O^ *o.o' v-<;^ > 'Jt. t-^"* oV^^^^^^I^'- "^M rS ► ^^'i^^T^v'i^ ,^^ ■^^l>^* " • li >i ' -■^ * o • » -„ /■ o V a? .^' s.''" % •it o"' .0' ,v^^ A^ ■S-^ c ° "» * ^^ <> * .^....^ .> ,HO^ ,A- '-.. ^ '^^- .'i''' • ^ 'O' 0^ ..^- HO^ 4 o^ ■a .*' <" H \ ^°-^ ^:% *<> .^T' t ' » .0' t*"-'* o ^^^. ^ o -^^x. < y" \-^ '«". ; * t\ 4^. .0 e < ex '\' ^ 'o , * • o Ay o V ^0 ■^ • ^'' '^<*^ <> ""' .. .^ .0" ^•^ °-^ - 11 JOHN HILL OF DORCHESTER, MASS., \^]i AND FIVE GENERATIONS OF HIS DESCENDANTS ALSO ANCESTRAL LINES OF SOME FAMILIES INTER- MARRIED WITH HIS DESCENDANTS AND Colonial and Evolutionary ^cords pertaining to them* ALSO AN ACCOUNT OF THE HILL FAMILY OF POUNDSFORD, SOMERSETSHIRE, ENGLAND. COMPILED AND EDITED BY f' "GARDNER BARTLETT, \ 1 Boston, Mass. 1 > BOSTON: PRINTED FOB PBIVATE CIRCULATION BY LEW C. HILL. 1904. Ijujj l^^'Jil 15 D '0\ PREFACE Until recently nothing had been published concerning John HilP of Dorchester, Mass., in 1G33 and his descendants, except a few meagre, in- correct and incomplete accounts of certain branches in works like the " History of Sherborn and Holliston," the " History of Douglas," and the "History of Bridgewater," In 1898, Mr. Lew C. Hill of Boston, a de- scendant of John^ Hill of Dorchester, compiled, from the above-mentioned works and other sources, an account of his branch of the family, together with ancestral lines of various other families from which he is descended, and had typewritten a small edition of the same for private distribution. Mr. Hill being desirous of having published an accurate and complete ac- count, derived from original records, of John^ Hill and five generations of his descendants, engaged the writer to compile the genealogy which was edited and published by the New-England Plistoric-Genealogical So- ciety in 1904, in the April and July numbers of the Register. This genealogy has been reprinted and forms the first part of this volume. In addition, Mr. Hill desired to have traced the ancestral lines in the various other families from which he and his wife descend, and the results form the second and third parts of this work. Heretofore nothing has appeared in print in regard to the English an- cestry of John^ Hill of Dorchester. The fourth part of this volume is devoted to data, which the writer has collected from various printed works, in relation to a Hill family of Somersetshire, England, with which our John^ Hill of Dorchester, Mass., may have been connected. Except in the account of the Hill family in England, all the other material in this volume has been compiled from original records only, and every effort has been made to attain as accurate results as are possible in work of this nature. J. Gardner Bartlett, ' IJf. Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. CONTENTS Part I. John Hill of Dorchester, Mass., and Five Generations of his Descendants. (Reprinted from the New-England His- torical and Genealogical Register, April and July, 1904.) Part II. Ancestry of Lew Cass Hill, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Part III. Ancestry of Clara Kendall (Marcy), wife of Lew Cass Hill. Part IV. An Account of the Hill Family of Poundsford, Som- ersetshire, England. PART I. JOHN PULL OF DORCHESTER, MASS., AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 1. JoiiN^ IIiLL is first nieutioned iu tlie Dorchester Records as follows : •' Jan. 6, 1633-4. It is agreed that the great lotts from Mr. Rosciter's to John Hills lott tow[:ird] Naponset in bredth and eight score in length shall be forthwith enclosed by good sufficient Pale," etc. He was born probably about 1002, and was in Dorchester, and a land holder there, as early as 1G33. Search for his English ancestry is now being made, and results, if any, will be published later. There are reasons for belie\dng that he came from the vicinity of Chard, iu Somersetshire, England, about eight miles north of Lyme Regis. The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623 gives the jiedigree of a Hill family, of Poundsford, hi which a Jolm^ Hill is mentioned as the tenth and youngest son of William^ of Poundsford {Roger ^^ William'^). This John* Hill was born circa 1571, had a sou John,^ yeoman, living in Chaffcombe, a parish three miles east of Chard, of age but unmarried in 1628, but who had re- moved from there before 1633. Dorchester records show that John^ Hill had land granted on Feb. 18, 1636, Jan. 2, 1637-8. and March 18, 1638. There is no evidence that he was a member of the church, and the style of his will is totally different from that in vogue among the religious Puritan colonists. Not having been a church member he could not have been a freeman ; and there is no record of his having held wtiy public offices. It has been commonly stated that John Hill of l3orchester was a blacksmith, but nothing appears to substantiate this assertion, and the inventory of his estate indicates that he was a farmer.* His residence, after 1 641:, was in that part of Dorchester called Uncaty, and later setoff as Milton. On Feb. 14, 1733-4, represen- tatives of all his children who had issue sold out their interests iu his rights in the undivided lands in Stoughtou. (Suffolk Co. Deeds.) "John HiJl of the Great Lotts Departed out of this Life the 31** Day of May 1664." His will, made 11 Apr., 1660, mentions eldest son John Hill, son Samuel, who had been helpful to him in his infirm days, daughter Mary who had received her portion, and friends Thomas Tilestone and -John INlinot. The bulk of his estate was left to wife Frances " for her maintenance and for the bringing up of my children " ; at her death the property was to be di- ^^ded among the' nine youngest children, or such of them as survive. In- ventory mentions horses, cattle, swine, crops, and " husbandry tools " ; * The writer is of the opinion that John Hill of Plymouth, in 1630, was identical .vith John Hill, blacksmith, of Boston, who w\as admitted to the church there in July, 1641, became freeman May 18, 1642, joined the Artillery Co. in 1643, and died July 21, 1646, leaving a widow Margaret. There was another John Hill early in Boston, a member of the church, admitted freeman I\Iay 6, 1646, and joined the Artillery Co. in 1647. It has been proved that William Hill of Dorchester, in 1633, came from Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire, and that he was not a brother of John Hill of Dorchester. value of estate £287. 1. 0. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) John Hill married, probably in England, about 1629, Frances , who was' born about 1608, admitted to Dorchester Church about 1638, and survived him. On Feb. 13, 1667-8, the widow Hill was taxed on eighteen acres in the " greate lotts " ; but she died before 1680. Children : • 2. i. John," b. about 1630, probably in England. ii. Fbances, b. about 1632, perhaps in Dorchester; dismissed to the church at Taunton, June 28, 1674 ; m. as his second wife, Dec. 14, 1667, Jonas Austin, Sr., of Taunton, who d. there July 30, 1683. Shed, in Dorchester, Nov. 18, 1676. No children. iii. Eebecca, b. about 1634, in Dorchester; admitted to- the Dorchester church, Feb. 12, 1664-5; dismissed to the Taunton cimrch, Feb. 18, 1671-2 : m. Feb. 25, 1667-8, Joseph Gray of Taunton, who sur- vived her. She d. May 13, 1676, Three children, of whom the eldest son, Joseph, b. Dec. 31, 1670, signed the deed of 1734. iv. Mary, b. about 1636 ; m. Feb. 12, 1656-7, Thomas Breck. They soon joined the new settlement at Sherborn where they afterwards resided. She d. Aug. 15, 1726; he d. Apr. 23, 1703. Eleven chil- dren. 3. V. Samuel, b. and bapt. about 1638. 4. vi. Jonathan, bapt. July 12, 1640. vii. Hannah, bapt. in Dec. 1641 ; admitted to Dorchester church, Mar. 9,- 1661-2; dismissed to Taunton church, Feb. 18, 1671-2; m. about 1662, Daniel Fislier of Tauftton. Nine children, of whom the eldest son, Daniel, b. Dec. 22, 1663, signed the deed of 1734. viii. Mercy, bapt. Jan. 8, 1642-3; m. Elkanah Willis of Bridgewater, who d. Dec. 12, 1711 ; d. July 7, 1709. At least two children, of whom the sou, Nathaniel, b. in Jan. 1678-9, signed the deed of 1734. ix. Ruth, b. in Aug, 1644; m. July 19, 1664, Roger Willis; settled in Sudbury, where shed. Sept, 1, 1736, the last survivor of the children of John^ Hill, and a signer of the deed of 1734. Eight children, b. in Dorchester and Sudbury. 5. X. Ebenezer. xi. Israel, resided in Dorchester, and was a carpenter; served in King- Philip's War on garrison duty at Medtield and Wi'entham. (Bodge's King Philip's War.) Administration on the estate of Israel Hill, "slain by the heathen in the country's service," was given to his brother Ebenezer Hill, July 31, 1677; inventory mentions a sword and belt, and carpenter's tools. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) He Avas probably unmarried, xii. Martha, bapt. Aug. 20, 1648; no further record. xiii. Mehitable, bapt. Feb. 18, 1650-1 ; lived in Dorchester, where she " assented to government of the church," March 5, 1676-7 ; d. un- married, March 5, 1679, her brother Samuel Hill being adminis- trator. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) 2. JoHN^ Hill (John^) was born about 1630. In 1657 he joined a party who purchased from the Indians a large tract of land on the then fi'ontier beyond Medtield, where they settled and which later became the town of Sherborn. Here he was active in the affairs of the new settlement, and improved a large farm on which he resided until his death, Jan. 23, 1717-18. His will, dated Dec. 10, 1717, mentions son-in-law James Adams and daughter Abigail his wife, to whom he had deeded, Feb. 18, 1712-13, one-half of his home- stead ; eldest son Samuel Hill ; sons Ebenezer, John and Eleazer Hill ; heirs of daughter Abigail Leland ; daughter Mary Ellis ; heirs of daughter Hannah ; heir of daughter Sarah. Executors, son Samuel Hill and Ebenezer BiJlard, his wife's son. (Middlesex 6. 7. ii. 111. 8. --- iv. ■ V. UUUl, mill VVIIU UH U 111 x>UV., AUi/U , U/llU IJD lllillllUll »i;iJUllU, ^llJUU^/ 1()'J."), Eliziibetli, who died Dec. 1, 171'J, the widow ol" Bciijamiu Bulhird of Sherborn. Children by first wife, iii. to vii. recorded hi Medfield : Samukl,' b. about 1G54. Ehknezkh, b. about 1(;5(>. AisuiAiL, b. Feb, 2, 1657-8; ni. Nov. 5, 1078, Ilopcstill Leland of Sherborn, b. Nov. 15, 1653, cl. Aug. lU, 172'J; d. Oct. 5, 1089. Four children. John, b. Mar. 14, 1660-1. ^ M.vuY, b. Oct. 28, 1662; m. in Boston, Apr. 7, 1098, as his second wife, John Ellis of tliat part of Medfield later Medwav, who was • b. Apr. 26, 164G, and d. Nov. 14, 1716. She d. Mar. 3,^1729. One child. 9. vi. Eleazer, b. June 29, 1664. vii. Johnson, b. June 22, 1666; no further record; probably d. young, viii. Hannah, b. about 1668; in. Sept. 30, 1686, Daniel Pond, Jr., of Wrenthaui, who d. after 1734. She d. June 2, 1691. Two children. ix. Sauah, b. about 1670 ; m. July 28, 1691, John Perry, Jr., of Sherborn, who was b. Dec. 24, 1G67. One child. Child by second wife : X. Abigail (second), b. June 10, 1695 ; m. Jan. 1, 1712-13, James Adams • of Slierborn, who was b. July 7, 1093, and d. Jan. 14, 1727-8. She d. Sept. 17, 1736. Sis children. Samuel^ Hill (John^) is stated, in Dorchester Records, to have been born in 1640, but his brother Jonathan"^ Hill was baptized in July of that year, and the church records also state that SamueP Hill was baptized in 1638, so he was probably born in the latter year. His residence was Dorchester, except that he lived for a short time, about 1700-1703, on Spectacle Island in Boston har- bor, ( Suffolk Co. Deeds. ) In deeds he is styled husbandman, and he appears to have been in poor circumstances most of his life, as there are several records of assistance given him by the town. lie died Jan. 12, 1708-9, intestate ; his son-in-law Charles Redman was appointed administrator, in 1717. The names of heirs are not given. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) He married, about 1667, Martha , who died in Dorchester, Sept. 13, 1715. Children, recorded in Dorchester : . i. Martha," b. Dec. 20, 1667; m. Feb. 10, 1688-9, Charles Redman of Milton and Stonshton, who was b. Aug. 16, 1060. Seven children. 10. ii. John, b. Dec. 20, 1609. iii. Thankful, b. Jan. 31, 1071-2; m.Feb. 10, 1088-9, Thomas Lamb of Dorchester. One child is recorded there, after wliich their names disappear from Dorchester records, and they perhaps removed to the vicinity of Stonington, Conn. iv. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1074; d. Nov. 15, 1670. v. Samuel, b. Sept. 12, 1676; d. Sept. 19, 1076. vi. Israel, b. July 11, 1679; ])apt. and admitted to Dorchester church, Feb. 22, 1701-2; the same year, was crippled by an accident (Church Records) ; resided in Dorchester until his death, Dec. 5, 1742; probably unmarried. 11. vii. JosiAH, b. Jan. i, 1681-2. 12. viii. George (jsj^rhaps). 13. ix. Thomas, b.^uue 8, 1687. 4. Jonathan^ Hill (John}), baptized in Dorchester, July 12, 1640, as- sented to the government of Dorchester church, Mar. 5, 1676-7. The Dorchester records state that in 1668 he received £1. 7. 5 for military service at the " Castle." Apr. 20, 1669, he and others were warned by the selectmen " in regard to their orderly walking and submitting to seemly government." He moved to Bridgewater about 1678, where he afterwards resided. In deeds he is called tailor. On Feb. 2, 1708-9, Jonathan Hill, Sr., of Bridgewater, with consent of his wife Mary, conveyed to his son Nathaniel Hill, for one hundred pounds, all his real estate in Bridgewater, reserving for himself and his wiie the right to live in his " now dwelling house " for life. On the same day he conveyed, for forty pounds, to his son Jonathan Hill, Jr., of Bridgewater, his interest in Twelve Men's Purchase in Mid- dleboro', and his rights in any undivided lands in Dorchester. (Ply- mouth Co. Deeds.) This is the last record of him that appears, and he probably died vi^ithin a few years thereafter. He married Mary , who was dismissed from the Dorchester church to the Bridge- w'ater church, Nov. 7, 1686. She was living as late as Dec. 9, 1718, when she signed a release- on a deed of her son Nathaniel Hill. (Ply- mouth Co. Deeds.) Children : 14. i. Nathaniel,' b. in Dorchester, May 7, 1676. ii. Jonathan, b. about 1679; lived in Bridgewater. On Aug. 10, 1711, Jonathan Hill, of Bridgewater, conveyed to Ebenezer Hill, of the same place, his one-twelftli part of land in Middleboro' in Twelve Men's rurchase, whicli land he obtained by deed from his father. (Plymouth Co. Deeds.) He probably never married, as no record appears of any family. In 1734, wlien the descendants of John^ Hill disposed of his rights in undivided lauds in Dorchester, David* Hill {Nathaniel,^ Jonathan,^ Johu^) signed as the representative of Jonathan^ Hill. iii. Mary, b. about 1682; m. June 19, 1702, Elnathan Bassett of Bridge- water. One cliild. iv. Bethia, probably d. unmarried. 