and in another a ridge of waste land. There are two villages, the s. very pleasant. Here was a fort built, 1743, above 30 ms. in advance of other settlements, and stood a siege and repeated at- tacks, till about 1760. Pop. 1,773. Charlestown, p-t. and port of entry, Middle- sex CO. Mass. 1 m. n. of Boston, with which it is connected by a bridge 1,503 ft. long, and al- so by a branch of Craigie's bridge. Chelsea bridge crosses Mystic r. e. nearly 1 m. on the Salem road, and Maiden bridge, 2,420 ft., leads to Maiden. A bay of Charles r. is w.. Mystic r. E., and a narrow neck connects it with the main land n. The surface is irregular, with two fine eminences. Breed's and Bunker's hills. The v. is large and flourishing, one of the sub- urbs of Boston, with Bunker hill bank, and many other public buildings. It was burnt 1775, by British troops. Soon after the battle of Lex- ington, while a body of American militia were at Copp's hill, in Cambridge, detachments of them were sent to fortify Breed's hill, to prevent the British troops in Boston from occupying it and Charlestown. June 17, 1775, the latter landed and attacked the American redoubt three times, being repulsed twice with great loss. They finally succeeded, and the Americans re- treated ; but the resistance to regular troops was considered as encouraging as a victory, and greatly animated the people. General Warren lost his life, with many others. A granite obelisk, in commemoration of this memorable event, magnificent in design, has been commenced on the battle ground. The state prison of Mass. is in Charlestown, near the r., and has been recently rebuilt, on the Au- burn plan, with 300 cells, and reorganized, at an expense of $86,000. It had in 1831, 290 convicts, in solitary cells at night and meal times. The navy yard of the U. S. in the s. e. part of the t. opposite Boston, is surrounded by a wall enclosing about 60 acres, a marine hos- pital, warehouse, arsenal, powder magazine, and superintendant's house, all brick, with two large wooden houses to shelter frigates and sloops of war on the stocks. The dry dock is the finest in the U. S. ^382,104 were paid for materials and labor before Nov, 1831, and it 88 CHA was supposed that $118,000 more would be re- quired to complete it. Pop. 8,783. Charlestown, t. Washington co. R. I. 40 ms.. s. w. Providence, s. Charles r., n. Atlantic ocean, nearly 7 miles square, 43 sq. ms. inclu- ding 3 fresh, and 2 salt ponds, which open to the sea, part of the year. It has plenty of fish, good m.ill sites, with a rich level tract in the s. and rough land n. It bears maple, ash, nut, birch, white and yellow pine ; corn, rye, barley, oats, &c. There is a remnant of Narraganset Indians in this t. Pop. 1,284. Charlestown. p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. 40 ms. w. N. w. Albany, 10 s. Johnstown on Mo- hawk r. containing 100 sq. ms. is somewhat hil- ly, with rock's which afford quarries. The soil is generally clay or loam. Arieskill and Scho- harie crs. give mill sites. There was once an i Indian tovm at the mouth of Schoharie cr., partly settled before the revolutionary war by Dutch ; and since by New England emigrants. Charlestown, Voorhies, and Currie, are villages. Pop. 2,148. Charlestown, p.v. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 82 ms. E. Harrisburg. Charlotte, t. Washington co. Me. Pop. 557. Charlotte, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt. 10 ms. s. Burlington, 10 n. Vergermes, 48 Montpelier, e. Lake Champlain. First settled 1776, is pleas- antly situated, and is watered by Piatt r. and Lewis cr. Pine and hemlock grow e. ; hard wood on a good soil w. ; favorable to fruit. There are some high hills. A ferry to Essex, N. Y. Pop. 1,702. Charlotte, or Port Genesee, p-v. and port of entry, Genesee, Monroe co. N. Y. at the mouth of Genesee r. Charlotte, t. Chatauque co. N. Y. Pop. 886. Charlotte, co. of Va. bndd. n. w. by Camp- bell, N. by Prince Edward, e. by Lunenburg, s. E. by Mecklenburg, and s. and s. w. by Stanton or Roanoke r. which separates it from Halifax. Length 33, mean breadth 18, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending from lat 36° 41', to 37° 16' and in long, from 1° 33' to 2° 05' w. from W. C. The slope of Charlotte co. is to the sthrd. towards the Roanoke. It is in great part drain- ed by Little Roanoke and Cub crs. Soil gene- rally good and productive in grain, fruits, tobacco, &c. Cf. t. Marysville. Pop. 1820, 13,290, in 1830, 15,252. Charlotte, p-v. and st. jus. Mecklenburg co. N. C. by p-r. 157 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Charlotte, p-v. and st. jus. Dickson co. Tenn. 36 ms. w. Nashville. Charlotte, r. bay, and harbor, west coast of Florida. The r. rises in the interior plains or swamps, and flowing westward enters the east- ern part of a deep and safe bay, sheltered on the side next the Gulf of Mexico, by a chain of islands or reefs. The adjacent country is low, sandy, marshy, and also sterile. The centre of the bay is about lat. 26° 45' and 5° 20' w. W. C. Charlotte Hall, p.v. near the northern ex. tremity of St. Mary's co. Md. 17 or 18 ms. a little s. of e. from Port Tobacco. Charlottesville, p-v. and st. jus. for Alber- marle co. Va. and also the seat of the central college or university of Virginia. Situated on the right bank of Rivanna r. and near the north- CHA 8 western foot of South West mountain, by p-r. 123 ms. s. w. from W. C. and 81 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 03', long. 1° 35' w. W. C. The university of Virginia, was organized in 1825, and in 1833, had 152 students, a library, containing 8000 vols, and a small observatory for the use of the students. This institution owes its origin to Thomas Jefferson, and was founded in 1819. It was erected by the state, at a cost of about $400,000, and it now pays an annuity of $15,000 for its support. The library is very valuable, and was purchased in Europe, from a catalogue prepared by Mr. Jefferson, There are no indigent students sup- ported by the University. Beside the academi- cal course, there is a law and medical school connected with the institution, which has 9 instructers. Pop. 1830, not given in the tabular returns of the census ; supposed about 1000. The arable surface on which this town is loca- ted, is elevated from 500 to 700 ft. above the Atlantic tides, and the vicinity is regarded as salubrious. Charlton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 15 ms. s. w. Worcester, 60 s. w. Boston. A farming town, with hard, rough, but strong soil, desti- tute of large streams, but well watered. Pop. 2,173. Charlton, p-t. Saragota co. N. Y. ms. 25 n. w. Albany, 8 s. w. Ballston Spa. agreeably varied, with a gentle descent s. to Mohawk r. Eel Place creek furnishes mill sites. Farming prevails. Pop. 2,023. Chartiers cr. or small r. of Washington and Alleghany cos. Pa. rises by numerous branches in the vicinity of the borough of Washington, and flowing thence a course a little e. of n. about 30 ms. falls into Ohio r. 4 ms. below Pitts- burg. At high water it is navigable for down stream vessels from its main fork 2 ms. below Cannonsburg ; and the country it drains is remarkable for fertility of soil, and for immense strata of bituminous coal. Chatauque, lake, Chatauque co. N. Y. 16 ms. long, 1 to 4 wide, is on high land, with good grazing banks, producing grain in some parts. Mayville, the co. t. on its margin is n. w. 8 ms. from Portland, on Lake Erie. Chatauque, r. Chatauque co. N. Y. flows from Chatauque lake into Conewango cr., a branch of Alleghany r. Chatauque cr., Chatauque co. N. Y. runs 15 ms. from the ridge, through a deep ravine, into Lake Erie. Chatauque co. N. Y. the s. w. co. of the state, 360 ms. w. Albany, 60 s. w. Buffalo, bounded by Lake Erie n., Cattaraugus co. e.. Pa. s. and w. ; contains 659,280 acres, and 22 tsps. It is high land, with streams running into the lake, which in this co. flows through Cas- daga cr. into Conewango, and thence into the Alleghany r. (at Warren, Pa.) which empties into the Mississippi; thus a boat navigation is opened from within 6 or 8 ms. of Lake Erie to the Gulf of Mexico, and rafts go down every year. From 3 to 10 ms. from Lake Erie is a ridge 800 or 1200 ft. high, being a loam on clay, or mica slate, bearing nut, oak, maple, birch, &c. and makiag good farms. On Lake Erie is a rich alluvion, from 1 to 4 ms. wide. CMA The CO. is exposed to cold and damp winds, late springs, and cold winters ; but is healthful. Bog iron ore is found, and fruit trees flourish. Mayville, the co. t. is 164 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1820, 12,568, 1830, 34,057. Chatauque, t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 60 ms. s. w. Buffalo, 357 w. Albany. Pop. 2,432. Chateaugay, r. rises in Franklin co. N. Y. flows into Canada and joins St. Lawrence r. a little w. Montreal. Chateaugay, p-t. Franklin co. N. Y. 12 ms. E. N. e. Malone, 10 ms. wide, by 40 long, has a sandy loam, bearing beech, maple, bass, hem- lock, pine, &c. Chatauque r. on which are the High falls and many ponds s. abound in trout. Part of the iron dist. is in the s. part. Pop. 2,432, Chatham, bay, a general name for that part of the coast of Florida extending n. n. w. 60 ms. from Cape Sable to Cape Romans, or to the mouth of Gallivans r. between lat. 25° and 26° N., and long. W. C. 4° 12' to 4° 45' w. The Florida coast opposite this sheet of water is generally low with shallows along shore. Chatham, t. Stafford co. N. H. on e. side of White mtns., w. Maine boundary, contains 26,000 acres. It is mountainous and rocky, with ponds and streams. Carter's mtn. w. cuts off direct communication with Adams. Pop. 419. Chatham, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass. 20 ms.E, Barnstable, at s. e. point Cape Cod, is surround- ed by water, except n. w. where it touches Har- wick ; has a good harbor s., outside of which is a long beach, a moveable sandy soil, without trees, with some salt marshes. Long. 69° 50' w., lat. 41° 42' N. Pop. 2,130. Chatham, t. Middlesex co. Conn, opposite Middletown, 16 ms. s. Hartford, e. Conn, r,, about 6 ms. by 9, 56 sq. ms., is hilly, being crossed by the granite range, but has some very good farms. Extensive quarries of freestone are wrought on the shore of Conn. r. and sloops are loaded there, which supply the city of N. York with the best stone of the kind, and trans- port it also to many other places. A cobalt mine has been wrought on Rattlesnake hill, at differ- ent times, but it is not rich enough to bear the expense. At Middle Haddam v. is a good land, ing for river vessels. Opposite Chatham, Conn, r. turns e. through the narrows, where the ice often stops in the spring, and causes considera. ble freshets in the r. Pop. 3,646. Chatham, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. 18 ms. n. E. Hudson, 18 s. e. Albany, has different soils, with good farms, slaty hills, with tracts of allu- vion ; it is supplied with mill sites by Lebanon cr. Klein kill, &c. It has several villages, New Britain, New Concord, &c. Pop. 3,538. Chatham, p-t. and vil. Morris co. N. J. 13 ms, N. w. Elizabethtown, 7 s. e. Morristown, on Pas- saic r. Pop. 1,874. Chatham, p-v. Chester co. Pa. 16 ms. s. w. West Chester, and 40 ms. s. w. by w, Phila- delphia. Chatham, co. of N. C. bndd. s. by Moore, w, by Randolph, n. by Orange, e. by Wayne, and s. E. by Cumberland. It is an oblong of 33 ms, e. and w. and 26 n. and s., area 858 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 35° 30' to 35° 53' and in long, from 1° 55' to 2° 40' w. W. C. Haw and Deep rs. unite near its s. e. angle, to form Cape CHA 90 CHE Fear r. General slope, s. e. Cf. t. Pittsboro'. Pop. 1820, 12,661, in 1830, 15,405. Chatham, co. of Geo, bndd. by Ogeechee r. which separates it from Bryan s. w., by Effing- ham CO. N. w., by Savannah r. separating it from Beaufort dist. in S. C. n. e., and by the Atlantic s. e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 27 ms. breadth 15 ms., and area 405 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 3l° ,50' to 32° 13' and in long. 3° 56' to 4° 26' w. W. C. The very slight declivity of this CO. is s, E, towards the Atlantic, The surface is level, and but slightly elevated above the At- lantic tides. Staples, rice, cotton and sugar, Cf. t. Savannah, Pop, 14,230, Chatico, p-v, on a small creek cf Wicomico r., St, Mary's co, Md, by p-r. 53 ms. s. s. e. W. C. and 64 a little w. of s. from Annapolis. Chattahoochee, r. of Geo., Ala. andFlor. the western and main constituent of Appalachicola r. rises on the high tabic land of the Appalach- ian system, with sources issuing from Blue Ridge, and either interlocking with, or nearly approaching those of Savannah, Tennessee, Pieper, Hiwassee and Coosa, The higher Chat. tahoochee is formed by two branches, Chestatee and Chattahoochee proper. Both branches rise in Habersham, and unite on the western border of Hall CO. Geo. having flowed in a sthrn. di- rection about an equal distance, 45 ms. Thence known as Chattahoochee, the r. assumes a southwestern course of 140 ms. in Geo. to Mil- ler's Bend, where it becomes a boundary be- tween Geo. and Ala. Below Miller's Bend, with partial windings, the general course is 150 ms. very nearly due s. to its union with Flint, to form Appalachicola r. About 20 ms. of the lower part of its course, Chattahoochee sepa- rates Flor. from Geo. It is very remarkable that in a comparative distance o{ 280 ms. from the junction of Chestatee and Chattahoochee, to the mouth of Flint, no tributary stream enters she main recipient above the size of a large rf^reek, and the valley at its widest part does ■not exceed 50 ms., and the whole, fully estima- ted a4; a mean breadth of 35 ms. Entire length of this vale 325 ms. The higher part of the val- ley of Chattahoochee lies between those of Coosa to the n. w. and Oconee and Ocmulgee to the s. E. It thence, for about 130 ms. inter- venes between the vallies of Flint and Talla- poosa, and the lower section between those of Flint and Choctaw rs. (See Appalachicola r.) Chatoga, r. the extreme highest constituent of Savannah r. rises in the southern vallies of Blue Ridge, and in Macon co. N. C, Issuing thence by a course a little w. of s, and travers- ing lat. 35°, in a distance of 25 ms. separates Pickens dist. S. C. from Rabun co. Geo. to its union with Turoree r. and forms Tugaloo r. This small stream has its sources opposite to those of Tennessee proper, and Hiwassee. Chaumont, p-v. Lyme, JeflFersonco. N. Y. 10 ms. from Brownville, at the head of Chaumont bay, caries on a valuable fishery of white fish and siscoes. Chautauque, (See Chatavque.) Chazy, p-t. Clinton co. N. Y. 175 ms. n. w. Al- bany, 12 N. Plattsburgh, s. and w. lake Cham- plain, is watered by Little Chazy r. It has good land in some parts. The village is 15 ms. N. Plattsburgh. The landing on lake Cham- plain is 1 m. s. Little Chazy r., 3 ms. e. of the village. Pop. 3,097. Chazy, r. Franklin and Clinton cos. N. Y. about 50 ms. long, and a good mill stream, en- ters lake Champlain, near Portau Fer. Chazy, (Little), r. Clinton co. N. Y, 1^ ma. s. Chazy r. 18 ms. long, is a good mill stream. Cheat, r. of Va. rising on the border between Randolph and Pocahontas cos. interlocks with Elk and Green Brier branches of Great Kenha- wa, and after uniting with the south branch of Potomac, flows thence by a general northern course 70 ms. over Randolph into Preston co., inflecting in the latter co. to n. n. w. 40 ms. to its junction with the Monongahela, at the south- western angle of Fayette co. Pa. The valley of Cheat lies between those of the Monongahela on the w., Potomac e., and Youghioughany n. e. Length about 100, mean breadth not exceeding l8, area 1600 sq. ms. Cheboigon, r. (pronounced according to French orthography, Sheboigon,) a stream of the nthrn. part of the peninsula of Michigan, rising interlocking sources with Sandy and Ot. tawas rs. at n. lat. 44° 35', and 7 w. long. W. C. Flowing thence n. n. w. by comparative courses 70 ms. falls into the northwestern part of Lake Huron, and about 30 ms. s. e. Fort Michili- macinak. — Another small r. of the same name rises esthrd. from Lake Winnebago, and flow- ing N. E. by E. 40 ms. falls into lake Mich, about 55 ms. s. s. e. Fort Howard. Cheek's Cross Roads, and p-o. Hawkins co. Ten. by p-r. 212 ms. estrd. Nashville. Cheeksville, p-o. e. part Marion co. Ten. by p-r. 124 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Chegoimegon, (pronounced Shegoimegon,) bay, point, and r. of Huron. Estrd. from the mouth of St. Louis r. the sthrn. shore of Lake Superior, projects gradually into the lake, form- ing along point or headland, called Detour (the Turn), the utmost salient angle of which is very near n. lat. 47, and 60 ms. n. e. by e. from the bottom of Fond du Lac, or the mouth of St. Louis r. On the estrn. side the shore of the De- tour extends a little w. of s. 30 ms. terminating in Chegoimegon Bay. This bay is again nearly landlocked on the estrn. side by Chegoimegon Point. The Chegoimegon Point, according to Tanner, is at n. lat. 46° 44', long w. of W. C. 14° 10'. Into the bottom of the bay flows a small r. of the same name. Chelmsford, p-t. Middlesex co, Mass. 27 ms. N. Boston, s. Merrimack r. formerly contained the present town of Lowell. Pop. 1,387. Chelsea, p-t. and st. jus. Orange co. Vt. 20 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 20 s. w. Newbury, 36 sq. ms., first settled 1783; it is watered by the 1st branch of While r., &c., has an uneven surface, but a warm and fertile soil. Pop. 1,958. Chelsea, t. Suffolk co. Mass. 3 ms. n. e. Bos. ton, to which Winnesemit ferry crosses, was in- corporated 1638. It is n. of Boston harbor, w. of Lynn bay; a strip of land 100 rods wide, stretches 3^ ms. to Reading. A granite hos- pital was built here in 1827, looking on Boston harbor. With Boston it forms Suffolk co. but has no vote nor expense in co. business. Pop. 770. CHE 91 CHE Chelsea, p-v. Cataraugus co. N. Y. 260 ms. w. Albany. Chelsea Landing, p-v. Norwich, Conn. (See Norwich.) Chemung, r. or Tioga, in Steuben and Tioga COS. N. Y. a large w. branch of Alleghany r. Chemung, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 198 ms. s. s. w. Albany ; 9 e. Elmira, n. Pennsylvania, is crossed by Tioga or Chemung r. with Cayuta or. on E. side, and has other mill streams. It is hilly, with fine alluvion on Tioga cr., and is gravelly on the hills, bearing yellow pine and some hemlock, oak, beech and maple. The narrows of Chemung r. are wild and singular. Pop. 1,462. Chenango, r. N. Y. rises in Madison and Oneida cos. near the head waters of Oneida, Oriskany and Sadaquada crs., crosses Chemung CO. s. s. w., and Broome co., and joins Susque- hannah r. at Binghampton ; it is 90 ms. long, with many useful branches. Chenango, r. of Crawford and Mercer cos. Pa. {See Chenango.) Chenango, co. N. Y. bounded by Madison CO. N., Otsego and Deleware e., Broome co. s. and Broome and Cortland w. ; 35 and 28 ms. are its greatest dimensions ; 780 sq. ms. and it con- tains 19 townships, of which Norwich is the st. jus. It is watered by streams of Susquehannah r. as, Chenango, Unadilla, Otselic crs. &c. and is high, hilly, v/ith various soils, generally good for farms. Settled principally from New Eng- land. Pop. 1820, 31,2 15 ; 1830, 37,238. Chenango, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. 80 ms. n. w. Pittsburg. Chenango, p-t. Broome co. N. Y. 148 ms. w. s. w. Albany, 40 s. w. Norwich, on the Sus- quehannah and Chenango rs. At the junction of these two streams is Chenango point, or Binghampton, the st. jus. of the co. a very flour- ishing village. Pop. 3,730. Chenango Forks, p-v. Lisle, Broom co. N. Y. at the union of Chenango and Tioughnioga rivers. Che^eyville, p-v. on Bayou Boeuf, s. e. part of Rapide parish. La. by p-r. 32 ms. s. s. e. from Alexandria, st. jus. for the parish. Chenoweth's p-o. wstrn. part of Darke co. O. by p-r. 113 ms. n. of w. Columbus. Chepacket, p-v. Providence co. R. I. 16 ms. from Providence. A flourishing village on the river of its name. Cheraw, p-v. in the n. e. part of Chesterfield dist. S. C. on the right bank of Great Pedee r. by p-r. 88 ms. n. e. by e. Columbia. Cherokee, new co. Geo. lying on Etowah r. to the w. of Gwinnett, and n. w. of De Kalb cos. including the Old Sixes gold mines. Outlines uncertain. Cherokee Corner, p-v. Oglethorpe co. Geo. by p-r. 77 ms. a little e. of n. Milledgeville, and 611 ms. s. w. W. C. Cherokees, or Chelokees, nation of Indians, inhabiting a part of northwestern Geo., north- eastern Ala., southeastern Ten., and the extreme western angle of N. C. " In 1809, by an enumeration made by the agent, the population of this people amounted to 13,319, of which were Cherokees, one half of whom were mixed, 12,395 ; negro slaves, 583 ; whites resident, 341. The following document was published in the National Intelligencer of Aug. 14, 1830, and is literally copied, if we ex- cept a difl^erent arrangement of the items in the enumeration of the population. " A statistical table exhibiting the population of the Cherokee Nation, as enumerated in 1824, agreeably to a resolution of the legislative coun. cil ; also of property, &c. Males 6,883 " under '8 years of age . 3054 " from 18 to 59 . • 3027 " over 59 ... 352 Females ..... " under 15 years of age . 3010 " from 15 to 40 • - 3M3 " over 40 .... 782 Add for those who have since removed into the nation from North Carolina, who were living in thai state on re- servations, ..... „ S Males, 610 Negroes, p^^^lgg^ 667 6,900 500 1,277 - 38 Black cattle - 23,531 s 314 Swine - 46,732 - 36 Sheep - 2,566 - 13 Goats - 432 - 762 Blacksmith shops 63 - 2486 Stores 9 - 193 Tan yards 2 - 2923 Powder mill 1 - 7683 Total population .... 15,560 There are 147 white men married to Chero- kee women, and 68 Cherokee men married to white women. Schools Scliolars of both sexe Gristmills Saw mills Looms Spinning wheels Wagons Ploughs Horses Besides many other items not enumerated ; and there are several public roads and ferries, and turnpikes in the nation." — From a Speech of Mr. Everett, on the bill for removing the In- dians from the e. to the w. side of the Missis- sippi, H. of R. 19lh of May, 1830. A discrepancy appears above, on footing the sums attached to the ages of the male and fe- male population, and comparing the amount with the sums total of each, as stated collective- ly. The latter are presumed to be correct. By some still more recent document, it appears that the population of the Cherokee nation is on the increase. That part of this people who re- side in Geo., have been made subject to the laws of Geo. by a statute of that state. Cherry, p-o. Lycoming co. Pa. 113 ms.nthrd. Harrisburg. Cherry Creek, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y.320 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 574. Cherryfield, t. Washington co. Me. 30 ms. w. Machias, e. Hancock co., is crossed byNar- raguagus r. Pop. 583. Cherry Ridge, p-o. Wayne co. Pa. by p-r. 165 ms. N. e. Harrisburg. Cherry Tree, p-o. Venango co. Pa. by p-r. 244 ms. N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Cherry Valley, p-v. and tsp. in the e. part Ashtabula co. O. The p-o. is by p-r. 5 ms. from Jefferson the st. jus. for the co. and 192 n. e, Columbus. Pop. tsp. 219. Cherry Valley, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 53 ms. w. Albany, 14 ms. n. e. Cooperstown, is high and hilly ; gives rise to Canajoharrie cr. of Mohawk r.. Cherry Valley cr. and of Unadilla CHE 92 CHE r. which runs into Susquehannah r. Mill sites are numerous. Rich alluvion abounds in the valleys, and the great number of wild cherry trees gave name to the town. Pop. 4,098. The village is situated in a valley, has an academy, and an important position on 3 turnpikes, 13 ms. s. w. Schoharie ; marble is quarried here. The village was destroyed by the French and In- dians, Nov. 1758. Chesapeake bay, a deep gulf opening from the Atlantic ocean, between Capes Henry and Charles, lat. 37° and long. 1° e. W. C, inter- secting in the mouth of the bay, near midway between the capes, which are about 15 ms. asunder. The mouth of this fine sheet of wa- ter extends wstrd. 20 ms. to the mouth of James r. Curving rapidly above the influx of James r. the Chesapeake extends almost directly n. over one degree of lat. with a mean breadth of 20 ms. having received from the wstrd. James, York, Rappahannoc, and Potomac rs., and from the opposite side, Pocomoke, andNantikoke rs. Widened by the union of so many confluents, the Chesapeake is upwards of 40 ms. wide from the mouth of the Potomac to that of Pocomoke, and about 35 from the most sthrn. capes of the Potomac to the influx of the Nantikoke r. Above the entrance of the two latter streams, the main bay narrows to a mean width of about 10 ms. and at some places under 5 ms., but with an elliptic curve to the wstrd. 115 ms. to its termination at the mouth of Susquehannah r., having received from the wstrd. above the Po- tomac, the Patuxent, Patapsco, Gunpowder and Bash rs., and from the estrd. Nantikoke, Chop- tank, St. Michaels, Chester, Sassafras, and Elk rs. The entire length of Chesapeake bay is 185 ms. ; and it may be doubted whether any other bay of the earth is, in proportion to ex- tent, so much diversified by confluent streams as is the Chesapeake. In strictness of geo- graphical language, it is, however, only a con- tinuation of Susquehannah r. of which primary stream all the other confluents of Chesapeake are branches. In the main bay the depth of water continues sufficient for the navigation of the largest ships of war to near the mouth of the Susquehannah ; and in Potomac that depth is preserved to Alexandria. In the other tri- butary rs. large vessels are arrested before reaching the head of tide water. If taken in its utmost extent, including the Susquehannah val- ley, the Chesapeake basin forms a great physi- cal limit ; to the s. w. with few exceptions, the rivers, bays and sounds are shallow, and com. paratively unnavigable ; but with the Chesa. peake commences deep harbors, which follow at no great distance from each other, to the ut- most limits of the Atlantic coast of the U. S. The entire surface drained into this immense reservoir amounts to near 70,000 sq. ms. Chesapeake peninsula. This article is intro- duced in order to give a general description of a natural section of the United States, the pe culiar features of which are lost or confused, in most of our geographieal works, amongst the political subdivisions which have been drawn upon its surface. This physical section is bndd. by the Atlantic ocean s. e., by Chesapeake bay IV., by Delaware bay n. e., and united to the main continent by an isthmus, now traversed by the Chesapeake and Delaware canal n. The latter work has in fact insulated the peninsula, and given it water boundaries on all sides. Thus restricted, the Delaware peninsula ex- tends from Cape Charles lat. 37° 08', to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal at lat 39° 32'. Greatest length very nearly in a direction n» and s. 182 ms. The general form is that of an elongated ellipse, which, in component material, features, and elevation, differs in nothing essen- tial from other Atlantic islands scattered along the coast of the United States. Chesapeake Bay is itself divided between Virginia and Ma- ryland ; the shores on both sides s. of the Po- tomac and Pocomoke rs. belonging to the for- mer, and to the nthwd. to the latter state. The sthrn. part of the peninsula is entirely in Vir- ginia and is a long narrow promontory 70 ms. by 8 to 10 ms. wide. Above Pocomoke bay the peninsula widens, and after an intermediate distance of 33 ms. is equally divided between the states of Maryland and Delaware. In the widest part, between Cape Henlopen, Sussex CO. Delaware, and the wstrn. part of Talbot, Md. the width is 70 ms. ; but narrowing towards both extremes, the mean breadth is about 27 ; area 4900 sq. ms. The surface is generally level or very gently undulating. The ocean and Chesa- peake shores are strongly contrasted. Along the former, are narrow and low islands, with shallow sounds, and with no stream issuing from the land of any consequence. The oppo- site shore or Chesapeake is in an especial man- ner indented by innumerable bays, and com- pared with the confined width of the peninsula, rivers of great magnitude of volume. The- character of the Atlantic shore is extended along the Delaware bay, and entirely round the peninsula; much of the soil is liable to diurnal or occasional submersion from the tides. The general slope is s. wstrd. as demonstrated by the course of the rs. Pocomoke, Nantikoke, Choptank, Chester, Sassafras, and Elk. Poli. tically it contains all Sussex, Kent, and more than one half of New Castle cos. Del. ; all Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot, Car- oline, Queen Ann, and Kent, and one third of Cecil COS. Md., with all Accomac, and North- ampton cos. Va. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. {See art^ Rail Ronds ond Canals.) Chesapeake, p-v. in the s. part of Cecil co. Md. on Chesapeake bay, immediately below the mouth of Elk r. by p-r. 35 ms. n. e. by e. Baltimore. Cheshire co.N. H. the wstrn. co. of the state,. bndd. by Grafton co. n., Hillsborough e., Mass. s., and Vt. w., 26 by 54 ; 1,254 sq. ms., has Connecticut r. w. It contains 37 towns ; Suna- pee, Spaffbrd, Ashauelot and Sugar rivers ;, Grand Monadnock, above 3,000 feet, Craydon and Grantham mts. Bellows Falls, on Coimec- ticut r. are in this co. There is much good meadow land. Cf. ts. Keene and Charlestown.. Pop. 1820, 26,753, 1830, 27,016. Cheshire, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 130 ms. w. Boston, is crossed by a branch of the Hoo, sick r. There are glass manufactories here. Pop. 1,050. CHE 93 Cheshire, p-t. New Haven co. Conn. 13 ras. N. Wew Haven, 6 ms. by 7, 40 sq. ms., is wa- tered by Qainipiack r. and a branch. Here is the Episcopal Academy of Conn. It has a fund of ,$25,000, a brick edifice and small library. It is under the direction of a principal and pro- fessor of languages. The soil is uneven, with gravelly loam, bearing chesnut, oak, walnut, &c. The Farmington canal passes through. Pop. 1,780. Cheshire, p-v. and tsp. Galia co. 0. by p-r. 106 ms. s. s. E. Columbus. Pop. of the tsp. 664. Chesnut Grove, p-o. in the s. part of Pittsyl- vania CO. Va. by p-r. 13 ms. southwardly from Competition, the st. jus. for the co., 180 s. w. by w. Richmond. Chesnut Hill, (now Shafer's) p-o. North- ampton CO. Pa. by p-r. 20 ms. n. Easton. Chesnut Hill, p-o. Phila. co. Pa. 8 ms. n. Phila. CjiESNUT Hill, p-o. Orange co. Va. by p-r. 88 ms. N. w. Richmond. Chesnut Hill, p-v. Hall co. Geo. by p-r. 113 ms. northward Milledgeville. Chesnut Level, p-o. in the e. part of Lancas- ter CO. Pa. by p r. 51 ms. s. e. by e. Harrisburg. Chesnut Ridge, p-o. Stokes co. N. C. by p-r. 152 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Chesnut Ridge, local name given to that part of the western prominent chain of the Appa- lachian mountains, between Kiskiminitas and Youghioughany rs., and in Westmoreland and Fayette cos. Pa. Chester, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. on the Merrimack r. 23 ms. s. e. Concord, 17 Exeter, is crossed by a branch of Exeter r. and con- tains Massabesick ponds, fine meadows, and 2 caverns. One of these is in Mine hill ; the entrance is about 5 ft. high, and 2^ wide, and it extends about 80 ft., is of a very irregular form, and its height and breadth varying from 2 to 12 ft. The other is in Rattlesnake hill, in a ledge of granite, has two entrances, the lar- gest 11 ft. high and 4 broad, increasing gradu- ally till, 15 ft. from the entrance, its height is 8 ft. and width from 6 to 12 ft. Hence, turning to the right, towards the other entrance, (which is about 7 ft. high, and 7 wide,) the interior width varies from 6 to 12 ft. and its height is 8 ft. ; whole length about 35 ft. Black lead is found in this town in considerable quantities, which is of good quality. The rocks are granite gneiss. Pop. 2.028. Chester, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 16 ms. s. w. Windsor, has a good soil with hills and vallies, and three streams here form Williams r. An academy. Pop. 2,320. Chester, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 20 ms. n. w. Springfield, 120 ms. w. Boston, n. w. West- field r., is crossed by two of its streams. Pop. 1,407. Chester, p-v. Saybrook, Middlesex co. Conn, has great water power, and some manulacto- riesnear Conn. r. Chester, p-v. Goshen, Warren co. N. Y. 21 ms. N. w. Caldwell. Pop. 1,284. Chester, p-t. Morris co. N. J. It is crossed by Black r. The vil. is 12 ms. w. Morristown. Pop. 1,338, Chester, t, Burlington co. N. J. lies s. e. 13 CHE Delaware r. and has Rankokus or. n. and Pen. saukin cr. s. Pop. 2,333. Chester, co. Pa. bndd. by Lancaster co. w., Berks n. w., Schuylkill r. which separates it from Montgomery n. e., Delaware co. e., New- castle CO. in the state of Delaware s. e., and Ce- cil CO. Md. s. Length from s. w. to n. e. 44 ms. ; mean breadth 18 and area 792 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 39° 42', to 40° 15', and in ' long, fi-om 0° 55' to 1° 40' e. W. C. Surface very diversified ; the eastern part rolling, rath- er than hilly, and in some places level ; but the central and western part hilly, and in many places even mountainous. The soil is greatly varied from rocky and sterile to highly fertile. The general slope is to the s. e. The largest stream originating in this co. is the Brandy- wine, which rising on the border between Lan- caster and Chester cos. crosses the latter from N. w. to s. E. The extreme northern part is drained into Schuylkill r. by French creek, and from the opposite extreme issue the fountains of Elk river flowing southwardly into Chesapeake Bay. Immense strata of fine marble exist in Chester. It is one of the best and most skil- fully cultivated cos. in the U. S. and its staples are numerous and valuable. The difference of level between the extreme n. and s. about equivalent to a degree of lat. This co. is now traversed by a fine rail road, uniting the Schuyl- kill and Susquehannah rs. Cf. t. West Chester. Pop. 1820, 44,455, 1833, 50,910. Chester, borough, p-t. and st. jus. Delaware CO. Pa. situated on the right bank of Delaware river, 15 ms. s. w. from Phila. and by p-r. 121 ms. N. E. from W. C, lat. 39° 50', long. 1° 42' E. W. C. This borough has in great part re- covered from the ravages of a destructive fire, which a few years since destroyed a number of the best buildings. Pop. 1820, 657, 1830, 847, showing an increase of 44 per cent, in ten years. Chester, r. of Del. and Md. rises in Kentco. of the former, from which it flows westrd. into the latter state, within which it separates Queen Ann from Kent co. The upper part of the course of this stream is very circuitous, and lower down spreading into a large bay, is navi- gated by small vessels to Chestertown 30 ras. above its mouth, into Chesapeake bay. The valley of Chester river lies between those of Sassafras and Choptank. Chester, dist. S. C. bndd. by Broad r. which separates it from Union on the w., York dist. N., Catawba, r. which separates it from Lancas. ter E., and by Fairfield dist. s. Length from e. to w. 3P, breadth n. and s. 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 31' to 34° 50', and in long, from 3° 52' to 4° 32' w. W. C. Surface pleasantly broken by hill and dale. Cf. t. Chester. Pop. 1820, 14,389, 1830, 17,182. Chester, p-v. and st. jus. Chester dist. S. C. near the centre of the dist. 448 ms. s. w. W. C. 56 a little w. of n. Columbia, and aboi^t 80 ms. wstrd. from Sneadsboro, in N. C. lat. 34° 42', and long. 4" 12' w. W. C. Chester, p-v. and st. jus. Meigs co. 0. by p-r. 343 ms. w. W. C. and 94 ms. s. e. Co.. lumbus. It is on Shade cr. in the n. e. part 6f the CO. Pop. 164. CHE 94 CHI Chester Cross Roads, and p-o. in the e. part of Geauga co. 0. by p-r. 11 ms. e. Chardon, the St. jus. and 157 ms. n. e. Columbus. Chesterfield, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. on Connecticut r. opposite Brattleborough. Lat. 42° 53'. From Keene 1 1 ms.. Concord 65, Bos- ton 90. First settled 1761, generally hilly and uneven, has much good upland, well adapted for grazing and production of Indian corn. Chief articles for the market are beef, pork, butter and cheese. Contains Cat's bane brook, fur- nishing many mill^seats, and Spafford's lake, a beautiful sheet of' wator, covering 526 acres; the lake enclosing an island of about 6 acres, forming a delightful retreat for the students of the academy in the summer. From its e. side, issues Partridge's brook, sufficient to carry saw mills, &c., a factory with 800 spindles and 40 water looms. A Congregational society found. ed in Chesterfield, 1771, Baptist 1819, Univer- salist 1818. It has a flourishing academy. Pop. 2,045. Chesterfield, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. on the E. Green mtn. ridge, 12 ms. w. Northam.p- ton, high and finely watered by a branch of Westfield river, produces good crops of grass and corn. The beryl is found here, and the emerald, weighing from an ounce to 6 lbs. a hexangular prism, sometimes 12 inches in di- ameter. The town contains a Congregational and Baptist society. Pop. I,4l6. Chesterfield, p-t. Essex co. N. Y. on Lake Champlain, opposite Burlington, has 9 ms. of lake shore ; extends about 10 ms. e. to vv. mountainous in some part ; level along the lake ; fertile ; soil, a sandy loam, mingled with clay. Its lumber trade is considerable. Contains sev- eral small ponds discharging mill streams. Principal r. Sandy or Sable, here exhibiting Ad- gate's Falls, a curiosity worthy the attention of travellers. Fall, 80 feet into a narrow channel walled on each side by perpendicular rock 100 feet high. This channel, a mile in length, evi. dently worn by the water. A cavern, in the town, furnishes a natural self-sloring perennial ice house. Chesterfield abounds in iron ore. Contains a Congregational and Methodist soci- ety. Pop. 1,671. Chesterfield, t. Burlington co. N. J. be. tween Crosswick's and Black crs. Pop. 2,386. Chesterfield, p-o. (See Massena.) Chesterfield, co. of Va. bndd. by Powhatan N. w., James r. separating it from Henrico n., by a bend of James, separating it from Charles City CO. E., Appomattox r. separating it from Prince George s. e., Dinwiddle s., and Amelia s. w. Extreme length from the junction of James and Appomattox rs. to the western angle 38 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 456 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 10', to 37° 31', and long. 0° 22' to ]° 5' w. W. C. Surface rather broken. Cf. t. Man- chester. Pop. 1820, 18,003, 1830, 18,637. Chesterfield, c. h., and p-o. Chesterfield co. Va. by p-r. 14 ms. s. s. w. Richmond, lat. 37° 19', long. 0° 43' w. W. C. Chesterfield, dist. of S. C. bndd. n. e. and K. by Great Pedee r. separating it from Marlbo- rough dist., s. e. and s. by Darlington dist., s. w. by Lynche's cr., separating it from Kershaw, n. w. by Lynche's cr., separating it from Lancas. ter, and n. by Anson co. N. C. Length 30» mean breadth 25, and area 750 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 34° 22' to 34° 48', and long, from 2° 53' to 3° 40', w. W. C. The slope of this dist. is s. s. e. ; central parts drained by Black or., flowing into Gieat Pedee. Cf. t., Chesterfield. Pop. 1820, 6,645, 1830, 8,472. Chesterfield, p-v. and st. jus. Chesterfield dist. S. C. by p-r. 426 ms. s. s. w. W. C, 102 N. E. Columbia, lat. 34° 51', long. 3° 07' w. W. C. Chester Springs, and p-o. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 76 ms. e. Harrisburg. Chestertown, s-p., p-v. and st. jus. Kent co. Md. situated on the right bank of Chester r. by p-r. 82 ms. northeastward from W. C. and about 30, a little s. of e. from Baltimore. Lat. 39° 13', long. 0° 58' E. W. C. Pop. about 800. Chesterville, p-o. Kennebec co. Me. 28 ms. from Augusta. Chesterville, (now Millington,) p-v. in the N. E. part of Kent CO. Md. 18 ms. n. e. Chester- town, the St. jus. and by p-r. about 40 ms. e. Baltimore. Cheney's Shops, p-o. Delaware co. Pa. 17 ms. Phila. Chetimaches, lake of La. between the Teche, and Atchafalaya rs. is from 1 to 6 ms. in breadth- It is shallow, and on all sides environed by a low, annually inundated, and uninhabitable country. It is supplied by numerous interme- diate outlets from Atchafalaya, and discharges its water into that stream near and above its junction with the Teche. Cheviot, p-o. in the s. part of Hamilton co. O. by P-r. 5 ms. w. Cincinnati. Chicago, small, but from its relative position with lake Michigan, and the northern sources of Illinois r. a very important stream of Cook CO. The Chicago heads with the Plain, one of the nthrn. branches of Illinois. Both rs. origi. nate in a flat prairie country, flow nearly paral- lei to each other, and to the course of the adja- cent shore of lake Michigan, for a comparative distance of 30 ms. Thence diverging, the Plain r. to the s. w., Chicago bending at a nearly right angle, falls into its recipient at the village of Chicago. The mouth is obstructed by a bar, on which there is only 3 feet water, though in- side adequate depth is found for ships of almost any tomiage. The portage between Chicago and Plain r. is only about 9 ms. and at seasons of high M'ater small vessels are navigated over the intermediate flats. This is one of those positions on which the hand of nature has tra- ced a canal, and left to man the more humble duty of completing the work. Chicago, p-v. and port, on lake Michigan, at the mouth of Chicago r.. Cook co. II., 300 ms. N. N. E. Vandalia, n. lat. 42° 09', and long. 10° 42' w. W. C. The position of this place is bleak. Behind are extensive prairies ; before, the lake, without a harbor for 300 ms. The land, one m. wide, on the margin of the lake, is a barren sand, thence a rich loam on limestone strata. Dr. Morse. Chichester, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. Lat. 42° 15', e. Concord 8 ms., generally level, soil good, richly repaying the tiller. Suncook r. (furnishing mill seats,) and its branches water CHI i it. Congregational churcii organized 1791. Pop. 1,084. Chickahomi-N'y, r. of Va. rises between the vallies of Paniunkey and James rs. about 20 ms. N. w. Richmond ; flowing thence s. e. by e., the cos. of Henrico, and Charles City on the right, and New Hanover, New Kent, and James City COS. on the left, falls into James r. after a com- parative course of 60 ms. Chickapee, r. Mass. formed by Ware, Swift and Quaboag, empties into the Cona. 4 ms. n. Springfield. Chickapee, p.v. Mass. part of Springfield, contains a cotton factory, having a capital of $400,000, produces daily 11,000 yards of cloth ; employing 700 females who earn from 12 to $21 per month. Another very large factory for the same purpose is erecting, which, it is said, will far exceed the former in extent. There is also an extensive manufactory here, chiefly of swords for government. Chickasaw, a nation of Indians inhabiting the country comprising the northwestern angle of Ala. and the northern part of Misp. states. They reside to the northward of the Choctaws, and between Ten. and Misp. rs. The number of this tribe as given by Rev. Jedediah Morse, in his Report on Indian Aflfairs, 1822, was then 3,625. Mr. M. states in his appendix, page 201, " There are 4 males to 1 female. This ine- quality is attributed to the practice of polygamy, which is general in this tribe." If the curious fact is truly stated, the reference is at variance with either the causes or eflect usually connect. ed with the history of polygamy. " The nation resides in 8 towns, and like their neighbours, are considerably advanced in civilization." Chicot, s. e. co. of Ark. bndd. by Union w., Arkansas, co. n., by the r. Mississippi e., and by the parish of Carrol, La. s. Extending in lat. 33° to 33° 40', and in long, from 14° 5' to 14° 57' w.W. C. It approaches the form of a sq. of 50 ms. each side, area 2,050 sq. ms. The boundaries indeed to the n. and w. are vague. The slope is southwardly, and in that direction it is bounded by Mississippi, and traversed by Barthelemy and Boeuf rivers. The surface is generally a plain, and most part an alluvial flat. The soil differs extremely in character, much of it liable to annual submersion ; parts rising nearly above inundation and exuberantly fertile, whilst in other places the land is sterile. Chief town, Villemont. Pop. 1,165. Chifuncte, pronounced Chifunti, r. of the states of Misp. and La. rises in Pike co. of the former, from which it issues a mere creek ; enters La. within which it traverses Washing- ton and St. Tammany parishes, falling into the northern side of Lake Pontchartrain, after a comparative course of 55 ms. s. s. e. There is 7 or 8 ft. depth of water on the bar of this river, and a safe and deep harbor within its mouth, at Madisonville. Childsburg, p-v. La Fayette co. Ky. 32 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Chilhowee, p-v. in the e. part of Monroe co. Ten. about 180 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Chili, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. on Genesee or Henrietta r. 10 ms. s. w. Rochester, watered 5 CHI by Black creek, a fine mill stream. Population 2,010. CniLisauAKE, p.v. on Chilisquake cr. North, umberland co. Pa 10 ms. above Sunberry, the St. jus. and by p-r. 62 ms. n. Harrisburg. Chillicothe, flourishing p-t. and st. jus. Rosa CO. 0. on the right bank of Scioto r. at the salient point of the bend above the mouth of Paint creek, by p-r. 404 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. 45 ms. nearly due s. Columbus, 96 ms. a little N. of E. Cincinnati, and 56 ms. s. w. by w. Zanesville, n. lat. 39° 20', long. 6° w. W. C. The Grand canal is cut through it. The site of this town is a plain, but the adjacent country rising into hills of from 200 to 300 ft. elevation above the river bottoms, the place seems to occupy the centre of a series of varied and de- lightful landscapes. This village was laid out on the site of an old Indian town, in 1796, and the rapid advance of population will be shown below. It contained, 5 years since, 2 printing offices, 3 banks, and between 3U and 40 mer. cantile stores, with numerous and flourishing manufactories, oil, fulling, flour and saw mills. Fop. 1810, 1,369, 1820,2,426, 1830,2,847. Chiljiark, p-t. Dukes co. Mass. is the s. w. end of Martha's Vineyard. The n. w. point is called Gay's head. The s. point Squibnocket. Congregational, Methodist and Baptist society. Pop. 671. Chilo, p-v. in the extreme sthrn. part of Cler. mont CO. 0. on Ohio r. by p.r. 127 ms. s. w. Colutnbus. Pop. 12o. China, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 20 ms. n. Au- gusta, w. Palermo, Waldo co. Pop. 2,233. Chin'a, p.t. Genesee co. N. Y. 32 ms. s. w. Batavia, watered by head streams of the Ton- newanta, Cataraugus and Seneca crs. Mode- rately uneven. Heavily timbered with beech, maple, elm, ash, linden, hemlock, &c. sure in. dications, on all table lands, that the soil and climate are better adapted to grass than grain. Has 4 saw mills, 3 grist mills, 9 schools 5 months in 12. Pop. 2,387. China Grove, p-o. Rowan co. N. C. by p-r. 130 ms. w. Raleigh. China Grove, p-o. Williamsburg, dist. S, C. by p.r. Il2 ms. s. Columbus. China Grove, and p-o. Pike co. Ala. by p-r. 159 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. China Grove, p-o. in the n. part Pike co. Misp. by p.r. 75 ms. s. of e. Natchez. China Hill, p-o. w. part of Mecklenburg co. N. C. 12 ms. w. Charlotte the st. jus. Chinquipin Grove. {See Locust creek, Lou- isa CO. Vd.) Chinquipin Ridge, p-o. Lancaster dist. S. C. by p.r. 81 ms. n. n. e. Columbia. Chipola r. (See Chapola r.) Chippewa, p-v. and tsp. in the n. w. part of Wayne co. O. 18 ms. n. e. Wooster, the st. jus. and by p.r. 104 ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. 1,498. Chippewan. {See Chippewayan mtns.) Chippeway, r. of the N. W. territory, one of the left branches of the Misp. r. rises interlocking sources with some small streams which fall into the s. wstrn. part of lake Superior, and with the St. Croix to the n. w. and Ouisconsin to the s. e. The sotirces of this stream are drawn from a flat table land chequered wkh lakes, one of CHI which, Flambeau lake, is as laid down by Tan- ner, upwards of 40 ms. in length, with a breadth of from one to ten miles. It flows into lake Pepin, lat 44^°, long. 15° 10' w. W. C. after a s. w. course of 135 ms. Chippeway, CO. of Mich. This co. occu- pies and IS commensurate with a very remark- able physical section. If we extend our view as far west as to the n. wstrn. angle of Green bay, we discover the base of a peninsular tract, stretching from w. to e. between lake Superior to the N. and Green bay and lake Mich. s. Dis- tance on the base, from Green bay to lake Mich. 50 ms. The breadth, at a mean of 50 ms. is maintained from Great Noquct bay of Green bay, and the Trains r. of lake Superior, estrds., to the Falls of St. Mary's r. on the nrlhrn. and Point Ignatius on the sthrn. side. Advancing eastwardly of the two latter places, the shores of this peninsula gradually approach, and Anally meet in a rather sharp point, called " The Promontory of the True Detour," and separated by a narrow strait from Drummond's island of lake Huron. Politically, this peninsula is now the CO. of Chippeway ; and bndd n. by lake Superior, in a direct distance of 100 ms., the straits of St. Mary 80 ms., lake Huron 40 ms., lake Michigan 80 ms., and Green bay 30 ms. On the w. the limit is vague and undefined. The area about 6,500 sq. ms. The mean range of the sthrn. side of Chippeway co. is nearly commensurate with the 46th deg. of n. lat. The surface is mostly flat and marshy, and soil ster- ile. To both these general characteristics there do exist some favorable exceptions. The shores on all the water boundaries are very much in- dented, with bays, and give extensive com. mercial advantages to the country. Chief town, Sault de St. Marie. Population 1830, 626. Chippewatan, or Chippewan, mtns. of N. A. This immense system extends continuous chains from the isthmus of Darien to the Arctic ocean, through 60 degrees of lat. with a considerable difference of long, between the extremes. Whether this system is connected or separate from the Andes of South America, is a yet un- solved problem in physical geography. In North America it forms the principal spine, from which rivers flow in opposite directions towards the two great oceans which bound the opposite sides of the continent. These Cordilera, for they deserve the title, raiige upwards of five thpusand miles. In southern Mexico the sys. tem is known by the general terra Anahuac, and further north as the mountains of New Mex- ico. In the U. S. it is designated the Rocky mountains, while in British America, it is called by its native name, Chippewan or Chippewayan. In Guatemala, or Central America, and in Mex- co, rise from it enormous volcanic summits, elevated far above the region of perpetual snow. Popocatapetl, Citlaltepetl or peak D'Orizaba, Pica Frailes, and CofTre de Perote, all rise above 13,500 feet, and the former to 17,700 feet above the ocean tides, and is the highest mtn. the elevation of which has been determined. In the U. S. and northwardly, the general eleva. tion of the system remains undetermined, but must be considerable, as is shown by the rapid 96 CHO current and great length of course of the rivers, which flow from its flanks. Chittenden, co. Vi. bndd. n. by Franklin co., E. by Washington, s. by Addison, w. by lake Champlain. Length 30 ms., breadth 22, area about 500 sq. ms. Onion r. traverses the mid. die part, falling into lake Champlain at Bur- lington, Lamoille r. crosses the n. w. corner, and Laplott, the s. part. Lake shore generally level, other parts uneven. Soil varies from light and sandy to rich loam and deep alluvion. Cf. t. Burlington. Pop. 1820,16,055; 1830, 21,765. Chittenden, t. Rutland co. Vt. 30 ms. n. w. Windsor, lat. 43° 44', watered by Philadelphia r., Tweed r., and East cr. In great part moun- tainous, and incapable of cultivation. Contains a mdneral spring. Pop. 610. Chittekingo, cr. N. Y., a fine mill stream, falls into Oneida lake. Chitteningo, p-v. Madison co. N. Y. on the above cr. at the head of a canal Ih ms. long, completing the navigation from its quarries of gypsum and water lime to the Erie canal. Contains an oil mill, and one for grinding gyp- sum, and the water cement or water lime. Choconut, p.o. and on the Choconut cr. in the N. w. part Susquehannah CO. Pa. by p-r. 175 ms. from Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 780. Choctaw, r. of Ala. and Florida, rises in Pike CO. of the former, flows thence over Henry and Dale cos. into Florida, over which it passes, leaving Walton co. to the right, and Jackson and Washington to the left. It expands into a bay of the same name, after a comparative course of 130 ms. in a direction of nearly s. s. w. The valley of Choctaw r. lies between that of the Conecuh and Chattahoochee rs. Much of the soil of the valley of this stream is described by Williams in his Florida, as of excellent quality, though much of it is sterile, covered with a pine forest. Choctaw Bay, or the estuary of Choctaw river, extending between Jackson and Walton cos. Florida. In the Report of the board of internal improvement, this bay is called St. Rosa, from which, however, it is distinct, (See St. Rosa Island and Sound.) Under the name of St. Rosa the engineers state, " the entrance of this sound and bay lies about 85 ms. w. of Cape St. Blass, and 68 from the mouth of St. Joseph's bay. On the whole (intermediate) distance the sea shore is very bold, and the depth generally 4 fathoms close to the land. The- pass enters between the eastern point of St Rosa island and the njain ; it is called Eastern Pass, it comes in from the s. and affords a depth of 8 ft. on the bar. The channel is narrow, and the width on the bar, for 8 feet depth, is about 150 yards. On account of breakers, this pass is not considered safe when southerly winds blow fresh, but the winds being from the land, the channel is easy of entrance." The bay, according to Williams, is difficult to navigate, from shoals, but admits a depth of 7 feet water, which is continued to Big Spring 60 ms. above the bar, and 30 above the mouth of Choctaw r. Choctamt Bluff, and p-o. Green co. Ala. by p.r. 69 ms. s. s. w. Tuscaloosa. CHO 97 CHR Choctaw, or Flat Head, a nation of Indians, formerly more numerous than at present, and also spread over a much wider surface than they now occupy. They amount to about 25,000 persons, and reside between the white settle- ments of the state of Misp. and the Chickasaws, and between the Misp. and Tombigbee rs. Their country, as restricted by cessions to the U. S. extends from lat. 31° 50' to 34°. Length from s. E. to N. w. 230 ms. with a mean breadth of 80, area 18,400 sq. ras. It is drained by the Big Black and Yazoo rs. flowing s. w. into the Misp. by the sources of the Pearl, and by those of Tombigbee. Many scattered settlements of Choctaws, have been formed, within the last 35 years, to the westward of the Misp. r. This nation has made some advances in civilization, though not so much improved as the Chicka- saws and Cherokees. Choctaw Academy, and p-o. Scott co. Ky. by p-r. 31 ms. e. Frankfort. Choctaw Agency, and p-o. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 56 ms. northward Jackson, and 154 n. n. E. Natchez. Choice's Store, and p-o. Gwinnett co. Geo. by p-r. 99 ms.N. w. Milledgeville. Chota, p-v. in the w. part of Blount co. Ten- nessee by p-r. 197 miles south of east Nash- ville. Choptank, r. of Del. and Md. is formed by two branches, Choptank proper and Tuckahoe. The former rises in Kent co. Del. from' which it flows s. s. w. into Caroline co. Md. and con- tinuing the same course traverses Caroline to its junction with Tuckahoe on the e. border of Talbot ; Tuckahoe rises in the northeast part of Queen Ann co. Md. and flowing to the sthrd. separates Queen Ann and Talbot from Caroline, and joins the Choptank after each has flowed about 30 ms. Then assuming a s. s. w. course, gradually swells into a ba}% and above Cambridge bends to the n. w. by w. opens into the main Choptank bay between Cook's Point and Tilghman's island. It is navigable for sloops to the Forks, 40 ms. above the mouth. Chowan, r. of N. C. formed by the united streams of Meherin, Nottaway, and Black Water rs. The Meherin rises in Charlotte co. Va. 1° 30' w. from W. C. lat. 37°, between the vallies of Roanoke and Appomattox, and flowing thence s. e. by e. by comparative courses 80 ms. passes into N. C. between Northampton and Gates COS. and 20 ms. farther unites with the Nottaway, above Winton, between Gates and Hertford cos. The Nottaway derives its remote sources from Prince Edward co. Va. between those of Meherin and Appomattox. In a general eastern course of 70 ms. the Nottaway sepa- rates Lunenburg Brunswick and Greenville cos. from Nottaway, Dinwiddle and Sussex, and flows into the central parts of the latter. Thence inclining s. e. 40 ms. it receives Black Water r. almost on the bounding line between Va. and N. C. {See Black Water river Va.) Below the junction of the Nottaway and Black Water, the name of the former and course of the latter are preserved, and about 10 ms. within N C and in Gates CO. meet the Meherin to form Chowan river. A tide water river, or more correctly a bay, the Chowan, gradually widens, but still retaining a moderate breadth, 25 ms. to the influx of Bemer's creek, there bends to near a sthrn. course and more rapidly widens for 25 ms. to its junction with Roanoke, at the head of Albemarle sound. Lat 36°, passes up Albe. marie sound, and intersects the eastern point of Bertie co. N. C. between the mouths of Chowan and Roanoke, 0° 20' long. e. of W. C. Including all its confluents or constituents the Chowan drains an area of 3,500 sq. ms. which, as a physical section, comprises the northeast, em purt of the basin of Roanoke. As a com. mercial channel the Chowan, Nottaway, and Black Water, extend almost directly from the mouth of Roanoke to that of James river. There is at all seasons suflScient depth of water to admit sloops of war to Murfreesboro' on Meherin, about 10 ms. above the entrance of Nottaway river. There is now a struggle between contending interests, whether to ex- tend a rail road from the basin of Roanoke to Chesapeake bay, or a canal and lock navigation by the channels of Chowan, Nottaway and Black Water rs. Chowan, co. N. C. bndd. n. by Gates co., e. by Perquimans, s. e. and s. by Albemarle sound, and s. w. and w. by Chowan river, which sepa. rates it from Bertie and Hertford cos., mean width 8, and area, 200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° to 36° 20' and in long, from 0° 18' to 0° 36' e. W. C. The slope is slight, but what little declivity there exists in the co. is to the s. w. towards Chowan r. Soil productive. Cf. t. Edenton. Pop. 1820, 6,464, 1830, 6,697. Christian, co. Ky. bndd. by Trigg w., Hop- kins, N. w., Muhlenburg n. e., Todd e.. and Montgomery co. of Ten. s. _ Length from n. to s. 34 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 612 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 37', to 37° 07', and in long, from 10° 04' to 10° 23' w. W. C, Though not very elevated, this county is a table land, from which Little r, flows w. into Cum. berland r.. Pond r. n. into Green r. and the western fork of Red r. branch of Cumberland s. into Red r. Cf. t. Hopkinsville. Pop. 12,864. Christiana, tide water c.r., principally of New Castle co. Delaware, but deriving its re- mote sources from Cecil co. Md. and Chester CO. Pa. It is formed by the junction of Chris- tiana proper with the United streams of White Clay, and Red Clay crs. The two latter rise in Chester co. Pa., the latter in Cecil co. Md. The general course of Christiana proper and the tmited stream below the influx of Red and White Clay crs. is from s. w. to n. e., compara. tive length 30 ms. to its junction with the Bran, dywine r. at Wilmington. The tide ascends Christiana, and enables vessels of 6 f*. draught to be navigated to Christiana bridge, 10 ms. above Wilmington. Christiana, usually called Christiana Bridge, p-v. New < astle co. Del. situated on Chris- tiana cr., 10 ms. above and s. w. Wilmington, by p-r. 47 ms. a little n. of w. Dover. Christiana, p-v. in the n. e. part of Butler CO. O. by p-r. 88 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Christiansburg, p-v. and st. jus. Montgome. ry CO. Va. by p-r. 282 ms. s. w. W. C. and 206 s. of w. Richmond. Lat. 37° 08', long. 3° 24 w. W. C. GIN 98 CIN CiiRisTiANSBURG, p-v, Shelby co. Ky. 14 ms. w. Frankfort. Christiansville, p-v. in the northern part of Mecklenburg co. Va. by p-r. 128 ms. s. w. Richmond. Christmasville, p-v. Carroll co. Ten. by p-r. 105 ms. w. Nashville. CHUCKATacK, p-v. Nansemond co. Va. about 30 ms. s. w. Norfolk. Chucky Bend, of Nolechucky r. and p-o. is about 45 ms. n. of e. Knoxville, and in the eastern part of .Jefferson co. Ten. by p-r. 215 ms. li. Nashville. The Nolechucky r. and French Broad unite about 5 ms. below the bend. Church Hill, p-v. Queen Ann co. Md. on a small s. E. branch of Chester r., 10 ms. n. n. e. Centreville, and about 50 ms. s. e. by e. from Baltimore. Church Hill, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 96 ms. w. Columbia. Church Hill, p-v. Montgomery co. Ala. by p-r. 12 1 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Churchtown, p-v. on a small branch of Co- nestoga cr., in the n. e. angle of Lancaster co. Pa. 25 ms. n. e. Lancaster, and 55 northwest by west Philadelphia. Churchville, p-v. in the n. w. part of Mid- dlesex CO. Va. 7 ms. from Urbanna, the st. jus. by p-r. 76 ms. n. e. by e. Richmond. Cicero, t. Onondaga co. N. Y. Pop. 1830, 1,808. Cincinnati, city of Ohio, and st. jus. for Hamilton co. situated on the right bank of Ohio river, by p-r. 497 ms. (differing only 13' of lat. from) due w. from W. C. 112 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus, and 79 a little e. of n. Frankfort, Ky. Lat. 39° 06', long. 7° 32' w. W. C. according to Tanner's map of the U. S. but 7° 24' 45" ac- cording to Flint. The position of Cincinnati is admirable. It stands on two plains or boitoms of the river Ohio, the higher elevated about 60 feet above the lower, with a rather steep inter- mediate bank. To an eye in the vicinity, placed on elevated ground, the city seems to occupy the centre and base of an immense basin, the view being in every direction terminated by swelling hills. The streets, laid out at right angles to each other, present an endless, though rather monotonous variety of landscape. Four- teen of the streets are 66 feet wide, and 396 apart ; seven extending each way and crossing the other seven. Thus the intermediate squares comprise 156,816 sq. feet. The public build- ings already erected occupy one square and a fraction of another ; and that part of the city built upon, approaches the form of a parallelo- gram. The public buildings are, the Cincinnati college, Catholic athenaeum, medical college, the mechanics institute, a theatre, two museums, hospital, and lunatic asylum. United States branch bank, court house, prison, 4 market houses, a bazaar, and the Woodward high school in the progress of erection. Of churches there are 24, of which several are fine build- ings, banks 3, the United States branch bank, capital $1,200,000 ; Commercial bank, capital ^500,000, and savings bank; there are 3 insu. ranee companies, belonging to the city, with two branches of companies at Hartford, Conn. A water company supplies the city with water from Ohio river. It is elevated by steam pow- er to the height of 158 feet above low water mark in the river, and flowing into reservoirs, is thence distributed over the city, at an annual expense of $8 per family at an average. The public prints are 16, comprising, one Quarterly Medical .Journal, one Monthly Magazine, one Monthly Agricultural Journal, two semi month- ly, two semi weekly, six weekly, and three dai- ly gazettes. Thirty-two mails arrive weekly. There are two fire companies, 34 charitable and 25 religious societies. The progressive pop. of this city is perhaps unequalled on a re- gion where rapid advance is every where re- markable. It was laid out in January, 1789, but until after the treaty of Greenville, 1795, progressed but slowly. In 1810, the total pop. ulation was 2,540, in 1820, 9,642, and in 1826, 16,230. By a very accurate enumeration in 1831, 28,0 14, with a floating population, not in- cluded, of 1,508, making the total at this time (1832) more than 30,000. By the census tables for 1830, the population of Cincinnati was com- posed of white males, 12,485; white females, 11,256 ; free colored males, 528, and females, 562 ; total 24,831. This city, second only in pop- ulation to New Orleans, amongst the western cities of the United States, has already become the seat of immense and increasing manufac- tures, of almost every species known in our country. Of steamboats 111 have been built here. The iron manufactures include nearly every article of that metal demanded by a civ- ilized and active population. Cabinet, hatting, shoe and boot making, saddlery, &c. The im- parts of the city are supposed to exceed $5,000,000, and by a recent estimate, the ex- ports of 1832 exceed $4,000,000. There was transported to the city during the year by the Miami canal 97,578 bis. flour, 40,455 bbls. whiskey, 19,758 bbls. pork, 30,960 kegs, and 1,156 bbls. lard, 1,877,240 lbs. bacon, 53,539 lbs. butter and 99 bbls. linseed oil, not including ginseng, feathers, beeswax, tallow, beans, pot and pearl ashes, cheese, &c. &c., and it was also estimated that at least as great an amount of produce was brought to the city by wagons, and the river, during the same period. Among the articles exported it was estimated that $1,000,000 consisted of steam engines, steam boat hulls, sugar mills, hats, cabinet-ware, can. dies, soap, type, printing presses, beer, porter, coopers' ware, cordage, books, and articles not mentioned, which are mostly sent down the Ohio. About 40 manufacturing establishments are propelled by steam. Revenue of the city 1831, was $35,231, and expenditure was $33,858. Business is the chief object of this young city, but education has not been neglect- ed. The Lane Seminary, now a flourishing in- stitution, is located about 2 ms. from the city, at Walnut Hills. The president is professor of theology, beside which professorship, there are 4 others, 1 of church history and polity, 1 of biblical literature, 1 of languages and i of chemistry. A building for the purposes of the institution, 100 ft. long and 40 deep, was com- menced in 1832, and is now completed ; cost estimated at $8,000. There are 2 departments in this institution, theological and literary ; ex- CLA 99 CLA penses at the former per ann., including board, (tuition gratis) $60 — at the latter, including tuition, $80. A farm is connected with the seminary. The Medical college of Ohio, loca- ted here, has 6 professorships and 110 students, and another has recently been commenced, called the reformed medical college. There are 27 public teachers of free schools, who give instruction to 2,700 children annually. The private schools are numerous, and many of them very respectable. Mr. Flint states that 450 substantial buildings have been added to the city yearly, for the three last years. CiNciNNATUs, p-t. Cortland co. N. Y. 139 ms. w. Albany ; 12 s. e. Homer ; soil productive, moderately uneven, indifferently supplied with mill streams. Has 1 distillery, 3 asheries, &c. Pop. 1,308. CiRCLEViLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Pickaway co. Ohio, by p.r. 26 ms. s. from Columbus, and 394 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. 19 n. and above Chillicothe, and 20 ms. s. w. by w. from Lan- caster. Lat. 39"^ 36', and long. 5° 58' w. from W. C. This place is situated on the left bank of Sciota r. where that stream is crossed by the Ohio and Erie canal, and on the largest aqueduct on the line of this work. It contains the ordinary co. buildings, a printing office, 10 or twelve stores, numerous mechanics shops, and in 1830, a population of 1,136, which now, 1832, it is probable exceeds 1,200. This town derives its name from several remarkable re- mains of ancient works, in the ordinary circular form of such antiquities, scattered over the valley of Ohio. They were here very exten. sive, and before the white settlements were made, were well preserved. CiTV Island, N. Y. (-See Pelham.) City Point, port and p-v. on the right shore of James r. on the point formed at the junction of James and Appomattox rs. in the n. w. part of Prince George's co. Va. 12 ms. below Peters- burg, by p-r. 34 ms. s. e. Richmond. Civil Order, p-v. in the n. w. part of Bedford CO. Ten. by p.r. 48 ms. s. Nashville. Claiborne, co. Misp. bndd. w. by Misp. r. separating it from Concordia parish in La., n. w. and N. by Big Black r. separating it from Warren co. Misp., n. e. by Hinds, s. e. by Copiah, and s. by Jeflerson. It approaches the form of a right angled triangle, hypotenuse along the Misp. and Big Black rs. 38 ms., base on Jefferson 30, area 380 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 53' to 32° 11', and in long from 13° 50' to 14° 20' from W. C. Along the Misp. and Big Black rs. the bottoms are level, ex- tremely fertile, but subject to annual submersion. Rising from this alluvial border, the country is elevated into hills, which towards the rs. are fertile, but receding eastward the pine forest and sterile soil commence. Bayou Pierre (Stony Creek), a fine stream bordered with ex- cellent land, flows to the s. s. w. and drains the central part of the co. ; staple, cotton. Cf. t. Gibsonport. Pop. 1820, 5,963, 1830, 9,787. Claiborne, parish of La. as laid down by Tanner, is bndd. e. by the parish of Washitau, s. by Natchitoches, s. w. and w. by Red r. and n. by Lafayette co. of Ark. Length from s. to n. 65 ms. ; mean breadth 55, and area 3,575 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 05' to 33°, and in long, from 15° 51' to 16° 57' w. from W. C. The northeast part is drained eastward by the sources of Bayou Terrebonne flowino- into Washitau r. but the great body of the parish declines southward, and is drained in that di- rection by the sources of Dugdomini, Saline, Black Lake, Dacheet and Bodcau rs. ; the western part also contains the lakes Bistineau, and Bodcau. Some of the soil along the streams is of good second rate quality, and wooded with oak, hickory, and elm, but the body of the parish, or at least nine tenths of its surface, is composed of barren hills clothed with pine timber. The border on Red r. is partially liable to annual submersion. The writer of this article was the first person who surveyed or indeed explored this section of La. It was then (1812) an uninhabited, in great part, and pathless wilderness. It contained then 3 white families, and a small Indian village, on Red r. By the p-o. list, 1831, there were offices at Al- len's settlement and Russellville. Pop. 1,764. Claiborne, co. of Ten. bndd. by Clinch r. separating it from Hawkins, e.. Granger s. and by Campbell w. ; on the n. w. is Knox co. of Ky. and Lee, the extreme s. w. co. of Va. n. e. It lies nearly in the form of a triangle ; base 50 ms. along Va. and Ky. and contains 450 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 13' to 13° 35', and in long. 5° 52' to 6° 48' w. W. C. Surface moun- tainous. The northwestern angle is occupied by Cumberland mtn. whilst Powell's mtn. trav- erses it in its greatest length from n. e. to s. w. Between these two chains flows Powell's r. s. w. whilst the co. has again a river border of 70 ms. along Clinch. Cft. Tazewell. Pop. 1820, 5,508, 1830, 8,470. Claiborne, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. Ala. on the left bank of Alabama river, by p.r. 949 ms. s. w. W. C. 157 s. from Tuscaloosa, 80 n. N. E. Mobile. Lat. 31° 33', long. 10° 40' w. W. C. Claiborne stands at the lower falls and head of schooner navigation in Ala. Clapps, p-o. Guilford co. N. C. by p.r. 73 ms. N. of w. Raleigh. Claremont, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. o.n Conn. r. opposite Windsor Vt. Area 25,800 square acres. Its surface, a rich gravelly loam, finely undulating, and furnishing the best meadows. Produce in 1820 : butter 30,000 lbs.,, cheese 55,000, flax 7,500, pearlashes 3 tons. Watered by Conn, and Sugar rs. Religious societies : Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Baptist, Meth- odist, 1 each. Lat. 43° 23'. Pop. 2,526. Claremont, p-v. Pickens dist. S. C. by p-r. 1 63 ms. N. w. by w. Columbia. Clarence, p-t. Erie co. N. Y. 18 ms. e. Buf- falo. N. boundary, Tonnewanta cr. Soil, a loam, which good husbandry may make very productive. Its rocks, horizontal limestone. Schools 21, 6 months in 12. Distilleries 6. Asheries 13. Pop. 3,360. Clarendon, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 55 ms. s. Montpelier. Otter cr. Mill and Cold rs. fur- nish numerous mill seats. Alluvial flats, from ^ to 1 mile wide, on Otter cr. very productive, ex- tend through the town. Here is one of the fan- ciful stalactic eaves. Marble or limestone, plenty, and wrought. Religious societies, 2 CLA 100 CLA Baptist, 1 Congregationalist. Mill lor sawing marble, 3 distilleries, &c. Lat. 43° 31'. Pop. 1,585. Clarendon, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 18 ms. n. E. Batavia, about 6 ms. square, watered by Sandy cr. Soil good. It has 8 schools, 7 months in 12. Distillery 1. Pop. 2,025. Clarendon, t. Orleans co. N. Y. Pop. 2,025. Claridon, p-v. and tsp. in the sthrn. part of Geauga co. O. by p-r. 327 ms. n. w. W. C. and 155 N. E. Columbus. Pop. 1820, 588, 1 830, 637. Clarion, r. of Pa. usually called Toby's cr. rises by numerous branches in MacKean and Jefferson cos. interlocking sources with crs. •flowing nthrd. into Alleghany r. and opposite to those of the Sinnamahoning branch of Susque. hannali. The different branches unite near the centre of Jefferson, and the main stream, assu- ming a s. w. course over that co. and thence separating Armstrong from Venango, falls into Alleghany r. at Foxburg, after an entire course of 80 ms. Clarion, p-v. in the n. part Armstrong co. Pa. by p-r. about 70 ms. n. e. Pittsburg. Clark, co. of Geo. bndd. by Walton w. Jackson n. w. Madison n. e. Oglethorpe e. Greene s. and is separated from Morgan s. w. by Appalache, branch of Oconee r. Length 23, mean breadth 18, and area 414 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 32' to 34° 2', and in long, from 6° 17' to 6° 40' w. W. C. The con- stituents of Oconee r. unite in Clark, and flow- ing generally to the s. s. e. give that declivity to the CO. The Appalache, which bounds it on the s. w. flows also to the s. s. e. Cf. ts. Wat. kinsville and Athens. Pop. 10,176. Clarke, co. of Ala. occupying the lower part of the peninsula between the Tombigbee and Ala. rs. bndd. n. by Marengo, n. e. by Wilcox, by Ala. r. separating it on the s. e. from Mon- roe, and s. from Baldwin ; by Tombigbee r. separating it from Mobile s. w. and from Wash- ington w. and N. w. Length from the junction of Ala. and Tombigbee rs. and nearly along long. 11° w. W. C to the s. boundary of Ma- rengo, 60 ms. Mean breadth 20, and area 1200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 3l° 10' to 32°, and in long, from 10° 30' to 11° 18' w. W. C. Surface hilly, and soil, except near the streams, sterile, and wooded with pine. Much of the river bottoms liable to occasional inundation. ■Cf. t. ClarkesviUe. Pop. 1820, 5,839, 1830, 7,595. Clarke, co. of Ky. bndd. s. and s. w. by Ky. r. separating it from Madison co., w. by Lafay- ette, N. by Bourbon, n. e. and e. by Montgome- ry, and s. E. by Red r. separating it from Estill. Length 20, mean breadth 15, and area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat, from 37° 52' to 38° 10', and in long, from 6° 50' to 7° 18' w. W. C. This small co. is nevertheless a table land. From the nthrn. side issue the extreme sources of the w. fork of Licking, whilst short creeks flow southwardly into Ky. r. The soil is highly fertile Cf. t., Winchester. Pop. 1820, 11,449, 1830, 13,051. Clarke, co. O. bndd. s. by Green, s. w. by Montgomery, n. w. by Miami, n. by Champaign, and E. by Madison. Length 30 ms. mean breadth, l8, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 45' to 40° 03', and in long, from 6° 31' to 7° 5'. From the southern part flows little Miami, whilst the central sections are traversed by Mad r. giving a s. w. slope to the bodyoftheco. Cf. t. Springfield. Pop. 13,074. Clarke co. Ind. bndd. by Floyd s. w. Wash, ington w., Scott n., Jefferson n. e., O. r. separa- ting it from Oldham co. Ky. e. and s. e. and from Jefferson co. Ky. s. It approaches the form of a triangle 28 ms. each side ; area 336 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 18' to 38° 37', and in long, from 8° 25' to 8° 54' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is almost directly s. to- wards O. r. Silver cr. rises in Clark, and flow- ing s. falls into 0. r. at the lower end of the rapids at Louisville. The surface is broken and hilly, soil fertile. Cf. t., Charleston. Pop. 1820,8,079, 1830, 10,686. Clarke, co. of II. bndd. s. by Crawford, w. by Shelby, n. by Edgar, by Wabash r. separat- ing it from Vigo co. Ind. e. and from Sullivan CO. Ind. s. E. Breadth 24, mean length 45, and area 1080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 10' to 39° 30', and in long, from 10° 34' to 11° 30' w. W. C. Little Wabash rises in the w. part of Clarke, which is traversed also by the w. and E. branches of Embarras r. all those streams flowing to the sthrd. The eastern part slopes south estrd. obliquely towards the Washitau. Cf. t. Clark Court House. Pop. 3,940. Clarke, extreme nrthestm. co. of Mo. bndd. as laid down on Tanner's improved map of the U. S. by Lewis co. Mo. s., unappropriated part of Mo. w., Indians country n. of Mo. r. Des Moines n. e. and by the Mo. r. separating it from Hancock co. II. e. Length from e. to w. 50 ms., mean breadth 20 and area 1000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 15' to 40° 34' n. It is traversed by w. long. 15° W. C. General slope to the s. e. and in that direction several small rs. are discharged into the Misp. river. The wstrn. part is traversed by Salt r. branch of Misp. Clarke co. of Ark. extending along both sides of Washitau r. above the influx of Little Missouri. The boundaries or extent not very well defined, but combining Tanner's map with Flint's description, it has Hempstead co. s., Pope w., Hotsprings n., Pulaski n. e. and Union E. Lat. 34°, and long. 16° w. W. C. intersect near its centre. The slope is to the s. e. down which pour the confluents of Washitau and Little Missouri. The surface is hilly, and in part mountainous. Considerable bodies of good land skirt the streams, though the soil is generally sterile. The road from St. Louis, by Little Rock to Lower Texas passes through it, and on which two villages, Biscoeville and Crittenden are laid down by Tanner. Pop. 1830, 1,369. Clark, c. h. and p-o. Clark co. Ark. by p-r. 87 ms. s. w. Little Rock. Clark, c. h. and p-o. Clark co. II. by p-r. 134 ms. N. E. Vandalia. Clark's p-o. and tsp. Coshocton co. O. by p-r. the p-o. is 88 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. In 1830 the tsp. contained 246 inhabitants. Clark's River. (See Oregon.) CLA 101 CLA Clarkesburg, t. Berkshire co. Mass. Has Williamstown on the w. Pop. 1830, 315. Clarksburg, small p-v. Montgomery eo. Md. on the road from W. C. to Frederick, 28 ms. N. w. from the former, and 15 ms. s. e. from the latter city. It is a small village of one street along the main road. Pop. about 50. Clarksburg, p-v. and st. jus. Harrison co, Va. by p-r. 260 n. w. by w. Richmond, and 45 ms. above, and s. s. w. from Morgantown. It is situated on the right bank of Monongahela r. Clarksburg, p-v. and st. jus. Lewis co. Ky. by p-r. 96 ms. n. e. by e. Frankfort. Pop. 1830, 62. . Clarksburg, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Ross CO. 0. by p-r. 44 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Pop. 1830, 56. Clark's Ferry and p-o. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 44 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Clarksfield, p-v. and tsp. Huron co. O. The p-v. is by p-r. 121 ms. a little e. of n. Columbus, and 385 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Pop. of the tsp. 1830, 338. Clark's Mills, and p-o. in the s. part of Moore co. N. C. by p-r. 108 ms. s. w. from Raleigh. Clarkson, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. on Lake Ontario, l8 ms. w. s. w. Rochester. Area about 80 sq. ms. Soil excellent. Contains ma- ny salt springs. AVaterel by 3 creeks, one a fine mill stream. The village is 1^ ms. n. of Erie canal. Pop. 1830, 3,251. Clarkston, p-o. King and Queen co. Va. by p-r. 50 ms. n. e. Richmond. Clark's Store and p-o. in the s. part of Mar- tin CO. N. C. by p-r. 106 ms. e. Raleigh. Clark's Store and p-o. in the s. w. part of Hamilton co. O. by p-r. 13 ms. from Cincinnati. Clarkstown, p-t. cap. Rockland co. N. Y. on the w. bank of the Hudson, ]32 ms. s. Albany, 28 N. N. Y. Here are the Nyak hills, furnish- ing the red s.ind stone, of which the capitol at Albany is principally built. Church, 1 Dutch Reformed. In 1808, distilleries 3. Schools kept 11 months in 12. Pop. 1830, 2,298. Clarkstown, p-v. Wayne co. Pa. by p-r. 158 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Clarksville, N. Y. (See Middlefield.) Clarksville, p-v. in the n. e. part of Greene CO. Pa, situated on the point between and above the junction of the two main branches of Ten Mile creek, 10 ms. s. w. from Brownsville, about an equal distance n. e. Waynesburg. Clarksville, p-o. on the road from Rockville to Bahimore, Ann Arundel co. Md. 20 ms. s. w. by w. Baltimore. Clarksville, p-v. Mecklenburg co. Va. by p-r. 99 ms. s. vv. Richmond. Clarksville, p-v. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 1 i 1 ms. N. N. w. Columbia. Clarksville, p-v. and st. jus. Habersham co. Geo. by p-r. 144 ms. a little w. ofN. from Mil- ledgeville, on one of the highest branches of Chattahoochee r. Lat. 34° 35', and long. 6° 40' w. W. C. Clarksville, p-v. and st. jus. Clark co. Ala. by P-r. 146 ms. a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa, and 84 ms. a little e. of n. from the city of Mobile. Clarksville, p-v. and st. jus. Montgomery CO. Ten. by p-r. 46 ms. n. w. by w. Nashville, 14 situated on the point above the junction, and be- tween Cumberland and Red rs. Clarksville, p-v. in Clarke tsp. western part of Clinton co. O. The p-v. is by p-r. 76 ms. s. w. Columbus. Pop. of the tsp. 1830, 1,886. ' Clarksville, p-v. on the right bank of Misp. r. in the E. part of Pike co. Mo. about 75 ms. by the land route above St. Louis, and by p-r. 126 N. E. Jefferson. Claverack, t. Columbia co. N. Y. 5 ms. e. Hudson. Claverack creek, its w. boundary, is a fine mill stream. Has along the creeks, rich alluvial flats. Contains good limestone, some slate, some lead, and a mineral spring. Schools 13, 1 1 months in 12. Pop. 3,000. Clay, t. Onondaga co. N. Y. Pop. 2,095. Clay, co. of Ky. bndd. by Knox s.. Laurel w., Estill N., and Perry e. Length from n. to s. 40, mean breadth 22, and area 880 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 57' to 37° 33', and in long, from 6° 18' to 6° 52' w. W. C. Though some of the sources of Rockcastle cr. a branch of Cumberland r. rise along the wstrn. border of Clay, the body of the co. is drained by, and nearly commensurate with the valley of the s. e. Fork of Kentucky r., and slopes north- wardly. The soil is generally thin. Cf. t. Manchester. Pop. 3,548. Clay-, co. of Ind. bndd. s. w. by Sullivan, w. and N. w. by Vigo, n. by Parke, n. e. by Put- nam, E. and s. E. by Owen, and s. by Greene. Length from s. to n. 30 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 360 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 12' to 39° 38', and in long, from 9° 58' to 10° 18' w. V/. C. Slopes to the sthrd. and is drained by Eel. r. a branch of the w. fork of White r. Crs. flowing wstrd. into the Wabash r. rise along the wstrn. border of Clay, but the body of the co. is in the valley of Eel r. Cf. t. Bowling Green. Pop. 1,616. Clay, co. of II. bndd. s. e. by Edwards, s. by Wayne, s. w. by Marion, n. w. by Fayette, n, and N. e. by Crawford, and e. by Lawrence. Length 32 ms., breadth 21, and area 672 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 37' to 38° 54' and in long, from 1 1° 9' to 11° 44' w. W. C. The main stream of Little Wabash enters the nrthrn. border from Fayette, and inflecting to s. e. re- ceives numerous crs. from, and traverses Clay, issuing from it in the s. e. angle. Cf. t. Mays- ville. Pop. 755. Clay, co. of Mo. bndd. on the w. by the w, boundary of the state, and n. and n. e. by coun- try not yet laid out into cos. ; e. it has Ray co., and s. the Mo. r. separating it from Jackson co. Breadth from e. to w. 22, mean length from s. to N. 30, and area 660 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 04' to 39° 34', and in long, fi-om 17° 06' to 17° 28' w. W. C. Cf t. Liberty. Pop, 5,338. The Kansas r. enters the Mo. directly opposite the s. w. angle of this co. at a distance by the p-r. of 1,170 ms. w. W. C. Claysville, p-v. on the U. S. turnpike road, Washington co. Pa. by p-r. 222 ms. av. Harris. burg, and 10 ms. s. w. by w. borough of Wash- ington. Claysville, p-v. Guernsey co. 0. by p-r. 92 ms. E. Columbus. Claysville, p.v. Washington co. Ind. by p-r. 92 ms. s. Indianopolis. CLE 102 CLI Claysville, p-v. in the e. part Harrison co. Ky. by p-r. 50 ms. n. of e. Frankfort. Clayton, or Claytonsville, p-v. and st. jus. Rabun co. Geo. by p-r. 611 ms. s. w, a little w. W. C. and 174 ms. n. Milledgeville. It is situ- ated at the southern base of Blue Ridge, be- tween the Chatuga and Turoree branches of Tugaloo r., and is the most nthrn. co. t. of Geo. Claytonville, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. 286 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Clay Village, p-v. Shelby co. Ky. 16 ms. w. Frankfort. Clear Creek, p-o. Hardiman co. Ten. by p-r. 168 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville, Clear cr. and p-o. Richland co. O, The p-o. by p-r. 96 ms. e. of n. Columbus. Clear Creek, p-o. in the n. part of Sanga- mon CO. II. by p-r. 96 ms. w. of n. Vandalia. Clearfield, co. of Pa. bndd. s. by Cambria, s. w. by Ind., w. and n. w. by Jefferson, n. by Mac Kean, n. e. by Lycoming, e. by the w. branch of Susquehannah r. separating it from Centre, and s. e. by Mushannon cr. separating it from the s. wstrn. part of Centre. Length from s. to N. 45, mean breadth 32, and area 1,425 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 45' to 41° 24', and in long, from 1° 3' to 1° 53' w. W.C. Clear- field is an elevated, and in great part a moun- tainous region. Lying wstrd. from the main chain of the Appalachian system, it is on the floetz or level formation. From the wstrn. border issue the extreme fountains of the Ma- honing and Red Bank crs. flowing to the w. into Alleghany r., but the far greater part of the area is drained by the main streams and numerous branches of Sinnamahoning, and w. branch of Susquehannah, The dividing ridge of the wa- ters traversing the n. w. part of Clearfield, is elevated about 1,200 ft. above the Atlantic tides. From this ridge the extreme wstrn. sources of the Susquehannah flow s. e. down the mountain vallies, giving an uncommonly di- versified surface to Clearfield. The soil is generally rocky and sterile. Cf. t. Clearfield. Pop. 1820, 2,342, 1830, 4,803. Clearfield, p-v. and st. jus. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 201 ms. n. n. w. W. C. 129 n. w. by w. Harrisburg, and about 100 ms, n. e. by e. Pittsburgh. It is situated between Clearfield cr. and the w. branch of the Susquehannah r. Clearfield Ridge and p-o. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 4 ms. s. e. Clearfield v. 125 n. \v, by w. Harrisburg. Clear Spring, p-v. in the w. part of Wash- ington CO. Md, by p-r. 82 ms. n, w. W. C. Cleaveland, p-t. and st. jus. Cuyahoga co. 0. about 130 ms. n. w. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 366 ms. a little w. of n. w. W. C., 140 n. n. e. Co- lumbus, and 104 by the land route, s. w. by w. from the borough of Erie in Erie co. Pa. lat. 41° 32', long. 4° 42' w. W. C. The site of Cleaveland is an elevated point below the en- trance of Cuyahoga r. into lake Erie, which ad- mits vessels of 7 ft. draught. It is a flourish- ing, and already an important town ; and situa- ted as the village is at the termination of the Ohio canal, it possesses great and peculiar ad- vantages for enterprise. From an official state- ment it appears, that the following were among the arrivals at Cleaveland during 1832, viz : wheat, 288,722 bus. ; flour, 54,404 bbls. ; pork, 13,801 bbls.; whiskey, 2,150 bbls.; pot and pearl ashes, 261,026 lbs. ; butter, 549,22,;! lbs. ; cheese, 85,711 lbs.; tobacco, 969 hhds. ; lard, 354,101 lbs. ; lumber, 656,949 ft. ; mineral coal, 12,900 bus. Of the property cleared by way of the canal, during the same period, was salt, 29,939 bbls, ; fish, 7,661 bbls. ; merchandise, 5,26^,535 lbs. ; gypsum, 190,800 lbs. ; lumber, 113,954 ft. ; shingles, 780 M. ; millstones 24 pairs. The whole quantity of freight upon which toll is charged by weight, that arrived by way of the canal, in 1832, amounted to 43,694,- 694 lbs. In 1831, 36,640,916 lbs. The total number of pounds cleared by way of the canal, in 1832, was 18,724,522 ; in l!i31, 16,266,861. The amount of tolls received in 1832, was ^31,710 50 ; in 1831, it was f 26,154 64. By the census of 1830, the village contained a pop. of 1,076, and now (1833) no doubt the inhabit- ants exceed 1,200. The town in 1830 had a pop. of 1,585. In the village are the usual co. buildings, upwards of 40 stores, 9 or 10 groce. ries, a number of taverns, 200 dwelling houses, and 4 or 5 churches. The future and securely permanent prosperity of this place is evident from its position. Clf.monsville, p-v. Davidson co. N. C. by p-r. 125 ms. w. Raleigh. Clemontville, p-o. Mac Kean co. Pa. by p-r. 201 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Clermont, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. on e. bank of the Hudson, 45 ms. s. Albany. Area 14,000 acres, divided into about 120 farms, and leased to practical farmers. The country seat of the late Chancellor Livingston, is one of the most extensive and elegant in the state. There are 7 schools 8 months in the year. Pop. 1,203. Cleves, p-v. in the s. w. part of Hamilton co. 0. 16 ms. wstrd. from Cincinnati. Clifton, p-v. Russell co. Va. by p-r. 330 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond. Clifton Park, t. Saratoga co. Pop. 2,294. (See HalfMoon.) Clifty, p-v. in the s. part of White co. Ten. by p-r. 102 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Clinch, r. of Va. and Ten. the great north- estrn. constituent of Ten. r., rises in Tazewell CO. Va. and flows thence by a general course of s. w. over Russell and Scott cos. 90 ms. En- tering Ten., Clinch separates Claiborne co. from Hawkins, Granger and Anderson ; Campbell from Anderson, and thence traversing the latter, enters Roan, and unites with the Ten. at Kings- ton, after an entire comparative course of 180 ms. In the s. part of Campbell co. Clinch re- ceives from the n. e. Powell's r. The latter rising in Russell co Va. issues thence in a di- rection almost parallel to the Clinch ; traverses Lee CO. of Va., enters Ten. crossing Claiborne and Campbell cos., joins the Clinch at Grants- boro after a comparative course of 90 ms. A short distance above its junction with Ten. r. the Clinch receives from the n. w. Emery's r. It may be remarked that the course of the higher branches of Emery's r. is directly the reverse of that of Clinch and Powell's r. Uniting the val- lies of Emery's and Clinch r. the whole valley is about 220 ms. long ; but the width is con. CLI 103 CLO tracted comparatively, and fully estimated at 20 ins. Area 4,400 sq. ms. In all their respective courses, Clinch and Holston pursue a parallel direction, in few pla- ces 20 ms. asunder, each receiving short crs. from an intervening mountain chain. On the opposite or right side, Clinch in succession in- terlocks sources with those of Great Sandy, Ky. and Cumberland rs. The relative elevation of the vallies of Clinch and Holston differ but little from each other, and each stream above their junction, must have, from their remote fountains, a fall of 1000 or 1200 ft. Clinch Dale, p-o. Hawkins co. Ten. by p-r. 280 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Clln'gan's p-o. Chester co. Fa. 22 ms. from Philadelphia. Clinton, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 24 ms. n. Augusta. Pop. 2,130. Clintox, CO. N. Y. on lake Champ4ain, bndd. N. by Lower Canada, lat. 45°, e. by lake Champlain, s. by Essex co. and w. by Franklin CO. Greatest length n. and s. 4O5, breadth 31. West part mountainous, well timbered, supplied with mill streams, iron ore, exceeded in richness by none in the world. The lake shore 8 ms. in width, moderately uneven, or quite level, very amply repays the labors of the husband- man. Rs. Saranac, Sable, &c. Plattsburg is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 12,070, 1830, 19,344. Clinton, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. Abounds in slate equal to any in the U. S. The quarries employ 300 hands. Watered by Wappingers creek, 90 ms. s. Albany. Pop. 2,130. Clinton, p-v. in the t. of Kirkland, Oneida co. N. Y. on the Oriskany creek, 9 ms. w. s. w. Utica. The proposed Chenango canal runs through this place. An Universalist seminary is building here. Hamilton college, located here, is delightfully situated. The college buildings, 3 in number, 4 stories high, stand in a line on the summit of a hill commanding an extensive prospect of rich and picturesque scenery. A law professorship has been recently founded in this college by a bequest of ^20,000. The faculty consists of a president, 4 profes- sors. There are (1832-3) 6 instructors, and 77 undergraduates. Total, alumni, 180, of whom 160 are living. Founded 1812. The libraries contain 3,000 vols. Commencement 4th Wednesday in August. Clinton, p-v. Hunterdon co. N, J. on the s. branch of Raritan r. 30 ms. w. n. w. New Bruns- wick, formerly Hunt's Mills. Clinton, p-v. Alleghany co. Pa. 23 ms. from Pittsburg, and by p-r. 224 ms. w. Harrisburg. Clinton, p-v. and st. jus. Sampson co. N. C. situated on a branch of Black r. 72 ms. s. 5. e. Raleigh, and 18 nearly due e. Fayetteville. Lat. 35°, w. long. 1° 18'. Clinton, p-v. and st. jus. Jones co. Geo. by p-r. 665 ms. s. w. W. C. and 23 vv. Milledge- ville. Lat. 33° 01', and long. 6° 40' w. W. C. Clinton, p-v. Greene co. Ala. by p-r. 25 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Clinton, p-v. Hinds co. Misp. about 80 ms. N. E. Natchez. Clinton, p-v. parish of East Feliciana, La. about 50 ms. n. e. St. Francisville, and by p-r. 158 ms. N. w. New Orleans. Clinton, p-v. and st. jus. Hickman co. Ky. by p-r. 847 ms. s. w. by w. i w. W. C. and 308 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Pop. 82. Clinton, p-v. and st. jus. Anderson co. Ten. by p-r. 534 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 195 almost due e. Nashville. It is situated on the right side of Clinch r. Lat. 36° 06', long 7° 8', w. W. C. Clinton, co. of O.bndd. s. e. by Highland, s. w, by Browne, w. by Warren, n. by Green, and N. E. by Fayette. Length 22, mean breadth 18, and area 396 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 13' to 39° 33', and in long, from 6° 31' to 6° 57' w. W. C. This co. is a real table land, from which crs. flow literally in every direction. On its surface are the sources of Paint creek branch of Sciota, and of East Fork, Todd's Fork, and other branches of Little Miami. The soil is generally productive. Cf. t. Wilmington. Pop. 1820, 8,085, 1830, 11,436. Clinton, p-v. in the n. w. part of Stark co. O. by p-r. 121 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Clinton, co. of Ind. bndd. by Boone s.. Tip. pecanoe w., Carroll n. w., the Miarnis n. e.^ and Hamilton co. s. e. Length from e. to w. 24 ms. breadth 15, and area 360 sq. ms. Ex tending in lat. from 40° 14' to 40° 28', and in long, from 9° 12' to 9° 40' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is nearly due w. and drained by the eastern branches of Wild Cat r. towards the more considerable stream of the Wabash. Cf. t. Frankfort. Pop. 1,423. The st. jus. of this CO. is about 45 ms. n. n. w. Indianopolis. Clinton, p-v. Vermillion co. Ind. by p-r. 87 ms. w. Indianopolis. Clinton, co.. of 11. bndd. by Washington s., St. Clair s. w., Madison n. w.. Bond n.. Fay. ette N. E., and Marion e. Length from e. to w. 30 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 25' to 38° 45' n., and in long, from 12° 10' to 12° 42' w. W. C. This CO. is traversed from its nthm. border in a di. rection of s. s. w. by Kaskaskias r. and by Shoal cr. and other of its branches. The cf. t. Car- lyle, stands on the Kaskaskias, and on the road from Vincennes to St. Louis. Pop. 2,330. Clinton, new co. Mich, bounded e. by Shia- wassee, Ingham s. e., Eaton s. w., Ionia w., and Gratiot n. It is a square of 24 ms. each way, area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 43°, and long. 7° 42' w. W. C. intersect in this co. 100 ms. a little w. of N. w. Detroit. Slope westward, and traversed by different branches of Grand r. Pop. uncer- tain. Clintonville, p-v. Green Briar co. Va. by p-r. 231 ms. a little n. of w. Richmond. Clintonville, p-v. Bourbon co. Ky. by p.r. 52 ms. estrd. Frankfort. Clio, p-v. in the s. part of Adams co. II. by p-r. 178 ms. n. w. by w. Vandalia. Clockville, p-v. Madison co. N. Y. Cloutiersville, p-v. in the s. e. part of the parish of Natchitoches, La. about 25 ms. s. e. from the v. of Natchitoches. Clover Bottom, p-o. Iredell co. N. C. by p-r. 156 ms. w. Raleigh. Clover Creek, p-o. Madison co. Ten. by p-r. 159 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Clover Dale, p-o. Botetourt co. Va. by p-r, 160ms.w. Richmond. COD 104 COL Clover Garden, p-o. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 48 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Clover Hill, p-o. Blount co. Ten. by p-r. 162 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Cloverport, p-v. on O. r. n. w. angle of Breckenridge co. Ky. 11 ms. n. w. by w. Har- densburg, the st.jus. Clyde, r. Vt. empdes into Memphremagog lake in Derby. Clyde, p-v. Wayne co. N. Y. on Erie canal, 4 ms. N. Waterloo. Clymer, t. Chatauque co. N. Y. s. w. corner, having Pa. boundary on the w. and s. 2 schools, 3 months in 12. Pop. 567. Coal r., a r. of vi^estern Va. rises in Fayette CO. by two branches, called relatively Great and Little Coal rs. The former rises in the west- ern spurs of the Appalachian ridges, flows n. w. out of Logan into Kenhawa co., receives Lit- tle Coal r. from the s. w. and finally falls into the right side of Great Kenhawa, after a com. parative course of 70 ms. The valley of Coal r. lies between those of Great Kenhawa and Guyandot r. Coal River Marshes, p-o. Logan co. Va. by p-r. 277 ms. n. of w. Richmond. Coalsmouth, p-v. Kenhawa co. Va. situated on Kenhawa r. at the mouth of Coal r. by p-r. 12 ms. below and wstrd. from Charleston, the St. jus. for the co. Coatesville, small p-v. on the w. bank of Brandywine cr., Chester co. Pa. 39 ms. w. Phil. Coat's Tavern and p-o. York dist. S. C. by p-r. 97 ms. nthrd. Columbia. CoBBS, p-o. McMinnco. Ton. by p-r. 181 ms. s. E. by E. Nashville. CoBLESKiLL or CoBELSKiLL, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 38 ms. w. Albany ; is watered by the Cobuskill, a tolerable mill stream, having a fine alluvion margin. Population of German origin. Pop. 2,988. Coburn's Store and p-o. Mecklenburg co. N. C. by p-r. 167 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. CocHECo, or Dover r. N. H. a branch of the Piscataqua. CocHECTON, p-t. Sullivan co. N. Y., on Dela- ware r. 134 ms. s. w. Albany. Pop. 438. CocHRANSviLLE, p-v. in the w. part of Ches- ter CO. Pa. 45 ms. w. Phil. CocHRANSviLLE, p-v. in the w. part of Ab- beville dist. S. C. by p-r. 102 ms. w. Columbus. CocHRANTON, p-v. in the n. part of Marion co. O. by p-r. 56 ms. n. Columbus. CocKE, CO. of E. Ten. bndd. s. e. by the main chain of the Alleghany mtns., here called the Smoky mtns. separating it from Haywood and Buncombe cos. of N. C, s. w. by Sevier, w. and N. w. by Jefferson, and n. e. by Greene. Length from s. to N. 22, mean breadth 17, and area 374 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 35° 40' to 36° 05', and in long, from 5° 45' to 6° 13' w. W. C. The surface is broken and hilly, being part of amtn. valley, sloping to the n. w. and drained in that direction by French Broad and Big Pigeon r. Cf. t. Newport. Pop. 1820, 4,892, 1830, 6,017. CoDORUs, large cr., or rather small r. having its remote source in the n. e. part of Frederick CO. Md., flows nthrdly. over York co. Pa. and falls into Susquehannah r. at the village of New Holland after a comparative course of 30 ms- CoDORus, tsp. and p-o. s. w. part of York co. Pa. by p-r. 38 ms. s. Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 2,429. Coeymans, p-t. Albany co. N. Y. on the Hud- son 11 ms. s. Albany, has plenty of limestone, some shell marie, 2 Dutch churches, 1 Metho- dist. There is a sloop-landing at the mouth of Coeyman's cr. Pop. 2,723. Coffee Creek, p-o. Warren co. Pa. by p-r. 270 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Coffee Run, p-o. Huntingdon, Pa. 10 ms. s. e. from the borough of Huntingdon, and by p-r. 82 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. CoFFEEviLLE, p-v. on the left bank of the Tombigbee r. Clarke co. Ala. 16 ms. n. w. Clarksville, the co. town, and by p-r. 120 ms. a little w.of s. Tuscaloosa. CoFFYviLLE, p-v. Clarke co. Ky. 35 ms. s. e. by E. Frankfort. CoHASSET, p-t. Norfolk CO. Mass. 20 ms. s. e. Boston. Cohasset rocks, 3 ms. from its shore, have been fatal to many vessels. Pop. 1830, 1,233. CoHOCTON, P-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 35 ms. s. w. Canandaigua. Pop. 2,544. CoKALAHisKiT, r. a branch of Clark's r., rises in the Chippewan mtns. opposite to the sources of Dearborne branch of Missouri, and flowing thence to the n. w. falls into Clark's r. after a comparative course of 150 ms. The mouth of this r. is according to Tanner at lat. 46° 44' and long. 36° w. W. C. Colchester, t. Chittenden co. Vt. ; w. bound- ary is lake Champlain, s. Onion r. separating it from Burlington ; timbered by beech, maple, ash, oak, chesnut, walnut, white and pitch pine. Has much pine plain, good mill streams, 1 dis- tillery, 3 churches, and 4 school houses. Pop, 1,489. Colchester, p-t. New London co. Conn. 23 ms. s. E. Hartford, 15 w. JNorwich, borders on 4 cos. 6 ms. by 9, 50 sq. ms. is uneven ; primitive good grazing land, watered by Salmon r. &c. and has factories. Bacon academy, founded 1801, has a fund of ^30,000. Population 1830, 2,068. Colchester, p-t. Del. co. N. Y. 21 ms. s. Delhi, 91 s. w. Albany, is crossed by e. branch of Del. r. and Beaver cr. Much lumber is raft- ed for Phil. Pop. 1,424. CoLDENHAM, p-v. Montgomery, Orange co N. Y. 13 ms. from Goshen. Colder, p-t. Erie co. N. Y. Population 464. Cold Spring, v. Cattaraugus co. N Y. 14 ms. s. w. Ellicottville. Cold Spring, landing, Putnam co. N. Y. opposite West Point. Has the great Iron foundary of the U. S. Cold Spring, p-v. Wilkinson co. Misp. by p-r. about 30 ms. s. Natchez. Cold Spring, p-v. Hardiman co. Ten. about 150 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Cold Stream Mills, p-o. Hampshire co. Va. by p-r. 104 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Cold Water, p-o. St. Joseph's co, Mich, about 150 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. Cole, co. of II. bndd. by Jasper s. e. Effing- ham, s. w., Shelby w., Macon n. west Vermil- COL lion northeast, and Edgar and Clark e. Length from s. to N. 50 ms. ; mean breadth 24, and area 1,200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 39° 10' to 39° 53' and in long. 11° 02' to 1 1° 30' w. W. C. This CO. contains a table land from which flow the Kaskaskias to s. s. w. and the Embarras to s. Both these rs. have their sources in the country westward from, and yet attached to Vermillion co. The Kaskaskias enters and traverses the n. w. angle of Cole, retiring from it to the s. w. The Embarras traverses the co. in its greatest length by a general southern course. The extreme source of Little Wabash is also in the s. w. angle of this co. Cf. t. Charlestown. Not included in the census of 1839. Cole, co. of Mo. bndd. w. and n. w. by Coo- per, N. by the Missouri r. separating it from Boone, n. e. by the river Missouri separating it from Callaway co., e. by the Osage separating it from Gasconnade co., and s. e. and s. by Osage r. separating it from a country not yet appropriated to co. division. As laid down by Tanner, Cole co. is in form of a triangle, longest side 50 ms. along Cooper, and from the Osage to Missouri r. ; mean breadth 17, and area 850 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 09' to 38° 51', and in long, from 15° to 15° 31' w. W. C. The general slope of this co. is to the estrd., though the two bounding rs. converge, the Blis- souri to the s. e., and the Osage to the n. e. Moreau cr. flowing from the wstrd. and enter- ing Missouri one or two ms. above the influx of Osage, divides Cole into two not very une- qual sections. Cf. t. Jefferson, the cap. also of the state. Pop. 3,023. Colebrook, p-t. Coos CO. N. H. 40 ms. n. Lancaster, 25,000 acres, has rich meadows on Con. r., Mohawk r., and Beaver brook. In- corporated, 1790. Pop. 532. Colebrook, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 31 ms. N. w. Hartford, 18 n. e. Litchfield, on high ground, 5 ms. by 6, 30 sq. ms. with granite hills, has a hard soil, pretty good for grazing, with many mill seats on the main branch of Farmington nnd Sandy rs. Pop. 1,332, Colebrook, tsp. and p-o. Ashtabula co. O. by p-r. 191 ms. N. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 92. Colebrookdale, p-o. Berks co. Pa. 11 ms e. from Reading and 63 ms. in a similar direction from Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,046, 1830, 1,229. Coleman's Cross Roads, and p-o. Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 50 ms. wstrd. Columbia. Colerain, P-t. Franklin co. Mass. 105 ms. n. w. Boston, s. N. H., has two forks of Deerfield r., and was settled about 1736, by a colony from Ireland. Pop. 1,877. Colerain, tsp. and p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. The p-o. is by p-r. 52 ms. from Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,088, 1830, 1,194. Colerain, p-v. Bertie co. N. C. situated on the wstrn. side of Chowan r., 60 ms. s. s. w. Norfolk, Va., by p-r. 174 miles n. e. by e. Ra- leigh. Colerain Forge, and p-o. on Spruce cr. in the nrthrn. part of Huntingdon co. Pa. 15 ms. n. borough of Huntingdon, and by p-r. 106 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. CoLEsviLLE, p-t. Broome co. N. Y. 15 ms. e. 105 COL Chenango Point, 125 s. w. Albany, has good grazing, though hilly lands ; crossed by Sus. quehannah r. Pop. 2,387. CoLEsvxLLE, p-o. Montgomery co. Md. 15 ms. N. W. C. CoLESviLLE, p-v. in the s. wstrn. angle of Chesterfield co. Va. 31 ms. s. w. Richmond. College Corners, and p-o. Prebble co. O. situated in the n. w. part of the co. about 60 ms. a little w. of n. Cincinnati. College Hill, p-o. at Columbia college, dist. of Columbia, 2 ms. n. from the general p-o. W. C. Colleton, dist. S. C. bndd. s. w. by Cambahee r. which separates it from Beaufort, n. v/. by Barnwell and Orangeburgh, n. and e. by Charles- ton, and s. e. by Atlantic ocean. Length from s. E. to N. w. 37 ms., mean breadth 37, and area 2,100 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 28' to 33° 18' N., and in long, from 3° 10' to 4° 8' w. W. C. Colleton is situated almost entirely within the Atlantic tide plain, and is in great part a dead level. Besides the Cambahee, which bounds it on the s. v/,, this district is traversed by the Edisto, and gives source and course to the Ashepoo r. The latter uniting with Cambahee, contributes to form St. Helena sound. The Edisto, before reaching the ocean, divides into two branches, encompassing an isl- and which bears the name of Edisto island. This island, chequered by points and traversed by numerous crs. is mostly subject to daily sub- mersion:3 by ocean tides, where the land of either the island or parts more inland, have been made arable ; the soil is productive. Chief staples, rice and cotton. Cf. t. Watersboro. Pop. 1820, 26,373, 1830, 27,256. Collie's Mill, and p-o. in the w. part of Cald- well CO. Ky. 12 ms. w. Eddyville. Colllns, t. Erie co. N. Y. 32 ms. s. Buffalo, is uneven, with a moist loam, favorable to the dairy, bearing much maple, beech, linden, &c. and watered by Cattaraugus cr. and two crs. of lake Erie. Pop. 2,120. Collins' cross roads, and p-o. in the s. part of Colleton dist. S. C. by p-r. 137 ms. a little e. of s. Columbia. Collins' Settlement, and p-o. in the w. part of Lewis CO. Va. by p-r. 286 ms. n. w. Richmond. CoLLissviLLE, p-v. a manufacturing village lying on both sides of Farmington r. at the s. part of Canton, Conn, containing about 800 in- habitants, of whom about 300 men are employed in the edge tool manufactory of Collins & Co. established here in 1826. The principle arti- cle of manufacture at present is axes, of which about 200,000, of superior quality, are manu- factured per annum. The village consists of about 20 buildings, of stone and wood, devoted to the business of the manufactory ; very neat and comfortable dwellings, (separate tene- ments,) for about 150 families ; a place of wor- ship, lyceum, and library, for the workmen, and schools for the children ; of the latter, none are employed in the manufactory. This village is entitled to particular notice, from the fact that it has been built up entirely by the enter- prise of the firm we have mentioned, to whom it exclusively belongs. CoLLiNsviLLE, p.o. in the w. part of Hunting- COL 106 COL don CO. Pa. bj^ p-r. 126 ms. n. of w. llarrisburg. CoLLiNsviLLE, p.o. ill the w. part of Madison CO. II. by p-r. 67 ms. Vandalia, w. Colon, p.v. Callaway co. Ky. about 260 ms. by p-r. s. \v. by w. Frankfort. CoLossE, p-v. Mexico, Oswego co. N. Y, Colts Neck, p-v. Monmouth co. N. .1. on a branch of Shrewsbury r. 5 ms. n. e. Freehold. Columbia, r. (See Oregon.) Columbia, p-v. Washington co. Me. 18 ms. w. Machias, 1 28 from Augusta,crossed by Pleasant r. Pop. 663. Columbia, p-t. Coos co. N. H. e. Conn, r., 30 ms. N. Lancaster, with Stratford mtns. s. from which flow mill streams, and several ponds, near one of which great quantities of shells are found, which make lime. Few evergreens grow here. Pop. 442. Columbia, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 22 ms. e. Hartford, 4 ms. by 5, 20 sq. ms. is hilly, with a hard prime soil, favorable to grazing, and bear- ing oak, chesnut, &c. Pop. 962. Columbia, co. N. Y. is bndd. by Rensselaer CO. N., Mass. E., Duchess co. s., Hudson r. and Green and Ulster cos. (opposite) w. It is 18 ms. by 30, contahis 594 sq. ms. and is one of the richest cos. in the state. It is irregular, but not mountainous, with Schistic hills e ; slate abounds, and some limestone. In the s. part the soil is warm gravel. Abram's and Lebanon or Claverack ers. flow hence into Hudson r. The manufactures are important. Livingston's ma- nor, or lordship, is in this co. It consisted of several grants made in 1684, '85 and '86 to Ro- bert Livingston, by the British government, and extended 10^ ms. on Hudson r., and e. about 20^. It is owned by his heirs, (except a part forming Germantown,) and includes Clermont, Livingston, Taghkanick and Ancram. At An- cram are celebrated iron works. Pop. 18x10, 38,330, 1830, 39,952. Columbia, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 10 ms. s. Herkimer. Pop. 2,181. Columbia, v. Warren co. N. J. on the Dela- ware below the Water gap, has glass manufac- tories, &c. N. w. Belvidere. Columbia, dist. of, a territory of 100 sq. ms. ceded in 1790 by Va. and Md. to the U. S. and became in 1800, the seat of government of the U. S. It is laid out in a square of 10 ms. each way, the sides lying in a direction of s. e. and N. w. or s. w. and n. e. Extending in lat. from 38° 46^ to 38° 58' nearly. The capital stands, as determined by astronomical observation un- der an act of Congress, 76° 55' 30" w. from the royal observatory at Greenwich. Of the 100 sq. ms. included in the dist., 36 were taken from Va. and included in the co. of Alexandria, and lie s. of the Potomac. A strip 8 ms. long by about 1-J wide, lying e. fr^mthe east branch, and N. from the main bed of the Potomac, is in- cluded in Washington co., which contains the cities of Washington and Georgetown. The surface of the dist. is gently undulating, afford- ing fine seats for the cities, within its limits, but the soil in its natural state is sterile, with but little exception. In a commercial view, the situation of the dist. is favorable. Ships of any draft are navigated to Alexandria, and those of large size to the navy yard on the east branch The Chesapeake and Delaware canal, when completed, will give incalculable advantages to Washington. The existing roads from it in every direction are far from being in a state suited to their importance. The civil govern, ment of the District of Columbia is under the immediate authority of the general government, and the municipal power is exercised by a mayor and corporation. In 1820, the population of the dist. was 33,0.39, viz. whites, in W. C, 9,607; Georgetown, 4,940 ; Alexandria, 5,615, and in the two cos. independent of the cities, there were in Washington co. 1,512; Alexan. dria, 941. Total whites, 22,615. Coloredpop. free, 4,048 ; slaves, 6,370. In 1830, the popu- lation was as follows : Washington city, Males. Females.' Whiles, 6,581 6,798 13,379 Colo'd. free, 1,342 1,787 3,129 Slaves, 1,010 1,309 2,319.18,827 Washington co. without the city, Males. Females. Whites, 1,015 712 1,727 Colo'd. free, 163 104 267 Slaves, 606 394 1,000 . 2,994 Alexandria city. Males. Females. Whites, 2,712 2,969 5,681 Colo'd. free, 565 816 1,381 Slaves, 462 739 1,201 . 8,263 Alexandria co. without the city. Males. Females. Whites, 401 401 802 Colo'd. free, 76 101 177 Slaves, 179 l85 364. 1,345 Georgetown, Mali^s. Females. White, 3,052 3,006 6,058 Colo'd. free, 500 709 1,209 Slaves, 521 653 1,174 , 8,441 Total population of the Dist. 1830^ " 39,868 For more particular statistical and other de- tails, (see articles Washington city, Alexandria and Georgetown.) Columbia, co. of Pa. bndd. by Northumber- land w., Lycoming n. w., Luzerne n. e., Sus- quehannah s. e., and Northumberland s. and s. w. Length from s. to n. 35, and mean breadth 20, and area 700 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 56' to 41° 16', and in long, from 0° 14' to 0° 50' w. W. C. The east branch of Sus- quehannah r. enters the eastern border of Co- lumbia, and flows over it in a southwestern di- rection, leaving about one third of the co. to the s. E. The northern section is nearly com. mensurate with the valley of Fishing cr., which, rising in Bald mtn., flows southwardly, and falls into Susquehannah at Bloomsburg, The face of the CO. is broken by numerous lateral ridges of mtns. extending in a direction n. e. and s. w. The river soil is highly productive in grain and pasturage. Cf. t. Danville. Pop. 1820, 17,621, 1830, 20,049. Columbia, p-v. and tsp. Lancaster co. Pa. situated on the left bank of Susquehannah r. 10 ms. w. from Lancaster, and 30 s. e. Harris, burg. At this place a fine wooden bridge, rest- ing on stone piers, crosses the Susquehannah COL 107 COL and connects the v. of Columbia with Wright- ville. Pop. 2,047. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus. Fluvanna co. Va. situated on the right bank of Fluvanna r. and near the centre of the co. lat. 37° 46', and in long. 1° 28' vv. W. C. and 52 ms. n. w. by vv. Richmond. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus. Tyrell co. N. C. situated on a small cr. which enters the s. side of Albemarle sound, lat. 35° 53', and Ions. 0° 45' E. W. C. by p-r. 187 ms. e. Raleigh, and 332 ms. E. of s. W. C. Columbia, p-t. and st. jus. Richland dist. and of the government of S. C. by p-r. 500 ms. a lit- tle s. of s. w. W. C. The real bearing between the two places, calculated on Mercator's princi- ples, is 33° 20' deviation from the meridians, and the distance 406 ms. Columbia, is 110 ms. N. w. Charleston, and almost exactly on the in- tersection of lat. 84° and long. 4° w. W. C. and directly opposite the union of Saluda and Broad rs. This town is laid out on a regular plan, v/ith streets at right angles to each other, and 100 feet wide. It contains South Carolina col- lege, a state house 1 70 by 60 ft., 5 or 6 churches, with other public buildings. The college edifices are spacious and splendid, 3 stories high, but unusually narrow for the length, being 210 by 25 ft. Upwards of ^200,000 have been expend- ed by the state on this institution, which also re- ceives an annual grant of ,$15,000. The col- lege possesses a respectable library and philo- sophical apparatus. Pop. 1832, 3,500. ColumbIa, CO. of Geo. bndd. by Richmond s. E., Warren s. w., Wilkes n. w., Lincoln n., and Savannah r. separating it from Edgefield dist. S. C. N. E. Length 30, mean breadth about 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Surface waving, and soil productive. It extends in lat. from 33° 20', to 33° 42', and in long, from 5° 1' to 5° 40' w. W. C. Cf. t. Applington. Pop. 1820, 12,695, 1830, 12,606. Columbia, co. of Flor. bndd. by Hamilton n., Duval E., Alachua s., and Suwannee r. separating it from Madison w. J at. 30°, and long. W. C. G° w. intersect in this co. but the exact out- lines being undetermined the approximate area cannot be given. From the nrthestrn. section rise the extreme sthwstrn. tributaries of St. Mary's r. slope to n. e. The body of the co. however, lies in the basin of Suwannee, and de- clines to the s. w. and drained by numerous branches of that stream. Central part about 100 ms. a little s. of e. Tallahassee. Pop. un- certain. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus. Henry co. Ala. by p-r. 872 ms. s. w. W. C. and 260 s. e. Tuscaloo- sa. It is situated on one of the higher branches of Choctawhatchie r. Lat. 31° 22', long. 8° 32' w. W. C. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus., Marion co. Misp. by p-r. 1097 ms. s. w. W. C, 110 ms. s. e. by e. Natchez, and 100 ms. n. New Orleans. It is situated on the left or eastern bank of Pearl r. at latitude 3l° 17', and longitude 12° 50' w. W.C. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus. Maury co. Ten. by p-r. 733 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 42 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. It is situated on the left bank of Puckr. at lat. 35° 36', long, W. C. 10° 01' w Columbia, c. li. Columbia co. Geo. (See Applington.) Columbia, p-v. Monroe co. II. by p-r? 90 ms. s. w. Vandalia. Columbia, p-v. and st. jus. Boone co. Mo. by p-r. 992 ms. wstrd. W. C. 57 n. Jefferson, and by the common road 130 ms. n. w. by w. St. Louis. Columbia Ckoss Roads and p-o. in the n. part Bradford co. Pa. by p-r. 148 ms. e. of n. Harrisburg. Columbiana, p-v. Shelby co. Ala. by p-r. 60 ms. estrd. Tuscaloosa. Columbiana, co. 0. bndd. s. by Jefferson, s. w. by Harrison, w. by Stark, n. w. by Portage, N. by Trumbull, e. by Beaver co. Pa. and s. e. by the 0. r. separating it from Brooke co. Va. The length from s. to n. a little exceeds the breadth, but the whole co. approaches to near a square of 30 ms. each side, or 900 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 4'J° 32' to 41° n., and in long, from 3° 30' to 4° 5' w. W. C. The cen- tral part of Columbiana is a table land, from which issue wstrd. Sandy creek, branch of Tus- carawas r. ; from the nthrn. the sources of Ma- honing, branch of Big lieaver r. ; and from the E. and s. E. sections the sources of Little Bea- ver. Cf. t. New Lisbon. Pop. 1820, 22,033, Ui30, 35,592. Columbiana, p-v. n, w. part of Columbia co. 0. 160 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Pop. v. 172. Columbian Grove, and p-o. Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 102 ms. s. w. Richmond. Columbiaville, v. of Hudson and Kinderhook, Columbia co. N. Y. on Kinderhook cr., is a large manufacturing v., near Hudson r. access- ible in boats, and on the Albany and N. Y. roads. It has 11 cotton factories, of above 2000 spindles each, and employs above 2000 persons. 350 calico printers are employed at Messrs. Marshalls' factory, where 4000 pieces of 30 yards are made weekly. This is con- nected with cotton spinning, and weaving; and the capital invested amounts to $450,000. Columbus, Chenango co. N. Y., 82 ms. s. of w. Albany. It has 2 post-offices, at i olumbus, and Columbus Corners. Pop. 1,661. Columbus, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa. by p-r. 92 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Columbus, one of the two most southern cos. of N. C. bndd. n. w. by Lumber r. separating it from Robeson, n. and n. e. by Bladen, e. and s. E. by Alacamaw r. separating it from Bruns- wick, and s. w. by Horry dist. S. C. Length 35 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 525 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 58' to 34° 30', and in long, from 1° 40' to 2° 11' w. W. C. Sur- face flat, and in part marshy. Cf. t. Whites- ville. Pop. 1820, 3,912, 1830, 4,141. Columbus, p-v. and st. jus. Muscogee co. Geo. on the left bank of the Chattahooche r. 123 ms. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 36', long. 8°. 10' w. W.C. Columbus, p-v. Lowndes co. Misp. on the left bank Tombigbee r. at the point where the road to New Orleans separates from that to Natchez, 236 ms. N. E. by e. from the latter, and 276 n. N. E. from the former. Columbus, p-v. McMinn co. Ten. by p-r. 153 ms, a. E. by e. Nashville. CON 108 CON Columbus, p-v. and st. jus. Hickman co. Ky. situated on the left bank of the Misp. r. above the upper end of Wolf Island, about 23 ms. be- low tlie mouth of 0. and by p-r. 277 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 48', long. 12° 12' w. W. C. Columbus, p-t. and st. jus. for Franklin co. and St. of the state government of O. Lat. 39° 57', long. 6° w. and distant 330 (by p-r. 396) ms. from W. C. Flint gives its relative position 551 ms. from N. Y., 477 from Phil., 755 from Boston, 429 from Baltimore, 991 from New Or- leans, 377 from Nashville, and 112 irom Cin. cinnati. It is 216 ms. almost exactly due s. from Detroit. It is seated on the eastern or left bank of Sciota r. immediately below the influx ofWhetstone r. the site being a gentle acclivity from the stream. In the spring of 1812, the ground on which this now flourishing tov/n stands was a wilderness. By the census of 1830, the pop. was then 2,435. It contains a state house on a public square, of brick, 75 by 50 ft. with a cupola 105 ft. high, a building for public offices 100 by 25 ft. ; the necessary coun- ly buildings, penitentiary numerous and re- spectable private schools, and a classical acade- my, four printing offices, market-house, and an asylum for the deaf and dumb. A canal of 11 ms. connects this place with the Ohio and Erie canal. There are three or four places of pub- lic worship, and from 340 to 350 dwelling houses. The relative position of this town, be- ing very near the physical centre of the state, almost ensures its permanence as the seat of state government, and having a navigable ca- nal to unite it with the O. r. and lake Erie, gives stability to commercial prosperity. Columbus, p-v. and st. jus. Bartholomew co. Ind. by p-r. 598 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. and 41 ms. s. s. E. Indianopolis. It is situated on Driftwood Fork of White r., 84 ms. a little n. of w. Cincinnati, O. at n. lat. 39° 14', long. 8° 53' AV. W. C. Colvin's Tavern, and p-o. Culpepper co. Va. by p-r. 87 ms. s. w. W. C. Coman's Well and p-o. Sussex co. Va. by p-r. 68 ms. s. s. e. Richmond. CoMBAiiEE, r. of S. C. rising between S. Edis- to and Savannah rs. and flowing thence s. e. 50 ms. receiving from the n. a stream of alriiost equal length, the Salkehatchie. The united waters continue to flow s. e. 30 ms, and fall into the head of St. Helena sound. The Combahee in the 50 lower ms. of its course separates CoUe- ton and Beaufort dists. Comfort, p-v. Jones co. N. C. by p-r. 152 ms. s. e. Raleigh. CoMiTE, small r, rising near the line between La. and Misp. enters the former state, and tra- versing the parish of East Feliciana, falls into Amite r. 12 ms. estrd. Baton Rouge. Commerce, p-v. e. part of Wilson co. Ten. 43 ms. E. Nashville. CoMMUNiPA, v. Bergen co. N. J. w. side N. Y. bay, opposite s. end Manhatten Island, 2 ms. s. w. Jersey City, on low lands ; sends oysters &c.to N. Y. market. Concord, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 55 ms. Au- gusta, w. side Kennebec r. Pop. 391. Concord, p-t. Merrimack co. N, II. cap. of the state, 45 ms. w. n. w. Portsmouth, 62 ms. w- N. w. Boston, 505 Washington. Long. 71° 30' w., lat. 43° 12', on both sides of Merrimack r. on which are rich meadows ; 40,918 acres, of which 1800 are vs-ater. It has 5 ponds, is crossed by Contoocook r. and has Sewalls, Turkey and Garvins falls on Merrimack r. with locks for navigation on the last. The river boating company have stores on the bank, and boat navigation extends through Middlesex canal to Boston. Pine grows on the low grounds. The upland is very good. First settled 1724, and suffered some from the Indians 1746. The village of Concord is handsomely built, on 2 principal streets w. Merrimack r. It contains a state house, and state prison, both of Granite ; a court house, 3 congregational churches, (one of which is Unitarian), 1 Baptist,l Methodist, and 1 Quaker. There are also 7 printing offices here, in which 5 newspapers are printed, and one stereotype foundry. There is also a sa- vings bank here, beside other banking capital amounting to $200,000. Pop. 3,727. Concord, p-t. Essex co. Vt., n. Conn. r. 38 ms. E. by N. Montpelier. First settled 1788 ; has an academy, incorporated 1823, is partly watered by Moose r., uneven, with good graz- ing, and some tillage, 9 school districts. Pop. 1,031. Concord, r. Middlesex co. Mass. runs n. and joins Merimack r. at Chelmsford, after serving as the only feeder to the Middlesex canal. Concord, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 18 ms. n. Boston, crossed by Concord r. ; incorporated 1635; has some good meadows, light soil on the plains, and gravelly loam on the hills. In the imttle of Concord, 19th April, 1775, the mi- lilia drove back the British light infantry, under Col. Smith and Maj. Pitcairne, who had come from Boston to destroy military stores deposited here. The action was at the bridge, and with that at Lexington, on the same day, caused the first bloodshed in the revolutionary war. The provincial congress met here 1774. Pop. 2,017. Concord, t. Erie co. N. Y. 32 ms. s. s. e. Buffalo, N. Cattaraugus cr. whose branches v/a- ter it, with some of Cazenovia cr. &c., has a moist loam, good for grazing and bearing beech, maple, bass, &c. Pop. 1,924. Concord, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 30 ms. n. w. Ballstown Spa, is crossed by Sacandaga cr. and Kayderosseras mtn. Pop. 758. Concord, meeting house, and p.o. Del. co. Pa. 10 ms. n. Wilmington. Concord, small p-v. Franklin co. Pa. situated on the head of Tuscarora cr. near the extreme nthrn. angle of the co. about 45 ms. nearly due w. Harrisburg. Concord, small p-v. on the head of Broad cr. branch of Nantikoke r. Sussex co. Del. 40. ms. s. Dover. Concord, p-v. Campbell co. Va. 118 ms. vv. Richmond. CoiNCORD, p-v and st. jus. Cabarras co. N. C. situated on a branch of Rocky r. by p-r. 140 ms. s. of w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 26' long. 3° 32' w. W.C. Concord, p-v. Decatur co. Geo, by p-r. 186 ms. s. s. w. Milledgeville. Concord, p-v. and tsp. in the n. e. part of Ge- CON 109 CON auCTa CO. 0. by p-r. 163 ms. n. k. Columbus. — Pop. 1830, 979. CoNCOKD, p-v. in the s. part White co. II. 10 ms. from Carmi, the st. jus. for the co. Concordia, parish of La. bndd. by Misp. r. e. and s., by Red r. s. w., and by Owachitta and Tensaw rs. w. Length 120, breadth unequal, but average about 10 ; area about 1200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° to about 32°, and long, from 14° to 14° 50' vv. W. C. It is a long level peninsula, falling by a very gentle slope from the Misp. towards Owachitta and Tensaw rs. It is much traversed by interlocking lakes and water courses, with an exuberantly fertile soil, but at least nine tenths liable to annual submersion. In its natural state a very dense forest covered the whole land surface. The arable part, as every where else in Louisiana, where annual iloods prevail, is composed of narrow strips along the streams. Staple, cot- ton. Cf. t. Concordia. Pop. 1820, 2,626, 1830, 4,662. Concordia, lake of La. in the parish of Con- cordia, evidently once a bend of the Misp. r. It is about 5 ms. long, curving to the wstrd. with a breadth of between 4 and ^ a m. con. nected with the Misp. by an outlet which leaves that stream directly opposite Natchez. Concordia, p-v. and st. jus. parish of Con- cordia, La. situated on the right banli of the Misp., opposite Natchez. Concordia, p-v. in the w. part of Dark co. 0., 109 ms. n. of w. Columbus. CoNECocHEAGUE, r. of Pa. and Md. rises in the former by two branches, the wstrn. in the nthrn. part of Franklin co. interlocking sources with those of Tuscarora cr. ; the estrn, rises in Adams co. but flowing wstrd. enters Cumber- land, interlocking sources with those of the Monocacy, Conewago, and Conedogwinet, pass- ing Chambersburg, the e. branch turns to the s. s. w. and imiting below Greencastle with the wstrn., enters Washington in Md. and falls into the Potomac at Williamsport. The valley of Conecocheague is about 40 ms. in length, by a mean breadth of 15 ; area 600 sq. ms. ; but it is important from the almost uniform fertility of soil. From Chambersburg to its mouth, this river, serving nearly as a line of separation, leaves the limestone e. and slate w. {See Kit- iatinny valley.) Conecuh, r. of Ala. and Flor. rising by nume- rous branches in Pike, Butler, Conecuh, and Covington cos. of the former, flow generally to the s. w., unite in Conecuh co., where, turning to the sthrd. enters Florida, about two miles within which it receives an inferior branch, the Escambia, but loses its name in that of an un- important confluent ; the extreme remote sources of the Conecuh rise above lat. 32°, and if we in- clude Escambia, the valley reaches to 30° 25', with a length of 140 ms. and mean breadth of 25 ; area 3,500 sq. ms. The Conecuh is navigable at high water as high as Montezuma in Covington CO. In general the soil of the valley is sterile and wooded by pine timber. Conecuh, co. of Ala. bndd. by Baldwin co. w., Monroe n. w., Butler n., Covington e., and Escambia co. in Flor. s. Length 53 from s. to N., mean breadth 27; area 1531 sq. ms., in 15 lat. from 31° to 31° 46' n. and long, from 9° 51' to 10° 30' w. W. C. This CO. is drained by va- rious branches of Conecuh r. which join the main body of that stream near Fort Crawford. The soil is of middling quality. Cf. t. Sparta. Staple, principally cotton. Pop. 1820, 5,713, 1830, 7,444. Conedogwinet, r. of Pa. rising in the n. e, part of Franklin, and s. w. of Cumberland co. leaving the former and entering the latter, gradually curves from n. to n. e. and finally nearly e., passes within little more than a mile from Carlisle, finally falls into Susquehannah, about 2 ms. above llarrisburg, after a compar- ative course of 80 ms. The vallies of Cone- dogwinet and Conecocheague united, occupy the greater part of the important mountain val- ley between the Kittatinny and Blue Ridge, and between the Susquehannah and Potomac rs. The Conedogwinet, like the Conecocheague, very nearly separates the limestone and slate formations. The two streams seem to oflfer a tempting means of constructing a canal to unite the two fine rivers into which they are respec- tively discharged. CoNEMAUGH, r. of Pa. rises by numerous branches in the valley between the Alleghany mtn. and Laurel Hill, and in Somerset and Cam- bria cos. opposite the sources of the w. branch of Susquehannah, Juniata, and a branch of Potomac, and in the same valley interlocking sources with those of the Youghioghany to the s., and those of the w. branch of Susquehannah to the N. After a general course to the n. w., the different branches unite at the lower slope of the valley, and the united waters pierce the Laurel Hill, turn to a n. w. by w. course, tra- verse the valley between Laurel Hill and Ches- nut Ridge, and piercing the latter chain, leave the mountains and enter on the great wstrn. hilly region. Continuing to n. w. by w. and re. ceiving from the n. Cherry r. from Ind. co. and from the s. Loyalhanna, from Westmoreland co. fall into the Alleghany r. at Freeport, after a comparative course of 150 ms. very nearly of similar length with the Youghioghany ; the Conemaugh valley is more extensive. That of Youghioghany embracing about 4000, and that of Conemaugh 6000 sq. ms. Independent of the mountain ridges, the elevation of the higher part of the Conemaugh valley is about 1,300 ft., but the fall of its plain so rapid, that from the summit of the Alleghany to Johnstown, where the two main rivers unite in Cambria co., in a direct distance of 50 ms., the descent is 1,137 ft. The Conemaugh r. has gained an impor- tance much beyond its comparative size, as its immediate valley from .Tohnstown to the mouth, has become the route of the traverse section of the Pa. canal. Conemaugh, late .Tohnstown, p.v. atthe forks of Conemaugh r., Cambria co. Pa., by p.r. 138 ms. w. llarrisburg. CoNEQUENEssiNG, r. of Pa. composed of the Conequenessing and Slippery Rock crs. The inclined plain extending from the Alleghany r. above Pittsburg to the summit level between the vallies of Ohio and lake Erie, has its slope of declination to the s., giving source to the nu- merous branches of Shenango and Coneque. CON 110 CON nessing rs. or the e. confluents of Big Beaver r. These streams rise generally within about 10 or 12 ms. from the Alleghany r. and flow directly from it to the s. w. The valley of the Cone- quenessing is nearly commensurate with the quadrangular space between Alleghany, Ohio, Big Beaver rs. comprising two thirds of Butler, with part of Alleghany and Mercer cos. embra- cing a square of about 30 ms. each way, or 900 eq. ms. CoNESTOGOE, r. of Pa. in Lancaster, Berks, and Dauphin cos. This fine stream has its re- mote sources only in Lebanon and Berks ; the greatest part of its valley is in Lancaster. The comparative length of Conestogoe is about 30 ms., and the breadth of its sources about an equal distance, stretching from the Welsh mtn. to the Conewago Hills. The area of the valley is 450 sq. ms. This small natural section in- cludes the city of Lancaster, the nrthrn. and central parts of Lancaster co. and is one of the best cultivated and most productive tracts of the U. S. A canal extends along the Conesto. goe valley, from the city of Lancaster to its discharge into Susquehannah r. 10 ms. s. s. w. from that city. Conestogoe, p-o. and tsp. of Lancaster co. Pa. Pop. 2,152. CoNEsus, t. Livingston co. N. Y. Pop. 1,690. Conewago, r. rises by its w. and main branch in Adams co. Pa. and by its estrn. confluent in Frederick co. Md. The two branches unite in Adams co. near Abbotstown, and assuming a N. e. course fall into the Susquehannah, oppo- site Bainbridge in Lancaster co. after a compar- ative course of 40 ms. The valley of the Cone- wago and that of Manocacy united, fill the space between the Blue Ridge and the s. e. range of Appalachian system, and between the Susque- hannah and Potomac rs. Conewago, small creek of Pa. rising in Leba. non CO. and flowing thence s. s. w. separating Lancaster from Lebanon and Dauphin cos. and falling into the Susquehannah, opposite York Haven, after a course of 15 ms. Conewango, r. N. Y. rises between Chatau- que and Cattaraugus cos. runs w. to the outlet of Chatauque lake, then s. to Alleghany r. at Warren, Pa. Length 40 ms. and is navigated in boats and rafts parts of the year, which may go within 7 ms. of lake Erie. Conewango, t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y. Pop. 1830, 1,712. Conewango, p-v. n. part of Warren co. Pa., on Conewango cr., by p-r. 222 ms. n. w. Harris- burg. CoNEwiNGo, cr. and p-o. n. w. angle of Cecil CO. Md. 40 ms. n. e. Baltimore. The lower falls in Susquehannah, sometimes, though erro- neously, called Conewingo falls. The true Conewingo falls are 6 ms. above the lower falls or head of tide water. Coney Isl. Kings co. N. Y. on the s. side Long Isl. 3 ms. below the Narrows. Congaree, r. of S. C. formed by the united streams of Broad and Saluda rs. which com- mingle at Columbia, almost at the point where lat 34° and 4° Icn. w. W .C. intersect. The gene- ral and comparative course of the Congaree is s. E. with a sweep to the s., and thence e. 35 ms. ; but by the meanders the length would probably exceed 50 ms. ; in a swampy tract be- tween Orangeburgh, Richland and Sumpter dis- tricts, the Congaree unites with the Wateree from the n. to form the Santee. (See Santee ) CoNHocTON, cr. Steuben co. N. Y. enters Chemung r. at Painted Post. CoNHOCTON, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 16 ms, N. w. Bath, gives rise to Conhocton r., bears beech, maple, elm, bass, ash, hemlock and grass. Pop. 2,711. CoNKLiN, t. Broome co. N. Y. Pop. 908. Conneaut, lake & cr. of Crawford co. Pa. The lake is about 4 ms. long, and 1 to 2 wide, dis- charging the cr. southeastward in French cr. which it enters about 8 ms. s. from Meadville. Conneaut, small r. of Pa. and 0. rises in Crawford co. of the former, near a lake of the same name, and flowing thence 20 ms. n. n. e. enters Erie co. in which it inflects to the w. 15 ms., entering Ashtabula co. Ohio, and again turning abruptly to n. e. 10 ms. falls into lake Erie in the n. e. angle of the state of O. at the p-v. of Conneaut. Conneaut, p-v. in the extreme n. e. angle of Ashtabula co. O. at the mouth of Conneaut cr. by p-r. 203 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 30 ms. s. w. by w. Erie, in Erie co. Pa. Conneautville, p-v. on Conneaut cr. in the N. w. part of Crawford co. Pa. 20 ms. n. w, Meadville. Connecticut r. the principal and most im. portant stream of New England, rises in the highlands, dividing the United States from Lower Canada, the head waters of which, form, ing Lake Connecticut, are 16 hundred feet above the level of L. I. Sound. Within the first 25 ms. of its course, which is s. w., it falls about 600 ft. ; afterwards pursuing a more southerly course to the head of Fifteen Mile falls, it has a farther descent of 350 ft. in 20 ms. Between the latter, and the foot of Enfield falls, where it meets tide water, are several other descents and rapids, among which the principal are White r. falls at Hanover, and Bellows falls near Walpole, in N. H. ; Miller's and Monta- gue's and Hadley falls in Mass. ; and Enfield falls in Conn. The descent in these, exclusive of smaller rapids which intervene, is 236 ft. The general course of the river is southerly, dividing the states of Vt. and N. H. ; afterwards crossing the western part of Mass., and dividing Conn, almost equally from n. to s. as far as Middletown, whence it curves to the s. e. to Saybrook, between which place and Lyme it empties into Long Island Sound. The length of the Conn, including its windings, is 400 ms., and the valley, not following the course of the stream, is over 300 ms. long. The tributaries of the Connecticut are numerous ; among them are the Pasumsic, a large stream emptying into the Conn, at the foot of Fifteen Mile falls ; White r. at Hanover ; Deerfield and Agawam, at the two places from which they derive their names, and Farmington or Windsor r. at Wind- sor, Conn. These are the principal tributaries on the w. side. On the e. the most important are Miller's r. which flows into the Conn, at Montague ; and at Springfield it receives the CON 111 CON Chickapee, its largest tributary. The valley of the Conn, presents to the eye every variety of scenery ; magnificent mountains, and hills, val- leys and meadow^s, unsurpassed in beauty or fertility ; upon its banks are some of the most beautiful tow^ns and villages in New England. Nearly two hundred small lakes, from one to three miles in length, are scattered over the higher surfaces, and are generally found at the sources of tributaries of the river. The Mas- comy in Lebanon, N. H. and the Sunapee, are the largest in the valley ; the former being 7, and the latter 12 ms. in length. Among the high lands which bound the valley, are the Green mountains in Vt. with peaks and ridges 4,000 ft. high ; and on the e. are the White mountains, and Monadnok, in N. H. Mount Washington, of the former, is the highest land between the Atlantic and the Rocky mountains, and is 6,250 ft. above the level of the ocean. Ascutney mountain in Vt. lies wholly within the valley, and is 3,000 ft. high. The banks of the Connecticut are annually overflowed in the spring, and not unfrequently at other seasons ; the extensive meadows lying upon its banks re- ceive at such times a rich, valuable and abund- ant addition to their soil. Numerous bridges are thrown across the river, the lowest of which is at Hartford, At the n. boundary of Vt. the Conn, is 150 ft. wide ; 60 ms. below, 390 ft. ; and in Mass. and Conn, it varies from 450 to 1,050 ft. in width. Salmon, which for- merly were abundant in the Conn, have entirely disappeared ; the principal fishery is shad, which is very valuable. Large quantities of other fine fish also abound in it. The Connect- icut is navigable to Hartford, 50 ms. from its mouth, for vessels of 8 ft. draft, and to Middle- town, for those drawing 10 ft, of water. Large steam boats ply daily between the former place and the city of N. York, touching at the inter- mediate places on the r. Above Hartford numerous flat bottom boats of 15 to 30 tons burthen ascend 220 ms, above Hartford, to Wells r. by aid of locks and canals around the falls. These are principally towed by small steam boats, six in number, placed on the diff'er- ent sections between Springfield, Mass., and Wells river. Two steam boats, for passengers, also ply daily between Hartford and Springfield. The improvements recently made, and others contemplated in the navigation of the river, have already given a fresh impulse to business, as is evident from the great increase of merchandise and produce transported upon its waters, and the increasing intercourse between the towns and villages in its vicinity, Connecticut, one of the United States ; bndd. N. by Massachusetts, e. by Rhode Island, s. by Long Island Sound, and w. by New York. It lies between 41° and 42° lat. and between long. 3° 30' and 5° 15' e. W. C, It is 90 ms. long, 70 broad and contains 4764 sq. ms. This state was first settled in 1635, by emigrants from Massachusetts, who located themselves in Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield. A Char- ter was granted to them by Charles the 2d, in 1662. New Haven, which was settled by emi- grants from England 1638, and for many years formed a separate colony, was united with Con= necticut under this charter in 1665. The people were greatly harrassed by the arbitrary and op- pressive conduct of James 2d. In 1687, Sir Edmund Andross, having been appointed gover- nor of New England, came to Hartford, and by royal authority demanded a surrender of the charter. The assembly being then in session, were reluctant to make this surrender, and while the subject was unde? consideration, the charter was secretly conveyed away, and con^ cealed in the cavity of an old oak tree on the estate of Mr. Wyllys, one of the magistrates of the colony. This charter formed the basis of the government until 1818, when the present constitution was adopted. The powers of the government are now divided into three distinct departments, viz. the legislative, executive, and judicial. The- legislative power is vested in a senate- and house of representatives. The se-. nate must consist of not less than 18, nor more than 24 members, who are chosen annually in, as many districts, by a plurality of votes. "The present number is 21. The house of represen- tatives consists of 209 members, who are cho- sen annually in each town by a majority of votes,, 178 towns, (the more ancient ones,) sending two- members, 53 towns only one. The executive- power is vested in a governor, who must be 30 years of age,, and is chosen annually by a ma- jority of the votes of the people* The lieuten-. ant governor is also chosen annually by the people. He is president of the senate, and al- so performs the duties of governor, in case of his death, resignation, refusal to serve, impeach- ment, or absence. The- legislature has one sta-. ted session annually, on the first Wednesday in- May, alternately at Hartford and New Haven. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court of errors, a superior court, and such inferior courts as the legislature may from time to time establish. All the judges are appointed by the legislature ; those of the supreme and superior courts, hold their offices during good behavior until 70 years of age, subject to impeachment, or removal by the governor, on the address of two thirds of each branch of the legislature. The supreme court of errors is composed' sji' five judges, and is held in each county annually. The superior court is held twice every year in each county, by one of the judges of the supreme court. In each county also, there is a county court, composed of a chief judge and two asso- ciate judges, who with justices of the peace are- appointed annually. Every white male citizen of the United States,, 21 years of age, who has gained a settlement in the state, resided in the town six months, and haviag a freehold estate of the yearly value of seven dollars ; or hav- ing performed military duty ; or paid state tax, may be an elector. The surface of the state is uneven and greatly diversified by hills and valleys. There are three ranges of mountains, in the state ; one running within 8 or 10 miles of Connecticut river, on the east side, as far south as Chatham, where it crosses the river and terminates at East Haven ; the Mount Tom range, which comes from Massachusetts, runs, through the whole state on the west side of the Connecticut, and terminates at New Haven in a perpendicular bluff called East Rock ; and the CON 112 CON Green mountain range, which is still further west, comes from Vermont, passes through the whole state, and terminates in a similar bluff, at New Haven, called West Rock. The land is generally good, and the meadows on Connecti- cut river are uncommonly fine ; but a large part of the state is better adapted to grazing than tillage. The principal productions are, Indian corn, rye, wheat in some parts, oats, barley, flax, grass, potatoes. Butter and cheese are made in large quantities. Sheep are extensive- ly raised, and beef and pork are abundant. The farms are generally small, varying from 50 to 300 or 400 acres. The winters are severe, but the country is healthy. The principal rivers are the Connecticut, the Housatonic, and the Thames. The principal harbors. New London, New Haven and Bridgeport. Iron ore of ex- cellent quality is found in great abundance in Salisbury, and other places in the northwestern part of the state. A copper mine was opened and wrought at Simsbury previous to the revo. lutionary war, but was subsequently abandoned, and for many years occupied as a state prison ; after the removal of the prison, a company commenced working it again, who have suc- ceeded in obtaining copper ore of great purity. Superior white marble is found at Washington and New Milford, and beautiful variegated marble of the verd antique species, at New Ha- ven and Milford. There are extensive quarries of excellent free stone, at Chatham and other adjacent towns on the river. The state is divided into eight counties, Hart- ford. New Haven, New London, Fairfield, Windham, Litchfield, Middlesex, and Tolland. There are five incorporated cities, Hartford, New Haven, New London, Norwich, and Mid- dletown ; and eight boroughs, Danbury, Guil- ford, Bridgeport, Newtown, Stonington, Stam- ford, Waterbury, and Killingworth. The pop- ulation of Connecticut in 1810 was 261,942, and in 1820, 275,248. In 1830 it was as follows. Counties. Counties. Hartford, 51,141 Windham, 27,077 New Haven, " 43,848 Litchfield, 42,855 New London, 42,295 Middlesex, 24,845 Fairfield, 46,950 Tolland, 18,700 Of which were whites, Males. Females. Under 5 years, 19,033 18,270 5 to 15 35,679 33,518 15 to 30 42,675 42,518 30 to 50 28,203 31,151 50 to 70 13,346 15,952 70 to 90 4,025 4,988 90 and above. 86 159 Total, 143,047 146,556 Of free colored persons there were as fol- lows : — under 10, 1,019 males, 1,051 females — between 10 and 24, 1,121 males, 1,233 females between 24 and 36, 771 males, 819 females — between 36 and 55, 624 males, 667 females — between 55 and 100, 313 males, 417 females — 100 years and upwards, 2 males, 10 females. — Total, 8,047. Blacks not emancipated on ac- count of advanced age or infirmities, 8 males and 17 females. Total 25. Recapitulation, Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 289,603 8,047 25 297,675. Of the foregoing were whites, deaf and dumb, under 14, 43 ; between 14 and 25, 152 ; 25 and upwards, 99 ; total, 294. Blind, 188 ; aliens, 1,481. Of the blacks there are deaf and dumb, 6 ; blind, 7. The foreign trade of Connecticut is princi- pally with the West Indies, but it is less exten- sive than the coasting trade. The exports are beef, pork, horses, mules, cattle, butter, cheese, fish, and various articles of manufactures. New London, Stonington, and some other towns, have recently engaged with much success in the whaling business. Conneciicut is extensively engaged in manufactures, consisting principally of cotton and woollen goods, iron, glass, paper, tin ware, buttons, clocks, leather, shoes, fire arms, and various other articles. The follow- ing is an abstract of the rateable estate and polls in Conn, as returned in 1831. 42,852 Houses, $21,948,740 2,622,676 Acres of land, 50,782,455 1,572 Mills, 843,511 1,826 Stores, 1,467,748 283 Distilleries, 64,052 1,521 Manufactories, 1,637,149 183 Fisheries, 498,625 34,250 Horses, asses, mules, &c. 1,290,694 237,989 Neat Cattle, 3,347,667 271,625 Sheep, 333,657 Silver plate and plated ware, 10,614 5,196 Riding carriages and wagons, 238,798 22,893 Clocks and watches, 174,843 Insurance stock, 53,642 Turnpike stock, 157,362 Money on interest, 2,087,976 State bank stock, 3,143,736 U. S. bank stock, 17,880 25 Quarries, and shares of, 38,350 1 Ferry, 200 87,737,699 Assessments. On professions, 147,683 34,456 polls, $20 each, 689,320 837,003 There are 19 state banks in Connecticut, with a capital, as officially returned, March, 1832, of |4,944,100 ; in addition to which is a branch of the U. S. bank, capital $300,000. There are also 5 banks for savings, and 11 in. surance companies. Several new banks not yet in operation were chartered at the last session of the Legislature, (1833.) The principal literary and benevolent institu- tions are Yale College in New Haven, the Wesleyan University in Middletown, and Wash- ington College, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and Retreat for the Insane, in Hartford. A general state hospital has also been recently founded in New Haven. Numerous academies and high schools for both sexes, are established in various parts of the state. The state prison at Wethersfield deserves to be mentioned as an institution highly creditable to the state. In its construction and general arrangements, it is similar to the New York CON 113 COO state prison at Auburn. The number of con- victs in March, 1832, was 192, of whom 18 were females. They are kept at hard labor in work shops by day, and confined in solitary cells by night. A prominent feature in the system of discipline, is the prevention of all intercourse or communication between the prisoners. The prison produces a handsome revenue to the state ; the avails of it for the year ending on the 31st March, 1832, after deducting all ex- penses, amounted to ^8,713 53. There is a chaplain connected with the institution ; a Sun. day school has been organized, and all proper means are faithfully used for the reformation of the convicts. In no part of the world has more ample provision been made for the in- struction of all classes of the people in the elements of useful knowledge than in Connect- icut. Her institutions of learning, and provi- sion for the general instruction of the people, have placed Connecticut on a proud eminence among her sister states. By the estimate of the commissioners, April 1, 1831, the aggregate amount of the school fund of the state amounted to ^1,902,957 87 ; and the whole proceeds for the year ending 31st March, 1832 was ^84,173- 83. This fund is derived from the sale of western lands, and the proceeds are appropriat- ed to the support of common schools. Her citizens have always been distinguished for their intelligence, industry, economy, and cor- rect moral habits. A spirit of enterprise has led thousands of them to emigrate to distant parts of the country where they have assisted in the settlement of other states and territories. Perfect religious toleration is enjoyed in Con- necticut. No person is compelled to support or be connected with any church or religious as- sociation ; and although while thus connected, he may be compelled to pay his proportion of the expenses, he may at any time dissolve his connection by leaving a written notice of the same with the clerk of such society. There are various religious sects in the state ; Con- gregationalists, Baptists, Episcopalians, Meth- odists, Unitarians, Friends, Universalists, Shak- ers, Catholics, some Free Will Baptists, and a few Christ-ians. The Congregationalists are much the most numerous. Connecticut Farms, v. Essex co. N. J. 4 ms. N. w. Elizabethtown. CoNNELLsviLLE, p-v. and tsp. Fayette co. Pa. The village is situated on the right bank of Youghioghany r. 12 ms. n. n. e. Union Town. CoNNERSviLLE, p-v. Boone CO. Ky. by p-r. 86 ms. N. Frankfort. CoNNERSvii.LE, p-v. and St. jus. Fayette co, Ind. by p-r. 527 ms. w. from W. C. 68 ms. a little s. of E. Indianopolis, and 60 ms. n. w. Cincinnati, O. It is situated on White Water river at latitude 39° 38', and longitude 8° 10' w. W. C. CoNOTTON, p-v. in the n. part of Harrison co. O. by p-r. 127 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Conquest, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 19 ms. n. w. Auburn. Pop. 1,507. Conrad's Ferry, over the Potomac, just above the mouth of Goose cr. and p-o. in the w. part of Montgomery co. Md, 4 ms. s. k, by E. Leesburg, Va. and 37 ms. from W. C. Conrad's store, and p-o. Rockingham co. Va, by p-r. 141 ms. n. w, Richmond. Constable, t, Franklin co. N. Y, 7 ms. n, Malone, 6 ms, by 9, has a sandy loam, with beech, maple, bass, elm, hemlock, and groves of pine. Bog iron ore is dug, Salmon and Trout rs, supply mill seats. Pop, 693, CoNSTANTiA, p-t, Oswego CO. N, Y. 28 ms. w. from Rome, n. Oneida lake, 7 ms. by 17, is low and level, with good land, and some bog iron ore. It includes the site of Fort Brewer- ton, at the outlet of Oneida lake. The v. on the N. side of the lake has iron works. Poo. 1,193. CoNToocooK, r. Hillsborough co. N. H. enters Merrimack r. at Concord. CoNWAV, P-t. Stafford co. N. H. 76 m,s. n. n. E. Concord, crossed by Saco r. w. Me., 6 ms. square, is Watered also by Swift and Pequaco- kett rs. A sulphur spring here is visited by invalids ; magnesia and fullers' earth are found. The banks of Saco r. are level and rich ; the uplands rocky. The timber is oak, maple, beech, and white pine. Saco r. is subject to sudden floods. Fop. 1,601. Conway, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. 6 ms. w. Greenfield, lOO w. Boston, s. w. Deerneld r. 7 ms. w. Conn. r. formerly part of Deerfield, Pop, 1,563. Conway, co. Ark, as laid down by Tanner is bndd. by Pulaski s. e.. Hot Springs co. s. w.. Pope w., Izard n. and Independence n. e. Great- est length diagonally from s. w. to n. e. 100 ms, mean breadth 24, and area, 2,400 sq, ms, Lat, 34° 40' to 35° 40' n., long, W, C, 15° 52' to 16° 12' w. The extreme nthrn, part slopes estrd. and is in that direction drained by Red River br, of White River, To the sthrd, of Red river Cadron and Point Remou creeks flow sthrdly, into Arkansas r., the latter stream traverses Conway by a s. e. by e. course, while the sthrn. part of the co. is composed of a congeries of hills and mtns. from which issue sthrdly. the higher nrthestrn. sources of Washitau r., as laid down by Tanner. Cf. ts. Cadron, Lewis- burg, and Marion ; but on p-o, list cf, t, Har- risonburgh. Pop, 1830, 982. Conway, p-o. Ark. by p-r. 190 ms. s w. from Little Rock. Conway's borough, p-v, and st, jus. Horry, dist. S. C. on the right bank of Waccamau r. by p-r. 153, but by direct road, about 100 ms. n. e, from Charleston, and about an equal distance a little w, of s. Fayetteville in N. C. lat. 33° 49' and long. 2° 05' w. W. C. Conyngham, p-v. situated at the foot of Buck mtn. Nescopeck valley, and in the southern part of Luzerne co. Pa. 12 ms. a little s. of e from Burwick and 20 ms. n. w. by w. from Mauch Chunk, on the Lehigh. It is a most romantic situation, surrounded by mts. and stretching in one street across the valley, presents to the traveller a well built village, containing a pop. 1830, of about 300. Cooche's Bridge, and p-o. in the n. w. part of New Castle co. Del. 62 ms. w. of n. Dover. Cook, northeastern co. II. as laid down on Tanner's improved map of the U. S. is bndd. by the northwestern angle of Ind. s. e., CO. II, s., Lasalle s. w. and w., co. II, n., coo 114 COO and lake Michigan n. e. Length from s. to n. 60 ms. mean breadth 32, and area 1920 sq. ms. N. lat. 42°, and long. W. C. 11° w. intersect in this CO. Though bndd. on the n. e. by lake Michigan, the slope of more than nine tenths of Cook CO. is to the southwestward. Plane r. rising near its nthrn. border flows sthrd. about 30 ms. at a mean distance of about 8 ms. until it reaches a point 12 ms. s. w. from Chicago on lake Michigan, from whence inflecting to s. Av. 40 ms. it joins Pickinink r. forming Illinois r. near the border between Lasalle and Cook cos. The latter contains, therefore, the natural water communication most direct between the Cana- dian lakes and the basin ot Misp. r. The in- termediate country is an almost unbroken plain, and at times of high water canoes can be navi- gated over it, and almost inviting man to com- plete the work commenced by Nature. Cf. t. Chicago. Pop. uncertain. Cook's Law office and p-o. Elbert co. Geo. by p-r. 65 ms.N. n. e. Milledgeville. Cook's, late Broom's p-o. in the s. part of Fairfield co. S. C. 20 ms. n. from Columbia. Cook's settlement and p-o. in the w. part of St. Genevieve co. Mo. about 60 ms.s. St. Louis. CooKSTOWN, p-v. on the right bank of the Monongahela r. n. w. part of Fayette co. Pa. 28 ms. a little e. of s. Pittsburg. CooKSViLLE, p-v. N. part of Ann Arundel co. Md. by p-r. 51, but by actual distance 32 ms. n. w.'c. CooKViLLE, P-O. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r. 92 ms. N. E. by E. Nashville. Coolbaugh's p-o. Pike co. Pa. about 21 ms. s. Milford, the st. jus. Cool spring, p-o. Washmgton co. N. C. by p-r. 182 ms. e. Raleigh. Cool spring, p-o. in the e. part of Chester- field dist. S. C. by p-r. 89 ms, n. e. Columbus. Cool spring, p-o. Wilkinson co. Geo. by p-r. 44 ms. s. Milledgeville. Cool spring, p-o. Gibson co. Ten. by p-r. 130 ms. w. Nashville. Coolville, p-v. on Hocking r., s. e. part of Athens co. O. by p-r. 24 ms. below Athens, the CO. seat. Cooper, t. Washington co. Me. 164 ms. Au- gusta, has a stream on, e, border emptying into Coolescook bay. Pop. 396. Cooper, r. of S. C. in reality the drain of a swampy tract semicircle, by Santee r. the vari- ous drains uniting about 29 ms. n. from Charles, ton, form Cooper r. which, flowing s. joins Wards r. from the n. and at Charleston, Ashley from the s., all contributing to form the fine har- bor of that city. Santee canal unites Cooper and Santee rs. extending from n. n. w. to s. s. e. 21 ms. from the Santee at Blackoak, isl. to the w. branch of Cooper. Cooper's p-o. Franklin co. Va. 159 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. CooPERSTowN, p-v. and st. jus. Otsego co. N. Y. 12 ms. w. Cherry Valley, 66 w. Albany, 21 s. Erie Canal, s, end Otsego Lake. There is a deep valley at the outlet of Otsego lake, be- tween high hills. Timber, chiefly pine and hemlock. The v. has 3 churches ; 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, a court-house, county bank with $100,000 capital ; a card fac. tory here, is chiefly worked by dogs. Pop. 1,115. Cooperstown, P-V. in the n. w, part of Venan- go CO. Pa. by p-r. 70 ms. n. Pittsburg. Cooperstown, p-o. in Nancoochy valley, w. part of Habersham co. Geo. by p-r. l2 ms. w. Clarksville, the co. st. Coos, CO. N. H. the largest in the State, bndd. by Lower Canada n.. Me. e,, Stafford co. s., Grafton co. and Vt. w., with !,600 sq. ms. in- cludes the White mtns. the highest in the U. S. and gives rise to the 3 Ammonoosucks, branch- es of Conn, r., and Saco, which enters the At- lantic. A great part of the co. cannot be im- proved by cultivation, and is unoccupied. On Conn. r. are some fine meadows. It contains 25 towns and 47 school dists. Cf. t. Lancaster. Pop. 1820, 5,151, 1830,8,390. Coosa, r. of Ten. Geo. and Ala. the n. w. and main branch of Ala. r. The extreme higher sources of Coosa is in Ten. at lat. 35° 05', there known by the name of Connessauga. It flows first w. but curving s. s. w. 70 ms. receives from the N. E. the Etowah r. The two branches have interlocking sources with the Hiwassa branch of Ten. with those of Ten. Proper, and the Chattahooche. Having their fountains amid the elevated Appalachian vallies, the higher confluents of Coosa are rapid perennial streams. Below the junction of Connessauga and Eto- wah, the united waters flow 8 ms. wstrd. enter- ing Ala. near Fort Armstrong, inflect to s, s. w. receiving but few accessions above the size of a large cr. join the Talapoosa at lat. 32° 28', long. 9° 22' w. W. C. to form Ala., having an entire comparative course of about 240 ms.^- The valley of the Coosa is about 200 ms. long, and mean breadth 45 ; area 9,000 sq. ms. CoosAUDA, p-v. on the right bank of Ala. r. Autauga co. Ala. 6 ms. below the junction of Coosa and Talapoosa rs. and by p-r. 96 ms. 3. E. by E. Tuscaloosa. CoosAw, r. S. C. is a broad and deep inlet, unitirg Coosawhatchie or Broad r. to Comba- hee r. on St. Helena Sound. In fact Coosa is the nthn. mouth of Coosawhatchie. In the lan- guages of many sthn. tribes of Indians, Hatchie or Hatchy signifies river, and has become a suffix to several rivers of the sthn. states. Coosawhatchie, r. of S. C. rises in Barnwell dist. but entering Beaufort, flows s. e. 30 ms. to where a branch flows from the main stream to the w. This outlet, a mouth by the name of Cyprus cr. inflects to the s. e., falls into the At- lantic between the mouth of Savannah r. and Calibogue sound, after a course of 80 ms. The main Coosawhatchie again divides into two chan- nels below the efflux of Cyprus cr., but after a separation of 12 ms. reunites, forming TuUy- finny isl. Below the latter island a third sepa- ration of the waters of Coosawhatchie takes place. The principal stream widens into Broad r. and finally opens to the Atlantic by Port Royal Entrance. The nthrn. branch flows s. e. by e. and is known as Coosaw r. (See Coosaw r. and Beaufort dist.) Coosawhatchie, p-v. on the right bank of Coosawhatchie r. Beaufort dist. S. C. 75 ms. s.w. by w. Charleston. I CooTSTowN, or more accurately from the COR 115 COR German geography, Kutztown, a fine well built p.v. Berks CO. Pa. 17 ms. n. n. e. Reading, and about an equal distance s. w. by w. Allentown. CoPAKE, t. Columbia co. N. Y. w. Mass. line ; has 2 ponds or lakes emptying into Cla- verack cr. and has Penobscot co. on 3 sides, RocleflTand Janson's Kills. Pop. 1,676. CoPELAND, p.v. Telfair co. Geo. by p-r. 77 ms. s. Miliedgeville, Copenhagen, v. Lewis co. N. Y. on Deer cr. 6 ms. N. Denmark. Copiah, co. of Misp. bndd. by Franklin, s. w., Jefferson w., Clairbome n. w., Hinds, n., Simp- son E., and Lawrence s. e. It is nearly in form of a square of 28 ms. each side, or area of 784 sq. ms. lying between lat. 31° 36' and 32° 4', and long. 13° 21' and 13° 50'. The water cour- ses flow from this co. estrd. into Pearl r. ; n. wstrd. they form the Bayou Pierre, whilst the s. w. section gives source to the Homochitto. The central part is therefore a table land, and the whole surface, with partial exceptions, is composed of sterile soil, covered in a natural state with pine forests, slightly intermingled with other timber. Cf. t. Gallatin. Population 7,001. CopopA, p-v. in the central part of Lorraine co. C, by p-r. 128 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. CoppERHONK, p-o. Sussex CO. Va., 59 s. s. e. Richmond. CoQUiLLE, usually called Petites Coquilles, Fort and p-o. on the s. point, where the Rego- lets flow from Lake Pontchartrain, 25 ms. n. e. by E. New Orleans. CoRBEAU, r. de, in English, Crow r., one of the principal higher tributaries of the Missis- sippi, rises at n. lat. 47° 20', at about 40 ms. a iittle w. of s. from the Turtle lake, the extreme head of the Misp. and within 4 or 5 m3. s. e. of the portag-e between Leech and Rice lakes. Flowing thence 75 ms. sthrd. and about midway between the Misp. and the Otter Tail branch of Red r., inflects to the s. s. e. 30 ms., joins its recipient nearly on lat. 46°. The structure is distinctly shown by the courses of the 3 streams, which in that region containing the Corbeau, all flow sthrd. But nearly w. from the mouth of the Corbeau, Otter Tail r. abruptly bends, and receiving Swan r. from Traverse lake, assumes a nrthrn. course, under the name of Red r. Consequently Red r. and Misp. r., on n. lat. 47°, though on the same plateau, flow in direct con- trary courses. Advancing from the Falls of St. Anthony, the channels of Misp. and Corbeau present the most direct route from the Misp. basin into that of Assiniboin. Core a Fabre, p-v. Union co. Ark. position uncertain. Core Creek, p-o, w. part of Craven co. N. C. by p-r. 104 ms. s. e. by e. Raleigh. Core Sound and Core Island, Cartaret co. N. C. The isl. is a long, narrow, and low reef, extending 20 ms. from Cape Look Out, its sa- lient point s. w., to Cedar Inlet. The sound stretches between the island and mainland, from the N. E. part of Onslow bay to Pamlico sound, and is 40 ms. long, with a mean breadth of 1 or 2 ms. It is shallow, admitting only small coast, ing vessels. Corinth, p-t, Penobscot co. Me. 18 ms. n, w. Bangor, 81 Augusta, is situated near the head waters of manv streams flowing into Penobscot r. Pop. 1830," 712. Corinth, p-t. Orange co. Vt. 21 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 12 w. Haverhill, N. H., 4 1 w. Wind, sor, 6 ms. sq. First settled, 1777, is very rough, with good dark loam, and hard wood trees, except the hemlock, spruce and furs, on the streams. Wait's brook and others supply mills. Pop. 1,953. Corinth, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., 18 ms. n. Balston Spa, s. w. Hudson r., at the Great Falls 30 ft. cataract, and one and a half ms. above, has a smooth and sandy land above the falls, with white pine and beech ; broken, stony and loamy belov/. Palmer's town mtn. is s. and Kayada- rossoras mtn. w. At Hadley, or Jessup's land- ing, is a village, and rafts go from the sands bank \h ms. below. About 100 yards above Great Falls is a chasm, 12 ft. wide, 20 long, and very deep, through which the entire river passes at low water. Limestone abounds ; and oxides of iron used for paints. Pop. 1,412. Cork, p-v. in the n. part Ashtabula co. O. by p-r. 187 ms. n. e. Columbus. Corlears Hook, city of New York, the n. e. point of the city, at the turn in the Sound. Corn Creek, p-o. Gallatin co. Ky., by p-r. 59 ms. N. Frankfort. CoRNELiusviLLE, p-0. BoouG CO. Ky., by p-r. 88 ms. N. Frankfort. CoRNERSBURG, p-v. Trumbull CO. 0. about 150 ms. N. E. Columbus. Cornish, p-t. York co. Me., 50 ms. N. York, 83 Augusta, s. Ossipee r. where it joins the Saco. Pop. 1,235. Cornish, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H., 17 ms. n. Charlestown, 50 Concord, 108 Boston, e. Conn, r. 23,160 acres, is fertile, except near the r. A few mill seats are on Blow-me-down and Bri- ant brooks. Settled 1765 from Sutton, Mass., seceded from N. H. 1778, with 15 other towns. Pop. 1,685. Cornishes', p-o. Lauderdale co. Ala., by p-r. 119 ms. N. Tuscaloosa. Cornville, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 11 ms. e. N.E. Norridgewock, 38 Augusta, is crossed by a small tributary of Kennebec r. Pop. 1,104. Cornwall, t. Addison co. Vt., on Otter cr., 3 ms. s. w. Middlebury, 75 ms. n. Bennington, 36 ms. s. Burlington. Settled 1774, deserted '77, and resettled from Conn. 1784, is generally level, and crossed by Lemonfair r., has no good mill seats, but a large swamp, 7 school dists. Pop. 1,264. Cornwall, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 10 ms. n. Litchfield, 38 w. Hartford, and 48 n. w. New Haven, e. Housatonic r., 9 by 5, 46 sq. ms., has mtns. and mountainous hills, of granite and lime- stone, with black lead, porcelainclay. Some of the largest vallies have rich calc loam. It yields oak, chesnut, maple, &c., grain, grass, beef, &c. There are two ponds 1 mile long, with pickerel and trout, with many mill sites. The American Board of Foreign Missions form- ed their school here 1816, and educated many young men from heathen countries. Pop. 1,714. Cornwall, t. Orange co. N. Y. 52 ms. n. N. York, 108 s. Albany, w. Hudson r. is mountain- ous, but has good pasturage, and some level COS 116 COT lands north, where Murderers cr. supplies mills. The village landing sends wood and stone to N. York. West Point in this town is a tract of land owned by the United States, bordering on the North r. where is the military academy, and the professors' quarters ; the bar- racks and parade ground are on a level 182 f. above Hudson r., above which on a mtn. are the remains of Fort Putnam, and in front, those of Fort Clinton, built in the revolution, when this was an important military post. Sir Henry Clinton forced his passage here in 1777, to co- operate with Gen. Burgoyne, but after burning Kingston, &c. returned to N. Y. Gen. Arnold's treasonable design was to betray West Point to the British There is a large hotel, and a mon- ument to Kosciusko, erected by the cadets. (See West Point.) Pop. 3,485. CoROWAUGH, cr. swamp and p-o. s. w. part of the Isle of Wight co. Va. 35 ms. s. w. Norfolk. CoRRiNNA, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 53 ms. n. e. Augusta. Pop. 1,079. Cortland, co. N. Y. bndd. by Onondaga co. N., Madison and Chenango cos. e., Broome and Tioga cos. s., Tompkins and Cayuga cos. w., an oblong 19 ms. by 25, 475 square ras. has 9 towns, many brooks. Tioughnioga cr. nearly through it. Osselie creek in the s. e. ; it gives rise to branches of Owego cr. and Cayuga lake ; mill sites abound. The soils chiefly yellowish loam, on v/arm gravel, uneven but excellent for grain and grass, bears maple, elm, bass, but- ternut, pine, &c. There are some salt and sulph. hyd. and chalybeate springs, and iron ore. The n. w. corner touches the s. end of Skeneateles lake. Cortland village is the st. jus. Pop. 1820, 16,507, 1830, 23,753. Cortland, t. Westchester co. N. Y. 40 ms. k. N. York, 104 s. Albany, e. Hudson r. has 2 post vs. Cortland t. Peekskill, Peekskill cr. and Croton r., afford many mill sites, and it in- cludes the s. peaks of the Highlands, Verplank's pomt, where was Fort Lafayette, and Teller's point. Pop. 3,840. CoRTLANDViLLE, p-t. and Cap. Cortland co. N. Y. 140 ms. w. Albany, on Tioughnioga at the bend, and contains Cortland villaee and Port Watson. Pop. 3,673. CoRYDox, p-v. and st. jus. Harrison co. Ind. by p-r. 614 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. 124 ms. s. Indianopolis, and 20 ms. a little s. of w. Lou- isville, in Ky. n. lat, 38° 15', long. 9° 08' w. W. C. Pop. 459. Coshocton, or Coshecton, p-v. Bethel Sulli- van CO. N. Y. 16 ms. w. Monticello, 60 rns. w. Newburgh, on Delaware r. Coshocton, co. of O. bndd. southeast by Guernsey, s. by Muskingum, s. w. by Licking, w. and N. w. by Knox, n. by Holmes, and n. e. and e. by Tuscarawas. Greatest length 30, mean width 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 40° 10' to 40° 27' n. and in long, from 4° 40' to 5° 12' w. W. C. The union of Tuscarawas r. with White Woman's cr. to form the Muskingum r. is made a little s. e. from the centre of this co. Killbuck cr. rising in Medina and Lorrain cos. flows to the south, ward over Wayne and Holmes into Coshocton, and uniting with White Woman's from the west- ward, the combined waters inflect to the s. e. to their junction with Tuscarawas r. at the v. of Coshocton. From the course of the three pre- ceding streams, Coshocton co. is formed out of as many deep river vallies. That of White Woman's inclines to the east ; Tuscarawas in an opposite direction, and that of Killbuck south, wardly. Below the v. of Coshocton the chan- nel of Muskingum r. is nearly south to the in- flux of Will's cr. on the southern border of the CO. The Ohio and Erie canal reaches the bank of Muskingum a little below the mouth of Will's cr. and following Muskingum and Tuscarawas rs. traverses Coshocton between 25 and 30 ms. The northern and about one third part of what surface was included in Coshocton in 1820, has been since united to a part of Wayne, to form Holmes co. Cf. t Coshocton. Pop. 11,161. Coshocton, p-v. and st. jus. Coshocton co. O. by p-r. 336 ms. n. w. by w. W. C,, 84 ms. n. e. by E. Columbus, and 26 ras. n. Zanesville. It is situated on the left or east bank of Muskingum r. just below the junction of Tuscarawas river and White Woman's cr. Lat. 40° 15', long. 4° 54' w. W. C. Pop. 333. CossiTAT, p-v. Hempstead co. Ark. by p-r. 1,234 s. w. by w. i w. W. C. and 166 miles s. w. by w. Little Rock. CoTACo, formerly a county of AI. now Mor- gan CO. CoTE Isle, p-v. Rapide parish. La. CoTOCTiN, a ridge of the Appalachian mtns. This ridge branches from the south mountain on the southern border of Pa. and between Adams and Franklin counties ; stretching thence nearly due s. through Frederick co. in Md, reaches the Potomac r. between the mouths of Monocacy r. and Cotoctin cr. The same ridge or rather chain rises southward of the Potomac and traverses Loudon co. Va. passing about 2^ ms. westward of Leesburg. In Md. the Cotoc- tin has gained importance and celebrity from the controversy between the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company, and that of the Chesa- peake and Ohio canal. Where the ridge ter- minates on the Potomac, it is known as the Up. per Point of rocks and Lower Point of rocks. CoTocTiN, in the p-o. list Cotocton, p-v. in the v/. part of P'rederick co. Md. by p-r. 46 ms. n. w.W. C. CoauiLLE, usually called Petite Coquilles (Little Shells), fort and p-o. at the outlet of the Rigolets from lake Pontchartrain, in the n. w. part of Orleans parish. La. by ship channel 31 ms. N. E. by E. New Orleans. CoTTOfJ Gin Port, p-v. at the union of Tom- bigbee and Notachucky rs. and on the left bank of the former in Lowndes co. Misp. by p-r. 188 ms. N. E. Jackson. That part of Monroe con- taining Cotton Gin Port, has been recently erect, ed into Lowndes co. Cotton Grove, p-v. Madison co. Ten. 163^ ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Cotton Port, p v. on the right bank of Tenn. river, in the s. e. part of Limestone co. Ala. 15^ ms. s. s. w. Huntsville. Cottonville, p v. in the s. part of Lawrence CO. Misp. about 80 ms. e. Natchez, and by p-r. 1,119 s. w.W. C. Cotrellville, p-v. on the right bank of St. Clair r. s. e. part of St. Clair co. Mich, accord- GOV 117 GOV ing to Tanner. By the land route round the w. side of lake St. Glair 52 ms. n. e. Detroit, and by p-r. 578 ms. n. w. W. G. Pop. 230. Councill's Store and p-o. by p-r. 231 ms. a little N. of w. i\ aleigh. GouNTSviLLE, p-v. on Preston creek, n. angle of Lexington dist. S. G. 31 ms. n. n. w. Golum- bia. GouNTY Line, p-o. Rowan co. N. G. by p-r. 138 ms. w. Raleigh. County Line, p-o. in the w. part Campbell co. Geo. by p-r. 725 ms. s. w. W. C. and 139 n. vv. Milledgeville. CouRTABLEAU, r. of La. formed by two con- fluents, the Crocodile, from the pine wood be- tween Opelousas and Rapides, and the Boeuf, from the intermediate space between the Croco- dile and the overflowed region of Red and Atchafalaya rs. The two branches unite about 10 ms. N. from St. Landre, and assuming as. e. course flow 35 ms. falling into Atchafalaya at the lower fragment of the Great Raft. This fine though small stream forms a link in the chain of water intercommunication between Opelousas and the Misp. r. CouRTLAND CO. N. Y. See Cortland. CouRTLAND, p-v. northern part of Laurence CO. Ala. about 50 ms. a little s. of w. Huntsville, and by p-r. 104 ms. n. Tuscaloosa. CouRTwRiGHT, p-v. in the w. part Fairfield co. O. by p-r. 18 ms. s. e. Columbus, and 382 n. w. by w. W. C. Gove Creek, p-o. in the w. part of Ashe co. N. C. by p-r. 432 ms. s. w. W. C. and 238 a little N, of w. Raleigh. Coventry, t. Grafton co. N. H. 9 ms. e. Hav- erhill, 70 N. by w. Concord, 100 n. w. Portsmouth, mountainous, with some useless soil, watered by streams of Oliverian brook and Wild Amonoo- suc r., has Owl's Head mtn. w. Pop. 440. Coventry, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 49 ms. n. Mont. pelier. First settled 1800, has s. bay of Mem- phremagog lake, with good soil, and the lower parts of Barton and Black rivers, which are deep, with good mill seats. Pop. 1830, 728. Coventry, t. Kent co. R. I. 15 ms. s. w. Providence, e. Conn., 6 ms. by 6, 36 sq. ms. rugged, primitive, good for grass, with s. branch of Pawtucket, Flat r. and other excellent mill streams. It is much devoted to manufacturinir. Pop. 3,851. Coventry, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 18 ms, e. Hartford, w. Willimantic r. 6| ms. by 7, 45 sq. ms., uneven, with gravelly loam, primitive, bearing oak, walnut, chestnut, &c. grass^ grain, &c. crossed by Skunamug r. which forms Hop r. and unites with Willimantic r. at s. e. corner ; Wangumbog lake is 1 mile by 2. First settled 1711. Pop. 2,119. Coventry, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y. 20 ms. s. w. Norwich, midway between Susquehannah and Chenango rs. The land is broken, but much that is good, with small streams. Pop. 1,576. Coventry Gore, Orleans co. Vt. Pop. 6. Covert, p-t. Seneca co. N. Y. 6 ms. s. Ovid, E. Seneca lake, 5 ms. by 12, has mill seats on Halsey's cr. &c. The land on the lake is ex- cellent for wheat. Pop. 1,791. CovEsviLLE, p-v. in the w. part of Albemarle CO. Va. 22 ms. w. Charlottesville, and by p-r. 16 145 ms. s. w. W. C. and 103 n. w by w. Rich. mond. Covington, p-t. Genesee co N". Y. 12 ms. s. E. Batavia, has soil of ordinary quality, pretty well watered by Allan's cr. and branches. Pop 2,716, Covington, p-v. on Tioga cr. Tioga co. Pa. 65 ms. s. w. by w. Tioga Point. Covington, p-v. and st. jus. Alleghany co. Va. situated on Jackson r. 260 ms. s. s. w, W, C. and 173 ms. w, Richmond. Lat. 37° 48' long. 33 3' w. W. C. Covington, p-v. in the s. part Richmond co. N. C. 14 ms. sthrd. Rockingham, the co. st. and by p-r. 413 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 127 s, w. Raleigh. Covington, p-v. and st. jus. Newton co. Geo. on Yellow r. a branch of Ocmulgee, by p.r. 67 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. Lat. 33° 32' long. 6° 58' w. W. C. Covington, co. Ala. bndd. w. by Conecuh, n. w. and N. by Butler, e. by Dale, and s. by Wal- ton CO. in Fior. Length s. to n. 52, mean breadth 32, area 1,664 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 3lo to 31° 42', long. 9° 15' to 9° 52' w. W. C. Sur. face generally sterile. The n. w. angle of this CO. is traversed by the two main branches of Conecuh and Pigeon rs. ; the central section gives source to Yellow Water r. which flows sthrd. towards Pensacola bay; Pea r. the w. branch of Choctaw r, rises in the Creek coun. try, traverses Pike and Dale, enters and again curves out of the eastern border of Covington.^ Cf. t. Montezuma. Pop. 1,522. Covington, co. Misp. bndd. s. by Marion, w, by Lawrence, n. by the Choctaw ter. and e. by Jones. Length from e. to w. 30, mean breadth 24, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 26' to 31° 48', long, from 12° 28' to 12° 58' w. W. C. It is traversed by various branches of Leaf r. which flowing s. e. towards their confluent Pascagoula, afford some good land, but in general the face of the co. is open, sterile, piney woods. Cf. t. Williamsburg. Pop. 1820, 2,230, 1830, 2,551. Covington, p-v. and st. jus. parish of St. Tam- many, La. situated on Ghifuncte r. 36 ms. a little w. of N. New Orleans. Covington, p-v. on the bank of Ohio r. on the point below the mouth of Licking r. which separates it from Newport, and opposite Cincin- nati, Campbell co. Ky. The great road up the Ohio r. passes through Covington over a bridge into Newport. Pop. 715. Covington, p.v. and st. jus. Tipton co. Ten. situated on a small branch of Big Hatchie r. 40 ms. N. N. E. Memphis, and by p-r. 225 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Lat. 35° 34', long. 12° 41' w. W, C, Covington, p-v, and st. jus. Fountain co. Ind. by p-r. 654 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 81 ms. n. w. by w. Indianopolis. It is situated on the left side of the Wabash r. n. lat. 40° 10', long. 10° 24'w.W. C. Covington, p-v. near the n. border of Wash- ington CO. II. by p.r. 812 ms. w. W. C. and 40 s. w. Vandalia. It is situated on the Kaskaski- as r. on the great road from Shawneetown on O, r. to St. Louis, 47 ms. s. of e. from the latter. Lat 38° 28', long. 12° 28' w. W, C. CRA 118 CRA Cowan's Store and p-o. Cabarras co. N. C. 151 ms. w, Raleigh. CowANSviLLE, p-0. 136 ms. w. Raleigh, CowANsviLLE, p-0. Rhea co. Ten, by p-r. 170 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. CowDERSPOET, p-v, and st. jus. Potter co. Pa, situated on Alleghany r. by p-r. 186 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Lat. 41° 56', long. 1° 4' w. W. C. Coweta, co. Geo. bndd. w. and n. w. by the Chattahooche, which separates it from Carroll, N. by Campbell, e. by Fayette, and s. by Merri- wether and Troup. Length from s. w. to n. e. 38 ms. mean breadth 14, and area 532 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 15' to 33° 37', in long, from 7° 40' to 8° 18' w. W, C. It lies in form of a triangle, extending its hypothenuse along Chattahooche, and its base e. and w. Chattahooche to Flint r. Cf, t. Newman, Pop, 5,003, Coweta, p.v, Coweta co. Geo, by p-r, 135 ms. N. w, Milledgeville. Cowpasture, r. Va. rising in the mountain valley between the Kittatinny and Warm Spring mtn. interlocking sources with the s, branch of Potomac, but flowing in an opposite direction s. s. w. falling into, or joining Jackson's r. to form James r. after a comparative course of 50 ms. Cowpen's Furnace, p-o. between Pacolet and Broad rs. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 124 ms. N. N. w. Columbia. CowPER Hill, p-o. Robeson co, N, C, by p-r, 92 ms. s, s, w, Raleigh. CoxsACKiE, p-t. Greene co. N. Y, 25 ms. s. Albany, 10 n. Catskill, w. Hudson r., e. Catskill creek. Cox's cr. is n. Mill sites abound : there are hills, pine plains, some sand and clay. The inhabitants are of Dutch extraction, and hold the land in fee. It has a valley 1 m. w. Hudson r. and 3 landings. Pop. 3,373. Cox's Cross Roads, in the s. w. part of Cos- hocton CO, O. by p-r, 357 ms, n. w, by w, W, C. and 70 n. e. by e. Columbus. Cox's Store and p-o. Sampson co. N. C, by p-r. 95 ms. s. s. e. Raleigh. Coylesville, p-o. in the \v. part of Butler co. Pa. by p-r, lO ms. w. the borough of Butler, and 226 N. w. W, C. Crab Orchard, p-v. Lincoln co. Ky, by p-r, 62 ms. E. of s. Hartford. Crab Run, p-v. in the s. w, part Pendleton CO. Va. by p-r. 196 ms. s w. by w. W. C. and 154 ms. N. w. by w. Richmond. Crafton, p-v. Pittsylvania co, Va, by p-r, 236 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 156 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Craftsbury, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 25 ms. n. Montpelier, 25 s. Canada, half way between Lake Champlain and Conn. r. First settled 1789 ; gives rise to Black r. which has many mill sites ; has Wild Branch and 5 T^out ponds. The village is near the centre, on high ground. The trade is with Montreal. There are 5 school dists. Pop. 982. Craig's Creek, p-o. Botetourt co. Va. 8 ms. w. Fincastle, the co. st. Craig's cr. or more correctly, Craig's r. is the extreme s, w. confluent of James r. rises in Giles and Montgomery co. Va. interlocking sources with a branch of Great Kenhawa, and with the extreme higher sources of Roanoke ; and flowing thence to the n. e. over Botetourt co. falls into James r. after a comparative course of 40 ms. Craig's Meadow, p-o. Northampton co. Pa, by p-r, 127 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Crampton's Gap and p-o. Washington co. Md, by p-r. 60 ms. n. w. W. C, Cranbury Isles, Hancock co. Me, between Frenchman's Bay and Mount Desert Sound, in the ocean. Pop. 258. Cranberry, p-t. Middlesex co. N. J. 9 ms. u. Princeton, N, Millstone r. Cranberry, p-v. and tsp, w. part of Butler co. Pa. about 30 ms. n. Pittsburgh, and by p-r. 244 ms. N. w. W. C. and 213 ms. n. of w. Harris- burg. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 765, 1830, 1,032. Cranberry Plain, p-o, Grayson co, Va. by p-r. 251 ms. s. w, by w, Richmond. Cranberry creek is a small branch of Great Kenhawa, rising in the Iron mtn. and flowing sthrd, over the w. angle of Grayson co. into Ashe co. N. C. Cranesville, p-o. in Williams co. 0. by p-r. 524 ms. n. w. by w. W, C. and 188 ms. n. w. Columbus. Craney Island, a small island in Elizabeth r. Va. only of adequate size for a fort, which commands the entrance to the harbor of Nor- folk. Cranston, t. Providence co. R. I., 5 ms. s. Providence, w. Providence r., n. Pawtucket r,, 7 ms. by 4^^, 19,448 acres ; level e. but poor soil, and uneven w, A mine here has furnish- ed ore for many cannon of the navy. Vegeta- bles are furnished for the Providence market. Pop. 2,653. Craven, co. N. C. bndd. by Cartaret s. e., Jones s. w., LemoirN. w., Pitt n., Beaufort, n. e., and Pamlico Sound e. Length from s. e. to n.w. 65 ras., mean breadth 17, and area, 1,100 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 48' to 35° 23', long, about 35' on each side of the meridian of W . C, Neuse r. enters this co. on its n. w. border, and after flowing to the s. e. 35 ms., opens a wide bay, which curving to e. and n. e. expands into Pamlico Sound. The surface is level, and in great part marshy, but with much good soil. Cf. t. Newbern. Pop. 1820, 13,394, 183 ), 13,734. Crawford, t. Washington co. Me., has a large pond emptying into Pvlachias r. Pop. 182. Crawford, t. Orange co. N. Y. Pop. 2,019, Crawford, co. Pa. bndd. n. by Erie, e. by Warren, s. e. by Venango, s. by Mercer, s. w, by Trumbull, and w. by Ashtabula cos. of Ohio, Length 48, mean width 22 ; area 1,016 sq. ms. Extending in lat, from 41° 29' to 41° 51', long, from 2° 42' to 3° 36' w. W. C. From the s. w. angle rises Shenango branch of Big Beaver ; from the n. w, angle rises the sources of Con- neaut, flowing into Lake Erie ; the e. part gives source to and is drained by Oil cr., whilst the central section is traversed by the main vol- ume, and several minor branches of French cr. The declivity ot the whole co. is sthrd. Cf. t, Meadville. Pop. 1820, 9,397, in 1830, 16,067. Crawford, co. Geo. bndd. by Upson n. w., Monroe, n., Bibb, e., Houston s. e., and Flint r., which separates it from Marion and Talbot s. w. Length 30, mean breadth 12, and area 360 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 30' to .32° 50', long, from 6° 53' to 7° 24' w. W. C. CRA 119 Though limited on one side by Flint r., the cen- tral part of this co. is a middle ground, from which the waters flow s. estrd. by the Chocunno and Chupee ers. into Ocmulgee r., and by va- rious branches s. w. into Flint r. Cf. t. Knox- ville. Pop. 5,313. Crawford, one of the wstrn. cos. of Ark., bndd. N. by Ark. r. separating it from Washing- ton, E. by Pope, s. e. by Hot Springs co., s. w. by Miller, and w. by the wstrn. ter. of the U. S. N. lat. 35° and long 17° w.W. C. intersect near its centre. It approaches very near to a square of 50 ms. each side ; area 2,500 sq. ms. These bounds and geographical limits are taken from Tanner's improved map of the U. S. on which it appears that the extreme sources of Ouachitta r. are in this co., interlocking sources with those of Poteau and Petite Jean branches of Ark. r., and those of Little r. of the North, a branch of Red r. The central part of this co. is about 120 ms. a little n. of w. Little Rock. Pop. 2,440. C'rawford, CO, of Mo. as laid down on Tan- ner's improved map of the U. S. is bndd. by Gas- conade CO. n., Franklin n. e., Washington e., and by a part of Mo. not yet formed into cos. on the other sides, area of course uncertain. The yet settled part is about 100 ms. s. w. by w. St. Louis. The slope nthrd. and in that direction discharging on the wstrn. side tributaries of Gasconade r., and on the estrn. side the extreme sources of the main branch of Maramec r. Cf t. as stated in p-o. list. Little Piney. Pop. 1830, 1,721. Crawford, co. Mich, on both sides of the Ouisconsin r. and bndd. w. by theMisp. r. The outlines of this co. except on the Misp. are un- certain. Prairie du Chien, the st. jus. stands at the point above the entrance of the Ouisconsin r. into the Misp., and derives its name from a Prairie or natural meadow, so calked. As laid down by Tanner, the junction of the two rs. is at lat. 43°, and 14° 12' w. W. C. Tlie village of Prairie du Chien is stated in the p-o. list of 1831, as being 1,060 ms. from W. C. Crawford, co. of O., bndd. by Marion s., Hardin s. w., Hancock n. w., Seneca n., Huron N. E., and Richland e. Length from e. to w. 32, mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 43' to 41° 02', and in long, from 5° 48' to 6° 24' w. W. C. This co. is nearly commensurate with the higher part of the valley of Sandusky r., and is drained n. by the various constituents of that stream. The surface is level, and is a rather elevated table land. Cf. t. Bucyrus. Pop. 4,791. Crawford, co. of Ind., bndd. by Perry s. w., Dubois N. w.. Orange n., Washington n. e., Har- rison E., and 0. r. separating it from Meade co. Ky. s. Length 24, mean breadth 14, and area 336 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 07' to 38° 25', and in long, from 9° 18' to 9° 43' w. W. C. The slope is to the s. and towards O. r. The surface very broken. Cf. t. Fredonia. Pop. 3,238. Crawford, co. II., bndd. s. e. by Lawrence, s. w. by Clay, w. by Lafayette, n. by Clark, n. e. by the Wabash r. separating it from the nthrn. part of Sullivan co. Ind., e. by Wabash r. separat- ing it from the sthni. part of Sullivan co. Ind., and the Wabash t. separating it from the n. w. angle CRI of Knox CO. Ind. Greatest length from e. to w. 50 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,000 sq.ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 38° 50' to 39° 10', and in long from 10° 34' to 11° 30' w. W. C. This co. is tra- versed in a s. e. direction, and subdivided into two not very unequal sections by Embarras r. Some of the higher sources of the Little Wabash rise in its s. w. angle. The general slope is a little e. of s. Cf. t. Palestine. Pop. 3,117. Crawford, c. h. and p-o. by p-r. 136 ms. n, w. Little Rock, and 1,204 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Exact situation uncertain. Crawford's p-o. in the e. part of Estill co. Ky., 34 ms. e. Irvine, the st. jus. for the co., and by p-r. 531 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 71 ms. s. E. by e. Frankfort. Crawford's Mills and p-o. Del. co. O. by p-r. 29 ms. N. Columbus, and 425 ms. n. w. by w. V/. C. Crawfordsville, p-v. and st. jus. Montgome- ry CO. Ind. by p-r. 617 ms. n. of w. W. C. and 44 ms. N. w. by w. Indianopolis. It is on Sugar cr. and on the road from Indianopolis to Covington, in Fountain co. Lat. 40° 03', long. 9° 53' w, W.C. Crawfordsville, p-v. and st. jus. Taliaferro CO. Geo. situated between Little r. and Great Ogeeche r. 44 ms. n. n. e. Milledgeville, and 65 a little n. of w. Augusta. Lat. 33° 34', long. 5° 58' w. W. C. Craytonville, p-v. Anderson dist. S. C. 81 ms. N. w. Columbia. Creagers or Creagerstown, p-v. near the left bank of Monocacy r. Frederick co. Md. 12 ms. a little e, of n. Frederick city. Creek Agency and p-o. Creek ter. Ala. 181 ms. from Tuscaloosa. Creek Indians, or Muscogees, stated by Dr. Jedediah Morse in 1820, at 20,000, overrated perhaps, reside principally in Geo. and Ala. but with some scattering bands in Flor. and La. This once comparatively considerable Indian nation has been known under the name of tribes, as Appalaches, Alabamas, Abacas, Covvittas, Coosa, Ocmulgees, Oconees, &c. Creek Path and p-o. in the Cherokee ter. Ala. by p-r. 135 ms. n. e. Tuscaloosa, and 723 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Creelsburgh, p-v. Russel co. Ky. byp-r. 162 ms. s. Hartford. Cresapstown or Cresapsburg, p-v. Alleghany CO. Md. near the left bank of Potomac, 6 ms. s. w. by v/. Cumberland. Crichton's Store and p-o. in the s. part Brunswick co. Va. 18 ms. s. Lawrenceville, st. jus. for the co. and by p-r. 209 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 87 from Richmond, in a nearly similar direction. Cripple Creek, p-o. Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 1 18 ms. N. w. Columbia. Crittenden, v. on the road from Little Rock to Hempstead co. on Red. r. Clark co. Ark. 82 ms. s. w. Little Rock. Crittenden, co. Ark. bndd. e. by the Misp. r., w. and s. w. by St. Francis r., n. by New Madrid co. Mo. Length from s. to n. 105 ms. mean breadth about 20 ms. ; area 21,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 35' to 36°, long, from 12° 40' to 13° 45' w. W. C. It is composed of an immense plain, in most part CRO 120 GUI liable to annual submersion ; but where the soil is of sufficient elevation to admit cultivation, it is highly productive. Staple, cotton. Cf. t. Greenock. Crooked r. Me. flows into Sebago pond. Crooked cr. a wstrn, br. of II. r. It is amongst the numerous misnomers in our Geography, to give the title of cr. to a stream of upwards of 50 ms. comparative course, and which drains a large share of Adams and Hancock cos. and nearly all Mc. Donough and Schuyler cos. and embraces a valley of at least 1,300 sq. ms. This stream, watering some of the finest land in II., rises close upon the actual margin of the Misp. r. on the sthrn. border of Warren co. Flowing thence a little s. of s. e. over Hancock, Mc Donough, and Schuyler, it falls into Illinois r. almost on n. lat. 40°. The valley of Crooked r. lies between those of the Misp. and Spoon r. br. of Illinois r. Crooked cr. and p-o. n. part of Livingston CO. Ky. by p-r. 235 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Crooked cr. and p-o. in the n. e. part of Tioga CO. Pa. by p-r. 9 ms. n. Wellsborough, the co. St., 262 miles n. W. C. and 156 w. of N.Harris- burg. Crooked Lake, N. Y. Steuben and Ontario cos. 18 ms. by li, has two branches divided by Bluff Head. An outlet gives mill sites, and runs 6 ms. into Seneca lake. Crookett, p-v. Gibson co. Ten. by p-r. 149 ms. s. of w. Nashville, and 854 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Crommelin, p-v. Montgomery co. Md. by p-r. 18 ms. from W. C. and 55 from Annapolis. Cross Anchor, p-o. in the extreme s. part of Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 82 ms. n. w. Columbia. Cross Canal, p-o. Camden co. N. C. by p-r. 151 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Cross Creek, v. and p-o. w. part of Wash- ington CO. Pa. 17 ms. n. w. Washington, the CO. St. Cross Keys, p-o. Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 123 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Cross Keys, p-o. in the w. part of Union dist. S. C. by p-r. 63 ms. n. w. Columbus. Cross Lake, N. Y. Cato, Cayuga co. Cross Plains, p-v. Robertson co. Ten.31 ms. n. w. Nashville. Cross Plains, p-v. Ripley co. Ind. by p-r. 88 ms. s. E. Indianopolis, and 560 w. W. C. Cross Roads, p-o. Jones co.N. C. by p-r. 163 ms. s. E. Raleigh. Cross Roads, p-o. Hardiman co. Ten. by p-r. 222 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Cross Roads, p-o. Bibb co. Ala. 42 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Cross Roads, p-o. Chester co. Pa. (See New London Cross Roads.) Cross Roads, p-o. in the w. part of Newton CO. Geo. by p-r. 10 ms. w. Covington, the co. st. 70 N. w. Milledgeville, and 672 s. w. W. C. Crosswick's cr. N. J. rises in Monmou'th co. and nmning through Burlington, falls into the Del. at Bordentown ; is navigable several ms. for sloops. Crosswicks, p-v. Chesterfield, Burlington co. N. J. 8 ms. s. E. Trenton, 2 e. Bordentown, on Croswick cr. Croton cr. Duchess and West Chester coa, N. Y. runs s. and s. w. 40 ms. into Hudson r. at Tappan bay, with good mill sites. It has been proposed to take the water to N. Y. city by aqueduct. Croton, v. Cortland, West Chester co. N. Y. at the mouth of Croton cr. where is a fall of 60 or 70 feet. Crowder's cr. and p-o. in the e. part of York dist. S. C. The cr. falls into Catawba r. where the road from Charlotte in N. C. passes to Yorkville in S. 0. by p-r. 101 miles n. Colum- bia. Crowell's Cross Roads and p-o. Halifax co. Geo. by p-r. 229 ms. s. W. C. and 99. n. e. Ra- leigh. Crownpoint, p-t. Essex co. N. Y. 15 ms. n. Ticonderoga, 18 s. Elizabethtown, I84s. Mont- real, w. Lake Champlain. Level e. mountain, ous w. Contains the site of the old fortress of Crown Point, which was first occupied as a military position by the French, 1731. Sur- rendered to the British, 1759, and to the Ameri- cans, 1755 ; evacuated and taken by Gen. Bur- goyne, 1777; retaken by Americans the same year. It has been long abandoned, but the earth shows the form of the fortress, which was a spar work, with 5 bastions, the walls of the barracks, &c. on a low level cape, nmning n. opposite Chimney Point, where the lake is 1 m. wide. Oct. 13th, 1776, the American flotilla, under Gen. Arnold, was destroyed off Crown Point by the British. Pop. 1830, 2,441. Crow's Ferry and p-o. parish of Natchitoches La. This ferry is over the Sabine r. by the common road, 33 ms. s. w. by w. Natchitoches or Red r., and by p-r. 405 n. w. by w. New Orleans, and 1,379 s. w. by w. W. C. By the p-o. list of 1831, Crow's ferry was the extreme s. w. p-o. in the U. S. , Crow's Nest, mtn. Cornwall, Orange co. N. Y. 1,330 ft. elevation. Crowsville, p-v. s. part of Spartanburgh dist. S. C. 72 ms. N. w. Columbia. Croydon, t. Sullivan co. N. H. 44 ms. n. w. Concord, 100 ms. Boston, 26,000 acres, is crossed by n. branch Sugar r. and Croydon mtn. ; though moist and rocky, it yields grass and some grain. Pop. 1,056. Crystal Spring, p-o. Lawrence co. Ark. by p-r. 176 ms. n. w. e. Little Rock. Cuba, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 18 ms. s. w. Angelica, n. Pa., 6 ms. by 18. It has Oil cr. and some branches of Genesee r., is cold and wet, bears red oak, ash, maple, beech, some evergreen. Pop. 1,059. Cuba, p-v. in the w. part of Clinton co. O. by p-r. 6 ms. w. Wilmington the co. st. 450 w. W. C. and 73 s. w. Columbus. CucKoviLLE, p-v. Louisa CO. Va. by p-r. 95 ms. s. w. W. C. CuivRE, (Copper) r. of Mo. rising in Audrain CO. interlocking sources with those of the sthrn. branch of Salt r. but deriving tributary fountains also from Pike and Ralls cos. ; the different branches uniting in Lincoln, in which latter co. it enters the Misp. a comparative course of 60 ms. to the s. e. by e. The course of Cuivre r. is nearly parallel to, and about 25 ms. nthrd. of low Missouri r. The Cuivre valley comprises CUM 121 CUM a part of Pike, Ralls, Audrain, Montgomery, Lincoln, and St. Charles cos. CuLBERTsoNs, p-o. Mercer co. Pa. by p-r. 293 ms. N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Chlbreath's, p-o. Columbia co. Geo. by p-r. 86 ms. N. E. by e. Milledgeville. CuLLEN, p-v. Weakley co. Ten. by p-r. 108 ms. w. Nashville. Culloden's, p-o. Monroe co. Geo. by p-r. 68 ms. w. Milledgeville. Culpepper, co. Va. bndd. by Rappahannoc r. which separates it from Fauquier n. e., by Ra. pid Ann r, which separates it from Spottsylva- nia and Orange s., by Madison s. w,, and by the Blue Ridge which separates it from Page co. n. w. Length from the junction of Rapid Ann and Rappahannoc rs. to its northern angle on the Blue Ridge 42 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 672 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 15' to 38° 51', long, from 0° 35' to 1° 20' w. W. C. Besides the boundary streams, Culpepper is watered by Thornton r. which, rising in the spars of Blue Ridge, winds s. e. over the cen- tral parts of the coimty, and falls into Rappahan- noc. The surface is finely diversified with hill and dale, with large bodies of excellent land ; staples, grain, tobacco, &c. Cf. t. Fairfax. Pop. in 1820, 20,942, 1030, 24,027. Culpepper, c. h. (See Fairfax, Culpepper co.) Cumberland, mtn. chain of the Appalachian system, and continuation over Va., Ky., Ten., and part of Ala. of the Laurel chain of Pa. The Cumberland chain, though not so delineated in our defective maps, is continuous from Steuben CO. N, Y. into Jackson, Morgan, and Blount cos. Ala, along an inflected line of 800 ms. About the extreme e. angle of Ky. and s. w. Great Sandy, this chain is distinctly known as Cumberland mtn. and ranging s. w. separates Va. from Ky. as far as Cumberland gap, on the northern boundary of Ten. Continuing s. w. but with an inflection to the n. w., this chain stretches over Ten. as dividing ridge between the confluents of Cumberland and Ten. rs. En- tering Ala. and crossing Ten. r. at its great bend, gradually disappears amongst the sources of Black Warrior r. The Cumberland chain is in no part very elevated, varying from 800 to ]000 feet above the tide level ; but though hum- ble as to relative height, it maintains otherwise all the distinctive characteristics of other Appa- lachian chains. Extending in long, regular, ' and often lateral ridges, passable only at long intervals where gaps occur, or where traversed by rivers. The ridges are wooded to their sum- mits. Cumberland, r. Ky. and Ten. rises in the for- mer, from the n. w. slope of Cumberland mtn. interlocking sources with Kentucky r. to the n. and Powell r. s. ; flowing thence westward by comparative course 120 nis. in Russell co. Here it inflects to s. w. leaving Ky. and enter- ing Ten. and preserving the latter course to Carthage in Smith co. having flowed in a s. w. direction 65 ms. Below Carthage, Cumberland inflects to a western course, which it pursues 100 ms. to its great bend in Stewart co. and thence turning to n. w. flows 75 ms. to its final junction with the Ohib, after an entire compar- ative course of 360 ms. The above measure- ments are made by extending from extreme to extreme of the respective courses, but as the stream is in its particular bends very tortuous, we may, without excess, allow for its compara- tive length 200 ms. in Upper Ky., 1 90 in Ten. and 50 in Lower Ky. or an entire comparative course of 440 ms. At high water it is navigable for boats, to near its source, and for at least one one half its length, at all seasons. Without re- ference to the inflections of the river itself, the valley it drains is 350 ms. long with a mean breadth not exceeding 50 ms., area about 17,500 sq. ms., holding the third rank in regard to su- perficies of the confluents of Ohio r. The rela- tive difference of level between the source and mouth of Cumberland, has never been deter- mined but must exceed 1000 ft. The far great- er part of this valley lies between lat. 36° and 37° and between long. 6° and 12° w. W. C. Cumberland co. Me. bndd. by Oxford co. n., Lincoln co. e., the Atlantic s., York and Oxford COS. w. It is one of the smallest cos. in the state, containing (1820) 52,000 acres under tillage, 17,000 pasturage, 17,000 upland mow- ing, 950 meadow mowing, 1,000 working horses, and 2,600 working oxen. It contains Sebago Pond and several others, some of which it has been proposed to connect by navigable channels. Cf t. Portland. Population 1820, 49,445, 1830, 60,113. Cumberland, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. on the sea coast, 54 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 1830, 1,558. Cumberland, t. Providence co. R. I. 8 ms. n. E. Providence, n. e. Pawtucket r. 28 square ms. contains much hilly and rocky grass land, but the rest is generally good. Has Abbott's mill and Peter's rivers. Cotton has been manufac- tured here for some time ; and 700 boats have been made here yearly, generally of oak. Pop. 1830, 3,675. Cumberland co. N. J. bounded by Salem and Gloucester cos. n., Cape May co. e., Delaware Bay s., Delaware Bay and Salem co. w. Chief town, Bridgetown. It is crossed by Maurice river and Cohansey creek branches. Pop. 1820, 12,668 ; 1830, 14,093. Cumberland, co. Pa. bndd. n. w. and n. by the Kittatinny, or as there locally named N. mtn. which separates it from Perry's, Susque- hannah river separating it from Dauphin e., York CO. s. e., Adams s, Franklin s. w. Length 34, mean breadth 16, and area 544 square ms. lying between lat. 39° 58', and 40° 18',. and long. 0° 08' e., and 0° 40' w. W. C. This co. is in great part commensurate with the valley of the Conedogwinet, which rising in Franklin enters the s. w. border of Cumberland and by a very winding channel flows n. e. by e. into Susquehannah r. The southern part including the ridges and valleys of s. mountain is watered by Yellow Breeches creek, which also flows n. E. by e. into Susquehannah r. The s. side of Cumberland rests mostly on limestone, whilst the substratum along the Kittatinny is clay slate. The surface moderately hilly, and soil generally very productive in grain, pasturage and fruits. Iron ore abounds in S. mtn. Cf. t. Carlisle. Population 1820, 23,606, 1830, 29,228. CUR 122 CYN Cumberland, p. v. and st. jus. Alleghany co Md. situated on the left bank of the Potomac r. and on both sides of Wills' cr. 136 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 140 a little n. of w, Baltimore. Lat. 39° 38', long. 1° 46' w. W. C. The United States western road has its eastern termination at this village, which is elevated 537 ft. above the level of the Atlantic. It is neat and well built, mostly in one street along the main road. The eastern and much the finest section of this beautiful village was on the 15th April, 1833, nearly reduced to ashes. By a report of a re- spectable committee, the loss estimated at $262,000. Cumberland, co. Va. bndd. by Appomattox r. which separates it from Amelia s. and Prince Kdward s. w., by Buckingham w. and n. w., by James river which separates it from Goochland n. e., and by Powhatan e. Length 33, mean breadth 10, area 320 square miles. Between lat. 37° 12' and 37° 39', long. 1° 13', and 1° 40' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is n. e. and the central parts drained of Wills' river, a branch of James r. The surface is moderately hilly, and soil productive. Cf. t. Carterville. Pop. 1820, 11,023,1830, 11,690. Cumberland, c. h. (see Springfield, Cum. berland co. Va.) Cumberland Ford, and p-o. Knox co. Ky. where the road from Frankfort through Lancas- ter, Mount Vernon, and Barboursville, into Ten. by Cumberland Gap, passes Cumberland r. 16 ms. up that stream above Barboursville, and 138 s. s. E.Frankfort. Cumberland Gap, and p-o. Claiborne co. Ten. The gap is in Cumberland mtn. 15 ms. s. Cum- berland Ford. Cumberland, p-v. Guernsey co. O. by p-r. 91 ms. e. Columbus, and 330 n. of w. W. C. CuMMiNGTON, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 20 ms. N. w. Northampton, 110 w. Boston ; has an academy, and several factories on the n. branch of Westfield r. Pop. 1,251. Cunningham's Island, in lake Erie, forms a part of Huron co. O. It lies about 8 ms. a lit- tle w. of n. from the mouth of Sandusky bay. It is small, not perhaps exceeding a sq. m. but suf- ficiently elevated for cultivation. Cunningham's Store, and p-o. in the n. w. part of Person co. N. C by p-r. 75 ms. n. w. Ra- leigh, and 257 ms. s. w. W. C. Curran, p-v. in the n. part of Gallatin co. II. by p-r. 118 ms. s. e. Vandalia, and 792 ms. w. W. C. Currant, r. of Mo. and Ark the wstrn. and indeed the main branch of Black r., rises in Misp, interlocking sources with Black, Merri- mack, and Gasconade rs , forms by its course an elliptic curve, first s. e. then s., and finally s. w. to its junction with Black r. in Lawrence co. Ark. (See Black river of Mo. and Ark.) Currituck, co. N. ! . bndd. by the Atlantic e.. Princess Ann, and Norfolk, cos. Va. n., Cam- den CO. N. C. w., and Albemarle Sound s. Length 40, mean breadth 15, area 600 sq. ms. Lying between lat. 36°, 36° 30', long. 0° 45', and 1° 25' E. W. C. It is composed of a plain coun- try, in part marshy, and divided into two sec- tions by Currituck sound. Cf. t. Currituck. Pop. 1820, 8,098, 1830, 7,655. Currituck, p-v. and st jus. Currituck co. N- C. situated on the w. side of Currituck sound, 35 ms. s. s. e. Norfolk in Va. and by p-r. 234 ms. n. e. by E. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 24', long. 1° 2' e. w. <:. Currituck Sound, Isle and Inlet, Currituck co. N. C. The sound is a narrow sheet of water extending from Albemarle sound n. about 50 ms. and terminating by North r. bay and Rocky r. bay, in Princess Ann co. Va. It is shallow, with a breadth varying from one to ten miles, Currituck sound is open to the Atlantic by two inlets, S. inlet, and < nrrituck inlet, enclosing between them a long, low, and sandy reef of 20 miles in length, called Currituck island. Ac- cording to Tanner's United States, Currituck inlet, is at lat. 36° 26', 30 ma. n. Albemarle sound. CuRwiNsviLLE, p.v. Clearfield co. Pa. on the left bank of Susquehannah, 7 ms. above and s, w. the borough of Clearfield. Gushing, t. Lincoln co. Me. 33 ms. e. Wis- casset, n. w. St. George's river, and indented with coves from the sea. Pop. 1,681. Cutler, t. Washington co. Me. e. Machias bay on the sea coast. Pop. 454. Cuyahoga, r. of 0. This stream though com- paratively small is very remarkable in itself, and has gained great importance from having be- come in part the route of the Ohio and Erie ca- nal. The extreme source of the Cuyahoga is near the eastern border of Geauga co. interlock- ing sources with those of Grand r. and within 20 ms. from lake Erie at the mouth of the latter. Flovi'ing thence s. s. w. nearly parallel, though rather inclining from the opposite shore of lake Erie, by comparative courses 45 ms., traversing Geauga and Portage cos. to near the e. border of Medina. Inflecting at more than a right an- gle upon its former course, the Cuyahoga bends to a little w. of n., is intersected by the Ohio ca- nal near Northampton in Portage co., continues over the latter and Cuyahoga co. to its influx into lake Erie at Cleaveland, after an entire com- parative course of 85 ms. The higher part of the course of Cuyahoga river is on a real table land. The summit level of the Ohio and Erie canal, between the vallies of Tuscarawas and Cuyahoga is 973 ft: above tide water in the At- lantic, and 408 ft. above lake Erie. The eleva- tion of the canal in the acqueduct 18 ms. above the mouth of Cuyahoga, is 704 above the ocean tides, and 139 above the level of lake Erie. Cuyahoga, co. of Ohio, bndd. by Geauga co. N. e., Portage s. e., Medina s. w., Lorain w., and lake Erie n. Length from east to west 32 ms., mean breadth 17, and area 544 square ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 41° 18' to 41° 45', and in long, from 4° 26' to 5° w. W. C. The surface of this CO is a rather rapidly inclining plain, the farms having a fall of at least 400 ft. from the southern and higher, to the lower border on lake Erie. Cf, t., Cleaveland. Pop. 1820, 6,328, 1830, 15,813. Cuyahoga Falls, and p-o. Portage co. 0. by p-r. 122 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 334 ms. n. w. W, C. . Cynthiana, p-v. and st. jus. Harrison co. Ky. by p-r. about 70 ms. a little e of s. Cincinnati, 513 a little s. of w. W. C. and 38 n. e. by e. DAL 123 DAN from Frankfort. It is situated on the eastern or right bank of the south fork of Licking river, at lat. 37° 23', long. 7" 17' w. W. C. Pop. 183i), 975. The adjacent country is fertile and well cultivated. Cynthiana, p-v. in Shelby co. Ohio, by p-r. 92 ms. N. w. by w. Columbus, and 489 ms. from W. C. in a similar direction nearly. Cynthiana, p-v. in the n. e. part of Posey co. Indiana, by p-r. 157 ms. s. w. Indianopolis, and 718 s. ofw. W. C. Dabney's Mills and p-o. in the e. part of Lou- isa CO. Va. by p-r. 84 ms. w. of s. W. C. and 52 w. of N. Richmond. Dacheet, r. of Ark. and La. rises in Hemp- stead, and flowing sthrd. over La Fayette co. of the former, enters the parish of Claiborne in the latter, is rather continued than lost in Lake Bis- teneuu. The writer of this article made a sur- vey of Lake Bisteneau and Dacheet r. as far as the northern boundary of La. and found ample memorial to demonstrate, that the existence of the lake is recent. The cypress timber, once growing in the valley, is dead ; but that timber resisting decay, the stumps remain standing in the water. The lake was, no doubt, formed by gradual accretion of soil, brought down by Red r. and deposited at the ancient mouth of Da. cheet, 30 ms. below the existing head of the lake. Dacresville, p-v. Pickens dist. S, C. by p-r. 133 ms. N. w. Columbia. Daggett's M ills, p-o. Tioga co. Pa. by p.r. 155 ms. N. N. w. Harrisburg. Dagsboro, p-v. Sussex co. Del. on Pepper cr. a confluent of Rehoboth bay, 18 ms. a little w. of s. Lewistown. Dale, co. of Ala. bndd. by Covington w.. Pike N., Henry e., and by Jackson co. of Flor. s. E., and Walton co. Flor. s. w. Length from s. to N. 50 ms., mean breadth 32, and area, 1,600 sq. ms. Lying between lat. 31° and 31° 43', long. 8° 46' and 9° 16' w. W. C. Dale co. occupies great part of the valley of Choctawhat- chie r. Cf. t. Richmond. Pop. 1830, 2,031. Dale, p-v. Berks co. Pa. 20 ms. n. w. Read- ing. Daletown, p-v. Wilcox co. Ala. by p-r. 92 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Daley's p-o. in the w. part of Montgomery CO. Ten. 6 ms. w. Clarksville, and by p-r. 52 n. w. by w. Nashville. Dallas, co. Ala. bndd. by Marengo w.. Per- ry N. w. and N., Autauga n. e., Montgomery e., and Wilcox s. and s. w. Length 38, mean breadth 28, and area 1,064 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 03' to 32° 33', long, from 9° 57' to 10° 40' w. W. C. Ala. r. enters the eastern border of Dallas, and winding over it by a very circuitous channel, and receiving the Cahaba near the centre, leaves the co. on the s. w. flowing thence into Wilcox. The r. lands are highly fertile. Chief staple, cotton, Cf. t. Ca- hawba. Pop. 1820, 6,003, 1830, 14,017. Dallas, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa. by p-r. 116 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Dalmatia, p-v. Northumberland co. Pa. 42 ms. N. Harrisburg. Dalton, p-t. Coos CO. N. H. next s. of Lancas- ter, E. Conn, r, at the head of 15 m. falls. It -has John's river, &c., hills w. and s., and good soil on the uplands ; 16,455 acres. Population 532. Dalton, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 12 ms. n. N. E. Lenox, 120 w. Boston, near the head of e. branches of Housatonic r., is nearly level, with good soil, and manufactures cotton, paper, &c. Pop. 1830, 827. Dalton, p-v. in the e. part of Wayne co. O. 15 ms. e. Wooster, the co. St., and by p-r. 336 ms. N. w, by w. W. C. and 99 ms. ^. e. Colum- bus. Damariscotta, r. Me. passes through Lincoln CO. and empties between Brothbay and Bristol. Damaeiscotta Mills, p-v. Lincoln co. Me. 34 ms. from Augusta. Damascus, p-v. on the right bank of Del. r. Wayne co. Pa. 15 ms. n. e. Bethany. Pop. of the tsp. 613. Damascus, p-v. in the extreme n. part of Montgomery co. Md., and on one of the roads from the city of Baltimore to Fredericktown. Damascus, p-v, in the n. part of Henry co. 0. situated on the left bank of Maumee r. by p-r. 485 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 161 n. n. w. Co. lumbus. Damascovit.le, p-v. in the n. w. part of Colum- biana co. C. 15 ms. n. w. New Lisbon the co, St., and by p-r. 158 n. e. by e. Columbus, and ■297 N. w. W. C. Dan, r, Va. and N. C. drains th-e far greater part of Granville, Person, Caswell, Rocking, ham and Stokes cos. of the latter state, and of Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, and Halifax cos, of the former state. The extreme western sources of Dan r. are in Patrick co. Va. and in the s. e. spurs of the Blue Ridge. The general course almost due e. along the intermediate borders of N. C. and Va. to where the 4 cos. of Pittsylvania, Halifax, Person and Caswell meet. Here entering and flowing in Va. n. e. by e. falls into the Roanoke at Clarksville, having a mean breadth of about 33 ms. This r. drains 3,960 sq. ms. Dana, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 75 ms. w^^ Boston, is crossed by a branch of Swift r. Pop. 623. Danboro, P-v. Bucks co. Pa. 30 ms. n. Phila. Danburgh, p-v. Wilkes co, Geo, 68 ms. n. e. Milledgeville. Danbury, t. Grafton co. N. H. 93 ms. from Boston, 30 from Concord ; 19,000 acres, dia. mond-shaped ; is generally hilly, and watered by Smith's r. First settled, 1771. Pop. 786. Danbury, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 55 ms. s, w, Hartford, 35 n. w. N. Haven, 65 n. e. N. York ; 6 ms. by 8^ ; 53 sq. ms, ; is fertile, with granite rocks, gravelly loam, undulated, with some marble quarries. There are manufactories on Still r. a branch of Housatonic. It bears oak, walnut, &c. Hats are made to a great amount. DAN 124 DAR The British burnt the town, 1777, with some military stores, and Gen, Wooster fell in oppo- sing them. Pop. 4,331. Danby, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 18 ros. s. Rut- land, 34 N. Bennington ; 39 sq. ms. First set- tled, 1768 ; has Otter cr. e. and several small branches, and is uneven, with some mountains. It has large dairies. There are several cav- erns, and lead ore is found. Pop. 1,362. Danby, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y. 7 ms. s. Ith- aca, U from Candor, 22 Owego, has pretty good land, watered by Mud cr., and a branch of Cay- uga inlet. Pop. 2,481. Dancer's Store and p-o. Northampton co. N. C. by p-r. 100 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh, and 200 s. W. C. Dandridge, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Ten. situated on the right bank of French Broad r. on the road from Knoxville to Greenville, 32 ms. E. from the former, and 39 s. w. by w. from the latter place. Lat. 38° 58', and long. 6° 14' w. W. C. Dandridge, p-v. Morgan co. Ala. by p-r. 110 ms. N. N. E. Tuscaloosa. Damelsville, p-v. Spottsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 78 ms. s. w. W. C. Damelsville, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Geo. 81 ms. n. Milledgeville. Lat. 34° 10', and long. 6° 15' w. W. C. Dansby, p-o. Oglethorpe co. Geo. 81 ms. n. Milledgeville. Dansville, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 46 ms. s. Rochester, 11 n. Arkport ; the village is on the highest navigable point of the Chemung, a branch of Susquehannah r. A rail road from this place to Rochester. {See rail roads and canals, nrticle Dansville and Rochester.) Pop. 1830, 1,728. Danube, p-t. Herkimer co. N, Y. 10 ms. s. e. Herkimer, 68 n. w. Albany, s. Mohawk r., e. German Flats, 5^ ms. by nearly 10, has a stiff loam, on hard grit, with many springs, few streams, and waving surface. Nowadaga cr. enters Hudson r. at the site of Hendrick's cas- tle ; a friendly Mohawk chief was killed at Lake George, 17S5. The Indians had a church here. Pop. 1,723. Danvers, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 16 ms. n. e. Boston. The village streets form a continua- tion of those of Salem, 7 ms. by 8. The first victim of the persecution of witchcraft was a daughter of a clergyman of Salem, living in this town, then a part of it. The soil is good, well cultivated ; granite mill stones are made, and different manufactures. There are several crs. from Bass r., two navigable to the two villages. Pop. 4,228. Danville, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 32 ms. from Augusta, s. w. Androscoggin r. Pop. 1,128. Danville, p-t. and st. jus. Caledonia co. Vt. 25 ms. N. e. Montpelier, 25 n. w. Newbury, 160 N. by w. Boston. First settled, 1784, from Es- sex CO. Mass. ; broken w., hills and vallies e., with fine farms; Merritt's r. &c. supplies mills. The village is pleasant in the centre. Pop. 2,631. Danville, (now Wilmington,) p-t. Steuben CO. N. Y. 24 ms. n. w. Bath. Pop. 1,728. Danville, p-v. on the right bank of Susque- hannah r. Columbia co. Pa. 25 ms. above North- umberland. Danville, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va. on the right bank of Dan r. and near the s. border of the CO. In the natural state, the falls of Dan r. at Danville, were the head of boat navigation, but by a not very expensive canal improvement, the higher part of Dan valley might be opened to an intercommunication by water with the Roanoke. Danville, p-v. Warren co. Ten. 55 ms. s. w. Nashville. Danville, flourishing p-v. on the s. e. border of Mercer co. Ky. 41 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort, and 35 a little w. of s. Lexington. Pop, 1820, 1,000, in 1830, 849. Danville is a very quiet and re- tired village, and the town and surrounding country are remarkably healthy ; it is 10 miles distant from the Harrodsburg springs, a favorite watering place in that region. Centre college is located in the immediate vicinity of Danville ; it was founded in 1822, and has now 6 profes- sors, of whom the president is one. The ex- penses of the institution, exclusive of books and clothing, vary from ^80 to ^100 per annum. A farm is connected with it, and manual labor is performed by some of the students. The number of these (1832-3) is 66, and the libraries contain about 2500 vols. Connected with the college is a grammar and primary school, and also an institution for the deaf and dumb, all under the direction of the board of trustees of the college. In Danville is also a highly re- spectable female school. Danville, p-v. in the n. e. part of Knox co, O. by p-r. 362 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 59 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pop. 1830, 234. Danville, p-v. and st. jus. Hendricks co. Ind. by p-r. 593 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 20 ms. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on the head of White Lick cr. at lat. 39° 47', long, 9° 30' w. W. C. Danville, p-v. and st. jus. VermiKion co. II. by p-r. 683 ms. n. of w. W. C and 150 n. n. e. Vandalia. It is situated on Vermillion r. about 4 ms. from the e. boundary of II. Lat, 40° 8', long. 9°42'w.W. C. Darby cr. or small r. of O. rises in Cham- paign and Union cos. flows s. s. e. over Franli- lin, and falls into the w. side of Sciota r, in Pickaway co. nearly opposite Circleville, having a comparative course of 60 ms. Darby, p-v. 7 ms. s. w. Phil., Del. co. Pa. The old town of Darby is divided into Lower Darby and Upper Darby. In 1830, the former contained 1,085, and the latter 1,325 inhabitants. The village of Darby is a fine and pleasant town. Darby, p-v. and tsp. on Darby cr. s. part of Union co. 0. by p-r, 22 ms, n. w. Columbus, and 418 N. w. by w. W. C. Pop. tsp. 417. Darby's p-o. Columbia co. Geo. 12 ms. from Applington, the co, st. and by p-r. 590 s. w, W, C, and 81 n. e. by e. Milledgeville. Darbyville, p-v. in Darby tsp. Pickaway co. O. by p-r. 39 ms. s, Columbus, and 407 n. of v/. W. C. Pop. tsp. 827. Dardanelles, two mountain peaks, so called, Pope CO. Ark. They are situated on the right side, 'and near Ark. r. 82 ms. above Little Rock. Dardanelles mtn. and p-o. are on the right side of Arkansas r. in Pope co. Ark. As laid down DAR ]25 DAV by Tanner, the mtn, stands 30 ms. air line above the mouth of Petite Jean r. and by the land road about 80 ms. above and to the n. w. by v/. Little Rock. Dardenne, small r. of St. Charles co. Mo. rising along the boundary between the latter and Montgomery co. and flowing n. e. falls into the Misp. r. about 5 ms. n. n. w. from the village of St. Charles. Dardenne, p-v. in the w. part of St. Charles CO. Mo. by p-r. 34 ms. n. w. St. Louis, 100 n. of E. Jefferson, and 897 w. W. C. Dardenne Bridge and p-o. in the n. e. part of St. Charles co. Mo. about 30 ms. n. w. by w. St. Louis, and by p-r. 886 ms. w. W. C. Darien, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 42 s. w. New Haven, n. Long Island Sound, formerly s. e. part of Stamford, and has a good undulating soil. Pop. 1,20L Darien, important p-t. and sea-port Mcintosh CO. Geo. on the n. side and principal channel of the Altaraaha, 1^2 ms. above the bar, and 190 by water below Milledgeville. The pop. of Dari- en has rapidly increased ; in 1810, the inhabit- ants were about 200, in 1820, 2,000. It has a bank, custom house, and many splendid private buildings. A steam boat navigation extends above to Milledgeville, whilst the bar admits vessels of 12 ft. draught from the ocean. It is 56 ms. s. s. w. Savannah, and by p-r. l85 s. e. Milledgeville. Lat. 31° 23', long. 4° 37' w. W. C. Darxe, CO. 0. bndd. n. by Mercer, n. e. by Shelby, s. e. by Miami and Montgomery, s. w. by Wayne co. Ind. and w. by Randolph co. Ind. Extending in lat. from 39° 52' to 40° 27', and in long. 7° 26' to 7° 48' w. W. C. Breadth 21 ms. from e. to w. mean length 36, and area 756 sq. ms. Darke co. is nearly commensurate with the region drained by and giving source to the higher branches of the w. Fork of Great Miami, with a general s. e. slope. Surface pleasantly diversified by hill and dale, soil in part productive. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 1820, 3,717, 1830, 6,204. Darkesville, p-v. on Sulphur Springs cr. a branch of Opequau, Berkley co. Va. 25 ms. a little N. of w. Harper's Ferry. Darling's p-o. in the n. e. part of Knox co. O. by p-r. 65 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 362 n. w. by w. W. C. Darltngsville, p-o. Pike co. Pa. by p-r. 12 ms. N. Milford, the co. st. and 169 n. e. Har- risburg. Darlington, formerly Griersburg, p-v. in the N. w. part of Beaver co. Pa. about 10 ms. n. w. from the borough of Beaver, 37 ms. in a simi- lar direction from Beaver, the co. st. and 263 in a similar direction from W. C. Darlington, p-v. Harford co. Md. Darlington, dist. S. C. bndd. by Kershaw w., Chesterfield n. w. and n.. Great Pedee r. which separates it from Marlborough n. e., Ma- rion s. E., and Lynch's cr. v/hich separates it from Sumpter s. w. Length 35 ms. mean breadth 30, and area 1,050 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 33° 58' to 34° 32', long, from 2° 40' to 3° 20' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the s. E. ; the surface rather waving than hilly. Cf. t. Darlington. Pop. 1820, 10,949, 1830, 13,728. 17 Darlington, p-v. and st. jus. Darlington dist. S. C. on Black cr., 40 ms. a little n. of e. Cam- den, and by p-r. 93 n. e. by e. Columbia. Lat. 34° 19', long. 2° 58' w. W. C. Darnestown, p-v. in the w. part of Mont- gomery CO. Md. by p-r. 25 ms. n. w. W. C. Darrtown, p-v. in Milford tsp. western part of Butler co. O. 8 ms. from Hamilton, the co, St. and by p-r. 109 ms. s. w. by w. from Colum- bus, and 496 ms. w. from W. C. Dartmouth, p-t. and sea port, Bristol co. Mass. 62 ms. s. Boston, 27 s. Taunton, n. Buz. zard's bay, e. R. I., has several crs. running s. one of which, Aponiganset r., is navigable near- ly to its centre. It was destroyed by Indians 1675. Pop. 3,866. Dartmouth, p-o. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 153 ms. N. Harrisburg. Darvills, p-o. Dinwiddle co. Va. 32 ms. s. Richmond. Dauphin, p-v. Dauphin co. Pa. by p-r. 8 ms. from Harrisburg. Dauphin, co. Pa. bndd. by Mahantango cr., which divides it from Northumberland n., by Schuylkill n. e., Lebanon e., Conewago creek, which separates it from Lancaster south, and by the Susquehannah r., which separates it from York south, and from Cumberland and Perry west. Length 38 ms., mean breadth 16, area 608 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 40° 08' to 40° 40', long, from the meridian of W. C. to 30' e. The surface of Dauphin is peculiarly diversifi- ed. The lower, southern, and smaller section enclosed by the Susquehannah r., Conewago cr., Kittatinny mtn. and the western boundary of Lebanon, and comprising about 170 sq. ms., is hilly, but highly fertile, and the southern part resting on a substratum of limestone. This^ lower section of Dauphin is traversed by the Swatara creek, and through its valley by the Union canal. The higher northern and moun- tainous part of Dauphin, beyond and including Kittatinny mountain, is formed by a congeries of mountain ridges, lying parallel to each other from N. E. to s. w., with narrow intervening val- lies, discharging their streams s. w. into Sus- quehannah. The soil of Dauphin is productive in fruit, grain, and pasturage, and its mountain vallies abound in excellent timber. Besides the Union canal already mentioned, the trans- versed section of the Pa. canal follows the left bank of Susquehannah, in Dauphin, from the Conewago, to opposite the mouth of Juniata r. (See Pa. canal.) Cf. t. Harrisburg. Pop. 1820, 21,663, in 1830, 26,241. Davenport, p-t. Delaware co. N, Y. II ms. n. Delhi, is hilly ; yields grass and lumber, and has Charlotte river of the Susquehannah. The lands are leased. Pop. 1,778. Davidson, co. N. C. bndd. by Stokes n., n. e, by Guilford, e. by Randolph, s. by Montgomery, and w. by Yadkin r. which separates it from Rowan. Length from s. to n. 40 ms. mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Lying be- tween lat. 35° 30' and 36° 04 , long. 3° 05', and 3° 34' w. W. C. The slope of this co, is south, wardly, and is drained by different small crs. flowing into the Yadkin. Cf. t. Lexington. — Pop. 13,389. j Davidson, co. Ten. bndd s. by Williamson, DAY 12G DEC w. by Dickson, n. by Robertson, n, e. by Sumner, E. by Wilson, and s. e. by Rutherford. Length 30, mean breadth 22, area 660 square ms. Ex- tending from lat. 35° 56' to 36° 22', long, from 9° 40' to 10° 10' w. W. C. Cumberland r. winds by a very tortuous channel over this co. from E. to w. dividing it into two nearly equal parts ; surface moderately hilly, with a very fertile soil, abounding in limestone. Staples, grain, and cotton. Cf. t. Nashville. Pop. 1820, 20,154, 1830, 28,122. Davidsonsville, p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence CO. Ark. situated on the point above the junc- tion of White and Eleven Points r. by p-r. 169 ms. but by direct road 124 miles n. n. e. Little Rock. Lat. 36° 10', long. 14° 03' w. W. C. Davidsonville, p-0. Ann Arundel co. Md. by p-r. 11 ms. from Annapolis and 30 ms. estrd.W. C. Davies, CO. Ky. bndd. by Hancock co. n. e., Ohio s. E., Green r. dividing it from Muhlen- burg s., Hopkins s. w., and Henderson w., by a small part of Henderson n. w., and by Ohio river separating it from Spencer co. Ind. n. — Extending in lat. from 37° 29' to 37° 53', long. from 9° 55' to 10° 36' w. W. C. It is nearly a square of 22 ms. each way ; 484 sq. ms, surface rather flat, and soil productive. Cf. t. Owens- burg. Pop. 1820, 3,876, 1830, 5,209. Daviess, co. Ind. bounded n. by Greene co., e. by Martin, East fork of White r. separating it from Dubois s. e., and Pike s. w., and by the w. or Main White r. separating it from Knox co. w. Length from s. to n. 30 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 45', long. 10° 12' W. C. This CO. occupies the peninsula between the two branches of White r. but the slope is s. w. by w. towards the western or main fork. Chief t. Washington. Pop. 1830, 4,543. Davis' Mills, and p-o. Bedford co. Va. by p-r. 138 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Davis' Mills, and po. Barnwell dist. S. C. Davis' Mills and p-o. Bedford co. Ten. by p-r. 45 ms. s. e. Nashville. Davis' Cross Roads, p-o. Franklin co. N. C. by p-r. 31 ms. N. e. Raleigh. Davis' Tavern, and p-o, Sussex co. Va. about 50 ms. s. E. Richmond. Davis' Store, and p-o. Bedford co. Va. by p-r. 152 ms. w. Richmond. Davis' Store, and p-o. Martin co. N. C. by p-r. 81 ms. E. Raleigh. Davisboro', p-v. in the southern part of Wash- ington CO. Geo. by p-r. 39 ms. s. e. Milledge- ville, and 657 s. w. W. C. Davisville, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. Daw's Gore, Grafton co. N. H. Pop. 38. Dawson's p-o. Alleghany co. Md. by p-r. 16 ms. w. Cumberland, and 148 miles >. w. W. C. Dawson's p-o. Nelson co. Va. by p-r. 107 ms. N. of w. Richmond, and 149 ms. s. w. W. C. Dawsonville, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Mont- gomery CO. Md. by p-r. 27 ms. n. w. W. C. Day, t. Saratoga co. N. Y. Pop. 758. Dayton, p-v. and st. jus. Montgomery co. O., by p-r. 462 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. W. C, 66 ms. a lit. tie s. of w. Columbus, and 52 ms. N.of e. Cincin- nati. Pop. 2,950. It is situated on a fine site along the left bank of Great Miami r., directly below the influx of Mad r., and near where the Miami canal connects with Miami r. The water of Mad r. is conveyed across the point to the Mi- ami, affording numerous and excellent mill seats. Lat. 39°43', long.7° ll'w.W. C. The pop. Dayton tsp. in 1830, was 6,828. The town contained 370 houses and mercantile stores, 4 churches, the county buildings, and market house. This place is in a remarkable manner prosperous, arising from an active and intelli- gent population, rendering available great na- tural advantages of water power. This pow^r is in one way employed to give motion to saw mills, grist mills, cloth factories, and many other applications of machinery ; and on the other, Miami canal has opened a water inter- communication with the Ohio r. at Cinninnati ; distance between the two places by the canal 67 ms. Dead, r. Me., west branch of Kennebec r., rises on the borders of Lower Canada, and Ox- ford CO. Deadfall, p-o. Abbeville dist. S. C, 112 ms. w. Columbia. Deal, v. N. J., 7 ms. s. Shrewsbury, and on the Atlantic coast ; has a gently varied surface, with much thin sandy soil, and a white sand beach, on which vessels are frequently wrecked in E. storms. The marl, dug here near swamps and creeks, is excellent manure. It often con- tains shark's teeth, bits of bones, &c., 30 loads to an acre, after being exposed one winter, con- verts a sand waste into a garden. The only table land in the U. S. tillable to the beach of the ocean, (with one exception s. in this state,) is in Deal. Deardorn, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 22 ms. n. Augusta, contains parts of two large ponds, one with several islands. Pop. 616. Dearborne, CO. Ind., bndd. by Switzerland co. s., Ripley w., and Franklin n., again on the n. e. it is bndd. by Hamilton co. 0., and on the s. e. by the Ohio r. separating it from Boone co. Ky. Length 27, mean breadth 15, and area 405 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 54' to 39° 18', and in long, from 7° 48' to 8° 08' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is rather e. of s. e. towards the Miami and Ohio rs. Surface generally hilly. Cf. t. Lawrencebur;,'. Pop. 1820, 11,468, 1830, 13,974. Deavertown, p-v. York tsp. in the n. part of Morgan co. O., by p-r. 352 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, and 75 ms. s. of e. Columbus. Pop. 116. Decatur, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y., 12 ms. s.e. Cooperstown, 5 ms. by 6, on high land, is good for grazing, watered by the heads of Oaks' and Parker's crs., rapid streams. It is very healthy. Pop. 1,110. Decatur, s. w. co. of Geo., bndd. by Early and Baker n., Ocklockonne r. which separates it from Thomas co. e., by Gadsden co. Flor. s., and by Chatahooche r. which separates it from Jackson, in Flor. and Henry in Ala. w. Length from E. to w. 60 ms., mean breadth 28, area 1,680 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 42' to 31° 06', long, from 7° 11' to 8° 12' av. W. C. Flint r. enters from Baker and flowing s. w. joins Chatahooche at the s. w. angle of Decatur. It has advantages of three navigable rs., the two bounding streams, and the Flint. The surface is moderately hilly, with a soil generally of se- cond rate. Cf. t. Bainbridge. Pop. 3,854. DEE 127 DEF Decatur, p-v. and st. jus. De Kalb co. Geo., by p-r. 680 ms. s. w. W. C, and 117 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. It is situated on the high ground between the waters of Ocmulgee and Chata- hooche rs. Lat. 33° 40', long. 7° 24' w. W. C. Decatur, c. h. {See Bainbridge, Decatur co. Geo.) Decatur, p-v. on the left bank Ten. r. and in the N. E. part of Morgan co. Al., about 20 ms. s. w. Hunt£ville. Decatur, p-v. on the wstrn. border of Adams CO. Ohio, by p-r. 469 ms. w. W. C, and 1 10 w. of s. Columbus. Decatur, co. Ind., bndd. s. e. by Ripley, s. by Jennings, s. w. by Bartholomew, n. w. by Shel- by, N. by Rush, and n. e. by Franklin. Length diagonally from s. w. to n. e. 30 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 07' to 39° 27', and in long, from 8° 18' to 8° 49' w. W. C. A slip along the e. bor- der gives source to Loughery's cr. flowing s. e. over Ripley and Switzerland cos. into the O., and to Salt cr., entering White Water branch of Great Miami ; but the body of the co. declines to the s. w. and is dramed in that direction by SandjClifty, and Flat Rock crs. flowing into the e. Fork of Whiter. Cf.t. Greensburg. Pop. 5,887. Decatur, p-v. and st. jus. Macon co. II., by p-r. 771 ms. N. w. by w. W. C., 70 e. of n. Vandalia, and about 150 ms. n. of w. Indianopolis in Ind. It is situated on Sangamon r. at lat. 39° 55', long, 11°50' w. W. C. Deckerstown, p-v., Wantage, Sussex co. N. J., on Deep Clove cr Dedham, p-t. and cap. Norfolk co. Mass., 10 ms. s. w. Boston, s. Charles r., w. Neponset r., has different soils, some high and arable ; pine, and swamps capable of draining. It has a large village on Charles r. on the turnpike road from Boston to Providence. Mother Brook, a mill stream, runs from Charles r. into Neponset r. First settled from England, Silk is reeled and throwsted here on a limited scale, one of the first experiments of throwsting in the U. S. Pop. 3,117. Deep cr. and p-o. Norfolk co. Va. The creek is a branch of Elizabeth r. and village is situa- ted at the N. extremity of the Dismal Swamp canal. The village has been indeed created by the canal, and is now a flourishing depot, about 10 ms. s. s. w. Norfolk. Deep r. one of the main northwestern branch, es of Cape Fear r. N. C. rising by several branches in Guildford and Randolph cos. which flowing s. E. unite in the latter. Leaving the n. e. angle of Randolph, and curving along the northern side of Moore, turns to n. e. by e., en- ters Chatham, and joins Haw r. to form Cape Fear r. The valley of Deep. r. lies between those of Yadkin and Haw rs. Deep River, p-o. s. w. part of Guilford co. N. C. about 90 ms. n. of w. Raleigh. Deep Spring, and p-o. Monroe co. Ten. by p-r. s. E. by E. Nashville. Deerfield, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 17 ms. s. E. Concord, 35 n. w. Portsmouth ; 28,254 acres ; has Shingle, Moulton's and part of Pleasant Ponds, emptying into Suncook and Lamprey rs. It is uneven and hard, bearing maple, beech, birch, red oak, pine, &e. ; has Tuckaway, Saddleback, and other mtns. First settled, 1756. Pop. 2,090. Deerfield, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. 4 ms. s. Greenfield, 17 n. Northampton, 92 w. Boston, w. Conn, r., has rich soil, with fine meadows on Deerfield r. The village is a little elevated above them on a level. First settled, 1670. About 80 men were killed at Bloody Brook, 3 ms. s. returning with loads of wheat from this place, and long after an exposed frontier settle, ment. It was burnt by French and Indians, ex. ceptone house, 1704. Many of the inhabitants were at different periods killed or carried cap- tive to Canada. The bell taken from the church, 1704, still hangs in that of St. Regis, above Montreal. There is an academy. Pop. 2,003. Dr.ERFiELD, t. Oneida co. N. Y. 96 ms. w. n. w. Albany, N. Mohawk r. opposite Utica, s. w. Canada creek, e. Nine Mile cr. The uplands are good for grain and grass. The vallies have rich sand, loam, and pebbles. Pop. 4,182. Deerfield, p-t. Cumberland co. N. J. near the source of the Cohansey cr. Contains sev. eral villages, of which the largest is Bridgeton. Pop. 2,417. Deerfield, p-v. Warren co. Pa. 100 ms. n. n. E. Pittsburg. Deerfield, p-v. Augusta co. Va. by p-r. 181 ms. s. w. W. C. Deerfield, p-v. and tsp. in the s. e. angle of Portage co. O. The p-o. is situated by p.r. 307 ms. N. w. W. C. and 15 s. e. Ravenna, the CO. St. and 142 n. e. Columbus. Pop. 694. Deerfieldville, p-v. Union tsp. Warren co. 0. by p-r. 4 ms. n. Lebanon the co. st. 472 w. W. C. and 87 s. w. by w. Columbus. This place is not the same as Deerfield tsp. in the same co. Pop. 66. Deering, p-t. Hillsboro co. N. H. 23 ms. w. by s. Concord, 23 from Hopkinton, 66 from Boston ; 20,057 acres, is uneven and favorable for agriculture, with 3 ponds, sources of n. branch of Piscataquog r. First settled, 1765. Pop. 1,228. Deer Isle, p-t. and island, Hancock co. Me. 95 miles fromAugusta. Is protected from the sea by numerous small islands, 9 ms. s. e, Castine, in Penobscot bay. Deer Park, p-t. Orange co. N. Y. 30 ms, w, Newburgh, 14 w. n. w. Goshen, 110 w. by s. Albany, e. Del. r. and Pa. 6 ms. by 12, w. Shawangunk creek ; Navisink creek follows Shawangunk mtns. through e. part, half is un- cultivated mtns., quarter stony pasture, quarter pretty good for grain. Shawangunk mt.is. are rich and arable w. Pop. 1,167. Deersville, p-v. Stock tsp. Harrison co. O. by p-r. 290 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 131 n. e by E. Columbus. Defiance, usually called Fort Defiance, on the point between and above the junction of Maumee and Au Glaize rs. and in the s. e. angle of Williams co. 0. The p-v. is situated in a tsp. of the same, and is also the st. jus, for the CO. distant 511 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 175 N. w. Columbus. This was a very important military station during the Indian wars, and is situated in a very fertile, but, as yet, a thinly settled countrv. Pop. 52. Lat. 41° 18', long, 7° 22' w, W. C. DEL 128 DEL De Kalb, CO. of Geo. bndd. s. by Henry and Fayette, w. by Campbell, n. w. by Chatahooche r. N. E. by Gwinnet co. and s. e. by Newton. Length from s. to n. 30 ms., mean breadth 32, and area 360 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 41' to 34° 06', and in long, from 7° 6' to 7° 32' w. W. C. De Kalb is a table land, from which issues one of the extreme branches of Ocmul- gee r. flowing s. e. v/hilst from the n. part of the CO. rise brief streams, falling into Chatahooche r. Cf. t. Decatur. Pop. 10,047. Deevalb, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 15 ms. s. Ogdensburgh, 10 ms. sq. is crossed by Os- wegatchie, 20 ms. above its mouth in St. Law- rence, to which there is a boat navigation from the village and falls, between rich meadows. It affords oak, maple, beech, &:.c. marble, iron ore, ashes, &c. Settled from Conn. Pop. 1,061. Delaware, r. N. Y., N. J. and Pa. rises in Schoharie co. N. Y. and in the western spurs of Catskill mtns. by two large branches, the Oquago and Popachton. The Oquago is the most remote and real source of Del. r,, flows s. w. 50 ms, reaching within 10 ms. of the Sus- quehannah, turns to s. e. and flowing in that di- rection 5 ms. to the n. e. angle of Pa. and 5 ms. still lower, receiving the Popachton from n. e., continues the latter course 70 ms. to the wes- tern base of Kittatinny mtns., having for 60 ms. formed the boundary between Pa, and N. Y. Inflected to the s. w. by the Kittatinny, and al- most washing the base of that chain 35 ms. to the entrance of Broad Head's cr. from the w., and from Pike and Northampton cos. it takes a southern course, and pierces the Kittatinny, by the known Del. Water gap. Continuing south- wardly 21 ms. it receives its first great conflu- ents from the right, the Lehigh, at Easton ; 2 ms. lower it pierces the Blue Ridge, and 5 ms. still lower the S. mtn., having traversed a great part of the Appalachian system obliquely. Be- low the S. mtn. this now fine navigable r. as- sumes a course s. s. e. from which, 35 ms. it falls over the primitive ledge, and meets the tide at Trenton ; 5 ms. below, opposite Borden- town, it again turns to s. w. Following nearly the range of the primitive rock, the Del. now widening, passes Phil., and 5 ms. below that city, receives its greatest tributary, the Schuyl- kill, from N. w., and thence 35 ms. farther when it opens into a wide bay extending s. e. 35 ms. The comparative length of Del. r. from its source to tide water is 185 ms., and 132 ms. from the rapids and head of tide at Trenton, to the Atlantic, having an entire comparative course of 317 ms. It has been already remark- ed, that from the n. e. angle of Pa. to the bend at the w. base of Kittatinny mtn., the Del. forms the line of separation between N. Y. and Pa., from N. J. and thence to the mouth of the bay, it divides N. J. from Del. The navigation of Del. bay is tortuous and something difficult, but admits the entrance of vessels of the first class to near Phil. Above that city the depth gradu- ally decreases, but small sea vessels are navi- gated to Trenton. Though above tide water, this river is much impeded by shoals, and at low water by rapids ; no falls, properly so called, exist in its bed, it is therefore navigable forj down stream rafts and boats from near its source. As a commercial basin, that of Del. is in a rapid and extensive state of improvement. Within Cape Henlopen a breakwater or artifi. cial harbor is in progress, which, whencomple. ted, will secure safety to vessels entering in all weather. The bay of Del. is connected with that of Chesapeake by the Chesapeake and Del. canal, extending 14 ms. with a depth of 8 ft., 60 wide at the surface, and 36 at bottom, and the r. with Hudson r. by the Del. and Hudson, and the Morris canals. An active business on this stream has originated in the extensive mining dists. in its vicinity ; and these have chiefly en- couraged the construction of the canals to Hud- son r. {See article ' Rail Roads and Canals.') Aside from the immense business arising from the coal mines, the Del. is one of the principal channels of internal trade in the U. S. The ba- sin of Del. r. lies between lat. 38° 45' and 42° 30', and long. 0° 42' to 2° 35' e. W. C. It is abotit 250 ms. in length from s. to n. with a mean breadth of 45, area 11,250 sq. ms. The surface greatly diversified, and with considera- ble difference of relative height. The higher fountains of Oquago and Papachton rs. must be at an elevation of at least 2500 feet, but the fall is rapid, and the general and comparative height of the cultivated sections is as follows : — Port Carbon, on the head of Schuylkill, 620 feet ; Mauch Chunk village on Lehigh 534 ; Easton on Del. at the mouth of Lehigh 170 ; Del. at the mouth of Lackawana 455. These points are greatly depressed when compared with ihe ad- jacent arable country, we may therefore regard the basin of the Del. as an inclined plain, rising from the alluvial deposites almost on a level with the tides, to 1,200 or 1,800 ft. The dif- ference of climate above and below the Kitta- tinny chain is very marked, arising fi'om this great change of aerial pressure. In their gene- ral inflections the conformity of the Del. and Susquehannah rs. is too great not to have aris. en from some common causes. So greatly stri- king is this unity of course, that where the Del. flows s. between the Water gap and S. mtn. a corresponding southern stretch of the Susque- hannah reaches from the mouth of the W. Branch, to that of Juniata. Both rs. receive their great tributaries from the n. w. and re- ceive only comparative creeks from the oppo- site direction ; and both rivers open to their great recipient by wide and deep bays. Delaware, co. N. Y. bounded by Otsego co. N., Schoharie and Greene cos. e., Ulster and Sullivan s.. Pa. s. w. and Broome and Chenango cos. w., 60 ms. w. Hudson r., 70 w. s. w. Alba- ny. Greatest extent 35 and 54 ms., 1,425 sq. ms. ; 24 towns, is hilly and mountainous, with rich valleys, well watered, chiefly by n. e. sour- ces of Del. r., to which timber is sent in rafts. e. branch of Susquehannah is n. e. ; deserted in revolutionary war. Cf. t. Delhi. Pop. 1820, 26,587, 1830, 32,933. Delaware, co. Pa. bounded by Chester co. w. and N. w., by Montgomery n. e., by Phil. co. E., by Del. r. separating it from Gloucester co. N. J. s. E., and by New Castle co. s. Length 20, mean breadth 11, area 220 sq. ms. Extend, ing in lat. from 39° 47' to 40° 05', long, from 1° DEL 129 DEL 28' to 1°48'e. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the s. E., down which flow Darby, Ridley, and Chester creeks, with sufficient descent to give innumerable sites for water propelled ma- chinery ; and so greatly have the facilities of nature been improved, that as early as 1822, there were, from good authority, 144 machines of various descriptions in actual operation. At present, 1830, it is probable that the saw and grist mills, with other manufactories, do not fall much short of one to each sq. m. The surface is gently rolling, and soil productive. To enu. merate its staples, would be to give a list of most articles found in Phil, vegetable market, of which the climate admits the culture, and of an indefinite invoice of the product of mills and looms. Chief t. Chester. Pop. 1820, 14,810, 1830, 17,361. Delaware, p-v. Pike co. Pa. 144 ms. n. Har- risburg. Delaware, state of the U. S. bndd. by Wor- cester and Somerset cos. Md. s., by Dorchester, Caroline, Queen Ann, Kent, and Cecil cos. of Md. w., by Chester and Del. cos. of Pa. n., by Del. bay n. e., and by the Atlantic Ocean s. e. Outlines : along the Atlantic from Cape Henlo- pen to Fenwick's isl. 20 ms. ; w. along Md. 36 ms.; N. along Md. to the w. cusp of the semi- circle round Nev/ Castle 87 ms. ; along the semicircle to Del. r. 26 ms. ; and thence down Del. bay to Cape Henlopen 90 ms. having an entire outline of 259 ms. Length 100, mean breadth 2l, area 2,100 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 27' to 39° 50', long, from 1° 17' to 2° E. W. C. Natural features. — Del. com- prises a comparatively long and narrow inclin- ed plain, with its declivity e. towards Del. bay. Down this slope flow Indian r., Broad Kill, Ce- dar, Mispohan, Mother Kill, Jones Dnck, Apo- quinimink and Brandywine, with some lesser streams. This plain includes the whole n. e. and s. E. sections of the state. The s. E. angle slopes to the n. w. and is drained by the sources of Nantikoke and Choptank rs. The n. part of Del. is waving rather than hilly, but these hum- ble elevations gradually depress, and the s. part spreads into an almost general level. The soil, in some places very productive, is, however, generally thin, and in many places marshy. The climate at the two extremes differs much more in temperature than might be expected from so little extent of lat. and small difference in rela. tive height. The staples of the n. part, grain, flour, &c. ; near the Atlantic cotton can be profitably cultivated. Political geography. — Delaware is divided into three cos. New Cas- tle N., Sussex s., and Ken*-, lying between them. The population of the stale in 1790 was 59,. 094, in 1800, 64,273. The progressive pop. since, has been as follows : 1310. 1820. New Castle, 24,429 27,899 Kent, 20.795 20,793 Sussex, 27,750 24,057 20 to 30, 5,508 30 to 40, :!,206 40 to 50, 2,1.36 50 to CO, 1,280 60 to 70, 609 70 to 80, 202 80 to GO, 43 00 to lOU, 9 100 and upwards, Total, 28,845 23,756 Of the above are deaf and dumb, under 14 j-ears, 6 ; 14 to 25, 15 ; 25 and over, 14 ; blind, 18 ; foreigners not naturalized, 313. Colored population as follows : 1830. 29,710 19,911 27,118 72,974 72,749 76,739 Of which were wbite persons. Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 4,744 4,647 From 5 to 10, 4,099 4,011 " 10 to 15, 3,919 3,654 " 15 to 311, 3,184 3,381 Slaves. Free colored Males. Feins. Wales. Feins. Uitder 10 years of age, 580 5.8 2,627 2,524 From 10 to 21, 853 617 2,259 2,359 " 24 to 36, 245 230 1,303 1,446 " Sfi to 55, 83 80 1,180 1,102 " 55 to 100, 42 49 503 526 " 100 and upwards, 3 2 1-) 10 Total, 1,806 1,480 7,882 7,973 Slaves and coloured persons included in the foregoing who are deaf and dumb, under l4 years, 5 ; 14 to 25, 4 ; 25 and over 11. Recapitulation, Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 57,601 15,855 3,292 76,748 Constitution of government, judiciary. — The existing constitution of this state was so greatly changed by amendments in convention Dec. 183], as to render it, in fact, anew instrument ; as it is brief we insert it entire. 1. The representatives are to be chosen for two years ; the property qualification abolished. 2. The senators are to be chosen for four years. 3. The legislature is to meet biennially ; the first Tuesday of .lanuary, 1833, is to be the commencement of biennial sessions. 4. The state treasurer is to be elected by the legislature biennially. In case of his death, resignation, &c. the governor is to fill the ofliice until the next session of the legislature. He is to settle annually with the legislature, or a committee thereof, which is to be appointed every biemiial session. 5. No acts of incorporation are here- after to be passed without the concurrence of two-thirds of each branch of the legislature, except for the renewal of existing corporations — all acts are to contain a power of revocation by the legislature. No act; hereafter passed shall be for a longer period than 20 years, with- out a re-enactment by the legislature, except- incorporations for public improvement. 6. The governor is to be chosen for four years, and to be ever after ineligible. New provisions are made for contested elections of governor ; and to fill vacancies. He is to set forth in writing, fully, the ground of all reprieves, pardons, and remissions, to be entered in the register of his official acts, and laid before the legislature at its next session. 7. All elections are to be on the second Tuesday of November. Every free white male citizen, who has resided one year in the state, the last month in the coimty, and, if he be of the age of 22 years, is entitltdto vote. All free white male citizens, between the ages of 21 and 22 years, having resided as aforesaid, may vote without payment of tax. No person in the military, naval, or marine service of the United States, can gain such residence as will entitle him to vote in consequence of being sta. DEL 130 DEL tioned in any military or naval station in the state : no idiot, insane person, pauper, or person convicted of a felony can vote ; and the legisla- ture is authorized to impose the forfeiture of the right of suffrage as a punishment for crime. 8. The judicial power of the state is to be exer- cised by four common IziW judges, and a chan- cellor. Of the four law judges, one is chief justice, and three associates. The chief justice and chancellor may be appointed in any part of the state — of the associates, one must reside in each county. [The court of civil jurisdiction is styled the supreme court ; and is composed of the chief justice and two associates — no as- sociate judge sits in his own county —the chief justice presides in every county. Two judges constitute a quorum.] The court of general sessions of the peace and gaol delivery, is composed of tne same judges and in the same manner as the superior court. The court of oyer and terminer is com- posed of the four law judges. Three to consti- tute a quorum. The chancellor exercises the powers of the court of chancery. The orphans' court is composed of the chancellor and the as- sociate judge residing in the county. Either may hold the court, in the absence of ihe other. When they concur in opinion there shall be no appeal, except in the matter of real estate. — When their opinions are opposed, or when a decision is made by one sitting alone, and in all matters involving a right to real estate, there is an appeal to the supreme court of the county, whose decision shall be final. The court of errors and appeals, upon a writ of error to the superior court, is composed of the chancellor, who presides, and two of the associate judges, to wit, the one who, on account of his residence, did not sit in the case below ; and one who did sit. Upon appeal from the court of chancery, the chief justice and three associates compose the court of errors and appeals ; three of them constitute a quorum. If the superior court deem that a question of law ought to be heard before all the judges, they may, upon the appli- cation of either party, direct it to be heard in the court of errors and appeals, which shall then be composed of the chancellor (who pre- sides) and all the judges. When the chancellor is interested in a chancery case, the chief jus- tice, sitting alone in the superior court, shall have jurisdiction, with an appeal to the three associate judges sitting as a court of errors and appeals. When there is an exception to the chancellor or any judge, so that a quorum can- not be constituted in court, in consequence of said exception, the governor shall have power to appoint a judge for that special cause, whose commission shall expire with the determination of the cause. The judges are to receive sala- ries, which shall not be less than the following sums, to wit — the chief justice $1,200, — chan- cellor $1,100,— the associates, each $1,000.— They are to receive no other fees or perquisites for business done by them. The general as- sembly may establish inferior courts, or give to one or more justices of the peace, jurisdic- tion in cases of assaults and batteries, unlicen- sed public houses, retailing liquors contrary to law, disturbing camp meetings or other meet- ings of public worship, nuisances, horse-racing, cock-fighting, and shooting matches, larcenies committed by negroes or mulattoes, knowingly receiving, buying, or concealing stolen goods by negroes or mulattoes, &c. This jurisdiction may be granted either with or without the inter- vention of a grand or petit jury, and either with or without appeal, as the legislature shall deem proper. The clerk of the supreme court is to be styled the prothonotary. The office of clerk of the supreme court is abolished. 9. But one person is to be voted for as sheriff and one person as coroner, in each county. — The term of office in each case is two years. In New Castle and Kent counties, at the expi- ration of the term of office of the present sher- iffs and coroner, respectively, in 1833, the gov- ernor is authorized to fill up the offices for any year, in consequence of there being no election in that year, under the bieimial system. 10. Elections for conventions to revise the constitution, are hereafter to be held on the third Tuesday of May in any year. The majority of all the citizens of the state having right to vote, is to be ascertained by reference to the highest number of votes given at any one of the three general elections next preceding, unless the number of votes given on the occasion, shall exceed the number given in any of the three preceding elections, in which case the majority shall be ascertained by reference to the election of itself. 11. No offices are vacated except the chan- cellor and judges of the existing courts, and the clerks, whose offices will be abolished on the third Tuesday of January next ; on which day the new judicial system goes into effect. The offices of registers for wills and justices of the peace are not affected. The above sketch of the amendments adopt- ed by the convention, does not enter into details, but merely presents a general view of the changes which have been made. History. — Delaware was first colonized by the Swedes and Fins, under the auspices of Gusta. vus Adolphus, and was called New Sweden, The Swedes were then too poor, and not suffi- ciently commercial, to form colonies ; therefore New Sweden fell under the power of the Dutch, in 1655. In 1664 the Delaware colony was conquered with all New Netherlands, by the English, and granted by Charles II. to James, duke of York, who in 1682 conveyed it to William Penn. Delaware thus under the same proprietary remained nominally a part of Pennsylvania, until 1775, though really a distinct colony from 1704, when a colonial assembly for the three lower counties met at New Castle. Delaware was amongst the first states in which a constitution of government was formed, in 1776. In 1792, a convention met, and on June 12th of that year, the existing government was adopted. Delaware, co. of O. bndd. s. by Franklin, w. by Union, n. by Marion, n. e. by Knox, and s. e, by Licking. Greatest length 28, mean breadth 25, and area 760 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 08' to 40° 32', and in long, from 6° 45' to 7° 18' w. W. C. The e. border of this co. extends from s. to n. along the summit between DEN 131 DER the vallies of Muskingum and Hocking on the E., and the Sciota on the w. The extreme sources of White Woman's Fork of Musking- um, and of the Hocking rise along the e. bor. der of Del. and flow estrd. The body of the CO. has a slope almost due s., and is traversed in that direction by the two main constituent streams of Sciota, the Whetstone and Sciota Proper ; Allum and Walnut crs. also tributary waters of Sciota, rise in its eastern section. Cf. t. Delaware. Pop. 1820, 7,639, 1830, 11,504. Delaware, p-v. st. jus. and tsp. Del. co. 0. The St. jus. is by p-r. 419 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 23 above, and n. w. Columbus. It stands on the right bank of Whetstone r. Lat. 40° 13', long. 6° 7' w. W. C. Pop. of the village, 527, and of the tsp. including the village, 936. Delaware, co. of Ind. bndd. by Randolph e., Henrys., Madison w., and Grant n. w. Length 22, breadth 20, and area 440 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 40° 05' to 40° 24', and in long. from 8° 12' to 8° 24' w. W. C. The Mississi- nawa and White rs. rising in Randolph, traverse Del. in which they diverge, the former to the N. w. and the latter to the w. General slope to thewstrd. Cf. t. Munsey. Pop. 2,374. Delaware City, p.t. New Castle co. Del. situated on Del. r. at the termination on that stream of the Chesapeake and Del. canal, 32 ms. nearly due n. from Dover. Pop. about 100 ; it contains several handsome brick houses. Delhi, p-t. and st. jus. Delaware co. N. Y. 70 ms. s. w. Albany, 54 w. Catskill, 63 Kings, ton, 156 sq. ms., is crossed by Del. r. and Little Del. which joins it near the v. There are hills, mtns., vallies, and on the river fine meadows. Pop. 2,114. Delightful Grove, p-o. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. Ill ms. n. w. Columbia, and 484 s. w. W. C. Dells, p-o. AUachua co. Flor. Delphi, p-o. Marion co. Tenn. by p-r. 129 ms. s. e. Nashville. Delphi, p-v. and st. jus. Carroll co. Ind. by p-r. 661 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 88 n. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on Wabash r. just below the mouth of Deer cr. Lat. 40° 37', long. 9° 40' w. W. C. Demopolis, p.v. Marengo co. Ala. at the left bank of Tombigbee r. immediately below the moutli of Black Warrior or Tuscaloosa r., C5 ms. s. s. v/. Tuscaloosa. Denmark, p-t. Oxford co. Me. on Saco r. 30 ms. s. w, Paris, 85 Augusta. Pop. 954. Denmark, p-t. Lewis co. N. Y. 150 miles n. w. Albany, w. Black river, 22,000 acres; has a rich soil in the vallies. Deer cr. has a fall oi 175 ft. almost perpendicular, with high limestone banks, and other falls from 10 to 60 ft. Copen- hagen is the only village. Pop. 2,270. Denmark, p-v. Madison co. Ten. by p-r. 16 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Denmark, p-v. and tsp. Ashtabula co. 0. by p-r. about 190 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 340 n. w. W. C. Pop. 169. Dennings, p.o. Frederick co. Md. by p-r. 60 ms. N. w. W. C. Dennis, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass. 97 ms. s. e. Boston, 8 from Barnstable, n. Atlantic, e. Bass r., has several ponds, a poor soil, except N.,and many works for making salt from sea water, by evaporation. Scargo hills is the highest land in the co. Pop. 2,317. Dennis, p-t. Cape May co. N. J. has a small harbor. Pop. 1,508. Dennis, p-o. Amelia co. Va. 54 ms. s. w. Richmond.. Dennisville, p-t. Washington co. Me. 17 ms. N. w. Eastport, 172 n. n. e. Augusta, on Denny's river. It is crossed by several streams. Cole- scook bay lies s. of it. Pop. 856. Dennyville, p-v. Wilkes co. N. C. by p-r. 172 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Denton, p-v. and st. jus. Caroline co. Md. on the left bank of Choptank r. 18 ms. n. e. Easton, and by p-r. G5 ms. a little s. by e. Annapolis. Lat. 33° 53', long. 1° 14' due e. W. C. Dentonsville, p-o. Hanover co. Va. 42 ms. n. Richmond. Denville, v. Morris co. N. J. 8 ms. n. of Mor- ristown, on Rockaway cr. Depeyster, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 209 ms. N. by w. Albany. Pop. 8 13. Depeau, t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. Pop. 1830, 668. Deposit, p-v. Tompkins, Delaware co. N. Y. 40 ms. s. w. Delhi, 105 w. Catskill, on Dela- ware r. Deptford, t. Gloucester co. N. J. 20 ms. s. Burlington, between Bigtimber and Mantua crs. on Delaware r. Pop. 3,599. Deptford, t. Gloucester go. N. J. on the Delaware, between Mantua cr. which parts it from Greenwich on the s. w. and Gloucester on the N. E. Pop. 3,599. Woodberry, the st. jus. is in this tsp. Derbane, corrupted from Terre Bonne, the name of several small streams of La. ; one, a r. of about 80 ms. comparative course, rises in Lafayette co. Ark. and parish of Claiborne La. flows s. e. and falls into Ouachitau river a short distance above the village of Monroe, in the parish of Ouachitau. Another of the same name, giving name to a parish, rises w. from the river La Fourche, and flowing a few ms. s. falls into the Gulph of Mexico, between Tim- ballier and Petite Caillon bays. There are 3 or 4 more, but of too little consequence to de- serve particular notice. Derby, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 52 ms. n. e. Mont- pelier, e. Mempbremagog lake, 7i ms. on Canada line, 23,040 acres. First settled 1745, from Conn. &c. White and Norway pine grows near the lake, with red oak, and rock maple, &c. elsewhere, the soil being generally rich. It has Salem pond, and Clyde r. with mill seats. Pop. 1,469. Derby, p-t. New Haven county. Conn. 8 ms. w. New Haven, at the confluence of Naugau- tuck and Housatonic rs. 12 ms. from Long Island Sound, navigable for vessels of 80 tons, 4^ ms. by 5^, has a varied surface, with some meadows, mill sites, advantages for trade, and shad fisheries. Humphreysville is one of the oldest woollen manufactories in the country ; incorporated 1810, with f500,000 capita]. There are other manufactures. An agricultural seminary was opened here, 1824, for practical education, with philosophical aparatus, &c. Pop. 2,253. DET 132 DIA Derky, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 28 ms. s. E. Concord. Pop. 2,176. Dehry, p-v. and tsp. Columbia co. Pa. Tlie p-o. is 7 i:is. N. Danville, the co. st. and by p-r. 77 ms, E. of N. Harrisburg, and 187 ms. from W. C. in a nearly similar direction. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 1,662, in 1830, 1,689. De Ruyter, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. 21 ms. w. s. w. Morrisville, 123 w. Albany, is hilly, well watered by sources of Tioughnioga creek and yields grass and some grain, 17 miles s. Erie canal. Pop. 1,447. Des Moines, r. of the northwstrn. territory, and state of Mo. rises in the former near !at. 43° 40', long. 18° vv. W. C, interlocking sour, ces with those of Little Sioux branch of Mo. r., Blue Earth or the southern branch of St. Peter's r., and those of Upper loway r., and flowing thence s. e. 300 ms. falls into the Misp. r. op- posite Hancock co. II. Beside numerous small- er confluents, this stream receives at about 150 ms. below its source, the North fork from the left, and 50 ms. lower, a much more considera- ble addition by the Raccoon fork from the right. The latter has a comparative length of about 150 ms. The valley of Des Moines is 300 ms. in length, but is comparatively narrow, being rather liberally estimated at a mean breadth of 50 ms., area 15,00O sq. ms. About 20 ms. comparative course of the lower part of this r. it forms the extreme northestrn. boundary of Mo. It is the longest, and probably the most abundant tributary of Misp. proper from the right. Detourdes Anglais, (English Bend.) This remarkable and abrupt bend in the Misp. r. com- mences in descending 15 ms. following the stream below New Orleans, but not quite 8 ms. direct distance. Commencing 3 ms. above the city, in reality is the head of an immense curve of 25 ms. which sweeping its concave side first to the N. and thence e. n. e. and finally round to the N. \v. Of this great curve the English Bend forms the lower extremity. The English Bend adds greatly to the difficulty of navigating sea and sail vessels to New Orleans, as taking the whole periphery it includes more than two thirds of an entire circle, and of consequence the same wind will very seldom enable a vessel to be navigated through the pass. Except the dis- tance the Detour (bend) opposes no additional difficulty to the passage of steam boats. Detour True. This strait on Tanner's im- proved U. S. map extends to the e. of the " Promontory of the True Detour," and unites lake Huron to Manitou bay, and separates the continental part of Chippeway co. Mich, from Drummond's Island. It is the outlet into lake Huron of St. Mary's strait, and is discharged into lake Huron 40 ms. n. e. by e. Fort Mac- inac. Detroit, or " the Strait," r. uniting lakes St. Clair and Erie, and forming part of the limit between Upper Canada and Michigan. At its outlet from lake St. Clair, Detroit r.is upwards of a m. wide and divided into two channels by Peach Islands ; the course a little s. of w. 8 ms. to the lower extreme of the city of Detroit, where it makes a regular curve to the s. s. w. and continues the latter course 4 ms. to the in-| thix of the r. Rouge, from the n. w. One m. below the mouth of the Rouge the r. is again divided into two channels, by Grand Turkey Island. The Detroit now rapidly widens to from 3 to 4 ms. and assuming a southern course of 17 ms. finally opens into the extreme n. w. angle of lake Erie. This is indeed a most beautiful, gentle and navigable stream of 29 ms. in length. Though encumbered with islands, and the channel rather intricate, vessels of con. siderable burthen can be navigated through into lake St, Clair. The shores though not elevated are bold, and being cultivated give a charming appearance in summer to the landscape along both shores. On the right are the city of De- troit and Brownstown, and on the Canada shore Sandwich and Amherstburg. From Michigan enter at the influx of both into Erie, the Huron^ and one mile above Grand Turkey Island the Rivierie Rouge ; and from the same tide the lesser streams of Bauche, Curriere, and Clora. From Canada the only stream which enters the Detroit worthy of notice is the Canard, falling into the main stream 3;j ms. above Amherstburg. The Detroit islands are elevated and are com- posed of excellent arable soil ; two of them, Gros Isle and Grand Turkey Island, exceed G ms. each, in length, but are comparatively nar- row. The whole r. is frequently and completely frozen over in winter. Detroit, p-t. city, port of entry and st. jus. for Wayne co. and of the government of Michi- gan, as laid down on Tanner's United States, is at lat. 42° 20', and exactly G° v/est W. C. These relative positions give by calculation a bearing of 52° 50', and a distance in statute ms. of 416, from W. C. to Detroit. By the p-o. list of 1831, the distance from W. C. to Detroit is stated at 526 ms. Detroit is situated on a rising plain along the western or right shore of Detroit r. The streets are laid out at right angles to each other, though something oblique to the course of the stream. The plain has a gentle acclivity from the water to the main street, but spreads thence to the westward nearly level. A remark may be made of Detroit which ap- plies with equal force to many other places in the U. S., of comparatively small population ; that is, that the real and commercial Vi'ealth of the smaller are far above the proportion which relative numbers would produce between them and places of greater population. Fev/ places can be more admirably situated for a commer- cial city than Detroit, and few have a more solid promise of permanent prosperity. Pop. 2,222. Devereaux, store and p-o. in the s. w. part of Hancock co. Geo. by p-r. 16 ms. n. E.Milledge- ville, and 626 s. w. W. C. De Witt, p-v. in the western part of Clinton CO. Illinois, 18 ms. from Carlyle, the st. jus. and by p-r. 48 s. w. Vandalia, and 820 ms. w. W. C. Dexter, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 30 ms. n. w. Bangor, 67 Augusta, has waters flowing into Penobscot and Kennebec. Pop. 885. Dexter, p-v. Washtenaw co. Mich. 10 ms. N. w. Ann Arbor, the co. St., and by p-r. 52 w. Detroit, 545 n. w. by w. W. C. Diamond Grove, p.v. Brunswick co. Va. by p-r. 73 ms, s. s. w. Richmond. DIN 133 DOG Diamond Grove, p-v. Northampton co. N. G. by p-r. 25 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Di4NA, t. Lewis CO. N. Y. Pop. 309. Diana Mills and p-o. Buckingham co. Va. by p-r. 125 ms. w. Richmond. Dickenson, p-v. Franklin co. Va. by p-r. 199 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Dickenson's Store and p-o. Bedford co. Va. by p-r. 151 ms. w. Richmond. Dickinson, t. Franklin co. N. Y. 12, ms. w. Malone, 233 w. Albany, 6 ms. by 48, watered by Little Salmon r., has much sandy loam, with beech, maple, bass, elm, &c. Pop. 446. Dickinson, p-v. and tsp. in the w. part of Cumberland co. Pa. The p-o. is 36 ms. w. Harrisburg, and 108 w. of n. W. C. Pop. tsp. 2,523. Dick's r. Ky. rises in Rockcastle co. inter- locking sources with Rockcastle and Green rs., and flowing thence n. w. passes through Lin- coln, and thence separating Garrard from Mer- cer CO., falls into the left side of Ky. r. 10 ms. from Harrodsburg. Dick's Mills and p-o. in the w. part of Butler CO. 0. 8 ms. from Hamilton, the st. jus. for the CO. and by p-r. 496 ms. n. of w. W. C. and 109 s. w. by w. Columbus. Dickson, co. Ten. bndd. by Humphrey's w., Stewart n. w., Montgomery n., and Hickman s. Length 36, mean width 28, area 100 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. fr, 35° 55' to 36° 20', long. 10° 09' to 10° 45' w. W. C. This co. is a table land, from which the water flows s. into Duck r., w. into Ten., N. into Cumberland, and e. into Harpeth rs. The n. w. and n. e, angles touch Cumber- land r., but no stream of consequence flows into the body of the co. Soil of middling quality. Cf. t. Charlotte. Pop. 1820, 5,190, 1830, 7,265. Dickson's Mills and p-o. in the e. part of Parke co. Ind. by p-r. 10 ms. e. Rockville, the CO. St., 58 w. Indianopolis, and 630 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. DiGHTON, p-t. port of entry, Bristol co. Mass . 38 ms. s. Boston, w. Taunton r., has an irregular surface, conglomerate rocks, (boulders,) in diluvial soil, over granite. A rock inscribed by Indians has excited attention. Several coasting vessels are owned here, Taunton r. being navi- gable for small vessels. Pop. 1,723. Dillon's p-o. in the w. part of Tazewell co. II. by p-r. 821 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 159 w. of N. Vandalia. Dillon's Run, p-o. Hampshire co. Va. by p-r. 16 ms. E. Romney, the co. st. 100 ms. n. of w. W. C. and 179 n. w. Richmond. Dillonsville, p-v. in the s. part of Mecklen- burg CO. N. C. by p-r. 196 ms. s. w. by w. Ra- leigh. Dillsburg, or more correctly Dillston, p-v. w. part York co. Pa. 20 ms. s. w. Harrisburg. Dill's Bottom and p-o. in the w. part Bel- mont CO. 0. by p-r. 268 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 149 e. Columbus. Dillworth's Town, p-v. e. border Chester co. Pa. 7 ms. s. West Chester. Dimmocksville, p-v. in the e. part of Susque- hannah co. Pa. by p-r, 274 ms. n. n. e. W, C. and 175 ms. e. of n, Harrisburg. Dingman's cr., p-o. and Ferry, over Del. r. 25 ms. above Del. Water Gap. 18, DiNwiDDiE, CO. Va. bndd. by Nottaway r. which separates it from Brunswick s. w., by Nottaway co. w., Namazine creek, separating it from Andie, n. w., by Appomattox r. separa- ting it from Chesterfield, n. e., by Prince George's co. e., and Sussex and Granville s. e. It lies in nearly the form of a hexagon, equal to a circle of 28 nis, diameter. Area about 616 sq. ms., and is divided into very nearly equal portions by lat. 37°. In long, it lies between 0° 33' and 1° 3' w. W. C. About one fourth part on the n. border slopes towards, and is drained into the Appomattox. The other thre© quarters incline to the s. e. and are drained by Monk's Neck, Stony, Sapony, and other conflu. ents of Nottaway r. Surface waving. Cf. t. Petersburg. Pop. 1820, 13,792, 1830, 21,901. Dij«iwiDDiE, c. h. and p-o. on Stony cr., 15 ms. s. w. Petersburg. Dismal Swamp, a rather undefined, marshy tract, between the s. part of Chesapeake bay and Albemarle sound, occupying a part of Nansemond and Norfolk cos. Va., and, of Cam. den and Pasquotank cojs. N. C. The sources of Nansemond and Elizabeth rs. flowing n. in the estuary of James r., those of Pasquotank and Perquiman's entering Abemarle sound, and some small crs. flowing s. e. into Currituck Sound, have their heads in Dismal Swamp. Dividing cr., a small stream of Va. forming for a few ms. the boundary between Lancaster and Northumberland cos. and then falling into the Chesapeake. Dixboro', p-o. in the e. part of Washtenaw CO. Mich, by p-r. 540 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 37 w. Detroit. Dixfield, p-t. Oxford co. Me, 18 ms. n. e. Paris, N. Androscoggin r., 40 from Augusta. Pop. 889. DixMONT, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 30 ms. w. oi Bangor, 44 of Augusta. Pop. 945. Dixon's Springs and p.o. Smith co. Ten. by p-r. 48 ms. e. Nashville. DixviL.LE, p-v. Henry co. Va. by p-r. 158 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. DixviLLE, t. Coos CO. N. H. ; settled 1805, 31,023 acres, with small streams and uneven lands. Pop. 2. DoAKs' Stand, and p-o. Yazoo co. Misp. about; 120 ms. N. n. e. Natches. Dobson's Cross Road, and p-o. Stokes co. N. C. by p,r. 110 ms. n,. w. by w. Raleigh. Dockley's Store, and p-o. Richmond co. N. C. by p-r. l21 ms. s. w- Raleigh. Doddsville, p-v. Fauquier co, Va., by p-r. 53 ms. from W. C. DoDGEViLLE, p-v. lowa CO. Mich. 75 ms. e. Prairie du Chien, 60 n. n. e. Galena in XL, and by p-r. 1,042 N. w. by w. W. C. DoDsoNsviLLE, p-v. Jackson co. Ala., by p-r. 186 ms. N. e. Tuscaloosa. DoERUN, p-o. Chester co. Pa., 14 ms. s. w. by w. West Chester. Dog r. e. branch of Pascagoula r., rises in the pine forests between Pascagoula and Tombig- bee, and flowing a little w. of s. 90 ms., nearly along the line between Ala., and Misp. falls into Pascagoula, 10 ms., above its mouth. Dog r., a much smaller stream than the pre. ceding, rises between it and Mobile bay, and DOR 134 DOV flowing s. E. falls into the latter 10 ms. south of Mobile. Dogwood Springs, and p-v. Pulaski co. Ark., by p-r. 15 ms. wstrd. Little Rock, and 1,083 ms. «. w. by w. W. C. DoHEMANS, p-v. and tsp. in the E. part of Tus. carawas cq. 0. The p-o. by p-r. is 298 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, and 123 n. e. by e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 1,161. DoHERTYViLLE, p.v. Jefferson co. Ten. by p-r. 196 ms. E. Nashville. DoLBEE's, p-v. N. w. part Potter co. Pa. 16 ms. iirom Coudersport, and by p-r. 299 ms. n. n. w. W. C. and l90 n. w. Harrisburg. DoLiNGTON, p-v. Bucks CO. Pa. near Delaware r., 9 ms. above Trenton. DoNALDSONViLLE, p-v. and St. jus. for the par- ish of Ascension, and seat of government of La. It stands on the right bank of Misp. r. below the .efflux of Lafourche, extending along both rs. Pop. 1820, 200, 1830, 500. Lat. 30° 5.', long. 14° 03' w. W. C. Donegal, p-o. Westmoreland co. Pa. DoNORAiLE, p-v. Fayette co. Ky. by p-r 31 ms. •s. E, Frankfort. DooLEY, CO. Geo., bndd. by Irwin s. e. and s., Flint r. separating it from Lee w., and Sumpter N. w., Houston N., and Pulaski n. e. and e. Length along lat. 32° from Ocmulgee to Flint r. 48 ms., mean width 34, and area 1,632 sq.ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 42' to 32° 18', in long, from 6° 21' to 7° 14' w. W. C. It rnust \be obvious from the position of Dooley that it is .composed of two inclined planes falling towards Flint and Ocmulgee respectively. The extreme source of Savannah r. is also in the s, part of this CO. Cf. t. Berrien. Pop. 2,135. Dorchester, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 50 ms. n. by w. Concord, 23 s. Haverhill, 90 n. w. Ports- mouth, 12 E. Connecticut r., 8 w. Merrimac r., has rocky highlands, and fertile vallies on seve- ral brooks, 8 school dists. Pop. 693. Doecheste*, t. Norfolk co. Mass. 3 ms. s. s. iE. Boston, w. Mass. bay, n. w. Neponset r., has a rich soil and many inhabitants n. e. with few hills ; favorable to fruit &c., has Thompson's and Moon's islands, with 600 acres of salt marsh, several factories and dams on Nepon- set r. ; was settled, 1630, soon after Plymouth and Salem. There was a fort on Rock Hill. 1636, about 100 persons travelled across the wilderness in 14 days, and settled Hartford, €onn. March 4th, 1776, 1,200 men, sent by ■Gen. Washington, threw up works on the Dor- Chester Heights in the night, which commanded Boston harbor, and drove the British army away. Part of Dorchester neck belongs to Boston, to which a bridge extends. Pop. 4,074. Dorchester, v., on Maurice r., Cumberland CO. N. J., e. Maurice j., 5 ms. from its mouth in Delaware bay. Dorchester, co. Md., bndd. by Nantikoke 'bay -s., Chesapeake bay s. w., w. and n. w., •Choptank r. n., Caroline co. n. e., Sussex co. Del. E., and Choptank r. which separates it from Worcester co. Md. s. e. Length from s. w. to N E. 32 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 14' to 38° 40', in long, from 0° 36' to 1° 20' e. W. C. Cf. t. Cambridge. Pop. 1820, 17,700, 1830, 18,686. Dorchester, p-t. Colleton dist. S. C. on Ash- ley r., 20 ms. above Charleston. Dorset, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 27 ms. n, Bennington, 41 sq. ms. First settled 1768, has part of Otter cr. and sources of Battenkill and Powlet rs., with mill sites, Dorset and Equinox mtns., several caves and some manufactories. Pop. 1,507. DoRSETTsviLLE, p-0. Chatham co. N. C, 20 ms. irom Raleigh. Dorsey's, p-o. s. wstrn. part of St. Mary's co. Md., 4 ms. from Leonardstown, and by p-r. 78 ms. s. from Annapolis, and 59 s. s. E. W. C. Double Branches, p-o. Anderson dist. S. C.^ by p-r. 132 ms. n. w. Columbia. Double Branches, p-o. Lincoln co. Geo., by p-r. 95 ms. n. e. Milledgeville. Double Bridge, p-o. Lunenburg co. Va., by p-r. 118 ms. s. w. Richmond. Double Cabins, p-o., in the wstrn. part of Henry co. Geo., by p-r. 107 ms. n. w. by w» Milledgeville, and 699 ms. s. w. W. C. Double Pipe, creek, p-o., n. e. part Frederick CO. Md., about 50 ms. a little w. of n. W. C. Double Wells, p-o. Warren co. Geo, by p-r. 37 ms. N. E. Milledgeville. Dougherty's, Carrol co. Ten. (See Lamores- . ville.) Douglass, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 47 ms. s. Worcester, n. Conn., has Mumford r. a branch of Blackstone r., between which and Shetucket it lies, artificial irrigation is resorted to, with wisdom, and deserves to be practised else- where. It has good meadows. Pop. 1,742. Douglass, p-v. in the w. part of Logan co. 0. by p-r. 10 ms. from Bellefontaine, 468 n. w. by w. W. C. and 72 in a nearly similar direction from Columbus. Douglass' Mills and p-o. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 30 ms. a little n. of w. Harrisburg, and 117 n. N. w. W. C. DouGLASsviLLE, p-v. in the n. e. part of Berks CO. Pa. by p-r. 147 ms. n. e. W. C. and 64 e. Harrisburg. Pop. of Douglass tsp. 839. DouTHET, p-v. in the n. part of Anderson dist. S. C. by p-r. 531 ms. s. w. W. C. and 139 ms. N. w. by w. Columbus. Dover, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 77 ms. Augus. ta, s. Piscataquis r. Pop. 1,042. Dover, p-t. and st. jus. Strafford co. N. H. 10 ms. N. w. Portsmouth, on the e. great road and w. of Piscataqua r. and Me. The town contains a court house, gaol, four public houses, and seven meeting houses. The Cocheco man. ufacturing company have a capital of one mil. lion five hundred thousand dollars, 41arge brick mills. Three are situated in the centre of the town. They run 24,320 spindles and 780 looms ; employ 900 operatives ; 750 of whom are fe- males. They consume 2,600 bales of cotton, or 1,000,000 lbs., and produce about 100,000 a week, or 5,200,000 yards yearly. The calico printing, is equal to the best imported. They bleach and print 3,000 pieces, of 28 yards each, a week, equal to 4,368,000 yards per annum. They consume 4,000 gallons of oil, 500 barrels of flour, 26,000 lbs. ot potato starch, 3,000 cords of wood, 2,000 tons of anthracite coal, &c. The Cocheco is navigable for vessels of 80 tons, up to the landing, in the town. There are 50 DOV 135 DRO shops, some large. Piscataqua r. is formed here of Cocheco and Belamy, or Black ra. which afford fine water power, and supply many fac- tories. The land swells gently, and is pictur- esque. First settled 1623, on the neck s. be- tween the rs. by the company of Laconia, from Eng. who entrenched the place, and establish- ed a fishery. The population have since col- lected at Cocheco falls ; 4 ms. n. w. the Co- checo descends 32J ft. at the head of naviga- tion 12 ms. from the sea. Here in the village, 1689, Major Waldron was killed by Indians, to revenge the death of 7 or 8 whom he had exe- cuted 13 years before. The place often suffer- ed from Indians. Here was the first preaching in N. H. Pop. 5,449. Dover, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 13 ms. n. w. Brattleborough, 18 n. e. Bennington, incorpo- rated 1810. Serpentine, and chlorite slate are found here. Pop. 831. Dover, t. Norfolk co. Mass. 7 ms. w. Ded- ham, 16 s. vv. Boston, e. ands. Charles r. is un- even, woody, with some manufactories. Pop. 497. Dover, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. 21 ms. e, Poughkeepsie, 100 s. Albany, w. Conn. 6 ms. by 7, level in the centre, where is 10 m. cr. of Hou- satonic r. hilly e. and w. and grain and grass flourish. In this town, near the v. of the Plain, E. of a mtn. is a wild passage cut by a stream among rocks, which, in one place, meet over head, and also form a hollow called the stone church, which is 50 feet long and 30 wide in the broadest place. Pop. 2,198. Dover, t. Monmouth co. N. J. 45 miles south N. Y. 20 south-east Bordentown, with the Ocean east, is crossed by Tom's creek, fall- ing into Tom's bay, and Cedar cr. A narrow beach, called Long and Cran beach, forms Bar- negat bay, most of which is in this town and re- ceives its waters. Cranberry inlet is now clo- sed, so that the entrance of Bar brook is s. in Stafford ; Egg and other islands are in Bar brook. There are 15 or 20 furnaces here chief- ly on Tom's r. Pop. 2,b98. Dover, p-v. Morris co. N. J. on the Rockaway, 8 ms, N. Morristown, containing extensive man. ufactures of iron. The Morris eanal passes the village. Dover, p-v. and tsp. w. part of York co. Pa. 24 ms. s. Harrisburg, and 94 a very little e. of N. W. C. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,816, 1830, 1,874. Dover, p-t. st. jus. for Kent co. and of the gov- ernment of Del. by p-r. 114 ms. n. e. by e. W. C,. It is by the road about 50 ms. s. Wilming- ton, lat. 39° 9', long. 1° 28' e. W. C. Pop. of the hundred of Dover, 4,316. Dover, p-v. and st. jus. Stewart co. Ten. by p-r. 787 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 81 n. w. by w. Nashville. It is situated on the left bank of Cumberland r. Lat. 36° 28' long. 10° 52' w. W.C. Dover, p-v. and tsp. in the n. w. angle of Cuy- ahoga CO. 0. The p-v. is situated on Lake Erie, 12 ms. w. Cleaveland, by p-r. 366 n. w W. C. and 140 n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 462. Dover Furnace, and p-o. Stewart co. Ten. by p-r. 7 ms. s. e. Dover, the co. st. 780 s. w. by w. W. C. and 74 n. w. by w. Nashville. Dover Mills, and p-o. Goochland co. Va. 21 ros. N w. Richmond. DowNE, t. Cumberland co. N. J. 60 ms. s. by w. Bordentown, is nearly an island, with Mau. rice r. e., Nantuxet creek w., and Delaware bay s., about one half appears to be swamps, near the water, and Bear Swamp is near the middle. Pop. 1,923. Down East, p-v. Penobscot co. M^.. 96 ms.. from Augusta. DowNiNGTowN, p-v. on the left bank of the n. branch of Brandywine cr. andnear the centre of Chester co. Pa. 30 ms. w. Philadelphia, and by p-r. 122 N. E. W.. C. The village is small, but contains in its vicinity extensive grist mills, and is situated in a very well cultivated and pleas- antly diversified country. It stands on the great road from Philadelphia to Lancaster. DowNiNGTON, p-v,. in the n. w. angle of Meigs CO. 0. by p-r. 85 ms. s. s. e. Columbus, and 35& w. W. C. Doyal's Mills, and p-o. Jackson co. Ala. by p-r, 670 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 188 n. e. Tus- caloosa. DoYLESTowN, p-v. and st. jus. Bucks co. Pa, by p-r. 171 ms. n. e. W. C. and 107 nearly due E. Harrisburg. By the relative p-o. distances it appears to be 35 ms. from Phil, to Doylestown, whilst the real distance is only about 26. It is situated on a branch of Neshamony cr. lat. 40° 18', long. 1° 56' E. W. C. Pop. of the borough- and tsp. 1820, 1,430, 1830, 1,777. Dracot, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 28 ms. n.n. w. Boston, s. of N. H. line, n. Merrimack r. is pleasant, with pretty good soil, well watered by Beaver brook, &c. A fine bridge crosses Pawtucket falls to Chelmsford, and the growth of Lowell, to which is another bridge 500ft. and roofed, has been useful to Dracut. Pop. 1,615. Drake's, p-o. in the n. w. part O'f Holmes co. O. by p-r. 359 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 71 n„ E. Columbus. Drakeville, vil. Morris co. N. J. on the Morris canal, 12 ms. n. w. Morristown. Dranesville, p-o. Fairfax co.Va. 17 ms. W. C Draper's Valley, and p-o. in the w. part of Wythe CO. Va. 18 ms. from Evansham, the co.. seat, and by p-r. 310 ms. s. w. W. C. and 225 s. of w. Richnrjond. Dresden, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 8 ms. n. w. Wiscasset, 14 Augusta, on both sides of Ken- nebec r. Pop. 1,151. Dresden, p-t. Washington co. N. Y. 20 ms. N. Sandyhill, 72 n. Albany, w. Lake Champlain, E. Lake George, and ends n. at Pulpit point. — It is mountainous, with several natural ice- houses. Pop. 475. Dresden, p-v. and st. just. Weakly co. Ten. by p-r. 834 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 132 ms. a very little n. of w. Nashville. It is situated on a branch of Obion r. lat. 36° 19' and long. 11° 50' w. W. C. Dresden, p-v. in Jefferson tsp. n. part of Muskingum co. O. by p-r. 14 ms. n. Zanesville, the CO. seat, 73 n. of e. Columbus, and 350 n. w.byw.W. C. Pop. 391. Dripping Spring, p-v. Edmonson co. Ky. by p-r. 138 ms. s. w. Frankfort, Drowned Lands, Orange co. N. Y. on Wall- kill cr. 10 ms. long, 3 to 5 broad, have a rich, mould, good for hemp when drained. DUB 136 DUN Drownkd Meadow, p-v. Brookhaven, Suffolk CO. N. Y. 3 ms. e. Setauket. Drowning cr. and p-o. Burke co. N. C. about 200 ms. w. Raleigh. Drummond's Island, between lake Huron and Manitou bay, having the strait called " The True Detour," w., and Little Manitou Island e. As laid down by Tanner, it forms a part of Chippeway co. Mich. The form, a rude approach to a triangle, base 18 ms. along lake Huron, perpendicular 10 ms. and area 90 sq. ms. The boundary between the U. S. and Upper Canada, passes along the strait between Drummond's, and Little Manitou islands, curving round the northern side of the former, and again separa- ting it from St. Joseph's Island, traversing the intermediate strait. Drummond's island is cross- ed by the 46th d«g. of N. lat. Dry cr. and p-o. Campbell co. Ky, by p-r. 82 ms. N. N. E. Frankfort. Dryden, p-t. Tompkins co. N, Y. 35 ms. s. Auburn, 9 e. Ithaca, 150 w. Albany, 10 ms. sq. is level with much good soil. Good pine abounds, Fish and 6 m. crs. give many mill seats. Pop. 5,206. Dry Ridge, p-v. Grant co. Ky. by p-r. 48 ms. N. N. E. Frankfort. Dry Run, p-o. in the n. part of Franklin co. Pa. 23 ms. from Chambersburg, and by p-r. 63 ms. w. Harrisburg, and 113 n. w. W. C. DuANE, t. FrankHn co. N. Y. Pop. 1830, 247. DuANESBURG, p-t. Schencctady co. N. Y. 8 ms. square, s. end of the co. is 400 or 500 ft. above Hudson r. at Albany, a little uneven, with good soil, and sources of Norman's and Bowza Kills, which falls 70 ft. Lake Maria is drained by Chuctenunda cr. which turns about 20 mills. Pop. 2,837. Dublin, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 10 ms. e. s. E. Keene, 50 from Concord, 70 from Boston, 26,560 acres, on high land between Conn, and Merrimac rs.. contains most of Grand Monad- nock mtn. Centre and North ponds, and is pretty good for grass, 10 school dists. Rev. Ed. Sprague left a fund of $8,000 to public schools, and $5,000 to the congregational church pastor. There are two libraries. First settled 1762. Pop. 1,218. Dublin, p-v. Bucks co. Pa. 6 ms. n. n. w. Doylestown, the co. seat, and by p-r. 166 ms. n. E. W. C. and 97 e. Harrisburg. Dublin, p-v. in the n. part of Harford co. Md. 32 ms. n. e. Baltimore, and 3 ms. from Conewingo Ferry. Dublin, p-v. and st. jus. Laurens co. Geo. sit- uated on the right bank of Oconee r. near the centre of the co. 55 ms. below, and e. of s. from Milledgeville, lat. 32° 34' and long. 6° 05' w. W.C. Dublin, or Dublinton, p-v. in Washington tsp. n. w. part of Franklin co. 0. 12 ms. n. n. w. Columbus, and by p-r. 408 s. w. by w. W. C. Pop. 96. Dubois, co. of Ind. bndd. n, e. by Martin and the s. w. part of Orange, e. by Crawford, s. e. by Perry, s. by Spencer, w. by Pike, and n. w, and N. by the East Fork of White river, sepa. rating it from Daviess. Length 24 ms. mean breadth 20, and area 480 sq. ma. Extending in lat. from 38° 14' to 38° 34', and in long, from 9° 43' to 10° 08' w. W. C. Though this co. bounds on the East Fork of White r. the far greater part of the surface is drained by the Patoka and confluent crs. and slopes westward. Cf. t. Portersville. Pop. 1,778. Dubourg's, p-v. and st. jus. parish of St. Bap- tiste, La. 49 ms. above New Orleans. Duck r. Ten. having its main sources in Warren and Franklin cos. between those of Elk r. a branch of Ten. and a branch of Cumber- land, flowing thence through Bedford, Maury, Hickman, Perry, and Humphries cos. falls into Ten. r. in the latter, after an entire comparative course of 130 ms. in a direction n. w. by w. In seasons of high water it is navigable about 100 ms. ; the valley of Duck r. is comparatively narrow, not averaging above 25 ms. and in no place above 60 wide. It lies between lat 35° 10' and 36° 10'. Duck Branch, and p-o. Barnwell dist. S. C. The Duck Branch is a small stream near the s. E. border of the dist. forming one of the sources of the Coosawhatchie r. The p-o. is situated on the cr. by p-r. 81 ms. a little w. of s. Colum- bia. Duck Creek Crossings, and p-o. in the n. w. part of Franklin co. Ind. 10 ms. n. w. Brook. ville, the st. jus. for the co. and by p-r. 533 ms. w. W. C. Dudley, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 20 ms. s. Worcester, 55 s. Boston, n. Conn., is well sup- plied with mill seats, by Quineboag and French or Stony rivers, the heads of Thames r. and has wool and other factories. There are seve- ral ponds, one nearly 5 ms. long. It was one of the Christian Indian colonies formed in early times. Pop, 2,115. Duff's Forks, and p-o. e. part of Fayette co. 0., by p-r. 32 ms. s. w. Columbus, and 425 n. of w.W.C. Dugger's Ferry, and p-o. Carter co. Ten. by p-r. 420 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 316 n. of e. Nashville. Duke's co. Mass. consists of the islands of Martha's Vineyard, Chippaquiddick, Norman's Land, and Elizabeth islands, forming 3 towns. Cft. Edgartown. The soil is poor. Martha's Vineyard is favorable to commerce and fishing. Pop. 1820,1,702,1830,1,768. Duke's p-o. Dickson co. Ten. by p-r. 44 ms. w. Nashville. DuMAs's Store, and p-o. in the s. part of Rich- mond CO. N. C. by p-r. 18 ms. s. Rockingham, theco. st.417 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 131 s. w. Raleigh. Dumfries, p-v. on the Quantico creek. Prince William co. Va. 33 ms. s. s. w. W. C. DuMMER, t. Coos CO. N. H. is of little value, watered by Amonoosuck and Ameriscoggin rs. Pop. 65. DuMMERSTON, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 5 ms. n. Brattleborough, 31 e. Bennington, w. Conn, r., was one of the first settled in N. H. is watered by West r. &c. with many mill sites. Black mtn. is granite ; the roof slate is quarried here, and primitive limestone is found. Pop. 1,592. DuNBARTON, p-t. Mcrrimack CO. N. H. 10 ms. N. Amherst, 9 s. w. Concord, has 21,000 acres, few hills, with clear air, good water, chestnut, DUP 137 DUV pine and oak timber, and good soil. Settled from Londonderry, N. H. 1749 ; and partly by Scotch and Irish. Pop. 1,067. DuNBARTON, p.o. in the s. w. part of Adams co. O., by p-r. 450 ms. w. W. C. and 91 s. s. w. Co- lumbus. Duncan's or. and p-o. in the e. part of Ruther- ford CO. N. C. ISms.E. Rutherfordton,the co. st. and by p-r. 467 s. w. W. C. and 206 w. Raleigh. Duncan's p-v. Thomas co. Geo. by p-r. 120 ms. s. s. w. Milledgeville. Duncan's p.o. Hardiman co. Ten. by p-r. 190 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Duncansville, p-v. Barnwell dist. S. C. is pr. 24 ms. from Barnwell, the st.jus. for this dist. 86 w. of s. Columbia, and 584 s. s. w. W. C. DuNCANTON, p-v. White co. II., by p-r. 780 ms. s. of w. W. C. and 109 s. e. Vandalia. DuNDAFF, P-v. in the s. e. angle of Susquehan- nah CO. Pa., 22 ms. s.e. Montrose, the co. st. by P-r. 256 ms. n. n. e. W. G. and 148 n. e. Harris- burg. DuNKARD cr. and p-o. in the n. w. part of Mo- nongalia CO. Va. about 22 ms. n. w. by. w. Mor- gantown, and by p-r. 247 n. w. by w. W. C. Dunkirk, p-v. Pomfret, Chatauque co. N. Y. 45 ms. s. w. Buffalo, 45 n. e. Erie, has a good harbor, with 7 ft. water on the bar. Dunkirk, called in the p-o. list King and Queen c. h., p-v. on the left bank of Mattapo- ny r. at or near the head of tide water, 60 ms. above Yorktown, and by p-r. 140 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. and 54 n. e. Richmond ; lat. 37° 50', long. O'^ 11' w. W. C. Vessels of consid- erable tonnage are navigated up to Dunkirk. DuNLAPsviLLE, p-v. in the s. w. angle of Union CO. Ind. by p-r. 82 ms. s. of e. Indianopolis, and 521 ms. N. ofw. W. C. DuNNiNGSTREET, p-v. Malta, Saratoga co. N. Y. DuNNsviLLE, p-o. s. part of Essex co. Va. 56 ms. s. E. Richmond. DuNSBURG, OR DuNSTOwN, p-v. Lycoming co. Pa. on the left bank of the w. branch of Susque- hannah, opposite the mouth of Bald Eagle cr. 25 ms. above Williamsport. Dunstable, p-t. Hillsboro co. N. H. 12 ms. s. E. Amherst, 40 n. sv. Boston, w. Merrimack r. contains 18,878 acres, has a variety of good soils, level e. hilly w. with mill seats on Salm- on brook, and rich land on Nashua r. on which is the chief village ; first settled in the co. 1672, and was attacked by Indians, Lovewell's com- pany went from this t. performed exploits, and were cut off' 1725 at Fryeburg, Me. Pop. 2,414. Dunstable, t. Middlesex co. Mass. 37 ms. n. w. Boston, s. Merrimack r. has pretty good lev- el land, with pine, oak, and nutwood. Nashua r. on N. w. Pop. 593. Duntonville, p-v. w. part of Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 67 ms. w. Columbia. Duplessis, Landing and p-o. Opelousas, La. by water route 180 ms. n. w. by w. New Orleans. Duplin co. N. C. bndd. w. by Sampson, n. by Wayne, n. e. by Lenoir, e. by Onslow, and s. by New Hanover. Length 30, mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. extending from lat. 34° 48' to 35° 12', and divided into nearly equal portions by long. 1° w. W. C- It is drained by, and nearly commensurate with, the higher part of the valley of the e. branch of Cape Fear r. Soil of middling quality. Cf. t. Kenansville. Pop. 1820, 9,744; 1830, 11,291. Duplin, c. h. and p-o. by p-r. 86 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Duplin, old c. h. and p.o. by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Durand, t. Coos CO. N. H. 77 ms. n. Con- cord, N. White mts., contains 26,680 acres, crossed by Israel's and Moose rs., has a pretty good soil. Durant's Neok, and p-o. Perquimans co. N. C. by p-r. 218 ms. n. of e. Raleigh. Durham, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 26 ms. n. E. Portland, 31 Augusta, s. w. Ameriscoggin r. Pop. 1,731. Durham, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. n. w. Little and Great bays, contains 14,970 acres, has Pis- cataqua r. and branches ; the village is on Oys- ter r. at the falls, to which the tide flows. The soil is hard, but good, especially on Onion r. Granite is quarried. The place has suffered from the Indians. Pop. 1,606. Durham, p-t. Middlesex co. Conn. 7 ms. s. Middletown, 18 n. e. New Haven, 4 ms. by 6, 23 sq. ms. handsomely varied, with hills e., is at the beginning of the argillaceous tract running N. has sand stone quarries, and good soil, espe- cially on Middletown and West rs. Gen. James Wadsworth, of the revolution, was born here. Pop. 1,116. Durham, p-t. Greene co. N. Y. 22 ms. n. w. Catskill, 30 s. w. Albany, on the top of Catskill mtns. ; greatest dimensions 8 ms. by 17, has various soils, generally good for grass. Pop. 3,039. Durham, tsp. and p-o. Bucks co. Pa. It is the extreme northern tsp. of the co. on Delaware r. 12 ms s. from, and below Easton. DuRHAMViLLE, p-o. Tipton CO. Ten. by p-r. 190 ms. a little s. of w. Nashville. Dutchess co. N. Y. bndd. by Columbia co. N., Conn. E., Putnam co. s., Hudson r. and Ul- ster CO. w., contains 725 sq. ms. has 18 towns, and is one of the richest in the state. The soil is generally a warm loam ; the n. w. part clayey and imeven. Mattawan mtns. are in the E. part ; some ridges are bare ; some slate is found here, which is quarried — gypsum has been very useful. It is watered by Wappingers, Fishkill, Fall, Croton and Ancram crs. Cram, Elbow, &c. It has many manufactories. Cf. t. Poughkeepsie. Pop. 1820, 46,615, 1830, 50,926. Dutch Settlement, c. h. and p-o. St. Mary's parish. La. on Teche r. about 120 ms. w. New Orleans. Dutotsburg, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. situa- ted on Del. r. n. side of the water gap, and at and below the cr. 25 ms. n. Easton. Dutton, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 76 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 443. Duval, co. Flor. as laid down on Tanner's U. S. includes all the country from the Atlantic, between St. Johns and Nassau r. to Suwanne r. on the w. St. Mary's n. and on the s. and s. e. by a line from Jacksonville on the St. Johns, to the mouth of Suwanne into the Gulf of Mexico. This would include a triangle of 125 ms. base, EAS 138 EAS and 40 ms. perpendicular, or 2500 sq. ms. lying between lat. 29° 22' and 30° 30', long, from 4° 38' to 6° 28' w. W. C. It is probable that only the N. E. part, between Nassau co. and r. the Atlantic, St. Johns, and St. Mary's rs. or about 750 sq. ms. will remain included in Duval co. DuxBURY, p-t, Plymouth co. Mass. 10 ms. n. Plymouth, 38 s. e. Boston, w. Plymouth harbor. Capt. Standish was buried here, 1656. The soil is warm and sandy, good e. and the people live chiefly by trade and fishing. Pop. 2,716. DuxBURY, t. Washington co. Vt. 13 ms. w. Montpelier, 22 s. e. Burlington, 100 n, Benning- ton. It is mountainous and unsettled s. Chief population e. on Onion r. over which is a natu- ral bridge, witli caves. There are 4 school dists. Pop. 651. DwEGHT, p-v. Pope CO. Ark. byp-r. 1,148 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 71 ms. above, and n. w. by w. Little Rock. As laid down by Tanner, it is situated on the left bank of the Ark. r. 7 or 8 ms. above, and on the opposite side from the influx of Petite Jean r. Dyer co. Ten. bndd. n. by Obion co., e. by Gibson, s. by Haywooi and Tipton, and w. by the Misp. r. which separates it from Crittendon and New Madrid cos. Ark. Length from w. to E. 36, mean width 28, and area 840 sq. ms. ex- tending in lat. from 35° 48' to 36° 10', long, from 12° 15' to 12° 46'. Obion r. enters this CO. on the n. border, and flowing s. w. falls into the Misp. about 12 ms. s. w. Dyersburg. The main branch of Forked Deer r. enters Dyer from the a. and flowing n. w. receives a large confluent from the e. at Dyersburg, and then abruptly turning to s. w. leaves Dyer, and falls into Misp. r. at Tipton co. at the upper end of the first Chickasaw Bluff. The surface of this CO. is rolling, except some alluvial flats along Misp. r. Cf. t. Dyersburg. Pop. 1,904. Dyer, c. h. or more correctly Dyersburg, p-v. and St. jus. Dyer co. Ten. situated on the N. branch of Forked Deer r. about 30 ms. from Misp. r. at the first Chickasaw Bluff, and by p-r. 164 ms. a very little s. of w. Nashville. Dyer's, p-o. Franklin co. Va. by p-r. 191 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Dyer's, old store and p-o. Albemarle co. Va. by p-r. 101 ms. s. w. W. C. Eagle, t. Alleghany co, N. Y. Pop. 892. Eagle, p-o. Franklin co, Geo. byp-r. 101 ms. N. Milledgeville. Eagle Grove, p-o. Elbert co. Geo. by p-r. 93 ms. N. N. E. Milledgeville. Eagle Rock, p-v. Wake co.N. C. 12 ms. from Raleigh. Eagle ville, p-v. in the n. e. part of Ashtabu- la CO. O. by p-r. 189 ms. n. e. Columbus. Eaker's Mills, and p-o. in the w. part of Graves co. Ky. 15 ms. w. Mayfield, the co. st. and by p-r. 299 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Earl, tsp. and p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. on Conestoga cr. 12 ms. above Lancaster. Earlesville, p-v. Anderson dist. S. C. by p-r. 135 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia. Early, co. Geo. bndd. n. by Randolph co. Geo., e. by Baker, s. by Decatur, and w. by Henry co. Ala. or by Chattahooche r. Length from s. to N. 40, mean breadth 32, area 1,280 sq. ms. extending in lat, from 31° 06' to 3l° 43', long, from 7° 46' to 8° 20' w. W. C. Cf. t. Blakely. Pop. 2,081. Early, c. h. (see Blakely,) Early co. Geo. East Berlln, tsp. and p-o. Adams co. Pa. on a branch of Conewago, 17 ms. n. E.Gettysburg. East Bethlehems, p-o. Washington co. Pa. 16 ms. w. Washington, the co. st. East Bloomfield, p-o. Crawford co. Pa. 10 ms. N. w. Meadville. East Bridgewater, t. Plymouth co. Mass. 20 ms. s. w. Boston, and was incorporated 1823. Pop. 1,653. East Centerville, p-v. in the south part of Columbiana co. O., about 12 ms. s. s. w. New Lisbon, the co. st. 138 n. e. by e. Columbus. Eastchester, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y. 8 miles s. White Plains, 20 n. N. York, 2^ ms. by 7, E. Bronx creek, w. East Chester cr. and bay, where is a landing, for trade with New York ; )evel, stony, but pretty good soil. Pop. 1,300. East Claridon, p-v. Geauga co. Ohio, by p-r. 174 ms. n. e. Columbus. East Fairfield, p-v. near the eastern border of Columbiana co. Ohio, 8 ms. e. New Lisbon, the CO. St. and by p-r. 152 n. e. by e. Colum- bus. East Farsiingtoiv, p-v. in the n. part of Oak- land CO. Mich, by p-r. 40 ms. n. Detroit. East Feliciana, parish of La. bndd. by Ami. te CO. which separates it from St. Helena parish E., by East Baton Rouge s., Thompson's cr. which separates it from West Feliciana w., and by Wilkinson and Amite co. of Mis. n. Length irom s. to n. 28 ms., mean breadth 20, area 560 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 37' to 31°, in long, from 14° to 14° 24' w. W. C. The slope of this parish is almost directly s. Much of the soil on Amite r., on Comite and Thomp- son creeks, is excellent ; staple, cotton. Cf. t. Jackson. Pop. 8,247. East Green, p-v. Kennebec co. Me. 20 ms. Augusta. East Greenwich, p.^. and st. jus. Kent co. R. 1. 13 ms. s. Providence, w. Narraganset bay, 4 ms. by 6, 24 square miles, is rough with prim- itive rocks, pretty good gravelly loam, making good cider ; oak, chesnut, &c. It has a safe harbor, with 15 feet water at high tide. Cod- fish, &c. are taken, and whaling was once car- ried on. In the village is a bank, court house, academy, and the legislature has sometimes set here. Major Gen. Green, was from this town. Pop. 1,591. East Haddam, p-t. Middlesex co. Conn. 14 miles s. w. Middletown, 27 s. by w. Hartford, E. Conn, river, 6| miles by 8, 50 sq. ms. is rough, with granite rocks, containing garnets, beryl, &c. It is good for grass, with some flats, and good timber. Salmon and Modus rivers n. w., and other streams supply mill Beats. There were formerly shakings of the EAS 139 EAS earth, attended with sounds here. The Indi- ana were considered conjurers. Pop.2,664. Eastham, p.t. Barnstable co. Mass. 24 ms. n. E. Barnstable, 75 s. e. Boston, on Cape Cod, is a narrow strip of sand, e. (ape Cod bay and w. ocean, both of which are seen at once from the road. On the e. is some pretty good land ; the rest moveable sand. Salt is made here from sea water. The Nanset Indians had a Christian church many years here. First settled from Plymouth, 1644. Pop. 970. East Hampton, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 5 miles s. Northampton, 90 w. Boston, w. Conn, river. On the e. side is the proposed route of Farmington canal ; the town has a variety of soil, and much pine plain. Pop. 1830, 745. Easthampton, p.t. Suffolk co. N. Y. U2 ms. E. N.York, 35 E. Riverhead, at e. end of Long Island, includes Governor's Island and Montauk Point, s. Gardner's bay and Long Island sound, N. and w. ocean. Greatest breadth 8 miles, greatest length on main land 24. First settled 1649, from Lynn, Mass. The people are farm, ers, mechanics, and shoemakers. Clinton academy, founded 1784, with $24,000 given by them. At Montauk 9000 acres oi good land are owned in common. The light house was built 1796, for $25,000. Gardner's island con. tains 2,500 acres ; Gardner's bay, a good har- bor for a fleet of ships, was used by the enemy during the last war. Pop. 1,668. East Hanover, tsp. and p.o. on Swatara r. w. part of Lebanon co. Pa. about 17 ms. n. e. by e. Harrisburg. East Hartford, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. e. Connecticut r., is connected with Hartford by a bridge ; has fine meadows, with level, light soil ; fine elms in the village. Pop. 2,237. East Haven, t. Essex co. Vt. 45 ms. n. Mont- pelier, gives rise to Moose r. and is rough and almost uninhabited. Pop. 33. East Haven, p.t. New Haven co. Conn. 4 miles E. New Haven, n. Long Island sound, has fine swells, with light soil ; a light house at e. point of New Haven harbor ; the town is con- nected with New Haven by a bridge. Pop. 1,229. East Hempfield, tsp. and p-o. Lancaster co. Pennsylvania, 34 miles s. e. by e. Harrisburg. East Kingston, t. Rockingham co. N. H. 21 ms. s. w. Portsmouth, 39 s. e. Concord, 3 sq. ms. has a good soil for grass and grain, and is crossed by Powow r. Pop. 442. East Liberty, tsp. and p.v. Fayette co. Pa. 34 ms. s. E. Uniontown. East Liberty, p-v. Marion county, Tennes- see, by p-r. 138 ms. southeast Nashville. East Machias, t. Washington co. Me., cross, ed n. and s. by a broad stream, and emptying in- to Machias bay. It has a large pond on its eastern border. Pop. 1,065. East Nantmill, tsp. and p-o., n. part of Ches- ter CO. Pa., on the waters of French cr., about 33 ms. N. w. Phil. East New Market, p-v., on the waters of Nantikoke r., e. part of Dorchester co. Md., 16 ms. a little n. of e. Cambridge. Easton, p-t. Bristol co. Mass., 22 ms. s. Bos- ton, has large manufactories of iron, woollen and cotton. A lead and silver mining company was incorporated here, 1825, with a capital of $80,000. Pop. 1,756. Easton, p-t. Washington co. N. Y., 27 ms. n. Albany, 16 s. w. Salem, e. Hudson r., 6 ms. by 12, 70 sq. ms., has good farms, uneven surface, and various soils. Battenkill n. has a fall of 60 ft. and other mill sites. Easton, borough, p-t. and st. jus. Northamp- ton CO. Pa., situated on the right bank of Dela- ware r., between the mouths of Lehigh r. and Bushkill cr. The site of this borough is a lime, stone valley environed on all sides by masses of that rock. Beyond the Lehigh rises the Blue Ridge, which about 2 ms. below the town, is traversed by Delaware r. The vicinity along the Delaware, Lehigh, and Bushkill, is finally broken and varied, with a very productive and well cultivated soil, which adds to the attractive scenery, the charm of abundance. Lafayette college, which is located here, was incorpo- rated in 1826. We are unable to say more at present of this institution, than that a course similar to that of other colleges is pursued in it; that there are about 70 students now in it, and that there is a farm, and workshops connected with the college, in which the students labor. According to information procured on the spot, there were in Easton, 1821, a library containing 1,200 volumes ; an academy called the Union academy, three places of public worship, 1 Presbyterian, 1 German Lutheran, and 1 Epis- copalian. There were within the borough 6 grist mills, 2 saw mills, 2 distilleries, 3 tan yards, 1 brewery, and 31 dry goods stores. Four fine bridges, 1 over the Delaware, 1 over Le- high r. and 2 over Bushkill cr. The town is laid out at right angles, streets along the cardi- nal points, issuing from a central square, in which stands the court house, built in 1758. Since 182], the advance of Easton has been rapid. The Lehigh and Delaware canals have made it an emporium in reality, from which lines of intercommunication radiate as from a common centre. Pop. 3,529. Lat. 42° 42', long. 1° 50' e. W. C. Easton, p-v. seaport and st. jus. Talbot co. Md., situated near the centre of the co., at the head of Tread Haven r. or bay, Lat. 38° 46', long. 1° e. W. C, by p-r. 81 ms. a little s. of e. W. C, and 41 s. e. by e. Annapolis. Pop. 1820, 2,000. East Penn, p-o. and tsp. Northampton co. Pa. The oflfice is by p-r. 191 ms. n. n. e. W. C. and 91 ms. N. E. by e. Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1,007. East Pond, plantation, Somerset co. Me., 25 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 299. Eastport, p-t. and port of entry, Washington CO. Me., 176 ms. e. Augusta, 279 e. n. e. Port- land, 41 ms. e. n. e. Machias, in Passamaquoddy bay, on Moose Island, 4 ms. long, with bold shores, is an important place for trade, and the easternmost military post of the U. S. Lumber trade and fishing are principal branches of bu- siness. A ferry of 3 ms. crosses to Lubec, and a bridge to Perry. The v. is s. Pop. 2,450. Eastport, p-v. Lauderdale co. Ala., by p-r. IJl ms. N. Tuscaloosa. East r. King's, Queen's, New- York and West. Chester cos. N. Y., is a strait, connecting New York bay with Long Island sound, is an im- EBE 140 EDG portant channel for coasting vessels, about 25 j ms. by 1, navigable for the largest ships, with several isls., and a swift and rocky pass at Hell Gate, or Horl Gatt. East Smithfield, p-o. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 188 ms. n. Harrisburg. East Sudbury, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 18 ms. w. Boston, has good soil, several ponds, and is crossed by Sudbury r. Pop. 944. Eastville, p-v. and st. jus. Northampton co. Va,. situated on the Peninsula between Chesa- peake bay and the Atlantic, 18 ms. n. Cape Charles, by p-r. as stated in the p-o. list, 254 ms. s. s. E. W. C. though in a direct line the dis- tance is only ]25 ms. Lat. 37° 30', long. 1° 15' E. W. C. East Wateeford, p-v. in the s. wstrn. part of Juniata co. Pa. about 40 ms. in direct roadN. of w. Harrisburg, but by p-r. 62 ms. East Whiteland, tsp. and po. Chester co. Pa., on the main road from Philadelphia to Lancas- ter, 20 ms. from the former. East Williamsburg, p-v. Northampton co. Pa., by p-r. 128 ms. n. e. by e. Harrisburg. East Windsor, p-t. Hartford co. Conn., 8 ms. N. Hartford, has rich meadows, a pleasant v. on a wide street, lined with fine elms, and many fine farms. It was one of the four earliest set- tlements in the state. First settled 1636. Pop. 3,537. East Windsor, t. Middlesex co. N. J. Pop. 1,905. Eaton, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 7 1 ms. n. n. e. Concord, 41 n. e. Guilford, 7 n. Portsmouth, w. Maine, contains 33,637 acres, has pretty good uplands, and pine on plains, with some iron ore, small mill streams and several ponds. Pop. 1,432. Eaton, p-t. Madison co. N. Y., on a branch of Chenango r., 10 ms. s. w. Cazenovia, 102 w. Albany. Pop. 3,559. Eaton, p-v. in the n. w. part of Luzerne co. Pa., by p-r. 29 ms. n. Wilkesbarre. Pop. 599. Eaton, p-v. and st. jus. Preble co. O., 26 ms. w. Dayton, 51 w. of n. Cincinnati, 488 ms. a little N. of w. W. C. n. lat. 39° 46', long. 7° 38' w. W. C. Pop. 510. Eaton, co. Mich., bndd. by Ingham e., Jack- son s. E., Calhoun s. w., Barry w.. Ionia, n. w., and Clinton n. e. It is a square of 24 ms. each way ; area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 35', and long. W. C. 8° w. intersect in this co. The main stream of Grand r. winds along the estrn. bor- der in a northerly direction, but the body of the CO. slopes wstrd., giving source to Apple r. branch of Grand r., and to Battle r. branch of Kalamazoo r. The centre is about 100 ms. a little n. of w. Detroit. Pop. uncertain. Eaton's Neck, Huntington, N. Y. on Long Island sound, has a light house. Eatonville, or Eatonton, p-v. and st. jus. Put- nam co. Geo., near the centre of the co., 20 ms. N. N. w. Milledgeville. Lat 33° 19', long. 6° 28' w. W. C. Ebenezer, academy and p-o., s. w. part of York dist. S. C, 66 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. Ebenezer, v. Effingham co. Geo. on the right bank of Savannah r. 25 ms. above Savannah. Ebensburg, borough p-v. and st. jus. Cambria CO. Pa. situated on the head waters of Little Conemaugh, 75 ms. a very little n. of e. Pitts- burg, and by p.r. 144 miles n. w. by w. Harris- burg. Lat. 40° 31', long. 1° 40' w. W. C. EcHocuNo, or Tchocunno r. Geo. rising in Monroe co. between Flint and Chupee rs. and flowing thence into Crawford, over the n. e. an- gle of Bibb and Crawford and Bibb and Hous- ton cos. falls into the Ocmulgee, after an en- tire comparative course of 40 ms. in a southeast direction. EcHocoNNO, p-o. on Echoconno r., Crawford CO. Geo. by p-r. 42 ms. s. w. Milledgeville. Economy, p-v. Erie co. Pa. about 100 ms. n. Pittsburg. Economy, p-v. in the eastern part of Wayne CO. Indiana, by p.r. 77 ms. e. Indianopolis. Eddyville, p-v. on the right bank of Cum- berland r. Caldwell co. Ken. 12 ms. from Prince- ton, the CO. St. Pop. 167. Eddington, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 70 ms. n. E. Augusta, E. Penobscot r. opposite Bangor. Pop. 405. Eden, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 36 miles e. Cas- tine, 92 Augusta, is almost insulated by French- man's bay and Mount Desert sound. Pop. 957. Eden, t. Orleans co. Vt. 30 ms. n. Montpelier, 37 N. E. Burlington, 36 sq. ms. was granted to Col. S. Warner, and his regiment, 1781, has many small streams, with the sources of Wild Branch and Green r. Mount Norris, Belvidere and Hadley mtns., 5 school dists. Pop. 461. Eden, p-t. Erie co. New York, 23 ms. s. Buffalo, 6 ms. sq. 7 ms. e. lake Erie, has a va- ried surface, and watered by Canquada or. with loamy sand and gravel, best for grass ; beech, maple, hemlock, &c. Pop. 1,066. Edenton, {see Edonton.) Eden's Ridge, and p-o. w. part Sullivan co. Tennessee, by p-r. 297 ms. n. of e. Nashville. Edgar, co. II., bounded by Clarke s.. Coles w., Vermillion co. of II. n., Vermillion co. of Ind. N. E., and Vigo co. Ind. s. e. Length from s. to N. 30, breadth 24, and area 720 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 40', long. W. C. 10° 45' w. General slope southeast-ward, and drained by crs. flow- ing into the main Wabash. Chief t. Paris. — Pop. 1830, 4,071. Edgartown, p-t. port of entry and st. jus. Duke's CO. Mass. 100 ms. s. s. e. Boston, 14 miles south main land, has a good and conven- ient harbor, protected by Chippaquiddick island, a shelter in storm, and has considerable ship, ping. Pop. 1,509. Edgecomb, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. on Sheepscott r. 20 ms. Augusta, is almost insulated by Dama. riscotta and Sheepscott rivers. Pop. 1,258. Edgecombe, co. N. C. bndd. by Neuse r. which separates it from Wayne s. w., by Nash w., and N. w, by Halifax, n. and n. e. by Martin, e. and s. E. by Pitt and Greene. Length from s. w. to N. E. 35 miles, mean breadth 18 miles, area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 34' to 36° 06', long. 0° 27' to 1° 02' w. W. C. The two main branches of Tar. r. enter this co. separate, but unite within it, a short distance above Tar- borough, and flow from the s. e. border into Pitt CO. The s. part is drained by various branches of Neuse r. The surface level, and soil mid- dling quality. Cf. t. Tarborough. Pop. 1820, 13,276, 1830, 14,935.J EDM 141 EEL Edgefield, p-v. Fauquier co. Va. by p-r. 47 ms. w. W. C. Edgefield, dist. S. C. bndd. by Abbeville n. w., by Saluda r. separating it from Newburg n,, by Lexington n. e., Orangeburg e., Barnwell s. E., and Savannah r. separating it from Rich- mond, Columbia and Lincoln co. of Georgia, s. w. Length from s. to n. 60 ms. mean breadth 28, area 1,680 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 17' to 34° II', long, from 4° 50' to 5° 20' w. W. C. The southern part of Edgefield slopes south towards the Savannah r. and is drained by Stephens cr. and some minor streams. The southern section has its slope towards Saluda, and is drained in great part by Little Saluda. Surface gently hilly, and soil mostly of second rate quality. Cf. t. Edgefield, Pop. 1820, 25,179, 1830, 30,509, Edgefield, c. h. and p-v. Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 57 miles s. w. by w. Columbia. Edgemont, p-v. Delaware co. Pa. 123 ms. n. E. W. C. Pop. 757. Edinboro, p-v. Montgomery co. N. C. by post road 97 ms. southwest by west Raleigh. Edinburgh, p-t. Saratoga co, N. Y, 30 ms. n. w. Batlston Spa, 7 ms. by 8, is crossed by Sa. candaga r., is hilly east, and level west, and has generally a stiff loam, with good land in the middle, and s. w. Pop. 1,571. Edinburgh, p-o. and tsp. in the e. part of Portage co. Ohio, 7 ms. e. Ravenna, the co. st. Edinburgh, p-v. in the s. e. angle Johnson co. Indiana, by p-r. 30 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. It is situated at the junction of Blue r. and Sugar cr. branches of Driftwood fork of White r. Edisto, r. of S. C. rises by two branches in Edgefield dist. S. Edisto flowing s. e. leaves Edgefield and forming the boundary between Barnwell and Orangeburg districts, receives N. Edisto, and continuing s. e. enters Colleton, and inflecting to the s. reaches the alluvial plain near the Atlantic, where it divides into two channels, again called relatively N. Edisto, and S. Edisto, enclosing Edisto isl. on both sides. The entire comparative length of Edisto by either branch is about 130 miles. Its basin is 130 ms. by a mean breadth of 30, area 3,900 square miles. Lying between the Savannah and Santee rs. Edisto isl., S. C. enclosed by the two outlets of Edisto r. and the Atlantic. Length from Clark's inlet on the ocean to the separation of the two Edistos, 12^ ms. mean breadth 7 ms. area 87 J sq. ms. forming apart of Colleton dist. Surface flat and in great part marshy, with numerous interlocking water courses. — Soil where fit for culture, highly productive. Central lat. 32° 33.' Staple culture, cotton and rice, though the climate would perhaps admit sugar cane. EoMESTON, p-t. Otsego CO. N. Y. 18 ms. w. Cooper's town, 84 w. by s. Albany, e. Unadilla river, has 26,628 acres, is varied in surface and soil, and has mill seats on Unadilla and Whar- ton's crs,, and has limestone s. e. Pop. 2,087. Edmonds, t., Washington co. Me. w. Coles- cook bay. Pop. 267. E. Edmondson, CO. Ky. bndd. s. and s. w. by Warren, w. and n. w. by Grayson, and n. e. and E. by Hart. It lies nearly in form of a circle of 18 ms. diameterj area about 250 sq. ms. Ex- 19 tending in lat. from 37° 05' to 37° 20', long, from 9° 02' to 9° 23' w. W. C. The main vol- ume of Green r, winds through this co, from e. to w, receiving a large northern branch, Adin's cr,, near the centre. It lies in the limestone range and within what has been called the Bar- rens of Ky., though in reality the soil is produc- tive, Cf. I. Brownsville. Pop. 2,642. Edmonton, p-v. Barren co. Ky. by p-r. 1 14 ms.. s. w. Frankfort. Edmund's, p-o. Brunswick co. Virginia, s. s» w. Richmond ; position in the co., uncertain. Ednyville, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. by p-r. 234 ms. w. Raleigh. Edonton, P-v. and st. jus. Chowan co. N. C. situated on a small bay opening s. w, into Chowan bay, and s. e. into Albemarle sound, about 65 ms. s. s. w. Norfolk, Va. and by p-r. 183 ms. a little n. of e. Raleigh. Edsalville, p-o. Bradford co. Pennsylvania» by p-r. 182 ms. n. Harrisburg. Edwards, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 194 ms. n. Albany. Pop. 633. Edwardsburg, p-v. and st. jus. Cass co. Mich, by p-r. 643 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 169 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. It is situated near the s. border of the co., and on a branch of St. Joseph's r. Lat. 42° 48', long. 9° 9' w, W. C. Edward's Ferry and p-o. The ferry is over the Potomac where the road crosses that r., be- tween Rockville in Montgomery co. Md. and Leesburg in Va. at and above the mouth of Goose cr., 21 ms. a little n. of w. from the for- mer, 4 ms. n. e, from Leesburg, and 31 ms. n. w. W. C. The p-o. is in Montgomery co. -Md» Edwardsville, p-v. Salem tsp. in the s. e.. part of Warren co. O. by p-r. 460 ms. w. W. C. and 83 s. w. by w. Columbus. Pop. 48. Edwardsville, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. II. by p-r. 833 ms. w. W. C. 55 a little s. of w. Vandalia, and by the intermediate road 20 ms. N. E. from St. Louis in Mo. Edyville, p-v. Caldwell co. Ky. situated on the right bank of Cumberland r. about 35 ms. following the stream above its mouth, and as laid down on Tanner's U. S. exactly on lat. 37°, by p-r. 207 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Eel Rivers. As an instance of the unneces- ary repetition of the same name, there are two rivers of Ind. with this prenomen. Southern Eel r. is a br. of White r., having its remote fountains in Boone and Hendricks cos. and thence by a comparative course of 60 ms. to the sthwstrd., traverses and drains great part of Putnam and Clay cos. In the latter it inflects to s. e. 20 ms. falling into the right side of White r. in Greene co. The valley of sthm. Eel r. lies between those of Wabash and White rs, and between lat, 39° 10' and 40°. North- ern Eel r, is a br. of Wabash r. rising in Allen CO. and Putawatomie country. Flowing thence traversing the latter 30 ms. enters and trav- erses the nrthwstrn. angle of Wabash co. and the nrthrn. part of Miami co. falls into the right side of Wabash r. at Logansport in Cass co. ; after a comparative course of 80 ms. to the s. w. by w. This stream has interlocking sources with those of the sthrn. confluents of St, Jo. seph's r. of Mich, ; its valley lying between that of the main Wabash, and those of Tippe- ELB 142 ELI canoe br. of Wabash and Elkhart br. of St. Jo- seph's of Mich. Effingham, t. Strafford co. N. H. 43 ms. n. E. Concord ; contains 34,000 acres, has several high mtns., and is crossed by Ossipee r. Pop. 1830, 1,911, since which the t. of Freedom has been separated from it. Effingham, co. Geo. bndd. by Great Ogee- che r. which separates it from Bryan s. w., and Bullock w., by Scriven n. w., by Savannah r., which separates it from Beaufort dist. S. C. n. E. and E., and by Chatham s. Length 30, mean breadth 11, area 330 sq. ms. Extending inlat. from 32° 08' to 30° 33', long, from 4° 12* to 4° 31' w. W. C. Surface level. Cf. t. Springfield. Pop. 1820, 3,018, 1830, 2,924. Effingham, p-v. Bedford co. Ten. by p-r. 58 ms. s. Nashville. Effingham, co. II. bndd. s. by Clay, w. by Fayette, n. by Shelby, n. e. by Coles, and e. by Jasper. Length 22, breadth 18, and area 396 .«q. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 54' to 39° 12' w. W. C. The slope is southwardly, and in that direction is traversed by Little Wabash. It was formed from what was formerly the e. part of Fayette, and its central part is about 35 ms. E. Vandalia. Egg Harbor, t. Gloucester, co. N. J. on the Atlantic, bndd. s. w. and w. by Great Egg Har- bor r. Pop. 2,510. Egg Harbor, Great, r. and inlet, Gloucester CO. N. J. The r. is navigable for vessels of large size for some distance from its mouth, which is in lat. 39° 18', 20 ms. n. of Cape May, and 60 from Phil. Egg Harbor, Great, port of entry Glouces- ter CO., and the name of a collection district, the tonnage of which, in 1829, was 9,511 tons, 60 ms. s. E. Phil. Egg Harbor, Little, bay and inlet, Burling- ton CO. N. J. on the Atlantic ocean, at the mouth of Mullicus r. and about 40 ms.N. of Cape May. Egg Harbor, Little, t. Burlington co. N. J. on the sea coast, bndd. s. w. by Mullicus r. which separates it from Gloucester co. Pop. 1491. It gives name to a collection dist. the collector of which resides at Tuckerton. Ton- nage in 1829, 2,783 tons. Egremomt, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 15 ms. B. s. w. Lenox, 130 w. Boston, e. N. Y. on e. declivity of Taughkannuck mtn. tributary of Housatonic r. Pop. 890. Elba, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 6 ms. n. Bata- via, 10 s. Erie canal, is nearly level, good for grazing^ and gives rise to Oak Orchard cr., and sends streams s. to Black er. Pop. 2,678. Elbert, co. Geo. bndd. by Broad r. which separates it from Lincoln s. e., Wilkes s., Ogle- thorpe s. w., and Madison W., by Franklin n. w., and by Savannah r. which separates it from Anderson dist. S. C. n. e., and from Abbeville dist. E. Length along Savannah r. 40 ms., mean breadth 14, and area 560 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 56' to 34° 30', long, from 5° 33' to 6° 10' w. W. C. Surface hilly, and soil productive. Slope s. estrd. Cf. t. Elberton. Pop. 1820, 11,788, 1830, 12,354. Elbridge, p-v. Onondaga co. N. Y. 2 ms. s. Erie canal. Pop. 3,357. Elbridge, p-v. in the s. e. part Edgar co. II. by p-r. 116 ms. n. e. by e. Vandalia, and 665 ms. w. W. C. Eldenton, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. Elderton, P-v. in the s. e. part of Armstrong CO. Pa. 13 ms. from Kittaning, the co. St., and by p-r. 202 ms. n. w. W. C. and 170 w. Harris- burg. Eldersville, p-v. Washington co. Pa. on the road from Washington, the st. jus. for the CO., to Steubenville, 20 ms. n. w. the former, and 16 s. e. the latter place. Eldredville, p-o. Lycoming co. Pa. by p-r. 105 ms. N.w. Harrisburg. Elbridge, p-o. Buckingham co. Va. by p-r. 82 ms. w. Richmond. Eldridge, p-v. and tsp. in the n. e. part of Huron co. O. The p-o. 397 ms. n. w. W. C. and 124 n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 742. Elizabeth r. Va. rises by numerous small branches in Princess Ann and Norfolk cos., flows to the N. w. opening into a wide estuary, terminating in the mouth of James r. The en- tire length of Elizabeth r. is only about 25 ms., but it gains importance as forming the fine har- bor of Norfolk, admitting to that port vessels of 18 ft. draught, and again as constituting with the Dismal Swamp canal and Pasquotank r., a chain of inland navigation from Chesapeake bay to Albemarle sound. Elizabeth isls. Duke's co. Mass. are 16 in number, not all inhabited, extend s. w. from Barnstable, forming the s. e. side of Buzzard's bay, s. E. Bristol co., and s. w. Martha's Vine- yard. The largest are Nashawn, Nashawenna, and Presque Isle. Gosnold spent the winter of 1602 here with a party of English. Elizabeth, p-o. Alleghany co. Pa. by p-r. 234 ms. N. w. W. C. Elizabeth, p-v. in the s. part of Harrison co. Ind. 11 ms. s. Corydon, the co. st. and by p-r. 6l3 s. of w. W. C. and 135 ms. s, IndianopoHs. Elizabeth City, co. Va. bndd. w. by War. wick, N. by Black r. separating it from York co., E. by Chesapeake bay, and s. by Hampton roads, or mouth of James r. It lies in the form of a square of 18 ras. each side, area 64 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 02' to 37° 08', long, from 0° 37' to 0° 47'. Cf. t. Hampton.— Pop. 1820, 3,789, 1830, 5,053. Elizabeth City, p-v. and st. jus. Pasquotank co. N. C, situated on the right bank of Pasquotank r. at the point where that stream widens into a bay, 45 ms. s. Norfolk, Va. by p-r. 182 ms. n.e. by E. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 14', long. 0° 52' e. W. C, Elizabethtown, p-t. and st. jus. Essex co. N. Y. 126 ms.N. Albany, 16 w. Essex, w. of n. West bay of lake Champlain, has mtns. with some large and fertile valleys. Pleasant valley is crossed by Bouquet r. It has a village, with CO. buildings, state arsenal, &c. The Giant of the valley mtns. is 1,200 ft. high. There are ores and forges. Pop. 1,015. Elizabethtown, p-t. and borough, Essex co. N. J. 15 ms. w. by s. N. Y. by water 6 s. New. ark, 17 N. e. New Brunswick, w. Newark bay, level, with pretty good soil, well cultivated for gardens, &c. supplying many articles for N. Y. market. Was settled from Connecticut, and has a large and handsome village, with a court ELK 143 ELK house, &.C. an academy and apprentices' libra- ry, 1 m. from the point whence is frequent daily steamboat navigation to N. Y. and PhiL Ves- sels of 300 tons go to the point, and those of 30 to the V. Pop. 3,445. Elizabethtown, p-v. near the w. border of Lancaster co. Pa. on the road from the city of Lancaster to Harrisburg, about 18 ms. from each. Elizabethtown, v. Alleghany co. Pa. on the right bank, of Monongahela r. 15 ms. a little e. of s. Pittsburg. Elizabethtown, Washington co. Md. (See Hagerstown.) Elizabethtown, p-v. and st. jus. Bladen co. N. C. situated on the right bank of Cape Fear r. 37 ms. by the road below Fayetteville, and by p-r. 98 ms. s. Raleigh. Lat. 34° 40', long. 0° 38' w. W. C. Elizabethtown, p-v, and st. jus. Hardin co. Ky. situated on a small cr. n. branch of Nolins creek, 43 ms. s. Louisville, and by p-r. 72 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 42', long. 8° 50' w. W. C. Elizabethtown, p-v. and st. jus. Carter co. E. Ten. situated on the waters of Watauga r. about 120 ms. n. e. by e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 270 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Lat. 36° 22', long. 5° 5' w. W. C. Elizabethtown, p-v. White Water tsp. in the s. w. part Hamilton co. O. 17 ms. w. Cin- cinnati, and by p-r. 514 ms. w. W. C. Pop. 134. Elizaville, p-v. in the w. part of Flemming CO. Ky. Elk, r. stream of Pa. Del. and Md. The extreme source in Chester co. of the former state between Octora and White Clay crs. and flowing thence s. enters Coecil co. Md. receiv- ing from Del. Back and Bohemia creeks, falls into the head of Chesapeake bay 8 ms. s. s. e. the iKiouth of Susquehannah r. This small r. is important from its position. The lower part below Back cr. forms a part of the line of in. land navigation by the Chesapeake and Del. canal. Elk, r. Western Va. rises amid the Appala- chian Ridges in Randolph and Pocahontas cos. interlocking sources with those of Monongahe. la. Little Kenhawa, Wheat, Green Brier and Gourley rs. Leaving Randolph and Pocahon- tas, and traversing Nicholas and Kenhawa cos. it finally is lost in Great Kenhawa at Charles- ton, after a comparative western course of 100 ms. Elk, r. of Ten. and Ala. drawing its remote sources from the n. w. slope of Cumberland mtn. Franklin co. Ten. and flowing thence by a general course s. w. by w. over Franklin, Lin. coin, and Giles cos. Ten. enters Ala. traversing limestone, and falling into Ten. r. in the s. e. angle of Lauderdale co. after a comparative course of 110 ms. The valley of Elk r. lies between those of Ten. and Duck rs. Elk Creek, p-o. in Elk Creek tsp. n. w. part of Erie co. Pa. by p-r. 306 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Elk Creek, tsp. Erie co. Pa. on the heads of Cussewago, Conneaut and Elk crs. 17 ms. s. w. the borough of Erie. Pop. 1820, 288, 1830, 562. Elk Fork, p-v. in the northern part of Jeffer- son CO. O. by p-r. 23 ms. northerly from Steu. benville the co. St., 283 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 145 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Elk Grove, p-v. Iowa co. Mich, by p-r. 1,110 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Elkhart, r. of Ind. rising in the Putawatomie country, interlocking sources with those of Tip. pecanoe and Eel r. branches of Wabash, and flowing thence n. n. w. enters and gives name to Elkhart co. within which it falls into the left side of St. Joseph's r. of Mich, after a comparative course of 40 ms. The mouth of Elkhart r. is almost exactly on long. 9° w. of W. C. and at N. lat. 41° 44'. Some of the western branches of Elkhart interlock their sources with those of Kankakee, and of course with the extreme east- ern tributary waters of Illinois r. Elkhart, co. of Ind. bndd. by La Grange co. E., the Putawatomie territory s. e. and s., St. Joseph's CO. w., Berrien co. of Mich. n. w., and Cass CO. of Mich. n. e. Length from s. to n. 26" ms., breadth 20, and area 520 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 41° 25' to 41° 46', and in long, from 8° 45' to 9° 8' w. W. C. The southwest- ern angle gives source to the Kankakee branch of Illinois, and declines wstrd. The northern part also declines wstrd., but is traversed in that direction by the main volume of St. Joseph r. Elkhart r. from which the co. derives its name, enters the southeastern angle, and flow, ing N. N. w. falling into St. Joseph r. and receiv- ing confluents from both sides, gives a slope in that direction to the body of the co. Pop. 935. Elk Heart Plain, p-v. Wabash co. Ind. by p-r. 616 ms. n. w.. by w. W. C. and 196 n. n. e. Indianopolis. Elk Hill, p-o. Amelia co. Va. by p-r. 59 ms., s. w. Richmond. Elkhorn, small r. of Ky. rising in Lafayette CO. near Lexington, and traversing Scott and Woodford, falls into the right side of Ky. r. in. Franklin co. 10 ms. below Frankfort, after a comparative course of 30 ms. Elkhorn, p-o. Franklin co. Ky. 4 ms. froiUi Frankfort. Elkhorn, p-v. on a small r. of the same name, in the s. w. part of Washington co. II. The p-o. is by p-r. 824 ms. w. W. C. and 52 ms. s. s. w. Vandalia. The r. is a small stream rising near the northern border of Perry co. and flowing northwestward over Washington, falls into Kas- kaskias r. near the boundary between Wash-. ington and St. Clair cos. Elklani), p-o. Tioga co. Pa. by p-j. 161 ms., N. Harrisburg. Elk Marsh, p-o. s. part Fauquier co. Va. 22 ms. N. w. Petersburg. Elk Ridge, p-o. Giles co. Ten. by p-r. 91 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Elk Ridge Landing, p-o. Ann Arundel co. Md. on the right bank of Patapsco r. 9 ms. s. w» Baltimore. Elk Run, church and p-o.. s. e. part of Fau. quier co. Va. 20 ms. n. n. w. Fredericksburg. Elkton, p-t. and st. jus. Coecil co. Md. situa. ted on the point between and above the junction of the two main branches of Elk r., very nearly on the direct line and mid distance between Philadelphia and Baltimore, or about 50 ms. following the road from each. Lat. 39° 36', ELL 144 EMA long. 1^ 13' E. W. C. The importance of Elk- ton as a travelling station, has been lessened by the change of routes, and particularly by the opening of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal. It is slill, however, a neat village, and the de- pot of considerable trade. Elkton, p-v. s. part of Giles co. Ten. situated ■on the point and above the junction of Elk r. and Richland cr. 10 ms. s. s. e. Pulaski. Elkton, p-v. and st. jus. Todd co. Ky. situa- ted on Elk cr. a branch of Red r. by p-r. 190 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 51', long. 10° 13' w. W. C. Ellejoy, p-v. in the s. part of Blount co. Ten. by p-r, 534 ms. s. w. by w. W, C. and 208 s. of E. Nashville. Ellenburgh, t. Clinton co. N. Y. Pop. 1,222. Ellenton, p-v. and st. jus. Elbert co. Geo. about 70 ms. n. w. Augusta, and by p-r. 73 ms. N. N. E. Milledgeville. Lat. 34° 05', long. 5° 62' w. W. C. Elleeslie, p-v. in the n. part of Susquehan. nah CO. Pa. by p-r. 16 ms. n. from Montrose, the CO. St., and 287 ms. a little e. of n. W. C. and 179 N. N. e. Harrisburg. Ellerslie, p-v. in the w. part of Harris co. Geo. by p-r. 776 ms. s. w. W. C and 134 w. Milledgeville. Ellery, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 11 ms. s. e. Mayville, 54 sq. ms. with most - of Chatauque lake, pretty good land, with oak, ash, bass, &c. ; recently settled, has many small streams. Pop. 2,002. Ellicott, t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 30 ms. s. e. Mayville, 144 sq. ms., the n. and w. branches of Connewengo cr. meet here, and are navigable for rafts. Mill seats abound ; the soil is vari- ous. I'op. 2,101. Ellicotts, or Eleven Mile Creek, Genesee and Erie cos. N. Y., joins Tonawanda creek, near lake Erie. Ellicotts Mills, p-v. Baltimore co. Md. on the main stream of Patapsco, 10 ms. s. w. by w. Baltimore. The v. straggling along the valley, and intermingled with mills and other manufac- tories, is in both Baltimore and Ann Arundel COS., and on the main road from Baltimore to the city of Frederick. The Baltimore and Ohio rail road, which leaves the city and follows the valley of the Patapsco, generally intersects the turnpike in Ann Arundel, part of Ellicott Mills. The vicinity is broken and romantic, and scene- ry formerly Kot suspected to exist 10 ms. from Baltimore, will now command attention, and become a fashionable place of resort, from the facility and pleasure of moving on the rail way. Ellicottville, p-t. and st. jus. Cataraugus co. N. Y. 325 ms. w. Albany, ^ ms. by 15, is sup- plied with excellent mill sites by Great Valley cr. Pop. 626. Elliotsburg, p-v. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 48 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Elliotts' Cross Roads and p-o. Cumberland CO. Ky. by p-r. 151 ms. a little w. of s. Frankfort. Ellington, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 13 ms. n. E. Hartford. Greatest extent 6 by 9 ms. 34 sq. ms. level w. broken e. good for grain, has a pleasant village, near wJhich is Mr. Hall's aca- demy. Pop. 1,455. Ellington, t, Chatauque co. N. Y. Pop. 1,279. Elliot, p-t. York co. Me. e. Piscataquay r. which divides it from Newington and N. H. 107 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 1,845. Ellis, r. Coos co. N. H. joins Saco r. in Bartlett. Ellis, isl., low sandy reef of Flor. on the Bahama channel, and forming the s. e. bounda- ry of Biscane bay. Lat. 25° 24', long. 3° 20' w. W. C. Ellisburg, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. s. Lake Ontario. First settled 1797, 9 ms. sq. level except s. E., watered by Great Sandy cr. and has many mill sites, with a tolerable harbor on the lake Ontario, at the mouth of Great Sandy cr. and a navigation of 2 ms. up each of its branches. Here is a salt spring. Pop. 5,292. Ellisville, p-v. Warren co. N. C. by p-r. 67 ms. N. N. E. Raleigh. Ellisville, p-v. and st. jus. Jones co. Miss. situated on a confluent of Leaf r. branch of Pascagoula, about 100 ms. due e. Natchez, and by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. Jackson. Lat. 31° 37', long. 12° 17'w. W. C. Ellsworth, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 24 ms. n. E. Castine, 81 Augusta, crossed by Union r. Pop. 1,385. tLLs WORTH, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 11 ms. n. N. w. Plymouth, 52 n. n. w. Concord, 84 n. w. Portsmouth ; contains 16,606 acres, has Carr's mtn. in n. and centre, much bad soil, but yields grain, maple sugar, clover seed, &c. Pop. 1,492. Ellsworth, p-v. Sharon, Litchfield co. Conn. 47 ms. w. by n. New Hartford. Elmira or Newtown, p-t. and half co. t. Tio- ga CO. N. Y. 32 ms. w. Owego, 16 e. Painted Post, 19 s. head of Seneca lake, 210 w. by s. Albany, crossed by Chemung r. and there are mill seats on this and Elmira cr. with hills, and some good meadows. The land is held in fee. Pop. 2,962. Elmore, t. Orleans co. Vt. 17 ms. n. Mont- pelier, 33 e. Burlington, 6 ms. sq. First settled, 1790, from Conn, is uneven, with Fordwaymtn. N. w. hard wood and iron ore, sends streams to Lamoille and Onion rs. There are 3 school dists. Pop. 442. Elsenborough, t. Salem co. N. J. on Del. r. s. w. Salem. Pop. 503. Elsingborougii, t. Salem co. N. J. 60 ms. s. w. Trenton, s. Salem r., n. AUoway's cr., e. Del. r., opposite Del. city. Pop. 503. Els WORTH, p-v. andtsp. Trumbull co. O. The p-o. is by p-r. 296 ms. n. w. W. C. and 151 n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 803. Ely, p-v. Jennings co. Ind. by p-r. 574 ms. w. ' W. C. and 69 s. e. Indianopolis. Elyria, p-v. tsp. and st. jus. Lorain co. 0. The V. is by p-r. 377 ms. n. w. by W. C. and 130 a little E. of N. Columbus. It is situated on Black r. 10 ms. from lake Erie, at lat. 41^^ 24', long. 5° 6' w. W. C. Pop. tsp. 663. Elyton, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Ala. sit- uated on the road from Tuscaloosa to Pluntsville, 48 ms. N. E. the latter, and 88 s. s. w. the former. Lat. 33° 35', long. 10° w. W. C. Emanuel, co. Geo.bndd. by Great Ohoope r. which separates it from Montgomery s. w,, by Washington n. w., and Jefferson n. Great ENF 145 ERl Ogeechee r. which separates it from Burke n. e , Scriven e., Bullock s. e., Tatnell s. Length from E. to w. 56 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,120 sq.ms., extending m lat. from 32° 21' to 32° 52', long, from 4° 51' to 5° 48' w. W. C. Surface generally level, soil sandy and barren. Cf. t. Swainsboro'. Pop. 1 820, 2,928, 1830, 2.681 . Emaus, p.v. s. part Lehigh co. Pa. situated near Little Lehigh or. at the n. w. foot of the Blue Ridge, 10 ms. s. w. Bethlehem, and by p.r. SBms.N. E.by e. Harrisburg. This village is one of the settlements of the United Brethren or Moravians, and is included in the tsp. of Salis- bury. Pop. 18-20, about 100. Emden, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 46 ms. from Augusta, 16 N.Norridgewock, w. Kennebec r. just above Seven Mile brook. Pop. 894. Embreeville, p-o. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 106 ms. N. E. W. C. Emery, r. of Ten. having its source by seve- ral streams issuing from the s. e. slope of Cum- berland mtn. in Bledsoe, Morgan, and Fentress COS., and flowing thence n. e., enter and unite in the s. angle of Morgan co., and abruptly inflect- ing to the s., separating Anderson from Roane, falls into Clinch r. opposite Kingston, after an entire comparative course of 60 ms. Emery Iron Works and p-o. on Emery r., Roane co. Ten. by p-r. 141 ms. e. Nashville. Eminence, p-v. in the e. part of Greene co. II. by p-r. 860 ms. from W. C. and 79 from Vanda- lia, in a nearly similar direction a little n. ofw. Emison's Mills, and p-o. Knox co. Ind. 10 ms. from Vincennes, the CO. St. and by p-r. 693 ms. w. W. C. and 136 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Emmetsburg, p.v. N. part of Frederick co. Md. on the road from the city of Frederick to Get- tysburg, Adams co. Pa. 22 ms. a little e. of n. Frederick. Emporium, p-v. Lycoming co. Pa. not located in the p-o. list. Enfield, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 12 ms. s. e. Hanover, 42 n. w. Concord, 105 n. n. w. Boston, with 24,060 acres, is hilly, with flsh ponds and streams. Mascomy pond, 4 ms. long, has many islands, and receives Mascomy r. Here is a Shaker settlement. Pop. 1,492. Enfield, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 81 ms. w. Boston, has several factories on Swift r. Pop. 1,056. Enfield, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 16 ms. n. Hartford, s. Mass., e. Conn, r., 5 J ms. by 6, 33 sq. ms., is generally level, but high near the r., has a light, rich soil, which bears oak and wal- nut, gram and grass. Scantic r. has mill sites and meadows. First settled, 1681, from Salem, as • a part of Springfield, Mass. The village is ])leasant, with fine elms. There is a settlement of Shakers in this town. At Thompsonville, on Conn. r. is an extensive manufactory of carpets, where Scotch weavers were first employed. Pop. 2,129. Enfield, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y. 5 ms. w. Ithaca, is hilly, but has pretty good soil. Pop. 2,690. Enfield, p.v. King William co. Va. by p-r. 31 ms. N. e. Richmond. Enfield, p-v. on Beach Swamp cr. Halifax CO. Va. by p-r. 110 ms. direct line, by the road 88 ms. N. E. Raleigh. Enfield, p-v. Halifax co. N. C. about 15 ms. w. of s. Halifax, the co. st., and by p.r. 228 w. of s. W. C. and 74 n. e. by e. Raleigh. English Neighborhood, v. Bergen co. N. J. 12 ms. from N. Y. on the e. branch of Hack- ensack r., is pleasantly situated on w. bank of Hudson r., with good land, and settled by Dutch. English Town, p-v. Monmouth co. N. J. 18 ms. e. Princeton, 21 w. Shrewsbury, on Mat. chaponix cr. the s. branch of Raritan r. Ennisville, p-v. Huntingdon co. Pa. by p-r. 79 ms. w. Harrisburg. Ennoree, r. of S. C. rising in Greenville dist. interlocking sources with those of Saluda and Tyger rs., and generally about from 5 to 10 ms. distant from the latter, falls into Broad r. after a comparative course of 75 ms. Enosburg, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 35 ms. n. e. Burlington, 43 n. w. Montpelier. First settled, 1797; is very healthy, with hills and valleys, good for grass, crossed by Missisque and Trout rs. &c. with good mill sites, 12 school dists. Pop. 1 560. Ense, p-v. Orange co. N. C. 6 ms. w. Hills- boro', the co. st. and by p-r. 302 s. s. vv. W. C. and 47 n. w. by w., Raleigh. Ephrata or TuNKERTOWN, p-v. on a branch of Conestogoe r. Lancaster co. Pa. 15 ms. n. n, e, Lancaster. Ephratah, t. Montgomery co. N. Y. Pop. 1,818. Epping, P-t. Rockingham co. N. II. 20 ms. w. Portsmouth, 30 s. e. Concord, 8n. Exeter, nearly 20 sq. ms., has good soil, and is crossed by Lamprey and North rs. Pop. 1,262. Epsom, p-t. Rockingham co. N.H. 12 ms. e. Concord, 32 n. w. Portsmouth ; contains 19,- 200 acres, is uneven, with McKoy's Fort, Nat's and Nottingham mtns., generally bears grain and grass ; has great and Little Suncook rs. which unite here. Pop. 1,413. Equality, p-v. and st. jus. Gallatin co. II. by p-r. 773 ms. w. W. C. and 137 ms. s. s. e. Van- dalia. It is situated at the Forks of Saline r. 12 ms. N. w. by w. Shawneetown, on Ohio r. at lat. 38° 45' long. 11° 25' w. W. C. Erie, large lake of the U. S. and Upper Canada, forming a link in the great central chain of fresh water seas in the interior of North America. The greatest length of Erie is from the mouth of Maumee to the outlet of Niagara strait, within an inconsiderable fraction of 270 ms. The width varies from 15 to 50 ms. The widest part from Ashtabula co. Ohio, to Middlesex in Upper Canada, narrow- ing towards both extremes. The depth of Erie is much less than that of either of the other Canadian lakes, not exceeding a mean of 120 feet, or 20 fathoms, and generally very shallow towards its shores. The harbors are mostly obstructed by bars, and none having a depth of more than 6 or 7 feet. From the w. this lake receives the Maumee, Raisin, Huron, and Detroit rs., from the n. only the Ouse or Grand river, but from the s. the Portage, Sandusky, Huron, Cayahoga, Grand, Conneaut, Cattarau- gus, and Buffaloe. Erie is united to Ontario by Niagara, with the Hudson by the Erie canal, with the Ohio, by the Ohio canal, and with the ERI 146 ESO higher lakes, by Detroit and St. Clair straits. With all the impediments to navigation arising from defective harbors, the commerce on lake Erie is already immense, and very rapidly aug. menting. Besides numerous other vessels nav- igating the lakes, several steam boats are employed upon it, most of which are very com- modious, many of them elegant, affording real facilities for travellers, and transportation. Seven of these (1833) form a daily line between Buffalo and Detroit, and four others form another line between Buffalo and Cleveland ; all of these touch at the intermediate ports on their routes. Frequent excursions are also made from Buff'alo to Green Bay, Mich, by the boats on the lake. The position of Erie lake is in a singular man- ner favorable to its becoming the centre of an unequalled inland navigation. To the natural, and already completed artificial channels of connexion, may be, amongst some others of less obvious facility of execution, noticed the route through Maumee and Wabash rs. That by the channels of Huron and St. Joseph's into the s. part of lake Michigan, &c. Coimnerce. — The following extract will serve to show the immense and increasing value of navigation of this lake. They are part of the remarks of Mr. Sill, of the house of representatives, on the bill making additional improvements of certain har- bors &c., delivered Feb. 18, 1831. "I have not ascertained the exact amount of the ex- port trade of lake Erie during the past year. I have seen a partial statement of its amount, which proves it to be of great extent, and should it be estimated at 15,000 tons, which is probably below the actual amount, it would swell the ag- gregate amount of that trade to 40,000 tons." Erie co. N. Y. bndd. by Niagara co. n., Gene- see CO. E.., Cattaraugus and Chatauque cos. s., 1. Erie and Niagara r. w., 33 ms. by 40, 950 sq. ms. has 16 towns. It has Tormewanta cr. n., with Ellicotts ; Buffalo cr. in the middle, with its branches, Cayuga, Seneca and Cazenove crs. and on the w. Canquaga, Conjocketa, Two Sis- ters, Smoke's, Delaware crs. and others. Oaks grow N. on a swelling gravelly loam, with lime- stone. A wet loam s. with beech, maple, &c., grass, grain, bog iron, limestone, water lime, gun ffint, &c. Erie canal passes along w. and N. This CO. suff"ered ia the late war. Buffalo is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 1,5GS, 1830, 35,710. Erie, p-t. Erie co. N. Y. 23 ms. e. n. e. Buf- falo, 260 w. Albany. Pop. 1,926. Erie co. Pa. bndd. w. by Ashtabula co. O., n. west and north by lake Erie, n. e. by Cha- tauque co. N. Y., e. by Warren, and s. by Craw- ford COS. Pa. Greatest length along Crawford CO. 45 ms., mean breadth 17, area 765 sq. ms. Lat 42°, and long. 3° w. W. C. intersect near the centre of this co. Surface finely diversified by hill and dale, with a very productive soil. Cf. t. Erie. Pop. 1820, 8,553, 1830, 17,027. Erie, p-t. borough, port of entry, and st. jus. Erie co. Pa. It is the same place formerly called Presque Isle by the French, from the peninsula which forms the harbor. The bo- rough extends along the main shore, is well built and increasing. Pop. 1820, 635. The harbor is formed by the main shore peninsula, and a sandy shallow or reef. The opening is I to the N. E. having in common only 8 feet water on the reef The depth within is more than ad- equate to the draught of any vessel navigated on lake Erie. The lake and inland trade of this place is already extensive and increasmg. A turnpike road extends hence to Pittsburg, 136 ms., the two towns lying almost exactly n. and s. from each other, Lat. 42° 08', long. 3° 10' w., distant by p.r. 357 ms. n. w. W. C, and 302. N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Erie, p-v. andst. jus. Green co. Alabama, by p-r. 896 ms.s. w. W. C, and 47 s. s. w. Tusca- loosa. It is situated on the left bank of Black Warrior or Tuscaloosa r. Lat. 32° 43', long.. 10° 54' w. W. C. Erie, t. Tioga co. N. Y., 12 ms. n. e. Elmira, w. Cayuta cr., has no. other mill stream, is hilly. Pop. 976. Erin, t. Tioga co. N. Y. Pop. 975. Ernest's Store, and p-o. Butler co. Ala., by p-r, 920 ms. s. w. W. C., and 125 ms. s. s. £► Tuscaloosa. Errol, t. Coos CO. N. H., on w. side of Um- bagog lake, w. Me., contains 35,000 acres, 2,500 of which is water, is crossed by Ameris- coggin r. which is here joined by several streams. Pop. 82. Erving's Grant, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. Pop. 488. Ervinna, p-v., n. part of Bucks co. Pa., 16 ms. N. Doyleston. Erwin, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 216 ms. w. Al- bany. Pop. 795. Erwinsville, p-v. Rutherford co. N. C, by p-r. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Escambia, r. of Florida and Ala. The small stream called Escambia rises in Monroe co. Ala., and flowing s. over Baldwin, enters Flo- rida and falls into the much more considerable volume of Conecuh, though below their junction the united waters take the name of the lesser confluent. Now known as Escambia, this stream continues s. 40 ms. with an elliptic curve- to the w. and gradually spreads into a bay, which is again lost in the more extensive sheet of Pensacola bay. (See Conecuch r.) Escambia, extreme wstrn. co. of Florida, bndd. by Perdido r. or Baldwin co. Ala. w., by Monroe and Conecuch cos. Ala. n.., by Walton co. Flo- rida e., and the Gulf of Mexico s. It is nearly a scjuare of 50 miles each side, or with an area of 2,500 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 16' to 31°, long, from 9° 38'' to 10° 48' w. W. C. The surface rises gradually from the Gulf shore, from sandy plains to ridges of some elevation. The soil with but partial exception is barren, and its natural state wooded with pine. The asperity of soil is in some measure compensated by the fine harbor of Pensacola and its conflu. ent rs. These rs. are the Escambia and Yellow Water. {See these articles, and also Conecuh and Pensacola.) Cf. t. Pensacola. Pop. 3,386. Escambia, p-v. Escambia co. Florida, on Es- cambia r. 78 ms. n. Pensacola. Esopus cr. Ulster co. N. Y., runs 58 ms. inta Hudson r. at Saugerties, 11 ms. below Cats- kill. Esopus, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 4 ms. s. King- ston, 69 s. Albany, s. Walkill cr., w. side Hud- son r., about 2^ ms. by 7, 12 sq. ms., has good ESS 147 ETO land, long cultivated by Dutch descendants. Pop. 1,770. EspERANCE, or Schoharie bridge, p-v. Scho- harie co. N. Y. 26 ms. w, Albany. EsPiRiTU Santo, often called Tampa bay, fine haven on the w. coast of the peninsula ofFlorida, opens from the gulf of Mexico, at lat, 27° 45', long. W. C. 6° 50' w. This extensive bay com- prehends at its head Hillsborough bay, on which is erected the healthy and well located Canton- ment Brook, and Tampa bay which extends w. of Hillsborough bay. The bay of Espiritu Santo has three main channels, which, however, are subdivided into several passes. The nthrn, pass is the ship channel ; 24 feet can be carried through at low water, and 28 at high tide. As far up as the opening of Hillsborough bay, 24 feet can be depended on; but, in the latter the depth decreases, and at Cantonment Brook it admits only 3 feet at low and 7 at high tide. Within the bar of Hillsborough r. 12 feet can be ■carried to the Fall, 12 ms. above Cantonment Brook. The banks of the bay of Espiritu Santo are generally low, and shoals project from the shore all round the bay. The distance at the entrance between these shoals, about 5 ms. (See Vacasausa bay.) Espy, p-v. Columbia co. Pa., by p-r. 84 ms. n. Harrisburg. Essex, co. Vt., forms the n. e. corner of the state, and is bndd. by Lower Canada n., Con- necticut r. (the line of N. H.) e. and s., Caledo- nia CO. s. w., and Orleans co. w., 23 ms. by 45. It is rocky and poor, and has but few inhabitants, and those chiefly on Connecticut r. Nulhegan r. and others enter Conn, r., Passumpsic and Moose rs. s. w., Clyde, &c. run into Canada. Cf. t. Guildhall. Pop. 1820, 3,284, 1830, 3,981. Essex, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt., 8 ms. n. e. Burlington, 32 w. Montpelier, n. Onion r. First settled 1783, from Salisbury Conn., has few hills, is sandy ; bears pine, rye and corn s. and w., elsewhere, grass and hard wood. Onion r. has two falls ; there are also Brown's and Indian rs., 10 school dists. Pop. 1,664. Essex, co. Mass. bndd. by N. H. state n., the Atlantic e. and s. e., Suffolk co. s.w., Middle- sex CO. w., has Merrimac r. n., Ipswich r. in the centre. Parker r. enters Plumb Island sound. Saugus r. Lynn bay. The land is highly cultivated. It has an antiquarian and an agricultural society, and contains 27 towns, of which Salem is the principal, and st. jus. Pop. 1820,74,655, 1830,82,887. Essex, p-t, Essex co. Mass. 12 ms. n. e. Sa- lem, 25 N. e, Boston, is pleasant, has navigation on a cr., fishing and ship building, with a canal thro' the marsh from Ipswich bay, for rafts from Merrimack r. The small and useful coasting craft, called Chebacco boats, derived their name from this place, which the Indians called Chebacco. Pop. 1,333. Essex, co. N. Y. bndd. by Clinton and Frank- lin cos. N., lake Champlain and Vt. e., Warren CO. s., Hamilton and Franklin cos. w., about 41 miles by 43 ; contains 1,763 sq. ms., has 16 ts. granite hills and mtns. of 1,200 ft. and comprises much of the iron region. It is about half way between N. Y. and Quebec, on navigable wa- ters. It has white and black oak, white and yellow pine, maple, beech, &c., much game and fish. An Sable, Bouquet, Hudson and Sca- roonrs. water power, particularly the outlet of lake George. Limestone, marble, black lead, asbestos, &c. are found. Cf. t. Elizabethtown. Pop. 1820, 12,811, 1830, 19,387. Essex, p-t. Essex co. N. Y. 6 ms. e. n. k. Elizabethtown, 133 n. Albany, w. lake Cham- plain, has pretty good land, landings and trade on the lake. From the village is a ferry to Charlotte village, has good farms and iron ore ; there is the curious split rock, and is crossed by Bouquet r. Pop. 1,543. Essex, co. N. J. bndd. east by Staten Island sound, Newark bay, and Passaick r. which sep- arate it from Staten Island and Bergen co., n. by the Passaick and Bergen, w. by Morris and Somerset, s. by Middlesex. Principal towns, Newark, Patterson, Elizabeth, of which New- ark is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 30,793, 1830, 41,928. Altho' the smallest CO. (save one) in N. J., it is the most populous. It is an excellent agricultural district, containing many prosper- ous manufactories, fine streams, and good facil- ities for transportation ; among which is the Morris canal, which passes through it. Essex, co. Va, bndd. s. e. by Middlesex, s. w. and w. by King and Queen, n. w. by Caroline, and by Rappahannoc r. which separates it from Westmoreland n., and Richmond e. Length 28, mean breadth 10, area 280 square ms. Lat. 37 is intersected by the meridian of W. C. in the N. w. part of this co. Surface moderately hilly. Cf. t. Tappahannoc. Pop. 1820, 9,909, 1830, 10,531. Essex Hall, and p-o. in the n. part of Har- ford CO. Md. by p-r. 22 ms. n. Belair, the co. St. 83 ms. N. E. W. C. and 45 ms. e. of n. Balti. more. Estill, co. Ky. bndd. by Madison w,, Clarke N. w., Montgomery n., Morgan n. e., Perry e. and s. E., and Clay s. Length from s. e. to n. w. 48 miles, mean breadth 18, area 864 sq.ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 30' to 37° 34', long, from 6° 15' to 7= 04' w. W. C. Kentucky r. by a very winding channel, traverses Estill co. in its utmost length, and receives several conflu- ents within it, particularly from the south. Cf. t. Irvine. Pop. 1820, 3,507, 1830, 4,618. EsTiLLViLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Scott CO. Va. on Moccasin cr. between n. fork of Holston and Clinch rs. by p-r. 445 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 348 a little s. of w. Richmond. Etna, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 63 ms. Augusta. Pop. 362. Etna Furnace, and p-o. Hart co. Ky. by p-r. 96 ms. s. w. Hartford. Etowah r. Geo. in what was the Cherokee territory. It rises in the western border of Habersham co. flowing by a general course of s. w. but with extensive inflections, 120 ms. comparative course to its junction with the Oostenalah to form the Coosa. The valley of the Etowah, lies between those of Chattahooche and Oostenalah, and between latitude 34° and 35°. Etowah, Indian village, and st. of a p-o. is situated on Etowah r. in the Cherokee nation, N. w. part of Geo. about 130 ms. n. w. Mil- ledgeville. This place and the r, from which FAI 148 FAI it has either derived or communicated its name, is with some absurdity in our books and on the p.o. list changed to High Tower. EuBANKS, p-o. Columbia co. Geo. by p-r. 88 ms. N. E. Milledgeville. Euclid, tsp. and p-v. Cuyahoga co. Ohio. — The p-v. is situated in the n. e. part of the co. 10 ms. N. E. Cleaveland, the co. st. and by p-r. 363 ms. N. w. W. C. and 147 n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp 1,099. Eugene, p.v. in the w. part of Vermillion co. Indiana, by p-r. 658 miles ^f. w. by w. W. C. and 86 N. w. by w. Indianopolis. EuTAw Springs, small stream of S. C. falling into Santee r. at the point where the line be- tween Charleston and Orangeburg districts in- tersect that r. about 60 ms. n. n, w. Charleston. Evans, p-(. Erie co. N. Y. 25 ms. south Buf- falo, w. lake Erie, n. Cattaraugus cr. has Dela- ware cr.. Two Sisters, &c.; has wet loam, is uneven, with beech, maple, hemlock, bass, &c. Bad for corn, cold and changeable weather. — Sturgeon point puts into the lake. Pop. 1,185. EvANSBUE,G, p-o. Crawford co. Pa. Evans Cross Roads, p-o. Williamson co. Ten. 32 ms. s. Nashville. EvANSHAM, or Wythe, c. h., p-v. and st. jus. Wythe CO. Va. by p-r. 329 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 253 a little s. of w. Richmond. Lat. 36° 56', long. 4° 05' w, W. C. EvANsviLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Vanderburgh co. Indiana, by p-r. 728 miles s. w. by w. W. C, 170 s. w. Indianopolis, and 55 ms. w. of s. Vincen- nes. It is situated on the right bank of Ohio r., lat. 38°, long. 10° 38' w. W. C. EvERETTS, house and p-o. Lewis co. Ky., by p-r. 90 ms. n. e. by e. Frankfort. EvERETTSviLLE, p-0. Albermarle co. Va., by p-r. 128 ms. s. w. W. C. EvEKTON, p.v. Fayette co. Indiana, by p-r. 534 ms. w. W. C, 75ms. s. ofE. Indianopolis. Evesham, t. Burlington co. N, J., adjoining Gloucester co., and on the s. branch of Rankolm cr. Pop. 4,239. Ewing's Mills, and p-o. Indiana co. Pa., by p-r. 151 ms. w. Harrisburg. EwiNGSviLLE, p-o. Coecil CO. Md. EwiNGSViLLE, p-o., in the wstrn. part of Coo- per CO. Mo., by p-r. 20 ms. w. Booneville, the co. St., 71 w. Jefferson, and 1,043 ms. w. W. C. Exeter, p-t. Penobscot co. Me., 20 ms. n. w. Bangor, 75 Augusta. Pop. 1,439. Exeter, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., situated at the falls of Squamscot or Exeter r. A branch of Pascataqua r., which here meets tide, is nav- igable for vessels of 500 tons, and affords valua. ble mill sites. There are several manufacto- ries, and the soil is various. This town was first settled 1638, by John Wheelwright, &c. who left Mass. on account of his peculiar reli. gious opinions. It suffered in early times from the Indians. Phillips' academy, founded here, 1781, has furnished many valuable men. The building is 2 stories high, 76 ft. by 36. The funds amount to f 80,000. John Taylor Gil- man, 14 yrs. Gov. of N. H., resided here. Pop. 2,753. Exeter, t. Washington co. R. I., 24 ms. s. w. Providence, e. Conn, state, about 5 ms. by 12, contains 66 sq. ms., has primitive rocks, gra- velly loam, uneven, good for dairies, and fur- nished with some mill seats by Wood r. and its branches. Pop. 2,383. Exeter, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y., 10 ms. n. w. Cooperstown, 73 w. Albany, about 5^ ms. sq., gives rise to Butternut and Wharton's crs., is high and hilly, with good vallies. Population 1,690. Exeter, tsp. and p-v. Luzerne co. Pa., 10 ms. above Wilkesbarre. Exeter, p-v., in the w. part of Morgan co. II., by p-r. 852 ms. n. of w. W. C, and 130 n. w. Vandalia. Experiment Mtlls, and p-o. in the n. part of Northampton co. Pa. by p-r. 26 ms. n. Easton, the CO. seat, 216 n. n. e. W. C. and 128 n. e, by E. Harrisburg. Faeer's Mills and p.o. in the w. part of Nel- son CO. Va. by p-r. 170 ms. s. w. W. C. and 103 w. Richmond. Fabius, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y. 20 ms. s. e. Onondaga, 50 s. w. Utica, 125 w. Albany, 5 ms. by 10, crossed by Chitteningo cr. and other streams, which give mill sites. It is high land, good and level n., hilly s,, 14 school districts. Marie is found in the n. e. with petrified branches and leaves. Many military enclosures are found n. e. with stumps of palisadoes and bones. Pop. 3,071. Factoryville, p-v. Lincoln co. Me. 29 ms. from Augusta. Factoryville, p.v. n. e. part of Luzerne co. Pa. about 20 ms. above Wilkes-Barre, and by p-r. 152 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Fair Bluff, p-o. Columbus co. N. C. by p-r. 124 ms. s. Raleigh. Fairdalf, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. by p-r. 271 N. N. E. W. C. and 163 ms. n. e. Harris- burg. Fairfax, t. Kennebec co. Me. 25 ms. n. Au- gusta. Fairfax, t. Franklin co. Vt. 18 ms. n. e. Bur- lington, 37 N. w. Montpelier. First settled in 1763, is level, with high soil, good for corn and rye, and watered by Lamoille r. and Brown r. Parmelee's and Stones brooks, the branches of Lamoille, have good mill sites. The great falls of Lamoille are curious. 11 school districts. Pop. 1,729. Fairfax, co. Va. bndd. by the dist. of Colum- bia E., by Potomac r. which separates it from Prince George's co. Md. s. e., by Occoquon cr. which separates it from Prince William co. Va. s. and s. w., by Loudon co. n. w. and by Poto- mac r. which separates it from Montgomery co. Md. N. e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 25 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 450 sq. ms. extend- ing in lat. from 38° 36' to 39° 03', long, from 0° 03' to 0° 33' w. W. C. The surface of Fairfax is hilly and broken, with some good, but much sterile soil. Cf. t., though not the st. jus. Ma- FAI 149 FAI tildaville. Mount Vernon, the resting place of Washington, is on the Potomac r. in the s. e. part of the. co. Pop. 1820, 11,404, 1830, 9,204. Fairfax, c. h. and p-o. Fairfax co. Va. 21 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 129 n. Richmond. Fairfax, p-v. and st, jus. Culpepper co. Va. 38 ms. a little n. of w. Fredericksburg, and by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. W. C. lat. 38° 26', long. 1° 04' w. W. C. Fairfield, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 9 ms. s. Norridgewock, 26 Augusta, on Kennebec r. the most southern town in the co. Pop. 2,002. Fairfield, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 27 ms. n. e. Burlington, contains 60 sq. ms. First settled 1788, has an academy. Black cr. aflbrds good mill sites, and joining Fairfield r. enters Mis- sisque r. in Sheldon. Smithfield pond, 3 ms. long, has an outlet, on which are mill sites. It is imeven with good soil. Pop. 2,270. Fairfield, co. Conn. bndd. by Litchfield co. N., New Haven co. e.. Long Island sound e. and s.. New York s. w. and w. It is w. of Housatonic r. triangular. Mean extent 21 ms. by 30 ; contains 630 sq. ms. and has 17 towns. It extends 40 ms. along the coast on Long Isl- and sound, which is level, and abounds with bays, points, and harbors. The middle and n. parts are higher, and have some hills. The soil is a primitive gravelly loam, arable, and in Fairfield rich. Still r. falls into Housatonic ; Pequonuc, Saugatuc, Ash, Naraton, Mill, Stam. ford, and Byram rs. into the sound. The best harbors are Bridgeport, and Black Rock, Mill r., Saugatuck, Norwalk, Stamford and Green, wich. The coasting trade, chiefly with New York, is important ; and fishing is carried on, on the coast. Hats are made in great quanti- ties at Danbury, and other manufactures exist to some extent. There is some foreign trade. Fairfield and Danbury are co. towns. Pop. 1820, 42,739, 1830, 46,950. Fairfield, p-t. and port of entry, Fairfield co. Conn. 21 ms. w. New Haven, 58 n. e. N. Y., n. E. Long Island sound, mean extent 6 ms. by 9, contains 54 sq. ms. nearly level, with good land, and a large and pleasant village which was burnt by the British in the revolutionary war. In a swamp 2 ms. w. of the village, the remains of the Pequod tribe, after fleeing from their country, in New London co., were killed or taken prisoners by the Mass. and Conn, troops. The villages of Greenfield, Black Rock, Saugatuck and Mill r. are considerable, and the three latter have harbors and trade. At Greenfield and Saugatuck are academies ; Greenfield is on a fine hill, with excellent farms, and an extensive and delightful view. Pop. 4,246, Fairfield, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 10 ms. n. E. Herkimer, 76 w. n. w. Albany, e. W. Canada cr. 4 ms. by 8, is high, hilly, well watered, with a productive soil ; but few mill sites. It was settled principally from the eastern states. The college of Physicians and surgeons here, has 5 professors. The village, which is situated on an eminence, is well built. Pop. 2,265. Fairfield, t. Cumberland co. N. J. 25 ms. e. Salem, e. Cohansey bay on the Del., lies be- tween Cohansey and Nantuxet crs. and has several smaller streams catering the Del. r. 20 with swamps along the shore. Population 1,812. Fairfield, village Essex co. N. J. 3 ms. n. Caldwell. Fairfield, p-v. Adams co. Pa. at the foot of Jacks mtn. 7 ms, s. w. by w. Gettysburg. Fairfield, p-v. Rockbridge co. Va. on one of the roads from Lexington to Stanton, 13- ms. N. N. E. the former, and 23 s. s. w. the latter, Fairfield, p-v. Lenoir co. N. C. 87 ms. s. e. by E. Raleigh. Fairfield, dist. S. C. bndd. n. by Chester, n. E. by Catawba r. separating it from Lancaster and Kershaw, s. E.,by that part of Kershaw w. of Catawba r., s. by Richland, and by Broad r. separating it from Lexington s. w., Newberry w. and Union n. w. Length from e. to w. 38 ms. mean breadth 22, and area 796 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 34° 12' to 34° 32', long, from 3° 44' to 4° 26' w. W. C. This district, filling the space from the Catawba to the Broad r. is divided into two inclined plains, falling s. w. towards the latter, and n. e. towards the former stream. Cf. t. Kinnsboro, Pop. 1820, 17,174, 1830, 21,546. Fairfield, p-v. Putnam co, Geo. 32 ms, n. w. Milledgeville. Fairfield, p-v. s. w. part of Spencer co. Ky. 35 ms. s. E. Louisville and by p-r. 40 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Fairfield, p-v. Amite co. Misp, about 60 ms. s. E. Natches, Fairfield, p-v. Bath tsp. Greene co. O. by p-r. 452 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. and 56 s. w. byw. Columbus. Pop. 137, Fairfield, p-v, in the n. part of Franklin co. Ind. 3 ms. n. e, Brookville, the co. st, and by p-r. 524 ms. w. W. C, and 70 ms. s. e. by e. Indianopolis. Fairfield, p-v. and st. jus. Wayne co. II. by p-r. 756 ms. w. W. C. and 69 s. e. Vandalia. It is situated on a branch of Little Wabash r., 48 ms. s. w. by w. Vincennes in Ind. lat. 38° 28', long. 11° 30' w. W. C. Fairhaven, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 9 ms. n. e. Whitehall, 60 s. Burlington, 52 n. Bennington, E. N. Y. First settled 1779, from Conn, and Mass., has a variety of soil, with pine, hemlock, birch, maple, nut, &c. Poultney and Castleton rs., and 4 school dists. Castleton r. some years since changed its channel here, left several mills dry, exposed old buried trees, and ruined the harbor. Pop. 675. Fairhaven, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 48 ms. s. Boston, N. Buzzard's Bay, e. Acushnett r. has some commerce, an academy, and a bridge of 3,960 ft. to N, Bedford, several islands be- tween, extend it 2,000 ft. more. First settled 1764, and in 1778, the village was defended against the British, by Major Fearing. Pop, 3,034. Fairlee, p-t. Orange co. Vt. 35 ms. n. Wind- sor, 17 N. Dartmouth college, w. Conn. r. First settled 1768, mountainous, with little arable land, and has high precipices on the r. The trees are pine and hemlock. Pickerel have been introduced into the pond, and greatly mul- tiplied. A bridge crosses the Conn. r. to Or- ford, N. H. Pop. 656. Fairmount, p-v, Lancaster co. Pa. by p=r. 117 FAL 150 FAR ms. N. E. W. C. 13 N. E. Lancaster city, and 43 E. Harrisburg. Fairport, p-v. and port at the mouth of Grtod T., and on the southern shore of lake Erie ; 32 ms. N. E. Cleveland, and by p-r. 349 n. w. W. C, and 164 n. e. Columbus. The mouth of Grand r. affords a good harbor for vessels draw- ing about 5 ft. water. Fairton, village, Cumberland co. N. J. on Cohansey creek, 3 ms. s. of Bridgeton. Fair View, p-v. Hunterdon co. N. J. 6 ms. n. w. Flemingtown. Fairview, p-v. and tsp. on lake Erie in the n. w. part Erie co. Pa. The village stands near the lake shore at the mouth of Walnut cr. 9 ms. s. w. from the borough of Erie, and by p-r. 349 ms. N. w. W. C. Pop. of the tsp. 1,526. Fairview, p-v. Brooke co. Va. by p-r. 302 ms. jj. w. by w. W. C. Fairview, p.v. in the s. part of Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 509 ms. s. w. W. C. and 117 ms.N. w. by w. Columbus. Fairview, p-v. Oxford tsp. Guernsey co. 0. by p-r. 105 ms. e. of Columbus, 22 ms. eastward Cambridge, the co. st. and 294 n. w. by w. W. C. Pop. 162. Fairview, p-v. in the e. part of Rush co. Ind. 14 ms. E, Rushville, the co. st. and by p-r. 541 a little N. of w. W. C. and 54 s. e. by e. Indian- ■opolis. Fall cr. Cayuga co. N. Y. runs 30 ms. into Cayuga lake, at Ithaca. It falls about 100 ft., 1 m. from its mouth. Fall Branch, p-o. Washington co. Ten. about 280 miles e. Nashville, and 430 s. w, by w. W. C. Falling Bridge, and p-o. s, e. part of Camp- bell CO. Va. about 20 ms. s. s. e. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 106 ms. s, w. by w. Richmond. Fall River, manufacturing vil. in Troy, Bris- tol CO. Mass. See Troy. Fallsington, p-v. Bucks co. Pa. 4 ms. s. e. Trenton, 23 n. e. Phil. Falling Spring cr., a small branch of Jack- son's r. Bath co. Va. in the channel of which there is a fine fall of water, estimated to be near 200 ft. perpendicular fall. Falling Waters, p-o. in the w. part of Berke- ley CO, Va. by p-r. 79 ms. n. w. W. C. Falls, p-o. Lincoln co. N. C. about 170 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh, and 420 s. w. W. C. Falls, p-v. Pickens dist. S. C. by p-r. 550 ms. s. w. W. C. and 157 n. w. by w. Columbia. Fallsburg, p-t. Sullivan co. N. Y. 108 ms. s. w. Albany. Pop. 1,173. Falls of Schuylkill, p-v. Phil. co. Pa. 5 ms. N. w. Phil, and 101 e. Harrisburg. Fallston, p.v. Beaver co. Pa. sitd. on the w. side of Beaver r. at the lower Falls in that stream 6 ms. n. of the Borough of Beaver, and by p-r. 230 ms. n. w. by w. W: C. This vil. contains 80 dwelling houses, and 700inhabs. It is already a manufacturing town, and at low water has a supply of 85 cubic feet of water per second with a 15 feet fall. Its manufactures are wool- lens, cottons, paper, linseed oil, wire, and iron and wood, a great variety, such as carding ma- chines, scj'-thes, buckets, window sashes, &c. ; to an annual value exceeding $lOO,00O. Falltown, p-o. in the s. part of Iredell co. N. C. 13 ms. from Statesville, and by p-r. 151 w. Raleigh. Falmouth, t. Cumberland co. Me. Pop. 1,966. Falmouth, s.p, and p-t. Barnstable co. Mass. 19 ms. s. w. Barnstable, 72 s. by e. Boston, n. Atlantic, e. Buzzard's bay, is level, except some hills E. with thin soil, but the best on Cape Cod. It has about 40 ponds, fresh and salt. Waquoit bay is a good harbor, with a narrow and crook- ed entrance. Wood's Hole is another, with from 3 to 6 fathoms. The inhabitants are gen. erally in the s. part, which is 6 or 8 ms. from Martha's Vineyard. It has considerable coast- ing trade. Pop. 2,548. Falmouth, p-v. on the left bank of Susque. hannah r. on the point below the mouth of east, em Conewago cr. and at the extreme w. angle of Lancaster co. Pa. 20 ms. n. w. by w. Lan- caster, and 16 s. e. Harrisburg, Falmouth, p-v. on the left bank of Rappa- hannoc r. in the s. part of Stafford co. Va. di- rectly opposite Fredericksburg, with an inter, vening bridge, by p-r. 58 ms. s. s. w. W. G. and 68 n. Richmond. Falmouth, p-v. and st. jus. Pendleton co. Ky, by p-r. 502 ms. w. W. C, and 60 n. e. Frankfort. It is situated on the point above the junction of the two main branches of Licking r. about 40 ms. s. s. e. Cincinnati, lat. 38° 40', long. 7° 18' w. W. C. Pop. 207. Fancy Bluff, and p-o. in the s. part of Glynn CO. Geo. 5 ms. s, Brunswick, the co. st. and 738 s. s. w. W. C. Fancy Hill, and p-o. Rockbridge co. Va. by p-r. 210 ms. s. w. W. C. Fannettsburg, p-v. and tsp. on the w. border of Franklin co. Pa. The village is situated on- the main road from Shippensburg to Bedford, 17 ms. w. from the former, by p-r. 105 ms. n. n. w. W. C. and 55 a little s. of w. Harrisburg. — The tsp. of Fannet extends along the fine valley of the w. branch of Conecocheague, and be- tv/een the cove or Tuscarora and Jordens mtns. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 1,747, and in 1830, 2,110. Farm, p-v. in Franklin co. Geo. by p-r. 9 ms. from Carnesville, the co. st. 585 ms. s. w. W. C. and 122 n. Milledgeville. Farmer, p-v. Ovid, Seneca co. N. Y, Farmersville, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. 15 ms. N. E. EUicottsville, 10 w. Genesee r. 6 ms. by 8, has plenty of mill sites, though the streams are small and few. Pop. 1,005. Farmington, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 30 ms, N. Augusta. Has an academy. Pop. 2,340. Farmington, p t, Stafford co. N. H. 25 ms. e, N. E. Concord, 26 n. w. by w. Portsmouth, is rough, but productive, with some meadow on Cocheco r. It is crossed by Blue Hills on Frost mtn., and from mt. Washington, the high- est point, ships may be seen without a glass, off Portsmouth, and on the other side the White Hills, &e. A rock of about 60 tons is balanced by nature, and can be moved with one hand. — Pop. 1,465. Farmington, t. Ontario co, N. Y. Pop, 1,773. Farmington, p.t. Hartford co. Conn, 10 ms. w. Hartford, 30 n. New Haven, has much very rich meadow land on Farmington or Tunxis r, and is one of the richest agricultural tovras in FAU 151 FAY the state. The village is pleasant, contains some fine houses, an academy, See. on a plain a little above the meadows. The Farmington canal affords boat navigation to New Haven, and partly by the Hampshire and Hampden ca- nal to Westfield, Mass. It was intended to ex- tend it to Northampton. The town contains about 70 sq. ms. nearly 7 ms. by 11. Talcott mtn. of the range beginning at Neck Rock, New Haven, and running far n. crosses it. — There is much light sandy soil s. Montevideo, the seat of Mr. Daniel Wadsworth, of Hart- ford, in the n. e. on the ridge of Talcott mtn. is a delightful place, with a pond, a country house, &c. and an extensive view n. e. and w. over the vallics Tunxis and Conn, up to mt. Tom, Mass. Pop. 1,901. Fakmington, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y. 9 ms. n. Canandaigua, 6 ms. sq. is gravelly and undula- ted N., clayey, good for grass, and level s., large tracts of water limestone are found in the centre. It was principally settled by Friends, who were dairy farmers' from Cheshire, Mass. The peo- ple own the land in fee, and have good schools. Mud cr. supplies mill seats. The villages are Salem v. and Brownsville. Pop. 1,773. Farmi.ngton, p-v. in the s. w. part of Bedford CO. Ten. by p-r. 48 ms. s. Nashville, and 707 ms. s. w. W. C. Farmington, p-v. and tsp. in the n. w. part Trumbull co. O. by p-r. 311 ms. n. w. W. C. and 164 N. e. Columbus. Pop. of tsp. 696. Farmington, p-v. in the n. part of Oakland CO. Mich. 26 ms. n. n. w. Detroit, and 564 n. w. W. C. Farmington, p-v. and st. jus. St. Francois CO. Mo. by p-r. 912 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. 152 s. E. Jefferson, and 60 s. s. w. St. Louis. It is situated on the table land, from which flow the Big River, branch of Marramec, northward, the extreme sources of St. Francis to the south- ward, and some comparatively small crs. n. e. into the Misp. Lat. 37° 47', long. 13° 25' w. W. C. Farm Tavern, and p-o. Southampton co. Va. about 210 ms. s. W. C. and 90 s. s. e. Richmond. Farmville, p-v. on the right bank of Appo- mattox r. N. border of Prince Edward co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond, and about an equal distance w. Petersburg, Farnham, p-v. Richmond co. Va. about 85 ms. N. E. Richmond. Farrowville, p-v. in the n. w. part of Fau- quier CO. Va. 64 ms. w. W. C. Fauquier, co. of Va. bndd. by Page co. w., Frederick n. w., Loudon n. e., Prince William E., Stafford s. e., and by Rappahannoc r. sepa- rating it from Culpepper s. w. and w. Greatest length 45 n^.s. mean breadth 16, and area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 24' to 39° 02', and in long, from 0° 32' to 1° 5' w. W. C. The general slope is s. e. and down which flow the higher branches of Rappahannoc and Occo- quhan rs. Surface pleasantly broken, and soil tolerably productive. Cf. t. Warrenton. Pop. 1820, 23,103, 1830, 26,086. Fausse Riviere, (False River,) once a bend of the Misp. but now a lake of Louisiana, in the parish of Point Coupee. In or about 1714, the change was affected, from which both names were taken, that is Fausse Riviere, and Point Coupee, (Point Cut Off.) Previous to that era, the Misp. r. below Bayou Sara, made an im- mense bend to the wstrd. curving until it return, ed so nearly upon itself as to leave only a nar- row neck of land. This isthmus, gradually diminished on both sides, was at length worn through, and the vast river shortened its chan- nel upwards of 30 ms. The old bed rapidly filled with alluvion near the new channel, but in all other parts, retained its forms and features, and is now a fine lake, lined with farms and farm houses, with a soil possessing the usual fertility of the Misp. banks. Fawn Grove, tsp. and p-v. s. e. part of York CO. Pa. The tsp. extends from Muddy creek to the Md. line. The p-o. is by p-r. 49 ms. s. e. Harrisburg, and 22 in a similar direction from York. Fayette, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 20 ms. w. Augusta, has several ponds on its e. border. Pop. 1,049. Fayette, t. Seneca co. N. Y. 6 ms. e. Gene- va, 3 s. Waterloo, 18 n. Ovid, 188 w. by n. Al- bany, w. Cayuga lake, e. Seneca lake, s. Sene- ca r. about 7 ms. by 9. Seneca r. and Canoga creek supply mills. It is nearly level, and has gypsum and limestone. Pop. 3,216. Fayette, p-v. Montgomery co. Va. by p-r. 208 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Fayette, co. Pa. bndd. by Alleghany co. Md. s. E., Preston and Monongalia cos. Va; s., by Monongahela r. which separates it from Green CO. of Pa. w., and Washington n. w., by West- moreland N., and Somerset e. It approaches a square of 28 ms. each side, area 784 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 10', and in long, from 2° 23' to 3° 3'. The surface of this CO. is every where broken by hills, and the eastern part is traversed from s. w. to n. e. by two chains of mountains. The soil is almost uniformly fertile. The Monongahela, with a rather crooked channel, winds a navigable stream along the western border. The Youghi- ogany, after piercing a chain of mountains, en- ters Fayette from the s. e. and breaking through hills and mountains, traverses it flowing to the N. w. The channel of the Youghioghany la part of the projected route of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Cf. t. Union. Pop. 1820, 27,285, 1830, 29,237. Fayette, new co. of Va. bndd. by Kanhawa CO. N. w., Nicholas n., Greenbrier co. e.. Great Flat Top mtn. separating it from Giles s, e,, and Great Cherry Pond mtn. separating it from Lo- gan s. w. Length from s. w. to n. e. 45 ms. mean breadth 30, and area 1,350 sq. ms. n. lat. 38° and long. W. C. 4° w. intersect a few ms. N. estrd. of the centre of this co. Part of the northern boundary on Nicholas is formed by Gauley r. which here flows wstrdly. Great Kenhawa, here called New r. after breaking through a chain of mtns. between Greenbrier and Giles cos. enters, and in a n. w. direction traverses Fayette. The general slope of the CO. being a little w. of n. w. Surface very bro- ken and in part mountainous. By the census of 1830, the pop. was included in the respective cos. from which it has been subsequently form- ed. FAY 152 FAY Fayette, p-v. in the n. w. part of Montgome- ry CO. Va. 16 ms. e. Christiansburg, the co. st. by p.r. s. w. W. C. 190 a little s. of w. Rich- mond. Fayette, co. of Geo. bndd. s. by Pike, e. by Henry, n. e. by De Kalb, n. by Campbell, and by Flint r. separating it from Coweta w., and Merriwether s. w. Length 30, mean breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat, from 33° 11' to 33° 40', and in long, from 7° 28' to 7° 46' w. W. C. Cf. t. Fayetteville. Pop. 963. Fayette, co. of Ala. bndd. by Marion n., Walker n. e., Tuscaloosa and Pickens s., and Monroe co. Miss. w. Length e. to w. 50 ms., breadth 25, and area 1,250 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 26' to 33° 47', and in long, from 10° 28' to 11° 25' w. W. C._ This co. slopes to the southward, and is drained by the Sipsey, Luxapatilla, and Battahatchy, branches of Tombigbee r. Cf. t. Fayette Court house. Pop. 3,547. Fayette, p-v. and st. jus. Fayette co. Ala. by p.r. 874 ms. s. w. by w. W. C and 50 ms. n. n. w. Tuscaloosa. Fayette, p-v. and s. jus. Jefferson co. Miss. by p.r. 1,127 ms.? s. w. by w. W. C, 93 ms. s. w. Jackson, and 19 n. e. Natchez. It is situa. ted on Coles cr. and on the great road from Natchez towards Ten. &c. Lat. 31° 42', long. 14° 18' w. W. C. Fayette, co. of Ten. bndd. w. by Shelby, n. w. by Tipton, n. by Haywood, e. by Hardiman, and s. by the Indian country in the state of Misp. Length from n. to s. 24, and same from E. to w., area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° to 35° 23', and in long, from 12° 12' to 12° 39' w. W. C. Cf. t. Sumnerville. Pop. 8,658. Fayette, co. Ky. bndd. s. w. by Jessamine, w. by Woodford, n. w. by Scott, n. by Harrison, jsr. E. by Bourbon, e. by Clark, and s. e. by Kentucky r. separating it from Madison. — Length from n. to s. 25 ms., mean breadth 11, and area 275 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 51' to 38° 13', and in long, from 7° 14' to 7° 38' w. W. C. This fine county is a tru.e table land, from the centre of which flow streams like the radii of a circle. These streams all finally discharge into Kentucky, which touching on the s. e., semicircles the co. The cf. t. Lexington. Pop. 25,098, or upwards of 91 to the sq. m. Fayette, co. of 0. bndd. by Highland s., Clinton s. w., Greene n. w., Madison n., Pick- away n. E., and Ross s. e. Length from s. to if. 26, mean width 16, and area 416 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 39° 21' to 39° 43', and in long, from 6° 16' to 6° 38' w. W. C. The slope is a little e. of s. The s., central, and indeed greater part of the surface is in the valley of Paint creek, but some of the higher branches of Little Miami rise and issue from the n. w. angle, as do from the s. e. some crs. entering Deer cr. a tributary of Sciota r. The surface of this CO. is rather too level, though the soil is productive. Cf. t. Washington. Pop. 8,182. Fayette, co. of Ind. bounded by Franklin s., Rush w., Henry n. w., Wayne n. e., and Union E. Length from s. to n. 18 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 180 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 33' to 39° 47', and in long, from 8° 3' to 39° 17' w. W. C. This co. is traversed by the main stream, and is chiefly comprised in the valley of White Water r. Cf. t. Cormers- ville. Pop. 9,112. Fayette, co. of II. bndd. s. e. by Clay, s. by Marion, s. w. by Clinton, w. by Bond, n. w. by Montgomery, n. by Shelby, and e. by Effing- ham. Length from e. to w. 30 ms., mean bre'adth 24, and area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 50' to 39° 12', and in long, from 11° 44' to 12° 17' w. W. C. The slope is to the s. s. E., and traversed in that direction by the main volume of the Kaskaskia r., which leaves the co. at its extreme southwestern an- gle. Cf. t. Vandalia, which is also the cap. of the state. Pop. 2,704. The latter aggregate, however, includes also the inhabitants of two recently formed counties, Effingham and Jasper. Fayette Corner and p-o. in the eastern part of Fayette co. Ten. 9 ms. estrd. from Somer- ville, the co. St., and by p-r. 865 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 173 ms; in a nearly similar direc- tion from Nashville. Fayetteville, p-v. in the northwestern part of Franklin co. Pa. by p-r. 96 ms. n. w. W. C. and 52 wstrd. Harrisburg. Fayetteville v., in the southwstrn. part of Fauquier co. Va. about 50 ms. s. w. W. C. Fayetteville, p-v. and st. jus. Cumberland CO. N. C. by p-r. 347 ms. s. s. w. W. C. 61 in a very nearly similar direction from Raleigh, and by the land road up Cape Fear r. 107 ms. above Wilmington. Lat. 35° 02', and long. 1° 50' w. W. C. Pop. 2,868. This once flourishing de- pot is situated on the right bank of Cape Fear r. at the head of uninterrupted boat navigation. On May 29, 1831, it was desolated by a most destructive fire, but is again rising from the ru- in occasioned by the calamity. We insert the following for the display of a fine moral picture. The humane feelings of the people of other parts of the U. S. were not vainly appealed to on the distress at Fayetteville, and contributions were raised in Maine, $125 N. H. 290 Mass. 14,518 E. I. 2,067 Conn. 3,002 N. Y. 10,648 an aggregate amount, including fractions, of $91,902 38. Fayetteville, p-v. and st. jus. Fayette co. Geo. by p-r. 700 ms. n. w. W. C. and 107 ms. n: w. by w. Milledgeville. It is on a small branch of Flint r. Lat. 33° 27', and long. 7° 36' w. W. C. Fayetteville, p-v. and st. jus. Lincoln co. Ten. by p-r. 722 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 73 ms. a little e. of s. Nashville. It is on the right bank of Elk r., and on the direct road from Nashville in Ten. to Huntsville in Ala. Lat, 35° lO', long. 9° 37' w. W. C. Fayetteville, p-v. and st. jus. Washington CO. Ark. by p-r. 1,285 ms. s. w. by w. ^ w, W. C. and 217 ms. n. w. by w. Little Rock. Fayston, t. Washington co. Vt. 25 ms. s. e. Burlington, ] 6 s. vv. Montpelier. First settled about 1798, is on the w. range of Green mtns. broken, with little useful land, almost uninhab- ited, and has only a few streams of Mad r. Pop. 447. Maine, $125 N.J. $805 S.C. $9,100 N.H. 290 Pa. 12,731 Geo. 4,102 Mass. 14,518 Md. 6,820 Ten. 45 E.I. 2,067 Dist. Col. 870 Ohio, 1,158 Conn. 3,002 Va. 8,040 Mis. 1,119 N. Y. 10,648 N. C. 11,406 La. 5,050 FER 153 FIS Fearing, p-v. in the southern part of Wash- ington CO. O. by p-r. 312 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. 114 s. E. Columbus, and 8 Marietta. Federal Hill, p-o. in the eastern part of Hardy co. Va. by p-r. 125 ms. w. W. C. Federalsburg, p-v. in the extreme n. e. an- gle of Dorchester co. Md., and on Marshy Hope creek, 20 ms. a little s. of e. Easton, 25 n. e. by E. Cambridge, and by p-r. 99 a little s. of e. W.C. Federalton, p-v. in the eastern part of Athens co. O. by p.r. 344 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. and 73 s. e. Columbus. Feliciana. {See East Feliciana, West Feli- ciana.) Feliciana, p-v. in the western part of Graves CO. Ky. by p-r. 16 ms. wstrd. iVlayfield, the co. St., and 823 froniW. C. and 284 Frankfort, in a similar directions, w. by w. ^ w. Felicity, p-v. Franklin tsp. Clermont co. O. by p-r. 9 ms. wstrd. Batavia, the co. st. 485 wstrd. W. C. and 116 s. w. Columbus. Pop. 199. Femme Osage, p-v. in the wstrn. part of St. Charles co. Mo. 20 ms. wstrd. from St. Charles, the CO. St. and by p-r. 896 wstrd. W. C. and about 20 N. w. by w. St. Louis. Fenner, p.t. Madison co. N. Y. 12 ms. n. w. Morrisville. Fop. 2,017. Fenn's Bridge and p.o. Jefferson co. Geo. by p-r. 91 ms. estrd. Milledgeville. Fentress, co. of Ten. bndd. by Campbell e., Morgan s. e. and s., Overton w., and Wayne co. Ky. n. The form of this co. approaches near that of a right angle triangle ; one base on Wayne CO. Ky. 30 ms. and the other on Overton 36 ; area 540 sq. ms. Jamestown the st. jus. sitd. near the centre, stands at n. lat. 36° 23', long. W. C. 7° 52' w. This co. occupies an elevated tract from which rise and flow wstrd. the high- er branches of Obey's r. and nrthrd. numerous tributaries of the south fork of Cumberland r. Surface broken. Cf. t. Jamestown. Pop. 1830, 2,748. Fenwick's Island, a long narrow sand bar, extending along the shore of the Atlantic ocean, from Sinepuxent inlet, Worcester co. Md., to Rehoboth bay, or mouth of Indian r., Sussex co. Del., length about 28 ms. Fenwick's Tavern and p-o. St. Mary's co. Md. by p-r. 82 ms. s. e. W. C. Ferdinand, t. Essex co. Vt. n. Granby, is a poor tract of mountains and swamps, uninhabit- ed ; 23 sq. ms., watered by the great branch of Paul's stream. Fernandina, p-v., city, s-p., and st. jus. Nas- sau CO. Flor. by p-r. 776 ms. s. s. w. W. C, 8 ms. s. E. from the t. of St. Mary's, 80 a little n. of w. St. Augustine, and 181 a little n. of e. Tal- lahassee. Lat. 30° 40', long. 4° 41' w. W. C. It is situated on the northern end of Amelia isL, and nearly opposite to the mouth of St. Ma- ry's r. Pop. 198. Ferrisburg, t. Addison co. Vt. 19 ms. s. Burlington, 34 w. Montpelier, e. lake Cham- plain, settled 1784, from Bennington and Conn. It is supplied with excellent mill sites by Otter, Little Otter, and Lewis crs. It has Basin har. bor, and Otter and Little Otter crs. whose mouths are 80 rods apart, are navigable 8 and 3 ms. A ferry of 2 ms. crosses the lake from below Little Otter cr. Hilly n. level w. Has afforded excellent timber for Quebec, maple, beech, bass, &c. on uplands ; pine, oak, &c. on low lands. It sends out many fat cattle. 11 school dists. Pop. 1,822. Fife's, p-o. western part of Goochland co. Va. by p-r. 116 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 39 a little n. of w. Richmond. Fincastle, P-v. and st. jus. Bottetourt co. Va. situated near the right bank of Catawba cr. by p-r. 235 ms. s. w. W. C. 176 westward Rich- mond, and 45 n. e. Christiansburg. Lat. 37° 28', and long. 2° 57' w. W. C. This place con- tains the ordinary co. buildings, and a pop. of about 1,000. FiNDLAY, P-V. and st. jus. Hancock co. Mo. by p-r. 502 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 114 n. n. w. Columbus. It is situated on Blanchard's Fork of Auglaize r. on the road from Cincinnati to Detroit, lat. 41° 04', long. 6° 40' w. W. C. Findlaysville, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C. by p-r. 363 ms. s. w. W. C. and 111 s. w. by w. Raleigh. FiNEYwooD, p-v. Charlotte co. Va. by p-r. 102 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond, and 17 from Marys- ville. FiNLAi'viLLK, p-v. in the n. w. part of Wash- ington CO. Pa. about 12 ms. n. w. Washington, the CO. St. and 30 s. w. Pittsburg. Finney Mills, and p-o. Amelia co. Va. by p-r. 61 ms. s. w. Richmond. Fischlie's Mills, and p-o. in the northern part of Jackson co. Ind. by p-r. 613 ms. west- ward W. C. and 59 southward Indianopolis. Fish Dam, p-o. south western part of Wake CO. N. C. 12 ms. Raleigh. Fish Dam, p-o. western part of Union dist, S. C. by p-r. 63 ms. n. w. Columbia. FisHEKSFiELD, p.t. Mcrrimac co. N. H. 23 ms. N. N. w. Hopkinton, 30 from Concord. Pop. 797. Fisher's Island, N. Y. Long Island sound, 5 ms. s. w. Stonington, (see Soitthold.) Fish's Store, and p-o. in the northern part of Washington co. Geo. by p-r. 37 ms. eastward Milledgeville, and 659 ms. s. w. W. C. Fishing Creek, tsp. and p-v. in the northeast- ern part of Columbia co. Pa. by p-r. 199 ms. from W. C. and 89 from Harrisburg, and in a similar direction a little n. of e. Pop. tsp. 568. Fishing cr. and p-o. Tyler co. Va. The cr. rises in Tyler, and flows n. w. into Ohio co. and falls into Ohio r. in the southwestern angle of the latter. The p-o. is situated on the head waters of the cr. about 28 ms. w. Morgantown, and by p-r. 238 n. w. by w. W. C. Fishing cr. and p-o. in the northeastern part of Chester dist. S. C. The cr. rises in York dist. near Yorkville, interlocking sources with Allison's cr. of Catawba, and Bullock's of Broad r. and flowing s. s. e. enters Chester, within which it falls into Catawba r. 20 ms. s. e. Ches- terville. The p-o. is by the common road 60 ms. N. Columbia, and by p-r. 442 s. w. W. C. Fishkill, N. Y. a branch of Wood cr. FisHKiLL, N. Y. the outlet of Saratoga lake, joins the Hudson at Schuylerville. On banks of this cr. Burgoyne's army surrendered to Gen. Gates, Oct. 17, 1777. Fishkill, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y., e. Hudson FLA 154 FLO r. 14 ms. s. Poughkeepsie, 89 s. Albany, and 65 N. New York. It derives its name from the Fishkill, which runs nearly centrally through it to the Hudson. There are 4 landings on the Hudson. It is a place of considerable business. The village of Fishkill is 5 ms. e. of the Hud- son. This town was the first that was settled in the co. Here is the Matteawan cotton fac- tory, the largest in the state, situated on the Fishkill, about half a mile from the Hudson. It produces annually about half a million yards of cloth. Near this factory is Schenck's exten- sive grain mill, which manufactures 50,000 bushels of wheat per annum. There is like- wise an extensive woollen manufactory at this place. The Glenham woollen factory is about two ms. from the Matteawan factory. At this establishment are manufactured superfine blue and black cloths. The other settlements in this town, are the Upper Landing, Low Point or Carthage Landing, Hopewell, New Hacken- sack, and Middlebush. Pop. 8,292. Fishkill mtns. (see Matteawan.) FiTCHBURG, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 42 ms. N. w. Boston, 25 n. e. Worcester. Finely wa- tered by Nockege r. a branch of the Nashua, and by two other streams, which render it an excellent town for manufactories ; and accor dingly it has become an extensive manufactur ing place. Pop. 2,169. FiTCHViLLE, p-v. and tsp. in the northern part of Huron co. O. by p-r. 388 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 109 ms. a little e. of n. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 347. FiTZwiLLiAM, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 13 ms. from Keene, 60 Concord, and 65 from Boston. It was named in honor of the Earl of Fitzwil- liam. This town was the residence of Briga- dier Gen. James Reed, a revolutionary patriot. Pop. 1,229. Flambeau lake, a sheet of water from which issues one of the estrn, branches of Chippeway r. The lake is 40 ms. from e. to w. with a very unequal breadth of from 1 to 10 ms., n. lat. 45°, and long. W. C. 14° w. intersecting at its wstrn. extremity. Situated about 150 ms. a lit- tle E. of N. from Prairie du Chien. Flanders, village, Morris co. N. J. on the s. branch Raritan, 12 ms. w. n. w. Morristown. Flatbush, p-t. St. jus. Kings co. Long Island, 4^ ms. s. Broolyn, 5 s. N. Y. Here is a flour- ishing academy, denominated Erasmus Hall. A battle was fought near this place, Aug. 27, 1776, in which the Americans were defeated by the British, and suffered a heavy loss. Pop. 1,143. Flat Creek, p-o. Campbell co. Va. 11 ms. s. w. Linchburg, and by p-r. 119 s. w. by w. Rich- mond. Flat Creek, p-o. in the western part of Bath CO. Ky. by p-r. 494 ms. s. w. by w. i w. W. C. and 67 e. Frankfort. Flatlands, t. King's co. s. side and near w. end Long Island, 7-^ ms. a little e. of s. N. Y. and 2 ms. s. Flatbush. Pop. 596. Flat Lick, p-o. Trigg co. Ky. by p-r. 224 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Flat Rock, p-o. eastern part of Powhatan co. Va. 24 ms. w. Richmond. Flat Rock, p-o, in the western part of Bun- combe CO. N. C. by p-r. 285 ms. westward Ra- leigh. Flat Rock, p-o. in the northern part of Ker- ' shaw dist. S. C, about 20 ms. n. Camden, and by p-r. 53 n. e. Columbia. Flat Rock, p-o. in the eastern part of Bour- bon CO. Ky. by p-r. 504 ms. westward W. C. and 55 eastward Frankfort. ^™i Flat Rock, p-o. on a large cr. of the same ||fl| name, sthrn. part of Shelby co. Ind., by p-r. 53 " ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Flat Woods, p-o., in the wstrn. part of Lew- is CO. Ky. by p-r. 304 ms. w. W. C. Fleetwood, p-v. Hinds co. Misp. by p-r. 1,053 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and about 100 n. e. Natchez. Fleming, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 4 ms. s. Au- burn. Pop. 1,461, Fleming, co. Ky., bndd w. by Nicholas, n. w. by Mason, n. e. by Lewis, e. and s. e. by Law- rence, and s. w. by Licking r. which separates it from Bath. Length s. e. to n. w. 36 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 576 sq.ms., extend- ing in lat. from 38° 06' to 38° 33', and in long, from 6° 22' to 6° 55' w. W. C. The slope of Fleming is to the s., soil productive, and sur- face moderately hilly. Cf. t. Flemingsburg. Pop. 1820, 12,186, 1830, 13,499. Flemingburg, or Flemingsburg, p-v. and st. jus. Fleming co. Ky., by p-r. 498 ms. a little s, of w. W. C, and 79 estrd. Frankfort. It is sit- uated on the table land near the sources of crs. flowing northwards into the O., and southwards into Licking r., lat. 38° 25', and long. 6° 40' w, W. C. Pop. 648. Flemington, p-v. Amwell, Hunterdon co. N. J. 23 ms. N. N. w. Trenton. Fleming's, p-o. Weakly co. Ten. by p-r. 834 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 132 westerly from Nashville. Fleming's, p-v. in the n. w. part of Shelby CO. Ind., 5 ms. n. w. Shelbyville, by p-r. 580 a little N. of w. W. C, and 35 s. e. Indianopolis. Fletcher, t. Franklin co. Vt., 22 ms. n. e. Burlington, and 35 n. w. Montpelier. Pop. 793. Flint, r. Ontario co. N. Y., waters Italy, Middlesex, Gorham, and Phelps, where it joins the Canandaigua outlet, at the village of Vienna, its whole course of 32 ms. being a good mill stream. Flint, r. of Geo. (See Appalachicola, first paragraph.) Flint Hill, p-o. Culpepper co. Va., by p-r. 104 ms. s. w. W. C. Flint Mills, and p-o. in the sthrn. part of Madison co. Ala., 10 ms. s. from Huntsville, by p-r. 716 s. w. by w. W. C. and 125 n. n. e. Tus- caloosa. Flint Stone, p-o. Alleghany co. Md. by p-r. 119 ms. n. w. W.C. Flood's, p-o. Buckingham co. Va., by p-r. 180 ms. s. w. W. C, and 96 wstrd. Richmond. Florence, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 20 ms. n. w. Rome. Pop. 964. Florence, formerly Briceland's cross roads, p-o. Washington co. Pa. The name has been changed recently. Florence, p-v. and st. jus. Lauderdale co. Ala., by p-r. 796 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, 146 a FLO 155 FLO little w. of N. Tuscaloosa, and 70 wstrd. Hunts- ville. It is situated on the right bank of Ten- nessee r., at the mouth of Cypress cr., and be- low the Muscle Shoals. Lat. 34° 47', long. 10° 46' w. W. C. At seasons of high or even mo- derate height of water, steam boats ascend to Florence. The pop. is estimated at 1,500, and the place so advantageously situated, possesses a flourishing trade. Florence, p-v. Boone co. Ky., by p-r. 507 ms. wstrd. W. C, and 70 n. Frankfort. Pop. 63. Florence, p-v. and tsp. in the wstrn. part of Huron co. O. The p-v. is situated on Vermillion r., by p-r. 13 ms. n. e. by e. Norwalk, the co. seat, 395 n. w. W. C. and 127 n. n. e. Columbus. Fop. tsp. 760. • Florida, a canal, t. and p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y., s. shore Mohawk r., 35 ms. n. w. Alba- ny. Pop. 2,851. Florida, p-v. Orange co. N. Y., 6 ms. s. Go- shen. Florida, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass, 25 ms. n. e. Lenox, 120 w. Boston. Hoosic mountain lies between the town and Adams, and Deerfield r. rises on the estrn. declivity of the mountain, on the Florida side. Pop. 454. Florida, cape, or promontory of the s. estrn. coast of Florida, projecting sthwd. and enclos- ing on the N. E. the bay of Biscane. On Tan- ner's U. S. map cape Florida is laid down at lat. 25° 38', long. 3° 10' w. W. C. Florida, extreme sthrn. territory of the U. S., bndd. N. w. by Ala., n. by Geo., e. by the Atlan- tic and Bahama channel, s. by Cuba channel, and w. and s. w. by the Gulf of Mexico. Length, if we follow the curve from Perdido r. to Cape Sable, about 660 ms. The breadth from Per- dido r. along the nthrn. border to the Atlantic, is 375 ms., but the mean breadth being only about 84 ms. the area is 55,400 sq. ms. or 35,. 456,000 statute acres. Extending in lat. from 25° to 31°, if we include only the continent, but embracing Thompson's island, the sthrn. ex- treme is at lat. 24° 30'. In long, this territory lies between 3° and 10° 44' w. W. C. Florida has a boundary along the Gulf of Mexico, from the mouth of Perdido, to cape Sable, 600 ms. ; along the Cuba and Bahama channels, and At- lantic ocean from cape Sable to the mouth of St, Mary's r., 450 ms. ; in common with Geo. from the mouth of St. Mary's to that of Flint r., 240 ms. ; up Chattahooche r. to lat. 31°, 40 ms. in common with Ala. from Chattahoo- che to Perdido r., 140 ms. ; down Perdido to its mouth, 40 ms.; entire outline, 1,510; with a perimeter exceeding 1500 ms., and extending through 6 degrees of lat. Florida presents some diversity of climate, but the difference of rela- tive level being but slight, the seasons at the ex- tremes more nearly approach an equality of temperature than does any other similar extent of lat. in the United States. The northern and part of central Florida is covered with a dense forest, except the partial clearing of land for agricultural and other purposes of human so- ciety, but the sthrn. section presents large spa- ces of open, grassy, and in part marshy plains. Pine is the prevailing timber, but great variety of other forest trees are intermixed. Sterility is the true general character of the soil, with, it is true, some favorable exceptions. The value of the soil is, however, in some measuse equal, ized with that of more fertile but more nthrn. land by the high temperature of the climate of Florida. Of cultivated vegetables the principal species are, of grains, rice and Indian corn ; the sweet potatoe is produced in great abundance. Garden vegetables admit of immense variety. Staples are cotton, indigo, and sugar. Of fruits, the orange, lime, several varieties of figs, the peach, pomegranate, and some others flourish. The olive and some species of the vitis vinefera (wine-producing grape vine) might be produced perhaps to more advantage than in any other section of the U. S. The profitable culture of the cofl'ee plant and date palm, is more doubt, ful. That part of Florida extending along the nthrn. shore of the Gulf of Mexico slopes to. wards that recipient of its rivers with a general sthrn. course. Florida is traversed, advancing from east to west, by the rivers Suwannee, Os- cilla, Ocklockonne, Appalachicola, Choctaw, Yellow Water, and Escambia. The two latter are discharged into the fine sheet of water which forms the harbor of Pensacola. Choctaw opens into a wide bay of the same name. The Appa- lachicola forms a delta. Ocklockonne is dis. charged into the deep bay of Appalachie. The Suwannee has a more sthrn. influx than any of the preceding, and loses its volume in Vaca- sausa bay, lat. 29° 25'. With the Vacasausa bay the slope of Florida bends with the peninsu- la, and Amasura, Anclota, Hillsboro', Charlotte, Gallivan's, and Young's rs. have a general wstrn. course. The St. John's of Florida is an anomaly among the rs. of the Atlantic coast of the United States. The source of this stream is rather indefinable, being derived from the flat grassy plains, about lat. 28°, and flowing thence to the w. of N. nearly parallel to the opposite Atlantic coast, has more the appearance of a sound than a river. The long estrn. shore of Florida can hardly be regarded as having a slope. The level is general and very slightly broken by elevations of any kind. On this mo- notonous expanse, a shell bank appears an object of magnitude. Descending from the more gen- eral to the more specific features, we find the long nthrn. parallelogram of Florida off'ering considerable diversity of surface. The rise from the mouth of St. Mary's to the dividing ground between its basin and that of Suwannee exceeds 200 feet. The ridges or table land, protruded southwardly between the other more wstrn. rivers, are perhaps still more elevated, but all imperceptibly decline, approaching the sea coast until merged in the sandy shores. The depth of the harbors may be seen under the respective heads of the rivers and bays. The table land between the basins of St. Mary's and Suwannee rs. stretches sthwrd. and may be regarded as the spine of peninsular Florida, un. til gradually lost in the plains between the sour- ces of St. John's and Amasura rs. Florida as a political subdivision comprises two natural sections. The nthrn. slope, already noticed, extending from the Atlantic ocean to Perdido r., deeply furrowed by the river channels, is fol. lowed by the peninsula, properly so called. The two physical sections can have no actually FLO 156 FLO defined line of separation, but a line drawn from the mouth of St John's r. to that of Suwannee, would afford a demarcation, having two natural points of termination. A base of calcareous rock commences in northern, and extends imder perhaps all peninsular Florida. This friable stone breaks forth at St. Augustine and many other points, but is overlaid generally by deep superstrata of clay, shells, and sand. We insert the following description as being official. It is extracted from the files of congressional docu- ment, and from a Report of the engineer de- partment, on the practicability of a canal across the peninsula of Florida. Read in Congress, March 26th, 1832. " The part of the peninsula of Florida, com prehended between the southern boundaries of Georgia, and a line drawn from Tampa bay to cape Cannaveral, is an extensive pine forest, in- terspersed with numberless lakes, ponds, low savannahs, and cypress swamps of various sizes. The country, though generally flat, is, however, much undulated in some districts, and even hilly in many places. The ridge which divides the waters emptying into the Atlantic ocean from those running into the gulf, is sloping gradually from n. to s., and seems to become totally depressed south of a line drawn from the bay of Tampa to cape Cannaveral. Indeed all that great tract of country south of this fine, is represented, by those best informed, as an extensive marsh, forbidding, during the rainy seasons (between June and October,) any land passage from the gulf to the Atlantic. The elevation of the ridge above the level of the sea, has been found to be 152 feet at the head of St. Mary's river, near the Georgia line, 158 between Kinsley's pond, and Little Santa Fe pond, head of Santa Fe river, and 87 feet be- tween the head branches of the Amaxura and Ocklawaha rivers. The soil is generally sand, except at places called hammocks, the soil of which is either a red-yellow, or black clay, mixed with sand. These hammocks are nu- merous, and much scattered throughout the country ; they vary in extent, from a few acres to thousands of acres, and form together but an inconsiderable portion of the peninsula. On them, the growth of tree is red oak, live oak, water oak, dog wood, magnolia and pine ; the red oak predominating. Whilst these ham- mocks, under the auspicious climate of Florida, present a very productive arable land, the pine forests afibrd every facility to the raising of cattle ; and under this point of view, this part of the peninsula may be considered as a most valuable grazing country. It is to be observed that, in Florida, the fern grass is exclusively peculiar to low grounds and heads of water courses. If the upper stratum of the peninsu- la, is generally sand on both sides of the ridge, and that to a depth of at least 5 or 6 feet, the substratum is not the same on both sides. On the eastern, it is clay mixed with a great deal of sand ; but on the western, it is, throughout, a kind of stratified rotten limestone, which frequently appears at the surface, and which at many places, is undermined by streams sinldng abruptly to take their passage through the cav- ernous parts of the mass, and to resume, at some distance down, their natural course. It is owing to the numerous cavities of this rotten substratum, that the surface of the ground is seen interspersed with numberless inverted conic hollows, called sinks, the size of which varies from a few square yards to many acres. The streams which run through the peninsula, present, generally, no flat bottom, or arable flu- viatic deposite along their banks ; they force their course through the sandy upper stratum, and are fed more by lateral filtration than by tributaries. However, their margins are often trimmed with trees, such as live oak, water oak, magnolia, and laurel thicket, which receive chiefly their nourishment from moisture. The sea along the western coast of the peninsula is shallow, from Tampa bay to Appalachie bay, and on a width varying from 5 to 15 miles. — From the latter to cape San Bias, this width di- minishes, except at the intervening capes, where extensive shoals project out ; but from cape San Bias to lake Pontchartrain, the shore is generally bold, and the coast affords several good harbors.* As to the coast on the Atlan- tic, the sea is all along shallow, and oflfers no harbors except at the mouth of St. John's r. and St. Augustine." Sr. Mary's river ought lo be added. "The shortest distance across the pe- ninsula is about from St. Augustine, to a point on the gulf between the mouths of the Suwan- nee and Amaxura rivers ; this distance is 105 miles. The distance on a straight line from the mouth of the St. John to that of the Suwannee is 130 miles, and from the mouth of St. John to St. Mark, 170 miles." The long problem in theory seems to be solved, that is, the difference of level between the Atlantic ocean outside, and the Gulf of Mexico inside of the peninsula of Florida. — On this subject the topographical engineers ob- serve, " should the surveys be perfectly accu- rate, the level of low tide in the gulf would be 2 263-100 feet above that of low tide in the At- lantic. On another hand it has been shown, in describing the surveys relating to the St. Mary's route, that the result of the leveling has given 3 55-100 for the difference of the level between the gulf and the Atlantic. We mu.= t therefore consider it as probable, that, at low tide, the elevation of the gulf at the mouth of the Su- wannee, is not more than 3 or 4 feet above low tide at the entrance of St. John's into the Atlantic. Political Geography. In the census of 1830, Florida is subdivided into Eastern, Western, Middle and Southern ; of which the population was as follows : — Free col'd. Slaves. Total; 34G 4,095 8,956 396 3,753 9,468 19 7,587 15,779 83 66 517 Total, 18,375 844 15,501 34,720 The counties and their population as exhibit- ed in the census, is as follows ; — Eastern Florida, Western Florida, Middle Florida, Alachua, 2,204 Escambia 1,970 Jackson ^.9 468 Eastern, White 4,515 Western, 5,319 Middle, 8,173 Soutliern, 368 Duval, Nassau, Moscheto St. Johns, 2,538 1,511 Walton 733 Washington, Gadsden, 4,895 Hamilton, 553 JelTerson, 3,312 Leon, 6,494 Madison, 525 * This character of coast between Mobile bay and lake Pontchartrain, is only applicable outside of the islands. {See Pascaffoula sound.) FLO 157 FLO All southern Florida is included in the county of Monroe. In the census, the population of the counties composing Western Florida, is not individually given. Of the foregoing population, there were white persons : — Males. Females Under 5 years of age. 1,933 1,807» From 5 to 10, 1,333 1,251 " 10 to 15, 1,015 981 " 15 to 20, 789 923 " 20 to 30, 2,161 1,447 " 3 'to 40, 1,536 848 " 40 to 50, 760 484 " 50 to 60, 436 247 " '50 to 70, 194 101 " 70 to 80, 57 45 " 80 to 90, 10 10 " 90 to 100, 3 o " 100 and upwards. 1 Total, 10,236 8,149 Of the foregoing, are deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 2 ; 14 to 25, ; 25 and upwards, 3 ; blind, 2. Colored population, as follows :-^ Fr ee. Slaves. Males. Ferns. Males. Fems. Under 10 years of age, 138 14^ 2,501 2,5fiU From 10 to 24 109 136 2,482 2,449 " 24 to 36 47 70 1,830 1,561 " 36 to 55 56 62 948 768 " 55 to 100, 33 48 224 177 ': 100 and upwards, 1 1 Total, 383 461 7,985 7,516 Deaf and dumb, colored, under 14 years, 1 ; 14 to 25, 1 ; over 25, 1. From the preceding analysis of its distribu- tive population of 1830, Florida contained the largest number of inhabitants of the three United States territories, Arkansas, Michigan, and Florida ; and of this aggregate, 53 per cent, are whites. The weight of the population of Flori- da lies along the northern parallellogram and above lat 28^. The relative distribution must at all future times remain not greatly difterent from the present, as the productive soil and navigable rivers are in great part confined to the three northern sections. Extensive surveys have beeii made to determine the practicability of forming a canal across Florida, from the At- lantic ocean to the Galf of Mexico. These sur- veys have been productive of much very valua. ble geographical information, of which we have availed ourselves in this treatise, but the practi- cal construction of the proposed canal remains doubtful, and the doubts arise chiefly from the shallowness of the water on the gulf side of the peninsula. History. — The fine, sonorous name of Florida, was imposed by the discoverer, John Ponce de Leon, from having made the coast on or about " Fasque Florida," Pahn Sunday, in 1512. The first attempt to form a civilized colony in Florida, was made by the French in 1562, under Francis Ribault, but the colonists were, in 1565, surprised and murdered by the Spaniards. This massacre was severely re- venged by a French expedition ; but the Span- iards remained masters of the country, and founded in 1565, the city of St. Augustine, in East Florida. West Florida was not colonized until 1699, when Pensacola was founded by Don Andre de la Riola. Though often invaded by French and English armaments, this province remained a part of Spanish America, until 1763, 21 when it was ceded to Great Britain. By the de' fitiitive treaty of 1783, it was receded by Grea* Britain to Spain. When Florida was a colony of Spain, and Louisiana of France, or from 1699 to 1763, the Perdido river was a common boun- dary, but when, in 1769, Louisiana was taken into possession by Spain, under the treaty of cession of 1763, they, for their own convenience, incorporated that part of Louisiana, between the Mississippi and Perdido river with Florida. This incorporation of part of Louisiana into Florida, involved Spain in a controversy with the United States, when the latter government gained possession of Louisiana. On virtue of claiming the latter, as held by France previous to 1763, the United States, in 1811, seized Baton Rouge, and all other parts of Florida west of Perdido, except Mobile, which also surren- dered in 1812. After a lengthened and inter- rupted negotiation, Florida was ceded to the United States, February 22d, 1819, by a tpeaty formed at Washington. This treaty was finally ratified by the King and Cortes of Spain, Octo- ber 24th, 1820, and February 22d, 1821, was ratified by the Congress of the United States. Since the latter period, there has occurred no event in the history of Florida, worthy of par- ticular notice. Florida Keys, is a chain of islets, rocks, reefs, and sand banks, extending westward from the southwardly part of Florida, stretching in long, from 3^° to 6° 15' w. W. C. between lat. 24° 30' and 24° 45'. This very dangerous chain is composed of Ball islands, Matacumbe islands, Cayasbacos, the Pine islands, Thomp- son's islands, Mule islands, Cayos Marques, and on the extreme w. the Tortugas. Florisant, p-v. in the northern part of St. Louis CO. Mo. situated between the Misp. and Mo. rs. below their junction, 18 ms. a little w. of N. St. Louis, and 872 westward W. 0. Flournoy's Mills, and p-o. Telfair co. Geo. 772 ms. southwestward W. C. and 120 south- ward Milledgeville. Flowing Spring, p-o. Bath co. Va. 206 ms. s. w. W. C. and 164 a little n. of w. Richmond. Floyd, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 6 ms. e. Rome, and 10 N. Utica. Pop. 1,699. Floyd, new co. Va. bndd. s. w. by Grayson, Wythe w., Montgomery n. w. and n., and Blue Ridge separating it from Franklin e., and Pat. rick s. E. Length from s. w. to n. e. 30 ms., mean breadth \2, and area 360 sq. ms. Cen- tral lat. 36° 53', long. W. C. 3° 35' w. This CO. formerly constituted the southern section of Montgomery. It is a part of the same mtn. valley which contains Grayson co. Va. and Ashe CO. N. C. The slope to the n. w. in which di- rection flows Little r. a branch of New r. By the census of 1830, the pop. was included in that of Montgomery. It occupies an elevated region, the cultivated surface exceeding a mean of 1800 feet above tide water. By reference to the mean elevation of Montgomery, Giles and Franklin cos. it will be seen that the country above the Blue Ridge exceeds that below in elevation about 1100 feet. Floyd occupies the extreme eastern part of the valley of Great Ka- nawha. Floyd, eastern co. Ky. bndd. s. by Pike, s. w. FOR 158 FOR by Perry, w. by Morgan, n. by Lawrence, and E. by the Tug or eastern branch of Big Sandy, which separates it from Logan co. of Va. — Length, from east to west, 50 miles, mean breadth 30, and area 1,500 sq. miles. Extend- ing in lat. from 39° 24' to 37° 55', and in long, from 5° 02' to 6° 10' west W. C This co. oc- cupies an elevated table land, the eastern part sloping northwardly, and down which flow the two main branches of Sandy r. From the southwestern angle flow the higher branches of Kentucky, and from the northwestern, the ex- treme sources of Licking r. The face of the country is hilly and broken. Cf. t. Preston- berg. Pop. 1820, 8,207, 1830, 4,347. Floyd, co. of Indiana, bndd. by Harrison s. s. w. and w., Washington n. w., Clark n. e. and e., and the Ohio r. separating it from Jeff'erson co. Ky. s. E. Length 20 ms. mean breadth 15, and area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 16' to 38° 31', and in long, from 8° 44' to 9° 03' w. W. C. This CO. lies directly opposite Louis, ville in Ky. The slope is southward ; surface hilly, and soil productive. Cf. t. New Albany. Pop. 1831, 6,361. Floydsburg, p-v. on Floyd Fork, southern part of Oldham co. Ky. 20 ms. n. e. by e. Lou isville, and 34 a little n. of w. Frankfort. Floyd's Fork, r. of Ky. rises in Oldham co., flows thence s. s. w. over the eastern part of Jefferson, and northern of Bullitt, falls into Salt r. at Shepperdsville, after a comparative course of 35 ms. Flukes, p-o. Bottetourt co. Va. Flushing, p-t. Queen's co. n. side Nassau, on Long isl. 15 ms. e. N. Y. Flushing v. which stands at the head of Flushing bay, is a fash- ionable place of resort. In this town are still remaining two of the white oaks, under whose shade George Fox, the founder of Quakerism, held a religious meeting in 1672. Pop. 2,820. Flushing, p-v. in Flushing tsp. Belmont co. O. by p-r. 124 ms. e. Columbus, and 275 ms. n. w.byw. W. C. Pop. 114. Fluvanna, co. of Va. bndd. n. w. by Albe- marle, N. E. by Louisa, s. e. by Goochland, and s. and s. v/. by James r., which separates it from Buckingham. Length along Albemarle 26, mean breadth 16, and area 416 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 37° 36' to 40°, and in long, from 1° 12' to 1° 43' w. W. C. Fluvanna r. enters it from Albemarle, and flowing s. e. di- vides it into two nearly equal sections. Surface agreeably broken. Cf. t. Columbia. Popula- tion 1820, 6,704, 1830, 8,221. Fogelsville, p-o. Lehigh co. Pa. Folly p-o. Gates co. N. C. by p-r. 186 ms. n. E. by E. Raleigh. Fond du Lac, bottom of the lake, literally, but intended to designate the extreme wstrn. bay of lake Superior. Fond du Lac bay is ter- minated where it receives St. Louis r. n. lat. 47° and long. W. C. 15 w. intersect in the nrthrn. part of Fond du Lac. Foed's Ferry and p-o. Livingston co. Ky. by p-r. 227 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Forked Deer r. stream of Ten. rising in Carroll, Henderson, and McNair cos., and flow- ing over Madison, Gibson, Haywood and Dyer COS., falls into the Misp. r. in the nthrn. part of Tipton, above the first of the Chickasaw bluffs, after a comparative course of 80 ms. n. w. by w. The valley of Forked Deer lies between those of Obion and Big Hatchie, and embraces an area of about 2,000 sq. ms. Fork Shoals, p-o. on Saluda r. Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 107 ms. n. w. Columbus. Forsyth, new co. of Geo. boundaries uncer- tain. Forsyth, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. Geo. situated on Chussee cr. about 60 ms. a little s. of w. Milledgeville. Lat. 33°, and in long. 7° 5' w. Fort Adams, p-v. on the left bank of Misp. r. at Loftus Heights, Wilkinson co. Misp. 41 ms. by the road s. Natchez. Fort Anne, p-t. Washington co. N. Y. de- rives its name from the fort here erected during the French wars, which stood at the head of batteaux navigation on Wood cr. The Cham- plain canal runs through this town, 62 ms. from Albany, 10 n. Sandy Hill, and ll s. Whitehall. The village of Fort Anne stands near the site of the fort, on the Champlain canal. Pop. 3,200. Fort Ball, p-v. in the western part of Sene- ca CO. 0. by p-r. 446 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 85 a little w. of n. Columbus. Fort Blount, p-v. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r. 660 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 70 n. e. by e. Nashville. Fort Brady. {See Si. Mary^s straits.) Fort Claiborne. (See Claiborne, st. jus, Monroe, Ala.) Fort Covington, p-t. Franklin co. N. Y. on the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of Salmon cr., 15 ms. N. w. Malone, 235 from Albany, and 53 E. N. E. of Ogdensburg. This t. and the fort within it derive their name from Gen. Coving- ton, who was mortally wounded in the battle of Williamsburg, during our last war with Great Britain. St. Regis v. (Indian) is situated in this t. The chief of these Indians is a descendant of a daughter of Rev. Mr. Williams, minister of Deerfield, Mass. She was carried into cap- tivity when Deerfield was destroyed by the Indians, in the time of the old French war, and marrying an Indian, refused to return ; and so lived and died among the Indians. Pop. 3,901. Fort Crawford, Crawford co. Mich, (See Prairie du Chien.) Fort Dale, p-v. Butler co. Ala. 132 ms. n. e, from Blakely, on Mobile r. and by p-r. 152 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Fort Defiance, p-v. in the western part of Wilkes CO. N. C. situated on the Yadkin near its source, 25 ms. above, and s. w. by w. Wilkes- boro, the co. St., and by p-r. 428 ms. s. w. W. C. and 200 w. Raleigh, Fort Edward, p-t, Washington co, N, Y. e, Hudson r. near the Great Bend, It is 2 ms. s. Sandy Hill, 16 from Caldwell, and 22 from Whitehall. The old fort, which gives the name to the town, was built by the Americans in 1755. The village is built on the Champlain canal, which here forms a junction with the Hudson. A dam is built across the river at this place, for the purpose of supplying the canal with wa- ter, by means of a feeder, which is half a mile long. The dam is 900 ft. long, and 27 high. It cost $30,000. Pop. 1,816. FOR 159 FOU Fort Gaines, p-v. Early co. Geo. by p-r. 175 ms. s. w. Milledgeville. Fort Gibson. {See Cantonment Gibson.) Fort Gratiot, pv. in the eastern part of St. Clair CO. Mich., and on the point w. side of St. Clair r. where that stream issues from lake Hu- ron, and just above the mouth of the r. Dulude, by p-r. 597 ms. n. w. W. C. and 71 n. n. e. De- troit. Fort Jackson, p-v. Montgomery co. Ala. sit- uated on the point between Coosa and Talk- poosa rs. immediately above the junction, 96 ms. s. E. Tallapoosa. Lat. 32° 29', and long. 9° 23' w. W. C. Fort Jackson, p-v. Plaquemines parish, La. 75 ms. below New Orleans. Fort Jefferson, p-v. Dark co. O. by p-r. 103 ms. wstrd. Columbus, and 501 a little n. of w. W. C. Fort Lafayette, N. Y. on a reef of rocks in the Narrows,' commanding the entrance of N. Y. bay. Fort Lee, Bergen co. N. J. a ferry and land- ing place on the Hudson, 10 ms. above N. Y. near the site of the fort of same name. A turn- pike road from Patterson and Hackensack ter- minates at this place, and a steam boat plies to N. Y. city. Fort Littleton, in the southeastern part Bedford co. Pa. by p-r. 103 ms. n. w. W. C. and 64 wstrd. Harrisburg. Fort Miller, p-v. Washington co. N. Y. on the Hudson, e. side, which here has falls, around which there is a canal, with a dam across the river for supplying the same with water, s. San- dy Hill 11 ms. Fort Richmond, N. Y. on the heights, at the s. E. point of Staten isl., on the w. of the Nar- rows, commanding the entrance of N. Y. bay. Fort St. Philip, p-o. an important military establishment of the U. S. on the left banlt of the Misp. parish of Plaquemines, La. 70 ms. below New Orleans. Fort Seneca, p-v. in Seneca tsp. Seneca co. O. situated on Sandusky r. by p-r. 437 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 94 a little w. of n. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 369. Fort Smith, military station and p-v. as laid down by Tanner, is situated on the right bank of Arkansas r. on the extreme western border of Crawford co. Ark. by p-r. 235 ms. above, and N. w. by w. Little Rock, and 1,303 s. w. by w. iw. W.C. FoRTSMouTH, p-v. Shcnaudoah co. Va. by p-r. 92 ms. wstrd. W. C. FoRTSMOuTH, p-v. Page co. Va. by p-r. 83 ms. N. w. Richmond, and 147 wstrd. W. C. Fort Snelling, military station and p-o. at the mouth of St. Peters r. and Falls of St. An- thony in Misp. r. The distance by p-r. from Washington City is not given in the p-o. list, but as it is something above 200 ms. above Prai- rie du Chien, which latter is stated at 1.060 ms. from W. C, fort Snelling must amount to near 1,300 ms. from the seat of the general govern- ment. Lat. 44° 53', long. 16° 13' w. W. C. These relative positions yield a bearing from W. C. to fort Snelling of 63° 33' w. ; distance 968 statute ms. Fort Towson, or Cantonment Towson, as laid down in Tanner's U. S. is situated almost on lat. 34° and 18° 07' w. W. C, about 10 ms. n. from the efflux of Kiameche into Red r. In the p-o. list of 1828, the p-o. at fort Towson is named in Miller co., distant 253 ms. from Little Rock, though on the map, even the road dis- tance falls short of 180 ms. s. w. by w. Fortune's Fork, p-o. {See Grretna Green, Halifax co. Va.) Fort Valley, p-o. Crawford co. Geo. 48 ms. by p-r. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Fortville, p-v. Jones co. Geo. 31 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. Fort Washington, pv. and military station of the U. S. on the left bank of Potomac r. at the mouth of Piscataway cr., in Prince George's CO. Md. 15 ms. below, and very nearly due s. W.C. Fokt Wayne, p-v. and st. jus. Allen co. Ind. by P-r. 561 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 141 n. w. Columbus, and also by the intermediate road 160 ms. s. w. Detroit. This vil. occupies the very remarkable point above the junction of St. Mary's and St. Joseph's rs. and on the right bank of the former. The united streams here take the name ofMaumee. {See Maumeer.) Fort Wayne received its name in honor of the old veteran hero, who so much contributed to give peace and security to the new settlements in Ohio valley, and who found a grave at Presqu* Isle, now Erie in Pa. the 15th Dec. 1796. Fort Wayne stands at lat. 41° 04', long. 8° 7' W. C. Fort Winnebago, as laid down by Tanner, is situated on the portage ground between the Ouisconsin and Fox r. of Green bay. In the p-o. list it is placed in Iowa co. In the latter work the relative distances are not given, but measured on Tanner's U. S., it is distant, by the circuitous route of Pektano r., 258 ms. n. w. Chicago, though only about 150 in direct course, 142 above and s. w. fort Howard, at the mouth of Fox r., 150 ms. by the land route above Prai- rie due Chien at the mouth of Ouisconsin, and by actual calculation n. 57° w., 586 statute ms^ from W. C. Foster, p-t. Providence co. R. I. 15 ms. w. Providence ; well watered, and contains nu- merous sites for water works. Pop. 2,672. Fostertown, v. Evesham, Burlington co. N. J. 15 ms. E. Phil. Fotheringay, p-v. Montgomery co. Va. by p-r. 201 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. FouLKSTowN, p-v. in the eastern part of Co- lumbiana CO. 0. by p-r. 166 ms. n. e. by. e. Co- lumbus, and 269 n. w. W. C. Fountain, co. of Ind. bndd. by Tippecanoe on the n. e., Montgomery e., Parke s., Wabash r. separating it from Vermillion, s. w., and Wa- bash r. again separating it from Warren w. and n. w. Greatest length along the eastern border 30., mean breadth 16, and area 480 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 39° 58' to 40° 22' and in long, from 10° 06' to 10° 26' w. W. C. Slope south wstrd. towards the Wabash. Cf. t. Cov- ington. Pop. 7,619. Fountaindale, p-v. in the southern part of Adams co. Pa. by p-r. 46 ms. s. w. Harrisburg, and 71 n. W. C. Fountain Head, p-o. in the eastern part of Sumner co. Ten. 34 ras. n. e. Nashville. FOX 160 FRA Fountain of Health, p-o. Davidson co. Ten. 6 ms. from Nashville. Fountain Inn and p-o. Chester co. Pa. Fountain Powder Mills and p-o. Hart co. Ky. by p-r. 101 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Fountain Spring, p-v. Warren co. Ten. by p-r. 72 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville, and 659 s. w. by w. W. C. FouRCHE a Renault, p-v. Washington co. Mo. by p-r. 128 ms. above and n. w. by w. Little Rock, and 921 ms. n. w. by w. i w. W. C. Four Corners, p-v. Huron co. O. by p-r. 404 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 125 n. Columbus. Four Mile Branch and p-o. Barnwell dist. S. C. by p-r. 90 ms. s. w. Columbia. Four Mile Prairie, p-o. Howard co. Mo. by p-r. 1,032 ms. w. W. C. and 214 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. Fowler, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. on the Oswegatchie, 36 ms. s. Ogdensburgh. Well watered and timbered, and contains many sites for water works. It contains iron ore, and other valuable minerals. Pop. 1,437. Fowler, p-v. and tsp, in the northern part of Trumbull co. 0. The p-o. is by p-r. 12 ms. nthrd. from Warren, the co. St.. 309 n. w. W. C. and 169 n. e. Columbus. Fox r. of II. and Mich, the main nthrn. branch of II. rises at lat. 43° 30', between Rock r. and Manawakee r., and flowing thence by com- parative courses s. s. w. 160 ms., falls into II. at Otawa, 86 ms. s. w. Chicago. Fox river of Illinois receives no tributary streams of consequence ; its valley lies between those of Rock r., the upper II., and wstrd. from lake Michigan. That part of Fox r. which is com- prised in Michigan or the higher part of its course, is nearly parallel, and from 20 to 25 ms. distant from the wstrn. shore of lake Michigan. Fox R., confluent of Green bay, is composed of two main and numerous minor branches. The two principal branches are Fox r. proper, and Wolf r. Fox r. proper is that remarkable stream which derives its source from the level table land estrd. from the Ouisconsin. The two higher branches approach each other in nearly opposite directions, and uniting at fort Winne- bago, leave a portage of less than 2 ms. from the navigable channel of the Ouisconsin. These higher constituents of Fox r. from their re- spective courses, seem to be natural tributaries of Ouisconsin, but reflowing, if we may use the expression, back upon their own courses, deflect to the northward, assume the name of Fox r., and continuing to the nthrd. 20 ms. dilate into Buff'alo lake, and bend to the e. Buffalo lake, an intervening strait, and Puckawalake, occupy 25 ms. of this curious r., which, leaving the lat- ter, inflects abruptly to the wstrd., again estrd., and flnally north estrd. The last course is main- tained 55 ms. to the influx of Wolf r, from the nthrd. Wolf r. has its sources interlocking with those of Ontonagon of lake Superior. Flowing thence s. s. e. 120 ms. unites with and loses its name in Fox r. Below the mouth of Wolf r., Fox r. inflecting to s. e. dilates into Menomonie lake, and thence with a short inter- vening strait, opens into the comparatively large Winnebago lake. The latter sheet of water stretches from s. to n. 30 ms. with a breadth va- rying from 2 to 10 ms. Fox r. enters its west- ern side near the middle, and issues from the northwestern angle. Below Winnebaga lake Fox r. inflects again to the n. e., but with an el- liptic curve to the estrd. 45 ms. comparative course to the head of Green bay at fort How- ard. The general course of Fox r, from the portage at fort Winnebago to its final eflux into Green bay, is a little e. of n. e., and distance, by comparative course, 130 ms. Such are, howev- er, the great and numerous inflections of the stream and lakes that the navigable distance perhaps exceeds 200 ms. The valley of Fox r. lies between that of Green bay and the upper Ouisconsin. In fact Green bay is the continua- tion and lower depression of the Fox r. valley, and both contribute to form links of the naviga. ble route from lake Mich, to the Misp. r. by the Ouisconsin. Including Wolf r. the Fox r. valley extends from lat. 43° jO' to 46°, and in long, from 10° to 12° 12' w. W. C. Fox, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 119 ms.N. w. Harrisburg. FoxBOROUGH, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 24 ms. s. w. Boston. Well watered and contains man- ufactories. Pop. 1830, 1,165. FoxBURG, p-v. at the extreme southern angle of Venango co. Pa. situated on the point be- tween and above the junction of Alleghany and Clarion rs. about 100 ms. n. n. e. Pittsburg. Foxcroft, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 35 ms. n. W.Bangor. Pop.- 677. Fox's CR. and p-o. Lawrence co. Ala. by p-r. 129 ms. n. Tuscaloosa, and 758 s. w. by w. W. C. FoxTOWN, p-o. Madison co. Ky. 6 ms. n. w. Richmond, the co. st., and by p-r. 543 s. w. by w. J w. W. C. FoxviLLE, p-v. Fauquier co. Va. by p-r. 56 ms. westward W. C. Foy's Store and p-o. Onslow co. N. C. by P-r. 410 ms. s. W. C. and 193 s. e. Raleigh. Framingham, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 20 ms. w. Boston. Finely watered by Sudbury r. a branch of Concord r. The manufacturing bu- siness is here carried on on a large scale. Pbp. 2,313. Francestown, p.t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. 12 ms. from Amherst, 55 from Hanover, 27 from Con- cord, and 60 from Boston. It contains a quarry ol free stone. Very eligibly situated for busi- ness, being on the great thoroughfare from Windsor to Boston. Pop. 1,541. Francisburg, p-v. Union co. Ky. by p-r. 204 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Franconia, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 28 ms. from Haverhill, 74 n. Concord, and 140 from Boston. A large proportion of the town is mountainous. There is a singular natural curi- osity in this to\vn, called the Profile, situated on a peak about 1,000 ft. high, presenting a front of solid rock, a side view of which exhibits a striking profile of the human face, every fea- ture being conspicuous. The town contains an iron mine, said to be inexhaustible, yielding the richest supply in the U. S. There are two iron manufactories in the town ; the ore of them is very extensive, manufacturing 12 to 15 tons per week. There is a highly impregnated mineral spring m the town. Pop. 447. Franconia, p-v, and tsp, Montgomery co. Pa, FRA 161 FRA The p-o. is 30 ms. n. w. Phil. The tsp. is on the s. side of the n. e. branch of Perkioming cr. Pop. 1820, 848, 1830, 998. Fkankforb, p-v., tsp. and borough, Phil. co. Pa. 5 ms, N. E. from the central part of the city of Phil. Pop. of the tsp. 1,633. Frankford, p-v. near the right bank of Greenbriar r. Greenbriar co. Va. 12 ms. n. n. e. Lewisburg, by p-r. 257 ms. s. w. W. C. Frankford, p-v. in the n. w. part of Pike co. Mo. 94 ms. N. \v. St. Louis. Frankfort, p-t. Waldo co. Me. w. Penob- scot r., head of navigation, 26 ms. N. Castine, 12 s. Bangor. Pop. 2,487. Frankfort, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. on the Erie canal, in which town there are 3 locks on said canal, terminating the level from Salina, a distance of 69^ ms. without a lock. This town is situated s. of the Mohawk, 8 ms. w. Herki- mer, and 86 w. n. w. Albany. Pop. 2,620. Frankfort, t. Sussex co. N. J. Pop. 1,996. Frankfort, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. 25 ms. a little N. of w. Pittsburg, and 30 a little w. of n. Washington, Pa. Frankfort, p-v. near the right bank of Pat- terson's cr. northern part of Hampshire co. Va. 15 ms. s. Cumberland, Md. and by p-r. 119 ms. N. w. by w. W. C Frankfort, p-t. st. jus. for Franklin co. and of government for the state of Ky. It is situa- ted on the right bank of Ky. r. 60 ms. above its junction with the Ohio, 24 ms. n. n. w. Lexing- ton, 53 a little s. of e. Louisville, by p-r. 86 s. s. w. Cincinnati, and 538 s., 83^ w. W. C. Lat. 38° 12', long. 7° 52' w. W. C. The site of Frankfort is an alluvial plain highly elevated above the river, the banks of which are lime- stone, and which forms a fine curve, sweeping around the southern and western parts of the town. The river is about 100 yards wide, and the bottoms on both sides of it are broad, and liable to inundation. At seasons of high water, steamboats of 300 tons burthen, are navigated up to Frankfort, and the r. is navigable from 200 ms. above (following the course of the stream) for boats descending. Frankfort contains a state house, built of rough marble, 86 by 54 ft. ; a court house, jail, penitentiary, bank, theatre, 3 or 4 churches, and an academy ; also several manufactories of bagging, rope walks, powder mills, tobacco ware houses, &c. The town is generally well built, — many of the buildings, are of marble, and the business of the place is of considerable importance. In 1810 the pop. was 1,092, of whom 407 were slaves; in 1820, 1,679, of whom 643 were slaves ; in 1830, 1^680 — and including S. Frankfort, (with which it is connected by a bridge across the river,) 1,987. Frankfort, p-v. and st. jus. Clinton co. Ind. by p-r. 620 miles northwest by west i w. W. C. and 50 ms. n. n. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on the South Fork of Wild Cat r. Lat. 40° 20', long. 9° 30' w. W. C. Franklin, t. Hancock co. Me. Pop. 382. Franklin, p-t. Merrimac co. N. H. on Merri- mac r. 18 ms. n. Concord. It was incorporated 1828, and divided from Salisbury and Sanborn- ton. Pop. 1,370. Franklin, co. Vt. n. w. part of the state. — Bndd. N. by Lower Canada, e. Orleans co., s. Chittenden co., w. Grand Isle co., from which it is separated by a part of lake Champlain, 34 ms.from e. to w. and about 33 from n. to s., con- taining 730 sq. ms. The cf. t. is St. Albans, a place of considerable business. The Missisque r. waters the n. part of this co. and the Lamo- ille the s. The e. part extends on to the west, ern range of the Green mtns. and is high and broken, the w. part is generally level, and is a very fine farming country. It began to be set. tied immediately after the close of the revolu- tion. Very fine marble is found in abundance in Swanton, and large quantities of iron ore in Highgate. Pop. 1820, 17,192, ] 830, 24,525. Franklin, p-t. n. part Franklin co. Vt. 36 ms. N. E. Burlington, and 51 n.w. Montpelier. Much injured by a large pond near the centre. Pop. 1,229. Franklin, co. Mass. bndd. n. by N. H., e. by Worcester co., s. by Hampshire co., and w. by Berkshire. Watered by Connecticut, Deerficld, and Miller rs. Few tracts of country exceed this for the extent and value of its water pow- ers. Cf. t. Greenfield. Pop. 1820, 29,268, 1830, 29,501. Franklin, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 26 ms. s. w. Boston. Finely watered by Charles r. and its branches, and is a flourishing manufacturing town. The Franklin cotton manufacturing company, was incorporated in 1813. Capital §200,000. In this town, is the private hospital of Dr. Nathaniel Miller, a distinguished physi- cian and surgeon of that place. Here also re- sides that eminent divine, Rev. Nathaniel Em- mons, D.D. Pop. 1,662. Franklin, p-t. New London co.. Conn., 34 ms. from Hartford. Diversified with hills and dales, best adapted to grazing. Watered by the She- tucket and a branch of the Yantic. 9 school dists. Pop. 1,196. Franklin, co. N. Y. on the n. line of the state, bndd. N. by Lower Canada, e. by Clinton and Essex COS., s. by Essex and Hamilton, and w. by St. Lawrence co. The w. line is 60 ms, long. Greatest breadth 30 ms. containing 1,506 sq. ms. In the s. w. part are some lofty ridges of the Peru mtns., the rest is rather level than hilly. Small streams numerous. A number of small lak«s or ponds. Capable of being render- ed a pretty good farming country. Here are mines of iron ore, and some indications of other metals. Cf. t. Malone. Pop. 1820, 4,439, 1830, 11,312. Franklin, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y. on the Sus- quehannah, 13 ms. n. w. Delhi. Surface bro- ken, hilly, and mostly mountainous. Well wa. tered, and reputed healthy. Has various kinds of manufactories. Pop. 2,786. Franklin, t., Somerset co. N. .1. bounded by the Raritan and millstone r., and south by the county of Middlesex. This t. includes the N. J. part of New Brunswick. Pop. 3,352. Franklin, t., Bergen co. N. J. on the N. Y. line, bndd. n. w. by Pompton, s. e. by Harring- ton. Pop. 3,449. Franklin, t. Gloucester co. N. J. adjoins Sa- lem CO. E. of Woolwich and Greenwich. Pop. 1,574. Franklin, co. of Pa. bndd. by Bedford w., FRA 162 FRA Huntingdon n. w., Mifflin n., Perry and Cumber, land N. E., Adams e., and Washington, Md. s. Length s. to n. 40 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 43' to 40° 18', and in long, from 0° US' to 1° 09' w. W. C. This CO. is bndd. on the e. by the con- tinuation in Pa. of the Blue Ridge, and is tra- versed in a N. N. E. direction by several chains of the Appalachian system. The slope of the southern and central parts are towards the Po- tomac, and down which flow the various branch- es of the Conecocheague and Antictam creeks, in nearly a southern direction. The Conedog- winnet rises in the northern section, and flows N. E. towards the Susquehannah. The great valley of the Conedogwinnet and Conecocheague, for in reality these two streams flow in op. posite directions along the same valley, has a limestome base towards the Blue Ridge, and one of clay slate towards the Kittatinny, or as there locally called, the North or Blue mtn. Franklin co. may, with the exception of the n. E. and s. E. sections, be considered as nearly co-extensive with the valley of the Coneco- cheague. The soil, especially where resting on limestone strata, highly productive in grain, grasses, and fruit. Chief town, Chambersburg. Pop. 1820, 31,892, 1830, 35,103. FR4NKLii\, p-t. borough and st. jus. Venango CO. Pa. situated on the right bank of Alleghany r. and French cr. at their junction, 70 ms. n. Pittsburg, and about 65 a little e. of s. Erie. Lat. 41° 24', long. 2" 55' w. W. C. Pop. 410. Franklin, tsp. Adams co. Pa., on Marsh cr., another of York co., on the head of Bermudian cr., another in the nthrn. part of Huntingdon co., another in Westmoreland co. on the head wa- ters of Poketon's and Turtle cr., and another in Green co. on the s. fork of Ten Mile cr. Franklin, co. of Va. bndd. e. by Pittsylvania ; s. e. and s. by Henry, s. w. by Patrick, by the Blue Ridge which separates it from Floyd s. w., Montgomery w., and Botetourt n , and by Roan- oke r. which separates it from Bedford n. e., length 30, mean breadth 25, and area 750 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 46' to 37° 13', in long, from 2° 41' to 3° 18' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the e. and s. e., and down which flow, beside Roanoke r., Black Water, Pig, and Irwine rs. The elevation of surface, about equal to that of the adjoining co. of Bed- ford, or about 650 feet above the ocean tides. It comprises a part of the valley between Blue Ridge, and Turkey Cock mtn. and is moderate- ly hilly, soil productive. Cf. t. Rocky Mount. Pop. 1820, 12,017, 1830, 14,911. Franklin, p-t. and st.jus. Pendleton co. Va., on the middle branch of the s. fork of Potomac, by p-r. 171 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 171 n. w. by •w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 42', and long. 2° 26' w. W. C. Franklin, co. of N. C, bndd. s. w. by Wake, N. w. by Granville, n. e. by Warren, and s. e. by Nash. Length 30, mean breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms., lying between lat. 35° 49' and 36° 16', and long. 1° 02' to 1° 32' w. W. C. Tar r. enters it from the n. w., and flowing s. easterly, divides it into nearly equal sections. The en- tire slope of the co. is to the s. e. Cf. t. Louis- burg. Pop. 1820, 9,741, 1830, 10,665. Franklin, p-v. and st.jus. Haywood co. N. C. by p-r. 311 ms. wstrd. Raleigh and 18 w. Waynesville. Franklin, co. of Geo., bndd. s. e. by Elbert, s. by Madison, s. w. by Jackson, w. by Hall, N. w. by Habersham, and n. e. by Tugaloo r. separating it from Pickens dist. S. C. Length from. s. w. to n. e. 34 ms., mean breadth 20 ms., and area 680 sq. ms. Extending from lat. 34° 10' to 34° 38', and in long, from 5° 50' to 6° 33' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is s. estrd. with the general course of Tugaloo r. The central and wstrn. sections are, however, drained by and are nearly commensurate with the higher branches of the n. fork of Broad r. Cf. t. Carnes- ville. Pop. 10,107. Franklin, p-v. Troup co. Geo. by p-r. 762 ms. s. w. W. C. and 143 w. Milledgeville. Franklin, one of the northwestern cos. of Ala. bndd. n. by Ten. r. separating it from Lau. derdale, e. by Lawrence co., s. e. by Walker, s. w. by Marion, and w. by the Chickasav/ territo- ry of Ala. Greatest length along the eastern boundary 38 ms. mean width 18, and area 684 sq. ms. extending in lat. from 34° 18', and in long, from 10° 36' to 11° 04' w. W. C. The southern part slopes to the northwestward, and is drained by the sources of Bear cr., the north, em part falls to the n. towards Ten. r. Cf. ts. Russellville, Tuscurabia, and Bainbridge. Pop. 11,078. Franklin, p-v. in the northern part of Henry CO. Ala. by p-r. 850 ms. s. w. W. C. and 238 s. E. Tuscaloosa. Franklin, co. of Misp. bndd. w. by Adams, N. w. by Jefferson, n. e. by Copiah, e. by Law- rence, s. e. by Pike, s. by Amite, and s. w. by Wilkinson. Length from e. to w. 36 ms. mean breadth 20, area 720 sq. ms. lying between lat. 31° 22', and 31° 40', and long. 13° 40' and 14° 18' w. W. C. It is chiefly drained by the various branches of Homochitto r. though the extreme sources of Amite rise in the southeastern angle ; soil near the water courses productive, but in the intervals barren pine woods. Staple, cotton. Surface moderately hilly. Cf. t, Meadville. Pop. 1820, 3,881, 1830, 4,622. Franklin, p-v. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 1,037 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 120 n. e. Natchez. Franklin, p-v. and st. jus. St. Mary's parish, La. by p-r. 1,344 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 141 a little s. of w. New Orleans. It is situated on the Teche r. 22 ms. above its mouth, lat. 29° 52', long. 14° 37' w. W. C. Franklin, co. of Ten. bndd. w. by Lincoln, n. w. by Bedford, n. e. by Warren, e. and s. e. by Cumberland mtn. which separates it from Ma. rion, and by Jackson co. in Ala., length from the Ala. line n. n. e. 42 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 840 sq. ms. lying between lat. 35° and 35° 34', and long. 8° 36' and 9° 21' w. W. C, Falling by a not very rapid declivity from Cum. berland mtn., this co. discharges from its north- ern extremity the extreme sources of Duck r. flowing westward, whilst the central and south- ern parts are drained by the higher branches of Elk, Paint, Rock, and other streams, flowing to the s. w. and s. into Ten. r. Though broken, the soil is productive. Cf. t. Winchester, the St. jus. near the centre, Metcalf boro', in the n. FRA 163 FRA E. and Salem s. w. Pop. 1820, 16,571, 1830, 15,626. Franklin, p-v. and st. jus. Williamson co. Ten. by p-r. 732 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 18 ms. a little w. of s. Nashville. It is situated on Harpeth r. Lat. 35° 53', long. 9° 50' w. W. C. Franklin, co. of Ky. bndd. w. by Shelby, n. w. by Henry, n. by Owen, e. by Scott, s. e. by Woodford, and s. w. by Anderson. Length 20, mean breadth lO, and area 200 sq. ms. lying between lat. 38° 06' and 38° 24', and long. 7° 42' and 7° 59' w. W. C. Ky. r. enters from the s. and traversing in a direction nearly n. divides this CO. into two not very unequal sections. Elkhorn r. also traverses the e. part, entering from Scott and falling into Ky. r. about 8 ms. below Frankfort. In 1820, the population amounted to 11,024, but it then included what is now comprised in Anderson. Cf. t. Frankfort, the St. of government of the State. In 1830, the pop. was 9,254. Franklin, p-v. and st. jus. Simpson co. Ky. situated on Drakes cr. branch of Big Banner r. and on the road from Nashville in Ten. to Bow- ling Green in Ky. 55 ms. a little e. of n. from the former and 22 a little w. of s. from the lat- ter place, and by p-r. 162 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Lat. 3tj° 44', and long. 9° 29' w. W. C. Pop. 280. Franklin, co. O. bndd. s. by Pickaway, s. w. and w. by Madison, n. w. by Union, n. by Dela- ware, n. e. by Licking, and s. e. by Fairfield. Length 25, mean breadth 22, and area 550 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 37' to 40° 08' and in long, from 5° 44' to 6° 16' w. W. C. The slope is directly southward, and in that direction the co. is traversed by Whetstone and Sciota rs. which, entering on the northern border, and uniting between Franklin and Co- lumbus, the combined waters, assuming the name of Sciota, continue south over the residue of the CO. The eastern side is also traversed in a southern course by Big Walnut, as is the west- ern by Darby cr. The soil is productive. Cf. t. Columbus, St. jus. for the co. and cap. of the state. Pop. 1820, 10,291, 1830, 14,741. Franklin, p-v. Warren co. O. {See Frank- lington, same co. and state.) Franklin, co. Ind. bndd. by Dearborne s., Ripley s. w., Decatur w.. Rush n. w., Fayette, and Union n., and Butler co. of 0. e. Length 24, breadth 21, and area 504 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 17' to 39° 33', and in long, from 7° 52' to 8° 17' w. W.C. This co. is almost en- tirely comprised in the valley of White Water r. the main volume of which traverses it from N. w. to s. E. The surface rather hilly. Cf. t. Brookville. Pop. 1820, 10,763, 1830, 10,190. The apparent decline in pop. of this co. ought to be explained. In 1820, it contained great part of what is now comprised in Fayette and Union co. Franklin, p-v. and st. jus. Johnson co. Ind. by p-r. 20 ms. a little e. of s. Indianopolis, and 593 westward W. C. It is situated on a small tributary of the Driftwood fork of White r., lat. 39° 30', long. 9° 05' w. W. C. Franklin, co. of II. bounded by Johnson s.. Union s. w., Jackson w.. Perry n. w., Jefferson N., Hamilton n. e., and Gallatin e. ; length from s. to N. 36, breadth 24, and area 864 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 37' to 38° 08', and in long, from 11° 47' to 12° 14' w. W. C. The body of this co. is about equi-distant from the Misp. r. on the w., and the Wabash and Ohio on the e. It is a table land from which Muddy cr. and its branches flow s. wstrd. into the Misp. and the wstrn. confluents of Saline r. s. estrd. into Ohio r. Though rather level it has therefore two slopes, that on the wstrn. side towards the Misp., and that on the e. towards the Ohio. Cf. t. Frankfort. Pop. 1820, 1,763, 1830, 4,083. Franklin, p-v. and st. jus. Franklin co, II., by p-r. 802 ms. a little s. of w. W. C, and 102 a little e. of s. Vandalia. Franklin, co. of Mo. bndd. n. e. by St. Louis CO., E. by Jefferson, s. e. by Washington, s. w. CO. unknown, w. by Gasconade, n. w. by Mis- souri r. separating it from Montgomery, and n. by Missouri r, separating it from St. Charles co. Length 36 ms. mean breadth 30, and area 1080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 10' to 38° 44', and in long, from 13° 44' to 14° 20' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the n. estwd. and the surface about equally divided between the val- lies of Merrimac and Missouri. The sthrn. and s. estrn. parts are drained by the former, whilst the nthrn. section is drained by short crs. into Missouri. The surface is hilly. Cf. t. Union, Pop. 1820, 2,379, 1830, 3,484. Franklin, p-v. Howard co. Mo., about 188 ms. a little n. of w. St. Louis. Neither dis- tance nor relative position given in the p.o. list. This Franklin is a distinct p-o. from Old Frank- lin in the same co. (-See Old Franklin.) Franklin, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Oak- land CO. Mich., by p-r. 7 ms. n. w. Pontiac, the CO. St., ;33 N. w. Detroit, and 559 n. westerly from W. C. Franklin Academy, and p-o. Upson co. Geo. by p-r. 82 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. Franklindale, p-o, Bradford co. Pa., by p-r, 169 ms. N. Harrisburg. Franklin Furnace andp-o. Sciota co.O. by p-r. 106 ms. sthrd. Columbus, and 434 wstrd. W. C. Franklin Mills, and p-o. Portage co. O., by p-r. 326 ms. n, westerly from W, C, and 133 N. e. by E, Columbus. Franklin Settlement, Chicot co. Ark., by p-r. Ill ms. s. e. Little Rock. Franklin Square, and p-o., in the nthrn, part of Columbiana CO. Ohio, by p-r. 288 ms. n. wes- terly from W, O., and 158 n. e. by e. Columbus. Franklinton, p-v. on Sciota r. Franklin co. Ohio, situated directly opposite Columbus. Pop. 331. Franklinton, p-v. in Franklin tsp. n. w. angle of Warren co. Ohio, 1 1 ms. n. n. w. Lebanon the CO. St., and by p-r. 481 wstrd. W. C, and 84 s. w. by w, Columbus. Pop. 584, Franklintown, p-v, and st jus. parish of Washington, La., situated on the Bogue Chitto river, 60 ms. a little w. of n. New Orleans, and 84 nearly due e. St. Francisville, lat. 30° 50', in long. 13° 8' w. W. C. Franklintown, p-v. in the northwestern part of York CO. Pa. by p-r. 17 miles s. s. w. Harris- burg, and by direct road about 22 n. w. the bo- rough of York. FRE 164 FRE Fkankltnville, p-t. Cattaraugus CO. N. Y. 60 ms. s. Buffalo, 279 w. Albany. Pop. 903. Franklinville, p-v. and st. jus. Lowndes co. Geo. by p-r. 829 ms. s. s. w, ^ w. W. C. and 187 s. MilledgeviUe. Fbankstown, Branch, northwestern constitu- ent of the Juniatta, rises in the eastern slopes of the Alleghany chain, between the sources of Raystown branch and those of Bald Eagle creek. The sources of Frankstown are extend, ed from the n. e. angle of Bedford, over the northwestern part of Huntingdon into Centre county. Flowing like radii from the circumfer- ence to the centre of a circle, the numerous branches of this river unite in Huntingdon co. near the village of Petersburg, vi^here assuming a course of s. southeast passes the borough of Huntingdon and two miles below unites with Raystown branch and forms the Juniatta. The two constituents of Juniatta above their junction drain a space 65 miles by SS, or 1,625 square miles, composed of lateral mtn. chains andnar- rov/, but in many places highly productive vales. The immediate valley of Frankstown branch has become of great statistical importance from being a part of the route of the Pa. canal. Frankstown, tsp. of Huntingdon co. Pa, on Frankstown branch. Pop. 1820, exclusive of the two villages of Frankstown and HoUadays- burg, 1,297. Fkankstown, p-v. Huntingdon co. Pa. in Frankstown tsp. situated on the left bank of Frankstown river, 20 ms. a little s. of w. from the borough of Huntingdon. It is at the village of Frankstown that the eastern section of trans- versed division of the Pennsylvania canal con- nects with the rail-road over the Alleghany mtn. The village or point of connection is 910 ft. above the level of Atlantic tides, and the sum- mit level of the rail road, has a similar relative elevation of 2,291 ft. Frazer, p-v. in the vi'estern part of Chester CO. Pa. by p-r. 128 ms. n. e. W. C. and 74 east- ward Harrisburg. Fkederica, p-v. Kent co. Delaware, 13 ms. s. Dover. Pop. 1820, 250. Frederica, p-v. and sea port, on St. Simons islands, Glynn co. Geo. 12 ms. s. Darien, and by p-r. 198 ms. s. e. MilledgeviUe. Frederick, tsp. of Montgomery co. Pa. on the right side of Perkiomen cr. 9 ms. n.e. Potts- town. Pop. 1820, 927. Fredertck, CO. of Maryland, bndd. n. by Adams, and n. e. by York co. Pa., the s. e. mtn. forms its boundary from the mouth of Monoca- cy to the Pa. line, separating it on the e. from Baltimore, and on the s. e. from Ann Arundel and Montgomery cos. On the s. w. the Poto- mac r. between the s. e. mtn. and Blue Ridge, separates it from Loudon co. Va., and on the w. the Blue Ridge constitutes its line of separation from Washington co. Maryland. Length from s> w. to N. E. 42 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 776 sq. ms. Lying between lat. 39° 14' and 39® 43', and between 8' e, and 39' w.W. C. Except its higher sources in Adams co. in Pa. the valley of Monocacy is entirely in, and to- gether with the small valley of Cotoctin cr., on the s. w. is commensurate with, Frederick co. in Maryland. A minor ridge, the Cotoctin mtn. detaches from the Blue Ridge, in the n. w. part of Frederick, stretches in a southwardly direc- tion between the Cotoctin and Monocacy val- lies, terminates near the Potomac r. at the mouth of Monocacy cr. With the exception of the Cotoctin ridge, though Frederick is bound- ed on two sides by mtns., the surface is not very hilly, and in places it is level. The soil is generally fertile in grain, fruit and pasturage. It is one of the best cultivated sections of Md. Cf. t. Frederick. Pop. 1820, 40,459, 1830, 45,793. Frederick, city, p-t. and st. jus. Frederick CO. Maryland, situated on the great western road from Baltimore, 47 ms. westward from the latter, 2 ms. w. from Monocacy bridge, and by p-r. 44 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Lat. 39° 24', long. 0° 24' w. W. C. Pop. 1830, 7,255. Fred- erick is in size, wealth, and the elegance of its buildings, the second town of Maryland, and is increasing in all respects. The adjacent country is pleasant aud well cultivated. Frederick, co. Va. bndd on the n. w by the Kittatinny chain, in part which separates it from Hampshire, on the n. w. it reaches Morgan, n. Berkley, n. e. Jefferson. The Blue Ridge sep- arates it on the e. from Loudon, and on the s. E. from Fauquier. Page co. is its s. boundary, and Shenandoah s. v/. Length 33 ms. mean width 20, containing 660 sq. ms. Lying be- tween lat. 38° 50', and 39° 25', long. 0° 48', and 1° 28' w. W. C. The surface of this co. is very much diversified by hill, and mtn. scene, ry, and by diversity of soil. It occupies s. from the Potomac part of the continuation of the great valley, in which are situated Lebanon, the lower part of Dauphin, the greatest part of Cumberland and Franklin cos. Pennsylvania, and Jefferson and Berkley cos. Virginia. The Shenandoah r. traverses the southestrn. border meandering along the northwestern base of the Blue Ridge. Opequan, Back and Sleepy crs. flowing N. N. E. into the Potomac, also rise in Frederick. The slope of the county is of course northestrd. in a similar direction with the streams. The ground near Harper's Ferry and along the Potomac is about 200 fc. above tide water, and allowing a similar rise from the Potomac, the mean height of Frederick would be about 400 It. The soil of this county is high- ly productive, though the face of the county is considerably broken by mtn. ridges. Cf. t. Win- chester. Population 1820, 24,706, 1830, 26,046. Fredericsburg, port of entry, p-t. and st. jus. Spottsylvania co. Virginia, situated on the right bank of the Rappahannoc r. by p-r. 57 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 66 ms. a little e. of n. Richmond. Lat. 38° 19' long. 0° 28' w. W. C. Placed at the head of tide water this is a very prosper- ous port ; vessels of 140 tons can be navigated to the foot of the falls. The staples of domes- tic produce, grain, with its products, tobacco, &c. Pop. 3,308. Fredericksburg, p-v. on the left bank of Ohio river, in the n. e. angle of Gallatin co. Ky. about 40 ms. directly n. Frankfort. Fredericksburg, p-v. in the northern part of Holmes co. O. 8 ms. n. Millersburg, the co. st. by p-r. 342 n. w. by w. W. C. and 95 northeast- ward from Columbus. FRE 165 FRE Frederickton, (see city of Frederick, Fred- erick co. Maryland.) Fredericktown, p-v. on Monongahela r. be- low the mouth of Ten Mile cr. in the southeas- tern angle of Washington co. Pennsylvania, 22 ms. s. E. Washington the co. seat, by p-r. 213 s. w. by w. W. C. and 206 a little s. of \v. Harris- burg. Fredericktown, p-v. on Ky. r. northwestern angle of Washington co. Ky. 8 ms. n. w. Springfield, the co. seat, by p-r. 610 ms. s. w. by w. i w. W. C. and 59 s. w. Frankfort. Pop. 58. Fredericktown, p-v. in Wayne tsp. northern part of Knox co. Ohio, 7 ms. a little w. of n. Mount Vernon, the co. seat, by p-r. 382 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 52 n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. 161. Fredericktown, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Mo. by p-r. 894 ms. a little s. of w. W, C. 90 ms. s. St. Louis, and 40 ms. s. w. St. Gene- vieve. It is situated on one of the northwes- tern branches of St. Francis r. lat. 37=' 32', long. 13° 21' w.W. C. Fredonia, p-v. Chatauq,ue co, N. Y. {See Pomfret.) Fredonia, p-v. and st. jus. Crawford co. Indi- ana, by p-r. 632 ms. westward W. C. and 122 8. s. w. Indianopolis. Fredonia, p-v. Montgomery co. Tenn. by p.r. 55 ms. N. w. Nashville. Freeburg, p-v. Union co. Pa. 10 ms. s. s. e. New Berlin, and by p r. 48 ms. a little w. of n. Harrisburg. Freedensburg, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa. 10 ms. s. w. Orwicsburg, and by p-r. 53 ms. n. e. Har- risburg. Freedom, p-t. Waldo co. Me. 28 ms. n. w. Augusta. Pop. 867. Freedom, t. Strafford co. N. H. separated since the census of 1830, (in 1831) from Ef- fingham. Freedom, p-v. Dutchess co. N. Y. 8 ms. e. Poughkeepsie, well watered, and has a good supply of mill seats. A good tsp. of land, and highly cultivated. Has various kinds of mami- factories. Freedom, p-t. Cateraugus co. N. Y. 18 ms. N. E. EUicottville. First rate as to soil, timber, and face of the country very level. Well wa- tered. Pop. ],505. Freedom, p-v. in the northern part of Balti- more CO. Md. about 30 ms. n. n. w. Baltimore, and by p-r. 63 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Freedom, p-v. in the northwestern part of Portage co. Ohio, and in the tsp. of the same name. The p-v. 9 ms. n. w, Ravenna, the co. seat, by p-r. 328 n. w. W. C. and 141 n. e. Co- lumbus. Pop. tsp. 341. Freehold, or Monmouth, p-t. and st. jus. Monmouth co, N. J. 20 ms. s. e. New Bruns- wick, 30 E. Trenton. Pop. 5,481. A battle was fought in this town June 28, 1778. Freehold, Upper, t. Monmouth co. N. J. bndd. N. e. by Freehold, n. w. by Middlesex co., w. by Burlington, s. e. by Dover. Pop. 4,826. Freeman, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 38 ms. n. w. Norridgewock. Pop. 724. Freemansburg, p-v. in the southern- part of Northampton co. Pa. by p-r. 187 ms. n, e. W. C. and 97 ms. a little n, of e. Harrisburg. 22 Freeman's Creek, and p-o. Lewis county, Virginia, by p-r. 249 ms. westward W. C. Freeman's Store, and p-o. Jones co. Geo. 26 ms. westward Milledgeville. Freeman's Store. {See Green Hill, Jone9 CO. Geo.) Freemason's Patent, N. Y. 5000 acres,, granted June 12, 1771, then in Albany co. now in Oneida and Herkimer cos.. Freeport, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. head of Casco bay, 20 ms. n. Portland. Pop. 1830, 2,623. Freeport, t. Livingston co. N. Y. 10 ms. s. E. of Geneseo. Freeport, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. on the Al- leghany r. above the mouth of Buffalo creek, and about 2 ms. below the mouth of Kiskimini. tas r. 15 ms. by land below Kittanning, and 25. above Pittsburg. Freeport, p-v. in Freeport tsp. and in the southwestern part of Harrison co. Ohio, 12 ms., westward from Cadiz, the co. st. and by p-r. 297 s. w. by w. W. C. and 107 a little n, of e. Co- lumbus. Pop. village, 211, and of the tsp. ex- clusive of the village, 980. Freetown, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 40 ms. s. Boston, and 9 s. e. Taunton. Pop. 1,909. Freetown, t. Cortland co. N. Y. about 9 ms. s. e. Homer, and 142 w. Albany. Pop. 1,054. French Broad, r. of N. C. and Tenn. form, ed by two branches, French Broad and Nola- chucky. The French Broad rises in the Blue Ridge at the extreme southern part of Bun- combe CO. N. C. Flowing thence in a north- wardly direction 50 ms. comparative course, receiving tributary creeks from the Blue Ridge on one side, and a ridge of hills on the other, turns to N. w. and at the Warm Springs travers- es the Bald mtn. and enters Tenn. Continuing the latter course 20 ms. receives Pigeon r. from the left, and 5 ms. below joins the Nolachucky. Pigeon r. branch rises in Haywood, N. C. and flowing by a course of n. n. w. 50 ms. also trav- ersing the Bald mtn. joins the French Broad as already noticed. The Nolachucky, similar to: the French Broad, derives its higher sources from the Blue Ridge, in the northern part of Buncombe co. The various branches travers- ing the mtn. valley, unite, and on the sthestrn. side of the chain, form a river, which breaking through Bald mtn, enters Tenn. Here as- suming a western course, over the southern an- gle of Washington co. and separating Greene and Jefferson cos. from Cocke, it joins the French Broad r. almost exactly on lat. 36°^. — The united stream, by a general western course, but with a southern curve, after traversing Jef. ferson and Sevier cos. enters Knox, and falls into Holston r. 4 or 5 ms. above Knoxville, after an entire comparative course from the sources of French Broad of 120 ms. The whole valley drained by the various confluents of this stream forms a triangle of 90 ms. base and 70 perpen- dicular, area 3,150 sq. ms. FRENch cr. a large branch of the Alleghany r. of the 0. heads in Clymer, Chatauque co. N. Y. 10 ms. s. lake Erie.. French cr. absurdly so called, rises in Cha- taque co. N. Y. Flowing thence s. w. 20 ms. enters Erie co. Pa. where gradually curving to s. FRO 166 FUN s. w. and s. receives the Cussawago at Mead- ville, and still curving, turns to s. e. and finally joins the Alleghany r. at Franklin, after a com. parative course of 80 ms. having drained part of Chatauque co. N. Y., the central parts of Erie and Crawford, with the nrthestrn. part of Mer- cer and the nrthwstrn. of Venango co. Fa. It is navigable into Erie co. within a few ms. from Waterford. French cr. and p-o. Lewis co. Va. by p-r. 267 ms. wstrd. from Richmond. French cr. p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 60 ms. s. w. Buffalo, 356 w. Albany. Population 1830, 420. French Grant, p-v. Sciota co. O. by p-r. 420 ms. westward W. C. and 111 southward Colum- bus. Frenchman's Bay, Me. between Mt. Desert isl. and the peninsula of Goldsboro' long. 68° w. lat. 44° 20'. French Mills, v. (See Fort Covington.) French's Mills and p-o. Bradford co. Pa. by p-r. 268 ms. n. W. C. and 162 n. n. e. Harris, burg. French's Mills and p-o. Onslow co. N. C. by p-r. 405 ms. s. W. C. and 188 s. e. by e. Raleigh. Frenchtown, p-v. Hunterdon co. N. J. on Del. r. 30 ms. above Trenton. Friend's Grove, p-v. Charlotte co. Va. by p-r. 195 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 104 s. w. by w. Rich, mond. Friendship, t. Lincoln co. Me. 30ms.E. Wis- casset. Pop. 634. Friendship, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 13 ms. s. w. Angelica. Pop. 1,502. Friendship, p-v. Ann Arundel co. Md. by p-r. 40 ms. from Annapolis. Friendship, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Sumpter dist. S. C. by p-r. 501 ms. sthwstrd. W. C. and 64 s. e. Columbia. Friendsville, p-v. in n. w. part of Susque. hanna co. Pa. on the road from Montrose to Owego ; 12 ms. n. w. from the former, and 25 s. E. from the latter, and by p.r. 166 n. n. e. Harrisburg. Frog's Point. {See Throg's Point.) Front Royal, p-v. in the extreme south- eastern part of Frederick co. Va., 20 miles a little E. of s. Winchester, and by p-r. 74 w. W. C. Frostburg, p-v. Alleghany co. Md., situated on the united road, and on the Back-bone, or Al. leghany mtn., at an elevation of 1,792 ft. above the Atlantic tides ; 9 ms. w. and 1,155 feet above Cumberland on the Potomac, and by p.r. 145 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Frost Run, p-o. Lycoming co. Pa., 6 ms. above Williamsport, and 101 above Harrisburg by p-r. Frost's Ikon Works, and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Stokes co. N. C. by p.r. 6 ms. wstrd. from Germantown the co. seat, 361 s. w. W. C. and 133 n. w. by w. Raleigh. Frostville, p-v., in the n. wstrn. part of Cuyahoga co. O., by p-r. 368 ms. n. w. W. C. and !36 n. e. Columbus. Frozen Run, p-v. formerly called Lycoming, in Lycoming tsp. Lycoming co. Pa. See Ly. coming tsp. Fruit Hill, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa., by p-r. 179 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Fruit's, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Callaway CO. Mo., by p-r. 951 ms. w. W. C, 48 n. Jeffer- son, and 150 n. w. by w. St. Louis. Fryrburg, p-t. Oxford co. Me. on the Saco, which here has a remarkable bend, winding for 36 ms. through the town. The village of Frye- burg stands on a plain, surrounded on all sides except towards the s. by lofty mountains. It contains a flourishing academy, whose funds consist of 15,000 acres of land. It is 60 ms. n. w. of Portland, and 120 n. by e. of Boston. Pop, 1,353. Frysburg, p-v. in the estrn. angle of Lehigh CO. Pa., 12 ms. s. e. Allentown, 12 ms. s. Beth- lehem, and by p-r. 102 ms. n. e. by e. Harris- burg. FuLGHAMPTON, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Copiah CO. Misp., about 50 ms. s. w. Jackson, and an equal distance ^. e. by e. Natchez. Fullwood's Store, and p-o. Mecklenburg co. by p-r. 152 ms. sthwrd. from Raleigh. Fulton, p-t. Schoharrie co. N. Y., 42 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1,604. Fulton, p-v. Rowan co. N. C, by p-r. 137 ms. wstrd. from Raleigh. Fulton, p.o. Sumpter dist. S. C, on the road from Eutaw Springs to Statesburg, by p.r. 51 ms. s. E. Columbia. Fulton, p-v. in the n. estrn. part of Tipton co. Tennessee by p-r. 2l8 miles s. w. by w. Nash- ville. Fulton, p-v. Hamilton co. 0., 3 ms. estrd. Cincinnati, by p-r. 494 w. W. C. and 109 s. w. by w. Columbus. Fui.TON, p-v. and st. jus. Callaway co. Mo., by p-r. 967 ms. w. W. C, 32 n. n. e. Jefferson, and 150 a little n. of w. St. Louis. Lat. 39° 11' and long. 14° 52' w. W. C. Fulton, Fulton co. II. (See Lewistown, Ful. ton CO. II.) Fulton co. of II. bndd. s. w. by Schuyler, w. by Macdonough, n. w. by Warren, n. by Knox, N. E. by Peoria, and s. e. by Illinois r., separat- ing it from Tazewell. Length from s. to n. 33 ms., mean breadth 24, and area 792 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 12' to 40° 42', and in long, from 12° 50' to 13° 25' w. W. C. This co. is chiefly drained by the Kickapoo cr. The slope s. estrds. towards Illinois r. The latter stream opposite to the upper part of the co. di. lates into Peoria lake, a sheet of water upwards of 20 ms. in length, with a breadth from ^ a m. to 2 ms. The face of the co. is diversified by hill and dale; soil highly fertile. Cf. t. Peoria, called in the post office list Fulton. Population 1,841. FuLTONHAM, p.v. in the wstrn. part of Mus- kingum CO. 0., by p.r. 345 ms. n. w. by w. \ w. W.C. and 55 e. Columbus. FuNDY, bay of, sets up between Cape Sable in Nova Scotia, and Mt. Desert isl. Me. The tides at Cumberland, N. B. at the head of the bay, and at some other places, often rise to the height of 70 ft. in the spring; and from 30 to 60 ft. at other points along the bay. FuNKSTowN, p-v. on the left bank of Antictam cr. Washington co. Md., 3. ms. s. s. e. Hagers- town, and 22 n. w. from the city of Frederick. GAL 167 GAL Gadsden, co. of Flor., bndd. s. by the Gulf of Mexico, by the Appalachicola r. which sepa- rates it from Washingtoa w., Jackson n. w., n. by Decatur co. Geo., and on the e. the Ock- lockonne r., which separates it from Leon co. Flor. Length from Gape St. George, including Appalachicola bay, 75 ms., mean breadth 28, and area 2,100 sq. ms. Of. t. Quincy. It ex- tends in lat. from 29° 39' to 30° 40', and in long, from 7° 26' to 8° 08' w. W. C. Pop. 4,895. Gaines, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y., on the Canal, 22 ms. N. Batavia. Soil, mostly a rich loam, watered by Otter, Marsh and Sandy crs. Pop. J, 833. Gainesboro', p-v. Frederick co. Va., 13 ms. s. E. Winchester, and by p-r. 144 n. w. by w.W. G. Gainesboro', p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co. Ten., on the right bank of Cumberland r. 68 ms. n. e. by K. Nashville. Lat. 36° 24', long. 8° 42' w. W. C. Gainesburg, p-v. Dauphin co. Pa., by p-r. 22 ms. from Harrisburg. Gaine's Cross Roads, p-o. Culpepper co. Va., by p-r. 97 ms. s. westerly from W. C, and 128 N. N. w. Richmond. Gaine's Cross Roads, p-o. Boone co. Ky., by p-r. 68 ms. a little e. of n. Frankfort, and 25 s. s. w. Cincinnati. Gaine's Store, and p-o. Pike co. Ala., by p.r. 934 ms. s. w. W. C, and 204 s. e. Tuscaloosa. Gainesville, p-t. Gennessee co. N. Y., 28 ms. s. Batavia. Soil a loamy gravel, heavily timbered; bog iron ores. Pop. 1,934. Gainesville, p-v, and st. jus. Hall co. Geo., 167 ms. a httle w. of n. Milledgeville. Lat. 34° 22', long. 65 42' w. W. C, Galen, t. Wayne co. N. Y., 12 ms. n. Water- loo. Contains about 70,000 acres. Soil prin- cipally good, excepting 4000 acres of marsh, be- ing part of the great Cayuga marsh. The Erie canal passes through the whole extent of the town. There is a salt spring on the estrn. mar- gin, capable of supplying any quantity of good water. Pop. 3,631. Galena, p-v. and st. jus. Joe Daviess co. II., by p-r. 990 ms. from W. C, and 326 n. n. w. ^ N. Vandalia. According to Tanner it is situa- ted on Fever r., 5 ms. above its influx into the Misp. r., lat. 42° 19', long. 13° 22' w. W. C. These relative geographical positions, give the bearing from W. C. to Galena n. 71i-° w. very nearly, and the direct distance 771 statute ms. within an inconsiderable fraction. Galena de- rives its name from the abundant mines in its vi- cinity, of the Galena ore of lead. {See Joe Da- viess CO.) Galion, p-v. in the northwestern part of Richland co. O. by p.r. 398 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 81 a little e. ofN. Columbus. Gallatin, t. Columbia co. N. Y. Pop. 899. Gallatin, p. v. and st. jus. Sumner co. Ten. situated on the road from Nashville to Glasgow, in Ky. 31 ms. n. e. from the former, and 62 s. w. from the latter place. Lat. 36° 20', and long. 9° 24' w. W. C. Gallatin, co. of Ky. bndd. by Grant co. e., Owens. E., Henry s., Oldham s. w., and by Ohio r. which separates it from Jefferson in Ind. n. w. and from Switzerland Ind. n. The Ohio r. where it bounds Gallatin co. Ky. flows by a course of nearly w. and the greatest length of the CO. lies parallel to that stream 36 ms. ; mean breadth about 10, and area 360 sq. ms., lying between lat. 38° 33' and 38° 50', and long. 7° 45' and 8° 25' w. W. C. Ky. r. enters the southern border, and flowing thence n. w. falls into Ohio r. at the co. st. Port William. The surface is hilly but soil fertile. Pop. 1820, 7,075,1830,6,674. Gallatin, p-v. and st. jus. Copiah co. Misp. situated on the southern branch of Bayou Pierre G5 ms. N. E. by e. Natchez, and 40 ms. s. w. Jackson. Lat. 31° 51', long. 13° 35'. Gallatin, p-v. in the western part of Parke CO. Ind. by p-r. 639 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. W. C and 77 w. Indianopolis. Gallatin, co. of 11. bndd. s. by Pope, w. by Franklin, n. w. by Hamilton, n. e. by White, n. E. byE. by the lower part of Wabash r. separat- ing it from Posey co. of Ind., e. by Ohio r. separating it from Union co. Ky., and s. e. by the Ohio r. separating it from Livingston co. Ky. Greatest length from south to north 40 ms. mean breadth 22, and area 792 sq. ms. Extend, ing in lat. from 37° 27' to 38° and in long, from 11° 08' to 11° 48' w. W. C. This large co. is a natural section in itself, being nearly commensu. rate with the valley of Saline r. The slope is to the s. E. in the general direction of Saline r. though the base of its plain, the channels of Wabash and Ohio rs. extend from north to south very nearly ; as the Ohio opposite Gallatin co. of II. continues the course of lower Wabash. Saline r. derives its name from extensive springs of water, impregnated with common culinary salt (muriate of soda,) which is manu- factured in considerable quantities in this co. Cf. t. Shay/neetown. Pop. 7,405. Gallatin's r. one of the extreme southwest- etn sources of Missouri proper. This stream rises in one of the Chippewayan vallies, about lat. 44°, long. 32° w. W. C, and interlocking sources with those of Yellow Stone r. on the east, Madison's river on the west, and with a mountain chain intervening, opposite to those of Lewis r. Flowing northwards unites with Madison's and JeflTerson's rs. to form Missouri. The very elevated valley from which issue these remote fountains of Missouri, is one of those in- teresting mountain basins, of which Bohemia in Europe, and Mexico in North America, are other striking examples. (See Missouri r.) Gallia, co. of 0. bndd. s. w. by Lawrence, w. by Jackson, n. w. by Athens, n. by Meigs, and N. E., E. and s. e. by Mason co. Va., from which it is separated by Ohio r. Length from south to north 30, mean width 16, and area 480 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 34' to 39°, and in long, from 5° 07' to 5° 30' w. W. C. This CO. lies opposite to the mouth of Great Kenhawa, is traversed by Raccoon cr., and though bndd. by the Ohio r. on the east, the slope is parallel to and not towards that stream. The surface of the whole co. with but little exception isbro- ken, the soil various, but in part very produc. tive. Cf. t. Gallipolis. Pop. 1820, 7,098, 1830, 9,733. GAR 168 GAS Gallipolis, p-v. and st. jus. Gallia co. 0. by p-r. 362 ms. w. W. C. and 108 s. e. Columbus. It is situated on a rather elevated second bot- tom, on the right bank of Ohio r. nearly opposite Point Pleasant in Mason co. Va., at the mouth of Great Kenhawa. This place and Gallia co. were named by the original French settlers un- der M. D'Hebecourt. This small colony were fixed on Ohio, about the beginning of the French revolution. The place now contains, according to Flint, a court house, jail, two places of pub- lie worship, an academy, three steam mills, one printin.dner's Store, and p-o. Randolph co. N. C. by p-r. 51 ms. westward from Raleigh. Gardner's Tavern, and p-o. Hanover co. Va, 21 ms. from Richmond, Garland, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 28 ms.N. w. Bangor. Pop. 621. Garner's Ford, and p-o, Rutherford co. N. C. by p-r. 222 ms. s. w. by w, Raleigh. Garnet, p-v. in the southern part of Henry CO. Ind.by p-r. 530 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. W. C. and 44 a little n. of e. Indianopolis. Gargga, cr. rises in Johnstown, Montgomery CO. N. Y. and runs s. w. about 20 ms. to the Mohawk, and is a fine mill stream. Garrard, co. of Ky. bndd. by Rockcastle n. E., Lincoln s. w., Mercer n. w., Ky. r. which divides it from Jessamine n., and by Madison n, e. Length 30, mean breadth 8, and area 240 sq. ms. Lying between 37° 28' and 37° 52', and long. 7° 16' and 7° 42' w. W. C. It is com- posed of the space between Dicks r. and Paint Lick cr. and is a highly productive tract. Cf. t. Lancaster. Pop. 1820, 10,851, 1830, 11,871. Garrettsville, p-v. Portage co. O. Garwood's Mill, and p-o. southeastern part of Logan co. Ky. by p-r. 10 ms. southeastward Bellefontaine, the co. st. 448 n. w. by w. W. C. and 52 n. w. by w. Columbus. Gasconade, r. confluent of Mo. in the state of Mo. rises interlocking sources with those of the southeastern branches of Osage r. and the numerous branches of White, Black, andMara- mec rs. The extreme sources of Gasconade are in Wayne co., but flowing thence towards the n. e. enters Gasconade co. which it travers- es to its entrance into Mo. r. at the village of Gasconade, after a comparative course of 140 ms. The valley of this r. lies between lat 37" and 38° 40', and between long. 14° 25' and 16° O'w.W.C. Gasconade, co, of Mo, bndd. e, by Franklin, s. and s, w, by cos. unknown, n. w. by Osage r, separating it from Cole co., n. w. by Mo. r. sep- arating it from Calaway co. and Mo. r. on the N. E. separating it from Montgomery co. Length from e. to w. 45, mean breadth 28, area 1,^60 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 67' to 38° 32', and in long, from 14° 20' to 15° 08' w. W. C. This CO. is traversed and bisected into two very nearly equal sections by Gasconade r. the general slope being to the n. eastward, to- ward Mo. r. The southeastern angle giving source to the Bourbeuse branch of the Mara- mec. Cf. t. Gasconade. Pop. 1,545. GEN 169 GEN Gasconade, p-v. and st. jus. Gasconade co. 1 ties of maple sugar. A tract about 40 ms. Mo., is situated on the point above the junction wide, along Genesee r., is the best land in all of Gasconade with Mo. r. 80 ms, a little n. of w. from St. Louis, and by p-r. 47 ms, a little n. of E. Jefferson. Lat. 38° 40', long. 14° 32' w. W. C. Gassaway's Mills, and p-o. in the eastern part of Monroe co. 0. by p-r. 304 ms. westward W. C, and 150 eastward Columbus, Gates, t. st. jus. Monroe co. N. Y. 236 ms. w. N. w. Albany. The post borough of Ro- chester, the seat of the co. buildings, is in this town. The Erie canal extends e. and w. through thistsp., crossing the Genesee r. at the Falls by a stone aqueduct. Pop. 1,631. Gates, co, of N. G. bndd. east by Pasquo- tank, southeast by Perquimans, by Chowan or Meherin r. which separates it from Hertford s., and Northampton s. w., by Southampton co. Va. N. w., and Nansemond n., lying between lat. 36° 18' and 36° 30', and between long-. 10 min- utes w. and 20 e. from W. C. Pop. 1820, 6,837, in 1830, 7,866. Gates co. is well situa- ted for navigation, as besides being bordered by Chowan r. that stream receives within the CO. the united waters of Nottaway and Black water. Gates, c. h. and p-o. in the forks of Bennett's cr. Gates co. N. C, about 45 ms. s. w. Norfolk in Va. and by p-r. 214 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 25', long. 0° 12' e. W. C. Gatesville, p-v. and st. jus. Gates co. N. C. by p-r. 254 ms. s. W. C, and 141 n, e, by e. Raleigh. It is situated on the main road from Raleigh to Norfolk in Virginia, and at the forks of Bennett's cr. a small branch of Chowan r. lat. 36° 23', long. 0° 14' e. W, C, Gauley, r. of Virginia, rises in Randolph, Pocahontas, and Green Briar cos. by numerous crs. which unite in Nicholas, and flow by a course of a little s. of w. falling into the right side of the Great Kenhawa river, at the head of ths Great Falls. The valley of Gauley r. is about 60 ms. long, and lies between those of Elk and Green Briar rs. Gauley Bridge, and p-o. on the Great Ken- hawa r. Kenhawa co. Va. by p.r. 278 ms. a little N. of w. Richmond and 344 s. w. by w. W. C. Geeharts, p-o. in the western part of Somer- set CO. Pa. by p-r. 175 ms. n. w. from W. C. Geiger's Mills, and p-o, in the southeastern part of Berks CO. Pa. by p-r. 138 ms. n. n. e. W. C and 63 eastward Harrisburg. Geloster, P-v. Kalamazoo co. Michigan about 140 ms. w. Detroit. General Pike, p-o. late Phoenixville, Ches- ter CO. Pa. by p-r. 132 ms. n. e, W. C. and 77 B. E. by e. Harrisburg. Genesee, co. N, Y. bndd. by lake Ontario n., by Monroe and Livingston cos. e., s. by Alle- ghany and Cattaraugus, and w. by Erie and Ni- agara cos. Extreme length n. and s. 54 ms., extreme width 29|, containing 1,280 square ms. or 819,200 acres. Lands heavily timbered, on the lake Erie table land. Soil loamy or gravel- ly, good for wheat and grass. Its surface undu- lating, extensive champaigns, small swells, and broad vallies. Limestone, iron ore, water lime, -salt springs, and various clays are among its mineral productions. It produces vast quanti- the state, and equal to any wheat country in the world, and yet till within about 20 years, was unknown as such. Multitudes of New England- ers passed it, and w€nt to settle on cold poor land, where 30 bushels of corn and potatoes only, satisfied them. Atlengtiia man named Rogers made an experiment on the alluvial Genesee land with wheat, and raised immense crops. Now it yields 60 bushels of corn to the acre, 25 of wheat ; the latter at an expense (rent inclu- ded) of only 33 and sometime 25 per cent. An. cient mounds are numerous, mere burying grounds, where bones are found in heaps, much decayed, laid horizontally. Indian skeletons are often washed out of the banks in sitting pos- tures, with implements, &c. Broaches and crosses are sometines found, which were brought from Canada. Consumption is not known in this region ; but cutaneous disorders abound. There are no manufactories except flour mills, &c. Threshing is done by ma. chines, v.'hich cost from $80 to $150 each. Cf, t. Batavia. Pop. 1820, .39,835, 1830, 51,992. Genesee, r., lises on the great table land, or Grand Plateau of Western Pennsylvania, runs N. across the western part of N. Y. and empties into lake Ontario. Near its mouth, at Carthage, there are falls of 75 ft., and at Rochester, just above, of 96 ft., and some rapids for 2 ms. fur- ther, from the head of which, the feeder leads into the Erie canal. In the town of Nunda, at the N. end of Alleghany co-. are two other falls near each other, of 60 and 90 ft. Genesee, t. Alleghany co. N. Y. Population 219. Geneseo, p-t. St. jus. Livingston co. N. Y. 27 miles s. s. w. Rochester, and 238 from Alba, ny. Surface undulating. In Fall brook is a cascade nearly 100 ft. almost perpendicular. Pop. 2,675. Geneva, one of the most delightful villages in N. Y. is situated at the n. w, extremity of Seneca lake, of which it commands a fine view, as well as of the surrounding scenery. It lies near the outlet of the lake, in the town of Sene- ca, Ontario co. N, Y, 14 ms, e, Canandaigua, and 179 w. Albany. It is very neatly built, and contains many fine country seats, 4 churches, a bank, and Geneva college, which was found- ed in 1825. In this institution are a president, 3 professors, and 3 other instructors. Students 1 832—3, 44. In the libraries are about 2000 vols. Com. 1st Wednesday in Aug. Geneva, p.v. and tsp. in the western part of Ashtabula co. Ohio, by p-r. 348 ms. n. w. W. C. and 180 ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 77L Geneva, p-v. in the northwestern part of the CO. by p.r. 585 ms. w. W. C. and 53 s. e. Indi- anopolis. Genito, p-v. on the left bank of Appamattox r. in the southeastern part of Powhatan co. Vir- ginia, by p-r. 34 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Genoa, p-v. and tsp. Delaware co. O. The p-v. is in the southern part of the co. 17 ms. northward from Columbus, and 392 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Pop. 659. Genoa, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 20 miles s. Au- burn, and 185 it&m Albany. Surface gently GEO 170 GEO uneven. Soil remarkably fertile. Well sup- plied with mill seats. Pop. 2,768. Gentry's Store, and p-o. Spencer co. Indi- ana, about 160 ms. a little w. of s. Indianopolis. Gentsville, p-o. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 102 ms. a little n. w. Columbia, and 536 s. w. W. C. Georges Store, aiid p-o. Pike co. Ala. by p-r. 168 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Georgesville, p-v. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 81 ms. northward from Jackson. Georgesville, p-v. in Pleasant tsp. and in the southwestern angle of Franklin co. Ohio, 13 ms. s. w. Columbus, and- by p-r. 409 s. w. by w. i w. W. C. Pop. 39. Georgetown, t. Lincoln co. Me. at the mouth of the Kennebec, 15 ms. s. w. Wiscasset. Pop. 1,258. Georgetown, p.t. Madison co. N. Y. 12 ms. s. w. Morrisville, and 106 w. Albany, good for grazing, &c. Pop. 1,094. Georgetown, p-v. on the left bank of the Ohio river, immediately above the mouth of Mill cr. and of the Virginia line, Beaver co. Pa. 35 ms. by land w. n. w. Pittsburg. Georgetown, p-v. and st. jus. Sussex co. Delaware, on the height of land between the sources of Nanticoke and Indian rs. 37 ms. a little E. of s. Dover. Lat. 38° 43'. long. 1° 37' E. W. C. Georgetown, port of entry, and p-t. at the head of the tide, and on the left bank of Poto. mac river, Washington co. Dist. Columbia. It extends in length along the Potomac, and in breadth up Rock cr. rising by a blod acclivity from both streams. The Chesapeake and Ohio canal passes through this town. It is the seat of a Roman Catholic college, and of considera- ble commerce. The college is the oldest one of that denomination in the U. S. It was in. corporated, 1799, and empowered to confer de- grees by Congress, 1815. There about 20 teachers belonging to the institution, about 150 students, and the library contains 7,000 vols. There is also a nunnery here, and catholic fe- male academy ; the first containing about 60 nuns, and the latter 100 pupils. Commence- ment of the college is in July. The progressive population is shown by the subjoined table. (See article District Columbia.) Whites, Free Col'd, Slaves, Total, 1810, 3,235 551 1,162 4,948 1820, 4,940 894 1,526 7,360 1830, 6,057 1,209 1,175 8,441 Georgetown, dist. of S. C. bndd. by Santee r. which separates it from Charlestown dist. s. and s. w., by Williamsburg dist. w. and n. w., by Horry dist. n. and n. e., and by the Atlantic E. and s. E. Length nearly parallel to the ocean 40 ms., mean breadth 26, and area 1,040 sq. ms. Lying between lat. 33° 05' and 33° 46', and long. 2° 13' and 2° 50' w. W. C. The surface of this dist. is a plain, in many places marshy, but much of the r. soil is very productive, and as it is in a remarkable manner traversed by rivers, the commercial advantages are exten- sive. Besides the outlets of Santee r. Winyaw bay is the estuary of Waccamaw, Great Pedee, and Black rs. All those confluents of Winyaw, unite at, or near Georgetown, the mart and st. jus. of the dist. Rice and cotton are the prin- cipal staples. Pop. 1820, 17,603, 1830, 19,943, Georgetown, p-t. port of entry and st. jus. Georgetown dist. S. C. situated on the point above the junction of Sampit cr. and Pedee r. ; the body of the town is, however, on the for- mer. About 3 ms. above the Port, Pedee re- ceives Black r. from the w., and directly oppo- site, and E. from the harbor, Waccamaw comes in from the n. n. e. Vessels of 11 ft. draught are admitted over the bar of Pedee and up to Georgetown. Having an extensive and well cultivated interior, Georgetown carries on an extensive commerce. Lat. 33° 21', and long. 2° 22' w. W. C. Georgetown is distant by the road 70 ms. n. e. Charleston, by p-r. 151 ms. s. E. by e. Columbia, and 480 s. s. w. W. C. Georgetown, p-v. and st. jus. Scott co. Ky. is situated on Elkhorn creek, 15 ms. e. Frank- fort, 12 w. of N. Lexington, and 60 s. w. Mays- ville. It is a place of considerable trade, and contains a college, 5 houses of public worship, a printing office where a weekly paper is pub. lished, and an excellent female seminary. The college has 2 professors, a tutor, about 70 stu- dents, and a small library. A preparatory de- partment is connected with it. Lat. of the vil. 38° 14', long. 7° 31' w. W. C. Pop. 1,344. Georgetown, p-v. Copiah co. Misp. about 45 ras. a little n. of e. Natchez, and by p-r. 57 s. s. w. Jackson, Georgetown, p-v. Short Creek tsp. Harrison CO. O. Georgetown Cross Roads and p-o. in the n. E. part of Kent co. Md. 15 ms. n. e. Chester. to%vn, and 40 n. n. e, Baltimore. Georgetown, p-v. and st. jus. Brown co. O, by p-r. 480 ms. w. W. C, 104 s. s. w. Colum. bus, and 45 s. e. by e. Cincinnati. It is situa. ted on White Oak creek, and in the southwest, ern part of the co. Lat 38° 53', long. 6° 51' w. W. C. Population 1830, 325. Georgia, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 18 ms. n. Bur. lington, and 41 n. w. Montpelier, being situated on lake Champlain. Mill privileges numerous. The soil is in general rich and productive. There is a natural bridge over one of the streams. Pop. 1,897. Georgia, one of the U. S., bndd. s. and s. w. by Flor., w. by Ala. n. w. by Ten., n. by N. C, N. E. and E. by S. C, and s, e, by the Atlantic. The greatest line that can be drawn in Geo, is from the mouth of St. Mary's r. to the n. w. an. gle of the state, in a direction n., 40° 41' w. ; 394 statute ms., and carefully measured by the rhomb, the area is found 62,083 sq. ms., there- fore the mean breadth is 157^ ms. very nearly. Extending in lat. from 30° 20, at the extreme southern bend of St, Mary's r, to 35 n. on the Ten. and N. C, line. In long, it extends from 3° 57', at the mouth of Savannah r., to 8° 42; w. W. C. at the northwestern angle of Ten. Geor. gia occupies the great inclined plain, from which the peninsula of Florida is protruded, and from which, on the s. e. the rivers run into the At. lantic, and s. w. into the gulf of Mexico. From the southern border of Geo. this great plain rises by a gradual acclivity from the inundated Atlantic border, to at least 1,200 feet elevation above the tides, without estimating the ridges GEO 171 GEO of mountains. The difference of height being- equivalent to 3 degrees of temperature, and the lat. difference amounting to 4° 40 ; the whole extreme of temperature included in Geo. is 7|° Fahrenheit. It is found both from vegetable life and from experiments made with the ther- mometer, that the seasons on the Atlantic coast have at least two degrees higher temperature than those of places on equal height, and the same latitude in the basin of Misp. From all the preceding causes the state of Georgia pre- sents a very marked variety of seasons and of vegetable production. In both these respects, the latter, however, arising from the former, gives to the state a range of vegetable existence wider than that of any other state of the U. S. It is physically divided, like the two Garolinas, into three zones. First, the flat sea border, in- cluding numerous small islands ; second, the sand hill zone, spreading by an indefinite out- line between the sea border, and the third, a hilly and part mountainous tract, beyond the lower falls of the rivers. The sea sand allu- vial border, in part diurnally inundated by the ocean tides, with some fertile, but much s+erile soil, may be called the tropical climate of Geor- gia, Here, along the streams, the season of summer is sufficiently long and warm to mature the sugar cane, orange, olive, date, palm, and many other tender plants. The second, or sand hill region, with equal diversity of soil, produces maize and cotton, as the most valua- ble staples. But the third, the hilly and moun- tainous section, abounding in excellent soil, pure fountain water, and a more salubrious air, is for human residence, much the finest part of the state. Here the bread grains, the apple, peach and plum, the green pasture, and rich meadows in summer and autumn, and in winter the de- nuded forest, announce a climate of northern texture. The description of these zones must, levertheless, be taken as general ; where they separate, the features are so blended as to defy exact demarcation, but on the other hand, if we assume the two extremes, the contrast is indeed strongly marked. No two regions could, in every physical feature, differ much more essen. tially than does the low, flooded, bilious Atlan- tic border, cut by the St. Mary's, Santilla, Al- tamaha, and Ogeechee rs., and the elevated, broken, rocky tract, from which are poured the clear and pure confluents of the Coosa and Ten. One very remarkable circumstance in the cli- mates of the southern sections of the U. S. may be here appropriately noticed. Sweet oranges are reared on the Atlantic coast as high as Beaufort dist. in S. C. or to 32° 30' n., and the fan palm, and live oak grow as indigenous ve- getables as far as the mouth of Cape Fear r. in N. C, lat. 34°. On the Misp. the live oak ceases below 30° 30' n , and the fan palm (pal- metto) at about 31° n. Sugar cane cannot be cultivated to advantage in La. above lat. 30° 30', vv^hilst that plant flourishes along the entire sea border of Georgia into S. C. In brief, it may be stated that at one extremity Georgia produces wheat, and at the other sugar, and taking the whole state, amongst many more staples of less value, we may enumerate sugar, rice, indigo, tobacco, cotton, wheat, rye, oats. and maize. The range of garden vegetables is also immense. Such are the natural advanta- ges possessed by this extensive state, that its advance in wealth and population since the American revolution has been so rapid, that of the Atlantic states, it has been second only to N, Y. in relative progression. Though from many causes, seminaries of education have languished in the southern states, this primary object of human policy has met with considera- ble attention in Georgia. Franklin college, at Athens, Clark eo., is the incipient step towards a projected university. A branch of their plan of instruction was to have an academy in every CO. This has in part been effected ; but neces- sarily remains imperfect in the recently settled COS., many of which were not designated at the taking of the census for 1820. Population. — This has increased very rapidly in Georgia. In 1749 it amounted to 6,000 only. In 1790 it was 82,548 ; in 1800, 162,686 ; 1810, 252,433 ; 1820, 348,989; and in 1830, 516,823, to which we prefix that of 1820, with the free, slave, and aggregate pop. of 1830, as follows — Counties. pop. 1S20. Free. Slaves. total 1830 J, 264 1,289 179 1,468 978 275 1,253 7,734 2,753 4,542 7,295 4,165 2,988 7,154 3,021 737 2,402 3,139 2,578 1,937 650 2,.587 11,577 5,191 6,042 11,833 3,261 1,683 4,944 4,342 1,492 3,086 4,578 2,705 618 3,323 2,932 487 3,419 14,737 4,649 9,478 14,127 8,7n7 5,467 4,709 10,176 12,095 4,574 8,032 12,606 3,031 1,372 5,003 3,595 1,718 5,313 2,546 1,308 3,854 8,394 1,648 10,042 1,799 336 2,135 768 1,511 540 2,051 3,018 1,712 1,212 2,924 11,788 6,589 5,765 12,354 2,928 2,208 465 2,673 4,317 1,187 5,504 9,040 7,737 2,370 10,107 3,418 799 3,968 4.567 13,589 5,079 7,470 12,549 4,589 10,957 2,332 13,289 3,145 9,762 909 10,671 5,0Sfi 1(1,537 1,181 11,748 12,734 4,640 7,180 11,820 2,836 2,269 5,005 7,995 2,571 10,566 5,175 2,194 7,369 411 1,071 109 1,180 8,355 6,221 2,783 9,004 14,614 6,809 6,322 13,131 7,056 3,662 3,647 7,309 16,560 6,516 6,829 13,345 5,436 3,214 2,375 5,589 1,369 311 1,680 6,695 1,609 5,624 7,233 6,458 2,869 3,276 6,145 2,118 335 2,453 3,735 3,387 1,259 4,646 5,129 1,204 3,794 4,998 1,327 109 1,436 3,028 1,394 4,422 8,849 7,353 16,202 1,862 934 335 1,269 13,520 5,226 6,820 12,045 2,263 1,240 3,508 8,152 3,003 11,155 14,046 5,670 7,940 13,618 4,376 1,773 6,149 5,283 3,141 1,765 4,906 15,475 5,554 7,707 13,261 GEO 172 GEO (bounties. pop. 1820 Free. Slaves. pop. 1830. ( 524 2,117 59 2,176 1,509 682 2,191 8,fi08 5,398 6,246 11,644 3,941 2,410 2,366 4,776 3,841 2,099 5,940 2,199 2,735 4,934 2,G44 1,534 506 2,040 2,104 1,571 565 2,136 2,131 1,168 3,299 3,611 2,188 5,799 10,640 4,5-J4 3,507 8,031 4,455 2,557 7,013 4,192 7,766 3,163 10,929 1,144 61 1,205 10,630 6,253 4,693 10,946 10,627 5,911 3,909 9,820 687 276 963 5,277 8,960 14,237 340,947 5j591 299,292 1,922 6,513 2x7,531 516,823 Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Scriven, Talhot, Taliaferro, Tatnall, Telfair, Tliomas, Troupe, 'J'vvii;gs, Upson, Walton, Ware, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Total, Of the foregoing population of 1830, were white persons ; Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 33,027 30,958 From 5 to 10, 23,709 22,590 " 10 to 1,5, 18,.584 17,988 " 15 to 20, 15,186 16,452 " 20 to 30, 26,844 24,036 " 30 to 40, 16,156 13,974 " 40 to 50, 9,542 8,427 " CO to 60, 5,674 5,089 " 60 to 70, 3,083 2,664 " 70 to 80, 1,120 987 •' 80 to 90, 290 268 " 90 to 100, 63 65 " 100 and upwards, 10 20 Total, 153,288 143,518 Of the above are deaf and dumb,, under l4 years, 50; 14 to 25, 51.; 25 and upwards, 44; blind 150. Colored population.. Free Slav, 2S. Males. Fems. Males. Fenw. Under 10 years of age, 368 347 38,367 38,102 From 10 to 24, 353 330 34,253 33,917 " 24 to 36, 224 231 19,440 20,527 " 36 to 55, 186 185 12,818 12,325 " 55 to 100, 118 126 3,647 3,765 " 100 and upwards, 12 6 92 78 Total,, 1,281 1,225 108,817 108,714 Fr-.'3 colored' and slaves who are deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 26 ; 14 to 25, 21 ; 25 and upwards, 12.; blind, 1-23. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 296,8J6 2,486 217,531 516,823 On comparing' the aggregate population of Georgia for 1820^ with that of 1830, it will be seen in that decennial period, the ratio of in- crease has been over 51 per cent. Government,- — The first constitution of Geor- gia was adopted February, 1777. The second in 1785, which was amended in 1789, and the third, last, and existing constitution in May, 1798. The legislature consists of a senate and house of representatives, elected each annually. To be eligible to the senate, demands one year's residence in the district from which elected, 3 years an inhabitant of the state, 9 years citi- zenship of the U. S., 25 years of age, and a pos- session within the co. of a freehold estate of ^500, or of taxable property to the amount of ^1,000. The senate is composed of one mem- ber from each. CO.. The house of representa- tives is composed of members from all the cos. which were formed at the date of the constitu- tion, or which might be formed subsequently, ac- cording to their respective numbers of free white persons, and including three fifths of all the people of color. Enumerations are made septennially ; each co. to have at least one, and not more than 4 members. Members of the lower house must be 21 years of age ; must have been 7 years a citizen of the U. S., 3 years an inhabitant of Georgia, residing at least 1 year in the co. immediately preceding his election, from which he maybe chosen; and be pos- sessed, in his own right, of a settled freehold es- tate of the value of $250, or of taxable property to the amount of $500, within the co., for at least 1 year preceding his election. Absence on the public business of the state, or the U. S., ex- cuses from the otherwise requisite residence ; and the required property must be clear of all incumbrance. The executive power is vested in a governor, who holds his office 2 years, and is elected by the general assembly ; he must, when elected, have been a citizen of the U. S. 12 years, of the state of Georgia 6 years, have attained to the age of 36 years, and possess 5r.O acres of land, of his own right, within the state, and other property to the amount of $4000, and whose estate shall, on a reasonable estimation,, be competent to the discharge of his debts over and above that sum. To exercise the right of suffrage, demands citizenship, 21 years of age, and the actual payment of taxes. The judiciary is composed of a supreme and inferior courts. Judges of the supreme court are elected by the- people, for the term of 3 years, and are remov- able by the governor on the address of two thirds- of both houses of the legislature, or by impeach- ment. Inferior judges are elected annually.. No religious obligation, test, or disqualification is admitted, nor is any person to be denied the enjoyment of any civil right merely on account of his religious principles. Amendments to the constitution are made by vote of two thirds of both branches of the legislature, at two suc- ceeding sessions. History. — Of the thirteen original states of the U. S. Georgia was settled most recently. The patent under which this colony was estab- lished was granted by George II., 1732, to 21 persons, under the title of " the trustees for set- tling the colony of Georgia." The name was given in honor of the royal grantor ; and the first settlers arrived at Charleston in January, 1733, under the command of general James Ogle- thorpe. In the spring of that year, the founda- tion of Savannah was laid, but from the blind feudal principles of granting land, and the de- fective characters of most of the colonists, the advance was very slow in the first years ef set- tlement. Time and experience meliorated these municipal evils ; but as a feeble colony, the rava- ges of war could not be averted. Spain, even in times of peace claimed the country; and in war, her colonies in Florida, and the West Indies, fa- cilitated an invasion of Georgia, and what was perhaps fully as injurious, retaliation was equally facile. In fact, the first serious attempt at con- quest was made in 1740, when general George Oglethorpe made an attempt to seize St. Augus- GER 173 GIB tine, and was repulsed with loss. In 1742 the Spaniards in their turn invaded Georgia, and were also defeated in their design. Laboring under so many combined burthens, the exports of Georgia, in 1750 fell short of ^50,000. In 1752 the charter was changed, and the province became a royal colony, when more liberal prin- ciples of trade and tenure were adopted. A general representative assembly was estab- lished in 1755, and was in 1763 followed by a cession of all the country between the Alta- maha and St. Mary's rivers. The latter grant was one of the meliorating consequences to Georgia, of the cession of Florida to Great Bri- tain. From this epoch Georgia prospered, though vexed and retarded by Indian warfare, and bythewarof the revolution. Indeed no other state ofthe U. S. has suffered more, if so much, from the proximity of the Indian tribes, nor has any other of the original colonies, Virginia excepted, ceded to the U. S. so much of chartered territory. By different con- ventions, all ofthe new states of Ala. and Misp. N. of lat. 31°, or about 100,000 sq. ms., have been yielded to the general government. At present, 1830, Georgia holds a respectable rank amongst her sister states. The value of her exports in 1817 amounted to between 8 and 9 millions of dollars, and which has since been gradually augmenting. Geren's Store and p-o. Guilford co. N. C. by p-r. 10 1 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. German t. Chenango co. N. Y. 15 ms. w. Norwich, and 115 w. Albany. Contains abund- ance of fine mill seats. Lands very rich along the streams. Pop. 884. German Flats, p-t. s. Mohawk, Herkimer CO. N. Y., 5 ms. s. e. Herkimer, and 75 from Albany. A remarkably rich soil. It lies on the grand canal. Here stood fort Herkimer. In 1757, the settlements in this town were desolated by fire and sword. Pop. 2,466. Germanna, p-v. on the right bank of Rapid Ann r. in the n. e. angle of Orange co. Va. 20 ms. by land above Fredericksburg, and by p-r. 72 ms. s. w, W. C. Germans, p-v. Harrison co. 0. by p-r. 28 1 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 140 n. e. by e. Columbus. German Settlement and p-o. Preston co. Va. by p-r. 170 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Germantown, t. Columbia co. N. Y. e. of the Hudson, 12 ms. s. ofthe city of Hudson. Sur- face gently undulating, soil good for grass, &c. Poorly watered — remarkably well timbered — noted for fruit. Pop. 967. Germantown, p-v. and st. jus. Hyde co. N. C. situated on a small bay of Pamlico sound, or rather of Pamlico r., about 40 ms. a little s. of E. Washington, at the mouth ot Tar r. and by p-r. 149 ms. in nearly a similar direction from Raleigh. Lat. 35° 24', and long. 0° 35' e. W. C. Germantown, p-v. Phil. co. Pa. It is a double line of houses, with the Reading road as a street, extending upwards of 4 ms. from its commencement, 6 ms. from Phil. Mt. Airy college is located in Germantown. Pop. 4,628. GERMA^T0WN, p.v. about the centre of Fau- quier CO. Va. by p-r. 133 ms. n. w. by w. Ra- leigh. 23 Germantown, p-v. in the s. w. part of Mason CO. Ky. by p-r. 81 ms. n. e. Frankfort. Germantown, p-v. in German tsp. and in the nrthwstrn. part of Montgomery co. O. 15 ms. s. w. Dayton, the co. st. by p-r. 487 n. w. by w. i w. W^. C. and 90 ms. a little s. of w. Colum- bus. Pop. tsp. 4,700. German Valley, Morris co. N. J. a beautiful and rich valley, through which runs the s. branch of Raritan r. 16 ms. w. Morristown. Gerrardstown, p-v. in the southern part of Berkley co. Va. 18 ms. n. Winchester. Gerry, t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 18 ms. e. Mayville. Well watered. The timber consists of beech, maple, birch, basswood, ash, elm, oak, walnut, hemlock, &c. Pop. 1,110. Gettysburg, p-v. borough and st. jus. Adams CO. Pa. situ *ed on a fine elevated site between. Marsh and Ro^^k crs. of Monocacy r. Il5ms. a little s. of w. Phil, and by p-r, 44 ms. s. s. w. Harrisburg. Lat. 39° 50' and long. 0° 14' w. W. C. It is a very pleasant town, in a well cul- tivated and delightful vicinage, extending mostly in a single street along the main and direct road from Phil, to Pittsburg. Pop. 1,473. Ghent, t. Columbia co. N. Y. 1 1 ms. e. Hud- son. Excellent land, well supplied with mill seats and mills. Pop. 2,783. Ghent, p-v. Gallatin co. O. on the left bank of 0. r. opposite Vevay, Switzerland co. Ind. by p-r. 52 ms. a little w. of n. Hartford. Gholson's, P-o. Graves co. Ky. by p-r. 259 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Gholsonville, P-v. on the left bank of Me- herin r. Brunswick co. Va. by p-r. 78 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Gibbons' Tavern, and p-o. Delaware co. Pa. by p-r. 94 ms. s. e. by e. Harrisburg, and 126 n. E. W.C. Gibbonsville, ^See Watervliet.) Gibraltar, p-v. in Iowa co. Mich, by p-r. 1,012 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. This place is not located on Tanner's map, but relatively with Cassville, and Galena in II. it must be between the two latter, and about 22 ms. above Galena. Gibson, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. by p-r. 177 ms. n. n. e. Harrisburg. Gibson, co. of Ten. bndd. by Dyer w., Obion N. w.. Weakly n., Carroll e., Madison s., and Haywood s. w. Length 30 ms. mean breadth 22 ; area 660 sq. ms. Lat. 36°, long. 12° w. W, C. intersect near the centre of this co. The slope of this co. is westward, towards the Misp. r. and down which flow various branches of Forked Deer, and Obion rs. Cf. t. Gibbonsville. Pop. 5,801. Gibson Port, p-v. of Gibson co. Ten. about 150 ms. a little s. of w. Nashville. Gibson Port, Claiborne co. Misp. (See Port Gibson, smne co.) Gibson, co. of Ind. bndd. n. by White r. sep- arating it from Knox co. ; n. e. and e. by Pike ; s. E. by Warrick; s. by Vanderberg; s. w. by Posey, and w. and n. w. by Wabash r. separa- ting it from Wabash co. II. Greatest length from E. to w. 38 ms. ; mean breadth 16. and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 12' to 38° 34' and in long, from 10° 22' to 1 1° 04' w. from AV. C. Slope of the northern and western section very nearly due w. and in that direction GIL 174 GLO the northern part is traversed by Patoka r. The southeastern angle gives source to Great Pigeon creek, a confluent of 0. r,, and declines southwardly towards that comparatively large recipient. Face of the co. broken. Cf town Princeton. Pop. 5,418. GiLEAD, p-t. Oxford CO. Me. on the Androscog- gin, 30 ms. w. Paris. Pop. 377. GiLEAD, p-v. and st. jus. Calhoun coi II., by p-r. 907 ms. w. W. C. ; 126 ms. a little n. of w. Vandalia, and 50 ms. n. n. w. St. Louis in Mo. It is situated between the Misp. and II. rs. near the right bank of the latter: lat. 39° 03', long. 13<3 37' w. W. C. Gilford, t. Strafford co. N, H. s. side lake Win- nipiseogee, 23 ms. n. e. Concord. Contains an academy, 11 schools, a valuable paper manu- factory, and other useful mills and machinery. Pop. 1,870. Giles, co. ofVa., bndd. n. by Monroe, n. e. by Botetourt, s. e. by jVIontgomery, s. by Wythe, s. w. by Tazewell, by the Great Flat Top mtn. which separates it from Logan w., and from Fayette n. w. On its extreme n. n. w. it is se- parated from Greenbriar co. by New r. The form of this co. is a rude approach to a half moon, and the length between the points about 70 ms. Lying between lat. 37° 06' and 37° 43' and long. 3° 15' to 4° 15' w. W. C. Surface a congeries of mtn. ridges and intervening vallies, extending in a n. e. and s. w. direction. The mtn. vallies are cut and traversed almost at right angles by the Great Kenhawa, which pouring from the elevated vales between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany, in a n. n. e. course, suddenly in- flects to N. w., and passing the latter, enters Giles ; breaking through several more minor chains, and receiving Greenbriar from Monroe, Kenhawa r. pursues its n. wstrn. course to- wards 0. At the mouth of Sinking cr. into Kenhawa, in the estrn. and upper part of the co. opposite the mouth of Greenbriar, the water sur- face is 1,333 ft. above the Atlantic tides. We may therefore safely assume 1,600 ft. as the mean level of the cultivated land of Giles. This height is fully equivalent to 4 deg. of Fahren- heit, and would give to Giles a winter climate equal to that on n. lat. 41° along the Atlantic margin. Cf. t. Parisburg. In 1820, the pop. was 4,522 only, and at that epoch it included a large tract now comprised in Logan co. Pop. 5,274. Giles, c-h. Giles co. Va. (See Parisburg.) Giles, one of the sthrn. cos. of Ten. bndd. w. by Lawrence, n. w. by Hickman, n. by Maury, E. by Hickman, and s. by Madison and Lime- stone cos. of Ten. It is very nearly a square of 30 ms. and area 900 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° to 35° 25' and traversed by long. 10° w. from W. C. Elk r. winding southwardly traverses the s. e. angle of this co., but the much greater part is drained by Richland cr. and other branches of Elk r. Surface moderately hilly. Cf t. Pulaski. Pop. 1820, 12,558, 1830, 18,703. Gill, p-f. Franklin co. Mass., 90 ms. n. w. Boston. Fine land, beautifully situated, n. and w. Conn, r., which here makes a bend. Miller's Falls are in the ( 'onn. adjoining this t. Pop. 864. Gill Land's cr. N. Y. (See Willsborough.) GiLLMANTowN, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 17 ms. from Concord, 44 from Portsmouth, 78 from Boston, and 522 from V/. C. Very hilly and rocky ; well watered ; contains iron ore and mineral springs ; has a flourishing academy. Pop. 3,816. GiLMAN Pond, t. Somerset co. Maine. Pop. 335. GiLSUM, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 37 ms. s. Con- cord. Has good mill privileges. Pop. 642. Gladwin, co. Mich., bndd. by Arena co. E,, Midland s., and ter. not yet divided into cos. w. and N. It is a square of 24 ms. each side, area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 43° 50' to 44° 10', and in long, from 7° 08' to 7° 35' w. W. C. Tittibawassee r. or the nthrn. branch of Sagi- naw r. drains the body of this co. flowing by a general sthrn. course. The central part of Gladwin is about 150 ms. n. n. w. Detroit. Ginseng, p. v. Logan co. Va., about 380 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Glade Run, p. o. Armstrong co. Pa., by p-r. 214 ms. N. w. W. C. Gladden's Grove, and p-o. Fairfield co. S. C. 31 ms. N. Columbia. Glady Creek, Cross roads and p-o. Randolph CO. Va., 60 ms. s. e. Clarksburg, and by p-r. 223 wstrd. W. C. Glasgow, p.v. on the head of Christianna cr. New Castle co. Del,, 15 ms. S.E.Wilmington, and by p-r. 98 ms. n. e. W. C. Glasgow, p-v. and st. jus. Barren co. Ky. 116 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort, and 89 ms. n. n. e, Nash- ville, in Ten. lat 37° 01', long. 8° 46' w. W. C. Glassborough, p.v. Gloucester co. N. J., 20 ms. s. E. Phil. Here is a glass factory. Glastenbury, p-t. Hartford co. Conn., e. Con. r. Timber, oak, chesnut, &c., well wa- tered ; contains cotton, woollen, and iron man. ufactories &,c., and fine shad fisheries in the Conn. ; also a mineral spring. It has 13 school dists. Pop. 2,980, Glastenbury, t. Bennington co. Vt., 9 ms. n. E. Bennington, 25 n. w. Brattleborough. Land a great part high, broken, and incapable of be. ing settled. Pop. 59. Glen, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y., on the Ca. nal, 8 ms. s. Johnstown, Pop. 2.451, Glencoe, p-v. Hampshire co. Va., by p-r. 124 ms. N. westerly W. C. Glenn's p-o. Gloucester co. Va., byp.r. 92 ms. E. Richmond. Glenn's Falls, v, and p-o. (Sec Queenshury.) Glenville, p-t. Schenectady co. N. Y., n. Mohawk r., 5 ms. n. w. Schenectady. Has 9 school houses. Pop. 2,497, Gloucester, p-t. and port of entry, Essex co. Mass., 30 ms. n. e. Boston, and 16 n. e. Salem, situated on Cape Ann, n. extremity of Mass. bay. One of the most considerable fishing towns in the state, with a harbor open and ac- cessible to large ships at all seasons. About 10,000 tons of shipping are usually owned in this town. Rocky and uneven. The principal part of Gloucester is a peninsula, connected with the main by a very narrow isthmus, across which is a canal for the passage of small ves- sels. On the s. e. side of the town is Thatch- er's island, on which are two light houses. This town is a charming place in the warm season. Pop. 7,510. GLY 175 GOO Gloucester, p-t. Providence co. R. I. Ibms. from Providence. Surface generally uneven. Extensive and valuable forests. Chepachet r. runs through the centre of the town, upon which river, near the centre of said town, is a con- siderable village called Chepachet, where are a number of cotton factories, and some addi- tional water works. Contains twelve schools. Pop. 2,522. Gloucester, co. N. J. extends from the Dela- ware r. to the Atlantic, bndd. n. e. by Burling- ton, s. w. by Salem, Cumberland and cape May. Principal towns, Woodbury, and Camden. The lands along the Delaware, extending inland, are highly cultivated for fruit, vegetables, &c. for the Philadelphia market. In the interior, are pine lands ; there are in the co. several for^^es, manufactories of glass, &c. Pop. 1820, 93,089 ; 1830, 28,431. Gloucester, t. Gloucester co. N. J. bounded N. E. by Waterford, s. w. by Deptford, s. w. by Gloucester t. Pop. 2,332. Gloucester, co. of Va. bndd. n. w. by King and Queen, n. by Piankatank r. which separates it from Middlesex, n. e. by North r. which sep. arates it from Matthews, e. by Chesapeake or Mobjack bay, and s. and s. w. by York r. which separates it from York and James city COS. Length 28 ms. mean width 10, and area 280 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 15' to 37° 35' and in long, from 0° 14' to 0° 42' e. W. C. Cf. t. Gloucester. Pop. 1820, 9,678, 1830, 10,608. Gloucester, c. h. Gloucester co. Va. p o. near the centre of the co. by p-r. 88 ms. e. Richmond. Gloucester Town, t. Gloucester co. N. J. on the Delaware, between Deptford and Newton, bndd. N. E. by Gloucester. Pop. 686. Glover, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 33 ms. e. Montpelier. Contains 8 school houses. This town is noted for the following remarkable oc- currence. A pond, a mile and a half long, and half a mile wide, situated partly in this town, and partly in Greensborough, on the 6th of June, 1810, on having a small outlet opened, broke loose through the quicksand, of which its bank was in that place principally composed, and in 15 minutes was entirely emptied, its waters rushing forth in a mighty mass, 60 or 70 ft. in height, and 20 rods in width, levelling forests and hills, filling up the valleys, sweeping away houses, barns, cattle, &c. and giving the inhab- itants time barely to escape with their lives into the mountains. In this manner did it de- luge the country for the space of 10 ms. So rapidly flowed the torrent, that it reached lake Memphremagog, 27 ms. distant, in about 6 hours from the time of its getting vent. Nothing now remains of the pond but its bed, a part of which is cultivated, and a part overgrown with bushes and wild grass, with a small brook running through it, which is now at the head of Barton river. Pop. 902. Glynn, co. of Geo. bndd. by Camden co. s. w., Wayne n. w., Altamaha r. which separates it from Mcintosh n. e., and the Atlantic s. e. It lies very nearly in form of a square of 25 ms. ; area 625 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° to 31° 29', and in long, from 4° 22' to 4° 58' w. W. C. St. Simons, and Jekyl isls. constitute the Atlantic border of Glynn. The whole sur- face is level and cut by interlocking water courses. Where the soil admits of culture, the climate is suitable to rice, indigo, tobacco, sugar cane, &c. The orange tree and fig tree flourish. Cf. ts. Brunswick and Frederica. — Pop. 1820, 3,418, 1830, 4,567. Gnadenhutten, p-v. Clay tsp. Tuscarawas CO. Ohio. The tsp. is in the southern part of the CO. The p. v. is situated on Tuscarawas r. 11ms. s. New Philadelphia, the co. st. Pop. of the p-v. 49. Godfrey, Savannah p-o. Colleton dist. S. C. by p-r. 114 ms. southward Columbia. Godfrey's Ferry, and p-o. by pr. 151 ms. a little s. of E. Columbia. The ferry is over the Great Pedee, about 10 ms. above the mouth of Lynches cr. or r. GoFFSBORo', p-o. Washington parish La. by p-r. 1,147 ms. southwestward W. C. and 83 n. N. w. New Orleans. Goffstown, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 12 ms. from Amherst, 16 from Concord, and 55 from Boston, w. Merrimack r. at Amoskeag falls. Piscataquog r. runs through its centre, and falls into the Merrimack. Good land. — The timber, oak, several sorts of pine, hem- lock, beech, and maple. A great number of masts, for the English navy, have been furnish, ed from this place. It is the present residence of Hon. David L. Morrill, late governor of the state, and member of congress. Pop. 2,208. Golansville, p-v. Caroline co. Va. by p-r. 29 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 56 nearly due n. Rich, mond. GoLCONDA, p-v. and st.jus. Pope co. II. by p.r» 791 ms. s. s. w. ^ w. W. C. and 160 ms. s. s. e. Vandalia. Golden, p-v. Baltimore co. Md. Golden Grove, p-o. Greenville dist. S. C» by p-r. 110 ms. n. w. Columbia. Gold Mine, p-v. Chesterfield dist. S. C. by p-r. 449 ms. s. s. w. W. C. and 101 ms. n. e. Columbia. Goochland, co. of Va. bndd. by Fiuvanna n, w., Louisa N., Hanover n. e., Henrico s. e., and James r. which separates it fram Powhatan s., and Cumberland s. w. Length 28, mean breadth 12, and area 336 square ms. Extend, ing in lat. from 37° 31' to 37° 51', and in long, from 0° 47' to 1° 20' w. W. C. Goochland slopes to the s. and is drained by several small ci-s. falling into James r. Cf. t. Hardensville. Pop. 1820, 10,007, 1830, 10,369. Goochland, c. h., and p-o. Goochland co, Vir. ginia, by p-r. 32 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond, Goode's Bridge, and p-o. in the sthrn. part Chesterfield co. Va. 38 ms. s. w. Richmond. Goodfield, p-v. Rhea co. Tenn. by p-r. 151 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Good Luck, formerly Magruder's p-o. south- western part of Prince George's co. Md. by p-r. 18 ms. s. e. W. C. and 40 ms. s. w. Annap- olis. Goodson's, p-o. Montgomery co. Va. by p-r. 299 ms. s. w. W. C. and 221 westward Rich- mond. Goodson's, p.o. Cumberland co. Ky. by p-r. 634 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 122 s. Frankfort. GOS 176 GRA Good Spring, p-o. Williamson co. Tenn. 12 ms. s. w. Nashville. GooDWYNSViLLE, p-0. Dinwiddie co. Va. 7 ms. s. Dinwiddie c. h., and 47 s. s. w. Rich- mond. Goose cr. or r., branch of Roanoke river ri- sing in the southeastern vallies of Blue Ridge, 4 or 5 ms. s. w. from the peaks of Otter, and flowing thence s. e. over Bedford co. falls into Roanoke r., in the western angle of Campbell CO. Va. after a comparative course of 30 ms. Gooseberry Island and Rocks, off cape Ann, Mass. Goose Creek, p-o., on the preceding cr., in the western part of Bedford co. Va. 10 ms. westward Liberty, the co. st. GoosEKEHAWN r. {See Rock r.) GoosEi'OND, p-o. Oglethorpe co. Geo. by p-r. 86 ms. N. N. E. Milledgeville. GoRDONsviLLE, p-v. at the eastern foot of South West mtn. and on the source of North Anna r.. Orange co. Va. about 50 ms. s. w. by w. Fredericksburg, by p-r. 92 ms. n. w. Rich- mond, and 115 s. w. W. C. GoRDONSviLLE, p-v. Smyth co. Ten. 6 ms. from Carthage, and by p-r. 8 1 ms. though direct only about 50, eastward Nashville. GoRDONTON, p-o. Person co. N. C. 60 ms. by p-r. N. N. w. Raleigh. Gore, a tract of land lying w. of Williams- town, Mass. 140 ms. n. w. of Boston, 2 ms. wide at s. end, and tapering to a point at the Vt. line. GoRHAM, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 9 ms. n. w. Portland. It has a considerable village, in which is an academy. Pop. 2,988. GoRHAM, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y, 8 ms. s. e. Canandaigua. Flint cr. runs across the e. part, and supplies mill seats. It contains 23 school dists. Pop. 2,081. GoRHAM, p-v. in the eastern part of Daviess CO. Ky. 8 ms. s. e. Owensburg, or Owensboro', the CO. St. and 150 s. w. by w. ^ w. Frankfort. GosHAM, p-v. Daviess co. Ky. by p-r. 152 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Goshen, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. 42 ms. w. Concord. Soil particularly good for grass. Timber, maple, birch, beech, hemlock, spruce, and some oak. Maple sugar is here manufac- tured to a considerable extent. Pop. 772. Goshen, t., Addison co. Vt. 31 ms. s. w. Montpelier, and 43 n. w. Windsor. Consider- ably mountainous. Watered by Leicester river. Contains iron ore, and the oxide of manganese ; 6 school dists. Pop. 555. Goshen, P-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 115 ms. w. Boston, and 12 n. w. Northampton. Several minerals, among which is the emerald, are found here. Pop. 617. Goshen, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 32 ms. W. Hartford, and 42 from New Haven. It is the highest land in the state. The sugar maple is the predominant forest tree. It contains vari. ous kinds of manufactories ; 8 school dists. It is remarkably healthy. Pop. 1,734. Goshen, p-t. and half-shire town. Orange co. N. Y. 26 ms. w. Hudson r., 110 s. Albany, and 60 n. N. York. Contains 12 schools. Pop. 3,361. Goshen, p-v. Monmouth co. N. .T. 12 ms. s. Allentown. Goshen, small village in the sthrn. part of Loudon CO. Va. about 35 ms. w. W. C. Goshen, p-v. Lincoln co. Geo. about 45 ms. above Augusta, and by p-r. 99 ms. n. e. Mil- ledgeville. Goshen, p-v. in the estrn. part of Iredell co. N. C. IJ ms. estrd. Statesville, the co. st. and 157 ms. westrd. Raleigh. Goshen, p-v. in Goshen tsp. nrthn. part of Clermont co. 0. by p-r. 93 ms. s. w. Columbus. Pop. 139. Goshen Gore, Caledonia co. Vt. " here are two gores of this name, both in this co. the largest contains 7,339 acres, the smaller 2,828. Goshen Hill, p-v. between Ennoree and Ty- ger rs. sthrn. part of the Union dist. S. C. by p-r. 107 ms. n. w. Columbia. The real road distance between those two places about 50 ms. Goshen Mills, and p-o. Montgomery co. Md. Goshensville, p-o. Chester co. Pa. Gosport, isl., Rockingham co. N. H. Pop. 103. GospoRT, navy yard, 1^ ms. from Norfolk, Norfolk CO. Va. GcuLDSBOROUGH, t. Hancock co. Me. 40 ms. E. ( astine. Pop. 880. Govanstown, p-o. in the sthrn. part of Balti. more co Md. by p-r. 42 ms. n. e. W. C. GovERNEUR, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 23 ms. s. Ogdensburg. Received its name in hon- or of Governeur Morris. It has a great diver- sity of soil, and is situated on the Oswegachie r. Pop. 1,430. Governor's Island, N. Y. directly s. of the city of N. York, foiming the harbor in the East r. Belongs to government and is strongly fortified. GowANSViLLE, p-v. Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 121 ms. N. w. Columbia. GowDYSViLLE, p-v. Uiiion dist. S. C. by p-r. 454 ms. s. w. W. C. and 89 n. w. Columbia. Graceham, p-v. Frederick co. Md. on the road from Hagerstown to Westminster, 15 ms. N. Frederick, and 81 ms.N. n. w. W. C. Grafton, co. N. H. 58 ms. long, and 30 at its greatest breadth, containing 828,623 acres, be- sides a large tract of ungranted land. Bndd. n. by Coos CO., E. by Strafford, s. by Hillsborough, and w. by Vt. It is watered by Conn, r., Pemi. gewasset. Lower Amonoosuck, and many smaller streams— somewhat mountainous — contains fine tracts for pasturage, a large pro- portion of arable land, and on the rivers ex- tensive and fertile intervals — there are in the CO. 36 towns — the sessions of the superior court and of the court of sessions are holden alternately at Haverhill and Plymouth. Pop. 1820, 32,989; 1830, 38,632. Grafton, t. Grafton co. N. H. 36 ms. n. w. Concord, and 13 s. e. Dartmouth college — well watered — rocky, hilly, and mountainous. Pop. 1,207. Grafton, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 36 ms. n. e. Bennington, and 22 s. w. Windsor — contains good mill seats — surface uneven — abounds in a great variety of minerals — contains an im- mense quantity of soap stone — 11 school dists. Pop. 1,439. Grafton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 40 ms. s. w. Boston, and 8 s. e. Worcester, on the Black- stone canal. Watered by Blackstone r. ; con- GRA 177 GRA tains flourishing manufactories, one of which has a capital of $500,000, at which is manufac. tured twine and duck, from flax and hemp. — Pop. 1,889. Grafton, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y. ll ms. e. Troy. Soil principally an argillaceous loam ; timber, hemlock, white pine, fir, spruce, maple, &c. ; contains 10 school houses. Pop. 1,681. Grafton, p-v. in the northern part of Medina CO. 0. byp-r. 367 ms. northwestwardly W. C. and 129 n. n. e. Columbus. Graham's Station, and p-v. Meigs co. O. by p-r. 352 ms. w. W. C. and 103 s. e. Columbus. Graham's Bridge, and p-o. Richmond co. N. C. by p-r. 93 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Grahamsville, or Grahamstown, p-v. near the centre of Beaufort dist. S. C. 74 ms. s. w. by w. and by a rather circuitous road from Charleston, and 10 s. Coosawhatchie the st.jus. for the dist. Grainger, co. of Ten. bndd. by Clinch r. which separates it from Claiborne co. n. w., by Hawkins co. n. e., by Jefferson s. e. and Knox s. w. Length 32 ms. breadth lO, and area 320 square ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 08' to 36° 30' and in long, from 6° 03' to 6° 40' w. W. C. This CO. being bndd. on the n. w. by Clinch, and traversed on the s. e. by Plolston r. has some very fine r. soil, but the body of the co. is hilly, and in part rocky and mountainous. A minor ridge called Chesnut Ridge, stretches to the s. w. and n. e. between the two rs. and di- vides Grainger into two not very unequal parts. Cf. t. Oresville. Pop. 1820, 7,650 ; 1830, 10,066. Granberry's, p-o. in the southern part of Twigg's CO. Geo. 8 ms. southward Marion, the CO. St. and 45 s. w. Milledgeville. Granbv, t. Essex co. Vt. 47 ms.N. e. Mo'ntpe- lier, Vt. Pop. 97. Gr\nby, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 90 ms. w. of Boston. In a cavern recently discovered here, were found two decayed statues original, ly formed of wood or earth. The date of 1760 was on the walls. Pop. 1,064. Granby, p-t. Hartford co. Conn, bordering on Mass. 17 ms. n. n. w. Hartford. The surface is diversified with mountain, hill and dale ; it has within its limits a great variety of timber, and contains several kinds of minerals. It is pretty well watered, and contains various kinds of manufactories, 16 school dists. and a small vil- lage in the centre of each of the located reli- gious societies. Here is the Newgate, once the state prison, which was formerly a cavern, and originally opened and wrought as a copper mine. Since the removal of the prison, this mine has been purchased by a mining company, and wrought with some success. Pop. 2,722. Granby, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y. s. w. Oswego village, 12 ms. above Oswego, 25 n. of Salina, and 155 w. of Albany. Surface moderately uneven ; soil generally fertile ; timber, pine, oak, maple, beech, &c. The Oswego falls are between this town and Volney ; there are 8 schools in the town. Pop. 1,423. Granby, p-v. and st. jus. Lexington dist. S. C. situated on the right bank of Congaree r. nearly opposite Columbia. Lat. 33° 58' long. 4° 03' w. W. C. Grand, r. of O. This stream has its ex- treme source in Trumbull co. about 5 or 6 ms, N. w. of Warren, and flowing thence nearly due N. 30 ms., to Ashtabula co., and within 10 ms. of lake Erie, bends at right angles to the w., and continues that course 30 ms. to the lake which it enters in Geauga co., between the vil. lages of Fairport and Newmarket, leavincr a peninsula of 22 miles in length, and from 10 to 2 miles wide, between the lower course of the river and the lake. Grand r. or Neosho r. a branch of Ark. r. rises hi the angle betv.'een Ark. proper, Kansas, and Osage rs., flows by a general course of s. s. E. upwards of 200 ms. by comparative cours- es, and falls into Ark. at Cantonment Gibson. — The valley ol Grand r. stretches from lat. 35° 47' to 38° 40', and though some of its branches rise in the state of Mo. the great body of the valley lies westward of that state and of the Ter. of Ark. between 17° and 20° w. W. ('.— On Tanner's improved map of the U. S. this r. derives its most remote sources at lat. 38° 30', and w. long. 20° 30' W. C, and in the angle between the Smoky Hill Fork of Kansas r. and the main stream of Ark r. on the same plains from which issue the higher fountains of Osage river. Grand r. a branch of Mo. r. about lat. 42°, between the sources of Raccoon fork of Des Moines r. and Naudaway branch of Mo. and flowing thence southwardly about 100 ms. en. tersthe state of Mo. ; inflecting thence a little E. of s. 100 ms. falls into the left side of Mo. by direct course 200 ms. above St. Louis. This stream and its confluents v/ater upwards of 50C0 sq. ms. in the northwestern angle of Mo. Its valley lies between long. 16° and 17° 30' w. W. C. Grand r. stream of Mich. Ter. and conflu- ent of Lake Mich, rises, interlocking sources with those of Huron, Lake Erie, Raisin, and also with those of St. Joseph's and Kalamazoo rs. flowing into Lake Mich. The extreme sources of Grand r. are on the flat table land of the Mich, peninsula, about 80 ms. a little s. of w. from Detroit, about n. lat. 42°. Flowing thence by comparative courses n. n. w. about 100 ms. the channel abruptly inflects to the westward, which latter course is continued 70 ms. to its final influx into lake Mich, at lat. 43-' 08'- Some of the northeastern confluents of Grand r. interlock with those of Saginaw r. and the main body of the valley of the former, lies between those of Saginaw and Kalamazoo. Grand r. or Grand Fork, a southern br. of Rainy Lake r. As laid down by Tanner, Grand Fork rises on the elevated, but marshy plains from which issue the extreme sources of Misp. r., and on his map, between the sources of the two rs. he has inserted the following note. " An uninterrupted water communication be- tween Grand Fork of Rainy lake r. and Win. nepec lake, is said to exist at this place." Indeed the whole country from which rise the sources of Misp, r., those of the estrn. branches of Red r., br. of Assiniboin, and those of Grand Fork, is one vast congeries of lakes. Grand Fork for the first half of its conrseis formed of short straits and intervening lakes, in a general n. e. by e. GRA 1' course, it thence inflects to n. n. e. to its en- trance into Rainy lake r. about 20 ms. wstrd. of the Factory of the American Fur Company. The entire comparative course of this stream is about lOU ms. Grand or Ciiilnucook, lake, Me. the source of St. Croix r. 30 ms. long, and about 5 broad. Grand isl. N. Y. in Niagara river 12 ms. long, and 2 to 7 wide, commencing about 3 ms. below Black Rock, and terminating a mile and a half above Niagara Falls ; containing 17,800 acres. Soil strong and rich. A large marsh in the centre. It is well wooded. Here was acted the farce of laying the foundation of the Jewish city of Ararat. Grand, p-v. and tsp. in the nrthwstrn. part of Marion co. O. ; the p.v. is 74 ms. n. n. w. Co- lumbus. Pop. tsp. 317. Grand Blanc, p-v. Oakland co, Mich. n. n. w. Detroit. Grand Cakalin, p-v. Brown co. Mich. The names or position of these two latter not on Tannei-'s map ; nor is the relative position oJ either given in the p-o. list. Grande, p-v. Crittenden co. Ark. 141 ms. by p-r. N E. by E. Little Rock, and 932 ihs. s. w. by w. h w. W. C. Grand Gulf, abrupt and remarkable bend of the Mississippi r. at the influx of Black r. Grand Gulf, p-v. on the Grand Gulf and Misp. r., and in the nrthwstrn. part of Claiborne CO state of Misp. by the land road 50 ms. above and n. n. e. Natchez. Grand Isle co. Vt. bounded n. by L. Canada, on the N. line of Alburgh, the rest of the co. consisting of isls. in lake Champlain. It is 2B ms. long from n. to s. and about 5 ms. wide con- taining 82 sq. ras. ; streams small, having scarcely a good mill privilege in the co. ; sur- face generally level, and verv rich and produc- tive. Cf. t. North Hero. Pop. 1820, 3,527 ; 1830, 3,696. Grand Isle, p-t. Grand Isle co. Vt. 18 ms. n. Burlington. Pop. 643. Grand Portage r. or rather chain of small lakes and short intervening straits, forms a part of the channel of intercomnmnication between Lake Superior and the interior part of North America, drained by the confluents of Assini- boin, and other large rs. Grand Portage r. en- ters lake Superior almost exactly on n. lat. 48° and at long. "W. C. 12° 45' w. In a direct line from its source to final discharge is only about 40 ms., the actual water distance is much greater. In addition to its importance as part of a commercial route, the Grand Portage river forms part of the boundary between the U. S. and the British dominions in North America. The distance is about 350 ms. following the curve round to the nrthrd. of Isle Royale, from the Falls of St. Mary to the mouth of Grand Portage river. Grand Traverse, Strait and Isls. between lake Michigan and Green Bay. This strait opens at lat 45° 30', and is filled with small isls. which render the entrance from lake Michigan into Green Bay rather intricate. Grand Traverse, bay, or the outlet of Ot- tawa river Mich. Amongst the confusion of naming rs. by the same nam«, or by one ap. B GRA propriated to another object, this affords an instance. Directly opposite Grand Traverse Strait and Islands, but on the contrary shore of lake Michigan, opens Grand Traverse bay. The Ottawa r. rises on the peninsula of Michigan, and flowing to the n. w. about lat. 45, widens to a bay, which with a length of 30 ms. terminates in lake Michigan, and is known as Grand Traverse Bay. Granger, p-v. Caldwell co. Ky. by p-r. 2J5 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Granger, p-v. and tsp. Medina co. O. by p-r. 348 ms. N. w. by w. of W. C. and 121 n. n. e. Columbia. Pop. tsp. G76. Grant, co. Ky. bndd. s. and s. w. by Owen, Gallatin n. w., Boone n., and Pendleton e. Length 23, mean width about 8, and area 184 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 30' to 38° 4!i', and in long, from 7° 35' to 7° 47' w. W. C. Eagle cr. a branch of Ky. r. winds over a part of Grant, and is the only stream of consequence in the co. Cf. t. Williamsville, or Williams- town. Pop. 1820, 1,805, 1830, 2,987. Grant, co. Ind. bounded n. w. by Miami co., N. by Wabash and Huntingdon cos., s. e. by Del. CO., and s. by Madison. Breadth 18 ms., mean length 20, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 30', long. W. C. 8° 38' w. The Mississinewa r. enters near the sthestrn. and leaves it at the nrthwstrn. angle, flowing to the n. w., the gen. eral slope of the co. being in that direction. The extreme nrthrn. sources of White r. are, however, in the sthestrn. angle of this co., and flow to the s. w., and from- the opposite angle issues a branch of Salamanic r., flowing to the n. w. This CO. is named neither in the p-o. list or census tables. Grantham, t. Sullivan co. N. H. 12 ms. s. e. Dartmouth college, and 45 n. v/. Concord. Croydon mtn. runs through the west part of the town. Soil productive. Well watered by numer- ous brooks and rivulets. Contains a medicinal spring, and a bed of paint. Pop. 1,079. Grantley's, p-o. Culpepper co. Va. by p-r. 59 ms. s. w. W. C. Grant's Lick, and p-o. Campbell co. Ky. by p-r. 76 ms. n. n. e. Frankfort. Grantsville, p-v. Green co. Geo. by p-r. 52 ms. northward Milledgeville. Granville, t. Hampden co. Mass. 120 ms. s. w. Boston, and 18 s. w. Springfield — a hand, some and flourishing town. Pop, 1,649. Granville, p-t. Washington co. N. Y. about 60 ms. N. e. Albany. Soil excellent ; surface handsomely diversified, and well watered with springs, rivulets, &c. It contains an academy, and 19' schools. It has a marble quarry ; and common slate stone, and limestone are also found. It contains likewise various kinds of manufactories. Pop. 3,882. Granville, p-v. on Duncard cr, near the southern border of Greene co. Pa., but in Mo- nongalia CO. Va., about 12 ms. n. w. Morgan, town, and by p-r. 211 ms. n. av. by w. W. C, Granville, p-v. Monongalia co. Va. 217 ms. N. w. by w. J w. W. C. Granville, co. of N. C. bndd. by Warren e., Franklin s. e.. Wakes s., Orange s. w.. Person w., and' by Halifax co. of Va. n. w., and Meck- lenburg CO. of Va, N. Length 36, mean width GRA 179 GRE 23, and area 828 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 03' to 36° 3J', and in long, from 1° 20' to 1° 50' w. W. G. The soutliern part of tiiia CO. is drained by creeks flowing s. into Neuse r., the centre is traversed by Tar r., whilst the northern section slopes towards, and is drained by crs. flowing into Roanoke. Cf. t. Oxford. Pop. 1820, 18,216, 1830, 19,343. Granville, p-v. and tsp. in the southwestern part of Licking co. O. The village is by p-r. 28 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus, and 6 ms. west- ward Newark, the co. st. The village has 3 houses for public worship, and a female high school. The ' Granville Literary and Theolo- gical Institution,' located a mile s. vv. of this vil- lage, is in a flourishing condition, and is con- ducted on the manual labor system. Present number of students, 00. Pop. of the tsp. 1830, 1,784; and of the village 362. Grape Island and p-o. Tyler co. Va. by pr. 273 ms. westward W. C. Grass r. N. Y. enters the St. Lawrence, op- posite St. Regis Island. It is 125 ms. long. It is naturally connected with the Oswegatchie in Canton. Grass Lake, p.v. Jackson co. Mich, by p-r. 88 ms. w. Detroit. Grassy cr. and p.o. Pendleton co. Ky. by p-r. 68 ms. N. N. E.from Frankfort. Grassy cr. and p-o. Burke co. N. C. about 200 ms. w. Raleigh. Grassy Point, p.v. Madison co. O. by p-r. 61 ms. westward Columbus. Gratiot, co. of Mich, bndd, by Saginaw co. E., Clinton s., Montcalm w., Isabella n. w., and Midland n. e. It is a sq. of 24 ms. each side, area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 43° 08' to 43° 2»', and in long, from 7° 22' to 7° 48' w. W. C. The slope to the southwest, and drained by some of the higher northern sources of Grand r. of lake Michigan. The central part is about 110 ms. n. w. from Detroit. Gratiot's Giiove, p-o. Joe-Daviess co. II. 17 ms. N. E. by E. Galena, and by p-r. 972 n. w. by w. W. C. Gratis, p-v. 2 ms. from Eaton, the co. st. Preble co. O., and 94 a little s. of w. Columbus Gratz, p-v. in Wiconisco valley, in the north- ern angle of Dauphin co. Pa. by p-r. 46 ms. a little E. of N. Harrisburg. Grave Creek, or Elizabethtown, p-v. of Ohio CO. Va. 12 ms. below Wheeling, and by p-r. 352 N. w. by w. W. C, This cr. and village take their name from very extensive tumuli, scattered over an elevated bottom or plain. — The author of this article visited this plain twice in 1794, previous to the plough or other operations of farming having much disturbed the remains. At that epoch, one very large conical mound surrounded by a ditch, was it- self environed by numerous and similar, though smaller tumuli. The remains of the roads, sloping down the banks from the plain, were also perfectly distinguishable ; as was the trench of a work, in form of a parallelogram. Gravelly Hill, and p-o. Bladen co.N. (.'. by p-r. 101 ms. s. Raleigh. Graves, co. Ky. between Ten. and Misp. rs., bndd. by McCracken n., Calloway e., Weakly CO. of Ten. s., and Hickman in Ky. w. Length 33, mean breadth 20, and area 660 sq. ms. — Extending in lat. from 36° 30' to 36° 58', and in long, from 11° 35' to 11° 56' w. W. C. Cf. t. Maylield. Pop. 2,503. Graves, p-o. in the western part of Madison CO. Va. by p-r. 110 ms. s. w. W. C. Gravesend, t. Kings co. N. Y. 9 ms. s. N. Y. on the coast ; a bathing resort. Pop. 565. Gray, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 20 ms. n. of Portland. Pop. 1,575. Grayson, co. of Va. lying between the Blue Ridge and Iron mtn., bndd. w. by the Iron mtn. which separates it from Washington ; n. w. and N. by the Iron mtn. separating it from Smyth, and Wythe ; n. e. by Floyd co. ; E.and s. e. by Blue Ridge, separating it from Patrick co. ; and s. by Surrey, and s. w. by Ashe cos. N. C. The greatest length of Grayson is about 70 ms. from the extreme wstrn. angle on Iron mtn. to the extreme estrn. on Blue Ridge ; mean width 12, and area 840 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 33' to 36° 53', and in long, from 3° 28' to 4° 46' w. W. C. Grayson is the most estrn. of the sthrn. cos. of Va. which are comprised in the valley of the Ohio r. Great Kenhawa r. ri. sing in Ashe co. of N. C. flows n. eastwardly into Grayson, and thence turning estd. about 20 ms. along the line between Va. and N. C. and turning to N. N. E. traverses Grayson, which it leaves by piercing the Iron mtn. This co. is a part of the Great Valley west of the Blue Ridge, and slopes nthwrd. drained by innumerable crs. flowing from the two bounding channels into the Great Kenhawa, here called New River. Comparing the mean elevat'on of Grayson, with that of Wythe, Montgomery and Giles, we can- not assume for the former less than 1,600 ft. above the ocean level. {See Giles, c^c.) Cf.t. of Grayson, Greensville. Pop. 1820, 5,598, 1830, 7,675. Grayson c-h. and p.o. (See Greensville, Gray- son CO. Va.) GraysOxN, c-h. and p-v. Grayson co., Va. by p-r. 354 ms. s. w. W. C, and 276 s. w. by w. ^ w. Richmond. Grayson, co. of Ky., bndd. w. by Ohio co., n. w. by Hancock or by Rough cr., br. of Green r., n. by Rough cr., separating it from Breckenridge, n. e. and e. by Hardin, s. e. by Nolin's cr., separating it irom Hart, s. by Edmonson, and s. w. by Butler. Length from E. to w. 40, mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from. 37° 10' to 37° 38', and in long, from 8' 58' to 9° 40' w. W. C. This CO. occupies part of the peninsula between Green r. and Rough cr., the central part being a table land, from which small crs. flow into the two bordering streams. The general slope is to the wstrd., as both the bordering rs. flow in that direction. Cf. t. Litchfield. Pop. 1820, 4,055, 1830, 2,504. This co. must have been divided in the intermediate time. Gray's Settlement, and p-o. Erie co. Pa., by p-r. 327 ms.N. w. W. C. Graysville, p-v. Huntingdon co. Pa., by p-r. 96 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Great Barringtoh, p-t. Berkshire co Mass., 14 ms. s. Lenox, 125 s. w. Boston, incorporated 1761. It is finely situated on the Housatonic ; the soil is generally excellent, and the surface is GRE 160 GRE agreeably varied by hills and vallies. Monu- ment mountain is in this town. The village is principally on the w. bank of the river. Pop. a.264. Great Bay, Rockingham co. N. H. The wstrn. branch of the PiGcataqua, 4 ms. wide, empties n. e. through Little Bay. Gkeat Bay, Strafford co. N. H., connected with Winnipiseogee lake, and heads Winni- piseogee r. Great Bend, p-v., on the left bank of the East Branch of Susquehannah r., at the mouth of Salt Lick or., Susquehannah co. Pa., 15 ms. N. N. E. Montrose, and by p-r. 170 n. n. e. flar- risburg. Great Bridge, p-v. Norfolk co. Va,, situated on Southern r., 12 ms. s. s. e. Norfolk, and by p-r. 124 s. e. by e. Richmond. Great Grossing, p-v. Scott co. Ky. 15 ms. n. e. Frankfort. Great Kenhawa. (>S'ee Kenhawa.) Great Mills and p-o. at the head of St. Mary's r., St. Mary's co. Md. by p-r. 81 ms. s. s. e. W. C. and almost due s. Annapolis. Great Salt Works, or Saltsburg, at the forks, and on the right bank of Conemaugh r., a p-v. Ind. CO. Pa. about 30 ms. a little n. of e. Pittsburg, and 211 wstrd. Harrisburg. Great Ogeechee. (>See Ogeechee r.) Great Valley, p-t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y. 14 ms. s. E. from Ellicottville. Pop. 647. Great Works r. Me. enters the Penobscot r. 2 ms. below the Great Falls. Greece, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. at the mouth of Genesee r. Pop. 2,574. Green r. a considerable navigable stream of Ky. having its most remote source in Lincoln CO. heading with Dick's r., and with the ex- treme northern branches of Cumberland r. Flowing thence westwardly, inclining a little to the N., receiving, besides numerous crs. the comparatively large tributaries of Big Barren from the s. and Nolin and Rough ereeks from the N. The main stream enters Ohio r. after a comparative course of about 200 ms. The val- ley of Green r. extends from n. lat. 36p to 37° 55', and is in length 170 ms., with a mean breadth of 40 ms., and area 6,800 sq. ms. It has the vallies of Salt and Ohio rs, n. and that of Cumberland S. Green, t. Sussex co. N. J., joins Warren co. 6 ms. s. Newton. Pop. 801. Green Bank, p-o. Pocahontas co. Va. by p-r. 242 ms. wstrd. W. C. Green Bay-, p-o. Hanover co. Va. by p-r. 94 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Green Bay, Brown and Chippewa cos. Mich. The sheet of water to which this title has been given is usually regarded as a part of lake Michigan, though in geographical strictness. Green bay is itself a lake connected with Mi- chigan by a strait called Grand Traverse. (jSee Grand Traverse Islands.) Green Bay, con- sidered as a separate sheet of water from lake Michigan, though connected by a common strait, extends from s. w. to n. e. 120 ms. ; the width varies, but is generally about 25, and the mean breadth would be rather underrated at 20 ms. The southwestern extreme branches into two large arms, Sturgeon bay to the estrd, and Fox r. bay to the wstrd. {See Fox r. of Green Bay.) Besides Grand Traverse Islands, there are other islands in Green Bay, the largest of which, Menomonie island, w. of the Grand Tra- verse, is about 25 ms. in length, but compara- tively narrow. Vessels of 200 tons burthen are navigated into and through Green Bay to the mouth, and some distance up Fox r. Menomo- nie r. enters Green Bay from the northwstrd., and 50 ms. n. e. from the influx of Fox r. Green Bay, p-v. Brown co. Mich, by p-r. 1,037 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. and 511 ms. in nearly a similar direction from Detroit. Green Brier, r, of Va. rising in the north, ern part of Pocahontas co. over which it flows, and entering and traversing Green Brier co., falls into Great Kenhawa, after a comparative southwestern course of 90 ms. Green Brier has its remote sources in the same ridges with those of Cheat r. branch of Monongahela, and those of the South branch of the Potomac. The valley of Green Brier, lies between those of James and Gauley rs. It is an elevated re- gion. The water level is from actual admeas- urement, 1,333 ft. at the efflux of Green Brier into Great Kenhawa. The mean height of the farms above the ocean level cannot fall much, if any, short of 1,500 ft. Greenbrier, co. Va. bndd. by Fayette w., Nicholas n. w., Pocahontas n., the main chain of Alleghany mtns. separating it from Bath n. E., and Alleghany co. e. ; on the s. it has Mon- roe, and s. w. in a distance of about 8 ms. it is separated from Giles co. by New r. immediate, ly below the influx of Green Brier r. n. lat. 38, and w. long. 3i° W. C. intersect very near the centre. The eastern and most extensive sec- tion of this CO. slopes s. w. in the direction of the course of the r. from which the name is de- rived. A minor chain of mtns. bearing also the same name traverses the co. from s. w. to N. E. and to the northwestward of which the slope is to the n. w. and drained by creeks flow- ing into Gauley r. The surface much broken, by both*mountains and hills, though much of the valley soil is fertile. By the census of 1830, it contained a pop. of 9,006, but subse- quent to that epoch a large section of the co, along New r. has been detached and is now comprised in Fayette co. It is still 58 ms. in length from s. w. to n. e. with a mean width of about 20 ms.; area 1160 sq. ms. Cf. t, Lewis- burg. Greenburgh, t. West Chester co. N. Y. 28 ms. N. N. Y., on the Hudson. Pop. 2,195. Greenbush, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y. on Hudson r. opposite Albany. The high ground above the village was an important cantonment during the late war. There is an academy, board and instruction $20 or $25 per quarter. Pop. 3,216. Green Castle, p-v. in the southern part of Franklin co. Pa. situated at mid-distance be- tween Chambersburg and Hagerstown, 11 ms. from each, and 77 n. w. W. C. Green Castle, p-v. and st. jus. Putnam co. Ind. by p-r. 614 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. and 42 w. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 42'. Green Creek, p-v. and tsp. northern part of Sandusky co. 0. The p-o. is by p-r. Ill ms. GRE 181 GRE N. Columbus, and 434 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Pop. tsp. 444. Greene mts. Vt, The range begins near New Haven, Conn, and runs nearly parallel to Conn. r. till it passes into Lower Canada. 'It gave the name to Vermont, through the middle of 'Which it passes. Mansfield North Peak is the highest elevation, 4,279 feet above lake Champlain. Those nearest this in height are Camel's Back, Shrewsbury mtn,, Mansfield, South Peak and Killington Peak, the last 3,924 feet. The range is crossed by several turn- pike roads. In the s. part of Washington co. the range divides ; and a spur called the Height of Land runs n. e. into the w. part of Caledonia county. Greene, p-t. Kennebec ca. Me. 39 ms. n. Portland, on the Androscoggin. Pop. 1,324. Greene co. N. Y. bndd. by Schoharie and Albany cos. n., the Hudson r. e., Ulster co. s., and Del. co. v/. Area about 508 sq. ms. It is crossed by the Catsberg mtns. and Catskill is the Cf. t. and st. jus. Pop. 182G, 22,996, 1830, 29,525. Greene, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y. on Chenan. so r. 15 ms. s. w. Norwich, 22 N. E. Binghamp- ton. Pop. 2,962. Greene, southwestern co. of Pa. bndd. by Washington co. n., by Monongahela r. separa- ting it from Fayette e., by Monongalia co. Va. s., Tyler co. Va. s. w., and Ohio co. Va. w. Length from e. to w. 32 ms., mean breadth 18, and area, 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 01', and in long, from 2° 57' to 3° 35' w. W. C. About two thirds of the sur- face slopes eastward and is drained by the nu- merous branches of Ten Mile and Dunkard crs. into Monongahela r. The western side slopes to the westward and is drained by Fish and Wheeling crs. Surface very broken, and along the line of separation between the confluents of O. and Monongahela rs. the aspect is mountain- ous. The soil is, however, almost invariably pro- ductive. Cf. t. Waynesburg. Pop. 1820, 15,554, 1830, 18,026. Greene co. of N. C, bndd. by Lenoir s., Wayne W., Edgecombe n, and by Sandy cr. separating it from Pitt e. Length 20 ms., mean hreadth 12, and area 240 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 32' to 35° 40', and in long, from 0° 35' to 0° 50' w. W. C. Cf. t. Snow Hill. Pop. 1820, 4,533, 1830, 6,413. Contentney cr. or r., a branch of Neuse r. traverses this co. from the n. w. to s. e. giving the surface a gene- ral slope in that direction. Greene co. of Geo., bndd. n. w. by Clark, n. E. by Oglethorpe, e. by Talliaferro, s. e. by Hancock, and by Oconee r., which separates it from Putnam s. w., and Morgan w. Length 28, mean width 18, and area 504 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° -22' to 33° 43', and in long, from 6° 05' to 6° 31' w. W. C. The Oconee r. en- ters the nthrn. border, and receiving Appalache from the n. w., becomes thence a boundary to the extreme s. wstrn. angle of the co. Cf. t. Greensboro'. Pop. 1820, 13,589, 1830, 12,549. Greene, co. of Ala., bndd. by Pickens n. w., Tuscaloosa n. e.. Perry e., Marengo s., and by Tombigbee r, which separates it from the Choc- taw country s. w. and w. Length 38, mean 24 width 22, and area 836 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 32' to 32° 57', and in long, from 10^ 40' to 11° 20' w. W. C. I'his CO. being bndd. by the Tombigbee, and traversed from n. to S. by Tuscaloosa l., its down stream navigable fa- cilities are very great. The surface is hilly, but having considerable river bottom, much of its soil is excellent. Cf. t. Erie. Fop. 1820, 4,554, 1830, 15,026. Greene, co. of Misp., bndd. by Jackson s., by Perry w,, Wayne n., and by Mobile co. Ala. E. Length 36, mean width 24, and area 864 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 55' to 31° 27', and in long, from 11° 37' to 11° 58' w.W. C. Chickasawhay r. enters the nthrn. border of'this CO., and winding to the sthrd. receives Leafr. from the n. w., and the union of the two near the sthrn. border of the co. forms the Pascagoular. The general feature of the surface of Green CO. is that of pine forest, of course most of the soil is sterile. Staple cotton. Cf. t. Greensboro'. Pop. 1820, 1,445, 1830, 1,854. Greene, co. of East Ten., biadd. by Cocke CO. s. w., Jeff"erson w.. Bays mtn., separating it from Hawkins n. w., Washington n. e., and by the Iron mtn., separating it from Buncombe co. N. C. s. E. Length 32, mean width 22, and area 704 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 52' to 36° 20', and in long, from 5° 35' to 6° 10' w. W. C. This CO. occupies part of an elevated valley between two Appalachian chains, and is in a peculiar manner diversified by hill, dale, mtn. and r. scenery. The Nolachucky i. rising in Buncombe co. N. C, and in Washington Ten^ enters and traverses Greene co. in a wstrn. di- rection, receiving from the nthrd. Lick cr. and numerous other streams of lesser size. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 1820, 11,328, 1830, 14,410. Greene, co. of Ky. bndd. by Barren s. w.. Hart w,, Hardin n. w. and n., Casey e., and Adair S.E-. Length from s. w. to n-. -e. 38 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 456 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 37° 07' to 37° 30', and in long, from 8° to 8° 35' w. W. C. The slope wstrd., and in that direction traversed by the main A'olume of Green r. which receives within its limits, numerous tributary crs. from the n. e. and s. E. Cf. t. Greensburgh. Pop. 1820, 11,943, 1830, 13,138. Greene, co. of O. bndd. s. e. by Clinton, s. w. by Warren, w. by Montgomery, n. by Clark, N. e. by Madison, and e. by Fayette. Length 28, mean breadth 18, and area 500 sq. ms. Ex. tending in lat. from 39° 3o' to 39° 51', and in long." from 6° 38' to 7° 8' w. W. C. This co. is drained by some of the higher branches of Little Miami. Slope south wstrd. Cf. t. Xenia. Fop. 14,801. Greene, tsp. and p-o. Harrison co. O. The p-o. is by p-r. 271 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 131 a little N. of e. Columbus. Greene, co. of Ind. bndd. by Daviess s., Knox s. w., Sullivan w.. Clay n. w., Owen n. e., Monroe e., and Lawrence s. e. It is a paral- lelogram. Length 30 ms. from e. to w., breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 56' to 39° 12', and in long, from 9° 42' to 10° 17' w. W. C. Slope a little w. of s., and in that direction traversed, and nearly equally divided by the main stream of the western GRE 182 GRE Fork of WMte r. Cf. t. Bloomfield. Pop. 4,242. Greene, co. of II. bndd. by Morgan n. Ma- coupin E., Madison s. e., Misp, r. separating it from St. Charles co. Mo. s., 11. r., separating it from Calhoun co. Ind. w., and still by II. r. sep. arating it from Pike co. Ind. n. w. Extending in lat. from 38° 54' to 39° 30', and in long from ISO 08' to 13° 35' w. W. C. The general slope is southwestward towards II. r., and in that di- rection is drained by Otter, Macoupin and Ap- ple crs. ( f.t. CarroUton. Pop, 7,674. Greene River, p-v. Columbia co. N. Y. Greenfield, tsp. and p-v. Erie co. Pa. Pop. tsp. 654. Greenfield, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. 38 ms. s. w. Concord. Pop. 946. Greenfield, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. situated on the w. side of the Connecticut, 20 ms. n. Northampton, 95 n. w. Boston ; incorporated 1753. It is watered by Fall, Deerfield and Shelburne rivers. It is a very pleasant town, and the village, which is very flourishing, is finely situated on an elevated plain, built chiefly on ^ streets at right angles, and the houses, (some of them are of brick) are generally hand. 3onie. In the town is a court house, several houses of public worship, and a jail. The soil of this t. is generally very good. A bridge across the Conn, connects it with Montague. Green- field is famcus as the field of several contests with the Indians, by whom the inhabitants suf- fered severely at various times, from 1720 to 1766. Pop. l,5?l:0. Greenfield, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 36 ms. N. Albany. Pop. 3,151. Greenfield, p-v. Madison tsp. Plighland co. O. It is situated in the northeastern angle of the CO., and on Paint cr. 67 ms. s. s. w. Columbus, and 20 n. e. Hillsboro', the co. st. Pop. tsp. 399. Greenfield, p-v. Nelson co. Va. by p-r. 114 ms. westward P.ichmond. Greenfield, p-v. in the northeastern part of •Tohnsonco. Ind. ,10 ms. s. p.Indianopolis. Greenfield, p-v. and st. jus. Hancock co. Ind. This village, called in the p-o. list, Han- cock c. h., is situated near the head of Sugar cr. 21 ms. by p-r. n. e. by e. Indianopolis. Pop. 133. Geeenford, P-V. Columbiana co. O. Green Garden, p-v. Sumner co. Ten. 37 ms. ,N. E. Nashville. Green Hill, formerly Freeman's Store, p-o. ■ Jones CO. Geo. Green Hill, p-o. Columbiana co. 0.295 ms. N. w. W. C. Greenland, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 4 nis. s. w. Portsmouth, on Great bay. Pop. 681. Greenmont, p-o. King William co. Va, 53 miles from Richmond. Greenock, p-v. and st. jus. Crittenden co. Ark. by p-r. 938 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Green Pond, a beautiful lake in Morris co. N. J- giving name to a ridge of mtns. 16 ms. n. Morristown. Green River, p-v. Rutherford co. N. C. Green's p-o. Jefferson co. Ala. by p-r. 66 ms. n, e, Tuscaloosa, Green's p-o. Grayson co. Va. by p-r. 130 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Greensborough, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 27 ms. n. e. Montpelier. Pop. 784. Greensboro', p-v. Greene co. Pa. Greensboro', p-v. Caroline co. Md. 8 ms. a little N. of E. Denton. Greensboro', p-v. and st. jus. Guilford co, N. C. by p-r. 89 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 07', long. 2° 52' w. W. C. A cotton man. ufactory, to be moved by steam, is to go into operation here the present season, (1833.) Greensboro', p-v. and st. jus. Greene co, Geo. by p-r. 40 ms. a very little e. of n. Mil- kdgeville. Lat. 33° 33', long. 6° 12' w. W, C, Greensboro', p-v. in the southeastern part of Greene co. Ala, 40 ms. almost directly s. Tus- caloosa, Greensburg, p-v. in the northern part of Mecklenburg co. Va. 10 ms. n. n. e. Boydton, the CO. St. and by p-r. 93 s. s. w. Richmond. Greensburg, p-v. borough and st. jus. West- moreland CO. Pa. by p-r. 192 ms. n. w. W. ;C It is situated on one of the head branches of Se- wickly creek, 32 ms. s. e. by e. Pittsburg. It is a neat village, composed in great part of a sin. gle street along the great western r. Lat, 40° 18', long, 2° 34' w. W, C. Pop. 810. Greensburg, small village on the left bank of Monongahela r., and in the southeastern angle of Green co. Pennsylvania, 20 ms. by land above Brownsville. Greensburg, p.v. and st. jus. Greene co. Ky.. situated on Greene r., 120 ms. n. e. Nashville, in Tenn, and by p-r. 82 ms. s. w, Frankfort. Pop. 669. Greensburg, p-v. in the northeastern part of Trumbull CO. Ohio, by p-r. 304 ms. n. w. W. C, Greensburg, p-v. and st. jus. Decatur co. Ind. by p-r. 559 ms. w. W. C. and 55 s. e. In- dianopolis. Lat, 39° 16', long. 8° 30' w. W. C. Green's Fork, and p-o. Wayne co. Ind. by p-r. 75 ms. a little N.of e. Indianopolis. Greensville, p-v. and st. jus. Grayson co, Va. This place called in the p-o. list Grayson court house, is situated on the right bank of New r., or the higher part of Great Kenhawa, 25 ms. s. s. E. Evansham, and by p-r. 354 ms, s. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 36° 38', long. 3° 55' w, W,C, Greensville, dist. S. C. bndd. by Spartan- burg E., Lawrence co. s. e., Anderson s. w,, Pickens w., and Buncombe co. N. C. n. Length from s. to N. 47 ms. mean width 15, and area 705 square ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 28' to 35° 10', and in long, from 5° 10' to 5° 40' w. W. C. The slope nearly to the southward, follingfrom the Blue Ridge, which bounds it on the north. On tlie west it is limited in all its length by the vSaluda rive.r, which separates it from Anderson and Pickens dists. It is drained by the branches of Saluda, Reedy, Ennoree, and Tyger rs. The surface is finely diversified by mtn. hill and valley scenery, with much ex- cellent soil. Cf. t. 'Greenville, Pop. I82O5 14,530, 1830,16,476. Greentown, p-v. in Lake tsp. Stark co. Ohib, 11 ms. N, w. Cantouj the st. jus. for the co. — Pop. 85. Greentree GiiovE, and p-o. Stewart co. Tenn, by p-r. 94 ms. n. w. by w. Nashville. Greenup, nortkeasterly co. of Ky. bndd. s. by GRE 183 GRI Lawrence, w. by Lewis, n. w. by Ohio river, separating it from Sciota co. state of Ohio, n. E., again by Ohio r., separating it from Law- rence CO. state of Ohio, and e. by Big Sandy river, separating it from Cabell co. Va. Length from west to east, 48 ms. mean breadth 16, and area 768 square ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 13' to 38° 44', and in long, from 5° 30' to 6° 23' w. W. C. Slope as of the adjoining co. of Va. Cabell is to the northward. The greatest part of Greenup is drained by Little Sandy and Tyger's crs. Cf. t. Greenupsburg. Pop. 1820, 4,311, 1830, 5,852. Greenup, or Greenupsburg, p-v. and st. jus. Greenup co. Ky. situated on Ohio r, at the mouth of Little Sandy r., by p-r. 133 ms. n. e. by E. Frankfort. Lat. 38° 32', long. 5° 46' w. W. C. Pop. 204. Green Vai.ley, p-v. Warren co. Pa. by p-r. 233 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Green Valley, p-v. on Cowpasture r., Bath CO. Va. by p-r. 230 ms. s. w. by w. W. C., and 181 N. w. by W. Richmond. Green Village, p-v. and tsp. Franklin co. Pa. The p-o. is about 5 ms. n. e. Chambers- burg. Greenville, p-t. Greene co. N. Y. 17 ms. n. w. Catskill, on Catskill r. Pop. 2,565. Greenville, p-v. in the northern part of Lu- zerne CO. Pa. by p-r. 155 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Greenville, one of the southern cos. of Va. bndd. by Brunswick w., Notaway r. separating it from Dinwiddle n. w., by Notaway r. again separating it from Sussex n., a part of Sussex and a part of Southampton e., and by ISorth- ampton co. N. C. on the s. Length 22, mean width 14, and area 308 square ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 3U' to 36° 48', and in long, from 0° 20' to 0° 46' w. W. C. Meherin r. entering the western border, traverses it southeasterly and divides it into two not very unequal sec- tions, and being bounded on the north by Nota- way river, it is well situated, commercially. Slope eastward with a slight inclination to the south. Cf t. Hicksford. Pop. 1820, 6,858, 1830, 7,117. Greenville, p-v. in the southern part of Au- gusta CO. Va. 11 ms. s. s. w. Stanton, and 136 n. w. by w. Richmond. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Pitt co. N. C. situated on the left bank of Tar river, 23 ms. by land above Washington, and by p-r. 105 ms. a little s. of E. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 35', long. 0° 24'w. W.C. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Greenville dist. S. C. situated on, and near the head of. Reedy r'., by p-r. 110 ms. n. w. Columbia. Lat. 34° 50', long. 5° 27' w. W. C. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Merriwether co. Geo. by p-r. 753 ms. s. w. W. C. and 111 ms. w. Milledgeville. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Butler co. Ala. situated on a cr. of the Sapulga branch of Cone. cuh r. about 120 ms. n. e. Mobile, and by p-r. 151 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa, lat. 31° 42', long. 9° 46' w. W. C. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Miss, situated on a branch of Coles cr., 24 ms. N. N. E. Natchez. Lat. 31° 47', long. 14° 9' w. W.C. Greenville College, and p-v. Green co. Ten. is about 4 ms. a little e. of s. Greenville, the CO. St. This is the most ancient collegiate establishment made in the United States, west, ward of t'he Appalachian mountains, being founded in 1794, four years previous to Tran. sylvania University, Ky. There are in this in- stitution, 1832 — 3; 3l students, and the library contains 3,500 vols. Commencement third Wednesday in September. Greenville, p-v. and st.jus. Green co. Tenn. situated 71 ms. a little n. of e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 232 ms. e. Nashville, lat. 36° 07'. Greenville, p-v. and st.jus. Muhlenberg co. Ky. situated on a small branch of Green r., by p-r. 171 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Pop. 217. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus. Dark co. O. by p-r. 501 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. W. G. and 103 westward Columbus. It is situated on Green. ville cr., a branch of Great Miami river, lat. 40° 06', long. 7° 36' w. W. C. Pop. 160. Greenville, p-v. in the western part of Floyd CO. Ind. 9 ms. n. w. Ne w Albany, the co. st. Greenville, p-v. and s'. jus. Bond co. 11. 20 ms. s. w. by w. Vandalia, and 801 w. W. C. lat. . 38° 53'. Greenville, p-v. and st. jus, Wayne co. Mo. by p-r. 908 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. and about 120 a very little w. of s. St. Louis, lat. 37° 06'. Greenwich, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 20 mac E. Northampton. Pop. 813. Greenwich, p t. Fairfield co. Conn. 48 ms. w. N. Haven, on Long Isl. Sound. Pop. 3,805. Greenwich, p-t.. Washington co. N. Y. on Hudson r., contains a number of manufactories on the Battenkill. Union v. is 5 ms. from the r., 37 ms. n. e. Albany. Pop. 3,850. Greenwich, t. Cumberland co. N. J. on the Del. bounded e. by Cohansey cr., w. by Salem CO. Pop. 912. Greenwich, p.v. in the town of the same name, Cumberland co. N. J. on Cohansey cr. 6- ms. s. w. of Bridgeton. Greenwich, t. Gloucester co. N. J. on Del. r. bndd. n. e. by Deptford, s. w. by Woolwich, Pop. 2,657. Greenwich, t. Warren co. N. J., in the s. w. end of the co., bndd. on Del. r. and Musconet, cunk, 31 ms. s. Newton. Pop. 4,485. Greenwich, p-v. and tsp. in the estrn. part of Huron co. 0. ; by p-r. the p-o. is 384 ms. n. w. by w.W. C, and 105 n.n. e. Columbus. Greenv^'ood, t. Oxford co. Me. 5 ms. n, w. Paris. Pop. 694. Greenwood, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 251 ma. w. Albany. Pop. 899. Greenwood, p-v. nrthestrn. part of Columbia CO. Pa., by p.r. 92 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Greenwood, p-v. Laurens dist. S, C, 81 ms. n. w. Columbia. Greggville, p-v. Loudon co. Va. 54 ms. westward W. C. Geegstown, v. Somerset co. N. J., 6 ms. n. E. Princeton. Gretna Green, formerly Fortune's Fork, p-v. Halifax, N. C, by p-r, 216 ms. s. W. C, and 86 N. E. byE. Raleigh, Griersbukq, Beaver co. Pa. {See Darling- ton, same co.) GUI 184 GUL GaiFFiNSBURG, p-0. Culpepper co; Va. 90 ms. s. w. W. C. Griggsby's Stork and p-o., Fauquier co. Va. 61 ms. from W. C. Griggstown, v. Somerset co. N, J., on Mil- stone r., and the Del. and Raritan canal,, 12 ms. w. New Brunswick. Grimville, p-o. Berks ca. Pa. Griswold, t. N.London co. Conn, 6 ms. n., E. Norwich, on Quinebaug r. Fop. 2,212. Groton, t. Grafton co. N. H,, 45 ms, n. w. Concord. Pop. 689. Groton, t. Caledonia co. Vt. 16 ms. e. Mont- pelier. Pop. 836. GuoTON, p-t. Middlesex, co. Mass. 31 ms. n. w. Boston. Pop. 1,925. Groton, p-t. N. London co. Conn, at the mouth of Thames r. opposite N. London. Fort Griswold is on the summit of a hill command- ing N. London harbor ; a monument has been erected there, by subscription, in memory of the capture of the fort, and a cruel massacre, made by British troops under Benedict Arnold, Sept. 6th, 1781. Pop. 4,750.- Groton, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y. 14 ms. n. E. Ithaca. There are mills, &c. on Fall cr. and two villages, Moscow and Peru. Pop. 1830 3 597. Grove, p-t, Alleghany co. N. Y. 257 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1,338. Grove, p.-v. Tazewell cojl., by p-r. 196 ms. N. Vandalia, and 748 ms. p^. w. by w. i w. W. C. Grove Hill, p-o. Clark co. Ala., by p-r. 127 ms. a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa. Groveland, p-t. Livingston co. N. Y. 6 ms. s. Geneseo. On Genesee r. is Williamsburgh V. Pop. 1,703. Grove Level, p-o. Franklin co. Geo. by p-r. 97 ms. N. Milledgeville. Groveville, v. Burlington co., N. J. on Crosswick cr. 3 ms. n. e. Bordentown. Guanos, {See Brooklyn, N. Y.) Guernsey, co. O. bndd. s. e. by Monroe ; by Morgan s. w. ; Muskingum w. ; Coshocton n. w. : Tuscarawas N. ; Harrison n. e., and Bel- mont e. Length from south to north, 28 ms. ; mean breadth 25, and area 700 sq. ms. Ex. tending inlat. from 39° 51' to 40° 12' ; and in long.from 4° 13' to 4° 43' w. W. C. It is al- most commensurate with the higher valley of Wills' cr. ; slope northwestwardly in the gen- eral course of that stream ; surface hilly,, with good soil. Cf. t. Cambridge. Pop. 1820, 9,292; 1830, 18,036. GuiLDERLAND, p-t. Albany co..N. Y., 12 ms, w. Albany. Norman's Kill and its branches furnish mill seats ; Hamilton v. 8 ms, from Al. bany. Pop. 2,742, GuiLBHALL, p-i. and St. jus. Essex co. Vt., opposite Lancaster, with two bridges over Conn, r., 50 ms. n. e. Montpelier; it has mill seats, a courthouse and jail. Pop. 481. Guilford, t. Penobscot co. Me., 49 ms. n. e, Norridgewock. Pop. 655, Guilford, p-t. Windham co, Vt., 31' ms. e. Bennington. 350 acres of land were appropri- ated to schools, and 500 acres to the governor ; the last incltide Governor's m.tn. a barren tract; it has I overal mills. Pop. 1,7,60. Guit t ORD, p-t. and borough,, N, Haven co. Conn,, 15 ms, e. New Haven, on Long IsL. sound ; it has two harbors. Pop. 2,344. Guilford, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 108 ms.. w. Albany. Pop. 2,6.34. Guilford, p-v. York co. Pa., by p-r. 78 ms. N. W. C. Guilford, p-v. and tsp. Medina co. O., p-o. by p-r. 103 ms. n. n. e, Columbus. Pop. tsp. 625. Gulf (The), p-o. Chatham co. N. C, 16 ms. wstrd. Pittsboro', the co. St., and 49 ms. wstrd. Raleigh, Gule Mills, p-o. Montgomery co. Pa. Gulf of Mexico, (See Mexico, inland sea.) Gulf Stream. This term is applied as a general name to the great Atlantic whirlpool, between the two bounding continents. It. is^ one of those immense features which demand ages to enable man to sketch as a whole. Ncv brief experience,; however acute the observers, was adequate in results to connect oceanic cur- rents along the far distant coasts of northwest- ern Europe, and the northeastern coasts of South America, and to trace the opposite phe*- nomena to a common., cause, or to the joint ac- tion of a few simple causes. The following'^ notes on the Gulf Stream are from that learned voyager Alexander Humboldt* "When we- cast our eyes over the Atlantic,, or that deep valley which divides the western coasts of Europe and Africa from the eastera coasts of the new continent, we distinguish a contrary direction in the motion of the waters. Between the tropics, especially from the coasts- of Senegal to the Caribbean Sea, the general current, that which was earliest knovra to mari- ners, flows constantly from east to west. This- is called the Equinoctial current (Gulf Stream) ; its mean rapidity, corresponding to different latitudes, is nearly the same in the Atlantic and- in the Southern Ocean, and may be estimated at 9 or 10 ms, in 24 hours, or from 0,59 to 0,65 (0,62-mean) of a foot every second. The Equi- noctial current is felt, though feebly, even be- yond the tropic of Cancer, in the 26th and 38th degrees N,. lat. In the vast basin of the At- lantic, at six or seven hundred leagues from the^ coast of Africa, the vessels from Europe bound to the West Indies, find their sailing accele- rated hefore they reach the torrid zone. More to the north, under 28° to 35°, between the parallels of Teneriffe and Ceuta, in from 40° to 48° long. w. of Paris, no constant motion is ob- served. There a zone of 140 leagues in breadth separates the Equinoctial current, the tendency of which is towards the west, from that great mass of water which runs toward the east, and is distinguished for extraordinary high tempe- rature. To this latter mass of waters knowTi by the name of GULF STREAM, the attention of naturalists was directed, in 1776, by the curi- ous observations of Franklin and Sir Charles Blagderu The Equinoctial current drives the mass of waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from the African towards the American coast ; by the latter of which it is divided at cape St. Roque, The larger and northern mass borne along and accumulating, finds a final northwestern termi- nation in the Gulf of Mexico, Thence issuing between Florida and Cuba, and encountering a part of the s&me mass of water, but which ap- GUL 185 GUL proaches the American coast to the northward of St. Domingo andGuba, the united body rush- es to the N. between Florida and the Bahama islands. " I there observed," says tlumboldt, " in the month of May, 1804, in the 26th and 27th degrees of n. lat. a celerity of 80 ms. in 24 hours. At the end of the Gulf of Florida, in the parallel of cape Canaveral, the Gulf Stream runs to N, E.. with a rapidity similar to a torrent, sometimes 5 ms. an hour. The pilot may judge with some certainty of the error of his reckon- ing, and of the proximity of his approach towards New York, Philadelphia, or Charleston, when he reaches the edge of the stream ; for the ele- vated temperature of the waters, their strong saltness, indigo-blue color, and the fields of sea- weed which cover the surface, as well as the heat of the surrounding atmosphere, sensible even in winter, all indicate the Gulf Stream. It rapidly diminishes to the north, as its breadth increases, and its waters cool. Between cape and bay Biscane, and the bank of Bahama, n. lat. 25° 30', the breadth is only 4?5 ms., whilst in lat. 28° 30' that of Cape Canaveral, it is 50 ms. ; and in the parallel of Charleston, from 120 to 150 ms. The rapidity of the current is from 3 to 5 ms. an hour where the stream is narrowest, and is only 1 mile per hour towards the north. The waters of the Mexican Gulf impelled to the N, E. preserve their temperature to such point, that at 40° and 41° n. lat. I found them at 22^° Centigrade, or 18° Reaumur (72^° Faht.) when at the same time, out of the current, the heat of the ocean at its surface was scarcely 17^° Cent., 14° Reaumur (63 Faht.). Therefore, "in the parallel of New York and Oporto, the tem- perature of the gulf stream, is equal to that of the seas of the tropics in the 18th deg. oPn. lat. ; as for instance in the parallel of Porto Rico, and the islands of Cape Verd. To the e. of Boston, and on the meridian of Halifax, at n. lat. 41° 25'. the current is near 80 leagues or 240 ms. broad. From this point it turns suddenly to the e., so that its wstrn. edge, as it bends, becomes the wstrn. limit of the running waters, skirling the extremity of the great bank of Newfoundland. The cold waters of this bank, which according to my experiments are at the temperature of 8° 7-10 to 10° 7' or 8' Reaumur, or equal to 48° to 50° Faht., present a striking contrast with the adjacent waters of the gulf stream, the temp, of which is from 21° to22i° Cent., or nearly from 70° to 72° Faht. In these latitudes the caloric is distributed in a singular manner throughout the ocean, the waters of the bank are 9° 4-10 Cent, or 17° Faht. colder than the adjacent sea; and this sea is 3° Centigrade or 5° 4-10 Faht. colder than is the water of the gulf stream. These zones can have no equi- librium of temp., having a source of heat, or cause of refrigeration, which is peculiar to-each, and the influence of which is permanent. From the bank of Newfoundland, or from long. 52° w. Paris, the gulf stream continues its course to E. and E. s. E. The waters still preserve a part of the impulsion they have received near 1000 leagues (3000 ms.) distance, in the straits of Florida; between the island of Cuba and the Tortugas shoala. This is double the length of the course of the Amazon, from Jaen to Grand Para. On the meridian of the islands Corvo and Flores, the two wstrn. of the Azores, the breadth of the current is 480 ms. When vessels, on their return from South America to Europe, endeavour to make these two islands to rectify their long, they constantly perceive the motion of the waters to the s. e. At 33° n. lat. the equi. noctial current of the tropics is in the near vi. cinity of the gulf stream. In this part of the ocean,, we may in a single day, pass from wa- ters which flow to the w., into those which run to the s. E. or e. s. s. Frcmi the Azores, the current of Fiarida turns towards the straits of Gibraltar, the Isle of Madeira, and the Canary group. Pursuing the currents to their most distant sources, and reflecting on their variable celerity, sometimes decreasing as between the Gulf of Florida and the bank of Newfoundland ; at other times augmenting, as in the neighbor- hood of the straits of Gibraltar, and near the Ca- nary islands, we cannot doubt but the same cause which drives the waters to make the cir- cuitous sweep of the Gulf of Mexico agitates them also near the island of Madeira. It is to the s. of this island that we can follow the cur- rent, in its direction to the s. e. and s. s. e. to- wards the coast of Africa, between Cape Can- tin andCape Bajador.- In these latitudes a ves- sel becalmed is carried on the African coast, at the time it is thought at a great distance, if the reckoning be not corrected.. Many hundred leagues wstrd. of the Canary islands, the motion which is peculiar to the equinoctial waters is felt in the temperate zone from lat. 28° to 29° N. ; but on the meridian of the island of Fero, vessels reach the tropic of Cancer before they are found estrd. of reckoning." From the above we have a brief view of an immense vortex, or whirlpool, of upwards of 11,000 ms. circuit. The circuit is made in about 1,050 days, or a small fraction above 10 ms. per diem. The effects of this vast ocean r, on the climate and navigation of the U. S, are marked and enduring as the present order of things in the principles of physical geography. First. — As we have shewn that the tempera- ture over the gulf stream is upwards of 20 deg. Fahrenheit above that of the contiguous regions, a vacuum of course exists which superinduces the force of winds from the continent of Ameri- ca, and contributes, though negatively, to in. crease the intensity of the American winters. Secondly. — The relative rapidity of the gulf stream is reverse to the elevation of the ocean tides along the coast of the U. S. The tides are low to the sthrd. where the ocean current is strong, wide, and rapid ; but the direct reverse takes place with 'both phenomena to the nthrd. and no two similar operations of nature can dif- fer more strikingly than the tides in the Florida channel and Bay of Fundy. Thirdly. — Com. bining the current o-f the gulf stream between the U. S. and Europe, with the greatly prevail, ing winds from the wstrd., voyages are made to the e. in about 23 days at a mean, whilst in the opposite direction, it demands about 40 or 41 days to traverse the Atlantic. Voyages along the coast of the U, S. are similarly influenced, though in a less degree. It is considerably more easy to sail from the Cuba and Bahama HAC me HAD channels to the n. than to navigate in the oppo site direction. Gull Isls. at the mouth of Long Isl. sound. They are two, Great and Little ; on the latter is a light house. Gunpowder r. of Maryland. This stream has its remote sources near the line of demar- cation between Pa. and Md., but enters the lat- ter as mere rills; pursuing a general southeast- ern course over Baltimore co., by comparative distance 30 ms. it receives a large cr. from the northeastward, called the Falls of Gunpowder, and having met the tides, inflects to the south- ward 10 ms. widening into a bay, which is finally merged in the larger sheet of the Ches- apeake. Gunpowder is navigable for small vessels to Joppa, at the confluence of the two branches, and near the head of tide water. GusTAVUs, p-v. and tsp. nrthrn. part of Trum- bull CO. O., 22 ms. N. Warren, the co. st. and 319 ms. N. w. W. C. GuTHRiESViLLE, p-0. wstrn. part Chester co. Pa., by p-r. 72 ms. e. Harrisburg. GuYANDOTTE, r. of Va., rising in Logan co. from the nrthwstrn. foot of the Great Flat Top mtn. and flowing thence n. n. w. draining a val- ley between those of Great Kenhawa and San- dy rs., enters Cabell co. and falls into O. r. be- low Barboursville, after a comparative course of about 100 ms. GuvANDOTTE, LiTTLE, cr. of Va., falling into O. r. between the mouths of Guyandotte and Great Kenhawa rs., and for some ms. above its mouth coQsiitutes the boundary between Mason and Cabell cos. Guyandotte, p-v. Cabell co. Va., by p-r. 401 ms. s. w. by w. ^ w. W. C. Guy's Mills, and p o., Crawford co. Pa. GwiNTXET, CO. Geo., budd. n. e. by Hall ; e. by Jackson ; s. e. by Walton; s. by Newton;' s. w. and w. by De Kalb ; and n. by Chattahoo- che r. separating it from Lumpkin. Length 36 ms. ; mean width 18, and area 648 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 33° 50' to 34° 12', and in long, from 6° 47' to 7° 28' w. W. C. Lat. 34° extends across Gwinnet, along very nearly its greatest length, and divides it into two nearly equal portions. This natural geographical lim- it also passes upon a dividing ridge, from which flow nrthwstrdly. some confluents of Chatta- hooche, and sthrdly. the extreme sources of Ocmulgee r. Gwinnet, therefore, occupies a part of the summit ridge between the rs. of the Atlantic slope, and those of the Gulf of Mexico.- Cf. t. Lawrenceville. Pop. 1820, 4,589 ; 1830, 13,289. Gwinn's Mill, and p-o. Monroe co. Va., by p-r. 277 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. GwYNNED, or Gynned, p-o. and tsp. Mont- gomery CO. Pa. on the heads of Towamensing and Wisahiccon creeks 18 ms. n. n. w. Phila- delphia. Habersham, co. of Geo. bndd. by Turoree r. separating it from Rabun ^. e. ; the Tugaloo r. separating it from Pickens district S. C. e. ; Franklin co. of Geo. s. e. ; Hall -s. ; Chestatee r. separating it from Lumpkin co. w. ; and ■Via- conco. in N. C. n. Length 38 ; mean breadth 20, and area 760 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 27' to 35°, and in long, from G° 20' to 6° 55' w. W. C. Habersham embraces an elevated and remarkable natural section ; from it flows to the n. w. the sources of Hiwassee branch of Ten. r. ; from the western part flow the sources of Etowah, or the most northeasterly fountains of Mobile ; in the cen- tral part rise the extreme northern sources of Chattahooche ; whilst from the eastern side are discharged the most northwesterly constituents of Savannah r. It is in this co. and in the westerly border of Rabun, that the Blue Ridge declines to the w., forming the nucleus from which the streams are discharged like radii from a common centre. The mean height of Habersham, independent of the mtn. ridges, must be at least 1,500 ft., or an equivalent to near 4 degrees of temperature ; assimilating the winter climate to that on the Atlantic bor- der, on lat. 39°. Cf. t. Clarksville. Pop. 1820, 3,171; 1830, 10,671. Hackersville, p-v. Lewis co. Va., by p-r. 246 ms. w. W. C. Hacketstown, v. Warren co. N. J., on the w. side of Muskonetcunk r., 22 ms. w. Morris- tovm, 4 ms. n. Schoolley's mount. The Morris canal passes 1 m. n. w. ot this place. Hacktnsack, r. N. J., rises in Rockland co. N. Y. runs 14 ms. and enters N. J., emptying into Newark bay ; navigable 15 ms. Hackl\sack, p-v. and st. jus. Bergen co. N. J., on the w. side of Hackinsack r.. 14 ms. n. N. Y., 14 N. N. E. of Nev;ark, and 7 ms. e. of Pat- terson. There is a handsome court house, 2 churches, a bank and academy in the v. Hackney's Cross Roads, and p-o. Chatham CO. N. C, by p-r. 38 ms. w. Raleigh. Haddam, p-t. Middlesex co. Conn., 23 ms. s. Hartford, on the w. side Conn, r. Granito ia quarried here. Pop. 2,830. Haddonfield, v. Gloucester co. N. J., on Cooper's cr. 9 ms. e. Camden. Hadensville, p-v. Todd co. Ky., by p-r. 188 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Hadley, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. on the e, side Conn. r. opposite Northampton, (to which it is connected by a bridge across the Conn.) and 97 ms. w. Boston ; the Hopkins academy heie is very respectable and flourishing ; this is a fine farming town, and the meadows are the finest in New England ; the manufacture of brooms in this town is very extensive ; the crop of broom corn in 183-1, was estimated at 150 tons, and the value of the brush and seed alone, at $21,750; the whole crop of 1831, was manufactured into brooms within the town, and great quantities of this article are annually scattered hence through the U. S. Pop. 1,886. Hadley, t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 27 ms. n. Ballstown Springs, 51 N.Albany. Much timber is sawn at the falls on the Mohawk. Pop. 829. Hadley's Mills, and p-o. by p-r. 43 ms. west, ward Raleigh. HAL 187 HAL Haerlem, p-v. N. York co. N. Y. 8 ms. n. New York. The heights were fortified in the revolu:ionary war, and in the late war. A canal is projected to cross Manhattan isl. here. Haerlem r. N. Y. co. N. Y. is a strait on the N. side of Manhattan isl., 6 ms. long and from i •to ^ m. wide. Haerlkm, p-v. and tsp. called on the census ■ tables Harlem, in the southern part of Delaware CO. O. The p-v. 20 ms. northward from Co- lumbus. Pop. tsp. 532. Hagerstown, p-v. and st.jus. Washington co. Md. situated on a fine limestone valley 2 ms. westward from Antietam cr., 72 ms. n. w. by w. from Baltimore, and by p-r. 69 ms. n. w. W. C. Lat. 39° 39', and long. 0° 42' w. W. C. It is a well built and thriving town, with a well cultivated, fertile and wealthy neighborhood. It contains the usual co. buildings, a female academy, numerous private schools, with sev- eral places of public worship. Pop. 3,371. Hague, p-t. Warren co. N. Y. on lake George, 22 ms. N. E. Caldwell. Brant lake and Rogers Rock, are in this town. Pop. 721. Hague, p-v. eastern part of Westmoreland co. Va. by p-r. 116 ms.s. e. Richmond. Hailstone, p-v. Mecklenburg co. Va., by p-r. 91 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Halberts' p-o. Tuscaloosa co. Ala., 25 ms. ■s. wstrd. Tuscaloosa. Halfmoon, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., on Hud- son r., 14 ms. N. Albany. Clifton Park, the bo- rough, and Newtown, are small villages. The Erie and Champlain canals run through the ;town. Pop. 2,042. Half Moon, tsp. and p-o. sthrn. part of Centre CO. Pa., by p-r. 178 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1,092. Halfway House, and p-o. Ann Arundel co. Md. by P-r. 15 ms. from Annapolis. Halfway House, and p-o. estrn. part of York, Va., 84 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond. Halifax, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 9 ms. s. w. Brattleborough, has a, male and female school for the higher branches. Pop. 1,562. Halifax, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass., 13 ms. n. w. Plymouth, 35 s. e. Boston. Pop. 709. Halifax co. of Va., bndd. by Pittsylvania w., Roanoke r. which separates it from Campbell N., and Charlotte n. e. and e., by Mecklenburg CO. Va. and Granville of N. C. s. e., and Person CO. of N. C. s. Length 33, mean breadth 23, and area 759 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 30' to 37° 02', and in long, from 1° 38' to 2° 12' w. W. C. Though the Roanoke curves semicir- cularly round the nthrn. and estrn. border of this CO., the slope is almost directly estrd. ; Dan r. enters at the s. w. angle and flowing n. e. by e. over the co. receives within it Banister r. from the N. w.,and Hycootee from the s. w., and thus augmented, joins the Roanoke at the extreme estrn. angle of the co. It is a well watered co. with much excellent soil. Cf. t. Banister. Pop. 1820, 19,060, 1830, 28,034, HftLiFAX, p-v. and tsp. on the left bank of Sus- quehannah r. at the mouth of Armstrong cr. Dauphin co. Pa., 18 ms. above, and nthwrds. Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1,772. Halifax, c-h. Halifax co. Va. (See Banister.) Halifax co. N. C, bndd. by Roanoke r. which separates it from Northampton, n. e. and E., and from Bertie s. e., by Martin co. s., by Fishing cr. separating it from Edgecombe and Nash s. w., and by Warren w. Length 45 ms., mean width 16, and area 720 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 35° 57' to 36° 28', and in long, from 0° 18' to 1° 03' w. W. C. This co. is crossed by the great primitive ledge which se- parates the sea ?and alluvion from the hilly or intermediate region between the tide waters, and the moimtain system in the interior of the continent. By the joint exertions of N. C. and Va., a canal and sluice navigation has been completed along the Roanoke, from Weldon in Halifax co. N. C. to Salem in Botetourt co. Va. (See art. Roanoke, 'Halifax co. N. C.) possesses the advantages of tide and r. navigation, with extensive bodies of fertile soil, and a climate admitting the profitable cultivation of cotton. Cf. t. Halifax. Pop. 1820, 17,237, 1830, 17,739. Halifax, p-t. port of entry, and st. jus. Hali- fax CO. N. C, situated on the right bank of Roanoke r., 90 ms. s. w. by w. from Norfolk in Va., and by p-r. 103 x. e. from Raleigh in N. C. Lat. "36° 18', long. 0° 38' w. W. C. Vessels of 45 tons ascend to this port and there come in contact with the extensive navigation of Roan- oke r. above tide water. Hall, co. of Geo., bndd. by Habersham n. , Franklin e., Jackson s .-e., Gwinnet s. w., and Chestatee or Chattahooche r. separating it from Lumpkin co. n. w. Length 35, mean breadth 15, and area 525 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 03' to 34° 28', and long. 6° 28' to 6° 53'w.W. C. This CO. similar to Gwinnet and Habersham, occupies a part of the table land between the waters of the Atlantic and those of the Gulf of Mexico. The whole southeastern side slopes to the s. e. discharging into Frank- lin, the extreme sources of Broad r. branch of Savannah r., and into Jackson, tlie higher foun- tains of Oconee. The-wstrn. and nthrn. sec- tions are drained by Chestatee and rioquire, uniting near the middle of the co. to form Chat- tahooche. Cf.t. Gainesville. Pop. 1820, 5,086, 1830, 11,748. Halloca, p-v. Muscogee co. Geo., by p-r. 134 ms. &. vv. by w. Milledgeville. Hallocksburg, p-v. Bourbon co. Kj.., by p-r. 37 ms. estrd. Hartford. Hallowell, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., on Ken- nebec.r. at the head of the tide, 2 ms. below Au- gusta, 54 N. E. Portland. It is one of the most wealthy, populous, and flourishing towns in the state. The principal village is on the w. bank ofthe r. Itis navigable to this place lor vessels of 150 tons. The Hallowell granite is very celebrated, and is extensively quarried and wrought. Pop 3,961. Hall's r. N. H. forms the boundary between L. Canada and N. H. from its source in the high, lands, to its junction with the Connecticut r. at Stewartstown. PIallsboro, p-v. Chesterfield co.Va. byp-r. 17 ms. from Richmond. Halls Cross jRoads, and p-o., at the head of the N. E. branch of Bush r., Harford co. Md., 30 ms. N. E. Baltimore. Hallsville, p-v. Amelia co. Va., byp-r. 33 me. s. wstrd. Richmond. HAM 188 HAM Hallsville, p-v. Duplin co. N. C. by p-r. 106 ms. s. E. Raleigh. Hallsville, p-v. in the wstm. part of Fair- field dist. S. C. by p-r. 60 ms. n. n. w. Colum- bia. Hallsville, p-o. Ross co. O., by p-r. 50 ms. sthrd. Columbus. Halsellville, p-o. Chester dist. S. C.by p.r. 50 ms. N. Columbia. Halseyville, p-v. Chester dist. S. C by p-r. 47 ms. N. Columbia. Hambaugh's p-o. Shenandoah co. Va., by p-r. 82 ms. w. W. C. Hamburgh, p.t. Erie co. N. Y., 9 ms. s. Buf- falo. Surface variable. Climate always drip- ping with an overload of moisture. Contains 17 schools. Pop. 3,351. Hamburgh, village Sussex co. N. J. on the Wallkill 12 ms. n. e. Newton. Hamburg, flourishing p-v. on the left bank of the Schuylkill r. immediately below the gap where that stream passes the Kittatinny mtn. Berks co. Pa. 16 ms. atiove Reading. It is composed in great part of a single street ex- tending along the great western road, and near- ly parallel to the r. Pop. about 500. Hamburg, p-v. on Savannah r directly oppo- site to Augusta, in Geo. and in the southern part of Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. Columbia. A rail road is in progress from this town to Charlesiown, (See rail roads and canals.) Hamburgh, p-v. Calhoun co. II. by p-r. 136 ms. w. Vandalia. Hamden, t. N. Haven co. Conn. 5^ ms. from N. Haven, and 32 ms. from Hartford. It con- tains several kinds of minerals. A mass of copper weighing 90 lbs. was once discovered on one of the Greenstone hills of the town. Soil generally fertile. Timber, walnut, oak of the various kinds, and other deciduous trees. It contains numerous mill privileges, an exten- sive gun manufactory, and other manufactories of various kinds. Pop. 1,669. Hamilton, r. N. Y. (See Olean.) Hamilton, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 26 ms. n. e. Boston. A neat and pleasant town. Soil good. Surface sufficiently level for beauty or utility. Pop. 748. Hamilton, co. N. Y. bndd. n. by St. Law- rence and Franklin cos., e. by Essex, Warren, and a small part of Saratoga cos., s. by Mont- gomery CO., and w. by Herkimer co. It is 60 ms. long N. and s., 30 ms. wide e. and w. con- taining 1800 sq. ms. or 1,152,000 acres. Its surface is elevated. It is traversed by mtns. abounding with swamps. The principal part of the land is of little value. Cf. t. Wells. Pop. 1820, 1,251, 1830, 1,325. Hamilton, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. situated on the Chenango r., being the seat of the N. Y. Baptist theolog. seminary, founded in 1819 by the Baptist education society of the state of N. Y. It has an edifice of stone, 64 ft. by 36, erected at the expense of the inhabitants of the village ; several scholarships, each endowed with $1000 ; and a library. 8 ms. s. e. Morris- ville, and 25 s. w. Utica. Pop. 3,220. Hamilton, village, Albany co. N. Y. (See Guilderland.) Hamilton's Store, and p-o. Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 37 ms. w. W. C. Hamilton, t., Gloucester co, N. J. Pop. 1,424. Hamilton, p-v. Martin co. N. C. by p-r. 120 ms. E. Raleigh. Hamilton, p-v. and st. jus. Harris co. Geo. named on the p-o, list, Harris c. h., and stated by p-r. 112 ms. from Milledgeville, course a little s. of w. ; on Tanner's U. S. it is laid down at 32° 44', long. 8° 03' w. W. C. Hamilton, co. Ten. bndd. by Marion w., Bledsoe n. w., Rhea n. e., and Ten. r. e. s. e. and s. Extending in lat. from 35° 04' to 35° 41', and long, from 8° to 8° 22' w. W. C. The eastern and southestrn. sections of this co. oc. cupy part of the slope descending easterly from Walden's Ridge, to Ten. r. The northwestern section is a parallelogram of about 8 by 10 ms. sloping westerly from Walden's Ridge to the Sequatchie river. The Ten. inclined plain is about 32 ms. in length along the river, with a width of 12, area 384 sq. ms. The whole co. having a superficies of 464 square ms. Cf. t. Hamilton c. h. Pop. 1820, 821, in 1830, 2,274. Hamilton, c. h. and p-o. Hamilton co. Ten. about 120 ms. s. e. by e. from Nashville. Hamilton, co. Ohio, bndd. w. by Dearborn co. Ind.. n. by Butler co. O., n. e. by Warren, e. by Clermont, s. e. by Ohio r, separating it from Campbell co. Ky., and s. w. by O. r., separating it from Boone co. Ky. Length from east to west 30, mean breadth 16 ms. and area 480 sq. m?. Lat. 39° 02' to 39° 20', long. 7° 18' to 7°48' w. W. C. This co. occupies a part of that great buttress of hills, which skirt the right bank of Ohio r. from its head near Pittsburg, to below the influx of Wabash. Great and Little Miami traverse Hamilton in deep vallies. The surface of the co. is hilly, but the soil in an especial manner productive. Bituminous min- eral coal abounds. The Miami canal, connect, ing the stream of Great Miami with the Ohio, reaches the latter in Cincinnati. In 1830, this CO. exclusive of the city of Cincinnati, contained a pop. of 22,317, including the inhabitants of that city 52,317, or with the city a distributive population of 109 to the sq. m. Hamilton, p-v. and st. jus. Butler co. 0. 25 ms. N. Cincinnati. It is situated on the left bank of Great Miami, lat. 39° 22'. Population 1,079. Hamilton, co. Ind. bndd. s. e. by Hancock, s. by Marion, w. by Boone, n. by , and e, by Madison. It is a square of 21 ms. each way, 441 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 57' to 40° 13', long. 8° 53' to 9° 15' w. W. C. Slope s. s, w. and in that direction is traversed by the main stream of White r. and also by some of its tributaries. Cf. t. Noblesville. Pop. 1,757. Hamilton, p..v. and st.jus. Monroe co. Misp. situated on Battahatchee r. 15 ms. n. n. e. Co- lumbus, 237 n. e. Natchez, and 70 n. w. Tus- caloosa, in Ala, Hamilton, co. of II. bndd. s. by Gallatin, s. w. by Franklin, n. w. by Jefferson, n. by Wa3aie, and E. by White. It is a sq. of 24 ms. each way, 576 sq. ms, Lat. 37° 59' to 58° 16'. Long. 11° 25' to 11° 46' w. W. C. This co. is HAM 189 HAM a tnble land ; from the southwesiern angle rises the Raccoon branch of Muddy r. the northern part is drained by Wayne's fork of Little Wa- bash, whilst the central and rather most exten- sive section gives source to the north branch of Saline r* The slopes are consequently s. w. towards the Mississippi in the general direction of Muddy r., s. k. towards Ohio river by the course of the Saline, or eastward towards the Wabash, with the branches of Little Wabash., Cf. t. MacLeansboro'. Pop. 2,616. Hamilton, co. of Florida. This co. is, as laid down on Tanner's U. S. map, bndd. n. by Lowndes and Ware counties, (jeo., e. and s. by Little Suwanec, and w. by Withlacuchee river. Length 34 ms. mean breadth 17, and area 578 sq. ms. Extending in latitude from 30° 20'to ■M)° 29', and in long, from 5° 52' to 6° 28' w. W. C. This CO. slopes southward, and is drained by the various branches of Suwanee r. Cf. t. Micco. Pop. 553. Hamilton, village, on the west bank of Schuykill, opposite to and adjoining Phila. of wliich city it is really a suburb, extending prin- cipally along West Chester, Darby and Lancas- ter roads. The site rises by a fine acclivity from Schuylkill, and afibrds elegant seats for houses, many of which are the summer retreats of the citizens of Phila. The village and the city are connected by Permanent Bridge. Hamii-ton's Store, and p-o. Loudon co. Va. by p-r.37 ms. w. W. C. Hamlet's, p-o. Stewart co. Tenn. by p-r. 67 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Hamlinton's, p-o. Wayne co. Pa, by p-r. 150 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Hamorto.v, p-o. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 107 ms. N. E. W. C. Hamor's Store, and p-o. Delaware co. Pa. 129 ms. N. E. W. C. Ha.mpde.\', p-t. Penobscot co. Me. w. Penob- scot river, 10 ms. s. s. w. Bangor, 29 ms. n. w. Castine. Pop. 3,020. Hampden, co. Mass. contains 19 ts. bndd. n. by Hampshire, gf. by Worcester, s. by Conn, line, w. by Berkshire. Chief town, Spring- field. It is excellently watered, by the passing of Conn, river through its centre from n. to s., by Chickapee river from the e., and Westfield river from the west. The Farmington canal passes through the wddth of the co. and opens a direct communication with New Haven. Steam boats now pass up the Conn. r. through this co. Fop. 18-20, 28,021 ; 1830, 31,640. Hampden, p-v. Walton co, Geo. by p-r, 82 ms. N. N. w. Milledgeville. Hajjpden, p-v. and tsp. northeastern part of Geauga co. Ohio. The p^o. is by p-r. 127 ms. N. E. from Columbus. Pop. tsp. 530. Hampshire, co. Mass. contains 23 towns, of which Northampton is the cf. t. and st. jus. Conn. r. forms the e. boundary of the t., and passes through the centre of the co. from n. to s. A branch of Swift r. waters the e. and a branch of Westfield r. the w. parts of the co. It is bndd. n. by Franklin, e. by Worcester, s. by Hampden, and w. by Berkshire cos. lying wholly in the valley of the Conn. The soil is of the best quality. Fop. 1820, 26,487 ; 1830, 30,254 25 Hampshire, co. of Va. bndd. by Morgan n. e.,- Frederick e.. Hardy s. and s. w., and tlie Poto- mac r. separating it from Alleghany co. in Md. N. w. and N. Length 40, mean breadth 24, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 1° 28' to 2° 12' w. W. C. The slope of this moun. tainous co. is to the northeast, traversed in that direction by the south branch of Potomac and several lesser streams, with lateral nitn. rido-es intervening. Though so much broken by mtns, much of the soil on the streams is excellent. The lowest part along the two branches of Po. tomac exceeds an elevation of 50) ft. above tide water. Cf. t. Romney. Pop. 1830, 10,8«9, in 1830, 11,279. Hampstead, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 24 miles from Portsmouth, an ill shaped town, having about 30 angles. The soil hard, strong land, favorable to the growth of oak, walnut, and elm, with some chesnut, maple, &c. Pop. 9 13. Ha.mpstead, t. vv. angle of Rockland co. N. Y. 130 ms. s. Albany, Surface broken. Cross, ed on the w. by Ramapo r. which here receives a stream, that also supplies mill seats, abound, ing with falls. The iron works in this town employ a great number of hands. Ramapo works, on Ramapo r. employ 300 hands and give support to about 700 persons. Dater's works, 2 ms. above these on the same r,, sup. port about 140. The t. has various other rnan.- ufactories, among which i& a cotton factory, containing 5000 spindles, afid employing 200 women and children. Ha.mpstead, p-v. Baltimore co. Md. 2o ms. from Baltimore. Hampstead, p-v, in the southeast angle of King George's co. Va. by p-r. 90 ms. s. W. C. and 82 n. n. e. Richmond. Hampton, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. on the sea coast, 7 ms. from Exeter, 13 miles s. w. Portsmouth, and 50 ms. from Concord. Plea- santly situated. Its beaches are little inferior to the far famed Nahant beach, and have long been the resort of invalids and parties of plea, sure. It has a singular bluff called Boar's- Head. Pop. 1,102. Hampton, p-t. Windham co. Conn. 8 ms. n. e.- Windham, and 37 e. Haitford. Surface une- ven. Soil, a gravelly loam, strong and fertile, and well adapted to grazing. Timber, oak, walnut, chesnut, and other deciduous trees. Well watered, and contains some mill privile- ges, and a variety of manufacturing establish- ments. It has 10 school districts. Pop. l,l(Jl. Hampton, t. Washington co. N. Y. 6 ms. s. e. Whitehall, 70 n. n. e. Albany. Timber, maple, beech, &c. interspersed with beau'iful groves of white pine. Well watered and healthy, and remarkable for the growth of its apple trees, which produce excellent fruit. It has 7 schools. Pop. 1,069, Hampton, p-v. Adams co. Pa. by p.r. 90 ms. n. W. C. Hampton, p-v. and st. jus. Elizabeth City co. Va. by p-r. 199 ms, a little e. of s. W. C. and and 16 n. n. w. Norfolk. It is a seaport on a small bay of Hampton Roads, on the n. side 3 ms. N. w. Old Point Comfort. Hampton, p-v. Adams co. Pa. by p-r, 31 ms. s. w. Harrisburg. HAN 190 HAN Hampton, p-t. and at. jus. Elizabeth City co. Va. situated on a small bay of Chesapeake bay, or rather of the estuary of James r. 16 ms. N. w. w. Norfolk, and by p-r. 93 s. e. by e. Richmond. Lat. 37° 02' long. 0° 44' e. W. C. Hampton Falls, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. on the sea coast, 45 ms. from Concord, 41 from Boston, and 16 s. w. Portsmouth. Soil mode- rately good. Pleasantly situated. Pop. 583. Hampton Roads, local name of the mouth of James r. opposite the mouths of Nansemond and Elizabeth rs. Towards the Chesapeake bay, Hampton Roads is defined on the n. by Old Point Comfort, and on the s. by Point Willough- by ; within James r. the termination is in. definite. This sheet of water is sufficiently deep for the largest ships of war. The U. S. commissioners, appointed to examine the lower part of Chesapeake bay in 1818, reported, that, although extensive, Hampton Roads admitted the erection of adequate defences against an enemy's fleet. Hamptonville, p-v. Surry co. N. C. by p-r. 151 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Hamtkamck, p-v. Wayne co. Mich. 13 ms. from Detroit. Hanan's Bluff, p-o. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 69 ms. nthrd. Jackson, and about l20 n. n. E. Natchez. Hancock co. Me. bndd. by Penobscot co. n., Washington co. e., by the Atlantic s., and by Penobscot bay and r; w. This co. is very ir- regular, and includes numerous islands off the coast, and several peninsulas. Lat. from about 44° 10' to 45° 10', and long, from 8° 15' to 9 10' w. W. C. This CO. in 1820 contained a pop. of 31,290. Since which the co. of Waldo, w. Penobscot bay and r. has been divided from it. Cf. t. Castine. Pop. 1820, 31,290, 1830, 24,347. Hancock, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 19 ms. e. Keene, 35 s. w. Concord, and 22 from Am- herst.. The soil generally productive ; w. part of the town mountainous ; the rest agreeably diversified with plain, hill, and dale. Named in honor of governor Hancock of Boston, one of the original proprietors. There are 9 school houses. Here is a manufactory of excellent and elegant fowling pieces and rifles. Pop. 1,217. Hancock, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 130 ms. w. Boston. This is a strip of land about 3 ms. wide, extending along the western boundary of the state for more than 20 ms. A branch of the New Lebanon (N. Y.) Shakers reside with- in its limits. Pop. 1,052: Hancock, p-t. s. angle Del. co. N. Y. 27 ms. s. w. Delhi, and 65 w. Kingston. A rough, hilly tract of land. The e, branch of the Del. r. runs through the centre of this town, and the principal business of the inhabitants is getting lumber, that descends the Del. to Phil. It con- tains 5 schools. Pop. 766. Hancock, flourishing p-v. situated on the left bank of Potomac r. Washington co. Md. 39 ms. a little n. of e. Cumberland, 27 a little n. ofw. Hagerstown, and by p-r. 93 ms. n. w. W. C. Hancock, p-v. Union dist. S. C. (See Han- eockville, same district and state.) H)Incoce, CO. of Geo. bndd-. by Green n. w., Taliaferro n., Great Ogeechee r. separating it from Warren n. e. and e., Washington s., Bald- win s. w., and Oconee r. separating it from Put- nam w. Length 30 ms., mean width 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 04' to 33° 32', and in long, from 5° 50' to 6° 22' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the s. drained by various branches of Oconee and Great Ogeechee rs. Cf. t. Sparta. Pop. 1820r 12,734, 1830, 11,820- Hancock, CO. II. bndd. by Warren n., McDon- ough N. E. and e., Schuyler s. e., Adams s., and the Misp. r. separating it from the state of Mo. below, and from the unappropriated n. w. terri- tory, above the mouth of Des Moines r. Length from a. to n. 33-, mean breadth 22, and area 726 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 11' to 40° 38', long, from 13° 52' to 14° 26' w. W. C. It may be observed under this head, that the val. ley of Misp* between the mouths of Rock r. and II. r. is very restricted on the e.^, the streams ri- sing near, but flowing from that great stream to the southeastward, towards the Illinois river. Amongst these tributaries of Illinois, Crooked cr. or more correctly Crooked r. rises in and drains the eastern part of Hancock co. The western part slopes westward towards Mispv r., the central part being a table land between the two vaUies. Cf. t. Montebello. Pop. 483. Hancock, one of the two southeastern cos. of Misp. bounded by Pearl r. which separates it from St. Tammany's parish of La. s. w., and Washington parish of the same state v/., by the CO. of Marion, Misp.' n. w., Ferry and Jackson cos. N. E. and e., and the Gulf of Mexico, or rather lake Borgne s. Length 60, and breadth 28, area 1,680 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 12' to 31°, and in long, from 12' to 0° 54' w. W. C. The declivity of this co. is in the direction of the streams, about s. s. e. The surface towards the northern border waving or hilly, but gradually becoming more level to- wards lake Borgne. The whole co., with very little exception, was in its natural state, cover- ed with pine ; the soil thin and sterile. PearJ r., from its length, and the surface it drains, promises more navigable facility than from na- ture it affords ; the mouth is shallow and ob- structed. In front of Hancock co. Cat isl. and the two groups of Marianne and Malheureux, are part of a line of sand banks, which extend along the coast of Flor., Ala., Misp., and merge into the Delta of the Misp. r. in La. {See lake Borgne.) It is on the lake shore of Hancock CO. that the marshy coast of the Gulf of Mexi- co, so remarkable along the front of La. is fol- lowed by a solid, dry, pine covered, though still low shore. Cf. t. Shieldsboro'. Pop. 1820, 1,594, 1830, 1,962. Hancock, co. Ind. bndd. by Rush s. e., Shel- by s., Marion w., Hamilton n. w., Madison n., and Henry n. e. Length 20, mean width l8, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 42' to 39° 58', long. 8° 35' to 8° 58' w. Slope southward, and in that direction drained by the northwestern sources of the Driftwood fork of White r. Cf. t. Greenfield. Pop. 1,436. Hancock, c. h. Hancock co. Ind. {See Green- field, same co.) HANCocKSvaLE, marked on the p-o. list Han- HAN 191 HAR cock, p-v. in the northern part of Union dis . S. C by p-r. 8G ms. n. n. w. Columbus. Hanging Fork, p-o. Lincoln co. Ky. 53 ms. s. 'Frankfort. Hanging Rock, p-o. Hampshire co. Va. by p.r. 99 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Hannibal, p-t. s. w, comer of Osv/ego co. N. Y, 11 ms. s. Oswego, 160 from Albany. Watered by several mill streams. Surface gently uneven, soil fertile. It has 9 schools. ■^Pop. 1,794. Hanover, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 53 ms. N. vv. Concord, 97 from Portsmouth, 114 from Boston, and 495 from W. C, situated on Conn. T. Timbered with maple, beech, birch, ash, outh, one of its principal benefactors, and was founded 17G9. It is situ- ated in a beautiful village, half a mil« from the •Conn. r. The college buildings are, a hand- •some edifice of wood, 150 ft. by 50, three sto- ries high, for undergraduates, and for other purposes ; an edifice of brick, called medical house, 75 ft. by 32, three stories high, a conve- -nient chapel, and a green house for botanical purposes. The faculty consists of a president, 7 professors, and 2 tutors. Students, 1832 — 3, 181. Total Alumni 1,701. The college li- brary contains 4,500, and the students' 8,500 "volumes. Commencement, last Wednesday t)Ut one in August. Here is also the N. H. medical school, which is connected with the ■college. There are three professors ; students 1831 — 2, 98. Lectures commence 2 weeks af- ter the college commencement. Pop. 2,361. Hanover, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 22 ms. s. Boston, divided from Pembroke by North r., a. ■stream of some magnitude. Pop. 1,303. Hanover, p-t. n. angle Chatauque co. N. Y., •on the shore of lake Erie, 30 ms. n. e. Mays, ville, 37 s. w. Buffalo. It is washed on the N, by Cataraugus cr. at the mouth of which there is a harbor for small vessels, \vith about 4 ft. water over the bar at the entrance. It is a good tsp. of land, well watered, moderately uneven. It has 20 schools, kept 4 months in 12. Pop. 2,614. Hanover, t. Burlington co. N. J. on the Mon- mouth line, bndd. s. by Northampton, w. by Springfield. Pop. 2,859. Hanover, p-t. Morris co. N. J. on the Passaic, 16 ms. N. w. Elizabethtown. Pop. 3,718. Hanover, p-v. and borough, in the southwest- ern part of York co. Pa. 20 ms. s. w. the bo- rough of York, and 33 s. s. w. Harrisburg. Hanover, co. of Va. bndd. by the Chickaho- mina r. or Henrico s., Goochland s. w., Louisa N. w.. North Anna r. or Spottsylvania n., North Anna r. or Caroline n. e., Pamunky r. or King William e., and New Kent s. e. Length 45, mean vndth 14, and area 630 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 37° 29' to 38° 05', and in long. 0° 15' «y. to 0° 57' w. W. C. North Anna r. is the recipient of the crs. which drain tSie north- em part of Hanover, whilst the Pamunky enters from the w. traversing the co, in an easterly di. rection, and after draining the central section, unites with North Ann^at the extreme south- western angle of Caroline, southward from the junction of North Anna and Pamunky ; the uni- ted water is known by the latter name, and the body of Hanover co. lies between the Chick- ahomina, and that r. with its general slope n. estrd. The surface is hilly, and soil of every extreme, from best r. alluvion to barren sand. Cf. t. Hanover. Pop. 1820, 15,267, 1830, 16,. 253. Hanovek, p-v. and st. jus. Hanover co. Va. situated on the right bank of Pamunky r. by p-r. 20 ms. N. e. Richmond, and 102 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. N. lat. 37° 42', long. W. C. 0° 15' w. Hanover, p-v. and tsp. in the northeastern part of Licking co. O. by p-r. the p-o. is 41 ms. northeastward from Columbus. Pop. of the tsp. 709. Hanover, p-v. North tsp. Harrison co. 0. 8 ms. N. w. Cadiz. Hanover, p-v. in the northwestern part of Shelby co. Ind. 23 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Hanoverton, p-v, Hanover co. Va. situated on the right bank of Pamunky r. 31 ms. n. e. Richmond, and by p-r. 94 s. s. w. W. C. Lat. 37° 42', long. 0° 23' w. W. C. PIanoverton, p-v. in Hanover tsp, in the cen. tral part of Columbiana co. O. The p-v. is 7 ms. s. w. by w. New Lisbon, the co. St., and 145 N. e. by e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 2,043. Hansford, p-v. Kenhawa co. Va. by p.r. 356 ms. s, w. by w. J w. W. C, Hanson, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 24 ms. 8. Boston. Pop. 1,030. Harbour Cafe, the n. extremity of Wells bay. Me. Long. 70° 24' w., lat. 43° 18' n. Harbour Creek, tsp. and p-o. in the north- ern part of Erie co. Pa. The p-o. is 6 ms, N. E. the borough of Erie. Pop, tsp. I,l04. Harbiman, CO. of Ten. bndd. by La Fayette w., Haywood N.W., Madison n,, McNair e., and the state of Misp. s. It is a regular parallelo- gram, 30 ms. from s. to n., and 24 from e. to w,, area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° to 35° 27', and long, from 11° 50' to 12° 14' w. W, C. This CO. is entirely drainedby the con- stituent crs. of Big Hatchee r., and slopes to the N. N. w. Cf. t, Bolivar. Pop. 11,655. Hardimans Cross Roads, and p-o. William, son CO. Ten. 34 ms. from Nashville. Hardin, co. of Ten. bndd. by Mc Nair w., Henderson n. w., Perry n. e., Wayne e., Lauder- dale in Ala. s. e., and Chickasaw co, in the state of Misp. s, w. Length from s. to n. 32 ms., breadth 24, area 768 sq, ms. Extending in lat. from 35° to 35° 28', and long, from 1 1° 03' to 11° 28' w. W. C. The Tennessee r. enters near the middle of the southern border, flows northwardly with a v/estern curve, to near the northern side of this co., and then turns to n. k. leaving it at the northeast angle. On the west- ern side, the valley of Ten, r. is very narrow ; the sources of Big Hatchee rising on the border between Hardin and McNair cos. On the east- ern side, also, the slope of Ten. is narrow, and almost confined to Hardin co. The co. is there- fore composed of two narrow inclined plains falling towards the Ten. Cf. t, Hardensvilie^ Pop. 4,868, HAR 192 HAR Hardin-, co. Ky. bndd. by Grayson s. w., Breclienridge w., Meade n. w., Rolling fork of Salt r. or Nelson n. e., Washington e., Greene s. E., and Hirt s. Length 60, mean width 20, and ;ireii 1.21)0 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 22' to 37° 52', and in long, from 8° 20' to 9° 18'w. W. G. The general slope of this co. is to the s. \v. being in that direction drained by va- riuus creeks flowing into Green r. ; the nonhorn part, however, slopes to the north, and is drain- ed by crs. flowing into Ohio or Saltr. Of t. Elizabethtown. Pop. 1820, 10,498, 1830, 12,849. Hardin, co. Ohio. bndd. by Union s. e., Lo- gan s., Allen w., Hancock n., Crawford n. e., and Marion e. It is very nearly a square of 24 ms. each way, 576 sq. ms. in area. Lat. 40° 32' to 40° 51', long. 6° 24' to 6° 52' w. W. C. Tiiis CO. occupies a table land from which the branches of Sandusky and those of Blanchard's r. flow to the n. ; the extreme sources of Sciota s. E., those of Sandy cr. branch of Great Mi- ami s. w., and those of Au Glaize r. w. Cf. t. Hardy. Pop. 210. Hardin, p-v. in the western part of Shelby co. O. hy p-r. 12 ms. n. w. from Sidney, the co. st. and 88 ms. n. w. by w. Columbus. Hardinsburgh, p-v. and st. jus. Breckenridge CO. Ky. 35 ms. v^. Elizabethtown, 29 s. s. w. Brandenburg, on 0. r. and by p-r. 110 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 47', long. 9° 28', w. V/. C. Hardln'sburg, p-v. Dearborn co. Ind. by p-r. 98 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Hardin's Tavern, and p-o. Albemarle co. Va. by p-r. 13>') ms. s, w. W. C, Hardi.\sv!lle, p-v. St. jus. Hardin co. Ten. situated on the right bank of Ten. r. 40 ms. n. v/. Florence in Ala. and about 120 ms. s. w. by S.Nashville. Lat. 35° 12', long. 11° 18' w.W.C. Hardinsvii.le:, p-v. southeastern part of Shel- by CO. Ky. 10 ms. s. W. Frankfort. Hardiston, t. Sussex co. N. J. Population, 2,588. Hardwickj p-t. w. part of Caledonia co. Vt. 21 ms. N. E. Montpclier, 73 n. Windsor. Sur- face pleasantly diver.'iified with large swells and valleys. The r. Lamoille runs circuitously through it, furnishing a number of excellent mill privileges. Timbered with maple, beech, birch, &c. Contains sulphur springs, and 9 school dists. Pop. 1,216. Hardwick, p-t. Worcester co, Mass. 70 ms. w. Boston, 20 n. w. Worcester. Surface une- ven. Soil fertile, adapted to grass and fruit trees. Pop. 1,885. Hardwick, t. Warren co. N. J. 10 ms. s. w. Newton, Pop. 1,962. Hardy, co. of Va. bndd. by Hampshire n. e., Shenandoah s. E., Rockingham s., Pendleton s. w., Randolph w., and Alleghany co. of Md. N. w. Length 42, mean width 17, and area 714 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 43' to 39° 18', and in long, from 1° 43' to 2° 30' w, W, C. The surface of Hardy inclines to n. E. and is traversed in that direction by the south branch, and several other confluents of Potomac, with lateral chains of mtns. interven. ing, which also extend in a similar direction with the rivers, The surface is indeed exces- sively broken, rocky, and sterile, though tracts of excellent river lands lie detached between the mtn. ridges. The mean elevation of the arable land perhaps exceeds 1,000 feet above the ocean level. Cf. t. Moorfield. Pop. 1820, 5,70j, 1830, 6,798. Hardy, p-v. Hardin co, O. by p-r. 66 ms. n. w. Columbus. Harewoi.d, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa; by p-r. 174 ms. N. E. Hanisburg. Harford, p-v. and tsp. Susquehannah co. Pa. situated between Vanwinkles and Martins branches of Tunkhannock r. 12 ms. s, e. Mon- trose, and 40 a little e. of n. Wilkesbarre, Harford, co. of Md. bndd. by Susquehannah r. separ.uing it from Coecil N. e., by the head of Chesapeake bay, separating it from Kent S; E., by Baltimore co. s. w. and w., and by York CO. in Pa. n. Length 30, mean width 16, and area 480 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 19' to 39° 4.3' nearly. The southern part of this CO. is drained principally by Bush r. and slopes to the southward. The northern is drained by Deercr. or r. and declines eastward, towards the Susquehannah. The soil of this CO. is very diversified, from best to worst. Cf, t.Belair. Pop. 1820, 15,924, 1830, 16,319, Harford, p-v, and named in the p-o. list Harford c. h., is situated at the head ot Bush river bay, 26 ms. n. e. Baltimore. Harlan, co. of Ky. bndd. w. and n. w. by Knox, N. by Perry, n. e. by Pike, and e. s. e. and s. by Cumberland mtn. which separates it from Lee, the extreme southwestern co. of Va. Length 48, mean width 10, area 480 sq. ms; This CO. contains the extreme higher sources of Cumberland r. and is in great part confined to a narrow valley b tween Cumberland mtn,. and the Laurel ridge, with an inclination to the s. w. It extends in lat. from 36° 36' to 37°* and long, froin 5° 49' to 6° 24' w. W. C. The mean elevation of the arable surface of this co. is probaoly above 1000 feet above the ocean level, which would yield a mean temperature equal to that of between 38 and 39 on the At- lantic coast. Cf. t. Mount Pleasant. Pop. 2,929. Harlan, c. h. and p-o, {See Mount Pleas, ant, Harlan co. Ky.) Harlansburg, {See Harlensburg, Mercer co. Pa.) Harleesville, p-v. on Little Pedee r. in the northern part of Marion dist, S. C. about 54 ms. s. s. w, Fayetteville in N. C, and by p-r, 121 n. E, by e, Raleigh. Harlem, t. Kennebec co. Me, 16 ms. e, Au- gusta. Harlem, {See Haerlem, N. Y.) Harlensburg, p-v. southeast angle of Mercer CO. Pa. 50 ms. n. n. w. from Pittsburg. Harmonsburg, p-v. Crawford co. Pa. Harmony, p t. Somerset co. Me. 25 ms. e.- Norridgewock, Pop. 925. Harmony, p-t. Chatauque co. N, Y. 15 ms, s. Mayville, bounded s. by Pa. Land heavily tim- bered with beech, maple, ash, butternut, &c. — moderately uneven, better adapted to grass than grain. 12 schools kept 6 months in 12. Pop. 18.30, 1,989. Harmony, p-v. Warren co, N, J. I2 ms. s. Belvidere, HAR 193 HAR Harmony, p-v. on the Conequenessing cr. Butler CO. Pa. 14 ms. s. w. by w. Butler, and 28 N. N. w. Pittsburg. This village was founded by the Harmonists. Harmony, p-v. York dist. S. C. by p-r. 85 ms. N. t olumbia. Harmony, p-v. Washington co. Mo. about 60 ms. s. s. w. St. Louis. Harmony Grovh, p.v. .Tackson co. Geo. by p-r. 56 ms. northward Milledgeville. Harper's Fkrry, .Teflerson co. Va. 22 ms. s. w. by w. Frederic, 25 almost due s. Hagers- town, and by p-r. 65 s. w. by vv. W. C. Lat. 39= 29', long. 0° 42' w. W. C. The village is situated on the right bunk of Potomac, and on the point above the mouth of Shenandoah r. This place, the seat of one of the U. S. armo- ries, has risen at the justly celebrated pass of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge. The level of low water at the junction of the two rs. is 182 ft. above tide water at Georgetown. The place and vicinity has the romantic aspei-tof an immense amphitheatre, and is amongst the situ- ations of the U. S. most worthy of a visit, wheth- er the object be science, or the gratification of taste. Harpersfield, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 20 ms. N. E. Delhi, 56 s. w, Albany, and 51 from Gatskill. Contains good mill seats ; soil well adapted for grass ; surface broken, with hills and vallies ; land well watered by springs and brooks ; timbered with maple, beech, bass-wood, ash, &c. ; has 11 schools. Pop. 1,976. PIarpersfield, p-v. and tsp. in the north wstrn. part of Ashtabula co. Oi, by p-r. thi p-o. is 10 ms. N. w. Jefferson, the co. st. Pop. tsp. 1,145. Harpersvii.le, p-0. {See Colesville.) Harpersville, p-v. Shelby co. Ala., by p-r. 77 ms. estrd. Tuscaloosa. Harpeth, small r. of Ten., rising in and drain ing the greatest part of Williamson co. Flow- ing thence n. w., enters and traverses the west- ern part of Davidson, and draining the estrn. part of Dickson, falls into Cumberland r. on the border. between Dickson and Davidson co. after a comparative course of 55 ms. Harpswell, t. Cumberland co. Me., 40 ras. E. Portland. Pop. 1,353. Harrington, t. Bergen co. N. J. Pop. 2,58 1 . Harring's Store, and p-o. Hinds co. Misp. about 150 ms.N. e. Natchez. Harris, co. Geo., bndd. by Troup n. w. ; Merriwether n. e ; Talbot e. ; Muscogee s. ; and Ciiattahooche r. separating it from the state of Ala. vv. It is very nearly a parallelogram, 20 ms. by 22, area 440 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 35' to 32° 50', and long, it is bisected by 8° w. from W. C. The slope ol this CO. is westrd., and is drained by small water courses, flowing in that direction in Chattahoo- che r. Cf. t. Hamilton. Pop. 5,105. Harrisburgh, p-t. near n. w. corner of Lewis CO. N. Y., 20 ms. n. Brownville, and 65 n. Rome. Soil a dark, loose, moist loam, good for grain, but better for grass ; timbered with large and heavy maple, beech, elm, &,c. ; sur- face pretty level ; well watered ; contains good mill privileges, and (i school dists. Pop. 712. Harrisburgh, p-v., borough and st. jus. for Oauphin co. and of the government of Pa., 96 ms. N. w. by w. from Pliil. ; 35 ms from Lan- caster, and ilO a very little e. of n. W. C. Lat, 40° 16', long. 0° 07' e. W. C. Harrisburg is built at nearly parallel lines or right angles to the Susqufchannah r., on a peninsula between that r. and Paxton cr. The nrthrn. part of the site is a swelling hill, which gradually sinks to a plain towards the mouth of Paxton. Opposite ihe borough the Susquehannah is divided into two channels ly an isl., the widest being that next the town. Over these channels and isl., and extending from near the central street, is a sub.stantial bridge resting on stone piers, but a frame and flooring of wood above, and roofed with the latter material. The bridge, including the isl. is nearly a mile from shore to shore. On the highest part of the same swell on which the towji is built, and to the n. of the latter, stands the capitol, a substantial, and as a whole, an imposing building, from the cupola of which is one of the finest panorama views in the IJ. S. This view cannot properly be called a land, scape ; it is a circle of landscapes, embracing the swelling and cultivated co. around, relieved by r. and mtn. scenery. A court house and num. ber of places of public worship are contained in the body of the borough. Pop. 4.3 1 2. Harrisburg, p-v. Lancaster dist. S. C, by p-r. 82 ms. n. n. e. (.olumbia. Harrisburg, p-v. Haywood co. Ten., situa- ted in the n. e. part of the co. on the s. branch of Forked Deer r., about 150 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Harrisburg, p-v. Fayette co. Ind., by p-r. 64 ms. eastward Indianopolis. Harris' Gore, a tract of land of 6,020 acres, s. w. corner of Caledonia co. Vt. Mountainous and uninhabited. Harrison, t. Cumberland co. Me., 41 ms. n. vv. Portland. Harrison, t. Cortland co. N. Y., 15 ms. s. s. E. Homer, and 143 w. Albany. A pretty good tsp. of land. Harrison, t. Westchester co. N. Y., 30 ms. from N. Y., and 3 e. White Plains. Land un- der good cultivation ; contains an abundant sup- ply of mill seats ; 6 schools 11 months in 12. Pop. 1,085. Harrison, co. Va., bndd. s. by Lewis ; w. by Wood ; N. w. by Tyler ; 2j. by Monongalia, and by Tiggart's valley r., which separates it from Preston n. e. ; and Randolph s. e. Length 50, mean breadth 22, area 110 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 03' to 39° 35', long. 2° 53' to 3° 55' w. W. C. The western branch of Monongahela r. enters the southern border of Harrison, and winding n. n. e., receives from both sides numerous crs. which drairi the cen- tral and much most considerable part of this large co. The western part, however, declines westward, and is drained by the sources of Middle Isl. cr. The surface of the whole co. is very broken, but generally fertile. Cf. t, Clarksburg. Pop. 1820. 10,932; 1830, 14,722. Harrison, co. Ky., bndd. by Scott s. w. ; Owen w. ; Pendleton n. vv. and n. ; Bracken n. E.; Nicholas e.; and Bourbon s. Length 30, mean breadth 12, area 360 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 13' to 38° 34', long. 7=' 04' to HAR 194 HAR 7° 30' w. W. G. This fine small co. is travers- ed in a notthciiy direction, and divided into two very nearl equal sections, by the w. branch of Licking* r. Soil generally fertile. Cf. t. Cynthiana. Pop. 1820,12,271 ; 1830, 13,2 ;4. Harrison, co. 0., bndd. s. e. by Belmont ; s. ■w. by Guernsey ; w. by Tuscarawas; n. w. by "Stark ; n. by Columbiana ; and e. by Jefferson. 'Length from south to north, 27 ms., mean breadthlS, and area 486 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 10' to 40° S3', long. 3° 50' to 4° 20' w. W. C. The dividing ridge between the vallies of 0. and Tuscarawas rs. extends from south to north, the entire length of this co., dividing it into two imequal sections. The eastern side slopes to the east, and gives source to creeks flowing over Jefferson into 0. r. The western sido de- clines westward, towards the Tuscarawas ; surface excessively broken and hilly, but soil highly fertile. Chief town Cadiz, Pop. 1820, 14,345 ; 1830, 20,916. Harrison, p-v. in Baltimore tsp. and north west border of Hamilton co. 0., 25 ms. n. w. Cincinnati. Pop. 173. Harrison, co. Ind. bndd. by Crawford n. w.; "Washington n. ; Floyd n. e. ; O. r. separating it from Jefferson co. Ky. e. ; and 0. r. separa- ting it from Meade co. Ky. s. and s. w. Length from south to north 36 ms. ; mean breadth 20, and area 720 sq. ms. Lat. 38° to 38° 26' and long. 8° 4f5' to 9° 20' w. W. C. Slope s. w. to- wards, and at right angles nearly, to that pan of Ohio r. between Otter cr. of Ky., and Blue r. of Ind. Surface excessively hilly and broken, but soil excellent, Cf, t. Corydon, Pop. 1820, 7,875; 1830, 10,273. Harrisonburg, p-v, and st. jus, Rockingham CO, Va., 24 ms. tt, n, e. Stanton, 40 n. n. w. Charlotteville, and by p-r. 128 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 38° 25', long. 1° 48' w. W. C, Harrisonburg, p-v, and st. jus, Catahobla ■parish. La. about 4J ms. n. w, by w, Natchez, £at. 31° 47', long, 14° 54' w, W, C, Harrisonburg, p-v. and st. jus. Conway co. Ark. Ter., by p-r. 1,104 ms. s. w. by w. W, 'C., and 40 ms. N, w. Little Rock. Lat. 35° 5', long. 15° 30' w, W, C, Harrison's Mills, and p-o. Charles City co. Va., by p-r. 32 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond. Harris's Lot, and p-o. "Charles co. Md., by p-r. 38 ms. southward W. C. Harrison Vallev, and p-o. Potter co. Pa., 188 ms. N. N. \v. Harrisbarg. Harrisonville, p-o. Monroe co, II,, tituated on the Misp. r. opposite Herculaneum in Mo., 12 ms. southwestward Waterloo, the st. jus. of the CO., and 113 ms. s. w. Vandalia, Harrisville, p-v. in the extreme n. w. angle of Butler co. Pa., 55 ms. almost due n. Pitts- burgh. Harrisville, p-v. on Nottaway r., in the n. e. angle of Brunswick co. Va., by p-r. 37 ms, a little w. of s. Richmond. Harrisville, p-v. in the northeastern part of Harrison co. O., by p-r. 8 ms. s. e. Cadiz, and 132 N.E. by E. Columbus, Pop. 314. Harrisville Reserve, p-v. Medina co. 0., Ill ms. N. e. 'Columbia, Harrodsburg, p-v, and st, jus, Mercer co, Ky,, situated near the main source of Salt r., 31 ms, a very little e. of s. from Frankfort. Lat. 37° 44', long. 7° 48' w. W. C. This plaCe wa's amongst the most early towns founded in Ky. ; in 1830 contained a pop. of ],051. Hart, co. Ky. bndd. by Edmonson w. ; No. lin Fork of Green r. which separates it from Grays"on N. w. ; Raccoon cr. which separates it from Harden n. ; Greene e. ; and Barren s. Length 24, mean breadth 18, area 432 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 06' to 37° 25', ami long, from 8° 28' to 9° 03' w. W. C, ^Tho main body of Green r, traverses Hart in a s. v.\ by w. direction, and receiving creeks from each side drains the co. The surface is generally level, and in its natural state, in a great part composed of a species of soil deceptively call- ed barrens, as much of it in this and adjacent cos. is highly fertile. Cf. t. Mumfordsville. Pop. 1820, 4,184 ; 1830, 5,191. Hartfield, p-v. wstrn. part of Tipton co. Ten., 10 ms. from Covington, the co. St., and by p-r, 207 ms. a little s. of ^v. Nashville. Hartford, p-t. Oxford co. Me., 12 ms. n. e. Paris, It is very hilly, being at the extremity of a spur from the White mtns. Pop. 1,294. Hartford, co. Conn., situated in the n. cen- tral section of the state, principally within the valley, and on both sides of Conn. r. ; is bndd. by Hampden co. Mass. n. ; by Tolland co. e. ; New Loadon co. s. e. ; Middlesex and New Haven cos. s. ; and the cos. of New Haven and Litchfield w. Lat. 42° traverses its north- ern, and 4" e. W. C. its western border. It forms nearly a square, is about 30 miles in length n. and s., and 25 in width ; and cothpri- ses an area of about 727 sq. ms., or 465,280 acres. This co., as a whole, will rank before any other in the state ; and in many respects before any in N. England. The soil iB rich, various and fertile ; well adapted to grain, fruit, and almost every thin'gof which the cli- mate admits, and is fot the most part highly cultivated. The co. is iritersected nearly in the centre by Conn. r. ; w. by the Greenstone (locally Talcott,) mtns. ; and s. e. by a high range of hills. The surface is undulating, abounding in the fertile and varied scenery common to iftuch of the valley of the Conn., and is timbered with various kinds of oak, walnut or hickory, elm, maple, ash, &c. &c. It is watered by several streams, among which is the Tunxis or Farmington r, on the w. ; and Freshwater, Scantic, Podunk, and Hockanum, on the E. A great variety 6f Manufactories are earned on in this co. ; among them, that of cotton (according to a recent return to the Secretary of the Treasury,) employs a capital of ^260,000, consuming annually 509,000 lbs. of cotton ; and the woollen manufacture employs a capitalof ^311,500, consuming about 600,000 lbs. of wool per ann. The towns and villages, which are numerous, are generally pleasant ; many of them are populous and wealthy, Cf. t. Hartford, the st, jus, for the co. Pop, 1820, 47,264 ; 1830, 51,141, Hartford, city and p-t. Hartford co. Conn,, one of the seats of government of the state, and st, jus, for the co., is situated at the head of sloop navigation on the w. side of Conn, r., 50 ms. from its mouth, at lat. 41° 45 , and long, i'* HAR 195, HAR 15' E. W. C. It is 123 ms. n. e. N. York, 34 N. N. E. New Haven, 15 n. Middletown, 44 n. w. New London, 74 w. Providence, 100 w. s. w. Boston, and 97 s. e. Albany. The legislature of the state assembles alternately at this place and New Haven — the odd years at the former. The city is over a mile in length, and fths of a mile wide ; surface undulating, sloping gradu- ally from the principal street to the Conn. ; it is irregularly laid out, and is divided e. and w.by Mill, or Little r. Across this stream a fine bridge of free stone has been thrown, which connects the two parts of the city. This struc- ture, which cost over $30,000, is 100 ieet wide, supported by a single arch, 7 feet in thickness at the base, and 3 feet 3 inches at the centre ; the chord of which is 90 feet ; eleva- tion from the bed of the river to the top of tlie arch, 3j feet 9 inches. Another bridge across the Conn., covered, 1,000 feet long, and which cost over $.100,000, unites the city with East Hartford. Hartford is very advantageously situated for business, is surrounded by an ex- tensive and-wealthy district, and communicates with the towns and villages on the Conn, above, by small steam boats, (now 8 in number,) two of which, for passengers, ply daily between Hartford and Springfield. The remainder are employed in towing flat bottomed boats of 15 to 30 tons burthen, as far as Wells r., 220 ms. above the city. The coasting trade is very con- siderable, and there is some foreign trade, not extensive, carried »n. Five steamboats form a daily line between here and New York. The manufactures of this city, by a late return made to the Secretary of the Treasury, exceed ^900,000 per ann. ; among these are various manufactures of tin, copper, and sheet iron ; block tin and pewter ware ; printing presses, and ink ; a manufactory of iron machinery ; an iron foundry ; saddlery, carriages, joiners tools, paper hangings, looking glasses, umbrellas, stone ware, a brewer)', a web manufactory, cabinet furniture, boots and shoes, hats, cloth- ing for exportation, soap and candles, and 3 mam ufactories of machine and other wire cards. More than twice as many books are published here, annually, as are manufactured in any other place of equal pop. in the U. S. There are 13 periodicals ; 1 daily, 1 semi-weekly, and 9 weekly newspapers (4 sectarian,) 1 semi- monthly and 1 monthly. The city is well built, and contains many elegant public and private edifices. The state house, in which are the public offices of the state, is surmounted by a cupola, and is a very handsome and spacious building. The city hall, built for city purposes, is also spacious, and elegant ; it has two fronts, with 2 porticos, each supported by 6 massy columns. In the city are 11 places of public worship — 5 for Congregationalists, 1 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Universalist, 1 Rom. Catholic, and 1 African ; several of these are very handsome, and the Episcopal, a Gothic edifice, is much admired for its elegance. There are five banks, including a branch of the U. S. B., with an aggregate capital of $3,303,200 ; a bank for savings ; 2 fire, I fire and marine, and 1 life and fire, insurance offi- ces ; 1 life and trust company, an arsenal, mu- seum, twa.markets, &c. The American Asy- lum for the deaf and dumb, the Retreat for.- the insane, and Washington college, are. all beautifully located, in the immediate vicinity of the city. The Asylum, the first institution of the kind in America, incorporated in 1816, was founded under the auspices of Rev, T. H. Gal. laudet, who visited Europe with that object. The system of deaf and dumb instruction in the U. S., which is uniform, proceeded from: this institution, and in some respects differs from any other. By the aid of a considerable fund, pupils are instructed and supported, at a yearly expense of $115 ; a sum much below the actual cost. Beside the Principal, there are 9 teachers in the institution; which contains 138 pupils, many of whom are taught cabinet making, shoe making, and tailoring ; females, are taught the latter, as well as boys. The principal building is 130 feet long, 5Q wide, and 3 stories high, beside a basement anddamitory. Total number of pupils, 412. The Retreat for- the insane was instituted principally by the munificence of the citizens of Hartford, and ranks high among the first institutions of the kind. The edifice is both spacious and ele- gant ; it has an entire front of 254 feet : viz. a centre 50 feet, two wings 70 feet each, and ends each 32 feet ; centre and ends 3, and wings 2 stories high ; and basement. The grounds belonging to the Retreat are spacious, and highly improved. Washington college, founded in 1826, has two edifices of free stone ; one 148 feet long by 43 wide, and 4 s-tories high, containing 48 rooms ; the other 87 feet by 55, and 3 stories high, containing the chapel, Hbrary, mineralogical cabinet, philosophical chamber, laboratory and recitation rooms. There are 5,000 vols, in the college library, and 2,500 in the libraries of the different societies. A complete philosophical apparatus, cabinet of minerals, and botanical garden and green house, belong to the institution. The faculty consists of a president, 6 professors, and 2 tutors. Students, about 60. Commencement 1st Thursday in Aug. The Alms house, with a farm on which the able inmates are employ, ed, is conducted on a plan of remarkable econ. omy, and nearly supports itself. The public schools are numerous, and there are several excellent private schools. Mill r. has several water privileges, which are improved ; and about 2 rns. from the city is an extensive quar- ry of wall stone, suitable for building and other purposes. The location of the city is in every respect delightful ; it is surrounded with a fer- tile and indeed exuberant soil, and is not exceed, ed by any other inlt-nd town in the variety and beauty of its scenery. Hartford was settled 1*635, the city incorporated 1784, and is memorable aa the seat of the Hartford convention. Pop. city, including the t. 1830, 9,789 ; city, 7,076. Hartford, p-t. Washington co. N. Y. 54 ms. a little E. of N. from Albany, 8 e. Sandy Hill. Wood cr, runs along tb-s n. w. corner ; 15 schools, 7 months in 12. Pop. 2,420, Hartford, p-v, and st. jus, Pulaski co, Geo. situated on the left bank of Ocmulgee river, about 60 ms. s, s, w. Milledgeville, lat. 32° 20', long, 6° 30' w. W. C. HAR 196 HAV Hahtford, p-v. and st. jus. Ohio co. Ky. situ- ated on tlie left banlt of Rough cr., near the cen- tre of the CO. by p-r. 147 ms. s. w. by w. Frank- fort, and 45 n. Russellville, lat. 37° 25', long. 9° 56' w W. C. Hartford, p-v. and tsp. northeastern part of Trumbull co. Ohio. The p-o. is by p-r. 175 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 859. Hartford, p-v. Dearborn co. Ind. 100 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Hartland, p-t. Somerset co. Me. Pop. 718. HartlaiNd, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. w. Conn, r., 50 ms. s. E. Montpelier, 62 n. e. Bennington, 100 from Boston. A rich farming town, pleas, andy diversified with hills and vallies. Water- ed N. E. by Queechy r., s. by Lull's brock, which afford some of the best mill privileges in the state. The town contains a valuable bed of paint. There are 18 school dists. It has a variety of manufactories. Pop. 2,503. Hartland, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 22 ms. n. w. Hartford, bndd. n. by Mass. line. Hilly and mountainous. Tolerable for grazing, but poor for grain. Timbered with beech, maple, ches- nut, and evergreen. Watered by the e. branch of Farmington r. Pop. 1,221. Hartland, p-^t. Niagara co. N. Y. on lake Ontario, 12 ms. n. e. Lockport, and 30 e. n. e. Lewiston. Lind good. It school dists. Cross- ed by the Ridge road, on which stands Hart- land village, 2 ms. n. Erie canal, 10 ms. n. e. Loukport. This town contains salt springs. Pup. 1,584. Hartlkton, p-v. and tsp. of Union co. Pa. 12 ms. w. New Berlin, and bv p-r. 65 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg. Pop. tsp. 1,737. HAar's Cross Roads, and p-o. Crawford co. Pa. Hart's Grove, p-o. Ashtabula co. Ohio. Hvrtsville, p-v. Bucks co. Pa, about 25 ms. Phil. Haiitsville, p-v. on the right bank of Cum- berland r., in the extreme southeastern angle of Sumner co. Ten. by p-r. 43 ms. n. e. by e. Nashville. HvrTvVEll's Basin. (See Perrinton.) Hartvvick, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 6^ ms. s. w. Caoperstown, 70 w. Albany. Watered by the Susquehann ih, O di's cr., the outlet of Caniade- raga or Schuyler's lake,, and the Otsego cr., which supply a great abundance of mill sea s. Surface considerably broken and hilly ; well watered by springs and brooks ; 14 schools kept 6 months in 12. A literary and theologi. cal seminary was established here in 1816, by members of the Lutheran church. Pop. 2,772. Harvard, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 20 ms. n. E. Worcester, 30 n. w. Boston. Divided by Nashua r from Lancaster and Shirley. Soil good, especially for fruit, Here is a settlement ofSnakers. Pop. 1,000. Harvard Univkrsitv. (See Cambridge.) Harvey's p-o. Greene co. Pa., by p-r. 241 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Harvey's Stojie, and p-o. Charlotte co. Va., 108 ms. s. w. Richmond. Harvevsville, p-o. Luzerne co. Pa., 94 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Harwich, p-t. Barnstable co. Ms., 79 ms. s. e. Boston, badd. s. by the Atlantic. Pop. 3,974. Harwinton, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 23 ms. w. Hartford. Elevated and hilly. The timber consists principally of deciduous trees. Lands best adapted to grazing. Watered by the Nau- gatuck, and the Lead Mine rs. Contains va- rious kinds of manufactories, 11 school dists., and an academy. Pop. 1,516. Haskinsville, p-v. Gibson co. Ten., by p-r. 151 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Hat (The), tavern and p-o. Lancaster co. Pa., by p-r. 54 ms. Harrisburg. Hatboro', p-v. situated near the n. estrn. bor-- der of Montgomery co. Pa., and on a branch of Penepack cr., 17 ms. N.Philadelphia. HATCiiERSvrLLE, p-0. Chesterfield CO. Va., by p-r. 12 ms. from Richmond. Hatchy, Big. (See Big Hatchy river.) Hatfield, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass., w. Conn, r., 5 ms. n. Northampton, 95 w. Boston. Soil various, but valuable. This town unanimously protested against the revolutionary war, and was the headquarters of the Shays insurrection, but its patriotism has since been undoubted. It is supposed that the farmers of this town now stall feed three times as many oxen as were fattened in all the towns of Old Hampshire, 100 years ago. Pop. 893. Hatfield, tsp. of Montgomery co. Pa., 24 ms. N. N. w. Philadelphia. Pop. 835. Hattekas, a very remarkable cape of the At. lantic coast of the U.S. in N. C. Pamlico sound is enclosed on the ocean side by along low reef of sand and rock stretching 65 ms. from Ocra- cock inlet on the s. w. to New inlet on the rJ. e. Cape Hatteras, properly so called, is the Salient point of this reef, jutting in the Atlantic at lat. 3.>° 12', and long. 1° 35' e. W. C. This low but stormy promontory, is a true cape of winds, and a point of interest and dread in navigatiug the Atlantic coast of the U. S. Havana, p-v. Greene co. Ala., by p-r. 26 ms. s. w. Tuscaloosa. Havana, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Sanga- mon CO. II., by p-r. 123 ms. n. n. vv. Vandalia. Haverford, p-v. Delaware co. Pa. 6 ms. from Philadelphia. Pop. tsp. 980. Haverhill, p-t. and half shire t. Graflon co. N. H. 31 ms. N. w. Plymouth, 27 ms. above Dartmouth college, 70 n. Concord, 132 from Boston. It is situated on Conn. r. Watered by Oliverian and Hazun brooks. A pleasant to.vn. Has a handsome village, denominated Haverhill corner, lying at the s. w. angle of the town. Pop. 2,151. Haverhill, p-t. Essex co. Mass., 30 ms. if, Boston. A handsome and flourishing town, at the head of sloop navigation on the Merrimac, being situated on the n. side of that r. It has an academy. An elegant and costly bridge, 800 ft. long, across the r. conn:cts the principal village with Bradtbrd. Four ms. below is Rocks village, where is another bridge nearly 1000 ft. long. Pop. 3,896. Haverstraw, p-t. Rockland CO. N. Y., 36 ms. N. New York, w. Hudson r., which here spreads into Haverstraw bay. It includes Stoney point, with the old' forts Clinton and Montgomery, to- gether with Dunderberg, or Thunder mtn. It has many good mill seats and several landings, with wharves, sloops, and some trade. There HAY 197 HEB is an academy in the village of Warren. Pop. 2,306. Havre De Grace, p-v. and sea port, situated on the right bank of Susquehannah r. near its mouth, 36 ms. n. e. Baltimore. Lat. 39° 33', long. 0° 58' E, W. C. Haw, r. of N. C, rises in Rockingham and Guilford cos. and flowing thence estrd. unite in Orange, when turning to s. e. the united stream traverses Orange, and Chatham, and in the s. e. angle of the latter at Hay woodboro', joins Deep r. -to -form the main Cape Fear r. The union of Haw and Deep r. is in a direct line about 30 ms. s. w, by w. Raleigh. Haw, r. p-o. in the n. wstrn. part of Orange CO. N. C, by p-r.'65 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Hawfield, p-v. wstrn. part of Orange co. N. C.-, by p-r. 14 ms. wstrd. Hillsboro', and 55 ms. N. w. by vv. Raleigh. Hawke, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 19 ms s. w. Portsmouth. Had 500 inhabitants more in 1775, than it has had since. Soil uneven. It has 3 schools. Pop. 520. Hawkinsville, p-v. Pulaski co. Geo., about 70 ms. s. Milledgeville. Hawley, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 120 ms. n. w. Boston, 14 s. w. Greenfield. Situated on the Green mtn. range, and well watered by se- veral branches of Deerfield r. Pop ],037. Hawsville, p-v. and st. jus. Hancock co. Ky., 'by p-r. 130 ms. a little s. of w. Hartford. Haye's Ceoss Roads, and p-o. Richland co. Ky., 14 ms. from Marshfield, the st. jus. and 71 n.n.e. Columbus. Hay Market, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Prince William co. Va., situated on the head of Occoquon cr., by p-r. 38 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Haynes' p-o. Grainger co. Tenn., by p-r. 231 ms. estrd. Nashville. Haynesville, p-v. Lowndes co. Ala., by p-r. 120 ms. but by direct road 60 ms. wstrd. Tus- caloosa. Haysboro', village of Davidson co. Ten. on Cumberland r., 7 m.s. above Nashville. Hay's Mills, and p-o. Shenandoah co. Va., by p-r. Ill ms. wstrd. W. C. Hayesville, p-v. Franklin co. N. C. by p-r. 31 ms. N. e Raleigh. Haywood, co. N. C. bndd. by Buncombe co. E. and s. E., Macon co. s. w., Cherokee co. w., and the Iron or Smoky mtns. separating it from Sevier co. Ten. n. w., and Cocke co. Ten. n. Ijength from s. to n. 45 ms., mean breadth 26, and area 1,170 sq. ms. Lat. 35° 30', and long. W. C 6° w. intersect near the centre of this co. It is entirely in the Ohio valley ; the wstrn. part giving source to the Tuckaseegee br. of Ten- nessee proper, which flows from it wstrly. The much larger section, however, slopes to the N. and is commensurate with the higher part of the valley of Pigeon r. one of the branches of French Broad. If a correct esti- mate can be made from the courses of the streams, Haywood co. is amongst the most ele- vated sections of the U. S. The arable vallies must be from 1,500, to 1,800 ft. above the ocean level, giving a temperature as low in winter as that on the Atlantic ocean at the mouth of the Del. Cf, t Waynefield. In 1820, Haywood comprised what is now Macon, and the census, 4,073, including both cos.; in 1830, Haywood alone contained 4,578 inhabitants. Haywood, c. h., N. C. {See Way7iesville, Haywood co. N. C.) Haywood, p-v. Chatham co. N. C. (^ee Hay. woodshord' .) Haywood, co. Ten. bndd. s. e. by Hardiman, s. by Lafayette, w. by Tipton, n. w. by Dyer, n. E. by Gibson, and e. by Madison. Length 30, mean width 20, area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 22' to'35 ' 48', and in long. 12° 07' to 12° 32' w. W. C. The southern part of this CO. is drained by the Hatchee and its branches, the main strearn entering the s. e. angle and traversing the co_. in the direction of n. w. by w. The s. branch of Forked Deer r. enters the eastern border and leaves the co. near the n. w. angle, flowing nearly parallel to the Big Hat- chee. The slope of the whole co. is there-. fore N. w. by w. Cf. t. Brownsville. Pop. 5,334. Haywoodsboro', p-v. Chatham co. N. C. by p-r. 38 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. It is situated in the s. e. part of the co. and the point above the confluence of Haw and Deep rs. and at the head of Cape Fear r. Hazard Forge, and p-o. Hardy co. Va. by p-r. 135 ms. westward W. C. Hazlegreen, p-v. in the northern part of Madison CO. Ala. 12 ms. almost due n. Hunts, ville. Hazle Patch, p-v. Laurel co. Ky. by p-r. 101 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. Hazlewood, p-o. Cheser dist. S. C. about 60 ms. N. Columbus. This place was formerly midway. Head of Coosa, p-d. in the Cherokee ter. state of Geo. by p-r. 196 ms. n. w. Milledge- ville, and 643 southwestward W. C. Head of Navigation, p-v. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 107 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. Head or Sassafras, p-v. in the n. e. part of Kent CO. Md. about 50 ms. n. e. by e. Balti- more. Head's, p-o. southern part of Fayette co. Geo. by p-r. 100 ms. n. w. by w. Milledgeville. Health Seat, p-o. Granville co. N. C. by p-r. 58 ms. northward Raleigh. Heard, co. Geo. relative position uncertain. The c. h. is given in the p-o. list at 153 ms. from Milledgeville. Heard, c. h. and p-o. Heard co. Geo. by p-r. 153 ms. from Milledgeville. Heath, p.t. Franklin co. Mass. 125 ms. n. w. Boston, 12 N. w. Greenfield, bndd. n. by Vt. line. Pop. 1,199. Hebron, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 35 ms. n. w. Portland. Pop. 915. Hebron, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 9 ms. from Plymouth, and 40 from Concord. Pop. 540. HeiJron, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 20 ms. s. e. Hartford. Surface uneven — ^^soil considerably fertile — watered by Hop r. a branch of the Willimantic, and several small streams. It contains a considerable number of manufacto- ries, and 12 school dists. Pop. 1,939. Hebron, p.t. Washington co. N. Y. 52 ms. N. N. E. Albany, 6 n. Salem. Surface broken by hills, some of large sizo. It has no rs; and HEM 198 HEN is therefore destitute of mill seats Soil pro. ductive, and well watered. 19 schools kept 7 months in 12. Pop. 2,686. Hebron, p-v. in the northern part of Greene CO. Ala. by p-r. 38 ms. s. s. w. Tuscaloosa. Hebeon, p-v. Washington co. Geo. 17 ms. southeastward Milledgeville. Hebron, p-o. in Union tsp. sthrn. side of Licking CO. O. It is situated at the crossing of the U. St road and Ohio and Erie canal, and on the table land between the sources of the wstrn. confluents of Muskingum r. and those of crs. flowing wstrdly. into Sciota r. The water level at Hebron is by actual admeasurement 893 feet above the mean level of the Atlantic tides, and 419 feet above low water mark in Ohio r. at the mouth of Sciota r. Pop. of Hebron, 1830, ,84, but like all other villages on a double tho- toughfare rapidly increasing. Distant by p-r. 27 ms. E. Columbus, and along the canal 10 ms. s. s. W.Newark the co. st. Hecktown, p-v. Northampton co.Pa. 191 ms. N. E. W. C. Hector, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y. lying be- iween Cayuga and Seneca lakes, 17 ms. w, Ithaca and 187 w. Albany. Sui-face broken by elevated ridges. 24 school dists. Pop 5,212- Hedricks, p-v. southwestern part of York CO. Pa. 18 ms. s. s. w. from the borough of York, and 40 n. n. w. Baltimore. Heidlessburg, p-v. Adams co. Pa. 11 ms. n. N. e. Gettysburg and 27 s. s. w. Harrisburg. Helderberg, or Helleberg, ranges of hills of a mountain character, extending from the Catskill mtns . to the Mohawk near Schenectady. Hel-ena, p-v. Pickens dist. S. C. by p-r. 149 ms. N. w. Columbia. Hele.va, p-o. and st. jus. Iowa co. Mich.posi- tion uncertain. Helena, p-v. and st. jus. Philips co. Ark. sit- uated on the right bank of Misp. r. in a direct course about 100 ms. a little s. of e. but by p-r. 151 Little Rock. Lat. 34° 28', long. 13° 39' w. W. C. Hellen, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 122 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Hellekstown, p-v. in the southern angle of Northampton co. Pa. 4 ms. s. e. Bethlehem. Hell Gate, or Hurl Gate. {See Horll Gatt.) Helm's, p-o. Franklin co. Va. by p-r. 281 ms. 6. w. W. C. Hemlock Lake, 6 ms. long. East corner of Livingston co. N. Y. Hemphill's Store, and p-o. Mecklenburg co. Va. 140 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Hemphill, p-o. Butler co. Ala. by p-r. 167 5nas. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Hempstead, p-t. Queens co. N. Y. s. side Long Island, 22 ms. a little s, of e. of New York. Hempstead plains lie principally in this town, and are 15 ms. long by 4 broad. 14 school districts ; schools kept 10 months in 12. Pop. 6,215. Hempstead, co. Ark. as laid down on Tan- ner's map of the U. S. is bndd. by Red r. sepa- rating it from Texas s. w., Sevier CO. of Ark. w., Clark n. n. e. and e.. Union co. s. e., and by Lafayette s. Length from s. e. to n. w. 75, mean width 15, area 1,125 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 33° 32' to 34°, and long. 15° 42' to 16° 50' w. W. C. The southern and western part of this CO. is drained into Red r., the northern and eastern into little Mo. branch of Washitau. The surface is generally thin and sterile. Cf. t. Washington. Pop. 2,5 12. Hempstead, c. h. and p-o. {See Washington • same co. Arh. Ter.) Henderson, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. on lake Ontario, 8 ms. s. of Black r. mouth. Soil pro- ductive. Timber, oak, walnut, elm, beech, &c< 12 school dists. Pop. 2,428. Henderson, p-o. Mercer co. Pa. 280 ms. by p-r. N. w. W. C. Henderson, co. of Ten. bndd. by Perry e., Hardin s. e., McNair s. w., Madison w., and Carroll n. It is very nearly a square of 28 ms. each side ; area 784 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 24' to 35° 48', and in long, from 11° 14' to 11° 44' w. W. C. Though the eastern border of Henderson approaches with a mean distance of 10 ms. from Ten. r. the central part is a table land from which the water courses flow like radii from a common centre. From the southwestern angle issue the sources of the s. branch of Forked Deer r. ; from the western side flows the middle branch of the same stream, whilst, from ihe n. w. angle, flow the extreme sources of Obion r. The western slope of the CO. is therefore to the westward, towards Misp. The eastern part declines towards Ten, but even there, crs. flow like diverging radii. Sugar cr. northward, Beech r. eastward, and Doe cr. to the s. E. Cf. t. Lexington. Pop. 8,748. Henderson, co. Ky. bndd. by Green r. which separates it from Daviess e., by Hopkins s., Un^ ion w., and by Ohio r. separating it from Posey, Vanderburg, Warwick, and Spencer cos. Ind. N. Length parallel to the general course of Ohio r. 40 ms., mean width 18, area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 30' to 37° 58', and in long, from 10° 20' to 11° 12' w. W. C. The course of Green r. near its discharge into the Ohio, and the general slope of Henderson co. is to the northward. Cf. t. Henderson. Pop* 1820, 5,714, 1830, 6,659. Henderson, p-v. and st. jus. Henderson co. Ky. situated on the left bank of Ohio r. about 44 ms. by water above the mouth of Wabash r. and by p-r. 183 a little s. of w. Franlcfort* Lat. 37° 48', long. 10° 42' w. W. C. Henderson, p-v. and st. jus. Knox co. II. situ- ated on a branch of Spoon r. about 140 ms. n. n. w. Vandalia, and 40 miles n. w. by w. Peoria on Illinois r. Lat. 40° 55', long. W. C. 13° 12' w. This place is named in the p-o. list Knoxc. h. Henderson's p-o. Botetourt co. Va. by p-r, 227 ms. s. w. W, C. Hendersonville, P-v. and st. jus. Nottaway CO. Va. situated on little Nottaway r. 65 ms. a. w. Richmond. Lat. 37° 04', long. 1° 18' w. W. c. HendersonV!lle, p-v. Sumner co. Ten. 44 ms. N. E. Nashville. Hendrensville, p-v. Henry co. Ky. by p-r. 40 ms. westward Frankford. Hendricks, co. Ind. bndd. s. by Morgan, Wr by Putnam, n. w, by Montgomery, n. by Boone, and E. by Marion. It is a square of 21 ms. each way ; area 441 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 40' to 39° 56', long. 9° 16' to 9° 40'w. W. C. Slope south- HEN 199 HER ward, and drained by different branches of the main volume of White r. Cf. t. Danville. Pop. 3,975. Hendrick's Stork, and p-o. Bedford co. Va. 239 ms. s. w. W. C. Hendeysburg, p-o. Belmont co. O. Henlopen Gape, the sthrn. salient point at the mouth of Del. r. opposite, and (by Tanner's U. S., Pa. and N. .T.) between 12 and 13 ms. asun- der. By the same authorities, the lat. is by the Pa. and N. J. 38° 45', and by the U. S. 38° 47'. The long, is by the former map 1° 58', and by the latter, 1° 53' e. W. C. Henlopen Coal Mines, and p-o. Fentress co. Ten. by p-r. 124 ms. estrd. Nashville, Henniker, p-t. Merrimac co. N. H. 15 ms. w. Concord, 27 from Amherst, 75 from Bostoii, Watered by Contocookr. Contains excellent vFater privileges. Soil as various and fertile as any in the co. Pop. 1,725. Henrico, co. Va. bndd. s. and s. w. by James r. which separates it from Chickihomina r, which separates it on the north from Hanover, and N. E. from New Kent, and on the s. e. it has Charles City co. The greatest length from s. E. to N. w. 30, mean width 10 ma. area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 17' to 37° 40', and long. 0° 20' to 0° 49' w. W. C. This county is composed of a central ridge with two narrow inclined plains, falling towards James r. to the s. w., and Chickihomina to the n. e. The sur- face is broken by waving hills ; soil very much diversified. Cf.t. Richmond. Pop. 1820, 23,- 667,1830,28,797, of whom, 16,060 were con- tained in the city of Richmond. Henrietta, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. 11 ms. s. Rochester. Peculiarly good for grazing. l2 school dists. Pop. 2,322. Henrietta, p-v. northv/estern part of Lorain CO. O. by p-r. 133 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Henry, Cape, of Va., the sthrn. salient point at the mouth of Chesapeake bay. On Tanner's U. S. cape Henry is in lat. 35° 55', long. 1° 02' E. W. C. It is the extreme northeastern angle of Princess Ann co. Va. Henry, co. Va. bndd. by Patrick w., Franklin N., Pittsylvania e. and Rockingham co. N. C. s. It is in form or nearly so of a rhomb, and about equal to a sq. of 20 ms. each side, area 400 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38^° to 36° 50', long. 2° 44' to 3° 08' w. W. C. The slope of this CO. is rapid, and to the s. e. The extreme sthwstrn. angle is crossed by the two branches of Mays r., but the much greater part of the area of the co. is included in the valley of It- vine r. which enters at the n. w. and leaves the CO. at the s. E. angle. Cf. t. Martinsville. Pop. 1820, 5,624, 1830, 7,100. Henry, co. Geo. bndd. by Butler s. e.. Pike s., Fayette w., De Kalb, Ocmulgee r. separating it from Newton, n. e. Length 33, mean width 18, and area 594 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 12' to 33° 42', and long. 7° 02' to 7° 28' w. W. C. This is one of the cos. of Geo. which decuples a part of the dividing plain between the waters of the Atlantic and those of the Gulf of Mexico. The wstrn. part is drained by the sources of Flint r. whilst from the estrn. section the waters flow s. e. into the Ocmulgee. Cf. t. McDonough. Pop. 10,567, Henry, sthestrn. co. of Ala. bndd. w. by Dale, N. by Pike, e. by Chattahooche r. which sepa. rates it from Early co, Geo., s. by Jackson, and s. w. by Walton co. Flor. Length from s, to N. 48, mean width 28, area 1,344 sq, ms. Ex. tending in lat. from 31° to 31° 42'. The north, western part of this co. is drained by different branches of Choctawhatche ; the estrn. and sthrn. by crs. flowing into Chattahooche r. ; sur- face generally covered with pine, and soil sterile. Cf. t. Columbia, Pop, 1820, 2,738, 1830, 3,955, Henry co. 0. bndd. e. by Wood, s. by Putnam, s. w. by Paulding, w. by Williams, and n. by Lenawe co. Mich, Length from s. to n. 32 ms., breadth 27, and area 864 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 06' fo 41° 39', long. 6° 50' to 7° 20' w. W. C. This CO. lies entirely in the valley of Great Miami, and is traversed by the main volume of that r. flowing northeastward, and dividing the co. into two not very unequal sections. Cf. t. Damascus. Pop. 262. Henry, p-v. Muskingum co. 0. by p-r. 79 ms, E. Columbus. Henry's Cross Roads, and p-o. Sevier co. Ten. by p-r. 182 ms. e. Nashville. Herbert's Cross Roads, and p-o. Harford co. Md. 29 ms. n. e. Baltimore. Herculanaeum, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Mo. by p.r. 886 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. and- 30 below, and a little w. of s, St, Louis, It is situated on the right bank of the Misp, r, near- ly opposite Harrison in II, It is the usual land- ing place from the lead mines in Washington CO, Pop, about 300, Lat, 38° 15', long, 13° 24' w, Hereford, p-v, Berks 'co. Pa, Hereford, p-v, Baltimore co, Hd, by p.r. SS* ms. from Baltimore. Herefords, p-o. Mason co. Va. by p-r. 329 ms. N. w. by w. Richmond, and 316 westward W. C. Herkimer co. N. Y. lies between Oneida and Montgomery cos. embracing the Mohawk r,, and is bndd. n. by St. Lawrence and Montgom, ery cos., s. by Otsego, w. by Oneida and Lew. is. Greatest length n. and s. 85 ms. greatest width 22, containing 1,290 sq. ms. or 725,600 acres. 'The Mohawk r. and the grand canal run through the heart of the pop. of this co. ita whole width. It has a pretty large proportion- of hilly land, and as great a diversity of soil as any in the state. Watered by branches of the Oswegatchie and Black rs., and by W. Canada cr. The East Canada cr. forms the eastern boundary. Cf. t. Herkimer. Pop. 1820, 31,. 071, 18.30, 35,870, Herkimer, p.t. and st, jus, of Herkimer co. N. Y. N. Mohawk, 14 ms. s. e. tftica, 79 w, n. w, Albany, extending along the Mohawk r. nearly 15 ms. Land of a superior quality. The village of Herkimer stands on the w, side of W, Canada cr. The village of Little Falls ia situated at the Little Falls of the Mohawk r. The scenery hereabouts is grand and interest- ing ; 13 school dists, ; schools kept 11 months in 12, Pop, 2,486, Hermitage, p. v. in the western part of Prince Edward co. Va^ 87 ms. a. w. by w, Richmond. HlC 200 HIL Hekmon, t. Penobscot co. Me. 7 ms. w. Ban. gor. Pop. 535. Herndon's p-o. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 19 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Herndonsville, p-v. Scott CO. Ky. 33 ms.. from Frankfort. Heron, Pass of, the strait unitmg Mobile bay to Pascagoula sound. It is enclosed to the N. by the main shore of Ala., and to the s. by Dauphin Isl. At mid tides it admits the pas- sage of vessels drawing 6 ft. water. Herrin's p-o. Humphreys co. Ten. by p-r. 81 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Herriotville, p-o. Alleghany co. Pa. by p-r. 211 ms. N. w. W. C. Hertford, p-v. and st. jus. Perquimans co. N. C. about 50 ms. a little w. of s. Norfolk in Va. and by p-r. 200 n. e. by e. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 13', long. 0° 36' e. W. C. Hertford, co. N. C. bndd. by Bertie s., by Northampton w., Roanoke r. which separates it from Gates n. and n. e., and Chowan bay, which separates it from Chowan co. s. e. Length 28, mean width 12, and area 356 sq. ma. Extending in lat. from 36° 11' to 36° 27', and in long, from 0° 20' e. to 0° 12' w. W. C. The slope of Hertford is to the n. e. PoUacas. ty. Loosing, and Pine crs. all flow in that di- rection into Roanoke or Chowan r. Chief t. Wynton. Pop. 1820, 7,712, 1830, 8,541. Hetrick's p-o. York co. Pa. by p-r. 83 ms. mhrd. W. C. Hibernia, p-v. on Missouri r. opposite Jef- ferson, Caliaway co. Mo. 981 ms. by p-r. w. W. C. HicKLENS, p-v. Washington co. Geo. 31 ms. from Milledgeville. Hickman co.. Ten. bndd. by Wayne s. v/., Perry w., Dickson n., Williamson n. e., Maury E., Giles s. E., Lawrence s. Length 38, mean width 28, and area 1,064 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 23' to 35° 51', long, from 10° 12' to 10° 45'w. W. C. The southern par.t of Hicic- man is drained by the Buffalo branch of Duck r., flowing over it westerly, but fall three fourths of the whole surface is included in the valley, which also flows westerly, receiving crs. frorfl" each side. Cf. t. Vernon. Pop. l820, 6,080, 1830, H,132. Hickman, southwestern co. Ky. bndd. by M,ayfield's r. separating it from McCracken n., by Graves e.. Weakly co. Ten. s. e., Obion co. Ten. s. w., and w. by the Misp. r. separating it from. New Madrid and Scott cos. of Mo. Length 31, mean width 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 30' to 36° 57'. The elope of this co. is wstrd. towards the Misp. r. and is drained in that direction by Mayfield's r. and little Obion. Cf. t. Columbus. Pop. 5,198. Hickman's p-o. Monongalia co. Va. by p-r. 208 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Hickory,, small p,v. Washington co. Pa. Hickory cr. and p-o. southern part of War- ren co. Ten. The p-o. islO ms. sthrd. McMin- ville, the co. St., and 7,4 ms. s. e. by e. Nash. ville. Hickory Flat, p-o. Gwinnet co. Geo. by p-r. l30 ms. N. N. w. Milledgeville. Hickory Fork and p-o., Gloucester co.Va. by p-r. 85 ms. u. Ricbmond. Hickory Grove, p-o. Mecklenburg co. N. C, by p-r. 181 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Hickory Grove, p-o. York dist. S. C. by p-r. 89 ms. N. Columbia. Hickory Grove, p-o. Henry co. Geo. by p-r. 81 ms. N. w. by w. Milledgeville. Hickory Grove and p-o. Montgomery co. Ala. by p-r. 142 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Hickory Grove, p-o. Bond co. IL 30 ms. wstrd. Vandalia. Hickory Grove, p-o. Montgomery co. Mo. 45 ms. w. St. Louis. Hickory Hill, p-v. on Coosaw r. northern part of Beaufort dist. S. C. 70 ms. w. Charles- ton, and by p-r. 93 a little w. of s. w. Columbia. Hickory Mountain, p-v. Chatham co. N. C. by p-r. 46 ms. wstrdly. Raleigh. HicKSEORD, p-v. and st. jus. Greenville co. Va. situated on the right bank of Meherin r. by p-r. 69 ms. almost exactly due s. Richmond. Lat. 36° 37', long. 0° 35' w. W. C. HicKSTOWN, P-V. and st. jus. Madison co. Flor.. Higginsport, p-v. in the southern part of Brown co. O. by p-r. Ill ms. s. s. w. Columbus.. Highgate, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. on Missisque bay, 33 ms. n. Burlington. Pop. 2,038, High Grove, p-v-. Nelson co. Ky. near Bards., town, and 54 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Highland, co. 0. bndd. e. by Adams, s. w. and w. by Brown, n. w. by. Clinton, s. by Fay. ette, n. e. by Ross, and e. by Pike. Lat. 39°- to 39° 22', long. 6° 16' to 6° 47' w. W. C. This CO. derives its name from occupying a ta. ble land between the Ohio, Sciota, and Little Miami vallies. The southeastern sources of Paint cr. flow to the n. e. towards the Sciota ; those of Brush and Eagle crs., sthrd. towards. Ohio r., and the estrn. branches of Little Miami wstrd. The surface is hilly and broken. Soil various, but generally productive. Cf. t. Hills, boro'. Pop. 1820, 12,308, 1830, 16,345. Highlands, N. Y. (See Matteawan mtns.) High Plains, p-v. Bledsoe co. Ten. by p-r. 89 ms. estrd. Nashville. High Rock, p-o. Rockingham co. N. C. by p-r. 7.4 ms. N. w. Raleigh. High Shoals, p-o. Rutherford co. N. C, by p-r. 234 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. High Spire, p-v. Dauphin co. Pa. 6.ms. from Harrisburg. High Tower, p-v. Cherokee ter. Geo. on Etowah r. by p-r. 151 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. This is OTi» amongst the many Indian names mutilated to suit the English idiom ; it is a cor. ruption of Etowah. Hightstown, p-v. Middlesex co. N. J. 3 ms. s. Cranberry, 12 n. e. Bordentown. HiLHAM, P-v. in the western part of Overton CO. Ten. 14 ms. wstrd. Monroe, co. St., and 109 ms. N. E. by e. Nashville. HiLLEGAS, p-o. Montgomery co. Pa. by p-r. 170 ms. N. E. W.C. Hill Grove, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. s. w. by w. Richmond. Hillhouse, p-v. in the northern part of Geau- ga CO. 0. by p-r. 185 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 336 N. w. W. C. HiLLiARDSTON, p.v. Nash CO. N. C. 10 ms. northestrd. Nash court house, and 54 n. n. e. Raleigh. HIL 201 HIN Hillsborough CO., N. 11. bndd. n. by Grafton CO., E. by Rockingham, s. by Mass., w. by Cheshire co. Greatest length 52 ms.. greatest width from e. to w. 32 ms. ; containing 1,245 sq. ms., or 796,800 acres. Surface generally uneven ; mtns., Kearsarge, Ragged, Lynden- borough, Sunapee, Unconoonock, Crotched, and Society Land. Well watered. The Mer- rimack, the Contocook, the Nashua, the Souhe- gan, and the Piscataquog, are the principal rs. It has several mineral springs ; and possesses many advantages for manufacturing establish- ments. Cf. t. Amherst. Pop. Ia20, 35,761, 1830, 37,762. Hillsborough, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 23 ms. from Amherst, 21 w. Concord, 70 from Boston. Well watered by Contocook and Hills- borough is. Land uneven. Pop. 1,792. Hillsborough, t. Somerset co. N. J., lies w. of the Millstone, and s. of the Raritan, 15 ms. w. New Brunswick. Pop. 2.878. HiLLSBORo', p-v. on the U. S. road, Washing- ton CO. Pa, very nearly mid-distance between Washington, Pa. and Brownsville, and 11 ms. from each ; by p-r. 221 ms. n. w. W. C. This village stands on ground elevated 1,750 ft. above the Atlantic level. It extends in a single street along the road. HiLLSBORo', p-v. in the western part of Caro- line CO. Md. situated on Tuckahoe cr. about 13 ms. N. N. B. Easton, and 46 s. e.. Baltimore. HiLLSBoiRo', p-v. at the eastern foot of the Blue Ridge, northern part Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 51 ms. N. w. W. C. HiLLSBORo', p-v. and st. jus. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 41 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 04', long. 2° 7' w. W. C. It is situated on Eno r, one of the higher branches of Neuse r. HiLLSBORo', p-v. Jasper co. Geo. by p-r. 61 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. HiLLSBORo', p-v. Madison co. Ala. HiLLSBORo', p-v, Franklin co. Ten. by p-r. 85 ms. s. s. E. Nashville. HiLLSBORo', V. of Davidson co. Ten. 11 ms. w. Nashville. HiLLSBORo', p-v. and st. jus. Highland co. 0. by p-r. 74 ms. s. s. w. Columbus, and 441 ms. w. W. C. It is situated on the head of the s. w. branch of Paint creek, in a fine healthy country. Lat. 39° 12', long. 6° 35' w. Pop. 566. HiLLSBoKo', p-v. in the eastern part of Foun- tain CO. Ind. 61 ms. n. w. by. w. Indianopolis, and 20 ms. eastward Covington, the co. st. HiLLSBORo', P-V. and st. jus. Montgomery co. II. by p-r. 28 ms. n. w. by w. Vandalia, and 809 ms. w. W. C. Situated on Shoal creek branch of Kaskaskias r, Lat. 39° 08', long. 12° 32' w. Hill's Bridge and p-o. Halifax co. N. C. by p-r. 83 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Hillsdale, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. 16 ms. E. Hudson. Surface broken, 15 schools, kept 9 months in 12. Pop. 2,446. Hillsdale, on« of the southern cos. of Mich, bndd. by Williams co. O. s., Branch co. Mich. w., Calhoun n. w., Jackson n., and Lenawee e. Length from s. to n. 32 ms., breadth 26, and area 832 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 38' to 42° 06', long. 7° 21' to 7° 50' w. W. C. Hillsdale co. is in an especial manner a table land. The sources of St. Joseph's branch of Great Maumee rise in and drain the southern and central part of the CO. leaving it by a southern course. Along the eastern margin rises Bean or Tiffin's r. another branch of Maumee, flowing also to the south- ward. The northwestern an;;le gives rise to the extreme sources of St. Joseph's r. of lake Michigan, flowing to the n. w., and finally from the northeastern angle issue to the eastward the extreme sources of the river Raisin. To the above it may again be added, that the ex. treme sources of Grand r. of lake Michigan rise on the southern border of Jackson co., and almost on the northern margin of Hillsdale. It must therefore be obvious that the latter oc- cupies the central plateau of Michigan, from which literally, the streams flow like radii from a common centre. Of. t. Sylvanus. Incorpo. rated since the census of 1830. Hill's Grove, and p-o. Lycoming co. Pa. 100' ms. northward Harrisburg. Hill'.s Stoke, and p-o. Randolph co. N. C. 84 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. HiLLTowN, p. tsp. Bucks CO. Pa. about 22 ms.N. Phila. Pop. 1,670. Hillville, p-v. in the northwestern part of Mercer co. Pa. 12 ms. n. w. the borough of Mercer. Hinds, co. Misp. bndd. s. by Copiah, s. w. by Claiborne, n. w. by Big Black r., separating, it from Warren, n. by Madison, and e. by Pearl, r., separating it from Rankin. Extending in lat. from 32° 02' to 32° 28', long. 13° 06' to 13-" 50' w. W, C. It is in length ftom s. to n. 30, with nearly the same mean width, area 900 sq, ms. Hinds is composed of two inclined plains, the western and most extensive, sloping to, wards Misp. and drained by the Big Black riv. er, and Bayou Pierre ; the eastern plain declines towards, and is drained into the Pearl r. Cf. t. Jackson. Pop. 8,645. Hindsville, p-v. in the southwestern part o£ .Jefferson co. Ind. 17 ms. wstrd. Madison, the CO. St. and 82 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. Hinesburg, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt, 12 ms. Si, E. Burlington, 26 w. Montpelier. Fine for farming. Principal streams, Piatt r. and Lewis cr. Pop. 1,665. Hingham, p-t. Plymouth co, Mass. 14 ms. s. Boston. A handsome and compact village, at the head of an arm of Mass. bay. Surfacs broken and unpleasant. Has a respectable academy. Is a jJace of considerable trade and manufactures, and has some navigation. In 1830, there were 44,878i bbls. of mackerel packed in this place. Population 3,387. Hinkleton, p-v. situated at the forks of Con-- cstogo cr. Lancaster co. Pa. 15 ms. n. e. Lan- caster. HiNKLEY, p-v. and tsp. in the northern part of Medina co. Ohio. The p-o. is by p-r. 125 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 399. Hinsdale, p-t. s. w. corner of Cheshire co. N, H., E. Conn. r. 75 ms. from Concord, 96 from Boston, 86 from Hartford, Conn, and 86 from Albany. Well watered. Crossed by the Ashuelot, besides which, it has several other streams. It contains iron ore, and some other minerals and fossils. These are found in West River mtn. which, some years since, suffered a sligrht volcanic eruptioti. Timber, pitch and HOL 2n2 HOL white pine, white and yellow oak, chesnut and walnut. Here is a bridge across the Conn r. Pop. 937. Hinsdale, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 10 ms. e. Pittsfield, 125 w. Boston. Situated on the highlands, near the heads of the Housatonic and Westfield rs. A farming town. Pop. 780. Hinsdale, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. 16 ms. s. E. EUicottsville. Timber, pine, beech, and maple. Pop. 919. HmAM, p-t. Oxford CO. Me., on the Saco, 34 ms. s. w. Paris. Pop. 1,026. Hiram, p-v. and tsp. in the nthm. part of Por- tage CO. Ohio. The p-o. is by p-r. 141 ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 517. Hix's Ferry, and p-o. Lawrence co. Ark., by p-r. 1,014 ms. from W. C, and 151 n. estwrd. Little Rock. HoBOKEN, village, Bergen co. N. J., beauti- fully situated on the Hudson r., opposite N. Y. city, with which there is a constant communi- cation by a steam boat ferry, every 20 minutes ; a place of great resort for the citizens of N. Y. in warm weather. HocKMAN, p-o. Green Briar co. Va., by p-r. 275 ms. s, w. by w. W. C. HoDGENSViLLE, p-v. Hardins co. Ky., by p.r. 83 ms. s. wstrd. Frankfort-. HoFFSviLLE, p-o. Harrison co. Va.^ by p-r. 236 ms. w. W. C. HoG, isl, on the coast of Northampton co. Va. HoGESTowN, p-v. Cumberland co. Pa., 9 ms. from Harrisburg. Hogg's Store, and p-o. in the nthm. part of Newberry dist. S. C. 63 ms. n. w. Columbia. Hog Mountain, p-o. nthrn. part of Clark co. Geo., by p-r. 84 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. HoKESViLLE, p-o. Liiicoln CO. N.C., by p.r. 178 ras. s. w. Raleigh. HoLDEN, P-t. Worcester co. Mass. 51 ms. w. Boston. Situated on an elevated ground. The main branch of the Blackstone r. heads in this town. Well watered and supplied with mill seats. Pop. 1,71 9. Holden's, p-o. Lycoming co Pa. HoLDEKNESS, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 40 ms. n. Concord, 65 from Portsmouth. Soil hard. Timber, oak, pine, beech, and maple. Well watered, and supplied with mill seats by the Pernigewasset and various other streams. Pop. 1,430. Holland, t. Orleans co. Vt. 56 ms. n. e. Mont- pelier, Gl n. Newburg. Settlement commenced since 1800. Watered by several branches of Clyde r. Land handsome and excellent. Pop. 422. Holland, p-t. Hampden co. Mass., 20 ms. e. Springfield, 75 s. w. Boston. Crossed by the Quinnabaug. Pop. 453. Holland, p-t. Erie co. N. Y., 24 ms. s. e. Buf- falo. Watered by Cazenovia and Seneca crs. Land moderately uneven, an easy and rather a moist loam, timbered with maple, beech, linden, hemlock, &c. Pop. 1,071. Holland, p.v. Venango co. Pa., by p-r. 302 ms. n. w. W. C. Hollidaysburg, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Hun. tingdon co. Pa., 3 ms. s. w. Frankstown, 40 ms. N. of Bedford and by p.r. Ill a little iv. of w. Harrisburg. Holliday's Cove, p.o, Brooke co. Va., on the p-r. about 35 ms. w. Pittsburg, and by p.r. 269' n. w. W. (;. HoLLiNGSwoRTH Farm, and p-o. Habersham CO. Geo. by p-r. 137 ms. n. Milledgeville. HoLLis, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 8 m.s. s. Amherst, 36 s. Concord, 42 n. w. Boston. Wa- tered s. E. by Nashua r., s. w. by Misitissit r. Soil various. A pleasant village near the cen- tre. Pop. 1,792. HoLLis, p-t. York co. Me., on the Saco r., 42 ms. N. York. Pop. 2,272. HoLLisTON, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 25 ms, s, w. Boston. Soil good and well cultivated. Water privileges valuable. It has several ex- tensive factories, and is a very flourishing town. The shoe manufacturing business is recently carried on extensively in tlie place. Pop. 1,304. Holloway's p-o. Edgefield dist. S. C, byp-r. 89 ms. wstrd. Columbia. Holly Grove, p-o. Monroe co. Geo., by p-r. 32 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. Holly Iron Works, and p-o. Cumberland co. Pa., byp-r. 31 ms. w. Harrisburg. Holmes, co. of Ohio, bndd. e. by Tuscarawas, s-. by Coshocton, s. w. by Knox, n. w. by Rich- land, and N. by Wayne. Length from e. to w. 39, breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 27' to 40° 40', long. 4° 42' to 5° 13' w. W. C. This CO. is traversed from n. to s. by Kilbuck branch of White Woman's r. and the wstrn. border by Mohiccon r., slope sthwrd. Cf t. Millersburgh. Holmes co. was formed since the census of 1820', from the sthrn. part of Wayne, and nthm. of Coshocton. Pop. 9,133. HoLMESBURGH, vil. Philadelphia co. Pa., on the Pennipack and main stage road, 9^ ms. n. e. Phil. There are several manufactories here on the Pennipack. HoLMESBURGH, p.o. Phila. CO. Pa., 10 ms. n.e. from the city of Phila. Holmes' Hole, p-v. Duke's co. Mass., on Martha's Vineyard, 9 ms. from Falmouth, 91 s. E. Boston. Has a safe and spacious harbor, where wind bound vessels often wait for a pro. pitious gale to waft them safely by the Cape Cod shoals. Holme's Mill, and p.o. Loudon co. Va., by p-r. 46 ms. westerly W. C. Holme's Valley, p-v. on Holme's cr. in the n. wstrn. part of Washington co. Florida, 108 ms. a little N. ofE. Pensacola, and 71 w. Tallahasse. The tract of country called Holme's valley is described in Williams' Florida, under the head of Jackson, but in his map it is included in Washington CO. Itis thus delineated. "Holme's Valley commences near the Choctawhatche r. and extends eastwardly 10 or 12 ms. parallel with Holmes' cr., from which it is separated by a sand ridge,. one or two ms. wide. It contains from 8 to 10 sections of good land, sunk nearly 100 feet below the surface of the surrounding country. The soil is a dark sandy loam, covered with white, black, and yellow oak, white ash, black gum, wild cherry, red bay, magnolia, &c." It is already extensively settled along a stream supplied by springs from the adjacent hills. Holmesville, formerly called Appling, c. h. p-v. and St. jus. Appling co. Geo. byp-r. 145 ms. HOO 203 HOP s. E. Milledgeville, and 787 ms. southwestward W. C. N. lat. 31° 43', long. 5° 32' w. HoLMESviLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Pike co. Misp. 56 ms. s. E. by e. Natchez, and 1,128 s. west- ward W. C. It is situated on the main stream of Bogue Chitto r. n. lat. 31° 12'. Holt's Store, and p-o. Orange co. N. C. 68 JUS. N. w. Raleigh. Homer, p-t. Cortland co. N. Y, the st. jus. of the CO. 26 ms. s. Onondaga, 15 w. e. Ithaca, and 138 \v. Albany. It is situated on the Tioughnioga, which, with its numerous branch- es, supply an abundance of mill seats. The land is good. It contains two considerable and flourishing villages. Homer and Cortland, in each of which is an academy. There are 32 school dists. in which schools are kept 7 months in 12. Pop. 3,307. HoMOCHiTTO, r. of the state of Misp. has its iiiost remote source in Copiah co. from which it flows southwestward into aad over Franklin, draining by its confluents nearly the whole sur- face of the latter co. Leaving Franklin it as- sumes a w. s. w. course separating Adams from Wilkinson co. and falls into the Misp. after a comparative course of 75 ms. The Horao- ■chitto has interlocking sources with those of Amite, Bogue Chitto, and Pearl r., and with .those of Bayou Pierre. Hone Factory, and p-o. Randolph co. N. C. ^4 ms. westward Raleigh. HoxEOYE, lake, Richmond, Ontario co. N. Y. about 5 ms. long n. and s., and 1 mile wide. It discharges, at the n. end Honeoye creek, which receives also the outlets of Caneadea and Hemlock lakes, and falls into the Genesee at Avon. HoNESDALE, flourishing p-v. Wayne co. Pa. at the junction of Dyberry cr. with Lackawaxen river, 24 ms. above the junction of the latte? with the Delaware r. at an elevation above the Atlantic tides, of 816 ft. The situation is de- lightful, and here, as at many other places, ca- nals and roads have produced almost instantly a town with all the attributes of business ; wealth, and population possessing intelligence and independence. Honesdale stands at the point of connexion between the Lackawaxen canal and rail road, by the latter 17^ ms. estrd. Carbondale, and 130 n. Phila. Lat. 41° 35', long. 1° 44' E. W. C. Pop. 1830, 433, now perhaps, 1000. Honey cr. and p-o. Vigo co. Ind, 7 ms. s. Terre Haute, the co. st. Honey Brook, p-t. tsp. Chester ce. Pa. on -the heads of Brandywine cr. about 40 ms. wstrd. Phila. Honey Hill, and p-o. Monroe go- Ala. by p-r. 152 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Honeyville, p-v. Shenandoah co. Ya. by p-r. 115 ms. w. W. C. HooKERSTOwN, p-v. Greene co. N. C. by p-r. 83 ms. N. e. Raleigh. HooKESTOwN, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. by p-r. 258 ms. from W. C. HooKSETT, p-t. Merrimack co. N. IL, on the Merrimack, 9 ms. s. Concord, 12 fromHopkin- ton, and 54 from Boston. Here are those beau- tiful falls, known by the name of Isle of Hook- sett falls ; the r. descends 16 ft. in the course of 30 rods ; here too is a bridge across the Merrimack. Pop. 880. HooKSTOvvN, V. of Baltimore co. Md., on the Reisterstownroad, 6 ms. n. w. Baltimore. HoosAC cr. or Little Hoosac, waters the fine farming valley in the e. of Rensselaer co. and unites with Hoosac r. at Petersburg, being about 12 ms. in length. Hoosac r. rises in the n. w. corner of Mass., and after coursing 45 ms., falls into the Hudson at Schaghticoke point. HoosACK mtn. Williamstown, Mass., one of the loftiest summits of the Green mtns. HoosACK, Hosick, orHoosick, p-t. Rensselaer CO. N. Y., 20 ms. n. Troy, 26 from Albany, and 8 w. Beimington ; crossed nearly centrally by Hoosac r. ; land broken ; it has water ptivile- ges in abundance, supplied by Hoosac falls ; Bennington battle was fought here, and in Ben. nington and White Creek, Aug. 16, 1777 ; contains limestone, brick clay, and slate ; here are several nitrogen springs. Pop. 3,584. Hop Bottom, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. Hope, p-t. Waldo co. Me, 35 ms. n. e. Wis- casset. Pop, 1,541. Hope, t. s. e. corner Hamilton co. N. Y., 25 ms. N. N. E. Johnstown ; land very broken. Pop. 719. Hope, v. V/arren co. N. J. 16 ms. s, Newton, 10 N. E. Belvidere. Hope, p-v. Pickens co. Ala., by p-r. 43 ms. wstrd. Tuscaloosa. Hopewell, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y., 5 ms, e. Canandaigua village ; excellent land. Pop. 2,198. Hopewell, t, Cumberland co. N. J. bndd. n. and E. by Cohansey cr., and s. w. by Greenwich. Pop. 1,953. Hopewell, p-t. Hunterdon co. N. J., on Del. r., 11 ms. N. Trenton, 14 w. Princeton. Pop. 3,151. Hopewell, p-t. tsp. Bedford co. Pa., in the n. E. part of the co., on Rayton branch of Juniata, by p.r. 110 ms. w. Harrisburg. Hopewell, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C, by P-r. 173 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Hopewell, p-v. York dist. S. C, by p-r, 64 ms. N. Columbia. Hopewell, p-v. Rock Castle co. Ky., by p.r. 83 ms. s. s. E, Frankfort. Hopewell, p-v. Muskingum co, O., by p-r. 54 ms. estrd. Columbus. Hopewell, Cotton Works, p-o. Chester co. Pa. Hopkins, co. of Ky., bndd. e. by Pond r. sep. arating it from Mecklenburg; s. e. by Chris- tian ; s. w. by Trade water, separating it from Caldwell ; w. by Livingston ; n. w. by Union and Henderson ; and n. by Green r. separating it from Daviess, Length 35, mean width 20, area 750 sq, ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 04' to 37° 34', and long. 10° 18' to 10° 52' w. W. C, The nrthestrn, and large section of this CO, slopes towards, and is drained into Green r,, whilst the sthwstrn, declines towards, and gives source to several creeks, flowing into Trade water, Cf, t, Madisonville. Pop. 1820, 5,322 ; in 1830, 6,763. Hopkinsville, p-v. st jus. Christian co. Ky., 81 ms. N, w. Nashville in Ten. 33 w. Russell- HOR 204 H0U ville, and by p-r. 212 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 52', long. 10° 35' w, W. C. HopKiNsviLLE, p-0. WarrcH co. O., by p-r. 88 tns. s. w. by w. W. C. HopKiNTO.v, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 28 ms. N. Amherst, 7 w. Concord, 46 n. e. Keene, 30 ,6. E. Newport, 50 w. Portsmouth, and 65 n. n. w. Boston. Crossed in s. w. part by Contocook r. Pop. 2,474. HopKiNTON, p-t. Middlesex co. Ma9s»^ 32 ms. s. w. Boston. The main branch of Concord r. rises in this town, also branches of Charles and Blackstone rs. ; land, large swells, well waiter- ed, good for grazing and orcharding ; it con- tains two large manufacturing establishments, with a capital of $100,000 each. Pop. 1,809. HopKiNTON, p-t. Washington co. R. I., 30 ms. s. w. Providence. There is a seventh day Bap. tist society in this place. Pop. 1,777. HoPKiNTON, p-t. St- Lawrence co. N. Y., 40 ms. E. Ogdensburg, 23 w. s. w. Malone ; heav- ily timbered with maple, beech, elm, bass, but- ternut, &c. Pop. 827. Hopper's Tan YAiin, and p-o. in the n. e. part Christian co. Ky., by p-r. 202 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. HoRLL Gatt, Hurl Gate, Hell Gate, a strait in East r. N. Y., 8 ms. from N. Y. city, between the islands of Manhattan and Parsell on the n. w., and L. 1. on the s. e. Here are numerous .little wnirlpools ; but vessels may nevertheless pass with the greatest safety, if well piloted. The proper name of this strait is Horll Gatt, a Dutch term signifying a whirlpool; but it is sometimes corruptly written and pronounced Hell Gate. Horn isl., a .long, low, and almost naked bank of sand in the gulf of Mexico, opposite the mouth of Pascagoula r. It is one of that chain of islands, which merely merge above high wa- ter, and range from the mouth of Mobile bay in a westerly direction, to the mouth of Pearl r. and are in fevj places half a mile wide. Hornbeck's, p-o. Pike co. Pa., by p-r. 242 ms. N. N. E. W. C. HoRNELLsviLLE, p-t. Stcubcn CO. N. Y., 20 ms. w. Bath, 260 from Albany ; watered by the Canisteo, a boatable stream ; good land. Pop. 1,365. HoRNTOWN, p-v. Accomac co. Va., situated on the road from Drummondtown to Snow Hill, 26 ms. N. N. E. from the former, and 16 a little w. of N. from the latter place, and by p-r. 188 ms. s. E. W. C. HoRKY, extreme estrn. dist. of S. C, bndd. s. by Georgetown ; w. and n. w. by Little Pedee r., separating it from Marion ; n. e. by Colum- bus CO. N. C. ; and s. e. by the Atlantic. Length 50, mean width 20, area 1,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 34' to 34° 17', and long. 0° 44' to 1° 25' w. W. C. The declivity of this dist. is almost due s., and though having 30 ms. of ocean border, none of its streams flow in that direction ; Waccamaw r. on the contrary entering from N. C, flows almost parallel to the oppoeing ocean coast, at from 8 to 15 ms. distance. The whole dist. is, with little ex- ception, a plain ; in a great part sandy and marshy. Staples, cotton and rice. Cf. t. Con- waysboro. Pop. 1820, 5,025, 1830, 5,348. Hoeseham, p-v. and tsp. Montgomery co. Pa.> 20 ms. N. Phil. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,081, 1830,- 1,086. Horse Head, tavern and p-o. Prince George's CO., 35 ms. by p-r. sthestrdly. W. C. Horse Race, in the Highlands, 15 ms. below West Point, azig zag course in the Hudson, be- tween Anthony's Nose and Dunderberg. PIoRSE Shoe Bottom, p-v. Russell co. Ky., by p-r. 153 ms. s. Frankfort. Horse Shoe Bridge, and p-o. Colleton dist. S. C, by p-r. 105 ms. s. Columbia. Horse Well, tavern, cross roads and p-o. Barren co. Ky., 9 ms. ^. Glasgow, and by p-r. 10b ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Hoskinsville, p-o. Morgan co. 0., by p-r. 94 ms. a little s. of e. Columbus. Hotel cr., in Riga, N. Y. runs into Black cr. Hot Springs, p-v. Bath co. Va., situated be- tween the Cow Pasture, and the eastern branch of Jackson's r., 40 ms. s. w. by w. Stanton, by p-r. 231 s. w. by w. W. C, and 183 n. w. by w. Richmond. Hot Springs, co. Ark., as laid down by Tan- ner, lies in form of a parallelogram, 66 ms. from E. to w., breadth 30 ms., 1,980 sq. ms. ; bndd. by Crawford n. w., Pope n., Conway n. e., Pulaski E., Clark s., and Miller w. n. lat. 34°, and long. W. C. 16° 30' w. intersect near its sthestrn. angle. This co. occupies a part of the compar- atively elevated table land between the vallies of Arkansas and Red rs. ; the greater part, however, is in the latter physical section and slopes to the sthrd. The Masserne chain of mtns. traverse the nrthwstrn. angle from which issue many of the higher sources of Ouachitta r. The co. derives its name from a remarkably warm and abundant fountain, which in tempera, ture exceeds that of human blood. About 30 years past these " springs'^ as they ate called, though only one is really deserving of the title, began to be resorted to, and their reputation of the water has increased from use. It has been found very beneficial especially in chronic com. plaints. The dryness and great elevation of the country render it a most desirable retreat from the burning and humid summer heats along the great rivers adjacent. By Tanner's U. S. map it is 47 ms. a little s. of w. from Little Rock to the p-v, at the springs, which is also the St. jus. N. lat. 34° 32', long. W. C. 15° 58' w. HouNSFiELD, t, Jefl^erson co. N. Y., lying on the E. side of Chaumont bay, of lake Ontario surface gently uneven ; soil principally clay or loam ; contains fine mill seats. In this town is Sackett's Harbor, the settlement of which was not commenced till 1801, but which came into general notice, and made a conspicuous figure during the last war between Great Britain and the U. States. It has a most excellent harbor, containing a depth of water sufficient for the largest ships of war ; on Navy Point, there is now the " largest ship of war on the stocks that ever was built." Here is laid up the U. S. squadron employed on lake Ontario during the last war, under Commodore Chauncey; and here Gen. BroviTi gathered his first laurels, by a brilliant and successful defence of the place against the British forces from Kingston. Pop. 3,415. HUD 205 HUL Houston, co. Geo., bndd. by Dooley s, ; by Flint r., separating it from Marion w. ; by Crawford n. w. ; Tchocunno r., separating it from Bibb n. e. ; and the Ocmulgee r., sepa- rating it from Twiggs and Pulaski e. Extend- ing in lat. from 6° 32' to 7° 13' w. W. C. This CO. is in length along Dooley from Flint to Oc^ mulgee r. Pop. 7,369. Houston's, store and p^o. Rowan co. N. C, by p-r. 136 ms. westrd, Raleigh. Houston's store and p-o. Morgan co. Ala., by p-r. 114 ms. N. Tuscaloosa. IIousTONviLLE, p.v. Iredell co. N. C. by p-r. 172 ms. w. Raleigh. Howard, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 10 ms. w. Bath, 254 \v. s. w. Albany. Rough and broken ; 9 schools, kept 6 months in 12. Pop. 2,464. Howard, p-t. tsp. on Beach cr., northern an- gle of Centre co. Pa. about 15 ms. n. Belle- fonte, and by p-r. 94 n. w. Harrisburg. Howard, co. Mo. bndd. n. w. by Chariton, n. E. by Randolph, e. by Boone, s. by Missouri r., separating it from Cooper, and by the Mo. r., separating it from Saline. Length 24 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 55' to 39° 17', long. 15° 21' to 15° 50' w. W. C. Slope sthrd. towards that part of Mis- souri r. which separates it from Cooper. Cf. t. Fayette. Pop. 10,854. Howakd's Race, p-o. St. Mary's co. Md. by p-r. 60 ms. s. e. W. C. Howell, isl. Monmouth co. N. J. bndd. e. by the sea, s. by Dover, w. by Freehold, n. by Shrewsbury. Pop. 4,141. Howell, p-o. Logan co. O. by p-r. 73 ms. n. w. Columbus. HowELLViLLE, p-v. Frederick co. Va. by p-r. 74 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. HoYLESviLLE, p-0. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 200 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. HoYsviLLE, p-v. Loudon co. Va.byp-r. 53 ms. w. W. C. HoTsviLLE, p-v. Loudon co, Va. 43' ms. n. w. W. C. Hubbard, p-v. and tsp. Trumbull co. O. By p-r. the p-o. is 285 ms. n. w. W. C, and 174 N. E. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 1,085. HuBBARDSTOwN, p-t. N. w. part of Rutland co. Vt. 50 ms. s. w. Montpelier, and 50 n. Benning- ton. Surface uneven ; well watered ; well timbered with hard wood. Contains good mill seats. 9 school dists. A part of general St. Clair's army was here defeated on their retreat from Ticonderoga, July, 1777. Hubbardton r. which rises in Sudbury, passes through this town, and falls into E. bay in W. H'aven. Its length is about 20 ms. Pop. 865-. HuBBARDSTON, p.t. Worcester co. Mass. 60 ms. w. Boston, 20' n. e, Worcester. Agreeably diversified with hills and valleys. Pop. 1,674. Hudson or North, r. of New York, is one of the finest navigable rivers of America, and is remarkable for its strait southerly course, from Sandy Hill to its mouth, a distance rising of 200 miles. The entire length of this stream, from its sources to the city of N. Y. is 312 ms. ; and the tide flows 166' ms. of this distance, or to Troy, to which place it is navigable for sloops. It rises in the high, mountainous region w.lake Champlain, in Essex and Montgomery cos,, and 27 in its course has three large expansions. Tap- pan bay, Haverstraw bay, and another between Fishkill and New Windsor. The Mohawk is its principal tributary. It flows for the most part through a hilly and mountainous country, exhibiting much beautiful scenery, particularly the Highlands, the passage through which is charming and sublime. Several important towns lie upon its banks, of which the most consider- able are Albany, Troy, Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Newburg, and New York, at which place it unites with the waters of the bay. It is navi- gable to Hudson, 120 ms., for the largest ships ; and as it is the great channel of communication between the city of New York and the north and west, an immense business is done upon its waters. The Erie and Champlain canals con- nect the Hudson with lakes Erie and Champlain ; and the Hudson & Delaware, and Morris canals, with Delaware river. Beside numerous steam boats, great numbers of sloops and o^her craft navigate this river, 15, 20, or even 30' of which are often counted in a distance of 2 or 3 miles. Hudson, p t. Hillsborough co, N. H., (former- ly Nottingham west) is 17 ms. s. e. Amherst, 39 s. w. Portsmouth, 55 n. w. Boston, e. Merri- mack r. ; n. Mass., has good land, with rich meadows on the r., and a broken surface w. The timber is oak, pine, &c. Little Massabe- sick pond contains 200 acres, and Otternick pond 80. Settled 1710. Pop. 183'\ 1,263. Hudson, city, p-t., port of entry, and st. jus. Columbia co. N. Y. e. side Hudson r., which is navigable to this place for ships of the largest size, 120 ms. n. N. Y., 29 s. Albany. Claverack cr., which forms the e. boundary, aflbr Js excel- lent sites for water works, and Factory cr. which forms the boundary towards Kinderhook, has likewise mill privileges. It contains lime- stone, brick clay, lead, nitre, alum, &c. Its manufactures and commerce are considerable. The city is supplied with water brought in an aqueduct from a spring 2 ms. distant. It is pretty well laid out, the streets generally cros- sing each other at right angles and is very pleasantly situated, is a place of considerable business, which is increasing ; the whale fishery has recently been vmdertaken here. Pop. 5,392. Hudson, p-v. in the n. w. part of Caswell co. N. C. by p-r. 86 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Hudson, p-v. and tsp. Portage co. 0. The p-o. is by P-r. 124 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 33'j N. w. W. C. Pop. of the tsp. 775. Hudson's p-o. Culpepper co. Va. Hudsonville, p-v. Grayson co. Ky. by p-r. 113 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Huffersville, p-o. Greene CO: O:. by p-r. 59 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Hughe's p-o. Allen co. Ky. by p-r; 165 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Hughesville, p-v. Chester dist. S. C. by p.r. 53 ms. N. Columbiar HuGHESviLLE, p-0. Loudoni CO. Va. 4 ms. from Leesburg, the co'. st. and by p-r. 36 ms. n. w. W. C. HuLiNGSBUEG, p-v. oti Piney cr. northeastern part of Armstrong co. Pa. 28 ms. a little e. of n. Kittanning, and 70 n. n. e. Pittsburg. HUN 206 HUN Huling's Ferry and p-o. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 18 ms. northward Harrisburg. Hull, t. Plymouth co. Mass. s. side Boston harbor, on a peninsula 8 ms. long, and from 40 rods to half a mile in width, connected with Hingham by a mill dam, 9 ms. e. Boston, 36 n. Plymouth, Pop. 198. Hull's Store and p-o. Pendleton co, Va. by p-r. 206 ms. wstrd. W. C. Hdlmestille, p-v, on the left bank of Nesha- miny or. 4 ms. n. w. Bristol, and 20 n. n. e. Phil. Hulmesville, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. Home, t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 13 ms. n. w. Angelica, crossed s. e. by Genesee r. Has bog iron ore. Pop. 951. HuMMELSTowN, p-v. on the left bank of Swa- tara cr. Dauphin co. Pa. 10 ms. e. Harrisburg, and 94 n. w. by w, Phil, It is for its size a wealthy village, extending, in good substantial houses, principally in one street along the main road, from Reading to Harrisburg, Humphrey's cr, and p-o, in the northwestern angle of McCracken co, Ky, The creek falls into the Ohio r. about 12 ms. above the junction of that stream with the Misp. The p-o. is by p-r. 30 ms. n. w. by w, Wilmington, the co, st. and 309 ms, s. w. JDy w. i w. W. C. Humphrey's Mills and p-o. Monroe co. Ten, by p-r. 145 ms. s, E,by e. Nashville. Humphrey's Villa, p-o. Holmes co. O. by P-r. 66 ms. n. e, Columbus, HuMPHREYSviLLE, p-v, Derby, Conn. 10 nis. n. w. New Haven, 15 n. e. Bridgeport. It is a manufacturing village of some extent, and promises much more than it already is, being finely situated on the Naugatuck r. At this place merino sheep were first introduced into the U. S, by general Humphreys, in 1801, It is surrounded by lofty hills, covered with wood, and is considered by visiting strangers as one of the most beautiful and romantic pla- ces in the country, Humphreysville, p-v, Chester co. Pa. Humphries, co. of Ten. bndd. s. by Perry, w. by Carroll, n. w. by Henry, n. by Stewart, and E. by Dickson. Length 30, mean width 24, and area 720 sq, ms, Lat, 36°, long. 11° w. W. C, intersect about 5 ms. s. of the centre of this CO, Ten, r, enters the southern border, and about 3 miles within it receives Duck r. ; thence traversing the co. in a northern direction, divides it into two unequal inclined plains, the most extensive being on the e. towards Dickson CO. Cf. t. Reynoldsburgh. Pop. 1820, 4,067 ; 1830, 6,189. Hunter, p.t. Greene co, N. Y., w. Kaats- berg, or Catskill mtns. 22 ms. w. Catskill, 58 from Albany. It embraces the highest points of the Catskill mtns. The Kaaterskill falls, of about 300 ft. are in this town. Here is one of the most extensive tanneries in the U. S. Pop 1,960, Hunterdon co, N, J. on Delaware r. bndd. n. w. by Warren, n. e. and e. by Morris, Somer- set and Middlesex, s. e. by Burlington, st. jus. Flemington. Trenton is the st. of government of the state, and st. jus. of the co. where there are several manufactories on the Assanpink. The remainder of the co, is principally agricul tural. Fop. 1820, 28,604 ^ 1830, 31,066, Hunter's Hall and p-o. Franklin co. Va, by p-r. 194 ms. s. w, by w, Richmond. Huntersville, p-v, and st, jus. Pocahontas co, Va. by p-r. 219 ms. s, w, by w. W, C, and 186 N, w, by w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 12', long, 3°. 1' w. W, C. It is situated on one of the higher branches of Green Briar r, between Green Briar and Alleghany mtns, at an eleva- tion above the Atlantic of upwards of 1,800 feet. Huntersville, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 185 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Huntersville, p-v. Tippecanoe co. Ind, 6 ms, estrd. Fayette, and by p-r, 64 ms, n, w. Indianopolis, Huntingdon, co. Pa. bndd. s. w. by Bedford, N. w. by Alleghany mtns., separating it from Cambria, n. by Centre, n, e. by MifHin, and s, e, by Tuscarora mtn,, separating it from Franklin. Length, diagonally from s, e, to n, w, 58 ms. mean breadth 22, and area 1,276 sq, ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 40° 03' to 40° 46', and in long, from 0° 44' to 1° 35' w. W. C. This co. is composed of lateral chains of mtns., ranging from s. w. to n e. with very fertile intervening vallies ; and it may be remarked that the de- clivity of its surface is estrd., and the central part south estrd., as evinced by the course of the rs. The whole co. is embraced in the valley of Juniata, and traversed along the channel of that stream, by the Pa. canal. The mean elevation of the arable surface of Hunt- ingdon must exceed 800 ft. At Frankstown in the western part of the co. the surface of the canal is 910 ft. above tide water in Del. r. This CO. abounds in iron ore of very superior quality. Cf, t, Huntingdon, Pop. 1820, 20,142, in 1830, 27,145. Huntingdon, p-v., borough, and st. jus. Huntingdon co.Pa. 50 ms,N. n. e. Bedford, 60 in a direct line, though by p-r. 92 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. Lat. 40° 31', and long. 1° 2' w. W. C. It is situated on the left bank of Frankstown branch of the Juniata, about 2 ms. above the junction of the latter, with the Rays- town or Main stream of Juniata. In 1820, this borough contained 841 inhabitants, but being situated on the Pa. canal, its pop. must rapidly increase. Not being given in the census tables (1830) separate from the tsp. in which it is sit- uated, the exact population cannot be given ; but supposed 1,200. Huntingdon, tsp. and p-v. on Huntingdon creek, in the extreme western angle of Lu- zerne CO. Pa, about 20 ms, n, w, by w. Wilkes- barre, and by p-r. 105 ms. n. n. e. Harrisburg. Huntingdon, p-v. and st. jus. Carroll co. Ten. by p-r. 109 ms. w. Nashville. It is situated on the s. Fork of Obion r. Lat. 36° 02', long. 11° 28' w. W. C. Huntington, t,, s. e, part of Chittenden co, Vt. 20 ms, w. Montpelier, 15 s, e, Burlington, Principal stream, Huntington r,, which affords some good mill seats. Surface very uneven, consisting of high mtns, and deep gullies. Here is that celebrated peak of the Green mtns., called Camel's Rump, Soil in general gravelly and poor, 8 school dists, Huntingdon r. which rises in Lincoln, runs through this town, and joins Onion r, at Richmond, after a course of about 20 ms. Pop, 923. HUR 207 HUR Huntington, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., w. Ousa- tonic r. Surface uneven. Soil fertile. 18 school dists. 17 ms. w. New Haven. Pop. 1,371. Huntington, p-t. Suffolk co. N. Y. on Long Isl. 40 ms. E. N. Y. bndd n. by Long Isl. sound. Has an academy and 24 school dists. together with a variety of manufactories. This is a place of resort for strangers in summer, for the pur- pose of fishing and fowling. Pop. 5,582. Huntington, p-v. Laurens dist. S. C. by p-r. 64 ms. n. w. Columbia. Hunttngton, p-v. Calvert co. Md. on the road from Prince Frederick to Annapolis, 3 ms. N. the latter, and by p-r. 57 ms. s. the former, and 94 s. e. W. C. Huntington, p-v. and tsp. Lorain co. 0. By p-r. the p-o. is lo6 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. of the tsp. 169. Huntington, new co. Ind. bounded by Grant 8. w., Wabash co. w., and on the other sides, boundaries uncertain. Length from s. to n. 24 ms., breadth 15, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 40-^ 50', long. W. C. 8° 30' w. The general slope of this CO. is wstrd., though the Salamanic and Wabash proper traverse it in a n. w. di- rection, but the latter receives near the centre of the CO., Little r. from Allen co., flowing from the n. w., and some smaller confluents from the n. Below the junction of Wabash and Little r., the united streams fall over rapids, at the foot of which the r. becomes navigable. The centre of this co. is about 90 ms. N. n. e. Indianopolis. Pop. uncertain. Huntsburgh, p-o. Geauga co. O. by p-r. 173 ms. N. E. Columbus. Hunt's Mills, (now Clinton,) v. Hunterdon CO. N. J. Huntsville, p-t. near s. w. angle of Otsego CO. N. Y. 25 ms. s. w. Cooperstown, embracing both sides of the Susquehannah r., whence rafts of timber descend to Baltimore. Pop. 1,149. Huntsville, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa. by p-r. 125 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Huntsville, p-v. and st. jus. Surry co. N. C. situated on the right side of Yadkin r. in the s. E. part of the co. by p-r. 151 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 09', long. 2° 32' w. W. C. Huntsville, p.v. Laurens dist. S. C. 9 ms. s. E. Lawrenceville, and by p-r. 81 ms. n. w. Columbia. Huntsville, p.v. and st. jus. Madison co. Ala. 101 ms. almost due s. Nashville in Ten. 146 ms. by the common road, but on the p-o. list stated at 165 n. n. e. Tuscaloosa, n. lat. 34° 44', long. 9° 35' w. W. C. This place has been called the capital of northern Ala. and is a very flourishing village ; by the census of 1820, the population stood, whites, 833 ; colored, 483 ; total, 1,316. The pop. of 1830 not given in the census. Huntsville, p-v. Butler co. O., by p-r. 93 ms. s. wstrd. Columbus. Huntsville, p-v. and st. jus. Randolph co. Mo. by p-r. 1,042 ms. wstrd. W. C, and 230 n. w. by w. St. Louis. Hurley, t. Ulster co. N. Y., 3 ms. w. King- ston, 68 s. Albany, 100 n. N, Y. There is an inexhaustible quarry of variegated marble in this town, composed of petrified sheila of a blu- ssh and reddish cast. Pop. 1,408. Huron, one of the five great lakes, which with many smaller ones, form the inland fresh water sea of North America, usually called the sea of Canada. Huron in its utmost extent has been, until the publication in 1829, of Tanner's map of the U. S., very inaccurately delineated. This extensive sheet of water is there laid down, ac- cording to its real natural divisions, into three parts, lake Huron Proper, lake Iriquois, and Manitou bay. Huron proper lies in form of a crescent, the middle curve of which stretches 260 ms. from the Michilimakinak straits to the head of St. Clair r. With the exception of the Saginau, and someotherlesser bays, the outline approaches very nearly to a real crescent. Great- est breadth, independent of the bays, about 70 ms. Superficial extent about 20,000 sq. ms. On the s. w. it is limited by the peninsula be- tween lake Huron and Michigan ; on the n. w. it has the peninsula between Huron and Superi- or ; and on the s. e. the peninsula of Upper Ca- nada. From the latter protrudes northwardly a smaller peninsula, called Cabot's Head, which is followed as part of the same chain by a series of isls. inflecting to the n. w. towards St. Mary's strait. These isls. retaining their Indian name, " Manitou (Great Spirit) isls." form with Ca. bot's Head so nearly a continuous land barrier as to divide lake Huron into two, and by the nthrn. protrusion of Great Manitou isl. into three bodies of water. To the n. estrd. of Huron Proper, and e. of Cabot's Head, spreads a sheet of water called lake /ro^Mois. This latter lake is in form of an ellipse : 140 ms. the longer, by 70 the shorter axis. Allowing for the angles, the area is about 7,000 sq. ms. Separated from Huron Proper by Drummond's, and the Lesser and Greater Manitou isls., and from lake Iro- quois by the Great Manitou, stretches another sheet of water, called Manitou bay. This is in length from e. to w. 80 ms. with a mean breadth of 20, and area 1,600 sq. ms. Taken in all its extent with the islands between the sections, lake Huron fills a physical area of 28,600 sq. ms. having a rude approach to a tri- angle of 240 ms. base. The main lake is ex- cessively deep, but similar to most part of all the other Canadian lakes ; the shores arc gene- rally shallow, though some fine harbors exist. Lake Huron is the common recipient of lake Superior, lake Michigan, lake Nippissing, lake Simcoe, and numerous small rs. It is in fact the lower depression of a basin, in form of an equilateral triangle of 300 ms. each side, or about 37,500 sq. ms. That part of the water of the H uron basin not abstracted by evaporation is poured to the sthrd. by the river or strait of St. Clair. The surface of the water at its mean height is about 600 feet above the Atlantic level. The boundary between the U. S. and Canada passes along the main Huron about 225 ms., and thence between Drummond's and Little Manitou islands, and over the wstrn. end of Manitou lake 25 ms., or along 250 ms. from the influx of the nthrn. branch of St. Mary's r. into- lake Manitou to outlet of St. Clair's r. from lake Huron. As a commercial link in the chaiu of inland navigation, Huron is of immense im- portance. In its natural state, the main lake opens a spacious channel into both Superios' HUR ^08 HUR and Michigan lakes. Being united to lake Sim. coe by Matcliadash r., a natural channel is thus extended from the extreme s. estrn. angle of lake Iroquois, by the Matchadash r., Simcoe lake, and the Trent r. and lakes, into the ex- treme N. estrn. angle of lake Ontario, with only a few intervening portages. This latter route has long attracted attention as one admitting, with moderate comparative expense in improve, ment, an abridgement of one half in distance from the head of St. Lawrence r. to the head of lake Huron. By the route of Ontario, Erie, Huron, and connecting rs., the distance is 800 ms. ; whilst by the Simcoe, and lake Iroquois route it is only 400 ms. The actual execution of the Rideau canal is a practical illustration of what may be expected, in regard to the future artificial and direct union of Ontario and Huron lakes. Huron, a name given to several rs., one in the nthrn. part of the state of Ohio, rising in Richland co. but flowing nthrds. into lake Erie ; it drains the greatest part of, and gives name to, Huron co. Entire comparative course 40 ms. Another Huron r., of much greater length of course, and draining a greatly larger valley, falls into the extreme n. wstrn. angle of lake Erie, at the outlet of Detroit r. This second Huron has interlocking sources with those of St. Joseph's, Kalamazoo, and Grand rs. of lake Michigan, with those of Saginau r., and with a third Huron flowing into lake St. Clair ; and again to the sthrd. with those of the r. Raisin. With a com- parative course of 65 ms., Huron, or as it might be called, middle Huron, rises in Oakland, Ing- ham, and .Tackson cos., but drains nearly all Washtenaw and part of Wayne cos. The third or nthrn. Huron, has interlocking sources with those of Raisin, middle Huron, and Saginau rs. It is one of those rivers the breadth of which exceeds the length of course ; as across the stream it is 40 ms. but from head to mouth only about 33 ms. It drains a great part of Oakland and Macomb cos. Such a repetition of the same name applied to the same species of object is a serious inconvenience, which is in the present instance enhanced by two rivers of the same natne falling into lake Erie, depriving us of the remedy of distinguishing them by their recipi- ents. Huron, co. Ohio, bndd, e, by Lorain co., s. by Highland, s. w. by Crawford, w. by Seneca and Sandusky, and n. by lake Erie. Greatest length from s. to n. along the wstrn. border 48 ms., the mean length is about 40 ms., breadth 28 ms., and area 1,120 sq. ms. Lat. 40° to 40° 38', long. 5° IS' to 5° 48' w. W. C, Vermillion r. of Erie flows northwardly along its estrn. bor- der. Sandusky r. after a nthm, course over Marion, Crawford, Seneca and Sandusky cos., inflects to the e., widens into a bay, the lower part of which traverses Huron co. and separates Sandusky point from the other parts ol the co. Huron r. however, from which the county takes its name, drains the much greater part of its sur- face. The whole area is an inclined plain fall, ing by gentle slopes nthwrd. towards lake Erie, The soil is generally fertile. Cf. t. Sandusky, though Norwalk is the st. jus. Pop. 1820, 6,675, 1830, 13,341. HuKON, p-v. and tsp. at the mouth of Huron r., Huron co. 0. The p-v. is by p-r. 125 ms. a lit.; tie E. of N. