Class Book Copyright }J^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. SONNETS SUGGESTED BY PAINTINGS IN THE COLLECTION OF HENRY CLAY FRICK BY Frederic Fairchild Sherman New York CHRISTMASTIDE MCMXV ^3 0'\ T"^- q^\o \\^\;»^ Copyright, 191 5 by Frederic Fairchild Sherman All rights reserved These verses must not be reprinted D[:C d!2 1915 C(..A420043 \ LADY INNES Painted by Thomas Gainsborough THE MUSIC LESSON Painted by Johannes Vermeer ST. FRANCIS BEFORE HIS CELL Painted by Giovemni Betlini THE POLISH RIDER Painted by Rembrandt van Rijn THE FORGE Painted by Francisco de Goya THE COTTAGE AMONG THE TREES Painted by Meindert Hobbema LADY INNES Painted by Thomas Gainsborough ' This is the portrait of a personage. No painted image of the common sort Of Beauty that is found at every Court, Her history oft' a blot upon its page. The artist had no need of any stage But Nature's own his Hkeness to support Of her whose character this true report Men's interest forever will engage. Dear little Lady of the long ago, As regal in your beauty as the rose That blooms beside you in the garden there. How good it is to meet you and to know That s\veet sincerity that buds and blov/s Fresh as a flow^er in your face, and as fair ! THE MUSIC LESSON Painted by JoKannes Vermeer How subtly fine tbc notes of color seem That liere have turned mere paint to melody In such a fashion one can almost see The very music in the glow and gleam Where fi:om the brush it flowed a silvery stream. Or heavenly blue, so rhythmically fi:ee Its song once sensed will never let us be But haunts us as Love's voice a lover's dream. This httle canvas painted by Vermeer Is called ""The Music Lesson'' to this day But this is what it is a picture of, — A maiden happy with her lover near. And Cupid listening for him to say Those words that are the very song of love! ST. FRANCIS BEFORE HIS CELL Painted by Giovanni Bellini Barefooted, in a simple rote of brov/n, St. Francis stands before bis rock:!bewn cell Here in tbe dawn, and from bis lips tbere swell Praises of God tbat ecbo up and doAvn Tbese bills and vales, — toucbed no^v witb brigbt renown Of sacred soil, because one God loved well Among tbem cbose alone ^tb Him to dwell. Beyond tbe vv^alls of yonder little town. In all tbe beauty of Bellini's art Tbere is no page more lovely tban tbis one V/bereon be pictured ^tb supreme success. And all tbe ^sdom of a tbinking beart, St. Francis standing w^bere tbe rising sun Ligbts up tbe world witb living loveliness. THE POLISH RIDER Painted by Rembrandt van Rijn W^ho is this rider of the tasselled steed That steps so high and champs the silver bit? How easy in his saddle doth he sit Gazing afar, unmindful of its speed, — As though he looked upon some grassy mead V/ith all the hanging lamps of heaven Ht, And saw Love there among the shadows flit. Where Pleasure ^svaits upon them ^who succeed. Is it not Youth upon his charger white. All armed ^th sword and bow, who rides away Upon the great adventure that is Life? His is the task some ancient Avrong to right. Some enemy o£God and man to slay. Or die himself there in the thick of strife ! THE FORGE Painted by Francisco de Goya How strong the miglity Spaniard's magic brush Has struck the deeper chords of color here Making for us, ^thout a doubt or fear, Another masterpiece, ^vhere all the rush Of life gathered in one crescendo crush Of molten melody seems to uprear Itself, forging in living fire a spear To bring the blood of every idler's blusb ! The glow of Goya in a bit of flame Lightens the darkness of the shadowed place. And touches ^th strange manliness the mask That Labor wears forevermore, — the same Determination stamped on every face Intent upon its own appointed task. THE COTTAGE AMONG THE TREES Painted by Mcindert Hobbcma This country road is the old patK of Peace That takes the tired heart home again to rest After the weary years of futile quest. How s^veet it is here where the noises cease To watch above the drifting white cloud^fleece And hear the sounds of Nature we love best. Knowing that in this refuge of the blest V/e too have found at last Life's great Release. The humble cottage is a home for us. For Time has hallo\ved it forevermore V/ith memories of childhood's happy hours. And young Love's dream, so brief but glorious. Still haunts the w^aiting threshold of its door V/ith the dear welcome fragrance of the flowers. FIFTYs^FIVE copies on ITALIAN HAND:: MADE PAPER PRIVATELY PRINTED BY THE AUTHOR FOR HIS FRIENDS Deacidified using the Bookkeeper proce Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Sept. 2009 PreservationTechnologie A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATI 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 T ' ,•