5. Ebenezer^ Hill (John^), born in Dorchester, about 1644, lived there until about 1682, when he settled in Bridgewater. Dec. 19, 1675, he fought in Capt. Johnson's Co. in the great battle at the Narragansett Swamp Fort. In deeds he is called husbandman. He married first, about 1683, Ruth, daughter of Guido and Elizabeth Bailey of Bridge- water. She was living Jan. 12, 1687-8, when her parents conveyed land to her and her husband, but she died soon. (Plymouth Co. Deeds,) He married second, about 1692, Sarah , who sur- vived him. On Nov. 22, 1695, Ebenezer Hill, " for love to my pres- ent wife Sarah Hill," conveyed land in Bridgewater in trust to Dea. Henry Hodges and John Lincoln, Sr., of Taunton, for the use of said wife during life, and then to belong to her children which she had by him. (Plymouth Co. Deeds.) Ebenezer^ Plill flied in the spring of 1696 ; and his widow Sarah was appointed administrator, July 8, 1696. Children by first wife, recorded in Bridgewater : i. Ruth,' b. Feb. 26, 1684-5 ; m. Jan. 23, 1703-4, James Hogg of Taun- ton (North Purchase), later Norton. In 1716, James Hogg and Ruth his wife released to David Ames of Bridgewater any claims in a meadow in Brklffcwater conveyed to said Ames by "John Hill j'oungcfst son of our fatlier Ebenezoi' Hill late of Bridgewater de- ceased." (Plymouth Co. Deeds.) 15. ii. Ebenkzer, b. Nov. 9, 1686. Child by second wife : 16. ill. John, 3 b. about 1693. 6. Samuel* Hill {John,- John^). born about lGo4, was a husbandman, and settled on a farm in that part of Medfield later set off as Medway, where he was Deacon of the church for several years, until liis death Mar. 24, 1723. Dying intestate, his estate was divided among all his children, the records of the Suffolk Co. Probate Court naming sons Samuel, Ephraim and Jonathan ; and daughters, Sarah wife of Peter Adams, Hannah wife of Thomas Harding, Mary, Dorothy wife of Jeremiah Hall, Lydia, and Rachel. He married, Nov. 4, 1 679, Hannah, born Oct. 8, 1G60, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Tvvitchell of Slierborn. Children, the first recorded in Sherborn, the others in Medfield : Samuel,* b. Nov. 18, 1680; d. Dec. 30, 1680. Samuel, b. Mar. 29. 1682. Sakah, b. Mar. 7, 1684; m. July 7, 1710, Peter Adams, who was b. May 9, 1684; settled in Wrenthara, where she d. Apr. 20, 1747. Four children. Ephraim, b. Nov. 5, 1688. Jonathan, b. Nov. 6, 1691. Hannah, b. Mar. 21, 1692-3; m. Mar. 11, 1715-16, Dea. Thomas Harding of Medway, who was b. Dec. 7, 1692, and d. Oct. 15, 1754. She d. Sept. 15, 1739. Six children. Mary, b. July 15, 1696; living unmarried in 1724. . DonoTHY, b. July 13, 1698; m. Jan. 31, 1720-21, Jei'eraiah Hall of Wreutham, who was b. in Rehoboth, Mar. 11, 1686-7 ; later settled in Keene, N. H. Lydia, b. May 8, 1701; living, unmarried, in 1724. Rachel, b. Dec. 12, 1703; m. Mar. 27, 1728, Isaac Harding of Med- way, who was b. Feb. 16, 1705-6, and d. Oct. 5, 1779. She d. Mar. 16, '1786. Five children. 7. Ebenezer^ Hill {John^ Johri^), born about 1656, resided in that part of Sherborn set off in 1724 as HoUiston, where he was Selectman in 1724 and 1725, and died in the autumn of 1734. In his will, dated May 7, 1731, he calls himself husbandman; mentions wife Mary; sons Ebenezer, David and Joseph ; grandson Job Hill son of son Ebenezer ; and daughters Mary, Lydia, Judith and Hannah. The set- tlement of the estate shows that Mary was wife of Ebenezer Allen, Lydia wife of Samuel_paniel, Judith wife of Benjamin Bullard, and Hannah wife of Moses Hill. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He mar- ried, in 1691, Mary, born about 1672, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Rogers) White of Mendon. (See will of Joseph White, Suffolk Co. Probate.) His widow married second, Nov. 8, 1742, Capt. Seth Chapin of Mendon. Children : Ebenezer,* b. Mar. 2, 1692. David, b. June 1, 1694. ^^^ Mary, b. about 1698; ra. July 29, 1719, Ebenezer Allen of Medway, who was b. Sept. 25, 1694. Eleven children. -^ 22. iv. Joseph, b. Apr. 1, 1701. 1. 17. ii. iii. 18. iv. 19. V. vi. vii. viii ix. X. 20. 21. Ii. iii 8 V. Isaac, b. Feb. 28, 1703-4; d. young. N^ vi. LYr>iA,b. Nov. 30, 1706; m. Jan. 15, 1729-30, Samuel Daniel of Hol- li«ton, who was b. Jan. 16, 1704-5. Six children. vii. Judith, b. June 3, 1710; m. Nov. 9, 1727, Benjamin Bullard of Hol- liston, who was b. Mar. 4, 1702-3. Twelve children. He m. (2) Aug. 12, 17G2, Ruth (Day) Hill, Avidow of John Hill (No. 23), by whom he had no children, and d. in 1766. His widow, Ruth, m. Sept. 10, 1768, Dea. John Chapin of Mendon. viii. Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 1712 ; m. June 27, 1729, Moses Hill of Holliston (No. 29). ix. Seth, b. Feb. 28, 1716-17; d. young. 8. JoHN^ Hill {John,'^ John^), born'Mar. 14, 1660-1, was a husbandman, and resided on a part of his father's farm in Sherborn, until his death, intestate, May 23, 1738. On June 29, 1738, the following chil- dren signed a settlement of his estate : John Hill, husbandman, of Sherborn, eldest son ; Samuel Hill, housewright, of Sherborn ; Aaron Hill, blacksmith ; William Mann, Jr., and Hannah his wife ; and Samuel Morse and Sarah his wife, all of Wrentham. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) John^ Hill married, about 1693, Hannah, born Oct. 1, 1673, daughter of Dea. Samuel and Hannah (Ellis) Rockwood of Medfield. She died Feb. 7, 1729-30. (For proof of her parentage, see Suffolk Co. Deeds, Lib. 38, p. 108.) Children : 23. i. JoHN,^ b. about 1694. 24. ii. Aaron, b. perhaps about 1698. iii. Hannah, b. Aug. 9, 1702; m. William Mann, Jr., of Wrentham, who was b. Oct. 15, 1702, and d. Mar. 22, 1765. She d. Mar. 23, 1749- 50. Five children, iv. Sarah, b. Nov. 11, 1705; m. June 7, 1732, Samuel Morse of AVren- tham, who was b. in WatertoAvn, June 7, 1702, and d. Apr. 25, 1782. She d. June 19, 1740. Four children. 25. V. Samuel, b. Aug. 11. 1710. vi. Ja.mes, b. Mar.' 3, 1711-12; d. May 11, 1729. 9. Eleazer^ Hill (John,^ John'), born June 29, 1664, was a husband- man, and resided in Sherborn until his death, in 1 725. Pie died in- testate, and on Sept. 28, 1725, his sous Eleazer, Solomon, Nathaniel and Moses, and daughter Ruth wife of John Hoi brook, signed an agreement of settlement. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He married first, about 1688, Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hill) Breck, of Sherborn, who was born about 1661, and died July 6, 1699. Oct. 18, 1703, Eleazer Hill was appointed guardian for his children El- eazer, Moses, Nathaniel, Ruth and Solomon, of their interests in the estate of their grandfather Thomas Breck. (Middlesex Co. Pi'obate.) Eleazer^ Hill married second, Mar. 20, 1702-3, Rebecca (Clark) Rich- ardson, born Aug. 16, 1660, daughter of Joseph and Alice (Pepper) Clark, and widow of John Richardson of Medfield. She died Feb. 17, 1738-9. Children by first wife : 26. i. Eleazer,* b. Jan. 1, 1688-9. ii. Sarah, b. Nov. 30, 1690; d. young. 27. iii. Solomon, b. Dec. 27, 1691. 28. iv. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 25, 1693. V. Ruth, b. about 1696; m. Mar. 13. 1718-19, John Holbrook of Sher- born, and later of Mendon and Grafton, who was b. Mar. 22, 1694, and d. May 6, 1756. She d. May 12, 1747. Seven children. 29. Vi. Moses, b. Mar. 30, 1699. 10. John' Hill {Samuel,"^ Jbhn^), born Dec. 20, IfiGO, appears no fiu'ther in Dorchester records, and it is uncertain wlietlier lie died young or removed elsewhere. lu 1694, Jonathan^ Hill and wife Mary, of Bi'idgewater, conveyed a meadow " unto John Hill, inhabitant of Bridgewater," whose identity is uncertain, but he may have been this John^ (SamueP). About 1700, several Dorchester families removed to the vicinity of Stonington, Conn., and Jolin^ Hill may be identicid with a John Hill of Westerly, R. I., who had the following two children born there. (See Vital Records of R. I.) Children : 30. i. JoHN,^ b. Oct. 3, 1699. ii. Maky, b. Feb. 27, 1701-2. 11. Josiah' Hill (Samuel,^ Johii^), born Jan. 1, 1G81-2, appears no fur- ther in Dorchester records. He was probably the Josiah Hill who joined the Milton church, June 1, 1701, and may be identical with the Josiah Hill of Westerly, R. I., who died there Jan. 27, 1754, and by wife Mary had born there the following children. (See Vital Records of R. I.) Children : i. Mary,* b. about 1710; m. July 26, 1732, Ebenezer Lamb. 31. ii. Samuel, b. Dec. 11, 1712. ^^-^ii. JosLVH, b. Oct. 28, 1714; nothing further known.- — iv. John, b. Nov. 10, 1717 ; nothiag further known. 32. V. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 8, 1719. 12. George Hill^ (perhaps Samuel^- John^). A George Hill appears ia Rehoboth in 1708, being married on Dec. 31, of that year, to Susanna Grime. His parentage is uncertain ; but the intimate connection of himself and his children with Attleboro', Wrentham, Medfield and Stoughton, where were located descendants of John^ Hill, give reason to believe him to have been a member of this family. He lived in the part of Rehoboth which was later Attleboro', where he died in the spring of 1759. His will, dated Jan. 18, proved Apr. 14, 1759, mentions Sarah Hill, daughter of son John deceased ; Anne Hill and Hannah Hill, daughters of son William deceased ; daughter Eliza- beth wife of Nathaniel Cobb ; deceased daughter Susanna wife of Obediah Eddy ; son James Hill ; and daughter Ruth, and wife Su- sanna, to whom were given the homestead. (Bristol Co. Probate.) He and his wife joined the church in Norton, in 1735. Children, recorded in Rehoboth : i. Eliz.ujeth,* b. Feb. 21, 1709-10; m. Feb. 12, 1729-30, Nathaniel Cobb of Attleboro'. ii. SusANXA, b. Mar. 14, 1711-12 ; not mentioned in her father's will, iii. John, b. Mar. 14, 1713-14, in Medfield; m. Nov. 17, 1737, Sarah Silley of Norton ; d. in 1738. One child. iv. Ruth, b. Aug. 12, 1716, in Medfield ; unmarried in 1759. V. Jonathan, b. Sept. 12, 1718; not raentioned in his father's will, vi. David, b. Apr. 14, 1721 ; d. in Wrentham, July 18, 1743. vii. James, b. July 28, 1723; m. in Wrentham, May 20, 1743, Elizabeth Hewes ; settled in Norton, viii. Hannah, b. Aug. 24, 1725 ; not raentioned in her father's will. ix. AViLLiAM, b. May 9, 1729; m. in Stoughton, Sept. 21. 1750, Sarah Christon. He bad d., leaving two children, before 1759. 10 13. Thomas^ Hill (Samuel,^ John^), born in Dorchester, June 8, 1687, was a cordwainer, and settled in Attleboro', wliere he was living when he signed the deed, previously mentioned, of 1734. (Suffolk Co. Deeds.) Dec. 20, 1752, he was living in Cumberland, R. I., ■ when he sold his interest in land in Purgatory Swamp laid out to his father Samuel'^ Hill of Dorchester. (See Suffolk Co. Deeds.) His further history has not been traced. He married first, Eliza- beth , who died Apr. 2, 1718 ; and married second, in 1718, Abiah . Children by first wife : i. Rachel,* b. .Jan. 16, 17H-15; no further record. 33. ii. Samuel, b. May 23, 1716. 34. iii. Henry, b. Feb. 22, 1717-18. Children by second wife : 35. iv. Will'iam, b. Sept. 20, 1719. V. Simeon, b. Oct. 27, 1721 ; no further record, vi. Thomas, b. Nov. 19, 172-1; no further record. 14. Nathaniel^ Hill (Jonathan,^ Johti^) , born in Dorchester, May 7, 1676, moved to Bridge water with his j^arents, about 1679, where he afterwards resided, inheriting his father's homestead. Mar. 12, 1729-30, he conveyed land in Dighton, which is the last record found of him ; and he died probably within a year after this date. (Bristol Co. Deeds.) In deeds he is styled husbandman ; and there is no record of the settlement of his estate. He married, May 30, 1710, Hannah, born in Beverly, .Tan. 2.5, 1683-4, daughter of Na- thaniel and Hannah (Mansfield) Conant, of Beverly and Bridge- water. She married second, in 1732, Samuel Hay ward of Bridge- water, by whom she had no children. Children : 36. i. David,* b. Dec. 12, 1712. 37. ii. Abijah, b. Dec. 23, 1714. ill. Mary, b. June 24, 1717 ; m. Nov. 22, 1738, Benaiah Smith of Easton ; no further record. 38. iv. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 20, 1719. 39. V. Josiah, b. May 22, 1722. vi. Hannah, b. July 14, 1725; ra. Nov. 7, 1743, WiUiam Snow, Jr., of Bridgewater, who was b. Aug. 10, 1723, and d. May 14, 1755. She d. about 1774. Tliree children. 15. Ebenezer^ Hill (Ebenezer,^ John^), born Nov. 9, 1686, lived in Bridgewater until his death, July 6, 1760. He is called blacksmith in deeds. He was a grantee of land, in 1734, in Greenwich, Mass., in right of his father Ebenezer^ Hill, and of his uncle Joseph Bailey, both of whom fought in the Great Swamp battle in King Philip's War, Dec. 19, 1675. (Bodge's " Soldiers in King Philip's War.") He evidently abandoned his Narragansett rights, as the lots drawn in his name in Greenwich were sold for taxes, Sept. 5, 1750. He also signed the deed of 1734, representing his father Ebenezer'^ Hill. He died intestate, and his real estate jjassed to his son Eleazer, who paid his brothers Ebenezer, Jacob and Israel for their shares. (Plymouth Co. Probate.) He married. Mar. 22, 1714, Susanna, born Dec. 24, 1683, daughter of Jacob and Susanna (King) Leonard, of Weymouth and Bridgewater. She died Nov. 19, 1764. 11 Childi-en : i. EitEN'KZKU'' Hill, b. Mar. 9, 1715; lived in Bridji;ewatcr, where he d. umiiarrieil, about 1767. Mar. 24, 1768, Jacob and Israel Hill conveyed to their brother Eleazer Hill all their interest in real estate of their brother Ebcnezer Hill, late of Bridgewater. (Ply- mouth Co. Deeds.) 40. ii. Jacob, b. Nov. 19, 1717. 