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 480. Huron, territory of the U. S. This article is introduced to admit a general view of that re- gion of the U. S. extending wstrd. of lake Mich, to the Misp. r. A bill has been several times before Congress, to obtain a law for the forma- tion of a territory of the U. S. w. of that of Mich., and in choosing and imposing a general name, Huron and Ouisconsin have been alternately in- troduced j the latter will most probably be pre. ferred. According to information communis cated to the author of this article by Austin E. Wing, Esq. delegated from Michigan, that ter^ ritory when erected into a state, will, it is pro. bable, follow the middle of lake Mich., from the N. wstrn. part of Ind. to some distance w. of Michilimakinak strait, or about the 8th degree of long. w. W. C, and th«nce due n. to lake Superior. If this demarcation is adopted, ait immense territory will be left between it and the Misp. r. amounting to something above 100,000 sq. ms. In regard to the recipients of its rivers, it is composed of three natural sec. tions ; which may be designated the Misp., Michigan and lake Superior slopes. The de^ clination of the Misp. slope of Huron, is to the s. w. very nearly at right angles to the general course of that part of the Misp. r. from the in. flux of the Riviere au Corbeau, (Crow river,) to the great bend, opposite the n. wstrn. angle of the state of Illinois. Down this plain, of 400 ms. length and 140 mean breadth in descent, fall, besides many rivers of lesser size, the Ou* isconsin, La Croix, Black, Chippeway, St. Croix, Rum, Savannah and Meadow rs. Of these tri. butaries of the Misp., the largest in volume and most important as a commercial channel is the Ouisconsin. The breadth of the plain, dowa which these streams flow, restricts that of the* v.'strn, shore of Mich. It is rather remarkable that along the w. shore of the Michigan from Green bay sthwrd. no r. enters the lake, having a comparative length of 60 ms. (See Rock r. and Fox r. of Illinois.) To the nthwrd. of the two preceding slopes extends a third, that of lake Superior, stretching about 500 ms. along the sthrn. side of that lake. The latter plain is^ comparatively narrow, not having a meam breadth above 60 ms. The rivers are nume- rous, but brief in their length of comparative course. The whole surface is amongst the least inviting of the sections of the Huron re- gion. The estrn. section is a long narrow pen. insula enclosed between lake Superior, lake Huron, Green bay, and the nthrn. part of lake Michigan. In the interior it is wet and marshy, a character of country which applies in good measure to much of Huron. Along the line ot separation of the streams flowing into the basin of the Misp. from those discharged into the Canadian sea, the smaller lakes and swamps are numerous. The whole region is, it is true, not very minutely known ; but as far as ex- plored, if taken as a whole, does not appear so well adapted to agricultural settlement as the valley of 0. or the lower part of that of the Misp. proper. Flat, and of course in winter and spring, wet, prairies or eavannah.s are IBE 209 ILL common. Over Huron there are two routes along which nature has afforded a facility of w ter intercommunication. The lower and yet most frequented is that by Fox and Ouisconsin rs. from lake Mich, to the Misp. r. The di. rection of this route is s. w. by w., and the re- verse, about 400 ms. without calculating minute bends from the straits of Michilimakinak to the mouth of Ouisconsin. There is only a short portage between the Ouisconsin and Fox rs. to interrupt the passage of boats along the entire distance ; and so nearly is the actual water line complete, and so level the portage, that small craft are navigated at seasons of high water from one river to the other. The second route passes through lake Superior in its greatest length, to reach St. Louis r. By the channel of the latter and Savannah branch of the Misp. that great stream is reached above n. lat. 47°, and at no very great distance below its source. Independent of partial bends the distance of the two points of contact with the Misp. exceeds 600 ms. That region from which originates the Misp., Rain Lake r., Red r., branch of Assi- tiiboin, and the St. Louis r. of lake Superior, is an immense elevated plain, from which the water flows slowly or stands stagnant, owing to the very near approach of the whole surface to the curve of the sphere. To the same physi- cal construction arises the many interlocking water courses, which in fact connect the conflu- ents of Hudson's bay, with those of the Gulf of Mexico. (See Assiniboin, Lake of the Woods, Rainy Laker. &c.) The section intended to be included under the name of Huron was by the census of 1830, given under the head of Mich- igan ; the COS. were. Brown, along both banks of Fox r. and around Green bay; loway, e. of the Misp. r., and between the nthrn. boundary of II. and Ouisconsin r. ; and Crawford co. ex- tending nthwrd. and above the Ouisconsin, and estrd, of the Misp. r. By the census of 1830, the population of Brown, including the ofiicers, privates, and other persons attached to Forts Winnebago and Howard, 1,356 ; Crawford, in- cluding Prairie du Chien, and military station at fort Crawford, 692; loway, 1,587; total, 3,635. The settlements are very scattered and much detached, and extends from s. w. to n. e. 250 ms., with a mean breadth of about 100 ms. ; with an area of at least 25,000 sq. ms., or nearly 7 sq. ms. to 1 white person. HuERiCANE, p-v. in the southeast part of Montgomery co. II. by p-r. 12 ms. n. w. Van dalia. Hurricane Shoals, p-o. Jackson county, Georgia, by p-r. 91 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. Hurts Cross Roads, Maury co. Ten., p.o, by p^r. 55 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. HuTTONSViLLE, p.o. Randolph co. Va. by p-r. 216 ms. w. W. C. HuTTSViLLE, p.o. Westmoreland co. Va. by p.r. s. W. C. Hyannis, p-v. and parish on the n. shore of Cape Cod, s. e. part of Barnstable and Yar- mouth. Hyattstown, p-v. on the wstrn. border of Montgomery co. Md. 33 ms. n. w. W. C, and 11 s. s. E. Frederick. It is a small village of a single street along the main road. Hyde Park, p-t. s. w. part, of Orleans co. Vt. 24 ms. N. Montpelier, 32 n. e. Burlington. Wa- tered by the Lamoille, Green r.. Little North Branch, and Town Hill brook ; which furnish numerous mill privileges. Soil generally good. Pop. 823. Hyde Pare, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y. on the Hudson, 7 ms. n. Poughkeepsie. Excellent land, highly cultivated, and very wealthy. The village of Hyde Park is beautifully situated on a handsome plain, surrounded by highly culti. vated farms. Pop. 2,554. Hyde Park, p-v. Halifax co. N. C. by p-r. 82 ras. N. E. Raleigh. Hydraulic Mills, and p.o. Albemarle co. Va. 86 ms. s. w. W. C. Iberville, upper mouth of the Misp. on the left. The outlet of Iberville only receives wa- ter from the main r. at high flood, and even when supplied with water is from obstructions of trees, of no navigable consequence until its junction with the Amite. The outlet of Iber- ville is at the bottom of a large bend of the Misp. 14 ms. below Baton Rouge. After its efflux this stream is augmented by some swamp drains, but with little addition of breadth or depth for 20 ms. to where it meets with and is lost in the Amite. (See Amite r.) Iberville, parish of La. bndd. by Atcha- falaya r. s. w., the Bayou Plaquemine and Misp. r. separating it from W. Baton Rouge on the n. w., by E. Baton Rouge n., Amite r. n. e., and the parish of Ascension e. and s. e. Length 35, mean width 10, anl area 350 sq. ms., ex- tending in lat. from 30° 03' to 30° 18', and in long, from 13° 50' to 14° 24' w. W. C. The surface very nearly an undeviating plain, simi- lar to other parts of the Delta, the margin of the streams only sufficiently elevated for culti- vation, What soil admits of agriculture, &c. is exuberantly productive. Staple, cotton. Cf. t. St. Gabriel. Pop. 1820, 4,414, 1830, 7,049. Icksburgh, p-v. Perry co. Pa. 42 ms. by p.r. Harrisburg. Ignatius Point, Chippeway co. Mich. This is the extreme sthrn. projection of that penin. sula between lakes Michigan, Superior and Huron, and which is nearly commensurate with Chippeway co. Point Ignace as named by the French, projects sthrd. towards the island of Michilimackinak, contributing to narrow the strait between lakes Michigan and Huron. Illinois, r. of the U. S. and great sthestm. confluent of the Misp. proper. From its rela. tive position the Illinois is a r. of great impor. tance as a connecting link in the chain of inter- nal navigable waters. The extreme nrthrn. source of Illinois is that of Fox r. of Illinois. This stream according to Tanner's late im. proved map, rises in Huron territory as far n. as lat. 43° 25', between the sources of Rock r. and those of Manawakee, and flowing thence e. s. ILL 210 ILL w. 160 ms. comparative course unites with the Illinois in Lasalle co. II. If length of course is considered as the deciding criterion, Fox r. is the main stream above their junction, though the name of II. commences with the union of the Plane and Kankakee rivers. Plane r. though more generally known is a far inferior stream to the Kankakee. The Plane is, however, from its position an important branch. Rising wstrd. and near the shore of lake Mich, and flowing s. nearly parallel to and about lO ms. of that lake, it has become at seasons of high water, a navigable stream 12 ms. from Chicago. Thence inflecting to the s. w. 40 ms. it joins the Kanka- kee to form Illinois. Kankakee r. is composed of two branches, Kankakee proper and Picki- mink rs. The former has its extreme source in St. Joseph's co. Ind. and by a general course of s. w. by w. about 100 ms. receives the Picki- mink from the sthestrd. The latter also has its source in Ind. from whence curving to the sthrd. but by a general wstrn. course joins the Kankakee. The two rivers are nearly of simi- lar volume and length. Below their union the water bends to n. n. w. 15 ms. to where it min- gles with that of Plane r. Both the Kankakee and Pickimink, have channels curving in a very remarkable manner with the outline of the southern part of lake Michigan. Below the un- ion of Plane and Kankakee, the Illinois flows about 60 ms. very nearly w. receiving the Fox river, from the n., and Vermillion from the s. and falling over rapids, inflects abruptly to the s. s. w. The upper part of the Illinois valley encircles the southern part of lake Michigan, about 2Q0 ms. A canal has been proposed to follow the Illinois and Plane, and thence over the intermediate space to Chicago on lake Mich. Nature seems to have done a great share of the necessary labor, to eflfect this improve, ment. The canal distance from the rapids to lake Michigan will be 100 ms. The rapids of Illinois are a mere shelf, uniting two plains of no considerable difference of elevation. Lake Michigan is elevated about 600 feet above tide water in the Atlantic ocean, and the higher part of the Illinois valley has but little more relative height. The surface of the country presents no considerable difference of elevation ; it is in great part a plain, and much of it naked of tim- ber. Below the great bend, the Illinois with a considerable western curve pursues a general s. s. w. course 200 ms. to its junction with the Mississippi. If measured by the channel of Fox river, the entire comparative length of Illi. nois, is very near 400 ms. Below the great bend it is augmented by Spoon river from the west, and by the much larger volume of San- gamon, and also from both sides by numerous creeks, or small rivers. The greatest breadth of the Illinois valley is 120 ms. from the eastern sources of Sangamon to the western of Spoon river, but the northern or rather northeastern part, branching into two long narrow arms, the mean breadth does not exceed 60 ms. The area about 24,000 square ms. Physically this fine valley has lake Michigan n. e., Rock river N. w., Mississippi w. and s. w., Kaskaskias river s. e., and the higher branches of Wabash river, N. e. Below the rapids, the character of the river itself approaches to that of a tortuous canal, in many parts widening into swells that appear similar to lakes. Politically a small section drained by the higher part of Rock riv- er, is in Huron, area about 700 square ms. Both branches of Kankakee rise in Indiana, draining about two thousand three hundred square miles leaving twenty one thousand square miles in Illinois. No circumstance could exhibit the immense extent of the vast basin of the Mississippi more forcibly than to compare it with the valley of Illinois. The lat- ter exceeding the fourth part of an area equal to the Rhine, does not amount to the fortieth part of the basin of which it forms a section. {See the tributary rivers, Fox, Kankakee, San- gamon, Spoon, &c. under their respective heads.) Illinois, one of the U. S. bndd. by the Misp, r. w. and s. w., by Huron territory n., lake Mi- chigan N. E., Indiana e., and Ohio r. separating it from Kentucky s. e. and s. The outlines of the state are as follows : commencing at the junction of Ohio and Misp. rs. and thence up the latter opposite the state of Missouri, to the mouth of Lemoine river, by comparative cours- es 340 miles ; continuing up the Mississippi to lat. 42° 30', 200 ms. ; thence due e. to lake Mi- chigan along the s. boundary of Huron, 167 ms.; along the s. w. part of lake Michigan 60 ms.; thence due s. along western boundary of Indi- ana to Wabash river 163 ms. ; down the Wa- bash, opposite Indiana to the Ohio river 120 ms. ; down the Ohio river opposite Kentucky, to the Mississippi river, and place of beginning 130 ms. ; having entire outline of 1,170 ms. This state, next to Virginia and Missouri, is the third in area amongst the United States ; it extends in lat. from 37*^ to 42° 30', and in long, from 10° 36' to 14° 30' w. W. C. The great. est length is exactly on a line with the extreme of its lat. or 382 ms. A similar feature is pre- sented by the extremes of its long, where the breadth is greatest, or 206 ms. Narrowing, however, towards both extremes, and the actu- al area lieing 53,480 square miles, the mean width is is about 140 miles. Embracing a zone of Sj degrees of lat. and with an area of 34,- 227,200 acres, this state presents, as far as lat. is concerned, the most extended arable surface of any state of the United States. As a physical section it occupies the lower part of that inclined plain of which lake Michigan and both its shores are the higher sections, and which is extended into and embraces the much greater part of Indiana. Down this plain in a very nearly southwestern direction, flow the Wabash and confluents ; the Kaskaskias, the Illinois and confluents, and the Rock, and Ouisconsin rivers. (See article Huron Terri- tory.) The lowest section of the plain is also the extreme southern angle of Illinois, at the mouth of Ohio river, about 340 feet above tide water in the gulf of Mexico. Though the state of Illinois does contain some hilly sections, as a whole, it may be regarded as a gently incli- ning plain, in the direction of its rivers as al- ready indicated. Without including minute parts, the extreme arable elevation may be , safely stated at 800 feet above tide water, and ILL 211 ILL the mean height at 550. With all the uniform- ity of its surface and the moderate difference of its relative level, there still exists a great dif. ference in the extremes of its climate. Com. pared with the temperature on Rock river plains, that near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers may be called warm. ( ot. ton can be cultivated to the southward, and the summers are often intense, but a very severe winter climate prevails over the whole state. From actual observation the thermometer of Fahrenheit has fallen frequently below zero, at New Harmony, opposite the southern part of the state. We may here observe, that in ma- king observations with the thermometer, they are made too often almost exclusively whilst the sun is above the horizon, and therefore give, not the mean of all the astronomical day, but that of day light, and consequently the far great number of places are represented as hav- ing a mean temperature altogether too high. If compared with other parts of the United Slates, (see that article,)it will be found very doubtful whether any part of Illinois has a mean temperature as high as 53° of the scale of Fah- renheit, and that the mean of the state falls as low, if not lower than 50°. Soil and Productions. Of the surface of Illi- nois, it is safe to state as much as 50,000 square ms. arable. In respect to soil, it bears some re- semblance to Ohio and Indiana, but has less bro- ken, sterile, and rocky, or of flat and wet land than either of the latter, even when the respec- tive superficies of the three states are compar- ed. The worst feature of Illinois, is the vast extent of its naked and level plains (prairies) and the consequent scarcity of timber and foim. tain water. It must not, however, be under- stood, that the prairies are uniformly level plains ; some are rolling and even hilly, and abound in good foimtains, but as a general char- acter they are plains in the true meaning of the term. In the article Louisiana the reader will observe that the prairies present all the ex- tremes from fertility to extreme barrenness. The word is French and signifies meadows, and not plains. They are, and with all their varie- ty of surface and soil, the same as the steppes of northern Asia. In Illinois as in Louisiana, many of the prairies present alluvial deposites, which prove them to have once been morasses, perhaps lakes. Whatever may have been their origin, the prairies constitute the most striking feature of Illinois, and extend in the general direction of its rivers from the Mississippi to lake Michigan, and indeed stretch south of lake Michigan over Indiana into the state of Ohio, lessening, nevertheless advancing east. ward. The wooded soil is generally produc- tive, and from what has been already observed, it must be obvious that the state in its vegetable productions assimilates with the northern and middle states, abounding in pasturage, and where cultivated with advantage, with small grain. Fruits common in the middle states grow and flourish, but it has been observed, that from the very great fertility of soil, they are comparatively vapid in taste and flavor. An abundance of fossil coal is found here ; many salt springs have been discovered, and some manufactures of salt have been established ; the most extensive are in the vicinity of Shaw- neetown. Sulphur, and Chalybeate springs also abound. The lead mines of the state are very extensive, and rich, and silver ore is sup- posed to exist in some of the southern cos. Commercial Facilities. In the articles lake Michigan, and the rivers Ijlinois, Sangamon, Kankakee, Fox, Kaskaskias, Rock, Mississip- pi, and Wabash, the prodigious natural chan- nels which bound, or traverse Illinois, will be seen. (See Rail Roads and Canals, art. III. and Mich. a. a.) Rich in a productive soil, and every where open lo navigable streams, it is not too much to say that ten millions of inhabi- tants will be far from its ultimate population. This fine natural section is subdivided into the following counties , to which we add the Pop. according to the census of 1830. Those left blank are not named in the census tables. Counties. Counties. Adams, 2,186 Macdonough & \ 1,309 Alexander, 1,390 Schuyler, Bond, 3,124 Madison, 6,229 Calhoun, 1,090 Marion, 2,021 Clarke, 3,940 Mercer, 26 Clay, 755 Monroe, 2,119 Clinton, 2,330 Montgomery, 2,950 Cook, Morgan, 12,709 Crawford, 3,113 ^'^^"^'-.^"SKnS Edgar, 4,071 Edwards, 1,649 Peoria, \ 1,309 Fayette, 2,704 Putnam, ( Franklin, 4,081 Perry, 1,215 Fulton, Pike, 2,393 Henry, ) 2,156 Pope, 3,223 Knox, \ Randolph, 4,436 Gallatin, 7,407 Rnck Island, Green, 7,664 Saint Clair, 7,092 Hamilton, 2,620 Sangamon, 12,960 Hancock, 484 Shelby, 2,973 Jackson, 1,827 Tazewell, 4,716 Jasper, Union, 3,239 Jetferson, 2,555 Vermillion, 5,836 Joe Daviess, 2,111 Wabash, 2,709 Johnson, 1,596 Warren, 307 Lasalle, Washington, 1,674 Lawrence, 3,661 Wayne, 2,562 Macaupin, 1,989 White, 6,091 McLean, Macon, 1,122 Total 157,445 Of the foregoing were white persons. Males. Females. Under 5 years of ag S) 18,834 17,429 From .5 to 10, 12,753 12,000 " 10 to 15, 10,024 9,246 " 15 to 20, 7,770 8,053 " 20 to 30, 14,706 12,461 " 30 to 40, 8,825 6,850 " 40 to 50, 4,627 3,750 " 50 to 60, 2,853 2,047 " 60 to 70, 1,172 812 " 70 to 80s: 384 273 " 80 to 90, 90 77 " 90 to 100, 6 14 " 100 and u pwards. 4 1 Total, 82,048 73,013 Of the above, are deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 23 ; 14 to 25,27; 25 and upwards, 16; blind, 35. Colored population — free. Males, Females Under 10 years of age. 277 305 From 10 to 24, 251 225 " 24 to 36, 136 125 " 36 to .55, 119 1D6 " 55 to 100, 40 50 " 100 and upwards. 1 2 Total, 824 813 Slaves — males, 347 ; females, 400 ; Colored persons, deaf and dumb, 0; blind, 4. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. . 155,061 1,637 747 157,445 ILL 212 IND Progressive population has been truly rapid in Illinois. During the decennial period be- tween 1820, and 1830, this advanced at the rate of 185 per cent. (See dosing part of article Indiana.) In 1810 the pop. amounted to 12,282; and in 1820, to 55,211. Constitution, government, judiciary. The constitution of Illinois was adopted at Kaskas- kias, 26th August, 1818. Art. 1. Sec. 1. The powers of the government of the state of Illi- nois, shall be divided into three distinct depart- ments, and each of them confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit : those which are legislative, to one ; those which are executive to another ; and those which are judiciary to another. Sec. 2. No person or collection of persons, being one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except as hereinafter expressly directed or permitted. Art. 2. Sec. 1. The legislative authority of this state shall be vest- ed in a general assembly, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives, both to be elected by the people. Sec. 3. No person shall be a representative who shall not have at- tained to the age of 21 years, who shall not be a citizen of the United States, and an inhabit- ant of this state, who shall not have resided within ihe limits of the county or district in which he shall be chosen, twelve months next preceding his election, unless absent on public business, &c. Sec. 6. No person shall be a senator who has not arrived at the age of 25 years, who shall not be a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have resided one year in the county or district in which he shall be chosen immediately preceding his election, &c. Art. 3. Sec. 1. The executive power of this state shall be vested in a governor. Sec. 2. The governor shall be chosen by the electors of the members of the general assembly, at the same places, and in the same manner that they e'uU respectively vote for members thereof. Sec. 3. The governor shall hold his office for four years, and until another governor shall be elected and qualified ; but he shall not be eligi- ble for more than 4 years in any term of 8 years. Must be 30 years of age when elect- ed, a citizen of the United States, and 2 years next preceding his election a; resident of Illi- nois. Sec. 13i A lieutenant governor shall be chosen at every election for govemar, in the same manner, continue in office for the same time, and possess the same qualifications^ Sec. 14. The lieutenant governor is speaker of the senate, &c. Art. 4. Sec. 1. The judicial power of this state shall be vested in one su- preme court, and such inferior courts as the general assembly shall, from time to time or- dain, and establish. Sec. 4. The justices of the supreme court, and the judges of the infe- rior courts, shall be appointed by joint ballot of both branches of the general assembly, and commissioned by the governor ; their offices during good behaviour. Removable by im. peachment or by address of two thirds of each branch of the general assembly. The govern. or has power to grant reprieves and pardon after conviction, except in cases of impeach- ment, and has farther the usual powers and duties to perform of governors of the other re- spective states. From any disability, death, &c. of the governor, the powers and duties of the office devolve on the lieutenant governor. By the general provisions of the constitution of Illinois, the right of suffrage is secured to the white male citizens above 21 years of age. No person can be imprisoned for debt unless on refusal to deliver up his property, or on strong suspicions of fraud. The right of trial by jury is to remain inviolate. By article 6th, section 1, neither slavery nor involuntary servi- tude is to be introduced into the state. All children born in the state, white or colored, become free, the males at 21, and the females at 18. Liberty of the press, of public worship, limited only by the public peace. In December 1832, the debt of the state of Illinois amount- ed to $266,612. Amount of the school fund $108,842- The annual revenue of the state was estimated at $50,000, in 1831, and its or- dinary expenses at ^28,000 ; the balance is ap- propriated generally to internal improvements. History. The early settlements of the French along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, date back to 1673. The distant and feeble estab- lishments of that nation at any place within the chartered limits of Illinois, never arose to the dignity of colonies. At the close of the revo. lutionary war, and by the treaty of 1783, the country was claimed under the charter of Vir- ginia, and held by that state until ceded to the United States in 1787. It was then made a part of the territory n. w. of the Ohio river. When the now state of Ohio was made a separate territory in 1800, Illinois and Indiana remained united, and continued one territory, until 1809> when they were separated into two. Indiana lying eastward, and in- the direction of the- stream of emigration, preceded' Illinois, as a state ; the former reached that dignity in 1815, and the latter in 1813^ as may be seen by the date of her constitution. Since that epoch the history of the state merges in that of the Uni- ted States. Indepelmdence cr. N. Y. about 25 ms. in length, runs from Herkimer co. across Lewis CO. tO' the Black r. in Watson, midway between Beaver and Moose rs. Indefendence, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 18 ms. s. E. Angelica. Watered by Crider's, Dike's, and Baker's creeks, good sized mill streams, which fall into the Genesee river. Tim- bered with deciduous trees of the various kinds. Land better for grass than grain. Pop. 877. Independence, t. Warren co. N. J. on Mus- conetcunk r., and the Sussex line, bndd. n. w. by Hardwick, s. w. by Mansfield and Oxford. Pop. 2,126. Independence, p-v. in-the northeastern part of Washington co. Pa. about 17 ms. n. w. Washington, the co. st. Independence, p-v Autauga co. Ala. by p-r. 85 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Independence, p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co. Mo. It is not located on either Tanner's m'lp or p-o. list, but from the position of the co. is near the western boundary of the state, and on or near the Mo. r. The post distance 177 ms. wstrd. of Jefferson city. IND 213 IND India Ken, p-v. Ripley co. Ind. by p-r. 87 ms. 8. E. Indianopolis. Indian r. Coos co. N. H. one of the principal and most northerly sources of Conn, r., rises in the Highlands near the n. limits of the state, and pursues a s. w. course to its junction, with the E. branch, flowing from lake Conn. 30 miles long. Indian r. N. Y. rises in Lewis co. winds across Jefferson co., runs through St. Lawrence CO. and joins the Oswegatchie, about 4 ms. above its mouth in the St. Lawrence. A very crooked stream, and runs in its whole course probably 100 ms. Indian r. small stream of Sussex co. Del. rises near, and to the sthrd. of Georgetown, and flowing estrd. falls into Rehoboth bay, 10 ms. a little w. of s. Cape Henlopen. Indian r. of Flor. is properly a sound, com- mencing at lat. 28° 40', and stretching within cape Canaveral nearly parallel to the Atlantic coast, with a long, narrow, intervening reef of sand to n. lat. 27° 35', where it opens to the ocean by Indian r. inlet. Indian River, Hundred, of Sussex co. Del. on Indian r. Pop. 1820, 1,887. Indiana co. of Pa. bndd. by Armstrong w. and w. vv., by Jefferson n., Clearfield n. e., Cambria, E. and s. E., and by Conemaugh r., separating it on the s. from Westmoreland. Length 3,5, mean width 23, and area 800 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 40° 24' to 40° 56', and in long, from 1° 52' to 2° 30' w. W. C. This co. lies w. of the Laurel ridge, and its plane of descent is also wstrd. drained by the branches of the Conemaugh r. and of Crooked and Mahoning creeks. The descent of the declivity from the eastern to the wstrn. border of this co. is very rapid. By admeasurements made on the Pa. canal, the level of Conemaugh r. at the s. w. angle of this co. is 1,154 feet, and this point is the lowest part of the co., and of course the whole arable surface rises above an equivalent to a temperature of 3° of lat. Cf. t. Indiana. Pop. 1820, 8,882, 1830, 14,252. Indiana, p-v. and st. jus. Ind. co. Pa. 35 ms. N. E. Greenburg, 48 n. e. by e. Pittsburg, and by p.r. 180 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. Lat. 40° 40', long. 2° 12' w. W. C. Indiana, state of the U. S. bndd. e. by 0., s. by the O. r., separating it from Ky., w. by the state of 11., N. w. by lake Mich., and n. by the ter. of Mich. Indiana e-xtends along 0. r. op^ posite Ky. from the mouth of Great Miami to that of the Wabash 340 ms. Up the Wabash, opposite the state of II. to a meridian line, extending from lat. 39° 23', 150 ms. Along the above meridian line to southern part of lake Mich. 160 ms. Along lake Mich, accord- ing to Tanner, to lat. 41° 47' 40 ms. Dae e. along lat. 41° 47', to the n. e. angle of the state, 110 ms. Thence due s. to the mouth of Great Miami, and place of beginning, 190 ms. Having an entire outline of 990 ms. A diago- nal line drawn from the s. w. to the n. e. angle of Ind. measures 325 ms., but its greatest length from s. to n. along its western border, from the Ohio r. opposite the mouth of Green t. to lake Mich, is 272 ms. The mean length is very near 260, and mean breadth I40v with 28 an area of 36,400 sq. ms. Measured careful, ly by the rliomb, the area comes out 36,670 sq. ms., and the mean between the two methods is so near 36,000 sq. ms. as to justify the adoption of that superficial area. This state extends in lat. from 37° 50' to 41° 47', and in long. w. W. C. from 7° 48' to 11° 08'. Much of what has been said respecting the physical features of II. applies also to Ind. the two stales being in- cluded in the same physical section. The reader will find great sKare of the general features of lad. under the head ef Wabash r., that stream and its confluents draining fully the five sixtlis of the whole state. In features, soil and climate, Indiana forms a connecting link between O. and II. having the physiognomy of both the contiguous states. Less monotonous in surface than II., Ind. presents fewer bold and prominent marks than does O. Commencing on the Ohio r. we find a range of rough and abruptly rising hills, stretching along that great stream from the influx of Great Miami to near that of the Wabash, 'i hese hills, so imposino^ near the Ohio r. are in themselves a true geo. graphical deception. Passing along this river's verge, no creek is found flowing from them of any considerable magnitude. Ascending these heights they are discovered to be the mere relative elevations formed by the deep channel of Ohio, and discharge their waters to the northwstrd. into the sub-valley of White r. or into the valley of Wabash. At the great bend of Ohio r. opposite the mouth of Ky. r., the ■fountains of White r. rise within 1 mile of the channel of Ohio. Traversing this range of hills the observer finds himself in the beautiful valley of the "Wabash, variegated by hill and dale, and presenting one of the finest natural sections of the earth. The surface of the country softens advancing northwardly over the numerous tributaries of White r., and over the main volume of Wabash. A real table land is now reached, flat, level, and wet, giving source to the Tippecanoe and Eel r. branches of Wabash, to the Kankakee and Pickimink branches of II. r., to the Elkhart, Pigeon and other southern branches of the St. Joseph's r. of lake Mich., and finally to the St. Joseph's branch of Maumee. From the preceding we find that Northern Ind. is a table land, dis- charging rivers in four, and nearly opposite di- rections, The settlements cease with the Wa- bash part, and a zone extending over the eleva- ted plateau from Lenawee and Hillsdale cos. in Mich, into II., and indeed almost to 11. r. re- mains in savage hands. The extreme northern section of Ind. drained into lake Mich, has been reclaimed and laid out into the cos. of La Grange, Elkhart, St. Joseph's and La Porte. Properly speaking, the great western plain of Indiana, commences on lake Erie, between the mouths of Maumee and Raisin rivers, and ex- tends to the junction of the Illinois with the Mississippi river, discharging to the n. w. the various confluents of St. Joseph's river of lake Michigan, and the Kankakee, Pickimink, Ver- million, Mackinaw, Sangamon, and other tribu- taries of Illinois r. ; and on the opposite side giving source to the innumerable branches of Wabash and Kaskaskias rivers. The length IND 214 IND of this plateau is from the mouth of the Raisin, to that of Illinois river 400 miles in a direction of s. w. by w. and n. e. by e. General charac- ter prairie, as noticed in the description of the state of Illinois. The surface and still, more so the sub-soil abound with marine and river shells, with embedded trees, and other memoria of having been once inundated. Prairies are not however confined to the northern section ; they abound over the " White River country," as it is called, and present all the varieties of dry, wet, level, rolling, and of great fertility and barrenness. They are generally however productive and are frequently most luxuriantly fertile. Soil and Productions. It would be mere repetition to give a detail under this head, after what has been said- respecting Illinois, the two states having such strong resemblance in both characters* A like remark applies to climate, with the exception that Indiana has less exten- sion north and south than Illinois, the former having nevertheless more variety of features, has also a perceptibly severer winter over its northern plains. Under the article Ohio^ the reader will find some remarks illustrative of the climate of the Ohio valley generally. Commercial Facilities. Indiana already en- joys a share of the benefits arising from the canal connecting the Ohio and Miami river at Cincinnati. A rail road has been projected from Indianopolis in a nearly northern direction to lake Michigan in La Porte co. The courses of Maumee and Wabash rivers, and the nature of the intermediate country between their sources, invite a canal of connection. The Ohio river borders the southern part of the state, and with the Wabash and confluents offers immense natural commercial channels. (See the various rivers under their respective heads, and Wabash and Erie canal, in art. Rail Roads and Canals, &c.) " Abstract, from the census of 1830, of the population of the counties and state of Indiana. Counties. Pop. Counties. Pop. Allen, 996 Lawrence, 9,234 Bartholemew, 5,476 Madison, 2,238 Boone, 621 Marion, 7,192 Carroll, 1,611 Msrtin, 2,010 Cass, 1,162 Miami, Clark, 10,686 Monroe, 6,577 Clay, 1,616 Montgomery, 7,317 Clinton, 1,423 Morgan, 5,593 Crawford, 3,238 Orange, 7,901 Daviess, 4,543 Owen, 4,017 Dearborn, 13,974 Parke, 7,535 Delaware, 2,374 Perry, 3,369 Decatur, 5,887 Pike, 2,475 Dubois, 3,778 Posey, 6,549 Elkhart and ter. „„- Putnam, 8,262 attached, -'•^^ Randolph, 3,912 Fayette, 9,112 Ripley, 3,989 Floyd, 6.361 Rush, 9,707 Fountain, 7J619 Scott, 3,092 Franklin, 10,190 Shelby, 6,295 Gibson, ' 5,418 Spencer, 3,196 Greene, 4,242 St. Joseph and ter. Grant, attached, 287 Hamilton, 1,757 Sullivan, • 4,630 Hancock, 1,436 Switzerland, 7,028 Harrison, 10,273 Tippecanoe, 7,187 Henry, 6,497 Union, 7,944 Hendricks, 3,975 Vanderburgh, 2,611 Huntington, Vermillion, 5,692 Jackson, 4,870 Vigo, 5,766 Jefferson, 11,465 Wabash, Jennings, 3,974 Warren, with ter. Johngon, 4,019 attached, 9,861 Counties. Pop. Counties. Pop. Knox, 6,525 Warrick, 2,877 La Grange , Washington, 13,064 La Porte, Wayne, 18,571 Of the foregoing were white persons Males. Females. Under 5 years of age. 39,789 37,505 From 5 to 10, 28,692 27,315 " 10 to 15, 22,872 21,072 " 15 to 20, 17,653 18,087 " 20 to 30, 28,153 26,702 " 30 to 40, 17,904 15,703 " 40 to 50, 10,306 9,028 " 50 to 60, 6,004 4,808 11 60 to 70, 3,160 2,275 " 70 to 80, 1,059 780 " 80 to 90, 240 312 " 90 to 100, 49 25 " 100 and upwards 13 4 Total, 175,885 163,514 Of the above are deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 49 ; 14 to 25, 59 ; 25 and upwards 33 ; blind 150. Colored population — free, Males. Females. er 10 years of age. 617 594 From 10 to 24, 544 5Ti " 24 to 36. 307 279 •' 36 to 55, 240 215 " 55 to 100, 138 107 " 100 and upwards,. 11 4 Total, 1,857 1,772 There are three slaves only in Indiana, and these are females. Colored persons who are deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 1 ; 14 to 25, 2 ; blind 2. Recapitulation — * Whites, FreeCol'd, Slaves, Total. 339,399 3,629 3 343,031 The population of the state in 1800, amount- ed to 4,875 ; in 1810 to 24,520 ; in 1820 to 147,178; and in 1830 (as above) to 343,031. The progressive population of Indiana was 132 per cent, during the 10 years preceding the last census. We have seen that that of II. was still more in excess, being 185 per cent.. during the same term. The two states taken together, contain 89,880 square miles, equal to 57.,523,- 200 statute acres. Their joint population amounts to 500,476. Thus on a physical sec- tion of 89,880 square ms., in 1830, the popula, tion amounted to a small fraction above 5^ to the square mile. Forty times such a distribu- tive population would only a little exceed 20 millions, and fall even then far short of what has already comparatively accumulated on re- gions greatly less productive in every necessa- ry requisite to sustain a dense population ;■ such are the immense voids to be filled in the cen. tral United States. Constitution, government, judiciary. The constitution of Ind. was adopted on the 10th of June, 1816, and contains the following essen. tial provisions : Art. 1. Is a Bill of Rights con- taining 24 sections. Art. 2. The powers of the government of Indiana shall be divided into three distinct departments, and each of them be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit : those which are legislative to one ;. those which are executive to another; and; those which are judiciary to another ; and no person, or collection of persons, being of one of those departments, shall exercise any power, proper IND 215 low ly attached to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly permitted. Art. 3. Sec. 1. The legislative authority of this state shall be vested in a genera] assembly, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives, both to be elected by the peo- ple. Sec. 3. The representatives shall be chosen annually, by the qualified electors of each county respectively, on the first Monday in August. Sec. 4. No persea shall be a rep- resentative, unless he shall have attained the age of 21 years, and shall be a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of this state ; and shall also have resided within the limits of the county in which he shall be chosen, one year next preceding his election, &c. Sec. 5. The senators shall be chosen for three years, on the first Monday in August, by the qualified voters for representatives. Sec. 7. No per- son shall be a senator, unless he shall have at- tained the age of 25 years, and shall be a citi- zen of the U. S., resided two years in the state, and the 1 .st year in the county from which elec- ted. Art. 4. Sec. 1. The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in a governor, who shall be styled, the governor of the state of Indiana. Sec. 3. The governor shall hold his office during 3 years, or until a successor shall be chosen and qualified. Sec. 5. He is re- quired to be 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States 10 years, and have resided in the state 5 years next preceding his election. He has the usual power of governors of states. As in Illinois a lieutenant is chosen with the gov- ernor, and as in Illinois, the two officers have the same legal relation to each other. Art. 5. Sec. 1. The judiciary power of this state both as to law and equity shall be vested in one su- preme court, in circuit courts, and such other inferior courts as the general assembly may, from time to time, direct and establish. Art. 6. Sec. 1. Every white male citizen of the United States, of the age of 21 years and up- wards, who has resided in the state one year immediately preceding such election, shall be entitled to vote in the county where he resides. All elections by ballot. Art. 11. Sec. 7. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servi- tude in this state. The other provisions of the constitution of Indiana, have the ordinary features of those charters in other states. History. The towTi of Vincennes is the cra- dle of Indiana, and was founded by the French about 1690. This remote village remained of little consequence, but was the scene of some interesting events in the revolutionary war. It was reached and taken by a British force, and again reached and retaken by a small army un- der the authority of Virginia and commanded by Col. Rogers Clarke, After the treaty of Grenville, 1795, settlements along the Ohio, Wabash and White rivers, began to extend. What is now Indiana, was severed from Ohio, in 1801, and Illinois constituted a territory. These two latter were separated in 1809, when each became a separate territory. In 1815, having attained the requisite population, India- Ea became a state, as may be seen in the sketch of its constitution. Since becoming an inde. pendent member of the Union, its history is merged in that of the United States. I:\DiANOP0Lis, p-v. and st. jus. for Marion co. and also st. of government for the state of In- diana, is situated on the right or w. bank of White r. by p.r. 573 ms. n. w. by w. -J w. W. C, 108 N. w. Cincinnati, and by the common road about 200 ms. n. e. by e. Vandalia, lat. 39'^ 47', long. 9° 10' w, W. C. According to Flint it contains 200' houses and 1,200 inhabitants, with the usual co. and state buildings. These new capitals increase so rapidly as to annually antiquate the description of the year before. At high water White r. is navigable from Indi. anopoiis. This town is remarkably near the actual centre of the state, and stands in a coun- try presenting every advantage of soil, and sur- face. Indian Springs, p-v. in the southern part of Butts CO. Geo. by p-r. 55 ms. n. w. Milledge- ville. Indian Stream, t. Coos co. N. H. Pop. 30 1. Indiantown, p-v. at the head of North r. Currituck co. N. C. about 45 ms. a little e. of s. Norfolk Va. and by p-r. 231 ms. n. e. by e. Ra^ leigh. Indiantown, p-v. on Cedar cr. Williamsburgh dist. S. C. about 80 ms. direct, but by p-r. 127 ms. s. e. by e. Columbia. Indiantown, p-v. Graves co, Ky. by p.r. 262 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Industry, p-t. Somerset co. Me. 13 ms. Wi Norridgewock. Pop. 902, Industry, p-v. Montgomery co. O. westward Columbus. Ingham, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 152 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Ingham, co. Mich., bounded by Jackson s., Eaton w., Clinton x. w., Shiawassee n. e., and Washtenaw s. e. It is a square of 24 ms. each way, area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 35', long. W. C. 7° 24' w. Slope n. w., and drained by the two main and higher branches of Grand r. The central part 75 ms. n. w. by w. of Detroit. Pop* uncertain. Ingraham's Mills, and p-o.. Darlington distt S. C. by p.r. 83 ms. estrd. Columbia. Ingram's Store, and p-o. Randolph co. N, C. by p-r. 84 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Intercourse, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa. 12 mst E. Lancaster, by the common road 48 ms. but by p-r. 54 s. e. by e. Harrisburg. Ionia, co. of Mich., bounded by Kent w., Barry s. w., Eaton s. e., Clinton e., and Mont^ calm N. Similar to Clinton and Kent cos., it is a square of 24 ms. each way, area 576 sq. mSi Lat. 43°, and long. W. C. 8° w.^ intersect in this CO. about 110 ms. n. w. by w. of Detroit* The slope is westward, and in that direction it is traversed by Grand r., the principal constit- uents of which unite near its eastern borden Chief t. Genereau. It is recently formed, and does not appear on the p.o. list, or census ta- bles. Iowa, co-. of Mich; or more correctly of Hu- ron, bndd. Si by Joe Daviess co, of II, the Misp, r, w,, Ouisconsin n,-, and with indefinite limits E, Lying between lat. 42° 36' and 43° 10', long, W, C, 12° to 14° 10'. These fimits are giverj from Tanner*s improved map. From tha IRE 216 ISL same authority it appears, that a range of high ground separates the lower valley of Ouiscon. ein from the sources of numerous streams, which flowing southward into the Misp. or Rock r., traversing Iowa co. fall into their re- cipients in Joe Daviess co. II. Limiting this CO. by a meridian line running s. from Fort Winnebago, it would have been a length of about 100 ms. with a breadth of 40, or 4,000 sq. ms. Cf. t. Cassville. Pop. 1,576. The prin- cipal seat of the Indian war, in 1832, was in the eastern part of this co. on Peektano r., Sugar cr., and Goosewehawn r. {See Ouisconsin and Rock rs.) lowAY, the name of two rs., called relatively Upper loway and Lower loway. Upper loway rises about lat. 44°, long; W. C. 174 w., inter, locking sources with those of Des Moines r., and with those of Blue Earth branch of St. Pe- ter's r., and flowing thence to the eastward 160 ms., falls into the right side of Misp. r., at lat. 43° 30', and about 40 ms. above Prairie du Chien, at the mouth of Ouisconsin r. Lower loway rises about lat. 43^, long. W. C 16° w., interlocking sources with those of the North Fork of Des Moines r.. and flowing thence s. E. by comparative courses 160 ms , falls into the right side of Misp. r., about 30 ms. below Rock Island rapids, and nearly opposite the s. w. angle of Mercer co. IL The Des Moines, and Lower loway rs., flow nearly parallel, and about 40 ms. asunder. Ipswich, the Agawam of the Indians, p-t. port of entry, and one of the shire towns of Essex CO. Mass. 27 ms. n. e. Boston. There is a large and compact village on both sides of Ipswich r. about 2 ms. from its mouth, which are united by an excellent stone bridge. Site uneven. Land in most parts of the town excel, lent. Ships of considerable burthen come lip to the lower part of the town, and the falls in the r. above furnish convenient and extensive water power. It contains a male and female academy ; the latter has a department for fe- male teachers It has long been noted for the manufacture of lace, which was formerly done by hand 5 but there is now a lace manufactory, with a capital of ^150,000. Pop. 2,949. Ira, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 47 ms. n. Benning- ton, 32 w. Windsor. Somewhat mountainous. Watered by Ira brook and Castleton r. 5 school dists. Pop. 442. Ira, t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 24 ms. n. Auburn, 11 ms. N. Erie canal. Poorly watered. Soil light. No marshes, swamps, or ponds. Pop. 2,199. Irasbukgh, a post and shire town in the cen- tre of Orleans co. Vt. 40 ms. n. e. Montpelier. Gently diversified with hill and dale. Soil good, and easily cultivated. Watered by Black r. Near the centre of the town is a small vil- lage containing a court house, jail, &:.c. Pop. 860. Iredel, CO. N. C. bndd. w. by Burke, n. w. by Wilkes, n. e. by Surry, e. by Rowan, s. by Mecklenburg, and s. w. by the Great Catawba r., separating it from Linco-ln. Length 40, mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq^ iris. Extend- ing in lat. 35° 32' to 36° 04', and in long. 3° 45' to 4° 14' w. W. C. Iredell, though bndd. by the Catawba, slopes in great part towards the eastward, is drained by the S. Yadkin. Cf. t; Slateville. Pop. 1820, 13,071, and in 1830, 14,318. IrGndequot, cr. N. Y. waters W. Bloomfieldy Mendon, Victor, Pittsford, Perrinton, and Brigh. ton, where it enters the head of Irondequot or Teoronto bay, of lake Ontario, being about 20 ms. in lengths It is a good mill stream. It crosses the Erie canal, on which there is a stu- pendous woEk in Pittsford and Perrinton, the great embankment. Irville, p-v. Muskingum co. O. 46 ms. estrd. Columbus. Irvine, p-o. Warren co. Pa. by p-r. 247 ms* N. w. Harrisburg. Irvine, p-v. and st. jus. Estill co. Ky. It is situated on Ky. r. 71 ms. n. e. by e. Frank- fort. Lat. 37° 43', long. W. C. 6° 53' w. Pop. 91. Irwin, co. Geo. bndd. w. by Baker, n. w. by Dooly, N. e. by Ocmulgee r., separating it from Telfair, e. by the southern part of Telfair and the western of Appling, s. e. by Ware, s. by Lowndes, and s. w. by Thomas. Length along the southern border from e. to w. 63 ms., mean width 33, and area 2,079 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 31° 22' to 32°, and in long. 6° 07' to 7° 10' Wi C. A very small section of the northeastern part of Irwin, is drained into the Ocmulgee, and another small triangle on the eastern side, by the extreme higher sour- ces of the Santilla. The southeastern and central part is drained by the Suwanne and its conflu- ents, whilst the southwestern section gives source to the Ocklockonne r. The general de- clivity is s. s. E. Cf. t. Irwin. Pop. 1,180. Irwin, c. h. and p-o. Irwin co. Geo. by p-r. 143 ms. a little w. of s. Milledgeville. Irwine, r. of Va. and N. C. (.See SmitJi'sr.) Irwinton, p-v. and st. jus. Wilkinson co. Geo. 24 ms. s. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 50', long. 6° 18' w. W. C. Isabella, new co. of Mich., bounded by Mid^ land E., Gratiot s. e., Montcalm s. w., and by unappropriated territory on the other sides. It is a square of 24 ms. each way, area 576 sq. ms* It probably occupies a share of the middle ta. ble land cf the Michigan peninsula. The cen^ tral part is about 130 ms. in direct line n. \v, Detroit. Pop. uncertain. IsBELLViLLE, p-v. Todd CO. Ky. by p-r. 186 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. IscHUA, u Cataraugus co. N. Y. 11 ms. e.EI-- licottville. Crossed by Ischua cr. Soil and surface diverse. Timber principally maple, beech, elm, ash, butternut, &Ci IsiNG^LAss r. N. H. takes its rise from Long Pond in Barrington, and Bow Pond m Straffordj and after receiving the waters of several othef ponds, unites with the Cocheco, near the s. part of Rochester. Island Creek, p-v. Jefferson co. O., 156 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Island Ford, and p-o. Rutherford co. N. C.j by p-r. 198 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Island Grove, p-v. Sangamo co. IL, 91 ms. N. N. w. Vandalia. Isle au Haut, t. Hancock co. Me. Pop. 315* Isle Breville, p-v. Natchitoches parish. La., JAC 217 JAC between Alexandria of Rapides and the town of JNatchitoches. Isle of Shoals, small isls. 8 in number, be- longing mostly to Me., 3 leagues s. s. e. Ports, mouth, N. H. Hog isl., the largest, contains 350 acres. Star isl. constitutes the town of Gosport, belonging to Rockingham co. N. H. The whole cluster is inhabited by about one hundred fishermen. Formerly, the population was much larger. Isle of Wight, co. Va., bndd. by Blackwater r., separating it from Southampton on the s. w., Surry w. and n. w., James r. n. e., and Nanse- mond E. and s. e. Length 37, mean width 11, and area 407 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 38' to 37° 07', and in long, from 0° 02' to 0° 36' e. W. C. This CO. is very nearly divided into two equal sections by two inclined plains, one run. ning s. w. towards Blackwater, and the other N. E. towards James r. Cf. t. Smithfield. Pop. 1820, 10,139, 1830, 10,517. Isle of Wight, c-h. and p.o. Isle of Wight CO. Va., situated near the centre of the co. 35 ms. a little n. of w. Norfolk, and by p-r 89 ms. s. E. by E. Richmond. IsLESBOROUGH, t. Waldo CO. Ms. on L. I. in Penobscot bay, 1 m. w. Castine. Pop. 674. IsLip, p-t. Suffolk CO. N. Y., s. side Long Isl- and, 44 ms. E. N. Y. city. It extends along the ocean 16 ms. and has a medium width of 7 ms. Has a pond 3 ms. in circumference, denominated Ronconcoma pond, which has neither inlet nor outlet, concerning which many curious particu- lars are related relative to a supernatural ebh andflowof its waters. Supplied with mill seats. Soil productive ; is a fine town for sea fowl oi Various kinds, and still produces wild deer. Pop. 1,653. Israel's r. N. H., formed by the waters which descend from mtns. Adams and Jefferson, and falls into the Conn, at Lancaster, A beautiful stream. Italy, p.t. Yates co. N, Y,, 15 ms. w. Penn Yan, 20 s. Canandaigua. Surface somewhat hilly. Soil good. Watered by Flint or, which furnishes mill seats. Pop, 1,092. Ithaca, p-t. and st. jus. Tompkins co. N. Y. 170 ms. w. Albany, 37 s. Auburn, 45 s. e. Ge- neva. It lies at the s. end or head of Cavu^^a lake. Has a romantic appearance. Is abun.> damly watered by fine mill streams. Fall cr. descends 438 ft. within the space of a mile, and furnishes several stupenduous cataracts. These falls aro about three fourths of a mile n. of the village. The first is truly grand. The whole sheet of water is poured over the rock 116 ft. and the banks above are about ICO ft. more. Twenty rods above this, is a fall of 50 fi. ; and there is still another of 70 ft. I'he other streams are Cayuga inlet or Five Mile cr.. Six Mile cr., and Cascadilla cr. Soil good. On Fall cr. 2 ms. from the village, hemp is dressed by ma. chinery, and on Six Mile cr. 3^ ms. from the village, is a cotton factory. No where can a finer site be found for commercial manufacto. ries. 12 school dists>, schools kept six months in 12. The valley of the lake is here hemmed in on three sides by huge hills 4 or 500 ft. in height. The village of Ithaca lies at the bot. torn of the valley, on the plain, 2 ms. from the lake, from vv^hich the Cayuga inlet is navigable to the village, for boats of 40 or 50 tons. It is handsomely built, and, among other public buildings, contains a Methodist college, and an academy. Ithaca and Owego rail road, which is now commenced, is to extend to the Susque. hannah. Pop. 5,270. Ivy, p-v. I'iUncombe co. N. C. by p-r. 2G0 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Ivy Mills, and p-o. Del. co. Pa. 9 ms. Phila, Izard, co., Ark. as laid down on Tanner's map, is bndd. n. by the state of Mo., e. by Law. rence, s. e. by Independence, s. by Conway, and s. w. by Pope and w. by Washington cos. Extending in lat. from 35° 33' to 36° 30', and in long, from l4° 43', to 16° 43' w. W. C. Length E. to w. 112, with a mean width of 44 ms , and area 4,928 sq. ms. It is an extensive, and in great part unsettled region, traversed by tne main volume of White r. Pop. 1,266. Izard, c. h. p-o. Izard co. Ark. by p-r. 185 ms. northward Little Rock, and 1,056 from W,C. Jacksboro', p-v. and st. jus. Campbell co. Tennessee. {See Jacksonboro', sa?ne co. and state.) Jackson or Hitchcock, p.t. Waldo co. Me. 25 ms. N. w. Castine. Pop. 493. Jackson, t. Coos co. N. H. (formerly Adams) has a romantic situation at the e. base of the White Mountains, is uneven and partly rocky, but has a rich soil. It contains Black, Bald, face and Thorn Mountains, and 2 branches of Ellis' r. which falls into Saco river. Pop. 515. Jackson, p.t. Washington co. N. Y. 6 ms. s. Salem, 40 n. e. Albany. Surface diversified. 11 schools, kept 9 months in 12. Pop. 2,057. Jackson, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. by p-r. 181 ms. N. N. E. Harrisburg. Jackson, co. Va. formed from part of Mason, Kenhawa, and Wood, is bndd. by Mason s. w., Kehhawa co. s. and s. e.. Wood n. e. and n., and by Ohio r. separating it from Meigs co. O. W. Length 38, mean breadth 20, and°area 760 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 33' to 39° 05', long. W. C 4° 16' to 4° 54' w. General slope wstrd. to. wards Ohio r. though the extreme sthrn. angle is drained into Great Kenhawa by Pocotalico cr., and from the extreme estrn. angle issue some tributaries of Little Kenhawa leaving the CO. in a nrthrn. direction. The surface very hilly. The centre is about 30 ms. e. Point Pleasant at the mouth of Great Kenhawa. Jackson, p-v. Louisa co. Va. by p-r. 37 ms. n, w. Richmond. Jackson, co. of Geo. bndd. s. w. by Appa- lachee r. which separates it from Walton, w. by Gwinnett, n. w, by Hall, n. e. by Franklin, e. by Madison, and s. e. by Clark. Length 24, mean width 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Extend, in lat. 33° 53' to 34° 17', and in long. 6° 22' to 6° 50' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the southeast, and drained by different branches of Oconee and Appalachee rs. Cf, t. Jefferson. Pop. 1820, 8,355, 1830, 9,004. JAC 218 JAC Jackson, p-v. and st. jus. Butts co. Geo. by p-r. 60 ms. though in a direct line only about 45 N. w. by vv. Milledgeville ; n. lat. 32° 12', long. 7° 02' w. W. C. It is situated on Towanbigan cr. a branch of Oconee r. Jackson, co. Ten. bndd. by Overton e., by White s.. Smith w., and Monroe co. in Ky. n. Length 30, mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 10' to 36° 35', and in long. 8° 27' to 8° 49' w. W. C. Cumberland ■ r. enters the nthestrn. angle, and traverses this ■CO. diagonally in a sthwstrn direction. Cf. t. Williamsburg. Pop. 1820, 7,593, 1830, 9,G98. Jackson, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Ten. ■situated on Forked Deer r. by p-r. 147 ms. s. w, by w. Nashville. Lat. 35° 36', long. W. C. •11° 54' w. Jackson, co. O. bndd. s. e. by Meigs, s. by Lawrence, s. \v. Sciota, w. by Pike, n. w. by Ross, n. by Hocking, and n. e. by Athens. Length 30, mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq, ms, Lat. 38° 50' to 39° 17', long. W. C. 5° 16' to 5° 45' w. It is a table land, discharging creeks nrthwstrd. into Sciota r., sthrd. and sthestrd. into O. r. Surface extremely broken. Cf. t. Jackson. Pop. 5,941. Jackson, p-v. Wayne co. 0. by p-r. 98 ms. K. E. Columbia. Jackson, p-v. on Thompson's cr., E. Felici- anna parish of La., 6 ms. n. e. St. Francesville, and 26 a little w. of n. Baton Rouge. Here is located the College of Louisiana, founded, 1825. It has 3 instructors and about 50 students, — the latter chiefly in the preparatory school. Jackson, co Ind. bndd. s. e. by Scott, s. by the S. branch of White r , separating it from Washington, w. by Lawrence, n. by Bartholo- meM', and E. by Jennings. Length 30, mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 47' to 39° 03', long. W. C. 8° 48' to 9° 18' w., slope s. w. and traversed by Driftwood, and other northern confluents of White r. Cf. t. ■Brownstown. Pop. 4,870. Jackson, sthest. co. of Misp. bndd. s. by the "Gulf of Mexico, s. w. and w. by Hancock co. Misp., n. w. by Perry, n. by Greene, and e. by Mobile CO. in Ala. Length 42, mean width 35, and area 1,470 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 30° 13' to 30° 55' n., and in long. 11° 32' to 12° 28' w. W. C, This CO. embraces the lower part of the basin of Pascagoula, that river opening into Fascagoula sound about the middle of the co. Here the pine hills reach the coast of the sound, and with some but partial exceptions along the streams, a pine forest on sterile soil stretches over the whole surface. Staple, cotton. St. jus. Jackson c. h. Pop. 1820, 1,682, 1830, ■1,792. Jackson, p-v. st. jus. Hinds co. and also seat of the government of the state of Misp. It is situated on the w. bank of Pearl r. about 100 ms. N. B. Natchez, and by p-r. 1,035 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. lat. 32° 17', long. W. C. 13° 16' w. It is an inconsiderable place, and from its position will most likely remain so. Jackson, c-h. and p-v. Jackson co. Misp,, by p-r. 188 ms. s. e. Jackson the seat government for the same state, and by the common road about 180 ms. s. e. by e. Natchez. Jaokson, 'CO. 11., bndd. by Randolph, n. w. Perry n., Franklin e.. Union s. e., and the Misp-. r. separating it from Perry co. Mo. on thes. and s. w. Length 28, mean breadth 25, and area 700 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 37' to 37° 58', long. 12° 13' to 12° 46' w. W. C. Slope s. wstrd. and drained in that direction by Muddy cr. and branches. Cf. t. Brownsville. Pop. 1,828. Jackson co. Ala., bndd. by Madison co. in the same state w., by the sthrn. boundary of Ten. separating it from Lincoln co. in the latter state n. w., Franklin n., and Marion e.. and by Ten- nessee r. separating it from the Cherokee coun- try, s. e., s., ands. w. Length s.w. to n. e. 52, mean breadth 20, and area 1,040 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 34° 24' to 35°, and in long. 8° 50° to 9° 30' w. W. C. Ten. r. as it passes the boundary between Ala. and Ten. assumes a s. wstrn. course, which it pursues about 52 ms. along Jackson co. and abruptly turns to n. w. by w., traverses Cumberland mtn. and again bounds Jackson 22 ms. to the mouth of Flint cr. Cum- berland mtn. leaving Ten. in the sthrn. part of Franklin co., ranges over Jackson co. in a s. s. w. direction, giving source along its wstrn. slope to Paint Rock r., which also traverses Jackson parallel to the mtn. chain. The gene- ral slope of the co. is to the s. s. w. It is a hilly and broken region, though with a considerable proportion of excellent land. Cf. t. Bellefonte. Pop. 1820,8,751, 1830, 12,700. Jackson, p-v. Clark' co. Ala., by p-r. 159 ms. r-m Tuscaloosa. Jackson, p-v. situated on the left bank of Tombigbee r., 65 ms. above and a little e. of n. Mobile, and by p-r. 132 ms. a little w. of n. Tuscaloosa. Jackson, co. Mo,, bndd. n. by Mo. r. separa- ting it from Clay, e. by Lafayette, on the s.. and on the w. by the w. boundary of the state. The breadth from e. to w, as laid down by Tanner, is 28 mr.,, but the sthrn. boundary being uncer- tain, the area cannot be even estimated. Cf. t. Independence. Pop. 2,823. Jackson, p-v. and st. jus. Cape ■Gitardeauco. Mo., about 120 ms. a little e. of s. St. Louis, and 10 ms. w. Bainbridge on the Misp., n. lat. 37° 26', long. W. C. 12° 42' w. Jackson, co. Mich., bndd. s. e. by Lenawee, s, by Hillsdale, w. by Calhoun, n. w. by Eaton, N. by Ingham, and e. byWashtenau. Length from w. to e. 32, mean breadth 24, and area 768 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 05' to 42° 26', long. W, C. 7° 08' to 7° 45' w. Slope of the s. wstrn. section to the w. and drained by the confluents of Kala- mazoo r., and of the residue of the co. to the n. w. giving extreme source to the tributaries of Grand r. of lake Michigan. Cf. t. Jacksono- polis. Pop. unknown. .Tackson, CO. Ark. as laid down by Tanner in his improved map of the U. S., is bndd. by Independence n. w., Lawrence n., St. Francis CO. e., Monroe s. e., Pulaski s. w., and Conway w. Limits too vague to admit even an approx- imation to the area. The body of it lies be- tween lat, 35° and 35° 50', and between long. W, C. 14° to 15° w. The main stream of White r. traverses this co. from n. to s. the general slope being in that direction. Surface mostly flat and liable to annual overflow. The centa"e is about 80 ma. n. e. Little Rock. JAC 219 JAM Jackson, p-v. given as the st. jus. Lawrence CO. Ark. but is most probably the st. jus. of Jaclison CO. of the same territory. By p-r. 152 ms. jv. E. Little Rock. Jacksonboro', p-v. and st. jus. Colleton dist. S. C. 3-1 ms. w. Charleston, and by p-r. s. s. e. Columbia. Lat. 32° 44', long. 3° 31' w. W. C. It is situated on the right bank of Edisto r. about 25 ms. above the mouth. Jacksonboro', p-v. and st. jus. Scriven co. Geo. situated on the forks of Brier cr. 62 ms. N. N. w. Savannah, and by p-r. 135 ms. s. E.byE. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 43', long. 4° 33' w. W. C. Jacksonboro', p-v. and st. jus. Campbell co. Ten. situated at the sthestrn. foot of Cumber- land mtn. 36 ms. n. n. w. Knoxville,.and by p-r. 152 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Lat. 36° 22', long. 7° w. W. C. Jacksonboro', p-v. Butler co. 0. by p-r. 96 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus, Jackson, c. h. and st. jus. Jackson co. 0. sit- uated near the centre of the co. 74 ms. a little E. of s. Columbus, and 387 by p-r. w. W. C. Lat. 39° 02'. Pop. tsp. 329. Jackson Hall, p-o. Franklin co. Pa. by p-r. 90 ms. N. w. W. C. Jacksonhaji, p-o. Lancaster dist. S. C. Jackson Hill, p-o. Davidson co. N. C. by p-r. 96 ms. w. Raleigh. Jacksonopolis, p-v. and st. jus. Jackson co. Mich, by p-r. 77 ms. w. Detroit. Jackson River^ p-o. Alleghany co. Va. by p-r. 272 ms. s. w. by w, W. C, and 202 a little N. of w. Richmond. Jackson's r., the main constituent stream of James r., rises by two branches, the n. and s. forks in the sthrn. part of Pendleton co. Va. Flowing thence sthwstrd. and nearly parallel, and between lateral chains of mtns., the two branches traverse Bath co. and entering Alle- ghany, incline towards each other and unite, but the united stream still pursues a sthwstrn. course, receiving Dunlops creek from the w. and Potts cr. from the s. after a comparative course from the source of Pendleton of about 50 ms. With the junction of Potts or. the whole stream inflects very abruptly to n. e. and flowing in that direction 15 ms. through rugged mtn. passes, unites with Cow Pasture r. to form James r. The valley of Jackson's r. is an elevated region. At Covington, the co. st. of Al- leghany CO. where Dunlops cr. falls into Jack- son's T:, the water surface is 1,238 ft. above the Atlantic level ; it is therefore probable that the far greatest part of the arable surface of the adjacent country exceeds a comparative height of 1,500 ft. Lat. 38°, and long. 3° w. W. C. intersect in the wstrn. part of Bath co. about 6 ms. n. the junction of the two main branches of Jackson's r. Jackson's Creek, p-o. Fairfield dist. S,G. about 5 ms. w. Wumsboro', and by p-r. 31 ms. n. n. w Columbia. Jackson's Grove, p.o. in the s. wstrn. part of Abbeville dist. S. C, by p-r. 132 ms. wstrd. Columbia. Jacksonville, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Le- high CO. Pa., by p-r. 81 ms. n. e. Harrisburg, and by common road 20 ms. from AUentown, and 25 a little e. of n. Reading. Jackson\'ille, p-v. Wood co. Va., by p-r. 311 ms. w. W. C. Jacksonville, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C, by p-r. 119 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Jacksonville, p-v. Sumpter co. S. C. by p-r.. 70 ms. Columbia. Jacksonville, p-v. and st. jus. Telfair eo. Geo^ by p-r. Ill ms. s. Milledgeville. Lat. 31° 55', Long. W. C. 6° 05' w. Jacksonville, p-v. and st. jus. Duval co. Flor., situated on the left bank of St. John's r., 45 ms. N. W.St. Augustine, and by p-r. 165 ms. a little s. of e. Tallahasse. Lat. 30° 15', long. 5° w. W. C. Jacksonville, p-v. Bourbon co. Ky., 45 ms. estrd. Frankfort. Jacksonville, p-v. Darke co. O., by p-r. 99 ms. w. Columbus. Jacksonville, p-v. and st. jus. Morgan co.Il., 30 ms. E. Springfield, 22 w. Illinois r., and by p-r. 115 from Vandalia. Lat. 30° 44', long. 13° 13' w. W. C. It is finely situated, the ground very gradually sloping irom it in every direction for a distance of ^ to J of a mile. In the centre of the village is a square of about an acre, the court house, a handsome building of brick, standing in the centre, on the heighth of ground. The streets are laid out at right angles. A mile w, of it, elevated a little higher, are the two build- ings of Illinois college, located here. One of these is a very neat building, of brick, 4 stories' high, with basement, 40 feet deep, and including wings, 100 ft. long. The other, which is appro, priated to the preparatory department, is also of brick, 3 stories high. It has a president, 2 professors, a teacher in the preparatory depart- ment, and in the two departments, collegiate and preparatory, are about 100 students. A convenient philosophical apparatus has been procured, and a considerable fund raised for the purposes of the institution. It was founded 1830. Pop. of the vil. about 1,100. Jacksonville, springs and p-o. in the n. estrn, part of Washington parish, La. about 70 ms. n. New Orleans. Jacobsburg, P-v. Belmont co. Ohio, by p-r. 134" ms. E. Columbus. Jacob's Staff, p-v. Monroe co. Ark. 84 ms. from Little Rock. jAcauES, or James r., a confluent of the Mo., rising between the latter and the Misp. about lat. 47°, and flowing thence by a general cours© to the sthrd. neary parallel to and about 60 ms. distant from theMo., into which it falls at lat.42o 50', after a comparative course of something above 300 ms. Jaffrey, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 62 ms. n. w, Boston, 46 s. w. Concord. The Grand Monad, noc mtn. is situated in the n. w. part of this town and in Dublin. Well watered by streams issuing from the mtn. Contains red and yellow ochre, alum, vitriol, and black lead. Pop.l,354o Jakes Prairie, p-o. Gasconade co. Mo., 80 ms. w. St. Louis. Jamaica, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 26 ms. n. e. Bennington, 3t s. w. Windsor. Watered by West r. and its numerous branches,- which sup- ply numerous and excellent- mill privileges. Surface broken and mountainous. Soil in gen- eral warm and productive. Contains limestone JAM 220 JAS and the micaceous oxide of iron ; 10 school dists. Pop. 1,523. Jamaica, p-t Queen's co. s. side Long Island, 12 ms. E. N. York. Jamaica village has an academy. It a most charming place : 8 schools kept 11 monihs in 12. Here is the place se- lected by the jockeys for horse racing. Pop. 2,376. Jamaica Plains, in Roxbury, Mass, remark- able for its beautiful scenery and elegant coun- try seats. James, r. of Virginia and sthrn. stream of the Chesapeake basin. For the two higher con- stituents of this fine r., see the respective arti- cles, Cow Pasture and Jackson rs. Below the junction of its two constituents, the united wa- ter is first known as James r., which, forcing a passage thro' between Potts and Mill mtns. en- ters Botetourt, and assumes a sthrn. course 10 ms. to where it receives Craig's creek from the south, and inflecting to the s. s. e. flows in that direction 15 ms., thence abruptly turns to the n. E. by E. 20 ms. to the western foot of Blue Ridge, and the reception of North river from Augusta and Rockbridge counties. Assuming a s, E. course of 28 ms. James river, now a fine navigable stream, traverses a gap of Blue Ridge, about 15 ms. n. e. the Peaks of Otter, and in a distance of 30 ms. separating Amherst from Bedford and Campbell counties, and traversing another lateral chain of mtns. near Lynchburg, again turns to n. e. Continuing the latter course 40 ms. and separating Amherst and Nelson from Campbell and Buckingham COS. James river assumes a course of a little s. of E. 70 ms. by comparative course, having on the left the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Goochland, and Henrico, and on the right the COS. of Buckingham, Cumberland, Powhattan and Chesterfield, to the head of tide v/ater and the lower falls at Richmond. Meeting the tide, James r., similar to most of the Atlantic rs. of the United States, generally widens, and pre- 6t-;iting rather the features of a bay than those of a r. turns to a little e. of s. e. 90 ms. by com- parative courses, finally merges into Chesa- peake bay, between Point Willoughby, and Old Point Comfort. The entire length of James r. from its source in Pendleton to its efflux into Chesapeake, is 368 ms. but following the actual meanders it is probable that this stream flows not much if any less than 500 ms. The valley of James r., including ail its confluents, lies be. tween hit. 36° 40' and 38° 20', and in long, ex- tends near 1° e. to 3° 40' w. W. C. Drawing a line in a s. s. w. direction from Old Point Com- fort to the Alleghany mtn. will pass along very near the middle of this valley 225 ms. The broadest partis along the extreme sources, from the fountains of Jackson r. to those of Craig's cr. 90 ms., but the mean width amounts to about 45 ms. and the area to 10,125 sq, ms. In the natural state James r. afibrds at, and for a few miles above its mouth, a depth of water for ships of any required draught, but this gradually shallows, so that only vessels of 130 tons can reach Rockets, or the port of Richmond. Though much has been designed above tide water in meliorating the navigation, little has been actually accomplished. A short canal connects the tide below, and the boatable water above the falls at Richmond. The following relative heights will show the gradual rise of the James river. Columbia at the mouth of Rivanna 178 feet ; Scottsville, at the southeast, em angle of Albemarle co. and below the south- east chain of the Appalachian system 255 feet ; Lynchburg, also below the southeast mtn. 500 feet; Pattonsburgh, at the great bend above Blue Ridge, 806 feet ; Covington, at the junc. tion of Dunlap's creek and Jackson's river, 1,222 fein from the n. has its sources in the same re- gion with those of the Potomac on the north- east, and with those of the Monongahela to the northward. The valley of Kenhawa proper, 'below Gauley r. lies generally between the val- ley of Guyandot on the s. w. and that of Little Kenhawa n. e., tho' the sources, of Elk r. also reach the vicinity of those of Monongahela. The entire valley of Great Kenhawa, including that of New r. extends lat. 36° 15' in Ashe co. N. C. to 38° 52' at the junction of Kenhawa and 'Ohio, and in long. 2° 43' at the higher source of Green Briar, to 5° 08° w. W. C. The length of this valley from the Blue Ridge between Pat- rick and Montgomery cos. Va. in a n. w. direc- tion is 180 ms., the utmost breadth from the sources of New r. to those of Green Briar is 180, but the mean width is about -60, and the area may be stated at:10,800 sq. ms. The most ■remarkable feature in the valley of the Great Kenhawa, as a physical section, is relative height. At the mouth of Sinking cr., between Walker's and Peter's mtns. 120 ms. by compar. ative courses below the sources, the water'level is 1,585 ft. above the Atlantic tides, at the mouth of Green Briar 1,333, and at the mouth into Ohio 525 feet. Comparing the fall from Sinking creek to the mouth of Green Briar 252 feet in 30 ms. direct, that above Sinking cr. must be 900 feet at least, consequently, the higher branches of New r. in Ashe co. must rise at a comparative height of upwards of 2,500 feet. Kenhawa, Little, r. Va. rising in Lewis co. and flowing n. w. by w. enters Wood and falls into the Ohio at Parkersburg, after a compara- tive course of 90 ms. The valley of this r. is nearly commensurate with Wood and Lewis cos. and has that of Great Kenhawa s.. Middle Island cr. to the n. and that of Monongahela N. E. Kenhawa, co. Va. bndd. by Logan s.. Cabell s. w., Mason w., Jackson n. w., Wood Nm Lew- is N. E., and Nicholas e. Length 60, mean width 37, and area 2,220 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° .53' to 38° .S3', and in long, -o 55' to 5° w. W. C. Great Kenhawa river receives Gauley r. on the eastern boundary, and thence travers- ing this CO. in a northwestern direction, re. ceives within it Elk and Pocatalico r. from the N. E. and Coal r. from the s. e. TJie general slope is to the n. w. with the Great Kenhawa. The surface very broken, and in pan mountain- ous. Some excellent soil is contrasted with much more of an opposite character. Cf. t. Charleston. Pop. 1820, 7,000, '1830, 9,326. Kenhawa, c. h. (See Charleston, same co.) Kenhawa Saline, p-o. Kenhawa co. Va. by p-r. 320 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 300 a little N. of w. Richmond. Kennebec, r.. Me. next to Penobscot the largest in the state. It has two principal branches, the e. rising in Moosehead lake, at the base of the height of land, the w. called Dead r. rising in the highlands which separate Me. from Canada, and uniting with the e. branch about 20 ms. below Moosehead lake. Whole course about 300 ms., navigable for ships 12 ms. to Bath ; for sloops 45 ms. to Augusta, at the head of the tide ; and for boats 60 ms. to Waterville, where the navigation is interrupted by Teconic falls. This r. during its whole course descends about 1,000 feet. The lands are fertile and well adapted to pasturage. On the w. side of the upper part of its course are high mtns. It flows in a great valley, with Pe- nobscot and St. John's rs. 120 ms. long, and ahout 20 wide. The valley of the Kennebec proper is varied with moderate hills s., mtns. N. Below Somerset co. the hills rise from the banks ; above, there are flats ; near Dead r. the valley is broken ; at Moosehead lake it ex- pands. Here is nearly the level of the sources of the Penobscot and John's rs. Salmon re- main in deep holes in the Kennebec most of the year. In the towoi of Strong, they have been taken in winter from Pierpdles holes in Sandy r. They abound until the spring freshet. Kennebec, co. Me. lies on both sides of Kennebec r., and is bounded n. by Somerset, e. by Waldo, s. and s. e. by Lincoln, and w. by the Androscoggin r. and Oxford co. It lies with lat. 44° and 45°, and long. 7° 17' e. W. C. passes thro' the centre of the co. Cf. t. Au- gusta, which is also the seat of government of the state. Pop. 1820,40,150, 1830, 52,484. Kennebunk, p-t. and port of entry, York co. Me. mouth of Kennebunk r. which aflbrds a good harbor, 10 ms. s. Saco, 25 s. \v. Portland. A place of considerable commerce. Pop. 2,233. Kennedy's p-o. Brunswick, co. Va. by p-r. 75 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Kennedy's p-o. Garrard co. Ky. by p-r. 57 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Kennet's Square, and p.v. Chester co. Pa. 35 ms. s. w. by w. Philadelphia, and 18 n. w. Wilmington in Delaware. Kensington, town, Rockingham co. N. H. 13 ms. s. w. Portsmouth, 40 from Concord, 45 from Boston. Surface pretty even. Pop. 717. Kensington, p-v. Philadelphia co. Penn. lies on the Delavfare n. e. of the Northern Liber- KEN 228 KEN ties, and is incorporated ; it has numerous ship yards and manufactories. In this town is the spot where Wm. Penn made his treaty with the Indians, and the Elm tree under which the con- ference was held was not long since standing. Kent, co. R. I. is an agricultural and manu- facturing CO. centrally situated, on the w. shore of the Narraganset. Bndd. n. by Providence CO., E. by the Narraganset r.,, s. .by Washington CO., w. by Connecticut. Average length near- ly 20 ms., breadth more than 9, comprising an area of 186 sq. ms. Surface generally une- ven; soil in general strong and productive. Forests, deciduous trees. A large portion of N. w. section of the county is watered by the Pawtuxet river and its branches. This r. is a beautiful mill stream, unrivalled for its advan- tageous sites for manufacturing establishments, and other hydraulic works. The cotton manu- factures of this CO. claim the first rank. Cf. t. Warwick. Pop. 1820, 10,228, 1830, 12,789. Kent, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn, on the Ousa- tonic, 45 ms. w. Hartford. Mountainous. Con- tains iron ore and iron manufactories. Soil va- rious. Timber, oak, chesnut, walnut, ash, &c. Watered by the Ousatonic and its numerous branches, which afford many valuable sites for water works ; 10 school dists. Pop. 2,001. Kent, p-t. Putnam co, N. Y. 20 ms. s. e. Poughkeepsie. Much broken by high hills and mtns. Timber, oak, chesnut, &c. Well wa- tered and healthy. Pop. 1,931. Kent, co. Del. bndd. by Duck cr. separating it from New Castle co. n., by the Del. bay e., by Sussex co. of Del. s., and by Caroline, Queen Ann, and Kent cos. of Md. w. Length 32, mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 38° 50' to 39° 20', and in long. 1° 18' to 1° 50' E. W. C. With a very slight ex- ception along the wstrn. border, on which rise the sources of Choptank and Nantikoke rs., the slope of Kent co. of Del. is estrd. towards Del. bay, and drained by Mispillion, Mother Kill, Jones, and the two Duck creeks. The surface is level or moderately waving. Soil of Mid- ling quality. Cf. t. Dover. Pop. 1820, 20,793, in 1830, 19,913. Kent, co. Md. bndd. s. w. and w. by Chesa- peake bay, n. by Sassafras r. separating it from Cecil, e. by New Castle, and KEnt cos, Del., and s. e. and s. by Chester r. separating it from Qeeen Ann. Length 30, mean width 8, and area 240 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 39° 01' to 39° 23', and in long. 0° 45' to 1° 18' e. W. C. This CO. is composed of a peninsula curving from the wstrn. boundary of Del. between Sas- safras and Chester rs. with the convexity nrth- wstrd. towards Chesapeake bay. General slope wstrd. Surface moderately hilly, and soil of varied quality. Cf. t. Chester. Pop. 1820, 12,453, in 1830, 10,501. Kent, new co. of Mich., bounded e. by Ionia, s. E. by Barry, s. w. Allegan, w. Ottawa, and n- Oceana. It is a square of 24 ms. each side, area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 43°, and long. 8° 36' w, The main volume of Grand r. enters on the estrn. border, and winds wstrd. over the co., but by a very circuitous channel, receiving within it Rouge and Flat rs. from the n. e., jmd Apple r. from the s. The body of the co. is about 150 ms. n. w. by w. of Detroit. Pop. un=. certain. Kentontown, p-v. Harrison co, Ky. 47 ms. N. E. Frankfort. Kentucky, Indian name Cutawa, r. Ky. from which the name of the state has been derived, rises in numerous branches from thenrthwstrn. slope of Cumberland mtn. interlocking sources with those of Sandy, Powell's and Cumberland rs. Assuming a nrthwstrn. course, the various confluents from Pike and Perry cos. unite in Estill, where inflecting to wstrd., and separa- ting Madison from Clarke, wind to s. w. be- tween Madison and Lafayette, and between Jesamine and Garrard ; receives Dick's r. from the s. E. and finally bends to its ultimate n. n. w. course, which is continued to its junction with O. r. at Port William. The general course is very ne.'.rly s. e. to n. w. The valley drained by this r. lies in lat. between 37° and 38° 40', and in long, between 5° 40' and 8° 10' w. W. C. Length 175 ms., mean width about 40, and area 7,000 sq. ms. or a small fraction above the one sixth part of the whole state of Ky., and com- prising all or part of Gallatin, Henry, Owen, Scott, Franklin, Anderson, Woodford, Jessa- mine, Mercer, Lincoln, Garrard, Madison, La- fayette, Clarke, Montgomery, Estill, Clay, Per- ry and Pike cos. The channel of Ky. is a deep chasm, yet steamboats of 300 ton^ bur- then ascend this r. to Frankfort, at times of high water, and at similar seasons, itjs naviga- ble for down stream boats from Estill co. ; simi- lar to other streams of the same physical sec- tion, it is without direct falls, though the cur- rent is rapid, and bed rocky. Kentucky, state of the U. S., bndd. s. by the state of Ten., s. w. by the Misp. r. separating it from Misp., w. by Ohio r, separating it from II., N. w. by Ohio r. separating it from Ind., n. by Ohio r. again separating it from the state of Ohio, and e. Sandy r. and Cumberland mtns. separating it from Va. The longest line that can be drawn in Ky. is 431 statute nis. declining from the meridians 80° 33' and extending from the s. w. angle on Misp. to the passage of Sandy r. through Cumberland mtn., or the extreme estrn. angle of the state. The broadest part is along the meridian 7° 45' w. W. C, extending from the n. w. angle of the state, between Cin. cinnati and the mouth of Great Miami, through 148 minutes of lat. or 171^ statute nis. nearly; in lat. Ky. extends 36° 30' to 39° 06', and in long. 5° 03' to 12° 3S' w. W. C. The area of Ky. has been generally underrated. On Tan- ner's U. S., the extent in sq. ms. is given at 40,500, and carefully measured by the rhombs on the same map., the superficies come out 40,590, so that we may safely assume 40,500 sq. ms. equal to 25,920,000 statute acres as the area of Ky. As a physical section Ky. lies en- tirely in the valley of Ohio, and is a part of an immense inclined plain falling from Cumberland mtns. towards and tei minating in the Ohio r. In its extent from Sandy r. to the Ten. inclusive, the direction of descent is to the n. w. The physical section indeed of which Ky. is a part, extends to and includes Ten. r. If we glance over a general map of this part of the U. S. we KEN 229 KEN perceive the rs. at their sources inclining to w. or s. w., and following their courses, we find ■them curving to the nthrd. and finally joining their common recipient, the Ohio, in a n. n. w. direction. This uniformity of course is percep- tible in Ten., Cumberland, Green r. Salt r., Ky. r. and Licking, and even the Ohio itself, from the mouth of Sandy to that of Great Miami, conforms to this remarkable inflection. The rs. •flow in channels, more or less deeply scooped from the rocky base of the plain, but with a reg- ularity of course demonstrative of a common cause. The relative elevation of the lower and higher margins of Ky. has never been, it is probable, very accurately determined, but com- . pared with the determined elevations on Great Kenhawa, the arable soil of the higher part of Ky., Pike, Perry, and Harland cos. must be at least 1,200 ft. above the ocean tides. The ex- treme s. wstrn, CO. Hickman on Misp. r. is not generally elevated above 350 ft. above the Gulf of Mexico; therefore, without regarding mtn. ridges, the cultivatable surface of Ky. has a de- scent of between 800, and 900 ft. Continuing the difference of level, with that of lat. it is ob- vious, that the extremes of the state must have a very sensible difference of climate and mean 'temperature. These extremes of season are still farther widened by the peculiar features of the country. The rivers in their descent, have abraded the plain, and flow in enormously deep 'vales, a feature which the Ohio partakes with its confluents. These chasms receiving the "rays of the sun, in various inclinations following local exposure, produce also local climate. The state is divisible into 3 sections, which, how- ever, so imperceptibly pass into each other as to preclude any very definite lines of separation. Descending from the foot of Cumberland mtn. N. wstrd. down the streams, to a distance of about 100 ms. the country is hilly or rather mountainous. This broken section includes at least one third part of the state and stretches from the state of Ten. to the Ohio r. Drawing a line from the Ohio r. opposite the mouth of Sciota to the heads of Big Barren, branch of ^reen r., it will extend almost exactly parallel to the general course of Ohio r. between the mouths of Great Miami and Salt r. ; and again if the latter course is continued, it will leave Ky. very nearly where the sthrn. boundary is crossed by Cumberland r. These two lines, with the course of Ohio r. from the mouth of Sciota to that of Great Miami, and the boundary between Ky. and Ten. will enclose a rhomb of 90 ms. in width, and 200 mean length, or comprising an area of 18,000 sq. ms. This rhomb is nearly commensurate with the central hilly section of Ky. It is very remarkable nevertheless, that the general surface of this great section is much more broken into hills at its opposite sides to. wards the Ohio r. or Cumberland mtn. than in the middle line between the extremes. The whole of this great middle region, may be com- paratively regarded as a table land, with a sub- stratum of limestone. The soil in general in a high degree productive, but similar to all other places where carbonate of lime prevails, an un- equal distribution of fountain water is amongst the asperities opposed to comfortable human ■30 residence. The s. wstrn. section of Ky., the least extensive, presents a physiognomy very distinct from either of the preceding. The strong bold scenery, so prominent in the two higher regions, is now succeeded by a monotony of feature which advancing wstrd. sinks into a country, which, though not absolutely level, presents relative elevation faintly. Reversing our survey; if we leave the banks of the Misp. we set out from a plain over which the eye in vain seeks relief from hill and dale. Proceed ing obliquely over the vallies of Tennessee, Cumberland, and'Green rs., the face of nature very gradually breaks into indentations which terminate in all the rich variety of hill and river scenery. The hills indeed are not abrupt, but rounded into swells, or terminating in plains or furrowed by the excessively deep chasms along which the rivers wind their devious way. On the right towards Ten. spreads the tract so very improperly called "The Barrens." Here the hills are isolated knobs, wooded with oak, ches- nut and elm. The hills are rounded, and pre- sent a striking contrast to the common ridge character of a hilly country. The soil is far from barren, though much of the timber has a stunted appearance. Advancing n. estrd. the same substratum of limestone continues, but in its natural state the central section of Ky. was remarkable for the excessive growth ot forest timber, and undergrowth of reed cane. The surface comparatively level, except the channels of the streams, which were, as has been observed, deep and with abrupt banks. Turning the river estrd. however, towards the sources of Licking, Ky., and Cumberland rs., the ground rises into hills, sharp, steep and rocky. The soil, particularly in the vales, de- teriorates. Fountain water becomes more equally distributed. Taken as a whole, Ky. may be regarded as not only a political, but physical section, presenting distinct structure and features. The physiognomy of this tract, in connection with other parts of the valley, will be more particularly noticed under the head of Ohio r. Politically Ky. is subdivided into the follow- ing counties. Pop. Pod. sa- ms. 1820. 1830. Adair '800 8,705 8,217 AllGIl 500 5,372 6,485 Anderson 4,520 Barren 900 10,328 15,079 Batli 340 7,960 8,799 Boone 300 6,542 9,075 Bourbon 176 17,664 18,436 Bracken 264 5,280 6,518 Breckenridge 7,485 7,345 Bullitt .■500 5,831 5,652 Butler 825 3,083 3,058 Caldwell 800 9,022 8,324 Callaway 5,164 Campbell 320 7,022 9,883 Casey 360 4,349 4,342 Cliristian 1,050 10,459 12,684 Clarke 200 11,449 13,565 Clay 1,400 4,393 3,184 Cumberland 1,034 8,058 8,624 Daviess 600 3,876 5,209 Edmondson 2,642 Estill 700 3,507 4,618 Fayette 264 23,254 25,098 Fleming 569 12,186 13,499 Floyd 3,000 8,207 4,347 Franklin 270 11,024 9,254 KEN 230 KEN Pop. Pop. eq. ms. 1820. 1830. Gallatin 350 7,075 6,074 Garrard 220 10,851 11,S71 Grant 260 1,805 2,986 Graves 2,504 Praysbn Greene 400 4,055 11,943 3,880 13,138 Greenup 537 4,311 5,852 Hardin 1,100 10,498 12,849 Harlan 560 1,961 2,929 Harrison 330 12,278 13,234 Bart 320 4,184 5,191 Henderson Henry Hick'.nan 600 400 5,714 10,816 6,0.56 11,387 675 5,198 HopUiiis 750 5,322 0,763 Jefferson 520 20.768 23,979 Jessamine 170 9,297 9,960 Knox 840 3,661 4,315 Lawrence 3,900 Lewis 530 3,973 5,229 Lincoln 450 9,979 11,002 Livingston 720 5,824 5,971 Logan 630 14,423 13,012 Madison '570 15,954 18,751 McCrackeii 1,297 Mason 250 13,588 16.203 Meade 4,131 Mercer 350 15,537 17,694 Monroe 700 4,956 5,340 Montgomery 420 9,587 10,240 Morgan 2,857 Muhlenburg 580 4,979 5,3-10 Kelson 510 16,273 14,932 Nicholas 360 7,973 8,834 Ohio G40 3,379 4,715 Oldham Owen 240 2,031 9,588 5,786 Pendleton i'errry Pike 340 1,000 750 3,086 3,863 3,330 2,677 Pulaski 800 7,597 9,500 Rockcastle Russell Scott 380 170 2,249 14,219 2,865 3,879 14,677 Shelby Simpson 520 400 21,047 4,852 19,030 5,815 B,812 8,680 Spencer Todd 450 5,089 Trigg Union Warren 450 3,874 5,916 540 3,470 4,704 700 11,776 10,949 Washington 550 15,987 19,017 Wayne Whitley Woodford 870 160 7,951 2,340 12,207 8,685 3,806 12,273 Total, 564,317 '687,917 Of which were wl lite persons ; Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 54,116 50,835 From 5 to 10, 41,0?;! 39,439 " 10 to 15 34,2^-2 32,197 " 15 to 20 39,017 29,623 " 520 to 30 45,913 41,936 " 30 to 40 26,289 23,463 " 40 to 50 15,960 15,476 " 50 to 60 10,843 9,499 " (iO to 70 6,253 5,315 " 70 to 80 2,585 2,195 " 80 to 90 fe19 575 «' 90 to 100 119 97 " 100 and upwards, 28 14 Total 267,123 250,664 Of these were deaf and dumb under 14 years of age, 100; of 14 and under 25,113; and of 25 and upwards, 90 ; total deaf and dumb, 303. Blind 169. Of colored persbns there were, Free colored. Slaves. Males. Females. Males. Fern. tJnder 10 years Of age, 764 638 31,500 30,995 From 10 to 24, 584 505 27,449 27,346 " 24 to 36 410 351 13,520 13,854 " 36 to 55 484 398 7,499 8,107 " 55 to 100 402 369 2,280 2,572 " 100 and upwards, 8 9 61 50 2,652 2,283 82,309 82,994 Deaf and dumb, colored, 46 ; blind, 83. Recapitulation — Whites. Free Col'd. Slaves. Total.^ 517,787 4,917 165,213 687,917 At former periods, the population of Kentuc- ky was as follows ; in 1790, 73,677 ; 1800, 220,- 959; 1810,406,511; and in 1820, 564,317. Note. — The area annexed to the respective counties in this table, will not, in all cases, be found to correspond vv'ith the text under the co. heads. The frequent subdivisions of cos. in a few years derange any admeasurement of area ; the numbers were left, however, as they give a general view. History. In 1755, Lewis Evans of Phil, pub^ lished a map of the middle British colonies in N. America. An edition of this map, vrith a statistical account of the regions it represented, was published by J. Almon, London, March 25; 1776. Both the map, and attending volume, is now lying before the writer of this article. The map reaches as far s. as n. lat. 35'^ 30', and as far wsti^d. as the meridian of 10° 30' w. "W. C, and from the delineations it would appear that at the period, 1752 to 1776, settlements had reached the sources of Great Kenhawa, Roan- oke, Clinch, and Holston, as this region is tol- erably well represented, and it is noted on the map, that this was the boundary of white settlei ment. Receding to the wstrd. are laid down, relatively correct, Big Sandy, Licking, Cataba, or Ky. rs. and Bear-GraSs cr.j but the s. w. an- gle of the riiap is blank, demonstrating, that in 1776, Ky. might be regarded, as in great part, unknown. In 1767, this country was visited by John Finley, from N. C, and was followed in 1 769, by Daniel Boone, and some others. Boone remained there until 1771. In '75, the same brave spirit conducted a small band and effected the first actual civilized settlement. Ky. was truly planted with sweat, and watered with blood and tears. So distressed were the set- tlers in 1780, as to excite a plan of abandon- ment, but other adventurers arriving, and aided as they were by the great military talents of Rogers Clark, they laid aside their purpose. In 1777, the legislature of Va. had made ita co. and in 1782, a supreme court was established. With tiie American war the worst difficulties of the inhabitants terminated. Settlements were rapidly formed, and as early as 1785, projects of separation from Va. were formed, but from yarious causes not efiected until De- cember 1790, when Ky. became independent of Va., and June 1st, 1792, was admitted into the Union. The existing constitution of Ken- tucky was ratified at Frankfort, August 17, 1799 ; since which epoch, the history of the state has been merged in that of the United States. Government. The legislature is composed of a general assembly, and governor, and the assembly is divided into a senate and house of representatives. To be eligible for governor, the person must be a citizen of the U. States ; 35 years of age, and six years next preceding his election, an inhabitant of the state. " The governor," says the constitution, " shall be elected for the term of four years, by the citi- zens entitled to suffrage, at the time and place KEN 231 KEW where they shall respectively vote for repre- sentatives." " The governor shall be ineligible for the succeeding 7 years after the expiration of the time for which he shall have been elect- ed." The powers of the governor of Ky. are ample ; he is commander of the army and navy of the state, and of the militia, except when called into the actual service of the U. States. He has the power of nomination, and by and with consent of the senate the appointment of most ofRcers of the state ; he has power in the .recess of the legislature to hll all vacancies, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of the next session. He has power to remit fines and forfeitures, grant reprieves and .pardons, except in cases of impeachment. In cases of treason, he shall have power to grant reprieves until the end of the next session of the general assembly, in which the power of pardoning shall be vested. The lieutenant governor, bears nearly the same relation to the legislature, and governor of Ky., as does the vice president of the U. S, to the senate and president. Senators are chosen for four years, and divided into four classes, whose seats are filled annually, so that one fourth shall be cho- sen every year. " No person shall be senator, who, at the time of his election, is not a citizen of the U. S. and who hath not attained to the age of 35 years, iand resided in this state six years next preceding his election, and the last .year thereof in the district from which he may .be chosen." Members of the house of repre- sentatives are elected for one year ; and, "no person shall be la representative, who, at the time of his election, is not a citizen of the U. S. and hath not attained to the age of 24 years, and resided in this state two years neyt prece- ding his election, and the last year thereof in the CO. or town for which he may be chosen." The judiciary power, both as to matter of law and equity, is vested in one supreme court, styled the court of appeals, and in inferior .courts created and established by the general assembly. Judges both of the supreme and in- ferior, are appointed by the governor and sen- ate, and hold their offices during good beha- viour ; but for any reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient ground of impeachment, jtjie governor shall remove any of them on the address of two thirds of each house of the general assembly. The right of suff'rage is vested in free white males, who have attained the age of 21 years, and resided in the state two years, or in the co. or town, in which they offer to vote, one year next preceding the elec- . tion. Staple 'productions, — Kentucky is essentially a grain country, though hemp and flax of ex- cellent quality are produced, and in the extreme southwestern part some cotton is cultivated. An immense quantity of flour, spirits, salted provisions, and live stock are exported, down the Ohio, and inland to the estrd. Manufac- tures of cloth, cordage, &c. have been cayried to considerable extent, but the state commer- cially remains dependent in a great measure on foreign supply, for most articles of domestic use. Education In promoting the requisite institutions to advance learning and science, Kentucky has more than pieserved her priority over the other central states which she gained by anterior settlement. Transylvania universi- ty was founded, and most correctly named, at an early stage of settlement ; organized in 1798 and by a report of the professors dated Feb. llth, 1822, then contained " all the means requisite for a complete course of medical ed- ucation, conducted in the usual academical form." {See Lexington.) Several colleges also, will be found under the heads of the towns in which they are located. A considerable number of academies, and schools of a high character are scattered over the state. The literary fund of Kentucky amounts to nearly ,f 150,000. In 1831, the real and personal estate in Ken. tucky amounted to ^111,756,438. During the same year, the receipts into the treasury amounted to $214,000, and the expenditures to $182,450. Amount of the state debt, Oct, 1832, $147,534. The internal improvements in this state are considerable in extent. The Maysville and Lexington turnpike, about 65 ms. in length, and ^yhich is to be completed the present year, (1833,) and the Louisville and Bardstown road, now in progress, are both to be McAdamlzed. These will rank among the first class ot roads in this country. For other improvements, rail roads, canals, &c. the read- er is referred to art. Rail Roads and Canals. Kemzua. {See Kinzua.) Keowea, p-v. in the eastern part of Pickens dist. S. C, by p-r. 128 ms. n. w. Columbia. Kernesville, p-v, on a small cr. of Lehigh r. Northampton co. Pa. 12 ms. n. n. w. Bethle. hem. Kersey's p-o. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 184 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Kershaw, dist. S. C. bndd. by Richmond s. w., Fairfield w., Lancaster n., Chesterfield n. E., Darlington e., and Sumpter s. e. and s. Length 33, mean width 24, and area 792 square miles. Extending in lat. 34° 05' to 34° 35', and in long. 3° 16' to 3° 50' w. W. C. The Catawba, or as there called, the Wateree r., traverses the wis.stern part of Kershaw, and the eastern is bndd., by Lynch's cr. ; both streams s. of s. s. E., of course the slope of the dist. is in that direction. Cf. t, Camden. Pop. 1820, 12,442, 18.30, 13,515. Kewenaw, bay, lake, and Point. About midway of the sthrn. shore of lake Superior, that coast is protruded in an angular cape far into the body of the lake, forming a low cape or peninsula, which together with a bay to its sthestrd. and a lake by which it is nearly insu. lated, is known by the name Kewenav/. The bay extends from the body of the lake gad to the s. E. of the point, in a s. s. w. direction 30 ms. with a width from one to ten or twelve ms. From the bay a small inlet leads northward into Kewena lake. The latter is a shallow sheet of about 30 ms. from s. to n., mean breadth about 5 ms. From the lake a portage, of one or two ms, leads into the wstrn. part of lake Superior. This inner passage enables those navigating small craft to avoid the long and dangerous .-route round Kewena Point. The extreme cape of Kewena is at n. lat- 47° %%', and very nearly KIN 232 KIN equidistant from the estrn. and wstrn. extremi. ties of the lake, 200 ms. from each. Ketsville, p-v. on the head of Meherin r. Charlotte co. Va. by p-r. 96 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Key West, small island of Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the Florida Keys. KiAMECHE r. (final e pronounced) r. of the wstrn. territory of the U. S. and one of the nthrn. branches of Red river, rises in the Mas- se rne mtns. interlocking sources with those of the South Fork of Canadian r., those of Poteau branch of Arkansas r. and with those of Little r. of the North branch of Red r. The extreme sources of Kiameche are in Miller co. Ark. from whence flowing wstrd. 60 ms. inflects to s. E. 60 ms. and finally enters Red r. at n. lat. 33° .55', long. W. C. 18° 08' w. and 10 ms. s. Can- tonm.ent Towson. The mouth of the Kiame- che is about 220 ms. s. w. by w. Little Rock, and in a direct line about 80 ms. n. w. the north- western angle of La. KiDZiEs Grove, and p-o. Lenawee co. Mich. 70 ms. s. w. Detroit. Kilkenny, t. Coos co. N. H. 8 ms. n. e. Lan- caster. A poor tract of country, unfit to be in- habited. Pop. 27. KiLLiNGLY, p-t. Windham co. Conn, on the Quiiinebaug, 25 ms. w. Providence, 45 e. Hart- ford. Surface uneven, but no portion moun- tainous. Contains several quarries of freestone, and extensive forests, the trees being of the deciduous species. Supplied with' numerous water privileges. Shad and salmon are taken in the Quinaebaug. This is a manufacturing town; 21 school dists. Pop. 3,257, KiLLiNGTON Peak, Vt. a summit of the Green mtn. s. part of Sherburn, 3,924 ft. above tide water, 10 ms. e. Rutland. KiLLiNGwoETH, p-t. Middlesex co. Conn, on Long Isl. sound, 26 ms. e. New Haven, 38 s. e. Hartford, 26 w. New London. Surface and soil various. Its most considerable streams are the Hammonassett and the Menunketesuck. There is a harbor in the s. part of the town ; 15 school dists. and an academy. Pop. 2,484. Kills (The.) {See Newark Bay.) KiLMAMOCK, p-v. on a small creek of Chesa- peake bay, Lancaster co. Va. by p-r. 115 ms. n. E. by E. Richmond. KiMBERTON, p-v. on French cr., in the n. e. part of Chester co. Pa. about 27 ms. n. w. Phil- adelphia. KiMBLES, p-v. Lawrence co. Ohio, 139 ms. s. s. E. Columbus. KiNCANNON, iron works, and p-o. Surry co. N. C. by p-r. 139 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. KiNDERHooK, cr., ouc of the best mill streams in the U. S. is formed by numerous branches, that spread over N. e. of" Columbia co. N. Y. and the s. corner of Rensselaer co. which uni- ted, run to the s. w. through the town of Kin- derhook, where the stream takes its name, which it continues to its junction with Claver- ack cr. near the Hudson r., when the united streams lose their name for Factory, or Major Abram's cr. KiNDERHooK, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. 10 ms. N. Hudson, 20 s. Albany, w. of the Hudson, enjoying the navigation of said r. and having several landings, with stores, sloops, &c. Soil- in general good. Surface pretty level. Timber scarce. Contains iron ore, limestone, slate and various kinds of clays. Some red oxides of iron are found. There are a great number of mills of various kinds, watered by Kinderhook cr. ; 10 school houses and 2 academies. Kin- derhook village stands on an extensive and beautiful plain near the centre of the town west of the cr., where is Kinderhook landing. Columbiaville, another village of the town, is on the line between this and Hudson Pop. 2,706. King and Queen, co. Va. bndd. by Caroline N. w., Essex N. E., Piankatank r. separating it from Middlesex e., Gloucester s. e., James r. s., and Matapony r. separating it from King Williams, w. and w. Length 40, mean width 11, and area 440 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37*^ 27' to 37° 56' and in long. 0° 18' e. to 0° 13' w. W. C. The surface sloping southward towards Matapony r. or southeastward towards Pianka. tank. Cf. t. Dunkirk. Population 1820, 11,798, 1830,11,644. King and Queen, c. h. and p-o. {See Dun. kirks, same co.) King, cr. and p-o. in the extreme southern an. gle of Barnwell dist. S. C. by p-r. 90 ms. s. s. w. Columbia. King George, co. Va. bndd. w. by Stafford, N. and E. by Potomac r. separating it from Charles co. in Md., s. e. by Westmoreland, and s. by Rappahannoc r. separating it from Caro- line. Length 18, mean breadth 10, and area 180 square ms. Extending in lat. 38° 11' to 38° 23', and in long. 0° 03' e. to 0° 19' w. W. C. This CO. occupies a hilly region between the two bounding rs. with a varied soil. Cf. t. Hampstead. Pop. 1820, 6,116, 1830, 6,397. King George, c. h. and p-o. near the centre of King George co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. and 87 ms. n. n. e. Richmond. Kings, mtn., a ridge or hill, Lincoln co. N, C. and York dist., S. C. It was on this mtn. and within York dist., that, Oct. 7th, 1780, a body of British and tories under Col. Ferguson were defeated, their commander slain, and nearly the whole body killed or captured by three regiments of U. S. militia-. Kings, co. N. Y. comprises a very small area of the w. end of Long Island, immediately op* posite N. Y. Bndd. n. by East r., e. by .lamai. ca bay, and Queens co., s. by the, Atlantic, w._ by N. York bay, and the communication of the Hudson r. with the Atlantic. It contains about 8li sq. ms. or 52,160 acres, the whole area not equalling that of a tsp. 10 ms. sq. Soil in general very good. Cf. t. Flatbush. Pop. 1820^ 11,187, 1830, 20,535. Kings gap, and p-o. Harris co. Geo. 126 ms. westward Milledgeville. KiNGSBRiDGE, village, N. Y. on Haerlem r. which separates the co. of Westchester from N. Y. isl., ]6ms. N. N. Y. city. ' Kingsbury, p-t. and half shire town of Wash- ington CO. N. Y. e. Hudson r. 55 ms. n. Albany. General surface very level. Pretty good for farming. Contains fine groves of pine. Kings- bury v. is situated near the centre of the town, about 2 ms. from which is the spot where Put- KIN 233 KIT nam was defeated by the Indians. The village of Sandy Hill is in the s. w. corner of the town, close on the margia of the Hudson, immediate- ly above Baker's falls. The whole descent of these falls, is 7G ft. within 60 rods. There is no perpendicular cataract. Here are a number of mills, with a chance of many more. At this village and Salem, are alternately holden the courts of Washington co. The Champlain ca- nal traverses this town from n. e. to s. w. It has 11 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Contains an academy. Pop. 2,606. KiNGSESsiNG, p-o. Kingsessing tsp. Phila. co. Pa. 6 ms. s. s. w. Phila. This tsp. is the extreme southern part of the co. lying between Darby or., and the r. Schuylkill. Pop. 1820, 1,188, 1830, 1,068. King's Ferry, (over Monongahela r.) and p-o. in the southern part of Monongalia co. Va. 15 ms. by land above Morgantown, and by p-r. 204 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. KiNGSFiELD, p4. Somerset co. Me. 40 ms. n. w. Norridgewock. Pop 1830, 554. Kingsley's p-o. Crawford co. Penn. 313 ms. N. w. W. C. Kingsport, p-v. on the road from Kno.^ville in Tenn. to Abington in Va. situated on the point above the jimction of the two main branches of Holston r. and in the n. w. part of Sullivan co. Tenn. 90 ms. by the road n. e. Knoxville, 42 s. w. by w. Abingdon, and by p-r. 246 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Kingston, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 20 ms. s. w. Portsmouth, 37 ms. from Concord, 6 from Exeter. Contains an academy, some bog iron or.e, and red and yellow ochre. This was the residence of Josiah Bartlett, a governor of the state, and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Pop. 929. Kingston, t. Addison co. Vt. 22 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 42 n. w. Windsor. White r. is form- ed here by the union of several branches, on one of which is a fall of 100 ft, 50 of the lower part of which are perpendicular. A consider- able portion of the t. is mountainous ; 3 school dists. Pop. 403. Kingston, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 32 ms. s. E. Boston. Watered by Jones' r. Has some manufactories of cetton and woollen. Here also are iron works. Soil fertile. Surface agreea- bly diversified. Pop. 1,321. Kingston, formerly Esopus, p-t. and st. jus. Ulster CO. N. Y., v-r. Hudson r., 100 ms. n. New York, 65 s. Albany. Soil good. Almost all the houses are built ef limestone, which is plen- tiful here. Well supplied with mill privileges by Esopus cr., which waters this town. Has several landings on the Hudson, and is a place of very considerable business ; 9 school dists. Kingston village lies on the s. side of Esopus or., 10 ms. s. of its mouth in the Hudson, and 3- w. of the Hudson, at Kingston landing. It has an academy. It was burnt by the British under Vaughan, in 1777. It has an elegant courthouse, which cost f 40,000. Pop. 4,170. Kingston, vil., Middlesex and Somerset co. N. J. on the Millstone r. and main p-r. 3 ms. n. E. of Princeton, 13 ms. s. w. New Brunswick. The Delaware and Raritan canal passes through this village. Kingston, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa. (See Wyo. ■ming .) Kingston, p-v. southern part of Somerset co. Md. byp-r. 152 ms. SoE. W. C. Kingston, p-v. Morgan co. Geo. 33 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. Kingston, p-v. Adams co. Misp. Kingston, p.v. and st. jus. Roane co. Ten. situated on the point above the junction of Cliach and Holston rs. 43 ms. s. w. by w. Knox- ville, and by p-r. 130 ms. a little s. of e. Nash- ville, lat. 35° 53', long. 7° 26' w. W. C. Kingston, p-v. Hopkins co. Kentucky, by p-r. 216 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Kingston, p-v. Ross co. Ohio, by p-r. 36 ms. s. Columbus. Kingstree, p-v. and st. jus. Williamsburg district, S. C, situated on Black river, 43 ms. N. w. Georgetown, and 71 a little e. of n. Charleston, lat. 33° 37', and long. 2° 55' w. W. C. King William, co. Va. bndd. by Caroline n., by M'attapony r. separating it from King and Queen n. e. and e., and by Pamunkey river separating it from New Kent s., and Hanover w. Length 38, mean width 14, and area 532 square ms. Extending in lat. 37° 30' to 37° 57' and in long. 0° 09' e. to 0° 19' w. W. C. Cf. p-o. King William c. h. Pop. 1820, 9,697. 1830, 9,812. King William, c. h., and p-o. King William CO. Va. by p.r. 40 ms. n. e. Richmond, and 136 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. Kingwood, t. Hunterdon co. N. J. on the Del. extends n. e. to the south branch of Raritan. Pop. 2,898. Kingwood, p-v. and st. jus. Preston co. Va. situated w. Cheat r., 23 ms. s, e. Morgantown, and by p-r. 172 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 39° 27', long. 2° 45' w. W. C. KiNNicoNicK, cr., and p-o. eastern part of Lewis CO. Ky. 100 ms. n. e. by e. Frankfort. Kinsman's p-o. Trumbull co. Ohio, by p-r. 184 ms. N. E. Columbus. KiNzuA, or Kenjua, p.v. on the left bank of Alleghany r. in the n. e. part of Warren co. Pa. 12 ms. by land above Warren and by p.r. 226 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. KiRBY, t., Caledonia co. Vt. 30 ms. n. New- bury, 36 n. e. Montpelier. Surface uneven, and in many places, ledgy or swampy. Well wa. tered with springs and brooks. Pop. 401. Kirksey's Cross Roads, and p-o. Edgefield dist., S. C. 15 ms. n. n. w. the v. of Edgefield, and by p-r. 65 ms. a little s. of w. Columbia. Kirks, Mills, and p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. 46 ms. E. Harrisburg. Kirtland, Mills, and p-o. Geauga co. O. by p-r. 151 ms. n. e. Columbus. Kiskiminitas, r. of Pa. the southeastern and largest confluent of Alleghany r. This stream is more commonly known und6r the name of Conemaugh. {See the latter article.) Kiskiminitas, post tsp. in the northern part of Westmoreland co., Pa. about 10 ms. n. Greens, burg, and 25 ms. e. Pittsburg. Kite's, Mills, and p-o. Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 141 ms. wstrd. W. C. Kittanning, p-v. and st. jus. Armstrong co, Pa. situated on the left bank of Alleghany r., 40 Kir 234 KNO ais. N. E. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 214 nis. n. w. by w. Han-isburg, lat. 40° 51', long. 2° 33' w. Pop. 1820, 318,1830,520. KiTTATiNNY, mtns., an extensive and impor- tant chain of the Appalachian system. In Pa. the Kittatinny is very definite and with an inter- vening valley between their ranges parallel to the Blue Ridge. It is the same chain, however, which first becomes definite in the state of New York, w. of the Hudson, and there known as the Showangunk, and extending s, w. over the upper part of New Jersey, enters Fa. at the Delaware Water gap. Thence inflecting to w. s. w. is traversed by the Lehigh at the Le- high Water gap, by the Schuylkill above Ham- burg, and by the Susquehannah, 5 ms. above -Harrisburg. From the latter point the chain again inflects still more to the westward, be- tween Cumberland and Perry cos. At the west- em extremity of those two counties, the chain abruptly bends to a nearly southern course, be- tween Franklin and Bedford cos., enters Md. by the name of Cove mtn. being traversed by the Potomac r. between Williarasport and Han- cockstown, and stretches into Virginia, as the Great N. mtn. over Virginia from the Potomac to James r. between Rockbridge and Allegha- ny cos. This chain tho' broken remains dis. tinct ; a similar character prevails from James r. to New r. between Wythe and Grayson cos. After being traversed by New r. the chain again assumes complete distinctness, leaves Virginia, and under the local name of Iron mtns. Bald mtns. Smoky mtns. and Unika mtns. separates N. C. and Ten. to the Unika turnpike on the western border of Macon co. of the former state. Thence continuing a little w. of s. w. crosses the n. \v. angle of Geo. enlers Ala. and separating the sources of the creeks of Middle Ten. r. from those of Coosa, merges into the hills from which rise the numerous branches of Tuscaloosa. Thus, defectively as the Kitta- tinny, called expressly by the Indians Kataatin Chunk, or the Endless mtns. are delineated on Gur maps, it is in nature a prominent and indi- vidual chain, xv. lat. 31° 31' to 41° 30', and 2° 45',E. to 10° w. long. W. C. Ranging through 7° of lat. and almost 13 degrees of long, stretch- ing along a space exceeding 900 statute ms. and varying in distance from the Blue Ridge, be- tween 15 to 25 ms. generally about 20, though in some places the two chains approach, as at JIarrisburg, to within less than 10 ms. from each other. In relative height the Kittatinny exceeds the Blue Ridge, but as regards the plain or table land on which they both stand, it irises gradually from tide water in Hudson r. to en elevation of 2,500 feet in Ashe co. of N. C. Prom James r. to the Hudson, the chain ranges along the Atlantic slope, and is broken by streams flowing through it on their course to- wards the Atlantic ocean, but passing the high- er valley of James r. the Kittatinny winds over the real dividing line of the waters, and is thence traversed by New r., Watauga, Nole- chucky, French Broad, and Ten. rs. Kittatinny Valley, in the most extended sense of the term, is in length commensurate with the mtn. chain from- which the name is de. jivedf therefore extends frorn Hudson r. to the northern part of Ala. varying in width 8 to 25 ms. with generally a substratum of limestone towards the Blue Ridge and of clay slate on the side of the Kittatinny. Some of the most flour- ishing agricultural districts of the U. S. are in- cluded in this physical section. The co. of Orange in N. York, Sussex and Warren in New Jersey are nearly all comprised within its lim- its. In Pa. it embraces the greater part of the lower section of Northampton ; nearly all Le- high, Berks, and Lebanon, the lower part of Dauphin with the greater share of Cumberland and Franklin. In Maryland the eastern and left part of Washington. In Va. a large part of Berkley, Jefferson, Frederick, Shenandoah, Rockingham, Augusta, Rockbridge, Botetourt, Montgomery and Grayson, and in N. C. the cos. of Ashe, Buncombe, Haywood, and Macon. The lat. and relative elevation of this great zone has already been shown in the preceding article, and the peculiar features of its parts may be seen under the respective heads of the cos. it embraces, in whole or in part. KiTTERY, p-t. York CO. Me., at the mouth of the Piscataqua, opposite Portsmouth, N. H., 5 ms. s. York. Pop. 2,202. KuNESviLLE, p-v. in the n. estrn. part of Berks CO. Pa., 74 ms. n. e. by e. Harrisburg. Klingerstown, p-v. in the estrn. part of Schuylkill co. Pa., 81 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Knowlton, t. Warren co. N. J. on Del. r. s. e, of the Blue mtn. Pop. 2,827. Knox, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 25 ms. n. w. Cas- tine. Pop. 666. Knox, p-t. Albany co. N. Y., 20 ms. w. Al. bany, on the height of land between Albany and Schoharie. Pop. 2,189. Knox, co. of Ten., bndd. by Blount s., Roane s. w., Anderson n. w., Campbell n.. Granger N. E., Jefferson e., and Sevier s. e. Xength 48, mean width 18, and area 864 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 85° 48' to 36° 15', and in long. 6° 11' to 7°12'w. W.C. Holston r. enters the estrn. border, and winding s. w. by w. receives the French Broad r. from the s. e. and leaves the wstrn. part of the county between Roane and Blount. The nthrn., n. wstrn. and s. estrn. parts are mountainous, but the central vallies of Hol- ston and French Broad afford extensive tracts of highly productive soil. Cf. t. Knoxville. Pop. 1820, 13,034, 1830, 14,498. Knox, co. Ky., bndd. by Whiteby w., Laurel N. w., Clay N. and n. e., Harlan e., and Clai- borne and Campbell cos. of Ten. s. Length 33, mean width 15, and area 495 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. 36° 34' to 37° 02', and in long. 6° 20', to 7° w. W. C. This co. is traversed and drained by Cumberland r., slope to the wstrd. Cf. t. Barbourville. Pop, 1820, 3,661, induct ii:g what is now Laurel co. In 1830, Knox contained 4,315 inhabitants. Knox, co, Ohio, bndd. s. by Licking, Dela- ware w., Marion n. w., Richland n., Holmes n. E., and Coshocton e. Length 30, mean width 21, and area 630 sq. ms. Lat 40° 14' to 40° 32' long. W. C. 5^ w., slope s. estrd., and drained by the sources of Mohiccon cr. Cf. t. Mount Vernon, Pop, 17,085, Knox, p-v. Knox co. Ohio, by p-r. ,''6 ms, >n. n= F„ Columbus. LAF 233 LAF Knox, co. Ind., occupying the lower part of the peninsula between the Wabash and White rs. opposite Wabash and Lawrence cos. Illinois, and having Sullivan and Green cos. of Ind. n. Length from the junction of White and Wabash rs. to the n. e. angle on the latter 50 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 500 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 40'. long. W. C. 10° 30'w. Cf. t, Vincennes. Pop. 1820, 5,437, 1830, 6,525. Knox, co. II. bndd. by Fulton s., Warren w., Henry n., and Peoria e. Length 28, breadth 24, and area 572 sq. ms. Lat. 41° n., long. 13° 10' w. W. C. Slopes sthrd. and is travers- ed and drained by Spoon r. This co. is com- prised in the military bounty land. Cf. t. Hen- derson. Pop. 274. Knox, c. h. p-v. Knox co. II. by p-r. 188 ms. N.N. w. Vandalia. {See Henderson, same co.) Knoxville, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 165 ms. nthwrds. Harrisburg. Knoxville, p-v. and st. jus. Crawford co. Geo. situated on a cr. of Flint r. 65 ms. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 41', long. 1° 10' w. W. C. Knoxville, p-v. and st. jus. Knox co. Ten. situated on the right bank of Holston r., 26 ms. by land above its junction with Ten,, 61 ms. a I little s. of w. Greenville, and 178 ms.a little s. ' of w. Nashville. Lat. 35° 56', long. 6° 43' w. W. C. This t. has been regarded as the capi. tal of E. Ten. An academy has been long in operation, and the general government has lent its aid towards the formation of a college in Knoxville. Pop. 1820, about 2,000, 1830, 3,000. Knoxville, p-v. Jefierson co. O. by p-r. 160 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Knoxville, p-v. Frederick co. Md. by p-r. 53 ms. N. N. w. W. C. KoRTRiGHT, p-t. Del. CO. N. York, 6 to 12 ms. E. and n. Delhi, Hilly or mountainous. Soil strong, capable of producing good crops. 17 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 2,870. Kreidersville, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. 12 ms. N. N. w. Bethlehem, and 14 ms. e. Easton. KuTZTOwN. (See Cootstown.) Kyaderosseras cr., a good mill stream of Saratoga co. N. Y. rising in Corinth and Greenfield, and falling into Saratoga lake in the t. of Saratoga Springs. Kykendall's P'.o. Henry co. Ten. by p-r. 121 ms. w. Nashville. Kylersville, P-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 168 ms, N. w, Harrisburg. li. Lackawannoc, r. of Pa. rises in Wayne and Schuylkill COS. between the Lackawannoc and Tunkhannoc chains, and flowing s. 20 ms. turns to s. w. 25 ms., falls into Susquehannah r. 9 miles above Wilkesbarre, The valley of Lackawannoc is, in reality, the continuation to Lafayette, parish La. bndd. by MermentaU r. w., bayou Queue Fortue, separating it from St. Landre n., by St. Martin's parish n. e., by Vermillion r. separating it from St. Mary's e,, and by the Gulf of Mexico s. ; greatest length along the Gulf 55 ms., mean width 30, and the K. E. of the Wyoming valley, and equally! area 1,650 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 29° 30' to remarkable for the great abundance of mineral coal. Lackawannoc, ridge of mtns. in Luzerne and Wayne cos. Pa. the continuation of Wyoming mtn. E. of Wilkesbarre. It ranges in a north- estrn. direction between the sources of Lacka- waxen and Lackawannoc rs. The now re- markable Moosuck mtn. traversed by a rail-road between Carbondale and Honeydale, is the n. E. par? of the Lackawannoc. Lackawaxen, r. of Pa. rising principally in Wayne co., but after the union of its main branches forming the boundary between Wayne and Pike cos. This comparatively small stream has gained importance from a canal constructed along its valley, which commences on the Del. r. at the mouth of Lackawaxen creek, and following the valley of the latter 24 ms. to Honeydale, where it joins a raiUroad over Moosuc mtn, {See articles Honeydale and Carbondale.) Laconia, p-v. Harrison co. Ind. 21 ms. s. Corydon, and 145 ms. s. Indianopolis. Lacy's Spring and p-o. Morgan co. Ala, by p-r. 149 ms. n. k. e. Tuscaloosa. Lady Washington, sign of, and p-o. Mont- gomery CO. Pa. 22 ms. from Phil. Lafayette, p-t. Onondaga co. N, Y. 134 ms. W.Albany. Pop. 2,566. Lafayette, p-v. McKean co. Pa. by p-r. 178 ms. N. w, Harrisburg. Lafayette, p-v. Montgomery co. Va. by p-r, 208 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond. 30° 06'. The whole surface of this large pa- rish is a plain, the far greater part a marsh. The very small lines of soil along the Vermillion, and Queue Fortue, with still less on Mermen, tau, are the only parts admitting cultivation. It is also, with very slight exceptions, an unwood- ed prairie. The narrow lines of wood along the streams composed of black oak, white oak, live oak, &c. cease before reaching the Gulf. Clumps of live oak are seen rising on shell and sand banks from the marsh. Cf. t. Moun- tenvilie. Pop. 5,653. Lafayette, co. Ten. {See Fayette co. Ten.) Lafayette, co. Ind. {See Fayette co. same state.) Lafayette, co. of Mo. having the Mo. r. n., and extending s. indefinitely to Osage r. ; it is mostly uninhabited. Cf. t. Lexington. Pop. 2,912. Lafayette, c. h. and p-o. Layfayette co. Ark. 182 ms. s. w. Little Rock. Lafayette, p-v. and st. jus. Tippecanoe co. Ind. 70 ms. n. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on Wabash r. about 10 ms. below the mouth of Tippecanoe r. Lafayette, southwestern co. of Ark,, the limits of which are yet but vaguely defined; on Tanner's map of the U. S., it has Hempstead in Ark. on the n., and the parish of Claiborne in La. s., extending e. and w. Washitau river to the western boundary of the Ter. Length along La. 130 ms., mean width about 35, and area 4,550 sq. ms. It is traversed by Red r. Pop. 748. LAK 236 LAK Lafayktte¥ille, p-v. Oldham co» Ky., 43 ms nthwrd. Frankfort. Lafourche, (The Fork,) r. of La., a mouth of the Misp. This outlet, about 80 yards wide at its efflux from the main stream, issues at and above Donaldsonville, and though remarkable as receiving no tributary water in all its length of, by comparative courses, 90 ms., the stream widens and deepens as it approaches its dis- charge into the Gulf of Mexico. The general course is very near s. i:., and though presenting on a smaller scale, similar features with the Misp., the bends of Lafourche are compara- tively less numerous and abrupt in the Lafourche. It enters the Gulf over a bar of 9 ft. water, at n. lat. 29° 12', and long. 13° 09' w. W. G. Lafourche Interior, parish of La., bndd. by Assumption n. w., St. John Baptiste n., St. Charles and the Gulf of Mexico s.e., and the parish of Terre Bonne s. and w. Length 70, mean width 15, and area 1,050 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 29° 12' to 29° 57', and in long. 13° 07' to 14° 15' w. W. C. The Lafourche r. winds through this parish in the direction of its greatest length, and containing on its banks the far greatest part of the arable soil of its surface. The whole, indeed, as part of the delta, is an almost undeviating plain ; the banks of the streams rising but little above the interior marshes. The arable margins of the streams contain also most of the timbered land. Where the soil, however admits cultivation, it is highly productive. Staples, sugar and cotton. Of. t. Thibadeauxville. Pop. 1820, 3,755, 1830, 5,503. La Grange, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y. Pop. 2,044. La Grange, p-v. Chester dist. S. C., by p-r. 77 ms. N. Columbia. La Grange, p-v. and st. jus. Troup co. Geo., situated on a small cr. of Chattahooche r., by p-r. 133 ms. very nearly due w. Milledgeville. Lat. 33° 05', long. 8° 10' w. W. C. La Grange, p-v. Franklin co. Ala. by p-r. 110 ms. N. N. w. Tuscaloosa. La Grange, p.v. Fayette co. Ten., by p-r. 242 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. La Grange, p-v. Oldham co. Ky., marked in the p-o. list as the st. jus. in the list of offices, though in the list of cos. which precedes the of- fices, Westport is annexed to Oldham, as the co. St. Lafayetteville is not inserted on Tanner's map, but in the p-o. list stated at 43 ms. from Frankfort, La Grange, t. Loraine co. 0., by p-r. 119 ms. rr. Columbus. La Grange, new co. of Ind., bndd. by Elk- hart CO. w., St. Joseph CO. Mich. n. w. and n., Branch co. Mich. n. e., other boundaries un- certain. Length from w. to e. 30 ms., breadth 18, and area, 540 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 40', long. W. C. 8° 30' w. Slope n. w. by w., and in that direction drained by Pigeon r. and other conflu- ents of St. Joseph's r. of lake of Mich. The central part is about 140 ms. a little e. of n. In- dianopolis. Pop. uncertain. La Grange, p-v. Cass co. Mich. 178 ms. a lit- tle s. of w. Detroit. Lairdsville, p-v. Lycoming co. Pa., by p-r. 92 ms. N. Harrisburg. Lake George, a beautiful body of water. about 33 ms. long, and nearly 2 wide, princi- pally m the cos. of Warren and Washington, N. Y. It dischargfis itselfinto lake Champlain at Ticonderoga. The outlet is little more than 3 ms. long, and is said to descend 157 ft. This lake is surrounded by high mtns. and is sur- passed in the romantic by no lake scenery in the world. The water is deep and clear, abound- ing with the finest fish. The lake abounds with small isls. It is a fashionable place of re- sort in summer. In consequence of the extra- ordinary purity of the waters of this lake, the French formerly procured it for sacramental purposes ; on which account they denominated it Lac Sacrament. Roger's rock is on the w. side of the lake, 2 ms. from its outlet. It rises out of the water at an angle of more than 45° to the height of 300 or 400 ft. It received its name from Major Rogers, who, to evade his Indian pursuers, ascended the rock on the land side with snow shoes ; and throwing his pack down the precipice on the water side, turned his feet about on his snow shoes, and travelled back with them, they being heel foremost ; thus leading the Indians to suppose that two persons had ascended the rock, and precipitated them- selves into the lake. This lake was conspicu- ous during the French and revolutionary wars, forming the most convenient connexion between Canada and the Hudson ; hence the establish, ment of the forts at the head of the lake, and also in part of fort Ticonderoga. Lake-of-the-Woods. {See Assiniboin r.) Lake Pleasant, p-t. Hamilton co. N. Y. 70 ms. N. w. Albany. It is a wild waste of moun- tain and swamp lands, abounding with small lakes ; so poor in general that nobody inclines to settle in it. The lakes are very numerous and produce immense quantities of very fine large trout. Lake Pleasant is said to be 4 ms. long, with a fine sandy beach. Pop. 266. Lake Port, p-v, Chicot co. Ark. by p-r. 200 ms., but by direct distance only 130 s. e. Little Rock, La Porte, new co, of Ind., bounded by St, Joseph's CO. Ind. e., Berrien co, Mich, n., lake Michigan n, w,, and the Indian country to the s. of lake Mich, on the other sides. It is, with the exception of the n. w. angle, a square of 24 ms. each side, area about 560 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 35', long. W. C. 9° 42' w. The extreme source of Kankakee r. branch of Illinois r, rises in St, Joseph's CO. Ind., and traversing the southern part of La Porte co, gives it a western slope. The northwestern section declines n, w^ to- wards lake Michigan, Surface generally a plain. The port on lake Michigan, from which this county is named, is by direct line about 140 ms, N, N. w. from Indianopolis. Over this space a rail.road has been projected. Pop. un- certain. Lake Providence, and p-o. northeast part of the parish of Washitau, La. The p-o. is about 100 ms. N. Natchez. The lake in every re- spect similar to Fausse Riviere, lakes Concor- dia, St. Joseph, and Grand lake, is evidently the remains of an ancient bend of Mississippi. Lake Providence is entirely omitted on Tan. ner's U. S. Lake Rain. See Assiniboin r. LAN 237 LAN Lamberton, village, Burlington co. N. J. on the Del. 2 ms. below Trenton. Lambertsville, village, Hunterdon co. N. J. on the Del. 16 ms. above Trenton, connected by a bridge vv^ith New Hope. Lamington, (Indian, Alamatunk,) v. Som- merset co. N. J. Lamoille, r. Vt. formed by the union of sev- eral streams, in Greensborough, and falls into lake Champlain at Colchester. Lamoresville, p-v. Carroll co. Ten. 118 ms. vf. Nashville. Lampeter, tsp. and p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. The tsp. lies between Pequea and Mill crs.,- and the p-o. is about 6 ms. s. e. the city of Lan- caster. Pop. tsp. 182 >, 3,278. Lamprey, r. N. H. rises on the w. of Saddle- back mtn. in Northwood, and meets the tide about 2 ms. above the Great bay at Durham. Lampton's, Clark co. Ky., by p.r. 53 ms. s.e. Frankfort. Lancaster, p-t. and st. jus. Coos. co. Ni H., on the s. e. bank of Con. r., 110 ms. w. Portland, 130 N. Portsmouth, llO almost due n. from Con- cord, and 75 above Dartmouth college. Wa- tered by Con. r., Israel's r., and several smaller streams ; situated near lofty mtns. Pop. 1,187. Lancaster, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., the oldest town in the co., 35 ms. ^. w. Boston, 15 ^•. E. Worcester. Finely situated on both sides of Nashua r. Here are found slates of a good quality, andalusite, earthy marl, phosphorate of lime, and several other minerals. Map print- ing, and comb making, are here carried on, upon an extensive scale. Here is an academy. Pop. 2,014. Lancaster, co. Pa., bndd. by the estrn. Cone- wago cr. separating it from Dauphin w., by Lebanon co. n. w., Berks n. e., Chester e., Coe- cil CO. of Md. s., and Susquehannah r. separating it from York co. s. w. Lines drawn over this CO. from its s. e. angle on Octarara cr. a little w. of N. to its extreme nthrn. angle on Lebanon and Berks, or n. w. parallel to Susquehannah r. to its extreme wstrn. angle at the mouth of Con- ewago, are very nearly equal and 43 ms. in length, and the area being within a trifle of 1,000 sq. ms., the mean width will be about 23 ms. Extending in lat. 39° 42' to 40° 19' and in long. 0° 19' to 1° 10' e. W. C. The slope of this fine co. is towards the Susquehannah, and in a direction of s. s. w. The central and best parts are drained by the Conestoga, but the Conewago and Chiques in the wstrn. angle, and Pequea and Octarara crs. in the s. estrn. are crs. of some size, watering excellent land. Lancaster is one of the best cultivated cos. of Pa. and produces large quantities of live stock, salted meat, hides, leather, grain, flour, fruit, particularly apples, cider, whiskey, &,c. Cf. t. Lancaster. Pop. 1820, 68,336, 1830, 76,631. Lancaster, city of, p.t. and st. jus. Lancaster CO. Pa., situated in the fine fertile and well cul- tivated valley of Conestoga, about one mile wstrd. of that stream, 62 ms. from Phil, and 36 from Harrisburg ; n. lat. 40° 03', and long. 0° 41' E. W. C. This city was laid out in streets at right angles. The central part is v/ell and iCiosely built. The c. h, is the central edifice, 31 standing at the intersection of the two main streets. The commerce and manufactures of the place are flourishing. Pop. 1810, 5,405, 1890, 6,633, 1830, 7,704. Lancaster, co. Va. bndd. n. w. by Richmond} N. e. and E. by Northumberland, s. e. by Chesa- peake bay, and s. and s. v. by Rappahannoc r,, separating it from Middlesex. Length 24, mean width 8, and area about 200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° 35' to 37° 55', and in long. 0° 22' to 0°40'e. W, C. On the Potomac border, it is deeply indented by small but convenient bays. Pop. 1820, 5,517, in 1830,4,801. Lancaster, c. h. and p-o. Lancaster co. Va., situated near the middle of the co., by p-r. 85 ms. N. E. byE. Richmond, and 152 s.s. e. W. C. Lat. 37° 46', long. 0° 30' e. W. C, Lancaster, dist. S. C, bndd. by Lynches cr. separating it from Chesterfield s. e,, by Kershaw s., by Catawba r. separating it from Fairfield, Chester and York w., and by Mecklenburg co. N. C. N. Length s. to n. parallel to Catawba r. 44 ms. ; the sthrn. part is about 23 ms. wide, but to the nthrd. the breadth is reduced to less than 5 ms. ; the mean width may be assumed at 12, and area 524 sq. ms. The general slope is sthrd. Cf. t. Lancaster. Pop. 1820, 8,716, 183j, 10,361. Lancaster, p-t., and st. jus. Lancaster dist. S. C. situated near the centre' of the dist. 38 ms. a little w. of n. Camden, and 63 ms. e. of N. Columbia. Lat. 34° 42', long. 3° 47' w, W.C. Lancaster, p-v.. Smith co. Ten., by p.r. 58 ms. N. E. Nashville. Lancaster, p-v. and st. jus. Garrard co. Ky., 37 ms. s. Lexington, 10 a little s. of e. Danville, and 52 s. s. e. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 37', bag. 7° 30' w. W. C. Lancaster, p-v. and st. jus. Fairfield co. 0., by p-r. 28 ms. s. e. Columbus, and 372 n. w. by w. i w. W. C. This is one of the finest inte- rior villages ofO., containing from 250 to 300 houses, by the census of 1820, 1,037, but by that of 1830, 1,530, and at present at least 1,600 inhabitants. According to Flint, it contains the common co. buildings, an academy, several private schools, 4 churches, 12 stores, 2 print- ing offices, issuing a weekly English, and weekly Germair paper; a bank, and is united to the great central canal of O. by a side cut. Lat. 39° 45'. LA^'CASTJ:R, p-v. Jeflierson co. Ind., by p-r. 76 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Landaff, t. Grafton co. N. H., 12 ms. e. Ha. verhill corner, 9 from Concord. Watered by Wild Ainonoosuck and Great Amonoosuck rs. Landaff" mtn.. Cobble hill, and Bald hill, are the principal elevations. Soil in some parts very fertile. Pop. 949. Landgrove, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 33 m.s. N. E. Bennington, 70 s. Montpelier. Watered by head branches of West r. 3 school districts. Pop. 385. Landisburg, p-v. on the waters of Sherman's cr. Perry co. Pa., 12 ms, n. n. w. Carlisle, and by p-r. 32 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisbui-g. Landsfo-rd, p-v. in the n. e. part of Chester dist, S. C. 10ms. n. e. Chesterville-, and by p-r,- 92 ms. N. Columbia. LAU 238 LAU Lane's p-o. Mason co. Va., by p-r. 36G ms. wstrd. W. (". Lanesborough, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 5 ms. from Pittsfield, 14 n. Lenox, 135 from Bos- ton. Part of the waters of this town descend to Long Island sound, and part to the Hudson. Soil, a fine loam. Contains great quantities of white marble, which are very valuable and ex- tensively wrought. Pop. 1,192. Lanesbo'ro', p-v. Anson co. N. C. by p-r. 154 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Lanesboro', p-v. Susquehannah co. Fa. by p-r. 187 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Lanesville, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. by p-r. 178 ms. n. n. e. Harrisburg. Lanesville, p-o. Floyd co. Ky. by p-r. 154 ms. s. e. by e. Frankfort. Langdon, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. 17 ms. from Keene, 50 w. Concord. Watered by a branch of Cold r. It was named in honor of Gov. Langdon. Pop. 666. Langhorn's Tavern, and p-o. Cumberland co. Va. by p-r. 60 ms. wstrd. Richmond. Langsbury, p-v. Camden co. Geo. by p-r. 199 ms. s. s. E. Milledgeville. Lansing, t. Tompkins co. N. Y., having Lud- lowville p-o. on the e. side, near s. end of Cay- uga lake, 7 ms. n. Ithaca, 160 w. Albany. Soil of the best quality. Watered by Salmon cr. which has falls. 20 school dists. Pop. 4,020. Lansingbukgh, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y. e. Hudson r., 4 ms. n. Troy, IC n. Albany. There is an elegant bridge across the Hudson, be- tween this place and Waterford, the first as we ascend from the ocean. Here is a very ex- tensive nursery. Epsom salts, and stone for building are found here. The village of Lan- singburgh is 2 ms. long, and half a mile wide, being regularly laid out in blocks, or oblong squares 400 by 260 ft. It has a flourishing aca- demy. A dam 1,100 ft. long, and 9 ft. high, is built across the r. below the village, by which the water has been made sufficiently deep for sloops throughout the season. Vessels ascend through a sloop lock 30 feet wide, and 114 long. Cost of the dam and lock, $92,270. Lansing- burgh employs in trade about 12 sloops. Pop. 2,663. Lapeek, CO. Mich. bndd. s. by Oakland, s. w. Shiawassee, n. w. Saginaw, n. Sanilac, e. St. Clair CO., and s. e. by Macomb, Lat. 43°, long, 7° 15' w., slope N. w., and drained by Flint r. branch of Saginaw. It lies n. n. w. about 60 ms. from Detroit. Larkin's Fork, and p-o. Jackson co. Ala. about 170 ms. N. E. Tuscaloosa. La Salle, co. Illinois, along both sides of Il- linois r. from the junction of the Kankakee and Plane rs. down to below the mouth of Ver- million r. It would be useless to offer a delin- eation of this CO. as it contains, as laid down by Tanner, 110 ms. from s. to n. with a breadth of 50, of course must be rapidly subdivided. That part along the Illinois near the rapids, will prob. ably retain the title. {See Ottawa, Fox river of Illinois, &c.) Lauderdale, northwestern co. of Ala. bndd. on the N. by the cos. of Hardin, Wayne and Lawrence in Ten., e. by Limestone, Ala., s. by Ten. r. separating it from Lawrence and Frank- lin, Ala., s. w. by Ten. r. separating it from the Chiclcasaw territory, in Ala., and w. again by Ten. r. separating it from the Chickasaw terri- tory, in the state of Misp. Length e. to w. 56 ms., mean width 12, and area 672 square ms. Extending in lat. 34° 43' to 35°, and in long. 10° 16' to 11° 15' w. W. C. Elk river enters Ten. about the middle of the Muscle shoals, and in the extreme southeastern angle of Lau- derdale co. The general declivity is south- ward towards Ten. down which flow Blackwa- ter. Shoal, Cypress, Second and other crs. The surface is broken and soil excellent. Cf. t. Florence. Population 1820, 4,963, 1830, 11,. 781. Laughert, p-v. Ripley co. Ind. situated on a creek of the same name in the s. e. part of the CO. by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Laughlintown, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa.. 26 ms. e. Greensburg, and 43 n. w. by w. Bed. ford. s Laughbidge, p-v. Gwinnett co. Geo. by p-r. 99 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. Laurel, p-v. southern part of Sussex co. Del. 58 ms. southward Dover. Laurel Furnace, and p-o. Dickson co. Ten, by p-r. 44 ms. westsvard Nashville, Laurel Hill, or Laurel mtns., a local name given to several of the western chains of the Appalachian system, an absurdity productive of no small share of confusion. The chain in Pa. extending from the Conemaugh to Youghiogha- ny r., and which separates Cambria co. from V/estmoreland, and Somerset from Westmore- land and Fayette, is there called " The Laurel Hill," whilst another chain westerly and with an intervening valley of 10 ms. wide is called " The Chestnut Ridge.'" Both chains are con- tinned out of Pa. into Va. southwestward of the Youghioghany, but the names are reversed, and the Chestnut ridge of Pa. is the Laurel ridge of Va. Such is the wretched delineation of the Appalachian system on all our maps, that no adequate idea of the respective chains can in many instances be obtained by their assist- ance. The two chains mentioned in this arti- cle, though not so represented, preserve their identity, similar to the Blue Ridge from the state of N. Y. into Ala. Laurel Hill, p-o. Somerset co. Pa. by p-r. 162 ms. N. w. W. C. Laurel Hill, p-o. Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. Richmond. Laurel Hill, p.v. Richmond co. N. C. by p-r. 97 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Laurel Hill, p-v. w. Feliciana parish. La. 20 ms. from St, Francisville. Laurel Spring, p-v. Fluvanna co. Va. by p-r. 61 ms. N. w. by w. Richmond. Laurence, co. Ala. bndd. e. by Morgan, s. by Walker, w. by Franklin, n. w. by Ten. r. sepa- rating it from Lauderdale, and n. e. from Ten. r. separating it from Limestone. Length from N. to s. along its water boundary 38 ms., the breadth 24, mean length 34, and area 816 sq. ms. Extending in lat from 34° 18' to 34° 48', and in long. 10° 13' to 10° 36' w. W. C. The southern border extends into the higher rim of the valley of Mulberry r., branch of Black Warrior, and slopes southwardly, butthe central LAW 239 LAW and northern sections, cojnprising full two thirds of the whole surface, declines northwardly to- wards Ten. r. That part of the latter stream which forms the northern boundary of Law- rence, is known as the Muscle shoals. Cf. t. Moulton. Pop. 14,984. Laurens, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 12 ms. s. w. Cooperstown, 78 w. Albany. Surface broken by hills of a moderate height. Soil a rich loam. Timber, pine, oak, chesnut, walnut, &c. Con- tains a mineral spring ; 14 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 2,231. Laurens, dist. of S. C. bndd. by Newbury s. E., the Saluda r. ' separating it from Abbeville s. w., Greenville n. w., and the Ennoree r. sep- arating it from Spartanburg n., and Union n. e. Length 33, mean width 28, and area 924 square miles. Extending in lat. 34° 12' to 34° 45', and in long. 4° 37' to 5° 18' w. W. C. The slope of this CO. is very nearly southeastward with the course of Ennoree and Saluda rs. Cf. t. Laurensville. Pop. 1820, 17,682, 1830,20,263. Laublns, CO. Geo. bndd. by Montgomery e. and s. E., Pulaski s. w. and w., Wilkinson n. w., Washington n., and Emanuel n. e. The great- est length from the southern to northern angles 40 ms., and as the area is about 800 square ms. the mean width will be 20 ms. In lat. it extends 32° 12' to 32° 45', and in long. 5° 40' to 6° 18' w. W. C. Oconee r. traverses this co. in a s. s. E. direction, dividing it into two unequal sec- tions, two thirds to the right and one third to the left of the r. Cf. t. Dublin. Pop. 1820, 5,436, 1830, 5,589. Laurensville, p.v. and st. jus. Laurens dist. S. C. situated near the centre of the dist., about 75 ms. almost due n. Augusta in Geo. and by p-r. 81 ms. N. w. by w. Columbia, lat. 34° 31', long. 5° w. W. C. Lausanne, tsp. and p-o. Northampton co. Pa. by p-r. 13 ms. Mauch Chunck and 132 n. e. Harrisburg. In this tsp. are situated the vast strata of anthracite coal near Mauch Chunck. Lawrence, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 230 ms. N. w. Albany. Pop. 1,097. Lawrence, t. Hunterdon co. N. J. lies n. e. of Taunton, and extends to Somerset and Mid. dlesex. Pop. 1,433. Lawrence, co. of Ten. bndd. by Wayne w., Hickman n., Giles e., and Lauderdale co. in Ala. s. It is a square of 28 ms., area 784 sq. ms. Extending in lat 35° to 35° 24', and in long. 10° 17' to 10° 45'. This county occupies a table land ; from the southern and larger sec- tion, the waters flow southward, over Lauder- dale CO. into Ten. r., whilst the northern dis- charges to the Nt w., the sources of the Buffalo branch of Duck r. Cf. t. Lawrenceburg. Pop. 1820,3,271, 1830, 5,411. Lawrence, co. of Ky. bndd. by Floyd s., Licking r. separating it from Morgans, w., and Bath w., Fleming n. w., Greenup n., and Sandy r. separating it from Cabell co. Va. e. Length w. to E. 60, mean width 26, and area 1,560 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° 53' to 38° 22'. This CO. occupies a table land, from which the crs. flow s. w. into Licking, n. towards Ohio, and N. E. into Sandy r. Cf. t. Louisa. Pop. 3,900. Lawre\ce, extreme southern co. of Ohio, bndd. by Sciota co. n. w., .lackson n., Gallia n* e., s. e. by O. r. separating it from Cabell co. Va., and s. w. by O. r. sepaiating it from Green- up CO. Ky. Length 30, mean breadth 13, and area 390 sq. ms. It lies directly opposite the mouth of Big Sandy r. slopes southward, and in that direction is drained by Symme's cr., and some smaller streams. Cf. t. Burlington. Pop. 1820, 3,499, 1830, 5,367. Lawrence, co. Ind. bndd. s. by Orange, Mar- tin s. w., Greene n. w., Monroe n., Jackson e., and Washington s. e. It is about 22 ms. sq., area 464 sq. ms. Lat. 39° n., long. 9° 40' w. W. C. It is traversed from east to west by the main volume of the South fork of White r. Cf. t. Bedford. Pop. 9,234. Lawrence, co. of Misp. bndd. w. by Frank- lin, N. w. by Copiah, n. by Simpson, e. by Co. vington, s. e. by Marion, and s. w. by Pike. Length e. to w. 42, mean width 20, and area 840 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 31° 24' to 31° 47' N.. and in long. 12° 58' to ]3° 40' w. W. C. This CO. is traversed in a s. s. e. direction by Pearl r., the western part is, however, a table land ; from which flow, northwards, the head waters of Bayou Pierre, westward those of the Homochitto, and southward, those of the Bogue Chitto. The surface generally a barren soil, is covered with pine timbers. Staple, cotton. Cf. t. Monticello. Pop. 1820, 4,9 16, 1830, 5,293. Lawrence, co. II., bndd. by Wabash co. s., Edwards s. w., Clay w., Jasper n. w., Crawford N., and Wabash r. separating it from Knox co. Ind. e. It is 20 by 25 ms., area 500 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 45', long. W. C. 11° w., slope s. and traversed by Embari:as r. Cf, t. Lawrenceville. Pop. 3,668. Lawrence, co. of Ark. as laid dovra on Tan- ner's United States, is bndd. s. by St. Francis CO., s. w. by Independence, w. by Izard, n. by Wayne, co. of Misp., e. by St. Francis r. sepa- rating it from New Madrid co. of Misp., and s. E. by Crittenden co. in Ark. Length from St. Francis r. to the eastern boundary of Izard co. 86 ms., the greatest breadth is near 70, but the mean breadth about 50, area 4,300 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 35° 30' to 36° 30', and in long, 13° 10' to 14° 40' w. W. C. The large tract included under the name of this co, comprises a very diversified surface. The estrn. section near the St. Francis is flat, and in greatpart lia- ble to annual submersion. Approaching the centre the surface rises into hill and dale, pre- senting a fine country and congeries of conflu. ent rs. The Black and Current rs. flowing down in fine copious navigable streams from southern Misp., here unite and at Davidson, ville, the seat of justice, receives from the northwestward FJleven Points and Spring rs. Cf. t. Davidsonville. Pop. 1820, 5,602, 1830, 2,806. Lawrenceburg, p-v. on Alleghany r. and in the N. w. angle of Armstrong co. Pa. about 50 ms.N. N. E. Pittsburg and by p-r. 1^5 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. Lawrenceburg, p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence CO. Ten. situated in the forks of Shoal creek, 28 ms. N. n. e. Florence, in Ala. and by p-r. 88 ms. R. s. w. Nashville, lat. 35° 08', long. 10° 35' w. W. C. Lawkenceburoh, p-v. and st* jus. Dearborn LEA 240 LEB CO. Ind. situated on Ohio r. immediately below the mouth of Great Miami, and by p-r. 98 ms. s. E. Indianopolis, and 23 below Cincinnati. Lat. 39° 04'. ' LvwRENCEBURG HoTEL, and p-o.in the village of Lawrertceburg, Anderson co. Ky. 10' ms. s. Frankfort. Lawrenceville, village, Hunterdon co. N. J. 6 ms. N. E. Trenton. Lawrenceville, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 151 ms. northrd. Harrisburg. Lawrenceville, village, on the left bank of Alleghany r. Alleghany co. Pa. This place is only two ms. above the nrthrn. Liberties of the city of Pittsburg. It is the seat of an arsenal and U. S. military depot. Lawrenceville, p-v. and st. jus. Brunswick CO. Va. situated on a branch of Meherin r. by p-r. 72 ms. a little w. of s. Richmond. Lat. 36° 48', long. 0° 50' w. W. C. Lawrenceville, p-v. and st. jus. Montgome- ry CO. N. C, situated on the right bank of Yad- kin r. by p-r. 109 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 25', long.3° 11' w. W. C. Lawrenceville, p-v. and st. jus. Gwinnett co. Geo. situated near the extreme source of Oc- muloee r. by p-r. 87 ms. n. w. Milledgeville, Ltit."33° 58', long. 7° 05' w. W. C. Lawrenceville, p-v. Madison co. Ohio, by p-r. 23 ms. wstrd. Columbus. Lawrenceville, p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence CO. II. situated on Embarras r. by p-r. 84 ms, a little s. of E. Vandaha, and 10 miles w. Vin- cennes in Ind. n. lat, 38° 45', long. W. C. 10° 45' w. Lawson's, p-0. Logan co., Va. by p-r. 239 ms. Nvstrd. Richmond. L4\vsviLLE, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Sus- quehannah co. Pa. about 20 ms. from Montrose, and by p-r. 179 n. n. e. Harrisburg. Leacock, p-v. and tsp. of Lancaster co. Pa. The p-o. is 7 ms. estrd. Lancaster. Pop. tsp. 1820,2,882,1830, 3,315. Leading cr.,' and p-o. nrthrn. part of Lewis CO. Va. by p-r. 233, ms. almost due Wp W. C. Leadsville, p-v. Randolph co. Va. by p-r. 218ms.w.W. C. Leaf, r. wstrn. branch of Pascagoula r. This stream, frequently called from its principal con- stituent branch, Chickisawhay r. rises in the Choctaw countiy, state of Misp., and flowing thence in a sthrn. direction over Covington and Jones COS. gradually bends to s. E., unite in Perry, from which the united waters enter Greene and fall into Pascagoula, a short dis- tance below N. lat. 31°. The general feature of the valley of Leaf r. is that of sterile pine woodland, Leaf r. p.o. {See Greesboro\ Greene co.Misp.) Leakesville, p-o. on the right bank of Dan f . northern part of Rockingham co. N. C. 5 ms* K. Wentworth, and by p-r. 105 n. n. w. Raleigh. Leakesville, p-o. Laurens dist^ S. C. by p-r. 92 ms. nthwstrd. Columbia. Leakesville, p-v. Newton co. Geo. by p-r. 50 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. Leakesville, p-v. and st. jus. Green co. Misp.by p-r. 152 ms. s. e. Jackson. Pop. 200. Leasburg, p-v. Caswell co. N. C. by p-r. 85 ms. N. w, Raleigh. Leavenworth, p-o. Crawford co. 126 miles sthrd. Indianopolis. Lebanon, p-t. York co. Me. on the Piscata, qua, 28 ms. n. w. York. Pop. 2,391 . Lebanon, p-t. Grafton co, N. H. e. Conn, r, 4 ms. below Dartmouth college. Watered by Conn, and Mascomy rs. Contains many valu- able mill seats. Timbered with white pine,, oak, sugar maple, birch, beech, &c. There are falls in the Conn, in this town, which are locked and canalied. Lyman's bridge, across the Conn, connects this town with Hartford., Vt. 'J'he principal village is situated on a plain near the central part, at the head of the falls of Mascomy r. Li this town is a medi, cinal spring. Here are also a lead mine, and a vein of iron ore. Pop. 1,868. Lebanon, p-t. New London co. Conn. 30 ms, s. E. Hartford. Moderately hilly. Soil a rich, deep, unctuous mould, very fertile, and pecu, iiarly adapted to grass. Timbered principally with chestnut, walnut, and oak. Well watered with brooks and rivulets, some of which afibrd mill sites. 17 school dists. Pop, 2,554. Lebanon, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. 35 ms. s. w. Utica. Surface hilly. The Chenango r, runs through the e. part. Soil light. Timber, ed with maple, beech, birch, ash, &c. 13 schools, kept 8 months in 12, Pop. 2,249. Lebanon, village, Columbia co. N. Y. a beau- tiful village, famous for its springs, the water of which issues in great a'jundance from the side of a high hill, and being remarkably clear, soft and tepid, is much used for bathing. The houses of accommodation are excellent, and it is a place of great resort in the summer months ; 27 ms. e. Albany ; 31 n. e. Hudson. Lebanon, t. Hunterdon co. N. J. bndd. s. w. by Bethlehem and Kingwood, n. v.'. by the Mus- conetcunk, n. e. by Morris co. and Jewksbury,. s. F.by Readingtown. Pop. 3,436. Lebanon, co. Pa. bndd. by Dauphin w. and N. w., Schuylkill n., Berks n. e. and Lancaster s. E. The greatest length of Dauphin is a dia- gonal 29 ms., the estrn. to the wstrn. angle ;■ mean width 12, and area 348 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. 40° 1 1' to 40° 32' and in long. 0° 20' to 0° 51' E. W. C. The estrn. angle of this co. gives source to the Tulpehockeiij and to the nthwstrn. branches of Conestoga ; from the extreme sthrn. pare flows the estrn. Conewago, but more than three fifths are included in the valley of the Swatara, and slopes s. s. wstrd. The whole co. is included in the fine valley of Kittatinny, and similar to other parts of this physical region, the side next the Blue Ridge is based on limestone, and that tovi'ards the Kittatinny on clay slate. Soil generally excel, lent. The surface though bounded by the Kit- tatinny N. w., and Blue Ridge s. e. is not even very hilly, no part is however level. To the many natural advantages of Lebanon, may be added the artificial r., the Union canal. This work, pursuing the valley of the Tulpehocken, that of the Quitapahilla, into Swatara, and down the latter into Susquehannah r., passes over the central part and divides Lebanon into two not very unequal sections. Staples are every agri- cultural product of that part of the middle states of the U. S. included in the same zone LEE 241 LEE of lat., with immense quantities of cast and hammered iron. Cf. t. Lebanon. Pop. 18a>0, 16,988, 1830, 20,557. Lebanon, p-t., boro', and st. jus. Lebanon co. Pa., situated near the centre of the co. on the Union canal, and on one of the head branches of the Quitapahilla cr., 24 ms. a little n. of e. Harrisburg, 133 n. n. e. W. C, and 77 ms. n. w. by w. Phil. Lat. 40° 20', long. 0° 35' e. W. C. This is a very neat, well built, and flourishing town ; situated on the limestone part of the Kit. tatinny valley, with a well cultivated and fertile vicinity. Pop. 1820, 1,437, ISSil, 3,555. Lebanon, p-v. and st. jus. Russell co. Va. situated on a branch of Clinch r. about 130 ms. N. E. by E. Knoxville in Ten., and by p-r. 430 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 36° 53' and long. .5° 03' w. W, C. Lebanon, p-v. Washington co. Geo. 21 ms. from Milledgeville. Lebanon, p-v. and st. jus. Wilson co. Ten. situated on a cr. of Cumberland r. 23 ms. a lit- tle N. of ,E. Nashville, and 24 a little s. of w. Carthage; lat. 36° 12^ and long. 9° 21' w. W. C. Lebanon, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. O. by p-r. 83 ms. s. w. Columbus, 28 s. Dayton, and .31 N. E. Cincinnati. Lat. 39° 25', long. W.C. 7° 12' w. It contains the common co. buildings, a printing office and bank. Pop. 1,165. Lebanon, p-v. in the nrtheslrn. part of St. Clair CO. II. It is situated on Silver cr. 8 ms. N. E. Belleville, and by p-r. 59 ms. s. w. Vanda- lia. Lebanon, p-v. on Chaplin's fork of Salt r. Washington co. Ky. by p-r. 56 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Ledyard, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. on Cayuga lake, 19 ms.s. w. Auburn. Pop. 2,427. Lee, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. ISms. n. w. Portsmouth. Watered by Lamprey, Little, North, and Oyster rs. Pop. ],009'. Lee, P-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 5 ms. s. e. Lenox, 120 w. Boston. Finely situated on both sides of the Housatonic r., which is here a large and powerful stream, and affords great facilities for manufacturing purposes. Here are six paper mills which annually consume 500 tons of rags. Here too are marble, lime- stone, and iron ore in abundance. Pop. 1,825. Lee, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 8 ms. n. Rome. Well watered and supplied with HrtlT sea,ts. Land rich. Most excellent for flax. 10 school houses. Pop. 2,514. Lee, extreme sthwstrn, co. of Va. bndd. n. E. by Russell, e. by Scott, s. and s. w. by Clai. borne co. Ten., and by Cumberland mtns. which separates it from Harlan co. Ky. n. w. and Pike co. Ky. n., length along Cumberland mtn. 60ms., mean width about 10 ms., and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 30' to 37° 06', and in long. 5° 35' to 6° 30' w. W. C. This CO. occupies the higher part of Powell's valley, extending from Cumberland to Powell's mtn. The extreme sources of Powell's r., are in Russell, but they unite and form a river in Lee CO., which, flowing sthwstrd. divide it into two narrow but steep inclined plains. Cf. t. Jonesville. Pop. 1820, 4,256, 1830, 6,461. Lee, CO. Geo, bndd. by Baker s., Randolph w., Marion n., and Flint r. separating it front Dooley e. Lenarth 43 ms., mean width 30, area 1,290 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 31° 42' to 3-^*^ 18', and in long. 7° 8' to 7° 42' w. W. C. The slope of this CO. is to the s. e. towards Flint r. Cf. t. Pindertown. Pop. 1,680. Lee, p-v. Athens co. O. by p-r. 82 ms. s. e. Columbus. Leechbukg, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. 227 ms. N. w. W.C. Leech Lake, one of the higher tributaries of Misp. r. lies about 25 ms. w. of Packagama Falls, and at nearly mid-distance between Rice Lake of Red r. of Assiniboin and the main stream of Misp. r. By Leech Lake and its outlet, with a short intervening portage, a ca- noe navig;ation is in actual operation between Misp. and Red rs. Leech's Stream, rises in Avertll, Vt. and falls into Conn, r., where it is about 2 rods wide. Leeds, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. on the Andros- coggin r. 20 ms. s. w. Augusta. Pop. 1,685. Leeds, vil., Gloucester co. N. .1. on the At- lantic, s. of Great Bay, at the mouth of Mul- leins r. Leeds, p-v. Westmoreland co. Va. by p-r. 82 ms. s. s. E. W. C. Leedsville, P-v. Randolph co. Va. situated on Tygarts valley r. at the passage of that stream through Laurel mtns., 10 ms. n. n. e. Beverly, by p-r. 200 ms. w. W. C. LeEsboro', p-o. Montgomery co. Md. by p-r. 31 ms. from W.C. LEesBURG, p-v. and st. jus. Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 35 ms. n. vv. W. C, and 158 n. Rich- mond. Lat. 39° 07' long. 0° 33' w. W. C. It is a well built and neat village, situated near a minor ridge of mtns. l^he environs are waving, well cultivated and delightfully variegated by hill and dale. Pop. about 1,500. Leesburg, p«v. Washington co. Ten. on the r. between Greenville and Jonesboro', 18 ms. N. E. by e. the former, and 9 s. w. the latter, and by p-r. 250 ms. e. Nashville. Leesburg, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Harrison CO. Ky. 10 ms. s. w. Cynthiana, and 30 n. e. by e. Frankfort. Leesburg, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa. by p-r. 44 ms. estrd. Harrisburg. Leesburg, p-v. Highland co. 0. by p-r. 62 ms. s. w. Columbus. Leesville, p-v. and manufacturing village Mid. Haddam, Middlesex co. Conn. 15 ms. s. E. Middletown. Leesville, p-v. Campbell co. Va. by p-r. Il9 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. LEf:syiLLE, p-v. Robeson co. N. C, by p-r. 101 ms. s. s. w. Raleigh. Leesville, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Lexing- ton dist. S. C, 31 ms. a little s. of w. Columbia. Leesville, p-v. Tuscarawas co. 0. 123 ms. N. e. by e. Columbus. Leesville, p-v. Lawrence co. Ind. by p-r. 76 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Leetown, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Jefferson CO. Va, 30 ms. w. Harper's ferry, and byp-r. 84 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. LuE Valley, p.v. Hawkins co. Ten. by p-r. 277 ms. estrd. Nashville. LEH 242 LEI Legrand's store and p-o. Anson co. N. C. 140 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Legro, p-v. Randolph co. Ind. by p.r. 87 rns. N. E. by E. IndianopoliR. Lehigh, r. of Pa. a branch of Del. having its most remote sources in the sthrn. part of Wayne, and the southeastern of Luzerne near VVilkesbarre. The general course of its high- er constituents, is sthwstrd. to their junction below Stoddartsville, and between Luzerne and Northampton COS. It thence flows 10 ms. by a general s. w. course, but curving to the wstrd. enters Northampton, and turning to nearly a sthrn. course 15 ms. to Lehighton, having in the latter part of its course received numerous mtn. creeks from both sides, and passed the now noted coal depot, Mauch Chunk. Below Lehighton the stream inflects to s. e. 10 ms. to its passage thro' the Kittatinny chains by " The Lehigh Water Gap." Inflecting below " The Gap," to s. s. e. 20 ms. to the reception of Little Lehigh, and n. -vv. side of the Blue Ridge. Turned by the latter mtns. to n. w. the now beautiful Lehigh flows down its base I5ms. to Easton, where it is lost in the Del. The Lehigh drains a small sthrn. section of Wayne ; the sthest. part of Luzerne ; the wstrn. angle of Pike, more than two thirds of Northampton ; small sections of Schuylkill and Berks, and seven eighths at least of Le- high. From the intricacy of its course through numerous ridges of mtns. the real length of this r. is difficult to determine. The valley from s. E. to N. w., and from the Blue Ridge to the mtns. e. of Wilkesbarre, is about 50 ms., the mean breadth is at least 25, and area 1,250 square miles. To the truly romantic and ever varying landscapes on this stream, it has now gained great celebrity from having become part of the channel of intercommunication from the great coal strata near Mauch Chunk, and the Atlantic tide water. In a distance following the stream 47 ms. from Easton to Mauch Chunk, the rise is 3fi4 ft. This relative eleva- tion is obviated by 57 locks, and 8 dams, as the chain is formed by alternate canals, and slack water ponds. The canals are 60 ft. at top, and 45 at bottom, with 5 ft. depth of water. Locks 22 ft. by 100 ft. From the termination of the canal chains at Mauch Chunk, a rail-road of 9 ms. reaches the great mass of anthracite coal, lying upwards of 1,000 ft. above the Lehigh at the village. The following relative heights will exhibit the rise of the Lehigh valley above the tide water in Del. r. Easton— level of the water at the confluence of Del. and Lehigh rs. above tide water, 170 ft. Ascent from Easton to Mauch Chunk, 364 ft. Ascent from Mauch Chunk to Stoddartsville, 850 ft. Total 1,384 ft. The Lehigh has interlocking sources to the n. with the Lackawannoc, and sthrn. confluents of Lackawa-Yen, to the sthrd. it embosoms the sources of'Broadheads cr. To the wstrd. the sources of Bear cr., branch of Lehigh, rise within 10 ms. from the Susquehannah at Wilkes. barre, and finally curving from the sources of Nesquehoning, to those of Saucon cr., the confluents of Lehigh are embosomed by those of the Schuylkill. Lehigh, co. Pa., bndd. by Schuylkill co. w., by Northampton n. w., n. and n. e., and by Bucks s. E. Length 28, mean width 13, and area 364 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 40° 25' to 40° 46', and in long. 1= 1 1' to 1° 43' e. W. C. The s. estrli. partis a narrow valley between the Blue Ridge and South mtn., containing the two tsps. of Upper Milford, and Upper Saucon. This truly beautiful vale, or that part contained in Lehigh, is about 10 ms. by 4, or 40 sq. ms. The residue, or the 8-9th of the whole co., lies in the Kittatinny valley, and very nearly subdi- vided into equal portions by the limestone and slate formations. The soil of the valley is more productive, and the surface less broken on the former rock, but the co. taken as a whole, is amongst the most productive in Pa., in grain, fruit and pasturage. The general elevation above tide water in Del. from about 350 U 500 feet. The highest water level of Lehigh river at the Water gap, 375 ft. Cf. t. AUenton or Northampton, Pop. 1820, 18,895, 1830, 22,-. 256. Lehighton, or Lehightown, p-v. of North, ampton co. Pa., on the road from Bethlehem to Mauch Chunck, 36 ms. n. w. the former, and 'i lower down the Lehigh than the latter. It is a small village situated on a fine acclivity rising from the Lehigh, and about one fourth of a mile on the right of that stream. A little distance below the present village, stood the old Mora- vian town of Gnadenhutten, on the Lehigh above the mouth of Mahoning cr. This es.j tablishment was made about 1742, and here in July, 1752, a treaty of Amity was held between the Moravian brethren and Shawnese Indians. On the 24th of Nov. 1755, the settlement was surprised, and the whites mostly massacred by a party of French and Indians. A large grave stone, with a very pathetic inscription recording the fact, and the names of the sufferers, was lying on the ground of the old burial place, to the s. e. of Lehighton, when the author visited the place in 1821, and 1823. Lehigh Water Gap, tavern and p-o. on the left bank of the Lehigh, at the mouth of Aquan. shicola cr., and immediately above the passage of the Lehigh through the Kittatinny mtn. 20 ms. N. w. Bethlehem. Leicester, p-t. Addison co. Vt. 9 ms. s. Mid- dlebury, 36 s. w. Montpelier. Principal streams, Otter cr. and Leicester r. Soil a rich sandy loam, interspersed Avith some flats of clay. 5 school dists. Pop. 638. Leicester, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 6 ms. s. w. Worcester, 46 w. Boston. An uneven town. It occupies an elevated position, its wa- ters running both to the Conn, and Blackstone rs. Soil deep and strong ; clay predominates. Here are manufactures of various kinds, espe- cially that of cotton machine cards, of which ,^200,000 worth are manufactured annually. This manufacture was introduced here by Pliny Earle, the first manufacturer of this article in the U. S. Here is a large and flourishing aca- demy. A society of Jews once resided in this town, who came from Newport, R. I. to avoid the dangers of the war. None are now re- maining. Pop. 1,782. Leicester, t. Livingston co. N. Y. w. Gene- see r., 5 ms. w,' Geneseo. Good land, supplied LEO 243 LEW with mill seats. 11 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 2,042. LeictHton, p-v. Lawrence co. Ala. byp-r. 104 ms. nthrd. Tuscaloosa. Leipersville, p-o. Del. co. Pa. by p-r. 97 ms. N. E. W. C. Leipersville, p-o. Crawford co. O. by p-r. 75 ms. nthrd. Columbus. LErrERSBURG, p-v. in the extreme western part of Washington co. Md. by p-r. 98 ms. n. w, W. C. Lemay's Cross Roads, and p-o. Granville co. N. C. 26 ms. N. Raleigh. Lemington, p-t. Essex co. Vt. G4 ms. n. e. Montpelier, w. Conn. r. On a brook in this t. is a cascade of 50 ft. The Monadnock mtn. of Vt. lies in the n. e. corner of this t. 2 school dists. J'op. l83. Lempstee, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H. 40 ms, w. Concord, 90 from Boston. Surface in general uneven, w. part mountainous. Soil moist, bet- ter for grass than grain. Well watered with small streams. Has some water privileges. Pop. 999. Lenoir, co. N. G. bndd. s. w. and w. by Du- plin, N. w. by Wayne, jj. by Greene, n. e. by Pitt, E. by Craven, and s. e. by Jones. Length 26, mean width 15, and area 390 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. 35° to 35° 23', and in long. 0° 33' to 0° 50' w. W. 0. The slight declination of this CO. is estrd., the nthrn. part traversed in that direction by Neuse r., whilst the sthrn. gives source to the small r. Trent, flowing also to the estrd. into the Neuse. Cf. t. Kingston. Pop. 1820, 6,800, 1830, 7,723. Lenoirs, p-o. Roane co. Ten. by p-r. 143 ms. estrd. Nashville. Lenox, p-t. and shire town of Berkshire co. Mass. 6 ms. s. Pittsfield, 125 w. of Boston. Contains a court house, jail, and an academy. It is surrounded by romantic mountain scenery, and the soil is excellent. It contains iron ore in great abundance, and has a furnace for cast- ing hollow iron ware. This vicinity abounds with primitive white limestone, and white mar- ble is so plentiful as to be used for door steps and foundations. Pop. 1,359. Lej^ox, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. about 25 ms. w. Utica on Oneida lake. Soil productive. The Erie canal runs through this town. Near the centre, 10 rods from the canal, is a salt spring. Limestone, iron ore, water lime, or water ce- ment, and gypsuin are found in abundance ; 15 schools, kept 10 months in 12. Pop, 5,039. Lenox, p-v. Susquehannah co. Pa. Lenox, p-v. Ashtabula co. Ohio, by p-r. 190 ms. N. E. Columbus. Lenox Castle, and p-o. Rockingham co. N. C. by p-r. 105 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Leominster, p-t. Worcester co. Mass, 46 ms. w. Boston, 19 N. Worcester. Watered and sup- plied with ihill privileges by a principal branch of Nashua r. Pretty level, soil excellent. Contains good stone for building, and good clay for bricks. Combs to the value of $100,000 per annum, are manufactured here. Contains numerous mills and manufactories. Population 1,861. Leonardstown, P-v. and st. jus. St. Mary's co. Md. situated on a small tide water creek of Po- tomac, called Britton's r. 25 ms s. e. Port To. bacco, and by p-r. 62 ms. s. s. e. W. C. and 72 a very little w. of s. Annapolis, lat. 38° 18', and lone. 0°24'e. W. C. Le Ray, p-t. .Jefferson co. N. Y. 5 ms. n. e. Watertown, 156 n. w. Albany. Population 3,43!. Le Raysville, p-v. Susquehannah co. FennsyU vania. Leroy, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 10 ms. e. Balavia, 38 w. Canandaigua, 17 s. Erie canal. Good land, watered by Allan's cr. ; 13 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 3,902. Leroy, p-v. Medina co. Ohio, by p-r. 109 ms. N. E. Columbus. Letart Falls, and p-o. Meigs co. Ohio. Ihe p-o. is by p-r. 109 ms. s. e. Columbus. The falls of Letart are merely rapids, entirely cov, ered at a' moderate rise of the Ohio r., the navi- gation of which except at very low water, they but little obstruct. Levant, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 10 ms. n. w, Bangor. Pop. 747. Leverett, ' p-t. Franklin co, Mass. 10 ms. s. E. Greenfield, 85 w. Boston, Pop, 939, Lewis cr. Vt. rises near the n. line of Bristol, and falls into lake Champlain in Ferrisburgh, a short distance n. of the mouth of Little Otter cr. The mill privileges on this stream are numer- ous, and many of them excellent. Lewis, co. N. Y., bndd. n. e. by St. Lawrence CO., E. by Herkimer co.; southerly by Oneida CO., westerly by Oswego and Jefferson cos. Greatest length n, and s. 54 ms., greatest width 33, containing about 1,008 sq. ms. or 645,120 acres. Watered centrally by Black r., e. by Beaver and Moose crs., and several other small streams,- w, by Deer cr, and some other small streams, n, by some branches of Indian and Os- wegatchie rs. and Fish cr. and Salmon r,, w. part a good tract of country, Cf, t, Martins, burgh. Pop, 15,239. Lewis, p-t, Essex co. N, Y., 4 ms, n. EHz"- bethtown, 130 n, Albany, Broken by high mtns. Timbered with maple, beech, some oak and walnut, ash, elm, &c. Apples grow abun- dantly. Well watered, and tolerably supplied with mill sites. Mount Discovery is in this town, from the summit of which the view is sublimely grand. It is supposed to be 2,000 ft, in height. Iron ore abounds ; seven schools kept? months in 12. Pop. 1,305. Lewis, p-v. Sussex co, Del,, by p-r, 127 ms. n. e. by E. W, C. Lewis co, Virginia, bndd. s. by Nicholas, s. w, by Kenhawa, w, by Wood, n, by Harrison, and E. and s. by Randolph. Length diagonally 70 ms., mean width 21, and area a small frac- tion above 1,600. sq.ms. Extending ir. lat. 38° 38' to 39° 12', and in long. 3° to 4° 17' w. W. C. This CO. is composed of two inclined plains, the dividing ground between which is very nearly a diagonal from the s. estrn. to the n, wstrn, angles. Southwestardly the slope inclines wstrd. and is drained by Little Kenhawa, whilst the N. estrn. plain gives source to the two main branches of Monongahela and slopes to the nthwrd. The whole surface is rocky, hilly, and even in part rather mountainous. Cf. t. Weston, Pop, 1820, 4,247, 1830, 6,241, Lewis, ,go.. Ky, bndd, by a ridge of hills, LEW 244 LEX separating it from Greenup e. and s. e., by Flem- ing s. w., Mason w., and by Ohio r. which sepa. rates it from Adams and Scott cos. Ohio, n. Length diagonally 35 ms., mean width 11, and area 375 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 38° 22' to 38° 42', and in long. 6° to (5° 35' w. W. C. The general slope of this co. is n, estrd. towards that part of Ohio r. by which it is bounded. Cf. t. Clarksburg. Pop. 1820, 3,973, 1830, 5,229. Lewis, p-v. Brown co. Ohio, by p-r. 122 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Lewis Bay, Mass., puts up from Hyannis har- bor, between Barnstable and Yarmouth on Cape Cod. Lewisberry, p-v. in the nthrn. part of York CO. Pa., by p-r. 13 ms. sthwrd. Harrisburg. Lewisburg, p-v. on the right bank of Susque- hannah r. below the mouth of Buffalo cr. Union eo. Pa. 8 nis. above, and on the contrary side of the river from Northumberland, and 65 above Harrisburg. Lgwisburg, p-v. and st. jus. Greenbriar co. Va. by p-r. 263 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. and 263 ms. w. Richmond. It is situated near the southern border of the co. on a branch of Green- briar r. lat. 37° 48', long. W. C. ;i° 26' w. Lewi.slukg, p-v. on the left bank of Green r. and in the norrhern part of Muhlenburg co. Ky. 10 ms. N. Greenville, and by p-r. 167 ms. s. w. by W. Frankfort. Lewissurg, p-v. Preble co. Ohio, by p-r. 90 ms. westward Columbus. Lewjsport, p-v. in the northwestern part of Harrison co. Va. about 20 ms. northward Clarks- burg, and 247 a little n. of w. W. C. Lewiston, town, Lincoln co. Me. on the An- droscoggin, at the Falls, 30 ms. w. of Wiscas- set. Po°p. 1,549. Lewiston, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y. 27| ms. n. n. w. Buffalo, 7 s. fort Niagara, 16 w, Lockport. Traversed by the mountain ridge. Land toler- ably good. Contains gypsum. Here is a vil- lage of the Tuscarora Indians. This tribe came from North Carolina about 1712, and joined the confederacy of the Five Nations, themselves making the sixth. The village of Lewiston was laid waste during the last war between Great Britain and the U. S., and likewise the Indian village before mentioned. Lewiston was de- serted of its inhabitants from Dec. 181 3, to April 1815. It lies on Niagara r. opposite Queenston in Upper Canada. It is situated at the head of navigation, and steamboats ply be- tween this place and Ogdensburgh. Pop. 1,528. Levvistoi\, p-v. and st. jus. Fulton co. II. about 130 ms. n. w. Vandalia. It is situated on the table land betv/een the Illinois and Spoon rs. on the military bounty lands. Lewistown, p-v. usually called Lunenburg c. h. Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 103 ms. s. w. Rich- mond, lat. 36° 58', long. 1° 16' w. W. C. Lewistown, p-v. at st. jus. MifHin co. Pa. sit- uated on the left bank of the Juniata r. on the point above the mouth of Kishicoquillas creek, 56 ms. by the land road above and n. w. Harris- burg, lat. 40° 36', long. 0° 37' w. W. C. Pop. 1820, 600 ; 1830, 1,480. Lewistown, p-v. and v. of Sussex co. Del. situated on Del. bay, 3 ms. westward cape Hen- lopen, and opposite the Del. break water, It is laid down by Tanner at lat. 38° 46', long. 1° 54' E. W. C. Lewistown, p-v. and st. jus. Montgomery co. Mo. 74 ms. N. w. by w. ^ w. St. Louis, and by P-r. 67 ms. n. e. by e. Jefferson city, lat. 38° 51*, long. W. C. 14°2l' w. Lewisville, p-v. Brunswick co. Va. by p-r. 82 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Lewisville, p-v. in the northeastern part of Chester dist. S. G. 10 ms. n. e. Chesterville, and by p-r. 72 n. Columbia. Lexington, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 10 ms. N. w. Boston. Surface uneven. Here was shed the first blood in the American revolution. There is a monument on the spot where fell the first victims. Pop. 1,543. Lexington, p-t. Greene co. N. Y. 30 ms. w. Catskill, 43 from Albany. Rough and broken. Watered by the Schoharie and Albion crs. and by several other mill streams. A great amount of leather is made at two very extensive taa- neries in this town. Pop. 2,548. Lexington Heights, p-v. in the foregoing town. Lexington, p-v. western part of Erie co. Pa. 22 ms. s. w. the borough of Erie, and 25 n. n. w. the borough of Meadville. Lexington, p-t. and st. jus. Rockbridge co. Va. situated on the right bank of North r., branch of James r., about 35 ms. n. w. Lynch- burg, and by p-r. 156 ms. a little n. of w. Rich- mond, lat. 37° 44', long. 2° 21' w. W. C. The following account of this village was remitted to the author of this article in 1821. It has no doubt both increased in pop. and improved in other respects ui the intervening 9 years. It is distant about half a mile from North r., contains 120 dwelling houses, and 766 inhabitants. Many of the houses are constructed of brick. Beside the ordinary county buildings, and houses of public worship for Presbyterians and Methodists, it contains a state arsenal, in which are deposited about 20,000 stand of arms. This town has become noted for its literary es- tablishments. Washington college, located in this place, was founded in 181^2, and was en- dowed by Gen, Washington with 100 shares of the stock of James river company, producing (1821) an annual income of f 2,400. The two college halls, which are built of brick, are ca- pable of accommodating from 50 to 60 students, and additional buildings are about to be erect- ed. The faculty are a president, 3 professors, and a tutor. The library, and philosophical ap- paratus, are tolerably ample. Students, 1832-3, 46 ; Commencement 3d Wednesday in April. Andrew Smith's academy, for the education of young ladies, occupies a large and handsome edifice in which are teachers of all the requisite branches of such an institution. Lexington, p-v. and st. jus. Davidson co. N, C. situated on Abbot's cr. on eastern branch of Yadkin r. by the common road 109 but by p-r. 136 ms. w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 49', long. 3° 18' w. W. C. Lexington, dist. S. C. bndd. by Edgefield w., Newberry n. w., by Broad r. separating it from Fairfield n. and Richland n. e., by Congaree r. separating it from Richland e., and by Orange, burg s. E. and s. wv Length diagonally from s. LEX 245 LIB to N. 45, mean width 20, and area 900 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 33° 40' to 34° 15', and in long. 3° 50' to 4=34' w. W. C. Tiie Saluda r. trav- ersesin an eastern dir-ection the northern part of this district, falling into or joining Broad r. at Columbia to form the Gongaree. From the southern part flow the higher branches of North Edisto. The general slope of the whole sur- face is southeastward towards the Broad and Congaree rs. Cf. town Granby. Pop. 1820, 8,083 1830, 9,065. Lexington, c. h.,, and p-o. Lexington district, S. C. by p.r. 15 ms. w. Columbia. Lexington, p-v. and st. jus. Oglethorpe co. Geo. 76 ms. n. w. by w. Augusta, and 65 a little E. of N, Milledgevi!le,,lat. 33'° 53', long. 6° lo' w. W. C. Lexington, p-v. and st. jus. Henderson co. Ten. situated on Beech cr., a small western branch of Ten. r, 44 ms. s. s. w. Reynolds- iJurg, and by the p-r. 114 ms. s. w.. bv w.. Nash- viile, lat. 35° 38', long. 11° 25' w. W. C. Lexington, city, and st. jus. Fayette co. Ky. one of the principal towns in the state, is situa. ted on the head waters of Town creek, a branch of Elkhorn r., 24 ms. s. e. by e. Frankfort, 77 a little s. of e. Louisville, about 85 ms. very nearly due s. Cincinnati, and by p-r. 517 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. lat. 38° 03', long. 7° 28' w. W. C. Lexington was one of the earliest settlements in Kentucky ; in 1785 it had assu- med the appearance of a village, but its early growth was much impeded by Indian warfare, 80 that in 1795 it contained but about 50 houses, and at most 350 inhabitants. Its name was §iven to it by some hunters who were on the spot on which the city now stands, when the news of the battle of Lexington was brought to them, and who immediately decided to give it the name of that place where the struggle for liberty first commenced. Lexington is delight- fully situated ; it is surrounded by a highly fertile and beautiful country, and its environs are under excellent cultivation. It was long the metropolis of the state ; and is naw not only a place of much commercial enterprise and extensive business, but also of large and increasing manufactures. The streets are very regularly laid out, several of them are paved, and the principal one exceeds a mile in fength, and is 80 ft. broad ; in the centre of the town is a public square. Among the most con- spicuous public buildings, are a court house, bank, masonic hall, state lunatic asylum, mark, et house, and 11 churches, for Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, Baptists, Seceders, and Roman Catholics. Many of these are spacious, and some of them are very handsome, and in fine taste ; the houses are generally well built, and among them are some large and elegant edifices. The most important manu- factures in this place are of the various kinds of cordage, and cotton bagging ; the average manufacture of the latter is about 1,000,000 yds., and of the former about 2,000,000 lbs. annually. The woollen, cotton, and paper manufactures, and those of machinery, (for which there are several shops,) are also very important. Other manufactures are of copper,, tin,-and-iron- wares, and- there are also brewe- 32. ries, distilleries, and tanneries in the place. Lexington sustains a high reputation i%r its seminaries and schools of learning. Besides several of these of a high character, among which are the Collegiate Institute, the Shelby female academy, and a classical school for boys, (with which an infant school is connect- ed,) it is also the seat of Transylvania Univer. sity, which was founded in 1798, and which; was also re-organized, and placed under its ex- isting regulations in 1818. The buildings are on an eminence contiguous to the town, and are generally commodious. According to the En- cyclopedia Americana, there were in 1830, ' 143 undergraduates in the academical depart, ment, 62 in the preparatory school, 9D0 medi- cal, and 19 law students ;' there are 12 profes- sors and tutors, in the different departments. The libraries of this institution are said to con., tainover 14,000 vols. ; of which, 4,500 belong to the medical department. Commencement is, on the last Wednesday in Sept. The value of taxable property, real and personal, within the^ city limits, in 1833, according to the return of the city assessors, is tf 2,258,403. P>om the same statement it appears that there were then 63 stores, of all descriptions in the place, and- that the white population amounted to 3,740 ;; free black, to 269 ; and the slave to 2,374, total 6,383. In 1830, the pop. was 6,087. The', roads in the vicinity of Lexington are general, ly excellent, and several of them are MacAd. amized to some distance from the city, A new- turnpike is constructing from this place to Mays- ville, a distance of 64 ms., which is to be 60- ft. wide, and 20 ft. of whichjs to be MacAd. amized a depth of 9 inches.. This road is to. be completed during; the p:--esent }5ear,- and the estimated cost is rising of .^'300,000; Another- very important channel of communication with- this place will be the Lexington and Ohio rail- road, 66 ms. in length, whicJristo pass through- Frankfort to the Ohio, 2 ms. below Louisville. This road was incorporated in 1830, and com- menced in 1831. (See Art. K. Roads ^ Canals.), Lexington, p-v. in the eouthern part of Rich- land CO. Ohio, by p-r. 7.1 miles from Columbus. Lexington, p-v. and st. jus, Scott co. Ind. situated in the eastern angle of the co. 30 ms. N.Louisville in Ky., and 89 ms. s..s. e. Indian. opolis, lat. 38° 40', long. 8° 40' w. W. C, Lexington, p-v. and st. jus. Lafayette co. Mo. situated on Mo. r. by p-r. 133 ms. above Jeff"er... son city, and 272 above St. Louis, lat. 39° 05' long.W. C. 16°44' w. Leyden, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. 117 msi. n,. w. Boston, 6 N. w. Greenfield. Pop. 796, Leyden, p-t. Lewis co. N. Y.. 33, ms- Hi-of Utica, w. of Black r.. Surface somewhat un- even. Well watered by small springs. Soil better adapted to grass than to. grain. Lime- stone abounds ; 6 school dists. Pop. 1,502. Liberia, p-v. Prince William co. Va. by p.r 33 m. s. w., W. C. Liberty, t, Waldo co. Me. Pop. 676. Liberty, p.t. Sullivan co. N. Y. 22 ms. n. w. Monticello. Watered by the Mongaup and the CoUakoon, with their branches. Timbered with beech, raaple, ash, &c. Six schools kept C- months inns; Pop. 1,277. Lie 246 LIM Liberty, p-tsp. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 123 ms. northward Harrisburg. Liberty, p-v. and st, jus. Bedford co. Va. on a branch of Otter r. 26 ms. a little s. of w. Linch- burg, and by p-r. 140 ms. s. w. byw. Richmond, lat. 37° 17', long. 2° 29' w. W. C. Liberty, co. Geo. bndd. by Mcintosh s., Ala- tamaha r. separating it from Appling s. w., Tat- nall w. and n. w., Bryan n. and n. e., and the Atlantic ocean s. e. This co. lies in the singu- lar form of a curve or half moon, from St. Ca- tharine's island inclusive to Alatamaha r. em- bosoming Mcintosh CO. 66 ms., mean width 10, and area 660 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 31° 26' to 32° 04', and in long. 4° 16' to 5° 08' w. W. C. That part of this co. bordering on the Atlantic is low and intersected by interlocking tide water courses. The northern part traversed by the most southern branches of Cannouchee r. rises something higher than the ocean border, but the whole co. maybe regarded as flat. Riceboro' is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 6,695 ; 1830, 7,233. Liberty, p-v. eastern part of Talbot co. Geo., by p-r. 105 ms. westward Milledgeville. Liberty, p-v. Smith co. Ten. by p-r. 59 ms. K. E. by E. Nashville. Liberty, p-v. and st. jus. Casey co. Ky. situ- ated on Green r. 68 ms. very nearly due s. Frankfort, lat. 37° 20', long. 7°. 50' w. W. C. Liberty, p-v. Montgomery co. Ohio, by p-r. 74 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Liberty, p. v. and st. jus. Union co. Ind. by p-r. 77 ms. e. Indianopolis, and 54 n. n. w. Cin- cinnati, lat. 39° 40'. Liberty, p-v. and st. jus. Amite co. Misp. situated on Amite r. 50 ms. s. e. Natchez, and by p-r. 112 ras. s. s. w. Jackson, lat. 31° 10', long. 13° 58'. Pop. 400. Liberty, p-v. Clark co. Ala. about 140 miles southward Tuscaloosa. Liberty, p-v. and st. jus. Clay co. Mo. by p-r. 190 ms. N. w. by w. .Jefferson city, and 324 ms. above, and by the land road westward St. Louis, lat. 39° 10', long. W. C. 17° 17' w. Liberty Corner, p-v. Somerset co. N. J. 2 ms. s. w. Baskenridgc, 7 ms. s. Morristown. Liberty Hall, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 121 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Liberty Hall, p-v. Morgran co. Geo. by p-r. 45 ms. N. N. w. Milledgeville. Liberty Hill, p-v. Iredell co. N. C„ by p-r. 154 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Liberty Hill, p-v. Kershaw dist. S. C. by p.r. 40 ms. n. e. Columbia. Liberty Hill, p-v. Dallas co. Ala., by p-r. Il4 ms. sthwrd. Tuscaloosa. Liberty Pole, p-v. Northumberland co. Pa., by p-r. 81 ms. n. Harrisburg. Liberty Town, p-v. Frederick co. Md., 10 ms. N. E. from the city of Frederick, and by p-r. 55 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. Lick, creek, p-o. Greenbriar co. Va., by p-r. 293 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Licking, r. a stream of Ky., rising in Floyd CO., interlocking sources with those of the w. branch of Sandy, and with those of the n. estrn. branches of Ky. r., and flowing thence by a general course very nearly n. w. between the vallies of 0. and Ky. rs. passing through or touching the cos. ©f Floyd, Morgan, Fleming, Lawrence, Bath, Nicholas, Harrison, Bracken, Pendleton and Campbell, falling into Ohio r. between Covington and Newport, and directly opposite the city of Cincinnati, after a compara- tive course of about 175 ms. The valley of Licking is narrow, compared with its length, the greatest width falling short of 50 ms., and the mean breadth fully estimated at 20, and area at 3,500 sq. ms. {See Kentucky river.) Licking, small but important r. of Ohio. This- stream has interlocking sources with those of the various estrn. branches of Sciota on the s. w. and w., and with those of Owl or. branch of White Woman's r. on the n. The crs. which form Licking, drain Licking co. uniting at New. ark, and flowing thence e. into M'askingum co. inflect to s. e. to the main Muskingum r. at Zanesville. Comparative length 75 ms. {See Licking co. Ohio.) Licking, co. Ohio, bndd. s. e. by Perry, s. Fairfield, s. w. Franklin, n. w. Delaware, n» Knox, n. e. Coshocton, and e. by Pduskingum.. It is 30 ms. from e. to w. and 24 broad, and area 720 sq. ms. ; lat. 40° 10', long. 5° 30'. The slope is estrd. and the whole surface very nearly commensurate with the higher part of the valley of Licking cr. or more correctly r. The great central Ohio canal enters this co. on its sthrn. border near Hebron, sweeping a nthrn. curve past Newark, the st. jus. ; this work passes down the Licking valley and leaves the co. near the middle of its estrn. side. Though a level country, it is a rather elevated table land ; the level of the canal at Newark is 834 ft. above mean level of the Atlantic ocean, and 219 ft. above that ofthe Ohio r.. at the mouth of Sciota r. The arable land of the co. is from 900 to 1,100 ft. above the ocean tides. The excellence ofthe soil is shewn by its progressive population. Cf. t. Newark. Pop. 1820, 11,861, 1830, 20,714. Licking, p-v. Floyd co. Ky., by p-r. 120 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Licking, creek, and p-o. s. estrn. part of Bed- ford CO. Pa., about 25 ms. s. e. from Bedford, and 10 N. Hancockstown, Washington co. Md. Licking Forge, and p-o. Bath co. Ky. by p-r. 73 ms. eastward Frankfort. Licking Forge, and p-o. eastern part of Bath CO. Ky. 13 ms. e. Owingsville, and by p-r. 85 ms. E. Frankfort. LicKviLLE, p-v. in the northeastern part of Greenville district, S. C. by p-r. 116 ms. n. w. from Columbia. LiGONiER, p-v. on the r. from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, at the western foot of Laurel hill, and in the eastern part of Westmoreland co. Pa. 19 ms. a little s. of e. Greensburg, and by p-r. 151 ms. w. Harrisburg. Lilesville, p-v. Anson co. N. C. by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Lilly, p-o. Brown co. Ohio, by p-r. 90 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Lilly Point, p-o. King William co. Va. by p.r. 36 ms. n. e. Richmond. Lima, pt. Livingston co. N. Y. 13 ms. n. e. Geneseo, 18 w. Canandaigua. Soil good; 9 schools, kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 1,764. Lime, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 6 ms. s. Orford, 54 from Concord. Smart's mtn. lies in the n. E. part of the town. Pop. 1,804. LIN 247 LIP LiMKKicK, p-t. York CO. Me. 35 ms. n. York, 30 N. w. Portland. Contains a flourishing acad- emy. Pop. 1,425. Limerick, p-o. and tsp. Montgomery co. Pa. lying E. Pottstown, and 24 ms. n. w. Phil. Pop. 1820, 1,577,1830, 1,744. Limestone, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. by p-r. 241 mp, N. w. W. C. Limestone, p-v. Buncombe co. N. C. by p-r. 245 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Limestone, co. Ala. bndd. by Madison e.. Ten. r. separating it from Morgan s., and Law- rence s. vv., by Lauderdale vv., and by Giles co. of Ten. N. Length 30, mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 34° 33' to 35°, and in long. 9° 52' to 10° 18' w. W. C. Elk r. entering the northern border traverses the N. v/estern angle of this co. flowing to the s. w. The general slope is a little w. of s. down which fli)w into Ten. r. several bold fine crs. Cf. t. Athens. Pop. 1820, 9,871, ISiSO, 14,807. LiMiNGTON, p-t. York CO. Me. on Saco r. 40 ms. N. Saco. Pop. 2,317. LiNEANK, p-v. Granville co. N. C. by p-r. 48 ms. N. Raleigh. Lincoln, co. Me.bndd.N. by Kennebec, n. e. by Waldo, e. by Penobscot bay, s. by the At- lantic, and w. by the Androscoggin river, which separates it from Cumberland. It is di- vided by Kennebec r., and the whole southern and s. E. part is composed of numerous isls., and long peninsulas, extending into the ocean. Within the co. are numerous bays and rs. The surface of the co. in the interior is finely diver- sified, and soil productive in grain and pastu- rage. Cf. ts. Wiscasset, Warren, and Topham. Pop. 1820, 53,189, 1830, 57,181. Lincoln, t. Penobscot co. Me. 27 ms. n. w. Castine. Pop. 404. Lincoln, t. Grafton co. N. H. 70 ms. n. Con- cord. Watered by the middle branch of the Pemigewasset. In the n. part of the t. are two large gulfs, made by an extraordinary discharge of water from the clouds in 1774. Pop. 50. Lincoln, t. Addison co. Vt. 21 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 28 s. e. Burlington, Considerably uneven. West part watered by New Haven r., which is formed here ; east part by several small branches of Mad r. Timber principally hard wood ; 4 school dists. Pop. 639. Lincoln, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 16 ms. n. w. Boston. Rather uneven and encumbered with rocks. Pop. 709. Lincoln, co. N. C. bndd. by York dist. S. C. s., Rutherford co. N. C. w., Burke n. w. and N., and by Catauba river which separates it from Iredell n. e., and MecklenbergE. Length south to north 48, mean width 25, and area 1,200 square ms. Extending in lat. 35° to 35° 49', and in long. 4° to 4° 33' w. W. C. This co. is very nearly commensurate with the valley of Little Catauba, for though bndd. in all its length, by the Great Catauba, the crs. generally enter the former. Cf. t. Lincolnton. Pop. 1820, 18,147, 1830, 22,455. Lincoln, co. Geo. bndd. by Little r. separa- ting it from Columbia s., by Wilkes w.. Broad r. separating it from Abbeville dist. S. C. n. e., and from Edgefield S. C. e. Length 22, mean width 10, and area 220 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 33° 40' to 33° 56' and in long. 5° 16' to 5° 38' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to a lit- tle N. of E. Cf. t. Lincolnton. Pop. 1820, 6,458, 1830, 6,145. Lincoln, co. Ten. bndd. by Giles w., Bedford N., Franklm e., Jackson co. Ala. s. e., and Madison co. Ala. s. Length 26, mean breadth 25, and area 650 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 35° to 35° 24'. and in long. 9° 16' to 9° 40' w. W. C. This is composed of two inclined planes, being the opposing slopes of Elk r. valley, which stream traverses it flowing s. w. by w. Cf. t. Fayetteville. Pop. 1820, 14,761, 1830, 22,075. Lincoln, co. Ken. bndd. by Casey s. w. and w., Mercer N. w., Garrard n. e., Rock Castle s. E. and Pulaski s. Length 27, mean width 16, and area 432 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° 17' to 37° 38', and in long. 7° 23' to 7° 44' w. W. C. This is amongst the central cos. of the state, and occupies a table land, from which flow crs. towards Cumberland r. s., the extreme sources of Salt and Green rs. w., and Dicks r. northward into Kentucky river. Cf. t. Stan- ford. Pop. 1820, 9,979, 1830, 11,002. Lincoln, co. Mo. bndd. s. by St. Charles, s. w. and w. Montgomery, n. w. and n. Pike, and on the E. by Misp. r. separating it from Calhoun CO. II., very nearly a sq. of 24 ms., area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 39,° long. 14° w. Slope south- estrd. and traversed by Cuivre r. by which it is principally drained. Cf. t. Troy. Pop. 4,059. Lincolnton, p-v. and st.jus. Lincoln co. N. C, situated on Little Catauba, 45 ms. n. e. by e. Rutherfordton, and by p-r. 166 ms, a little s. of w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 28', long. 4° 16' w. W. C. Lincolnton, p-v. and st.jus. Lincoln co. Geo., situated near the centre of the co. 40 ms. n. w. Augusta, and by p-r. 91 ms. n. e. Milledgeville. Lat. 33° 44', long. 5° 28' w. W. C. LiNcoLNsviLLE, p-t. Waldo CO. Me., w. side Penobscot bay, 16 ms. w. Castine. Pop. 1,702. Linden, p-v. and st. jus. Marengo co. Ala., by p-r. 78 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 32° 20', long, 10° 56' w. W. C. Lindsay's Cross Roads and p-o. Fluvanna co. Va., 80 ms. wstrd. Richmond. Lindsey's store and p-o. Albemarle co. Va., 76 ms. w. Richmond. Line cr. p-o. wstrn. part of Greenville dist. S. C. N. w. from Columbia. Line cr. and p-o. Montgomery co. Ala., by p-r. 145 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Line Lexington, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., about 23 ms. from Phil. Line Mills and p-o. Crawford co. Pa,, by p-r. 278 ms. N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Linglestown, p-v. Dauphin co. Pa., 8 ms, N. e. Harrisburg. Linklean, p-t. Chenango CO. N. Y., 110 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1,425. Linville, cr. and p-o. Rockingham co. Va., by p-r. 142 ms. wstrd. W. C. LiNNViLLE cr. and p-o. wstrn. part of Burke co. N. C. The p-o. is about 10 ms. wstrd. Mor- gantown, and by p-r. 215 ms, w. Raleigh. LioNvii^LE, p-v. Chester co. Pa., about 20 ms, N.w. Phil LiPONA, formerly Jena, p-v Jefferson co; Flor., 20 ms. E, Tallahasse, LIT ^48 LIT Lisbon, t. Lincoln co. Me., on the Andros- coggin, 23 ms. w. Wiscasset. Pop. 2,423. Lisbon, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 20 ms. n. e. Haverhill, 28 ms. n. n. e. Lancaster. Contains 29,130 acres, is crossed by Ammonoosuc r. and other streamSj with ponds, rich meadows, good uplands, and poor plains. Maple sugar is Ijiade, and iron ore, used in the Franconia fur- naces, is dug in the E. part of this town. Pop. 1,485. Lisbon, p-t. New London co. Conn., at the junction of Qjiineb?,ug and Shetucket rs., 7ms. n. Norwich, 45 s. e. Hartford. Uneven and some- what hilly. Timbered with oak, walnut, ches- nut, &c. Soil fertile. Here are several fishe- ries of shad and salmon. Has several manufac- tories. Pop. 1,161. Lisbon, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y., on St. Lawrence r., 2 itts. below Ogdensburgh. Soil very excellent. In this town is a small Indian village, fop. 1,891. Lisbon, p-v. Ann Arundel co. Md., situated on the turnpike road from Baltimore to Frede- ric, 34 ms. N. W. C. It is a small village of a single street along the road. LisBURN, p-v. on Yellow Breeches cr. s. estrn. part of Cumberland CO. Pa., '12 ms, s. w. Har- risburg. Lisle, p-t.'Bi'oome co. N. Y., T8 ms. n. Che.- nango Point, 130 from Albany. Watered and abundantly supplied with mill seats by Tiough- pioga, Otselic, and Nanticoke crs. Soil in gene- »al good. Surface uneven. 29 schools kept 11 months in 12. Pop. 4,378. Litchfield, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 25 ms. n. w. Wiscasset, 10 from Hallowell. Pop. 2,308. Litchfield, t. Hillsborough co. N. H. a small fertile tsp. on the e. bank of Merrimack r. 8 ms. from Amherst, 30 s. Concord. 3 school dists. Pop. 494. Litchfield co. Cotih., &n extensive agricultu- ral and manufacturing co, bndd. n. by Berkshire CO. Mass., E. by Hartfold and New Haven cos., -B. by New Haven and Fairfield cos., w, by N. Y. Average length 33 ms. from k. to s., average width, nearly 27 ms., containing about 885 sq. ms., being the largest co. in the state. Princi- pal part of the co. elevated and mountainous. Prevailing soil a gravelly loam, strong and fer- :tile. Watered abundantly by the waters of the Ousatonic and Tunxis rs. The iron manufac- ture is carried on more extensively in this co. than in any ot'«er section of the state. The ore is obtained within the co. Cf. t. and st. jus. Litchfield. Pop. 1820, 41,267 ; 1830, 42,858. Litchfield, p-t. and st. jus. Litchfield co. Conn. 30 ms. w. Hartford, 36 n. w. New Haven, iOO from N. Y. An elevated tsp. diversified with hill and dale. Mount Tom is in the w. part of this town ; height 700 ft. above the mar- gin of Naugatuck r. Contains a quarry of in- ferior slate stone, and a good quarry of free stone. Prevailing soil, a dark colored gravelly loam, deep, strong, and fertile. Well supplied with forests, consisting of sugar maple, "beech, button wood, oak, birch, &c. Well watered and supplied with excellent hydratilic privileges, by the Naugatuck and ShepaUg rs., slid the Ban. tam waters. Litchfield great pond, the largest ta ths state, js a baautiful sheet of water, Pom. prising about 900 acres. At its outlet are nu- merous and valuable mill seats. The manufac^ ture of iron is here carried on on. an extensive scale. 26 school districts, and a most respect, able academy. Contains a roeaicinal spring. Litchfield V. is delightfully situated on an eleva- ted plain, surrounded with interesting scenery and charming landscapes. Here is a very celebrated law school. A manual labor high school has recently been incorporated here. Pop. 4,458. Litchfield, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 11 ms. s. w. Herkimer, 11 s. Utica. Situation elevated. 11 school dists., schools kept 8 months in 12. Pop. 1,750. Litchfield, p-v. Bedford co. Pa. by p-r. 153 ms. w. Harrisburg. Litchfield, p-v. and st. jus. Grayson co. Ky, 69 ms. s. s. w. Louisville, 26 s. w. Elizabeth- town, and by p-r. 105 s. w. by w, Frankfort, Lat. 37° 28', long. 9° 15' w. W. C. Litchfield, p-v. .Tackson co. Ark. LiTiiopoLis, p-v. Fairfield co. O. 10 ms. n. w. Lancaster, the co. st., and 18 s. e. Columbus. Pop. 161. LiTiz, small but neat p-v. 7 ms. n. the city of Lancaster, Pa. This village was founded by the United Brethren or Moravians in 1757. Little, is a name given to numerous rivers in the United States. Little r. one of the branch- es of Pedee. Little r, branch of Savannah r. which falls into its recipient, 30 ms. above Au-. gusta, after having drained a part of Wilkes, Warren, Columbia and Lincoln cos. Geo. Lit. tie r. also in Geo., falls into Oconee from the westward, 12 ms. above Milledgeville. Little r. of Trigg and Christian cos. Ky., falling into Cumberland r. below Cadiz. Little r. of the south, as it is there called, a small stream fall-. ing into Red r. from the westward in the south- western angle of La. Red r. of the north, an. other, and much more considerable branch of Red r., joining that stream between Sevier and Hempstead cos. Ark. Red r. of the north, is a stream of some size, having a comparative length of upwards of 100 ms. There are some other rivers bearing the same title, but of too little consequence to merit particular notice. The Ocatahoola r. La. is frequently in that country called Little r., above its lake and be- low the mouth of Dugdomony r. Little r. small r. of Montgomery co. Va. ri- ses in the western vallies of the Blue Ridge, and flowing to the n. w. about 25 ms. compara. tive course, falls into New r.:, 12 ms. s. w. by w. Christiansburg. Little r. inlet, a small opening at the mouth of an inconsiderable creek of the Atlantic Ocean, but gaining importance from forming the limit on the Atlantic Ocean between N. and S. Carolina. Little r. S. C. rises on the border between Anderson and Abbeville dists., between the Sa- luda and Savannah rs., and flowing sthrd. drains by its confluents the central and larger part oi Abbeville, falling into Savannah r. opposite Lin-- coln CO. Geo. 'Little r. Geo. risitig by numerous branches between Ocmulgee and Oconee rs., and drain, ing part of Morgan, Jasper, .Tones, Putnam anl LIT 249 LIT Baldwin, falls into Oconee r. between the two latter cos. Little -r. ^La. rises in the parishes of Chii- borne, andOuachitta, flows s. s. e. into Rapides .parish and falls into Ocatahoola lake. The val- ley of Little River lies between those of Red ■and Ouachitta. Little r. of the north, rises in Texas, and flowing s. E. enters the Ter. of Ark. and falls into Red r. between Hempstead and Sevier cos., draining by its confluents the greatest part of Miller and Sevier cos. Little T, Ky. rises in Christian co. flows into Trigg, and falls into Cumberland r. below Ca- diz. Little Ee.wer bridge and p-o. eastern part of Columbiana co. 0. by p-r. 169 ms.N. e. by e. Columbus. Little Bjritain, extreme southern p-tsp. of Lancaster co. Pa. The p-o. is situated 22 ms. s. s. E-Lancaster, and by p-r. 58 ms. s. e. Har- risburg. •Little Cape Capon cr. and p-o. Hampshire CO. Va. 188 ms. n. w. W. C. Little Compton, p-t. Newport co. R. I. situ- ated in the s. e. extremity of the co. and state, ■SO ms. s. E. Providence. Soil, a deep, rich loam. Surface pleasantly diversified. 7 schools. Top. 1,378. Little Falls, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. on the Mohawk, derives its name from the falls in the river at this place, which descend in the course ■of about a m., 42 ft. For about half a mile, it passes through a fissure in the rocks, whichrise on each side 500 ft. and seem formerly to have been united, and have constituted the barrier of a lake extending far to the w. Here is a canal on the N. side of the r. round the falls, three quarters of a mile long, through an uncommon- ly hard rock. This canal is now connected with the Erie canal, on the opposite side of the r. by an aqueduct 170 ft. long, and 30 above the stream. The Erie«anal here descends 40 feet in 1 mile. The village of Little Falls stands on this canal, and is T2 ms. w. Albany, and 22 e. Utica. It is the centre of one of the best grain and grazing districts in the state. It is large and well built. Materials for the erection of factories, &c. are on -the premises in large quantities. No other place in the Union com- bines greater advantages for the economical and profitable operation of all kinds of machine- ry. Pop. t. 1830, 2,539, vil. 1833, 1,.500. Little Flat Rock, p-o. Rush co. Ind. by p-r. 57 ms. s. e. by e. Indianopolis. Little Gunpowder cr. and p-o. eastern part of Baltimore co. Md. by p-r. 16 ms. n. e. by e. Baltimore. Little Hockhocking, small stream and p-o. in the southwestern part of Washington co. O. 7 ms. below Belpre, and by p-r. 104 ms. s. e. Columbu'5. LiT'rLE Miami, r. of O., has-its extreme sourc- es in Clark CO. interlocking with those of Mad r., and with those of Deer and Paint cr. branch- es of Sciota, and flowing thence by compara. tive courses 120 ms. to the s. s. e. to its en. trance into Ohio r. about 10 ms, by water above ■Cincinnati. The course of the Little Miami is wery nearly parallel to that of-Great Miami, tlis former deriving its principal tributaries from the eastward and draining great part lof Groen, Clinton, Warren, Clermont, with parts of Brown, Clark, and Hamilton cos. Rising on a com- paratively elevated tract, the fall is rapid, ren. dering this river one of the best in Ohio for mills. Little Missouji-i is tiie name of two small, and from each other, distant rs. One is a branch of Mo., and the next of any consequence from the southward below the Yellow Stone r. As laid down 'by Tanner, Little Mo. rises ;d lat. 45°, about 200 ms. s. w. of the Mandan vil- lages, and has thence a course of n. n. e. 20O ms. nearly parallel to and about 60 ms. distant from Yellow Stone r. Little Missouri is the name also of the prin- cipal western confluent of Ouachitta r. The val- ley of this stream lies between that of Ouachitta proper, aYid -Red r. It drains part of Hemp- stead and Clark cos. Ark. Little Pedee, r. of N. and S. Carolina. {See Pedee and Lumber rs.) Little Piney, p-v. and st. jus. Crawford co. Mo. by p-r. 97 ms. s. s. e. Jefferson City, and about an equal distance s. w. St. Louis. Little Piney cr. is an eastern branch of Gasconade river. Little Plymouth, p v. in the sthrn. part of King and Queen co. Va. by p-r. 56 ms. n. e. by e. Richmond. Little Red River, p-v. Pulaski co. Ark. 11 ms. wstrd. Little Rock. Little River, p-v. or p.o. on Little r. Henry dist. S. C. 120 ms. n. e. Charleston, and by p-r. 179 E. Columbia. Little River, p-v. wstrn. part of Burke co. N-. C. by p-r. 220 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. iLiTTLE River, p-o. Marion co. Misp. about 1 \Q ms. s. E. by E. Natchez. Little Rock, p-v. and st. jus. Pulaski co. and of the government Ark. Ter. situated on the right hank of Arkansas t. and about 120 ms. by land above the mouth of that stream. Lat. 34° 42', long. 15° 15' w. W. C. The course and distance between W. C. and Little Rock by a mercator's calculation, is s. 71° 10' w. 98i) statute ms. ; the p-r. as stated on the p o. list gives a distance of 1,111 miles. It was in- tended to give the name of Acropolis to Little Rock, but the people of the country playfully called it by its present name from the enormous rocks in the vicinity. The site is a high rocky bluff" on the right bank. Steamboats are safely navigated thus high, about 300 ms. from the Misp. by the bends of Ark. r. Little Sandusky, p-v. nthrn. part of Crawford CO. 0. by p-r. 71 ms. nthrds. Columbus. Little Sandy, p-v, on Little Sandy r. in the sthrn, part of Greenup co. Ky. by p-r. 132 ms. a little ^. of E. Frankfort. The p-o. is at the salt works, 20 ms. above the mouth of Little Sandy at Greenupsburg. Littleton, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. on Conn. r. at the Fifteen Mile falls, 18 ms. below Lancas- ter, 30 from Haverhill corner, 100 n. Concord. Timbered with sugar maple, beech, birch, bass, &c. Amonoosuclc t. waters the s. part, oe which, in this town, is the pleasant village of Glynville, where there are falls. Fop. 1,433. LIV 25'J LOD Littleton, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 28 ms. N. w. Boston, 10 N. w. Concord. Pop. 947. Littleton, p-v. Sussex co. Va. by p-r. 3G ms. sthrd. Richmond. Littleton, p-v. Warren co. N. C. by p-r. 67 ms. N. N. E. Raleigh. Little Valley, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. on the Alleghany r., 1-2. ms. s. w. Ellicottville. .Land in general ot a superior quality, moderate- ly uneven, timbered with hickory, oak, cheanut, &c. Top. 33f;. Little Yaukin, p-v. in the nthwstrn. part of Stokes CO. N. C. by p-r. l67 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Little Yadkin, r. N. C. and one of the wstrn. confluents of Great Yadkin, rises in Iredell co. most of which it drains, having its remote sources within 3 ms. from Great Gatauba, though flowing from it estrdly. towards the Yadkin over Iredell and Rowan cos. Little York, p-v. Hardin co. Ky. sthwstrd. Frankfort. Little York, p.v. nrthestrn. part Montgom- ery CO. 0. by p-r. 74 ms. wstrd. Columbus. LivERMORE, p-t. Oxford CO, Me. on the An- droscoggin, 18 ms. N. E. Paris, 78 from Port- land. Pop. 2,453. LivERMORE, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa. 22 ms. s. E. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 172 ms. w. Har- risburg. Liverpool, p-v. on the tight bank of Susque- hannah r. in the nrthestrn. part of Perry co. Pa. 29 ms. N. Harrisburg. Liverpool, p.v. Medina co. O. by p-p. 124 ms. N. E. Columbus. Liverpool, p-v. Yazoo co. Misp. about 20 ms. N. N. E. Natchez. Livingston, co. N. Y., situated on Genesee r. bndd. n. by Genesee and Munroe cos., e. by Munroe and Ontario cos., s. by Steuben and Al- leghany COS., w. by Alleghany and Genesee cos.; containing 460 sq. ms. or 294,400 acres. Wa- tered by Genesee r. on the w., Canasaragaand Cashque crs. s., Honeoye cr. &,c. e. and n. Sur- face a pleasing variety. Limestone and clay slate abound. Soil a good variety. Iron ore is found almost everywhere, not in beds, but in lamps, in the soil or sub soil. Cf. t. Geneseo. Pop. 1820, 19,195, 1830, 27,719. Livingston, p-t. Columbia co. N. Y. on the Hudson, 12 ms. be-low Hudson. Pop. 2,087. Livingston, p-t. Essex co. N. J. adjoins Pas- saic r., 54 ms. n. e. Trenton. Pop. 1,150. Livingston, co. Ky. bndd. n. e. by Tradewater r. separating it from Union, e. by Hopkins, s. E. by Caldwell, s. w. by Ten. r. separating it from McCracken, by 0. r. separating it from Posey CO. II. w., and again by O. r. separating it from Gallatin II. n. ; length from n. e. to s. w. 40 ms. ; mean width 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 04' to 36° 30', and in long. 10^ 52' to 11° 35' w. from W. C. In a navigable point of view this county is in a peculiar manner advantageously placed, beside Ten., Ohio, and Trade water rs. by which it is bounded. Cumberland r. traverses the sthrn. part falling into O. at Smithland. The surface of the CO. is mostly level or moderately hilly, with fertile soil. Cf. t. Salem. Pop. 1820, 5,824, 1830, 5,971. Livingston, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Misp., N. N. E. Natchez. Pop. 250. Livonia, p-t. Livingston co. N. Y. 8 ms. e. Geneseo. Land pretty good. Contains some small streams. 12 schools, kept 9 months in 12. Pop. 2,665. Livonia, p-v. Washington co. Ind. by p-r. 103 ms. s. Indianopolis. Lloyd's, p-o. Essex co. Va., by p-r. 84 ms. n. ■E. Richmond. Loch Rauza, p-v. Montgomery co. Ala. by p-r. 82 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Locke, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 21 ms. s. s. e. Auburn, 152 w. Albany. Excellent land, hand, somely diversified with easy swells, hill and dale, and extensive alluvial flats. Well water- ed with springs and brooks. 13 schools kept 6 months in 12. Pop. 3,310. Lockport, p-t. and st. jus. of Niagara co. one of the results of the Erie canal, 31 ms, by that canal n. e. Buffalo, at the e. extremity of the Buffalo level, 20 ms. e, Lewiston, 63 w. Rochester. When the coute of the canal was established in 1821, this place was a wilder- ness. It is now a large and flourishing town! The canal here descends the terrace called the Mountain ridge, or Ontario Heights, by 5 dou- ble locks, each of 12 ft. descent, to the Genesee level. These locks being double, one line of boats can ascend while another descends. Above the locks, the canal is cut through rock to the depth of 20 ft. for the distance of three ms. The Genesee level extends eastward from this place to the distance of 65 ms. The locks at Lockport are the only ones from lake Erie to Genesee r. which by the canal route is a distance of 96 ms. The descent of the canal down the Mountain ridge at this place, is truly a fine spectacle. This is the same ridge over which roll the torrents of Niagara, constituting the Niagara falls. Pop. 3,823. Lock's, village, and p-o. Franklin co. Misp. about 25 ms. e, from Natchez, and by p.r. 86 from Jackson. Locust, r. Ten. the nthestrn. branch of Black Warrior, rising from the table land between the basins of Mobile and Ten., and within 1& ms. from the great bend of the latter, where it traverses Cumberland mtns., draining the estrii. part of Blount and five sixths of Jeff'erson cos., and flowing to the s. w. by comparative courses 75 ms. it joins the Mulberry to form the Black Warrior. (.See Mulberry r.) Locust, cr. p.o. formerly Chinquipin Grove, Louisa CO. Va. 101 ms. St w, W. C. Locust Dale, p-v. Culpepper co. Va. by p.r. 86 ms. s. w. W. C. Locust Grove, p.o. Orange co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. W. C. Locust Grove, p-o. Perry co. Ten. by p-r. 99 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Locust Hill, p.o. Butler co. Ala. by p-r. 160 ms. s. E.Tuscaloosa. Locust Shade, p-o. Overton co. Ten. by p-r. 81 ms. N. e. by e. Nashville. LoDi, p-t. Seneca co. N. Y. 175 ms. w. Al- bany. Pop. 1,786. LoDi, t. Bergen co. N. J. between the Hack- ensack and Passaic rs., s. of New Barbadoes and Saddle r. Pop. 1,3,56, LON 251 LON LoDi, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. G. by p-r. 86 ms. N. w. by w. Columbia. LoDi, p-v. Washtenau co. Mich, by p-r. 47 nis. w. Detroit. LoDiMONT, p-v. wstrn. part of Abbeville dist. S. C. Logan, p-v. Centre co. Pa. by p-r. 92 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Logan, co. Va. bndd. by Cabell n. w., Kon- hawa CO. n., Great Cherry Pond mtn. separating it from Fayette n. e.. Great Flat Top mtn. sepa- rating it from Giles e. and Tazewell s. e., by the western part of Tazewell s., and by the e. Fork of Great Sandy r. separating it from Floyd CO. Ky. w. Length 70, mean breadth 30, and area 2,100 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 13' to 37° 10', and in long, from 3 ' 50' to 5° 22' w, W. C. The surface of this very broken and extensive co. is from the Great Flat Top. mtn. to N. N. w., along Sandy r. Logan is drained by Guyandot and Coal rs. Cf. t. Logan. Pop. 3,680. Logan, c. h. and p-o. Logan co. Va. by p-r. 338 ms. w. Richmond. Logan, co. Ken. bndd. by Todd w., Muhlen- burg N. w., Butler n., Wayne e., Simpson s. e., and Robertson co. Ten. s. Length 30, mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 36' to 37° 02', and in long, from 9° 33' to 10° 03' w. W. C. Logan occupies a part of the table land between the vallies ot Cumberland and Green rs. From the sthrn. section flow the nthrn. branches of Red r. of Cumberland, and from the nthrn. part flow crs. towards the n. into Green r. Cf. t. Russell, ville. Pop. 1820, 14,423, 1830, 13,012. Logan, co. Ohio, bndd. s. by Champaign, w. Shelby, n. w. Allen, n. Hardin, and e. Union, lat. 40° 25', long. 6° 45' w., slope southward and principally drained by Sandy or. branch of Great Miami and the sources of Mad r. Cf. t. Bellefontaine. Pop. 6,440. Logan, p-v. and st.jus. Hocking co. Ohio, by p-r. 47 ms. s. e. Columbus. It is- situated on Hockhocking r., near the northeastern angle of the CO., lat. 39° 33^ long. W. C. 5° 24' w. Pop. 97. Loganspokt, p-v. and st. jus. Cass co. Ind. by p-r. 113 ms. a little w. of n. Indianopolis. It is situated at the junction of the main Wa- bash with Eel r., lat. 4J° 45', long. W. C. 9° 20' w. Loganville, p-v. York co. Fa. by p-r. 89 ms. northward W. C. Log House Landing, p-o. southern part of Beaufort CO. N. C. by p-r. 170 ms. a little s. of E. Raleigh. Log Lick, p-o. eastern part of Clark co. Ky. by p-r. 51 ms. s. e. by e. Frankfort. LoMBARDY, p-v. Amelia co. Va. by p-r. 50 ms. s. w. Richmond. LoMBARBY, p-v. Columbia CO. Geo. by p-r. 64 ms. N. E. by E. Milledgeville. LoMBAKDY Grove, p-o. Mecklenburg co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. Richmond. London, p-v. formerly Hazel Patch, st. jus. Laurel co. Ky. by p-r. 102 ms. s. e. Frankfort. It is situated on a tributary of Rock Castle, branch of Cumberland r., lat. 37° 13', long. 6'=' 56' w. Pop. 15. London, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Ohio, by p-r. 27 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus, lat. 39° 50', long. 6° 28' w. Pop. 249. London Bridge, p-v. in the northeastern part of Princess Ann co. Va. 15 ms. a little n. of e. Norfolk, and 8 ms. s. w. Cape Henry. London Grove, post tsp. Chester co. Pa. be- tween New Garden and Oxford. The p-o. is about 40 ms. s. w. by w. from Phila. Londonderry, p.t. Rockingham co. N. PI. 35 ms. w. Portsmouth, 25 s. e. Concord, and 38 n. w. Boston. It contains very little waste land ; the soil is generally fertile, and much of it is excellent, particularly on the streams in the town. There are no hills, but the surface is rolling. The most considerable stream is Bea- ver river, and theie are several ponds in the town, of which Beaver is the principal ; this is 300 rods in diameter. Pinkerton academy was named_after Maj. John Pinkerton, who founded it by a donation of $14,000. The town was first settled in 17 19. The early settlers were farmers from the n. of Ireland, and the potatoe was introduced here by them immediately after, being the first cultivated in N. England. Mat- thew Thornton, one of the signers of the Dec laration of Independence, resided here. This place is noted for the longevity of several of its inhabitants. Pop. 1,467. Londonderry, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 30 ms. N. e. Bennington, 27 s. w. Windsor. Watered by West and Winhall rs. Utley brook and another considerable mill stream. Mill priv- ileges are numerous. Contains a bed of very fine clay, two villages, and 9 school dists. Pop. 1,302. Londonderey, p-v. Guernsey co. O. by p-r. 102 ms. eastward Columbus. Pop. 54. Long Bottom, p-v. Meigs co. Ohio, by p-r. 102 ms. s. e. Columbus. Longbeanch, Monmouth co. N. J. The sea shore about 6 ms. s. of Shrewsberry river, a place of great resort for sea bathing and fish- ing, having several large and well kept board- ing houses, 30 ms. s. New York. Long Creek Bridge, and p-o. New Hanover CO. N. C. by p-r. 128 ms. s. e. Raleigh. Long Falls cr., and p-o. Daviess co. Ky. by p.r. 165 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Long Hollow, p-o. Sumner co. Ten. by p.r. 14 ms. N. E. Nashville. Long Island, N. Y. extends from the nar- rows, below New York city, in an easterly di- rection, 140 ms. to Montauk Point. Its average width is 10 ms., and it contains 1,400 sq. ms. It is divided into 3 cos.. Kings, Queens, and Sufiblk, and belongs wholly to the state of N. Y. It is bounded s. by the Atlantic, and is separated from Connecticut on the n. by Long Island Sound, and by the East r. from the s. e. extremity of N. Y. on the main. Much indent, ed with tays. There is a rocky ridge denom- inated the spine of Ijong Island, extending from the w. end to River Head, the highest point of which is 319 ft. above the level of the tide, sit- uated in N. Hempstead. The land on the n. side of this ridge is rough and hilly, on the s. side it is level and sandy. The waters are stored with a vast abundance and variety of fish, and the island has long been celebrated LOR 252 LOU for its wild fowl, and various forest game. A beach of sand and stones runs along tiie s. side of the island 100 ms., with various inlets, ad- mitting vessels of 60 or 70 tons. The long narrow bay formed by the boach is in the- wi- dest places 3 ms. broad. Long Island Sound, an inland sea, from 3 to 95 ms. broad, and about 140 long, dividing Long Island from Conn. It communicates with the ocean at the n. end, and with N. York Har- bor at the s., and affords a very safe and con- venient passage. Long Lick, p-o. Scott co.. Ky., 23 ms. estrd. Frankfort. Long Meadow, p-t. Hampden co. Mass., e. Gonn. r., 6 ms. s. Springfield, 97 s. w. Boston ; beautifully situated ; soil fine. Pop. 1,257. LoNGMiEs, store and p-o. Edgefield dist. S. C, 76 ms. s. w. by w. Columbia. Long Old Fields, p-o. Prince George's co. Md., 14 ms. estrd. W. C, and 26 wstrd. An- napolis. Long Pond, Me., chiefly in Bridgetown, 10 ms. long and 1 broad, connected by Sungo r, vv.ith Sebago lake. Long Pond, lake on the line between N, Y. and-N. .L, principally in the former ; disciiarges through Long pond and Pompton rs. into the Passaic. Long Prairie, p-o. Hempstead co. Ark., by p-r. 175 ms. s. w. Little Rock. Long Run, p-o.. Jefferson co. Ken., by p-r. 25 ms. w. Frankfort, and about 17 e. Louisville. Long's Bridge, and p-o. Hancock co. Geo., 10 ms. N. E. Milledgeviile. Long's Mills, and p-o. Orange co., N. C, by P-r. 81 ms. N. w. Raleigh. Long Street, p-v. Moore co. N. C. Long Street, p-v. Lancaster dist. S. C, by p^r. 64 ms. n. n. e. Columbia. Long Swamp, p-tsp. Berks co. Pa., situated on the head waters of Little Lehigh. The p-o. is 1-8 ins. N. E. Reading. Tjongtown, p^v. Davidson co. N. C, by p-r. 15:i ms. wstrd. Raleigh. LoNGWOOD, p-v. Albemarle eo. Va., by p-r. 86 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond, and 151 ms. s. vv.. W. C. Loop, p.v. Logan co. Va., by p-r. 320 ms. s. w.. by w. ^ w. W. C. Lorain, co. O., bndd. n. e. by Cuyahoga co., E.. Medina, s. e. Wayne, s. w. Richl-and, w. Hu- ron, and n. Lake Erie. From s. to n. 40 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 41° L5', long. 5° 10' w. Slope almost due n., and drained by Black r. and some smaller streams. Gf. t. Elyria. Pop. 5,686. LoREJz, Store and p-o. Lewis co. Va., by p-r. 2.61. ms. w. W. C. LoRETTo, P-V. Cambria co. Pa., 7 ms. n. e. Ebensburg, 75 ms. estrd. Pittsburg, and by p.r. 116 ms. N. w. by w. Harrisburg. Lorrai.ve, p-t. .Teff'erson co. N. Y., 16 ms.. s. w. Watertown, ]50 w. n. w. Albany, 9 e. lake Ontario. Healthy, and well watered' by a num- ber of small crs. of a tolerable size for mill streams, and a great variety of small springs andfrivulets. Pop. 1,727. LG--TIETT0, p-v. Essex CO Va.., by p-r. 8Lms. N. E. Richmond. Lost r., local name of the higher part of Great Cacopon r. of Va. Lost RivDR, p-o. on Lost r., estrn. part of Hardy co. Va., by p.r.'130 ms. w. W. C. Lost Prairie, p-o. Lafayette co. Ark. by p-r.. 152 ms. s. w. Little Rock. Lott's mills and p-o., Copiah co. Misp. about' 75 ms. N. e. Natchez, and 39 s. .Jackson. Lottsville, p-v. Warren co. Pa., by p-r. 235 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Loudon, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 7 ms. n. e. Concord ; furnished with valuable mill privileges by Soucook r. ; timbered with sugar maple, beech, pine, oak, and chesnut. Pop. 1,642. Loudon, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Franklin co. Pa., 15 ms. a little s. of w. Chambersburg, and 63 s. w. by w.. Harrisburg. Loudon, co. Va. bndd. s. e. by Fairfax ; s. by Prince William; s. w.- by Fauquier; by the Blue Ridge, separating it from Frederick w. ; and Jefl'erson n. w. ; and by Potomac r. separa- ting it from Frederick co. in Md. n., and Mont, gomery co. Md. n. e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 22, mean breadth 21, and area 462 sq. rns. Extending in lat. 38° 49' to 39° 18' n., and in long. 0° 20' to 0° 54' w. W. C. The declivity of this CO. is to the n. e. towards the Potomac ; surface broken, and even in part mountainous ; much of the soil excellent. Cf. t. Leesburg. Pop. 1820,22,702; 18.30, 21,939. Loudonville, p-v. Richland co. 0., by p-r. 67 ms. N. E. Columbus. Louisa, co. Va., bndd. by Hanover s. e. ; Goochland s. ; Fluvanna s. w. ; Albemarle w. ; Orange n. ; and Spottsylvania n. e. Length 36,^ mean breadth 16, and area 576 sq. ms. extend- ing in lat. 37° 45' to 38° 6', and in long. 0° 48' to 1' 28' w. W. C. The declivity of this co. is towards the s. e., down which flow numerous branches of N. and S. Annanvers. Cf. t. Louisa c. h- Pop. 1820, 13,746; 1830, 16,151. Louisa, p-v. and st. jus., Lawrence co.Ky., by p-r. 127 ms. e. Frankfort; lat. 38° 12', long., 6°. w. Pop. -87. Louisa, usually called Louisa c. h., p-v. and St. jus., Louisa co. Va., by p-r. 110 ms. s. w. W= C, and 54 ms. n. w. Richmond; and on Tan- ner's map U. S. exactly on the intersection of lat. 38° and 1° w. W. C, LouisBURGJi, p-v. and st. jus., Franklin co. N. C, 30 ms. N. N. E, Raleigh ; lat. 36° 06', long. 1° 18'. Louisiana, state of the U. S., bndd. s. by the Gulf of Mexico ; e. and n. e. by the state of Misp. ; N. w. by the ter. of Ark. ; and w. by the Mexican province of Texas. Louisiana, with-- out including the partial indentations of the coast, extends along tlie Gulf of Mexico 400 ms. ; up Sabine r. from the mouth of that stream, to ■ where intersected by n. lat. 32°, 190 ms.; thence along one drgree of lat. 32° to 33°, 69ims. ;■ thence due e. along lat. 33°, to the right bank of Misp. r, 168 ma.,; thence down the latter r. tO' where it is crossed by lat. 31°, 220 ms. ; thence along lat. 31° from the Misp. to Pearl r. 105* ms. ; thence down Pearl r. to the mouth, 60 ms. ; having an entire outline of 812^ ms. The long- est line that can be drawn over La., is a diago-- nal from the s. pass of Misp. to the n. w. angle, ■ 380 ms., and the area being 48,32 Osq. ins., the LOU 253 LOU mean breadth is about 127 ms. In lat. this state extends 28° 56' to 33°, and in long. 11° 55' to 17° 25' w. W. C. In regard to natural features, and to the intrinsic qualities of soil, La. is divisi- ble into four distinct sections. The Delta, is the first which is indefinitely connected with the great prairies of Attac-apas and Opelousas. The latter is followed by the immense pine and oak forests of the nrthwstrn. part of the state. The fourth, though the least extensive, is in many "respects the most interesting section of La.; that is the fine slope formerly part of west Floriaa, between the Pearl and Misp. rs., and s. ©flat. 31°, In a general view, the Misp. r. is the most conspicuous and imporiant feature in the topography of La. By a very winding channel, that great river forms a boundary be- tween the states of Misp. and La. between lat. 3l° and 33°, but below the former lat. enters en- tirely into La. Assuming a course of a little e. of s. E., but still with a very sinuous channel, the Misp. winds over La., embracing by its numerous inlets or mouths, an alluvial region, to which in nature, and even in outline, the name of Delta is not unaptly applied. Between lat. 31° and 33°, the general course of the Misp. is along the bluffs, or wstrn. margin of a compara- tive table land. Here it receives numerous small streams from the left, whilst on the right stretches a narrow, annually inundated tract. When swelled by spring floods, the superabund- ant water of the Misp. flows out by innumerable channels, which are discharged into the Ten- saw, Black, arid Red rs., and by the latter borne back into the main stream. But, as if disdain- ing to receive into its bosom the rejected water, less than 1^ mile below the mouth of Red r., the Atchafalaya is discharged to the left, forming the upper mouth of the Misp. ; below which on that side, the adjacent surface of the land being lower than that of the surcharged r., all water which escapes from the main stream returns to it no more, but slowly seeks a recipient in the Gulf of Mexico. On the estrn. or left, the blufl^s are continued on or near the Misp. to a few ms. below Baton Rouge, where the outlet of Iberville terminates high land, and commences the Delta on that side also. If we regard the efflux of Atchafalaya, as its head, and the Gulf of Mexico as its base, the Delta stretches over two degrees of lat. and three degrees of long. The utmost length from the outlet of the Atchafalaya, to the mouths of the Misp., 220 ms. Its widest part from the Point Tim- ballier to the Pass of Manchar, between lakes Pontchartrain and Maurapas, 100 miles. The breadth, however, varies from 10 miles to the ut- most width. From the generally well defined out- line, the limits of the Delta are distinct ; but from the great indentations of that outline, the area is difl[icult to estimate accurately, but amounts to at least the one fourth of the state, or 12,000 sq. ms. The loweT, or sthrn. and s. estrn. part of the Delta, is with very trifling exceptions sea marsh, naked of timber, and flooded with every flow of the tide, and with very few spots or strips of arable soiL Advancing n. westwardly up the streams, the surface very slowly rises, and the arable borders along the rivers increase in width, and become more continuous. The unwooded sea marsh is followed by a dense forest, but which stands on a plain in a great part annually inundated by the spring floods of the Misp., Ouachitta, and Red rs. The very gradual and trifling acclivity of the Delta, is demonstrated by the fact, that in autumn, when the rivers are reduced to their lowest level, the tides of only about two ft. mean height, are sen. sible in Atchafalaya and Iberville. I have my- self seen the current of the former flowing into the Misp. West from the Delta, the sea marsh is continued, and the pr-airie or grassy plains rise from the great forest overflow of Atchafa- laya. The acclivity from the sea marsh of Opelousas and Attacapas is so much more ab. rupt as to raise the surface of the prairies above annual overflow, but even here the rise is very gradual and so small as to admit the tides in autumn, as high as Demell's landing, on Courta. bleau r. From actual observation I doubt whether a single spot of s. wstrn. La. below lat. 31° is elevated 50 ft. above high tide ; the far greater part is, I am confident, under 10 ft. comparative elevation. The surface of the prairies of La. has been very greatly overrated, and these plains have also been confounded with the sea marsh. Though contiguous, and similar in the single feature of being void of timber, in all other respects these two sections differ from each. The prairies though approaching a dead level, are composed of solid and arable soil. If an eye sufficiently elevated could scan the whole surface from the Gulf of Mexico to the forests of Red and Sabine rs., the streams would be seen issuing from those forests and carry, ing lines of woods along their banks, and which wooded borders gradually narrowing would terminate at different distances from the sea coast, in most cases about the line of separation between the prairie and sea marsh, small wooded spots isolated from the great forest would be seen dotted along the sea marsh, the timber of which, composed in part of live oak, retaining leaf throughout the winter. But on the sea margin of the Sabine and Calcasiu, even the live oak ceases, and the great grassy marsh expands. The western sea marsh of La. may be regarded as extending from the Atchafa- laya to the Sabine 160 ms., the mean breadth about 25, and area 4,000 sq. ms. The prairie section reaches from the junction of Teche and Atchafalaya, to the Sabine, 160 ms. along the sea marsh, but lies in form of a triangle, the apex at the head v/aters of Mermentau, per, pendicular 60 ms. and area 4,800 sg. ms. In the latter superficies are, however, included large bodies of woods ; the real prairie does not exceed the sea marsh in extent, and the aggregate of both may be safely assumed at 8,000 sq. ms. Lying northward from the prai- ries of Opelousas, and wesward of the inunda- ted margin near the Misp, spreads what may, from its prevailing timber, be called the pine section of La. This extensive region, embra- cing about 24,000 sq, ms. is watered by Oua- chitta, Red, Calcasiu and Sabine rs. The sur. face oonsideraljly broken into hills, though of moderate elevatioc. In this tract some rocks and eyen water falls appear. The low grounds near streams are clothed with various species LOU 254 LOU of oaks, elms, hickory, sweet gum, honey, locust, and cypress, but leaving the water courses, pine prevails to such an extent, that from five to twenty ms. may be travelled over in one unbroken pine forest. The river soil on Red and Ouachitta, generally productive ; fer- tile water margins occur in other places, but the general character of the soil is sterility. The fourth and least extensive natural section of La. is that of the former W. Florida. In gen- eral character, the latter beats a very exact re- semblance to that of the northwest. Pine be- comes again so much the prevailing timber, that at least nine parts in ten of , the whole surface is covered with this tree. The arable soil is on or near the streams and confined in extent. Taken as a whole. La. is composed of inunda- ted and noninundated land. The tract of soil liable to annual submersion is narrow, above Red river, but widening below that stream, ex- pands like a fan, and finally embraces the whole gulf border. What soil is of adequate eleva- tion for cultivation within the inundated region, is of the very best quality, and towards the gulf, the climate admits the very profitable growth of sugar cane. The Gulf's grassy border is followed inland, by a forest which, from the peculiar nature of the soil, must re- main many ages but partially disturbed. Of forest, in point of relative quantity, pine, oak, sweet gum, and hickory predominates, but ad- mixed with an indefinite number of other trees, such as niaple, liriodendron, cypress, black gum, ash, persimon, black walnut, honey, lo- cust, elm, dog wood, &c. On the margin of overflow, immense brakes of reed cane rise amid the forest, but this gigantic grass, contra- ry to common opinion, never flourishes where the surface is liable to periodical submersion. Where the cane abounds, so do various species of grape vine and smilax, rendering those for- ests most diflicult to penetrate. Below lat. 31° and on land partially liable to overflow, are ex- tensive brakes of palmetto, or dwarf palm. The latter vegetable, though capable of support- incr the inundations longer than the reed cane, cannot, however, exist where the ground is liable to deep and annual overflow. In the lat- ter case indeed the ground produces few weeds, and the lofty trees are the only vegetables of any consequence which rise from the saturated earth. Climate and seasons. — In a country where the extremes of latitude are only 4 degrees, and those of height perhaps less than two hundred feet, it might be supposed that very little difler- ence of seasons, would be perceptible, but with both these causes of equality, the mean and ex- treme temperature of the Delta, and that of the northwestern section difiers far teyond what could be expected. The relative temperature is more decisively shown by indigenous vege. tables than by observations made with a ther- mometer. Amongst those vegetable indicia the live oak affords the most conclusive data. This tree is found to abound most in the lower part of the Delta, and to decrease ascending to the N. w. It would appear from places where this tree flourishes, that its existence must de- pend more on the relative temperature than on soil. From the bay of Mobile westward to the Teche, the live oak is limited northward by n. latitude 30° 25' very nearly. Passing the Te. che, where the northwestern winds have free access over the prairies, live oak ceases in great part above lat, 30°, and on the Calcasiu and Sabine does not exist. On the Atlantic coast of the U. S. the live oak is found as far N. as 34°. The cultivation of sugar cane ceas- es in La. at about lat. 30° 10', but on the At- lantic coast can be made a profitable crop two degrees higher. Similar remarks apply to the orange tree and some other exotic trees, which are restricted on the Delta of the Misp. and contiguous places between two and three de- grees lower than on the Atlantic coast. At Natchez, lat. 31° 33' the thermometer has fall- en to 12° above the zero of Fahrenheit. I have myself seen the creeks and ponds of La. at New Orleans, frozen, and once, January 1812, saw snow at Opelousas 11 inches deep. These phenomena are rare, but their occurrence exi hibits a severity of climate much greater than is experienced on similar latitudes along the Atlantic ocean. In regard to staple produc- tions, sugar and rice in La. will, it is probable-, be always restricted to the lower sections, whilst cotton can be cultivated over the whole surface, as may be maize, tobacco, and indigo; Of fruit trees, the peach and fig are those v.'hich seem most congenial to the climate. The ap- ple can be cultivated, but not to advantage ; the cherry is utterly unproductive. The latter cir- cumstance is the more curious as the wild cherry tree grows to the size and elevation of a forest tree of large magnitude, not unfrequent- ly of 50 or 60 It. shaft, and from 2 to 3 ft. di- ameter. If we assume New Orleans as a sta- tionary point, and allow a mean temperature of 60° Fahrenheit, probably rather too high, we have a temperature very nearly similar to that of Charleston, S. C. (See the latter article.) By recurring to Dr. Lovell's tables of relative mean temperature, and comparing the mean range of thermometer at Canionment Jessup, on the Sabine, Baton Rouge, Pensacola, Tawpa Bay, St. Augustine and Charleston, we find the curious result, that the lowest depression at Cantonment Jessup was plus 7, Baton Rouge plus 18, Pensacola plus 11, and at Charleston plus 19°. In brief, combining vegetable physi- ology with the thermometrical results, the sea- sons of Charleston, lat. 32° 42', are milder than at New Orleans, lat. 30°. Political Geography. — Louisiana is divided into the following parishes, to which is ad- ded the population of each, with their chief towns:— Chief Towns. Doiialdsouville, Assumption, Marksville, Harrisonburg, Russelville, Concordia, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Iberville, Coquille, Vermillionville, Thibadenuxville, Natchitncbes, New Orleans, Parishes. Ascension, Assumption, Avoyelles, Catalitiola, Claiborne, Concordia, East Union Rouge, East Filiciana, Iberville, Jolferson, Lafayette, Lafourche Fnterior, Natchitoches, Orli;ans, Pop. 1830. 5,426 5,009 3,484 2,581 1,764 4,662 6,698 8,247 7,049 ,846 ,653 5,503 7,905 4;),838 LOU LOl! Parishes. Chief row7is. Pop. 1830. Piaquemiiies, Plaquemines, 4,489 Point Coupee, Point (Joupee, 5,936 liapides, Ale.xandria, 7,575 Sl. Bernard, 3,356 St. CJiarles, 5,147 St. Helena, St. Helena, 4,023 t^t. James, liriugier's. 7,646 St. Joliii Bapti.st, Dubouy's, 5,677 St. ],andry, St. Landrv, 12,591 St. Martins, St. Maitinville, 7,205 St. Mary's, Dutch Settlement, 6,442 St. Tammany, (Covington, 2,864 i'erre Bonnej Williamsburg, 2,121 VVashitau, Monroe, 5,140 West Baton Rouge, Mt. Pleasant, 3,084 W. Feliciana, St. Francisville, 8,629 Washington, Franklinton, 2,286 Total population of Louisiana, 1830, 215,589, of which are white persons, Blales. Females. Under 5 years of ag 3, 8,553 7,800 From 5 to 10 6,402 6,193 " 10 to 15 5,134 5,140 " 15 to 20 4,325 4,709 " S2n to 30 10.9.58 6,930 " 30 to 40 7,777 4,204 " 4U 10 50 4,304 2,310 " 50 to 60 2,023 1,257 " 60 to 70 896 660 " 70 to 80 317 222 " 80 to 90 78 ~73 .» SIO to 100 24 17 ." 100 and upward '> 9 1 Total, 39,516 Of which were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 15; from 14 to 25, 15; 25 and up- wards, 19. Blind, 3.6. Aliens, 1,713. The colored population was as follows Free Colored. Male Under 10 y'rsofage, 2,.503 from 10 to 24 ■ 24 to 36 36 to 55 55 to 100 100 and over 2,296 1,208 828 384 U 7,230 Females. 2,640 1,927 1,402 Slaves. Males. Fem. 29 9,480 13,627 17,926 15,784 8,443 2,089 42 13,687 16,613 13,.534 6,249 1,552 42 Total, Of the colored population dumb, under 14 years of age, 57,911 51,677 were deaf and from 14 to 25, 5 ; 25 and upwards, 9. Blind, 77. •Recapitulation — Whites. Free Colored. Slaves. Total. 89,291 16,710 109,588 _ 215,589 The population of the two territories, Orleans and Louisiana, in 1810, was 97,391; the for- mer then contaiiied 76,556, and the latter 20,- 845 inhabitants. In 1820, the population of Louisiana was 153,407. Principal towns. — The only citj^ of conse- quence, is New Orleans, which see. Donald- sonville. Baton Rouge, St, Martins, St. Lan. dry, Alexandria, and Natchitoches, are small villages, which will be found noticed under their respective heads. Donaldsonvilie is at present the seat of legislation. Constitution of government. — The legisla- tive power is vested in a senate and house of representatives. To be eligible to the senate demands a landed estate, in full right of ,'§1,000. The members of the senate shall be chosen for the term of 4 years. Senators divided by lot into two classes ; the seats of the senators of the first class, shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, and of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year ; so that a rotation shall be chosen every year, and one half thereby be kept up perpetu- ally. No persoa shall be a senator, who, at the tmie of his election, is not a citizen of the United States, and who hath not attained the age of 27 years, resided in this state four years ne.xt preceding his election, and one year in the' district in which he may be chosen. No person shall be a representative, who, at the time of his election, is not a free white male citizen of the United States, and hath not attained the age of 21 years, and resided in the state two years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof in the county of which he may be cho- sen, and who must hold landed property to the value of 500 dollars, according to the tax list in the county or district for which he is chosen. The supreme executive power is lodged in the' hands of a governor, chosen for 4 years, and in- eligible for the succeeding 4 years after the ex- piration of the time for which he shall have been elected. He shall be at least 35 years of age, and a citizen of the United States, and have been an inhabitant of this state, at least SIX years preceding his election, and shall hold m his own right a landed estate of .'1^5,000 value, agreeably to the tax list. No member of con!' gross, or person holding any office under the United States, or minister of any religious soci- ety, shall be eligible to the office of governor. The general powers of the governor of La. in extent and limitation, are very similar to those of the president of the United States. The judiciary power is vested in a supreme and in. ferior courts. The supreme court having ap. pellate jurisdiction only, extending to alf civil cases where the matter in dispute shall exceed the sum of $300. The supreme court shall consist of not less than three judges, nor more than five ; the majority of whom° shall form a quorum. The legislature is authorized to es- tabhsh such inferior courts as may be conven- ient to the administration of justice. The judg- es, both of the supreme and inferior court's, shall hold their offices during good behaviour. Removeable by address of both houses of the legislature, or by impeachment by the lower house before the senate, and in both cases a concurrence of two thirds requisite for removal orconviction. To enjoy the right of suffrage, It is requisite to be a free white male citizen°of the United States, to have attained the age of 21 years, resided in the county where he offers to vote, one year next precedmg the election, and within the last six months prior to the said election, have paid a state tax. No person, while he continues to exercise the functions of a clergyman, priest, or teacher of any religious persuasion, society, or sect, shall be eligible to the general assembly, or to any office of profit or trust under this state. History. — The term Louisiana, once so com- prehensive, including all Arkansas, Missouri, the undefined regions on the waters of Misp. and the region now included under the name of La., was imposed by the French in honor of Louis XIV. Confining therefore this brief no- tice to the state to which the name is now ex- clusively appropriated, we may observe that M. de la Salle, a French officer, made its first known civilized discovery, in 1683. In 1699 M. d'lberville laid the foundation of the first French colony. The local knowledge of the LOU 256 LOU country was so defective, that the first settle- ments were very injudiciously made along the barren coast east and west from Mobile,, and so slow was the advance, that in 1712, the inhabi- tants amounted to only 400 whites, and 20 ne- groes. Hitherto a royal colony, in 1712, La. was ceded to Crozet, who after abortively ex- pending large sums, in 1717 surrendered the government to the Misp. company. In the lat- ter year the permanent base of the colony was laid by the foundation of New Orleans. LFnder the Misp. company La. flourished, though ulti- mately ruinous to the company itself, who in 1731, ceded their powers to the crown. Again a royal colony, La. slowly augmented in popu- lation and wealth, but until its cession to Spain by France, in 1762, and its being taken into ac- tual possession by the former in 1769, the colo- ny afforded no important matter for history. France after her cession of La. regretted the step, and by a secret treaty with Spain, signed Oct. 1st, 1800, La. was receded to her former parents. The reacquisition of the colony avail- ed nothing to France in the accomplishment of its original intention, but it enabled her to ne- gociate a sale to the United States in considera- tion of 60,000,000 of francs. These negocia- tions were consummated April, 1803. In the following December, the Spanish commission- ers transferred the country to France ; the au- thorities of the latter duly transferred it to the United States. By an act of Congress, passed March, 1804, La. was definitely subdivided; the northern part above lat. 3l° was named " The Territory of Misp." the lower section, " The Territory of Orleans." The latter in 1811 was authorised to form a constitution of government, and that part of West Florida, west of Pearl river, subsequently annexed. Thus bounded as noticed in the first part of this article. La. in 1812, was formally received into the Union as a sovereign state. A powerful British fleet and army invaded La. December, 1814, but after some partial actions, the army was utterly defeated, January 8th, 1815, and the seige of New Orleans raised. This event gave to La. a classic interest in the history of the United States, and left her to the peaceable pur- suit of the arts of social life, and the cultivation of her soil. Louisiana, p-v. eu the right bank of the Misp., at the mouth of Salt r. Pike co. Mo., 12 ms. n, e. Bowling Green, and 90 ras. n. n. w. St. Louis. Louisville, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y., on St. Lawrence r., 30 ms. below Ogdensburgh. Soil a rich loam, gently uneven, well watered with Racket and Grass rs. Has vast forests of pine, cedar, &c. Williamsburgh in Canada, where was fought the battle of Williamsburgh, Nov. 11, 1813, lies opposite this town. 10 schools, kept 7 months in 12. Pop. 1,076. Louisville, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Geo., situated on or near the left bank of Great Ogeechee r., 58 ms. a little s. of e. Milledgeville, and 43 ms. s. w. Augusta. Lat. 33° 02', long. 5° 22' w. W. C. Louisville, a city, and port of entry, Jefferson CO. Ky., is situated on the s. side of the Ohio r., about i of a mile above the rapids. It is built upon a plain, elevated by a gentle acclivity, 75 | ft. above the low water level of the river. It lies in lat. 38° 17', long. 8° 45' w. W. C, and is 53 ms. a little n. of w. Frankfort, 77 n. of w. Lexington and is 1,500 ms. distant from New Orleans, 1,200 from St. Louis, 500 from Nash- ville, 150 from Cincinnati, and near 700 from Pittsburgh. The city is handsomely laid out, with broad streets, eight of which are parallel with the river, and are intersected by 20 others running from the river to the s. Its length is more than 3 ms. measured on the river, and from N. to s. it extends upwards of IJ ms. The place was settled in 1778, at which time and for a few subsequent years, it was constantly harrassed by Indian hostilities. In 1780 it was made a town by an act of the Virginia legisla- ture, it being then a part of Kentucky co. Va. In 1781 a fort was built and garrisoned, and- a check given to Indian depredations. For many years from its settlement the town was infested with fevers, but since 1822 no town of its size in the western country has been more free from disease. The soil is alluvial, the adjacent coun- try flat, and yields in abundance the common products of agriculture. There are in the city 1 woollen, and 2 cotton factories, 2 potteries, 2, founderies, 3 breweries, 2 white and sheet lead factories, 4 rope walks and bagging factories, 1 fire and marine insurance company, 1 mer- chants' insurance company, a public school, a theatre, l3 houses of public worship, a marine hospital, a city hospital, a court house and jail. In 1830, soon after the incorporation of the city, the council establishe-d a public school, which was declared when it was founded to be en- tirely free ; but since a small sum has been ex- acted of those able to pay, for tuition. There are now about 350 scholars in the school ; but it is clearly inadequate to the wants of the com- munity, from some defects in its organization. It is believed however, that proper steps will soon be taken to remedy all deficiencies. The Louisville marine hospital is a fine edifice, erected by the munificence of the legislature, by several appropriations in the the^i currency of the state, viz. commonwealth paper. These appropriations amounted to ^40,000. The in. stitution is supported in part by a tax of 2 per cent, on auction sales within the city, and by an- nual grants from the marine hospital fund of the United States. The most skilful physi- cians of the city give their services to the hos- pital. A medical school has lately been char- tered, and it is confidently believed from its lo- cal advantages, and the ability of its professors, that it will tend greatly to advance the cause of medical science in the west. There is here a temperance society containing about 600 mem- bers, a lyceum, 12 or 14 excellent private schools, 3 daily papers, one weekly literary pa- per, and a weeHy price current. There are 50 licenced hacks, and 150 drays and carts. Mail coaches daily arrive from every direction. Several good turnpike roads, leading to Frank- fort, Portland, &c. are finished ; and several more to other places are in progress. The Lexington and Ohio rail road (see Rail Roads and Canals) is to pass through the city on its way to Portland, a village 3 ms. below, at the foot of the falls. A branch of the U. S, baak LOV 257 LOW was established here in 1817, with a capital of $1,250,000, and has for the last ten years done a safe and profitable business. Another bank has been recently incorporated with a capital of $2,000,000, .$1,500,000 ofwhich was subscribed (March, 1833) in three days, and the books were closed. It is expected to commence bu. siness immediately. A saving bank has like- wise been incorporated, to go into operation soon. The Louisville and Portland canal is a work of great promise, being designed for the passage of steam boats of the first class, and thus bringing the lower navigation over the ra- pids to Louisville. It is 2i ms. long, and cost $750,000. It was completed in January, 1831, and has already done much to increase the prosperity of the city, and to make it one of the most important commercial places at the west. In 1830 an appropriation of ^150,000 was made by Congress, for the improvement of the Ohio r. ; by which the obstructions will be so far re- moved as to leave 4 ft. of vs'ater in the channel, and over the shallowest spots in it, during the dryest season, from its mouth to Pittsburg. In excavating for the canal, were found at the depth of 30 ft., skeletons, and some works of art, the relics of a former age. Abundance of stone for hydraulic, or water lime, was like- wise discovered. Louisville exports tobacco, whiskey, cotton bagging and baling, hemp, flour, pork, bacon, lard, and other productions of the fertile country which surrounds it. Its com. merce is carried on by upwards of 200 steam boats of various sizes, some of which are almost hourly arriving either from New Orleans, St. Louis, Nashville, Frankfort, Cincinnati, or the intermediate towns, on the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland, Kentucky, and other rivers of the vast plain of the west. Pop. in 1830, 10,341 ; in 1833 it was estimated at 16,000. Louisville, p-v. Blount co. Ten. by p-r. 168 ms. a little s. of e. Nashville. Louisville, p-v. Pike co. Ala. by p-r. 144 ms. s. E. byE. Tuscaloosa. LouTRE, {Otter) isl., and p-o. sthrn. part of Montgomery co. Mo., 75 ms. wstrd. St, Louis, and by p.r. 59 ms. estrd. Jefferson City. LouTRE Lick, and p-o. Montgomery co. Mo. .78 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. LovELL, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 20 ms. n. Paris. In this town are Lovell falls, which have been discovered within a few years, and are an object ■of great natural curiosity. Where the water makes over into the tremendous basin below, it falls perpendicularly 40 ft. Above the falls, there is a chain of 8 ponds, partly in Lovell, and partly in Waterford, connected by small natu- ral dams one or two rods in width, through which there are sluice-ways, which will admit the passage of a common sail boat. The scenery of the mountains and ascending lands in tlie vicinity, is rural and beautiful. Pop. 697.. LcvfiLL's PoND, N. H., the head of the e. branch of the Piscataqua. Lovely, co. of Ark. This co. is named in the p-o. list, but if it exists, it has been omitted on Tanner's U. S. Lovettsville, p-v. Loudon co. Va. in the n.. w. part of the co. by p-r. 56 ms. n. Vf. W C. LovEviLLE, p-v. New Castle co. Del. 103 ms. N. E. W. C. LoviNGTON, p-v. and st. jus. Nelson co. Va. situated on a branch of Tye r. by p-r. 94 ms. a little N. of w. Richmond, and 171 ms. s. w. W. C. Lat. 37° 44', and long. 1° 52' w. W. C. Lowell, the American Manchester, situated at the confluence of Merrimack and Concord rs. Middlesex co. Mass. This place is undoubt- edly destined to be a manufacturing city. Its growth for a few years past has been almost un. paralleled. The foundation of the second fac- tory was laid here in 1822, at which time, the territory now included in the town, exclusive of one factory establishment, contained less than 100 inhabitants. There are nov/ (1832) 8 manufacturing cos. viz. the Merrimack manu- facturing company, having a capital of $1,500- 000, 5 large brick factories, containing 26,000 spindles, and about 1090 looms. These em- ploy from 3 to 400 males, and 8 to 900 fe- males, using 5,000 bales of cotton, or about 1,500,000 lbs. annually, and manufacturing, bleaching and printing 6,500,000 yards yearly. The Hamilton and Lawrence manufacturing companies have each a capital of $1,200,000. The Lowell manufacturing company $600,000 ; Appleton, Middlesex-, and Tremont, $500,000 each; Suffolk $450,000. In 1831, when only five manufactories were in operation, from 12 to 14 millions yards of cloth were manufactured in a year, equal to one yard per second. The Lowell company make carpets, which are equal to the imported. The Lowell Daily Journal states (1833) that the "amount of capital now invested in tha:t place in manufacturing is $6,150,000. The number of large mills (5 stories high,) in actual operation, 19 ; the num. ber of spindles, 84,000 ; looms, 3,000. The whole number of operatives is about 5,000, of which 3,fi00 are females. 27 millions yards of cotton goods are annually manufactured from 20,000 bales of cotton ; 150^000 yards of cassi- meres ; and 120,000 yards of ingrained, brus- sels, and other carpeting ; for all which, the workmen receive $1,200,000 per annum. There are in the place 200 machinists, who work up 600 tons of iron, annually, into ma- chinery. It is computed that upwards of 5,000 tons of anthracite coal are annually consumed, besides great quantities of other fuel." The Lock and Canal company, who own and dispose of the water privileges, have a capital invested of ^600, 000. This company own a machine shop 150 ft. by 40, and 4 stories high, in which are employed about 200 hands. The stock of this CO. is 160 per cent, advance. The great water power is produced by a canal a mile and a half long, 60 ft. wide, and 8 ft. deep, from its commencement above the head of Pawtucket falls on the Merrimack, to its termination in Concord r. The entire fall is 32 ft. The wa- ter is taken from this canal by smaller canals, and conveyed to the factories, and thence into the Merrimack. There are room and water power sufEcient for 50 huge additional facto- ries ! There are 15 houses of public worship, in Lowell, and 3 newspapers are published there, one of them daily. 200 houses were built betv/e^ii. April and November, 1831. In LOW 258 LUM that year land advanced 100 per cent, and rents are now as high as in any other town in New England. Lowell communicates with Boston by means of the Middlesex canal, and a rail road between the two places is in progress. It lies S5 ms. n. w. Boston. The village of Belvi- dere, on the opposite side of Concord r. has grown up along with Lowell, and, from its con- tiguity, seems but a part of the latter place. Lowell continues rapidly to increase, and is be- comino- a rival of the manufacturing towns of England. Pop, in 1830, 6,474, and in 1832, 10,254. There is a canal round the falls of the Merrimack, 90 feet wide and 4 deep ; which however is no longer used for boat navigation. On the Concord r. about one m. from the town, are powder works, at which powder of a very superior quality is made. 30,000 kegs, 25 lbs. each, are made annually. Lower Beaver, p-v. wstrn. part of Beaver co. Pa. about 26 ms. n. w. Pittsburg. Lower Blue Lick, and p-o. Nicholas co. Ky. by p-r. 65 ms. n. e. by e. Frankfort. Lower Ciianceford, p-v. York co. Pa. 20 ms. nthstrd. the boro' of York, 16 s. s, w. Lan- caster, and 36 s. e. Harrisburg. Lower cr. p-o. Burke co. N. C. 14 ms. n. e. Morgantown, and by p-r. 219 ms, wstrd. Ra- leigh. Lower Mablboiiough, p-v. on the left bank of Patuxent r. in the nthwstrn. part of Calvert co. Md. by p-r. 49 ms. s. s. W. C, and about a sim- ilar distance s. s. w- Annapolis, Lower MEEioi>f, p^v. Montgomery co. 14 ms. nthrds. Phil. Lower Peach Tree, p-o. Wilcox co, Ala. by P-r. 129 ms. sthrd. Tuscaloosa. Lower Salem, p-v. Washington co. O. by p-r. 118 ms. s. e. Columbus. Lower Sandusky, p-v. and st. jus. Sandusky CO. 0. by p-r. 103 ms. n. Columbus. Lat, 41° 21', long. 6° 10' w. Pop, 351. Lower Saucon, p-v. and tsp. sthrn. part of Northampton co. Pa, by p-r. 51 ms. nthrd. Phil. 97 ms. estrd. Harrisburg, and 187 ms. n, e. W. C. Pop. tsp. 2,3&8. Lower Smithfield, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. by p-r. 15 ms. n. n. e. Easton. Lower Three Rums, p-o. southern part of Barnwell dist. S. C. by p-r. 81 ms.s. w. Columbia. Lowe's p-o. Robertson co. Ten. 23 miles nthrd. Nashville. LowHiLL Port, p^v, eastern part of Lehigh CO. Pa. by p-r. 76 ms. n. e. by e. Harrisburg, and 179 n. n. e. W. C. LowMAN, P-V. in the northern part of Lewis CO. Va. by p.r. 256 ms. w, W. C. Lowndes, co. Geo. bndd. w. by Thomas, n. by Irwin, e. by Ware, s. by Hamilton co. in Flor., and s. w. by Madison co. Flor. Length from s. to N. 52, breadth 40, and area 2,080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 30° 38' to 31° 22', and in long. 6° 6' to 6° 46'. The slope of this co. is almost directly s., and is entirely drained by various confluents of Suwanee r. Pop. 2,453. Lowndes, c. h. and p-o. Lowndes co. Geo. by p-r. 165 ms. s. Milledgeville. Lowndes, co. Ala. on Ala. r. bndd. n. e. and E. by Montgomery, s. e. by Pike, s. by Butler, s. w. by Wilcox, w. and n. w. by Dallas, and n. by Ala. r. separating it from Autauga. Great est length diagonally from s. e. to n. w. 50 ms., mean breadth 32, and area 1,600 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 31° 51' to 32° 23', and in long. 9° 21' to 10'-^ 04'w. W. C. The general slope of this CO. is to the n. n. w. towards the Ala. r. Cf. t. L.owndes c. h. Pop. 9,410. Lowndes, co. Misp. bndd. by Battahatche r. separating it from Monroe on the n. w., by La- fayette, Ala. N. E., by Pickens, Ala. s. e., and Tombigbee r. separating it from the ter. of the Chickasaws s. w. and w. Length along Ala. line 38 ms., mean breadth 9, and area 324 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 32° 18' to 50° 54' n., and in long. 11° 21' to 11° 36' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is wstrd. towards Tombigbee r. Cf.t. Columbus. Pop. 3,173. Lowndes, p-v. Rankin co. Misp. by p-r. 118 ms. N. e. Natchez, and 6 from .Tackson. Lowrey's Mills and p-o. Chesterfield dist. S. C. by p-r. 143 ms. n. e. Columbia. Lowville, p-t. Lewis co. N. Y. 35 ms. n. Utica, 150 from Albany, w, Black r. Well watered. Eligibly situated. 10 school dists. Contains an academy and a handsome village. Pop. 2,334. LoYALsocK, small r. of Pa. rising in the sthrn. part of Bradford county, interlocking sources with Mahoopenny and Towanda crs. Entering Lycoming co. and flowing s. w. between the vallies of Muncy and Lycoming crs. it falls in- to the w. branch of Susquehaniiah r. 4 ras. be- low the boro' of Williamsport. LuBEc, p-t. and port of entry, Washington co. Me. in Passamaquoddy bay, lying however on the main land, and possessing a spacious harbor, sheltered from every wind, and never closed by ice. The first settlement was made here no. longer ago than 1815. A valuable lead mine has recently been discovered at this place. Pop. 1,535. Lucastown, p-v. Limestone co. Ala. by p-r. 132 ms. a little e. of n. Tuscaloosa. LucASViLLE, p-v. Sciota CO. O. by p-r. 79 ms. s. Columbus. Pop. 45. Ludlow, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 16 miles w. Windsor, 61 s. Montpelier. Watered by Black and Williams rs. Mountainous. Well situa- ted for trade with the surrounding country. Land in general well timbered. Amethyst in crystals has been found here, three fourths of an inch long, and an inch in diameter. 12 school dists. Pop. 1,227. Ludlow, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 90 ms. s. w. Boston, 10 N. E. Springfield. Watered by the Chickapee and several smaller streams. Here is a glass manufactory, with a capital of $40,000. Pop. 1,327. LuBLow, Morgan co. O. {See Olive Green.) The office is now called permanently Ludlow, and is situated by p-r. 85 ms. s. e. by e. Colum- bus. LuDLOwviLLE, p-v. {See Lansing.) Lumber, r. of N. and S. C, rises in Mont- gomery and Moore cos. of the former, the boundary between which it for some distance forms, flowing in a s. s. e. course. Thence as- suming a southern course between Richmond and Cumberland, and between Richmond and Robeson. Turning to s. e. and entering and traversing Robeson, it once mors inflects to s. s. w-} and separating Robeson and Columbia LUZ 259 LUZ COS. finally enters S. C. between Marion and Horry dists. joins little Pedes after a compara- tive course of about 100 ms. Lumber r. is the northeastern and main branch of Little Pedee. LuMBERF.AND, t. SulUvan CO. N. Y. 14 ms. s. w. Monticello, on Del. r. It is well named, being in reality lumber land. Pop. 953. LujiBERTON, p-v. and st. jus. Robeson co. N. C , situated on the left bank of Lumber r. 32 ms. s. s. w. Fayetteville, 33 w. Elizabethtown, and by p-r. 92 ms. s. s. w. Raleigh. Lat. 33= 41', long. 2° 10' w. W. C. LuMBERViLLE, p-v. on the right bank of Del. t. Bucks CO. Pa. 10 ms. n. e. Doylestown, and 35 N. Phil. Lumpkin, co. Ga. This co. has been recent- ly formed out of that part of what was the ter- ritory of the Creek Indians, now called " The Gold Region." It lies westrd. of Chestatee r. which separates it from Habersham, and oc cupies part of that elevated country giving source to the Coosa, Chattahooche, and Hiwas- see rivers, n. lat. 34° 30' and long. W. ('. 7° w. intersect in the estrn. part of " The Gold Region," at about 150 ms. by the road w. n. w. Milledgeville. Cf. t. Auraria. Lumpkin, formerly called Randolph c. h.', p-v. and St. jus. Randolph co. Geo. by p-r. 170 ms. s. w Milledgeville. LuNE.N'BURGH, p-t. Esscx CO. Vt. 45 ms. E. N. D. Montpelier. Some parts very stony. Tim- ber generally hard wood. Conn. r. waters the s. E. part, besides which the town is watered by Neal's and Catbow branch, which are consider- 'abla mill streams. 9 school dists. Pop. 1,054. Lunenburg, p-t. Worcester Co. Mass. 45 ms. N. w. Boston, 26 n. Worcester. Watered by several branches of Nashua r. Pop. 1,317. Lunenburg, co. Va. bndd. by Meherin r. separating it from Mecklenburg s., by Charlotte w.. Prince Edward n., Nottaway r. separating ■it from Nottaway co. n. e., and by Brunswick E. Length 26, mean width 16, and area 416 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 46' to 37° 04', and in long. 1° 8' to 1° 32' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the s. e. by e. Cf. town, 'Lewistown. Pop. 1820, 10,662, 1830, 11,957. Lunenburg, c. h. and p-o. {See Leicistown, Lunenburg co. Va.) Luney's cr. and p-o. Hardy co. Va. 10 ms. wstrd. Moorfields, and by p-r. 133 westward W. C. LuRAY, p-v. Shenandoah co. Va. by p-r. 132 ms. wstrd. W. C. Lusk's Ferry and p-o. Livingston co. Ky. by p-r. 254 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. LuTHERSBURG, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 212 ms. N. w. W. C. Luzerne, p-t. Warren co. N. Y. e. Hudson r. at Hadley falls, 12 ms. s. w. Caldwell, 12 w. Sandy Hill. Pop. 1,362. Luzerne, co. Pa. bndd. by Columbia s. w., Lycomingw., Bradford n. w., Susquehannah n,, Wayne n. e., Pike e., Northampton s. e., and Schuylkill co. s. Length s. to n. 50 ms., mean breadth 36, and area 1,800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 40° 56' to 41° 43', and in long. 0° 40' to 1° 36' E. W. C. This is perhaps the most di- versified CO. in the U. States. The n. e. branch of Susquehannah enters it from Bradford at the N. w. angle, and pursuing a s. e. course forces its passage through numerous mountain chains, by comparative courses 35 ms. to the entrance of Lackawannoc r. from the n. e. It here en- ters Wyoming valley, and turning at right an. gles, flows down the mountain vallies again 35 ms. to the mouth of Nescopeck creek, where it leaves Luzerne and enters Columbia. The peculiar features of Susquehannah r. will be seen under its own head. It is evident from the course of Susquehannah r. thfough Lut zerne, that the western part of the co. is inclu- ded in a concavity of that stream, and vice versa, on the opposite side. In the eoncave section the creeks are small, but on the convex side two streams of considerable comparative magnitude enter from the n. e., the Tunkhan- noc and Lackawannoc. Below the latter, and eastward from Wilkesbarre, the higher sources of Lehigh r. are within 5 ms. from the Susque- hannah bank. Luzerne is composed of narrow vallies and intervening mountain chains, both extending fromN. e. to s. w. That part of the Susquehannah valley above the entrance of Lackawannoc being the only exception to the foregoing arrangement. The vallies of Lu- zerne are narrow, but contain the great body of the population. The central and principal val- ley is that of Wyoming, between Bullock and Shawaney mtns. The distance from ridge to ridge about 5 ms., but the real arable part of the valley less than 2 on an average. This fine vale commences about 15 ms. below Wilkes- barre, and extending to the n. e. is continued by the Lackawannoc into Wayne co., and be- sides the great fertility of soil in most of its length, this great valley abounds in intermina- ble strata of mineral coal, both along the Sus- quehannah and Lackawannoc. Tunkhannoc valley in the northern part of the co. is narrow, not exceeding 1 mile ; also very irregular, but extends into Susquehannah co. Nescopeck valley is in the extreme southern part of the CO. ; this valley abounding in excellent soil, it is remarkable, is detached from the Susque- hannah r. ; the Nescopeck cr., after winding about 20 ms. to s. w. by w. turns abruptly n., leaves the arable valley by passing through a mountain chain. On the concave or western part of Luzerne, the two principal vallies are those of Mohoopenny and Bowman's. Of the whole surface of this large co. about one forti- eth is perhaps already cultivated, and at most one third admits of being so ; in pasture more might be made useful, but more than one half is irreclaimable. In mineral coal this co. is pe. culiarly affluent. The writer has himself visit- ed many of the mines already opened. The quantity seems to admit of indefinite supply, and more recent and deeper examinations have given enlarged expectations of the value and abundance of this mineral treasure. The mountain timber of Luzerne, similar to that of most other parts of the Appalachian system, is gigantic in the vallies, and diminishing in size ascending the mountain heights. In the north- western section, in the vallies, beech and sugar maple abound, admixed with hemlock of very large growth. The hemlock is indeed the pro- duction of all varieties of soil, and ascending LYM 260 LYN the Susquehannah, commences to be found in large quantities in Luzerne. In the southern or lower part of the co. the prevailing trees are, yellow and white pine, oaks of several species, beech, hickory, and more rare, black walnut and sycamore. The staples of this co. are coal, lumber, grain and flour. Chief towns, Wilkesbarre, Kingston and Stoddartsville. Pop. 1820, 20,027, 1830, 27,380. Lycoming, co. Pa. bndd. by Clearfield s. w., McKean w.. Potter n. w., Columbia s. e., and Union and Centre s. Length from e. to w. 106 ms., and the area being 2,332, the mean breadth must be 22 ms. Extending in lat. 41° 04' to 41° 36', and in long. 1° 18' w. to 0° 45' E. W. C. The junction of the w. branch of the Susquehannah r., with the large confluent from the N. w., the Sineiiiahoning is formed in the western part of Lycoming. The united waters, now a fine navigable r., winds eastwardly over the CO. about 80 ms, by comparative courses to Pennsboro' where it winds to the sthwrd., leav- ing Lycoming between Union and Northumber- land cos. In its passage over Lycoming, the w. branch receives from the n. Pine cr., Ly- coming, Loyalsock and Muncey crs. and from the s. Bald Eagle creek. The face of this co. is very broken, and similar to Luzerne, travers- ed by several mountain chains stretching from s. w. to N. E. Though the general slope is estwrd. the western part of Luzerne actually declines towards the Appalachian system. In general features the resemblance is very strong between LHzerne and Lycoming ; the arable part of both being narrow river or mountain vallies. The proportion of good soil in Ly- coming is perhaps rather more, comparatively, than in Luzerne. In 1820, Lycoming contain, ed 13,517 inhabitants, and in 1830, 17,63G. Of. t. Williamsport. Lycoming, tsp. and p-v. Lycoming co. Pa., extending from the W. Branch up Lycoming cr. The p-o. by p-r. 6 ms. nthwstrdly. Williamsport, and 101 N. N. w. Harrisburg. {See Frozenrun.) Lyell's, store and p-o. Richmond co. Va., by p-r. 60 ms. s. s. e. W. C. Lyman, p-t, York co. Me., 25 ms. n. York. Pop. 1,503. Lyman, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., e. Conn, r., 13 ms. above Haverhill, 90 from Concord, 155 from Boston; prevailing forest trees are pine and hemlock ; contains a considerable elevation, called Gardner's or Lyman's mtn. Pop. 1,320. Lyme, N. H. {See Lime.) Lyme, p-t. New London co. Conn., e. Conn. r. at its mouth, opposite Saybrook, 40 ms. s. e. Hartford, and about the same distance e. New Haven ; it is a maritime town ; surface striking- ly diversified ; prevailing soil, a gravelly loam ; timber, deciduous trees ; among the vegetable productions are ginseng and Virginia snake root ; waters abundant ; the town is accomoda- ted with several good harbors ; the fishing bu- siness is carried on extensively. Pop. 4,084. Lyme, p-t. Jeflerson co. N. Y., s. e. St. Law- rence r., s. Chaumont bay, w. lake Ontario,; predominant soil, clay or marl ; timber, a lofty growth, consisting of white pine, white oak, beech, sugar maple, hickory, &c. ; 6 school dists., schoals kept 6 months in 12. The fish- eries of Chaumont bay are important ; excellent white fish are here taken in abundance. Pop. 2,873. Lyme, p-v. nrthm. part of Huron co., 0., by p-r. 103 ra. n. Columbus. Lyme Range, a branch of the White mtns., commencing a little below Northampton, Mass. and running s. along the e. bank of Conn, r., at the distance of 8 or 10 ms., till it terminates at Lyme on Long Island sound. Lynchburg, large and flourishing p-t. Camp- bell CO. Va., situated on the right bank of James r., at the great bend below the southestrn. chain of the Appalachian system. By p-r. ]U8 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond, and 206 ms. s. w. W. C. lat 37° 19', long. 2° 05' w. W. 0. This town was incorporated in 1805, and has risen to the rank and importance of a flourishing commer- cial mart. James r. being navigable for batteaux for a considerable distance above, and below to tide water, gives to Lynchburg the advantages of a seaport. The buildings, public and private, are substantial and elegant. In addition to nu. merous stores and groceries, there are in this town four book stores, and a marble manufac- tory, marking the advance of wealth, intelligence and taste. Pop. 4,630. Lynchb0kg, p-v. southern part of Lincoln co. Ten., by p-r. 70 ms. southwardl y from Nash ville. Lynch'b cr., one of the numerous misnomers so disgraceful to our nomenclature. It is a river of N. and S. Carolina, rising in Mecklen. burg and Anson cos. of the former, between Yadkin and Catawba rs., and flowing thence en- ters S. Carolina between Lancaster and Ches- terfield dists. ; countinuing a s. e. course, sepa- rates Kershaw from Chesterfield and Darling- ton, Sumpter from Darlington, and Williams- burg from Marion, and falls into Great Pedee, after a comparative course of about 120 ms. ; more than one half of which course it is navi- gable. Lynchwood, p-v. in the northern part of Chesterfield dist. S. C, by p-r. 55 ms. n. n. e. Columbia. Lyndenborough, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 10 ms. from Amherst, 35 s. Concord ; divided by a mtn. from e. to w. ; soil deep and strong, excellent for grazing. Pop. 1,147. Lynden, or Marengo, p-v. and st. jus. Ma. rengo co. Ala., situated on Chickasaw or., by p-r. 72 ms. a little w. of s. from Tuscaloosa ; lat. 32° 22', and long. 10° 51' w. W. C. Lyndon, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt., 34 ms. n. e. Montpelier ; watered by Pasumpeic r. At the Great Falls in this r. near the s. part of the town, the water descends 65 ft. in the distance of 30 rods ; at the Little Falls, one mile above, the water descends 18 ft., affording excellent wa- ter privileges ; agaric mineral is found in this town ; it is a tolerable substitute for chalk, and a good one for Spanish white ; this is a valua- ble township ; soil a -rich loam, easy to culti- vate ; 14 school dists. Pop. 1,822. Lyndon, t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. Pop. 271. Lynesville, p-v. northern part of Granville CO. N.,C., by p-r. 60 ms. n. Raleigh. Lynn, p-t. Essex co. Mass., on the coast, 10 ms. N. E. Boston^ 6 s. w. Salem ; it has long MAC 261 MAC been noted for the manufacture of ladies shoes ; the number of shoes manufactured in this place annually, is from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 ; they are sent in large quantities to the southern states, and to the West Indies. The first tan- ning and shoemaking in New England, was done here ; in 1661, calfskin shoes were made ; and an English maker of ladies shoes, introdu- cedthat branch here in 1750. There are now, (1832) 60 or 70 larg<; manufactories of shoes, in which 1,50J men, and as many females are employed. Here is a manufactory of lasts, 5 of morocco, and 4 tanneries; and a Printing Com- pany, which colours and prints cloths, and silks. Here are also 6 churches — 2 Congregational, 2 Methodist, 1 Baptist, and 1 for Friends ; a town house also, and an academy. Lynn beach con- nects Nahant with the main land, and is a fa. vorit-8 place of resort in the summer. Lynn has a small and convenient harbor, and soil of the fijst quality. Pop. 6,138. Lynn Camp, p-v. northwestern part of Knox CO. Ky., by p-r. 112 ms. s. e. Frankfort. Lynn Creek, p-o. southwestern part of Giles CO. Ten., by p-r. 112 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Lynnfield, t. Essex co. Mass., 10 ms. w. Salem, 12 n. e. Boston. Pop. 617. Lynnville, on the p-o. list, (but Linville on Tanner's maps), p-v. northwestern part of Le- high CO. Pa., 20 ms. n. w. Allentown, and 3 a little E. of N. Reading. Pop. Lynn tsp. 1820, 1,064, 1830, 1,747. Lyons, p-t. and st. jus. Wayne co. N. Y., 16 ms. N. Geneva, 205 from Albany ; soil good ; has an abundance of mill seats ; situated on the Erie canal, which here crosses the r. Clyde by an aqueduct of 90 ft. ; contains 20 school dists. Pop. 3,603. Lysander, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y., 15 ms. N. N. w. Onondaga, 24 s. s. e. Oswego j watered by Seneca r. ; 10 school dists. Pop.. 3,228. Note. — Under the letter M, those names which usually begin with the abbreviation Mc, are in this work given in their proper place, and spelled at full length. MacAllister's, cross roads and p-o, Mont- gomery CO. Ten., by p-r. 67 ms. n. w. Nashville. MacAllistersville, p-v. MifHin co. Pa., by p-r. 42 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. MacArthurstown, p-v. Athens co. 0., by p-r. 71 ms. s. e. Columbus. Macaupin, cr. of II., rising in and giving name to Macaupin co., flows a little s. of w. over Montgomery co., and falls into IL r. near- ly opposite Gilead, in Calhoun co. Macaupin, co. II., bndd. s. by Madison; w. Greene ; n. w. Morgan ; n. e. Sangamon ; and B. Montgomery. Length 38, mean width 25, and area 350 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 20', long. 13° w. W. C. The southern part slopes s., and is draiiied by the sources of Cahokia cr. ; but the body of the co. slopes southwestvvard, and is drained by the numerous- fountain streams of Macaupin cr. Cf. t. Carlinville. Pop. 1,990. Macaupin Point, p-o. western part of Mont- gomery CO. II., 51 ms. wstrd. Vandalia. MacCall's, cr. and p-o. Franklin co. Misp. about 40 ms. e. Natchez. MacClellandstown, p-v. in the western part of Fayette co. Pa., 8 ms. w. Uniontown, and 10 8. Brownsville. MacClellansville, p-v. Camden co. Geo., by p-r. 219 ms. s. s. e. Milledgeville. MacConnelsburg, p-v. in the eastern part of Bedford co. Pa., on the r. from Chambersburg to Bedford, 18 ms. w. the former, 31 a little s. of E. the latter place, and by p-r. 70 s. w. by w. harrisburg. MacConnelsville, p-v. and st. jus. Morgan CO. O., situated on a branch of Muskingum r., 30 ms. N. N. w. Marietta, 70 ms. s. e. by e. Co- lumbus, and 30 ms. s. s. e. Zanesville ; lat. 39° 40', long. W. C. 4° 46' w. Pop, 267. MacCracken, CO. Ky., bndd. by Calloway s. E. ; Graves s. ; Hickman s. w. ; the Misp. r. separating it from Scott co. Mo , w. ; Ohio r. 34 separating it from Alexander co. ef H. n, w. ; Johnson co. of II. n. ; and Posey co. of II. N. E. , and by Ten. r. separating it from Livingston and Caldwell cos. of Ky. e. Length along 37th deg. of n. lat. from the junction of Ohio and Misp. rs., to the eastern border of Ten. r. 54 ms. ; mean width 14, and area 75& sq. ms. ; lat. 37°, and long. 12° w. W. C. in- tersect in the southwestern part of this co.. The surface is generally level, part annually submerged, but the soil, where suitable for cul- ture, highly productive. Cf. t. Wilmington. Pop. I,y97. MacCullough's p-o. Jefferson co. O. by p.r. 140 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Macdonough, t. Chenango co. N. Y. 11 ms. N. Norwich. Named in honor of Com. Mac- donough. Soil good. Heavily timbered with maple, beech, basawood, elm, &c. Well wa- tered by springs and brooks, and a branch of the Chenango r. Pop. 1,232. Macdonough, p-v. and st. jus. Henry co. Geo. situated on Towanligan cr., a branch of Oc. muigee, 67 ms. by p-r. n. w. by w. Milledge. ville. Lat. 33° 26', and long. 7° 17' w. W. C. Macdonough, co. of II., bndd. by Fulton e., Schuyler s., Hancock w., and Warren n. It is a square of 24 ms. each way, area 576 sq. ms. N. lat. 40° 35', long. W. C. 13° 38' w. Slope s. w., and drained by numerous branches of Crook- ed r. Cf. t. Macomb, at which, says the p-o. list, there was no office Oct. 1st, 1830. It is situated about 150 ms. n. w. Vandalia. Pop. uncertain. Macedon, p-t. on the canal, Wayne co. N. Y. 20 ms. w. Lyons. Pop, 1,989. Macedonia, p-v. Carroll co. Ten. by p.r. 121 ms. w Nashville. MacEwensville, p-o. Northumberland co. Pa. 70 ms. n. Harrisburg. Machias r. Me. formed of two branches, which unite at a place in Machias called the Rim ; when the r. widens into a bay called Ma- chias bay, which communicates with the ocean 6 ms. below. There are falh on eadi of the' MAC 262 MAC branches, about 3 ms. above their confluence, which afibrd numerous mill seats. Machias, p-t. port of entry, and st. jus. of Washington co. Me. on Machias bay, 221 ms. ^. E. Portland. The principal settlement is at the falls of the e. branch of Machias r. At the falls qf the w. branch is another considerable village, A bridge is erected across Middle r., between the two villages, which, with the cause- way, is 1,900 ft. long. Machias has an acade- my, which is situated in the eastern village. There is a p-o. at each of the settlements. It is a thriving town, has considerable trade, principally lumber, and has 26 saw mills, which cut 10,000,000 ft. of boards annually. Pop. 2,774. Machias, t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. Pop. 737. MacIntosii, CO. Geo. bndd. by the Altamahah r. separating it from Glynn and Wayne s. v/., by Liberty n. w., n. and n. e., and by the At- lantic ocean s. e. Length 50, mean breadth 12, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 3P 08' to 31° 55', and in long. 4° 58' w. W. C. This CO., besides some of lesser note, includes the two islands on the Atlantic coast of St. Simon's and Sapelo. The whole surface is an almost unbroken plain, inclining sthwstrdly. towards the Altamahah r. Staples, cotton, rice, and sugar. Cf. t. Darien. Pop. 1820, 5,l29 ; 1830, 4,998. MacKean CO. Pa. bndd. by Potter e., Lycom. ing s. E., Clea,rfield s., .Tefferson s. w., Warren w., Cattaraugus co. of N. Y. n., and Alleghany CO. of N. Y. N. E. Length 42, mean width 32, and area 1,344 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 41° 24' to 42°, and in long. 1° 16' to 2° 03' w. W. C. This CO. occupies part of an elevated table land, from which flow s. e. the higher sources of Sin- namahoning branch of Susquehannah, s. w. the sources of Clarion r. branch of Alleghany. The Alleghany r. rising in Potter co., flows wstrd. into MacKean, and winding n. n. w. enters Cat, taraugus co. of N. Y. Within the latter co. this stream forms an elliptic curve and again re.^en- ters MacKean by a southern course. In the semicircle or segment of an ellipsis, thus form- ed, the water courses radiate from the central pa,rts of MacKean, flowing in different directions into Alleghany as a common recipient. The surface is hilly, in part it is mountainous and soil generally of middling quality. Smithport is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 728; 1830, 1,439. MacKeans, old stand, and p-o. Westmoreland CO. Pa., about 20 ms. n. w. Greensburg, and by p.r. 199 ms. a little n. of w, Harrisburg. MacKeansbury, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa., 5 ms. H. E.. Orwicksbury, and by p-r. 64 n. e. Harris- burg. MacKees Port, p-v. situated on the right side of Youghioghany and Monongahela rs., at their junction, in Alleghany co. Pa., 1 1 ms. by land s. E. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 189 ms. w. Har- risburg. It is a village composed in great part of a single street along both rivers, and on a high bottom. The situation is a most delightful one for a town, as far as natural scenery is concerned. MacKee's Half Falls, and p-o. Union co. Pa. by p-r. 56 ms. nthwrd. Harrisburg. Mackinac, on the p-o. list, Mackinaw, on Tanner's U. S. map, the old MichilimakiruKk,,. port and St. of jus. co. of Michilimakinaw. Aa given on the p-o. list, it is 321 ms. n. n. vv. De- troit. (See Michilimakinac island and co.) Mackinaw, r. of II., rising on the plains, near the centre of the state, interlocking sources with those of Vermillion branch of II. and with those of Sangamon. Flowing thence s. w. falls into II. r. about 5 ms. above the influx of Spoon r. The valley of Mackinaw lies between those of Vermillion and Sangamon, and comprises most part of McLean, and Tazewell cos. Mackinaw, p-v. and st. jus. Tazewell co. II., is situated on Mackinaw r , by p-r. 149 ms. n. Vandalia. Lat. 39° 33', long. 12° 18' w. W. C. MacKinstry's, mills and p-o , n. wstrn. part of Frederick co. Md., by p-r. 68 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Mackville, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Wash- ington CO. Ky., 13 ms. n. w. by w. Harrodsburg, and by p-r. 34 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Pop. 83. Mackville, p-v. Franklin co. Geo., by p-r. 100 ms. N. N. E. Milledgeville. Mc Lean co. II., bndd, by Vermillion co. e.,. Macon s , Sangamon s. w., Tazewell w., Put- nam, N. w., and La Salle n. Extent as laid down on Tanner's improved map, 50 from n. to s. and 40 from e. tow., area2000 sq. ms. Lat, 40° 40', and long 12° w. W. C. Slope wstrd. and drained by the sources of Salt cr. branch of Sangamon, and those of the Vermillion branch of Illinois. The surface in great part open grassy plains. Cf. t. Bloomington. MacLeansville, p-v. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r, 77 ms. nthestrd. Nashville. MacMinn, CO. of Ten. bndd. by Rhea co. n. w. ; it merely touches Roane on the n., is again bounded by Monroe n. e. and e., and by Hi- wassee r. s. Length 38, mean width 16, and area 608 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 35° 15' to 35° 44', and in long. 7° 23' to 7° 52' w. W. C. It lies in a form approaching a trimgle, but the sthrn. side curving outwards along Hiwassee r. The whole surface an inclined i Hin, sloping towards the Hiwassee sthwslrdly., and drained by numerous crs. which flow into that r. Cf. t. Athens. Pop. 1820, 1,623, 1830, 14,460. MacMinville, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. Ten. situated on a cr. of Caney fork, branch of Cumberland r., 65 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Lat. 35° 44', long. 8° 48' w. W. C. Mac Nairy, co. of Ten. bndd. by Hardiman w., Madison n. w., Henderson n., Hardin e., and the Chickasaw country in the state Misp. s. Length 30, mean width 24, and area 960 sq, ms. Extending in lat. 35° 26', and in long, ll^ 26' to 11° 50' w. W. C. This co. occupies part of the table land between the Ten. and Big Platchee r., the western part drained by the sources of the latter, the northwestrn. by the sources of the Forked Deer r., and the estrn. by small crs. flowing into Ten. r. Cf. t. Purdy. Pop. 5,697. Macomb, co. of Mich. bndd. by Wayne s. w.., Oakland w., Lapeer n. w., St. Clair co. n. e., and St. Clair lake e. and s. e. Length 32, mean breadth 12, and area 384 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 35', long. 5° 50' w. W. C. This co. is drained by the main stream and numerous branches of the Huron of lake St. Clair, and slopes to the e,. Cf. t. Mount Clemen.% Pop. 2,413. MAD 263 MAD Macosib's, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. about 100 ms. w. Columbia. Macon, co. N. C. bndd. by Rabun co. Ga. s., the Cherokee territory w., Blount co. Tenn. N. w., Haywood co. N. C. n. e., and Pickens district S. C. s. e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 50 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° to 35° 36' n., and long. W. C. fr jm 5° 50' to 6° 50' w. From the sthestrn. angle on S. C. issue the higher sources of Chatuga and Seneca or the main constituent streams of Savannah r. These sources rise in the sthrn. slopes of Blue Ridge, which here traverse Macon from n. e. to s. w. and on the opposite or n. w. slope flows the extreme sources of Tennessee proper. The general slope is to the nrthwstrd. in the valley of Ten. nessee which contains at least four fifths of the whole CO. Cf. t. Franklin. Pop. 1830, 5,333. When Mr. H. S. Tanner published the first im- pressions of his map of the U. S. the co. of Ma- con was represented as including the whole wstrn. angle of the state, but more recent and accurate information has enabled Mr. Tanner to correct his map, and it now appears that about 1,250 sq. ms. of the extreme wstrn. part of N. C. i-emains in the hands of the Cherokee Indians. Haywood, Macon, Buncombe, and the adjacent Indian country comprise an elevated tract, the mean height of which must exceed 1,500 feet above the Atlantic level. If therefore, allow- ance is made for relative elevation, the winter temperature will be found as low as that of simi- lar seasons on the Atlantic coast at n. lat. 39°. Macon, p-v, Franklin co. N. C. 35 ms. n. e. Raleigh. MacOi\, p-v. and st. jus. Bibb co. Geo. situated on the right bank of Ocmulgee r. 3 ms. s. w. by w. Milled^eville, lat. 32° 52' and long. 6° 42' w. W. C. Macon, p-v. Bedford co. Tenn. about 50 ms. Si E. Nashville. Macon, co. II. bndd. by Cole s. e., Shelby s., Sangamon w., MacLean n., and VermiUion n. E. Extent 40 by 35, or area 1400 sq. ms. Lat. 39° and long. 12° w. W. C. intersect not far from the centre. From the sthestrn. angle flow some of the higher sources of Kaskaskias r. The main volume of Sangamon, rising in Mac- Lean and Vermillion enters the nthestrn. angle and winding over it diagonally, divides it into two not very unequal sections. The sthwstrn. part is drained by the sources of Salt cr. branch of Sangamon. General slope of the co. s. w. Cf. t. Decatur. Pop. 1,122. Mac Williamstown, p-o. sthwstrn. part of Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 63 ms. sthestrd. Harris- burg. Macumgy, p. t-ship, on Little Lehigh r. Le- high CO. Pa. 5 ms. s. w. Allentown, and by p-r. 95 ms. n. e. by E.Harrisburg. MacVeytown, p-v., Mifflin co. Pa. by p-r. G8 ms. from Harrisburg. Madawasca, t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 2,487. Madbury, t. Straff'ord co. N. H. 11 ms. n. w. Portsmouth. Contains bog iron ore, and red and yellow ochre. Pop. 510. Madison, p-t. Somerset co. Me. on the Ken- nebec r. 9 ms. N. Norridgewock. Pop. 1,272. Madison, p-t. New Haven co. Ct. Pop. 1,809. Madison, co. N. Y., bndd. n. and n. e. by Oneida lake and co., e. by Otsego co., s. by Chenango co., w. by Cortland and Onondaga COS. containing 616 sq. ms. or 394,240 acres. Morrisville is the st. jus. of the co. Its min. eralogical productions are no where exceeded in the western cos. Pop. 1820, 32,208, 1830, 39,038. Madison, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. 7 ms. e. Morrisville, 95 w. Albany. Pop. 2,544. Madison, tsp. of Columbia co. Pa. 5 ms. n; Danville. Madison, co. Va. bndd. n. w. by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Page co., N. e. and E. by Culpepper, and s. e., s. and s. w. by Rapid Ann r. separating it on all these sides from Orange co. Length s. to n. 28, mean breadth 12, and area 336 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 38° 14', to 38° 38', and in long. 1° 09' to 1° 30' w. W. C. This co. slopes to the s. s. e., drained by various branches of Rapid Ann. The surface is moderately hilly, and the soil of middling quality. Cf. t. Madison. Pop. 1820, 8,490, 1830, 9,236. Madison, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Va. situated near the centre of the co., by p.r. 99 ms. Si w. by w. W. C, and 95 ms. n. n. w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 22', and long. 1° 15' w. W. C. Madison, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C, by p-r, 32 ms. N. w. Raleigh. Madison, co. Geo., bndd. s. by the south fork of Broad r., which separates it from Oglethorpe, s. w. by Clark, w. by Jackson, n. w. and n. by Franklin, and e. by Broad r. separating it from Elbef t. Length 28 ms., mean width 9, and area 252 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 34° to 34° 15', and in long. 6° to 6° 28' w. W. C. The slope of this CO. is generally s. e. towards Savannah r., but the extreme estrn. part is drained by Sandy cr.j a branch of Oconee flowing into Altamahah. Cf. t. Danielsville. Pop. 1820, 3,735, 1830, 4,646. Madison, p-v. and st. jus. Morgan co. Geo., situated near the centre of the co., 40 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville, lat. 34° 09', long. 6° 14' w. W.C. Madison, co. Ala., bndd. e. by Jackson, s. by Ten. r., separating it from Morgan, w. by Lime- stone, N. w. by Giles co. in Ten., and n. by Lin- coln CO. in Ten. Length 36, mean width 18, and area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 34° 30', to 35° N., and in long. 9° 24' to 9° 54' w. W. C. This CO. slopes sthrd. towards Ten. r. The surface moderately hilly and soil highly pro- ductive. Principal staple, cotton. Cf. t. Hunts- viUe. Pop. 1820, 17,481, 1830, 27,990. Madison, co. Misp., bndd. by Big Black r. separating it from Yazoo co. n. w., by the Choc- taw CO. N. E. and e., by Rankin co. s. e., and Hinds s. w. Length s. w. to n. e. 55, mean width 12, and area 660 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 32° 28' to 33°, and in long. 12° 58' to 13° 38° w. W. C. This co. is bndd. on the n. w. as has been shown by Big Black r., and the s. estrn. part is traversed by Pearl r., the two streams flowing to the s. w. at a distance of 18 to 20 ms. asunder, at this particular part of their respec- tive courses. The great road from Natchez to Florence, Nashville, &c. also traverses this co. MAD 264 MAH between Pearl and Big Black rs. Cf. t. Madi- sonville. Pop. 4,973. Madison, co. of Ten., bndd. s. by Hardiman, tv. by Haywood, n. Gibson, n. e. Carroll, e^ Henderson, and s. e. by Mac Nairy. Length 28, width 24, and area 672 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 35° 24' to 35° 47'. The declivity of this CO. is to the n. n. w., drained towards Misp. ri by different branches of Forked Deer r. Cf. t. Jackson. Pop. 11,549. Madison, p-v. and st. jms. Monroe co. Ten., situated near the centre of the co., by p-r. 168 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville, lat. 35° 27', long. 7° 18' w. W. C. Madison, co. of Ky., bndd. by Estill e., Lau- rel Si Ev, Rock Castle s. w., Garrard w., and Ky. r. which separates it ftom Jessamine n. w., La- fayette N,, and Clark n. e. Length 40, mean width 13, atid area 520 sq. ras. PJxtending in lat 37° 23' to 37° 54', in long. 6° 48' to 7° 30' w. W. C, The extreme sthrn. part of this co. de- clines sthrd., and is drained in that direction by the sources of Rock Castle, branch of Cumber- land r. The residue of its surface slopes nthrd. towards Ky. r. Cf. t. Richmond. Pop. 1820, 1.5,954, 1830, 18,751. Madison, co. 0., bndd. by Lafayette s., Green Si w., Clarke w.. Champaign n. w., Union n., Franklin e., and Pickaway s. e. Lat. 40°, long. 6° 24' w. Wi C. Length from s. to n. 30, mean breadth 14, and area 420 sq. ms. Slope sthestrd., and principally drained by Darby's or. Cf. t. London. Pop. 1820, 4,799, 1880, 6,190. Madison, p-v. Geauga co. 0. by p-r. 173 ms. K. E. Frankfort. Madison, co. Ind. bndd. by Hancock s., Ham- ilton w., Grant n., Delaware n. e. and Henry s. E. Length 30, breadth 18, and area 540 sq, ms. Lat. 40° 10', long. 8° 42' w. W. C. Slope s. w. and drained by the main stream and vari- ous branches of White r. Cf. t. Anderson, town. Pop. 2,238. Madison, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Ind. by p-r. 76 ms, s. e. Indianopolis. It is situated on the Ohio r. 46 ms. above Louisville, and 18 below Vevay, lat. 38° 43', long. W. C. 8° 24' w. Pop. about 2,000. This place was com- menced in 1811, and has been very prosperous ; according to Flint, it contained in 1829, from 40 to 50 brick buildings, an insurance compa- ny, and did extensive mercantile business. It contains two printing offices, and in brief has all the appearance of a wealthy mart. Madison, co. II. bndd. on the n. by Greene, Macaupin, and Montgomery ; Bond e., Clinton s. E., St. Clair s., Mississippi r. separating it from St. Louis co. Mo. s. w., and the Missis- sippi r. again separating it from St, Charles co. Mo. Ni w. Lat. 38° 45', long. 13° w. W, C, Slope s. s. w., an^ drained by Cahokia, and the soHrces of Silver cr. branch of Kaskaskias r. Cf. t^ Edwardsville. Pop. 6,221. Madison, co. Mo. bndd. by Washington n. w., St. Francis n.. Perry n. e., Cape Girardeau E., Wayne s., and w. uncertain. It is a square of 30 ms., area 900 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 25', long. 13^° w. W. C. Traversed from n. to s. by the main stream and drained by the branches of St. Francis r. Cf. t. Frederiektown. Pop. 2,371. Madison, Cross Roads and p-o. Madison co, Ala. by p-r. 21 ms. from Huntsville, and 171 n< N. E. Tuscaloosa. Madison Springs, p-v. Madison co. Geo, by p-r. 75 nis^ n. Milledgeville. Madisonville, p-v. seaport and st. jus. parish of St. Tammany, La. situated on or near the mouth ot Chifuncte r. abcvut28 ms. n. from the city of New Orleans, and on the opposite side of lake Pontchartrain, lat. 30° 24'. Madisonville, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co« Mispi about 137 ms. n. e. Natchez. Madtsonville, p-v. and st. jus. Hopkins co. Ky., situated on the table land between the vallies of Green and 'I'radewater rs. 65 ms, nearly due n. Nashville in Ten., 53 sthestrd< Shawneetown on Ohio r. and by p.r. 191 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 20', and long. 10° 30'w. W. C. Pop. 112. Madisonville, p-v. Hamilton co. O, by p-r« 106 ms. s. w. by vv. Columbus. Madrid, p-t. -^t. Lawrence co. N. Y., s. St* Lawrence r., 110 ms. above Montreal, 60 below Kingston, 250 n. w. Albany. Level, fertile, and well watered. Timbered with beech, ma- ple, &c. 13 schools, kept 7 months in 12. Pop. 3,459. Mad r. rises in Grafton co. N. H., and falls into the Petnigewasset, near the centre of Campton. Magnolia, p-v. on St. Marks r. Leo.i co-. Flor. 16 ms. s. s. e. Tallahassee. Magruder's, p-o. Prince George's co. Md,, by p-r. 15 ms. estrd. W. C. and 3 1 westward AnnapoliSi Mahanoy, three tsps. in the sthrn. part of Northumberland CO. Pa., called relatively Little Mahanoy, Lower Mahanoy, and Upper Maha.^ noy, Mahanoy, p-o. Northumberland co. Pa. by p-r. 45 ms, n. Harrisburg. Mahanoy, r. of Pa. rising in the nthrn. part of Schuylkill co. interlocking sources with the Cattawissa creek and Schuylkill r. it assumes very nearly a wstrn. course, and entering Northumberland, falls into Susquehannah r. about 11 ms. below Sunbury. The valley of the Mahanoy is between those of Mahantango and Shamokin. Mahantango, mtn. a ridge of the Appalachi- an system in Pa., extending from the left bank of the Susquehannah r. along the nthwstrn. part of Dauphin into Schuylkill coi It is a continu- ation of the chain known to the s. w. of Sus- quehannah, as the Tuscarora mtn. or Cove mtn. Mahantango, r. Pa. rises by two main and several smaller branches in the nthwstrn. angle of Schuylkill co. and in the vales of the Mahan^ tango mtn. Assuming a course of a little s. of w. the branches unite on the border of Schayl. kill, and flowing along the western side of the mtn. of the same name, forms a boundary be. tween Northumberland and Dauphin cos. to its influx with the Susquehannah, The valley of Mahantango lies between those of Mahanoy and Wiconisco. Mahoning, r. Pa. formed by two branches. The main stream, or Mahoning proper, rises in the wstrn. part of Clearfield co, and flowing wstrd., traverses the sthes^rn. angle of Jcffer- MAI 265 MAI Bon, and nthwstrn. of Indiana, receiving the stlirn. branch in the latter co. at Nicholsburg, where entering Armstrong, the united waters continue to How wstrd. to their confluence with Alleghany r. The Mahoning has interlocking sources wilh the extreme wstrn. branches of the Susquehannah river. Mahoning, r. of Pa. and Ohio, rises by nu- merous branches in Columbiana, Stark, Port- age, and Geauga cos. of the latter state, which unite in Trumbull, and assuming a s. e. course enters Beaver co. Pa., and there joins the She- nango, forming the Big Beaver river. Mahoning, p.v. in the e.xtreme nthwstrn. an- gle of Ind. CO. Pa. on Mahoning cr., 18 ms. a little w. of N.the boro' of Indiana. Mahoning, p-v. Lexington tsp. Stark co. O. 18 ms. N. E. Canton and by p-r. 134 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Maiden, cr. one of the nthestrn. branches of Schuylkill r. rising in the extreme wstrn. angle of Lehigh co, and flowing sthwrd. into Berks, falls into the Schuylkill r. 8 ms. above Reading. Maiden, cr. p-o. near the mouth of Maiden ereek, Berks co. Pa. 8 ms. n. Reading, and by p-r. 60 ms. e. Harrisburg. Maidstone, t. Essex co. Vt. w. side of Con- necticut r. 53 ms. n. e. Montpelier, contains Maidstone lake, which is small. It was char- tered 1761, first settled 1770, contains 17,472 acres, and is watered by Ptul's stream. Pop. 236. Maine, the easternmost and northernEiost of the United States ; bndd. n. w. and n. by Low- er Canada, e. by New Brunswick, s. e. and e. by the Atlantic, and w. by New Hampshire. It lies between 43° 5' and 48° lat. and between 66° 49' and 70° 55' w. long. Piscataqua river forms the s. w. boundary for about 35 miles, and the N. line runs by treaty along the highlands which divide the St. Lawrence from the ocean. The s. line reaches from Kittery point, to Quoddy head, about 221 miles. The whole area is about 33,223 square miles, including a large tract in the n. e. which has been claimed by Great Britain. In 1621, the w. boundary of Nova Scotia, as was definitively ascertained by treaty, was the St. Croix river, and a line run- ning from its source n. to the St. Lawrence r. In 1691, the e. boundary of Me. was fixed at the w. boundary of Nova Scotia. In 1763, N. Brunswick and Me., which had before extend- ed to the St. Lawrence r., were reduced on the N. and fixed at the highlands which separate the waters of the St. Lawren:;e river from the ocean. These bounds were repeatedly ac- knowledged by parliament down to 1774, and were never doubted until 1814, when the British plenipotentiaries proposed to discuss and revise the boundary so as to prevent future uncertain- ty and dispute. They stated that they desired a direct communication from Quebec to Hali- fax, and left it to the Americans to demand an equivalent. This was refused, on the ground that the territory sought, was undoubtedly American. The tract alluded to, includes most of the country watered by the St. John's river. Mars Hill, s. of that stream, being con- sidered by the British as a part of the " height of lajTid," though in fact it is far distant, discon. nectedfrom it, and of very inferior elevation^ The king of Holland as umpire in the case, has decided in favor of Great Britain ; but it is be. lieved that his decision will not be submitted to, as at the time of making the award, he was not an independent sovereign. In 183l, Madawas. ca, and a tract s. of St. John's river were incor- porated by the State, as well as the disputed territory n. of it, though without any design of taking forcible possession. In October, 183i, in consequence of the election of municipal officers at Madawasca, the lieutenant governor of N. Brunswick and other officers, with a military force, ayrested a number of persons and took them prisoners to Fredericton, but soon after released (hem. The subject is now in the hands of commissioners for arrange- ment. It was originally granted in 1606 by James 1st. to the Council at Plymouth, by whom in 1624, a grant was made to Gorges an-d Ma., son, of all the country from Merrimack to Sag- adahok. This claim was purchased by Mass. for j£l,250. The first permanent settlement was made in 1630. From 1674, to 17 63, Mass, had to defend it from the Indians, with little profit. In 1691, Mass. obtained a confirmation of the charter, which added Maine, Nova Sco- tia, &c., to her territory, and through long dis- putes with the French and Indians, those addi- tions were still maintained. From its first set- tlement Me. was a district of Mass. In 1820, when its present constitution was adopted, it was separated from Mass. and admitted into the Union as an independent state. Its govern, ment now consists of three distinct departments. The legislative power is vested in a senate and house of representatives, the former at present containing 20, the latter 153 members. The members are chosen annually, and are propor- tioned to the population. Their regular yearly meeting commences on the 1st Wednesday of January. The executive power is vested in a governor, who is annually chosen by the people, and a council of seven elected by the legisla^ ture. The governor, who must b« at least 30 years of age, has a qualified negative on the laws proposed by the legislature, he has also the control of the official patronage, and togeth- er with the council exercises the pardoning power. In case of a vacancy, the president of the senate acts as governor. The judiciary consists of a supreme judicial court, and a court of common pleas, each of three judges. The j'udges are appointed by the governor and his council ; they hold their offices during good behaviour until 70 years of age, and are remo- vable only by impeachment. Justices of the peace are appointed for 7 years. The time of annual elections is the 2d Monday in Septem- ber. Any changes may be made in the consti. tution by a vote of two thirds of both houses of the legislature, if such vote be ratified by the people. The surface of the state is generally diversified, and moderately hilly. A tract on the west side, east of the White mountains in New Hampshire, and also a small district in the north extremity, are mountainous ; some few elevations are above ordinary vegetation. The range of high land which crosses Vermont and New Hampshire, enters the n. w. comer of MAI 266 MAI Me., passes round Chauciiere r., and running nearly parallel with tiie St. Lawrence r., at the ■distance of 15 or 20 nis., terminates on the gulf of St. Lawrence, near cape Rozier. This is the ~" height of land," or the " N. E. Ridge," spoken of in the treaties as the n. boundary of Me., and ^though of gradual elevation, is in some places 4,000 ft. iibove the ocean. The mountains of Me., lie in irregular groups, with aline drawn from s. part of Oxford co. e. of Androscoggin lakes, then n. on w. side of Kennebec river and Mooschead lake, to the mountains among the w. sources of Penobsco:. r. These mtns. belong to the Alleghany range, and the White mountain fcpur. There are several subordinate spurs, the s. one extending 40 ms. from the White mtns. North of Androscoggin r. and to Dead r. is a rough range, including some of the highestpeake in the state ; the principal are Speckled moun. tain. White Cap, Saddleback, &c. about 4,000 ft. above the sea. Bald mountain ridge, with peaks of the same elevation, lies between Moose r. and the s. w. branch of Penobscot r. Kenne. bee, Penobscot, and St. .John's rs. run through a broad irregular valley, 20 ras. by 120, which is bordered by ranges of mountains. Beside those mentioned, are several other groups, as the Spencer, &c. Katahdin mtn. has been found by barometrical observation, to be 5,335 feet above the ocean, and 4,635 above w. branch of the Penobscot r. It is the highest peak e. of the Misp. except a few of the White mountains of New Hampshire. The view from the summit is fine and varied, and extends over 80 or 100 ms. ; from it may be seen 63 lakes, which are tributary to the Penobscot r., and others, the' heads of the St. John's, and Kennebec. It has high table land on three sides, 4 ms. in width. and covered with forests, is inaccess'-ble on the E., s., and on part of the w. sides, ani is covered with broken rocks, and overgrown with spruce trees, which gradually diminish towards the top, leaving its summit bare. The principal rs. of Me. are the Penobscot, Kennebec, Saco, An. droscoggin, St. John's and St. Croix, which with their branches water most of the state. The Saco waters 650 sq. ms., the Androscoggin 3,300, the Kennebec 5,28 ), and the Penobscot, which is navigable to Bangor, by the largest merchant vessels, 8,200. Those portions of the country near the sea, are watered by the Piscataqua,Kennebec, Sheepscot, Damarlscotta, Muscongus, St. Georges, Union, Narragaugus, Machias, and other rs. Between the Penobscot and Kermebec rs. a distance of 50 ms. on the sea shore, there are 4 considerable rs. beside in. numerable inlets, so that almost every town has its particular channel of communication with the sea. The soil of Maine is generally equal, and in some places superior to that of the other northern states. The tract of country along the sea coast from 10 to 20 ms. wide, though it em- braces all the varieties of sandy, gravelly, clayey, and loamy soils, is for the most part poor. The principal productions of this sec. tion, are maize, rye, barley, grass, &c. In the tract lying north of this, and extending from 50 to 100 ms. into the interior, the soil is more fer- tile, and produces maize, wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet, flax, hemp, grass, and most north- ern plants. The land between the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers, is well adapted to the purposes of agriculture, and as a grazing coun- try, is one of the finest in New England. I/and of average quality, yields with good cultivation, 40 bushels of maize to the acre, 20 to 40 bush- els wheat, rye, oats, &c., and 1 to 3 tons hay. Agriculture, until recently, has been much neg. lected; the forests and fisheries being very productive, now 5-6 of the people are supported by it, most of the inhabitants being farmers, but many, merchants and manufacturers. Apple, pear, plum, cherry trees, melons, &c. succeed; peach trees do not. The extreme season of vegetation, is between April 21st, and October 16th ; vigorous vegetation from June 3d, to September 12th. The climate of the state is subject to great extremes of heat and cold. In all parts, the air is pure and salubrious, but most so, as well as most mild, where the forests have been cleared away. The winters are very severe. Snow lies in some parts 5 months, near the sea but 3 or 4. Many sheep are raised. The west and old counties raise food, &c. for their consumption, and send out some, the east counties not enough. Cattle and swine are sent into, and through New Hampshire ; and to New Brunswick, Hamilton, and St. Johns. The trees are various. White pines are the most abun- dant, and are found chiefly on the sources of the Penobscot, Kennebec, and Aroostook rivers. Iron is abundant, and of excellent quality. Lime is made in great quantities, at Thomaston, and Cambden. Fine marble is found on the west branch of the Penobscot river. Granite and slate are abundant. Salt and fishing are profit- able on the coast. Maine enjoys great facilities for navigation and commerce. The sea shore aboimds in excellent harborsj and the settled parts of the country are mostly near to markets, where produce is readily exchanged for money. The centres of interior trade, are Portland, Hallowell, Bangor, Calais, Bnmswick, Belfast, &c., which being always open to navigation, enjoy some advantages over other ports. Saco, Machias, and Eastport, are important harbors. The tonnage of Maine, is | of that of the whole United States, though its population is but one thirtieth. The principal exports are timber, lumber of various kinds, dried fish, salt meat, lime, beef, pork, butter, pot and pearl ashes, and some grain. The tonnage of Maine, entered in the year ending September, 1830, was 74,- 741 ; departed, 97,794 ; value of imports, $572,666 ; exports, domestic produce, $643,- 435; foreign, $27,087; total exports, $670,- 522. Manufactures are very few. The direct revenue is chiefly derived from assessments on polls and estates, laid equally, I per cent, on bank stock, and the indirect, from duties on lit^ igation. Maine is rapidly increasing in population. In 1810, there were 228,705 inhabitants; in 1820, 298,335; and in 1830, 399,437, The state is divided into 10 counties, the population of each of which, for the years 1820 and 1830, are given below. Waldo county was formed from Hancock, since the cJensus of 1820. Counties. Pop, 1820 Pop. 1830 York, 46,283 51,722 Cumberlsnd, 49,445 60,102 MAI 2(i7 MAI Counties. Fop. ]820. Lincoln, 53,189 Kennebec, 42,623 Oxford, 27,104 Waldo, Somerset, 21,787 Penobscot, 13,870 Hancock, 31,290 Washington, 12,744 Pop. 1830. 57,183 52,484 35,211 29,788 35,787 3 ,530 24,33G 21,294 Total, 298,335 399,437 Of the foregoing population of 1830, were whites, Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 34,052 32,471 Between 5 and J 5, 54,2G5 51,743 " 15 and 30, 57,385 57,942 " 30 and 50, 3(i,248 36,443 " 50 and 70, 15,184 15,234 " 70 and 90, 3,4.58 3,600 " 90 and over, 95 140 Total, 200,687 197,573 Of which 153 are deaf and dumb, 154 are blind, and foreigners not naturalized 2,489. Of the deaf and dumb, 8 are supported by the state, at the American Asylum, at Hartford. Of colored persons, there are, free. Males. Females. Under 10 years of age, 159 140 Between 10 and 24, 169 171 " 24 and 36, 111 117 " 36 and 55, 105 91 " 55 and 100, 52 52 " 100 and over, 2 Total, 600 571 Slaves — males, none ; females, 6 ; colored deaf and dumb, 16; blind 1. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 398,260 1,171 6 399,437 The militia of Maine according to the last annual return (1833) exclusive of 7 companies from which no returns were received, was 40,006, consisting of 1,592 cavalry, 1,767 ar- tillerv, 32,092 infantry, 3,286 light infantry, and 1,269 riflemen. Since Maine became a separate state, an improvement has been made upon the old school system of Mass. The school fund of the state, consists of the proceeds of 20 town- ships of land, on interest; the balance of money to be received from Mass. over the debts of the state, and the proceeds of land required to be reserved for the ministry, which last is applied for schools where the land is. Besides this, every town is obliged to raise 40 cents a year, for each inhabitant, which is paid for free schools in proportion to the number of persons between 4 and 21 years. The amount of money raised by the new meth- od, is much greater than formerly. The dis- tricts build school houses, &c., and the parents furnish books ; all have equal right to the schools. In 1825, $137,878 were expended for schools, in 2,499 districts ; 101,325 children at tended, 4^ months in the year ; average wages of teachers, ^12 per month. Expense of each scholar per year ^1,35, and annual increase of scholars, 6,000. In 1831, the number of school districts was 2,500 ; amount expended ^200,000, and the number of students at public schools, not supported by voluntary contributions 100,000. The whole number of academies was 35, and the students 900 ; students at colleges, includ- ing medical school, 260. Grammar schools have been superseded by academies, founded by- private persons and supported by land granted by the state. In 1819, there were 28, 24 of which were incorporated by Mass. with capital invested, ^220,000, annual income $9,500 ; re. ceiptsfor tuition, ^8,000, number of pupils 950, for 10 months in the year ; average expense |,'50» The Maine Wesleyan seminary, Waterville col- lege, Bowdoin college and Bangor theological seminary, are superior institutions. Gardiner lyceum has ceased operations for the pres- ent. Bowdoin college, at Brunswick, was founded in 1794, by Hon. J. Bowdoin, and has lands from Mass., and an annuity from Maine. A medical school is attached to it. In Maine there is one child at school for every 4 inhabitants. The state prison, at Thomaston, is on an eminence, a few yards from navigable wa. ter. The convicts are employed in quarrying limestone on the grounds, and in hammering granite which is brought by water. In its con. struction and general arrangements the late im- provements have been introduced. The con- victs have separate cells, in which they are confined at night ; they are all instructed, and taught to read the scriptures. The proceeds of their labor in 1831, exceeded the expenses, (ex- clusive of the officer's pay,) more than ^400. The expenses of 1832 were $18,700; and the receipts during the same period were rising of $20,000. There is but one county prison in Maine, and by a recent law, the state has abo- lished imprisonment for debt, which saves annu- ally about 1000 imprisonments. An act was passed in March, 1832, to encourage agricul- ture, horticulture, and manufactures, author, ising the payment to each incorporated agricul- tural society, or horticultural society, as much money as it raises by subscription or otherwise, not exceeding $300 in each county. These societies are authorized to offer annual pre. miums for improving animals, tools, imple. ments of husbandry, or manufacture, trees, plants, &c. The legislature has also at dif. ferent times, appropriated money to improve the road through the White mountains of New Hampshire, as it affords an important channel of transportation, for the produce of the interior. The state expenses, in 1830, were about $297 900, $50,000 of which was raised by direct taxation. $5,000 is annually appropriated for the education of indigent deaf and dumb per- sons, at the American Asylum, in Hartford Conn. There is in Maine, a state temperance society, and a historical society, with a deposi. tory, &c. A marine hospital is to be erected by the government of the United States, at Port- land, and $15,000 have been appropriated for it. The following are the names of the princi, pal places, and their distances, on the new road through Maine to Cans da, beginning at the cap. ital. From Augusta to Waterville, 183 miles' Fairfield 187^, Bloomfield 198, Madison' Wherf's, 205, Solon, Boies', 215, Bingham, Goodridge's, 223, Moscow, Spaulding's, 235, forks of Kennebec river. Temple's, 245, Parlin pond. Baker's, 260, Moose river, Holden's, 275, Hilton's camp in township No. 5, 3d range, 286,' St. Charles, Owen's, 317, St. Francis, Boldue's,' 326, St. Joseph's, Suponsey's, 340, St. Mary's,, MAN 2f Slaven's, 352, St. Henry's, 370, Point Levi, Mc- Kensey's, 382, over the St. Lawrence river to Quebec, 383. From the Canada line, to Point Levi, 117 miles, the road is perfectly smooth, and there are no very steep hills. There are various religious sects in the state. Baptists, 210 churches, 13G ministers, 22 licentiates, and 12,936 communicants ; Congregationalists, 156 churches, 107 ministers, 9,626 coraraunicants ; Methodists, 56 ministers, 12,182 coriamunicants ; Free Will Baptists, 50 congregations; Friends, 30 societies ; Unitarians, 12 societies, 8 minis, ters; Episcopalians, 4 ministers ; Roman Cath. dies, 4 churches ; New .Jerusalem church, 3 societies ; besides some Universalists. Maine Paint, cr. and p-o. Fayette co. Ohio, by p-r. 53 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Mainsbukg, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 144 ms. N. Harrisbui'g. Malaga, p-v. Monroe co. Ohio, by p-r. 142 ms. E. Columbus. Malcolm, p-o. Jefferson co. Misp. 15 ms. n. Natchez. Malden, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 4 ms. n. e. Boston, 4 miles by 2A. The bridge to Charles- town is nearly 2,500 ft. long. In the south, are about 1,000 acres of salt marsh. North part uneven. First settled 1648. Pop. 2,010. Mallorysville, p-v. in the eastern part of Wilkes CO. Geo. by p-r. 71 ms.. h. n. e. Mil- ledgeville. Malone, p-t. and st. jus. Franklin co. N. Y. on Salmon r., with a c. h. and state arsenal. It is 50 ms. w. N. w. of Plattsburg. Se\ eral ponds afford trout, as well as the streams. Pop. 2,207. Malta, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 4. ms. s. e. Ballston Spa, 25 n. Albany ; contains Round lake and part of Saratoga lake, with few mill ssats, and is a good farming town, with a vil- lage called Dunning street. Pop. 1,517. Malta, p-v. Morgan co. O. by p-r. 70 ms. s. E. by E. Columbus. Mamakattng, t. Sullivan co. N. Y. Villages, Bloomingsburg, (on Shawangunk cr.) Burling- ham and Mamakating. It is 7 or 8 ms. by 15, and is crossed by Shawangunk mtn. or Blue Ridge. The streams afford trout and pike. Pop. 3,070. Mamaronec, p-t. West Chester co. N. Y. has a harbor on Long Island sound for vessels of iOO tons. Two crs. afford mill seats 23 ms. n. E. N. Y., 2h ms. by 3. Pop. 838. Mamgunk, p-v. Phil. CO. Pa. Manahawken, p-v. Monmouth co. N. J. near the sea, on a cr. of the same name, 6 ms. n. e. Tuckerton, 50 ms. s. Freehold. MANAsauAN r. Monmouth co. N. J. falls into the ocean 30 ms. s. Sandy Hook, 4 n. Barnegat bay, is navigable for small vessels. Manchester, t. Hillsborough co, N. H. e. side of Merrimack r. ; contains part of Massabesick pond, and several small streams. A canal of 1 m. passes the Amoskeag falls in Merrimack r., which descends 45 ft. Made in 1816, and cost .^60,000. General Stark died here. 1 6 ms. s. Concord. Pop. 877. Manchester, p-t. and half shire, Bennington CO. Vt. Battenkill r. and its branches give many mill seats. Equinox mtn. is 3,706 ft. above tide. It has 2 villages, white marble quarries, a jaii^ 8 MAN court house, academy, &c., 22 ms. w. Benning. ton. A turnpike road crosses the Green mtns. Pop. 1,525. Manchester, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 8 ms. e. n. E. Salem, 27 n. e. Boston. Incorporated in 1645. The inhabitants are much employed in the fisheries, which are valuable. It has a good harbor, and lies sloping to the water s. Pop. 1,236. Manchester, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 10 ms. E. Hartford. The village is pleasantly situated on the great route from Hartford to Boston, and the town, which contains much fine soil, has several manufactories. Pop. 1,576. Manchester, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y. Canan- daigua outlet afibrds mill seats. 199 ms. w. Al. bany. The Clifton springs are sulphureous, rising through lime rocks, 10 ms. n. Canandai- gua. Pop. 2,811. Manchester, p-o. York co. Pa. between the boro' of York and Harrisburg. Manchestep., p-v. in the northwestern angle of Baltimore co. Md. 33 ms. n. n. w, Baltimore. Manchester, p-v. very pleasantly situated on James r. opposite Richmond, and in Chester- field CO. Va. Mayo's bridge over the Rapids of James r. unites Richmond to Manchester. Manchester, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Sump, ter dist. S. C. It is situated about 8 ms. n. n. e. the junction of Watcres and Congaree rs., and by p-r. 40 ms. s.e. by e. Columbia. Manchester, p-v. and st. jus. Clay co. Ky., situated on a branch of the south fork of Ky. r. by p-r. 126 ms. s-. e. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 10', and long. 6° 38' w. W. C. Manchester, p-v. Adams co. 0. by p-r. 110 ms. s. s; w. Columbus. Manchester, p-v. Dearborn co. Ind. by p-r. 89 ms. s. e. Indianopo'is. Manchester, p-v. St. Louis co. Mo., by p-r, 20 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. Mandan, Nation of Indians residing on both sides of Mo. r. at n. lat. 47=>, and long. W. C, 22° 30' w. These geographical limits yield an intermediate distance of 1284 statute ms. by a course inflected 63 degrees from the meridians. Mandarin, p-v. Duval co. Flor. by p-r. 267 ms. estrd. Tallahassee. Mangohick, p-o. King William co. Va. 40 ms. Ethwrd. W. C. Manhattan, isl. {See N. Y. city.) Manhattan, p-v. Putnam co. Ind. by p-r. 52?" ms. wstrd. Indianopolis. Manhattanville, v. E. side of Hudson r. 9' ms. N. N. Y., included within the bounds of the city and co. of N. Y. Manheim, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 69 ms. w, N. w. Albany, 14 e. Herkimer ; contains a num- ber of mills, and very good land. Pop. 1,937. Manheim, p-v, Lancaster co. Pa. 10 ms. n. w, the city of Lancaster, and about 30 a little s. of E. Harrisburg. Manlius, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y. 10 ms. e. Onondaga; 137 w. Albany; contains many mill seats on Limestone, Chitteningo and Butternut crs, A branch of ihe first falls 100 ft. There are sulphur springs. The Erie canal passes through the town. 5 villages, ManHus, Fayette- ville, Orville, Eagle ville and James ville. Fop. 7,375. MAR 269 MAR Mannboro', p-v. Amelia co. Va. by p-r. 48 ms. N. w. Richmond. Manningham, p-v. Butler co. Ala. by p-r, 152 ms. s. s. E. Ala. Mannington. t. Salem co, N. J. 50 ms. s. w. Trenton ; has Salem cr. n. and w., and is cross- ed by Mannington cr. Pop. linS. Manoh, p-o. Lancaster co. Pa. G ms. s. s. w. Lancaster. Manor Hill and p-o. Huntingdon co. Pa. by p-r. 163 ms. n. W. C. Mansfield, t. Chittenden co. Vt. 20 ms. n. w. Montpelier ; contains much uninhabitable moun- tain land. Pop. 1,726 Mansfikld, t. Bristol co. Mass. 12 ms. n. Taunton. Pop. 1,172. Mansfield, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 28 ms. e. Hartford. A larger quantity of silk is manufac- tured here than in any other place in the U. S. This branch of industry was introduced into the country by Dr. Aspinwall of this place, above 70 years ago, vi'ho e.stabiished the raising of silk worms in New Haven, Long Island and Philadelphia. Assisted by Dr. Stiles, half an ounce of Mulberry seed was sent to every parish in Conn., and the legislature for a time offered a bounty on mulberry trees and raw silk ; 265 lbs. were raised here in 1793, and the quantity has been increasing ever since. In 1830, 3,200 lbs. were raised. Here is a small silk factory, under an English manufacturer, with swifts, for winding hard silk ; 32 spindles for doubling ; 7 dozen of spindles for throwing; •7 do. of spindles for spinning ; 32 spindles for soft silk winding, and 2 broad and 1 fringe silk looms. There is machinery enough to keep 30 broad silk looms, and 59 hands in operation. Pop. 2,661. Mansfield, t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 245 ms. w. by s. of Albany. Pop. 378. Mansfield p-t. Warren co. N. J., is hilly, crossed lengthwise by Morris canal and Pohat- cong cr. It is bndd. s. e. in its whole length by Musconetcong r., and is 7 ms. ,?. e. Oxford, and 35 N. Trenton. Mansfield, t. Burlington co. N. J. 8 ms. s. Trenton ; has Del. r. n. w., Blacks cr. n. e., and is crossed by Crafts cr. on which are seve- ral mills. It is opposite Newbold's isl. in Dela- ware r. Mansfield, p-v. and st. jus. Richland co. 0. by p-r. 71 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Lat. 40° 47', long. 5° 53' w. W. C. Pop. 840. Mansfield, p-v. Tioga co. Pa, by p-r. 140 ms. N. n. w, Harrisburg. Mansker's cr. and p-o. wstrn. part of David- son CO. Ten, 25 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Mantua, p-v. Portage co, O, by p-r, 137 ms. N. E. Columbus. Maple Grove, p-o. Armstrong co. Pa. 231 ms. N, w, W, C, MArLEsviLLE, p-v, Bibb co, Ala. by p-r. 35 ms. estrd. Tuscaloosa. Maramec, r. of Mo. interlocking sources on the sthrd. with those of St, Francis, and on the w, with those of Gasconade r. It is composed of two branches, Maramec Proper, and Big r. Maramec rises in Crawford and Washington COS., and flowing thence n. e, traverses Frank- lin, receiving Bourbeuse, a large tributary from 35 the westward. Having reached to within 8 ms. from Mo. r., the Maramec curves to the e. and receives Big r. between St. Louis and Jeffer.- son COS. Still inflecting, this stream finally as- sumes a s. e. course to its influx into Misp. r. 20 ms. below St. Louis. Big r. rises in the Iron mtns., and in Washington and St. Francis COS., and flowing thence n. over Jefferson falls into the main stream of Maramec at Lawrence. ton. It may be observed as a curious fact in physical geopraphy, that the general course of the Maramec is directly co:itrary to, and very nearly parallel to that of the Misp. from St. Louis to the influx of Kaskaskias. The valley of PJaramec is 100 ms. in length, with a mean breadth of 35, or area 3,500 sq. ms. comprising the space between the lower Mo. and St. Fran- cis, and between the Gasconade and Misp. rs. Lat. 38°, and long, 14° w, intersect between the main Maramec and Big r, Maramec, p-v. Gasconade co. Mo., about 70 ms. s. w. by w. St. Louis. Marathon, p-i. Cortland co, N. Y., 145 ms, s. by E. of Albany. Pop. 895. Marblehead, p-t. and port, Essex co. Mass., 1<5 ms. E. Boston, 4 s. e. Salem, 1 m. by '3|- on a neck of land. The harbor is lA ms. long, ^ broad, safe and defended by furt Sewell, The town is large and handsome, with a fine square, custom house, bank, and other public buildings, on a rocky neck. The chief business is the cod fishery on the banks ; 54 vessels, employ, ing 342 men and 46 boys, were employed in this fishery from Marblehead in 18,32 ; their re- turns were 60,000 quintals offish amounting to •$150,000, 810 barrels of oil, ^!0,l25, and sounds and tongues valued at 5?5,O00 to -$7,006 more. Add the bounty, amounting to $16,218.5 the whole product is about ^176,000. The coa.st is rocky and barren, and there are but fev/ sp(>ts of good soil in the town ; it has water on three sides. Pop. 5,149. Marble Hill, and p-o. Prince Edward co. Va., 83 ms. s, w. Richmond. Marbletown, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 10 ms. s. vv. Kingston. Esopus and Rondout crs., pass through it, and with their branches afford mill seats. Clouded marble is quarried here ; the Delaware and Hudson canal passes through it. Pop. 3,223. Marburyville, p-v. parish of W, Feliciana, La., 8 ms, estrd, St, Francisville, 83 n, w, by w. New Orleans, Marcellus, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y,, oq Skeneateles lake, 10 ms, w. Onondaga, in- cludes half of Skeneateles and Otisco lakes, with many mill seats. Pop. 2,626. Marcus Hook, p-v. on the right bank of Del, r., and in the extreme sthrn, angle of Del, co. Pa., 20 ms. below Phil, Marengo, co, of Ala, bndd, n. by Greene ; N, E, by Perry ; e, Dallas ; s, e. Wilcox ; s, Clark ; and w. Tombigbee r,, separating it from the Choctaw country. Length s. to n, 40 ms., width 24, and area 960 sq. ms. Extend. ing in lat. 32° to 32° 35', and in long. 10° 40' to ll°41'w, W, C, This co, extending down the Tombigbee from the influx of Black War- rior r,, is composed of an inclined plane, and declining wstrd. towards the latter stream ; the MAR 270 MAR estrn. and sthestrn. limits, thougli straight lines, follow nearly the dividing ridge between the vallies.of Tombigbee and Ala. rs. Similar to the contiguous cos., the greatest share of the surface of Marengo is covered with pine, and with a sterile soil ; in 1820, what is now Greene co. was included in Marengo, and the whole had a population of 3,933 ; in 1830, the latter contained 7,700. Cf. t. Lynden. Mahengo, p-v. and st. jus. Marengo co. Ala. (See Lynden.) Margallaway r. N. II., rises on the line of Maine and L. Canada, and is the head st>-eam of Androscoggin r. Margaretta, Furnace and p-o; York co. Pa. Margarktta, p-v. Htiron co. 0., by p-r. 119 ms. N. Columbus. Mariana, p-v. on Cupola r., in the nrthrn. part of Jackson co Flor., about l40 ms. n. e. by E. Pensacola, and 70 miles n. w. by w. Talla. "liassee. Marichae, p-o. parish of E. Baton Rouge, La., situated on the left bank of Misp. r. at the efflux of Ibberville cr., 11 ms. s. Baton Rouge. Marietta, p-v. on the left bank of Susque- hannah r., above the mouth of Chiques cr. Lan- caster CO. Pa., 13 ms. w. the city of Lancaster. Jn 182 'i the tsp. contained 1,545 inhabitants. Marietta, p-v. and st. jus. Washington co. -O., situated on the point above the junction of •Ohio and Muskingum rs., about 60 ms. s. s. e. Zanesville, and by p-r. 304 ms. a little n. of w. W. C, and 106 s. js. by e. Columbus. The site- is pleasani,, but the lower part near the .point li-- able to occasional inundation. This town was the cradle of the state of O., and was foiinded4n 1787 by a colony from Mass., whose descend- ants have maintained the industrious and frugal habits of their parents. The town now contains an academy, several private schools, the com- mon CO. buildings, two printing offices, a bank, and two or three churches. The scenery of the vicinity is peculiarly fine, even on the Ohio. Pop. 1,207. Marion, p-t. Wayne co. N. Y, Pop. 1,967. Marion, dist. S. C, bndd. e. and s. e. by Lum- -ber r. or Little Pedee, separfiting it from Horry, on the s. by Great Pedee, separating it from 'Georgetown, s. w. by Lynches qr., separating it from Wilhamsburg, w. by Darlington, n. w. by Marlboro', and n. by Robeson co. in N. C. .Length from the junction of Great and Little Pedee, to the extreme nthrn. angle on N. C, 67 teis., mean width -18, and area 1,200 .sq. nfis. -fiearly. Extending in lat. 33° 41' to 34° 36', snd in long. 2° 10' to 2° 50' w. W. C. The general slope of this large dist. is stlxrd., down whichflow the Great and Little Pedeej and nu- pierous. smaller streams ; the surface is mostly level, much of it flat and marshy. In a naviga- ble point of view, Marion has great advantages ; jt lies open to the ocean by 4 boatable streams, -which are finally united at its extreme sthrn. ^ngle, Cf.t. Marion. Pop. 1820, 10,201, 1830, 11,008. Marion, p-v. and st. jus. Marion dist. S. ('., situated near the centre of the dist., about 65 ms. N. Georgetown, and by p-r. 116 ms. a little N. of E. Columbia. Lat. 34° 11', long. 2° 28' w. \y. c. Marion, co. Geo., bndd. s. by Lee, s. w. by Randolph, w. Muscogee, n. Talbot, and e. Flint r. separating it from Crawford n. e., and Hous- ton E. Length 35 ms., mean width 20, and area 700 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 32° 18' to 32° 35', and in long. 7° 12' to 7° 46' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is e. towards the Flint. Cf. t. Marion c. h. Pop. 1,436. Marion, p-v. and st.jus. Twiggs co. Geo., by p-r. 37 ms. s. w. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 42', and long. 0° 30' w. W. C. Marion, c. h. and p-o. Marion co. Geo., by p-r. J74 ras. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Marion co. Ala., bndd. n. by Franklin, %. Walker, s. JjafayetfB, w. Monroe co. in the state of Misp., and n. w. by the Chickasaw country in Ala. Length 38, mean width 30, and area 1,140 sq. ms. Lat. 34°, and long. 11° w. W. iC. intersect very near the centre of this CO. The nthrn. part is drained by the sources of Bear cr. flowing into the Ten. r. ; the greater part however slopes sthrd., and is drained into Tombigbee by, the different branches of ButtEk-. hatche and Sipey rs. Cf. t. Pikeville^ -Pop-. 4,058. Marion co. Misp., bndd. w. by Pike, n. w. by Lawrence, n. by Covington, e. by Perry, s. e. by Hancock, and s. w. by the parish of Wash- ington, La. Length 42, mean width 'f^O, and area 1,261) sq. ms. ; extending in lat 31° to 31° 27', and in Jong. 12° 28' to 13° 17' w. W. C. The estrn,. part of this co. slopes to the s. e., and is drained by Leaf r. and Black cr., branches of the Pascagoula r., whilst the wstrn. section is traversed by Pearl r. in a s. s. e. direction. Most of the surface is covered with pine, and soil sterile ; the margin of the streams, however, affords good soil ; staple cotton. Cf. t. Colum- bia. Pop. 1820, 3,116; 1830, 3,691. Marion co. Ten., bndd. by Cumberland mtnr. which separates it from Franklin w. and n. w. ; by Bledsoe n., Hamilton e^ and Ten. r. s. Length 30, mean width 20, and area.600sq. ms. Extending in Jat. J5° 10' to 35° 26', and in long. 8° 15' to 9° 09' w. W. C. The Sequatchie i;, enters this co. on the n. estrn. border, and tra- verses it in the greatest length, flowing to the s. w. into Ten. The co. lies in most part in the valley of the Sequatchie; surface hilly. Cf. t. Jasper. Pop. 1820, 3,888, 1830, .5,508. Marion, co. 0., bndd. by Del. s.. Union s. w., Hardin w., Crawford n., and Richland e. Length from e. to w. 32, mean breadth 15, and area 480 sq. ms.; ,Iat 40° 40',, long. W. C.6° w. Slope sthrd. and drained by the higher branches of Scioto r. Cf. t. Marion. Pop. 6,190. Marion, p-v. and st. jus. Marion co. 0., by p-r. 47 ms. a little w. of n. Columbus. Pop. 1830, 287. Marion co. Ind., bndd. s. by Johnson, Mor- gan s. w., Hendricks w., n. w. Boone, n. Ham. ilton, and e. Hancock. It i« a square of 20 ms. each side, area 400 sq. ms. The central lat. 40° 45', long. 9° 09' w. W. 0. It is traversed in a direction of s. s. w. by the rp.ain stream of White r., which divides it into two not very une- qual sections. It is a surface which, every thing considered, is perhaps unsurpassed. Cf. t. In- dianopolis, the cap. of the state. Pop. 7,192. ]VL\RjoN, p-v. Shelby co. Jp.d., by p-r. 25 MAR 271 MAR ms. s. E. Indianopolis, and 5. ms. from Shelby- ville. Marion co. II., bndd. by Jefferson s., Clinton w., Fayette n., Clay n. e,, and Wayne s. e. It is a square 24 ms. each side, 576 sq, ms., lat. 38° 40', long W. C. 12° W. It is a table land, from which flow wstrd. some branches of the Kaskaskias, and s. estrd. the extreme sources of Waynes fork of Little Wabash. Cf. t. Salem. Pop. 2,125. Marion co. Mo., bndd. s. by Ralls, s. w. by Monroe, on the w. uncertain, n. by Lewis, and by the Misp. r. e., separating it from Adams and Pike ccis. II. Breadjh SO, mean length 24, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 45', long, 14i° w. W. C. ; the slope estrd. and drained by seve- ral crs. It is in contemplation to establish a college in this co. Cf. t. Palmyra. Pop. 4,837. Marion, p v. in the nrthwstrn. part of Cole CO. Mo. It is situated m the right bank of Missouri r., 15 ms. above J'eflerson city. Marksborough, v. Warren co. N. .1., on Paulingskill, 15 ms. n. n. E. Belvidere. Marksvili.e, p-v. and st. jus. parish of Avoy- elles, La., situated 55 ms. by the road n. St. Landre, in Opelousas ; 35 ms. s. e. Alexandria in Rapid co., and as marked in the p.o. list, 1,308 ms. from W. C. ; lat. 31° 05', and long. 1.5^ 08' w. W. C. , Marksville, p-v. Shenandoah co. Va., by p-r. fSSms. wstrd. W. C. Marlborough, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 5 ms. s. E. Keene, 55 from Concord, contains several ponds, emptying into Ashuelot r. with rocky jsbil, good for grain, flax and grass. First set- tled 1760. Pop. 822. Marlborough, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 24 ms. E. Bennington, 44 s. w. Windsor. First settled 1763; has the w. branch of W«st r., Whet- stone branch, and Green r., whicE give good m\\l seats. 2 ponds supply trout. Centre mtn. is in the middle. The soil is rich, and products and minerals numerous. 12 school districts. I^op. 1,218. Marlborough, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 16 ms. E. Worcester, 28 ms. w. Boston. Incorpo- rated 1660, on a branch of Concord r., has very good land and a varied snrface, where many cattle are fattened. First settled .1654. Here was the Christian Indian t. of Okamakamesit ; when a part of Sudbury, in 167R, sufli^ered from the Indians. Pop. 2,077. Marlborough, p-t. Hartford co. Conn. 4 n^s. by 5^ ; 22 sq. ms., is hilly and stony, best for grass, with good mill seats on small streams. Black lead is found here. Pop. 704. Marlbohough, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., w. Hud- son r., 23 ms. s. e. Hudson, 3 ms. by 6, 18 sq. ms., well cultivated, and has many inhabitants of English extraction. Pop. 2,273. Marlboro', Lower, Md. (See Lower Marl. boro\) Marlboro', Upper, Md. (SeeUpper Marlboro'.) Marlborough, p-v. in Marlborou-gh tsp. Stark CO. O. The tsp. lies in the nrthrni part of the CO. and comprises a section of highly produc- tive soil, and in a state of very rapid agricultur- al improvement. The p-v. is 14 ms. n. n. e. Canton, 20 ms. e. of the Ohio Canal-, and by p,r. 130 ms. n. e. Columbus; Fop. 106; Marlow, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 15 miles from Keene, 45 from Concord, 15,9 J7 acres, is crossed by Ashuelot r., has a wet soil, but fer- tile meadows, and produces much grain. Pop. 645. Marquis, p-v. Tippecanoe co. Ind. by p-r. 77 ms. N. w. Indianopolis. Marrowbone, p-v. Cumberland co.- Ky. by p-r. 128 ms. sthrd. Frankfort. Mars, p-v. Guilford co. N.- C. by p-r. 95 ms, N. w. by w. Raleigh. Mars, p-v. Bibb co. Ala. by p-r. 26 ms. estrd. Tuscaloosa. Mars Bluff, and p-o. on the left bank of Great Pedee r. Marion dist. S. C, where the road passes from Darlington to Marion c. h. hj p-r. 118 ms. a little n." of e. Columbia.' Marsh, isl. Penobscot co. Me. in Penob'sc'ot r. 4 ms. above Bangor. Marsh, p.o. Chester co. Pa, by p-r. 136 ms. N. E, W. C. Marshall, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 110 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 1,908. Marshall's Ferry, and p.o. Grainger co. Ten. by p-r 248 ms. e. Nashville. Marshallville, p-o. Wayne co. 0. about 90 ms. N. E. Columbus. Marshalton, p-v. Chester co. Pa. 4 ms^ w. West Chester, and 28 w. Phil. Marshfield, p-t. Washington co. Vt. 12 ms. N. e. Montpelier, 16 s. w. Danville. It is cross- ed by Onion r., and is uneven, with slate and granite rocks. It contains -6 school districts, and was granted to the Stockbridge Indians in' 1782, aKd said by them to Isaac Marsh 1789. Pop. 1,271. MARSHFiSLO'i p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 30 ms. s. e. Boston ; incorporated in 1640 ; is pleasant- ly situated on the ocean, with North and South rs., and a small harbor. It first belonged to Ply. mouth. Pop. 1,565. Mars Hill, Me. 1 m. 16- chains -w. from the e. bound of U. S. ; has been recently assumed by the British as the n. w. angle of Nova Sco- tia, It is isolated, with two peaks, 1,506, and 1,363 ft. above St. John's r. Marshpee, Indian t., Barnstable co. Mass.: J7i) ms. s. e. Boston, hag a harbor and some shipping. It was an Indian town, and has some remains of the original inhabitants. It has- Pomponesset bay e., a light soil with much wood. Here was an Indian Christian congre- gation. Marthasville, P--V. Montgomery co. Mo. about 55 ms. wstrd. S. Louis. Martha's Vineyj£rd, isl. Dukes co. Mass. contaiiis 3 towns, Edgartown, Tisbury, and Chilmark. The court of common pleas is held at Edgartown for Bafnstabie and Dukes cos. Soil poor, but many cattle and sheep are raised ; and the fisheries are valuable. The people are much engaged as pilots, seamen, and as fisher- men, and are hardy and enterprising. An In- dian church was formed here in 1666, by Cotton Mather. It is a little w. Nantucket, 21 ms. by 6. Marticville, p-v. in the tsp. of Martic, Lan- caster CO. Pa. 8 ms. sthrd. the city of Lancaster. In 1820, the tsp. contained 1,701 inhabitants. Martin, co. N. C. bndd. by Washington e., Beaufort s. e,, Pitt s,.W;j lEdgecombe w., Halifa:? MAR 272 MAR N. w., and Roanoke r. separating it from Bertie N. and ^. e. Length 40, mean width 12, and area 481 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 33° 40' to 36° 02', and in long. 0° 16' e. to 0° 28' w. W. C. The surface level, and in part marshy, with a slight declhiation to the n. e. towards Roan- oke r. Cf. t. Williamstown. Pop. 1820, 6,320 ; 1830, 8,539. Martin, go. Ind. bndd. s. by Dubois, Daviess w., Greene n., Lawrence n. e., and Orange s. e. ; breadth 15, mean length 20, and area 300 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 40', long. 9° 50' w. W. C. It is traversed in a s. s. w. direction by the east branch of Whiter. Cf. t. Hindostan. Pop. 2,010. Martins, cr. and p-o. The cr. falls into the Del. r. in Northampton co. Pa. 10 ms. above Easton, and the p-o. is near it. Martinseuro, p-t. and st. jus. Lewis co. N. Y. Roaring branch, has good mill seats. It contains the co. buildings, and is 48 ms. n. Utica. Fop. 2,382. Martinsburg, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Bed- ford CO. Fa. 27 ms. a little e. of K. the boro' of Bedford, and by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. by \v. Har- risburg. Martlnsburg, p-v. and st. jus. Berkley co. Va. 24 ms. n. n. e. Winchester, 21 n. w. Har- pers Ferry, and by p-r. 84 n. w. W. C. Lat. 39° 27', and long. 0° 58' w. W. C. Martinsburg, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Mon- roe CO. Ky. 14 ms. from Tompkinsville, and by P-r. 151 s. s. w.Frankford. Martinsburg, p-v. Knox co. 0. by p-r. 55 ms. N. E. Columbus. Martinsburg, p-v. Washington co. Ind. by H-r. l03 ms. sthrd. Indianopolis. Martin's Mills, and p-o. Richland co. 0. by p-r. 86 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Martin's Store, and p-o. Montgomery co. N. C by p-r. 133 ms. s. w. by \v. Raleigh. Martinville, p-v. and st. jus. Morgan co. Ind. situated on White r. 30 ms. below, and s. s. w. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 26' long. W. C. 9° 24' w. Martinsville, p-v. and st. jus. Henry co. Va. eituated near the left bank of Irvine or Smith's r. about 70 ms. s. w. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 151 s. w. by w. Richmond. Martinsville, p-v. Guilford co. N. C. situa- ted on the Reedy fork of Haw r., by p-r. 94 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Martinsville, p-v. in the nthestrn. part of Warren co. Ky. 29 ms. from Bowling Green, and by p.r. 113 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Maryland, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 16 ms. s. Cooperstown, 66 \v. Albany, has much good grazing; but Cromhorn mtns. are barren. 10,000 acres of the tsp. belong to the state. It has mills, manufactories, &c. Pop. 1,834. Maryland, one of the states of the U. S., bndd. by the state of Del. e., the Atlantic ocean and the estrn. shore of Va. s. e., Chesapeake bay s., Potomac r. separating it from Va. s. w., a part of Va. w., and Pa. n. w. and n. Mary- land extends along the Atlantic ocean from the sthestrn. angle of the state of Del. to the sthestrn. angle of Maryland 35 ms. ; between Md. and Va., on the estrn. shore 15 ; from the mouth of Pokomoke r. to that of Potomac 40; up Potomac r. to the source of its n. branch 320 ; thence due n. to the sthrn. boundary of Pa. 36 ; along the limit between Pa. and Md. 200 ; and along the limit between Del. and Md. to the place of beginning on the Atlantic 124; having an outline of 770 ms. ; and extends from lat. 38° to 39° 43' very nearly, and in long. 1° 56' e. to 2° 24' w. W. C. From the great irregu- larity of its outline, and from including in its superficies that of Chesapeake bay, the area of the land surface of Md. has been, by most ge- ographers, overrated. The subjoined table gives the area of the counties, and the aggre- gate of the whole. Pop. Pop. Lth. mn. vvtli. area. 1820. 1830. Alleghany, 60 134 8121 8,C54 10,603 A. Riind-l, 60 12 720 27,105 28,29.'5 Ealtimore, 3(5 25 900 90,201 120,876 Calvert, 3."? 8 2()4 8,073 8,899 Caroline, 30 8 240 10.041 9,070 Cecil, 22 12 204 16,048 15,432 Charles, 30 15 450 16,500 17,66(5 Dorchester, 32 20 640 17,755 18,685 Frederick, 42 18 776 4'i,459 45,793 Harford, 30 16 480 15,924 11,315 Kent, 30 8 240 11,453 10,502 Montgomerv, 28 18 .500 16,400 19,816 Fiince George's, 30 17 5)0 20,216 20.473 Queen Anil, 40 10 400 14,952 14,390 St. Mary's, 26 10 380 12,974 13,455 Somerset, 35 15 .500 19,579 20,155 Talbot, 2a 8 200 14,389 12,947 Washington, 40 12 480 23,075 25,263 Worcester, 30 20 600 17,421 18,271 Total, 9,356 407,279 446,913 Of the area, the estrn. shore contains 3,084 sq. ms. with a pop. in 1820. of 121,638, or something above 39 to the sq. m., whilst the wstrn. part, comprising 6,272 sq. ms., and in- eluding the two cities of Baltimore and Fred- erick, contained in 1820, 285,641 inhabitants. In the last decennia period, the aggregate pop. of the state, has increased a small fraction above 9^ per cent., having gained an increment of 39,634, but this augmentation has been entirely w. of Chesapeake bay. Of the 8 estrn. cos. 4 have decreased, and taken together, the aggre- gate is 2,171 less than that of 1820. On the contrary, every one of the wstrn. cos. has gain- ed more or less, and the whole has augmented from 285,641 to 327,446. Of the increase, 17,887 was in the city of Baltimore. The pro. gressive population of the state since 1790, has been as follows : — Date, Whites, Free col'd. Slaves, Total col'd. Total, 1790 208,647 8,043 103,036 111,079 319,728 1800 221,998 19,987 107,707 127,694 349,654 1810 2;;.5,n7 33,927 111, .502 14.5,429 .380,546 1820 200,222 39,7:!0 107,398 147,128 407,350 1830 ^ 2iri,093 52,912 102,873 1.55,820 446,913 Of the pop. in 1830, were : — whites, blind, 156; deaf and dumb, 132 ; colored, blind, 117 ; deaf and dumb, 82. The free white pop. has within the last 10 years augmented from 260,222 to 291,093, having gained 30,871 or about l2 per cent. The free colored increase is 13,182 or at the rate of 33J per cent. The slaves have decreased 4,520, or at the rate of 44 per cent. The total increase of colored pop. since 1820, is 8,652, or at the rate of 5f per cent. There were in 1790, 183 whites to one colored, — 1800, 175,-1810, 162,-1820, J 77, and in 1830, 187. Natural Geography. — Md. is naturally sub- divided into three sections; eastern, middle and western^ The estrn. called locally, "the east- MAR 273 MAR em shore," separated from the middle by Ches. apeake bay, comprises a part of that remarkable peninsula between the Delaware and Chesa- peake bays. Except in size and in being united to the continent on the n. by a neck of land of about 20 ms., the Chesapeake peninsula differs in nothing essential from the other insular strips along the Atlantic coast of the U. S. Both Long Island and Staten Island, are indeed much more relatively elevated than any part of the peninsula of Chesapeake. (See Chesapeake peninsula.) Of this peninsula, Md. comprises the wstrn. slope from Pokomoke bay, to the junction of Susquehamiah r. with Chesapeake bay. The eastern shore of Md. is peculiarly indented by bays and chequered with small islands. Pokomoke bay is an expanse of water spreading from the mouth of a small river of the same name, and is followed northwestardly by Tangier island and sound, leading into Fish- ing bay, below the mouth of Nanticoke r. ; with the Tangier islands and the mouth of Potomac, Chesapeake bay abruptly contracts from a width of 25 to about 10 or 12 ms. Above the mouth of Nanticoke r., with the peninsular forming Dorchester co., intervening, opens Choptank bay, separating Dorchester from Talbot co. The latter co. is again subdivided into several fragments by Tread Haven, Broad and St. iVii- chael's bays, and is followed by Chester bay and r., separating Queen Ann from Kent co. All those bays and numerous creeks intersect the coast, in the space of one degree of lat. be- tween 38° and 39°. From lat. 39°, Kent co. sweeps a semicircular peninsular, between Chester and Sassafras rs. with its convex on Chesapeake bay. Sassafras bay is followed in quick succession by Elk and North rs., and final- ly by the great discharge of Susquehannah r. We may regard the Chesapeake and Del. canal as a natural limit, since, though artificial and of recent construction, it must remain permanent, and insulates the natural section under review. The eastern shore of Md. is alluvial. The sur- face of the country is either waving or level, and in no place sufficiently elevated to be cor. -rectly designated hilly. The soil varies, but in its general character maybe set down as above middling quality. The climate from the nthrn. part of Cecil, to the sthrn. of Somerset and Dorchester cos. differs in temperature much more than might be expected in 103 minutes of lat., over a region so little diversified in relative elevation. On the lower cos. cotton can be cultivated to advantage. The very numerous inlets, and the proximity of Baltimore, give this section of iMd. great commercial a'lvantages, and yet, as we have seen, the distributive pop. is on the decrease. If, however, we abstract the combined pop. of Baltimore and Frederick cities, the mean density of the two shores of Md., stand by the census of 1830, very nearly equal at 38 to the sq. m., but with the cities of Frederick and Baltimore, the wstrn. side has a distributive pop. of 52 to the sq. m. The primi- tive ledge, and Susquehannah r. enter. Md. to- gether, but extend at almost exactly right an- gles to each other ; the r. flowing sthestrd. to the head of tide water, and the primitive ledge inclining sthwstrd. to the head of tide water in | Potomac r., in the dist. of Columbia. Along the shores of Chesapeake bay, from the mouth of Potomac, to that of Susquehaimah, the components of soil, formation and aspect of the surface, do not materially differ from the oppo- site or estrn. shore, but advancing to the north, westward from Chesapeake, the country grad- ually rises, becomes more and more broken and rocky, until the primitive ledge is attained. This great physical boundary has a mean ele- vation of at least 400 ft., and divides the state into two sections, and also into two very dis- tinct zones of soil. The primitive is not very definite in its termination to the s. e., and is still less distinctly traceable on the opposite side. Its lower visible boundary is generally deter- mined by the head of tide water, and all the streams which traverse it, pass through gorges with cataracts of more or less descent. The primitive ledge is in fact a part of an Appa- lachian chain. Mere elevation excepted, the ridge has every trait of other ridges of the system to which it belongs. The Sugar Loaf mtn. which rises in Md., near and below the junction of Potomac and Monacacy rs., is another portion of a nameless chain, which extends nthestrd. separating Frederick from Montgomery, Anne Rundel, and Baltimore cos. The immediate valley, about 20 miles wide, between the lower primitive and Sugar Loaf chain, is a real mtn. valley, comprising in Md. great part of Montgomery, the upper part of Anne Rundel, Baltimore, and Harford cos., and which is followed nthwstrd. from the Su- gar Loaf chain, by the fine valley of Monocacy, That part of the latter valley contained in Md., is commensurate with Frederick co. Westrd. from Frederick the two cos. of Washington and Alleghany, are composed of narrow but generally very fertile vales, between lateral ridges of the Appalachian system. Independ. ent of the mtn. ridges, the surface of Maryland gradually rises from the Chesapeake bay to the sources of Potomac, or from the level of tide water to near 2,000 feet. The relative height from tide water in the basin at Baltimore to the dividing ground in Alleghany co. Md., between the sources of Potomac and Youghioghany rs. is as follows : from the forks of Patapsco r. about midway from tide water at Bait., to the second or Sugar Loaf ridge, about mid tide, .385 ft. Sources of Patuxent, Patapsco, flow, ing sthestrd. and Liganore and Pipe cr. branch- es of Monocacy, flowing sthwstrd. and near where the great road passes from Baltimore to Frederick, from 600 to 850 ft. CoLintry adja- cent to Frederick, from 300 to 500 ft. Harman'.g gap, over Blue Ridge orCatoctin mtn., about 10 ms. E. Hagerstown, 1,550 ft. Lower part of the vallies of Antictam and Conecocheague around Hagerstown, 460 to 800 ft. Arable ground along the Potomac near Cumberland, 550 ft. Arable ground in the valley between Will's and Savage mtns., and between Cumberland and Frostburg, drained into Potomac by Will's and George's ers., from 800 to 1,000 ft. Arable vallies between the numerous ridges of mtns, from which flow on one side the sources of Potomac, and on the other those of Youghio- ghany rs., from 1,600 to 2,000 ft. From the MAR 274 MAR above elements, given in round numbers, it is shewB' that western Maryland forms part of an inclined plane rising from tide water in a dis- tance of about 15Q statute ms. air measure, to 2,000 ft. If 40L) ft. is assumed as equivalent to a degree of temp, on Fahrenheit's scale, the relative height will equal 5 degrees, or give to the extreme western part of the state a climate in winter similar to that on the Atlantic coast in lat. 44° 43'. There is much good soil existing in every section of this state, but the most pro- ductive is grain and fruit in some of the litne- stiino tracts in the three western cos. ; vegeta- tion, however, either indigenous or exotic, is greatly influenced by the extremes, if lat. and relative hei-ght are combined, of upwards of 6| degrees of temperature. On the lov/ sandy plains of Woi-eester, Somerset and Dorchester cos. between lat. 38° and 38° 40', cotton can be cultivated, whilst the elevated vales of Alle- ghany CO., though of a highly productive soil, are almost too cold for wheat. As Maryland occupies a nearly middle latitude amongst the states of the United States, the following meteo- rological tables may serve to elucidate not alone the climate of that, but of the middle Atlantic states generally. The observations were made and recorded by the author of this article, at his residence near Sandy Spring, Montgomery CO., about 2 • ms. n. W. G. at lat. 39° 09' and at an elevation above tide water of 400 it. No. 1. Table of the mean and extreme monthly temp, at the white Cottage near Sandjr Spring, from observations made during two years, 1629 and 1830. 1829 3830 Mean Highest Lowest. Jan. 30. 30 30. 03 30. 3 49 8 Feb. 2.5. 34. 66 29. 83 46 2 March 37. 23 43. 88 45. 55 67 20 April 51. 37 54. 49 52. 93 80 .30 May 04. 16 C5. 18 64. 67 78 37 June 69. 73 68. 94 69. 33 90 50 July 70. 72 79. 01 74. 91 91 55 AxxgVLSt 73. 72. 72 72. 81 90 52 Sept. 61. 42 63. 58 62. 05 82 36 Oct. 52. 85 55. 48 54. 16 77 26 Nov. 39. 68 51. 77 45. 22 70 21 Dec. 42. 5 35. 53 39. 01 67 6 Mean 51.496 54. 47 53.435 No. 2. Table of the monthly prevalent winds from observations made on 786 consecutive days, from .Tan. 1st, 1829, to Feb. 28th, 1831, inclusive. Months. N. N. w. w. s.w. s. s. e. e. n. k. Jan. 5 40 4 17 2 9 2 10 FpI). 3 43 3 13 4 8 1 9 March 2 30 12 4 12 2 April 5 24 1 12 3 8 4 3 May 1 17 1 18 2 13 2 8 June 4 23 5 13 4 10 1 July 5 14 7 23 2 7 4 August 5 17 3 15 3 11 8 Sept. 5 23 1 13 4 9 1 5 Oct. 3 17 3 13 3 10 13 Nov. 3 23 1 14 1 8 4 6 Dec. 2 18 5 17 3 9 8 Reduced to 43 289 34 180 35 104 14 77 proportions of 1000. 50 367 43 241 44 145 17 90 The rsBtdts of table No. 2, correspond in a very striking manner with those of similar ob- servations made in the northern temp, zone on the continent ofN. America, from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean, on the Atlantic ocean, and on wstrn." Europe. State paent of mean temperature of the seasons at Sandy Spring. Winter of 1828 — 29, — mean temp, from winter solstice 1828, to vernal equi- nox 1829, 28. 39. Spring of 1829,— mean temp, from vernal equinox, 1829, to summer solstice, 1829, 58. 22. Summer of 1829,— mean temp, from the summer solstice, to the autumnal equinox, 1829, 69. 31. Autumn of 1829, — mean temp, from autumnal equinox, to winter solstice, 1829, 46. 96. Winter of 1829— 30, — mean temp, from winter solstice 1829, to vernal equinox 1830, 35. 63. Spring of 1830, — mean temp, from vernal equinox, to summer solstice 1830, 58. 14. Summer of 1830,— mean temp, from siunmer solstice, to autumnal equinox 1830, 71. 46. Autumn of 1830, — mean temp, from autumnal equinox, to winter solstice 1830, 49.. 23. Winter of 1830— 31,— mean temp, from winter solstice 1830, to vernal equi- nox 1831, 29. 