E 332 .V81 Annual pinner :i>r- Zhc l-ouisfana Hlumni £l880Ciation of the lUniversft^ of IJiroinia lEbomas Jefferson il^w ®vUatt&, §a., ^pvil 13th, 1907 il50tctwrant ^ntoxne* ELECTION OF OFFICERS — 7 P. M. DINNER — 7:30 P. M. Pl^tttt Testes d'Anchovis. Bisque d'Ecrivisses. Crabes Moux Frits. Pommes de Terre, Julienne. Ris de Veau, Financiere. Articiiaux, Beurre Fondu, Vinagrette. Poulets de Grain Farcis. Tomates Froides, Mayonnaise. Biscuits Tortoni. Cafe. :.: Cigars. VI NS — Sherry, Sauterne, Claret, Champagne. ^4 ^j^mpo&inm 1. Address of the President, COLONEL THOMAS L. MACON. 2. "Thomas Jefferson." JOSEPH P. BLAIR, ESQ. 3. "Alma Mater." JUDGE CHARLES E. FENNER. 4. "The Republic and the University," EDGAR H. FARRAR, ESQ. 5. "German Universities," BARON FERDINAND VON NORDENFLYCHT. 6 "The Fourth Estate," MAJOR THOMAS E. DAVIS. 7. "The Professions." DR. THOMAS S. DABNEY. 8. "The University and Character," . RIGHT REVEREND DAVIS SESSUMS. 9. "Our Guests," RIGHT REVEREND GEORGE N. KINSOLVING. 10. "Juventus Jucunda," GILBERT L. DUPRE, JR., ESQ. GAI^DEAMUS IGITUR, ETC. T. MARSHALL MILLER, ESQ., TOASTMASTER, Supra Protest. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 011 711 984 1 # LIBRAR 01 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011711984 1 • pBLBS