41. iii. IsRAKL, b, Aug. 17, 1719. iv. Moses, b. Feb. 1, 1722; d. young. V. Hezkkiaii, b. March 4, 1727; d. young. vi. Eleazek, b. June 1."), 1730; was a husbandman; resided in Bridge- water, where he m. Jan. 30, 1769, Anna, dau. of Dr. Daniel and Susanna (Thayer) Field; no children. He d. in the SAimmer of 1791. His will, dated July 25, probated Sept. 16, 1791, gave his wife one-third of his estate for life, and the remainder, together with reversion of widow's thirds, to Jacob and Eleazer Hill, sons of his brother Jacob Hill. (Flymouth Co. Probate.) 16. JoHX^ Hill (Ebe7iezer,^ Jo/ni^), horn about 1693, was livinof in Kings- town, R. I., in 1714, when he sold to David Ames, of Bridgewater, a meadow lot in the latter town, and also all his rights from his father, Ebenezer Hill, late of Bridgewater, deceased. (Plymouth Co. Deeds.) The further history of this John Hill is uncertain, but there are reasons for believing he was identical with the John Hill who lived in Stonington, Conn., and had born there, but baptized in the church in Preston, to which his wife Elizabeth was admitted on Feb. 23, 1717-18, the following six children. Children : i. Samuel,* b. about 1717; had wife Dorothy admitted to the Pres- ton church, Jan. 13, 1738-9, and children baptized there later. A Samuel Hill, of Bridgewater, served as private in the company of Capt. John Clapp, Jr., from Apr. 20 to Nov. 24, 1756, on the Crown Point expedition, and on July 26 at Fort Edward, age 38, occupation laborer, born in Stonington, residence Stonington. (Mass. Archives.) A Samuel Hill of Stonington, "a stroller," age 60, was enlisted in 1779 for the town of Milton. (Mass. Ar- chives.) Both of the foregoing records evidently refer to the same person. ii. Abiel, bapt. Mar. 29, 1719. iii. Thankful, bapt. May 14, 1721 ; m. Aug. 14, 1739, Phineas Kilham of Preston. iv. John, bapt. Dec. 15, 1723. V. RuFUS, bapt. June 12, 1726 ; m. in Preston, in 1758, Hannah Pollard. vi. Abraham, bapt. July 14, 1728. 17. Samuel* Hill (Samuel,^ John,^ Johri^), born Mar. 29. 1682, was a husbandman, and lived in Medway, where he died Mar. 2, 1755. He married. Mar. 29, 1706, Rachel, born Feb. 1, 1680-1, daughter of Dea. Peter and Experience (Cook) Adams of Medfield, who died Mar. 13, 1758. Children : i. Samuel,* b. Jan. 12, 1706-7; husbandman; resided in Medway, where he d. in Feb., 1789; m. Mar. 1, 1732, Mary, b. Mar. 4, 1712, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Rockwood) Fisher of Wrenham, who d. Mar. 7, 1774. Seven children. ii. Joshua, b. Feb. 27, 1708-9; settled in HoUiston, where his children were born ; later, in 1753, moved to Sutton, where he d. in 1758, intestate, his eldest son Nathan being appointed administrator, in Nov. of that year. He was a husbandman. He m. in 1736, Mary 12 , who survived him. Eight children. A J(5shua Hill enlisted as private on May 2, 1758, in Capt. John Fry's Co. for the expedi- tion against Canada. iii. Rachel, b. May 26, 1711 ; m. May 21, 1731, Malachi BuUard of Med- way, who was b. Apr. 27, 1710, and d. Feb. 12, 1782. She d. Nov. 28, 1771. One child. iv. Experience, b. Oct. 7, 1713; m. Mar. 19, 1743, Seth Harding of Medway, who was b. Dec. 1, 1717; no further record. V. Ebexezer, b. Nov. 3, 1716; m. in Medway, May 10, 1744, Bethia Lawrence; settled in HoUiston, where they had five children re- corded before 1752. He was perhaps the Ebenezer Hill who appeared in Stoughton in 1752. In 1752, Ebenezer Hill of Med- field bought land of Elkaiiah Billings in that part of Stoughton which later was Sharon. Ebenezer Hill of Stoughton was private in the Revolutionary service, in 1776. (Mass. Archives.) 18. Capt. Ephraim* Hill {Samuel,^ John? John}), born in Medway, Nov. 5, 1688, about 1725 became the first settler of the then wil- derness of Douglas, where he resided thereafter, and was captain of the local military company. He served as selectman, and was otherwise prominent in the town until his death, Apr. 18, 1760. In deeds he is styled husbandman, and later gentleman. No settlement of his estate is on record. He married, June 15, 1715, Hannah, born Nov. 24, 1693, daughter of William and Hannah (Bullard) Sheffield of Sherborn, who died about 1783. Children, the first three recorded in Medway : i. Capt. Caleb,* b. May 23, 1716; lived in Douglas, where he was a prominent man; deacon in the church thirty years, tavern keeper, captain of the military company. Justice of the Peace, selectman many years, and Representative to the General Court in 1775. In Aug., 1757, he and his company were in the expedition for the re- lief of Fort William Henry. (Mass. Archives.) He d. Mar. 25, 1788. He m. (1) Apr. 15. 1740, Bethia Taft of Mendon, who d. May 30, following; and m. (2) in 1741, Hannah, b. Jan. 21, 1723- 4, dau. of James and Abigail (Hill) Adams of Sherborn, who d. Feb. 17, 1764, by whom he had eight children. Aug. 16, 1745, Caleb Hill, gentleman, and Hannah his wife, of Douglas, conveyed to Nathaniel Holbrook land in Holliston, setoff for their late brother John Adams, a minor, deceased. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) Hera. (3) Jan. 10, 1765, Ruth, b. in Cambridge, Sept. 19, 1723, dau. of John and Rebecca (Champney) Hicks of Sutton, who had no chil- dren, and survived him. ii. Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1719; d. Oct. 3, 1723. iii. Hannah, b. Feb. 24, 1725-6; m. Jan. 7, 1743-4, Samuel Daniels of Medway, who was b. June 8, 1720; they settled in Keeue, N. H., and had issue. iv. Ephraim; a husbandman, resided in Douglas; received land from his father, June 7, 1754. (Worcester Co. Deeds) ; served as pri- vate in Aug., 1757, in the Company of his brother, Capt. Caleb Hill; also previously served two months, in 1756, on Crown Point expedition. (Mass. Archives.) His will, dated Mar. 24, proved Apr. 7, 1795, names three children. (Worcester Co. Probate.) V. Jonah, served in the Company .of his brother, Capt. Caleb Hill, in Aug., 1757 (Mass. Archives) ; later moved to Royalstou, where he was a husbandman; served as Sergt., in 1778, in the Revolution. (Mass. Archives.) His will, dated Feb. 22, 1797, proved May 22, 1806, names wife Esther, and three children. (Worcester Co. Probate.) Hist, of Royalston states that his wife was a Liver- more, 13 19. JoxATHAN* Hill (Samuel? John, '^ John'^), born Nov. H, 1091, lived in Medway until his death, about 1771. In his will, dated Apr. 7, 1770, he calls himself husbandman, and mentions w^ife Hannah, sons Enoch and Jonathan, daughters Huldah AUen and Sarah Breck, and heirs of his son Jabe/ Hill. (Suifolk Co. Probate.) He mar- ried first, about 1713, Rachel, daughter of William and Mary Shef- field of Sherborn, who died Nov. 20, 1714. May 4, 1724, .Jonathan Hill, of Medway, was appointed guardian of his son .labez Hill, aged 9, to recover his share in the estate of his grandfather, William Sheffield late of Sherborn. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) He married second, about 1717, Hannah , who survived him, and was living in 1778. Child by first wife : i'. Jabez,* b. Nov. 16, 1714; settled in Southboro', where he m. Nov. 9, 1743, Eunice, b. May 25, 1723, dan. of Timothy and Rnth (Mat- tliews) Johnson of Marlboro'. They had cliildren recorded in Sontliboro', but soon disappeared. A Jabez Hill of Shirley sei'ved in Capt. Osgood's Co., from May 31 to Sept. IG, 1754. (Mass. Archives.) Nothing further known of this family. Children by second wife : ii. HULDAH.5 b. alwut 1718; m. Nov. 16, 1743, John Allen of Medfield, who was b. Aug. 23, 1712, and d. Sept. 1, 1778. She d. Aug. 14, 1798. Eight children. iii. Enoch, b. about 1720; resided in Bellinghara and Medway; a sol- dier in the Kevolntion. (Mass. Archives.) His will, dated Sept. 11, 1778, proved Dec. 3, 1793, calls himself yeoman, names wife Mehitable and his honored mother Hannah Hill, but no children. (Norfolk Co. Probate.) He m. (1) Dec. 26, 1747, Mary, b. July 25, 1724, dau. of Cornelius and Hannah (Thompson) Darling of Bellingham, who d. Jan. 4, 1760; and m. (2) Apr. 3, 1760, Mehita- ble Metcalf of Medway, who d. May 10, 1798. Probably no chil- dren by either wife. iv. Jonathan, b. Dec. 7, 1723 ; resided in Medway and Bellingham ; was a husbandmau ; served in Capt. Jones's Co. in the autumn of 1758. (Mass. Archives) ; m. Jan. 3, 1746, Rebecca Allen. Six children. V. Sarah, b. Mav 27, 1728; ni. Oct. 2, 1751, Elijah Breck of Sherborn, who was b. June 22, 1718, and d. Feb. 11, 1792. She d. Nov. 19, 1806. Eleven children. vi. Lois, b. May 17, 1731; d. Nov. 13, 1736. vii. Jesse, b. about 1738; d. Aug. 24, 1744. 20. Ebenezer^ Hill {Ehenezer,^ John?- John^), born Mar. 2, 1692, who was- a housewright, and settled in Wrentham, served as " centinel " in Major John Chandler's regiment, from Aug. 21 to Oct. 10, 1722, on scouting duty. (Mass. Archives.) He became non compos mentis, and on May 16, 1746, Benjamin Ballard of Hollistou (his brother- in-law) was appointed his guardian. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) He married. Mar. 21, 1719-20, Anne, born June 6, 1687, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary ( Frizzell) Allen of Medfield. Children, born in Wrentham : i. Job,* b. Apr. 9, 1720; lived in Wrentham, but, about 1761, moved to Douglass. (Suflfolk Co. Deeds.) He served in Capt. Simon Slo- comb's Co., from May 2 to Oct. 23, 1758, in an expedition to the Westward. (Mass. Archives.) In deeds he is styled yeoman. He m. (1) Jan. 10, 1744-5, Hannah, b. Dec. 20, 1720, dau. of BeHJamin and Sarah (Fales) Morse of Wrentham, who d. May 14, 1754 ; three children. He m. (2), about 1755, Eunice , and had at least three more children. l/ 14 ii. Esther, b. Oct. 31,1722; m. Dec. 22, 1742, Abijah Baker of Medfleld, b. Oct. 15, 1718. They resided in Medfleld, aud, after 1762, in that part of Wrentham later Franklin, where he d. Sept. 27, 1780; and she d. Sept. 23, 1802. Eleven children. iii. Noah, b. Oct 12, 1724:; no further record. iv. Anxe, b. July 20, 1726 ; no further record. V. EPHRAiii, b. July 10, 1731; was a husbandman, and lived in Wren- / tham and Bellinghara. He served in Capt. Edward Clark's Co., from Sept. 15 to Dec. 14, 1755, on the Crown Point expedition; also served at Fort Cumberland, in Capt. Taplin's Co., from Apr. 2 to Nov. 28, 1759. (Mass. archives.) He m. (1) Mar. 13, 1758, Keziah, b. Jan. 22, 1 729-30, dan. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Garnsey) Partridge of Bellingham, by whom he had six children. She d. Nov. 7, 1767; and he ni. (2) Mar. 14, 1769, Abigail Heaton. vi. Mary, b. July 10, 1731; probably m. Mar. 7, 1750-1, Philip Bardens of Walpole. Eleven children. 21. David* Hill {Ebenezer,^ John,'John^), born June 1, 1694, was a hus- bandman, and resided in HoUiston and later in Bellingham, where he died in 1745. On Mar. 19, 1744-5, David Hill, yeoman, of Belling- ham, conveyed eight acres of meadow in Wrentham to his two sons John and Isaac, both of Holliston. (Suffolk Co. Deeds.) Oct. 15, 1745, John Hill, of Holliston, was appointed administrator of the estate of his father David Hill, late of Bellingham. Settlement papers name sons John and Isaac, daughter Mary and daughter Huldah Aldrich (Suffolk Co. Probate). He married, Dec. 17, 1716, Sarah, born Feb. 11, 1694—5, daughter of Lieut. Samuel and Mary (Bass) Thayer of Mendon. Children : i. John,* b. Sept. 16, 1717; was a husbandman, and lived in Holliston until about 1754, when he settled in Mendon, where he resided some years aud then removed to Warwick. He served in the Crown Point expedition of 1755, in Capt. John Jones's Co., as " centinel," from Apr.5 to Sept. 8, and as Sergeant, from Sept. 9 to Dec. 17. He also served in Capt. John Stebbins's Co., from July 26 to Aug. 18, 1756, when he was discharged, being sick at Fort Edward. (Mass. Ar- chives.) He m. Junel, 1744, Thankful, b. Feb. 8, 1718-19, dau. of Lieut. Joshua and Mercy (Fairbanks) Underwood of Sherborn. Six children. ii. Isaac, b. Aug. 11, 1720; was a husbandman, and lived in Holliston, where he was selectman in 1759, 1764, and 1771. He acknowledged a deed on Feb. 24, 1773; and his heirs made an agreement on his estate on May 26, 1773, so he died in the spring of that year. Heirs mentioned : widows Lydia, eldest son Jonathan,^ and Whitney, Dorothy, Lydia and Susanna. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He m., about 1743, Lydia, b. Mar. ,3, 1712-13, dau. of Jonathan and Su- sanna AVhitney of Sherborn. She d. before Apr. 3, 1780, when her real estate was divided. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) Their third child, Whitney,'^ h. May 13, 1748, is called "joiner" or housewright in deeds ; lived in Holliston, where he d. July 26, 1800, having served in several campaigns in the Revolution (see Mass. Archives) ; m. Aug. 5, 1773, Rachel, b. Apr. 29, 1754, dau. of Timothy and Ruth (Lelaud) Daniel of Sherborn, w^ho d. Sept. 7, 1850, aged 96 years; seven children.* *Mr. Lew Cass* Hill, for whom this Hill genealogy was compiled, is a descendant of Whitney,^ through his third child Arnold,' b. Sept. 4, 1778, who m. in Medway, May 26, 1803, Levina, b. in 1785, dau. of Robert aud Levina (Cook) Smith of Bellingham. Arnold' removed from Mass. to Pittsford, Vt., and later to Hubbardton, Vt., where he d. in 1844. One of his sons, Clark Pelatiah,^ b. Feb. 11, 1821, in Pittsford, Vt., resided in Hubbaidton and Fair Haven, Vt., until 1865, when he moved to Hammondton, N. J., where he d. in 1895, m. Apr. 5, 1851, Eliza M., b. Aug. 30, 1829, dau. of James and Tam- sin (Lewis) Pratt of Fair Haven, Vt. Their eldest son was Lew Cass,* b. Mar. 18, 1852, 15 iii. Maky, b. July 12, 1724; probabl.v m. Mar. 8, 1749-50, Jesse Thayer, in Smitliliekl, R. I. ; no further record. iv. HuLDAii, 1). Sept. 13, 1727; in. Mar. 21, 1745, Samuel Aldrich of Men- don, and ijcttleil in Uxbridge. They were members of the Friends Church in Smithfleld, R. I. Ten children. (See R. I. Vital Rec- ords.) 22. Joseph* Hill {Ebenezer,^ John,^ JoJni^), born Apr. 1, 1701, inherited his father's homestead in Ilollistou, where he establislied an inn. He was selectman in 1744 and 1759; and a member of Capt. Samuel Bullard's Holliston train band, Apr. 22, 1757. (Mass. Archives.) He died May 23, 1767, intestate. On July 18, 1767, Josepli IliU, yeoman, Bathsheba Hill, spinster, Eli Pond, sadler, and Huldah his wife, all of Holliston, and Amos Ellis and Hannah his wife, of Wren- tham, being all the heirs of Joseph Hill, iunholder, late of Holliston, conveyed land in Holliston to Samuel Daniel. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) Joseph* Hill married, Oct. 22, 1740, Huldah, born July 18, 1722, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Learned) Partridge of Med way and Sherborn, who died in Mar., 1762. Children : i. Josi;PH,* bapt. Oct. 18, 1741 ; was a husbandman and innholder, and lived in Holliston many years, but later moved to Conn. On Dec. 25, 1797, Joseph Hill, yeoman, of Killingly, Conn., sold all his rights in Holliston swamps laid out to his grandfather Ebenezer Hill. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) He m. (1) Aug. 20, 1761, Phebe, b. in 1743, dau. of Samuel and Keziah (Partridge) Thayer of ]\Ieudon ; she d. in 1763, leaving one child. He m. (2) Elizabeth , and had several childi'en. ii. Bathsheba, b. Mav 24, 1744; m. Apr. 13, 1769, Nathan Bullard of Holliston; d. in Feb., 1825. He d. May 5, 1822. Eight children, iii. Huldah, b. Oct. 7, 1748 ; m. Nov., 1764, Eli Pond of Holliston, Med- way, Bellingham and Franklin, b. Feb. 16, 1743, d. May 20, 1802. She d. June" 19, 1818. Twelve children. iv. Hannah, b. Oct. 7, 1748; m., int. recorded Apr. 13, 1767, Capt. Amos Ellis of ^Yreutham. 23. Jonx* Hill {John,^ John,^ John^), born about 1 695, was a husbandman and lived in Sherborn, where he died about 1760. On Apr. 3, 1758, he conveyed real estate to son James, on condition of support of him- self and wife Ruth. He married, Nov. 21, 1733, Ruth, bom Oct. 1, 1707, daughter of John and Ruth (Puffer) Day of Wrentham. She married second, Aug. 12, 1762, Benjamin Bullard of Holliston, Avho died in 1766 ; and married third, Sept. 10, 1768, Dea. John Chapin of Mendon. Children : i. James,* b. Aug. 13, 1734 ; lived in Sherborn, where he d. Jan. 9, 1810 ; he was a member of Capt. Joseph Perry's Sherborn train band. Mar. 14, 1757 (Mass. Archives) ; m. July 5, 1758, Grace, b. July 18, 1734, dau. of Josiah and Elizabeth Jones of Concord. Nine chil- dren. ii. Caleb, b. Aug. 17, 1736 ; resided in Sherborn until 1778, when he re- moved to Lancaster, where he d. that year; served in Capt. David White's CO., from Apr. 10 to Nov. 23, 1758, on the Canada expe- dition; also served as private on the Lexington Alarm, in 1775 (Mass. Archives) ; m. Mar. 17, 1762, Hannah (Fiske) Fairbanks, b. Jan. 24, 1733-4, dau. of John and Abigail (Leland) Fiske of in Fair Haven, Vt., resides in Boston, where he m. Apr. 4, 1873, Clara Kendall, b. Sept. 20, 1852, dau. of Charles Dustin and Marj' Kendall (Whiting) Marcy of Boston, and has three children. 16 Sherborn, and widow of John Fairbanks. She was living in Med- M^ay as late as 179-t. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) iii. KuTH, b. Apr. 22, 1739; m. Mar. 12, 1766, John Cheney, Jr., of Ded- ham. iv. Hanxah, b. Oct. 16, 1741; m. Dec. 3, 1767; Asa Partridge Richard- son of Medway, b. Jan. 20, 1746-7, d. July 2, 1837. She d. Sept. 8, 1813. Seven children. V. Ebenezer, b. July 8, 1744; settled in Dublin, N. H., in 1773, where he d. Oct. 1, 1834; m. Jan. 19, 1771, Esther, b. Nov. 20, 1748, dau. of Ebenezer and Charity Pratt of Framiugham. She d. Apr. 4, 1834. Ten children. vi. Abigail, b. Feb. 4, 1746-7; m. Dec. 1, 1768, Isaiah Daniel of Med-" way, b. Apr. 18, 1745, who d. in Oct., 1807. Six children. vii. John, b. Apr. 28, 1750; lived in Medway, and, after his marriage, in Sherborn until his death, Dec. 15, 181 1 ; he served in the Revolu- tion in 1778 (Mass. Archives) ; m. Feb, 24, 1791, Keturah, b. Apr. 6, 1761, dau. of Henry"and Mary Smith of Walpole. Four chil- dren. 24. Aaron^ Hill {Jolin,^ John,'^ John}), born perhaps about 1700, was a blacksmith, and settled in Wrentham, where he died July 9, 1781. Apr. 22, 1757, he was a member of Capt. Samuel Day's Co., on the Wrentham Alarm List. (Mass. Archives.) On Dec. 20, 1781, Mary Hill, widow of Aaron of Wrentham, and Mary Metcalf, spinster, of Franklin, daughter of said Aaron, conveyed their interest in his estate to Timothy Rhodes, gentleman, and Rowena his wife. (Suf- folk Co. Deeds.) He married, Apr, 17, 1751, Mary, born Mar. 7, 1725-G, daughter of Nathaniel and Anne Tolman of Needham. Children : i. Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 5, 1751-2; d. Aug. 5, 1770. ii. Silas, b. Mar. 18, 1754; d. Oct. 27, 1756. iii. Mary, b. Sept. 5, 1755; m. Metcalf. iv. Lois, b. Oct. 19, 1757; probably d. j'oung. V. RowENA, b. Oct. 5, 1759 ; probably ni. Timothy Rhodes of Wrentham. 25. Samuel^ Hill (John,^ Jokn,'^ John'^) , horn Aug. 11, 1710, was a house- wright, and lived in Sherborn, where, on Mar. 14, 1757, he was en- rolled in Capt. Joseph Perry's Co. of the Town Alarm List. (Mass. Archives.) He died May 8, 1761, intestate, and in the settlement of his estate, the heirs named were : widow Elizabeth, and daugh- ters Elizabeth (eldest), Sarah, Mary, Ede, and Hannah, Sarah took the homestead, by payment of money to the other heirs. The inven- tory mentions carpenter's tools and "a pare of spetikals." (Middle- sex Co. Probate.) He married, May 30, 1738, Elizabeth, born Aug. 17, 1720, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Learned) Partridge of Medway and Sherborn. She married second, Nov. 27, 1771, Joseph Daniel of Needham, and died before 1797, for on Jan. 25 of that year Jonas Fiske of Leominster, and Mary his wife, and Sam- nel Hinds of Barre, conveyed to John Fiske real estate in Sherborn set off to the widow Elizabeth Hill, deceased, as dower of her hus- band Samuel Hill, housewright, deceased. (Middlesex Co, Deeds.) Children : i. Elizabeth,^ b. Oct. 13, 1739; in. July 5, 1759, Abner Fairbanks of Sherborn, b. Mar. 28, 1736, d. Dec. 3, 1763. She d. Feb. 2, 1764. Three children, Avho d. young, ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1741 ; m. Oct. 25, 17C4, John Fiske of Sherborn, b. Mar. 16, 1738, d. Nov. 20, 1817. She d. Sept. 27, 1813. Six children. 17 iii. Mary, b. May 7, 1744; m. Feb. fi, 1700. Jonas Fiske of Rlicrl)orn, b. Ft'b. 4, 1742. They Avorc liviiiii In Looniiiister in 17!I7, ■\vlicrc he d. in Oct., 171)1), liis wife snrvivlni;- him. (Worcester Co. Probate. ) At least three children, iv. Edk, b. Feb. 22. 1747-8; m., about 17(J(), Corlis Hinds, Jr., of Barrc, b. Apr. 10, 1748, d. in. 1832. Slie d. before 1770, leaving one child, Samtiel. V. IIaxnaii, b. Nov. 23, 1752; living in 17G1; no fnrther record, vi. MAuriiA, b. Jan 1, 17"i5. In the " Hist, of Siierborn " it is stated that she ni. May 22, 17s;5, Isaac liullard of Ilolliston, but she i.s not nicntioneii as an heir in the settlement of her father's estate, so she probably d. young. 26. Dr. Eleazer'' Hill {E/eazer,'^ John,- Jo/m^), born Jan. 1, 1088-9, resided in Sherborn, and in deeds is always called physician, lie and his wife Rebecca acknowledged a deed on July 10, 1777, which is the last record found of them. He married, Aug. 18, 1712, Re- becca, born Feb. 28, 1696-7, daughter of John and Rebecca (Clark) Richardson of Medfield. Children : i. Asa,* b. Feb. 20, 1712-13; called yeoman in deeds; lived in Sher- born until about 1753, when he removed to Shrewsbury ; served as sergt. in two campaigns against Crown Point, in one from Apr. 27 to Dec. 10, 1759, and in the other from June 16 to Dec. 2, 1700. His two elder sons, Asa," Jr., and Daniel, were in the same company with him in both campaigns. (Mass. Archives.) After this service, no trace of him or his family has been found. He m. May 29, 1734, Sarah, b. Dec. 4, 1714, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Parker) Hill of Maiden. Nine children. ii. William, b. June 23, 1715; in deeds called blacksmith; resided in Sherborn until 1759, and then in Natick, where he was warned out of town in 1702; served in Capt. Aaron Fay's Co., from May 2 to Oct. 27, 1758 (Mass. Archives); no further record; m. Feb. 19, 1740-1, Joanna, eldest dau. of John and Joanna (Lyon) Sawin of Natick. Six children. iii. JosKPH, b. Aug. 23, 171S; in deeds styled blacksmith; lived in Sherborn at least until 1752 ; m. Mar. 9, 1752, Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1733, dau. of Ebenezer and Prudence (Pratt) Stone of Framing- ham; no further record found. iv. Eebkcca, b. Mar. 0, 1721-2; m. (1) Nov. 2, 1742, Joseph Cozzens of PloUiston, b. Aug. 13, 1692, d. in 1759; seven children. She ui. (2) Oct. 30, 1705, Patrick Shays, who was father (by a former wife) of the rebel Daniel Shays. V. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1723-4; probably ra. Apr. 10, 1746, William Rider of Sherborn, b. Oct. 24, 1715. Four children. vi. Ruth, b. Feb. 26, 1720-7; m., about 1748, Moses Learned of Fram- ingham, and later of Templeton, b. Feb. 13, 1728, d. April, 1799. She d. Feb., 1813. Nine children. vii. Damel, b. Feb. 22, 1732-3; d. Sept. 16, 1735. 27. Solomon^ Hill (Eleazer,^ Jofin,'^ Joha^), born Dec. 27, 1601, was a shoemaker, and lived in Sherborn until about 1740. In a deed of Oct. 21, 1718, he is stated to be then living in Plainfield, Conn. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) In 17;j9, he and his son Solomon, Jr., sold their homesteads in Sherborn (Middlesex Co. Deeds); and some relatives, and others, having brought a suit against him, he defaulted, " being out of the Province." (Middlesex Co. Court Records.) On Jan. 7, 1741-2, in a deed, he is stated to be living in Oblong, Dutchess Co., New York. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) Il6 married, about 1714 (perhaps in Plainfield, Conn,), Mary . 18 Children : i. Sarah,* b. July 3, 1715. ii. Solomon, b. about 1717, perhaps in Plaiufleld, Couu. ; weut to Ob- long, N. Y., with his parents. iii. Joanna, b. Nov. 13, 1720. iv. Mary, b. July 8, 1729. V. Keziah (twin), b. Apr. 13, 1732. vi. Zerviah (twin), b. Apr. 13, 1732. No further account of this family has been obtained. 28. Nathaniel^ Hill {EJeazer,^ John,'^ John}), born Dec. 25, 1693, was a husbandman, and resided in Sherborn, where he was selectman in 1741, '42, '44, '46 and '50. The account obtained of him is in- complete. He married. May 20, 1719, Elizabeth Phipps. One Nathaniel Hill, probably the same man, married in Sherborn, Mai'. 13, 1766, Hannah (Ware) Haven, born Aug. 10, 1710, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Wood) Ware, and widow of Nathaniel Haven. Children by Elizabeth, recorded in Sherborn : i. Abigail,* b. Aug. 26, 1726 ; d. Dec. 12, 1726. ii. Moses, b. Apr. 26, 1728; lived in Sherborn until about 1778, wl.eu he removed to that part of Ashbunihara later set off as Gardner, whei-e he d. in 1780. (Worcester Co. Probate gives guardianship of children.) Mar. 14, 1757, he was enrolled in Capt. Joseph Perry's Co., on the Sherborn Alarm List. (Mass. Archives.) He m. in Sudbury, Aug. 10, 1749, Abigail, b. June 4, 1725, dau. of James and Mary Maverick of Sherborn, Framinghara and Sudbury, who d. in 1817. Eight children. 29. MosES^ Hill {Eleazer,^ John'^ John}), born Mar. 30, 1699, was a housewright, and lived in Holliston, where he died Dec. 24, 1735. On Dec. 7, 1730, Ebenezer Hill of Holliston (No. 7) conveyed three acres in Holliston to his son-in-law Moses Hill, and his daughter Hannah, wife of Moses. (Middlesex Co. Deeds.) Moses'' Hill died intestate, and his real estate was divided among his heirs, his widow getting one-third, and the two sons, Ebenezer and Moses, getting two-thirds between them, they to pay to their sister Mary (who was blind) £447 4s. 7d. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He mar- ried, June 29, 1729, his cousin Hannah,* born Oct. 13, 1712, daugh- ter of Ebenezer* (No. 7) and Mary (White) Hill of Holliston. She married second, Joseph Merrifield of Holliston, and died about 1797. Children : i. MosES,'^ b. :May 19, 1730; lived in Holliston until about 1792, and then in Medfield, where he d. Oct. 11, 1796. In deeds he is called yeoman, and later in life, gentleman. He was a lieut. in the Kevolution, on the Lexington Alarm, Apr. 19, 1775 (Mass. Ar- chives) ; selectman of Holliston in 17C6, '68, '75, '91, and Repre- sentative to the General Court the latter year ; and Deacon of the church for several years. He m. (1) Nov. 27, 1751, Christian, b. Aug. 8, 1732, dau. of Obadiah and Christian (Sanford) Adams of Medway, by whom he had five children. He m. (2) May 12, 1785, Mary, widow of Nathan Coolidge, who d. Feb. 21, 1804. No children. ii. Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1732-3 ; was blind, and on Aug. 25, 1750, chose her uncle Joseph* Hill (her mother's brother) for guardian. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) She probably d. unmarried. iii. Ebenezer, b. about 1735 ; resided in Holliston, where he was select- man in 1780, and d. in 1805. In deeds he is called yeoman, and later, 19 gentleman. He served in two campaigns against Crown Point ; as "ceutiuel"in Capt. John Jones' Co., from Apr. 5 to Oct. 6, 1755, and as corporal in Capt. Slocomb's Co., from Apr. 14 to Oct. 14, 1758. His military service continued in tlie Revolution, as sergt. in 1775, and licut. in 177(i. (Mass. Archives.) Ilis will, dated Oct. 12, 1795, names wife Margaret, aiit IfUC; settled in Bridjjcwatcr about 1G82 ; sol- dier in Kinii' Philip's War. Me d. in tl;e Sprinjr of KIDi;. He m. first, about l(iSo, Ruth. dan. of (Juido and IvIizMhetli Bailey; two children. He m. second, about 1(192, Sarah , who survived him ; one son. xi. IsitAKi,. 1). perhniis about \M(\. and twin of Ebenezer; resided in Dorrlicsti'r. lie d. in the military service in Iving Philip's War; unmarried. xii. Mahtiia, bapt. An.";. 20, 1(!48; no further record. xiii. MKiirrABLE, bapt. Feb. 18, 1(550-1; d. unmarried in Dorchester, Mar. 5, 1679. John- Hill (Jo/m'^) was bom about 1030, and lived in Dorchi'ster until about the time of his marriage. lu 1()57 lie joined a party who purchased from the Indians a hirge tract of lar.d on the then frontier beyond Med- field, on which they settled. Tiiis unincorporated region for several years was called Boggestow, and, though outside the limits of Medfield, the in- habitants attended c^hurch and paid taxes at Medfield, and the vital records of their families wei'e recorded there. On Oct. 7, 1674, the settlement was incorporated into a town and called Sherborn. The frontier settle- ment often suffered severely from the depredations of the Indians, and two generations of inhabitants lived virtually in a state of warfare, being in constant peril of attack and often being compelled to flee to the block- houses on Indian raids. John- Hill settled in the southerly part of Sherborn, on the west bank of the Charles river, and about half-a-raile north of Boggestow pond. Here he improved a large farm on which he resided until his death, Jan, 23, 1717-18. He was active in the affairs of the town, holding the offices of constable and selectman, and serving often on committees. His will, dated Dec. 10, 1717, mentions son-in-law James Adams and daughter Abi- gail, his wife, to whom he had deeded on Feb. 18, 1712-13, one-half of his homestead ; eldest son Samuel Hill ; sons Ebenezer, John, and Eleazer ; heirs of daughter Abigail Leland ; daughter Mary Ellis ; heirs of daughter Hannah ; heir of daughter Sarah. Executors, son Samuel Hill, and Eleazer BuUard, his wife's son. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) John- Hill njarried first, about 1653, Hannah , whose parentage has not been discovered but who was a legatee of the will of Abraham Martin of Rehoboth, dated Sept. 7, 1667; and she died in Nov., 1690. John"^ Hill married second, about 1693, Elizabeth , the widow^ of Benjamin BulLird of Sherborn. She died Dec. 1, 1719. Children by first wife, iii. to vii. recorded in Medfield : i. Samuel,^ b. about 1(354. ii. Ebent'zcr, b. about 1G5(3. iii. Abigail, b. Feb. 2, 1657-8; ra. Nov. 5, 1678, Hopestill Leland of Sherborn, b. Nov. 15, 1653, d. Aug. 19, 1729. She d. Oct. 5, 1689 Four children, iv. John, b. Mar. 14, 1G60-1. '^ v. Mai!Y, b. Oct, 28, 1662. vi. P3lkazi:u, b. June 29, 1664. vii. Johnson, b. June 22, 1666; d. young, viii. Hannah, b. about 1668. ix. Sauah, b. about 1670. 28 Child by second wife : X. Abigail (second), b. .Time 10, 1695 ; m. Jan. 1, 1712-13, James Adams of Sherborn, who was b. July 7, 101)3, and d. Jan. 14, 1727-8. She d. Sept. 17, 173G. Six children. Ebenezer^ Hill {Jolin^ Johti^), born about 1656, was taxed with his father in 1G86 for the extinguishment of the Indian title to the territory of Sherborn. He settled on a farm in that part of Sherborn set off in 1724 as Holliston, where he was selectman in 1724 and 1725. In 1715 he drew a lot of 192^ acres in the first division of the town's grant in Douglass, and " his lot falling well, he appeared before the proprietors, and freely undertook to satisfy the committee and surveyor for a charge of £10 for surveying the same," He also participated in the division of 1730. In his will, dated May 7, 1731, he calls himself husbandman; mentions wife Mary ; sons Ebenezer, David, and Joseph ; grandson Job Hill, son of son Ebenezer ; and daughters Mary, Lydia, Judith, and Hannah. The settlement of the estate shows that Mary was wife of Ebenezer Allen, Lydia wife of Samuel Daniel, Judith wife of Benjamin BuUard, and Han- nah wife of her cousin Moses Hill. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He died in the Autumn of 1734. He married, in 1691, Mary, ** born about 1G72, daughter of Capt. Joseph^ and Lydia (Rogers) White of Mendon, who survived him and married second, Nov. 8, 1742, Capt. Seth Chajjiu of Mendon. Children : 1. Ebenezer,* b. Mar. 2, 1692-3. ii. David, b. June 1, 1694. iii. Mary, b. about 1G98. Iv. Joseph, b. April 1, 1701. v. Isaac, b. Feb. 28, 1703-4; d. younsr. vi. Lydia, b. Nov. 30, 1706. vii. Judith, b. June 3, 1710. viii. Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 1712. ix. Seth, b. Feb. 28, 1716-17; d. young. David* Hill {Ebenezer,^ John,- John^), born June 1, 1694, was a hus- bandman, and resided in Holliston, and later in Bellingham, where he died in 1745. On Mar. 19, 1744-5, David Hill, yeoman, of Bellingham, con- vej^ed eight acres of meadow in Wrentham to his two sons John and Isaac, both of Holliston. (Suffolk Co. Deeds.) Oct. 15, 1745, John Hill of Holliston was appointed administrator of the estate of his father, David Hill, late of Bellingham. Settlement papers name sons John and Isaac, daughter Mary, and daughter Huldah Aldrich. (Suffolk Co. Probate.) He married, Dec. 17, 1716, Sarah,* born Feb. 11, 1694-5, daughter of Lieut. SamueP and Mary (Butterworth ) Thayer of Mendon. Children : i. John,* b. Sept. 16, 1717. ii. Isaac, b. Aug. 11, 1720. iii. Mary. b. July 12, 1724. iv. Huldah, b. Sept. 13, 1727. IsAAC^ Hill [David,^ Ebenezer,^ John,' John^), born Aug. 11, 1720, was a husbandman, and resided in the north-east part of Holliston, where he was selectman in 1759, 64, and 71. He acknowledged a deed on Feb. 24, 1773, and his heirs made an agreement on his estate on May 26, 1773, so he died in the Spring of that year. Heirs mentioned : Widow Lydia, 29 eldest son Jonathan, son Wliitnoy, and daughters Dorothy, Lydia, and Susanna. (Middlesex Co. Prubute.) He married, about 1743, Lydia,^ born March 3, 1712-13, daughter of Jonatliau' and Susanna (Fairbanks) Whitney of Sherborn. She died be- fore Ajiril 3, 1780, when her real estate was divided. Childi-en : i. Jonathan,'^ b. Mar. 8, 1745. ii. Isaac, b. 1746; d. young, iii. Whitney, b. May 13, 1748. iv. Dorothy, b. Oct. 18, 1749. V. Susanna, b. about 1751. vi. Lydia, b. about 1753. Whitney^ Hill (Jsaac,^ David,* Ebenezer,^ John^ Johri^), born May 13, 1748, was a housewright and lived first in Sherborn, but later settled near where the E. Holliston depot is located, where he resided until his death on July 26, 1800. From the Mass. State Archives it appears that he per- formed the following military service in the Revolutionary "War : eighteen days service as Corporal in Capt. Benjamin Bidlard's Co. of Sherborn, which marched on the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775 ; also three terms of service as Sergeant in Capt. Samuel King's Co., stationed at Hull for harbor defence, extending from June 12, 1776 to Dec. 3, 1776 ; also served as private from July 28 to Aug. 7, 1780, in Capt. Ezra Fames' Co., Col. Abner Perry's regiment, on service at Rhode Island. He married Aug. 5, 1773, Rachel,® born Apr. 29, 1754, daughter of Lieut. Timothy^ and Ruth (Leland) Daniels, of Sherborn, who survived him over 50 years and died Sept. 7, 1850, in her 97'^^ year, retaining a good recollection of the past, and furnishing Rev. Abner Morse much information for his histories of Sherborn and Holliston. Chikb'en : i. Hannah,^ b. May 22, 1774. ii. LoNA, b. June 20, 1776. iii. Arnold, b. Sept. 4, 1778. iv. Rachel, b. Aug. 19, 1781. , V. Daniels, b. May 19, 1784. vi. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 25, 1786. vii. CALvaN, b. Mar. 14, 1792. Arnold'' Hill ( Whitney,^ Isaac^ David,* Ebenezer,^ John,^ Johii^), born in Sherborn, Sept. 4, 1778, was a carpenter and builder and lived in Hol- liston for a few years ; but on Jan. 19, 1804, he sold out his real estate in Holliston and in April following moved to Sudbury, Vt., where he resided for ten years. In 1806 he built the Sudbury Congregational Church, which is still standing. In 1815 he moved to the adjoining town of Pitts- ford, where he lived for eight years. While there he built the Congrega- tional Church in Hubbardton (still in use), and the first frame house in Pittsford ; also a grist mill and a saw mill. In 1823 he settled in the adjacent town of Hubbardton, where he resided until his death in April, 1845, being favorably known in his business throughout Rutland Co. He married in Medway, May 26, 1803, Levina,*^ born April 13, 1784, daughter of Robert* and Levin a (Cook) Smith of Bellingham. Children : i. Hannah,* b. 1804; m. "William Thomas of Hubbardton, Vt. ii. Elizabeth, b. 1806; m. Ansel Thomas of Hubbardton, where she is still (1904) living in her 99th year in good health and unimpaired memory. 30 iii. MiLO, b. 1808; m. Elona Roach. iv. Levina, b. 1810; m. first, Alvah Roach; m. second, Increase Jones. V. Martha, b. 1812; m. Jedediah Phipps. vi. Mary Ann, b. 1815 ; m. Henry B. Lee. vii- Renel, b. 1817; m. Margaret Foster, viii. Arnold, b. 1819. ix. Clark Pelatiah, b. 1821. X. Margaret J., b. 1826; ra. first, Dr. Sanford; m. second. Dr. Ken- ned}' of Auburn, N. Y. xi. Levoxia, b. 1828; m. William Harrison. Arnold^ Hill {Arnold,'' Whitney,^ Isaac,^ David,^ Ehenezer^ John^ John}) was boru in Pittsford, Vt., April 3, 1819, and was taken in child- hood by his parents to Hubbardton where he lived for over 30 years when he settled in the nearby town of Wallingford, Vt., where he resided until his death, May 13, 1888. He was a farmer and also at one time was in mercantile pursuits ; and for some years kept a hotel in Wallingford. He married in 1843, Matilda E. Adams, born Nov. 27, 1827, died Dec. 31, 1898. Children : i. Daniel Gilbert, ^ b. July 25, 1844 ; in his eighteenth year enlisted for service in the Rebellion in Capt. John A. Sheldon's Co. of volun- teers. Upon the organization of the Tenth Vermont Regiment he ■was appointed Commissary Sergeant, in which position he served for several months. His ability being recognized, on Jan. 19, 1863, he was promoted and commissioned Second Liexit. of Co. H. of the same regiment, anti during the following year served most of the time as aide-de-camp on tlie staft'of Brig. Gen. W. H. Morris, and in this capacity was complimented for gallantry in the actions at Kelly's Ford and Locust Grove. On June 17, 1864, he was pro- moted to First Lieut, of Co. H., and in this position served with credit throughout the campaign of the Wilderness. In the fall of this year he was in service under Gen. Sheridan, in the Shenan- doah Valley, and took part in the battle of Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864, where he was fatally wounded by a case shot, from the eflects of which he died, Oct. 26 following, aged only 20 years. ii. Charles Erioin, b. Dec. 12, 1845. iii. Edgar Arnold, b. Feb. 28, 1847. iv. Ernest, b. Feb. 22, 1862; d. Nov. 1864. V. Fred Smith, b. April 13, 1864, resides in Chicago; m. Jessie Law- ton and has issue. Charles Eravin** Hill {Arnold,^ Arnold,'' Whitney,^ Isaac,^ David,^ Ebenezer,^ Johnj^ John^), boru Dec. 12, 1845, has been in business in Chi- cago for many years, and also for some time lived in St. Petersburg, Rus- sia, where he had mercantile interests. He is now President of the Chicago Writing Machine Co. He married, July 10, 1872, Laura Eliza, daughter of William Gurlej^ and Marcia (Button) Marsh, of Wallingford, Vt. Children : i. Carrie Marsh,*" b. Oct. 12, 1873. ii. Robert Erwin, b. Dec. IG, 1875; m. Oct. 17, 1901, Margaret Mary- Hughes. iii. Mary Gilbert, b. Aug. 19, 1877. iv. Gertrude, b. July 19,"l879 ; m. July 6, 1901, Harry Augustus Bates ; child, Gardner Oatman Bates, b. Apr. 23, 1902. V. Marcia Button, b. Apr. 6, 1882. vi. Matilda Adams, b. Apr. 6, 1882; d. Apr. 26, 1882. vii. Erwin Charles, b. Mar. 13. 1885; d. Oct. 15, 1885. viii. Laurance Erwin, b. Jan. 16, 1887. is. Ruth, b. Aug. 12, 1890. ]. 31 EoCrAR Auxold' Hill {Arnold,^ Arnold,'' Whitney,^ haac^ David,^ Ebenezer^ John^- Johii^), bom Feb. 2S, 1847, has resided iu Chicago, 111., for many years, where he has been very prominent in mercantile life. He is President of the North western Yeast Co. of Chicago, the largest manu- facturers in their line iu the world ; is President of the Metallurgical De- velopment Co., and is also director and actively interested iu several other large uiannfacturing companies. He married, Feb. 28, 1871, Mary Louise Cole, born July 11, 1848. Children : Charles Beekmak,*" b. Apr. 27, 1872 ; m. Apr. 4, 1899, Mary Inez Pi'ttil)one, anti has Edgar Arnold, b. Dec. 21, 1901, and Doris, b. Sept. 28, 190:5. ii. Waltkk Oatmax, b. Mar. 17, 1874; m. Mar. 19, 1895, Fannie F. Deuniston. iii. Malcom Arnold, b. June 17, 1879; d. Dec. 31, 1879. iv. JEAXXE, b. Oct. 10, 1880; m. Oct. 14, 1902, Harry Ives Robinson; child, Gilbert Hill Robinson, b. July 23, 1904. V. Hestek, b. Aug. 7, 1882. Clark Pelatiah^ Hill (^Arnold,'' Whitney,^ Isaac,^ David* Ebenezer,* Johii,^ Jo/m^), born iu Pittsford, Vt., Feb. 11, 1821, lived in Rutland Co., Vermont, for over forty years ; in Hubbardton as a young man and then in Fair Haven, where from 1851 to 1862 he was jjroprietor of a general store. Iu 18G2 he bought the bookstore of Aaron Hill in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where he resided for a few years and carried on successfully the book and newspaper business ; but not being favored with a rugged constitution and his health being badly broken, he was induced to sell out his business in 1865 and removed to Hammonton, N. .)