88. Spring of 1831,— mean temp, from vernal equinox, to summer solstice 1831, 59. 64. Summer of 1831, — mean temp, from summer solstice, to autumnal equinox 1831, 69. 95. Autumn of 1831, — mean temp, from autumnal equinox, to winter solstice 1831, 41. 81. Mean of the 12 seasons, 51. 63. The winter of 1831 — 1832, though remarkable for occasional low temperature gave a mean of plus 33. 00. At Sandy Spring o.n the morning of December 16th, 1831, three thermometers at from 2 to 3 miles distance, yielded a mean of l3° below zero. By the same instruments, the mean of January 26th, 1832, was at zero, and on the morning of the 27th, the whole three were again down to minus 13°, and the meaff of the whole day was m:nus 1 16-100°. Internal Improvements. — The political sub- divisions and relative extent and population of Maryland has been already given. The chief city of this state, Baltimore, has assumed a very respectable rank among the emporia of the United States. Besides the great western turnpike road, extending from Baltimore thro' Fred, to join the U. S. road at Cumberland, several other leading roads connect Bakimore with W. Con one side and with several of the most productive cos. of central Pennsylvania. A rail-rcud on an extensive plan has been pro. jected, to extend from Baltimore to the Ohio river.- But though apart of this road has been so far completed (1832) as to admit road cars to travel'over it, too little comparatively has been' done to admit a general, much less a specific description. The charter for the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is of prior date to that for the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, but when the two companies were in the incipient stage of ad- vance with their respective works they became involved in a legal controversy. An injunction was obtained at the suit of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company, prohibiting the Baltimore and Ohio company soon after its organization, from proceeding to construct the rail-road along the Potomac r. This still (1832) remains in force, and has hitherto limited the operations ef the Board, to the country estrd. of the point of rocks. ' The Point of Rocks,' so called, is.the termination of the Cotoctin mtn., on the left bank of Potomac r. 6 ms-. above the mouth of the Monocacy. Between B^altimore and the Point of Rocks, the road is tc' follow a g^ener- MAR 275 MAR al wstrn. course, with an elliptic curve to the nthrd. pursuing the valley of Fatapsco to its forks, -thence along the wstrn. branch to the sumnrit of the first mtn. ridge. Thence down Bush creek into Monocacy r., down the latter stream a few ms., and finally in a s. s. w. di- rection to the Potomac at the Point of Rocks. Entire distance from Baltimore 66 ms. Above the Pouit of Rocks the right of way along the Potomac, long in litigation, was decided in favor of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company. Some attempts were made at compromise but hitherto without effect, and has arrested this work at the Point of Rocks. (See art. Rail Roads and Canals; Baltimore and Ohio, Balti. mor-e <^- SusqiieharniahandBaltimore R. roads.) History. — The first permanent settlement of whites made on the territory now comprised in the states of Md., was made in 1631, under William Claiborne, on Kent Island, now a part of Queen Ann co. The original charter, how- ever, under which the colony was established was granted to Cecilius Cah'ert (Lord Balti- more) and dated 20th June, 1632. The first emigrants arrived on the n. bank of Potomac, in 1634. The early settlers were much dis- tiu'bed by contentions with Claiborne, who re- sisted the proprietary grant, and finally instiga- ted the Indians to war. These troubles were ■follov\'ed by the inhabitants sharing the political feelings and violence of the revolution in Eng- land, about the middle of the 17th century. A civil war distracted the infant colony, which was terminated by the submission of the people -to Cromwell's government. The charter of Md. was obtained by a Roman Catholic no- bleman, and the settlement made on princi- ples of civil and -religious toleration, far in ad- vance of the age ; but while the republican par- ty, as they were with ineffable absurdity called, prevailed, all the rigor of anti-popery statutes enacted in England were enforced in Md. Such WHS the intolerance of the times that the restor- ation of the Stewart family only changed the objects of oppression. Under James II. a quo' warranto was sued out against the charter of Md., but before judgment could be had on the writ, the family ceased to reign. Under Crom- well the Calvert family were deprived of the government ; were restored by Charles II., and again deprived by William and Mary, and Ma- ryland continued a royal government until 1716. The Calvert who held the claims of his family, finally renounced the Roman Catholic religion, and at the latter epoch was reinstated in his rights. From 1716 to the revolution, the ad- vance of Md. was slow, affording few incidents for history. In the war of Independence, it is not too much to say that " the Md. line" was marked y/ith unfading renown. The existing constitution was ratified at Annapolis, 14th Aug. 1776. The federal constitution was adopted by Md. in 1788, and in 1790, that-part of the district of Columbia lying to the left of the Potomac was ceded to the general government. Government. — The legislaiure is divided into two distinct branches, a senate and house of delegates, styled " The general assembly of Maryland." Senators must bo upwards of 25 years of age, 15 in numbefv -S for the. western. and 6 for the eastern shore : before being elect, ed they must have had three years residence in the state ; term of office five years. Delegates or members of the lower house, must, when chosen, be above 21 years of age, and must have resided one year in the co. where chosen, next preceding their election. The governor is cho- sen by the legislature annually, but eligible only 3 years out of 7 ; when chosen, he must have resided in the state 5 years, and have attained to the age of 25 years. The council, 5 in num. ber, is elected by the legislature, and must, when elected, have attained 25 years of age, and resided in the state 3 years. Their duties are to advise the governor and assent to or dis- sent from the executive appointments. The judiciary is formed of a chancellor, superior and district judges. By the 9th section of the amendments to the constitution of Md., passed Nov. 1812, it was divided into 6 judicial dists., 2 E. and 4 w. of Chesapeake bay; over each of these presides one chief, and two associate judges, who, during their term of office, must reside in their judicial district, and hold their of- fice during good behavior, removable by con- viction in a court oflaw, or'by address of the gen- eral assembly, two thirds of the members voting for the removal. The court of appeals is formed by the chief judges of the districts, of which three form a quorum : but no chief judge can sit as a member of the same court of appeals before whom the original decision was made. The right of suffrage demands only citizenship, 21 years of age, and one year's residence in the CO. where the election is held, but is confined to free white males. Education. — Under the colonial government, as early as 1696, funds were, by legislative enactments, appropriated to eduea-tion, by means of a college and free schools. As in nearly every other mstance in the U. S. either before or since the revolution, the college ab. sorbed the funds, made progress, and left the system of common education neglected. Wash- ington college at Chestertown, Kent co., ea'^t. em shore, was established in 1782. On the western shore of Annapolis, St. John's college was established in 1784, and the two subsequent- ly formed a university. A Roman Catholic college at Georgetown was also formed in 1784. The medical college was founded in Baltimore, 1807. This latter institution was, in 1812, con- nected with the faculties of divinity, law, and general sciences, and the whole -formed into a body corporate, under the title of "the univer- sity of Maryland." Baltimore college, and St. Mary's colleges, are separate institutions. The funds to support these different establishments, are drawn from lands, funded stock, and fees paid by students. Academies with more or l3ss approach to collegiate form exist in most of the principal towns in the state ; but no sys- tem of common instruction is in operation, though, since 1813, funds for that purpose were provided, amounting to $15,000 per annum, to be equally divided between the cos., whatever might be the relative population. This fund is derived from bank stock, and appropriated to free and charity schools. Some few counties have met the prevision, and availed themsei'/e^ MAS 276 MAS of its benefits, whilst otliers have not received their share of a real benefaction. Manvfacturcs and commerce. — Though Ma- ryland has not been ranked amongst the manu- facturing states, it is doubtful whether in pro- portion to her population she is not in that re- spect amongst the first. Numerous woollen and cotton mills, copper and iron rolling mills are in operation near Baltimore, and are also scat- tered over other parts of the state. Flour and tobacco have been called the staples of Mary- land, but the former so greatly exceeds the lat- ter as to claim pre-eminence. Tobacco is how- ever produced largely, and of excellent quality. Mineral coal, and iron ore abound in some of the western cos. '1 he mineral coal is confined, indeed, to Alleghany co., but there is an inex- haustible abundance of the bituminous species. Iron ore is found in most of the cos. w. of the Chesapeake bay, and is extensively wrought in- to iron and pot metal. By the annual report, Dec. 30, 1832, of the treasurer of the western shore, it appears that the actual income of the state of Maryland, for the year which ended on the 1st inst., (including ^77,177 W, the bal- ance in the treasury of the western shore on the 1st Dec. 1831,) was $683,255 l9. The dis- bursementsof the year amounted to ^631,928 39, leaving an unexpended balance of ^51,326 80. Subject to appropriations uncalled for, $47,439 93, leaving an unappropriated balance in the treasury on the 1st Dec, 1832, of #3,886 87. Marysville, p-v. in the southern part of Campbell co. Va. 20 ms. a little w. of s. Lynch- burg, and by p-r. 147 s. w. by w. Richmond. Marysville, st. jus. Charlotte co. Va. situ- ated on a branch of Little Roanoke, 30 miles s. E. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 69 ms. s. w. from Richmond, n. lat. 37° 03', long. 1° 52' w. W. C. Marysville, p-v. on Licking r. Harrison co. Ky. about 45 ms. northestrd. Frankfort. Marysville, p-v. and st. jus. Union co. O. by p-r. 37 ms. n. w. Columbus. Lat. 40° 16', long. 6° 22' w. W. C. Pop. 142. Maryville, p-v. and st. jus. Blount co. Ten. 18 ms. s. w. Knoxville, and by p-r. 161 ms, a little s. of E. Nashville. Lat. 35° 46', and long. 6° 51' w. W. C. It is the seat of the Southern and Western theological seminary, which was established, 1819, and is under the care of the Presbyterian Synod of the state. It is both a theological and literary institution, and a farm belongs to it, on which indigent students labor. Masard cr. and p-o, Crawford co. Ark, by p-r. 226 ms. above, and'./estward Little Rock. Mascomy, pond, Grafton co. N. H. ; con- tains 2 or 3,000 acres. Mascomy, r. Grafion co. N. H. enters Mas- comy pond at Enfield. Mason, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. II. 43 ms. s. Concord, 15 s. w. Amherst ; is crossed by Sou- hegan r., and has mills and manufactories. Pop. 1830, 1,403. Mason, one of the western cos. of Va. bound- ed by Cabell s. w., Kenhawa s. e., Jackson n. E,, Ohio r, separating it from Meigs co. in 0. N,, and again by the Ohio r, separating it from Gallia co, O. w. Length 32, mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 38° 32' to 39° 05', and in long. 4° 22' to 5° 12' w. W. C. This CO. is washed, if we follow the bends, nearly 60 ms. by the 0. r, ; and the southern part is traversed in a northwesterly direction by the Great Kenhawa, The surface is very bro- ken, thougii much of the soil is of good quality. Salt water has been procured by digging wells near Kenhawa r. Cf. t. Mount Pleasant. Pop. 1820, 4,868, 183 ', 6,534. Maso.n, CO. Ky. bndd. by Bracken w,, by Nicholas s. w., I'leming s. and s. e,, Lewis e,, Ohio r, separating it from Adams co, O, n. e,. and again by Ohio r. separating it from Brown CO. O. N. Length 20, mean width 13, and area 260 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 38° 28' to 38° 44', and in long. 0° 32' to 7° w. W. C. Though this CO. is bounded by Ohio r. on the n., the general slope is wstrd. towards Licking r. Cf. ts. Washington and Mavsville. Pop. 1820, 13,588, 1830, 16,199. Mason, or to preserve the sound more cor- rectly, Masson r. of La., is one of the drains of the annually inundated tract between the Misp. and Boeuf branch of Ouachitta, rises near Grand lake and flowing sthrd, about 80 ms, falls into Tensaw 20 or 30 ms. above the junction of the la'ter with the Ouachitta, Mason Hall, p-v. in the n. v^'strn. part of Orange co. N. C, by p-r. 51 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Masontown, p-v. Fayette co. Pa. about 20 ms. N, Union Town, and by p-r. 222 ms. n. w. W. C. Masonville, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y. ,24 ms. w. Delhi, furnishes fine grazing ; streams run into Del. and Susquehannah rs. Pop. 1,145. Masonville, or Mason's Ferry, p-o. York dist. S. C. situated where the road from York- ville to Charlotte in N. C. crosses Catawba r., by p-r. 87 ms. a little e, of n. Columbia. Masonville, p-v. Lauderdale co. Ala., by p-r. 119 ms. nthwrd. Tuscaloosa. Massabesick pond, in Chester, Rockingham CO. N. H., 6 ms. long, by 2 or 300 rods, has an area of 1,500 acres. Massachusetts bay, the waters enclosed by the coast of Mass. from cape Ann to cape Cod. It contains many isls. chiefly in Boston harbor, and several ports, the most important of which ia Boston. It was visited by the pilgrims before they landed at Plymouth. Massachusetts, one of the United States, the oldest and most important state in New Eng- land, bndd.N, by Vermont and New Flampshire, E, by the Atlantic, s, by the Atlantic, Rhode Island and Connecticut, and w, by N. York. It lies be- tween 41° 23' and 43° 52' lat., and 3° 38' and 7° 7' E. long, from W. C. It is 60 ms. wide by 130 long, and contains 7,800 sq. ms., of which about 4,644,000 acres are land. The early history of Mass. is that of New England. In this state the first permanent settlements by Englishmen were made. There were tried the first experiment5^ of founding a community on the principles of general virtue and intelligence. A party of emigrants who had fled from England to seek a country in which they might enjoy freedom of conscience, landed at Plymouth, Dec. 22d, 1620. They had sailed for Hudson's river, but were carried by the inaster of the ship, who had been bribed by the Dutch to a region far better fitted for the ultimate success of their plans, than that for which they started. In founding their poli- MAS 277 MAS tical community, the equal rights and powers of individuals were distinctly recognized. Legis- lative acts were soon passed for the instruction of every child in the community. Religion was the first object of care with the colonists, and as early as 1631, the general court decreed that none hut church members should enjoy the privilege of voting, &c. From a few of the first colonies on the coast of Massachusetts bay, other settlements were soon formed, so that the same principles, habits, and institutions, ex- tended throughout New England, and have exercised an important influence on it, and on the United States. The first general court or legislative assembly of Mass. composed of 24 representatives from the various settlements, was held in 163i. Before this, all the freemen were accustomed to meet for the transaction of public business, &c. The trial by jury was now adopted. The Pequod war, which threat, ened the south and west settlements, took place in 1G37, and after some unjustifiable cruelties, terminated in the almost entire destruction of the only Indian nation inimical to the colonies. In 1611 the settlements of New Hampshire were incorporated with Mass. In 1643, the first union took place between the New England colonies, when articles of an offensive and de- fensive confederacy were agreed to, which enabled them to combine their powers in the subsequent French and Indian wars. In 1652 the province of JMaine placed itself under the protection of Mass., and was called the co. of Yorkshire. In 1664, four royal judges were sent out from England, to determine all causes of every kind, in the colonies, but were not per- mitted to perform the office assigned, and re- turned. In 1675 began Philip's war, during which, about 1000 buildings were destroyed, 12 or 13 settlements broken up, and nearly 600 of the colonists were killed. In 1680 New Hamp. shire was constituted a separate colony by the British cabinet. In 1684 the English high court of chancery, declared the charter of Mass. forfeited, but Col. Kirk, who was appointed governor of New England, was prevented by the king's death, from entering on his office. In 1685 Joseph Dudley became president of New England. He was succeeded the next year by Sir Edmund Andross, who was resisted in Mass. and Connecticut. In 1689 Plymouth was, by royal order, united to Mass. and the old charter of Mass. was confirmed. In 1692 Sir William Phipps, a native of New England, became governor under a new charter, which vested the appointment of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary, and admiralty officers, in the crown, and rendered the governor's assent necessary to every public act, besides giving him the appointment of military and judicial officers, and a negative on all the elections of civil officers, by the general court. In 1720, a controversy commenced between the house of representatives and the governor, in relation to privileges, which continued for some time. In 1745 the fortress of Louisburg was captured by New England troops, most of them from Massachusetts. In 1753 was formed the first society for the encouragement of industry, at the celebration of which, three hundred young 36 women appeared on Boston common, at their spinning wheels, while one working at a loom, was carried on a stage on men's shoulders. In 1756 began the last French war, in which Mass. and the other colonies, took an active part, and suffered much. In 1765 measures were first taken by the British government, to raise revenue in the colonies, and at the sugges- tion of Mass., a congress of delegates assem- bled at New York, to procure the removal of duties on stamped paper, &c. The stamp act was repealed the following year, but renewed in 1767, with duties on various other articles. Public excitement prevailed against the govern, ment, and in 1770, the King's troops being in- sulted by the people of Boston, killed four of the citizens. In 1773, several ship loads of tea, sent out by the East India company, subject to a duty, were forcibly thrown into the harbor, by the inhabitants of Boston. In 1774, commer- cial privileges were denied to Boston, and Gen. Gage, who was made commander of the troops, in North America, adopted severe measures, which at length led to a general in- surrection, and finally to the establishment of American independence. In September, 1774, delegates from the colonies met at Piiiladel- phia ; in 1775, Gen. Gage's troops were resist- ed ; April 19th, occurred the battle of Lexing- ton, and June 17th, that of Bunker's hill. In all these contests, the people opposed the en- croachments of arbitrary power, and rose in defence of those rights, in strong attachment to which they had been educated. In 1776, Gen. Washington commenced the siege of Bos- ton, and compelled the evacuation of it on the 17th of March. After this time, the soil of Mass., excepting some islands, remained free from actual invasion ; but they contributed pow- erfully to the success of the American arms, by councils, men, and money. The constitu- tion went into operation in 1780. In 1786 com- menced Shay's rebellion, which greatly agita- ted the state. It led to no bloodshed except at its close, when 3 of his men were killed, in at- tempting to take the barracks at Springfield. The federal constitution of the United Slates, was adopted by the convention of Mass. in 1788. The present constitution of Mass., is that of 1780, with some amendments, adopted by the convention of 1820, which was in ses- sion 83 days, at an expense to the state of $60,000. The government now consists of three parts. The legislature, called the "gen. eral court," is composed of a senate of 40 members, chosen annually, and a house of rep. resentatives, of one or more members from each town, consisting in all of 500, or 600 members, when all the towns send the full number to which they are entitled. The num- ber elected for the session commencing Jan. 1833, amounted to 583 members. Each of these branches has a negative on the other. The senate is founded on the representation of property, the house of representatives on the representation of the population in towns ; the number of senators, (with a limitation to six,) from any district, being proportioned to the amount of its taxes ; the number of represent, atives from any town, depending on the number MAS 278 MAS of its inhabitants. The senate may constitute a court of impeachment ; the house of repre- sentatives may impeach, originate all money bills, &c. &c. Every bill must be approved and signed by the governor, before it becomes a law, unless after being returned with his ob- jections, it shall have been passed by two thirds of the legislature. The executive is vested in a governor, lieut. governor, and 9 counsellors, who are chosen annually, the two former by the people, the counsellors, by the legislature from the senators. The governor has the pow- , er of opposing or rejecting bills passed by the . legislature ; he is commander-in-chief of the military forces, appoints all judicial officers, and with the council, exercises the pardoning power. The judiciary department consists of a supreme judicial court, and a court of com- mon pleas, each composed of a chief judge, and 3 associates, who hold their offices during good behaviour. Besides these, are courts held byjustices of the peace, and also probate courts in each county. By an amendment to the constitution, made in 183), the political year, hereafter, begins on the 1st Wednesday of January. Massachusetts is entitled to 12 representatives in congress. It is stated ,'1833) that the pay and travel of the house of repre- sentatives, during the last 5 years, have avera- ged ^83,700 each session ; average number of days, 89 ; and of members, 534. The state is divided into 14 counties, and 307 towns. In each of the counties, is a registry of deeds, a house of correction, and one or more jails. The soil is various, though generally good, and the face of the state, greatly diversified. Nan- tucket, Duke's, Barnstable, Plymouth, Suffi)lk, and Essex counties, on the sea, have much poor soil, but good harbors, valuable fisheries, and much navigation and commerce. Wor- cester county, the largest in the state, and ex- tending across its breadth, has an irregular sur- face, with good land, and excellent farms. Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties are divided by Connecticut river, on which are extensive and fertile meadows, and which affords navigation for rafts and boats. Steam- boats have recently begun to ply to the upper parts of the river. Berkshire county, which forms the west extremity of the state, is moun- tainous, being crossed by the Green mountains, and Taughkannic ranges ; it is of more recent settlement and has much poor land, though a considerable portion of excellent pasturage ; it has good marble quarries, and its mountains abound in iron ore. The soil of the state gen- erally is well adapted to the growth of grass and fruit trees, and produces nearly all the fruits of temperate climates, also Indian corn, rye, oats, &c. There is a lead mine in South- ampton, the works in which have been for a long time suspended. The middle and e. parts of the state abound in granite of an excellent quality for building. Marble and limestone are found in exhaustless quantities in West Stockbridge, Hinsdale and Lanesborough. An- thracite coal is found in Worcester, and quar. ries of soap sLone in Middlefield. Near the west line of the state is the Taughkannic range of mountains, which divides the waters of the Hudson and Housuonic rivers. The highest peak is Saddle mountain, in the north west angle of the state. Hoosic mtns. run nearly parallel, being a continuation of the Green mtn. range of Vt., and dividing the streams of the Housatonnic and Hoosic rivers extend to New Haven, Conn. Wachusett mtn. in Worcester CO., mount Tom and mount Holyoke, in Hamp- shire CO., and mount Toby in Franklin co., are isolated, but very considerable elevations. The principal river is the Conn., the largest and most important in the state, which flows n. and s. through the cos. of Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden. That portion which is included in Mass., affords great advantages for navigation. By its annual floods, though they often injure bridges, crops, &c., it greatly enriches the ex- tensive meadows on its banks, with a deposit of soil ; and its fish, particularly the shad, afford a supply of excellent food to the inhabitants. Large sums of money have been expended on dams, locks, canals, &c., by which the naviga- tion is much improved. Merrimack r. touches the N. E. part of the state. The principal tribu- taries of Conn. r. in this state, are Deerfield, Westfield, Millers and Chickopee rs., the two last of which rise in Worcester co. Housato- nic and Hoosic rs. rise in Berkshire co., the former running s. into Conn., the latter n. into Vt. and N. York. In Worcester co. rise also Quinnebaug r. which runs s. into Conn., Paw- tucket r. which runs into R. Island, Charles r. which empties at Boston, and Concord and Nashua rs. which join the Merrimack. There are also many smaller streams and ponds which are generally supplied with fish, and most of which afford excellent mill seats for manufac- turing, &c. It is estimated that the quantity of land at present belonging to this state, in Maine, amounts to 4,750,000 acres ; of which 1,250,000 are involved in the boundary question between Maine and New Brimswick. Population. Massachusetts in 1800, contain- ed 422,845 inhabitants ; in 1810, 472,040 ; and in 1820, 523,287. In 1830 the pop. was as fol- lows : — to which is prefixed the counties, with their population in 1820. Counties. Pop. 1820. Pop. 1830. Barnstable, 24,026 28,514 Berkshire, 35,720 37,835 Bristol, 40,908 49,592 Dukes, 3,292 3,517 Essex, 74,655 82,859 Franklin, 29,268 29,501 Hampden, 28,021 31,639 Hampshire, 20,487 30,254 Middlesex, 61,472 77,961 Nantucket, 7,266 7,203 Norfolk, 36,471 41,972 Plymouth, 38,136 43,044 Suffolk, 43,940 62,163 Worcester, 73,625 84,835 Total, 523,287 610,408 Of which were wh ite persons — Males. Females. Under 5 years of age. 40,644 .39,533 From 5 to 1.5 70,667 67,803 " 15 to 30 91,422 94,934 " 30 to 50 59,116 64,847 " 50 to 70 25,327 31,445 " 70 to 90 7,335 9,701 '1 90 and over 174 351 Total, 294,685 308,674 Of the above were deaf and dumb, under 14 MAS 27!) MAS years, 56 ; between 14 and 35, 62 ; over 25, 138. Blind, 218. Aliens, 8,787. Free colored. Under 10 years of age, from 10 to 24 " 24 to 36 " 36 to 55 " 55 to 100 " 100 and over. Total, Males. 794 889 725 626 316 10 3,360 Females. 809 965 816 661 394 40 3,685 Slaves, males none, females 4. Colored deaf and du.'nb, 9. Blind 5. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 603,359 7,045 4 610,408 Slavery does not exist in this state ; a deci- sion made by the supreme court of the state, in 1783, declared that it was abolished by the fol- lowing clause in the declaration of rights, "all men are born free and equal." The militia of Mass. in 1832 amounted to 44,472, exclusive of commissioned officers, viz. cavalry 726, artillery 2,694, infantry 32,074, liglit infantry and grenadiers, 8,978, 92 pieces of brass ordnance, and 2 of iron, 15,277 mus- kets, and 2,383 rifles belong to the state. The commerce of Mass. extends to all parts of the globe. In the amount of its shipping it is before any state in the Union, and in the ex- tent of its foreign trade second only to New York. The value of imports during the year ending Sept. 30, 1832, was §18,118,800, of which ^17,670,184 in value, were imported in American vessels. The value of exports in the same year, was ($11,993,768, of which ^4,656,635 in value was of domestic produce. The amount of shipping owned and employed in the foreign and coasting trade, and in the fisheries, on the last day of December, 1831, was, 442,676 tons. Of the shipping of Alassa- chusetts, 17,659 tons belong to the district of Newburyport, 1,567 to Ipswich, 12,838 to Gloucester, 25,539 to Salem, 6,9 14 to Marble- head, 138,174 to Boston, 17,877 to Plymouth, 3,899 to Dighton, 64,049 to New Bedford, 26,857 to Barnstable, 2,520 to Edgartown, and 24,978 to Nantucket. The fisheries are important, and the state continues more extensively ea. gaged in them than all the other states of the Union. The shipping employed in the fisheries on the last day of December, 1831, amounted to 142,733 tons, of which 69,055 tons were en- gaged in the whale fishery, 38,724 tons in the cod fishery, and 34,943 in the mackerel fishery. The whale fishery was commenced very early. In 1668, James Soper, in petitioning for an ex- clusive right, stated that he had caught whale for 22 years. In the beginning of the 18th cen- tury, whales were constantly taken on the bay shore of Cape Cod. For the last 60 years few have been seen in the bay ; but they have been pursued ia all parts of the world ; and the en. terprize, skill and hardihood, fostered by this adventurous business, have contributed to the improvement of American seamen. The ships are chiefly fitted out at Nantucket and New Bedford. The cod fishery is carried on on the N. E. coast of the U. S., and on those of New- foundland and Labrador. In 1831, in the cus- tom house district including Barnstable, licenses were granted to 188 vessels engaged in cod fishing, each averaging 58 tons, and employing in all, 1,500 men and boys. The proceeds for the year were about $319,000, or about $120 per share, after deducting owners' portions and' incidental expenses. The mackerel fishery ia chiefly carried on along the coast. The manu. factures of Mass. are extensive and various ; those of cotton and woollen are carried on chiefly by large and wealthy companies, and by ma- chinery. In Berkshire co. there is invested for manufacturing purposes, in real estate, buildings and fixtures, $653,625, in machinery and tools, g376,405, and in active capital, $526,650. The value of sheep and wool in the county, is about ^591,250, making an aggregate amount invested by the manufacturers and wool growers of Berk- shire of $2,087,930. The value of the pro- duce of these establishments from Oct. 1830, to Oct. 1831, was estimated at $2,000,965. Salt is extensively manufactured on the coast from sea water. There are in the state 17,- 545,760 sq. feet of salt works, of which 13,- 799,710 sq. feet are in the co. of Barnstable, and cost $1,379,971. The expenses of the state in 1831, were, $381,481 68 cents, re- ceipts $325,055 25 cents, deficit $26,451 45 cents, to be supplied by taxation. The amount of taxable property. May 1, 1832, $208,353,- 024 45 cents, and the number of polls 159,- 444. In 1821, property, $153,360,407 54 cts, and polls 122,715. The taxable property in the cos. of Mass. March 2, 1832, was as follows : — Sufl^olk, $86,244,261 25 ; Essex, $24,335,935 57 ; Middlesex, $21,182,609 ; Worcester, .$21,- 166,640 68 ; Hampshire, $5,603,255 87; Hamp- den, $5..548.3i2 20; Franklin, $5,452,300; Norfolk, $10,229,111 09; Berkshire, $6,744,- 648 34; Bristol, $11,346,916 33; Barnstable, $3,500,000; Dukes, ,$534,166 75; Nantucket, $3,895,288 40; Plymouth, $7,576,932 06. There was in the state (Aug. 1633) 83 char- tered banking corporations, with an aggregate' capital of $24,520,000. The amount of bills in circulation was <^7, 122,856, and the amount of specie on hand was $952,205. Of these banks, 23 are located in Boston, and have a capital of $13,000,000. In 1831, Oct. 31 st the nett amount of profits on hand was $734,312 33; balances due to other banks, $2,477,615 43; cash deposited, &c. not bearing interest, $4,, 401,965 62; cash deposited, beai-ing interest, ^54,550,947 68; due from the banks, .S4 1,393,- 083 33 ; gold, silver, &c. in banks, ^919,959 73 ; real estate, $683,307 89 ; bills of banks in this state, $1,104,567 29 ; bills of banks elsewhere, $270,006 88; balances due from other banks, ^2,427,679 37 ; due to the banks, excepting balances, $36,040,760 76 ; total re- sources of the banks, $41,445,700 09; amount of last dividend, <^566,715 ; amount of reserved profits, ^409,128 76; debts secured by pledge of stock, §'752,312 37; debts due, and consid. ered doubtful, §268,687 81. The interests of learning have ever been cherished in Mass. with peculiar care. Many of the learned di- vines and civilians of England were among its early settlers, and the people have ever been conspicuous for their regard to useful know- ledge ; to the general diffusion of which they MAS ^80 MAS have greatly contributed. Harvard college, at Cambridge, the most liberally endowed insti- tution in the U. S., was founded in 1638, chiefly by a donation of .Tno. Harvard ; and the first printing press in America, at wliich all the printing of the colony was done for 30 years, was set up at that place the following year. In 1764, the college buildings, with a library of 5000 vols. &c. were burnt. The constitution places this institution under a board of over- seers, consisting in part of the gov., lieut. gov., council and senate. It now has a choice library of 36,000 vols. There are two other colleges in the state, Williams college, in Williams- town, founded in 1755, and Amherst college, near Northampton, founded in 1821. The con. stitution makes it the duty of the legislature and magistrates, "to cherish the interests of litera- ture and science, and all seminaries of them, especially the university at Cambridge, public schools, and grammar schools in the towns." There is a flourishing theological institution for Congregationalists at Andover, founded in 1807 ; and one for Baptists at Newton. There is a medical school at Pittsfield, beside that at Cam- bridge, and various private literary institutions of highly respectable standing. The number of incorporated academies in the state is 43. The means of common education are provided for all at the expense of the state. Every town with 50 families is required by law to have a free school for children, in which must be taught the rudiments of learning, at least 6 months in the year. In towns of 100 and 150 families, it must be kept 10 and 12 months, those of 500 families, the history of U. S., book-keeping, geometry, algebra, and surveying must be taught, at least 10 months of the year. In towns of 4,000, in addition to the'other branches, must be taught Latin, Greek, history, rhetoric and logic. It is made the duty of all teachers to impress the pupils with the princi- ples of religion and virtue, as the basis of hu. man society and republican institutions. The schools are superintended, and the instructers appointed by committees of the districts. The internal improvements of the state are numer- ous. The roads and bridges are many and ex- cellent. The South Hadley canal, round a fall of the Conn, r., was the first work of the kind used in the U. S. That round Miller's falls, near Greenfield, forms a part of the same line of im- provements in the navigation of Conn. r. The Middlesex canal connects the Merrimack at Lowell with the Boston harbor. The Blackstone canal, which extends to Providence in R. T., lies partly in this state. The Hampshire and Hamp- den canal is partly completed, and extends from the river at Northampton to the Farmington canal in Conn. ; thus opening a line of boat navigation to New Haven, Conn. Several other canals have been planned and some surveyed, but the modern improvements in rail roads will probably prevent their prose- cution. The first rail road constructed in America was that of Quincy in Norfolk co., which is used to transport granite to the waters of Boston harbor. Others have been projected, and 3 are now constructing ; the Boston and Lowell, the Boston and Worcester, and the Bos- ton and Providence rail roads. The state prison at Charlestown is an institution highly creditable to the state. By liberal appropriations from the treasury to the means of experiment in peniten- tiary regulation and discipline, a mere prison house, for the physical restraint of the body, has been converted into a school of salutary instruc- tion and reform to the minds of the most vicious and abandoned of our fellow men. The de- meanor of the convicts has been softened and corrected, and from the admonitions aflforded here, and the greater terror inspired abroad, commitments have sensibly diminished. With- in the last year, the number of pi-isoners was reduced from 290 at its commencement, to 256 at its close. Of 256 convicts, 156 were led by intemperance to the commission of offences, 182 had lived in the habitual neglect and viola- tion of the Sabbath ; 82 were permitted to grow up without regular employment; 68 had been truants to their parents while in their minority ; 61 could not write, and many were wholly una. ble to read. In 1828, the excess of expendi. ture was more than $12,000 ; in 1829 it was between 7 and js8,000 ; in 1830 nearly p,000, while in 1831, iTwas only .f 477 47. A hospital for the insane has recently been erected. The state government is doing much by the annual bestowment of a bounty for the education of the destitute deaf and dumb ; by liberal encourage- ment to agricultural societies, and by fulfilling the injunctions of the constitution upon " legis- latures and magistrates, in all periods of the commonwealth, to promote by rewards and im- munities, agriculture, arts, sciences, trades, manufactures, and a natural history of the coun- try." To promote the culture of silk, the legis- lature had a concise manual compiled and cir- culated, on the growth and culture of the mul. berry tree. The design of obtaining an accurate map of the state from actual surveys and ad- measurements upon trigonometrical principles, is in a course of diligent prosecution. The ex- aminations of the country have been mostly made, and the first part of an elaborate fcien. tific report, comprising the economical geology of the state, accompanied with a map, delineat- ing by numbers and colorings, the various mine- rals and rock formations which prevail, is pre- pared. The second part is to exhibit the topo. graphical geology ; the third the scientific geo. logy, and the fourth, catalogues of the native mineralogical, botanical, and zoological produc. tions. Arrangements have been made to pro- cure the immediate publication of the first part of the report. There were in Mass. in 1831, 491 Congregational churches, with 423 ordained ministers, of whom 118 are Unitarians; 129 Baptist churches, with 1 1 ministers, and 12,580 communicants ; 71 Methodist preachers, and 8,200 members ; 46 Universalist societies ; 31 Episcopal ministers; 8 New .Jerusalem socie- ties ; 9 Presbyterian ministers ; 4 Roman Cath- olic churches, and 4 Shaker societies. Massametter, p-v. marked on the p-o. list as in Shenandoah co. Va. but is probably in the new CO. of Page, by p-r. 114 ms. westward W. C. Massena, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 43 ms. E. N. E. Ogdensburgh, has a good soil, and Grass MAT 281 MAU and Racket rs. furnish good mill seats. It is opposite Cornwall, Upper Canada. Pop. 2,068. Masserne, from Mt. Cerne, one of its peaks ; a chain of mtns. in the United States and Texas, extending from the state of Mississippi over Arkansas into Texas, in a nearly similar direc- tion with the mtn. range of the Appalachian system. The Masserne is traversed by Red and Arkansas rs. and gives source to the Mer- rimac, Gasconnade, St. Francis, White, and Oua- chitta rs. No scientific survey has ever been made of the Masserne, a remark which might indeed be extended and applied to the Appala- chian system. The provincial vulgarism Ozark, the hunters' name for Arkansas, has been given to the Massernes, by some writers and map makers. Massillon, p-v. on the Ohio canal, near the centre of Stark co. Ohio, by p-r. 108 ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. 359. The water level in the canal at Massillon, is 942 ft. above the mean height of Atlantic tides. Matapoiset Harbor, extends from Buzzard's bay, into Rochester, and receives Matapoiset r. from Plymouth co. Pflass. Matchapungo Inlet, on the coast of the At- lantic, between Hog and Prouts isls. North- ampton CO. Va. It opens into a sheet or small gulf called Broad Water, 28 ms. n. n. e. cape Charles. On Tanner's U. S. it is laid down at lat. 37° 20'. Mathews, co. of Va. bndd. by Gloucester co. s. w. and w., by Piankatanck r. separating it from Middlesex n., Chesapeake bay e., and Mobjack bay s. Length from Point Comfort to the N. w. angle on Piankatanck bay, 17 ms., mean width 4 ms., and area 68 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. 37° 22' to 37° 30', and in long. 0° 33' to 0° 48' E. W. C. This co. is commen- surate with a small peninsula between Mobjack and Piankatanck bays. Pop. 7,664. Mathews c. h., and p-o. Mathews co. Va. by p-r. 108 ms. though in direct distance about 70 ms. E. Richmond. Mathews' PeaieIe, and p-o. sthrn. part of Scott CO. Mo. by p-r. 256 ms. s. e. Jefterson city, and 150 a little e. of s. St. Louis. Mathewsville, p-o. Pocahontas co. Va. by p-r. 205 ms. wstrd. W. C. Mattapont, r. of Va. has its extreme source on the estrn. border of Orange co.near the Rap- id Ann, about 25 ms. westward Fredericks- burg, but the most numerous of its creeks are in Spotsylvania. These unite within and trav- erse Carolina, and thence forming a boundary between King William and King and Queen, unite with the Pamunky, to form York r. after a comparative southeastern course of 10 ms. The valley of the Mattapony lies between those of the Rappahannoc and Pamunky, and is trav- ersed byN. lat. 38^^ and the meridian of W. C. Matteawan, cr. Monmouth co. N. J. runs into Raritanbay, 4 ms. s. e. Amboy, is naviga- ble for vessels of 60 tons to Middletown point. Matteawan or Fishkill mtns. N. Y., called the Highlands of Hudson r., l6 or 18 ms. wide, in cos. of Rockland, Orange, Westchester, Putnam and Duchess. They are probably con- nected with the Alleghany, being of primitive rocks ; the numerous peaks form the romantic pass of the Highlands in Hudson r. ; the range extends from N. J. n. e. to Mass. Mattox, or Mattax bridge and p-o, in the nrthwst. part of Westmoreland co. Va., by p-r. 97 ms. N. N. e. Richmond, and 90 s. W. C. Mattox's, p-o. Tatnall co. Geo., by p-r. 131 ms. s. e. Milledgeville. Mattsville, p-o. Bucks co. Pa., by p-r. 53 ms. nrthrd. Phil. Mauch Chunk, flourishing p-v. on the right bank of Lehigh r., 31 ms. n. w. Bethlehem, and 84 N. N. w. Phil. This very remarkable village has risen amid mtns. and rocks, on ground scarce wide enough to admit a street, from be- ing the depot for the immense strata of anthra- cite coal found in the mtn. from which the name is taken, and at the foot of which the village is situated. The coal strata, or the most exten. sive mine yet opened, is about 9 ms. westrd. from the village, and lies upwards of 1,000 ft. above the Lehigh level. Down this descent the coal is brought along a rail-way, and meets a canal, and slack water navigation, at Mauch Chunk. This work, called " The Lehigh nav- igation," extends along the Lehigh r. 47 ms., with a fall of 364 feet to the Del. at Easton. This navigation everywhere admits boats of 5 ft. draught, through 57 locks of 22 feet wide. (See arts. Del. and Lehigh rs.) The village was commenced in 1820 or '21, and in 1830 the number of inhabitants was 1,343. Accord- ing to a statement in the Phil. Eve. Post, Jan. 29th, 1830, the quantity of coal shipped from the Lehigh mines, and passing through Mauch Chunk was, in 1825, 28,393 tons ; 1826, 31,280; 1827, 30,305; 1828, 30,111; 1829, 25,110 ; 1830, 42,225 ; total, 187,424 tons. Mauhanoy, p-v. Northumberland co. Pa. (See Mahanoy.) Mauicport, p-v. on O. r. Harrison co. Ind., by p-r. 152 ms. sthrd. Indianopolis. Maumee, r. of 0., Ind., and Mich., the great. est wstrn. confluent of lake Erie. This very remarkable r. is composed of two constituent branches, the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's. St. Mary's rises in Allen, Mercer, and Shelby cos. 0., interlocking sources with those of Wabash, Great Miami, and Au Glaize rs. ; flowing thence 60 ms. to the n. w., into Allen co. Ind., it unites with the St. Joseph's r. The latter rising in Hillsdale co. Mich., and assuming a s. w. course, traverses the nrthwstrn. angle of Williams co. O., enters Allen co. Ind., and unites with the St. Mary's as already noticed. To view those two rs. on a m-ap, their natural course would appear to be down the Wabash, but curving on themselves, the united waters now known as Maumee, assume a n. e. course ; flows in that direction 45 ms., to where it re- ceives almost at the same point, Au Glaize r. from the s. and Bean or Tiffen's r. from the n. Continuing n. e. 60 ms. farther, Maumee is lost in the extreme wstrn. angle of lake Erie. This stream, like all others which issue from 0. in- to lake Erie, is obstructed by rapids a few ms. above its mouth ; otherwise it is navigable at high water into both its main branches. The Au Glaize, which falls into the Maumee at De- fiance, is the most considerable branch, not falling much under the St. Mary's and St. Jo- MAY 282 MEC seph's united. The valley of Maumee, occu- pying the whole nrthvvslrn, angle of the state of 0., is in length from s. w. to n. e. 100 ms., with a mean breadth of at least 50, area 5,000 sq. ms., comprising small fractions in Mich, and Ind. This r. and its branches drain in O. the COS. of Mercer, Allen, Vanwat, Putnam, Hancock, Wood, Henry, Williams, and Pauld- ing. In lat. the valley stretches from 40° 30' to 42°. Maumee, p-v. on Maumee r., where the road crosses from Columbus to Detroit, by p-r. 136 ms. N. N. w. Columbus. Maurefas, lake of, La., between the parishes of St. Helena and St. John Baptists, receiving the Amite r. from the w., and communicating on the estrd. with lake Pontchartrain, by the pass of Mauchae, a strait of about 6 ms. Lake Maurepas lies in an elliptic form, 12 by 7 ms. ; depth generally about 12 ft. though in the pass of Mauchae the water shallows to about 6 ft. Besides the Amite, Maurepas receives New r. from the s. w., and Tickfoiia from the n. The country adjacent to this lake is mostly low and marshy. Maurice, r. Cumberland co. N. .T., rises in Gloucester co. and runs nearly s. about 30 ms., receiving several branches, and enters Del. bay at Maurice cove, through low and swampy banks. Maurice River, p-t. Cumberland co. N. J., be., tween Maurice r. and Salem, and Gloucester cos. Maury, co. of Ten., bndd. by Hickman w. ; Dickson n. w. ; Williamson n. ; Bedford e. ; and Giles s. Length 30, mean width 24, and area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 35° 22' to 35° 50' N., and in long. 9° 42' to 10° 18' w. W. C This CO. lies entirely in the valley of Duck r . which winds over it in a n. w. by w. direc. tion, receiving numerous crs. from both sides ; soil of first rate quality ; staple, cotton. In this CO. 9 ms. from Columbia, a manual labor school has recently been established under very favorable auspices. It has a president, vice president, a professor, and 3 teachers. The two first are also professors. The studies embrace the languages, natural and moral phi- losophy, mathematics, and rhetoric. Gf. t. Co- lumbia. Pop. 1820, 22,141 ; 1830,27,665. Maxatawny, p-o. and tsp. Berks co. Pa., 20 ms. N. N. E. Reading. The tsp. lies on the bor- der of Lehigh co., and on the Sacony branch of Maiden cr. Pop. 1820, 1,847. May (Cape), Cape May co. N. J., the n. point of Del. bay ; long. 74° 56' w. (Greenwich,) lat. 39° N. The Del. breakwater is erecting within this cape. Here is the termination of a range of low, sandy, barren coast from Shrewsbury hither. Pop. 4,936. Maybinton, p-o. Newbury dist. S. C, by p-r. 14 ms. wstrd. Newbury, and 54 n. w. by w. Co- lumbia. Mayfield, r. small stream of wstrn. Ky., rises in Graves co., and first pursuing a nrthrn. course, turns abruptly west, separating Graves from MacCracken, and thence MacCracken from Hickman, falling into Mis. a few ms. below the mouth of Ohio. Mayfield, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y., 8 ms. N. E. Johnstown and 40 n. w. Albany ; has good 1 grass and grain soil, and Cranberry, Mayfield, and Fondas crs. with mill seats ; 2 post offices. Mayfield mtn. extends to Mohawk r. Pop. 2,614. Mayfield, p-v. and st. jus. Graves co. Ky., situated on a branch of Mayfield r., about 35 ms. s. E. the mouth of Ohio r., and by p-r. 277 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, and lat. 36° 45', and long.ll°45'w. W. C. Mayo, p-v. in the estrn. part of Rockingham CO. N. C., by p-r. 97 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Mayville, p-t. and st. jus. Chatauque co. N. Y., a flourishing village, by p-r. 338 ms. w, Al- bany. Mays Lick, and p-o. in the sthrn. part of Ma- son CO. Ky., about 65 ms. n. e. by e. Frankfort. Maysville, p-v. and st. jus. Buckingham co. Va., situated near the centre of the co., on Slate cr., about 35 ms. nrthestrd. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 287 ms. very nearly due w. of Richmond. Lat. 37° 32', and long. 1° 32' w, W. C. Maysville, p-v. on the O. r., nthrn. part of Mason co. Ky., 60 ms. n. e. by n. Lexington, by p-r. 67 N. E. Frankfort, and about 65 ms. by the r., s. E. Cincinnati. This village was formerly called Limestone, and was amongst the original settlements of the state. The site is on a rath- er elevated bottom of the Ohio r., 3 ms. from Washington, the co. seat ; and by water about 500 ms. below Pittsburg. It is the second t. of Ky. in regard to commercial importance, and the business of the place is rapidly increasing. It contains 3 or 4 places of public worship, a court house, market, and several other public buildings ; and several manufactories, beside one of glass of considerable extent. The im- portance of Maysville has arisen from being the mart of upper Ky., and lying on the direct nthrn. thoroughfare. Lat. 38° 40', long. 6° 40' w. W. C. Pop. 2,040. Maytown, p-v. near the left bank of the Sus- quehannah r. Lancaster co. Pa., 22 ms. s. e. Harrisburg, and 15 w. Lancaster. Mazeville, p-o. Greenbriar co. Va., by p-r. 266 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Meadville, p-t. and st. jus. Crawford co. Pa. It is situated on French cr. 25 ms. w. Franklin, 35 s. Erie, and by p-r. 236 n. Harrisburg. The village is very pleasant, containing the ordinary county buildings, a court house, &c., also an arsenal, bank, and an academy. A weekly newspaper is published here. Alleghany col- lege, which was founded in 1815, is located here. Several grants, amounting to .$11,000, have been made to this institution, and it has a library of 8,000 volumes. There are 3 instruc- ters, but at present the number of students is very limited. Commencement is on the first Wednesday in July. Pop. 1,070. Meadville, p-v.Halifax co. Va., by p-r. 139 ms. s. w. W. C, Meadville, p-v. and st. jus, Franklin co. Misp., 105 ms. from Jackson, and 1,139 from W. C. Pop. 300. Meansville, p-o. Union dist. S. C, by p-r. 87 ms. N. w. Columbia. Mears Farm, and p-o. Hamilton co. Ohio, by p-r. 116 ms. s. w. Columbus. Mecca, p-v. Trumbull co. 0., by p-r. 176 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. MED 283 MEN Mechanicsburg, p-v. Champaign co. O., by p-r. 39 ms. n. w. by w. Columbus. Mechanic's Hall, p-o. Moore co. N. C, by p-r. 83 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Mechanic Grove, and p-o. Clark co. Ala., by p-r. 132 ms. sthwd. Tuscaloosa. Mechanicsville, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., by p-r. 39 ms. nthrd. Philadelphia. Mechanicsville, p-v. Montgomery co. Ma- ryland, 30 ms. s. w. Baltimore, and 8 n. e. Rockville. Mechanicsville, p-v. Vanderburg co. Ind. by p-r. 164 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Mechanicville, p-v. Stillwater, Saratoga co. N. Y. Mecklenburg, co. Va., bndd. by Halifax w., Charlotte n. w., Lunenburg n., Brunswick e., and by Warren and Granville cos. N. C. s. Length 36, mean width 18, and area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 36° 30' to 36° 53', and in long. 1° 08' to 1° 46' w. W, C. The junction of Stanton and Dan rivers, to form the Roanoke, is made on the western side of this co., and the thence fine navigable river winds by a rather sinuous channel over the co. in a southeast by E. direction, leaving it at the southeastern an- gle. The northern side is drained by iVleherin river, flowing nearly parallel to the Roanoke ; the slope is of course in the direction of the streams. Staples, grain, flour, cotton, tobacco, &c. Cf. t. Boydton. Pop. 1820, 19,786—1830, 20,477. Mecklenburg, co. N. C, bndd. by Catawba r. separating it from Lincoln n. w., Iredell .\., Cabarras n. e., Anson e., Lancaster dist. S. C. E., and York dist. S. C. s. w. Length s. to n. 50, mean width 18, and area 900 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 34° 48' to 35° 30', and in long. 3° 32' to 4° 06' w. W. C. The northeas- tern and eastern boundary of this co. coincides nearly with the dividing ridge between the sources of streams flowing into the Yadkin eastward and into the Catawba river westward. The slope is of course westward or rather a little s. of w. towards the latter r. Cf t. Char- lotte. Pop. 1820, 16,895—1830, 20,078. Mecklenburg, p-v. Knox co. Ten., 12 ms. sthrd. Knoxville, and by p-r. 177 ms. a little s. of E. Nashville. Medfield, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 9 ms. s. w. Dedham, 17 s. w. Boston, e. side Charles r., was burnt by Indians 1675. Population 817. Medford, (formerly Mystic) p-t. Middlesex CO. Mass., 4 ms. n. of Boston. Mystic r. and Middlesex canal pass through it. Burgoyne's army encamped at Winter Hill after his cap. ture. Pop. 1,755. Medina, co. of Ohio, bndd. by Stark s. e., Wayne s., Lorain w. and n. w., Cuyahoga n., and Portage E. Length 24, mean breadth 24, and area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 10', long. 4° 48' w. Slope to the n. towards lake Erie. Cf t. Medina. Pop. 7,560. Medina, p-v. and st. jus. Medina co. O., by p-r. Ill ms. N. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 622. Medrosta Lake, Me. is drained by Spey r. which flows into St. .Tohn's r. Medway, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 15 miles s. w. Dedham, 20 from Boston, n. Charles r., contains a number of manufactories. It was incorporated in 1713, before apart of Medfield. Pop. 1,756. Meesville, p-v. Roane co. Ten., by p-r. 153 ms. estrd. Nashville. Meeting Street, p-o. nthrn. part of Edge- field district, S. C, by p-r. 65 ms. wstrd. Co. lumbia. Meherin, r. of Virginia, and N. C, deriving its most remote sources from Charlotte, but ri- sing principally in Lunenburg and Mecklen- burg COS., and uniting on the wstrn. margin of Brunbwick. Continuing its original course s. E. by E. over Brunswick and Greensville, and thence separating a part of Greensville from Southampton, it enters N. C. between North- ampton and Gates cos., and joins the Nottaway to form the Chowan, between Gates and Hert- ford COS. The entire comparative course of the Meherin is about 95 miles, but the valley is narrow, not exceeding 20 miles width at any part, (mean width hardly 10) area about 900 sq. ms., lying between the vallies of Roanoke and Nottaway. Meherin Grove, and p-o. Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 92 ms. s. w. Richmond. Meigs, co. Ohio, bndd. s. w. by Gallia, n. w. and N. by Athens, Ohio river separating it from Wood CO. Va. N. e., and again by the Ohio river separating it from Mason co. Va. e., s. e. and s. Length from east to west 30, mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq. ms. Lat. 39° and long. 5° w. W. C. intersect in this co. Surface very bro. ken, but some tolerably productive. Cf t. Ches- ter. Pop. 1820, 4,480, 1830, 6,158. Meigs cr., and p-o. Morgan co. O. by p-r. 77 ms. s. e. by e, Columbus. Meigsville, p-v. Randolph co. Va. by p-r. 211ms. wstrd. W. C. Meigsville, p-v. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r. 84 ms. N. e. by e. Nashville. Melmore, p-v. Seneca co. Ohio, by p-r. 80 ms. N. Columbus. Meltonsville, p-v. in the northeastern part of Anson co. N. C. by p-r. 132 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Memphis, p-v. and st. jus. Shelby co. Ten. situated on an elevated bluff" of the Misp. r. immediately below the mouth of Loosahat- che or Wolf r., by p-r. 226 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Lat. 35° 06' and long. 13° 02' w. W.C. Memphremagog, lake, partly in Orleans co. Vt. but chiefly in Lower Canada, is 30 or 40 ms. long, from n. to s., and 2 or 3 wide, and communicates by the St. Francis with St. Law- rence r. Only 7 or 8 ms. of the s. end are in Vermont. It lies about half way between Con- necticut r. and lake Champlain. A bay from the s. end extends into Coventry. In Vt. the lake occupies about 15 sq, ms., receiving Clyde, Black and Barton rivers. "The "Magog oil- stones" are brought from an island 2 ms. n. of the Canada line, and are sold in the seaports for about 50 cents a pound. Menan, Little, island Washington co;. Me. has a lighthouse, 2 ms. s. s. e. Goldsborough, ands. Steuben. Menassas Gap, and p.o. Frederick co. Va. by p-r. 134 ms. westward W. C. MER 284 MER Mendham, p-t. Morris co. N. J. 7 nis. w. Morristown, 35 w. N. Y., near the head waters of Passaic r. ; has an academy, and a fine hilly surface, with good farms. Pop. 1,314. Mendon, t. Rutland co. Vt. Pop. 432. Mendon, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 32 ms. s. w. Boston. Blackstone r. and canal cross the S. w. part of the town, and Mill r. runs through it. There are several manufactories of cotton, and woollen mills ; the Blackstone factory is very large. Pop. 3,152. Mendon, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. 15 ms. s. of Rochester. Honeoye outlet and other streams supply mills. Pop. 3,057. Menomonie, r. of Mich, ter., and confluent of Green Bay, rises in the country of the Meno- monie Indians, sthrd. lake Superior, and flowing thence sthestrd. about lOOms., falls into Green Bay atlat. 45° 28', and nearly due w., the strait uniting Green Bay to lake Mich., and 50 ms. n. E. fort Howard. Menomonie island, in Green Bay, Mich, ter., lying about midway between the mouth of iVie- nomonie r., and the Grand Traverse straits be- tween Green bay and lake Mich. Menomonie, st. jus. Brown co. Mich. Posi- tion uncertain. Mentor, p-v. and tsp. Geauga co. 0., by p-r. 162 ms. N. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 703. Mentz, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 8 ms. n. n. w. Auburn. Seneca r. and Owasco outlet fur- nish mills and navigation. Villages, Montezu- ma and Bucksville, on Erie canal, and Throops- ville. Pop. 4,143. Mercer, p-t. Somerset co. Me., s. w. Nor- ridgewock, n. Kennebec co. ; has a large pond in the s. e. Pop. 1,210. Mercer, co. Pa., bndd. n. by Crawford ; n. e. by Venango ; s. e. by Butler; s. by Beaver; and w. by Trumbull co. O. Length s. to n. 34, mean width 25, and area 850 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. 41° 02' to 41° 28', and in long. 3° 04' to 3° 37' w. W. C. The valley of Chenango r. occupies the far greater part of this co., flowing sthrd. into Big Beaver ; consequently the slope of the CO. is sthrd.; surface moderately hilly, and soil productive. Cf. t. Mercer. Pop. 1820, 11,681, 1830, 19,731. Mercer, p-v. borough and st. jus. Mercer co. Pa., situated near the centre of the co., 55 ms. a little w. of n. Pittsburg, and 30 ms. a little w. of s. Meadville ; lat. 41° 15', long. 3° 20' w. W. C. Pop. 1820, 506. Mercer, co. of Ky., bndd. by Dicks r. sepa- rating it from Garrard e. ; Lincoln s. e. ; Casey S. ; Washington w. ; Anderson n. ; and Ky. r. separating it from Woodford and Jessamine n. E. Length from s. to n. 28, mean breadth 13, and area 364 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° 32' to 37° 55', and in long. 7° 36' to 7° 56' w. W. C. The declivity of this CO. is northward ; the soil highly productive. Cf. t. Harrodsburg. Pop. 1820, 15,587 ; 1830, 17,694. Mercer, co. 0., bndd. by Vanwert n. ; Al- len N. e. ; Shelby s. e ; Darke s. ; and the state of Ind. w. Length 28, mean breadth 20, and area 560 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 35', and long. W. C. 7° 38' w. This co. occupies the table land from which flows St. Mary's branch of Great Maumee, and on which rise the extreme sources of the Wabash. It is remarkable that both rivers assume a parallel n. w. course, which they maintain over Mercer into India, na, and thence converge into directly opposite courses ; the Wabash to the s. w. and Maumee N. E. It is obvious from the foregoing circum- stances in the course of its streams, that Mer- cer is amongst the most elevated tracts between the vallies of Ohio and St. Lawrence. Cf. t. St. Mary's. Pop. 1,110. Mercer, co. II., bndd. n. by Rock Island co. ; N.E. by Henry; s. E.byKnox; s. Warren; and w. Misp. r. Breadth 20, mean length from e. to w. 30, and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. of its cen- tre, 41° 15', long. 14° 42' w. W. C. This new CO. occupies the space eastward of the Great bend of the IViisp, r., below the rapids of Rock r., and opposite the influx of the Low and Iowa rs., and lies about 200 ms. n. w. Vandalia. By the census of 1830, it contained but 26 inhabi- tants, and possessed no p-o. Oct. 1831. Mercer's Bottom, and p-o. on the Ohio r. Mason co. Va., by p-r. 326 ms. wstrd. W. C. Mercerseijrg, p-v. in the southwest part of Franklin co. Pa., 16 ras. s. w. Chambersburg, and by p-r. 89 ms. n. vv. W. C. Mercersville, p-v. Edgecombe co. N. C. by P-r. 47 ins. esU-d. Raleigh. Meredith, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., w. Winni- piseogee lake, and 29 ms. n. Concord. Con- tains many ponds, a good soil, rich landscapes, and advantages of boat navigation on the lake and streams. The village at the bridge is partly in Guilford, and contains an academy, &c. Pop. 2,683. Meredith, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 8 ms. n. Delhi, and 66 w. Catskill. It sends streams both to Del. and Susquehannah rs., and is halfway be- tween both. Hilly, with good soil. Pop. 1,666. Meriden, p-t. New Haven co. Conn. 17 ms. s. Hartford, 17 n. New Haven, 8 w. Middletown. Has pretty good, but uneven land ; in some parts mountaiuaus ; and though with few natural ad- vantages, has become an important manufactur- ing place, by dint of industry. The v. is pleasant, and contains several very fine private houses, and 4 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Epis- copal, and 1 Methodist. The streams are small, with little water power ; yet about a million of dollars worth of different articles are annually manufactured and sent to other places. One company employs about 230 hands in the manu- facture of brittannia coffee pots, spoons, coffee mills, waffle irons, signal lanthorns, &c., value about tS>200,000 per ann. Other manufactures are wooden clocks, value per ann. about ,f 50,000 ; ivory, wood, box-wood and horn combs, value per ann. about $40,000 ; augur bits and rakes, value per ann. about ^20,000 ; tin ware, value per ann. $90,000 ; and another manufacture of brit- tania ware, which manufactures ^95,000 worth annually. There are others of japanned ware, shoes and boots, &c.&c. Some very useful inven- tions have originated in this place. The first branch of manufacture extensively engaged in here, was that of tin ware. Pop. 1,708. Meridian Sprustcs, and p-v. in the wstrn. part of Hinds co. Misp. about 65 ms. n. e. Natchez, and 31 s. w. Jackson ; the seat of government for the state. MET 285 MET Meridianville, p-v. Madison co. Ala., 8 ms. N. Huntsville, and by p-r. 136 ms. n. n. e. Tus- caloosa. Merit, p-v. Wayne co. N. C. 75 ms. s. e. Ra- leigh. Mermentau, r. of La., rises within and drains the extensive prairies of Opelousas and wstrn. Attacapas. It is formed by the bayous Nezpi- que,Cane, Plaquemine Brule, and Queue Fortue. General course s. vf. over a country almost a perfect plane, where the smallest fragment of stone is rare, and except narrow lines of woods along the streams, the whole covered with grass. Before reaching its outlet into the gulf of Mexico, timber, with the exception of de- tached clumps of live oak, entirely ceases. The soil towards the sources of its branches, is but of second rate quality, but contrary to the usual operations of nature, still more deteriorates ad- vancing downwards towards the Gulf. The prevailing timber in the woods is oak, hickory, sweet gum, and pine along the bayous Cane and Plaquemine Brule ; on the Nezpique, pine in- creases proceeding n. wstrd., and approaching the waters of Calcasiu becomes the common tree. Cypress swamps are frequent near the confluence of Nezipique and Plaquemine Brule. Below the latter point, live oak appears, and in greater or less quantities is found on this river thence to the mouth. With the Mermentau, however, live oak terminates in that part of the Gulf coast ; none is to be seen on either the Calcasiu or the Sabine. In autumn, when the streams are low, the tide ascends this basin into each of the confluent streams ; but on the con- trary, in winter and spring, when heavy rains have fallen, the flood from the prairies over- powers the low tides of the gulf. Below the union of its branches, this river expands into a lake, and again contracts into a narrow stream, and finally is lost in the gulf, over a bar afford- ing at common tides about 3 ft. of water. The lake is also a shallow sheet of water, not deeper than the outer bar. The greatest length of the Mermentau basin is about 90, mean width 30, and area 2,700 sq. ms. Of this surface, more than four fifths is composed of open grassy plains, water, or sea marsh. Mermentau lake, is an expansion of the r. of the same name, below the union of the dif- ferent confluent branches. It is a shallow sheet about 30 by 10 ms., differing in no essential physical characteristic from similar lakes along the coast of La. The shores are low and marshy. Merom, p-v. and st. jus. Sallivan co. Ind., by p-r. 115 ms. s. w. Indianopolis, and 30 ms. n. Vincennes. It is situated on the left bank of Wabash r., lat. 39° 04', long. 10° 36' w. W. C. Merrimack, r. N. H., the largest in that state, and one of the principal rs. of New England, is formed of the Pemigewasset, from the White mtns. and Winnipiseogee, which unite near the lower part of the line of Strafford and Grafton cos. It crosses the line of Mass. in Hillsboro CO. near Rockingkam co. after a course of 78 ins. nearly s., and soon after runs n, e. 35 ms. to the ocean at Newburyport. The Pemige- wasset receives Mad and Baker's rs. and the streams from Squam and Newfound lakes. 37 Winnipiseogee r. comes from Winnipiseogee lake and Great bay. The Merrimack receives Contoocook, Soucook, Suncook, Piscataquog, Souhegan and Nashua rs. There are many falls, the principal of which are dammed, and supply water to important manufactories. Ca. nals have been made round them all, with locks, by which the r. has been navigated in boats, for some years, up to Concord. There are several bridges and many ferries, and the cap. and other cf. ts. stand on its banks. Monomake, its In. dian name, means a sturgeon. The iVIiddle. sex canal extends from the bend in this river in VI ass. to Boston harbor. The following is a list of the chief canals, &c. Bow canal, below Concord, made in 1812, cost ^20,000 ; Hook- set, 6 ms. below, {$1,500 ; Amoskeag, 8 miles below, $50,000 ; the Union canal embraces 6 falls, and with Cromwell's falls canal cost ^50,000. Wicasee, 15 ms. below, $14,000. Merrimack, co. N. H. formed since the census of 1820, is bndd. n. by Grafton co., n. E.by Strafford co., e. by Rockingham co., s. by Hillsborough co. and w. by Sullivan co. It lies nearly equidistant from the e. s. and w. boundaries of the state, and is well watered by the Merrimack river (which runs nearly thro* the centre of the co.) and numerous smaller streams which flow into that. This is a flour- ishing CO., and much of the soil is highly pro- ductive. Concord, the st. jus. and principal town in it, is also the seat of government of the state. Pop. 1820, 32,843; 1830,34,614. iVI ERRiMACK, p-t. Hillsboro' CO. N. H. 6 ms. from Amherst, 27 s. Concord, on w. side of Merrimack r. Souhegan r. and its branches supply manufactories. Pop. 1,193. MiiRRiTTSTowN, p.v. on Dunlap's cr. Fayette CO. Pa. 5 ms. a little w. of s. Brownsville, and 10 N. w. Uniontown. Merrittsville, p-v. at the foot of Blue Ridge, and in the northern part of Greenville dist. S. C. about 40 ms. s. w. Rutherfordton, N. C. and by p-r. 122 ms. n. w. Columbia. iVJERRiwETHER, CO. Geo. bndd. by Talbot s. E., Plarris s. w., Troup w., Coweta n., and Flint r. separating it from Fayette n. e., and Pike is. It is very nearly a square of 20 ms. each way ; area 400 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 32° 53' to 33° ]5', and in long. 7° 39' to 8° 2' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is estwrd. towards Flint r. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 4,422. Merry Hill and p-o. Bertie co. N C. by p-r. 145 ms. N. E. by e. Raleigh. Merrymeeting bay, Me. at the junction of Merrimack and Androscoggin rs. 20 ms. from the sea. Merry Meeting Bay, Alton, Strafford co. N. H., is the s. e. arm of Winnipiseogee lake, 1,600 rods long. Mesopotamia, p-v. Trumbull co. 0. by p-r. 168 ms. N. e. Columbus. Metcalf, P-v. Richland co. 0. by p.r. 93 ms. N. e. Columbus. Metawamkeag, r. Me. enters Penobscot r. on the E. side. Metetecunk, r. Monmouth co. N. J. enters the head of Barnegat bay. Methuen, p-t. Essex co. Mass. 26 ms. n. Boston, 10 from Lowell, 5 n. Andover, n. Mer. MIA 286 MIC rimack r., and bordering on N. H.,, is a large town, with wild scenery. The village, with about 800 inhabitants, is on Spicket r. 2 miles from its junction with the Merrimack. 150,000 to 200,000 pair shoes are annually manufactur- ed here ; and on the Spicket r. are 2 brick cotton factories, owned by the Methuen Co., containing 4,400 spindles, 134 looms, and man- ufacturing annually 1,137,200 yards tickings, drillings, and sheetings. One of these facto- ries is 124 feet long, and 5 stories high. The Spicket has a fall at this place of 40 feet, which turns a wheel 108 feet in circumference, and 14 wide, supposed to be the largest in the country. Pop. 2,006. Metuchin, v. Middlesex co. N. J. 4 ms. n. E. New Brunswick. Mexico, great inland sea of North America, having the Mexican states on the n. w., w., s., and s. E., the Cuba channel, island of Cuba and Florida channel e., and the U. S. n. e. and n. Lying between lat. 18° and 30° 31' n., and in long, from 4=' to 20° 30' w. W. C. The great- est length from Florida point to Tampico bay, about 1,000 ms., with a mean breadth at least 600 ms., and area 660,000 sq. ms. This Med- iterranean is remarkable for its great depth. It is an immense reservoir, receiving the cur- rent of rotation through the Cuba, and dis. charging it again by the Flor. channel. The =^urfaceof the gulf must consequently be high- er than that of the Atlantic ocean. The tides in the Gulf of Mexico, where examined at several distant points along the northern shore, are found about 2 to 3 feet. A steady current sets wstrd. along the coast of La. a phenome. non demonstrated by the debris of the Misp. being entirely borne in that direction, and found scattered along the coast. 01 all the inland seas of the earth, the Gulf of Mexico is most compact in its form, and least broken by islands or salient capes, and with an immense peri- phery of 3,200 ms. ; is greatly deficient in good harbors. Mexico, p-t, Oxford co. Me., 47 ms. from Au- gusta; it lies N. of Androscoggin r., and is wa- tered by t\yo of its tributaries. Pop. 343. Mexico, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y., 20 ms. e. Oswego, has many springs and mill streams. Salmon cr., the principal, with Mexico Point and Juliana, p-vs. Pop. 2,671. Mexico, p-v. on the left bank of .Tuniata r. Mifflin CO. Pa., 31 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Miami, or GreatMiami, r. of 0. and Ind., has its extreme sources in Shelby and Darke cos. of the former, and flowing thence s. s. e. 50 ms., over Miami and Montgomery, receives in the latter Mad r. Irom n. e. Mad r. rising in Logan, traverses Champaign and Clark, unites with Great Miami as already noticed. The two streams unite at Dayton, and assuming a course of s. s. w. flows in that direction by com- parative courses 100 ms. to its junction with Ohio r., having received a few ms. above its mouth. White Water r. from Ind. White Wa- ter is a stream of 70 ms. comparative course, rising in Darke co. Ohio, but having most of its course in, and deriving its principal tributaries from Ind. The boundary line between Ind. and Ohio, strikes the Ohio r. at the mouth of Great Miami. The valley of Great Miami is in tengin 120 ms. from s. w. to n. e., with a mean breadth of 50 ms., or comprises an area of 6,000 sq. ms. This river has become of increasing conse- quence since the completion of a navigable ca- nal extending from Dayton to Cincinnati, open, ing a water means of transport from the interior table land of 0. to Ohio r., reaching the latter at the most considerable city in the state, or indeed of all the western states except New Orleans. {See article Ohio.) Miami co. O., bndd. by Montgomery s., Darke w., Shelby n., Champaign n. e., and Clark s. e. Length and breadth nearly equal, 20 ms., area 400 sq. ms. Lat. 40° and 7° 15' w. long. W. C. intersect in this co. It is traversed in a direc- tion from N. N. w. to s. s. e by the main stream of Great Miami, tmd also by its s. w. branch. The soil is generally fertile. Cf. t. Troy. Pop. 1820, 8,851, 1830, 12,807. Miami, co. Ind., bndd. N. e. by Wabash co., s. e. by Grant, Miami's' ter. s., Cass co. of Ind. w., and to the n. uncertain. Length from s. to N. 30, mean breadth 10, and area 300 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 50', and long. 9° w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Slope to the w., and in that direction it is traversed by the main Wabash in the cen. tre, by the Mississinewa to the s. and Eel r. to the N. These rs. unite near its wstm. border at Miamisport, the cf. t. Miami, p-v. Hamilton co. O., by p-r. 129 ms. s. w. Columbus. Miamisburg, p-v. Montgomery co. 0., by p-r. 82 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Miamisport, placed in the p-o. list as in Cass, is in Miami co. Ind., and situated at the junc tion of Wabash and Mississinewa rs. by p-r. 131 ms. a little e. of n. Indianopolis. As laid down by Tanner it stands at lat. 40° 45', long. 9° 4' w. W. C. MiccoTowN, P-V. on Alahapa r. northern part of Hamilton co. Flor., about 90 ms. a little N. of E. Tallahasse. Michaelsville, p-o. Hartford co. Md. about 34 ms. N. e, Baltimore. Michigan, largest lake, which lies entirely in the U. S. Taken in connexion with the gene- ral physical geography of the two basins of Mississippi and St. Lawrence, it is evident that lake Michigan fills apart of the great valley, of which Illinois r. is the continuation towards the Gulf of Mexico. On our old maps all the Cana- dian lakes were delineated too round. They were represented as vast ponds ; but more re- cent observation has increased their length when compared with their breadth, and given them a natural approach to the form of rivers. As now laid down by Tanner, this great sheet of fresh water extends 360 ms. from the mouth of W. Calumick (Calumet) r. to the straits of Michilimakinak. The breadth, opposite the mouth of Kalemazoo r., 65 ms. The breadth is remarkably uniform and yields an average of at least 45 miles, and adopting that breadth as a mean, the area will be 16,200 sq. ms., an area by no means overrated, it Green bay is in- cluded. The elevation of its surface is, above the Atlantic ocean, very near 600 feet. In lat. it extends from 41° 40' to 46° 10', and in long, from 7i to 11° w. W. C. including Green bay. MIC 287 MIC In depth, it is a profound gulf, the bottom far below the level of either the Atlantic ocean or Gulf of Mexico ; consequently if a channel ex- isted, similar to the straits of Gibraltar, still the lake would exist as an immense reservoir to the rivers, to which it is a recipient. If we commence on the southern end or what is really the source, Michigan receives from the left the two Calamicks, and Riviere du Chemin, from Indiana ; from the peninsula of Michigan, the rivers St Joseph, Kalamazoo, Grand r., Maske- gon. White r., Pent-water, Pere Marquette, Sandy, Monistic, Platte, Carp, Grand Traverse, and some other streams of lesser note. From the opposite or western slope, advancing in the same manner, from the mouth of West Calamick to the mouth of Green bay, the confluent rivers are mere creeks, of which the Manawakee, 70 ms. long, is the most important. Green bay is, however, the recipient to Fox, Menomonie, and numerous other small rivers. See Fox rivers for explanation of the peculiar physical geography of the western slope of lake Michi- gan basm. The eastern Michigan slope is a triangle of 320 miles base, perpendicular 110 miles up the valleys of Kalamazoo, and Grand rivers; area about 17,600 square miles. The wstrn. slope, measuring from the sthrn. source of W. Calamick, to the source ot Mino Coquien river, has a base of 380 ms. Greatest breadth from the mouth of the western Cheboiegon river, across Fox river of Green bay, and up Wolf river to its source, 170 ms. ; mean breadth about 100, and area 19,000 sq. ms. It may be observed that the whole Michigan basin ap- proaches the form of a parallelogram, as the sa- lient or most acute angles of the two slopes are reversed, the eastern coming to a point on the straits of Michilimakinak, and the western to- wards the sources of West Calamick. If the hand of art had cut the channel of Michigan, it could not have been much better placed to con- stitute part of an immense channel of intercom- munication between different sections of the earth. A canal has already been projected, and will no doubt be executed in a few years, to connect lake Michigan with Illinois r., and a rail road has been projected from Indianopolis to the southern extremity of lake Michigan, to be extended in the state of Indiana. Michigan, territory of the United States. For political purposes, the large territory of Huron, westward of lake Michigan, has been united to the peninsula, properly called Michigan. Mr. Austin E. Wing, the delegate in the present congress, 1831 — 2, informed the author of this article, that it was probable that as early as 1834, Michigan would become a state, as the population was rapidly augmenting, and, that on the western side of the boundary would be a line following the middle of lake Michigan, from the northwestern angle of Indiana to the northern extremity of the lake, and thence due north to lake Superior. If this demarcation is adopted, the state of Michigan will contain the peninsula north of Ohio, and Indiana, together with the CO. of Chippeway, or that peninsula, bounded s. by lake Michigan, n. by lake Supe- rior, and E. by the straits or river St. Mary, and {ake Huron, and will have outlinea, commencing at the point on lake Michigan, separating La Porte CO. of Indiana from Berrien co. of Michi. gan, and thence along the western shore of the peninsula, to the mouth of Traverse bay 280 ms.; over lake Michigan to its northern coast opposite Beaver isls. 45 ms. ; across the inter- mediate land surface between lakes Michigan and Superior to the latter 50 ms. ; along the southern shore of lake Superior to the outlet or head of St. Mary's strait 80 ms. ; from eastern end of Drummond'sisl. to the straits and isl. of Michilimakinak 60 ms. ; thence along the s. w. shore of lake Huron to its outlet, or to the head of St. Clair r. 250 ms. ; thence down St. Clair r., St. Clair lake, Detroit r,, and along the west, ern end of lake Erie to the northern boundary of Ohio 136 ms. ; thence due west along the northern boundary of Ohio, to the eastern boun. dary of Indiana 85 ms. ; due north along east boundary of Indiana, to the northeast angle of that state 10 ms. ; and thence due west along north boundary of Indiana, to place of beginning 110 ms. ; having an entire outline of 1,106 ms. ; measured either by the rhombs or proportional scale, the area of the peninsular part of Michi- gan comes out about 34,000 square ms. and of Chippeway co. 3,000, yielding, for what is sup. posed to be the surface to be included in the state, 37,000 sq. ms. ; or in statute acres, 23,- 680,000. Extending in lat. from 41° 40' to 46<> 47', and in long, from 5° 18' to 10° 35' w. W. C. The dividing ridge which separates the sources of Great Miami and Maumee, from those of the Wabash, is continued over Michi- gan, in a northerly direction, dividing the pe- ninsula into two not very unequal inclined plains. The western or lake Michigan plain is drained by St. Joseph's, Kalamazoo, Grand and numerous other streams. {See lake Michigan.) The opposing or eastern plain gives source an4 course to the rs. Raisin, Huron of Erie, Rouge, Huron of lake St. Clair, Belle r.. Black, Sagin. aw. Thunder, Cheboiegon, and numerous small* er streams. What might well be called thg sea shore of Mich, which, if the inflections oj the coasts were included, would far exceed 1,000 ms., are with little exception unifornl along lake Mich., only affording harbors in tha mouths of the rivers. The coasts of lake Supe» rior and Huron are more indented, and Sagina\f bay offers a gulf of 60 ms. depth. Taken as a whole, the number of havens are not in a pro* portion favorable to commerce, when compared with the distance of sea line. The phenomen£^ of the rivers, prove the peninsula to be a vast table land, as all the rivers fall over ledges of rock before reaching their recipients. The nthrn. part of the peninsula is sterile when com>. pared with the sthrn. towards Ohio and Ind., and the whole country with very partial excep» tions a forest. Political geography. — By Tanner's improved map, up to the present time, Aug. 1832, it ap* pears that Mich., as delineated in the first part of this article, is subdivided into the counties of . — Counties. Pop. 1830, Counties. Pop. 1830, Allegan, Calhoun, Arena, Cass, 919 Barry, Chippeway, 624 Berrien, 325 Clinton, Branch, baton, MIC 288 MID Jt'vp. CouiiLies. Monroe, Montealm, Oakland, Oceana, Ottawa, Pagiiiavv, Bt Clair, St. Joseph, fatiilac, l,49i Shiavvasgee, 2,413 Van Furen, 877 Washtenau, VVaj-ne, Pop. 3,187 4,911 1,114 1,313 5 4,042 6,781 C'uniies. uiadwin, Gratiot, H illsdale, Ingliam, tonia, Uabella, Jackson, K alamazoo, Lapeer, Lenawee, M acomb, >• ichilimakinak, JVi idland, •lotal on Peninsular Mich, and Chippeway co. 28,004 In the three Trans-Michigan cos. Brown, Crawford and Iowa, (for the pop. of which, .<;ee 'irticle Huron Ter.) there were in 1830, 3,635 inhabitants, and including these the whole ter. contains a pop. of 31,639, of which were white jersons : — Females. 2,743 2,00G 1,686 1,438 2,540 1,399 726 390 140 35 10 5 Malfs. Under 5 years of ape. 3,023 From 5 to lU 3,326 " 10 to 15 1,905 " 15 to 20 1,543 " 20 to 30 4,389 " 30 to 40 2,739 " 40 to 50 1,232 " 50 to 60 658 " 60 to 70 264 " 70 to 80 04 " 80 to 90 20 " 90 to 100 4 " 100 and upwards 1 Total, 18,168 13,178 Under 10 years of age, ?1 20 From 10 to 24 43 3G 7 " 24 to 36 48 26 11 " 36 to 55 29 16 1 " 55 to 100 8 4 1 " 100 and upwards Total. 31,639 Whites who are deaf and dumb, under 14 yrs., ; 14 to 25, 7 ; 25 and upwards, 4 ; Blind, 5. Colored population as follows : — Free colored. Slaves. Males. Fern's. Males. Fern's. 1 3 3 3 Tolal, "159 103 22 10 Of the colored population, none are either deaf and dumb, or blind. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored Slaves. 31,346 261 32 General remarks on Michigan. — Volney, and some other writers who knew little of the real geography, and of course still less of the cli- mate, have given a very erroneous idea of the aerial temperature of this peninsula and adja- cent countries. The writer of this article, from actual observation, found the winds on lake Erie so excessively prevalent from the wstrd. and N. wstrd., as to bend the whole forest trees in an opposite direction. In making voyages from Detroit to Buffalo, and the reverse, the time demanded differs about as three to one. By reference to the tables under the head of U. S., the excessive severity of winter at Detroit, and Fort Brady, Chippeway co., may be seen. History. — The first civilized settlements in Michigan were made by the French from Cana- da ; and Detroit (the strait) was founded about 1670, but this region, so remote from the At- lantic coast, was peopled slowly, and at the end of the revolutionary war, when ceded to the U. States by the treaty of Paris, contained but few inhabitants. Under various pretences, the British colonial agents retained Detroit, %yith all that is now Michigan, until after the treaty of Greenville, and the U. States did not obtain the country in actual possession until 1796. The territory of Mieh. was formed in 1805. The country had to sustain more than a share of the vicissitudes of the last war between the U. S. and Great Britain, and was, in 1812, actually overrun by the troops of the latter, but in the ensuing year was retaken by an army of the U. S. under Gen. Harrison. Relieved from calamities of war, and laid open to Atlantic commerce and emigration by the great wstrn, canal of New York, the advance of Michigan has been rapid. By the census of 1820, it con- tained but 8,896 inhabitants, but as shown by the tables in this article, in 1830, the pop. of the peninsula and Chippeway co. contained a fraction above 28,000, and by information re- ceived from Mr. Wing, the inhabitants now, 1832, exceed 50,000. The sales of public lands in Michigan during the quarter ending 29th June 1833, amounted to ^205,000 ; and the es- timated access of pop. during the same season was rising of 5,000 persons. On the 17th July, 1822, Col. Brady founded Fort Brady on the straits of St. Mary, and commenced the settle- ment of Chippeway co. The settlements on the peninsula are spreading with great rapidity, as may be seen by the numerous counties formed since the census of 1830 was taken. Those with numbers annexed are those which were organized in 1830, and amount to 13, out of 36 named in the table. MicHiLiMAKiNAK, CO. of Mich. including the strait and islands of the same name, and the nrthrn. extremity of the peninsula. The limits are undefined on the main land, as the nthrn, settlements are separated by a wilderness from- those of the sthrn. and central parts of the ter- ritory. Cf. town, Fort Mackinac. Pop. 1832, 877. Through the straits on both sides of Michilimakinak isL, a constant and very sensi- ble current flows from lake Mich, into lake Hu- ron. The straits are wider and shorter than any other of the water connexions between the great Canadian lakes, but are in every other re- spect similar to St. Mary's, St. Clair, Detroit, or Niagara. MiDDLEBOROUGH, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 34 ms. s. from Boston, has a poor sandy soil. As- sawampsit and Long ponds are chiefly in this town. Bog iron ore is taken from the former with long tongs, and manufactured here. Cot- ton is also manufactured. Pop. 5,008. MiDDLEBOURNE, p-v. and St. jus. Tyler co. Va. situated on middle island cr., 45 ms. a little w. of s. of Wheeling, and 258 ms. by p-r. west- ward W. C. Lat. 39° 32', long. 3° 55' w. W. C. MiDDLEBOURNE, p-v. Guemscy CO. Ohio, by p-r. 97 ms. n. e. Columbus. MiDDLEBROOK, p-v. in the southern pari of Au- gusta CO. Va. 10 ms. s. s. w. Staunton, and by p-r. 185 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. MiDDLEBROOK, p-v. in the western part of Edgefield dist. S. C. by p-r. 98 ms. wstrd. Co- lumbia. MiDDLEBROOK MILLS, OH little Sencca, p-o. Montgomery co. Md. 28 ms. n. w. W. C. MiDDLEBURGH, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 10 MID 289 MID ms. s. of Schoharie, and 35 w. of Albany. Schoharie creek affords mill seats. The Hel- derburg limestone hills are scattered over the town. Pop. 3,266. MiDDLEBURG, p-v; Union co. Pa, 15 ms. west- ward Sunbury, and by p-r. 61 ms. n. n. w. Har- risburg, and 6 ms. s. w. New Berlin. MiDDLEBURG, p-v. Frederick "co. Md. by p-r. 20 ms. N. E. of Frederick. MiDDLEBURG, p.v. Hardiman co. Ten. Pop. 3,278. MiDDLEBURY, p.t. and St. jus. Addison co. Vt. 33 ms. s. Burlington, and 51 s. w. Montpe- lier. The township is, generally, level. Otter and Middlebury r. afford very good mill seats. Much marble is quarried and wrought here, and is fine, white, bluish, &c. The village is on Ot- ter cr. at the falls, and is a place of considera- ble business. Here is Middlebury college, a jail, academy, court house, state arsenal, &c. The college was incorporated in 1800, and owed its support to private contributions. There are 2 college-buildings ; 1 of wood, con- taining the chapel, and 20 rooms for students, which is 3 stories high ; the other a commodi- ous and handsome structure, of stone, 4 stories high and 180 ft. long by 40 deep, containing 48 rooms for students. The faculty is composed of a president, 3 professors, and a tutor. The students are furnished with text books, for the use of which, those who are able pay a small sum annually. Expense of each student per annum is about ^85. — Alumni of Middlebury college (1832-3) 572. Number of students, 128 ; and in the col. and students' libraries are about 5500 volumes. Commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in August. The medical academy at Castleton is connected with it. Pop. 3,468. Middlebury, p-t. New Haven co. Conn. 22 ms. N. w. New Haven, 36 ms. from Hartford, 4 ms. by 5 ; 19 sq. ms ; has Hop river, &c. It is hilly, with granite rocks. It produces grass and grain. Pop. 816. Middlebury, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y. 15 ms. s. of Batavia, produces excellent fruits. The village is on Black cr. Pop. 2,416. Middlebury, p-v. on Goose creek in the s. s. w. part of Loudon co. Va. 12 ms. s. w. Lees- burg, and by p-r. 44 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Middlebury, p-v. Portage co. O. by p-r. 115 ms. N. E. Columbus. Middle Creek, p-o. southern part of Wake CO. N. C. by p-r. 12 ms. s. Raleigh. Middle- creek is a small branch of Neuse r. Middlefield, p.t. Hampshire co. Mass. 100 ms. W. Boston, is an agricultural town, incor- porated 1783. Pop. 720. Middlefield, p.t. Otsego co. N. Y. 3 ms. e. of Cooperstown, 35 s. e. Utica, e. lake Otsego and Susquehannah r. The great Western turn- pike passes through it. The dairy is esteemed. Pop. 3,323. Middlefield, p-v. Geauga co. O, by p.r. 178 ms. N. E. Columbus. MiDDLEFORD, p.v. Sugsex CO. Del. by p-r. 54 ms. sthrd. Dover. Middle Grove, and p-o. Ralls co. Mo. about 110 ms. N. w. by w. St. Louis. Middleport, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa. by p-r. 74 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Middlesex, p-t. Washington co. Vt. n. of Onion r., 30 ms. e. Burlington, is rouo-h. A bridge over Onion r. crosses a rocky chasm 30 feet deep. Pop. 1,156. Middlesex, co. Mass. in the e. part of the state, bounded by New Hampshire n., Essex CO. e., Norfolk s., and Worcester w. Contains 46 towns. Cambridge and Concord are the shire towns, but Charlestown is the most popu- lous. Merrimack, Concord and Nashua rs. are the principal streams. The Middlesex canal, 31 ms. long, 24 ft. wide, and 4 ft. deep, reach, ing from Boston harbor to Merrimack river, is wholly within this county. It was begun in 1793, finished in 1804, cost above $700,000, has 13 locks, and 107 feet descent n., and 3 locks and 2 1 ft. descent s. The amount of capital in- vested in manufacturing is very great. Lowell and Waltham, the two principal manufacturing towns in Massachusetts, are in this county. In Lowell, in April, 1832, $3,129,000 were stated to be invested in real estate and machinery, for manufacturing purposes, without including the Suffolk, Tremont, and Lawrence manufacturing companies. There are numerous paper mills in this county, and an agricultural society which has annual cattle shows, &c. In June 1832 a census was taken of Lowell, which shows the population to be 10,254 ; increase in 2 years nearly 2,000. Belvidere village 1,004. It has been recently stated, (July, 1832) that in this county the cotton manufacture employs $3,129,- 000 capital, vested in real estate and machine- ry, consumes 6,913,000 lbs. cotton, produces annually 20,378,000 yards cloth, employs 3,896 hands, pays in wages $731,750 ; the woollen manufacture employs $394,000 capital, vested in real estate and machinery, consumes 899,000 lbs. wool, produces annually 849,300 yds. wool, len cloth, flannel and carpeting, employs 653 hands, pays in wages §152,000 ; the manufac- ture of leather, boots, shoes, hats, paper, glass, sheet lead, lead pipe, iron, starch, gunpowder, soap and candles, drugs, oil of vitriol and other acids, barilla and other chemicals, used in the county by bleachers, dyers, calico printers, soap boilers, and other artists, are more extensive than in any other section of our coulitry of equal extent, employing in these branches, in the ag. gregate $1,050,255 capital, vested in real es- tate, machinery, tools, &c., and producing manufactured articles of the annual value of $3,565,613. Pop. 1820, 61,472—1830, 77,. 961. iVIiDDLESEX, CO. Coun. situated near the mid. die of the state, is bndd. n. by Hartford co., e. by Hartford and New London cos., s. by Long Island sound, and w. by New Haven co. It is 342 sq. ms. in extent, and contains 7 ts. Chat- ham, Durham, E. Haddam, Haddam, Killing, worth, Middletown and Saybrook. It was formed into a co. in May, 1785, and then con. sisted of 6 ts. to which a seventh, taken from New Haven co. was annexed in May, 1799. The early settlers of Middlesex were almost entirely of English origin and extraction, and its present inhabitants are chiefly their descend, ants. The first English settlement was com. menced in Saybrook in 1635. The several tpa. of the CO. were purchased of the Indians, who MID 290 MID were formerly numerous here, and in no case were obtained by conquest. The general surface of Middlesex is une- ven. A wide range of hills crosses the coun- ty obliquely from s. w. to n. e., and on the w. border of Durham and Middletown are the Wallingford hills. The soil adjacent to the Connecticut river is generally good. The Chatham meadows are of excellent quality — the uplands usually very good. The numer- ous hills of the co. give rise to a multitude of springs, brooks and streams, which fertilize the land, and many of them are highly valuable for mill seats, &c. The climate is fine, and the re- gion remarkably healthy. The county is divi- ded by Connecticut river which affords great advantages for navigation, and abounds in valu- able fish, particularly shad, which are taken in large numbers. Much ship building is carried on in the co. The foreign trade was formerly extensive, and the coasting trade is still very great. Manufactures are flourishing, particu- larly on the streams in and near Middletown, where are manufactories of woollen, cotton, fire arms, &c. Valuable quarries have long been wrought at Chatham, which furnish the best free stone to the New York market, and employ many sloops, &c. Building stone is also abundantly supplied from the granite hills bordering the straits of the Connecticut river. Many of the rocks of this county exhibit petrifi- ed fish, leaves, &c. partly carbonized, and other indications of bituminous coal, though no bed of that valuable mineral has been discovered. There are also a lead and a cobalt mine, the latter about 5 ms. e, from the head of the strait. At Middlefield, where is a fall of about 30 ft. over a bed of trapp rocks, are found chlorophcs- ite, datholite and iolite. There are in the co. 41 houses of public worship, viz. : 19 Congre- gational, 18 Baptist, 1 Free Will Baptist, 7 Episcopalian, 5 Methodist, and 1 Universalist. For more than a century after the first settle- ment of the CO., the inhabitants were universally Congregationalists, The courts sit alternately at Middletown and Haddam. Middletown is the principal town. Middlesex comprises 2 senato- rial dists. Pop. of CO. 1820, 22,405, 1830, 24,845. Middlesex, p-t. Yates co. N. Y. 194 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 3,428. Middlesex, co. N. J. near the centre of the state, is bndd. by Essex co. n., the N. Y. line and Monmouth co. e. and s., Burlington and Somerset cos. w. It is divided by the lower part of Raritan r. It contains the upper parts of Millstone and Aesanpink rs., and its princi- pal town is New Brunswick. Pop. 1820, 21,470, 1830, 23,157. Middlesex, co. of Va. bndd. by Piankatank r. which separates it from Gloucester s., and King and Queen w., by Essex n. w., by the bay of Rappahannoc n., separating it from Lancas- ter, and E.by Chesapeake bay. Length s. e. to N. w. 35 ms., mean width 5, and area 175 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 37° 30' to 37° 48', and in long. 0° 13' to 0° 40' e. W. C. This co. com- prises a long and narrow point between the two •bounding rs. Cf. t. Urbanna. Pop, 1820, 4,057, 1830, 4,122. MiDDLKTOiN, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., has no rs., ponds nor mtns., except part of Moose mtn., and the soil is rocky ; 48 ms. n. e. Con- cord. Pop. 561. Middleton, t. Essex co. Mass. 20 ms. n. of Boston, has no village, an uneven surface, and only tolerable soil. Pop. 607. Middletown, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 70 ms. s. of Burlington, and 41 n. of Bennington, is crossed by Poultney r., has a soil of gravelly loam, and a pleasant village and several mills, &c. Pop. 919. Middletown, t. Newport co. R. 1. 2 miles n. E. Newport, and 28 s. e. Providence. Pop. 915. Middletown, city, port of entry, and cf. t. of Middlesex co. Conn. Lat. 41° 35', and long. 4° 15' E. The Indian name was Mattabeseek. It is pleasantly situated on the gradually rising ground on the west bank of the Connecticut r. 31 ms. above its mouth, 15 ms. s. Hartford, 24 n. E. New Haven, and 325 from W. C. The prin- cipal street, which runs n. and s. is broad, level and well built, and with those parallel to it, is intersected at right angles by others leading to the river. The wharves are commodious, and two of them are appropriated for steam-boats, by which daily communication is kept up with the cities of New York and Hartford. Popu- lation of the city 1820, 2,618, including the town, 6,681, 1830, city 2,965, including the town, 6,892. The city contains a court house, custom house, 2 banks, jail, an almshouse, and 7 places of public worship, 2 of which are Con- gregational, 1 Episcopalian, 1 Baptist, 1 Meth- odist, 1 Universalist and 1 African. The Wes- leyan University, founded in 1831, is an institu. tion of great promise, and is under the patron, age of the Methodist Episcopal church. Its buildings, 3 in number, of stone, are eligibly situated on a hill adjacent to the city, and com- mand a fine view of the river and the surround- ing country. Its officers in 1832, were a pres- ident and 4 professors, and there are, (1833) about 60 students. It possesses a valuable li- brary, of about 3,000 volumes, a cabinet of minerals, chemical and philosophical apparatus, &c. A law school was established here in 1832, by the late chief justice of the state. Many of the houses and stores are built with brick, and much taste is displayed in and about the residences of the citizens. Two weekly newspapers are published in the city. The manufactories of the city and town are numer- ous. Among them are three for arms for the United States' service, 1 of broadcloth, 1 of cotton, 1 of webbing, 1 of combs, 1 of Gunter's scales, &c., 1 of machinery, 1 of pewter, 1 of axes, 2 of tin ware, 1 paper mill, 1 powder mill, 4 jewelry establishments, &c. &c. One man- ufactory makes 1,500 rifles annually, milling all the parts ; another 2,000 milled muskets ; an- other 1,200 guns which are cast. One compa. ny make 45,000 lbs. of cotton yarn, and another 30,000 yards of broadcloth; 200,000 coffee mills are made here every year, and the annual value of manufactures in the place, is about $700,000. The coasting trade of Middletown is extensive — its foreign trade considerable. In 1816 it owned more shipping than any town in Connecticut. Ve&sels for Hartford and other MID 291 MIL towns on the river, are registered here. The river is navigable to Middletown for vessels drawing 10 ft. water. There is a horse boat ferry between this place and Chatham. Two las. above the city is the village of Middletown Upper Houses, which contains a post office. The whole tsp. from n. to s. is about 9 ms. long, and it varies in breadth from 4 to 10 ms. and contains about 58 sq. ms. It was settled in 1636, the same year with Hartford and Wind- sor. The public records of the town com. mence in 1654. The city was incorporated in 1784. Middletown rests on secondary red sand stone — the other rocks are pudding stone and bituminous shale, having impressions of leaves, fish, &c. The range of granite hills terminates 2 miles s. of the city, forming the straits of Connecticut river. Valuable minerals are found in various parts of it. During the revolution, a lead mine was wrought some distance e. of the city, on the bank of the Connecticut river, and several shafts were sunk. The ore was found in quartz veins, with some fluor spar. It is now neglected. Middletown, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y. 20 ms. s. E. Delhi, and 68 s. w. Albany, is watered by Papachton river, the e. branch of Delaware river, and tributaries which supply many mill seats. It is very hilly, with vallies of good land, and has a mixed population. Pop. 2,383. Middletown, p-v. Orange co. N. Y. 23 ms. N. of Newburgh. Middletown, p-v. Saratoga co. N. Y. 3 ms. N. w. Waterford. Middletown, p-t. Monmouth co. N. J. on Raritan bay, and at the mouth of a cr., 50 ms. E. of Trenton, and 30 s. w. N. Y. It has an academy. Pop. 5,128. Middletown Point, p-v. Monmouth co. N. J. on Matteawan cr., which falls into Raritan bay, 14 ms. n. w. Shrewsbury, 12 n. n. e. Free- hold, and 9 s. E. Amboy. Middletown, p-v. on the left bank of Sus- quehannah r., above the mouth of Swatara creek, 9 ms. below Harrisburg, and 27 n. w. by w. Lancaster. It is comparatively an ancient village, extending mostly in a single street along the main road. Pop. 1820, 567. Middletown, p-v. upon Appoquinimink creek, in the southwestern part of New Castle CO. Del. 25 ms. s. s. w. Wilmington, and 27 by p-r. N. N. w. Dover. Middletown, p-v. Washington co. Pa. (See West. Middletown.) Middletown, p-v. Frederick co. Md. 8 ms. N. w. by w. Frederick, and 17 s. s. e. Hagers- town. Middletown, p-v. on Cedar cr., near the southwestern border of Frederick co. Va. 16 ms. s. w. Winchester, and by p-r. 83 ms. a little N. of w. W. C. Middletown, p-v. in the east part of Hyde CO. N. C. 158 ms. estrd. of Raleigh. Middletown, p-v. in the northeastern part of Jefferson co. Ky. 12 ms. e. of Louisville, and 40 ms. a little n. of w. of Frankfort. Middletown, p-v. southern pait of Butler co. Ala. by p-r. 165 ms. s. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Middletown, p-v. Butler co. 0. by p-r. 90 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus, Middletown, p-v. Henry co. Ind. by p-r. 49 ms. N. E. by E. Indianopolia. Middleway, p-v. western part of Jefferson CO. Va. 85 ms. by p-r. n. w. by w. W. C. Midland, new co. of Mich., bounded s. e. and s. by Saginaw, Gratiot s. w., Isabella w., Gladwin n. w.. Arena n. e., and Saginaw bay N. E. Length from e. to w. 40 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Lat. 43° 40', long. W. C. 7P18' w. Slope s. e., and trav- ersed from Gladwin co. by the Tittabewassee r. or nrthrn. branch of Saginaw r. The cen. tral part is about 120 ms. n. w. Detroit. Sagi- naw r. enters Saginaw bay at the point where the boundary between Midland and Saginaw cos. reaches that bay. Pop. uncertain. Midway, p-v. Culpepper co. Va. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Midway, p-v. in the western part of Caldwell CO. Ky. by p-r. 216 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Midway, p-v. Stark co. O.by p-r. 126 ms. n. E. by E. Columbus. Midway, p-v. Spencer co. Ind. by p-r. 177 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Mifflin, co. of Penn.bndd. by Centre n. w.. Union n. e., Juniata co. e. and s. e., and Hunting, don s. w. and w. Length from s. w. to n. e. 42 ms., mean breadth 12 ms. and area 504 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 22' to 40° 52' n. long. W. C. 0° 18' to 0° 56' w. The s. w. border of the co. is formed by Juniata r. which in a s. E. by e. direction separates it from Hunt- ingdon, but curving rapidly to n. e. enters and by comparative courses traverses Mifflin about 30 ms. from whence again inflecting to s. e. flows into Juniata co. The body of Mifflin co. is a mtn. valley with the channel of Juniata r. as its lowest depression. Along this channel extends a section of the Penn. Canal. The census of 1830, included under the head of Mifflin an aggregate pop. of 21,690 ; but sub- sequently Juniata co. was formed entirely out of the sthestrn. part of the former. Chief t. of Mifflin, Lewistown. Mifflin, p-v. southwestern part of Hender- son CO. Ten. by p-r. 143 ms. s. w. by w. Nash- ville. Mifflin, p-v. Richland co. Ohio, n. e. Colum. bus. MiFFLiNBURG, p-v. OH Buffalo cr. Union co. Pa. 6 ms. N. w. New Berlin, and by p-r. 65 ms. a little w. of n. Harrisburg. MiFFLiNTowN, p-v. on the left bank of Junia- ta r., by p-r. 43 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. MiFFLiNsviLLE, in the p-o. list, but Mifflins- burg on Tanner's map, p-v. on the left bank of Susquehannah r., and southeast part of Colum- bia CO. Pa. 18 ms. n. e. by e. Danville, and bjf p-r. 80 ms. n. n. e. Harrisburg. Milan, formerly Paulsburgh, t. Coos co. N, H. Contains some mountainous land, several ponds, and is otherwise watered by the Upper Amonoosuck, and Ameriscoggin rivers. Pop. 243. Milan, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. 22 ms. n. n. e. Poughkeepsie, a part of Ancram's cr., and streams of Wappinger's cr. furnish mill sites. Pop. 1,886. Milan, p-v. Huron co. Ohio, by p-r. 117 ms. northwELid Columbus. MIL 292 MIL MiLBORo' Spring, and p-o. Bath co. Va. by p-r. 199 ms. s. w. W. C. MiLBURN, p-t. Somerset co. Me. Pop. 1,006. MiLESBURG, p-v. Centre co. Pa. 2 miles w. Bellefonte, and by p-r. 87 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Miles, cross roads and p-o. Knox co. 0. by p-r. 54 ms. n. e. Columbus. MiLESTOWN, p-v. near Phil, city, Phil. co. Pa. MiLFiELD, p-v Athens co. Ohio, by p-r. 82 ms. s. E. Columbus. IViiLFORD, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. on Souhe- gan river, has mills and factories, 31 ms. s. Concord, and yields good apples, &c. Pop. 1,302. IVtiLFORD, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 18 ms. s. E. Worcester, is supplied with excellent mill seats by Charles and Mill rs. It is gently swelling in surface, has an academy. Pop. 1,360. MiLFORD, p-t. New Haven co. Conn, on Long Island sound, 9 ms. s. w. New Haven ; has some good land, but is very rocky. It has a harbor for vessels of 200 tons, and a quarry of marble like verde antique, clouded greenish, &c. but not very valuable for working. Pop. 2,256. MiLFORD, p-t. Otsego CO. N. Y. 10 miles s. Cooperstown, 76 ms. w. Albany, on the north side of Susquehannah river, is hilly, but has ex- cellent soil for grazing. Pop. 3,025. MiLFORD, p-v. and st. jus. Pike co. Pa. situa- ted on the right bank of Del. river, 56 miles above and alittle e. of n. Easton, and 119 miles northward Philadelphia, lat. 41° 18', long. 2° 16'e.W. C. ■ MiLFORD, tsp. of Mifflin co. Pa. opposite Mifflintown, and on Tuscarora cr. Pop. 1820, 1,554. MiLFORD, village and tsp. in the western part of Somerset co. Pa. The village is situated 8 ms. s. w. by w. the borough of Somerset. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,394. MiLFORD, p-v. on Mispillion cr. southeastern part of Kent co. Del. 20 ms. s. s. e. Dover, and by the p-r. 102 ms. a little n. of e. W. C. MiLFORD, p-v. on the left bank of Mononga- hela r., in Harrison co. Va. 5 m. s. s. w. Clarks- burg. MiLFORD, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 95 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia. MiLFORD, p-v. Monroe co. Geo. by p-r. 66 ms. w. Milledgeville. iVliLFORD, p-v. in the N. w. part of Clermont CO. Ohio, by p-r. 98 ms. s. w. Columbus. MiLFORD Centre, p-v. sthrn. part of Union CO. O. by p-r. 32 ms. n. w. Columbus. Military Grove, p-v. Burke co. N. C. by p-r. 220 ms. a little n. of w. Raleigh. MiLLBORo', p-v. in the eastern part of Wash- ington co. Pa. by p-r. 214 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. and 207 w. Harrisburg. MiLBORo', p-v. Sussex CO. Va. 4 or 5 ms. s. E. Sussex court house, and by p-r. 55 ms. s. s. E. Richmond. MiLLBORo' Spring, and p-o. Bath co. Va. by p-r. 214 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. MiLLBRooK, p-v. Wayne co. Ohio, northeast- ward Columbus. MiLLBURY, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 40 ms. s. w. Boston, is crossed by Blackstone r. and canal. The water taken from the falls feeds the canal to Mendon. Here was formed the first of those lyceums which are now so numer- ous and useful. The Goodell manufacturing company make woollens, and there are gun, and cotton manufactories, &c. &c. Quarries of granite and soap stone are found here. Pop. 1,611. Mill Creek, p.o. Berkely co. Va., by p-r. 93 ms. N. w. W. C. Mill Creek, and p.o. Coshocton co. Ohio, by p-r. 93 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus. Mill Creek, p-o. Madison co. Indiana, by p-r. 46 ms. n. e. Indianopolis. Milledgeville, p-t., st. jus. for Baldwin co. and of government for the state of Geo., is situ- ated on the right bank of Oconee r., at lat. 33*^ 05', long. 6° 17' w. W. C. This geographic position gives by actual calculation, the bear- ing from W. C. to Milledgeville s. 41° 09' w. and a distance of 536 ms. nearly ; the post office distance along the post road 662 statute ms. Milledgeville is 92 ms. s. w. by w. along the road through Warrentown and Sparta from Au- gusta, and 175 ms. n. w. by w. Savannah. Fol- lowing the, windings of the Oconee and Alata- maha, this place is 312 ms. above the Atlantic. Boats of 25 or 30 tons are navigated to Mil- ledgeville. The site ofthistownis broken into hills. It contains a state house, a branch of the state bank, several places of public worship, and 2 or 3 printing offices. The state penitentiary is also located in Milledgeville. The latter es- tablishment appears from recent information to support itself. The convicts in 1829, were 92. Pop. 1,599. Miller, co. Ark. bndd. n. by Crawford, n. e. by Hot Springs co., s. e. by Clark, s. by Sevier, and w. by the unappropriated western territory. Length 50, width 36, and area 1,800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 34° to 34° 43' n., and in long, 16° 50' to 17° 30' w. W. C. It is chiefly drain- en to the southward by the constituent creeks of the Little r. of the north. The northern part is mountainous and drained to the northward by the head branches of Potomac river flowing into Arkansas. The co. is therefore in part a table land, between the Red and Arkansas rs. and lies about 109 ms. s. w. by w. Little Rock. Pop. 356. Miller, c. h. and p-o. in the preceding co. is marked on the p-o. list, as distant 1,326 ms. from W. C, and 215 from Little Rock. Miller's r., Worcester and Franklin cos. Mass. enters the Connecticut r. at Northfield, 35 ms. long, with a fall of 62 ft. near its mouth. Just above it a large body of Indians were de- stroyed in Philip's war, by a small army of vol- unteers from Northampton, »fec. Millersburg, p-v. in the northeastern part of Bourbon co. Ky. 10 ms. n. e. Paris, and by p-r. 53 ms. a little n. of e. Frankfort. Millersburg, p-v. and st. jus. Holmes co. Ohio, by p-r. 80 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus, and 46 ms. N. Zanesville, lat. 40° 32', long. W. C. 4° 57' w. It is situated on Kilbuck cr., near the centre of the co. Pop. 319. Millersburg, p-v. Ripley co. Indiana, by p-r. 75 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Millersburg, p.v. in the northern part of MIL 293 MIL Callaway co. Mo. by p-r. 44 ms. n. e. Jefferson city, and about 140 n. w. by w. St. Louis. MiLLERSBURG, p-v. on the left bank of Sus- quehannah r., on the point above the mouth of Wicomisco cr., 23 ms. n. and above Harrisburg. Miller's Creek, and p-o. Estill co. Ky. by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. by e. Frankfort. Miller's Inn, sthvvstrn. part of Nelson co. Ky. by p-r. 9 ms. from Bardstown, and 64 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Miller's Tavern, and p-o. Essex co. Va. by p-r. 119 ms. s. W. C. MiLLERSTowN, p.v. on the left bank of Juni- ata r. Perry co. Pa. 29 ms. n. n. w, Harrisburg. MiLLERSTowN, p.v. Grayson co. Ky. 10 ms. from Litchfield, and by p-r. 115 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. MiLLERsviLLE, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa. 5 ms. s. w. Lancaster. Mill Farm, and p-o. Caroline co. Va. by D-r. 92 ms. sthrd. W. C. IVIiLL Grove, and p-o. Mecklenburg co, Va. by p-r. 258 ms. s. s. w. W. C, and 135 ms. s. w. Richmond. Mill Grove, and p-o. Sumpter dist. S. C. by p-r. 60 ms. e. Columbia. Mill Hall, p. v. in the nthwstrn. part of Centre co. Pa. 23 ms. n. w. Bellefonte, and 108 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Mill Haven, p-v. Scriven co. Geo. by p-r. 142 ms. a little s. of e. Milledgeville. Millheim, p.v. in the sthestrn. part of Centre CO. Pa. 20 ms. n. e. by e. Bellefonte, and by p-r. 86 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg. Millington, p-v. Kent co. Aid. by p-r. 53 ms. N. e. Annapolis. Millington, p-v. Decatur co. Ind. by p-r. 55 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Millport, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Meck- lenburg CO. Ky. by p-r. 190 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Mill River, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C. by p-r. 250 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. MiLLSBORo', p-v. near the head of Indian r. in the s. e. part of Sussex co. Del. by p-r. 49 ms. s. s. E. Dover. Millsfield, t. Coos CO. N. H. 150 ms. n. Concord. Pop. 33. Millsford, p-v. Ashtabula co. 0. by p-r. 197 ms. N. E. Columbus. Mills Point, p-v. Hickman co. Ky. by p-r. 338 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Mill Springs, p-v. in the southern part of Wayne co. Ky. 24 ms. from Monticello, and by p-r. 152 ms. sthrd. Frankfort. Millstone Brook, N. J. a branch of Rari- tan r. rises in Monmouth co., flows n. through Middlesex, receiving Stony brook, and part of Somerset, where it joins the r. 9 miles above Brunswick. On its banks, where it is crossed by the Princeton and Trenton roads, Washing- ton defeated the British regiment of grenadiers, on his retreat from Lamberton. The Dela- ware and Raritan canal is now constructing along the course of this stream a part of its length. Millstone, p-v. Somerset co. N. J. 38 ms. N. e. Trenton. MiLLTOvvN, P-V. in nthwstrn. part of Bradford CO. Pa. by p-r. 146 ms. n. Harrisburg. 38 Milltown, p-v. Crawford co. Ind. by p-r. 114 ms. sthrd. Indianopolis. MiLLViLLE, p-t. Cumberland co. N. J. 12 ms. E. Bridgetown. It has iron works, which are supplied with water by a short canal from a pond. It is crossed by Maurice r. Pop. 1,561. MiLLViLLE, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Colum- bia CO. Pa. by p-r. 93 ms. nthrds. Harrisburg. MiLLViLLE, p-v. King George's co. Va. by p-r. 91 ms. s. W. C. MiLLViLLE, p.v. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 97 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. MiLLViLLE, p-v. Lincoln co. Ten. about 60 ms. sthrd. Nashville. MiLLViLLE, p-v. Caldwell co. Ky. by p-r. 235 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. MiLLViLLE, p-v. Butler co. O. by p-r. 115 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Pop. 196. Millwood, p-v. Frederick co. Va. 11 ms. s. E. by E. Winchester, and by p-r. 61 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Milnersville, p-v. Guernsey co. 0. by p-r. 102 ms. E. Columbus. MiLo, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 381. MiLO, p-t. Yates co. N. Y. 25 ms. s. E. Ca. nandaigua, w. Seneca lake, e. Crooked lake, whose outlet affords mill seats. The soil is rich, argillaceous loam, with some alluvion and warm gravel. Penn Yan p-v. was named from the settlers being Pennsylvanians and N. Eng. landers. Pop. 3,610. Milton, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 27 miles n. Portsmouth, 46 from Concord, is on the w. side of Salmon Falls r., which divides it from Maine. It includes Teneriffe mtn., and is crossed by a stream. Pop. 1,273. Milton, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt. e, side lake Champlain, on Lamoille r. 12 ms. n. Burling. ton, and 40 n. w. Montpelier, has the advantage of the Great Falls of Lamoille and its branch. es, plenty of iron ore and limestone, and of a low sand bank, extending to the s. w. corner of S. Hero, by which the lake is fordable most of the year. The Great Falls are curious ; an island stands in the channel, where the river descends 150 ft. in 50 rods. Cobble and Rat- tlesnake Hills, 4 or 500 ft. high, are the princi- pal ; the surface is gently varied. Pop. 2,097. Milton, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 7 ms. s. Bos- ton, s. Neponset r., has various mills, &c. Good tillage in the middle and n. e., but in the s. part, is broken and hilly. Part of the Blue hills are in the t. some of which are 710 feet above high water. Pop. 1,576. Milton, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 30 miles ». Albany, is nearly level, and has a stiff or sandy loam, except a sandy pine tract in the e. Kay. derosseras brook crosses it. Slate and lime- stone lie under the surface, and loose masses of granite, gneiss, limestone, &c. above. It com. prebends Ballston springs, and the village of Ballston Spa, celebrated as a fashionable retreat, on account of the value of its waters. There are several chalybeate springs, and one of them is strongly charged with salts. They all rise near the margin of a small valley, probably once a lake ; and there is the Spa village, which con- tains 2 churches, a court house, &c., with sev- eral boarding houses, the chief of which is the Sans Souci. Milton v. 3 ms. n. w. of the Spa, MIN 294 MIS has two churches, limekilns, and several facto, ties. Pop. 3,079. Milton, p-v. Orange co. N. Y. 12 ms. n. Newburgh. Milton, v. Middlesex co. N. J. 1 m. w. Rah- way. Milton, p-v. on the leftside of Susquehan- nah r. at and above the mouth of Limestone run, 12 ms. above Northumberland, and 81 n. Har- risburg. Milton, p-v. on Dan r. in the nthestrn. angle of Caswell co. N. C. by p.r. 98 nis. n. w. Ra- leigh. Milton, p-v, Laurens dist. S. C. by p.r. 65 ms. N. w. Columbia. Milton, p-v. in the nthwstrn, part of Ruther- ford CO. Ten. Milton, p-v, Gallatin co. Ky. by p-r. 83 ms. N. E. Frankiort. Milton, p-v. Trumbull co. O. by p-r. 154 ms. N. E. Columbus. Milton, p-v. Wayne co. Ind. by p-r. 75 ms. E. Indianopolis. MiNA, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. Pop. 1,388. MiNDEN, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. s. of Mohawk r., 15 ms. w. Johnstown, and 58 w. N. w. Albany. Has gentle hills and rich val. lies for wheat, with argil, loam on clay. Ots- quaga creek affords mill seats. Fort Plain •was on Mohawk r. The inhabitants are Ger. man, and speak the German language. Pop. 2,567. Mine r., confluent of Missouri, and having its entire course in the state of Mo., rises between the northern sources of Osage river and that part of Missouri r. between the influx of Kan- sas and Grand rs. The valley of Mine r. com. prises the northern sections of Lafayette, Sa- line and Cooper counties, the stream falling into Missouri 4 or 5 ms. above Booneville, the St. jus. of the latter co. The valley of Mine r. does not amount to 70 ms. in its greatest length, but it is a large stream compared to its length, draining a circular valley of 60 ms. diameter, exceeding an area of 2,800 sq. ms. MiNEHEAD, t. Essex CO. Vt. n. Conn. r. 60 ms. N. E. Montpelier, 100 from Windsor, and is wa- tered by Nulhegan r. &c. Pop. 150. Mineral Point, and p-o. Iowa co. Mich., or more correctly in Huron. As laid down on Tanner's improved U. States' map, this place is situated on the head of the w. Fork of Peektano r. 74 ms. s. w. of fort Winnebago, 75 ms. a lit. tie s. of E. Prairie du Chien, and 64 n. e. Gale- na in II. MiNEKSviLLE, p.v. in the northeastern part of Schuylkill co. Pa. by p-r. 7l ms. n. e. Harris, burg, and 179 n. n. e. W. C. Minerva, p-t. Essex co. N. Y. 30 ms. s. w. Elizabethtown, is little inhabited, and 14 ms. by 25. The sources of Hudson r. rise in it, and water it well. The surface is irregular, and the soil pretty good. Pop. 358. Minerva, p-v. Mason co. Ky. by p-r. 83 ms. N. E. Frankfort. Minerva, p-v. Stark co. O. by p-r. 135 ms. n. E. Columbus. Minisink, p-t. Orange co. N. Y. 10 ms. w. Goshen N. Y., on Wallkill cr., n. e. N. J. and Pennsylvania lines. The Shawangunk mtns. irom the AUeganies and Navisink r. cross it. Near the Wallkill are some drowned lands. Soil and surface various. There are 4 p-os. at Minisink, West town. Carpenter's point, and Ridgeburg. Dolsentown and Brookfield are also villages. The Hudson and Delaware canal crosses the town, meets Delaware r. at Carpen- ter's point, and proceeds up that stream. Pop. 4,979. Minot, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. w. Andros- coggin r., 33 ms. n. Portland, n. Little Andros- coggin r., and s. Oxford co. Pop. 2,904. MiNTONsviLLE, p-v. Gates co. N. C. by p-r, 149 ms. N. E. by e. Raleigh. Miranda, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 163 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. MissisQUE, {See Troy.) MissiSQUE, bay, an arm of lake Champlain containing 35 sq. ms., reaching 4 or 5 ms. into Lower Canada, between Swanton and Highgate, Vt. It is 5 ms. wide on the line. MissisQUE, r. of Vt. rises in Orleans co., and passing into Lower Canada, traverses Franklin CO., enters lake Champlain at Missisque bay. It is wide, slow and shallow, with several falls. It receives Trout r.. Black cr., Taylor's branch, &.C., draining about 582 sq. ms. in Vermont. It is 75 miles long, and navigable to Swanton falls, 6 ms. in vessels of 50 tons. Mississippi, r. of the United States. Though the various large constituent streams of the mighty Mississippi will be severally noticed, yet a general view of the great central basin is indispensable in a treatise of the nature of this Gazetteer. Beside many of inferior magnitude, the great constituent rivers which drain the ba- sin, and unite their waters to form the Misp., are the Red, White, Arkansas, Miss., Misp. proper, and Ohio. A very erroneous opinion of the relative extent of the basin of the Misp. has been fostered by too many geographers of our own country. The true characteristic to determine the comparative importance of rivers, is the area drained, and not mere length of course. To give more correct views of the true rank of the large rivers of the earth, the following table was constructed : — No. 1. Table of the basins of the large rivers of the earth, including the length of course of each great river, exclusive of minute sinuosities. Length of Mean width Area in River Basins. course. of Basin. sq. ms. Rio de la Plate, 1,600 600 1,280,000 Amazon, inclusive of the Tocantinas, 3,000 980 2,940,000 Orinoco, 1,100 350 396,000 Atlantic slope of North America, from Florida point, exclusive of St. Lawrence, 1,800 170 308,000 Misp. inclnding Red, Ar- kansas, White, Misp. proper, Ohio, Blissouri, &c. 2,000 550 1,100,000 St. Lawrence, 1,200 425 510,000 Saskatchawaine, 1,200 200 240,000 Unjiga, or Mackenzie* r. 1,400 200 280,000 Euxine Basin, 1,800 550 990,000 White sea Basin, 1,380 700 966,000 Caspian and Aral united Basins, 2,500 1,000 2,500,000 Oby, 2,150 600 1,290,000 Yeniseii, 2,100 400 840,000 Lena, 2,070 350 724,000 Amur, 1,820 360 655,000 River Basins. Yellow river, Blue river Basin of s. k. Asia, Ganges and Burainapoo tre, united, Indus, Euphrates & Tigris, uni ted, Kile, Niger, MIS Lengtli of Mean width course, of Basin. 295 MIS 1,980 2,280 1,800 1,500 1,200 1,150 1,680 2,000 200 200 150 380 180 140 250 200 Area in sq. ms. 396,000 456,000 270,000 589,000 2 J 6,000 161,000 420,000 400,000 mean width, area sq. ms. 261 196,000 277 437 200 180,000 523,000 200,000 By this table it is shewn, that the surface comprised in the Misp. basin, falls short of that of the Plate, and is only to that of the Amazon as 377 to 1000 ; yet the enormous extent of the former, though the third in rank amongst the rivers of America, becomes very apparent, when it is seen, that it exceeds in extent all the rivers of the Atlantic slope of North America, including the St. Lawrence, or either the Baltic or Euxine basins; that it far exceeds the united basins of the Indus, Ganges, andBiiramapootre, or the great central basin of China. A line drawn from the Appalachian system, where the sources of Ten. and Great Kenhawa separate in Ashe co. N. G. to the sources of Marias r., the nthwstrn. confluent of Misp. is by calcula- tion N. 55° 40' w. 1,985 statute ms. Another line very nearly at right angles to the preceding, drawn between the sources of Red and Ouis- consin rs., measures 1,100 ms., the mean width of the basin is, however, about 550 ms. The following table exhibits the relative extent and geographic position of the constituent vallies of this great basin. Nat. Sections. length. Ohio valley, 750 Misp. valley or Misp. proper, 650 Missouri valley, 1,200 Ohio, including the i valleys of White, V 1,000 Arkansas, Red, &.C. ) Of these valleys, which drain a territory of 1,099,000 fsq. ms., the extent is as follows : Ohio, from lat. 34° to 420 3u' long. w. W. C. 1° to 11° 40' Misp. proper, 37° " 48° " " 9° '• 2C0 Missouri, 37° " 50° '• " 130 u 350 Ohio, includ- j ing the vallies fogo" 400 » « lio » 300 ofWhite,Ark. C' Red, &c. ] The various sections of this great physical region will be found under their respective heads, but we here notice the general features in order to explain the phenomena of the annu- al inundations. By reference to table II. it will be seen that the difference of lat. between the extremes, is from lat. 29 to 50, or 21 de- grees. The relative elevation has never been accurately determined, but may without estima- ting mountain ridges, be assumed safely at 5,000 feet, or an equivalent to 10 degrees of lat. Combining these elements, would give a winter climate to Misp. sources similar to that of Labrador, on the Atlantic coast, of lat. 61°. The basin, if taken as a whole, is composed of two very unequal inclined plains, one, the west- ern and much most extensive, falling from the Chippewayan system, is about 800 ms. mean width ; the second declines from the Appala- chian system westward, and is about 400 ms. wide at a mean. The base line, or line of com- mon depression, follows the valley of Illinois and Misp. below the mouth of Misp. The gen- eral characters of the Appalachian and Chippe wayan systems, are communicated to their re- spective plains. In a state of nature the Appala- chain system was a dense forest. This vast body of woods was protruded on one side to the shores of the Atlantic ocean, and westward en- croached on the central plains. The Chippe. wayan is m jstly naked of timbers, as are the immense grassy plains which compose its east- ern slope. By reference to the art. Md. it will be seen that, independent of comparative height, the prevalent winds of the continent are from the westward, and that winter cold increases in intensity advancing westward to the summits of the Chippewayan. Permanent snows cover the earth in winter over the Atlantic slope and Misp. basin, as low as lat. 31°, but from the pe- culiar structure of the vallies, the floods produ. ced by winter snows and spring rains cannot be simultaneously discharged. The gradual dis- charge is produced by three causes ; first, dif- ference of lat. ; second, difference of height ; and thirdly, contrariety of direction. The gen- eral course of the flood being to the southward, spring advances in a reverse direction, and re. leases in succession, the waters of the lower valley, then those of Ohio, then those of Misp. In a mean of ten years the swell commences on the Delta, in the end of Feb. aid beginning of March, and continues to rise by unequal diur. nal accretions to the middle of June, when the waters begin again to depress. But -what might excite much surprise to those unacquainted with the cause, the waters of the upper Misp. do not reach the Delia until upwards of a month af. ter the inundation has been abating. Rising be. tween 42° and 50°, and at an elevation of from 1,200 to 5,000 feet, the higher sources of the Misp. are locked in ice and snow, long after sum- mer reigns on the Delta. Again the courses of the Yellow Stone r, and Misp. are to the nrthestrd. for 5 or 600 ms. from the Chippewayan ridges, giving to their floods a very circuitous route. To these particular causes of separate dis. charge, one general cause may be added, that is the slow motion of the waters. Amongst the many vulgar errors introduced into our books concerning the Misp. basin, none stands more opposed to fact than the rapid motion of the waters. If in reality the floods moved with half the commonly assigned velocity, the Delta would be annually and totally submerged. The waters of Upper Misp. do not reach the Delta before the beginning of August, about 100 days or 2,400 hours after the breaking up of winter. This supposes a motion of about one mile per hour. Similar to the Russian or north, eastern plains of Europe, the Misp. basin ia remarkable for the very regular slope of its de- clivities, and consequently the scarcity of direct falls or even cataracts in its rivers. If we allow an elevation of 5,000 ft. to the sources of Misp., we find the much greater part of the fall in the vicinity of Chippewayan, and to estimate the height of the junction of Misp. and Yellow Stone river at 2,000 ft. is full more than would be warranted by known elevation at the source of Misp. proper. But allowing 2,000 ft. eleva- tion for the mouth of Yellow Stone river, and 2,400 ms. for distance thence to the Delta, we MIS 296 MIS have a fall of only 10 inches to the mile. This estimate, moderate as it appears, is neverthe- less too high. Pittsburg is by actual measure- ment within a small fraction of 700 feet above the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, and distant by the windings of that streams from that re- cipient, about 1,800 ms., yielding a mean fall of 4 6-10 inches per mile nearly. If in brief, we allow a mean fall of 6 inches to the mile, it is more than sufficient for the mean fall of the wa- ters of the Misp. basin, from their heads to final discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. The sea- sons of general inundation are tolerably well known to the inhabitants of the Delta, but so very greatly do the quantity of meteor differ in different years, that no length of experience enables any person to anticipate, with any ap- proach to certainty, the elevation of flood in any given year. Some years, as in 1800-1, the waters do not rise above their channels, of course no inundation takes place. Connected with the general history of the Misp. Delta, is the mistaken opinion that the main channel is changeable. When the annual inundations oc- cur, the surface of the river is indeed above that of the adjacent country, but the bed or bot- tom, similar to all other rivers is, nevertheless, the deepest valley of the region through which it flows. The author of this article has sound- ed the Mississippi from the efflux of Atchafa- laya to the different outlets, and found the stream at the lowest water, from 75 to 80 ft. at the head of the Delta, 130 ft. near the outlet of Lafourche at Donaldsonville, upwards of 100 ft. opposite New Orleans, and from 75 to 80 ft. 3 ms. above the main bars. Lake Ponchar- train is the deepest lake of Louisiana, and yet does not average a depth of 18 feet ; say its bottom is 25 ft. below the general level of the Delta, then would the bottom of the Misp. et New Orleans, be 75 ft. below that of the greatest adjacent depression. The great, and in many cases almost circular bends of the Misp. in and above the Delta, produce a re- verse of the current at once on the opposite sides of a neck of land. This neck being com- posed of alluvion, yields easily to the abrasion of water, and is finally worn away and a new channel opened. Above and below where the isthmus formerly existed, the ancient bed is fil- led up with sand and earth, whilst the old bed around the point assumes the aspect of a lake, but by its proximity to the parent river and its form proves the origin. Such lakes are Fause Riviere, one near the mouth of Horaochitto r., Concordia, St. John's, St. Joseph's, Providence, and Grand lakes, and one forming the mouth of Yazoo. Of these, Fause Riviere, that on the left bank near the mouth of Homochitto, and that also on the left bank at the mouth of Ya- zoo, have been formed within the period of white settlement. With the exception stated, the volume of the Misp. is as effectually and permanently confined to its channel, as is any other river of the earth. (-See art. Atcliafalaya, Lafourche, La. ^c.) Mississippi, state of the U. S. bndd. by the Gulf of Mexico s., La. s. w.. Ark. n. w., Tenn. N., and Ala. E. The outlines of this state are, from the southwestern angle of Ala. along that part of the Gulf of Mexico, called lake Borgnc, to the mouth of Pearl r. 60 ms. ; up Pearl river to hit. 31° 65 ms. ; thence due w. along lat.3l° to the bank of the Misp. nearly opposite the out- let of Atcliafalaya lOj ms. ; thence up the 'Vlisjj^ r. to lat. 35° at the southwestern angle of Ten. following the windings 530 ms. ; thence due e. along the southern boundary of Ten. to Ten. river, and up that stream to the mouth of Bear cr. 123 ms. ; thence along the western bounda- ry of Ala. to the place of beginning on the Gulf of Mexico 320 ms. having an entire outline of 1,203 ms. Lying between lat. 30° 08' and 35°, and between long. 11° 12' and 14° 42' w. W. C. Extreme length from s. to n. 337 ms. and the area being 45,760 square ms., the mean breadth is a small fraction above 135 3-4 ms. ; contain. ing 29,286,400 statute acres. Natural Geography. — The general decliv- ity of this state is southward, but the western side declining by an easy descent s. s. w. to- wards the Misp. whilst the eastern side de- clines slightly towards the Tombigbee. Of the rivers of this state the principal is the great stream from which its name is derived. The state of Misp. rises from the river of the same name into a buttress of moderate and unde- fined general elevation. This interior but- tress reaches the stream in a series of crumb. ling banks, called " The Bluffs." Between the Bluffs and stream, the bottoms are as low and more subject to inundation than are those on the western bank, as in the for. mer case ; the hills confine the water which is augmented by the river and creeks flowing from the interior of the state. The bottoms of the Misp. r. which exist in the state of Misp. bear a small fractional proportion to the aggre- gate surface. From the western side of the state, advancing n. to s. flow into the Misp. river in succession, the Yazoo, Big Black, Bayou, Perre, and Homochitto. Pearl r. rises near the centre of the state, but flows s. s. w. near. ly parallel to the Big Black, about 80 ms. and thence curving s. s. e. 150 ms. falls into the pass of rigolets between lakes Pontchartrain and Boyne, after an entire comparative course of 230 ms. draining the central and much of the sthrn. parts of the state. Between Homochitto and Pearl rise in the sthrn. part of the state of Misp. and flow thence into La., the Bogue, Chitto, Tangipoho, Tickfoha, and Amite rivers. Eastward from Pearl, and draining the south, eastern angle, and that protruding point be- tween La. and Ala. comprising the cos. of Han- cock and Jackson, the various branches of Pas. cagoula water the space between the vallies of Mobile and Pearl. The northeastern part of the state gives source to the Tombigbee or Great western branch of the Mobile r. whilst the extreme n. is drained by the sources of Wolf, and Big Hatch rs. The northeastern angle is terminated by Ten. r. These rivers are noticed under their proper heads. It is ob- vious from the preceding brief notice of its rs. that as far as river navigation extends, this state possesses great advantages. It is true that neither the Pascagoula or Pearl offer nav- igable facilities in proportion to their compar. ative magnitude, but the most fertile part and MIS 297 MIS that yet best inhabited and cultivated, have ac- cess to the Misp. or streams directly flowing into it as a recipient. The soil of the state is varient in quality, but the much greater proportion thin if not sterile ; the southwestern cos. drained directly into the Misp. river, contain large bodies of excellent land, and tracts of productive soil skirt the streams over the whole state. Cotton, indigo and tobacco, have been in succession, staples of this state. The soil and climate are favorable to the growth of each of these vegetables, as also to Indian corn, potatoes, and numerous garden vegetables. The peach and fig are the common fruits, though apples are cultivated in some places to advantage. For the last 30 years, the great object of farming operations in this state has been cotton, to the injurious neglect of grain and meadow grasses. Large quantities of Indian corn are indeed annually produced, but too much dependence is placed on supplies from the northward, through the channel of the Misp. In general terms the bluff lands are the best in the state ; those next the river alluvion ; and the third and least productive, the pine woods. Indigenous trees most common, are the pine, various species and varieties of oak, and hickory, sweet gum, lirio- dendron, tulipifera, black walnut, persimon, beech, red maple, honey locust, black locust, and numerous other species of trees. Of dwarf trees, the most common are dogwood, chinqui- pin, papan, spice wood, thorn, &c. Buck eye, a forest tree in the valley of Ohio, is a dwarf in the states of Misp. and La. whilst the chin, quipin, a mere bush in the middle states, rises in the southwest to a tree often more than 25 ft. high. In the rich bottom lands of the state of Misp. the large reed cane, arundo gigantea abounded, but has in great part disappeared. Climate. — Compared with the winters of the nrthrn. states, those of Misp. may be regarded as mild, but the seasons of the latter, like those of all the adjacent regions, are variable from each other, and not unfrequently very severe. The temperature near Natchez has aflforded a cold of 12° above zero of Fahrenheit. No winter passes without less or more severe frost, and few without snow. The sugar cane and orange tree, can neither be preserved in any part of the State of Misp. above lat. 31°. The summers are, however, very warm, and long ■droughts frequent, as are, on the contrary, ex- cessive and protracted rains. These are the exceptions to a generally pleasant climate. Along the streams, bilious complaints are fre- quent in autumn, but taken altogether, the set- tled cos. of the state of Misp. are healthy. The winters along the Misp. and adjacent pla- ces, are from two to three degrees colder than those of corresponding lats. along the Atlantic coasts. This difference is demonstrated by native and exotic vegetation, and by recent ther- mometrical observations. The prevailing ■winds of the whole southwestern parts of the U. S. are from the western side of the meridians, and principally from the n. w. {See art. Md.) Political Geography. — For political purpo- ses, the state of Mississippi ia subdivided into the counties of Pop. 1820. Pop. 1830. Adams, 12,073 14,937 Amite, 6,853 7,934 Claiboi-ne, S,963 9,787 Copiate, 7,001 Covington, 2,230 2,551 Franklin, 3,821 4,622 Greene, 1,445 1,854 Hancock, 1,594 1,962 Hinds, 8,645 Jackson, 1,682 1,792 Jefferson, 6,822 9,755 Jones, 1,471 Lawrence, 4,916 5,293 Lowndes, 3,173 Madison, 4,973 Marion, 3,116 3,691 Monroe, 2,721 3,861 Perry, 2.037' 2,300 Pike, 4,438 5,402 Rankin, 2,083 Simpson, 2,680 Warren, 2,693 7,861 Wasiiington, 1,976 Wayne, 3,323 2,781 Wilkinson, 9,718 11,686 Yazoo, 6,550 Total population of the state 136,621, of which are white persons, Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 7,918 7,319 From 5 to 10 5,572 5,165 " 10 to 15 4,591 4,169 " 15 to 20 3,623 3,653 " 20 to 30 7,237 6,231 " 30 to 40 4,632 3,090 " 40 to 50 2,419 1,739 " 50 to 60 1,595 983 " 60 to 70 632 436 " 70 to 80 189 149 " 80 to 90 47 34 " 90 to 100 11 7 " 100 and upwards, 00 2 Total, 38,466 31,977 Of which were deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 12 ; 14 to 25, 10 ; 25 and upwards, 7. Blind 25. Colored population as follows : Free colored. Slaves. males. females. males. females Under 10 years, 81 72 11,037 10,860 10 to 24 82 51 10,793 10,841 24 to 36 59 45 6,947 6,983 36 to 55 43 49 3,455 3,173 55 to 100 22 14 845 682 100 and over. 1 22 21 Total, 288 231 33,099 32,560 Free colored and slaves who are deaf and dumb, 12. Blind, none. llecapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total 70,443 519 65,659 136,621 In 1816 Mississippi contained 45,929 inhab- itants, and in 1820, 75,448. Comprising the aggregate area of that part of the state of Misp. yet organized into cos., and comparing it with the superficial extent of the state, as given at the head of this article, the reader will perceive how large a portion re- mains unsettled and imcultivated. Examining the COS. separately, it will again appear, that density of population is in proportion to distance from the original settlements, downwards along the Misp. Bluffs, from Natchez to lat. 31°. About 220,000 acres of land are reserved in this state for the support of schools. History. — The whole country now included MIS 298 MIS in the states of Ala, and Misp. was held by France, or more correctly, that nation claimed this region as a part of La. from their first set- tlement on the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. In 1716, ihe French formed a settle- ment amongst the Natchez Indians, and built a fort where the city of Natchez now stands. In the first instance the Indians were unaware of the consequence, but dissatisfaction soon arose, and ended, in 1723, in open war. Bienville, the governor general, marched a force from New Orleans to Natchez, which the Indians were unable to oppose, and were compelled to sub- mit to terms. In 1729 a man of the name of Chopart was commandant at Natchez, but his injustice and folly so exasperated the natives, and at the same time neglecting the means of defending his colony against their wrath, a massacre was planned, and on the 30th of Nov. 1729, perpetrated ; when, with two or three exceptions, the French of both sexes, to the amount of 700, fell victims. The total dispersion of the Natchez nation soon fol- lowed, as they were too weak to sustain themselves against the French. The country in the vicinity of Natchez was abandoned by both whites and Indians, and remained long uninhabited. The French still, however, claim- ed the country until 1763, when it was ceded as part ot Florida to Great Britain. Settlers slow- ly entered the country, and many very respect, able British families located themselves in and near Natchez. During the revolutionary war in 1781, governor Galvez of La. invaded and conquered West Florida, and by the treaty of Paris, 1783, it fell once more to Spain, who held it until 1798, when it was given up to the U. S. By an act of congress passed 7th of April, 1798, the president of the U. S. was authorized to appoint commissioners to adjust the limits be- tween Flor., La., and the acquired territory n. 31st degree of n. lat., and w. of Chattahoochee r. By a subsequent act of the 10th of the same month, provision was made for a territorial government, and what is now comprised in Ala. and Misp. named the Misp. territory. The second grade of government went into ope- ration in the spring of 1801. The 9th of July, 1808, an act of congress was passed to admit a delegate from Misp. ter. into congress. June 17th, the assent of Geo. demanded to the forma- tion of two states from the Misp. territory. Geo. acceded to the demand, but the country remain- ed a territory until December, 1817. Previous to the latter date, on the 21st of January, 1815, a petition from the legislature of the Misp. ter. ritory, praying admission into the union as a state. This petition was favorably reported on by a committee of congress, Dec. 1816. An act was passed the 1st March, 1817, authorizing the people of the petitioning territory to call a con- vention, which was called and met in July, 1817. The convention accepted the act of con- gress, and proceeded to frame a constitution of government. The constitution was adopted on the 15th of August, and in the ensuing Decem. ber was confirmed by congress, and the new state, with the limits given at the head of this article, took her station as a member of the U. S. {See Ala, state of.) Government. — A governor, with a general assembly, composed of two houses, a senate and house of representatives. To be eligible as a senator, the person must be a citizen of the United States, shall have been an inhabitant of the state four years next preceding his elec. tion, and the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained to the age of 26 years, and also, he shall hold, in his own right within this state, 300 acres of land, or an interest in real estate of the value of ^1,000 at the time of h's election, and for 6 mths. previous thereto. Term 3 years. No person shall be a representative unless he be a citizen of the U. S., and shall have been an inhabitant of this state 2 years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof, a resi- dent of the county, city, or town for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained to the age of 21 years, and also unless he shall hold in his own right, within this state, 150 acres of land, or an interest in real estate of the value of $500 at the time of his election, and for six months previous to the term of one year. Every free white male person, of the age of 21 years or upwards, who shall be a citizen of the U. S., and shall have resided in this state 1 year next preceding an election, and the last six months within the county, city, or town, in which he offers to vote, and shall be enrolled in the militia thereof, except exempted by law from military service, or having the aforesaid quali- fications of citizenship and residence, shall have paid a state or county tax, shall be deemed a qualified voter. The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in a governor, who shall be elected by the qualified electors, and shall hold his office for 2 years from the time of his installation, and until his successor be duly qualified. The governor shall be at least 30 years of age, shall have been a citizen of the U. S. 20 years, shall have resided in this state at least 5 years next preceding the day of his elec. tion, and shall be seized in his own right of a freehold estate of the value of -$2,000 at the time of his election, and l2 months previous thereto. The judicial power of this state shall be vested in one supreme court, and such superior and in- ferior courts of law and equity, as the legisla. ture may, from time to time, direct ahd estab. lish. There shall be appointed in this state, not less than 4, nor more than 8 judges of the supreme superior courts. The judges of the several courts of this state shall hold their offi- ces during good behavior ; removeable by ad. dress to the governor of the two thirds of both houses of the legislature, or by impeachment before the senate, brought up by the lower house. No person who shall have arrived at the age of 65 years shall be appointed to or con. tinue in the office of judge in this state. By the 6th article and 7th section, no minister of the gospel or priest of any denomination whatever shall be eligible to the offices of governor, lieu- tenant governor, or to a seat in either branch of the general assembly. Post masters are the only officers of the general government admit, ted to office in Misp. Revision provided for when two thirds of the general assembly shall recommend to the qualified voters to vote for or MIS 299 MIS against a convention. Number of the conven. tion equal to that of the general assembly, which convention shall meet within 3 months after the election of its members, for the pur- pose of revising, amending, or changing the constitution. Missouri, large r. of North America, but in great part included in the U. S. great western territory. So much has been already given of the phenomena of this stream under the general head of Mississippi, as to very much abridge what is necessary to notice under its own head. The course of discovery has led to the adoption of the name Mississippi, as a generic term for the main stream of the basin, though the Mis- souri is already a very large river when it ap- proaches and passes the sources of its very in- ferior rival. In regard to area drained, the Mo. is the largest secondary river of the earth. A direct line drawn along its valley from its junction with the Misp. r. to the head of Marias r. is within a small fraction of 1,400 ms., a length of course, falling but little short of either the Madeira branch of Amazon, or the Para- guay branch of Rio de la Platte ; but by refer- ence to table II. article Misp., it will be seen that the Mo. r. drains 523,000 sq. ms., or a sur- face more than double that of the whole Atlantic slope of the U. S. between the two St. Johns' rs. inclusive. This fine river derives its sources from the Chippewayan chains between lat. 42^° and 50i°, and about 30° long. w. W. C. From these elevated regions, the general course of the main branches is to the n. e., until they reach nearly the 49th degree of n. lat. Here the Mo. Proper and Yellowstone rs. unite. In either length of course or surface drained there is but little difference between these confluent rivers above their point of union. Though much less extensive than the sthrn. slope, from which fall the numerous branches of Yellowstone and Mo. Proper, there is another northern or coun- ter slope, from which issue the rivers Marias, Brattons, Milk, Porcupine, and several smaller streams, which enter the Mo. above the influx of Yellowstone r. The entire Mo. valley above the mouth of Yellowstone r. is 600 ms. across the sources, and a mean of 30i) ms. in the gen- eral direction of the streams; area 180,000 sq. ms. The higher valley of Mo. presents a sur. face on the western side, broken by mountains, and descending the rivers, gradually spreading into plains. The whole country, with partial exceptions along the rivers, is open prairie, ex- hibiting a great resemblance to the steppes of Asia, in very nearly the same latitude. After their junction, it is probable that the united waters of the Mo. and Yellowstone form a river as large in volume and as wide and deep as at the reception of the Misp. The Mo. now a powerful volume, rolls on to the n. e. to the mouth of White Earth r. where it has reached its extreme northern bend at lat. 48° 20'. In- flecting to s. E. about 60 ms. by comparative courses it receives Little Mo. from the right. And here it may be remarked that the Moose r. a branch of Assiniboin, rises within 1 m. of the bank of Mo. Continuing s. e. 160 ms. the Mo. reaches the Mandan vs. at lat. 47° 25'. Passing the Mandan towns, this great stream inflects to a sthrn. course, which it maintains upwards of 300 ms. by comparative courses. The structure of the country is such, that in the latter long course through 4^° of lat. the Mo. receives no re- markable tributary from the left, and from the right the comparatively small rivers. Heart, Cannon Ball, Maripa, Wetarhoo, Sarwarcarna, Chayenne and White rs. Sweeping an im- mense general curve to the northeastward and gradually round to sthrd. 300 ms. the Mo. is augmented from the wstrd. by the large river Platte, a stream deriving its sources from the same system of mountains which produced the recipient. Along the great curve above the Platte, the Mo. receives from the nthrd. Jac- ques, and the Great and Little Sioux rs. Re- ceiving the Platte, the main volume rolls on s. E. 200 ms. to the influx of the Kansas, another very large confluent from the wstrd. The Kan- sas rises also in the Chippewayan, and flowing eastwardly, joins the Missouri after a general comparative course of upwards of 600 ms. The Platte and Kansas fill the space between the higher valley of Mo. and that of Ark. The length of course not materially different, and the character of country they drain, is mostly open plains, similar to that drained by the Mo. itself. With the influx of Kansas, the Mo. bends to a general course of a little s. of e. 250 ms. to where its immense volume and name is lost in the inferior stream of Misp. proper. With the entrance of the Kansas, Mo. enters the state of the same name, within which it receives from the right, descending, Mine, Moreau, Osage, and Gasconade rivers, and from the left or N. Grand r., w. Chariton, e. Chariton, and a long series of streams which are merely large creeks. The entire comparative course of Mo. is 1,870 ms., but following the bends or channel, the length no doubt exceeds 3,000 ms. The real length of this great river, as indeed of all the American rivers, has been overrated. Our knowledge of the valley is general, and except along the main stream, in few places have we exact specific material for these immense re- gions. As far, however, as explored, the face of the earth is monotonous when compared with extent. From much greater relative elevation, higher lat. and from the peculiar courses of its confluents, the flood of Mo. is the last in or- der, and occurs after the tide from the Misp. proper, Ohio, Ark., and Red rs. have in great part subsided. (See arts. Misp., Ark., ^r.) Missouri, state of the U. S., bounded n. e. and E. by the Misp. r. separating it from the state of 11., s. E. by the Misp r. separating it from Ky. and Ten., s. by Ark. territory, and w. and N. by the western unappropriated domain of the U. S. Its outlines are, beginning on the right bank of the Misp., at the mouth of Les Moines r., and thence down the former stream, to where it is intersected by lat 36°, 550 ms. ; due w. and along lat. 36° to the St. Francis r., 50 ; thence up St. Francis r. to lat. 36i°, 50 ; thence due w. along the n. boundary of Ark. to a meridian line passing through the junction of Mo. and Kansas rivers intersect latitude 36^°, 200 ; thence due n. to a point where a line drawn due w. from the Sac village on Le- moine r. will intersect the w. boundary, 273; MIS 300 MIS thence due e. to the Lemoine r., 130 ; down Lemoine r. to place of beginning, 20 ; having an entire outline of 1,273 ms. Lying between lat. 36° and 40° 30' and long. w. W. C. 12° 12', and 17° 28'. Without including the small rhomb between Misp. and St. Francis rivers, the length is 287 ms. The greatest breadth from a little distance below the mouth of Ohio to the western boundary is 300 ms. The breadth exceeding the length may seem absurd, but the reader will observe that the half degree of lat. extended between St. Francis and Misp. rs. was excluded, and which, if added, would make the entire length 321 ms. The mean breadth 230 ms., would be very nearly represented by a line drawn due w. from Herculaneum in Jef- ferson CO. to the western boundary. Measured carefully by the rhomb, the area of Mo. amounts to 64,000 sq. ms. very nearly, or 40,960,000 statute acres. It is the second state of the U. S. in point of superficial extent, only falling short of Va. This state is naturally divided into two unequal slopes. Leaving the Misp. near St. Genevieve, opposite the mouth of the Kaskaskias r., a dividing ridge extends rather w. of s. w. by w. From this ridge issue and flow southwardly the sources of St. Francis, Black, White, and Grand r. of Arkansas r. This southern slope has a breadth of about 60 ms. with the entire breadth of the state, 300 ms., or 18,000 sq. ms. As a physical section the southern slope of Mo. belongs to the same inclined plane, down which flows the Misp. below the influx of Ohio r., but in extent amounts to only about the 28-lOOth of the whole state. The central and northern sections are comprised in the lower slope of the Mo. valley, and incline very nearly due e. By a very cir- cuitous channel, but general course of a little s. of E., the main volume of Mo. r. winds down the central plain, leaving about one third of the state to the northward. The southeastern an- gle of Mo. is a level, and in a great part an an- nually inundated tract. This submerged sec- tion has been too highly estimated in regard to extent ; it is about 100 ms. from s. to n. with a width of 40 ms., or 4,000 sq. ms. It is not all, indeed, subject to submersion, and affords par- cels of dry arable land over the whole extent. The bottoms along the rivers are subject to casual flood, but taking the whole state into view, it is a hilly, and in many parts a very broken state. The ridge noticed in the first part of this article as dividing the Mo. slope from that of Ark., rises into rocky elevations, which have received the title of mtns. The idea of extended plains is given by the appearance of the landscape from the Misp. r. the usual chan nel of entrance. It is 28 ms. above the mouth of the Ohio r. before a rocky eminence shows it. self on the Mo. side of the stream. The first rocks are enormous walls of limestone, evi- dently, if we extend our view estrdly., an ex. tension of the vast limestone formation of Ky., Ind. and II. They are in Mo. the buttress of the dividing ridge already noticed and extend to an undefined distance westward and north- ward. Under their respective heads will be found noticed, the rivers which water Mo. It is sufiicient to observe in this place that the state is washed in all its length by the Misp. ; the southern part drained by the heads of St. Francis, Black, and White rs. ; central part ia deeply cut and channelled by the Mo. and its confluents, the Osage and Gasconade from the right, and the Chariton from the left. Besides the Lemoine and Salt rs., the iVlisp. above the mouth of the Mo. receives from the state of Mo. a long series of crs. many of which are for a greater or less distance above their mouth navigable streams. From the preceding data it is evident, that in natural commercial facili. ties Mo. abounds. Soil. — Climate. — Vegetables. — -Minerals. — The soil of Mo. as indeed the face of the coun. try, is a mean between the same objects in the valley of Ohio. Much of the bottom land along the Mo. r. and its confluents are more sandy than that on the Misp. and its tributaries, and this character of soil prevails wherever the al- luvion of Mo. r. is deposited. Distant from the streams, the soil is almost invariably gravelly and poor. There are, however, some partial exceptions, and detached spots of upland are found, with a very productive soil, but they are oases. Much of the state is prairie, and the prairie soil, as in the contiguous states, and in La. presents the same varieties of soil, with woodland. As the expense of clearing timber was avoided where prairies exist, settlements will be first formed on their margins, and such has been the case in La., Ark., Mo., and II. " There are scarcely any lands in this state" CMo.) says Flint, " sufficiently level for cultiva- tion, that have not fertility enough to bring good crops of corn without manure, and in many in- stances the poorer lands are better for wheat than the richer." The very deep and rich allu- vial lands are no where in the central or south, western states, suitable for wheat, until cultiva. ted several years. Cotton in small quantities can be cultivated on the s. E. section of the state, Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, &c., are however the staple crops of the state. Apples, peaches, pears, plums, and perhaps some kinds of grape, succeed well. Natural grasses abound, and yet from some cause meadows have not been cultivated to advantage in Mo. The abundance indeed of any natural produc- tion is inimical to the artificial culture of anala- gous species. In fine, it would be safe to say that at least 20,000,000 acres of farming land, sufficiently fertile to produce good crops, exist in Mo. The mineral wealth of the state, par. ticularly lead and iron, is, according to all con. current testimony, inexhaustible. The tract in an especial manner called " The Mineral Tract," in Madison, Washington, and St. Fran- cis COS., and from which rise the sources of Maramec, and St. Francis rivers, is represent- ed as not only abundant in lead, but still more so in iron ore. Mr. Schoolcraft mentions zinc as also amongst the productions of Mo., and in great quantities. Water impregnated with Muriate of soda (common salt) is found in sev. eral places. Plaster of Paris is plentiful, and, it is said, produces a more than common eff"ect on the vegetation where used as a. manure. Such are, in a rough sketch, the outlines of the resources of this new and extensive state. MIS The native vegetables, and particularly forest timber, evince an approach towards the prairie region. The peccan hickory is plentiful ; wild grapes and plums are plentiful. The crab apple tree, which in La. grows to the height of 30 or 40 ft. is also of large growth in Mo. The cli- mate is here, as elsewhere in central N. Amer- ica, the great stumbling block of travellers and geographers. " This state," says Flint, " oc- cupies a medial position and has a temperature intermediate between that of N. Y. and La." Whatever maybe the resemblance in the face of Mo. and La., there is but little similarity in their respective seasons. La. is in winter a very cold country, when compared with itslat., but it is tropical when contrasted with Mo. At St. Louis, which may be regarded as a central point between the northern and southern ex- tremes of Mo., the Misp. r. is frozen and passa- ble on the ice by the first of January, in a great majority of years. In the winter of 1831 — 2, the Misp. was frozen and passable on the ice at Memphis in Ten., nearly a degree of lat. s. of any part of Mo. In article U. S., it may be seen that at the Council Bluffs, lat. 41° 25', about a degree of lat. n. of Missouri, the mer- cury has fallen to 21° minus zero ; and what is more decisive, by a letter directed to the editor of the Saturday Evening Post, Philadelphia, on the 26th Jan. 1832, the mercury was 18° minus zero at Florence in Ala., lat. 34° 47', or 1° 43' s. of any part of Mo. It may be safely stated, that of all sections of the actually inhabited parts of the U. States, no other is so exposed to excessive vicissitudes of atmospheric tem- perature as is Mo. Open on the westward and northwestern sides to the great plains of grass, with winds prevailing about fths of the time in all seasons of the year, the cold of the vast central table land of the continent is borne to- wards the Appalachian system of mountains, and sweeps over Mo., with a severity which, to be known, must be felt. The most accurate observers have acknowledged the dryness of the atmosphere over all the prairie regions of central North America ; and Mo; shares the exemption from moisture. " The winter," says Flint, " commences about Christmas, (a mouth sooner would be nearer the fact,) and is frequently so severe, as to bridge the mighty current of the Mo. so firmly that it may be passed many weeks with loaded teams. In the winter of 1818, this was the case for nine weeks." This author again, after some gen. eral observations, comes at last to the rational conclusion and acknowledges that, " on the whole, instead of the climate becoming more mild, as we advance w. on the same parallel, it is believed that the reverse is the case." The reader will find in the article U. S. that the in. creasing severity of cold, advancing towards the Chippewayan mountains, is not simply be- lieved but demonstrated. It is worse than idle to speak of the health of such a widely spread and diversified surface as that of Mo. a coun- try containing fens constantly filled with stag- nant water, as low as lat. 36°, and high, dry, and airy tracts above lat. 40°, where the hu- man breast is inflated by air coming from re- gions exempt, as far as the face of earth can 39 301 MIS any where be exempt, from every source of 7nias7iiata. Political Geography. — For political purposes the following counties have been organised out of the territory of Mo., leaving considerable tracts not yet laid out. Counties. I o-j}. 1830. Counties. Pop . 1830. Boon, 8,359 Marion, 4,837 C.'ilhuvay, 6,159 MoMtgoineiy, 3,903 Capo Girardeau, 7,445 New Madrid, 2,350 Oli;iriton, 1,780 Perry, 3,349 Clay, 5,338 I'ike, 6,129 Cole, 3,023 Ualls, 4,375 Cnojior, 6,901 Kandol(ih, ■ 2,942 Crawloi-;!, 1,7-.21 Ilav, 2,657 PraiiMia. 3,484 S;. Charles, 4,320 Giscouade, 1,545 St. Fj-ancois, 2,36(5 Howard, 10,851 St. Genevieve, 2,185 JaeliS'iii, 2,823 S;. Lewis, 14,125 Jcireraon, 2,592 Saline, 2,873 La Fay.jtte, 2,912 S.;ott, 2,135 Liricoln, 4,059 Was'iington, 6,784 Madison, _ 2,371 Wavne, 3,264 Total popul aticn 140,455, of wiiich were white persons, Mal'3. Females. Under 5 yeara of '■'SP) 13,531 12,551 Proui 5 to 10 9,017 9,077 " 10 to 15 7,459 6,794 " 15 to 20 5,ri39 5,705 " 20 to 30 11,147 8,794 " 30 to 40 7,084 5,121 " 40 to 50 .3,042 2,718 " 50 to GO 1,939 1,499 " GO to 70 927 766 " 70 to 80 334 227 " 60 to 00 60 CO " 90 10 ICO 14 9 " 100 and ui wards 2 ij Tnt,-d, 61,105 53,390 Of which 12 persons are deaf and dumb un- der 14 years of age, 5 between 14 and 25 years, and 10 of 25 years and upwards. Blind 27. Of the colored population were. h rci-'.. Slaves. Males. Fein's. Males. Fem'3. Jnder 10 years off gc87 77 4,872 4,611 From 10 to 24 76 62 4,364 4,605 " 24 to 36 43 46 2,058 2,199 " 36 V) 55 57 63 923 l,0l4 " 55 lo too 18 34 208 219 " 100 and over 3 3 14 4 Total, 284 285 12,439 12,652 Of the colored population none are either deaf and dumb, or blind. Recapitulation — Whites. FVee colored. Slaves. Total, 114,795 569 25,091 140,455 A census was taken of this state at the close of 1832, from which it appears that the popula- tion at that time was 176,276 ; of which 33,184 were slaves, and 681 were free people of color. Increase since the census of 1830, 35,821. The population of Missouri in 18 iO was 19,- 833; in 1820, 66 586 ; and in 1824, (as appears by a census then taken) 80,675. Constitution Government. — -Judiciary.- — The constitution of Mo. was adopted in con., vention at St. Louis, the 25th June, 1820; the most important provisions provide, Art. 2. That MIS 302 MIS the powers of the government shall be divided into three distinct departments ; each of which shall be contided to a separate magistracy ; and no person charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except in the instances hereinafter expressly directed or permitted. Art. 3. — Sec. 1. The legislative powers shall be vested in a " general assembly," which shall consist of a " senate," and a " house of repre- sentatives." Sec. 2. — The house of representa- tives shall consist of members to be chosen ev- ery 2d year, by the qualified electors of the several counties. Sec. 3. — No person shall be a member of the house of representatives, who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-four years ; who shall not be a free white male citi. zen of the U. States ; who shall not have been an inhabitant of the state two years, and of the county which he represents one year next before his election. Sec. 5. — The senators shall be chosen by the qualified electors for the term of 4 years. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years; who shall not be a free white male citizen of the U. S. ; who shall not have been an inhabit- ant of this state 4 years, and of the district which he may be chosen to represent one year next before his election. Sec. 13. — No per- son, while he continues to exercise the functions of a bishop, priest, clergyman, or teacher of any religious persuasion, denomination, society, or sect, whatsoever, shall be eligible to either house of the general assembly ; nor shall he be appointed to any office of profit within the state, the office of justice of the peace excepted. Sec. IG. — No senator or representative shall, during the term for which he shall have been elected, be appointed to any civil office under this state, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which, shall have been increas- ed during his continuance in office, except to such offices as shall be filled by elections of the people. Art. 4. Sec. 1. — The supreme exec- utive power shall be vested in a chief magis- trate, who shall be styled "the governor of the state of Mo." Sec. 2. — The governor shall be at least 35 years of age, and a natural born citizen of the U. S. ; or a citizen at the adoption of the con- stituiionof the U.S. ; or an inhabitant of that part of La. now included in the state of Mo., at the time of the cession thereaf from France to the U. S. ; and shall have been a resident of the same at least 4 years next before his election. Sec. 3. — The governor shall hold his office 4 years, and until a successor shall bo duly appointed and qualified. lie shall be elected in the man. ner following. At the time and place of voting for members of the house of representatives, the qualified electors shall vote for a governor, and when 2 or more persons shall have an equal number of votes, and a higher number than any {other) person, the election shall be decided be- tween them by a joint vote of both houses of the general assembly, at their next session. Sec. 4. — The governor shall be ineligible for the next 4 years after the expiration of his term of service. Sec. 14. — Th'ere shall be a lieuten- ant governor, who shall be elected at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term, and shall possess the same qualifications as the governor. Sec. 15. — The lieutenant governor, shall, by virtue of his office, be president of the senate. In committee of the whole ho may de- bate on all questions ; and when there is an equal division, he shall give the casting vote in senate, and also in joint votes of both houses. — Art. 5. Sec. 1. — The judicial pow- ers, as to matters of law and equity, shall be vested in a " supreme court," in a " chancellor," in " circuit courts," and in such inferior tribu- nals as the general assembly may, from time to time, ordain aud establish. Sec. 3. — The su. preme court shall have a general superintending power and control over all inferior courts of law. It shall have power to issue writs of fui- beas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari and other original remedial writs ; and to hear and determine the same. Except, however, in specified cases provided for in the constitution, the supreme court of Mo. has only appellate jurisdiction. Right of Suffrage. — This primary right, is, by the 10th sec. of the 3d article, se- cured to " every free white male citizen of the U. S. who shall have attained to the age of 21 years, and who shall have resided in the state one year before an election, the last 3 months whereof, shall have been in the county or dis- trict in which he offers to vote, shall be deemed a qualified elector, of all elective offices ; pro- vided, that no soldier, seaman or marine in the regular army or navy of the U. S. shall be en. titled to vote at any election in this state." The principles set forth in the declaration of rights, general provisions for offices, civil and military, and their duties, powers, and term of office, do not materially differ from other constitutions of the states of the U. S. Slavery of the blacks is admitted, but the power of the master is placed under control of the legislature, and on trials for capital offences, trial by jury secured to the slave, and no other punishment permitted ex- cept what would be inflicted on a free white person in like case ; and the courts are required to provide counsel to manage the defence of slaves under a criminal prosecution. History. — This country was amongst the ori- ginal discoveries of the French from Canada, who reached the Misp. about 1674. The first civilized settlements made, however, by the French on that great river, were in II., and St. Louis was not founded until after the treaty of Paris, in 1763. St. Genevieve preceded St. Louis, and was founded by a mining company, styled " Pierre Claude, Maxan and Co." St. Louis was established in 1764, and in 1780 St. Charles, on Mo. The settlements and towns remained feeble and scattered, until after the cession of La. to the U. S. In 1804, the unwieldy La. was divided, and the territory of Mo. ere- ated. Emigration, though not very rapid, car- ried the pop. in 1819 to the constitutional amount to entitle the people to state government. Ap- plication was accordingly made to congress at the session of 1819 — 20, and after a stormy and protracted debate, turning principally on the ad. mission or rejection of slavery, permission was given to the people of Mo. to form a constitu- tion, admitting slavery under certain restric- MOB 303 MOB tions. Complying with the conditions, a con. stitution was formed as already noticed, and on the 10th of Aug. 1821, Mo. became one of the U. S. Mitchell's Mill and p-o. Shelby co. Ky., by p-r. 31 ms. wstrd. Frankfort. Mitchell's Store, and p-o. Goochland co. Va., by p-r. 153 ms. s. s. w. W. C, and 50 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Mobile, r. Locally, this name only applies to tlie stream, or streams, below the junction of Alabama and Tombigbee rs., to the head of Mobile bay. The entire water of Alabama does not mingle with the Tombigbee, the former having an outlet above their junction, which out- let flowing sthrd., joins another and larger, which leaves the united streams about 10 ms. below their confluence. The two outlets, uni. ted, form the Tensaw, or estrn. Mobile, which flowing sthrd. passes Blakely, and is lost in the N. estrn. angle of Mobile bay. The wstrn., the proper Mobile, and main stream, flows along the wstrn. bluffs at a distance of from 3 to 4 or 5 ms. from Tensaw, passes the town of Mobile, and is terminated in the bay about 2 ms. below Mobile harbor. Vessels which can pass Dog r. bar, can reach to either Mobile or Blakely, and those drawing from 5 to 6 ft. can be navigated into either the Tombigbee or Alabama, and up the former to St. Stephen's, and the latter to Claiborne. The junction of Alabama and Tom- bigbee is at lat. 31° 06' and long. 11° 05' w. W. C. Mobile Bay, Ala. The estuary of the same name opens from the gulf of Mexico, between Mobile point and;Dauphin isl., at lat. 30° 12', Ion. 11° 10' vv. W. C. The following directions to en- ter Mobile bay, will also serve to aid in giving its geographical features. In running in for the land in the bay of Mobile, should you make it to the wstrd. of the bar, the land will appear broken, as it consists of small islands ; if to the estrd., the land is uniform as far as Pensacola E,, and covered with timber ; the beech is gene- rally sandy and quite perceptible in clear weath- er 8 or 10 ms. distant. Dauphin isl. on the w. point of the bay, appears high and bluff"; Mobile point low, sandy, with a single tree on the ex- tremity, in the form of an umbrella, and thinly wooded for five miles from the point. There are houses on the point, and on Dauphin isl. Before shoaling into 7 fathoms water, bring Mobile point to bear n. ^ w., and the estrd. of Dauphin isl. to bear n. n. w. ^ w., and steer in N. N. w. This course will run you over the bc-.r, on which you will have from 16 to 20 ft. water in good tides. After passing a small burth isl. on your larboard, you are over the bar and out of danger, with a shoal on each side of you. Then haul up for the point of Mobile, giving it a hmth of 3 or 400 yards, and steer up the bay. It is necessary to calculate for the bay cur- rents, as, when the tide is flowing, you will drift to the wstrd., and when at ebb to the estrd., until you get near Dog r. bar, which extends across the bay. When in 11 feet water, and 2^ ms. from the wstrn shore, 7 ms. from Mo- bile, and 15 from Blakely, come to for a pilot. The bay is in form of a triangle, of about 32 ms. base from Dauphin isl, to Mobile har- bor, the apex formed by the minor bay of Bon Secours, stretching n. e. by e. from Mobile point into the high angle ; and between Mobile and Blakeley, the bay is terminated by the dif- ferent mouths of Mobile r. On the outer bar there is, as we have shown, 16 ft. water • but on Dog r. bar, 7 ms. below Mobile harbor, 11 ft. only can be safely calculated on. Beside the principal entrance between Mobile point and Dauphin isl., there is another inner passage by the pass of Heron. The latter is the strait be- tween Dauphin isl. and the continent, opening from the s. w. angle of Mobile bay into Pasca- goula sound. In the pass of Heron there is at mid tide 6 ft. water. It is by this passage that steamboats and small sail vessels are navigated between Blakeley and Mobile, to New Orleans, reaching the latter by the rigolets, lake Pont! chartrain, and Bayou St. John's. Anchorage in mud, sand, and shells, can be had in any place in this interior chain of lakes, straits, and sounds. Mobile Basin. Under this head is included a very important physical section, comprising 37,120 sq. ms., and drained by the various con- stituents of Mobile r. Each of those constitu- ents will be formed, noticed and described, un- der their proper heads, but we here insert a general view of the whole basin. This basin occupies the space between that of Ten. n. Chattahooche e., Cunnecut s. e., the Gulf of Mexico s., Pascagoula r. basin s. w., and the sources of the Pearl and Yazoo n. w. This fine agricultural and navigable basin, lies between lat. 30° 12' and 35° 05', and between long. 7° and 12° w. W. C. It is in a near approach to a triangle, base 400 ms. from the pass of Heron, to the extreme nrthestrn. sources of the Coosa r. in the nrthwstrn. part of Geo., in a direction very nearly from s. w. to n. e. The greatest breadth r330 ms., from the eastern sources of Tallapoosa, to the nrthwstrn. of Tombigbee. The area of the basin measured by the rhombs 37,120 sq. ms. Though the course of Tombig. bee and Mobile declines a few degrees estrd. of s., the general declivity of the basin is about s. s. w. The difference of relative height from the sources of Mobile r. to Mobile bar, cannot fall much, if any, short of 2,000 feet, or an equivalent to 5 degrees of lat. Uniting the ac- tual difference of lat. between the extremes to the allowance for relative elevation, the winter climate must difl^er about equal to 10° of lat. If the soil suited the growth of that vegetable, sugar might be cultivated near Mobile bay, whilst the nrlhrn. part of Geo. has a climate suitable to wheat, rye, &c. Of cultivated veo-- etablesinthe U. S., Indian corn, cotton, tobac- co, and the peach tree, seem most congenial to this region, though the apple flourishes in the nrthrn., and the fig in the sthrn. extreme. The soil is extremely variable. Along the streams, are tracts of very productive alluvion, aiid bor- dering on the alluvion, extensive bodies of sec- ond rate soil ; but if taken as a whole, a large proportion of the surface is sterile. Mobile, co. Ala., bndd. n. by Washington, N. E. by Tombigbee r., separating it from Clarke, E. by Mobile r. separating it from Baldwin, s. E. by Mobile bay, s. by the pass of Heron and MOH 304 MON Pascagoula sound, s. w, by Jackson co. state of Misp., and n. w. by Greene co. state of Misp. The extreme length of Dauphin island is 99 ms., mean breadth 25, and area 2,250 sq. ms. ; ex- tending in lat. from 30° 12' to 31° 30', and in long, from 11° 04' to 11° 34'. The dividing line of the sources of crs. flowing westward in- to the basin ot Pascagoula, and those flowing eastward into* that of Mobile, divides Mobile CO. into two nearly equal portions. Surface towards the Gulf of Mexico waving, but be- comes rather hilly in the northern part ; with but partial exception, the whole superficies cov- ered with pine forest, and soil sterile. Cf. t. Mobile. Pop. 1820, 2,672 ; 1830, 3,073. Mobile, city, port of entry, and st. jus. for Mobile CO. Ala., is situated on the right bank of Mobile r., near the head of the bay of the same name, 30 ms. n Mobile point, 55 w. by n. Pen- sacola, and 160 e. New Orleans. Lat. 30° 44', long. 11° 12' w. W. C. The harbor admits vessels of 8 ft., but to reach the anchorage, or wharves, with such vessels, it is necessary to pass round a small island in front of the town, which compels ships of more than three feet draught, to be navigated round the head of the isl. 5 ms. above. By this circuitous entrance, however, all vessels which can pass Dog r. bar, can reach Mobile. It is located considerably higher than the river at its greatest rise, and is rapidly increasing as a place of commercial im- portance ; communicating with New Orleans by steam, (besides other modes of navigation,) throucfhlakcPontchartrain. In 1829 its exports amounted to ^1,679,380; in 1831, 110,000 bags of cotton were exported from there, and 128,- 333 bales in 1833, and prior to July 1st. There are several public buildings in Mobile, among which are 4 churches, a court house, and jail. Pop. 3,194. MocKviLLE, p-v. in the northern part of Rowan co. N. C. by p-r. 141 ms. westward Ra- leigh. Moffitt's Mills, and p-o. Randolph co. N. C. by p-r. 70 ms. w. Raleigh. MoiiAWK, r. Coos CO. N. H. rises in Dixville mtns. and enters Conn. r. in Colebrook. Mohawk, r. N. Y. about 135 ms. long, the principal branch of Hudson r-, rises in Onei- da CO. near the source of Black r., runs 20 ms. B. to Rome, thence e. by s. to Hudson r. at Waterford, between Albany and Saratoga cos. It has many rapids, and falls a little at German Flats, 42 ft, at Little Falls, and nearly 70 at the Cahoos. The banks are very level, and fertile in some places, particularly at Herkimer, and poor or rocky in others. The navigation for boats was formed some years ago by a canal round the falls, and one from Rome to Wood creek and Oswego river. The Erie canal now passes along its course, (chiefly on the s. bank) to Rome, (iSee Erie Canal.) Moiiegan, Indian village. Conn. w. Thames r., 4 ms. s. of Norwich in the t. of Montville, on a, reservation of land for the Mohegan tribe, now reduced to a small number. A church was built here in 1831, on the site of Unca's fort. The government of the U. S. have ap- propriated ^900 for their benefit, and exertions have been recently made for their instruction, by benevolent individuals. The ancestors of these Indians were faithful friends of the colo- nists, and assisted them in their wars. MoiRA, t. Franklin co. N. Y. Pop. 791. MoNADNOCE MTN. (commonly called Grand Monadnock) Cheshire co. N. H., 22 ms. e. Conn, r,, 10 ms. N. Mass., is a high ridge, n. e. and s, w., 5 ms. long and 3 wide. The base is said to be 1,452 ft. above tide, the top 3,250. The rocks are talc and mica-slate, stratified, and sometimes contain schorl, garnets, quartz and feldspar. Plumbago, or black lead, is found on the E. side, and made into crucibles and indif- ferent pencils. Monadnock mineral spring ia near the base, and the top commands a fine view, MoNAMET Point, cape, Mass., in Cape Cod bay. Long. 6° 35' e. W. C, lat. 41° 45'. Mo>GUAGO, p-v, in the southeastern part of Wayne co. Mich., 14 ms. s. s. w. Detroit, and by p-r. 512 ms. nrthwstrd. W. C. Moniteau, p-v. Cole co. Mo., 5 ms. wstrd. Jefferson city, and 139 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. MoNKTON, p-t. Addison co. Vt. 18 ms. s. Bur- lington, and 27 w. Montpelier. Little Otter creek. Pond brook and Lewis creek, though small, are the principal streams, and afford few mill sites. It contains a considerable pond, Hogback mtn. and others. Iron ore is very abundant in the s., principally hematite, as well as black oxyde of manganese, and a large bed of porcelain clay. There is also a curious cavern. Pop. 1,348. Monmouth, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 17 ms. w, Augusta, contains an academy. It is n. of Lincoln co. and has small streams flowing into Kennebec r. Pop. 1,879. Monmouth, co. N. J. bndd. by Middlesex co. and Raritan bay n., Atlantic o. e., Burlington CO. s. and w. Contains much poor pine land, with a scattered population, and only a few vil- lages in the n. The coast is low and sandy, and the scene of frequent shipwrecks. Marl, which is found in different places, is an excel- lent and lasting manure for the poorest soil. Much pine wood is sent to N. Y. It has seven large townships, but a great deal of poor sandy soil, with invaluable beds of marl, which makes the richest manure. Sandy Hook is the s. cape of Raritan bay, by which is the communi- cation between the ocean and New York bay, and the n. e. extremity of this county. Shrews- bury and Navesink rs. (short but broad streams) enter Raritan bay just within the Hook, which they have sometimes isolated by cutting through the neck into the sea. At Shrewsbury and Howel, the coast is a sand bank, about 30 feet, with a beautiful white beach, having arable land to the bluff. Below, Barnegat and Little Egg Harbor bays are formed by Squam Isle and Long Beaches, with 2 inlets to the ocean, in this CO. Many small streams flow into them, and others rise in the co. which fall into Raritan and Delaware rs. The principal town is Freehold. In the pines are furnaces for iron, &c. Pop. 1820, 25,038 ; 1830, 29,233. MoNONGAHELA, r. of the U. States in Va., Md. and Pa., is formed by Monongahela proper, Tygart's valley r., Cheat r., and the Youghio- ghany. The Cheat is in fact the main stream, MON 305 MON having its remote source in the southern part of Randolph co. Va., at lat. 38° 27', interlocking sources with those of Green r. and Jackson's branch of James r. The remote sources of Tygart's valley r. are nearly as far s. as those of Cheat, and also in Randolph co. The mtn. ridge from which both streams rise, is known locally as Green Brier mtn., and the valleys from which the higher sources are derived, must be at least 2,500 feet elevated above tide water in Chesapeake bay. Monongahela proper is the western branch, rising in Lewis CO. Va. with interlocking sources with those of Tygart's valley and little Kenhawa. The three branches near their sources pursue a general northern course, but the two western gradually approach each other, and unite at lat. 39° 28', where they form a point of separation between Harrison and Monongahela cos. Thence as- suming a northern course over the latter coun- ty, finally leave Va., and form a junction with Cheat on the boundary betvveen Fayette and Green cos. Pa. The Cheat in the highest part of its course flows along a mountain valley in a nrthrn. direction, but gradually inclining to nthwstrd., as already noticed under the head of Cheat r. Below the junction of the main branch- es, the Monongahela, by a rather circuitous channel, pursues a general nthrn. course over Pa. about 50 ms. comparative length to its junc- tion with Youghioghany, 11 ms. s. e. of Pitts- burg. The Youghioghany is a considerable branch, having its remote sources in the wstrn. part of Alleghany co. Md. Flowing thence nrthrdly. enters. Pa., and separating for some few ms. Somerset from Fayette co., receives a large tributary from the estrd. Casselman's r. and turning to n. n. w. about 50 miles, compar- ative course, is lost in the Monongahela at MacKeesport. Augmented by the Youghio- ghany, the Monongahela below the junction as- sumes the course of the former, 18 ms. by the channel, but only 11 direct distance to Pitts. burg, where it unites with the Alleghany to form the Ohio. The general course of the Mo- nongahela is almost exactly n., and almost as exactly along long. 3° w. W. C, 150 ms. by comparative distance. The widest part of its valley lies nearly along the line between Pa. and Va. 80 ms, ; the mean width 40, and area 6,000 sq. ms. If we allow only 1,500 ft. eleva- tion to the cultivatable country on the head branches of Cheat, Pittsburg being elevated 678 ft. will give a descent of 822 ft. to the val- ley of Monongahela. The extremes of lat. are thus almost exactly compensated by declivity, and explain why the seasons near Pittsburg and in Randolph co. Va. differ but slightly. Though the two eastern branches, Cheat and Youghio- ghany, rise in mountain vallies, and the whole country drained by all the confluents of Monon- gahela is very broken, and rocky, direct falls are rare and of no great elevation when they occur. Cheat r. is navigable through Monon- gahela and Preston, into Randolph co., both branches of Monongahela proper above their junction, and Youghioghany to Ohio pile falls. The whole valley has gained recent increase of importance as being part of the route or routes of proposed lines of canal improvement. Monongalia, co. Va. bndd. e. and s. e. by Preston, s. w. by Tygart's valley river and Buf- falo creek, separating it from Harrison, w. by Tyler co., n. w. by Green co. Pa., and n. e. by Fayette co. Pa. Extending in lat. from 39° 17' to 39° 42', and in long, from 2° 39' to 3° 25' w. W. C. This CO. declines to the northward and is traversed by both branches of Monongahela, Cheat to the e., and Monongahela proper to the w. Its length from w. to e. is 38 ms., mean width 15, and area 570 sq. ms. Though very broken, the soil is excellent. Cf. t. Mor- gantown. Population 1820, 11,060; 1830, 14,056. Monroe, p-t. Waldo co. Me. s. Penobscot CO., crossed by Marsh r. a branch of the Pe- nobscot. Pop. 1,080. Monroe, p-t. Franklin co. Ms. Pop. 265. Monroe, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn, on Housa- tonic r. 20 ms. w. New Haven. Pop. 1,522. Monroe, p-t. N. Y. (See Munroe.) Monroe, co. N. Y. 236 ms. w. n. w. Albany, bounded by lake Ontario and Upper Canada n., Ontario co. e., Livingston s., Genesee w. ; 20 by 30 ms. ; area 600 sq. ms. Contains 1 6 town- ships, has a gently varied surface, rich soil and mild cUmate. It is crossed by Genesee r., the Erie canal, and the Mountain Ridge, which was probably once the shore of lake Ontario, and extends from near York, Upper Canada, to Jef- ferson CO. Bog iron ore, salt springs, and freo stone are found in some parts. Rochester is the CO. t. Pop. 49,682. Monroe, p-t. Orange co. N. Y. 19 ms. s. New- burg, 115 s. Albany, and 50 n. N. Y. Surface broken and hilly, and well watered by numer- ous streams. The hills or mountains abound with iron ore. Here are extensive iron works ; U schools, continued 6 months in 12. Pop. 3,671. Monroe, co. Va. bndd. by Giles s. and w., Greenbrier n., Alleghany n. e., Botetourt e. Length 40, mean width 18, and area 720 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 22' to 37° 45', and in long, from 3° 16' to 3° 54' w. W. C. The base of this CO. may be regarded as New r. which bounds it on the w., but the general declivity is wstrd. from the Alleghany mtn. The north. western part is traversed by Greenbrier r., which falls into New r. at the point where meet the angles of Giles, Logan, Greenbrier and Monroe. By actual measurement, the mouth of Greenbrier river is 1,333 ft. above the oceanic level, and of course the surface of Mon. roe CO. must be still higher, say from 1,400 to 1,700, or 1,800 feet. Cf. t. Union Town. Pop. 1820, 6,620, 1830, 7,798. Monroe, p-v. Warren co. N. C, by p-r. 70 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Monroe, co. Geo. bndd. by Bibb s. e., Craw- ford s., Upson w., Butts n., and Ocmulgee r. separating it from Jones n. e. Length diago- nally from s. w. to n. e. 30 ms., mean width 12, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 33°, and long. 7'*w. W. C, intersect very near the centre of this co. Declivity to the s. e., and drained by Chupee and other crs., flowmg into Ocmulgee r. Cf. t. Forsyth. Pop. 16,202. Monroe, p.v. and st. jus. Walton co. Geo. by p-r, 66 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. MON 306 MON Monroe, co. Ala. bndd. by Baldwin s. w., Cunecut s. e., Butler n. e., Wilcox n. and tlie Ala. r. separating it from Clarke w. The greatest length from s. w. to n. 48 ms., mean width 20, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 14' to 31° 48', and in long, from 10° 04' to 10° 50' vv. W. C. Declivity wstrd. towards the Ala. r. Surface generally sterile. Pine wooded land. The banks of the Ala. af- ford some excellent soil. Staple, cotton. Cf. t. Claiborne. Pop. 1820, 8,838, 1830, 8,782. Monroe, p-V. s. e. part of Perry co. Misp. by p-r. 151 ms. s. e. Jackson, and by the direct road 158 ms. s. E. by e. Natchez. Monroe, co. Misp. bndd. by Lowndes co. same state s., by Tombigbee r. separating it from the Chickasaw ter. w., the Chickasaw ter. again on the N., by Marion co. Ala. n. e., and Lafayette co. Ala. s. e. Length 25 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 375 sq. ms. Central lat. 3.3° 50', long. 11° 30' w. W. C. Slopes s. w., and traversed by Battahatchee and Weaver rs., with some smaller streams. Cf. t. Hamilton. Pop. 3,861. Monroe, p-v. and st. jus., parish of Washi- taw, La., situated on the left bank of Washitaw r., about 80 ms. in a direct line n. n. w. Natchez, and 100 a little e. of n. Alexandria at Rapides. Lat. 32° 32', long. 15° 10 w. W. C. Monroe, co. Ten. bndd. by the Cherokee country s. e. and s., McMinn co. w., Roan n., and Ten. r. separating it from Blount n. e. and E. Length 30 ms., mean width 15, and area 4.50 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 1 8' to 35° 48', and in long, from 6° 57' to 7° 33' w. W. C. The boundary line between McMinn and Monroe cos. follows very nearly the ridge dividing the sources of the crs. flowing s. w. into the Hiwassee, from those flowing in an op- posite direction into Tenn. ; the declivity there- fore of Monroe co. isnorthestrd. Cf. t. Tellico. Pop. 1820,2,539, 183), 13,708. Monroe, p-v. and st. jus. Overton co. Ten. situated on a branch of Obies r. 100 ms. a little N. of e. Nashville, and about 35 a little e. of s. Burkesville in Ky. Lat. 36° 22', long. 8° lO' w. W. C. Monroe, co. Ky. bndd. w. by Big Barren r. separating it from Allen, n. by Barren, n. e. by Adair, e. by Cumberland, s. by Jackson co. Ten., and s. w. by Smith co. Ten. Length from E. to w. 30 ms., mean width 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 36' to 36° 53', and in long, from 8° 19' to 9° w. W. C. This CO. is very nearly commensurate with the higher part of the valley of Big Barren r., but with the exception of the southeastern an- gle. Into the latter part of the co. the main volume of Cumberland r. enters by one of its sweeping bends, and again abruptly winds back into Cumberland co. The dividing ground be- tween the waters of Cumberland and Green rs. passing from Adair over Monroe into Jackson CO. Ten., divides Monroe into two unequal por- tions. The much larger section, with a north, western declivity, is in the valley of Green r. or sub-valley of Big Barren. The cf. t. Tom- kinsville, is by p-r. 137 ms. s. s. w. from Frank- fort. Pop. 1820, 4,956, 1830, 5,340. Monroe, p-v. in the southeastern part of Hart CO. Ky. by p-r. 96 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort, and 20 n. n. e. Glasgow. Monroe, co. 0. bndd. by Washington s., Morgan w., Guernsey n. w., Belmont n., and the 0. r. separating it from Ohio co. Va. e. Length from e. to w. 36 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 40', long. 4° w. W. C. The central part of this hilly but fertile CO. is a real table land, from which Suniish cr. flows estrd. into Ohio r. Little Muskingum sthrd. also into 0. r., but by a s. vv. course over Washington co., and the extreme head sources of Will's cr., branch of Muskingum, n. w. into Guernsey co. Cf. t. Woodsfield, Pop. 1820, 4,641, 1830, 8,768. Monroe, p-v. in the eastern part of Butler co. 0. by p-r. 25 ms. n. n. e. Cincinnati. Pop. 119. Monroe, co. Ind. bndd. by Lawrence s., Greene s. w., Owen n. w., Morgan n,, and e. uncertain. Length 24 ms., breadth 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 10', and long. 9° 38' w. W. C. The nthrn. part slopes wstrd., and is drained by Bean Blossom cr. a branch of White r., and the southern section slopes to the sthrd., and is drained by Salt creek, a branch of the South forli of White r. Cf. t. Bloom- ington. Pop. 6,577. Monroe, co. II. bndd. n. e. and e. by St. Clair, s. e. by Randolph, s. w. and w. by Misp. r. separating it from Jeff"erson co. Mo., and n. w. by the Misp r. separating it from St. Louis CO. Mo. Length 30 ms., mean width 12, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 15', long. 13° 12' w. W. C. This CO. stretching estrd. from the Misp. r. to the Kaskaskias r., slopes towards both, the centra! part being a table land. Cf. t. Waterloo. Pop. 2,000. Monroe, co. Mo. bndd. by Marion n. e., Ralls e., Audrain s. e., Boone s. w., and Randolph w. Length from s. to n. 30 ms., breadth 27, and area 810 sq. ms. n. lat. 39° 25' and long. W. C. 15° w. intersect near its centre. It is entire- ly comprised in the valley of Salt r., and slo- ping estrd. is drained by numerous branches of that stream. Paris the st. jus. is situated on Crooked r. a confluent of Salt r. 120 ms. n. w. St. Louis. Monroe, c. h. and p-o. Monroe co. Mo. by p-r. 129 ms. from Jefferson city. Monroe, co. Mich. bndd. by Sandusky co. 0, s. E., Wood CO. O. s., Lenawee county, Mich, w., Washtenaw co. Mich. n. w., Wayne N. E., and lake Erie e. Length from s. to n. 32 ms., mean width 22, and area 704 sq. ms. Lat. 42°, and long. 6p w. W. C. intersect in the northeastern part of this co. Slope estrd. and traversed by the river Raisin and Ottawa cr. with other smaller streams. Much of the soil is excellent. The southeastern part receives Maumee r. from Wood co. O. Cf. t. Monroe. Pop. 1820, 1,831, 1830, 3,187. Monroe, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. Mich, by p-r. 36 ms. s. s. w. Detroit, and 490 north- westward W. C. It is situated on the right bank of the river Raisin, near its mouth. Ves- sels of 5 or 6 ft. draught can ascend thus far. MoNKOE, CO. Ark. bndd. by Philips e., Ar- kansas CO. 8., Jefi'erson w., Pulaski n. w., and St. Francis co. n. n. lat. 34° 20', and long. 14" 25' w. of W. G. intersect near its centre. MON 307 MON ThougH the adjacent cos. as laid down by Tan- ner, are here given, the outlines of this co. are too vague to admit even an approximate esti- mate of its area in sq. ms. The slope is to s. s. E., and in that direction traversed by the main volume of White r. Much of the surface lia- ble to annual submersion. The central part is in a direct line, about 50 ms. n. n. w. from the mouth of White r. Pop. 461. MoNROETON, p-v. Bradford co. Pa. 126 miles nthrd. Harrisburg. MoNROETON, p-v. on the right bank of Staun- ton r., and in the extreme northwestern angle of Pittsylvania co. Va., by direct road about 130 miles, but by p-r. 150 miles s. w. by w. Rich- mond. MoNROEViLLE, p-v. Huron CO. 0. by p-r. 109 ms. nthrd. Columbus. MoNSON, p-t. Somerset co. Me. Pop. 411. MoNsoN, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 17 ms. e. Springfield, 50 s. w. Boston, s. Chickapce r. The soil is good, and in some parts the land is irrigated. It is a pleasant t. and has several manufactories, and an academy with about 100 pupils, a valuable apparatus, and a boarding house connected with the institution. Pop. 2,263. Montague, p-t. Franklin co. Mass. e. side Conn, r., 87 ms. n. vy. Boston, s. and e. Conn, r., which falls 65 feet, among rude scenery. A little below is an old Indian fort, which was attacked with great slaughter, in Philip's war, by captain Holyoke, of Northampton. A rocky island divides the fall, which is dammed 330 yards, and passed by a canal 3 ms. long, 25 feet wide, with 8 locks 75 ft. long, 12 deep, and 20 wide. The dam is of timber, and in one place 40 feet high. It was torn down 2 or 3 years ago by a violent flood. 4 ms. above is the dam at Miller's falls, where is a canal cut through a pudding stone of primitive rock. A bridge crosses to Deerfield. Pop. 1,152. Montague, p-t. Sussex co. N. J., the most northerly town in the state, with Delaware r. w., the Blue mtns. e., N. Y. state n. e.. Pa. n. w., and is connected with it by a bridge over Del. r. Its small streams flow in several direc- tions. Pop. 990. Montague, p-v. sthrn. part of Essex co. Va. 72 ms. s. E. by e. Richmond. MoNTALBAN, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Warren CO. Misp. by p-r. 81 ms. wstrd. Jackson, and about 60 ms. n. n. e. Natchez. MoNTAUK Point, Easthampton, Suffolk co. N. Y., the e. end of L. I. The light house is on the extreme point, on an elevation, and is a very important land mark, particularly to vessels bound into L. I. sound. It was erected in 1795. It commands a clear view of Block isl. and the opposite shores of Conn. The road leading to Montauk Point is rough ; but no troublesome insects are found there ; and there is a conven- ient tavern on the spot. It is 20 ms. from East Hampton. There are a few Indians remaining, but many of them of mixed blood. The soil is rich, and affords pasturage to numerous oxen, horses and sheep ; but Napeage beach, 5 ms. in extent, is a sandy tract. The distance from Sandy Hook, in a direct line, is 140 ms. MoiNTCALM, new CO. of Mich., botuided by Gratiot e., Ionia s., Oceana w., and Isabella n. It is a square of 24 ms. each side, area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 43° 20', and long. 8° w. W. C. Slope s. w. and drained by numerous conflueuts of Grand r. The central part about 120 ms. n. w. by w. Detroit. Montebello, p-v. Hancock co. II. by p-r. 144 ms. n. w. Vandalia. Montevallo, p-v. Shelby co. Ala. about 45 ms. nearly due e. Tuscaloosa. Montezuma, p-v. Mentz, Cayuga co. N. Y. , 11 ms. n. w. Auburn, 170 w. Albany ; has some salt springs, and is 80 rods from the junction of Erie canal and Seneca r. Montezuma, p-v. and st. jus. Covington co. Ala. situated on the Connecuh r. by p-r. 176 ms. southestrd. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 31° 22', long 9° 40' w. W. C. Montezuma Salt Works and p-o. in the estrn. part of Casey co. Ky. by p-r. 81 ms. very nearly due s. Frankfort. Montezuma, p-v. Parke co. Ind. by p-r. 77 ms. w. Indianopolis. Montgomery, p-t. Franklin co. Vt. 42 ms. n. Montpelier, 39 n. e. Burlington. Trout r. and its branches afford mill seats. On the principal stream is excellent meadow land ; but there is much mountainous country. Pop. 460. Montgomery, t. Hampden co. Mass. 10 ms. w. N. w. Springfield, 100 w. Boston, n. e. West- field r. Pop. 579. Montgomery co., N. Y. bndd. by Hamilton CO. N., Saratoga co. e., Schenectady, Schoharie, and Otsego cos. s., Herkimer co. w. The great- est length 36 ms., breadth 32 ; about 1,000 sq. ms. The surface is a little varied, being cross- ed by the Klypse ridge from Sacandaga r. to the Nose, on Mohawk river. It has rich mead, ows on Mohawk r. and various soils. Crossed by Mohawk r. and E. Canal. Cf. t. Johnstown. Pop. 1820, 37,569, 1830, 43,715. Montgomerv, p-t. Orange co., N. Y., 12 ms. w. Newburg ; 12 n. Goshen ; 100 from Albany ; N. Waalkill r., is irregular in form, varied sur- face and good soil, yielding much hemp, &c. In the V. sometimes called Wards bridge, and which is on Waalkill cr. is an academy, &c. The skeleton of the mammoth in the Philadel- phia museum was found here. Pop. 1830, 3,885. Montgomery t. Somerset co. N. J., e. Mill- stone r., has much handsome swelling land, with a range called Rocky hill. It produces good grass and excellent cider, chiefly from a spe- cies of apples called Harrison, Crab, &c. On the s. border is the borough of Princeton, the seat of Nassau Hall, or Princeton college, and a Presbyterian theological seminary. Pop. 2,834. Montgomery co. Pa., bndd. by Phila. co. s. e., Del. CO. s., in part an artificial and in part the Schuylkill r. separates it from Chester s. w., on the N. w. a range of hills or rather a minor chain of mnts. separates it from Bucks, and on the N. E. it is bndd. by Bucks. This co. is very nearly a parallelogram of 24 by 16 ms. ; area 384 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 58' to 40° 27', and in long, from 1° 16' to 1° 56' e. W. C. The declivity of this fine co. is almost due s. and in most part drained by the various confluents of Perkiomen and Wissahiccon crs. The surface is beautifully variegated by hill, MON 308 MON dale, and even mtn. scenery. The soil, though naturally not of first rate quality, is no where sterile. The staples, nearly every vegetable production of the U. S. in the same lat. The beautiful marble of White Marsh is also amongst the most valuable staples of the co. Cf. t. Nor- ristown. Pop. 1820, 35,79.3, 1830, 39,406. Mo.NTGOMERY, p-o. in Montgomery tsp. Mont- gomery CO. Penn. The tsp. lies on the n. boundary of the co., between the source of Per- kiomen, Neshaminy, and Wissahiccon crs. The village called Montgomery Square stands 20 ms. N. Phil. Pop. 18:>0, 751. Montgomery co. Md., bndd. s. e. by Prince George's co. and the Dist. Col., by Potomac r., which separates it from Fairfax co. Va. s., and Loudon w., by Frederick co. Md., n. w., and by Patuxent. r., separating it from Ann Arundel N. E. I'he greatest length of this co. is by a westerly line from the easterly angle on Pa- tuxent to the bend of Potomac r., between the mouths of Seneca and Monocacy, 32 ms ; mean width 18, and area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 55' to 39° 21', and in long, from 0° 09' E. to 0° 29' w. W. C. Montgomery comprises two unequal inclined plains ; one fall- ing s. s. w. towards the Potomac and the se- cond and least s. estrd. towards the Patuxent. The Potomac plain is drained by the estrn. branch of Potomac, Rock, Watts, and Seneca crs., and contains near two thirds of the co. The surface of Montgomery is moderately hilly. The estrn. part drained by the sources of the €strn. branch of Potomac and Rock crs. rests on primitive gneiss. From this part n. westerly extends the dividing ridge between the waters of Potomac and Patuxent ; this ridge is ele- vated from 40D to 800 ft. above tide water. If taken generally, the soil of Mont. co. is rather sterile, yet much very good land skirts the streams. Staples, grain and tobacco. Cf. t. Rockville, Pop. 1820, 16,400, 1830, 19,876. Montgomery co. Va., bndd. by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Franklin e., by Floyd s., and Patrick s. e., Grayson bounds it s. w., Wythe on the w., Walker's mtn. separates it from Giles n. w. ; on the n. e. it has Bote- tourt. Diagonally from the Blue Ridge to Walker's mtn., the length is 40 ms. ; mean width 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 55' to 37° 24', and in long, from 3° 04' to 3° 50' w. W. C. 'This co. occupies two mtn. vallies, being bounded on one side by the Blue Ridge and on the opposite by Walker's mtn., and traversed at near mid-distance by a minor ridge. The mountains, stretching from s. w. to N. E., present the curious phenomenon of the dividuig line of r. source being nearly at right angles to the mtn. chains. This line of r. source divides Montgomery into two unequal sections. The larger portion of about two rthirds, comprising the sthrn. and sthwstrn. parts, has a nrthwstrn. declivity, and is traversed by the Great Kenhawa, and drained by Little r. and numerous crs. falling into the main stream. The nrthrn. and smaller section, declines to th« N. E. giving source to the extreme head of Roanoke, and to Craigs cr. and other branches of James r. Thus, Montgomery occupies a part of the plateau between the Atlantic slope and Misp. basin. The mouth of Sinking cr., which enters the Great Kenhawa in Giles co., at the wstrn. foot of Walker's mtn., of course below any part of Montgomery, is found, from actual measurement, elevated 1,585 ft. above tide water in James r. The highest spring tribu- tary to Sinking cr. was found 2,509 ; we may, therefore, very safely assume as the general elevation of Montgomery from 1,800, to 2,500 ; or a mean exceeding 2,100 ft. or an equivalent to more than five degrees of lat. If then we as- sume 37° as the mean lat. of Mont, co., Va., the real winter climate will be similar to that on the Atlantic coast in n. lat. 42°. Beside the mtns. the whole face of this co. is broken and rocky, yet though so rough and elevated, the streams are bordered with excellent soil. Cf. t. Christiansburg. Pop. 1820, 8,733, 1830, 12,- 306, including that part now in the new co. of Floyd. Montgomery co., N. C, bndd. w. by Cabar- ras, N. w. by Davidson, n. E.by Randolph, e. by Moore, s. e. by Richmond, and s. w. by Rocky r. separating it from Anson. The greatest length along the sthrn. border 50 ; mean width 17, and area 850 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 10' to 35° 30', and in long, from 2° 40' to 3° 32' w. W. C. This co. is subdivided into two not very unequal portions by Yadkin r., which traverses it by a sthrdly. course. The general declivity of the co. is also sthrdly. The surface hilly, and in part mountainous. Cf. t. Lawrence- ville. Pop. 1820, 8,693, 1830, 10,919. Montgomery co. Geo., bndd. by the Ocmul- gee r. separating it from Appling s , Auchene- hatchee r. separating it from Telfair s. w., Laurens n. w.. Great Ohoopee r. separating it from Emanuel n. e. and Tatnall e. and s. e. Length, s. w. to n. e., 38 ; mean width 22, and area 896 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° to 32° 37', and in long, from 5° 18' to 6° 06' w. W. C. This CO. is traversed and subdivided into two unequal sections by Oconee r., which joins the Ocmulgee and forms the Altamaha, on its sthrn. border. The course of the Oconee is here s. s. e., and the other streams of Mont- gomery flow nearly parallel except the Ocmul. gee which flows, in that part of its course im- mediately above the mouth of Oconee, to the N. E. by e. Cf. t. Vernon. Pop. 1820, 1,869, 1830, 1,269. Montgomery p-v., Green co., Geo., 35 ms. nthrdly. from Milledgeville. Montgomery co., Ala. bndd. s. e. by Pike ; s. w. by Butler and Wilcox ; w. by Dallas ; n. w. and N. by Ala. r., separating it from Autauga, and N. E. by the country of the Creek Indians. Length from e. to w. 50 ms., mean width 30, and area 1,500 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 57' to 32° 32' and in long, from 9° 07' to 9° 55' w. W. C. The sthrn. boundary extends along the dividing ridge between the sources of Conecuh r., flowing southwardly, and nume- rous crs. flowing n. westwardly over this co. into Ala. r. The declivity is of course to the N. w. Staple cotton. Cf. t. Montgomery. Pop. 1820, 6,604, 1830, 12,695. Montgomery, p-v. and st. jus. Montgomery CO. Ala., situated on the left bank of Mobile r., 54 ms. by the road e. Gahaba, and by p-r. 104 MON 309 MON ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 31° 22', long. 9° 25' w. W. C. Montgomery co. Tenn., bndd. by Robertson E. and s. E., Dickson s., Stewart s. w. and w., Trigg CO. of Ky. n. w., Cliristian co. of Ky. n., and Todd co. of Ky. n. e. Tlie greatest length along Tenn. 44 ms. ; mean width 15, and area 660 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 17' to 36° 37'. Cumberland r. enters and traverses the sthrn. part of this co., receiving at Clarks- viile, near the centre. Red. r. from the n. estrd. The general declivity is wstrd. Cf. t. Clarks- ville. Pop. 1829, 12,219, 1830, 14,349. Montgomery, p-v. and st. jus. Morgan co. Tenn., situated on the Sulphur branch of Obies r., about 120 ms. a little n. of e. Nashvdle, and 68 ms. N. w. Knoxville. Lat 36° 22', long. 7° 42' w. W. C. Montgomery, p-v. Sumner co. Tenn., 17 ms. N. E. Gallatin, and 43 in a similar direction from Nashville. Montgomery co. Ky., bndd. by Estill s., Clark w., Bourbon and Nicholas N. w., BathN. and n. E., and Morgan e. and s. e. Length from s. e. to N. w. 33 ms. ; mean Vi^idth 8, and area 264 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 46' to 38° 11', and in long, from 6° 38' to 7° 04' w. W. C. This narrow co. extends along the dividing ground betY/een Ky. and Licking rs., and is drained in anearlj^ equal proportion by the crs. of those two rs. respectively. Mount Starling, the St. jus. is situated 55 ms. a little n. of e. Frankfort. Pop. 1820, 9,587, 1830, 10,240. Montgomery co. O., bndd. by Warren s. e., Butler s. w., Prebble w.. Dark n. w., Miami n., Clarke n. e., and Green e. Length 24 ras., mean breadth 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 45', long. W. C. 7° 18' w. The main stream of the Great Miami receives Mud. r. in theN. e. part of this co. at Dayton, the st. jus., from whence the Miami canal commences. The general course of the Great Miami, and the slope of the co. is to the s. s. w. The surface finely diversified by hill and dale, and soil fer- tile. The facilities for manufacturing in this CO. are very great. In l!i32 it contained 62 flour mills, which ground 613,01)0 bushels of grain in one year ; 56 saw mills ; 7 oil mills ; 12 fulling mills ; 12 carding factories ; 72 dis- tilleries ; 30 tanneries ; 5 cotton and 1 woollen factories ; 1 flax and 1 silk mill ; 1 manufactory of cotton and woollen machinery ; 1 paper mill, and 2 iron and one brass founderies. Cf. t. Dayton. Pop. 1820, 15,999, 1830, 24,- 362. Montgomery, p-v., Hamilton co. O., 11 ms. N. N. e. Cincinnati. Pop. 219. Montgomery co. lud., bndd. by Putnam s., Parke s. w., Tippecanoe n.. Boon e., and Hen- dricks s. E. Length 24 ms., breadth 21, and area 504 sq. ms. Lat. 40°, and long. W. C. 10° w. intersect in this co. ; slope s. w., and in that direction it is traversed by Sugar and Rac- coon crs., branches of Wabash r. Cf. t. Craw- fordsville. Pop. 7,317, Montgomery co. II., bndd. by Bond s., Mad- ison s. w., Macaupin w., Sangamo n., Shelby N. E., and Fayeite s. e. Length 36 ms., breadth 24, and area 864 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 15', long. W. C. 12° 30' w. Sthrn. part drained by Shoal 40 cr., branch of Kaskaskias r. flowing s., wstm- part by Macaupin cr., branch of Illinois r., flow- ing w. ; and the nthrn. part by the sthrn. con- fluents of Sangamon r. flowing n. Cf. t. Hills- boro'. Pop. 2,953. Montgomery tsp. Franlilin co. 0. (See Co- lumbus.) Montgomery co. Mo. bndd. by Calloway co. w., Ralls N. w.. Pike n. e., Lincoln and St. Charles e., and Mo. r., separating it from Frank- lin s. E., and Gasconade s. w. Length from e. to w. 38 ms. ; mean breadth 30 ms., and area 1,140 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 50', long. W. C. 14° 18' w. The N. estrn. section slopes estrd. and is drained in that direction by Cuivre (Copper) r., a small confluent of the Misp. The central, sthrn., and much the most extensive sections decline sthrd. towards the Mo. r. Cf. t. Lew- istown. Pop. 3,902. Montgomery's Ferry, and p-o. Perry co. Pa., 26 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Montgomeryville, p-v. Montgomery co. Pa., by p-r. 24 ms. nthrd. Phil. MoNTicELLO, the Seat of the late venerable Thoxnas Jefferson, 2 ms. estrd. Charlottesville, x\lbemarle co. Va. MoNTicELLo, p-v. Fairfield dist. S. C, 35 me. N. Columbia. Monticello, p. v. and st. jus. Jasper co. Geo., 38 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. Lat. 33° 18', and lonff. 6° 44' w. V/. C. Monticello, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. Fior., situated in the nthrn. part of the co., 31 ms. n. e. by e. Tallahassee. Lat. 30° 31', Icng. 7° 06' w. W. C. Monticello, . p-v. and st. jus. Lawrence co. Misp., situated on the right bank of Pearl r., 80 ms. nearly due e. Natchez, and by p-r. 66 ms. below and sthrd. Jackson. Lat. 31° 27', long. 13° 12' w. W. C. Pop. 600. BIonticello, p-v. and st.jus. Wayne co. Ky., situated in the nrthwstrn. part of the co., by p-r. 1 :6 ms. nearly due s. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 53', long. 7° 44' w. W. C. Monticello, p-v. Fairfield co. O., by p-r. 35 ms. s. e. Columbus. Montmorency, p-v. Jefferson co. Pa., by p-r. 242 ms. N. w. W. C, and 171 ms. n. w, by w. Harrisburg. Montpelier, p-t. and st. jus. Washington co. Vt., and capital of the state, is situated 36 ms. s. E. Burlington, 103 n. e. Bennington, 140 n. w. Boston, 524 n. by e. W. C, and 120 s. e. Mon- treal, at the confluence of the two head branch- es of Onion r. ; lat. 44° 17', long. 4° 25' e. W. C. It is surrounded by rough hills, is on broken ground, and has a wild situation ; was first set- tled 1786, and was made the seat of govern- ment of that state 1805. The village of Mont, pelier is in the s. w. part of the town, within 10 ms.of the geographical centre of the state, and _ is a great thoroughfare for travellers. Since 1805 its growth has been somewhat rapid, and it is a place of considerable business. It con- tains a state house, court house, one or two churches, a jail, masonic hall, and a flourishing academy; there are also some manufactures in the town, and 2 weekly papers are published here. The town is well watered, and Onion and North-branch rs. afford fine mill sites, many MOO ^10 MOR of which are improved. Pop of the v. 1,193, of the t. including the v. 2,985. MoNTPELiER, p-v. Hanover co. Va., 24 ms. nrthrdly. Richmond. MoNTPELiER, p-v. Richmond co. Va., by p-r. 105 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Montreal r., a sthrn. confluent of lake Su- perior, rises interlocking sources with those of Menomonies and Wolf rs., branches of Fox r. of Green Bay, and with those of Chippeway and St. Croix, branches of Misp. r. The country from which these various streams derive their sources, is flat and interspersed with lakes and ponds. Short portages intervene between the navigable channels. The general course of Montreal r. is to n. w. ; comparative length about 100 ms. Mouth into lake Superior, 20 ms. E. of Chegoimegon bay. xMoNTROSE, p-v. and st. jus. Susquehannah co. Pa. This is a very neat village, occupying a remarkable site. It stands on the elevated ta- ble land, encircled on three sides by the Sus- quehannah r. In the vicinity rise the higher sources of Tunkhannock, Meshoppen, and Wy- alusing, flowing sthwstrdly. into Susquehannah, whilst, also from the same vicinity, crs. are dis- charged northeastwardly into the same stream. Montrose is 31 ms. s. e. Oswego, in the state of New York, 71 n. w. Milford, on Del. r., and by p-r. 163 ms. n. e. by e. Harrisburg. Lat. 41° 51', long. 1° E. W. C. MoNT Vernon, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 28 ms. s. Concord. It occupies a very elevated position. Pop. 762. MoNTviLLE, p-t. Waldo CO. Me., 30 ms. n. e. Wiscasset, without considerable streams ; has an eminence in the centre. Pop. 1,743. Montville, P-t. New London co. Conn. 35 ms. s. E. Hartford, next s. Norwich, and n. New London, w. Thames r. and 7 ms. n. its mouth ; surface uneven, with good land ; contains the Indian reservation of Mohegan, in which are 3,0f*0 acres of very good soil. Pop. 1,964. Montville, p-v. Geauga co. O., by p-r. 178 ms. N. E. Columbus. MooERS, p-t. Clinton co. N. Y., 23 ms. n. w. Plattsburgh. Pop. with EUenburgh, 1,222. Moore, co. N. C, bndd. s. w. by Richmond, w. by Montgomery, n. w. by Randolph, n. by Chatham, and e. and s. e. by Cumberland. It lies in form of an isosceles triangle, two sides 44 ms., and base 34, area 748 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 35° 04' to 35° 30', and in long, from 1° 58' to 2° 44' w. W. C. Deep r. curves into, and again leaves the nthrn. boundary of Moore, flowing estrdly. into Haw r., which gives a northern declivity to this part of the co. The eastern part is also drained into Haw r., whilst the southern gives source to Lumber r. The St. just., Carthage, is 55 ms. sthwstrdly. from Raleigh. Pop. 1820,7,128; 1830, 7,745. Moorefield, p-v. and st. jus. Hardy co. Va., situated on the right bank of the south branch of Potomac, 50 ms. a little s. of w. Winchester, and by p-r. 123 ms. w. W. C. Lat. 39° 02', long. 2° 02' w. W. C. Moorefield, p-v. Nicholas co. Ky., by p-r. 68 ms. N. e. by e. Frankfort. Moorefield, p-v. Harrison co. 0., by p-r. Ill ms. a little n. of e. Columbus. Mooresburg, p-v. wstrn. part of Columbia co- Pa., 10 ms. n. e. Northumberland, and by p-r- 71 ms. N. Harrisburg. Mooresfield, or Moorestown, p-v. Chester, Burlington co. N. J., 13 ms. e. Philadelphia. Moore's Hill, and p-o. Dearborn co. Ind., about 100 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Moore's Ordinary, and p-o. Prince Edward CO. Va., by p-r. 137 ms. s. w. by w. Rich- mond. Moore's Prairie, and p-o. Jefferson co. II., by p.r. 79 ms. a little e. of s. Vandalia. Moore's Salt Works, and p-o. Jefferson co. 0., by P-r. 147 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus. Mooresville, p-v. northern part of Lime- stone CO. Ala., by p-r. 124 ms. northward Tus- caloosa. Mooresvjlle, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Maury CO. Ten. 16 ms. from Columbia, the co. st., and by p-r. 61 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Mooresville, p-v. Morgan co. Ind., by p-r. 16 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Moorland, p.v. Wayne co. 0., by p-r. 92 ms. n. e. Columbus. Mooring's Cross Roads, and p-o. western part of Pitt county N. C, 10 ms. n. w. Green- ville, the county seat, and by p-r. 95 ms. e. Ra- leigh. Moose Isl., Me. (See Eastport.) Moose r., N. H., rises on the n. side of the White mtns. near Durand, through which it passes, and unites with the Ameriscoggin in Shelburne. Its source is near that of Israel's r., which passes w. into Connecticut. Moose r., N. Y., runs into the e. side of Black r., at the High Falls in Turin. Moosehead Lake, Kennebec co. Me., 60 ms. long; the source of the e. branch of Kennebec r. has an irregular form, and lies in a tract little inhabited. MoosEHiLLocK, Or Mooshclock, N, H. a noble eminence in the s. e. part of Coventry. The height of the n. peak, as estimated by Capt. Partridge, is 4,636 ft. ; that of the s. peak, 4,536. Baker's river has its source on its e. side. Moosup r., joins the Quinnebaug in Plain^ field, Ct. MoREAU, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., 21 ms. n. e. Ballston Spa, and 50 n. Albany. Situated in- the Great Bend ot the Hudson, embracing part of Baker's falls. Glen's falls, and the Great dam at Fort Edward, and possessing extensive wa- fer power; soil in general good for farming; timbered with pine, &c. in some parts, and contains likewise a large tract of beech and ma- ple. Here is an extensive manufactory of gun- powder, and a paper mill, beside other manu- factories of various kinds. The navigation of the Champlain canal is in the Hudson, along the line of this town; 6 schools, attended 7 mo. in 12. Pop. 1,690. Moreman's r., Albermarle co. Va. Though called a r , it is only a creek about 10 ms. long, but it is one of the extreme heads of Ravenna r., having its source in the Blue Ridge. Moreman's r. p-o., on Moreman's r. 10 ms. N. w. Charlotteville, and in the northwestern an- gle of Albermarle CO. Va. Moretown, p-t. Washington co. Vt., 8 ms. w. MOR 311 MOR Montpelier. Much of this town is mountain- ous, and incapable of being settled. It is wa- tered by Mad river which furnishes several mill privileges ; 6 school districts. Population 815. Morgan, t. Orleans co. Vt., 52 ms. n. e. Montpelier ; contains Knowlton's lake, 4 ms, long, and part of Clyde r. Pop. 331. Morgan, co. Va., bndd. by Berkeley e. and s. E., Frederick s., Hampshire s. w., Potomac r. separating it from Alleghany co. of Md. n. w., and by Washington co. Md. n. Greatest length along Berkeley 22 ms., mean width 16, and area 352 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 22' to 39° 40', and in long, from 0° 58' to 1° 25' w. W. C. The declivity of this mountainous CO. is from s. w. to n. e., and drained by Sleepy and Great Cacapon crs. Though very broken and rocky, this co. contains much excellent r. and valley soil. Cf. t. Berkeley Springs. Pop. 1820, 2,500; 1830,2,094. Morgan, co. Ten. bndd. n. w. by Fentress, Campbell N. e., Anderson e., Roane s. e., Bled, soe s., and White w. Length 45 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 990 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 56' to 36° 25', and in long. W. C. from 7° 14' to 8° w. It occupies a part of the table land between the vallies of Cumberland, and Tennessee rs. The northern section slopes to the northward and in that direction discharg- es the higher sources of the South Fork of Cumberland r. The opposite slope falls to the s. E. and is drained by various branches of Em- ery's r. a tributary of Tennessee r. The sur- face of Morgan co. Ten. is elevated and bro- ken. Cf t. Montgomery. Pop. 2,582. Morgan, co. Ala., bndd. e. by the Cherokee territory of that state, s. by Blount co., w, by Lawrence, n. w. by Ten. r. separating it from Limestone, and n. e. by Ten. r. separating it from Madison. Length from e. to w. 30 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 34° 18' to 34° 4] ', and in long, from 9° 40' to 10° 13' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the northward, and drain- ed in that direction into Ten. r., by Flint r. and Cotaco cr. Its southern boundary extends along the dividing ridge, between the valley of Ten., and the sources of Mulberry, and branch of Black Warrior. Cf t. Somerville, or Summer- ville. Pop. 9,062. Morgan, c. h., Morgan co. Ten. (See Mont, gomery, Morgan co. Ten.) Morgan, co. 0., bndd. s. e. by Washington, Athens s. w.. Perry w., Muskingum n. w., Guernsey n. e., and Monroe e. Length 32 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 4U', long. W. C. 4° 50' w. Slope s. s. e. and traversed in that direction by the Muskin- gum r. Surface broken and hilly. Cf t. Mac- Connellsville. Pop. 1820, 5,297 ; 1830, 11,799. Morgan, p-v. Ashtabula co. 0., by p-r. 187 ms. N. e. Columbus. Morgan co. Ind., bndd. by Monroe s., Owen s. w., Putnam n. w., Hendricks n., Marion n. E., and Johnson E, Length 26 ms., breadth 21, and area 546 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 30', long. W. C. 9° 30' w. This co. approaching very nearly to a square, is entered near the nrthestrn. angle by the main stream of White r., which crossing di- agonally, leaves it at the s. w. angle, after hav- ing divided it into two not greatly unequal sec- tions. Cf t. Martinsville. Pop. 5,593. Morgan, co. II. bndd. s. e. by Macaupin, s. w. by II. r. separating it from Pike, n. w. by II. r. separating it from Schuyler, n. Sangamon r. sep- arating it from Sangamon co., and again on the e. by Sangamon co. Length from s. to n. 42 ms., mean breadth 30, and area 1,260 sq. ms. Lat. of its centre 39° 50', long. W. C. 13° 18' w. Slope almost due w. towards II. r., which is also the general course of the Sangamon on its nrthrn. border. The eastern boundary fol- lows the dividing ridge between the confluents of II. and Sangamon. Cf t. Jacksonville. Pop. 12,714. Morganfield, p-v. and st. jus. Union co. Ky., situated 12 ms. e. Shawneetown, on O. r., about an equal distance s. e. from the mouth of Wa- bash r., and by p-r. 197 ms. a little s, of w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 41', long. 11° w. W. C. Pop. 292. Morgan's Store, and p-o. Montgomery co. N. C, by p-r. 121 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Morgantown, p-v. Berks co. Pa., 10 ms. estrd. Reading, and 58 in a like direction from Har- risburg. Morgantown, p-v. and st. jus. Monongalia CO. Va., situated on a high bottom of the right bank of Monongahela r., 35 ms. below and n. n. E. Clarksburg, about 60 ms. s. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 201 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 39° 40', long. 2° 50' w. W. C. Morgantown, p-v. and st. jus. Burke co. N. C., situated near the right bank of Catawba r., 35 ms. N. N. E. Rutherfordton, and 205 ms. al. most exactly due w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 45', Icn?. 4° 39' w. W. C. Morgantown, p-v. wstrn. part of Blount co. Ten., by p-r. 152 ms. e. Nashville. Morgantown, p-v. and st. jus. Butler co. Ky. situated on the left bank of Green r. 32 ms. n. N. E. Russelville, and by p-r. 144 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 12', long. 9° 40' w. W. C. Morganville, p-o. Nottaway co. Va., by p-r. 56 ms. s. w. Richmond. MoRiAH, p-t. Essex CO. N. Y. on the w. shore of lake Chainplain. Soil good for grass and well watered. Timbered with maple, beech, ash, basswood, &c. Contains iron ore ; has two mill streams ; a quarry of white limestone or marble, and some asbestos ; 10 ms. s. Eliza- bethtowm, and 112 n. Albany, 4 schools, at- tended 8 months in 12. Pop. 1,742. Morning Sun, p-o. Shelby co. Ten., by p-r. 205 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Morris, co. N. J. is bndd. n. e. by Bergen, s. E. by Essex, s. by Somerset, s. w. by Hunter- don, and N. w. by Sussex cos., and contains an area of about 500 sq. ms. It is watered by several streams. Rockaway and other conflu- ents of the Passaic, and some streams flowing s. into the Raritan. The surface of this county is undulating, except in the n. w. part, which is mountainous. The Passaic is formed on its estrn. border by the union of the Pompton and Rockaway rs., about 5 ms. above the falls of the former. The soil is generally very produc- tive in grain, pasturage, and fruits. Cf t. Mor ristown. Pop. 1820, 21,368 ; 1830, 23,580. MOS 312 MOU MoRRisANA, uiecii CO. i'a. (>i'ee Iti/erson's Station, Gieenco. Pa.) Morris Canal, N. J. (See " Rail-roads and Canals") Morris Covk, p-o. Bedford co. Pa., 5 or 6 ms. N. w. from the borough of Bedford, and bj' p-r. 132 N. w. W. C. Morris Hill, p-o. Alleghany co. Va. by p-r. 184 ms. w. Richmond. Morriston's Bluff, and p-o. Pope co. Ark. It is on the Ark. river 23 ms. above and wstrd. Dwight, and by p-r. 101 ms. above and nthwstrd. Little Rook. Morrison's Tan Yard, and p-o. Mecklenburg CO. N. C. by p-r. 148 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. MoRRiSTOWN, p-t. Orleans co. Vt. 20 ms. n. w. Montpelier, 29 n. e. Biirhngton. It is very level for an interior t. ; diversified, however, with gentle hills and vales. Soil, in general, very good. Timbered with maple, beech, birch, hemlock, &c. Watered on the n. e. part by Lamoille r. 13 school dists. Pop. 1,315. MoRRisTOWN, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. on St. Lawrence river 12 ms. above Ogdensburgh. The shores of the r. hereabout present the most beautiful scenery. 6 schools, attended 4 months in 12. Pop. 1,600. MoRRisTowN, p-t. and st. jus. IMorris co. N. J. 18 ms. N. w. Newark, 19 w. n. w. Elizabeth t., 28 w. N. w. Ne w York. The village stands on a fine elevated plain, with steep slopes on two sides of the public square, and picturesque views. The court house is a fine building, and contains the jail. Near it is the bank. It is on the Oswego mail route, and daily stage coaches run on two routes for New York. The Ame- rican army wintered here in tlie revolutionary war, while the British held New Brunswick. The house is standing in which Washington had his quarters. There is a church for Presbyte- rians, one for Episcopalians, one for Baptists, and one for Methodists. Pop. 3,630. MoRRiSTOWN, p-v. Belmont co. Ohio, by p-r. 115 ms. estrd. Columbus. Pop. 267. Morrisville, p-v. in the estrn. part of Bucks CO. Pa. 25 ms. n. e. Phil. Morrisville, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Fau- quier CO. Va. by p-r. 62 ms. s. w. W. C. Morrisville, p-v. Hickman co. Ky. by p-r. 313 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. MoRTONSviLLE, p-v. Woodford CO. Ky. about 30 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. Pop. 145. MoRVEN, p-v. Anson co. N. C. by p-r. 132 ms. s. w. Raleigh. MoRVEN, p-v. Shelby co. Ind. by p-r. 42 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Moscow, t. Somerset co. Me. 28 ms. n. of Norridgewock, e. Kennebec r. and crossed by one of its streams. Pop. 405. Moscow, p-v. Lafayette co. Tenn. by p-r. 246 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Moscow, p-v. Hickman co. Ky. by p-r. 320 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Moscow, p-v. on O. r. in the sthrn. part of Clermont co. 0. by p-r. 127 ms. s. w. Columbus. Pop. 196. Moscow, p-v. Rush co. Ind. by p-r. 52 ms. s. E. by E. Indianopolis. Moss Creek, p-v. Jefferson co. Ten. by p-r. §39 ms. ©strd. Nashville. MoTTE Isle, Vt. in lake Champlain, 8 miles long and 2 broad. MoTTS, p-o. Wilcox CO. Ala. by p-r. 102 ms. sthrd. Tuscaloosa. MoTTviLLE, p-v. St. .Toseph's CO. i\1ich. by p-r. 151 ms. s. w. by w. ^ w. Detroit. MouLTON, P-v. and st. jus. Lawrence co. Ala., situated near the head of a cr., flov/ing nrthrd. into Ten. r., 50 ms. s. w. by w. Huntsville, and by p-r. Il6 ms. n. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 34° 33', and long. 10° 28' w. W. C. MouLTONBOROirGii, p-t. Str..fford co. N. H. on lake Winnipiseogee, 50 ms. n. of Concord, Broken by mtns. and ponds. Bog ore is found ,in this town, and there is a mineral chalybeate spring. There is a large spring in the town which furnishes water sufficient for mills. On the stream thus produced, nearly a mile below its source, is a beautiful water fall of 70 feat perpendicular. Descending on the left of this fall, a cave is found, containing charcoal, and other evidences of its having been a hiding place for Indians. Soil fruitful, though in some parts rocky. The Ossipee tribe of Indians once resided in this vicinity. Pop. 1,422. MouNDviLLE, p-v. Iowa CO. Mich. (Huron) as laid down on Tanner's improved U. S. map, situated on the road from Fort Winnebago to both Prairie du Chien, and Galena, 10 ms. e. of the Fork, 52 ms. s. w, by w. from Fort Winne- bago, 74 ms. northestwrd. Galena, and 97 e. of Prairie du Chien, on the ridge between the sources of Peektano, branch of Rock r. and the valley of Ouisconsin r. Mountain Cove, p-o. Nicholas co. Va. by p.r.273 miles wstrd. W. C. Mountain Creek, and p-o. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 175 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Mountain Creek, p-o. Harris co. Geo. by p-r. 145 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. Mountain Island, p-o. Owen co. Ky.44 ms. nrthrd. Frankfort. Mountain Shoals, and p-o. nrthrn. part of Laurens dist. S. C. by p-r. 81 ms. n. w. Colum- bia. The falls or shoals of Ennoree r. from which the place is named, is just below the mouth of Beaver Dam cr., 16 ms. n. of Lau- rensville. Mount Airy, p-o. Randolph co. Mo. by p-r. 85 ms. N. n. w. Jefferson city. Mount Airy, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 177 ms. s. w. Richmond. Mount Airv, p-v. in Surry co. N. C. by p-r. 172 ms. N. Av. by w. Raleigh. Mount Airy, p-v. Tuscaloosa, Ala. 10 ms. from the village of Tuscaloosa. Mount Airy, p-v. Bledsoe co. Ten, by p-r. 152 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Mount Alto, p-o. in the Blue Ridge, wstrn. part of Albemarle co. Va. by p-r. 104 miles s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Ariel, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 128 ms. w. Columbia. Mount Bethel, p-v. Northampton co. Pa, by p-r. 208 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Mount Carbon. (See Port Carbon.) Mount ( armel, p-v. Covington co. Misp. about 110 ms. e. Natchez. Mount C armel, p-v. Fleming co. Ky. by p-r. about 85 ms. e. Frankfort. MOU 313 MOU Mount Clemens, p-v. and st. jus. Macomb CO. Mich, on Clinton river or Huron of lake St. Clair, about 3 ms. above its mouth, on the road from Detroit to Fort Gratiot, 26 ms. n. n. E.the former, and 45 s. s. w. the latter place. Lat. 42° 35', long. W. C. 5° 47' w. Mount Clio, p-v. on Lynch's cr., estrn. side of Sunipter dist. S. C. by p.r. 52 ms. a little n. of E. Columbia. Mount Comfort, p-v. Hardiman co. Ten. by p-r. 15-' ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. •Mount Crawford, p-v. in the western part of Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 152 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Croghan, p-v. Chesterfield dist. S. C. by p.r. 110 ms. n. e. Coliunbia. Mount Desert, isl. and p-t. Hancock co. Me. 15 ms. long and 12 wide. Lat. 44° 12', and is a peninsula between Union r. and Mt. Desert sound. Pop. 1,603. Mount Eaton, p-v. Wayne co. 0. by p-r. 100 ms. N. E. Columbus. Mount Eden, p-o. in the western part of Spencer co. Ky. !•< ms. w. Taylorsville, and 37 s. vv. by w. Frankfort. Mount Elon, p-v. Darlington dist. S. C. by p-r. 75 ms. e. Columbia. Mount Gallagher, p-v. Laurens dist. S. C, by p-r. 90 ms. n. w. Columbia. Mount Gilead, p-o. in the western part of Loudon CO. Va, by p-r. 43 ms. nthwstrd. from W. C, and 8 in a similar direction from Lees- burg. Mount Gould, p-v. Bertie co. N. C. by p-r. 144 ms. a little n. of e. Raleigh. Mount Henry, p-o. Montgomery co. Ten. by p-r. 58 ms. n. v^. by w. Nashville. Mou-NT Hill, p-o. x'^bbeville dist. S. C. by p.r. 99 ms. w. Raleigh. Mount Holly, p.t. Rutland co. Vt. 60 ms. s. Montpelier, and 20 w. Windsor. Mill r. is,the only stream of consequence. Better adapted to grass than grain. Here are found amianthus, common and ligniform asbestos, and fossil leather. There are 10 school dists. Pop. 1,318. Mount Holly, p.v. and st. jus. Gloucester co. N. J. on Rancocus cr., 7 ms. s. e. Burlington, and 17 e. Philadelphia. It has a handsome court house and jail, a bank, and several church- es. The cr. is navigable to the village. Mount Holyoke, Hadley, Mass., e. Conn. r. 3 ms. s. E. Northampton. It is 830 ft. above the level of Conn, r., and affords an extensive and beautiful view of the surrounding country. Mount Hope, bay, the n. e, arm of Narragan- set bay, receives Taunton r. Mount Hope, on the w. shore of the above bay, in Bristol, R. I. is a beautiful eminence, and is celebrated as the residence of the fa- mous Wampanoag, Indian king Philip. Mount Hope, p.v. Lancaster co. Pa. by p-r. 34 ms. estrd. Harrisburg. Mount Hope, p.v. Williamsburg dist. S. C, by p.r. 81 ms. s. e. by e. Columbia. W CUNT Hope, p-o. in the southern part of She- nandoah CO. Va. by p-r. 98 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Hope, p-o. Tuscaloosa co. Ala. {See Mount Airy, same county and state.) Mount Hope, p.o. Lawrence co. Ala. by p-r. 104 ms. N. Tuscaloosa. Mount Hope, p.v. Lawrence co. Ala. by p-r. 114 ms. nthrd. Tuscaloosa. Mount Horeb, p.o. Nelson co. Va. by p.r. Ill ms. wstrd. Richmond. Mount Horeb, p-v. Jasper co. Geo. 24 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. Mou-\t Independence, Orwell, Vt. about two ms. s. E. Ticonderoga fort. It figured as a military position in the early history of our country. Mount Israel, p.v. Albemarle co. Va. by p.r. 145 ms. s. w. W. C. Mount Jackson, p-o. wstrn. part of Beaver CO. Pa. 20 ms. wstrd. Beavertown. Mount Jackson, p.o. Shenandoah co. Va. 97 ms. wstrd. W. C. Mou^T Joy, p.o. tsp. Lancaster co. Pa. be. tween little Chiques and Conewago crs. The p.o. is 2l ms. s. E. Harrisburg, and about 10 w. Lancaster. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,835. Mount Laurel, p-o. in the sthwstrn. part of Halifax co. Va., by p.r. 125 ms. s. w. Richmond. Mount Lebanon, p-v. Augusta co. Va,, by p.r. 184 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Level, p.v. Dinwiddle co. Va., by p.r. 47 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Mount Lewis, p.v. Lycoming co. Pa. 25 ms. westerly from Williamsport, and 118 ms. north- wardly from Harrisburg. Mount Lineus, p-v. Monongalia co. Va., by p-r. 240 ms. n. vv. by w. W. C. Mount Meigs, p.o. in the estrn. part of Mont, gomery co. Ala., by p.r. 110 ms. s. e. Tusca. loosa. Mount Meridian, pv. in the western part of Augusta CO. Va., by p-r. 176 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Maria, or Mariah, p.v. on the right bank of Lackawaxen r. and in the extreme north, ern part of Pike co. Pa., 24 ms. n. w. by w. Mil- ford, and 144 ms- n. Phil. Mount Morris, p.t. Livingston co. N. Y., on the Genessee r. 8 ms. s. s. w. Geneseo. Land of a good quality, presenting a pleasing variety of surface, heavily timbered with maple, beech, oak, elm, &c., 6 schools continued 8 months in 12. Pop. 2,534. Mount Morris, p-o. Green co. Pa. Mount Mourne, p.v. Iredell co. N. C, by p-r. 153 ms. w. Raleigh. Mount Olympus, p-v. Madison co. Misp., by p.r. 140 ms. n. e. Natchez. Mount Pinson, p.v. Madison co. Ten., by p-r. 166 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Mount Pisgah, p.o. Iredell co. N. C, by p.r. 152 ms. w. Raleigh. Mount Pisgah, p.v. in the sthrn. part of Wil. cox CO. Ala., by p.r. 128 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Mount Pisgah, p.o. Bloimt co. Ten., 8 ms. sthrd. Maryville, the co. t., and by p.r. 168 ms. a little s. of e. Nashville. Mount Pleasant, p.t. Westchester co. N. Y., on the E. side of Hudson r., 33 ms. n. N. Y., 130 s. Albany. The land is of good quality, and the town is abundantly supplied with mill seats. It contains a copper mine, and a marble quarry. The Sing Sing state prison, containing cells for 1,000 prisoners, is here. On the 30th Sept. 1831, there were 980 convicts in this prison, and during the succeeding year, 289 were received MOU 314 MOU at it, making a total of 1,269. Of these were discharged, died, pardoned, transferred to Au. burn prison, or escaped during the cholera, (there were 3 of these,) 437, leaving Sept. 30th, 1832, 832 convicts. The prisoners are era- ployed in the quarries. The amount received during the year for the support of the prison, including a balance left the year preceding Sept. 30th, 1831, ($3,336 16,) was i?72,301 16 ; of which was expended <*^68,051 83, leaving a balance of |$4,249 33. The receipts from the earnings of the convicts amounted to $38,767 70 ; their labor was suspended 2 months during the prevalence of the cholera. There are 16 school dists. in Sing Sing. Pop. 4,932. Mount Pleasant, p-v. and tsp. in the s. w. angle of Wayne co. Pa., on the head of Lacka- waxen cr. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 874. (See Pleasant Mount, Wayne co. Pa.) Mount Pleasant, p-v. and tsp. on the waters of Jacob's and Sewickly crs., in the sthrn. part of Westmoreland co. Pa. The village and p-o. is situated about 11 ms. s. Greensburg, the co. t. Fop of tsp. in 1820,874. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Frederick co. Md., by p-r. 49 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Spottsylvania co. Va. Mount Pleasant, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Rockingham co. N. C., 10 ms. w. Wentworth, and 136 n. w. by w. Raleigh. Mount Pleasant, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Fairfield dist. S. C, 13 ms. northwardly from Winnsborough, and 44 ms. in a similar direction from Columbia. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Monroe co. Ala. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Wilkinson co. Misp. 10 ms. northwardly from Woodville, the co. t. and 23 southwardly Natchez. Mount Pleasant, p-v. in the eastern part of East Baton Rouge, La. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Williamson co. Ten. about 23 ms. sthrd. Nashville. Mount Pleasant, p-t. and st. jus. Harlan CO. Ky. on the left bank of Cumberland river, about 70 ms. n. n. e. Knoxville in Tenn. and by p-r. 152 ms. s. e. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 47', long. 6° 21' w. W. C. This is the most south- eastward CO. seat in Ky. The situation is ele- vated, mountainous and romantic. Mount Pleasant, p-v. .lefferson co. 0. by p-r, 135 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus, 21 s. w. Steubenville, and 273 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. This fine village is situated on a hill, and is chiefly composed of one main street, and con- tains a printing office, bank, several stores, and schools. The Friend's meeting house is a ca. pacious building, 92 by 62 ft., the Seceders and Methodists have also meeting houses. Pop. 554. Mount Pleasant, tsp. around and compri- sing the foregoing village, is in the southwest- ern part of .lefferson co. 0., and in 1820, con- tained 1,468 inhabitants, which had augmented to 2,362 in 1830 ; in both times including the village. The tsp. is drained by Indian Short or., and gives by the rapid descent of its branches numerous and excellent sites for mills and manufactories, which are numerous and valuable, consisting of grist and saw mills, paper mills, and cloth factories. Mount Pleasant, p-v. and st. jus. Blartinco- Ind, by p-r. 121 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis, and 659 ms. wstrd. W. C. Mount Pleasant, p-v. Union co. 11. by p-r. 167 ms. s. Vandalia. Mount Pleasant Mills and p-o. on a branch of the Mantango cr., and in the sthestrn. part of Union co. Pa. by p-r. 46 ms. a little w. of n. Harrisburg. Mount Pocono, p-o. northern part of North- ampton CO. Pa. by p-r. 221 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Mount Prairie, p-o. Ralls co. Mo. by p-r. 145 ms., but by direct distance only about 100 N. N. e. Jefferson city, and about a like distance n. w. St. Louis. Mount Prospect, p-v. Edgecome co. N. C. 15 ms. sthrd. Tarboro', and by p-r. 82 miles e. Raleigh. Mount Republic, p-v. in the central part of Wayne co. Pa. by p-r. 164 ms. n. e. Harrisburg, and 127 n. Phil, Mount Reserve, p-o. Bedford co. Tenn, about 35 ms. s. Nashville. Mount Richardson, p-v. Jackson co. Tenn. by P-r. 67 ms. n. e. by e. Nashville. Mount Salus, p-v. Hinds co. Misp. situated on the main road from Natchez to Florence in Ala. 12 ms. w. Jackson, the seat of government for the state, and 91 ms. n. e, from Natchez. Mount Seir, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C. by p-r. 158 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Mount Sharon, p-v. Blount co. Ala. 93 ms. n. n. e. Tuscaloosa, and about 40 southwardly from Hunts ville. Mount Sidney, p-v. Augusta co. Va. by p-r. 131 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Mount Sterling, p-v. and st. jus. Montgom- ery CO. Ky. on the table land between the sources of crs. flowing northwardly into Lick- ing from those pursuing an opposite direction into Ky. r. 33 ms. e. Lexington, and 57 ms. a little s. of E. Frankfort. Lat. 3ti° 04', long. 6° 55' w. W, C. Pop. 561. Mount Sterling, p-v. Madison co. 0. by p-r. wstrd. Columbus. Mount Sterling, p-v. Switzerland co. Ind. by p-r. 102 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Mount Tabor, t. Rutland co. Vt. 26 ms. s. w. Windsor, 36 n. e. Bennington. It is moun- tainous, and much of it incapable of being set- tled. Pop. 210. Mount Tirza, p-v. Person co. N. C. by p-r. 89 ms. N. N. w. Raleigh. Mount Tom, Mass. w. Connecticut r., near Northampton, opposite Mt. Holyoke. It gives name to a range of mtus. commencing in New Haven, Conn., and extending n. to East Hamp- ton, Mass., where it crosses Conn. r. and unites with the Lyme range at Belchertown. Mount Vernon, p-t. Kennebec co. Me. 18 ms. N. w. Augusta. Pop. 1,439. Mount Vernon, p-v. Chester co. Pa, about 45 ms. s. w. by w. Phil., and by p-r. 104 ms. n, E. W. C. Mount Vernon, p-v. Rowan co. N. C. 11 ms. northward Salisbury, and by p-r. 131 miles w. Raleigh, iVIouNT Vernon, p-v. in the western part of Spartanburg dist. S. C. 105 ms. n. w. Columbia, and 9 w. Spartanburg, MOU 315 MUL Mount Veknon, p-v. and st. jus. Montgome. ry CO. Geo. situated e. from the Oconee r. by p-r. 85 ms. s. s. e. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 13', long. 5° 39'w. W. C. Mount Vernon, p-v. on the left bank of Ap- palachicola r. immediately below the junction of Flint and Chattahooche rs. , and is the north- western angle of Gadsden co. Flor. about 160 ms. a little n. of e. Fensacola, and by p-r. 52 ms. N. w, by w. Tallahasse. Mount Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Eock Castle CO. Ky. by p r. 8l ms. s. e. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 22', long. 7° 12' w. W. C. Pop. 142. Mount Vernon, Bullitt co. Ky. {See Mount Washington, Bullitt co. Ky.) Mount Vernon, p-v. Mobile co. Ala. by p-r. 189 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Mount Vernon, p-v. Warren co. Misp. about 60ms. N.N. E. Natchez, Mount Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Knox co. O. on the left bank of Owl cr., by p-r. 45 ms. n. E. Columbus. This village contains the usual appendages belonging to a st. jus. of a co., with numerous mills and factories in the vicini- ty. Lat. 40° 24', long. 5° 30' w. W. C. Pop. 1,021. Mount Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Posey co. Ind., by p-r. 187 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on Ohio r. in the bend above the mouth of Wabash. Lat. 38° 50', long. 11° w. W. C. Mount Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Jefferson co. II., by p-r. 65 ms. s. s. e. Vandalia. Lat. 38° 21', long. 11° 58'w.W. C. Mount Vjew, p-v. Davidson co. Ten., 16 ms. from Nashville. Mountville, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa., 6 miles sthrd, Lancaster, and byp-r. 32 ms. s. e. Harris- burg. Mountville, p-v. Loudon co. Va., 42 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, Mount Vintage, p-v. Edgefield dist. S. C, by p-r. 63 ms. s. w. by w. Columbia. Mount Washington, N. H. (See White mtns.) Mount Washington, t. Berkshire co. Mass., 130 ms. s. w. Boston. This town is situated on the height of land between the Housatonic and Hudson rs., upon the Taghgannuck range, the principal summit of which is in this town, and is about 3,000 ft. above the level of the sea. A broken tsp. of scattered habitations. Pop. 345. Mount Washington, p-v. estrn. part of Bullitt CO. Ky., 7 ms. n. e. by e. Shepherdsville, and 62 s. w. by w. Frankfort. Mount Washington, p-v. Copiah co. Misp., by p-r. about 55 ms. e. Natchez. Mount Washington, p-v. Catahoola parish. La., by p-r. 263 ms. n. w. New Orleans. Mount Welcome, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r. 159 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Mount Willing, p-v. Edgefield dist. S. C, situated on a branch of Little Saluda, 12 ms. n. E. Edgefield, and 40 ms. w. Columbia. Mount Willing, p-v. East Feliciana, 12 ms. E. St. Francisville. Mount Wilson, p-v. Fentress co. Ten., about 130 ms. E. Nashville. Mount Yonah, p-o. Habersham co. Geo., by p-r. 159 ms. n. Milledgeville. Mount Zion, p-o. nrthrn. part of Hancock co. Geo,, 31 ms.N. e. Milledgeville. Mount Zion, p-v. Monroe co. Misp., by p-r. 163 ms. N. E. Jackson. Mount Zion, p-v. sthrn. part of Union co. Ky., by p-r. 236 ms. s. w.by w. Frankfort. Mount Zion, p-v. Lowndes co. Misp., by p-r. 256 ms. n. e. Natchez, and 10 ms. from Colum- bus, the county seat of Lowndes. Mouth of Black river, p-o. extreme north- ern part Lorain co. O., by p-r. 139 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Mouth of Paint Rock creek, sthrn. part of Roan CO. Ten., by p-r. 10 ms. s. Kmgston, the county seat, and 166 ms. e. Nashville. Mouth of Aionocacy, p-o. extreme western part of Montgomery co. Md., by p-r. 43 ms. n. w. W. C. MouTU OF Sandy Creek, and p-o. n. estrn. part of Henry co. Ten., 94 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. Nashville. Mouth of Tellico, p-o. Monroe co. Ten., on Ten. r., where the road from Knoxville to Athens crosses that stream, 42 ms. s. w. of Knoxville, and by p-r. 166 ms. s. e. by e. Nash- ville. Mud Camp, p-v. Cumberland co. Ky., 152 ms. sthrd. Frankfort. Mud cr. Ontario co. N. York, rises in Bris- tol, and after a course of about 43 ms. enters the Canandaigua outlet at the village of Lyons. A very valuable stream. Muddy r. Ky., rising in Todd and Logan cos., interlocking sources with Red r. branch of Cumberland, and flowing to the nthrd. leaves Todd and Logan, and for about 12 ms. forms a boundary between Butler and Muhlenburg cos., finally falling into Green r. opposite Ohio co. Muhlenburg, co. Ky., bndd. s. by Todd, s. w. by Christian, w. by Pond r. separating it from Hopkins, n. by Green r. separating it from Da. viess, N. E. by Green r. separating it from Ohio CO., and s. e. by Muddy r. separating it from Butler. Length diagonally s. e. to n. w. 38 ms., mean width 13, and area 494 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 04' to 37° 32', and in long, from 9° 47' to 10° 17' w. W. C. It will be seen that this CO. is bounded on all sides except to the s. by rivers. The declivity is to the n. n. w. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 1820, 4,979, 183 ), 5,340. Mulberry, r. of Ala., the n. wstrn. and main branch of Tuscaloosa or Black Warrior r. ha- ving its sources in the table land between the basins of Mobile and Tennessee rs. The gene- ral course is s., draining the wstrn. half of Blount and all Walker co., and uniting on the wstrn. border of Jefferson, with the Locust fork to form the Black Warrior. The valley of the Mulberry comprises an ai*ja of 1,500 sq. ms., lying in form of a triangle, base 60 ms. and al- titude 50 ms. The valley is traversed and divi- ded into two not very unequal sections by lat. 34°. Mulberry, p. v. in the nthrn. part of Lincoln CO. Ten., about 50 ms. s. Nashville. Mulberry, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Autauga CO. Ala., by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Mulberry, p-v. Crawford co. Ark., by p-r. 136 ms. wstrd. Little Rock. Mulberry Gap, p-v. Claiborne co. Ten., by p-r. 264 ms. estrd. Nashville. Mulberry Grove, and p-o. Harris co. Geo., by p-r. 135 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. MUS 316 MUS MuLLENSFORD, and p-0. Franklin co. Geo., by p-r. 114 ms. N. Milledgeville. MuLLicus r. N. J., runs into the Atlantic through New Inlet, 4 ms. e. of Leeds. It is navigable 20 ms. for vessels of 60 tons, and forms the boundary of Burlington and Gloucester cos. Mulloy's, p-o. Robertson co. Ten., by p-r. 29 ms. N. w. Nashville. MuNCY, post tsp. on both sides of Muncy cr. in the sou'oheastern part of Lycoming co. Pa. 80 ms. N. Harrisburg. MuNCYTowN, p-v. and st. jus. Delaware co. Iiid. by p-r, 59 ms. n. e. Indianopolis, lat. 40° 13' and long. W. C. 8° 36' w. MuNFORDsviLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Hart co. Ky. situated on the right bank of Green r., 20 ms. N. Glasgow, 32 s. Elizabethtown, and 97 s. w. Prankfort. Lat. 37° 17', long. 8° 50' w. W. G. Pop. 194. MuNSTER, p-v. Cambria co. Pa. eastward Ebensburg, and by p-r. 130 ms. westward Har- risburg. MuRFREsBORo', p-v. Hertford, N. C. MuRFRESiiORo', p.v. and st. jus. for Ruther- tord CO. Ten. situated on a branch of Stone r. 30 ms. s. e. Nashville, and 82 ms. a little e. of N. Huntsville in Ala. Lat. 35° 51', and long. 9° 1 5' w. W. C. Murray, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y. Pop. 2,790. Murray's Mills, and p-o. Dearborn co. Ind. by p-r. 117 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Murraysville, p-v. Lorain co. 0. by p-r. 128 ms. N. N e. Columbus. Murraysville, p-v. on a branch of Turtle «r. and in the wstrn. part of Westmoreland co. Pa., 12 ms. N. w. Greensburg, and 20 ms. a lit- tle s. of E. Pittsburg. Murrill's Shop, and p-o. Nelson co. Va. by p-r. 110 ms. w. Richmond. Murrinsville, p-v. Butler eo. Pa. by p-r. 251 ins. N. w. W. C. Muscogee, one of the western cos. of Geo. ■bndd. by Harris n., Talbot n. e., Marion e., Randolph s., and the Chattahoochee r. separa- ting it from the Creek country in Ala. w. Length e. to v.'. 25 ms., breadth 20, and area 500 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 17' to 31° 35', and in long, from 7° 52' to 8° 14' w. W. C, The slope of this co. is westward and drained by the different branches of Upotoi cr. Cf. t. Columbus. Pop. 3,508. MusKEGAT, isl. Mass. lying between Nan. tucket and Martha's Vineyard, in the form of a horse shoe, about 3 ms. in extent. Muskingum, important r. of Ohio, and one of the great branches of the r. Ohio, from the right or N. w. side. It is formed by two branches, Tuscarawas from the northeastward, and White Woman's r. to the northwestward. White Wo- man's r. rises near the centre of the state of Ohio, interlocking sources with those of Scioto, Huron of Erie, Vermillion, and Black rs. Com- posed of two branches, Mohiccon and Killbuck crs., White Woman's r. drains Wayne, Holmes, Richland, Knox, and part of Coshocton coun- ties; general course s. e. joining Tuscarawas in Coshocton co., between the villages of Co- shocton and Caldersburg, after a general com- parative course of 60 ms. Tuscarawas has in- terlocking sources with those of Cuyahoga and Big Beaver. In the higher part of its course for 50 ms. it pursues a southern course, out of Medina and Portage cos. over Stark into Tus- carawas CO. Inflecting abruptly to the w. and entering Coshocton, it unites with AVhite Wo- man's r., as already noticed, after a general comparative course of 60 ms. It is at the junction of Tuscarawas and White Woman's rs. that the united waters take the name of Muskingum, which flowing s. 10 ms. receives a large eastern branch, Wills cr., and bending to about fa.s. w. 15 ms. receives Licking creek, and falls over a ledge of rocks at Zanesville. Below Zanesville, with large partial bends, the general course is s. e. 50 ms. comparative dis- tance to its influx into O. river at Marietta. The Tuscarawas branch drains all Tuscara- was and Stark, with parts of Harrison, Colum- biana, Portage, Medina, Wayne, Holmes, and Coshocton cos. Wills creek drains and its valley is nearly commensurate with Guernsey CO. The Muskingum r. properly so called, winds over the southern side of Coshocton, and over Muskingum, Morgan, and Washington cos. The entire Muskingum valley approach- es remarkably near a circle, of 100 ms. diame- ter; but with allowance for the salient parts, the area is about 8,000 sq. ms. The Ohio and Erie canal enters this valley in Licking co. and is carried n. e. to Coshocton, and thence along the main channel of Tuscarawas to the Portage Summit. (See art. Rail Roads and Canals.) The level of the canal on the Portage summit is 973 feet above the ocean tides, whilst that of Ohio at Marietta, but little if any exceeds 600 feet of similar relative height. The arable soil around the sources of the higher fountains of White Woman's and Tuscarawas rs. must ex- ceed 1,000 feet above the ocean, or the difl'er- ence of level of the valley amounts to at least an equivalent to a degree of lat. The actual extremes of lat. are 39° 20' and 41° 10'. The soil of the Muskingum valley is of unsurpassed fertility. The surface presenting the usual features of the rs. of Ohio ; that is, level at the sources and becoming more and more hilly ap- proaching the main recipient, the Ohio r. The true cause of this inversion of the common char, acter of rs., will be seen by reference to article O. r. Muskingum, co. Ohio, bndd. by Morgan s. e. and s.. Perry s. w., Licking w., Coshocton n., and Guernsey E. Length 27 ms., mean breadth 26, and area 700 sq. ms. Lat. 40°, and long. W. C. 5° w. intersect almost exactly at the centre of this co. It is traversed from n. to s. and very nearly equally divided by Muskingum r. Surface moderately hilly, and soil fertile. Cf. t. Zanesville. Pop. 1820, 17,824, 1830, 29,334. The n. wstrn. angle is traversed by the Ohio and Erie canal, and in the opposite di- rection the U. S. road passes over at the great- est breadth. MuscoNETCUNK, lake, or Hopatcong, 9 ms. long, 14 ms. n. n. w. Morristown, N. J., has been dammed at the outlet (South) and supplies Morris canal through a feeder, MuscoNETCUNK, r. N. J., rises in Musconet- cunk lake, and flowing s. w. divides Sussex and NAN 317 NAN Warren from Morris and Hunterdon cos., and falls into Delaware r. 5 ms. below Easton. It is a fine mill stream. Myers, or Meyers cr., a small stream of Frankfort, Herkimer co. N. Y., which enters the Mohawk near the e. extremity of the long level of the Erie canal. Myers, p-o. Venango co. Pa., by p-r. 256 ms. N. w. W. C. Myerstown, p-v. on a branch of Quitapahilla cr., Lebanon co. Pa., 31 ms. a little n. of e. Plar- risburg, and 5 ms. w. from the boro' of Lebanon. Mystic, r. of Mass., flows into Boston har- bor, navigable for sloops to Medford. Nacodchy Valley, ~p.o. (See Cooperstown, Habersham co. Geo.) Naglesville, formerly Tobyhanna, p.v. southern part of Pike co. Pa. by p-r. n. n. e. W. C. Nahant, Essex co. Mass. a peninsula ex- tending from the s. shore of Lynn far into the sea. It is considered a great natural curiosity. It appears once to have been two islands, but is now connected to the main land by two ridges of pebbles and sand thrown up by the water. The surface is broken, and the shores are bold and rocky. It is a place of great resort in the summer. The air is fragrant and cooling; the scenery romantic ; the walks round the margin of the cliffs pleasant, and the prospect grand. It is 9 ms. s. of Salem, and 14 n. e. Boston. Nahunta, cr. and p-o. northern part of Wayne co. N. C. by p-r. 45 ms. s. e. by e. Ra- leigh. Namasket, r. Mass. joins Bridgewater r. to form the Taunton. Nanceville, p-o. Floyd co. Ind. by p-r. 129 ms. a little e. of s. Indianopolis. Nankin, p-v. western part of Wayne co. Mich. by p-r. 17 ms. w. Detroit. Nanjemoy, cr., bay, and p-o. in the south- western part of Charles co. Md. The p-o. is by P-r. 47 ms. nearly due s. W. C. Nanjernoy bay is a small opening from the left bank of Potomac river at the great bend above Port Tobacco. Nansemond, CO. Va. bndd. by Black Water r. w. separating it from Southampton, by the Isle of Wight N. w., Hampton Roads n. e., Norfolk CO. E., Pasquotank co. N. C. s. e., and Gates co. S. G. s. Length diagonally s. w. to n. e. 40 ms., mean breadth 1 6, and area G49 sq. ms. Exten- ding in lat. from 36° 30' to 36° 54', and in long, from 0° 6' to 0° 41' e. W. C. The northern part has a gentle inclination to the n. n. e., and is drained by the branches of Nansemond r., which stream, or rather bay, extends about 18 ms. towards the centre of the co. The south- western section has a slight declivity to s. s. w., and is drained into Nottavvay r. The south- eastern angle is low, marshy, and in part oc- cupied by a small lake called Druminond's pond. From this pond, a small lateral canal has been constructed into the main trunk of the Dismal Swamp canal. Lake Drummond canal answers the double purpose of a feeder, and of a navi- gable channel; it is 5 ms. in length, 16 feet wide, and 4^ ft. in depth. The general surface of Nansemond is level, and contains a good share of productive soil. Cf. t. Suffolk. Pop. 1820, 10,491, 1830, 11,784. Nansemond, r. Va. rising in Isle of Wight and Nansemond cos. Va., but chiefly in the lat. 41 ter. It opens by a comparative wide bay from Hampton Roads, and is navigable for vessels of 100 tons draught, something above 20 ms. to Suffolk, the CO. t. of Nansemond co. Nantaseet Road, the entrance into Boston harbor, Mass. It affords safe anchorage in 5 to 7 fathoms water, and was formed in 1831. Nanticoke, r. of Del. and Md. is formed from two branches, Nanticoke Proper, and viarshy Hope, both rising in Del. The Nanti- coke rises within, and drains the central and western parts of Sussex co. Del., and flowing soQthwestward enters Dorchester co. Md., in which it receives from the n. Marshy Hope. The latter rising in Kent co. Del. traverses the southeastern angle of Caroline co. Md., from which, entering Dorchester, it falls into the Nanticoke. Below the junction of the two branches, the Nanticoke gradually widens into a bay from one to two ms. wide, until finally merged into the still wider Fishing bay. The entire comparative course of Nanticoke, by either branch, is about 50 ms., the valley lying between those of Pocomoke and Choptank. Nanticoke, mtn. Luzerne co. Pa. extends along the left bank of Susquehannah r. about 8 ms. downwards from Nanticoke falls. Nanticoke Falls, or rather rapids in the Sus- quehannah r. 6 ms. below Wilkesbarre. The river after having flowed down the Wyoming Valley to the s. w. turns abruptly to the w., and piercing the Nanticoke mtn. again resumes a s. w. course. Nanticoke, v. Broome co. N. Y. 155 ms. s. w. Albany. Nanticoke, p-o. near Nanticoke falls, 7 ms. s. w. Wilkesbarre, and by p-r. 107 miles n. e. Harrisburg. Nantikoke, hundred, of Sussex co. Del., and occupies the southwestern part of Sussex CO. on Nantikoke r. Pop. 2,366. Nantucket isl., co. and p-t., situated in the ocean about 20 ms. s. Chatham, Barnstable co. Mass., and about 15 ms. e. Martha's Vineyard, being 100 ms. s. e. Boston on a straight line, and 125 round Cape Cod. It is 15 ms. long, and 1 1 wide at its greatest breadth. The soil is light and sandy, but in some parts productive. The people, are almost all whalemen and sea- men, and are considered as among the most skilful and adventurous in the world. The ship masters have, with commendable zeal, estab- lished a marine reading room, cabinet, &c. Nantucket is the name for the island, county, and town. The climate is much milder than that of the neighboring continent. There is not a tree of natural growth on the isLind, though it was formerly well wooded. The exports are spermaceti and right v/hale oil, whalebone, NAS 318 NAT and sperm candles ; of these and oil there are 5j manufactories. There were in 1829, sixty- ships employed in whaling from this port. Other ships have since been built. The value of this fleet, as fitted for sea amounts to about ji2,000,000. On the s. e. of the island are Nan- tucket Shoals, where numerous vessels hare been wrecked. They extend 50 ms. in length, and 45 in width. The harbor of Nantucket is safe from all winds, being almost landlocked. There are in Nantucket 7 or 8 houses of reli- gious worship, 2 banks and 2 insurance offices. There is a bar of sand at its mouth, on which there are 7^ ft. of water at low tide. The taxa- ble property of this island in 1832, amounted to $3,835,288 40. Pop. 1820, 7,266, 1830, 7,202. NA.NTaciCET Bay, N. J., opposite Bombay Hook. Napt^ks, p-t., Ontario co. N.Y., 20 ms. s. w. Canandaigua. Contains fine groves of pine. 13 school dists.; schools continued 5 months in 12. Pop. 1,941. Naples, or Henderson bay, extends from Chaurnont bay to the s. vv. into Henderson. {See Henderson.) Naples, p-v. Morgan co. II., by p-r. 125 ms. N. w. Indianopolis. Napoleon, p-v. Hipley co. Ind. by p-r. 67 ms. s. K Indianopolis. Napoli, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y. Pop. 852. Nap's cr. p-o. Pocahontas co. Va., by p-r. 242 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Naragan.set Bay, R. I., sets up from Si to n. between Point Judith on the w., and Point Sea. conet on the e. It is about 30 ms. long, and 15 broad. Embracing several very considerable isls. and good harbors, and receiving Provi- dence and Taunton rs. It is accessible from the ocean at all seasons. Narmarcunhawack, r. N. H., a branch of the Ameriscoggin, rises in the tsp. of Success, and unites with the main stream at Paulsburgh. Nash, co. N. C, bndd. s, w. by Contentny cr., separating it from Johnson, w. and n. w. by Franklin, n. e. by Fishing cr., separating it from Halifax, and by Edgecombe e. and s. e. Length 36 ms., mean width 18, and area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 42' to 36° 13'. The declivity of this co. is to the s. e. by e., and drained by various branches of Tar r. Cf. t. Nashville. Pop. 1820, 8,185, 1830, 8,490. Nash and Sawyer's LocATio>f, a tract of €,184 acres, granted May 20th, 1773^ -to- Nash and Sawyer, for exploring a route through the White mtns. Nashavvn, one of the Elizabeth isls., on the s. E. side of Buzzard's bay, 9 ms. long, and 2 broad. Nashawenna, another of the Elizabeth isls., lying between Cutahunk and Presque Isle. Nash's Stream, N. H., a branch of the Up- per Anionoosnck, has its sources in Stratford and the lands e., and unites with the r. in the N. w. part of Piercy. Nashua r., a beautiful stream in the s. part of Hillsborough co., has its source in Worcester CO. Mass., and falls into the Merrimack at Dun- stable, N. H. Z'Tashua, v. on the preceding r., m Dunstable, Hillsboro co., 11ms. from Amherst, 36 from Boston, and 32 from Concord. It is a manufac- turing village, and a place of considerable busi- ness. The r. falls 65 ft. in the distance of 2 ms. Nashville, p-v. and st. jus. Nash co. N. C, situated on Peach Tree creek, by p-r. 44 ms. N. e. by E. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 56', long. 1° 2' w. W. C. Nashville, p-t. and st. jus. Davidson co., and seat of the government of Ten. is situated on the left bank of Cumberland r. Lat. 36° 05', long, 9° 43' w. W. C, and by actual calculation, a small fraction above 565 statute ms. s., 70° w. W. C. ; but by p-r. the stated distance between the two places is 709 ms. Nashville is 1 10 ms. N. Huntsville, 218 ms. s. w. Frankfort, Ky., 430 N. e. Natchez, and 480 n. n. e. New Orleans. The site is a high bank on the concave side of Cumberland r., the central point of a very fer- tile and well cultivated country. It is by far the largest town in Tennessee, is regularly laid out, and contains several public buildings, some of which are handsome ; among these are several churches, a court house, market house, jail, a state bank, a branch of the U. S. bank, and a private banking house. This flourishing town possesses all the features of a commercial depot, and is one of much enterprise and wealth. It communicates with New Orleans by steam boat navigation, and the Cumberland is navigable at times to this place, for vessels of 400 tons bur- then ; 9 months in the year, for those of 30 or 40 tons. The University of Nashville, incor- porated 1806, is now a flourishing institution ; it has a very valuable philosophical and chemi- cal aparatus, a museum of natural history, and a mineralogical cabinet containing over 10,000 specimens. The library contains 2,000 volumes, and the students' libraries about 1,200. Num- ber of professors and teachers, including a pre. sident, 6 ; alumni, 103; students, 1832 — 3, 95. Commencement is on the 1st Wednesday in Oc- tober. In the vicinity of Nashville an extensive state penitentiary has been erected ; it is of stone, over 300 ft. long, 50 wide, containing cells for 200 convicts. Pop. whites, 3,554 ; colored, 2,012 ; total 5,566. Nassau, r. of Flor., gaining importance only as giving name to a co. This small stream ri- ses in the angle between St. John's and St. Ma- ry's rs., flows estrd. 30 ms. to its outlet by Nas- sau inlet to the Atlantic, between Cumberland and Talbot's isls. Nassau, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y. 18 ms. s. e. Troy, 14 from Albany. Surface uneven. Val- lies rich and fertile. 14 schools, continued 9 months in 12. Pop. 3,255. Nassau, n. estrn. co. of Flor., bndd. by Nassau r. separating; it from Duval co. s., by Duval co. s. w,, St. Mary's r. separating it from Camden CO. of Geo. w. and n., and by the Atlantic e. Length from e. to w. 36 ms., mean width 16, and area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 27' to 30° 46', long, from 4° 40' to 5° 14' w. W. C. Cumberland isl, constitutes the outer part of this co. towards the Atlantic. The general surface of the co. is level, part marshy. Cf. t. Fernandina. Pop. 1,511. Natchaug, r. Conn, joins the Shetucket in Windham. NAT 319 NEE Natchez, city, p-t. and st. jus. Adams co. Misp., is situated on the left bank of Misp. r. at lat. 31° 33', long. 14° 30' w. W. C. 322 miles above New Orleans, following the bends of the Misp., but only 157 over lake Pontchartrain, and thence by the road direction nearly n. w., and by p-r. 98 nis. s. w. Jackson, the seat of government. At Natchez, the bluff reaches the r. and is entirely composed of clay unmixed with the smallest pebble ; the whole rising on a substratum of pudding stone rock. The rock, however, lies below the higher level of the r,, and is only visible at a very luw stage of the water in that stream. It is loose, friable, and much admixed with petrifactions of wood. Above this rock rests the clay superstrata, ad. inixed with sand, and in some places, in dig- ging wells, beds of sand are detected. The surface of the ground on which the city stands, and that of the whole adjacent co. is waving, not unlike a sea in a storm, and curiously con- trasted with that of La. on the opposite side of the Misp. The streets of Natchez are extend, ed at right angles ; many of the houses are elegant, though generally the style of building is plain. It contains five places of public worship ; Presbyterian, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Methodist and Baptist. The public edifices are a court house, jail, and 3 banks ; 1 of §1,000,000, 1 of ^3,000,000 capital, and a Branch of the U. S. Bank. The pleasantly waving site of Natchez, rising from 100 to 200 ft. above high water in Misp. affords an airy, and for 9 months in the year, a healthful, agree- able, and advantageous residence. There are, however, casual seasons, when all classes are subject to bilious and remittent fevers. There is perhaps no other city of the U. S. where the amount of manufacturing and commercial busi- ness bears so large a proportion to its popula- tion. In 1820, the exports of cotton exceeded 35,000 bales. The quantity of goods sold here as early as 1800, was very great ; and within the last 30 years has been constantly increas- ing. The city is a corporation, governed by a mayor, alderman, and city council. Pop. 2,789. Natchitoches, northwestern parish of La., bounded by the parish of Claiborne n. e., Ra- pides s. E., Opelousas s., Sabine r. separating it from Texas s. w., and by a meridian line from lat. 32° to 33°, also separating it from Texas N. w., and by Lafayette co. in Ark. n. Length s. to N. 150 ms., mean width 40, and area 6,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° to 33°, and in long, from 15° 32' to 16° 24' w. W. C. Con- siderably the largest part of this very extensive parish is barren pine wooded land, or equally sterile oak flats. The alluvion of Red r. is, however, to this character of soil, a complete exception. The lower and southern section of the parish is traversed by Red r. and its nu- merous outlets, affording some of the finest cot. ton lands in La. This is the only tolerably well peopled part of the parish, and of the pop. of 7,486, in 1820, the far greater part were resident in the town and vicinity of Natchito- ches, the St. jus. Pop. 7,905. Natchitoches, p-t. and st. jus. for the parish of Natchitoches, La. is situated on the right bank of Redr. at lat. 31° 44', long. 1G° 10' w. W. C, 355 ms. by the road through Attacapas and Opelousas, n. w. by w. New Orleans, and as stated on the p-o. list 1,339 s. w. by w. W. C. This v. is built chiefly in one street along the r. at the foot of a blufl'. Not quite 1 mile s. of the present town is the spot where the ori- ginal French settlement was made in 1717. Natchitoclies is the extrene southwestern en- trepot of the U. S. towards Texas, and has been consequently a place of importance ever since the acquisition of La. by the U S. In it- self it is a very pleasantly situated village. Natick, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 17 ms. w. Boston, situated on Charles river ; a pleasant fanning town. Here labored the apostolic Elliott among the Natick Indians. By his ad. vice, they adopted the form of government proposed by Jethro to Moses, choosing one ruler of a hundred, two rulers of fifties, and ten rulers of tens. There is an extensive wheel factory at Natick bridge. Pop. 890. Natural Bridge, a fine deviation from the ordinary course of nature in the phenomena of streams. A small water course called Cedar cr. in the southern angle of Rockbridge co. Va. before it joins James r., passes under a natural arch of rocks, affording a splendid as- semblage of bold and contrasted features in scenery. A visit to the Natural Bridge can be rendered still more interesting from the prox- imity to the peaks of Otter. This highest part of the Appalachian system s. w. from the Del. rises 10 ms. s. from the Natural Bridge. On Tanner's maps the Natural Bridge is laid down at lat. 37° 35', long. 2° 34' w. W. C, 14 ms. s. w. Lexington, and 180 w. Richmond. Natural Bridge, p.v. in the southern part of Rockbridge co. Va. 16 or 17 ms. s. w. Lexing- ton, the CO. St., 30 ms. n. w. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 224 s. w. by w. W. C, and 176 a very little s. of w. Richmond. Naudaway, r., a confluent of Mo. rises about lat. 42°, interlocking sources with the Racoon fork of Des Moines, Grand, and Nishnebatona rs. ; flowing thence by a gsneral course of a little w. of s., falls into Mo. at lat. 39° 55', about 70 ms. in a direct distance above the influx of Kan- sas r. The valley of the Naudaway lies be- tween those of Nishnebatona and Grand rs. in long, between 17° and 18° 10' w. W. C. Naugatuck, r. Conn, rises in the n. w. part of the state, and joins the Housatonic at Derby. Above Waterbury, it is called iVtattaluck. Naylor's Store and p-o. St. Charles co. Mo. by p-r. about 25 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. Nazareth, Lower and Upper, two contiguous tsps. of Northampton co. Pa. on Bushkill and Mauskissy crs. about 8 ms. nrthwstwrd. Easton. The joint pop. 1820, 1,747 ; 1830, 2,146. Nazareth, p-v. Northampton co. Pa. 7 ms. n. w. Easton, and 10 n. Bethlehem. This v. be- longs to the Moravian society, and contains a school of that sect. Neddock, Cape, York, Me., York co. Long. 6° 20' E. W. C, lat. 43° 8'. It is a rocky, barren bluff, with a small pop. of poor fisher- men. Needham, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 12 ms. s. w. Boston, on Charles r. Soil coarse, and sur- face uneven. Here is a perpendicular fall in NEP 320 NEW he river of 20 ft. at which mills are erected. Pop. 1,418. IMeffsville, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa., by p.r. 39 ms. e&trd. Harrisburg. Nelson, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H. 40 ms. from Concord, on the height of land between the Conn, and JVIerrimack rs. Surface hilly, but good for grazing. Streams small. Contains mill privileges. Pop. 875. Nelson, p-t. Madison co. N. Y. 6 ms. w. ]V!orrisville, 109 w. n. w. Albany. Situation elevated. Soil good and fertile. It is better for grass than grain. 15 schools, continued 7 montlis in 12. Pop. 2,445. Nelson, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 162 ms. nthrd. Harrisburg. Nelson, co. Va. bndd. hy the Blue Ridge, separating it from Rockbridge w. and Augusta 8. w., by Albemarle n. e. and e., James r. sepa- rating it from Buckingham s. E., and Amherst s. and s. w. The longest line is a diagonal from the extreme southern to the extreme northern angle, about 40 ms. ; the co.is in form of a trapezium ; greatest breadth 28 ms., and area 560 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 32' to 38° 02', long, from 1° 50' to 2° 7' w. W. C. Declivity s. of s. e., and is drained by the different branches of Rock and Tye rs. The surface hilly, and towards James r. traversed by South mtn. Cf. t. Loviugton. Pop. 1820, 10,137; 1830, 11,251. Nelson, co. Ky. bndd. by Bullitt w., Spencer N. and N. R., Chaplin's Fork of Salt r. separating it from Washington s. e., and the Rolling Fork of Salt r. separating it from Hardin s. w. Lenoth from w. to e. 38 ms., mean breadth 8 ms.lnd area 304 sq. ms., N. lat. 37° 42' to 37° 58', long. W. C. 8° OG' to 8° 44' w. Thi^s co. lies between the two main branches of Salt r. discharging small creeks nrthrd. and sthrd. respectively. Soil highly productive. Cf. t. Bardstown.' Pop. 14,932, or nearly 50 to the sq. mile. Nelson, p-v. Portage co. O. by p-r. 146 m.s. N. E. Columbus. Nelson's p-o. Robeson co. N. C. by p-r. 68 ms. s. s. w. Raleigh. Nelsonville, p-o. Athens co. 0. by p-r. 59 ms. s. E. Columbus. Nemawhaw, the name of two confluents of Mo. called relatively Great and Little Nemaw- haw. Great Nemawhaw rises between the val- leys of the Republican fork of Kansaw r. and Platte r., and between lat. 40° and 41°, and about 21° long. w. W. C. Flowing thence by a course of a little s. of e. 170 ms. falls into the Mo. at lat. 40° 05', and by direct distance 70 ms. above, and n. w. from the influx of Nauda- way. Little Nemawhaw, a very inferior stream 10 the preceding, falls into the right side of Mo. a short distance above the influx of the Nishnebatona, after a general course of about 70 ms. from the nrthwstwrd. Neoshoo r. {See Grand r. br. of Arkansas r.) Neponset, r. Mass. flows into Boston harbor, and is navigable for vessels of 150 tons 4 ms. to Milton. Neponset, v. on both sides of Neponset r. 6 ms. s. Boston. Contains a number of mills and manufacturing establishments. Nescopeck, mtn. in the sthrn. part of Luzerne CO. Pa. between Wapwallopen and Nescopeck crs. The local name is confined to a ridge of about 12 ms. in length ; but it is merely a ridge of the chain which separates the valleys of the Lehigh and Lackawaxen r. from that of the Susquehannah, and which rises into bold peaks to the estrd. of Wilkesbarre. Nescopeck, cr. in the southern part of Lu- zerne CO. Pa. interlocking sources with the ex- treme Vi'strn. crs. of the Lehigh, and flowing wstrd. into the Susquehannah opposite Berwick. The valley of the Nescopeck lies between those of the Catawissa and Wapwallopen crs. Nescopeck, p-v. and tsp. Luzerne co. Pa. The v. stands on the left bank of Susquehannah r., above the mouth of Nescopeck cr. and op- posite the borough of Berwick, by p-r. 86 ms. above and n. n. e. Harrisburg. Neshaminy, small r. or large cr. of Bucks co. Pa,, heads partly in Montgomery co., but most- ly in the central part of Bucks, interlocking sources with the Tohickon, Perkiomen, and Wissihickon cr. flows sthestrd. into Del. river, which it joins 4 ms. below Bristol, after a com- parative course of about 25 ms. Neshanoce, cr. Mercer co. Pa., the eastern branch of Shenango. {See Shenango r.) Nether Providence, p-v. Del. co. Pa. by p-r. 124 ms. n. e. W. C. Nettle cr. and p-o. in the nrthwstrn. part of Wajme co. Ind. by p-r. 61 ms. estrd. Indianopolis. Neuse, r. N. C. rises in Person and Orange COS., interlocking sources with those of Haw r. branch of Cape Fear r., and Dan r. branch of Roanoke. The different higher constituents unite in the n. w. angle of Wake, and crossing that CO. and Johnson in a southeasterly direction, it thence enters Wayne, and assuming an estrly. course over the latter, Lenoir and Craven cos. to Newbern. Now gradually opening into a wide bay, curving first s. e. and thence n. e. into Pamlico sound between Beaufort and Carteret cos. The valley of the Neuse lies between those of Cape Fear and Tar rs. The length of the Neuse, by comparative courses, is about 200 ms. The valley, independent of the great bends of the stream, 180, but comparatively narrow, the mean breadth not averaging above 25 ms., and area 4,500 sq. ms., lying between lat. 34° 50' and 36° 22', and between long. 0=- 30' E. to 3° 10' w. Neverslnk, or Nwisink, t. Sullivan co. N, Y., 15 ms. N. VIonticello, 39' w. Kingston. 9 schools, continued 7 months in 12. Pop. 1,257. Neville, p-v. Clermont co. Ohio, by p-r. 123 ms. s. w. Columbus. New r., the local name of Great Kenhawa r., above the mouth of Gauley r. {See Cheat Kenhawa r.) New r., p-v. western part of Monroe co. Va., 26 ms. wstrd. Union, the co. seat, and by p-r. 296 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. New r. inlet, Onslow co. N. C, about 50 ms. a little s. of w. cape Look-Out, is a strait be- tween two sand islands, and the entrance to the mouth of a small r. called New r., which, rising in Lenoir, and thence traversing Onslow county, opens to the Atlantic ocean by this entrance. NEW 321 NEW New r., small stream of Beaufort dist, S. C, draining the swamps between Savannah and Coosaw Hatchie rs., flows s. s. e., and near the Atlantic ocean breaks into several branches, one entering the estuary of Savannah r., and another Calibogue sound. New r., of La., is the drain of the lowlands between the Misp. and Amite rs., and flowing N. E. by E., falls into the s. w. angle of lake Maurepas. New Albany, p-v. Bradford co. Penn. by p-r. 116 ms. nrthrd. from Harrisburg. New Albany, p.v. and st.jus. Floyd co. Ind. by p-r. 121 ms, a little e. of s. Indianopolis. It is situated on the right bank of 0. r. at the foot of the rapids, and nearly opposite Shipping port in Ky. Mr. Flint states that the main street is 3-4 of' a mile in length. It has a convenient harbor for boats, and is a fine thriving v. Fop. 2,079. New Albion, t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y. Pop. 380. New Alexander, p-v. Columbiana co. O. by p-r. 138 ms. n. e. Columbus. New Alexander, p-v. Cross Creek tsp. Jef- ferson CO. Ohio. New Alexandria, p-v. Westmoreland co. Penn. 11 ms. n. e. from the borough of Greens- burg, and 8 by p-r., 171 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. New Antrim, p-v. Washington co. Va. by p-r. 3 3 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Newark, or Arthur Kull, bay, N. J. form- ed by the confluence of the Passaic and Hack- insack rs. and separated from Hudson r. on the E. by Bergen neck. It communicates through the kills, 4 miles long, with N. Y. bay, and through Staten isl. sound with Amboy bay. Newark, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y. 8 ms. n. n. e. Owego. Pop. 1,027. Newark, p-t. and cap. Essex co. N. J. the most po'.'ulous t. in the state, is on the w. side of Passaic r., 3 ms. from its mouth, in Newark bay ; 9 ms. w. N. Y., 5 n. e. Elizabethtown, and is a remarkably beautiful and flourishing place. Itis noted for the variety and excellence of its manufactures ; particularly carriages, saddlery, leather, shoes and jewelry, which are sold in different parts of the U. S. to a great amount. About 2,000,000 of pairs of shoes are said to be produced annually by one manu- factory. There are quarries of excellent free stone in the vicinity, which are extensively worked for N. Y. and other places. The New- ark cider, which is made near this place, is produced from two or three sorts of apples, and is of proverbial excellence. The Morris ctnal, terminating here, affords great advanta- ges and has added to its trade, population and enterprize. There are a fine court house, aca- demy, 3 banks, and several churches, for Pres- byterians, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists and Catholics ; some of them are very large and beautiful. The v. is situated on a beautiful lev- el, and principally on a fine street of remarka. ble breadth and straightness. Pop. 1830, 10,- 953 ; 1833, supposed to be over 12,500. Newark, p.v. in the northwestern part of New Castle CO. Del. 12 ms. s. w. by w. Wilmington, 52 ms. N. N. w. Dover, and 113 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Newark, p-v. in the southeastern part of Worcester co. Md. by p-r. 158 ms. s. e. by e. W. C. Newark, p-v. in the southeastern part of Louisa CO. Va. by p-r. 31 ms. n. w. Rich- mond. Newark, p-v. and st. jus. Licking co. 0. by p-r. 34 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus, and 362 ms. a little w. of n. w. by w. W. C. lat. 40° 04', long. W. C. 5° 27' w. It is situated at the main forks of Licking cr. and on the Ohio and Erie canal, and contains the usual co. buildings, sev- eral stores, 2 printing offices, 2 ware houses, market house, 5 or 6 taverns, several schools, and 2 or 3 places of public worship. Pop. 999. The elevation of the water in the canal at New. ark is 834 ft. above the mean level of the Atlan- tic tides, and 360 ft. above the mean level of O. r. at the mouth of Scioto. New Ashford, t. Berkshire co. Mass. 20 ms. N. Lenox, 121 from Boston. Pop. 285. New Athens, p-v. in the southeastern part of Harrison co. O. by p-r. 130 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus, and 6 ms. s. Cadiz, the co. seat. Franklin college is located here. Population 198. New Baltimore, Greene co. N. Y. 16 ms. N. Catskill, 20 s. Albany. Watered by Cox- sackie and Haanekrai crs. which supply mill seats in abundance. Surface, broken; soil, di- versified. Has a landing on the Hudson. There is a spring in this t. which is said to rise and fall at certain periods. 10 schools, continued 9 months in 12. Pop. 2,370. New Baltimore, p-v. in the eastern part of Fauquier co. Va. 45 ms. wstrd. W. C. New Barbadoes, t. Bergen co. N. J. w. Hack- ensack r. Pop. 1,693. Hackensack, the st. jus. is a V. in this t. New Bedford, p-t. and port of entry, Bristol CO. Mass. 52 ms. s. Boston, lat. 41° 38', long. 6° 10' E. W. C. It is beatifully situated on the w. side of the Acushnet r., which here empties into Buzzard's bay. It is chiefly built of wood on an inclined plane, and presents a lively and picturesque appearance. This is ona of the most flourishing tovvns in New England, as is indicated by the rapidity of its growth, and the wealth and enterprize of its inhabitants. The citizens are much engaged in commerce, but the whale fishery constitutes the chief business of the place. A steamboat runs to Nantucket, and sometimes is used for towing vessels over the bar. Here are three banks, whose united capital is nine hundred thousand dollars ; three insurance offices, each with a capital of 350,000 dollars ; 11 places of public worship, 3 Baptists, 2 Presbyterians, 2 Methodist, 1 Unitarian, 1 Quaker, 1 Catholic, and a chapel for seamen ; also a court house, jail, lyceum, an academy, and 1 daily, and 3 weekly papers. There are seven considerable manufactories of sperm can. dies, and there are employed fifty thousand tons of shipping in the foreign and whale fishery — forty thousand, probably, engaged in the whale business —about 1,200 tons in the cod and mackerel fishery, and 8,000 tons coastwise. The number of foreign clearances at the port of New Bedford, 1831, was 101, and of foreign entries 83. Of the arrivals 58 were from wha- NEW 322 NEW ling voyages, importing 41,144 bbls. of sperma- ceti oil, 53,145 bbls. wiiale oil, and 381,000 lbs. whale bone. There remained at sea, on wha- ling voyages, at the end of the year, 100 ships, 9 barques, and 7 brigs, measuring 35,208 tons, navigated by 2,635 men. Of these vessels, 56 are in the Pacific ocean, and the rest on the Brazil Banks, in the Indian ocean, and else- where. From sources which it is stated may be relied upon, as substantially correct, it ap- pears that the amount of tonnage belonging to the dist. of New Bedford, Dec. 31, 1832, was 70,400 tons ; whole number of ships and barques 180; of which 150 were owned in New Bedford, 24 in Fairhaven, and 6 in Rochester, Ware- ham, Dartmouth and Westport ; and produce of the whale fishery of the dist. in 1832, 38,885 bbls. sperm oil, 90,872 bbls. whale oil, and 781,- 700 lbs. of whale bone. Pop. 1820, 3,947; 1830,7,592. New Bedford, p-v. s. w. part of Mercer co. Penn., 15 ms. s. w. from the borough of Mercer, and 55 n. w. Pittsburg. New Bedford, p-v. Coshocton co. O., by p-r. 99 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus. Pop. 5l. New Berlin, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., on the w. bank of the Unadilla, 7 ms. n. e. Norwich, 93 w. Albany. It is supplied with good mill seats by the Unadilla, and some of its branches. Here are manufactories on a large scale. 14 schools, continued 7 months in 12. Pop. 2,643. New Berlin, p-t. and st. jus. Union co. Pa., by p-r. 60 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg, 11 ms. w. Sunbury, lat. 40° 52', and very nearly on the meridian of W. C. Newbern, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Montgom- ery CO. Va., 16 ms. s. w. by w. Christiansburg, and by p.r. 324 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, Newbern, p-t. and st. jus. Craven co. N. C, situated on the point above the union of the Neuse and Trent rs., by p-r. 351 ms. nearly due s. W. C. and 119 s. e. by e. Raleigh. Newbern was long the seat of government of N. C, and is still the largest t. of the state. It is a port of entry, and though large vessels cannot ascend Neuse bay, the trade is considerable in lumber, tar, turpentine, pitch, &c. Pop. 1820,2,467; 1830, 3,776. Newberry, p-v. on the point above the junc- tion of Lycoming cr. with Susquehannah r. Ly- coming CO. Pa., 2 ms. w. Williamsport, and 89 N. N. w. Harrisburg. Newberry, dist. of S. C, bndd. by Laurens w. and N. w., Union n.. Broad river, separating it from Fairfield n. e., Lexington s. e., and the Sa- luda r. separating it from Edgefield, s. and s. w. Length 26 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 03', to 34° 30', and in long. 4° 20' to 4° 55' w. W. C. The dividing ridge between the sources of waters flowing s. eastward into Saluda, and n. eastward into Broad and Ennoree rs. traverses this co. and subdivides it into two not very unequal in- clined plains. Bush r. and Little r. both rising in Laurens, flow s. eastward over the western part of Newberry and falling into Saluda. En- noree r. forming a part of the northern bounda- ry, then enters Newberry, and falls into Broad r. in the n. eastern angle of the dist. The n. eastern declivity thus falling toM'srds Ennoree and Broad rs. is drained by Cannon's and Kel- ler's crs. flowing eastward into the latter, and by King's, Indian, and Duncan's crs. flowing n. eastward into the former. There is much ex- cellent soil in Newberry. Staples, cotton, grain, &c. Cf. t. Newberry. Pop. 1820, 16,- 104; 1830, 17,441. Newberry, p-t. and st. jus. Newberry dist. S. C, situated near the centre of the dist., by p-r. 43 ms. N. w. by w. Columbia, lat. 34° 12', long. 4° 23' w. W. C. Newberry, p-v. in the s. western part of Ge. auga CO. 0., by p-r. 147 ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. of Newberry tsp. 594. Newberry town, p-v. York co. Pa., 2 ms. n. w. by w. from the borough of York, and 14 ms. s. s. w. of Harrisburg. Newberry town, (see Newberry, York co. Pa.) Newbiggen cr., p-o. Pasquotank co. N. C, 9 ms. s. e. Elizabeth city, and by p-r. !90 n. e. by E. Raleigh. New Bloomfield, p-v and st. jus. Perry co. Pa., by P-r. 36 ms. s. w. Harrisburg. Newborn, p-v. Jasper co. Geo., by p.r. 63 ms. northwestward Milledgeville. New Boston, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 9 ms. from Amherst, 22 s. Concord, 57 from Bos- ton. Watered by the s. branch of the Piscata. quog, and several other streams. This is a mountainous t. In the s. part is a considerable elevation, on one side of which it is nearly per- pendicular. Its height, taken from the road through the notch of the hill, is 572 ft. Pop. L684. New Braintree, p.t. Worcester co. Mass., 18 ms. w. N. w. Worcester, 66 w. Boston. It is excellent grazing land, with fine hills, well wa- tered. Pop. 825. New Britain, p-v. of Berlin, Hartford co. Conn., 10 ms. s. w. Hartford. Here are vari- ous and extensive manufactures of brass, and plated ware, of different kinds ; three manufac- tories of suspenders, — one of silver spoons, and another of machinery for cotton factories, which is operated by steam power. These and similar causes have rendered this one of the most thriving and pleasant villages in the state. New Bhitain, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., 24 miles nrthrd. Phil. New Brunswick, city and st. jus. of Middle- sex CO. N. J., lies in Middlesex and Somerset COS., the principal street being the county line. It is situated on the s. w. side of the Raritan, 12 ms. above its mouth, near the head of navi- gation, at the termination of the Delaware and Raritan canal, and is surrounded by a fertile country. It is 31 ms. s. w. N. York, 25 n. e. Trenton, and 55 n. e. Phila., lat. 40° 30', long. 2° 39° w. V/. C. A part of the town is in a low situation, but it has extended to the surround- ing hills, which are very pleasant, and the whole is healthy. New Brunswick is a place of con- siderable business, and grain is the principal export. Among the public buildings are 6 churches, 1 for each reformed Dutch. Presbyte- rians, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists and Catholics; a courthouse, jail, 2 banks, Rutgers college, and a theological seminary. The col- lege was founded in 1770, and the principal NEW 323 NEW building is of stone, 3 stories high ; this is how- ever appropriated in part to other purposes. There are 6 instructors, (132 — 3,) 70 students, and in the libraries rising of 6,000 volumes. Commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in August. The Theological seminary is connect- ed with the college, in which are 3 professors and 20 students ; and a grammar school also, in which are about 30 scholars. In the vicinity of New Brunswick is a bed of peat, about 1 1 ft. in depth, and of great size. Pop. 7,831. New Buffalo, p-v. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 20 ms. northwestward Harrisburg. Newburgh, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. n. Wal- do CO., 54 ms. E. Augusta. Pop. 626. Newburgh, p-t. port of entry, and half shire town. Orange co. N. Y. on the w. bank of the Hudson, 95 ms. s. Albany, 65 by the river and 70 on the stage road n. New York. The vil- lage is incorporated, and is pleasantly situated on the slope of a hill which rises very abruptly from the river, commanding a fine view of the Hudson, West Point, the Highlands, &c. It is well built, and is a place of considerable com- mercial importance ; being one of the great thoroughfares from the west, from whence it commands a very extensive trade ; the whaling business has been commenced. The principal streets are laid out parallel with the river, some of which are paved, and these are crossed by others running west from the Hudson. It con- tains a court house ; bank ; 2 churches for Pres- byterians, 1 for Episcopalians, and 1 for Metho- dists ; and a respectable academy. Some ship- ping is owned here, and it enjoys, wiJi every important town on the river, great facilities for intercourse with the metropolis. The town is excellent for agricultural purposes, is well wa- tered, and there are several manufactories in it. On Chambers creek is an extensive iron foundry. Pop. 6,424. Newburg, p-v. sthwstrn. part of Cumberland CO. Pa. 19 ms. s. w. by w. Carlisle, and 37 ms. a little s. of w. Harrisburg. Newburgh, p-v. Cuyahoga co. O. 6 ms. s. E. Cleaveland, the county seat, and by p-r. 144 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pop. Newburgh tsp. 869. Newburgh, p-v. northwest part of Warrick CO. Ind. by p-r. 181 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. New Burlington, p-v. western part of Ham- ilton CO. Ohio, 12 ms. from Cincinnati, and by p-r. 124 ms. s. w. Columbus. Newbury, p-t. Orange co. Vt. w. Conn, r., 27 ms, e. Montpelier, 47 n. e. Windsor. Well sup- plied with mill streams. Contains several min- eral springs. Two bridges cross the Conn, from different parts of this town. The legisla- ture has holden two sessions in this place ; the one in 1787, the other in 1801. Here is the bend in the Conn, denominated the Great Ox Bow. Pop. 2,252. Newbury, t. Essex co. Mass. s. Merrimack r., opposite Salisbury, with which it is connect- ed by a bridge, 32 ms. n. e. Boston. Land in general of an excellent quality. Parker r. a fine mill stream, falls nearly 50 ft. in the course of I5 ms. in this town. Limestone of a good quality is found here ; also marble, serpentine, amianthos, asbestos, and arsenical iron pyrites. Here are two academies. Pop. 3,603. Newbury, p-v. and tsp. York co. Pa. The village is situated 10 ms. s. s. e. Harrisburt^, and 14 n. n. w. the borough of York. Newbury, dist. and p-t. S. C. {See New- berry.) Newburyport, p-t. port of entry, and one of the shire towns of Essex co. Mass. is situated on the s. side and near the mouth of Merrimack river, 32 ms. n. e. Boston. It is the smallest town in Mass., and contains only 647 acres. It is a delightful town, and is entirely surrounded by the Merrimack and Newbury rivers. A handsome bridge across the former, suspended by chains, connects it with Salisbury. The harbor is deep, and safe, but difficult of en- trance ; an appropriation has been made how- ever by congress, for removing the obstruc- tions. The streets are very regularly laid out, crossing each other at right angles, and the buildings, generally, are in unusual good taste. There are in the town a court house and mark- et, of brick ; a town hall ; 7 churches, and a jail of stone. The business of the place is still important, although it suffered severely by the restrictions on commerce previous to the late war, and by a destructive fire in 1811, which destroyed over 250 buildings. A large amount of shipping is owned here, and the cod and mackerel fishery have been pursued from hence very successfully. Here are manufac- tures of morocco, cordage, carriages, silver and gold plate, a brewery, and several distille- ries. A small silk factory is here, and the only stocking factory in 1831 in the U. S. was then here. Pop. 1820, 6,852 ; 1830, 6,375. Newburyport, cf. t. Berrien co. M ich. situ- ated at the mouth of St. Joseph's r. of Mich. It stands on the shore of lake Michigan and on the right or n. side of the r., and opposite to the old vil. of Saraiiac. n. lat. 42° 05', long. W. C. 90 30' w. About 200 ms. a Utile s. of w. Detroit. Newby's Bridge, and p-t. Perquimans co. N. C. by p-r. 209 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Newby's Cross Roads, and p-o. Culpepper CO. Va. by p-r. 70 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. New Canaan, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 8 ms. N. Long Island sound, 77 ms. s. w. Hartford. Surface mountainous. Soil a ha:d gravelly loam, tolerably well timbered. 9 school dists. and 1 academy. Pop. 1,826. New Canton, p-v. on the right bank of James r., at the mouth of State cr., and in the north, eastern part of Buckingham co. Va., 63 ms. w. and by land from Richmond. New Canton, p-v. northestrn. part of Haw- kins CO. Ten., by p-r. 244 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. New Carlisle, p-v. Clarke co. 0. by p.r. 66 ms. wstrd. Columbus, and 23 ms. westward Springfield, the co. seat. Pop. 343. New Carthage, p-v. Concordia parish. La. by p-r. 284 ms. n. w. New Orleans. New Castle, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. w. of Sheepscot r., 7 ms. e. Wiscasset. Pop. i,.544. New Castle, or Great Island, isl. and t. Rockingham co. N. H., lat. 43° 5'. It is a rough and rocky isl. in Portsmouth harbor. It is connected with Portsmouth by a handsome bridge. Fishing is here pursued with success. NEW 324 NEW Fort Constitution and the light house stand on this isl. Pop. 845. New Castle, t. West Chester co. N. Y. 37 ms.N. N. Y., 128 s. Albany, 6 w. Bedford ; lO schools continued 7 months in 12. Pop. 1,336. New Castle, p-v. on the peninsula between Shenango and Neshanock crs. and near the s. border of iVlercer co. Pa. 18 ms. s. s. w. from the borough of Mercer, 41 n. n. w. Pittsburg, and 264 ms. n. w. W. C. New Castle, nrthrn. co. of the state of Del., bndd. by Kent co. of the same state s., Kentco. of Md. s. w., Cecil co. of Md. w., Chester co. of Pa. N. w., Delaware co. Pa. n., and by Del. r. separating it from Salem co. N. J. e. Length from s. to N. 38 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 456 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 18' to 39° 50', and long, from 1° 17' to 1° 38' e. W. C. The line of demarcation between Md. and Del. states following, particularly in the northern part, very nearly the dividing ridge or summit, separating the sources of crs. flowing westward into Chesapeake, from those pursu- ing an eastern course into Delaware bay; the slope of New Castle co. is consequently to the eastward. The northern part is traversed and drained by the different confluents of Brandy- wine creek, which enters the Del. in the vicini- ty of Wilmington. Below t-he Brandywine, flow also into Del. in this co. the Appoquini- minck and Black Bird creeks. Duck creek on the s. separates New Castle from Kent. {See Chesapeake and Delaware canal.) Some parts of this CO. towards Del. r. are low and marshy, but receding vvstrd. and northwestwa-d, the sur- face rises into waving hills, and though no where much elevated the interior is pleasantly diversified. The soil is mostly productive in grain, grasses and orchard fruit. The falls in the diff'erent branches of Brandywine have made the northern part of New Castle a manu- facturing county. Cf. ts. Wilmington and New Castle. Pop. 1820, 27,899, 1830, 29,710. New Castle, p-v. and st. jus. New Castle co. Del., situated on the bank of Del. r., 5 ms. a little w. of s. Wilmington, 32 s. w. Phil., and by p-r. 103 ms. n. e. W. C. Lat. 39° 40', long. 1° 24' E. W. C The village of New Castle ex- tends lengthwise along the Del., and is tolera- bly compact and well built. The site is a ri- sing plain,- and the Hundred, in 1810, con. tained a pop. of 2,438, in 1820, 2,671, in 1830, 2,463. New Castle, p-v. in the forks of Craig's creek, western part of Botetourt co. Va., 15 ms. a little s. of w. Fincastle, and by p-r. 210 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. New Castle, p-v. Wilkes co. N. C. by p-r. 175 ms. a little n. of w. Raleigh. New Castle, p-v. and st. jus. Henry co. Ky. 24 ms. N. w. Frankfort, 38 ms. n. e. by e. Louis- ville, and by p-r. 564 ms. a little s. of w. W. C- Lat. 38° 25'. long. 8° 08' w. W. C. Pop. 538. New Ch;'Ster, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 16 ms. s. Plymouth, 24 ms. from Concord, 44 from Haverhill, 25 from Hanover, and 86 from Bos- ton. Watered by Pemigewasset and Blackwater rs. and several small streams. Timbered with white pine, birch, beech, hemlock, maple, &c. Pop. 1,090. New Columbia, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Union CO., Pa., 68 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg. Newcomh, t. Essex co. N. Y. Pop. 62. Newcomb, P-v. Preble co. Ohio, by p-r. 8 ms. s. Eaton, the county seat, and 100 ms. a little s. of w. Columbus. Newcomerstown, P-v. in the s. wstrn. angle of Tuscarawas co. Ohio, 96 ms. n.e. by E.Co- lumbus, and 12 ms. e. Coshocton. It is situ- ated on Tuscarawas r. and on the Ohio and Erie canal. Lat. 40° 16'. Pop. 100. New Covington, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Luzerne co. Pa., 19 ms. nthrd. from Wilkes- barre, and by p-r. 144 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. New Cumberland, p-v. on the point above the entrance of Yellow Breeches cr. into Sus- quehannah r., and in the extreme estrn. angle of Cumberland co. Pa., 3 ms. s. Harrisburg. New Derry, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa., 6 ms. estrd. Greensburg, the co. t., by p-r. 188 ms.. N. w. W. C. New Design, p-v. Trigg co. Ky., by p-r. 217 ms. s. w. by w. Fiankfort. New Durham, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. Sur- face very uneven, a portion so rocky as to be unfit for cultivation. It is well watered. In this town there is a remarkable cave. Pop.. 1,162. New Egypt, v. Monmouth co. N. J., on Crosa- wick's cr., 18 ms. s. w. Freehold. New England, a name given to the six states of the Union lying east of New York, viz. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is bndd. n. by Lower Canada, e. by New Brunswick, s. by the Atlantic and Long Island sound, and w. by New York. It lies between 41° and 48° 12' lat., and between 2° 45' and 10° long. e. W. C, and contains 65,475 sq. ms. The inhabitants are almost exclusively of unmixed English ori- gin, and though never united as a political whole, they have at different periods been cor^. nected by their common interests. From the earliest settlement of their country they have enjoyed peculiar advantages for literary and re- ligious instruction, and being trained to habits of industry, economy and enterprize, by fhe cir- cumstances of their peculiar situation, as well as by the dangers of prolonged wars, they pre- sent traits of character which are considered as remarkable abroad, as they are common and universal at home. Some of the first settle- ments were made in the territory of Maine, which had been visited by Martin Pring, an English navigator, in the years 1603, and 1606; but the most important was that of Massachu- setts, which was commenced in the year 1620, by the Pilgrim forefathers of New England, who had been expelled from England for as. serting liberty of conscience, and v;ho found Holland not sufficiently remote from their op- pressors, to secure to themselves or theii*oft- spring, the civil and religious blessings which they desired. While the French missions, and the English colonies in Maine, have scarcely left any traces of their existence, the principles which were regarded as fundamental by the Plymouth Pilgrims, have produced effects which may be more or less plainly traced in the insti- tutions and condition of all the United States, NEW 325 NEW and have diffused an influence which is felt at the present day in every country of Europe. As early as 1638, Harvard -ollege was founded, and in 1647, the legislature of Mass. passed a law making effectual provis'on for the instruc- tion of every child in the rudiments oi learning. The support of public worship was also legally provided for. In consequence of these and si- milar enactments, the people are generally well instructed and moral ; and from them has been furnished a large portion of the learned and influ- ential men who have figured in other parts of the Union. In Rhode Island, where no provision was made by law for the support of either learning or religion, the experience of manj'- years has induced the people to take measures to secure, as far as possible, the advantages in these respects, enjoyed by the other parts of New England. A large part of the distin- guished men of the U. S. have been educated at Harvard and Yale colleges ; and though there are many respectable institutions of learn, ing in other parts of the country, still, many students from the s. and w. are annually taught in the colleges of New England. Teachers of schools, of all descriptions and in different states, are derived from the same quarter of the Union, ediication being so easily and cheap- ly obtained, that instructers are to be found m abundance. Many defects have hitherto exist- ed in the systems of popular education in New- England ; but notwithstanding all such impedi- ments, she has maintained the superiority in common instruction and general intelligence, not only in the U. S., but probably also in the world. Improvements, however, have been commenced : iVlass. with liberal and enlight- ened views, taking the lead in measures which promise much for the interests of education. Evidence of the good morals of the New Eng- landers might be adduced from various facts, did the nature and limits of this work permit. The Pequod war, in 1634, placed in their pow. er the first, and it is believed, the only land ever claimed on the ground of conquest. The laws of the colonies forbade any land to be ob- tained from the Indians by individuals, and the government frequently paid for the same tracts, several times over, to av^id the imputation of injustice. Crimes have always been compara- tively rare, and duelling is almost unknown in their criminal records. Criminals have gene- rally been among those who were least instruct- ed, and the conviction is deep and general in New England, that the general diffusion of learning and religion is indispensable to the good order of society, and to the existence of a free and popular government. The intelli- gence and enterprizing spirit of the people are seen in the expedients to which they resort to obtain a livelihood at home, as well as their judgment and foresight in choosing places to which to emigrate. They have never found the means of accumulating wealth, or even of subsisting, without persevering labor and econ- omy ; their soil and climate offered no attrac- tions to adventurers, and their simple habits and strict rules of society, are unpalatable to persons of that class. The early circumstan- ces of New England obliged its inhabitants to 42 dwell in villages, as the Indians could thus be best resisted ; the first settlers were thus con. fined to a few spots on the coast, long enough to discipline them in the political, intellectual, and religious principles of the pilgrims ; so that, tho' the emigrants from England brought over much ignorance, and even vice, they were re. strained, if not entirely reformed, by the pure and inteiUgent society to which they were in. troduced. At every step of their progress in extending their settlements, the colonies carried with them their schools and churches. Had not the population been prevented by circum. stances from spreading too fast, this probably could not have been tlie case, and it would have degenerated both intellectually and moral'y. Many of the pilgrim settlers, had been men distinguished for their learning and piety in England, and their influence produced happy and permanent impressions on the community, which they had aided in founding. These in. fluences extended to ail the early settlements, and have been still more widely diffused by the amount of emigration which has taken place in later years, from New England to various parts of the country, especially the western states. The early colonies first spread slowly along the coast, then along Conn. r. ; and afterwards, as the strength of the people increased, and their enemies diminished, gradually occupied the re- maining territory of Mass., Conn., R. I., and the lower parts of N. H. and Vt. It is stated that the number of " regulars," furnished by N. England during the revolutionary war, was 117,- 441 ; 6,7,907 of these by Mass., and 31,939 by Conn. The close of the war of the revolution opened the adjacent states to the colonists of New England, and every opportunity has been improved for extending their settlements. Con- siderable portions of New Jersey, New York, and a part of Pennsylvania were settled by New Englanders ; and Ohio, which within 30 years has grown up from a wilderness to an important state, derived a large part of its inhabitants, and most of its enterprize and prosperity, from New England emigrants ; the same is true to a less extent, of Illinois, Michigan Territory, &c. ; and emigrants now proceed every year to those states, to Florida, Texas, and even to the Oregon Territory, with as much readiness "and confi- dence of success, as they once did to N. York, or in earlier days to the Conn, river. There are in New England 13 colleges, 3 in Mass., 3 in Conn., 2 in Me., 2 in Vt., 1 in N. Hampshire, and 1 in R. I. : 6 theological seminaries, 4 of which are in Mass., 1 in Me., 1 in Conn. : 8 medical schools, 2 in Me., 3 in Vt., 2 in Mass., and 1 in Conn.: 4 law schools, I in V'ass. and 3 in Conn. The following table will show the number of newspapers and periodicals of the New England states, at different periods : — irTS. 1810. 1828. Maine, 29 Massachusetts, 7 32 78 New Hampshii-p, 1 12 17 Verm nt, 14 21 Rhode Island, 2 7 14 Connecticut, 4 11 33 The population of this portion of the U. S. has been gradually but not rapidly increasing. In 1700 it was about 120,000, and in Martin'a NEW 326 NEW London Magazine we find it stated in 1755, at 345,000; the troops in the provinces at that time not being reckoned. The following is the pop. of the six N. E. states by the censuses of 1820 and 1830 : 1820. 1830. Increase pr.ct. Maine, 298,335 399,462 34 New Hampshire, 244,161 269,533 10 Vermont, 235,764 280,676 19 Massachusetts, 523,287 610,014 17 Rhode Island, 83,059 97,210 17 Connecticut, 275,248 297/m 8 Total, 1,659,854 1,954,609 According to the census of 1830, the increase of the U. S. for the preceding 10 years was about 35 per cent. The average increase in the states of New England, during the same pe- riod, was 17^ per cent. To prevent repetition, the reader is referred to individual states, and to the art. United States, for farther details, in agriculture, manufactures, arts, &c. New Fairfield, Fairfield co. Conn., 64 ms. s. w. Hartford, 7 n. Danbury. Tsp. broken, soil hard and gravelly. Pop. 940. Newfane, p-t. and st. jus. Windham co. Vt. 10 ms. w. Conn, r., 12 n. w. Brattleborough, 110 ms. from Boston, 80 from Albany, 110 from MontpeUer, and 50 from Wmdsor. Well wa- tered and supplied with mill seats. Diversified Willi high hills and deep vallies. Timbered with rock maple, beech, birch, walnut, oak, &c. and contains a variety of minerals. The centre village, which contains a c. h., jail, and acade- my, stands on an elevated situation, and affords a very extensive and picturesque prospect. From the meeting house may be seen some part of at least 50 towns, lying in Vt., N. H. and Mass. Here are a co. grammar school, and 12 school dists. Pop. 1,441. Newfane, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y., 276 ms. w. Albany, 10 n. Lockport. Pop. 1,448. Newfielu, t. York co. Me., 40 ms. n. w. York, 36 w. n. w. Portland, e. Strafford co. N. H. Pop. 1,286. Newfield, p-t. Tompkins co. N. Y., 9 ms. s. w. Ithaca. Well watered; limestone plentiful, and some marie. 15 schools, 5 months in 12. Pop. 2,664. Newfound lake, Grafton co. N. H., 6 ms. long from n. to s. and 2 broad. Communicates with the Merrimack at Bridgewater. Newfound river mills, p-o. Hanover co. Va., 30 ms. northward Richmond, and by p-r. 98 ms. s. s. w. W. C. New Gaillard, (-See New Gilead, Moore co. N. C.) New Garden, p-v. between Red and White Clay crs. Chester co. Pa., 45 ms. s. w. by w. Phil., 12 ms. N. w. by w. Wilmington, Del., and by p-r. 123 ms. n. e. W. C. New Garden, p-v. Guilford co. N. C. by p-r. 82 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. New Garden, p-v. western part Columbiana CO. O., by p-r. 9 ms. w. New Lisbon, the co. st., and 142 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. New Garden, p-v. Wayne co. Ind., by p-r. 84 ms. E. Indianopolis. New Geneva, p-v. on the right bank of Mo- nongahela r. in the s. western part of Fayette CO. Pa., 20 ms. by land sthrd. Brownsville, and fay p-r. 217 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. New Germantown, p-v. in the n. western part of Perry co. Pa., by p-r. 46 ms. wstrd. Harris- burg. New Gilead,, formerly New Gaillard, p-v. Moore co. N. C, by p-r. 8 ms. s. westward Car- thage, and 63 s. w. Raleigh. New Glasgow, p-v. n. western part of Am- herst CO. Va. 20 ms. n. n. e. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 175 ms. s. w. W. C, and 132 ms. nearly due w. Richmond. New Gloucestsr, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 23 ms. N. Portland, and is crossed by a small stream flowing to the tide. Pop. 1,682. New Guilford, p-v. Coshocton co. 0., by p-r. 63 ms. N. e. by e. Columbus. New Hagerstown, p-v. in the estrn. part ot Tuscarawas co. 0., by p-r. 124 ma. n. e. by e. Columbus, and 18 ms. s. e. by e. New Philadel- phia, the CO. St. Pop. 102. New Hampshire, one of the U. S., bndd. n. by Lower Canada, e. by Me. and the Atlantic, s. by Mass. and w. by the w. bank, of Conn, river, which forms the e. boundary of Vt. It lies be- tween 42° 40' and 45° 20' n. lat., and between 4° 30' and 6° 15' e. long. W. C. Its extreme length is 168 ms., its greatest breadth 90, and its whole area, 9,491 sq. ms. New Hampshire was first discovered in 1614, by Capt. John Smith, the English navigator, and was after- wards named by John Mason, to whom it was granted in 1622, by a patent in which it is called Laconia. The first settlements were made in the following year at Dover and Portsmouth. In 1629, the territory between the Merrimack and Piscataqua rs. and extending 60 ms. from the sea, was granted to Mason alone, by whom it was then first called New Hampshire. In 1641, all the settlements of the state united themselves to Mass. and formed part of the county of Norfolk. In 1679, they were again constituted a separate province by Charles II., and in 1680, the first assembly convened. From 1689, with the exception of a short period, it was again united with Massachusetts, until 1741, when it was constituted a separate government under the care of Gov. Wentwonh. A few set- tlements were commenced in Coos co. before 1775, but were abandoned until the conclusion of peace. During the war of the revolution, the government of New Hampshire was con- ducted by a temporary administration ; and in 1784, a new constitution was adopted, which, with the amendments of 1792, forms the pre- sent constitution of the state. The legislative power of the present government is vested in a senate of 12 members, who are chosen by districts, and a house of 229 representatives from the towns ; each branch having a nega- tive on the other. The executive is composed of a governor, and a council of five members. The governor is annually elected by the people, and has a negative on both branches of the legislature. The regular time for the annual session of the legislature, is the first Wednes- day in June. The judiciary department is composed of a superior court and a court of common pleas, each consisting of three judges, who are removeable only by impeachment, ex- cept that they are disqualifi.ed by attaining 70 years of age. The surface of the state ia near- NEW 327 NEW ly level for 20 or 30 ms. from the sea coast, which extends but 18 miles, and is generally a sand beach with salt marshes within ; back of this it becomes hilly, and in many parts moun. tainous. Between the Connecticut and Merri- mack rs. lie Monadnock, Sunapee, Kearsarge, Moosehillock, and Carr's mtns. In the lower part of Coos co. is a cluster of mtns., called the White hills, or White mtns., among which are the most elevated peaks of the U. States. This region, which is wild and almost entirely unin- habited, abounds in sublime scenery, and for- merly afforded much wild game. There are now many deer, wild cats, and some bears, &c. New Hampshire has been called the granite state, from the quantities of that rock quarried within it; and the Switzerland of America, on account of its wild and picturesque mountain scenery, its lakes, cascades, &.c. The largest collection of waters in the state is Lake Win- nipiseogee, which is one of the most varied and beautiful in the United States, and a favorite resort of travellers. Besides this are Connec- ticut, Ossipee and Squam lakes, &c. which af- ford fish and fowl. Lake Umbagog is partly in this state and partly in Maine. The state is re- markably well watered, and five of the princi- pal rivers of New England have their sources within its borders. The air is pure and salu- brious, and the climate, though severe, very healthy. The soil of New Hampshire is gene- rally fertile, and mostly capable of cultivation. The best lands are those bordering the rivers, which are enriched by the annual floods. The hills afford excellent pasturage. By far the greatest part of the inhabitants is occupied in agricultural pursuits. The principal produc- tions are maize, wheat, rye, oats, barley, flax, &c. Large quantities of pork, beef, butter, cheese, &c. are annually exported. The state produces excellent timber, much of which is also sent abroad. The white pine attains a very large size. The ginseng, long supposed to grow only in China and Tartary, is found here in abundance and of excellent quality. Apples are abundant, and excellent; pears, plums, cherries, &c. are also produced. Beau- tiful and fine grained granite is found in va- rious parts of the state, of which large quan- tities are transported for building stone. Iron and copper ore of excellent quality have been found at Franconia ; and very good plumbago or black lead, at Bristol. There are many internal improvements and channels of com. munication. A large part of the commerce of the lower counties finds its vent by the Merri- mack river into Mass., while most of that from the upper counties passes e. to Portland, Me. Indeed so important has the road through the White mtns. been considered to that state, that the legislature of Me. have sometimes ap. propriated money for its improvement. Merri- mack r. has been dammed, locked and canalled by the state, at the falls between Concord and IVIass., so as to be navigable in boats ; and great quantities of lumber, granite, produce, -and foreign merchandize, are transported by that channel. Numerous factories are erected at the falls. The Middlesex canal opens a eommimication between the bend of the Merri- mack r. and Boston harbor. Piscataqua r., at the mouth of which is Portsmouth, the port of the state, and a navy yard of the U. S., is rather an arm of the sea, which receives 5 small rs. the principal of which is Salmon Falls r. An. droscoggin and Saco rs. which flow into Me., rise in the upper parts of N. Hampshire ; the last has its source on Mt. Washington. By the report of the secretary of the treasury, the amount of American and foreign tonnage en- tered in N. H. for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1830, was 9,416: departed, 4,6 >2; value of imports, $130,828 ; exports, domestic, $93,499 ; foreign, f 2,685 ; total exports, $96,184. On the 1st of January 1833, the banking capital of the state was ^22,271,308 ; specie on hand ^464,571 ; bills in circulation ^12,386,430. The state is divided into 8 count'es and 2l5 towns ; none of which are large. Portsmouth is the chief in size, and Concord is the seat of government. The population of New Hamp. shire has been steadily on the increase. In 1800 it was 183,858, in IBIO, 214,460. In 1820 and 1830 the pop. of the counties and state was as follows : Counties. Pop. 1820. Pop. 1830. Cheshire, 20,803 27,016 Coos, 5,549 8,388 GraftoD, 32,989 38,682 Hillsborough, 35,761 37,724 Merrimack, 32,843 34,014 Rockingham, 40,526 44,325 Strafford, 51,117 58,910 Sullivan, 18,533 19,669 Total, 244,161 269,328 Of the foregoing there were white persons. Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 19,428 18,538 From 5 to 15, 34,258 32,315 " 15 to 30, 36,038 39,387 " 30 to 50, 25,463 28,586 " 50 to 70, 12,277 14,336 " 70 to 90, 3,62G 4,195 90 and above, 89 180 Total, 131,184 137,537 Of these were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 32 ; between 14 and 25, 55 ; above 25, 49. Blind 105. Aliens 410. Free colored persons. Males. Females. Under 10 years of age, 67 66 From 10 to 24, 78 95 " 24 to 36, 54 54 " 36 to 55, 44 61 " 55 to 100, 31 45 100 and upwards, 5 2 Total, 279 602 There arc 5 female slaves in the state. Of color- ed persons there were 9 deaf and dumb; blind, none Recapitulation, White persons. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 268,721 602 5 269,328 The counties of Merrimack and Sullivan have been formed since the census of 1820, from other counties, and the pop. above named was embraced within their limits, in 1820. The common schools of New Hampshire are es- tablished by law, and are generally well sup- ported ; and there are academies and high schools in many of the large towns. Dartmouth college at Hanover is the only oae in the state i NE t'V 3:28 NEW it was founded in 1770. In the number ot its graduates, it is the third in the United States ; and the libraries connected with it contain 14,000 volumes. There is a state prison at Concord. There are various religious denomi- nations in the slate. The Congregationalists have 146 churches, 116 ministers, and 12,807 communicants ; Baptists 75 churches, 61 minis- ters, and 5,279 com.; Free Will Baptists 67 churches, 51 ministers, and 4,500 com. ; Me- thodists 30 ministerti, and 3,180 com. ; Presby- terians 11 churches, 9 ministers, and 1,499 com.; Christ-ians have 17 ministers ; Friends 13 so- cieties ; Universalists 20 congregations ; Unita- rians 10 ministers; Episcopalians 8 ministers; Catholics 2 churches ; Shakers 2 societies, and Sandemanians 1. New Hampton, p-t. Straftbrd co. N. H., 30 ms. N. Concord, watered in the w. part by Pe- migewasset r. The surface is broken and un- even. The soil remarkably fertile. Here is. a flourishing ' academical and theological institu- tion,' embracing 4 departments, theological, classical, English, and a female department. In all these there are 8 professors and teachers, and 314 students ; viz. classical 96 ; English 110 ; temale 108. The theological department has been discontinued. Pop. 1,905. New Hampton, p-v., eastern part Madison co., O., by p-r. 15 ms. w. Columbus. New Hanover, p.V. Montgomery co. Pa., 24 ms. nthrd. Phil. New Harmony, p-v. Posey co. Ind., by p-r. 171 ms. s. s. w. Inciianonolis, and 732 ms. a lit. tie s. of w. W. C, lat 38° 10', long. W. C. 11° west. This v. has been the scene of some in- teresting revolutions. It was founded in 1814 by a society of Germans, called " the Har. monites," who removed there from their settle- ment of the same name in Butler co. Pa., on the Conequenessing cr. The principles of their civil polity, as far as developed to thepublic, was a community of goods, landed and personal. Their civil and religious leader was George Rapp. They were remarkable for industry, quietness, decency, and indeed every moral quality which gives force to a people. With such principles they soon made a garden of New Harmony. But MAN continued to be MAN on the Wabash, as he had done since he came with his partner weeping down from the hill of Eden. Robert Owen of Lanark, who had heard of New Harmony, having discovered, or thought he had discovered, a gold mine in the human heart, came to America and pur- chased New Harmony for ^190,000, and began his experiment on a plan directly the reverse of the Harmonites. With the German reformer all was order and obedience, and of course suc- cess in his operations ; with the Scotch re- former, all was equality, and the result answered to the means. Robert Owen left New Har- mony covered with the weeds of discord. It is probable all reflecting persons will respond to the humane wish of Mr. Flint. " It is to be hoped that this beautiful village, which has been the theatre of such singular and opposing ex- periments, will again flourish." The actual population is not given by either the census re- turns, or by Mr. Flint. Nuw Hakrisburg, p-v. Stark co. 0., by p-r. 132 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. New Hartford, p.t. Litchfield co. Conn., 20 ms, N. w. Hartford. Watered by the Far- mington or Tunxis r., which affords numerous sites for mills, &c. It is likewise watered by numerous small streams, is hilly and mountain- ous, and timbered with deciduous trees, except in the n. part of the town, where the perennial or evergreen region of Connecticut commences. Pop. 1,766. New Haktford, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., near Utica, and 100 ms. w. Albany. The village is very neatly built, and in its immediate vicinity are several handsome country seats. Pop. 3,599. New Haven, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 26 ma. s. Burlington, 31 w. Montpelier. It is watered by Otter cr.. Little Otter cr., and New Haven r., and contains good mill privileges. Quarries of excellent marble are found in almost every part ; timber, maple, beech, birch, elm, basswood, &c. Pop. 1,834. New Haven co. Conn., bndd. n. by Litchfield and Hartford cos., e. by Middlesex co., s. by Long Island sound, and w. by Litchfield co. and the Ousatonic r. which separates it from Fair- field CO. Its average length from e. to w. is about 26 ms., and its width from n. to s. 21 ms. Containing 540 sq. ms., or 345,600 acres. This CO., lying on Long Island sound, has a very ex- tensive maratime border, but its foreign trade is chiefly confined to New Haven harbor. Its fisheries of oysters and clams and other fish are valuable. It is intersected by several streams, none of them of very large size, but of some value for their water power and fish. Of these the principal are the Pomperaug and Naugatuck, on the w. ; the Quinnepiack, the Menunkatuck, and West and Mill rs. on the e. The Quinne- piack is the largest, and passes through exten- sive meadows. A part of its course is pursued by the Farmington canal, which passes through this CO. from n. to s. There is a great variety of soil in this county, as well as of native vege- table and mineral productions. The range of secondary country which extends along Conn. r. as far as Middletown, there leaves that stream, crosses into this co. and terminates at New Haven. This intersection of the primitive for. mation by a secondary ridge, affords a' great variety of minerals, and materials for different soils. Considerable tracts on the mountains and sandy plains are of little value. This co. contains the largest city in the state, one of its caps., a seaport with pretty extensive trade, and one of the most beautiful towns in the union. The manufactures are not very numerous. There are however large manufactories of cot- ton, and buttons, at Humphreysville, in the wstrn. part of the co. ; an extensive gun manu- factory at Whitneyville, near New Haven, and a number of manufactories of various articles at Meriden and other towns. New Haven is the CO. St. Pop. in 1820, 39,616, 1830, 43,847. New Havex, city, seaport, and st. of jus. of New Haven co. Conn., and one of the capitals of the state, is 34 ms. s. w. Hartford, 52 w. New London, 76 n. e. New York, and 301 from W. C. in lat. 41° 17', and long. 3° 58' e. W. C. It is NEW 3:29 NEW beautifully situated about 4 ms. from Long Island sound, at the bead of New Haven bay, on a large and level plain, surrounded, except in the di- rection of the harbor, by a grand amphitheatre of hills, two of which present bold and perpen- dicular precipices of rude and naked trap rock. These abrupt eminences, which are called East and West rock, are 350 to 370 ft. high, and in connection with the surrounding scenery are said very much to resemble the famous " Salisbury craig" in England. New Haven was first settled by the English in 1638, and was united with the Connecticut colony in 16b5. The Indian name was Quinnipiack. The city was incorporated in 1764, is 3 ms. long from E. to w. and 2 wide, and includes the old and new townships, each of which is regularly laid out by right lines which divide it into spacious squares. The central square of the old town- ship, which is 182 yards on each side, is, with its ornaments, one of the finest in the U. S. The city is characterized by an appearance of plainness, neatness and order. Its houses and private edifices, are mostly of wood, not ex- pensive, but neat and convenient. The public square and the principal streets are finely orna- mented with large and spreading elms, and other shade trees ; and a great part of the houses have gardens attached to them, filled with fruit trees and shrubbery, giving to the city a rural and delightful appearance. The central square is intersected by a beautiful street, overspread by elms. The east section is free from buildings and occupied only by ma- jestic elms. On the west, are situated the new state house, 2 Congregational, I Episcopal, and 1 Methodist church. The new state house is a splendid edifice, built after the model of the Parthenon, commanding in its appearance ; and for the beauty of its proportions, and the style of its workmanship, it holds a high rank among the best specimens of architecture in the coun- try. It is situated near the centre of the sec- tion, and includes a large hall for city and town meetings, the halls of legislature, with com- mittee rooms, court rooms, &c. The Episco- pal church is a large Gothic edifice, built of dark stone from East Rock. In the new town- ship, is also a new Episcopal church, in the Gothic style, an elegant Congregational church also lately erected, and a Baptist church of stuccoed stone. The state hospital, erected in 1832, is a fine stuccoed edifice, with a colon- nade, standing on an eminence about half a mile s. w. from the centre of the city. This institu- tion is one that must prove highly useful, and honorable to the state. Yale college, one of the oldest and most distinguished literary in- stitutions of the country, is located here. It was founded in 1700, and received donations in books and money, the former from clergymen in Connecticut and others, and the latter chief- ly from England. Its name was derived from its principal foreign donor. It was chartered in 1701, was originally located at Killingworth, was removed to Saybrook in 1707, and to New Haven in 1717. The original design of the in- stitution was to afford instruction to young men designed for the ministry. A large proportion of all the youth who have received a classical education in the U. S. have, however, been in- structed here. It has long suffered for want of funds. The whole amount of pecuniary dona- tions received from all sources, since it was foun- ded, is less than ^150,000, viz. from the state |g75,000,and from individuals about ^7.J,000. It has not an endowed professorship, and its annual income is only about $2,000. The receipts of the students' bills constitute, therefore, the only means of defraying the expenses of instruction, and these have hitherto been insufficient. A fund of ^100,000 has however been recently raised, by individual subscriptions, for the ben- efit of the institution, which will greatly facili- tate its means of instruction, and remove its present embarrassments. The general man- agement of the college is committed to the cor- poration, consisting of its president, the govern- or and lieutenant governor of the state, the 6 oldest members of the state senate, and the same number of distinguished clergymen of the state, chosen by the corporation. The faculty, to whom is entrusted the government and in- struction of the pupils, consists of a president, 15 professors, viz. of law; ofthe principles and practice of surgery ; of chemistry ; pharmacy ; mineralogy and geology; ofthe Latin language and literature; of the theory and practice of physic; of materia medica and therapeutics ; ol didactic theology ; of anatomy and physiology ; of obstetrics; of sacred literature ; of divinity; of rhetoric and oratory ; of mathematics and natural philosophy; and of the Greek language and literature ; 8 tutors ; besides assistants to the professors of law and chemistry, and in- structers in elocution, drawing, and perspec- tive, botany, and in the German, French, and Spanish languages. The situation of the col- lege buildings is very fine, healthful, and con- venient. They consist of 4 buildings 100 ft. by 40, each of 4 stories, and containing 32 rooms for students ; a chapel, in which is one story appropriated to the theological school, and one to the college library; with 2 other buildings, called the lyceum and atheneum, appropriated to recitation and lecture rooms, rooms for the professors, and libraries for the literary socie- ties. These are all built of brick, and are rang- ed in a line, on a gentle elevation facing the city green, with a broad yard in front, shaded with elms and maples. In the rear of these is another range of buildings, consisting of the chemical laboratory; the commons hall, in the 2d story of which, is an elegant and spacious apartment, fitted up for the mineralogical cabi. • net ; and a third, a neat and tasteful building of stuccoed stc ne, recently erected, for the recep- tion of a part of Col. Trumbull's paintings, (which have lately become the property ofthe college,) and other pictures. A short distance from these, are the buildings ofthe law and medical schools. The medical institution is furnished with a library and an anatomical mu- seum. The lectures commence the last week in October and terminate the last week in Feb- ruary. During the course, from 50 to 100 lee. tures are given by each professor. The library of the college, consists principally of old and valuable books, and contains 9,500 vols. The libraries of the literary societies of the stu- NEW 330 NEW dents amount to 10,000 volumes. The philo- sophicaland chemical apparatus, are both exten. sive and valuable. The mineralogical cabinet, contains more than 16,000 specimens, and is the most valuable in the country. Commence- ment is on the third Wednesday in August. The number of academical students, 1832 — 3 was 354; theological, 49; law, 31; medical, (1831)69. Number of living graduates (1831) 2,506; alumni 4,609; degrees conferred 5,138. There are 10 very respectable sciiools of the higher class for young ladies, in which about 400 pupils are educated. The Farmington ca- nal, which in connection with the Hampshire and Hampden canal, was designed to afford a communication with Connecticut river at North- ampton, terminates here. The harbor of New Haven is well protected from winds, but is shal- low and gradually filling up ; there being but 7 feet of water on the bar at low tide. To rem- edy this, a wharf with flood gates has been late- ly erected, at considerable expense, forming a spacious basin, where the water may be always kept at high tide mark. There is another wharf extending 3,943 feet into the harbor ; longer than any other in the U. S. by 2,000 feet. The harbor bridge is half a mile in length, 27 feet wide, and cost ^60,000. The foreign com. merce of the city was formerly very extensive, but is now principally confined to the West In- dies. Its coasting trade is more important. Regular lines of packets run to New York, with which city there is a daily communication, by swift and commodious steamboats. Among other objects of enterprise in the city, are a large carpet manufactory, and a carriage man- ufactory, one of the most extensive in the U. S. It is a coach making village, comprising the habitations of the workmen, and a large building with a Doric front in which are the workshops, chapel, &c. The ground is laid out for gar- dens, and ihe whole occupies a beautiful situa- tion, near the mouth of Quinnipiack river, and the N. side of the harbor. There are in the city, beside what have been mentioned, the county jail, an almshouse, custom house, museum, 3 banks, 2 insurance offices, and 6 printing offi- ces, from which are issued 5 weekly newspa- pers, and three other periodicals. The Frank- lin institution has been lately established for the benefit of the citizens, and at great expense, by an enterprising mechanic of the city. It is an institution for popular lectures, and comprises a spacious lecture room, chemical apparatus, and a mineralogical cabinet. At Whitneyville, a village at the base of East Rock and within the limits of the town of New Haven, is a very ex- tensive gun manufactory, established a few years since by an enterprising citizen of New Haven and one of the most ingenious and in- ventive mechanics of our country; from whom the village derives its name. The burying ground of New Haven is a level spot, regularly laid out in squares and ornamented with rows of poplars. It contains a great number of very handsome monuments, many of them made from ancient models, and is said to be one of the most solemn and impressive spots of the same kind in our country. There are 10 chucches in th« city, viz. 4 Congregational, 3 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 2 African. Pop. of the city and town, 1820, 8,326. In 1830, city 10,180 ; town exclusive of the city, 498 ; total 10,678. New Haven, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y. s. lake Ontario, 10 ms. e. Oswego, has good land, pretty well supplied with mill seats by Cat- fish cr., &c. Fruit grows very well. Pop. 1,410. New Haven, p-v. Huron co. O. by p-r. 95 ms. northward Columbus. Pop. tsp. New Haven, 615. New Holland, p-v. southern part of Picka- way CO. 0. by p-r. 44 ms. southward Colum- bus. New Holland, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa. 13 ms. N. E. Lancaster city, and 55 ms. a little n. of w. Phil. New Hope, p-v. on the right bank of Del. r. Bucks CO. Pa. opposite Larabertsville in New .Jersey, 11 ms. n. e. Doylestown, and 34 n. n. E. Phil. • New Hope, p-v. Augusta co. Va. by p-r. 114 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. New Hope, p-v. Spartanburg dist. S. C. by p-r. 112 ms. nrthrd. Columbia. New Hope, p-v. Hancock co. Geo. by p-r. 26 ms. N. E. Milledgeville. New Hope, p-v. Lincoln co. Ten. by p-r. 56 ms. sthrd. Nashville. New Hope, p-v. Brown co. 0. by p-r. 97 ma. s. s. w. Columbus. New Hope, Perquimans co. N. C. (See Du- rant's Neck.) New Hope Forge and p-o. Iredell co. N. C. by p-r. 372 ms. s. w, W. C., and 166 westward Raleigh. New Iberia, p-v. on the right bank of Teche r. parish of St. Martin's, La. about 200 ms. fol- lowing the p-r., and in a direct course almost due w. New Orleans. It is a small village con- taining about 200 inhabitants, situated on a bank something higher than those of Teche r. gene- erally. It is 11 ms. s. St. Martinsville, the st. jus. for the parish, and 45 ms. s. s. e. St. Landre in Opelousas. NewichawaNnock. (See Piscataqua r.) Newington, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 4 ms. w. Portsmouth, 46 e. by s. Concord ; the soil is generally sandy, but there is some good soil near the streams. From Fox point to Goat Island, and thence to the Durham side, a bridge has been thrown across the Piscataqua 2,600 ft. long, and 40 ft. wide, which cost ,^65,401. Pop. 547. New Inlet, N. J. between Brigantine and Tucker's beaches, leads from Great bay into the sea s. of Little Egg harbor. Long, about 3° E. W. C, lat. 39° 50'. It is at the mouth of MuUicus r. New Ipswich, p-t. Hillsboro' co. N. H. 50 ms. s. w. Concord, 52 n. Boston, 5 ms. by 6 ; 20,860 acres, crossed by Souhegan r., over which is a stone bridge, on the turnpike road. The first cotton factory in N. H. was built here in 1803. It is fertile, and has a flourishing aca- demy, founded 1789. Pop. 1,673. New Jefferson, p-v. German tsp. Harrison CO. O. New Jerssy, one of the U. S,, bndd. n. by NEW 331 NEW New York, e. by the Atlantic and the Hudson r., which separates it from N. Y., s. by Del. bay, and w. by the Del. r. which separates it from Fa. It is situated between 38° 56' and 41° 21' N. lat., and between 1° 45' and 3° 30' e. long. W. C. Its greatest length is 1 63 ms., and its width 52, and it contains about 8,320 sq. ms. The first settlement within the limits of New Jersey, was made by the Danes in 1624, at Ber- gen, so called from a city of Norway. In 1626, a company was formed in Sweden for the pur- pose of colonizing some part of America, and in the following year the Swedes and Fins made a settlement on the w. bank of the Del. r. In 1640, the English formed a settlement on the eastern bank of the same river, but they were soon driven out by the Swedes in concert with the Dutch. In 1655, Peter Stuyvesant, govern- or of the New Netherlands, conquered the country, and transported most of the Swedes to Europe. In 1664, it was taken from the Dutch by King Charles II., and granted by charter to the Duke of York. In 1676, after having been reconquered by the Dutch, and restored by treaty, it was divided into East and West Jer- sey, which were reunited by Queen Anne in 1702. In 1738, they were placed under a sepa- rate governor. In the controversies preceding the revolution. New Jersey was early and sin- cerely attached to the interests of the mother country ; but when compelled to seek a separa- tion as the only refuge from arbitrary oppres- sion, she was one of the first to resolve on in- dependence, and the second colony which adopt- ed a constitution for her own government. She was prompt in accepting the present constitu- tion of the U. S., and during the scenes of the revolution was distinguished for her patriotic exertions. The battles of Princeton, Trenton and Monmouth, were fought within her limits. The present constitution was adopted in 1776. The legislature is composed of a legislative council, a house of assembly ; the former con- taining 14 members, one from each county, the latter 50. They are annually chosen, and meet on the 4th Tuesday of October. The governor is also elected annually, by a joint vote of both houses of the legislature. In case of vacancy, the vice president of the legislative council acts as governor. The judiciary consists of a court of chancery, of which the governor is chancel- lor, a supreme court of three judges, circuit courts, and courts of common pleas in the dif- ferent counties, beside inferior tribunals. Re- sidence for one year in the co. and payment of taxes, are the qualifications for an elector. The soil of New Jersey, and face of the country, pre- sent every variety. The n. w. and n. portions of the state are hilly and mountainous, but inter- spersed with rich valleys, and extensive tracts, well adapted for grazing, and the production of all kinds of grain and vegetables. The middle parts are agreeably diversified, and generally of good quality. The more southern cos. are of alluvial formation, generally level, with loam or sandy soil, and mostoarts well improved and highly productive. The lands in the vicinity of New York and Philadelphia produce great quantities of fruit and vegetables for those mar- kets. The apples and cider of N. Jersey are proverbially excellent. Wheat, maize, rye, barley, &c. are staple productions. The great quantities of lime in the northern, and marl in the middle parts of the state, of late years ex- tensively used as manure, have greatly im- proved the quality and productions of the lands. A part of the southern portion of the state and the sea coast is sandy, and valuable only for fuel and timber; but the quantity of land of this description has been greatly overrated. The principal mineral productions are, iron, copper, copperas, paints and various colors. Iron is abundant, and is extensively manufactured. Ores of gold and silver have been discovered in Warren co. Copper mines were wrought before the revolution. Free stone, limestone, marl, and varieties of fine clay for potters' use, large quantities of which are exported, are also found. The state, excepting the n. boundary, is almost surrounded by navigable water. It is intersected by many navigable rs., and has nu- merous streams for mills, iron works, and eve- ry species of manufactures requiring water power. The principal of these streams are the Raritan, Hackensack, Passaic, Salem, Tom, Cohanzey and Maurice rs. Raritan bay is an extensive arm of the sea on the e. coast, afford- ing a ready communication at all times between the ocean and Perth Amboy, the principal sea port in the state. The internal communica- tions are generally good. The great thorough- fare between the n. and s. states passes through N. J. ; and the advantages which the state en- joys as it regards distance and facilities in transporting goods to market, are not exceeded by those of any equally extended district of the country. In addition to the natural advantages of water communication, the state enjoys the benefit of many internal improvements. The Morris canal, uniting the Passaic and Del. rs. has been completed. The Delaware and Rari- tan canal, a splendid work, is in active progress. It will connect those rivers by a channel of 70 ft. wide, and 7 deep, adapted for sloop naviga- tion, and completing an internal water commu- nication between Albemarle sound and N. Y. A rail road from Camden, across the staie to Amboy, is nearly completed, and others are in progress in several parts of the state. New Jersey is divided into 14 cos., Bergen, Morris, Sussex, Warren, Essex, Somerset, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Burlington, Monmouth, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland and Cape May. These are subdivided into townships. Trenton is the capital, and Newark is the largest town in the state. The pop. of N. Jersey, though not rap- idly increasing, has been steadily progressive ; and its increase has been considerably in ad- vance of some others of the Atlantic states. In 1790 the pop. was 184,139 ; in 1800, 211,149 ; in 1810, 245,562 ; in 1820, 277,575, and in 1830, 320,823. The latter in detail, as follows : Cos. Pop. Cos. Pop. Bergen, 22,412 Middlesex, 23,157 Burlington, 31,107 Monmouth, 29,233 Cape May, 4,936 Morris, 23,666 Cumberland, 14,093 Salem, 14,155 Essex, 41,911 Somerset, 17,689 Gloucester, 28,431 Sussex, 20,346 Hunterdon, 31,060 Warren, 18,627 NEW 332 NEW Of which there were white persons, males. Under 5 years of age, 25,071 Between 5 and 15 40,949 " 15 and 30 44,124 " ZO and 50 28,274 " 50 and 70 11,511 " 70 uid 90 2,555 " 90 and over, 45 Total 152,529 147,737 Of the above were deaf and dumb, 207 ; blind, 205 ; and aliens, 3,36.'). The colored population were, Free. Slaves. Males. Females. Males. Females. Under 10 years of age, 3,033 2,811 5 8 From 10 to 24 3,234 2,890 12 20 " 24 to 3(i 1,458 1,428 395 424 " 36 to 55 1,196 1,113 383 451 " 55 to 100 573 554 261 288 " 100 and upwards, 7 6 3 4 Total 9,501 8,802 1,059 1,195 of which were deaf and dumb 15 ; blind 22. Recapitulation. White persons. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 300,206 18,303 2,254 320,823 The manufactures of the state are extensive and flourishing. They are chiefly of iron, cot- ton, woollen, paper, leather, carriages, shoes, &c., large quantities of which are sent abroad. There are 13 manufactories where glass is made, of various kinds, chiefly from sand fotmd in the state. Iron is one of the most important articles of manufacture, and the forges, furna- ces and mills are very numerous in several of the counties. Chain cables are made at Dover, and cut nails in abundance at Patterson. In 1829 there were in Patterson 487 looms, and 4 machine factories, in one of which, in the pre. ceding year, were made 15,048 spindles. Con. nected with the last was a foundry, producing annually 35,000 pounds of brass, and 1,020,000 pounds of iron castings. The cotton and flax annually used amounted to 2,779,600 pounds, and the quantity of cloth manufactured is 2,. 604,450 yards. The foreign trade of New Jer. sey being carried on through the ports of New York and Philadelphia, its amount cannot be accurately ascertained. The amount of ton- nage in 1829 was 32,465 tons, besides about 5,000 tons registered at New York. By the report of the secretary of the treasury, Sept. 30, 1830, the amount of tonnage entered the previ. ous year was 586 ; departed 627. Value of im. ports, f 13,444; of exports, domestic $8,224; foreign ^100. Total exports, $8,324. The system of common school instruction in the state, has hitherto been very defective ; but in consequence of the recent efforts of the friends of education, the attention of the public has been called up to the subject, and measures have been commenced which promise impor- tant and cheering results. The state possesses a school fund which commenced in 1816. The income from it, which is about $22,000, is an. nually distributed in small sums, to such towns as raise an equal amount for the support of schools. Academies and private schools are numerous and excellent. There are in the state two colleges — Nassau Hall at Princeton, foun- ded in 1746, which enjoys a high reputation ; and Rutger's college at New Brimswick, foun. ded in 1770. There is a theological seminary at Princeton, under the superintendence of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, and a similar institution at New Brunswick, un- der the care of the general synod of the Dutch Reformed church. Twenty-two newspapers are published in this state. The religious de- nominations of the state are, Presbyterians, who have 85 churches, 88 ministers, and 12,519 communicants; the Methodists 10,730 mem- bers ; Dutch Reformed, 28 ministers and 28 churches ; Baptists 34 churches, 21 ministers, and 2,324 communicants ; Episcopalians 20 min- isters, and some Friends and Congregational- ists, and Catholics, New Jerusalem, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., 11 mr. from Reading, and 65 e. Harrisburg. New Kent, co. Va., bndd. by Chickahomina r. separating it from Charles City co. s. and Plenfico s. w. ; by Hanover n. w. ; Matapony r. separating it from King William n. ; and by James City co. s. e. Length diagonally from e. to w. 33 ms., mean width 7, and area 231 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 19' to 37° 36', and in long, from 0° U' e. to 0° 24' w. W. C. It is obvious from the position of Nev/ Kent, between two rs. that it is composed of two nar- row inclined plains. The surface hilly. Pop. in 1820, 6,630. New Kent, c. h. and p-v. near the centre of New Kent co. Va., by p-r. 133 ms. a little w. of s. W. C, and 30 e. Richmond, lat. 37° 26', long. 0° 06' w. W. C. New Lebanon, p-t. Columbia co. N.Y., 30 ras. N. E. Hudson, is of irregular form, with 32 sq, ms., has good land, with Williamstown mtn, on the E., arable hills on the s. and a large rich valley n. e. and n. where flows Lebanon creek. Limestone lies below the soil, with lead and other ores, marl, &c. Pop. 2,695. {See fol- lowing article.) New Lebanon, p-v. Columbia co. N. Y. 24 ms. s. E. Albany, and 6 w. Pittsfield, Mass. This is one of the principal watering places of the U. S. The water flows abundantly from the s. side of a fine hill near the n. e. corner of the t. and a hotel 150 ft. long, and a small vil- lage have been erected near it. The water is always at 72° Fahrenheit, and esteemed for bathing, for wh;ch there are accommodations. The water is but slightly impregnated, and very pure. The scenery is far more agreeable than that of Saratoga or Ballston, and the views from near the hotel are very fine and exten. sive, over a variegated and well cultivated country. About 2 ms. distant is a Shaker vil. lage, where agricultural and mechanic arts in several branches are conducted with great neat, ness, economy and success. The property is all held in common by the members of the soci- ety. New Lebanon, p-v. and st. jus. Camden co. N. C, situated on one of the head branches of Pasquotank r. at the sthrn. extremity of the Dismal swamp canal, about 30 ms. s. Norfolk in Va. and by p-r. 201 ms. n. e. by e, Raleigh, lat. 36° 25', long. 0° 42' e. W. C. New Lexington, p-v. Perry co. 0, by p-r. 54 ms. s. E. Columbus. New Liberty, p-v. Owen co. Ky. 26 miles northward Frankfort. NEW 333 NEW New Lisbon, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y. 10 ms. s. w. Cooperstown, 76 w. Albany, has arable and grazing hills and rich vallies, crossed by But- ternuts or. and a branch of Otsego or. which give mill seats. Pop. 2,232. New Lisbon, p-v. and st. jus. Columbiana co. O. situated on Little Beaver, 33 ms. n. Steuben- ville, 54 ms. n. w. by w. I'ittsburg, and by p-r. 152 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus, and 282 ms. nthwstrd. W. C. lat. 40° 47', long. W. C. 3° 43', w. According to Flint this place contained when he wrote (early in 1832,) the ordinary co. buildings, bank, two places of public worship, 6 taverns, 9 stores. In the tsp. of Centre, in which New Lisbon is situated, there were 4 merchant mills, 4 saw mills, a paper mill, 2 woollen factories, 1 fulling mill and 1 carding machine. Pop. 1,129. New London, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., e. Sunapee lake, containing 17,000 acres, it is 33 ms. N. w. Concord, 75 from Portsmouth, and 9 from Boston, and has 3 ponds, good deep soil, maple, birch, &c. Incorporated 1779. Pop. 913. New London, co. Conn. bndd. by Hartford, Tolland and Windham cos. n., by Windham co. and R. I. e., by L. I. sounds., by Middlesex co w. Length 30 ms., mean width 20, area about 600 sq. ms. It abotmds in harbors, crs. and bays, convenient both for fishing and naviga- tion. The r. Thames formed by the juncture of the Quinebaug and Shetucket, affords steam and sloop navigation to Norwich. Just below Norwich, the Thames receives the waters of the Yantic, and thus furnishes an admirable en. trance for vessels. The different branches of the Thames afford excellent water power ; and a canal is proposed along the Shetucket valley, into Mass. The Niantic, Pequonock, Mystic, Stonington, Wickatequack, and Pacatuck are among the important and beautiful bays which indent that portion of coast included within the territorial limits of this co. The n. w. part of the CO. is mountainous, and much of the surface is hilly and rocky ; but much arable and gra- zing land is found in the co. The soil is gen- erally productive. Fruits, grain, lumber, fish, are the staples. Considerable attention is paid to manufactures. By a return made to the sec- retary of stale at Washington in June, 1832, it appears that there are in the co. 14 cotton mills, which employ 22,688 spindles and 580 looms. Amount of capital invested .$746,000 ; quantity of wool consumed, 1,647,928 lbs. ; yarn sold the previous year 2,500 lbs. ; yds. cloth sold in same time, 5,048,780. Capital invested in the manufacture of woollens $206,000 ; quantity of wool consumed 271,600 lbs. ; annual value of woollen manufactures .$187,784. New Lon- don and Norwich are shire towns. Pop. in 1820, 35,943, in 1830, 42,201. New London, city, port of entry, p-t. and half shire, N. London co. Conn., on the w. bank of the Thames, and 3 ms. from L. I. sound. It is 42 ms. s. e. Hartford, 53 e. NewHa^en, and 14 s. Norwich. Long. 4° 0' 48" e. W. C, lat. 41° 0' 25*' N. The town is three quarters of a mile broad, by 4 ms. long, comprising an area of 2,400 acres. The surface is rather hilly, soil good, producing spontaneously the best of 43 oak and walnut timber. Granite is found here in great abundance. The city is situated on the declivity of a hill, and at the head of a harbor bearing its own name. It contains 4 places of public wo'ship; one for Presbyterians, another for Episcopalians, a third for Baptists, and a fourth for Methodists. Besides these and the ordinary county buildings, there are in the city 2 banks and an insurance office. The harbor is one of the best in the United States, being 3 ms. long, and rarely obstructed with ice, and having 5 fathoms water. It is environed by hills, and defended by 2 forts ; the one upon its west side is called fort Trumbull, and is de- lightfully situated about a mile below the city ; while the other, upon its east side, is called fort Griswold, and rises from the top of a com- manding eminence opposite the city, and in the town of Groton. These advantages, together with its light-house, on a point of land project, ing from the w. shore, and forming the divi- ding point between the harbor and sound, ren- der this in every respect a safe and commo- dious harbor. It has served in a great degree as the port of Conn, river, the impediments in which frequently prevent its being navigated by large vessels fully laden. The commerce is quite considerable, both in the coasting and foreign trade, and it has a steam boat commu- nication with the city of New York. The whale fishery is also an important branch of commerce. About half a million of dollars is devoted to its prosecution, and not less than 25 ships, which give employment to about 700 sea- men, are engaged in this adventurous business. Several vessels are also engaged in sealing. Fort Griswold, to which reference has been made, was, together with the circumjacent country, the seat of a revolutionary struggle, which is commemorated by a noble granite mo- nument, 150 ft. high, bearing an embedded marble slab, which contains the names of those who there fell in defending their country, to- gether with the following appropriate and scrip- tural inscription, " Zebulon and Napthali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field." Pop. 1820, 3,330; 1830, 4,335. New London, p-v. near the wstrn. border of Campbell co Va. 11 ms. s. w. Lynchburg, and 191 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. New London, cross roads, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Chester co. Pa. 40 ms. s. w. by w. Phil, and by p-r. 93 ms. n. e. W. C. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,200. New London, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Jef- ferson CO. Ind., situated on Ohio r. 12 ms. below Madison, the co. St., and by p-r. 97 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. New London, p-v. and st. jus. Ralls co. Mo., by p-r. 167 ms. n. n. e. Jefferson city, and by the common road 105 n. n. w. St. Louis. It is situ- ated on Salt r. of Mo., 39° 33', long. W. C. 14° 21' w. New Lyme, p-v. Ashtabula co. Ohio, by p-r. 183 ms. N. E. Columbus. New Madison, p-v. Dark co. Ohio, by p-r. 110 ms. wstrd. Columbus. New Madrid, s. e. co. Mo., bndd. s. by Crit- tenden CO. Ark., s. w. by St. Francis r. sepa- NEW 334 NEW rating it from Lawrence co. Ark., n. w. Stod- dard CO. Mo., N. Scott CO. Mo., N. E. Mississippi r. separating it from Hickman co. Ky., Missis. sippi r. E. separating it from Obion and Dyer COS. Ten. Length from s. to n. 65 ms., mean breadth 25, and area, 1,625 sq. ms. Lat. 36^* and long. W. C. 13° w. intersect near the centre of this CO. Slope is almost directly s., as in that course flow the Misp. and St. Francis rs. The surface is with very partial exceptions an annually inundated plain. In 1812, this part of the U. S. was considerably disturbed and in some places disrupted by an earthquake. Where the soil is of sufficient elevation for cul- tivation, it is generally very productive, and the climate sufficiently warm in summer to admit the cultivation of cotton. Cf. t. New Madrid. Pop. 2,350. New Madrid, p-v. and st. jus. Nev/ Madrid CO. Mo., by p-r. 278 ms. s. e. of Jefferson city, and by the most direct road 170 a little e. of s. St. Louis. It is situated on a rather more than usual high alluvial bank, upon the right shore of Misp. r. directly opposite to the extreme s. w. angle of Ky. By the bends of the r. it stands at about 50 ms. below the mouth of Ohio. It is an unimportant village, though historically in- teresting. It was founded by a Mr. Morgan from Pa., with great expectations of future pros- perity. But the bank, apparently more stable, because more elevated than the other alluvial Mississippi banks, was really more subject to deterioration by abrasion from superior weight, and most of the surface on which the original village stood has long since been swept away. To this steady cause of destruction. New Mad- rid seems to have been the centre of mighty con. vulsions in 1811, and 1812. To examine the place and adjacent country, all seems tranquil, and but little apprehension of danger preceded a commotion which shook with more or less vi- olence perhaps 200,000 sq. ms. Near New Madrid the rs., lakes, and even the ground heaved like a boiling pot. Water burst in im- mense jets into the air, lakes were dried in some places, and formed in others. Boats were sunk, or hurled with an inconceivable force amongst the foaming surges. The thinness of the population and the log or frame buildings protected human life, though some persons were lost. The trembling of the ground was felt in the city of New Orleans, and what is very re- markable, continues to be occasionally felt in sthrn. Missouri to this time, after a period of 20 years. Newmarket, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 12 ms. w. Portsmouth, 38 s. e. Concord, and 9 from Dover, w. from Great Bay ; 11,082 acres; is crossed by Piscasset r., and situated on Lam- prey r. about 1 m. from Piscataqua, and vessels of from 80 to 100 tons can come up to the fac- tories. The tovsm contains one place of public worship for Methodists, and one for Congrega- tionalists. The Newmarket manufacturing company have 3 large stone mills, 2 of which are 156 ft. long each, and 6 stories high, in- eluding basement stories ; the other is 100 ft. long, and also six stories high ; and a machine shop ; 14,000 spindles, 487 looms, and 660 hands, 500 of whom are females. They consume 2,500 bales of cotton per annum, which yield three millions five hundred thousand yards. A Wes. leyan academy was incorporated here 1818. Pop. 2,008. New Market, p-v. s. estrn. part of Frederick CO. Md., situated on the Baltimore and Frede- rick turn^ie, 36 ms. wstrd. from the latter place, and 11 estrd. from the former, and by p-r. 51 ms. a little w. of n. W. C, direct distance, however, only 35 ms. New Market, p-v. sthrn. part of Shenandoah CO. Va., 20 ms. s. s. w. Woodstock, and by p-r. 120 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. New Market, p-v. n. wstrn.part of Madison CO. Ala., 17 ms. n. w. Huntsville, and by p-r. 172 ms. N. N. E. Tuscaloosa. New Market, p-v. n. wstrn. part of Jefferson CO. Ten., 30 ms. n. e. by e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 195 E. Nashville. New Market, p-v. Washington co. Ky., sit- uated in the sthrn. part of the co., on the Roll- ing fork of Salt r., 13 ms. s. s. w. from the co. St., Springfield, and 62 ms. s. s. w. of Frankfort. Pop. 43. New Market, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 88 ms. w. Columbia. New Marlborough, p-t. Berkshire co.Mass., 148 ms. s. w. Boston, 10 s. e. Lenox, and bor- dering on Conn., is watered by branches of Conkepot and Housatonic rs. It has a pond s. E. Incorporated 1759. Pop. 1,656. New Milford, p.t. Litchfield co. Conn., 48 ms. s. w. Hartford, 6^ ms by 13 ; 84 sq. ms. ; is one of the largest towns in Conn., crossed by the Housatonic and other rs., with good mill seats. Mica slate and marble are quarried. Iron and some silver have been found. The land is generally good, and the village is on the Housatonic, in a valley. First settled 1713. Pop. 3,979. New Milford, p-v. n. wstrn. part of Susque- hannah co. Pa., 19 ms. n. w. Montrose, and by p-r. 183 ms. a little e. of n. Harrisburg. Newman, p-v. and st. jus. Coweta co. Geo. by p-r. 129 ms. n. w. by w. Milledgeville, lat. 33° 26', long. W. C. 8° w. It is situated on the summit around, between the vallies of Flint and Chattahooche rs. New Orleans, city, and port of entry, Or- leans parish, La., and seat of the government of the state, is situated on the left bank of the Misp. r.; 105 ms. by the channel above its mouth, and by the course of the river 322 ms. from Natchez, 1,005 from the mouth of the Ohio, 1,175 from St. Louis, 1,3.50 from Louis- ville, 1,500 from Cincinnati, 1,780 from Pitts- burgh, and by p-r. 1,203 ms. s. w. Washington. The city stands on lat. 30°, and very nearly 13° w. W. C. By calculation, the two cities bear from each other, by angle from the reflective meridians, 50° 15' ; distant, 966 statute ms., within a small fraction. The site of New Or- leans is on an inclined plain, the declivity falling very gently from the margin of the river. Hence, when the Misp. is in full flood, the surface of the water is from 1 to 3 feet above the streets of the city ; but at low water it is from 7 to 9 ft. below them. To prevent constant inunda- tion, a levee or embankment fronts the city, similar to that extending on both sides of ths NEW 335 NEW Mississippi, above and below New Orleans ; differing only in breadth and solidity. The tides do not reach here ; and the rise of the river (which is a mile in width opposite the city) during the highest floods, is about 12 ft. above low water mark. The city is built on the concave side of the river, and including the suburbs extends about 3J m.iles along the stream, with an average depth of | of a mile ; it lies in the form of a crescent, with the city, properly so called, near the middle of the curve. New Orleans proper is a parallelogram, of 4,000 by 2,000 English feet, very nearly ; the streets extending at right angles, and the longest side parallel to the river. The larger streets, running parallel with it, are Levee, Chartres, Bourbon, Dauphin, Burgundy, Ram- part, &c. Above the city are the suburbs {fau- bourgs) of St. Mary, Delor, Annunciation, Nuns, Lafayette, and Livauday ; and below are those of Marigny, Daumois, Da Clouet and Washington. In the rear of the city is also an- other, but detached suburb, on Bayou St. John. New Orleans possesses extraordinary facilities for commercial enterprise ; and indeed no city in the world can boast greater natural advan- tages than this. The Mississippi and its tribu- taries, alone afford a navigable steamboat com- munication, through a most fertile country, of more than 20,000 miles ; numerous bayous communicate with other parts of the state ; cmd beside the natural channel of the river, it has a communication by sloops and other small ves- sels with the gulf of Mexico, through lakes Ponchartrain and Borgne ; a canal and the bayou St. John extending to the former. An. other canal is now in progress, to extend from faubourg St. Mary to lake Ponchartrain. This will be 6i ms. in length, 8 ft. deep, and 30 ft. wide at the surface. A rail road to this lake, perfectly straight, and 4^ ms. in length, has re- cently been completed. The city is admirably situated for an intercourse with the West In- dies, and great quantities of the products of the Mississippi valley are annually transported thence. The passage to the gulf, by the river, is very easy, steamboats being used for towing during unfavorable winds. The city is well de- fended from foreign attacks, by fortifications erected during the late war, and others more recently constructed. The oldest part (which we term the city proper) and in which the French and Spanish styles of building predom. inate, is divided into squares of 320 ft. front ; the streets are not broad, few ot them being more than 40 ft. wide. The principal material for building is brick ; this is now generally used in all parts of the city, and particularly in the suburb St. Mary, which is built more after the American style than other parts ; in the city proper, until very recently, the buildings were generally stuccoed. The levee, bordering on the river, is the fashionable promenade of the city, and is also the scene of the heaviest busi- ness of the place. Along this, in one part are sea vessels of every description, with their for- ests of masts ; while in other parts, may be seen steam boats, sometimes 50 in number, keel boats, and hundreds of the flat bottomed boats, of the rivers ; and here too may be seen that variety of costume and character, and that variety of language may be heard, for which New Orleans is so proverbial, above all other American cities. These dissimilarities, how- ever, are gradually disappearing; and the char- acteristics of other populous cities of the coun- try, are in the same ratio, becoming those of New Orleans. A large proportion of its citi. zens are of French or Spanish descent, and above one half of the population are colored persons, free or slaves, among which every shade between the white and black abound. Among the public buildings in New Orleans are many spacious, elegant, and some very expen- sive edifices. There are 8 churches ; 2 catho- lic, besides a splendid c«thedral, 120 ft. by 90, having 4 towers; 2 presbyterian ; 1 episcopal; I methodist, and 1 mariners' ; there are also the government house ; several banks ; a custom house ; 2 theatres ; Ursuline convent ; a mar- ket house ; a charity hospital ; and a male, and a female, orphan schools. The two latter are separate establishments, and have considerable funds. The charity hospital, situated in the fau- bourg St. i\l ary, is a spacious building of brick, 4 stories h gh, and will accommodate 300 persons. There are 6 banks in the city with an aggre- gate capital of ^20,500,000, and a branch of the U. States bank also, with a nominal capital of S 1,000,000 : besides these, 3 new banks have been incorporated recently, which will go into operation immediately, with an aggregate capi. tal of $17,000,000, making collectively, a bank- ing capital amounting to the enormous sum of ^38,500,000. The commerce of New Orleans is of course very extensive, and during the season of business, perhaps no city in the world exhibits, in a higher degree, the appearance of a great commercial emporium. In 1828 the shipping of Louisiana amounted to 51,903 tons. During the year ending Sept. 30, 1830, the amount of tonnage entered in the state was 118,663 tons; departed, 142,334 tons. The imports during the same period were $7,599,- 083, about one third in foreign vessels ; and the exports were, of foreign produce, $2,445,- 952; domestic, $13,042,740; total, exports $15,488,692. All this chiefly centered at New Orleans. In 1829 there were brought here from the interior, and from Texas, of bacon assorted, 2,868 hogsheads ; bagging, 13,472 pieces ; butter, 3,995 kegs ; beef, 5,405 brls. bees wax, 795 brls. ; buffalo robes, 15,2 1 lbs. cotton, 269,571 bales ; corn meal, 6849 brls. corn in ear, 91,882 brls. ; flour, 157,323 brls. lard, 110,206 kegs ; pig lead, 146,203 pigs linseed oil, 2,946 barrels; deer skins, 6,215 packs ; bear skins, 159 packs ; tobacco, 29,432 hogsheads. These are a part only of the do- mestic imports, as they do not i. elude sugar, lumber, lime, and numerous other articles of great amount and value. In 1830, the amount of cotton exported from New Orleans, was 354,024 bales. The cotton crops ordinarily begin to arrive in the city about the 1st Nov. ; and of that of 1831, 345,000, and of that of 1832, about 410,000 bales, were shipped from this port. Of late years the health of the city has been improving ; and the fevers of the country have not prevailed so extensively, or NEW 336 NEW proved as fatal as formerly. The most active measures have been taken by the legislature, seconded by the citizens, to effect this change, in every respect so salutary : the streets, in seasons of high water, are washed from the river; the surrounding marshes have been drained to a great extent, and places where water formerly stagnated, have been filled up. Two important streets have recently been pa- ved, and it is in contemplation to carry this im- provement through the city : 70,000 yards of paving are now (1833) under contract. The water of the river is the only kind used by the citizens ; when filtered it is excellent, and wa- ter works are now erecting for the city, on an extensive scale. If wr turn our attention to the vast regions of the Mississippi basin, to the accumulating population on its innumerable streams, and the navigable facilities afforded by so many channels, we have the means to esti- mate the resources which must contribute to augment this city in extent, wealth, and popula- tion. New Orleans was laid out in 1717, and named in honor of the then Duke of Orleans, regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. It remained as capital of Louisiana under the French until 1769, when it was taken pos- session of by the Spanish general Orcilly, under a treaty of cession made between Spain and France in 1762. The Spanish government con- tinued New Orleans as the capital of the colo- ny until it was receded to France in 1803. The same year, the French colonial prefect, Lau- salt, by order of his government, gave it up to the United States. The present government of the city, is a mayor and council, which are elected by the freeholders. Within the present century the increase of population has been very rapid. In 1800 it amounted to between 5,000 and 6,000 inhabitants, and it contained in Free white males " " females Free colored persons Slaves Total 17,243 27,178 46,082 New Oxford, p-v. Adams co. Pa., by p-r. 87 ms. nthrd. W. C. New Paltz, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 15 ms. s. Kingston, 80. s. Albany, 85 n. N. Y., w. Hudson r. Has good land. The people are of Dutch extraction ; first settled about 1672. The v. is on Walkill or. and there are several smaller ones at the landings, &c. Pop. 4,973. New Paris, p-v. Preble co. O., by p-r. 104 ms. wstrd. Columbus. New Petersburg, p-v. Highland co. Ohio, by p-r. 74 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. New Philadelphia, p-v. and st. jus. Tusca- rawas CO. Ohio, by p-r. 107 ms. n. e. by e. Co- lumbus. Lat. 40° 30', long. W. C. 4° 31' w. It is situated on Tuscarawas r. and on the Ohio and Erie Canal ; contains the ordinary co. buildings. Pop. 410. Newport, t. Penobscot co. Me., 25 ms. w. n. w. Bangor, with Somerset co. n. and w. ; con. tains a large pond, drained by Sebastocook r. Pop. 897. Newport, p-t. and st. jus. Sullivan co. N. H., 40 ms. N. w. Concord, 96 from Boston ; 25,967 1810. 1820. 1830. 3,536 8,268 11,962 2,74.5 5,318 8,082 4,950 6,237 11,562 5,961 7,355 14,476 acres. Three branches of Sugar r. unite near the village. There are fine meadows, but much dry gravel, and moist and cold land ; it is, how- ever, generally fertile. Two ponds furnish trout, &LC. There are also some high hills. Bald, Coit, East and Blueberry mtns. Pop. 1,913. Newport, co. R. I., comprises several isls. in Narraganset bay, as well as the adjoining land on the continent, in all 136 sq. ms., with 7 towns. It has great advantages for navigation, and contains Newport, one of the best seaports in the nthrn. states, and now fortifying on a large scale for a naval station. The waters are navigated by all the vessels proceeding to and from Providence, and there is a daily steamboat communication with New York. Rhode Island is the most important, and is a fine agricultural country. In its n. part is a mine of anthracite coal, which has been wrought, but not to good advantage. The rocks are transition, as are those of Prudence, Canonicut and Block islands, which also belong to the co. Fish are taken in great quantities, and from Block isl. are sent to distant places. Cf. t. Newport. Pop. 1820, 15,771, 1830, 16,535. Newport, seaport and co. t. Newport co. R. I., and one of the capitals of the state, 30 ms. s. by e. Providence, 75 s. w. Boston, about 1 m. by 6, with 8 sq. ms., has an uneven but rich soil, especially in the s. and much well cul- tivated land. The harbor is excellent, near the sea, and accessible in winds which will not per. mit a ship to enter any other port, in all this part of the coast. The principal population are col. lected on the west declivity, and at the foot of a hill. The place was formerly a very flourish, ing seaport, and, before the revolution, was the fourth t. in size in the colonies. It has for some years resigned its enterprize and prosperity to Providence. Its fine situation, healthful air, excellent fish, &c., render it a favorite resort of visiters from the southern states, in summer. Here is a large lace manufactory. The harbor has Goat isl. in front, nearly closing the en- trances, where are fort Wolcott and a military hospital. Forts Green and Adams also defend the harbor. The latter is a new and exten- sive work, on the s. point, with powerlul batte- ries, and includes 40 acres. The foundation for a monument to the memory of Com. Oliver H. Perry, has been laid. It is to be of grey granite, and 28 ft. high. The foundation is to be surrounded by a mound of earth, 160 ft. in circumference. The 'Newport Mercury' was established here, 1753, and the first number was issued by James, elder brother of Dr. Franklin. Newport was occupied by the British for some time during the revolutionary war, who stripped the island of its fine forest trees and orchards. They were besieged by the American troops. Pop. 8,010. Newport, Herkimer co. N. Y., 13 ms. n. Herkimer, 95 n. w. Albany, e. Oneida cr., has a deep valley in the middle, where is the v., at a good waterfall in W. Canada cr. Pop. 1,863. Newport, (now called Albion,) v. Orleans co. N. Y., on Erie canal 2^ ms. s. s. e. Gaines. Newport, p.v. nthrn. part Perry co. Pa., 41 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. NEW 337 NEW Newport, p-v. on Christiana cr. New Cas- tle CO. Del., 3 ms. westwardly Wilmington, and by p-r. 103 n. e. W. C. Newport, small r. or cr. of Geo., separating Liberty from Mcintosh co., and falling into Sapelo sound. Newport, p-v. and st. jus. Cocke co. Ten., situated on French Broad r., 48 ms. a little s. of E. Knoxville, and by p-r. 210 ms. in a similar direction Nashville ; lat. 35° 56', long. 6° 4' w. W. C. Newport, p. v. and st. jus. Campbell co. Ky., situated on Ohio r. on the point above the mouth of Licking r., and directly opposite the city of Cincinnati. This t. contains an academy, a LT. S. arsenal, and the ordinary co. buildings. A manufactory of bale rope, twine, and cotton bagging, by machinery and steam power, on an extensive scale, has been established here, by an incorporated company. Pop. 717. Newport, p-v. estrn. part Washington co. O. It is situated on Ohio r., by p-r. 16 ms. above and estrd. Marietta. Pop. tsp. 55G. Newport, p-v. and st.jus. Vermillion co. Ind., situated on the point below the junction of Wa- bash and Little Vermillion rs. by p-r. 86 ms. w. Indianopolis. Newport, Franklin co. Mo., p-v. on Mo. r., 43 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. New Portage, p-v. Medina co. 0., by p-r. 110 ms. N. e. Columbus. New Portland, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 48 ms. from Augusta ; crossed by Seven-miles brook, a branch of Kennebec r. Pop. 1,214. New Providence, p-t. Essex co. N. J. 12 ms. w. Newark, and by p-r. 52 ms. from Trenton. Pop. 910. New Providence, p-v. nthrn. part Lancaster CO. Pa., 20 ms. n. e. Lancaster city, and by p-r. 129 N. N. E. W. C. New Providence, p-v. Clarke co. Ind., by p-r. 104 ms. s. s. E. Indianopolis. New Richmond, p-v. Clermont co. 0., by p-r. 132 ms. s. w. Columbus. New Rochelle, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 20 ms. N. N. Y. city, 5 s. White Plains, 143 from Albany, w. side of East r. and Long Island sound, has level, stony, but pretty good soil, has an academy, and comprises several small isls. It was settled by Huguenot emigrants from France, whence its name. Pop. 1,274. New Rumley, p-v. Harrison co. O., by p-r. 134 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. Newry, t., Oxford co. Me., 24 ms. n. w. Pa- ris, N. Androscoggin r., is mountainous and wild. Pop. 345. Newry, p-v. wstm. part of Huntingdon co. Pa., 32 ms. n. w. by w. the borough of Hunting- don, and by p-r. 122 ms. a little s. of w. Harris- burg. New Salem, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 80 ms. w. Boston, incorporated 1753, is high in the centre, and has Monadnoc n. There is an academy, which was incorporated 1795. Pop. 1,889. New Salem, p-v. wstm. part of Fayette co. Pa., 9 ma. n. w. Union, the st. jus., and by p-r. 207 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. New Salem, p-v. Harrison co. Va., by p-r. UO ms. wstrd. W. C. New Salem, p-v. Randolph co. N.C., by p-r. 77 ms. w. Raleigh. New Salem, p.v. Sangamon co. 11., 98 ms. N. n. w. Vandalia. New Sharon, p-t. Kennebec co.Me.. s. Som- erset CO., crossed by Sandy r. a branch of the Kennebec. Pop. 1,599. New Shoreham, t. Newport co. R. I., on Block isl., all which it comprehends, has but little communication with other places, but pos- sesses a valuable fishery. Pop. 1,885. Newstead, t. Erie co. N. Y. Pop. 1,926. New Stockbridge, N. Y., a tract of land 6 ms. sq. in Augusta, Oneida co., and Smithfield, Madison co. It was granted to the Indians of Stockbridge, Mass., by the Oneida Indians, who were bound to them by ancient treaties and friendship : but a large portion of the tribe have removed to Green Bay within a few years. The Scotch Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, have for many years suppported a missionary among them. New Store, and p-o. Buckingham co. Va., by p-r. 81 ms. wstrd. W. C. Newton, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 9 ms. w. Boston, incorporated 1691, is large, and has Charles r. on 3 sides, along which are broad and rich tracts of meadow. The uplands are hilly and woody. There are 2 falls, and atth& lower are manufactories. Nonantum, a hill irt this t., was the scene of the apostle Elliot's- first exertions to teach the Indians Christiani- ty, in 1646, and witnessed his success. He was ordained as pastor of the church here in- 1664. A Baptist theological seminary was foun- ded here a few years since. Pop. 2,376. Newton, p-t. and st. jus. Sussex co. N. J.,. 50 ms. N. Trenton, 28 n. w. Morristown ; it is mountainous e., and gives some of the head streams to Request branch and Pawlin's kill. Much of the soil is excellent, and remarkably well cultivated. There is an academy, and the V. is pleasant and flourishing. Population 3,464. Newton, p-v. Newton, Sussex co. N. J., 28 ms. N. w. Morris, is near the centre of the town, pleasant, with an academy, bank, c. h., a church for Presbyterians, and one for Episco- palians. Newton, p-v. and borough of Bucks co. Pa., 26 ms. n. n. e. Philadelphia, and 11 w. Trenton, N. Jersey. Newton Mills, p-o. Licking co. O., by p-r. 42 ms. estrd. Columbus. Newton's, p-o. Greene co. Ky., by p-r. 84 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Newtown, t. Rockingham co. N. H., 40 ms. s. e. Concord, 27 s. w. Portsmouth, n. Mass., 5,250 acres, contains one third of Country pond, and 2 small ones connected with it ; with good grass land. First settled 1720. The Baptist church is the oldest of that denomination in N. H. Pop. 510. Newtown, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., g, w. Housatonic r., 48 ms. s. w. Hartford, 26 n. w. New Haven, is almost triangular, with 50 sq. ms., on high ground, hilly surface, gravelly soil, yields much rye and fruit. It is crossed by Powtatuck r., and has a pond, with several manufactories. A toll bridge crosses to South- NEW 338 NEW bury; 15 school dists. ; the village is near the centre. Pop. 3,100. Newtown, p.t. Queen's co. N. Y., on w. part Long Isl., 8 ms. e. N. York, s. East r., opposite Hurl Gate, n. King's co., s. w. Flushing bay ; extends near half across the is!., is well culti- vated, yields grass, vegetables, &c. for the city, and abounds in fine apples, particularly a fine sort of yellow winter apples called New- town pippins, which have been sent to various parts of the world. It has a v. near the centre, and some fine country seats. Peat, found near the V. is much used for fuel. It comprises the isls. Two Brothers, and two coves, Hallet's and Riker's. Pop. 2,610. Nkwtown, v. Elmira, Tioga co. N. Y. (See Elmira.) Newtown, p-t. Gloucester co. N. J., 25 ms. s. w. Trenton, s. w. Cooper's cr., s. e. Del. r., opposite Phil., from which it derives the advan- tage of a market. Camden v. in this t., is on Del. r., and has a ferry to Phil. It is also at the end of the S. Amboy and Camden rail road, which, when completed, will form a most im- portant route across N. J., for travellers and merchandize passing between New York and Phil. Pop. 3,298. Newtown, p-v. Worcester co. Md. 8 ms. n. w. Snow Hill, and by p-r. 159 ms. s. e. by e. W. C. Newtown, p-v. northern part King and Queen CO. Va., by p-r. 99 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. and 38 ms. n. e. Richmond. Newtown, p-v. Scott co. Ky. 25 ms. from Frankfort. Newtown, p-v. Hamilton co. 0. by p-r. 120 ms. s. w. Columbus. Newtown, Hamilton, p-v. Mifflin co. Pa. Newtown, vil. Ottawa co. Mich, situated on the sthrn. point at the mouth of Grand r. into lake Michigan, n. lat. 42-^ 58', long. W. C. 9° 06' W. Distant about 180 ms. n. w. by w. De- troit. Newtown Square, p-v. northern part Del. co. Pa. 15 ms. a little n. of w. Phil. Newtown Stephensburg, p-v. Frederic co. Va. by p-r. 79 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, and 10 ms. N. w. Winchester. Newtown Trap, p-v. in the s. western part Frederic co. Md. about 9 ms. s. w. the city of Frederick, and by p-r. 51 ms. n. w. W. C. New Trenton, p-v. Franklin co. Ind. by p-r. 81 ms. a little s. of e. Indianopolis. New Tripoli, p-v. Lehigh co. Pa. by p-r. 187 ms. N. e. W. C. New Troy, p-v. near the right bank of Sus- quehannah r. Luzerne co. Pa. 5 ms. above and N. N. E. Wilkesbarre, and 120 ms. n. n. e. Har- risburg. New Utrecht, t. Kings co. N. Y. w. end of Long isl. opposite the narrows, the entrance into N. Y. harbor, 9 ms. s. city, e. and n. Hudson r. It is hilly and stony w., level interior, with sandy soil, and has suffered from fever and ague, a few years. One of the best shad fishe- ries is in this t. Bath, on the shore, is resorted to from N. Y. for bathing, fishing, and shooting. The V. about a mile from this spot, is on a plain, in a retired situation. On the n. is the w. end of a long ridge, extending through the isl., n. of the great plains, e. to Southhold. They were important in the revolution. The British army landed at Bath, 1776. Fort Lafayette, triangu- lar with 3 tiers of guns, on a small isl. w. of this t., with the works on the shore, defends the entrance of N. Y. harbor on the e. Nyak point and fort Lewis are on the same shore. Pop. 1,217. New Vernon, v. Morris co. N. J. 3 ms. s. Morristown. Newville, p-v. western part Cumberland co. Pa. and near the right bank of Conedogwinet, 16 ms. w. Carlisle. Newville, p-v. Barnwell dist. S. C. by p-r. 14 ms. from Barnwell c. h., and 76 s. s. w. Co- lumbia. Newville, p-v. Richland co. 0. by p-r. 76 ms. N. E. Columbus. New Vineyard, t. Somerset co. Me. n. Ken- nebec CO., is rough, and crossed by a branch of Seven-miles brook, branch of Kennebec r. Pop. 869. New Washington, p-v. Clarke co. Ind. by p-r. 94 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. New Wilmington, p-v. in the southwestern part of Mercer co. Pa., by p-r. 274 ms. n. w. W. C. New Windsor, p-t. Orange co. N. Y., 100 ms. s. Albany, 65 n. N. York, and 5 s. w. New- burgh on the w. side Hudson r. It is 4 ms. by 8, containing about 3l) sq. ms., has some small streams, and good soil. In the w. part are some of the highlands. The v. is on Hudson r. 2i ms. s. Newburgh. A part of the t. is called Little Britain. Pop. 2,310. New Windsor, p-v. Frederick co. Md., by p-r. 67 ms. a little w. of n. W. C. New York, one of the most important of the U. S., bndd. n. by Canada, Lake Ontario, and the river St. Lawrence, which separates it from Canada, e. by Vt., Mass. and Conn., s. by the Atlantic, N. Jersey and Pa., and w. by Pa., lake Erie and Niagara river, which separates it from Canada. It is situated between 40° 30' and 45° lat. and between 3° 45' e. and 2° 50' w. W. C, (not including Long Isl., which ex- tends E. to long. 5° 50',) and contains 46,085 sq. ms., including lakes and islands. Its great. est length from e. to w. (excepting Long Isl- and) is 316 ms., and its greatest breadth from n. to s. 304 ms. The tract now composing N. Y. was originally included in the grant of Vir- ginia, made by Queen Elizabeth ; and in the grants of n. and s. Virginia, made in 1606 by James I. This part of the continent, however, was not known to the Europeans until 1609, when it was first discovered by Henry Hudson, an enterprizing English navigator, then in the employ of the Dutch East India company. Af- ter sailing 150 miles up the river that now bears his name, he returned to Europe and commu- nicated to the Company the result of his voyage. In 1613, a trade with the natives was commenced by the Dutch, and trading estab- lishments were formed at New Amsterdam and fort Orange, (now the cities of New York and Albany.) In 1621, the Dutch government, desirous of founding a colony in America, granted to the Dutch West India company an extensive territory on both sides of the Hud- NEW 339 NEW son, called New Netherlands. I'he boundaries were not accurately defined, but were consid- ered by the company as extending to the Con. necticut r. at the north, and the Delaware on the south. In 1623, they erected a fort on the Del., and a few years after, another on the Conn. This territory continued in their possession till 1664, when Charles II. denying their right to any portion of it, made a grant to his brother, the duke of York and Albany, of the whole extent of country, from Nova Scotia to Del. bay ; and the same year took possession of it by conquest. In 1673, it was recaptured by the Dutch ; and the year following was restored by treaty to the English. Thus it remained one of the British colonies till the war of the revo- lution, and the adoption of a free constitution by the people. In 1790, Vt., previously a part of N. York, became a separate state. In 1821, the amended constitution, was adopted by the state of N. Y. under which it is at present governed. By this constitution th-e !:'gislative power is vested in a senate and assembly, the former consisting of 32, and the latter of 128 members. The former chosen for 4 years by dists. and the latter elected annually by cos. The executive power is vested in a governor, who holds his office for 2 years. A lieutenant governor is chosen at the same time and for the same term, who is qualified to act as gov- ernor whenever that office becomes vacant ; and is also president of the senate. The judi- ciary consists of a court of chancery, a supreme court with 3 judges, 8 circuit courts in as many difl^erent circuits, which correspond to the sen- atorial dists., and the superior court of the city of N. Y. consisting of 3 judges. Beside these are the county and justice courts, &c. The sen- ate, with the chancellor and justices of the su- preme court, constitute a court of impeachment and for the correction of errors. The right of suffrage is enjoyed by every male citizen of the age of 21 years, who has resided one year in the state, and six months in the town or county where he offers his vote ; having paid a tax within the year, or legally served as a militia man or fireman, or labored upon the public highways, &c. The surtace of the state of N. Y. is greatly diversified, but in general may be considered as an elevated tract, with numerous indentations and depressions, which form the basins of lakes and the valleys of fertilizing streams. There are several ridges of mtns., which in general are considered as continua- tions of the Alleghany ridges. The Cattskill mtns., the highest in the state, are about 3,800 ft. above the level of the sea. The form of this state is irregular, and it enjoys very great ad- vantages for commerce, agriculture, and manu- factures, which have been greatly improved. It has a large extent of sea coast, with all the southern shore of lake Ontario, most of the w. shore of lake Champlain and the e. end of lake Erie, with the whole course of the Hud- son, navigable in ships of the line to Hudson, and in sloops to the Mohawk r. The Mo- hawk, the branches of the Susquehannah, and other streams afford abundance of water pow. er, and at the same time diversify and ferti. lize the state. In the valley of Genesee river is some of the best wheat country in the v/orld; and many other parts of the state are remarkable for their fertility. The principal productions are wheat and other grain, flour, I)rovisions, salt, pot and pearl ashes, and lum- ber. New York also abounds in various natu- ral curiosities and mineral productions : among which, the most remarkable are the Trenton, Cohoes and Glenn's falls on the Mohawk and its branches, and the cataract of Niagara, the largest in the world, by which the wafers of lake Erie and the other great lakes, pass into lake Ontario, over a precipice of 160 ft. In the western parts of the state are found large quan- tities of gypsum, which are used very exten- sively for agricultural purposes. At Sing Sing, on the Hudson, is an excellent quarry of mar. ble, which is much used in architecture. In the counties w. of lake Champlain, are vast beds of iron ore, and the iron mines of Colum- bia CO. are also highly valuable and extensively wrought. Traces of other metals, as silver, lead, zinc, and titanium, have also been obser- ved in various parts of the state ; and of miner- als, which may be deemed rather objects of curiosity than of real value, this state affords abundant varieties. There are 56 counties in this staie, which, under the apportionment of 1832, are divided into 32 congressional districts, and are entitled to 40 representatives in con- gress. The' number of cities is 7, viz., Albany (the capital). New York, the largest and most important city in the U. States, Troy, Hudson, Schenectady, Utica and Buff'alo. The number of towns is 764, and of incorporated villages 102. The progressive pop. of the state of N. York has been exceedingly rapid. In 1790 it amounted to about 20,000; and in 17.30 to about 50,000; in 1749 there were 100,000 in- habitants; in 1770, 160,000; in 1790, 340,120; in 1800, 586,050; in 1810, 959,049; and in 1820, 1,372,812. In 1830 there were 1,918,608, as follows : Ciiunties. Albany, Alleghany, Broome, Cataraugus, Cayuga, Chatauque, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Cortland, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Essex, Franklin, Genesee, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Kings, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, New York, Niagara, Oneida, Pop. 1829. 38,116 9,330 11,100 4,090 38,897 12,568 31,215 12,070 38,330 16,507 26,587 46,615 15,668 12,811 4,459 39,835 22,996 1,251 31,017 32,952 11,187 9,227 19,196 32,208 26,.529 27,569 123,706 7,322 71,326 Pop. 1830. 53,560 26,218 17,582 16,725 47,947 36,657 37,404 19,344 39,959 23,693 32,933 50,929 35,710 19,387 11,312 61,992 29,'i25 1,325 35,869 48,515 20,537 14,958 27,719 39,037 49,862 43,593 203,007 18,485 71,326 NEW 340 NEW Counties. Pop. 18'J0. Pop. 1830. Onandaga, 41,461 58,974 Ontario, 35,312 40,167 Orange, 41,213 45,372 Orleans, 7,625 1^873 (Jswego, 12,374 27,104 Otsego, 44,856 51,372 Putnam, 11,268 12,701 Queens, 21,519 22,278 Kensselaer, 40,153 49,472 Richmond, 6,135 7,084 Rockland, 8,837 9,388 Saratoga, 36,052 38,616 St. Lawrence, 16,037 36,351 Schenectady, 13,031 12,334 Schoharie, 23,154 27,910 Seneca, 17,773 21,031 Steuben, 21,989 33,975 Suffolk, 24,272 26,780 Sullivan, 8,900 12,372 Tioga, 14,716 27,704 Tompkins, 26,178 36,545 Ulster, 30,934 36,559 Warren, 9,453 11,795 Washington, 3S,831 42,615 Wayne, 2i),319 33,515 West Chester, 32,638 36,459 Yates, 11,025 19,019 The white population included in the above, as follows. Males. Females. Under 5 years of age. 158,077 151,868 From 5 to 10 137,061 133,034 " 10 to 15 118,523 115,166 " 15 to 20 101,712 105,196 " 20 to 30 176,754 168,897 " 30 to 40 113,136 104,522 " 40 to 50 68,871 64,315 " 50 to 60 40,503 38,344 " 60 to 70 23,829 22,589 " 70 to 80 10,034 9,645 " 80 to 90 2,561 2,673 " 90 to 100 249 304 " 100 and upwards, 35 17 951,441 916,620 Of the foregoing were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 277; from 14 to 25, 310 ; of 25 and up- wards, 255 ; blind, 642 , aliens, 52,488. The colored population were, Free. Slaves. Males. Fem^s. Males. Fern's. Under 10 years of ige 5,642 5.509 5 23 From 10 to 24 6,996 6,843 6 12 " 24 to 36 4,859 5,504 17 " 36 to 55 3,492 3,780 1 3 " 55 to 100 1,357 1,714 6 " 100 and over. 19 54 3 21,465 23,404 12 Of these were deaf and dumb, 43; blind, 82 Recapitulation of tables : — Whites. Free colored. Slaves. 1,868,061 44,869 76 Add to the above, inmates of poor house not included Add deaf and dumb, and aliens in the city of N. Y. do. do. 64 Total. 1,913,006 125 5,477 Making the aggregate pop. of N. Y. 1830, 1,918,608 This state carries on an extensive foreign commerce with all parts of the world ; for the most part through the city and port of N. York. The number of vessels that arrived at New York from foreign ports, during the year end- ing Dec. 1831, was 1,634 ; of which 1,264 were American. {See art. N. Y. city.) The inland trade is also very thriving, and has been greatly increased by canals, rail roads and oth- er works of public enterprize and improve, ment. The Erie canal, the longest in the world, being 360 miles in length, connects the navigation of Hudson river with that of lake Erie, the western lakes and the Ohio canal. The Champlain canal connects it with that of lake Champlain ; and the Delaware and Hud- son canal, with Delaware and Lackawana rs. The total expenditures by the commissioners of the canal fund, from 1817 to Sept. 30th, 1832, including ^1,687,351 30 loaned or invested, amounted to $18,213,390 44. The receipts, including loans $7,672,782 24, tolls $6,966,. 698 55, vendue duty $2,843,456 34, salt duty •$1,483,686 65, and all others, amounted to $19,603,384 32 — leaving a balance, the sum stated above as loaned or invested of ^3,055,- 247 65, applicable to the payment of tlie canal debt, the amount of which (1833) is $8,055,. 645 86. The receipts into the treasury of rev. enue on account of the canal fund during the year ending the 30th day of September, 1831, not however including September, amounted to $1,029,908. The receipts in 1833, from the opening of navigation to June 30th, amounted to ^^500,21194. The receipts during the month of .Tune were $174,646 90, as follows; Erie, $148,170 46; Champlain, $21,165 24; Cayuga and Seneca, $2,411 17 ; Oswego, $2,. 900 03. Canals are in progres or contempla. tion to open a communication with the naviga. ble waters of Pennsylvania, and between im. portant streams in this state. A rail road has been completed between Albany and Schenec- tady, called the Mohawk and Hudson rail road ; and many others are projected. (See art. Rail Roads and Canals.) The commerce of lake Erie has rapidly increased ; and about 130 ves- sels of 70 tons each are now employed on the southern shore, besides 16 steamboats, of from 130 to 400 tons. Within the past year 75,000 tons were entered at the Buffalo custom house. 23,467 barrels of flour, 200,802 bushels of wheat, 8,426 bbls of pork, 1,768 do. ashes, 1,044 do. whiskey, 11,040 barrels of salt, pass- ed through the Welland canal previous to the 30th September. At least 60,000 barrels of salt from the state of New York must have been transported on lake Erie to various mar- kets, beside large quantities that were detained in different ports, by the early closing of the navigation. Not less than 70,000 barrels of flour, 500,000 bushels of wheat, 5,000 barrels of pork, 3,000 barrels of ashes, 10,000 barrels of lake flsh and an incalculable amount of other products of the country, found their way to market by means of this lake during 1831, The salt springs, in Onondaga co., are sources of great wealth to the state. By the inspec- tor's report it appears that the quantity inspect- ed in 18,32 amounted to 1,652,985 bushels, of which 187,653 was coarse salt. The steam- boats in this state in 1831, were estimated at 86 ; the principal part of which ran from the city of N. York. One of them measured 527 tons. The most rapid boats have run between the two cities of N. York and Albany in less than 10 hours. The mail is carried from New York to Quebec (almost the whole distance in NEW 341 NEW steamboats) in 96 hours. In this state there are 200 woollen manufactories ; 112 cotton mills, with a capital of $4,485,500, manufac- turing 21,010,920 yds. valued at $3,530,250, and using 7,961,670 lbs. of cotton annually, and employing 15,970 persons : — above 200 iron works, making $4,000,000 worth :— 50 paper mills, making ^700,000 worth : — leather made to about the value of $3,458,000 ; and hats to the value of $3,500,000, &c. &c. per annum. By an act of the state of New York, passed in 1829, every bank thereafter to be chartered or renewed was obliged to contribute one half per cent, per annum of its capital, in order to establish a safety fund, which should be placed in the hands of commissioners, to provide for the payment of the debts of any banks which should become insolvent. In 1830, there were 29 banks subject to this act, with a capital of $6,294,600. The capital of banks not subject to the safety fund was, $21,323,- 460. There are 4 colleges in New York ; Co- lumbia, city of N. York ; Union, Schenecta- dy ; Hamilton, Clinton, Oneida co. ; and Ge- neva, Ontario co. — 5 theological seminaries ; Episcopal, N. York city ; Presbyterian, Au- burn ; Oneida Institute, Whitestown ; Hamilton, Madison co. ; Hartwick, Otsego co. ; — 2 medi- cal colleges, one at New York city and one at Fairfield, Herkimer co. ; — 57 academies and seminaries which derive part of their support from the public fund. The regents of the uni- versity, 21 in number, and appointed by the le- gislature, may grant degrees in medicine and the arts, and control the income of the literature fund ; dividing it among the 8 senate districts, among the incorporated seminaries of learning, except colleges, in proportion to their number of students. They are also authorized io re- port on the colleges and academies to the legis- lature. There were in the state, January 1833, 9, 600 school districts, in which it was estimated 9270 schools had been kept 8 months of 12 of the previous year. In these over 500,000 pu- pils must have been instructed. The amount of wages paid to the teachers of these was §663,902, and the superintendant estimated the whole expense of instruction, fuel, books, wa- ges, &c. at $1,125,162. The productive capi. tal of the school fund at the above date was $1,735,175 ; the revenue for 1833 was estima. ted at $101,250. The average annual increase of this fund during the last 10 years has been $57,937. The unproductive portion of the school fund consists of about 850,000 acres of land, lying principally in the fourth senate dis- trict. The value of these lands has been esti- mated at $400,000 ; which sum, if added to the present productive capital, would make a total of more than 2,000,000 of dollars. During the last twelve years, and since the school system has been in fair operation under the act of 1819, the average annual increase of children, be- tween 5 and 16, has been 16,008 ; and the average increase of scholars instructed has been 16,860 each year. There are 2 institu- tions for the instruction of the deaf and dumb ; one at the city of New York, and one at Cana. joharie. In addition to these institutions, may be mentioned the university of the city of New 44 York ; an institution recently chartered by the state legislature ; and established on the com- prehensive system of the universities of Europe. The state has a fund for the promotion of liter- ature, which amounts (1833) to $248,595. This state has led the way in the late important improvements of prison discipline, with such success as to obtain imitators in many other states and receive the approbation of some foreign countries. This system was intro- duced into the Auburn state prison about 10 years since, and soon after was also adopted in the prison at Sing Sing. In 1830, the number of convicts was 600, the amount of whose labor was $40,341. The whole expenses of the es- tablishment for the same time was $36,226. The state prison at Sing Sing as yet is less profitable. The expenses of this prison in 1831 were ^77,600. The amount of the labor of convicts, $48,000. Number of convicts, 990. The marble quarries at which the prisoners are employed, require much labor to remove the earth and inferior stone, before the good marble can be obtained, and are therefore less profitable. In 1831, the number of paupers supported by the state was 15,564, at an ex- pense of $245,433. The portion of this sum saved by the labor of the paupers was $17,- 546. The constitution of this state secures to all its citizens, " the free exercise and enjoy- ment of religious profession and worship, with, out discrimination or preference ;" and accord- ingly, some of almost every denomination are found within its Imiits. The following estimate is for 1831. The Presbyterians have 587 churches, 486 ministers, 54,093 communicants. The Dutch Reformed 148 churches. 111 minis- ters, and 8,672 communicants. Associate Synod of N. Y. 15 congregations, 13 ministers, and 1,668 communicants. Methodists 73,174 mem- bers. Baptists 549 churches, 387 ministers, and 43,565 communicants. Episcopalians 129 ministers. Lutherans 27 ministers, and 2,973 communicants. There are some Roman Cath- olics, Friends, Universalists, Unitarians, Sha- kers and United Brethren. {For further details in ivternal improvements, see art. Rail Roads and Canals.) New York, city and co. N. Y, is 225 ms. N. E. from Washington City ; 90 n. e. Philadel- phia ; 210 s. w. Boston ; IbO s. Albany and 390 s. Montreal. It is about 16 ms. from the At. lantic ocean, at lat. 40° 42', and long. 2° 54' e. W. C. This is the most populous, wealthy, commercial and important cily in the United States. It stands at the junction of the Hudson and East rivers, on the s. end of Manhattan isl., where the population is almost entirely concen- trated. The ground is generally high near the middle, from which it slopes estrd. to East r. which is the channel of the eastern coasting trade ; and wstrd. to Hudson r., which affords the grand route of internal commerce through the Erie canal, and the great northern lakes. The bay of New York, which is one of the finest harbors in the world, is about 4 ms. by 9 "; being almost entirely enclosed by land, and much protected by the heights of Staten and Long islands. The shores on both rs. are lined with wharves and slips, where ships of the NEW 342 NEW largest size are laden and discharged. The outer bay affords a convenient retreat and safe anchorage, during the prevalence of certain winds; and is well furnished with light-houses and forts. By a recent estimate the city con- tained 30,000 dwelling houses, stores, manufac- tories, and churches. The first houses were built in 1621, in the sthrn. part of the isl., where there are still some narrow and crooked streets ; but the other parts are laid out with more re- gard to beauty and convenience. Broadway, the principal street of the city, is 80 ft. wide, and perfectly straight, and passes from the s. ex- tremity, through the centre of the citv, about 2 ms., and there joins the Fifth avenue, which passes through the isl. to Harlaem r. iiesides this, there are many other streets worthy of no- tice. Those in the s. part and on the East r., are remarkable as places of business ; and those in the upper part are chiefly occupied by private residences. The battery is a fine open public walk, on the s. extremity of the isl. ; commanding an extensive view of the bay, and the opposite shore of New Jersey. The City Hall is a mar. ble building, standing in the Park, 216 feet by 105, and 65 high ; built at an expense of $500,- 000. It contains the chambers of the two coun- cil-boards, court rooms, offices, &c. The new City Hall in its rear contains the alms-house, court of sessions, and police office. The Mer- chant's Exchange in Wall street, contains the Post Office, as well as the Exchange Hall, and various offices. The hospital is an old and very respectable institution, with a library of 3,000 vols. At Bellevue are the alms-house, a hospi- tal, and a penitentiary. The first contained in January, 1832, 1,207 natives of the United States, and 1,049 foreigners. The second, 302 patients, and the third 417 vagrants and other prisoners, of whom 151 were foreigners. The new penitentiary is on Blackwell's id., in East r., about 7 ms. from the city. There are two large stone buildings, with cells for solitary confinement by night. The prisoners are em- ployed in quarrying building stone in the vicini- ty. The police of the institution is strict. The children receive instruction, and the morals, habits, and minds are improved under the ex- cellent system of the prison. The public school society, have 12 large brick school houses in different parts of the city, each of which con. tains 2, and some of them 3 large apartments. The public schools received in 1831, from the state, f 20,549 38, and from a city tax, ^15,661. The number of pupils instructed in 1830, was 24,952. There are also the Protestant Episco- pal school, the mechanic's school, besides nu- merous private schools for both sexes. Colum- bia college is a venerable institution, founded in 1754 ; and is now possessed of an estate val- ued at 1)400,000. Its officers are a president, 8 professors, and, in all, 16 instructors, in the various departments ; the number of students is about 100, and the college and students' li- braries contain about 14,00 ) vols. This col- lege and the grammar school connected with it enjoy a fine situation, near the centre of the city. In the latter are about 100 scholars. The New York University, recently chartered, has already commenced its operations. It is found- ed on the liberal system of the European uni- versities, and is one which promises much ben- efit to the cause of science and literature in our country. Its funds have been raised by the vol- untary subscriptions of individuals. It is gov- erned by a council of 32 members, chosen by the subscribers, together with the mayor and 4 members of the common council of the city. It has a chancellor, besides whom there are 16 professors, and teachers, in the several de- partments. Buildings are now erecting for the purposes of the institution, in the upper part of the city, and a considerable number of students have already been received. The number of literary, scientific, religious, benevolent, and other societies in the city of N. York, is al- most innumerable. The American Bible soci- ety buildings are very large and extensive. The receipts of the society, for the year ending May, 1832, were $107,059, of which $40,193 were in payment for books. Number of Bibles and Testaments issued during the year, 115,802. The American Tract society have also a large building, and published during the same year, 5,471,750 tracts, of 87,622,000 pages :— making the whole numoer of pages printed since the formation of the society, 288,281,000. Num- ber of pages distributed during the year, 4,927,009. Whole number of societies' publica- tions, 614, in 10 different languages. The American home missionary society, received in 1831, $50,299 25; expended $52,808 39; supported 509 missionaries, and assisted 745 congregations. The American education soci- ety, in the same year aided 673 young men, and received $41,947. Whole number of young men assisted since its formation in 1826, 1,426. The receipt of the American seaman's friend society, for the same year, amounted to $5,679. Among other benevolent societies, are the New York Sunday school union ; general Protestant Episcopal Sunday school union ; colonization society ; manumission society ; numerous tem- perance societies ; institution for the instruction of deaf and dumb ; do. for the blind ; orphan asylum ; Roman Catholic benevolent society ; marine society ; St, George's society ; St. An- drew's society ; friendly sons of St. Patrick so- ciety ; French benevolent society ; German so- ciety ; Humane society ; Education society of the Reformed Dutch church ; charity school of do. ; Sunday school union of do. ; societies for the relief of poor widows, of orphan children, of aged indigent females; asylum for the re- formation of juvenile delinquents, for the edu- cation of Jewish children, for the encourage- ment of faithful domestics ; besides numerous branch societies, &c. &c. Among the literary, scientific, mercantile and other societies, may be enumerated, the Ame"rican academy of fine arts, (Barclay st.) ; the National Academy of Design (Clinton Hall) ; Lyceum of Natural History; New York Historical Society; New York Society Library ; N. Y. Atheneum ; N. Y. Literary and Philosophical Society ; Mer- cantile Library Association ; Clinton Hall As- sociation; N. Y. Law Institute ; N. Y. Cham- ber of Commerce; American Institute, (for the encouragement of domestic industry, with an- nual fairs and exhibitions) ; N. Y. Chamber of NEW 343 NIA Trade; N. Y. Horticultural Society; N. Y. State Society of Cincinnati ; Merchants' Ex- change Co. ; N. Y. Society of Merchants and Tradesmen ; N. Y. University ; American Ly- ceum, &c. &.C. There is no city in the United States, perhaps none in the world, which pos- sesses greater advantages, both for internal and external commerce. From the 1st January to the 31st December, 1831, inclusive, there arri- ved at New York from foreign ports, 387 ships, 42 barques, 757 brigs, 433 schoners, &c. &.c. in all 1,634, of which 1,264 were American, 278 English, 8 Spanish, 14 Swedish, 17 German, 25 French, 2 Haytien, 18 Danish, 1 Mexican, 2 Brazillian, 1 Genoese, 1 Russian, and 3 Dutch. According to the report of the secretary of the treasury, during the year ending Sept. 30, 1831, the amount of tonnage entered in the state vvas 333,778 ; amount departed, 265,915; value of imports $35,624,070 ; exports, domestic, ^13,618,278; foreign, $6,079,705; total ex- ports $19,697,983. The amount of duties on imported merchandise, discharged at this port, $20,096,138 60. During the year ending Sept. 30, 1832, the amount of imports was $52,855,- 929 ; value of exports $10,941,488 ; amount of duties which accrued durmg that period, $17,123,174 70. The number of passengers which arrived from foreign ports within the same year, exceeded 40,000. But the internal commerce with the western states and the inte. rior of the state of N. Y. is a still greater source of v/ealth and prosperity to the city. The following estimate will show the relative values of real estate in the city of N. Y. during two commercial periods of seven years each ; and in some degree perhaps the comparative effects of external and internal commerce. In 1817, the real estate of the city was assessed at $57,799,435. In 1824, it was assessed at $52,0)9,730; showing a decrease of .$5,779,70.3 during a period of 7 years, in which foreign commerce was regulated by the tariff of 1816. In 1825, the Erie canal was completed ; and the real estate of the city was estimated for this year at $58,425,395 ; and in 1831, was assessed at ^95,716,485; showing an increase of $43,- 706,755, during another period of 7 years, after the internal commerce with the western states had commenced. In 1831, the city inspections of flour, grain and salt, were as follows. Wheat flour 928,281 bbls. ; rye flour, 9,222 do. ; Indian meal, 31,950 do. ; buckwheat flour, 380 do. The amount of wheat inspected was, 465,559 bushels ; rye 438,114 do. ; corn 1,028,674 ; oats 1,067,693 ; barley 129,297 ; malt 37,018 ; and of salt 74,008. The whole amount of grain in. spected was 3,267,231 bushels ; value $2,305,- 687 81. From New York there are lines of regular packet ships to Liverpool, London and Havre ; and packet brigs to Hull, Greenock, Belfast, Carthagena and Vera Cruz ; besides lines of packet vessels to almost every large port of the United States. There are (1832) 19 banks in the city, whose capital amounts to $11,311,200, and which in Jan. 1832, had notes in circulation to the amount of 14,396,387 13 ; with specie on hand to the amount 1,207,363 65. There are also a branch of the United States bank, a savings bank, a seamen's savings bank, and 9 marine and fire insurance companies' The municipal tax for the year 1 832 is $550,000 ; averaging $2,20 cts. to every individual, old and young. The estimated revenue from other sources, is $159,009, and the estimated expen- diture $600,475. The amount appropriated by the city council for expenditures for the year commencing May 1, 1833, was $1,545,757. In 1830, the number of voles for members of con- gress was 21,000; the proporiion of freeholders not known, as property is no longer the basis of representation. There were in July, 1832, in the city 11 daily newspapers, 9 semi, weekly, 29 weekly, of which several are reli- gious ; 2 Spanish and 1 French, 3 semi-monthly and 2 monthly. The number of sheets issued annually, is about 10,628,600. The consumption of fuel in 1831, was 297,606 loads of wood, at an aggregate cost of $493,085 86 ; 26,605 tons of anthracite coal, 11,875 chaldrons Vir- ginia, 12,953 of charcoal, at a cost of $321,- 642 34; total $814,728 20. A great amount of Liverpool coal consumed, is not included. The number of deaths in 1805, was 2,252 ; in 1815, 2,507 ; in 1820, 3,520 ; in 1825, 5,018 ; and in 1830, 5,537. One sixth of these have been from consumption, and, except to those in- clined to consumptive disorders, the city gene, rally is very healthy. In 1831 the deaths were 6,363, and in 1832 they amounted to 10,359, of which it is estimated 3,515 were by cholera. The number of churches in the city is upwards of 100, embracing some of almost every deno- mination of christians. The pop. of the city of New York increased very moderately during the earlier periods of its history. Among the earlier dates, we find that in 1696 it amounted to 4,302, and in 1786 it had only increased to 23,6 14, a period of 80 years. Since that time its growth has been exceedingly rapid ; in four years afterwards, 1790, the population had in- creased to 33,131, and at subsequent periods it was as follows : in 1800, 60,489 ; in 1810, 96,. 373; in 1820, 123,706; in 1825, 166,086, and in 1830, 202,589. New York, p.v. western part of Albemarle CO. Va. 18 ms. w. Charlotteville, and by p.r. 143 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. New York, p.v. Switzerland co. Indiana, by p.r. 1 [4 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Niagara, r. on the n. w. boundary of New York, and a part of the boundary of the U. S. 36 ms. long, from ^ m. to 6 or 7 ms. wide, empties the waters of lake Erie into lake Onta- rio, has several isls., great rapids, and the cataract of the same name, which is the most remarkable in the world. The shores are low and nearly level from lake Erie to the falls, and but little inhabited, and Grand isl. 12 ms. in length, and 7 broad in the widest part, divides its channel a part of its course. Tonawanta and Chippewa crs. empty into the river, the lat- ter from the Canada side ; the former supplies Erie canal to Rochester, and serves as the first part of the route. The surface of Niagara river is smooth to the rapids, where it is broken by ledges of rocks, over a descending bed, for about three quarters of a mile, and then is pre- cipitated from a perpendicular wall of rock, 160 ft. high on the American side, and 174 ft. on the NIA 344 NIS f^anailian side. The precipice near the middle of the cataract is much higher up the river than near the shores, and forms an irregular arch, or horse shoe, towards the west side. G6at island also occupies a part of the channel and divides the cataract into two unequal parts, but is connected with tlie American shore by a bridge. The Biddle siair case conducts the visiter in safety from Goat island to the rocks below ; and there are stair cases on the sides of the cataract, as well as spacious hotels. Se- veral persons have at different times been car- ried over the precipice, and none have ever sur- vived. Ducks have sometimes been picked up alive after the fall, with legs and wings broken. The waters are precipitated into a gulf, which is constantly kept in a state of commotion, and is covered with white foam, while the rocks overhang it from a great height on three sides, dripping with the moisture which rises in large clouds of mist. Niagara, co. N. Y., is bndd. by lake Onta- rio or Upper Canada n., Orleans and Genesee CO. E., Tonawanta cr. or Erie co. s., Niagara r. w., 16 ms. by 28, 448 sq. ms., has 7 ts., is cross, ed by the mountain ridge, between 7 and 9 ms. from the lake, and nearly parallel to the shore. In its highest part this ridge is 330 ft. above the lake. The s. part is agreeably vari- ed. The soil is good. The alluvial way is an inferior elevation, 3 or 4 ms. n. of the mountain ridge, partly in this co. remarkably uniform, and serving for the route of a good road. Tus- carora and Eighteen Miles crs. are the princi- pal streams in the co., but small. The rapids in Niagara r. however, afford good mill sites. Erie canal enters from Orleans co., runs at the foot of a mountain ridge to Lockport, where it surmounts that obstacle by one of the most ex- pensive and splendid works on its whole route. The excavations are great, for the deep cut and the basin ; and the vast water power is of great value. Since the formation of the canal. Lock- port has been formed from a wilderness to a considerable village. From this place the ca- nal passes to Tonawanta cr., on the s. line of the county. The falls of Niagara are in this co. and the portage of 8 ms. round them. Welland canal, (on the Canada side) has been construct- ed to efiect a navigation round the falls. In 1796, there was but one family in the limits of this CO. The settlers were from different parts of the country, some from Canada. Lockport is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 22,990 ; 1830, 18,482. Niagara, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y., 300 ms. w. Albany, lis. w. Lockport, 11 n. e. Lewiston, at the falls of Niagara, has a varied and agree, able surface, sloping towards the r. with a light soil, in some parts good. Manchester v. is at the rapids, near the falls, 7 ms. from Lewiston, It is small, but has a large hotel for visiters, who annually appear in great numbers, to see this noblest cataract in the world. Several mills are moved by the water at the rapids. A bridge reaches to Goat isl. a little above the precipice, and a covered spiral staircase con- ducts to the foot of the falls on the main land from both ; the views of the falls are various and interesting. Gypsum is found in the rocks. Fort Schlosser, a stockade, built after the old French war, stood at the mouth of Gill cr. on Niagara r. 1^ ms. above the falls. It was sur- rendered to the United States 1796. Pendleton village is in the s. e. part of this t. Pop. 1,401. Niagara, v. Porter, Niagara co. N. Y., 7 ms. N. Lewiston, at the mouth of Niagara r. on the shore of lake Ontario. Fort Niagara is on this site. Nicholas, co. of Va., bndd. by Pocahontas e.. Green Brier s. e. and s., Gauley r. separating it from Fayette s. w., Kenhawa co. w., Lewis n., and Randolph n. e. Length 50 ms., mean width 25, and area 1,250 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 4' to 38° 43', and in long, from 3° 18' to 4° 12' w. W. C. The declivity is a little s. of w., drained by Gauley r. on the sthrn., and Elk r. on the nrthrn. side. Pop. 1820, 1,853 ; 1830, 3,349. Nicholas, c. h. and p-v. Nicholas co. Va., 310 ms. wstrd. W. C, and 268 n. w. by w. Rich- mond, lat. 38° 18', long. 3° 48' w. W. C. Nicholas, co. of Ky., bndd. s. w. by Bour- bon, w. and N. w. by Harrison, n. by Bracken, N. e. by Mason, e. by Fleming, and s. e. by Bath. Length 30, mean width 12, and area 3G0 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 12' to 38° 33', and in long, from 6° 47' to 7° 10 w. W. C. The main volume of Licking r. crosses this co. in a nrthwstrly. direction, following the general de- clivity. Chief t. Carlisle. Pop. 1820, 7,973 ; 1830, 8,832. Nicholasville, p-v. and st. jus., Jessamine CO. Ky., 3l) ms. s. e. Frankfort, and 14 s. s. w. Lexington. Lat. 37° 52', long. 7° 33' w. W. C. Pop. 408. Nichols, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y., 10 ms. w. Owego, on the s. side Susquehanna r. Pop. 1,284. Nicholson, p-v. nrthwstrn. part of Luzerne CO. Pa., 32 ms. above Wilkesbarre, and by p-r. 146 ms. above Harrisburg. Nicholson, p-o. Copiah co. Misp., about 60 ms. a little n. of e. Natchez, and 70 ms. s. s. w. Jackson. Nicksville, p-v. Lovely co. Ark. NiLEs, P-V. sthestrn. part Berrien co. Mich., by p-r. 179 ms. s. w. by w. ^ w. Detroit. Lat. 41° 51', long. 9° 18' w. W. C. As laid down by Tanner on his improved U. S. map, it is situa- ted on St. Joseph's r., 5 ms. n. of the boundary between Ind. and Mich. NiMisiLA, p-v. Stark CO. O., byp-r. 117 ms. n. E. by E. Columbus. Nine mile cr., and p-o. Blount co. Ten., by p-r. 155 ms. a little s. of e. Nashville. Nine mile prairie, p-o. Perry co. 111., by p-r, 127 ms. sthrd. Vandalia. Nineveh, p-v. n. part Frederick co. Va., by p-r. 81 ms. N, w by w, W, C, Nippenose, p-o, sthrn. part Lycoming co. Pa,, by p-r, 104 ms. w. Harrisburg. NiSHNEBATONA, r. conflueut of Mo, r, rises at about lat, 42°, flowing thence by a general course of a little w. of s., inclining upon that part of Mo. immediately above and below the mouth of Platte r., and inflecting with the for- mer, finally falls into it a short distance below the influx of little Nemawhaw. The valley of Nishnebatona lies between those of Mo. and Naudoway. NOR 345 NOR NisKAYUNA, t. Schenectady co. N. Y., 12 ms. N. w. Albany, s. w. Mohawk r., n. Albany co., E. Schenectady, is small, with much poor sandy land but some good on the r. The people are of Dutch origm. Alexander's bridge crosses Mol'.asvk r. in the ^. e. corner, where are mills, a dam, and the upper aqueduct, 748 ft. long, and 2^ high, on which passes the Erie canal ; near it are 3 locks of 7 ft. lift. Pop. 452. NisKAYUNA, Shaker v. Schenectady co. N. Y. (See WaiervUet.) NiTTANY, p-v. nrthwstrn. part Centre Co. Pa. If) ms. N. w. Bellefonte, and by p-r. 101 ms. n. w. flarrisburg. Nixon's p-o. Randolph co. N. C. by p.r. 94 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Noah's Fork and p-o. nthwstrn. part Bedford CO. Ten. 60 ms. s. e. Nashville. Nobleborough, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 16 ms. e. N. E. Wiscasset, e. Damariscotta r. Carries on a considerable trade. Pop. 1,876. NoBLESBORo' or NoBLESTowN, p-v. on Robe- son's run, in the sthwstrn. part Alleghany co. Pa. 11 ms. s. w. by w. Pittsburg. NoBLESTOwN, p.v. Alleghany co. Pa. by p-r. 212 ms. w. Harrisburg, and 12 ms. s. w. Pitts- burg. NoBLESviLLE, p.v. and st. jus. Hamilton co. Ind. by p-r. 22 ms. n. n. e. Indianopolis. Lat. 40° 03', long. 9° w. W. C. NoT.ACHUcKY, r. of N. C. and Ten., has its remote sources in the western slope of the Blue Ridge, and northern part of Buncombe co. opposite the sources of Catawba, and between those of French Broad and Watauga rivers ; draining the nrthrn. part of Buncombe, and flowing by a general n. w. course, traverses the mtn. pass between the Bald and Iron mtns., enters Ten., where, passing over Washington and Greene cos. joins French Broad. {See Ten. r.) NoLACHUCKY, p-v. on Nolachucky r. sthrn. part Greene co. Ten. by p-r. 286 ms. e. Nash- ville. Noland's ferry and p-o. Loudon co. V. by p-r. 43 ms. a little above and n. w. from W. C. The p-o. is nearly opposite, though rather above the mouth of Monocacy r. NoLENsviLLE, p-v. nrthrn. part Williamson co. Ten. 16 ms. a little e. of s. Nashville. No-man's-land, isl. Dukes co. Mass. s. of the s. w. end of Martha's Vineyard. It is small, and lies in long. 6° 15' e. W. C, lat. 41° 15'. Norfolk, co. Mass. bndd. n. by Middlesex CO., N. E. and e. by Mass. bay and Plymouth co., s. E. and s. by Plymouth and Bristol cos., s. w. by Rhode Island, and w. by Worcester and Middlesex cos. It is principally watered by Neponset and Charles rs., and their tributaries, and contains 22 towns, of which Dedham is the capital. The two streams mentioned are sin- gularly connected by Mother brook, which thus renders a part of the co. an island. The wa- ters of Stony brook are almost on a level with it. Blue hills on the n. are of a considerable elevation, but the surface is not very uneven. The N. part has many fine country seats, belong- ing chiefly to the citizens of Boston ; and its vici- nity to the city affords a valuable market to the farmers of the eo., in which some of the moat beautiful farms and rural scenes in the state are foimd. That part contiguous to Boston was occupied in the revolutionary war, and du- ring the siege of that place, by the American troops; and remains of military works are still to be found. It is crossed by the great route from Boston to Providence, and a rail road which is projected between the two places will, doubtless, greatly increase the already great amount of travel and transportation through the co. The amount of manufactures in this CO. is considerable. Its surface is tren- erally diluvial, with rocks of sienite granite, or graywacke. The uplands are rounded gravel from the interior, sand and clay mingled, and the vallies marshy with peat. Large masses of rock lie on the surface, for 10 ms. s. of Blue hills, s. E. of the ledges from which they have been torn ; but the sienite and green stone ledges are most remote. Diluvial gravel lies upon the slope from Blue hills to Neponset r. The Quincy rail road, the first constructed in the U. S. is in the e. part of this co. Pop 1820 36,471, 1830, 41,972. NoRFOLtc, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 35 ms. n. w. Hartford, s. Mass. line ; 4i ms. by 9 ; 44 sq. ms. ; is on high ground, crossed by trranite ridges from n. e. The soil is cold, but the gra- zing good ; and the trees chiefly oak and ches- nut, with some maple. 2U,000 lbs. of maple sugar were once made here annudUy. Black- berry, Mad, Sandy and other rs., supply water and mill sites. Much iron is manufactured here. Pop. 1,485. Norfolk, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 32 ms. N. e. Ogdensburgh, 224 from Albany. Watered by Racket r. at tiie falls of which is a v., at the head of boat navigation. Pop. 1,039. Norfolk, co. Va. bndd. by Nansemond w., Hampton Roads and Lynhaven bay n.. Princess Anne co. e., and Currituck and Camden cos. N. C. s. Length from s. to n. 32, mean width 17 ms., and area 544 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36p to 36° 59', and in long, from 0° 33' to 1° 2' e. W. C. This co. is composed of two inclined planes of very little declivity. The nrthrn. section is drained by the confluents of Elizabeth r. (See Elizabeth r.) The south- ern part includes great part of the Dismal Swamp and lake Drummond, and drained sth- wrdly. into Pasquotank r. (See Dismal Swamp canal.) Cf. t. Norfolk. Pop. 1820, 15 478 1830, 24,814. Norfolk, borough, and port of entry, Nor- folk CO. Va. situated on the right bank of Eliza- beth r., 8 ms. above Hampton Roads. Lat 36° 52', long. 0° 44' e. W. C. By p-r. 217 ms. s. s. E. W. C, and 114 s. e. by e. Richmond. Nor- folk harbor admits vessels of 18 feet draught, and renders the borough the most commercial depot of Va. The harbor is safe, and very commodious, being nearly 1 mile in width ; and is strongly defended by a fortress on Craney island, and forts Norfolk and Nel- son in the immediate vicinity of the town. The Dismal Swamp canal opens to Norfolk, the commerce of the great basins of Roanoke and Chowan ; and in consequence, some of the finest sections of Va. and N. C. The site of Norfolk, similar to the surface of the adjacent NOR 345 NOR lountry, is low, level, and in part marshy: the streets are irregular, and are generally paved. Among the public buildings of the borough are 3 banks, including a branch of the U. S. bank ; 6 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopalian, 2 Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic ; an orphan asylum, atheneum, theatre, court liouse, jail, market house, Lancasterian school, academy, &c. &c. A mile distant, on Wash- ington point is a marine hospital, a handsome building of brick ; and in the immediate vicini- ty of the town is Portsmouth, and Gosport where there is an extensive navy yard of the U. S. During the late war, and for a time after- vi^ards, the business and population of Norfolk declined considerably ; but recently, both have been moderately advancing. It contained in 1310. 182-I. 1830. Whites, 4,776 4,618 5,131 Free colored, 592 599 928 yiaves, 3,825 3,261 3,757 Total, 9,193 8,478 9,816 NojiRiSTowN, p-v. borough and st. jus. Mont- gomery CO. Pa. situated on the left bank of Hchuylkill r,, 16 ms. above and n. w. Phil, and by p-r. 143 ms. n. e. W. C. Lat. 40° 08', long. 1° 42' E. W. C The site of Norristown and the adjacent country are deligliti'ul. It contains an academ}', some places of public worship, and the co. edifices. Pop. 1820, 827. Norman's kill, brook, Bethlehem, Albany co. N. Y. enters Hudson r. 2^ ms. s. Albany, 28 ms. long, supplies large mills. NoRRIDGEWOCK, p-t. St. jUS. Somers&t CO. Me. 35 ms. w. by n. Hallowell, 94 n. n. e. Port- land, 28 from Augusta, has a court house, jail, &c. and has considerable trade. Pop. 1,710. NoRRisviLLE, p-0. Wilcox CO. Ala. by p-r. 127 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. North Adams, v. Adams, Berkshire co. Mass. 15 ms. n. Pittsfield, 40 e. Albany, 5 e. Williams college, is a flourishing manut'actur. ing place. There are, in and about the village, 12 cotton and woollen factories, (about 24 in the town,) 2 calico print works, 3 furnaces, and several extensive establishments for making cotton and woollen machinery, &c. North Hamfton, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 7 ms. s. Portsmouth, 50 from Concord, w. At- lantic ocean, has 8,465 acres, 2 small streams, and Little Boar's Head point. Garrison hous- es were built early, to protect the people against the Indians. Pop. 766. Northampton, p-t. st. jus. Hampshire co. Mass. 95 ms. w. I3oston, 42 n. Hartford, 18 n. Springfield. It is one of the oldest and pleas- antest towns in that part of the state. It lies w. Conn. r. with a varied surface, good soil, and between 3,000 and 4,000 acres of excellent meadows. The Hampshire and Hampden ca- nal, partly completed, and connected with the Farmington canal in Conn, is to join the Conn. r. here. It contains 4 churches, for Calvinists, Baptists, Episcopalians, and Unitarians. A court house, jail, town house, bank, a fine ho- tel, &c. in the village, which is large, and was in past days, the residence of president Ed- wards, David Brainard, Gov. Strong, and other distinguished men. First settled in 1664, and for many years the village was surroimded with a palisade. It was attacked and threat- ened at different times by Indians. A great deal of manufacturing is carried on here, 700 men being engaged in cotton and woollen fac- tories ; a woollen factory 4^ ms. w. of the vil- lage, on a fall of 50 feet, works 1,384 spindles, 35 broadcloth and 8 satinet looms, and employs 110 persons, consuming 150,000 lbs. of wool, and making 42,000 yards of broadcloth, and 36,000 of satinet. A button manufactory em- ploys 30 persons. There are in the town, dwelling houses, 417 ; stores and shops, 69 ; barns, 302; mills of various kinds, 26; of til- lage, 2,635 ; bushels of rye raised, 6,257 ; oats, 5,050 ; Indian corn, 31,000 ; acres of mowing, 2,148; tons of hay, 2,394; acres of pasture, 4,060; bbls. cider, 2,150; acres of woodland, 4,414; horses, 334; oxen, 174; steers and cows, 866; sheep, 4,000; woollen factories, 3; spindles, 1,152 ; carriages and chaises, 3,525. Mount Plolyoke, a fine eminence on the oppposite bank of the river, is a favorite re- sort and commands one of the most beautiful views in this part of the U. S. The shad fishe- ry is valuable, and steam navigation is to be extended hither by the boats from Hartford. In 1786, during Shay's rebellion, a body of in- surgents were dispersed here by the sheriff. Pop. 3,613. Northampton, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. 17 ms. N. E. .iohnstown, 42 ms. n. n. w. Alba, ny, 22 n. w. Ballstown Spa, w. Saratoga co., 4 ms. by 8, is crossed by Sacandaga r. and has 3 small mill streams, and good level land, but 1,000 acres of the great vlie or swamp. At the fish house where Sir Vv'^illiam Johnson some- times resided is a small village. Population 1,380. Northampton, t. Burlington co. N. J., 7 ms. s. E. Burlington, s. North branch of Rankokus cr., w. Monmouth co. Pop. 5,516; it in- cludes the v. of Mount Holley, the st. jus. of the CO. Northampton, co. Pa., bndd. by Bucks co. s., Lehigh s. w., Schuylkill w., Luzerne n. w., Pike N., and Del. separating it from Warren co. N. J. E. Length diagonally from the extreme southern angle on Bucks, to the extreme north- ern on Luzerne, 46 ms. ; the greatest width wstrd. from Del. r. to the wstrn. angle on Schuyl- kill and Luzerne, is very near equal to the length. The area being within a trifle of 1,100 sq. ms. The mean breadth is very nearly 24 ms., extending in lat. from 40^ 33' to 41° 10', and in long from 0° 50' to 1° 52' e. W. C. Though the Lehigh river does not rise en- tirely in Northampton co., having its higher branches in Pike and Luzerne, yet the co. and valley of this branch of Del. are in great part commensurate, and the general slope sthward- ly. The surface is, however, greatly diversifi- ed, both as to mtn., hill, and dale, and in rela- tive level, independent of mtns. and hills. The Kittatinny mts. ranging something e. of s. w., divide this co. into two unequal sections ; about one third lying below, or s. of the Kittatinny, and the residue above, or nthrd. from that chain. The Lehigh r. deriving its numerous NOR 347 NOR sources from the very mountainous region above the Kittatinny, pierces that and numerous other chains at nearly right angles ; reaches the nth- wstrn. foot of Blue Ridge at Allentown, and turning thence to n. e., traverses the mtn. foot to its influx into Del. at Easton. The lower sec- tion of Northampton, though comprising only one third of the whole surface of the co., con- tained in 1820, 22,030, out of 31,765 inhabitants. The valley between the Blue Ridge and Kitta- tinny chains, averages in Northampton a width of about 10 ms. ; the sthrn. part towards the Blue Ridge resting on limestone, and the oppo- site on clay slate. The two extreme southern tsps. below the Blue Ridge, lie also partially on limestone. The whole of this sthrn. and lower section has a mean elevation above tide water, of from 250 to 350 ft. The soil is excellent for grain, pasturage, meadow grasses, and orchard fruits. Without regard to the mtns., the vallies above Kittatinny rise like terraces, from 600 to upwards of 1,200 ft. above tide level. It is ob- served that in the seasons of spring, harvest, &c., there are two weeks or more between the ex- tremes of this CO., and relative height at once explains the phenomenon. But the greatest diiference and most important to the farmer in the respective sections of Northampton, is in quality of soil, which deteriorates gradually, receding to the nrthwstrd. from the Blue Ridge. (See articles, Lehigh, Mauch Chunk, ^c.) The Lehigh navigation, and a canal from Easton along Del. r. to Bristol, with the enormous masses of anthracite coal near Mauch Chunk, have given great importance to the sthrn. part of Northampton. The produce of its fields and pastures are also abundant and valuable, and rapidly augmenting in annual amount. Cf. ts. Easton, Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Hellers, town, and Stroudsburg. Pop. 1820, 31,765, 1830, 39,267, an increase of 24 per cent. JNoRTHAMPTON, or Alicntown, p-v,, borough and St. just., Lehigh co., Pa., situated on the point above the junction of the two main branch- es of Little Lehigh, and about a mile from the main Lehigh r,., 6 ms. s. w. by w. Bethlehem, and 18 in nearly a similar direction from Eas- ton, 50 ms. a little w of n. Phil., and by p-r. 178 ms. N. N. E. W. C, lat. 40° 36', long. 1° 30' e. W. C. It^is a very pleasant small town, stand- ing on a swelling hill, surrounded by a fine well cultivated country, and contains a bank, printing office, numerous dry good stores, and in the vicinity several merchant mills. Northampton, co. Va., and the sthrn. of the eastern shore, bndd. n. by Accomac co. Va., e. by the Atlantic, and s. and w. by Chesapeake bay. Length from s. to n. 32, mean width, if the Atlantic islands are included, 10 ms. ; area, 320 sq. ms., extending in lat. from. 37° O5'to 37° 33', long, from 1° to 1° 28' e. W. C. The sur- face of this CO. is but little broken by hill and dale, but the margin is excessively indented by small creeks, and covered on the Atlantic side by Paramores, Hog, Prout's, Smith's, and Fish- erman's islands, proceeding southwardly to Cape Charles. Cf. t. Eastville. Pop. 1820, 7,705, 1830, 8,644. Northampton, co. N. C, bndd. n. e. in part by Meherin r., separating it from Gates co., by. Hertford e., Bertie s. e., Roanoke r. separating it from Halifax s. w., Brunswick co. Va. n. w., Greenville co. Va. n., and Southampton co. Va. N. E. ; length from s. e. to n. w. 42 ms. ; mean width 13, and area 546 eq. ms. ; extending in lat. from 36° 09' to 36° 30', long, from 0° 08' to 0° 56' w. W. C. Though bndd. on one of the long- est sides by Roanoke r., the general declivity is estrd. toward Meherin and Chowan rs. Much good soil. Pop. 1820, 13,242, 1830, 13,103. Northampton, c. h. and p-o. Northampton co. N. C, 70 ms. s. w. Norfolk, Va., and by p.r. 95 N. E. Raleigh. Lat. 30° 24', long. 0° 27' w. W. C. NoaTHAMPTON, p-v., Portage co. 0., by p-r. 126 ms. N. E. Columbia. Pop. tsp. 293. North Bloomfield, p-v. Trumbull co. O., by p-r. 173 ms. \. e. Columbus. NoRTHBOROUGH, p-t., Worccster CO. Mass., 11 ms. E. Worcester, 36 w. Boston, in a valley ; has excellent land. Assabet r. has good mea- dows and mill seats ; cotton, shoes, scythes, leather, &c. are manufactured here. It for- merly belonged to Marlboro', and suffered from the Indians. A house in this t. was defended against 24 Indians by a man and woman in 1704. Pop. 992. NoRTHBRiDGE, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 12 ms. s. E. Worcester, 45 s. w. Boston, is crossed by Blackstone r. and canal, and has large mea- dows with uneven uplands, yielding good grass, &c. Here are granite quarries, and several cotton and woollen factories. Pop. 1,053. North Bridgewater, p-t. Plymouth co.Mass., 20 ms. s. Boston. It was incorporated 1821, is well watered, generally level, soil various and some of it excellent. There is a cotton factory here, and shoes are made for foreign markets. Settled about 1700. Pop. 1,953. North Brookfield, t. Worcester co. Mass., 68 ms. w. Boston, has good soil, excellent farms, and some factories. Pop. 1,241. North Brunswick, t. Middlesex co. N. J. on the Raritan and South rs. ; it includes the city of New Brunswick. Pop. 5,274. North Carolina, state of the U. S., bndd. by S. Carolina s., Georgia s. w.. Ten. w., Va. n., and by the Atlantic e. and s. e., having out- lines on ms, S. C. from the Atlantic to Chatuga r., 300 Along the nthrn. boundary of Geo., 58 Along estrn. border of Tenn., 185 Along sthrn. boundary of Va., 330 Along Atlantic, 32q Having an entire outline of 1,193 Greatest length from the wstrn. extreme to Cape Hatteras, within a very trifling fraction of 500 ms. ; area 51,000 sq. ms., as carefully measured by the rhombs, will give a mean breadth of 100. The greatest breadth is, how- ever, 185 ms. from the extreme sthrn. angle at Little r. inlet, to the sthrn. border of Va. In' lat. it extends from 33° 50' to 36° 33', and in long, from 1° 36' e. to 7° 12' w. W. C. In di- versity of surface, soil and climate, N. C. pre- sents very wide extremes, falling in either re- spect, little if any thing below Geo„ Though extending lengthwise from e. to w., the relative height decreases the elevation of temperature NOR 348 NOR advancing from the ocean wstrd. The state similar to S. C. and Geo., is naturally divided into 3 zones ; the distinction between the physi- cal sections are far more strongly marked in the former, than in the two latter states. The sea sand alluvial tract of N. C, is from s. w. to N. E., 260 ms. in length, with a mean breadth inland of about 90 ms., but varying in width from 80 to 100 ms. The estrn. part is deeply indented by shallow, though wide sounds, of which the principal are Pamlico and Albemarle. The sthwstrn. part presents a coast directly the reverse ; it is a long inflected line, with a re- markable deficiency of inlets. The entire coast of N. C, indeed, with a distance of 320 ms., is the most defective part of that of the Atlantic border of the U. S. in those valuable commer- cial entrances. The rivers Chowan and Roan- oke rising in Va., and Tar, Neuse, and Cape Fear rivers rising in the state itself, issue from the interior section, and reach the sounds of the sea sand region in a s. e. direction, and their channels are the only furrows which materially break the monotony of the great plain of 23,000 sq. ms. There are slight exceptions, but dead uniformity of surface, is the general character of the ocean section of N. C. Without any very abrupt marks of distinction between them, the sea sand is followed by the hilly or middle sec- tion. Much that might be said on this subject has been anticipated under the art. Geo. ; we may here, however, observe that the hilly tract of N. C. comprises 14,000 sq. ms., with a slope to the s. E., and traversed at the extremes by Roanoke, Yadkin and Catawba rs., and in the centre gives source to the numerous tributaries of Tar, Neuse and Cape Fear rs. The Blue Ridge, on most maps very erroneously is made to represent the outer chain of the Appalachian system in N. C, as in the contiguous states ; but so far is this geography from being cor- rect, there are two chains outside or between the Blue Ridge and the ocean, nor is in fact the Blue Ridge correctly dravm over N. C. The COS. of Person, Orange, Chatham, Moore and Richmond, are in general terms the wstrn. sections of the middle region ; whilst Caswell, Guilford, Randolph, Davidson, Montgomery and Anson, commence the mtn. tract. Some slight resemblance marks the two contiguous estrn. sections of N. C, but no contrast can be much greater than exists between the extreme regions of sea sand, and the bold, swelling, and delight- ful mtn. or wstrn. section. Towards the ocean the eye meets no relief, and fresh water is in many places rare ; the rivers and sounds are stagnant, or drag their sluggish streams along their oozy beds ; and the surface to large ex- tents marshy and uncultivable, lie unadorned and useless wastes ; but ascend the rs., tra- verse the hills, and the outer humble but dis- tinct Appalachian chain, and a country opens, to which the boasted peninsulas of Asia Minor, Greece, Italy or Spain, can offer no spot supe. rior in all that can render the face of the earth a happy residence to man. The streams are the pure productions of living fountains ; the soil, if not exuberantly fertile, is sufficiently productive to reward, and with the elastic air over its surface, richly reward human labor. If we reject the mtn. chains, there still remains a difference of level of at least 1 ,800 ft. between the cos. along the ocean border, and that of Ashe, and Buncombe, on the wstrn. extreme between the Blue Ridge and Iron chains. The actual difference of lat. a little exceeds 2^ de- grees, and the diff'erence of level is fully equal to 4 degrees, making an actual difli"erence of 6^ degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer as the mean and extreme temperature. The winters of Upper N. C. are perhaps not as long, perhaps something less severe, but on the mtn. sec- tions of not only N. C, but of S. C. and Geo. also, the inhabitants have with the more nrthrn. states a share, and not a slight share of the rigors of frost, snow, and cold rainy weather in winter. Agricultu.e. — The natural vegetables afford often good guides to the estimate of cli- mate suitable to exotics. In the whole three sections of N. C. spread immense forests of terebinthine trees, and there may be said to commence, advancing from the north, those vast collections of pines, amongst, which the traveller may pursue his way for days without meeting, except a few scattering stems, any other tree but pine. This forest tree evinces thinness, if not sterility of soil, but is gen- erally attended with good fountain water. Though, however, it is the most common, pine gives place, or is intermixed with nearly every forest tree known in the middle states of the U. S., and the live oak, quercus semper, vivens, a tree ceasing in La. below n. lat. 30° 30', is found on Cape Fear r., N. C, as high as 34" 20', showing a difference of tem- perature between the Atlantic coast and Mis- sissippi valley, of nearly 4 degrees. A sim- ilar relative location is found to distinguish the dwarf palms. From these criteria, we may decide that on the sea sand alluvion of N. C, cotton may be cultivated with success, as in the valley of the Mississippi cotton flourishes 5 or 6 degrees of lat. above the live oak or the dwarf palm, and sugar cane is cultivated near- ly as far northward as these trees are found. Ascending to the interior and elevated table land, small grain, meadow grasses, and the ap- ple, follow the cotton. Potatoes succeed well over the state, as do a vast abundance of escu- lent roots and fruits. Indian corn is the staple grain. The fig tree yields its abundant sac- charine fruit on the lower section, and the peach over the state gives its tribute to the hand of the cultivator. In fine, N. C. is not a state of more than medium general fertility, but it is a state of abundant product, where labor is prop- erly applied. Minerals. — Iron ore abounds, but few attempts have yet been made to reduce it to the metallic state. Much of that metal is manufactured, it is true, but immensely more might be produced. The gold mines of the state, which are found in the vicinity of the Yadkin and its branches, have excited much interest, and their annual produce is increasing. In a district which comprises about 1,000 sq. ms., it is found sometimes in considerable quantities, mixed with the soil in minute parti- cles ; and lumps of 1 or 2 pounds weight have been found. Rivers, Commerce, Towns, ^c. — With a very NOR 34a JNOI unfavorable aea-coast, the connoctioa of N. C. with Europe, or the other states of the U. S. is much below the relative proportion of area or population ; but again, a considerable fraction of the commerce of Va. and of S. C, originates in this state. The whole western sections of the state discharge their rivers either south- ward into S. C, northward into Va., or west- ward into Ten. One great branch of Roanoke, Dan r., flows from N. C. into Va., returning its waters, however, by the Roanoke. Catawba and Yadkin rs., rising in the fine vallies of western or rather central N. C, become navi- gable streams, and bending their courses south- ward carry their volumes and their burthens into S. C. The whole margin of the state be- yond Blue Ridge, is drained by She numerous confluents of Ten. r., and has a slope to the n. w. Other rivers are the Chowan, Neuse, Pam- lico, and Cape Fear. The latter affords a navi- gable communication for vessels of 300 tons to Wilmington, and above that place for steam boats, to Fayetteville. This is the best naviga- ble stream in the state ; some other rivers of the state are large, but their mouths are blocka- ded by immense bars of sand. The commerce of North Carolina as we have remarked, is not extensive ; a system of improvements however is in rapid progress, which have immediate reference to removing the obstructions in some of the rivers, the construction of roads and ca. nals. &c. &c. Many partial canals, side cuts, locks, and drains have been already made, tending to ameliorate some of the difficulties of communication hitherto experienced. The amount of tonnage entered in North Carolina during the year ending September 30, 1830, was 29,527; departed 38,364. The amount of ex- ports during the same period was, domestic produce S398,550 ; foreign, $5^783 ; total, .'^399,- 333. Value of imports $221,992. There are no large towns in the state ; the principal of these are Raleigh, the seat of government ; Wilmington, Fayetteville, Newbern, Edenton, Halifax, Salisbury, Hillsborough, Tarborough and Washington. Population. — The population of North Caro- lina at several periods follows, with that of the counties in 1830. In 1790, it contained 393,- 950 inhabitants ; in 1800, 478,103 ; in 1810, 555,500 ; in 1820, G38,829 ; and in 1830, 738,- 470. Counties. AsJie, Anson, Burke, Buncombe, Brunswick, Bertie, Bean tort, Bladen, Craven, Cabarras, Currituck, Caswell, Chowan, Cmuden, (Jliatiiaui, Columbus, Cnmberland, Carteret, Duplin, Davidson, Edgecombe, Franklin, Pop. 1S30. G,9S7 14,095 17,888 16,281 6,516 12,262 10,969 7,811 13,731 8,810 7,655 15,185 6,697 6,733 15,405 4,141 14,834 6,597 11,291 13,389 14,935 10,665 Counties. Granville, Gates, Guilford, Greene, Hyde, Halifax, Haywood, Hertford, IredeJl, Johnston, Jones, Lincoln, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Martin, Moore, Macon, Montgomery, Northampton, New Hanover, Nash, Onslow, Pop. 1830. 19,355 7,866 18,737 6,413 6,184 17,739 4,578 8,537 14,918 10,938 5,608 22,455 7,723 20,073 8,539 7,745 5,333 10,919 13,391 10,959 8,490 7,814 45 Counties. Pop. 1830. Cov lltlCf. Pop. 1S30. Orange, 23,'.)08 Ra idulph, 12,406 Person, 10,027 Sui ry, 14,504 Pitt, 12,093 Snnipsoa, J 1,634 Perquimons, 7,419 Sto ses. 16,196 Pasquotank, 8,641 Tv reil, 4,732 Richmond, 9,396 VVilkes, 11,963 Robeson, 9,433 Wake, 20,398 Rockingham, 12,935 VV; lync. 10,331 Rowan, 20,-;S6 Wasihiiigton, 4,553 Rutherford, 17,.557 Warren, 11,877 or which were white persons, Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 46,749 43,775 From 5 to 10 35,959 34,264 " 10 to 15 30,527 28,842 " 15 to 20 25,4.52 27,398 " 20 to 30 39,428 41,636 " 30 to 40 23,042 . 24,534 " 40 to 50 14,998 16,428 " 50 to 60 ]il,.5S6 10,601 " 60 to 70 5,9!;a 5,980 " 70 to 89 2,489 2,496 " 80 to 90 649 747 " 90 to 1(10 138 1.58 " 100 and upwards, 28 30 Total, 2,35,954 236,889 Of the preceding were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 70 ; from 14 to 25, 81 ; 25 and over, 79. Blind, 223. The colored population was as follows : Free coloreil. Slaves. Males. Females. Males. Females. Under 10 years, 2,438 3,287 45,991 44,847 From 10 to 24 2,935 .3,118 38,099 37,508 " 24 to 36 1,400 1,649 20,212 20,095 " 36 to 55 1,062 1,179 14,030 13,088 " 55 to 100 685 720 5,848 5,638 100 and upwards. 21 29 133 114 Total, 9,561 9,982 124,313 121,288 Deaf and dumb colored persons, 93 ; blind, 161. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 472,843 _ 19,543 245,601 737,987 The receipts into the treasury of North Ca. rolina, for the year ending Nov. 1832, were $127,528 42 ; th6 expenditures during the same period, ^116,598 68. Constitution. — Judiciary. — The constitution of N. C. was adopted in convention at Halifax, 18th December, 1776. It commences with a bill of rights containing 25 sections, the last of which relates to the boundaries of the state. The constitution is itself divided simplv into sections, and provides as follows : — Sec. 1. — That the le. gislative authority shall be vested in two distinct branches, both dependent on the people, to wit, a senate and house of commons. Sec. 2, — That the senate shall be composed of representatives, annually chosen by ballot, one for each co. in the state. Sec. 3. — That the house of commons shall be composed of representatives annually chosen by ballot, two for each co., and one for each of the towns of Edenton, Newbern, Wil. mington, Salisbury, Hillsborough and Halifax. Sec. 4.' — That the senate and house of com* mons, assembled for the purpose of legislation, shall be denominated " The General Assem- bly." Sec. 5, provides that the members of the senate must, to be eligible, possess in the CO. from which he is elected 300 acres of land in fee; and Sec. 6, makes a similar provision in regard to members of the house of commons, except limiting the latter to a property qualifica- tion of at least lOO acres of land in fee. Sec. 7, makes it necessary to possess the right of suffrage, that the elector shall be 21 years of age, have resided one year in the co. next pre-- NOR 350 NOR ceding the election, and possess therein a free- hold of 50 acres of land, to vote for a senator ; and by sec. 8, like age and residence, as ne- cessary to vote for a senator, and having paid public taxes, qualifies to vote for a member of the house of commons. Sec. 13. — That the general assembly shall, by joint ballot of both houses, appoint judges of the supreme courts oflavif and equity, judges of admiralty, and at- tornies general, who shall be commissioned by the governor, and hold their offices during good behavior. Sec. 15, provides for the election of a governor by joint ballot, for 1 year, and eligi- ble only 3 years in 6 successive years, and miast be 30 years of age, have resided in the state 5 years, and have in the state a freehold in lands and tenements, above the value of 1,000 pounds. Sections 31, and 32, read with curious contrast. The former renders ineligible to a seat in either house of the general assembly, or the council, all clergymen or preachers of the gospel of any denomination ; whilst the 32d section disqualifies from every office in the state of profit or trust, all persons who deny the being of God, the truth of the Protestant religion, or the divine authority of either the Old or New Testament, &c. Sec. 39, provides for the re- lease of debtors who give up their estates for the benefit of creditors, and against whom there is not strong presumption of fraud. History. — The first, but abortive attempt to colonize what is now the two Carolinas, was made by the French in the reign of Charles the IX., from whom the name Caroli.na was deri- ved. The French colonization was opposed and prevented by the Spaniards. A second, and again disastrous enterprise to form a set- tlement on the Carolina coast, was made in 1586, under a patent granted by Queen Eliza- beth of England, to Sir Walter Raleigh. Un- der this patent, a small number of adventurers were landed in 1586, who were probably mur- dered by the natives, as no trace of their ex- istence or fate could ever be procured. The coast, under the name of Carolina, remained again desolate 75 years, when in 1661, a small English colony from Mass. fixed themselves on the banks of Cape Fear r. Granted by the En- glish monarchs to various proprietors, and to their conflicting proceedings was added Locke's scheme of government. Under so many causes of embarrassment, the colony advanced slowly and painfully. In the abandonment of Locke's scheme one impediment was removed, but in 1712 a most sanguinary Indian war broke out, and ravaged the settlements. The proprietary government of Carolina produced so many and so just complaints, that in 1717 it was abolished and the colony became royal, and continued so to the revolution, which separated the Caroli- nas, with other N. American colonies, from Great Britain. In 1720, the colony of Carolina was found too unwieldy for convenient govern- ment, and was separated into two, under the relative names of North Carolina, and South Carolina. The inaccessible coast of North Car- olina, if disadvantageous commercially, has been a real and extended line of fortifications, to protect the state from invasion on the side of the ocean, and consequently no other section of the union has felt the evils of two wars with Great Britain, so little as has N. C. In the revolutionary war, some expeditions made from the side of S. C. reached the interior of N. C, but were of more ultimate injury to the enemy than to the invaded country. But though ex- posed to little of the danger within, the peo- ple of N. C. sought it without, and have borne their full share of the perils, and reaped an am- ple reward, in sharing with their fellow citizens the glory of independence. They were amongst the first who threw off the British yoke, as may be seen by the date of their present constitu- tion, which was adopted on the 18th Dec. 1776. Fifty-six years of profound and unambitious tranquillity, in regard to her domestic concerns, has been only broken at long intervals by for- eign war, which when ended, the ploughshare was formed from the falchion, and N. C. may be named amongst the most happy communities of the earth. North Castle, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 33 ms. N. N. York, 6 s. Bedford, n. w. Conn., is crossed by Byram r., and has Bronx cr. w, on which are mills. The surface is irregular, but cultivated, and the Heights noted in the history of the revolution. Pop. 1,653. North Cove, p-o. Burke co. N. C, by p-r. 179 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. North Dover, p-v. Cuyahoga co. O., by p.r. 150 ms. N. N. E. Columbus. North East, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y., 25 ms. N. E. Poughkeepsie, 95 s. Albany, s. of Colum- bia CO. and Mass., w. of Conn. The town is shaped like a boot, is 10 ms. long, and from 3 to 5 wide, is uneven and stony, and has W. Town mtn. overgrown with trees, but contains much good land. Several brooks supply mills. Wap- pinger's cr. rises in Hittin's pond. Pop. 1,689. North East, p-v. nthrn. part Erie co. Pa., by p.r. 348 ms. n. w. W. C. North East, p-v. on North East r., Cecil co. Md. 6 ms. a little s. of w. Elkton, and by p-r. 82 ms. N. E. W. C. North End, p-v. wstrn. part Matthews co. Va. by p-r. 91 ms. e. Richmond. NoRTHFiELD, p-t. Washington co. Vt., 10 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 35 s. e. Burlington. It contains 18,515 acres, was first settled 1785, and is crossed by Dog r., which has good mill seats ; it bears hemlock, spruce, maple, beach, &c. and has generally a good soil. The surface is uneven, and crossed n. and s. by a range of slate. It contains 2 vs., several manufactories, and 9 school dists. Pop. 1,411. NoRTHFiELD, p-t. Mcrrimack co. N. H., 16 ms. N. Concord, s. of Winnipiseogee r., and e. of Merrimack r., has 20,000 acres, with some good soil. It contains Chestnut pond e., and Sondogardy s., and is crossed by two ridges of high land. The Winnipseogee and Pemige- wasset rs. join in the n. w., and form Merrimack r. There are several mills, &c. First settled 1760. Pop. 1,169. NoRTiiFiELD, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 94 ms. N. w. Boston, s. of New Hampshire, has much excellent land, and extensive and fertile mea- dows. It was settled in 1687, was purchased from the Indians for 200 fathoms of wampum, andi'37 m merchandize. The settlement was NOR 351 NOR attacked by Indians in 1678, and finally deserted and destroyed. It was resettled, and deserted again, and permanently occupied at last in 1713, after which sonje of the inhabitants were killed. Fort Dummer was built in Vernon, Vt., just beyond this town, but was intended to be within its limits, and served to protect it in the French wars against the savages. Pop. 1,757. NoRTHFiELB, t. Richmond co. N. Y., 5 ma. n. Richmond, Pop. 1,262. NoRTHFiELD, p.v. Vemiillion co. II., by p-r. 162 ms. N. E. Vandalia. NoRTHFORD, p-v. Ncw Haven co. Conn., 10 ms. N. E. New Haven, 26 s. Hartford. North Fork, p-o. on a branch so called of Licking r. Mason co. Ky., by p-r. 69 ms. n. e. by E. Frankfort. North Hamfstead, p-t. and st. jus. Queens CO. N. Y., 20 ms. e. New York, on Long Island sound. Pop. 3,091. North Haven, t. New Haven co. Conn., 7 ms. N. New Haven, contains about 17 sq. ms. and is nearly level, with hills e. and w. It is crossed by Quinepiack r., navigable 8 miles. Pop. 1,282. North Hero, p-t. isl. and st. jus. Grand Isle CO. Vt. in Lake (.'hamplain, 26 ms. n. Burling- ton, 6 w. St. Albans, contains 6,272 acres. First settled 1783. In 1789 a block house was built here by the British, and given up in 1796. There are no important streams or mill sites, but the soil is very good. The v. is small, with a stone c. h. and jail, and 4 school dists. Northington, p-v. Cumberland co. N. C, by p-r. 10 ms. nthrd. Fayetteville, co. st., and 51 ms. s. w. Raleigh. North Kingston, p-t. Washington co. R. I., 20 ms. s. w. Providence, w. Narragansett bay, about 7 ms. by 8, 56 sq. ms., is hilly, with level land N., and yields free stone. Several brooks supply mill sites, and afford fish. There is a good harbor at Wickford, rarely shut by ice ; and also two others, Cole's and Allen's. A few vessels are employed in fishing on the banks, the shoals, and other parts of the coast, and others are employed in coasting. There are several factories. Pop. 3,037. North Middleton, p-v. Bourbon co. Ky., 49 ms. E. Frankfort. North Moreland, p-v. of Luzerne co. Pa. 20 ms. N. Wilkes Barre, and 134 ms. n. n. e. Harrisburg. North Norwich, p-v. sthrn. part Huron co. O., by p-r. 95 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Northport, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 14 ms. n. w. Castine, 46 e. Augusta, s. of Belfast, w. of Belfast Bay, and opposite Isle Borough. Pop 1,083. North Providence, p-t. Providence co. R. I., 4 ms. N. Providence, w. Seekonk r,, which di- vides it from Mass., has Wanaguatucket r. w., about 2 ms. by 6, 16 sq. ms. ; is uneven, with primitive and transition rocks, limestone, &c., and a gravelly soil, bearing oak, walnut, &c., grass, hay, corn, and vegetables, for Providence. There are many mill seats, and some good fish- eries. The town is extensively engaged in manufacturing, especially cotton. Pawtucket V. is in the n. e., on the border of Mass., and is a large manufacturing v., with a considerable one on the opposite side of the r. Pop. 3,503. North Ridgeville, p-v. Lorain co. O. by p-r. 134 ms. nthrd. Columbus. North r. N. Y. (See Hudson r.) North r. Plymouth co. Mass., is navigable 18 ms. to Pembroke, in vessels of 300 tons, and in boats to the falls. North River Meeting House and p-o. Hamp- shire co. Va. by p-r. 115 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. North River Mills and p.o. 16 ms. s. e. Romney, and by p-r. 99 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. North Royalton, p-v. Cuyahoga co. 0. by p-r. 130 ms. n. e. Columbus. North Salem, t. Somerset co. Me., 63 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 389. North Salem, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y. 53 ms. N. N. Y., 8 N. Bedford, w. of Conn, line, about 4 ms. by 6, e. Croton r. It has mill seats on a branch of it. There is an academy in the t. Pop..l,276. North Sewickly, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. by p-r. 12 ms. s. E. borough of Beaver, and 263 ms. n. w. W. C. North Smithfield, p-v. Bradford co. Pa. by p-r, 142 ms. n. Harrisburg. North Springfield, p-v. Portage co. 0. by p-r. 120 ma. n, e. Columbus. North Stonington, p-t. New London co. Conn. 50 ms. s. e. Hartford, n. w. Pawcatuck r. which separates it from R. I., about 6 ms. by 8 ; 44 sq. ms. ; is hilly with granite rocks, but good for grass ; and yielding oak, chesnut, &c. There are many mill sites. Pop. 2,840. Northumberland, p-t. Coos co. N. H. 130 ms. N. Concord, e. Conn, r., opposite Maidstone, Vt. ; has some good soil. Cape Horn mtn. 1,000 ft. high, is near the centre, with Conn. r. on one side, and Upper Amonoosuck r. on an- other : and the meadows are overflown, in the spring. There is a bridge over Conn. r. and a small village at the falls. First settled, 1767. There was a fort in the town in the revolution. Pop. 342. Northumberland, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., 11 ms. N. E. Ballston Spa, 35 n. of Albany, w. of Hudson r. and Washington co., 6 ms. sq., and has a variety of soils. There is a large pine plain w. with much good sandy and argillaceous loam in other parts. Cold cr. supplies a few mill seats. Pop. 1,606, Northumberland, co. Pa. bndd. by the Ma. thantango r. separating it from Dauphin s., by the Susquehannah r. separating it from Union w., and part of Lycoming n. w., by another part of Lycoming n., Columbia n. e. and e., and by Schuylkill s. e. Length from s. to n. 40 ms. ; and the area being about 440 sq. ms., the mean breadth will be 11 ; but the width ia very une- qual. In one place below the E. branch it is 24 ms. wide, and at another about 3 ms. ; above the borough of Northumberland, it is confined to a width of less than 4 ms., though at a dis- tance of 16 ms. from the northern extremity. It extends from the meridian of W. C. to 32' e. The declivity is westward in the direction of the East branch of Susquehannah, where it unites with the western branch between Sun. bury and Northumberland, and very nearly at right angles to the course of the main volume NOR 3r)2 WOR along the western margin of the co. Contrary to their general range, the Appalachian ridges where they traverse Northumberland, extend with a very slight declination from E. to w. Though mountainous and roclty in much of the surface, this co. comprises so much river mar- gin as to give it great comparative extent of fertile arable land. Following the inflections of the river, 40 ms. of the eastern branch of the main river, and including both sides, 20 ms. of the eastern brancii of Susquehannah, are inclu- ded in Northumuirland ; and beside the large rs. fine vallies extend along Mahantango, Ma- hanoy and Shamokin crs. below, and Chillis- quake, Limestone and Warrior crs. above the mouth of the eastern branch. ■ Cf. ts. Sunbury, Northumberland, ^lilton and Watsonburg. Pop. 1820,15,424, 1830, 18,170. Northumberland, p-v.and borough of North- umberland CO. Pa. situated on the point above the confluence of the two principal branches of Susquehannah r. 2 ms. above Sunbury, and 54 N. and above Harrisburg. Lat. 40° 55', long. 0° 8' E. W. C. Population of the tsp. 1820, J,373. NoRTHUMBELAND, CO. of V. bndd. by Lancas- ter south and a. vv., Richmond w., Westmore- land N. w., the mouth of Potomac r. n. e., and Chesapeake bay e. and s. e. Length 30 ms., mean width 8, and area 240 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 37° 40' to 38° 05', long, from 0° 2' to 0° 45' E. W. C. The declivity of this CO. is, in the southern part, southeastward to- wards the Chesapeake, and in the northern sec- tion northestrd. towards Potomac r. Pop. 1820, 8,016, 1830, 7,953. Northumberland, c. h. and p-o, Northum- berland CO. Va. by p-r. 151 ms. s. s. e. W. C, and 92 n. e. Richmond. North Union, p-v. Harrison co. O. by p-r. 129 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus. NoRTHViLLE, p-v. northern part of Erie co. Pa. 19 ms. N. E. Erie, and by p-r. 352 ms. n. w. W. C. North Washington, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa. by P-r. 215 ms. n. w. W. C. North West River Bridge, p-v. s. e. part of Norfolk CO. Va. on a small confluent of Currituck sound, 24 ms. a little e. of s. Norfolk, and about an equal distance n. Elizabeth city in N. C. Northwest Territory. (See Huron terri- tory.) North Whitehall, p-o. southern part of Lehigh CO. Pa. 18 ms. n. w. Allentown. Northwood, p.t. Rockingham co. N. H. 20 ms. N. E. Concord, 27 w. n. w. Portsmouth, 20 from Exeter ; has 17,075 acres, 6 ponds, and parts of 2 more, some of which supply it with streams. Saddleback mtn. lies between this town and Deerfield, which affords crystals, &c., and gives rise to the N, branch of Lam- prey r. It was formerly part of Nottingham, and first settled in 17(33 from Northampton. Pop, 1,342. North Yarmouth, p.t. Cumberland co. Me. 42 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 42 n. n. e. Portland, N. Casco bay. It has an academy, and is crossed by a considerable stream. Population 2.666. Norton, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 32 ms. s. Bos- ton, 8 N. w. Taunton. It was formerly part of Taunton, incorporated 1711 ; has not very good soil, much of which is rented. It is watered by several branches of Taunton r. which afford very good mill seats. Iron is mined here. Winnicunnit pond was much resorted to by In- dians in past days, for fish and clams; and they sometimes lived in caves. This t. was first settled by a cabin boy, 1670. The Leonard iron works have been long established. Before 1828, 40 young men of this town had been edu- CBted at college. Pop. 1,479. Norton, p-v. Del. co. 0. by p-r. 36 ms. n. Columbus. Norwalk, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 66 ms. s. w. Hartford, 32 w. New Haven, 48 n. e. N. Y., N. of Long Island sound, w. of Saugatuck r., about 5 ms. by 7, with 34 sq. ms. ; is uneven, high N. with much granite rock. The soil is good for grain, grass, and fruit, and bears wal- nut, chesnut, and other timber, much of which has been taken to the N. Y. market, with which there is constant intercourse by sloops, and steamboats which ply daily. There are two good harbors, one at the mouth of Norwalk r., with water for vessels of 100 tons, and the other at Five Mile r. There are many isls. and small streams near the coast. The fisheries of black fish, shell fish, &c. are valuable. The village is considerable, with a Congregational and an Episcopal church, and an academy. Set. tied in 1651. Pop. 3,792. Norwalk, p-v. and st.jus. Huron co. O. situ- ated on a branch of Huron r. 20 ms. s. s. e. Sandusky, and by p-r. 113 ms. a little e. of n. Columbus. Lat. 41° 15', long. 5° 53' w. W. C. Pop. 310. Norway, p-t. Oxford co. Me. 47 ms. w. by s, Augusta, 8 s. w. Paris ; has a large pond which empties into Little Androscoggin r. It lies n. of Cumberland CO. Pop. I,7l3. Norway, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 90 ms. n. w. Albany, 18 n. Herkimer, 6 ms. by 15 ; has a warm, rich, and dark soil, with a tract of light sand. It has moderate hills, and is rather stony, bearing a variety of trees, and furnished with many mill seats on W. Canada creek. Pop. 1,152. Norwich, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 21 ms. n. Windsor, 40 s. e. Montpelier, w. Conn. r. op- posite Dartmouth college in N. H. ; contains about 25,000 acres. Settled, 1762. Conn. r. is here about 120 yards wide, and fordable at low water in 3 places. Ompompanoosuc r.. Blood brook, Smalley's cr., &c. water the town, and furnish some mill seats. The surface is un- even, but is generally good for grain and grass, and bears excellent orchards. There are large beds of iron ore. Subterranean sounds were formerly heard near Ompompanoosuc r. The village is situated on a plain, contains a gram- mar school, and wns formerly the location of Partridge's military academy. Pop. 1,392. Norwich, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 12 nis. w. Northampton, 105 w. Boston ; is crossed by a N. branch of Westfield r. n. and s., and has the main stream s. w. Incorporated, 1772. Pop. 795. Norwich, p.t., city, and half shire, N. Lon- NOR 353 NOT don CO. Conn, at the head of navigation on Thames r. (formerly called Pequod,) 13 ms. n. New London, 38 s. e. Hartford, 38 s. w. Provi- dence, 50 N. E. New Haven. Lat, 41° 34' n., long. 4° 55' E. W. C. The town has Shetucket and Thames rs. on the e. It contains 29 sq. ms., being 3 ms. by 7. T he boundary of the town en- circles 3 distinct villages, viz., Norwich falls, Beanhill, and Yanticville. At the falls are 9 es- tablislnnents for manufacturing purposes, at Beanhill 2, and at Yanticville 1. The aggre- gate of manufactured goods during the last year, was somewhat over 01600,000. The town con- tains 8 houses for public Vi^orship, viz., 3 for Con- gregationalists, 1 for Episcopalians, 1 for Bap- tists, 2 for Methodists, and 1 for Universal- ists. A high school for boys, and a female academy, in which the higher branches of edu- cation are taught, have been in operation for a considerable time, and are in flourishing cir- cumstances. A hotel, sufficiently spacious to accommodate 200 boarders has been recently built near the court house on the square. A large public building has been erected, which was designed for the use of county and town. In the town are 2 banks, with a capital of $200,- 000 each ; a savings bank, incorporated 1824, whose deposits already exceed ^100,000 ; and two insurance offices. The scenery of the town is in a high degree picturesque and delightful : and its beauty is greatly heightened by a rich and v/ell cultivated soil. About a mile e. of the city a dam has been recently erected across the Shetucket r., which will, it is calculated, fur- nish sufficient water power to carry 60,000 spindles. Five large factories, besides 40 or 50 dwelling houses, are being built ; and there is little doubt that, in respect to the amount of its water privileges, Norwich is the second town in New England. A rail-road also is contem- plated, through the valley of the Quinebaug, to intersect the Boston and Worcester rail-road at Worcester. A charter has been obtained for this object with a capital of one million dollars. A bank has been chartered, with a capital of $500,000, on condition that it shall subscribe for ^100,000 of rail-road stock. That part of Norwich known by the name of The Town, or The Plain, was, in ancient times, the summer residence of the Mohegan Indians, the remnants of whom now reside on the reservation in the adjoining town of Montville. The burying ground of the Uncas family is near the mouth of the Yantic. The township was sold by Un- cas in 1059, for about ^230. It is reported that Uncas did this out of gratitude to the Narragan- set Indians, for provisions which they furnished him during a close seige. Sachem's Plain, near the Shetucket, was the scene of the battle be. tween Uncas and Miantonomoh, and the place of the latter's grave. The settlement of Nor- wich was begun in 1660, by Rev. Mr. Fitch and a part of his church from Saybrook. Pop. t. in 1820, 3,624 ; in 1830, 5,161, of which 3,135 re- sided in the city. Norwich, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 8 ms. n. E. Oxford, 100 w. Albany, 7 ms. by 12 ; is crossed by Chenango r., which, with several blanches, affords mill seats. The soil is good. The post borough, the st. jus. of the co., is in a fine plain at the junction of Canasawacta cr. and Chenango r. It contains the co. buildings, a female academy, &c. There is a mineral spring 2 ms. from the borough. Pop. 3,619. Norwich, p-v. McKean co. Pa., by p-r. 281 ms. N. N. w. W. C. Norwich, p-v. estrn. part of Muskingum co. O., by p-r. 71 ms. e. Columbus. Norwood, p-v. Montgomery co. N. C, by p-r. 159 ms. sthwstrd. Raleigh. Notch, in the White mountains, N. H. (See White Mountains.) NoTTAWAY, r. of Va. and N. C, has its most remote source in Prince Edward co. Flowing thence s. s. e. between Nottaway and Lunen- burg COS., between Dinwiddle and Brunawick, turns to eastward between Greenville and the western part of Sussex. Entering the latter, and first curving northward winds to s. E., and traversing Sussex and Southampton cos., re- ceives Blackwater r. from the n., and enteiing Gates CO. N. C, bends to s. w. 10 ms. to its junction with Meherrin, to form Chowan r. The entire length of Nottaway by comparative courses is 110 ms. The Nottaway valley ia about 100 ms., by 20 mean width, comprising great part of Nottaway, Dinwiddle, Sussex, Surry, and Southampton cos., and a smaller part of Lunenburg, Brunswick, Greenville, Prince George, Isle of Wight, and Nansemond counties Va., and minor part of Gates county N. C. Nottaway, co. of Va., bndd. e. by Dinwid- dle, s. by Nottaway r. separating it from Lu- nenburg, w. by Prince Edward, and n. by Ame- lia. Length 22 ms., mean width 12, and area 264 sq. ras. Extending in lat. from 30° 54' to 37° 14', and in long, from 1° 3 to 1° 26' w. W. C. This CO. comprises two inclined planes ; the northern falling northeastward, and drained by crs. flowing over Amelia, into Appomatox r., and the southern declining southeastward toward Nottaway r. Cf. t. Nottaway c. h. or Hendersonville. (See Hendersonrdlle, Notta- way CO. Va.) Population 1820, 9,658, 1830, 10,141, Nottaway, cr. and p-o., northeastern part of St. Joseph's CO. Mich. The p-o. is by p-r. 130 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. The creek is a northern branch of St. Joseph of lake Michi- gan. Nottaway, c. h. {See Hendersonville, same CO. and state.) Nottingham, p-t. Rockingham co, N. H., 25 ms, from Concord, 20 from Portsmouth, 55 from Boston ; is crossed by North r. ; contains several ponds, and gives rise to some small streams. Some of the Blue hills are in the w. part ; the surface is generally rough, but the soil is often good. Bog and other iron ores are found. The village called Nottingham square, is pleasant, and stands on a hill. Set- tied in 1727. Gen. Joseph Cilley resided here. Pop. 1,157. Nottingham, t. Burlington co. N, J., 5 ms. s. Trenton, 9 s. s. w. Princeton ; has Del. r. w., Assanpink n., Crosswicks cr. s. It i.s level, lies opposite Duck and Biles isls. in the Del., and contains several villages ; Lamberton, Sandhills, &c. At Lamberton, Gen. Washing. OAK 354 OCK ington was encamped when threatened by the British at Trenton, and here he commenced the retreat which occasioned the battle of Princeton. Pop. 3,900. Nottingham, p-v. Prince George's co. Va., by p-r. 32 ms. s. e. Richmond. Nottingham West. (See Hudson, Hillsboro' CO. N. H.) NuLHEGAN, r. Essex CO. Vt., rises near Can- ada, and falls into Conn. r. at Brunswick. It is rapid, and was the channel of navigation for the Indians, between Conn. r. and Memphrema- gog 1. there being a portage for canoes, of 2 ms. NuNDA, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y., 14 ms. n. Angelica, has good grass land, and large and fertile alluvial tracts. It is crossed by Genesee r. which has 2 falls of 50 and 90 ft. 1 mile apart. Pop. 1,291. NuTTsviLLE, p-v. in the nthrn. part of Lancas- ter CO. Va., by p-r. 138 ms. s. s. e. W. C, and 76 N. E. by E. Richmond. Nyack, v. Rockland co. N. Y., w. Hud- son r. Nyesville, p-v. Meigs co. Ohio, by p-r. 102 ms. s. E, Columbus. Oak Flat, p-o. wslrn. part Pendleton co. Va. by p-r. 186 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Oak Grove, p-o. Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 88 ms. s. w. Richmond. Oak Grove, and p-o. Edgecomb co. N. C. 72 ms. E. Raleigh. Oak Grove, and p-o. Union dist. S. C. by p-r. 91 ms. N. N. w. Columbia. Oak Grove, p-o. Jasper co. Geo. 7 miles nthrdly. Monticello, the co. st., and 42 n. w. Milledgeville. Oak Grove, and p-o. Jefferson co. Ten. by P-r. 236 ms. e. Nashville. Oak Grove, p-o. Christian co. Ky. 14 miles sthrd. Hopkinsville, the co. St., and by p-r. 220 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Oak Grove, furnace and p-o. Perry co. Pa. by p-r. 28 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. Oakham, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 9 ms. n. w. Worcester, 55 ms. s. w. Boston, hilly, with not very good soil, has small streams falling into Chickapee r. Pop. 1,010. Oak Hill, p-o. Granville co. N. C. by p-r. 59 ms. nthrd. Raleigh. Oak Hill, p-o. Fauquier co. Va. by p-r. 58 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Oak Hill, p-v. Newton co. Geo. 10 ms. n. w. Covington, the co. st. and 70 ms. in a similar direction from Milledgeville. Oakingham, p-v. western part of Laurens district, S. C. by p-r. 74 miles n. w. Colum- bia. Oakland, p-o. Morgan co. Va. by p-r. 96 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Oakland, p-v. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 49 ms.nrthwstrd. Raleigh. Oakland, p-v. parish of St. Tammany, La. Oakland, p-o. Christian co. Ky. by p-r. 222 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Oakland, co. Mich. bndd. by Macomb co. e., Wayne s., Washtenaw s. w., Shiawasse w. and N. w., and Lapeer co. n. It is a square of 30 ms. each side, area 900 sq. ms. ; lat. 42° 35', long. W. C. 6° 18' w. Oakland is a true table land, in the centre flat and full of small lakes, from which issue and flow wstrdly. the sources of Huron of Erie, n. w. Flint r. branch of Sagi- naw, s. E. the sources of the r. Rouge, and e. those of Clinton r., or the sources of Huron of lake St. Clair. Cf. t, Pontiac. Pop. 4,911. Oakland, p-v. Oakland co. Mich, by p-r. 40 ms. N. w. Detroit. Oakland Mills, and p-o. Ann Arundel co, Md. by p-r. 53 ms. nthrd. W. C. and 45 n. w. Annapolis. Oakland, Mills, and p-o. Juniata co. Pa. by p-r. 41 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Oakland Mills, and p-o. western part Lou- don CO. Va. 37 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. Oakley, p-o. Franklin co. Ky. by p-r. 4 ms. Frankfort. Oakmulgee, r. {See Ocmulgee river.) Oak Point, and p-o. Randolph co. Mo. by p-r. about 100 ms. n. w.by w. St. Louis. Oak Ridge, p-v. Guilford co. N. C. by p-r. about 100 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Oaktomie, p-v. Covington co. Misp. by p-r. no ms. e. Natchez. Oakville, p-v. southwestern part Bucking- ham CO. Va. 49 ms. s. w. by w. New Canton, and 103 wstrd. Richmond. Oakville, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C.by p-r. 125 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Oakville, p-v. Lawrence co. Ala. by p-r. Ill ms. n. Tuscaloosa. Oat's Landing, and p-o. Marion co. Ten. 121 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. 0BiES,'r. of Ten. and Ky. but chiefly of the former, rises in Fentress and Overton cos., Ten. deriving some inconsiderable tributaries from Cumberland co. Ky. The course is a little n. of w. 70 ms. to its influx into Cumberland r. on the border between Overton and Jackson cos. The valley of Obies r. is nearly commensurate with Fentress and Overton cos. OccoauAN, r. Va. rises in Loudon, Fairfax, and Fauquier cos. traverses and drains the western part of Prince William co., and thence forming the boundary between Prince William and Fairfax cos. falls into the Potomac, about 25 ms. below W. C. and nearly opposite Indian Point, OccoQUAN, p-v. N. E. part Prince William co. Va. 23 ms, a little w, of s. W. C. Oceana, co. Mich. bndd. by n., Mont- calm CO. E., Kent s., Ottawa s. w., and lake Michigan n. w., lat. 43° 20', long. 8° 40' w. W. C. Slope s. w. and drained in that direction by White r. and Maskegon r. flowing separate into lake Michigan, and by Rouge r. a small north- ern branch of Grand r. This co, has been re- cently formed and is situated 150 ms. n. w. by w. Detroit. Ocklawaha r., the wstrn. br. of St. John's r. OCM 355 OGD of Florida. It is composed by two confluents ; Orange lake r., and Ocklawaha proper. " The Ocklawaha takes its rise out of the lake Apop- ka, 73 ms. (by water) above its mouth. At the outlet of this lake, the stream is 15 ft. wide and 7 feet deep ; but the width and depth of the r. are increasing gradually down to St. John's. The lake Apopka, being but 80 ms. (n. e.) from the bay of Espiritu Santo, (Tampa) the Ockla. waha if improved, might gradually facilitate the inland communication between this bay and the Atlantic ocean. In this direction from the mouth of St. John's to the bay, is about 260 ms. ; out of which, 180 would be by water and 80 by land. Above its mouth 16 ms. the Ocklawaha receives the outlet of Orange lake. The banks of this r. (outlet of Orange lake) are represent- ed as lined in many places with well timbered hammocks. The country through which run the head branches, is generally sandy, with a pine growth ; it presents, however, some fine ham- mocks, and also extensive prairies subject to be overflown in rainy weather. Numerous ponds and lakes are met with in every direc- tion." (See Engineers Report, Public Docu. merits. No. 185.) The Ocklawaha heads in the country of the Seminole Indians between the sources of St. John's and those of Amaxura rivers, and flowing thence by a general nrthrn. course to the influx of Orange lake outlet. The latter heads between the Santa Fe branch of Suwannee and Amaxura rivers, and flowing estrd. joins the Ocklawaha. Below their junc- tion, the name of Ocklawaha, but course of Orange r. are maintained to St. John's river. Height of Orange lake above the tide level of Atlantic ocean, 41 ft. OcKLOCKONNE, bay and r. The bay of Ock- lockonne is in fact the inner part of the larger bay of Appalache, and under the latter head, the former has been already noticed, but we may add in this place an extract from the En- gineer's Report, that the Bay of Ocklockonnee " lies 18 ms. s. e. of St. Marks. Its entrance is much obstructed by oyster banks, and its bottom may be considered as part of the shoal, which, from Appalache to Cape San Bias, im- pedes approach to the coast. The general width of Ocklockonne bay is 1 3-8 m., length C 1-8 m. The depth which can be carried through the bay to Ocklockonne r. is 7 feet at low tide." Ocklockonne r. rises in Georgia, interlocking sources with those of Suwanne r. and some confluents of Flint r. ; and draining sections of Baker, Decatur, Irwin, and Lowndes COS., the various branches enter and unite in Thomas co. after a general sthrn. sourse of 50 ms. Inflecting thence to sthwstrd. 60 ms. and at about mid-distance having entered Florida, again bends to s. e. 30 ms. to its final influx into Ocklockonne bay. This r. sweeps an elliptic curve round to the wstrd. of Tallahasse. Its basin lies between those of Appalachicola and Oscilla rs. Ocmulgee, r. Geo. the wstrn. and main con- stituent branch of Alatamaha, rises in Gwinnett and De Kalb cos. and flowing thence s. s. e. between the Oconee and Flint rs. and nearly parallel to both, by comparative courses 170 ms. curves to the n. e. by e. 30 ms. to its junction with Oconee, as will be noticed under the head of the latter, having an entire comparative course of 200 ms. Though the actual length of the streams of the Ocmulgee exceeds that of the Oconee, the vallies of the two streams are remarkably similar in length, width, and direc- tion, and of course in area, each comprising about 4,900 sq. ms. Taken together, the Oco- nee and Ocmulgee drain the great central plain of Geo. and water one of the finest sections of the state, and nearly one sixth of the entire surface. OcoHA, Bridge and p-o. Covington co. Misp. about 120 ms. e. Natchez. Oconee, r. Geo. the estrn. branch of the Ala- tamaha, having the most remote of its sources in Hall co. within 5 ms. of the main volume of the Chattahoochee, and flowing thence by com. parative courses, 175 ms. in a s. s. e. direction, joins the Ocmulgee to form the Alatamaha. The junction is made very nearly on lat. 32° and between Montgomery and Appling cos. The confluents of Oconee are numerous, but rela- tively small, the valley where widest in Putnam, Jasper, and Greene cos. is only about 40 ms, and the mean width about 28, the area 4,900 sq. ms. The higher or northern part of Oconee valley, lies between those of Ocmulgee and Sa. vannah, the middle part between those of Oc- mulgee and Great Ogechee, and the southern between Ocmulgee and Great Ohoopee. OcoocH, mtn. On Tanner's map of the U. S, this ridge is laid down, as extending n. n, e. and s, s. w, between the valley of Ouisconsin r., the sources of Chippeway r. and those of some lesser intervening confluents of Misp. r. The length of the ridge, as represented on the man, is 80 ms, Lat. 44°, and long W. C. 13° w, iii. tersect near its sthestrn. slope. Between the Ocooch mtn. and the main channel of Ouiscon- sin, Mr. Tanner has entered as a note, " Lime, stone Hills." If this note is drawn from cor- rect documents, it tends to give interesting in- struction on the value of this imperfectly known country. OcRAcoKE Inlet, is the pass from the Atlantic o. into Pamlico sound, between Cove and Hat- teras isls. It admits vessels of 14 ft. draught. On Tanner's U. S map, lat. 35° and long. 1° e. W, C. intersect about 2 nautical ms. s. w, from the entrance of this inlet, Odamsville, p-o. Northampton co. N. C. by p-r. 106 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Office, Tavern, and p-o. wstrn. part of Ame- lia CO. Va. by p-r. 43 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Ogden, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. 12 ms. w. Ro- chester, and containing 32 sq. ms., is crossed by the mtn. ridge, and in the e. by Erie canal. Salmon, Rush, and Little Rush creek, water the town, flowing in several directions. The land is pretty good and uneven. Pop. 2,401. Ogden, p-v. nrthwstrn. part of New Madrid CO. Mo. by p-r. about 150 ms. s. St. Louis. Ogdensburgh, incorporated p-v. port of entry and St. jus. St. Lawrence co. N, Y, 116 ms. n. Utica, 120 w. Plattsburgh, 209 ms. n, w. Al- bany, on St, Lawrence r, at the mouth of the Oswegatchie. It is situated on a fine plain, with a good harbor, is regularly laid out. It lies opposite to Prescott, Upper Canada. OHI 356 OHI Oge€Hee, or as commonly called, Great Oge- chce, r. of Geo. having the remote sources in Greene and Taliaferro cos. about 40 ms. n. n. E. Milledgeville ; flowing thence s. s. e. by- comparative course 190 ms. falls into Ossabow sound, 20 ms. due s. the city of Savannah. The valley of Great Ogechee lies between those of Alatamaha and Savannah rs. (see Cannouchee river.) The valley of Ogechee, including that of Cannouchee, is about 160 ms. in length, with a mean breadth of 30 ms. and an area of 1,800 sq. ms. Ogee's Ferry, and p-o. Joe Daviess co. II, about 320 ms. a little w. of n. Vandalia. OGLETiiORrE, CO. Geo. bndd. by Taliaferro CO. s. s. E., Green s., Clarke w., Madison n., Broad r. separating it from Elbert, n. e., and Wilkes E. and s. e. Length diagonally from southwest to northeast 38 ms., mean width 13, and area 494 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 41' to 34° 02', and in long, from 5° 44' to 6° 23' w. W. C. Though Oglethorpe co. reaches to the Oconee river on the western bor- der, the far greater part of the surface is in the valley of Broad r. and declines estrd. towards the Savannah r. Cf. t. Lexington. Pop. 1820, 14,046, 1830, 13,558, O'Harra, p-o. Randolph co. II. 101 ms. s. s. w. Vandalia. Ohio r., the great northeastern confluent of the Misp. and in proportion to the extent of land it drains, perhaps the most remarkable r. of the earth. The physical section drained by this stream lies geographically between lat. 34° 12' and 42° 27', and long. 1° and 12° w. W. ■C. The course of the Ohio proper, from the sources of Alleghany to its junction with Misp. is by calculation s. 59° 30' w. 680 statute ms. This is not however, the longest, nor in regard to relative space drained, the most central line that can be drawn over the Ohio valley. An- other line extended from the sources of Orleans or,, Cataraugus co. New York, to those of Bear Grass cr,, iVIarion co. Ala., that is, from the most northern to the most southern sources, amounts by calculation to 750 statute ms., de- clining from the meridians 40° 37'. The form of the valley approaches in a very remarkable manner that of a regular ellipse, of which the latter calculated line would be the transverse diameter, and the conjugate diameter, another line extending from the Blue Ridge where the sources of Great Kenhawa and those of Wa- tauga branch of Ten. rise, to the northwestern sources of Wabash, 450 statute ms. Measur- ed by the rhombs, following the elements in the following table, the area comes out so very nearly 200,000 sq. ms. as to admit the adoption of that round number. Table of the extent in sq. ms. of the valley of Ohio river. sq. ms. between latitude 340 and 35° 2 1-4 Rhombs 8,986 35 36 6 1-2 do. 25,655 36 37 7 1-2 do. 29,205 37 38 8 1-2 do. 32,700 38 39 8 1-2 do. 32,250 39 40 8 3-4 do. 32,742 40 41 8 do. 29,488 41 43 2 1-2 do. 9,085 Aggregate extent in sq. ms. 200,111 Allowing the greatest length to be 750 ms- the mean width will be 267 very nearly, or the mean breadth amounts to within a trifling frac tion of 1-3 of the greatest length, a compact- ness seldom equalled in rs. If the Alleghany is regarded as the primary and remote constit- uent of Ohio, this great stream rises by numer- ous crs. in McKean and Potter cos. Pa., and Alleghany and Cataraugus cos. New York. Becoming navigable near the line of demarca- tion between the two states, the stream, with partial windings, pursues the general course already stated, to its junction with the Misp. affording a natural navigable channel of be- tween 1,200 and 1,300 ms. The opposing in. clined plains of Ohio valley are of unequal ex- tent, nearly in the proportion of 2 to 3, the larger falling from the Appalachian system of mtns. and containing 120,000 sq. ms. In their features also the two Ohio plains differ essen- tially. The southeastern, declining from a mountainous outline, has a comparatively rapid slope. The most elevated table land from which the eastern confluents flow, is that where rise the sources of Clinch, Holston, and Great Kenhawa, about 2,500 ft. The Appalachian table land declines in relative elevation both to N. and s. of this nucleus, but there is no one part from the sources of Alleghany and Genesee to those of Ten. and Coosa through 7° of lat. but which exceeds 1,000 ft. The elevation of the Ohio at Pittsburg, where the Alleghany and Monongahela unite, is 678 feet, and that of the low water at the confluents of Ohio and Misp, 283 ft. ; of course the Ohio below Pittsburg, has a fall of 395 feet in 948 ms., the length of the intermediate channel. The left confluents must have from the preceding data, a descent of from 1,000 to 1,200 ft. Down this rapid de- clivity, advancing from n. to s. are found the streams of Clarion, Kiskiminitas, Monongahela, Great Kenhawa, Sandy, Kentucky, Cumberland and Tennessee and several of lesser length of course, whose sources do not reach the Appa. lachian vallies. It may well excite surprise, that along this steep plain, direct falls are not frequent, and where they do occur, of moderate direct pitch. The western, or more correctly northwestern plain is directly the reverse of its opposite in respect to apex ; the inflected line of river source which separates the valley of Ohio from that of the Great Canadian lakes, is in great part level and marshy. Proceeding from the southern extremity of lake Michigan, and tracing the line from which the Ohio water flows, the face of the country very slowly changes from level to hill and dale, and it is not until reaching the fountains of Alleghany that any protuberance would appear deserving the name of mtn. From this flat, and in winter partially inundated plain, the Big Beaver, Mus- kingum, Scioto, Miami, and Wabash first slow- ly descend, gaining more and more rapidity of declivity approaching their recipient, the Ohio. Ascending the southeastern confluents the scenery becomes rugged and diversified in character, in proportion to proximity to the Appalachian ridges ; on the contrary the north- western streams afford the boldest scenery along the immediate margin of Ohio, and the banks of the western rivers become more tame OHI 357 OHI and monotonous until they end in unbroken plains. To an eye sufficiently elevated, and powers of vision sufficiently enlarged, the whole valley of Ohio would indeed appear one im. mense declivity, falling very nearly at right angles to the general range of the Appalachian system, and the rs. would appear to have cut deep channels seldom in a direction correspond- ing to the plain of general descent. Of these channels that of Ohio would appear as the prin. cipal. The author of this article carefully measured the height of the hills, in the vicinity of Pittsburg, and found them about 4()0 ft. above the low water level of the rivers, or 1,138 ft. above the level of the Atlantic tides. Above Pittsbwrg to the hills, which rise like mtns. from lake Erie, the ascent is at least 400 ft. and below Pittsburg the fall to the Misp. has been shown to be 395 ft. Without therefore es- timating mtn. ridges, the great inclined plain of Ohio has a descent of upwards of a foot to the statute m., but what is something remarkable, the rivers, and particularly the Ohio itself, do not fall gradually with the plains of their cours- es. The actual channel from Pittsburg to the mouth is 948 statute ms. and the fall 4,716 inches, or not quite 5 inches per mile. The waters in effect have abraded their channels, deeper toward their sources than in proportion to length of course. It is this circumstance which has contributed to give to the Ohio prop- er, the appearance of flowing in a deep and im- mense ravuie. The difference of climate ari- sing from difference of level, frequently exceed- ing a degree of lat. in less than a mile, and ra- diated heat, with an exuberant alluvial soil, giv- ing in spring a precocious vegetation along the river bank, have superinduced great misunder- standing respecting the temperature and seasons of this region. Descending the Ohio, say from Pittsburg, the scenery along the banks and hills, is in an eminent degree picturesque and varied, but these fine features imperceptibly fade away, and long before reaching the Misp. totally disappear, and leave a narrow horizontal ring sweeping round the heavens, formed by the trees along the banks. As a navigable channel few, if any other rivers of the globe, equal the Ohio. In the higher part of its course the nav- igation is annually more or less impeded in win- ter by ice, and in autumn by a want of water. Impediment from ice prevails in all its course, but below the influx of Kenhawa, drought is of less injury, and below the rapids at Louisville, very seldom impedes navigation. The only di- rect cataract in Ohio was that at Louisville, now in a commercial point of view, removed by a navigable canal. {See Louisville and Port- land canal, or article Louisville, Ky.) Of the whole number of steam boats built on the great rivers of the west, (in 1831 there had been 348) 198 were running at that time. Of these, GB were built at Cincinnati, the same number at Pittsburg, 12 at New Albany, Ind., and the re- mainder, principally in Ohio and Kentucky. A large proportion of these boats are engaged in the commerce of the Ohio and Mississippi, which are admirably adapted for steam naviga- tion. The 4 most important of all mineral pro- ductions abound in the Ohio valley, limestone, 46 ' mineral coal, salt, and iron ore. Of all con- tinuous bodies of productive soil on earth, if climate and fertility are combined, the valley of Ohio will, it is probable, sustain the most dense population. {See the different corffluents of Ohio under their respective heads.) Ohio, one of the U. S., is bndd. n. by Michi- gan ter. and lake Erie, e. by Pa., b. e. by the Ohio river, separating it from Va., s. and s. w. by the Ohio separating it from Ky., and w. by Ind. This state bounds on the Ohio river, from the mouth of Little Beaver to that of Great Mi- ami, 440 ms. ; due n. in common with Ind. 170 ; due E. along Mich, to lake Erie, 80 ; thence along the southern shore of Erie, 150; thence due s. in common with Pa. to place of beginning, the mouth of Little Beaver, 93 ; having an en- tire outline of 933 ms. The superficial con- tents of 0. have been generally under.rated; measured carefully by the rhombs on Tanner's and Mitchol's maps, the area comes out within a small fraction of 44,000 sq. ms. or 28,160,000 statute acres. In lat. tliis state extends from 37° 25' at the mouth of Great Sandy r., to 41° 58' at its extreme north-eastern angle, long. W. C. 3° 30' to 7° 48'. A general idea prevails, that the state of Ohio presents great imiformity of surface and aerial temperature; but neither its surface or meteorological phenomena sus- tains such an opinion. The subjoined table will serve to give the reader an idea of its rela- tive and mean height. Ascents and deisccnts from the Ohio r. at the mouth of the great Kenhawa; thence down that stream to the mouth of Sciolo r. and thence following the Ohio and Erie canal to the lat- ter at Cleaveland. dist. in asrnl. olev ation Stations on the route. miles. oi- de- in ft. abv. scent ran. tide. Height of the water level at a mean in the Ohio r. at the mouth of the Great Kenhawa, 535 iMouih of Suioto r. 85 fallb 61 474 Thence leaving Ohio r. and up the Scioto to Cliillicotlie, 52 137 rises 140 614 Circleville, 20 157 do 60 674 Hebron on Licking sum- mit. 52 209 do 219 893 Newark st. just. Licking county, 10 219 falls 69 834 Muskingum valley on the border between Musk- ingum and Coshocton cos. 90 744 Conhocton village, 42 261 rises 24 768 New Philadelphia, 43 304 do 106 874 Massillon in Stark co. and commencement of Por- tage summit, 28 332 do 68 942 Akron in Portage co. and northern extremity of Portage summit. 28 360 do 31 973 Cuyahoga aqueduct, 13 373 falls 269 704 Cleaveland and level of i lake Erie, 18 391 do 136 568 A not very inflected line extended over Ohio :>. w. by w. from the w. b our idary of ] Pa., be^ OHI 358 OHI tween the sources of Ashtabula r, and those of Shenango branch of Big Beaver, and cross- ing the summit level of the canal between Massillon and Akron, and thence between the sources of the rivers, flowing into Ohio r. and those flowing into lake Erie, would di- vide the state into two inclined plains of very unequal area, and relative rapidity of descent from their common apex. The northern or Erie plain, not above 25 ms. wide at its n. e. extremity, widens to 80 ms. along the e. boun- bary of Ind. and contains about the 1-4 part of the state. The Ohio plain, much more exten- sive in breadth, and of course in area, has a much more gentle declivity. By reference to the table, we find the slope of the northern plain 3 ms. is 405 ft. ; whilst down the Ohio plain, in a distance of 247 ms. the mean fall is 509 ft. The fall of the northern plain exceeds 13 ft. per mile ; that of the southern but a small fraction above 2 ft. per mile. The mean eleva. tion of the common apex of those two opposing plains may be assumed at 1,000 ft., the positive mean height is, however, perhaps something more. Without a knowledge of the real fea- tures of Ohio, it would be natural to place a range of hills along the sources of the stream which flow down the plains of Ohio ; but the very reverse is the fact. The central table land is comparatively level, in part marshy, and what is peculiarly remarkable, the hill along the Ohio r. is very nearly of similar elevation with that of the central table land. It is almost demonstrable, that originally the whole sthrn. or Ohio inclined plain, was a vast level with a very sliglit declination towards what is now the particular valley of Ohio r., and that what ap- pears hills along that great recipient, are the remains of what earth and rock was left as the rs. cut away their beds. A similar remark is applicable to the lake Erie shore of Ohio. Protruding from the extreme western part of N. Y., the ridge dividing the sources of the con- fluents of the O. valley from those of lake Erie, rises sloping but abrupt from the latter ; and so abrupt that some of the feeders of Chatauque lake have their fountains within 5 ms. from the lake shore. Here, at an elevation of 1,300 or 1,400 feet above the ocean tides, flows water on one side which finds a recipient in the Gulf of Mexico ; whilst on the opposite side the water in 5 ms. has a fall of near 800 ft., a fall which the O. waters have not reached at the mouth of Muskingum. Sailing on lake Erie from Buffa- lo, the ridge we have been noticing is seen stretching over the northwestern angle of Pa. into the state of Ohio, and slowly receding into the interior of the latter state, until from San- dusky bay it ceases to be visible from the lake. This remark is founded on personal observation by the author of this article. The rs. which fall into lake Erie from O. are from their pre- cipitate descent difficult of navigation, and all roll over direct falls or cataracts. Falls or cataracts are on the other side rare, though some of the latter do occur, one in the Musk- ingum at Zanesville, for instance. We at once see from the preceding data, that the state of Ohio occupies an immense, and not slightly elevated plateau or table land. Along the sources of its rivers much of the original plain remains unchannelled by rivers, presenting wide spread levels ; but receding either to north or south the river channels become more and more deep ; hills seem to rise as the wa- ters really fall. The dull monotony gradually ceases, and a country is presented which abounds with rich and varied, and in some pla. ces even grand scenery. Descending from the central table land, the courses of the rs. with partial inflections, are northward towards Erie, or southward towards O. The course of tliat part of O. itself which separates the state of O. from Va. is s. s. w., whilst that part of the same stream separating O. from Ky. is n. w. by w., a bend not far from a right angle taking place at the mouth of Big Sandy r. The whole Ohio r. border of the state of O. approaches as- tonishingly to a circular curve. Setting one leg of a pair of compasses in Worthington, 9 ms. N. Columbus, and extending the other to the mouth of Great Sandy, 125 ms., the dis- tance will reach the mouth of Great Miami, approach very near the mouth of Little Beaver, and carried from extreme to extreme will sweep along or very near the O. r. It is this salient curve of Ohio r. and the little difference between its mean length and breadth, which renders this state the most compact, not even excepting Conn., of any state of the U. S. in proportion to outline. That part of Ohio called New Connecticut, or Connecticut Western Re- serve, embraces 8 counties in the n. e. corner of the state ; the tract contains 3,300,000 acres. Of this district Ohio has the jurisdiction, but the fee lies in Connecticut, and it is chiefly settled by emigrants from the latter state, and Mass. An unsurveyed tract of 4,204,800 acres, lying between Little Miami and Scioto rivers, belongs to the State of Virginia, and is called the Virginia Military Lands. Climate and seasons. — On no other subject connected with the geography of the U. S. has there been so much of palpable mistake as in regard to the climate of, not only Ohio, but of the entire central basin of N. A. Volney, who understood the meteorology and winds of N. A. about as well, and no better than do Eu- ropean travellers in general, the moral and po- litical character of the U. S., propagated the opinion that the central basin was warmer on a given latitude than the Atlantic coast. Con- sulting neither relative elevation or exposure to prevalent winds ; nor awaiting recorded obser- vations with the thermometer, and the inflo- rescence, foliage, and decay of vegetables, or the freezing of rs. and crs., this foreigner, in a nme month's transit, mostly in summer, thought himself competent to decide a problem which no human sagacity could determine, except by the aid of actual experiment; and experiment long continued and carefully registered. Due attention being given to the internal s>>ructure of the country, especially that of O., will enable the reader to detect the leading cause of an er- ror which sets at naught all the induction drawn from the known laws of nature. The individu- al channel of Ohio r. at Pittsburg is, by actual measurement made by the writer, 4G0 ft. below the apex of the adjacent hills, This relative OHI 359 OHI height does not materially change on the right aide, especially until 50 or 60 ms. below the mouth of Wabash. The hills, or more correct- ly the buttress of the interior table land, reaches the bank, or recedes one or two miles with in. tervening bottoms, through the entire valley of O. r. from hill to hill ; and is above Louisville in few places two ms. wide. Thus that stream flows in a deep chasm, which receives the sun's rays as in a focus, and has besides an actual de- pression equivalent to a degree of lat. below the surface, one or two miles from its banks. The rapid transition of temperature is seen on vegetation, and is felt and seen in a very stri- king manner on health. Between the valley of O. r. at Wheeling, which is very nearly oppo. site the middle lat. of the state of Ohio, and the farms on the hills 8 or 10 ms, distance e. or w., there is a difference of at least 10 days in seed time, harvest, or the inflorescence of fruit trees or ripening of their fruit. The accuracy of the opinion, that so far from being warmer, the val- ley of O. is in winter, greatly colder, does not depend alone on the observation or assertion of the author. The following is an extract from the National Intelligencer, Dec. 29th, 1831. — "Wheeling, Dec. 24th, 1831. The mercury in the thermometer (Far.) on Sunday morning last, (Dec. 18th,) stood at 16° below zero, which was 10 degrees colder than the coldest day last winter." From this extract, the extreme cold of the winter of 1830 — 31, was, 6 minus zero. In the art. U. S. the reader will find this subject more amply discussed. Soil and Agriculture. — As a general charac- ter, the soil of Ohio is eminently productive, and the productive part, perhaps 9-lOths of the whole, very equally distributed over the state. But with extremes of lat. 3^ degrees, and with relative height taken into the account 5 degrees of Fahrenheit in mean temperature, the effects on vegetation are severely felt. Small grain, Indian corn, salted meat and live stock, are the staples of the state. Of grains, Indian corn is cultivated in an abundance which might be sty- led excessive, and is the grain which is indeed most suitable to all parts of the state, as the summers on the highest part of the table land are sufficiently long for its ripening. An intel- ligent man who removed from the vicinity of Sandy Spring, and who settled in Portage co., informed the writer that the climate was there too cold for the successful culture of winter grain. The apple succeeds well over Ohio, as does the peach in sheltered situations. Flint says, " Fruits of all kinds are raised in the greatest profusion ; and apples are as plenty in the cultivated parts of the state, as in any part of the Atlantic country. The markets are amply supplied with peaches, plums, cherries, goose- berries, strawberries, and cultivated grapes. From the fulness and richness of the clusters of cultivated grapes, it is clear, that this ought to be a country of vineyards. The Germans have already made a few establishments of the kind, with entire success. Apricots, nectarines, and quinces, succeed ; and the state is the appro- priate empire of Pomona."* To the preceding we may add, tobacco, hemp and flax, as these * Flint's Geog. Miap. valley, vol. 1, p. 393—4. vegetables are in a high degree suitable to the soil and climate of O. Kemp and flax must, from the very nature and analogy of things, be- come standing staples of Ohio. But wo may extend the observations on these two latter ve- getables, to the contiguous political sections, Ky., Ind., Mich., Pa., and wstrn. Va. ; and per- haps still more suitably to II. and Mo. Rivers, Canals, ^-c. — The principal river of Ohio, is that queen of rivers from which the state derives its name, and which semicircles the state with its channel, unequalled for tran- quillity of current, and soft splendid scenery along its banks. Flowing in fact along the base of the enormous platform of Ohio, the r. 0. has a very moderate descent, falling only 204 feet from Pittsburg to the mouth of Scioto. In pro- per seasons when amply supplied with water, the 0. is one of the most safely and easily navi- gated rs. of the eartn ; but it is impeded in win. ter by ice, and in summer by drought, and is not, on an average of one year in ten, naviga- ble above the mouth of great Kenhawa, more than half the year. Winter frost impedes the navigation in all its length, a great majority of seasons. It is also liable to excessive and de- structive floods. (See article Ohio river.) Of the rivers flowing from the state into the Ohio, the principal are descending, Mus- kingum, Hockhocking, Scioto, and Great and Little Miami. These, with numerous creeks, drain the great southern plain of 0., and have interlocking sources with the streams flowing in an opposite direction into lake Erie. Advan. cing from e. to w. the most important of the latter are, Ashtabula, Grand, Cuyahoga, Huron, Sandusky, and Maumee, with innumerable in- termediate creeks. Other rivers are the Mau. mee. Portage, Black, Vermillion, Rocky, and IVluskingum. The spirit of internal improve- ment pervades Ohio ; numerous rail-roads have been projected, and many have recently been incorporated. Of canals, the most important are the Ohio and Erie, and the Miami ; these have already afforded immense facilities for business, and opened new fields for the enter- prise of the citizens of this, as well as the neighbouring states. The main Erie and Ohio canal commences at Cleaveland, on the lake shore, follows up the valley of the Cuyahoga r. southwardly, above 30 ms., then crosses the Portage Summit, to the Tuscarawas or Musk- ingum river, whose valley it follows to Dres- den, about 14 ms. n. Zanesville ; from thence it takes a southwestern direction across the height of land dividing the Muskingum from the Scioto r., into the valley of the latter, about 12 ms. s. from Columbus ; thence a southern direction along the valley of the Scioto river, passing Circleville, Chillicothe, and Piketon, to Portsmouth, on the n. bank of the O. r., at the mouth of the Scioto. The length of the main trunk is 310 ms. ; of the feeders and side cuts, 24 ms. ; total 334 ms. Except one rock, near the Ohio, this canal was completed in 1832. The Miami canal commences at Cincinnati, and ex- tends nrthwrdly. along the valley of the Great Miami r. ; a total distance of 67 ms. It passes the towns of Hamilton, Middletown, Franklin and Miamiesburg to Dayton. I'his canal is OHI 3(J0 OHI now finished. A route was surveyed, some three years ago, for the future extension of the Miami northwardly, from Dayton to the Mau- mee r. at fort Defiance ; thence northeastward- ly along the Maumee, to its mouth in the west- ern extremity ol lake Erie. A grant from the U. S. of 300,000 acre's of land to the state, on condition that this work should be prosecuted, has been accepted ; the lands have been select- ed, sales effected to the amoimt of i$40,000, and it is expected the work will be commenced within the time specified by Congress. (For farther details in internal improvements, see art. Rail Roads and Canals.) The following extracts from a message of the governor, Dec. 4, 1832, exhibit the condition of the finances and public works of this pros- perous member of the confederacy. The ag- gregate amount paid into the Treasury for State and Canal purposes, for the year ending the 15th of November 1832, is §265,217 22— which added to the balance in the Treasury on the 15th of November 1831, i^6,075 38, amounts to ,f271,292 60. The total amount of dis- bursements at the Treasury for State and Canal purposes for the year ending 15th November 1832, is $250,507 65, leaving a balance in the Treasury at the last date of §20,784 94. The estimated amount of tax levied for State and Canal purposes for the year 1832 is $250,000. The amount of the foreign debt heretofore con. tracted on account of the Canal is ^4,400,000, and the interest payable annually to foreign stockholders is ^260,000. The amount of loans derived from the School Funds, is $434,847 95, the interest on which, amounting to about 25,000 dollars, is applied to the support of common Schools ; so that the whole Canal debt of the State, is about f 4,834,847 95, and the i.otal amount of interest due 1st of January 1833, will be about $285,000. The amount received into the Treasury from the sale of lands granted by Congress to the State of Ohio for Canal purposes for the year ending 15th November 1832, is ^58,103 78. The amount of tolls received from the Miami Canal for the eame period is $34,956 86. The amount of tolls collected from the Ohio Canal for the year ending the IStli of November 18.32, |'76,463 93 — making the sum total received for tolls |111,420 79; deduct incidental charges, ^7,118 26, and a balance is left of $104,302 53, which is applied towards the payment of interest on the Canal debt. A tax amounting to $143,153 46, was levied to aid in the payment of interest on this debt, for 1832. The Ohio canal, with its navigable feeders, is now completed from lake Erie to the Ohio, a distance of about 334 miles, with the exception of one lock near the Ohio river ; and the whole length of canals in this state now navigable is about 400 miles, affording the most con- venient and cheap mode of transportation — enhancing the value of the products of the country — and giving every reasonable facility to those engaged in commercial employment. The influence of these great works is already visible in the increase of commerce and travel. Subtsantial improvements have been wrought in the country which they traverse, and there has been a regular arrival and departure of packet and freight boats, at a season of the year when navigation has been hitherto unknown. It has been estimated by the canal commission- ers, that during the year 1832, the actual saving of transportation (less than what would have been the e.xpense of land carriage,) on the Erie canal alone, amounted to $231,004,05 ; and on tiie Miami canal, $81,152, making a total of §■312,156,87 ; or nearly three times the amovmt received on these two canals for transporta- tion, during the year ending Nov. 15th, 1832. The aggregate amount of tolls received on the United States' road, between Wheeling and Zanesville, (it having been transferred to the state of Ohio,) on the I5th Nov. 1832, was $11,082,03. The institution for the deaf and dumb, which is supported by the state, is in a flourishing condition. The number of pupils (Dec. 1832) was 31, of whom 17 were wholly, and 1 was in part, supported by the state. The whole expenses of this asylum, for 3 quarters ending .July 31st, 1832, was $3,409 16. It is expected a building suitable for the purposes of the institution will be completed early in 1834. A new penitentiary for state purposes is in progress, the present one having been found in many respects deficient. The expenses of that prison in 1831 amounted to $13,000. From the militia returns for the year 1832, it appears that there were then in the state 6,131 commis- sioned oflicers, and that the number of non. commissioned officers, privates, &c. amounted to 126,030. Progressive population. — The settlement of Marietta, 1787, or 46 years ago, commenced that of Ohio. In 1800, the population of the state amounted to 45,365; in 1810, it was 230,- 760; and in 1820, 581,434. The subjoined table exhibits the aggregate by counties, 1830. Counties. Pop. ]830. Counties. Pop. 1830. Adams, 12,281 Licking, 20,869 Ashtabula, 14,584 Lorain^ 5,696 Alliens, 9,78T Logan, 6,440 Allen, 578 Madison, 6,190 Butler, 27,142 Marion, 6,551 Belmont, 28,027 Medina, 7,560 Brown, 17,867 Meigs, 6,158 I liampalgn, 12,K!1 Mercer, 1,110 Clarke, 13,114 Miami, 12,807 Clermont, 2(),4ti(5 Monroe, 8,768 f olumhiana, .•i5,r)ti3 Montgomery, 24,362 Coshocton, n,im Morgan, 11,800 Cuyahoga, 1(1,373 Muskingum, 29,334 crawfoi'd, 4,791 Perry, 13,970 Clinton, 11,436 I'ickaway, 16,001 Dark, 6,204 Pike, 6,024 Delaware, 11,504 Portage, 18,826 Kairliekl, 24,786 Preble, 16,291 Fayette, 8,182 Putnam, 230 Franklin, 14,741 Paulding, 161 Gallia, 9,733 Richland, 24,006 Geauga, 15,813 Ross, 24,068 Green, 14,801 Sandusky, 2,851 Guernsey, 18,036 Shelby, 3,671 Hamilton, 52,317 Scioto, 8,740 Hockinjr, 4,008 Seneca, .5,159 Highland, 16,345 Stark, 26,588 Harrison, 20,910 Tuscarawas, 14,298 Hancock, 813 Trumbull, 26,1.53 Hardin, 210 Union, 3,193 Henry, 262 Van Wert, 49 Holmes, 9,135 Washington, 11,731 Huron, 13,341 Wayne, 23,333 Jefterson, 22,489 Williams, 387 lackson. 5;941 Warren, 21,468 Knox, 17,085 Wood, 1,102 Lawrence, 5,367 OHI 361 OHI Of which were white persons : Males. Females. Under 5 years of age, 96,411 89,873 From 5 to 10 74,690 71,851 " to to 15 62,151 59,306 " 15 to 20 51,138 52,635 " 20 to 30 81,291) 75,574 " 30 to 40 49,34(5 43,894 " 40 to 50 31,112 27,546 " 50 to 60 18,053 15,898 » 60 to 70 10,783 8,293 " 70 to 80 3,632 2,915 " 80 to 90 935 730 " 90 to 100 138 89 " 100 and upwards, 29 C Males. Under 10 years. 1,562 10 to 24 1,440 24 to 30 HOB 36 to 55 646 55 to 100 325 100 and u pwarda 8 Total, 478,680 447,631 Among the preceding who are deaf and dumb, there are under 14 years of age, 148 ; from 14 to 25, IGO ; 25 and upwards, ll8; blind, 232. Of free colored persons, there were, Females. 1,573 1,551 799 611 241 4 Total, 4,788 4,779 Slaves. — Males 1, females 5. Deaf and dumb colored, 9. Recapitulation — IVh'ites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. 926,311 9,567 6 035,884 Constitution, Government, Judiciary. — The constitution of Ohio was adopted in convention at Chillicothe, 29th Nov. 1802 ; the most im- portant provisions of which are : That the le- gislative authority of this state shall be vested in a general assembly, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives, both to be elected by the people. That representatives shall be chosen annually. That no person shall be a representative, who shall not have attained the age of 25 years, and be a citizen of the U. S., and an inhabitant of this state ; shall also have resided within the limits of the co. in which he shall be chosen, one year next prece- ding his election, unless absent on public busi- ness. That senators shall be chosen biennial- ly. That no person shall be a senator who has not arrived at the age of 30 years, and wlio is not a citizen of the U. S. ; shall have resided 2 years in the co. or district, immediately prece- ding his election, unless absent on public busi- ness. That no senator or representative shall, during the time for which he shall have been elected, be appointed to any civil office under this state, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been in- creased, during such time. That no money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in conse- quence of appropriations made by law. That the supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in a governor. That the governor elected by the qualified electors for the mem- bers of the general assembly, and at the same time and place. Holds his office for two years, or imtil another governor shall be elected and qualified. Eligible only 6 years, in any term of 8 years. He shall be at least 30 years of age, and have been a citizen of the U. S. 12 years, and an inhabitant of this state 4 years next pre- ceding his election That no member of con- gress, or person holding any office under the U. S. or this state, shall execute the office of governor. The powers of the governor of Ohio are nearly the same as generally vested in governors of states. He can grant pardons and reprieves after conviction, except in cases of impeachment. That the judicial power of this state, both as to matters of law and equity, shall be vested in a supreme court, in courts of common pleas for each co. ; injustices of the peace, and in such other courts as the legisla- ture may, from time to time establish. That judges of the supreme court shall, by virtue of their offices, be conservators of the peace throughout the state. The presidents of the court of common pleas, shall, by virtue of their offices, be conservators of the peace within their respective circuits, and the judges of the court of common pleas shall, by virtue of their offices, be conservators of the peace in their re- spective cos. That judges of the supreme court, the presidents, and the associate judges of the courts of common pleas, shall be appoint- ed by a joint ballot of both houses of the gene- ral assembly, and shall hold their offices for the term of 7 years, if so long they behave well., (This mode of choosing judges of law and equi- ty septennially, is a rather novel, or at least wide deviation from the usual manner of elec- tion or term of service.) That in all elec- tions, all white male inhabitants, above the age of 21 years, having resided in the state one year next preceding the election, and who have paid, or are charged with, a state or co. tax, shall enjoy the right of an elector ; but no per- son shall be entitled to vote, except in the county or district in which he shall actually re- side, at the time of the election. Art. 8, contains 28 sections of general prin- ciples ; among which we may notice the fol- lowing : Their shall be neither slavery or in- voluntary servitude in this state, otherwise than for the punishment of crimes, &c. No prefer- ence shall ever be given by law to any reli- gious society, or mode of worship ; and no re- ligious test shall be required, as a qualification to any office of trust or profit. Sec. 6, secures the freedom of the press, and concludes thus : " In prosecutions for ani publication respect- ing the official conduct of men in a public capa- city, or where the matter published is proper for public information, the truth thereof may always be given in evidence ; and in all indict- ments for libels, the jury shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, under the di- rection of the courts, as in other cases." The person of a debtor, where there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continued in prison after delivering up his estate for the benefit of his creditor, or creditors, in such manner as is prescribed by law. No person shall be liable to be transported out of this state, for any offence committed within the state. History. — In 1787, what is now the state of Ohio, was included in a territory then created by act of congress, called " The Territory northwest of the river Ohio," and in the same year preparations were made for the first civili- zed settlement made within its limits. Gen, OHI 362 OLI Rufus Putnam and the Rev. Menasseh Cutler, led a small colony from Middlesex and Essex counties, Mass., who fixed themselves at Ma. rietta, at the mouth of Muskingum r. Similar to every settlement made on a frontier, exposed to savage w^ar, the first years of Ohio were spent in blood and tears. The treaty of Gren- ville, in 1795, and the surrender of Michigan in 1796, gave peace to the west, and emigration poured over the mountains, into the Ohio val- ley. In 1800, Ohio and Michigan were formed into a separate territory, but having acquired sufficient numbers in Ohio, Michigan was de- tached April, 1802, and the former authorized to frame a constitution. January, 1802, after every necessary formality was complied with, Ohio was admitted into the Union as a state. Though as a member of the confederacy her history is blended with that of the nation, we cannot omit an expression of admiration at a 4 progress in power, resource and energy that has no parallel in all human history. Forty- six years past all was a wild ; now, 1832, with at least a million of inhabitants, her towns, cities, canals, roads, schools, colleges and other improvements mock the pen of the geographer. Ohio, co. Va. bndd. by Washington co. Pa. n. E., Greene co. Pa. s. e., Tyler co. Va. s., Ohio r. separating it from iVlonroe co. state of Ohio, s. w., and Belmont co. Ohio, n. w., and by Brooke co. of Va. n. Length from s. to n. 36 ms., mean width 12, and area 432 sq.ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 14', and in long, from 3° 36' to 3° 55' w. W. C. The de- clivity is a little n. of w., down which flow into O. r. advancing from n. to s.. Short, Wheeling, Grave, Fish, and Fishing creeks, having their sources in Pa. The surface is excessively bro- ken by hills, but with alluvial bottoms of first rate soil. In fact the soil of the highest hills is fertile, and the whole co. a body of excellent land. Cf. t. Wheeling. Pop. 1820, 9,182, 1830, 15,,590. Ohio, co. Ky. bndd. n. w. by Daviess, n. E.by Hancock, e. by Grayson, s. e. by a part of But- ler CO., and by Green r. which separates it from a part of Butler s., and from Muhlenburg s. w. This CO. lies nearly in form of a square, 24 ms. each side; area 576 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 12' to 37° 34', and in long, from 9° 37' to 10° 14' w. W. C. The declivity of this co. is westward in the direction of the two main branches of Green r. between which are com- prised full 3-4 of all the area. Cf. t. Hartford. Pop. 1820, 3,879, 1830, 4,9l3. OnioPYLE Falls, in Youghiogany r. is a de- scent of 7 or 8 ft. direct pitch in that stream, where it passes Laurel Hill, 11 or 12 ms. n. e. Uniontown, Fayette co. Pa. Ohioville, p-v. western, part of Beaver co. Pa. by p-r. 11 ms. below, and wstrd. of the borough of Beaver, and 262 ms. n. w.by w. W. C. Oil or., small, but remarkable stream of Pa. rising in the southern part of Crawford, and western part of Warren cos., flows southwardly, enters Venango co. and falls into Alleghany r. about 8 ms. estrd. Franklin. On this cr. and and near the border between Venango and Crawford cos. arises a spring of water, on which floats a mineral oil, from which the name of the cr. is derived. The oil spring, as laid down on Tanner's Pennsylvania, is 25 ms. a little s. of e. Meadville, Oil Cueek, p-o. and tsp. southeastern angle of Crawford co. Pa. 25 ms. e. Meadville, and 80 a little E. of N. Pittsburg. Olamon Plantation, Hancock co. Me. Pop. 222. Oldbridge, v. Middlesex co. N. J. at the head of navigation on Smith r. 7 ms. s. e. New Brunswick, 2 n. e. Spotswood. Old Church and p-o. Hanover co. Va. by p-r. 15 ms. N. Richmond. Oldfield, p-o. Ashe co. N. C. by p-r. 218 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Old Fort, p-v. Centre co. Pa. by p-r. 75 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Old Fort and p-o. Burke co. N. C. by p-r. 235 ms. w. Raleigh. Oldham, co. Ky., bndd. n. by Gallatin, e. by Henry, s. e. by Shelby, s. w. by .TefFerson, and w. by Ohio r. separating it from Clark co. Ind. Length 28 ms., mean width 15, and area 420 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 15' to 38° 40', and in long, from 8° 12' to 8° 37' w. W. C. The surface hilly and rocky. Cf. t. Westport. Pop. 9,563. Old Mines and p-o. Washington co. Mo., by p-r. 60 ms. s. s. w. St. Louis. Old Point Comfort, cape and p-o. Elizabeth City CO. Va., 12 ms. in a direct line a little w. of N. Norfolk, 3 ms. s. e. Hampton, the co. seat, and by p-r. 202 ms. s. s. e. W. C. The promon- tory, particularly called Old Point Comfort, is almost exactly on lat. 37°, according to Tan- ner's U. S., and with the opposing point, Wil- loughby, on the right shore, forms the real mouth of James r., the intervening strait sepa- rating Lynhaven bay from Hampton roads. On this point is located fortress Monroe, one of the strongest fortifications of the U. S. Old ToWxV, p-v. on Potomac r. Alleghany co. Md., 14 ms. below and s. e. Cumberland, and by p-r. 135 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Old Town, p-v. nrthwstrn. part of Ross co. 0., 12 ms. N. w. Chillicothe. Old Town, p-v. Lowndes co. Ala., by p-r. 131 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Olean, p-t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y., 20 ms. s. E. Ellicottville, 33 s. w. Angelica, 115 s. w. Geneva, n. of Pa., 8 ms. by 9 ; is crossed by Olean cr. which runs into Alleghany r., and supplies several mill seats. The timber is chiefly valuable pine, which has occupied the inhabitants in the preparation and transportation of lumber. Olean Point, or Hamilton village, stands just below the confluence of Oil cr. and Alleghany r., and at the head of navigation. Several ancient motmds were found near this place. Pop, 561. Olean, cr. Cattaraugus co. N. Y., 25 ms. in length. Olet, tsp. Berks co. Pa., 10 ms. estrd. Read- ing. Pop. 1820, 1,400 ; 1830, 1,469. Oley Furnace and p-o. in Oley tsp. Berks go. Pa., 10 ms. estrd. Reading. Olive, t. Ulster co. N. Y., 12 ms. w. King- ston, about 10 ms. long, has a rough surface. Pop. 1,636. ONE 3G3 ONO Olive, p-v. Morgan co. O., by p-r. 100 ms. a little s. of E. Columbus. Olive Gkeen. ( Conn. Mounts Cuba and Sunday lie near the centre of it, and there are 4 or 5 ponds of con- siderable size. Limestone, soap stone, and a grey granite abounds, and lead ore of a fine quality. The village is very pleasant, and is situated on a handsome plain, bordered on the w. by the intervals on the r., and is chiefly built on one street, of nearly 3 ms. in extent. Pop. 1,829. Oriskany, cr. N. Y., a branch of Mohawk r., 23 ms. long, empties between Utica and Rome. Its principal branch is Deane's cr. Oriskany, p-v. Whitestown, Oneida co. N. Y., 7 ms. N. Utica, 3 from Whitesboro', on Oris- kany cr. and the Erie canal, has a large woollen factory. Orland, p-t. Hancock co. Me., 64 ms. e. by N. Augusta, E. Penobscot r. opposite Orphan isl., has a large pond. Pop. 975. Orlean, p-v. Fauquier co. Va. ORL 370 ORW Orleans, co. Vt., bndd. by Canada n., Essex CO. E., Caledonia and Washington cos. s., Franli- lin CO. w. ; lies about halfway between the e. and w. bounds of the state. Incorporated 1792. Irasburgh is the st. jus. First settled 1787. The soil is good for grain and grass. It con- tains much marshy ground, and more ponds than any other co. in Vt. Memphremagog lake lies partly within it. Lamoille r. is in the s., Black, Barton and Clyde rs. in the n. and mid. die. It is enclosed between the two ranges of the Green mtns. The rocks in the central part are argillite ; in the w. Mica and chlorite ; slate and serpentine are found on Misisqiie r., with asbestos, magnetic iron, &c. Pop. 1820, 6,976 ; 1830, 13,980. Orleans, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass., 85 ms. s. E. Boston, 20 e. Barnstable ; is very irregu- lar in form, lying on the ocean, which bounds it on the e. It forms the elbow of the long and crooked point called Cape Cod ; and like it is low and sandy with a miserable soil, except on some parts of the neck and isl. There are ma- ny crs. and coves along the shore, and Chatham beach shuts in an extent of salt marsh, e. from Chatham harbor, which is large, and lies be- tween this t. and Chatham. The inhabitants are scattered. The fuel, which is partly peat, is brought from elsewhere. Pleasant Bay con- tains several isls., and Stage Harbor is an open, ing in Chatham beach. The people are al- most exclusively devoted to catching fish and clams. Pop. 1,789. Orleans, co. N. Y., bounded by lake Onta. rio N., 23 ras. from Monroe co. e., Genesee CO. s., Niagara co. w., is crossed by Oak Or- chard cr. which flows through the w. and n. w. part, and enters the lake. Johnson's cr. and several smaller streams flow in the same di- rection w. of it; and Sandy cr. runs e. into Monroe co. The Ridge road on the alluvial way passes through the middle of the co. from E. to w. nearly parallel to which, at a short dis- tance s., are the Erie canal, and the Mountain Ridge, which is near the s. boundary. The surface of the country is gently undulated, and the variations are remarkably regular, owing to the two singular ridges above mentioned. It is supposed that all the n. part was at some long past age overflown by lake Ontario ; and that the alluvial way was formed by a current. The soil is various, generally favorable to grass. It contains 8 towns, of which Albion is the st. jus. Pop. 1820, 7,625 ; 1830, 17,732. Orleans, t. Jefl'erson co. N. Y. 10 ms. n. Watertown, s. St. Lawrence r. opposite Grind, stone isl., is crossed s. w. by Chaumont r. which rises near its centre, and runs 12 or 14 ms. in- to Chaumont bay ; with good mill sites. Perch cr. s. runs 13 ms. into Black River bay. The shore of the St. Lawrence is indented with many coves. The surface is varied, and the soil is clay and sand. White pine, white oak, beech, hard maple, &c. are abundant. The form is square, with a triangular tract n. on the shore. Pop. 3,091. Orleans, parish of La., bndd. s. and e. by the parish of Plaquemines, w. by Jefferson, n. by lake Pontchartrain, and n. e. by lake Borgne and the pass of Rigolets. Length 32 ms,, mean breadth about 5 ms., and area 160 sq. miles. Extending in lat. from 29° 46' to 30° 12', and in long, from 12° 30' to 13° w. W. C. The sur- face in the greater part a morass, but with high- ly fertile arable soil, though narrow borders of land rising two or three feet above the high tide level, and stretching along the margins of the Misp. Bayou, Boeuf, and other marsh bayous. In a state of nature it was only the compara- tively elevated margins along the streams, which generally produced timber. The mo- rass mostly covered with coarse grass, and flooded by every tide. The soil actually capa- ble of cultivation, produces sugar, cotton, rice, Indian corn, &c. The usually cultivated fruit trees are orange, fig and peach. Of garden vegetables the number of species and abundant quantity may be seen at the vegetable market of New Orleans city. Chief t., city of New Orleans. Pop. of the parish 1820, 41,351, 1830, 50,103. Orleans, isl. of. This art. is introduced to explain away a misconception. The name of Island of Orleans was given to that part of La. on which the city of New Orleans is situated. It is that part of the state, bndd. by the Misp. r., Iberville and Amite rs., lakes Maurepas, and Pontchartrain, the Pass of the Rigolets, lakes Borgne, Chandeleur, and Bayard, and Gulf of Mexico, and stretches from the efflux of Iberville to the mouth of the Misp. 180 ms., differing in width from 3 to 25 miles. Except the narrow arable border along the Misp. and a few other places, the surface is level with the surface of high tide. Though called an isl., this part of the Delta no more deserves the term than do the spaces in other parts, which are enclosed by the numerous bayous, lakes and lagoons, which chequer the whole surface from the mouth of the Pearl to that of Sabine river. Orleans, p-v. northeastern part of Orange CO. Ind. by p-r. 8 ms. n. Paoli, the co. St., and 86 ras. a little w. of s. Vandalia. Orono, or Indian Old Town, p-t. and isl. Pe- nobscot CO. Me. 73 ms. n. e. Augusta, is an isl, in Penobscot r. 12 ms. n. n. e. Bangor, above the Great Falls. It is inhabited by the remains of the Penobscot Indians, who have a Catholic church. Pop. 1,472. Orrington, P-t. Penobscot co. Me. 74 ms. n. N. E. Augusta, 5 s. Bangor, 32 n. Castine, e. Pe- nobscot r., indents the n. line of Hancock co. and is separated from the n. e. corner of Waldo CO. by Penobscot r. It is crossed by a pond and stream flowing n. w. into that stream. Pop. 1,234. Orton, mills and p.o. Brunswick co. N. C. byp-r. 167 ms. s. Raleigh. Orville, p-v. Manlius, Onondaga co. N. Y. 5 ms.N. w. Manlius, is on a branch of the Erie canal and on Butternut cr. Orwell, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 20 ms. n'. w. Rutland, 47 s. w. Montpelier, 47 s. Burlington, and opposite Ticonderoga, N. Y. It contains 42 sq. ms. including Mt. Independence, where was a picket fort, a battery, &.c. in the revolu- tionary war, as one of the outworks of fort Ti- conderoga. The first permanent settlement was made in 1783. There are hills s., but the OSA 371 osw land is generally almost level. It is fertile and watered by East cr., and Lemonfair r. which afford mill seats. Epsom salts have been made from a spring on the lake shore n. w., and other springs are impregnated with them. Compact lime rocks contain impressions of shells, fish, &c. Zinc has also been found. The lake is here from 1 to 2 ms. wide. Pop. 1,598. Orwell, t. Oswego co. N. Y. 139 ms. from Albany, and 12 e. Pulasky, is crossed by Sal- mon r. in the s., and many branches in all parts, and has pretty good land, with an irregular sur- face, bearing beech, maple, hemlock, &c. The rocks, which are limestone and slate, abound in petrifactions on hills and in valleys. In Richland there is a fall in Salmon r. 20 ms. from its mouth. The current is first smooth, then it runs over rapids 2 ms., and then falls almost perpendicularly 107 ft. At high water the fall is about 250 ft. wide. Pop. 501. Orwell, p-v. Bradford co. Pa. by p.r. 16 ms. N. of Towanda, and 141 n. Harrisburg. Orwell, p-v. Ashtabula co. O. by p.r. 179 ms. N. E. Columbus. Orwigsburg, p-v. boro' and st. jus. Schuylkill CO. Pa. situated on a small branch of Schuylkill r. 7 ms. s. e. Pottsville, 29 ms. n. w. Reading, and by p-r. 59 n. e. Harrisburg, lat. 40° 41', long. 0° 48' E. W. C. The site of Orwigsburg is broken, but very pleasant, and though even mountainous in appearance, the adjacent coun. try is well cultivated. The village contains the ordinary co. buildings, with about 120 dwelling houses. It stands on the main road through Reading from Phil, to Sunbury and Northum- berland. Pop. about 600. Osage, r. of the U. S. in the great western territory of Mo., and in the state of Mo. This stream has its remote sources between those of Grand r. of Arkansas and the main channel of Kansas r. composed of two branches. Grand r. on the nrthrn. and Osage proper on the sthrn. Both branches assume an estm. course, and entering the wstrn. side of the state of Mo. unite after a respective comparative course of 150 ms. Below the junction, the united waters continue eastward about 50 miles, first s. e. thence n. e., fall into Mo. r. 12 ms. below the city of Jefferson and 108 ms. w. by the land road from St. Louis. The entire valley of the Osage, is about 250 ms. in length, extending very nearly from e. to w. In its broadest part it is 130 ms., but the mean width not above 60 ms., area 15,000 sq. ms. The lower part of the channel below the junction of the two main branches is excessively crooked, a feature which has contributed to magnify the real size of the stream. Lat. 38 divides this r. valley into two not very miequal sections. The valley lies between Lower Kansas and Mo. r. n.. Gas- conade s. e., the nrthrn. sources of White r. s., and those of Grand r. of Arkansas s. w. It is a fine navigable stream as high as the main fork, and along its shores, and on many of its tribu- taries spread some of the finest lands of Mo. Osage, ferry and p-o. nrthwstrn. part of Gas- conade CO. Mo. The ferry is over Osage r. at its mouth, 12 ms. below Jefferson, and the p-o. is at the ferry. OsNABUUGH, p-v. Stark co. O., 4 ms. e. Can- ton, the CO. et. and 107 n. e. Columbus. OssABAU, sound and isl. Bryan co. Geo. The sound is in fact the mouth or estuary of Great Ogeechee r., and opens into the Atlantic ocean 18 ms. s. w. the mouth of Savannah r., lat. 31° 50', long. W. C. 40° 8' w. Ossabau isl. is one of those level small isls. which extend in a chain along the Atlantic coast of Florida, Geo. and S. C. The Ossabau fills the space between Os- sabau and St. Catharine's sounds, and is about 10 ms. in length. OssiAN, p.t. Allegany co. N. Y., 20 ms. n. e. Angelica, is crossed by Canaseraga cr. which affords mill sites. It is in the n. e. corner of the CO. Pop. 812. OssiPEE, lake, Strafford co. N. H., is nearly of an oval form, and covers about 7,000 acres. The water is clear, and it contains no isls. It discharges its surplus water by Ossipee r, through several ponds into Saco r. in Me. OssiPEE, mtns. Strafford co. N. H., lie along the E. side of Winnipisiogee lake about 8 ms. The ridge is broken in some parts, but nearly uniform in height, and of considerable elevation. The slope towards the lake is gradual near it, where the land is pretty well cultivated. These mtns. form one of the most conspicuous fea- tures in the fine scenery of that region. In easterly storms the wind sometimes comes over the mtns. with destructive violence. Ossipee, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 52 ms. n. n. E. Concord, has part of the range of Ossipee mtns. N. w. and part of Ossipee lake and r. Its form is irregular, and the e. angle almost touch- es the boundary of Me. Pine r. crosses the e. part, and Bearcamp r. is in the u. w., a tributary of the lake. There are several ponds, A mound of earth 10 ft. high, w. of the lake, was found to contain skeletons, tomahawks, &c. Incorporated 1785. Pop. 1,915. OswEGATCiiiE r. N. Y., lies chiefly in St. Lawrence co. and has 2 branches which, after rising near the s. boundary of the co., and flow- ing N. unite about 4 ms. from their mouth in St. Lawrence r. The e. branch pursues a remarka^ bly crooked course ; running w. over the line of Jefferson co., then turning back almost into the same channel, flows n. e., and then more n. till it meets tlie w. branch or Indian r. It has many falls and rapids favorable to manufactur- ing, and passes through a fertile country. It is about 120 ms. long. At one of its angles is a natural canal communicating with Grassy r. The w. branch flows from Jefferson co. into Black lake, or Oswegatchie lake, on leaving which it joins the e. branch. Oswegatchie, lake, St. Lawrence co. N. Y. receives Indian r. or the w. branch of Oswe- gatchie r., and a great part of the course of that stream lies through it. It contains several islands, and is chiefly in Morristown. It lies N. E. and s. w., and parallel with St, Lawrence river, Oswegatchie, p-t. and st. jus. St. Lawrence CO. N. Y. 204 ms. n. n. w. Albany, 476 from Washington, lies on the St. Lawrence r. is crossed by Oswegatchie r., and watered by its two branches for a few ms. before their June tion. It is opposite Prescott, Upper Canada, osw 372 OTI and at the end of sloop and steamboat naviga- tion ; being a little above the rapids. It is 10 ms. sq. with a varied surface and pretty good soil. Oswegatchie r. is navigable and sup- plies many valuable factories. An old fort stood at its mouth, built by the French. Og- densburg, a port of entry, and a large and flour ishing village, the st. jus. of the co. is in this t. Fort Van Rensselaer was built here in the last war. Pop. 3,993. Oswego, r. N. Y., the outlet of the lakes in the middle of the state, flows into lake Ontario near the middle of the s. shore, at Oswego vil- lage. The lakes with which it is connected are Fish, Cross, Otisco, Onondaga, Owasco, Skeneateles, Canandaigua, Crooked, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca. The communication is by outlets, which unite and form Seneca r., and this soon falls into Oswego r., as do many other small streams. These waters abound in mill sites. It is 24 ms. long, runs n., and serves a very important purpose for the greater part of -its course, as the Oswego canal, which con- nects Erie canal at Syracuse with lake Ontario. 12 ms. from the mouth of the r. is a fall of about 100 feet, round which was formerly a portage of 1 m. for boats. The canal is conducted along the E. bank below the falls, to the village near the mouth of the r. where it descends to the level of the harbor by locks, and affords abun- dance of water power to many factories. It is crossed by a bridge 700 feet long. It served in early times as the great channel of inter- -course between the English and French in Canada, and the Six Nations of Indians, and ■was a route of invasion in the revolutionary war. The harbor at the rivei''s mouth, has ^been greatly improved by the government of 4he U. S., and has much navigation. It is one of the places regularly visited by the lake steamboats. •Oswego, co. N. Y. bndd. by lake Ontario and Jefferson, Lewis and Oneida cos. e., Madison, Onondaga and Cayuga cos. s. and Cayuga co. w., Oneida lake and r. forming the line on the ^. It contains 900 sq. ms. and 18 towns. It is watered by numerous streams, flowing in all directions, the principal of which, after that mentioned, is Oswego r. Salmon r. crosses from the e. line to lake Ontario. Scribas and Bay creeks run s. into Oneida lake, Scott's cr. into Oneida r.. Black cr. w. into Oswego r. and Catfish, Little Salmon, Grindstone and Deer crs. N. and w. into lake Ontario, n. e. are some hills, but the co. is nearly level, with good gra- zing land, some soils favorable to grain, and remarkably adapted to fruit trees. Oswego and Pulaski are the co. towns. The co. con- tains salt springs and freestone quarries. There are old forts at the mouth of Oswego r. by which was the communication between the Canadians ami the Five Nations of Indians be- fore the French wars. Fort Oswego is in this CO. as is part of the village of Oswego, the st. of jus. of the CO. and a port of entry. The ca- nal from the falls lies along the e. shore, and many manufactories have been erected there. The construction of the Oswego canal affords a navigable connection between lake Ontario and Erie canal. Pop. in 1820,12,374; 1830,27,119. Oswego, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y. 168 ms. n- w. Albany, 72 n. n. w. Utica, s. lake Ontario, w. Oswego r., is level in some parts, gently varied in others, with soil favorable for grain, grass and fruit, and contains part of the v. of Oswego, the other part beuig in Scriba. It is at the mouth of Oswego r. and enjoys great advantages as a manufacturing place, from an excellent lake harbor, (being defended from the waves by two long piers built by the govern, ment of the U. S.) and from the Oswego canal, which connects the navigation of lake Ontario and the Erie canal. A trading house was built here, 1772, at the mouth of Oswego r., and fort Oswego in 1727, 50 ft. above the level of the water. In 17.55 it was enlarged, and fort Os- wego was built on the opposite side, in Scriba, on much higher ground. They were captured by Gen. Montcalm, from the English, in 1756, with stores, arms, boats, and ammunition, but abandoned. In 1814, fort Ontario was taken by the British, but evacuated the next day. Pop. 2,703. Oswego, incorporated v. and port, in the tsps. of Oswego and Scriba, st. jus. Oswego co. N. Y. 167 ms. N. w. by w. Albany, is a flourishing place at the mouth of Oswego r. on high ground near the sites of the old forts Oswego and On- tario. It has a good harbor, with 10 ft. water on the bar, and is protected from the waves of lake Ontario by two long piers, built by the U. S. A bridge 700 ft. long connects the two banks of the r. Oswego canal here terminates, and communicates with the r., on a level with the lake, by locks on the e. side, affording wa- ter for many manufactories. It is carried along the E. bank to the falls, 12 ms. above which it enters the r. Boats pass by this channel to Syracuse, on the Erie canal ; and is the only navigable communication between that canal and the lake. This work has given great im- portance to the v., which has increased very rapidly within three or four years. Otego, p-t. Otsego CO. N. Y., 86 ms. w. by s. Albanv, 20 s. w. Cooperstown, and n. w. Susquehannah r. or Delaware co. ; has large and rich meadows on that r., with hills else- where, and pretty good soil. It is crossed by Otego cr. which affords fine mill seats, Otsaawa cr. and other streams. The timber is valuable, and rafts are sent down the Susquehannah r. Pop. 1,148. Otego, r. Otsego co. N. Y., rises near the centre of the co. in 2 branches, near Oak cr., runs s. parallel to it about 28 ms., supplies good mill sites, and falls into Susquehannah r. a little above Huntsville. Otis, t. Hancock co. Me. Pop. 350. Otis, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 116 ms. w. Boston, 20 s. e. Lenox ; is on high ground, be- tween Farmington and Westfield rs., and has several streams and ponds flowing into them. The surface is uneven. Pop. 1,012. Otisco, lake, or pond, Onondaga co. N. Y. near the s. w. corner of the co., 1 mile by 4, and parallel to Sheneatles lake ; receives seve- ral brooks, and discharges through Otisco cr. into Onondaga lake. Its Indian name means " waters much dried away." Otisco, cr. or Nine|Mile cr., Onondaga co. OTS 373 OVE N. Y., flows from Olisco lake iiori heastwarJly | and enters Mohawk r. at Fort Plain. It has a in a curvmg course, into the middle of Ononda- ga lake. It is 15 ms. long, and supplies mill scats. Otisco, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y., 134 ms. w. Albany, 8 s. s. w. Onondaga, and 50 from Urica. It is 5i ras. long n. and s., contains 30 sq. ms. ; has high land, sloping w. to Otisco lake, and its inlet and outlet, which bound it s. w. and e,, towards Onondaga cr., to which it sends a tri. butary. The soil is moist and warm, the mill sites are good, and there is some limestone in the N. E. The timber is oak, nutwood, tulip, &c. Fop. 1,938. Otisfield, p-t. Cumberland co. iVIe., 82 ms. s. w. Augusta, 40 n. Portland, s. w. of Oxford CO. ; has crooked r. e., and part of a large pond s. Pop. 1,274. Otsego, lake, Otsego co. N. Y., is a small but pure and picturesque sheet of water, 66 ms. w. Albany, lying ^. and s. near the n. line of the CO., abounding in salmon trout at all sea- sons, and giving rise to one of the nordi streams of'Susquehannah river. It is from three fourths m. to 3 nis. by 9 : and its outlet, on which stands the pleasant village of Cooperstown, affords water power to several large manufac- tories. Otsego, co. N. Y., is bndd. by Herkimer, Oneida, and Montgomery cos. n., Schoharie co. H., Delaware co. s., Unadilla r. dividing it from Chenango and Madison cos. w. It is of irregu- lar form, with 935 sq. ms. It is 86 ms. w. Al- bany, witli 22 towns, and supplies the princi- pal sources of the n. branch of Susquehannah r. Otsego and Schuyler's lakes, near the n. line, flow sthwstrly., as does Charlotte r. in the s. E., and Scheneoas, Cherry Valley, Otego, Ot- saawa, Butternut, and Wharton crs. Branches of Unadilla cr. are on the w. line, which is a large tributary of the Susquehannah. A few brooks in the n. flow into Mohav/k r. The co. is elevated and hilly, being crossed by the Sus- quehannah hills and Kiatsburg range, which passes to the Hudson at Little Falls. The soil is various, and most favorable for grass. Coop- erstown, a pleasant village, and the st. jus. of the CO., is at the outlet of Otsego lake. Iron ore is found in some places, limestone near Schuyler's lake, marble in Chei'ry Valley, and sandstone n. There are many cotton factories on the outlet of Otsego lake and Oak cr., the outlet of Schuyler's cr., altogether containing about 8,000 spindles. On Butternut creek are 2 cotton factories with 5,200 spindles, and a woollen factory, besides others of different kinds at Hartwick, &c. &c. Pop. 1820, 44,- 856, 1830, 51,372. Otsego, t. Otsego co. N. Y. Pop. 4,363. Otselic, cr., N. Y., rises in the s. w. part of Madison co., crosses part of Chenango, and enters Tioughnioga cr. in Broome co., after a course of 43 ms. Otsklic, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 106 ms. w. Albany, 17 n. w. Norwich, and s. of Madison CO. It is square, has good soil, pleasantly va- ried, and is crossed from n. e. to s. w. by Ot- selic creek. Pop. 1,236. OxsauAGO, cr. (Osquaga or Otsquaga,) rises in Hamilton co., flows e. into Montgomery co., 48 ourse of about 23 ms. and affords good mill sites. Ottawa, new co. Michigan, bndd. by Alle- gan CO. s., Kent s. e. and e., Oceana n. e. and N., and lake Michigan w. Length from s. to N. 38 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 684 sq. ms. Lat. 43'^ and long. W. C. 9° w. intersect in this CO., about 170 ms. n. w. by w. Detroit. Cf. t. Newtown. Otter, cr. Vt., the largest stream in tho state, whose entire course is within its bounds, rises near Bennington co. and flows s. into it, then N. through Rutland co. and empties into lake Champlain near the line of Chittenden co., just above Vergennes. It is about 90 ms. long, and, with its branches, waters 900 sq. ms. The first part of its course, to Middlebury, is smooth ; thence to Pittsford 25 ms., it is navi- gable in boais ; and has valuable falls at Mid- dlebury, Weybridge, and Vergennes, where are manufactories, it is navigable for the lar- gest lake vessels for 8 rns. from Vergennes to the lake. In some pans this r. flows through fine meadows of great fertility. Its tributaries are numerous; urincipally Lemonfair, Little West, Mill, New Haven, Leicester, Furnace, Cold rs. &c. OtteiI Bridge, and p-o. Bedford co. Va., 17 ms. s. w. by w. Lynchburg, and 215 ms, s. w. W. C. Otter Peaks, the highest part of the Ap- palachian system, southwest of the Delaware. The Peaks of Otter are parts of the Blue Ridge, rising to a height above the Atlantic ocean of 4,260 feet, and are situated 30 ms. by the road from Lynchburg, and between Bed- ford and Botetourt cos. Va. Direction from Lynchburg a very little n. of due w. Otter Tail, lake and r. The lake so called is the extreme fountain of Red r. branch of Assiniboin, and crossed by n. lat. 47°, is about 25 ms. long from n. to s. and from 1 to 5 miles wide. From the southern end of the lake^ issues the r. of the same name, which gradual- ly bending from a s. to w. course joins Swan r. 60 ms. below Otter Tail Lake. Below the mouth of Swan r. the united stream is known by the name of Red r. By Otter Tail, Rice, and Leech lakes, with their intervening inlets and portages, a canoe navigation exists between the heads of Misp. and Red rs. Otto, t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y., 10 ms. n. w. Ellicottville, and s. of Cattaraugus cr. Pop. 1,224. Ottsville, p-v, northern part of Bucks co. Pa. by p-r. 38 ms. n. Phil., and 14 in a similar direction from Doylestown. OuACHiTTA. (See Washitaw.) Oury's p-o. Hamilton co. O. by p-r. 127 miles s. w. Columbus. Overall's p-o. Shenandoah co. Va. by p-r. 91 ms. wstrd. W. C. Overslaugh, a shoal and crooked channel in Hudson r. in Bethlehem, 3 ms. s. Albany ; has caused much difficulty to the navigation in sloops and steamboats in times past. Overton, co. Ten. as laid down on Tanner's improved map of the U. S. is bndd. by Fentress E. and s. E., White s., Jackson s. w. and w., OWE 374 OXF and Cumberland co. Ky. n. Length 36 miles, mean breadth 22 ms. and area about 800 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 05' to 36° 37' N., long. W.C. 8= to 8° 30' w. General slope northwestwardly, and in that direction drained by Obey's r. and other minor confluents of Cumberland r. Chief town Monroe. Pep. 1820, 7,128 ; 1830, 8,242. Ovid, p-t. and one of the sts. jus. Seneca co. N. Y. 205 ms. w. Albany, 18 s. Waterloo, be- tween Cayuga and Seneca lakes, about 9 ms. E. and w., and nearly 5 n. and s. ; has a varied surface, well cultivated, with good soil, and many small mill streams. Ovid v. near the middle of the n. line, is on an eminence de- scending E. and w. and overlooking both lakes. There is much good wheat land on the shores. Pop. 2,756. OwAsco, lake, Cayuga co. N. Y., near the middle of the co., from 1 to 2 ms. wide, by 11 long, receives Owasco inlet from the s., and discharges Owasco outlet n. It lies nearly equidistant between Cayuga and Skeneateles lakes, and lies nearly n. and s. like almost all the interior lakes of N. Y. It is said to owe its name (which in the native language signifies a bridge,) from a raft formed of timber near the outlet. Owasco, inlet, N. Y., enters Owasco lake, Cayuga co, in Sempronius. Owasco, outlet, Cayuga co. N. Y., flows n. from the n. end of Owasco lake, 15 miles to Seneca r. Owasco, p-t Cayuga co. N. Y. 164 ms. w. Albany, 5 s. e. Auburn v., and w. Onondaga CO. ; lies s. w. on the b. side of Owasco lake, and a short distance on the outlet, has very rich land, and a few mill sites on a small stream. Pop. 1,3.50. OwEGo, P-t. and half shire, Tioga co. N. Y. 170 miles w. s. w. Albany, n. Pa. line, e. Owe- go creek and Susquehannah river, and west Broome co. ; is crossed by Susquehannah r., 7 miles by 15, has a varied surface and soil, with white pine timber near the river, maple, beech, &c. on the hills. It is favorable to fruit. First settled about 1690. Owego v. is on Sus- quehannah r. 1^ ms. from Owego creek, 29 s. s. E. Ithaca. Lumber, salt and gypsum are sent to Baltimore by the Susquehannah. Pop. 3,026. Owen, co. Ky. bndd. by Gallatin n.. Grant n. E., Harrison e., Scott s. e., Franklin s., and Ky. r. separating it from Henry w. Length 20 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 320 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 38° 22' to 38° 42', and in long, from 7° 33' to 8° w. W. C. Though bounding on Ky. r. the body of the co. is drain- ed by Eagle creek, which, rising into Scott and Harrison, flows n. n. w. between Grant and Owen, and thence bending abruptly to vvstrd. forms the boundary between Gallatin and Owen, finally falls into Ky. r. Cf. t. Owenton. Pop. 1820, 2,031, 1830, 5,786. OwENBORo, p-0., t. and st. jus. Daviess co. Ky. on the left bank of Ohio r., 76 ms. w. Eliz- abethtownin Hardin co., and 151 ms. a little s. of w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 48', long. 10° 09' w. W. C. Pop. 229. OwENSviLLE, p-v. Gibson CO. Ind. by p-r. 151 ms. 3. w. Indianopolis. Owenton, p-v. and st. jus. Owen co. Ky. about 25 ms. n. n. e. Frankfort. Lat. 38° 30', long. 7° 42' w. W. C. Pop. 143. OwiNGSviLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Bath co. Ky. by p-r. 70 ms. e. Frankfort. Lat. 38° 10', long. 6° 44' w. W. C. Pop. 241. Owl's Head, Thomaston, Lincoln co. Me. the W. cape of the inner part of Penobscot bay, runs s. e. and forms Clam cove. Opposite are Fox isls., and outside of it several others. Oxbow, a bend in Conn. r. at Newbury, Vt, enclosing 450 acres of fine meadow, Oxford, co. Me. bndd. by the dist. of Three Rivers in Lower Canada n. e., Somerset and Kennebec cos, e., Cumberland and York cos. s.. New Hampshire w. It is of an irregular form, elonged n, and s. The surface is rough, and in many places mountainous. Moose and Dead rs. rise here, and flow e. into the Kenne- bec. Androscoggin and Magollo way, a branch, rise in the n. part. The main stream flows through a chain of large lakes, the last of which is Umbagog, on the line of New Hampshire, The r, returns into the co. in the s. part, crosses it, and enters Kennebec co. The small streams are numerous. Saco r. crosses the s. w. cor- ner. The St. jus. is Paris. Pop, 1820, 27,104. 1830, 35,211. Oxford, t. Oxford co. Me. Pop. 1,116, Oxford, p-t, Grafton co. N. H. 17 ms. n. Hanover, 10 s. Haverhill, 60 from Concord, 120 from Boston, with 27,000 acres, e. Conn, r., over which is a bridge. The soil is general, ly fertile, especially the meadows on Conn. r. Mounts Cuba and Sunday are near the centre. There are 4 or 5 ponds, some of which flow into Conn, r., and others into the Merrimack, Coarse primitive limestone abounds at the foot of a mtn. Building-granite, soap stone, and lead ore are also found. The village is on a street, in a beautiful valley 1 m. by 5 or 6 ms, long, enclosed by hills, which approach each other very nearly in the middle. A social li- . brary was incorporated 1797. First settled 1765. Pop. 1,829. Oxford, p-t. Worcester co., Mass., 55 ms, s, w. Boston, 12 s. Worcester ; is divided by Stony or French r. the upper part of Quinebaug r. which flows s. into Connecticut. It affords good mill sites, which are occupied by 7 facto- ries. Here is a large thread factory, and sev. eral mills are soon to be erected. In 1686, a French colony settled this t. It consisted of Protestants, who left France on the repeal of the edict of Nantes. Gov. Dudley obtained a grant of land here 8 ms. sq., for this purpose. In the e. part of the t. on a hill, are the remains of their principal fort, which had bastions and a well; and their grapes, currants and asparagus, still grow there. In 1696 an Indian incursion broke up the settlement, and the colonists re- tired to Boston, where they had a church for some years. A few of them afterwards re- turned, the place being reoccupied in 171 3, Pop. 2,034. Oxford, p-t., Nevv Haven co.. Conn., 40 ms. s. w. Hartford, 14 n. w. New Haven, e. Plousa- tonic r., 5 ms. by 8, with 38 sq. ms. ; is uneven, with gravelly loam, calcareous w., and general, ly productive. The trees are chiefly nut. Nau. PAO 375 PAC gatuck r. and other streams water the tsp., and there are several mills and factories. Pop. 1,763. Oxford, p-t., Chenango co., N. Y., 10 ms. s. w. Norwich, 108 from Albany, 56 from Utica, has good land, crossed by Chenango r., (200 ft. wide,) and other streams, which supply mill seats. The soil is good. The remains of an old fort are seen on a high bank of Chenango r., with a ditch 3 ft. deep, enclosing about an acre. In 1788 large trees stood on the ground. Pop. 2,943. Oxford, an incorporated v., Oxford, Chenan- go CO., N. Y., 108 ms. s. s. w. Albany, 236 n. w. N. Y., 110 w. Catskill, 56 s. by w. Utica ; is pleasantly situated on the meadows of Chenan- go r., (about 1,200 yds. wide,) with handsome swells at a little distance. There is an acade- my, &c. Oxford, p-v. Blooming Grove, Orange co. N. Y., 12 ms. s. w. Hudson, w. West Point, has an academy. Oxford, p-t. Warren co. N. J., e. Delaware r., opposite Northampton co.Pa., is crossed by Pequest cr., and Beaver cr. its branch. It con- tains Belvidere v., the st. jus. of the co. and the vil. of Oxford Furnace. Pop. 3,665. Oxford, p-v. southwestern part of Chester CO. Pa., 50 ms. s. w. by w. Phil., and by p-r. 92 ms. N. E. W. C. Oxford, v. Talbot co. Md. on the estrn. or left side of Tread Haven bay. It is a port of entry and one of the most trading places on the eastern shore of Maryland. Oxford, p-v. and st. jus. Granville co. N. C, by p-r. 47 ms. n. Raleigh, lat. 38° 20', long. 1° 40° w. W. C. Oxford, p-v. and tsp. n. w. part Butler co. O., by p-r. 110 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Mi- ami university, to which the township belongs is located here ; it was chartered in 1809, and commenced operations in 1824. The institu- tion is finely situated, flourishing, and its reve- nue, which is now about ,$4,000 per annum, is rapidly increasing. It has 11 instructers ; about 140 students, and the libraries contain about 4,000 vols. Commencement is on the last Wednesday in September. Pop. vil. 737 ; of the tsp. 2,928. Oyster, r. N. H., flows into Great Bay, through Durham. Oyster Bay, p-t. Queen's co. N. Y., Long Isl., 28 ms. E. N. Y., 172 s. Albany, s. Long Isl. sound, N. Atlantic O., has a variety of soil, pretty level surface, and West, Fort and link- way necks on its s. coast, which extends only 3 ms., and has Jones's inlet opposite, which is a channel through the beaches which here line the coast At the n. w. corner of the t. is Hempstead harbor, and n. Oyster Bay harbor, a large square sheet of water communicating e. with Cold Spring harbor, which extends along the N. E. boundary. There are several vs. in different parts of this extensive t. ; Musqueto, Oyster Bay, Norwich and Wolver Hollow n., Wheatly, and Jerico, and Cold Spring in the middle. Oak and Cove necks extend along Oyster Bay harbor. On Fort Neck were two Indian forts at the first settlement of the town. The remains of one are 30 yards square. Pop. 5,348. Oyster Bay, p-v. Oyster Bay, Suffolk co. N. Y., on the s. w. corner of Oyster Bay, is re- sorted to in summer for fish, &c. Pacific Ocean. If we regard the Oregon Territory as appertaining to the U. S., the Pa- cific ocean ought to be named as one of the great boundaries, and demands a notice with the same propriety as does the Atlantic. Un. der the art. Oregon, we have already stated that the respective treaties with Spain and Russia, give the U. S. the sovereignty along the Pacific ocean from lat. 42° to 54° 40', or equal to 880 statute ms. in round numbers. A general view of this coast has already been given under the head of Oregon, and under that of the U. S. The phenomena of the prevailing winds as far as known, will be discussed. We may in this place observe, that in regard to prevailing winds, those of the two bounding oceans of the U. S. present a directly contrary excess. Along the Atlantic from 6 to 7 in 10 of the winds are from the westward, of course towards the ocean ; on the Pacific coast the prevailing winds are also from the westward ; therefore, from the ocean towards the land. This western current of the winds, which, as will be shown, is an es- tablished effect of the laws of nature, must have a most powerful effect on the navigation of the two coasts. The average time of voyages from the U. S. to and from Europe, is about as 21 is to 40, and vice versa. In a numerous se- ries of voyages from the U. S. to Europe, if it demands 21 days, it will demand 40 days to re- turn. From these ascertained comparative el- ements, it must be evident, that the departure of vessels from the Atlantic coast of the U. S. is as 40 to 21, to the facility of approach ; and it must be equally evident, that the very reverse will be the case on the Pacific coast. If in- deed we compare the relative width of the two oceans, in the direction of the winds, we might risk the theory, that the proportions will be greater on the Pacific than on the Atlantic coast. The breadth of the Atlantic ocean along N. lat. 40° between the wstrn. coast of Spain and the estrn. of the U. S., is about equal to 60° of long., whilst the Pacific ocean along the same line of lat. from the wstrn. coast of N. A. to the estrn. coast of Asia, is equal to 105 degrees ; or the breadth of the two oceans are, along the line assumed, as 3 to 5 very nearly. In bearing, however, the two oceanic coasts of N. A. are almost at right angles to each other ; the Atlantic coast bearing n. e. ands. w., whilst the Pacific coast bears s. e. and n. w. From this structure of the respective coasts, it is clear, that the prevailing winds must leave the estrn. at a very different angle to their impulse on the opposite side of the continent. In art. U. S. it will be seen, that the prevailing winds, being from the land in N. A. and from the ocean. FAI 376 PAL on Europe, is the true cause of the difference of climate between the opposing sides of tho Atlantic, and that cause once discovered and acknowledged, its application demonstrates al- BO the cause why Oregon, between lat. 42° and 54° 40', has a climate approaching in tempera- ture to that along the Atlantic coast, lat. 35° and 45°. It is remarked in the narrative of the passage of Lewis and Clark over the continent of N. A. to the Pacific, that the name was far from appropriate at the mouth of Columbia, and we may at once perceive that from the prevailing wstrn. winds, and the immense body of ocean water, that the v/strn, coast of N. A. between H. lat. 42° and 55°, must be a truly sea-beat shore. (See Art. U. S.) Packagama, or Pakagama, Falls of, in Misp. r. about 10 or 11 ms. below the junction of the outlets of Leech lake, and Little Winnipec lakes. Lat. 47° 26', long. W. C. 17° 40' w. 1'acolet, r. N. and S. C, rises from the spurs of Blue ridge and in the sthwstrn. part of Ruth- erford CO., of the former state. Flowing thence estrd. 15 ms., the stream bends to s. e. by e. over Spartanburg and Union dists., falls into Broad r. nearly opposite the s. w. angle of York dist., after a comparative course of 60 ms. This stream heads opposite the sources of French Broad cr., and its valley lies between those of Ennoree and Broad rs. Pactolus, p-v. on the South Fork of Holston r., and in the wstrn. part of Sullivan co. Tenn., about 80 ms. n. e. by e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 268 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Paddytown, p-v. Hampshire co. Va., on Po- tomac r., 20 ms. by land road above Cumber- land in Md., andbyp-r. 135 ms. n.w. byw. W. C. Paducah, p-v. estrn. part of McCracken, co. Ky., by p-r. 19 ms. estrd. Wilmington, the co. St., and 245 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Page, co. Va., bndd. s. by Rockingham, w. Shenandoah, and n. Frederick ; Blue Ridge separating it from Culpepper e., and Madison s. E. ; length 34 ms., breadth 11 ms., and area 374 ; lat. 38° 45', long. W. C. 1° 25' w. The main and eastern branch of Shenandoah river winds to the s. e., traversing this co. in its greatest length ; slope of course in the direc- tion of its principal r. The surface is general- ly hilly, and the co. being bndd. on two sides by mtns. gives it the appearance and reality of a rugged valley, though much of the r. soil is fertile and well adapted to farming. The co. of Page corresponds nearly to what is called E. Shenandoah in the census returns, and con- tained in 1830, a pop. of 8,327 ; cf. t. Luray. Page's Mill and p-o. Gibson co. Tenn., by p.r. 150 ms. w. Nashville. Pagesville, p-v. western part Newberry dist. . S. C, by p-r. 75 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia, and 30 ms. sthwstrd. Newberry, st.just. for the dist, Painsville, p-v. western part Amelia co. Va., 46 ms. s. w, by w. Richmond, and about a similar distance a little n. of w. Petersburg. Painesville, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C, by p-r. 106 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Painesville, p-v. on Grand r., northeastern part Geauga co. O., 4 ms. s. Fairport on Lake Erie, and by p-r. ICI ms. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp, 1,499. ' Paint CK., p-o. Floyd co. Ky., 10 ms. n. Pe- tersburg, the CO. St., and by p-r. 161 ms. s. e. by K. Frankfort. Painted Post, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 27 ms. s. E. Bath, 234 w. by s. Albany, w. Tioga CO., is crossed by Tioga r. from n. w. to s. k., just below the mouth of Conhocton r. and the cunal. It is 12 ms. by 20, and had its name from an oaken post, erected, and occasionally painted red by the Indians, in memory, it is believed, of a great warrior. The land good, and there is much rich alluvian. Locust tim- ber is seat to market. Pop. 974. Painted Rock, p-v. Jackson co. Ala., by p-r. 152 ms. N. E. Tuscaloosa. PAi>fTER's Cross Roads, and p-o. Del. co. Pa., by p-r. 116 ms. .\'. r. V/. C. Palatine, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y., 10 ms. w. Johnstown, 51 n. n. v/. Albany, and n. Moiiawk r., is well watered and supplied with mill sites by Garoga cr. &c., and has excellent land. It was settled by Germans, 1724. Stone Arabia is a part 4 ms. from the r., declining s., and remarkably fertile. There was a small palisaded fort here in the revolution. In 1780 it was garrisoned with 200 men, and here Col. Brown fell. The Indians used to grind their corn in a hole in a rock in the s. e. corner of the t., with a large stone. Hence Bread cr. derived its name. Palatine bridge is a v. in thist. Pop. 2,742. Palatine Hill and p-o. Monongalia co. Va., 4 ms. srhestrd. Morgantown, and by p-r. 2ll ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Palatka, v. John's co. Flor., on the left bank of St. Joim's r., about 85 miles s. w. St. Au- gustine. Palermo, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 16 ms. e. Au- gusta, 30 n. e. Wiscassot; has Kennebec co. w, and N. w., and Lincoln co. s., and contains several large ponds, which flow s. w. into Sheepacut r. Pop. 1,257. Palestine, p-v. Picken's co. Ala., by p-r. 62 ms. wstrd. Tuscaloosa. Palestine, p-v. and st. jus. Crawford co. II., situated near the right bank of Wabash river, by p-r. E. Vandalia, lat. 39° 02', long. W. C. 10° 40' w. Palisado Rocks, the precipitous w. bank of Hudson r., beginning in Bergen, N. J., and ex- tending into Rockland co. N. Y. The rock is of the trap formation, in some places lying upon red sand stone, which shows itself in horizon, tal layers at the water level. The height va- ries, but in some parts is very regular, high and smooth like a wall. The frost gradually splits off fragments, which have accumulated below, and offer an extensive quarry for an inferior kind of stone. As the shore forms many pro- jections, the peculiar form of these precipi(!es gives a very picturesque aspect to this part of the shore of the Hudson, and the steamboats generally pass near the base. Small streams of water sometimes pour down from the neigh, bouring fields, and timber is sometimes slid down to the water, where are numerous little landing places. A lew patches of sloping soil, and level arable laud, are cultivated and inhab- ited. Palmes, p.l. Hampden co. Mass., 14 ms, e. PAM 377 PAO Springfield, 82 s.,w. Boston, incorporated 1752, N. and w. Chickapee r., e. Swift r., crossed by- Ware r. Tiiese 3 streams unite on the w. line of the t., and afford many facilities for manu- facturing. The surface is irregular, and the soil good for farms. This t. was first settled from the North of Ireland. The Three Rivers cotton and woollen manufacturing company was incorporated 1826, with a capital of a million. Pop. 1,237. Palmer's Springs and p-o. wstrn. part Meck- lenburg CO. Va., 103 ms. s. w. Richmond. Palmer's Tavern, and p-o. Prince's George's CO. Md., 30 ms. from W. C. Palmerstown, mtn. N. Y., rises between lakes Champlain and George, in Washington CO., bounds lake George for some distance on the E., crosses Warren co. in the s. e. and en- ters Saratoga co. It consists of granite and gneiss, is steep, and from 200 to about 1,000 ft. high. Palmyra, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 51 ms. n. e. Augusta, 28 e. byN. Norridgewock, 215 n. e. Boston, w. Penobscot co., and adjoining New- port, is crossed n. and s. by Sebasticook r., and several of its small streams. Pop. 902. Palmyra, p-t. Wayne co. N. Y., 15 ms. n. Ganandaigua, 220 n. n. w. Albany, is crossed by Mud cr. which runs e., and furnishes some mill sites, and admits of a little boat navigation. It is 6 ms. by 12, with a good soil, and has also Red cr. Erie canal passes through the tsp., and the v. or borough of Palmyra is on Mud cr. and the canal. Pop. 3,427. Palmyra, incorporated v. Palmyra, Wayne CO. N. Y. On Mud cr. and Erie canal, 196 ms. N. N. w. Albany, 13 n. Ganandaigua, 15 w. Ly- ons, and 16 s. Pultneyville, has an academy, several churches, factories, &c., and has con- siderable trade. Palmyra, p-v., wstrn. part Lebanon co. Pa., 14 ms. N. E. by e. Harrisburg, and 10 a little s. of w. from the borough of Lebanon. Palmyra, p.v. and st. jus., Fluvanna co. Va., by p-r. 45 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond, and 136 s. w. W. C. ; lat. 37° 47', long. 1° 29' w. W. C. Palmyra, p-v. sthrn. part Halifax co. N. C., by p-r. 101 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Palmyra, p-v. on the left bank of Cumber- land r., Montgomery co. Ten., 4 or 5 ms. be- low, but on the opposite side from Clarksville, and by p-r. 48 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Palmyra, p-v. Portage co. 0., by p-r. 139 ms, N. E. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 839. Palmyra, p-v. and st.jus., Marion co. Mo., 125 ms. N. N. w. St. Louis ; lat. 39° 46', long. W. C. 14° 30' w. Pamela, p-t. Jeff'erson co. N. Y., 166 ms. n. w. Albany, n. Black r., and opposite Water- town, 4 ms. by 8, has an uneven surface, light loamy soil, yielding wheat, corn, &c. remarka- bly well. It has few springs or brooks. Wil- liamsville, or Williamstown, is on Black river. Limestone, which abounds, contains vegetable impressions. Kanady's Grotto is a remarka- ble cavern, in a rock near the shore of Black r. Pop. 2,273. Pamlico, r. N. C. This name is applied only to the bay of Tar r. below Washington, Beau- fort CO. It is a sheet of water varyiag in width from 1 to 8 ms., and about 40 ms. in length, with depth of water admitting any vessel which can be navigated over Pamlico sound. (See Tarr.) Pamlico Point, and p-o. Beaufort co. N. C, by p-r. 29 ms. s. e. by e. Washington, and 151 in a similar direction from Raleigh. The point is the cape on the s. side at the entrance of Pamlico r. The name is spelled Pantego in the p-o. list. Pamlico Sound, is an extensive shallow gulf, or more correctly, cape of North Carolina, the recipient from the w. of Tar, or Pamlico r., and on the s. w. of Neuse r. It is in form of a half moon, stretching 70 ms. from the mouth of Neuse in a n. e. direction, to the strait which unites it with Albemarle sound. The breadth varies fron-i 8 at the northeastern ex- tremity, to thirty towards Core sound, and the mouths of Neuse and Pamlico rs. This sound is separated from the Atlantic ocean by Core and Hatteras isls. These isls. are, however, mere narrow, low, but very dangerous reefs. Core isl. from Cedar to Occacoke inlet is 22 ms. long. Hatteras isl. is about 66 miles in length from Occacoke to New Inlet. The land around Pamlico sound is every where low, and in many places marshy. Pamunkey, r. Va., and the principal constitu- ent of York r., is formed by Pamunkey proper and North Anna. 1 he latter rises in Orange, the northern part of Louisa, and in Spottsylva. nia COS., and flowing thence southeastward unites with the Pamunkey between Caroline and Hanover cos. The Pamunkey rises in the south west mtn., on the border between Al- bemarle and Louisa ; drains the sthrn. and cen- tral part of Louisa, and traversing Hanover joins the North Anna. Below their junction the united waters, known by the name of Pa- munkey, preserves the original course south- eastward about 45 ms. comparative course, (but perhaps double that distance by the bends,) to its junction with Mattapony to form York river. The entire comparative length of Pamunkey, by either branch, is about 90 ms. The broadest part of the valley but little exceeds 30, and is only about 15 ms. mean width, area 1,300 sq. ms., lying between those of Jas. and Chicka- hominy on the right, and Mattapony on the left. Panther, cr. and p-o. southeastern part of Surrey co. N. C, by p-r. 130 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Panther, cr. and p-o. Daviess co. Ky., 10 ms. sthrd. Owensborough, and by p-r. 169 ms. w. of s. s. w. Frankfort. Panther's Gap, and p-o. Rockbridge co. Va., by p-r. 195 ms. s. w. W. C. Panton, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 13 ms, n, w. Middlebury, 25 s, Burlington, w. Otter cr., e. lake Champlain, opposite Elizabethtown, N„ Y. ; chartered 1764; with 10,530 acres; is very level, and crossed by a sluggish stream of Otter creek running throuorh it n. Pop, 605. Paoli, p-v, Chester co. Pa,, 25 ms. wstrd, Philadelphia, Paoli, p-v. and st, jus. Orange co, Ind., situa- ted near the centre of the to., by p-r. 94 ms. a little w. of s. Indianopolis ; lat. 38° 34', PAR 378 PAS Papachton, r. Delaware co. N. Y. The e. branch of the Delaware rises in many small streams in Stamford and Roxbury, the east towns of the co., flows s. w. through its south towns 48 ms. to the Del. in Hancock co., and receives many tributaries, of which Beaverkill, from N. Jersey, is the principal. It affords mill sites. Papertown, p-v. Cumberland co. Pa. Paperville, p-v. in the northeastern angle of Sullivan co. Ten., situated on Holstein river, by the road 118 ms. above, and n. e. by e. Knox- ville,byp-r. 274 ms. a little n. of E.Nashville. Paraclifta, p-v. Sevier co. II., by p-r. 168 ms. s. w. by w. Little Rock. Paradise, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa., by p-r. 44 ms. estrd. Harrisburg. Paradise, p-v. Cole co. II., by p-r. 70 ms. n. E. Vandalia. Paradox, lake, Scaroon, Essex co. N. Y., 5 ms. long, and empties into Scaroon r. It is sur. rounded by high hills, in a wild region, from which the water frequently descends in great quantities. Sometimes the outlet is raised by a shower above the level of the lake, and flows back into it, from which remarkable peculiarity the lake is said to have derived its name. Parciphany, p-v. Morris co. N. J., 21 ms. n. w. Newark, and 63 from Trenton, on a small branch of Passaic r. A school for the instruc- tion of Africans was formed here in 1816, un- der the Presbyterian synods of this state and N. Y., to supply the colony at Liberia and in Hay. ti, with school teachers and clergymen, but it is not continued. Parham's Store, and p-o. Sussex co. Va., by p-r. 50 ms. s. s. e. Richmond. Paris, p-t. st. jus. Oxford co. Me., 42 ms. w. Augusta, 46 n. w. Portland, and 160 n, n. e. Boston, is nearly of an oblong form, lying n. w. and s. E., and crossed by Little Androscoggin r., in the upper part of its course, which rises in the adjoining cos. It has a high mtn. s. Pop. 2,306. Paris, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 8 ms. w. Utica, 106 ms. N. N. w. Albany, is of regular form, and contains about 100 sq. ms. with a varied sur- face, and good soil, especially in the vallies, fa- vorable to grain, grass, &c., and bearing ma- ple, beech, birch, elm, &c., with some hem- lock and cedar. It is well watered, and sup- plied with mill sites and trout by Oriskany and Sadaguada crs. There is a mill seat on the lat- ter stream, to every 22 yards of its course. Hamilton college is in this t., in the village of Clinton, where is also a seminary, several board- ing schools, &c. There are 37 school dists. in the t. Iron is obtained from ore furnished by the t., and silicious and lime stones are quar- ried. The Brothertown Indians settled in this t. some years ago, on land given them by the Oneidas. They were from the remnants of the New England tribes, and some from the Dela- wares. The t. is 8 ms. s. of Erie canal, but is crossed by the route of a new canal to be con- structed. There are several villages ; Clinton, Paris Hill, Paris Furnace, Manchester v., San- quait v., and Hanover. Moses Foote commen. ced the settlement,- with 10 families, in 1787. Pop. 2,765. Paris, p-v. nrthrn. part Fauquier co. Va., 58 ms. w. W. C. Paris, p-v. and st jus. Henry co. Ten., situa- ted on a small branch of Sandy cr., by p-r 118 ms. a little n. of w. Nashville, lat.36° 19', long. ll"25'w. W.C. Paris, p-v. and st. jus. Bourbon co. Ky., situ- ated on the s. fork of Licking r., 40 ms. e. Frank- fort, and 20 ms. n. w. Lexington. Lat. 38° 12', long. 7° 13' w. W. C. Pop. 1,219. Paris, p-v. Stark co. O., by p-r. 127 ms. n. e. by E. Columbus. Paris, p-v. Jefferson co. Ind., by p-r. 76 ms. s. s. E. Indianopolis. Paris, p. v. and st. jus. Edgar co. II., by p-r. 106 nis. N. E. by e. Vandalia. n. lat. 39° 36', long. W. C. 10° 44' w. Paris, cf. t. Monroe co. Mo., situated on Crooked r., a branch of Salt r. n. lat. 39° 26', long. W. C 14° 55' w., about 140 ms. n, w. St. Louis. Parisburg, p-o. and st. jus. Giles co. Va., sit- uated on the left bank of New r., where that stream passes through Peter's mtn., and imme. diately above the gap, by p-r. 298 ms. s. w, by w. W. C, and 240 ms. a little s. of w. Rich- mond. Lat. 37° 21', long. 3° 43' w. W. C. Parish, p-t, Oswego co. N. Y. Pop. 968. Parishville, p-t. St. liawrence co. N. Y., 226 ms. N. w. Albany. Pop. 1,477. Parisville, p-v. nrthrn. part Baltimore co. Md., by p-r. 26 ms. from Baltimore. Parisville, p-v. Portage co. O., by p-r, 144 ms. N. E. Columbus. Parkersburgh, p-v. and st. jus. Wood co. Va., situated on the point above the confluence of Ohio and Little Kenhawa rs., 12 ms. below Ma- rietta, 0., and by p-r. 299 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. Lat. 39° 15', long. 4° 34' w. W. C. Parkersville, p-v. Chester co. Pa. Parkhead, P-v, Washington co. Md,, by p-r. 87 ms. N. w. W. C, Parkinson's Ferry, and p-v. on the left bank of Monongahela, directly below the mouth of Pigeon cr. Washington co. Pa., 20 ms. e. from the borough of Washington, and very nearly a similar distance s. Pittsburg. Parkman, p-t. Somerset CO. Me., 64 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 803. Parkman, p-v. sthestrn. part of Geauga co. O., by p-r. 159 ms. n, e. Columbus, Pop. tsp. 732. Parks, p-o. Edgefield dist. S. C, by p-r. Ill ms. wstrd, Columbia, Parma, p.t, Monroe co, N. Y,, 230 ms, n, by w, Albany, Pop, 2,639, Parma, p-v. Cuyahoga co, 0., by p-r, 131 ms. N, e, Columbus. Parsonsfield, p-t. York co. Me., 93 ms. s. w, Augusta, 38 n, w, Portland, and 118 n. n. e. Boston ; borders w. on Effingham, Strafford co. N. H., and n, on Oxford co. Me., Ossipee r. forming the line. Two ponds empty s. e. into little Ossipee r. Pop. 2,492. Partlow's, p-o. Spottsylvania co. Va., by p-r, 79 ms, s. s, vv, W. C, and 59 n, Richmond, Pascagoula, r. of Misp. and Ala., the much greater share of its valley being in Misp., is formed by 2 branches of the Chickasawhay and Leaf rs. The Chickasawha rises in the Choc- taw country, lat. 32^ 50', and flowing thence by PAS 379 PAT a course of very near s., receives the Leaf river about 2 miles below lat. 31°. The valley of Chickasawhay lies between those of Leaf and Ala. Leaf river rises about lat. 32° 20', and pursuing a southeastern course unites with the Chickasawhay as already noticed. The united water, thence known as the Pascagou- la, continues the course of the latter, to the Pascagoula sound, n. lat. 30° 20'. The entire comparative length of the Pascagoula by the main branch, Chickasawhay, is 170 ms. ; the mean breadth of the valley is at least 50 ms. and area 8,500 sq. ms. The Pascagoula valley lies between those of Pearl and Ala. and comprises the western part of Mobile and Washington counties, Ala., and all of Jackson, Perry, Greene, Wayne, Jones and Covington, and part of Lawrence, Sampson and Rankin cos. in the state of Misp., with a considerable space in the Choctaw country. Pascagoula, Sound, is a sheet of water spreading along the southwestern border of Al- abama, and the southeastern of Mississippi, extending in length 55 miles from the Pass of Heron w. to the Pass of Christian, with a mean width of about 8 ms. It is separated from the gulf of Mexico, by a chain of low, narrow sand islands, named, advancing from e. to w., Dau- phin's, Massacre, Petite Bois, Horn, Dog, Ship and Cat island. The depth of water in the sound is generally about from 10 to 18 ft., but no vessels drawing more than 6 ft. can be navi- gated through the Passes. The depth increas- es rapidly on the Gulf side of the isls. When the British fleet came on the coast of La., their heaviest ships of the line were anchored close on Cat isl., outside of the Pass of Mariam. This anchorage is in fact the most sheltered on the U. S. coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, where ships of war of the largest class can be safely moored. Pascagoula, p-o. southern part of Jackson CO. Misp., about 200 miles a little e. of s. e. Natchez. Pascataqua, r. N. H., empties into the ocean at Portsmouth, on the boundary between that state and Me., and is formed by several small streams, which rise in Rockingham and Straf- ford COS., and meet a few ms. from the coast. Of these Salmon Fall r., the principal, runs on the boundary of Me. The others are Coche- co, Bellamybank, Oyster, Lamprey, Squamscot and Winnicut rs. The five last fall into a kind of lake, which takes the name of Pascataqua r., and contracting in size below, at the distance of 3 miles joins the ocean, forming Portsmouth harbor, which is a very good and safe one, and has a navy yard of the U. S. with several islands. PASQ.UOTANK, r. N. C, is the drain of the southern part of Dismal Swamp, and after flow- ing s. s. E. between Camden and Pasquotank COS. opens by a comparative wide bay into Al- bemarle sound, after a course of 40 miles, in- cluding bay and r. The Pasquotank bay admits ordinary coasting vessels to its head at Eliza, beth City. Pasquotank, co. N. C, bndd. by Pasquotank r. separating it from Camden co. n. e. and e., Albemarle sound s, e., Perquimans co. s. w., Gates N. w., and Nansemond and Norfolk cos. Va. N. Length from Albemarle sound to the Va. line 40 ms., mean width about 8, and area 320 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 03' to 36° 30', and in long, from 0° 23' to 1° e. W. C. The surface is a plain, partly marshy, but with considerable tracts of good soil. The slight declivity is s. s. e. Cf. t. Elizabeth City. Pop. 1820, 8,008, 1830, 8,641. Passadunkeag, t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 269. Passaic r., N. J. a valuable stream, naviga- ble 10 ms. for sloops, rises in Morris and Som- erset COS. and forms the boundary of Essex co. almost on three entire sides, w., n., and e. It receives Pompton r. n. which is formed of Pe- quannoc and Ramapo rs. which last rises in Rockland co. N. Y. Rockaway r. falls into it on the w. and there are several smaller branch- es. The Passaic supplies water to the most important manufacturing village in the state, Patterson. It there makes a fall of 72 feet from a precipice, into a deep pool between two rocks, but the current has now been diverted into numerous channels for the supply of the various manufactories, so that the cascade, which was formerly celebrated by its pictu- resque beauty, is now to be seen only during the wet season. The Passaic is crossed by an aqueduct of Morris canal, 3 ms. above Pat- terson. Passamaquoddy, bay, partly in Penobscot co. Me. lies principally in New Brunswick. It re- ceives St. Croix r. which forms the e. bounda. ry of the U. S. for some ms., and the communi- cation with the Atlantic is nearly closed by Campbello isl. It is formed by Quoddy Head, in Lubec, Me. and the s. w. corner of New Brunswick, being about 6 ms. by 12, and con. taining Deer isl. The tide rises from 25 to 33 ft. The water is deep, well stocked with fine fish, and never frozen over. The fish are cod, herring, mackerel, &c. Passamaquoddy Indians, Me. of whom only a small tribe r miain, reside in Perry, on a re- servation of 27,000 acres, and have a Roman Catholic church. Passumpsic r., Vt. rises in a pond in Essex co. and flows s. through a part of Caledonia co, into Conn. r. at the bend in Barnet. It is rap. id till it reaches Lyndon, and then winds slow- ly through several rich tracts of meadow, with a few falls. It is deep, and has several branch- es, running a course of 34 ms. Passyunk, tsp. Phil. co. Pa. adjoining the sthrn. side of the city of Phil, and extending from the Del. to the Schuylkill r. Patapsco, r. Md. This comparatively small stream has gained great importance from hav- ing had the eastern part of Baltimore and Ohio rail road, formed along its valley. The Patapsco rises by numerous creeks from the southeastern foot of the Parr spring or Sugar Loaf ridge of mountains between Frederick and Baltimore counties, and opposite to Little Pike creek, Linganore, and Bush cr. branches of Monocacy. The main or northern branch, rises near Westminster in Baltimore co. and flowing first s. e. about 8 ms. turns to the southward 15 ms. to the forks of Patapsco, PAT 380 PAT where it receives the western branch or Parr's Spring branch. The latter rises near Ridge- vilie and almost on the Baltimore and Freder- ick road, and near where that road is crossed by the Baltimore and Ohio rail road. From thence pursuing an eastern course between Baltimore and Ann Arundel cos. 15 ms. to its junction with the northern branch. The forks of the Patapsca on the junction of the two main constituents of that r. is 16 ms. air mea- sure N. w. by w. city of Baltimore. From the forks, with many partial bends and a general southern curve, and a comparative distance of 20 ms. the Patapsco opens to a bay, receiving Gwyns Falls creek on the southwestern side and Jones' Falls cr. in the city of Baltimore. Jones' Falls cr. bay is in fact the harbor of Bal- timore, and the compactly built part of the city does not yet reach the Patapsco bay. The junction of the two latter is made below fort McHenry ; from the basin of Baltimore the Patapsco bay stretches fourteen ms. southeast, with a width from one to three miles to the Chesapeake between Bodkin and North Points. The basin of Patapsco is in length 40 ms. and mean width 15, area 600 sq. ms. between lat. 39° 08' and 39° 38'. Measuring the plains of descent from Parr's Spring ridge to tide water in Patapsco, we find it within an inconsiderable fraction of 27 ms. The ridge near Westmin- ster is 675, and near Parr's Spring 850 ft. ele- vated above tide water. The water level at the forks is 385 ft., of similar comparative height. The mean height of the ridge 780 ft. nearly, consequently the mean fall from the summit to tide water is 28 7-8 feet per mile, or yields a plain of descent or ascent of 3° and 8 minutes. This great and rapid fall renders the Patapsco and its branches highly valuable as mill streams. {See Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road.) Patoka river, Indiana, rises in Orange and Crawford cos. and entering Dubois, approaches to within 3 ms. of the e, fork of White r. at Portersville, but inflecting thence first s. e. and thence west, crosses Pike, and entering Gibson, falls into Wabash, one or two ms, below the mouth of White r. after an entire comparative course of 80 ms. in a direction from e. to w. It may be remarked, that the corresponding courses of Ohio, Patoka, and White rs. being all from east to west, demonstrate a corres- ponding uniformity of structure in the country where river channels have such striking re- semblance in their direction. The Patoka valley lies between that of Ohio and White rivers.. Patrick, co. Va. bndd. by the Blue Ridge which separates it from Grayson w., and Floyd N. w., by Franklin n. e., Henry e., Rockingham CO. N. C. s. E., Stokes co. North Carolina south, and Surry co. N. C. s. w. Length diagonally from s, w. to n. e. 42, mean width 12, and area 504 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 30' to 36° 47', and in long, from 2° 56' to 33° 40° w. W. C. The northern part of Patrick declines northeastward, and is drained by Irvine or Smith's r. The sthestrn. angle gives source to Mayo river, the central part gives source to the extreme fountains of Dan r. whilst the western angle, towards Grayson, is drained by the ex- treme northern sources of the Yadkin. The whole CO. has a general declivity to the sthest- ward. Cf. t. Taylorsville. Pop 1820, 5,089, 1830, 7,395, Patrick, c, h, (See Taylorsville, Patrick co. Va.) Patrick's, p-o. King and Queen co. Va. Patrick's Salt works and p-o. Perry county, Ky. by p-r. 125 ms. s. e. Frankfort. Patricktown, plantation, Lincoln co. Me. Pop. 382. Patriot, p-v. Switzerland co. Ind. by p-r. 121 ms. s. E. Indanopolis, Patterson, p-t, Putnam co, N. Y. 6 ms. n, e. Carmel, 22s,E. Poughkeepsie, 93 s. Albany, s. Duchess CO., w. Connecticut, is hilly e. and w. with a broad and fertile valley between, in which is a large swamp, containing an isl. of 12 acres, and extending into Pawlings. This is the source of Croton r. The village is n. Pop. 1,529. Patterson, p-t. Essex co. N. J. 61 ms. n. w. by N. Trenton, 18 n. n. w. New York, at the great falls of Passaic r. is one of the principal manufacturing villages in the U. S. In 1791 the society for establishing useful manufac- tures was incorporated, with a capital of f 1,000,000, and the right to dig canals, clear rivers, &c. within 6 ms. and authority to form a city and co. with the consent of the inhabitants ; the last has never been done. The population 30 years since was only about 300. At this time (1832,) there are about 8,000 inhabitants. There are about 800 dwellings in the place, in, eluding 57 stores ; nine churches, viz : — Pres- byterian, one ; Roman Catholic, one ; Reform- ed Dutch, three ; Episcopal, one ; Baptist, one ; Reformed Presbyterian, 1 ; Methodist, 1. A large new Catholic church, of stone, is also building. There is also a bank, with a capital of ^125,000 paid in. There are about 20 day schools, 8 for females, instructing together more than 700 children ; a free school, sup. ported by the town, in which about 80 poor children are instructed, and an infant school where 150 poor children are gratuitously in- structed. The literary societies are, the me- chanics institute, and a philosophical society, which has a respectable library. There are fifteen blacksmiths' shops, besides those imme, diately connected with the machine shops, twenty-five shoe shops, employing fifty-seven hands, ten taverns, two millwright and machine shops, including a blacksmith shop, which em. ploy twenty hands, and four other machine fac- tories, employing two hundred and eighty hands. In one of these, were manufactured last year 15,048 spindles, together with all the necessary frames and fixtures, which, at ^12 the spindle, amount to j§180,576. Connected with this is an iron and brass foundry, producing annually 1,020,000 pounds of iron and brass castings. Another manufactory for machinery is also erecting. There is one rolling and slitting mill, and nail factory, employing 23 hands, and pro- ducing annually 672,000 pounds of nails, a wool- len or satinet factory, 17 cotton factories, with 22,029 spindles. The raw cotton consumed in these factories in 1829, was 2,179,600, produ- cing 1,914,450 pounds of yarn ; the raw cotton PAT 381 PAW costing $223,501. There is now manufactur- ed annually in Patterson, upwards of 400,000 yards of cotton duck, and about 200,000 yards of other description of cotton cloth. In 1829 the cotton duck made amounted to 150,000 yards, and of other cotton cloths 1,861,450 yards. The cotton yarn not made into cloth, amounting in 1829 to 1,192,400, now to 1,500,- 000, is sent from Patterson, principally to New York and Philadelphia. There are in opera- tion in the factories 203 power looms, and 26 hand looms. In the town there are employed upwards of 500 hand looms, making at least 800 power and hand looms in operation in the place. The Phenix duck manufacturing co. employ 1,616 spindles, consume annually 600,- 000 lbs. of fla.x, manufacture 450,000 yards of duck and 143,000 yds. of bagging, and employ 395 hands. The total of cotton and flax spin- dles employed in Patterson are now rising of 40,000 ; the amount of cotton and flax consumed annually is estimated at 3,200,000 ; the total of cloth and duck of all kind made annually, in 1829 was 2,604,450 yards, now nearly 3,000,- 000. The annual amount of manufactured goods in Patterson is about 2,590,000 dollars. The Morris canal passes within sight of the town, and a rail road to Hoboken is in a course of completion. The beautiful falls of the Pas- saic r. at this place, attract many visiters. (See Passaic r.) The water power which operates all the machinery we have noticed, is procured from above the falls, by a sluice way cut through the precipice, and is conducted by canal to the several manufactories. The supply is yet m :re than abundant for the purposes to which It is applied. Patterson's Mills, and p-o. Washington co. Pa. 249 ms. n. w. W. C. Pattonsburg, p-v. on James r. Botetourt co. Va. 12 ms. n. e. by e. Fincastle, the co. st., and 40 ms. N. w. by vv. Lynchburg, by p-r. 223 ms. N. w. W. C. The water level in James r. at low flood, is 806 ft. above tide water at Rokett's, below Richmond. Pattonsvile, p-v. Granville co. N. C. by p-r. 38 ms. N. Raleigh. Patuxent Forge and p-o. Ann Arundel co. Md. 25 ms. n. e. W. C. and nearly a similar distance a little w. of s. Baltimore. Patuxent, r. Md. having its remote source on the southern side of the Sugar Loaf ridge, between Montgomery and Ann Arundel cos. The main stream from its source pursues a southeast course 40 miles separating first Mont- gomery from Ann Arundel, and thence Ann Arundel from Prince George's. Having reach- ed within 6 miles of Chesapeake bay, the Patuxent inflects to a southern course 30 ms. with Prince George's and Charles' cos. on the right, and Ann Arundel and Calvert on the left, it gradually expands to a wide estuary, and bending again to the s. E. 20 ms. between Calvert and St. Mary's it terminates in Ches- apeake bay, after an entire comparative course of 90 ms. It may be noticed as a curious fact, that the Patuxent in the 50 lower nnles of its course is in no one place 12 ms. from Chesa- peake bay, the mean width of the intervening country being about 8 ms. The entire valley of 49 the Patuxent is remarkably narrow. The di- rect distance between the opposing sources is in no part fifteen ms. asunder, and the mean width of the valley is perhaps overrated at 10 ms., area about 90O sq. ms. The higher part of this confined basin lies between those of Po. tomac and Patapsco, the lower between Poto- mac and Chesapeake bay. Paulding, co. Ga. extending over the ex- treme sources of Fhnt r. and bndd. s. by Carroll CO., and w. by the line between Ga. and Ala. The other limits, and the extent uncertain. Centre about 120 ms, in a direct course n. w. by w. Milledgeville. Paulinskill, r. N. J. rises in .Sussex and flows through Warren co. into Delaware r. at Columbiaville, in Knowlton. It has its principal source in Long pond, in Frankford. Its course is about 25 ms. Paulus Hook, a small peninsula, Bergen, Bergen co. N. J. opposite the city of New York, containing the village of Jersey city. Towards the maiji land it has a low neck, over which the road is carried on a causev/ay, being in danger from high tides. There is a steamboat ferry to the city, and several lines of stage coaches proceed hence to Philadelphia, Easton, &c. Pawcatuck r. R. I., rises in Washington co. with one of its branches heading just over the boundary of Corm. Its streams are principally supplied from ponds, which still bear the In- dian names. The latter part of its course marks the boundary between the two states, near the sea. Pawlet, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 21 ms. s. w. Rutland, 33 n. Bennington, 23,040 acres, char- tered 1761, first settled 1762, is crossed by Pawlet r. southwesterly, and has L'ldian river in the s. w. which has its source in an abundant spring, and abounds in trout ; a mountainous range divides it n. and s., in the middle of which is Haystack mtn. The soil is warm, dry, bearing grain and grass, maple, beech, birch, elm, &c. Indian river was once a favorite fishing place of the Indians. There is an academy in the town. Pop. 1,965. Pawlet r., rises in Vt. near the line of Ben- nington and Rutland cos., flows n. w. in Wash- ington CO. N. Y., passes through Granville, and falls into Wood creek in Whuehall. It is a valuable mill stream, well supplied with water, and stocked with trout, and above 20 miles in length. Pawling, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. 22 ms. s. e. Poughkeepsie, iOSms.s. Albany, w. Connect!, cut, N. Putnam co. 8 ms. by about 9. The hilla of Dover and Patterson extend through its e. and w. parts, and between them lies a continua- tion of the same valley, with apart of the large swamp which was mentioned in Patterson. The waters flow partly s. forming the source of Cro. ton r. and partly n. into Ten Mile r. m Dover, a branch of Housatonic r. of Conn. ; Quaker hill, and West mountain, are considerable eminen- ces. Iron ore is found here, mica, &c. Pop. 1,705. Pawtucket, r. R. I. the principal branch of Seaconk r., rises in Worcester co. Mass. and bears the name of Blackstone r. m that state. PEA 382 FED It enters R. I. near the n. e. corner, divides Cumberland and Smithfield in Providence co., and supplies water power to many of the prin- cipal manufactories in the state, particularly in the village of Pawtucket. The Blackstone ca- nal extends up its valley for most of its length, to Worcester, Mass. and affords great advanta- ges to numerous manufactories in that state as well as in R, I. Pawtucket, t. Bristol co. Mass. The vil. is divided from another of the same name in R. I. (See next ait.) by Pawtucket river, and a bridge unites the two. On the Mass. side are two or three cotton manufactories, and the vil, is very pleasant. Pop. 1,458. Pawtucket, p-v. 4 ms. n. Providence, at the falls of Pawtucket r., 4 ms. N. e. Providence, is a large manufacturing village. There are three falls. At the central falls are 3 large cotton factories^ with 6,600 spindles, 162 looms, and using 900 bales of cotton annually ; there is also a thread factory. At the Upper or Valley falls 4 factories, with about 17,500 spindles, and 140 looms ; and at the Lower falls where the greater part of the inhabitants live, are 11 factories, with 18,687 spindles and 430 looms. The pop. in 1831 was supposed to be about 4,000. The Blackstone canal passes near the village. Pawtucket falls, in Merrimack r. Mass., between Lowell 'and Dracut. Within the dis- tance of about 300 yards the descent is 30 feet. The water first falls perpendicularly over a ledge of rocks, and then pours foaming down a rough channel. A bridge crosses just at the fall. A canal, 90 feet broad, is dug on the s. side, and draws off a large volume of water to the great manufactories of Lowell, which is situated at the confluence of Concord and Mer- rimack rivers, about 1 mile below. The coun- try in this vicinity was the seat of the Paw- tuckets, in the early history of New England a powerful tribe of Indians, who were govern- ed by Womialonset, an old and friendly sa- chem. After residing here till 1686, they sold their remaining land and retired into the inte- rior. Paxton, p.t. Worcester co. Mass. 55 ms. w. Boston, 9 N. w. Worcester ; is water-ed by Nashua r. flowing into the Merrimack, and Chickapee r. flowing into the Connecticut, has good land, with a varied surface, also several fish ponds. Pop. 597. Peacham, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt. 20 m. n. e. Montpelier, l8 n. w. Newbury; was chartered 1763, but was much impeded in its growth by the revolutionary war. A grammar school was established in 1795. Pop. 1,351. Peach Bottom, p-v. lower part of the south- eastern angle of York co. Pa. by p-r. 36 ms. s. E. by E. from the borough of York, and 80 n. n. E. W. C. Peaks of Otter, (See Otter, Ps'ks of.) Pearl, r. Misp. and La. having its remote sources in the Choctaw country and in the for- mer state, about lat. 33^ interlocking sources with those of Big Black, Pearl and those of Oaknoxabee branch of Tombigbee. Flowing thence by compar'ative courses 80 ma., curves gradually to s. s. e. 160 ms. to its mouth into the Rigolets, after an entire comparative course of 24 ms. The valley of the Pearl is narrow, and in all its length the only confluent above the length and volume of an ordinary cr., is the Bouge Chitto. (See Bouge Chitto.) The basin of the Pearl on the strict principles of geo- graphical classification contains the valleys of the Tchefoute, Tanchepaha, Tickfah and Amite, as the Rigolets are the common estuary of all those streams, and the Pearl, being low- est in order of discharge and in length of course very greatly the superior volume, is entitled to give name to the basin. The actual valley of the Pearl, including only with the main stream that of Bogue Chitto, is about 240 miles in length, with a mean width of 30 ms, or 7,200 sq, ms. The Pearl drains a small section in the Choctaw territory, and part of the cos. of Madison, Hinds, Rankin, Copiah, Simpson, Lawrence, Pike, Marion and Hancock in the state of Misp., and in La. part of the parishes of "Washington and St. Tammany. As a navi- gable stream the facilities afforded by the Pearl, bear a very small proportion to the compara- tive length of its course. The estuary is also impeded by rafts of timber, shallows, and sand bars, Pearlington, p-v. and st. of jus, Hancock CO. Misp. situated on the left or estrn. bank of Pearl r. about 150 ms. s. e. Natchez, and 50' ms. N. E. New Orleans, lat. 30° 30', long. W. C. 12° 38' w. Pearman's, ferry and p-o. Dale co. Ala., by p-r. 220 ms. s. e. Tuscaloosa. Pecan, grove and p-o. Washitau parish. La. by P-r. 346 ms. n. w. New Orleans, Peconery, p-o. Conway co. Ark. 33 miles nthwstrd. Little Rock. Pedee, r. N. and S. C, having its extreme nthrn. source, however, in the wstrn. part of Patrick co. Va. This river has received the name of Yadkin in N. C, and it is only after entering S, C, that it is known as Pedee, The Yadkin rises from the sthestrn. valleys of the Blue Ridge, opposite the sources of French Broad, Nolachucky and Great Kenhawa, and on the Atlantic slope, having interlocking sources with those of Dan r. n., and Great Catawba s. Flowing thence northeastward over Wilkes and Surry cob, N. C. and receiving its extreme nthrn. water from Va., it bends to a course a little e. of s., after having flown about 80 miles nearly parallel to the Blue Ridge. The last noted inflection is made on the border between Surry and Stokes cos., at lat. 36° 17', long. 3° 30' w. W. C. From this point the Yadkin gains only 30' of long, in the residue of its course to lat. 34° 48', where it enters S. C. and loses its name in that of Pedee. In the latter com- parative course of about 110 ms. no tributary above the size of a large cr. enters from the left; bat from the right, Little Yadkin from Iredell and Rowan cos., and Rocky r. from Ca- barras, Mecklenburg, Anson and the western part of Montgomery, are considerable streams, which will be described under their proper heads. The valley of the Yadkin is about 135 ms. in length, with a mean width of 55 or a small fraction above 7,400 sq. ms., draining m Va. a small part of Patrick co., and in N. C. PEL 383 PEN all Wilkes, Surry, Rowan, Davidson, Montgom- ery and Cabarras ; with great part of Stokes, Iredell, Randolph, Richmond and Anson cos. If we rergard the Yadkin as one of the constitu- ent streams of the Great Pedee, the latter is formed by the Yadkin, Lynches, Waccamaw, and Little Pedee rs. See the secondary streams under their respective heads. The main stream enters S. C, between Marlborough and Ches- terfield dists., and continuing the general course of Yadkin, over Marion, and thence between Horry and Georgetown dists. opens into Win- yaw bay after a comparative s. s. e. course in S. C. of 110 ms. This lower part of the basin is very nearly a square of 100 ms. each side, equal to 10,000 sq. ms., making the whole ba- sin, including the Yadkin valley, equal to ] 7,400 sq. ms. If the basin is extended from Winyaw Point at Georgetown entrance to the source of Toms cr. in Pattrick co. it stretches from lat. 33° 11', to 36° 35', and from the estrn. bend of Waccamaw to the extreme western fountains of Yadkin, from 1° 40' to 4° 30' of long. w. W. C. Without estimating the mtn. ridges, the relative oceanic level of the arable soil along the sthestrn. slope of Blue Ridge in Wilkes, Surry, and Patrick cos. is at least 1,500 feet or an equivalent to 3^° of Fahrenheit, which added to 3° 24', the difference of lat. yields almost 7° diflierence in temperature be- tween the higher and lower part of the Pedee basin. This basin lies between those of Santee and Cape Fear rs., and if duly improved would be of immense importance as a navigable and commercial channel. Pedlar's hill, and p-o. western part of Chat- ham CO. N. C. 10 miles westward Pittsboro', and 43 miles in a similar direction from Ra- leigh. Pedlar's mills, and p-o. sthwstm. part of Amherst co. Va. by p-r. 198 ms. s. w. W. C. and 135 wstrd. Richmond. Peebles, tavern and p-o. Northampton co. N. C. by p-r. 208 ms. a very little w. of s. W. C, and 94 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Peekskill, incorporated v. Cortland, West Chester co. N. Y. on the east side of Hudson river, near the mouth of Peekskill cr. at the s. entrance of the Highlands, 40 ms. n. N. Y. ; has considerable trade, and daily communica- tion with that city, in the warm season, by a steamboat. Peektano, branch of Rock r. {See Rock River.) Peeling, p-t. Grafton co. N. H. 20 ms. n. Plymouth, 60 n. by w. Concord, with 33,359 acres, is crossed by Pemigewasset r., its three branches uniting here, and has mill seats on several other streams, particularly the sources of Wild Amonoosuc, Baker's rs. &c. It has two ponds and several mtns. of which Cush- man's and Blue mtns. are the chief. Settled 1773. Pop. 292. Pelham, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 37 ms. s. by e. Concord, 45 s. w. Portsmouth, 32 n. w. Boston, with 16,338 acres, contains Gumpas and Isl. ponds, and part of North pond, and is crossed by Beaver r. on which and its branches are fine meadows, bordered by pine lands, good for grain. There is good grazing, orchard and wood land e. and w. Wood, chiefly oak, has been taken down the river. There are several factories, &c. First settled 1722. Population 1,070. Pelham, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass., 85 ms. w. Boston, 10 N. e. Northampton, and 5 ms. e. Am- herst ; is elevated and has a hilly surface, with good grazing land, and is watered in the e. by Swift r., and w. by Fort r Pop. 904. Pelham, t. Westchester co. N. Y., 18 ms. n. E. N. Y., 9 s. White Plains, n. Long Isl. sound, N. of East r. and e. of Chester cr., is small and terminates in an angle n. The surface is near- ly level, with a stony but good soil. Pell's or Rodman's Point is south. It comprehends City, Hart's and High isl. in the sound. Pop. 334. Pembina, r. and vil. This vil. or settlement is laid down by Tanner, on the right bank of Red r., branch of Assiniboin, opposite to the en- trance of a small stream, from which the name has been derived, or to which it has been given. On the map the v. is placed immediately below N. lat. 39°, of course on the territory of the U. S.; long.W. C. 20'w. Pembroke, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 60 ms. N. w. Boston, 6 e. Concord, e. Merrimack r., s. e. Soucook r., n. w. Suncook r., with 10,240 acres, has several factories and mills, and a con. siderable village, with a fine street of 3 ms. par- allel to Merrimack r. The roads generally run at right angles. The land near the v. slopes pleasantly to the narrow meadows on the rs., and it contains a town house, and an academy founded by Mr. Blanchard. The Indian name was Suncook, and it was granted, 1727, to the survivors of Capt. Lovewell's company, and the heirs of those deceased, for services against the savages. It was first settled 1728, and much interrupted by their attack. The set- tlers were of English and Scotch descent. Pop. 1,312. Pembroke, p.t. Plymouth co. Mass., 23 ms. s. E. Boston. It originally belonged to Duxbury, and had the only saw mill in the Old colony for 40 years. North r. runs between this t. and Hanover, and 2 branches flow from ponds. There are some manufactories. Pop. 1,325. Pembroke, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y., lOms. w. Batavia, 257 w. Albany, e. Erie co., 8 ms. by 14i ; is watered by Murder and Tonawanta crs. with streams of Oak Orchard cr. It con- tains the Tonawanta Indian v. on Tonawanta cr. The land bears maple, elm, beech, hem- lock, &c., and is pretty good. Pop. 3,828. Pembroke, p-v. sthrn. part Todd co. Ky., by p-r. 196 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Pembroke Springs, and p.o. Frederick co. \fe., 18 ms. wstrd. Winchester, the co. St., and by p-r. 89 ms. wstrd. W. C. Pemigewasset, r. N. H., chiefly in Grafton CO., is the w. branch of the Merrimack. Its n. branch rises in Franconia, a few ms. s. w. of the White mtns., and meets two others in Peel- ing. Pendleton, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y., 284 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 572. Pendleton, co. Va., bounded by a ridge called there locally " The Great North Moun- tain," separating it from Rockingham e., Au, PEN 384 PEN gusta s. E., and Bath s. w., by the main spine of tiie Alleghany separating it from Randolph w., and by Hardy n. k. Length 40 ms., mean width 25, and area 1,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 15' to 38° 53', and in long, from 2° to 2° 42' w. V/. C. Pendleton occupies the most elevated part of the tableland between its two bounding ridges of mountains, discharging to the s. w. the extreme sources of .Tames r., and in an opposite direction the higher sources of South Branch of Potomac. More than four- fifths of the surface is, however, in the valley of the latter. Comparing the general elevation of Pendleton, with the determined height in James r. in Alleghany co., with the whole slope of Bath CO. intervening, the level of the arable land from whence flow the sources of James and Potomac rs., must exceed 2,000 ft. Cov- ington in Alleghany, at the junction of Port's or. with Jackson's r., is 1,222 ft. above the mean tide in Chesapeake bay, and at this point the v/ater of Jackson's r. has fallen down a plain of upwards of 50 ms. descent. The surface is generally mountainous, rocky and sterile. Of. t. Franklin. Population 1820, 4,836, 1830, 6,271. Pendleton, formerly the northwestern dis- trict of S. C, has been sub-divided and the name discontinued. The territory formerly comprised in Pendleton, contains the present existing districts of Anderson and Pickens, which see. Pendleton, p-v. northwestern part of Ander- son dist. S. C, situated on a branch of Savan- nah r., by p-r. 143 ms. northwestward Colum- bia. Lat. 34° 38', long. 5° 42' w. W. C. Pendleton, co Ky., bndd. by Bracken e., Harrison s. e. and s.. Grant w., Campbell n., and Ohio river separating it from Clermont co. in the state of 0. n. e. Length 32 ms. by a diagonal from s. w. to n. e., mean width 14, and area 448 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 30' to 38° 52', and in long, from 7° 10' to 7° 35' w. W. C. Licking r. traverses this co. in a northwestern direction, and very nearly parallel to that of the Ohio r., where it joins the boundary between this and Clermont co. The declivity is of course in the same direction with the rs. Cf. t. Falmouth. Pop. 1820, 3,- 086, 1830, 3,863. Pendleton, p-v. wstrn. part Madison co. Ind., by p-r. 40 ms. n. e. Indianopolis. Penfield, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y., 10 ms. e. Rochester, 2U w. by n. Albany, s. lake Onta- rio, w. Ontario in Ontario co. ; 67 sq. ms. It has Teoronto bay n. w., into which flows a mill stream, and several other streams run n. into the lake. The surface has an inclination north- ward, and the soil is poor. The village is s. w. The bay, which is often written Gerunde- gut, and Irondequot, is 1 m. by 5, and opens by a narrow strait into lake Ontario. Population 4,474. Penfield, p-o. Lorain co. 0., by p-r. 116 ms. N. N. E. Columbus. i Penn Branch, p-o. Orangeburg dist. S. C, by p-r. 65 ms. sthwrd. Columbia. Penn Line, p-v. wstrn. part of Crawford co. Pa., 21 ms. northwestward Meadville, and about 100 ms. N. n w. Pittsburg. Pennsboro', p-v. Wood co. Va., by p-r. 268 ms. w. W. C. Penn's Neck, Upper, t. Salem co. N. J., 50 ms. s. w. Trenton, and 25 s. w. Philadelphia. It has Old Man's cr. n. which separates it from Gloucester co., and Delaware r. w., opposite the mouth of the Brandywine, and Wilmington, Del. It has settlements at Pcdrickstown and ScuUtown, and the Cove. Pop. 1,038. Penn's Neck, Lower, t. Salem co. N. J., 58 ms. s. w. Trenton, 30 s. w. Philadelphia, Del. river w., and Salein r. e., which flows into it on the s. line, where there are tracts of marshy land. It lies opposite New Castle and Dela- ware city, Del., and near the middle of the r. is the small isl. on which was fort Delaware, beloniiing to the U. S., v.'hich was accidentally burnt in the winter of 1831 and 1832. Pop. 994. Penn's Stoee, and p-o. eastern part of Pat- rick CO. Va., 17 ms. northeastward Taylors- ville. the co. seat, and by p-r. 316 ms. s. w. W. C. Pennsville, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., 18 ms. n. w. Trenton, N. J., and 26 a little e. of n. Phil- adelphia. Pennsville, p-v. Morgan co. O., by p-r. 76 ms. s. e. by e. Columbus. Pennsylvania, one of the U. S. ; it is bndd. N. by lake Erie and N. Y., n. e. by N. Y., e. by N. J. and Del., s. by Md. and Va., s. w. by Va., and w. by Ohio. The name of this state is derived from the surname of William Penn, and sylva, woods ; and means, literally, Penn's woods. Though at the epoch when the name was imposed, the real feaures of the coimtry it was in future to designate, were in great part unknown; to those who were its authors, no term could be more appropriate. Few, if any, regions of equal extent, and in one continuous body, ever bore, in a state of nature, a more dense forest. Pennsylvania was an expanse of woods, in the strictest acceptation of the word. As now limited, Pennsylvania extends from lat. 39° 43' to 42° 10', and'from 2° 20' e. to 3° 36' w. W. C. It is bounded in common with Del- aware, from the Del. r. by a circular line, around New Castle co., to the n. e. limits of Cecil CO. Md., 24 ms. ; due north to the n. e. angle of Md., 2 ms.; along the northern limit ofMd., 203 ms. ; in common with Va., from the N. w. angle of Md. to the s. w angle of Greene CO., 59 ms.; due north, in common with Ohio and Brooke cos. of Va. to the Ohio river, 64 ms.; continuing the last noted limit, in common with O. to lake Erie, 91 ms. ; along the s. e. shore of lake Erie to the western limit of New York, 39 ms. ; due south along Chatauque co. of New York to lat. 42°, 19 ms. ; thence due east in common with New York, to the right bank of Del. r., 230 ms. ; dovrn the Del. to the N. e. angle of the state of Delaware, 230 ms.; having an entire outline of 961 ms. Its greatest length is due w. from Bristol on Del r., to the estrn. border of Ohio co. Va., through 356 minutes of longitude, along lat. 40° 09'. This distance, on that line of latitude, is equal to 315 American statute ms. The greatest breadth 176 ms., from the Virginia line to the extreme nrthrn. angle on lake Erie ; PEN 385 PEN and general breadth 188 ms. The area of the state has been variously stated, but probably never very accurately determined. In both Morse's and Worcester's Gazetteers, the super- fii^es is given at 46,000 sq. ms. Other authori. ties vary, but comparing the best maps, and from calculating the rhombs, and parts occupi- ed by the state, Pemisylvania includes above 47,000 sq. ms. Rejecting the fractional ex- cess, and using that curve superfices, the state will contain thirty millions and eighty thousand statute acres. Its mountains obtrude them- selves at the first glance on a map, as the most prominent of its natural features. No even tol- erably good survey having ever been made of the mountains of this region, and many impor- tant chains having been entirely omitted, a lu- cid classification is attended with great difficul- ty. Some of the collateral chains hitherto over- looked, have been supplied from personal ob- servation ; but no doubt much remains to be added or rectified, by future research. The structure and position of its mtns. has given to Pennsylvania an aspect peculiar to itself. The Appalachian system in the U. S., generally ex- tends in a direction, deviating not very essen- tially from s. w. to n. e. ; but in Pennsylvania, the whole system is inflected from that course, and passes the state in a serpentine direction, l^owards the s. boundary, the mtns. lie about n. N. E., gradually inclining more eastwardly as they penetrate northwards ; and in the central COS. many of the chains lie nearly e. and w. ; but as they extend towards the nthrn. border of the state, they again imperceptibly incline to the r^. E,, and enter N. Y. and N. J. in nearly that di- rection. The influence of the mtns. in modify- ing the general features, is very obvious, far beyond where any chains or ridges are suffi- ciently elevated to be classed as parts of the Appalachian system. It will be, however, shown in the progress of this review, that the mtn. system is very much too greatly restrict, ed, not alone in Pennsylvania, but also in Md., Va., N. Y., and N. J. Without attending to mi- nor claims, the mtns. of Pa., advancing from the s. E. to N. w., are as follows : — though omit- ted in most maps, a chain enters the s. boundary of York CO. and cut by the Susquehannah r., rises in and traverses Lancaster co. between Pequea and Octorara crs. ; and between the sources of the Conestoga and Brandywine, sep- arates for a short distance, Lancaster and Ches- ter cos. Continuing betweenBerks and Chester, it is interrupted by the Schuylkill above Potts- town. Rising again, and stretching n. e., it forms the boundary between Montgomery and Berks ; thence that between Lehigh and Bucks, and separating Northampton from Bucks, reaches the Del, Pursuing a n. e. course through N. J., separating Sussex from Huntingdon, Morris, and Bergen cos. it enters N. Y. between the sources of the Wallkill and Passaic rs., and extending in broken ridges, through the s. e. part of Orange co. forms the Highlands near West Point. After having formed the celebra- ted masses on both sides of the Hudson be- tween Newburg and West Point, the ridge con- tinues N. E. separating Putnam from Duchess CO. Inflecting to the n. and forming the sepa- rating ridge between the waters of the Hudson and Housatonic rivers, it stretches through the eastern part of Duchess, Columbia, and Rens- selaer cos. Along the two latter, however, the ridge forms, in reality, the separating bounda- ry between N. Y. and Mass. and entering the s. w. angle of Vt. continues through that state, by the name of Green mtns., into Lower Canada. Thus prominent and continuous, from the Sus- quehannah to the N. E., this part of the Appa- lachian system is equally so through Md., Va. and N. C. Passing over Harford, Baltimore, Ann Arundel, and Montgomery cos. in Md., it forms falls in the Potomac, twelve ms. above Georgetown, and extends into Va. in Fairfax co. Varying in distance from 20 to 30 ms. the Great Kittatinny or Blue Ridge, and the ridge we have been tracing, traverses Va. into N. C. Leaving Va. in Henry co. and entering N. C. in Stokes CO., there is no doubt but that it is dis- tinctly continued over the Carolinas and Geo. into Ala. Though the structure of the Atlan- tic slope, decidedly evinces a conformity to the Appalachian system, far below the S. E. moun. tain, it is the terminating continuous ridge to- wards the Atlantic. n. w. from, and nearly parallel to, the South mtn., another very re- markable ridge traverses N. J. and Pa. and similar to the former, the latter is unknown in either of these states, by any general name. Its continuation in N. Y. is designated by the Shawangunk. Between the Susquehannah and Potomac, it is termed relatively, tlie South mtn., and in Va. and the Carolinas, it forms the Blue Ridge, and entering the n. w. part of Geo. is gradually lost amongst the source of Chatta- hooche river. To preserve perspicuity, we have adopted, or rather extended the name. Blue Ridge into Pa. and N. J. Tiiis very re- markable chain of the Appalachian system en- ters Pa. on its southern line, and stretching n. between Adams and Franklin cos. reaches the sthrn. angle of Cumberland, where it turns to the N. E., and extending towards the Susque- hannah, separates Cumberland from Adams and York cos. About six ms. below Harrisburg, the Blue Ridge is pierced or broken by the Sus- quehannah, and again rising below the mouth of Swatara, crosses the southern angle of Dau- phin ; thence known as the Conewago hills, it separates Lebanon from Lancaster co. enters Berks, and reaches the Schuylkill at Reading. Continuing through Berks, Lehigh, and North- ampton COS., the Blue Ridge passes Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton, and is again interrupt- ed by the Del. below the latter town. Extend- ing through Sussex co., the Blue Ridge enters N. Y., and is finally terminated in the Shawan. gunk, on the west side of Hudson river and amongst the branches of the Wallkill. In one respect the Southeast mtn. and Blue Ridge, in Pa. and N. J., differ from other sections of the Appalachian system. The two chains we have noticed, are formed of links more detached, than are those more remote from the Atlantic ; but, otbd*fwise, in respect to component matter, range, and vegetation, are in every place well marked sections of the general system. The very unequal elevation of their various parts, may, perhaps, be also adduced, as a character- PEN 386 PEN istic of the Southeast mountain and Blue Ridge. The former does not, it is probable, in an)' part of Pa. or N. J. rise to 1,000 ft. above the level of the Atlantic, whilst in N. Y. at the High- lands, some of the peaks, particularly Butter, hill, exceed 1,500 ft. elevation above tide wa. ter ; and in Mass. and Vermont tower to near 3,000 ft. If taken generally, the Blue Ridge in Pa. and N. J. is more elevated than the South- east mtn., yet no particular part of the former rises to an equal elevation with the Highlands, on either bank of the Hudson. In Md. the Blue Ridge assumes a very distinctive aspect, and separating Frederick and Washington cos., is broken by the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, below the mouth of the Shenandoah. This fine chain crosses, and adorns Va. and N. and S. Carolina. In one remarkable circumstance, the Blue Ridge stands alone amongst the mountain chains of the U. S. From the Sus- quehannah to n. w. angle of S. C, in a distance of upwards of 500 ms. it every where forms a county demarcation. The third, and in some respects the most remarkable chain of Pa. is the Kittatinny. Known by divers local names, the Kittatinny, in a survey advancing from s. w. to N. E. first rises distinctively in Franklin CO., and like other chains in the sthrn. margin of Pa. ranges a little e. of n. ; but inflecting more to the n. e., extends to the Susquehannah, separating Cumberland and Perry cos. Five miles above Harrisburg, the Kittatinny is inter- rupted by the Susquehannah. Broken also by the Swatara, the Schuylkill, the Lehigh, and Delaware, the Kittatinny enters N. J. through which it passes into N. Y. and forms, by its continuation, the Catsbergs. The general as- pect of the Kittatinny is much more continuous than any other mountain chain of Pa. It is, however, very far from being uniform in eleva. tion, varying from 800, to perhaps 1,500 feet abcve tide water. Northwest from the Kitta- tinny, though more elevated, the chains are much less distinctly defined. Between the Kit- tatinny mountain, and the north branch of Sus- quehannah r. the intermediate country is in a great part composed of high rugged mtns., and narrow, deep and precipitous valleys. This is the most sterile and least improvable part of Pa., but it is the region producing the most ex- tensive masses of anthracite coal, known on the globe. The confusion in the natural ar- rangement of the anthracite section of Pa. is more apparent than real. The Kittatinny mtn. and Susquehannah r. lie nearly parallel, up- wards of seventy ms. ; distant from each other about 35 ms. The intervening space is filled by lateral chains, rising in many places far above any part of the Kittatinny. Amongst these chains, two are worthy of particular no- tice, and serve, pre-eminently, to elucidate the very peculiar topography of interior Pa. Bed- ford and Franklin cos. are separated by a chain, there known as Cove mtn. With a change of name, to Tuscarora mountain, the latter chain separates Franklin from Huntingdon, Perry from Mifflin, and reaches the Susqueharmah nearly opposite the southern extremity of Northum- berland Co. Rising again below the Mahan- tango r. and broken into vast links, the chain divides into nearly equal parts, the space be. tween the Kittatinny mountains and the main branch of Susquehannah r. Broad mtn., passed on the road from Easton and Bethlehem to Ber- wick, is one of the great links of this central chain. More accurate surveys would, it is more than probable, identify Sideling hill, of Bedford co., Jack's mtn., of Huntingdon and Mifflin, and the central chains of Union, Co- lumbia, and Luzerne cos. The chain which ri- ses on both banks of the Susquehannah, in Lu- zerne, is amongst the most interesting features, not only in the U. S. but the world. Below Sunbury, a chain commences, or if the writer's supposition is correct, is continued up the Sus- quehannah, along its left shore ; this chain is crossed by the r. above Danville, and again above Catawissa. From the latter place, it stretches to the n. e. through Columbia, enters Luzerne by the name of Nescopeck, and min- gles ultimately with other chains, and is termi- nated towards the southern angle of Wayne CO. Nearly parallel to the Nescopeck, and with a comparatively narrow intervening valley, another chain leaves the Susquehannah, above the borough of Northumberland, and traversing Northumberland and Columbia cos. enters Lu- zerne, and is broken by the Susquehannah six- teen ms. below Wilkesbarre. Skirting the left bank about eight ms. it is again crossed by the river, and continuing its course n. e. passes about two and a half miles from and opposite Wilkesbarre. Preserving its course n. e. it is for the third and last time, crossed by the Sus- quehannah, above the mouth of Lackawannock cr. ten miles above Wilkesbarre, and stretching towards the Del. is lost in Wayne co. Beyond the main branch of the Susquehannah, to the N. E., the chains lie nearly parallel to those s. e. from that r. The structure of the country, on both sides of the Susquehannah, is nearly the same. The yet discovered mines of anthracite coal, advancing from s. e. to n. w., cease, in the chain immediately opposite Wilkesbarre. To the eye, the region included between the west branch of Susquehannah and the Potomac, bears a strong analogy to that between the west and N. branches of Susquehannah ; but a minute scrutiny exposes a great change, advancing s. w. towards the borders of Maryland. Soil and vegetation both diifer materially. The beech, hemlock, and sugar-maple forests, are succeed- ed in the valleys, by oak, hickory, and elm. Thus far the entire drain of Pa. is into the At- lantic. The chain called the Alleghany, forms, in the southern parts of Pa., the dividing ridge between the Atlantic slope and the valley of Ohio. Alleghany has, no doubt, from this cir- cumstance, received its pre-eminence amongst the mtn. chains of Pa., Md. and Va. Only about sixty ms. of its range in the former state, however, separates the sources of the streams of the two great natural sections, the Atlantic slope and Ohio valley. The Alleghany chain, leaving Alleghany co. in Md., separates Bed. ford and Somerset cos., and extending in a northerly direction, also separates the n. w. part of Bedford from the s. e. part of Cambria CO. At the extreme northern angle of Bedford, the Alleghany turns to the n. e., and is thence PEN 387 PEN drained on both sides by tlie tributary streams of the Susquehannah. Discliarging the waters of the west branch to the n. w. and those of the Juniata and Bald Eagle rivers to the s. e., the Alleghany reaches the west branch of Susque- hannah at the mouth of Bald Eagle river. Here, once more, the defect of our maps is strikingly apparent. Lycoming co. is delinea- ted as if no mtn. chains traversed its surface. This is not the fact, though too little is known of that part of Pa. to admit a classification. To hazard a conjecture, the chain which cross, esthe Susquehannah in Bradford co., runs near to, and below Towanda, the continuation of the Alleghany. It may be remarked, that it is only in a few places e. of, and those immediately in its spurs, that bituminous coal has been hitherto discovered in Pa. on the Atlantic slope, whilst it abounds n. w. from the Alleghany chain. This locality of bituminous coal prevails across the whole state, and is found from near Towan- da, in Pa., into Md. How far, and to what ex- tent the bituminous coal formation spreads into Va., we are unable to determine. The Alle- ghany chain may, in the existing state of our mineralogical knowledge, be viewed as the lim- it between the two species of coal in Pa. Whatever may be the elevation of its summit, the base ot the Alleghany chain, between Bed- ford and Somerset, and Cambria cos. constitutes the height of land between the O. r. and Atlan- tic tides, and forms also a similar demarca- tion in Maryland. This circumstance is enti- tled to our serious notice, from this region be- ing the intended route of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. The summit level, or Cumberland road, as given by Mr. Schriver, is 2,825 ft. As a mtn. chain, the Alleghany yields in grandeur of scenery, and in elevation above its base, to not only the Broad mtn., but to many other chains of the Appalachian system. Chesnut ridge is the next chain w. of the Alleghany, the two chains extending nearly parallel, and about 20 ms. asunder. Though comparatively hum- ble in respect to elevation, Chesnut ridge is one of the most extended chains of the system to which it appertains, reaching by various local names over Va., into Ten., and most probably into Ala. As placed on our maps, Chesnut ridge enters Pa. at the n. w. angle of Md., and ranging a little e. of n., forms the boundary be- tween Union and Somerset, thence between Westmoreland and Somerset, and finally be- tween the N. E. angle of Westmoreland and the s. w. of Cambria co. At the extreme n. e. an- gle of Westmoreland, the Chesnut ridge reach- es the Kiskiminitas r., and as delineated, its termination. So far from being so in nature, .this chain preserves its identity through the state, farther n. than any other chain of the Ap- palachian system. Laurel hill is the last chain of the system in Pa. What has been already observed respecting the comparatively depres- sed chains nearest the Atlantic, may be repeat- ed respecting the Chesnut ridge, and the Lau- rel hill ; that, though not very elevated, they nevertheless exist as well defined mtn. chains. The latter is a very extended branch of the sys- tem, reaching from the nrthrn. part of Pa. into Ala. This chain traverses Va, by various names ; separates Va. from Ky. as Cumberland mtn. ; traverses Ten., and penetrates Ala. under the latter term, and interrupted by Ten. river, it forms the Muscle Shoals, and is impercepti- bly merged into the central hills of Alabama. Like many others, this very lengthened chain is delineated defectively in every map of Penn- sylvania. Similar to Chesnut ridge, Lau. rel hill is terminated on our maps, near the Kiskiminitas, though in reality extending to near the south boundary of N. Y. In addition to the great chains we have been surveyino-, many of minor importance might be noted ; but we have deemed a view of the most stri. king parts sufficient. If grouped into one view, the mtns. of Pa. exhibit many very inter- esting points of observation. The Appalachian system is here upwards of 150 ms. wide. The particular chains do not average more than 3 ms. if so much, in breadth. Before proceed- ing farther in our review, we observe that mountains are considered as the superlative of hills. In not only Pa. but in the Appalachian system generally, hills and mountains are not only specifically, but generically, distinct fea- tures of nature. If this was not the case, the slope would, in most cases, gradually rise from the mouths to the sources of rivers, and no regular ranges of elevated ground could be found crossing the streams obliquely. Accor- ding to common opinion, the mtns. of the U. S. form the dividing ridge between the waters ol" the Atlantic slope, and those of the Misp. and St. Lawrence basins. So far, however, are the mtns. from constituting the separating line of the waters, that the real dividing ridge, if it can be so called, crosses the mtns. diagonally. The Appalachian system is formed, as we have seen, by a number of collateral chains, lying nearly parallel ; each chain is again formed by ridges, which interlocking, or interrupted by rivers, extend generally in a similar direction with the chain to which they particularly ap. pertain. The chains differ materially from each other in elevation and continuity. In some of the chains, at each side of the system, the parts are of very unequal height above their bases, and of tide water. The Southeast mtn. and Blue Ridge are prominent examples. In the correct solution of any question arising out of the advance or distribution of population, the determination of the real surface covered with mountains, would afford extremely satisfactory element. As far as observation, and the pres- ent state of our geographical knowledge afford data, we have estimated the extent of mountain base in Pa. ; and on the best maps, carefully measuruig every chain, the entire length pro- duced, amounts to a small excess above 2,250 ms. If this sum is taken, and three ms. allow, ed for the mean breadth of the chains, the mountain area will be 6,750 sq. ms., or very nearly one seventh part of the superfices of Pa. The respective r. basins, or rather the sections included in Pa., are of very unequal extent. Delaware, Susquehannah, and Ohio, include an immense proportion of the whole state, and subdivide it naturally into the eastern, middle, and western r. sections. The following tables give the respective PEN 388 PEN area of each, and also the smaller sections of Potomac, Genesee, and Erie. Delaware river drain 3 the counties of Square Miles. Berks, 950 Bucks, 640 Chester 3-4, 550 Delaware, ISO Lebanon 1-8, 40 Lehigh, 3B0 Luzerne, 180 Montgomery, 450 Northampton, 1,100 Philadelphia, 1'20 Pike, 850 SchaylkU15-8, 500 Wayne, 790 6,710 4 Siisquehamiah drains the counties of Adams 3-5, 350 Bedford 3-5, 1,000 Bradford, 1,260 Cambria 2-5, 330 centre. 1,480 Chester 1-4, 180 Clearfield 9-10, 1,450 Columbia, 630 Cumberland, 630 Dauphin, 550 Franklin 13, 280 Huntingdon, i:280 Indiana 1-lU, 80 Lebanon 7-8, 280 Luzerne 9-10, ],9':!0 1 Lycoming, 2,510 1 M'Kean 1-4, 380 Mifflin, 910 Northumberland, 500 Perry, 550 Potter 5-8, 750 Schuylkill 3-8, 300 Susquehannah, 910 Tioga, 1,180 Union, 600 York, 1,120 fJenesee drains 1-8 of Potter Potomac drains Adams 2-5, Bedford 2-5, Franklin 2-3, Somerset 1-6, 21,390 150 220 630 560 180 1,590 Lake Erie drains 1-2 of Erie county, 380 Ohio river drains the Alleghany, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria 3-5, Clearfield 1-10, Crawford, Erie 1-2, Fayette, Greene, Indiana 9-10, Jefferson, M'Kean 3-4, Mercer, Potter 1-4, , Somerset 5-6, Venango, Warren, Washington, Westmoreland 4,294,400 224,000 640,000 80(j,400 2I1,2''0 934,400 ni,20o 828,000 403,200 403,200 352,000 179,200 819,200 51,200 179,200 1,228,800 1,606,400 243,200 582,400 320,000 352,000 480,000 193,000 582,400 755,200 384,000 716,800 13,685,600 96,000 140,800 403,200 358,400 115,200 1,017,600 243,200 518,400 646,400 441,600 544,000 512,000 102,400 665,600 243,200 576,000 409,600 435,200 819,200 729,600 563,200 204,800 512,000 768,000 576,000 576,000 755,200 16,760 10,598,400 SUMMAKY. Delaware drains. 6,710 4,294,400 Susquchauuah, 21,390 13,685,600 Genesee, 151) 96,000 Potomac, 1,590 1,017,600 Ohio, 16,760 10,598,400 Lake Erie, 380 343,200 46,980 30,935,200 {See articles Delaware, Susquehannah, Po- tomac, Genesee, Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, t^c.) Over a surface of 47,000 sq. ms. traversed by a wide mtn. system, and on which relative level of arable land differs from a surface, barely above tide water, to upwards of 2,000 ft., the varieties of soil must necessarily be very great, and such is the fact. Though as a state Penn- sylvania may be designated fertile, yet between the river alluvion, on both sides of the system and in the Appalachian vallies, and the rocky slopes of the mtns., the respective quality of soil embraces nearly the extremes of sterility and productiveness. The whole state where at all arable is favorable to grasses, including bread grain. Of fruits, the apple seems best adapted to the climate and soil, though similar to the stone fruits, liable to destruction from un- timely frosts. Climate and seasons. As an element in the philosophy of climate, it is only recently that relative height has been duly in- troduced, and yet without regard to difference of level, no rational deduction respecting cli- mate can be formed on any part of the earth. Under the head of Maryland, to which article the reader is referred, are introduced general tables of mean and extreme temperature, and of prevalent winds. The tables were placed in that article from the central position of Md., amongst the Atlantic states of the U. S. The following tables, founded on observations made in the city of Phila., and at Germantown in the vicinity of that city, may be prefaced by the re- mark that large cities have a local atmospheric temperature, higher than that of the surround, ing country, and that the subjoined tables ex. hibit the difference in two contiguous places. 1. The monthly mean temperature at Phila. delphia, from a series of twenty years observa- tions, made by James Young, from 1807 in- clusive ; that of Germantown is from a series of 10 years observations, by Reuben Haines, from 1819 to 1828 inclusive, Fahrenheit. Philadelphia. Germantown. Excess in Pht! Jan. 32° 7 30° 2° 7 Feb. 36 32 33 10 3 22 March 45 64 41 22 4 42 April 57 18 49 40 7 78 May 68 01 61 30 6 80 June 78 27 71 20 7 7 July 82 25 75 7 25 Aug. 80 06 73 7 06 Sept. 73 39 65 8 39 Oct. 60 81 53 40 7 41 Nov. 47 34 42 60 4 74 Dec. 37 01 32 60 4 41 mean ann. temp. 58 41 52 37 2. Table of mean monthly temp, at Phil, and Germantown, for 7 consecutive years, from 1820, 1826 inclusive, being years common to both observ- ers : PEN 389 PEN Philadelphia. Germantown. Differ. January, 32.95° 29.68° 3.27° February, 39.93 31.72 8 21 March, 47.03 40.61 6 42 ^pril, 55.53 50.33 5.21 May, 70.44 61.76 8.68 June, 80.05 70.03 10.02 Julv, 84.07 75.04 9.03 August, 80.46 72.92 7.54 September, 76.68 64.83 11.85 October, 61.89 53.38 8.51 November, 47.23 41 75 5.4S December, 36.93 3175 5.18 Mean Annual, 67.08 52 5.03 From the above elements we involuntarily deduce the important fact, that the summer cli- mate of Phil, is from 8° to 10°, and in some in- stances still higher, above that of the adjacent country ; and that in winter the city atmosphere is warmest from 3-^ to 5 degrees. For the pre- vailing winds of Pa., we may again refer to the article Md., at the same time observing, that from Mr. Young's observations in Phil., the winds from the true western points n. w., w. and s. w., amount to 602 thousandths of the whole winds of the year ; and in Germantown Mr. Maine's observations give 663 thousandths. Combining therefore, the various observations quoted in this treatise, v/e are shown that the greatly prevailing winds of the middle states of the U. S., are from the wstrn. sides of the me- ridians. Again, if we add the intensity of the aerial currents to their respective courses, it would be safe to say, that four-fitths of all the atmospheric pressure is estwrd., and in Pa. the almost uniform leaning of forest, and more of orchard trees, demonstrates this physical fact. The climate of Pa. is relatively mfluenced by change of level. The surface of the state, with two partial exceptions, is composed of two great plains, declining from the dividing ridge of its waters. Tlie estrn. declivity, drained by the Del. and Susquehannah, and their conflu- ents, falls from an elevation of about 2,000 feet to the level of tide water; the western, drained by the numerous confluents of Cdiio, is up- wards of 600 ft. elevated above the ocean tides, at the very lowest part. This greater height is one of the most influential causes of the com- parative low temperature w. of the mtns., par- ticularly in winter. Observations made at U. S. military posts and by several other observ- ers, have dissipated the long cherished vulgar error of a superior warmth on like latitudes w. of the mtns., and have established directly the reverse, giving rationality to the theory of our climate, and distributing comparative tempera- ture according to the relative latitude and height. On both plains of Pa. it is a rare occurrence that the rivers are not frozen and rendered un. navigable in winter, for a longer or shorter pe- 'riod ; 40 days would probably approach near a mean of this winter period. The actual sum- mer or period between frosts, does not exceed, if it amounts to, a mean of 120 days, except in the sthestrn. and lowest part. Receding west- ward, occasional frosts entrench on summer, and on the high mountain vallies, even where farming is conducted to considerable advantage, untimely frosts happen occasionally in every month of the year. The quantity of rain, or 50 rather more explicitly expressed, of water in rain, hail, snow, &c., which falls at any given place, affords very requisite elements in a the- ory of the climate. The following table is extracted from the Philadelphia Gazette. Statement of the rain fallen from 1810 to 1839, inclusive, the first 14 years by the guage of P. Legarux, of Spring Mill, the following 7 years by that kept at the Pa. hospital. laches. Inches. Inches. 1310, 32.656 1817, 36.005 1824, 3s.74 1811, 34.963 1813, 30.177 1-25, 29.57 ■!812, 39. 3 1819, 23.354 1826, 35.14 1813, 35625 IS'JO, 39.609 1827, 38.50 1814, 43.135 1821, 3-^.182 1828, 37.97 1815, 34.666 1«22, 29.864 1829, 41.85 1816, 27.947 182.3, 41.815 183J, 45.07 " The whole quantity fallen for 21 years is 748.143 inches, which, divided by 2 1 years, gives 35.626 inches as the annual average for that time." From the whole of these tables we find the discrepancy between the mean and ex^ treme temperature of different years at the same place, to be great, but we also find that moisture falls as unequally. Comparing the tables in possession of the writer, no strong obvious connexion can be traced between the prevalence or scarcity of rain and mean tern- perature. In 1816, a year of unusual low mean temperature, it appears that the quantity of rain fell short of 28 inches ; but in 1819, a warm year, the rain amounted only to 23.354 inches ; and in 1814, when the rain fallen was so high as 43.135 inches, the mean temperature was high. Natural productionf?. Under this head a volume might be written, but a few brief noti- ces can only •be admitted into an article neces- sarily brief. The two great mineral produc. tions of Pa., are iron t^nd fossil coal. Iron ore is very extensively disseminated, and as great, ly diversified in quality and richness. The iron mines in the eslrn. part of the state were ex- plored and worked at an early period of coloni- al settlement in Pa., and had become an interest of great value before the revolution. Since the peace of 1783, with much fluctuation, iron has at all times employed much capital and labor. .Next to iron ore, mineral coal is most widely disseminated and is also next in im- portance. The fossil coal of Pa. is of 2 spe- cies : anthracite in the valleys e. of the main spine of the Appalachian system, and bitumin- ous w. of that ridge. This distribution may admit of some exceptions, but if taken general, ly it is correct. Independent of specific dis- tinction, the coal of Pa. has very deeply influen. ced the improvement of the state at both ex- tremes. The immense canals and locks which have been created on the Lackawannock, Le. high, Delaware and the Schuylkill, and others in progress or designed in every part of the state, have been more or less the eflfect of a desire to render accessible these vast mineral deposits. The eastern anthracite is mostly found imbedded in inclining strata ; the coal beds themselves of every variety of thickness from less than 6 inches to immense mountain masses of unknown extent. The largest body yet laid open is that explored and worked on Mauch Chunk mtn. by the Lehigh coal and PEN 390 PEN navigation company. It is probable, however, from numerous indications, that the most ex- tensive deposits of coal e. of the mtns. remain unexplored, perhaps undiscovered. The strata actually known are vast, and beyond the power of man to exhaust in many succeeding ages. The position of the bituminous coal of the west- ern part of Pa. is level or very nearly so. It is imbedded in horizontal strata, and unlike the anthracite is often so very near a dead level as to admit drainage with difficulty. In using the relative terms east and west in stating the great deposits of Pa. coal, some modification is ne- cessary. Bituminous coal has been found on Towanda cr. Bradford co. Pa., and in Allegha- ny CO. Md. near Cumberland. A line from one of these points to the other, runs nearly with the great spine of Alleghany, and divides Pa. into two not very unequal sections. The bitu- minous deposits prevail from the Alleghany, and increase in extent, falling down the r. to Pittsburg. In the vicinity of this city the coal strata are in extent immense ; from 3 to 6 feet in thickness, and often from 250 to 350 feet above the high water level of the rs. The number of mines already open, and the ease oi reaching the coal from the deep river valleys, has contributed to fix the opinion that coal is in unusual abundance near Pittsburg. That opin- ion is rendered doubtful by the fact, that in eve- ry part of the adjacent country, where suffi- cient pains have been taiien, coal has been found, and from analogy we may suspect its ex- istence as underlaying strata far into the state of Ohio. It abounds along the Ohio r. as low as Cincinnati. Though an indefinite number of other minerals have been named as having been discovered in Pa. except iron and coal, limestone is the only one of extensive use and value. Limestone is the prevailing rock in a band spreading n. w. from Blue Ridge, and crossing the whole of Pa. from the Del. into Md. It exists in detached deposits e. of Blue Ridge, and in western Pa. is found in intermina- ble beds, alternating with other rocks. Water impregnated with muriate of soda, or common salt, is found on the waters of Conemaugh, and might be, it is probable, discovered in other places in the Ohio valley, by digging to suffi- cient depth. On the Conemaugh, salt works have been many years in operation. Marble, of great variety of shade and tint, and that re- ceives a beautiful polish, is found in the lower cos. of Philadelphia, Chester, Montgomery, &c. These elegant marbles have greatly 'added to the convenience, cheapness and beau- ty of domestic architecture. Rivers, Cities, Commerce, i^c. The most important rivers of Pennsylvania are the Dela- ware, Susquehannah, Ohio, Alleghany, Schuyl- kill, Genesee, Juniata, Clarion and Youhiogha- ny. Besides these there are other important streams, and by these, and innumerable others of less note, the state is abundantly supplied. There are 3 cities in Pa. Philadelphia, Harris- burg, the seat of government, and Lancaster ; there are also many other towns of some note in the state, among which are Reading, Carlisle, Chambersburg, York, Wilkesbarre, Lebanon, Washington, New Bloomfield, and Kittaning. For the commerce of Pa., which is chiefly centred at Philadelphia, and the late bequest of Stephen Girard, see art. Philadelphia. Internal Improvements. The foundation of the wealth and improvement of this prosperous state is deeply laid, in her fertility of soil, her iron mines, her coal stratas, and the industry of her population. Under this head we can only give the names of some of the works, and re- fer to their respective titles, in the article Rail Roads and Canals. Belonging to the state is the magnificent line of canals and rail road, en. titled the Pa. canal and Columbia rail road. Belonging to joint stock companies, are the Schuylkill navigation, Union canal, Lehigh navigation, consisting of artificial navigation along the Lehigh and the IVIauch Chunk rail road, Lackawaxen canal and rail road. Cones- toga canal, and the Chesapeake and Del. canal. We include the latter in the works of Pa. from the circumstance of the work having been in great part designed and executed by citizens of that state. Besides numerous others, there is a line of turnpike road extending from the city of Philadelphia through Lancaster, York, Get- tysburg, Chambersburg, Bedford, Greensburg, and Pittsburg, to Washington, where it meets the U. S. road. The latter enters Pa. in the southwestern angle of Somerset, and traversing Fayette and Washington cos. by Union, Browns- ville and Washington, passes on to Wheeling in Va. Without enumerating the amounts which have already been expended on various public works in Pa., we subjoin a statement of the year's appropriations, (made Feb. 1833,) for the promotion of the extensive internal improvements of this state, yet unfinished. Phila. & Columbia Rail Road $1,111,958 78 Alleghany Rail Road 414,793 06 Canal from Middletown to Col. 35,835 25 Juniata Canal 32,712 04 North Branch Canal 115,202 46 West Branch Canal 470,007 90 French Creek Canal 162,991 98 Beaver Canal 197,159 97 Total ^2,540,661 44 This amount added to previous expenditures, will make an aggregate of about f 20,000,000, which this state has applied to the purpose of improvement, by canals and rail roads, within the last 8 years. Banks, Finances, ^c- — According to the re- port of the auditor general of the treasury, at the beginning of the year 1831, the capital stock paid in of 32 banks, was !;gl2,815,581 83 ; notes in circulation $7,870,613 90; contingent funds .$1,170,068 02; bills discounted ^18,4.54,213 50; specie f 3,013, 383 84; amount of depos- its ^7,244,752 95. By the same report, the commonwealth owns, in bank stock, ,'^2,108,700 00; turnpike stock, ^1,911,243 39; bridge stock, $410,000 00 ; canal stock, $200,000 00 ; Total, $4,629,943 39. The dividends receiv- ed by the state on the bank stock, amounted during the last year to ^^121,716, and on the bridge, canal and turnpike stocks, to $29,715 ; amounting aggregately to $151,431. In Janu- ary, 1833, there were 37 banks in the state, ex- clusive of the U. S. bank, 14 of which were lo. PEN 391 PEN cated in Philadelphia. The capital of these amounted to $14,515,368 ; notes in circulation $9,237,505 ; specie on hand f 2,954,047. The amount of notes in circulation of the bank of the U. S., and branch at Pittsburg, was $'1,C87,- 297 ; specie .$2,311,618. From the report of the auditor, it appears that the receipts into the treasury during the year ending Oct. 31, 1832, amounted lo ^4,719,372 04; including a bal- ance in the treasury Nov. 1, 1831, of $124,482,- 82. Among these were loans amounting to $3,188,213 ; Stephen Girard's legacy $300,000; dividends on bank stock $173,230 ; auction du- ties $113,537 ; duties on dealers in foreign merchandize §'69,783 ; tavern licences §58,795; lands, and land office fees $63,662 ; premiums on loans $355,462 ; and canal tolls $50,909. The expenditures amounted to $4,602,204 88, among which were for internal improvements $3,521,754 ; expenses of government $228,803; internal improvement funds $682,379 ; interest on loans $9 1, 925; education $10,970; pen- sions and gratuities $24,288 ; penitentiary at Phila. !t^4,045; do. near Pittsburg $3,115. Balance in the treasury Nov. 1, 1832, $117,- 167,16. Political divisions and population. — Pennsyl- vania, as has been observed, is naturally divi- ded into three physical sections : first, sthestrn. section from the Kittatinny ; second the central mtns. ; and third, the western or that part drain- ed by the constituents of O. r. Along their lines of separation these natural sections blend, but in their physiognomy respectively, they are strongly contrasted. Of these divisions, the first or sthestrn. contains about 8,028 sq. ms., and a population of 603,864 ; the 2nd mountain, ous or middle section, 20,850 sq. ms., and pop. 306,214 ; and the 3d or Ohio section 16,332 sq. ms., and pop. 342,922. The population of the state in 1800 was 602,545 ; 1810, 810,091 ; 1820, 1,049,313 ; and in 1830, 1,348,233. In 1820 and 1«30 as follows : Cu unties. Adams, Alleghany Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Bradford, Bucks, Butler, calnbria, centre, Chester, ciearfield, Coliunbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jelfrirson, Pop. ISW. 19,370 34,921 30,324 15,340 20,248 46,275 11,554 37,842 10,193 2,287 13,796 44,451 2,342 17,621 9,397 23,006 21,653 14,810 8,553 27,285 31,892 15,554 20,144 8,882 561 Juniata, included in Mifflin by census 1830. Lancaster, 68,336 Lebanon, 16,988 Lehigh, 18,895 Luzerne, 20,027 Lycoming, 13,517 MacKean, 728 Mercer, 11,081 Mifflin, 10,618 Pop. 1830. 21,379 50,552 17,701 24,183 24,502 .53,152 99,746 45,745 14,581 7,076 18,879 50,910 4,803 20,059 16,0.30 29 226 is'i-Is 17,323 17,041 29,172 35,037 18,028 27,145 14,252 2,025 76,631 20,557 22,256 27,379 17,636 1,439 19,729 21,690 Pop. 1830. 39,400 39,482 18,133 14,261 188,797 4,843 1,265 20,744 17,702 16,787 8,978 20,795 9,470 4,697 42,784 7,663 38,400 42,859 1830, 1,348,233 Females. 111,947 92,719 80,087 75,976 115,898 69,604 44,485 27,882 16,221 7,084 1,929 235 21 Total, 665,812 644,088 Persons in the foregoing who are deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 224 ; of 14 to 25,279, and of 25 and upwards 255. Blind, 475. Colored population as follows : — Counties. Pip. 1820. Montgomery, 35,793 Norlliampton, 31,705 Northumberland, 15,424 Perry, 11,3-12 Phil, city and co. 137,097 Pike, 2,894 Potter, 186 Schuylkill, 11,339 Somerset, 13,974 Su quehannah, 9,660 Tioga, 4,021 Union, 18,619 Venango, 4,915 Warren, 1,976 Washington, 40,038 Wayne," 4,127 Westmoreland, .30,.540 York, 38,759 Total pop. 1820, 1,049,313 Of the foregoing, were white persons Males. Under 5 years of age, 117,853 From 5 to 10 96,199 " 10 to 15 82,375 " 15 to 20 73,113 " 20 to 30 121,359 " 30 to 40 75,172 '• 40 to 50 46,600 " 50 to 00 28,032 " 60 to 70 16,085 " 70 to 80 6,979 " 80 to 90 1,775 " 90 to 100 253 " 100 and upwards 42 Under 10 years. From 10 to 24 " 24 to 36 " 36 to 55 " 55 to 100 " 100 and over. Free. Male. Female. 5,054 6,142 4,476 2,742 1,105 34 18,377 19,553 Slaves. Male. Female. 23 32 102 106 25 22 11 25 10 42 1 4 172 231 Total, Colored deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 12 ; from 14 to 26, 12 ; 26 and over, 15. Blind, 28. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. 1,309,900 37,930 Slaves. 403 Total. 1,348,233 Education. — Literary Institutions. — Penn- sylvania has two universities, one in Philadel- phia, and another, " the Western university," in Pittsburg ; Mount Airy college, German- town ; Dickinson college, Carlisle ; Washington, in Washington ; Jefferson, in Cannonsburg ; Alleghany, in Meadville ; Madison, in Union ; and numerous academies in the different bo- roughs. The Philadelphia library may be, with great propriety, ranked amongst the first litera- ry institutions of the state. The interests of education have received so much legislative at- tention, as to induce a false opinion of the dis- tributive benefits derived from these enactments. Elementary instruction is in many large sections lamentably neglected. One cause of this evil, may be found, by examining the tables of pop. where the very unequal density of the objects of education is most strikingly apparent. But the inequality of inhabitants on a given space is, however, only one cause why mental culture is PEN 392 PEN neglected. The Moravian, or United Brethren, have schools at Belhlehern, Nazareth, Litiz, &c. There are theological seminaries at York, at Gettysburg, and in Alleghany town, opposite the city of Pittsburg. Under a constitutional injunction, legislative provision has been made for gratuitous instruction to the children of in- digent parents. The first school dist. of the state, comprising the city and county of Phila- delphia, has received an organization, vi'hioh, according to the 12th annual report of the comp- trollers of public schools in this dist. dated ."Sth Feb. 1830, has extended instruction to 34,703 children within the 12 preceding years. Constitution. — Judiciary. — The existing con- stitution of Pa. was adopted the 23d Sept. 1790. The legislative power is vested in a general assembly, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. No person' siiall he a representative, who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years, and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the state three years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof an inhabitant of tlie cify or CO. in which he shall be chosen ; unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the U. S. or of this state. Representatives arc chosen annually. The senators shall be cho- sen for four years by the citizens of Philadel- phia, and of the several cos., at the same time, in the same manner, and at the same place where they shall vote (or representatives. No person shall be a senator who shall not have at- tained the age of 2.0 years, and have been a cit- izen and inhabitant of the state four years next before his election, and the last year thereof an inhabitant of the district for which he shall have been chosen ; unless he shall have been absent on the public business ol the U. S. or of this state. The senators shall be chosen in dists. to be formed by the legislature ; each dist. con- taining such a number of taxable inhabitants, as shall be entitled to elect not more than 4 sena- tors. When a dist. is composed of two or more cos,, they shall be adjoining. Neither the city of Phil, nor any co. shall be divided, in forming a dist. In elections by the citizens, every free man of ;he age of 21 years, having resided in the state two years next before the election, and within that time paid a state or co. tax, which shall have been assessed at least six montlis before the election, shall enjoy the right of an elector. An enumeration of the taxable inhab- itants shall be mttde separately, in such manner as shall be directed by law. Such enumerations have been made in 1793, 1800, 1807, &c. up to 1828. The supreme execu'ive power shall be vested in a governor, who shall be chosen on the second Tuesday of October, by the citizens of the commonwealth, at the place where they shall respectively vote for representatives. The person having the highest number of votes shall be governor. But, if two or more shall be equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be chosen governor by the joint vote of the mem- bers of both houses. The governor shall hold his office during three years from the third Tuesday of December, next ensuing his elec. tion; and shall not be capable of holding it Ion. :ger than 9 yeara in any term of 12 years. He shall be at least 30 years of age, and have been a citizen and inhabitant of this state 7 years next before his election ; unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the U. S., or of this state. No member of Congress, or person holding any office under the U. S. or this state, shall exercise the office of governor. The governor shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the commonwealth, and the n)ilitia ; except when they shall be called into the actual service of the United States. He shall appoint all officers whose offices are es- tablished by this constitution, or shall be es- tablished by law, and whose appointments are not herein, otherwise provided for. He shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures and grant reprieves and pardons, except in ca. ses of impeachment. Every bill, which shall have passed both houses of the general assem- bly, shall be presented to the governor. If he approve, he shall sign it ; but if he shall not ap- prove, he shall return it, with his exceptions, to the house in which it shall have originated, and must be first examined in that iiouse, and sent to the other, with the governor's objections, and if approved by two-thirds of each house it be- conies a law. Any bill sent to the governor and not returned in ten days, Sundays excepted, becomes also a law. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court ; in courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery ; in a court of common pleas, orphans court, registers court, and a court of quarter sessions of the peace, for each co., injustices of the peace, &c. The state is divided into sixteen judicial cir- cuits, over which is appointed a president judge. For the supreme court five districts have been formed. The jurisdiction of the supreme court shall extend over the state, and the judges thereof shall, by virtue of their offices, be jus, tices of .oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, in the several cos. The trial by jury in issues ol fact to remain inviolate. No per- son who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punishments, shall on account of his religious sentiments, be dis- qualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this commonwealth. History. — The first settlement made in Pa. by a civilized people, was formed in 1627 or 1 1'28, by a Swedish colony ; but remote from a nation, and not qualified by population or wealth to sustain distant settlements, the Swedish colo- ny remained weak, and in 1655, was conquered by the Dutch from N. Y. What is now Del., Pa., and N. J., shared the fate of all New Neth- erlands, or the Dutch settlements on the Del. and Hudson rs. In August, 1764, the whole country was seized by the English in virtue of a previous cession made by the States General. March, 1664, Charles II. granted the New Netherlands, by the name of New York, to his brother James, Duke of York. The latter on the 24th June, 1664 granted N. J. to Lord Berkeley, and Sir Geo. Carteret. In June, 1680, Wm. Penn, son and heir of admiral Sir Wm. Penn, presented a petition to Charles II., stating not only his relationship to the late ad- miral, but that he was deprived of a debt due from the crown, and praying for a grant of PEN 393 PEN lands lying northward of Md. and wstrd. of Del. His petition was recommended by the Duke of York, and acceded to by Lord Baltimore's agents. It was confirmed Jan. 1681, and in the ensuing May, Markham, an agent and relation of William Penn, was sent over to take posses- sion. What is now Del. or then called the three lower counties, was conveyed to William Penn by a grant from the Duke of York, Aug. 1682, and on the 24th of Oct. of that year he landed in person at New Castle, and found on his arrival, in both his colonies, about 3,000 people, Swedes, English, Dutch and Finns. The first deliberative assembly was convened at New Castle, Dec. 4th, and commenced a regular government, (^oaquanock, now Phila- delphia, was chosen as the capital and laid out in 1682. Though involved in a controversy respecting their common boundaries, Md. and Pa. slowly but solidly advanced. The line be- tween the two colonies was finally fixed in 1762 by actual survey, executed by two eminent English mathematicians, Mason and Dixon. The second assembly of Pa. was held at I'hil. 1683. In 1718 the founder died, and from that period to the revolution in 1775, except fixing the boundary as already noticed, and treaties with the Indians, Pa., happily for its inhabit- ants, afforded few events for history. In the events of the revolution and in the subsequent history of the U. S., this great state acted a conspicuous part, and has risen to be, in wealth, pop. and improvement, the second state in the confederacy. Penn Tsp. and p-o. Pa., tsp. adjoining Phil, to the northward, Phil. co. Pa. Penn Yan, p-v. Milo, st. jus. Yates co. N. Y., 185 miles w. Albany, 30 n. Bath, 16 s. Geneva ; is in the n. w. corner of the town, on the outlet, ^ mile from Crooked lake, and partly in Benton. The stream affords good mill sites, which are used. The village con- tains the CO. buildings. It derives its name from a combination of parts of the words Pennsylvanians and Yankees, having been settled by New Englanders and Pennsylva- nians. Penobscot, r.. Me., the largest which is wholly in that state, rises in the w. part of Somerset co., in numerous small branches, which flow from springs in the height of land on the frontier of the district of Quebec, Lower Canada, very near the head waters of Chaudi- ere river. Some of the streams flow from Bald mountain ridge, which gives rise to some of the head waters of Kennebec r. Others interlock with head streams of St. John's r., so that a portage of 2 miles connects their boat naviga- tion. All the waters of the Penobscot in Som. erset co. unite in Che^umscook lake, and leave its s. end on the boimdary of Penobscot co. The stream then flows s. E. near the foot of Katahdin mountain, through the crooked and irregular lake of Banedumpkok, and receives the waters of several other lakes and ponds, the principal of which is Millinoket, and after- wards the east branch, which affords a boat navigation to Aroostook river, with only a short portage from the head of the Seboois lakes. Beyond this it bends s. w. receiving several tributaries, the principal of which is the Matta- wamkeag, and on crossing the s. line of the co., flows between Lincoln and Waldo cos., form- ing, with Penobscot bay, their boundary to the ocean. Besides the above mentioned branches it receives in Penobscot co., there are many others, the chief of which is Piscataquis r., on the w. It contains many islands, most of which are small, except Old Town in Penobscot co., and Orphan isl. in Hancock co., and Islebo- rough in Waldo co. The Fox isls. and Little Deer isls. in Hancock co. are in Penobscot bay ; and ofl' its mouth are several more. Isle au Haut, Manticus, ^^c. There are several very good harbors in the bay ; and Belfast, nearly at its head, in Lincoln co. is a flourishing place. Vessels of some size go up to Bangor, in Pe- nobscot CO., 50 ms. from the mouth of the bay. This great stream, with such a nmltitude of branches spread over a great extent of country, is capable of becoming a most important chan. nel of trade ; and, although the districts it waters, are still to a great degree wild and un- inhabited, Bangor and Belfast have already be- come important places. A large part of the business continues to be the timber trade ; but the forests annually recede before the axe, and give place to the plough. Penobscot, co. Maine, bndd. by Lower Can- ada N., Washington co. e., Hancock and Waldo COS. s., and Somerset co. w. ; is the largest co, in the state, and contains a large part of the uninhabited land within its boundaries. It was incorporated in 1816. The territory which it embraces, contained, in 1790, only 1,154 in- habitants. In 1820 only 1,143 acres, were im- proved in the towns, and the inhabitants were 13,870. In 1830 there were 3,582 acres of tillage, 9,476 pasturage, 11,000 mowing, &c. 23,940 acres cultivated, in all ; and there wei e raised 12,957 bushels corn, 25,591 wheat, 1,333 rye, and 2,719 of oats. The streams, lakes and ponds are too numerous to be all men- tioned. St. John's r. crosses the co. e. and w. in the n. part, while its 3 n. branches rise and join it in the CO. viz : St. Francis, Madawaska and Green rs. The Allagash is partly in this CO., as are the sources of the Aroostic, and most of its course. Temiscouata, Long and Eagle lakes are the largest which are tributary to St. John's r. The s. part of the co. presents a labarynth of lakes and streams, the sources and principal tributaries of Penobscot r. which, crossing the s. line, divides the cos. of Waldo and Hancock on its way to Penobscot bay and the sea. The largest of these lakes are Milli- noket, Banedumpkok, &c. There are numer- ous mtns. in different parts of the county, the principal of which is Katahdin, the highest eminence in the state. The e. and w. lines of the CO. run n. and s. about 63 miles apart for nearly 200 ms. The n. and s. boundaries are irregular. The s. part of the co. contains near- ly its entire population, and Bangor, which is a large and flourishing village, and the st. jus. is^ on the Penobscot near the s. line. In 1830 there were only 46 ts. with names, but many more laid out in ranges, besides plantations. Pop. 1820, 13,870, 1830, 31,530. Penobscot, p-t. and sea port, Hancock co. PEQ 394 PER Me. 75 ins. e. Augusta, e. Penobscot bay, and opposite Belfast ; is penetrated by an arm of the bay in the s. part, and possesses a consid- erable number of coasting vessels. Pop. 1,271. Penobscot, Indians. The remains of this tribe reside at Oldtown, or Orono, Penobscot CO. Me., where, though reduced in numbers, they have a Catholic church, having been former- ly collected under French missionaries from Canada. Pensacola, fine bay of the U. S. on the nrthrn. shore of the Gulf of Mexico, Escambia co. Flor- ida. The Pensacola bay is united to the Gulf by a narrow entrance, between Barancas Point and the wstrn. end of St. Rose's isl. Stretching from the bar n. e. by e. 28 ms., with a mean width of about 3 ms., it receives into the north- ern part Escambia r. and Yellow Water r. from N. E. The entrance admitting vessels of 21 ft. draught, is about 8 ms. s. s. w. from the city of Pensacola. The bar is on lat. 30° 19', long. 10° 24' w. W. C. The country around Pensa- cola bay is in general low, sandy, and barren. Pensacola, city, port of entry, and st. jus. Escambia co. Florida, is situated on the n. w. shore of the bay of the same name, by p-r. 242 ms. a little s. of w. Tuscaloosa ; as laid down on Tanner's United States, at lat. 30° 23', long. 10° 19' w. W. C. This city was founded 1699, by Don Andre de la Riola, a Spanish officer. It is a parallelogram in form, and about a mile in length. The harbor is safe and commodious, being the deepest haven belonging to the U. S. on the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico, admitting vessels of 21 ft. draught. The an- chorage is good, on mud and sand, but towards the shores the water is generally shallow, and small vessels only can approach the town. This is a naval station of the U. S. Pop. about 2,000. Peoria, lake, between Tazewell and Peoria OS., II., is an elliptical expansion, of the usual breadth of Illinois r. of about 20 ms. in length, and from half a mile to a mile wide. The lower part of this sheet of water is about 130 ms. a little w. of n. Vandalia. Peoria, co. Illinois, bndd. by Fulton s. w., Knox N. w., Putnam n., and Illinois r. separating it from Tazewell e. and s. e. It is in form of a triangle base, along the western border 40 ms., and perpendicular along the northern border 30 ms. ; mean breadth 15 ms., and area 600 sq. ms. The northwestern angle is traversed in a south- western direction by Spoon r., but the body of the CO. slopes s. e. towards Illinois r. This co. was connected with Putnam in taking the oen. sus of 1830, and contained an aggregate popu. lation of 1,310. For lat. and long, see next art. Peoria, p-v. and st. jus. Peoria co. II., situa- ted on II. r., at the lower extremity of Peoria lake, by p-r. 143 ms. a little w. of n. Vandalia, lat 40° 40', long. W. C. 12° 35' w. Pepperell, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 40 ms. s. w. Boston, w. Nashua r. ; has a soil fa- vorable to grain, grass and fruit. The Nash- ua and one of its branches offer abundant water power. Maj. Gen. Prescott, who commanded the American troops at Bunker's Hill, was born here. Pop. 1,440. PEauANNOCK, t. Morris co. N. J. 18 ms. n. n. w. Newark, has Pequannock r. n., Rockawayr • s., and Pompton r. e. The Morris canal lies along its s. border, and Copperas brook, and Green meadow mtn., near its w. line. Pequan- nock r. separates it from Bergen co. Pop. 4,451. PEauAWKETT, r. Strafford co. N. H., a small stream flowing n. into Saco r. PEauAWKETT, N. H., the Indian name for the proper residence of the Pequawkett Indians, a tract on Saco r. partly in Me. Conoray, N. H., and Fryeburgh, Me., with several other towns, are within its limits. The region is romantic, and was peculiarly adapted to the habits of In. dians. Their principal residence was at Frye- burgh, where the Saco pursues a most serpen- tine course, flowing 36 ms. through rich mead- ows, in a tsp. six ms. sq., and affording a cir- cuitous line of boat navigation of about 100 miles in connection with the ponds emptying into it. Fish and fowl abounded here, and near where the village now is, was an Indian fort, which overlooked the extensive and fertile plain. This tribe was troublesome to the set- tlers in Mass. in the early part of the 18th cen. tury, and the general court having offered a re- ward for Indian scalps, a party proceeded through the wilderness, by Winnipiseogee and Ossipee lakes, against the Pequawketts, under the command of Capt. Lovell, with Mr. Frye for their chaplain, from whom Fryeburgh had its name. After a desperate fight this party was defeated, and only a few of them found their way back. Pequawkett, mtn. N. H., a prominent emi- nence of the second peaks of the White mtns., between Bartlett, Coos co., and Chatham, Straf- ford CO. It was formerly called Kearsearge mtn. Request cr., N. J., a good mill stream, rises in Newton, Sussex co., crosses Warren co., and enters Del. r. at Belvidere v., Oxford t., after a course of about 35 ms., watering a narrow valley. Percival's, p-o. nthrn. part Brunswick co. Va. 67 ms. s. w. Richmond. Perdido, r. and bay, forming the boundary between Baldwin co. of Ala., and Escambia of Flor. It rises in Baldwin co., flows southM'ard- ly about 40 miles, and expands into a narrow and shallow bay. Perdido bay is crooked, and from the intricacy of its entrance, derives its name " Perdido" or Lost Bay. The country adjacent to the bay, and drained by the Perdido, is mostly barren, and timbered with pine. Perkinsville, a manufacturing v. Weathers- field, Windsor co. Vt. on Black r. at the falls. It contains a woollen factory, a machine shop, saw mill, a manufactory of ivory black, and a cassimere factory. The v. has grown up with- in 6 years, and contains a church and a number of neat dwellings, Perkiomen, r. of Pa., rises in Berks, Lehigh, and Bucks cos., and the constituent crs., uni- ting in the nrthwstrn. angle of Montgomery, assumes a sthrn. course into the Schuylkill, G ms. above Norristown. Perkiomen, p-o. on Perkiomen r., Montgom- ery CO. Pa., 25 ms. n. w. Phil. PER 395 PER Pekrin's mills and p-o., Clermont co. O., about 90 ms. s. w. Columbus. Perrington, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y., 12 ms. s. E. Rochester, has a good soil, and several streams, the chief of which is Irondequot, or Teorondo cr. The Erie canal crosses it near the middle, and is carried over Irondequot cr. with an embankment, at which is Hartwell's basin. Thomas' cr. is a small mill stream. Pop. 2,183. Perky, p-t. Washington co. Me., 184 ms. e. Augusta, 5 N. w. Eastport, opposite Passama- quoddy bay and Deer isl., in N.Brunswick, has Cobscook bay s., and is crossed from n. w. to s. E. by the outlet of a pond which empties into the bay. It enjoys facilities for fishing. Pop. 735. Perrv, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y., 22 ms. s, e. Batavia, 239 w. Albany, w. Livingston co., about 6 ms. square, has a soil of ordinary quality, and several small streams flowing in different di- rections, with a part of the outlet of Silver lake in the s. e. Bog iron ore has been found here. Pop. 2,792. Perry, co. Pa., bndd. by the Kittatinny mtns., separating it from Cumberland s., by Franklin s. w., Tuscarora mtn. separating it from Juniata CO. N. w. and n., and by the Susquehannah, sep- arating it from Dauphin e. Length 36 ms., mean width 15, and area 540 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 12' to 40° 40', and in long, from the meridian of W. C. to 0° 42' w. This co. is partly composed of what was formerly called Sherman's valley, and the sthrn. part is chiefly drained by Shei-man's cr. The nrthestrn. sec- tion is traversed by Juniata r. The declivity of the whole is estrd. towards the Susquehannah. Though the surface is rocky, and much of it moimtainous, the arable yoil is excellent for grain, fruit, and pasturage. Cf. ts. New Bloom- field, Landisburg, and Millerstown. Pop. 1820, 11,342; 1830, 14,361. Perry, p.v. n. w. part Venango co. Pa., 22 ms. from Franklin, the co. St., and about 75 ms. N. Pittsburg. Perry, p-v. and st. jus., Houston co. Geo., by p-r. 60 ms. s. w. Milledgeville, lat. 32° 25', long. W. C. 6° 54' w. Perry, co. Ala., bndd. by Dallas s. e. and s., Marengo s. w., Greene n. w., Tuscaloosa and Bibb N., and Autauga e. Length 42 ms., mean width 23, and area 966 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 17' to 32° 54', and in long, from 10° 02' to 10° 38' w. W. C. The wstrn. side falls towards the wstrd., and is drained by crs. flowing into Tombigbee and Black Warrior rs., but the central, estrn., and much larger sections of the CO., are traversed and drained by the Ca- tawba and its branches. General declivity sthrd. Cf. t. Marion, or Perry c. h. Pop. 11,490. Perry, c. h. and p-v., Perry co. Ala., by p-r. 61 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 32° 37', long. 10° 27' w. W. C. Peury, CO. Misp. bndd. by Jackson s., Han. cock s. w., Marion w., Jones n., Wayne n. e., and Greene e. Length 36, width 30, and area 1,080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 55' to 31° 33', and in long, from 11° 58' to 12° .30' w. W. C. Declivity sthestrd., and drained by Leaf r. and Black cr., branches of Pascagoula r. It is moderately broken, with a soil gener- ally thin, and covered with pine timber. Cf. t. Augusta. Pop. 1820, 2,037 ; 1830, 2,300. Perry, co. Ten., bndd. by Wayne s. e., Har- din s. w., Henderson w., Carroll n. w., Hum- phreys N., and Hickman e. Length 36 ms. ; width 30, and area 1,080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 27' to 35° 55', and the 11th de- gree w. W. C. passes very nearly over the mid- dle of the CO. The main volume of Ten. r. tra- verses it also in a nthrn. direction, as does the Buffalo branch of Duck r. Ten. flows over the wstrn. and Buffalo over the estrn. side, the lat- ter entering its recipient, Duck r., in the north, eastern angle. General declivity nrthrd. Cf. t. Barrysville. Pop. 1820, 2,384 ; 1830, 7,094. Perry, co. Ky., bndd. by Laurel mtn., sepa. rating it from Harlan s. e. and s., by Clay w., Estill N. w., Morgan n., Floyd n. e., and Pike E. Length 53 ms., mean width 20, and area 1,060 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 55' to 37° 36', and in long, from 5° 51' to 6° 30' w. W. C. Except a few crs. from Pike co.. Perry gives source to the higher branches of Ky. These branches leave their mountain vallies in a N. N. w. direction, over Perry, uniting and turning wstrd. in Estill. Cf. t. Perry c. h. Pop, 3,330. Perry, c. h. and p-v.. Perry co. Ky., by p-r. 114 ms. s. E. by e. Frankfort. Perry, co. 0., bndd. by Athens s., Hocking s. w., Fairfield w.. Licking n., Muskingum n. E., and Morgan e. and s. e. Length n. to s. 28 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 500 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 45', long. W. C. 5° 15' w. It is a ta- ble land, between the vallies of Hockhocking and Muskingum rs., and from which crs. of the former flow w. and s. w., and of the latter n. and N. E. The surface is in most parts hilly, and in several places mineral coal has been found. Cf.t. Somerset. Pop. 1820, 8,429; 1830, 13,970. Perry, p-v. Geauga co. O., by p-r. 165 ms. N. E. Columbus. Perry, co. of Ind., bndd. w. by Spencer, n. w. Dubois, N. Crawford, and by the 0. r., sep- arating it from Meade co. Ky. e., Breckenridge CO. Ky. s., and Hancock co. Ky. s. w. Length from s. to N. 30 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 450 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 08', long. W. C. 9° 40' w. Slope sthrd. towards 0. r. The surface is very broken, as it comprises a part of the great buttress of O. r., and reaches w. to the dividing ridge between that stream and White r. Cf. t. Rome. Pop. 3,369. Perry, co. II., bndd. by Jackson s., Randolph w., Washington n., Jefferson n. e., and Frank- lin s. E. Length from e. to w. 24 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Lat 38° 05', long. 12° 24' w. W. C. Slope sthrd., and drain- ed in that direction by different branches of Muddy cr. Cf. t. Pinckneyville. Pop. 1,215. Perry, co. Mo. bndd. s. by Cape Girardeau CO., s. w. Madison, n. w. St. Genevieve, and by the Misp. r., separating it from Randolph co. II. Lat. 37° 44', long. W. C. 13° 00' w. Slope nrthestrd. towards the Misp. r. Cf. t. Perry- ville. Pop. 3,349. Perryopolis, p-v. northwestern part Fayette CO. Pa. 16 miles a little w. of n. Union- PER 396 PET (own, 8 N. E. Brownsville, and by p-r. 209 N. w. W. C. Perry's, Bridge and p-o. on Vermillion r., Lafayette parish, La., by p-r. 217 ms. w. New Orleans, Perrysburgh, p-t. Cattaraugus co. N. Y., 12 ms. N. w. Ellioottsville, 306 w. Albany ; is near- ly in the form of a triangle, with its long and irregular side n. e. bndd. by Cattaraugus or. and Erie co., and partly by the south and its western branch, on the line of Chatauque co. It has several brooks flowing n. into Cattarau- gus cr., and others s., the head streams of Con- ewango cr. The n. w. corner lies only 5 or 6 miles from the e. corner of lake Erie, at the mouth of Cattaraugus creek, and is about 500 ft. above its level. The soil bears maple, beech, elm, &c., with some evergreens, and is most favorable to grass, though some of it produces grain well. Pop. 2,440. Perrysburg, p-v. and st. jus.. Wood co. O., situated on the right bank of Maumee r., 15 or 16 ms. above its mouth, and by p-r. 135 ms. a little w. of N. Columbus. Lat. 41° 35', long. 6° 36' w. W. C. Pop. 182. Perry's Mills, p-o. and st. jus. Tatnall co. Geo., by p-r. 115 ms. s. e. Milledgeville. Perry's store and p-o. Giles co. Ten., by p-r. 67 ms. sthrd. Nashville. Perrysville, p-v. Alleghany co. Pa., 7 ms, a little w. of n. Pittsburg, Perrysville, p-v. Perry co. Ten. Perrysville, p-v. Mercer co. Ky. by p.r. 40 ms. sthrd. Frankfort. Pop. 283. Perryville, p-v. Sullivan, Madison co. N. Y. Perryville, p-v. Richland co. O., by p-r. 72 ms. nrthestrd. Columbus. Perryville, p-v. Vermillion co. Ind., by p-r. 88 ms. N. w. by w. Indianopolis. Perrysville, p-v. and st. jus., Perry co. Mo., by p-r. about 88 miles s. s. e. St. Louis, and 20 ms. s. s. E. St. Genevieve. Lat. 37° 33'. Perth Amboy, Middlesex co. N. J. {See Amboy.) Peru, t. Oxford co. Me., s. Androscoggin river, with several small streams. Pop. 666. Peru, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 30 miles n. e. Bennington, 3;) s. w. Windsor, with 23,040 acres ; first settled 1773 ; lies on the range of the Green mtns., in the n. e. corner of the co., and is high, with much broken land. There are 2 ponds of 60 and 40 acres, and some of the streams of W. r. water the e. part ; 3 school dists. Pop. 445, Peru, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 118 ms. w. Boston ; is on elevated ground, giving rise to the principal and middle branches of Westfield r. The surface is hilly, being on the declivity of the range of the Green mtns. The climate is as cold as that of any part of the state ; the soil is hard, but yields grass well. The in- habitants are scattered. Pop. 729. Peru, p-t. Clinton co. N. Y., 9 miles s. w. Plattsburgh, 153 n. Albany, w. lake Champlain, N. Essex CO., e. Franklin co. Great Sable r. forms the boundary s. e., and partly s. Little Sable r., whose whole course is in this t., is a good mill stream. From the lake, 10 ms. w., the land is nearly level, and good ; the remain, der is hilly, woody, and supplied with inexhaus- tible mines of the best iron ore. There are several iron works, particularly the Etna fur- nace, 9 ms. from the lake, at Port Kent, which is a landing place. The Russia iron works are on Sable r. Pop. 4,949. Peru, p-v. Huron co, O., by p.r. 104 ms. n. N. E. Columbus. Peterborough, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 75 ms. w. s. w, Portsmouth, 60 n. n. w. Boston, 40 s. w. Concord, 20 from Amherst, 20 from Keene, with 23,780 acres; has the range of Pack Monadnock hills on the e. line, and is crossed n. by Contoocook r., and contains part of the N. branch, which affords good mill seats. At the falls on the latter are broad meadows, and the soil is generally very good. Pine grows on the s. branch, hard wood in other parts, and large oaks on the hills. A church stands on a hill in the centre of the t., 200 ft. above the r. 200 ft. higher than this, on the e. hills, is a pond of 9 acres ; and lower, one of 33 acres. The Notch in the mtn. is a remarkable pass. Iron ore is found, also ginseng and buck bean. The surface is varied, the t. healthy ; and there is a library, several cotton factories, &c. First set- tied 1739, deserted 1744, reoccupied 1745. Pop. 1,983. Peterborough, p-v. Smithfield, Madison co. iN. Y., 29 ms. s. w. Utica, 6 n. Morrisville, 108 w. N. w. Albany, on Oneida cr., 7 ms. s. Erie canal. Petersburgh, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y., 25 ms. N. E. Albany, 18 E. Troy, w. Pownal, Vt., and Williamstown, Mass., about 6 ms. by 8, has the range of Bald mtns. e. and the Green woods w. Little Hoosac r., a mill stream, flows n. through the middle, along the course of which is a broad valley. It is included in the great estate of Rensselaerwyck, and the land is leas, ed for about 10 bushels of wheat for 100 acres. The village of Rensselaer's mills, 18 ms. from Troy, is near the centre. Good limestone abounds. Pop. 2,011. Petersburg, p-v. Adams co. Pa., 23 ms. a little N. of w. from the borough of York, and 20 s. s. w. Harrisburg. Petersburg, a borough and port of entry, Dinwiddie co. Va, is situated in the extreme northeastern angle of the co,, on the southern bank of the Appomattox river, just below the falls, and 12 miles above its junction with James river at City point ; by the p-r. 22 ms. nearly s. of Richmond, and 144 s. s. w. W. C. Lat. 37° 13', long. 0° 24' w. W. C. Its location is pecu- liarly well adapted for commercial pursuits. The river is navigable to this place for vessels of 100 tons, and by means of a canal past the falls it is rendered beatable 80 ms. above, thus creating here a depot for the produce of a large portion of N. C. and Va. The foreign and American tonnage of this port in 1830 was 13,152. There is a regular communication be- tween here and N. Y. by means of packets. The articles of trade are chiefly com, flour, tobacco and cotton. There are very extensive water privileges at the falls, some of which are improved for flouring mills, &c. The adjacent country is well peopled and cultivated, and in the immediate vicinity and contiguous, are the villages of Blanford in Prince George's co., PHA 397 PHI and Powhatan on the north side of the river, in Chesterfield co. These places, although in different cos. are from their contiguity and es- pecially in their commercial interests, almost identified with Petersburg. In 1815, 400 build- ings were destroyed by fire ; they have how- ever been since rebuilt with brick. The pub- lic buildings are the Bank of Va. and the Farm- er's Bank of Va., an Insurance office, a custom house, and academy and Masonic hall. Pop. 8,322. Petersbuugh, p-v. on the point above the junction of Broad and Savannah rs., and in the extreme sthestrn. angle of Elbert co. Geo. 50 ms. by the land road above Augusta, and by p-r. 86 ms. N. E. Milledgeville. Petersburgh, p-v. lioone co. Ky., by p-r. 102 ms. N. Frankfort. Petersburgh, p-v. Lincoln co. Ten., by p-r. 61 ms. sthrd. Nashville. Petersbuegh, P-v. Columbiana co. O., by p-r. 173 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. Petersburgh, p-v. and st. jus. Pike co. Ind., situated on the left bank of White r., below the main fork, 25 ms. s. e. Vincennes, and by p-r. 119 ms. s.w. Indianopolis. Lat. 38° 32', long. W.C. 10° 20' w. Peter's Creek, p-o. Barren co. Ky., by p-r. 104 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Peteesham, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 66 ms. w. Boston ; has a productive soil, and was an early settlement. The Indians had a village here called Nashawang. It was granted 1732, as a reward for services in wars, and suffered hardships in the war cf 1755, when they had forts erected for their defence. The village is pleasantly situated on rising ground, and commands a fine view. Pop. 1,696. Peter's mtn., and p-o. Dauphin co. Pa., 20 ms. N. Harrisburg. Peterstown, p-v. Monroe co. Va., by p-r. 294 miles s. w. by w. W. C, and 249 w. Rich- mond. Petersville, p-v. nrthestrn. part Frederick CO. Md., 25 ms. n. e. Frederick, and 35 n. w. by w. Baltimore, and by p-r. 56 ms. a very little w. of N. W. C. Petit Gulf, Little Gulf, a remarkable bend in the Misp. r. opposite the nrthwstrn. angle of Jefferson co. state of Misp. {See Rodney, Jef- ferson CO. Misp.) Petite Jean, r. of Ark., rises in Crawford CO. interlocking sources with those of Poteau r. and with those of the extreme nrthrn. branches of Ouachitau. Flowing thence estrdly. this stream enters and traverses Pope co., falling into Arkansas r. between Pope and Conway cos. after an entire comparative course of about 75 ms. Petit Menan, isl. Washington co. Me. It lies off a point of Steuben t. with a reef be- tween, and has a light house. Pop. 11. Peytonsburgh, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va. by p-r. 143 ms. s. w. W. C. Pharsalia, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 114 miles w. Albany, 11 w. Norwich, 45 s. s. w. TJtica, 122 w. by n. Catskill ; 6 miles square, is high, a little uneven, and has several good mill streams and others, the head waters of Canasawacta creek, a branch of Chenango 51 creek, and of tributaries of Tioughnioga creek First settled 1798. There is a spring charged with sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Population 1,011. PnEi.rs, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y., 197 ms. w. Albany, 12 e. Canandaigua, 5 n. Geneva, and w. Genesee co. It is about 8 ms. by 10, has a gently varied surface, and excellent soil. A part of Canandaigua creok is in the e. part, which has valuable meadows, and supplies mill seats. It was named after Oliver Phelps, the first purchaser of a large tract of land in this part of the state. Flint cr., a branch of Can. ,andaigua cr., is in the w. The v. of Vienna ia at their junction. Orleans is another village in this t. Gypsum is found on the creek. Pop. 4,876. Philadelphia, p-t. .Teflerson co. N. Y. 170 ms. N. w. Albany ; 5 ms. by 8, is nearly level, with a good arable clay and sandy soil, and pretty well watered by Indian river and its branches, which supply mill seats. The tim- ber is oak, beech, bass, &c., with some hem. lock and pine. First settled, 1813. Population 1,167, Philadelphia, co. Pa., bounded by Del. co. s. w., Montgomery n. w., Bucks n. e., Del. r. separating it from Burlington co. N. J. e., and Gloucester co. N. J. s. Length from s. w. to N. E. 22 ms., mean width 7, and area 154 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 52' to 40° 08', and in long, from 1° 47' to 2° 08'' e. W. C. Bounded on one side by the Delaware, and traversed by the Schuylkill, the confluence of these two streams is made in the southern part of the CO. The general declivity is to the sthestrd. in the direction of the mean course of the Schuylkill, and at right angles to that of Delaware. Though comparatively confined in extent, the features of this co. are very strong, ly contrasted. The upper and northern part is beautifully broken by hill and dale, whilst the lov/er and the sthrn. section is composed of recent alluvion, and is an almost dead level. The primitive ledge on the margin of which the city of Philadelphia is built, traverses the CO. from s. w, to n. e., arresting the tide in Schuylkill within the precincts of the city. On the Delaware, the scenery is rather tame, but along the Schuylkill and Wissahiccon cr, be. comes picturesque, and in many places even wild and bold. The variety of sites for coun- try residences in the northern part of the co., adds no little advantage to Philadelphia ; and the inexhaustible masses of gneiss, affords more than an ample supply of material for the rougher, more solid, and more durable kinds of architecture. Besides the city of Philadelphia and places adjoining, the co, contains the bo. roughs or towns of Frankfort, Germantown, Holmesburg, Bustletown, Smithfield, and some others. Population including Philadelphia and suburbs, 1820, 137,097 ; 1830, 188,961. Philadelphia, the largest city in the state of Pennsylvania, and the second in size in the U. S., is situated in the co, of the same name, be. tween the Delaware and Schuylkill rs., about 3 ms. above the junction of the two streams, 120 ms. from the Atlantic by the course of the Del- aware, and 55 ms. from it in a straight line to the PHI 398 PHI s. E. The state house in Chesnut street be- tween 5th and 6th streets, stands in lat. 39° 56' 51", long. 75° 10' 05" w. of Greenwich, and 1° 46' 30" E. of the city of Washington. The city lies 30 ms. below the head of steam naviga- tion on the Del., 96 from Harrisburg, 89 from N. Y., 98 from Baltimore, and 120 statute ms., or by the post route 136 ms. from Washington city. In its natural state, the ground on which Philadelphia stands was an undulating alluvial plain. The Indian name, Coaquanock, was changed to that of Philadelphia, and the city reg- ularly laid out into streets crossing each other at right angles, extending by a small angle from the true meridians. This regularity does not extend however to either of the suburbs or Lib- erties. In the latter, the streets in part corres- pond to those of the city, in part they are at right angles to each other, but oblique to those of the city ; and in part they are irregular, cros- sing at acute and obtuse angles. Dock street is the only one, either in the city or Liberties, which extends in curve lines. Happily the un- dulating surface on which the body of the city is built, has been left untouched by the rage for levelling, and contributes to clear the streets of filth whenever rain falls on them ; an advan- tage relinquished in places where a different policy has prevailed. Philadelphia, like New York, stands on a superstratum of porous allu- vion, based on primitive rock, which is an ad- ditional cause of cleanliness and dryness. The environs of Philadelphia on the Delaware, have been justly admired for the richness, and along the banks of the Schuylkill, for the variety of their scenery. Without due attention to the cause, it may excite some surprise that the scenery of the Delaware should present fea- tures so much more monotonous than that of the Schuylkill ; but the geological structure of the country explains the difference. The prim- itive rock ledge, on ftie margin of which Phila- delphia is situated, is at that city only touched by the Delaware ; whilst on the contrary, it is there that the Schuylkill emerges from the re. gion of hills based on the primitive, and meets the tide. If the two rivers are compared as to their relative connexion with the primitive ledge, the Delaware forms the traverse at Tren- ton, similar to that of the Schuylkill at Phila. The city was founded in 1682, by Wm. Penn : its original form was a parallelogram, extend- ing from the Delaware to the Schuylkill, and more than a mile on these rivers. Its present limits are much enlarged, and embrace in the northern and southern suburbs, an important part of its population. It is accessible by the Delaware for vessels of 600 tons burthen ; and the Schuylkill is navigable for vessels of lighter draught above its junction with the Delaware ; the navigation however, in the winter season, is much obstructed by ice. That part of the city adjacent to the Delaware was formerly the principal seat of business ; but since the coal mines in the interior of the state have been opened, their immense importance, with the fa. cilities for the transaction of business afforded by the completion of rail. roads and canals ter- minating in that vicinity, have directed the at- tention of tha public to the Schuylkill, and busi- ness is rapidly increasing on its banks. The numerous stores and other buildings erected in this part of the city, are the best evidence of the growing importance of this branch of do- mestic enterprise. The city itself, as was be- fore remarked, is laid out with remarkable reg- ularity ; the streets crossing each other at right angles. There are nearly 600 of these, gener- ally paved, with good walks of brick ; some of them are broad, and are fine promenades. There are also several public squares, which contribute in a great degree to the beauty and comfort of the city ; one of them contains 10 acres of land. Public sewers have been con- structed under most of the principal streets, which carry the filth of the city to the Dela- ware, and promote in a high degree the health and comfort of the inhabitants. The city is built with a degree of neatness and beauty which is scarcely surpassed in the U. S. The houses are generally of brick, and are orna- mented with steps and window sills, and not un. frequently a basement, of white marble. Among the most prominent of the public buildings are the U. S. bank, a magnificent white marble edi- fice, copied after the Parthenon at Athens ; it is 161 by 87 ft., including porticos: the bank of Pennsylvania, also of white marble, modelled after the temple of Minerva, 125 by 51 ft.; the mint of the U. S., a splendid building faced with marble, and presenting a front of 122 ft., em. bracing a portico 62 ft. long, and two wings of 30 ft. each ; it is of the Ionic order, and was ta- ken from a splendid Grecian temple on the riv- er Ilissus, near Athens. Besides these are Gi- rard's bank, the Philadelphia library, the hall of the Philosophical society, the university of Pennsylvania, the arcade, the state house, from which the declaration of American Indepen- dence was first promulgated ; the academy of fine arts, the hospital, masonic hall, alms-house, arsenal, exchange, orphan's asylum, widow's asylum, carpenter's hall, custom house, old and new penitentiary, marine asylum, the institution for the deaf and dumb, the medical college, three prisons, four theatres, and several mar- kets, one of which is very extensive. In 1830 there were 90 churches in the city and sub- urbs, of which Christ's church is the oldest, having been commenced in 1727. Of these 20 were Presbyterian, 9 Episcopal, 7 Friends, 10 Methodists, 6 Baptists, 5 Lutheran, 4 Roman Catholic, 10 African, and 19 of other denomina- tions. There are two bridges across the Schuylkill. Permanent bridge, thrown across from the west end of Market street, is 1,300 ft, long, and cost |235,000. The Fairmount bridge consists of a single arch of 350 feet span ; it was erected in 1823, and cost $150,000. These are beautiful and substantial structures. In ad- dition to the bank of the U. S., with a capital of $35,000,000, there are sixteen other banks in the city incorporated by the State, with an aggregate capital of $20,600,000; of which $ 18,935,000 has been paid in. The capi- tal of the different insurance companies, a. mounts to $5,080,000. Philadelphia is noted for the benevolent disposition of its citizens, and for the number, variety and extent of its charitable and literary institutions. Among PHI 899 PHI tliese may be mentioned the Pennsylvania hos- pital, founded in 1750, the buildings of which occupy an entire square ; the university, Gi- rard college, the medical college, the alms- house, the dispensaries. Friends' asylum for the insane, humane society, orphan's, and indigent widow's, and single women's asylum, the insti- tution for the deaf and dumb, and the abolition, savings fund, and fuel saving societies, besides many others. Some of these are worthy of fur- ther notice. The institution for the deaf and dumb was established in 1820, and incorpora- ted the next year, with a grant of $8,000 from the state, and a liberal appropriation for the support of indigent pupils from Pennsylvania. The building is of granite, was erected in 1824, is 96 ft. in front by 63 in depth, and is a chaste and beautiful specimen of architecture. The annual expenses of the institution are about $11,000. The number of pupils in May, 1833, was 72 ; half of whom were males and half fe- males. The university of Pennsylvania, loca- ted in this city, in Jan. 1833 had 186 students in the academical department, and in the medical department three hundred and sixty-eight stu- dents. The alms-house is supported at an ex- pense to the public of about $50,000 per ann. The city is well supplied with public schools and academies, some of which are well endow- ed ; and it has recently received a most munifi- cent bequest, for the establishment of a college for orphans, by the will of the late Stephen Gi- rard. This gentleman, who died in 1831, by his will bequeathed the sum of two millions of dollars to the corporation of the city, in trust for the endowment of an Orphan College. The site selected by Mr. Girard for this object, is 1^ ms. from the city, on the Ridge Road, and at a place called Peel Hill. It contains forty five acres of land, upon which, by the terms of the will, buildings are to be erected for the ac- commodation of 300 pupils, together with those necessary for the teachers, and for other pur- poses. Provision is made for the education of as many poor orphans as the place will accom. modate ; the pupils are to be selected, 1st from the city of Philadelphia, 2nd from the state of Pennsylvania, 3d from the city of New York, and 4th from the city of N. Orleans. They are to be taught the various branches of a sound education, including practical mathematics, philosophy and the modern languages ; and pro- vision is made for extending the course of study, for those who may merit it by distin- guished capacity or industry. The corner stone of the Girard College for Orphans was laid, on the 4th July 1833. The building is to be 160 feet front, by 217 feet in flank, including the porticos. The order is Corinthian ; the super- structure will repose on a basement in the form of a truncated pyramid, composed of 12 steps surrounding the whole building. The columns are to be 6 ft. in diameter at the base, and 54 ft. 6 inches high. The body of the building will be of blue marble, and the columns, pediment, &c. of white marble. The magnificent water works of Philadelphia, by means of which the city is supplied from the Schuylkill with pure and wholesome water, are without a parallel on this side of the Atlantic. The water is raised from the river and conveyed into reservoirs, elevated 56 feet above the highest ground in the city. From these reservoirs 3,000,000 gallons of wa- ter are taken daily for the supply of the city. 72 J miles of iron pipe have already been laid, to convey the water, and additions are constant- ly making. The total amount expended for this object is $1,443,583, and the receipts for the present year are estimated at $77,- 500. From this source the fire companies are liberally supplied with water in case of fire ; of these, there are about 30 engine, and 18 hose companies. The U. S. mint was established by Congress in 1790, and has since been continued at Philadelphia. The whole amount coined at this establishment from 1793 to 1831 was $37,- 000,000. In 1831 there was coined $3,932,473 60 of which $518,000 was from the gold of the U. S. In 1832 the amount coined was $3,331, 055, of which |578,000 was from U. S. gold. Philadelphia is deservedly celebrated for the value and variety of its manufactures. All the necessaries and most of the luxuries of life are manufactured in the city and its vicinity, and large quantities of useful and fancy articles are annually sent abroad. The internal trade of the city is very great, particularly with the Western States. In 1830, 473,876 barrels ©f flour were inspected. The commerce of Phila- delphia is also extensive ; the tonnage, inclu- ding registered, enrolled and licenced, in 1833 amounted to 79,703, of which 44,029 was re- gistered ; 28,093 enrolled ; 1,615 licenced ; and 5,963 foreign. The tomiage of new vessels built and registered, from Jan. 1st to July 1st 1833, was 8,068, of which 2,238 is to be employ, ed in the foreign trade. The number of arri- vals in 1830 was 3,702, of which 415 were for- eign, coastwise, 3,287 ; in 1831, 3,602, of which 396 foreign and;3,206 coastwise. The imports of the state chiefly centre here. In the year ending Sept. 1830, they amounted to $8,702,, 122, and during the same time the exports were, of domestic produce $2,924,452, foreign $1,. 