., where he bought a small fruit farm, ho])ing by this change to benefit his health. The venture was a suc- cess iu this respect, and he resided there until his death in 1895, except for a period of about three years when he lived at Somer's Point, N. J. Mr. Hill was a man of exce[)tionally genial temperament, and his fund of anec- dotes, which he took great enjoyment in relating, seemed to be unlimited. He was a natural salesman, and well understood how to secure the attention of anyone by means of an interesting joke or story. In early life he be- came known to his associates as " Deacon Hill," although he was not a church member, and this soubriquet clung to him wherever he lived. He married, April 5, 1851, Eliza Maria, born Aug. 30, 1829, dau. of James and Tarasiu (Lewis) Pratt of E. Poultuey, Vt. She is living (1904) in Hauimoutou, N. J. Children, born in Fair Haven, Vt : i. Lew Cass,^ b. Mar. 18, 1852. ii. Catiiekine Adella, b. Sept. 1, 1853. iii. Hekbeut Pkatt, b. Feb. G, 1856. iv. Inez Maj^la, b. Apr. 24, 1858; d. July 15, 1862. Lew Cass*^ Hill ( Clark P.,® Arnold,'' Whitney,^ Isaac,^ David,* Eben- ezer^ John^^ John^), bom iu Fair Haven, Vt, Mar. 18, 1852, lived there and in Saratoga Springs iu boyhood, and went to Hammonton, X. .1., with his parents iu 1865, when thirteen years of age. He attended the public schools there for three or four years, and then realizing the lack of opportunity for success in Hammonton, he left there and secured a position to learn the business in an iron foundry of which a relative was manager. Kelin(|uish- ing this work after a few years he came to Boston, where he married. Here 32 his wife's uncle, Mr. John L. Whiting, offered him a position in 1874 as book-keeper in his brush manufacturing establishment, which was accepted. The business increased rajjidly to large proportions and Mr. Hill was ad- mitted to the firm of John L. Whiting and Son in 1887. After the death of Mr. John L. Whiting in 1893 the company was incorporated, Mr. Wil- liam S. Whiting becoming President and Treasurer, and Mr. Hill Secre- tary, in which positions they still continue. Their company is by far the largest in the world in their line of manufacture, and their goods have al- ways held the highest reputation for excellence. Mr. Hill has long been interested in antiquarian and genealogical mat- ters, and in 1898 had type-written for private distribution a small edition of genealogical memoranda in relation to his ancestors, which he himself collected ; and desiring that this matter should be amplified, he engaged the writer to compile and edit the present work. Mr. Hill is a member of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society ; of the Society of Colonial Wars ; of the Sons of the Revolution ; of the Sons of the American Revolution ; of the Society of Mayflower Descen- dants ; and of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. In the Masonic Orders he is affiliated with the Joseph Webb Lodge, F. A. M. ; St. Paul's Chapter Royal Arch Masons ; and the Boston Commandery Knights Temp- lar. He is also a member of the Exchange Club ; of the Boston Art Club ; of the Paint and Oil Club of New England, of which he has been Presi- dent and Secretary ; of the Home Market Club, of which he is a member of the Executive Committee ; and of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic As- sociation. He is a member of the South Congregational Church of Boston, of which Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D.D., was long pastor. Mr. Hill's winter home is in Boston, and he has a summer residence at Swampscott, Mass. He married in Boston, April 4, 1873, Clara Kendall,'^ born Sept. 20, 1852, dau. of Charles Dustin*^ and Mary Kendall (Whiting) Marcy of Ham- monton and Boston. Children : i. Charles Clark,^° b. Feb. 20, 1874; educated in the Boston public scliools, and after graduating from tlie English High School en- tered the employ of Bigelow, Dowse and Co., and later the office of the John L. Whiting and Sou Co. ; d. unmarried Dec. 21, 1895. ii, Henri/ Horace,''-^ b. Nov. oO, 187(5; educated in Boston public schools and graduated from the English High School in 1894, and was Colonel of the Boston School Regiment that year. After an ad- ditional year of special preparatory study he entered Harvard Col- lege, from which he graduated in the Class of 1899. He immedi- ately entered the office of the John L. Whiting and Son Co., where he still continues. Mr. Hill is a member of the Boston Art, the University, aud the Exchange Clubs, and resides in Brookline. He m. Apr. 17, 1899, Marion Coffin, dau. of Frank Mitchell and Lavinia (Tuttle) Kelley of Boston. Children: i. Harriet," b. Jan. 25, 1900. ii. Mildred Whiting, b. July 15, 1904. iii. Edicard Marcy ^^ b. July 23, 1880; educated in the Boston public schools aud at Harvard College, graduating in the class of 1903. He is connected with the firm of Mason, Lewis & Co., Bankers and Bond Brokers, of Boston. Mr. Hill is a member of the Bos- ton Art, and the University Clubs, and resides in Boston. He m. Apr. 4, 1904, Nellie Gertrude, dau. of Gilman B. and Helen F. (Wetherbee) Paine of Newton, Mass. 33 WHITE. Capt. Thomas^ White, born in England about 1 r>99, was one of the earliest settlers of Weymoiitli, where he was a prominent man ; freeman Mar. 3, 1635-6, member of the Weymouth church, many years a select- mail and m(>inbcr of important committees, cai)tain of the local military company and deputy to the General Court in 1G37, 1610, lGo7, and 1G70. He died in July, 1679, aged about 80 years. Inventory of estate £176 — 17 — 11. The name of his wife is not known. Children : i. Joseph,^ b. about 1635. ii. Hannah, b. about 1C38. iii. Samuel, b. about 1642. iv. TuoMAS, b. about 1615. V. Ebenkzer, b. about 1648. Capt. Joseph'-^ White ( Thomas^), born about 1635, lived in Weymouth until 1663, when he became one of the first settlers of Mendon, where he was a prominent man, being captain of the Mendon military company, selectman nine years between 1670 and 1689, held various other town offices, and was much employed in land surveying. He married Sept. 19, 1660, Lydia,^ born Mar. 27, 1642, daughter of Dea. Johu^ Rogers of Weymouth, who sui'vived him. He died Mar. 23, 1706. Children : i. Joseph,"" b. July 5, 1661. ii. Lydia, b. Dec. 17, 1662. iii. Thomas, b. Apr. 1, 1665. iv. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1666-7. v. John, b. Dec. 3, 1668. vi. Ebenezeu, b. Dec. 4, 1670. vii. Mary, b. about 1673; m. in 1691, Ebeuezer Hill of Sherborn. viii. Anne. ix. Experience, b. Dec. 1, 1680. X. Hannah, b. Nov. 29, 1681. Joseph^ White (Joseph,'^ Thomas^), born July 5, 1661, lived in Mendon, where he died Oct. 28, 1757, He married Lydia , who died May 8, 1727. Children : i. Joseph,* b. Oct. 19, 1683. ii. Lydia, b. Mar. 10, 1686. iii. Thomas, b. Nov. 26, 1688. iv. Hannah, b. Dec. 9, 1691. V. Abigail, b. Nov. 10, 1693; m. Mar. 31, 1712, John* Thomson. vi. William, b. in 1696. vii. Samuel, b. Sept. 21, 1700. viii. Benjamin, b. May 28, 1703. ix. Ebenezek. EOGERS. Dea. John^ Rogers was in Weymouth as early as 1638, and on Mar. 13, 1638-9, he was admitted freeman. He served as selectman for several terms after 1645; in 1651 was chosen town clerk; in 1659 was deputy to the General Court ; and held the office of deacon in the church for many 34 years. He died Feb. 11, 1660-61 ; inventory £275—0 — 0. The name of his first wile, the mother of his children, is unknown; he married second Judith , who survived him. Children : i. Mary,2 b. about 1636. ii. John, b. about 1638. iii. Hannah, b. about 1640. iv. Lydia, b. Mar. 27, 1642; m. Sept. 19, 1660, Joseph White. V. Sarah, b. about 1644. THAYER. Thomas^ Thayer was a shoemaker, and came from Thornbury in Gloucestershire, England, to New England, and settled in Braiutree, Mass., where he died June 2, 1665. On Feb. 24, 1639-40, he was granted 40 acres of land. His will, dated June 21, 1664, named wife Margery, and sons Thomas, Ferdinando, and Shadrach ; it is believed, however, that several others of the eai-ly Thayers in Massachusetts were his children. Inventory £209 — 16 — 10. He married at Thorubury, Apr. 13, 1618, Margery Wheeler, who died at Braintree Feb. 11, 1672-3. Children, baptized in Thorubury : i. Thomas,- bapt. Sept. 15, 1622. ii. Ferdinando, bapt. Apr. 18, 1625. iii. Shadkach, bapt. May 10, 1029. Ferdinando- Thayer {Thomas^), baptized Apr. 18, 1625, was brought to New England by his parents, and resided in Braintree until the sum- mer of 1663, when he became one of the pioneers of Mendon, where he was among the wealthiest and most influential men of the town until his death on Mar. 28, 1713, having served as selectman twelve years between 1667 and 1688. He married Jan. 14, 1652-3, Huldah,- born about 1635, daughter of William^ and Margery Hayward of Braintree, who died Sept. 1, iti'JO. Children : i. Sarah,' b. May 12, 1654. ii. Huluah, b. June 16, 1657. iii. Jonathan, b. Mar. 18, 1658. iv. David, b. June 20, 1660; d. young. V. Naomi, b. Feb. 28, 1662-3. vi. Thomas, b. Feb. 14, 1664-5. vii. (Samuel, b. Feb. 15, 1666-7. viii. Isaac, b. Jan. 25, 1668-9. ix. Jo.siah, b. Jau. 14, 1669-70. X. Ehknkzick, b. about 1672. xi. Benjamin, b. about 1674. xii. David (second), bapt. Sept. 17, 1677. Lieut. Samuel^ Thayer [Ferdinando,^ Thomas^), born in Mendon Feb. 15, 1666-7, was a husbandman, and resided in his native town, where he died in Dec, 1721, having held the olfice of lieutenant of the military company, and having served as selectman fourteen years between 1698 and 1720, besides holding minor town offices and serving on various committees. Inventory of estate £2926 — 13 — 0. He married, in 1690, Mary,- born Mar., 1665, daughter of John and Sarah ( ) Butterworth of Reho- both and widow of Joseph Slade of Swanzey, Mass. 35 Childron : i. Samukl,* b. Doc. 1, 1001. ii. Sfirah, b. Fob. 11, ir)i)4-5 ; m. Doc. 17, 171G, David Hill of ITolllston. iii. Hui.DAU, b. Nov. 30, ICi)?. iv. Mauy, b. Fob. 11, 1700-1. V. Or.iVKU, b. Aiiii. 1. 1704. vi. JosKPii, b. July, 1707. vii. r.KNjAMiN, b. Sept. 11, 1709. IsAAc'^ Thayku (Ferdhiandor Tliomas^), born Jan. 25, 1608-0, resided in Mendon, Mnss., uiid pr()l)iU)ly died there. lie married first, Apr. 1, 1692, ]Mercv,* born in 1(J73, daujiliter of Jolin'- and Joanna (Ford) Kock- wood, who died Dec. 18, 1700. He married second, in 1704, Mary , Ti'lio die97. iv. CoMFOUT, b. Feb. 19, 1G99-1700. Children by second wife : V. Mary, b. Dec. 22. 1704. vi. John, b. May 6, 1706. vii. Nathaniel, 'b. Apr. 20, 1708. viii. Moses, b. IMay 10, 1710. ix. Samuel, b. 1713. X. Joseph, b. 171.5. xi. Ichabod, b. Mar. 17, 1721. JosiAH^ Thayer {Ferdinnndo^ TJiomas^), born Jan. 25, 1G68-9, lived in Mendon, where he died in 1728. He married, in 1690, Sarah , said to be Sarah^ Bass in the Thayer Genealogy, but the proof is not apparent. Children : i. Sai?ah,* b. May 25, ir,91. ii. Joslvh, b. June 4, lfi94. iii. Susanna, b. Sept. 13, lfi9fi. iv. Miriam, b. June 3, 1699; m. Mar. 18, 1716, Isaac* Thayer. v. Jonathan, b. Feb. 28, 1701-2. vi. Eebecoa, b. July 29, 1704. vii. Bathsheba, b. Sept. 10, 1706. viii. David, b. Mar. 6, 1709-10. IsAAC^ Thayer (Jsaac,^ Ferdinando,'^ Thomas'^}, born Sept. 24, 1695, lived in that part of Mendon set oE in 1722 as Bellingham. He married March 18, 17 IG, Miriam, born June 3, 1699, daughter of Josiah^ and Sarah (Bass ?) Thayer of Mendon. Children : i. Isaac,* b. Sept. 10, 1717. ii. Susanna, b. Jnly 4, 1719. iii. Ichabod, b. Mar. 31, 1721. Iv. JosiAH, b. Sept. 4, 1724. T. Jacob, b. Sept. 4, 1726. vi. Abraham, b. Nov. 20, 1729; d. young. vii. Miriam, b. Nov. 20, 1730. viii. Eunice (twin), b. Nov. 20, 1730; m. June 23, 1752, Pelatiah Smith of Bellingham. ix. Mary, b. May 17, 1732. X. Abraham, b.'Oct. 25, 1734. xi. Noah, b. Sept. 16, 1736. xii. Rebecca, b. Sept. 22, 1737. xiii. Bathsheba, b. Nov. 16, 1738. 36 HAYWAED. William^ Hatward was in Charlestown as early as 1637, but soon located in Weymouth, where he was a proprieter and landowner before 1644. In 1648 he purchased land and settled in Braintree, where he re- sided until his death, by drowning, on May 10, 1659. Administration was granted to his widow Margery, who died July 18, 1676 ; and but two chil- dren, Huldah and Jonathan, are mentioned as heirs, although it seems evi- dent that he had others. Inventory of his estate £195 — 5 — 6. Children : i. Huldah,^ b. about 1635; m. Jan. 14, 1652-3, Ferdinando Thayer, ii. Jonathan. iii. Samuel. iV. WlLLIAJNI. BUTTERWORTH. Dea. John* Butter worth, born about 1630, appears in Rehoboth in 1652, being admitted freeman June 3, of that year. In 1663 a Baptist church was organized at his house of which he was chosen Deacon. In 1668 the town of Swanzey was incorporated and Dea. Butterworth was on the first board of Selectmen, and in 1685 he was Constable. Inventory of estate £121-19-2. Daughter Mary, wife of Samuel Thayer, mentioned in division. He married Sarah . Children : i. John,' b. Sept. 8, 1651. ii. Sarah, b. May 28, 1653. iii. Nathaniel, b. Apr. 12, 1655. iv. Joseph, b. May 15, 1657. V. Deborah, b. May 2, 1659. vi. Mercy, b. Sept. 8, 1661. vii. HoPESTiLL, b. Jan. 22, 1663. viii. Mary, b. Mar. 1665 ; m. first, Nov. 12, 1681, Joseph Slade ; m. second, in 1690, Sam'l Thayer. ix. Samuel, b. May, 1667. X. Experience, b. Aug. 15, 1669. xi. Benjamin, b. Oct. 31, 1672. BASS. Dea. Samuel^ Bass, bom in England about 1600, came to New Eng- land about 1633 and settled first in Roxbury, where he and his wife Ann were members of Rev. John Eliot's church. Freeman May 14, 1634. About 1640 he settled in Braintree where he was elected the first deacon in the church and sustained the office for over 50 years. During his long life he was very prominent in town affairs, serving repeatedly as Select- man and on important committees, and was Deputy to the General Court eleven years, 1641, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 54, 57, 59, 63 and 64. At his death, on Dec. 30, 1694, aged 94, he had had 162 descendants, the young- est born a few days previous to his decease. He married, in England, Ann , who died Sept. 5, 1693, aged 93. Inventory of his estate £942-1-6. &i Children : i. Samukl,' 8 b. about 1G27 ii. Hannah, b. about 1029. iii. Maky, b. about 1G31. iv. John, b. about 1G33. V. Thomas, b. about 1635. vi. Ruth, b. about 1038. vii. Sakah, b . about 1040. viii. Joseph, b. about 16-42. Dea. Thomas^ Bass (Samuel^), born about lG3o, lived in Braintree until about 1G57 when he settled in Boggestow (later Sherborn) on some land his father had purchased there ; and here he remained some twelve years. About lfi70 he returned to Braintree where he later became a deacon in the church and where he was living as late as 1710. Neither the time and place of his death, nor any record of settlement or disposal of his estate has been discovered ; and the record of his family is incom- plete. He married, first, Oct. 4, IGGO, Sarah, '^ bapt. Dec. 25, 1G42, daughter of Nicholas^ and Mary (Pidge) Wood of Sherborn, who died Dec. 24, 1G78. He married, second, Nov. 30, 1680, Susanna,'^ born about 1637, widow of Nathaniel Blanchard, and probably daughter of Edward^ and Susanna Bates of Weymouth, Children by first wife : i. A dau. ? ii. Sarah,^ ? (perliaps b. about 1665) ; said to have m. in 1690, Josiah^ Thayer, iii. Abigail, b. Jan. 2, 1667-8. iv. Samuel, b. Dec. 20, 1669. V. Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1672. vi. John, b. Mar. 20, 1075. vii. Meuitable, b. Sept. 18, 1678. WOOD. Nicholas^ Wood appears as a proprietor of Dorchester in 1 638 and was admitted freeman June 2, 1641, being a member of the Braintree church. About 1651 he became the first settler of the then wilderness of Sherborn where he died, Feb. 7, 1669-70. He married, first, Mary,^ born in England, daughter of Thomas^ and Mary Pidge of Roxbury ; she d. Feb. 19, 1662-3. He married, second, Anne . Children l)y first wife : i. Mary,'* bapt. Dec. 25, 1642. ii. Sarah (twin), bapt. Dec. 25, 1642; m. Oct. 4, 1660, Thomas" Bass. • iii. Hannah, b. about 1645. iv. Elizabeth, b. about 1648. V. Jonathan, b. Jan. 3, 1651-2. vi. Mehitable, b. July 22, 1055. - 'WV,^ Nv-o-rJ-*-"^ vii. Abigail, b. Sept. 13, 1657. viii. Bethia, b. July 28, 1660. ix. Eleazer, b. Mar. 14, 1661-2. 