367,341. There are several extensive ship yards for building merchant vessels, and the U. S. have also a navy yard here. A line of steam packets is contemplated to run between the city and Charleston. The population of the city for several periods, has been as follows : — in 1731, 12,000, 1753, 18,000, 1790, 42,500, 1800, 70,- 287, 1810, 96,664, and in 1820, 119,325. In 1830, the population of the city and suburbs was as follows: — Suburbs N., Nthn. Liberties, 31,376 Spring Garden, 11,141 Penn Township, 2,507 Kingston, 13,326 58,350 Suburbs, S. Southwark, E. Do. W. Moyamensing, Passyunk, City, 10,361 10,379 6,822 1,441 29,003 80,458 Total, 167,811 Philadelphia, p-v. northern part Monroe co» Ten., by p-r. 173 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. PHY 400 PIE PuiLADELPHUs, p-v. Robesoii CO. N. C, by p-r. 107 ras. s. w. Raleigh. Philanthropy, p-v. Boiler co. 0., by p-r. 19G ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Philips, r. Coos co. N. H., a branch of Up- per Amonoosue r. ; joins it in Piercy. Philips, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 53 ms. n. n. w. Augusta, 40 n. Norridgevvock, and e. of Ber- lin. Oxford CO. is crossed n. and s. by Sandy r., a branch of Kennebec r. Pop. 954. Philips, p-t. Putnam co. N. Y., 98 ms. s. Al- bany, opposite West Point, Cornwall, Orange CO., about 8 ms. by 12, is very mount 'inous, and has the principal part of Break Neck hill in the N. one of the chief eminences of the Plighlands. It contains also Hlue hill, &c. In the south along the branches of Peekskill creek are handsome meadows. There are otlier streams, and sev- eral ponds. The scenery is bold and varied, but much of the soil is broken, and iron ore abounds, which is mined. The village of Pleas- ant Valley is nearly opposite to West Point. Above it is Cold Spring, and the principal can- non foundry in the U. States. The Robinson mansion stands on an elevation not far from the shore. The property of the owner was con- fiscated in the Revolution, and the house Was occupied by Arnold when he treacherously de- serted the American cause. Pop. 4,761. Philips, co. Ark., bndd. by Arkansas co. s. w., Monroe w., S. Francis co. n., and n. e,, e. and s. E. by Misp. r. As laid down on Tanner's irn. proved map of the U. S. the outlines approach very nearly to a right angled triangle : base a N. ands. line 54 ms. ; perpendicular thenrthern boundary, 32 ms. and hypothenuse the genera" course of the Misp. r., area 864 sq. ms. Centra! lat. 34° 30' long. W. C. 13° 45' w. With but little exception, it is flat and liable to annual submersion. Cf. t. Helena. Pop. 1,152. Philipssurgh, p-v. Wallkill, Orange co. N. Y., on Wallkill creek, 20 miles w. Newburgh, and 4 from Goshen ; has several manufactories. Philipsbtjrgh, v., Warren co. N. J., e. side Del. r., opposite Easton, Pa. Philipsburg, p-v. Centre co. Pa., by p-r. 114 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Philipsburg, p-v. .TefFerson co. O., by p-r. 149 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Philips Store, and p-o. Nash co. N. C, by p-r. 61 ms. estrd. Raleigh. Philipston, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 65 ras. N. w. Boston, 26 n. w. Worcester ; has very good grass land, and many mill sites. Burn. shint r. rises here in a fine pond: pop. 932. Philipsville, p-v. Erie co. Pa., 345 ms. n. w. W.C. Philomont, p-v. Loudon co. Va., 41 miles wstrd. W. C. Phipsburgh, p-t. Lincoln co. Me., 44 ms. s. Augusta, 20 s. w. Wiscasset ; forms the s. part of a long and irregular peninsula on the w. side of Kennebec r. at its mouth. It termin- ates in two points, called Bald Head and Cape Small Point, and has Cape Small Point harbor : pop. 1,311. Phoenixville, p-v. wstrn. part Chester co. Pa., about 30 ms. from Phil. Phyfer's Cross Roads, and p-o. Knox co. O., 60 ms. N. E.Columbus. Physic Spring, and p-o. Buckingham co. Va., G7 ms. w. Richmond. ProKAWAV, CO. ()., bndd. s. by Ross, Fayette s. w., Madison n. w., Franklin n., Fairfield e., and Hocking s. e. Greatest length 28 miles, mean length 24, mean breadth 21, and area 500 sq. ms. Central lat. 39° 37', long. W. C. 6° w. Slope sthrd., the Scioto r. traversing it in that direction, and within its limits receiving Walnut cr. from the n. e., and Darby's creek from the N. w. The soil is remarkably diversified, some part being exuberantly fertile, whilst the oppo- site extreme reaches barrenness. The fertile part has been found so productive as to afford crops of 40 or 45 bushels of wheat per acre, and other grains and fruits in equal proportion. Thepop. being in 1820, 13,149, lb30, 16,001, would seem to show that in general fertility, Pickaway must fall short of several other cos. of Ohio. Cf. t. Circleville. Pickens, extreme wstrn. dist. of S. C, bndd. by Greenville dist. n. e., Anderson e., Tugaloo r. separating it from Franklin co. Geo. s. w., and Habersham co. Geo. w., Chatuga r. separating it from Rabun co. Geo. n. w., and by Haywood and Buncombe cos in N. C, n. Length from s. w. to N. E. 40 ms., mean breadth 30, and area l,2a0 sq. ms. ; lat. 34° 50', long. W. C. 6° w. slope sthrd., and drained chiefly by the various branches of Seneca r. Surface hilly, and in part mountainous ; chief t. Pickenville. Pop. 14,473. Pickens co. Ala., bndd. by Lowndes co. Misp. N. w., Lafayette co. Ala. n., Tuscaloosa CO. E., Greene s., and Tombigbee r. separating it from the Choctaw territory, Ala. w. Length from s. to N. 36 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 720 sq. ms. ; lat. 33° 13', long. W. C. 11° 15' w. Slope s. w., and in that direction drained by Sipsey r. and several creeks flowing into Tombigbee r. ; chief town Pickensville. Pop. 6,622. Fickens, c. h. and p-o. Pickens dist. S. C, by p-r. 157 ms. n. w. Columbia. Pickensville, p-v. estrn. part Pickens dist. S. C, 43 ms. N. w. by w. Spartanburg, and by p-r. 130 ms. N. v/.by w. Columbia. Pickensville, p-v. and st. jus. Pickens co. Ala., by p-r. n. w. by w. Tuscaloosa ; lat. 32° 20', long. W. C. 110 16' w. Pickering isl. Hancock co. Me. Pop. 10. Pickerington, P-v. Franklin co. 0. Pickett's valley and p,o. Greenville dist. S. C, by p-r. 123 ms. n. w. Columbia. PicKMiNK r. (See Illinois r.) Piercy, t. Coos co. N. H., 5 ms. n. e. Lancas- ter, 20,000 acres, of irregular form, is crossed by Upper Amonoosue river, whose n. and s. branches here unite. Piercy'spond is e. The surface is uneven, soil not very good. It con- tains Mill and Pilot mtns., and Devil's Sliding Place, which has a smooth declivity n., and a precipice of 300 feet s. First settled 1788. Pop. 236. PiERMONT, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 70 ms. n. n. w. Concord, 132 n. n. w. Boston. It contains 23,000 acres, lies e. Conn, river, has good soil, excellent on the river, with broad meadows. Grain and grass grow well on the adjoining plains ; e. of these are hills favorable to grass. PIK 401 PIK White pine grows near the river ; hard maple, birch, elm, &c. e. Eastman's ponds are n. e., flowing into Conn, through Eastman's brook, on which are mill seats. Indian brook, also a mill stream, is s. ; Barron's Isl. is in Conn. r. ; valuable quarries are in the n. First settled 1770. Pop. 1,042. PiERPONT, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y., 213 ms. N. N. w. Albany, 28 e. s. e. Ogdensburgh, is crossed in the n. e. corner by Racket r., and in other parts has several small streams of Grassy r. Pop. 749. PiERPONT, p-v. Ashtabula co. O., by p-r. 199 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pig r. Va., rising in the southeastern slope of the Blue Ridge, and flowing thence eastward, between Blackwater and Irvine rivers, travers- es and drains the central part of Franklin co., and entering Pittsylvania, turns to n. e. and falls into Roanoke, after a comparative course of 35 ms. Pigeon Hill, p-v. York co. Pa., by p-r. 90 ms.N. W. C. Pigeon Roost, p-v. Henry co. Ten. by p-r. 106 ms. a little n. of w. Nashville. Pig Point, p-v. on the left bank of Patuxent river, opposite the mouth of the W. branch, and in t^ie southern part of Ann Arundel co. Md., by p-r. 59 miles, but by the common inter- mediate road, only about 30 ms. s. e. by e. W. C. Pike, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y., 255 ms. w. by &. Albany, 18 n. w. Angelica, and s. Gene, see CO., 6 ms. by 12. It is crossed n. and s. by both branches of Wiscoy cr. Genesee r. flows through the adjoining t. of Portage on the e. The soil is good, bearing much maple, beech, bass, elm, &c. Bog iron ore is found here. Pop. 2,016. Pike, co. Pa., bndd. by Northampton s. ; the nrthrn. branch of Lehigh separating it from Lu- zerne w., by Wallenpaupack cr. separating it from Wayne n. w., Lackawaxen r. separating it from Wayne n., Del. r. separating it from Sul- livan CO. N. Y., N. E., and by Del. r. separating it from Sussex co. N. J., e., and Warren co. N. J., s. E. Length crossing diagonally from e. to w. 48 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 720 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 17', long. W. C. 1° 48' e. A mtn. chain traverses this co. from s. vv. to n. e. divid- ing it into two slopes, one estrd. towards that part of Del. below the mouth of Nevesink r., and the other nrthrds. towards that part of Del. between the mouths of Lackawaxen and Neve- sink rs. ; surface of the co. very broken. Cf. t. Milford. Pop. 4,843. Pike, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 149 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Pike, co. Geo., bndd. by Fayette n. w., Hen- ry N., Butts N. E., Monroe s. e., Upson s,, and Flint river separating it from Merriwether w. Length from e. to w. 28 ms., mean width 17, and area 476 sq. ms. ; lat 32° 07', long. W. C. 7° 30' w. ; slope sthrd. and drained in that di- rection by Auhau cr. a branch of Flint, and Chu- pee cr., a branch of Ocmulgee r. ; Cf. t. Zebu- Ion. Pop. 6,149. Pike, co. Ala., bndd. by Henry s. e., Dale s., Covington s. w., Butler w., Montgomery n. w,, and the Cherokee territory n. and n. e. ; great- est length along the sthrn. border 68 ms. ; mean breadth 25, area 1,700 sq. ms. The extreme nrthrn. angle is drained by Ockfuskee cr., a branch of Tallapoosa r. and slopes to the n. The much greater part of the whole surface, however, slopes s. w., and is drained in that di- rection by the sources of Conecuh and Choctaw rs. Cf. t. Pike c. h. Pop. 7,108. Pike co. Misp., bndd. s. w. by Amite, n. w. by Franklin, Lawrence n., Marion e., Wash, ington parish. La. s. e. and s., and St. Helena parish. La. s. w. ; length 30 ms., mean breadth 28, and area 840. Extending in lat. from 31° to 31° 27', and in long, from 13° 10' to 13° 40' w. This CO. is traversed in a s. s. e. direction by the Bogue Chito r., and the sthwstrn. angle gives source to the Tangipao r. The general slope nearly sthrd. ; surface in a great part open pine woods ; Cf. t. Holraesville. Pop. 5,402. Pike co. Ky., bndd. s. by Harlan, s. w. and w. by Perry, n. by Floyd, and by Cumberland mtn., which separates it from Tazewell co. Va. E., and from Russell co. Va. s. e. It approaches the form of a triangle, base 55 ms. along Cum- berland mtn. ; mean breadth 20 ms., 1,100 sq. ms. ; lat. 37° 15', long W. C. 5° 40' w. The nrthestrn. angle is traversed nrthwstrly. by the West Fork of Big Sandy r., whilst from the central and sthrn. sections rise the extreme sources of Kentucky r. flowing also to the n. w. ; surface very broken ; Cf. t. Piketon. Pop. 2,677. Pike co. O., bndd. s. by Scioto, Adams s. w.. Highland w., Ross n., and Jackson e. ; length from e. to w. 32 ms., mean width 18, and area 576 sq. ms. ; lat. 39° and long. W. C. 6° w. in- tersect in this CO. It is traversed in a s. s. w. course by Scioto r. ; soil productive in grain, fruits and meadow grasses ; cf. t. Pikei.on. Pop. 1820, 4,253, 1830, 6,024. Pike co. Ind., bndd. by Warrick s., Gibson w.. White r. separating it from Knox n. w., the estrn. branch of White r. separating it from Daviess n. e., and by Dubois co. e. ; mean length from s. to N. 22 miles, mean breadth 18, and area 396 sq. ms. The slope of this co. is very nearly due w., and in that direction is traversed by Patoka r. The course also of both branches of White r. where they bound the co. is also to the w. ; cf. t. Petersburgh. Pop. 2,475. Pike co. II., bndd. by Calhoun s., Misp. r. separating it from Pike co. Mo. s. w., Ralls, Mo. w., and Marion Mo. n. w., again by Adams, II. N., Schuyler n. e., and II. r. separating it from Morgan e. and Greene s. e. ; length from s. to N. 33 ms., mean breadth 30, and area 990 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 35', long. W. C. 14° w. ex. tending from the Misp. to II. r. ; the principal slope is wstrd. towards the former ; cf. t. Atlas. Pop. 2,396. Pike co. Mo., bndd. by Lincoln s. e., Mont- gomery s., Ralls s. w., andN. w., and the Misp. r. separating it from Pike co. II. n. e., and from Calhoun co. II. e. ; length from s. to n. 36 ms. mean breadth 20, and area 720 sq. ms. ; lat. 39° 20', long. W. C. 14 w. Salt r. of Mo., en- ters the Misp. in the nrthrn. angle of this co., which it traverses to the s. e. The nrthrn. branches of Cuivre (Copper) r. rise in the sthrn. section, and also flow s. e. ; chief t. Bov/ling Green. Pop. 6,129. PIN 402 PIS Pike c. h. and p.o. Pike co. Ala., by p-r. 179 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. PiKEsviLLE, p-v. Baltimore co. Md. by p-r. 46 ms. N. E. W. C, and 8 ms. from Baltimore. PiKETON, p-v. and st. jus. Pike co. Ky. situa- ted on the W. Fork of Sandy r., by p-r. 165 ms. s. E. by E. Frankfort. Piketon, p-v. and st. jus. Pike co. O. situated on the left bank of Scioto r. 26 ms. above Ports- mouth, and by p-r. 65 ms. s. Columbia ; lat. 39° 02', long. W. C. 6° w. Pop. 271. PiKEViLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Marion co. Ala. situated on Battahatche r., by p-r. 118 ms. n. n. w. Tuscaloosa ; lat. 34° 07', long. W. C. ll w. PiKEViLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Bledsoe co. Ten., situated on Sequatchie r., by p-r. 109 ms. s. e. by E. Nashville ; lat. 35° 39', long. W. C. 8° 12' w. PiKEViLLE, p-v. Monroe co. Ky. by p-r. 145 ms. s. s. "w. Frankfort. PiLESGROVE, t. Salem co. N. J. 50 ms. s. w. Trenton, 25 s. Phila., hasOldman's cr. n. which separates it from Woolwich, Gloucester co., and is crossed by Salem r., on which are the villages of Sharptown and Woodstown. Pop. 2,150. PiNCKNEY, p-t. Lewis CO. N. Y., 153 miles N. w. Albany, 13 s. e. Watertown, and e. of Rodman in Jefferson co., 6 ms. by 6§, first set- tled 1805, has nearly a level surface, with much moist, sandy loam, favorable to grain and grass, and bearing a variety of forest trees : pop. 763. PiNCKNEY, p-v. on the left bank of the Mo. river, Montgomery co. Mo., by p-r. 66 ms. w. St. Louis. Pinckneyville, p-v. Union dist. S. C, 92 ms. N. N. w. Columbia. Pinckneyville, p-v. Gwinnet co. Geo. by p-r. 106 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. Pinckneyville, p-v. Wilkinson co. Misp. 44 ms. s. Natchez. Pinckneyville, p-v. and st. jus. Perry co. Illinois, situated on Boucoup creek, a branch of Muddy creek, by p-r. 129 miles a little w. of s. Vandalia, lat. 38° 02', long. W. C. 12° 25' west. Pindertown, p-v. and st. jus. Lee co. Geo., situated on Flint river, by p-r. 130 miles s, s. w. Milledgeville, lat. 31° 40', long. W. C. 7° 10' w. Pine cr, or more correctly r. of Pa., rising in Potter and Tioga cos., interlocking sources with those of Tioga, Genesee, and Alleghany rs. The various branches unite in Tioga, from which the united water flows into Lycoming, and falls into the W. branch of Susquehannah r., after a sthrn. course by comparative distance 60 ms. Pine cr. p-o. Tioga co. Pa., by p-r. 159 ms. n. Harrisburg. Pine Bluff, p-o, southeastern part Pulaski CO. Arkansas, by p-r. 50 miles s. e. Little Rock. Pine Grove, p.v. Schuylkill co. Pa., by p-r. 41 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Pine Grove, p-v. Tyler co. Va. by p-r. 249 ms. wstrd. W. C. Pine Grove, mills and p.o. Centre co. Pa., by p-r. 88 ms. nrthwstrd. Harrisburg. Pine Orchard, Catskill, Greene co. N, Y., 8 miles w. Hudson river, and Catskill vil. a small level on the Catskill mtns., a favorite re- sort of travellers of taste during the hot sea- son. It was originally covered with a grove of pine trees, growing at nearly equal distances, on a surface scattered with broken rocks, and terminating at a projection which overhangs a precipice of some hundreds of feet. At that spot has been erected a splendid hotel, called the Catskill Mountain house, from which the view ranges without interruption over the wide valley of the Hudson, including some of the highlands of Conn., Mass. and Vt. The most distant eminences in sight n. and s. are about 70 ms. apart. Pine Park, p-v. Bibb co. Ala., by p-r. 59 ms. estrd. Tuscaloosa. Pine Plains, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. 79 ms, s, Albany, 28 n. e. Poughkeepsie, 4 ms. by 10, has a small village ; a high hill e. and Stissing mtn, w., on the e. side of which is Stissing pond, with an outlet s. the head stream of Wap- pinger's creek. Chicome creek crosses the town from s. e. to n. w. flowing into RoelefF .lansen's cr., which crosses the n. w. corner. Pop. 1,503. Pine Street, p-v. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 162 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Pine Village, p-v. Edgefield dist. S. C, 66 ms. wstrd. Columbia. . Pineville, p-v. nrthrn. part of Charleston dist. S. C, 53 ms. n. Charleston, and by p.r. 92 ms. s. E. Columbia. Pineville, p-v. nrthrn, part Clarke co. Ala,, by p-r, 107 ms, sthrd. Tuscaloosa. PiNEY river, p-v. on a small stream of the name name, southern part Dickson co. Ten. By p.r. the p-o, is 54 miles westward Nash- ville, PiNTLALAH, Or Piutclalah, small r. of Mont- gomery co. Ala, rises on the sthrn. border of the CO. and flowing nrthrd. falls into the left side of Ala. r. PiNTLALAH, p-0. Montgomery co. Ala., 13 ms. from Montgomery, the co. st. and by p-r. 132 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa, Piping Tree, p-v. King William co. Va., by p-r. 20 ms. n. e. Richmond. PiauA, p-v. Washington tsp. nrthrn. part of Miami co. O., by p-r. 79 ms. a little n. of w. Columbus, and 8 ms. n, n. w. Troy, the co. st. : pop. 488. Piquea, p-v. sthrn. part of Lancaster co. Pa. 27 ms. sthrd. Lancaster, and by p-r. 126 miles nrthestrd. W. C. PiscATAauA r., N. H., the boundary between N. H. and Me. from the ocean 40 ms. n, n. w. which is the length of its course. Its source is in Wakefield. Its mouth is near Portsmouth, which capital stands on its s. shore. It is a large, deep and important stream the last few ms. of its course, spreading out into several bays. Only this part of it is commonly called Piscataqua ; the middle part, from the mouth of Cocheco river to the lower falls in Berwick, bearing the name of Newichawannoc, and the upper part Salmon Falls river. The western branch is formed by several branches, which fall into Great Bay, Swamscot r. from Exeter, PIT 403 PIT Winnicot r. which passes through Greenland, and Lamprey river flowing between Durham and Newmarket. At a smaller bay below, Oyster river comes in from the n. The tide, which flows up to the lower falls in all these streams, affords navigation from them to Ports- mouth. The channel, being narrow, though very deep, 7 ms. from the ocean, causes a very rapid rush of water both at the rising and the falling of the tide, so that ice is never formed across. The harbor formed near the mouth of the Piscataqua is very safe and capacious. There is an outer and an inner bay, islands with forts, a light house, &c., and in the inner is a navy yard of the U. S. PiscATAQUoG r., HiUsborough co. N. H., is formed of 2 branches, and enters Merrimac r. on the line of Gofl'stown and Bedford. PiscATAQuoG, p-v. Bedford, Hillsborough co. N. H., a pleasant little village on Piscataquog r. near its junction with the Merrimac, with a bridge over the former, 60 ft. long. The Union canal here passes the falls, and facilitates the business of the place. PiscATAWAY, v., Piscataway, Middlesex co. N. J. 3 ms. N. E. New Brunswick, and n. Rari- tan r. Piscataway or. sthrn. part Prince George's county, Md. rises a few ms. w. of Upper Marl- borough, and flowing s. w. falls into Potomac at Fort Washington. Piscataway, p-v. on Piscataway cr., sthrn. part Prince George's co. Md. by p-r. 16 ms. s. W. C. PisGAH, p-v. Cooper co. Mo. 34 ms. wstrd. Jefferson. Pitcher, p-t. Chenango co. N.Y. 127 ms.w. s. w. Albany. Pop. 1,214. Pitch Landing, and p-o. sthrn. part Hertford CO. N. C. 12 ms. s. Winton, the co. st. and 129 ms. N. E. by E. Raleigh. Pitt, co. N. G. bndd. e. by Beaufort, Johnson s., Lenoir s. w., Greene w., Edgecombe n. w., and Martin n. and n. e. Length from e. to w. 44 ms. ; greatest breadth 36 ms. but mean breadth 18 ms., and area about 800 square ms. Central lat. 35° 35'. The meridian of W. C. traverses the eastern angle. Contentney or the mtn. branch of Neuse r. traverses the sthrn. angle in a s. e. course, whilst Tar. r. in a simi- lar direction winds over the central part. The' general slope is to the s. e. Cf. t. Greenville. Pop. 12,093. PiTTSBORo', p-v. and st. jus. Chatham co. N. C. situated on the road from Raleigh to Ash. boro', 33 ms. wstrd. of the former, and 39 estrd. of the latter, lat. 35° 43', and long.2o 14' w. W. C. Pittsburg, city Alleghany co. Pa. situated on the point above the junction and between the Alleghany and Monongahela rs. and where these two streams form the Ohio r. by p-r. 323 ms. northwestward W. C, 201 w. Harrisburg, and 297 ms. a little n. of w. Phila., lat. 40° 28', long. 2° 56' w. W. C. That part incorporated and particularly called Pittsburg, lies entirely on the point above noticed, and occupies an al- luvial plain and part of the adjacent hill pro- truded between the two rs. In its form the city of Pittsburg is laid out with a very strong re- semblance to N. Y. The streets along the Mo- nongahela are laid out at right angles to each other, and perpendicular or parallel to that stream; and the same relative arrancrement prevails along the Alleghany, and renders the streets of the two sections of the city oblique to each other. In 1820, if the adjacent villao-es were included, there were within 1 mile of its centre, about 10,000 persons, of whom 7,248 resided in the corporation. In 1826, the city contained a population of 10,515. By the census of 1830, the city alone contained 12,568 inhabitants, but in a commercial and social point of view, Alleghany tovm, Bir- mingham, Lawrenceville, Bayardstown, and the street along the Monongahela opposeit, all belong to Pittsburg as suburb's, and all included in one aggregate, amounted to 18,000, in 1830, and now 1832, no doubt ex- ceeds 20,000. Pittsburg is emphatically the Birmingham of the Ohio valley, and is in no small proportion made up of manufacturing edi- fices, and inhabited by manufacturers. Amongst the machinery erected here, may be named as first' in utility and efficiency, a high pressure engine of 84 horse power, which raises water from the Alleghany river 116 ft. and can afford a diurnal supply of 1,500,000 gallons. There were according to Flint early in this year, 1832, n extensive iron foundries, from which, in 1830, were manufactured from pigs, 5,339 tons. There were 6 rolling mills and nail factories united, which manufactured 7,950 tons of pigs into blooms, and 2,805 tons into nails. There were 4 extensive cotton factories, one of which worked 10,000 spindles. Two glass works, several breweries, and taking altogether up. wards of 270 manufacturing establishments. There are 13 churches, for Roman Catholics, Baptists, Covenanters, Seceders, Methodists, German Lutherans, Episcopalians, Presbyteril ans, Unitarians, &c. In this city is located the Western University of Pa., (in which are 4 in. structors and about 60 students,) the Pittsburg High school, numerous private schools. Lam- din's museum, a branch of the U. S. and 2 or 3 other banks, a theatre, and also a state prison. The city is united to the adjacent country be- yond the two rs., by a bridge over each. That across the Monongahela is, however, in some measure useless, from being located too high up the stream, and a ferry is still kept up froln the point to the great western road, through Washington, Wheeling, Steubenville, and other places. The site is a real amphitheatre formed by the hand of nature. The rivers flow in chan- nels from 450 to 465 ft. below the highest peaks of the neighboring hills. The writer of this article measured the height of several hills in the vicinity of Pittsburg, and found them va. rying between the relative elevations stated. Another geological phenomenon deserves par- ticular notice ; the main coal strata lie some- thing above 300 ft. above the level of the streets of that part of the city on the alluvial point, and these strata lie almost exactly on one level. A levelling instrument placed at the mouth of any of the coal beds, if carried round the horizon the circle of vision passes along the openings of all the other mines. The hills though steep PIT 404 PIT are not, except in a few instances, precipitous, and afford from their slopes and peaks a series of rich and varied landscape. The scenery is in a most interesting manner strengthened in color by the fertility of soil which continues to the very summits. There is nothing of barren, ness visible ; vegetation in the forests, mead- ows, fields, orchards, and gardens, exhibits one theatre of abundance. The formation is here, as in every other part of the valley of Ohio, Jioctz, or level, so much so, indeed, as to ren- der the draining of the coal mines difficult. Limestone is formed, but the prevailing rock is a porous sand stone as far as the earth has been penetrated. Few places in the United States combine so great advantages of position as does Pittsburg. The great line of canal and rail road from Phil- adelphia by the Schuylkill over the Susquehan- nah valley, and the intervening mountains, ter- minaces for the present in the valley of Ohio at Pittsburg, but its extension down the latter stream is amongst the inevitable effects of its execution to the head of such a navigation. The Ohio is impeded by autumn drought in di- rect excess with ascent, and is nearly annually rendered unnavigable as low down as Marietta, for one, two or three months before the frosts of winter. It is, however, navigable as high as Wheeling, long after it ceases to be so at the confluence of the Alleghany and Monongahela, Taken with all its existing business, few if any other places, in either the United States or Eu- rope with an equal population, have transactions to so great amount. The value of its manu- factures falls annually but little under ^3,000,- 000, and the objects of manufacture being those of primary necessity, renders the prosperity of the place permanent. PiTTSFiELD, p-t. Somerset co. Me. by p-r. 38 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 609. Pittsburgh, p-v. western part of Baldwin co. Geo. 8 ms. from Milledgeville. PxTTSFiELD, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 15 ms. N. w. Concord, with 14,92 1 acres, is uneven and rocky, with good soil, and is crossed by Suncook r. from n. to s., supplying mill seats, s. E. is Catamount mtn. from which is seen the ocean, and on which is Berry's pond, 300 yards by i mile, supplying mill seats with its outlet. There are several other ponds. Pop. 1,276. PiTTSFiELD, p-t. Rutland CO. Vt., 35 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 17 n. e. Rutland, is in the n. e. cor- ner of the CO. ; first settled 1786, and organized 1793. Tweed r. a branch of White r., is form- ed near the centre, by the union of three streams, which afford mill sites. White r. also crosses the e. part. The surface is mountain- ous, and Wilcox's peak is the highest. 4 school dists. Pop. 505. PiTTSFiELD, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 125 ms. w. Boston, 38 e. s. e. Albany ; lies between the two mountainous ranges of Taughkannic and the Green mtns., has a varied and beautiful surface, good soil, and, along the two main branches of Housatonic r., extensive meadows. The village enjoys an airy situation, on the sum- mit of a hill, with a large public square, in the centre of which is a remarkably fine elm, which was left when the forest was cleared away. It has several streets, with a number of stores and handsome residences, and a bank ; the Berk- shire academy, and a seminary for females. In the tsp. are several extensive factories, inclu- ding Mr. Pomeroy's, of muskets, where arms are frequently made for the U. S. The settle, ment began in 1736, and two garrison houses were erected in 1754, but the general occupa. tion of the town has been much more recent. The Indians called it Pontoosuc. During the last war, many British prisoners were cantoned in the village. Pop. 3,515. PiTTSFiELD, p-t. Otsego CO. N. Y., 87 ms. w. Albany, and 15 s. w. Cooperstown ; has Unadilla w. which separates it from Chenango co., and has an irregular surface, with fertile vallies and arable hills, with fine pastures well watered. Wharton's cr. falls into Mead r. Pop. 1,006. PiTTSFORD, p-t. Rutland co. Vt., 60 ms. n. Ben- nington, 44 s. w. Montpelier, 8 n. Rutland. First settled 1768, from Greenwich, Mass., and had forts Mott and Vengeance, picketed in the revolution ; the latter being the most n. frontier point held by Americans in the war, w. of the Green mtns. It contains 25,000 acres. Otter creek flows from s. to n. through the mid- dle, from 40 to 50 yards wide, winding, and slow. Furnace r. is a branch formed of East cr. and Philadelphia r., which have valuable meadows, and good mill sites. A pond s. e. contains twenty acres, and one n. e. 30. A hilly range is on the w. line. The soil is loam, with some sand and clay, bearing oaks, pine, maple, beech, &c. &c., and contains iron ore, yielding 25 per cent. Marble is quarried and sent to Middlebury to be sawn and cut. It is coarse and elastic, so that a thin slab laid hor- izontally, supported only at the ends, bends in the middle. Oxide of manganese also is found here. There are 14 school dists. Pop. 2,005. PiTTSFORD, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y., 215 ms. n. N. w. Albany, 8 e. Rochester, 22 n. w. Canan. daigua ; with 22 sq. ms. ; has Irondequot cr. s. E., Noyes cr. n. w., with few mill seats, and is crossed by Erie canal from n. w. in a crooked course to s. e., where is the great embanliment over Irondequot cr. The village is in the n. w. corner, arid almost surrounded by the canal. Pop. 1,831. PiTTSGRovE, p-t. Salem co. N. J., 74 ms. s. s. w. Trenton, 25 s. Philadelphia ; has a little of the head of Oldman's cr. n. with Gloucester CO., and at itss. angle just touches the n. w. an- gle of Deerfield, Cumberland co. Pop. 1830, 2,216. PxTTSTON, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 7 ms. s. Au- gusta, has Lincoln co. e. and s., and Keimebec r. w., into which it sends several small streams. It is a place of some trade. Pop. 1,799. PiTTSTON, p-v. on the bank of the East Branch • of Susquehannah r., at the mouth of Lackawan- noc r., Luzerne co. Pa., 9 ms. above Wilkes. Barre. PiTTSTON Ferry, nearly opposite Pittston p-v. Luzerne co. Pa., 8 ms. above, but on the oppo- site side of the East Branch of Susquehannah from Wilkes-Barre. PiTTSTOWN, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y., 18 ms. N. E. Albany, 15 n. e. Troy, s. Washington co. ; with 35,500 acres; first settled 1750; is un- PLA 405 ILA even but arable, with a good soil, bearing oak, maple, beech, ash, &c., and sends wheat, pork, beef, &.C. to market. The villages of Pittstovvn and Tomhanoe, are in pleasant vallies. Hoosac r. is on the n. line. The mill streams are small. Pop. 3,702. Pittsylvania, go. Va., bndd. s. w. by Henry, Franklin w., Roanoke r. separating it from Bed- ford, N. w., and Campbell n. ; it has Halifax on the E., and Caswell and Rockingham cos. N. C s. Greatest length from s. to n. 40 ms., mean length 36, breadth 28, and area 1,000 sq. ms. Lat. 3<6° 50', long. 2° 21' w. W. C. This CO. is bndd. on the n. by Roanolie, in the centre by Banister r., and on the s. by Dan r., all of which streams in that part of their respective courses flow estrd., and of course give that slope to the surface. Much of the soil is ex- cellent. Cf. t. Competition, usually called Pitt- sylvania c. h. : Pop. 1820, 21,313, 1830, 26,034. P[TTSYi.vANiA, c. h. and p-o., or Competition, St. jus. Pittsylvania co. Va., is situated near the centre of the co. on a branch of Banister r., by p-r. 259 ms. s. w. W. C, and 167 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Lat. 36° 50', long. W. C, 2° 20' w. Placentia, isl., Hancock co. Me. : Pop. 39. Plain Dealing, p-v. Meade co. Ky., 10 ms. estrd. Brandenburg, the co. St., and by p-r. 80 ms. wstrd. Franlifort. Plainfield, t. Washington co. Vt., 55 ms. n. V/indsor, 21 n. w. Newbury; first settled about 1794, and has 10,000 acres. Onion r. is in the N. w. part, and is here joined by Great brook, which crosses the town. The village is at the junction, with several mills, &c. There is a trout pond, and a small mineral spring which is resorted to by invalids ; the soil is pretty good, the surface hilly, and timber is abundant : Pop. 874. Plainfield, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H., 12 ms. s. w. Dartmouth college, 55 w. n. w. Concord, 111 N. w. Boston, E. Conn, r., and s. of Grafton co. Has pine timber near the river, maple, beech, &c. on the hills. It contains fine meadows, particularly on the r. Harts isl., 19 acres, be- longs to this town. There is a pleasant village, in which is Union academy, with a fund of $40,000, given by Hon. Daniel Kimball, the in- terest of which is to be given partly to a clergy- man, and partly to the education of ministers. First settled 1764. Waterqueechy falls are in ihis town : Pop. 1,581. Plainfield, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass., 110 ms. w. Boston, 20 n. w. Northampton ; lies on the range of the Green mtns., and supplies the head streams of the n. branch of Westfield r. Pop. 984. Plainfield, p-t. Windham co. Conn, lies e. of Quinnebaug r. n. New London co. and is crossed by Moosup r. a branch of the Quinne- baug, with other small streams. The village is pleasantly situated in the midst of a level. The town has good soil and many valuable farms. It has also an academy : Pop. 2,290. Plainfield, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y., 75 ms. w. Albany, 15 n. w. Cooperstown, e. Unadilla r. or Madison co., and s. Oneida co. Several small branches of Unadilla r. are in the town. The surface is level and fertile n. w., and hilly 52 s., with fine pastures. The country is elevated between the head streams of the Mohawk and Susquehannah : pop. 1,626. Plainfield, village, Westfield, Essex co. N. J., 16 miles s. w. Newark, and e. of Green- brook. Plainfield, p-v. Coshocton co. O., by p-r. 70 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Plainfield, p-v. St. Clair co. Mich., by p-r. 64 ms. n. e. Detroit. Plainsville, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa., by p-r. 119 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Plaistow, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 30 ms. s. E. Concord, 30 s. w- Portsmouth, 35 n. by w. Boston, n. and n. w. Haverhill, Mass. ; 6,839 acres ; was purchased o( the Indians, 1642, as a part of that town, and has a good, black, loamy soil, rocky n. w. Some minerals are found here, many springs and a few small streams : pop. 591. PLAauEMiKES, (Pcrcimon,) outlet of the Misp. to the right, 96 ms. below the mouth of Red r., 8 ms. below the outlet of Iberville from the op- posite side, and 117 ms. above New Orleans. The Plaquemine outlet receives water only when the Mississippi is within 8 or 10 feet of its extreme height of flood ; but when the main stream has attained its greatest height, large barges and steamboats are safely navigated down the Plaquemine into its recipient the At- chafalaya ; and thence by the various inter- locking streams to upper Altacapas, and to Ope- lousas. The channel of Plaquemine, of 15 ms. in length, is very winding, but the banks being steep and composed of alluvial soil, vessels re- ceive but little damage by running on shore. It is a pass of very great importance, as, through it, passes the travelling and co)nmerce of a wealthy and fertile section of La. Plaquemine, remarkable bend of the Missis- sippi r. 75 ms. below l>ie\v Orleans. Fort St. Philip, called in the p-o. list fort .Tackson, stands on this bend, and on the left bank of the r., and completely commands the stream, which, oppo- site the glacis, is only 37 chains, or a fraction less than half a mile wide ; of course the op- posite shore is within reach of point blank shot. At this place is a post office called Fort Jack- son. Placiuemines, parish of La., bndd. w. by Jef- ferson, St. Bernard n. w., lake Borgne n., Chandeleur bay e., and the gvdf of Mexico s. E. and s. Greatest length, following the gener- al comparative course of i\'!isp. r. 85 miles. Greatest breadth from Barataria bay to the pass of Marian 75 ms. The form approaching that of a cross, ends in narrow points at each ex- treme ; the area about 2,500 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 29° to 30° 10', and in long. W. C. 12° to 13° w. The surface is the sthestrn. salient part of the great plain of the Missis- sippi, and is literally a plain, over which no spot rises 10 ft. above the level of the gulf of Mexico. This was demonstrated by the hurri- cane of the 18th and 19th August, 18 12, when the water was raised 8 ft. above its ordinary level, inundated the whole Plaquemine parish, spreading ruin and death along the cultivated banks of the Misp. r. Houses, fences, horses, cattle, and not a few human beings, were en- PLA 406 PLE gulfed. The storm was truly terrible over all La., but below the English Turn, 15 ms. below New Orleans, it was a real deluge with all the terrors of such a catastrophe. The writer of this article passed along the scene in April, 1813, when it still appeared aa if an enormous weight had been rolled over the whole surface where any timber had stood to meet the fury of the tempest. The wooded, very slightly eleva- ted, and arable margins of the Misp. river would be fully estimated at 120 square miles in Plaquemine parish ; and the residue is one extended grassy marsh. The arable soil is, however, extremely productive. Sugar cane, cotton, Indian corn, rice, the orange and fig tree, with an indefinite list of esculent plants, grow luxuriantly. There is no town in this parish deserving the title : pop. 1820, 2,354, 1830, 4,489. Plato, p-v. Lorain co. Ohio, by p-r. 139 ms. N. N. E. Columbus. Platte, large r. of the U. S., and one of the great wstrn. confluents of Mo. r., rises accord- ing to Tanner, in the eastern vallies of the Chippewayan or Rocky mountains, interlocking sources to the southward with those of Arkan- sas, to the nrthrd. with those of Yellow Stone r., and to the wstrd. with those of Lewis' r., branch of Oregon or Columbia r. The extreme source of Platte, as laid down on Tanner's N. A., is in lat. 40^ and a little w. of 30° w. long. W. C, and so nearly due e. is the general course of this large stream, that though trav- ersing ll degrees of long., its entrance into the Mo. river is at lat. 41° 03'. It is in the higher part of its course composed of two branches ; the Padouca or sthrn. and the Platte proper or nrthrn., both deriving their sources along the estrn. slope of the Chippewayan system, and along or near long. W. C. 30° w. The two branches inclining upon each other, unite after a separate course over 5 degrees of long. The name of this r. is derived from the features of its channel, which is disproportionably wide, shallow, and impeded by sand banks and isls. These phenomena, however, the Platte shares in common with all the streams sthwrd. from Misp. proper, and which flow from the Chippe- wayan mtns. or immense plains between that system and the Misp. and gulf of Mexico, none of which maintain throughout the year naviga. ble water, answering in any moderate propor- tion to their length of volume or surface they respectively drain. This is the case with the Platte, Kansas, Arkansas, Red river, Sabine, Trinity, Brasos, Colerado of the Gulf of Mex- ico, and in a very striking manner with the Rio Grande del Norte. The valley of the Platte, as laid down on our best maps, lies between those of Mo. and Yellow Stone r. to the n., and the Arkansas and Kansas rs. s., and is about 560 ms. from w. to e. ; mean breadth 120, and area 67,200 sq. ms. Surface in great part unwooded and in many places desert plains. The series of rs. belonging to the system of which Platte is one, is continued sthrd. to the Rio Grande inclusive, and nrthrd. to the Mo. at the Mandan villages. In the latter direction the streams are rapidly abridged m their length by the pe- culiar form of the upper valley of Mo. If the volume of the Platte afforded navigable facili- ties in proportion to the length, and direction of its channel, it would be the most suitable route of intercommunication between the Misp. basin and Pacific ocean, as it heads in the same system of mountains, and at no great distance from the sources of the Timpanogos, Bueneventura, and Colerado of the gulf of California. These latter rivers from the vague knowledge we possess of the region they drain, partake of the navigable defects we have noticed in regard of those streams issuing from the opposite side of the same system of mountains. Plattekill, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 89 ms. s. by w. Albany, 22 s. Kingston, n. Orange co. ; with 30 sq. ms. ; has an irregular form, few streams, and a village called Pleasant Valley : pop. 2,044. Plattsburgh, p-t. and st. jus. Clinton co. N. Y., 164 ms. N. Albany, 112 n. Whitehall, 120 e. Ogdensburgh, w. lake Champlain, is crossed by Saranac and Salmon rs., and several smaller streams which furnish good mill seats. The e. part is nearly level, and the w. very hilly and broken. The v. is at the mouth of the Saranac, 13 ms.N. Port Kent, and contains the co. build- ings. It was taken by the British twice in the last war. The view upon the lake from the high grounds near, is very fine. Cumberland bay was the scene of iM cDonough's victory in the American squadron on the lake, on the 1 1th Sept. 1814, over that of the British general. Sir George Prevost, who was at that time en- camped in the n. part of the village of Platts- burgh, with 14,000 men. The American ves- sels had a total of 86 guns and 820 men, and the British 95 guns and 1,050 men. The result of the battle was of the highest importance, as it compelled the enemy to retreat, and delivered the country below from the fear of invasion : pop. 4,913. Pleasant, p-v. nrthwst. part Switzerland co. Ind., 93 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Pleasant Exchange, p-v. Henderson co. Tenn., by p-r. 128 miles s. w. by w. Nashville. Pleasant Gakden, p-v. Burke co. N. C, by p-r. 223 ms. w. Raleigh. Pleasant Grove, p-o Lunenburg co. Va. by p-r. 89 ms. s. w. Richmond. Pleasant Grove, p-o. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 64 ms. u. w. by w. Raleigh. Pleasant Grove, p-o. Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 125 ms. n. w. Columbia. Pleasant Grove, p-o. Henry co. Geo. by p-r. Il5 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. Pleasant Grove, p-o. Maury co. Ten. 10 ms. sthrd. Columbia the co. St., and by p-r. 52 ms. sthrd. Nashville. Pleasant Grove, p-v. Tazewell co. II. by p-r. 153 ms. N. N. w. Vandalia. Pleasant Grove, p-v. Lafayette co. Mo. by p-r. 286 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. Pleasant Hill, p-v. Delaware co. Pa. by p-r. 125 ms. N. E. W. C. Pleasant Hill, p-o. Charles co. Md. 26 ms. sthrd. W. C. Pleasa\t Hill, p-v. western part of Wythe CO. Virginia, by p-r. 344 miles s. w. by w. W.C. PLU 407 PLY Pleasant Hill, p-v. Northampton co. N. C. byp-r. 101 ms. n. e. Raleigh. Pleasant Hill, p-v. Lancaster dist. S. C. by p-r. 66 ms. n. n. e. Columbia. Pleasant Hill, p-v. Dallas co. Ala. by p-r. 105 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Pleasant Hill, p-o. Jefferson co. Misp. by p-r. 14 ms. N. Natchez. Pleasant Hill, p-o. Crawford co. Ark. by p-r. 139 ms. ms. wstrd. Little Rock. Pleasant Hill, p-o. Davidson co. Ten. by p-r. 8 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Pleasant Mount, p-v. Wayne co. Pa. by p-r. 269 ms. n.n.e.W. C. Pleasant Plains, p-o. Franklin co. Ten. by p-r. 81 ms. s. e. Nashville. Pleasant Ridge, p-o. Greene co. Ala. by p-r. 67 ms. sthrd. Tuscaloosa. Pleasant Ridge, p-o. Rush co. Ind. 49 ms. s. E. by E. Indianopolis. Pleasant Spring, p-v. Limestone co. Ala. by p-r. 178 ms. n. n. e. Tuscaloosa. Pleasant Unity, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa., by p-r. 189 ms. n. w. W. C. Pleasant Vale, p-v. Pike co. II., 10 ms. n. At- las, CO. St., and by p.r. 158 ms. n. w. Vandalia. Pleasant Valley, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y. 7 ms. N. e. Poughkeepsie, and 82 from Albany, about 6 ms. sq., is nearly level, with good land. The V. is near the centre, on Wappinger's cr. 7 ms. s. E. Poughkeepsie, and contains several factories : pop. 2,419. Pleasant Valley, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. about 43 ms. N. Phila. Pleasant Valley, p-v. Fairfax co. Va. 30 ms. wstrd. W. C. Pleasant Valley, p-v. Lancaster dist. S. C. by p-r. 96 ms. n. n. e. Columbia. Pleasant Valley, p-v. Dallas co. Ala. by p.r. 92 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Pleasant Valley, p-v. Washington co. Ind. by p-r. 89 ms. s. Indianopolis. Pleasant View, p-v. Henry co. Ten., by p-r. 189 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Pleasantville, p-v. Montgomery co. Pa. by p-r. 22 ms. nrthrd. Phil. Pleasantville, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C. by p-r. 118 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Pleasantville, p-v. Fairfield co. 0. by p-r. 29 ms. s. E. Columbus. Pop. 34. Pleasureville, p-v. Henry co. Ky. by p-r. 34 ms. n. w. Frankfort. Pluckamin, P-v. Bedminster, Somerset co. N. J., 6 ms. n. Somersville. The range of Pluckamin mtns. begins here, which extends N. E. to the Passaic falls at Patterson. Plumb, isl., Mass., between Ipswich and Newburyport, is near the main land, and about 9 ms. in length. Plumb isl., Southold, Suffolk co. N. Y., 1 m. by 3, has a few families ; it is separated from Oyster Pond point, by a narrow strait. A line drawn nearly n. e. from that point passes through this isl., the Gull isls., the Race and Fishers' isl. where Long Isl. sound appears to have been formerly more nearly closed at its e. extremity than now. The surface is very stony. Some pine wood is found in a swamp. Plumb Grove, p-o. St. Charles' co. Mo., about 40 ms. wstrd. St. Louis. Plum Orchard, p-o. Fayette co. Ind., by p-r. 60 ms. estrd. Indianopolis. Plymouth, t. Penobscot co. Me., 44 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 504. Plymouth, p-t. and half shire Grafton co. N. H. 75 ms. n. w. Portsmouth, 40 n. by w. Concord, 31 s. e. Haverhill, w. Pemigewasset r., 16,256 acres, has also Baker's r., 30 ms. long, and several smaller streams, pretty good soil, bearing beech, maple, birch, hemlock and white pine. The uplands, which are mountainous, are seven. eighths of the t. The church in the N. e. corner, is on a commanding hill. There is a library. First settled 1764. Baker's r. has its name from a successful attack on the Indians, who dwelt on its meadows, by Capt. Baker, from Haverhill, Mass. Pop. 1,175. Plymouth, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 15 ms. w, Windsor, 52 s. Montpelier, 16 s. w. Rutland ; settled 1776 ; gives rise to Black r. which runs s. E., and furnishes mill seats, and has several fish ponds connected with it. Here rise also 2 branches of Queechy r. The surface is broken. Mount Tom, and another mtn. cross the t. paral- lel to the r. ; primitive limestone is quarried and cut here for market ; soap stone also abounds. There are several caverns 500 yds. s. w. of the r., one of which, discovered in 1818, is quite extensive. The soil is good for grazing : pop. 1,667. Plymouth co. Mass., bndd. by Norfolk co. N. w., Massachusetts and Cape Cod bays e., Barnstable and Buzzard's bays s., and Bristol CO. w. The surface is uneven, and the soil va- rious ; the form is irregular, extending n. to Point Alderton, the s. point of Boston bay, from which to the s. w. extremity is a line of irregular coast, with a short interval of land, where the s. E. boundary crosses the isthmus of Cape Cod. Plymouth bay indents the e. line near the mid. die, and receives a few brooks. It is the spot first settled by the pilgrim fathers of N. England, who landed here on the 22d December, 1620, O. S. The principal stream in the county, is Taunton r., which rises in the n. w. part, and crosses the w. boundary into Bristol co. ; there are rnany ponds and brooks. Plymouth colony remained under a separate colonial government until 1685. It has several harbors, Plymouth, Duxbury, &c., with considerable coasting and. some foreign trade ; fisheries of value, and some manufactures. It contains 21 tsps. and Plymouth is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 38,136 ; 1830,43,044. Plymouth, sea port, p.t. and st. jus., Plym- outh CO. Mass., 36 ms. s. e. Boston, 5 ms. by 16, contains the oldest permanent settlement in New England. It stands on Plymouth bay, which is large, but affords but little depth of water. It is almost shut in by two long reach, es, formed of sand thrown up by the waves, and is gradually increasing. The government of the U, S. appropriated $2,500 to repair it in 1832. The land is high on the n. and s. sides of the bay, and there are rocky isls. off the har- bor. Manumet point, a bold, rocky promontory, lies s. The soil is generally thin and poor, and some portions of it are very good. The v. is near the n. e. part; the principal street runs n. and s. between the head of the harbor, and sev. eral sandy hills, which rise at a little distance roG 408 FOG from the shore. Some foreign trade has been carried on here. One (if the principal buildings is Pilgrim's Hall, which was erected by the pilgrim society, for the annual celebration of the landing of the forefathers of New England. This important event occurred here on the 29d of December 1G20, 0. S., when the crew of the Mayflower debarked. A large granite, on which they first stepped from the boat, is still preserv. ed.' One half of it retains its original position, near the waler, which has since been some- M'hat encroached on by the knd, while the oth- er has been removed to the centre of the v. The Indians on this part of the coast had been greatly reduced in numbers before the arrival of the colonists, by the small pox ; and Massa. ■eoit and his men first presented themselves on Watson's hill. A fort was erected on Burying hill, which also became a grave yard ; and sev- eral of the stones of the early colonists are still preserved there. The first well dug in New England is still in existence. The first child born in the colony was Peregrine White. The first mill erected in N. England was built here, in 1632. From this spot at different periods, proceeded some of the first settlers of many of the old towns in Massachusetts and Conn. It contains 407 acres of tillage land, 828 mowing, 3,486 of pasturage : Pop. 4,758. Plymouth, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 24 ms. w. Hartford, 30 from New Haven, w. Bristol, Hartford co., and n. of New Haven co., about 5 ms. by 5i, is hilly, with primitive rocks, bear- ing oak, chestnut, swamp maple, &c., also rye, corn, oats and grass. It has Naugatuck r. v/. with mill seats, and other streams. Pop. 2,064. Plymouth, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 107 ms. w. Albany, 7 n. w. Norwich, has an uneven sur- face, with good laud, well watered by Ganasa- wacta cr., whose two branches meet near the centre, at Frankville v. The stream then runs s. E. towards Chenango r., which it meets in the next tsp., Norwicli. There are several mill sites. The timber is maple, beech, elm, bass, &c. : Pop. 1,609. Plymouth, p-o. and tsp. Luzerne co. Pa., op- posite Wilkesbarre. The p-o. is 6 miles from Kingston, and 7 s. w. Wilkes-Barre. Plymouth, p.v. and si., jus. Washington co., N. C, situated on a small cr. extending sthrd. from the mouth of Roanoke r., by p-r. 128 ms. E. Raleigh, and 35 ms. n. n. e, Washington, in Beaufort co. ; lat. 3i° 51', long. W. C. 0° 1 9' e. Plymouth, p-v. Richland co. 0., 20 ms. nrthrd. Mansfield, the co. St., and by p-r. 91 ms. n. n. E. Columbus. Plymouth, p-o. n. w. part Wayne co., Mich., by p-r. about 25 ms. n. w. Detroit. Plympton, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass., 32 ms. s. E. Boston, has a branch of Taunton river s., has extensive iron manufactories. The Indian name was Putuxet, or Wanatuxet. It contains 349 acres under tillage, 613 of mowing, and 1,366 of pasturage : Pop. 950. PocAGON, p-v. Benien co. Mich. It is situat- ed on St. .Toseph's r. of lake Michigan, by p-r. 180 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. Though placed in Cass co. by the p-o. list, it is laid down by Tanner in his improved U. States map, in the southeastern part of Berrien co. Mich. Pocahontas, co. Va., bndd. by Greenbrier s. and s. w., Nicholas w., Randolph n. w. and n., and Alleghany mtn. separating it from Pendle- ton N. E. and E. Length from s. w. to n. e. 50 ms., mean brendth 20 ms., and area 1,000 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 20', long. 3° w. W. C. This co. is amongst the most elevated in the U. States, giving source to Cheat r. branch of Mononga. liela, flowing northwardly, and to Greenbrier r, flowing southwardly. The mean height of the arable land of Greenbrier co. is about 1,700 ft. and of course, being lower down Greenbrier r. than I'ocahontns, the lowest part of the latter must exceed that relative oceanic elevation, or rise to a mean exceeding 1,800 ft., or an equiv- alent to four degrees of lat. or mean winter temperature. Greenbrier mtn enters and trav- erses Pocahontas from s. w. to n. e. from the western slopes of which issue the extreme fountains of Gauly and Elk rs. The surface is excessively broken and rocky, and most of the soil sterile. Cf. t. Huntersville : Pop. 2,.542. Pocket (The). {See " The Pocket,'' p-v. Moore co. N. C.) PocoMOKE, r. and bay, Md. The r. rises on the border between Sussex co. Del., and Wor- cester CO. Md., from whence by a s. s. w. di- rection 60 ms. by comparative courses, travers. ing Worcester co., it opens into a bay of the same name at lat. 38°, and on the line between the eastern shores of Va. and Md. The bay of Pocomoke is a triangular sheet of water, bndd. N. w. by Tangier isl., n. by the sthrn. shore of Somerset co. Md., and e. by the wstrn. shore of Accomac co. Va. To the s. w. it opens into, and is confounded with Chesapeake bay. Small coasting vessels ascend to Snowhill on Poco- moke r. Pocotaligo, r. Va., in Kenhawa co., rises in the N. w. part of the co. interlocking sources with those of the west fork of Little Kenhawa, and flowing thence southwestward 60 miles by comparative courses, falling into Great Kenha- wa r. at the point of separation on that stream, between Kenhawa and Mason cos. Pocotaligo, p-o. on Pocotaligo r. Kenhawa CO. Va. by p-r. 353 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Pocotaligo, p-v. near the right side of Com. bah.ee r. and in the n. e. part of Beaufort dist. S. C. 67 ms. a little s. of w. Charleston, and by p-r. 141 ms. s. Columbia. PoESTEN Kill, Rensselaer co. N. Y. a very good mill stream, which falls into Hudson river at Troy, after turning much machinery for va- rious manufactures in the vicinity. It rises in Grafton, and has a course of about 20 ms. At the falls, on the side of mount Ida, 1 m. east of Troy, is a small manufacturing village. Poge, cape, the n. e. end of Chippaquiddick isl., E. of Martha's Vineyard. Pogoi Keys, or St. Martin's Keys, are mere sand banks or islets, scattered along the wstrn. coast of Flor., between the mouth of Amasuro r. and Vaceasausa bay. The sea along this coast, even where deepest and at high tides, admits only of vessels of 5 feet draught. The opposite coast is also low, sandy and devoid of harbors of any kind. The estrn. slope of the peninsula here commences within 30 ms. from the wstrn. coast. POM 409 POM Poindexter's iStore and p-o. Louisa co. Va. by p-r. 68 ms. n. w. Richmond. Point Coupee, parish of La. hndd. s. by West Baton Rouge, vr. by Atchafalaya r. separating it from Opelousas or Saint Landry, and from the parish of Avoyelles, n. e. and e. by Misp. r. separating it from West Feliciana, and East Baton Rouge. The outline is triangular, base along the general course of the Atchafalaya 34 ms., perpendicular 39 ms. along the southern border; area 510 sq. ms. Lat. 30° 45', long. 14° 36' w. W. C. The very slight inclination sthrd. The whole being a plain, elevated about 4 or 5 ft. along the margins of the streams, but depressed from the water courses so as to be annually submerged. It extends from the efflux of Atchafalaya, widening as the two rivers di- verge from each other. In its natural state the surface was covered with a very dense forest, and the greatest part remains in tliat state. The soil, where sufficientty elevated for the plough, is exuberantly fertile. Cotton is the common staple, and in this parish is the highest point in La. where the sugar cane has been cultivated to any advantage. Cf. t. Point Coupee : Pop. 1820, 4,912, 1830, 5,936. Point Coupee, or Cut Point, p-v. and st. jus. parish of Point Coupee, situated on the left shore of the Misp. r. opposite St. Francisville, and by p-r. 154 ms. above and n. w. New Or- leans. Lat. 30° 42'. Point Harmer, p-v. Washington co. 0. by p-r. 106 ms. s. e. by e. Columbus. Point Ladadie, p-v. Franklin co. Mo. by p-r. 43 ms. w, St. Louis. Point Pleasant, p-v. and st. jus. Mason co. Va. situated on the point above the junction of Ohio and Great Kenhawa rs. by p-r. 358 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. and 358 ms. n. w. by w. ^ w. Richm'd. Lat. 38° 50', long. 5° 7' w. W. C. Point Pleasant, p-v. sthrn. part of Clermont CO. O.by p-r. 19 ms. s, Batavia, the co. st. and 128 s. w. ( olumbus. Point Remove, p-v. on Arkansas r. sthrn. part of Conway co. Ark. by p-r. 51 ms. above and N. w. by w. Little Rock. This name is another instance of that propensity so common of accommodating proper names to our own language ; it comes from the French Point Re- mu, and that from a counter current in the ad- jacent r. Poland, p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 44 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 30 n. Portland, s. Little Andros. coggin r., borders on Oxford co. on the n. w., and part of a small lake, which, with several ponds and small streams, empties into Little Androscoggin r. : pop. 1,916. Poland, p-v. in the southeastern angle of Trumbull co. O. 20 ms. s. e. Warren, the co. St., and by p-r. 283 ms. n. w. W. C, and 164 n. E. by E. Columbus . pop. of the tsp. of Poland, 1,186. Polsley's Mills and p.o. Monongalia co. Va. by p-r. 235 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Pomfret, t. Windsor co. Vt. 18 ms. n. Wind- sor, 40 s. Montpelier, 5J ms. by 7 ; first settled, 1770 ; is uneven, with good soil, and has White river n. e. and Queechy s. e. ; 13 school dists. There is a range of young timber in the forests, 7 or 8 miles long, and about 500 yards wide, wliich appears to have grown up after a hurri- cane, which is supposed to have swept through that region about 120 years ago : pop. 1,866. Pomfret, p-t. Windham co. Conn. 40 ms. n. e. Hartford, 30 e. Providence, and w. Quine- baug r., about 6 ms. by 7, with about 42 sq. ms. It is hilly, with primitive rocks, and has a good soil, fiivorable to grazing. Cotton, woollen, &.C. are manufactured to some extent. It is watered by Little r. and several other branches of the Quinebaug. Shad are caught in Quine- baug r. In a wild and solitary part of the town is the famous cavern, in which major general Israel Putnam, who afterwards commanded the American militia at the battle of Bunker's Hill, performed the bold and celebrated feat of kill- ing a wolf. He was an inhabitant of Pomfret from 1739, for many years. He distinguished himself in the French war of 1755 as well as through the revolution : pop. 1,981. Pomfret, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 20 miles N. N. E. Maysville, and s. of lake Erie, has 9i) square miles, and is crossed n. e. and s. w by Chatauque ridgs, which runs parallel to the lake, 3 or 4 miles distance, with a smooth al- luvial tract of land lying between them, with a good sandy loam ; s. is a slaty loam, bearing tulip, maple, beech, hemlock and other trees. Canadawa cr. crosses the t. in a n. w. direction, and there are several smaller streams. Dun- kirk V. is on the lake, with a good harbor, 3 ms. n. e. Fredonia, and 45 s. w. Buflalo. Tiiere are seven ft. of water on a reef of rocks at the bar. From this place to Erie the shore is rocky. Fredonia v. stands on Canadawa or., 22 ms. from Maysville, and 45 from Buffalo, is on the Buffalo and Erie road, and is a thriving v. Bear and Cassadaga ponds are on the s. line of the t. Pop. 3,388. Pomona, p-v. Wake co. N. C, 14 ms. n. e. Raleigh. PoMPEY, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y., 11 ms. s. e, Onondaga, 146 w. n. w. Albany, has several excellent mill streams ; Butternut cr. w., and 2 branches of Limestone cr. e., all which flow n. to Chitteningo cr. The surface is varied by hills and valleys. Traces of considerable ex- cavations and mounds are perceptible here, of unknown antiquity ; and metallic weapons and instruments, and even a church bell, have been dug up from the ground. The first settlement was made in 1788, and no tradition exists which refers to the ancient inhabitants. The mounds are evidently of remote construction. Three of them are traceable near Delphi, the largest of which is a triangle of about 6 acres, with a gateway and picquets. From numerous graves have been dug bones, weapons, utensils, Span. ish coins, &c. There are several villages in this t. Pompey v., Pompey w., Hill, and Del- phi, s. e. In the t. is an academy. On Lime- stone cr. are two falls, about 100 yards apart, which turn machinery for several manufacto- ries, &c. Pop. 4,812. Pompton, r. N. J., between Morris and Ber- gen COS., is a branch of Passaic r. formed by the union of Pequannoc, Longpond and Ramapo rs. and bears the name of Pompton for only 7 or 8 ms., when it enters the Passaic at the corners of 3 COS., Morris, Bergen and Essex. POO 4.3 POP PoMPTON, t. Bergen co. N. J., 60 ms. n. n. e. Trenton, has N. Y. on the n. e., Sussex co. n. w., and Pequannoc r. s., dividing it from Morris CO. It is crossed n. and s. by Kingwood r., and is hilly and mountainous in many parts, be- ing rendered rough by the mountainous range which extends s. w. nearly across the state, and forms a natural line of defence, which was oc- cupied by the American troops during different periods of the revolutionary war. In advance of it s., is the inferior range of elevated ground called the Short Hills : pop 3,085. PoMPTON, p-v. Pequannoc, Morris co. N. J , 5 ms. N. w- Patterson, stands on the s. side of Pompton r., a little n. of Pomptonmtns., and n. w. ofthe plain. PoNTCHARTRAiN, lake of La., between the al- luvial Delta, and the comparatively high and hilly interior. Inspection on a map, and still more actual examination of the country adja- cent, must convince any person that lakes Borg- ne, Pontchartrain and Maurepas, are the re- mains of a deep bay, which in remote ages pen- etrated upwards of 120 ms. from opposite the mouth of Pascagoula r. towards the Misp., and separating the high grounds to the n. from the Delta. This chain of lakes has been formed by alluvial protrusions into the ancient gull. Pearl r. and the outlets ofthe Misp., have form, ed a neck only traversed by the Rigolets and Chef Menteur straits, separating lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain ; and at the opposite extrem- ity ofthe latter, similar natural operations have formed a similar neck with the Bayou Man- chac, connecting it with lake Maurepas. From the high lands, lake Maurepas receives Amite, and Tickfolah rs. Into Pontchartrain is poured Tangipaha, Tchefuncte, and some smaller crs. ; whilst lake Borgne, or rather the Rigolets, re- ceive the different outlets of the large stream of the Pearl. The greatest length of Pontchar- train from the outlet ofthe Rigolets to the Pass of Manchac, is about 45 ms. ; greatest breadth 25, but mean breadth 12 ms. The common depth from 16 to IS ft., but every where shal. low along shores, and in no harbor or cr. afford- ing a harbor of 9 ft. draught. Along the north- ern side the banks are low, but in part solid ; towards the Delta it is bordered by an uninter- rupted marsh. Timber covers the nrthrn., and open grassy plains the sthrn. side. Compared with the depth of the Misp. r. at New Orleans, the bottom of lake Pontchartrain is about 50 ft. elevated, and the surface about 6 ft. depressed below that of the Misp. at mean flood. The tides ofthe Gulf of Mexico, slight as they are, not exceeding a mean of 2^ ft., flow into Pont- chartrain, and are diurnally perceptible in the rear of New Orleans. PoNDicHERRY, mtn. between Jefferson and Bretton Woods, Coos co. N. H. PoNTiAc, p-v. and st. jus. Oakland co, Mich., situated on Clinton r. by p-r. 26 ms. n. n. w. De- troit, lat. 42° 37', long. W. C. 6° 15' w. PooLESviLLE, p-v. wstm. part Montgomery CO. Md., 33 ms. n. w. W. C. PooLEsviLLE, p.v. Spartanburg dist. S. C, by p-r. 112 ms. N. w. Columbia. Poor's, p.v. Jackson co. 0., by p-r. 82 ma. s. s. E. Columbus. Pope, co. II., bndd. by Johnson w., Gallatin N. and N. E., Ohio r. separating it from Livings- ton CO. Ky. E., and the Ohio r. again separating it from MacCracken co. Ky. s. Greatest length due N. from the 0. r. opposite the mouth of Tenn. r. 40 ms. ; mean breadth 20 miles, and area 800 sq. ms. ; lat. 37° 20', long. W. C. 11° 36' w. General slope sthestrd. towards Ohio r. Soil of middling quality, and surface hilly. Cf. t. Golconda. Pop. 3,3 16. Pope, co. Ark., as laid down by Tanner in his improved map of the U. S., is bndd. by Con- way E., Hot Springs co. s., Crawford w., and Washington n. Greatest length from s. to n. 64 ms., mean breadth 33, area 2,100 square ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 42' to 35° 35' n., long. W. C. 15° 54' to 16° 37' w. Surface very diversified. The northern part slopes to the sthrd. and is drained by crs. falling into Ark. r. The main volume ofthe latter traverses the co. in a s. E. by e. direction. Petite Jean r. enters from the w. and also traverses Pope co., form- ing on the estrn. side part of the boundary be- tween it and Conway. The sthrn. section gives source to the extreme nrthrn. tributaries of Ou- achita r. In this co. are found a very contrast- ed scenery, from the alluvial bottoms of Ark. r. to mtns. of no mean elevation. On Tanner's map the principal t. is Dwight, but on the post office list Scotia is named as principal p-o. The centre of this co. is about 80 ms. in a direct line N. w. by w. Little Rock. Pop. 1,483. Poplar branch, p-v. Currituck co. N. C, by p-r. 228 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Poplar corner, p-o. Madison co. Ten., by p-r. 10 ms. wstrd. Jackson, the co. st. and 157 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Poplar Grove, p-o. Dinwiddle co. Va. byp-r. 39 ms. s. Richmond. Poplar grove, and p-o. Iredell co. N. C. by p-r. 155 ms. w. Raleigh. Poplar grove, p-o. Newberry dist. S. C, by p-r. 45 ms. n. w. Columbia. Poplar hill, p-o. Giles co. Va. by p-r. 310 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Poplar mount, p-o. Greenville co. Va. by p-r. 56 ms. s. Richmond. Poplar plains, p-v. Fleming co. Ky. by p-r. 84 ms. E. Frankfort. Poplar ridge, p-v. Scipio, Cayuga co. N. Y. 4 ms. E. Cayuga lake, 14 s. w. Auburn. Poplar ridge, p-o. Obion co. Ten. 10 miles from Troy, the co. st. and by p-r. 168 miles a little N. of w. Nashville. Poplar run, p-o. Orange co. Va. by p-r. 95 ms. s. w. W. C. Poplar spring, p-o. Fairfield dist. S. C. 36 ms. nrthrd. Columbia. Poplar springs, p-v. near the extreme north, western angle of Ann Arundel co. Md. It is situated on the western turnpike from Balti. more to Frederick, by p-r. 61 miles n. W. C. PoPLARTowN, p-v. Worcester co. Md. 12 ms. wstrd. Snowhill, the co. st. and by p.r. 152 ms. s. E. by E. W. C. Poplin, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 24 ms. w. s. w. Portsmouth, e. s. e. Concord, 50 n. n. e. Boston, with 10,320 acres, is watered by Squamscot or Exeter r. and other streams, and has Loon pond n., and Spruce swamp e., has PCR Incorporated good soil, and no high hills 1764 : pop. 429. Porpoise, cape, Kennebunk port, York co. Me., long. 70° 23' w., lat. 43° 22', forms Ken- nebunk harbor, which lies at the mouth of a small stream. Portage, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 247 ms. w. Albany, and s. of Livingston co., is crossed by Genesee river which pursues a serpentine course from the s. to the n. line, and passes three falls, of 8, 66, and 110 ft. near which, on the w. side, is situated the village. The shape of the t. is regular, except at the s. w. corner: pop. 1,839. Portage, co. O. bndd. s. e. by Columbiana ; Stark s. ; Medina w. ; Cuyahoga n. w. ; Geauga N. ; and Trumbull n. e. The greatest length 30 ms. is from e. to w. ; breadth 24, and area 720 sq. ms. ; lat. 41° 12', long. W. C. 4° 20' w. This CO. is a true table land between the valleys of Big Beaver and Cuyahoga rs. The south, western angle also giving source to Tuscara- was r. or the nrthestrn. constituent of Musking- um r. The peculiar structure of the surface may be more particularly seen by reference to the article Cuyahoga r. The arable surface of Portage co. exceeds a mean of 1,000 ft. above tide water in the Atlantic, or rather more than an equivalent to two degrees of lat. The sur- face is rather level, and in part deficient in good fountain water. The soil moderately fertile. The Ohio and Erie canal traverses this co. in its greatest breadth and near the western bor- der ; and within it is the summit level of that work, 973 ft. above the Atlantic tides. Cf. t. Ravenna. Pop. 1820, 10,095, 1830, 16,963. Portage r. O. rising in Hancock co. inter- locking sources with those of Blanchard's fork of Maumee r. Formed by numerous creeks which unite in Wood co., and curving to n. e. enters Sandusky co. in which latter it again curves more estrd., finally falling into lake Erie after an entire comparative course of 50 ms. The valley of Portage lies between those of Sandusky and Maumee. Portage, p-v. sthestrn. part of Wood co. O. by p-r. 136 ms. n. n. w. Columbus. Port bay, p-t. Wayne co. N. Y. 193 ms. from Albany. Pop. 1,082. Port Byron, p-v. Cayuga co. N. Y. Port Carbon, flourishing p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa. 10 ms. wstrd. Orwigsburg, the co. St., and by p-r. 177 ms. n. n. e. W. C. and 69 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Port Clinton, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa, by p-r. 60 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Port Clinton, p-v. at the mouth of Portage r., into lake Erie in the nrthrn. part of Sandus- ky CO. O. by p-r. 117 ms. due n. Columbus. Pop. 116. Port Conway, p-v. and s-p. on Rappahannoc r. sthwstrn. part King George's co. Va. by p-r. 79 ms. sthrd. W. C. Port Deposit, p-v. on the left bank of Sus- quehannah r. at its lowest falls, Cecil co. Md. 37 ms. N. E. Baltimore, and 5 ms. above Havre de Grace, at the mouth of Susquehannah r. Porter, t. Oxford co. Me. 91 ms. s. w. Au- gusta, 34 s. w. Paris, lies e. of N. H., n. Ossipee r. which separates it from York co. Pop. 841. 41i POR Porter, t. Niagara co. N. Y. 15 ms. n. w. Lockport, s. lake Ontario, and e. Niagara r., contains Youngstown village and fort Niagara. There is a ferry across N. r. at Youngstown. Niagara v. stands on the e. side Niagara r. at its mouth in lake Ontario, opposite Newark, U. Canada. It stands 15 ms. below Niagara falls, and 7 from Lewiston. A palisaded fort was made here in 1679, by the French, which, in 1725, was enlarged into a considerable work. It was surprised by the British, Dec. 19, 1813 and delivered up in March, l815. Pop. 1,490. Porter, p-v. Scioto co. Ohio, by p-r. 100 ms. s. Columbus. Portersville, P-v. northern part of Butler co. Pa. 16 ms. n. of the borough of Butler, and by p-r. 252 ms. n. w. W. C. Portersville, p-v. Franklin county, Misp. about 20 ms. s. e. by e. Natchez. Portersville, p-v. and st. jus. Dubois co. Ind. situated on the left bank of the East Fork of White r., by p-r. 124 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis, lat. 38° 30', long. W. C. 9° 52' w. Port Genesee, or Charlotte p-v. Greece, Monroe co. N. Y. stands at the mouth of Genesee river on the shore of lake Ontario. Port Gibson, p-o. and st. jus. Claiborne co. Misp. 67 ms. from Jackson. Pop. 950. Port Gibson, Ark. {See Cantonment Gib. son.) Port Glasgow, v. Wolcott, Wayne co. N. Y. 22 ms. N. Waterloo, stands on Sodus bay, at the head of navigation ; it has a good harbor for lake vessels, and is agreeably situated. A good road leads to Clyde, on the Erie canal, 10 3-4ms.s. Port Kent, v. Chesterfield, Essex co. N. Y. 3 1-2 ms. E. Keeseville, 2 s. Sable river, 13s. Plattsburgh, and w. Lake Champlain, has a good harbor, with stores and docks, and serves as a landing place for vessels engaged in the transportation of iron from the extensive mines in the neighbourhood. Portland, p-t. and port of entry, Cumber- land CO. Me. until lately the capital of the state, is beautifully situated on an elevated peninsula in Casco bay. It is 54 ms. n. n. e. Portsmouth, 118 N. N. E. Boston, 542 from Washington, and 258 s. Quebec ; lying in lat. 43° 9', and long. 6° 45' E. W. C. Portland is the principal com. mercial and most populous town in the state, has an excellent and capacious harbor, and seldom frozen, bounded by cape Elizabeth s. on which is a light house of stone, 70 ft. high ; the land about the harbor is generally elevated. Numerous isls. are in the bay to the E. on two of which are forts which defend the entrance of the harbor. Fort Preble, on Bang's isl. and Fort Scammel, a block-house on House island. Fort Burrows stands under the observatory bluff, on the water's edge. About 45,000 tons of shipping belong to this port, consisting of a large number of ships, brigs, schooners, sloops, and steamboats, and other craft. The towTi, (formerly Falmouth, called Portland and incor. porated 1786,) is handsomely laid out, and the style of the buildings, generally, is neat and convenient. A fine street, on which are sever- al churches and other buildings of granite, runs along the ridge and extends to the observatory. FOR 412 FOR where formerly was fort Sumner on a com- manding eminence. From this point the view is extensive and various, embracing the beauti- ful island scenery in the vicinity, and in clear weather, the peaks of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The town lies principally on a declivity, and has the appearance of a con- siderable and flourishing commercial place. Among the public buildings is that formerly the state house, a court house, town hall, theatre, almshouse, 5 banks, besides a branch of the United States' bank, a custom house, academy, and an atheneum, to which a large library (of about 3,000 vols.) belongs. Besides these, there are 15 churches, one of which is for mar- iners. Education is well attended to, and there are numerous schools, including some of a high character. A company has recently been formed here for coal mining at Cape Eliz- abeth. Portland, (then called Falmouth,) was burnt by Capt. Mowatt, of the British sloop of war Canceau, Oct. 18, 1775, on the inhabitants refusing to deliver up their arras. The place was first bombarded for about 9 hours, after which torches were applied and about 130 houses, (two thirds the whole number,) were consumed. The old church was one of the buildings which remained : pop. 1820, 8,581, 1830, 12,601, Portland, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 8 ms. n. Maysville, s. lake Erie, 36 sq. ms., is crossed N. E. and s. w. by the Chatauque ridge, a few ms. from the lake shore and parallel to it, vt'ith a regular descent towards the water, and unbro- ken except by the courses of a few streams. On this ridge grow chestnut, beech, maple, hemlock and other forest trees, and on the low- er country, with these are found walnut, tulip, cucumber tree, &c. The soil is pretty good, and the mill seats are numerous and valuable. The rocks are often of mica slate. The town is crossed by the portage road from lake Erie to the head of Chatauque lake, 8 ms. passing through Westfield, a p-v. 1 mile from the har- bor, and 7 from Maysville. The harbor of Port- land is good, and the p-v. stands upon it 8 ms. from Maysville. The earth was once bored near this place 600 feet for salt water, without success : pop. 1,771. Portland, p-v. Dallas co. Ala. by p-r. 112 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Portland, Huron co. O. {See Sandusky.) Portland, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Foun- tain CO. Ind. 88 ms. n. w. Indianopolis. Port Lawrence, p-v. and port, on the left bank of Maumee r. and in the s, e. part of Mon- roe CO. Mich, by p-r. 55 ms. s. s. w. Detroit, and about 3 ms. above the mouth of Maumee into lake Erie. Port Penn, p-v. New Castle co. Del. and on the right bank of Delaware r. opposite Ready Island, 15 ms. sthrd. Wilmington, and 121 ms. N.E. W. C. Fort Republic, p-v. Rockingham co. Va. by p-r. 143 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Fort Royai, Caroline co. Va. p-v. on Rappa- hannoc r. opposite Port Conway, in King George CO. about 25 ms. below Fredericsburg, and by p-r. 78 ms. sthrd. W. C. Fort Royal, p-v. in the estrn. part of Mont- gomery CO. Ten. situated at the mouth of Sul- phur creek into Red r. 20 ms. eastward Ciarks. ville, the co. st. and by p-r. 42 miles n. w. Nash, ville. Port Royal, p-v. in the northeastern part of Morgan co. Ind. by p-r. 16 miles s. Indian- opolis. Portsmouth, p-t. and port of entry Rocking, ham CO. N. H. ; the most populous tovvii in the state, and the only seaport. It lies on Piscata- qua r. which divides it from Maine, on a fine peninsula about 3 ms. from the ocean, in lat. 43° 5', and long. 6° 23' e. W. C. It is 45 ms. E. Concord, 55 n. by e. Boston, 58 s. w. Port- land, and 491 from W. C. The population is chiefly collected near the harbor, on a hill de- scending towards it n. and e., and from com- manding points, the view is very fine. It was settled in 1623 by a company, of which Sir Ferdinando Gorges was an associate ; and was incorporated by Mass. in 1653, while N. H. was under that colony. It never suffer- ed from Indian attacks, the neck on the south being stockaded. The town originally inclu- ded all the peninsula formed by the river and the ocean. The harbor of Portsmouth is one of the finest in the world, rarely, or never freezing, owing to the excessive tides, and has 40 feet of water in its channel at low tide. It is well protected from storms, being complete, ly land-locked, admits vessels of the largest class, and is defended by fort Constitution on Great island, fort McClary opposite, fort Sulli- van on Trefethen island and fort Washington on Pierce's island. The two latter were gar- risoned during the late war. The amount of shipping owned in Portsmouth, which includes nearly all belonging to the state, is quite large, and though not extensive, it has considerable coasting and other trade. (See article JSew Hampshire.) Portsmouth contains several hand- some houses of public worship ; a branch of the U. S. bank and 4 others ; several markets, in- surance offices, a custom house, academy, athe- neum and some other public buildings. Two bridges were built to Kittery, Maine, in 1822, across the Piscataqua, the channel of which is broad, and the current rapid at particular times of tide. The long bridge l,7o0 feet in length, extended across water varying from 43 to 45 feet in depth at low tide, a distance of 900 feet, and crosses an island in the river. A water company was formed and commenced opera- tions in 1799, which supplies all the streets with good water, brought a distance of 3 ms. On Great isl. is a light house. On Continental island, which is owned by the U. S. is a navy yard belonging to government, and on Badger's island was constructed the first ship-of-the-line in America. It was built during the revolu- tion, and named the North America. Ports, mouth has suffered severely at different periods from fires. Stocking weaving has recently been commenced here. Pop. 1820, 7,327, 1830, 8,082. Portsmouth, p-t. Newport co. R. I. 7 ms. n. w. Newport, about 2 ms. by 8, occupies the n. part of the island of R. I. with water on 3 sides, viz. E. bay e., Mount Hope bay n., and Narra- ganaet bay w., has a moderate elevation, with POS 413 POT slopes, a variety of soil, generally pood, with slate rocks. Wheat, barley and fruit flourish, and sheep are raised in considerable numbers. Fish abound along the shores. Prudence isl- and, and several others still smaller, belong to Portsmouth. A bed of anthracite coal, at the N. \v. corner of the town, has been worked to some extent, on the shore, but has been aban- doned; the quality being inferior to that of the Pa. mines. Pop. 1,727. Portsmouth, p-v. and st. jus. Norfolk co. Va. opposite the borough of Norfolk, 1^ m. distant, on the left bank of Elizabeth r., and at the mouth of the sthrn. branch, by p-r. 219 ms. s. s. E. W. C. Portsmouth aflbrds one of the finest harbors in America; ships of the largest class may lay with safety at the wharves. The navy yard is directly on the sthrn. extremity of Ports- mouth, and within the boundaries of the town. This part is called Gosport, and resembles the Northern Liberties of Phila. Charlestown, or Newtown, another suburb rapidly improving, stands at the opposite side from Gosport. Pop. 2,000. Portsmouth, p-v. and st. jus. Scioto co. O. situated on the point above the junction of O. and Scioto rs. by p-r. 421 ms. a little s. of w. W. G. and 91 ms. s. Columbus, lat. 38° 42', long. W. C. .5° 54' w. Though rather exposed to river floods, from the lowness of its site, this is a flourishing town. Here the Ohio and Erie canal leaves the former, at an elevation of 474 feet above the Atlantic tides. According to Flint it contains a printing office, bookstore, a bank, two churches, 18 stores, 4 commission stores, 1 druggist, 20 mechanical establish- ments, steam mill, market house, and the or- dinary county buildings. In position it has great and enduring advantages, as a commer- cial depot. Pop. 1,063. Port Tobacco, p-v. and st. jus. Charles co. Md. by p-r. 32 ms. a very little e. of s. W. C. and 69 s. w. Annapolis. It is situated on a small cr. or bay, making northward from the Potomoc river at the Great bend opposite King George's co. Va. lat. 38° 30': Pop. 500. Port Watson, v. Cortlandtville, Cortlandt co. N. Y. 3 ms. s. Homer v., w. Tioughnioga r. at the head of boat navigation, just below Cort- landt v., which is on Factory Branch. Port William, p-v. and st. jus. Gallatin co. Ky., on the point above the junction of Ken- tucky r. with the Ohio, by the land p-r. 57 ms. below and n. n. w. Frankfort, lat. 38° 40', long. W. C. 8° 09' w. : Pop. 323. Port William, p-v. sthrn. part Lawrence co. Ind. by p-r. 87 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Posey, sthwstrn. co. of Ind. bndd. n. by Gib- son, E. by Vanderburg, Ohio r. s. separating it from Henderson and Union cos. Ky., by Wa- bash r. separating it from Gallatin co. II. s. w., and White co. II. w. Greatest length from s. to N. 32 ms. ; mean breadth 16, and area 512 sq. ms. ; lat. 38 and long. W. C. 11° w., intersect near Springfield. Though bordered on the sthrd. by Ohio r. the slope of Posey co. is wstrd. to- wards the Wabash r. The surface is hilly, but soil productive. Cf. ts. Springfield, Harmony, and Mount Vernon, the st, jus. : Pop. 1820, 4,061 ; 1830, 6,549. S3 Potomac r. of Va., Md. and Pa. This river above Blue Ridge, is formed by the north branch, distinctively called Potomac, Patter. son's r.. South Branch, Cacapon, Back creek, Opequhan, and Shenandoah, from the south, westward, and by a series of bold, tho' com- paratively small streams from the nrthrd. The stream to which the name of Potomac is first applied, rises in the Alleghany chain opposite to the sources of Cheat and Youghioghany branches of Monongahela, at lat. 39° 10', long. W. C. 2° 30' w. Flowing thence n. e. 30 ms. receives from the n. Savage river, and bend, ing to s. E. 10 ms. traverses one or two minor chains of mountains, and returning to n. e. 18 miles to the influx of V/ill's creek from the north at Cumberland. Now a considerable stream, by a very tortuous channel, but direct distance 15 ms. to s. e. the Potomac below Cumberland, breaks through several chains of mtns. to the influx of South Branch. The lat. ter is in length of course, and area drained, the main branch. The various sources of this mountain r. originate in Pendleton co. Va. lat. 38° 25', between the Alleghany and Kittatinny chains. Assuming a general course of n. e. the branches unite in Hardy co. near Moor, fields, below which, in a distance comparative of 40 ms. to its union with the North Branch, the South Branch receives no considerable tributary. The volume formed by both branch- es, breaks through a mtn. chain immediately below their junction and bending to n. e. by comparative distance 25 miles, but by a very winding channel reaches its extreme northern point at Hancock's town, lat. 39° 41', and with, in less than 2 ms. s. of the sthrn. boundary of Pa. Passing Hancock's town the Potomac again inflects to s. E. and as above winds by a very crooked channel, but by comparative courses 35 ms. to the influx of Shenandoah from the sthrd. Shenandoah is the longest branch of Potomac, having a comparative length of 130 ms. and brings down a volume of water but little inferior to that of the main stream. Ha- ving its most remote sources in Augusta co. Va. interlocking sources with those of Great Calf Pasture branch of James r. and by Blue Ridge separated from those of Rivanna, as far s. as lat. 37° 55' almost exactly due w. of the mouth of Potomac into Chesapeake bay. The elonga- ted valley of Shenandoah is part of the great mtn. valley of Kittatinny, and comprises nearly all the cos. of Augusta, Rockingham, Page, and Shenandoah, with the estrn. sections of Frederick and .lefferson. The upper valley of Potomac including that of Shenandoah is in length from s. w. to n. e. 160 ms., where broad- est 75 ms., but having a mean breadth of 50 ms., area 8,000 sq. ms. The water level of Po- tomac at Harper's Ferry is 288 feet above tide water; therefore we may assume at 350 ft. the lowest arable land in the valley above the Blue Ridge. This is equivalent to a degree of lat. on the aerial temperature at the lowest point of depression. So rapid is the rise, however, in crossing the valley to the foot of Alleghany mtn. that an allowance of 1,200 ft. is rather too moderate an estimate for the extremes of cul- tivated soil. Passing the Blue Ridge, with par. POT 414 POU tial windings, tiie Potomac continues s. k. by 1 tories here are various and include some iron comparative courses 50 ms. to the lower falls works. Water is brought into the village from and head of ocean tides at Georgetown. Ha ving in the intermediate distance received the Monocacy r. from the n. and some minor crs. from the s. similar to the Delaware, below Trenton, and the higher part of Chesapeake bay below the mouth of Susquehannah, the Po. tomac meeting the tide bends along the outer margin of the primitive rock. It is indeed very remarkable that the three bends, in the three consecutive rs. follow almost exactly the same geographical line, or flow from head of tide s. w., the Delaware 60, Chesapeake 40, and Poto- mac 45 ms. The latter, a few ms. below where it retires from the primitive, has reached within 6 ms. of Rappahannoc r. below Fredericksburg. Leaving the primitive, the two latter, not far from parallel to each other, assume a compara- tive course of 75 ms. to the n. e., the interme- diate peninsula in no part above 22 ms. wide, and the distance 20 ms. from Smith's Point, on the s. side of the mouth of Potomac to Wind- mill Point, the n. side of that of the Rappa- hanoc. Combining the two sections above and below the Blue Ridge, the whole basin of Po- tomac embraces au area of 12,950 square miles or in round numbers 13,000, extending from lat. 37= 50' to 40°, and in long, from W. C. from 0° 45' E. to 2° 45' w. The winding of its tide water channel renders the navigation of the Potomac bay (for such it is below Georgetown) tedious though not dangerous. The channel is of adequate depth for ships of the line of 74 guns, to the navy yard at W. C. With its de. fects and advantages, as a commercial and ag ricultural section, the basin of the Potomac is a very interesting object in physical and also in political geography. Deriving its sources from the main Appalachian spine the Potomac chan- nel has been worn through the intervening chains to their bases, and performed an im- mense disproportion of the necessary task to effect a water route into the valley of Ohio. Such a route has been commenced under the name of " Chesapeake and Ohio canal." {See article rail roads and canals.) Potomac, p-v. Montgomery co. Md. Neither position nor distance in p-o. list. PoTosi, p-v. and st. ju'it. Washington co. Mo., situated on the head waters of Big r. branch of Maremac r. 70 ms. s. s. w. St. Louis, and by the road 55 ms. w. St. Genevieve, lat. 37° 56', long. W. C. 13° 48' w. This place derives its name from being the central point of the mine dist. When visited by Mr. Schoolcraft in 1 818, it contained 80 houses and probably 400 inhab- itants, the ordinary co. buildings, 3 stores, 2 distilleries, 2 flour mills, 1 saw-mill, a post office and 9 lead furnaces. This traveller de- scribes the site as a handsome eminence, dry and pleasant. Potsdam, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 25 ms. E. Ogdensburg, 90 w. Plattsburg, and 2l6 n. N. w. Albany, lias a very fertile soil, and the surface agreeably varied. Racket river flows 1 1 ms. through the t. and on it are situated quarries of stone. The v. stands at the falls of this stream, 3 ms. from the s. boundary. Above it the r. is almost 1 Hi. across. The manufac- the bottom of the r. by a forcing pump : pop. 3,661. Potter, co. Pa. bounded by Lycoming s., MacKean w., Alleghany co. of N. Y. n., Steu- ben CO. N. Y. N. E., and Tioga co. Pa. e. Length from s. to n. 37 ms., breadth 30, and area 1,110 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 43', and long. 1° w. W. C. intersect near the centre of this co. In- dependent of mtn. chains this is the most eleva- ted CO. of Pa. In the northeastern angle rises the Cowanesque r., flowing to the e. ; from the nrthrn. side rise the extreme sources of Gene- see r., flowing to the n. From the central and nrthwstrn. sections issue the higher fountains of Alleghany r. and the extreme nrthestrn. sour- ces of Ohio valley ; and finally from the south side issue the Sinnamahoning and Kettle crs., branches of the West Branch of the Susque- hannah. From these elements it is evident that Potter CO. is a real table land, giving source to streams flowing into the basin of St. Lawrence N., that of Misp. s. w., and into the Atlantic s. E. Mean elevation at least 1,200 ft. Cf. t. Coudersport : Pop. 1820, 4,836, including some adjacent cos., and in 1830, Potter co. alone 1,265. Potter's mills, and p-o. Centre co. Pa. by p-r. 71 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Pottsgrove, p-v. Northumberland co. Pa. by p-r. 67 ms. n. Harrisburg. Pottstown, P-v. on the left bank of Schuyl- kill r. and in the n. w. angle of Montgomery CO. Pa. by p-r. 68 ms. e. Harrisburg, and 16 from Reading. Pottsville, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa. on Schuyl- kill r. 8 ms. N. w. Orwigsburg, the co. St., and by p-r. 67 n. e. Harrisburg. 'This fine village, one of the creations of the coal mines, stands on the right bank of the main branch of Schuyl- kill river at what may be regarded the head of navigation; it is however connected with pla- ces farther distant from tide water by canals and rail-roads. Pottsville is seated amid mtn. chains, but enriched by some of the richest coal mines of the State, it has risen in about 12 years to almost a city in size. In 1833, from the opening of navigation to Aug. 1, 137,000 tons of coal were forwarded from this place to Phil. Pop. 1830, 2,464; in 1833 about 3,500. Poughkeepsie, p-t. and st. jus. Duchess co. N. Y. 75 ms. s. Albany, 74 n. N. Y. and 10 n. Newburgh, about 3^ ms. by 10, lies on the e, side Hudson r. and is nearly level, except w. where the surface is uneven and broken by courses of streams. Gypsum has been useful on the sandy soils. Fall cr. n., Wappinger's cr. E., and a small stream s. furnish excellent mill seats. Barnegat limestone, which is dug and burnt in the s. w. part of the town is very good. The village of Poughkeepsie is situated about a mile from the river; the ground on which it stands is level, and there are many neat and handsome buildings in the place. The principal street runs e. and w., or at right angles with the Hudson. The public buildings are several places of public worship, a court house, jail, a bank, academy, and some others. The whaling business has recently been introduced here, and POW 415 PRA thus far successfully. At the landing there is a considerable number of houses, stores, &c. and a number of sloops are engaged in business with New York. The Albany steamboats stop here several times in the day during the season of navigation: Pop. 7,222. PouLTNEY, r. Rutland co. Vt. is a small stream, rising in Tinmouth, and after running a few ms. w. marks a part of the boundary be- tween this state and N. Y., till it falls into the head of E. bay, an arm of lake Champlain. It is about 25 ms. long, and Castleton and W. Ha. van rs. are its branches. In 1783, during a high flood, Poultney r. cut through a ridge near E. bay, which had before dammed it up, and made a chamiel 100 ft. deep, destroying for a time all sloop navigation in E. bay. By the force of the current and the works of a compa- ny formed for the purpose, the obstructions have been greatly removed. Poultney, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 13 ms. s. w. Rutland, 10 ms. e. Whitehall, 46 n. Benning- ton, 60 s. w. Montpelier, 7 s. Castleton, and e. of Hampton N. Y., is crossed by Poultney r. and its branches, and has 35 sq. ms. It was first settled 1771, is well supplied with mill seats, and has an agreeable surface and a fertile soil, especially in the river meadows. There are 2 vs., a female academy, &c. Pop. 1,509. PouNDRTDGE, p.t. Westchcster co. N. Y., 139 ms. s. Albany, 15 e. Hudson r., 12 n. L. Island sound, and 5 s. e. Bedford ; is supplied with mill seats by Mechanus cr. on the w. line ; some of the streams of Croton r. &c. The surface is uneven, with much stony land. Pop. 1,437. Powell's Tavern, and p-o. Goochland co. Va., by p.r. 15 ms. w. Richmond. PowELTON, p-v. Richmond co. N. C, 15 ms. sthrd. Rockingham, the co. seat, and by p-r. 128 ms. s. w. Raleigh. PowELTON, p-v. on Great Ogeeche r. in the nthestrn. part Hancock co. Geo. by p-r. 15 ms. N. E. Sparta, the co. seat, and 37 n. e. Milledge- ville. PowERViLLE, v., Morris co. N. J., 8 ms. n. by E. Morristown ; on Morris canal and Rockaway r., near the falls. Powhatan, co. Va., bndd. by Chesterfield s. E., Appomattox river separating it from Amelia s. w., Cumberland w., and James r. separating it from Goochland n. Length 25 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 250 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 34', and long. W. C. 1° w. intersect in this co. It contains two opposing slopes ; one sthwstrd. towards the Appomattox ; but the second, to the nrthestrd. towards James r. includes much the larger section. Cf. t. Scottsville. Pop. 1820, 8,292, 1830, 8,517. Powhatan, p-v. Madison co. O. Powhatan Point, and p-o. Belmont co. O., by p-r. 155 ms. e. Columbus. PowNAL, p-t. Cumberland co. Maine, is of small size and irregular form, 35 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 18 N. E. Portland. Pop. 1830, 1,308. PowNAL, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 56 ms. s. w. Rutland, 30 w. Brattleboro' ; lies n. Williams, town, Mass., e. Hoosac, N. Y. ; with 25,000 acres; first settled 1761. It is uneven, with good soil for grass. Hoosac r. flows n. w. into N. York, afibrding good mill sites, and water tracts of meadow land; several brooks in the N E. which form head water ot Wallamsack r. ; 13 school dists. Pop. 1,!!34. Powow, r. N. H. a good mill stream, rises in Kingston, and after a devious course, falls into the Merrimac on the line of Amesbury, in which town is its principal fall, where it de- scends 100 ft. in about 275 yards. Prairie, from the French language, signi- fies literally meadows. It is a term occur. ring so frequently in the geography of the United States, that we have deemed it requi- site to introduce it as an article, in order to explain the true meaning, and describe the features of country intended by the term. Pre in French, means a meadow in the common acceptation of the word, whilst prairie is the superlative, and used for a large and indefinite space covered with grass. The term prairie, therefore, is perfectly applicable to the immense open grassy spaces in N. America, wliich, with partial interruptions, extend from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic ocean, and of course traverse the whole territory of the U. States along the great slope falling estrd. from the Chippewayan system towards the Appalachian, though in no place actually reaching the latter. In their external features and relations to the great mtn. systems of the two continents, the steppes of Asia, and prairies of N. America, have a complete specific resemblance. The Asiatic steppes commence in fact in Europe, m the valley of the Wolga, from whence, follow- ing the great system, known by the respective names of Altai, Stavonoy, and Yablony mtns., spread across the whole continent of Asia, from the Caspian sea to that of Ochotz. As in N. A., the Asiatic steppes follow the mountain chains, and are traversed at or near right angles by the rivers. Called by either name, these grassy spaces partake of all the varieties of soil and surface of regions covered with forest. It is very erroneous to suppose the prairies ne- cessarily plains ; the real fact is, that strictly speaking small parts only of the prairies are level plains. In the southwestern part of La., and skirting along the Gulf of Mexico, over the sea border of Texas, the prairies are level plains, but advancing northwards they exhibit every variety of surface and of soil, and when traversed to their termination on the Arctic ocean, sink again to level plains. The La. prairies are perfectly congenial to the growth of every species of forest tree, that the climate will admit, and where fertile, are equally with woodland adapted to every object of agricul- ture, gardening, or orchard. This statement is made from personal experience ; the writer of this article resided 8 years in Opelousas and Attacapas, or in the prairie section of La. The llanos, or pampas, of South America, spreading along the great eastern slope of the Andes, are specifically prairies, with similar variety of soil and surface. Prairie, p-o. Perry co. Ala., by p.r. 68 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Prairie Creek, p.o. southern part Vigo co. Ind. 17 miles southward Terre Haute, the co. seat, and by p.r. 100 miles s. w. by w. Indian, opolis. PRE 416 PRI PiiAiRiE DE Long, p-o. Monroe co. II., by p-r. 87 nis. s. w. Vimdalia. PiiATRiE DU CiijKN, p-v. and St. jus. Crawford CO. Mich, or more correctly Huron, is situated on the point above their junction, and between the Misp. and Oniscoiisin rs., as stated in the p-o. list, by p-r. 1,0G0 jus. If we compare the bearing and distance of Galena, which may be seen by reference to that article, we may see that Prairie du Chien bears about n. 70 w. from W. C, and the direct distance within a small fraction of 800 statute miles : pop. including that of the military station at fort Crawford, 692. Fort Crawford is adjoining to the village of Prairie du Chien. Prairie Ronde, p-o. Kalamazoo co. Mich., about 140 ms. nearly due w. Detroit. Prattsburg, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 2.30 ms. w. Albany, 14 n. Bath ; has an imeven surface, and is watered by Five Mile creek, and streams of Crooked lake and Conhocton cr., on which are mill seats : pop. 2,402. Prattsburg, p-v. Warren co. Misp., about 50 miles above, and by the road n. n. e. Natchez. ■:.. Preble, p-t. Cordrland co. N. Y., 138 ms. w. Albany, 7 n. Homer, 21 s. Salina, s. TuUy, Onondaga co., e. Cayuga co. ; 5 miles square ; has brooks of Tioiighnioga creek, a hilly sur- face favorable for grazing, and rich vallies, where the rocks are limestone and slate. First settled 1800, by New Englanders, Germans and Dutch. Maple, beech, bass, elm, nut woods, and some hemlock and pine grow here ; and there are a few ponds. Preble Flats, 2 miles wide, cross the town n. and s. : pop. 1,43.5. J'keble, CO. Ohio, bndd. N. by Darke, Mont- gomery E., Butler s.. Union, Ind. s. w., and Wayne, Ind. n. w. Length from s. to n. 24 ms., breadth 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 45', long, W. C. 7° 40' w. General slope s. e., and drained in that direction by St. Clair and Franklin creeks branches of Great Miami. The soil productive. Chief town Fiaton : pop. 16,291. Prescott, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass., 76 ms. w. Boston, 15 N. e. Northampton ; is watered by several streams of Swift r., and has an uneven surface, with good grass land : pop. 758. Preston, p-t. New London co. Conn., 44 miles s. s. e. Hartfjrd, 5 miles s. e. Norwich, w. and s. e. Thames and Quinebaug rivers ; has an irregular form, containing about 30 square miles. It is uneven, rocky, with a pretty good soil. First settled 1686 : pop. 1,934. Preston, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 5 ms. w. Norwich, 115 w. byS. Albany, has a good soil, bearing maple, beech, bass, elm, &c., and favor- able to grain ; watered by small streams of Chenango r. : pop. 1,213. Preston, co. Va., bndd. s. by Randolph, Mo- nongalia w., Fayette co. Pa. n., and Alleghany CO. Md. E. The greatest length from s. to n. 36 ms., mean breadth 13, and area 463 sq. miles. Lat. 39° 30', long. W. C. 2° 38' w. The main Alleghany chain extends northwardly along the eastern border of this co., and the Chesnut ridge separates it from Monongalia on the w. The body of the co. is a mountain valley be. tween the two chains. Cheat river enters the southern side, and winding to n. n. w., divides It into two not very unequal sections. Though generally broken, rocky, and in part mountain. ous, Preston contains some excellent soil. Cf. town, Kingwood : pop. 1820, 3,428 ; 1830, 5,144. Preston, p.v. in the southwestern part of Hamilton co. O., by p-r. 127 ms. s. w. Columbus. pRKSTONBURG, p-v. and St. jus. Floyd county Ky., on the w. fork of Sandy r., by p-r. 142 ms. s. E. by E. Frankfort, Lat. 37° 37', long. VV. C. 5° 38' w. Pop. 81. Prestonville, p.v. Rhea co. Ten., by p-r. 147 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Prewett's Knob, p-o. Barren co. Ky., by p-r. 118 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Priestford, p-o. Harford co. Md. Prince Edward, co. Va. bndd. s. e. by Lu- nenburg, s. and s. w. Charlotte, w. Campbell, N. w. and N. Buckingham, n. e. Cumberland and Amelia, and e. Nottaway. Length from e. to w. 32 ms., mean breadth 8, and area 256 sq, ms. Lat. 37° 12', long. W. C. 1° 30' w. This CO. is bndd. along its whole northern border and greatest length by Appomattox r., and of course slopes in the direction of that stream or eastv/ard. The southern and central parts have a counter slope to n. e., and drained by numer- ous crs. falling into Appomattox r. This is one of the best peopled and most enlightened cos. of Va. In 1820, the pop. stood at 12,577, and in 1830, at 14^107, or 55 to the sq. ni. Of the latter aggregate 5,039 were whites. There are 12 post offices, and Hampden Sidney col- lege is located in this co. The following in. formation was forwarded to the editor. " This CO. derives great advantage from the naviga. tion of the Appomattox. A large part is fer. tile, well watered, and highly cultivated, Hampden Sidney college, has in this county an elevated, dry, and remarkably healthful situa- tion, 80 ms. s. w. Richmond. The college was founded in 1775. The charter is as liberal and ample as that of any college in the U. States, The following proi'essorships have been estab- lished : the president is the professor of men. tal philosophy, rhetoric, moral philosophy, and natural law ; besides which are the ch- irs of chemistry, natural philosophy, mathematics, and the learned languages. The philosophical apparatus, and libraries of the college, philan. thropic, the union, and philosophical societies are ample. The permanent college funds are vested in lands and bank stock. A preparatory academy is annexed to the college, in which those studies only are taught, that are required for admission into the lowest college class. The number of students is about 60, and the li. brary contains about 7,000 vols. The annual expense of a student is jJ^lSO, including board, tuition, room rent, washing, and servant's hire. The Union theological seminary, also located in this CO., commenced operations in 1824. There are in the institution 3 professors and an assistant, and about 50 students. The library contains 3,000 vols. Prince Edward, c. h., and p-o. Prince Ed- PRI 417 PRI ward CO. Va. by p-r. 75 ms. s. w. by w. Rich- mond. Prince Fredeeicktown, p.v. and st. jus. Calvert co. Md. by p-r. 56 ras. s. e. W. C. and 63 ms. s. Annapolis, lat. 38° 32', long. W. C. 0° 28' E. Prince George, co. Va. bounded by Surry s. E., Sussex s., Dinwiddie w., Appomattox r. separating it from Ciiesterfield n. w., James r. separating it from Charles City co. n. and N. E. Length from e. to w. 26 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 312 sq. ms., lat. 37° 10', and long. W. C. 20' w. Though bordered on two sides by Appomattox and James rs., the far greatest part of the surface slopes s. e. and is drained by the sources of Blackwater r., and some con- fluents of Nottaway r. ; of course its water is tributary to Albemarle sound, by Chowan r. Chieft. City Point. Pop. 1820, 8,030 ; 1830, 8,367. Prince George's co. Md., bndd.s. by Charles, s. w. Potomac r. separating it from Fairfax co. Va., District of Columbia w., Montgomery co. N. w., and the Patuxent r. separating it from Ann Arundel co. n. e., and Calvert s. e. Greatest length 40 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 600 sq. ms. The meridian of W. C. passes along the wstrn. border, whilst the northern angle is traversed by lat. 39°. The dividing ridge be- tween the confluents of Potomac and Patuxent, traverses this co. from s. to n., dividing it into 2 very nearly equal sections. The surface is generally hilly, though much of the soil is ex- cellent. Cf. t. Upper Marlboro. Pop. 1820, 20,216; 1830,20,474. Princess Ann, p-v. sea port, and st. jus. Som- erset CO. Md., situated on Manokin r. near the head of tide water, by p-r. 144 ms. s. e. by e. W. C. and 107 ms. s. e. Annapolis, lat. 38° l2', long. W. C. 1° 18' E. It is a place of consider- able commerce, and contains a bank, the ordin- ary CO. buildings, and several places of public worship. It stands IS ms. above the mouth of the Manokin into Chesapeake bay. Princess Ann, sthestrn. co. of Va., bndd. by Norfolk CO. w., Chesapeake bay n., Atlantic ocean e., and Currituck co. N. C. s. Length irom s. to N. 30 ms., mean breadth l2, and area 360 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 45', and long. W. C. 1° E. intersect near its centre. Though in general level, it is a table land, discharging the sources of the east branch of Elizabeth's r. wstrd. ; the various branches ofLynhavenr. into Lynhaven bay northwards, and the confluents of Currituck sound sthrd. Cf. t. Princess Ann c. h. Pop. 1820,8,730; 1830,9,102. Princess Ann, c. h., p-v. and st. jus. Princess Ann CO. Va., by p-r. 23 ms. s. e. by e. Norfolk, lat. 36° 44', long. 0° 57' e. W. C. Princess' Bridge, and p.o. eastern part of Chatham co. N. C, 23 ms. a little s. of w. Ra- leigh. Princeton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 52 ms. w. Boston, and 16 n. Worcester, has a soil very favorable to agriculture, but contains Wachu- settmtn. The land embraced by the present t. bore the same name in the Indian language. This solitary eminence is 3,000 ft. above the ocean, and is often ascended on accomit of the extensive and delightful view enjoyed from its summit. The v. is situated a little distance up the side of the mtn. Pop. 1,346. Princeton, p-t. Schenectady co. N. Y., 20 ms, N. w. Albany, 7 w. Schenectady. It is of irregular form and is crossed by Norman's Kill cr. E. and has several brooks n. which flow into the Mohawk. The surface and soil are various, and some of the principal eminences afford fine views : Pop. 812. Princeton, borough, N. J. between West Windsor, Middlesex co. and Montgomery, Som- erset CO., 10 ms. N. E. Trenton, 10 s. w. New Brunswick, 50 s. w. N. Y. and 40 n. e. Phil., is a pleasant place, not large, containing about 110 dwellings, and is the seat of Nassau Hall (New Jersey) college, and also the theological sem- inary of the Presbyterian church. The princi- pal buildings of these two institutions are of stone, and are spacious. Nassau Hall is 4 sto- ries high, 170 ft. long and 50 deep ; it is ven- erable in its appearance, shaded by trees, and has 60 apartments for students, besides a chap- el. The rooms for the libraries, recitation, philosophical apparatus, museum, refectory, and the societies, are in 2 adjacent buildings, 30 ft. by 60. ThiS college was founded in 1746 ; was first located at Elizabethtown, afterwards re- moved to Newark, and was finally permanently located at Princeton in 1757. It was founded by the Synod of N. Y., and many distinguished men have been educated within its walls. It is now, and has long been highly prosperous. The faculty is composed of a president and vice pre. sident; beside 10 others, professors and teach- ers. Number of alumni, 1833, 1,930 ; Students, 133; commencement is on the last Wednesday in Sept. In the College library are 8 000 vols., and in those of the Students 4,000. The theo- logical seminary was founded in 1812, and is devoted to the education of young men destined for the ministry. There are 3 professors, and 23 scholarships. The number of students is now, (1833,) about 95, and the course of in- struction embraces a term of 3 years. Prince- ton is celebrated as the field of a battle, very important in its results, between the Americans under the command of Gen. Washington, and a British force, during the war of the Revolu- tion. The latter, after having taken refuge in Nassau Hall college, the same now standino-, were forced to surrender, Jan. 3, 1777. Princeton, p-v. Washington co. Misp. by p-r. 100 ms. N. N. E. Natchez. Pop. 2u0. Princeton, p-v. Jackson co. Ten. by p-r. 107 ms. N. E. by e. Nashville. Princeton, p-v. and st. jus. Caldwell co. Ky. situated on the summit ground between the val- lies of Cumberland and Tradewater rs. by p.r. 229 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, and 59 ms. a lit- tle N. of w. Russellville, lat. 37° 02', long W C. 10° 54' west: Pop. 366. Princeton, p-v. Liberty tsp. sthrn. angle of Butler CO. O. 20 ms. a little e. of n. Cincinna. ti, and 98 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus : Pop. 33. Princeton, p-v. and st. jus. Gibson co. Ind. situated on the summit ground between the val- ley of Patoka r. branch of Wabash r. and the sources of Pigeon cr. flowing into O. r. by p-r. 141 ms. s. w. Indianopolis, lat. 38° 22', long. W. C. 10° 38' w. PRO 418 PRO Printer's Retreat, and p-o. Switzerland co. Ind. Ill ms. s. e. Itidianopolis. Prospect, p-t. Waldo co. Me, 52 miles e. Augusta, 15 N. w. Castine, and 227 n. n. e. Boston; lies on the west side of Penobscot r., and north of Belfast bay, opposite Orphan isl., and includes Brigadier isl. in the Penobscot. It has a few small streams : Pop. 2,383. Prospect, p-t. New Haven co. Conn. 12 ms. N. by w. New Haven, is crossed by the West Rock range of hills, and has a few small streams which flow into the Quinnipiack and other rs. emptying at New Haven harbor : Pop. 651. Prospect, p-o. Prince Edward co. Va. by p-r. 80 ms. s. w. Richmond. Prospect Hill, and p-o. Fairfax co. Va. 9 ms. wstrd. W. C Prospect Hill, p-o. Caswell co. N. C. by p-r. 59 ms. n. w. Raleigh. Protho's Mills, and p-o. Orangeburgh dist. S. C. 38 ms. s. w. Columbia. Providence go., R. I. bndd. by Norfolk and Worcester cos. Mass. n., Bristol co., Mass. e., Kent CO. and Narraganset r. s., and the line of Conn. w. It is about 17 ms. broad by 22 long, containing about 380 sq. ms. and iaithe largest CO. in the state. It has an irregular surface and is in some parts rough; most of the rocks are primitive, with some transition and limestone. The soil is most favorable to grass, and fruit thrives. The timber is various. Water power is abundant, and there are manufactories of many kinds carried on in different parts of the CO. Pawtucket r. crosses the co. on the n. e., and Sekonk r., into which it falls, is on the line of Mass. Pawtuxet flows s., and there are oth- er streams, as the Mashasuc and Wanasqua- tucket. The Blackstone canal, which commen. ces at Providence and soon after strikes along the course of Blackstone or Pawtucket r., pur- sues it to Worcester, Mass. and affords an im- portant channel of transportation to many man- ufacturing and agricultural places. Cotton is the principal article of manufacture in this co. The first machinery every erected in America in this manufacture was first set up in Provi- dence, and afterwards in the village of Paw- tucket. The commerce of this co. is extensive, and almost the whole foreign commerce of the state is centered at Providence, which is the St. jus. of the CO. The Canton trade of that city is very extensive. Pop. 1820, 35,736, 1830, 47,018. Providence, city and sea port, Providence CO. R. I., the most commercial and populous town in the state, and second in pop. in New England. It is situated in lat. 40° 51', and in long. 5° 37' E. W. C, at the head of Narragan- set bay, 30 ms. from Newport and the ocean, 42 s. w. Boston, 58 n. e. New London, 70 e. Hartford, 190 n. e. N. Y., and 394 n. e. Wash- ington. The town contains about 9. sq. ms., is separated from Mass. by Seekonk r., and the two streams which form Providence r. unite within it, and afford an abundance of fish. The city is divided by the latter stream nearly in the centre, which is here navigable for vessels of 900 tons burthen; two fine bridges across it unite the two parts of the city. Providence is well laid out, and viewed from several eminen- ces within the city, or from the bay, its appear- ance is fine and imposing. The calamities which it has several times suffered by storms, floods, and particularly an extensive fire in 1801, and the great storm of 1815, when 500 build- ings were destroyed, have ultimately tended to the improvement of the city, in its streets and buildings. These are mostly of wood, and are uniformly neat ; there are many how. ever, of brick, granite, &c., which are spacious and elegant, and finely situated. The public buildings are numerous, and several of them are very handsome. Among these is the arcade, a noble edifice of stone 222 feet in length, with two fronts of granite, 72 feet wide, and colon- ades of 6 columns each, 25 feet high, the shafts of which are single blocks 22 feet in length. Thi,^ building was completed in 1828, and cost ^130,000. There are 14 churches, some of which are in fine taste. There are al- so a state house, the Dexter asylum (for the poor), the building occupied by the Friends' boarding school, and two edifices belonging to Brown University : these are all of brick, and the three latter are finely located on a very com- manding eminence. Providence is well situa- ted for commercial enterprise, and internal im- provements have recently added much to its prosperity. The foreign and coasting trade are both extensive, as the commerce of the statB, which was formerly concentrated at Newport, is now chiefly transferred to this place. Sev- eral lines of packets, beside other vessels, run regularly to diff'erent parts of the U. S., and the facilities for internal communication are nu- merous. The trade with Canton has for some years been quite large. — The duties collected in 1831 amounted to ,$227,000 ; the imports of the same year to |457,000, and the exports to ^329,000. The registered amount of shipping wasmore than 12,000 tons ; there are in the city 4 insurance companies, with a capital of $360,- 000 ; a branch of the U. S. bank, with a capital of $800,000, and 16 other banks, with an ag- gregate capital of $4,602,000, including a bank for savings, the capital of which is $100,000. The Blackstone canal, which extends from Providence to Worcester, passing near numer- ous manufactories, adds much to the trade of the city, as does the manufacturing v. of Paw- tucket, one of the most important in the coun- try, and to which leads one of the finest roads in the U. S. The Boston and Providence rail road, which is to be commenced immediately, will probably be productive of still greater ben- efits. A branch of it is to extend to Taunton, Mass., and another to New London, Conn., so as to connect the land transportation of the N. York and Boston route, with Long Island sound at the latter place ; the navigation round point Judith being exposed, and sometimes danger- ous. Steamboats of the largest and finest kind, keep up a daily communication with N. Y. dur- ing the season of navigation, and in connection with them are several lines of stage coaches, which run to Boston in 6 or 7 hours. Providence, as well as the state of which it is the chief t., is distinguished for its numerous manufactories. There are 4 of cotton, with a capital of $327,- 500, and consuming annually nearly half a million PRO 419 PUL pounds of cotton, from which are woven about 1,500,000 yards of cloth, valued at about $250,- 000 ; there are three bleacheries, two of which bleach about 3,300,000 pounds of cotton annual- ly, which is an equivalent to about 13,200,000 yds. ; there are also 4 dye houses, 4 iron found- ries, and 7 machine shops, manufacturing an- nually about $300,000 worth of machinery, chiefly for cotton factories ; three brass found- ries, 2 for the manufacture of steam engines ; 10 tin, copper, sheet iron, and coal grate es- tablishments ; 27 jewellers' establishments, manufacturing jewelry, &c. to the value of about $230,000 ; and a glass factory, where cut and flint glass to the amount of $70,000, is annually manufactured ; besides these are various other manufactories of combs, oil, soap, candles, hats, boots, shoes, &c. &c. It is estimated that not less than 3,000 persons are regularly employed, or are principally occupied in the larger manufacturing establishments in the city. In addition to all these, a capital of more than ^2,000,000, owned in Providence, is invested in various manufactures in other parts of the state. Brown University, transferred from Warren to Providence in 1770, was found, ed in 1764. Its two buildings are spacious ; four stories high each, and one 150, the other 120 ft. long, and contains rooms for the oflScers and students, library and philosophical rooms, and a chapel. The philosophical apparatus is now very complete ; recent eflbrts have en- larged its means, and the present condition of this institution is comparatively prosperous. A new building, the gift of Hon. Nicholas Brown, is about to be erected ; it is to be of brick, 3 stories high, 86 ft. long and 42 deep, and is to include a chapel, library, philosophical, lecture, and other rooms. A subscription was lately commenced, to raise the sum of $26,000, the proceeds of which is to be applied to the pur- chase of books, philosophical and chemical ap- paratus, &c. This sum will undoubtedly be raised. The officers of this institution are, a president, and five professors and tutors. Num- ber of students 1832 — 3, 133 ; the several li- braries contain about 12,000 vols., of which 6,000 belong to the library of the college. The total number of alumni, 1832 — 3, 1,219 ; com- mencement is on the 1st. Wednesday in Sep. tember. This is the principal literary institu- tion in the state ; besides it, and the Friends' boarding school (which belongs to the Friends of N. England,) there are several grammar, primary, and other schools in the city. There are two daily, and eight other newspapers pub- lished here. Providence was originally found- ed in 1636, by Roger Williams, who was ban- ished from the Plymouth colony for avowing the doctrine that all denominations of Chris- tians are equally entitled to the protection of the civil magistrate. In 1644, this settlement was permitted to establish a government for itself, mdependent of Mass. ; and in 1663, a charter was granted by the king to the Provi- dence plantations, which extended the right of voting to all except Roman Catholics. In 1831 , Providence was incorporated as a city, and its municipal government organized : pop. 1810, 10,071 ; 1820, 11,767 ; and in 1830, 16,833, of which 8,701 were on the e., and 8,132 on the w. side of the river. Providence, or Narraganset river. Provi- dence CO. R. I., is formed by the union of See- konk river, and another branch which meet at Providence. It is deep enough for large ships, forms the harbor of that town, and a short distance below, falls into Providence bay. Providence, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., 42 ms. N. w. Albany, 15 n. w. Ballston Spa, 20 n. Sche- nectady, E. Montgomery co., 6 ms. by 7, is hilly N. E., crossed by Kayderosseras rntn. and else- where uneven, with Sacandaga r. n. w., and several small streams. The soil is favorable for grass : pop. 1,579. Providence, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa., 10 ms. n. E. Wilkes-Barre, and by p-r. 130 ms. n. e. Har- risburg. Providence, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C, 5 ms. s. e. Charlotte, the co. St., and 135 ms. by p-r. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Providence, p-v. in the wstrn. part of Hop- kins CO. Ky., by p-r. 17 ms. wstrd. Madison- ville, the co. St., and 217 ms. s. w. by w. Frank- fort. Province'^wn, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass., 50 ms. s. e. Boston, (116 by land,) is on the n. point of Cape Cod, with the ocean n. and e., and Cape Cod bay w. It is in the form of a hook, being inwards w. and s., and enclosing Provincetown bay, which is almost shut in by land, with an opening s., with water enough for ships of the largest size. The soil is a loose, sterile and shifting sand ; and the houses of the V. which stands on the n. w. side of the bay, are very small, and built on piles so that the winds blow under them. The inhabitants are devoted to fishing, and take and cure great quantities of cod annually. There are no wharves in the harbor ; the land is not cultivated. This was the place first visited by the N. England pil- grims, who spent a little time here in Dec. 1620, before they proceeded to Plymouth. Lat. 42° 3' N., long. 70° 9' w. Pop. 1,710. Pruntytown, p-v. estrn. part of Harrison co. Va., and near the ferry over Tygart's Valley r., 20 ms. N. E. by e. Clarksburg the co. St., and by p-r. 209 ms. n. w. by w J w. W. C. Pryor's Vale, p-o. Amherst co. Va., by p-r. 191 ms. s. w. Richmond. PoGHTowN, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Chester CO. Pa., situated on French cr. 35 ms. n. w. by w. Phila. Pulaski, p-v. and half shire, Richland, Oswe. go CO. N. Y., 153 ms. from Albany, 27 n. e. Oswego, 30 s. Sacket's Harbor, 36 n. Salina, 60 N. w. Utica, on Salmon creek, 3^ ms. from its mouth on lake Ontario. The harbor at its mouth receives vessels of 60 or 70 tons. Pulaski, co. Geo. bndd. n. by Twiggs, n. e. Lawrens, s. e. Telfair, and by Ocmulgee r. separating it from Dooley s. w. and Houston n. w. Length from s. e. to n. w. 34 ms., breadth 20, and area 680 sq. ms. n. lat. 32° 20', long. 6° 22' w. W. C. Slope s. e., and in that direction it is traversed by different branches of Auchen- hachee r. a small confluent of Ocmulgee ; and the latter flows in a similar course along the southwestern border. Cf. t. Hartford. Pop. 4,906. PUT 420 PUT Pulaski, p-v. and st. jus. Giles co. Ten. by p-r. 77 ms. a little w. of s. Nashville, n. lat. 35° 08', long. 10° w. W. C. Pulaski, co. Ky. bndd. w. by Wolf cr., sepa- rating it from Russell, Casey n. w., Lincoln n., Rockcastle n. e., Rockcastle creek, separating it from Whitley e., and Cumberland r. separa- ting it from Wayne s. Length from e. to w. 40 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 640 sq. ms. N lat. 37°, and long. 7° 30' intersect in the southern part of this co. Slope southward to- wards Cumberland r. Cf. t. Somerset. Pop. y,500. Pulaski, a p-v. named in the p-o. list as be- ing situated in Allen co. Ind., but from the dis- tance given from Indianopolis 214 ms. a very extravagant allowance would be requisite to bring it into any part of Ind. There is no point in Allen co. 150 ms. by the road from Indian, opolis. Pulaski, co. of Ark. bndd. by Clark s.. Hot- springs CO. w., Conway n. w., Jackson n. e., Monroe e., and Jefferson s. e. Length from s. w. to N. E. 100 ms., mean breadth 40, and area 4,000 sq. ms. These boundaries are, however, vague, and given as being merely relative. The town of Little Rock, st. jus. and capital of Ark. stands on the right bank of Arkansas r. n. lat. 34° 42', long. W. C. 15° 15' w. Slope sthestrd. and in that direction traversed by the main vol- ume of Arkansas r. The nrthestrn. section is drained by the sources of Big Meto, and some confluents of White r., whilst from the sth- westrn. portion flow the higher tributaries of the Saline br. of Ouachita r. The features of this CO. are much varied, from deep alluvion liable to annual submersion to mtns. of considerable elevation. It presents also dense forests and extensive prairies. Pop. 2.395. PuLTENEY, Vt. (See Poultney.) PuLTENEY, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 230 ms. w. Albany, 16 n. Bath, n. Ontario co., w. Crooked lake, has imeven land e., with beach, maple, &c. for timber, and several small streams, of which Five Mile cr. rises n. e. and flows through it s. e. towards Coiihocton cr. Pop. 1,724. Pultenevville, p-v. Wayne co. N. Y. 16 ms. N. Palmyra, s. lake Ontario. Pumpkintown, p-v. Pickens dist. S. C. by p-r. 145 ms. N. w. Columbia. > Pumpkintown, p-v. Campbell co. Geo. by p-r. 130 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. PuNGOTEAGUE, p-v. Accomac CO. Va. 10 ms. s. w. Drummondstown, and by p-r. 218 ms. s. e. W. C. PUNXUTAWNY, PuNGATAWNEY, Or PUNXETAUNY, (for all these spellings are used,) p-v. on Ma- honing cr., southern part of Jeiferson co. Penn., by p-r. 216 ms. n. w. W, C. Purcell's Store and p-o. Loudon co. Va. by p-r. 41 ms. northwstrd. W. C. PuRDY, p-v. and st.jus. McNairy co. Ten. by p-r. 128 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville, n. lat. 35° 13', long. 11° 36' w. W. C. Put-in-Bay, fine harbor of Huron co. O. See Bass Islands. This haven, the most deep and safe in lake Erie, except Detroit, and Niagara rs., ia formed by a curve of the sthrn. Bass island. The concavity constituting the basin is on the nrthrn. side of the island, and directly opposite at about half a mile distance stretches from east to west, the middle Bass ; and again, as if nature intended to give complete security to this haven, an islet rises at each opening, af- fording four passes to and from the bay. Ves- sels of 12 feet draught can be safely navigated and find good anchorage in Put-in-Bay. Ship channel about 20 ms. n. n. w. from the mouth of Sandusky Bay; and 30 s. e. from the mouth of Detroit r. Putnam, co. N. Y. bndd. by Duchess co. n., Conn. E., West Chester co. s., Hudson r. or Or- ange CO. w., 12 ms. N. and s. by 21, with 252 sq. ms. ; is very rough, with mtns. s. w., and but a small proportion of level land. Iron ore is taken from mines here in considerable quantities, and partly smelted in the co. At Cold Spring, in Philipstown, opposite West Point, is the largest cannon foundry in the U. S. Here are 1 blast furnace, making 850 tons of iron annually, .S air furnaces, and 3 cupola furnaces, which melt 2,500 tons, making ^280,000 worth per annum. Black lead and pyrites are formed in some places. In the co. are 2 paper mills, and 1 woollen m.anufactory. The 2 branches of Cro- ton r. or cr. flow through the co. and unite on the s. line, after receiving the waters of many ponds. Carmel v. the st.jus. of the co. is in n. E. corner of Carmel t. on a small lake. Pop. 1820, 11,268, 1830, 12,628. Putnam, p.t. Washington co. N. Y. 30 ms. n. Sandy hill, w. lake Champlain or Vt., e. lake George, about 3^ ms. by 10 ; is on a narrow tongue of land between these lakes ; mountain, ous, with poor soil. The n. end is 4 ms. from Ticonderoga : pop. 718. Putnam, co. Geo. bndd. s. by Baldwin, Jas- per w., Morgan n., and Oconee r. separating it from Greene n. e., and Hancock s. e. Length 24 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 432 sq. ms. N. lat. 33° 20', long. 6° 27' w. W. C. Slope sthrd., and drained by Oconee or confluents. Cf. t. Eatonton : pop. 13,261. Putnam, p-v. Muskingum co. O. situated on Muskingum r. opposite Zanesvilie, and by p-r. 59 ms. E. Columbus : pop. 758. Putnam, co. O. bndd. s. by Allen, Vanwert s. w., Paulding n. w., Henry n., and Hancock e. Length 24, width 24, and area 576 sq. miles. Lat. 41°, and long. 7° w. intersect in tliis co. The general slope n. w., the whole surface, with a very small exception, being in the valley of Au Glaize river. Cf. t. Sugar Grove. It is a new settlement : pop. 230. Putnam, co. Ind. bndd. by Owen s.. Clay s. w., Parke w. and n. w., Montgomery n.. Hen. dricks n. e. and e., and Morgan s. e. Length 30 ms., breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 40', and long. 10° w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Raccoon cr., a branch flowing s. w. over the northwestern angle, flows thence over Parke into Wabash ; but the much larger sec. tion inclines to s. s. w., and is in that direction drained by the higher constituents of Eel r., branch of the North fork of White r. Cf. t. Green Castle : pop. 8,262. Putnam, co. II. bndd. s. by Peoria, Knox s. w., Henry w., unappropriated territory n., La Salle E., and McLean s. e. As laid down by QUE 421 QUE Tanner on his recently improved map of the U. S., it is about 40 ms. eq. ; area 1,600 sq. ms. Central lat. 41° 18', Ion. 12° 35' w. W. C. The northwestern angle is drained itno Rock r. Illinois r. enters on the eastern border, and flows s. s. w. over the southeastern angle, and the much greater part of the surface is drained to the southward direct into II. or into that stream by Spoon r. Cf. ts. Hennipin and Al- exandria, Including Putnam and Peoria, the joint pop. 1830 was 1,310. Putney, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 10 miles n. Brattleboro', 34 n. e. Bennington, 33 s. Wind- sor, w. Conn. r. ; 18,115 acres ; settled 1754, Iroiii Mass. Great Meadow fort was burnt by Indians in the last French war. Conn. r. bends so as to form part of the s. boundary. Great Meadow n. e., contains about 400 acres of ex- cellent land. A ridge of hills runs n. and a. through the e. part of the town, w. of which is Sacket's brook, with a fall of 75 ft. in 500 yards near the village, where are several dams, and many mills and factories ;'w. of this the surface is very hilly, and near the w. line is iirooklyne valley. The rocks are mica slate, black limestone, &,c., and green fluate of lime has been discovered. Birch, beech, maple, and some hemlock, grow on the hills, and on Conn, r. nut trees and oak. Pop. 1,510. QuAKERTowN, p.v. in the northwestern part of Bucks CO. Pa. 38 ms. n. n. w. Phil. It is a neat small village, in a single street along the main road. Pop. about 2Q0. QuANTico, cr. andp-o.inthe nrthw&trn. angle of Somerset co. Md. QtJEECHY, or Waterqueechy r. Windsor co. Vt. rises in Sherburne, Rutland co., crosses Windsor co. and enters Conn, river 2 miles above Queechy falls. Two good mill streams enter the Queechy in Eridgewater, and two others in Woodstock. Its course is about 35 miles over a stony or gravelly bed, and its water is pure. It waters about 212 square miles. Queen Ann, co. Md. having on the e. Chop, tank r. separating it from Caroline, Talbot co. s., Chesapeake bay w., Chester r. separating it from Kent n. w. and n., and Kent co. Del. e. From the southern part of Kent isl. to the northeastern angle of the co. 40 ms. ; mean breadth 10 ms., and area 400 sq. ms. Lat. 39° andlong. 0^ 45'intersect in Queen Ann. Slope s. w. The CO. is composed of Kent isl. and a long narrow space between Choptank and Ches- ter rs. Cf. t. Centerville. Pop. 1820, 14,952 ; in 1830, 14,397. Queen's co. N. Y. on Long Island, bndd. by East r. and the sound n., Suffolk co. e., the At- lantic s. and King's co, w. ; has 6 townships, and about 355J sq, ms. The greatest breadth of the isl. in this co. is 22 ms., but the water approaches from opposite sides in one place v/ith 5^. The surface is slightly varied, the greatest elevation, viz. Harbor Hill, in North Hempstead, being 319 feet above high water. A sandy ridge crosses the co. e. and w. The w. has much excellent soil, well cultivated for vegetables, fruit, &c. for N, Y. market. There are many coves, inlets and bays, on which tide mills are erected, principally for flour. On the N. are Cold Spring bay and harbor. Oyster do. do., Hempstead do. do., Cow and Little Neck bays, and Flushing bay and harbor ; on the E. r. is Hurl Gate, and several coves and points on N. Y. harbor and bay, and s. part of S, bay, Jamaica bay, Rockaway beach. Hog isl. &c. &c, ■ There is a light-house at Sand's point in Long Isl. souiid. North Hempstead, which is 21 ms. from N. Y. city, is the st.jus. of the co. A large part of the co, was aettled by Holland 54 farmers, among whom were many families of French extraction, whose ancestors fled into Holland after the massacre of St. Bartholo- mews. This CO suflered severely during the war of the revolution. A landing was made here by the British army after it evacuated Boston, on the s. e. shore ; and a battle was fought, inconsequence of which general Wash- ington was compelled to draw off his army and evacuate the city of N, Y. In this he was favored by a thick mist, and the dilatoriness of the enemy. Queen's co. long remained in the possession of the British : Pop. 1820, 21,519 ; 1830, 22,460. QuEENSBORo', p-v. cstm. part of Anderson dist. S. C. by p-r. 108 ms. n. w. Columbia. Queensbury, t. Warren co. N, Y. 58 ms. n. Hudson, 5 n. w. Sandy Hill, 8 s. Caldwell, w. Washington co., n. Hudson r. and Saratoga co., about 6 ms. by 13, has loose, sandy soil w., and loam e. both bearing pine. There are some plains e., and the w. is hilly, with French mtn, and French pond at its foot, 1^ by 2 miles in length and width. There are also several cran- berry marshes. Halfway brook rises here and flows into Wood cr. Iron ore and lime are found in the t., and an extensive and beautiful quarry of black marble has recently been wrought in considerable quantities. Glens Falls village is pleasantly situated, on a plain near the falls of the same name in the Hudson. This is a favorite spot in the northern tour of travel- lers, lying on the road from Saratoga springs and lake George, and presenting interesting scenery at the falls. The descent of the Hud- son here is 37 ft, A ledge of blackish lime- stone crosses the channel, over which the wa. ter is precipitated perpendicularly into a deep basin. Below, the channel is divided by an isl, of solid rock, in which the floods have worn holes and two singular caverns, in a direction parallel to the strata and across the course of the stream. The neighboring banks are high, rocky and perpendicular ; and the whole is seen at great advantage from a bridge which rests upon the island, A dam crosses the r, at the falls, which supplies several saw mills and turns part of the water into a branch canal and feeder. This passes along the bank in this t. and through Sandy Hill v, to Kingsbury, where it enters the Champlain canal above fort Ed- RAG 422 RAG ward. A convoy of wagons was attacked on the banks of the r. in this t. during the French war, and a skirmish ensued. At the foot of French mtn. is a defile, in which occurred (1755) the fight between a detachment of the English and colonial troops under General Sir Gharlcs Johnson, on a scout from fort George ; the French troops and Indians under Gen. Dies- kau. The latter lay in ambush, and the former suffered severely. The famous IViohawk chief, Hen(Jrick, fell among his allies, the English : Pop. 3,080. QuEENSDALE, p-v. Robcson CO. N. C. by p-r. 117 ms. s. w. Raleigh. QuEENSTOwN, p-v. Queen Ann co. Md. on the s. E, side of Chester bay, 7 ms. s. w. Gen. terville, the co. St., and by p-r. 62 ms. estrd. W. C. QuERCUs Grove, and p-o. Switzerland co. Ind. by p-r. 117 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Quigle's Mills, and p-o. Gentre co. Pa. by p-r. 100 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. QuiNCY, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 8 ms. s. e. Boston, s. w. Boston harbor, settled 1625, be- fore Boston or Salem, under the name of Mount WoUaston, as a trading post. On Neponset r. is a salt marsh. Squantum is a peninsula run- ning into Boston harbor. Two ridges of the Blue hills run parallel through the west part. There are extensive quarries of fine granite wrought here, 3 ms. from tide water, in Ne- ponset r., to which it is conveyed on a rail road, constructed in 1826 — the first work of the kind in America. Pine rails, 12 inches deep and 6 wide, were laid, under oaken rails 2 inches by 3, covered by iron plates 3-8 inches thick. These rails are 6 feet apart, on granite blocks 7^ ft. long. In this t. are the mansions of John Adams and Josiah Quincy. Pop. 2,201. QuiNCY, p-v. Franklin co. Pa. by p-r. 83 ms. N. N. w. W. G. Quincy, p-v. and st. jus. Gadsden co. Florida, situated in the nrthm. part of the co. 23 ms. N. w. by w. Tallahassee, lat. 30° 34', long. W. C. 7° 47' w. Quincy, p-v. Munroe co. Misp. by p-r. 168 ms. N. E. Jackson. Quincy, p-v. wstrn. part Gibson co. Ten. by p-r. 153 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Quincy, p-v. and st. jus. Adams co. II., sit- uated near the left bank of Mississippi r., by p-r. 193 ms. n. w. Vandalia, n. lat. 39° 52' long. W. G. 14° 18' w. Quinebaug, r. a considerable stream in the e. part of Gonn. and a very valuable r. for water power. It takes its rise from a pond (Masha- pang) in the town of Union, and after making a circuitous course into Massachusetts, unites with French r. between Woodstock and Thomp- son, Gonn. After a course of 30 ms. through a rich agricultural dist., it forms a junction with the Shetucket, three ms. north of Norwich city ; from thence to its junction with tlie Yantic it bears the latter name. These united streams form the Thames. On the Quinebaug and its tributaries are now (1832) from 85 to 100 cotton and woollen manufactories, containing from one to four thousand spindles each, exclusive of those in the Yantic, Willimantic and Shetucket rivers and their tributaries. The course of the Quinebaug has been proposed as the route for a canal, from tide water in the Thames into Mass. QuiNipiACK, the ancient Indian name of New Haven, Gonn. QuiNipiACK, or E. r. Gon. rises in a pond in the s. part of Farmington, Hartford co. and flows through Southington, between the two ranges of mtns. in that t., then breaks thro' the E. range, and flows at its e. base at the foot of mt. Garmel and of E. Rock, entering New Ha- ven harbor under a long bridge. The Farm- ington canal lies along the upper part of the course of this stream. JtC* Rabun, nfthestrn. co. Ga. bndd. s. w. by Tu- roree r. separating it from Habersham co., w. by the nrthrn. part of Habersham, n. by Macon CO. N. C., N. E. Haywood co. N. C., and e. and s. E. by Ghatuga r., separating it from Pickens dist. S. C., length from e. to w* 30 ms., mean breadth 11, and area 330 sq. ms., lat. 34° 53', long. W. G. 6° 24' w. The Blue Ridge passes along the nrthrn. border, and from the northern side of the chain and in Rabun co. rise the ex- treme sources of Tennessee proper and Hiwas- see r. From the sthrn. slope again issue the fountains of Turoree and Ghatuga, or the ex- treme sources of Savannah r. We may add also, that the higher fountains of Ghattahooche r. rise in Habersham, within 4 or 5 ms. from the sthwstrn. part of Rabun. From these ele- ments it is evident that Rabun co. occupies a very elevated table land. The farms must be from 1,500 to 2,000 ft. above the Atlantic tides, producing an eflect on aerial temperature to at least 4 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Gf. t, Glaytonsville : Pop. 2, 176. Raccoon, p.o. nrthrn. part of Washington co. Pa., 12 miles nthrd. the borough of Washing- ton. Raccoon Ford, and p-o. Culpepper co. Va. Race, the e. end of Long Island sound, be- tween Connecticut and Long Island, where a sunken reef renders the surface agitated when the tide is rapidly passing. The reef lies about N. e. and s. w. in a line with Fisher's, Gull and Plumb islands. Race Point, the n. w. extremity of Cape Cod, Provincetown, Barnstable co. Mass., 3 ms. n. w. Provincetown v. Racket, r. N. Y. rises in Hamilton co. in a mountainous region, near the head streams of Hudson and Black rs. It is at first deep, slow and crooked, flows through several ponds ; but for about 30 ms. during a part of its course, it has a rapid descent and affords many mill sites. At Louisville it again becomes slow and deep, and is navigable in boats of 5 tons to its mouth in the St. Lawrence. The boat navigation con- tinues thence to Montreal. Its whole length is about 120 ms., its descent 200 ft. and its gene- ral course n. RAI 423 RAI Radnor, p-v. Delaware co. O. by p-r. 30 ms. N. Columbus. Ragged mtns., N. H. a range about 10 ms. long, running nearly e. and w. on the line be- tween Merrimac and Grafton cos. between Kenrsearge mtn. and Pemigewasset r. They are broken and precipitous, and some peaks are nearly 2,000 ft. high. Ragged Isl=, town, Lincoln co. Me. Fop. 14. Rahway, p-t. Essex co. N. J. 4 miles s. w. Elizabethtown, n. Middlesex co., is crossed by Rahway r. n. and s., with a pleasant v., and 10 school houses. The r. enters Staten Island sound 4 ms. below. Pop. 1,983. RAIL-ROADS AND CANALS. In arranging the article Rail-Roads and Ca- nals, we shall endeavour to state what has al- ready been eflected, in regard to these two sys- tems of internal improvement, so far as our documents will admit. We commence with Canals, and with the map of the country before us, proceed with them from south to north ; with some reference to other means of inland navigation, in the southern, middle and western states. The Rail-Roads will follow these, in alphabetical order. Louisiana, or Mississipjji Delta navigation. — Besides the main volume of Mississippi, this state is traversed by numerous outlets from that stream, and by counter, or interlocking water courses. The whole plain nearly approaches the curve superficies of the sphere, and the highest lands are but slightly elevated above the general level. Under the head of Missis- sippi, we have shown that that river flows in a comparatively deep valley, and cannot by either natural or artificial means be diverted from its bed. Canal works therefore, must be con- structed, to obviate the defects of river naviga- tion, or to supply an artificial r. where a natu- ral one did not exist. A view of the country itself, suggests the idea of prodigious facilities for canal construction, which, however, have been only very partially taken advantage of, for many reasons. A short cut, to admit schooners, sloops, and other small craft into a basin in the rear of N. Orleans, from Bayou St. John, is yet the most important canal in La., or indeed in the United States thus far south. This canal is called Carondelet, from governor Carondelet, under whose administration, during the existence of the Spanish government, it was projected. Another canal, extending from New Orleans (faubourg St. Mary's) to lake Pontchartrain, is now (1833) in progress. This will be 6^ ms. in length, with a depth of 8 ft. and 30 ft. wide at the surface. Lafourche, a short canal, suppli- ed with water only when the Mississippi is in flood, unites the outlet of Lafourche (the fork) with the chain of lakes and creeks which lead into the lower Teche, and opens the commerce of Attacapas to N. Orleans. This canal leaves the Lafourche, 16 ms. below its efflux from the Mississippi. Where the Plaquemine issues from the Mississippi, a cut has long been made to admit vessels into the former. This is also supplied with water only at high flood. Bayou Iberville, the firstoutlet of the Mississippi from the left, descending that stream, is exactly sim- ilar to the Lafourche, Plaquemine, and Atcha- falaya, from the opposite side. Iberville issues from the main stream below the last highlands, which extend s. of Baton Rouge, and 8 miles above the efflux of Plaquemine. Following the windings, Iberville receives the Amite r. from the N., 20 ms. from the Mississippi. Now a navigable stream admitting vessels of 5 feet draught, the Amite turns to the eastward, and following its very winding channel flows 35 ms. before it opens into lake Maurepas. This lake is again contracted into a creek (bayou) which connects it with the much larger lake Pont- chartrain, which is itself joined to lake Borgne, a bay of the Gulf of Mexico, by two channels ; the Rigolets and Chef Menteur. Through this chain of lakes, creeks and bjys, an immense line of internal navigation has been projected ; which is, however, only in project, and men. tioned only in this place, as being connected with the design of cutting a canal over the pe- ninsula of Florida. In furtherance of the plan of the Florida canal, an act of congress was passed March 3rd, 1826, authorizing surveys. The surveys were made in virtue of the act of congress, and reported to the board of internal improvement, 8th Feb. 1828. From this report it appears that the canal is practicable. " The elevation of the highest intermediate ridge above the level of the seas, has been found 152 feet at the head of St. Mary's r. near the Geo. line ; 158 feet between Kinsley's pond and Lit- tle Sta Fe pond, head of Sta Fe river ; and 87 feet between the head branches of the Amaxu- ra and Ocklawaha." The sea shore was found shallow from Tampa bay to Appalachie bay, on a width outwards from the land, varying from 5 to 15 ms. From the latter to cape San Bias, this width diminishes, except at the intervening capes, where extensive ahoals project out, but from cape San Bias to lake Pontchartrain, the shore is generally bold, and the coast affords several good harbors. The Atlantic coast " is all along shallow," say the engJheers, " and offers no harbors except at the mouth of St. John's r. and St. Augustine." The shortest distance across the peninsula, is from near St. Augustine, to a point on the Gulf between the mouths of the Suwannee, and Amaxura rivers, 105 ms. The distance in a straight line from the mouth of St. John's to that of the Suwannee is 130 ms., and from the mouth of St John's to that of St Mark's, 170. The wide and shoaly bank, which obstructs the coast from Espiritu Santo (Tampse) continues uninterrupted to the bay of Appalachie, where its breadth is reduced to about 3 ms., and a channel formed of 10 feet, to enter St. Mark's r., and vessels drawing 8 feet can ascend to the town of St. Mark. Along the shore 4 or 5 feet is the general depth, and 10 or 12 ms. out at sea only twelve feet is foimd. The difference of level between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean, re- sulting from these surveys, give to the former an elevation of 3 or 4 feet above the latter. Tides in the Gulf about 2 feet at a niean. It appears from the investigations as far M prose- RAI A2'[ RAI cuted, that 8 foet is the deepest water tliat cnn be calculated on, as a debouchment to the in- tended canal on the side of the Gulf; of course the canal itself may not necessarily be construct- ed with a greater draught than can be naviga- ted from sea to sea. This navigation would be 60 obviously beneficial, and practicable, the cli- mate offering no winter obstruction, that we may regard its actual construction as amongst the improvements which the coming ago will earry into effect. Leaving the Delta of the Mississippi, and passing along the northern coast of the Mexi- can Gulf, and over the intervening land and rivers, we reach the small basin of Ashley and Cooper, before we find any considerable im- provements in the inland navigation of the country, with the single exception of the Sava^i- nah and Ogeechee canal, which is 16 miles in length, and extends from Savannah to tlie (3gee- cliee river. This canal was completed in 1829, has a lockage of 29 feet, and is 4 feet deep, with a breadth at bottom of 33 feet. This canal it is proposed to continue to the Alatama- lia, 60 ma. With this exception, setting out from the mouth of St. John's r. of Florida, a distance of 200 ms., and along a coast indented by the outlets of St. John's, St. Mary's, Santilla, Alatamaha, Great Ogeechee, Savannah, Coosa- jhatchie, Edisto, and numerous smaller streams, nature has been left to direct, or impede the channels according to her own caprice. The importance and wealth of Charleston, with the peculiar range of the channel of Santee river suggested ^ canal, which was undertaken about the beginning of this century, and in 1802, the harbor of this southern emporium was united to Santee r. by a canal called " Tne Santee canal." It extends from the head of Cooper r. N N. w. 22 ms., and is joined to Santee opposite Black Oak island. The Santee canal is 34 feet wide at surface, with 4 feet water, and cost 650,667 dollars. The Santee, Columbia, and Saluda navigation, has been improved above the Santee canal, upwards of 150 lUiles, combining side cuts and locks, with the river channels, and about thirty locks overcome 217 ■feet fall. The foregoing embraced the western branch. Along the Catawba or Waterce, exten- Bive side cuts and locks in Kershaw district, near Camden, at Rocky Mount in Fairfield, and in other places, opened the fine channel of Ca- tawba to the ocean by the Santee canal. But all that has been done in this extensive region, has hardly done more than to demonstrate the utility and necessity of very extended opera- tions. This will be more obvious when we see the extent of country embraced in this section, exclusive of that of Flor. and La. Along the Atlantic coast at least, the climate opposes no great obstacle to the formation, and permanent use of canals as far as Albemarle soimd, in lit. 36°. The almost united mouths of Santee and Pedee, are but little above lat. 33° ; the Atlan- tic part of the navigation therefore, is exempt from impediment by ice in winter. It has been projected to comiect Charleston with Savannah, by an inshore chain of natural channels and short cuts. This line of improvement is no doubt practicable, and may be effected at an ex- pense of money bearing a small proportion to lis immense advantages. The same natural facilities extend in both directions from Savan- nah r. To the s. w. the inshore navigation may be extended to connect with that of Flor., and advancing westward, reach and join the already vast commercial operations, of the Delta of the Mississippi. On the opposite side, it is true we discover a new character of coast, but the natural channels still seem to invite to canal improvement. Passing the Pedee, the insular coast, so remarkable along Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, changes its nature and aspect. Three great elliptic curves sweep from the mouth of Pedee to cape Hatteras, of very near- ly equal length, 100 miles each. Defective in deep harbors, as is the coast s. w. of the Pe- dee, it is still more so to the n. e. of Winyaw bay, or outlet of Pedee. This latter coast of 300 ms. is broken but by one river, that of cape Fear, and in no place admits vessels of 15 feet draught. Beyond cape Hatteras to Chesapeake bay, this latter character of coast continues, but with increased asperity. Between cape Lookout and cape Henry, extend Pamlico, Al- bemarle, Currituck, and other shallow sounds, not admitting the navigation of vessels drawing 6 feet water. Into this region of shallow sounds, are poured the volumes of Neuse, Pam- lico, and Roanoke rs. There is not in America, if there is on earth, another range of ocean coast, where one canal improvement would more obviously suggest another, until one chain of such works would unite the extremes, than that stretching from the mouth of the Mis- sissippi, to that of Chesapeake bay. We may here remark, that there is no other obstacle opposed to the construction of canals, so formi- dable, as an extensive shallow sheet of water. Without a correct knowledge of their real character, the North Carolina sounds would be taken as fine expansive bays, and like the Ches- apeake, peculiarly fitted for inland navigation ; but when actually and carefully examined, we find that the Cape Fear and Chesapeake basins cannot be united, by a chain of canals at any ex- pense within human means, unless that chain is carried along the mouths of the rivers, and heads of the sounds. The basins of Albemarle and Chesapeake are separated by a marshy, and generally dead level peninsula, 60 ms. vnde. The name given to its central part. Dismal Swamp, serves as a brief description of this tract. From this dreary region of lakes, marsh- es, and almost impervious woods, Bonnet's creek flows into Chowan river ; and the rivers or rather bays of Perquimans, Pasquotank and North river, are connected sthrdly. with Albe- marle sound. To tlie n. the surplus water is carried into the James, by Nansemond and Elizabeth rivers. The Dismal Swainp canal, is yet the only work of any importance, which has improved the navigation of this region of shallows and fens. It commences on the Va. side, on Elizabeth r., near the mouth of Deep cr., and stretches over the Dismal Swamp to the mouth of Joyce's cr., a branch of Pasquotank; its length is 23 ms. ; and it rises only 16J feet above the Atlantic level ; it is 40 ft. wide at the surface, and is 6^ feet deep. It receives the RAI 425 RAI water of a feeder from lake Drummond of 44- feet depth, and 5 ms. in length. This work has cost directly or indirectly, about $800,000. Since the construction of Dismal Swamp canal, it has been projected to deepen it to 8 or 10 feet, but that design has been considered useless if efi'ected, unless a similar depth of canal was ex- tended along the heads of the sounds. A line of connected canal and river navigation has, however, been sketched, which, with such modifications as more accurate surveys may point out, will be no doubt effected, at no very distant time. This splendid project is to com- mence with the deepening and enlargement of the Dismal Swamp canal, and carrying it into the Chowan r., near the mouth of Bennet's creek; thence following the shores of Chowan into the Roanoke, and up the latter to the port of Williamston. Thence in a direction little w. of S.29 ms., to Washington, on Pamlico r. ; and continuing sthrd. beyond Washington 16 ms. to the navigable water of Neuse r. at Dawson's bridge. Neuse r. offers a natural channel of 35 ms. past Newbern, to the mouth of Adams' cr. ; up the latter with 12 feet water for several ms., and by an intermediate canal to North r., and down that stream to Beaufort. This line could be varied or branched, by going up Neuse r. to its great bend in Lenoir co., and thence into the North branch of Gape Fear r., or leave the Neuse at Newbern, and follow the Trent into Duplin co., and thence into Cape Fear r. Either of the two latter routes would debouch into Cape Fear r. at Wilmington. To carry this navigation forward into Wineyaw bay, several routes have been proposed. The most direct is a canal from opposite Wilmington to the nav- igable water of Waccamau r. Another plan is to leave the channel of Cape Fear r. at Hay- woodsboro', 180 ms. above Wilmington, pro- ceed up the valley of Deep r. as far as requi- site, and thence by the most practicable route to the Yadkin near Blakeley in Montgomery CO. N. C. This route has received Legisla- tive sanction, and the name of Cape Fear and Pedee canal. Combining the whole space from St. John's basin to Roanoke inclusive, the subjoined table will exhibit the great area, inclu- ded in the navigable section s. of Chesapeake bay, and estrd. of the Appalachian system of mtns., with the pop. of 1830. Mean Area in Pop. Sub-basins. hsih. brth. sq. ms. 1830. Basin of Geo. and S. C, 3S0 170 64,G00 925,734 Do. Cape Fear r., 200 40 8,000^ Do. Neuse r., 180 40 7,200 !„.„„„ . Do. Tarr., 160 25 4,000 r'*"'""° Do. Albemarle, 290 60 17,400J Aggregate, 101,200 1,665,734 We have thus, exclusive of Florida and Lou. isiana, a section of the U. S. comprising a fraction above 100,000 sq. ms., and a population exceeding 1,600,000 inhabitants, on which the Santee and Dismal Swamp canals are the only works of that nature of any magnitude, except such as have been executed to meliorate the navigation of rivers. In the latter species of improvement, however, more has been done than is generally supposed. Obstructions have been removed, though to no very great extent, in the Savannah river. Some expense has been incurred to open the inner channels of PJdisto rs. N. and s. Near Columbia, where the Saluda and Broad rs. unite, there are canals or side cuts, called (he Columbia canal and Saluda canal, made to permit navigation past rapids. These, with other works in connexion, along Saluda and Broad rs., comprised, in 1826, 28 locks, and 150 miles of mixed navigation. The Wateree, (the principal branch of the Santee,) is obstructed in Kershaw district, S. C, by rapids. A canal has here been extended along its western side, and another constructed for a similar purpose, at Rocky mtn., in Chester dis- trict. At an expense of between 2 and 300,000 dollars, the Catawba has been made navigable nearly to its source in N. C. Between Cheraw and Georgetown, a considerable expense on side cuts and other improvements has shortened the distance, and given a navigation, though a defective one, to the Pedee. The navigation of the Cape Fear has been noticed. Much has been done, and much more remains to be done, to render this the valuable commercial channel which its position demands, and its volume of water will admit. A plan has been suggested for the improvement of the Neuse, Pamlico and Tar rivers, to which we have already alluded. To improve the channels of the Roanoke and its confluents, companies have been formed ia both N. C. and Va. Sloops ascend the Roan- oke to Weldon above Halifax, and the Chowan to Winton. The Weldon canal, in a distance of 12 ms., overcomes 100 ft. fall, and as early as Dec. 1828, by a report of the Va. Roanoke company, it appeared that the improvements had been such as to admit steamboat navigation to Salem in Botetourt co., w. of the Blue Ridge, overcoming upwards of 900 ft. fall in 244 ms., following the r. channel. Danville navigation was also (Nov. 1828) so greatly im- proved, as to admit, by a mixed series of locks, sluices, and side cuts, a regular navigation into Rockingham co. N. C, at the village of Leakes- ville, 152 ms., following the bends of the river. Expenditures of the Roanoke companies lo Nov. 1826, $341,283 ; Nov. 1898, $365,991. Virginia navigation east of the Appalachian mtns. Under this comprehensive head are in, eluded the lower part of the deep bay of Ches- apeake, and its conflaents, James, York, Rap. pahamioc, and the far greater part of the valley of the Potomac. The earth affords no other instance where so great a physical change is found in so short a distance, as that between the shallow sounds of N. C, and the deep water of the Chesapeake. In the latter, the largest ships of war have adequate depth al- most to the very verge of the primitive rock. Ships of the line ascend the main bay lo near its head, up the Potomac to Alexandria, some distance into York r., and up James r. to the mouth of Nansemond r. and Hampton Roads. Sloops drawing 6 or 7 feet water penetrate into innumerable creeks on both sides of the Chesa- peake. In the peculiar direction of their chan- nels, it would appear as if nature intended to lavish her favors on this state, by making her estrn. border a common centre of confluent streams. The rivers of Geo. and the Garolinas RAI 42G RAI from Alatamaha to Cape Fear inclusive, and without much violence we might say to Roan- oke inclusive, flow to s. e., or s. s. e. In sthrn. Va., tliQir general course is estrd to the Sus- quehannah, which is again almost due s. Much has been done to improve the navigation of the rs. of Va., but what is executed is indeed small, when compared with the extent of the physical section under review. James r. ad- mits vessels of 125 tons to Rockett's, the port of Richmond. At that city commences the falls or rapids, to pass which by a navigable canal, the old James river company was char- tered in 1784, and the works were so far ad- vanced, that tolls were regularly collected in 1794. {See art. Richmond city.) The Rich- mond canal enters a basin in the wstrn. side of the city ; is 25 ft. wide, and 3 deep, and extends 2i miles to where it enters the river ; there are 12 locks, and the fall is 80 feet. Three miles above the first is a second short canal, with 3 locks, overcoming 34 feet fall. These canals and locks, with, other slight improve- ments, opened a navigation at all seasons of 12 inches water to Lynchburg. The James river company in 1825, declared another canal, known as the James and Jackson river canal, complete, to the head of the falls called Mai- den's Adventure, Goochland co., 30| ms. above Richmond. Width of canal 40 feet, depth of water 3| feet, fall overcome, 140^ feet. If the data in Armroyd's treatise are correct, this, in proportion to magnitude, was the most promptly executed work of its kind ever performed in the U. S. A section canal to carry anavigation along James r. through the Blue Ridge gap, was commenced in 1824 ; fall 96 feet; stone locks lOi feet wide, and 76 feet long. With these, a short canal, 7 ms. in length, requiring 96 ft. of lockage, around a fall in Rockland co., and some other improvements, the navigation of James's r. has been eff'ected into the valley above Blue Ridge. Extensive farther im- provements have been proposed, to the amount of $5,750,000, according to the engineer's re- port, July 1826. These estimates are again swelled by plans of canal construction in the Ohio section of Va. ; but in actual performance the efibrts of the state seem to have rather re- laxed than augmented. Below Richmond and the head of tide water, some canal works have benn executed. From City Point at its mouth into James r., the Appomattox has been im- proved 10 ms., to Fisher's bar, and thence by canal round the falls, to 5 or 6 ms. above Peters- burg. Thence the channel of the r. has been cleared to Farmville, Prince Edward co. On Up- per Appomattox, about $100,000 have been ex- pended ; below tide water, about ^30,000. Ves- sels of 7 ft. draught can ascend to Petersburg. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. This impor- tant channel of communication was chartered by Virginia in 1824, and the charter was confirmed by Maryland, and the Congress of the U. S. in 1825. It is to extend from tide water above Georgetown, D. O., on the Potomac, to Pitts- burg, Pa. a distance of 341 ms. The breadth at the surface, will vary from 60 to 80 feet, at the bottom 50 feet and the depth will be from 6 to 7 feet. The lockage required on the whole route amounts to 3,210 feet; and at the summit level, upon the Alleghany mtns., a tunnel 4 ms. long will be necessary. The estimated cost of this canal is rising of $22,000 000, but it is now supposed that it will fall short of $20,000,000. The U. S. have sub. scribed for $1,000,000 of the stock. Some dift'erences have arisen between this company and that of the Baltimore and Ohio rail-road, which have been the cause of much delay in accomplishing the objects of the two companies, but these are now (June 1833) in a fair train for a mutual adjustment. Of the canal, 102 ms. are under contract, 64 of which were to be completed by June 1st 1833, and the balance on the 1st Sept. From the report of June 4th 1832, it appears that the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company had then received from various re- sources, funds to the amount of $-2,065,769 and 80 cts. ; and had expended $2,007,875 and 15 cts., leaving a balance on hand of $57,- 894 and 65 cts. The charter of this company requires, on penalty of forfeiture in case of failure, the completion of 100 ms. of the ca- nal in 5 years from its commencement, which took place 4th July, 1828; of course unless provided for, the 100 ms. of canal must be in operation by the 4th July, 1833, or the com- pany must cease operations. On the subject of this contingency, the report acknowledges the inability of the company to save the charter by a full compliance with its provisions ; but observes, "although the apprehension should not be for a moment indulged, that the charter of the company would be endangered by their failure to construct 100 ms. of canal in 5 years from its commencement, considering the legal obstructions which have impeded its progress for more than three years of that pe- riod, yet this provision of the charter, and the interests of the stockholders, impose on the company the obligation of diligently prosecuting their work, to the extent here contemplated. " From the treasurer's report, 1st May, 1832, it appears that, on the 30th April, the subscri- bed stock, payable in money, as contradistin- guished from the part payable in the shares of the former Potomac company, amounted to $3,609,200 ; of this stock there had been then collected ^1,959,087, leaving to be collected the farther sum of ^1,650,113. Deduct allow- ance for bad debts $70,113, a balance remains of g 1,580,000. To which add cash on hand, at tTie date of the treasurer's report, $30,814, and there results a fund of $1,610,814, applica- ble to the following objects : — for the payment of work below the Point of Rocks, $40,841 ; indemnity for lands taken for the construction of the canal, between the Point of Rocks and the mouth of Tiber creek, $30,000 ; comple- tion of mifinished work, between the Point of Rocks and the mouth of Tiber creek, $170,000 ; completion of 12 ms. of canal and their appur- tenances, between the Point of Rocks and the Harper's Ferry feeder, including the dam and guard lock at the latter ^310,000 ; and for the completion of 24i ms. of canal, between the Harper's Ferry feeder, and that in the vicinity of Opeccon, $788,197 ; total amount for these objects $1,339,038. These being deducted RAI 427 RAI from the available stock, and cash on hand, ^1,- 610,814, leaves the sum of $271,776, which balance is to be applied to the portion of canal between the feeder at Licking creek, and that next to Opeccon. The portion of canal extend- ing from the former, which will be required to make up 100 ms., when added to the part be- low, need not exceed 14 ms. ; for which the above sum leaves near $19,500 a mile." By- reference to the following tables, it will be seen that 100 ms. of canal from Georgetown will reach 32 ms. above Harper's Ferry, and 4 ms. above Williamsport. In regard to work actual- ly completed, the same report states, that, the various works on the canal between the Point of rocks and the basin in Georgetown, which had been permitted to proceed very tardily, for many months, have reached very near their final completion. The account rendered of the tolls of the canal, for the 11 months which expired on the 30th of April, (1832) is i|525,108 93, to which may be added, those for the month of May, 56,400 32, making the tolls for the year amount to $31,509 25, being an excess beyond those of the previous year of $2,367 90. After some estimates, which we have not room to in- sert, the report adds, "the resources, exclusive of the canal tolls, may be safely computed at a sum exceeding $150,000, and if not profitably converted into money, might be pledged, as the basis of a loan, to that amount, in aid of the un- collected stock of the company, if required to construct 100 ms. of canal by the Autumn of 1833 ; by which period, the contracts last made, require that part of the canal below Opeccon to be completed. Those for the works below the head of Harper's Ferry falls, limit the pe- riod of their completion, as has been stated, to the 1st of December (1832,) by which time, or at any rate, by the opening of the ensuing spring (1833), it is confidently expected to bring the entire canal into use, from the still water, at the head of the falls, produced by the dam of the U. S. armory, down to the mouth of the Ti- ber." The preceding is a brief view of the pre- sent state of the canal system along the Atlantic coast, 'and that of the Gulf of Mexico from the Potomac to the Mississippi, inclusive. It was our intention to have given a summary table of expenditures ; but so desultory have been the operations, and so loose the registers of ex- pense, that any summary must be extremely de- fective ; we state the following however, as approximating to the amounts expended on sev- eral objects in this section of the U. S. previous to June 1832. Expenditures on the Santee ca- nal, $650,667; Roanoke navigation, $365,991 ; Dismal Swamp canal and feeder, $800,000 ; James r. navigation, including the Appomattox, &c. say $1,200,000 ; Chesapeake and Ohio ca. nal, $2,007,875. To which add for all other improvements on the various rs. and inlets, from the Delta of the Mississippi to the Poto- mac inclusive, $1,000,000- Aggregate amount, $6,024,533. To which amount we may add as already expended on rail-roads in the same natural section, viz. Chesterfield rail-road, $140,000 ; Petersburg and Roanoke rail-road, say $100,000, and the South Carolina rail-road, the estimated cost of which is $904,499, ma. king a total of expenditures in canals and rail- roads of $7,169,032. {For Chcsa-jeakc and Delaware canal, see Pennsylvania navigation.) Table of the sub-basins and aggregate extent of Chesapeake basin. ^ £ Between Between Basins. £P ?iS Latitudes. Longil udes >-i ^1 N. from W. C. James r. 250 40 360 40' 38C 20' lono' E. 30 40' W. York, i:«i 20 37 15 38 16 41 E. 1 12 W. Rappahan'c. 140 20 37 34 38 44 41 E. 1 25 W. Potomac, al)ove Blue Ridge, ICO 50 37 58 40 05 25 W. o 45 W. Potomac, below Blue Ridge, 165 30 37 50 39 55 45 E. 1 00 W. Patuxent, Patapsco, &c. 110 25 38 10 39 42 45 E. 05 W Eastern sh. of Chesa- peake, 200 25 37 07 40 00 40 E. 1 40 E Susqueh'h. 230 125 39 33 42 53 2 16 E. 1 41 W. Chesapeake bay, 180 20 37 00 39 33 2'? E. 1 24 E Aggregate, 500 138 36 40 42 53 2 16 E. 3 40 W Table of the ascents and descents from tide water at Weldon, on Roanoke, by Salem, and thence over the AUeghany chain into the channel of New river, and down that stream and the Great Kenhawa to the Ohio river at Point Pleasant. Eleva- Distances in Ascent tion in Route. miles. or ft. above descent. mid-tide. Tide water to Salem, 224 OiDO rises. 1002 1002 Salem to forks of Roanoke, 11 3-4 235 3-4 " 176 1178 Mouth of Elliott creek. 11 1-4 247 " 221 1399 Beginning of summit level, 12 3-4 259 3-4 " (150 2049 Over summit level, 5 3-4 265 1-2 " From western end of summit level down iVl eadovv creek and Little river to New river, 11 1-4 276 3-4 falls. 309 1740 Thence to mouth of Greenbriar river. 83 1-2 360 1-4 " 358 138a Bovvyer's ferry, 45 3-4 406 " 400 98ii Foot of Great falls of Kenhawa, 22 428 <' 341 641 Mouth of Great Ken- hawa at Point Pleasant, 94 522 " 108 53:i Ascents and descents from head of tide water in James river at Richmond, along the chamiel of James, Green- briar and Kenhawa rivers to the Ohio river at the mouth of Great Kenhawa ; and crossing the Appa- lachian system by way of Covington and Greenbriar rivers. Route. From tide water to Maiden's Ad venture, Columbia, Big Bremo, Hardware r. Distances in miles. 30 11 3 1- 29 59 70 73 1- Ascent descent in feet. Elevation in feet above mid-tide. 140.5 39.28 29.22 33.27 140.5 179.78 209. 242.27 RAI 428 RAI Dist incea Elevation in Route. in miles. descent in feet. feet above mid tide. Sroitsville, a 81 1-2 rises. 1.5.11 2.57.38 WaiuiiiiRler, i!t mn 1-2 " 58.37 315.75 L.viK'iihurc, m ir>o 1-2 " 185.88 501.63 P.IUf KillKI', 20 170 1-2 11 103.47 605.1 'J'lirdii^'li do. fl 1-2 177 11 94.75 699.85 Pattonsburg, 21 1-2 108 1-2 1' 106.23 806.08 (,'(iviiis;t,oii, 58 1-2 257 " 416. 1222.08 ftloutli uf Fork Run, If) 1-2 273 1-2 " 432. 1654.08 Bcgiiinirvg of sinnrait lovcl, 2 1-2 276 " 2G4. 1918.08 Along summit level, 4 1-2 280 1-2 " Prom western end of summit irvel down Howaid cr. to Greenbriar r. 8 283 1-2 falls. 249. 1669.08 Down Gref'B- briartoits en- trance into New river, 40 337 1-2 '1 287. 1382.08 Bowyer's ferry, 45 1-2 383 11 400. .982. Foot of falls in Great Keu- hawa, 22 405 1' 341. 641. Mouth of Great Kenhawa, 94 499 " 108. 533. Table of the ascents and descents from tide water in James river at Richmond, along the channel of James river to the mouth of Catawba creek, thence up the latter and over the intermediate summit into the val- ley of Roanoke at the forks of the latter above Salem, and thence, as in table VIII. Eleva- Distances in Ascent tion in Route. miles. or ft. above descent. mid-tide. Pattonsburgh, 198 1-2 rises. 806 Mouth of Catawba, 14 1-4 212 3-4 11 80 886 Forks of Roanoke, 51 263 3-4 11 202 1178 Summit level, table. 24 287 3-4 11 871 2040 Thence to the mouth of Greenbriar, 94 3-4 382 1-2 falls. 667 1382 Thence to the mouth of Great.Kenhawa, 161 1-2 544 1-4 11 849 533 Route. Table of the ascents and descents along the channel of Potomac, from tide water at Georgetown to Cumber- land, and thence, following the contemplated route of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, over the Appalachian system by the channels of Youghioghany and Monon- gahela to the Ohio at Pittsburgh. Distances Ascent Elevation in Route. in or feet above miles. descent. mid-tide. Mouth of Mono- cacy. 44 rises. 224 Harper's ferry, at passage of Po- tomac through the Blue Ridge, and influx of Shenandoah, 24 68 11 62 286 Williamsport, 28 96 11 69 355 Hancockstown, 31 127 It 52 407 Old Town, 42 169 11 82 489 Cumberland, 17 186 11 84 573 Mouth of Little Wills Creek, 13 3-4 199 3-4 11 309 882 Eastern end of summit level. 15 1-4 215 11 1016 1898 Western end of summit level, 5 3-4 268 »-4 " Mouth of Middle Fork Creek, Mouth of Cassal- man river, Comnellsville, Mouth of Yough- ioghany, Pittsburgh, Distances 20 27 1-2 43 3-4 14 304 3-4 332 1-4 376 390 Ascent or descent. Elevation In feet above mid-tide. 216 420 432 1.52 35 1262 830 678 643 Pennsrjlvania navigation. Under this head is inchided the Chesapeake and Delaware ca- nal, since, though not actually in the ^tate, it was with means principally afforded by Penn- sylvania, that this work was constructed. Though only about 14 ms. in length, this canal was built at great expense, owing to its size, the depth of its excavations, and the extent of its embankments. It is of sufficient dimensions for the passage of coasting vessels, and ex- tends across the state of Delaware, from the Delaware river, 45 ms. below Philadelphia to the EDt, which falls into Chesapeake bay. In this canal is a deep cut of 3| ms., 76^ feet in depth, where the greatest excavation was made. Within the state of Pa. the following are the most important works of this nature which have been executed. The Conestoga canal, passing from Lancaster, about 62 miles directly w. from Philadelphia, down the Cones- toga creek, 18 ms., in nearly a southwest direc tion, to the Susquehannah r. The Delaware canal commencing at its northern extremity at Easton, 55 miles nearly n. from Phil, on the N. w. bank Delaware r., which, for about 50 ms. s. of this place, is s. e., when it turns nearly s, w. about 30 ms. to Phil. This canal follows the general course of the river, keeping its w. bank to Morrisville, where it bears off from the river to avoid a bend, and proceeds in a nearly direct course to Bristol, on the w. bank of the Delaware, 19^ ms. n. e. from Phil. The Lackawaxen canal is a continuation of the Delaware and Hudson, up the Lackawanna r. and terminates at the rail-road at Honesdale, Its length is 36 ms., width at the surface 32, and at bottom 20 ft, and depth 4 ft. The Le- high canal commences at the Mauch Chunk coal-mine on the river Lehigh, and runs to Easton on the Delaware. The whole distance of this navigation is 46| ms., but a part of it is on the r., the length of the canal being 37 ms. At Easton, it meets the western termination of the Morris canal, in New Jersey. This canal has a depth of 5 ft. and is 65 ft. broad at the surface, with 45 at the bottom. The Pennsyl- vania canal commences at Middletown, at the termination of the Union canal, whence it is proposed to proceed up the Susqueharmah in a westerly direction, to the AUeghanies, which are passed by a rail-road, about 50 miles in length, into the valley of the Ohio ; here the canal again commences, and is continued to Pittsburg, a distance, in the whole, of 320 ms. of canal and rail-road. The Schuylkill canal is constructed on the banks of Schuylkill river, from Phil, about 110 ms. to Mount Carbon, the region of the anthracite coal in Schuylkill co.. RAI 429 RAI the general direction being nearly n. w. It has 620 feet of lockage, is 36 ft. broad at the .sur- face, 24 at bottom, is 4 ft. deep, and has a .slack water navigation of 45 ms. The SchuyifciU (Little) canal is 27 miles in length, from the mouth of the Little Schuylkill r. to the coal- mines. The Union canal branches off from the Schuylkill canal 2 ms. below Reading, in Berks CO. It extends to Middletown, a little above the junction of the Swatara with the Susquehannah, first passing up a branch of the Schuylkill, and then down the valley of the Swatara, somewhat circuitously, a distance ot 80 ms., exclusive of the Swatara feeder, which is 24 -ms. in length. This canal connects the waters of the Schuylkill with those of the Sns- quehannah : width at the surface 3G ft., at bot- tom 24 ; and depth 4 feet. It is connected with the coal mines at Pine Grove, by a rail- road, 4 ms. in length. Besides these canals are the following, which are either completed, or will be during the present year, (1833,) viz: Frankstorcn, extending from Huntingdon to Holidaysburg, 30^ ms., 15^ of which is slack water. Franklin, extending from the Allegha- ny, at the mouth of French cr., which it follows 22^ ms. to the French creek feeder. Of this 17 ms. is slack water. Beaver, extending to Newcastle from the mouth of the Big Beaver, on the Ohio ; length 25 ms., with 16 ms. of slack water. Wyoming, 16 ms. in length, com- mencing at the Nanticoke dam, and terminating near the mouth of Lackawannock creek, and Lycoming, commencing at Muncy dam, extend- ing up the West branch of the Susquehannah and terminating at Big island ; 41 miles in length, about ^th of which is slack water. It has been a question somewhat warmly mooted, with whom originated the canal system, in the United States. Were it practicable to arrive at a satisfactory adjustment of rival claims, the result would be wholly unimportant, since the idea, by whomsoever conceived, was entirely without originality, having been bor- rowed from older countries. In Pennsylvania the first enterprises of any moment in this country, in the way of internal improvement, were undertaken and accomplished. But it was not till, by the completion of the great Erie canal, the immense benefits resulting from such works were fully demonstrated ; it was then that the system acquired vigor, and won upon the confidence of the people. New York suc- ceeded, and roused her powerful sister state into action ; and that action has produced ef. fects in direct ratio with positive power ; giv- ing a lesson to man that all future ages will read, from a book traced on the surface of the earth. Pennsylvania has already (1832) ex- pended not much if any less than ^40,000,000 on her stupendous internal improvements. New Jersey, from the limited extent of its territory, the dry and sandy nature of its soil in the southern part, its mountains on the n., and the general want of commodious harbors on the eastern coast, has not been the scene of very extensive canal operations. The Morris, and the Delaware and Raritan canals, however, are important works, and will prove of very great utility. The Delaware and Raritan canal, 55 aulnorized by the legislature of New Jersey, by an act passed in Feb., 1830, will connect the navigable waters of the Delaware with those of the Raritan. Its length will be 38 miles, Width 75 ft. at the surface, and depth through, out, 7 it. The bridges will be moveable, like those of the Delaware and Chesapeake canal. The locks are 1 lO feet in length, by 24 in width. Vessels of large burthen may consequently pass through the canal; and its advantages to the coasting trade will be great, as it will complete an internal water communication for masted vessels between N. York and Albemarle sound. The terminating points of the canal, are, on the Raritan, at New Brunswick, and on the Delaware, at Bordentown. It follows the val- ley of the Rarilan, Millstone, and Stony brook; and, crossing the liawrence Meadows to the valley of the Assanpink, along the valley of that stream to Trenton, and thence down the river, (crossing the Assanpink by an aqueduct,) to the point where Crosswick'e cr. comes into the Delaware nt Bordentown. It passes the towns of New Brunswick, Boundbrook, Mill- stone, Griggstown, Kingston, Princeton, Tren- ton and Lanibarton, discharging at Bordentown. The route is throusih a beautiful and highly cul- tivated valley, affording great advantages to numerous mills and other water works, on the various streams adjacent. It is supplied by a feeder from the Delaware r., commencing at Bull's island, 26 ms. above Trenton, and passing along the bank of the river to the main canal at Trenton. The feeder is also a canal, 60 feet in width, 5 deep, and 20 ms. in length. The works are under the direction of an able engi. neer and assistants, and there is no doubt of the completion of the whole work in 1833. The Morris canal extends from Philipsburgh, on the Delaware river, to the Passaic at Newark, across the state of New Jersey, through the coimties of Warren, Sussex, Morris and Essex, and was constructed chiefly to open a more di. rcct channel of communication by boats, for the transportation of coal from the mines on Lehigh river, Pa., to the city of New York. It is 32 feet wide, 4 deep, and 101 ms. l-^ng, in- cluding a feeder from Musconetcunk (or-cong) or Hopatcunk (or -cong) lake. The elevation of the summit is nearly 900 feet above tide water, and 700 feet above the Delaware at Easton, Pa., opposite which it joins that river. On account of the scarcity of water, the com. pany were induced to construct inclined planes at some of the principal elevations on the route. There the boats are received in large cars, which are raised or lowered by machinery ; the weight of the descending boat being often ap- plied to assist in raising an ascending one. The canal is navigable in boats of 25 tons, many of which are actively engaged in transporting coal, iron ore, produce, lumber and merchandise of different sorts. The country through which it passes has many iron mines, forges and furna- ces, numbers of which have been abandoned on account of the scarcity of fuel in their vi- cinity, or for other causes ; but some of them will again be rendered profitable. Large quan. titles of anthracite coal will find the way to the New York market by this route, and ore from RAI 430 RAI the different mines is transported by this channel ' to forges in the different places, particularly in tlie lower parts of New Jersey, to be smelted. The route, after leaving the Delaware, lies near Musconetcong and Pohatcong rivers, through Hacketstown and Stanhope, to the summit near Brooklyn, then down to Suckasunny Plains, Dover, Rockaway, along the valley of Rocka- way r. across the Raritan on a fine aqueduct 3 ms. above Patterson, through Bloomfield, to Newark. The rise and fall of this canal is 1,657 ft., 223 of which is overcome by locks, and the remainder by 23 inclined planes. That at Newark is 1,040 feet long, rising m-ore than 70 feet, and has a double line of tracks, on each of which is a car with eight wheels, large enough to receive a canal boat. This car is connected to a machine turned by a water wheel, 24 feet in diameter, and by a chain strong enough to support 15 tons. A boat may be raised, and another lowered at the same time, in about eight minutes. Five such opera- tions may be performed in an hour, and 6,000 tons may be passed in a day. It has been esti- mated, that if locks had been substituted for inclined planes on this canal, the time spent in passing them all would have been 24 hours, while the inclined planes are passed in 2 1-2 hours. The great basins of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi are very intimately connected, and no difficulty exists in the way of uniting their navigable waters, by artificial channels. This object is effected, by the two great Ohio canals ; to which will soon be added the Wa- bash and Erie canal, of which a brief notice is given below. What has been actually comple- ted on the Atlantic slope, and in the cases of N. York and Pennsylvania, the extensions made into the great Canadian basin by the former, and into the Ohio valley by the latter, may well excite astonishment, but if all things are con. sidered and liberally compared, the two great canals of the state of Ohio are the most stu- pendous undertakings ever achieved on the face of nature by man. Forty years ago the ground now comprising that state was a wilderness, and it is little more than forty years since an army was defeated by savages on the very sec- tion of this youthful state, where now a canal is navigated. The Miami canal commences at Cincinnati and extends north-north-eastwardly along the valley of the Great Miami, a total distance of 67 ms. It pastes the towns of Hamilton, Middletown, Franklin and Miamis- burg, to Dayton, the co. seat of Montgomery CO. This canal is in full operation, and it is in contemplation to extend it to lake Erie, by the valleys of Miami, Auglaize and Maumee rivers. To secure this latter extension, the congress of the United States made a grant or grants of land to a large amount, conditioned that the Ohio canals be completed within seven years from 1828, or in 1835, and said canals to be and forever remain public high-ways, for the use of the government of the United States. The route of eastern or Great canal of Ohio, with its ascents and descents, will be seen by reference to a table in article Ohio, page 357. This cauul commences on the O. at Portsmouth, and at the mouth of Scioto r., and thence ascends the Scioto upwards of 70 miles, passing the towns of Piketon, Chillicothe and Cifcleville. It then, leaving the Scioto, pursues a course a little e. of n. e. to Coshocton, passing the towns of Hebron and Newark, and the sum- mit level between the valleys of Scioto and Muskingum rs. From Coshocton, the canal follows the valley of Tuscarawas about 100 miles to the summit level between the Ohio val- ley and basin of Erie. It thence finally falls rapidly 31 miles to the level of lake Erie at Cleaveland. This great canal traverses the counties of Scioto, Pike, Ross, Pickaway, Franklin, Fairfield, Licking, Muskingum, Co- shocton, Tuscarawas, Stark, Portage and Cuya- hoga, and may, in more than one important cir- cumstance, be regarded as a continuation of the Erie canal. Both the Ohio canals are owned by the state. This great canal line may be re- garded as a continuation of that of the Hudson and Erie canal of N. York. The cost of these two canals, including incidental expenses, has exceeded ^4,900,000. To these we may add another canal which is now commenced, being an extension of the Miami, northwardly, from Dayton to the Maumee r. at fort Defiance ; and thence n. e., along the Maumee, to its junction with lake Erie, at its western extremity. The Louisville and Portland canal, for the passage of large vessels round a cataract in the Ohio at Louisville in Ky., is the last work of that kind of any considerable importance yet completed in the valley of Ohio, which remains to be noticed. For its length, the Ohio and Portland canal is perhaps the most important artificial hydraulic work ever executed. It has been in use since the 21st Dec, 1829. The charter was granted Jan. 1825, to " the Louis- ville and Portland canal company ;" stock $6(10,000, of which, by act of congress, the U. S. took ^100,000. The length of this canal is between 2 and 3 ms., overcoming 24 feet fall, by 5 locks. To this notice of western canals we add the Wabash and Erie canal, of Indiana, about 40 ms. of which are under contract. It is to extend from the Wabash in Tippecanoe CO., following the course of that stream into Allen CO. and thence to the Maumee river. The entire length of this canal will be about 200 ms. ; it is undertaken under the authority of the state, and its object is, to unite the waters of Ind. with lake Erie. To the basin of the St. Lawrence belongs all the northern portion of the state of New York, and it has been for the purpose pf form- ing a connection between the waters of this basin and the Atlantic, that the Champlain and Erie canals have been constructed. But beside these splendid works, which were the first to open the eyes of the people of the U. S. to the vast utility of artificial navigation, so many others, of more or less consequence and extent, exist within the limits of the state, either completed or in progress, that we have thought proper to present a succinct and sepa- rate account of each, in the following arrange- ment. Black river canal ; a canal has been proposed by the canal commissioners, from the High Falls of Black r., to Rome, 36 ms. with RAl 431 RAI tlie improvement of the navigation of tlie river from those falls to Carthage, and a navigable feeder of 9 miles from Boonville, the whole amounting to 76 ms. at an estimated expense ol ,•$602,544. The water it is proposed to take from Black river. Buffalo canals, at Buffalo in Erie co. are two short canals. One of these is for the passage of lake vessels from Buffalo harbour to the line of the Erie canal. It is about 700 yards in length, 80 feet wide, and 1.3 feet deep. It commences near the outlet of Buffalo creek. The other is a boat canal, from Big Buffalo creek to Little Buffalo creek, 1,606 feet long. Cayuga and Seneca canal, extends from Geneva, at the foot of Seneca lake, to Montezuma, on the Erie canal 20 ms. 44 chains. About half the distance is by slack water navi- gation, the other by an artificial canal. The descent to the canal is 734 feet, which is sur- mounted by 11 wooden locks. The tolls col- lected on this canal in 1831, amounted to 812,- 920 39 cents. The tolls reported in July, 1832, amounted to ,^725 44. Champlain canal, ex- tends from the junction with the Erie canal, 8 ms. N. Albany, to Whitehall, Washington co. at the s. extremity, or head of lake Champlain, and affords a boat navigation between that lake and Hudson river. It is 72 ms. long, and has 21 locks, with a total rise and fall of 188 feet ; 7 of these descend 54 ft. from the summit level N. to the lake, and 14 s. to the level of Hudson river 134 feet. From Albany to West Troy, the Champlain and Erie canals are united ; West Troy is 7 ms. and the route lies along the level on the west bank of Hudson river. At the junction it leaves the Erie canal, and crosses the Mohawk river at a ferry ; passing through Waterford, Stillwater, Saratoga, Schuylersville, Fort Miller, Fort Edward, and Fort Ann, it terminates at Whitehall. The tolls collected on this canal in 1831, amounted to $102,896 23. This is the route of an extensive and valuable trade, between the shores of lake Champlain, the Hudson and New York. The work was commenced in 1818, and finished in 1823 ; 46 ms. of the route is dug, 6^ lies in Wood creek from Fort Ann n., the water being raised by a dam. Npar Fort Edward a feeder enters from the Hudson, in which is a dam 900 feet long and 27 feet average height. From Fort Ed- ward to Fort Miller, 8 ms. the canal lies in the Hudson, and again 3 ms. above Saratoga Falls. Chemung canal. — The legislature appropriated f 300,000, in 1829, for the construction of this canal, which is now completed. It extends from Elmira, Tioga co. on Tioga or Chemung river, (a tributary of Susquehannah river,) to the head waters of Seneca lake, 18 miles. To this work is to be added a navigable feeder of 13 ms. for the summit level, from the Chemung at Painted Post. The canal is to have 53 locks, all of wood, 70 bridges, 1 dam, 6 culverts and 3 aqueducts. The distance from Elmira to Philadelphia by this route, is 374 miles, and to Baltimore, 394, Chenango canal. — A canal has been proposed, from a point on the Erie canal in Oneida co. to the Susquehannah at Bing- hampton, Broome co. through Oriskany and Saquit creeks and Chenango river. The cost is estimated at $944,775. The lockage would be 1,009 feet, the rise from Erie canal to the summit being 706 ft. and from Susquehannah r. 303 feet. It would cross the following towns, New Hartford, Clinton, Madison, Hamilton, Sherburne, Norwich, Oxford, Greene and Che- nango forks. C itteningo canal, extends from Chitteningo village, Madison co. 1 1-2 ms. to the Erie canal, and has 4 locks. Crooked Lake canal, is to extend from near Penn-Yan, along the outlet of Crooked lake 7 miles to Seneca lake. There must be 270 feet descent over- come by locks, and the legislature have appro- priated $120,000 for the work. Delaware and Hudson canal. — This canal was commenced in 1825 and completed in 1828 ; its entire length is 108 ms. It extends from the Hudson river at a point 90 ms. n. New York, to Port Jervis, on Delaware r. 59 ms. up the e. bank of the latter 24 ms., and up Lackawaxen r., Pa., to Honesdale, Wayne co. 25 ms. It is here con. nected with a rail road, 16 ms. long, running to Carbondale, Luzerne co. Pa. where are ex. tensive mines of Lackawana coal. This com. pany has a capital of $1,500,000, one third part of which is in banking capital in New York. The canal is from 32 to 36 feet in breadth at the surface, 4 feet deep, with locks 9 feet by 76, for boats of 25 or 30 tons ; 43,200 tons of coal were transported on it in 1830, and 52,000 in 1831. It is re-shipped into vessels at Bolton, on the Hudson, where there is 11 feet water to market. In 1831, 641 vessels were loaded there with coal and other arti- cles, and $19,500 was received in tolls that year at Rondout, exclusive of that paid on coal ; 138 boats were devoted to the trans, portation of coal only. Erie canal, or Grand canal of N. Y. extends from Albany to Buffalo, 363 miles. It is 40 feet wide at top, 28 at bottom, depth 4 feet. The tow path is 10 feet wide, and it is fenced, lined and bridged, by the state. It leaves lake Erie at Buffalo, which it has rendered a rich and flourishing place ; runs to Black Rock near the lake along Niagara r. 7 ras. in the channel of Tonnewanta creek, 12 ms. through a deep cut in mountain ridge 7^ ms. to Lockport, descends 60 feet by 5 double locks ; passes near the ridge road 63 ms. to Rochester, crosses Genesee river, thence to Mohawk river at Rome, passing a little N. of the small lakes, near the course of Seneca r. through the Cayuga marshes and the long level. It then follows the course of the Mohawk to Cohoes bridge, and after uniting with the Champlain canal, terminates at the great basin at Albany. It crosses Genesee r. on a noble aqueduct, the Mohawk three times, and has many aqueducts, dams, feeders, cul. verts, &c. connected with it. The Albany and Schenectady rail-road will carry many of the commodities, and other rail-roads are projected from Schenectady west even as far as Buffalo. Several canals of much importance are branch- es of the Erie canal ; the Oswego canal, which extends from Syracuse to Oswego, on lake On. tario, and the Cayuga and Seneca canals, con. necting it with several of the small lakes in the middle of the state. There are others planned, with rail roads in different directions, which will still further increase the vast amount of RAI transportation now carried on tiirou The following is an ucuount of the ceived in tolls nt different jjlaces and Champlain canals in 1831, and 432 RAI Albany, West Troy, Schenectady, Little Falls, Utica, Koine, Syracuse, Montezuma, Lyons, Palmyra, Rochester, Albion, Brockport, Lockport, Butralo, Geneva, Waterford, Bloop Lock, Fort Edward, Whitehall, Balina, «2iUi,443 73 109,458 J9 :i5,7l)() 56 ii,0W5 78 41,01-J (ii 28,i;80 79 C(),144 8i 05,570 15 20,539 4ij 55,770 33 174,350 90 J0,!)93 94 10,750 8^ 31,023 19 t)(i,ni)9 19 27,742 98 U,u(i7 34 700 15 J 5,054 17 45,829 09 ' 39,:JG0 30 gh the state. amounts re- on the Erie 1832. 1832 230,036 32 100,329 28 37,794 95 15,023 12 47,046 78 35,547 14 94,916 24 73,288 99 25,278 85 59,434 78 1.54,541 08 10,219 43 13,025 81 28,433 22 58,232 09 29,333 09 17,338 18 ],0'J1 59 10,249 85 50,357 21 31,839 52 $1,190,008 12 Total, • ©1,194,010 49 Increase in 1832, 51,3:i7 63 Besides this, large quantities of flour, ashes, provisions, &c. have been sent to the Canadas, of which no account is here made. The N. Y. canals were constructed at the ex- pense of the state, and a large debt has been thus contracted, tfl defray which their income is pledged with the net revenue from the auction and salt duties. In 1837 about 2-5 of the debt is payable. The debt for the Erie and Cham- plain canals amounted, on the 1st Jan. 1832, to $7,001,035 86; the Oswego, Chemung and Crooked Lake canal debt to f 1,054,610 00; so that the whole canal debt of the state then was ^8,055,645 86. In 1831 were inspected at Al- bany, 48,653 bbls. of wheat flour, a large part of which was raised in the fertile counties of the state, and ground at the extensive mills of Rochester. The tolls collected on the Erie and Champlain canals, in .July, 1832, amounted to $102,904 98; ^3,953 52 less than in 1831. Haerlem canal, N. Y. co. extends from East r. to Hudson river, 3 ms. through Manhattanville. The company was incorporated in 1826, and en- joy a perpetual charter, with a capital of §550,- 000. It is 60 ft. wide, and in the middle part of the route 100 ; 6 or 7 ft. deep, and about 3 miles long ; a street of 50 ft. breadth is to be formed on each side ; it has guard locks at the ends, and the sides are to be walled with stone. Hell Gate canal-^A company has been incorporated to construct a sloop canal, 800 yards long, round the dangerous passage in East r. called Hell Gate, on the w. end of Long Island. Delays are frequently caused to the numerous vessels, principally coasters, which navigate that chan. nel, as the passage is imsafe except at particu- lar states of wind and tide. Hallet's Cove, at a short distance, is often crowded with vessels, Waiting for an opportunity to pass. It has been estimated that ,520 packets pass 22,520 times in a year ; 500 trading vessels which pass 11,000 times; and 13 steam boats, most of them large, and employed in transporting numerous passen- gers and valuable freights, which pass 5,000 times, making 50,000 in all. It is proposed to make the canal 82 ft. wide, 18 ft. deep, with gates, and to face it all with stone ; and the cost is estimated at ,$70,000, and the purchase of all the lands, about 50 acres, including houses, buildings of all kinds, ferries, rail-ways, quar- ries, &.C. will amount to about fifty thousand dollars more. It is computed that it will pay about twenty-two per cent, on the original cost, .iMohawk canals. — The Mohawk river was ren- dered navigable in boats from Schenectady to Rome, some years ago, by the construction of canals round Little Falls, and Wolf Rift, on the German Flats. A canal ot 1 1-2 ms. was also made from the head of the Mohawk to Wood creek, which leads into Oneida lake. Oswego canal, in Onondaga and Oswego cos. extends from Syracuse, on the Erie canal, to Oswego, on lake Ontario, 38 ms. For half the distance Oswego r. is used, having been dammed, and supplied with a towing path on the bank. The descent to the lake is 123 feet, which is over- come by 13 locks, all of which are of stone ex- cept one. Cost, ,$525,000. $16,271 10 was collected on this canal in tolls in 1831. The tolls reported in July, 1832, amounted to <$ 192,62. Scottsville canal. A company was incorporated in 1829, with $15,000 to construct a canal from Genesee r. to Scottsville, Munroe CO. Sodus canal, is to be 24 ms. long, 6 miles of its route is on Seneca r. and the outlet of Crusoe lake, and 13 ms. to be excavated at the summit level only 10 feet. The descent is 130 feet, of which 114 is near the end of the canal. The locks will afford abundance of water pow- er. Big Sodus harbor, with which this canal is to communicate, is large, and one of the best on lake Ontario. This work is on a route said to be the most direct communication between the waters of lake Champlain and the St. Law- rence, In the preceding table we have exhibited the receipts of the Erie and Champlain canals in 1831 and 1832. The names of the two other canals in N. Y., the property of the state, we give below, with their receipts durmg the same period. 1831. 1832. Oswego, $16,271 10 $19,786 90 Cayuga and Seneca, 12,920 39 13,894 68 The increase of the former in 18.32 being $3,515 10, and of the latter $974,29. The total receipts of these 4 canals in 1831 was $1,223,801 98 ; and in 1832 $1,229,689 00. Increase of the whole receipts in 1832, over that of 1831, $5,887 02. The amount expend- ed on these canals in payment of repairs, sala. riesto superintendents, and pay of lock tenders, for the year ending October 1, 1832, was $358,258 04. New England, possessing in general, the usual rugged character of primitive formations, offers fewer facilities for extensive artificial navigation, than many other portions of the U.S. In Connecticut, the work of greatest mag- nitude which has yet been undertaken, is the Farmington canal. This extends 58 ms. from New Haven to Southwick ponds, on the boun- dary of Mass. It passes through Hampden, Cheshire, Southington, Northington parish, Simsbury, Farmington, Granby, to Southwick, where it enters several ponds. From the level RAI 433 RAI of Farmington it rises n. 38 feet by 6 locks ; it crosses Farmington r. on an aqueduct of 280 feet, 34 high. It is 36 feet wide at top, 20 at bottom, 4 deep, with 218 feet lockage, all as- cending from N. Haven, Farmington r. feeder, 3 ms. long, gives the principal supply, and is a branch. The work began in 1825. The Hampshire and Hampden canal has been con- structed in Mass. in continuation of the Far- mington canal to Westfield, and was intended to go to Northampton, and even proposed to be extended to Barnet, Vt. It will probably be completed to Northampton soon, where it will communicate with Connecticut r. Besides this in the same state is the Enfield canal, extend- ing round Enfield falls, on the w. side of the Connecticut. It is 6 miles long, and is an im- portant improvement in the navigation of that r. The fall is 30 feet, which is overcome by three locks of 10 feet lift each, of hammered stone. Great advantages are afforded by this canal for hydraulic purposes, which are partially im- proved. In Rhode Island, the Blackstone canal com- mences at Providence, and extends about 40 ms. to Worcester in Mass. It follows principal- ly the course of Blackstone, or Pawtucket riv- er, and passes through Smithfield and North Providence in R. I., and Mendon, Uxbridge, Northbridge, Sutton, Grafton and Milbury to Worcester, where it terminates. It is supplied with water from the Blackstone r. Numerous manufactories lie on and near this route, to which the canal affords great advantages. This canal was built by a company chartered by the states of R. I., and Mass. at an expense of about $700,000 and was completed in 1828. It is 45 miles long and has a fall of 450 feet, to surmount which there are 48 locks on the route. The canal has a depth of four feet, is 34 feet wide at the surface and 18 at the bottom. In Massachusetts few canals of magnitude have been constructed, besides the above. The principal are the Middlesex, and the Hampshire and Hampden canals ; the latter is not yet com- pleted, and has been already noticed under the head of Farmington canal. Middlesex canal extends from Charlestown, on the navigable waters of Boston harbor, to Lowell, on the Merrimack, where it communicates with the works on that r. and extends the line of boat navigation to Concord, N. H. It is 27 ms. long, 30 ft. wide and 3 deep, with 20 locks and 7 aqueducts over valleys and streams. There are four levels, each 5 ms. long. At Charles- town the canal terminates in a large mill pond. On the summit level it crosses Concord river, which supplies it with water. 13 locks de- scend hence to Charlestown, 107 feet, and 3 locks to Merrimack r. above the falls, HI feet. This work cost f 530,000. The Pawtucket, South Hadley, Wickasee and Montague canals, are comparatively of inferior importance. Paw- tucket canal was constructed in 1797. It pass, es round the Pawtucket falls (in the town of Lowell) in the Merrimack, a distance of IJ ms. Since its first construction it has been both deepened and widened and affords water power to several manufactories. The falls in the whole distance are about 30 ft. and the canal is now 90 ft. broad, and 4 deep. South Hadley canal, is 2 ms. long, and overcomes a descent of 40 feet in Connecticut r. It was the first canal in the U. S., being commenced in 1792. Near its lower junction with the Conn, is a cut through solid rock, 300 ft. long and 40 deep, through which it passes. Wiikasee canal, leads boats round the falls at that place in Mer, rimack r. 3 ms. above Lowell, where the Mid. dlesex canal commences. It cost $14,000. Montague canal, at Montague, Mass. extends round a fall of the same name in Conn, river. It is 3 ms. long, with a lockage of 75 ft., and is 25 ft in width, and 3 in depth. The remaining canals of New England will occupy but a very brief space. The White r. canal, in Vt. is a small work around a fall in Conn, r., for flat bottomed boats and rafts. The Bellows Falls canal, in the same state, is a short but expensive work along the west shore of Conn, river, round these falls. It is cut through a bed of hard granite ; but a part of the excavation was made in ages past, by the current of the stream. Flat bottomed boats, small steamboats and rafts, thus pass a natural obstruction in the naviga. tion. In N. H. a company was incorporated in 1811, the charter of which has since been re- newed, for the purpose of forming a canal with locks from Winnipiseogee lake to Dover, along Cochego r. 27 ms. As the descent is 452 ft., no less than 53 locks would be necessa- ry ; and the expense is estimated at ^300,000. This work would be of benefit to above 400 sq. ms. ; and it has been even proposed to ex- tend a canal to Pemigewasset r. The follow- ing works, completed in the same state, consti. tute with the Pawtucket and Wickasee canals, in Mass. already mentioned, links in a chain of navigation, extending from Boston harbor by the Middlesex canal and the Merrimack r., to the central part of N. H. Amoskeag canal, affording a boat navigation round a fall of 4.4 ft., in the Merrimack, is one mile in length. The fall is 45 feet, and is overcome by 9 locks, which with the canal cost $50,000. Bow canal, affords boat navigation of | m. round the falls in Merrimack r. at Bow, of 25 feet descent. The works cost $21,000. The canal commen- ces at the upper landing in Concord, and is the first link in the chain of improved internal transportation, which extends down the lV(erri- mack to Lowell, and thence to Boston. Hook- sett canal, hO rods only in length, passes round Hooksett falls, 7 ms. below Amoskeag. These falls are 16 feet, and the canal and locks cost 117,000. They afford a navigation for boats. The Union canals pass 7 falls in the Merri. mack, and the distance improved by them for the navigation of boats is 9 ms. There are 7 locks on the route, which furnish water power for several manufactories. This and the 3 ca. nals preceding, all in New Hampshire, are a part of a line of navigation long since pro. jected between Boston and the central parts of N. H. The Middlesex canal unites with this improved navigation 27 ms. n. n. e. Boston, at Chelmsford. The charter granting to a com- RAI 434 RAI pany, in I8ll, the right of constructing a canal from hike Winnipiseogee to Cocheco river, near Dover, has been renewed. The distance is 27 miles ; and the estimated expense of the canal is $350,000. The lake is 450 feet above the level of the river. In Maine the Cumberland and Oxford canal extends 50 ms., from Portland to Sebago pond. The latter, with Brandy pond and outlets, in- clude 27 ms. of the canal, the balance, 23 ms., being artificial, and having 26 locks. It is 34 ft. in width at the surface, 18 at the bottom, and is 4 ft. in depth. Bridgeton is at the head of the canal. This completes what we have to say descrip- tive of canals in the U. S. With regard to the system in general, the expense attendant on the construction of such works, and the amoimt of profit accruhig from them to the proprietors, a few word's here may not be out of place. The following observations and statistical detail are extracted from Wood's treatise on rail roads and interior communication in general, edited by George W. Smith, and published in 1832. " The spirit of enterprise has been displayed," says Mr. Smith, " on a scale commensurate with the extensive territory of the U. S. With .the exception of Great Britain and Holland, no country on the face of the globe contains so many or extensive canals as this republic ; and the whole of combined Europe has not effected as much during the last 16 years, as the three states of Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio only. The total number of miles of canals in the Union is 2,526, including about 264 which are nearly finished, and which will be navigable during the ensuing spring, (1833.) Several extensive canals are in progress, and an im- mense number of projected or authorized works are not included in the summary just given. Nearly four-fifths of the aggregate amount have been executed in the three states above mentioned. The cost of the canals in the U. S., has been about Jii;21,400 on an average, per mile. Although many expensive alterations have been made, a large additional sum will be requisite, for the purpose of completing these works in a permanent and suitable manner. The amount necessary for this purpose cannot be accurately estimated ; but, if a judgment may be formed from the brief and limited ex- perience of N. Y. and Pa., (where much ex- penditure will still be necessary,) the ultimate cost will probably be at least *s28,500 per mile. The navigable canals of Pa. have already cost ^25,185 per mile. The cheapest canal (prob- ably in the Union) cost about $5,200 on an average per mile. The Chesapeake and Dela- ware canal cost nearly $169,000 per mile. The dimensions of this work permit the passage of coasters. It presents one of the cases where canals are decidedly superior to rail-roads — namely, for connecting by a short line an im- mense extent of navigable waters ; although the tolls chargeable on every ton render the cost of transportation ten times greater than on a rail-road of similar extent, and constructed for perhaps one-tenth of the cost of the canal — nevertheless, the expense, delay, and incon- venience of transhipment give a preference to a , work which permits of a continuous voyage. A rival rail-road, to connect the same points, has, however, even in this instance, been made, and with great advantage, for the rapid con- veyance of light goods, passengers, &c., for which purposes canals are not adapted." From the stated cost of $169,000 per mile, the 14 ms. contained in the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, must have cost $2,366,000 ; the original estimate of the sum this canal would cost was made in 1824, and stated at $1,129,036 73, or too low by nearly one half. (The actual cost was $2,200,000.) The mistake in the esti- mates most probably saved the enterprise. " In the U. S., the proprietors of the two thousand five hundred and twenty-five miles of canals, which are in operation or in progress, have not, in any one solitary instance, received from the tolls derived from these works the current interest of the country on the capital expended in their construction (including therein, as part of the real cost, the arrears of unpaid, interest on those •portions of the capital which were tern, porarily dormant.) The Erie and Champlain canals of New York, (now the most productive in the Union, j have not in any one year, with one exception, paid the expenses of their repairs and management, and the current rate of inter- est on their actual cost, although in other re- spects they have greatly increased the wealth and welfare of that populous state. Justice, however, requires the remark, that many of the American canals have only recently been constructed, and, consequently, that the trade on them is not yet established to the extent which time will create." RAIL-ROADS. The authorities consulted in the following notices of rail.roads, are chiefly " Smith's Wood," and the " Rail road Journal" of New York. Those who would see accounts more full in detail, are referred to these and other more extended works. KAIL-ROADS, COMPLETED, COMMENCED, OR INCORPORATED. Alatamaha and Brunswick, r-r. Geo. Thi? road is to extend from the Alatamaha.river, 12 miles to Brunswick. It was commenced in 1832. Albion and Tonawanda, r-r. N. Y. A com- pany has been incorporated to construct this road. Albany and Schenectady, r-r. (See Hud- son and Mohawk r-r.) Alleghany Portage r-r. Pa. This is one of the links of the Pennsylvania chain of r-rs. and canals; it extends over the main Alleghany ridge of mtns., from Hollidaysburg on the Ju- niata r. to Johnstown on the Connemaugh, 36 J miles. It passes over the Alleghany mtns. by 10 inclined planes, 5 on each side ; the estrn. slope, from Hollidaysburg to the summit being 10 ms., and the wstrn. declivity 26^. It passes a part of the mtn. by a tunnel 880 feet long, 26 high, and 22 wide. There are 4 via- ducts, (road ways) of masonry, containing 15,465 perches, estimated cost about $80,000 ; a bridge, for the passage of a turnpike, cost RAI 435 RAI ,f 1,284 ; 72 culverts, 11,775 feet, cost $37,000; cost of grading, exclusive of the masonry, ^499,300 ; estimate for engines and machine, ry $89,000. This road is not completed, but is in rapid progress, and may be in operation in 1833. Amboy r-r. {See Camden and Amhoy r-r.) Au Sable and Lake Champlain r-r. N. Y. A company has been incorporated to construct tiiis road from the forks of the great Au Sable river, along the valley of that stream to lake Champlain about 15 miles, with power to make branches to the iron mines of Pa. The object of this plan is to facilitate transportation between navigable water and the mines. Baltimore and Ohio r-r. The charter for this work was granted by the legislature of Maryland, Feb. 9th, 1827, and the work was commenced the 4th .July, 1828. The original design was to unitethe city of Baltimore with the Ohio by a line of double tracks ; and to that efi'ect, permission was obtained from the legislature of Pa. and Va. ; but as the extension of the road beyond the Point of Rocks, where it intersected Potomac r., has been prevented by a legal dispute with the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company, we confine our notice to that part either finished or in progress. The controversy, however, between these two com- panies, has been decided in favor of the Canal CO., and the present purpose of the r-r. com. is to extend it to Williamsport, thence to Cumber- land, and from thence to Pittsburg, the whole distance being 325 ms. It commences in the city of Baltimore, and extends to the Point of Rocks 693 ™s., with a branch road to Freder- ick, of 3^ ms., the whole distance being 73| ms. The road-bed is 26 ft. wide. The line of the road is inflected very considerably along the vallies of the streams ; and presents seve- ral rather abrupt curves. Of the whole dis- tance, about 33 miles are for the most part straight. The bridges and viaducts are nu. merous, and solid, but very expensive struc- tures. The materials on which the rails are laid, are stone blocks and wooden sleepers. Forty miles of single track, are composed of granite sills 8 inches thick, 15 wide, and of va- rious lengths. These are laid intrenches, filled with broken stone. The estrn. section of 13 ms. was by far the most difficult and expensive ; costing, for only graduation and masonry, above ^46,354. The cost of graduation of these 13 ms., amounted to ^8,994 more than did the res- idue ; and on the first 8 3-4 ms. was expended in masonry, a sum equal to the cost of the re- maining 61. The average cost of the road when completed, was estimated at $30,000 per mile. This road is in operation, and during the last very severe winter, kept the cost of fuel in Baltimore down to its ordinary price, about 100 per cent, below what it was in Phila., New York, &c. BALTIMORE AND PoRT DEPOSIT T-x. Md. to ex- tend to the latter place, situated on the Susque- hannah, 37 miles n. e. Baltimore. Chartered 1832. Baltimore and SosauEHANNAH r-r. This line of road, designed to connect the city of Baltimore with York Haven on the Susquehan- nah, will be about 76 ms. in length. It has to pass a summit of 1,000 feet. The first division of 7 ms., commencing at the depot in the city of Baltimore, and terminating on .Tones' Falls creek, was completed and opened with one track, on the 4th of July, 1831. The road-bed of 22 feet, v/ill admit two tracks. The second division, G 3-lOth ms.,, continuing from the first up the valley of Jones' Falls to the mouth of Rowland's run ; thence up the latter, and over the summit, between the vallies of Jones' Falls creek and Gunpowder river to a point on York turnpike between the 12th and 13th mile stones from Baltimore, is nearly comple- ted. From the termination of the first division, on the right branch of Jones' Falls creek, the Westminster branch road leaves the main line, and follows the valley of Jones' Falls to its head, 8 ms., and terminates on Reisterstown road, near the 11th mile stone. This work was commenced in the autumn of 1830. It will extend to n. line of the state of Maryland, and thence to York Haven in Pa. Another section of the Westminster branch of this road is com- pleted to " Owing's mill," and the cars have already commenced running to that place. The same is true of another division of this road, which extends to the York turnpike road. Baltimore and Washington r-r. Md. This r-r. is another, and an important branch of the Baltimore and Ohio r-r., and has been com- menced by the same company. The surveys are completed, and the expense is estimated at f 1,555,000. The road will be 33 ms. long, from Washington to Elkridge landing ; its stock has been chiefly taken by the state of Mary- land, and the Baltimore and Ohio r-r. company. Black River r-r. A company was incor- porated by fhe legislature of N. Y. in 1832, to construct this r-r. from the Erie canal at Rome or Herkimer, to the r. St. Lawrence, with a capital of $900,000. Boston r-rs. There are now three r-rs. con- structing from Boston in as many different di- rections ; all of which will probably be greatly extended beyond the points at which for the present they will terminate. The road to Prov. idence will undoubtedly be continued to Nor. wich or New London ; that of Worcester to Albany, and that of Lowell to Vt., perhaps to Burlington, or from the opposite shore of the lake to Ogdensburg, N. Y. The Worcester road may possibly be connected with one from Norwich, Ct. ; one to Hartford and New Ha- ven, Ct. ; and one to the n. w. parts of Mass. Boston and lake Ontario r-r. This pro- posed line embraces the Boston and Lowell r-r. That part of the road to the New Hampshire line, via Lowell, is now in a vigorous train of execution ; and in New Hampshire it is con. tinned 15 ms. by the Port Kent and Au Sable r-r. A company, under the title of " the Bos- ton and lake Ontario r-r. company," has been incorporated by the legislatures of Massachu- setts, Vermont and New Hampshire, and it is expected will be by that of N. Y. at the ensu- ing session. Boston and Lowell r-r. This road, which was incorporated in 1830, is now actively pro- gressing ; it is to be constructed of the most du. RAI 436 RAI rable materials, stone and iron, with a single track at present, and provision for the addition of another if expedient. It is to commence near Warren bridge, to cross Charles river by a via- duct, thence through Woburn, and terminate at the Merrimack canal at Lowell, a distance of 25 miles. Boston and PnoviDEncE r-r. This road was incorporated in 1831 ; the route has been sur- veyed, and the location determined. The road will be nearly, (for the most part actually) straight; and its direction is such, that while it will aflbrd the shortest conmiunication between Boston and Providence, it affords great facilities for a connexion also with Taunton, by a branch rail-way (diverging from the main line, say 23 ms. from Boston,) of but 11^ to 12 ms. in length ; making the distance, therefore, from Boston to Taunton, but 35 ms. ; or exceeding that by the turnpike, only 3 ms. Length of the route from Providence to Boston, 43 ms. Boston and Tauntoh r-r. A rad-road was incorporated, 1831, to extend between these two places, a distance of 32 ms. Boston and Worcester r-r. The excavation for this road was commenced, August 1832, at Brighton and at Needham. Thirteen ms. cf it are to be completed in 1833, and 13 other ms. are under contract ; the whole it is expected will be completed in May 1834. The length of the road as it is located, is 43^ ms. This is about 2 ms. longer than a straight line between the points of termination, and about equal in dis- tance to the road which is now most travelled between Boston and Worcester. The iron for the construction of this road is admitted into the country free of duty ; and it is stated that the work will be executed at less expense than the sum estimated, and considerably below the capital of the company. Brooklyn and Jamaica r-r. This road is to be constructed on Long Island, to form a r-r. communication between Brooklyn and Jamaica. The distance is between 11 and 12 ms. ; the company was incorporated in 1832, the stock has been taken up, and it is expected the road will be completed, a single track, in 1834. Buffalo and Erie r-r. A company was in- corporated in 1832 by the legislature of New York, to construct this r. road, extending from Buffalo, to lake Erie, with a capital of ^650,- 000. (-See Table.) Camden and Amboy r-r., commences on the Delaware r. at Camden, opposite Philadelphia, and extending 61 ms. terminates at Amboy, on Amboy bay. So direct is the line of this road that the actual distance between the extremes is not supposed to exceed 60 ms. The first di- vision of 34^ ms. follows the left bank of Dela. ware river from Camden to Bordentown; the ground plan nearly level, and few places hav- ing an inclination of 20 feet to the mile. From Bordentown to Amboy, the line is generally favorable. The average descent from Borden- town to South Amboy is 27 feet per mile, with one deep cut of 2 ms. long and 60 feet in depth in the deepest place. There are now 3 loco- motive engines on this road, and 6 more are soon to be added. A single track of this road ojily is now in operation ; it was chartered in 1830, and by the terms of it the comjiletion of it was limited to 9 years. This company have the exclusive right of rail-roada across the state, by their charter, for 30 years. For this privi- lege the company gave the state 1000 shares of stock, which is to revert to the company in case of any rail-road being built in N. J. for the purpose of transporting passengers or property between New York and Philadelphia. In 1831 this company and the Delaware and Raritan canal company were united by an act of the legislature of New Jersey. The legislature of New Jersey has authorized extensions of this rail-road to New Brunswick, and to the Hud- son r. opposite the city of New York. Cape Fear, and Yadkin r-r., N. C. This road was incorporated in 1832, with a capital of $2,000,000. It is to extend from Wilming- ton via. Fayetteville to Yadkin r., and thence by Salisbury to the Catawba, probably at Beat. ty's ford, a distance of about 240 ms. A sub- scription has been raised for this purpose, and a loan also contracted of §200,000. [See JN. Carolina Central rail-road.) Carbondale and Honesdale r-r. In 1826 the legislature of Pa. granted a charter for this road, which was commenced in 1826, and com- pleted in 1829. It is in fact a continuation of the canal line extending from Eddyville on the Hudson r., over a part of N. Y., N. J., and Pa., to Honesdale on the Lackawaxen r. It is 16 ms. long, and is intended as a channel ot gen- eral trade, but has been hitherto chiefly used in the transportation of coal. This road reach- es the summit of Moosic mountain, 920 feet aggregate ascent above the mines, by 7 inclin- ed planes, worked by stationary power, and thence descends to Honesdale 913 feet by 3 self acting machines or planes. (-See Lackawaxen rail-road.) Catskill and Canajoharie r-r. N. Y. incor- porated 1830. Its capital, §600,000 has been subscribed for, and it was commenced in 1831, near Cat&kill. Distance, 70 miles. When finished it will connect Canajoharie on the Mohawk river, with Catskill on the Hudson river. Central r-r. Pa. This r-r. " extends from Pottsville, through the valley of the Shamokin creek to Sunbury, near the junction of the Sus- quehannah river, with its western branch," {See Pennsylvania r. roads.) Central r-r., N. C. {See North Carolina.) Charleston and Hamburg r-r. {See South Carolina.) Chesterfield r-r. Va. takes its name from Chesterfield co. Va. within which it is formed, to connect the bituminous coal strata on James r. with tide water in the same stream, below Manchester and Richmond. It extends 13 ^ ms. in single track, with several turn outs, and IJ mile branch roads to the different coal beds. This work was commenced January, 1830, and opened for use on the 1st of July, 1831, and afforded a dividend of 10 per cent, to the stockholders on the first six months. Cost was §8,000 per mile, and including their wagons, horses, &c. the whole disbursements of the company has been about $140,000, or §10,370 per mile. RAl 437 RAI Dansville and Rochester r-r. N. Y. A company has beea incorporated, and surveys made preparatory to extending a r-r. from Dansville to Rochester, under the title of " The Dansville and Rochester rail-road." The sur- face to be passed over is unusually level and favorable to the work. Danville and Pottsville r-r. Pa. This rather circuitous but highly important line is a continuation of Mount Carbon rail-roads and of the Schuylkill navigation. It is made as a pub- lic high way, and calculated to open a cheap and expeditious channel of communication be- tween the Schuylkill valley and that of Sus- quehannah near the junction of the two main branches of the latter. In order to render the description of the whole line more perspicuous, it is necessary to commence with the Mount Carbon road. This latter line was commenced in 1829, and completed in 1S31, with a main line and two branches. It begins at the lower landing of Mount Carbon on the Schuylkill ca- nal, about 106 ms. northwestward Philadelphia, passes through the town of Pottsville, and thence up the Norwegian creek. A branch of this road extends up the main fork of the creek 1 7-10 ms. and another branch along the west fork within a small fraction of 3 miles. Both branches and the mainline are mostly ex- tended in double tracks. From the branch of the Mount Carbon rail-road on the eastern fork of Norwegian cr. extends the road from Potts- ville to Danville, on the Susquehannah, by Sun- bury ; this rail-road was chartered by the legis- lature of Pa. in 1826, but subsequently merged into the Mount Carbon rail-road company. The former leaves the latter road at an eleva- tion above Sunbury of 330 feet, and 2 1-2 ms. from Pottsville by a deep cut and tunnel of 1,400 feet, which leads into Mill creek, along the valley of which it is carried to the summit of Broad mtn. 1,040 feet above Sunbury. The height is reached by 4 inclined planes, and the opposite side of the mtn. is descended by a sin- gle plane of 400 feet perpendicular elevation. The next stage of 2 1-4 ms. is level. The sixth inclined plane descends to a level of about 4 ms. The line thence ascends to the summit level between the Mahonoy and Shamokin creeks, by the 7th inclined plane, ascending at the rate of from 10 to 30 feet per mile, and de- scends to Sunbury by two inclined planes. The entire length of the main line is 47 miles, 174 poles, and the Danville branch 7 miles, the whole 54 54-100 ms. Mill Creek rail-road is connected with the two preceding, and was the first road of the kind formed in the Upper Schuylkill valley. It is a single track line of 6 turn outs, main line 4 ms. from Mine Hill to Fort Carbon, and branches, 9 in number, aggre- gate extent about 5 miles. Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven rail-road is not yet connected with the Central or Danville and Pottsville rail-road ; yet as such union is in contem- plation, and as both these roads are in the same vicinity we unite them in one general view. The main line of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven rail-road commences at Schuylkill Ha- ven, and stretching along the West branch of Schuylkill r. 10 1-2 ms. passes the Mine Hill 56 gap. At the fork or where the W. W. branch leaves the W. branch, an arm of the rail-road extends along the former 3J ms. of a double, and 1 m. of single track; making in all 14 ms. of a double, and 1 of a single track road. From the preceding accounts we discover that the Schuylkill navigation in its Upper valley is cori' nected with three systems or lines of r. roads. There are also in the same region several miles of rail-road not included in the above, but which were constructed on private proper- ty by individuals. These immense works, in a period comparatively short, have changed re- gions, once barren, wild, and desolate, into the busy residence of several thousands. Delaware and SusauEHANNAH r. road. (See Elizahethtoion and Somerville r-r.) Detroit and Pontiac r-r., Mich. A com- pany has been incorporated and the surveys made for a rail road between Pontiac and De- troit. The length of the road when completed will be 25 ms. Dutchess County r-r., N. Y. A company has been incorporated to construct a r-r. from Poughkeepsie to the Connecticut line. The road will be from 20 to 30 ms. in length. Capi- tal of the company, ^6;J0,000. Elizabethtown and Somerville, and Dela- ware and SusauEHANNAH r-rs. These roads have been surveyed, and it is expected that the work will soon be commenced. The route, which has been examined, will probably cross the Delaware at Belvidere, and is l46 ms. long; extending from Jersey city opposite New- York, to the Great Bend of the Susquehanna, at or nearPittston. It will pass through Stroudsburg, Belvidere, Somerville, Elizabethtown, andNew- ark. This road will be intersected by the New .Tersey rail road, near Elizabethtown. The es- timated cost of that part of this route, extend- ing from Elizabethtown to Somerville, 20 miles, is .$200,000 ; from Somerville to Bel- videre, 45 miles. $541,250, or for the 65 ms. ^741,250. The stock of this route is taken up. Elmira and Williamsport r-r., N, Y. A company was incorporated by the legislature of N. York in 1832, to construct this rail road ; its capital 75,000 dollars. Experiment r-r. (See N. Carolina r. roads.) Fatetteville r-r., N. C. This road when completed will extend from Campbeltown on the Cape Fear r. to Fayetteville. The company was incorporated in 1830 ; its capital ^20,000. Germantown r-r. (See Philadelphia, Gar- mantown and Norristown r-r.) Haarlem r-r., N. Y. This r-r. is entirely within the city of New York, if we regard that city as commensurate with Manhattan island. The grading of the other parts of the road is rapidly progressing. The contemplated New York and Albany r-r. will probably commence at the N. extremity of this road, so that it may be considered as the first link in the grand chain of r-roads, which shall yet connect the city of New York with "the West." Hudson and Berkshire r-r. The legisla- ture of N. Y., in 1832, incorporated a compa- ny, with a capital of ($350,000, to construct a r-r. to the Massachusetts line, to meet a r-r« authorized by the government of that state. RAI 438 RAI Hudson and Delaware r-r., N. Y. This company was incorporated in 1830, for the con- struction of a road from Newburgh through Or- ange CO. to the Delaware river at Carpenter's Point, 51 ms. ; from this Point it is proposed to extend it to Lackawanna river, and the coal re- gion, 65 ms. farther. Hudson and Mohawk r-r., N. Y. This, which in length is 16 ms. is a very important r-r., connecting Albany and Schenectady. It was chartered by the legislature of New York in 1830. It is calculated for double tracks, one of which is completed and in operation, and the second in progress. The summit is 335 feet above the level of tide water in the Hudson. This is a dead level of 14 ms. in length. At each end of the road there is a stationary en- gine of 12 horse power, which overcome by inclined planes, a rise of about 120 feet. A very heavy locomotive engine, imported from Europe, was found by its weight, 12,742 lbs., to injure the road ; but another weighing only 6,758^ lbs., made at West Point, is in use, and a second has recently been added. The mean rate of motion on this road with a load of 8 tons, is 15 ms. hourly. The company were au- thorized, in 1832, to construct a branch rail- road from the line of the present one, near its intersection with the great western turnpike, to Capitol square in Albany, and from thence, or some point between the places of intersection and the Capitol, to the Albany basin. Indiana. Eight joint stock companies have been incorporated in this state, with a total capital of $4,000,000, for the construction of rail-roads. The principal road is to commence on the Ohio, at Madison, in Jefferson co. 76 ms. s. E. Indianopolis, from thence to Indianopolis, and is afterwards to be continued into Fayette CO. It is also expected to continue these from Lidianopolis to several places on the Wabash. Illinois and Michigan r-r. This road, which, when completed, will be 96| miles in length, is to commence at Chicago on lake Michigan, and after running in a s. w. direction along the valley of the river Des Plaines, to terminate at the Illinois rapids. The summit level will be less than 200 feet above the low- est part of the road. Ithaca and Geneva r-r. The company for the construction of a rail-road between these two towns was incorporated in 1832 by the New York legislature ; capital ^800,000. Ithaca and Catskill r-r. N. Y. The whole length of this road when completed between the two places will be about 167 ms. Ithaca and Owego r-r. N. Y. This line of 29^ ms. is intended to connect the village of Ithaca in Tompkins co. with Owego in Tioga CO. N. Y. The direction s. s. e. It is the first rail-road line actually commenced which will unite the basins of Chesapeake and St. Law- rence. It was incorporated in 1828, the stock subscribed for, and the work commenced. It is expected that half of the route will be com- pleted the present season, and the balance early in 1834. James River and Kenhawa r-r. Va. Incor- porated 1831, for the purpose of uniting the James with Ohio river, by rail-road and canal, or either. The state proposes to take 2-5ths of the stock after the subscription for the balance shall be filled. Knoxville and Southern r-r. company. {See North Carolina Central rail road.) LaCKA WAXEN AND SUSQUEHANNAH r-r. Pa. This line extends from Carbondale coal-mines down the Tunkhannoc valley to the Susquehan- nah river, 16 ms., and is a continuation of the Carbondale and Honesdale r-r. The Lacka- waxen r-r. was authorised by the legislature of Pennsylvania, in 1826, and by charter required to be a public high way for the conveyance of persons, produce and merchandize. {See Car- bondale and Honesdale rail-road.) Lake Champlain and Ogdensburg r-r. A company was incorporated in 1832, by the New York legislature, to construct a roil-road be- tween Ogdensburg on the St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence co. and lake Champlain, with a capi- ital of ^3,000,000. Lafayette and Michigan r-r. Ind. The charter for the construction of this road was granted in 1832, with a capital stock of §■500,000. This road is to extend from Lafay- ette, Tippacanoe co., on the Wabash, to a port on lake Michigan, a distance of 84 ms. This, when completed will give the interior of this state a very direct communication with New York. Lake Pontchartrain r-r. This rail-road, which is about 4^ miles in length, and consists of a single track, extends from lake Pont- chartrain to New Orleans. The company was incorporated in 1830, the road opened in 1831. Whole cost of construction about |70,00O. Lexington Ky. and Ohio r-r. This road is designed to extend from the town of Lexington, in a direction a little n. of w. through Frank- fort, Shelbyville, and some other intermediate places, to Louisville. The length will be about 66 ms. Six miles of this road is completed, and a locomotive engine is soon to be placed upon it. A second division of 20 ms. is now under contract, to be completed the present season. The first 6 miles it is expected will cost about 545,000, or an average of f 7,500 per mile, and the second division about-. $11,000. Little Schuylkill r-r. Pa. This road com- mences at Port Clinton, and mouth of Tama- qua, following the valley of the latter stream 21|ms., and 1^ ms. above the town of Tama- qua. A branch of 1 m. leaves the main line from Tamaqua, to other mines. The road is graded for double tracks, and a single track has been constructed throughout. The com- pany are authorized to continue this rail-road to Reading from Port Clinton in one direction, and to the foot of Broad mtn. in the other. Another company is empowered to extend it to Catavvissa on Susquehannah r. 57^- ms. from Port Clinton. Upon these extensions nothing except surveys has yet been executed. Lykin's Valley r-r. Pa. which was commen- ced in 1831, and completed 1832, is a single track extending from a coal basin of Broad mtn. through Bear Creek gap, down the Wiconisco valley, north side of Berry's mtn., to Millers- burg on the Susquehannah. Length 16^ miles. RAI 439 RAI This line extends along the n. side of Dauphin CO. Pa. ^^ Mad River and Lake Erie r-r. Pa. This road when completed will extend from Dayton at the head of Miami cr., in a n. n. e. direction, to Sandusky ; and its length will be about 150 ms., stretching along the vallies of Mad river, part of Scioto, and thence down that of San- dusky, to its point of northern termination. The route has been surveyed, and the stock books are soon to be opened. It is said of this road, that when completed " a locomotive engine, with its train of cars can traverse its whole distance with ease, as there is not an inclined plane upon the route rendering the intervention of stationary power necessary. Manchester, r-r. .This r-r. which is in Ches- terfield CO. Va., extends from Manchester to the coal mines, about 13 ms. distant. (See Chesterfield r-r.) Mauch Chunk, r-r. Pa., was one of the first attempts made in the U. S. to introduce the r-r. system. In construction, it shares the imper- fections of first efforts, but in point of profit to the company which constructed it, it has been highly successful. The Mauch Chunk r-r. was commenced in the winter of 1826-7, and brought into use in the latter year. Main line 9 ms. ; branches 42, or 13^ ms. in all. It extends from Lehigh r. to the coal mines, to which it has a continued ascent ; down this plane the cars, when loaded, descend by their own gravity, and are returned to the mines again by mules. Room Run and Mauch Chunk r-r. is in fact an arm of the Mauch Chunk r-r., and extends about 5-4 ms. from the coal mines on Room Run, to the depot at Mauch Chunk. The total cost in- cluding machinery, $76,111. Mill Creek r-r. Pa. [Sec Danville and Pottsville r-r.) Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven r-r. Pa. (See Danville and Pottsville r-r.) Morris canal and Patterson r-r. N. J. A company has been incorporated in N. J., for the purpose of constructing a road to connect the Morris canal with the Patterson and Hudson river r-r. How far the company have progres- sed in the work is not accurately known. Mount Carbon r-r. Pa. This road was in- corporated in 1829, and is now in use. It ex- tends from Mount Carbon to Morrisville, thence through Pottsville to the Forks. It is 36,808 ft. long, and cost ^100,000. New Castle and Frenchtown r-r. Del. This line of 16 46-100 ms. reaches from the centre of Front street in New Castle, to Elk r. at Frenchtown. A direct line connecting the ex- tremes measures 15 97-100 ms., the road being but half a mile longer than its chord. It was chartered in 1827, and completed in 1832. The road is composed of 6 curves and 6 straight lines, of which the curves occupy 5 16-100 ms. Road bed 26 ft. exclusive of side drains. There are 4 bridges or viaducts, and 29 culverts of stone masonry. Locomotive engines only are used on this road for the transportation of pas- sengers, and it is estimated that 150,000 persons have travelled across it since its completion, to not one of whom, it is said, has the slightest accident occurred. The first locomotive in- 1 troduced on this road has performed 70 succes- sive days, without loss of a trip, and a consid- erable number of days it performed double trips. The time of travelling this road is from 55 to 60 minutes, and information is conveyed from one end to the other in 3 minutes, by means of signal staves erected along its route. The cost of this road, including land, wharves, loco- motive engines, &c. $400,000. From the main line of the New Castle and Frenchtown r-r., there is a small branch of about 800 ft., which, added to 16 46-100, gives 16 61-100 ms., as the entire length of the road. New Jersey r-r. This company was incor- porated in 1832, with a capital of $750,000, and with permission to double the amount. The road is to extend 30 ms., from Hudson r. (See Patterson and Hudson r-r.) to Newark, and thence to New Brunswick, through Elizabeth- town, Woodbridge and Rahway, and will inter- sect with the Elizabethtown and Somerville r-r. near the former place. The stock of this co. has been subscribed for, and the work was com- menced in Dec. 1832 ; it is supposed the road will be completed, from Hackensack r. through Newark to Elizabethtown in 1833, and in 1834 to the latter place from the Hudson. The time limited for the completion of this road, by the company's charter, is 5 years. The estimated cost of a single track, turn outs, cars, and all other expenses, is §718,236 ; and for the com- pletion of the whole, with double track, $860,. 236. New York and Albany r-r. A company was incorporated in 1832 by the legislature of N. Y., to construct a r-r. between these two cit- ies, on the E. side of Hudson river, through the COS. of Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Co- lumbia, into Rensselaer co., in which it is to terminate on the Hudson, opposite Albany. A branch may extend to Troy, and others to meet those contemplated from Mass. and Conn. This road is to be completed in 10 years, on penalty of forfeiture of the charter. The length will be about 160 ms., and the capital of the compa- ny is $3,000,000. The state will be at liberty to take the road at any time between ]0 and 15 years after its completion, on paying the cost and 14 per cent interest. New York and Erie r-r. This line, the most extended ever actually planned in the U. S., was projected as a continuous road from the Hudson r. opposite the city of New York, to some point on lake Erie. A company was incorporated in 1832, with a capital of |10,000,000, to construct the work. By the terms of the charter of this rail road, it will pass the entire distance within the state, not connecting with those of N J. or Pa., without permission of the legislature* of N. Y., on penalty of forfeiting their charter. The route of it will probably be from N. Y. city, or some point near it, through the sthrn. and south western cos., bordering on Pa. n. to the lake. The stock books of this company were opened in July, 1833, and the quantity requisite to the commencement of the work was taken. The whole must be completed in 20 years ; distance about 400 ms. New York, Providence and Boston r-r. For that part of this line extending from Providence RAI 440 RAI to Boston, see art. Boston and Providence r-r. The ground on that division of the road running to Providence from Stonington, Conn., was bro- ken with some ceremony on the 14th August, 1833, in the vicinity of the latter place. The distance is 48 ms., and the cost of its construc- tion, in the most durable manner, with a single track, is estimated at gl, 139,414, including con- tingencies. NoRRisTOWN r-r. (See Pkila., Gcrmantoion, and NorrisUnonr-r.) North Carolina Central r-r. Under this head we shall enter into some detail for the purpose of showing the extent that the r-r. in- terest has gained in the southern states ; and also because the rail-road system is admirably adapted to the localities and climate of the Car- olinas, Georgia, Tennessee, and the adjacent states. Rail-road meetings have been held at several places in the southern states ; in- quiries made respecting the best routes of land communication between navigable waters, and the southern Atlantic seaports. Surveys have also been made of the Tenn. and Savannah rs., and information derived from other sources. A competent engineer will probably soon ex- amine several of the routes which have been proposed. The Charleston and Hamburg r-r., the completion of which will essentially aid the projected channel of communication, is nearly finished (1833.) The Fayetteville r-r. extend, ing to the western part of the state, is in con. templation, and a company for its construction is chartered. A central r-r. (the title standing at the head of this article) was incorporated in 1832, with a capital of P,000,000, which is to extend from Beaufort, via. Raleigh and Sahs- bury, to the western part of the state. Tenn. has not been inattentive to her interest in these grand enterprizes ; and at a recent session, her legislature incorporated the Knoxville and Southern r-r. company. This review, though brief, justifies the conclusion that the several communities interested in the undertaking are aware of its great importance and value to all ; and if they but observe a proper concert of ac. tion, its accomplishment can no longer be deemed problematical. A meeting of dele- gates from S. Carolina, N. Carolina and Ten- nessee, has been proposed, to be held at Ash. ville, to take the subject into more deliberate consideration. The citizens of N. and S. Caro- lina were requested to send delegates to the convention, which was fixed for the first Mon- day in Sept., 1832. The citizens of N. C. seem fully prepared to second the views of the friends of r-r. imj)rovement, and with a view of promoting the success of the Central, by a practical demonstration of the great advantages attendant upon that mode of transportation, a company has been recently organized in Ra- leigh for the purpose of constructing in the im- mediate vicinity of that city, an experimental r-r. It is to be about 1 mile in length, and in every respect will be a complete model. Near- ly the whole amount required for its completion, has been subscribed, and no doubt is entertain, ed of its successful prosecution. Proposals for grading the line of the road, for furnishing ma. terials, &c., have been advertised for in a N. C. paper. Norwich, Conn, and Worcester, Mass. r-r. A company under this title was incorporated in Conn, in 1832, with a capital of ^1,000,000, in connection with the Quinnebaug bank with a capital of $500,000, and free from taxation, intended to aid the company in the construction of the rail.road. The books of these compa- nies were opened in May, and the stock readily taken. The distance between the two places is 60 ms., and via. of Worcester, the distance from Norwich to Boston by rail-roads will be 103 ms. This road may be extended to Lyme, New London, or New Haven. Oliio. Beside those which we have given under their proper heads, we are unable, for want of documents, to say but little on the sub- ject of the intended rail roads in this state. The following however have been incorporated by a recent act of the legislature of that state. From Port Clinton to Lower Sandusky ; from Milan, in Huron co., to INewark, in Licking co. ; from Milan to Columbus ; from Chilicothe, Ross CO., on the Ohio canal, to Lebanon, in Warren CO.; - to Richmond, Eaton and Miami; Franklin, Springboro' and Wilmington; Columbus, Dela- ware, Marion and Sandusky ; Cincinnati, Harri- son & Indianopolis ; and Cincinnati & St. Louis. Otsego r-r. A r-r. company was incorpora- ted by the New York legislature in 1832, to construct a work of this kind from Coopers- town to CoUierville, with a capital of 200,000 dollars. Patterson and Hudson r-r. This r-r. is de- signed to extend from Patterson N. J., to the Hudson at Hoboken, opposite the city of New York, a distance of 14 ms. This road is lo form a junction with the New Jersey rail road, at Bergen, to which place it will be completed in 1833. Its cost to this place is estimated at ^361,318 ; and the continuation of it to the Hudson, in concert with the New Jersey co's. road, $55,171, or a total of |416,989, including all expenses. About 7 ms. is partially, and 4 f entirely finished. The part completed extends from Patterson to the village of Aquackanonk, and is now in successful operation. The com- pany have placed upon the road three splendid and commodious cars, each of which will ac- commodate 20 passengers inside, and from 6 to 12 on the top, and may be drawn by 1 horse, at the rate of a mile in 3 minutes. There is a gradual ascent from Aquackanonk, or the land- ing, for about 3 ms., in the course of which, the road passes over an embankment, and through a cutting in rocks, from 10 to 20 feet deep, for about 150 yds. The summit level extends about ^ of a mile, and thence to Pat- terson there is a descent of about 21 feet per mile. A company has been incorporated, for the purpose of connecting this, by a rail road, with Morris canal. Pennsylvania r-r. By a very culpable con- fusion of names, this term includes a r-r. of 81 6-10 ms. from Philadelphia to the Susquehan. nah, and another of 36 69-109 ms. over the Al- leghany mtn., separated by r. and canal naviga- tion, of 171 ms. The part over the Alleghany mtn. we have already noticed under the head of " Alleghany Portage r-r." [which see.) The estrn. division of the Permsylvania r-r., called RAI 441 RAI the Philadelphia and Columhia r-r.. as indeed the wstrn. division and intermediate canal work, were undertaken in virtue of numerous acts of the legislature of Pa., from 1811 to the 24th of March 1828. It was at the latter date, that the Pa. r-r., including both sections, was authorized as a state work, so that this r-r. is, therefore, the first which was undertaken in any part of the loorld by a government. The Philadelphia and Columbia r-r. commences ia the city of Philadelphia, at the corner of Broad and Vine streets, from whence branches, constructed by the dilFerent corporations of the city and con- tiguous places, will diverge, and terminate at the necessary points. The main road leaves the city and vicinity by a line inflected by curves, and straight lines, and thence to a viaduct of 984 feet over the Schuylkill below Peter's isl. After passing the river, the road in a distance of 2745J feet ascends an inclined plane of 187 2-10 feet perpendicular height. It thence con- tinues by Dovvningstown, Coatsville, and Lan- caster, to Columbia on the Susquehannah, 81 6-10 ms. On the line there are 31 viaducts, 73 stone culverts, and nearly 500 stone drains. There are 18 common road and farm bridges. The whole road formation is finished, with the exception of 2 viaducts and the deep cut thro' Mine ridge, the principal summit, and which is 599 feet above the Delaware at Philadel- phia; this is nearly completed. The rails are laid, and travelling commenced on some sec- tions. The country traversed by this road is very uneven, and presented great obstacles to the direct line, yet the actual length of the r-r. exceeds but a few ms. that of the common turn- pike, between the same points, and is not one half the length of the Schuylkill, Union canal, and Susquehannah water navigation between the same points. If the profile be analyzed, it will be perceived that 71 per cent, of the useful ef- fect will be obtained on this road, which would be attainable on a line perfectly level. The es- timated expense of this great line, allowing a mean of 20,000 dolls, per mile, including all expenses to complete double tracks, with their appropriate machinery, wagons, cars, and other contingencies, will be about 1,632,000 dollars. It is proposed to continue this road westward, to York, a distance of 14 miles. Westchester r-r., is a branch of that of Phila. and Columbia, leaving the latter about 2 ms. w. of Paoli, and follows the general direction of the ridge 9 ms. to the town of Westchester. The road formation is 25 feet wide, and designed for a double track. The entire road, single track, is in full operation. Total cost $90,000. There are three companies formed to extend branches from the Phila. and Columbia r-r. One com- pany to construct a branch from the main line near Downingstown to the city of Wilmington ; a second to carry a branch via Oxford to Port Deposit on the Susquehannah r. ; and a third in Maryland to extend the latter to Baltimore. Neither of those three branches have been commenced. The Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown r-r., now completed, is in fact, a link in the chain of which the Philadelphia and Columbia r-r. constitutes the main line, and extends from Philadelphia to Norristown on the Schuylkill, a distance of 18 7-10 ms. The junction of these roads is contemplated ; hith- erto, however, they are separate. Pennsylvania and Ohio r-r. We are unable to say more of this rail-road than it is proposed to extend it from Pittsburg, Pa. to Massillon, Stark CO. O., situated on the Ohio canal. The distance is about 108 ms., and the estimated cost is about $15,000 per mile. Petersburg and Roanoke r-r. This very important road commences at Petersburg in Va., and extends 60 miles a little w. of s. to Weldon in N. C, and to the foot of the falls in Roanoke r. The line is very direct ; gradua. tion in no place exceeding 30 feet per mile ; and the curves having radii from 2 to 4 miles. The direction is almost at right angles to the ordinary course of the great roads, and in the line of southern travelling must receive great emolument from the transportation of persons. Norfolk has been hitherto regarded as in some measure the depot to the Roanoke valley, an advantage which this road will divert in great part to Petersburg. Estimated cost, when com- pleted with double tracks, 400,000 dollars. In February (1833) this road was completed and in use, from Petersburg to Belfield, a distance of 41 ms. ; and from present appearances, it is probable that before the close of 1833, the en- tire line will be completed, and the enterprise of the company rewarded, by seeing Petersburg becoming the mart for the rich products of the country bordering on the Roanoke. Philadelphia and Baltimore r-r. The route of this proposed road is, diverging from the Penn. r-r. 45 J ms. from Philadelphia, and running from thence 31 ms., to the Susquehannah, ^ a mile above Port Deposit. This route will pass through Cochranville, Edentown, Russellville, Haysville and Oxford. Philadelphia and Delaware co. r-r. This road is to extend southwesterly from Philadel- phia, and along the margin of the Delaware. It is in contemplation to extend it across the state of Delaware, to Maryland. Philadelphia, Gekmantown and Norris- town. (See Philadelphia and Columbia r-r. under the head of Pennsylvania r-r.) Philadelphia and Trenton r-r. The route for this road through Kensington and Morris- ville, has been surveyed, and the stock princi- pally subscribed for. The whole distance will be a little short of 27 ms., and contracts have been entered into for the construction of the road formation and bridges, for the sum of $161,047. The road is to be graded for adoiu ble track, and ready for the laying of the rails Jan. 1, 1834, the bridges to be completed by the 1st Sept. following. Philipsburg and .Juniata r-r. A company was incorporated in 1830 by the Pennsylvania legislature, to construct this rail-road from the Pennsylvania canal near the mouth of the Little Juniata river to the coal-mines near Philipsburg. Pine Grove r-r. This road, which is about 5 ms. in length, extends from the coal-mines to the Swatara feeder ; cost $30,000. Port Kent and Keeseville r-r. N. Y. Two routes have been surveyed for this road, one 4 3.4ths, the other 5 3.4th3 ms. in length. RAI 442 RAI Portsmouth Va. and Roanoke r-r. This line of rail-road is to extend from Portsmouth, opposite Norfolk, through Sufiblk, in Nanse. niond CO,, and through Gates co. N. C, to some point on the Roanoke ; thus connecting tide water in this river with that in the Chesa- peake. This road is progressing ; 4 ms. were completed in Aug. and it is expected that the whole line, from Portsmouth to Suffolk, 16 ms., will be completed by Dec. 25, 1833. QuiNcy r-r. This road, extending in a single track, from the granite quarries in the town of Quincy, terminates at Neponset r. which dis- charges itself into Boston harbor. It is 3 ms. long, the base of the rails is wood, surmounted with plates of wrought iron, on which the cars traverse. It is used principally for the trans- portation of granite, and was the first experi- ment of rail-roads in the U. S., having gone into operation in 1827. Rensselaer and Saratoga r-r. A company was incorporated in 1832, to construct this work, with a capital of ^300,000. Surveys have been made of the route, and the stock has been, chiefly, disposed of. It extends from Troy to Ballston Spa, and the work, it is ex- pected, will be commenced the present season, (1833.) Rochester r-r. completed in 1832, extends from the Erie canal at Rochester to the head of navigation in Genesee river, below the falls. It crosses Main street in Rochester, and ter- minates at the end of the aqueduct, near Ely's mill. Room Run and Mauch Chunk. (See Mauch Chunk rail-road.) Saratoga and Fort Edward r-r. A compa- ny was incorporated in 1832, for the construc- tion of this rail road, with a capital of 200,000 dollars. The distance from Port Edward to Saratoga by this road will be about 14 ms. The expense is estimated at about 1 10,000 per mile. Fort Edward is on one of the great routes leading from Albany to Whitehall and Lake Champlain, 48 ms. from the latter. Saratoga and Schenectady i--r. This road, which is a continuation of the Hudson and Mo- hawk rail road, was completed in .Tuly 1833. It extends from Schenectady to Saratoga, a dis- tance of 21 ms. ; that of the Hudson and Mo- hawk is 16 ms., making a distance between the two extremes, Albany and Saratoga, of 37 ms. By reference to the article Hudson and Mo- hawk r-r., and connecting that line with that of the Saratoga and Fort Edward r-r., the reader will perceive that when the latter is brought into operation, the Alpine scenery along the upper Hudson will be rendered cheaply and delightfully accessible, to the visitants to Ball- ston and Saratoga. Schoharie and Otsego r-r. A company was incorporated in 1832 to construct a rail road from the Cattskill and Canajoharie rail road, via the Cobleskill and Schenevas creeks to the Susquehannah r., with a capital of ^300,000. Schuylkill r-rs. Under the heads of Dan. ville and Pottsville and Little Schuylkill r-rs., we have noticed several of the rail roads of this system, but there still remains the Schuylkill Valley r-r. This road commen. ces on the Schuylkill at Port Carbon, the head of the Schuylkill canal, about 2 ms. above Potts- ville, and extends northeastward up the valley, 10 ms. to the town of Tuscarora. It was com- menced in 1828, and completed in 1830. The number of its lateral branches is 15, extending in the aggregate 13 ms. From the town of Tus- carora, a branch has been constructed to Cold Run, and which is intended to be connected with the Little Schuylkill r-r. South Carolina r-r. The South Carolina rail-road extends from Charleston to Hamburg, situated on Savannah river, and directly oppo- site to Augusta, Geo. The direction of the road is w. by n. from Charleston, and its length is 135 ms. In its course, after passing several difficult streams and depressions, it crosses Edisto river, 65 ms. from Charleston, and near the junction of the North and South Fork, by a bridge 400 feet long, with a single arch of 66 ft. span over the main stream. Its route is then continued on the ridge which divides the Edisto from several branches of the Savannah, and, passing 9 ms. to the n. of Barnwell vil., it reach- es its highest altitude, the head of the valley of Wise's creek, 21 ms. s. of Edgefield c. h., 16 from the bridge at Augusta, and 119 .from Charleston. This point is 510 feet above the level at the latter place, and 360 feet elevation above Augusta bridge. One half the latter is overcome by an inclined plane, commencing at the summit, 3,800 ft. long, at the head of which are two stationary engines ; by these the pas- sage of loaded trains and cars is effected, at the rate of 10 ms. an hour. At Hamburg are two spacious depositories, built of brick, with zinc roofs. The road is a single track, except at the inclined plane, where is one mile of double road, and at the turn outs and depositories, which in all are about 3 ms. more. The direc- tion is generally straight, and the curves, where they occur, have large radii. The first 65 ms. from Charleston varies but half a mile from a straight line, and there are several courses of 6 to 10 miles. In August (1833) the U. S. mail was transported on this road, a distance of 105 ms. ; subsequent to this period the whole route has been completed, and seven locomotive en- gines are now employed upon it ; thus afford- ing the greatest facilities to the traveller, and to commercial enterprise. The cost of this road, including surveys, engineers, purchases of land, locomotive and stationary engines, and all other expenses, amount to ^904,500, or $6,700 per mile. All things considered this is a most important work, both commercially and politically ; and its successful execution, and beneficial results must have a powerful tenden- cy to introduce similar works into this section of the United States. SusaUEHANNAH AND DELAWARE T-T. This road has recently been surveyed. Its route commences at the junction of the Lackawanna and Susquehannah rivers at Pittston, Luzerne CO., passing up the valley of the former, thence to lake Henry, crossing afterwards the head waters of the Lehigh to those of Anatomak or Broadhead's creek, thence down the Pocono, one of its tributaries, through Stroudsburg, then down the main stream, approaching the RAI 443 RAI DelawBre at the head of the Water Gap. The elevation of the summit between the two rivers respectively is 1366 ft. and 1599 ft., and the length of the route is about 70 ms. A route has also been surveyed for a branch from this road, to extend to the state line, near the Great Bend of the Susquehannah, a distance of about 17 miles. Tennessee and Alabama r-r. The company undertaking these improvements was incorpo- rated in 1832, with a capital of f 3,000,000. The object is to connect the navigable waters of the Hiwassee with the Connessauga or Oostenalah, and thence to the head of Coosa, and the Ten Islands, a distance in all of 270 ms. This is to be accomplished by removing the obstructions from the rivers, and by the construction of a rail-road from Hiwassee, at the head of its navigation, to the Connessauga, a distance of 16 ms. All this it is estimated may be performed at an expense of about |65,000. It is then proposed to construct a rail-road extending about 100 ms. to the Ala- bama river at Selma, Dallas co. Ala. thus ma- king the route proposed to be improved a dis- tance of about 270 miles. The whole expense is estimated at about 1^800,000. ToNA WANDA v-x. N. Y. A Company has been incorporated to construct a r-r. from Rochester to Attica, in Genesee co., with this title. The capital stock, which is ^500,000, has been ta- ken up, and operations are expected to be com- menced the present season, (1833.) TUSCUMBIA, COURTLAND AND DeCATUR r-r. Ten. This road is designed to connect the navigation of Tennessee river, above and be- low the Muscle shoals. It extends from Tus- cumbia, in Franklin co., to Decatur, in Morgan CO., between which, the distance in an air line is about 51 ms. ; the route is along the southern side of the Tennessee. This road has been successfully commenced, and 25 ms. of it are to be completed the present season, (1833.) A part of this distance extends from the village of Tuscumbia, to a depot on the river ; this is a single track, 2 1-10 ms. and cost ^9,500. It is a branch of the main route, and is called, dis- tinctively, " Tuscumbia Rail Way." Utica and Schenectady r-r. The company for the construction of this road was incorpora- ted in 1832, with a capital of $2,000,000, The stock books of the com. were opened in June, (1833,) and ^14,374,000 were subscribed. Utica and Susquehannah r-r. The legisla- ture of New York, in 1832, incorporated a company for the construction of a r-r. from Utica along the valleys of the Susquehannah and Unadilla rivers to the line of the projected New York and Erie rail-road. The capital is 1,000,000 dollars. VicKSBURG AND Glinton t-t. This proposcd road will extend from Vicksburg, in Warren CO. Misp. to Glinton, in Hinds co. A large por- tion of the stock has been subscribed, and it is presumed the road will go into operation. The distance is about 55 ms., and the route has been surveyed. Warren County r-r. A company has been incorporated by the New York legislature to form a r-r. in Warren co. from Glenn's Falls to Caldwell, at the south end of lake George, with a capital of $250,000. Watertown and Rome r-r. The construc- tion of a r-r. between these two places was au- thorized in 1832, when the N. York legislature incorporated a co. for the purpose with a capi- tal of 1,000,000 dollars. West Branch r-r. This rail-road which is 15 miles long, with 5 miles of branch roads extends from Schuylkill Haven to Broad moun- tain. The main road has a double track. Cost of road and branches about 160,000 dol- lars. West Chester r-r. (See Pennsiflvania r-r.) West Feliciana r-r, (See Woodville and St. Francisville r-r.) West Jersey r-r. A company was incorpo- rated by the New Jersey legislature in 1831, to construct a rail-road either from the Delaware river in Gloucester co. or from the Camden and Amboy rail-road to the Delaware river in Penn's Neck, Salem co. Capital 500,000 dol- lars, with liberty to increase to 2,000,000 dol- lars. Wilmington and Downington r-r. This road when completed will extend from Wilmington (Del.) to the boundary line of the state, in the direction of Downington, (Pa.) The company for its construction was incorporated by the Delaware legislature in 1831, with a capital of 100,000 dollars, with powers to extend it to 150,000 dollars. Winchester, Va. and Potomac r-r. This company was incorporated in 1832, with a cap- ital stock of $300,000, of which the state has taken one fourth, and $120,000, conditionally. It is expected that the work will be contracted for during the present season, (1833,) and the ultimate, and not distant completion of the road, is not doubted. Besides the funds availa- ble from the state, for stock, a considerable amount has already been realized from other stockholders of the company. Woodville and St. Francisville r-r. From Woodville, Wilkinson co. Misp. to St. Francis, ville, in West Feliciana parish. La. Like that of Vicksburg and Clinton, this road has been surveyed, and the stock chiefly subscribed. Length of the route, 28 miles. In concluding our account of the rail-roads of the U. S. we remark, that with the aid of the Rail Road Journal of New York, and some other resources, it has been our aim to give the reader a brief view of the existing state of this species of improvement throughout the coun- try. Much of the material, however, which we have been able to command, has been un- arranged and detached ; and much more has been wanting, in order to enable us to perfect the whole, as we had intended. Indeed, with regard to many of the rail-roads in the country, such documents as might be relied upon, and as are necessary, in order to present them with any detail, are not in existence. Consequently, our account of some roads will be found suffi- ciently full for the purposes of the general reader, whilst others, which we had not the means of extending, may appear deficient, and unsatisfactory. The details of the manner of RAI 444 RAL construction, or any explanation of the matlie. matical principles on which rail-roads are based are foreign to the objects of this work, and these are therefore omitted. Below we have arranged a list of rail-roads which have been proposed, among which, will also be found several that have been incorporated, but to- wards the completion of which, no progress, as yet, has been made. Among the statistics at the close of the volume, will be found a table of Rail Roads, which we shall perfect as far as practicable. Projected rail roads, including some which have been incorporated, not included in the foregoing alphabetical arrangement. — A. — From Athens, Geo. to Augusta — from Auburn, N. Y. to the Erie canal ; incor. — from Augusta, Geo. to Heshman's lake, about 50 ms., to avoid the uncertainty of the navigation of Savannah river — from Augusta, Geo. to Columbus, on the Chattahooche — from Aurora, N. Y. to Buffalo, incor. B. — From Baltimore to Annapolis, Md.' — from Bardstown, Ky. to Louisville — from Ben- nington, Vt. to Troy, N. Y. about 30 ms., to be extended to Brattleboro', 42 miles incor. — from Boston, or Lowell, Mass. to Brattleboro,' Vt. from Boston, Mass. to Ogdensburgh, N. Y. the necessary privileges having been granted by the states of N. H., Vt. and N. Y. — from Boston to Salem, which if constructed will probably be ex- tended to the N. boundary of the state — from Brooklyn, L. L to Suffolk-from Buffalo, N. Y. to Cayuga lake— from Buffalo, N. Y. to the Pa. line. C. — From lake Champlain, near Burlington, through the valley of Onion river, and by Montpelierto the Conn. r. opposite Haverhill, N. li. about 80 miles, incor. — from Chilicothe, Ohio, to Lebanon, incor. — from Chittenango, N. Y. to Binghampton — from Clinton to Vicksburg, Misp. incor from Columbia, Ten. to some point on Tennessee river — from Cooperstown, N. Y. to Clairsville. G. — From Geneva, N.Y. to Ithaca. L. — From Lynchburg, Va. to New River — from Lynchburg, Va. to Richmond. M. — From Mayville, N. Y. to Portland, on lake Erie, incorporated. N.— From Nashville, Tenn. to Franklin — from New Haven, Conn, to Hartford, incor. — from New London, Conn, to Worcester, Mass. incor. and surveyed — from Norristown, Pa. to AUentown, on the Lehigh. P. — From Philadelphia, through Delaware CO. and along Delaware river, to the Maryland line. R. — From Reading, Pa. to Philadelphia — from Richmond, Va. to Lynchburg — from Rich- mond, Va. to the Potomac, forming a junction with the Baltimore and Ohio rail-road — from Rochester, N. Y. to Alleghany river — from Rochester, N. Y. to Carthage — from Rutland, Vt. to Whitehall, N. Y. S. — From Salina, N. Y. to Utica — from Sa- vannah, Geo. to Augusta — from Schenectady, N. Y. to Buffalo, through Utica and Salina — from Steubenville, Ohio, to the Ohio canal — from Stockbridge, Mass. to Albany, N. Y. — from Suffolk, Va. to the Roanoke, near Weidon, N. C. T. — From Tallahasse, Flor. to some point on St. Mark's or WaukuUa river — from Troy, N. Y. to Whitehall. U. — From Utica, N. Y. to some point on Cayuga lake — from Utica, N. Y. to Oswego. W. — From West Stockbridge, Mass. to form a junction with the New York and Albany rail- road — from Wheeling, on the Ohio, to lake Erie — from Wilkesbarre, Pa. to the Lehigh — from Wilmington, N. C. through Fayetteville and Salisbury, to the iron mine districts near Statesville. Y. — From the Yadkin, N. C. to the Catawba river. Raine's, p-o. Cumberland co. Va., by p-r. 69 ms. wstrd. Richmond. Raine's Store, and p-o. Twiggs co. Geo., by p-r. 31ms. s. w. Milledgeville. Rainsburg, p-v. Bedford co. Pa., by p-r. 113 ms. wstrd. Harrisburg. Rainy Lake r. (See Assiniboin r.) Raisin r., of Mich., having its extreme sources in Hinsdale and Jackson cos., from whence, flowing 25 ms. n. e. by e., curves to the sthrd. in the s. w. angle of Washtenaw, continuing sthrd. 25 ms. over Lenawee, inflects in the latter to n, e. by e., enters and traverses Monroe co. to its final discharge into the wstrn. part of lake Erie, after an entire comparative course of 80 ms. Raisin has interlocking sources with Grand, Kalemazoo, and St. Jo- seph's rs. of lake Michigan ; with Huron of Erie, on the n., and Tiffin's and St. Joseph's branches of Great Maumee, s. The mouth af- fords good entrance and harbor for small ves- sels of 5 or 6 feet draught. Raisinville, p-v. Monroe co. Mich., by p-r. 56 ms. s. W.Detroit. Raleigh, the seat of government of North Carolina, and st. jus. of Wake co. has a situa- tion somewhat elevated, and is surrounded by a healthy and agreeable vicinity. It is located 6 ms. w. of the river Neuse, 27 from the near- est point of navigation, 60 ^■. Fayetteville, 140 N. Newbern, and 186 s. w. W. C, in lat. 35° 44' and long. 1° 38' w. W. C. From its dis- tance from navigable streams, the trade of Raleigh is quite limited; its intercourse is chiefly with Newburg, Fayetteville, and Peters- burg. The greatest ornament of this place, the state house, in which was a fine statue of Washington, executed by Canova, was burnt in 1831. This was situated in a square of 10 acres, located in the centre of the town. Be- sides this there are 4 other squares, of 4 acres each. The principal streets are 8 in number, crossing at right angles, 4 of which are 99 ft., and 4 others 66 ft. broad. Among the public buildings, which are generally in good style, there are, besides those of the government, a court house, 2 banks, a theatre, market, jail, and two academies; besides these are several highly respectable schools, 2 churches, and 3 or 4 printing offices. There is an excellent quarry of granite near the town. Pop. 1,700. Raleigh, p-v. Shelby co. Ten., by p-r. 217 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. RAN 445 RAM Raleigh, p-v. on the left bank of Ohio r., nrth- wstrn. part of Union co. Ky., by p-r. 215 nis. a little s. of w. Frankfort. Ralls co. Mo. bndd. by Montgomery s. e., Audrain s. w., iMonroe w., Marion n., and Misp. r. separating it from Pike co. II. n. e. Greatest length from s. to n. 40 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 880 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 30', and long. W. C. 14° 36' w. intersect near its centre. The general slope is estrd. and with small exceptions near the Misp. r. and on the sthestrn. angle it is entirely in the valley of Salt r., the main volume of which by a very cir- cuitous channel winds over it from w. to e. The sthestrn. angle is traversed also in an estrn. di- rection by Cuivre or Copper r. Cf. t. New London. Pop. 1830, 4,375, though at that epoch Ralls CO. included with its present limits, also what now constitutes Monroe co. Ramapo, r., rises in the s. e. part of Orange CO. N. York, crosses the w. corner of Rockland CO., enters New Jersey, and flows across Ber- gen CO. and joining Kingwood and Pequanock rs., forms Pompton r., which falls into the Pas- saic 6 ms. w. Patterson. It affords valuable water power, and moves much machinery. Ramapo, p-t. Rockiand co. N. Y., 132 ms. s. Albany. Pop. 2,837. Ramapo Works, p-v. Rockland co, N. Y., 30 ms. N. w. New York city, has extensive iron works, a cotton factory, &c., and is a large and flourishing village. It is situated in a secluded valley on Ramapo r. Ramsay's Mill, and p-o. Chatham co. N. C, 40 ms. W. Raleigh. Ramsboro', p-v. Guilford co. N. C, by p-r. 96 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Randallstown, p-v. Baltimore co. Md., 10 ms. from Baltimore. Randolph, t. Coos co. N. H. Pop. 143. Randolph, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 23 ms. s. P*iontpelier, 34 w. w. Windsor; 28,596 acres; is crossed by 2 branches of White r., which, with other streams, furnish mill sites. Maple, beech, birch, &c., grow iu the forests ; the land is high, the soil pretty good, and the town contains 3 villages. The Orange co. grammar school was incorporated here 1806, wiiich af- fords advantages for education. Pop. 2,743. Randolph, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 15 ms. s. Boston, gives rise to a good mill stream, which flows into Boston bay between Quincy and Wey- mouth. Pop. 2,200. Randolph, p-t. Cattaraugus co, N. Y., 312 ms. w. by s. Albany, e. Chatauque co., n. Penn- sylvania ; has Alleghany r. s. E., and several small branches. Pop. 776, Randolph, t. Morris co. N. J., 6 ms. w. Mor- ristown; has Trowbridge mtn. s. e., and Rock- away r. and Morris canal n. Fop. 1,443. Randolph, p-v. Crawford co. Pa., 12 miles nrthrd. Meadville, the co. seat, and by p-r. 300 ms. N. w. W. C. Randolph, co. of Va,, bounded by Green- brier s., Nicholas s. w., Lewis w., Harrison N. w., Monongalia and Preston n., Alleghany in Md., and Hardy, Va,, n. e., Alleghany mtn. separating it from Pendleton e., and Green- briar mtn. separating it from Pocahontas s. e. The greatest length from s. \v. to n. e. 90 57 ma., mean breadth 29, and area 1,800 sq. ms. Lat. 39° N., long. W. C 3° w. The surface is a congeries of mtn. chains, ridges and deep vallies. It gives source to both Tygart's val- ley, and Cheat branches of Monongahela, both flowing nrthrd. Cf. t. Beverly. Population 5,000. Randolph, co., N. C, bndd. s. e. by Moore, Montgomery s., Davidson w., Guildford n., and Chatham e. It is very near a square of 30 ms. each side ; 900 sq. ms. in area. Lat. 35° 40', long. 2° 48' w. W. C. Slope sthrd. but drain, ed nearly equally, by Deep r. into Cape Fear r. valley, and by crs. flowing into Yadkin ; it is therefore a table land between two r. basins. Soil excellent, and surface finely diversified. Cf. t. Ashboro'. Population 1820, 11,325 ; 1830, 12,406. Randolph, co. Geo., bndd. N. by Muscogee, Marion n. e., Lee e.. Baker s. E., Early s., and Chattahooche r. separating it from the Creek country of Ala. w. Length 44 ms. from s. to N., mean breadth 35 ms., and area 1,540 sq. ma. Lat. 32°, and long. 8 w. W. C, intersect near its centre. The slope is sthrd., the estrn. part drained into Flint, and the wstrn. into Chatta- hooche r. Pop. 2,191. Randolph, c. h. and p-o. Randolph co., Ga., by P-r. 170 ms. s. w. Milledgeville. Randolph, p-v. on the Misp. r., at the mouth of Big Hatchee r., western part Tipton co. Ten., by p-r. 213 ms. s. w. Nashville. Randolph, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Portago CO. O., 10 ms. s. Ravenna, the co. st., and by p-r. 132 ms. n. e. Columbus. Randolph, co. Ind., bndd. by Wayne s., Hen- ry s. w., Delaware w. and n. w., n., and Darke co. O. e. Length 24, breadth 24, area 576 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 10', long. W. C. 8° w. This CO. is a real table land, from which flow to the N. w. the higher sources of Mississinni- %va, branch of Wabash; the extreme source of White r. rises on the w. border of Darke co. O., and flowing westward traverses Randolph ; and finally the whole southern side gives source to, and is drained by tlie extreme sources of White water, branch of Great Miami. Cf. t. Winchester. Pop. 3,912. Randolph, co. of 111., bndd. n. w. by Monroe, St, Clair N., Washington n. e., Perry e.. Jack, son s. E., and the Misp. r. separating it from Perry co. Pi'Io. s., St. Genevieve co. Mo. s. w., and Jefferson, Mo., av. Length from s. to n. 30 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. miles. Lat. 38° and long. 13° w. W. C. intersect near the CO. St., Kaskaskias. Slope sthrd., and in that direction traversed by Kaskaskias r. The lower part of this co. near the mouth of Kas- kaskias, is one of the most ancient settlements of civilized inhabitants in the basin of the Mis- sissippi, dating as far backwards as 1674. Pop. 4,429. Randolph, co. Missouri, bndd. by Ralls e., Boone s. e., Howard s. w., Chariton w., and un- appropriated territory n. Mean length 38 ms., breadth 20, and are 760 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 30' and long. W. C. 15° 30' intersect in this co. It is a table land between Chariton and Salt rivers, the confluents of the former flowing s. s. w. into Missouri r., and those of the latter estrd. over RAP 446 RAU Ralls into the Mississippi. Cf. t. Huntsville. Pop. 2,942. Random, t. Essex co, Vermont, 48 ms. n. e. Montpelier ; is watered by Clyde river and smaller streams, and a part of Knowlton's lake, the sand of which is remarkably white and beautiful, well fitted for glass making. It was chartered in 1781. In 1823 it contained but a single family. Pop. 105. Rankin, co. Misp. bndd. s. by Simpson, Pearl r. w. separating it from Hinds co., n. Madison and E. Choctaw territory in Misp. Length 28 ms., mean breadth 22, and area G16 sq. ms., Lat. 32° 20', and long. 13 w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Slope wstrd. towards Pearl r. Surface generally covered with pine forest, Cf. I. Brandon. Pop. 2,083. Rankin, p.v. Yazoo co. Misp. by p-r. 85 ms. nthrd. Jackson. Ransom's Bridge, andp-o. cstrn. part of Nash CO. N. C, by p-r. 70 ms. e. Raleigh. Rapid Ann, r. of Va., deriving its remote sources from the Blue Ridge, and flowing thence s. e. 20 ms. across the valley, between Blue Ridge and South East intn., turns thence N. E. 15 ms. to the influx of Robertson's river from the n. w. Passing South East mtn. and inflecting to a general eastern course of 30 ms., joins the Rappahannoc lOnis. above Fredericks- burg, after a comparative course of 65 ms. In nearly the whole of its length Rapid Ann sepa- rates Orange co. first 35 ms. from Madison, and thence 25 from Culpepper. At their junction it is superior in volume to Rappahannoc ; and ex- ceeding also in length of course the Rapid Ann is the main stream. Rapid Ann, meeting house, and p-o. wstrn. part of Madison co. Va., by p-r. 104 ms. s. w. Vi^. C. Rapides, parish of La., bndd. by Opelousas, or St. Landry s., Natchitoches w. and n. w., Little or Catahoola r. separating it from Cata- hoola parish n., Black r. or Lower Ouachitta r. separating it from Concordia e., and Red r. and in part an artificial limit separating it from Avoyelles s. e. Lcnc;th from s. to n. 65 ms., mean breadth 40, and area 2,600 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. very nearly from 31° to 32° n., and in long, between 15° and 10^ w. W. C. Slope s. E., and in that direction drained by the bayous Boeuf and Crocodile, to the s. w. ; by the confluents of Catahoola n. e., and nearly cen- trally traversed by the main volume of Red r. The soil exhibits every variety, from the most fertile river alluvion to that of sterile pine for- est land. The latter, however, greatly prevails, and comprises most of the s. wstrn. and n. estrn. sections. The estrn. and lower part is subject to annual submersion. Along Rod r. and bayous Rapide and Boeuf, the soil is of the very first rate. This parish derives its name from the lower rapids of Red r., which are opposite the town of Alexandria, the st. jus. At high water they are invisible, but at low water verv much im- pede the navigation of the stream. Pop. 1820, 6,065, 1830, 7,575. Rappahannoc, river of Va., formed by two branches, Hedgeman's and Thornton's rs. both deriving their remote sources from Blue Ridge. Hedgeman's r. after a comparative course of 30 ms. between Fauquier and Culpepper cos., receives Thornton's r. from the latter, and the united waters continuing the course of the for- mer s. E. 20 ms., join the Rapid Ann as already noticed under the head of the latter. A naviga- ble r. at the junction of its two main branches, the Rappahannoc continues to the s. e. 10 ms. to its lowest falls, where it traverses the primi- tive ledge, and meets the ocean tides at Freder- icsburg. Similar to the Delaware, and all the large western confluents of Chesapeake bay, the Rappahannoc turns along after passing the primitive rock, but after a short curve to the southward, this stream resumes a s. e. course, which with a rather tortuous channel it main- tains to Leeds, in Westmoreland co., where it approaches to within 5 ms. of Potomac, at the mouth of Mattox cr. Gradually widening, and with the features of a long narrow bay of 55 ms., the Rappahannoc by a s. s. e. course, is lost in Chesapeake bay between Windmill and Stingray points. The tide ascends this channel to the falls at Fredericsburg, something above 100 ms. admitting vessels of considerable ton- nage. In all the distance below the union of its two main branches, it does not receive a con- fluent above the size of a small cr. The en- tire basin is 140 ms. by a mean width of 20 ; area 2,800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 34' to 38° 44', and in long. W. C. from U° 41' e. to 1° 22' w. Rappahannoc Academy, and p-o. in the north- eastern part of Caroline co. Va., by p-r. 72 ms. s. s. w. W. C, and 64 miles n. n. e. Rich- mond. Raritan Batt, N. J., between Sandy Hook on the e., Monmouth co. on the s., and Staten isl. on the n. w., terminating at Amboy. The chan- nel carries 3^ fathoms to Amboy. Raritan, r., N. J., is formed by branches which flow through Morris, Hunterdon, Somer- set, Middlesex and Monmouth counties, water- ing a large extent of country. It enters Raritan bay at Amboy, .nnd is navigable for vessels drawing 8 feet water to N. Brunswick, except at low ebb tides, when the water is shallow and the channel narrow in some places. Along the lower part of the stream, the banks are low, flat, and partly marshy. Large steamboats ply daily between New York and New Brunswick, on the principal steamboat and stage route to Philadelphia. Raritan, south branch, river, N. J., rises in Budd's pond, Schooley's mtn., Morris co., n. Suckasunny plains, and runs by German valley, Clinton, Flcmington, &c., to its junction with the north branch, 4 ms. w. Somerville. Raritan, north branch, r. N. J., rises 6 ms. n. w. Morristown village, Morris co., and partly in Suckasunny plains, and runs through Somer- set CO. to its junction with s. branch. Raritan Landing, v. Middlesex co. N. J., at the head of tide water on Raritan r., 2 miles above Nev/ Brunswick. There is a free bridge over the r. Rattling Gap, p-o. Lycoming co. Pa., by p-r. 109 ms. nrthrds. Harrisburg. Raubsville, p-o. Northampton co. Pa., by p-r. 196 ms. n. n. e. W. C. REA 447 RED Ravenna, p-v. and st. jus. Portage co. O., by p-r. 127 ms. n. e. Columbus, and 320 ms. north, westward W. C. lat. 41° 10', long. W. C. 4° 12' w. It is situated on a branch of Cuyahoga river, on a country, the mean height of which is about 1,000 feet above the Atlantic tides. Population of Ravenna tsp. including the vil- lage, 806. Rawli\gsburgh, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C, by p-r. 105 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Rawlinsville, p-o. Lancaster co. Pa., by p-r. 95 ms. N. E. W. C. Rawsonsville, p-v. Droadalbin, Montgomery CO. N. Y., 10 miles from Johnstown, on Fondas creek. Ray, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Macomb co. Mich., by p-r. Sd ms. n. e. Detroit. Ray, CO. Mo., bndd. by Missouri r. s., sepa- rating it from Lafayette and Jackson ; Clay w., and on the other sides boundaries uncertain. Length 24 ms., mean breadth 20, and area4.S0 sq.ms. Lat. 39° 15' n., and long. W. C, 17° w. intersect in this co. Slope s. e. towards Missouri r. Chief town Richmond. Pop. 2,657. Raymond, p-t. Cumberland co. Me., 75 ms. s. w. Augusta, 24 n. Portland, lies on the n. side of Sebagopond, is crossed by the lower part of Crooked r. s. w., and has several other small ponds and streams. Pop. 1,756. Raymond, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 25 ms. s. s. E. Concord, 25 s. s. w. Portsmouth, 13 w. Exeter, with 16,317 acres ; is crossed by Lam. prey r., whose two branches here unite. There are also 2 ponds, and part of Patuckavvay r. There are fertile meadows on the r. Oak, &c. grow on the uplands. A small cavern in the w. part called the oven. Rattlesnakes formerly abounded. This town furnished 24 soldiers to the continental army in the revolution, besides militiamen. Pop. 999. Raymond, p. v., and as marked in p-o. list, cf t. or St. jus. Hinds co. Misp., 19 miles from Jackson, but relative position uncertain. Pop. 700. Raynham, p-t. Bristol co. Mass., 32 ms. s. Boston ; has Taunton r. s., winch forms an arch round that part. First settled 1650, and the first forge erected in North America was built here in 1G52, by James and Henry Leon, ard. King Philip, or Metaconi, had a fishing station here. Iron is here manufactured in various forms, nails, bars, hollow ware, &c. Pop. 1,200. Raysville, p-v. Henry co. Ind., by p-r. 3G ms. N. E. by E. Indianopolis. Raytown, p-v. Wilkes co. Geo., by p-r. 51 ms. N. E. Millcdgeville. Readfjeld, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 7 ms. w. Augusta, is a small town of irregular form, crossed by a long pond, whose outlet forms the principal upper stream of Cobbessceconte r. Pop. 1,884. Reading, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 53 ms. s. Montpelier, w. Windsor ; was chartered in 1781, and contains 23,040 acres. First settled 1772. It is uneven, with a ridge of mountain- ous land w., from which descend several streams, flowing partly n. e. to Queechy r., partly e. to Connecticut r. at Windsor, and partly s. into Black r., furnishing pretty good mill sites. There are 12 school dists., several mills, &c. The timber is hard wood and spruce. Pop. 1,409. Reading, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 12 ms. n. Boston. Settled 1644; has much good soil, but some uneven and hard. The village is laro-e Pop. 1,806. Reading, p-t. Fairfielrl co. Conn. 60 ms. s. w. Hartford ; about 5 ms. by 6^, with 32 sq.ms. ; has rocks of granite and primitive limestone, with an irregular surface, and a good soil. Saugatuck r. crosses it through the middle n. and s. and Norwalk r. is in the w. part. The forest trees are oak, nut trees, &c. Joel Bar. low was born here. Pop. 1,686. Reading, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 223 ms. w. Albany, 25 n. e. Bath, 15 s. e. Penn-Yan, w. Seneca lake, which separates it from Seneca and Tompkins cos. It is a gore of land from 3 ms. to 4^ by 14, with very good, level land, without stones, and watered by Bigstream and Rockstream, which afford valuable mill sites. They flow into the lake, which they enter near each other. Rockstream has a very romantic fall of 140 ft. at the foot of a long rapid. The vv-ater is precipitated into a basin, between high banks of clay slate. Stone quarries are situated at different places along the shore of the lake. Pop. 1,568. Reading, borough, p-t. and st. jus. Berks co. Pa., by p-r. ,52 ms. a very little n. of e. Harrisburg ; 50 ms. N. w. Philadelphia, and 143 ms. a little N. of N. E. W. C. N. lat. 40° 42', long. W. C. 1° 03' E. Reading, similar to many of the other borough towns of Pa., was originally laid out after the model of Philadelphia ; streets extend- ing at right angles to each other, vidtli two main streets, at the intersection of vvhicli is the court house. It is more than commonly compact and well built, and contains 5 or 6 churches, a large edifice for public purposes, 2 banks, a jail, and many fine private buildings, numerous private schoi/Is, and one bookstore. Situated ou the canal formed along the Schuylkill, and in the midst of a fertile and well cultivated country, Reading is a flourishing commercial depot, as well as a place of domestic trade. The original inhabitants were mostly Germans, and eminent for their industrious and economical habits and quiet manners ; and such is still the character of the place. Pop. 1820, 4,332, 1830, 5,C;56. Reading, p-v. Sycamore tsp. Hamilton co. 0., by p-r. 11 ms. n. n. e. Cincinnati. Pop. 200. Readyville, p-v. in the estrn. part of Ruth- erford CO. Ten., 12 ms. e. Murfreesboro', the CO. seat, and by p-r. 45 miles s. e. by e. Nash- ville. Reamstown, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa., 15 ms. N. E. Lancaster, and 15 ms. s. vv. Reading. Pop. 1830, 300. Rebecca Furnace, and p-o. Botetourt co. Va., 220 ms. .N. w. W. C. Rebeksbukg, p.v. Centre co. Pa., 12 ms, e. Bellefonte, the co. seat, and 93 ms. n. w, Har- risburg. Rectoktown, p.v. Fauquier co. Va., by p.r. 53 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Red River. There are several streams in the U, S. which bear this name, and following the geographical relative positions we have RED 448 RED pursued in this treatise they stand in the follow- ing order. — Rf.t) r. of Ky. and Tenn. has its sources in Cliristian, Todd, Logan and Simpson counties of the former state, and which flowing south'rd. enters a stream which originates in Summer co. "i'en., and which, flowing westward under the name of Red r. traverses Robertson and Mont- gomery COS. Ten. falls into Cumberland r. at ihe bend near Clarksville. Red r. has inter- locking sources with ]3ig Barren and Muddy r. branches of Green river. Red r. of Ky. rises in Morgan co. and flow, ing thence wstrd. over Montgomery, falls into the right bank of Kentucky r. between Clark and Estill cos. Red r. great southern constituent of Assin- iboin river. (See Red river, article Assinihoin, p. 32.) Red r. great sthwstrn. branch of Mississippi r., has its remote sources in the mountainous prairies of N. Mexico, between the sources of Canadian Fork of Arkansas and those of Rio Colorado of the Gulf of Mexico, and between 95° and 33° long. w. W. C. From its source through 1 1 degrees of long, the general course I is very nearly E. From the 23d degree to 17°' 30' w. W. C. the channel forms the boundary between the U. S. and Texas, and with long. 17° 30' it inflects to s. e. and becomes entirely a stream of the U. S., traverses a small angle of Ark. and thence entering La. over which it winds 300 ins. by comparative course to its final discharge into Mississippi at n. lat. 31° 01', long. W. C. 14° 40' w. The higher volume of Red r. is formed iiy two main branches, Red r. proper, and False Ouachitta, both rising in New JYIexico, and flowing about 350 ms. before their junction. It is remarkable that in all its course of upwards of 1,100 miles Red r. receives no tributary of any consequence worth}' of notice, but from the north, beside False Ouachitta, and below that stream comes in in succession Blue r., Kimitchie, Vasseux and Little r. of the n. above La., and in the latter state, Dacheet, Black r., Saline, and Ouachitta. (See Ouarhit- ta.) Red r. partakes in some measure with Arkansas, the character of a stream of the desert. Along the immense inclined plain be- tween Missouri proper, and the Gulf of Mexi- co, in the summer and autumn seasons, the moisture and herbage are alike dried up. The beds of the streams, a few months before re- plenished to overflowing, become in great part dry sandy lines. At no season, however, does Red r. where passing the rapids at the town of Alexandria in La. and where the whole of its volume is confined to One bed, finswer to the great comparative length of its course, but this phenomenon is explained by a feature, as far as I know the natural history of rivers, peculiar to Red r. Some distance below where it bends to s. E. and enters La. it divides into numerous channels, spreading their mazes over an ellip- tical region of low land between the retiring hills. This tract is about 70 ma. in length with a width varying from one to 8 or 10 ms. It is one immense intricacy of interlocking water courses, but without any direct continuous channel. From personal observation the writer of this article is inclined to the theory that this very recent alluvial tract was once a lake, which the abrasion of the river against its banks has at length filled with earth. But Vv'hat is at the same time in an extraordinary degree remarka- ble, is the fact that the same cause which filled the river lako with deposit created numerous others. The various crs. or small rivers flow- ing in between the hills on each side have now become lakes. Their channels and bottoms from hill to hill, for a distance of from 10 to 30 ma. backwards liave been supplied with water, which cannot now all escape as their outlets to- wards the Red river have become so many em- bankments. It is true, the water in these new lakes rises and falls with the floods of the main stream. In latter summer and autumn much of their valleys become green meadows, sup- plied with succulent herbage ; but as the im- mense volume of Red river pours down in win. ter and spring, a reflux takes place and the riv- er water pours rapidly into these great natural reservoirs, and contributes by this flux and reflux to most effectually equalize the discharge of Red river. The Ouachitta and its confluen.ts present similar features. (See lakes Bistinenu, Bndcati, Catahoola, cfc.) What is called " TAs Rafi," in Red river, has been thus formed, and to call it a raft in the true intent of the term is a very deceptive misnomer. 1 have personally surveyed both the lakes of Red r. and the At- chafalayaraft, and found that of the latter to be a raft in the literal sens-e of the word; but be- tween it, and the thicket islands and lake like channels of Red r. above Grand Ecor, there is nothing in common. (See Auhafalaya.) At Grand Ecor 4 ms. above the town of Natchito- ches, the whole volume of Red r. is united; but in less than half a mile below, again separates, the Rigolet de Bon Dieu issuing from the left, and does not again enter the main stream for up- wards of 30 ms., in which distance it receives Black and Saline rivers from the north. The main stream also which passes the town of Natchitoches is subdivided into numerous chan- nels. Eelov^ the rejunction of the Rigolet de Bon Dieu, the r. is once more for 3 or 4 miles united in one channel, but again dividing the bayou Rapide isssues to the right, and so call- ed from again meeting the main river at the rapids near Alexandria. With the outlet of bayou Rapide, properly speaking, the imity of Red river is destroyed to be restored no more, as in the natural state of the country at high water outlets fiov/ed from bayou Rapide itself, the waters of which flov/ed down the bayou Bosuf and were conveyed into Atchafalaya by several channels. These issues from bayou Rapide have been embanked, and by the aid of art the whole of Red river is made to pass Alexandria. The solid pine wood land indeed reaches the bank on the left directly opposite Alexandria, but on the right a few ms. below, outlets commence which have their recipient in Atchafalaya. A recent revolution at the mouth of Red r. ought not to be passed over in silence. Where it entered the Mississippi, the latter by a long curve, first to the west, thence sthrd. and abruptly back to the cast formed a peninsula which about 5 miles a little s. of e. RED 449 REG from the mouth of Red r. had not quite a mile in breadth in 1800, and was continually lessen- ing. The actual breach of this isthmus v/as long foreseen, and actually took place in 1831. With slight cutting the river was made to act upon the yielding soil, and now Red r. has its mouth 5 ms. above where it formerly existed. This may seem contrary to the laws of nature, as water would naturally fall like other bodies when left free, but exactly similar phenomena took place at the mouths of the Yazoo and Ho- mochilta rivers, which, when the bends were cut and the outlets of the rivers changed, the mouths were formed at the upi>er and not as might have been expected at the lower end of the cut. Red river it is generally supposed would flow down the Atchafalaya, if the com- munication between it and Mississippi was in- terrupted, but an irresistible barrier to a per- manent stream passing down the Atchafalaya, may be seen stated at the head of that article, and stated from personal observation on the spot. Here is also the place to notice another error which has been sanctioned by official document. It has been stated that changing the bed of Red river has drained 200,000 acres of pine land. Any person acquainted at all with the respective features of La. knows per- fectly well that pine land is never overllowed, and they know also, that before they could be overflowed the whole delta would be many feet imder water. The pines lands and delta touch, but no two species of soil however distant can dilTer more specifically, and besides, the pine tracts are every where elevated above any in- fluence from annual floods from the Mississippi or any of its confluents. Red r. of Ark., a branch of White r. rises at lat. 36°, and long. 1G° w. of W. C, between the vallies of Ark. and White rs. and in Izard CO. Flowing thence to the estrd. by compara- tive courses, 120 ms. to its entrance into White r. about 70 ms. s. e. by e. Little Rock. Red Bank, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Arm- strong CO. Pa., 20 ms. n. Kittanning, the co. st., and by p-r. 235 ms. n. w. W. C. Red Bird, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Clay co. Ky., 10 ms. sthrd. Manchester, the co. st., and 125 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Red Bridge, p.o. Hawkins co. Ten., 10 ms. s. w. Rogersville, the co. st,, and by p-r. 254 ms. a little e. of n. Nashville. Reddies, or Reddy's river, and p-o. Wilkes CO. N. C, by P-r. 188 ms. a little n. of w. Ra- leigh. Redfield, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y., 30 ms. n. Rome, 142 n. w. Albany, s, Jefferson co., w. Lewis CO. ; 6 ms. by 14 ; is crossed in the s. by Salmon r. which flows into lake Ontario, and a branch flows s. through the middle, which fur- nish mill seats. The soil is good, bearing a variety of timber, and the surface nearly level. Pop. 341. Red Fore, and Red Lake, tributaries of Red r. branch of Assiniboin. Red Lake lies imme- diately N. of Turtle lake or the extreme source of Misp. r. With the exeeption of some salient bay it is nearly circular, and about 20 miles in diameter. Lat. 48°, and long. W. C. 18° w. in- tersect in this lake. Near its wstrn. side is- sues Red Fork, which latter, with a sweeping curve to the sthrd. pursues a general western direction, by comparative distances 80 ms. into Red r. of Assiniboin. By the Grand and Rod Fork rs. and intermediate lakes, an almost un- interrupted water communication exists be- tween Rainy Lake r. and Red r. through the sources of the Mississippi. Red Hill, Moultonborough, Grafton co. N. H., at the n. end of Winnipiseogce lake, com. mands the finest view of that beautiful sheet of water, and the surrounding country, for a great distance. It has a small stream n.. Great Squam lake w.. Long Pond and Winnipiseogce lake s. Iron ore is found in the n. Bluff, and bog iron ore in a brook below it. Red Hill, p.v. sthrn. part of Kershaw dist. S. C. 16 ms. sthrd. Camden, and by p-r. 49 ms. N. E. by E. Columbia. Red House, p-o. Charlotte co. Va. by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. Richmond. Red House, p-o. Caswell co, N. C. by p-r. 75 ms. N. w. Raleigh. Red Hook, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y. 23 ms. N. Poughkeepsie, 20 s. Hudson, s. Columbia CO., E. Hudson r., has a rich loam, more mixed with clay near the river, well cultivated, and varying in surface. It is crossed by Sawkill, which afibrds good mill seats. There are sev- eral landings, at one of which the New York and Albany steamboats touch ; and several vil- lages in the interior. Near the river the banks are fine, and ornamented with the residences of several of the Livingston family, and other gentlemen. There are several factories, an academy in the Upper village, &c. Pop. 1830, 2,983. Red Mountain, p-o. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 38 ms. N. w. Raleigh. Red River, iron works and p-o. Estill co. Ky. by p.r..75 ms. s. e. by e. Frankfort. Red Shoals, p-o. Stokes co. N. C. by p-r. 143 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Red Sulphur Spkings, and p-o. on Indian cr. in the wstrn. part of Monroe co. Va. by p-r. 240 ms. w. Richmond. Reedsborough, t. Bennington co. Vt., 12 ms. s. E. Bennington, 18 s. w. Erattleboro', n. Rowe, Mass., is quite mountainous, with large tracts of useless land. Deerfield r. forms the e. boundary, and a branch crosses the t. Both afford mill seats. Pop. 662. Reed's Mills, sthrn. part of Jackson co. 0., .by p-r. 86 ms. s. s. e. Columbus. Reed'sville, p-o. Rutherford co. N. C. by p-r. 213 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Reedtown, p.v. Seneca co. O. by p-r. 90 ms. nrthrd. Columbus. Reedy Fork, p.o. on Reedy Fork r. northern part of Guilford co. N. C. by p.r. 92 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Reedy Fork, river and p.o. southern part of Greenville dist. S. C, by p.r. Il9 miles n. w. Columbia. Reedy Spring, p-o. Campbell co. Va. by p-r. 196 ms. s. w. W.C. Rees' Ckoss Roads, p.v. Woodford eo. Ky. 12 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Regnier's Mills, and p.o. Washington co, 0. Ill ms. s. E. Columbus. REN 450 RHO Rehnersburg, p-v. in the nrthwstrn. part of Berks co. Pa. 25 ms. n. w. Reading and by p-r. 38 N. E, by E. Harrisbiirg. Rehoboth, Bristol co. Mass. 37 miles s. w. Boston, E. Sekonk r. or R. Islan.J, is nearly level, with a few gentle hills ; settled 1G43 by Rev. Samuel Newman and part of his church from Weymouth, Mass. In 1646 the Indians burnt 411 dwellings and 30 barns. Anawan's rock was the wild and secluded retreat of king Philip's principal chief. After the death of the latter, and the death or capture of his other captains, Anawan was surprized here by Capt. Church. Pop. 2,459. Reidstown, p-v. Union dist. S. C. by p-r. 95 ms. N. w. Columbia. Reidsville, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C. by p-r. 103 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Reiley, p-v. Butler co. O. by p-r. 120 ms. s. w. by w. Cidumbus. Reisterstown, p-v. Caltimora co. Md. 15 ms. N. w. Ijaltimore. Remsen, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 90 ms. w. n. w. Albany, 20 n. Utica, s. Lewis co., vv. Herki- mer CO., is crossed by Black r. running w., and has Cincinnati cr. s. The e. line is partly form. ed by W. Canada creek, and there are other streams which also supply mill seats. The surface is uneven and the soil generally good. First settled 1793. The v. is on Cincinnati cr. 16 ms. N. Utica, 55 .Tohnstown. Waters rising but ^ m. apart, flow into Black r. and W. Can- ada cr. Pop. 1,400. Rensselaer co. N. Y. bndd. by Washington CO. N., Vt. and Mass. e., Columbia co. s., Hud- son river w. which separates it from Albany and Saratoga cos., and contains 572 1-2 square | 54' w. W. C. Tennessee r. enters on the nrth- miles and 14 townships. There are high hills] estrn. border, and winding over the co. in a E. and the surface is generally broken, withj sthwstrn. direction divides it into two unequal large valleys and some fins meadows. The j sections and opposing slopes. The larger sec- soil is various, as are the forest trees. Troy, tioais to the n. w. falling from Walden's Ridge, one of the most flourishing cities in the state, Cf. t. Washington. Pop.l820,4,2l5, ld3(), 8,186. which operates in different ways in other parts of the CO. There are cotton factories at Lan. singburgh, Scaghticoke, Hoosac, Troy, Nassau, Pittstown ; and a few woollen in different pla. ces. There are two rolling mills and nail fac- tories 2 ms. s. Troy, on Wynant's kill : at the Albany nail factory 450 tons are made in a year ; and at the Troy factory 1,000 tons, partly into spikes. Troy is the cf t. and st. jus. of the co. Pop. 1820, 40,153, 1S30, 49,424. Rensselaer, v. Berlin, Rensselaer co. N. Y. 12 ms. E. Albany. Rensselaekville, p-t. Albany co. N. Y. 24 ms. s. w. Albany, n. Greene Co., e. Schoharie CO., about S ms. by 8 1-2, with CB sq. ms., is rough with some high hills of the Catsberg range, and large, fertile vallies. It is crossed in the s. w. by Cattskill creek, vfhose branches supply many mill seats. The land is generally leased. The v. on Ten Mile cr. is in the n. e. 23 ras. w. s. w. Albany, 10 ms. from Cattskill cr. Preston Hollow is a v. s. w. 30 ms. Albany, and 26 Cattskill. Pottersville is 2 ms. w. of this. Pop. 3,635. Republican .Grove, and p-o. Halifax co. Va. by ]}.r. 149 ms. s. w. Richmond. Reynoldsburgh, p-v. and st. jus. Humphries CO. Ten. by p-r. 78 ms. w. Nashville. It is sit- uated on the right bank of Tennessee r. n. lat. 36^ 05', long. W. C. 11° 04' w. Rhea, co. Ten. bndd. by Hiwasses r. separa- ting it from the Indian country s., Hamilton co. s. w., Walden's ridge separating it from Bled- soe w. and N. w.. Roan n. e., and MacMinn s, E. Length from s. vv. to n. e. 36 ms. ; breadth 26, and area 920 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 25', long. 7° is in this co., and is at the head of sloop navi gation in Hudson river ; the great dam across that r. affords a communication between Troy and the Erie canal. Fine steamboats owned here, regularly ply to New York ; and ther a large amount of business carried on by sloops, as well as by canal boats. Hoosac r. enters the co. from Mass., and receiving Little Hoosac cr., Wallomsac and Tomhanoc crs., after a crooked course, falls into Hudson r. in the N. Poesten kill joins the Hudson at Troy, after supplying valuable mill seats. There are several other streams of less importance. The ancient estate of Rensselaerwyck included all this CO. except the 3 n. towns, together with the CO. of Albany, and was early settled. It was 24 ms. wide on the Hudson, 42 long, and purchased and granted between 1630 and 1649. The CO. is transition, except a little secondary. Roofing slate, some iron ores, &c. are found in different places. Under the patronage of Ste- phen Van Renssalaer, Esq. who bears the an, cient title of Patroon of Rensselaerwyck, a plan of public instruction has been in operation here, of a practical nature, by which useful know- ledge is furnished to young men in agriculture, as well as in other branches : a central institu. Riieatown, p-v. in the estrn. part of Greene CO. Ten. 10 ras. e. Greenville, the co. st. and by p-r. 2S3 ms. e. Nashville. Rhinebeck, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y. 67 ms. s. Albany, 17 n. Poughkeepsie, e. Hudson r. on the banks of which are landings, and by which considerable trade is carried on with New York, &c. Mill seats arc found on Landtman's and Crom Elbow crs. The name is formed by a combination of those of river Rhine in Europe, and Beekman, one of the earliest purchasers. The first settlements were made by Germans. The land is rather uneven e. and level w., with a fertile plain in the middle, where is the vil- lage of Rhinebeck Flats. Wertemburg s. e. has a light soil. Sepascat lake though small yields fisli. Pop. 2,938. Rhode Island, one of the U. S., and the smallest state in the union, is bndd. n. and e. by Mass., s. by the Atlantic ocean, and w. by Con- necticut. It lies between 41° and 42° n. lat., and between 3° 11' and 4° e. long. W. C. — be- ing about 42 ms. long from n. to s. and 29 ms. wide, and embracing an area of 1,225 sq. ms. of which 130 sq. ms. are included in Narragan. sett bay. The territory now comprehended in the state of Rhode Island, was found by the tion being established at Troy, with a farm, first English settlers, chiefly ia the possession RHO 451 RHO of the Narragansett Indians, from whose lan- guage the present names of many places, rivers, &c. have been derived. The w. boundary was the dividing line between this nation and the Pequods of Connecticut. The Wampanoags, a branch of the latter, inhabited the n. e. parts of the state, about Bristol ; and their chief, Meta- com, or Philip, involved the colonies in a most dangerous and destructive war, between 1675 — 77. A rude map of Mass. bay, which embraces the coast of R. I., was published in London in 1634, by a Mr. Wood. The first settlement by white men was made in 1636, by Rev. Roger Williams, who had been banished from Mass. colony for his peculiar religious opinions. He was followed by many others, who with him laid the foundation of the fine city of Provi- dence. In 163S, Mr. Coddington and 17 others being persecuted in Mass. on account of their religious tenets, followed Roger Williams, and settled at Newport. In 1644, a charter was ob. tained for both the settlements. In 1647 was held the first general assembly, when the ex- ecutive power was confided to a president and 4 assistants. In 1663 anew charter was granted by Charles II. which with a few changes has formed the basis of the government until the present time. One of the earliest acts of hos- tility against the British, before the revolutiona- ry war, was committed in this state, whose in- habitants took an active part in that struggle. The island of Rhode Island was for some time in possession of the enemy. The con. stitution of the U. S. was adopted by this state in 1790, after it had received the assent of all the others. The state government still pro- ceeds under its colonial charter granted in 1663, by Charles II. The legislative and ex- ecutive departments are mixed. The legisla- ture consists of a senate and house of repre- sentatives. The senate is composed of the governor, lieut. governor, and 10 counsellors. There are 72 representatives, elected by the people semi-annually. The legislature con- venes 4 times a year. The salary of the gov- ernor is ^400, of the lieut. gov. $;200, of the secretary of state ^750 and fees. The judicia- ry is vested in a supreme court of 3 judges, and a court of common pleas for each of the 5 cos. each court consisting of 5 judges. These judges are annually appointed by the legislature. The right of suffrage is universal. The sur- face of the state is varied, but there are no mtns. About one tenth is water, which is a ■greater proportion than in any other state in the Union. The s. w. part of the state, and the valley of the Narra'^ansett r. have a large pro- portion of level land. There are many hills, as Mount Hope in Bristol, Hopkins's hill in W. Greenwich, and Woonsockct hill in Smithfield ; and much of the land is uneven and rocky. The soil on the continental part of Rhode Island is tolerably fertile, though its cultivation re- quires much labor. It is well adapted to many kinds of fruit trees. On the islands it is slaty and more productive. Some iron ore, marble, and free stone are found in different places, and there is a mine of anthracite coal on the isl. of Rhode Island, which is not worked. There is much good pasture land, and grain, and or- chards are successfully cultivated. Agricul- ture is, however, generally much less flourishing than in the adjacent states — commerce and manufactures absorbing more the attention of the inhabitants. The isl. of Rhode Island, has been celebrated for its beautiful, cultivated ap- pearance, abounding in smooth swells, aid be- ing divided with great uniformity into well till, ed fields. Oak, walnut, chestnut and other trees are abundant in some parts of the state. The climate much resembles that of Mass. and Conn, in its salubrity — the parts of the state ad- jacent to the sea are favored with refreshing breezes in summer, and in winter are the most mild. The rs. are small, but some of them afford excellent sites for manufactories ; partic- ularly the Pawtucket or Blackstone river (the largest in the state) the lower part of whose course lies along the e. boundary. Among the numerous factories on this river audits branch- es are the following : at Mannsville, U miles above Providence, two for cotton, with 7,000 spindles ; on Peter's r. 5 miles above, 2 built of stone, with 25,000 spindles ; on Mill r. ^ mile further, 9 of wood, with 600 spindles ; at Woonsocket falls, about 20,000 spindles, &c. At the latter place are also 2 machine shops, a foundry, and about 2,000 inhabitants. Wa- ter is abundant in the state, and is extensively applied to use. The chief bays of R. I. are Narragansett bay, which penetrates north into the state more than 30 ms. and is navigable by large ships up to Providence : it connects seve- ral good harbors with the ocean. But the most important in a naval point of view is Newport harbor which is accessible in the most unfavor. able winds on the coast, is safe from storms, and strongly protected by forts of the U. S. A variety of fish is obtained from the coves, bays, &c. Several useful turnpike roads lead in dif. fcrent directions ; and the principal route of travelling between New.York and Boston, dur. ing the months when navigation is unimpeded, has been for several years by the Providence steamboat and stage coach line. Regular pack- ets ply between the principal ports of R. I. and of other states; and an important foreign trpde is carried on, principally from Providence, (see Providence,) the merchants of which city have been engaged in an extensive commerce with Canton. The Blackstone canal lies partly in this state. A rail road is to be constructed from Providence to Boston, for the transportation of passengers and merchandize. {See Boston and Providence rail-road, under the head of Rail- Roads.) Several islands of some importance belong to this state : the principal of which are Rhode Isl.,Connanieut, Prudence, and Block isls. Rhode Island is divided into 5 counties. Pro- vidence, Newport, Washington, Kent, Bristol, and 31 towns, of which Providence is the lar- gest. The population of the state at several pe- riods has been as follows : in 1790, 68,825 ; 1800, 69,122; IBIO, 76,93] ; 1820, 83,059, and in 1830, 97,199 : the two latter as follows : Counties. 1820. 1830. Providence, 30,769 47,018 Newport, 16,294 16,535 Washington, 14,962 15,411 Kent, 9,834 12,789 Bristol, 3,072 5,446 RHO 452 RIG Of the population of 1830, were free white persons : Males. Females. Under 5 years of ago 6,733 6,623 Fioui 5 to 15 11,188 10,855 J 5 to 30 13,779 14,787 30 to 50 8,891 0,780 50 to 70 3,601 4,765 VOtoOO 1,115 1,434 90 and upwards 28 44 Total 4 5,333 48,288 Free colored persons, (Tilder 10 years of age 334 358 From 10 to 24 500 593 24 to 36 317 445 36 to 55 239 350 55 to 100 151 2(36 100 and over 3 3 Total 1,544 2,020 Slaves, males 3 ; females 11. While persons, deaf and dumb 48 ; blind 57 ; aliens 1,103. Recapitulation. Whites. Free col'd. Slaves Total. 93,621 3,564 14 97,109 Rhode Island is the most manufacturing sec- tion of the U. S., in proportion to its population. The manufactures are mostly of cotton ; though there are many of woollen, cordage, drilling, &c. At Newport is a manufactory of lace. Upon Woonsocket falls alone are more than 20 diflerent factories, producing between two and three millions of yards annually. Warwick is a flourishing manufacturing town, and Paw- tucket has by far the largest manufactories in the state. The commercial prosperity of the state has kept pace with its manufactures. The amount of shipping is between 40 and 50,000 tons. Tlie amount of imports for the year end- ing Sept. 1830, according to the report of the secretary of the treasury, was ^488,756; ex- ports, foreign, ,^. <". Richmond, co. of N. C. bndd. by Marlboro' dist. S. C. s. Yadkin r. separating it from An- son CO. N. C. w., Montgonrery co. N. C. n., and Lumber r., separating it from Moore n. e., Cumberland e., and Robeson s. e. Length 30 ras., mean breadth 18, and area 540 sq. ms. Lat. 35°, .and long. 2° 42' w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Slope southward in the direction of its rs. Little Pedee rises in its southern sec- tton, as do several crs. which flow into S. C. Cf. t. Rockingham. Pop. 1820, 7,537, 1830,9,396. Richmond, co. of Geo. bndd. s. by Mount Beans cr., separating it from Burke co., Brier cr. w. separating it from Jefferson, Columbia N. w„ and Savannah r., separating it from Edge- field dist. S. C. E. Length from w. to e. 32 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 384 sq. ms. Lat. 33° 25', and long. 5° w. W. C. intersect in this CO. Though Brier creek, which forms its wstrn. boundary, flows s. e., the body of the co. has a slope almost exactly e. towards Savan- nah r. Cf. t. Augusta. Pop. 1820, 8,608, 1830, 11,644. Richmond, p-v. Fayette co. Ten. by p-r. 194 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Richmond, p-v. and st. jus. Madison co. Ky. by p-r. 50 ms. s. e. Frankfort, and 27 s. s. e. Lexington. Lat. 37° 43', long. 7° 13' w. W. C. Pop. 947. Richmond, p-v. Jefferson co. O. by p-r. 143 ms. N. E. by E. Columbus. Richmond, p-v. Wayne co. Ind. by p-r. 69 ms. E. Indianopolis. Pop. about 1,500. Richmond, p-v. and st. jus. Ray co. Mo. by p-r. 149 ms. above and n. w. by w. Jefferson, and 284 ms. in a similar course from St. Louis. RiCHMoisD Dale, p-v. in the s. estrn. angle of Ross CO. O. by p-r. 58 ms. s. s. e. Columbus. Ridge, or Alluvial Way, a singular elevation about 30 ft. high, in the cos., of Genesee, Mon- roe, and Niagara, N. Y. It extends about 78 ms. from Niagara r. almost to Genesee r. neai-- ly parallel to the s. shore of lake Ontario, about 139 ft. above the level of its waters, which are from 8 to 10 ms. distant, and is supposed to have been formed at some long past period, by its waves or currents, when large tracts of coun- try, now dry, were overflown. The ridge va- ries in breadth, and serves for the route of a good, level road, called the Ridge road, on which are several small villages. Ridge (The), p-v. near the extreme sthrn. point of St. Mary's co. Md. by p-r. 32 ms. s. e. Leonardstown, the co. st., and 95 ms. s. e. W. C. Ridge (The), p-v. in the eastern part of Edge- field dist., S. C, by p-r. 40 ms. w. Columbia. Ridgebury, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 150 ms. N. Harrisburg. Ridgefield, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., 70 ms. s. w. Hartford, 10 s. w. Danbury, 55 n. e. N. York city, touches N. York state w., is vari- ed by several ridges, with rocks of granite and limestone, and a good soil for grain and grass. Mill seats are supplied by branches of Saugatuck and Norwalk rs. There are sev- eral manufactories in the town, and some lime kilns. The land was purchased from the In- dians in 1708. It is elevated, and Long Island sound is visible from different points, 14 miles distant* The village is pleasantly situated in the 1st society. Pop. 2,323. Ridgeville, p-v. nrthrn. part of Warren co. 0., by p-r. 78 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Ridgeway, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y., 26 ms. n. w. Bavaria, e. Niagara co. ; is crossed nearly through the centre by the ridge, and well wa- tered by Oak Orchard and Johnson's creeks with branches, and by Erie canal, which lies s. It has a varied surface, and a variety of good soils. Oak Orchard cr. falls 30 ft. just below the intersection with the canal. Pop. 1,972. RIP 455 ROA RiDGEWAT, p-v., nrthestrn. part of Jefferson CO. Pa., by p-r. 165 ms. n. w. by w. Harrisburg. Riga, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y., 239 ms. w. by N. Albany, 1] w. s. w. Rochester, e. Genesee CO., with very good land; is crossed by Black cr. from w. to e., and 2 small branches. Black cr. is navigable in boats to West Pulteney vil- lage. Pop. 1,908. Riley, t. Oxford co. Me., e. Coos co. N. H., 71 ms. w. by n. Augusta, is very rough and mountainous, s. Speckled mtn. Pop. 57. Rindge, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 56 ms;s. w. Concord, 20 s. e. Keene, 50 n. n. w. Boston, 5 ms. by 7, with 23,838 acres ; has a swelling surface, very good soil, formerly covered with beech, maple, birch, hemlock, &c., and con- tains 13 ponds. Of these Manomonack, Em. arson's and Perley's ponds flow into Miller's r. of Mass., and Long, Grassy and Bullet, into Contocook r. a branch of the Merrimack ; the waters of those two great rs. being separated in one place only by a narrow ridge. Fish are abundant, and rendered these streams favorite resorts of Indians. Iron ore is found in Rindge. First settled 1752. Pop. 1,269. RiNGOES, p-v. Amwell, Hunterdon co. New Jersey, 17 ms. n. Trenton. Ring's Mills, and p-o. Belmont co. 0., by p-r. 129 ms. e. Columbus. Ripley, p-t. Somerset co. iV^e., 60 ms. n. e. Augusta, w. Penobscot co. ; is crossed by the upper part of Sebasticook r. Pop. 644. Ripley, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y., 336 ms. w. Albany, 12 w. Maysville, s. lake Erie, e. Penn- sylvania ; has a varied surface and soil, bear- ing oak, nut trees, maple, &c. It is crossed by Chatauque ridge, from 6 to 10 ms. distant from the lake, with a gentle declivity of arable land towards the n., with a foundation of mica slate. The lands near the lake are very good, being alluvial, from 1 to 3 ms. wide. It is cros- sed by Chatauque cr. of lake Erie, about 10 ms. long. Pop. 1,647. Ripley, p-v. on the right bank of O. r., sthrn. part of Brown co. O., by p-r. 113 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Pop. 572. Ripley, co. Ind., bndd. by Jefferson s., Jen- nings w., Decatur n. w., Franklin n.. Dearborn E., and Switzerland s. e. Length 27 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 432 sq. ms. Lat. 39°, and long. 8° 15' w. W. C, intersect in this co. The western part of this co. gives source to the extreme eastern branches of the South fork of White r., and which flow westward ; the residue is drained by crs. flowing sthestrd. into Ohio r. Cf. t. Versailles. Pop. 1820, 1,822, 1830, 3,989. Ripley, one of the southern cos. of Mo., as laid down by Tanner, stretches from Wayne CO. which bounds it on the e. along the nrthrn. boundary of Ark. 120 ms. with a breadth of 78 ms. towards Crawford co. Mo. ; area 9,360 sq. ms. In the central part of this large space, spreads an elevated table land, from which flow northwards the sources of Gasconade r., and E., s. E., s. and s. w., the numerous tributa. ries of White r. N . lat. 37°, and long W. C. 15° w. intersect near the centre of this plateau. RiPLEYviLLE, P-V. Huron CO. 0., by p-r. 101 ms. N. N. E. Columbus. Rip Point, Nantucket isl., Mass. The n. E. Point of the island at the end of Sandy Point. RiPToN, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 26 miles s. w. Montpelier ; has Middlebury r. s., and is moun- tainous, rough, and with few inhabitants. Pop. 605. RiPTON, village, Huntington, Fairfield co. Conn. Rising Sun, p-o. Philadelphia co. Pa., by p-r. 139 ms.N. E. W. C. Rising Sun, p-o. Cecil co. Md., by p-r. 89 ms. N. E. W. C. Rising Son, p-v. on the right bank of O. r., and in the sthrn. part of Dearborn co., Ind., by p-r. 112 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. RiTCHiEviLLE, p-v. Dinwiddie co. Va., by p-r. 42 ms. s. Richmond. RiTTERSViLLE, p-v. Lehigh CO. Pa., by p-r. 181 ms. nrthestrd. W. C. River Bank, p-v. Orange co. Va., by p-r. 104 ms. s. w. W. C. Riveehead, t., St. jus. Suffolk co. N. Y., 90 ms. E. New York, 234 s. by e. Albany, on the n. side of Long Isl., s. Long Isl. sound. It has Pequanic r. and bay s., and Wading cr. on a part of the n. w. boundary, where is a small harbor. One mile from the sound is a broken ridge ; in other parts the surface is a little va- ried, bearing pine, with some oak, &c. Coast- ing vessels take wood and other articles to New York market ; and those of 70 tons can go to the mouth of Pequanic cr. 2| miles from the c. h. There are six small villages. Pop. 2,016. River Styx, p-v. nrthrn. part of Medina co. O., by p-r. 117 ms. n. e. Columbus. Rives', p-o. in the northern part of Hall co. Geo., by p-r. 135 miles northwards Milledge. ville. RixEYViLLE, p-o. Culpepper co. Va., 67 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Roane, co. Ten., bndd. s. by Monroe and Mac- Minn, s. w. Rhea, w. Bledsoe, n. w. Morgan, N. Anderson, e. Knox, and s. e. Holston river, separating it from Blount. Length 50 miles, mean breadth 15, and area 750 sq. ms. Lat. 36° and long. 7° 30', intersect in this county. Holston and Clinch rs. unite to form Tennessee r., very near the centre of this co., and both the branches and the main stream below their junc- tion flow s. w. by w. The nrthrn. section slopes sthrd. and is drained by Emery's r. a branch of Clinch r. Cf. t. Kingston. Pop. 1820, 7,895, 1830,11.341. Roanoke, r. of. Va. and N. C. Taken in the utmost extent, Roanoke basin is the same as Albemarle, and includes the sub-basins or val- lies of Roanoke proper and Chowan r. The latter has been noticed under its appropriate head, and to %vhich the reader is referred. Ad- vancing from s. to N. all the rivers beyond Roan- oke, have their most remote fountains on the Atlantic side of Blue Ridge ; but with the Roan- oke a new feature appears. The Blue Ridge is pierced by that stream, which derives its higher fountains from the main Alleghany chain in Montgomery co. Va., and within 8 ms. of the main channel of New r., and at an elevation without estimating the mtn. ridges, of at least ROA 456 ROC 2,0U0 ft. Issuing by numerous crs. trom this elevated tract, and uniting into one stream near tiie border between Mont ft. in little more than 20 ms. At Salem the water level is 1,002 ft. by actual admeasurement, above mean Atlantic tide. Below Salem the river inflects 20 ms. in an eastern course, to its passage through Blue Ridge, and thence s. e. 25 ms. to its passage through South East mtn. Passing South East mtn. between Bedford and Pittsylvania cos., the now navigable volume sweeps by an elliptical curve to nthrd. and round to s. E. 50 ms. comparative course to the influx of Dan r., entering its right side from the w. part. {See Dan r.) Below the junction of these two rivers, the united wate-rs in a course of a little s. of e. 60 ms. by comparative dis- tance, reach tide water at Weldon, having fallen by a lengthened cataract over the primitive ledge. About midway between the influx of Dan r. and Weldon, Roanoke leaves Va. and enters N. C. Mingling with the tide, the Roan, oke by a very tortuous channel, but by com- parative course flows s. e. 50 ms., and thence estrd. 25 ms. to its junction with Chowan r. at the head of Albemarle soimd. {See Albemarle sound.) The entire valley of Roanoke, if mea- sured along the main stream or Dan r. is 250 ms., but the rivers wind over this space by channels of much greater length. By compara- tive courses it is 155 ms. from Salem to Wel- don, whilst from a report made by the Pt.oanoke company, the intermediate channel is 244 ms. Taking these proportions, the length of this river by its meanders is about 400 ms. Includ- ing the whole Albemarle basin it is 290 ms. from its outlet into the Atlantic ocean, to the fountains of Roanoke in Alleghany mtn., but with the Chowan and Dan vallies united to that of the principal river, the basin is comparatively nar- row, being only 80 ms. where broadest, and not having a mean breadth above 50 ms., or an area exceeding 14,500 sq. ms. It is not, however, its extent which gives most interest to the Roanoke or Albemarle basin ; it is at once a fine physical section and physical limit. The difference of arable level, amounts to at least 2,000 ft., and no two regions of the earth can diff"er in every feature more than do the truly beautiful hills and vales, on each side of the Appalachian chains, from the stagnant marshes and level plains towards the Atlantic ocean. Along the lower Roanoke commences, advanc- ing from the n. the profitable cultivation of cot- ton, the fig tree begins to appear, rice can be produced, and in summer the advance towards the tropics is felt, and very distinctly seen on vegetation. Ascending the basin, the aspect of the northern states gradually appears, both on the features of nature and on cultivated vegeta. bles. Wheat, rye, and other small grain, with meadow grasses, and the apple, flourish. The summers are cooler, and the winters have the severity suitable to relative elevation. Though the higher part of Roanoke is annually frozen, and for a shorter or longer period rendered un- navigable in winter, with lower Roanoke com. mences the region on the Atlantic coast where navigation remains open at all seasons. It is true that even Albemarle sonnd has been occa- sionally impeded with ice, but this phenomenon is rare. As a navigable channel following either branch, the importance of this basin is lessened by the shallowness of Albemarle sound — an irremovable impediment. In the progress of improvement, however, there is no doubt, but that by rail road or canal, a water commu- nicadon will be opened direct from tide water, below Weldon to Chesapeake bay. The rivers are now navigable for boats to Salem on the Roanoke, and to Danbury in N. C. by Dan r. This has been effected by side canals, sluices and other artificial improvements. {See rail roads and canals.) Roanoke Bridge, and p-o. Charlotte co., Va. by p-r. 89 ms. s. w. Richmond. Roaring Creek, p-o. Columbia co. Pa., by p-r. 77 ms. N. Harrisburg. RoBBiNSTON, p-t. Washington co. Me., 192 ms. N. N. E. Augusta, is bndd. e. by St. Croix r., and lies opposite St. Andrew's in New Bruns- wick. It has a few small ponds and streams. Pop. 616. RoBBSTowN, p-v. Westmoreland co. Pa., on the right bank of Youghioghany r. 206 ms. N. w. W. C. It is a small village of a single street along the river bank. Robertson, co. Ten. bndd. e. by Sumner, Da- vidson s., Dickson s. w., Montgomery w., and N. by Logan and Simpson cos. Ky. Length 32 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 25' n., long. W. C. 9° 32' w. Slope s. w. and drained by Red r. and other smaller branches of Cumberland r. Cf. t. Springfield. Pop. 1820, 9,938, 1830, ! 3,272. Robertson, p-v. Giles co. Ten., by p-r. 67 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Robertson's Store, and p-o., Pittsylvania co. Va., by p-r. 252 ms. s. w. W. C. Robert's Store, and p-o, Shelby co. Ky., by p-r. 20 ms. w. Frankfort. RoBERTSviLLE, p.v. Bcaufort dist., S. C, by p-r. 90 ms. wstrd. Charleston, and 160 ms. s. Columbia. RoBESON, CO. N. C, bndd. by Richmond N.W., Cumberland n. and n. e.. East Fork of Lumber r. separating it from Bladen e.. Lumber r. sepa- rating it from Columbia s. e., Marion dist. S. C. s. w., and Marlboro' dist., S. C, w. Length from s. to N. 50 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 1,100 sq. ms. Lat. 34° 40', and long. W. C. 2° w. intersect in this co. Slope sthrd. and drained in that direction by Lumber r., or the higher part of Little Pedee. Cf. t. Lumberton. Pop. 1820, 8,204, 1830, 9,433. Robins, isl. Southold, Suffolk co. N. Y. Rochester, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 30 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 20 s. e. Middlebury ; first settled soon after the revolutionary war ; is crossed by White r. from n. to s. which receives a branch near the centre, and both supply mill seats. The surface is mountainous, with much good soil. The village is on the E. branch of White r. ; 13 school dists. Rochester, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 40 ms. e. Concord, 22 n. w. Portsmouth, 10 n. n. w. Do. ver, w. Salmon Falls r. ; is divided by Cocheco r., and has a part of Isinglass r. s. near its junc- ROC 457 ROC tion with Cocheco r. Norway Plains, near tiie centre, is a considerable village, and a great thoroughfare on Cocheco r. Both the princi- pal streams afford valuable water power. At the falls of Cocheco r. is Squamanagonnic vil. The surface of the town is irregular, the soil generally good, with pine plains, some of which are favorable to corn, &c., and a tract of oak landw. A tract called Whitehall was burnt in 1761 and '62, when the seasons were very dry, and the soil was ruined. Squamanagonnic hill is the principal elevation. Incorporated 1722 ; now contains 60,000 acres ; first settled 1728 ; was a frontier town till 1760, and suffered some from Indian hostilities. Twenty-nine soldiers from this town died in the revolution. Pop. 2,115. Rochester, p-t. Windsor co. Vt. 30 ms. s. w. iVIontpelier, 20 s. e. Middlebury. The principal stream in the town is White r., which, with a tributary, afford some good mill sites. The tsp. is broken and mountainous, but it contains much good land, particularly along the r. There are saw, grist, fulling and carding mills in the town, and 2 tanneries. Pop. 1,392. Rochester, ]>-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 48 ms. s. Boston, N. Buzzard's bay, is crossed by Matta- poiset r. whose branches rise in ponds here and in Middleboro'. This stream empties into Mattapoiset harbor, which puts up from Buz. zard's bay. Sipican r. also flows into a small bay, after passing through several ponds. The soil is poor, and the inhabitants scattered. Pop. 3,556. Rochester, p-t. and st. jus. Ulster co. N. Y. 16 ms. s. w. Kingston ; has Shawangunk mtns. s. E. and Rondout creek w., with several of its branches, which afford mill seats. It has pretty good land. Pop. 2,420. Rochester, an incorporated village in Gates and Brighton tsps. Monroe co. N. Y. 236 ms. w. N. w. Albany, 63 e. Lockport, 77 e. Lewis- ton, 7 s. Charlotte, is the most populous and im- portant village in the state. It stands on the west side of Genesee river at the falls of that stream, and at the end of the great aqueduct of the Erie canal. The rail-road which was construct- ed in 1832 to the foot of the falls, and head of navigation of Genesee r., to which vessels come up from lake Ontario, terminates here. The growth of this place has been remarkably rap. id, and was caused by the opening of the canal, which afforded a channel of transportation, and encouraged the manufacture of flour. The riv- er is now lined on both sides with flour mills, many of them of immense size, and construct, ed in the most substantial manner, being abun- dantly supplied with water power from the r. The village is ornamented with many fine build- ings, public and private. In 1812 there were but 2 or 3 dwelling houses, of an inferior de- scription, on its site, now the seat of a large population, and of an active and lucrative busi- ness. The aqueduct of the Erie canal is built of hewn stone, and has 9 arches, each of 50 ft. chord, with an arch of 40 feet chord over the mill canal on each side, A navigable feeder here joins the canal from above the falls. The fall in Genesee r. at Rochester, is 92 ft. The flour mills, and the amount of flour made, in- crease from 15 to 20 per cent annually. About 1,000 or 1,200 bis. of flour are now made dai- ly ; and the mills could make 1,500 or 1,800. The millers employ large capitals, and frequent advances are made by them on the crops before they are gathered. In 12 months, ending in 1832, there were 240,000 barrels of flour man- ufactured in the village, and during the same period the amount paid for wheat by the millers amounted to $1,160,000. The annual manu- factures of the village are nearly as follows : Amount Capital manufactured invested. annually. Flouring mills, $281,000 $1,331,000 Cotton goods. 50,000 30,000 Woollen do. 70,000 112,000 Leather, &c. 25,000 160,000 Iron work, 24,000 46,000 Rifles, &c. 3,000 5,000 Soap and candles, 6,000 45,000 Groceries, &;c. 21,000 32,800 Tobacco, 4,500 18,000 Pail, sasli, &c. 2,500 12,000 Boat building, 11,000 40,200 Linseed oil, .3,000 4,000 Globe building factories, 10,000 15,000 $511,000 $1,857,000 The trade of the village in lumber, beef and pork, pot and pearl ashes, butter, cheese, lard, wool, &c. &c. is very considerable. There are in the place 3 Presbyterian, 2 Episcopal, 2 Methodist, 2 Friends, 1 Baptist, and 1 Roman Catholic churches ; 1 daily and 5 weekly news- papers, and about 100 wholesale and retail stores. Pop. ]8i0, 1,502; 1825, 5,271 ; 1830, 9,207. Rochester, p-v. Warren co. 0. by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Rochester, p-v. northern part of Oakland co. Mich, by p-r. 43 ms. n. w. Detroit. Rock, r. important stream of Huron and II. having its remote sources in the former at lat. 44°, long. 10° 40' w. W. C, and between lakes Huron and Winnebago. Flowing thence s. s. w. by comparative courses 100 ms. between, and very nearly parallel to the two Fox rs. to the influx of Goosekehawn from the n. w. Goosekehawn (The river on which we live), has its source a few miles sthrd. of the Portage be- tween Ouisconsin and Fox r. of lake Michigan. Rising on a flat, and in winter and spring, a generally very wet region, the Goosekehawn in most of its course is in reality a congeries of lakes, and is marked on the maps as the Four Lakes ; general course s. e., length 50 ms. Below the mouth of Goosekehawn, Rock r. maintains its original course 50 ms. to the in- flux of Sugar cr., or rather Peektano r., also from the n. w. The Peektano is the most con- siderable branch of Rock r. and rises by numer- ous branches in Iowa co., Huron, between the Misp. and Ouisconsin. Comparative length, about 100 ms., and general course to the s. e. Sugar cr. and Peektano are separate streams in Huron, and do not unite until the latter has flown 50, and the former 25 ms. in the northern part of II. The main stream also enters Illinois about 25 ms. above the mouth of Peektano. It may be remarked, that Rock r. in all its length receives no tributary from the left above the size of a large cr., and that below the Peektano ROC 458 itoc in a comparative course of s. w. by w. lOo ms. it is augmented by no confluent of consequence. It falls into the Misp. r. in Rock Island co. at lat. 47° 27' after a comparative course of 250 ms., The utmost breadth of its valley, llO ms. from the extreme sources of Peektano to those of Kishwaukee cr. ; but being very narrow at both extremes, the mean width is about 30 ms. and area 7,500 sq. ms. This valley has that of Fox r. of lake Michigan n.. Fox r. of Illinois E., Illinois proper s. e., Misp. r. s. w. and w., and Oui&consin n. w. It is yet but thinly peo- pled by whiles in any place, and far the great- est partis wilderness. Rock cr., a small Stream of Maryland, and of D. C. gains importance only as it separates the city of Washington from Georgetown. This cr. has its extreme source about 4 ms, wstrd. Mechanic&ville, Montgomery co. Md. heading with the East branch of Potomac r. at an eleva- tion above tide water at Georgetown of 590 ft. The entire length of the cr., following its valley, is about 28 ms. The fall being upwards of 17 feet to the mile, and that fall being in many places far above the mean, renders it an excel- lent mill stream. Rock and Cave, p-v. on Ohio r. extreme southeastern part of Gallatin co. II. by p-r. 147 ms. s. s. E. Vandalia, and 20 ms. s. Shawnee- town. This place takes its name from enor- mous precipices of limestone rock, which rise from the western bank of Ohio r., and into which extend caves of unknown extent ; one of which yawns an immense and really awful opening, and when seen, as it was by the author of this article, exhibited a most imposing spec- tacle at the close of day. The walls were then, 1799, sculptured with innumerable names. The adjacent country was then an uncultivated wild on both sides of the river. Rockaway, Hempstead, N. Y., on Long Isl- and, 20 ms. from New York, a place resorted to for sea bathing. The beach which bears this name is extensive, partly in this town, and partly in Jamaica, and abounds in sea fowl, as the water does in fish. The sea beats up from the s. upon this beach, there being no protection against the waves ; and bathing is sometimes attended with considerable risk. Rockbridge, co. Va. bndd. s. w. by Bote- tourt, Alleghany co. w.. Mill, or more correctly, Kittatinny mtn. separating it from Bath n. w., Augusta N. E., and Blue Ridge, separating it from Nelson n. e., Amherst e., and Bedford s. E. Lat. 37° 45', and long. 2° 30' w. W, C. in- tersect in this CO. Slope sthwrd. and drained entirely by North r. branch of James r. and its confluent creeks. The co. occupies a part of the fine valley which flanks Blue Ridge on the N. w., and derives its name from the celebrated natural bridge, which extends over a cr. near the sthrn. border. Cf. t. Lexington. Pop. 1820, 11,945, 1830, 14,244. Rockbridge, p-v. western part of Gwinnett CO. Geo. 14 ms. wstrd. Lawrenceville, the co. St., and 107 n. w. Milledgeville. Rockcastle, co. Ky. bndd. by Pulaski s. w., Lincoln w., Garrard n. w., Madison n. and n. E., and Rockcastle cr., separating it from Lau- rel s. E. It is a sq. of about 18 ms. each way, area 324 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 20', and long 7° 14' w. W. C. mtersect in this co. It is a table land between the vallies of Ky. and Cumberland rs., and gives source on the n. w. side to Dick's r. of the former, and on the opposite section to Bucks and Rockcastle branches of the latter stream. Rockcastle creek, from which the co. takes its name, is the extreme northern foun- tain of Cumberland r. rising in Laurel and Mad- ison COS., and flowing s. s. w. lalls into Cum- berland r. between Pulaski and Whitley cos. Cf. t. Mount Vernon. Pop. 1820, 2,249, 1830 ,2,865. Rock Creek, p-o. Orange co. N. C. by p.r. 64 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Rock Creek, p-o. Muscogee co. Geo. by p.r. 130 ms. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Rock Creek Ford and p-o. Jennings co. Ind. by p-r. 51 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. Rockdale, p-v. northwestern part of Craw- ford CO. Pa. 8 ms. n. w. Meadville, the co. st., and by p-r. 305 ms. n. w. W. C. Rock Fish, p-v. Duplin co. N. C. by p-r. 135 ms. s. E. Raleigh. RocKFORD, p-v. and st. jus. Surry co. N. C. on the Yadkin r. 151 ms. by p-r. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 18', long. 3° 40' w. W. C. Rock Hall, p-v. Kent co. Md. by p.r. 68 ms. estrd. W. C. Rock Hill, p-o. Bucks co. Pa. by p-r. 56 ms. nrthrd. Phil. Rockhold's Store and p-o. Sullivan co. Ten. 327 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Rockingham, co. N. H. bndd. by Strafford.co. N. and N. E., the Atlantic ocean e., Massachu- setts s., Hillsboro' co. w., is the only maritime CO. in the state. It is of an irregular triangular shape, about 30 ms. by 50, and contains about 1,034 sq. miles. The surface is irregular, but without any more considerable eminences than Saddleback mtn.. Fort hill, Bean's hill and Cat- amount hill. Merrimack river runs near the bounds of this co- on the w. and s., and several streams flow hence into it, as well as in other directions. In the e. and s. e. are Lamprey, Exeter, Beaver and Spiggot rs. Great Bay, in the N. E. is connected with Piscataquay river. There are other sheets of v/ater, as Massabe. sick pond. Island, Great, Countrj% Pleasant, Turkey, Long, and Turtle ponds. Agriculture is of an older date, and in a mo'-e flourishing condition than in any other part of state. There is but one sea-port, which is also the only one in N. H. ; this is Portsmouth. The tonnage owned here in 1831, was 18,243 30. Concord is the capital of the state. The manufactures are numerous and various. Pop. 1820, 55,246, ,'53.4 to a sq. m.), 1830, 44,325. Rockingham, p-t. Windham co. Vt. 85 ms. Montpelier, 22 Windsor, 25 Brattleboro', w. of Conn, river and opposite Charlestown, N. H. ; contains 24,955 acres; first settled, 1753. The inhabitants for some years neglected agricul- ture, and attended chiefly to fishing for Salmon at Bellow's falls. The town is crossed by Wil- liams r., a branch of the Conn., and aflx>rds mill seats as well as Saxton's r. The surface is ir- regular, but the soil good. Bellow's falls are near the b. e. corner of the town. The r. flows for some distance with a smooth current thro* fine meadows, and is about 120 yards wide, till ROC 459 ROC at the falls it is suddenly narrowed into 2 chan- nels, each about 90 ft. across. When the water is low, all the stream rushes through a chasm between the granite rocks only 16 feet wide. There are several sudden descents in the river within a short distance, altogether being about 50 ft. ; but a canal has been constructed round them on the w. bank, through which pass flat bottomed boats, rafts, and small steamboats. Salmon formerly swam up the r. beyond these falls, but shad have never been caught north of this spot. The first bridge ever built over Conn. r. was constructed here in 1785, by Col. Enoch Hale ; and the second was not erected till about 1792. Some interesting minerals are found near this spot. There are 3 villages, Sax- ton, r. village, Rockingham, and Bellow's falls. The last is in a picturesque situation, and con- tains several handsome dwellings. Pop. 2,272. Rockingham co. Va., bndd. s. w. by Augusta, w. and N. w. by the Great North mtn., Pendle. ton w., and Hardy n. w., Shenandoah co. n.. Page N. E., and Blue Ridge separating it frona Orange e. and Albemarle s. E. Breadth 25 ms., mean length 35, and area 875 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 30', long.^W. C. 1° 45' w. Slope to the n. e., and entirely drained by the main stream and branches of Shenandoah r. The surface is generally hilly and in part mountainous, but much of the bottom soil excellent. It is a grain district. Cf. t. Harrisonburg. Pop. 1820, 14,784, 1830, 20,683. RociviNGHAM, CO. N. C. budd. by Caswell e., Guilford s., Stokes w., Patrick, Va.,N. w.. Hen- ry, Va., n., and Pittsylvania n. e. Length from E. to w. 30, width 22, and area 660 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 24', long. W. C. 2° 48' w. This co. is a table land, from which issue to the s. e. the ex- treme sources of Haw r. and of course Cape Fear r. The nrthrn. partis traversed in a n. e. by E. direction by Dan r, Cf. t. Wentworth. Pop. 1820, 11,474, 1830, 12,935. Rockingham, p-v. and st. jus. Richmond co. N. C. by p.r. 113 ms. s. w. by vf. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 03', long. W. C. 2° 49' w. Rock Island, p-v. Warren co. Ten. by p-r. 87 ms. s. e. by E.Nashville. Rock Island, co. II. as laid down by Tanner in his improved map of the U. S. extends along the left bank of Misp. r. above and below the motith of Rock r.,bndd. n. and n. e. by S. Ann cr., separating it from Joe Daviess co., s. e. by Rock r. separating it from Henry, s. w. by Mer- cer, and w. by the Misp. r. Length from s. w. to N. E. 64 ms., mean breadth 10 ms., and area 640 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 41° 20' to 41° 53' and in long, from W. C. from 13° to 14° w. Slope s. w. in the general direction of both the Misp. and Rock r. Cf t.. Fort Armstrong. This CO. is not named in either the p-o. list or census table. Rock Island, p-v. Adams co. 11. by p-r. about 150 ms. N. w. Vandalia. Rockland, p-t. Sullivan co. N. Y. s. w. Ulster CO., s. e. Delaware co., has not a very good soil, and is generally leased. It is watered by Wil- , limemock, Big and Little Beaver creeks. Pop. 547. Rockland co. N. Y., bndd. by Hudson r. or Westchester co. e., New Jersey s. w-, Orange CO. n. w., is in the form of a triangle, and con- tains 161 sq. ms. There are 4 ts. The cf. t. and St. jus. is Clarkstown. The surface is mountainous and broken by the Highlands, with large and fertile vallies, and much arable land and pasture on the Uplands. It is crossed by Ramapo river and has several streams which flow into Hackensack and Passaic rivers ; all these furnish valuable mill seats. There are also several fish ponds on the high lands. The Nyak hills furnish good sand stone, of which the state capi*ol at Albany was chiefly built. This county comprises a tract which was of considerable importance in the revolutionary war. Ramapo mills form a considerable manufacturing v. on Ramapo riv. er, at the w. corner of the co. 30 ms. from N. York, and 14 w. Hudson r. This establishment comprehends 4,000 acres, and about 100 build- ings, including dwelling houses, mills, &c. This com. was incorporated in 1824, with a capital of ^400,000. There are a large rolling and slitting mill, a manufactory of cut nails, em- ploying 100 men, a brick cotton mill of 5,000 spindles and 80 power looms, a grist mill, and a saw mill. The v. contains 700 inhabitants. There is a woollen manufactory, and at Haver- straw Messrs. Phelps & Peck's rolling and slit- ting mill and iron wire mill. Pop. 1825, 8,016 ; 1830, 9,388. Rock Mills, p-o. Culpepper co. Va., by p-r, 75 ms. s. w. W. C. Rock Mills, p-o. Anderson dist. S. C, by p-r. 144 ms. n. w. Columbia. Rock Mills, p-o. Hancock co. Geo., by p-r. 41 ms. n. e. Milledgeville. Rock Port, on the sthrn. shore of lake Erie, P-V. in the nrthwstrn. angle of Cuyahoga co. O., by p-r. 146 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 3ol. RocKroRT, P-V. and st. jus. Spencer co. Ind., on the right bank of Ohio r., by p-r. 167 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Lat. 37° 57', long. W. C. 10° 06' w. Rock Rest, p-v. Chatham co. N. C, by p-r. 40 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Rock Run, p-o. n. e. part Harford co. Md., by p-r. 12 ms. n. e. by e. Belair, the co. St., and 38 N. E. Baltimore. Rock Shoal, p-o. Estill co, Ky., by p-r. 95 ms. s. E. Frankfort. Rock Spring, p-v. Pickens dist. S. C, by p-r. 149 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia. Rock Spring, p-v. St. Clair co. II., by p-r. 63 ms. s. w. Vandalia. Rock Springs, p-v. Cecil co. Md., by p-r. 79 ms. N. E. W. C. Rockstkeam, p-v. Reading, Steuben co. N. Y., 17 ms. from Penn-Yan, is at the falls of Rockstream, where a descent of 140 ft, affords water power. Above the falls is a rapid, a mile long, and below it the stream falls into Seneca lake. RocKTOWN, p-v. Harrison co. O., by p-r. 143 ms. a little n. of e. Columbus, Pop. tsp. 708, RocKViLLE, p-v. and st. jug, Montgomery co, Md. 15 ms. N. w. W. C, 37 ms, s, w. by w. Bal- timore, and by p-r. 52 ms. a little n. of w. An. napolis. Lat. 39° 05', long. W. C, 0° 7' w. It is a neat and rather close built village, but con- ROM 460 ROS sists chiefly of one street along the main turn- pike, or what ought to be a turnpike from W. C. to Frederick. Contains the co, buildings, an academy for young men, two printing offices, several stores and taverns, and a pop. of 555. RocKviLLE, p-v. Putnam co. Geo., by p-r. 33 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. RocKViLLE, p-v. Monroe co. Ten., by p-r. 151 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. RocKviLLE, p.v. and st. jus. Parke co. Ind., by p-r. 68 ms. w. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 40', long. "W. C. 10° 16' w. Pop. about 500. Rocky Comfort, p-v. Gadsden co. Flor., 22 ms. s. w, Tallahassee. Rocky Hill, p-v. Barren co. Ky. by p-r. 138 nis. s. w. Frankfort. Rocky Mount, p-v. and st. jus. Franklin co. Va. on a branch of Pig r., a confluent of Roan, •oke, by p-r. 263 ms. s. w. W. C. Lat. 36° 57', long. W. C. 2° 50' w. Rocky Mount, p-v. sthrn. part Nash co. N. C, by p-r. 54 ms. e. Raleigh. Rocky Mount, p-v. Fairfield dist. S. C, by p-r. 55 ms. a little e. of n. Columbia. Rocky Spring, p-v. Claiborne co. Misp., about 60 ms N. E. Natchez. Rocky Spring, p-v. Granger co. Ten., by p-r. 245 ms. E. Nashville. Rodman, p-t. Jeff"erson co. N. Y., 12 ms. e. lake Ontario, 7 s. Black r., is watered by the n. branch of Sandy cr. and small streams flowing into the other branch ; adjoins Pinckney, Lewis CO. on the e. It was first settled 1801, has a good soil, yielding various crops, and favorable 'to fruit. There are remains of small ancient mounds, and fragments of utensils, &c. are found, which mark it as once a favorite resort -of the Indians. Pop. 1,901. Rodnky p-o. Jefferson co. Misp., about 15 ms. nrthrd. Natchez. Roger's p-o. Sangamon co. II., by p-r. 94 ms. 3. N. w. Vandalia. Roger's Store, and p-o. Wake co. N. C. 14 •ms. from Raleigh. RoGERsviLLE, p-v. AndersoH dist. S. C, by ,p-r. 147 ms. n. w. Columbia. RoGERSviLLE, p-v. Lauderdale co. Ala. by p-r. 150 ms. N. Tuscaloosa. RoGERSviLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Hawkins co. Ten., by p-r. 264 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Lat. 36° 24', long. 5° 48' w. W. C. RoHRSBURGH, p-0. Columbia co. Pa. Role's Store, and p-o. Wake co. N. C, by p-r. 15 ms. nrthrd. Raleigh. Rome, t. Kennebec co. Me., 22 ms. n. Augus- ta, s. Mercer, Somerset co., has several large ponds on its s. and e. borders, which empty by different channels into Kennebec r. Its form is irregular. Pop. 883. Rome, p-t. and half shire, Oneida co. N. Y., 110 ms. w. Albany, 16 n. w. Utica ; the head of boat navigation of Mohawk r. and that of Wood cr. is here, connected by a canal 1^ ms. long, which forms a link between the waters of the Hudson and of lake Ontario, Several brooks flowing into the two streams, water different parts of the town, which is of irregular form. The soil is generally uneven and of very good quality ; but the borders of Wood cr. are low, level and moist. The land is generally held on lease. Fort Stanwix, built here by Great Brit- ain in 1758, and which cost .$266,400, was re- built by the Americans in the revolutionary war, and called fort Schuyler. This frontier post was reduced to great straits by an expedi- tion of Canadians and Indians, under Col. John- son, but defended with great bravery. The ru- ins of it are now hardly distinguishable. The battle of Oriskany was fought here, in which General Herkimer fell. Here was formerly a carrying place, before the canal was con- structed, and on the route passed a considera- ble amount of Indian merchandize in early times. The village is on the n. side of the canal, and 1-2 m. n. Erie canal. An arsenal of the U. S. stands three hundred yards n. Erie canal, on the height of land between the streams, and was built in 18 1 6, for a subordinate depot, under the ordnance department. There is a building 40 by 96 ft., 3^ stories high, and a magazine 19 by 65 ft., with a stone wall, 15 ft. high around it, officers' quarters, &c. &c. Pop. 4,360. Rome, p-o. Smith co. Ten. about 50 miles nrthestrd. Nashville. Rome, p-v. Trumbull co. O. bj' p-r. 183 ms. n. E. Columbus. Rome, p-v. and st. jus. Perry co. Ind. on the right bank of the Ohio r. opposite Stephensport, Breckenridge co. Ky. by p-r. 143 ms. a little w. of s. Indianopolis. Lat. 37° 58', long. W. C. 9°36'w. Romeo, formerly called Indian village, p-v. Macomb co. Mich., by p-r. 56 ms. n. n. e. De- troit. RoMNEY, p-v. and st. jus. Hampshire co. Va. on the right bank of the south branch of Poto- mac, by p-r. 116 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. 39 ms. in a similar direction from Winchester, and 28 s. Cumberland, in Md. Lat. 39° 20', long. W. C. 1° 42' w. Pop. 346, 100 colored per- sons. Romulus, p-t. Seneca co. N. Y. 6 ms. n. Ovid, 12 s. Waterloo, has Cayuga lake and co. e., Seneca lake and Ontario co. w., has very good land, which is all cultivated, with few mill streams. The surface has a gentle ascent from the lakes, and the rocks beneath are slate and secondary limestone. Appletown, a small vil- lage in the n. w. corner, on the lake shore, has its name from the remains of some ancient In. dian orchards which still exist. This town in- cludes part of the Cayuga Indian reservation. Pop. 2,089. Root, p-t. Montgomery co. N. Y. 12 ms. s. w. Johnstown, s. Mohawk r., n. Schoharie co., was formed from the e. part of Canajoharie, and w. part of Charlestown, in 1823. The rocky eminence, called the nose, and Mitchell's cave, are in this town. In the n. passes the Erie canal, where it strikes a narrow tract of primitive rocks. There is but one other disclo. sure of a primitive formation along the whole canal route. Pop. 2,750. Rootstown, p-v. Portage co. O. by p-r. 131 ms. N. E. Columbus. RoscoE, p-v. Jackson tsp. Coshocton co. O., by p-r. 83 miles n. e. by e. Columbus. Pop. 81. This place was formerly Caldersburgh. Rose, p-t. Wayne co. N. Y. Pop. 1,641. ROT 4G1 ROX RosEDALE, p.v. Madison co. 0. by p-r. 26 ms. w. Columbus. RosEHiLL, p-v. Lee co. Va. by p-r. 20 miles westward Jonesville, the co. St., and 412 miles s. w. by w. W. C. It is the extreme stliwstrn. p-o. in Va. RosEHiLL, p-v. Wilkinson co. Misp. by p-r. about 20 ms. sthrd. Natchez. RosELAND, p-v. Cambria co. Pa., by p-r. 182 ms. N. w. W. C. Rose Mills, and p-o. Amherst co. Va., by P-r. 170 ms. s. w. W. C. RosEviLLE, p-v. Loudon co. Va., by p-r. 38 ms. wstrd. W. C. RosEviLLE, P-v. Muskingum co. Va., by p-r. 69 ms. estrd. Columbus. RosEviLLE, p-v. Parke co. Ind., by p-r. 78 ms. w. Indianopolis. Ross CO. O., bndd. on the s. by Pike, s. w. Highland, n. w. Fayette, n. Pickaway, n. e. Hocking, and s. e. Jackson. Length from e. to w. 34 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 748 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 20', and long. W. C. 6° w,, in- tersect near Chillicothe and near the centre of this CO., and near the same point the Scioto r. receives from the w. Paint cr. The former traversing the co. in a s. s. b. direction. It is also traversed in all its breadth by the Ohio and Erie canal, which follows the right or wstrn. bank of Scioto. The face of the co. is peculiarly and finely diversified. Soil produc- tive. Cf. t. Chillicothe. Pop. 1820, 20,619, 1830, 24,068. Ross' p-o. Anderson co. Ten., by p-r. 201 ms. E. Nashville. Rossie, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 29 ms. s. s. w. Ogdensburgh, has Jefferson co. s. w. It is a large triangle, and is crossed through themiddle by Indian r. and the w. branch of the Oswegatchie, which affords water power to the iron works at the head of Black lake. Oswe- gatchie r. also runs for some distance in this town. In the w. is Chippeway bay in St. Law- rence r., which contains numerous little islands belonging to the group called the Thousand isl- ands. Limestone and iron ore abound, with granite, quartz, &c. The surface is various, partly almost mountainous and partly level. The Oswegatchie is a public highway from Streetor's mills in this town to its mouth at Og- densburgh. At the village the ironworks are quite large, and owned by Mr. David Parish. Pop. 641. RossTRAVER, tsp. and p-o. wstrn. part of Westmoreland co. Pa., by p-r. 212 ms. n. w. W. C. Pop. of the tsp. 1830, 1,721. It is the wstrn. tsp. of the co. and lies between the Youghioghany and Monongahela rs. RossviLLE, p-v. wstrn. part York co. Pa., 15 ms. N. w. by w. of the borough of York, 17 ms. s. Harrisburg, and lUO n. W. C. RossviLLE, p-v. Cherokee Nation, Geo., by p-r. 250 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. In the p-o. list it is marked as 56 ms. farther from Mil. ledge ville than is New Echota. RossviLLE, p-v. Butler co. O., on Miami r., 25 ms. N. Cincinnati. Pop. 639. RoTHERwooD, p.v. cstrn. part of Carrol co. Geo. 143 ms. n. w. by w. Milledgeville. Rotterdam, p-t. Schenectady co. N. Y., 4 ms. 59 s. w. Schenectady, on the s. side of Mohawk r., N. Albany co., e. Montgomery co. The land is almost all of excellent quality particularly the large meadows on the r's. bank. Nine small isls. in the Mohawk are also well cultivated. The inhabitants are of Dutch extraction. The Erie canal passes through the meadows not far from the r., descending from higher ground by 3 locks. There are several manufactories of different kinds. Fop. 1,481. Rough Creek Church, and p-o. Charlotte co. Va., by p-r. 105 ms. s. w. Richmond. Roulette, p-v. Potter co. Pa., by p-r. 292 ms. N. W. C. Round Prairie, p-o. Callaway co. Mo., 39 ms. N. N. E. Jefferson. Round Top, the highest eminence of Catts- kill mtns., Greene co. N. Y. Rouse's Point, formerly supposed to belong to Champlain, Clinton co. N. Y., was found to lie N. of lat. 45°, and of course it was decided that it lay in Canada. Rowan, co. N. C, bndd. by Montgomery s. E., Cabarras s., Iredell w., Surry n., and Yad- kin r. separating it from Davidson e. Length from s. to N. 40 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 800 sq. ms. Lat. 35° 45', long. W. C. 3° 36' w. The slope almost due east towards the deep valley of the Yadkin. Cf. t. Salisbury. Pop. 1830, 20,786. In 1820, Rowan contained the space E. of Yadkin, now Davidson co., and con- tained then 26,009 inhabitants ; the two coun. ties now contain a pop. of 34,175. Rowanty, p-v. Sussex co. Va., on Rowanty creek, 43 ms. s. Richmond. Rowe, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 130 ms. n. w. Boston, s. Vt. ; is elevated, and near the head waters of Deerfield r., at the base of Hoosac mtn. Fort Pelham was built here about the year 1744, being one of the line of forts for the protection of the frontier against savage incur- sions. Pop. 7 J 6. Rowlandsville, p-o. Cecil co. Md., by p-r. 80 ms. N. E. W. C. Rowley, p-t. Essex co. Mass., 28 ms. n. e. Boston, 16 N. E. Salem, 6 s. Newburyport, and w. Massachusetts bay ; has much sand and salt marsh e., with very good land in other parts, on hills and in vallies ; well watered by Row- ley and Parker rs., and other streams. The town was settled in 1639, from Yorkshire, Eng. under Rev. E. Rogers. It includes Plumb isl., and extends about 4 ms. by 13, including Plumb isl. sound. The hills yv. are the highest land in the co. Pop. 2,044. RoxBOEo', or Levering's p-o. in Roxboro' township, Philadelphia co. Pa., 8 ms. nrthrd. Phil. Pop. tsp. 3,334. RoxBORo', P-V. and st. jus. Person co. N. C, by p-r. 60 ms. n. w. Raleigh, and 271 s. s. w. W. C. Lat. 36° 24', long.^W. C. 2° w. RoxBURY, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 5 miles e. Keene, 60 w. s. w. Concord, 76 n. w. Boston ; is very small, containing but 6,000 acres, and is separated from Keene by the n. branch of Ashuelot r. The surface is uneven, with good grazing. Pop. 322. RoxBURY, t. Washington co. Vt., 15 ms. n. w. Montpelier, 45 n. w. Windsor ; first settled 1789 ; is on the height of land between Onion ROY 462 RUS and White rs., into both which streams several brooks flow. The soil is uneven, but good for grass and grain, bearing hard wood, with some evergreens. Slate, with crystals of pyrites are found E. Pop. 737. RoxBURY, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 2i ms. s. w. Boston, lies s. Charles r. or bay, on which are 1,000 acres of marsh, and communicates with Boston by a well built street extending along the Neck. In the middle part of the town the soil is fertile and well cultivated ; and s. w. is Jamaica Plain, 1 mile by 2, covered with gardens and country seats. About I part s. e. is rough and rocky land. Settled 1630, by John Pyncheon and others. Rev. John Elliot, called the apostle to the Indians, became pastor ot the church here in 1632. He had great success in christianizing and civilizing the savages, and translated and published the scriptures in their language. Gen. Warren, who fell at Bunker's hill, was born here. Jamaica pond, a beautiful sheet of water, supplies the Boston aqueduct. Pop. 5,247. RoxBURY, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 46 ms. s. s. w. Hartford, 32 n. w. New Haven, n. New Haven co. ; about 4 ms. by 6^ ; with about 26 square ms.; has a varied surface, bearing nut trees, &c. The rocks are granite, with some variation ; and iron ore exists here. Shepaug river, a small branch of the Housatonic, runs nearly s. through the t. Pop. 1,122. RoxBUiiY, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 56 ms. s. w. Albany, 22 e. Delhi, 49 w. Cattskill ; lies s. Schoharie co., and w. of Greene co. A pond gives rise to Papachton r., the e. branch of the Delaware, and on it are mill seats. The sur- face mountainous, and some of the vallies have good land. It was settled from the eastern states about 1790. Pop. 3,234. RoxBURY, t. Morris co. N. J., 45 ms. n. Tren- ton ; is divided on the n. w. and w. from Sus- sex and Warren cos. by Musconetcong river, which rises n. in Hopatung pond. The surface is elevated and mountainous ; Schooley's mtn. extending into the w. part. On it is Budd's pond, which, with a smaller one near Hopatung pond, gives rise to the south branch of Raritan r. A very narrow ridge, in this land, therefore, divides the waters of the Hudson and Delaware. Flanders, Draketown, Drakesville and Stanhope, are villages partly in this town. Pop. 2,262. RoxBURY, p-v. northern part of Franklin co. Pa., by p-r. 13 ms. n. Chambersburg, the co. st., and 103 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Royal Oak, p-v. Oakland co. Mich., 14 ms. northward Detroit. RoYALTON, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 31 ms. s. Montpelier, 25 n. w. Windser ; first settled 1771, and the buildings were burnt by Indians from Canada in Oct. 1780. Several persons were killed, and 28 of the inhabitants were carried captive to Canada, all of whom except one were ransomed and returned. The soil is good though the surface is mountainous. The town is crossed by White r. which is here joined by two branches ; and along the banks are rich meadows. The v. is in a pleasant situation, on White r. near the centre of the town, and con- tains an academy, &-c., incorporated in 1807. Pop. 1,893. RoTALTON, p-t. Niagara co. N? Y., 26 ms. e. Lewiston, 6 e. Lockport, w. Genesee co. ; has Tonawanta cr. s., which divides it from Erie CO. It is crossed by the mountain ridge and Erie canal. Lockport village is situated at the spot where they cross each other. The canal descends by 5 double combined locks, after passing through a deep rock cutting for a great distance, and affords most valuable mill sites, which are supplied by the waste water, and some of them occupied. The land in this town, though until recently but little occupied, is generally good. Pop. 3,138. RoYALTON, p-v. Fairfield co. Ohio, by p-r. 36 ms. s. E. Columbus. RoYALSTON, p-t. Worcester, co. Mass., 70 ms. w. Boston ; has a good soil, but an uneven surface, and is watered by several streams, the principal of which is Miller's r. in the s. e., which, as well as Tully's r., affords good mill sites. There are several mills and factories. The Royalston cotton and woollen factory on Miller's r. was incorporated 1813, with a capi- tal of ,^50,000. Settled 1762. Pop. 1,493. RoYSE mtn. Coos co. N. H., in the ungranted lands N. Chatham, near Me., and the Andros- coggin. Ruckersville, p-v. Elbert co. Geo., by p-r. 108 ms. N. N. E. Milledgeville. RucKMANViLLE, p-v. Bath CO. Va., by p-r. 180 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Ruddle's Mills, and p-o. Bourbon co. Ky., by p-r. 45 ms. e. Frankfort. RuGGLES, p-v. s. estrn. part Huron co. 0., by p-r. 100 ms. N. N. e. Columbus. Rum r. {See Missisagaigon r.) RuMFORD, p-t. Oxford co. Me., 20 ms. n. Pa- ris ; has Androscoggin r. on its s. boundary, 2 branches E. andw., and several mtns. Pop. 1,126. RuMFORD Academy, and p-o. King William CO. Va., by p-r. 115 ms. a very little s. of w. W. C, and 32 n. e. Richmond. Rumney, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 8 ms. n. w. Plymouth, 47 n. by w. Concord, 110 n. n. w. Boston ; with 22,475 acres ; crossed by Baker's r. and a branch from Stinson's pond n., Stinson's and Webber's mtns. lie e., and part of Rattle- snake or Carr's mtn. n. w. The soil is pretty good, bearing white pine, beech, sugar maple, oak and birch. Settled 1765. Pop. 993. Rupert, p-t. Bennington co. Vt. 26 ms. n. Ben. nington, 78 ms. s. w. Montpelier, lies e. N. Y., has Pawlet r. n. e., and gives rise to White cr. The E. part is mountainous, but there are many good farms. Pop. 1,318. Rupp's p-o. Marion co. O. by p-r. 38 ms. nrthrd. Columbus. Rural Valley, p-o. Armstrong co; Pa. by p-r. 224 ms. n. w, W. C. Rush, p-t. Monroe co. N. Y. Pop. 2,101. Rush, co. Ind. bndd. by Decaturs., Shelby s. w., Hancock n. w., Henry n., Fayette n. e., and Franklin s. e. Length from s. to n. 24 ms., breadth 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 35', long. W. C. 8° 30' w. Slope s. w. and drained by numerous branches of the Driftwood fork of White r. Cf. t. Rushville. Pop. 9,707. RusHFORD, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y. 12 ms. w. Angelica, e. Cattaraugus co. There are few mill streams. Pop. 1,115. RUS 463 RUT RusHVXLLE, p-v. sthrn. part Susquehannah co. Pa. by p-r. 265 ms. n. n. e. W. C. RusHviLLE, p-v. near the eastern border of Fairfield co. O. by p-r. 38 ms. s. e. by e. Colum. bus. Pop. 234. RusHviLLE, P-V. and st. jus. Rush co. Ind. by p-r. 46 ms. s. e. by e. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 36', long. 8°27'w. W. C. RusHViLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Schuyler co. II. by p-r. 172 ms. n. w. Vandalia. Lat. 40° 06', long. W. C. 13° 33' w. Russell, p-t. Hampden co. Mass. 108 ms. s. w. Boston, is crossed by Westfield r. n. w. and s. E., and Little Westfield r. from w. to e. In- corporated 1792. Pop. 507. Russell, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y. 28 ms. s. E. Ogdensburg, n. Herkimer co. The soil is favorable to pasturage ; the streams are nu- merous and small, except Oswegatchie r. s. Mill sites are abundant. First settled 1805. There are quarries of free stone ; iron ore, pyrites, «fcc. are found. Pop. 541. Russell co. Va. bndd. s. by Scott, Lee s. w., Cumberland mtn. separating it from Pike co. Ky. N. w., Tazewell co. Va. n. e., and Clinch mtn. separating it from Smyth e. and Washing- ton CO. Va. s. E. Mean length between Clinch and Cumberland mtns. 40 ms., mean breadth 35, and area 1,400 sq. ms. Lat. 37°, and long. W. C. 5° 30' w., intersect in this co. Though bounded by 2 mtn. chains, Russell co. of Va. is a very remarkable table land, giving source to the west fork of Sandy r. which flows to the n. w. and pierces Cumberland mountain. A minor chain of mtns. traverses the co. from n. e. to s. w. parallel to the Clinch and Cumberland chains, dividing it into two not very unequal sections. Clinch r. rising in Tazewell assumes a southwestern course down the sthestrn. val- ley of Russell, giving to that section a slope at right angles to that of the section bordered by the Cumberland chain. The whole co. occupies a region which must be elevated, independent of the mtn. ridges, at least from 1,200 to 1,500 ft. above the ocean tides. Surface rocky and in great part mountainous. Cf. t. Lebanon. Pop, 6,714: Russell, co. Ky. bndd. s. by Wayne, s. w. Cumberland co., w. and n. w. Adair, n. e. Casey, and E. Wolf or. separating it from Pulaski. Length from s. w. to n. e. 26 miles; mean breadth 10, and area 260 sq. ms. Lat. 37° and 8° w. W. C. intersect in this co. Cumberland r. by a very circuitous channel traverses the sthrn. section in a nearly westerly direction, the general slope is, however, to the s. towards that stream, though the nrthrn. extreme reaches into the valley of Green r. Cf. t. Jamestown. Pop. 3,879. Russell, p-v. Geauga co. O. by p-r. 141 ms. N. E. Columbus. Russell Place, p-o. Kershaw dist. S. C. by p.r. 61 ms. N. E. by E. Columbia. Russellville, p-v. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 99 ms. N. E. W. C. RussKLLviLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Franklin co. Ala. by p-r. 127 miles n. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 34° 28', long. W. C. 10° 46' w. It is situated on a branch of Bear cr. a confluent of Tennessee river. Russellville, p-v. Claiborne parish. La. by p-r. 441 ms. n. w. by w. New Orleans. Russellville, p-v. and st. jus. Logan co. Ky. situated on the summit ground between the sources of Muddy r. branch of Green r. and those of Red r. a confluent of Cumberland r., by p-r. 171 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, and 58 ms. a little w. of n. Nashville in Ten. Lat. 36° 50', long. W. C. 9° 50' w. It is a flourishing v., containing besides the co. buildings an acad. emy, some places of public worship, schools, stores, &c. Pop. 1,358. It is the largest town in sthrn. Ky. Russellville, p-v. Brown co. 0. by p-r. 106 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Russia, p.t. Herkimer co. N. Y. 20 miles n. Herkimer, has streams running in diflerent di- rections, the principal of which is West Cana. da cr. Pop. 2,458. Russia, iron works, Peru, Clinton co. N. Y. 6 ms. from Keeseville, 23 from Plattsburgh. Rutherford, co. N. C. bndd. by Blue Ridge, separating it from Buncombe w. ; a spur of the same chain separates it from Burke n. ; it has Lincoln e., and Spartanburg dist. S. C. s. Length from e. to w. 42 ms. ; mean breadth 28, and area, 1,176 sq. ms. Lst, 35° 20' n., and long. W. C. 5° w. intersect near the centre of this CO. The main stream of Broad r. flows along the sthrn. side in a nearly estrn, direc- tion, receiving numerous crs. which enter from the N. the general slope being sthrd. Much of the soil is excellent, but much is also thin and sterile. Cf. town, Rutherfordton. Pop. 1820, 15,351 ; 1830, 17,557. RuTHEiiFORD, CO. Ten. bndd. by Bedford s., Williamson s. w., Davidson n. w., Wilson n., and Warren e. Length from e. to w. 32 ms, ; mean breadth 24, and area 768 sq. ms. Lat. 36° and long. 9° 20' w. W. C. intersect in this CO. The outlines are very nearly commensu- rate with, and the co. contains nearly the whole valley of, Stone's r. a tributary of Cumberland r. The slope n. w. The n. w. angle is about 6 ms. N. E. by e. Nashville. The soil excellent. Cf. t. Murfreesboro'. Pop. 1820, 19,552 ; 1830, 26,134. Rutherfordton, p-v. and st. jus. Rutherford CO. N. C, by p-r. 223 ms. a little s. of w. Ra- leigh. It is situated on a branch of Broad r., and near the centre of the co. Rutland, co. Vt. bndd. by Addison co. n., Windsor co. e., Bennington co. s., Washington CO. w., 34 ms. by 42, with 958 sq. ms. Rut. land, near the centre, is the cf. t, Castleton is another considerable v. Otter cr. crosses the CO. from s. to n. Black, White, and Queechy rs. rise e. and run into Connecticut r. Pawlet r. is s. and Castleton and Hubbardton rs. w. The principal part of the co. is hilly and moun- tainous, but excellent level land is found on Otter cr., and in the s. w. marble is quarried abundantly in a range of granular limestone along Otter cr., and iron ore is found at the base of the Green mountains, whose heights are in. eluded in the e. part of the co. Cf. t. and St. jus. Rutland. Pop. 1820, 29,983; 1830, 31,294. Rutland, p-t. and st. jus. Rutland co. Vt. 50 ras. s. w. Montpelier 60 s. Burlington, 52 w. e., SAB 464 SAB Bennington, is of irregular I'orin, containing above 26,000 acres. It was first settled about 1770. In the revolution 2 picket forts were built here, one of which was near the site of the present court house in the e. village. It is crossed by Otter cr. from s. to n. West r- and East cr. fall into it in this t. and these streams afford mill sites, vvliere several factories are erected. The soil is very various, the rocks being primitive and secondary. Iron, lime- stone, and clay are found. Marble quarries are wrought, both white and blue, in a range ex- tending from Berkshire co. Mass. through a considerable part of Vt. The principal vil. is in the e. parish, and contains a court house, and other public buildings. In the w. parish are 2 small villages. Pop. 2,753. Rutland, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 56 mil.es w. Boston, is a pleasant agricultural town, with good soil and varied surface, crossed by an e. branch of Ware r. It was purchased of the Indians in 1686. A tract 12 miles sq. which included this and several adjacent towns, was purchased for £30. Several of the inhabit- ants were killed by Indians in 1723 and '24. Pop. 1,276. Rutland, p-t. Jefferson co. N. Y. 170 ms. n. w. Albany, 6 e. Watertown, s. Black r., n. Lewis CO., has light soil and favorable to grain and grass. Limestone rooks lie beneath at a considerable depth. The trees are maple, beech, elm, with some white pine, &c. near Black r. The remains of an ancient work like an encampment are seen on a hill, surrounded by a ditch. The place was overgrown with old trees, and human bones are found in the soil. Pop. 2,339. Rutland, p-v. Tioga co. Pa. by p-r. 148 ms. N. N. w. Harrisburg. Rutland, p-v. Meigs co. O. by p-r. 95 ms. s. E. Columbus. Rutledge, p-v. and St, jus. Grainger co. Ten. 33 ms. N. E. by e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 232 ms. E. Nashville. Lat. 36° 15', long. W. C. 6° 16' w. Ryal's, p-o. Montgomery co. Geo. by p-r. 10) ms. s. s. E. Milledgeville. Rye, t. Rockingham co. N. H. 6 ms. e. Ports- mouth, which it separates from the ocean, 51 E. s. E. Concord, has Little Harbor n. e., the At- lantic E., and contains 7,780 acres. It was first settled in 1635, when it belonged to Ports, mouth ; incorporated 1719. Its name was probably derived froni a town in England. The soil is poor and hard, but sea weed is used with great benefit as manure. The sea coast extends 6 ms., nearly one third of that possessed by the whole state, and embraces Sandy, Jenniss' and Wallis beaches, which afford bathing places, much resorted to. There is a small harbor for vessels of 70 or 80 tons ; and many fish arc caught in boats along the coast. A tract of 300 acres has been drained of a fresh pond, which yields salt hay. At Breakfast hill, a party of Indians were surprised, 1696. That t. suffer- ed considerably in the Indian wars. Pop. 1,172. Rye, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y. 29 ms. n. f. N. Y., 5 s. e. Whiteplains, 142 s. Albany, w. Conn., N. Long Isl. sound, is small and of irreg- ular form. It has Byram r. for a short distance on the E. boundary. Parsonage Point extends into the sound. There are 2 small villages, Rye and Saw Pitts, the latter on the sound, 28 ms. from N. Y. and a place of some trade. Seve- ral small isls. in the sound belong to this town. Pop. 1,602. Ryegate, P-t. Caledonia co. Vt. 33 ms. e. Montpelier, 58 n. w. Windsor, 150 n. w. Boston, lies w. Conn, r., n. Orange co. opposite Bath, Grafton co. N. H. and has 32 sq. ms. The original settlers, (except one family,) were from Scotland, a company with iJljOOO sterling, be- ing raised in 1772, by farmers of Renfrew and Lanark, and after a selection make by agents, the settlement was commenced in 1774. New colonists were interrupted by the war, but after- wards arrived ; and about two thirds of the population are of Scotch descent. The habits of their ancestors are still in some degree re- tained : oat meal and barley form important ar. tides of diet; and frugality and industry pre- vail. The land is uneven, and in the north rough ; but there is much pasturage, and very little waste. The western part has rich soil, and on the Conn, are three small meadows. Ticklanaked pond s., contains 64 acres, and its outlet enters Wells r. North pond discharges into Conn, r. over which is a dam, at Canoe falls, and a ferry. A part of Wells r. s. w. af. fords mill seats. Mill stones are obtained from Bli-ie mtn. the only considerable eminence. Pop. 1,119. Ryekson's station, P-v. nrthrn. patt of Greene CO. Pa. by p-r. 16 ms. s. s. w. of the borough of Washington in Washington co. Pa. and 249 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Rynd's, p-o. Venango co., Pa. by p-r. 288 ms, N. w. W, C. Sabillisville, p-v. Frederick co. Md., by p-r. 59 ms. N. N. w. W. C. Sabina, p-v. Clinton co. O., by p-r. 55 ms. s. w. Columbus. Sabine, r, of La. and the Mexican province of Texas, rising in the latter about lat. 33°, and to the sthrd. of the great bend of Red r., and to the N. w. of La. The country round its sources is generally prairies ; but before reaching lat. 32°, where it becomes a boundary between La. and Texas, this stream has entered a dense for- est. From this point to the mouth, it was navi- gated and surveyed by the author of this article in 1812 and 1813. At lat. 32° it is already a navigable stream for boats of considerable size at high water ; the breadth of the stream 60 or 70 yards. Below 32° the Sabine receives no tributary stream above the size of a large cr. ; of these, however, there are several from both sides. The main stream, with a curve to the estrd., pursues a general sthrn. course over 2 degrees of lat. to lat. 30°, where it is joined from the n. w. by the Netchez, a branch from the vicinity of Nacogdoches. Before their junc- SAC 465 SAG tion both rivers have merged into prairie, which continues to the Gulf of Mexico. Immediately below the union of the Sabine and Netchez, the united waters expand into a shallow elliptical lake of about 30 ms. long, and from 1 to 7 or 8 ms. wide. At the lower end of the lake the water again contracts into the size of a river of but little more widtli than above the lake. The whole length oj this river, from the source to fi- nal outlet into the Gulf of Mexico, is 70 miles above and 250 ms. below the point where it is crossed by lat. 32°. Though when swelled by rains the Sabine is navigable above lat. 32°, it is not of sufficient depth at the mouth, or over its lake, for vessels of 3 ft. draught. Along the west- ern side a range of high hills stretclies with the Sabine, some parts of which are rocky and even precipitous ; but along the opposite shore not one high bank exists, and with the prairies all eminences cease, and one immense plain ex- tends on all sides. Tufts of trees gradually cease, and from the mouth not a shrub is to be seen. The soil, as far as we can judge from the appearance along the banks, is generally sterile. At any considerable distance from the stream, pine is the prevailing timber. Taken as a whole, it is a river worthy of particular notice only, as having become a political boun- dary between two great nations. Sable r. or River au-Sable, N. Y., empties into lake Champlain, after a course of 35 miles from Essex co., where it has its source. It runs for some distance on the line of Essex and Clinton cos., with mill seats. Little Sable r. empties into the lake 2 ms. n. of it. Sacandaga, r. N. Y., a branch of the Hud- son, 8 ms. long ; has its sources in numerous ponds and small streams in Warren and Hamil- ton COS., and after a crooked course, and re- ceiving a number of good mill streams, joins the Hudson 8 ms. s. w. of lake George. Sacarappa, p-v. Cumberland co. Me. 59 ms. from Augusta. Sachem, Grand, mtn. N. Y., the highest of the Highlands on Hudson r. called also the Beacon. Sacket's Harbor, incorporated p-v. Houns- field, .leflerson co. N. Y. 161 ms. n. w. Albany, 12 below Watertown, 8 from lake Ontario, is on a large and important bay and harbor, which was m.ade a naval station during the late war, and is very convenient for ship building as well as for anchorage. Forts Tompkins and Pike were built here in the war. Saco, r. rises in N. H. and enters the Atlan- tic in Me. Its highest source is near the sum- mit of one of the loftiest peaks of the White mtns. ; and during its course to the Notch, it flows in one place within about 200 yards of the Lower Amonoosuc. After winding slowly through a little narrow alluvial level at the foot of the principal peaks, it passes through the Notch, which it appears to have had much agency in reducing to its present form, and in- stantly changes its character to a furious and foaming little torrent, rushing impetuously down a descent in a continued cascade, with few in- terruptions for several miles. On the upper part of the Notch it is about 4 feet wide, and yet leaves barely room enough for the road to pass beside it. It pursues a s. course for about 12 ms. through many romantic scenes, and then turning e. in Bartlett receives Ellis's r., and in its s. course of 10 ms. further is swelled by several other small tributaries. At Conway it flows across a level tract, receives Swift r., and then running e. passes into Fryeburgh, Maine, through which it pursues a remarkably tortuous course, running 36 ms. in a town 6 ms. sq., the ancient favorite habitation of the Pequawket Indians. It then pursues its way to the sea in Me., on the borders of which it makes a sudden descent, at a spot where its channel is divided by an island, on which, and the adjacent banks, large manufactories were erected a few years since, with the prospect of operating with great advantage on account of its convenient commu- nication with navigable tide water, as well as the abundance of water power. The principal buildings were unfortunately destroyed by fire. The r. is subject to sudden floods, especially in its upper parts. Saco, p-t. and port of entry, York co. Me. 71 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 15 s. w. Portland, 29 N. E. York, 103 N. N. E. Boston ; has Saco r. on the s. w,, Cumberland co. n. e., and a bay on the s. E. where the mouth of the river forms a harbor. The falls here afford water power for manufacturing. The village stands on Saco r. at the head of tide water, about 3 ms. from its mouth, and at the falls, the descent of which is nearly 50 ft. and to which vessels of 100 tons come up from sea. The water power is al- ways very abundant, and numerous factories might be erected on the shore. About 20 saw mills are now moved by the water. The York manufacturing com. own a site 34 ft. in length, where they have anew factory with 8,000 spin- dles, and other sites at Calt's island. They have also a rolling mill and nail factory, produ- cing 400 tons of nails annually. There is one Episcopal, one Calvinist, and one Unitarian church, besides congregations of Baptists and Methodists. The number of inhabitants in the village by the last census was 3,219 ; the num- ber the preceding year was over 3,800. Only a few months before the census was taken, the large cotton mill which had employed 600 per- sons was burnt. Pop. 3,219. Saddle, r. N. J. rises near the boundary in N. Y., and flows s. through Bergen co. into Pompton r. and forms the Passaic. Saddleback, mtn. Oxford co. Me. n. of An- droscoggin river, about 4,000 feet above the sea. SADDLE River, t. Bergen co. N. J. 4 ms. n. w. Paterson ; has Pompton r. on the s. bound. ary, and much hilly or mountainous land. Paterson v. is at the falls, opposite this town. An aqueduct of the Morris canal crosses the r. Pop. 3,397. Sadsburyville, p-v. western part of Chester CO. Pa. by p-r. 43 ms. w.Phil. Saegersville, p-o. Lehigh co. Pa. by p-r. 85 ms. E. Harrisburg. Sagadahoc, r. Oxford co. Me. falls into the Androscoggin in Rumford, from the n. Sag Harbor, p-v. and port of entry, South- ampton, Suffolk CO. N. Y. in the n. e. corner of that town, 100 ms. e. N. Y., 244 from Albany, SAG 466 SAI has a good harbor, and the seat of some trade, as well as of whale fishing, and the manufac- ture of salt from sea water. Saginaw, bay of lake Huron, in Mich. As laid down by Tanner in his recently improved map of the U. S. Saginaw bay opens from the lake between Transit point on the s., and Rock point on the n., by a mouth 32 ms. wide, and extending thence s. w. 50 ms., maintaining a general width of about 20 miles, and ter. minating in a wide base or shore exceeding in fact in width the mean breadth of the bay. This bay receives from the n. w. the rivers Thunder, Sable, Grindstone, and some of lesser note ; the inlets are small, and the main confluent of the bay, the Saginaw river, enters the extreme southwestern shore. The bay of Saginaw is chequered with some islands, the principal groups are the Thunder islands off Rock point, and the Shaungum islands between the mouths of Grindstone and Saginaw rivers. Vessels drawing 5 or 6 feet water are navigated into, and some distance up Saginaw r. The distance is about 75 ms. n. n. w. from the outlet of lake Huron into St. Glair r. to Transit point, or southern entrance of the bay of Saginaw. Saginaw, r. of Mich., is formed by the rivers Cass, Flint, Saginaw Proper, and Tittibawas- see. Cass r. rises in Sanilac co., and flowing wstrd. by comparative courses 50 ms., falls in- to Saginaw nearly opposite to the mouth of Tit. tibawassee. Flint r. rises in Lapeer and Oak- land COS., and flowing thence to the n. w. enters Saginaw co., and joins Saginaw r. 3 or 4 miles above the mouths of Cass and Tittibawassee rs. Saginaw Proper rises in Oakland, Washtenaw, and Shiawassee cos., and flowing nrthrd. into Saginaw, joins Flint r. ; as already noticed, the comparative length of the two streams above their junction is nearly equal, and each about 55 ms. The Saginaw Proper has interlocking sources with those of Huron of Erie, and Grand r. of Michigan. The course of the Tittibawas. see is almost directly opposite to that of Flint -f. Rising between the sources of Thunder r. of lake Huron, and Manistic of lake Michigan, it flows s. s. E. by comparative courses about 70 ms., and is the longest of the constituent branch- es of Saginaw. This stream rises on the un- appropriated territory between Saginaw bay and lake Michigan, and in its course to its re- cipient traverses Gladwin and Midland cos., and is lost in Saginaw r. in Saginaw co. Be. low the union of its constituent streams, the Saginaw flows n. n. e. by comparative courses to its final discharge into Saginaw bay. The valley of Saginaw occupies much of the central parts of the Michigan peninsula ; the greatest length, 120 ms. from the source of Flint r. to that of Tittibawassee ; mean breadth 35 ms., and area 42 sq. ms. Lying between lat. 42° 35', and 43° 2)'. Contrary to ordinary cases, the greatest length of this river valley is almost at right angles to the general course from the mid- dle source to point of ultimate discharge. Saginaw, co. Mich., bndd. n. e. and e. by Sanilac co., s. e. Lapeer, s. Shiawassee, w. Gratiot, n. w. Midland, and n. Saginaw bay. Length from s. to n. 38 ms., mean breadth 32, and area 1,216 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 43° 07' to 43° 39', and in long, from 6° 36' to 7° 21' w. W. C. Slope a little e. of n. The far greater part of the whole co. is in the valley of Saginaw r., and near its centre the constituent streams of that r. converge and unite within 3 or 4 ms. of the same point. Cf. t. Saginaw. Saginaw, st. jus. Saginaw co. Mich., as laid down by Tanner, is on the left bank of Sagi. naw r. 20 ms. above its mouth, and 100 ms. n. w. Detroit. Lat. 43° 25', long. 6° 55' w. W. C. Saint Alban's, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 3J ms. E. Norridgewock, 46 n. n. e. Augusta, touches Penobscot co. at the n. e. and s. e. angles, ly. ing w. Corinna, which breaks the line of that CO. It is crossed n. e. and s. w. by a stream flowing into Sebasticook r., the main stream forming the w. boundary of this t. Pop. 920. Saint Alban's, p-t. and st. jus. Franklin co. Vt. 27 ins. N. Burlington, 46 n. w. Montpelier, 70 s. Montreal ; is situated on St. Alban's bay of lake Champlain on a handsome slope, com- mencing about 3 ms. from the shore. The streets of the village are regularly laid out, and the public edifices are built about a central square, the co. buildings, academy, churches, &c. The settlement of the town began in the revolutionary war. The streams are insignifi- cant ; the soil is good, bearing maple, beech and birch, and near the lake, oak. The trade of the town has been much increased by the opening of Champlain canal. Saint Alban's academy was incorporated in 1799. Pop. 2,395. Saint Andrew's Bay, Washington co. Flor. This extensive and irregular sheet of water communicates with the Gulf of Mexico, by Saint Andrews Inlet, lat. 30° 13'. long. 8° 40' w. W. C. and receives Econfina r. from the n. The following notes are taken from a report of the U. S. Engineer Department. " St. Andrew's Bay has its entrance about 10 ms. n. n. w. of the bar of St. Joseph's bay. It is covered by- Crooked and St. Andrew's islands, which com- prehends between them and the main, St. An- drew's Sound, leading into the bay itself. There are three passes into St. Andrew's Sound. The estrn. is through the opening between Crooked and St. Andrews Islands. The depth is 20 feet on the bar, and the channel close by the latter island, is contracted to the width of 300 yards. The distance between the islands is 1,200 yds. The middle or main pass enters near the western end of St. Andrews island; the depth 21 feet. The least width of the channel is 200 yards. The western pass 2 ms. w. of the latter, depth on the bar 10 feet. From this pass to the head of the bay is 30 ms. The bay has been represented as shallow ; but, inside of the Sound 18 feet can be carried from the main to the eastern pass." Saint Augustine, p-v. Cecil co. Md. by p-r.. 99 ms. n. e. W. C. Saint Augustine, East Flor. {See Augus- tine, Saint.) Saint Bernard, parish of La., as laid down by Tanner, extends s. e. from the lower sub- urb's of New Orleans, and is bndd. w. by the parish of Jefferson, n. by the parish of Orleans, N. E. by lake Borgne, and e. and s. e. by the parish of Plaquemines. Length 30 ms. from SAI 467 SAI the vicinity of New Orleans to the junction of the bayous Levy and Terrs aux BcEufs ; mean breadth 5 ms., area 150 sq. ms. Central lat. 29° 54', long. 12° 46' W. C. This parish con- tains both banks of the Misp. from the vicinity of New Orleans to the Great Bend above Wood- ville, and the whole course of Terre aux Bceufs. The margin of these streams comprise the only arable part, the residue being impassable mo- rass. The whole surface is a plain, being a part of the delta. Staples, sugar, rice, and cot- ton. There is neither co. st. nor p-o. named in this parish on the p-o. list. Pop. 3,356. Saint Charles, parish of La. bndd. by Jeffer- son parish e., Lafourche parish s.. Saint John Baptist w., and lake Pontchartrain n. Length 34 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 512 sq. ms. Lat. 30°, and long. 13-' l8' w. W. C. intersect in this parish. What slight descent exists in the surface is to the s. e. by e. in the direction of the Misp. r., by which it is traversed. The alluvial banks of the Misp. afford most of the arable soil of the parish, which, like other parts of the delta, is a plaia liable to annual, and in the present case, even diurnal submersion, ex- cept the margin of streams. Pop. 1820,3,862, 1830, 5,147. Staples of this parish, sugar, rice, and cotton. Saint Charles, co. Mo. bndd. by Mo. r. which separates it from Saint Louis co. s. e. and s., and from Franklin s. w. ; it has Mont- gomery CO Mo. w., and Lincoln n. ; above the mouth of Illinois river it is separated from Calhoun co. II. by the Misp., and below the mouth of II. to that of Mo. r. it is separated by the Misp. r. from Greene co. II. n., and Madison co. 11. e. It occupies the point be- tween the Mo. and Misp. rs., and approaches the form of a triangle ; the hypothenuse or greatest length 52 ms. along the general course of the latter stream ; perpendicular along Mont- gomery 2 ' ms. ; area about 500 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 47', long. 13° 35' w. W. C. General slope to the E. It is proposed to locate a college in this CO. soon. Cf. t. Saint Charles. Pop. 1820, 3,970, 1830, 4,320. Saint Charles, p-v. and st. jus. St. Charles CO. Mo. situated on the left bank of Mo. r. 20 ms. N. w. St. Louis. It is principally composed of one long street, on a superstratum underlaid by solid limestone. After rising the slope on which the town stands, an immense plain ex- tends, partly covered with woods, but more an open prairie. According to Flint, about one- third of the population is French, and the whole about 1,200. Lat. 38° 45', long. 13° 30' W. C. Saint Clair, r. of Mich, and Upper Canada, is the discharge of the immense reservoir of lake Huron, or rather it is the drain of the basin of which lake Huron is itself the reservoir. Towards its southern extremity this large sheet of water gradually contracts, and finally termi. nates in a river almost exactly at lat. 43°. This r. or strait, with a general width of about a half mile, flows by comparative courses 40 ms. a little w. of s. to its entrance into lake Saint Clair. The lower part of St. Clair r. is a real delta, the water separating into numerous chan- nels, with low marshy or sandy intervening islands. The main channel of St. Clair r. ad- mits in all its length the navigation of vessels drawing 7 or 8 ft, water. The water of St. Clair r. forms part of the boundary between Mich, and Upper Canada, as does also lake St. Clair. Saint Clair, lake, is a nearly circular sheet of water ; greatest length or breadth 30 ms., and receiving from the n. the r. or strait of the same name. This lake is shallow, and the shores generally low, level, and in part marshy. It receives from Upper Canada the rs. Bear and Thames, and from Mich., Clinton r. It is discharged at the southwestern angle into De- troit r., and is navigable for vessels of 7 or 8 ft. draught. Saint Clair, co. Ala. bndd. by Shelby s. w., Jefferson w., Blount n. w.. Wills creek or river N. E., and the main Coosa e. and s. e. Length from s. w. to n. e. 42 ms., mean breath 20, and area 840 sq. ms. Lat. 33° 45', long. 9° 24' w. W. C Slope eastward towards Coosa r. Cf. t. Ashville. Pop. 5.975. Saint Clair, co. Mich. bndd. by 'VTacomb co. s. w., Lapeer w., Sanilac n., lake Huron n. e., Saint Clair r. e. and s. e., and lake Saint Clair s. Length from s. to n. 55 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,100 sq. ms. Lat. 43°, long. 5° 30' w. W. C. Slope s. e., and in that direction drained by the river Dulude and Belle r. Pop. 1,114. Saint Claik, p-v. and st. jus. St. Clair co. Mich, by p-r. 59 ms. n. e. Detroit. It is situated on Saint Clair r. at the mouth of Pine r. Lat. 42° 47', long. 5° 25' w. W. C. Saint Clair, co. II. bndd. n. by Madison, N. e. Clinton, Washington s. e., Randolph s., Monroe s. w., and the Misp. r. separating it from St. Louis co. Mo. n. w. Length from s. to N. 30. ms., mean breadth 22, and area 660 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 30', and long. 13° w. W,C. intersect near the centre of this co. The south- eastern angle is traversed in a southwestern di- rection by Kaskaskias r. Silver cr. rising in Macaupin, traverses by a sthrn.- course Madi- son and St. Clair, falling into Kaskaskias r. in the latter. The general slope of the co. is to the s., though a small section of the n. wstrn. part declines to the wstrd. towards the Misp. Cf t. Belleville. Pop. 1820, 5,253, 1830, 7,078. Saint Clairsville, p.v. and st. jus. Belmont CO. 0., by p-r. 11 ms. a little n. of w. Wheeling in Va., 275 ms. n. w. by w. W. C, and 124 ms. E. Columbus. It is situated on a small branch of Indian or West Wheeling cr., in a very hilly but fertile country. This village stands on the U. S. road, contains the common co. buildings, with a printing ofHce, market house, 3 places of public worship, and several private schools. Pop. 789. Lat. 40° 05', long. W. C. 3° 51' w. Saint Clement's Bay, and p-o. s. w. part of St Mary's co. Md., by p-r. 57 ms. s. s. e. W. C. Saint Croix, r. Me. rises in a considerable lake on the borders of Washington co. and New Brunswick, and after a devious course of about 80 or 90 ms. in a s. e. direction on the e. oundary of the U. S., falls into Passamaquoddy ay. It also bears the names of Passamaquod- by, Cheputnetecoock, &c. It receives nume- SAI 4(J8 SAI rous small streams from Washington co. par- ticularly the outlet of the Shordic lakes. It is navigable 12 ms. to the falls at Calais. Saint Croix, r. of Huron, rises about lat. 46, long. W. C. from 14° to 16° w., interlocking sources on the w. with the confluents of Rum r., on the e. with those of Chippeway r., and n. with numerous small streams flowing into lake Superior. This is a large r. compared with its length of course, which is about 110 ms. to the s. s. w., and the breadth across its sources is very little less than the length of its valley. St. Croix enters the Misp. about half way be- tween the mouths of St. Peter's and Chippeway rs. at lat. 44° 45', its valley occupying the space between those of Rum r. and Chippeway rs. This stream has numerous branches, and much of the land is spoken of by travellers, as excel- lent. The mouth following the land route e. of Misp. r. is about 200 ms. above Prairie du Chien. Saint Francis, r. of Mo. and Ark., is com- posed of two branches, the estrn. or White Wa- ter, and wstrn. or Saint Francis Proper. White Water has its remote sources in Cape Girar deau CO. Mo., and derives some of its fountains within 10 ms. from the channel of the Misp. Flowing thence by a course a little w. of s. over Cape Girardeau, Stoddard, Scott, and New Madrid cos., Mo., enters Crittenden co. Ark., within which it joins the Saint Francis after a comparative course of 140; ms. Saint Francis rises in the Iron mtns.. Saint Francis co. Mo., interlocking sources with those of Black r. branch of White r. on the w. ; with those of Big r. branch of Mararaec, and with those of Cold Water, Vase, and other small crs. flowing to E. into Misp. From this comparatively ele- vated and broken region. Saint Francis, in a general sthrn. course of 160 ms. unites with White Water, having traversed the sthrn. part of Saint Francis, the entire breadth of Madison and Wayne, Mo., and part of Lawrence, Mon- roe and Crittenden cos. Ark. Below the union of its main branches. Saint Francis maintains its southern direction, by comparative courses 80 miles, but with a very sinuous channel, to its entrance into Mississippi at lat. 34° 35'. In its entire course of 240 ms. the Saint Francis flows so nearly parallel to the general course of Black r., and its continuation. White river, that the two streams vary in relative distance from 10 to 40 ms. The mean breadth of Saint Francis valley is about 35 miles ; area 8,400 sq. ms., filling the space between the valley of White r., and the opposing part of that of the Misp. The much greater part of Saint Francis valley is a plain, liable to annual submersion. In the low- er part of its course it is in appearance, the Mis- sissippi on a smaller scale. Saint Francis r. as named by Henepin and Carver, and Leaf r. by Pike, is a br. of Misp. proper rising in and draining the large triangle between Rum, and Misp. rs. It rises to the wstrd. of Spirit Lake, and by a general compar- ative course of 100 ms. to the s. e. falls into the Misp. on the right side 10 ms. above the mouth of Rum r., and 30 ms. above the Falls of St. Anthony. Saint Fkancis, co. Missouri, bndd. s. by Mad- ison, Washington w., Jefferson n., and St. Ge- nevieve E. The outline is very irregular, but the greatest length is from s. to n. 30 ms. ; mean breadth 20 ms., and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 50', long. W. C. 13° 30' w. The irregular east- ern and northeastern borders of this co. follow the dividing ridge or table land between the sources of Saint Francis and Maramec rs. and those of small crs. faUing into the Mississippi, after a brief course of 10 or 15 ms. The range of hills or mountains which reach the Missis- sippi near the village of Saint Genevieve, crosses Saint Francis co. in a western direction, and discharges the sources of Big river, branch of Maramec, n., and those of Saint Francis r. s. The surface of the whole co. is hilly, bro- ken, and in part even mountainous. Cf. t. Far- mington. Pop. 2,366. Saint Francis, co. Ark. bndd. by Crittenden E., Phillips s. E., Monroe s. w., .Jackson n. w., and Lawrence n. Length from s. to n. 54 ms., mean breadth 40 ms., and area 2,160 sq. ms. Lat. 35°, and long. 14° w. W. C. intersect in this CO. between Saint Francis and White rs. The much greater part of the area embraced by this extensive co. is level and liable to an- nual submersion. Slope sthrd. in the general direction of the courses of White and Saint Francis rs. Cf. t. Saint Francis. Pop. 1,505. Saint Francis, p-v. Saint Francis co. Ark., byp-r. Ill ms. n. e. by e. Little Rock. Saint Francisville, p-v. and st. jus. West Feliciana parish, Louisiana. It is on a hill ri- sing from the Misp. river about \ m. from the mouth of bayou Sara, 64 ms. s. Natchez, and by p-r. 149 ms. n. w. by w. New Orleans. Lat. 30° 42', long. W. C. 14° 19' w. It is a neat village, in one street along the road from the mouth of bayou Sara to Fort Adams, Natchez, &c. Saint Genevieve, co. of Mo. bndd. by Perry s. e.. Saint Francis co. s. w. and w., Jefferson N. vv., and Mississippi r. separating it from Ran- dolph CO. Illinois n. e. It approaches to the form of a square of 20 miles each side ; area 400 sq. ms. Lat. 37° 50', long. W. C. 13° 14' w. The slope is to the n. e. towards the Mis- sissippi r. ; the western border following the dividing ridge of the sources of Saint Francis and Maramec, and those of crs. flowing over Saint Genevieve into the Misp. Cf. t. Saint Genevieve. Pop. 2,186. Saint Genevieve, p-v. and st. jus. Saint Gene- vieve CO. Mo., situated, says Mr. Flint, about one mile from the Mississippi r. on Gabourie cr., and at the head of a fine alluvial prairie. According to this author, the population is about 1,500, and yet not more than it was 30 years ago. The French inhabitants are most numerous. The village contains an academy and Catholic church. It is distant 61 ms. be- low Saint Louis, and 8 westward of Kaskaskias in II. Lat. 38°, long. W. C. 13° 05' w. Saint George, p-t. Lincoln co. Me. 38 ms. from Wiscasset, and 57 s. e. Augusta ; forms an irregular cape, running s. w. into the sea, witli St. George's r. on the n. w. and w. Pop. 1,643. Saint George t. Chittenden co. Vt., 28 ms. e. Montpelier, 8 s. e. Burlington ; is.of small size ; SAI 469 SAI first settled 1784 ; has an uneven surface, with some high hills ; maple, beech, and birch tim- ber, but no considerable streams. Pop. 135. Saint Helena, parish of La., bndd. by lake Pontchartrain s. e., the Pass of Manchac, lake Maurepas, and the lower part of Amite r. sepa. rating it from the parishes of Saint John Bap- tist, Saint James, and Ascension ; the Amite r. separating it from East Baton Rouge s. w. and w., and New Feliciana n. w. ; on the n. it. has the CO. of Amite in Misp., and on the e. the Tangipao r. separating it from Washington N. E. and St. Tammany e. Length from s. to N. 50 ms., mean breadth 34, and area 1,700 sq. ms. {For hit. and long, see St. Hde?ia the st. Jus.) The slope is a little e. of s. There is some good soil along the streams, but the much greater part is sterile, and covered with pine timber. Pop. 1820, 3,026, 1830, 4,028. Saint TIelena, p. v. and st. jus. parish of Saint Helena, La., on Tickfa r., by p.r. 98 ms, n. w. New Orleans ; and about 45 ms. a little n. ofE. Baton Rouge. Lat. 30° 35', long. W. C. 13° 40' w. Saint Inigoes, p-v. on a small r. of the same name, sthrn. part of St. Mary's co. Md., 27 ms. s. E. by E. Leonardstown, the co. seat, and by p-r. 90 ms. s. s. e. W. C. Saint James, parish of La. bndd. e. by Saint John Baptist, s. by the Misp. r. separating it from the parish of Assomption, w. by Ascen- sion, and N. by Amite r. separating it from Saint Helena. Length 28 ms., mean width 20, and area 560 sq. ms. Lat. 30° 10', long. W. C. 13° 45' w. The southern border of this parish rises only from 1 to 4 minutes above lat. 30, and is about the nthrn. extreme in La. where the orange tree will grow to any advantage, and even here, its existence is precarious. Sugar and cotton are the staples. In surface and soil it resembles other Louisiana parishes along the IVIississippi in the delta. Pop. 1820, 5,660, 1830, 7,646, Saint James, p-o. St. James parish. La. Saint James' Church, and p-o. Bedford co. Va , by p-r. 217 ms. s. w. W. C. Saint John Baptist, parish of La., bndd. by St. Charles e., bayou Cabanose separating it from the parish of Lafourche s.. Saint James and Assomption w., lake Maurepas n. w.. Pass of Manchac n., and lake Pontchartrain n. E. Length from s. to n. 50 ms., mean breadth 12 ms., and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 40° and long. 13° w. W. C. intersect near the centre of this parish. A remark may be made here • which applies to the present article, and all the other parishes of La., in the delta of the Misp., that is, that the area is in great part nominal as regards arable land. The only part sufficient- ly elevated for the plough is the margin of the streams, but where arable, the soil is highly fer- tile. The Misp. winds over Saint John Baptist from w. to E. Staples, cotton and sugar. Pop. 1820, 3,8.54; 1830, 5,677. Saint John's, r.. Me., rises in Somerset co. in that state, near the middle of the w. boundary, where its head waters almost interlock with those of the Chaudiere, which flows into the Saint Lawrence, and with those of the Penob- scot, and approach near to some of the sources 60 of the Kennebec. The canoe navigation of the Penobscot is connected with that of the Saint John's, by a portage of only 2 ms. The first course of this great r. is n., then n. e. and e. to near the upper part of the boundary of Penob- scot and Washington counties, where it bends southerly, and crossing the latter county, it passes into New Brunswick. The Saint John's presents a bold and noble curve on the map ; and is navigable in sloops of 50 tons in New Brunswick 80 ms. from the Bay of P'^undy. Its principal branch, the Aroostic, rises in the w. part of Penobscot co., runs n. e., and enters N. Brunswick. Saint John's, r. Florida. This very remark- able river has evidently been formed from one of those sounds which exist along the Atlantic coast of the United States. In strictness it cannot be said to have any definite source, as both branches, the Ocklawaha, and Saint John's proper, originate in one immense marsh, rising but very slightly above the level of the Atlan- tic ocean. As laid down by Tanner, both branches flow northwardly about 60 miles, unite, and the combined water, continuing the original course 70 ms. inflects abruptly e. 20 ms. to its outlet into the Atlantic ocean at lat. 30° 20'. For such vessels as can enter the mouth, 6 or 7 ft. draught, it is navigable more than two thirds of its entire course. The re- gion it drains is generally sterile. " The bar at the mouth of this river is shifting ; the greatest depth on it is 15 ft. at high tide ; but, on account of winds, it varies from 12 to 15 ft. At low tide the least depth is 6 ft. the greatest 7^- feet. As there is constantly more or less swell, a vessel drawing more than 11 ft, could not cross the bar with safety, but might ascend easily the r., as far up as the mouth of Black or. On this distance of 47 ms. the channel is wide, and affords a depth never less than 15 ft." By the same authority, (report of U. S, engineer) be- fore quoted, it appears tliat the Saint John's ' river of Florida can be safely navigated by ves- sels drawing 8 feet waterto lake George, 107 ms., following the stream, above the bar at its mouth. The engineers state that freshets (floods) do not exceed a rise of 2 feet, and that " the banks are principally marsh, hammock land, pine barren, and cypress swamp." Soil generally sterile. Saint John's, co, Florida. As laid down by Tanner, this co, is very nearly commensurate with the valley of Saint John's r,, having ex- tensive marshes s., Seminole Indians s. w., Alachua co. w., Duval co, n. w. and N., and the Atlantic e. Within these limits it is in length from s. to N. 130 ms., with a mean breadth of at least 40 ms., area 5,200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 28-^ 40' to 30° 20', and in long, from 40 to 5° 30' w. W. C. The outHnes, it must, how- ever, be premised, are arbitrary except to the N., and along the ocean. This wide region is generally open prairie or marsh, with a very sterile soil. It may be remarked, that the al- luvion of Florida is as sterile as that of La, is productive. Where sufficiently elevated and fertile, the soil of Saint John's produces sugar cane, cotton, rice, indigo, and an immense num- ber of other valuable vegetables. The climate SAI is sufficiently mild for the orange, olive, and perhaps the date palm. Chief town, St. Au- gustine. The pop. 2,538, in 1830, marks the nature of the country ; not 1 person to 2 square miles. Saint John's Fluff, and p-o. Duval co., Florida, by p-r. 274 miles, though by direct distance only about 200 miles east Talla- hassee. Saint Johnsbury, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt., 31 miles N. E. Montpelier, 26 n. Newbury, first settled 1788 ; it is hilly, and is crossed by Pas- sumpsic r. n, and s. on which are fine meadows. The plain is a pleasant village, near the centre. Pop. 1,592. Saint .Joseph's, r., of Mich., Ohio and Ind., rises in Branch and Hillsdale counties of the former, and flowmg s. s. w. traverses Williams CO. Ohio, and entering Ind., unites in Allen county with the Saint Mary's river, to form Maumee, after a comparative course of 70 ms. The Saint Joseph's branch of Maumee has in- terlocking sources with those of the Saint Jo- seph's of lake Michigan, and Tiffin's r., branch of Maumee. Saint Joseph's, r. of lake Michigan, has in- terlocking sources with those of Eel river, branch of Wabash ; those of Saint Joseph's of Maumee, Tiffin's of Maumee, the r. Raisin of lake Erie, and with those of Kalamazoo river of lake Michigan. The most remote source is in Hillsdale co. Mich., but the numerous conflu- ents drain nearly all Branch, Saint Joseph, Cass, and Berrien, with part of Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and Van Buren cos. Mich, ; and all La Grange and Elkhart, with part of Saint Joseph's and La Porte cos. Ind. The various streams which contribute to form Saint Joseph's river, unite in Mich., and the main stream inclining s. w., enters Indiana in the n. e. part of Elkhart co., and thence sweeping an elliptic curve over the northern sections of Elkhart and Saint Jo- seph's counties, re-enters Mich, by a northwest- ern course, which it maintains over Berrien CO. to its final entrance into lake Mich. The Saint Joseph's r. of lake Michigan is a large stream in proportion to length. The utmost length of the valley it drains is 110 ms., whilst the mean breadth is fully 40 ms. ; area 4,400 sq. ms. This valley is also amongst the finest regions of the Saint Lawrence basin. In lat. it extends from 41° 15' to 42° 20' ; and from about 80 to 180 ms. a little s. of w. from Detroit. The valliesof Saint Joseph's, Kalamazoo, and Grand rs. follow each other from s. to n. Saint Joseph's, an isl. in the straits of- St. Mary, lies between Drummond's and George's isl. It is 20 ms. long, with a mean breadth of 8 ms., and in all its length separates the two channels of the straits of St. Mary. Saint Joseph, co. Mich. bndd. w. by Cass, N. by Kalmazoo, e. by Branch, s. by La Grange CO. Ind., and s. w. by Elkhart co. Ind. Length from E. to w. 24 ms., breadth 21, and area 504 sq. ms. Lat. 42°, and long. W. C. 8° 35' w. in- tersect in this CO. The main volume of St. Jo- seph's r. enters the estrn. border and winds s. westwardly over the co. leaving it at the s. wstrn. angle. The whole surface is in the val- ley of St. Joseph's r. 470 SAI Saint Joseph, co. of Indiana, bndd. by Elk- hart CO. Ind. E., by the Putawatomie country s. E., s. and s. w.. La Porte co. Ind. w., Berrien CO. Mich. n. w., and Cass co. Mich. n. e. Length from s. to n. 32 ms., width 21, and area 672 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 35', long. W. C. 9° 20' w. Though a level country this co. com- prises a table land. The n. estrn. angle is tra- versed by and drained into St. Joseph's r. From the N. wstrn. part issue some crs. which flow into lake Michigan by a wstrn. course. The central and wstrn. sections give source to the Kankakee branch of II. r. which leaves the co. by a s. w. by w. course, whilst the sthrn. bor- der gives source to the Tippecanoe branch of the Wabash. Saint Landue', parish of La. bndd. by Sabine r. on the w. separating it from the Mexican province of Texas, Natchitoches, La. n. w., Rapides parish La. n., Avoyelles parish n. e., Atchafalaya r. separating it from the parishes of Point Coupee, and West Baton Rouge e., St. Martin's parish s. e., the Queue Tortus bayou s., separating it from the parish of Lafayette, and by the gulf of Mexico s. w. Length along the wstrn. border 100 ms., mean breadth 60 ms. and area 6,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 29° 25' to 31°, and in long, from W. C. 14° 48' to 17° w. This very extensive parish em- braces most part of the region known from the name of an Indian tribe called Cpelousas. It is the extreme s. wstrn. angle of the U. S. Few, if any other continuous surfaces of equal extent, differ more in soil, features, and indi- genous vegetation. The nthrn. part towards Natchitoches rises into an undulating coun. try covered generally with pine timber. The central and wstrn. sections assume the as- pect of an immense plain, with lines of woods winding with the streams, but the far greater part between the water courses, prairie. The southwestern part between the Mermentau and Sabine is a level sea marsh, with scattered clumps of trees, but mostly flooded prairie. All these three sections have sterile soil. But advancing eastward to the banks of the Teche, Courtableau, and Vermillion, the timber be- comes more plentiful, and the soil exuberantly productive. This fine section is again follow- ed by the inundated margin of Atchafalaya, and lower Courtableau. The ecclesiastical name which heads this article was imposed by the first civilized settlers, the French, which nation in numbers still predominate. Staples, cotton, live stock, hides, &c. Cf. t., St. Lan- dre'. Pop. of the parish, in 1820, 10,085, 1830, 12,.591. Saint Landre', p-v. and st. jus. parish of St. Landre', Opelousas, is situated on bayou Bour- bee,the extreme head branch of Vermillion r. ; a branch of the Teche, however, rises imme- diately in the rear of the v. Though the adja- cent country is level, it is in an uncommon de- gree pleasant. The Hnes of woods, the farm houses along their margins, with the innumera- ble flocks of cattle and horses, and the rich products of the soil, yield a very animated pic- ture. This place gains interest from being the most sthwstrn. post village in the U. S. In the p-o. list it is called Opelousas, and in the direc- SAI 471 SAI tion of letters that name ought to be used. (See Opelousas.) Saint Lawrence, co. N. York, bndd. by St. Lawrence r. n. w. which separates it from Up- per Canada, Frankhn co. e., Hamilton and Her- kimer COS. s., and Herkimer, Lewis and Jeffer- son COS. s. w. The line on the St. Lawrence is 65 1-2 ms. without the sinuosities. It con- tains about 2,000 sq. ms. and 24 towns ; the capital is Oswegatchie. Black lake is long and narrow, and a convenient channel of navigation from Rossie iron works, running nearly n. to the St. Lawrence. Oswegatchie, Grass, St. Regis, and Racket rs. are the principal streams, whose courses are long. 'I he surface is bro- ken and hilly, except s. and s. e. where it is nearly level. The soil below Ogdensburgh is light and productive. Iron ore abounds, and the streams furnish mill sites. Oak, maple, birch, bass, beech, and white and Norway pine form the forests. There are extensive swamps in the s. e. A canal from the St. Lawrence to lake Champlain has been proposed, to cross this CO. and Franklin and Clinton cos. There is a state arsenal at Russell, and Potsdam is the st. jus. of the county. Pop. 1820, 16,037; 1830, 36,354. Saint Lawrence, p-v. sthwstrn. part Chatham CO. N. C. Saint Leonard's, p-v. on Chesapeake bay, estrn. side of the peninsula between that sheet of water and Patuxent r. and in Calvert co. Md. 12 ms. s. E. Prince Fredericktown, the co. st., and by p-r. 75 ms. s. e. W. C. Saint Louis, r. of the U. S. in Huron, as laid down by Tanner rises at latitude 48°, and between long, W. C. 15° and 16° w. interlock- ing sources with water courses flowing into Rainy Lake r. and between the confluents of Misp. r., and those of the n. wstrn. pan of lake Superior. Flowing thence by comparative courses s. w. 100 ms. inflects to a s. e. by e. course about an equal distance to its efflux into the extreme wstrn. angle of lake Superior. Along the lower course of St. Louis r. and the Savannah r. branch of Misp. is one of the chan- nels of intercommunication between the basin of St. Lawrence and Misp. According to Mr. Schoolcraft, it is, following the stream, 148 ms. from its mouth up St. Louis r. to the Portage into Savannah r., and the Portage plain has an elevation of 652i feet above the level of lake Superior, or about 1,270 ft. above the level of the Atlantic. Such an elevation is fully equi- valent to 3J degrees of lat., therefore the re- gion from which St. Louis r. flows, has a win- ter climate suitable to lat. 51 to 52° on the At- lantic coast. Saint Louis, co. Mo. bndd. by Jefferson s., Franklin s. w., Mo. r. separating it from St. Charles co. w., n. w, and n., Misp. r. separa- ting it from Madison co. II. n. e., St. Clair co. II. E., and Monroe co. II. s. e. Greatest length from s. w. to n. e. 40 ms., greatest width 24 ms., but mean width about 12 ms., area 480 sq. ms. Lai. 38° 36', long. 13° 30' w. W. C. The Bthrn. side is in part bndd. and in part traversed by Maramec r. in an estrn. direction. The Mo. r. where it bounds St. Louis, flows to the N. E. by E. to its junction with Misp. at the n. estrn. angle of the co. Below the mouth of Mo. the Misp. flows s. s. w. to the influx of the Maramec. Thus the three rs. render St. Louis CO. literally a peninsula, the neck from the Ma- ramec to Mo. being only about 8 ms. wide. Short crs. flow from the centre into the respec tive rs. The whole resting on a substratum of limestone. Soil productive. Cf. t. St. Louis. Pop. 1820, 10,049, 1830, 14,125. Saint Louis, p-t. and st. jus. St. Louis co. Mo. the principal and most important town in the state, is situated on the w. side of the Misp. r., 20 ms. below its junction with the Mo., 30 be- low the mouth of the II., 180 above the junction of the Misp. and O., and 1,180 from New Or- leans. It is also 68 ms. s. by w. Vandalia, 116 E. Jefferson city, and 856 s. of w. Washington ; in lat. 38° 6', long. 13° 14' w. W. C. St. Louis was founded in 1764, but during the existence of the French and Spanish colonial govern- ments, it remained a mere village. The site is very commanding, especially the most ele- vated part, which is about 125 ft. above the r. ; from tins elevation the view is very extensive, and the town itself is a very conspicuous and imposing object, on approaching it from some distance below. The ground which it occupies, and which rises gradually from the r. is divided by an abrupt ledge, or bank of limestone ; the higher part being elevated, from 40 to 60 ft. above that nearer the r. The town is chiefly built on the lower plain, or bottom. There are 5 principal streets running parallel with the Misp., which are crossed by numerous others, and the town extends nearly 1^ ms. along the r. Among the public buildings are a very ca- pacious town house of brick, two Protestant churches, a magnificent cathedral of stone, a Catholic chapel, a branch of the bank of the U. S., a theatre, a spacious and elegant court- house of brick, &c. &c. There is also a ma- rine and fire insurance office, a Catholic college, an academy, and several very respectable schools. Beneath that part of the town house occupied for the ordinary purposes, is an exten- sive market, and a range of stores. The col. lege was founded in 1829 ; it is contiguous to the city, and is pleasantly located. The build- ing is of brick, 60 ft. by 40, and is soon to be enlarged, the present accommodations not being sufficientl}' commodious. There are now 6 in- structors in the institution ; 2 more are to be added, and the number of students is about 125, The buildings are generally of stone or brick, chiefly of the latter ; among them are many very neat private residences, some very hand- some, and numerous gardens ornament the town. It is watered from the Misp., the water being raised by steam power to a reservoir (on a spot where once was an Indian mound), and from whence it is conducted in iron pipes throughout the town. St. Louis is the most commercial place on the Misp. above New Or- leans, and is rapidly increasing both in popula- tion and commerce. Its location in reference to the principal rivers of the west, the Mo., II., 0. and others, is highly advantageous ; and these unrivalled facilities for an extensive inter- course, combined with the immense territory, and fertile soil through which they flow, must, SAI 47^ SAI ere long, render it the centre of great business, wealth, and population. There are 6 or 7 steam boats regularly employed between this place and New Orleans ; as many run to Louisville, a distance of 6.30 ms. ; 1 or 2 to Cincinnati, 150 ms. farther; and 2 or 3 to the lead mines at Galena, on Fever r., about 480 ms. There are also many others which ply, though not regular- ly, between this and other places : to Pekin, on II. r., 180 ms. ; to St. Peter's r. about 400 ms. above Fever r. ; to Fort Leavenworth, about 400 ms., and Franklin, about 200 ms. on the Mo., and to Pittsburgh. The trip to New Or- leans and back is ordinarily made in 18 to 24 days. Beside an extensive business in articles of foreign produce, that derived from, the lead mines forms an important branch ; provisions, beef, pork, &c. are considerable articles of export. St. Louis is also the general depot of the American fur company. Four or five newspa- pers are published here ; there are grist and saw mills, wliich are operated by steam, brewe- ries and distilleries, and an iron foundry ; a marine rail.way has been recently constructed. A steam ferry-boat plies to II. t., directly oppo- site, on the Misp., which rises here not unfre- quently from 18 to 2.5 ft. St. Louis was origi- nally settled from Canada ; beside native Amer. leans, the population now consists of English, French, Irish, and Germans ; and it is a place of much resort for adventurers from various countries. Pop. 1810, 1,600; 1820, 4,598; 1830, 6,694, of whom 1,668 were slaves, and 287 free colored persons. Saint Marks, small r. of Flor., which has gained importance from its position, rising be- tween the Ocklockonne and Oscilla rs. and to the s. of Tallahassee. From this limestone re- gion it flows 10 or 1 2 ms. to the s. e., receives tlie WalkuUy from the n. e., and takes the name of Appalache at the village of Saint Marks. (See Appalache.) If we compare the navigable iacilities of Saint Mark's r. by either branch, with the length of the streams, we are struck with the disparity. Neither branch has 35 ms. comparative course from head to entrance into the gulf of Mexico, and yet large boats ascend both branches to near their sources. *' In the winter of 1826," says Williams in his Florida, " The Franklin schooner came up to the fort (Saint Marks) drawing 9 ft. water; but 7 is as much as can be depended on." Saint Marks, p-v. at the head of Appalache r., and junction of Saint Mark and Walkully rs., by p-r. 22 ms. s. s. e. Tallahassee. This is the port of Tallahassee for sail vessels, though boats are navigated 10 ms. still higher. (>S'ee art. St. Mark's r.) Saint Martin's, r. a small stream of the n. estrn. angle of Worcester co. Md. The ex- treme source is in Sussex co. Del., but flowing s. E. it enters Worcester co. Md., and falls into the nthrn. arm of Sinepuxent bay, and opposite Fenwick's isl. Saint Martins, p-v. n. estrn. part Worcester CO. Md., on Saint Martin's r., 20 ms. n. n. e. Snowhill, the co. seat, and by p-r. 144 ms. s. e. by E. W. C. Saint Martins, upper parish of Attacapas, La. bndd, by Lafayette parish s, w., Saint Lan- dr6 or Opelousas w, n. w. and n., Atchafalaya r., separatfng it from West Baton Rouge n. e., parish of Iberville e.. Ascension s. e., and Saint Mary's or lower Attacapas s. Length from e. to w. 60 ms.,' mean breadth 30, and area 1,800 sq. ms. Lat. 30°, and long. W. C. 15° w. in. tersect near New Iberia, the port of the parish. The estrn. part of this parish between Atchafa- laya r. and the prairies e. of Teche r., is liable to annual su'jmersion, and covered with a dense forest of such trees as are natural to inun- dated land, such as water white oak, willow, bitter nut hickory, sweet gum, tupeeloo gum, cypress, &c. This section is uninhabitable, but with the prairie land a different soil and aspect is presented. The central section is traversed by the Teche, and the western by Vermillion r., both streams flowing southwardly, and upon both, extend along their banks narrow lines of wood land ; the intermediate surface prairie. Near the r. banks the soil is exuberantly fer- tile, and sufficiently elevated for cultivation. Sugar cane has been cultivated on the Teche in this parish, but is evidently too far n., and too much exposed to the sweeping n. w. winds to be made a profitable staple. Cotton succeeds well, as also Indian corn, rice, indigo, &c. The peach and fig are the principal fruits. Live stock is, however, the most valuable staple. Cf. t. Saint Martinsville. Pop. 1830, 6,442, of whom 4,301 were slaves. Saint Martinsville, p-v. and st. jus. Saint Martin's parish. La., is on the right bank of Teche r. 35 ms. a little e. of s. Saint Landre', 1 1 ms. s. New Iberia, and by p-r. 176 ms. a very little N. of w. New Orleans. This village rose, after the establishment of the U. S. government, around Saint Martin's church. It extends chiefly in one street along the high bank of Teche. Pop. about 300. Lat. 30° 09', long. 14° 56' w. W. C. Saint Mary's, an important r. of the Atlantic slope of the U. S. in Geo. and Flor. As delin- eated on our maps, this river has its extreme northwestern source in Ware county, Geo., at lat. 31°, between the Santilla r., and the Alapa- paha, a branch of Suwannee. Flowing thence by a course a little e. of s., and receiving large accessions of water from the westward, the Saint Mary's reaches its great bend at lat. 30° 21', having become a boundary at lat. 30° 36' (nearly) between Geo. and Flor. Inflecting ab- ruptly to the E. about 5 ms., turns again equally abruptly to the northward, and flows about 35 ms. comparative course almost reverse to its original direction, to the influx of Spanish river from the nrthrd. and from Geo. Once more this singular r. bends at very nearly right an. gles, and by a comparative course of a little s. of E., reaches the Atlantic between Amelia and Cumberland isl. The basin of Saint Mary's r., extending from lat. 30" to 31°, is about 80 ms. in length from e. to w., with a mean breadth of 30 ms.; area 2,40o ms. ; having the basin of Saint John's s. e., Suwannee w., and Santilla n. The following description is given by the U. S. engineers. " Saint Mary's r. takes its rise out of the extensive swamps which are on the Geo. line, and stretch between the head branches of Saint Mary's and Suwannee rivers. These SAI 473 SAI swamps, called emphatically dismal swamps, are generally covered with a thick growth of bay trees, vines and undergrowth. At some places, short bay bushes, at others sedge grass, are the only growth. No lake or natural re- servoir of importance is to be found ; but on account of the great extent of the swamps, draining both ways, into the Suwannee and Saint Mary's rs., these streams are subject to high freshets during the rainy season, or after a sudden heavy rain. At the upper fork of Saint Mary's r., the rise of freshets is about six feet. In following the windings of the river, the dis- tance from the Atlantic to the very head of the stream, 13 miles above the upper fork, is about 105 ms. The summit point of the ridge between the Atlantic ocean and the gulf of Pvlexico, has been found 1.52 feet. Saint Ma- ry's r. itself flovk's generally through narrow strips of wet hammocks. The banks immedi- ately adjoining are high, their soil sandy, their growth pine. The greatest depth of water on the bar, at the entrance of St. Mary's harbor, is as much as 22 feet during spring tides, when easterly winds have blown for a considerable time, and 13^ ft. only at low tide. The tide is felt as far up as Barbour's plantations, 50 ms. from the mouth of the r. The commodious har- bor at the mouth of Saint Mary's r., presenting on the bar a depth of 13^ ft. at low vv^ater, and 19^ ft. at common high tide, is susceptible of defence, and derives a great importance from the circumstance of being the only good harbor from the boundaries of Geo. to Flor. Point." Saint Mart's, r. of Ohio and Ind., has its re- mote source in Shelby co. Ohio, and assuming a northwestern course traverses Mercer and Vanwert cos. of Ohio, enters Indiana, and min- gles at Fort Wayne, in Allen co., with the St. Joseph's r. to form*the Maumee, after a com- parative course of 60 ms. The valley of Saint Mary's lies between those of upper Wabash, and au Glaize, branch of Maumee. Saint Mary's strait, between Chippeway co. Mich., and Upper Canada, unites lakes Hpron and Superior. Taken in its utmost extent, the straits of Saint Mary extend n. w. and s. e. 75 ms. from the passage between Drumraond's and Saint Joseph's isls., to Maple isls. in lake Su- perior. From Maple isls. to the cataract of St. Mary, is about 30 ms. In this higher section the strait gradually narrows, and is but little in- terspersed with isls. At the Sault or Chute, between fort Brady, and the British Hudson's Bay company's factory, the water is contracted to about I mile, and rushes over a ledge of rocks. This part of the strait is navigable, with some more difficulty than real danger, by vessels of 6 ft. water. Below the cataract the strait becomes and continues to be divided into two channels by George and Saint Joseph's isls. These channels are similar to the Belts in Den- mark which unite the Baltic and Scaggerac seas. The southwestern channel on the side of Michigan, is again subdivided by Sugar isl. 20 ms. long, and some other smaller isls., but after winding 50 ms. opens into lake Huron, between Drummond's isl. and the promontory of The True Detour. The eastern channel or strait along the Canada shore, stretches from the cataract ot Saint Mary 40 miles and ter- minates in Manitou bay of lake Huron. The entire fall from the level of lake Superior to that of Huron is about 23 ft. From recent and accurate observation, it has been clearly estab- lished that the rocks in Samt Mary's strait are slowly yielding to the impression of floods and ice, and that the surface of lake Superior is lowering. {See art. Sault de Saint Mary.) Saint Mary's, p-o. Chester co. Pa., by p-r. 139 ms. N. E. W. C, Saint Mary's, co. Md., bndd. by the Poto- mac s. which separates it from Northumber- land and Westmoreland cos. Va., Charles co. Md. w. and n. w., Patuxent river separating it from Calvert co. Md. s. e., and Chesapeake bay E. Length from Point Lookout at the mouth of Potomac to the nrthwstrn. angle 38 ms., mean breadth 10, and area 380 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 03' to 38° 30', long. W. C. 0° 12' to 0° 41' e. Though bndd. by the Patuxent on the n. e., the slope is southward towards the Potomac, and in that direction flow the Saint Mary's, Brit- ton's and Wicomico rs. These brief but im- portant water courses are navigable bays for some distance from the Potomac, and the Wi- comico by its relative course with the Patuxent, nearly insolates the co. This point or peninsu- la, now Saint Mary's co., was the cradle of Md.; it was there, that in 1632, Calvert's colony was founded, and where the seat of the government of Md. continued 67 years, until in 1699 it was permanently fixed at Annapolis. Cf. t. Leon- ardtown. Pop. 1820, 12,974; 1830, 13,459. Saint Mary's, sea port and p-v. at the mouth of Saint Mary's r., and in the sthestrn. angle of Camden co. Geo. It is situated directly w. of the entrance between Cumberland and Amelia isls., 80 ms. by land, a little w. of s. Darien, and 235 ms. s. s. e. Milledgeville. Lat. 30° 42', long. W. C. 4°^ 48' w. "This place from its po- sition must become one of great importance, but hitherto the want of pop. on the basin of Saint Mary's r. has retarded its increase. Saint Mary's, or Lower Attacapas, parish of La., bndd. n. w. and n. by Saint Martin's parish, Atchafalaya r. n. e., separating it from Ascen- sion N. E., and Assomption e. ; parish of Terre Bonne s. e., the Gulf of Mexico s., and Vermil. lion bay separating it from the parish of Lafay- ette w. Length parallel to the Teche river 50 ms., and independent of the deep indentings of Vermillion, Cote Blanch, and Atchafalaya bays, and the surface of lake Chetimaches, the mean breadth of the land surface is about 20 ms. ; and area 1,000 sq. ms. Central lat. 29° 45', long. W. C. 30° 40' w. Lying entirely below lat. 30°, Saint Mary's parish is in all its extent within the climate suitable to the growth of su- gar cane, and the soil being without exception highly fertile, where of sufficient elevation to admit culture, sugar is a standing staple of the parish. The Atchafalaya r. and Teche r. afford a navigable channel of 8 ft. to the centre of Saint Mary's parish, and of 3 or 6 ft. to New Iberia in Saint Martin's. The general course of the Teche from New Iberia to its mouth into Atcha. falaya is s. e. by e., with a channel sweeping- very large bends. The lines of woodland along this stream narrow until near the mouth ; soil SAI 474 SAL on both banks first rate. As in Saint Martin's, the annually inundated part of Saint Mary's to- wards Atchafalaya, is covered with a dense for- est. On the contrary side of Teche towards the Gulf of Mexico, the general surface is prairie ; near the Teche, and some other streams, com- paratively high and arable, but sinking into im- mense grassy morasses near the Gulf bays ; timber, where found, mostly stands in detached clumps. Along the Gulf shore of this parish, occur those remarkable hills, called Petite An- se, Grand Cote, Cote Blanche, and Belle Isle. These hills rise on the shores of the bays, and though surrounded by marsh, rise far above any other land s. of Upper Opelousas. They are composed of very productive soil, and in their natural state were covered with dense forests. Neither of these hills exceed 1^ ms. in length; their timber distinct (except live oak which abounds on both), from that along the Teche, and other streams of Saint iViary's. Sugar, cotton, rice, indigo, tobacco and live stock, are the staples ; fruits, fig, peach, and some apples. Cf. t. Franklin. Pop. 6,442. Saint Mary's, p-v. on Saint Mary's r., and in the estrn. part of Mercer co. O., by p-r. 1 1 1 ms. N. w. by w. Columbus. Pop. 92. Saint Michael's, small r. or cr. of Talbot co. Md., extends first southward l(i ms. past the t. of Saint Michael's, until within little more than 1 mile from Tread Haven bay, when it bends 5 or 6 ms. towards the n. e. To the w. of Saint Michael's r. extends a peninsula, to which that name is often applied. Saint Michael's, sea-port and p-v. on the western side of Saint Michael's bay, and in Tal- bot CO. Md., by p-r. 12 ms. n. w. by w. Easton, the CO. St. and 72 a very little s. of e. W. C Saint Peter's, a large and important conflu- ent of the Misp. r., rises at lat. 45° 40', long. W. C. 20° w. interlocking sources with the highest fountains of Red r. branch of the Assiniboin ; it flows thence 160 ms. to the s. e. by e., and at a mean distance of about 55 ms. in a very remark- able manner parallel to the course of the Misp. r. Having reached its most sthrn. bend at the influx of Blue Earth r., St. Peter's inflects very nearly at right angles, and assuming anrthestrn. direction 70 miles, falls into the right side of Misp. r. immediately below the falls of St. An- thony, after an entire course of 230 ms. There is a very short portage between Bigstone lake of St. Peter's and lake Traverse of Red r., and the two, in the advance of civilized settlement, may afford a highly important channel of com. mercial intercommunication between the two great slopes of central N. A. On examination it is evident, that the Red r. branch of Assini- boin, St. Peter's, and Des Moines rs., flow along sections of one great valley. The importance of these streams is just becoming visible. Saint Regis, vil. Saint Lawrence co. N. Y., 45 ms. E. N. E. Ogdensburgh, on Saint Regis r. at the mouth in the Saint Lawrence. Lat. 45°. Saint Stephens, p-v. and st. jus. Washington CO. Ala., on the right bank of Tombigbee r., 70 ms. N. Mobile, and by p-r. 162 a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa. Lat. .31° 33', long. W. C. 11° 10' w. It stands at the head of schooner navigation in Tombigbee, is the seat of an academy, con- tains a printing office, and a pop. of 1,000, or 1,200. Saint Tammany, parish of La., bndd. n. w. by Tangipao r. separating it from Saint Helena, n. by the parish of Washington, e. Pearl r. sepa- rating it from Hancock co. Misp., and s. by lake Pontchartrain. Length 70 ms. from the mouth of Pearl r. to the extreme nrthwstrn. angle on Tangipao r. ; mean breadth 15 ms., and area 1,050 sq. ms. Lat. 30° and long. 13° w. W. C. intersect very near the centre of this parish. Slope s. E., and traversed by Chifuncte r. The surface rises from lake Pontchartrain into hills covered with pine and other timber. Soil gen. erally sterile, (f. t. Covington. Pop. 1820, 1,723 ; 1830, 2,864. Saint Thomas, tsp. and p-v. Franklin co. Pa., 9 ms. w. of Chambersburg, and by p-r. 97 ms. N. w.W. C. Pop. tsp. 1,771. Salem, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 30 ms. s. w, Portsmouth, 30 s. e. Concord ; with 15,600 acres ; has an uneven surface, a soil generally good, and is crossed by Spiggot river, which, with its numerous tributaries, affords many mill seats. Policy, World's End, and Captain's ponds are the principal sheets of water. Pop. 1,302. Salem, t., Orleans co. Vt., 49 ms. n. Mont- pelier ; first settled 1798 ; contains 17,330 acres, and is crossed by Clyde r., which falls into Salem or Derby pond, on the boundary line. South bay of lake Memphremagog enters the town on the w. There are no mill sites. The soil is generally good, and the surface level. The trees are various. Pop. 230. Salem, p-t. seaport, and capital of Essex co. ■Mass. 14 ms. n. n. e. Boston, 24 s. Newbury, port, 4 ms. n. w. Marblehead, and 450 n. e. W. C. is the second town in the state for popula. tion, wealth, and commercial importance, being inferior only to Boston. Its lat. is 42° 30' n., and its long. 6° e. W. C. Salem is the oldest settlement in New England except Plymouth, having been settled in 1628. Its Indian name was Naumkeag, or Naumkeek, by which title it was long designated. Its settlement was commenced by John Endicott, for a company in England, which had purchased the place ofthe Plymouth company. He erected dwellings, &c. and in 1629, ships to the number of 11 came out, bringing 1,500 persons, by whom were commenced the settlements at Boston, Charlestown, Dorchester, &c. John Winthrop was appointed governor, and Thomas Dudley, deputy governor, by charter, and as they resi- ded at Boston, that place became the seat of government for the colony. Two hundred of the settlers died at Salem in the first winter. The territory then included the present tsps. of Danvers, Beverly and Marblehead. The first cases of witchcraft, which excited pubHc atten. tion so much in the early periods of New Eng- land, occurred here. The persons first tried on this singular accusation lived in what now is Danvers. Many trials tOok place in Salem, and many executions on the neighborboring emi- nence called Witch.hill. Roger Williams, who colonized Rhode Island, was once a pastor here, and Bowditch, the mathematician, and Timothy Pickering, secretary of state of the U. SAL 475 SAL S. were both natives of Salem. The British authority was resisted in Salem before the bat- tle of Lexington, for Colonel Leslie, who had come from Boston to remove some cannon thither, was prevented from entering the town by the removal of a draw bridge, &c. so that he was unable to accomplish his object. The town, though low, is pleasantly situated at the head of the bay formed by two inlets from the sea, and including a peninsula run- ning E. The soil is generally poor. About the neck of the peninsula are collected the principal part of the inhabitants, on a surface of about 1-2 a mile by 1 1-2 ms. The streets are generally beautiful and well built, mostly with wood, though with many brick, and some ele- gant buildings. They cross each other at right angles, with large open squares, bordering on which are the public buildings, some of which make a fine appearance. The common is beautiful, and planted with fine shade trees. The commercial prosperity of the place during the successful prosecution of an active trade with the East Indies and China, some years ago, adorned Salem with many splendid edifi- ces. This trade is still extensive though not so much so as formerly. North and South rs. are two arms of the bay between which the penin- sula extends. They are crossed by bridges which unite Salem to two considerable villages, or suburbs. The bridge over North r. con- necting Salem with Beverly is 1,500 ft. long. The harbor has too little water at ebb tide to allow all desirable facilities for commerce ; vessels of large burden not being able to lie at the wharves, and those drawing more than 12 ft. water being commonly lightened before coming up to the town. An important work has been commenced, by which the town will be suppUed with considerable water power. By a dam across the North r., and a canal across the neck, the tide may be made to put in mo- tion a large amount of machinery. By this en- terprising improvement, the manufactures of Salem will doubtless be much increased. Among the public buildings, are a court house, the market house, the atheneum, the orphan asylum, churches, &c. The Atheneum is on Essex street, and the alms house, hospital and 2 forts are on the neck. The atheneum has a library of 5,000 volumes. The marine museum is a valuable collection of rare curiosities from all parts of the world, contributed by the mem- bers of the East India marine society who are all nautical or commercial men, and who es- tablished the society with a view to promote a knowledge of East Indian navigation and trade, and to aid indigent members and their families. There are in Salem 9 banks, which in 1831, made half yearly dividends of from 2 1-2 to 3 1-2 per cent. There are also 6 insurance offi- ces, 15 churches, school houses, &c. The schools, of which there are between 20 and 30, are flourishing and well supported, and com- mon education is placed on a footing highly creditable to the people, and proportioned to its real importance. The town also contains 16 tanneries, 11 twine and cordage factories, and 2 white lead manufactories, moved by steam power : one of them makes 600 tons annually, beside a large quantity of the sugar of lead, and the other 1,000,000 lbs., half of which is called German white lead, manufactured on a secret plan, for the knowledge of which ,^10,000 were paid. Ten thousand gallons of oil are consumed in the preparation of the German white lead alone. The iron com- pany makes 500 tons into hoops annually. There are 15 or 20 vessels employed in the coasting trade, many others in lumber, wood, &c., and in Jan. 1833, there were 26 ships, 8 barks, 67 brigs and 10 schooners, employed in foreign trade. In 1781, 52 vessels, mounting 746 guns, which were engaged in privateering, were owned in this place. The churches of Salem are 4 Unitarian, 3 Congregational, 2 Baptists, 1 Episcopal, 1 Roman Catholic, 1 Methodist, 1 Quaker, 1 Christ-ians, and 1 Uni- versalist. Pop. 1810, 12,613, 1820, 12,731, and in 1830, 13,895. Salem, p-t. New London co. Conn. 29 miles s. E. Hartford, lies e. of East Haddam, Mid- dlesex CO., has Gardner's lake on the n. e. border, and a few small streams flowing s. w. into Conn, river. The surface is uneven. Fop. 958. Salem, p-t. and half capital, Washington co. N. y. 46 ms. N. e. Albany, 21 s. e. Sandy-Hill, w. Vermont, and has Battenkill cr. s. Several streams flow into this, and the town is well supplied with mill sites. The land near the streams in some places presents fine meadows. Pop. 2,972. Salem, p.v. and incorporated village, Salem, Washington co. N. Y. 46 miles from Albany. Salem, co. N. J. bndd. by Gloucester co. n. and N. E., Cumberland co. s. e. and s., Delaware bay w., which separates it from Pa. contains 9 tsps. ; the cf. t. is Salem. Oldman's cr. forms the north boundary, Maurice r. part of the e. and Stow cr. the s. e. Salem r. rises in the e. part, flows w. by n. then s. and empties into Sa- lem cove, on the Delaware, a little below fort Delaware. South of this, and opposite Reedy isL, is the mouth of AUoway's creek which, as well as Salem r. has a tract of marshy land along the lower part of its course. This co. enjoys the advantage of navigation on the w. where it is washed by the Delaware. The streams supply mill sites, which are used. A small canal extends from the bend of Salem river to the Delaware. Pop. 1820, 14,022, 1830, 14,155. Salem, p-t. and st. jus. Salem co. N. J. 65 ms. s. w. Trenton, 20 ms. n. w. Bridgetown, and 37 s. w. Phil., is a small town at the head of navigation for vessels of 50 tons, on Salem r., 3i ms. from its mouth in Delaware bay. It has Fenwiek's cr. n. and Salem r. on a part of its w. boundary. Pop. 1,570. Salem, p.v. sthrn. part of Botetourt co. Va., 60 ms. a little s. of w. Lynchburg, and by p-r. 256 ms. s. w. W. C. It is situated in the great valley between the Blue Ridge and Kittatinny or North mtn., at an elevation of about 1,020 ft. above the level of the Atlantic. The Roanoke is thus far navigable for boats. (See article roads and canals, head of Roanoke.) Salem, p-v. sthrn. part Stokes co. N. C. by p-r. 113 ms. a little n. of w. Raleigh. SAL 476 SAL Salem, p-v. sthrn. part of Sumpter dist., S. C. by p-r. 72 ms. a. e. Columbia. Salem, p-v. sthrn. part of Clarke co. Geo. by p-r. 58 ms. n. Milledgeville. Salem, p-v. sthrn. part of Franklin co. Ten. by p-r. 10 ms. s. w. Winchester, the co. st. and 92 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Salem, p-v. and st. jus. Livingston co. Ky. by p-r. 245 ras. s. w. by w. J w. Frankfort, and 35 ms. s. Shawneetown in II. lat. 37° l5', long. W. C. Ilo20'w. Pop. 28L Salem, p-v. Columbiana co. O., by p-r. 10 ms. N. w. New Lisbon, the co. st. and 157 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. Pop. 56. Salem, p-v. and st. jus. Washington co. Ind., by p-r. 91 ms. s. Indianopolis, and 33 ms. n. w. Louisv.ille, in Ky. Lat. 38° 37', long. W. C. 9° 06' w. Pop. about 1,000. Salem, p-v. and st.jus. Marion co. II. by p-r. 26 miles s. e. Vandalia, and 74 miles e. St. Louis, in Mo. Lat. 38° 40', long. W. C. 12° west. Salem Cross Roads, and p.o. wstrn. part of Westmoreland co. Pa. 8 ms. westward Greens, burg, the co. st. and by p.r. 200 miles n. w. W. C. Salem Fauquier, p-v. nrthrn. part Fauquier CO. Va. by p-r. 63 ms. w. W. C. Salina, p-t. and st. jus. Onondaga co. N. Y., 130 ms. w. Albany, and 5 ms. n. Onondaga, is of irregular form, though bndd. by right lines, and includes the lower part of Onondaga r., and all Onondaga or Salina lake, with many of the salt springs on its shore, and extends to Oswego r. The manufacture of salt by artifi. cial heat is carried on to a great extent in this town, and creates an active business on the branch canal which extends from Syracuse to the village. The navigation has been opened in the opposite direction, by the Oswego canal, to the mouth of Oswego river and lake Ontario. The pumps by which water is supplied to the salt works here, are at Syracuse and Geddes, which, as well as Liverpool, are salt making villages, in this town. Syracuse is large and very flourishing ; indeed the general increase of inhabitants and wealth in this town since this branch began to be extensively carried on, has been remarkably great. The number of manu- factories of salt by artificial heat in Salina, is 135, containing 3,076 kettles. The manufac- tories making salt by solar heat or evaporation, are, the Onondaga salt company, the Syracuse salt company and Henry Gifford's works ; in all, consisting of 1,303,024 superficial feet of lots. In the 4 villages above mentioned there are (1832,) 125 manufactories of salt, besides two companies whose vats for solar evapora- tion would extend in a continuous line about 15 miles each. In 1831, there were nearly a million and a half of bushels salt manufactur- ed. The great salt spring is situated on the edge of the Oswego canal, at a short distance from the shore of the lake, in the village of Salini. It is in a soft alluvial soil, and was formerly a marsh, till the surface of the lake was lowered a few years ago. On the bank of the canal there is a large building, containing the immense reservoir which sup- plies the manufacturers for several miles around. Two immense iron pipes, on an inclined plane, throw up the water by two forcing pumps, which are worked by a large water wheel, driven by water taken from the canal. The spring supplies three pumps with water. The reservoir, the house, and the buildings attached, have a singular bronzed appearance, inter- spersed with salt incrustations. Close to this building there is another reservoir and set of forcing pumps making, which will be ready for use whenever they are required by the manu- factures. The old spring ^in use a few years ago, is now superseded by a new one recently discovered, which is much stronger and better than the old one. There is at Syracuse, a court house, several churches, large hotels, and hand- some private edifices, with an active country trade. Pop. tsp. 1830, 6,929. Saline r. of La. rises in Claiborne parish, be. tween Dugdomen and Black rs., and flowing sthrd. 50 ms. falls into the Rigolet de Bordien, 8 or 9 ms. e. of the village of Natchitoches. Saline, r. of Ark., draws its most remote sources from the Masserne mtns. about 20 ms. w. Little Rock, and about lat. 34° 45'. Flowing thence by a course of a little e. ofs. 120 ms. falls into the left bankof Ouachitta, lat. 33° 10'. The valley of the Saline lies between those of the main Ouachitta, main Arkansas, and Bar- thelemy. Saline, r. of Illinois, rising by numerous branches in Johnson, Franklin and Hamilton cos. which unite in Gallatin and fall into Ohio r. about 5 ms. below Shawneetown, after a general estrn. course of 55 ms. The country drained by it is very broken. The U. S. pos- sess extensive salt works on it, and from which the name is derived. Saline co. Mo., bndd. s. e. by Cooper, s. un- certain, Lafayette w., and the Missouri r. on all other sides ; independent of an uncertain sthrn. extension that part on Mo. is about equal to a square of 30 ms. each side, 900 sq. ms. Lat. 33°, and long. W. C. 16° w. intersect in this CO. The Missouri r. semicircling the co. gives it a border of near 70 ms. on that stream, the lower part of which flows to the w. of s. It is towards this bend of Missouri that the slope of the CO. falls ; it is consequently to the estrd. and in that direction drained by Mine r. and its branches. Cf. t. as given in the p-o. list. Walnut Farm. Pop. 2,873. Saline, p-v. sthrn, part of Washtenau co. Mich., on the head of a cr. of the same name, by p-r. 52 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. Salisbury, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H. 15 ms. n. Concord, 78 n. n. w. Boston, w. Pemigewasset and Merrimack rs. The latter is formed here by the junction of the Pemigewasset and Win- nipiseogee rs., near which point is the head of boat navigation. Black r. is in the west. Black and yellow oak, white, pitch, and Norway pine abound, and formerly the hills, which are now chiefly devoted to pasturage, were covered with maple, beech, birch, &c. There are val- uable meadows on Blackwater r., and 300 acres in a bend of the Merrimack. Kearsarge mtn. in the n. w. corner, has its summit a little be- yond the line. It is a mass of granite, which rock prevails through the town. First settled SAL 424 SAL 1750. Several of the inhabitants were carried t:aptive to Canada in the last French war. Pop. 1,379. Salisbury, p-t. Addison co. Vt. 34 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 40 s. Burlington, is small and in the centre of the co. First settled, 1775, by a sin- gle family. Otter cr. bounds it w., Middlebury river is n., and Leicester r. s. Lake Dunmore, about 2 ms. by 4, lies partly in this town. Its outlet, Leicester r., supplies water power to a manufacturing village. The soil is good, the surface uneven except w. where are meadows. The Green mtns. are e. There are several Swamps, and a large cavern. Pop. 907. Salisbury, p.t. Essex co, Mass. 35 ms. n. e. Boston, s. New Hampshire, w. Atlantic, n. of Merrimack r., and e. of Powow r., enjoys great advantages for trade, agriculture and manufac- tures. It has 2 long and' expensive bridges, one leading to Newbury and the other to Newbury- port. One of the villages at the Point, has been a place of much ship building. The vil. lage of Amesbury mills stands on both sides of the river and part of it is in this town. Tiiese manufactories here make excellent flannels, and a large amount of cotton goods, &c. The descent of the r. at the falls is nearly 40 ft. in about 220 yards, and the sites for machinery are very valuable. The soil of the town is gen. erally good ; in the e. is an extensive salt marsh, and a beach on the shore, which is frequented for bathing &c. First settled, 1638, the first spot on Merrimack r. inhabited by whites. The general court sat here in 1737, in relation to the boundary. Pop. 2,519. Salisburv, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 47 ms. n. w. Hartford, GO n. n. w. New Haven, is rough and mountainous, and contains valuable iron mines and many forges, furnaces, and iron man- ufactories, liousatonic r., which bounds it east, affords abuadant water power, descending in Olio place 30, and another GO ft. perpendicu- larly, and flows over rapids below aJDOut 550 yards. Scythes, anchors, screws, gun barrels, &c. are made here, while a large amount of ore is smelted annually, and considerable quantities transported. It is about 6 ms. by 9, with 58 sq. ms. The vallies are generally limestone, and the hills granite. Much of the soil is good, and bears a great deal of wheat, while it is also fa- vorable to other crops. There are 4 fish ponds, and Salmon river which crosses the town s. e., aflbrds valuable mill seats. First settled 1720, by three Dutch families, from the state of New York. Pop. 2,580. Salisbury, p-t. Herkimer co., N. Y., 21 ms. northeast Utica, northeast Hamilton co. The West brancli of East Canada cr. and the East branch of West Canada cr. rise here, and East Canada cr. forms a part of the southeast boun- dary. Spruce creek is a valuable mill stream. Pop. 1,999. Salisbury, p-v. Lancaster co., in a tsp. of the same name, 12 ms. east Lancaster, and by p-r. 12.J ms. northeast W. C. Salisbury, p-v. on the extreme northeastern margin of Somerset co. Md. 17 ms. n. n. e. Princess Ann, the co. st. and by p-r. 128 ms. s. JE. by E. W. C. Salisbury, p-v. and st, jus. Rowan co., N. 61 C, by p-r. 118 ms. west Raleigh, and 51 ms. a little N. of E. Lincolnton ; lat. 36= 40', Ion"-. W. C. 3°24'w. Pop. 1,613 Salisbury, p-v. Meigs co. O., by p-r. 106 ms. southeast Columbus. Salisbury Mills, p-v. Blooming Grove, Or- ange CO. N. Y. on Murderer's cr. 6 ms. west New Windsor. Salmon', r. Conn, rises in Tolland co. and with many small tributaries from that co., New London, Hartford and Middlesex cos., flows southerly through a rough, and romantic coun- try to Connecticut river which it enters in East liaddam. Il has a fall of 70 feet in that town, where it moves the machinery of several fac- tories. The banjos of one of its branches were in ancient times the residence of a tribe called the Moodus Indians, who were famed as magi- cians. Salmon, r. Oswego co. N. Y. crosses this CO. and falls into lake Ontario, where it forms a good harbor. Its course is about 45 ms. It is navigable 1 mile from the mouth, and in boats, at high water, 14 ms. to the falls in Orwell, at which place it is about 180 yards wide. Salmon, cr., N. Y. There are several streams bearing this name in the state, one in Cayuga CO. 19 ms. long ; one in Oswego co. 28 miles ; one in Franklin co. entering the St. Lawrence ; another in Monroe county entering Braddock's bay, &c. &c. Salmon, p-v. Franklin co. Ind. by p-r. 82 ms. s. E. by E. Indianopolis. Salmon Falls r. N. H. a part of the Piscata- quay, from its source to Berwick falls. S.\LT, r. of Ky. This stream is composed of two main and numerous minor branches. The main branches are Salt r. proper, and the Roll- ing Fork. Both branches have their extreme sources in Casey co., but thence diverge. Salt r. flows a little n. of w. parallel to and within 5 or 6 ms. of Kentucky r. about 36 miles over Mercer into Nelson co., and thence assuming a wstrn. direction by comparative courses 60 ms. receiving from the nrthrd. Broshear's and Floyd's forks, finally receives or rather unites with the Rolling fork between Meade and Bul- litt cos. Rolling fork is composed of two near- ly equal branches. Rolling fork proper and Chapiia's fork ; both having a s. w. by w. course of about GO ms. above their junction, and 20 ms. below to the union of their waters with that of Salt r. Below the union of its two constituent branches Salt r. flows about 15 ms. compara- tive course to the n. w., and to its influx into Ohio river at ShepherdsviUe, and almost on lat. 38° and long. W. C. 9° w. Salt r. is a large stream in proportion to its length, and drains a triangle of 80 ms. base, with a perpendicular of 50 ms., area 2,000 sq. ms. : comprising all the cos. of Washington, Nelson, Bullitt, Spencer, and Shelby ; with part of Meade, Plardiii, Ca- sey, Mercer, Oldham, and .Ieff"erson ; of course one of the finest regions of Ky. Salt, r. of Mo., has indeed its most remote source in the n. w. territory to the n. of Mo. between the valleys of tiie Des Moines and Chariton rs. as high as lat. 40° 50'. Flowing sthrd. about 20 or 30 ms. it enters Mo., and in- clining to a direction a little e. of s. by compar- SAN 424 SAN ative courses 100 ms. into Ralls co., where it receives numerous large crs. from the w. and s. and bonds to an estrn. course, which it main- tains about 50 ms. to its entrance into the Misp. in the northern part of Pike co. after an entire comparative course of 180 ms. The valley of the Mo. Salt r. has that of Des Moines n. e. ; Misp. E. ; Mo. s. ; and Chariton w. Salt cr., or Sugar cr. very improperly so called, is tlie main northern confluent of San- gamon r. II. It rises interlocking sources with those of Mackinaw and Sangamon rivers and draining part of Sangamon, Macon, Mc'Lean and Tazewell cos. flows by a general western course to its junction with Sangamon river in Sangamon co. after a comparative length of 75 ms. ; and having drained an area of about 2,100 sq. ms. (See Art. Sangavion r., head of Su- gar creek.) Salt Creek, p-v. Muskingum co. O. by p-r. 10 ms. s. E. Zanesville, the co. St., and 69 miles E. Columbus. Salt Sulphur, springs and p-o. Munroe co. Va. by p-r. 270 ms. s. w. W. C. Saltzburg, p-v. wstrn. part Indiana co. Pa. situated on Kiskiminitas r. and on the Penn- sylvania canal, by p-r. 197 ms. n. w. W. C. Salubrity, p-v. Gadsden co. Flor. by p-r. 14 ms. s. w. Tallahassee. Salvages, a reef of rocks off Sandy Bay, on the north shore of Cape Ann, Mass. Salvisa, p-v. Mercer co. Ky. by p-r. 21 ms. s. Frankfort. Pop. 39. Sampson, co. of N. C. bndd. by Nevvf Hano- ver 3., the estrn. branch of Cape Fear r. sepa- rating it from Bladen s. w., and Cumberland w. and N. w., by .Johnson and Wayne n., and Du- pline E. Length 40 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 880 sq. ms. Lat. 35° and long. W. C. 1° 20' w. intersect in this co. Slope nearly due s. and drained by Black r. branch of Little Cape Fear r. Cf. t., Clinton. Pop. 1820, 8,903; 1830, 11,634. Samptown, v. Piscataway, Middlesex co. N. J. on a small branch of the Raritan, near the N. w. corner of the co. Sam's Creek, p-v. estrn. part Frederick co. Md. about 20 ms. n. e. Frederick, and by p-r. 63 ms. a little w. of n. W. C. Sanbornton, p-t. Strafford co. N. H. 20 ms. from Concord, 9 from Guilford, and 60 from Portsmouth, occupies a peninsula, formed by Great and Little bays, and Winnipiseogee r. e. and s., and Pemigewasset r. w. The union of these 2 streams in the s. w. angle of the t. forms the Merrimack. Salmon brook n. w. is the principal stream in the t. and affords a few mill seats, as does Winnipiseogee r. The land is rough, but good, and almost all fit for cultiva- tion. Sanbornton mtns. lie in the n. There is a remarkable chasm 38 ft. deep, and a mile long, in a rocky ridge ; and on the banks of the Win- nipiseogee are remains of an Indian fort. This work was formed of six stone walls, enclosing a piece of ground, within which implements of war, &c. have been found. The tsp. was first settled 1 765. There is an academy, one or two social libraries, and a fund for the support of the preaching of the gospel. Pop. 2,866. Sancoty Head, the east point of Nan- tucket island, Mass. in lat. 41° 16', long. 7° 5' E. W. C. Sanders, p-v. Limestone co. Ala. by p-r. 149 ms. N. Tuscaloosa. Sanders, p-v. Grant co. Ky. by p-r. 54 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Sanderson's, p-o. Goochland co. Va. by p-r. 161 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Sandersville, p-v. Chester dist. S. C. by p-r. 67 ms. n. Columbia. Sandersville, p-v. and st. jus. Washington CO. Geo. by p-r. 27 ms. s. e. by e. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 52', long. W. C. 5° .55' w. Sandersville, p-v. Vanderburgh co. Ind. by p-r. 158 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Sandgate, p-t. Bennington co. Vt. 20 ms. n. Bennington, 31 s. w. Rutland, e. N. Y. state, has a broken surface, with Sheltarack and Bald mtns. N. w.. Swearing hill s. w.. Red mtn. s. e., and part of Equinox mtn. n. e. It is watered by tributaries of White cr. and Battenkill, but ill supplied with mill seats. Pop. 933. Sandige's, p-o. Amherst co. Va. by p-r- 142 ms. s. w. W. C. Sandisfield, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 112 ms. s. w. Boston, 22 s. e. Lenox, n. Conn., is crossed by Farmington r. s. e., on both sides of which rise steep and romantic banks. The soil is favorable to agriculture, and scattered with farm houses. Maple sugar is manufac- tured here in considerable quantities. Pop. 1,655. Sandiston, p-t. Sussex co. N. J. 63 ms. n. Trenton, has Del. r. on the n. w. line, and Blue mtn. ridge along the e. boundary. Big and Lit- tle Flat crs. cross the t. Pop. 1,097. Sand Lake, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y., 11 ms. E. Troy, has a rough surface, with many hills and much waste land. Crooked and Glass lakes are the principal of 6 ponds. There are few mill seats. Marie is found in considerable quantities. There are 3 vs. Sand Lake, Rens- selaer and Poestenkill. Pop. 3,650. Sandover, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 90 ms. wstrd, Columbus. Sandown, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 31 ms. s. E. Concord, is small, with only 8,532 acres. It is uneven, favorable to grain and grass, with several ponds, one of which, Philip's, gives rise to Squamscot r. This stream sometimes flows backwards towards its source. First settled 1736, then a part of Kingston. Pop. 557. Sand's Point, North Hempstead, Queen's co. N. Y., the extremity of Cow Neck, a cape run- ning into Long Isl. sound, has a light houss, a little E. from Cow Bay. Sandton, p-v. Kershaw dist. S. C. by p-r. 55 ms. n. e. Columbus. Sandusky, r. O. having its remote sources in Marion, Crawford, and Richland cos. inter- locking sources on the w. with those of Blan- chard's fork of auGlaize r., on the s. with those of Scioto ; and on the e. with those of White Woman's r. or the nrthwstrn. sources of Musk- ingum. Issuing from this table land the San- dusky assumes a nrthm. course, and after traversing Crawford and Seneca cos., enters Sandusky CO. where inflecting to the e. it opens into an oblong sheet of water from 1 to 3 ms. SAN 479 PAN wide, and about 20 in length. This small gulf is called Sandusky bay, but closed by two pro- jecting points ; on the estrn. extreme the water is confined to a narrow channel, admitting ves- sels of 6 or 7 ft. draught. (See Sandusky vil.) Sandusky, go. 0. bndd. by Huron co. e., Sen- eca s.. Wood w., Monroe co. of Mich. n. w. and lake Erie n. It is very nearly a square of 28 ms. each side, area 784 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 25', and long. 6° 06' w. intersect in this co. The sthrn. section slopes to the n., but towards the centre all the streams which traverse its surface curve in common to n. e. This is the case with Sandusky, Muddy, Portage and Toussaint rs. Between Sandusky bay and lake Erie extends a peninsula which is nearly equal- ly divided between Sandusky and Huron cos. There are tracts of good land in Sandusky, but the general features of its surface are low, and it is consequently wet. The asperity of soil is shown by the progressive population, which was in 1820, 852 ; 1830, 2,851. Cf. t. Lower Sandusky. Sandusky City, p-t. and port, of Portland tsp. Huron co. Mich, is situated on the s. side of Sandusky bay, 106 ms. n. Columbus, 200 n. e. Cincinnati, aljout 70 s. Detroit, and 415 n. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 41° 28', long. 5° 40' w. W. C. This is a flourishing town, has a fine harbor, and is well situated in reference4o trade. Ac- cording to Mr. Flint, early in 1832 it contained 9 wharves, 10 stores, a ship yard, rope walk, printing office, several private schools, and numerous mechanics' shops. The amount of merchandize landed there was, ,^1,319,823. In 1830, upwards of 500 arrivals in the port, and the arrival and departure of 2,000 wagons, evinced the importance of its mercantile trans- actions. The Detroit and Buffalo steam boats touch here ; a rail road to Port Clinton is in contemplation, and a turnpike is now construct- ing to Columbus. The site of the town is ele- vated, dry, and pleasant. Sandusky is fre- quently erroneously called Portland. Pop. 593. Sandusky Cross Roads and p-o. Knox co. O. by p-r. 48 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Sandwich, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 70 ms. from Portsmouth, and 50 from Concord ; has part of the Sandwich mtn., a high ridge which terminates at Chocorua Peak in Burton. There are several other mtns. particularly Squam mtn. Bearcamp pond, part of Squam lake and r., and Red Hill r. are the chief waters in the town, and there are several mills. Pop. 2,744. Sandwich, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass. 54 ms. s. E. Boston, occupies the isthmus of the long and crooked peninsula of Cape Cod, and lies between Barnstable and Buzzard's bays. The soil is generally light and sandy, with exten- sive meadows, and the town is the most devo- ted to agriculture of any in the co. It has been heretofore proposed to open a canal navigable for ships, through this town, to save the long and dangerous circuit of the Cape to the coast- ing trade. Between Manumet and Scusset rs. the distance is short and the land low, so that the work might be accomplished at a moderate expense. There is a large pond near the cen- tre, and mills are supplied by a fall. Here is a large manufactory of glass, owned by the Boston and Sandwich glass co., by which more than one quarter of the population are sup- ported ; 96 of the workmen are heads of fami- lies, and nearly 200 men and boys are constant- ly employed. The first settlement was made from Lynn in 1637, under a grant from Ply- mouth colony. Much salt is made here from sea water. The town is much resorted to for trout fishing. There are 4 churches, Metho- dist, Calvinist, Unitarian, and Roman Catholic. Pop. 3,361. Sandy, r. Me. rises near the bounds of So- merset and Penobscot cos., flows s. into Ken- nebec CO., turns n. e. and enters Kennebec r. at Starks, Somerset co. 6 ms. n. Norridge- wock. Sandy, r. stream of Virginia and Kentucky, composed of two branches, called relatively East fork and West fork. East fork, the main constituent of Sandy, rises in the Appalachian valleys, interlocking sources with those of Great Kenhawa to the e., and with those of Holston and Clinch branches of Ten. r. to the s. e. Is- siiing from this elevated region, and draining part of Tazewell and Logan cos. Va., the Sandy r. pursues a n. w. direction by comparative courses 50 ms. to its passage through Cumber- land mtn. Becoming a boundary between Va and Ky., below the Cumberland chain, Sandy assumes a direction of n. n. w. 70 ms. separa- ting Logan and Cabell cos. of Va. from Floyd, Lawrence, and Greenup cos. of Ky. to its final influx into Ohio r. opposite Burlington, O. West Sandy rises in Russell and Tazewell cos. Va., and assuming a n. w. direction, pierces the Cumberland chain, enters Ky., and after traversing Pike and Floyd cos. bends to the nthrd. and joins East Sandy in Lawrence co. The valley of Sandy r. has that of Ten. r. s., Ky. s. w.. Licking w., that of Ohio n., Guyandot e., and Great Kenhawa s. e. It is about 100 ms. long, mean width 35, and area 3,500 sq. ms. Sandy cr. Genesee co. N. Y., enters lake On- tario at Murray. Sandy, p-o. Columbiana co. O., about 140 ms. N. E. Columbus. Sandy Bay, v. Gloucester, Essex co. Mass., is near the e. extremity of Cape Ann, and has a convenient harbor, exposed on the n. e., but improved by a breakwater constructed by the U. S. The inhabitants are devoted to fishing, in which about 100 vessels are employed. Sandy Bluff and p-o. on Illinois r. wstm. part of Morgan co. II., by p-r. 131 ms. n. w, Vandalia. Sandy Bridge and p-o. estrn. part of Carroll CO. Ten., by p-r. 94 ms. w. Nashville. Sandy Creek, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y. Pop. 1,839. Sandy Furnace and p-o. Venango co. Pa., by p-r. 283 ms. n. w. W. C. Sandy Grove, p-o. Chatham co. N. C, by p-r. 64 ms. w. Raleigh. Sandy Hill, p-v. Kingsbury, Washington co. N. Y., near Baker's falls, just e. of Hudson r., on a pleasant level, 52 ms. n. Albany, near the junction of Champlain canal and Hudson r. It is a half capital of the eo. Sandy Hill, p-v. s. estrn. part of Worcester SAN 480 SAN CO. Md., 10 nis. sthrd. Snow Hill, the co. st., and by p-r. 174 ms. s. e. by e. W. C. Sandy Hook, Shrewsbury, Monmouth co. N. J., the s. cape of Raritaii bay, through wJiich is the em.rance to N. Y. bay. It is about 3 ms. long, with Shrewsbury r. and Sandy Hook bay w. ; and has a light house erected by the U.S. The sand fast extends the cape n., so that two light houses have been rendered useless by being left by the water. There are only 2 dwellings on the hook, with a few trees ; but the bay is often useful in e. storms. Shrewsbury r. sometimes flows across and isolates the hook. Sandy Hook, p-v. Culpepper co. Va^ by p-r. 85 ms. s. w. W. C. Sandy MotJNT, p-v. sthrn. part of Greenville co.Va., by p-r. 75 ms. s. Richmond. Sandy Point, the n. extremity of Nantucket isl. Mass., 70° w. long. 41° 23' n. lat. Sandy Potnt, n. e. extremity of Barnstable CO. Mass., 69° 35' w. long., 41° 24' n. lat. Sandy River Church and p-o. sthrn. part of Prince Edward co. Va., by p-r. 79 ms. s. w. by w. Piichmond. This place takes its name from a small confluent of Appomattox r. Sandy Spring, or Stabler's p-o. and Friends meetinghouse, n. wstrn. part of Montgomery CO. Md., 28 ms. s. w. Baltimore, 9 ms. n. e. Rockville, and 19 ms. nearly due n. W. C. The adjacent country is peculiarly healthful and pleasant, and is elevated above tide water from 450 to 500 ft. It derives its name from a spring. Sandy Spring, p-v. s. e. part of Adams co. 0. by p-r. Ill ms. sthrd. Columbus. Sandyville, p-v. northeastern part of Tusca- rawas CO. O. by p-r. Il9 ms. n. e. by e. Colum- bus. Sanford, p.t. York co. Me. 94 ms. from Bos- ton, 20 ms. north from York, is of irregular form, with Kenncbunk r. n., and a pond s., which flows into a tributary of the Piscataquay. Pop. 2,327. Sanford, p-t. Broome co. N. Y. 24 ms. e. Chenango point, or Binghampton, and s. Che- nango CO., has a hilly and stony surface, fa- vorable to pasturage, with some good vales. A small stream in this t. flows into Cookquago cr., a branch of Del. r. on the s. e. line. Pop. 931. Sanford's Store and p-o. Hancock co. Geo. 14 ms. N. E. Milledgeville. Sangamon, r. of II. and branch of II. r. This stream, the name of which is pronounced as ii' written Sangamo, has its remote fountains on the plains, from which flow to the n. w. the Ver- million branch of Illinois, to the n. the Pick- mink brancli of Illinois, to the s. e. the Ver- million branch of Wabash, and sthrd. the ex- treme sources of Kaskaskias r. Flowing from this plain the Sangamon flows sthrd. about 30 ms., and thence sweeping an elliptic curve to the s. w., s. and w. about 100 ms,, attains its great- est southern bend a few miles above the influx from the s. of the Mowawequa r. deflecting to the N. w. 30 ms. to the influx from the n. e. of Sugar cr. Below the mouth of Sugar creek the Sangamon, turning to wstrd. 30 ms., falls into Illinois in Morgan co. The entire com. parative length of Sangamon may be stated at 200 ms. The valley is in form of a triangle, base 110 ms., by a line from head to mouth of the main stream ; shortest side 50 ms. from the. mouth of Sangamon to source of Mowawequa r. ; perpendicular 65 ms., area about 3,570 sq. ms. 1'he Mowawequa or southern branch of Sangamon rises in Shelby and Montgomery COS., and flowing n. w. joins the main stream in Sangamon co. ; its valley is the southern salient angle of the Sangamon valley. Em- bosomed in the long curve of the main stream of Sangamon, and to the nrthrd. of that chan- nel, the country is drained by Sugar cr. or the northern confluent of Sangamon. Sugar cr. has a general western course of 70 ms., and joins the main stream in the northwestern part of Sangamon co. Much of the soil of San- gamon valley has been represented as first rate ; but taken as a whole, too much of the surface is composed of low and wet prairie. Sangamon or Sangamo co. II. bndd. s. e. by Shelby, Montgomery s., Macaupin s. w., Mor- gan w., Tazewell n., MacLean n. e., and Ma- con E. Length from s. to n. 50 ms., mean breadth 40, and area 2,000 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 39° 30' to 40° 13', and in long, from 2° 10' to 13° w. W. C. This co. embraces the central part of the valley of the river from which the name is derived. The main Sangamon traverses it by a curve, first westward and thence round to northwestward ; and as Sugar creek traverses the northern part to the westward, that course may be regarded as that of the general slope, though that of the western side is to the n. of n. w. Much of the surface is flat, and of course wet, except after long drought ; but the soil is generally very highly productive. Chief t. Springfield. Pop. 12,960. Sangeesfield, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y. 15 ms. s. by w. Utica, 94 w. n. w. Albany, n. and e. Madison co. ; contains head streams of Che- nango and Oriskany crs., is on high land, with hills s. and e., and good soil. Limestone rocks abound, with impressions of organized substan- ces. The land is generally owned in fee. There is a largo pine and cedar swamp. There are 2 villages, Sangerfield and Water- ville. Pop. 2,272. Sangerville, t. Penobscot co. Mc. 70 ms. n. N. E. Augusta, and 35 n. w. Bangor; has Som- erset CO. w. and Piscataquis r. n. There are several ponds, one of which sends a head stream to Sebasticook r. Pop. 776. Sanilac, co. Mich, as laid down on Tanner's improved map of the U. S. is bndd. s. e. by Saint Clair co., s. w. Lapeer, n. w. Saginaw bay, and n. e. and e. lake Huron. Length along the southern boundary 62 ms., mean breadth 32. The area may be assumed in round num- bers at 2,000 sq. ms. It is a table land, from the centre of which the waters flow like radii from a common centre. Fronr the southwest, ern angle flow the higher branches of Cass r.. a tributary of Saginaw r. From the southern side issue the nrthrn. sources of Flint r. another branch of Saginaw. The river Delude has its higher fountains in the sthestrn. angles, whilst Elm and Black rs. flow n. e. into lake Huron, and Sugar r. and other streams n. w. into Sagi. SAR 481 SAU naw bay. The northern extremity of the co. is Transit point, or the sthrn. entrance into Sagi- naw bay. Santa Fe r. {See Suwannee.) Sappony, cr., Cross Roads and p-o. in the sthestrn. part of Dinwiddie co. Va. The cr. is a branch of Stony cr., and the hitter a tributary of Nottaway r. Sappony Cross Roads p-o. is by p-r. 22 ms. s. s. w. Petersburg. Saracta, p-v. DupHn co. N. C. by p-r. 115 ms. s. E. Raleigh. Saranac, r. N. "Y., rises in several ponds in the s. part of Franklin co., flows n. e. through Franklin and Clinton cos. and falls into lake Champlain at Plattsburgh village, s. Cumber- land head. Its heT,d streams are near those of Racket, Saint Regis and Grass rs. and the n. branch of the Hudson. Saranac, p.t. Clinton co. N. Y. Pop. 316. Saranac, p-v. Lenawa co. Mich, by p-r. 70 ms. s. w. Detroit. Saranac, vil. Berrien co. Mich, situated at the mouth of St. Joseph's r. on the s. side, and opposite Nevvburyport, about 200 miles a little s. of w. Detroit. Saratoga, lake, Saratoga co. N. Y., 6 ms. s. E. village of Saratoga Springs, 6 n. e. Ballston Spa ; about 3 ms. by 9 ; has handsome, swell- ing and cultivated banks ; receives Kayderosse- ras cr. w., and discharges into Hudson r. by Fish creek, which affords valuable mill seats. This lake lies partly in 4 townships. Fish and fowl are abundant. The scenery is very agree- able, and it is a favorite resort during the sum- mer months. Saratoga, co. N. Y. bndd. by Warren co. n., Hudson river e. dividing it from Washington and Rensselaer cos., Mohawk river s. sepa- rating it from Albany and Schenectady coun- ties, and Montgomery co. w., with about 772 sq. ms. The Hudson borders this co. n. e. and E. for nearly 70 ms., and Sacandaga river flows through the n. part. In the middle part is Kay- derosseras r. or cr. and Fish creek. Anthony's and Snook's kills also flow into the Hudson. Mill sites on its numerous streams are abun- dant. Two primitive mountainous ranges are in the n. w., Kayderosseras and Palmerstown, while there are valuable meadows on the Hud- son, &c. and sandy plains in the s. e. The sec- ondary country is most extensive, though there are also transition tracts. The river hills and meadows bear oak, walnut, chestnut, &c. ; the loamy plains, beech, maple, ash, &c., and white and yellow pine grow on the sandy plains. Good sandstone for building is found at Green- field, &c. Large beds of marie lie under the transition and secondary formations. Saratoga lake, Ballston lake. Round and Owl ponds are the principal sheets of water. This w. side of Hudson r. was an important military route in the early as well as the late French war ; and in the revolution it was the scene of important operations. Gen, Burgoyne, in 1777, after two battles on the heights of Saratoga, retreated to Fish cr., and there surrendered. At Milton, Moreau, Mechanicsville and Schuylersville are manufactories of woollen and cotton ; and there are 5 oil mills in difl'erent parts of the co. The Champlain canal enters this co. at Miller's falls. and passes along the bank of the Hudson to Mohawk river. The Schenectady and Sarato- go rail-road runs chiefly in this co. Ballston is the St. jus. Pop. 1820, 33,147, 1830, 38,679. Saratoga, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y., 32 ms. n. Albany, 15 e. Ballston Spa ; has the t. of Sara- toga Springs and Fish creek n., Hudson river E., and Saratoga lake w. Fish cr. affords val- uable mill seats. White and yellow pine grow on the light soil near Saratoga lake ; and oak, walnut, &c., in the neighborhood of Hudson r. The surface is pleasantly diversified with fine ranges of hills. The Quaker Springs are in this town, but the other sources of mineral wa- ters are in the adjoining t. of Saratoga Springs. Champlain canal passes along the bank of the Hudson. The remains of fort Hardy are to be seen near the mouth of Fish cr., where Gen. Burgoyne surrendered in 1777. The p-v. of Schuylersville, situated at that spot, is a place of some importance. Pop. 2,461. Saratoga Springs, p-t. Saratoga co., N. Y., 32 ms. N. Albany, 5 n. e. Ballston Spa ; con- tains the famous sources of mineral waters, and is the annual resort of many visiters from all parts of the country. The village built at that spot, in the n. part of the town, contains many lodging houses, several of which are very ex- tensive. The surface of the town is nearly lev- el, with a poor sandy soil, bearing pines, but capable of being much improved by gypsum or marie, which latter is found in difl'erent parts. Limestone prevails near the springs. Part of Palmerstown mtn. is also in this t. Kayderos- seras, Fish, and Ellis' creeks, with some small- er streams, water difl'erent parts. In this tsp. are the famous Saratoga springs, situated 7 ms, N. E. Ballston Spa. The village is built on a low, sandy plain, beneath which is a limestone rock. The street runs on the west side of a harrow marshy tract, in which the springs are found ; there are numerous houses for the ac- commodation of visiters, who resort here an- nually in great numbers, particularly in .Tuly and August. Congress hall, U. S. hall. Union hall, and the Pavilion, are the principal. The most important springs are the Congress, Ham- ilton, Round Rock, and Flat Rock. Pop. tsp. 2,204. Sardinia, p-t. Erie co. N. Y., 30 miles s. e. Buffalo, 273 from Albany, w. of Genesee co., and N. of Cattaraugus co., from which it is di- vided by Cattaraugus creek. Small streams of" Cazenove and Seneca creeks flow in different parts of the t. Pop. 1,453. Saugatuck, r. Fairfield co. Conn., flows be- tween Fairfield and Norwalk, and forms a good sloop harbor. Saugatuck, p-v. Fairfield, Fairfield co.. Conn. It is a place of considerable coasting trade, near L. I. Sound, on a harbor formed by the r. of its name. Saugerties, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y. 52 ms. s. Albany, 13 n. Kingston 113 n. New York, s. Greene co., w. Hudson r., and e. Greene co., and is crossed by Esopus cr. One mile w. of it is the v., and at its mouth is a manufacturing vUlage, supplied with water power by a canal' cut deep through a rock round the head of the falls, and which leads into an artificial basin. SAV 482 SAY T!ie water is drawn thence to supply a large foundry, a paper mill, saw mill, &c. The mouth of the cr. is navigable in sloops to these mills. Tliere is a horse boat ferry across the Hudson from this spot, to Upper Red Hook landing. The land is high and level, and the soil light and good, along much of the Hudson's bank in this town. The inhabitants were generally of Dutch origin. Pop. 3,747. Saugos, p-t. Essex co. Mass., 7 miles n. e. Boston ; has much rocky and irregular land, with a large salt marsh s., and fine fresh water meadows along the banks of Saugus r., which flows through them, as well as the salt mead- ows, with a very crooked and picturesque course. This town formerly belonged to Lynn, which was one of the earliest settlements, and bore the name of Saugus. Pop. 960. Sault de Saint Marie, p-v. and st. justice, Chippeway co. Mich., on the right bank of St. Mary's strait, at the lower extremity of the cataract or falls of Saint Mary, and as stated in the p-o. list, 326 ms. n. w. Detroit. This place was founded on the 17th July, 1822, by a de- tachment of U. S. troops from Detroit, under command of Col. Brady. Lat. 46^ 31', long. W. C. 7° 20' w. {See article Saint Man/s river, Mich, and Upper Canada.) Vessels of 6 feet draught can be navigated to this village, and it has been stated on good authority, that at an inconsiderable expense, (when compared with the advantages) vessels of 10 ft. might be ena- bled to ascend to the foot of the fails. Savannah, a r. which divides and forms the boundary of the two states of South Carolina and Georgia, by a course nearly from n. w. to s. E. It is formed by the junction of the Tuga- lo and Kioevee rivers, which, rising in the mtns. w., unite about 100 ms. above Augusta, by the course of the stream, and fall into the Atlantic at Tybee bar. The length of the Savannah, from the junction of the two rivers above named to its mouth, is about 350 ms., and its course is very tortuous. It is navigable for the largest ships to Five Fathom Hole, 3 ms. from Savan- nah, and to Augusta, 250 ms. above, (120 by land,) for steainboats of 150 tons burthen. From Augusta to the mouth of the Tugalo, 100 ms., and about 50 ms. up that stream, pole boats of 6 to 10 tons burthen ascend with merchandize, re- turning with a freight of 40 to 60 bags of cotton. Savannah, two small, but from their position, important rivers of the territory of Huron. One is a branch of Saint Louis r. of lake Superior, and the other a branch of Misp. river ; both are links in the chain of navigable streams by which lake Superior is united to the upper Misp., by the Saint Louis, river route. The two Savan- nah rs. are links in the direct route from Saint Louis river to the Misp. Taken together their joint general course is from St. Louis r. a little N. of w., and nearly along lat. 47°. In direct distance the western Savannah joins the Misp. about 60 ms. below the extreme source of the latter. Savannah, t., Wayne co. N. Y. Pop. 886. Savannah, city, seaport, and st. jus. Chatham CO. Geo., is situated on the s. bank of Savannah river, 13 ms. above its mouth. It is 100 ms. s. w. Charleston, S. C. and by p-r. 120 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 167 s. e. by e. Milledgeville, and 662 s. by w. Washington ; in lat. .32^ 5', long. 4° 10' w. W. C. It is elevated about 40 ft. above the river, a sandy bluff rising abruptly about that distance from it. The site of the city is near- ly level ; it is very regularly laid out, the streets crossing each other at right angles. Many of these are wide, and with the public squares, 10 in number, are planted with handsome trees. The place was formerly very unhealthy ; of late years this is much improved, a change which is attributed in some degree to a new mode, re- cently adopted, in the cultivation of rice in the vicinity. Since the great conflagration of 1820, when a large portion of the city was destroyed, it has been principally rebuilt, and many hand- some, and some elegant buildings, have been erected. Among lhe public, and conspicuous buildings of the city, are the exchange ; two banks, with a branch of the bank of the U. S. ; 10 churches, one of which, built of granite, is very splendid ; a court house, hospital, jail, poor house, theatre, and an academy. Many of the private dwellings are very elegant. There are several benevolent institutions in the place. The business of Savannah is very considerable, and it has some commerce. Vessels of 14 ft. draught come to the wharves, and a great portion of the imports and exports of the state, are laden and unladen here. Cot- ton, rice, sugar and tobacco, are the most valu- able staples, and the annual amount exported, particularly of the two former, is very heavy. That of cotton, from Oct. 1st. 18.32, to Feb. 1, 1833, amounted to 79,785 bales; during the same period, the previous season, 84,107 bales were exported. A canal, from the Ogeechee to Savannah river, 16 ms., terminates at Savannah. Pop. 1810, 5,315; 1820, 7,523 ; 1830, 7,303. Savannah, p-v. and st. jus. Hardin co. Ten. by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Savannahville, p-v. Macon co. N. C, by p-r. 319 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Savoy, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 120 ms. n. \v. Boston, and 20 n. e. Lenox. It is on the s. base of Hoosic mtn., and gives rise to Hoosie andDeerfieldrs. Pop. 927. Saw Pits, p-v. Rye, West Chester co. N. Y., 28 ms. N. e. New York, 5 s. e. White plains, 142 s. Albany, and near Connecticut, on Long Island sound. Saybrook, p-t. Middlesex co. Conn., 40 ms. s. E. Hartford, 18 w. New London, 34 e. New Haven, and n. Long Island sound, on the west side of Conn, river, at its mouth. It extends 6 miles e. and w., and 11 n. and s., with 70 sq. miles ; is uneven and stony, but has some ex- tensive levels, and tracts of rich soil, particu- larly about Saybrook v. The soil is generally good for grass. Some of the hills near the Conn, have good granite quarries, convenient to navigable water. Pettipaug and Chester are the principal streams, tributaries of Cpnn. r. which cross this town. There are several small harbors on the sound, and on Connecticut r., at Saybrook Point and Pettipaug, at the last of which much ship building has been carried on. The bar at the mouth of this great stream offers an unfortunate impediment to navigation, for even vessels of a moderate draught of wa- SCH 483 SCH ter are often obliged to pass it with but a part of their cargoes. An important and lucrative trade was formerly carried on from this r. to the West Indies, and New London often served in some degree as the port. Saybrook harbor is at the mouth of a handsome cove, making up from Conn. r. w., almost to Saybrook village, and is often resorted to by coasting vessels in bad weather. Great quantities of fish are caught in this town. Sea fish are taken to oth- er markets, and the shad fisheries are numer- ous and lucrative. The first settlement in the boimds of this state by Europeans, was made at Saybrook fort in 1635. A small fort was erect- ed on the Point, on a spot supposed to have been a little s. e. of the present fort, now en- croached upon by the water, and in advance of the monument of Lady Arabella Fenwick. It was supposed that the Point would have become an important commercial place ; and the ground on that sandy peninsula was early laid out for a city, in right lines, as is still to be seen. The garrison of the fort were several times closely beset by the Indians mitil after the Pequod war ; and a palisade fence was kept up across the isthmus many years after. Yale college was seated in this town for several years after its removal from Killingworth, and a house on the Point was appropriated to its use. The present lort, which is a mere redoubt of earth, is no longer used. During the last war, the borough of Pettipaug was occupied a few hours by a detachment of British, who proceeded up in boats from the squadron in Long Island sound. Pop. 5,018. Saybrook, p-v. Ashtabula co. O., by p-r. 183 nis. N. E. Columbus. Saysville, p-v. estrn. part Morgan co. O., by p-r. 106 ms. s. e. by e. Columbus. ScAGHTicoKE, p-t. Rensselacr co. N. Y., 16 ms. N. Albany, 10 n. Troy, e. liudson river, s. Washington co. ; has a gently varied surface, with soil good for grain and grass, particularly on the Flats. The form is irregular. Hoosac river n. affords many mill sites, as well as its branch, Tomhanoc cr. An early settlement was made on the Flats, by several Dutch and German families. Pop. 3,002. Scarborough, p-t. Cumberland co. Me., 65 ms. s. s. w. Augusta, 10 s. w. Portland ; lies n. w. Atlantic ocean, n. e. Saco, York co., with one or two small streams, and Prout's neck running into the sea. Pop. 2,106. ScARSDALE, t., West Chester co. N. Y. 25 miles N. e. New York, 3 s. White Plains, has Bronx river on the w. line, and is small, con. taining only 8 sq. miles, with pretty good soil. Pop. 317. ScARooN, p-t. Essex co. N. Y., 25 ms. s. s. w. Elizabethtown, and n. of Warren co. ; contains about half of Scaroon lake, with Paradox lake, &c. The rocks are limestone, often with ve- getable impressions. Beech, maple, pine, hem- lock, &c., formed the forests. The surface is rough and mountainous. Pop. 1,614. Scaroon, lake, Essex and Warren cos. N. Y., 12 ms. w. from the n. end of lake George, is about 1 mile by 8, forms part of the n. e. branch of Hudson r., abounds with fish, and dischar- ges by Scaroon r. Scaroon, r. Warren co. N. Y. ; is the outlet of Scaroon lake, and forms the n. e. branch of Hudson r., falling into the main branch, after a short course, in the same co. Schall's Store, and p-o. Berks co. Pa., by P-r. 157 ms. nrthestrd. W. C. ScHELLssuRG, p.v. Bedford co. Pa., on the main road from Bedford to Pittsburg, y ms. wstrd. of the former, and by p-r. 135 ms. n. w. W. C. It is a small v. in a single street alon^ the road. Pop. 200. "^ Schenectady, co. N. Y., bndd. by Montgorn- ery and Saratoga cos. n. and e., Albany co. s., and Schoharie co. w., is of a very irregular form, and is crossed by the Mohawk r. and the Erie canal ; while Albany and Schenectady r.r. meet here at the city of Schenectady. Sand kill and Eel Place kill are the principal mill streams. Along the Mohawk the soil is a rich alluvion, and on the uplands a light sandy loain, on clay slate, with an undulating surface, well watered by springs. In Duanesburgh, &c. the soil is argillaceous, and the surface more hilly ; streams flow n. to Mohawk r., e. to Hudson r., and w. to Schoharie creek, on the w. line, which affords good mill seats. The Schenectady man- ufacturing company at Rotterdam, is the only incorporated company for manufacturing pur- poses in the co. They make about 400,000 yds. of cotton goods annually, and 20 or 30,000 lbs. of yarn. It has 2,000 spindles and 50 looms. There are also satinet, paper, and carpet man- ufactories, an oil mill and iron foundries, all large ; and in other places 11 tanneries, 1 foundry. Schenectady city is the cf. t. and St. jus. of the CO. Pop. 1820, 13,081 ; 1830, 12,347. Schenectady, city and st. jus. Schenectady CO. N. Y., 15^ ms. n. w. Albany ; has the Mo- hawk r. and Albany co. n., and contains exten- sive alluvial meadows, with handsome uplands, and a sandy loam upon clay slate. Sand kill, flowing into the Mohawk, affords mill sites, some of which are occupied by mills and manu- factories. The Erie canal crosses the n. part, near the Pludson, but on account of the circuit- ous route, and the numerous locks between this place and A'bany, much of the navigation stops here. Packet boats run hence in numerous lines to Utica, and on as far as Buffalo, and ma- ny still extend to Albany. Thus a vast amount of merchandize annually passes through this city. The Albany and Schenectady r-r. greatly facilitates the communication with the Hudson ; and this, with the Saratoga and Schenectady r-r., have rendered Schenectady the great tho- roughfare for travellers to the springs. Numer- ous lines of stage coaches also pass through this city. Union college, which stands a short dis- tance from the centre of it, is a very respecta- ble and flourishing institution. It was founded by the Regents of the University in 1795. The principal college buildings are each 200 ft. long, 4 stories high, built of brick, and covered with white stucco. The institution possesses a li. brary, cabinet, philosophical and chemical ap. paratus, &c. Beside a president, there are 4 professors, and 4 assistant professors in this college ; the whole number of alumni in 1833, 1,373, of whom 1,353 are living ; students 1832, SCH 484 SCH 3,205. In the libraries are about 13,500 vols., of which that of the college contains about 5,000. The spot on which the college buildings stand, was once the site of a Mohawk village. The streets of the city are regular, and paved, but rather narrow ; 8 of them are crossed diagon- ally by the Erie canal. Schenectady was early settled by a few Dutch, but on the night of Feb. 8th, 1690, the village then containing 63 houses and a church, was suddenly attacked and burnt, by French and Indians from Canada. 60 of the people were killed, 27 carried captive, and 27 of the remainder lost limbs by exposure to the cold, in attempting to reach Albany. In 1748, 70 of the inhabitants were massacred by savage invaders from the same quarter; and in 1819, 170 buildings were burned to the ground. Pop. 4,268. ScHLossER, fort Niagara, Niagara co. N. Y., ancient work, long disused. ScHODAC, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y., 9 ms. s. Albany, 15 s. Troy, n. Columbia co., w. Hudson r. separating it from Albany co., has a variety of soils, generally good, with some pine plains. The inhabitants are of Dutch extraction. Moor- denar's kill, &c. supply mill seats on their course to the Hudson. There are 2 landings, with post villages. Hogeberg or High Hill is on the bank of the Hudson, 9 ms. below Alba- ny. Pop. 3,794. Schoharie, co. N. Y., bndd. by Montgomery CO. N., Schenectady and Albany cos. e., Greene and Delaware cos. s., and Otsego co. w., is part- ly broken by a range of the Catskill and Hel- derberg hills, and crossed centrally by Schoha- rie cr. It has also Cobuskill cr., and in the e. rises Catskill cr. The rocks are of limestone, and on Schoharie cr. are extensive and very fer- tile meadows, 26 ms. long, where settlements were begun by Germans and Dutch about 100 years since, while the 3 tsps. are inhabited by people from the e. states. Schoharie village was destroyed by the English and Indians in the revolutionary war. There are 10 tsps. Scho- harie, the St. jus. of tiie co., stands on the mead- ows. In the CO. are 1 furnace, 1 paper mill, 1 woollen, and 2 leather manufactories. Pop. 1820,23,154; 1830, 27,902. Schoharie, p-t. and st. jus. Schoharie co. N. Y., 32 ms. w. Albany, 22 ms. s. w. Schenecta- dy, 24 s. Johnston, s. Montgomery co., and w. of Schenectady and Albany cos., is crossed by Helderberg hills, and Schoharie cr. which here receives Cobuskill and Fox crs. On the Scho- harie are very rich meadows, which have been under constant culture for 100 years. The in- habitants are of Dutch and German extraction. Here are 3 villages, Schoharie, Esperance, and Sloansville. Pop. 5,157. Schoharie, cr., or kill, N. Y. rises on the w. side of the Catskill mtns. Greene co. and after winding 23 ms. enters Schoharie co. flows n. 40 ms. and empties into the Mohawk in Mont- gomery county, opposite Tribe's hill. It is rapid, has several branches, and waters some fine alluvial meadows, as well as some hilly regions. ScHooDic, or St. Croix r. Maine. Schooley's, nitn. N. J. a high range in Washington and Roibury, Morris co., forming a part of the mountainous region in that part of the state. Schooley's, mtn., p-v. and mineral springs, Washington, Morris county, N. J., 56 miles n. Trenton, 50 n. n. w. New York, 20 s. Newton, and 70 n. Philadelphia, is on an elevation on Schooley's mtn., where the air is pure and the scenery bold and varied. The place is a favor, ite resort for health and pleasure during the summer months, and there are two large hotels for visitors, besides more private accommoda- tions. The roads are rough, but a line of stage coaches runs daily to the place from Elizabethtown Point, connected with the New York steamboat, and passing through Morris- town. The water of the spring holds in solu- tion muriate of soda, magnesia and lime, sul- phate of lime, and oxide of iron. ScHRooN, r. New York. (See Scaroon r.) SciiROON, lake, N. Y. {See Scaroon lake.) SciiRooN, p-t. Essex co. New York. [See Scaroon.) ScHULTz's, range, and p-o. Wood co., Va., by p-r. 324 ms. wstrd. W. C. Schuyler, p-t. Herkimer co., N. Y. 86 ms. w. Albany, 8 n. w. Herkimer, 6 ms. e. Utica, n. of Mohawk r., and e. of Oneida co., has several small mill streams, a good soil, and is somewhat hilly. Pop. 2,074. Schuyler, co. of Illinois, bndd. by Pike s., Adams w., Hancock n. w., Macdonough n., Fulton N. E., and Illinois r. separating it from Morgan e. and s. e. Length from s. to n. 30 ms,, mean breadth 22, and area 660 sq, miles. Lat. 40° and long. W. C. 13° 40' w. intersect in this county. It is traversed and drained by Crooked cr., a confluent of Illir^ois r. Slope to the s. e. It is represented by recent travellers, as amongst the finest counties of Illinois. Cf. t., Rushville. In the census returns for 1830, Schuyler and Macdonough cos. are comprised under one head, and contained together a pop. of 2,959. ScHUY'LERSviLLE, p-v. Saratoga co., N. Y. 6 miles w. Union village, n. Fish creek, on the w. bank of Pludson river, and upon the Chaniplain canal. On the meadows adjoining the village, the army of Gen. Burgoyne surren- dered to the Americans in 1777, after their de- feat on the heights of Saratoga, seven miles below. Schuylkill, r. Pa. great s. wstrn. branch of Delaware r. The valley of Schuylkill has that of Susquehannah s., s. w., w., and n. w., that of Lehigh n., and that of Delaware above tide N. E. The range of the valley is from n. w. to s. E. 90 ms. in length. The breadth above Blue Ridge about 35 ms., but below that chain the utmost breadth is 25 ms., and mean width about 12 ms. The mean breadth of the entire valley about 22, and area 1,980 sq. ms. The tide ascends this r. about 5 ms. to the primi- tive ledge in the city of Phila., from whence a chain of canals, locks and rail-roads have been constructed along this stream to near the ut- most sources, opening the fine country along and near its banks to the Atlantic tide water, and providing a means to bring to market the immense masses of mineral coal drawn from the bowels of the earth along itsnigher tributa- SCI 485 SCO ries. (See articles Pa., Delaware river, and roads and canals.) Schuylkill, co. Pa., bndd. s. w. by Dauphin, w. by Northumberland, Columbia n. w., Lu- zerne N., Northampton n. e., and the Kittatin- ny nitn. separating it from Lehigh co. e. and Berks s. e. Length from s. w. to n. e. 37 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 660 sq. ms. Lat, 40° 40', and long. W. C. Q° 47' e. Though along the border of this county contiguous to Dauphin, Northumberland, Columbia, and Lu- zerne COS., crs. rise which have the Susquehan- nah as their recipient, the body of the co. is drained into Schuylkill r., and slopes s. estrd. The face of the co. is perhaps more diversified by valley, hill, and mtn. than* any other in Pa. The mean elevation of the arable soil is about 800 ft. above tide water, and with all its moun- tainous appearance much of the soil is excel- lent. But what renders this co. an object of peculiar interest, is the vast deposits of mineral coal it contains. Since 1806, upwards of a million of dollars have been expended to facili- tate the transportation of this fuel to the Atlan- tic markets. (See article roads and canals.) Cf. t. Orwigsburg. Pop. 1820, 11,339, 1830, 20,744. Schuylkill, p-o. nthrn. part of Chester co.. Pa., by p.r. 134 ms. n. e. W. C. Schuylkill Haven, p-v. Schuylkill co. Pa. 55 ms, N. E. Harrisburgh, and 171 n. n. e. W. C. Scio, p-t. Alleghany co. N. Y., 14 ms. s. An- gelica, N. Pa. Pop. 602. Scioto, r., O., having its remote sources in Richland, Marion, Crawford, and Hardin cos. ft is composed of two branches, Whetstone on the E., and Scioto proper west. Both branch- es issuing from Marion county, assume a nearly parallel course to s. s. e., traversing Delaware and uniting in Franklin county, be- tween the towns of Columbus and Franklin, after each branch having flowed by comparative courses 70 ms. Below Columbus the general course is almost exactly s., and comparative length 100 ms. to its influx into 0. r. between the villages of Alexandria and Portsmouth. The Scioto valley, lying between lat. 38° 42', and 40° 50', and cut into two very nearly equal sections by long. W. C. 6° w., is about 150 ms. long, and 60 ms. wide, area 9,000 sq. ms. Be- lov/ Columbus the main stream traverses the COS. of Franklin, Pickaway, Ross, Pike and Scioto. Though without direct falls, the Scioto is a very rapid stream. {See art. rail-roads and canals.) The Scioto valley lies between those of Great Miami and Muskingum, and has that of Sandusky n., and Mauraee n. w. ScioTo, CO. 0., bndd. by Adams w., Pike n., Jackson n. e., Lawrence e., and O. r. separa. ting it from Greenup co. Ky. s., and Lewis co. Ky., s. w. Length from e. to w. 34 ms., mean breadth 15, and area 512 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 50', and long. W. C. 6° w. intersect near its centre. It is divided into two not very imequal sections by Scioto r. which traverses it from n. to s. The general -slope is sthrd. ; surface hilly, and soil tolerably fertile. Cf. t. Portsmouth. Pop. 1820, 5,749 ; 1830, 8,740. Scioto, p-v. Scioto co. 0., by p-r. 92 ms. s. Columbus. 62 Scmo, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 180 ms. w. Albany, and 11 s. of Auburn, is bomided w. by Cayuga lake, which separates it from Seneca CO., has Owaco lake e., and includes a part of the Cayuga Indian reserved lands. The inhab. itants are generally farmers. Salmon cr. and other brooks supply many mill seats, but the springs are afl'ected by drought. Slate rock lies under the soil. It has Aurora and other small villages. Pop. 2,691. Scino, p-v. Seneca co. 0., by p-r. 88 ms. n. Columbus. SciTUATE, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass. 17 ms. s. Boston on the Atlantic coast. Its harbor is protected against the storms by small isls., and it has some coasting trade. It is crossed by Satuit brook, whence it derives its name. It was an early settlement, and in 1676, during Phihp's war, had 19 houses and barns burnt by the savages. Thomas Clapp, President of Yale College, Conn., was born here, 1703. Pop. 3,468. Scituate, p-t. Providence co. R. 1. 12 ma. w. Providence, about 6 ms. by 8, has a rocky and varied surface, with good building stone in the w. ; soil generally favorable to grass. It has 2 small streams of Pavvtuxet r. The mackerel fishery here is important ; 21 vessels were en- gaged in 1832. It also contains several cotton factories, a bank, a foundry of bells and cannon, and an academy. Pop. 3,994. ScoNONDOA, p-v. Oneida co. N. Y. 23 ms. w. Utica, 11 s. Rome, and 1 s. Erie canal, stands on Sconondoa cr. Scotch Plains, p-v. Westfield, Essex co. N. J., on Green Brook, 14 ms. s. v/. Newark, and near the borders of Somerset co. Scotchtown, p-v. Wullkill, Orange co. N, Y., 6 ms. N. w. Goshen. Scotia, p-v., and as named in the p-o. list of 1831, St. jus. Pope CO., Arkansas, by p-r. 81 ms. N. wstrd. Little Rock. Exact position uncer- tain. Scott, p-t. Cortlandt co. N. Y., 18 ms. s. Skeneateles, 9 from Cortlandt, s. Onondaga co., and E. Cayuga CO., has small streams of Tiough- niogacr., and an inlet of Skeneateles lake, with ridges of land extending n. and s. and a produc- tive soil, bearing grass best on the hills. The soil is held in fee simple. Pop. 1,452. Scott, p-v. Waj-Tie co. Pa., by p-r. 283 ms. N. N. E. W. C. Scott, co. Va., bndd. by Russell co. Va., n. and N. N. E., Washington co. Va. e., Sullivan and Hawkins cos. Tenn. s., and Lee co. Va. w. and N. vv. Length along Ten. 40 ms., mean width 15, and area 600 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 47', long. W. C. 5° 40' w. Slope s. w., and tra- versed in that direction by the main volume of Clynch, andN. fork of Holston rs., and between those ^streams by Clinch mtn. The surface is broken and soil of middling quality. Chief town, Estillville. Pop. 1820, 4,263; 1830, 5,724. Scott, co. Ky., bounded by Lafayette s. e., Woodford s. w., Franklin w., Owen n. w., and Harrison n. and i-r. e. Length 18 ms., mean breadth 14, and area 252 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 15', long. W. C. 7° 40' w. Slope n. w., and drained by Elkhorn and Eagle rs. confluents of Ky, SCR 486 SEB r. ; soil excellent. Cf. t. Georgetown. Pop. 1820, 12,219 ; 1830, 14,677. Scott, co. of Indiana, bndd. by Clark s., Washington w., Jackson n. w., Jennings n., and Jefferson n. e. and e. Length 20 ms., mean width 10, and area 200 sq. ms. Lat 40° 40', long. W. ('. 8° 45' w. Slope n. w. by w., and in that direction drained by crs., falling into Graham's Fork of White r. Cf. t. New Lex- ington. Pop. 1820, 2,334 ; 1830, 3,092. Scott, co. Mo. bndd. by New Madrid s. w., Stoddard w., Cape Girardeau n. w., Misp, r. above the mouth of Ohio, separating it from Alexander county, Illinois n., and the Misp. river below the mouth of Ohio, separating it from MacCracken and Hickman counties, Ky. E. Length from the Misp. r. on the s. e. to the border of Cape Girardeau co. 50 ms. ; mean breadth 18, and area 900 sq. ms. Lat. 37°, and long. 12° 30' w. intersect in this co. Slope sthrd. The n. wstrn. angle traversed by White Water branch of St. Francis, and the residue by crs. flowing into Misp. r. Cf. t. Benton. Pop. 2,136. Scott, p-v. Adams co. O., by p-r. 94 ms. a little w. of s. Columbus. ScoTTSBURGH, p-v. Halifax co. Va. by p-r. 235 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Scott's Ferry, p-o. Albermarle co. Va. by p-r. 150 ms. s. w. W. C. ScoTTSviLLE, p-v. Wheatland, Monroe co. N. Y. 12 ms. s. Rochestei", and 1 from Genesee r., stands on Allan's cr. ScoTTSviLLE, p-v. N. wstm. part of Luzerne CO. Pa., 40 ms. n. n. w. Wilkes-Barre. ScoTTSviLLE, p-v. and st. jus. Powhatan co. Va. 32 ms. w. Richmond, and hy p-r. 138 ms. s.s. w. W. C. Lat. 37° 32', long. W. C. 0° 56' w. Scottsville, p-o. Orange co. N.C., by p-r. 56 ms. N. N. w. Raleigh. Scottsville, p-v. and st. jus. Allen co, Ky., situated on a branch of Green r., by p-r. 151 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort, and 67 ms. n. e. Nash- ville. Ten. Lat. 36° 45', long. W. C. 9° 06' w. Pop. 180. ScRTBA, p-t. Oswego CO. N. Y. 173 ms. n. w. Albany, 60 w. n. w. Rome, s. of lake Ontario, and N. E. Oswego r., has a nearly level surface and good soil, with few mill sites. Oswego fort is in this town. It has a triangular form, enclosing 3 or 4 acres, 50 ft. above the lake, and was the first military work erected at the mouth of Oswego r. in the old French wars, in 1727. Fort Oswego was afterward erected near it ; and both were captured by the French in 1756. It was surrendered to the Americans by the British under Jay's treaty, in 1796. The British, during the late war, once landed here, and occupied the village at the mouth of the r. for a few hours. Pop. 2,073. ScRivEN, CO. of Geo. bndd. by Effingham s. e.. Great Ogeechee r. separating it from Bullock s. w,, and Emanuel w., Burke n. w., and Savan- nah r. separating it from Barnwell dist. S. C. N. E., and Beaufort dist. S. C. e. Lat. 32° 40', long. W. C. 4° 30' w. The nthrn. section of this CO. is traversed in a s. estrn. direction by Brier cr. branch of Savannah r. ; but the sthrn. and central sections slope sthrd., and are drain, ed into Great Ogeechee r. Length in the di- rection of its bounding rs., that is, from s. e. to N. w. 34 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 748 sq. ms. Pop. 1820, 3,941 ; 1830,4,776. ScROGGSFiELD, p-v. Columbiaua co. 0., by p-r. 146 ms. n. e. Columbus. Scuffletov/n, P-v. nthrn. part of Laurens dist. S. C, about 10 ms. n. n. e. Laurensville, and by p-r. 85 ms. n. w. Columbia. Scull Camp, p-v. n. wstrn. part Surry co. N. C. by p-r. 182 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Scull Shoals, and p-o. Greene co. Geo., by p-r. 58 ms.N. Milledgeville. Seabrook, t. Rockingham co. N. H. 17 ms. s. s. w. Portsmouth, 7 n. Newburyport, forms the s. E. corner of the state, having the Atlantic ocean e., and Mass. s. First settled 1638. It is watered by Black, Brown's, and Walton's rs., and on many of the brooks is found bog iron ore. The building of whale boats has been ex- tensively carried on here, and the inhabitants are chiefly sailors and mechanics. Pop. 1,093. Seaconnet, point and rocks, Newport, New- port CO. R. I., the s. end of the k. shore of Nar- ragansett bay, 6 ms. e. s. e. Newport. Seaford, p-v. on Nanticoke r. northwestern part Sussex co. Del. by p-r. 107 ms. a little s. E. W.C. Searcy's p-o. Montgomery co. Ten. by p-r. 58 ms. N. w. by w. Nashville. Searigiit, p-o. Fayette co. Pa. by p-r. 199 ms. N. w. W. C. Searsburgh, t. Bennington co. Vt. 12 miles E. Bennington, has a rough surface and much poor soil, so that it sustains but few families. Pop. 40. Searsmont, p-t. Waldo co. Me. 25 ms. west Castine, 30 e. Augusta, has a large pond in the centre, which discharges s. by an outlet into St. George r. The form of the town is irregular. Pop. 1,151. Seay's, p-o. Merriwether co. Geo. by p-r. 119 ms. w. Milledgeville. Sebago, lake, Cumberland co. Me. is 13 ms. long, and about 20 wide in the broadest parts, but nearly divided by a long and narrow cape, extending s. w. from the e. shore in Raymond. It forms a part of the boundary of 5 tsps. clus- tered around it, Standish, Baldwin, Sebago, Raymond and Windham. Crooked r. falls into the lake on the n., into the lower part of whose course, (which bears the name of Sungo,) empties Long lake, in the n. part of the co. Presumpscut r. flows from the s. e., part of the lake s. E. into Casco bay. Boat navigation ex- tends by this route to Portland. Sebago ,p-t. Cumberland co. Me. 65 ms: s. w. Augusta, lies on the n. w. side of Sebago lake, with Oxford co. w., has an irregular form, and is watered by small streams flowing into the lake. Pop. 586. Sebasticook, r. Me. rises in Penobscot and Somerset cos. flows across the s. e. comer of the latter, and passing into the n. e. corner of Kennebec co. falls into Kennebec r. in Winslow opposite Waterville. Sebec, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. 87 ms. n. e. Augusta, embraces the end of Sebec pond and the head of Sebec r. which rises in it, and is well watered bv these and Piscataquis r. on the 5. line. Pop. 906. SEN 487 SEN Second Fork, p-o. Clearfield co. Pa. by p-r. 154 ms. N. w. Harrisburg. Sectiom cr., and p-o. Clay co. Ky. by p-r. 106 ms. s. E. Frankfort. On Tanner's map of the United States this creek is named Sexton's, which is probably the real name, but in direct- ing letters the p-o. list perhaps ought to be fol- lowed. Sedgwick, p-t. Hancock co. Me. 6 miles e. Castine, 87 e. by s. Augusta, has Blue Hill bay E. and a strait s. which separates it from Deer isl., being situated principally on a peninsula, with a coast made irregular by points, coves, &c. Pop. 1,604. Seecatcuee, v. Mass. onthe e. shore of Nan- tucket, and on the verge of the ocean. Seekonk, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 38 ms. s. e. Boston, N. Barrington, R. I., and e. Providence river, there the line of the same state. It is an important manufacturing town. Pop. 2,133. Selby's, store and p-o. Wake co. N. C. by p-r. 20 ms. s. wstrd. Raleigh. Selin's Gkove, and p-o. Union co. Pa., situa- ted on the right bank ef the Susquehannah r., between Penn's and Middle cr., by p-r. 50 ms. above and nthrd. Harrisburg and 4 ms. below Sunbury. Seller's, tavern and p-o. Bucks co. Pa., about 30 ms. n. Phil. Selma, p-v. on the right bank of Alabama r., nrthrn. part Dallas co. Ala., by p-r. 86 ms. s. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Selma, p-v. Jefferson co. Mo., by p-r. 30 ms. sthrd. St. Louis. Seminole, Agency and p.o. on Ocklawaha r. Alachua co. Flor., about 80 ms. s. w. by w. St. Augustine, and by p-r. 238 ms. s, e. by e. Tal- lahassee. Sempronius, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y. 15 ms. s. E. Auburn, 160 w. Albany, has Onondaga co. N., Skeneateles lake e., Onondaga and Cort- landt COS. e., with many hills, some extensive valleys, and a soil generally rich and arable. Owasco lake in the w. has an inlet in the s. part, whose streams afford mill seats, as do other brooks running in different directions. There are several marshes, the largest of which is along the lower part of Owasco inlet. Owasco flats s. w. are fertile, and contain Moravia v. One mile distant is Montville where are mills. Pop. 5,705. Seneca lake, n. y. lies between 4 cos. w. of Cayuga lake, and in one part only 6 ms. distant. It is about 35 ms. long n. and s., from 2 to 4 wide and of great depth. Its outlet, Seneca r. runs from the n. end e. to Cayuga lake. There is a great marsh s. chiefly in Tioga co. through which run several small streams. On the w. side, the outlet of Crooked lake falls into Seneca lake. The surface of this sheet of water is 431 ft. above the level of tide water at Albany. Geneva, one of the prettiest villages in the state, is situated at the n. w. corner of the lake, partly on the low ground, and partly on the ele- vated bank. The water has a gradual periodi- cal rise and fall, once in several years, the cause of which has never been ascertained. The water never freezes, which is probably owing to its depth. The land gradually rises for several ms. by those broad, natural terraces or successive parallel ridges, running n. and s. over a considerable tract of country. The view from the height of land between Seneca and the adjacent lakes is extensive and agreeable. The region has the appearance of having been swept by a powerfid current of water from the n. Seneca r. N. Y. rises at the n. end of Seneca lake, and crosses Seneca, Cayuga and Onon- daga cos, 60 ms. to Oswego r. in Cicero. Its branches are Cayuga, Canandaigua, Owasco, Skeneateles, and Onondaga outlets. It is ren- dered navigable by a canal and locks by Water, loo to the Erie canal. At Montezuma it is 371 ft. higher than the Hudson is at Albany. Seneca r. of N. C. and Geo., has its remote sources in Blue Ridge, Macon co. N. C, but it is a mere cr. where it leaves that state and enters Pickens dist. S. C. Thence augmented by numerous crs. from both sides, the Seneca flows by comparative courses 45 ms. in a di- rection a little E. of s. to its junction with Tu- galoo to form Savannah r. This r. and its confluents drain the greater part of Pickens dist. It is a mtn. stream, and compared with length of course contains a large volume of water. Seneca, co. N. Y., bndd. by Wayne co. N., Cayuga co. e., Tompkins co. s., Ontario and part of Steuben cos. w. It lies chiefly between Cayuga and Seneca lakes, and is crossed in the N. by a part of Seneca r., which here runs from the foot of Seneca lake to the foot of Cayuga lake, and then n. The other streams are small. It contains 10 towns, of which Ovid and Water- loo are the chief and shire towns. It is about 187 ms. w. Albany, has an agreeably varied surface, with a calcareous loam and vegetable mould. There are some salt springs, iron ore and limestone. The village of Seneca falls has rapidly increased in business and popula- tion. In 1825 there were 265 inhabitants, and in 1830,1,610. The fall is 46 ft. and affords abundant power, part of which is employed in 4 flour mills, 1 grist mill, 1 cotton factory with 4000 spindles, 1 paper mill, 1 tannery, 1 sash factory, 2 furnaces and 1 oil mill. At Water- loo are 5 flour mills, 2 saw mills, 1 clover seed mill, 1 hemp factory, 1 patent pail factory, 1 tub factory, 1 paper mill, 1 oil mill, 3 carding mills, a lath factory and 1 forge. At Ovid, 1 steam flour mill and 1 carding mill. Pop. 1820, 23,619; 1830,21,041. Seneca, p-t. Ontario co. N. Y., 176 ms. w. Albany, 12 e. Canandaigua, w. Seneca lake and CO., and is crossed by the road from Albany to Buffalo. The land is arable and favorable to grass, and the surface s. hilly. The village of Geneva, one of the pleasantest in the state, is at the n. w. corner of the lake. Pop. 6,161. Seneca, co. O., bndd. by Crawford s., Han. cock s. w., Wood N. w., Sandusky n., and Hu. ron E. Length from e. to w. 32 ms., breadth 20, and area 640 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 10', long. W. C. 6° 06' w. Sandusky r. traverses this co. flowing to the nthrd. The general slope is of course in that direction, but from the s. w. angle issues the extreme fountains of Blanchard's branch of Au Glaize r. Cf. t. TiflSn. Pop. 5,159. yEW 488 SUA Seneca Falls, p-t. Seneca oo. N. Y., 1G7 ms. w. Albany; contains a flourishing manu- facturing village, wliich has increased in popu- lationfrom 2(55 to 1,610 between 1835 and 1830. The water falls here 42 ft. and affords abun- dance of power for several mills and factories. (See Seneca co.) A canal here passes round the falls. Here are 18 dry goods stores in the village, besides 2 hardware do., 2 druggist's do., 5 flouring mills, 1 large cotton factory, 1 woollen do., 1 paper mill, 1 distillery, 1 large tannery, 1 sash factory, 1 carriage factory, be- sidesnumerous smaller manufacturing establish, ments. The prosperity of the village is owing to its valuable hydraulic privileges. Pop. 2,603. Senegas, Indians, N. Y. hold several reser- vations in the state, but their principal settlement is near Bufllalo, on a tract 7 ms. by 18, on Bufla- lo creek. Seneca Mills and p-o. Montgomery co. Md. by p-r. 23 ms. n. w. W. C. Senecaville, p-v. Guernsey co. O. by p-r. 99 ms. E. Columbus. Sennet, p-t. Cayuga co. New York. Pop. 9,297. ' Setauket, p-v. Brookhaven, Suflblk co. N. Y. 58 ms. E. N. Y. Setzler's Store and p-o. Chester co. Pa. by p-r. 138 ms. n. e. W. C. Seven Mile Foud and p-o. eastern part of Washington co. Va. 362 miles s. w. by w. W.C. Seventy Six, p-v. Beaver co. Pa. by p-r. 256 ms. N. w. W. C. Severn, cr. and p-o. Owen co. Ky. by p-r. 21 ms. nrlhrd. Frankfort. Sevier, co. Tenn. bounded s. w. and w. by Blount, Knox n. w., .lefi^erson n. e., Cocke e., and the Iron mtn. separating it from Haywood CO. N. C. s. E. Length from s. e. to n. w. 28 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 500 sq. miles. Lat. 35° 45', long. 6° 25' w. W. C. The northern part of this co. is travei-sed in a west, erly direction by the Nolechucky r. ; but the southern and much the most extensive section of the CO. is drained to the n. w. by Little Pigeon r. and its confluents, flowing from the Iron mtns. into Nolcchncky r. Chief t. Sevier- villc, or Sevier c. h. Pop. 1820, 4,772, 1830, 5,717. Sevierville or Sevier c. h,, p-v. and st. jus. Sevier co. Ten. situated on Little Pigeon r. 25 ms. s. e. by e. Knoxville, and by p-r. 225 ms. a little s. of E. Nashville. Lat. 35° 50', long. 6° 21' w. W. C. Sewell cr. and mtn. wstrn. part of Green- brier CO. Va. Sewell cr. is one of the extreme sthrn. sources of Gauly r. Sewell mtns., p-o. western part of Green- brier CO. Va. by p.r. 294 miles s. w. by w. W.C. Sewell Valley, p-o. western part of Green, brier co. Va. by p-r. 288 miles s. w. by w. W. C. Sewicklev, the name of three crs. of wstrn. Pa, The most considerable is a stream of Westmoreland co. rising opposite to the Loyal- hanna r., and flowing westward into Youghio- ghany r. The second a small creek, though relatively called Big Sewickley, and for a few ms. constituting part of the boundary between Alleghany and Beaver cos. The third or Little Sewickley, is a mere brook of Alleghany co. The two latter Sewickleys fall into the right side of Ohio r. Sewickley Bottom, p-o. wstrn. part of Alle. ghany co. Pa. 14 ms, n. w. Pittsburg, Sexton's, p.v. wstrn. part of Boone co. Mo., by P-r. 64 ms. n. w. Jefferson. Shade, cr. one of the higher branches of Co- nemaugh r. flowing from the Alleghany mtn, in the nrthwstrn. part of Somerset co. Pa. Shade mtn., a ridge extending from the great bend of Juniata r., below Lewiston, and separa- ting Juniata from Mifl^lin co. Pa. Shade, p.o. on Shade cr. n. e. partof Somer. set CO. Pa., about 20 miles n. e. the borough of Somerset, and by p-r. 160 ms. n. w. W. C. Shade Gap, and p.o. estrn. part of Hunting- don CO. Pa., 117 ms. n, w. W, C. Shady Dale, p.o. Jasper co. Geo,, by p-r. 43 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. Shady Grove, p-o. Franklin co. Va., by p-r. 305 ms. s. w. W. C. Shady Grove, p-o. Buncombe co. N. C, by p-r. 277 ms. w, Raleigh. , Shady Grove, p-o. Union dist. S. C, by p-r. 86 ms. N. w. Columbia. Shafer's, p-o. Northampton co. Pa., by p-r. 210 ms. N, E. W, C. Shaferstown, P-v. estrn. part of Lebanon co. Pa., 9 ms. E, Lebanon, and by p-r. 129 ms. n, n. E.W. C. Shaftsbury, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 97 ms. s. w, Montpelier, 46 from Rutland, 31 from Brat- tleboro' ; first settled abou-t 1763 ; lies e. N. Y. between Walloomsac and Battenkill crs., and has no large streams. W. mtn. extends into this town about 3 ms. The soil is generally good, and excellent in the s. vv. Iron ore and marble are found in the town. There is a fund of ,$10,000 for the support of schools. Pop, 2,142. Shakleford's, p.o. King and Queen co. Va., by p-r. 160 ms. s. W. C. SiiALERSviLLE, p-v. nrthm. part of Portage co. O., 5 ms. N. Ravenna, the co. st. and by p-r, 132 nis. N. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 757, Shallow Ford and p.o. Anderson dist. S. C, by p.r. 145 ms. n. w. Columbia. SiiAMOKiN, cr. and p-o. central part of North, umberland co. Pa., by p.r. 64 ms. n. Harris, burg. The Shamokin cr. falls into the left side of Susquehannah r., immediately below the bo. rough of Sunbury. Shandakan, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 20 ms. w. Kingston, 83 s. by w. Albany, lies s, Greene CO., N. Sullivan co,, and e. Delaware co. It is mountainous, and several streams flow hence to Del. r. and Esopus cr. Pine hill mtn, lies on the borders of Del. CO. Pop. 966. Shane's Crossings, over St. Mary's r., or as marked on Tanner's map, SkanesmUe, p-v. on St. Mary's r. nrthrn. part of Mercer co. 0„ 18 ms. N. w, St. Mary's, the co. st. and by p-r, 129 ms. N. w. Columbus. Pop. 46. Shanesville, p-v. Tuscarawas county, Ohio, by p-r. 96 miles n.e. by e. Columbus. Pop. 160. Shannon, p-v. Mason co. Ky., by p-r. 55 ms. N. E. by E. Frankfort. SHA 489 SHE Shannon Hill, p-o. Goochland co. Va. by p-r. 147 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Shannon's Store and p-o. Randolph co. II. by p-r. 74 ms. s. w. Vandalia. SiiANNONViLLE, p.v., and named in p-o. list as St. jus. Perry co. Ten., by p-r. 114 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. SiiAPLETGH, p-t. York CO. Me. 1G3 ms. s. w. Augusta, 35 n. w. York, e. N. H. ; contains several ponds, one of which, partly in the ad- joining state, gives rise to Salmon Falls river. Pop. 1,479. Shaeon, t. Hillsborough co. N. H. 18 miles from Amherst, 48 from Concord, and e. of Cheshire co., gives rise in the s. e. to branches of Contoocook r., but is almost destitute of mill seats. Boundary mtn. 200 ft. high, is on the e. boundary. Pop. 371. Sharon, p-t. Windsor co. Vt.22 ms. n. Wind- sor, lies n. White r. Pop. 1,459. Shakon, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 18 miles s. Boston, is at the head of Neponset r. which furnishes good mill seats, occupied by several manufactories. The Sharon cotton manufac- turing company was incorporated 1811, with a capital of $100,000. Mashapoag pond gives rise to one of the chief branches of Neponset r. and gave the Indian name to the town. Pop. 1,023. Sharon, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 47 miles vv. Hartford, lies w. Housatonic river, and e. N. Y. It is hilly e. with granite rocks. The soil is various, generally stony, with fine cal- careous levels w. Grain succeeds better than in most other parts of the state. Population, 2,615. Sharon, p-t. Schoharie co. N. Y. 45 ms. from Albany, 16 n. w. Schoharie, s. Montgomery co., and E. Otsego co. ; has some low ridges of the Helderbergs. The soil is favorable to wheat. Cobuskill cr. rises here and supplies mill seats. The inhabitants are of German descent. Pop. 4,247. Sharon, tsp. and p-v. wstrn. part of Mercer CO. Pa. The p-v. is very near the border be- tween Mercer co. Pa. and Trumbull of O., and stands onShenango cr. about 16 ms. w. of the borough of Mercer. Sharon, tsp. Franklin co. 0. 56 ms. w. Zanes- ville, 9 N. Columbus. It contains 1 6,000 acres, and 5 sq. ms. First settled 1803. Worthing- ton, a fine vil. is in this tsp. situated on the e. side of Whetstone river, and contains a hand- some Episcopal church, one for Presbyterians and one for Methodists. Pop. tsp. 913. Sharon, p-v. Morgan co. O. by p-r. 99 ms. s. E. by E. Columbus. Sharonville, p-v. Hamilton co. O. by p-r. 14 ms. N. e. Cincinnati. Sharpe's Store and p-o. Lowndes co. Geo. by p-r. 203 ms. s. Milledgeville. Sharpsburg, p-v. southern part Washington CO. Md. on the left bade of Potomac r., 18 ms. s. Hagerstown, the co. st., and by p-r. 66 ms. n. w. W. C. Sharpsburg, p-v. wstrn. part Bath co, Ky. 11 ms. wstrd. Owingsville, the co. st., and 62 ms. E. Frankfort. Pop. 158. Sharp's Mills, and p-o, Indiana co. Pa, by p-r. 197 ms. n. w. W. C. Shartlestille, p-v. Berks co. Pa. by p-r. 156 ms. K. N. e. W. C. Shauck's, p-o. Richland co. O. by p-r. 57 ms. N. N. e. Columbus. Shaver's cr. and p-o. northern part Hunting- don CO. Pa. 10 miles n. the borough of Hunting, don, and by p-r. 152 m.s. a little n. of n. w. W. C. Shawangunk, P-t. Ulster co. N. Y. 91 ms. from Albany, 26 s. w. Kingston, 17 w. n. w. New- burgh, has Montgomery co. s., and reaches the base of Shawangunk mtn. w. Shaw cr. w. and Wallkill cr. e. meet near the n. boundary. The soil is strong loam, with some clay, and the surface nearly level. Oak prevails in the woods. Mill stones are obtained here. The skeleton of the mammoth in Peal's museum, Philadelphia, was taken from a swamp here, and 9 others have been found in this and an ad- joining t. The inhabitants are of Dutch origin, ■pop. 3,681. Shawangunk ratns. N, Y. cross Ulster and Orange cos. being a spur of the small range of the Catsbergs. Shawneetown, p-v. on Ohio r. eastern part Gallatin co. II. 9 ms. below the mouth of Wa- bash r. and by p-r. 127 ms. s. e. Vandalia. Lat. 37° 42', long. W. C. 11° 14' w. It is a flourish- ing v. containing a bank, printing office, land office, and a number of taverns, stores, &c. It is the depot for the U. S. Saline near the v. of Equality, 12 ms. wstrd. Shaw's Meadows, and p-o. ntlirn. part North- ampton CO. Pa. about 36 ms. n. of Easton, the CO. St., and 226 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Sheboigon, r. of Mich. (See Chehoigon.) Sheboigon r. of Huron Ter. rises to the eastward and near the southern end of Winne- bago lake, interlocking sources with Rock r. and flowing thence estrdly. into lake Mich. Sheepscot, r. Lincoln co. Me. runs a short distance in Kennebec co. and empties into the Atlantic, at Wiscasset, meeting some of those arms of the sea which form so many isls. on that part of the coast. Sheet's Mill and p-o. Hampshire co. Va. by p-r. 126 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. Sheffield, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt. 35 ms. n. Montpelier, 40 n. Newbury, with 22,607 acres. First settled 1792. It is on the height of lands dividing the waters of Conn r. and lake Cham- plain, containing head streams of Barton and Passumpsic rs. on which are mill seats. Pop. 720. Sheffield, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 125 ms. w. Boston, N. Conn., was incorporated 1733, G years before any other t. in this co. The sur- face is agreeably varied, and there is much good land, watered by Housatonic r. and several of its branches. The v. is situated in a valley surrounded by several eminences, of which Taughkannic mtn. w. is the loftiest, being about 3,000 ft. high. Along the course of the Housa. tonic, here slow and crooked, are extensive and valuable meadows, on the w. side of which runs the principal street 4^ ms. A grant was made by the general court of Mass. in 1720, which included part of two neighbouring towns, and left a reserved tract for the Indians. The settlement was soon commenced from West. field. Pop. 2,382. S(IK 490 SHE Sheffiej.d, p-v. on lake Erie, nrthrn. part Lo- ' rain co. 0., byp-r. 14 ras. n. Elyfia, llie co. St., and 144 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. Pop. tsp. 21.5. SiiEGAG^s, store and p.o. about 60 nis. wstrd. Nashville. SiiEGOiMEGON, r. (See Chegoimegon.) SiiELBURN, p-t. Chittenden co. Vt., 33 ms. w. Montpelier, and 26 n. w. Middlebury, was first settled before the revolution by Logan and Pot- tier, on points in the lake which still bear their names. They and ten other families soon af- ter abandoned the place, but after the war it was occupied by settlers from Connecticut. There is a bay of the lake, named after the t. into the head of which falls Laplatte r. Shel- burn pond in the n. e. covers about 600 acres. The soil is very good, timber hard wood. Pop. 1,122. Shelburne, P-t. Coos CO. N. H. Ill ms. from Concord, w. of Maine, is crossed by Andros- coggin r. which receives Rattle r. &c., and has good soil on its banks ; but the land is general- ly rough, and often useless for cultivation. Mt. Moriah, of the White mtn. range, is in the s. Moses' rock is a singular block of stone, 90 ft. long and 60 high. First settled 1775. Pop. 312. Shelbuune, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 100 ms. N. w. Boston, >'. E. Deerfield r., comprising a valuable fall of 20 ft., has a pleasant situation, and was formerlv a part of Deerfield. The schools, library, &c. have proved particularly useful. At Shelburne falls is an academy on the manual labor plan, having 3 buildings ; one of brick, containing 2 recitation rooms, and 21 others for students ; another 2 stories high, 60 ft. by 28, and another for commons. Mr. Fisk, missionary to Palestine, was born here, 1792. Pop. 995. Shelby, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y., 263 ms. from Albany, 14 n. n. w. Batavia, E. Niagara co., and N. Tonawanta reservation, is watered by Oak Orchard cr. and its branches, crossed by the Mtn. Ridge n. and touched n. w. by Erie canal. There are several mills, &c. Pop. 2,043. Shelby, co. Ky., bndd. s. e. by Anderson, Spencer s., Jefferson w., Oldham n. w., Henry N. and Franklin e. Length from e. to w. 26 ms., breadth 17, area 442 sq. ms. Lat. 3&° 15', long. W. C. 8° 10' w. Though the estrn. bor- der approaches very near Kentucky r., the slope of this CO. is s. w., and in that direction is drain- ed by different confluents of Salt river. Pop. 19,030. Cf. t. Shelbyville. Shelby, the extreme sthwstrn. co. of Ten., bndd. by Tipton co. Ten. n., and Lafayette co. Ten. E., on the s. it has the Chickasaw territo- ry in the state of Misp., and on the w. the Misp. r. separating it from Crittenden co. Ark. Lat. 35° 15', and long. W. C. 13° w. intersect in the wstrn. part of this co. The slope is wstrd. and in that direction is traversed and drained by the various confluents of Wolf r. and Nanconnah cr. The high land of the interior reaches the Misp. r. at the n. w. angle, and at the mouth of Wolf r. in this co. These hills are called Chickasaw Bluffs from the Indian nation who formerly owned and inhabited the country. The soil is good. Staple, cotton. Cf. t. Memphis. Pop. 1820, 354; 1830,5,648. Shelby, co. Oliio, bndd. by Miami co. s., Dark co. s. w., Mercer n. w., Allen n., Logan N. e., and Champaign s. e. It is about 20 ms. each side ; area 400 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 20', long. W. C. 7° 12' w. The extreme sources of Saint Mary's and au Glaize rs. rise on the northwestern and northern borders, but the much greater part slopes southward, and gives source to Great Miami r. The extreme higher sources of Wabash rise also in Mercer co., very near the northwestern angle of Shelby. The latter comprises, therefore, a part of the high and flat table land of Ohio. Cf. t. Sidney. Pop. 1820, 2,106, 1830, 3,671. Shelby, co. Ind., bndd. s. e. by Decatur, Bar- tholomew s., .lohnson w., Marion n. w., Han. cock N., and Rush e. Length from s. to n. 24 ms., breadth 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 30', long. W. C. 8° 45' w. Slope s. s. w., and in that direction drained by diflerent branches of Driftwood fork of White r. Cf. t. Shelby- ville. Pop. 6,295. Shelby, co. II., bndd. s. e. by Effingham, Fayette s., Montgomery w., Sangamo n. w., Macon n., and Coles e. Length from e. to w. 40 ms., width 32, and area 1,280 sq. ms. Lat. 39° 22', long. W. C, 11° 45' w. The north- western angle gives source to the Mowawequa branch of Sangamon r., and slopes to the n. w. ; and the opposite or southeastern angle gives source to Little Wabash, and slopes to the sthrd. Full 9-lOth of the co. is, however, drain, ed by the Kaskaskias, and branches ; the main stream traversing it diagonally from n. n. e. to s. s. w. Cf. t. Shelbyville. Pop. 2,972. Shelby, co. Ala. bndd. by Autauga co. s., Bibb s. w., Jefl^erson n. w. and n., St. Clair n. E., and Coosa r. separating it from the Creek country e. Length from s. to n. 50 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 1,100 sq. ms. Lat. 33P and long. W. C. 10° w. intersect in the south, western angle of this co. The East fork of Cahaba r., rising in Jefferson and Saint Clair COS., enters and traverses the northwestern side of Shelby, flowing in a s. s. w. direction into Bibb co. Between the Cahaba and Coosa vallies extends a ridge, from which crs. flow eastward towards the Coosa. The Coosa slope comprises full two thirds of the whole surface of the CO. Cf. town, Shelbyville. Pop. 5,704. Shelby, p-v. northeastern part Macomb co. Mich., 1 1 ms. northward Mount Clemens, the CO. seat, and 37 ms. n. n. e. Detroit. Shelbyville, p-v. and st. jus. Shelby co. Ala. by p-r. 73 ms. a little n. of e. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 33° 16', long. W. C. 9° 52' w. Shelbyville, p-v. and st. jus. Bedford, co. Ten., situated on Duck r., by p-r. 52 ms. s. s. e. Nashville. Lat. 35° 28', long. W. C. 9» 24' w. Shelbyville, p-v. and st. jus. Shelby co. Ky. on a branch of Salt r. 30 ms. e. Louisville, 22 w. Frankfort, lat. 38° 11' long. 8° 12' w. W. C. This is a very flourishing village, and one of considerable business. It contains a court house, jail, and 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal. 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist. There is also a female academy and 3 other schools, a market, printing office where a weekly paper is published, 2 cotton spinning and 1 rope and SHE 491 SIII baggiiig factory, and other valuable manufac- turing establishments. Pop. 1,201. Shelbyville, p-v. and st. jus. Shelby co. Ind., by p-r. 30 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 32', long. W. C. 8° 46' w. SnELBYViLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Shelby co. II., on Kaskaskias river, 40 miles above and n. n. E. Vandalia. Lat. 39° 22', long. W. C. 11° 52' w. Sheldon, p t. Franklin co. Vt., 46 ms. n. w. Montpelier, 32 n. e. Burlington ; was settled 1790, and is watered by Missisque r., and Black r. its branch, on the latter of which are mill seats. The surface is varied, and the soil generally good. Pop. 1,427. Sheldon, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y., 270 ms. w. Albany, 24 s. w. Batavia, and e. of Erie co. ; is watered by Tonawanta cr. and two branches of Buflalo cr. The land is high, but moist, and more favorable to grass than grain. Pop. 1,731. Shelter Island, t. Suffolk co. N. Y., lies off the E. end of Long Island, 100 miles e. New York, and 250 from Albany, by the common route. This town is formed of two islands, which lie in the bay between Southold and Southampton. Shelter island contains 8,000 acres, of varied surface, with a soil generally light and sandy, but in some parts rich, level and well cultivated. Hog Neck isl. ^ a mile distant, and connected by a ferry, has a ship channel all round it. In the revolutionary war, the British deprived this island of its timber. Pop. 330. Shenandoah, r. of Va., and one of the great southern branches of Potomac r., is composed of two branches, called with no great relative correctness. North Branch and South Branch. The southern and main branch rises in Augus- ta CO., as far s. as lat. 38°, and long. 2° w. W. C. Flowing thence nrthestrd. along the north, western slope of Blue Ridge, over Augusta, Rockingham, and Page counties, receives the North Branch in the southern angle of Fre- derick CO., after a comparative course of 90 miles. The North Branch of Shenandoah r. has its source in Rockingham co., from which it flows by comparative courses n. n. e. 50 miles over Rockingham and Shenandoah counties, enters Frederick, bends to the eastward, and joins the South Branch as already noticed. Below the junction of its two branches, the Shenan- doah flows N. E. along the northwest slope of Blue Ridge 40 miles to its junction with the Potomac at Harper's Ferry. {See art. Po- tomac.) Shenandoah, co., Va., bndd. s. w. by Rock- ingham, Hardy w. and n. w., Frederick n. and N. E., and Page e. and s. e. Length from s. w. toN. E. 32 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 384 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 50', long. W. C. 1° 30' w. The whole co. is a part of the valley of the North fork of Shenandoah r. Since the census of 1830, Page co. was detached from Shenan- doah, which latter formerly comprised upwards of 1,000 sq. ms. In the census tables of J 830, what is now Shenandoah co., is called West Shenandoah, and contained a population of 11,423. Both counties, or the original Shenan- doah, contained in 1820, an aggregate pop. of 18,926. Shepherdstown, p-v. estrn. part Cumberland CO. Pa., by p-r. 8 ms. from Harrisburg, and 102 ms. N. W. C. Shepherdstoavn, p-v. on the Potomac river, northeastern part Jefferson co. Va., ]0 miles above Harper's Ferry, and by p-r. G2 ms. n. w. W. C. Shepherdsville, p-v. and st. jus. Bullitt co. Ky., on the North fork of Salt river, 23 miles s. Louisville, and by p-r. a little s. of w. Frank- fort. Lat. 37° 58', long. W. G. 8° 42' w. Pop. 278. Sherburne, p-t. Rutland co. Vt., 22 miles N. w. Windsor, and 9 n. e. Rutland. First settled 1785. It gives rise to Queechy river N. w., and has several small mill streams, particularly Thundering brook, which rises in one of the ponds. There is some meadow land on Queechy river, but the surface is gene- rally mountainous. Killington peak, of the Green mtns., is south and 3,924 ft. high. Pop. 432. Sherburne, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 21 ms. s. w. Boston, w. Charles r., e. andN. e. Nashua r. The t. is agricultural, and possesses a good soil. Pop. 899. Sherburne, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 98 miles w. Albany, 11 n. Norwicli, lies s. Madi- son comity, and is crossed by Chenango river, on which are rich meadows. The soil gene- rally is good for both grain and grass. The village is on the e. bank of the river. Pop. 2,601. Sherburne, p-v. Beaufort dist. S. C., by p-r. 165 ms. s. Columbia. Sherburne Mills, and p-o. Fleming co, Ky., by p-r. 84 ms.estrd. Frankfort. Sheridan, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y., 3i9 ms. from Albany. Pop. 1,666. Sherman, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., 60 ms. s. w. Hartford, is in the s. w. corner of the co., with Litchfield co. n. and N. Y. w. The sur. face is hilly, the soil various, and some iron ore is found. Several streams flow into Housa- tonic r. Pop. 947. Sherman, p-v. southern part Huron co. O., by p-r. 96 miles a little e. of n. Columbus. Pop. 153. Sherman, p-v. Saint Joseph's co. Mich., by p-r. 145 ms. s. w. by w. Detroit. Shekrard's Store, and p-o. Hampshire co. Va., by p-r. 95 ms. n. w. W. C. Sherrill's Ford, and p-o. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r. 148 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Sheshequin, p-o. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 136 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Shetucket, r. Conn., is formed by the junc- tion of Willimantic and Mount Hope rivers, and after flowing s. k. joins the Quinnebaug, and at Norwich takes the name of the Thames. Shickshinny, mtn., rises above and stretches along the right bank of Susquehannah r., sthrn. part Luzerne co. Pa. Shickshinny, p-o. near the right bank of Sus- quehamiah r., sthrn. part Luzerne co. Pa., by p-r. 10 1 ms. N. E. Harrisburg. Shiloah, p-v. Camden co. N. C, by p-r. 200 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh, SHR 492 SIM Shiloii, p-v. sthrn. part Marengo co. Ala., by p-r. 97 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. SiiiNEKsviLLE, p-v. Lycoming co. Pa., by p-r. 924 ms. nrthrd. W. C. Shinnston, p-v. Harrison co. Va., by p-r. 236 ms. wstrd, W. C. SiiiprEjj, p-v. MacKean co. Pa., by p-r. 293 ms. N. w. W. C. Shippknsburg, borough and p-v. Cumberland CO. Pa., by p-r. 39 ms. s. w. by vf. Harrisburg, and 100 ms, n. n. w. W. C. Pop. 1S30, 1,621. It is a close built v., principally of one street along the main road. SiiippENsviLLE, p-v. Venango co. Pa., by p-r. 256 ms. N. w. W. C. SiiippiNGPORT, p-v. Ky. on the Ohio r., 2 ms. below the centre of Louisville, and at the lower end of the Rapids, Jefferson co. Though a separate p-v. and under a different corporate establishment, it is commercially a suburb of Louisville. Pop. 606. Shippingpout, p-v. Tazewell co. II., about 150 ms. N. N. w. Vandalia. Shiremantown, p-v. Cumberland co. Pa. by p-r. 4 ms. from Harrisburg. Shirly, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 38 ms. n. w. Boston, s. w. Nashua r., with Squanicook, a branch of it, on the n. on both of which streams are rich meadows. Chairs have been made here to a great amount. Pop. 991. Shirlevsbdrg, p-v. Huntingdon co. Pa. 20 ms. s. s. E. the borough of Huntingdon. Shiver's Mills, and p-o. Warren co. Geo., by p-r. 45 ms. n. e. by e. Milledgeville. Shoals of Ogeechee, p-v. Hancock co. Geo., by p-r. 47 ms. n. e. Milledgeville. Shober's Mills, and p-o. Jefferson co. Ohio, by p-r. 142 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. Shoreham, p-t. Addison co. Vt. 12 ms. s. w. Middlebury, 49 ms. s. Burlington, and on the E. side of lake Champlain, has a surface nearly level, with good soil, and is one of the best far- ming towns in the state. It lies opposite fort Ticonderoga, and commands a view of the ruins of that fortress, and the interesting scenery in its vicinity. The lake is generally about a ^ mile wide here, and there is a ferry across it. The shore is generally a little elevated, and the rocks of dark calcareous stone, containing im- pressions of shells, &c. A variety of fish are taken from the lake. Pop. 2,137. Short Mountain, p-o. Ill ms. westward Lit- tle Rock, Arkansas, given in the p-o. list as in Crawford co. Short Pump, p-v. Henrico co., Va. by p-r. 12 ms. Richmond. Shrewsbury, r., Monmouth co. N. J. divided into the North or Navesink and South rivers, is navigable for vessels of 50 tons, and navigated by a steamboat from N. Y. twice a day. This r. formerly discharged into the sea 9 ms. s. Sandy Hook, but the outlet was closed by a storm in 1810, and the r. discharged into Raritan or Sandy Hook bay. The outlet is again open and the waters discharged by both channels, (1832.) Shrewsbury, p-t. Rutland co. Vt. 22 ms. w. Windsor, 9 ms. s. e. Rutland, lies chiefly on the Green mtns. and is very high e. Shrewsbury peak N. 4,100 ft. high, is one of the most lofty summits of the range. Mill r. s. w. and Cold r. N., are mill streams. Pearl's and Ashley's ponds lie s. The soil is good for grass. Pop, 1,289. Shrewsbury, p-t, Worcester co. Mass. 30 ms. w, Boston, 5 e. Worcester, is varied by hills and vallies, and divided near the middle, N. and s. by a high ridge. The soil is fertile, and the inhabitants farmers. Quinsigamond or Long pond, nearly 4 ms. long, and from 50 to 70 ft, deep, lies between this town and Worces- ter, and is crossed by a floating bridge, princi- pally of hewn timber, 525 ft. long. Artemas Ward, the first major general of the U. States, died here, in 1800. Pop. 1,386. Shrewsbury, p-t. Monmouth co. N. J. 25 ms. from N. Y. city and 14 s. e. Middletown Point. Here are several large peach orchards, two of which are said to be the largest in the United States, covering together 150 acres, and con- taining 22,000 trees, the first of which were planted about 1822. The fruit is principally car- ried to New York market. The soil is even inferior to that of the adjacent pine plains, yet the fruit is remarkably fine. Beds of marie are found in some parts of this town, containing bones, shark's teeth, &c. Pop. 4,700. Shrewsbury, tsp. and p-v. southern side of York CO., Pa, The p-o, is about 14 ms, south- wardly from the borough of York, and by p-r, 72 ms. N. W. C. Pop. tsp. 1820, 1,983, 1830, 2,571. Shutesbury, p-t. Franklin co., Mass., 82 ihs. r w. Boston, is very rocky, stony, and hilly, and unfavorable to agriculture. It is crossed by the w. branch of Swift r. n. and s. which furnishes valuable mill seats. Settled 1754, from Sud- bury. Pop, 986. SiASCONSET, V,, Mass,, on the e. side of Nan- tucket, a little s. of Sicacache. Sidney, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 8 ms. n. Au- gusta, has Kennebec river e. and a small lake on the w. line, which is connected with several others, and flows by an outlet into the Kennc- bee. Pop. 2,191. Sidney, p-t. Delaware co., N. Y. 95 ms, s. w, Albany, 24 ms, w, Delhi ; has Oswego river N., which separates it from Otsego co, ; Che- nango CO, is w. The Susquehannah is n, w. and Ouleout cr. n. e. and both have fine meadows on their banks, though the surface of the town is generally hilly. Pop. 1,410. Sidney, p.v. and st. just. Shelby co., O., by p-r. 86 ms. n, w. by w. Columbia, on Great Mi- ami r. at lat. 40° i 7', long. 7° 8' w. Population 240. Silvan Grove, p-v. Morgan co. Illinois, by p-r. 138 ms. northwest Vandalia. Silver Creek, p-v, on Silver cr., wstrn. side Madison co. Ky., by p-r, 8 ms, wstrd. Rich, mond, the co, st., and 58 ms. s. e. Frankfort. Silver Glade, p-v. Anderson dist. S. C, by p-r. 148 ms. n, vv, Columbia. Silver Lake, p-o. Susquehannah co, Pa., by p-r. 280 ms. n. n. e, W. C, 6 ms. n. w. Mori, trose, the co. st. Pop. of the tsp. 1820, 456; 1830, 516. Silver Spring, p-v. wstrn. part of Wilson co. Ten., 22 ms. estrd. Nashville. Simpson, co. Misp., bndd. by Covington s. e., Lawrence s.w., Copiah w., Hinds n. w,, and SIN 493 SLA Rankin n. ; length from e. to w. 36 ms., breadth 28, and area 1,008 sq. ms. Lat. 32°, and long. W. C. 13° w. intersect in this co. near West- villc, the CO. st. The slope is to the sthrd., and in that direction it is traversed by Pearl r., and drained by several of its branches. Pop. 2,680. Simpson, co. Ky., bndd. w. and n. w. by Lo. gan, Warren n., Allen e., Sumner co. Ten. s. e., and Robertson co. Ten. s. w. The length along Ten. 35 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 420 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 45', long. W. C. 9° 35' vv. The estrn. part of this co. slopes nthrd., and in that direction is drained by some of the ethrn. branches of Big Barren r. ; whilst from the wstrn. section issue the extreme n. estrn. source of Red r. branch of the Cumberland. The CO. is therefore a table land between the vallies of Green and Cumberland rs. Cf. t. Franklin. Pop. 1820, 4,852 ; 1830, 5,81 5. SiMPsowiLLE, p-v. Montgomery co. Md., by p.r. 7 ms. from W. C. SiMPSowiLLE, p-v. Shelby co. Ky., by p-r. 8 ms. wstrd. Shelbyville, the co. st., and 29 ms. wstrd. Frankfort. Pop. 77. SiMSBURY, p-t. Hartford co. Conn.. 12 ms. n. w. HartTord, first settled 1670, from Windsor, deserted in 1676, and then burnt by Indians, but was soon after re-occupied. It is crossed by Farmington r., and has a rocky range e., on which is much useless land, and which is bro- ken through by the r. on a part of whose course lie some rich meadows. Salmon and shad for. merly abounded in this stream, but have now deserted it. Pop. 2,221. SiNEPUXENT Inlkt, On the Atlantic coast of Worcester co. Md. It is the entrance between Assateague and Fenwick's isls. into a long narrow sound which bears the same name with the entrance, and admits small coasting vessels. SiNGSiNG, p-v. Mount Pleasant, Westchester CO. N. Y., is situated at the foot and on the ac. clivity of the steep bank of Hudson r. just be. low the mouth of Croton r. It has 4 churches, a male and female academy, and 2 landings, with one of which a fine steamboat communi- cates twice daily on the way between Peekskill and New-York. There are several handsome country seats, and many fine points of view. One of the state prisons is situated a little s. from the village, on the bank of the r., is built of white marble, forming 3 sides of a square, with 1,000 cells for convicts, ranged in 5 sto. ries, a chapel, 2 hospitals, superintendants and keepers, dwellings, work sheds, and a wharf. The system of discipline is essentially that of the Auburn prison. The convicts are employed in quarrying and working white marble from a quarry in the rear, on the grounds belonging to the prison. They are guarded by 24 centinels, and work without chains or bonds of any kind There is not even a wall or fence about tiie quarry. From the high grounds in the upper parts of the village, the eye embraces a view of Hudson r., for about 30 ms., includmg Haver- straw and Tappan bays, with a large part of the Highland range, &c. Sinking Cane, p-o., Overton co. Ten,, by p.r. 113 ms. estrd. Nashville. 63 Sinking Si'king, p-v. Highland co. O., by p-r. 78 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. Sinking Valley Mills, and p-o. Huntingdon CO. Pa., by p-r. 170 ms. n. n. w. W. C. SiNNAJiAHON'NG, T. Pa., the extreme n. wstrn. branch of the West Branch of Susquehannah. This r. formed by numerous branches llowhig from Potter, MacKean, .feiTerson, and Clearfield cos. is a true mountain stream joining the main w. brancli in the wstrn. part of Lycoming co. It interlocks sources to the n. with those of Genesee r. ; to the n. w. with those of Allegha- ny r. and W. Clarion r. Sinnamahonl^g, p-o. wstrn. part of Lyco. ming CO. Pa., about 120 ms. n. w. Harria- burg. SiPiCAN, p-v. Rochester, Plymouth co., Mass. on Sipicau r., which empties into Buzzard's bay. SisTERSViLLE, p-v. Tyier co. Va., by p-r. 274 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. on 0. r., about 50 ms. N. w. by w. Clarksburg. Six Nations, of Indians, N. Y. This general name includes the principal tribes or rather na- tions of Indians, who formerly occupied the principal part of the present state of New York, and exercised authority far into New England. They have gradually become scattered and re. duced, having sold most of their land. But numbers of them all, except the Mohawks, still dwell upon small tracks of reserved land in dif- ferent cos. of the state. The names of these were Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, Mohawks, and Tuscaroras, The Onondagaa were highest in authority. The Tuscaroras came from tiie south, and were in modern times admitted into the confederacy. The language of this tribe is said to bear no resemblance to the others beyond the general principles of con- struction, in which all the tongues and dialects of the American savages agree (with two ex- ceptions.) The other 5 nations, though difiier. ing in this respect, speak languages which have a greater affinity. Skaneateles Lake, N. Y., lies chiefly ia Onondago co., and is 15 ma. long, by ^ to 1^ wide. It yields trout and other small fish, and its outlet flows from the n. end into Seneca r. 10 ms., supplying many mill sites. Skaneateliss, p-t. Onondaga co., N. Y., 149 ms. from Albany. Pop. 3,812. Skaneateles, p-v. Marsellus, Onondaga co., N. Y., at the outlet of Skaneateles lake, 145 ms. w. Albany, contains several mills, &c. Skinner's Eddy, and p-o. Luzerne co., Pa., on Susquehannah r. 44 ms. above Wilkes-Bar re, and 267 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Skippack, cr. and p-o. The cr. is the eastern branch of Perkiomen r., Montgomery co. Pa., by p.r. the p-o. is about 25 ms. n. w. Phila. Slab Point, and p-o. western part of Mont, gomery co., Illinois, by p-r. 46 ms. n. w. Van- dalia. Slabtovvn, p-v. Anderson dist., S. C, by p.r. 139 ms. n. w. Columbia. Slate, p-o. Bath co. Ky., by p-r. 80 ms. e. Frankfort. Slate Mills, and p-o. Culpepper co. Va., by p.r. 91 ms. s. w. W. C. Slaterville, v., s. Oxford and Dudley, 6 ms. SMI 494 SMI from Uxbridge, and 6 ms. from Douglass, con- tains seven mills, two of stone, three of brick, and two of wood. Five of these derive their power from French river, the other two are in the centre of the village, and obtain their pow- er from Slater's lake ; the Indian of which is Chargoggagoggmanchoggo. It is four miles long and never failing. They use 6,000 spin- dles, 90 looms, and employ 190 hands, and work lip 1,000 bales of cotton, which produces 15,000 yards a week, beside large quantities of sati- net warps, and sewing thread. They manufac- ture, also, broadcloths, cassimeres, and satinets. In this branch of their business, they use 600 lbs. of wool a day, or 180,000 pounds a year. These factories are owned by Messrs. Slater & Sons. Mr. Samuel Slater, who resides here, has been said to have a larger amount of prop- erty vested in manufactures than any other man in the United States. He invented cotton thread in 1794. Slinkard's Mills, and p-o. Greene co., Ind., by p-r. 88 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. Slippery Rock, cr., the northern branch of Conequenessing river. It rises in Mercer and Butler counties, and flowing s. s. w. about 35 miles joins the Conequenessing about 3 or 4 ms. above the influx of the latter into Big Bea- ver. {See Conequenessing.) Slippery Rock, tsp. and p-o. northwestern part of Butler county. Pa. The p-o, is 18 ms. N. w. the borough of Butler, and by p-r. 254 ms. N. w. W. C. SloanesVille, p-v. Schoharie, Schoharie co. New York, 4 ms. w. Esperance. Sloanesville, p-o. Mecklenburg co. N. C, 146 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Smelsor's Mills, and p-o. Rush co. Ind., by p r. 46 ms. s. e. by e. Indianopolis. Smethpokt, Pa. {See Smithport.) SMicKSBURfi, p-v. Indiana CO., Pa., by p-r. 212 ma. N. w. W. C. Smith, co. Ten., bndd. by Jackson e., White s. E., Warren south, Wilson southwest, Sumner west, Allen co. Kentucky, northwest, and Mon- roe CO., Ky., n. e. Length from s. to n. 40 ms., mean breadth 16, and area 640 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 25', and long. W. C. 9° w. intersect in this CO. The extreme border on Ky. slopes north- ward, and is drained by small confluents of Big Beaver river. The much greater part is in the valley of Cumberland r., and the main volume of that stream traverses it from e. to w. Of. t. Carthage. Pop. 1820, 17,580, 1830, 19,906. Smithborough, p-v. Tioga co., N. Y., 10 ms. w. Owego. Smithdale, p-o. Amite co. Misp., about 30 ms. s. e. by e. Natchez. Smithfield, p-t. Providence co. R. I., 9 ms. N. w. Providence, has Blackstone r. n. e. and Mass. N. ; has a varied surface, and limestone rocks below, which are quarried for the exten- sive manufacture of lime. Whet stones are found in large quantities. The soil is general- ly good. Blackstone r., one of its branches, and several smaller streams, supply mill sites. The manufactures of this t. are very important. Woonsocket falls, on the Blackstone, is also a large manufacturing place. Pop. 6,857. Smithfield, p-t. Madison co. N. Y., 108 ms. w. N. w. Albany, 6 n. Morrisville, and has Onei- da CO. E. Has excellent soil, and is well wa- tered by the head streams of Oneida creek, with other streams of Oneida lake, and Che- nango r., and was settled from New England. New Stockbridge, a tract of land given to the remains of eastern tribes by the Oneidas, is in this t. Pop. 2,636. Smithfield, p-v, s. w. part, Fayette co. Pa., by p-r. 202 ms, n. w. by w, W, C. Smithfield, p-v. nrthrn, part Isle of Wight CO. Va., by p-r. 80 ms, s. e, by e. Richmond. It is situated on a small cr. or bay of James r., 15 ms. above Hampton Roads. Smithfield, p-v. and st. jus. Johnson co, N, C, by P-r. 29 ms. s. e. Raleigh, on the left bank of Neuse r. Lat. 35° 31', long. W. C, 1° 20' w. Smithfield, p-v. Hamilton co. Ten., by p-r, 135 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. Smithfield, p-v, and incorported borough, Jefferson co. O., by p-r, 136 ms. n. e. by e. Co- lumbus, Smithfield, p-v. Delaware co, Ind., by p-r, 66 ms. N. E. Indianopolis. Smithfield, p-v. on the Ohio r. immediately below the mouth of Cumberland r., Lndngston CO. Ky., by p-r. 260 ms. s, w. by w. Frankfort, Pop. 388. Smithland, P-v. Livingston co. Ky., near the junction of Cumberland and Ohio rivers. Pop. 388. Smithport, as in p-o. list, though usually Smethpon, p-v. and st. jus. MacKean co. Pa., hy P-r. 200 ms. n. w. Harrisburg. It is situ- ated on one of the highest branches of Allegha- ny r., 25 ms. s. Hamilton, Cattaraugus co. N, Y. Lat. 41° 50', long. W. C. 1° 32' w. Smith's, r. Grafton co. N. H., rises in seve- ral ponds, flows about 15 miles, and enters the Pemigewasset between New Chester and Bristol. Smith's cr. and p-o. northern part Rocking- ham CO. Va. The p-o. is by p-r. 130 miles a little s. of w. W. C. The cr. is the extreme southern branch of the West fork of Shenan- doah. Smithsburgh, P-v. wstrn. part Washington co. Md., by p-r. 76 ms. n. w. W. C, and 12 miles wstrd. Plagerstown. Smith's Cross Roads, and p-o. Rhea coun- ty, Tenn,, by p-r. 126 miles s, e. by e. Nash- ville, Smith's Farm, and p-o. Alleghany co. Md., by p-r. 160 ms. n. w. W. C. Smith's Ford, and p-o. York dist. S, C, by p-r. 92 ms. n. Columbia. Smith's Grove, and p-v. Warren co. Ky., by P-r. 133 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Smitji's Island, mouth of Cape Fear river, Brunswick co. N. C, is a long narrow sandy slip which divides the river into two channels. The light house stands s. e. from Smithville, on the western side of the isl., and on the main channel. Cape Fear, the extreme salient point of the isl., is at lat 33° 54^', long, W. C. 1° or w. Smith's Mills, and p-o. Cleai'field co. Pa., by p-r. 178 ms. n. w. W, C, Smith's Mills, and p-o. Henderson county, SMY 495 SOM Ky., by p-r. 191 miles a little s. of w. Frank- fort, Smith's Store, and p-o. Pittsylvania co. Va., by p-r. 244 ms. s. w. W. C. Smith's Store, and p-o. Montgomery comi- ty, N. C, by p-r. 159 miles s. w. by w. Ra- leigh. Smith's Store, and p-o. Spartenburgh dist. S. C, by p-r. 104 ms. n. w. Columbia. Smith's Store, and p-o. Jackson co. Ala., by p-r. 141 ms. N. E. Tuscaloosa. Smithsville, p-v. Powhatan co. Va., by p-r. 38 ms. wstrd. Richmond. Smithsville, p-v. Dickson co. Ten., by p-r. 57 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Smithtown, p-t. Suffolk co. N. Y. 53 ms. e. N. Y., and s. of Long Island sound ; contains several small vs., with a pond s. which flows into the sound. It has some coasting trade. Pop. 1,686. Smithville, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 13 ms. s. w. Norwich, and e. of Broome co. It is supplied with mill seats by Chenango river and branches. This town includes some rich mead, ows, the principal of which is called the Big Flats. Pop. 1,839. Smithville, p-v. and st. jus. Brunswick co. N. C, by p-r. 178 ms. s. s. e. Raleigh. It is a seaport of some importance, situated on the right side of the western channel of Cape Fear river, one or two miles above its mouth into the Atlantic, and almost exactly on lat. 34°. Smockville, p-v. Jefferson co. Ind., by p-r. 94 ms. s. s. e. Indianopolis. Smyrna, p-t. Chenango co. N. Y., 13 ms. n. N. w. Norwich, 105 w. Albany, and s. Madison CO. It is hilly n. e., where waters of Chenan- go r. afford many mill seats. The surface is generally uneven, but the vallies are large and fertile, and favorable to hemp. First settled 1792. Pop. 1,839. Smyrna, formerly Duck cr. cross roads, p-v. on Duck cr., Kent co. Del. 12 ms. a little w. of N. Dover, and by p-r. 102 miles n. e. by e. W. C. Smyrna, p-v. Harrison co. 0., by p-r. 106 ms. a. little N. of E.Columbus. Smyth co. Va. recently formed from the southwestern part of Wythe and northeastern of Washington cos. Smyth is bndd. s. w. by Washington, Russell w., Tazewell n. w., Giles N., Montgomery n. e., and by Iron Mtn. separa- ting it from Grayson s.E. It lies in form of a rhomb 25 ms. each side ; diagonal 40 miles, mean width 13, and area 520 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 50', and long. W. C. 4^° w. intersect near its centre. The northeastern boundary of this co. passes very nearly along the line of division between the sources of Holston, and some tributaries of New River. Consequently it oc- cupies apart of one of the most elevated of the Appalachian vallies. If we advert to the fact that the mouth of Greenbrier r. is from actual measurement 1333 feet above the Atlantic, and to the great intervening descent of New r., we may safely assume from 1800 to 2000 feet, as the mean of the farms in Smyth co. Being drained by the higher constituent creeks or rivers of Holston, the slope is sthwstrd. Cf. t. Mount Airy. Sneedsboro', p-v. on Yadkin r., and in the s. e. angle of An>son co. N. C, by p-r. 14 ms. s. s. E. Wadesboro', the co. st. and 134 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Snickersville, P-v. wstrn. part Loudon co, Va., by p-r. 49 ms. wstrd. W. C. and 21 miles estrd. Winchester. Snoddy^ville, p-o. Jefferson co. Ten., about 240 ms. E. Nashville. Snow Camp, p-v. Orange co. N. C, by p-r. 53 ms. N. w. Raleigh. Snow Hill, p-v. and st. jus. Worcester co., Md., on Pocomoke r., 164 ms. s. e. W. C. Lat. 38° 12', long. W. C. 1° 36' e. Snow Hill, p-v. estrn. part of Clinton co.O., by p-r. 7 1 ms. s. w. Columbus, and about an equal distance n. e. by e. Cincinnati. Snydersville, P-v. Northampton co. Pa., about 20 ms. nrthrd. Easton. Social Circle, p-o. Walton co. Geo., by p-r. 71 ms.N. w. Milledgeville. Society Hill, p-o. on Great Pedee river, and in the extreme n. e. angle of Darlington district, South Carolina, 14 miles n. Darling- ton, the St. jus. and 101 miles n. e. by e. Co- lumbia. Society Land, t. Hillsboro' co. N. H., 17 ms. from Amherst, and 33 ms. from Concord, has Contoocook r. w., and a surface generally une- ven. Crotch ed mtn. is an eminence s. It is destitute of mill sites. Pop. 164. SoDDY, p-v. Hamilton co. Ten,, by p-r. 144 ms. s. E. by e. Nashville. SoDUs, bay, Wayne co. N. Y., a bay of lake Ontario, and the loest harbor on this shore, is about 6 ms. long, and from 2 to 4 ms. wide, with good depth of water. SoDDS, p-t. Wayne co. N. Y., 208 ms. w. by N. Albany, 30 ms. n. Geneva, lies s. lake Onta- rio, and has a surface varied by n. and s. ridges, with good soil, well watered and timbered. Great Sodus bay is n. e., and Sodus village stands on a point projecting into it ; 2 ms. from this is the mouth of Sodus cr., which affords mill seats. Iron ore is found in the town. Pop. 3,528. Solon, p-t. Somerset co. Maine, 44 miles n. Augusta, IS ms. n. Norridgewock, 44 w. by n. Hallowell, e. Kennebec r., and has a pond e. with small streams emptying into that river. Pop. 768. Solon, p-t. Cortland co. N. Y., 132 ms. w. Albany, lO e. Cortland, 31 s. Salina, has Tioughnioga cr. n. w., Otselic cr. s. e., and other smaller streams with mill sites. The soil is good for farms, and the timber, maple, beech, elm, ash, &c. Pop. 2,033. Somerfield, p-v. Somerset co. Pa., by p-r. 170 ms. N.w.W. C. Somers, p-t. Tolland co. Conn., 22 ms. n. e. Hartford, 12 ms. s. e. Springfield, 56 ms. w. Providence, s. Mass., and e. Hartford co. It is nearly level w. with few stones, but hilly e,, with some eminences which command a view of Hartford and the valley of Conn. r. Or- chard grass flourishes well, and it is crossed by Scantic r. and other streams. Pop. 1,429. Somers, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 50 ms. N. e. N. Y., 120 ms. s. Albany, lies s. Putnam CO. with Croton r. for the n. boundary, whoe SOM 496 SOM branches afford mill seats. The soil is good, and the village, 1^ nis. froni the n. line, is a great market for lean cattle and sheep to sup- ply the places of the fat taken for N,Y. market. Fop. 1,997. Somerset, co. Me., bndd. by Lower Canada N. and N. w., Penobscot co. e., a corner of Wal- do CO. s. E., Kennebec co. s., and Oxford co. w., is the second co. in respect to size in the state. Its N. boundary is the range of high land divi- ding the waters of the .St. Lawrence from those of the Atlantic, and it gives rise to the princi- pal rs. of the state, the St. John's, the Penob- scot and the Kennebec almost interlocking their head streams near the middle of the w. boundary line. The two first mentioned afford a connected boat navigatioH, interrupted only by a portage of 2 ms., and between a branch of the Penobscot and the Allagash, a branch of St. John's, there is a portage of similar length. Moosehead lake, the source of Kennebec r., and which receives Moose r. from the w., is long, irregular, and contains several considera- ble isls. Sebasticook lake, through which flows the Penobscot, is nearly of equal length, and extending nearly n. w. and s. e. ends on the line of Penobscot co. There are several lakes also on the course of tlie Allagash, chiefly in this CO. ; a large part of the surface is uneven and even mountainous ; several considerable clusters and ridges of mountains breaking the surface, especially s. and w. There are Mount Abraham, Mount Bigelow, Bald Mountain ridge, &c. n. and n. w. the surface is more uni- form, but the land very high. The e. half of the CO. is indeed much varied by eminences, lakes, ponds, and streams, and there are col- lected almost all the iniiabitants ; the upper half being little known. The new road to Quebec crosses this co., following the course of the Kennebec a considerable distance and passing through a wilderness across the heiglit of land to the sources of the Chaudiere in Lower Ca- nada, then pursuing the course of that stream towards the St. Lawrence. The Kennebec and its branches watering a large part of this co., and that part which embraces nearly the whole population, is an important channel of trade, and has offered a route for the transportation of vast quantities of lumber. It contains 52 tsps. (some of which are only laid out and not named,) besides a number of plantations, pur- chases, &c. The CO. t. is Norridgewock. Pop. 1820, 21,787 ; 1830, 35,787. Somerset, t. Windham co. Vt., 14 ms. n. e. Bennington, 16 n. w. Brattleborough, is very mountainous, and crossed by Deerfield r. n. and s. and the Moose branch in the w. Mount Pisgah, the highest range in the t. is in the e. Pop. 245. Somerset, p-t. Bristol co. Mass., 13 ms. s. Taunton, 42 s. Boston,on Taunton r. Pop. 1,023. Somerset, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y., 15 ms. n. E. Lockport, s. lake Ontario, w. Genesee co. is watered by Golden Hill cr. and Keg harbor and Fish era. Pop. 871. Somerset, co. N. J. bndd. by Morris co. n., Essex and Middlesex cos. e., Middlesex and Hunterdon cos. s. and w. Raritan r. runs through it from w. to e., part of it and one of its branches plso forming much of the e. bound. The N. and s. branches and Millstone r. another branch, are partly in this co. There is a hand, some variety of surface, with much good land, particularly on the level borders of Raritan r. Agriculture is more flourishing than in many other parts of N. J. Among the eminences in different parts are Rock mtn.. Rocky hill, Stone mtn., Basking ridge, &c. In the revolutionary war the battle of Princeton was fought near the s. w. boundary of this co., and Gen. Charles Lee was captured by a small party of British dragoons at Basking Ridge. Cf. t. Somerville. Pop. 1820, 16,506 1830, 17,689. Somerset co. Pa., bndd. w. by Fayette, Westmoreland n. w., n. by Cambria, e. by Bed- ford, and s. by Allegany co. Md. Length 38 ms., mean breadth 28, and area 1,064 sq. ms. Lat. 40°, and long. W. C. 2° w., intersect near its centre. Somerset is a real mtn. valley, be- tween Alleghany mtn. and Laurel hill. The sthrn. part slopes wstrd. and is traversed by Cassellman's r., a branch of Youghioghany r. The nthrn. section slopes to the nthrd., and in that direction is drained by the higher sources of the Kiskiminitas r. The surface of Somer- set is much less hilly and the soil better than could be generally expected amid mtn. chains. The mean elevation above the Atlantic tides must exceed 1,500 ft., as Smithfield on Yough. ioghany r. near its s. wstrn. angle exceeds 1,400 ft. above the ocean tides. It is a grain and pasture region. Cf. t. Somerset. Pop. 1820, 13,374, 1830, 17,762. Somerset, borough, p-v. and st. jus. Somerset CO. Pa., is situated on a small branch of Cassell. man's r., by p-r. 58 ms. s. e. by e. Pittsburg, 143 ms. a little s. of w. liarrisburg, and 165 ms. N. wstrd. W. C. Pop. 1820, 442, 1830, 649. Somerset, co. Md., bndd. s. by Pocomoke bay, s. w. Ciiesapeake bay, n. w. Fishing bay and Nanticoke r., the latter separating it from Dorchester.co., n. Sussex co., Del., Worcester CO. Md. E., and the mouth of Pocomoke r. se- parating it from Accomac co. Va. s. e. Great- est length 40 ms., mean breadth 13 ms., and area 540 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 16', long. W. C. 1° 20' e. Slope s. wstrd. Beside the mouth of Pocomoke and Nanticoke rs., which form part of its boundaries, this co. is comparatively deeply penetrated by Manokin and Wicomico rs. Cf. t. Princess Ann. Pop. 1820, 19,579 ; 1830, 20,168. Somerset, p-v. and st. jus. Pulaski co. Ky., by p-r. 85 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. It is situated about 5 ms. n. Cumberland r. between Fighting and Pitman's crs. N.'lat. 37° 03', long. W. C. 7° 30' w. Pop. 231. Somerset, p-v. and st. jus. Perry co. Ky., by p-r. 46 ms. e. Columbus, and 18 s. w. Zanes. ville. Lat. 39° 52', long. W. C. 5° 20' w. Pop. 576. Somerset, p-v. in the s. wstrn. part of Frank, lin CO. Indiana, by p-r. 15 ms. n. w. by w. Brookville, the co. st., and 55 s. e. by e. Indian, opolis. Somersworth. p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 11 ms. from Portsmouth, 45 Concord, has Salmon Falls r. N. E., which separates it from Berwick, SOM 497 SOU Me., Fresh cr. and Cocheco rs. Otis' hill com- mands a view of the White mtns. and Ports, mouth. The soil bears oak, pine, walnut, &c. and is favorable to grain and grass. The river has water for vessels of 850 tons to within 1 m. of Quamphegan Falls, where are several large factories. Iron ore and ochre are found. First settled 1750, and suffered in the French war. Tlie village of Great Falls has been formed out of a wilderness within 8 years. It had then one house and a saw mill. Itnow contains five large factory mills, two large hotels, ten blocks (three stories high) of brick, and about one hundred frame dwelling houses, three church- es, and eight or ten stores, and about two thou- sand inhabitants. There are four cotton and one woollen mills. The cotton mills contain tliily-one thousand spindles, with preparations sufficient to supply nine hundred looms, which produce six millions of yards of cotton cloth per annum. These mills consume annually, above 3,000 bales of cotton, weighing 1,250,000 lbs. The largest mill is 400 ft. long and 6 sto- ries high, and contains 22,000 spindles and G50 looms. The cotton mills alone give employ, ment to 90 men, over -100 boys, and 600 fe- males. They use from 7 to 8,000 gallons of oil, 200 tons of anthracite coal, 500 bbls. of flour for sizhig, and .'300 sides of leather. The mills, which are of brick, are arranged along a fine cannl, .30 ft. wide, and from 6 to 7 ft. deep, ex- tending from the dam at the north of the village to the southern extremity of it. The woollen mill is a fine G story brick building, 220 feet in length, containing machinery for the manufac- ture of from 120 to 130,000 yards of fine broad- cloth yearly. This is said to be the largest woollen manufactory in America. The con- sumption of the raw material, and various arti- cles of commerce, is immense. Upwards of 200,000 pounds of wool, 5,000 gallons of oil, 150 tons of anthracite coal, annually giving employ- ment within the establishment to 300 individu- als. Connected with the woollen, is a carpet manufactory, where the best description of in- grain carpeting is made. This factory is ca- pable of producing 150,000 yards annually. This company, " The Great Falls Manufac- tory," have a capital one million of dollars, and own most of the property in and around the vil- lage. The churches are on rising ground south of the village, one each for Congregationalists, Methodists, and Baptists. The cotton mills give employ to 90 men, 100 boys, and 600 fe- males. The capital of the company owning these establishments is one million of dollars. Pop. 3,090. SoMERTON, p-v. nthrn. part of Phil. co. Pa., 15 ms. nthrd. Phil. SosiERTON, or SoMERTowN, p-v. near the sthrn. side of Nanseraond co. Va., following the road about 40 ms. s. w. Norfolk, and by p-r. 120 ms. s. E. Richmond. SoMEETON, p-v. Belmont co. O., by p-r. 139 ms. E. Columbus. SoMERViLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Somerset co., N. .1. in the town of Bridgewater, 38 ms. n. Trenton, 1 n. Raritan r., 11 n. n. w. New Bruns- wick, contains a church, court house, and academy, and is a thriving and populous village. SoMEBViLLE, p-v. Fauquier co. Va., by p-r. 73 ms. wstrd. W. C. SoMEKviLLE, p-0. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 66 ms. N. w. Raleigh. SoMEKViLLE, p.v. and St. jus. Lafayette co. Ten., by p-r. 184 ras. s. w. by w. Nashville. N. lat. 33° 12', long. W. C. 12° 25' w. It is situated on one of the head branches of Loosa- hatchie r. SoDHEGAN, r. Hillsboro' co. N. H., which, af- ter receiving numerous tributaries, falls into the Merrimack r. in Merrimack. South Amboy, p-t. Middlesex co. N. J., is of an irregular oblong shape, with the lower part of Raritan r. and Raritan bay n. and n. e.. South r. N. w., and Monmouth co. s. w. It has the advantage of navigation, and is crossed by se- veral streams of Raritan r. The N. Y. and New Brunswick steamboats touch at the land- ing daily. The Amboy and Camden r-r. com- mences there, at the landing, and will render the town a great thoroughfare. Pop. 3,782. Southampton, p-t. Hampshire co.Mass., 110 ms. w. Boston, 9 s. w. Northampton, is twice crossed by Manhan r., which affords good mill sites. There is a lead mine n. where a variety of interesting minerals are found. The E. part of this town is crossed by the Hamp- shire and Hampden canal. There are living 81 ministers of the gospel who are natives of this town. Pop. 1,244. Southampton, p-t. Suffolk co. N. Y., on Long Island, 98 ms. e. New York, lies n. of the At- lantic, with Peconet r. and bayN. Sag Har- bor is in the n. e. corner, the capital of Suffolk CO. It is about 4 1-2 ms. by 23. The soil is light, but improved by manure, for which fish are used. First settled about 1639, chiefly from Lynn, Mass., as a separate colony. In 1644 it came under the jurisdiction of Connect- icut. Deer are found in the unsettled tracts of this extensive tsp. There are 4 principal set- tlements. Pop. 4,850. Southampton, p-v. Somerset co. Pa. Southampton, co. Va. bndd. s. w. by Sussex, Surry n., Blackwater r., separating it from Isle of Wight CO. E., and Nansemond co. s. e., Hert- ford and Northampton COS. N. C. s., and Mehe- rin r. separating it from Greenville s.w. Length 40, mean breadth 15, and area 600 sq. ms. N. lat. 36° 40', and the meridian of W. C. inter- sect in this CO. Slope s. estrd. and in that di- rection it is traversed by the Nottaway r. Cf. t. Jerusalem. Pop. 1820, 14,170, 1830, 16,074. South Bay, Brookhaven, Suffolk co. N. Y., on Long Island. South Bay, Dresden, Washington co. N. Y., sets up from lake Champlain, between the s. part of the latter and lake George. South Bend, p-v. Allen co. Ind., by p-r. about 200 ms. n. e. Indianopolis. South Berwick, p-t. York co. Me., 91 ms. s. w. Augusta, is of an irregular triangular form, bordered s. w. by Salmon Falls r., and is cross- ed by a small stream flowing into it. Pop. 1,577. South Bloomfield, p-v. Pickaway co.. O., by p-r. 17 ms. s. Columbus. Southborough, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 30 ms. w. Boston, 15 e. Worcester, formerly a part of Marlboro', contains 8,350 acres of good sou 498 SOU soil, with a small stream of Concord r. Pop, 1,080. SouTHBRiDGE, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 6.5 ms. s. w. Boston, n. Woodstock, Conn., has several manufactories on Quinebaug r., as the Southbridge woollen manufac, the Wolcott do. Pop. 1,444. SoOTiiiiRiDGE, p-v. Southbridge, Worcester CO. Mass., 61 ms. s. w. Boston, is a flourishing manufacturing place, deriving water power from Quinebaug r. There are 5 cotton and 3 wool- len factories, and 2 more are nearly completed. South Brunswick, t. Middlesex co. N. J., has Somerset co, n. w., Sandhills n., on Mill- stone r., with small streams of the Raritan, and is crossed in the n. by the South Amboy and Camden rail road. Fop. 2,557. SouTHBURY, p-t. New Haven co. Conn., 40 ms. s. w. Hartford, on the n. side Housatonic r. and s. of Litchfield co. H. r. separates it from Fairfield co. The surface is gently varied, and the soil pretty good. Shad are caught in the Housatonic, and Shepaug and Pomperaug rivers its branches, afford mill sites. Pop. 1,557. South Canaan, p-v. Wayne co. Pa., by p-r. 248 ms. N. N. E. W. C. South Carolina, one of the U, S., bndd. by the Savannah r. separating it from Geo., s. w., N. C. on the n. w., n. and n. e.., and the Atlan- tic ocean s. e. The ocean border reaches 185 ms. from Little Inlet on the n. e. to the mouth of Savannah r. s. w. Along the Savannah, Tugaloo, and Chatuga rs. it is bounded in com- mon with Geo. 270 ms. ; and it has a common boundary with N. C. of 300 ms. Entire outline 755 ms. The longest line that can be drawn over S. C. is from Little r. inlet, to the wstrn. angle of Pickens district, 275 ms. The area of S. C, has been hitherto underrated. Measured carefully on the recent state map of that state, it comes out so near 33,000 sq. ms. as to justify the adoption of that superfices. The mean width is 120 ms. The state extends in lat. from 32° 01' to 35° 10' n., and in long, from W. C. 1° 44' to 6° 20' w. To the s. w. of the Sus- ■quehannah r. and Chesapeake bay, the Atlantic slope of the U. S. is divided into three zones, which at their margins mingle their respective features, but at or near their individual central lines, are very distinct in soil and natural vege- table production. These zones, merely percep- tible in Va. are bold and prominent in the Caro- linas and Geo. The first bordering on the Atlan- tic, is that of sea sand alluvion, below the lower falls of the rs. about 60 ms. wide in S. C, and in TOOst part penetrated by the tide. The second commences along, or near the lower falls, and primitive ledge. The sea-sand zone is very near- ly a dead plain, but at its interior margin hills begin to apipear, springs of water become plenti- ful, the soil meliorates, and the whole face of nature assumes an agreeable diversity of sur- face. The third, or what may be called the mountainous zone, though but little of it is re- ally mountainous, comprises the n. wstrn. part of the state, and lies based on the Blue Ridge chain. The Atlantic zone, comprising the dis- tricts of Beaufort, Colleton, Charleston, George- town, Marlborough, Horry, and Marion, is near the ocean, cut by innumerable interlocking wa- ter courses ; in considerable part it is marshy. The entrances are numerous, but in no one, how- ever, admit large vessels. Beside many of lesser note, this coast is accessible, advancing from s. w. to n. e. into the Savannah, by Port Royal en- trance, St. Helena sound, South and North Edis- tos, Stono, Charleston, Santee river by two mouths, and the Georgetown entrance, or es-. tuary of Pedee and Waccamaw rs. The insu- lar character of the coast, and interlocking of the streams, cease before reaching the middle zone. In a state of nature, the sea-sand alluvial coast of S. C. was covered with a dense forest, amongst which rose the gigantic palm or cab- bage tree. Great part of the middle zone is composed of what is called '• the sand hills." Here the arable land, or at least the best and most extensive part of it, skirts the streams ; pine timber abounds. It contains the dists. of Barnwell, Orangeburg, Lexington, Sumpter, Darlington, Marlborough, with part of Richland, Kershaw, and Chesterfield. The great primi- tive ledge, so remarkable in the states to the nthestrd. crosses the middle zone of S. C, pass- ing the Wateree near Camden, the Congaree at Columbia, and the Savannah near Hamburg, and Augusta. Above this ledge and the river falls, the face of the country changes to hill and dale, a characteristic which distinguishes the whole zone of the U. S., to the sthestrd. of the Appalachian chains. The eye now every where meets the hills, bold, swelling, and varied in form. The rs. wind their way amid valleys, and by their rapid and rippling currents, show the descent of the plain down which they flow. Here we discover, in rapid succession, the meadow, orchard, and field of small grain. There is no straining to suit a theory in stating, that S. C. has its temperate and torrid zone. The extremes of lat. exceed 3°, and 2 more may be added for difference of level, giving to the whole state, extremes of 5° of Fahrenheit, in temperature. Objects of agriculture, are controlled in quantity and position ; cotton and rice are staples near the ocean ; cotton, with small grain, in the middle zone ; and the latter and the apple in the mountainous region. In- dian corn succeeds well overall sections of the state. In Beaufort, or the extreme s., sugar cane has been cultivated with success. Taken under one view, S. C. is a fine physical and po- litical section, and a prosperous state. The in- digenous vegetation combines the oaks and palms ; the pines and hickory's ; and in exotic plants, nearly every species cultivated in the U. S. The sea coast offers no deep harbor, of course excludes heavy ships of war ; but it is open at numerous points to an active coasting commerce. Similar to every section of the Atlantic slope s. w. of the Susquehannah and Chesapeake, the rivers of S. C. are more navi- gable at the centre of the state, than near the sea or ocean coast. Under the article roads and canals, the reader will be able to see what has been effected in water and rail-road im- provement in S. C. Histonj and progressive pop. — The name of both Carolinas is derived from that of Charles IX, king of France, and was imposed by a colony of Frenchmen, who sou 499 SOU made an abortive attempt to form a settlement on the coast. As early as 1670, a century, however, after the reign of Charles IX., settle- ments of English began to be formed, and about 1680, a few settlers fixed themselves between Ashley and Cooper rs., and founded Charles- ton. In 1662, Charles II. granted the whole of what now constitutes the two Carolinas, to Lord Clarendon and others, which with Locke's im- perfect plan of government, retarded the settle- ment and distracted the country, until 1719, when they were finally separated. Amid po- litical contests, a most salutary revolution was effected by the introduction of rice in 1695. In- digo and cotton were introduced subsequently, and laid the foundation of great wealth and in- dependence. Though her frontier felt the fre- quent and severe wounds inflicted by savage war, her advance was steady, to the commence- ment of the war of the revolution. In that con- test, this state was an illustrious actor and suf- ferer. Perhaps no other section of the U. S. felt the evils of that struggle so long and bitter- ly. Many of her most distinguished sons fell martyrs to the cause, and till its consummation, their survivors met the storm with unbending courage. A halo of glory was indeed thrown round the state, by such men asHayne, Marion, Lee and Sumpter. It is only this year (1832) that Sumpter went to rest with 97 years of hon- or pressing on his head. The character of Marion is that of history and romance commin- gled ; he was a hero worthy of the richest pa- ges of either. In 1790, S. C. contained 240,073 inhabitants ; in 1800 they amounted to 345,591; in I8l0, 415,115; in 1820, 501,154; and in 1830, they had augmented to 581,185, or at the ratio of 242 per cent, in 40 years. The state is subdivided into the following districts, the population of which for 1820 and 1830 is annexed. Pop. 1820. Pop. 1830. Anderson, 18,C00 17,169 Abbeville, 23,189 28,149 Barnwell, 14,750 19,236 Beauiort, 32,199 37,032 Cliarleston, 80,213 86,338 Chester, 14,379 17,182 Chesterfield, 6,045 8,472 Colleton, 26,373 27,256 Darlington, 10,949 13,728 Edgefield, 24,309 30,509 Fairfield, 17,174 21,.546 Georgetown, 17,603 19,943 Greenville, 14,530 16,476 Horry, 5,025 5,245 Kershaw 12,442 13,545 Lancaster, 8,746 10,361 Laurens, 17,682 20,263 Lexington, 8,083 9,065 Marion, 10,201 11,008 Marlborough, 6,425 8,582 Newbury, 16,104 17,441 Orangeburg, 15,655 18,453 Pickens, 9,022 14,473 Richland, 12,321 14,772 Spartanburg, 16,989 21,150 Sumpter, 25,369 28,277 Union, 14,126 17,906 Williamsburg, 8,716 9,018 York, 14,936 17,790 Total, 501,154 581,185 Of the Pop. of 1830, were white persons — Males. Females. Under 5 vears of age 25,132 23,691 5 to 10 20,259 19,043 10 to 15 16,497 15,632 15 to 20 13,961 15,122 Females 21,866 13,438 8,468 5,455 2,929 1.18t 361 80 17 Total 130,590 127,273 Of which were deaf and dumb under 14 years of age, 60 ; 14 to 25, 52 ; 25 and upwards, 62. Blind 102. Of the colored population were — Males. 20 to 30 22,164 30 to 40 13,309 40 to 50 8,334 50 to 60 5,644 60 to 70 3,042 70 to 80 1,210 80 to 99 2i)8 90 to 100 06 100 and upwards 14 FREE. SLAVES. Males. FeiiKiles. Males. Fein. Under 10 years of age 1,314 1,378 51,820 51, .524 From 10 to 24 953 1,175 44,600 45,517 24 to 36 622 746 29,710 32,689 36 to 55 424 545 21,674 22,006 55 to 100 335 399 7,567 8,1J2 100 and upwards 19 6 98 84 Total 3,672 4,249 155,469 159,932 Free colored persons deaf and dumb under 14 years of age, 9 ; 14 to 25, 27 ; 25 and up- wards 23. Blind, 136. Recapitulation. Whites. Free col'd. Slaves. Total. 257,863 7,921 315,401 581,185 It may be noticed, that S- C. is the only state in the Union, in which the slave population ex- ceeds in number the free. Constitution. — Government. — Education The constitution of S. C. was adopted the 3d of June, 1790, and was amended the 17th Dec. 1808, and again on the 19th Dec. 1816. The legislative body under the name of general as- sembly, is composed of two houses. The sena- tors are chosen for four years ; and to be eligi- ble to a seat in the senate, demands the candi- date to be 30 years of age, resident in the state 5 years previous to election ; he may be elected whether resident in or out of the district for which he is elected ; but if a resident, he must be possessed in the district of a settled freehold estate of i'SOO sterling, clear of debt ; and if non-resident, he must with similar other requi- sites, possess an estate of .£1000 sterlmg. Members of the house of representatives must be 21 years of age, resident in the state 3 years immediately before the election ; must, if resi- dent in the district from which elected, possess a freehold of 500 acres of land, or 10 negroes, or a real estate of £150 sterling, clear of debt ; or, if non-resident, all other requisites, and a clear freehold estate of i;;500 sterling, clear of debt. The governor is chosen for 2 years by joint ballot of both houses of the legislature ; and is ineligible for the next 4 years succeed- ing his term. He must be a citizen 30 years of age, and have been a resident in the state 10 years next preceding his election. When elect, ed, he must possess a settled estate within the state, in his own right, of £1,500 sterling, clear of debt. The lieutenant governor is chosen at the same time, for a like term of office, and must be rendered eligible by similar qualifica. tions as the governor. To exercise the right of suffrage, the person must be 21 years of age ; paupers, and non-commissioned officers, and privates of the U, S. army excepted ; must have resided in the state 2 years, immediately before the day of election, have a freehold of sou 500 SOU 50 acres of land, or a town lot, of which prop- erty he must be seized and possessed 6 months before the day of election ; or, not having such freehold property, he must have been a resi- dent of the election district at least 6 months immediately before the day of election, at which he {fives his vote. The constitution provides that no convention of the people shall be called, unless by the concurrence of two thirds of both branches of the whole representation ; that no part of this constitution shall be altered, unless a bill to alter the same shall have been read three times in the house of representatives, and three limes in the senate, and agreed to by two thirds of both branches of the whole represen- tation ; neither shall any alteration take place until the bill so agreed to, be published three months previous to a new election for members to the house of representatives ; and if the al- teration proposed by the legislature shall be agreed to in their first session, by two thirds of the whole representation in both branches of the legislature, after the same shall have been read three times, on three several days in each house : then, and not otherwise, the same shall become part of the constitution. The receipts into the State treasury irom the ordinary sources, during 1832, amounted to $468,712,52 and from the U. S., for advances made during the war, $157,259,16; the expenditures were $351,- 466,94, leaving a balance in the treasury of nearly $275,000. The interests of education have not been neglected in S. C. " The col- lege of South Carolina," located at Columbia, was established in 1801 by the legislature of the state, and has been supported in great part by legislative bounty. The edifices, libraries, philosophical apparatus, with some other con- tingences, have subjected the state to an expen- diture of over $400,000. Of this amount, more than $150,000 has been expended in the build, ings, the library and the cabinets. Since 1824 the legislature has appropriated $120,000 to this institution. The library consists of about 8,000 volumes, and there are about 100 stu- dents. The Charleston college at Charleston, was established in 1785, and of consequence is more ancient than the state seminary. This in- stitution (1832,) has 111 students, and a libra- ry of 3,000 vols. ; and the Charleston seminary 61 students, and a library of 3,000 vols. The Medical college of S. C, which is located in Charleston, is well patronised. Free schools have been established, and are supported at the expense of the state, or more correctly by the people. In 1828, by a report of the commis- sioners of free schools, there were 840 schools then established, in which 9,036 pupils were taught, at an annual expense of $39,716. In 1829, the appropriation for free schools was $37,200. By reference to the tables in this ar- ticle, the reader may see that in 1830, there were in S. C. 100,614 white persons, from 5 to 20 years of age inclusive ; in the previous year, about 37 2-10 cents were appropriated for their instruction, admitting all to have claimed a share. In this unequal and inadequate provi- sion for the greatest of all human interests, S. C. is far from being alone, and very far from deserving censure not applicable alike to a great majority of the states of the Union. South Chakleston, p-v. in the s. estrn. part of Clarke co. 0., by p-r. 40 ms. s. w. by w. Co- lumbus. South East, p-t. Putnam co. N. Y., 18 ms. e. West Point, has Connecticut e., Westchester CO. s., with a hilly surface and pretty good soil for grain, &c., well watered, abounding in iron ore, and crossed by Croton r., which furnishes mill sites. Joe's hill, a mountainous ridge, ex- tends from the centre into Connecticut. There are 5 ponds in this t. Pop. 2,036. South Farms, p-v. and parish, Litchfield, Litchfield co. Conn., 36 ms. w. Hartford. Part of Great lake, or Litchfield pond, lies in the parish, which gives rise to Bantam r., a branch of the Housatonic. SouTHFiELD, parish of Sandisfield, Berkshire CO. Mass., has the boundary of Conn. s. SouTHFiELD, t. Richmond co. N. Y., 9 ms. s. N. Y. on Staten isl., has the narrows e., Rari- tan bays., with a coast on those sides of about 10 ms. It is level s., with good soil. Clams are caught at the Great Kills, and shad and other fish at the narrows. At Old Town was formerly a defensive work, erected for protec- tion against Indians ; Richmond v. w. contains the CO. buildings, and sloops come up the Fresh Kills to within 3-4 of a mile of the village. On the E. side, opposite Long isl. are erected forts Richmond, Tompkins, and Hudson. On the heights, near the latter forts, are also the tele- graphs erected to communicate with N. Y. and vessels in the ofling. Pop. 971. South Florence, p-v. on the left bank of Ten. r. Franklin co. Ala., nearly opposite Florence in Lauderdale co., and by p-r. 145 ms. n. Tus- caloosa. South Hadley, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 9Q ms. w. Boston, on the e. bank of Conn, r., where is a fall of 40 feet in about 80 yards. There are several manufactories at the falls, and it is a place of considerable business. Here also great quantities of shad are caught, the falls generally causing those fish to stop here in great numbers in the spring. There is a canal round the falls here, 2 ms. long, 300 feet distance of which is cut to the depth of 40 feet through solid rock. It was the first canal con- structed on this r. Pop. 1,185. fcouTH Hampstead, p-t. Queons co. N. Y., on the s. side Long Island, 22 ms. a little s. of e. New York. Hampstead plains lie principally in this town, and are 15 ms. long by 4 broad. There are 14 school dists., in which schools are kept 10 months annually. Pop. 6,215. South Hampton, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 50 ms. from Concord, 18 ms. from Portsmouth, 45 from Boston, has Amesbury, Mass. s., with a surface nearly level, good soil, and excellent mill seats on Powow r. which crosses it. Pop. 487. South Hanover, p-v. Jefferson co. Ind. by p-r. 90 ms. s. e. Indianppolis. Here is located the South Hanover college and Indiana theolo- gical seminary, a Catholic institution, founded in 1825. The edifice is 3 stories high, 100 ft. long and 40 wide. It is established on the manual labor system, and has a cooper's, car- penter's and waggon maker's shop. Including the president, there are 6 professors in this in- sou 501 SPA stitution, and the number of students is about 40. South Hero, p-t. Grand Isle co. Vt. 12 ms. N. w. Burlington, 16 s. w. St. Albans, has lake Chaniplain on all sides except the n , and con- tains 9,065 acres. First settled 1784. A sand bar extending to Chittenden, renders the lake in that place fordable a part of the year. The rocks are limestone, as well as those of the neighboring isls. The soil is very good, and the surface nearly level. Marl, with shells, is found even on the higher parts ; and the lime stone is sometimes burnt, and sometimes used for building. These islands were formerly a favorite resort of Indians ; and they made imple- ments of quartz, &c. on the shore, bringing the stone from a distance. Pop. 717. SooTHiNGTON, p.t. Hartford co. Conn. 18 ms. s. w. Hartford, 21 n. New Haven, lies in the s. w. corner of the co., with New Haven co. s. and w., about 6 ms. square, with an uneven surface, agreeably varied, except the Green, stone range in the e., and some considerable eminences w. The soil is various, but gener- ally good for rye, maize, &c. It is crossed by 2 branches of Quinipiack r., which supply mill seats. The Farmington canal crosses the town N. and s., and affords a convenient channel of transportation. Pop. 1,844. SouTHiNGTON, p-v. TrumbuU co. 0. by p-r. ]66 ms. N. E. Columbus. South Killingly, v. Killingly, Windham co. Conn. 14 ms. e. by n. Hartford, and 9 n. Plain- field ; is a flourishing manufacturing place, at the confluence of Five Mile and Quinebaug rs. Plere, at the falls at the mouth of Five Mile r., the Danielson manufacturing company have a mill of 1,840 spindles, 44 looms, employ 65 hands, consume 90,000 lbs. of cotton, and make 350,000 yards of 4-4 sheetings. There is also a small factory of broadcloths, connected with a dressing and fulling mill, where 4,500 yards of broadcloths are made, and on the Quine- baug, about 100 yards below, there is a cotton mill of 1,000 spindles, and 24 looms, making 150,000 yards of 7-8 shirtings annually. At Chesnut Hill, 5 ms. n. e. of South Killingly, on Whitestone brook, is a stone mill, in which are rmi 2,100 spindles, and 36 looms, consuming 100,000 lbs. of cotton annually. South Kingston, p-t. and st. jus. Washington CO. R. I., 30 ms. s. w. Providence, has the At. lantic and Narraganset bay e., and the Atlantic s. It has an uneven surface, with primitive rocks, and a soil generally rich and strong, fa. vorable to grass and grain. There are several small streams, many fresh water ponds, (one of 3,000 or 4,000 acres,) and one salt water pond, called Point Judith pond. Northeast on Narraganset bay is a good harbor ; and con. siderable coasting trade is carried on, as well as much fresh and salt water fishing. The first settlement was made about 1670, when the town was connected with N. Kingston. Pop. 3,663. South Landing, p-v. Cabell co. Va., by p.r. 349 ms. wstrd. W. C. SouTHOLD, p-t. Suffolk county, N. York, 103 ms. E. New York, embraces the n. e. corner of Long Island, which extends in a long neck, 64 ' bounding the sound on the s. k. On the s. w side of tlie point are several bays, channels, and islands, and Plumb island lies off the extremity of the cape, in a line with the Gull islands, the Race and Fisher's isl. These islands belong to the town v\'ith Ram and Robin's island. The soil is various, with few stones and much sand. The coast is generally a sand bank. Fish are taken in great numbers. There are several villages, Mattatuc, Cutchogue, Southold town, &c. The two Gull islands are small, 3 ms. k. by N. of Plumb island. Great Gull contains 14 acres, and Little Gull 1, chiefly rocks, on which are erected a light house of the United States, with a house for the keeper. These, with walls for protection against the sea, were built at the expense of .^24,000, of stone brought from the Connecticut shore. The dashing of the waves in an e. storm shakes the very foundation of this fabric. The light being in the entrance of Long Island sound, is a very important one. Pop. 2,900. South Plymouth, p.v. northwestern part of Wayne co., Mich., by p-r. 22 miles n. w. Detroit. SouTHPORT, t., Tioga co. N. Y., 5 ms. s. w. Elmira, is in the s. w. corner of the co., with Pennsylvania s. and Steuben co. w. Chemung r. which flows through it, has a large quantity of excellent meadow land on its banks. Pop. 1,454. South Quay, p-v. Nansemond co. Va., 95 ms. s. s. E. Riclimond. South Reading, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 10 ms. N. E. Boston, contains a pleasant village and a pond near it. Pop. 1,311. South River, r., Middlesex co. N. J., formed by the Manalapan and Matcheponix which rise in Monmouth co., and unite at Spotswood. It enters the Raritan 5 miles below New Bruns- wick, and is navigable for sloops 6 miles. SouTPi Salem, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 50 ms. N. New York, 6 n. Bedford, and has Conn, on the E. It is of irregular form, with seve- ral ponds, and is bordered w. by Crotonr. Pop. 1,537. South Union, p.v. Jasper co. Ga., by p-r. 24 ms. N. w. Milledgeville. South Union, p-v. Logan co. Ky., by p.r. 157 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. South Warren, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 270 ms. northward W. C. South White Hall, p-v. Lehigh co. Pa., by p-r. 179 ms. n. n. e. W. C. SouTHwicK, P-t. Hampden co. Mass., 110 ms. s. by \v. Boston, and n. of Connecticut line, and contains several large ponds, that serve as a part of the route of the Hampshire and Hamp- den canal, which passes through the town. It is crossed by a considerable stream. Popula- tion, 1,355. . Spafford, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y., 18 ms. s. s. w. Onondaga, 14 n. Homer, lies n. of Cort- landt CO., and e. Cayuga co. or Skaneateles lake. The surface is varied, with a rich soil, bearing maple, beech, bass, &c. Slopes rapid- ly E. to Otisco r. the valley of which lies partly in this town. The inlet of Otisco lake forms part of the e. line, and there are several smaller streams. First settled aboiU 1806 from the e. states. Pop. 2,647. SPE 502 SPO Spanish Grove, p-v. Mecklenburg county, Va., by p-r. 116 ms. s. w. Richmond. Sparta, p-t. Livingston co. N. Y., 25 ms. s. w, Canandaigua, 13 s. Genesee, has Steuben CO. E., Steuben and Alleghany cos. s. and Alle- ghany CO. w., is watered by a branch of Hem- lock lake and Canaseraga cr. ; has generally a poor soil. Pop. 3,777. Sparta, p-v. Washington co. Pa., by p-r. 10 ms. wstrd. the borough of Washington, and 229 ms. N. vf. by w. W. G. Sparta, p-v. Caroline co. Va., by p-r. 89 ms. a little w. of s. W. C. Sparta, p-v. Edgecombe co. N. G., by p-r. 81 ms. N. E. by e. Raleigh. Sparta, p-v. and st. jus. Conecuh co. Ala. on Murder cr. another branch of Conecuh r. about 85 ms. n. e. Mobile, and by p-r. 205 ms. a little E. of s. Tuscaloosa, Lat. 3l°20', long. W. C. 10° 10' w. Sparta, p-v. and st. jus. White co. Ten. by p-r. 92 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Spartanburg, dist. S.C. bndd. n. e. by Broad r. separating it from York district, Union e. and s. E., Ennoree r. separating it from Laurens s., Greenville s. w. and w., and Rutherford co. N. C. N. Length from s. to n. 40 ms., mean breadth 28, and area 1, 120 sq. ms. Lat. 35° and long, 5° w. intersect near the centre of this dist. Slope s. e. and in that direction advan- cing from s. to N. it is drained by the rivers En- noree, Tyger, Forest, and Pacolet. Cf. t. Spar- tanburg. Pop. 1820, 16,989, 1830, 21,150. Spartanburg, p-v. and st. jus. Spartanburg district, S. C, by p-r. 104 ms. n. w. Columbia. Lat. 34° 56' long. W. C. 5° w. Speckled mtn. Oxford co. Me., n. of An- droscoggin r. on the n. line of Riley, is one of the highest eminences in the state, and sup- posed to be about 4,000 ft. above the sea. Speedwell, p-v. Barnwell dist. S. C, by p-r. Ill ms. s. wstrd. Columbia. Speedwell, p-v. wstrn. part of Claiborne co. Ten., by p-r. 238 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Speight's Bridge, and p-o. Greene co. N. C, by P-r. 74 ms. s. e. by e. Raleigh. Spencer, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 51 ms. w. Boston, 11 s. w. Worcester, has a pleasant variety of surface, and a good soil. It is wa- tered by branches of Chicopee r which furnish mill sites. The land is elevated 880 ft. above Connecticut r. at Springfield, and 950 above Boston harbor. On a route surveyed for a ca- nal between those two points, this was the sum- mit level. Pop. 1,618. Spencer, p-t. and st. jus. Tioga co. N. Y., 190 ms. w. by s. Albany, and 18 n. w. Owego, has Cayuta on the w. line, and a pond n, which gives rise to Catetant creek, with Cayuga inlet. The surface and soil are various. Pop. 1,278. Spencer, p-v. Davidson co. N. C, by p-r, 92 ms. westward Raleigh. Spencer, co., Ky., bndd. s. by Nelson, Bullitt w., Jefferson n. w., Shelby n., and Anderson e. Leno-th 22 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 264 sq. ms. Lat. 38°, and long. W. C. 8° 14' w., intersect in this co. Slope westward, and in that direction drained by Salt river. Cf. t. Tay. lorsyille. Pop. 6,812. Spencer, co., Ind,, bndd. w. by Little Pigeon r. separating it from Warrick, Dubois n., An. derson's cr. e., separating it from Perry, and the Ohio r. separating it from Hancock co. Ky., s. E,, Daviess co, Ky,, s,, and Henderson co, Ky., s. w. Length from s, to n. 32 ms,, mean width 14, and area 448 sq, ms, Lat, 38° and long. 10° w. intersect in the southeastern part of this CO., general slope is southward towards Ohio r. Cf. t. Rockpon, no unapt name, as the whole county is hilly, and in part rocky. Pop. 1820, 1,882, 1830, 3,196. Spencer, p-v. and st. jus. Owen co. Indiana, by p-r. 52 ms. s. w. Indianopolis. It is situated on Kaskaskias r. Lat. 39° 17', long. W. C, 9° 48' w, Spencertown, p-v. Austerlitz, Columbia co. New York, 30 ms. s. w. Albany. Spermaceti Cove, Monmouth co. N. J., a safe and convenient harbor, for vessels of light draught of water, at the s. w. part of Sandy Hook, e. of the Highlands. Spesutia, p-v, Harford co, Md,, by p-r, 65 ms. N. E. W. C. Spinnerstown, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., by p-r. 171 ms. n. e. W. C. Spirit, Lake. This comparatively large sheet of water forms the reservoir from which flows sthrdly. IVlississagaigon, or Rum r. It appears to be supplied by immense swamps, or over, flown ground, between St. Louis r. of lake Su- perior and Mississippi r. The centre of Spirit Lake is at lat. 46° 30', and long. W. C. 16° 40' w. and about 75 ms. direct course a little s. of w. the mouth of St. Louis r. Split Rock, p-v. Essex, Essex co. N, Y., 2 ms. s. Essex v. on the w. side of L. Champlain. Spoon isl., Hancock co. Maine. Spoon, r. of II. has its sources in Putnam and Henry cos. ; by a sthwstrn. course of 50 miles, it reaches the nrthrn. border of Fulton co., and inclining to s. s. w. 20 ms. and afterwards to s. E. 20 ms. more it falls into Illinois river. The higher part of the valley of Spoon river lies be- tween those of the Illinois and Mississippi, but in the lower part of its course it is bndd. s. w. by the valley of Crooked cr. This r, drains a fine section of 11, and its valley, in lat. stretch- ing from 39° 55' to 41° 20'. Spotswood, p-v. Middlesex co. New Jersey, 9 ms. s. E. New Brunswick, 10 w. by s. Mid- dletown Point, on the n. side of South river, a branch of the Raritan. Snuff and powder are manufactured here. Spottedville, p-v. Stafford co. Va., by p-r. 88 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Spottsylvania, CO. Va., bndd. by Caroline s. E., North Anna r. separating it from Hanover s. and Louisa s. w.. Orange n. w.. Rapid Ann r, separating it from CnlpepperN., and Rappahan- noc r. separating it from Stafford n. e. Length from s. w. to n. e. 24 ms., mean breadth 17 ms. and area 408 sq. ms. Lat. 38° 12', long. W. C. 0° 40' w. The extreme sources of Matapony r. rise mostly in this co., and flow to the south, eastward as do the two bounding streams North Anna and Rappahannoc rs., the slope of the co. is of course in the direction of its waters. Sur. face though hilly, is pleasantly and in many places finely diversified. Cf. t. Fredericksburg. Pop. 1820, 14,254, 1830, 15,134. SPR 503 SPR Spread Eagle, p-v. northwestern part of Del. CO. Pa., by p-r. 136 ms. n. e. W. C. Spring Bank, p-v. Wayne co. N. C. by p-r. 51 ms. s. E. Raleigh. Springboro', p-v. Warren co. 0., by p-r. 88 ms. N. w. by w. Columbus. Spring Cottage, p-v. near the southwstrn. angle of Hancock co. Misp. about 120 ms. s. e. by E. Natchez. Spring Creek, p-v. Warren co. Pa., by p-r. 335 ms. N. w. W. C. Spring Creek, p-o. Greenbrier co. Va., by p-r. 254 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Spring Creek, p-o. Madison co. Ten. by p-r. 132 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Spring Dale, p-v. Alleghany co. Pa., by p-r. 235 ms. N. w. W. C. Spring Dale, p-v. Hamilton co. O., by p-r. Ill ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Spring Farm and p-o. Augusta co. Va., by p-r. 151 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Springfield, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H., 35 ms. from Concord, 90 from Boston, lies in the n. e. corner of the co. v^rith Grafton co. n., and Mer- rimack CO. E., and contains 28,330 acres. It gives rise to a branch of Sugar r., and one of the streams of Blackwater r., thus dividing the waters of Connecticut and Merrimack rs. It contains several small ponds, and has a rough surface, but a pretty good soil. There is a quarry of valuable stone e. First settled, 1772. Pop. 1,192. Springfield, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 13 ms. s. Windsor, 68 from Montpelier, 30 n. Brattle." boro', w. Conn, r., and is crossed s. e. by Black r. There are fine meadows on Conn, river ; a village at the falls of Black r., and another in the N. w. part. Pop. 2,749. Springfield, p-t. and st. jus. Hampden co. Mass., lies on the e. side of Conn. r. 87 miles w. Boston, 26 n. Hartford, 47 w. s. w. Wor- cester, and 20 s. Northampton. It is one of the most thriving towns in the state, containing a court-house, jail, bank, 2 insurance offices, besides other public buildings ; among these are 4 churches, 1 each for Congregationalists, Unitarians, Baptists and Methodists. It also contains the largest armory of the U. S., and many elegant private edifices, highly credita- to the taste of its inhabitants. In this town is Chickapee, an important manufacturing village, which contains about 1,300 inhabitants, a Con- gregational & Methodist church, p-o., and about 100 houses of brick, belonging to the manufac turers. In 1831 there were in the town 1,453 polls, 722 dwelling houses, 118 stores, warehou- ses & mechanic shops, 580 barns & other build- ings, 3 cotton factories, 370 looms, and 13,824 spindles, 1 bleachery, 3 paper mills, 5 printing offices, 5 grist mills, 7 saw mills, 2 card fac- tories, 1 carding machine, 1 fulling mill, 2 brew- eries, 2 distilleries, 3 tan-houses, 5,301 acres of tillage land, 1,807 acres of mowing land, 389 horses, 321 oxen, 474 cows, 237 steers and heifers, and 954 sheep. A bridge, 1,234 ft. long, crosses the Connecticut to West Springfield. Stage coaches run daily to Boston, Albany, Northampton and Hart- ford; and small steamboats also to Hart- ford, carrying passengers, &c. &c. The ar- moryof the U. S. was established in 1795, at an expense, with additions from time to time since, of $251,857. From that time up to 1821, there were expended in work and materials $2,553,352. The annual expense is $180,000. The present production is 16,500 muskets a year, and there are on hand, prepared for dis- tribution, more than one hundred thousand stand. The number of workmen is nearly 300. According to the statement of the superinten- dent, about two-thirds of the amount appropria- ted to this establishment is paid for labor, and one-third for stock and materials. Of the latter the following comprise the most important items, viz: — 105 tons of iron, $23,100; 49,500 lbs. of steel, $7,820; 16,500 files, $3,300; 140,000 bushels charcoal, $9,100; 10,000 bush- els pit coal, $3,500; 100 tons Lehigh coal, .$'1,000. Total $47,820. There are employed in the estimate 275 men, whose pay amounts for the year to $120,000, leaving for stock and materials $60,000. Total $180,000. The number of arms manufactured per year, with all appendages, is 16,500. Amount of permanent improvements, miscellaneous expenses, &c. say ^12,000; leaving for the manufacture of arms, gun boxes, screwdrivers, wipers, ball screws, spring vices, and all the appendages, say $168,000. The greater part of the buildings belonging to the armory are situated on the hill nearly a mile e. of the river ; the water-shops connected with the arsenal lying one mile s. on Mill r. Chickapee v., which has been men- tioned, is situated on a river, from which it de- rives its name, and which aflbrds abundant wa- ter power for its manufactures. It is about 4 ms. N. of the village of Springfield, and con. tains 4 large cotton factories and a bleaching establishment. Three of the manufactories em. ploy 600 persons, using 900,000 lbs. of cotton annually, and making 3,300,000 yds. of printing cottons, fine sheetings and shirtings. The other factory is 254 ft. long, and 4 stories high. There are also iron works in the village. Pop. 1820, 3,970, 1830, 6,784. Springfield, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y., 58 ms. w. Albany, 12 n. Cooperstown, in the n. w. corner of the CO., has Otsego lake and co. w., and is of a varied surface, with a soil generally rich. There are several small mill streams. The town was settled and deserted before the revo- lution, and has since been settled by English, Scotch and Irish. Pop. 2,816. Springfield, t. Burlington co. N. J., 18 ms. s. Trenton, and 18 from Burlington ; has Assis- cunk cr. n., and is crossed by a small branch. The soil is good and very well cultivated. Pop. 1,534. Springfield, p-t. Essex co. N. J., 7 ms. w. Newark, 15 w. N. Y., 6n. w. Elizabethtown ; has a pleasant village on Rahway r. which flows through it, and affords several mill sites. The Short hills cross the n. parts, e. and n. w. The surface is varied, the soil good, and the inhab- itants farmers. A large British foraging party was resisted and stopped at the river during the war ; but on another occasion the village was occupied by the enemy one night, and burnt af. ter the battle of Springfield, which was severely contested, and was continued, as the Americana SPR 504 SQU retreated, e. of the village to the Sliort hills, where the British received a check. This place the enemy were unable to retain possession of, and they retreated the next day. Pop. 1,G56. Springfield, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 255 ms. N. W. C. Springfield, p-v. Hampshire co. Va., by p-r. 118 ms. N. w. by w. \V. C. Springfield, p-v. Greene co. Ala., by p-r. 61 ms. sthrd. Tuscaloosa. Springfield, p-v. sthestm. part of St. Helena parish. La., by p-r. 11 ms. s. e. St. Helena, tlie St. jus. of the parish, and via Madisonvillo about 80 ms. N. w. New Orleans. Springfield, p-v. and st. jus. Robertson co. Ten., by p-r. 25 ms. a httle w. of n. Nashville. Lat. 36° 30', long. 9° 54' w. W, C. Springfield, p-v. and st. jus. Washington co. Ky., by p-r. 50 ms. s. w. Frankfort. Lat. 37° 42', long. 8° 16' w. W. C. Pop. 618. Springfield, p-v. and st. jus. Clarke co. 0., 43 ms. almost due w. Columbus, and 25 n. e. by E. Dayton. Lat. 39° 54', long. 6° 48' w. W. C. It is situated on a small branch of Mad r., and contains the ordinary co. buildings, with several manufactories. In the n. w. part of this village is a beautiful cascade, in the vicinity of which the scenery is very fine. It is in Mill cr., which, passing over a bed of limestone, has a perpendicular fall of 20 ft. In the vicinity of this are two springs, one chalybeate, the other sulphur, both possessing considerable medicinal properties. Pop. 1,080. Springfield, p.v. Franklin co. Ind., by p-r. 77 ms. s. e. byE. Indianopolis. Springfield, p-v. and st. jus., Sangamon co. II., by p-r. 79 ms. n. w. Vandalia, and as laid down by Tanner, about 5 ms. wstrd. of the junction of Sangamon proper with the Mowa- wequa. Lat. 39° 48', long. 12° 40' w. W. C. It is one of the new towns rising as if by mira- cle from the wilds of the west. Springfield, Cross Roads and p-o. Erie co. Pa., by p-r. 330 ms. n. w. W. C. Springfield Furnace, and p-o. Huntingdon CO. Pa. by p-r. 150 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Spring Four Corners, p-v. srthrn. part Sus. quehannahco. Pa., about 6 ms. sthrd. Montrose, the CO. st. In directing letters it ought to be observed that though in the same tsp., Spring- ville and Springville Four Corners are different offices. Spring Garden, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va., by p-r. 250 ms. s. w. W. C. Spring Garden, p-v. Rockingham co. N. C, by p-r. 124 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Spring Grove, p-o. Lancaster co. Pa., by p-r. N. estrd. W. C. Spring Grove, p-o. Iredell co. N. C, by p-r. ]37 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Spring Grove, p-o. Laurens dist. S. C. by p-r. 69 ms. n. w. Columbia. Spring Grove, p-o. Alachua co. Florida, by p-r. 193 ms. s. e. Tallahassee. Spring Hill, p-o. Fayette co. Pa., by p-r. 221 ms. N. w. W. C. Spring Hill, p-o. Lewis co. N. C, by p-r. 67 ms. s. E. by e. Raleigh. Spring Hill, p-o. York dist. S. C, by p-r. 97 ms. N. Columbia. t^PRiNG Hill, p-v. Monroe co. Geo., by p-r. 7 ras. w. Milledgeville. Spring Hill, p-v. Maury co. Ten., 30 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. Spring Hill, p-o. Decatur co. Ten., 53 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Spring House, p-o. Montgomery co. Pa., 19 ms. N. Phil. Spring Mill, p-v. Lawrence co. Ind., by p-r. 82 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. This is the same place formerly called Arcole. Spring Mills, p-v. Centre co. Pa., by p-r. 187 ms. N.N. w. W. C. Sprjng Mount, p-o. estrn. part Dyer co. Ten., by p-r. 1 60 ms. w. Nashville, and 8 ms. e. Dy. ersburg, the co. st. Spring Place, p-o. Cherokee Nation, by p-r, 212 ms. n. w. Milledgeville, and 623 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Springport, t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 10 ms. s. w. Auburn ; has Cayuga lake and Seneca CO. w. ; contains the vil. of Union Springs. Pop. 1,528. Spring Rock, p-o. York dist. S. C, by p-r. 80 ms. N. Columbia. Spring's Mills, p-o. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r. 172 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Springtovvn, vil. Morris co. N. J., 18 ms. w. Morristown, on the acclivity of Schooley's ratn. Springtown, p-v. near the n. wstrn'. border of Bucks CO. Pa., 7 ms. s. e. Bethlehem, and 43 ms. N. Phil. ir-'PRiNGViLLE, p-v. Susquehaimah co. Pa. by p-r. !^61 ms. N. N. E. W. C. Springville, p-v. Darlington dist. S. C, by p-r. 91 ms. estrd. Columbia. Springville, p-v. Lawrence co. Ind., by p^r. 62 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Springwater, p.t. Livingston co, N. Y., 18 ms. s. E. Geneseo ; has Ontario co. n. and e., and Steuben co. w. ; a pretty good soil, though a rough surface, and is watered by several small streams. Pop. 2,253. Spring Wells p-v. Wayne co. Mich., by p-r. 10 ms. nthrd. Detroit. Squam, lake, Grafton and Coos cos. N. H., 3 ms. by 6 ; is a beautiful sheet of water, almost surrounded by high hills, and diversified with coves, capes and isls., and aflbrding fine trout. It extends over about 6,000 acres. A canal from this to Winnipiseogee lake 2 ms. distant, has been proposed. Squam, r. Grafton co. N. H., the outlet of Squam lake, crosses part of Holderness, and falls into Pemigewasset r. SauAM, bay, Essex co. Mass., on the north shore ?f Cape Ann, opposite Gloucester harbor, with which it is connected by a short canal, which crosses the isthmus of that cape or peninsula. This bay is also called Squam har- bor. SdUAM, vil. Gloucester, Essex co. Mass., on the N. shore of Cape Ann ; has an excellent and convenient harbor, and a population devoted to fishing and commerce. Squamanagonick, vil. Rochester, Strafford CO. N. H., at the falls of Cocheco r. Squam Beach, Morris co, N, J., on the sea coast, s. of Manasquani r. STA SaUAMScoT, or Exeter r., N. H. Stafford, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 26 ms. n. e. Hartford, and 74 w. s. w. Boston ; is an elevated tract, with Mass. line n. The surface is rough, with some pleasant vallies, and much wild sce- nery. The rocks are primitive, and the soil generally favorable to grass. Iron ore, (chiefly bog ore,) is found in many places, and there are several mines and forges. Willimantic r. and Roaring brook afford mill seats ; and there are several manufactories. Straw braiding is carried on to some extent by females. The vil. is on a pleasant elevated plain, with a large open square in the centre, affording an exten. sive view over a varied country. The springs are situated in a narrow valley, 1 mile w. of the vil., on the bank of the Willimantic, and in the midst of picturesque scenery, about lOO yards s. of the turnpike road from Boston to Hart- fo'rd. Near at hand is a large house for the ac- commodation of visiters. One of the springs is a feeble chalybeate, and the other is impreg- nated with sulphuretted hydrogen. First set- tled about 1718. The Indians were acquainted with the valuable properties of the springs which they made known to the settlers. Pop. 2,515. Stafford, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y., 6 ms. e. Batavia, has a slightly varied surface, with pretty good soil, watered by Black cr. Pop. 2,368. Stafford, t. Monmouth co. N. J., forms the s. angle of the co., and is nearly in the form of a triangle. The w. part comprehends a great part of Little Egg Harbor, with several isls., and much of Long Beach, which shuts it in from the ocean. There is also a considerable extent of swamps on the borders of the harbor, through which Manahocking r., and other small streams discharge. Pop. 2,059. Stafford, co. Va. bndd. by King George s. e., Rappahannoc r. separating it from Caroline s., Spottsylvania co s. w., and Culpepper w., on the N. w. it has Fauquier, King William n., and the Potomac r. separating it from Charles co. Md. E. Lat. 38° 25', long. W. C. 0° 22' w. Length 20 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 240 sq. ms., surface hilly. Cf. t. Falmouth. Pop. 1820, 9,517 ; 1830, 9,362. Stafford, c. h. p.o. and st. jus. Stafford co. Va., by p-r. 76 ms. a little e. of n. Richmond, and 46 s. w.W. C. Stafford, springs and p-o. wstrn. part Staf. ford CO. Va. Stagville, p-v. Orange co. N. C. Stahler's, p-o. Lehigh co. Pa., 10 ms. nrthrd. AUentown, the co. st. Stalling's, store and p-o. Monroe co. Geo., 49 ms. w. Milledgeville. Stamford, t. Bennington co. Vt., 9 ms. s. k. Bennington, 21 s. Brattleborough, n. Mass., is uneven, and has much waste land. Some of the head streams of Hoosac r. rise in the s., and in the N. part are Moose, Fish, and other ponds, from which waters run into Walloomsac r. Pop. 563. Stamford, p.t. Fairfield co. Conn., 76 ms. s. w. Hartford, 42 s. s, w. New Haven, 43 n. e. New York, has N. Y. n. w. and Long Island sound s. w., is crossed by two or three mill 505 STA streams, and is penetrated by a bay from the sound. The surface is agreeably varied, the soil is fertile and favorable to cultivation. At the mouth of Mill r. is a harbor, with 8^^ feet of water at common tides, and a place of some coasting trade. There are two smaller harbors in the t., and here are two large flour mills. Pop. 3,712. Stamford, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 12 ms. E. Delhi, 50 w. Catskill, faO w. s. w. Albany, has the head stream of Del. r. n., and Schoharie CO. e. The surface is broken, the mill sites good, and it contains two or three small villa- ges. Pop. 1,597. Standing Peach Tree, and p-o. Dekalb co. Geo., by p-r. 127 ms. n. w. Milledgeville. Standing stone, p-o. Bradford co. Pa., on the Susquehannah r., 6 ms. n. Towanda, the co. St., and by p-r. 245 ms. n. W. C. Standish, p-t. Cumberland co. Me., 6 ms. s. w. Augusta, 21 N. w. Portland, has Saco r. and York cos. s. w., and Sebago pond n. e., and con- tains several ponds, connected by a stream flov*^- ing into it. Pop. 2,023. Stanford, p-t. Dutchess co. N. Y., 18 ms. n. E. Poughkeepsie, has a surface a little varied, with pretty good soil, and is well watered by a branch of Wappinger's cr. Pop. 2,52 1 . Stanford, p-v. and st. jus. Lincoln co. Ky.,, situated on a small branch of Dick's r.. by p-r. 51 ms. a little e. of s. Frankfort. Lat 37° 32', long. W. C. 7° 32' w. Pop. 363. Stanford's Cross Roads, and p-o. Putnam cOo. Geo., 21 ms. n. Milledgeville. Stanhope, p-v. Sussex co. N. .T., on the Mus-- konetcong cr. and Morris canal, 16 ms. n. w.. Morristown and 12 s. Newton, is the seat o€ extensive iron works. Stanhope, p-v. nrthrn. part Northampton co-.. Pa., by p-r. 32 ms. nrthrd. Easton, the co. St., and 222 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Stannardsville, p-v. in the extreme wstrn. part Orange co. Va., by p-r. 114 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 92 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Stantonburgh, p-v. sthrn.part Edgecomb co. N. C, by p-r. 66 ms. a little s. of e. Raleigh. Stantonville, p-v. in the nthrn. part of An- derson dist. S. C, by p-r. 113 ms. n. w. Colum- bia. Star, p-v. Hocking co. 0., by p-r. 57 ms. s.e. Columbus. Stark, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y., 69 ms. n. w. Albany. Pop. 1,781. Stark, co. 0., bndd. by Jefferson s. e., Tus- caravvas s.. Holmes s. w., Wayne w., Medina N. w., Portage n., and Columbiana e. Length along the estrn. border 33 ms., mean breadth 25, and area 825 sq. ms. Lat. 40° 30', long. W. C. 4° 26' w. The extreme source of Big Beaver rises in the n. e. angle of this eo., but the far greater part of the surface is drained by the Tuscarawas and its branches ; general slope sthrd. The main volume of Tuscarawas cross- es the CO. from n. to s. nearly, along the valley of which the Ohio and Erie canal has been con- structed. The level of the canal at Massillon, hear the middle of the co. is 942 ft. above tide water ; the whole arable surface no doubt ex- ceeding a mean of 1,000 ft. of similar compara- tive height. The soil is fertile in grain, pas. STE 506 STE turage and fruit. Cf. t. Canton. Pop. 1820, 14,506; 1830, 26,588. Starkey, p-t. Yates co. N. Y., 10 ms. s. e. Penn Yan. Pop. 2,285. Starks, p-t. Somerset co. Me., 7 ms. w. Nor- ridgewock, and 37 n. n. w. Augusta, forms nearly a complete square, the s. w. corner of which almost touches the co. of Kennebec, and the N. E. boundary is formed by Kennebec r. Pop. 1,471. Starksborough, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 22 ms. s. w. Montpelier, and 20 s, e. Burlington, first settled 1788, from Conn, and N. Y. Lewis cr. and Huntington r. are the principal streams, and mill seats are abundant, especially on the for- mer where are several factories. Hogback mtn. lies on the w. boundary, and East mtn. crosses the middle. The soil is loam, and the timber chiefly hard wood. Pop. 1,342. Starucca, p-v. Wayne co. Pa., by p-r. 19 ms. nthrd. Bethany, the co. st., and 284 ms. n. n. e. W. C. State-line, p-v. sthrn. part of Franklin co. Pa., by p-r. 64 ms. n. w. W. C. Staten ial. N. Y., forms the co. of Rich- mond, 9 ms. s. w. N. Y., is 14 ms. long, and 8 wide, bndd. by New York bay n., the Narrows E. which separate it from Long Island south, by Raritan bay w., and by the Kills lying opposite New .Jersey on the two last men. tioaed sides. (See Richmond co., and Rich- mond.) Statesburgh, p-v. n. wstrn. part of Sumpter dist. S. C, 10 ms. n. w. by w. Sumpterville, the St. jus., and by p-r. 32 ms. a little s. of e. Columbia. Statesville, p-v. and st. jus. Iredell co. N. C, by p-r. 40 ms. s. s. e. Wilkesville, and 146 ms. w. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 13', long. W. C. 3° 54' w. Statesville, p-v. estrn. part Wilson co. Ten., by p-r. 48 ms. estrd. Nashville. Station Camp, p-v. Estill co. Ky., by p-r. 6 ms. sthrd. Irvine, the st. jus., and by p-r. 75 ms. s. E. by E. Frankfort. Staunton, p-v. New Castle co. Del., situated at the junction of Red Clay and White Clay crs., 6 ms. s. w. by w. Wilmington and by p-r. 51 ms. N. E. W. C. Staunton, p-v. and st. jus. Augusta co, Va., on one of the extreme head branches of the e. fork of Shenandoah r. 36 ms. a little n. of w. of Charlotteville, and by p-r. 163 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 121 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 09', long. W. C. 2° 03' w. It stands on the fine valley between the Blue Ridge and Kittatimiy, or as there expressed between Blue Ridge and North mtn. chains, a little north Madison's Cave. It contains 3 or 4 places of public worship, numerous stores, taverns and mechanics' shops. It is a corporate town, and contains houses for the chancery, circuit and corporation courts. The population is not given in the census tables, but is probably about 1,000. It is on the whole one of the most flourishing interior towns of Va. Steele Creek, p-o. Mecklenburg, co. N. C, 8 ms. sthrd. Charlotte, the co. st., and by p-r. 158 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Steel's Mills and p.o. ethrn. part Richmond CO. N. C, 12 ms. sthrd. Rockingham, the co. St., and by p-r. 125 s. w. Raleigh. Steele's Mills and p-o. sthrn. part Randolph CO. II., by P-r. Ill ms. s. w. Vandalia. Steele's Tavern and p-o. Augusta co. Va., by p-r. 180 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Steen's cr. and p-o. Rankin co. Misp., by p-r. 126 ms. n. e. Natchez. Stephensport, p-v. Ky. on Ohio r., just be- low the mouth of Sinking creek and in the ex- treme nrthrn. angle of Breckenridge co., 16 ms. N, n. w. Hardinsburg, the co. St., and by p-r. 118 ms. a little s. of w. Frankfort. Pop. 64. Stephentown, p-t. Rensselaer co. N. Y., 20 ms. s. E. Albany, has the boundary of Mass, on the E. line, and Columbia co. s., with a very hilly surface e., and various soils. There is a broad valley in the middle, in which rises a branch of Lebanon cr. w. ; the soil is poor, and occupied by the green woods. Limestone abounds and is wrought. Pop. 2,716. Sterling, t. Franklin co. Vt., 24 ms. n. e. Burlington, and 24 n. w. Montpelier, first set- tled 1799, has no large streams. Sterling peak, s. e., is one of the highest eminences of the Green mtns., and the surface is generally very rough. Pop. 183. Sterling, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 46 ms. w. Boston and 12 n. Worcester, was chiefly purchased of the Indians in 1701, and is cross- ed by Still r. a branch of Nashua r. It has a surface generally hilly, with a pine plain s. w. Chairs and hats have been made here in great numbers for some years. A battle was fought here in 1707, between some troops from Lan- caster and Marlborough, and a party of Indians, in which the latter were defeated. A variety of minerals are found in the rocks. First set- tled, 1720. Pop. 1,794. Sterling, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 44 ms. e. Hartford, has the boundary of R. I. e., an un- even surface, with some pine plains, and alight soil, best appropriate to grain. Quanduck r. is a small stream, but there are several manu- factories in the town. Near the centre is the Devil's Den, a remarkable cavern in a ledge of rocks. Pop. 1,240. Sterling, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 28 ms. n. Auburn, has lake Ontario n., and Oswego co. E., with Little Sodus bay n. w., into which flows Nine-mile cr. Pop. 1,436. Sterling, p-v. sthrn. part Wayne co. Pa., by p-r. 237 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Sterrett's Gap, and p-o. nrthrn. part Cum- berland CO. Pa., by p-r. 25 ms., but by direct distance 18 ms. almost due w. Harrisburg, and 8 ms. a little e. of n. Carlisle. This is one of those remarkable depressions in the Appalachi- an chains called " Gaps." The particular gap here described is highly worthy a visit from the the traveller. From it the whole of Cumber- land CO. seems to spread an immense map, and in a clear day the cupola of the state house in Harrisburg is distinctly to be seen. On the contrary side, or to the n. and w. the congeries of mtn. chains seem to extend in endless varie- ty. It is amongst the finest positions in the U. S. in regard to perspective, having 2 immense landscapes connected in the ey« of the specta- tor. STE 507 STI Stetson, p-t. Penobscot co. Me. Pop. 114.] Steuben, p-t. Washington co. Me., 35 ms. w. Machias, has Narragaugus r. on the n. e. line, and Hancock w., with the Atlantic s., from which 3 long bays extend far n. into this town. Dyer's bay in the middle, and Goldsboro' har- bor w. Pop. 695. Steuben, co. N. Y., bndd. by Livingston and Ontario cos. n., Seneca lake e. which separates it jrom Seneca and Tompkins cos., Tioga co. Pa. s., and Alleghany co. w. Several streams of the Tioga or Chemung cr. (which is a branch of the Susquehannah) spread over this co. and afford a navigation for boats. Conhocton, Ca- nisteo and Tioga are the principal of these, and afford boat navigation to Bath, Hornellsville and Tyrone. The route of the Chemung canal extends 18 ms. from Elmira, on the Chemung river to the head waters of Seneca lake, and a navigable feeder is brought from the Chemung at Painted Post, 13 miles to the summit level. The land in this co. is very uneven, and often mountainous, with some large and fertile mead- ows. 'J'he banks of the streams are generally steep and covered with evergreen forests. It is a remarkable fact that at some of the fords the ice forms in winter on the bottom of swift streams, in such a degree as to render the pas- sage difficult and even dangerous. This coun- ty contains 24 towns, of which Bath is the st. jus. Pop. in 1820, 21,989 ; 1830, 33,851. Steuben, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 20 ms. n. Utica, and 110 w. Albany, was nearly all grant- ed to Frederick William, Baron de Steuben, an officer of the revolutionary army, and named after him, and was for some years his residence. The surface is varied, the land high, and the soil moist and favorable for grass. Steuben and Cincinnati crs. are the principal streams, but there are few mill seats. Baron Steuben died here in 1796. Pop. 2,094. Steuben, p-v. estrn. part Huron co. O., by p-r. 100 ms. N. n. e. Columbus. Steubenville, P-t. and st. jus. Jefferson co. O., situated on the w. bank of Ohio r., 147 ms. E. by N. Columbus, 38 ms. by land nearly w. and 70 by water from Pittsburg, and by p-r. 260 s. w. by w. W. C, in lat. 40° 21', and long. 3° 45' w. W. C. The site of this fine tovm is pe- culiar amongst those along the Ohio. Generally, after the first rise of that stream, is a depression beyond, towards the hills, of considerable depth ; whilst at Steubenville, the acclivity from the river ascends, with very little depression in the rear. Along this slope the town was laid out in 1798, in streets running at right angles, and in 1805 it was incorporated. Though re- mote from the great western thoroughfare, Steubenville has become a flourishing place, with an enlightened society. According to Flint, it contained early in 1832,2 printing offices, an academy, market house, woollen factory, cot- ton factory, papier and flour mill ; 27 mercantile stores, an air foundry and other mechanical es- tablishments. There are also 3 churches, 2 banks and several private schools ; 2 weekly papers are published here. Above the market, is a story occupied as a town house. The man- ufactories of this place are generally operated by steam. The surrounding country, on both sides of the Ohio, is rich, and quite populous ; the banks opposite are abrupt, and even pre- cipitous, rising from 400 to 460 ft. above the river. Pop. 1820, 2,539, 1830, 2,937. Steven's r. Caledonia co. Vt., a mill stream which falls into Con. r. at Barnet. Stevensburg, p-v. sthrn. part Culpepper co. Va., 30 ms. n. wstrd. Fredericksbur", and by p-r. 83 ms. s. w. W. C. Stevensburg, p-v. Hardin co. Ky., by p-r. 90 ms. wstrd. Frankfort. Stevensburg, p-v. Hamilton co. Ind., by p-r. 31 ms. nthrd. Indianopolis. Stevensville, p-v. King and Queen co. Va., by p-r. 30 ms. a little n. of e. Richmond, and 130 ms. s. W. C. Stewart co. Ten., bndd. by Montgomery n. E., Dickson s. e.. Humphries s., Ten. r. sepa- rating it from Henry s. w. and w., and from Calloway co. Ky. n. w., on the n. it has Trigg CO. Ky. Length from s. to n. 28 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 560 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 25', and long. W. C. 11° w. intersect near its cen- tre. Cumberland r. enters the extreme estrn. angle, and flowing to the n. w. traverses the CO. in nearly its greatest length. Tennessee r. where forming part of its boundary, also flows to the n. w. ; the general slope is of course in the direction of its two large rivers. Cf. t. Do- ver. Pop. 6,9^8. Stewart's Mills, and p-o. Guilford co. N. C, by p-r. 99 ms. n. w. by w. Raleigh. Stewartstown, p-t. Coos CO. N. H., 150 ms. from Concord, 170 from Portsmouth, and 150 from Portland, with 27,000 acres ; has Conn, r, w., here about 80 yards wide. Little and Great Diamond ponds discharge into a branch of An- droscoggin r., where several brooks flow into Conn. r. There are some hills, the soil is rich on the meadows, and pretty good on the uplands. Pop. 529. Stewartsville, p-v. near the western border of Westmoreland co. Pa., 13 ms. n. w. by w. Greensburg, 19 s. e. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 204 ms. N. w. by w. W. C. Stewartsville, p-v. Richmond co. N. C, by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. Raleigh. Stillwater, p-t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 22 ms. N. Albany, and 10 s. E. Ballston Spa, on the w. side of Hudson r., has Round lake and its outlet on the s. line, is generally level, and traversed by Champlain canal parallel to the r. Here is Bemis Heights, where the battle of Saratoga was fought in 1777. Anthony's kill, the outlet of Round lake, is led off to the Hudson by a short canal, which affords mill seats. At Me- chanicville, in the s. e. corner, are a manufac- tory and several mills. The scenery in the n. is very pleasant, beautifully swelling in fine ridges, the highest of which, and those nearest the Hudson, are Bemis' Heights. Pop. 2,601. Stillwater, p-t. Sussex co. N. J., 78 ms. n. Trenton, has Warren co. s. w., the Blue Hills w., and is crossed in the e. by Pawling's kill, into which flows Swartwout's pond, which lies in this t. Pop. 1,381. Stillwater, p-v. Stillwater, Sussex co. N. J , 76 ms. N. Trenton, and 6 s. w. Newton, on Pawling's kill. m Still Water, r. or creek of 0., is the s. w. STO 508 STO branch of Great Miami, rising in Randolph co. Ind., and Dark co. O., and flowing estrd. over the latter, enters Miami co. O.; inflects to s. s. E. over Miami and Montgomery, and falls into Great Miami a short distance above Dayton, after a comparative course of 50 ms. Still Water, p-v. on the preceding cr., and in the nrthwstrn. angle of Miami co. O., about 15 ms. N. w. Troy, the co. st., and by p-r. 86 ms. a little N. of w. Columbus. Stillwkll, p-v. Perry co. Ten., by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. Stockbridge, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 26 ms. n. w. Windsor, and 36 s. w. Montpelier ; first set- tled 1784, has White r. n. w., which here flows in a very narrow channel, and there are but few mill seats. Pop. 1,333. Stockbridge, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 130 ms. w. Boston, 5 s. Lenox, is divided by Housa- tonic r., on the banks of which are fine mea- dows ; and the scenery is various and beauti. ful, while the soil is generally very productive. Marble and limestone for burning, are quarried here ; and there are several manufactories on the liousatonic, which affords much water pow- er. The V. is beautifully situated, on the n. side of the r. A tract of land 6 ms. sq. was former- ly reserved by the state for a tribe of Indians, amongst whom a mission was established in 1734. They afterwards removed to New Stock, bridge, Oneida co. N. Y., where land was given them by the Oneida Indians; and some of the few survivors have since emigrated to Green Bay and other places. In the last French war, the settlement here was twice attacked by In- dians. Pop. 1,580. Stockbridge Indiana, originally a tribe of the Moheekanuk, or Indians of the race gener- ally spread over New England, and residing at Stockbridge, Mass., afterwards removed to New Stockbridge, Oneida co., and since have nearly all emigrated to Green Bay. They have had missionaries among them many years, and have been in a considerable degree civil- ized. Stockertown, p-v. Northampton co. Pa., 7 ms. above Easton. Stockholm, p-t. St. Lawrence co. N. Y., 30 miles e. Ogdensburg, is watei*jd by several branches of St. Regis r., has a rich soil, and was settled in 1803, from Mass. Pop. 1,944. Stockholm, p-v. Jelferson, Morris co. N. J., 83 ms. N. by e. Trenton, on Pequannock r., at the foot of the Wallkill mtns., and on the bor- ders of Bergen co. Stockport, p-v. situated on the right bank of Del. r., about 3 ms. below the junction of the Coquago and Popachton branches, 20 ms. N. Bethany, the co. St., and by p-r. 291 ms. n. N.E. W.C. Stockton, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y. 6 ms. e. Mayville, has Cosdaga lake e., and part of the outlet, and an undulated surface, with rich val- lies. Pop. 1,605. Stock, tsp. and p-v. Harrison co. O., by p-r. 110 ms. N. E. by e. Columbus. In the direction of letters, care must be taken to write this name, Stock Township ; such is the title in the p-o. list. ^ Stoddard, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 14 miles from Keene, 42 s. s. w. Concord, 20 from Charlestown, and w. Hillsboro' co., with So, 925 acres, is elevated, rocky, and mountainous, with a deep and cold clayey soil, unfavorable to In. dian corn, but good for grazing. Streams rise here, flowing into Conn, and Merrimack rivers. Here are l4 ponds, some of them large. First settled 1769. Pop. 1,159. Stoddard, co. Mo. bndd. by New Madrid co. s., Wayne w.. Cape Girardeau n., and Scott N. E. Length 50 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,000 sq. ms. Lat. 36° 30' to 37° 12', long. W. C. 12° 45' to 14° 20' w. This co. lies principally between the two main branches of St. Francis r., and is in part subject to annual submersion. Stoddartsville, p-v, on a branch of Lehigh r., on the extreme s. estrn. border of Luzerne CO. Pa., on the direct road from Easton on Del. r., to Wilkes-Barre on Susquehannah r., 32 ms. N. w. the former, and 20 s. e. by e. the latter borough. This vil. is situated in a region com- paratively alpine, being elevated 1,384 ft. above the mean level of the Atlantic tides, at lat. 41° 8', long. 1° 14' E. W. C. In regard to relative climate, the elevation of Stoddartsville is equi- valent to at least 3J degrees of lat., placing it abov« 44° 30' when compared with places on the sea coast. Stokeley, p.v. s. wstrn. part Rutherford co. Ten. by p.r. 45 ms. s. e. Nashville. Stokes, co. N. C. bndd. by Rockingham n. E., Guilford s. e., Davidson s., Yadkin r. se. parating it frown Rowan s. w., and from the sthrn. part of Surry w., by the nthrn. part of Surry n. w., and by Patrick co. Va. n. Length from s. to N. 38 ms., mean width 22, and area 836 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 02' to 36° 33', and in long, from 3° 2' to 3 ' 32' w. W. C. Stokes CO. comprises part of a table land, from which the streams are discharged like radii. from the centre of a circle. Bndd. on the s. w. by Yadkin, that river receives in that di. rection a number of creeks from the s, estrn. angle ; the extreme wstrn. sources of Haw r. flow to the s. estrd. Dan r. rising in Patrick CO. Va. sweeps an elliptic curve over the nthrn. part of Stokes and Rockingham, and again into Va. in Pittsylvania co. Surface rather hilly, but soil fertile in grain, pasturage and fruit. Of t. Germantown. Pop. 1820, 14,033 ; 1830, 16,196. Stone Church and p-o. Northampton co. Pa., by p-r. 205 ms. n. e. W. C. Stone Fort, p-v. on one of the extreme higher branches of Duck r. in the northern part of Franklin co. Ten., 10 ms. n. Winches- ter, the CO. seat, and by p-r. 65 ms. s. e. Nash- ville. Stoneham, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 10 ms. N. Boston, is uneven, rocky, with some good soil. Pop. 732. Stonerstown, p-v. on Raysto\vn branch of Juniata r. n. estrn. part of Bedford co. Pa., by p-r. 124 ms. n. w. W. C. Stonesville, p-v. Greenville dist. S. C. by p-r. 128 ms. n. w. Columbia. Stones, r. of Ten. falls into the left side of Cumberland r., a short distance above Nash- ville. Rutherford co. is nearly commensurate with the valley of this stream. STO 509 STR bxoNEY cr., a considerable athrn. branch of Nottaway r., rising in Dinwiddie co. and falling into the Nottaway Sussex. Stoney Creek or Shryock, p-v. on Stoney creek, the North fork of Shenandoah r., and in Shenandoah co. Va., about 8 ms. s. s. vv. Woodstock, the co. St., 35 ms. in a similar direction from Winchester, and 105 a little s. ofw. W. C. Stoney Creek, p-o. on a cr. of that name, a branch of Shenandoah r., s. w. angle of .She- nandoah CO. Va., by p-r. 105 ms. s. w. by w. W.C. Stoney Creek, p-o. on a cr. of the same name in the n. vvstrn. part of Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 81 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Stoney Creek, p.o. n. wstrn. part of Oakland CO. Mich., by p-r. 44 ms. n. w. Detroit. Stone V/all Mills and p-o. s. wstrn. part Buckingham co. Va., by p-r. 108 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond. Stoney Battery, p-v. s. estrn. part New- bury dist. S. C, 10 ms. s. e. Newbury c. h., and by p-r. 36 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia. Stoney Fork, p-o. sthrn. part Montgomery CO. Va. 25 ms. sthrd. Christiansburg, by p-r. 307 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 229 a little s. of w. Richmond. Stoney Point, Haverstraw, Orange co. N. Y., is a high and rocky peninsula, stretching into Hudson r., the channel of which it com- mands, near the head of Haverstraw bay, on which a fort was erected in the revolutionary war, which was taken by storm from the Bri- tish in 1779, in the night, by Gen. Wayne, at the head of American troops. There is now a light-house on its summit, on the site of the old fort. Stoney Point, p-v. northestrn. part Albe- marle CO. Va. 71 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Stoney Point, p-v. wstrn. part. Iredell co. N. C. 14 ms. westerly Statesville, the co. st., and by p-r. 160 ms. in a similar direction from Ra- leigh. Stoney Point, p-v. Abbeville dist. S. C. by p-r. 100 ms. westerly Columbia. Stoney Point, Mills and p-o. sthwstrn. part Cumberland co. Va. by p-r. 61 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Stonington, p-t. and borough, New London CO. Conn. 12 ms. e. New London, 55 s. e. Hart- ford, and 62 e. New Haven ; it has Pawcatuck river e., which is the boundary of Rhode Isl- and, Fisher's island soimd, and Pawcatuck bay s. and Mystic r. w. The surface is uneven, but the soil, though rough and stoney, is favorable to grazing, &c. It has a harbor, whence a con- siderable amount of business is carried on, par- ticularly sealing in the Pacific ocean, and fish- ing on the coast. Ten sealing vessels, wholly or partly owned here, brought in, in 1831, skins worth $100,000. It was first settled in 1658, from Rehoboth, Mass. On the 9th of Aug., ] 814, the borough was bravely defended by the inhabitants, against an attack from a British squadron of one 74, a frigate, an 18 gun ship, and a bomb vessel. Pop. 3,397. Storey's Mills and p.o. wstrn. part Jackson CO. Geo. by p-r. 114 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. Stoughsxown, P-v. Cumberland co. Pa. 13 ms. 65 s. w. by w. Carhsle, and 3l in a eimilar direc- tion from Harrisburg. Stoughton, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass. 17 ms. s. Boston, gives rise to the head waters of Nepon. set r., and was formerly the residence of some Christian Indians, who removed from Dorches. ter. There is some manufacturing carried on here. Pop. 1,591. Stow, p-t. Washington co. Vt. 15 ms. n. w. Montpelier. Pop. 1,570. Stow, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass. 30 ms. n. w. Boston, has a surface but little elevated, with sandy plains, and very ordinary soil on the up. lands. Pop. 1,220. Stow, p-v. Portage co. O. by p-r. 120 ms. n. E. Columbus. ■ Stow Creek, t. Cumberland co. N. J. 55 ms. s. s. w. Trenton, is a small t. with Stow cr. n. \v., which divides it from Salem co. and New- port cr., its tributary, s. There is a swampy tract along the stream.s. Pop. 79 1 . Stowesville, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C. by p-r. 165 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Stoy'stown, p-v. on the great vvstrn. road from Phil, to Pittsburg, 28 ms. westerly Bedford, 11 N. e. the borough of Somerset, and by p-r. 155 ms. N. w. by av. W. C, and 133 w. Harrisburg. Straeana, p-v. estrn. part Lenoir co. N. C, by p-r. 92 ms. s. e. by e. Raleigh, Strafford co. N. H., fendd. by Coos co. n., the state of Maine e., Rockingham co. s. and s. vv., andPemigevvasset r. w., which separates it from Grafton and Hillsboro' cos., and Grajton CO. N. w., 33 ms. by 63 greatest dimensions, with 1,345| sq. ms. The mtns. are Chocorna, Sandwich, Osipee, Effingham, Gunstock,Moose, &c. Red-hill, between Winnipiseogee and Squam lakes, commands one of the finest views in the country. There are several smaller lakes, and Merrymeeting, Long and Great bays connected with Winnipiseogee lake. The principal rivers are Piscataqua, Salmon Falls, Saco, Cocheco and Swift rs. The soil, as well as the surface, is very various, but generally good, and productive when well cultivated. There are many manufactories of cotton and woollen. Dover is a considerable manufactur- ing town. There are several incorporated academies in different towns. The first settle- ment was made in the co. in 1623 at Dover, and the second at Portsmouth in the same year. The CO. was formed m 1771. Dover andGuil. ford are shire towns. Pop. 1820, 51, 1 17, 1830, 58,910. Strafford, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 25 ms. from Concord, 15 from Dover, and 56 from Boston, has Bow pond s. which flows into Isin. glass r., and several other small ponds. The Blue hills cross the n. w. part. The soil is gen- erally good. Pop. 2,201. Strafford, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 30 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 30 n. Windsor, stands on a branch of Ompompanoosuc r., affords abundance of dis- integrated pyrites, from which large quantities of copperas are manufactured. Pop. 1,935. Strasburg, p-v. Lancaster co. Pa., on a branch of Pecquea cr., 8 ms. s. e. by e. the city of Lancaster, and 55 ms. w. Phil. Strasburg, p-v. nthrn. part Shenandoah co. Va., on the road from Woodstock to Winches. STR 510 SUF ter, 15 ms. n. e. the former, 22 s. w. the latter place, and by p-r. 89 w. W. C. Strasburg, p-v. sthrn. part Fairfield co. 0., by p-r, 37 ms. s. s. k. Columbus. Stratford, r. or Housatonic r. rises in Berk- shire CO. Mass., crosses Conn, and empties into Long Island sound between Milford and Strat- ford. Stratford, p-t. Coos co. N. H., 133 ms. n. Concord, has a broad and valuable tract of meadows on the e. bank of Conn. r. The e. and N. parts are mountainous, with cold and rocky or gravelly soil. The peaks in this town a-e conspicuous from a distance. Nash's stream, Bog brook, &c. water the town. Pop. 443. Stratford, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn. 13 ms. s. w. New Haven, has Housatonic r. e., and Long Island sound s,, with a level surface, few stones, and a very rich alluvial tract of mead- ows on the river and harbor. Shad and shell fish are taken in abundance, and there is coast- ing trade. The borough of Bridgeport is on the w. side of a small arm of the sound, forming a harbor. A draw bridge crosses it, through which sloops can pass. A natural canal con- nects this harbor with Housatonic river which might be made more useful to navigation. Fop. 1,814. Stratford, t. Montgomery co. N. Y. 15 ms. N. w. Johnstown, occupies the n. w. corner of the CO. having Hamilton co. n., and Herkimer CO. w. It has much marshy ground and many hills, with a poor soil, bearing evergreens. Pop. 552. Stratham, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H. 39 ms. from Concord, 3 from Exeter, 51 from Boston, on the F,. side of the W. branch of Piscataqua r., N. of Piscataqua bay, and is about 8 ms. from the ocean. The soil is good. There is a large peat swamp e. Pop. 939. Strather's Mills and p-o. nthrn. part Fayette CO. Geo., by p-r. 119 ms. n. w. by w. Milledge- ville. Stratton, t. Windham co. Vt., 18 ms. n. e. Bennington. 22 n. w. Brattleboro' ; was settled from Mass. It gives rise to Bald mtn., a branch of West r. H., which furnishes mill sites, and to Deerfield r. w. Holman's and Jones's ponds, each of about 100 acres, discharge in different directions. Pop. 312. Strattonsville, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa., by p-r. 249 ms. n. w. W, C. Strawntown, p-v. on Tohiccon cr.,nthwstrn. part Bucks co. Pa. 40 ms. a little w. of n. Phil, and 20 s. Easton. Streetsboro', p-v. Portage co. O., by p-r. 134 ms. N. e. Columbus. Strickersville, p-v. Chester co. Pa., by p-r. 99 ms. N. E. W. C. Strong, t. Somerset co. Me., 24 ms. h. w. Norridgewock, has Kennebec co. on the s. line, is crossed by Sandy r., and has a pond on the E. boundary, which flows into Seven-Mile ' brook. This town is quite hilly on the s. Pop. 985. Strongsville, p-v. Cuyahoga co, O., by p-r. 123 ms. K. E. Columbus. Stroudsburg, p-v. in the forks of Broadhead's cr., and in the northestrn. part Northampton ,co. Pa., 3 ms. w. Del. Water gap, and 23 ms. n. Easton. It is built on one long street, and is the third village in size in the co. Strykersville. (See Strieker sville, Ches- ter CO. Pa.) Stumpstown, p-v. nthrn. part Lebanon co. Pa., 8 ms. 'n. Lebanon borough, and by p-r. 29 ms. N. e. by E, Harrisburg. Sturbridge, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 70 ma. s. w. Boston, 22 s. w. Worcester, in the s. w. corner of the co., having Hampden co. w., and Conn. 6., is crossed by Quinnebaug r. and oth- er streams, and has several manufactories, with a large supply of water power. The surface is rough, the soil rocky and hard to cultivate. Pop. 1,685. Sturgeon Bay. This sheet of water extends from the sthestrn. part of Green Bay, Brown CO. Mich, and in a sthestrn. direction, about 20 ms. reaching within 1 mile of lake Mich, and nearly insulating a point of 50 miles in length, which extending thence n. n. e. separates the body of Green Bay from lake Michigan. (See cape Townsend.) Sturgeonville, p-v. nthestrn. part Brunswick CO. Va., by p-r. 60 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. Stuyvesant, t. Columbia co. N. Y., 12 ms. N. Hudson, has Hudson r. w. ; contains Kinder- hook landing, and is crossed s. e. by Kinder, hook cr., which forms the boundary in the s. w. Pop. 2,331. SuBLETT's Tavern and p-o. eastern part Pow- hatan CO. Va., 23 ms. s. w. Richmond. Success, t. Coos co. N. H., 143 ms. from Concord, w. Maine ; contains 2 or 3 ponds, and several mtns., and gives rise to Narmarcunga- wack and Live rs. Pop. 14. SucKASUNNY, p-v. Morris co. N. J., 63 ms.>N. by E. Trenton, 10 n. w. Morristown, on Sucka. sunny plain, has some large iron mines in the vicinity, particularly Dickerson's, which yields excellent ore in great quantities. The opening of the Morris canal offers great advantages for transportation. Sudbury, p-t. Rutland co. Vt., 47 miles s. Burlington, 65 n. Bennington, and 43 s. w. Montpelier ; was settled from Connecticut. Ot- ter cr. touches it e. There are several ponds and small streams ; the surface is uneven, with a rich soil. It is crossed by a ridge of high land. In the w. is a small v. Pop. 812. Sudbury, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 20 ms. w. Boston, has Concord r. on the e. boundary, and is crossed by one of its branches. First settled 1635. In 1676 a party of 70 men under Captain Wadsworth, were ambushed here by 500 Indians, who killed 26 of them, and took most of the others. A monument of this event is 1 mile s. of the chufch. Pop. 1,423. Sudler's Gross Roads, and p-o, northern part Queen Ann co. Md., on the road from Centre- ville to Elkton, 45 ms. a little s. of e. Balti- more, and by p-r. 47 n. e. by e. Annapolis. Suffiei.d, p-t. Hartford co. Conn., 17 ms. n. Hartford, and 10 s. Springfield ; has the bound- ary of Mass, on the n. line, and Conn, river e. ; about 5 ms. by S ; has a variety of soil and sur- face, and a beautiful village, the princijial street of which IS long, broad and straight, running n. and b. on the ridge of a fine hill, which slopes SUG 511 SUL gradually e. towards the river, which is 2 ms. distant, and commands a view over a diversifi- ed country. The sum of ^10,000 lias recently been raised, half of the amount in this town, for the purpose of establishing a high school here upon the manual labor system ; to be called, the Conn. Baptist Literary Institution. In the N. w. are part of the Greenstone mountainous range, and part of two Southwick ponds. There is a spring, called Suffield pool, near the s. line, impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gus, where a house of entertainment has been erected. There are several manufactories in this t. Pop. 2,690. Suffolk, co. Mass., bndd. by Middlesex co. N. and w., Massachusetts and Boston bays e., and Boston bay and a small part of Norfolk co. s. It is the smallest county in the state, but the most important, embracing Boston and Chelsea. It was incorporated in 1643. (See Boston and Chelsea, Mass.) Pop. 1820, 43,940, 1830, 62,- 163. Suffolk., co., N. Y. comprises about 2-3ds of Long Island, and is bndd. by Long Island sound K., the Atlantic E. and s., and w, by Queens co. ; IS 83 ms. by 20 J, greatest dimensions, contains about 798 sq. ms., and includes several islands, the most remote of which is Fisher's isl. on the Conn, coast. It contains 9 tsps. and Great, South, and Drowned Meadow bays, and seve- ral smaller ones on the south side. Suffolk is the St. jus. The points, coves, &c. are nume- rous. The principal isls. are Long, Gardiner's, Shelter, Plumb, Great.Hog-Neck, Robins', &c. The surface is broken n., and more level in the middle and s., where are extensive, and almost barren plains, and mucii salt marsh, with abun- dance of pine, which is sent in great quantities to New York. Salt is made by evaporation on the Atlantic shore, and there is a considerable number of coasting vessels employed. At Sag Harbor is a port of entry, a considerable village, and foreign trade and whaling. A light house was erected on Montauk point, the e. extremity of Long Island, in 1796. There are light houses also on Eaton's neck, Old Field point, and Little Gull isl. The first settlement was made in 1640 at Southold. Most of the first inhabitants came from New England. Pop. 1820, 24,756, 1830, 26,780. Suffolk, p-v. and st. jus. Nansemond co. Va., on the right bank of Nansemond r., 28 ms. n. w. by w. Norfolk, and by p-r. 102 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond, and 224 a little e. of s. W. C. Lat. 36° 43', long. 8° 27' e. W. G. Sugar Creek, p-v. Crawford co. Pa., 12 ms. s. E. by E. Meadville, and by p-r. 29 1 ms. n. w. W. C. Sugar cr. This name is applied to several creeks of the U. S., and beside others of lesser note, one of Boone, Montgomery and Park cos. Ind. This stream by a s. w. by w. course of 60 ras. falls into Wabash r. in the wstrn. part of Parke co. Sugar creek is also the name of a small nthm. branch of Sangamon r. II. This stream rises in McLean and Tazewell cos., and thence entering Sangamon co. loses its name in that of Salt cr. {See arts. Salt cr. and San- gamon r., Sugar cr, Huron, and also Peektano and Rockrs.) Sugar cr., stream in the state of Illinois and of Huron territory, the main ntbrn. confluent of Peektano, branch of Rock r. Sugar cr. or more correctly river, rises in Huron near the sthrn. side of Ouisconsin r. flows in 2 branches by a general sthrn. course about 45 ms. to their junction, 2 or 3 ms. above the nthm. boundary of II., bending thence s. e. enters II., and unites with the Peektano, after an entire comparative course of 60 ms. It drains the space between Gooskehawn and Peektano rs. Sugar Creek, p-v. on a cr.of the same name, Hancock co. Ind,, 15 ms. s. Indianopolis. Sugar Creek, p-v. nthrn. part Sangamon co. II., 23 ms. N. of Springfield, the co. seat, and by p-r. 65 ms. n. n. w. Vandalia. Sugar Grovh, p-v. nthrn. part Warren co. Pa., 14 ms. N. w. Warren, the co. seat, and by P-r. 327 ms. n. w. W. C. Sugar Grove, p-v. Putnam co. Ohio, by p-r. 148 ms. N. w. Columbus. Sugar Lake, and p-o. Crawford co. Pa., by p-r. 307 ms. n. w. W. C. Sugar Loaf, p-v. nthrn. part Columbia co. Pa., 91 ms. N. Harrisburg. Sugar Tree, p-v. Pittsylvania co. Va., 20 ms. s. wstrd. Competition or Pittsylvania c. h., and by p-r. 280 ms. s. s. w. W. C, and 187 s. w. by w. Richmond. Sugar Valley, p-v. Centre co. Pa., by p-r. 210 ras. N. w. W. C. Suggsville, p-v. Clark co, Ala., by p-r. 159 ms. s. Tuscaloosa. Sullivan, p-t. Hancock co. Me., 30 ms. e. Castine, 93 e. Augusta ; has Hog and Taunton bays, and an arm of Frenchman's bay s. w. and w. A bridge, 1,400 ft. long, crosses Hog bay to Hancock. Pop. 538. Sullivan, co. N. H., bndd. by Grafton co. n., Merrimack co. e., Cheshire co. s., and Conn. r. w. which separates it from Vermont. Sugar r. which rises partly in Sunapee lake, on the bor- ders of Merrimack ec, flows w. into Conn, r., and there are several other streams. It was incorporated in 1827. Pop. 19,669. Sullivan, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 42 miles from Concord, and 6 from Keene ; has Ashue- lot r. s., but no very striking natural features. Pop. 557. Sullivan, co. N. Y., bndd. by Delaware co. N., Ulster CO. e., Orange co. s., and Delaware r. w., which separates it from Pennsylvania ; has a broken surface, with fertile vallies, several ponds or small lakes, and Navesink, Mongaup, Collakoon, Beaver, Willivemock, and Ten Mile ers. In the t. of Thompson are 3 large tanne- ries ; this is the cf. t. and st. jus. Pop. 1820, 8,900 ; 1830, 12,364. Sullivan, p-t, Madison co. N. Y., 129 ms. n. w, Albany, has Oneida lake n., and Onondaga CO. w. ; first settled about 1798. It is hilly s. and level n. ; watered by Canasaraga and Chit- teningo crs., which furnish good mill seats. Much gypsum is found he*re, as well as iron ore, limestone and water lime. Pop. 4,077. Sullivan, p-v. Tioga co. Pa,, by p-r, 142 ms. a little w. of N. Harrisburg. Sullivan, one of the n. estrn. cos. of Ten., bndd. by Carter e. and s. k,, Washington a., Hawkins w,, Scott co. of Va. n. w., and Waah- SUM 512 SUP ington CO. of Va. n. e. Length 43 ms., mean width 12, and area 516 sq. nis. Extending in lat. from 36° 22' to 36° 35', and in long, from 40 48' to 5° 30' w. W. C. The declivity is wstrd., and traversed by the main or middle branch of Holston. This stream enters the n. estrn. angle of the co., flows s. w. 25 ms., re- ceives the Watauga from the e., and inflecting to the N. w., unites with the North fork of Hol- ston on the border between SuUivan and Haw. kins COS. It is a mountainous tract. Of. t. Blountsville. Pop. 1820, 7,015; 1830, 10,073. Sullivan, p-v. Iredell co, N. C, by p-r. 160 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Sullivan, p-v. Lorain co. O., by p-r. 101 ms. N. N. E. Columbus. Sulphur Springs, p-o. Union co. Ky., by p-r. 210 ms. a little s. of w. Frankfort. SuMMERFiELU, p-v. Monroe co. 0., by p-r. 112 ms. estrd. Columbus. SuMMERFiELD, p-v. Guilford CO. N. C. SuMMERViLLE. (See Somerville, seat jus., Fayette co. Ten.) SuMMEiisviLLE, p-v. and St. jus. Nicholas co. Va., on a branch of Gauley r., by p-r. 310 ms. s w by w, W. C, and 268 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Lat. 38° 19', long. 3° 47' w. W. C. Summit, p-t, Schoharie co. N. Y., 16 ms. w. Schoharie, has Otsego and Delaware cos. w., and is elevated, with a few streams which flort? into the Susquehannah. Pop. 1,733. Summit Bridge, and p-o.. New Castle co Del. 17 ms. s. w. Wilmington, 33 a little w. of N. Dover, and by p-r. 112 ms. n. e. W. C. The bridge which heads this article extends over the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, at the Deep Cut through the summit level, between the wa- ters of Chesapeake and Delaware bays. Sumner, p-t. Oxford co. Me., 6 ms. n. e. Pa. ris, 44 w. Augusta ; has several ponds, and is crossed by a small tributary of Androscoggin r. Pop. 1,098. Sumner, co. Ten. bndd. by Smith e., Cum- berland r. separating it from Wilson s,, Mans- coes cr., separating it from Davidson s. w., by Robertson v^., Simpson co. of Ky. n. w., and by Allen CO. of Ky. n. e. Length diagonally from s. w. to N, E. 40 ms., mean width 16, and area 640 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 12' to 36° 37', and in long, from 9° 08' to 9° 42' w. W. C. Sumner occupies a part of the table land between Cumberland and Big Barren, branch of Green river, the two declivities falling from each other in a northern and southern direction. Surface waving rather than hilly. Soil excel- lent. Cf.t. Gallatin. Pop. 1820, 19,211, 1830, 20,569. Sumnersville, p-v. Gates co. N. C, by p-r. 152 ms. N. E. by e. Raleigh. SuMNEYTOwN, p-v, Montgomery co. Pa., by p-r. 30 ms. northwestward Phil. Sumpter, dist., S. C, bndd. e. and s. e. by Williamsburg, s. by Santee v., separating it from Charleston, Santee r. s. w., separating it from Orangeburg, Wateree river w. separating it from Richland, Kershaw district n. w., and Lynches cr. separating it from Darlington n. e. Length northwardly from Santee r, to thenorth- Grn angle 62 ms., mean width 20, and area 1,240 sq. ma. Extending in lat. from 33° 23' to 34° 17', and in long, from 2° 51' to 3° 38' w. W. C, The central part is drained by Black r., flowing similar to Santee and Lynches rs., in a south, eastwardly direction. Cf. t. Sumpterville. Pop. 1820, 25,369, 1830, 28,277. Sumpterville, p-v, and st. jus. Sumpter dis- trict, S. C, situated between the branches of Black river, 44 ms. a little s. of e. Columbia, and by p-r. 481 ms. s. s. w. W. C. n. lat. 33° 53', long. 3° 22' w. W. C. Sumrall's Church, and p-o. Perry co. Mis- sissippi, about 140 ms. s. e. by e. Natdiez. Sunepee, lake, Hillsborough and Sullivan cos. N. H. ; li ms. by 9 ; discharges w. by Sugar r. The centre is in lat. 43° 22'. The level is more than 820 ft. above Connecticut and Mer- rimack rs. SuNBURY, p-v., borough, and st. jus. North, umberland co. Pa., on the left bank of Susque- hannah r., on the point above the mouth of Shamokin cr., 2 ms. below the borough of Northumberland, and the junction of the two main branches of Susquehannah r. Lat. 40° 53', long, 0° 10' E. W, C. It is distant 52 ms. N. Harrisburg, and by p-r. 162 ms. a very little E. of N. W. C. SuNBURY, p-v. and seaport, on Medway river, Liberty co. Geo., 10 ms. e. Riceboro', the co. seat, and by p-r. 212 ms. s. e. by e. Milledge- ville. Lat. 31° 45', long. 4° 22' w. W. C. It stands about 8 ms. above the open ocean. The harbor is wide, but is defended on the sea side by the northern point of Saint Catharine's isl. It is the seat of an academy. SuNBURY, p-v. Gates co. N. C, by p-r. 160 ms. N. E.by E. Raleigh. SuNBURY, p-v. southeastern part Delaware co. Ohio, by p-r. 22 ms. n. n. e. Columbus. SuNcooK, r. N. H., rises in a pond near the top of one of the Suncook mtns. 900 ft. high. After receiving several branches, it enters the Merrimack between AUenstown and Pem- broke. Sunderland, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 15 ms. N. E. Bennington, 87 s. w. Montpelier ; first set- tled 1765 ; has Battenkill river n. w., on which are fine meadows, and Roaring brook e. Lead ore is found here. Pop. 463. Sunderland, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 90 ms. w. Boston, has Connecticut r. on the w. boun- dary, parallel to which lies the principal street of the V. A large tract of meadows borders that stream. Mount Toby is near the line of this t., and Leverett. The minerals are vari- ous. Pop. 666. SuNFiSH, p-o. on a cr. of the same name, fall- ing into Ohio r., northeastern part Monroe co. Ohio. Sunkhase, plantation, Penobscot co. Me, — a P-O. in the vil. Pop. 250. Superior, Lake, the largest unbroken aggre- gate of fresh water on the earth, and the most extensive and most elevated of those lakes call- ed by pre-eminence " The Five Great Lakes of Canada." It may indeed be regarded as the immense fountain reservoir of St. Lawrence r. Before proceeding to a notice of its features, we observe, that a very erroneous and exag- gerated idea of this lake prevails, in regard to its extent, relatively to that of the Caspian. SUR 513 sus Carefully measured on several maps, English, French and American, the Caspian is found to be 700 ms. in length, from the coast of Mazan- derin in Persia, to that between the mouths of the Wolga, and Ural rivers, in Russia ; and with all its bays included, it will fully average 200 ms. wide, thus showing an area of 140,000 sq. ms. This superficies is equal to a square of nearly 375 ms. each side. The longest line that can be drawn over Lake Superior, is from Montreal Point on the e., to the bottom of Ford du Lac on the w., nearly along n. lat. 47°, length 380 ms. The widest part is about along the line of long, from W. C 10° w., 165 ms. ; but the mean width is fully estimated at 80 ms. ; and consequently the area comes out 30,400 sq. ms. Lake Superior is, from these comparative elements, as 3 to 14 when contrasted with the Caspian. It is, however, probable, that from the shallowness of the Caspian, and great depth of Lake Superior, that the latter contains as much, if not more water than the former. Ex- tending from lat. 46° 30' to 49° n. and being elevated 640 feet above the mean level of the Atlantic ocean, the winter climate over Lake Superior is very severe ; and the shores being in many places rock bound, and in others shoal- ly, the navigation at all seasons dangerous, is suspended by frost fully half the year. Beside the sea-like surface of Lake Superior, a land area of about 60,000 sq. ms. is drained into it by innumerable rs. That part of this inland basin comprised in the U. S., curving from the straits of St. Mary to Grand Portage r., 600 ms., with a mean width of 70 ms., comprises an area of 42,000 sq. ms. The great mass of wa- ter flowing from this vast reservoir, is poured down the straits of St. Mary into Lake Huron. From the aspect of its shores, it is evident that the mean surface of Lake Superior is depress- ing ; though it is impossible it can ever drain out, as a very large part of its extent has a depth below the surface of the Atlantic ocean. SuRGOiNsviLLE, p-v. on Holston r., Hawkins CO. Ten., 76 ms. above and n. e. by e. Knox- ville, 11 ms. n. e. Rogersville, the co. st., and by p-r. 274 a little n. of e. Nashville. Surry, p-t. Hancock co. Me., 18 ms. n. e. Castine, 87 w. by n. Augusta ; has Union r. e., Newbury neck s. e. stretching into it, and 2 or 3 large ponds which are connected, and divide the town near the middle. Pop. 561. Surry, t., Cheshire co. N. H., 54 ms. from Concord ; is crossed by Ashuelot r., which has valuable meadows on its banks. East of this stream is a pond of three acres, 25 ft. deep, on the summit of a mtn. First settled 1764. Pop. 539. Surry, co. Va., bndd. by Isle of Wight co. E. and s. E., Southampton s., Blackwater river, separating it from Sussex s. w.. Prince George w. and N. w., and James r. separating it from Charles City n. w., and James City n. and n. e. Length and breadth nearly equal, or 18 ms., area 324 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 50' to 37° 11', and in long, from 0° 19' e. to 0° 08' w. W. C. The sthrn. and western part of Surry slopes to the southeastward, and is drain- ed into Blackwater r. ; the northeastern part declines in that direction towards James r. Cf. t. Surry c. h. Pop. 1820, 6,594, 1830, 7,>09. Surry, co. N. C, bndd. by Stoke n. e., Yad- kin, separating it from the sthrn. part of Stokes s. E., Rowan s., Iredell s. w., Wilkes w., the Blue Ridge, separating it from Ashe n. w. and Grayson and Patrick cos. of Va. n. Length from s. to N. 33 ms., mean width 22, and area 726 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 04' to 36° 33', and in long, from 3° 26' to 3° 58' w. W. C. This CO. is divided into two very nearly equal sections by Yadkin r. which traverses it in a direction a little n. of e. Both sections are drained by crs. falling into Yadkin. The general declivity estrd. ; surface broken, and in part mountainous, with much excellent soil. Cf. ts. Rockford and Huntsville. Pop. 1820, 12,320 ; 1830, 14,501. SiTRRY, c. h., p-v. and st. jus. Surry co. Va., by p-r. 60 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond, and 183 a very little e. of s. W. C. Surveyorsville, p-v. Mecklenburg co. N. C.,. by p-r. 136 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. SusQUEHANNAH, r. of N. Y., Pa., and Md. Obeying the correct principles of physical ge- ography, Chesapeake bay ought to be regarded- as the continuation of Susquehannah river, but custom has restricted the name to that part of the r. above tide water. Under the articles Chesapeake, James r., Potomac, &c. the lower part of the basin will be found noticed in this- treatise ; the present article will be restricted' to a survey of Susquehannah proper. Mea- sured by the rhombs on Tanner's United States, the valley of Susquehannah above the head of Chesapeake bay comes out 28,600 sq. ms.. Extending in lat. from 39° 33' to 42° 55', and in long, from 2° 25' e, to 1° 50' w. W. C. A small fraction of about 350 sq. ms. comprising the lower part of this valley is in Md. Above lat. 42°, and in the state of N. Y. spreads 7,600 sq. ms. drained bj'' the two nthrn. branches and their numerous confluents. But the main part of the valley, comprising 20,650 sq. ms., lies within and forms the ceirtral and upwards of four tenths of the whole state of Pa. The Sus- quehannah is formed by two main branches called, with some inconsistency, the nthrn. and wstrn. branches. The nthrn. and principal branch rises in Otsego co. N. Y., in two con. fluents, the Unadilla and Chenango. The ex- treme nthrn. sources of the Unadilla rise with- in less than 5 ms. of the Mohawk r. at the Little Falls, but other sources rise from the Catsberg mtns. opposite those of the Scho- harie, flow generally to the southwestward, unite between Delaware and Chenango cos., and turning southward approach to within 12 miles of the Coquago branch of Del., enters Pa., and curving to the w. and thence n. w. over Susquehannah county, enters N. York, receiving the Chenango at Binghampton in Broome county, and winding over Broome and Tioga by an elliptic curve, gradually as- sumes a sthwstrn. course and again returns into Pa., about 3 ms. within which it receives the Tioga branch from the n. w. The Tioga or Chemung is composed of 3 branches, the Tioga proper, Canisteo, and Conhocton. The Tioga r. rises in and drains the nrthrn. part of Tioga SUB 514 sus CO. Pa., and flowing northward enters Steuben CO. N. Y., within which it first receives the Ca- niateo from the westward, and next the Conhoc- ton from the n. w. The two latter drain the larger part of Steuben co., on the eastern side of which, as has been stated, they unite with the Tioga. The river thus formed, assuming the name of Tioga, flows a little e. of s. e., en- ters Pa., and joining the Susquehannah at Ath. ens, or Tioga Point, the now large stream turns to nearly due s. In the latter direction it flows about 5 ms., gradually inclining eastward to the mouth of Towanda cr., 10 ms. farther to the nrthwstrn. limit of the Appalachian system. This higher section of the Susquehannah val- ley presents some very remarkable features. The sources interlock on the w. with those of Alleghany branch of O., on tlie n. w. with those of Genesee, on the w. with those of Seneca, n. E. with those of Mohawk and Schoharie, and e. with those of the Delaware. Spreading like the head of a tree along a line of 170 ms. on the secondary formation, the declivity of the plain not from, but directly towards, an exten- sive system of mtns. affording a decisive proof that the Appalachian system does not form the dividing ridge of the water courses of the Uni- ted States. When the Susquehannah has reach- ed the mountain base, it has drained upwards of 8,000 sq. ms. and is a large navigable river. The country above the mtns. is in general com- posed of high but rounded hills, and deep fer- tile valleys. The rivers are rapid in their cour- ses, but without direct falls. There is another circumstance in the natural features and rela- tive connection of the upper Susquehannah val- ley, which deserves particular notice. The mean water level at Tioga Point is 723 ft. above the Atlantic ocean, and from the latter point to Newton, or Elmira on Tioga r., the rise is 103, giving to the water level afNewton a compara- tive elevation of 826 ft. Though the hills are very high in the vicinity of Newton, there is a natural valley stretching from the Tioga north- wards to the head of Seneca lake. The middle ground, or summit level of this valley is only 59 ft. above the Tioga r., but falls so rapidly toward Seneca as to have a descent into that lake of 445 ft. in 10 or 11 ms. The summit level is 885 ft. above the ocean, but is the low- est gap in the Appalachian system, admitting a canal to be formed southward from the valley of the Mohawk to lower Georgia. A single glance at a map of this physical region will serve to exhibit the singular natural navigable facilities afforded by the depression of the sum- mit level of the vallies betv/een them, and the approximation of the lakes of the St. Lawrence basin, to the nthrn. streams of that of Susque- hannah. After its entrance into the mtns. the Susquehannah flows about 50 ms, to the s. k. by a direct comparative course, but with a very sinuous and obstructed channel, to its entrance into Wyoming valley, at the mouth of Lacka- wannock r. Here this stream bends nearly at right angles, and ^gain by a channel of about 70 ms. comparative course s. w., winds its way down the mountain vallies to the entrance of the West branch at the borough of Northumberland. The West branch is entirely a river of Fa., having its most remote western fountain in In- diana, but deriving sources in a line of 80 ms. from Cambria, Clearfield, and McKean cos. The general course of the confluents is estrd. by comparative courses 150 ms. on the western secondary formation, to where it passes the main Appalachian chain between Williams- port and Pennsboro', thence bends to nearly due s. 25 ms. to its junction with the nthrn. branch, as already stated. Canals have been designed along both branches, and their routes partially designated. The main trunk is to leave the traverse division of the Pa. canal at Duncan's isl. near the mouth of the Juniata, and follow the Susquehannah valley to the N. Y. line, distance 204 ms. with a rise of 423 ft. The West branch trunk commences at North- umberland, and follows the valley of the latter stream 70 ms. to Dunstown, at the mouth of Ea- gle cr., rise 109 ft. Entire elevation of water level at Dunstown 540 ft. Tlie two principal branches having united between the boroughs of Northumberland and Sunbury, assumes a course of a little w. of s. 40 ms. to the influx of Juniata, from the wstrd. (See Juniata.) Aug- mented by the last of its large tributaries, the Susquehannah inflects to s. e. 80 ms., receiving from the right Sherman's, Conedogwinet, Yel- low-Breeches, Conewago, Codorus, and Deer crs., and from the left Swatara, Conestoga, Pe- quea, and Octoraro, with numerous smaller streams, finally is lost in Chesapeake bay, after falling over the lower primitive ledge of the Appalachian system. Viewing the entire valley of Susquehamiah, we have before us some very remarkable features of the physical geo- graphy of the U. S. This great stream, deriv- ing its most remote sources from the wstrn. secondary, both in N. Y. and Pa., and in the course of its great confluents the main volume traversing obliquely the whole Appalachian system at the widest part, presents no one di. rect fall of sufficient pitch to prevent navigation. In reality the mountain chains stretch along, the declivity of the Susquehannah valley. With innumerable partial windings, the large, and even many of the smaller streams, flow in chan- nels which pursue the mountain valleys in the general direction of the chains, or traverse the latter at right angles. This gives a striking physiognomy to the courses of the rivers which can only be understood by a view of a good map. In its course the Susquehannah tra- verses also all the great formations of the earth. Rising on the horizontal.or as technically denom- inated, the secondary or floetz, and breaking im- mense gaps through the mtns. of transition and primitive rocks, makes its final exit on the inner margin of sea sand alluvion. The relative height of the extremes of this valley deserve particular notice, as element in a theory of its climate. Re- jecting the mtn. ridges, the arable soil beyond the principal spine of the Appalachian system, is from 600 to perhaps 1,200 ft., the mean height rather less than a mean term of the extremes of elevation, affording as has been however shown, a valley from the Atlantic to the St. Lawrence lakes, in its highest part faUing below 900 ft.. The mineral productions of the Susquehannah valley yet explored, have amongst numerous SUT 515 SUW other specimens, presented immense masses of iron ore and fossil coal. The former even more widely disseminated than the latter. {See articles Juniata and Pennsylvania.) SusQUEHANNAH, CO. Pa,, bndd. by Wayne co. E., Luzerne s., Bradford vv., and Broome co. of N. Y. N. Length 35 ms. from e. to w., width 25, and area 875 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 41° 40' to 42", and in long, from 6° 50' to 1° 32' E. W. C. The nthrn. branch of Susque- hannah r. enters and again retires from the nthrn. border of this co., and hence by a curve of 80 ms. again approaches the s. w. angle to within one mile. Thus encircling the co. on three sides and receiving its numerous crs. like radii from a common centre. The surface is hilly and broken, but soil excellent. Cf. t. Montrose. Pop. 1820, 996, 1830, 16,677. Sussex, co. N. J., the n. co. of the state, bndd. by N. Y. state n. e., Bergen and Morris cos. s. E., Warren co. s. w., and Delaware r. n. w., is hilly and mountainous, with many good dairy farms, and well tilled land near Del. r., abounds in valuable iron mines. It is the highest land in the state ,and gives rise to V/allkillcr. of Hud- son r , Pequannock r., Pequest cr., and Paulins kill of the Del., and has the whole course of Flatt kill. Hopatung pond, which supplies the summit level of Morris canal, is on the s. e. bound. The Blue mtns. cross the n. w. part parallel to Del. r., between it and which flows Flat kill. Cf.t. Newton. Pop. 1820, 32,752, 1830, 20,346. Sussex, southernmost co. of the state of Del., bndd. N. by Kent CO. Del., n. e. by Del. bay, e. by the Atlantic, s. by Worcester co. Md., s. w. by Somerset Md., w. by Dorchester, Md., and N. w. by Caroline, Md. Length from w. to e. 35 ms., mean width 25, and area 875 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 27' to 38° 58', and in long, from l'? 14' to 1° 58' e. W. G. Though the surface of this co, is level and in part marshy, it is nevertheless a table land, from which flow s. westwardly the sources of Nantikoke r., sonthwardh'' those ofPocomoke, eastwardlythe various confluents of Rehoboth bay, and n. estrd. creeks falling into Del. bay. Cf ts. Georgetov/n and Lewis. Pop. 1820, 24,057, 1830, 27,115. Sussex, co. of Va., bndd, by Southampton s. E. and s., by Greensville s. w., Dinwiddie w., Prince George n, w., Blackwater r., separating it from a part of Surry n. , and by the sthrn. angle of Surry n.e. Length from s. w. to n. e. 37 ms., mean width IC, and area 592 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 36° 42' to 37° 07', and in long, from 0° 02' e. to 0° 46' w. W. C. The sthrn. and central parts are drained by the Not- taway, and the nthrn. by Blackwater r. Cf t. Sussex c. h. Pop. 1820, 11,884, 1830, 12,720. Sussex, c. h., p.v. and st. jus. Sussex co. Va., by p-r. 50 ms. s. s. e. Richmond, and 172 a little w.ofs. W. C. Sutherland, p-v. Trumbull co. Ohio, by p-r. 157 ms. N. e. Columbus. Sutherland's, p-o, Edgar co. II., by p-r. 97 ills, N. E, Vandalia, S UTToN, p-t. Merrimack co. N . H., 25 ms. from of Warner r. s., and is crossed by the n. branch nearly in the centre. On these streams are good mill sites, and valuable meadows ; there are several other streams, and a few ponds. Kearsearge is a lofty mtn. in the e. part, which gives rise to several streams. King's hill w., also affords an extensive view. Valuable stone quarries and clay beds exist in this town. The surface is rough and the soil various. The forest trees were of many different kinds. First settled 1769. Pop. 1,424. Sutton, p.t, Caledonia co, Vt,, 54 ms. from Montpelier, Pop, 1,005, Sutton, p-t. Worcester co, Mass., 46 ms, s, W.Boston, was purchased of the Indians 1704, and included Millburg. There are many good mill sites, and many manufactories. The town is crossed by Blackstone river and canal, Wil- kinsonville, n. w, contains manufactories which derive water power from the r. Granite is quarried in the town in great quantities ; s. e. is a large and curious chasminihe rocks, some- times called purgatory. Pop, 2,186, Suttonsville, p.v. sthrn, part Nicholas co. Va., by p-r. 312 ms. s. w. by w, W, C, and 300 ms. N. w. by w. Richmond. Suwannee r. of Geo. andFlor., has itsmost re- mote sources in Dooley co. of the former, at lat. 32. Flowing thence a little s, of e, by com- parative courses, it enters Flor., and continuing its original course 20 ms. between Hamilton and Madison cos. receives from the left a large tributary branch, the Alapapaha. Alapa- paha has its remote sources between those of Santilla and Suwannee rs. in Irwin co. Geo. Flowing thence very nearly due s. 70 ms. it en- ters Hamilton co. Flor., and inflecting to s, w. 20 ms. unites with Suwannee, Below the junction of the two main branches, Suwannee, by a rather circuitous channel of 100 ms,, pur- sues its original course to its final efl3ux into Vacasausa bay. The following notes on this r. and its tributaries, are extracted from the Report of the U, S. Engineers. " The distance from the Geo. line to the mouth of the r, is about 155 ms,, following the stream. At about 55 ms, above its mouth, it receives Santa Fe r. From the upper Fork to the mouth of Santa Fe r., the Suv/annee flows through a stratum of rotten limestone. On the margins of the stream are occasionally narrow strips of swamp, affording a growth of live oak, water oak, cy- press, magnolia, and laurel bushes. The' ad- jacent country is a sandy, pine forest. The width of the river averages about 110 yards, and the depth, at the lowest stage of water, might be made 3 ft. by removing some ledges of rock. At (he mouth of Santa Fe the depth is 12 ft. From the mouth of Santa Fe to the the Suwannee presents an iminterrupted navigation, except at its entrance into Vassaousa (Vaccasausa) bay, where it is closed by shift- ing sand bars. The banks average 5 ft. in height. Near the gulf this river flows through a marshy delta, with numerous outlets, which are subject to frequent change. Rise of tide from 18 to 36 inches, but tides much governed by the winds. The Suwannee is subject to Concord, 17 from Hopkinton, 65 from Ports, freshets. In June and July the river is at its mouth, and 85 from Boston, has the S, branch 'lowest stage." Santa Fe r,, though not the SWA 516 SYR largest, is the most important confluent of flie Suwannee. The entire length of the Santa Fe is only about 60 ms. from its source in St John's CO. within 20 ms. of the main channel of St. .John's r. to its entrance into the Suwannee. The Santa Fe has gained importance from forming a part of a proposed canal route. The mean height of its sources above the Gulf of Mexico, is about 125 ft. as represented by the U. S. engineers. By the same authority, the country it waters is sandy, barren, and in many places liable to submersion. The relative wa- ter level above the Gulf at the junction of Su. wannee and Santa Fe, is 10 ft. bwAiNSBORo', p-v. and st. jus. Emanuel co. Geo., by p-r. 79 ms. s. e. by e. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 40', long. 5° 28 w. W. C. SwANANo, p-v. estrn. part Buncombe co. N.G., 22 ms. N. E. Asheville, the co. st., and 247 w. Raleigh, SwANKEsviLLE, p-v. Putnam co. II., by p-r. 57 ms. w. Indianopolis. SvvA^s}iORo', p-v. and sea port of Onslow co. N. C., situated at the mouth of Whittock r. op- posite Boyne inlet, by p-r. 160 ms. s. e. Raleigh, and 377 a little w. ofs.W. C. SwANSEY, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 60 ms. s. v/. Concord, 6 from Keene, and 68 from Bos- ton, is crossed by Ashuelot r. and its s. branch. Nearly one third of the town is level, and free from stones. There is some iron ore, and a mineral spring, several manufactories and mills. Between 1741 and 1747, this town suf- fered much from Indian attacks. The settle- ment was on this account abandoned for 3 years, and the dwellings burnt by the savages. Pop. 1,816. SwANSEY, p-t. Bristol co. Mass. 47 miles s. Boston, has Rhode Island s. and w., and enjoys a pleasant situation on Cole's r. which flows in- to Taunton r. and is navigable for small ves- sels. It was early settled by a number of Bap- tists from Rehoboth, under a grant from Ply- mouth colony, and was the first town attacked by the Indians in Philip's war, 1675. Here are several manufactories. Pop. 1,678. SwANTON, p-t. Franklin co. Vt., 28 ms. n. Burlington, 50 ms. n. w. Montpelier, e. lake Champlain, opposite North Hero, was first set- tled 1787, when it was occupied by St. Francis Indians. Missisque cr. crosses this town and has meadows on its banks, while a fall of 20 feet supplies mill sites. From this fall to the lake the r. is navigable for vessels of 50 tons. Mc Quam cr. and several smaller streams also water this t. There are marshes n. w. much resorted to by wild fowl. Iron and marble are found here. The marble is cut at the falls, and transported to N. Y. &c. The v. of Missisque stands on both sides of the river 6 ms. from its mouth, and 1 mile in a straight line from the lake. Boats which navigate the lake. Champ- lain canal and Hudson river, come up to the v. Pop. 2,158. SwANViLLE, t. Waldo CO, Me., 15 ms. n. w. Castine, and n. Belfast, is of irregular form, bounded by straight lines, and crossed by a small stream flowing into Belfast bay. Pop. 633. SwATARA, r. Pa, rises by numerous branches from the mountain vallies in the sthrn, part of Schuylkill co. It thence traverses the western part of Lebanon and the sthestrn. of Dauphin, falling into Susquehannah 8 ms. below Harris- burg, after a sthwstrn. comparative course of 40 ms. For nearly one-half of the course of this stream the Union canal follows the chan- nel. This artificial navigation is in full opera- tion. Sweden, t. Oxford co. Me. 20 ms. s. w. Paris, has the boundary of Cumberland co. on the s, w. line, and contains several ponds which dis- charge by an outlet into Loud pond. A tributa- ry of Sunapee lake crosses the w. part. Pop. 487. Sweden, p-t, Monroe co. N. Y, 16 ms. w. Rochester, lies n. and w. of Genesee co., and is on elevated land, crossed by the Mountain ridge and Erie canal. It gives rise to Salmon cr, Brockport vil. on the canal, is in the n. Pop. 2,938. Sweden, p-v., n. w. part Potter co. Pa,, by p-r. 290 ms. n. n. w. W. C. SwEEDSBOKGH. p-v. Woolwich, Gloucester co. N. .1., 20 ms. s. Phil, on Raccoon cr. Sweetzer's Bridge and p-o. Ann Arundel CO. Md., by p-r. 42 ms. from W. C. and 26 from Annapolis. Sweet Springs, p-v. and watering place, n. estrn. part Monroe co. Va, These springs are situated in one of the mountain vallies, from which flow the wstrn, sources of James r, at an elevation of about 2,400 ft, above the Atlantic tides, 84 ms. n. w. by w. Lynchburg, 263 s. w, by w. W. C, and 204 w. Richmond. ^ Swift, r. N. H. a branch of Saco river, falls into that stream in Conway, after a rapid course. Swift Creek Bridge and p-o. nthrn. part Cra- ven CO. N. C., 17 ms. N, Newbern, and by p-r. 137 ms. N. E. by e. Raleigh. Swindell, p-o, Hyde co. N. C, by p-r. 195 ms. E. Raleigh. Sycamore Alley and p-o. sthrn. part Halifax CO. N. C, 22 ms. s. Halifax, the co. st., and 84 N. e. by e. Raleigh. Sycamore, cr. and p-o. nthrn. part Crawford CO. O., by p-r. 74 ms. n. Columbus. Sylvan Hill and p-o. sthrn. part Hancock co. Geo., by p-r. 16 ms. e, Milledgeville. Sylvania, p-v. nthrn. part Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 147 ms. n. Harrisburg. Sylvanus, p-v. Hillsdale co. Mich., by p-r. 108 ms. s. w. by w. Detroit. Syracuse, p-v. Salina, st. jus. Onondaga co. N. Y., 4 ms. N. Onondaga, 133 w. Albany, is situated on the Erie canal, adjoininj a vast col- lection of salt pans, and at the junction of the canal with the branch to Salina vil. and the Os- wego canal. It is a large, handsome, and flourishing vil., and has attained a most rapid growth, having been of insignificant size before the opening of Erie canal. (See Salina.) TAL 517 TAM C?!^ Taberg, p-v. Annsville, Oneida co. N. Y., 1 12 ms. w. Albany, 7 n. Erie canal, 11 w. Rome, 27 N. w. Utica, is the seat of extensive iron works. Tabor Church and p-o. in the wstrn. part Ire- dell CO. N. C, by p-r. 159 ms. wstrd. Raleigh. Tafton, p-v. in the nthrn. part Pike co. Pa., by p-r. 271 ms. n. n. e. W. C. Taghkanic, p-t. Colmiibia co. N. Y. w. Mass., is watered by Claverack, Ancram, Rocleff and .Tansen's crs., which supply many mill seats. The Taghkanic mtns. rise here, but their great- est elevations are in Mass. The land is held on lease. Iron ore is found in plenty. Pop. 1,654. Talbot, one of the Eastern Shore cos. of Md., bndd. s. and s. e. by Choptank r. separating it from Dorchester, e. by Choptank and Tuck- ahoe rs., separating it from Caroline, n. by St. Michael's bay, separating it from Queen Anne, and w. and s. w. by Chesapeake bay. Length from s. to N. 25 m.s., mean width 10, and area 250 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 34' to 38° 56' N., and in long, from 0° 42' to 1° 10' e. W. C. This CO. is a real peninsula between Choptank r. and Chesapeake bay ; and is again cut into three minor peninsulas by Treadhaven and St. Michael's bays. What little declivity exists is to the sthrd. Cf. t. Easton. Pop. 1820, 14,389 ; 1830, 12,947. Talbot, co. Geo. bndd. s. by Marion, s. w. by Muscogee, w. by Harris, n. w. by Merriwether, and by Flint r., separating it from Upson n. e., and Crawford e. Length along the southern boundary 40 ms., mean width !6, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 35' to 32° 54' N., and in long, from 7° 10' to 7° 54' v/. W. C. The wstrn. part gives source to some crs. which flow s. wstrd. towards the Chattahoo- chee ; but the greatest part of the co. slopes estrdly. toward Flint r. Cf. t. Talbotton. Pop. 5,940. Talbotton, p-v. and st. jus. Talbot co. Geo., situated on a small cr. of Flint r., by p-r. 112 ms. s. w. by w. Milledgeville. Lat. 32° 43', long. 7° 36' w. W. C. Talcott mtn. Hartford co. Conn, a part of the ridge which extends many ms. on the w. of Conn, r., dividing its waters from those of Far- niington r. Taliaferro, co. Geo., bndd. n. by Oglethorpe CO., N. E. and e. by Wilkes, s. e. and s. by Han- cock and w. by Greene. Length from s. to n. 17 ms., mean width 8, and area 136 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 28' to 33° 43' n. In long, it is traversed by 6° w. W. C. Declivity s. estrd., and traversed in that direction by the higher branches of Little r., and those of Great Ogeechee. Cf. t. Crawfordsville. Pop. 4,934. Tallahassee, city, and st. jus. Leon co., and seat of the government of Flor. is situated about 30 ms. inland and nfhrds. from Ocklockonne bay, 9 ras. from the sea-port of St. Mark's, about 200 N. w. St. Augustine, a similar dis- tance a little N. of E. Pensacola, and by p-r. 896 s. s. w. W. C. Lat. 30° 27', long. 7° 30' w. 66 W. C. The city is recent ; the buildings were commenced in the summer of 1824, and in 1825 it was divided into lots, and sold, reserving 5 for public buildings. The site is comparatively elevated, affording a good view of the vicinity. Tiie adjacent country is rolling rather than hilly ; the soil excellent. A pleasant mill stream formed by fine springs, winds along the eastern border of the town, from whence it is precipitated over a fall of 15 ft., and disappears in the calcareous strata. Springs of good wa. ter abound, and well water is obtained by dig. ging from 6 or 10 to 30 ft. The city was in- corporated in 1826, and the first legislature sat there the following winter. When Mr. John Lee Williams published his View of West Flo- rida, in 1827, he estimated the population at 800. He observes, " few towns in America have increased more rapidly ; and population and improvement continue without any abate- ment. It must in a few years become a charm- ing place of residence, though it will probably never be a place of great commercial impor- tance." c Tallapoosa, r. of Geo. and Ala. rises in the Cherokee territory, and in the northwestern part of the former, lat. 34°, between the Eto- wah and Chattahoochee rs. Flowing s. s. w. it enters Ala., and continuing that course 130 ms., turns abruptly to the w. 25 ms., and falls into the Coosa, or rather, from the great difference of volume, joins the Coosa to form Ala. The junction is made between Montgomery and Au. tauga COS. The valley of the Tallapoosa lies entirely between those of Coosa and Chatta. hoochee. It is about 150 ms. in length, with a mean width of 25, area 3,750 sq. ms. Lying between latitudes 32° and 34°, and long. 8° and 9° 20' w. W. C. Tallmansville, p-o. Wayne co. Pa., bv p-r. 278 ms. N. e. W. C. Tallyho, P-v. northern part of Granville co. N. C, by p-r. 57 ms. n. n. x. Raleigh. Talmadge, p-v. Portage co. O., by p-r. 115 ms. N. E. Columbus. Tamaqua, p-o. northern part of Schuylkill co. Pa., by p-r. 191 ms. n. n. e. W. C, and 83 ms. N. e. Harrisburg. TAMAauA, the Indian name of Little Schuyl- kill, and on which the p-o. of the same name is situated. Tampa, This name is frequently applied to the whole bay of Espiritu Santo, and it proba- bly was the original name of all that sheet ot water ; it is now confined to the northern cove or minor bay of Espiritu Santo, w. of the mouth of Hillsboro r. Tampa, as now restricted, pro- jects nrthrdly. from the main body of the sheet of water of which it is a part, and is separated from the Gulf of Mexico by sandy islands and a peninsular point. The shores are low and sandy, or swampy. The bay is shallow. (See Espiritu Santo.) Tam WORTH, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 58 ms. froin Concord, 58 from Portland, 30 from Gil- ford, 120 from Boston ; has part of the Burton TAR 518 TAU mtns., and south part of the Ossipee. Bear- camp r. runs through it e. into Ossipee lake, after receiving 2 branches which rise here, and afford many mill sites. First settled 1771. Pop. 1,554. Taneytown, p-v. in the northeastern part of Frederick co. Md., 22 ms. n. n. e. the city of Frederick, and 68 ms. a little w. of n. W. C. Tangier, isls. and sound. The Tangier isls. is a group of small isls. in Chesapeake bay, evidently an extension of the peninsula between Choptank and Nantikoke rs. They follow each other from n. to s., and are partly in Somerset CO. Md., and Accomac co. Va. The sound spreads between the islands and main shore. This group lies opposite the mouth of Poto- mac r. Tangipao, r. of La. and Misp., has its most remote sources in Amite and Pike cos. of the latter, and flowing s. s. e. enters La., separa- ting the parish of Saint Helena from Washing- ton and Saint Tammany, and falls into the northwestern part of lake Pontchartrain, after a comparative course of between 70 and 80 ms. The valley of Tangipao lies between those of Amite and Bogue Chito, in the higher part of its course, but in La. between the Tchefonte and Tickfah. Tannek's Store, and p-o. Mecklenburg co. Va., by p-r. 215 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Tan Yard, and p-o. Northumberland co. Va., by p-r. s. s. e. W. C. Tappahannoc, p-v. and st. jus. Essex co. Va., situated on the right bank of Rappahannock r., by p-r. 109 ms. a little e. of s. W. C, and 50 N. E. Richmond. N. lat. 37° 58', long. 0° 10' e. W. C. The site is low and fiat, and in summer the inhabitants are liable to fevers and agues ; it is however a place of considerable trade, as even large merchant vessels can ascend far above, and here find a safe harbor, which is about 50 ms. from the open Chesapeake bay. Tappan, p-v. Orangetown, Rockland co. N. Y., 28 ms. N. New York, is on the w. side of Hudson r., which is there 4 ms. across. Tar, or in the lower part of its course, Pam- lico, r. of N. C, has its extreme higher foun- tain in Person co., interlocking sources with Neuse and the lower crs. of Dan r. Flowing thence by a general course s. e. by e. over Gran- ville, Franklin, Nash, Edgecomb, and Pitt cos., and receiving large accessions from Warren and Halifax, it opens into a wide bay, below the harbor of Washington, in Beaufort co. (See Pamlico bay.) The valley of Tar r., including Pamlico bay, is 160 ms. in length, with a mean width of 30 ms., area 4,800 sq. ms. ; and lying between Neuse and Roanoke rs. Extending in lat. from 35° 15' to 36° 25' n., and in long, from 0° 25' e. to 2° 15' w. W. C. It is naviga- ble for vessels of nine ft. draught to Washing- . ton, and for river boats to Tarboro', at the con- fluence of the two main branches. Tarboro', p-v. and st. of jus. Edgecomb co. N. C, situated on the right bank of Tar r., be- low the influx of Fishing cr., by p-r. 72 ms. a little N. of E. Raleigh, and 252 a little w. of s. W. C. Lat. 35° 53', long.-0° 36' w. W. C. Tarentum, p-v. Alleghanv co. Pa., by p-r. 231 ms. N. w. W. C. Tariff, p-v. Butler co. Ohio, by p-r. 122 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Tariffville, p-v. Simsbury, Hartford co. Conn., is a manufacturing village, pleasantly situated at the falls of Farmington r., at the w. base of the hilly range which crosses that part of the state, and at the spot where the r. bursts through it, between two precipitous banks. The carpet manufactory here employs 95 male weav- ers, and 367 persons were immediately depend- ant on it in 1831. The capital invested is $123,000 ; 237,000 pounds of wool, and 24,000 pounds of yarn are manufactured, producing about 114,000 yards of Ingrain or Kiddermin- ster carpeting. Above $30,000 is paid for labor annually. Tarlton, p-v. sthestrn. part of Pickaway co. 0., by p-r. 30 ms. s. s. e. Columbus. Tarpaulin Cove, Martha's Vineyard, Mass., is a convenient little harbor for vessels bndd. w. in contrary winds. It is 9 ms. n. jn. w. Holmes' Hole. Tarrytown, p-v. Greensburgh, Westchester CO. N. Y., 30 ms. n. New York, on the e. side Hudson r., has a landing in a cove between two points, where a steamboat touches daily from and for New York. Tarver's Store and p-o., in the sthrn. part of Twiggs CO. Geo., 10 ms. from Marion, the CO. St., and 47 ms. s. vv. Milledgeville. Tatnall, CO. of Geo., bndd. by Montgomery w., Emanuel n., Cannouchee r. separating it from Bullock, n. e. and e.. Liberty s. e., and Altamaha r., separating it from Appling s. and s. w. Length 52 ms., mean width 24, and area 1,248 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 48' to 32° 26' N., and, in long, from 4° 44' to 5° 38' w. W. C. The western partis drained into the Altamaha by the Great Ohoopee and other streams, whilst the estrn. section is in the val- ley of Cannouchee. The Altamaha is formed by the union of the Oconee and Ocmulgee rs., at the extreme western angle of Tatnall. Gen- eral declivity s. e. c.h. at Percy's mills. Pop. 1820, 2,644, 1830, 2,039. Taughkannuc, a branch of the Green mts. which commences near Middlebury, Vt., and extends across the lower part of that state, and the w. parts of Mass., and Conn., to the shore of L. I. sound, gradually diminishing in elevation towards the south. The highest eminences are Taughkannuc and Saddle mountains in Mass., the former of which is about 3,000 feet. Taunton r. Mass., navigable 20 ms. from Narraganset bay to Taunton, in sloops. It has its rise in Plymouth co., and its course is about s. w. Taunton, p-t. and one of the sts. jus. Bristol CO. Mass., is pleasantly situated on Taunton r., which is navigable to this place for sloops. It was first settled in 1637, and was called Co- hannet by the Indians ; within the present lim- its of the town was the Indian v. Teticut. Taun. ton is .32 ms. s. Boston, and 20 n. of e. Provi- dence. It contains a bank, several churches, an academy, and one or two county buildings. Canoe, Runiford, and Taunton rs. unite here, and furnish excellent water privileges. The first extensive iran works in America were erected in this town, in 1652, and at present it TAZ 519 TEL is famous for its manufactures. The nail fac- tories make from 8 to 10 tons daily. It has 7 cotton factories — 1 rolling and slitting mill — 1 forge — 1 shovel factory — 1 copper and lead rolling mill — 1 paper mill — 1 carding and full- ing mill — 1 calico printing establishment, which furnishes from 4 to 6,000 pieces a week — 2 breweries — I large factory of britannia ware, and many other establishments of different kinds ; besides 8 or 9,000,000 of brick are man- ufactured annually. It is expected that a rail- road will soon be constructed from this place to Boston, Pop. 6,042. Taxahaw, p-o. Lancaster dist. S. C, 19 ms. N. w. Lancaster, and by p-r. 91 ms. n. n. e. Co- lumbia. Taylor's Store and p-o. Franklin co. Va., 12 ms. estrd. Rocky Mount, the co. st., and by p-r. 173 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Taylor's Store and p-o., Anson co. N. C, by p-r. 160 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Taylorsville, p-o. Bucks co. Pa., by p-r. 36 ms. nrthrd, Philadelphia. Taylorsville, p-o. Hanover co. Va., 28 ms. nrthrd. Richmond. Taylorsville, or Patrick c. h., p-o. and st. jus. Patrick co. Va., situated on Mays r., 90 ms. s. w. Lynchburg, 35 a little e. of s. Chris- tiansburg, and by p-r. 241 ms. s. w. by w. Rich- mond, and 333 s. w. W, C, n. lat. 36° 38', long. 3° 14' w. W. C, Taylorsville, p-v, and st. jus. Spencer co. Ky., situated on Salt r., 35 ms. s. e. Louisville, by p-r. 35 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, and 586 a little s. of w, W. C. ; n. lat. 38°, long. 8° 20' w, W. C. Pop. 248. Tazewell, co. Va., bndd. n, w. by Pike and Floyd cos. Ky., n. by Tug Fork of Sandy r., separating it from Logan co. Va., n. e. by Giles, E. and s. e. by Walker's mtns., separa- ting it from Wythe co., s, by Clinch mtn., sepa- rating it from Smith co., s. w. by Russel, and w. by Floyd co. Ky. Length from w. to e. 80 ms., mean width 20, and area 1,600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 54' to 37° 32' n., and in long, from 4° to 5° 12' w. W. C. The central part of this co. is a very elevated mtn. table land. The estrn. part declining nrthestrd., and drained by the confluents of Great Kenha- wa ; the southern gives source to Clinch and Holston rs., the extreme northern constituents of Tennessee r. ; 'whilst the western and most extensive section has a nrthwstrn. declivity, and gives source to the highest branches of Sandy r. Compared with the ascertained ele- vation of the Great Kenhawa at the influx of Greenbrier, 1,333 ft., the lowest elevation that can be given to the central mtn. vallies of Taze- well, must be 1,500 ft. ; and the mean relative height of the arable soil of the co., must be, at the lowest estimate, 1,200 ft. Cf. t. Jefferson, ville. Pop. 1820, including a part of what now constitutes Logan, 3,916 ; that of Tazewell proper in 1830, 5,749. Tazewell, p-v, and st. jus. Claiborne co. Ten., situated between the rs. Clinch and Pow. ell's Valley r., by p-r. 248 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville, and 63 ms. n. e. Knoxville. Lat. 36° 31', long. W. C. 6° 20' w. Tazewell, co. II., bndd. by MacLeaa e. Sangamo s., the Illinois r., separating it from Fulton w., and Peoria n. w. ; on the n. it has the sthestrn. angle of Putnam. As laid down by Tanner, in his improved map of the U. S,, it lies nearly in form of a right angled triangle, hypothenuse parallel to the general course of II. r., 66 ms., base along Sangamo, and perpendicu- lar along MacLean equal, or 50 ms. each ; area 1,250 sq. ms. ; n. lat. 40° 40', long. W. C. 12° 30' w. The general course of II. r. along this CO. is about s. w. dilating into Peoria and Mackinaw lakes. The slope of the co. is near- ly to the w. {See Mackinaw r.) The general surface is level, and part liable to annual sub- mersion, though it contains much good soil. Cf, t. Mackinaw. Pop. 4,716. Tazewell, c. h. (See Jeffersonville, Taze- well CO, Va.) Teaze's Valley, p-o. in the western part of Kenhawa co. Va., 20 ms. westward Charles- ton, the CO. St., and by p-r. 376 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Teche, r. of La., rises from the northern prairies of Opelousas, lat. 30° 40'. The drains of those savannahs, after flowing 7 or 8 ms,, divide into 2 channels ; one flows northwardly into Courtableau, and the other pursues a south- eastern course. This separation of current is the head of the stream called Teche, or the sthestrn. branch. Flowing between the waters of the Courtableau and Vermillion 10 ms., it receives an inlet from the latter, and enters At- takapas. The residue of the course of Teche, presents a stream with great specific resem- blance to the Misp. in the delta. Though on a very reduced scale, the Teche, similar to its immense prototype, flows in long sweeping bends, with banks above any other part of the adjacent country. From this feature the streams flow from the very margin, and in a channel of upwards of 180 ms., no water course is dis- charged into the Teche, With slight edges of wood, prairies extend along the entire right, and, for more than half the higher part of its course, along the left bank of this interesting river. The channel is comparatively very deep, and the tide rises to New Iberia, lat, 30° 02', upwards of 100 ms. above the mouth, affording one very remarkable contrast to the Mississip- pi. New Iberia, at the head of tide water in Teche, is a port of entry, and vessels of 7 feet draught can ascend there in safety. The Te- che falls into Atchafalaya, after a comparative course of 120, but falling little, if any, short of 200 ms. by the bends. The banks present two continuous zones of the very first rate soil, be- tween latitudes 29° 44' and 30° 40'. Tekatoko, p-o. Crawford co. Ark., situated near the Dardanelles mtns., by p-r. 76 ms. n. w, by w. Little Rock. Telfair, co. Geo,, bndd. n. e. by Montgome. ry, e. s. e. and s. by Appling, s. w. by Ocmul- gee r., separating it from Irwin, w. by Dooley, and N. w. by Pulaski. Length from s, to n. 28 ms., mean width 22, and area 836 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 31° 39' to 32° 12' n., and in long, from 5° 46' to 6° 20' w, W, C, The southern part of this co, slopes to the sthestrd. giving source to many of the higher branches of Santilla, which rise almost on the margin of TEN 520 TEN Ocmulgee. The latter stream, forming the ' sthwstrn. border, thence traverses the co. in a nrthestrn. direction, serving as a common re- cipient for the confluents which drain the nrtlirn. section towards PuUisld. Cf. t. Jaclisonville. Pop. 1820, 2,104, 1830, 2,146 Tellico, p-v. iMonroe co. Ten. {See Mad- isonville, Monroe co. Ten.) Tellico Plains, p-o. Monroe co. Ten., 15 ms. southward Madisonville, the st. of jus. of the CO., and by p-r. 18.3 ms. s. e. by e. Nasliville. Tellico, (Mouth of,) p-o. at the mouth of Tellico or., 12 ms. n. e. Madisonville, the co. et., and by p-r. 180 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Temperance, p-v. Greene co. Geo., by p-r. 53 ms. nrthrd. Milledgevilie. Tempeeance Ridge, p-o. Yazoo co. Misp., by p-r. about 120 ms. n. n. e. Natchez. Temple, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 40 ms. n. w. Augusta, in the n. w. corner of the co., has Ox- ford CO. w., and Somerset co. n., and is moun- tainous, having part of Blue mtn. w. Pop. 795. Temple, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 40 ms. Concord, 12 Amherst, gives rise to several branches of Souhegan r. The situation is high, with a fine and extensive view e. and s., a rocky surface, and pretty good soil. Here ia a social library. Pop. 648. Templeton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 60 ms. w. Boston, has an uneven surface, with rich vallies, and a soil generally good, watered by several streams, which flow partly into the Chickapee, and partly into Miller's r., and af- ford mill seats. The vil. is neat and pleasant. It was granted to soldiers who had served in Philip's war, under the name of Narragansett, No. 6. Pop. 1,552. Temple of Health, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Abbeville dist. S. C, by p-r. 114 ms. w. Co- lumbia. Templeton, p-v. Prince George's co. Va., 36 ms. southeastward Richmond. Ten Mile Stand, and p-o. Rhea co. Tenn., by p-r. 171 ms. s. e. by e. Nashville. Tennessee, r. of the states of Tenn., N. C, and Geo., though a very minor branch, is the stream from which the general name has been, by custom, arising from the route of original discovery, communicated to the great recipient. Tenn. proper rises in Raban co. Geo., by its extreme sthestrn. source, quickly entering Ma- con, and receiving numerous creeks from Hay- wood CO. N. C, and flowing n. w. passes the Unika mtn. into Tenn. Within the latter state it continues n. w. 40 ms., between Blount and Monroe, joins the Holston on the southeastern border of Roan co., after a comparative course of about 85 ms., of which 5 are in Geo,, and 40 in each of the other two states. Though so much inferior in volume and length of course to the Holston, the name of Tenn. is perpetuated below their union. Tennessee, r. of the state of the same name, and of the states of Ky., Misp., Ala., Geo., N. C., and Va., is the great sthestern. constituent of the Ohio. Under the respective heads of Clinch, Holston, French Broad, Tennessee proper, and Duck rivers, the constitutents of Tenn. river will be found described. The very peculiar features of the valley of the Tenn., demand a particular notice. This valley is divided into two physical sections ; the higher or mountain, ous, and the lower or hilly. The most remote sources of the Tenn. are found near those of Clinch river in Tazewell co., and those of Hol- ston river, in Smyth co. Va. ; and interlocking sources with those of Sandy, and Great Ken- hav/a. From this elevated origin, the main confluents pursue a southwestern course be- tween the two parallel chains of the Appalachi- an system Cumberland, and the main spine, both stretching in a similar direction with the rivers, at a mean distance Vif about seventy miles asunder. Besides this principal val- ley, another of less width between the main chain and Blue Ridge, is also drained by the constituents of the Tenn. ; but this more east- ern and more elevated valley slopes to the n. w., at right angles to the mtn. chains. The lat- ter mtn. valley comprises the N. C. and Geo. part of the valley of Tenn., and will be found no- ticed under the heads of Macon, Haywood, and Buncombe cos. of the former state, and under the heads of Tenn. proper, and French Broad rs. Including both minor vallies, upper Tenn. drains an elongated ellipse of 350 ms. longer axis ; shorter axis 120 ms., from the Blue Ridge at the sources of French Broad, to Cum- berland mtn., where it separates the sources of Powell's river from those of Cumberland : mean breadth 80 ms., and area 24,000 sq. ms. De- scending from the extreme fountains in Va., the valley widens as the mountain chains recede from each other, and again contracts as the same chains gradually re-approach, at the north- western angle of Geo., and nrthestrn. of Ala. At the latter point, well known by the name of Nickajack, all the large confluents have united, and the Blue Ridge and Cumberland chains have approached within less than 40 ms. of each other. Belov/ Nickajack, the now large volume of Tenn. continues s. w. 60 ms., without receiving a single stream of 20 ms. course, the two bounding mountain chains still inclining upon each other, till their approaching bases force the river through the Cumberland chain. To one whose eye first glances on the volume of the Tenn., below its passage through Cum- berland mtn., without a previous knowledge of the valley above, the idea would not occur, that before it flowed the accumulated waters of a mountainous region of 24,000 sq. ms. extent. In fact, to an observer thus placed, the Tenn. would appear as one of the constituents of a river valley below the Cumberland chain. About 20 ms. below the passage of Tenn. r. through it, the Cumberland mountain receives the Blue Ridge, if such a term can be correctly applied to the merging of two mtn. chains. Here, along the nrthrn. sources of Mobile basin, the Appa- lachian system changes its distinctive charac- ter, and the confused masses of hills follow each other wstrdly. towards the Misp. The Tenn. deflects rather more than does the mtns., and flows N. w. by w. 120 ms., to the nrthwstrn. an- gle of Ala., and the nrthestrn. of Misp., where this large stream again bends at nearly right angles, and pursues a course very little w. of n. 150 ms., to its entrance into the Ohio, after an entire course of 680 ms. The second great TEN r)21 section of the Tenn., and the lower part of the first, below Nickajack, are comprised in the fine northern valley of Ala. The main volume flowing through a region extending from the Ohio valley, in the vicinity of Pittsburg, to the nrthrn. part of the basin of Mobile. The very striking coincidence of the river inflections be. tween the extremes of this region, must ap- pear to the most inattentive observer of a good )nap of that part of the U. S. This regularity of structure is evinced by the great inflections of the Ohio, Kenhawa, Kentucky, Green, Cum- berland, and Tennessee rs. The Tenn. itself literally occupies the base of the physical re- gion indicated, as in all its comparative course below Nickajack, or its entrance into Ala., of 330 ms., it does not receive a single confluent above the size of a large creek, nor does the outer edge of its valley on the left, in Ala., Misp., Tenn., and Ky., exceed a mean breadth of 20 ms. On the right, embosomed between Tenn. and Cumberland rivers, and comprising central Tenn., and northern Ala., spreads a physical region, extending from Cumberland nitn. to the lower reach of Tenn. r., 130 ms., with a mean breadth of 80 ms., and an area of 10,400 sq. ms. This beautiful tract is semicir- cled by the main volume of Tenn., and drained Ijy Elk r., Duck r., and innumerable crs. Be- low Duck r., however, the Tenn. receives no confluent from either side of any magnitude worthy of notice. Including all its sections, the lower valley of the Tenn. comprises an area of 17,600 sq. ms. ; and the whole valley embraces a superficies of 41,600 sq. ms. The extent of this valley, if compared with the whole valley of Ohio, spreads over nearly l-.5th part, and gives to Tenn. the first rank among tiie confluents of the Ohio. Amongst the pe- culiar features of the course of the Tenn., the most remarkable is, that rising as far n. as lat. 37° 10', and curving thence southward to lat. 34° 23', it againweturns, to its original lat., and falls into the Ohio nearly due w. from its primi- tive springs in Tazewell co. ; thus embosoming nearly all the large valley of Cumberland, and part of that of Green river. Geographically, the Tenn. valley lies between n. lat. 34° 10' and 37° 10', and in long, between 4° 15' and 11° 40' w. W. C. It is the first and largest, ad- vancing from the s., of those streams gushing from the elevated slopes of the Appalachian ridges, and which flow wstrd. into the great basin of the Misp. In relative height, there is above 1,700 feet difference between the high- est and lowest extremes of this valley. The arable surface of Tazewell and Wythe cos., from where the fountains of Kenhawa and Hol- ston have their origin, must be at least 2,000 feet above the Atlantic tides ; whilst that of Ohio r., at the influx of the Tenn., but little exceeds 300 ft. This difference is to 4° of lat., and accounts for the rapid changes of climate experienced on lines of lat. in Tenn. The current of every branch of the Tenn. is very rapid, though di- rect falls are rare, and even dangerous shoals are not common. Of the latter, those particu- larly called Muscle Shoals, between Lauder- dale and Lawrence cos. Al., are most remarka- ble, and difficult to navigate. The whole r., TEN however, having a mean fall exceeding 2 ft. to the mile, is only favorable to down stream navi- gation, which it admits in most of its branches nearly to their sources. Tennessee, one of the U. S., is bndd. by N. C. E., Geo. s. E., Ala. s., Misp. s. w., river Misp., separating it from Ark. w.. Mo. n. w., Ky. N., and Va. n. e. If we commence the out- line of this state on the southern boundary of Va. it will thence have a boundary in common with N. C, along the main spine of the Appa- lachian mtns. to the northwestern angle of Macon co. 168 ms. ; due s. along the western boundary of Macon co. to the northern bound- ary of Geo., 20 ms. ; due w. along the nrthrn. boundary of Geo. and n. lat. 35°, to the north- western angle of Ala., 90 ms. ; continuing the last line along the northern boundary of Ala. to Temi. r,, and to the northeastern angle of the state of Misp. 145 ms. ; continuing due w. along the northern boundary of the state of Misp. to the Misp. river, 110 ms., thence up the latter stream opposite the Ark. Ter., and sthestrn. angle of the state of Mo. 100 ms., continuing up the Misp. r. to the northwestern angle of Tenn. and to the southwestern of Ky., 70 ms., thence due E. along the southern boundary of Ky. to Tenn. r., 80 ms., thence up Tenn. r. 12 ms., thence by a line a little s. of e. along the sthrn. boundary of Ky. to Cumberland mtns. and to the s. w. angle of Va. 268 ms., thence along the southern boundary of Va. to place of beginning, 108 ms. ; having an entire outline of 1,171 ms. Lying between lat. 35° and 36° 37', and lono- 4° 39' and 13° 14' w. W. C. The longest lin'e that can be drawn on any state of the U. S. is a diagonal over Tenn., from the nrthestrn. to the sthwstrn. angle, by calculation, s. 77°, w. or n, 77°, e. within a fraction of 500 ms. The mean length is about 400 ms., and the mean width being 114, the area of the state comes out 45,- 600 sq. ms., equal to 29,184,000 statute acres. This area exceeds what is commonly assigned to Tenn., but following the most recent and ac- curate delineations on Tanner's map, is very near the real superficies of that state. By re- ference to our notice of Tenn. r. and valley, it will be seen how much the physiognomy of this state is influenced by the peculiar course of its rivers. Dividing it into sections, and taking the mtns. as lines of demarcation, it presents two unequal sections ; the smaller above, and the second and larger below, the Cumberland chain. The higher and inferior section is en- tirely in the valley of Tenn., and in length diag. onally from s. w. to n. e. is 280 ms., with a mean width of 57, and area of 15,960, or very nearly one third of the state. This compara- tively elevated and diversified region, is, in air, water, and surface, amongst the most de- lightful portions of the United States. The soil is also much of it excellent, but the relative elevation gives to vegetable life a more north- ern effect than that found in similar latitudes, either on the Atlantic coast, or on the western section of Tennessee, near the Mississippi. On lower Ten., cotton is a staple production, whilst the climate of the upper section is more conge- nial to grasses, including the bread grain, or cer- ealia. The declivity of upper Ten, iaCto the s. TEN 592 TEN w., and ri[f already shown, by a rather rapid de-. scent. Lower or Western Ten. is subdivided by its rivers into two sections. That part com- prised in the valley of Ten. r. has been noticed under the head of that stream, but to the nthrd. of T en. valley, the state embraces a large and very important section of the valley of Cumber- land r. The latter tract is 250 ms. in length, along the line of demarcation between the states of Ky. and Ten., with a mean width of 40 ms., or 10,000 sq. ms. The area comprised in the valley of Ten. is about 170 ms. long, with a mean breadth of 70, or embracing an area of 11,900 sq. ms. Including the part of Ten. comprised in both the valleys of Ten. and Cum- berland, below Cumberland mtn., we have an area of 21,900 sq. ms., which added to 15,960 comprised in upper Ten. yield 37,860 sq. ms. in the estrn. and middle sections of the state. The general declivity of central or middle Ten. is wstrd., though the course of Ten r. is here almost due n. Advancing still wstrd. of the valley of Ten. we arrive on a slope drained by numerous small streams into the Misp. This western portion, comprising 7,740 sq. ms. may be denominated wstrn. Ten. It is drained by Obion, Forked Deer, Big Hatchee, and Wolf rs. These streams have corresponding curves, first iiowing n. wstrdly., thence w. and s. w. a general wstrn. declivity, commencing about 25 ms. from the main channel of the Ten., and falling gently toward the Mississippi. In its natural state Ten. was covered with a dense forest. The great features along its very elon- gated declivity of 500 ms., are varied and strongly contrasted. East Ten., mountainous or very hilly, with excellent river soil, presents a most seductive region to the eye : middle, or central Ten. less bold in its physiognomy, but with a much larger proportion of productive soil, is followed by the wstrn. section ; the fea- tures of nature from the Cumberland chain, im- perceptibly softening, until finally sunk into the annually inundated banks of the Misp. The whole state has a sufficient soil to admit a dense population. Agreeable to the returns of 1830, Middle and Western Ten., containing, as stated in this article, 29,640 sq. ms., has a pop. of 488,448, having had in 1820 only 287,501, ex- hibiting a gain in the 10 years, from 1820 to 1830, of almost 70 per cent. The capacity for sustaining an increase may be estimated by the fact that the existing pop. of the two lower sec- tions of Ten. is distributively only 16 to the sq. mile ; and this on a region, over which 10 fold more on an equal surface, would be far from too great a density of population for the soil. Political subdivisions and population. — Ten- nessee is divided into the counties of: Pop. 1830. 5,312 30,444 6,448 11,027 5,110 9,378 6,418 Counties. Pop. 18 Amoi, Anderson, 4,fi68 Bedford, 16,012 Bledsoe, 4,005 Blount, 11,258 Campbell, 4,244 Carroll, Carter 4,835 Cherokee Nation, Claiborne, 5,508 Cocke, 4,892 Davidson, 20,154 Dickson, 5,190 8,470 6,048 28,122 7,261 Counties. P /;). 1820. I'ojj. 1830. Dver, 1 ,904 Fayette, 8,654 Fentress, 2,760 Franklin, 16,571 15,644 Gibson, 5,801 Giles, 12,558 18,920 Grainger, 7,651 10,066 Greene, 13,221 14,410 Hardiman, 11,628 Hamilton, 821 2,274 Hardin, 1,462 4 867 Hawkins, 10,949 13,683 Haywood, 5,356 Henderson, 8,741 Henry, 12,230 Hickman, 6,080 8,132 Humphries, 4,067 6,189 Jackson, 7,593 9,902 JefFerson, 8,953 11799 Knox, 13,034 14,498 Lawrence, 3,271 5,412 Lincoln, 14,761 22 086 McMinn, 6,623 14,497 McNairy, 5,697 Madison, 11,750 Marion, 3,888 5,516 Maury, 22,141 28,153 Monroe, 2,529 13,709 Montgomery, 12,219 14,365 Morgan, 1,676 2,582 Obion, 2.099 Overton, 7,188 8,246 Pm-ry, 2,384 7,038 Rhea, 4,215 8,182 Uhnan, 7,895 11,340 Robertson, 7,270 13,802 Rutherford, 19,552 26,133 Sevier, 4,772 5,117 Shelby, 354 5,652 Smith, 17,.580 21,492 Stewart, 8,397 6,988 Sullivan, 7,015 10,073 Sumner, 19,211 20,606 Tipton, 5,317 Warren, 10,348 15,351 Washington, 9,557 10,995 Wayne, 2,459 6,013 Weakly, 4,796 White 8,701 9,967 WillianiBon, 20,640 26,608 Wilson, 18,730 25,477 Of whom in 1830 there were white persons : MALES. FEMALES. Under 5 years of age 59 ,576 55,399 From 5 to 10 45 ,356 42,975 10 to 15 36.044 33,556 15 to 20 29,247 30,616 20 to 30 4-1,982 42,970 30 to 40 25 ,111 23,545 40 to 50 15,110 15,264 50 to 60 11,188 9,279 GO to 70 5 ,543 4,541 70 to 80 2,102 1,855 80 to 90 657 542 90 to 100 105 114 100 and upwards 32 28 Total 275,068 260,680 Of which were deaf and dumb under 14 years of age 129 ; 14 to 25, 59 ; 25 and upwards 54. Blind 176. Of the colored population were : FREE. SLAVES. Male. Female. Male. Fern. Under 10 years of age 842 272 27,713 26,568 Prom 10 to 24 583 626 23,431 24,145 24 to 36 361 359 11,260 12,223 36 to 55 321 285 6,020 6,519 55 to 100 216 187 1,729 1,891 100 and up wards 7 6 63 41 Total 2,330 2,225 70,216 ri.aST- TEN 523 TEN Of the colored pop. were deaf and dumb un- der 14 years of age, 13 ; from 14 to 25, 9 ; 25 and upwards 6. Blind, 37. Recapitulation. Whites Free col'd. Slaves. Total. 535,743 4,555 141,003 681,906 History. — The territory now comprised in Ten. was included in the 2d charter of N. C, granted by Charles 11. in 1G64; but no settle- ment of whites was made so far wstrd. until 1754, when a few families fixed themselves on Cumberland r. but were driven away by the savages. The first permanent settlement in Ten., was made by the founding of fort London in 1757. According to Flint, fort London stood on Little Ten., a mile above the mouth of Tel- lico. This place is now included in Blount co. On Pownall's map, founded on Evan's, (the lat- ter published in 1755,) it is noted that the far- thest settlements of Va. wstrd. in 1755, were on the heads of Blue Stone branch of the Great Kenhawa, and those of Clinch and Holston rs. Ten. was then one wide wilderness. The course of original settlement was from N. C. into the valley of the Ten. proper, and fort Lon- don was the cradle. This fort was attacked, however, ajid taken by the Indians in 1760, when upwards of 200 men, women and chil- dren were massacred. In 1761, the important campaign under Col. Grant broke the power of the savages, and a treaty was made which en- couraged emigrants. About 1765, settlements began on Holston r., and gradually increased. Though harrassed by Indian warfare, the hardy frontier men penetrated deeper and deeper into the forest, and at the opening of the revolution- ary war, were sufficiently strong to meet their savage enemies. Col. John Sevier was the Tenneseean hero of that period. In June, 1776, ihe inhabitants, aided by a few Virginia sol- diers, defeated the Indians. Hostilities contin- ued, nevertheless, between the parties through the revolutionary war. As early as 1776, when the first republican constitution of N. C. was framed and went into operation, deputies from Ten. appeared in the first state assembly. Though many previous but abortive attempts had been made to settle w. Ten., the country around where Nashville now stands, was a wil- derness in 1779. The militia of Ten. gave themselves consequence in the eyes of their countrymen, by the aid they afforded in de- feating the British and tories, at King's moun- tain, Oct. 7, 1780. In 1783, a land office was opened; courts of justice had been established and opened the previous year. In 1784, by a law of N. C, a provisional cession of what now constitutes Ten. was made to the U. S. This act was repealed, but had permanent effect, as under its influence the people commenced an independent state government under the name of Frankland. These steps led to anarchy. N. C. claimed jurisdiction, as did also the con- stituted authorities of the state of Frankland. In the contest, power prevailed, and the state of Frankland disappeared. The struggle led to many acts of civil commotion, which were not terminated until after 1790, when Ten. was finally ceded to the U. S. In May, 1790, by a law of congress, the country was made a terri- tory by the name of " the Territory s. of the river Ohio.'" In Nov. 1791, the first printing press was established at Rogersville, and on the 5th of the same month was issued the first newspaper, the Knoxville Gazette. On June 1st, 1796, Ten. was formally admitted into the Union as a state of the confederacy. Since its introduction into the family of republics, the advance of this state, in population and wealth, has been constant and peaceable. In the late war, her troops acted a most honorable part, as they have since the original settlement in the middle of the last century. Government. — This is vested in a biennially chosen general assembly, composed of senators and members of assembly ; who to be eligible must have re- sided in the state three years, and in the co. whence selected one year next before their election ; and must possess in full right, 200- acres of land. The number of representatives never to exceed 40, and the senators never to be more than one half, or less than one third of the representatives. The executive power is vested in a governor biennially elected, and eligible 6 years in 8 ; and to be eligible must possess, in full right, a freehold of 500 acres of land, have arrived at the age of 35 years, and have been a resident in the state 4 years next preceding his election. The ju- diciary is vested in such superior and infe- rior courts as the legislature may from time to time appoint. Judges are appointed by joint ballot of both houses of the general assembly, hold their offices during good be- havior, and removable by impeachment. The right of suffrage is secured to every free v/hite citizen of 21 years of age and upwards, who either possesses a freehold in the county M'here he offers to vote, or who has resided there six months previous to the election day. Staple productions. — To enumerate the staples of this state would be to give a list of nearly every vegetable and metallic substance produ- ced in the U. S. The higher part of the state is most favorable to grain ; the lower to cotton. Iron is found in several places. The Cumber- land river is navigated by steamboats to Nash- ville, and all the large rs. of the state, for down boats to near their sources. (See these under their proper heads.) Education. — For the ad- vancement of the higher branches of education, the principal seminaries in Ten. are the Nash- ville university, at Nashville ; East Ten. college at Knoxville ; Greenville college, at Greenville, Green co. ; and at Maryville, the st. jus. Blount co.,thesthrn. and wstrn. Theological seminary. A more particular description of these will be found under the heads of places where they are located. Tennessee kiver, p-o. Haywood co. N. C, situated in the nrthrn. part of the co., by p-r.. 343 ms. w. Raleigh. Tennessee iron works, and p-o. Dickson CO. Ten., 50 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Tensaw, r. of Ala. The Tensaw is an out- let from Mobile river, about 8 ms. below the junction of Ala. and Tombigbeers. It is about 35 ms. comparative length, winds along, or near the eastern margin of the initndated tract above TEW 524 THO Mobile bay ; is navigable, passes Blakeley, and is lost in Mobile bay 4 or 5 ms. e. the town of Mobile. Tensaw, r. of La., has its extreme source from Grand lake, and in the sthestrn. angle of Chicot CO., and of the territory of Ark., but im- mediately enters Ouachita parish. La., and flow- ing a little s. of s. w. and nearly parallel to the general course of the Misp., by comparative courses about 110 ms. to its junction with Oua- chita to form Black river. The Tensaw is the drain of the inundated tract w. the Misp. in the parishes of Ouachita and Concordia. Tensaw, p-o. on the last noted river, Baldwin CO. Ala., by p-r. 32 ms. n. Blakeley, and 196 a little w. of s. Tuscaloosa. Teoronto, bay, Penfield, Monroe co. N. Y., makes up from lake Ontario, 1 m. by 5. Terre Bonne, {good or fertile land,) parish of La., bndd. by Atchafalaya bay, and parish of St. Mary's w.. La Fourche Interior (Interior La Fourche) n. n. e. and e., and by the Gulf of Mexico s. E., s. and s. w. Greatest length from the mouth of La Fourche r. to Point au Fer, at the sthrn. entrance of Atchafalaya bay 90 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,800 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from n. lat. 29° to 29° 42', and in long. W. C. 13° 08' to 14° 35'. The surface very near that of a dead plain, the slight elevation of the alluvial banks of some of the streams except- ed ; and with the same partial exception devoid of timber. What very slight slope exists is sthrd. and in that direction it is traversed by Terre Bonne, Grande and Petite Cailloux, and Bayou Bceuf. Where the soil is arable, it is of exuber- ant fertility, and the climate completely within the range of sugar cane. Except the small islets at the s. w. Pass of the Mississippi, the cape of Terre Bonne is the most sthrn. part of La. Cf. t. Williamsburgh. Pop. 2,121. Terre Coupee, p-v. St. Joseph's co. Ind. In the p-o. list it is stated at 245 ms. from Indian- opolis by the p-r., though the actual distance between the two places falls short of 150 ms., direction very nearly n, and s. Terre Haute, p-v. and st. jus. Vigo co. Ind., by p-r. 83 ms. s. w. by w. Indianopolis, and 60 ms. by the land road above and n. Vincemies. Lat. 39° 30', long. W. C. 10° 27' w. TiiRRYsviLLE, p-v. AbbeviUc dist. S. C, by p-r. 116 ms. wstrd. Columbia. Terrytown, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., by p-r. 142 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Tewksbury, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 20 ms. N. w. Boston, has Merrimack r. n., and Con- cord r. w., which flows into it, and separates the town from Chelmsford and Lowell. N. it is hilly, and stony, with pretty good soil ; in other parts nearly level and poor. The Merri- mack, at Hunt's falls, descends 40 ft. in one- fourth mile, and this is the head of navigation on that stream. When the water is high, rafts easily descend. Above this fall the r. is joined by the Middlesex canal. Belvidere v. is in the N. w. corner of the t. at the junction of Concord and Merrimack rs. It is connected with the great and flourishing manufacturing vil. of Lowell by a bridge across the former stream. Pop. 1,527. Tewksbury, p-t. Hunterdon co. N. J., 45 ms. -N. Trenton, has Morris co. n., Somerset co. e., i with a range of hills crossing it, and its eastern boundary line formed by Allamatong river, a branch of the Raritan. It contains the village of New Germantown. Pop. 1,659. Thames, r.. Conn., is formed by the conflu- ence of the Quinnebaug and Shetucket rivers, and at Norwich takes the name of Thames. It flows thence to New London harbor 14 miles, and affords sloop navigation from Norwich Landing to Long Island sound. A steamboat plies between New York and Norwich. The banks of this stream are pleasant and variega- ted. It flows through the old Mohegan country, and the reserved lands of that tribe lie on its w. banks, a little below Norwich. At the w. point of New London harbor is a light house, and in its vicinity are 2 forts, one of which, in Groton, was the scene of British cruelty in the revolu- tionary war, and is now marked by an obelisk, erected to the memory of the defenders. The Pocket, p-v. Moore co. N. C, by p-r. 82 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Uncouth as this name may sound, it is that given in the p-o. list, thus "(The) Pocket." Thetford, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 34 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 28 n. e. Windsor ; first settled about 1764 ; is crossed by Ompompanoosuc r., which here receives a branch, and both these streams afford mill sites. North is one half of Fairlee lake. There are other ponds, one of which, containing nine acres, is only about 25 ft. from the bank of Conn, r., which is 100 ft. below. It has neither inlet nor outlet, falls two or three ft. in summer, and abounds in fish. Be. tween the pond and the river passes a road. Galena is found here, which yield 75 per cent of lead. The surface is uneven, and somewhat rocky. An academy was established here 1819. There are several villages. Pop. 2,113. Thibadeauxville, p-v. and st. of jus. parish of La Fourche, interior La. ; situated on the left bank of La Fourche r., about 35 ms. s. e. and below Donaldsonville ; n. lat. 29° 46', long. 13° 48' w. W. C. Thickety Fork, and p-o. northeast part of Spartanburg dist. S. C, by p-r. 115 ms. n. n. vv. Columbia. Thomas, co. of Geo., bndd. w. by Decatur, N. w. by Baker, n. by Irwin, e. by Lowndes, s. by Jefferson co. Flor., and s. w. by Leon co. Flor. Length from s. to n. 50 ms., mean breadth 30, and area 1,500 sq. ms. N. lat. 31° and long. 7° w. W. C, intersect very near the cen- tre of this CO. The declivity southward ; the western part drained by Ocklockonnee, and the eastern by Suwanee r. Cf. t. Thomasville. Pop. 3,299. Thomaston, p-t. Lincoln co. Me., 49 ms. s. e. Augusta, 85 e. n. e. Portland, 36 e. Wiscasset ; is of irregular form, with Waldo co. n., Penob- scot bay e., and Saint George's r. on part of the w. line ; is of irregular form. It contains abund- ant quarries of lime stone, which is burnt in great quantities, and known in the ports of the United States for its good quality. About 150,- 000 casks have been sent out of Thomaston for 20 years past. The Saint George is navigable to this town in large ships, 12 miles from the ocean. The state prison is situated on the bank of this stream, in a tract of 10 acres, including THO 525 TIC a marble quarry. Excellent bluish granite is brought up from quarries below, on the river, which the convicts are employed in cutting. The plan of the building, and the system of discipline, are conformed to those of Auburn, Sing Sing, &c. The keeper's house is 30 ft. by 40, the hospital 23 by 48, and there are 50 cells in the prison, all of stone, surrounded by a stone wall. A considerable number of ves- sels are owned here, and there is an active coasting trade to different parts of the country, chiefly for the transportation of lime ; a bank, &c. The seat of the late Gen. Knox, is one of the finest in this part of the country. Pop. 4,214. Thomaston, late Upson c. h., p.v. and st. jus. Upson CO. Geo., by p.r. 87 ms. a little s. of w. Milledgeville ; lat. 32° 52', long. W. C. 7° 27' w. Thomasville, p-v. and st. of jus. Thomas co. Geo., situated in the forks of Ocklockonnee r., about 160 ms. in a direct line, but by p.r. 235 ms. s. s. w. Milledgeville ; n. lat. 30° 58', lont^. 7° 04' w. W. C. Thompsom, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 4G ms. E. N. E. Hartford, 26 n. w. Providence ; has Massachusetts n., and Rhode Island e., and is crossed by Quinebaug r., and French and Five Mile rs., its branches ; on which streams are excellent mill seats, and which afford fish. The surface is hilly. On French r. is a sattinet factory, with 14 looms, making 65,000 yards annually; then, 3 ms. below is a stone factory, 100 ft. long, with 2,200 spindles, and 52 looms, making 350,000 yards of printing cloths for cal- ico. Maconvilie, 1 mile below, contains anoth- er factory, with 2,436 spindles, and 60 looms, making 250,000 yards of shirtings. Near the junction of French r. and the Quinebaug is also another factory, with 900 spindles, and 18 looms. Pop. 3,383. Thompson, p-t. and st. jus. Sullivan co. N. Y., 113 ms. s. s. w. Albany, 34 from Newburgh ; has Orange co. s. ; watered by Navesink, Mon- gaup, Sheldrake and other crs., with a variety of surface, soil, and timber. Monticello village contains the co. buildings, and is 110 ms. from Albany. Pop. 2,457. Thompson, p-v. Geauga co. Ohio, by p-r. 184 ms. N. E. Columbus. Thompson's p-o. wstrn. part of Fairfield dist. S. C, by p-r. 24 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. Thompson's Cross Roads, and p-o. Louisa co. Va., by p-r. 45 ms. N. w. Richmond. Thompson's Store, and p-o. in the northern part of Hanover co. Va., by p-r. 46 ms. nrthrd. Richmond. Thompson's Store, and p-o. sthern. part of Anderson dist. S. C, by p-r. 121 ms. n. w. by w. Columbia. Thompsontown, and p-o. Mifflin co. Pa., by P-r. 34 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg. Thompsonsville, p-o. Culpepper co. Va., by p-r. 75 ms. s. w. by w. W. ( '. Thornburgh, p-v. Spotsylvania co. Va., by p.r. 70 ms. s. w. W. C. Thorndike, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 40 ms. n. e. Augusta; is bndd. by right lines, crossed by the branches of a stream flowing n. w. into Se- basticook r., and approaches nearly to Penob. scot CO. N. E. Pop. 652. 67 Thornbury, p-v. eastern part of Chester co • Pa., by p-r. 119 ms. n. e. W. C, and 18 ms- sthwstrd. Phil. Thorn Hill, p-v. Orange co. N. C. by p-r. 92 ms. N. w. by w. Raleigh. Thornton, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 58 ms. from Concord, 12 from Plymouth, 120 from Bos- ton ; is crossed by Pemigewasset r. n. and s., and has Mud r. and several other small streams. There are valuable meadows, and no high hills. First settled 1770. Pop. 1,049. Thornton, p-v. Delaware co. Pa., by p.r. 119 ms. N. E. W. C. Thornton's Gap, and p-o. in the Blue Ridge, western part of Culpepper co. Va., by p-r. 102 ms. N. w. by w. W. C, and 120 n. w. Richmond. Thorntown, p-v. Boone co. Ind., by p-r. 62 ms. N. w. Indianopolis. Thornville, p.v. in the n. w. angle of Perry CO. O., by p-r. 37 ms. e. Columbus. Thoroughfare, p o. Prince William co. Va., by p-r. 47 ms. s. w. W. C. Three Forges, and p.o. Bedford co. Pa., by p.r. 140 ms. n. w. W. C. Three Forks, p.o. Barren co. Ky., by p-r. 122 ms. s. s. w. Frankfort. Thre:: Springs, and p-o. southeastern part of Huntingdon co. Pa., by p-r. 73 ms. westward Harrisburg. Throg's Neck, or Point, Westchester, West- chester GO. N. Y., the N. point of Ea&t r. and marks the w. termination of Long island sound. It presents a low, broken, sandy bank e., on which the U. S. government have erected a light house. It forms a small peninsula. Throopsville, p.v. Mentz, Cayuga co. N.Y., 3 ms. N. Auburn, on Owasco inlet. Thousand Isles, in the r. St. Lawrence, ex. tend from the e. end of lake Ontario 30 miles down that stream, and are of various size and form. The principal are Carlton and Welles isls. in N. Y., and Grand isl. U. Canada. Thunder Bay, isls. and r. nrthestrn. coast of the peninsula of Mich. Thunder bay is a cove making to the n. w, from the nrthrn. side of Sag. inawbay ; and the isls. so called, extend estrd. from the main shore into lake Huron, and to the nrthestrd. from the cove. Thunder r. rises in the interior of the peninsula, interlocking sources with Ottawa river, and flowing thence eastwardly, falls into the head of Thunder bay. The distance is 35 ms., course n. n. w. from Transit Point, on the s. side of Saginaw bay, to the confluence of Thunder bay and r. Tick cr., and p.o. sthrn. part Chatham co. N. C, 44 ms. sthwstrd. Raleigh. TicoNDEROGA, p-t. Essex CO. N. Y., 96 ms.N. Albany, 3 s. Elizabethtown, has lake Cham, plain and Vt. e., Warren co. s., and includes the lower part of lake George. Fine levels ex- tend near the lake, with fine swells rising be- hind, and several high mtns. rise in different parts of the town, some of which, as well as several spots on the lower ground, have been rendered interesting by historical events of im. portance. The ruins of fort Ticonderoga oc- cupy the s. point of a promontory, below which bends lake Champlain, just before it spreads n. to a greater breadth than before, and opposite are mounts Defiance and Independence, with TiO 52G TIP the narrow part ol the lake between theni, the i'orrner an abrupi elevation, 720 ft. hiah, cover- ed with foresis, in this town, and the latter ol" iul'erior heiLjht and in Vt. I'he outlet of lal^e George, 3 ni.y. iono-, flowa in the s. part of Ti- conderoya, and enters the lake between mount Defiance, and fort I'iconderoga at Sword's point, between a tract of lieautiful meadows, ft has 3 falls, in all 1.57 ft., and turns some mills. The promontory is now overgrown by young timber, which has sjrov.'n since the desertion of the fortress. About 500 acres were inclosed by a breastwork across the isthtnus, by the French, who defended it against Gen. Aber- crombie in 1748. Gen. Amherst took the for- tress the following year. It was taken by sur. prise in 177.'), by a small party of men from Vt., commanded by Ethan Allen, but evacuated in 1777, by the American troops, on the approach of Gen. Burgoyne, who took his cannon to the top of mount Defiance, and thus secured the commatid of the place, from a position before considered inaccessible. A ferry crosses the lake to Shorehani, Vt. Pop. 1830, 1,996. Tiffin, p-v. and st. jus. Seneca co. O., by p-r. 85 ms. N. Columbus. It is situated on the right bank of Sandusky r. Lat. 41° 08', long. W. C. 4° 10' w. Fop. 248. Tiffi.vs, r. of Mich, and 0. rising in the for- mer, interlocking sources with those of r. Raisin of lake Erie, and St. .Joseph of Maumee. Form- ed by crs. issuing from Lenawee and Hillsdale cos. Mich., Tifnns r. flows s., enters O. tra- versing Plenry and Williams cos,, and falling into Maumee r. at fort Defiance just above, but on the contrary side from the influx of au Glaize t. Comparative length ,50 ms. TiMBALLiER, bay of La. extends westward from the mouth of La Fourche r. about 30 ms. with a width of from 3 to 6 ms. It has the same mouth with La Fourche, and is separated from the gulf of Mexico by a long low peninsu- la or island. It is shallow, with a sandy or muddy bottom. Tijiberlaice's p-o. Campbell co. Ky., by p-r. 71 mtf. N. N. E. Frankfort. TiiMi'soN's CK., aad p-o. sthrn, part Rabua co, Geo. by p-r. 9 ms. s. Clayton, the co. St., and 165 ms. N. Milledgeville. TiNicuM, isl. and cr., and also tsp. Bucks co. Pa. The cr. falls into Del. r. opposite the isl., and the tsp. lies along both sides of the cr. and on the Del. river, between the tsps. of Noxa- niixon and Piumpstead, about 38 ms. north- ward Phila. TiNicuM, isl. and tsp. Del. co. Pa. The isl- and lies in Del. r. below the mouth of Darley creek. Both the isl. and the adjacent shores are flat, and employed principally as grazing farms. TiNMouTi-i, p-t. Pcutland co. Vt., 41 ms. n. Ben- nington, 8 s. Rutland, 81 from iMontpelier, first settled 1770, is crossed by furnace brook; n. Little West r., a branch of Otter cr., which flows between two ranges of mtns. There are several quarries of marble, and plenty of iron ore, which supplies several furnaces and forges in this town. Pop. 1,049. Tioga, r. or Chemung, a w. branch of Sus- quehannah r. rises in Pa., runs n. into Steuben CO. N. Y., which it crosses to Painted Post, where it meets Clonhocton r., and then turning back into Pa., meets the e. branch at Tioga point. It flows about 50 ms. in N. Y., and with its branches, is navigable in boats. The Che- mung canal connects this stream with Seneca lake. {See Siisqiicharinah r.) I'loGA, CO. N. Y., bndd. by Tompkins co. and parts of Sleuben and Cortland cos. n., Bi'oome co. e., Pa. s., the boundary being the 42d degree of lat., and Steuben co. w., about 180 miles w. Albany, contains 18 tsps., is cross- ed in the s. is.by Susquehaimah r. and Chemung or Tioga river, s. w., which meet 3 ms. s. of the Penn. line. Owego cr. on the e. line, and Catetant and Cayuta crs. whicht cross this co. afford boat and raft navigation. There are few manufactories, 2 of woollen, and 1 furnace. The surface is hilly. Elmira and Owego, are the sts. jus. of the CO. Pop. 1820,14,716,1830, 27,690, TiooA, p-t, Tioga co. N. Y. 10 ms. w. Owe. go, 180 from Albany, has Pa. s., is crossed by tl'.e E. branch of Susquehannah, and has Cayuta cr. w. The surface is generally broken, and the soil poo-, with some rich but narrow vallies. Pop. 1,4 11. Tioga, co. Pa., bndd. e. by Bradford, s. e. and s. by Lycoming, w. by Potter, and n. by Steuben co. N. Y. Length 36 ms., mean width 32, and area 1,152 square miles. Extending in lat. from 41° 32' to 42° and in long, from 0° 04' E., to 0° 40' w. W. C. Surface composed of two declivities ; that comprising the central and northern sections, and drained by the Tio- ga r., falls to the n. e. The opposite declivity slopes to the s. w., and is drained by the sources of Pine cr. The mean arable surface of Tioga, exceeds 1,000 ft. above the Atlantic level. Cf. t. Wellsboro. Pop. 1820, 4,021, 1830, 9,071. TioNESTA, p-v. Armstrong co. Pa. New name, witliout relative distances on the general p-o. list. TiouGHNiOGA, cr., N. Y., rises in Onondaga CO., and flows through parts of Cortlandt and Broome cos. to Chenango r. after a course of about 55 ms. Tippecanoe, r. of Ind. rises about lat. 41° 30', in the sthrn. part of Elkhart co. and flows thence s. s. w. 80 ms., traversing the Indian country, and thence over Carroll falls into Wa- bash r. in Wabash co. This r. has interlocking sources with tho.-^e of the Elkhart branch of St. .losephr.of lake Michigan, and with the extreme estrn. fountains of Kankakee branch of Illinois r. Tippecanoe, co. Ind. bndd. n. e. by Carroll., Clinton e., iVlontgomery s.. Fountain s. w., V/arren w., and n. w. ; n. boundaries uncertain. Length from s. to N. 24 ; breadth 21, and area 504 sq. ms. Central lat. 40° 24', long. W. C. 9° 50' w. The main stream of the Wabash in a s. w. direction traverses this co. leaving about one third of the surface on the n. w. or right side. The residue, on the left side of Wabash, slopes nrthwstrd. towards that r. Cf. t. La Fayette, Pop. 7,187. "rirTON, CO. Ten. bndd. by Dyer, n., Hay- wood E., Lafayette ?„ e., Shelby s. and s. w., and the Mississippi r., separating it from Crit- tenden CO. Ark. w. Length 30 ms., mean width TOL 527 TOM 23, and area 600 square miles. Ex! ending in lat,. from 35° 23' to 35° 48', and in lon^. from 12° 32' to 13° w. W. C. The declivity is west- ward toward the Miss. r. the northern part tra- versod by Forked Deer, and the soutliern by Big llatchee rs. Cf. t. Covington. Pop. 5,317. TiPTONSPOKT, p-v. and st. Jus. Carroll co. Indiana, on Wabash r. by p-r. 9i ms. a little w. of.w. Indianopolis. Lat. 4U° 31', long. 9° 4(3' w. W. C. Tico, p-v. Richland co. O., by p-r. 20 ms. n. N. w. Mansfield, the co. st., and 83 ms^ n. Co- lumbus. TisBURY, p-t. Duke's co. Mass. 85 ms. s. e., Boston, on Martha's Vineyard, has the Vine- }'ard sound on the n. w. with the harbor of Holme's Hole n., where vessels often enter which are prevented from proceeding round Cape Cod shoal by contrary winds. 'This har- bor is safe, and frequently affords protection to foreign shij^s as well as coasters. Near the hnrbor is a small village. Pop. 1,317. Titus's Store, and p-o. Harrison co. O., b}'' p-r. 116 ms. a little n. of e. Coiumbu.s. Tiveutox, p-t. Newport co. R. I„ 24 ms. s. e. Providence, 13 n. e. Newport, has the e. pas- sage and Mount Hope bay w., and Mass. i\. and E. It is generally pleasantly varied, with sotne rocky parts, enjoys considerable advantages in fisheries and navigation, and was ctmnected with Rhode Island, some years since, by a stone bridge about 1,000 ft. long. Pop. 2,905. Toby, p-v. nrthwstrn. angle of Armstrong co. Pa., about 55 ms. a little e. ol n. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 236 ms. n. w. W. C. Toby's cr. {See Clarion river.) Told, co. Ky., bndd. w. by Christiana, n. by Muhlenburg, e. by Logan, and s. by Montgom- ery CO. Ten. Length from s, to n. 36 ms„ mean width 17, and area G12 sq. ms. E.xtending in lat. from 36° 37' to 37° 08', and in long, from 10° 04' to 10^ 22^ w. W. C. Todd occupies a part of the summit ground from which the wa. ters flow northwardly into Green r., and south, wardlv into Cumberland. Cf. t. Elkton. Pup. 1850, 5,089; 1830, 8,683. Tolland, p.t. Hampden co. Mass., 125 ms. s. w. Boston, has the line of Conn. s. The sur- face is varied by large swells, and is crossed by Farmington r. Pop. 723. Tolland, co. Conn. bndd. by Mass. n., Wind- ham CO. E., New London co. s., Hartford co. w., about 15 ms. by 22, with 337 square ms. and 12 towiiships. The w. part is nearly level, with a light but good soil, and few stones ; in the e. is the granite range, which is mountainous, and but partially cultivated. Scantic, Salmon, and Hockanum rs. and their branches, water the w. and s., and Willimantic and Hop rs. the e. Tol- land is the cf. t, and st. jus. Pop. 1820, 14.330 ; 1830, 18,702. Tolland, p.t. and st. jus. Tolland co. Conn., 17 ms. N. E. Hartford, 52 n. e. New Haven, 42 N. w. New London, has Willimantic r. on the E. line, and is generally rough and stony, with good grazing land. Oak and chestnut prevail in the forests. The earth affords granite, and iron ore. Snipsic pond is 2 miles, but narrow. The village is in the centre, on a plain, with the CO. buildings, bank, &c. Pop. 1,698, ToMiUGUEE, r. of Misp. and Ala., the great wstrn. constiluent of Mobile, is formed by 2 branches, I'onibigbee proper, and Black War, rior. {See article Black Warrior.) I'ombig- bee has its highest source in t!ie tcrri'ory of the Chickasaw Indians, urihrn. part of tlie state of Misp., interlocking sources v/iili those of Bear cr. branch of Ten., Big Hat';liee, and Yazoo rs. Augmented by numoroufi crs. from both sides, this r. pursues a course of s. s. e. 110 miles, leaves the state of Riisp., and enters that of Ala. Preserving tiie original course 69 miles farther, it receives the Black Warrior from the nrthestrd. This higher valley of Tombighce is in leagth 160 ms., with a mean width of 60, and comprises jin area, of 9.6J0 sq. ms. ; or if added to that of the Black Warrior, the entire surface drained by the two coniiuenta above their junc- tion, is 14,859 sq. ms. Belovv' ihe union of the two great branches, the now considerablo stream, retaining the name of Tombigbee, as- sumes a sthrn. and vcj-y tortuous course, about 100 ms., to its junction v/jth Ala. to form the Mobile. The eniire length of the Tombigbee by the mam stream is 270, and by the Black Warrior 240 ms. Below the mouth of Black Warrior r. the volume is but slightly augment- ed, as it receives only creeks of moder>ite size. The Valley does not exceed 40 ms. in width, and its entire area contains about 18,850 sq. ms. It extends from lat. 31° 06' to 34° 45', and in long, from 9° 24' to 12° 24' w. W. C. It haa the vallies of Yazoo, and Big .Hatchee rs. n. w., Ten. N., Coosa, Cahawba, and Ala, rs. n, e., e, and s. E., and those of Pearl and Pascagoula rs. s. w. ToMLiNsox's p-o. on the U. S. ro;id, Allegha- ny CO. Md., 20 ms. wstrd. Cumberland, and by P-r. 152 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. To.MOKA, St. of jus. Mosquito CO. Flor. Situ, ation uncertain. Tompkins, co. N. Y., bndd. by Seneca and Cayuga cos. .n., Cortlandt co. e., Tioga co. s., Steuben co. v/., on the line of which lies Sene. ca lake, 170 ms. w. Albany. It contains 10 tsps. 2 miles of the head of Cayuga lake, which also forms the w. line for 6 ms. Fall cr., Cayuga inlet. Six Miles cr., and Cascadilla, Halsey's and Salmon crs.. &c. afrord water power to a great amount. The land rises grad- ually near Cayuga lake 400 or 500 ft. and the soil is generally favorable to cultivation. There are 2 woollen factories at Ithaca, and f cotton factory, besides large flour mills, &c. Besides these there are in other parts of the county 1 cotton and 1 woollen factory, 2 oil mills, l' pow- der mill, 2 rifle manufactories, 3 furnaces, &c, Ithaca is the cf. t. and st. ius. of the co. Pop, 1820, 32,747, 1830, 35,545. Tompkins, p-t. Delaware co, N. Y., 100 ms. from Albany, 30 s. w., Delhi, has Broome co. and a corner of Pa. w., and is crossed by Dela- ware r. which afterwards fortns a part of the w, line, and receives several branches. The sur- face is hilly and broken. The village of De- posit, at the bend in the r. and on the w. bor,- ders of the co. is a spot of importance in the lumber trade of the r. Pop, 1,774. ToMPKiNSViLLE, incorporated v., Richmond, Richmond co. N. Y., near the n. e. extremity TOR 528 TRA of Staten isl., opposite the quarantine ground of New York hRrbor, at the n. part of the nar- rows, occupies the shore and the acclivity of a hill, and has rapidly increased within a few years. It contains the quarantine buildings of the state, and hospitals belonging to the United States. The hospitals are 3 in number, each about 100 ft. in length, and all surrounded by a wall, enclosing 30 acres. A Presbyterian church has recently been erected. The pavil- ion, on an eminence half a mile in the rear of the V. commands an extensive, varied and beau- tiful panoramic view over the New York bays, the city, the narrows, forts and part of Long and Staten isls. and out upon the Atlantic. The Seamen's Retreat has been recently erected about 1 mile below this village in Southamp- ton near the shore, and atTords accommoda- tions for 100 or 150 invalid seamen. The Sailor's Snug Harbor, on the n. shore of Staten island in the town of Richmond, and not far from this village, is a charitable institution long established in New York. Steamboats ply between Tompkinsville and New York city al- most every hoar. The shore is lined with good wharves, and the ground rises in bold and hand- some swells from the water. Tompkinsville, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. Ky., situated on the extreme head ot Big Bar- ren r., 87 ms. n. estrd. Nashville, and by p-r. 144 ms. a little w. of s. Frankfort. Lat. 36° 43', long. 8° 36' w. W. C. Pop. 220. ToNAWANTA, cr. N. Y. rises in Genesee co., and flowing between Niagara and Erie cos. falls into Niagara, r. opposite the middle of Grand island, 12 ms. n. Buffalo. It is about 90 ms. long, and has a sluggish current in the lower part of its course, so that it is made to serve as part of the Erie canal, which enters it 11 ins. from the lake, and leaves it at Green Ha- ven, near the shore, passing thence along the bank to Buffalo. ToNAWANTA, isl. N. Y., in Niagara r. lies be- tween the mouth of the river of that name, and Grand isl. It is 3-4 m. long. ToNAWANTA, reservation, N. Y., is chiefly in Genesee co. and partly in Erie co.. on Tona- wanta cr., and is a rich tract of low land be- longing to the Seneca Indians, who have a vil- lage on the cr. TopsFiELD, p-f. Essex CO. Mass., 21 ms. n. e. Boston, has a varied surface, and is crossed by Ipswich r. on whose banks are fine meadows. First settled 1638. Pop. 1,010. TopsHAM, p-t. and st. jus. Lincoln co. Me., 31 ms. from Augusta, 27 w. Wiscasset, lies in the bend of Androscoggin r., which bounds it E., s. and w., separating it from Bath e., and Brunswick s. It is the seat of several mills and factories, contains the court house, &c. Pop. 1,567. TopsHAM, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 19 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 47 n. Windsor, first settled about 178], is supplied with mill streams by head waters of Wait's r. The surface is uneven, with granite rocks. Pop. 1,384.^ Torbertville, p-o. wstrn. part Upson co. Geo., by p-r. 92 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville, and 5 ms. wstrd. Thomaston, the co. st. Torrington, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 23 ms. N. w. Hartford, 7 n. e. Litchfield ; is uneven, generally with good soil, favorable to grazing ; crossed by the e. and w. branches of Waterbu- ry r. Wolcottville is a manufacturing village. Pop. 1,654. Totten's Wells, and p. o. eslrn. part Obion CO. Ten., by p.r. 11 ms. e. Troy, the county seat, and 161 ms. wstrd. Nashville. Towamensinq, p-v. wstrn. part Northampton CO. Pa., by p-r. 194 ms. n. n. e. W. C. TowANDA, p-v. and st. jus. Bradford co. Pa., situated on the right bank of Susquehannah r., above the entrance of Towanda cr. 65 ms. above and n. w. Wilkesbarre, and 15 below Ti- oga point, and by p.r. 239 ms. a little e. of n. W. C. ; lat. 41° 47', long. 0° 30' e. W. C. The village is small and composed of one street along the main road. In 1820, the tsp. con- tained a population of 1,024. The adjacent country is in a high degree varied and roman- tic. Town Creek Mills, Lawrence co. Ala. [See Brickville, same co. and state.) TowNSEND, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 45 ms. N. w. Boston ; has the line of New Hampshire N., has much of its surface varied by gentle hills, with some pine plains. The soil is of secondary quality ; fruit flourishes. Townsend Harbor is a pleasant village. Pop. 1,506. Townsend, p-v. Sandusky co. Ohio, by p-r. 119 ms. nthrd. Columbus. Townsend, cape, Brown co. Mich, is the ex. treme nthrn. and salient point of the peninsula, which stretching from Sturgeon bay in a n. n. e. direction 50 ms., separating Green Bay from lake Michigan, is terminated to the nthrd. by fhe inlet called Petit Detroit (Little Mraits). Grand Traverse Islands, following in a chain on the same general course, is a continuation, though broken, of Townsend peninsula. {See Sturgeon hay.) Townsend, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 28 ms. N. E. Bennington, 12 n. w. Brattleboro' ; first settled 1761 ; is uneven, with many steep hills, and is crossed by West r., which has good meadows on its course. Other streams afford mill sites. Pop. 1,386. Tracy's Landing, and p-o. Ann Arundel co. Md. '("ransit point, or cape more correctly, is the nthrn. extension of that part of the peninsula of Mich, which juts northwardly between lake Huron and Saginaw bay. N. lat. 44° and long. W. C. 6° w. intersect about 2 ms. n. of Transit Point. The Point, following the intervening curve of lake Huron coast, is about 80 ms. n. N. w. from the outlet of lake Huron, or head of St. Clair r. Transylvania, v. on the Ohio, in the extreme nthrn. angle of Jefferson co. Ky. Transylvania, p-v. vi'strn. part of Greene co. Ohio, by p-r. 7 ms. wstrd. Xenia, the co. seat, and 64 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus. Trap, p-v. sthrn. part Talbot co. Md., 9 ms. s. Easton the co. seat, and 93 ms. a little s. ofE. W. C. Trap, p-v. Montgomery co. Pa., 9 ms. n. w. by w. Norristown, the st. jus., and- by p-r. 152 ms. N. E. W. C. Traveller's Repose, p-o. estrn. part Po- TRE 529 TRE cahontas co. Va., by p-r. 221 ms. s. w. by w. W. G. Traveller's Rest, and p-o. Shelby co. Ky., 20 nis. wstrd. Frankfort. Traverse!., extreme sthrn. reservoir or head of Red r. br. of Assiniboin. As laid down by Tanner, this lake affords a striking illustration of the features of that immense marshy and al- most level table land, which spreads from the valley of Missouri to that of lake Superior. Only about 2 ms. intervene between lake Tra- verse, with a slope towards Hudson's bay, and Bigstone lake, discharging its water on the side of the gulf of Mexico. From the portage be- tween Big-Stone, and Traverse lakes in a n. n. E. direction, in a distance of 200 ms., the water slowly recedes on one side to s. e. and forms the higher sources of Mississippi, and on the other side falls n. w. into Red r. Traylorsvii.le, p-o. Henry co. Va., 6 ms. from Martinsville, the co. seat, and by p-r. 305 ms. s. w. W. C. Trent, small r. of N.C., rises in Lenoir, and traversing Jones into Craven co., falls into Neuse r. at and below Newbern. Trent Bridge, and p-o. on Trent r. .Tones co. N. C. 7 ms. wstrd. Trenton, the co. seat, and 133 s. E. by E. Raleigh. Trenton, p-t. Hancock co. Me., 87 ms. e. Augusta, 30 N. E. Castine ; has Skilling's r. e., Union r. w., with the strait s., which separates Mount Desert isl. from the main land. Pop. 794. Trenton, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 13 ms. n. Utica ; has West Canada cr. e., which divides it from Herkimer co. ; has pretty good soil, and many small streams. West Canada cr. presents many romantic scenes along its course, having its bed deep into the rocks of dark colored lime-rock, which underlays the soil. In one place the banks are about 140 ft. perpendicular, and for a distance of 2 or 3 ms. there is a suc- cession of gulfs, rapids, and cascades, frequent- ly narrowed by rocky precipices, and overhung by forest trees, which render this part of the course of the stream one of the most pictur- esque regions in the country, and one of the favorite objects among travellers in this state. The rocks abound in curious vegetable and ani- mal remains, and the stream vs^ith fine trout. Steuben and Cincinnati creeks unite at the vil. Pop. 3,221. TuENTON, city and p-t. Hunterdon co. New Jersey, the capital of the state, is situated on the E. bank of the Delaware r., at the head of steamboat and sloop navigation. It is in lat. 40° 14', and in long. 2° IG' e. W. C., 11 ms. s. w. of Princeton, 27 s. w. of New Brunswick, CO s. w. of New York, 30 n. of Philadelphia, and 166 N. E. of W. C. The navigation of the r. beyond this place by sloops, &c., is limited by the rapids, and by a fine wooden bridge of 5 arches, and more than 1,000 ft. in length, which is the first above its mouth. The town is of considerable size and importance ; it is in the s. w. corner of the county, near the Assanpink cr. The principal streets are regularly laid out, and contain many good dwelling houses and numerous stores. Among the public build- ings are the state house, 2 banks, and 6 church- es-in the city and town. The ground on which the city is situated, as well as the surface of the town in general, is considerably varied. The Delaware and Raritan canal, extending from Trenton to New Brunswick, crosses the city, and is here joined by the feeder which en- ters the river above the falls. These falls af- ford water power for extensive manufacturing privileges ; and in the city and its neighborhood are 10 manufactories and mills, several of which are of cotton goods. These are all sup- plied with water, either from the Delaware r., or the Assanpink creek. In 1831, a company was incorporated with a capital of J$60,000 to construct a dam on the Delaware r. near Wells' falls, and a race way on the e, side, to any point not more than 1^ ms. below Trenton falls, with authority to sell the water, &c., for manufac- turing purposes. The expense is estimated at $100,000, and the water power to be obtained equal to that of 529 horses ; another dam, cost- ing but f§5,000, would increase the power to that of 1,170 horses. The Delaware r. is naviga. ble by boats far up into the state of N. Y., and affords conmiunication with an extei.sive and fertile country, yielding grain, lumber, anthra- cite coal, &c. Large steamboats come up from Philadelphia as far as this place, except when the water is very low. The bed of the river here is covered with round stones, which are taken in great quantities to Philadelphia for paving, and supplied by the spring floods yearly. The feeder of the Delaware and Raritan canal enters the city from 20 ms. above, and is 40 ft. wide, and 6 ft. deep. The canal itself, which will be completed in 1833, will afford sloop na- vigation across the state from New York to Philadelphia. This place is memorable from its being captured from the British and Hes- sians by surprise, on the evening of the 25th Dec, 1776, by Gen. Washington. It was oc- cupied by the British in Jan. 1777, when the American army under Washington, effected their celebrated retreat from Lamberton, on the opposite side of Assanpink cr., and gained the N. part of the state. Pop. in 1820, 3,925. Trenton, p-v. and st. jus. Jones co. N. C, situated on the small river Trent, 21 ms. a lit- tle s. of w. Newbern, and by p-r. 140 ms. s. e. by e. Raleigh ; lat. 35° 02' long. 0° 26' w. Trenton, p-v. and st. of jus. Gibson co. Ten., situated on the North fork of Forked Deer r., by p-r. 139 ms. w. Nashville. Lat. 35° 57', long. 12 w. W. C. Trenton, p-v. extreme sthrn. part Todd co. Ky., by p-r. 200 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Pop. 178. Trenton, p-v. n. estrn. part Butler co. Ohio, by p-r. 39 ms. n. n. e. Cincinnati, and 93 s. w. by w. Columbus. Trescot, t. Washington co. Me., e. by n. Augusta ; is the last town on the coast, in the state, except Lubec, which is on the e. boun- dary of the U. S. It has the Atlantic, or rather the strait between Grand Menan isl. and the main, south ; contains Haycock's harbor, and Moose cove, and has a cove called Bailey's Mistake, on the e. line. There are no consid- erable streams. Pop. 480. Tkexlertown, p-v. Lehigh co. Pa., on Little TRO 530 TRO Lehigh, 8 ms. s. w. Allentown or Northamp- ton, the CO St., and by p.r. 170 ms. n. e. W. C. TiuADELPHiA, p-v. and cotton factory, on Pa. tiixcnt r., northeastern part Montgomery co. Md., 26 ms. N. VV. C, and about an eqi.ial dis- lunce s. w. by w. Briltijnore. This phice is v\ orthy of a visit for the richness and variety of its scenery. Triana, p-v. situated on the right bank of Tenn. r., and in tlie southern part of Ahi., 15 ms. s. w. liunlsville, and by p-r. 145 ms. n. n. E. Tuscaloosa. Triangle, p-t. Broome co. N. Y., 132 ms. Albany, 7 Lisle village, between Onondaga and Chenango rs. ; was formed in 1831. TuiGG, CO. Ky., bndd. by Tenn. r. separating it from Calloway s. w., Caldwell n. w. and n., Christian e., and Montgomery and Stewart cos. Tenn. s. It is very nearly a right angled tri- angle, perpendicular n. from the Tenn. line, 32 ins., mean width 16, and area 512 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 35° 37' to 36° 04', and in long, from 10° 42' to 11° 13' w. W. C. The western part is traversed in a northerly direc- tion by Cumberland river, and the eastern part drained into the latter stream by Little r. Cf. t. Cadiz. Pop. 1820, 3,874, 1830, 5,916. Trimble's Iron Works, and p-o. Greenup CO. Ky., by p-r. 142 ms. a little n. of e. Frank- ibrt. Triplett, p-v. Fleming co. Ky., by p-r. 97 ms. eastward Frankfort. Troublesome Iron Works, and p-o., on Troublesome crs., southern part of Rocking- ham CO. N. C, by p-r. 100 ms. sthwslrd. Ra- leigh. Trough, cr. and p-o. near the centre of Hun- tingdon CO. Pa., about 9 ms. s. s. e. the borough of Huntingdon, and by p-r. 133 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Troup, co. Geo., bndd. n. by Carroll, e. by Pi/Ierriwether, s. by Harris, and w. by the Creek territory in Ala. Length 24 ms., mean width 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 55' to 33° 15', and in long, from 8° 02' to 8° 24' w. W. C. The dechvity is to the s. s. w., traversed in that direction by the main volume of Chattahoochee r., which, entering on the northern border, leaves the co. near the s. w. angle. Cf. t. La Grange. Fop. 5,799. Troup, c. h. (>See La Grange.) Troupsburgi-i, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 20 ms. s. w. Bath, has Pennsylvania on the south line, and Alleghany co. west. First settled, 1805 ; is supplied with mill sites by Tuscarora and Troup's cr. The soil is favorable to grazing, and iron ore is found. Pop. 666. Trousdale, p-v. northwestern part Stewart CO. Tenn., by p-r. 97 ms. n. w. by w. Nashville. Trout Run, p-o. near the northern border of Lycoming co. Pa., 14 ms. n. w. Williamsport, and by p-r. 101 ms. n. n. w. Harrisbnrg. Trout run is a branch of Lycoming cr. Trout Run, p-o. eastern part Hardy co. Va., hy p-r. 101 ms. w. W. C. Troy, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 39 ms. n. e. Au- gusta ; borders on Penobscot co. e. and n. e., and its streams, which are small, flow from the t. in dilTerent directions, but empty into the Se- basticook. Pop, 803. Troy, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 60 ms. from Concord; has but few mill si'es. Pop. 676. Troy, p-t. Orleans co. Vt., 47 ms. n. e. Mont, pelier, 51 from Burlington ; first settled 1800, from Conn.; was almost deserted in the late war with Great Britain. Missisque crosses w. and falls 70 It. in a rocky and rouiantic pass. The soil is good for both grain and grass, the surface generally level, particularly on the r. meadows. Pop. 608. TiioY, p-t. Bristol co. Mass., 48 ms. s. Bos, ton, is situated on the e. side Taunton r., and is nearly equally divided by Wahupper pond. This is a place of very extensive manul'actures. These are located at Fall River village, where is a bank, 6 or 7 churches, a printing office, several manufactories of nails and machinery, and shingle, saw, and grist mills. The falls in the river are !40 feet in a distance of 80 rods, and at these are 9 dams, with a fall of about 15 ieet each. These supply a water power for 13 cotton factories, 1 of satinet, and for other branches of manufacture also. The buildings are generally of brick, or stone. At the cot. ton manufactories are made about 9,'6i>,000 yards annually. The largest (Massasoit) runs 10,000 spindles, 350 looms, employs 400 hanila, and consumes annually 810.000 lbs. cotton. The whole run upwards of 3 1,500 spindles, and 1,050 looms, einploy 1,276 hands, and manu. facture 2,290,000 lbs. of cotton annually. Here is also a satinet factory, employing 150 persons, and a print factory employing 260, and iron works manufacturing 1,006 tons annually. The amount of shipping owned in this town, chiefly at Fall River village, is about 3,500 tons. The arrivals in 1832 were 384, among which were 2 ships, 9 brigs, and 6 schooners from foreign ports, 2.000 tons of Nova Scotia coal, and 21,000 from other places ; 6,000 bales (2,100,000 lbs.) of cotton, 200,000 lbs. wool, 1,000 tons of iron, and 3,826,000 ft. of lumber, were imported to this place during 1832. The village now (1833) contains about 5,000 inhabitants. Fop. of the town, including the village of Fall River, 1830, 4,1.59, that of the latter, 3,431. Troy, city and st. jus. Rensselaer co. N. Y., on the E. bank of the Hudson r.. 6 ras. n. of Albany, 156 n. of N. York, and 383 n. e. ofW. C, is in lat. 42° 43', and in 3° 15' e. long. W. C. It is built on a handsome and somewhat elevated plain, extending from the shore of the river to the foot of a range of hills, about 1 m. E., down which flow several mill streams. The city is regularly laid out, the principal streets running parallel with the Hudson ; these, as well as many of the cross streets, are compact. ly and handsomely built, chiefly with brick. Most of the business is transacted near the river, where the stores are mostly located, — many of the private dwelling houses are com- modious and elegant. Many of the streets are adorned with fine shade trees; and strangers generally are struck with the neatness and ele- gance of the city. Among the public buildings are, the court house, which is of stone and in the Grecian style of architecture ; the jail, the house of industry, the Episcopal church, which is an elegant Gothic edifice, and 6 other hand- some churches, the market house, 3 banks, the TRU 531 TUL lyceuiu ofnatural history, connected with which is a mineralogical cabinet, &c. The Rensse- laer school, a literary institution for the iiracti- cal instruction of young men, established by the Hon. S. Van Rensselaer, has been for some years in this city, but is to be removed to some other part of the county. The library, appara- tus, &c. of this institution cost $5,0(iO or ;$6,0U0. A classical department is to be added to it, and the "manual labor system" to be introduced. Another institution is the Troy Female Semina- ry, which has acquired a high reputation. The buildinir is large and well situated in an eligi- ble part of the city. The number of its pupils is usually about i^OO. There are also other good schools and academies. Troy enjoys a very line situation for trade and manufactures. Its communications with the interior are numer- ous and good. The river is navigable to this place by steamboats and large sloops ; and a water communication is opened with the Erie and Chainplain canals by a dam across the Hud- son, a branch canal, locks, a basin, &,c. A rail road is proposed from Troy to Whitehall ; and another from the opposite side of the Hudson to Saratfgfi ; the latter is soon to be commenced. Daily lines of steamboats run to New York ; and trade with Boston, and other eastern towns is kept up by sloops, and regular packets, as well as across the country. There is a niacada- mized road commencing opposite to the city and extending to Albany, upon which hourly stages run to that city. The water power af- fordeil by the Poestenkill, and Wynautskill rs., — small streams which take their rise on the eminences near the city — is profitably eiuploy. ed, and numerous manufactories of iron, cotton, &c. are carried on in the vicinity. The scene- ry in the neighborhood of Troy is interesting ; and the eminence in the rear of the city, called mount Ida, is a beautiful and romantic spot. The view of the neighboring cities, of the Hud- son r. stretching to the south, and generally of the country for miles around, is very fine. Pop. 11,405. Tkoy, p-v. Bradford co. Pa., 20 ms. nrthrdly. from Towanda, and by p-r. 148 ms. above and northward Harrisburg. Tkov, p-v. and st. jus. Obion co. Tenn., sit. uated near the centre of the co., by p-r. 161 ms. a little N. of w. Nashville. Lat. 36° 16', long. J 2° 17' w. W. C. Troy in Obion is the most northwesterly st. jus. in the state of Tenn. Troy, p-v. and st. jus. Miami co. O., on Still- water branch of Great Miami, 21 ms. n. Day- ton, and by p-r. 78 ms. w. Columbus. Lat. 40° 03', long. W. C. 7° 14' w. Pop. 504. Troy, p-v. Oakland co. Mich., by p-r. 36 ms. nrthwstrd. Detroit. Troy, p-v. on Ohio r., at the mouth of An- derson's or., sthwstrn. angle of Perry co. Ind., by p-r. 148 ms. a little w. of s. Indianopolis. "Troy, p-v. and st. jus. Lincoln co. Mo., sit- uated towards the sthrn. side of the co., 53 ms. N. w. St. Louis. Lat. 38° 53', long. W. C. 13° 56' w. Troy's Store, and p-o. wstrn. part Randolph CO. N. C, 65 ms. w. Raleigh. Trucksville, p-v. Luzerne co. Pa., by p-r. 6 ms.from Willtes-Barre and 120 n. e. Harrisburg'. Trumansburg, p-v. Tompkins co. N. Y., 1 1 ms. N. w. Ithaca. Trumj!AUrsville, p-v. wstrn. part Bucks co. Pa., 24 ms. nrthwrdly. Phil. Trumbull, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., 17 ms. w. New Haven, 4^ from Bridgeport, 55 from Hart- ford, about 4 ms. by 5^, is uneven, with good soil, and primitive rocks, watered by Pequan- nock r. Pop. 1,242. Trumbull, co. of 0., bndd. s. by Columbiana, s. w. and w. Portage, n. w. Geauga, n. Ashta- bula, iN. E. Crawford, Pa., and e. and s. e. Mer- cer CO. Pa. Length 35 ms., breadth 25, and area 930 sq. ms. Lat. 41° 15', long. W. C. 3° 45' w. Slope sthestrd. and drained by the Ma- honing or western constituent of big Beaver, and its branches. The soil is generally goo''• ff4,000 115,364 140,455 130,419 ^. f^erritories, ^c' Midi. ■^" Sfyeoo" 31,607 31,639 31,625 • X^rE * 50,000 25,812 30,388 28,557 Flor. 55,000 19,22??' 34,730 28,529 p. C. ...'■ 100 33,715 39,834 37,389 l-furon, 100,000 Total, 1,061,222 10S49,620 12,8.^4,890 12,055,050 From this table we find that the people of the United States, have, with more or less of com- pactness, extended their settlements over more than 1,000,000 sq. ms., or over a surface ex- ceeding that of all Europe w. of the rivers Vis- tula and Bog, and s. of the Baltic ; a surface on which now exist upward of 150,000,000 of in- habitants. With all this density, the people of that part of Europe more than double in 50 years. If the people of the U. S. double in 30 years, their number will exceed 100,000,000, during the current century. The various classes of the population, by the census of 1830, are aa follows : UNI 537 UNI Under 5 years of age, From 5 to 10 " 10 to 15 " 15 to 20 " 20 to 30 " 30 to 40 " 40 to 50 " 50 to 60 " 60 to 70 " 70 to 80 '• 80 to 90 " 90 to 100 100 and upwards Whiles. Males. Females, 972,980 921,934 782,075 750,741 669,734 638,850 573,196 596,254 956,487 918,411 592,535 555,531 367,640 356,046 229,284 223,504 135,082 131,307 57,772 58,336 15,806 17,431 2,041 2,523 301 23^ Of the foregoing, were deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, 1,652 ; of 14 and under 25, 1,905 ; of 25 and upwards, 1,806. Blind, 3,974. Aliens, or foreigners not naturalized, 107,832. Of the colored pop. of the United Stales, there were : — Of Free persons. Slaves. Males. Females. Males. Females. Under 10 yrs. ofage 48,675 47,329 353,498 347,665 From 10 to 24 43,079 48,138 312,567 308,770 " 24 to 36 27,6.50 32,541 185,585 185.786 " 36 to 55 22,271 24,327 118,880 111,887 •' 55 to 100 11,509 13,425 41,545 41,435 100 and over 269 386 748 676 Included in the colored pop. are, deaf and dumb under 14 years of age, 273 ; 14 and un- der 25, 246 ; 25 and upwards, 224. Blind 1,470. Recapitulation. Whites. Free colored. Slaves. Total. Males .5,355,133 153,453 1,012,823 6,521,409 Pen-iales- 5,171,115 166,146 996,220 6,333,481 Total 10,526,248 319,599 2,009,043 12,854,890 Add errors in returns of the state of N. Y. 5,602 Do. La. 210 Persons employed in U. S. navy June 1, 1830 5,318 Grand total pop. U. S. 12,866 020 Progressive population from 1790, to 1830, inclusive. 1790, 3,929,827 Increase per cent. ISnO, 5,305,941 " " " 35 1810, 7,239,814 " " " 36 1820, 9,638,191 " " " 33 1830, 12,866,020 " " " 33 From the best data, we may regard the reg. ular increase as nearly one third, decennially. The greater increiricnt per cent, which appears in the two first periods, is satisfactorily accoimt- ed for by the fact, that each succeeding enu- meration has been more correctly made ; of course the actual population has been more ful- ly represented in the returns. We find from the above table, that white males under 5 years of age, exceeded females of like age in 1830, 61,046, an excess of about 5 per cent. Of white persons above the age of 70, we find 75,920 males, and 78,531 females, or of persons who have passed the ordinary limits of human life, there are 2,611 more females than males. Of the aggregate white population, of the whole U. S., the majority of the male population over that of the female is 184,018 ; whilst in the states comprised in New England, there is an excess of females, of 23,516. In the class of free colored persons we again discover very nearly similar results ; whilst the number of aged male slaves exceeds by a small fraction the number of aged female slaves. Uniting all classes, we discover that the common law of birth is rigidly obeyed by nature, in the U. S., there being an excess of males, but the chances of protracted life being decidedly in favor of females. Mountains. The face of the country is of course very much varied. For details in this particular, we refer to articles on the different states. Besides the minor ranges of mtns., the country is traversed by two great chains which are nearly parallel with the coasts of the oceans which they respectively approach. The Ap- palachian or Atlantic chain extends from s. w, to N. E., whilst the Chippewayan or Pacific range runs from s. s. e. to n. n. w. By these mtns., the United States territory is divided in- to two great ocean slopes, and an immense in- terior valley. By another physical division it may be regarded as separated into 4 great in- clined planes ; the eastern falling from the Ap- palachian chain, to the Atlantic ocean ; the western from the Chippewayan, to the Pacific ocean, and the two central planes having a com- mon line of the deepest depression along the lower part of the channel of the Mississippi river, the Illinois river and lakes of Canada. The southwestern Appalachian chains rise ab. ruptly from the Hudson valley, near lat. 41° 30' N. where the Hudson passes between enor- mous walls of primitive rock. These preci- pices rise almost perpendicularly from 1,200 to 1,500 feet, their bases being washed by the tides. From hence, with a breadth from 80 to 100 ms., the range passes southwestward through the United States, until gradually lost among the hills between the southern sources of Tennessee river and Appalachicola and Mobile. The intervening vallies rise from 500 to 2,000 feet, discharging on one side the numerous streams which traverse and adorn the Atlantic slope, and from the other supply innumerable fountains to the great central riv- er ; a remarkable feature of the Appalachian chain is the fact, that very few falls are found in its rs. In a state of nature, the Atlantic sys- tem rose as the central and most elevated sec- tion, 'of^l^hafs the most extended continuous forest that ever existed on the earth. From the Atlantic border far beyond the Ohio, (with few exceptions) spread countless millions of trees, amongst which the oak, pine and hickory, pre- dominated ; but intermixed with numerous oth- er varieties, winding amongst these primeval woods, rose and flowed those streams now deck- ed with farms, studded with cities, or rivalled by canals fed from their own bosoms. The St. Lawrence basin, a part of the same physical section, also sustained its share of this vast for- est, stretching almost uninterruptedly from the sources of Ottawa and Saguenai, to the gulf of Mexico. Passing wstrd. from the Appalachian towards the Chippewayan range, timber gradu- ally ceases, and many hundred miles before reaching the sources of the mighty Missouri, its banks are entirely destitute of trees. Here are extensive level prairies, where, far as the eye beholds, nothing like forest trees are visi- ble, and as on the ocean, earth and heaven seem UNI 538 UNI to meet in the distance. In sthwstrn. Louisi- ana, the extremes meet, and in a few hours the traveller may pass from the deep gloom of for- ests untouched by the axe, into plains unbroken by the plough. Contrasts like these, though on a larger scale, strongly mark the two great mtn. systems of the U. States. Towards the Atlantic, spots of grassy glades are intersper- sed amon'^ the mtn. chains. Amid the Chippe- wayan ridges, forest trees are seen in strips or clumps. Bays, Gulfs, Capes, and Rivers. — All these subjects are mentioned particularly in the arti- cles on the states where they are found, or un- der their respective heads. It will be sufficient here to say, that no country in the world is in- tersected by as many navigable rivers as the U. States ; that the longest river is the Missouri, which, including the Mississippi, is the longest in the world, being 4,490 ms. in length ; that the gulf of Mexico, on the s. boundary, is the largest in the U. States territory, and that the bays of the coast are numerous, and several of them navigable by vessels of the largest size. In the northern part, the Atlantic coast, which is bold and rocky, is indented by numerous in- lets, and broken into headlands. Towards the s. the shore is more level, and generally alluvial. Lakes. — North America, beyond every other country, is distinguished for the immense extent and number of its fresh water lakes. Several of these are on the n. boundary of the U. S. Lake Superior is the largest body of fresh water on the globe, its surface containing 35,000 sq. ms. Lake Huron contains 20,000 sq. ms., lake Erie 10,350, and lake Ontario, 7,200 sq. ms. Soi^ie of these have been the scenes of important na- val engagements. Soil. The soil of a district so extensive as the United States, is of course marked by al- most every variety. Under the great Appa. lachian forest on both sides of the main chain, and also in its most elevated vallies, or table lands, the soil offers a full reward for its culti- vation, and allows the choice of objects of cul- ture. The western slope of the Appalachian chain exceeds the eastern in fertility, though this disparity is compensated by the numerous rivers on the e. slope opening channels^'of direct intercommunication with the Atlantic, and by the more diligent cultivation of the soil. In point of extent, thfe two mtn. systems of the United States are as two to one, very nearly; the Appalachian having about 700,000 and the Chippewayan upwards of 1,400,000 sq. ms. With but partial exceptions the inhabited parts are as yet on the Appalachian section. Climate. The climate of the United States is remarkable for its variety and its sudden changes from extreme heat to cold, and the con- trary. In the northern part is the cold and drea- ry winter of Canada, and in the extreme south- ern parts, the summer is almost uninterrupted from one end of the year to the other. The climate differs from that of Europe, in the same latitudes. The level portions of the southern states have more moisture, and a less salubri- ous atmosphere ; their noxious effluvia are more constantly formed and their marshes more numerous. Those parts however which are elevated, more commonly enjoy a temperate • and delightful climate. The mean annual tem- perature of the middle states is the same as in the corresponding European region, though it is differently distributed. In the Atlantic srates the climate is marked by extremes, the sum- mers being usually very hot, and the winters though often short, are much colder than Eu- ropean winters in the same latitude. Deep and abiding snows are usual in the winter on the At- lantic coast, and on the Mississippi, and if we ad. vance to lat. 38° n., or attain an elevation where the temperature is the same as there, there are very few winters, in the course of which, from December to February inclusive, the earth is not covered with ice or snow, and the mean temperature of the nights being below the freez- ing point. With the n. w. winds the snows are most abundant, and often much drifted. In the winter of 1831, and 1832, the Mississippi river was frozen and passable on the ice as low as lat. 35° N., and the spring floods of 1832, were very great. The summers of the U. States, though often excessively warm, are as agree- able, if not more so, than those of southern Europe, and in autumn no part of the globe pos- sesses a season more congenial to human life, or more charming to the senses. In general the weather is variable, and subject to sudden changes. The climate throughout the country is greatly modified by the mountains, lakes, &c. Facts which our Hmits forbid us to insert, sus- tain us in the following general conclusions respecting the climate. These are, that all pla- ces of similar latitude and elevation, have like climates, and that the United States territory has generally along its coasts similar climates to those prevailing on the opposing zone of the eastern continent. Along the Pacific coast, even beyond Bhering's strait, a mild and moist cli- mate prevails, whilst along the Atlantic, the winters are intensely cold, and summers as in- tensely warm ; advancing from the Atlantic coast inland, the thermometer indicates a de- pression of temperature, according to relative height and exposure ; falling occasionally, even at lat. 35°, and e. of the Mississippi river, to 18° below zero of Fahrenheit, — about 400 ft. elevation being equivalent to a degree of lat. on Fahrenheit's thermometer. As far southward as lat. 35°, and with no allowance for any dif- ference of elevation, the winters present a sea. son of from 60 to 120 days, say 90 days in which the rivers are frozen. This excess of course increases with the elevation, as we pro- gress northward. The prevailing winds which have been mentioned are in frequency about as 7 in 10, and in intensity, at least as 8 in 10, of all aerial currents over the United States and western Europe ; and consequently this great current, which carries the moist and uniform air of the Atlantic on Europe, at the same time bears the frozen air of an immense continent over the eastern part of the United States. Con- stant observations of prevailing rains show that the mean annual amount of rain in the United States is about 37 1-2 inches, whilst those of the N. w. of Europe amount to but 31 1-3 inch- es. In the United States, rain falls from 140 to 150 days, including snow, sleet, &c. leaving UNI 539 UNI about 220 fair days, annually, while in n. w. Europe, the days of rain, or rather of heavy mist, are on an average 220 days annually ; lastly, the climate of the United States appears to be nearly stationary, or if subject to any changes, they are small. Clearing of land, if it produces any effect, will probably, as in Scot- land, lower the temperature. For more minute peculiarities of clima'e, the reader is referred to articles on the states, individually. Winds. The winds which prevail about 7-10 of the time throughout the whole n. temperate zone, are, as we have stated, from the n. w., w., and s. w. This prevalence is said to be so great as to bend the forests on both sides of the Atlantic toward the e. or s. e. Not only are these winds most frequent, but also most vio- lent ; and the effects of their constancy and violence may be generally traced by this incli- nation of the trees of the country, from New England to the mouth of the Oregon, and even into the Arctic ocean, to Melville island. These winds are however very much modified, by the elevated lands in the mountainous parts, and by the sea breezes, &c. on the coast. Minerals. — Most kinds of minerals have been discovered more or less extensively, in the U. States. Gold has been found in Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and other states. Silver in small quantities in several places ; iron in numerous and inexhaustible beds, especially along the Appalachian range of mtns., from N. Hampshire to Georgia ; copper on lake Superi- or, in pure metallic masses, and in the ore in several places. Lead is found in many places, but the mines in Missouri, near Fever river, are far the most productive. The average annual product of these mines has been 5,690,000 lbs., during 10 years ending 1832. These are among the richest in the world. Mercury, or quick- silver, thoi:;^h a rare metal, had been found in small quantities on the bordersof 4 of the great lakes, and other metals, as cobalt, bismuth, and antimony. Limestone in all its varieties, slate, sandstone, and building stone of various kinds are abundant. Coal has been discovered, the anthracite in exhaustless quantities, and bitu- minous in abundance. Salt springs are found in several of the states, some of which are profitably worked, and salt is also manufactur- ed from sea water. Within a few years, gyp- sum, or plaster of Paris, has been extensively quarried in the state of New York. Mineral springs are found in most of the states ; some of them highly valuable. Productions and Internal Improvements. — On these subjects, see articles on the respec- tive states, and on rail-roads and canals. Agriculture. — Nearly one fifth of all the in- habitants in the United States are engaged in agricultural pursuits. The annual cotton crop is estimated from 300 to 350 milUons of pounds. The flour and meal actually inspected at II dif- ferent places in 1830, amounted to 2,851,876 bbls. of wheat flour, 41,35] of rye flour, 18,372 hhds. and 35,070 barrels of corn meal. The eastern states are mostly devoted to grazing and the dairy ; the middle and western, to the production of various kinds of grain ; the south- ern to raising rice, sugar, tobacco, cotton, &c. Manufactures. — The manufactures of the U. States are considerable, and gradually increas- ing, to a great extent; they have been noticed in the articles on the different states, thougli some statements still remain to be made. The eastern and middle states, which are most abundantly supplied with water power, are most extensively engaged in manufactures, especial- ly of cotton, woollen, iron, glass, paper, wood, &,c. In 1810, the value of actual manufac- tures in the United States, was estimated at ^172,762,676 ; the present annual value is com- puted at ^500,000,000. It was recently stated by a member of congress, and before that body, that a capital of |1 67,000,000 was employed in 1831, in the growth and manufacture of wool, in the U. S., 40,000,000 of which was invested in sheep : that the capital employed in the man- ufacture of cotton was .^45,000,00 I, and that 62,000 persons were employed in the last branch of manufactures. In this estimate are inclu- ded 12 states, viz. those of New England, the Middle Ir-tates, and Virginia ; the number of manufactories amounted to 755. In Massachu- setts, the largest manufacturing state, it was estimated that in the same year, ^12, 390,000 were invested in the cotton manufacture ; num- ber of factories 250, cotton used per annum, 24,000,000 lbs. In Rhode Island, the next lar- gest, there were 116 mills, usinir 10,000,000 lbs. cotton, with a capital of ^6,000,000. Anoth- er estimate states the whole number of cotton manufactories in the U. S. in 1831, to be 795, the quantity of cotton consumed, 77,757,31& lbs., and the capital invested, $40,714,984, Most of the American manufactures are de- signed for home consumption, yet, in 831, there were exported to the amount of $7,861,740. IV'lore than two thirds of the clothing used by those engaged in agricultural pursuits, are of domestic production. Commerce. — The United States are among the most commercial countries in the world. The amount of imports for the vear ending Sept. 30, 1832, is estimated at $100,652,677 ; the ex. ports during the same period were $87,037,943, of which $63,074,815 were domestic, and $23,963,128 foreign articles. In the year end- ing Sept. 1831, the imports amounted to $103, 191,124, of which $93,962,110, were imported in American, and $9,229,014 in foreign ves- sels. The exports of the same year, amounted to §81,310,583, of which |61,277,057 were do- mestic, and $20,033,526 foreign articles. Of the domestic exports, $1,889,472 were the product of the sea; $4,263,477 of the forest; $48,261,233 of agriculture ; and $7,862,675 of manufactures. Of domestic articles, $49,671,- 239 were exported in American, and $11,605,- 818, in foreign vessels. Of the foreign articles $15,874,942 were exported in American, and ^45,000, Virginia $34,000, and $1,000 from Temiessee. Gold and silver are coined without expense to the owners. The probable supply of bullion for tlie next period of 10 years, is estimated at $6,000,000 annually. The metallic currency of the U. S. is estimated at $30,000,000. Post-office. — The first post in America was established in New York in 1710, under the old colonial government. In 1789, the ex- clusive direction of posts, &c. was conferred by the constitution on congress. At that time there were but 75 post-offices in the country. In July 1831, the number of post-offices was 8,686; the extent of post.roads 115,176 miles; and the yearly transportation of mails equal to 15,468,692 miles. The expenses of the post- office department, tor the year 1830, were $1,959,109; the receipts, $1,919,300; balance against the department, $39,809. On the 1st July, 1832, the number of post-offices in the U. S. was 9,205; extent of post-roads, exclusive of those established by the previous session of congress, 104,467 ms. ; and the transportation of the mails over these, equal to 23,625,021 ms. yearly. The revenue of the department for the year ending as above was $2,258,570 17 ; ex- penditures, ^2,266,100 35; excess of expendi- tures over the revenue, $7,530 18. Army and Navy. — The standing army of the U. S. is limited by law to 6,442 men ; it con- sists of 7 regiments of infantry, and 4 of caval- ry, commanded by one major general and two brigadier generals, beside inferior officers. The estimated expense of the army for 1832, including fortifications, armories, arsenals, &c. is $6,648,099. Beside the standing army, the militia of the country in 1830 amounted to 1,262,315. The navy consists of 12 ships of the line, 17 frigates, 16 sloops, and 7 schooners; total 52, including those which are building, of which 20 are in commission. The total num- ber of officers and men is 6,345. The estimated expenses of the navy for 1832, including the sum for gradual improvement, are $3,907,618. Ordnance department — The amount " ex- pended and accounted for" in this department, during the year 1831, amounted to ^752,458 ; and during the three first quarters of 1832, it was $602,881. Among the numerous articles made at the arsenals and armories of the U. S., or procured from other sources during the year ending Sept. 1832, were 1 forty-two pound can- non of iron, 11 twenty-four pound do., 133 thirty- two pound do., 27,453 muskets, 3,490 Hall's ri- fles, 93 field carriages, 3,000 sets accoutre, ments for infantry, 4,000 do. for riflemen, 1,000 69 do. for cavalry, 5,214 lbs. canister shot, 384,395 musket ball andbnck shot cartridges, 11,322 lbs. musket bullets, 13 fire engines, &c. &c. During the same period there have been distributed to the militia of the different states and territories, 17 pieces of artillery, 23 field carriages and equipments, 21,070 muskets, rifles, carbines, and pistols, 2,739 artillery and cavalry swords, 5,767 sets of aci^outrements, for small arms, and 1,100 sets cavalry accoutrements, beside other articles. Salaries, pensions, ^-c. — The largest salary is that of the president, which is ^25,000 an- nually ; ministers plenipotentiary, g9,000 a year, with the same sum for an outfit ; the se- cretaries of state, the navy, treasury and war, and the post-master general, $6,000 ; the vice- president and the chief justice, §'5,000 ; associ- ate judges of the supreme court, and charge d' affairs, $4,500 ; and members of congress $8 per day. The annual revolutionary and other pensions amount to $1,363,296. The number of revolutionary pensioners on the 5tli Nov. 1632, was 11,326 ; and of invalid pensioners, 3,806. During the year ending Sept. 1832, the number of the former which died, as far as known, was 408 ; of the latter, 56. There are no sinecures in the U.S. Newspapers. — No country in the world equals the United States in the number of its news- papers. The first newspaper in America was printed at Boston in 1704, by the name of the Boston Neios Letter. In 1720, there were but 7 newspapers in all the North American colo- nies ; in 18] there were 359 in the U, S. ; in 1826, 640 ; in 1828, 802 ; and at the present time there are more than 1,000, of which be- tween 50 and 60 are issued daily. Of the 802 newspapers issued in 1828, ;92 were in New England, 409 in the middle, 88 in the southern, 115 in the western, and 33 in the southwestern states ; 5 were in the territories, 9 in the dist, of Columbia, and 1 in the Cherokee nation and language. The whole number of periodical sheets annually issued is estimated at 64 million. Slavery. — Slavery exists in 12 states, Dela- ware, Maryland, Virginia, N. and S. Carolina, Georgia. Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, Mississippi and Missouri ; also in the territories of Arkansas, Florida and Michigan. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu- setts, Ohio, and Indiana, have no slaves. In Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Illinois, there are a few ; but as slavery is abolished in all of them, it will cease with the death or exportation of the slaves now in them. Whole number of slaves in the U. S. 2,009,043. Indians. — The whole number of Indians in the U. S. and their territories, is 129,266. The whole number of tribes is 58. In New Eng- land the number of Indians is 2,526 ; in New York, 5,143 ; in Virginia and S. Carolina, 497 ; in Ohio, 2,350; in Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi, 66,004 ; in Michigan territory, 28,316; in Louisiana and Missouri, 7,113 ; and in the Florida and Arkan- sas territories, 17,107. Education. — As a general government, ths U. S, have done little for the interests of pub- UJNI 542 UNI lie instruction, except that they reserve i'or this purpose one section in every township of their new lands, besides other reservations for col- leges. '! his highly importfint subject has, how- ever, probably been much better attended to by being left to the individual stntes, and to private citizens. The chief details of what has been done, will be found in tlie articles on the re- spective states. In general it may be remarked that the colonists of New England adopted a most admirable system of common school in- sr.ruction. As early as 1628, a law was passed for the education of every child in the colonies ; and in 1G47, a school was established by law in every town or neighborhood of 50 families, and a school tor the higher branches tor every 100 families. But for more particular accounts, see articles on New England, Massachusetts, and the other states. There are in the United States, (as loill be seenfrom the tables in the ap- pendix.) 6G colleges, the whole number of whose alumni, previous to 1831, was 22,653 ; of these about one quarter were graduates of Harvard, and nearly the same number, of Yale collage. The whole number of instruc- tors at that date v/as about 450 ; volumes in college libraries, 190,056, and in the students' society libraries, 87,190. Yale has a greater number of students than any other college : Harvard is most richly endowed. Thirty.nine of the sixty-six colleges have risen during the present century ; though many of the founda- tions, now entitled colleges, were respectable academies before the change of their names, with which change in some cases, there has been no corresponding change of studies. From the table of students, it appears, that (exclasive of the West Point military academy,) there were in 1831, nearly 6,000 young men of the U. S. receiving a liberal classical educa- tion. Beside the colleges, there are in the U. S. 27 theological seminaries, (see appendix,) the number of whose graduates amount to nearly 1,900. Beside those included in the ta- ble, there are in the U. S. 5 Roman Catholic seminaries. There are .also 18 medical schools, and 10 law schools, for the names, locations, &c. &c., of which, see 'rpptndix. Most of the states of the union have made some legislative provision for common school instruction ; and in some of them large sums are set apart for this purpose. Private schools and academies of the higher order, are quite numerous, espe- cially in New England, so that few persons grow up without enjoying the means of ele- mentary instruction, or if they desire it, of a more extended liberal education. In the Sab- bath schools of the U. S., which are doing much for the intellectual as well as moral im- provement of the young, about 600,000 children are weekly instructed, by more than 80,000 teachers. Religion. — There is no established church in the U. S., but all sects are alike allowed free toleration ; nor is any legislative provision made for the support of religion in any of the states, ex(;ept that in Massachusetts every citizen is obliged to be connected with, or pay taxes to some religious denomination. In the articles on the several states, may be found the details of the different denominations within their lim- its. For the different denominations, their churches, ministers, communicants, &c. as they were in 1 830 in the U. S., see table in ap- pendix. Their numbers since that date are much increased, though their relative numbers are not materially changed. The number of churches in the U. S., at the present time, is not far from 12,000. Constitution und government. — The present constitution of the U. S. was adopted in 1787, though it has since been amended. The form of government which it establishes is a con- federated republic, composed of all the states. The legislative branch consists of a senate and house of representatives. The senate is composed of two senators from each state, chosen every two years, for a period of six years, so that one-third of the senate is re. newed biennially. Every senator must have been 9 years a citizen, and 30 years of age. The vice president is president of the senate ; and all trials for impeachment are conducted before that body. The number of senators is at present 42. The members of the house of representatives are chosen every two years ; they are proportioned to the population of the states from which they come, 5 slaves being counted as 3 freemen in the slave states. The rate of apportionment after March 1833, is one to every 47,700 inhabitants. The qualifications are, that a representative shall have been 7 years a citizen, and be at least 25 years of age. All bills for raising revenue must originate in the house of representatives ; and any bill ve- toed by the president, will, notwithstanding, be- come a law, if afterward approved fay two-thirds of both houses. The number of rep)esentative3 in 1833, will be 240. Congress has the power to impose taxes, both direct and indirect, regu- late commerce, and the coining of money, make bankrupt laws, provide for common defence, borrow money, establish post-offices and post- roads, punish felonies, piracies and counterfeit- ers, secure copy and patent rights, declare war, borrow money on public credit, raise and pro- vide for an army and navy, call out the militia, execute the laws of the U. S., &c. &c. The judiciary is composed of a supreme court of 1 chief and 6 associate judges ; of 31 district courts of a single judge each, except that 6 of the states are each divided into 2 districts ; and of 7 circuit courts, composed of the judge of the district, and one of the judges of the su. preme court. The judges are appointed by the president with the consent of the senate, and are removeable only by impeachment. The ex- ecutive power is vested in a president, chosen for 4 years, and eligible for a second term. He must be a native citizen, or have been a citizen at the adoption of the constitution, 35 years of age, and have resided in the IT. States 14 years. He exercises a qualified negative ; by consent of the senate makes treaties, appoints ambas- sadors and public officers, and exercises the pardoning power. In case of his death he is succeeded by the vice president ; both these officers are removeable only on conviction of bribery, treason, or other high crimes, &c. The cabinet of the president consists of the secrc- UPP 543 UKB taries of state, treasury, war, navy, post mas- ter genera], and attorney general. The elect- ors of the president and vice president, are, in each state, equal to the number of both its sen- ators and representatives in congress. The whole nifmber of electors is 288, of which New York has the largest number, 42, and Delaware the smallest, 3. {See apprndix.) If no choice is made by a rnajority oi the votes of the electors, the house of representatives, voting by states, choose a president from the three candidates having the greatest number of votes. If no president is chosen, the vice president performs the duties of the office. If a vice president be not chosen, the senate choose one from the two highest candidates. History.' — For the settlement and early his- tory of the different states, see articles on them. From the first English settlement in 1607, until 1775, the present U. S. were under the coloni- al government of Great Britain. On July 4th, 1776, independence was declared by a con- gress of delegates from 13 states, met at Phil- adelphia. A confederation of the states took place Nov. 15, 1777. In 1783, a treaty of peace was signed, and Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the U. S. The present con- stitution, (excepting some slight amendments) was formed in 1787, and adopted in 1789. The 13 states which adopted it were, New Hamp- shire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti- cut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, N. and S. Car- olina and Georgia. Vermont was admitted to the union in 1791, Kentucky in 1792, Tennes- see in 1796, Ohio in 1802, Louisiana in 1812, Indiana in 1816, Mississippi in 1821, Illinois in 1818, Alabama and Maine in 1820, and Mis- souri in 1821. The presidents of the U. States have been as follows : George Washington, from 1789 to 1797 ; John Adams, 1797 to 1801 ; Thomas .Tefferson, 1801 to 1809 ; James Madi- son, 1809 to 1817; James Monroe, 1817 to 1825 ; John Quincy Adams, 1825 to 1829 ; An- drew Jackson, elected 1829. Unity, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 30 ms. n. e. Au- gusta, has Kennebec co. w., and is crossed by a small branch of Sebasticook r. which is part- ly supplied by a large pond which encroaches on the N. boundary. Pop. 1,199. Unity, p-t. Sullivan co. N. H., 43 ms. from Concord, 88 from Portsmouth, and 90 from Boston, has Whortleberry pond n., which gives rise to Little Sugar r., a small branch of Con- necticut which crosses this town and Charles- town. The surface is uneven and rocky, the soil good tor grazing and flax. A bed of cop- per ore has been discovered in a ledge of rocks. First settled, 1769. Pop. 1,258. Unity, p-v. northeastern part Montgomery CO. Md. 27 ms. n. W. C. Upatoie, cr. and p-v. Muscogee co. Geo. The Upatoie cr. rises in Talbot and Marion, and flowing wstrd. enters and traverses Muscogee CO., the far greater part of which it drains, and is finally lost in Chattahooche r. The p-v. of Upatoie is on the creek of same name, by p-r. 140 ms. wstrd. Milledgeville. Upper Black Eddy, p-v. on Delaware river, Bucks CO. Pa. by p-r. 191 ms. n. e. W. C. Upper Blue Lick and p-o. sthrn. part Flc'"- ing CO. Ky. Upper Dublin, tsp. and p-o. Montgomery co. Pa. between White Marsh and Horsham, ]7 ms. N. N. w. Phil. Upper Flat Lick and p-o. Knox co. Ky., by p-r. 129 ras. s. e. Frankfort. Upper Hanover, tsp. and p-v. Montgomery CO. Pa., situated on the Perkiomen cr. in the N. w. angle of the co., 37 ms. n. w. Phil. Upper Hunting, cr. and p-o. southern part Caroline co. Md., by p-r. 95 ms. a little s. of k. W. C. Upper Marlboro', p-v. and st. jus. Prince George's co. Tt-d., situated on a cr. called the Western Branch of Patuxent, 18 ms. s. e. by e. W. C, 23 s. w. Annapolis, and 36 a little w. of s. Baltimore. Lat. 38° 49', and long. 0° 15' e. W. C. Upper Merion, tsp. and p-o. ^'ontgomery co. Pa., 11 ms. N. w. by w. Phil. The tsp. is the higher of the two tsps. of Montgomery co. on the right bank of Schuylkill r. Upper Middletown, tsp. and p-o. Fayette CO. Pa. on Red Stone cr., 10 ms. e. Browns- ville, and by p-r. 13 ms. northwards Union- town. Upper Peach Tree, p-v. southwsfrn. part Wilcox CO. Ala., by p-r. 1(7 ms. s. Tusca- loosa. Upper Sandusky, p-v. wstrn. part Crawford CO. O., by p-r. 64 ms. a little w. of n. Columbus. The tsp. of Sandusky contains two p-vs., called relatively Upper and Lower Sandusky. Pop. of the tsp. 579. Upper Strasburg, p-v. Franklin co. Pa., 9 ms. northwards Chambersburg, and by p-r. 99 ms. N. N. w. W. C. This place was from its relative situation in the co. formerly called Up- perville. Upperville, p-v. in the extreme n. wstrn. angle of Fauquier co. Va., by p-r. 54 ms. w. W.C. Upson, co. Geo. bndd. by Pike n., Monroe e., Crawford s. e., and Flint r., separating it from Talbot s. and s. w. Length 25 ms., mean width 12, and area 300 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 45' to 33°, and in long, from 7° 14' to 7° 39' w. W. C. Declivity s.s. w. towards Flint r. Cf. t. Thomaston. Pop. 7,013. Upson, c. h. (See Thomaston.) Upton, p-t. Worcester co. Mass. 38 ms. s. s. w. Boston, lO s. E. Worcester, is partly hilly and partly level, with soil favorable to grass, and gives rise to West r., a branch of the Blackstone, Pop. 1,167. Urbana, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y. 207 ms. from Albany, 7 n. n. e. Bath ; contains 5 or 6 ms. of Crooked lake, has a rough surface, with the principal part of its soil inferior. Pop. 1,288. Urbanna, p-v. and st. jus. Middlesex co. Va. situated on the right bank of Rappahannoc r., by p-r. 83 ms. a little n. of e. Richmond, and 142 a little e. of s. W. C. It is a seaport 18 ms. above the mouth of the r. Urbanna, p-v. and st. jus. Champaign co. 0., by p-r. 50 ms. a little n. of w. Columbus, and 42 ms. N. N. E. Dayton. Lat. 40° 05', long. 6° VAC 544 VAN 44' w. W. C. It is situated on a small branch of Mad r., and contains a printing office, a Me- thodist and Presbyterian chnrch, market house, 9 or 10 stores, and the common co. buildings. Pop. 1,102. Urquhart'sStore and p-o. Southampton co. Va. by p-r. 79 ms. s. s. e. Richmond. Utica, city, Oneida co. N. Y., is situated in lat. 43° 10', and 2° 42' long. e. W. C. ; 96 ms. N. N. w. Albany, 15 s. e. Rome, 246 n. vv. New York, and 383 a little e. of n. W. C by the canal 253 e. Buffalo. It is pleasantly situ- ated on the s. side of the Mohawk r., where formerly stood Old Fort Schuyler, at the point where the Erie canal, the great western road, and the r. meet. This situation gives it unusual facilities for intercourse with the large cities, and with the interior, in consequence of which its increase has been remarkably rapid. The t. and v. are of the same extent, the tsp. being small. The soil is alluvial, of goodqual. ity, with a gradual ascent from the river, and formerly was covered with maple, beech, elm, and hemlock forests. These within less than 40 years have given way to the flourishing town which now occupies their place. The city is large, regularly and well built, wealthy and ac- tive. The streets are straight, some of them broad, neatly and elegantly built, and adorned with shade trees. In 1794, there were on this spot only a log tavern, and two or three other buildings. Now, among its public buildings are 3 banks, several handsome churches, a courthouse, an academy, and a museum. The principal street (Genessee) is crossed at right angles by the Erie canal over which are several very handsome bridges. The bridge over the Mohawk r. is also worthy of notice. The cen- tral situation of Utica gives it superior advan- tages for business, and its already flourishing trade is gradually increasing. Several packet boats pass to and from the city daily ; and stage coaches and freight boats, constantly arriving and departing, give to the city the air of great cnterprize and activity. Numerous manufacto- ries are in operation in the neighborhood of Utica, as of cotton, wool, glass, iron, &c. In Oneida co. are 21 manufactories of cotton goods, which are chiefly owned in this city. The country about Utica is fertile, and the scenery delightful. Trenton falls, within 14 miles, are yearly visited by numbers of travel- lers, attracted thither by its scenery, which in romantic beauty and sublimity are almost unri- valled. The West Canada creek, on which these falls are situated, here passes through a deep channel of limestone, where the chasm is 150 ft. deep. There are 4 principal cataracts, the highest of v^fhich is 48 feet high. In another part of the stream is a successive series of beau- tiful cascades. Other curiosities in the vicinity often engage the notice of travellers. Utica was incorporated as a village in 1798, and a city in 1832. Pop. 8,323. Utica, p-v. northern part Licking co, Ohio, by p-r. 47 ms.N. e. byE. Columbus. Utica, p-v. Clark co. Ind., by p-r. 113 ms. s. s. E. Indianopolis. UwcHLAND, p-o. Chester co. Pa., 13 ms. n, w. W^est Chester, and 35 n. w. by w. Philadel- phia. UxBRiDGE, p-t, Worcester co, Mass., 38 ms. w. Boston ; contains many manufactories. It is crossed near the middle by Blackstone river and canal, and has the line of R. Island s. Blackstone r. here receives West and Mum- ford rs., both which streams afford numerous mill sites. Iron and granite are found in the town. The surface in the centre is nearly level, but hilly in other parts. There was formerly an Indian village here called Wacuntug. Pop. 2,086. "¥• Vacasausa, bay of Florida, spreading in a circular form about 20 ms. in diameter, to the s. E. of the mouth of Suwannee r. To the s, it opens into the Gulf of Mexico, having Cedar Keys w., and Saint Martin's or Pagoi Keys s. E. Oyster banks obstruct the bay of Vacasausa, and the Suwannee r, cannot be entered with any vessel above 5^ ft. water, and with so much only at high tide. The tides are more de- pendent on the winds than on the moon, and vary along this coast from 18 to 36 inches, and reach 4 ft. only after long and high s. w. winds. The distance from the bay of Espiritu Santo to the mouth of Suwannee r,, is 135 ms. ; and the wide and shoaly bank which obstructs the coast from Espiritu Santo to Vacasausa bay, continues uninterrupted to the bay of Appa- lachie, where its breadth is reduced to about 3 ms., and a channel found to enter the r. Saint Mark, This channel is accessible to vessels drawing 10 it. and affords good anchorage 8 ms. from the t. of Saint Mark, and vessels drawing 8 ft. can reach the t. itself. The dis- tance along the coast from Vacasausd bay, or mouth Suwannee river, is about 95 ms. to the mouth of Saint Mark r., and the channel to the latter is the only good entrance to be found from the bay of Espiritu Santo, or an extent of 230 ms, Vallie's Mines, and p-o, Jefferson co. Mo,, by p-r. i45 ms. s. e. by e. Jefferson City, Vadensburg, p-o. Chesterfield co, Va,, by p-r. 20 ms. southward Richmond. Valley, p-o. northern part of Mifflin co. Pa. by P-r. 64 ms. n. n. w. Harrisburg. Valley Forge, p-o. northeastern part Chester CO. Pa., about 20 ms. n. w. Phil. It is situated on the Schuylkill, near the mouth of Valley cr. Valley Hill, p-v. Chester co. Pa. Valleys, of rivers and mtns. (See Basin.) Valleytown, and p-o. in Amoi dist., or the Cherokee territory in Ten., by p-r. 621 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 228 s. e. byE. Nashville. Vallona, p-v. Jackson co. Ind., 4 ms. s. of Brownstown, the co. seat, and by p-r. 73 ms. s. Indianopolis. Van Buren, p-t. Onondaga co. N. Y., by p-r. 145 ms. w. Albany. Pop. 2,890. Van Buren, co. Mich., bndd. n. by Allegan CO., Kalamazoo co. e., Cass co. Mich, s., Ber- VEN 545 VER rieti s. w., and lake Michigan n. w. Except an elongation containing about 40 square miles, on the northwestern part, which reaches lake Michigan, the body of the co. is a square of 24 ms. each way ; area 616 sq. ms. Lat. 42° 15' and long. W. C. 9° w. intersect in this co. The slope is westward, and chiefly drained by the Papau, branch of Saint Joseph's r. of lake Michi- gan. From the northern border, however, streams flow northwardly into Kalamazoo r. It is named in the census returns of 1830, but then contained only 5 inhabitants. The central pnrt is about 160 ms, nearly due w. from De- troit. Van Buren, p-v. Vermillion co. II., by p-r. 185 ms. N. E. Vandalia. Van Buren, p. v. Crawford co. Ark. Vanceburg, p v. on the left bank of 0. r., in the northern part of Lewis co. Ky., by p-r. 99 ms. N. E. by E. Frankfort. Vance's Ferry, and p-o. Orangeburg dist. S. C, G8 ms. by p-r. from Columbia. Vandalia, p-v. Wayne co. Ind., by p-r. 53 ms. E. Indianopolis. Vandalia, p-v. st. jus. Fayette co., and seat of government, state of Illinois, is situated on the right bank of Kaskaskias r., 80 ms. n. e. by e. Saint Louis, in Mo., about 200 ms. s. w. by w. Indianopolis, and by p-r. 781 ms. w. W. C, and 127 ms. n. n. w. Shawneetown on Ohio r. Lat. 38° 56', long. V^. C. 12° 08' w. It is of recent foundation, but contains a population of about 500. The buildings, public and pri- vate, are respectable, if we regard the few years which have elapsed since the site was a wilderness. Vanderbuug, CO. Ind., bndd. w. by Posey, Gibson n., Warwick e., and the 0. river s. sepa- rating it from Henderson co. Ky. n. lat. 38° and long. W.C. 10° 40', w. intersect in the southern part of this co. Slope southwestward, and drained into the Ohio and Wabash rs. The surface very hilly, and pretty rocky, but soil fertile. Cf. t. Evansville. Pop. 1820, 1,798, 1830, 2,611. Van Hook's Stoke, and p-o. Person co. N. C, by p-r. 56 ms. n. n. w. Raleigh. Vansville, p-o. nrthrn. part Prince George's CO. Md. 14 ms. n. e. W. C. Varick, p-t. Seneca co. N. Y. Pop, 1,890. Varrennes, p-v. western part Anderson dist., S. C, about 20 ms. s. Pendleton, and by p-r. 123 ms. N. w. by w. Columbia. Variety Mills, and p-o. eastern part Nelson CO. Va., by p-r. 112 ms, a little n. of w, Rich- mond. Vassalborough, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 8 ms. N. Augusta ; has Kennebec r, on its w, line, and contains part of a large pond, and several small ones, whose waters are discharged into that r. Pop. 2,761. Vassausa Bay. {See Vacasausa hay.) Venango, co. Pa,, bndd. n, w, by Crawford, N, and N. e, by Warren, e, by Jefferson, s, e. by Clarion r., separating it from Armstrong, s. w. by Butler, and w. by Mercer, Length from e. to w. 40 ms., mean width 28, and area 1,120 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 10' to 41° 37', and in long, from 2° 16' to 3° 04' w, W. C. Alleghany r. enters this co. from the n., and winding in a northwestwardly course receives French cr. at Franklin. The united stream thence flows s. s. e., by a very tortuous channel, to its egress from the co., where it receives Clarion r. from the eastward. The general de- clivity of the eastern and central parts is to the s. w. by w., having the channel of the Allegha- ny and French cr. as base. A triangle of about 150 sq, ms. lies to the right of the Alleghany, and slopes eastward towards that stream. Cf. t. Franklin. Pop. 1820, 4,915, 1830, 9,469. Venango Furnace, and p-o. Venango co. Pa., by P-r. 275 ms. northwestward W. C. Venice, p-t. Cayuga co. N, Y,, 20 ms. s. Au- burn. Pop. 2,445. Venus, p-v. on the left bank of Misp. r., north- western part Hancock co. II. by p-r. 133 ms. n, w. by w. Vandalia. Verdierville, p-o. Orange co. Va., by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. W. C. Verdon, p-v. Hanover co. Va., 33 miles north, wards Richmond. Vergennes, city, Addison co. Vt., lies on Ot- ter cr., at the head of navigation, and embraces an area of 400 rods by 480. It was incorporated 1788. The first settler within the limits came in 17b6 ; the others were from Mass. and Conn, The cr. falls 37 ft., and affords many good mill sites, some of which are occupied. Above the falls, the stream is about 500 ft. wide, and at the descent is divided into 3 parts by 2 isls. The largest vessels on lake Champlain come up 7 ms., and the shores are very bold, but the channel is very crooked. Commodore Mac Donough's flotilla was fitted out here in 1814 ; and the large lake steamboats have wintered here. Considerable trade is carried on, the surrounding country being fertile, and the place advantageous for ship building. The city has 2 school dists. Pop. 999. Vermillion, bay, or more correctl)', lake, as it differs in no essential respect from similar sheets of water on the La. coast, at the mouth of Sabine, Mermentou, Calcasiu, Atchafalaya, and La Fourche, spreads from the Vermilliori sthestrd., enclosed on the gulf side by a chain of low, long and narrow marshy isls., terminated towards, and separated from Atchafalaya bay, by Point Chevreuil. The eastern part of Ver- million bay is called locally Cote Blanche bay, but it is only the same sheet of water, with its northern shore indented by Point Cypriere Mort. This bay is in depth about from 10 to 12 ft., but as in respect to the r., the bars admit no vessels with a draught above 5 ft, Vermillion, r. of La., has its source in the vicinity of the vil. of Saint Landre, in Opelou- sas. Known there as bayou Bourbee, it flows s. s. e. about 12 ms., where it connects with the Teche by bayou Fusilier, and thence as- suming the name of Vermillion, is gradually augmented by the drain of the prairies on each side, pursuing a general southern course of 60 ms. to its efflux into the Gulf of Mexico. In the superior part of its course, the banks of the Vermillion are clothed with forest timber, which gradually becomes scarcer advancing towards the Gulf, and before reaching the lake or ba,y, ceases, if we except small detached clumps of live oak, and some other trees. The elevated VER 546 VER land along tJie Vermillion is highly productive, and towards the mouth, the climate below lat. 39° admits the growth of sugar. The tide rises in this r. upwards of 50 ms., but the bars and lake admit only vessels of 5 ft. draught. Vermillion, small r. of Ohio, rismg in Lorain and Huron cos., and flowing nrthrdly. nearly along the dividing line of these two cos., falls into lake Erie, after a course of about 30 ms. Vermillion, r. of II. and Ind., rising in the former, interlocking sources with those of Kas- kaskias, Sangamon, and Pickmink rs. and flow- ing thence s. e. GO miles over Vermillion co. of II., and Vermillion of Ind., falls into Wa- bash r. at lat. 40°. Vermillion, p-v. Huron co. O., by p-r. 130 ms. N. n. e. Columbus. Vermillion, co. Ind. bndd. by Warren co. n., Wabash r., separating it from Fountain co. n. e., and Parke s. e. ; it has Vigo co. s., Edgar co. II. s. w., and Vermillion co. II. n. w. N. lat. 40°, long. 10° 30' w. W. C. Slope estrd. to- wards Wabash r. , and in that direction it is drained by Vermillion r., and numerous other streams. Length from s. to n. 38 ms., mean breadth 8, and area 304 sq. ms. Cf. t. Newport. Fop. 5,692. Vermillion, co. II., bndd. by Warren n. e., Vermillion co. Ind. s. e., Edgar II. s. and Cole e. w. On the other sides it is bounded by un. appropriated territory. Length from s. to n. 38 ms., breadth 32, and area 1,216 sq. ms. Lat. 40° and long. W. C. 11° w., intersect in this CO. It is nearly commensurate with the higher part of the valley of Vermillion r. Slope s. e. by E. Cf. t. Danville. Pop. 5,836. Vermillionville, p-v. on the right bank of Vermillion r., Lafayette parish. La., about 30 ms. s, w. by w. New Iberia, and 48 ms. s. St. Landre. Vermont, one of the United States of Ameri- ca, bndd. N. by Lower Canada, e. by the Conn. r. which separates it from New Hampshire, s. by Massachusetts, and w. by New York, and lake Champlain. It lies between 42° 44' and 45° lat., and 3° 31' and 5° e. long, from W. C. Its greatest length n. and s. is 157^ ms., and greatest breadth 90 ms. ; medial breadth 57 ms., and area 10,200 sq. ms. It is divided into 13 counties, and 245 towns, generally about 6 ms. sq., and contains 2,000 school dists. Population. — -In 1790, Vermont contained 85,539 inhabitants ; in 1800, 154,465 ; in 1810, 217,865; in 1820, 255,764, and in 1830, 280,- 657, the latter in detail as follows : Counties. Pop. 1830. Counties, Pop. 1830. Addison, 24,940 Orleans, 13,985 Bennington, 17,468 Orange, 27,235 Caledonia, 20,967 Rntland, 31,294 Chittenden, 21,765 Washington, 21,378 Essex, 3,981 Windham, 28,748 Franklin, 24,525 Windsor, 40,625 Grand Isle, 21,765 Of the foregoing wer 3 white persons — Males. Females. Under 5 years of ago 21,700 21,338 Fronfi 5 to 15 37,003 35,513 15 to 30 39,989 40,933 30 to 50 26,108 27,298 50 to 70 12,254 11,879 70 to 90 2,821 2,728 90 and u|jvvurds 51 91 Tul.'d 139,986 139.790 Of which were deaf and dumb, 153 ; blind, 51 ; aliens, 3,364 ; colored population (there are no slaves) as follows — Males. Feninlrs. Under 10 years of age 122 12 i From 10 to 24 113 131 24 to 36 80 ■ 74 36 to 55 61 71 100 and ufAvards 47 56 55 to 100 3 2 426 455 Recapitulation. Whites. Colored persons. Total. 279,776 881 280,657 The Green mtns., from which the state de- rives its name, on account of the evergreens with which they are covered, occupy a large part of the state, and most of the surface is very uneven. The range passes through its whole length, about halfway between the Connecticut and lake Champlain. It divides the cos. of Windham, Windsor and Orange, from Benning- ton, Rutland and Addison, with one lofty ridge, through which there is no opening, and no channel of a stream ; so that 5 turnpike roads cross over considerable elevations. The range is divided in the s. part of Washington co. The loftier ridge runs along the east line of Chitten- den and Franklin cos., and the other, " the height of lands," runs n. e. into Caledonia co. This ridge is of nearly uniform elevation, and divides the streams of lakes Champlain and Memphremagog, from the tributaries of the Connecticut. The w. ridge presents a more broken outline, and is cut through by Onion and Lamoille rs. In this range are the loftiest peaks in the state. 12 rivers flow from Vt. into the Connecticut, and 9 into lakes Champlain and Memphremagog, all of which are small. The springs and brooks are so numerous, that every spot in the state appears to be supplied with pure running water. There are mineral springs in different parts of the state, impregnated eith- er with sulphuric acid gas, or iron, some of which are resorted to by invalids. A small part of Memphremagog lake lies in Vt. and the remainder in Lower Canada. North Hero, South Hero and Lamotte are three large isle, in lake Champlain, belonging in this state ; and there are several others of smaller size. The rocks are genemlly primitive, but there is a transition range, 10 or 15 ms. wide along lake Champlain. The soil on the borders of the streams is chiefly alluvial, and is the richest in the state ; but some of the uplands are almost equal to it in fertility. A large part of the use- ful soil is uneven or stony, and better fitted for grazing than tillage. The climate of Vermont is variable and cold, but healthful. The ex- tremes are between 27° below 0, and 100° above, of Fahrenheit. From Dec. 1st till April, the ground is usually covered with snow. The principal indigenous forest trees, are the hem- lock, spruce and fir, which are found upon the mountains, the oak, elm, pine, nut, sugar-maple beech and birch, which occupy the meadows VER 547 VER and more cultivated tracts ; and the cedar which abounds in the swamps. Moose of very large size, deer, bears, catamounts and wolves were formerly very common in Vermont, but have now almost entirely disappeared. Agriculture and grazing form the chief employment of the people. Wheat is most cultivated w. of the mountains, but fruit trees, especially apples, are raised and flourish in all parts. Great num- bers of cattle, horses and sheep are annually sent out of the state. Pot and pearl ashes, bar and cast iron, and maple sugar, are important articles of export. Water power is abundant in most parts of the state, and is applied to some extent to the manufacture of woollen, cotton and iron. There are several quarries of dura- ble and handsome marble. Great quantities of timber were formerly floated down the Conn, r. in the spring floods, until the legislature re- quired that it should be sawn in the state. Lake Champlain on the w. affords great advantages for navigation, especially since the construction of the Champlain canal, which opens a naviga- ble route to New York city. A company has been recently incorporated for constructing a rail-road from Bennington to Troy, N. Y. On the E. boundary Connecticut river is navigable with rafts, and small steamboats have lately as- cended as far as Windsor. History. - Lake Champlain was discovered by a Frenchman in 1(J09, but no settlement was made in the state until 1724, when fort Dummer in Windham co. was built by the colony of Mass. In 1731, the French built a fort at Crown Point, and made a settlement on the Vt. shore, at Chimney Point. The Indian and revolution- ary wars retarded the population very much. The territory of Vermont was claimed by New Hampshire and New York ; and the disputes which this occasioned also impeded the pro- gress of improvement. These contests respect- ing the territory of Vt. continued for years, be- tween many of the first grantees, and others who purchased the land of New York. The sheriffs both of N. H. and N. Y. were resisted, and at length a system of opposition was com- menced under Col. Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, &c. In 1774, New York passed very severe laws on the subject ; but the commencement of the revolution suspended the contest, and on the 16th of Jan. 1777, a convention from many of its towns declared the tract of country usually called " the New Hampshire grant" a separate state, by the name of Vermont. In July 1777, a constitution was adopted by another conven- tion at Windsor, and the government was or- ganized, March 13th, 1778. A party of Ver- monters, under the command of Ethan Allen, surprised fort Ticonderoga, in 1775, at the same time Crown Point was taken by Seth Warner, and Sheensboro', (now V/hitehall,) by another body of them. The people of the state render- ed important services to the country during the revolutionary war. In 1786 the constitution of the state was revised. In 1790 the controversy with New York was terminated, by paying her $30,000, and in Feb. 1791, Vt. was admitted into the Union. In 1793 the constitution of Vt. was again revised. Government. — The legislative power is ves- ted in a house of representatives, called the general assembly. With the council they ap- point the judges of the courts annually, and the higher military officers when required. The executive power is vested in a governor, deputy governor and council of 12, annually chosen by the people. The governor and council have no negative on bills passed by the house, but may postpone them one session. 13 censors are chosen annually by the people, to see that the constitution is not infringed, &c. The su- preme court has three judges ; each county al- so has a court of three judges, sitting twice a year ; and each probate district has a court com- posed of 1 judge and justices of the peace. The supreme court sits annually in each county ex- cept Grand Isle ; and the judges of it form the court of chancery. The state prison is at Wind- sor. Education. — The higher institutions of learn- ing and science are, the Vt. university. Middle- bury college, and the Vt. academy of medicine. Most of the COS. have academies, and every town is divided into school districts, in which schools for all classes are kept, usually but part of the year. The university was founded at Burlington, 1791, by the legislature. The governor, speaker of the house of representa- tives, and president of the university, are ex- officio members of the corporation ; and 28 others are appointed by the legislature. Mid- dlebury college was founded in 1800. The academy of medicine in 1818, at Castleton. Religious denominations. — The Congrega- tionalists have 13 associations, 203 churches, 155 ministers and 17,236 communicants ; Bap- tists 105 churches, 64 ministers, and 8,478 communicants; Methodists, 44 ministers and 8,577 communicants ; Episcopalians, 15 minis- ters ; Unitarians, 3 societies and 1 minister ; there are some Freewill Baptists, Christ-ians, and Universalists. Vernon, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 35 miles e. Bennington, 50 s. V/indsor, is in the s. e. cor- ner of the state, with Connecticut r. on its e. boundary. It was one of the first settlements in Vt., the settlers coming from Northfield and Northampton, Mass., and suffering much from Indian attacks and murders. Startwell's fort was built in 1740. White Lilly pond covers 100 acres. The streams are small, the soil is thin and stony, much of the surface mountain- ous, with small meadows on Conn. r. There are pitch-pine plains e., and slate is quarried w. Pop. 681. Veknon, p-t. Tolland co. Conn., 12 ms. n. e. Hartford, about 3^ ms. by 5, is generally un- even, lying on the high lands between the wa- ters of Conn, and Thames rs. Quarries of mi- caceous schistus are wrought in the s. w. part, which forms an excellent pavement for side walks, and is extensively used. Hockanum and Tankerooson are good mill streams, and supply water to several mills and factories. Pop. 1,164. Vernon, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 17 ms. w. Utica, 112 ms. w. by n. Albany, has Oneida cr. w. which separates it from Madison co. It is of irregular form, and comprehends the princi- pal Oneida settlement in the state. About one- VEV 548 VIG third of the town belongs to the Oneida and Tuscarora reservations. First settled, 1797. The surface is pleasantly varied, the soil good and watered by Skanando cr. and its branches. It contains the villages of Vernon, Oneida and Cnstleton. Pop. 3,045. Vernon, incorporated v. Vernon, Oneida co. N. Y., 110 ms. w. by n. Albany, 13 from Uti- ca, on Skanando creek, has several manufac- tories. Ver\on, p.t. Sussex CO. N. J., 21 ms. n. e. Newton, 88 n. by e. Trenton, has the state of N. Y. on the n. e., Wawayanda ratn. e., Po- chuck ratn. w., and other eminences of the V^allkill range ; is crossed by Wallkill creek w. in the upper part of its course. Pop. 2,377. Vernon, p.v. in the s. wstrn. part of Kent co. Del., 22 ms. s. s. w. Dover, and by p-r. 96 e. VV^. C. Vernon, p-v. on the right bank of Ala. r., in the sthrn. part of Autauga co. Ala., 10 ms. w. Washington, the co. St., and by p-r. 124 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Hickman co. Ten., situated in the nthrn. part of the co., in direct distance 40 ms., but by p-r. 66 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. N. lat. 35° 48', long. 10° 3l' w. W. C. Vernon, p-v. Madison co. Misp., by p-r. 38 ms. nthrd. Jackson. Vernov, p-v. N. estrn. part Trumbull co. O., by p-r. 180 ms. n. e. Columbus. Vernon, p-v. and st. jus. Jennings co. Ind., by p-r. 64 ms. e. s. e. Indianopolis. Lat. 39°, long. W. C. 8° 36' w. Verona, p-t, Oneida co. N. Y., 113 ms. w. by N. Albany, 12 w. Rome, has Wood cr, n., and Oneida cr., separating it from Madison co. and Oneida lake. It was purchased from the Oneida Indians in 1 796. The surface is nearly level, with much swampy land and good soil. Erie canal crosses it n. near the cr. Forts Bull and Rickey were on that stream. Pop. 3,739. Versailles, p-v. and st. jus. Woodford co. Ky., 12 ms. w. Lexington, and 13 s. e. Frank- fort. N. lat. 38° 02', long. W. C. 7° 40' w. Pop. 904. Versailles, p-v. and st. jus. Ripley co. Ind., by p-r. 79 ms. s. e. Indianopolis. Lat. 39° 05', long.W. C. 8° 36' w. Vershire, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 25 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 35 n. Windsor, first settled 1780; is uneven and often stony, and watered by the head streams of the Ompompanoosuc. Pop. 1,260. Vestal, t. Broome co. N. Y., 150 ms. from Albany, 8 ms. s. Binghampton, has Pennsylva- nia on the s., and Tioga co. w., has Susquehan- nah r. n., and includes several isls. in that stream. Chocunut cr. flows n., nearly across the whole town. Pop. 946. Veteran, p-t. Tioga co. N. Y., 12 ms. n. EIraira. Pop. 1,6 1 6. Vevay, p-v. and st. jus. Switzerland co. Ind., by p-r. 105 ms. s. e. Indianopolis, and 45 miles below Cincinnati. It is situated on the Ohio r., and contains about 1,500 inhabitants. It was founded in 1804, by a small Swiss colony, and now contains the common co. buildings, a print- ing office, a branch of the bank of Ind., some other public buildings, and in the vicinity, the most extensive vineyard in the U. S. Mr. Flint speaks in high terms of the inhabitants of Ve- vay, and says, " They are every year improv- ing on the vintage of the past. They are the simple and interesting inhabitants that we might expect, (from the prepossessions of early read- ing,) to find from the vine clad hills of Switzer- land." There are in Vevay a literary society, and public library. The situation is fine, lo- cally, and also commercially with the r. Ohio and interior country. VicKSBURG, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. Misp., by p-r. 54 ms. from Jackson. It lies on the Misp. r. 100 ms. above Natchez, on the Wal- nut Hills. There is much trade here in cotton, the great staple of the vicinity, and the place is rapidly increasing. Pop. 1,300. Victor, p.t. Ontario co. N. Y., 10 ms. n. w. Canandaigua, 203 w. Albany, has Monroe co. N. and w., supplied with mill sites by Mud and 'i'eronto crs. ; n. w. is a large cedar swamp, and plains bearing oak timber. Pop. 2,270. Victory, t. Essex co. Vt., in the s. w. part of the CO., is crossed by Moose r. from n. w. to s. E. Pop. 53. Victory, p-t. Cayuga co. N. Y., 167 ms. w. Albany, 24 n. Auburn, 10 n. Erie canal, has Se- neca CO. w., has small Ftreams, but good mill seats. Pop. I,8l9. Vielleboro', p-v. in the nthrn. part of Caro- line CO. Va., 8 ms. n. Bowling Green, the st. jus. of the CO., and 70 ms. s. s. w. W. C. Vienna, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 26 ms. n. w. Augusta, ha,s on its w. boundary a small stream running n. into Sandy r. Pop. 722. Vienna, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y„ 125 ms. w. by N. Albany, 12 w. Rome, has Oneida lake s., and Oswego co. w., has good land on the courses of Fish and Wood crs., but inferior in other parts. First settled 1802. Erie canal is from 5 to 10 ms. distant s. Pop. 1,766. Vienna, v, Phelps, Ontario co. N. Y., 12 ms. E. Canandaigua, stands at the junction of Flint cr. and the Canandaigua outlet, and contains several mills, with large gypsum beds. Vienna, p-v. and sea port, on the right bank of Nantikoke r., and in the estrn. part of Dor- chester CO. Md., about 17 ms. s. e. by e. Cam- bridge, the CO. St., and by p-r. 118 ms. in the same direction from W, C. Vienna, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Pickens CO. Ala., by p-r. 18 ms. n. w. Pickensville, the CO. seat, and 66 in the same direction from Tus- caloosa. Vienna, p-t. Trumbull co. 0., by p-r. 170 ms. N. E. Columbus. Pop. 910, Vienna, p-v. and st. jus. Johnson co. II., by p-r. 167 ms. s. Vandalia, N, lat. 37° 27', long. W. C. 12° w, Vigo, co. Ind., bounded by Vermillion co. Ind. n., Parke n. e.. Clay e,, Sullivan s., Wabash r., separating it in part from Clarke co. II. s. w. Length from s. to n. 26, breadth 18, and area 4'J8 sq. ms. N. lat. 39° 30', long. W. C. 10° 30', w. The N. wstrn. part is traversed by the Wabash r. The general slope s. s. w. Cf. t. Terre Haute. Pop. 1820, 3,390; 1830, 5,766. VI li 549 VIR Vii,LAGE Gkeen, p-v. Delaware co. Pa., 4 ms. wsf.rd. Chester, the co. st., 16 ms. s. vv. Phil., and by p-r. 12G n. e. W. C. Village SpiiiiNGS and p-o. in the sthni. part of Blount CO. Ahi., by p-r. 81 ms. n. e. Tusca- loosa, and about 70 s. Huntsville, in Madison CO. ViLLANOVA, p-t. Chatauque co. N. Y., 3l8 ms. w. Albany, 20 n. f.. Maysville, has a i'ew streams running into Walnut and Canandaway crs. Pop. 1,126. Villa Ricca, p-v. Carroll co. Geo., by p-r. 178 ms. N. w. by w. Milledgeville. ViLLEMONT, p-v. and St. jus. Chicot co. Ark., situated on the right bank of Pv'Iisp. r., about 30 ms. in a direct line below the mouth of Ark. r., and by p-r. 184 ras. s. e. Little Rock. ]S. lat. 33^^ i3', and long. 14° 07' w. VV. C. ViNALHAVEN, p-t. Hancock CO. Me., 73 ms. s. E. Augusta, 13 s. Castine ; embraces the Fox isls. in Penobscot bay. Pop. 1,794. ViNCENNES, p-v. and st. jus, Knox co. Ind., situated on the e. side of the Wabash r., by p-r. 126 ms. s. w. Indianopolis, and about 110 ms. a little s. of E. from Vandalia. Lat. 38° 42' n., long. W. C. 10° 35' w. This is among the early settlements of the French from Canada, and was founded in 1690. It is rapidly improv- ing, and contains a bank, academy, a Roman Catholic and Presbyterian church, two printing offices, land office, and some other public buildings. Vincennes is pleasantly situated, and lias considerable trade. Pop. 1,500. Vincent, p-v., tsp. of Chester co. Pa., on the Schuylkill, between East Nantmill and Pike- laud, 26 ms. N. w. Phil. ■/iNEYARD, p-t. Grand Isle co. Vt., 28 ms. n. w. Burlington, 13 w. Saint Albans, 85 from Montpelier ; is an island in lake Champlain, containing 4,620 acres. It was first settled about 1785. The rocks are good building limestone ; a marsh which crosses it is over- grown with cedar. There are 2 school dists. Pop. 459. Vineyard, p-v. Washington co. Ark., by p-r. 187 ms. N. w. Little Rock. Virgil, p-t. Cortland co. N. Y., 148 ms. w. by s. Albany, 10 s. Homer ; has Broome and Tioga cos. s., and Cayuga co. w. ; has Tiough- nioga cr. n. e., and some streams of Fall cr. n. w., which flow into Cayuga lake. These, with a branch of Owego cr. s. supply mill seats ; and there is boat navigation on the Tioughnioga to the Susquehannah. This town has a good soil. Pop. 3,912. Virginia, one of the U. S., bndd. s. e. by the Atlantic ocean, s. by North Carolina, s. w. by Tennessee, w. by Kentucky, n. w. by the O. r., separating it from the state of Ohio, n. by the s. v/strn. part of Pa., and the Potomac separating it from the wstrn. part of Maryland, and n.e. also by the Potomac, and a part of Chesapeake bay, separating it from central and estrn. Mary- land. This state has an outline along the At- lantic ocean from the s. estrn. angle of Md. to the N. estrn. of N. C. 112 ms. ; wstrd. in com- mon with N. C. 340 ms. ; along the Iron nitns. from the extreme n. wstrn. angle of N. C. to the extreme n. estrn. angle of Ten. 4 ms.; wstrd. in common with Ten. to Cumberland 70 mtns., and the extreme s. wstrn. angle 110 ms.; along Cumberland mtns. in common with Ky. to Tug Fork r. llO ms. ; down Tug Fork and Sandy r. in common with Ky., to Ohio r., 70 ms. ; up Ohio r. opposite the state of Ohio, to the wstrn. boundary of Pa., 355 ms. ; s. along w. boundary of Pa., and to the s. wstrn. angle of that state, 64 ms. ; e. along Pa. to the n. wstrn. angle of Md., 58 ms. ; s. to the head of the North Branch of Potomac, and s. wstrn. an. gle of Md. 36 ms. ; down Potomac r. opposite Md. to the outlet of that stream into Chesa- peake bay, 320 ms. ; thence over Chesapeake bay, and along the s. estrn. boundary of Md. to the Atlantic ocean, and place of beginning, 60 ms. ; having an entire outline of 1,639 ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 32' to 40° 38' n., and in long, from 1° 46' e. to 6° 33' w. W. C. The sthrn. boundary ot Va. is nearly com- mensurate with its greatest length, 450 ms. The area of this state is usually underrated ; as by a careful measurement by the rhombs, the superficies are within a fraction of 70,000 sq. ms., which, divided by 450, yields 155^ very nearly, as the mean width. A geographi- cal error exists as respects the southern boun- dary of Va. That boundary on most maps is laid down as a line along lat. 36^ ; but it leaves the Atlantic ocean on 36° 32' nearly, and gra- dually inclining to the northwards, when it strikes the Iron mountains it is above lat. 36° 33'. The northern boundary of Ten., between the two states, leaves the Iron mtns. lat 36-^ 05' nearly, and maintains that curve to the Cumber- land mtns. From these elements we see, that the southern boundary of Va. lies at a mean of about 36° 33i' n., and that it is not even a con- tinued line between the extremes. Natural Sections. — Virginia is the most ex- tensive state of the union, and perhaps the most strongly contrasted in its physical features. Similar to Md. and N. C, Va. is sub-divided into three distinct section. Sea and alluvial section below the head of tide water ; the mid- die and hilly section, and the central or moun. tainous ; but in the case of Va., a fourth and very important natural section may be super- added. This latter section may be very proper- ly called the western or Ohio section, as it is drained into that stream, as a common recipient. These four natural sections are in their respec- tive features and outlines, so distinct as to be recognized in the legislation of the state, and indeed must ever have political and moral ef- fects. The following is a summary of 4 tables formed by a member of the convention, recently held to form a constitution for the state, and deserves some attention, as upon them in some degree depended the apportionment of repre- sentation as it now stands, under the present constitution of the state. Summary. .sq. ms. Supposed pop. 1823. in each Whites. Slaves. Toial. division. 1. T?r1ow head of tide water 165,227 175,847 341,074 11,805 2. Between tliat, & the Blue Ridge 201,219 225,!;S1 427,210 15,380 3.Fi:tween llie Blue Ridge and the Al- legliaiiy 106,994 37,857 203,871 13,072 VI R 550 VIR 4. Westward of the Alleghany to the Ohio river 153,52 2 Total, 685^962 12,831 1R6,353 28,337 452,526 1,138,508 68,6ii0 The population of Virginia, at several pe- riods, has been as follows: 1790, 747,610; 1800,880,200; 1810,974,622; in 1820, 1,065,- 366; and in 1830, 1,211,375; at the latter pe- riod the pop. by cos. was as follows : — Pop. 4,801 21,939 16,151 11,957 9,236 7,664 20,477 4,122 11,784 11,254 6,458 24,800 8,641 7,953 10,130 14,637 7,395 20,034 8,517 14,107 8,367 9,330 9,102 6,055 16,074 15,134 9,362 7,109 12,720 1,570 8,396 5,354 Pop. 7,798 12,306 2,694 3,346 15,584 8,327 6,271 2,542 5,144 5,000 14,244 20,683 6,714 5,724 11,423 5,749 4,104 15,614 6,429 12,163 Eastern District. Cou7tties. Pop. Counties. Acconiac 16,656 Lancaster Albemarle 22,618 Loudon Amelia 11,036 Louisa Amherst 12,071 Lunenburg Bedford 20,246 !\;adison Brunswick 15,767 Matthews Buckingham 18,351 Mecklenburg Campbell 20,350 Middlesex Caroline 17,760 Nansemond Charles City 5,500 Nelson Charlotte 15,252 New Kent Chesterfield 18,627 Norfolk Culpepper 24,027 Northampton Cumberland 11,690 Northumberland Dinwiddle 21901 Nottaway Elizabeth City 5,053 Orange Essex 10,521 Patrick Fairfax 9,204 Pittsylvania Fauquier 26,086 Powhatan Fluvanna 8,221 Prince Edward Franklin 14,911 Prince George Gloucester 10,608 Prince William Goochland 10,369 Princess Anne Greensville 7,117 Richmond Halifax 28,034 Southampton Hanover 16,253 Ppottsylvania Henrico 28,797 Stafford Henry 7,100 J-urry Isle of Wight 10,517 Sussex James City 3,838 Warwick King and Queen 11,644 Westmoreland Kins Grorsfe 6.397 York King William 9,812 Population of the Eastern Dist. 832,980. Western District, Counties. Pop. Counties. Alleghany 2,816 Monroe Augusta 19,926 Montgomery Bath 4,002 Morgan Berkeley 10,518 Nicholas Bottetourt 16,354 Ohio Brooke 7,041 Page (formerly E Cabell 5,884 Shenandoah) Frederick 25,046 Pendleton Giles 5,274 Pocahontas Grayson 7,675 Preston Greenbrier 9,006 Randolph Harrison 14,722 Rockbridge Hampshire 11,279 Rockingham Hardy 6,798 Russell Jefferson 12,927 Scott Kenhawa 9,326 Shenandoah Lee 6,461 Tazewell Lewis 6,241 Tyler liOgan 3,68(1 Washington Monongalia 14,056 Wood Mason 6,534 Wythe Population of the Western District, 378,425. Of the preceding were white persons, JVIales. Under 5 years of age 65,793 5 to 10 51,805 10 to 15 43,287 15 to 20 36,947 20 to 30 60,91 1 30 to 40 36,.539 40 to 50 23,381 50 to 60 15,261 60 to 70 8,971 70 to 80 3,674 80 to 90 1,108 90 to 100 184 J 00 and upwards 26 Total 347,887 Females. 62,411 49,964 41,936 40,479 62,044 30,456 23,750 15,447 8,705 3,8.57 1,098 158 98 346,383 Of the coloured population, were FREE. SLAVES. Males. Females. Males. Few,. Under 10 years of age 8,236 8,002 84,000 83,270 From 10 to 24 6,126 7,031 68,917 06,921 24 to 36 3,546 4,501 43,189 40,927 36 to 55 2,721 3,379 30,683 27,206 55 to 100 1,731 2,024 12,155 12,275 100 and upwards 27 24 133 144 Total, 22,387 24,961 239,077 230,080 Recapitulation. Whites. Free col'd. Slaves. Total. 694,270 47,348 469,757 1,211,375 Features. — Comparatively there is little of Virginia actually level. Such character is only found in the counties of Accomac and Northampton, e. of Chesapeake bay, and Prin- cess Anne, Norfolk and Nansemond, with an aggregate area of 2,200 sq. ms. West of Chesapeake bay, the country gradually rises into hill and dale, though much marshy and flat land skirts the wide mouths of the rivers. Vir- ginia and Maryland occupy the central part of that section of the Atlantic coast, so remark- able for deep and wide rivers. Except in ex- tent, and position, Chesapeake bay differs in nothing essential, besides its greater depth, from Pamlico and Albemarle sounds, on the s., and Del. to the n. In Virginia and Maryland, the confluents of the Chesapeake seem to imi. tate that great reservoir ; and Pocomoke, Nan. tikoke, Choptank, and Chester rivers on the E., and James, York, Rappahannoc, Potomac, Patuxent, and Patapsco on the w., widen into expansive bays before their final discharge. These minor bays become gradually more shal- low, and more confined in width, approaching the head of tide water ; but they all retain the distinctive character ofbays as far as the ocean tides penetrate inland. The 1st section in the foregoing summary exhibits the counties which may be strictly designated alluvial. Though where approaching the primitive ledge which terminates the tides, the face of the country is diversified by waving hills, still in their struc- ture they are alluvial, of that species called an- cient. The far greater part of the substrata are composed of sand and pebbles. Large masses of rock in its original position are rare, except at great depths. The Blue Ridge tra- verses Va. 260 ms., in a direction from s. w. to N. E., and except where traversed by Roanoke and James rs., it is a continuous ridge, and a county limit in all its range in that state. Fall- ing from this finely del'ineated chain, is an in. clined plain, containing 15,386 sq. ms., ter- minating at the head of the Atlantic tides. This truly beautiful section, if we merely re- gard the fall of water, has a declivity of about 300 to 500 ft. ; the descent of the water gives but a defective idea of the slope in the arable soil, which, towards the Blue Ridge, rises in many places to at least 1,000 ft. in the inter- mediate spaces between the rivers. The face of nature, though exhibiting little of grandeur, is rich, and pleasing in the endless outline of hill, valley, and river scenery. In the higher part, beside the elegantback ground of the Blue Ridge, other detached mountain chains rise and give intimation that the solid structure of the country is Appalachian, and that the outer ridges of that system influence the great bends VIR 551 VIR of the rivers. This mountain influence is seen in the courses of Roanoke, James, Rappahan- noc, and Potomac rivers. Sectioned, contains the 29 cos. embraced by what might be with propriety called the Blue Ridge section of Vir- ginia. The 3d and Great Valley section is, in some respects, the most remarkable of the na- tural sections of Virginia. Extending from the Iron mountain at the nrthestrn. angle of Ten., to the northern bend of the Potomac at Han- cock's town, the mean length is nearly 300 ms. ; the mean distance between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany mountain is about 43 ms. This val- ley is the continuation of the Kittatinny of Pa., and is a true table land, or mountain plateau. The rise is abrupt, as there is a difference of from 200 to 300 ft. in the mean level, on the two sides of the Blue Ridge. The elevation of Lynchburg is about 500 ft., whilst that of Staun- ton at the sources of Shenandoah is 1,152 ft. ; Lexington in Rockbridge county, 902 ft. ; Salem on the Roanoke in Botetourt co., 1,002 ; the Warm Springs in Bath county, 1,782 ft. ; and the mean elevation of the farms on the whole extent no doubt exceed 1,000 ft. The Blue Ridge is, in Virginia as in New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, and Maryland, bounded on the north- western side by a calcareous band, of more or less breadth. The surface of the Great Vir- ginia valley is in an especial manner broken and diversified, but every where contains zones of highly productive soil, abounding, with some exceptions, in good water, rich in scenery, and affording an endless variety of delightful land- scape. In regard to declivity, the Great Valley presents some curious phenomena. The north- ern, and nearly one half of the whole surface declines to the n. e., towards the rotomac, and is drained by the Shenandoah, Cacapon, and South branch of Potomac river. Southward from the sources of Potomac and Shenandoah is a middle valley, drained eastwardly through the Blue Ridge, by James and Roanoke rivers. The extreme sthrn. part falls to the n. w., and gives descent to New, or Great Kenhawa river. We thus perceive that this table land is partly on the Atlantic slope, and partly in the Ohio valley ; and that the inflected line, that sepa- rates the sources of the James and Roanoke rivers of the former from those of the Great Kenhawa of the latter, passes the mountain valley obliquely. Passing the table land be- tween Blue Ridge and Alleghany mtns. on the third natural section, brings us on the fourth or Ohio section of Va. The extreme length of this wstrn. slope is within a small fraction of 300 ms. extending from the nrthrn. boundary of Ten., to the extreme northern angle of Brooke county. The greatest breadth is nearly along the gener- al course of the Great Kenhawa, 135 ms. ; but both extremes are narrow, and the mean width is about 94, and the area 28,337 sq. ms. This great space is politically subdivided into 23 cos. The surface is in the far greater part mountain, ous, and in all parts very broken. The ridges or chains of the Appalachian system stretch over it very nearly parallel to the Ohio, in that part of the course of that stream which bounds Virginia. The soil is as various as the sur- face, or even more so, as every grade of fertili- ty and of sterility may be found. The elevation of the water at the junction of Ohio and Great Kenhawa rs. being 533 ft., and that point being only about 40 direct ms. from the extreme low- est point of Western Virginia at the mouth of Great Sandy river, we may regard all land sur- face of the Ohio section as rising above 500 ft. The oceanic elevation of Wheeling is 634 feet, and the Ohio, as a base to the great inclined plain, and a recipient for the waters of the West- ern section of Virginia, rises above 5G0 ft., or very nearly on a level with lake Erie. The di- viding ridge of the waters of the Ohio and the Atlantic, is the apex of the plain before us, and has its highest elevation in the mountain val- lies, from which rise on one side the sources of Roanoke and James rs., and on the other those of the Great Kenhawa. Under the heads of Giles, Pocahontas, and Monroe cos. of Vir- ginia, which occupy the highest part of the plain we are surveying, it maybe seen that the mean elevation of the arable soil exceeds one thous. and six hundred ft. A similar, if not a higher mean height, might be assigned to the sources of the Great Kenhawa, from those of Green- brier to those of New river. From these ele- vated vallies the sources of the Ohio flow, like radii from a common centre. The different branches of the Monongahela rise in Lewis and Randolph cos., and flowing nrthrdly. over Harrison, Monongalia, and Preston cos., enter Pa., and there uniting, the mingled waters con- tinue northward to meet those of the Allegha- ny, and form the Ohio at Pittsburg. The Ohio from Pittsburg first sweeps a curve to the north, westward, thence westward, and finally south- ward, upwards of one hundred ms. ; in a re- markable manner parallel to the general course of the Monongahela, the two streams flowing in opposite directions. From the large curve of the Ohio below Pittsburg to the influx of Lit- tle Kenhawa, there is only a narrow inclined plain of about 30 ms. width between Ohio river, and the sources of ers. flowing estrd. into Mo- nongahela. Down this confined slope flow Har- man's Cross, Buffalo, Wheeling, Fish, Fishing, Middle Island, and some other crs. of lesser note. With Little Kenhawa the plain widens ; and the declivity inclines from w. to n. w. This declination is maintained, beside in Little Ken- hawa r., in the vallies of Great Kenhawa, Great and Sandy rs. The streams rising in the ex- treme southern part of the Ohio section of Vir- ginia, though drained into the Ohio r., are borne from the elevated plateau between the sources of the Great Kenhawa and Ten. rs., and before their discharge, make the immense semicircu- lar curve of the latter. From this rapid outline of the Ohio section of Virginia, it must be evi- dent, that the climate of the whole varies mate- rially from that of similar latitudes on the At- lantic coast, and from difference of relative lev- el, the climate along the high vallies of the Ap. palachian chains are very different from that on the greatly lower and deep ravine of the Ohio. This is so obviously the case, that early vege- tation is often far advanced at Wheeling, at the same time when little or no appearance of spring is perceptible along the dividing ridge of the waters of Ohio and Monongahela. The differ- VJR 552 VIR eiicc of level between the high waler mark in Ohio river, and the ridge we have noticed, is about a mean of b50 ft. ; but this ridge is only tlie first, in a series of plains which rise one above another, until a mean height of between 1,800 and 2,000 ft. is attained in central Virgin- ia. If we assume lat. 38° lo' as the centre, it will, on long. '3° w. W. C, correspond nearly with the greatest elevation ; and allowing 400 ft. as an equivalent to a degree of latitude, it will give to the cos. along the mountainous sec- tion of Virginia a winter climate, similar in tem- perature to that of lat. 43° on the Atlantic coast. If from the foregoing elements we embrace the whole of Virginia, we have before us a large section of the United States, extending a frac- tion over 4° of lat., and 8;J° of long., differing in relative level upwards of 2,000 ft., without estimating mountain peaks or ridges. If we suppose the actually settled parts of the United States to he 630,000 sq. ms., Virginia will em- brace a ninth part. It is traversed, as we have shewn, from s. w. to n. e. by the Appalachian system of mountains, in lateral chains. Of these the Blue Ridge is the most distinctly de. fined, and is one of six or seven chains which can be traced, and identified over the state. One of these chains, though omitted on some maps, and broken into fragments on others, is really very little less obvious than the Blue Ridge, and is distinct over Virginia. This neg- lected Appalachian chain stretches at a distance of from 15 to 30 ms. southeastward from the Blue Ridge. It is known in New Jersey as Schooley's mtn., and though perfectly prominent over that state, has received no distinctive name in Pa. In iVi d. it is called the Parr Spring Ridge, and is rendered very conspicuous at the fine conical peak, known as the Sugar Loaf, where it is traversed by the Potomac. In Vir- ginia it traverses Loudon, Fauquier, Culpepper, Orange, Albemarle, Nelson, Amherst, Bedford, .Franklin and Henry cos. West of the Blue Ridge, the mtn. chains are also very confused- ly delineated on our maps, though they are far from being so in reality. Even on Tanner's map, the continuous chains are terminated by the Alleghany, whilst in fact, Western Virginia is traversed by three distinctive chains, extend- ing w. from the main spine of the Blue Ridge. In fact, the whole state, from the head of tide water to Ohio river, is formed of a series of mtn. chains, and intervening vrdlies. This structure is obvious to any person who examines its map, with a due study of the influence of the mtn. system on the inflections of the streams. Amongst the mountain chains, however, the Blue Ridge must always remain the most im- portant, physically and politically. This chain stands in a remarkable manner detached ; in the peaks ot Otter, Botetourt co., it presents the highest land in the Appalachian system s. w. of the Delaware, and in all its length it is a coun- ty line. When discovered and colonized by Europeans, the region now comprised in Virgin, ia, was a continued, dense, and very partially broken forest. A few savage tribes were found along the tide waters, but the interior was scarcely inhabited, even by savages. It may be remarked, though the soil increases in fertility aflvancing from tlie sea board, that density of population is in a near ratio to proximity to the place of original settlement on James r. If we make evf ry just allowance for the space actual- ly occupied by mountains, and other unproduc- tive tracts, there would yet remain 50,000 sq. ms., capable of sustaining a population equal to either of the most populous cos. of the state, say Henrico, including the city of Richmond. Such a ratio would give Virginia upwards of five millions of inhabitants, a number far be- low the number which it could support. H, story. — The first charter of Virginia was granted by Queen Elizabeth, in 1583, to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who perished at sea in an attempt to avail himself of his patent. By this original grant, the name of Virginia was impo- sed on the whole Atlantic coast of North Amer- ica, claimed by the English. In future time the general name became restricted to what is now Virginia. Sir Walter Raleigh, maternal broth- er of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, obtained a renew- al of the first charter, May 25th, 1584. Under Raleigh's patent a colony was planted on Roan, oke, but after repeated attempts and disasters, the enterprise entirely failed. In Aug. 1587, the governor sailed to England, in quest of sup- plies; the few persons left, vi'ere never again heard of, and the patent of Raleigh was vaca- ted by his attainder. In the early part of the reign of James I., Mr. Hackluyt revived the in- tention of settlement on the coast of N. Ameri- ca, and himself and others obtained by petition a patent dated April 10th, 1606, for that part of the coast extending from n. lat. 31° to 45°. This great zone of 14° of lat. was granted to 2 companies, under the relative name of North, and South Virginia. South Virginia was given to the London company. North Virginia to the Plymouth company. The London company ef- fected a settlement April, 1607, at Jamestown, on Powhatan, or as since called, James r., and here commenced the settlement, not only of Vir- ginia, but also of the U. S. So vague were the views of the company, or the adventurers un. der the patent, that discord and wretchedness compelled the colonists to break up their estab. lishraent in 1610, and an entire abandonment was only prevented by the timely arrival of Lord Delaware. In 16l2, a second charter was grant- ed, and in 1619, the first legislative assembly met. The following year negroes were intro- duced as slaves, which were brought in by a Dutch ship. A state of natural distrust had ex. isted against the colonists, on the part of the natives, since their first arrival ; this in 1622, eventuated in a massacre, in which 347 whites perished. To the horrors of Indian warfare, was added the arbitrary and vexatious regula- tions of the London company. Royal power in. terposed, and in 1624 the government of the colony was seized by the king, and administer, ed by commission. The royal governors were as unsteady in their measures as those of the former company, but to the number of these ignorant tyrants Sir William Berkeley was an exception. This nobleman ruled with modera. tion, and in 1639 restored the legislature, by assembling the Burgesses. As an English col- ony, Virginia was royal in its political features VIR 553 VIR and feelings. In the long revolutionary strug- gle in England, froml642 to 1660, the Virgini- ans sided with the royal party. Compelled by force to submit to the parliament, they seized the first moment to exhibit their real sentiments, and Charles II. was acknowledged in Virginia before he was in England. 1'he restoration was alike a failure in both countries, bu4, weak and distant, the colony of Virginia suft'ered most, and the monopolizing spirit of the gov- ernment of the mother country was felt for up- wards of a century, or to the revolution in 1775. The church of England was established by law in 1662, which, added to exactions in trade, large grants of land to royal favorites, and the caprice of royal governors, kept up a spirit of resistance, and state of irritation, which prepar- ed the public mind to throw off the yoke, and meet the minions of power in arms. Virginia was the birth place of Washington. He was born in 1732, and had become mature in years, when his services were demanded to teach the kings, and people of the earth, the most saluta- ry lesson either ever received. In the colonial war, which commenced in 1755, George Wash- ington and the Virginians were truly distin- guished. In the war of the revolution, Va. was, in many respects, the leading state ; and her il- lustrious son was one only of many of her citi- zens, who shone in that day of events. Since the revolution, no great event particular to Vir- ginia occurred, until October, 1829,' when a convention met to revise her constitution. Government. — The first constitution of Vir- ginia was adopted July 5th, 1776, but as settle- ments extended westward, certain provisions were regarded as partial and oppressive, and, after many abortive attempts, these eventuated in a convention, which, on the 14th of January, 1830, reported the existing constitution, and which was ratified by a majority of 10,492 citi- zens. The right of suffrage, by this constitu- tion, is secured under very complex provisions. The right of voting is extended to every white male citizen of the commonwealth, who has at- tained the age of 21 years, and who would have been entitled to vote under the former constitu- tion ; or who has a freehold of ^25 value ; or who is the holder of a joint interest in a free- hold to the amount of .^25 ; or who has a life estate in, or title in reversion to, land of ^50 value, and has been in full possession of such an estate, or reversionary title, six months be- fore the election at which he offers to vote ; or who shall own, and be in the actual occupation of a leasehold estate, have put such title on record two months before he shall offer to vote — original term at least 5 years, and rent value 1^200 ; or who has been a housekeeper and head of a family, 12 months before offering to vote, and shall have paid a tax within the pre- ceding year. The legislative power is vested ill a senate and house of delegates, which to- gether are styled the general assembly of Vir- ginia. The house of delegates consists of 134 members, chosen annually, and apportioned in the 4 districts as follows : — 36 from the Tide water district, 42 from that above Tide water and below Blue Ridge, 25 from the Third, or mouutain district, and 31 from that of Ohio, or the Western district. The Senate consists of 32 members — 19 from the east, and 13 west from Blue Ridge. These are elected for 4 years, one fourth going out of office annually. A re-election of all members composing both bodies, is to take place in 1841, and afterwards decennially ; but the number of senators can never exceed 36, and that of the house of dele. gates 150. The executive power is vested in a governor, elected for 4 years, by a joint vote of both houses of the general assembly, and in- eligible for the next three years after the expi- ration of his term of office. A council of state is elected by joint ballot of the two houses ; it consists of 3 members, term 3 years, 1 mem- ber vacating his seat annually. The senior counsellor is lieutenant governor. The judi- ciary is vested in a supreme court of appeals, and superior and inferior courts ; the judges of the court of appeals, and superior courts, are elected by joint ballot of both houses ; term du- ring good behavior, or until removed by a con- current vote of both houses, two thirds of the members present voting for removal. Judiciary, Taxes, Penitentiaries., ^-c. The court of appeals consists of 5 judges, who hold two sessions annually, one at Lewisburg, west of the Blue Ridge, and one at Richmond, east ; these sit 90 days, unless the business is previ- ously completed. The circuit superior court of law and chancery, consists of 20 judges. There are 10 districts, each district being di- vided into two circuits, and twice a year a court, which sits until the business before it is completed, is held in every county and corpora- tion. The taxes of the state in 1831 amounted to $336,734; of this amount about f 275,000 was on roal and personal estate, and the balance on licenses. In the penitentiaries Sept. 1831 were 167 convicts, of which were 123 white, and 44 colored persons. Of these 53 were added the previous year. During 12 years ending 1831, $124,775 were paid by the state for slaves, either transported, escaped, or exe- cuted. Religion. The most numerous sect in Vir- ginia are Baptists; these have 337 churches, and 192 ministers. The Presbyterians hive 104 churches, and 7.5 ministers ; the Biiptists 77 preachers, the Episcopalians 45 ministers. The Friends are somewhat numerous, and beside these are some Lutherans, Catholics, and Jews. Staple Productions. From what has been stated under the section of natural features, and extent, the great variety of soil and cli- mate over Va., will at once suggest a corres- ponding variety in the staple productions. This is so far correct, that every vegetable, from cotton to wheat, and from the fig to the apple, can be produced in abundance. The lower tide water counties, from depression of surface, and from proximity to large masses of water, enjoy comparatively a tropical tempera- ture. This high temperature abates, rising to. wards, and on the central table lands. On the latter the grasses, including bread grains, flour- ish. Falling from the mountain vallies to that of Ohio river, the temperature again rises, but as already shown, on the two extremes of Va., though in similar latitudes, a greater degree of WAB 554 WAB cold prevails on the western side. Of minerals, the state produces gold, (see Mint, in art. U. S.) limestone, gypsum, iron ore, and muriate of soda, or common salt. The limestone exists in immense masses or zones, in different parts of the state. Iron ore is also found widely dis- seminated. Water, holding in solution com- mon salt, is found by digging, in the lower part of the valley of the Great Kenhavva, and in less- er quantity in some other places. Internal Improvement. — In works of internal improvement, Va. has fallen behind either Pa. or N. Y., even when relative population is made the basis of calculation. A Board of public works, consisting of 13 members, and which meets annually, on the first Monday in Jan. has the management of funds devoted to internal improvement, to an amount exceeding 2,000,- 000 of dollars. The following incorporated companies had received aid from it in 1831. Capital. Upper Appomatox company, ^61,100 Lower Appomattox com. 40,000 Ashby's Gap com 130,050 Fairfax com 13., 750 Lynchburg and Salem com. . . . 103,900 Leesburg com 84,000 Little River com Manchester and Petersburg com. Rappahannoc Navigation com. . . 50,000 Richmond Dock com 250,000 Roanoke Navigation com 412,000 Staunton and James river com. . . 50,000 Sheppardstown and Smithfield com. 46,000 Snicker's Gap com 85,000 Swift Run com 119,800 Tye River com 6,000 Wellsburg and Washington com. . 16,650 The most important chain of internal im- provement yet attempted in Va. is that under- taken by the James River navigation company, on the line of James and Kenhawa rivers, and the intervening space. On this route has been expended (1831) 1,274,583 dollars ; of which were laid out on lower James river canal, $638,883 86 ; mountain section of the canal, ,*^365,207 02 ; Kenhawa river, $87,389 81 ; on turnpike roads and bridges, from Covington to the Kenhawa, $171,982 49. By a recent act of the legislature, extending the Kenhawa road, loans were authorized for $50,000. Balancing the interest on the sums borrowed and expend- ed, it appears that the disbursements exceed the receipts by $37,727 26 ; and that the gen. eral income of the fund for internal improve- ment, is taxed with the deficiency. The whole capital invested by Va., exclusive of that be- longing to the Manchester and Petersburg turn, pike com., and Little River Turnpike com., amounts to $3,263,811. In aid of improve. ments in Va., the Dismal Swamp canal compa- ny received from the United States $200,000 and the Roanoke navigation company received from N. C. $50,000. For greater detail in in- ternal improvements, see article Rail Roads and Canals. Education. — The venerable college of Wil- liam and Mary was founded at Williamsburg in 1693, and, next to Harvard, is the most ancient literary institution in the United States ; Hamp- den Sidney college, in Prince Edward co. was founded in 1774; Washington, at Lexington, Rockbridge co., in 1812 ; and the University of Virginia, at Charlotteville, Albemarle co., in 1819. By the statutes of Va., all property aris- ing from escheats, confiscations, lands forfeited for non-payment of taxes, and sums refunded by the national government for services render- ed by Va. in the war of 1812, revert to the lit- erary fund. This fund was created in 1809, and possessed, in 18.32 a capital of $1,510,689. The proceeds of this, in l831 amounted to $71,- 887, of which $61,385 was expended, and $10,502 added to the capital. Of the avails of this fund, the University of Va. receives an an- nual appropriation $15,000. See a more par- ticular account of these institutions, under the head of places where they are located. To the education of the poor of each co., an ap- propriation of $45,000 is annually applied, and divided amongst the counties in the ratio of white population, and under the management of commissioners appointed by the court of each county. Vjsalia, p-v. Campbell co. Ky., by p-r. 97 ms. northward Frankfort. VoLNEY, p-t. Oswego CO. N. Y., 159 ms. n. n. w. Albany, 15 s. E. Oswego, 50 w. Rome ; has Oneida and Oswego rs. s., which separate it from Onondaga co., and Oswego co. w. ; has a sur- face nearly level ; good soil. Scotts, (atfish and Black crs., as well as the streams afore- said, afford mill sites. The falls of the Oswe- go, particularly, offer abundant water power. At the p-v. of Oswego Falls are several mills and factories, as well as a quarry of freestone. Pop. 3,629. VoLUNTowN, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 54 ms. s. s. E. Hartford, has Rhode Island on the e. line ; about 4 ms. by 9 ; has some pine plains, but is generally hilly, with a light and poor soil. Paucamack pond, partly in R. I., gives rise to Pochaug r., which crosses this town, generally with a slow current, yet affording some mill sites, and empties into Quinebaug r. First set- tled 1696. It has its name from having been granted to volunteers in the Narraganset war. Pop. 1,304. Vulcan, p-v. Randolph co. II., by p-r. 81 ms. s. w. Vandalia. Wabash, r. of the U. S. in O., Ind. and II., and the great northwestern constituent of the Ohio river. Besides many minor streams, the Wabash is composed of three main branches. Little Wabash on the s. w.. Wabash proper in the centre, and White r. on the eastern side of the valley. Little Wabash rises in Shelby co. II., interlocking sources with those of Kaskas- kia r., and flowing thence in a s. s. e. direction over Fayette, Clay, Wayne, and White cos. II., falls into the main channel of the Wabash, be- tween White and Gallatin cos., about 10 ms. WAB 555 WAB direct course above the influx of Wabash into Ohio r. The entire course of Little Wabash is about 1 lO ms., mean breadth of its valley 25, and area 2,750 sq. ms. ; between lat. 37° 50', and 40° 30'. Embarras river is another branch of the Wabash, the whole valley of which lies in the statq^ of Illinois. The Embarras has its extreme source in Vermillion co. II., interlock- ing sources with those of Vermillion, Kaskaskia and Little Wabash rivers. Flowing nearly parallel t.- the latter, over Edgar, Clark, and Crawford cos., it falls into the Wabash 10 ms. below Vincennes, after a course of about 100 ms. Mean width of the valley 20 ms., and area 2,000 sq. ms. The valley of the Embarras occupies the space between the higher sources of Kaskaskia, and the main Wabash. In the distance of 100 ms., air measure, from the in- flux of Embarras to that of Vermillion, the Wa- bash does not receive a stream from the right, or from the state of II., above the size of a large cr. Vermillion r. rises in the state of II., to the nrthrds. of Vermillion co., interlocking sources with the Embarras and Kaskaskia, and with those of the Sangamon and Pickmink branches of II. r. Flowing 60 ms. to the sth- estrd., it falls into the main channel of the Wa- bash, after having traversed Vermillion co. of II., and Vermillion co. of Ind. Tippecanoe, as laid down by Tanner, is the extreme northern source of the Wabash, rising at lat. 41° 30', and long. 9° w. W. C, interlocking sources with those of Kankakee branch of II. r., and with the Elkhart, or southern branch of the St. Joseph's r., of lake Michigan. Flowing 70 ms., first to the s. w., and thence curving s., it traverses Carroll co., and falls into the Wa- bash in the nrthrn. margin of La Fayette co. The left inclined plane of the Wabash valley, is in length about 330 ms., the breadth in no place extends to 60, and averaging about 35 ms. from the main channel; area 11,550 sq. ms. Wabash proper rises on the great plateau, or table land between the Ohio r. and lakes Erie and Michigan, and within 5 ms. of the junction of St. Joseph's and St. Mary's rs. The country from which the Wabash rises, is amongst the most remarkable on the earth. The two main constituents of the Maumee, the St. Joseph ri- sing in Michigan, and St. Mary's rising in the state of Ohio, each flow a distance of 70 ms., in complete accordance with the confluents of Wabash ; but uniting at Fort Wayne, Allen co. Ind., the united waters, in place of continuing what would be apparently the natural course, down the channel of the Wabash, turn in a di- rectly opposite direction, and form the Mau- mee ; this flowing nrthestrdly. 110 ms., is lost in the sthwstrn. bay of lake Erie. The central plain is indeed so nearly a dead level, as to ad- mit but little current in the streams. That which is laid down by Tanner as the main source of Wabash, rises in Mercer and Darke cos. 0., flow, ing thence n. w. by w., it enters Ind., and after a course of 60 ms., receives Little r., from the central table land in Allen co. It is the sources of the latter stream, which so nearly approach the junction of St. Mary's and St. Joseph's rs., and it is along its channel, that a canal has been proposed to unite the Wabash and Maumee rs. The Wabash, already a navigable stream at the influx of Little r., inflects a little s. of w. 50 ms., receiving the Salamanic and Missisinevva from the s. E., and Eel r. from t!ie n. w. Below the influx of Eel r., the main chaanel inflects to s. w. 70 ms., receiving the Tippecanoe 30 ms. be- low the mouth of Eel r. At the lower end of the last mentioned course, according to Tan- ner's U. S., the channel of Wabash is only about 10 ms. from the estrn. boundary of II. ; but de- flecting a very little w. of s., it continues 60 ms. entirely in Ind., to a point between Vigo co. of the latter, and Clarke co. of II. From hence the main channel continues a general course 120 ms., forming a boundary between the two states, and receiving the Little Wabash from the N. w., and the White r. from the nrthestrd. White r. is the most considerable branch of Wabash, draining the large space between the main stream above their confluence, and that part of Ohio r. between the mouths of Miami and Wabash. The valley of White r., com- prising an area of 11,000 sq. ms., is drained by innumerable smaller streams, which first unite in two branches, which again by their union form White r. White r. proper, or the nrthrn. branch, has its extreme source in Randolph co. Ind., but almost on the wstrn. border of Darke CO. 0. Flowing thence wstrd. 70 ms., over Randolph, Delawiire and Madison cos. into Hamilton co., it inflects to s. w., and traverses Hamilton, Marion, Morgan, Owen, and Greene COS., thence, separating Daviess from Knox co., it receives the East Fork, after an entire course of upwards of 200 ms. The East Fork, though not having an equal length of course, drains very little, if any less surfpce, than the main branch. The former rises in Henry and Hancock cos., and flowing a southwestern course, drains the cos. of Henry, Hancock, Rush, Shelby, Deca- tur, Bartholomew, Jennings, Scott, Jackson, Monroe, Lawrence, Martin, Orange, and part of Jefferson, Dubois, and Daviess. It may be noticed, as a remarkable peculiarity of White r., that its extreme estrn. source rises within less than 1 m. of the bank of Ohio r. ; and flow- ing directly from that great stream, thus singu- larly turned by the features of the country, its waters unite with the Wabash, and finally with the Ohio, 160 ms. in a direct line from its source in Jefferson co. A ridge of hills extends entirely over Ind., from the mouth of Great Miami to that of Wabash, across the counties of Dearborn, Switzerland, Jefferson, Scott, Washington, Orange, Crawford, Dubois, Spen- cer, Warrick, Gibson, Vanderburg, and Posey. From this ridge creeks are discharged on each side, into the Ohio and White rs. respectively, the two streams flowing very nearly parallel in a direction s.w. by w. The entire valley of Wabash approaches the form of an ellipsis, the longer axis 300 ms. from the extreme s. wstrn. sources of Little Wabash, to the nthrn. foun- tains of Eel r. Its greatest breadth is 200 ms., from the sources of Graham's Fork, near Madi- son in Jefferson co. Ind., to the n. western fountains of Vermillion r., in the state of II. The whole area of the valley contains about 40,000 sq. ms., exceeding by a small fraction a fifth part of the superficies of the whole Ohio WAG 556 WAK valley. In fixing the relative extent of the con- fluents of Ohio, Wabash is the third in the length of its course, and second in regard to area drained; being in the lorrner case ex- ceeded by Tenn. and Cumberland rs., but in the latter by the Tenn. only. As a navigable channel, Wabash is a very important stream. It is but slightly impeded by falls and rapids, and its course seems to be almost artilicially drawn, to form a part of the line of commercial connexion between the Misp. r. and lake Erie, by the most direct route. As an agricultural section, it may be doubted whether any other of equal continuous extent on earth exceeds the Wabash valley. The surface is in part hilly, in no part mountainous, nor in any part, to a considerable extent, a dead level. The nthrn. extreme approaches, and mingles with the prairie section of N. America, but the prairies of lad. are of moderate extent when C(jmpared with those more wstrd., even those of the contiguous state of II. If peopled only equal to some of the eastern cos. of the U. S., of far inferior soil, and without any town of note, the valley of Wabash would sustain a population of 4,000.000. This fine portion of the U. S. extends from lat. 37° 47' to 41° 30', and in long, from 7° 35' to 11° 55' w. The dif- ference of lev61 between the arable extremes, is not far above or below 1,000 ft. or an equi- valent to about 2^ degrees of lat. ; or adding the result of the difference of height to that of the lat., the real difference of temperature will be about 6 degrees of Fahrenheit. Wabash, co. Ind. bndd. by Carroll n. w., Miami nation n. e., Hamilton e., Hendricks s., Montgomery s. w., and Tippecanoe w. Length 38 ms., mean width 25, and area 950 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 57' to 40° 28' n., and in long, from 9° to 9° 40' w. W. C. The estrn. border of this co. is on the table land between the main or western branch of White r. and the Wabash, but slopes wstrd., and is drained by crs. flowing in that direction, towards the latter r. On the p-o. list of 1831, the cf. t. is called Elk Heart Plain ; on Tanner's U. S. is a v. named Thorntown, 40 ms. n. w. Indianopolis. Pop. uncertain. Wabash, one of the s. estrn. cos. of II. bndd. w. by Edwards, n. by Lawrence, n. e. by Wa- bash r., separating it from Knox co. in Ind., and by the Wabash r. s. e., separating it from Gib- son CO. Ind. Extending in lat. from 38° 17' to 38° 36', and in long, from 10° 44' to 11° 04' w. W. C. Length 24 ms., mean width 12, and area 288 sq. ms. This co. lies along the Wa- bash, opposite the mouth of White r., general slope to the sthrd. Mount Carmel, the co. St., is situated on the Wabash, directly opposite the mouth of White r., 30 ms. below Vin- cennes in Ind., and by p-r. 109 s. e. Vandalia. Lat. 38<» 28', long. 10° 48' w. W. C. Pop. 2,710. W^ACHOviA, name formerly given to a tract of country in N. C, now included in Surry and Stokes cos. It was purchased in 1751, by the Moravians, settled by that society, and named from an estate of Count Zinzendorf in Austria. In 1755, by an act of the assembly of N. C, it was named Dobb's parish. The names are now obsolete, and the tract only known from the vs. of Salem, Bethabara, &c. Wachusett, mtn. Princeton, Worcester co. Mass., more than 2,000 ft. higher than the ocean,'*affords a fine and extensive view, and is a favorite resort, not being difficult of ascent. Waduington, p-v. Madrid, St. Lawrence co. N. Y., 222 ms. n. w. Albany, 18 from Ogdens- burgh, on the shore of the St. Lawrence, op- posite Ogden's isL, is situated just above tlie Long Falls in that stream. A dam extends to the isl., which supplies several mills with water. Waddle's Ferry, and p-o. Moore co. N. C, by p-r. 75 ms. s. wstrd. Raleigh. Wadesborough, p-v. and st. jus. Anson co. N. C, near the centre of the co., by p-r. 134 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh, and by the common road 80 ms. w. Fayetteville. Lat. 35° 03', long. 3° 12' w. W. C. Wadesboko', p-v. and st. jus. Calloway co. Ky., situated on Clark's r., about 120 ms. n. w. by w. Nasliville in Ten., and by p-r. 262 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort, about 35 ms. s. e. the junc- tion of Ten. and Ohio rs. Lat. 36° 43', lung. 11° 28' w. W. C. Wadsworth, p-v. Medina co. 0., by p-r. 108 ms. N. E. Columbus. Wait's r. Vt., rises in several heads, aft'ords many good mill seats, and enters the Connecti- cut in Bradford. Waitsfield, p-t. Washington co. Vt., 11 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 30 s. e. Burlington, first set- tled 1789, has generally an excellent soil, yielding a variety of crops, particularly grass. Mad r. pursues a serpentine course through the s. part, between extensive and fertile meadows. Iron ore and clay are found in this t. Pop. 957. Wakatomica, p-v. Coshocton co. 0. by p-r. 73 ms. N. e. Columbus. Wake, co. N. C, bndd. n. by Granville co., N. E. by Franklin, s. e. by Johnson, s. by Cum- berland, s. w. and w. by Chatham, and n. w. by Orange. Length 38 ms., mean width 30, and area 1,140 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 30' to 36° 07', and in long, from 1° 14' to 2° 02*^ w. W. C. A small angle along the wstrn. part is drained sthrdly. into cape P^ear r., but the body of the co. is contained in the valley of the Neuse, with a declivity to the s. e. The Neuse, deriving its sources from Person, Granville, and Orange cos., is formed into a r. on the nrthwstrn. angle of Wake, and winding thence sthestrdly., crosses the co. into Johnson. Cf t. Raleigh, the capital of the state. Pop, 1820-, 20,102 ; 1830, 20,398. Wakefield, p-t. Strafford co. N. H., 50 ms. from Concord, 30 from Dover, and 100 from Boston, lies w. Maine, and contains several ponds. Lovewell's pond, is in the s. part of the town. It was on one of the sides of this pond that Capt. Loveweli surprised a party of Pe- quawkett Indians, who were encamped there in 1725. A more desperate engagement took place during the same year, at Pequawkett, which see. This sheet of water is about 2 ms. long ; Wakefield pond about 1 m. ; East pond is the source of Piscataqua r. The soil of this town is generally good, but most favorable to grass. There area few mills and factories. Pop. 1,470. WAL 557 WAL Wake Forest, p-v. Wake co. N. C, 14 ms. from Raleigh. Walden, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt., 22 ms. n. e. Montpelier. First settled, 1789, lies between the head waters of Onion and Lamoille rs. The surface is agreeably varied n. and good soil, other parts are little cultivated. Cole's pond is N. E. and Liflbrd's s. e. Pop. 827. Walden, p-v. Orange eo. N. Y. 90 ms. s. by w. Albany, 11 ms. w. Newburgh, is a flourish- ing manufacturing village, commenced in 1823. It stands on the Wallkill, where the stream makes a descent of 32 ft. The Franklin com- pany have here the largest manufactory of flan- nel in New York, consuming 65,000 or 70,000 lbs. of wool in a year, and producing about 240,- 000 yards of flannel, white and colored. Capi- tal, $100,000. The Wallkill cotton company, consume about 120,000 lbs., and make 360,000 yards of sheeting. The Orange company make 30,000 yards of low priced broadcloth. There are also 1 flour and 1 saw mill. There is a wire bridge of 150 ft. across the cr., just below the fall. The village contains an Episcopal church, a library, and schools. The surround- ing scenery is varied and picturesque. Pop. about 800. Waldo, co. Me., bndd. by Somerset and Pe- nobscot COS. N., Hancock e., separated from it by Penobscot r. and bay, Lincoln co. s. and s. w., and Kennebec co. w., contains 26 towns, and enjoys great commercial advantages. Bel- fast is the cf. t. It has a number of ponds, one considerable isl. in the Penobscot, and a number of small streams, some falling into that r., and others mto Sebasticook r. It has been recently formed. Pop. 29,788. Waldo, p-t. Waldo co. Me., 44 ms. e. Au- gusta, adjoins Belfast on the n. w. side, and is crossed by a small stream flowing into Belfast bay. It is of small size. Pop. 534. Waldororough, p-t. and port of entry, Lin- coln CO. Me., 37 ms. s. e. Augusta, 22 n. e. Wiscasset, 180 n. e. Boston, at the head of Muscongus bay, is crossed n. and s. by Mus. congus r., has a considerable amount of ship. ping, and enjoys an active coasting trade. Pop. 3,113. Wales, p-t. Lincoln, co. Me., 20 ms. s. vv. Augusta, 26 n. w. Wiscasset, has Kennebec CO. N. and w., and part of a large pond s. w., which discharges s. through an outlet extend- ing to the bend of Penobscot r. Pop. 612. Wales, p-t. (formerly South Brimfield,) Hamp- den CO. Mass., 68 ms. w. Boston. Pop. 665. Wales, p-t. Erie co. N. Y., 268 ms. w. Alba- ny, 22 E. s. E. Buifalo, has Genesee co. e. ; it contains apart of the Seneca reservation; has a gently varied surface, and is crossed n. e. by Buffalo cr. Pop. 1,470. Walker, p-o. Nittany valley, centre co. Pa., 5 ms. N. E. Bellefonte, and by p-r. 93 ms. n. w. Harrisburg, and 200 n. W. C. Walker, co. Ala., bndd. by Blount e., Jef- ferson s. E., Lafayette s. w., Marion w., Frank- lin N. w., and Lawrence n. Length from s. to N. 50 ms., mean width 30, and area 1,500 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 35' to 34° 17', and m long, from 9° 56' to 10° 43' w. W. C. Declivity southeastward and drained by the nu. 71 merous western branches of Mulberry r. The latter stream, formed in this co. by two main branches, Sipsey and Blackwater, flows a little w. of s. along the southeastern border, receiv- ing the drain of the western part of Mulberry r. valley. Cf. t. Walker c. h. Walker, c. h., p-o. and st. jus. Walker co. Ala., by p-r. 47 ms. northward Tuscaloosa. Walker Church, and p-o. southern part of Prince Edward co. Va., by p-r. 88 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Walker's, p-o. Colleton dist., S. C, by p-r. 92 ms. a little e. of s. Columbia, and 4 ms. from Walterboro', the st. jus. for the dist. Walkersville, p-v. Frederick co. Md. by p-r. 49 ms. N. N. w. W. C. Walkersville, p-o. Mecklenburg co. N. C, by p-r. 109 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Walkerton, p-v. on the left bank of Mattapo- ny r.. King and Queen co. Va. 19 ms. below and s. E. Dunkirk, the co. St., and by p-r. 30 ms. N. E. Richmond, 123 s. W. C. Wallingfoiid, p-t. Rutland co. Vt., 42 ms. n. E. Bennington, 10 s. Rutland. First settled 1773, from Conn., is crossed from s. to n. by Otter cr., and has several small streams, and many mill sites. Lake Hiram, or Spectacle pond, 350 acres, is on a mountain in the s. e., and there are 2 others of 50 and 100 acres. The Green mtns. are e., and the highest summit is called the White Rocks. There is a limestone range w. with marble quarries, and Green hill, in the centre, consists chiefly of quartz. There are several natural and perennial ice houses in caves, at the foot of the White Rocks. Near the N. line is a handsome village near Otter cr. Pop. 1,741. Wallingford, p-t. New Haven co. Conn., 13 ms. N. E. New Haven, 23 s. w. Hartford, haa Middlesex co. e., 6 ms. by 7, is crossed by a branch of Quinipiack r., on which are extensive meadows, and has the main stream on the n. w. boundary. The e. part is mountainous, but the soil is generally rich, except the plain, which is about 4 ms. long, and so sandy as often to till the air with clouds of dust in dry seasons. There are several mills and manufactories on the Quinipiack, and shad are taken in thia stream. The v. has a pleasant situation on a hill, and is of considerable size ; contains an academy, &c. Pop. 2,418. Wallkill, r. or cr. N. Y., rises in Sussex CO. N. J., flows N. e. through Orange into Ul- ster CO. N. Y., to Rondout cr. which it enters near Esopus. It is about 80 ms. long, 65 of which it runs in N. Y. It affords very good mill seats. Wallkill, p-t. Orange co. N. Y., 101 ms. s. Albany, 20 w. Newburgh, 6 n. Goshen, is of a triangular form, with Sullivan co. w., and is crossed in the e. part by the Wallkill, whose streams supply mill seats. The soil is various, and favorable to agriculture. It contains two woollen factories, and several villages ; Scotch- town, Middletown, Mount Plope, and Median, ictown. Pop. 4,056. Wallsville, p-o. in the nrthrn. part of Lu- zerne CO. Pa., by p-r. 114 ms. n. e. Harrisburg. Walnut, large cr. ot'O., rises in and drains the northern part of Fairfield co., from which, WAN 558 WAN flowing westward, traverses the s. e. angle of Franklin, and inflecting to s. e., falls into Scio- to in Pickaway co. Walnut, p-v. Fairfield co. Ohio, by p-r. 38 ms. s. E. by e. Columbus. Walnut Branch, and p-o. Fauquier co. Va., by p-r. 55 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Walnut Farm, and p-o. also st. jus. Saline CO. Mo., by p-r. 85 ms. w. Jeff'erson. Walnut Flat, and p-v. Lincoln co. Ky., by p-r. 5 ms. sthrd. Stanford, the co. St., and 56 a little E. of s. Frankfort. Walnut Grove, p-o. in the westward part of Kenhawa co. Va., 23 ms. wstrd. Charleston, the w. by w. W. C first settled just before the revolution ; abandon- ed, and settled again about the close of the war. It has Otter cr. on the w. line, and Buck mtn, in the centre, which commands a fine view. The soil is generally good, with excellent mead- ows on the cr. Pop. 330. Waltham, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 11 ms. w. N. w. Boston, is bndd. s. by Charles r. The Plain, 1 mile by 2 1-2 in the s. e. has a good, well cultivatedsoil, and is thickly peopled. The Waltham factories are on the s. part of the Plain, and form one of the principal manufac- turing villages in the United States. The sur- face in the w. part is hilly, and most of the soil in the town, poor. Prospect Hill is 470 ft. in Pop. CO. St., and by p-r. 379 ms Walnut Grove, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Ca- height, and commands a view of Boston barras co. N. C, 11 ms. from Concord, the co. 1,857. St., and by p-r. 152 ms. a little s. of w. Raleigh. Walton, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 85 ms. s. Walnut Grove, p-o. in the southern part of ] w. Albany, is hilly or mountainous, with rich Spartanburg dist. S. C, by p-r. 92 ms. n. w. Co lumbia. Walnut Grove, v. in the n. e. angle of Mer- cer CO. Ky., 20 ms. s. Frankfort. Walnut Hill, and p-o. Marion co. II., by p-r. 55 ms. s. s. E. Vandalia. Waloomscoic, or Waloomsac, r. Vt., a branch of Hoosic r., formed in Bennington by several branches, was rendered famous in the revolu- tion, by the victory gained on its banks, by the militia of Vermont and Mass., in a battle with the Hessian troops, sent by Gen. Burgoyne to seize the public stores at Bennington, 1777. Walpack, p-t. Sussex co. N. J., 52 miles n. Trenton, 50 n. w. New Brunswick, is of a long and narrow shape, with Delaware r. on the n. w. boundary, the Blue mtns. on the s. e., and Flat- kill running through the town, between them. Pop. 660. Walpole, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 60 ms. w. by s. Concord, 48 s. by w. Dartmouth college, 90 ms. N. w. Boston, with Connecticut r. and Vt. on the w. line ; it is much varied by hills and vales, with a good soil, especially on the mead- ows, and devoted to agriculture. Cold r. in the N. part flows into Conn r. Fall mtn. belonging to the Mt. Toby range, is here 7 or 800 ft. above the r. Near its foot is the village, on land suf- ficiently elevated to command an extensive view upon the neighboring country, especially the meadows of Westminster, opposite. There are 2 toll bridges across the r. in the t., which is a great thoroughfare for travelling n. and s., and E. and w. Bellows Falls are within the lim- its of this t., as New Hampshire extends to the w. shore of Conn. r. The town was first set- tled 1749 by Col. Bellows, who built a frontier fort, which was taken by Indians from St. Fran- cis, in 1755, and retaken by him in a few hours. Pop. 1,979. Walpole, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 18 ms. s. by w. Boston. Three branches of Neponset r. unite in this t., through which also passes the road from Boston to Providence, one of the principal thoroughfares in the state. Pop. 1,442. Wai.terboro', p-v. and st. jus. Colleton dist. S. C, 47 ms. w. Charleston, and by p-r. 93 ms. a little e. of s. Columbia. Lat. 32° 53', long. 3° 43' w. W. C. Waltham, t. Addison co. Vt., 24 ms. s. Bur- lington, 9 N. w. Middlebury, 3 ms. sq. It was vallies on the streams, and good grazing on the uplands. It is crossed by the w. branch of Delaware r. or the Cooquago, which affords a channel for transporting great quantities of lum- ber. Pop. 1,663. Walton, co. Geo., bndd. by Morgan s, e., Newton s. w., Gwinnett n. w., and Appalachee branch of Oconee, separating it from Jackson N. E., and Clark e. Length from s. e. to n. w. 20 ms., mean width 16, and area 320 sq. ms. Central lat. 33° 50', and long. W. C. 6° 50' w. From it issue some of the higher branches of both Oconee and Ocmulgee rs. General slope southward. Cf. t. Monroe. Pop. 10,929. Walton, co. Florida, bndd. by Choctaw- hatchee bay, or Gulf of Mexico s., Escambia CO. Florida w., Covinton and Dale cos. Ala. n., and Choctawhatchee r. separating it from Jack- son E. Length along the Ala. line 52 ms., mean width 30, and area 1,560 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 22' to 31°. Long, from 9° to 9° 52' w. W. C. The general declivity is to the southward, and drained by Yellov*' Water and Choctawhatchee rs. Cf. t. Allaqua. Pop. un- certain. " The Yellow Water settlement is in the N. w. part of the co. on the banks of the r. of fhat name. Here is a small body of excellent land, very well improved for a new country. Cotton and corn are their principal crops, the pine lands for 6 ms. from the r., produce equal- ly well with the r. bottoms. 12 ms. s. there is another settlement, commencing on Shoal r. There they have a similar tract of land, found- ed on the same kind of soap stone as on the Allaqua. (See Allaqua river.) Nearly one third of Walton co. is good tillable upland ; the rest is pine barren." — WilliamsorCs Florida. Waltonham, p-o. St. Louis co. Mo. Walworth, p-t. Wa3me co. N. Y. Pop. 1,753. Wanboro,' p-v. Edwards co. II., by p-r. 94 ms. s. E. by e. Vandalia. Wantage, p-t. Sussex co. N. J., 83 ms. N.by E. Trenton, 15 n. Newton, has N. Y. state line on the N. boundary, the Blue mtns. on the w., the upper part of Wallkill cr. e., and is travers- ed by Pappakating cr., one of its branches. Deckertown is a v. near its centre, on that cr. Pop. 4,034. Wanton, p-v. Alachua co. Flor., by p-r. 212 ms. sthestrd. Tallahassee. WAR 559 WAR Wapahkonetta, p-v. sthrn. part Allen co. O., on au Glaize r., and signifies in the Shawnee language, '^Kingstown." By p-r. it stands 110 ms. N. w. Columbus, and 65 ms. above and s. fort Defiance. Wappinger's cr., Duchess co. N. Y., has a course of 33 ms. through several rich agricultu- ral tsps,, to which it supplies mill seats, and enters the Hudson 8 ms. s. Poughkeepsie v. Waquoit, bay, Barnstable co. Mass., on the N. side of Cape Cod, between Marshpee and Falmouth, is several ms. long. It is connected with a large pond, w. of which are several other ponds adjacent to each other, but communicating only with the ocean. Waud, p-t. Worcester co. Mass., 50 ms. s. w. Boston, 7 s. Worcester, has an uneven sur- face, rich soil, and is crossed by French r. which has a serpentine course, and here re- ceives several branches, furnishing mill seats. Fop. 690. Ward's, p-o. Holmes co. O., by p-r. 95 ms. N. E. Columbus. Wardsborough, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 20 ms. isr. E. Bennington, 15 n. w. Brattleboro', set- tled 1780, has a range of hills on the south line, with a good soil for grass, and some mill sites on a branch of West r. Some rare minerals are found here. Pop. 1,148. Ware, r. Mass., a branch of Chicapee r., rises in Worcester co. and meets Swift and Chicapee near the line of Hampshire and Hamp- den cos. It is a good mill stream, and affords water power to the manufacturing v. of Ware. At the junction of these 3 streams is a small p-v. called Three Rivers, where is a large stone manufactory. Ware, p-t. N. H. (See Weare.) Ware, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass., 70 ms. vv. Boston, has a hilly surface, and soil of second- ary quality. Swift r. forms its w. boundary. On the E. is Ware r., on which is a large man- ufacturing village, contains about 50 tene- ments, the value of which, with that of the ma- nufacturing buildings, is about $300,000. Other capital employed in manufacturing amounts to .^140,000. About 330 persons are employed in the factories. 120,000 lbs. of wool, and 1,100 bales of cotton are annually manufactur- ed ; the woollens estimated at 1^120,000, and the cottons at $180,000 per ann. The ma- chinery used in these factories is estimated to be worth about $20,000. Much attention is paid to the instruction of children in the village ; there are several day schools, an infant school, and one for the older children under the care of a male teacher. The Sabbath schools are well organized ; intemperate persons are not employed in the factories, and the temperance society consists of 416 members. There are 5 stores, a large and well kept hotel and stage house. Pop. 2,045. Ware, co. of Geo., as laid down on Tanner's U. S., is bndd. by Lowndes w., Appling n., Wayne n. e., Camden e. and s. e., and Hamil- ton CO. in Flor. s. Greatest length from s. to N. 80 ms., mean breadth 43, and area 3,440 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 30° 20' to 31° 30' N., and in long, from 5° 09' to 6° 06' w. De- clivity s. estrd. The n. side is drained by the numerous sources of the Santilla r. The cen- tral and sthrn. sections are drained by the tri- butaries of St. Mary's r. The latter stream has its higher sources in that tract vaguely called the Okefinoke swamp, which occupies the sthrn. part of Ware co. The various branches oozing from this extended (lat unite on, or very near, the line between Geo. and Flor., flows thence sthrd. , about 20 ms., curves rapidly e., and thence n. e. and still winding, assumes nearly a nthrn. course of 40 ms. The point on the Florida boundary which separates Ware from Camden co., is at the head of the great bend of St. Mary's r. The surface of Ware CO. is flat in the valley of St. Mary's, and level in that of St. Ilia. Much of the soil is produc- tive, but exposed to submersion in spring and early summer. Cf. t. Waresboro'. Pop. 1,205. Wareham, p-t. Plymouth co. Mass., 39 ms. s. E. Boston, has Plymouth and Buttermilk bays £. and Buzzard's bay s. It is crossed by two small streams from Plymouth, Agawam and Wankinquog rs., which flow into Buzzard's bay, and afford some mill sites. The soil is generally thin on sand, but is better near the streams and the coast. Pop. 1,885. Waresboro', p-v. and st. jus. Ware co. Geo., is situated on the left bank of Santilla r., vei'y nearly mid-distance between Savannah and Tallahassee, and about 140 ms. from each, 75 ms. N. w. St. Mary's, and by p-r. 161 ms. s. s. e. Milledgeville. Lat. 31° 18', long. 5° 41' w. W. C. Warminster, p-v. on the left bank of James r. estrn. part of Nelson co. Va., by p-r. 160 ms. s. w. W. C, and 100 w. Richmond. Warm Springs and p-o. near the French Hroadr., n. estrn. part of Buncombe co. N. C, 34 ms. N. N. w. Asheville, the co. st., and by p-r. 220 ms. w. Raleigh. Warm Springs, new co. of Ark., embracing the country round the Warr.x Springs on the higher part of theWashitau valley, and lies about 60 ms. a little s. of w. Little Rock. Bounda- ries uncertain. Cf. t. Warm Springs. Pop. unknown. Warm Springs, p-v. and st. jus. Warm Springs co. Ark., 60 ms. s. w. by w. Little Rock. Lat. 34° 32', long. 1 6° w. W. C. This V. has risen from the celebrity of its springs, and is now a place of much resort. Warner, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 15 ms. from Concord, 4 from Hopkinton, and 72 from Boston, is supplied with mill sites by Warner r. which runs through the middle of it, and a branch of Contoocook r. The surface is bro- ken, the soil good for grass and grain. Mink hills are w. and abound in orchards and pastu- rage. There are 4 ponds, one of which, Plea. sant pond, has no known inlet or outlet, yet overflows in the driest seasons. First settled 1762. Pop. 2,222. Warnersvii.le, p-v. Hardiman co. Ten., 12 ms. nthrdly. Bolivar, the co. st. Warren, p-t. Lincoln co. Me., 44 ms. s. E. Augusta, 30 e. Wiscasset, has Waldo co. n- e., and is crossed by St. George r. with several ponds flowing into it. Sloops navigate the r. to this town. There is an academy in the v. Pop. 2,030. I Warren, p-t. Grafton co. N. H., 63 ms. from WAR 560 WAR Concord, and 10 from Haverlall ; a corner is crossed by Baker's r. which furnishes mill seats s., where are Clement's mills. It is moutain- ous s. E., a great part of Carr's mtn. being on that boundary. Pop. 702. Warrrn, p-t. Washington co. Vt., 31 ms. S.E.Burlington, and IG s. w. Montpelier, set- tled 1797, lies between the two ranges of the Green mtns., and is crossed by Mad r. Pop. 765. Warren, p-t. Bristol CO. R. I., 11 ms. s. e. Providence, 19 from Newport, has Palmer's r. N. and w., Mass. e., is a small town containing only about 4 sq. ms., but has a rich soil, a hand- somely varied surface, and an active commerce, coasting and foreign. The v. is pleasantly situated on the s. e. side of Warren r. with a harbor for vessels of 300 tons ; contains a bank, academy, insurance office, &c. Pop. 1,800. Warren, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 38 ms. w. Hartford, and 45 from N. Haven, is mountain- ous and hilly, with granite rocks, and quarries of micaceous schistus. It is crossed in the e. by Shepaug r., a branch of Housatonic, and has other small streams. Pop. 985. Warren, CO. N.Y., bndd. by Essex co. n., Washington co. e., Saratoga co. s,, and Hamil- ton CO. AV., occupies elevated land, near the head springs of Hudson r., and has a surface generally very irregular, and much covered with forests. It contains about half of lake George, and part of Scaroon lake. Several other lakes and ponds are wholly within this co. On the shores of lake George the eminences are from 500 to 1,200 ft. high; and the co. crossed n. and s. by the Kayderosseras range. Caldwell is the st. jus., and the co. contains 9 towns. Pop. 1820, 9,453; 1830, 11,796. Warren, p-t. Herkimer co. N. Y., 68 ms. w. Albany, 15 n. Otsego, and 10 s. Herkimer, has Otsego CO. s., and is an elevated tract of ground, at the head of the lakes which form the sources of Susquehannah. The surface is agreably varied, with fertile vallies, small cedar swamps, and lime rocks. Pop. 2,084. Warren, co. N. J., bndd. by Sussex co. n. e., Morris co. e., Hunterdon co. s. e., and Dela. ware r. w. which separates it from Pa. The Blue mtna. riseN. w. near the Delaware, and parallel to its course ; while several ridges, following the same direction, cross the s. e. part from Pa. to Sussex co. Musconetcong cr. forms the whole w. and s. w. boundary, just w. of which is the line of Morris canal, which en- ters the valley of Pohatcong cr., and pursues it to the Del. at Philipsburgh. There are 7 ts. Pop. 18,627. Warren, p-t. Somerset co. N. J. 41 miles from Trenton ; has Dead or Passaic r. n. sepa- rating it from Morris co., &c.. Green brook s. on the line of Middlesex co., and Essex co. e. It is rendered hilly by Rocky Hill ridge ; has cop- per mines, and the v. of Bound Brook s. Pop. 1,561. Warren, co. Pa., bndd. e. by MacKean, s. e. by .Tefferson, s. by Venango, w. by Crawford, N. w. by Erie, n. by Chatauque co. N. Y., and N. e. by Cattaraugus co. N. Y. It lies in form of a parallelogram, 32 ms. from e. to w., and 28 from s. to n. ; area 896 sq. ms. Extending in lat. 41° 37' to 42°, and in long, from 2" 03' to 2° 43' w. W. C. Declivity to the sthwrd. Al- leghany r. forms for a few ms. the northeastern boundary, and thence entering, winds over this CO. into Venango, in a southwestern direction, receiving at the borough of Warren, the Cone- wango, a considerable tributary from the north- wards, and at the Great Bend 5 ms. below Warren, Brokenstraw, a large cr., comes in from the westward. Surface broken, and though yet thinly populated, much of its soil is excellent. Cf t. Warren. Pop. 1820, 1,976 ; 1836, 4,766. Warren, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. Pa., is situated on the right bank of Alleghany r., on the point below the mouth of Conewango creek, about l20 ms. n. n. e. Pittsburg, and by p-r. 240 ms. northwestward Harrisburg, and 213 n. w. W. C. Lat. 41° 50', long. 2° 17' w. Warren, p-v. on the left bank of James r., at the mouth of Battinger's cr., and in the sthrn. angle Albemarle co. Va., 25 ms. s. s. w. Charlotteville, and 89 n. w. by w. Richmond. Warren, co. N. C, bndd. n. e. by Roanoke r. separating it from Northampton, e. by Hali- fax, s. and s. w. by Franklin, w. by Granville, and N. by Mecklenburg co. Va. Length 23 me., meon width 1 7, and area 391 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 36° 07' to 36° 32', and in long, from 0° 56' to 1° 21' w. W. C. This co. is a table land. A little more than one-third de- clines to the nrthrd., and is drained into the Roanoke; the sthrn. slope of the valley of which, is here only about 8 ms. wide. Beyond this narrow inclined plane rise the extreme sources of Fishing cr., and a branch of Tar r. draining the central and southern part of War- ren, flowing southeastward, and uniting be- tween Halifax and Nash cos. The soil is generally good. Cf. t. Warrenton. Pop. 1820, 11,158; 1830, 11,877. Warren, co. of Geo., bndd. n. e. and e. by Co- lumbia, s. e. and s. by Jefferson, by Great Ogee. chee r. separating it from Washington s. w., Hancock w., and by Wilkes n. Extending in lat. from 33° 07' to 33° 34', and in long, from 5° 26' to 5° 52' w. W. C. Length 28 miles, mean width 20, and area 560 sq. ms. Declivity of the southern and western parts to the south- estrd., and drained by Great Ogeechee and Brier cr. ; the northern part slopes toward the n. e., and is drained by some branches of Little r. into Savannah r. Cf t. Warrenton. Pop. 1820, 10,6.30 ; 1830, 10,946. Warren, co. Misp., bndd. n. by Washington, N. e. by Yazoo co., e. by Big Black river sepa- rating it from Hinds, s. e. and s. by Big Black river separating it from Claiborne, and w. by the Misp. river separating it from Concordia parish in La. Length 40 ms., mean width 15, and area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 32° 03' to 32° 35', and in long, from 13° 42' to I4°13'w. W.C. The Misp. river bounding this CO. on the westward, receives the Yazoo and Big Black rs. from the n. e. ; the general declivity is therefore to the s. w. The eastern part is broken into hills, which in one or two places reach the Misp., forming clay bluffs. Along that great river, however, the bottoms are liable to submersion; but over the whole CO. where the soil is sufficiently elevated to ad- WAR 561 WAR mit the cultivation, it is highly fertile. Princi- pal staple, cotton. Cf. ts. Vicksburg and War- renton. Pop. 1820, 2,693 ; 1830, 7,861. Wakren, CO. Ten., bndd. by Franklin s., Bedford s. w., Rutherford w., Wilson n w.. Smith N., White n. e. and e., and Cumberland mountain separating it from Bledsoe s. e. Greatest length from the southern to the north. em angle 48 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 28' to 36° 06', and in long. from. 8° 19' to 9° 04' w. W. C. Declivity n. e. and commensurate with the western and larger section of the valley of Caney Fork river. Cf. t., McMinnville. Pop. 1820, 1i>,348; 1830, 15,210. Warren, co. Ky., bndd. by Edmondson n., Barren e., Allen s. e., Simpson s., Logan w., and Butler N. w. Length from e. to w. 36 ms., mean width 17, and area 612 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 50' to 37° 1 1', and in long, from 9" 02' to 9° 38' w. W.C. Declivity n. n. w., and traversed in that direction by Big Barren r., which unites with Green r. at the extreme n. w. angle of the co. Cf. t. Bowling Green. Pop. 1820, 11,776; 1830, 10,949. Warren, co. Ohio, bndd. s. by Clermont, s. w. by Hamilton, Butler w., Montgomery n. w., Greene n. e., and Clinton e. Length 24 ms., mean width 20, and area 480 sq. ms. Extend. ing in lat. from 39° 14' to 39° 37', and in long. from 6° 55' to 7° 22' w. W. C. The Pdiami r. and canal cross the n. w. angle of this co. ; whilst the central parts are traversed by Little Miami. The course of both rs., and the slope of the CO. to the s. e. Surface rolling and soil excellent. Besides at Lebanon, the co. seat, there were in 1830, post offices at Deerfield. ville, Edwardsville, Franklin, Hopkinsville, Kirkwood, Red Lion, Ridgeville, Rochester, Springboro', Twenty Mile Stand, and Waynes. ville. Lebanon p.v. and st. jus. for this co., is situated near the centre of the co. 31 ms. n. e. Cincinnati, and by p-r. 83 ms. s. w. by w. Co. lumbus. Lat. 39° 25', long. 7° 12' w. W. C. Pop. 21,468. Warren, p.v. and st. jus. Trumbull co. O., situated on the Mahoning branch of Big Beaver river, 77 ms. north west Pittsburg, 7i) miles north Steubenville, and by post road 157 ms. n. E. by E. Columbus, and 297 n. w. by w. W. C. It is a thriving village, with a population of about 500. Lat. 41° 17', long. 3° 50' w. W. C. Warren, co. Indiana, bndd. by the Indian country n. w., Tippecanoe co. n. e., Wabash river separating it from Fountain s. e., Ver- million CO. s. w., and Vermillion co. of II. w. Greatest length as laid down by Tanner, 26 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 468 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 40° 10' to 40° 30', and in long, from 10° 06' to 10° 40' w. W. C. The slope of this co. is to the s. e. toward the Wa. bash. Williamsport, the co. seat, lies about 80 ms. n. w. by w. Columbus. Pop. 2,861. Warren, co. II., bndd. by Mercer n., Knox E., Fulton s. E., Macdonough s., Hancock s. w., and Misp. r. w. It was formed out of a part of the Bounty Lands between the II. and Misp. rs., and similar to the adjacent cos., is laid out agreeably to the cardinal points. Breadth from s. to N. 32 ms. mean breadth from e. to w. 30, and area 960 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 40° 37' to 41° 04', and in long, from 13'^ 26' to 14° 06' w. This county comprises a part of the table land between the vallies of II. and Misp. rs. From the southeastern angle issues Swan creek, branch of Spoon r., a confluent of II, river. The central, and much the larger part of the surface, is drained by the confluents of Henderson's r., and other streams flowing west- ward into the Misp. By a note inserted after the name Warren, II., in the post office list, it contained no office on Oct. 1st, 1830. The centre of this new co. is about 160 ms. north- westward Vandalia. Pop. 308. Warren, c. h., p-v. and st. jus. Warren co. II., about 160 ms. n. w. Vandalia. Warren Ferry, and p.o. wstrn. part Buck, ingham co. Va., 10 ms. westward Buckingham c. h., and by p-r. 87 ms. wstrd. Richmond. Wareei-jsburg, t. Warren co. N. Y., 7 ms. n. w. Caldwell; is watered by the north branch of Hudson r. and Scaroon cr. ; has some good soil, and iron ore. Pop, 1,191. Warrensburg, p-v. western part Greene co. Ten., 12 ms. s. w. Greensville, the co. seat, and by p-r. 256 ms. e. Nashville. Warren's Store, and p-o. northeastern part Halifax co. Va., by p-r. 115 ms. s. w. by w. Richmond. Warren Tavern, and p.o. nrthestrn. part Chester co. Pa., 20 ms. n. w. by w. Phil., and by P-r. 131 ms. n. e. W. C. Wareenton, p.v. and st. jus. Fauquier co. Va , by p.r. 51 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Lat. 38° 41', long. 0°46'w. W. C. Warrei\ton, p.v. and st. jus. Warren co. N. C, situated near the centre of the co., 57 ms. N. E. Raleigh, and about li5ms. s. w. Rich- mond, Va. Lat. 36° 21', long. 1° 10' w. W. C. Warrenton, P-v. Abbeville dist., S. C, 6 ms. from Abbeville, the co. seat, and by p-r. 106 ms. westward Columbia, Warrenton, p-v. and st. jus. Warren co., Geo,, 50 ms. n. e. by e. Milledgeville, and 42 ms. w. Augusta. Lat. 33° 23', long. 5° 40' w, W.C. Warrenton, p-v. and formerly st. justice Warren co. Misp., situated on the left bank of the Misp. r., 60 ms. by land above Natchez, and by p-r. 54 ms. w. Jackson. Lat. 32° 17', long. 14° 2'w. W. C. Warrick, co. Ind., bndd. by Vanderburg w,, Gibson n. w., Pike n., Dubois n. e., Spencer e. and s. E., and Ohio r. separating it from Hen. derson co. Ky. s. Length 25 ms., mean width 13, and area 325 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 54' to 38° 15', and in long, from 10° 04' to 10° 33'w. The northern boundary of this co. is on the table land between the vallies of O. r. and the Patoka, a branch of the Wabash ; but near- ly the whole of its surface slopes sthrdly. to- wards the former river. Surface hilly, but soil productive. Cf. t. Boonsville, by p-r. 187 ms. s. s. w. Indianopolis. Pop. 2,877. Warrior's Mark, p-o, western part Hun- tingdon CO. Pa., by p-r. 20 ms. from Huntingdon borough, and 168 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Warsaw, p-t. Genesee co. N. Y., 20 miles n. Batavia ; is supplied with mill seats by Allen's cr., on which is the v. The surface is varied, and the soil generally free from stone. Pop- 2,474, WAS 502 WAS Warson's, p-v. Morgan co. II., by p-r. 123 ms. N. w. Vandalia. V/arthen's Store, and p.o. northern part Washington co. Geo., by p-r. 27 ms. e. Mil- ledgcville. WARWARsnxG, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 25 ms. s. w. Kingston, in the s. w. corner of the co.; lies w. Shawangunk mtn., at the base of which flows Rondout cr., receiving several branches. Pop. 2,738. Warwick, p-t. Franklin co. Mass., 80 ms.w. by N, Boston; has the line of N. H. n. It has an uneven surface, good soil, and no large streams. Pop. 1,150. Warwick, p-t. and st. jus. Kent co. R. I., 10 ms. s. s. w. Providence ; has Narragansett bay E. ; is hilly s., and level e. The branches of Pawtucket river unite in this t., which enters the bay at Pawtucket village. Apponang harbor, 1 mile distant, is the principal one in this town, and vessels of 50 tons come up to the v. This is one of the principal manufacturing ts. in the country ; the fisheries are also important. Pop. 5,529. Warwick, p-t. Orange co. N. Y., 116 ms. from Albany, 10 s. Goshen, 54 n. New York; has N. J. s. w., and is of triangular form. On the s. boundary are many mtns., from which several large ponds pour their waters s. into the Passaic. The Wallkill flows n. e. The soil is favorable to fruit, and generally good. The Sterling iron works, and others, manufac- ture a large amount of iron annually. Pop. 5,009. Warwick, p-v. near the southeastern angle of Cecil CO. Md., 15 ms. s. Elkton, the co. seat, and by p-r. 82 ms. n. e. W. C- Warwick, co. Va., bndd. by James City co. N. w., York N. and n. e., Elizabeth City co. e., and James r. separating it from Isle of Wight CO. s. Length diagonally from s. e. to n. w. 18 ms., mean width 5, and area 90 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 03' to 37° 13', and in long, from 0° 22' to 0° 38' e. W. C. It occu- pies a part of the narrow peninsula between James and York rs. and slopes southward to- ward the former. Cf. t. Warwick c. h. Pop. 1820, 1,608; 1830,1,570. Warwick c. h., and p-o. Warwick co., Va., by p-r. 184 ms. a little e. of s. W. C, and 81 ms. south east by east Richmond. WAsmNGTON, CO. Me., bndd. by Lower Cana- da N., New Brunswick e., the Atlantic ocean s., and Hancock and Penobscot counties w. It presents a most singular figure on the map, as drawn according to the east boundary as claim- ed by the United States, bearing a resemblance to a rudely hewn gun stock. It is crossed in its upper part by the Saint John's and Aroostic rs. ; has the St. Croix on the e. boundary, with the lakes and bays connected with it ; and has several streams running into bays which make up from the ocean. There are 32 named tsps., many others numbered, besides plantations, isls., &c. Cf. t. and st. jus., Machias. Pop. 1820, 12,744; 1830, 21,294. Washington, p-t. Lincoln co. Me., 35 ms. from Augusta; has Waldo co. e. Pop. 1,135. Washington, p-t. Sullivan co. N. PI., 35 ms. from Concord, 22 from Keene, 20 from Charles. town, and 80 from Boston ; is hilly, abounding in springs, brooks and ponds, and contains Lovewell's mtn., which is small and of a coni. cal form. Island pond, 1^ ms. by 2, is filled with islands. Ashuelot pond, 1 mile by 1^-, gives rise to one of the chief branches of Ashuelot r. Long pond is 5 ms. in length, and like the others, contains fish. Several ponds e. give rise to Contoocook r. The soil is deep and moist, favorable to grass, and bearing white maple, black ash, birch, beech, elm, &c. &c. Clay and peat abound, and here is some iron ore. The v. is in a pleasant situation, and there are good mill sites in the town. First settled 1768. Pop. !,l35. Washington, co. Vt., bndd. by Orleans co. N., Caledonia co. e.. Orange co. s. e., Addison CO. s. w., and Chittenden co. w. ; lies chiefly between the 2 ranges of Green mtns., and nearly in the centre of the state. The surface is very uneven ; there is much good granite e., but w. the rocks are argillaceous, mica and chlorite slate. Onion r. and its branches spread over the irregular surface There are 18 ts. Montpelier, the seat of government of the state, is also the cf. t. and st. jus. of the co. Pop. 1820, 14,725; 1830, 21,378. Washington, p-t. Orange co. Vt., 15 ms. s. e. Montpelier, 43 n. Windsor ; is watered by a small branch of Onion, one of Wait's, and one of White r., and the trees are principally ma- ple.. Pop. 1,374. Washington, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 120 ms. w. Boston ; has flousatonic r. on the w. line, and 2 small branches rise in the t. Pop. 701. Washington, CO. R. I. bndd. by Kent co. n., Narragansett bay e., the Atlantic s., Conn. w. ; about 18 by 20 ms. ; has a slightly varied sur- face, with primitive rocks. Some hills n. and plains s., with much good grazing land, as well as soil in many parts favorable to different branches of agriculture. Wickford and Paw- tucket are the principal harbors. The coast on the ocean and the bay extends about 50 ms . There are valuable fisheries. The co. con. tains several ponds, fresh and salt, with many small streams, forming Charles and Wood rs., branches of the Pawcatuck, which forms a part of the west boundary of the state. The Narra- gansett country, formerly the seat of a powerful Indian nation, and since celebrated for a small race of pacing horses, said to have been deriv- ed from France, is included within the bounds of this CO. as also the Shannock country, which had a superior kind of horned cattle. South Kingston is the st. jus. Pop. 1820, 15,687, 1830, 15,411. Washington, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn. 40 ms. s. w. Hartford ; is crossed by several ranges of primitive mtns., or lofty hills, and limestone is found in the vallies, from which marble is ob- tained. Aspetuck and Bantam rs. water dif- ferent parts of the town. There are several iron forges, &c. Pop. 986. Washington, co. N. Y., bndd. by Essex co. n., Vermont e., from which it is separated n. e. by lake Champlain, Rensselaer co. s., Hudson r. and lake George w. which separate it from Saratoga and Warren cos. Wood cr. rises and terminates in this co., and in the e. Hoosac and Batenkill rs. which rise in Vt. flow into this co. WAS 563 WAS and into lake Champlain. Poultney r. from Vt. forms a part of the n. boundary. Numerous mill sites are supplied by these streams. The surface and soil are very various. The lower parts of the co. are pretty well cultivated, but the N. parts are very mountainous and abound- with timber, which affords much lumber. Iron, marble, and slate are found in different places. The Champlain canal extends from Hudson r. to Wood cr., and along its bed to lake Cham- plain. This line was formerly an important military route, and here are found remains of forts erected and garrisoned at different peri, ods from the early French wars to the revolu. tion ; and important military events have occur- red here, on the land carriage between the navigable waters of the n. and the s. which ap- proach so nearly. There are several cotton, woollen, and iron factories ; and at Sandy Hill, a cotton bagging factory. The co. contains 17 towns. Salem, and Sandy Hill are the sts. jus. Pop. 1820, 38,831, 1830, 42,635. Washington, p-t. Duchess co. N. Y., 80 ms. s. Albany, 15 e. n. e. Poughkeepsie, has Wap- pinger's cr. &c. n. w., with mill seats, has an irregular surface, with Tower hill e. and Ches- nut ridge s. e., and good soil. Mechanic v. is near the centre, with a Friends' boarding school, &c. Pop. 3,036. Washington, v. Watervleit, Albany co. N. Y., 5 ms. N. Albany, on the w. side of Hudson r. Washington, p-t. Morris co. N. J., has the s. branch of Raritan r. on the e. line, Musconet- cong r. w., and Schooley's mtn. between them. It borders s. on Hunterdon co., and w. on War- ren co. It has the villages of Pleasant Grove and Spring t. with Schooley's mtn. springs. Pop. 2,188. WASHI^GTON, t. Burliugton CO. N. J., 30 ms. s. by E. Trenton, is of an irregular form, with Gloucester co. s. w., from which it is divided by the main branch of Little Egg Harbor cr., and is watered in different parts by several of its branches, the principal of which is Wading r. Pop. 1,315. Washington, v. Middlesex co. N. J., on South r., 5 ms. s. e. New Brunswick. Washington, co. Pa. bndd. n. w. by Beaver CO., N. and n. e. by Alleghany, e. by Mononga- hela r. separating it from Westmoreland and Fayette, s. by Greene co., s. av. by Ohio co. Va., and w. by Brooke co. Va. The longest line that can be drawn in this co. is diagonal in a N. w. direction from the mouth of Ten Mile cr. to the N. w. angle on Va. 45 ms., mean breadth in a similar direction 22 ms., and area 1,000 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 39° 58' to 40° 36' N., and in long, from 2° 52' to 3° 35' w. W. G. The central part of this co. 3 or 4 ms. southwardly from the borough of Washington, is an elevated, and might be called a mountain- ous region, from which the waters flow like radii from a common centre. From hence issue the sources of Ten Mile, Pigeon, Chartier's, Buffalo, and Wheeling crs. The borough of Washington, situated in a valley, is by actual measurement, 1,406 ft. above tide water ; and the mean elevation of the farms might be safe, ly assumed at 1,400 ft. though no doubt many are more elevated by a difference of 300 or 400 ft. Hillsborough on the U. S, road, stands on a height of 1,750 ft. Indeed the lowest point in the CO., on the Monongahela between Williams- port and Elizabethtown, is elevated at least 900 ft. above tide water. The face of the co. is very broken, but soil almost uniformly produc- tive. Limestone and sandstone are the pre. vailing rocks in situ. Mineral coal of the bi- tuminous species abounds, and of very fine quality. It is found near Washington and Gan. nonsburg, at an elevation of at least 1,200 ft. The difference of climate between the central parts of this co. and that on either the Monon. gahela or Ohio r. is very perceptible, particu- larly in spring at opening leaf, and in the sea- son of reaping small grain. The wool crop of this CO. is estimated at about $-200,000 per ann. The first civilized settlement vi'as made about 1770; in 1800 it contained 28,298 inhabitants; in'l810, 36,289 ; in 1820, 40,038 ; and in 1830, 42,909. Washington borough, p-t. and st. jus. Wash- ington CO. Pa., situated near the centre of the CO., on one of the head branches of Chartier's cr., and on the U. S. road, 26 ms. s. w. Pitts- burg, 22 N. w. by w. Brownsville, and by p-r. 212 ms. s. of w. Harrisburg,, and 229 n. w. by w. W. C, lat. 40° 11', long. 3° 19' w. W. C. Though elevated as stated in the previous arti- cle, 1,406 ft. above the Atlantic ocean, the site of this fine village is in a comparative valley, and the ground is beautifully rolling. The town extends up a gentle acclivity, and the main street is rather closely built. It contains the- co. buildings, 5 places of public worship, a market, and numerous stores, taverns, and me- chanics' shops. Washington college, which is located a little e. of the borough, was founded in 1806. For a time its operations were sus- pended, but in 1830 (Nov.) it was reorganized, and it is now a very flourishing institution. The buildings are of brick, and sufficiently large to accommodate the present nun-iber of students. The faculty consists of a president and 4 profes- sors, and 2 assistant teachers in the clfissical and English departments, and preparatory school. The number of alumni is 146. In Nov. 1830, the number of students was about 35; of these there are now (1833) 160. Com- mencement is on the last Thursday in Septem. ber. The U. S. road enters Washington frorn the E., turns up the main street, a?-S'ee Whitly.) Whiteley, cr. and p-o. s. e. part Greene co. Pa., by p-r. 225 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Whiteley, c. h. and p-o. Whitely or Whitly CO. Ky., by p-r. 130 ms. s. s. e. Frankfort. WuiTELEYSBURG, p-v. wstm. part Kent co. Del., about 20 ins. s. w. Dover. White Marsh, p-v. Montgomery co. Pa., 12 ms. nthrd. Phila. It has been Ion" famed for WHI 580 WHI the beauty and abundance of its variegated marbles. White Oak, p-v. wstrn. part Rutherford co. N. C, lO ms. wstrd. from Rutherfordton, the CO. St., and by p-r. 233 ms. a little s. of w. Ra- leish. White Oak, p-v. estrn. part Humphries co. Ten., 63 ms. w. Nashville. White Oak, p-o. Columbia co. Geo., by p-r. 88 ms. N. E. by e. Milledgeville. White Oak Grove, and p-o. Bedford co. Va., by p-r. 227 ms. s. w. W. C. White Pigeon Prairie, p-v. and st. jus. St. Jo- seph CO. Mich., about 150 ms. a little s. of w. Detroit. Position in the co. uncertain. White Plains, p-t. and half shire, Westches- ter CO., N. Y., 30 ms. from N. Y., 140 s. Albany, 6 E. Hudson r., and 14 s. Bedford, with 8i sq. ms., has Bronx cr. on the w. line, Mamaroneck cr. E., and mill sites on both. The soil is good, and the surface varied by a range of hills, run- nino- N. and s., some of which were rendered inte'resting in the revolution by the battle fought here, Oct. 28th, 1776. Pop. 759. White Plains, v. White Plains, Westchester CO. N. ^ ., 28 ms. n. New York, 7 from Sawpits, 7 E. Hudson r., | e. Bronx cr. White Plains, p-v. Brunswick co. Va., by p-r. 94 ms. s. s. w. Richmond. White Plains, p-v. Jackson co. Ten., by p-r. no ms. N. E. byE. Nashville. White Plains, and p-o. Greene co. Geo., by p -r. 48 ms. nthrd. Milledgeville. White Plains, andp-o. Lawrence co. Misp., by p-r. about 75 ms. e. Natchez. White Post, p-v. in Frederick co. Va., 8 ms. s. E. Winchester, and by p-r. 71 ms. a little n. of w. W. C. White River, p-v. estrn. part Arkansas co. Ark., by p-r. 136 ms. below and s. e. by e. Lit- tle Rock. White's, p-o. Elbert co. Geo., by p-r. 108 ms. a little e. of n. Milledgeville. White Sand, p-v. Lawrence co. Misp., by p-r. 100 ms. s. .Tackson. Wiiitesborough, p-v. half cap. Whitestown, Oneida co. N. Y., 4 ms. n. w. Utica, 100 w. n. w. Albany, is pleasant and well built, on Erie canal. It has an academy. Whitesburg, p-v. wstrn. part Madison co. Ala., 10 ms. wstrd. Huntsville, and by p-r. 115 ms. N. n. e. Tuscaloosa. White's Mills, and p-o. n. wstrn. part Ghes. ter dist. S. C, by p-r. 70 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. White Stone, p-o. Lancaster co. Va., 167 ms. s. s. E. W. C. White's Store, and p-o. nthrn. part York dist. S. C, by p-r. 85 ms. n. n. w. Columbia. Whitestown, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y.. 98 ms. w. N. w. Albany, 5 w. Utica, 16 s. e. Rome, has Mohawk r. n. e.. and Herkimer co. e., with very good soil, swelling surface, and fertile meadows along Mohawk r., Oriskany and Sada- quada crs. The Erie canal passes along the Mohawk n. e. The town contains the vs. of Whitestown and Oriskany, and its settlement was commenced in 1784, by Canvass White, the first settler in the w. part of the state of N. Y. On Lanaquoit, a small stream uniting with the Mohawk in this t., are found the prin- cipal manufactories of Oneida co. The Oris- kany woollen factory is on a cr. of the same name, 4 ms. from Whitestown — spindles, 1,5 lO — looms, 40 — hands, 136 — using annually 120,- 000 lbs. wool, and manufacturing goods to the amount of ^155,000. On the Lanaquoit, the Oneida cotton factory, running 2,500 spindles and 84 looms, work 300 bales cotton and make 780,000 yds. annually ; — at the York mills, two stone edifices, 150 and 130 ft. long, are run 8,328 spindles, and 260 looms, employing 350 hands, and making 900,000 yards sheeting an- nually ; at the Whitestown cotton factory are run 2,900 spindles, 70 looms, 85 hands are em- ployed and 300 bales cotton per annum used ; at the Utica cotton factory 2,600 spindles and 60 looms are run, (thirty of the latter on ticking,) 112 hands are employed and 450 bales cotton consumed; a woollen factory makes 3,500 yds. broadcloth, and there is a callico printing estab- lishment ; — the New Hartford manufacturing co. run 2,500 spindles, 64 looms, employ 80 hands, and work ann. 300 bales cotton ; — the Eagle cotton factory run 1,600 spindles, 40 looms, employ 75 hands, and use 200 bales ; the Frank- lin com. run 3,000 spindles, 76 looms, employ 120 hands, and use 300 bales cotton ; — and the Paris cotton man. com. run 1,500 spindles, 60 looms, and employ 70 hands. These, with se- veral machine shops, are all on the Lanaquoit, and within 8 ms. of each other. Pop. 4,410. Whitestown, p-v. Butler co. Pa., 10 ms. from the borough of Butler, and about 60 ms. N. Pittsburg. Whitesville, p-v. and st. jus. Columbus co. N. C, situated near the extreme head of Wac- camaw r., about 40 ms. n. e. Conwaysborough, and by p-r. 138 ms. s. Raleigh. Lat. 34° 13', long. 1° 48' w. W. C. White Sulphur Springs, watering place and p-o. estrn. part Greenbriar co. Va., 9 ms. s. e. by E. Lewisburg, the co. st., and by p-r. 254 ms. s. w. W. C, and 212 w. Richmond. Whitesville, p-v. Wilkinson co. Misp. about 35 ms s. Natchez. White Water r. See Miami r. White Woman's r. See Muskingum r. WHITI^G, p-t. Washington co. Me., contains several ponds, some of which flow w. into Ma- chias bay, and others e. into Cobscook bay. The t. is separated from the sea coast by the t. of Cutler. Pop. 309. Whiting, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 40 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 42 s. Burlington, 70 n. Bennington, has Otter cr. e., and was first settled 1772, but deserted in the revolutionary war. In 1819, pickerel were placed in Otter cr. above Mid- dlebury falls, which rapidly increased, so that 500 lbs. of this kind offish, (before unknown in this stream,) were caught in this t. in 1823. The soil is good both for grass and grain. Pop. 653. Whitingham, p-t. Windham co. Vt., ]8 ms. s. E. Bennington, 20 n. w. Greenfield, has the Mass. line on the s. boundary, and was first set- tled in 1770. Deerfield r. flows through the w. part, with rich meadows on its course. Saw- dawda pond has land gradually forming on the surface, and 70 or 80 acres now rise and fall with the water. The soil is good. Good lime- stone abounds w. which is burnt. Pop. 1,477. Whitley, co. Ky., bndd. w. by Wayne co. of the same state, n. w. by Rock Castle cr. sepa- tating it from Pulaski, n. by Laurel, e. by Knox, WIL 581 WIL and s. by Campbell co. in Ten. Length from N. to s. 30 ms., mean breadth 20, area 600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 36° 35' to 37° 01', and in long, from 6° 48' to 7° 14' w. VV. C. The main volume of Cumberland r. winds, by a very circuitous channel over Whitley from s. e. to N. w. Of. t. Whitley c. h. Fop. 3,806. Whittles', Mills and p-o. Mecklenburg co. Va., by p-r. 105 ms. s. w. Richmond. Whitley's, p-v. Johnson co. N. C, by p-r. 39 ms. s. E. by e. Raleigh. Whitle\tille, p-v. Jackson CO. Tenn.,byp-r. 87 ms. N. e. by e. Nashville. Whitney's Grovh, and p-o. Hancock co. II., by p-r. 158 ms. n. w. Vandalia. WicKFORD, P-V. North Kingston, Washington CO. R. I., 2"J ms. s. w. Providence, 15 n. w. Newport, is on a peninsula on w. side of .\arra- gansett bay. Here is Washington academy, 30 ft. by 60, with a library ; and there is conside- rable commerce. Wicomico, small r. which rises in the south- western angle of Sussex co. Del., flows thence s. westerly between Manikin and Naniikoke rs., and in Somerset co. Md., falling into Fish- ing bay, 10 ms. w. Princess Anne. Wicomico, or Great Wicomico, small r. of Northumberland co. Va., failmg into Chesa- peake bay 2 ms. s. e. Bridgetown, the co.seat. Wicomico, church and p-o. Northumberland CO. Va., about 6 ms. wstrd. Smith's point, and 9 ms. estrd. Bridgetown, by p-r. 160 ms. s. s. e. W. C. Wiesesburgh, p-v. Baltimore co. Md., 24 ms. N. w. Baltimore. WiLBKAHAM, p-t. Hampden co. Mass., 89 ms. w. Boston, has the Conn, line for its s bounda- ry, and Chickapee r. for its n. The surface is agreeably varied, and the soil is generally very good. It contains a Wesleyan academy, on the manual labor system, for the education of indi- gent children of the Methodists. The Chicka- pee is a very rapid stream, and makes conside- rable descent at the rapids in this place. Chick apee was a word used by Indian mothers to cry- ing children, meaning "be still." The v. has a pleasant situation near the e. borders of the ele- vated plain which extends v/. to the armory at Springfield. It has a hilly and picturesque country e. and n. of it. Pop. 2,034. Wilcox, co. Ala. bndd. s. by Monroe, s. w. by Clarke, n. w. by Marengo, n. and n. e. by Dallas, e. by Montgomery, and s. e. by Butler. Length from e. to w. 60 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 1,200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 31° 49' to 32° 15', and in long. 9° 56' to 10° 56' w. W. C. Declivity s. w., and traversed in that direction by Alabama r. Cf. t. Canton. Pop. 1820,2,917, 1830,9,548. Wild rness, p-o. on the n. wstrn. border of Spottsylvania co. Va., 15 ms. w. Fredericks- burg, and 71 s. s. w. VV. C. Wilsong's, mill and p-o. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r. 182 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Wilkes co. N. C. bndd. n. e. and e. by Surry, s. e. by Iredell, s. w. by Burke, and w. n. w. and N. by Blue Ridge separating it from Ashe. Length from s. w. to n. e. 48 ms., mean breadth 18, and area 864 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 56' to 36° 24', and in long, from 3° 51' to 4° 35' w. W C. This co. is a real mtn. val- ley, environed on every side but the n. e. by the 74 Blue ridge and adjacent chains. It is commen- -urate with the streams of the higher valley of Yadkin r. by which it is entirely drained. De- clivity n. estrd. Cf. t. WilkesviUe. Pop. 1820, 9,967, 1830, 11,968. Wilkes, co. Geo., bndd. by Warren s., Ta- liaferro s. w., Oglethorpe w. and s. w., Broad r. separating it from Elbert n., Lincoln co. e., and Little r. separating it from Columbia s. e. Length 32, mean breadth 19, and area about 600 sq. ms. Lat. 34° 40', long. W. C. 5° 46' w. General slope estrd. towards Savannah r., from which it is separated only by 'he narrow co. of Lincoln. Cf. t. Washington. Pop. 1820, 16,912, 1830, 14,237; at the former epoch Wilkes con. tained what is now Taliaferro co., and in 1830, the aggregate of both cos. amounted to 19,171. WiLKESBARRE, boro', p-t. and st. jus. Luzerne CO. Pa., stands on a high bank, on the right side of Susquehannah r., about 120 ms. n. n. w. Phila., by p-r. 222 n. n. e. W. C, and ll4x. e. Harrisburg. Lat. 41° 13', and long. 1° 07' e. ^V. C. Wilkesbarre was laid out about the year 1775, by Col. John Durkee, who imposed the compound name as a grateful tribute to two eminent members of the British parliament, for their exertions in favor of the North American colonies. The plan is perhaps entirely singu- lar. The streets form a parallelogram, extend- ing along or at right angle to the river. In the centre is a public square containing the co. build- ings, but this square stands at an angle of 45° to the streets, the latter extending from each corner of the former. The wstrn. angle of the square is opposite a bridge over the Susqehan- nah, with a portion of the main street interven- ing. This connects ' ilkesbarre with the v. of Kingston. Pop. 2,233. Wilkesbarre, valley, usually called the val- ley of Wyoming, among the natural scenery of the U. S. richly deserves a visit. The Sus(|ue- hannah r. may be said to rush into, and break through the Appalachian system of mtns. Pass- ing the first great chain at Towanda, the large volume of water in its rocky bed rolls through several other chains in quick succession, and at length reaches Wyoming valley at the mouth of Lackawannoc r. by a very striking mountain gorge. Inflecting at right angles, and turning from s. e to s. w., the stream with very gentle windings flows down the Wyoming valley 9 ms., passes Wilkesbarre and Kingston, and 6 ms. farther leaves the valley by another moun- tain pass. The Susquehannah merely touches the wstrn. verge ot this fine vale, which is in- deed extended up the Lackawannoc, and to the sthwstrd. some ms. below where it is abandon- ed by the river. The valley is distinct there, fore -25 ms. above and 7 or 8 below the borough of Wilkesbarre, exceeding 30 ms. in length, but with a width that does not at the utmost exceed a mean of 2j ms. Enclosed between mtns. every where steep and rugged, in many places precipiious, and in some rising into naked sum- mits, spread alluvial flats of exuberant fertility. Here, as along the Susquehannah generally, there are two stages of bottoms. The lower, and of course most recent, are much the most productive, and least admixed with rounded pebbles, but are still subject to casual submer- sion. The higher stages, on one of which stands Wilkesbarre, are above all floods, but both have WIL 582 WIL evidently once been under water. This con. elusion IS almost irresistible, in the vicinity of Wilkesbarre. In brief, it may be asserted that many admirers of natural scenery know the beau- ties of the Alps among such objects, infinitely better than regions almost at their door. The Wyoming is only one of innumerable pictures along the Appalachian system, where are com- bined every feature, from the most stern to the most soft and seducing. In the vicinity of Wilkesbarre and Kingston, mineral curiosities are not the least attractive. The formation is transition or leaning ; the inclination s. e. Em- bedded in strata, from one to twenty or more ft. in thickness, lie masses of anthracite coal, which appear more and more vast as they are better explored. WiLKESBORo', or Wilkesville, p-v. and st. jus. Wilkes CO. N. C, situated on the right bank of Yadkin r. 51 ms. n. e. Morgantown in Burke co., and by p-r. 175 ms. a little n. of w. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 10', long. 4° 08 w. W. C. Wilkesville, p-v. Gallia co. O., by p-r. 87 ms. s. s. E. Columbus. Wilkinson, co. Geo. bndd. s. e. by Laurens, s. w. by Twiggs, n. w. by Jones, n. by Bald- win, and E. by Oconee r. separating it from Washington. Length from n. w. to s. e. 24 ms. mean breadth 18, and area 432 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 32° 37' to 33° 02' and in long, from 6° 02' to (3° 30' w. W. C. Declivity sthestrd. towards the Oconee. Cf. t. Irwing- ton. Pop. 1820, 6,992; 1830, 14,237. Wilkinson, co. Misp.,bndd. by the Homochit. to r. separating it from Adams co. on the n., and Franklin n. e., by Amite co. e., by the parish of E. Feliciana, La. s. e., by W. Feliciana, La. s., and by the Misp. r. separating it from the parish of Avoyelles, La. w., and the parish of Concordia La. N. \y. Greatest length from e. to w. 30 ms., mean breadth 20, and area 600 sq. ms. Ex- tending in lat. from 31° to 31° 14', and in long, from 14° 12' to 14° 46' w. W. C. The general declivity of this co. is wstrd., but the extreme sthrn. border declines in a southern direction giving source to Thompson's cr. and Bayou Sarah. Buffaloe cr. rises on the estrn, side and flowing wstrd. divides the co. into two nearly equal sections. The surface is very much broken by hills, however, of no great elevation. Soil excellent. Principal staple, cotton. Cf. t., Woodville. Pop. 1820, 9,718; 1830, 11,686. WiLKiNSONViLLE, p-v. Chesterfield co. Va. Willet, p-t. Cortland co. N. Y., 139 ms. from Albany, 19 s. e. Cortland v.; it has Che- nango CO. E., Broome co. s., and is crossed by Otselic cr. with few mill seats. Pop. 840. Williams' r. Windham co. Vt., flows s. e. 15 ms. into Connecticut r. in Rockingham. At its mouth the Rev. Mr. Williams, in 1704, on his way from Deerfield, Mass., to Canada, while a captive in the power of the Indians, pjeached to his fellow prisoners. Williams, p-v. Montgomery co. Tenn. 30 ms. N. w. by w. Nashville. Williams, p-v. sthrn. part of Christian co. Ky., by p-r. 216 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. Williams, nrthwstrn. co. of Ohio, bounded by Henry e., Paulding s., the state of Ind. w., Hillsdale co. Mich, n., and Lenawee co. Mich. N. K. Length from s. to ,\. 27 ms., breadt>h 24, and area 648. Lat. 4 1 ° 28', long. W. C. 7° 36' w. Slope sthrd., and in that direction tra. versed by St. Joseph's and Tiffin's rs., branch- es of Maumee. Cf. t., Defiance. Population 387. WiLLiAMSBORouGH, p-v. nrthestm. part Gran. ville CO. N. C, 12 ms. n. e. by e. Oxford, the CO. St., and 59 n. e. Raleigh. Williamsburg, p-t. Penobscot co. Me., 94 ms. from Augusta, 40n. w. Bangor, has several small streams flowing into Pleasant and Lubec rs., branches of the Penobscot, and has a quar. ry of marble. Pop. 227. Williamsburg, v. Bushwick, King's co. N, Y. on the e. end of Long Island, opposite N. Y., has a steam ferry to that city. Williamsburg, p-v. situated on Franktown branch of Juniata r. 9 ms. w. from the borough of Huntingdon co. Pa. Williamsburg, p-t. and st. jus. James City CO. Va., situated on the summit level between York and James rs., by p-r. 60 ms. s. e. by e. Richmond. Lat. 37° 16', and long. 0° 20' e, W. C. The p-r. distance from W. C. 163 ms. This little city, though it has not advanced much in wealth or population, has many very inter- esting claims on the student of U. S. geography. It was the cradle of our political existence, and for a long period, the seat of government of " Infant Virginia." The college of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, was founded in 1693, and with various fortunes of advance and recession, has continued to exist as a respect, able literary institution. By the original char. ter, this college was endowed with a revenue of .£3000 per annum. Its property amounts to about .$150,0i)0, but is not all productive. The president is also a professor, besides whom there are 5 others. The number of students is about 80, and the libraries contain about 4,000 volumes Commencement is on the 4th July. Williamsburg, dist. S. C, bndd. n. w. by Sumpter, n. e. by Lynches cr. separating it from Marion, e. and s. e. by Georgetown dist., and s, w. by Santee r., separating it from Charleston dist. Length between Santee r. and Lynches cr. 40 ms., mean breadth 30, and area i,200 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 33° 15' to 34° 02', and in long, from 2° 24' to 3° 12'. The de- clivity is southeastward, in the direction of Lynches cr., Santee r. and Black r. The latter stream rising in Sumpter, traverses Williams- burg at a mean distance of 16 or 17 ms. from Santee r. Cf. t. Kingtree. Pop. 1820, 8,716 ; 1830, 9,018. \^ ILLIAMSBURG, p.v. and St. jus. Covington CO. Misp., situated on a branch of Leaf r., about 120 ms. E. Natches, and by p-r. 83 miles s. e. Jackson. Lat. 31° 40', long. 12° 38' w. W. C. Pop. 300. Williamsburg, p-v. Mason co. Ky. by p-r. 75 ms. N. E. Frankfort. Williamsburg, p-v. estrn. part of Clermont CO. O. by p-r. 102 ms. s. w. Columbus. Williamsburg, p-v. Wayne co. Ind. by p.r. 57 ms. E. Indianopolis. WiLLiAMSBURGH, p-t. Hampshire co. Mass. 100 miles w. Boston, 9 n. w. Northampton, is crossed n. w. and s. e. by a tributary of the Con- necticut, which affords mill sites. Pop. 1,236. WiLLiAMSBURGH, p-v. Groveland, Livingston CO. N. Y. Si ms. fm. Genesseo v. on Genessee r. WIL 583 WIL WiLLiAMSFiELD, p-v. sthesm. angle of Ashta- bula CO. O., by p-r. 189 ms. n. k. Columbus. Pop. isp. 1830, 528. WiLLiAMSox, p-t. Wayiie co. N. Y., 206 ms. from Albany, 20 n. by e. Canandaigua, crossed by the Ridge road, has a descent n., whither flow some small streams to lake Ontario. Pop. 1,806. Williamson, co. Ten., bounded by Bedford, s. E., Maury s., Hickman s. w., Dickson n. w., Davidson n., and Rutherford e. Length along the sthrn. border 40 ms., mean breadth 12, and area 480 sq. ms. Lat. 36° and long. 10° w. W. C, intersect in the southwestern part of this co. The sthrn. border follows the dividing ridge between the valleys of Duck and Harpeth rs., and the co. sloping to the n. w., is almost en- tirely drained by the confluent creeks of the latter r. Cf. t., Franklin. Pop. 1820, 20,640 ; 1830, 26,638. Williamson's Mills and p-o. Lexington dist. S. C. WiLLiAMSPoRT, borough and st. jus. Lyco. ming CO. Pa., situated on the left bank of the west branch of Susquehannah r., by the p-r. 87 ms. above Harrisburg, and 196 ms. a very little w. of N. \V. C. N. lat. 41° 15', long. W. C. 0° 07' w. Pop. 800. WiLLiAMspORT, flourishing p-v. of Washing- ton CO. Md., situated on the left bank of Poto. mac r. on the point, below the mouth of Cone- cocheague r., 8 ms. s. w. Hagerstown, and by p-r. 74 ms. n. w. W. C. Pop. 500. WiLLiAMSPORT, p.v. and St. jus. Warren co. Ind., situated on the right bank of Wabash r., at the mouth of Pine cr., by p-r. about 80 ms. N. w. by w. Indianopolis. Lat. 40° 20', long. W. C. 10° l6'w. WiLLiAMSPORT, p-v. sthm. part Maury co. Ten. 54 ms. s. s. w. Nashville. WiLLiAMSPORT, p-v. Pickaway co. O., 36 ms. s. Columbus. William's Store and p-o. Butler co. 0., by p-r. 104 ms. s. s. w. Columbus. WiLLiAMSTON, p.v. and St. jus. Martin co. N. C, situated on the right bank of Roanoke r. 23 ms. N. VV'ashington on Pamlico r., and by p-r. 106 ms. E. Raleigh. Lat. 35° 49', and long. 0° 06' w. \v . G. WiLLiAMSTON, p-v. Pike CO. Ala., by p-r. 210 ms. s. E. Tuscaloosa. WiLLiAMSTOwN, p-t. Orange co. Vt. 11 ms. s. w. Montpelier, 45 n. w. Windsor; first settled, 1784, occupies the high gro md between Onion and White rs., to each of which it sends a brook. Along the courses of these small branches passes the Gulf road from Royalton to Mont- pelier, through remarkably wild scenes, and often a very narrow passage. In some places the road is supported by artificial walls of stone, where there is barely room enough for it and the stream. Pop. 1,487. WiLLiAMSTOWN, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass. 130 ms. N.by w. Boston, is in the n. w. corner of the state, with Vermont n. and N. Y. w., and occu- pies a fine valley, through which flows Hoosic r. into Vt. The land bordering on the valley is mountainous, and some of the peaks are very high. The t. was named after colonel Ephraim Williams, who was commander of the line of forts w. of Conn. r. during the old French war, from 1740 till 1748, and resided for some time at Hoosic fort. He was killed at the battle of fort George, 1755, and left by will, his property for the loundation of a grammar school in Wil. liamstown. Williams college, in this t. was commenced as a school in 1791, and was incor- porated as a college in 1793. Two townships of land in Maine were afterwards granted it by Mass., one of which was sold for .^10,000. There are two buildings of brick, 100 ft. long, 40 wide, and 4 stories high, containing a chapel, library, philosophical chamber, and 60 students' rooms. The faculty is composed of a presi- dent who is a professor, 4 other professors, and 2 tutors. Alumni, 759 ; students, 1832 — 3, 133, of which about 80 are assisted by the college fund, or by the education society. The college library contains about 3,000 vols, and that of the students about 2,500. Commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in Aug. The necessary expenses are from ^60 to $105 per annum. An academy was incorporated here in 1828. Pop. 2,134. WiLLiAMSTOwN, p-t. Oswego CO. N. Y. 137 ms. from Albany, 31 e. Oswego, has Oneida co. E., has a soil good for grass, and pretty good for grain, watered by streams of Fish creek, which furnish mill sites. The surface is near- ly level, with much moist land. Pop. 606. WiLLiAMSTOWN, p.v. northcstm. part Lancas- ter CO. Pa. 13 ms. n. e. from the city of Lan- caster. WiLLiAMSTOWN, ou the p.o. list, but Wil- liamsville on Tanner's U. S., p-v. and st. jus. Grant co. Ky., situated on the right bank of Eagle cr., about 40 ms. s. w. Cincinnati, and 44 a little e. of n. Frankfort. Lat. 38° 41', long. 7° 42' w. W. C. WiLLiAMsviLLE, p-v. Erie CO. N. Y. 11 ms. n. E. Buffalo, is on Eilicott's cr. at the falls. WiLLiAMsviLLE, p-v. Kent CO. Del. 25 ms. s. Dover. WILLIAMSVILLE, p-v. nrthm. part Person co. N. C, by p-r. 68 ms. n. w. by n. Raleigh. WiLLiMANTic, r. rising in Tolland co. Conn., a stream of small size, flows through Stafford, and falling into Natchaug r. forms the She- tucket. On it are many good mill sites. Willimantic, p.v. Windham co. Conn. 3 ma. from Windham v., 24 e. Hartford, on Willi- mantic r. ; contains 5 large manufactories, a paper mill, 3 churches, several schools, &c. WiLLiNBoRouGH, t. Burlington co. N. .1. 1 4 ms. N. E. Phil., has the Del. r. n. w., Rancocus cr. s. w., and Burlingto i n. A small branch of Rancocus cr. crosses the t. Pop. 782. WiLLiNGTON, p-t. Tolland co. Conn. 26 ms. N. E. Hartford, 26 n. Norwich; about 4 ms. by 8, is hilly, with primitive rocks, and contains some iron ore. It has Willimantic r. e., and some manufactories. Pop. 1,305. WiLLiNGTON, p-v. Sthrn. part Abbeville dist. S. C, 17 ms. s. s. w. Abbeville, and by p-r. 97 ms. a little n. of w. Columbia. WiLLisTON, P-t. Chittenden co. Vt., 27 ms. n. w. Montpelier, has Onion r. n. and Muddy brook w., and was first settled 1774, but soon desert- el until the close of the war. The surface is uneven, but generally favorable to agriculture, with a good soil. Pop. 1,606. WiLLisTON, P-o. Callaway co. Ky., by p-r. 277 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. WiLLouGHBY, p.v. and St. jus. Eflingham co. WIL 584 WIL Geo., by p-r. 181 ms. s. e. by e. Milledgeville. Willow Grove, p-v. Montgomery co. Pa., 14 ms. N. Phil. Willow Grove, p.o. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r 164 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Willow Grove, p-o. nthestrn. part Sumpter dist. S. C., about 20 ms. n. e. umpterville, and by p-r. 64 ms. a little n. of e. Columbia. WiLLSDORouGii, p-t. Essex CO. N. Y., 157 ms. N. Albany, 13 n. e. Elizabethtown, has lake Champlain or Vt. e., towards which the land is level. Peru bay extends s. into this town from the lake 5 or 6 ms. ; and there are in it Bou- quet's and Gilliland's crs., on whose falls are very good mill sites. Pop. 1,316. WiLLSTowN, Indian v., on a cr. of the same name, a brancla of Coosa r. This place, as lo- cated by Tanner, is situated in the Cherokee territory 50 ms. s. e. by e. Huntsville, and about 150 ms. N. E. Tuscaloosa. Lat. 34° 26', long. 8° 55' w. W. C. Wilmington, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 17 ms. E. Bennington, 46 s. w. Windsor, 138 from Montpelier; was first settled just before the revolution. The e. and w. branches of Green. field r. unite here. Pop. 1,034. Wilmington, t. Middlesex co. Mass., 16 ms. N. Boston, has a light soil, hut has produced great quantities of hops. The Middlesex canal crosses the t. through the middle ; and Ipswich r. rises here. Pop. 731. Wilmington, p-t, Essex co. N. Y., 17 ms. n. w. Elizabethtown, has Franklin and Clinton cos. E., and Franklin co. w., and contains Sable and White Face mtns., and parts of Palmer and Hamlin mtns. ; White Face mtn. is about 2,600 ft. high, and commands a view of Montreal, 80 ms. distant. The t. is crossed by the w. branch of Sable r., &c. which furnishes mill seats. Pop. 695. Wilmington, borough, and port of entry. New Castle CO. Del. situa'ed on the point above the junction of Brandyvvine and Christiana crs. 28 ms. s. w. Phila., 47 n. Dover, and by p-r. 108 ms. N. E. W. C. The site is similar to those of Phila., Baltimore, Georgetown and Rich- mond, on the outer edge of the primitive rock, and on the inner of the sea sand alluvion. The site of Wilmington is less variegated than eith- er of the above named cities. In its vicinity, the falls of Brandywine afford a water power which has been rendered available to a great extent, by the erection of machinery applied to grist mills, saw mills, powder and paper mills, cloth factories, both of cotton and woollen, and other manufactories of different kinds. Among these the Brandywine flour, and paper mills are famous throughout the country. 'The town is regularly laid out ; the buildings are chiefly of brick, and its site, being on gently rising ground, is agreeable, airy, and healthy. The shipping of the place amounts to about 10.- 000 tons, and its trade is considerable. The Christiana is navigable to it for vessels of 14 ft. draught. Many of the buildings are elegant. Among the public edifices are 10 or 1] church- es, a hospital, a spacious structure, a poor house, an arsenal of the U. S., &c. &c. Tiie borough is governed by two burgesses and six assistants, annually elected. Wilmington is much the largest town of the state, and next to Phila., is the most extensive mart in the basin of Delaware river. Pop. 1820, 5,268, 18.30, 6,628. Wilmington, p-v. situated on Fluvanna r. Flu- vanna CO. Va., 14 ms. above the mouth of the stream on which it stands, 55 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. Wilmington, p-t., seaport, and st. jus. New Hanover co. N. C, situated on the e. bank of Cape Fear r. 88 ms. below and along the land route below Fayetteville, and by p-r. 149 ms. s. s. E. Raleigh. Lat. 34° 20', and long, almost on the meridian ofW. C. This is much the most commercial town in the state, and being within 35 ms. from the sea, and accessible to ves- sels, the business of the place is q^itc extensive. The entrance to the harbor, which admits ves. sels of 250 or 300 tons burthen, is difficult; a considerable amount of shipping, however, is owned here. The river is navigable ordinarily for vessels of 200 tons. Beside other public buildmgs, it has those of the county, 2 banks, and several churches. A destructive fire, in 1819, destroyed about 200 buildings, and the estimated loss was ^1,000,000. Pop. 3,000. Wilmington, p-v. and st. jus. MacCracken co. Ky , situated 25 ms. a little n. of e. from the mouth of Ohio r., and by p-r. 2h9 ms. s. w. by w, Frankfort. Lat. 37° 02', and long. 11° 52' w. W. C. Wilmington, p-v. Dearborn co. Ind., by p-r. 105 ms. s. E. Indianopolis. Wilmington, p-v. and st. jus. Clinton co. 0., by p-r. 67 ms. s. w. Columbus. Lat. 39° 24', long. W. C. 6° 46' w. Pop. 616. Wilmot, p-t. Merrimack co. N. H., 30 ms. from Concord, H7 from Boston. Some of the streams of Blackwater r. afford mill seats. The surface is rough, with Kearsearge mtn. on the s. boun- dary. It has 2 post offices, and contains one of the largest tanneries in the State. Pop. 835. WiLNA, p-t. Jefferson co N. Y., 151 ms. n. w, Albany, 57 s. s. w. Ogdensburgh, has a light soil, well watered by Indian r. a few miles in the N. E., and by Black. r. for a short distance s. w. including the rapids or Long falls. Above this spot the r. is navigable 45 ms. Here is the V. of Carthage, where are several iron works, ore being found in the t. Pop. 1,602. WiLLSHiRE, p-v. on St Mary's r. and in the sthwstrn. angle of Van Wert co. 0., by p-r. 146 ms. N. w. by w. Columbus. This place was named in honor of the benevolent British con. sul who ransomed Captain James Riley and his companions at Mogadore, in Africa. Wilson, p-t. Niagara co. N. Y., 294 ms. w. Albany, is nearly square, with lake Ontario n. and watered by Howel's and Tuscarora cr., the former joining the latter in this town, and flow- ing into the lake. Pop. 913. WiLS0.\, CO. Ten., bndd. by "^mith e., Warren s. E., Rutherford s., Davidson w., and Cumber- land r. N., separating it from Sumner. Length 38 ms., mean breadth 14, and area 432 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 58' to 36° 20', and in long. 9° to 9° 44' w. W. C. Declivity a little w. of N. towards Cumberland r. Cf. t. Leba- non. Pop. 1820, 18,730, 1830, 25,472. Wilson's, p-v. Anderson co. Ten., by p-r. 201 ms. E. Nashville. Wilson's cr. and p-o. Graves co. Ky., 14 ms. southwestwardly from Mayfield. Wilson's, p.o. Anderson co. Ten., by p-r. 201 ms. E. Nashville. WIN 585 WIN WiLSONviLLE, p-v. southwstrn. part Bath co. Va., by p-r. 178 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond, and 220 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. WiLsoNViLLE, p-v. Shelby co. Ky., by p-r. 33 ms. vv. Frankfort. WiLsowiLLE, p-v. Lincoln co. N. C, by p-r. 182 ms. s. w. by w. Raleigh. Wilton, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 38 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 1,640. Wii.TON, p-t. Hillsborough co. N. H., 37 ms. from Concord, 9 from Amherst, and 58 from Bos. ton, is crossed by Souhegan r., whose branches afford mill sites. The soil is rocky, but fertile, bearing oak, pine, beech, birch, hemlock and chestnut. Clay and building stone are found in different places. First settled |738. Pop. l,03j. Wilton, p-t. Fairfield co. Conn., 34 ms. s. \v. Nevif Haven, 6 n. Norwalk, has the boundary of N. York on the w. line, it is 4 ms. by 6, is crossed by 2 ridges n. and s., with soil favora- ble to grain, and has 2 small streams from Nor- walk r. near the centre. Pop. 2,095. WiLTo ., p t. Saratoga co. N. Y. 42 ms. n. Albany, lies n. of Saratoga, and near the v. of Saratoga Springs. There is an extensive sandy plain in the t., and the streams of a small tribu- tary of the Hudson. Pop. I,.)73. Wilton, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Granville CO. N. C, 14 ms. sthrd. Oxford. WiNCHENDON, p-t. Worccster co. Mass , 60 ms. w. N. w. Boston, 30 n. by w. Worcester, has an uneven surface, a rough and stony, but strong soil, and afibrds some building granite. There is a chalybeate spring in the n. part. Mil- ler's r. affords valuable mill seats. There are 2 villages. Pop. 1,463. Winchester, p-t. Cheshire co. N. H., 70 ms. from Concord, 15 fromKeene, is crossed by Ash- uelot r., which receives Muddy, Broad, and sev- eral other brooks. The s. e. part is very level, elsewhere uneven, with a good soil, bearing pine, chestnut, oak, hard maple, &c. Great quanti. ties of shingles, staves, &c. have been made here. There are 2 vs. on Ashuelot r., that in the w. contains several manufactories. First settled 1732; it was burnt in the French war, by the Indians. Pop. 2,052. Winchester, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 27 ms. N. w. Hartford, about 5 ms. by 6>^, mountainous in some pans, with primitive rocks ; it has a soil favorable to grazing, bearing maple, beech, oak and birch; it is supplied with mill sites by Mad and Still rs., which unite in the e. part. A lake I ni. by 3^, is situated on the top of one of the mtns., and sends an outlet about i ra. down a steep descent into Mad r. The scene- ry in this t. is in many places quite wild and ro- mantic. There are many factories, forges, mills, &c. Iron from Salisbury is smelted and wrought here. Pop. 1,766. Winchester, a flourishing p-t. and st. jus. Fre- derick CO. Va., situated on Opequan cr., a branch of the Potomac, 34 ms. s. w. Harper's Ferry, 71 ms. N. w. by w. W. C., and 150 ms. n. n. w. Richmond. Lat. 39° 10'. and long. 1° 10' w. W. C. It is a very flourishing inland town, and contains many public buildings, some of them very fine. Inl826, Winchester contained a white population of 2,575, free colored 27 ', slaves 644, total 3 489; 35 mercantile stores, 3 iron stores, 2 book stores, 2 printing offices, 4 tan. neries, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 1 clock and mathe- matical instrument maker, 1 rope maker, with numerous weavers, saddlers, shoemakers, &,c. ; 7 houses of pulilic worship, (and one more in progress of erection,) for Episcopalians, Presby- terians, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Ro- man Catholics, and Quakers. Also a law school of eminence, under chancellor Tucker; an incorporated medical school, an incorpora- ted academy, two female seminaries, with nu- merous private schools, and two banks. Pop. 1830, not in the census. Winchester, p.v. and st. jus. Wayne co. Misp., situated on the Chickasawhay r., about 90 ms. N. N. w. Mobile, 180 e. Natchez, and by p-r. s. E. by e. Jackson. Lat. 31° 40', long. li°48'w. W. C. Pop. 300. Winchester, p-v. and st. jus., Franklin co. Tenn., situated on or near the left bank of Elk r., 50 ms. n. e. Huntsville in Ala., and by p-r. §2 ms. s. E. Nashville. Lat. 35° 14', long. 9° 02' w. W. C. Winchester, p-v. and st. jus. Clark co. Ky,, 45 ms. N. E. by e. Frankfort, and 20 in a simi- lar direction from Lexington. Lat. 37° 58', and long. 7° 07' w. W. C. Winchester, p-v. nthestrn. part of Guernsey CO. O., by p-r. 14 ms. n. e. by e. Cambridge. Winchester, p-v. and st. jus. Randolph co. Ind., situated on Wabash r., by p-r. 97 ms. n. e. by E. Indianopolis. Lat. 40° 11', long. W. C. 7° 04' w. Wind Gap, p-o. Northampton co. Pa., by p-r. 19 ms a little e. of n. Bethlehem. This place is designated Williamsburg on Tanner's map. The Gap is one of the passes in the Kittatinny mtns. Windham, p-t. Cumberland co. Me., 67 ms. s. w. Augusta, 16 n. w. Portland, borders on the s. E. side of Sebago pond, and has its out- let, Presumscot r. on its w. line. It has 2 or 3 ponds on its boundaries, and is crossed by a branch of the stream above mentioned. Pop. 2,182. Windham, p-t. Rockingham co. N. H., 34 ms. from Concord, and 45 from Portsmouth, contains part of Policy pond, with Golden pond s., and Mitchell's n. e. On Beaver cr., the w. boundary, is excellent land ; and the t. is gen- erally well watered. Pop. 998. Windham, co. Vt., bndd. by Windsor co. n., Conn. r. e., which separates it from N. H., Mass. s., Bennington co. w., is 28 ms. by 36, with 780 sq. ms. It has an irregular surface. Williams's and Saxlon's rs are in the n. e. part, West r. in the middle, and Deerfield r. s. w. There are mins. vv. The rocks are all primi- tive. Manicnung is the highest eminence. Limestone is found and quarried in several ts. On the Conn, are some rich meadows. Cf. t. Brattleborough. Pop. 1820, 28,457 ; 1830, 28,- 748. Windham, p-t. Windham co. Vt., 31 ms. n. e. Bennington, 25 s. w. Windsor, has small streams, a large pend, and various minerals. Pop. 847. Windham, co. Conn., bndd. by Worcester co. Mass. N., Rhode Island e.. New London co. s. and s. w. and Tolland co. w. It is about 21 ms. by 29, with about 620 sq. ms., and contains 13 ts. The surface is varied, hilly w. and s., with much stony land, good for grazing, gener- ally a gravelly soil formed from primitive rocka. WIN 586 WIN It is crossed by Quinebaug r. e., and Shetucket r. w., with several of their branches, which run southerly, and unite in N. London co. to form the Thames. These streams afford many good mill seats, and supply shad and other fish. On the alluvial meadows on their shores, is much excellent land, favorable to grain, &c. Surveys have been made for a canal, to extend from tide water at Norwich, N. London co., into Mass., across this co. Extensive manufacto- ries have been erected, and Windham co. is now far more extensively engaged in manufactures, than any other in the state. By a recent esti- mate, it was computed that there were in the co. 47 cotton factories, running 62,550 spindles, and 1,462 looms, manufacturing per ann. 37,500 lbs. of yarn, (sold in that state,) and ll,00),<,00 yards of cotton goods, consuming 1,537,500 lbs. of cotton, and employing a capital of .■j;l,537,- 500. At the same time other factories were erecting, which were to run more than 12,500 spindles. The woollen factories, by the same estimate, manufactured goods valued at ^133,- €00 ; the sum invested in them stated at ^'127,550. A carpet factory, at Moosup, was also manufacturing that article at the rate of 25,000 yds. per ann. Other very considerable manufactures are carried on in the co. Brook. lyn is the St. jus. of the co. Pop. 1620, 25,331 ; 1830, 27,082. Windham, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 14 ms. n. Norwich, 30 e Hartford, 44 w. Providence, n. Shetucket r., has an irregular form, with about 46 sq. ms., and contains much good land, gen- erally hilly, particularly E., with primitive rocks; a sandy soil prevails in the w. part. The tim- ber is oak, walnut, chestnut, &c. Willimantic and Nachaug rs., after flowing some distance in the t., unite and form the Shetucket. Each of these streams afford mill sites, and several kinds offish, particularly shad. The v. composing the 1st society, is large, and contains some public buildings, besides a number of stores, &c. The land was given by a son of the Mohegan sachem, Uncas, to John Mason and 13 others, in 1676, when it was surveyed, but it v-^as not settled till 1686. Incorporated 1692. The t. contains sev- eral considerable vs. buside the above ; Willi- mantic, Scotland, &c. There are 6 churches, 3 of which are Congregational, 1 iVJethodist, and 1 Baptist. The surface is undulated ; stone walls are generally used for the division of fields. Willimantic is a very flourishing v., 3 miles w. of the 1st society, in which are several valu- able mill sites on the river, which has a con- siderable descent for al-out a mile. Here are 7 cotton factories, 5 of stone, and some of them quite extensive. In them all, 13,150 spindles are run, and 288 looms. There is also a satin. et factory, with 200 spindles and 8 looms, and an extensive paper mill. Pop. 2,812. Windham, p-t. Greene co. N. Y., 44 ms. s. w. Albany, 26 w. Catskill, has the Catskill mtns. N., the s. ridge of which is on the line, and Del. co. w. The surface is generally moun- tainous, with beech, maple, hemlock, bass, and other timber, and is watered by Schoharie cr. Pop. 3,471. Windham, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Brad- ford CO. Pa., by p-r. 153 ms. nrthrd. Harrisburg. Windham, p-v. nrthestrn. part of Portage co. O. by p-r. 150 ms.N. e. Columbus. Windsor, t. Kennebec co. Me., 6 ms. e. Au. gusta, which adjoins it on the w., and has Lin- coln CO. E. and s. It is crossed by a branch of Sheepscot r., which touches it on the s. e. Pop. 1,485. Windsor, t. Hillsborough co. N. H., is of a triangular form, and has a good soil, favorable to pasturage and grain, with an agreeably varied surface. Pop. 226. Windsor, co. Vt., bndd. by Orange co. n,, Conn. r. e., which separates it from N. Hamp- shire, Windham co. s., Rutland co. w. It is crossed in the n. by White r., and has Queechy r. in the middle, and Black r. s., with some of the sources of West and Williams' rs. s. w. It lies on the e. declivity of the Green mtns., and has a rough surface, but a soil very favorable to grass. In the w. part are several quarries of soap stone, in Plymouth, Bridgewater, and Bethel ; good granite is found in the s. e. part, and much lime is made from primitive lime- stone in the s. w. It contains 24 tsps. Wind, sor and Woodstock are the sts. jus. of the co. Pop. 1820, 38,233 ; 1830, 40,625. Windsor, p-t. and half shire, Windsor co, Vt., 55 ms. s. Montpelier, 55 n. e. Bennington, 95 n. w. Boston, 420 n. Washington, first set- tled 1764. It is hilly, fertile, and well watered, having Conn. r. on the e. line, and mill r. s., which supplies mill sites. Ascutney mtn., partly in this t., is one of the most conspicuous eminences in this part of the state. It is about 3,320 ft. above tide water, and its summit, (which divides this t. from Weathersfield,) has two peaks from which it is said to have de- rived its name : a word of this sound, in the In- dian language, meaning the Two Brothers. This mtn. is almost clothed in evergreens, ex- cept on its s. side, which is bare. It is com- posed of granite. The v. is handsome, and is very pleasantly situated on the w. bank of Conn, r., surrounded by rich and picturesque scenery, in which mt. Ascutney forms a striking feature. Pulk Hole brook empties into Conn. r. n., and Mill brook s. of the v. There are several hand. some streets, the principal of which runs n. and s., in an irregular line, with many good dwel- lings, stores, churches, bank, court house, &c. The opposite shore of the Conn, is high and al- most mountainous ; there is a beautiful meadow near the v. At the mouth of Mill brook is a fall, which is dammed, and made to supply wa- ter to several factories ; and near the same spot is a bridge which crosses the Conn. The state prison is in the s. w. part of the v. Pop. 3,134, Windsor, p-t. Berkshire co. Mass., 120 ms. w. Boston, is on high ground, separating the waters of the Westfield, Deerfield, Hoosic and Housatonic rs. A swamp of 500 acres gives rise to a stream flowing into Westfield r., and another near by sends a stream to Deerfield r. Pop. 1,042. Windsor, p-t. Hartford co. Conn., 6 ms. n. Hartford, 41 n. n. e. New Haven, about 6^ ms. by 8, with 50 sq. ms., was one of the first set- tlements made by white men in Conn. (1636.) For many years it embraced East Windsor. It lies on the w. bank of the Connecticut, and is crossed by Farmington or Tunxis r. There is a very extensive tract of fertile and beautiful meadows in this t., which afford a wide and do- WIN 587 WIT lightful view from the numerous hills which rise in other parts. There is a higher plain, of light sand, much of which is waste. Farming- ton r. is navigable in sloops to the v. bridge, during the spring floods, and for flat bottomed boats at all seasons. Fish are caught in con- siderable quantities. Agriculture is here very flourishing. The principal v. extends for 2 or 3 ms. along a broad and level street, much sha- ded by elms, and contains the mansion of the late chief justice Oliver Ellsworth. Pop. 3,220. Windsor, p-t. Broome co. N. Y., 128 ms. s. s. w. Albany, 15 e. Chenango point, has Penn- sylvania s., and is watered by Susquehannah r. and other streams, flowing through meadows. The uplands afford very good sheep pasture. Valuable locust timber is cut near Oquago, and sent down the r. to Philadelphia and Baltimore, for shipbuilding Pop. 2,180. Windsor, p. v. York co. Pa.,byp-r. 10 ms. e. York, and 36 s. e. Harrisburg. Windsor, p-v. in the sthwstrn. angle of Ash- tabula CO. O. 17 ms. s. s. w. Jefferson, the co. St. and by p-r. 174 ms. n. e. Columbus. WiNFiELD, p-t Herkimer co. N. Y., 75 ms. w. N. w. Albany, 15 s. w. Herkimer, 10 s. Uti- ca, has Otsego co. e. and s., and Oneida co. w., and is supplied with mill seats by the Unadilla &c. Pop. 1,778. WiNHALL, p-t. Bennington co. Vt., 25 ms. n. E. Bennington, 33 s. w. Windsor, 102 Montpe- lier, was first settled during the revolution, and is supplied with mill sites by Winhall r. Pop. 571. Winnebago. (See Fort Winnebago.) WiNNKBAGo, lake, is an expansion of Fox r. of lake Michigan, spreading over a surface of 30 ms. in length, with a mean breadth of 8 ms. Greatest length very nearly from s. to n. It receives some small tributaries from the sthrd., none worth notice from the estrd., but about midway of the wstrn. side enters the comparatively large volume of Fox r. which is again discharged at the nrthwstrn. angle of the lake. See Fox r. of lake Michigan. Lat. 44° traverses the sthrn. end of Winnebago lake. WiNNicuT, or Winniconett r. Merrimac co. N. H., is a small stream running n. into Great Bay of the Piscataqua r. WiNNinsEOGEE, lake, Coos co. N. H., is one of the most picturesque sheets of water in the eastern states, and forms an interesting feature in the fine natural scenery usually embraced in a tour to the White mtns. It is about 22 ms. long from n. w. to s. e., and va- ries in breadth from 1 to 10 ms. Several long capes stretch far into its bosom from different sides, almost dividing it into several parts. Three beautiful bays are thus formed on the w. side, 3 e. and 1 n. Merry-meeting bay, which forms the s. e. extremity, may be almost regarded as a separate lake. The fine shores of the Winnipiseogee present a charming vari- ety of surface, rendered still more attractive by a ride over the undulating country through which the roads pass on both sides, and the in- numerable isls. scattered over the surface. A company has been incorporated, who design to place a steamboat on the lake, to ply between Alton, at the s. e. extremity, and Centre harbor in the N. w., in connection with lines of stage coaches, to form a regular channel of travelling between Boston and Lancaster. The summit of ^ t. Washington is visible on that route, until intercepted by the land when within 5 ms. of Centre harbor. Some of the isls. are large, and contain several farms. One of them has about 500 acres. They are, however, of almost ev. ery size and form, down to mere rocks. The water of this lake is remarkably pure, and abounds in fish, which are often caught through the ice in the winter, and sometimes sent to Boston market. Red mtn. near Centre harbor, commands a delightful view upon the lake ; Squam lake, and many of the mtns. n. The lake is navigated by a few sail boats. It re- ceives a few small streams, and discharges s. w. by Winnipiseogee r. Winnifisiogee, r. Coos co. N. H., the outlet of Winnipiseogee lake, altera short course en- ters Great bay, and afterwards flows through 2 smaller lakes, making a part of the boundary between Merrimack and Coos cos., and falls in- to Pemigewasset r. below Webster's falls. Its whole descent is 232 ft., and there are many- good mill sites on its banks. Winns, p-o. Hall co. Geo., by p-r. 10 miles sthrd. Gainesville, the st. jus., and 133 a little w. of N. Milledgeville. WiNNSBORouGH, p-v. and st. jus. Fairfield dist. S. C, situated 29 ms. almost due n. Columbia, and 25 ms. a little e. of s. Chesterfield. Lat. 34° 24', and long. 4° 07' w. W. C. Winn's Tavern, and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Fluvanna co. Va., 68 ms. n. w. by w. Richmond. WiNSLOw, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., l6 ms. n. E. Augusta, has Sebasticook and Kennebec rs. on the w. boundary, with 2 or 3 ponds and streams flowing into them. Pop. 1,263. WiNTERsviLLE, p-0. Lincoln CO. N. C. WiNTHROp, p-t. Kennebec co. Me., 12 ms. s. w. Augusta. It is crossed >'. and s. by 2 large ponds, connected and discharging into a third on the s. e. boundary, which forms the Cobbos- seconte, a tributary of Kennebec r. Pop. 1,888. WiN'TON, p-v. and st. jus. Hertford co. N. C, is situated on the right bank of Chowan r., about 2 ms. below the junction of Meherrin and Not- taway rs., about 60 ms. s. w. by w. Norfolk in Va., and by p-r. 129 ms. n. e. by e. Raleigh. Lat. 36° 24', and almost on the meridian of W. C. W'NYAw, bay, estuary of Black river, Great Pedee, and Waccamaw rs., Georgetown dist. S. C. This sheet of water opens into the At- lantic ocean from Georgetown entrance. Lat. 33° 10', long. 2° 14' w. W. C. If we consider the head to be the junction of Black river and Great Pedee at or near Georgetown, the length of Winyaw bay thence to Georgetown entrance, will be 14 ms., the mean breadth about 2 ms., and depth of water sufficient to admit large merchant vessels to Georgetown. WiscASSET, p-t. port of entry, and st. jus. Lincoln co. Me., 24 ms. s. Argusta, 14 n. e. Bath, 49 N. e. Portland, 167 n. n. e. Boston, on the w. side of Sheepscot r., has a large and safe harbor, always open at some distance from the sea, with a considerable amount of shipping. Pop. 2,255. WiSENBtjRG, P-V. Lehigh co. Pa., by p-r. 180 ms. N. E. W. C. WiTHAMsviLLE, p-v. Clerinoiit CO. 0., by p-r, 116 ms. s. w. Columbus. WON 588 WOO WoBURN, p-t. Middlesex co. Mass., 10 ms. n. w. Boston, has generally a good soil, with some hills, and is crossed by Middlesex canal. Horn pond affords a natural route for the canal for some distance, and is a favorite resort on ac- count of the beauty of its scenery. First set- tled 1G41. Pop. 1,977. WoLCOTT, p-t. Orleans co. Vt., 22 miles n. Montpelier, 37 n. e. Burlington. It is crossed by Lamoille r., which receives Green r. and Wildbranch. Fish pond is in the n. e. Pop. 492. WoLcoTT, P-t. New Haven co. Conn., 23 ms. s. w. Hartlord. Pop. 844. WoLCOTT, P-t. Wayne co. N. Y., 184 ms. w. Albany, 22 n. Waterloo, 9 n. Erie canal, has lake Ontario n., Cayuga co. e., and contains the greater part of Great Sodus bay and its isls. with East and Port bays. The surface is vari- ed, the streams supplying mill seats. Fish and water fowl abound in Sodus bay, which forms a good harbor at Port Glasgow. Pop. 1,085. WoLCOTTViLLE, p-v. Torrington, Litchfield co. Conn., 24 ms. w. by n. Hartford, has a cotton factory, &c. Wolf r, the nrthrn. constituent of Fox r. of lake Michigan. The most remote sources of Wolf r. rise estrd. of Tomahawk lake, or estrn. source of Chippeway river, and interlocking sources with those of Menomonies r. of Green Bay; Montreal, of Lake Superior; and with those of Ouisconsin. With partial bends, the general course of Wolf r. is sthestrd. 120 ms., whilst Fox r., above their junction, is only about 80 ms. in length. Wolf r. valley lies between those of Ouisconsin, and Menomonies rs., and is traversed a little above midway by lat. 45°. Wolf r. and p-o. Hardin co. Tenn., about 120 ms. s. w. by w. Nashville. WoLFBOROUGH, p-t Strafford co. N. H., 45 ms. from Concord, 45 from Portsmouth, and 105 from Boston, and n.e. Winnipiseogee lake, has a level surface, a rocky but valuable soil, bearing oak, &c. Smith's r. a small stream, rises in a pond, and empties into the lake near the V. which contains an academy, with a fund of ^5,000. First settled 1770. Gov. Went- worth had once a splendid summer residence 5 ms. E. of the v. There is a mineral spring in the t. Pop. 1,928. Wolf Ceeek, p-o. wstrn. part of Morgan co. O., by p-r. 67 ms. n. e. by e. Columbus. WoLFSViLLE, p-v. nrthrn. part Frederick co. Md., by p-r. 54 ms. n. n. w. VV. C. Womack's, p v. estrn. part Wilcox co. Ala., by p-r. s. s. e. Tuscaloosa. WoMELSDORF, p-v. fiod flourishing borough, Berks co. Pa., on the Union canal, 3Fi ms. a lit- tle N. of E. Harrisburg, 15 miles n. w. by w. Reading. WoNAsauATocKET, r. Providence co. R. I., a small stream which supplies a remarkable number of manufactories with water power. There are 25 factories and mills of different kinds and dimensions, which employ about 1,300 persons. The first power looms ever used in R. L were placed on the banks of this stream. There are 2 reservoirs of water owned by the mill companies, 8 ft. deep, and together extending over 200 acres, which supply manu- factories at all seasons. Eight cotton factories it is estimated run 17,900 spindles, 590 looms, employ 650 hands, and manufacture of sheet- ings, shirtings, (some of very fine quality) and of goods for printing, more than 3,Ol)iJ,o6o of yards annually. A woollen factory, with build- ings for dyeing, die. runs 600 spindles, and 21 broadcloth looms, and manufactures 2,225 yds. per ann. There is also an oil, and a brown' pa- per manufactory, and a manufactory of hat bo- dies, where 200 lbs. of wool are used per day, and 300,000 hat bodies are made annually. Wood cr., Washington co. N. Y., runs n. 23 ms. by the v. of Fort Ann, to the s. end of lake Champlain, terminating at the village of White- hall. It receives Pawlet r. from Vt., and now serves as the channel of the Champlain canal for some miles, the water being set back by dam. ming. It was formerly used for batteaux and canoe navigation on the route between the lake and Hudson r. It is locked at its mouth by 3 large locks, by which boats are raised from the lake. Wood cr., Oneida co. N. Y., receives Fish cr., and flows into Oneida lake. It has long served as part of the route for boat navigation between Mohawk r. and lake Ontario, there be- ing a carrying place from its banks to that stream. A canal has since been dug across. Wood, co. Va., bndd. n. e. by Tyler and Har- rison COS., e. by Lewis, s. e by Kenhawa, s. w. by Mason, and by the O. r. which separates it from Meigs and Athens cos. O. on the w., and from Washington co. O. n. Length from s. w. to N. E. 36 ms., mean breadth 30, and area 1,080 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 5,)' to 39*^ 22', and in long, from 3° 52' to 4° 10' w. W. C. The far greater part of Wood is included in the valley of Little Kenhawa, with a nrthwstrn. declivity. Surface excessively broken, with much good soil. Cf. t. Parkersburgh. Pop. 1820,5,860; 1830, 6,429. Wood, co. O., bndd. by Sandusky co. e., Sen- eca s. E., Hancock s., Henry w., Lenawee co. Mich. N. w., and Monroe co. Mich. n. It is a parallellogram of the same length and breadth as the adjacent co. of Henry, 33 ms. from s. to N., with a breadth ol 27 ms., area 8ri4 sq. ms. L-u. 41° 26', long. W. C. 6° 38' w. Slope south, estrd., and traversed in that direction by Port- age r. to the s. e., and Maumee n. w. Cf. t. Perrysburgh. Pop. 1,102 WooDCRiDGE, t. New Haven, co. Conn., 7 ms. N. w. New Haven, 40 s. w. Hartford, about 4 ms. by 5, is hilly and rough, with much good timber, and watered by West and Wapawaug rs. Pop. 2,049. WooDBRiDGE. p-t. Middlesex co. N. J., 42 ms. N. E. Trenton, 3 w. n. w. Amboy, has Sussex CO. N., Rahwav r. and the Kills e., and Raritan r. s. Pop. 3,969. Woodbury, p-t. Caledonia co. Vt., 15 ms. n. E. Montpelier, first settled about 18 0, contains more ponds than any other t. in the state, and is watered by streams of Lamoille and Onion rs. Pop. 824. Woodbury, p-t. Litchfield co. Conn., 36 ms. s. w. Hartford, 25 n. w. N. Haven, 15 from Litch- field. It has about 41 sq. ms., an irregular sur- face, with a rich soil, favorable to grain, fruit, &c., with a variety of timber. The branches of Pomperaug r. afford mill seats, and unite in this t. Pop. 2,049. Woodbury, st. jus. and p-v. Deptfort, Glou- woo i cester co. N. J., 39 ir.s. s. by w. Trenton, 9 s. Philadelphia, is on Wondury r. near the Dela- ware. Woodbury, p-v. in the nrthrn, part of Bed- ford CO. Pa., 17 ms. n. n. e. Bedford, and by p-r. 136 ms. N. w. W. C. Woodcock, p-v. in the sthestrn. part of Craw- ford CO. Pa., by p-r. 305 ms. n. w. W. C. Woodcock, valley and p-o. Huntingdon co. Pa. Woodford, t. Bennington co. Vt., 6 miles e. Bennington, 24 w. Brattleborough, 50 s. Rut- land, first settled after the revolution, has a pond of 100 acres near the centre, which gives rise to a branch of Walloomscoic r. Other streams water different parts. The surface is moun- tainous, and much of it is useless. Pop. 395. Woodford, co. Ky., bndd. by Franklin n. w., Scott N. E., Lafayette e., Jessamine s. e., Ky. r. separating it from Mercer s. w., and Ander- son w. Length from s. to n. 22, mean breadth 7, and area 154 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 38° 53' to 39° ir, and in long, from 7° 36' to 7° 50' w. W. C. The declivity of this narrow CO. is wstrd. towards Ky. r. The soil is gene- rally excellent. Cf t. Versailles. Pop. 182 J, 12,207; 1830, 12,294. Wood Gkove, and p-o. in the nrthrn. part of Loudon CO. Va., by p-r. 44 ms. n. w. W. C. Wood Grove, and p-o. N. C, 13 ms. from Sa- lisbury, and by p-r. 131 ms. a little s. of w. Ra- leigh, WooDHULL, t. Steuben co. N. Y., 236 ms. s. s. w. Albany. Pop. 501. Woodland's, p-o. in the nrthrn. part of O. co. Va., 271 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. WooDLAWN, p-o. in the nrthrn. part of Hano- ver CO. Va., 30 ms. nrthrd. Richmond, and by p-r. 105 ms. w. of n. W. C. WooDLAWN, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Edge- field dist. S. C, by p-r. 123 ms. wstrd. Colum- bia, and 45 ms. wstrd. Edgefield c. h. Woodpecker's Level, and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Franklin co. Va., 23 ms. wstrdly. from Rocky Mount, the co. St., and by p-r. 286 ms. s. w. W. C. Woodruff's, p-o. near Bethel meeting house, in the sthrn. part of Spartanburg dist. S. C, 18 ms. a little w. of s. Spartanburg c. h., and by p-r. 92 ms. n. w. Columbia. Wood's, p-o. Knox co. Ten., by p.r, ^13 m.s. E. Nashville. WooDSBORouGii, p-v. Frederick co. Md., 10 ms. N. N. e. Frederick, and by p-r. 54 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Wood's Ferry, and p-o. in the s'hrn. part of Green co. Ten., 10 ms. from Greenville, and by p-r. 262 ms. e. Nashville. Woodsfield, p-v. and st. jus. Monroe co. O. It is situated on Sunfish cr., 26 ms. s. s. w. St. Clairsville, and by p-r. 140 ms. estrd. Colum- bus. Lat. 39° 48', long. W. C. 4° 04 w. Pop. 157. Wood's Hill, p-o. Roane co. Ten. Wood's Mills and p-o. Galia co. O., by p-r. 94 ms. s. s. E. Columbus. Woodstock, p-t. Oxford co. Me., 40 ms. w. Augusta, G N. Paris, contains mountainous hills, with several ponds emptying s. into little An- droscoggin r. Pop. 573. Woodstock, p-t. and st. jus. Windsor co. Vt., 11 ms. N. w. Windsor, 46 s. Montpelier, first i 9 WOO settled 1768, was exposed to Indian incursions in the revolutionary war, and often to wild beasts. The surface is varied, the soil good, and agriculture flourishing. Here is a bank. Apples thrive remarkably well. Queechy r. and two of its branches aflord mill sites. There are 2 villages. Pop. 3,044. Woodstock, p-t. Windham co. Conn., 45 ms. a little N. of E. Hartford, 33 n. w. Providence, 66 s. w. Boston, and has the Mass. line on the N. boundary. It is about 7 by 8 ms., has an ir- regular surface, a soil good for grazing, &,c., is watered by Muddy brook and other streams, and has several factories. Pop. 2,915. Woodstock, p-t. Ulster co. N. Y., 57 ms. s. Albany, 14 n. w. Kingston, has Greene co. n., is mountainous. There is a good fish pond. The N. Y. crown and cylinder glass co. here manu- facture 1,500 boxes of window-glass monthly, employing 50 persons. Pop. 1,375. Woodstock, p-v. and st.jus. Shenandoah co. Va., situated wstrd. of the north fork of She- nandoah r., 32 ms. s. s. w. Winchester, and by p-r. 100 ms. a little s. of w. W. C. Lat. 38° 51', and long. 1° 34' w. W. C. Wood's Store and p-o. Coweta co. Geo., by p-r. 145 ms. n. w. by w. Milledgeville. Wood's Store and p-o. Carroll co. Tenn., by p-r. 136 ms. w. Nashville. Woodstown, p-v. Pilesgrove, Salem co. N. J., 55 ms. s. w. Trenton, 12 n. e. Salem, 26 s. s. w. Philadelphia. Woodville, p-Vi-in the wstrn. angle of Cul- pepper CO. Va., by p.r. 97 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 115 n. w. Richmond. Woodville, p-v. in the nrthrn. part of Per- quimans CO. N. C, by p-r. 271 ms. a little e. of s, W. C, and 177 n. e. by e. Raleigh. Woodville, p-v. and st.jus. Jackson co. Ala., 185 ms. N. e. Tuscaloosa. Woodville, p-v. and st. jus. Wilkinson co. Misp., 38 ms. a httle e. of s. Natchez, and 180 ms. N. w. New Orleans. Lat. 31° 07', long. 14° 27' w. VV. C. This village is situated in a fine rolling country, which is one of the most productive cotton districts in the U. S. Pop. 900. Woodward's Store and p-o. in the estrn. part of the parish of East Feliciana, La., by p-r. 118 ms. N. w. by w. New Orleans. Woolwich, p-t. Lincoln co. Me., 32 ms. s. Augusta, 7 w. Wiscasset v., has Kennebec r. w., and a strait connected with it on the s., with one or two'small streams. Pop. 1,495. Woolwich, t. Gloucester co. N. J., 55 ms. s. w. Trenton, has Oldman's cr. s.. Raccoon cr. N., and Del.' r. w. in which are several isls. It is opposite Marcus Hook, Pa. Pop. 3,033. Woonsocket Falls, v. in the ts. of Smith- field and Cumberland, Providence co. R. I., 17 ms. N. Providence, is a flourishing manufac- turing village, on Blackstone r., near the line of Mass. I'here are 2 cotton factories, one of them of stone, with 4,000 spindles ; another of 2,500 spindles; another of stone with 4,000; another with 2,500 spindles, &c. &c. The whole number of spindles in this place, is about 20,000. 2,617,000 yards of cotton goods are annually manufactured, besides 30, OOOyards of satinet) in a single establishment. There is also a furnace, where castings are annually made amounimg to $35,000 ; a whetstone man- WOR 590 WOR ufactory, and 4 machine shops. There is also a bank in the village. Pop. about 2,000. WoosTER, p-v. and st. jus. Wayne co. O., on Killbuck branch of White Woman's r., 86 ms. N. E. Colunibti.s. Lat. 40° 48', long. W. C. 5° w. Pop. 1,000. Worcester, t. Washington co. Vt., 10 ms. n. Montpelier, 31 e. Burlington; first settled 1797, watered by the .\. branch of Onion r. which af. fords mill sites, and along its course is a road through the mountains. It is mountainous w., and rough in other parts. Pop. 432. Worcester, co. Mass., bndd. by N. Hamp. shire n., Middlesex and Norfolk cos, e., Con. necticuts., Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin COS. w. It is the largest in the state, with a varied surface, a soil generally good, and many flourishing agricultural townships and manufac- luring villages. Its limits comprehend some of the places first settled after the early colonists of N. England began to leave the sea coast, and several of these were scenes of blood in Philip's war. It is watered by numerous streams, some of which form Nashua r.N. e., others Pawtuck- et r. s. E., Quinebaug s., Chickopee r. s. w., and Miller's r. n. w. The mill sites are numerous, many of which are occupied by large manufac- tories, particularly pt Ware, along the Black- stone, &c. Worcester is the cf. t. and st. jus. The trade of this co. is chiefly carried on with Boston, some with Providence, and is somewhat diverted in other directions. It con- tains 55 towns. Pop. 1820, 73,625, 1830, 84,365. Worcester, p-t. and st. jus. Worcester co. Mass., is situated 40 ms. w. by s. Boston, 40 n. N. w. Providence, and 60 e. n. e. Hartford. The soil of the town is generally fertile, is well cul- tivated, and its surface is pleasant and finely varied. It was first settled in 1685, and suffer- ed much in its earlier history from the attacks of the natives; it was finally permanently set- tled in 1713, and incorporated in 1722. Tat- muck and Bogachoak hills were once the sites of Indian villages. The head waters of Blackstone river unite in this town. The v. of Worcester is one of the most flourishing and beautiful in New England, and is a great thoroughfare for travellers, some important roads passing through it. It lies principally on one street, about a mile in length, broad, lined with trees, and nearly on a level. Other streets diverge, some of them at right angles, from it. The vil- lage contains several pubHc buildings, a court house, which cost 1^20,000; 4 handsome church- es, 3 for Congregationalists, and 1 for Baptists ; a county penitentiary, or house of correction, a spacious building; the Mass. lunatic hospital, a town hall, and a jail 32 ft. by 64, and 3 stories high. Many of the dwellings are elegant, and display much taste in their exterior. There are also several fine country seats in the iinme- diate vicinity of the village. The lunatic hos- pital is located a little out, on a commanding eminence, and is a spacious and handsome structure of brick, 256 feet in length, consisting of a centre and wings. Its interior arrange- ment is admirable, and it is calculated for the accommodation of llO to 120 patients. This institution is liberally endowed by the State, and in July, 1833, it contained 109 patients. The American Antiquarian Society have a fine hall, in which is a library of about 8,000 vols., among which are many rare and ancient books, many on American history ; it has also a valuable cab- inet. To this institution, which was founded by the late Isaiah Thomas, strangers have free access. Pour weekly newspapers are publish- ed here. The printing of books was extensive- ly carried on here after the revolution, by Mr. Thomas, who published in 1791, the first folio Bible printed in the U. S. The Blackstone ca- nal, 45 ms. in length, extending to Providence, terminates here, and affords boat navigation to that place ; this canal, with a rail-road to Bos- ton, which will be completed early in 1834, must prove of great advantage to Worcester. Another rail-road, to extend from Norwich, Conn., to Worcester, 60 ms., has also been in- corporated, surveyed, and the stock subscribed for. In the village, and town, are many and various manufactories, and a quarry of soap stone has recently been found in the vicinity. Pop. 4,173. Worcester, p-t. Otsego co. N. Y., 59 ms. s. w. Albany, 16 s. e. Cooperstown. It has Scho- harie CO. s. E., Delaware co. s., and is crossed by Shenevas cr., which flows through rich meadows. It has good soil and mill sites. Pop. 2,093. Worcester, p.o. Montgomery co. Pa., about 21 ms. N. w. Philadelphia. The tsp. of Wor- cester lies on the e. side of Skippack cr., be- tween Gwynned and Norriston. Worcester, co. Md., the extreme sthestrn, CO. of that state, bndd. by Accomac co. Va. s., Somerset co. Md., w., Sussex co. Del., n., and by the Atlantic e. Length from s. to n. 30 ms., mean width, including its islands, 25, excluding these, 20, the area with that of the isls. about 700 sq. ms. Most maps extend this co., and of course the state of Md. to lat. 58° ; this is a mistake ; the sthrn. boundary is not along a curve of lat. but is on the Atlantic ocean about 3 minutes, and on Pocomoke bay upwards of 1 minute N.ot lat. 38. The nrthrn. boundary is on lat. 38° 28', and the co. lies between long. 1° 24' and 1° 55' e. W. C. The declivity is to the s. w., and it is drained in that direction by Pocomoke r. which is discharged into Chesa- peake bay. The surface is level and soil san- dy. Cf. t. Snow Hill. Pop. 1820, 17,421, 1830, 18,271. Workman, p.o. Morgan co. II., by p-r. 132 ms. N. w. Vandalia. Worthington, p-t. Hampshire CO. Mass., 119 ras. w. Boston. It is situated on the e. declivi- ty of the Green mtn. range, has Westfield r. on the s. w. line, into which smaller streams flow. The surface is agreeably diversified, and the soil good. Several kinds of minerals are found in this t., titanium, &c. Pop. 1,179. WoRTHiNGTON, p-0. Muhlenburg co. Ky., by p-r. 177 ms. s. w. by w. Frankfort. WoRTHiNGTON, p-t. Sharou tsp. Franklin co. 0., 9 ms. N. Columbus, and 58 w. Zanesville. The village is finely situated on the e. side Whet, stone r. There is a public square in the cen- tre of the town. It contains 3 churches, one of which is a very handsome edifice, of brick, and a ' reformed medical college ;' the buildings of the town are many of them neat, and brick is much uspd in building. Three professorships are attached to the college, whjch are now ably YAN 591 YAU filled, and it has a medical and students' library, chemical apparatus, botanical garden, &c. Number of students about 30. Pop. 314. Wrentham, p-t. Norfolk co. Mass., 24 ms. w. s. w. Boston, has the R. I. line s., with sev- eral ponds and streams, some of which flow into Charles, and others into Taunton and Neponset rs. There are several manufactories in this t., an academy, &c. Pop. 2,698. Wrightsboro', p-v. in the wstrn. part of Co- lumbia CO. Geo., by p-r. 78 ms. n. e. by e. Mil- ledgeville. Wright's Mills, and p-o. Mason co. Va., by p-r. 315 ms. s. w. by w. W. C, and 315 ms. n. w. by w Richmond. Wrightsville, p-v. on Susquehannah r. York CO. Pa., 11 ms. N. E. by e. from York, and 11 a little s. of w. from the city of Lancaster. It stands directly opposite Columbia in Lancaster CO. Wrightsville, p-v. Duplin co, N. C, by p-r. 113 ms. s. E. Raleigh. Wyalusing, large cr. of Pa., rising in the western part of Susquehannah co., from which flowing southwestward falls into Susquehannah r. in Bradford. Wyalusing, tsp. lies along and contiguous to the Susquehannah r. above and below the mouth of Wyalusing cr. In this tsp. there are two post offices, Wyalusing, and Wyalusing centre, the former near the mouth of the cr., and the latter 6 ms. above, on the cr. Wyalusing is distant from W. C. 254 ms., and from Harris- burg 143 ms. Wyatt's Ferry, and p-o. Randolph co. Va., by p-r. 229 ms. w. W. C. Wye, r. or rather cr. separating Talbot from Queen Anne co. Maryland. Wye r. mills and p-o. in the n. wetrn. part of Talbot CO. Md., 12 nis. n. Easton, the co. s t and 30 ms. a littles, of e. Annapolis. Wye Mills and p-o. nthrn. part of Talbot co. Md., by p-r. 17 ms. n. Easton, the co. St., and 67 ms. E. W. C. Wylliesburgh, p-v. Charlotte co. Va., by p-r. 107 ms. s. w. Richmond. Wynant's Kill, cr. Rensselaer co. N. Y., enters Hudson r. at Troy, after supplying valua- ble mill seats, "i ms. s. Foesten kill. It is about 15 ms. long. Wy^oming, valley, Pa. {See Wilkcsbarre.) Wyoming, p-v. in the sthrn. part of Dinwiddie CO. Va., by p-r. 54 ms. sthrd. Richmond. Wysox, small cr. of Bradford co. Pa. Wysox, p-o. is on the Wysox cr. e. of the Susquehannah r., 5 ms. n. e. Towanda, and by p-r. 130 ms. n. Harrisburg. Wythe, co. Va., bndd. by Smyth s. w., WaU ker's mtn. dividing it from Tazewell, n. w. and Giles N. ; on the n. e. it bounds on Montgomery, and on the s. E. Iron mtn. separates it from Grayson. Length from s. w. to n. e. 30 ms., mean breadth 22, and area 660 sq. ms. Lat. 37° and long. W. C. 4° w. intersect near its centre. Since the formation of Smyth co., the N. estrn. part of which was taken from Wythe, the latter is entirely within the valley of New River, and slopes to the n. e. New river tra- verses Iron mtn., flowing from Grayson into Wythe, winding over the n. estrn. section of the latter, and receiving Reed cr. from the w. Comparing the elevation of Wythe with that of Giles, Monroe and Greenbrier, the mean ocean, ic elevation of the former must exceed 1600 ft. above tide water. Cf. t Evansham. Pop, 12,163, but including part of what is now corn, prised in Smyth co, Wythb, c, h. (See Evansham.) Xenii, p-y. and st. jus. Greene co. 0., by p-r. | It contains the co. buildings, 2 printing offices, 57 ms. s. w. by w. Columbus, and 55 ms. n. n. 3 churches, 10 or 12 mercantile stores, and E. Cincinnati. It is situated on a branch of Lit- 917 inhabitants, tie Miami. Lat. 39° 40', long. W, C. 6° 53' w, Yadkin r, (See Great Pedee r.) Yadleyville, p-v. Bucks co. Pa., by p-r. 29 ms. northwardly Phila. Yancey's Mills, and p-o. Albemarle co. Va., by p-r. 97 ms. s. w. by w. W. C. Yantic, r. New London co. Conn., is a small branch of the Thames, falling into the head of the cove, in Norwich, which communicates with the main stream at the landing. At its mouth it descends an abrupt ledge of solid granite, in- to which it has worn deep holes. The water is received into a deep and still pool at the foot of the falls, which is overshadowed by a rocky bank 60 or 80 ft. high, from which a body of Mohegan Indians once precipitated themselves, when pursued by their enemies, the Narragan- setts. This fall has been dammed, and a canal on the N. bank leads the water to several large manufactories, around which has recently been built a large and flourishing v., chiefly situated under the steep bank at the head of the cove. The Thames manufactaring co. on Yantic r., have a brick cotton factory 47 ft. by 120, 5 sto. ries with 3,200 spindles, 120 looms, and 150 hands, using 750 bales of cotton annually, and making a million of yards of shirting and sheet, ing. They have an iron foundry, a rolling and slitting mill, and a nail factory, and use 750 tons of iron annually. Near them the Williams manufacturing company run 1,800 spindles, and a paper mill makes 60 reams a day, on 4 Fou- dieneir machines. Another factory makes 50,- 000 yards ot flannel per annum. At an upper fall the Norwich manufacturing company make 18,000 yards of carpet per annum. Another cotton factory is to be built at the falls of She- tucket r. for 2,000 spindles. There is also a comb, button, and oil mill. Yarmouth, p-t. Barnstable co. Mass., 70 ms, s. E. Boston, occupies the bieadthof Cape Cod, at a narrow part, with Cape Cod bay n., and the Atlantic s. It has a very poor soil, con- sisting of loose sand, and the town is very poor ; a considerable quantity of salt, and glauber YEL 592 YOR salts are made here annually from sea water. At the s. w. corner is Lewis' bay, on which is Hyannis harbor, a place of some coasting trade. Pop. 2,251. Yates, go. N. Y., bndd. by Ontario co. n. and w., Seneca lake or Seneca co. e., and Steuben co. s. The n. ends of Crooked lake penetrate the co. from the s., and Canandaigua lies on the n. w. corner. The surface and soil are various. Bluffpoint is a tongue of land ex- tending s. between the n. arms of Crooked lake. The outlet of that lake, Flint cr., &c. water different parts of this co. It contains 7 ts. and Penn-Yan, 191 ras. w. Albany, is the st. jus. It was formed in 1823, out of Ontario co. Pop. 19,009. Yates, p-t. Orleans co. N. Y., 30 ms. n. w. Batavia, has lake Ontario n., and Niagara co. w. The surface is slightly varied, is crossed by the Ridge road, and is watered by Johnson's creek, &c. Pop. 1,538. Yazoo, r. of the state of Misp., having its re- mote sources in the northern part of the state, lat. 34° 45', interlocking sources with those of Tombigbee branch of Ala., Silver cr. flowing into Ten. r., and Wolf r. flowing into Misp. r. in the state of Ten. Winding from this ele- vated tract the Yazoo r. winds to the s. w. en- tering the Misp. at lat. 32° 22', after a course of about 200 ms. As laid down on Tanner's U. S., there is an outlet represented as leaving the left bank of the Misp. 25 or 30 ms. above the mouth of St. Francis r. This outlet, after flowing to s. E. 10 or 12 ms., separates into two channels. The left or estni. is continued to s. s. E. 70 ms. to its union with the Yazoo, about 125 ms. above the mouth of the latter. The right or western channel after a comparative course of l50 ms. is also united to the Yazoo, at the northeastern angle of Warren co. 25 ms. above the mouth. If these delineations are cor- rect, there is included in the state of Misp., an elliptical annually inundated tract of 170 ms. long, between the Yazoo and Misp. rs., with a breadth where widest, of 70 ms., and a mean breadth of at least 40, with an area of 6,800 eq. ms. Yellow Branch, p-o. in the western part of Campbell co. Va., by p-r. 135 ms. a little s. of w. Richmond. Yellow Creek, Furnace, and p-o., Mont. gomery co. Ten., 16 ms. wstrd. Clarksville, the CO. St., and by p-r. 64 ms. n. w. by w. Nash- ville. Yellow Stone, r. (See Missouri.) Yellow Springs, and p-o. in the northern part of Huntingdon co. Pa. 15 ras. n. w. Hun- tingdon, and by p-r. 163 ms. n. n. w. W. C. Yellow Springs, p-o. Claiborne co. Ten., by p-r. 255 ms. a little n. of e. Nashville. Yellow Springs, p-v. nrthrn. part of Green CO. O., 9 ms. nrthrd. Xenia, and by p-r. 52 ms. a little s. of w. Columbus. Yellow Water, r. of Ala. and Flor., rises in Covington co. of the former, between Choc- taw, and Cunecuh rs., and flowing thence to the s. w., enters Walton co. of Flor., which it traverses, and inclining more to the wstrd. en. ters Escambia co., there receiving Shoal river from the e. it is finally lost in the estrn. arm of Pensacola bay, after a course of 80 ms. (See Escambia, Conecuh, ^c.) Yocom's p-o. in the northern part of Wash- ington CO. Ky., 38 ms. s. w. Frankfort. YoNGUEsviLLE, p-0. nrthrn. part of Fairfield dist. S. C, 12 ms. northward Winnsboro', the St. jus., and by p-r. 41 ms. in a similar direction from Columbia. Yonkers, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 18 ms. N. N. Y., 10 s. w. VVhiteplains, 131 s. Al- bany, has Hudson r. w., Bronx cr. e., and N. York CO. s. It extends about 8 ms. on the Hudson, and 3 ms. is its average width ; it is crossed by Saw mill cr. with a branch of the Bronx n. e., on which are mill seats. The ground is uneven, and there are several emi- nences in the t. celebrated for events in the revolution ; part of Valentine's hill. Boar hill, Tetard's hill, and the heights of Fordham, with the site of fort Independence. Philipsburg, now called Yonker's, is a small v., with a land, ing at the mouth of Bronx cr. where a steam- boat touches daily. Pop. 1,761. York r., York co. Me. is a small stream emptying into the Atlantic, with a broad mouth, and depth of water for vessels of 200 tons, forming a good harbor. York, r. Va., formed by two main branches, Pamunkey and Mattapony. (See Pamunkey and Mattapony.) Below the union of its con- stituent streams, York r. is rather a bay, vary- ing from 2 to 3 ms. in width, extending to the s. e. 27 ms., and thence e. 12 ms. into Chesa. peake, between York and Gloucester cos. Below the junction of Pamunkey and Matta- poney rivers, York bay does not receive a tribu. tary above the size of a small cr. It admits ships of any size to or near the Great Bend at Yorktown, but above admits only coasting ves- sels. Including all its confluents the valley of York r. lies between those of James and Rap. pahannoc. The greatest length 120 ms. from the mouth of York r. to the extreme source of North Anna r. in South West Mtn. ; but, if taken with this extent, the mean width would not exceed 20 ms., and at the utmost breadth, only about 45 miles. The area 2,600 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 15' to 38° 16', and long. 0° 41' e. to 1° 22' w. W. C. York, co. Me., bndd., by Oxford co. w., Cumberland co. k. e., the Atlantic e., and N. Plampshire w. and s. w. It has Ossipee r. on the N. line, Saco r. on part of the n. e. line, and Salmon falls r. and Piscataqua r. w. and s. w. Saco r. crosses the n. e. part and enters the sea at Saco. Below this are Kennebunk and York rs. besides several smaller streams flowing into the ocean. The coast is generally rocky and vi^aste, with cape Porpoise, Fletcher's Neck, Bald Head, cape Neddook, and Kittery Point, and several harbors at Saco, Kennebunk, Wells and York. Portsmouth harbor is near the south boundary of this co. Some of the early settlements in New England were made at York, Wells, &c., and suffered greatly from the fear and violence of savages. Considerable foreign trade has long been cairied on, chiefly with the West Indies; and the coasting trade and fisheries are valuable. There is a great diversity of soil, and a considerable variety of surface ; but there is no very elevated land in this CO. It contains 24 tsps., and its capitals are York and Alfred. Pop. 1820, 46,283; t 1830, 51,722. YOR 593 YOU York, p-t. port of entry and one of the seats jus. York CO. Me., 99 ms. s. w. Augusta, 42 s. w. Portland, 9 n. n. e. Portsmouth, 67 n. e. Bos- ton, is a place of considerable trade. York r. crosses it and empties into the ocean, affording a good harbor for vessels of 200 tons. The Agamenticus hills are m the n. w. part, and much of the sea coast is rocky, barren, and in- capable of cultivation. Cape Neddock, about on the E. line, is an iron bound promontory. Near the v. the soil is very good and the land level. This place was laid out for a large city by its early inhabitants, and the lines ran at right angles. Pop. 3,485. York, p-t. Livingston co. N. Y., 237 ms. from Albany, 7 n. n. w. Geneseo, has Genesee co. n. and w., Genesee r. e., on which is the Conewa- go Reservation. The streams are small and mill sites few, but the soil is generally good, especially on the Genesee. Pop. 2,636. York, one of the southern cos. of Pa., bndd. by Adams co. w., Cumberland n. w., Susque- hannah r. separating it from Dauphin n. and Lancaster n, e. and e., by Plartford co. in Md. s. E., Baltimore co. in Md. s., and Frederick CO. Md. s. w. York co. bounds on Md. 42 ms., but the longest part is a line parallel to the general course of Susquehannah r. 48 miles, mean width 18, and area 8G4 sq. ms. Extend- ing in lat. from 39° 42' to 40° 43', and in long. from 0° 04' w. to 0= 46' e. VV . C. The nrthrn. and central sections comprising the much larger part of this co., decline to the nrthestrd. and are drained into the Susquehannah, in that di- rection by Codorus, Conewago, and Yellow Breeches crs. The extreme sthestrn. angle has an estrn. declivity. The face of the co., though broken by hills and decorated by some minor mtn. ridges, has much sameness of cha- racter. The soil is generally good, and much of it excellent. Staples, grain, livestock, &c. Cf. t. the borough of York. Pop. 1820, 38,759 ; 1830, 42,858. York, p-t. borough and st. jus. York co. Pa. situated on Codorus or.. 41 ms. a little s. of w. Lancaster, and by p-r. 87 ms. a little e. of n. W. C, and 24 s s. e. Harrisburg. Lat. 39° 57', and long. 0° 17' e. W. C. The site of York is a plain, and the streets cross each other at right angles. York is a wealthy and thriving town, and contains many fine buildings. Among the public edifices are a court house and other county buildings, of briek ; an aca- demy ; a jail, built of stone, an alms house, and 9 churches, all of different denominations, eight of which are also built of brick. A slack water navigation along the Codorus creek, late- ly completed, affords a communication with the Susquehannah. Pop. 1820,3,545 ; 1830,4,216. York, co. Va., bndd. by Elizabeth City co. s. E., Warwick s., James City w. and n. w., York r. separating it from Gloucester n. and Chesapeake bay e. Greatest length along York bay 34 ms., mean width 6 and area 204 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 37° 08' to 37" 23', and in long, from 0° 12' to 0° 46' e. W. C. Narrow as is this comparatively lengthened co., it oc- cupies nearly one half of the width of the pe- ninsula between James and York rs. Declivi- ty nrthrd. towards the latter. The soil is gene- rally good. Cf. t. Yorktown. Pop. 1820, 14,384 ; 1830, 5,334. York, dist. S. C, bndd. by Lancaster dist. E., Chester dist. s., on the w. by Broad r. sepa- rating it from Union and Spartanburg dist., on the N. by Lincoln co. N. C, and n. e. by Ca- tawba r. separating it from Mecklenburg co. N. C. Length from e. to w. 35, breadth 23, and area about 800 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 48' to 3 j° 07', and in long, from 3° 55' to 4° 40' w. W. C. This dist. occupying the whole space between Catawba and Broad rs. contains part of two inclined plains. The Broad r. plain, or that on the wstrd., declines a little w. of s., and is drained by Turkey, Bullock's, Kings, and Buffaloe crs. The opposing or estrn. plain declines sthestrd. and discharges in that direc- tion Fishing, Alison's, and Crowder's crs. Sur- face hilly. Cf. t. Yorkville. Pop. 1820, 1 4,. 936, 1830, 17,790. York. {See Yorkville, York dist. S. C.) York, p-v. fcandusky co. 0. by p-r. 114 ms. N. Columbus. York, p-v. on Wabash r. extreme n. e. angle of Crawford co. 11. by p-r. 133 ms. a little n. of E. Vandalia. York Cross Roads and p-o. Sandusky co. 0. by P-r. 101 ms. n. Columbus. York Haven, p-v. on the Susquehannah r. op. posite East Conewago, and in the nrthestrn. part of York co. Pa., by p-r. 10 ms. n. from the borough of York, and 14 ms. below and s. e. Harrisburg. Yorkshire, p-t. Cataraugus co. N. Y., 274 ms. w. by s. Albany, 14 n. n. e. Ellicottville, it has Cataraugus cr. n. which separates it from Erie co., with a slightly uneven surface. Lime- stone lake, 1 m. by 2, in the e. gives rise to a tributary of Cataraugus cr. Pop. 823. York, Sulphur springs and p-o. in the nrthrn. part of Adams co. Pa., by p-r. 20 ms. s. s. w. Harrisburg, and 14 n. n. e. Gettysburg. Yorktown, p-t. Westchester co. N. Y., 116 ms. s. Albany, 45 n. New York, 8 n. w. Bed- ford, it has Putnam co. n. and is generally hilly, with a pretty good soil, often stony, and much improved by the use of gypsum. Pop. 2,141. Yorktown, p-v. port of entry and st. jua. for York CO. Va., situated on the right bank of York r., 11 ms. above the mouth, 33 n. w. Nor- folk, by p-r. 175 ms. s. s. e. W. C, and 72 s. E. by e. Richmond. Lat. 37° 14', long. 0° 30' E. W. C. Yorkville, p-v. and st. jus. York dist. S. C, 22 ms. N. Chesterville, and by p-r. 78 ms. a lit- tle w. of N. Columbia. Lat. 3i° 58', long, 4° 18' w. W. C. YouGH Glades, p-o. in the wstrn. part of Al- leghany CO. Md., 33 ms. wstrd. Cumberland and by p-r. 165 ms. n. w. by w. W. C. YouGHiOGHANY, r. of Pa., Md. and Va., hav- ing its most remote source in Preston co. of the latter state, bat deriving its most numer- ous sthrn. tributaries from the valley between the Back Bone and Laurel mtns., Alleghany co. Md. From this elevated tract the main stream flows nearly due n. 35 ms., enters Pa. between Fayette and Somerset cos., within which it thence flows about 8 ms. direct course to where it is joined hyCastleman's r., an equal or proba- bly a superior stream, entering from the n. e. Some of the southern fountains of Castleman's r. rise in Alleghany co. Md., but the greater part of its tributaries flow from Somerset co. 594 BEE APPENDIX. BUN Pa., and rise in the same valley with the conflu- ents of Youghioghany. Below the union of the 2 main branches, the Youghioghany assuming aN. wstrn. course, continues in that direction 60 ms. to its junction with the Monongahela at Mac Kees port, in Alleghany co. Where Youghio- ghany is traversed by the U. S, road at Smith- field, the water level is 1,405 ft. above that of the Atlantic. The extreme heads of this stream have an elevation exceeding 2,500 ft. ; the mouth being elevated about 700 ft., the entire fall must be ],800 ft. The whole valley of Youghioghany is either mountainous or very hilly and broken. Young's Cross Roads and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Lauderdale co. Ala., 14 ms. westerly Florence, the co. seat, and 160 a little w. of n. Tuscaloosa. Young's Store and p-o. in the wstrn. part of Laurens dist. S. C, by p.r. 88 ms. n. westerly Columbia. Young's Mills and p-o. Knox co. O., 9 ms. n. Mount Vernon, the co. st., and 54 n. e. Colum- bus. YouNGSTOWN, p-v. Niagara co, N. Y., 304 ms. w. Albany, 6 n. Lewistown, is situated oa Niagara r. YouNGSTowN, p-v. (on the great western road from Philadelphia to Pittsburg) Westmoreland CO. Pa., 10 ms. e. Greensburg, the co. St., and by p-r. 182 ms. N. w. W. C. It is a small v., of a single street along the road. YouNGSTowN, p-v. on the Mahoning branch of Big Beaver r., and in the s. estrn. part of Trumbull co. O., 18 ms. below Warren the co. St., and by p-r. 168 ms. n. e. by e. Colum- bus. YouNGsviLLE, p-v. in the n. wstrn. part of Warren co. Pa., 17 ms. n. w. Warren, and by p-r. 330 ms. n. w. W. C. Young Womanstown, p-v. on Young Wo- man's cr., and in the n. wstrn. part of Lycoming CO. Pa., by p-r. 50 ms. n. w. Williamsport, the CO. St., and 138 n. n. w. Harrisburg. Yj?silanti, p-v. Washtenaw co. iVIich., by p-r. 32 ms. w. Detroit. Zanesfield, or Zanestown, p-v. in the estrn part of Logan co. 0., by p-r. 57 ms. n. w. Co- lumbus. Zanesville, a flourishing p.t. and st. jus., Muskingum co. O., 60 ms. n. w. Marietta, 58 e. Columbus, 74 nearly w. Wheeling, Va., and 336 N. w. by w. W. C, in lat. 40°, long. 5° 2' w. W. C. It is situated on the e. side of Muskin- gum river, at the falls, and around which is a canal, connecting the boat navigation above and below. The t. contains a court house and oth- er CO. buildings, several churches for Presbyte- rians, Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, &c., and many neat dwellings. The r. connects to the N. w. with the Ohio canal, and below with the Ohio, at Marietta. Zanesville is becoming an extensive manufacturing t. ; at the falls, which afford great water power, are a number of flour, saw, rolling, and oil mills, and a nail and wool- len factory. There are also 2 glass factories, a paper mill moved by steam, and 2 printing of- fices in the t. Zanesville is very limited in size, containing but little more than a sq. mile. Two bridges, one extending to West Zanes- ville, and the other to Putnam, cross the . Mus. kingum, both of which are handsome struc. tures. These places are so near, as to be aU most considered a part of Zanesville. The population of the former is 278 ; that of the lat- ter 758. Pop. of Zanesville, 3,094. Zebulon, P-v. and st. jus.. Pike co. Geo., by p-r. 86 ms. almost due w. Milledgeville. N. lat. 33° 04', long. 7° 26' w. W. C. Zidon, p-v. Spartanburg dist. S. C, by p-r. 116 ms. N. w. Columbia. ZioN, p-v. Iredell co. N. C, by p-r. ]6 ms. w. Raleigh. ZoAR, t. Berkshire co. Mass., is one of the smallest ts. in the state, and was incorporated in 1822. It is crossed by Deerfieldr. Pop. 129. ZoAR, p-t. Tuscarawas co. 0., 9 ms. n. New Phila., and 110 n. e. Columbus, on the e. side of Tuscarawas river. It was settled by Ger. mans, and is fast becoming a manufacturing v. The houses, of which there are 50 or 60, are chiefly covered with tile. APPENDIX. containing several new counties, omissions either of towns or their population, &c. &,c. A. Albion, N. Y. (See Newport, Orleans co., the name of which is changed.) Austerlitz, N.jY. not 130, but 30 ms. e. s. K. from Albany. B. Beekmantown, Clinton, (not Chiston) co. N.Y. Berkshire, Tioga co. N. Y., 14 ms. n. Owe- go, not Oswego ; the same error occurs in the creek mentioned. Bethany, Conn., contains 30 sq. ms. Pop, 1,049. Brooklyn, Conn., is 46 ms. e. Hartford, and 29 w. Providence ; it is divided by Quinebaug river from Killingly. Buncombe, co. N. C, bndd. by Cocke and Green cos. Tenn. n. w., Washington co. Tenn, N., Nolichucky r. separating it from Burke co. CAR APPENDIX. ELI 595 N. C, N. E., Blue Ridge separating it from Burke e., and Rutherford s. e., and again from Greenville district S. C. s. ; on the extreme s. w. it joins Macon co. Length from s. w. to n. E. 74 ms., mean breadth 30, and area 2320 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 35° 03' to 35° 52', and in long. W. C. from 5° 13' to 5° 55' w. With a small section on the n. e. part the body of this CO. is commensurate with the higher val- ley of French Broad r. and slopes to n. n. w. Surface excessively broken by hill and mtn. ridges, with a mean elevation of the cultivated Tallies of at least 1500 feet above the Atlantic ocean. Cf t. AshviUe. Pop. 1820, 10,542 ; 1830, 16,281. B0RKE, CO. N. C, bndd. by Rutherford s., Buncombe w., Iron mtn. separating it from Car- ter CO. Tenn. n. w., Ashe co. N. C. n., Wilkes N. E., Iredell e. and Lincoln s. e. Greatest length from the wstrn. border of Iredell to the Iron mtn. 65 ms., mean breadth 32, and area 2,080 sq. ms. N. lat. 36° and long. W. C. 5° w. intersect in this co. The above outlines are taken from Tanner's Atlas and give Burke co. an extent very different from any former au- thority. As now delineated it comprises east of the Blue Ridge the higher valley of Catawba r. or about 1600 sq. ms. with a slope to the estrd. The residue of the co. lies between Blue Ridge and Iron mtns. and comprises the higher val. ley of Nolichucky r. That part of Burke co. bordering on Blue Ridge, is, independent of mtn. chains, amongst ihe most elevated cultiva- ted tracts in the U. S. The nthestrn. angle is indeed a very remarkable point in physical Geography ; as from it flow sthrd. the extreme sources of Catawba r., wstrd. those of Noli- chucky and Watauga rs., nthrd. the extreme sources of Great Kenhawa, and nthestrd. those of the Yadkin. At an elevation of above 2000 feet the cultivated ground is here drained by streams flowing like radii from a common cen- tre. Cf. t. Morganton. Pop. 1820, 13,411; 1830, 17,888. c. Cache', (pronounced Ca-shay,) r. of Ark., rising in Lawrence co., between Saint Francis and White rs., at about n. lat. 36° 20'. Flow- ing thence in a s. s. w. direction, by compara- tive distances about 110 ms., having traversed part of Lawrence, Jackson, and St. Francis cos. falls into White r. in the n. wstrn. angle of Monroe co. The channel of Cache' r. is no. where 20 ms. distant from that of White r. ; the two streams flowing remarkably parallel to each other and generally about 10 ms. asunder. Canestola, p-v. N. Y. Should be Canastola. Carroll, co. Geo., bndd. by Paulding n., Cobb N. E., Campbell e., Chatahooche r. sepa- rating it from Coweta s. e.. Heard s., and by the Creek territory in Ala. w. Length from e. to w. 35 ms., mean breadth 24, and area 840 sq. ms. Lat. 33° 26' to 33° 42', long. W. C. 7° 47' to 8° 32' w. Though bndd. on the s. e. by Chattahooche r., the wstrn. and largest fraction of this CO. slopes s. w., and in that direction is drained by the higher constituents of Tallapoosa r. It of course occupies part of the summit level between the basins of Appalachicola and Mobile. Cf. t. Carrolton. Pop. 3,419. Cass, new co. Geo., bndd. by Cobb s. e., Paulding s. w., Floyd, w., Murray n., and Cher- rokee e. Length from s. to n. 27, breadth 24, and area 648 sq. ms. N. lat. 34° 15', and long. 8° w. of W. C. intersect near the centre of this CO. It comprises part of two inclined plains. The nthrn. section slopes to n. w. and in that direction is drained by creeks flowing into Oostanalau r. The sthrn. and most extensive section is traversed from e. to w. by the Etowah r. which is here a navigable stream. The cen- tral part about 130 ms. a little w. of n. w. Mil- ledgeville. Cherokee, new co. Geo., bndd. by Lumpkin N. E. ; Forsyth s. e. ; Cobb s. ; Cass w. ; and Gilmer n. Length from s. to n. 27 ms., breadth 24, and area 648 sq. ms. N. lat. 34°, 15' and long. W. C. 7°, 33' w. intersect near its centre. The extreme sthestrn. angle is drained into Chattahooche r. and the extreme nrthwstrn. into the Coosawtee branch of Oostanalau r. ; but the main body of the co. is traversed from n. e. by E. to s. w. by w. by the Etowah r. Chero- kee CO. lies N. w. about 100 ms. from Milledge- ville, and embraces part of the gold region of Georgia. Cobb, new co. Geo., bndd. by Campbell s. ; Carroll s. w. ; Paulding w. ; Cass n. w. ; Cher- okee N. ; Forsyth n. e. ; and Chattahooche r. separating it from De Kalb co. e. Greatest length from e. to w. 32 ms. mean breadth 15, and area 480 sq. ms. N. lat. 34° and long. W. C. 7° 40' w. W. C, intersect in the northern part of this CO. It embraces part of the divi- ding ground between the Chattahooche andEto. wah rs. which separating ridge traverses the the CO. from n. e. to s. w. The nthwstrn. angle drained into Etowah r., but the sthestrn. and considerably most extensive section slopes s. e. and in that direction drained into Chattahooche r. The central part is about 100 ms. n. w. by w. Milledgeville. Cobb co, comprises part of the Gold region of Geo. Connecticut. Only 78 towns send two rep- resentatives to the legislature. East Boston, an island in Boston harbor, Mass. containing about 600 acres. It was for- merly known as Noddle's, or Williams' isl. and was first occupied in 1629. It has recently been purchased by an incorporated company, under the title of the East Boston Co., for about 90,- 000 ; and has been laid out into streets, and will furnish delightful situations for dwellings, as it is sufficiently elevated to command a view of the city, harbor, and adjacent towns. The distance from Battery wharf to the isl. is but 120 rods. A suspension rail.way across the island is in progress, which will be continued to Salem. Elizabethtown and Somerville, and Dela. ware and Susquehannah rail road. Some un- accountable errors occur in this article, under the head of Rail Roads and Canals. The whole length of the proposed route is 192^ ms. ; ex- tending from Jersey City, or Hoboken, oppo. site the city of New York, to the Great Bend of the Susquehannah, and the N. Y. state line. The route, as surveyed, passes through New. 596 HAM APPENDIX. NOR ark, Elizabethtovvn, Somerville, and Belvidere in N. J., where it will probably cross the Dela- ware ; and thence, in Pa., to Stroudsburg, pass- ing through the Lackawanna coal region to, or near Pittston, on the Susquehannah, and hence through Carbondale to its northern termination. The distance from the Hudson to Pittston, the first point on the Susquehannah, is about 146 ms. At Elizabethtown this road will be inter- sected by the New Jersey rail road. The stock for the whole route has been subscribed. F. Floyd, new co. Geo. bndd. by Murray n., Cass E., and Paulding s. ; on the w. it is limited by the Cherokee territory in Ala. Length from s. to N. 27 ms. ; mean breadth 24, and area 648 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 04' to 34° 27' N., and in long, from 8° 10' to 8° 40' w. W. C. The general slope is wstrd. The Oostanalau r. enters at the nrthestrn. angle and flowing s. s. w. receives the Etowah from the e. 4 or 5 ms. s. E. of the centre of the co. The Etowah issuing from Cass co. enters Floyd near the middle of its estrn. border, and uniting with the Oostanalau forms Coosa r. The junction of the Etowah and Oostanalau rivers is about 150 ms. N. w. by w.Milledgeville. Forsyth, new co. Geo. bndd. by Cobb s. w., Cherokee w., Lumpkin n., Hall n. e., and Chat- tahooche r. separating it from Gwinnett co. s. E. ands. Length from s. to N. 24 ; mean breadth 15, and area 360 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 0' to 34° 20'. Forsyth spreads nrthwstrdly. from the Chattahooche r. to 102 ms. over the Etowah ; consequently embraces the entire width between that part of the summit ground between the valiies of Coosa and Chatiahooche rs. The larger section is drained to the s. e. and s. into Chattahooche r. The central part is about 90 ms. n. n. w. Milledgeville. It em- braces part of the gold region. Gilmer, one of the extreme nrthrn. counties, recently incorporated, of Geo. bndd. w. by Mur- ray, s. Cherokee, Lumpkin s. e., Union n. e., and by the Cherokee territory in Tennessee. Length from s. to n. 37 ms., breadth 22, and area 814 sq. ms. Extending in lat. from 34° 27' to 35° N., and in long, from 7° 20' to 7° 48' w. W. C. Gilmer is a mtn. region and com- prises part of the table land between the valiies of Tennessee aud Coosa rs. The sthestrn. an- gle slopes slhrd. and is drained into Etowah r. ; the nrthestrn. angle slopes to the n. and dis- charges into the state ot Ten. the Aquokee cr. of Hiwassee r., and also the extreme higher sources of Conessauga br. of Oostanalau r. The lattef stream, however, winds to the wstrd. in Ten. and curving sthrd. re-enters Geo. and falls into its recipient in Murray co. The cen. tral part of Gilmer gives source to Coosawatee r. the estrn. constituent of Oostanalau r. The central part is about 100 ms. sthwstrd. of Knox- villein Ten. and 135 ms.N. w. Milledgeville. Cf. t. Carmel. Hampden, p-t. Delaware co. N. Y., 85 ms. s. w. Albany. Fop. 1,230. Hamptonburg, p-t. Orange co. N. Y., 100 ms. s. Albany. Pop. 1,365. Hastings, p-t. Oswego co. N. Y., 150 ms. n. by w. Albany. Pop. 1,494. HoENBY, p-t. Steuben co. N. Y., 199 ms. w. by s. Albany. Pop. 1,572. Hancock, p-t. Addison co. Vt., 30 ms. s. w. Montpelier. The tsp. is high and broken, and lies entirely upon the Green mtns. Pop. 472. Hancock,, p-t. Hancock co. Me., 85 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 653. Hartford, p-t. Windsor co. Vt., 14 ms. n. Windsor, 42 s. e. Montpelier, first settled in 1764. It lies on the w. side of Conn, r., is well watered by White and Queechy rivers, which afford valuable mill privileges. The surface of the town, though broken, is rich and produc- tive. There are two villages, White and Quee- chy, situated on the two streams after which they are named, and in them are several manu- ufactories of cotton, woollen, &,c. Pop. 2,044. Harrington, p-t. Washington co. Me., 118 ms. from Augusta. Pop. 1,118. Jerusalem, p-t. Yates co. N, Y., stated to be on the s. line Ontario co., is in Yates co. Pop. 2,783. Kirkland, p-t. Oneida co. N. Y., 130 ms. w. by N. Albany. Pop. 2,505. Kennebunk Port, p-t., York co. Me., 25 ms. s. w. Portland, 82 from Augusta. A place of considerable business, and some commerce. Pop. 2,763. Norwich, city, and p-t. New London co. Conn. The city embraces that portion of the town formerly known as Chelsea landing. Be- side the city, there are 4 villages in the town, viz. Yanticville, Westville, the Town (so call- ed,) and Greenville. At the falls on the Yantic are 2 cotton mills, a woollen factory, an iron foundry, nail factory, rolling, bleaching, and 2 extensive paper mills. At Greenville, which is of recent growth, is a water power sufficient to carry 40 or 50,000 spindles. Here are 2 cot. ton mills, 1 paper and I button mill, and flannel, carpet, and rug manufactories. Besides these manufactories, are others in the town, of cord- age, marble paper, morocco, bobbins, silver plate, suspenders, and webbing ; the aggregate amount of manufactures is estimated at $1,- 000,000 per ann. At Yanticville and Westville are large manufacturing establishments. Con- siderable capital is employed in the whale and seal fisheries, and in the coasting trade. In the town are 4 banks, aggregate capital $1,200,- 000 ; a savings bank with deposits amounting to $130,000 ; 2 insurance offices, and 2 print- ing offices. The rail-road from this place to Worcester, will pass near 100 or more man- ufactories, and its route is through the valiies of Quinebaug and French rivers. {See Nor- wich.) APPENDIX. 597 STATISTICAL VIEW of the Commerce of the United States, exhibiting the value of every description of Imports from, and the value of articles of every description of Exports to, each Foreign country ; also, the ton- nage of American and Foreign vessels arriving from, and departing to, each Foreign country during the year ending on the 30th day of September, 1831. COUNTRIES. Value of im- ports. COMMERCE. Value of exports. Domestic produce. Foreign produce. NAVIGATION. Amern. tonnage. Entered into U.S. Depart- ed from U.S. Foreign tonn. Entered Depart- into ed from U.S. U.S. Tons. Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Norway, Swedish West Indies, Denmark, Danish VVest Indies, Netherlands, Dutch West Indies, Dutch East Indies, England, Scotland, Ireland, Gibraltar, British African ports, British East Indies, British West Indies, Newfoundland, &;c. British Am. Colonies, Other British Colonies, Hanse towns, France on the Atlantic, France on the Mediter. French West Indies, Spain on the Atlantic, Spain on the Mediter. Teneriffe and other Canaries, Manilla and Pliilippine Isls. Cuba, Other Spanish W. I. Portugal, Madeira, Fayal and other Azores, Cape De Verd Isls. Italy, Sidly, Trieste, &c. Turkey, Hayti, Mexico, Central Repub. of Am. Colombia, Honduras, Brazil, Argentine Republic, Cisplatine Republic, Peru, Chili, South America, generally. Cape of Good Hope, China, Asia, generally, East Indies, generally. West Indies, generally, Europe, generally, Africa, generally, South Seas, N.W. Coast of Am. Uncertain, Total, 1,608,328 50,970 901,812 218,918 575 1,651,641 989,837 343,799 319,393 41,854,323 1,977,830 261,564 150,517 1,544,273 1,303,301 864,909 3,493,301 12,876,977 1,188,766 671,842 566,072 709,022 125,1,59 348,995 8,371,797 1,580,156 124,446 177,369 32,092 63,643 1,704,264 144,047 161,062 521,598 1,580,578 5,166,745 198,504 1,207,154 44,463 2,375,829 928,103 917,788 413,758 4,924 3,083,205 77,861 10,691 148,932 51,186 67,635 11,168 114,8.52 27,043 190,511 251,937 178,333 1,421,075 1,707,292 370,857 128,884 28,841,430 1,185,142 589,941 429,087 6,064 132,442 1,417,291 4,026,392 1,812,241 4,963,557 671,867 704,833 235,584 75,121 34,931 15,994 3,634,144 261,801 39,149 171,563 10,549 45,432 371,515 2,369 276,561 38,503 1,126,698 1,091,489 141,179 375,319 46,233 1,652,193 415,489 8,560 849,493 19,922 244,790 48,268 628,153 25,702 175,166 16,910 27,206 347,914 86,519 11,111 176,883 224,502 212,860 45,274 631,442 2,367,439 5,567 165,786 675,390 23,962 35,446 779,931 3,228,452 300,926 13,044 63,428 7,198 3,440 16,830 1,259,698 53,245 2,356 5,728 6,049 13,557 323,010 262,808 298,304 191,677 5,086,729 165,318 282,830 13,732 423,902 244,290 7,616 518,662 15,731 1,046,045 251,120 7,474 15 69,891 8,963 51,420 462,766 27,043 277,030 263,048 355,216 1,645,577 1,920,152 416,131 760,326 31,208,869 1,190,709 589,941 594,873 6,064 807,832 1,441,253 4,061,838 2,592,172 8,192,009 972,793 717,877 299,012 82,319 38,377 32,824 4,893,842 315,046 41,505 177,291 16,598 58,989 694,525 2,369 539,369 336,807 1,318,375 6,178,218 306,497 658,149 59,965 2,076,095 659,779 16,176 1,368,155 35,653 1,290,835 299,394 635,627 25,717 245,057 25,873 78,626 8,931 700 11,346 4,793 27,501 24,076 11,296 2,533 223,345 5,674 4,388 3,599 5,342 38,046 275 92,672 248 15,934 40,849 13,774 26,704 6,760 9,583 1,963 2,938 132,830 24,060 5,043 2,514 660 875 10,683 2,080 1,920 3,918 26,440 22,377 2,821 9,174 1,456 29,855 9,652 274 2,577 3,729 703 929 4,316 1,171 2,903 4,109 2,511 29,581 375 80 103,191,124 61,277,057 20,033,526 81,310,583 922,952 972,504 281,948 271,994 4,310 387 3,232 7,199 3,060 41,730 23,168 11,430 6,498 233,345 6,312 7,838 11,703 121 6,481 40,922 277 79,364 434 17,147 48,022 15,459 33,334 4,598 1,905 1,418 249 132,222 8,272 1,598 5,163 475 1,200 9,120 378 4,215 2,935 27,807 22,303 3,315 7,188 1,449 36,892 8,169 356 523 11,145 1,018 891 5,061 2,447 669 17,839 560 5,098 39,470 783 2,999 262 2,827 349 312 84,324 11,008 7,020 23,760 736 82,557 12,175 8,666 493 2,793 19,639 3,117 1,451 397 699 11,498 56 600 1,360 04 2,020 472 552 1,994 194 83,461 9,102 2,306 256 17,903 94,776 17,487 3,722 1,477 2,254 1,068 536 17,816 1,051 131 251 236 1,006 10,019 223 203 649 400 148 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS, FROM 1823 TO 1832 INCLUSIVE.* Year. Imports. Exports. Domes. Expts. Year. Imports. Exports. Domes. Expls. 1823 1824 1825 1825 1827 $77,579,267 80,549,007 96,340,075 84,974,477 79 484 068 374,699,030 75,986,657 99,535,388 77,595,322 82,324,827 347,000,000 50,000,000 66,000,000 53,000,000 58,000,000 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 888,509,824 74,492,527 70,876,920 103,191,124 100,652,677 872,264,686 72,358,671 73,849,508 81, 310,-583 87,037,943 850,000,000 55,000,000 59,000,000 61,000,000 63,000,000 * The column exhibiting the amount of Domestic Exports, the head of Exports. 76 of course, included in the preceding one, under 598 APPENDIX. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Statement of the Commerce and Navigation of each Stale and Territory, cornmencin<.' on the )st day of Oct. 1830, and ending on the 30th day of Sept. 1831. Value of Exports. Value of imports. Domestic Foreign Total. prod. prod. Maine, 941,407 799,748 5,825 805,573 N. H. 14(i,305 109,456 1,766 111,222 Vt. 166,200 925,127 _ 925,127 Mass. 14,269,0.50 4,027,201 3,706,562 7,733,763 R.I. 562,161 348,250 19,215 367,465 Conn. 405,0611 482,073 810 482,883 N. Y. 57,077,417 15,726,118 9,809,026 25,535,144 N.J. - 11,4.30 _ 11,430 Penn. 12,124,083 3,594,302 1,919,411 5,513,713 Del. 21,656 34,514 _ 34,514 Md. 4,826,577 3,730,506 578,141 4,308,647 Dist. Col. 193,.555 1,207,517 13,458 1,220,975 Vir. 488,522 4,149,986 489 4,150,475 N. C. 196,356 340,973 167 341,140 S. C. 1,238,163 6,528,605 46,596 6,575,201 Geo. 399,940 3,957,245 2,568 3,959,813 Ala. 224,435 2,412,862 1,032 2,413,894 Miss. La. 9,766,693 12,835,531 3,926,458 16,761,989 Oliio, 617 14,728 14,728 Flor. 115,710 28,493 2,002 30,495 Mich. 27,299 12,392 61,277,057 - 12,392 Total, 103,191,124 20,033,520 81,310,583 NAVIGATION. Amt. Amn. Amt. Foreign ITotal Am. and tonnage. tonage. For. tonnage. Enter- Depar Enter- Depar Enter- Depart- ed. ted. ed. ted. ed. ed. Maine, 51635 61582 49819 49872 101454 1114.54 N.H. 7198 4362 - - 7198 4362 Vt. 20201 20201 - - 20201 20201 Mass. 18245S 157530 9760 7483 192219 165013 R.I. 23845 22787 IOC _ 23945 22787 Conn. 17750 20139 _ _ 17750 20139 N. Y. 315972 254331 77719 72444 393691 326775 N.J. 369 709 _ _ 369 703 Penn. 71232 65149 8826 7596 80058 72745 Del. 1550 799 2186 965 3736 1764 Md. 55371 65370 10455 10276 65826 75646 Dist. Col. 4796 19362 872 878 5668 20240 Vir. 22933 48719 9985 11879 32918 60598 N. 0. 16773 30450 1729 1990 18502 32530 S.C. 24379 48426 29011 29045 53390 77471 Geo. 15543 35747 13491 14307 29034 50054 Ala. 10126 14707 11840 10953 29166 25660 Miss. La. ' 76231 96753 55541 53558 131772 150311 Ohio, 91 91 1.38 138 229 229 Flor. 4455 5163 476 610 4931 5773 Mich. 43 43 - - 43 43 Total, 922952 972504 281948 271994 1204900 1244498 TONNAGE. A condensed view of the registered, enrolled, and li- censed Tonnage of the several districts of the United States, on the last day of December, 1830. DISTRICTS. Passamaquoddy, Me. Machias, Frenchman's Bay, Penobscot, Belfast, Waldoborough, Wiscasset, Bath, Portland, Saco, Regis- tered. 7,636 195 2,612 3,575 2,053 2,802 2,232 16,311 29,317 953 Enr. & lie. Total. 2,850 3,904 3,478 15,601 11,192 18,986 5,716 10,355 13,400 2,387 10,486 4,099 6,090 19,177 13,245 21,789 7,949 26,668 42,717 3,340 DISTRICTS. Kennebunk, York, Portsmouth, N. H. Newburyport, Mass. Ipswich, Gloucester, Salem, Marblehead, Boston, Plymouth, Dighton, New Bedford, Barnstable, Edgartown, Nantucket, Providence, R. T. Bristol, Newport, Middletown, Conn. New London, New Haven, Fairfield, Vermont, Vt. Champlain, N. Y. Sacket's Harbor, Oswego, Niagara, Genesee, Oswegatchie, Butfalo Creek, Sag Harbor, New York, Cape Vincent, Perth Amboy, N. J. Bridgetown, Burlington, Little Egg Harbor, Great Egg Harbor, Philadelphia, Pa. Presque Isle, Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Md. Oxford, Vienna, Snow Hill, Annapolis, St. Mary's Georgetown, D. C. Alexandria, Norfolk, Virginia. Petersburg, Richmond, Yorktown, Tappahannock, Folly Landing, Cherry Stone, East River, Wilmington, N. C. Newbern, Washington, Edenton, Camden, Beaufort, Plymouth, Ocracoke, Charleston, S. C. Georgetown, Beaufort, Savannah, Georgia, Sunbury, Hard wick, Brunswiclj, St. Mary's, Miami, Oliio, Cuyahoga, Sandusky, Detroit, Mich. Michilimackinac, Mobile, Ala. Blakely, Pearl River, Miss. New Orleans, La. Teche, Pensacola, Flor. St. Augustine, St. Mark's, Key West, Total, Regis- tered. 2,789 103 9,753 9,714 140 2,098 21,510 1,196 100,214 11,090 301 46,086 2,409 2,012 18,854 9,876 6,654 4,879 1,604 10,004 2,954 425 877 2,417 505 585 128 28 4,465 101,946 85 458 115 47,935 44 143 23,941 345 143 20 1,760 4,462 3,937 1,600 1,904 79 154 487 8,309 1,357 1,067 993 2,261 530 240 516 6,659 383 Enr. & lie. 1,999 8.53 8,490 6,862 2,191 9,642 6,684 5,742 34,794 8,386 3,300 9,169 22,775 780 3,473 4,523 1,431 3,543 7,429 6,208 4,174 8,462 942 612 1,082 17 2,272 2,808 154,710 187 7,746 10,169 2,393 2,619 9,481 23,754 481 12,326 11,678 9,135 10,340 3,996 3,091 1,672 3,564 3,937 6,3C4 1,604 1,105 4,407 3,700 2,558 1,946 2,119 414 1,986 1,618 2,730 2;575 847 263 1,172 6,695 1,447 3,849 2,280 280 450 1,029 868 1,233 114 3,778 870 31,793 1,037 155 98 1,585 243 450 151 1,094 |576,475 615,301 1,191,776 APPENDIX. 599 VESSELS, TONNAGE AND SEAMEN. Statement of the number of Vessels, with the amount of Tonnage, and the number of Seamen employed in navigating the same, (including their repeated voya- ges) which entered into, and departed from, each State and Territory, in tlie year ending on the 30th September, 1830. State or Territory. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Dist. of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabaiifia, Louisiana, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Total, No. of ves- Amount of tonnage. Entered. Depart- ed. 535 69,363 38 9,416 121 29,741 912 168,243 87 16,676 93 16,171 1,382 298,434 3 586 365 72,009 9 1,691 90 55,317 54 10,458 93 25,997 235 27,757 115 50,859 79 19,249 66 10,490 451 83,270 15 1,444 1 56 1 - 91,629 4,632 19,290 148,124 14,094 18,285 229,341 627 63,022 962 55,020 13,803 43,715 36,592 52,464 50,394 22 277 106|017 1,366 56 50 4,745 967,227 971,760 43,756 No. of Seamen employ- ed. 2,949 284 871 9,118 836 1,103 14,298 23 3,907 81 908 448 843 1,482 927 772 484 4,323 93 3 3 A Comparative View of the registered, enrolled, and licensed Tonnage of the 'J. S., from 1820 to 1830 in- clusive. Yrs. Registered. 619,047 619,096 628,150 639,920 669,972 700,787 737,978 747,170 812,619 650,142 576,475 Enr. and lie. 661,118 679,062 696,548 696,644 719,190 722,323 796,212 873,437 928,772 610,6.54 615,301 1,280. 1,298, 1,324: 1,336! 1,389! 1,423: 1,534, 1,620, 1,741, 1,260, 1,191, Registered vessels employed in the foreign Tons. trade at the close of the year 1830, 576,475 Enrolled vessels in the coasting trade, 496,639 Licensed vessels under 20 tons, 20,339 Enrolled vessels employed in the cod fishery, 59,042 do. mackerel fishery, 35,973 do. whale fishery, 793 Licensed vessels under 20 tons, employed in the cod fishery, 3,515 Total, Registered tonnage employed other than in the whale fishery, 1830, Employed in the whale fishery, Total, 1,191,776 537,563 38,912 576,475 * 89,307 tons cancelled, sold or lost, 1830; making an actual increase that year of 20,286 tons. MILITLV OP THE UNITED STATES. Table, showing the number of the Mihtia of each State and Territory of the U. S., with the date of the return made to government. Me. N. H. Mass. Conn. R.I. Vt. N.Y. N.J. Penn. Del. Md. Va. N.C. S. C. Geo. 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1824 1830 1829 1831 1827 1831 1831 1831 1830 1830 41,136 28,992 48,319 24,518 9,600 27,653 188,615 39,171 182,285 9 229 46^259 101,488 66,552 49,512 42,832 Ky. Ten. Ohio, La. Ind. Misp. II. Ala. Mo. Mich. Ark. Flor. 1831 1830 1831 1829 1829 1830 1831 1829 1830 1831 1825 1831 Dist. Col. 1829 70,590 60,982 126,471 14,808 40,000 13,724 27,386 30,000 7,838 5,476 2,028 827 1,756 Total, 1,308,047 ARMY OP THE REVOLUTION. Table, showing the number of Soldiers furnished to the regular army of the Revolution, by each State of the Union, with the population of 1790. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Tot. New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Tot. Middle States, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Total, Sthrn. States, Total of 13 States, fr< 141,000 475,000 68,000 235,000 919,000 319,000 173,000 431,000 51,000 974,000 1,354,000 3,247,000 12,497 67,907 5,098 31,939 117,441 17,781 10,726 25,678 2,386 .56,571 13,912 26,678 7,263 6,447 2,697 56,997 230,909 °3^ '^ 9."= 14.29 7.49 13.59 12.77 5.56 6.20 5.95 4.67 5.8 6.44 4.75 1.84 4.84 5.28 4.21 7.11 11.28; 6.99 13.33 7.45 7.82 17.93 16.12 16.78 21.37 17.21 15.67 21.02 54.10 20.62 18.81 23.75 14.06 PENSIONERS. Revolutionary and Invalid Pensioners on the Rolls of the different States and Territories, November 5, 1832. Me. N. H. Mass. Conn. R. L Vt. N. Y.* N.J. Penn.* Del. Md. Va. N.C. S.C. Rev. Pen. 912 694 1,380 660 148 924 2,444 373 804 17 131 648 251 131 Inv. Pen. 147 183 332 132 15 178 914 60 393 19 229 211 60 22 Geo. Ky. Ten. Ohio* Ind. La. Misp. Mich. II. Ala. Mo. Dist. Col. Rev. Pen. 83 463 277 740 128 ■ 9 14 14 28 36 16 19 Inv. Pen. 23 171 143 226 84 30 7 39 31 31 68 58 Total, 11,326 3,806 * And agencies. 600 APPENDIX. MILITARY POSTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Posts. Where Situated. Posts. Where Situated. Fort Winnebago . Portage, Fox, and Ouiscon- Beaufort . . Beaufort, N. C. sm rivers . Charleston harbor . . Charleston, S. C. Fort Brady . Sault St. Marie, Mich. Augusta Arsenal . Augusta, Geo. Fort Mackinac . Michilimackinac, Mich. Oglethorpe barracks . Savannah, Geo. Fort Howard . Green Bay, Mich. Fort Marion . St. Augustine, Flor. Fort Dearborn . . Head of Lake Mich., do. Camp Armisteac . Near Tellico Plains, Tenn. Fort Gratiot . Outlet of Lake Huron, do. Fort Snelling . Upper Mississippi. Fort Niagara . New York. Fort Crawford . Prairie du Chien, Mich. Hancock Barracks . Holton Plantation, Me. Fort Armstrong . Rock Island, 11. Fort Sullivan . . Eastport, Me. Fort Leavenworth . . Right Bank of the Misp. Fort Preble . Portland Me. near the Little Platte. Fort Constitution . Portsmouth, N. H. Jefferson Barracks . . Near St. Louis, Mo. Fort Independence . Boston, Mass. Fort Gibson . Arkansas Territory. Fort Wolcott . Newport, R. I. Fort Jessup . Near Natchitoches, La. Fort Trumbull, . New London, Conn. Fort Towson . Onthe Kiamichi, Ark. Military Academy . West Point, N. Y. Baton Rouge . Baton Rouge, La. New York harbor . New York, N. Y. New Orleans . New Orleans, do. Fort McHenry . . Baltimore, Md. Fort Wood . Chef Menteur, do. Fort Severn . Annapolis, Md. Fort Pike . . Petite Coquille, do. Fort Washington . On the Potomac, Md. Fort Jackson . Near N. Orleans, do. Fort Monroe . Old Point Comfort, Va. Fort Mitchell . Near Creek Agency, Ala. Bellona Arsenal . Near Richmond, Va. Fort King . . Alachua, Florida. Fort Johnson . Near Smithville, N. C. Key West . Key West, do. ARMY AND NAVY OF THE U. S, ARMY. General Staff 14 Medical Staff 64 Pay Department . . ; . . 15 Purchasing Department 3 Corps of Engineers 22 Topographical Engineers 10 Ordnance Department 79 1st Resriment of Artillery 464 2d Regiment of Artillery 422 3d Regiment of Artillery 454 4th Regiment of Artillery 4G8 Aggregate of Artillery 1,808 1st Regiment of Infantry 394 2d Regiment of Infantry 486 3d Regiment of Infantry 505 4th Regiment of Infantry 439 5th Regiment of Infantry 398 6th Regiment of Infantry 416 7th Regiment of Infantry 549 Aggregate of Infantry 3,187 Battalion of Mounted Rangers .... 685 Recruitsof unattached Soldiers . . . .215 Grand aggregate SHIPS JVame and Rate. Columbus Independence Ohio Washington Franklin North Carolina Delaware Alabama Vermont Virginia Pennsylvania New York. 6,102 OF THE LINE. Vr'liere and when huilt. Washington Boston New York Portsmouth Philadelphia Pliiladelphia Norfolk Portsmouth Boston Boston Philadelphia Norfolk 1819 1814 1820 1814 1815 1820 1820 1. J3 FRIGATES OF THE FIRST CLASS. United States Brandywine Potomac Constitution Hudson Java Guerriere Santee Cumberland Sabine Savannah Raritan Columbia St. Lawrence Philadelphia Washington Washington Boston Purchased Baltimore Philadelphia Portsmouth Boston New York New York Philadelphia Washington Norfolk 1797 1825 1821 1797 1826 1814 1814 Jo FRIGATES OF THE SECOND CLASS. Constellation 36 Baltimore 1797 Congress 36 Portsmouth 1799 Macedonian 36 Captured 1812 SLOOPS OF WAR, John Adams 24|Charleston 1799 Cyane 24 Captured 1815 Concord IS Portsmouth 1828 Boston IS Boston 1825 Vandalia 18 Philadelphia 1828 St. Louis 18 Washington 1H'2K Falmouth IS Boston 1827 Warren 18 Boston 1826 Peacock 18 New York 1813 Lexington 18 New York 1825 Erie 18 Baltimore 1813 Natchez 18 Norfolk 1827 Fairfield 18 New York 1828 Ontario 18 Baltimore 1813 Vincennes 18 New York 1826 SCHOONERS OF WAR. Porpoise 12 Portsmouth 1820 Grampus 12 Washington 1821 Shark 12 Washington 1821 Enterprise 12 New York 1831 Boxer 12 Boston 1831 Dolphin 12 Philadelphia 1821 Experiment 12 Washington 1832 RECAPITULATION. Ships of the Line 12X74 888 Frigates of the First CI iss 14X44 616 Frigates of the Second Class 3 X 36 108 Sloops of 24 guns 2X24 48 Sloops of 18 guns 13X18 134 Schooners 7x13 84 Total number of ships 51 guns 1978 ARMORIES, ARSENALS, AND DEPOTS OF ARMS, OF THE U. S. Armories. Arsenals. Springfield, Mass. Pikesville, Md. Harper's Ferry, Va. Washington City. Bellona, Va. Arsenals. Augusta, Geo. Mount Vernon, Ala. Kennebec, Me. Baton Rouge, Ls . Watertown, Mass. St. Louis, Missouri. Chaniplain, Vt. Watervliet, N. Y. Depots. Rome, do. Detroit, M. T. Alleghany, Penn. New York Frankford, do. Charleston, S. C APPENDIX. 601 UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES IN THE UNITED STATES. " State. Name. Place. Founded. Id sol H .= a >■ ^ S 2 -r -a -o >|3 Maine, Waterville, Waterville, 1820 5 82 74 156 2000 coo Bowdoin, Brunswick, 1794 6 157 100 257 8000 6000 N. H. Dartmouth, Hanover, 1770 10 181 94 275 4500 8500 Vermont, University ofVt. Burlington, 1791 4 29 14 43 1000 500 Midtllebury, Middlebury, 1800 5 128 62 190 2230 3110 Mass. Harvard University, Cambridge, 163S 24 227 82 309 40,000 4600 Williams, Williamstown, 1793 7 1.33 103 236 3000 2325 A ml) erst. Amherst, 1821 9 227 227 4300 6250 Boston,! Boston, 1833 R. Island, Brown University, Providence, I7(i4 8 133 133 6000 5600 Conn. Yale, New Haven, 1700 16 354 73 427 8500 10500 Washington Hartford, 182 6.722.21" 48.12S.98 17.528.81 32.546.76 35.544.19 2.726.13 15.756.67 9.764.17 14.460.35 1.471.371.04 604 APPENDIX. On the 1st of Julv, 1829, the annual transportation ot tlie V. S. mail amounted to 13,700,000 miles ; at the same period, in 1830, to 14,500,000 ; in 1831, to 15,-!C8,C92, and in 1832, as in tlie foregning table, to 23,625,021. The following is compiled from a ' Table of the post-office establishment,' published by direction of the post- master-general, in 1831, and exhibits the number of post-offices at different periods, with the receipts and expendi- ures of the dejjartment, &c. &c. Balance Year. Number of Amount of post- Total expendi- Extent of post-ofiiccs. age received. tures. post-roada. in favor or against. 1790 75 37,935 32,140 5,795 _ 1,875 3795 453 1 60,020 117,893 42,727 _ 13,207 1800 903 280,804 213,994 66,810 _ 20,817 1805 1,558 421,373 377,367 44,006 _ 31,076 18i0 2,300 551,684 495,969 55,715 _ 36,406 1815 3,000 1,043,065 748,121 294,944 _ 43,748 1820 4,500 l,Ul,927 1,160,926 _ 48,990 72,492 182o 5,677 1,303,525 1,229,043 77,482 _ 94,052 1826 6,150 1,447,703 1,366,712 80,991 _ 94,052 1827 7,003 1,524,633 1,468,959 55,574 _ 105,336 1828 7.051 1,664,759 1,691,044 - 26,285 114,536 1829 8,050 1,773,990 1,879,307 _ 105,317 114,780 1830 8,450 1,919,300 1,959,109 - 39,809 115,176 See article United States, under the head ' Post-Office.' RAILROADS, COMPLETED, COMMENCED, OR INCORPORATED.* S o c ■ t; iJ Present Names. .5 state. Altamaha & Bruni^vi'ick, 1831 12 _ Begun Albion &Tonawanda, 1832 - 200,000 - Alleghany Portage, 1830 36 1-2 1,270,000 In prog. Amsterdam & Fish-house 1832 - 250,000 - Auburn & Erie, 1832 - 150,000 - Aurora & Bufi'alo, 1832 _ 300,000 - Au Sable & Lake Cham- plain, 1832 15 - - Baltimore &■ Ohio, 1827 325 5,000,000 [n prog. Baltimore & Port Deposit 18.32 37 - - Baltimore & Susquehan- na, 1829 76 1,000,000 Begun Baltimore & Washington, - 33 1,500,000 - Black River, 1832 - 900,000 - Boston & Lowell, 1830 25 _ [n prog. Boston & Providence, 1831 43 1,000,000 In prog. Boston & Taunton, 1831 32 1,000,000 - Boston & Worcester, 1831 43 1-4 884,000 In prog. Brooklyn & Jamaica, 18.32 12 .300,000 Begun Butfalo & Erie, 1832 - 650,000 - Camden &. Amboy, 1829 61 480,000 Finish'd Cape Fear & Yadkin, 1832 240 2,000,000 - Carbondale & Honesdale, 1826 16 300,000 Finish'd Cattskill & Canajoharie, 1830 70 600,000 Begun Central, (Pa.) - - - Finish'd Central, (N. C.) 1832 - 2,000,000 - Chesterfield, _ 15 140,000 Finish'd Dansville & Rochester, 1832 46 300,000 - Danville & Pottsville, & branches, 1826 54 1-2 840,000 Finish'd Detroit & Pontiac, 1832125 - - Dutchess CO., 1832 25 600,000 - Eiizabethtown & Somer- ville. 1831 20 200,000 Begun Elmira and Williamsport, 1832 - 75,000 - Fayetteville, 1830 - 20,000 - Haerlera, 1830 5 350,(.r00 In prog. Hudson & Berkshire, 1832 - 350,000 - Hudson & Delaware, 1830 51 - - Illinois & Michigan, _ 96 1-2 - - Ithaca & CatskilJ, - 167 - - Ithaca & Geneva, 1832J - 800,000 - Ithaca & Owego, 182829 1-2 300,000 In prog. Lackawaxen & Susque- hanna, 182616 105,000 Finish'd Lafayette & Michigan 1832184 500,000 - Lake Champl&in & Og- denshurg. 1832 - 3,000,000 - Lake Pontchartrain, 1830 4 1-2 70,000 Finish'd Lexington & Ohio, 1830 66 l,000,tOO In prop;. Little Schuylkill, 1830 23 285,000 Finisird Lykins Valley, 183C 16 1-2 - Finish'd Mad River & Lake Erie, Ohio, 1832 153 1,650,000 - Manchester, - 15 140,000 Finish'd Mauch Chunk, & Room Run & branches, 182£ 18 3-4 76,000 Finish'd' Mayville & Portland, Mill Creek & branches. Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven, Mohawk & Hudson, Mount Carbon, New Castle & French- town, New Jersey, New York & Albany, New York & Erie, N. Carolina, central, Norwich & Worcester, Otsego, Patterson & Hudson, Penn.&Ohio, Petersburg & Roanoke, Phila. & Baltimore, Phila. & Columbia, Phila., Germantown & Norristown, Phila. & Trenton, Pine Grove, Portsmouth & Roanoke, Providence & Stonington, Ciuincy, Renssalaer & Saratoga, Rochester, Saratoga & Fort Edward, Saratoga & Schenectady, Scoharrie & Otsego, "?chuylkill, Schuylkill val. & br., South Carolina, Susquehanna & Del., Tennessee & Ala. Tonawanda, Tuscumbia, Courtland & Decatur, IJtica & Schenectady, trtica & Susquehanna, Vicksburg & Clinton, Warren County, Watertown & Rome, West Branch & branches West Chester, West Jersey, Wilmington & Downing- ton, Winchester & Potomac, Woodville & St. Francis- ville. 1832 1826 1829 1827 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1831 1832 1830 1828 1832 1825 1832 1831 1832 1831 1832 1827 1830 1832 1832 1832 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1828 1831 1831 1832 1832 15 16 7 1-2 16 1-2 30 160 400 60 16 108 60 31 1 81 1-2 19 27 5 48 3 14 21 13 23 135 70 270 27 150,000 22,000 181,000 6.50,000 100,000 400,000 750,000 3,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 416,000 1,600,000 400,000 395,000 2,297,000 30,000 300,000 200,000 180,000 300,000 90,000 100.000 904;500 625,000 3000,000 500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 1,000,000 160,000 90,000 2,000,000 100,000 300,000 170,000 Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd In prog. In prog. In prog. In prog. Finish'd In prog. Finish'd In prog. Begun Finish'd Begun Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd Finish'd In prog. Finish'd Finish'd In prog. See article " Rail Roads," commencing at page 434. In arranging the above table, which has been prepared from various sources expressly for this work, it has been the aim of the compiler to complete it as far as practica- ble, that some estimate might be made of the extent of the Rail Road interest in the United States. This has been done, yet the table is necessarily very imperfect ; but in general, so far as we have been able to fill it up it will be found correct, or ns-arly so, although it is not doubted that some errors, which the compiler had not the means of detecting, will be discovered. When the estimated cost of these roads could not be obtained, the capital in- corporated has in most cases been inserted. In the table will be found the titles of many incorporated roads, which have not been commenced ; numerous others of this class are omitted for want of documents. APPENDIX. 605 CANALS, COMPLETED, OR IN PROGRESS.* Name. Beaver, Penn. Black River, N. Y. Blackstone, R. I. and Mass. Carondelet, La. Cayuga and Seneca, N. Y. Champlain, N. Y. Chemung, N. Y. Chenango, N. Y. about Chesapeake and Del., Del. and Md. Chesapeake & Oliio, Md., Va. &Pa. Conestoga,Pa.,improvementmnav Crooked Lake, N. Y. Cumbeiiand and Oxford, Me. Delaware, Pa. Delaware and Hudson, N. Y. & Pa. Delaware and Raritan, JV. J. Dismal Swamp, Va. and N. C. Enfield, Conn. Brie, N. Y. Farniington, Conn, and Mass. Franklin, Pa. Frankstown, Pa. Hampshire and Hampden, Mass. Harlaem, N. Y. James and Jackson River, Va. Lackawaxen, Pa. Lehigh, Pa. Little Schuj'lkill, Pa. Louisville and Portland, Ky. Lycoming, Pa. 1:25 36 45 6i 21 72 18 60 14 341 18 7 JSO 55 ^125 " 38 23 6 363 58 +221. Wol 20 3 30i 36' t47 27 2 t41 600,000 600,000 214,000 1,180,000 300,000 950,000 2,200,000 20,000,000 75,000 120,000 211,000 1,500,000 1,438,000 360,000 200,000 9,027,000 600,000 550,000 623,000 575,000 1,558,000 Name. Length. Miami, O. .Middlesex, Mass. Morris, N.J. New Orleans and Teche, La. North Branch, Va. Ohio, Oswego, N. Y. Pennsylvania, Port Deposit, Md. Santee, S. C. Savannah and Ogeechee, Geo. Schuylkill, Pa. Sodus, N. Y. Union, Pa. Wabash and Erie, Ind. and Pa. Weldon, N. C. Winyaw, S. C. Wyoming, Pa. Cost. 67 27 10] 100 7 310 38 §320 10 22 16 110 24 80 200 ' 12 10 16 t850,000 528,000 1,100,000 340,000 14,150,000 525,000 650,000 621,000 2,336,000 200,000 2,000,000 * See article Canals, commencing at page 423 of this work, for more full accounts of these canals, and several smaller ones not noticed above. t Supposed cost; the Ohio and Miami canals are estimated to have cost over $5,000,000. J Including slack water navigation. § Including rail-road. The amount expended in Penn- sylvania on canals and rail-roads, undertaken by that state, amounted, Dec. 31, 1831, to $12,126,961 ; the sum at that time requisite to the completion of improvements then in progress, amounted to $3,803,939. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. ACCORDING TO FIVE OFFICIAL ENUMERATIONS. States and Territories. Pop. 1790. Pop. 1800. 96.540 14i;885 85,539 378,787 68,825 237,946 340,120 184,139 434,373 59,096 319,728 747,610 393,951 249,073 82,548 151,719 183,858 154,465 422,845 69,122 251,002 586,050 211,149 602,545 64,273 345,824 880,200 478,103 345,591 162,686 8,850 105,602 220,959 45,365 4,651 215 15,093 551 Pop. 1810. 228,705 214,460 217,895 472,040 76,931 261,942 959,049 245,562 810,091 72,674 380,546 979,622 555,500 415,115 252,433 4(1,352 76,.556 261,727 406,511 230,760 24,520 12,282 19,783 24,023 4,762 1,062 Pop. 1820. Pop. 1830. 298,335 244,101 235,764 523,287 83,059 275,248 1,372,812 277,575 1,049,313 72,749 407,350 1,065,366 638,829 502,741 340,989 ) 127,901 i 75,448 153,407 420,813 564,317 581,434 147,178 55,211 60,586 33,039 8,896 14,273 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, ) Mississippi, \ Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Dist. of Columbia, Michigan Ter. Arkansas Ter. Florida Ter. Total, 3,929,328 5,309,758 ' 7,239,803 9,638,166 12,860,702* * .Add to this amount 5,318 persons employed in the vessels of the United States, making the total of the popula- tion of 1830, 12,8B6,020. ~~~ POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, North and South of the Potomac and Ohio, according to five Enumerations. North of Potomac and Ohio. o White 2,155,835 ^ -laves I't'^'^OS ) ,gg 34, " Free colored 39,051 ] ^°°>"^ South of Potomac and Ohio. o White S Slaves '-* Fre» colored 2,877,643 1,016,629 550,604 i 20,415 j 1,587,648 1,426,846 1.50,978^206 771 '^42,063 7.->7Q3 4 ^~°i"-^ 32,604 5,793 J 571,019 74,667 Total, 3,104,414 2,201,.513 o White 53 Slaves " Free colored 3,977,023 1,884,981 151,595 } g 1,039,769 ; , „ 128,400 i -'^lyya 53 Q^g 1,U9/,«15 Total, 4,257,018 2,982,796 2,429,832 g Slaves ■138;817 } „^. 3.^ 1,399,221 ) 156,484 < -'^'•^"^ 77,040 ( ^'^'O."-"! White 5,436,737 138,817 ^ Free colored 156,484 i ' Total, 5,732,038 3,906,003 White 7,349,334 3,188,044 Free colored 206,891 ( ' 112,708 <, ' ' Total, 7,691,170 5,174,850 606 APPENDIX. TERMS OP GOVERNORS, SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES. Table exhibiting the Governor's Term and Salary, the number of Senators and Representatives, with their re- spective Terms and Pay, and the Mode of choosing Electors of President and Vice-President, in the several states. cSj States. m s B m it It P.>. 04 Electors Presiden and Vice Presiden chosen b Maine, I 1500 25 1 186 1 211 $2.00 General Ticket N. Hampshire, 1 1200 12 1 230 1 242 2.00 do. Vermont,* 1 750 none 230 1 230 1.50 do. Massachusetts,! 1 3666 2-3 40 1 479 519 2.00 do. Rhode Island, 1 400 10 1 72 i 82 1.50 do. Connecticut,!; 1 1100 31 1 208 1 229 2.00 do. New York, 2 4000 32 4 128 1 160 3.00 do. New Jersey, § 1 2000 14 1 50 1 64 3,00 do. Pennsylvania, 3 4000 33 4 100 1 133 3.00 do. Delaware, 3 1333 1-3 9 4 21 2 30 2.50 Legislature Maryland, 1 3500 15 5 80 1 95 4.00 Districts Virginia, 3 3333 1-3 32 4 134 1 166 4.00 General Ticket N. Carolina, 1 2000 64 1 134 1 198 3.00 do. S. Carolina, o 3500 45 4 124 o 169 4.00 Legislature Georgia, Q ' 3000 78 1 185 1 263 4.00 General Ticket Alabama, 2 2000 22 3 72 1 94 4.00 do. Mississippi, 2 2500 11 3 36 1 47 3.00 do. Louisiana, 4 7500 17 4 50 2 67 4.00 Legislature Tennessee, 2 2000 20 2 60 2 80 4.00 General Ticket Kentucky, 4 2000 38 4 100 1 138 2.00 do. Ohio, 2 1200 36 2 72 1 108 3.00 do. Indiana, 3 1000 30 3 62 1 92 2.00 do. Illinois, 4 1000 26 4 55 2 81 3.00 do. Missouri, 4 1500 18 4 49 2 67 3.00 do. * The executive council of Vt. consists of a governor, lieut. governor and 12 counsellors. There is no senate in the legislature. t The number of representatives is variable. In 1832 it was 479. i Pay of senators, $2 per day ; representatives, $1 50. ^ The upper house is styled the " legislative council," and is an independent branch of the legislature. There are three modes of choosing electors of president and vice-president, viz : by districts, by a general ticket, and by the legislatures of the states. The mode may be varied at will. SEATS OF GOVERNMENT OF THE SEVERAL STATES AND TERRITORIES. Maine, Augusta, Pop. 3,980 South Carolina, Columbia, Pop. 3,500 New Hampshire, Concord, 3,727 Georgia, Milledgeville, 1,599 Massachusetts, Boston, 61,392 Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1,600 Vermont, Montpelier, 1,193 Mississippi, New Orleans, 46,082 Rhode Island, i Newport, 8,010 Tennessee, Nashville, 5,566 \ Providence, 16,833 Kentucky, Frankfort, 1,680 Connecticut, V Hartford, 9,789 Ohio, Columbus, 2,435 i* New Haven, 10,678 Indiana, Indianapolis, 1,200 New-York, Albany, 24,238 Illinois, Vandalia, 500 New-Jersey, Trenton, 3,925 Missouri, Jefferson, 1,200 Pennsylvania, Harrisburgh, 4,312 Territories. Delaware, Dover, 4,306 Florida, Tallahassee, 1,500 Maryland, Annapolis, 2,623 Michigan, Detroit, 2,222 Virginia, Richmond, 16,060 Arkansas, Little Rock, 1,000 North Carolina, Raleigh, 1,700 District of Columbia, Washington, 18,827 CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN THE UNITED STATES. Compact settlements, the population of which exceeds 5,000. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, New Orleans, Charleston, Cincinnati, Albany, Washington, Providence, Richmond, Salem, Portland, Pittsburg, Brooklyn, Troy, Newark, New Haven, Louisville, Norfolk, Hartford, Rochester, Charleston, Buffalo, Georgetown, Utica, Petersburg, Alexandria, N.Y. Penn. Md. Mass. Lou. S.C. O. N.Y. D. C. R.I. Va. Mass. Me. Penn. N.Y. N. Y. N. J. Conn. Ken. Va. Conn. N.Y. Mass. N.Y. D. C. N.Y. Va. D. C. 1820. 123,706 108,116 62,738 43,298 27,176 24,780 9,642 12,630 13,247 11,767 12,046 12,731 8,581 7,248 7,175 5,261 6,507 7,147 4,012 8,478 6,901 1,.502 6,591 1,100 7,300 2 972 6^690 8,218 18.30. 202,589 167,811 80,625 61,392 46,082 30,289 24,831 24,238 18,827 16,833 16,060 13,895 12,601 12,568 12,403 11,405 10,!i53 10,678 10,341 9,816 9,789 9,207 8,783 8,608 8,441 8,323 8,322 8,263 Portsmouth, Newport, New Brunswick, Paterson, Lancastei", New Bedford, Savannah, Poughkeepsie, Nantucket, Middletown, Springfield, Augusta, St. Louis, Wilmington, Lowell, Newburyport, Lynn, Lexington, Cambridge, Taunton, Reading, Nashville, Dover, Hudson, Wheeling, Norwich, Marblehead, N. H. R.I. N.J. N.J. Penn. Mass. Geo. N.Y. Mass. Conn. Mass. Geo. Mo. Del. Mass. Mass. Mass. Ky. Mass. Mass. Penn. Tenn. N. H. N.Y. Va. Conn. Mass. 1820. 7,327 7,319 6,764 1,578 6,663 3,947 7,520 3,401 7,266 6,479 ,3,914 4,000 4,598 5,268 6,852 4,515 5,267 3,295 4,520 4,332 3,500 2,871 5,310 1,500 3,634 5,630 8,082 8,010 7,831 7,731 •7,704 7,592 7,303 7,222 7,202 6,892 6,784 6,696 6,694 0,628 6,474 6,375 6,138 6,187 6,072 6,042 5,853 5.566 5,449 5,392 5,211 5,161 5,149 APPENDIX. 607 STATES, SEATS OF GOVERNMENT, &c. Table exhibiting the Seats of Government, the Times of holding the Election of State Officers, and the Time of the meeting of the Legislature of the several States. Time of holding Elections. Seats of Government. Time of the Meeting of the Legis- lature. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, 2d Monday in September, 2d Tuesday in March, 1st Tuesday in September, 2d Monday in November, i Gov. and Sen. in April, I Rep. in April and August, 1st Monday in April, In October or November, 2d Tuesday in October, 2d Tuesdaj' in October, 2d Tuesday in November, 1st Monday in October, In the month of April, Commonly in August, 2d Monday in October, 1st Monday in October, 1st Monday in August, 1st Monday in August, 1st Monday in July, 1st Thursday in August, 1st Monday in August, 2d Tuesday in October, 1st Monday in August, 1st Monday in August, 1st Monday in August, Augusta, Concord, Montpelier, Boston, S Providence, } Newport, &c. Hartford and N. Haven, Albany, Trenton, Harrisburg, Dover, Annapolis, Riclimond, Raleigh, Columbia, Milledgeville, Tuscaloosa, Jackson, New Orleans, Nashville, Frankfort, Columbia, Indianapolis, Vandalia, Jefferson City, 1st Wednesday in January. 1st Wednesday in June. 2d Thursday in October. 1st Wednesday in January. 1st Wed. in May and in June. Last Wed. Oct. and in Jan. 1st Wednesday in May. 1st Tuesday in January. 4th Tuesday in October. 1st Tuesday in December. 1st Tuesday in Jan. bienn. Last Monday in December. 1st Monday in December. 2nd Monday in November. 4th Mondayin November. 1st Monday in November. 4th Mondayin October. 1st Monday in November. 1st Monday in January. 3d Monday in Sept. bienn. 1st Monday in Novem. 1st Monday in December. 1st Monday in December. 1st Monday in Dec. bienn. 1st Monday in Nov. bienn. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, AND Tribes. ELECTORS. Cayugas, Stockbridge, Number of representatives of each state, with their Brotherton, number of electors. St. Regis Indians, Reps. Elec* Reps. Elec* Maine, 8 10 N. C. 13 15 Ohio. N. H. 5 7 S.C.J 9 11 Wyandotts, Vt 5 7 Geo. 9 11 Shawanees, Mass. R.L 12 2 14 4 Ala. Misp. 5 2 7 4 Senecas, Delawares, Ottowas, Conn. 6 8 La.i 3 5 N. Y. 40 42 Ten. 13 1.5 N. J. 6 8 Ken. 13 15 Virginia. Penn. 28 30 Ohio, 19 21 Nottaways, Delt 1 3 Ind. 7 9 Md.t 8 10 11. 3 5 South Carolina. Vir. 21 23 Mo. 2 4 Cattawbas, Total representatives 240 ; electors 288. Each state sends two senators to congress, and each territory also sends a delegate. * Those states marked thus t, choose their elec- tors by districts ; those thus t, by the legislature; all others are chosen by a general ticket. INDIANS IN THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. Tribes. Maine. St. John's Indians, Passamaquoddies, Penobscot, JUassachusetts. Marshpee, Herring Pond, Martha's Vineyard, Troy, 800 379 277 320 40 340 50 Tribes. Rhode Island. Narragansett, Connecticut. Mohegan, Stonington, Groton, No. 420 300 50 50 JVew York. Senecas, Tuscaroras, Oneidas, 2,325 253 1,096 Creeks, Georgia, Jllahama, and Tennessee. Onondaga?, 446 Cherokees, No. 90 273 360 300 5,143 542 800 551 80 377 47 450 Michigan Territory. Wyandotts, 7 Pottawatamies, 136 Chippewas and Otta- was, 18,473 Menomeenees, 3,900 Winnebagoes, 5,800 28,316 Indiana. Miami and Eel River Indians, 1,073 Illinois. Menomeenees, Kaskaskias, Sacks and Foxes, 270 36 6,400 6,706 Indiana and Illinois. Pottawatamies and Chippewas, 3,900 Georgia andMab ama. 20,000 9,000 1 Tribes. Mississippi and Mabama. Choctaws, Mississippi. Chick asaws, Florida Territory. Seminoles, &c. Louisiana. Billoxie, Apolashe, Pascagoula, Addees, Yaltasse, Coshattees, Caddow, Delawares, Choctaws, Shawanees, Natchitoches, Quapaws, Piankeshaws, Missouri. Delawares, Kickapoos, Shawanees, Weas, loways. Missouri and Arkan- sas Territory. Osages, Piankeshaws, .Arkansas Territory. Cherokees, (iuapaws, Choctaws. No. 21,000 3,625. 5,ooa 55 46 111 27 36 180 450 51 178 110 25 8 27 1,313 1,800 2,200 1,383 327 1,100 5,810 5,200 207 5,407 5,000 700 Total, 6,700 129,266 608 APPENDIX. INDIAN SCHOOLS, 1832. FROM THE OFFICIAL REPORT ON INDIAN AFFAIRS. Statement showing the number of Indian Schools, where established, by whom, the number of teachers, and the number of pupils. Site and station. By whom estab. •* t Spring Place, Cherokees, Ala. United Brethren 3 20 Brainaid, E. Misp. Am. Board Com. 2 30 Carmel, do. do. 1 30 Creek Path, do. do. 3 30 High Tower, do. do. 1 10 Dwight, Cherokees, W. Misp. do. 4 65 Tuscarora, N. Y. do. 3 82 Seneca, near Buffalo, N. Y. do. 8 45 Union, Osages, Arkansas, do. 1 54 Harmony, do. Mississippi, do. 6 30 Monroe, Chickasaws, do. o 50 Cataraugus, Senecas, N. Y. do. 1 54 Goshen, do. 8 45 Ai-ik-hun-nah, do. 3 24 Williams', do. 2 4 Tookshish, do. 3 22 Col. Folsora's Choctaw nat. do. 1 12 Cane creek. do. 3 26 Martyn, do. 2 25 Hebron, do. 2 22 Willstown, Chero., E. Misp. do. 5 18 New Echota, do. 1 24 Hawies, do. do. 3 18 Candy's creek, do. do. 4 74 Mulberry Set., Cher. W. M. do. 1 30 Michilimackinac, do. 3 157 Ottawas, Miamies, do. 10 Elliott, do. 7 48 Mayhew, do.. 6 56 Juzan's do. 1 15 Emmau's, do. 3 26 Fairfield, Cherokees, West, do. 2 30 Buffalo, Senecas, N. Y. do. 3 50 Maumee, Ohio, do. 2 25 Ahmohee, Chero., E. Misp. do. 1 46 Wyandotts, Up. Sandusky, Methodist Soc. 1 44 jisbury. Creek nation. do. 22 CareyJ Potawat., St. Joseph, Baptist jen.Con. t7 Thomas, Ottawas, Grand r. do. 15 Valleytowns, Cherokees, E. 21 Misp. do. Withington, Creek nation. do. 2 16 Oneida, New York. do. 1 30 Tonnawanda, do. do. 4 30 Bingham, Saut St. Mairie, 3 Mich. do 60 Tensewotta, E. Mississippi, do. 30 Oneida Castle, New York, Plot. Epis. Ch. 3 30 Green Bay, do. 4 130 Arbrie Crocke, Ottawa, Catholic Bishop. 2 60 Green Bay, Monomenees, do. 1 30 St. Joseph's, Potawatamies, do. 1 30 Choctaw Academy, Ken. 3 1865 SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO FIVE OFFICIAL ENUMERAIIONS. The number of children in the schools in the Indian Country, which received aid from the civilization fund is 1,865, add to which 114 at the Choctaw Academy, Ken- tucky, who are educated from funds set apart for that purpose by tlie Indians, making a total of 1,979. * Number of teachers. ■ t Number of pupils. j Boarders, beside day scholars. States. Slaves. Slaves. Slaves. Slaves. Slaves. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. Maine, N. H. 158 8 Vt. 16 Mass. C R.I. 948 380 108 48 14 Conn. 2,764 951 310 97 23 N. Y. 21,324 20,613 15,017 10,088 46 N.J. 11,423 12,422 10,851 7,557 2,246 Penn. 3,737 1,706 795 21] 386 Del. 8,887 6,153 4,177 4,.509 3,305 Md. 103,036 108,554 111,502 107,398 102,878 Vir. 292,627 340,968 392,518 425,153 469,724 N. C. 100,572 133,296 168,824 205,017 246,462 S. C. 107,094 146,151 196,365 258,475 315,665 Geo. 29,264 59,699 105,218 149,656 217,470 Ala. Miss. 3,489 17,088 .( 41,879 } 32,814 117,294 65,659 La. 34,060 69,064 109,631 Ten. 13,584 44,535 80,107 142,382 Ky. 12,430 40,343 80,561 126,732 165,350 Ohio, 3,417 Ind. 135 237 190 11. 168 917 746 Mo. 3,011 10,222 24,990 Hist. Col. 5,395 6,377 6,050 Mich. Ter. 24 27 Ark. Ter. 1,617 4,578 Flor. Ter. 15,510 Total, 697,697 896,849 1,191,364 1,538,064 2,U10,436 INDEX TO THE TABLES OF STATISTICS. Commerce — Exports, Imports and Ton., 1830-1 . 597 Imports and Exports for iO years 597 Imports & Exports of each Sttite & Ter., 1830-1 . 598 American and Foreign Tonnage, 1830-1 , . • 598 Registered, Enrolled & licensed Ton. of the U. S. . 598 Registered, Enrolled & licensed Ton. for 10 years , 599 Vessels, Tonnage and Seamen 599 Militia of the United Stales 599 Army of the Revolution .- 599 Pensioners of the United States 599 Military Posts of the United States 600 Army and Navy of the United States . ... 600 -Armories, Arsenals and Depots of the United States 600 Colleges in the United States 601 Law Schools in the United States 001 Theological Seminaries in the United States . .602 Religious Denominations in the United States - . 602 Medical Schools in the United States . . - ■ . 602 Revenue and Expenditures of the U. S. government 603 Past-office department of the United Scales . . . 603 Rail-roads in the United States 604 Canals in the United States 60;? Population of the U. S. at 5 Enumerations . . . 605 Do. of the U. S., N. & S. of the Potomac & Ohio . 605 States, Governor's Term, Senator's, &c 606 Seats of government of States and their Population. 606 Cities & Towns of the U. S. with a pop. over 5,000 . 606 States, Seats of Government, Elections, &c. . . . 607 Representatives in Congress, and Electors . . . 607 Indians in the United States 607 Indian Schools in the United States 608 Slaves of the United States at 5 Enumerations . . 60