38 PIDGE. Thomas^ Pidge, "a godly, Christian man," according to Rev. John Eliot, was a member of the Roxbury church, a proprietor of that town, and admitted freeman May 14, 1634. He died Dec. 30, 1643. His wife Mary , also was a member of the Rpxhury church, and after his death she married, second, Aug. 13, 1645, Michael Metcalf of Dedham, and died Feb. 12, 1672-3. Children : i. 3Iary,^ b. about 1624; m. 1612 Nicholas^ 'Wood. ii. Hannah. iii. Sarah. iv. Thomas, b. about 1635. V. John. vi. Maktha, b. Mar. 12, 1642-3. WHITNEY. JoHN^ Whitney, the first of this family in America, a man of good education and position, came with his family from the vicinity of London to New England in the Spring of 163.5, and settled in Watertown, where he became a leading man in the community, and was one of the wealthiest of the inhabitants. His position is indicated by the fact that he was usu- ally called " Mr." Whitney on the records, a title of distinction in those days ; but the line of descent claimed for him from the ancient knightly family of Whitney of Herefordshire is improbable if not impossible, and is certainly not proven. He held the offices of town clerk and constable for several years and was Selectman in 1637, 48, 55, and 65. He died June 1, 1673, aged about 84 years. He married first, in England, Eleanor , who died in Watertown, May 11, 1659. He married second, Sept. 29, 1659, Judith Clement. Children by first wife : i. Mary, 2 bapt. May 23, 1619. ii. John, bapt. Sept. 14, 1621. iii. Richard, bapt. Jan. 6, 1623-4. iv. Nathaniel, b. about 1627. V. Thomas, b. about 1630. vi. Jonathan, b. about 1633. vii. Joshua, b. July 15, 1635. viii. Caleb, b. July 12, 1640. ix. Benjamin, b. June 6, 1643. Benjamin^ Whitney (John}), b. June 6, 1643, went to York, Me., in 1662, when a young man, and also was in Dover, N. H., for a short time. In 1685 he sold his property in York and returned to Mass., settling in Sherborn, where he resided until his death, in 1723. In 1716 he was Representative to the General Court from Sherborn. He married first, about 1668, Jane , who died in Sherborn, Nov. 14, 1690. He married second, April 11, 1695, Mary Poor of Marlboro. Children by first wife : i. Jane,3 b. Sept. 29, 1669. ii. Benjamin, b. about 1672. 39 • iii. Jonnthnn, b. about 1075. iv. John, b. about 1(!77. V. Natiianikl, b. Apr. 14, 1680, vi. Timothy, 1), about 108;S. vii. Joshua, b. Sept. 21, 1687. Children by second wife : viii. Makk. ix. Isaac. Jonathan' Whitney (Benjamin,- John^) born probably about lG7o in York, came to Slierborn in boyhood with his parents. lie settled in that part of the town set off" in 1724 as IloUiston, where he resided until his death, in Jan., 17.);)-4, havinif served as Selectman in 1724, 2;>, 2G, 27, 28, o2, and ^7. In his will, dated Feb. 2, 1753, he calls himself yeoman and names among his children his daughter Lydia and her husband Isaac Hill. Inventory, £l.S27-8-(). He married, .Jan. 14, 1700-1, Susanna,^ born March 24, 1680, daughter of George* and Susanna ( ) Fairbanks of Sherborn. Chiklren : i. Susanna,* b. Jan. 20, 1702-3. ii. Jonathan, b. Oct. 17. 1704. iii. Keziaii, b. July ?,\, 1706. iv. Dorothy, b. Aug-. 28, 1708. V. Maky, b. May 28, 1710. vi. Liidia, b. March 3, 1711-12; m. in 1743 Isaac'' Hill of HoUiston. vii. JiissE, b. Feb. 8, 1718-14. viii. Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1714-15. ix. EuAS, b. Nov. 14, 1716. X. Mh:hitable, b. Dec. 27, 1718. xi. Geokge, b. 1721. FAIRBANKS. Jonathan^ Fairbanks, born about 1595, ancestor of the Fairbanks family of America, came to New England in 1633 from Sowerby, York- shire, England, and in 1636 settled in Dedham, Mass., where he built the house known as the " Old Fairbanks House," which for over 250 years was occupied by the builder and his lineal descendants of the name " Fair- banks," and is still standing in habitable condition, probably the oldest house in New England, and now owned by the Fairbanks Family Asso- ciation. He received several grants of land, and " after divers loving con- ferences and persuasions with him," he was admitted into the Dedham church, Aug. 14, 1646. By his will he left all his landed estate to his eldest son .John. He died Dec. 5, 1668. He married in Halifax, England, May 20, 1617, Grace Smith, who died Dec. 28, 1673. Children : 1. JoHN,2bapt. Feb. 15, 1617-18. ii. I'corge, bapt. Nov. 28, 1619. iii. Mai:y, bapt. Feb. 3, 1621-2. iv. Jonas, bapt. Mar. 6, 1624-5. V. Susanna, b. about 1627. vi. Jonathan, b. about 1629. George- Fairbanks (Jonathan^), baptized Nov. 28, 1619, came to New England with his parents, and lived in Dedham until about 1657, when he 40 settled in Sherborn, near the Medfield line. Here he built a house near Boo-festow Pond, which was occupied by his descendants for several gen- erations. He was active in the affairs of the new town, serving four years as selectman, and was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. His death was caused by drowning, Jan. 10, 1682. He married, Oct. 26, 1646, Mary Adams of Dedham, who died in Mendon, Oct. 11, 1711. Children : i. Mary,^ b. Nov. 10, 1647; m. Nov. 16, 1665, Dea. Joseph Dauiel. ii. George, b. May 26, 1650. iii. Samuel, b. Oct. 28, 1G52. iv. Eleazer, b. June 8, 1655. V. JoxAS, b. Feb. 23, 1656-7. vi. Jonathan, b. May 1, 1662. vii. Margaret, b. Jane 27, 1664. George^ Fairbanks (George,'^ Jonathan^), born May 26, 1650, inherited the southerly part of his father's farm, situated in that part of Medfield set off in 1713 as Med way, where he resided until his death in the Spring of 1737. His father having been a proprietor of Sherborn, he drew lands in the division of the Douglass grants in 1715 and 1730. He married first, about 1671, Rachel, born about 1651, daughter of Peter- and Rachel (perhaps Newcomb) Adams, who died May 12, 1678. He married second, about 1679, Susanna . He married third, in 1687, Sarah . He married fourth, Susanna . Children by first wife : i. Rachel,* b. Sept. 29, 1672. ii. Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1674-5. Children by second wife : iii. Susanna, b. Mar. 24, 16x0; d. youn». iv. Susanna, b. Mar. 17, 1682; m. Jan. 14, 1700-1, Jonathan Whitney of Sherborn. ^ /, ■•V. Dorothy, b. Nov. 6, 1683. "'^ "tJ^-e-w-*.^ -< >^^tK vi. Margaret, b. Jan. 5, 1685-6. Children by third wife : vii. JoNAS, b. Feb. 15, 1687-8. viii. Sarah, b. Nov. 16, 1690. ix. Hannah, b. about 1692. X. George, b. Oct. 2, 1694. xi. John, b. Oct. 9, 1697. DAOTEL. Robert' Daniel, born about 1590, a husbandman, was in "Watertown in 1636, and admitted freeman Mar. 14, 1638-9. He also lived for some years in Cambridge, where he died July 6, 1655. He married first Eliza- beth -r-— *-*-'; -who died Oct. 2, 1643. He married second, on May 2, 1654, Reaua, widow of William Andrews of Cambridge and who formerly had been the wife of Edmund James of Watertown. She survived her third husband Robert^ Daniel, and married, fourth, Edmund Frost of Cambridge, whom she also survived at his death in 1672. Children of Robert^ Daniel by first wife : i. Robert," of Sudbury (perhaps), ii. Thomas. 41 iii. Elizabeth. iv. Samuel. V. Joseph, b. about 1G37. vi. Sauaii. vii. Maky, b. Sept. 2, 1642. Dea. Joseph^ Daniel {Robert^), born about 1637, settled in Medfield in the Spring of 1662, receiving land grants in tliat part of the tov\ai later set off as Medway, on the westerly side of the Charles river, where he re- sided until his death June 23, 1715. His house was burned by the Indians in King Philip's War in 1676. In 1693 and 1695 he served as selectman of Medtield, and in 1700 was schoolmaster for the west precinct. In 1688 he was granted the liberty of building a mill-dam on the river. He mar- ried first, Nov. 16, 1665, Mary,^ born Nov. 10, 1647, daughter of George^ and Mary (Adams) Fairbanks of Medfield, who died June 9, 1682. He married second, in 1683, Rachel, born in Braintree May 24, 1660, daughter of William and Mary (AVebb) Sheffield of Sherborn. She died May 3, 1687. He married third, in 1688, Lydia, born July 12, 1653, daughter of Edward and Lvdia (Rockwood) Adams and widow of James Allen of Medfield, who died Dec. 26, 1731. Children by first wife : i. Joseph,^ b. Sept, 23, 1666. ii. Mary, b. July 14, 1669. iii. Samuel, b. Oct. 20, 1671. iv. Mehitable, b. July 10, 1674. V. Ebexezer, b. Apr. 24, 1677. vi. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 9, 1678-9. vii. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 17, 1679-80; d. young. viii. Eleazer, b. Mar. 9, 1680-1. Children by second wife : ix. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 3, 1684. X. Rachel, b. Oct. 10, 1686. Child by third wife : xi. Zachariah, b. Apr. 9, 1689 ; d. May 2, 1689. Joseph^ Daniel {Joseph,^ Robert^), born Sept. 23, 1666, resided in Medfield, and later in Medway, until his death on Jan. 14, 1739-40. He married, in 1693, Bethia,^ born Dec. 20, 1673, daughter of Thomas- and Mary (Hill) Breck of Sherborn, who died Feb. 3, 1754. Children : i. Samuel* b. Dec. 25, 1693. ii. Joseph, b. Dec. 15, 1695. iii. David, b. Feb. 21, 1698-9, iv. Haxxah, b. Sept. 30, 1701. V. Ezra, b. Mar. 10, 1703-4. vi. Sarah, b. May 1, 1707. vii. Abigail, b. Mar. 15, 1715. viii. Tajmar, b. Mar. 17, 1717. Samuel^ Daniel {Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Robert^), born Dec. 25, 1693, resided in Medway, where he died in 1789. Selectman in 1730. He married first, Dec, 6, 1718, Experience,* born Mar. 2, 169.5-6, daughter of Dr. Peter^ and Experience (Cook) Adams of Medway, who died Mar. 25, 1730-1. He married second, Feb. 20, 1733, Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Phipps of Wrentham. 42 Children by first wife : i. Samuel,* b. June 8, 1720. ii. Timothy, b. Sept. 6, 1722. iii. Nathan, b. Aug. 20, 1726. iv. John, b. Aug. 18, 1728. V. Simeon, b. Mar. 8, 1730-1. Children by second wife : vi. Reuben, b. Nov. 25, 1733. vii. Sarah, b. Jan. 10, 1734-5. viii. Mary, b. Apr. 23, 1736. ix. Japhet, b. Feb. 17, 1737-8. X. Abijah, b. July 27, 1740. Lieut. Timothy^ Daniels (Satnuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Robert^), born Sept. 6, 1722, settled in Sherborn, where he was selectman in 1776, and a member of the Revolutionary committee of safety. He died in the Sum- mer of 1802. In his will, dated May 7, 1800, filed July 17, 1802, he calls himself husbandman, and names among his children his eldest daughter Rachel Hill. He married, in 1758, Rutli,^ born Dec. 27, 1735, daughter of Joshua^ and Ruth (Morse) Leland of Sherborn, who survived him. Children : i. Bachel,'^ b. Apr. 29, 1754 ; m. Aug. 5, 1773, Whitney Hill of Holliston. ii. Timothy, b. Dec. 21, 1757. iii. Bexoni, b. Aug. 29. 1760. iv. Lona (twin), b. Aug. 29, 1760. V. Martha, b, Sept. 12, 1762. vi. Isaac, b. Oct. 20, 1765. vii. Olive, b. Oct. 3, 1768. viii. Joseph, b. Sept. 11, 1770. BRECK. John'^ Breck was an early settler of Boggestow (Sherborn), where he died Jan. 3, 1G60. Nothing further is known of him, nor has the name of his wife yet been discovered. Children : i. John.'^ ii. Tlwinas, b. perhaps about 1630. iii. Eleanor. Thomas'" Breck (John^), born about 1630, evidently came with his father to Boggestow about 1656, where he settled and improved a large farm where he died April 23, 1703. He married in Dorchester, Feb. 12, 1656-7, Mary,''^ born about 1636, daughter of John^ and Frances ( ) Hill, who died Aug. 15, 1726. Children : i. Mary, 3 b. and d. Dec, 1657. ii. Mary, b. about 1659. iii. Sarah, b. about 1661. iv. Susanna, b. Sept. 10, 1663 ; d. young. V. Susanna, b. May 10, 1667. vi. John, b. Mar. 4, 1671. vii. Bethia, b. Dec. 20, 1673; m. about 1693, Joseph^ Dauiel. viii. Hannah, b. about 1676. ix. Esther, b. about 1679. X. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 1, 1682. xi. Samuel (twin), b. Mar. 1, 1682. 43 AiDAMS. Uenry^ Adams, ancestor of the Presidents of that name, came to New England about 1639, and settled in Bnuntree, where he had a grant of 40 acres of land on Feb. 24, 163D-40 for a family of ten persons. Resides cidtivatiiig a farm, he also was a maltster; but little is known of him, and he lived but a few years after coming to New England, dying Oct. 0, 1G4G. His wife survived him, btrt-4i«i'- nam e ha « n ot beeB-4iBc»vered. P q\ f ; fi Children : , 1. IIenky.^' b. about 1610. li. TnoMAS, b. about l(n'2. iii. Samuel, b. about 1G17. iv. Jonathan, b. about IGIO. V. Peter, b. about 1622. vi. John, b. about 1G24. vii. Joseph, b. about l(i26; ancestor of the Presidents. viii. Edward, b. about 1630. ix. Ursula. Peter'^ Adams (Henry^), born about 1G22, came to New England probably with his parents, and lived in Braintree until about 1653, when he settled in Medfield, where he resided until his death in 1690. His house was burned by the Indians in King Philip's War, in 1676. He married, about 1 650, Rachel . She was perhaps the Rachel,^ born in 1632, daughter of Francis^ and Rachel Newcomb of Braintree. Children : i. Rachel,' b. about 1651. ii. Peter, b. Apr. 20, 1653. iii. Hannah, b. Jan. 16, 1655-6. iv. John, b. about 1658. V. Mary, b. Mar. 1, 1661. vi. Jonathan, b. July 11, 1663. vii. Kuth, b. June 20, 1665. viii. Joseph, b. Aug. 25, 1668. ix. Samuel, b. Apr. 2, KJZl. X. Henry, b. Jan. 6, 1673-4. Dr. Peter' Adams (Peter,^ Henry^), born April 20, 1653, lived in that part of Medfield later set off as Med way, where he died Dec. 8, 1723. He was the first deacon of the Medway church, and besides cultivating his farm was also a physician. He married May 27, 1680, Experience,'^ born Nov. 9, 1662, daughter of Walter and Catherine Cook of Mendon. She taught for some terms the district school in Medway, and survived her husband. Children : i. Rachel,* b. Feb. 1, 1680-1. ii. Experience, b. Jan. 28, 1682-3; d. young. iii. Peter, b. May 9, 1684. iv. Joseph, b. Sept. 1, 1687. V. Catherine, b. Dec. 15, 1689. vi. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 2, 1693. vii. Experience, b. Mar. 2, 1605-6; m. Dec. 6, 1718, Samuel Daniel. viii. George, b. Jan. 16. 1698-9. 44 NEWCOMB. Francis^ Newcomb, born about 1605, came to New England in the Spring of 1635 with wife and two children ; lived in Boston for a few years, but in 1639 settled in Braintree, where he resided until his death, May 27, 1692. He married Rachel , who was living as late as 1685. Children : i. Bachel,^ b. in England in 1G32; came to New England with lier parents ; perhaps m. in 1650, Peter^ Adams, ii. John, b. 1634. iii. Hannah, bapt. in Boston, Oct. 15, 1637. iv. Marv, b. in Braintree, Apr. 1, 1640. V. Sarah, b. June 30, 1643. vi. Judith, b. Jan. 16, 1645-6. vii. Peter, b. May 16, 1648. viii. Abigail, b. July 16, 1651. ix. Leah, b. July 30, 1654. X. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 1658. LELAND. HoPESTiLL^ Leland, or Layland, born about 1580, was the patriarch of this family in New England. No details of his life or family are known, except that he had a sou Henry^ Leland, and that he was the first person interred in the original cemetery at Sherborn in 1655, aged 75 years. Children : i. ITenry,^ b. about 1625. ii. Probably daughters. Henry^ Leland (ffopestiU^), born about 1625, lived for a few years in that part of Dorchester later set off as Milton. Admitted to Dorchester church May 22, 1653. In 1654 he joined the little party who settled Boggestow, where he resided until his death on April 4, 1680. By trade he was a tailor, but in Sherborn he was occupied in farming. He married Margaret, a sister of Robert and George Babcock of Milton, who died May 21, 1705, aged about 75 years. Children : i. HOPESTILL,' bapt. May 29, 1653 ; d. young, ii. Hopestill, b. Nov. 15, 1655. iii. Experience, b. May 16, 1656. iv. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 2, 1657-8. V. Eleazer, b. July 13, 1660. Dea. Hopestill^ Leland {Henry,'^ HopestilP-), born Nov. 15, 1655, inherited his father's homestead in Sherborn, where he lived until his death on Aug. 19, 1729, having been a deacon in the church for many years and selectman for twelve years, between 1689 and 1703. He married first, Nov. 5, 1678, Abigail,^ born Feb. 2, 1657-8, daughter of .John'- and Hannah Hill of Sherborn, who died Oct. 5, 1689. He married second, about 1692, Patience,^ b. Mar. 5, 1671. daughter of Matthew'^ and Martha (Lamson) Rice of Sudbury, who died Oct. 5, 1740. Children by first wife : i. Henry,* b. Feb. 22, 1679. ii. Hopestill, b. Aug. 4, 1681. 45 iii. Abigail, 1). Feb. 17, 1G83. iv. John, b. Oct. 11, 1687. Chiklren by second wife : V. William, b. Feb. 11, 1092-3. vi. Eleazicu, b. Apr. 8, 1095. vii. JosKPH, b. May 9, 1098. viii. Isaac, b. June 2, 1701. xi. Jo>.'•'' J ' Samuel^ Morse, born in 1587 (perhaps identical with Samuel, baptized July '2q, 1587, son of Riehard ^ind Margaret (Symson) Morse of Dedham, England), came to New England with some of his family in the Spring of 1635, and went first to Watertown, but the next year joined a large party in the settlement of Dedham, where he was a member of the first board of selectmen, and in 1641 became a member of the church there. About 1650 he went with his son Daniel to the new settlement of Medfield, where he died Dec. 5, 1654. He married, in England, Elizabeth , who died about 1655. i . <^J l.^fiZi'U^ a v^ -' Children : -> ( ,^ - a /- r> i. JoHN,'^ b. about 1611. ii. Daniel, b. about 1613. iii. Joseph, b. about 1615. iv. Samuel. V. Jeremiah. vi. Mary. vii. Abigail. Joseph^ Morse (SamueP), born about 1615, came to Watertown with his parents, and went to Dedham with them in 1636. He was a proprietor of Medfield, but died in the Spring of 1654, before the house he was having built at Medway was comjjleted ; but his widow and children moved there later iu the year. He married, Sept. 1, 1638, at Watertown, Hannah Phillips (perhaps sister of Henry Phillips), who married second, Nov. 3, 1658, Thomas^ Boyden of Medfield, and died Oct. 3, 1676. Children : i. Samuel,3 b. Mar. 10, 1689-40. ii. Hannah, b. Aug. 8, 1641. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 16, 1643. iv. Dorcas, b. Aug. 24, 1645. 47 V. Elizabkth, b. Sept. 1, 1G47. vi. Joseph, b. Sept. 26, 1649. vii. .Tkkkmiaii, b. June 10, 1G51. viii. Ciiii.u. Capt. Joskpii^ Morse (Joseph,^ Samuel^), born iu Dedham, Sept. 26, 1649, settled in Sherborn in 1671, and built a house on land inherited by his first wife from her fatlier Nicholas Wood. Here he improved a larc^e farm, and was also interested with Ca])t. Joseph Ware iu a grist-mill which they built about 1710 on Sewell's lirook. For many years he took a leading part in the public affairs of the town, being captain of the local military company, selectman for sixteen years between 16H8 and 1714, and representative to the General Court in 1715. Pulilic worshi]) of the town was held in his house until the church edifice was built. His death occurred Feb. 19, 1717-18. Inventory of personal estate £102 — 19 — 0. He married iirst, Oct. 17, 1671, Mehitable," born July 22, 16.55, daughter of Nicholas^ and Mary (Pidge) Wood, who died Nov. 12, 1681. He mar- ried second, Apr. 11, 1683, Hannah,^ born Feb. 8, 1663-4, daughter of Robert^ and Joanna Babcock of Milton, who died Nov. 9, 1711. He mar- ried third. May 17, 1713, Hannah, born May 6, 1660, danghter of Lieut. John and Hannah (White) Baxter of Braintree, and widow of Capt. Joseph Dyer of Weymouth. She died Sept. 4, 1727. Children by first "wife : i. Mehitable,* b. Apr. 25, 1G73; d. young, ii. Joseph, b. Apr. 3, 1676; d. youn.s. ill. Elisha, b. Dec. 12, 1677; d. young, iv. Joseph, b. Mar. 25, 1G79. V. Mehitable, b. Nov. 2, 1681. Children by second wife : vi. James, b. July 1, 1686. vii. Haxnah, b. Apr. 5, 1689. viii. Sarah, b. Apr. 12, 1692. ix. David, b. Dec. 31, 1694. X. Isaac, b. Sept. 14, 1697. xi. Keziah, b. June 30, 1700. xii. Asa, b. Aug. 24, 1703. Sergt. James* Morse (Joseph,^ Joseph,- Samuel^), born July 1, 1686, built a house in the westerly part of Sherborn on land given to him by his father, where he lived until his death on June 5, 1725. Constable in 1716. He married, Jan. 5, 1706-7, Ruth,^ born July 24, 1686, daughter of Thomas'-' and Deborah (Rice) Sawin of Sherborn and Natick. She died Jan. 12, 1774. The will of James Morse, dated two days before his death, names wife Ruth, sons Thomas and James, and daughters Ruth and De- borah. Inventory £716 — 8 — 0. Children : i. Thomas,^ b. Dec. 5, 1709. ii. liuth, b. about 1713; m. in 1731, Joshua Leland of Sherborn. iii. Deborah, b. about 1717. iv. James, b. Dec. 21, 1720. V. Abraham (twin), b. Dec. 21, 1720; d. young. BADCOCK. Robert^ Badcock and George Badcock, both of whom were mar- ried evidently about 1 649, appear in Dorchester that year ; James Badcock 48 was in Newport, R. I., as early as 1642; the first two were brothers, the latter was perhaps a brother or cousin of them. Capt, Robert^ Badcock settled in that j^art of Dorchester set off in 1662 as Milton. He was "rater" for Dorchester in 1657, and supervisor of highways in 1660. After the town of Milton was formed, he became a prominent man there, serving as selectman in 1678 and 1691, and holding the office of sergeant and finally that of captain of the local military com- pany. In 1672 he bought land in Sherborn and Natick. It is supposed that Margaret, the wife of Henry^ Leland of Sherborn, was a sister of Capt. Badcock. He died, Nov. 12, 1694, leaving a widow, Joanna -, who died Dec. 4, 1700, aged 71. Children : i. Samuel,^ bapt. July 7, 1650. ii. JoxATHAX, bapt. Mar. 7, 1651-2. iii. James, bapt. Mar. 12, 1653-4. Iv. Abigail, bapt. Apr. 27, 1056. V. Nathaniel, b. Mar, 14, 1658. vi. Caleb, b. Aug. 14, 1660. vii. Ebesezer, b. Oct. 2, 1662. viii. HoPESTiLL, bapt. Nov. 8, 1663. Ix. Hannah, b. Feb. 8, 1664-5; m. Apr. 11, 1683, Joseph Morse of Sherborn. X. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1666. xi. Thaxkful, b. Feb. 18, 1608-9. JoHK^ Sawin, ancestor of all that bear this name in America, was son of Robert Sawin of Boxford, Suffolk Co., England, and was in New Eng- land as early as 1650, and settled in AVatertown, holding the office of selectman there in 1664 and 1672. He owned a " homestall " in Water- town village, and a large farm in that part of the town later set off^ as Weston ; and besides farming he also followed the occupation of cordwainer. He died Sept. 2, 1690; and the manner of his decease is thus related in the first and only number of " Publick Occurrences," printed and issued at Boston, Sept. 25, 1690, the first newspaper ever issued in America. After this first number the sheet was suppressed by the authorities. " A verry Tragical Accident happened at Water Towne, the beginning of this Month ; an Olde man, that was of somewhat a Silent and Morose Temper, but one that had long Enjoyed the reputation of a Sober and Pious Man, having freshly buried his Wife, The Devil took advantage of the Melancholy which he thereopon fell into, his Wives discretion and Industry had long been the support of his Family, and he seemed hurried with an impertinent fear that he should now come to want before he dyed, though he had verry careful relations to look after him who kept a strict eye upon him, least he should do himself any harm. But one evening escaping from them into the Cow-house, they there quickly followed him, found him hanging by a Rope, which they had used to tye their Calves withall, he was Dead with his feet near touching the Ground." He married, in 1652, Abigail,^ baptized Aug. 20, 1626, daughter of George^ and Elizabeth (Groome) Munning. She died in the Sununer of 1690. Children : i. JoHX,^' b. Apr. 1, 1653. ii. MuxxixG, b. Apr. 4, 1655. iii. Thomas, b. Sept. 27, 1657. 49 Lieut. Thomas^ Sawin (John^), born Sept. 27, lGr)7, in Watertown, when a young man of 18 served as private (probalily in Capt. Davenport's Co.) in the Narragansett campaign in King Philip's War, and took part in the Great Swamp Fight, Dec. 19, 1075 (his son John inheriting a Narra- gansett claim). About 1G79 he settled in Sherborn, where he lived for many years, but finally removed to Natick, where he resided until his death in 1727. He was prominent in the affairs of Sherborn, being lieu- tenant of the military company, holding the office of selectman twelve years, between 1700 and 1714, and serving as representative to the General Court in 1702 and 1703. Besides cidtivating large farms he also built, in 1679, and maintained, the first grist-mill in Sherborn, and also engaged in busi- ness as a housewright, being the builder of the first church edifice in Sher- born. At his death his estate inventoried £3577 — 9 — 0. He married, Jan. 23, 1684, Deborah,^ born Feb. 14, 1659-60, daughter of Matthew^ and Martha (Lamson) Rice of Sudbury, who died about 1727. Children : i. Enth,^ b. July 24, 1686 ; m. Jan. 5, 1706-7, James* Morse of Sherborn. ii. John, b. June 20, 1089. iil. Deborah, b. Apr. 4, 1690. MUNNIN"G. George^ Munning was baptized in Rattlesden, Suffolk Co., England, on Sept. 5, 1596, son of Thomas and Ann Munning; came to New England with his family in the ship " Elizabeth " in the Spring of 1634, and settled in Watertown, and later in Sudbury, where he lived until about 1651, when he removed to Boston, where he died Aug. 24, 1658. Was admitted freeman Mar. 14, 1634-5. He was a cordwainer by occupation. In 1636 he served in an expedition to Block Island against the Indians, and lost an eye in the service, on which account he was granted £5 and the court fines of one week, on Oct. 28, 1636. He married first, in Rattlesden, June 12, 1620, Elizabeth Groome. After her death he married, second, Joanna, the widow of Simon Boyers. Children, recorded in Rattlesden : i. Elizabeth, 2 bapt. June 27, 1621-2. ii. Abigail, bapt. June 6, 1624; bur. Aug. 12, 1624. iii. Abigail, bapt. Aug. 20, 1626 ; m. Jolin^ Sawin of Watertown. SMITH. Michael^ Smith, the progenitor in New England of this particular family of this common name, was in Charlestown as early as 1639, and re- sided on the Maiden side of the Mystic river. He was admitted to the Charlestown Church July 1, 1645, and died about 1696. He married Joane — — , who was born about 1620, admitted to the church Dec. 22, 1639, and died Nov. 10, 1692. Children : i. Michael,^ b. about 1645. ii. Samuel, bapt. July 19, 1648. iii. John. iv. Nathaniel. 50 V. RuHAMAH, b. about 1655. vi. Pflatiah, b. 1658. vii. Sarah, bapt. Aug. 4, 1661. Pelatiah^ SiiiTH [MichaeV-), born about 1658, was a blacksmith, and lived in Maiden until 1 690, when he moved to Bridgewater, where he re- sided until 1715, when he bought land in that part of Mendon later Bel- lingham, and moved thither, and there lived until his death, Sept. 10, 1727. He married first, in 1682, Sarah , who died in Maiden, Mar. 1, 1687-8. He married second, in Bridgewater, in 1 691, Jane,^ born July 19, 1671, daughter of Isaac^ and Mercy (Latham) Harris and widow of James Dunbar. Children by first wife : i. Eleanor, 3 b. Feb. 17, 1682-3. ii. Ruhamah, b. Dec. 21, 1685; d. young. iii. Sarah, b. Oct. 25, 1687. Children by second wife : Iv. Jane, b. May 22, 1692. V. Pelatiah, b. Apr. 25, 1695. vi. James, b. Jan. 18, 1696-7. vii. Samuel, b. May 5, 1699. viii. Desire, b. Oct. 22, 1701. ix. Joanna, b. 1703. X. Ruhamah, b. 1705. xi. Robert, b. 1708. xii. Joseph, b. 1710. Samuel^ Smith {Pelatiah,^ Michael^), born May 5, 1699, in Bridgewater, became a blacksmith, and went to Bellingham with his parents, where he lived until 1724, when he resided for about a j^ear in Boston, and then moved to that part of Cambridge now Arlington, where he resided until about 1748, when he again moved, this time to Stoneham. He was a soldier in the Louisbourg expedition in 1745, and died before 1766. He married first, in Boston, May 14, 1724, Agnes Henderson, who died in 1725. He married second, Dec. 9, 1725, Sarah Clark. Child by first wife : i. Agntis.* Children by second wife : ii. Anna, b. Nov. 6, 1726. iii. Pelatiah, b. Jan. 8, 1727-8. iv. Samuel, b. Dec. 8, 1729. V. Michael, b. June 12, 1732. vi. Joseph, b. July 7, 1734. vii. Benjamin, b. Jan. 13, 1735-6. viii. Robert, b. Dec. 31, 1738. ix. Thomas, b. Mar. 25, 1740. X. Robert, b. Dec. 10, 1741. xi. Daniel, bapt. June 8, 1746. Ensign Pelatiah^ Smith [Samuel,'^ Pelatiah,'^ Michael^), born in Cam- bridge, Jan. 8, 1727-8, seems to have been a favorite of his uncle, Capt. Robert Smith of Bellingham, who practically gave the young man consid- erable land in that town about the time of his marriage, and who later adopted the two children of his nephew after the death of then- father. In the Mass. State archives is a record statins; that this Pelatiah Smith was a currier and was ensign in the military service for thirty weeks in the Spring 51 and Summer of 1756, and died hi the expedition ac^ainst Crown Point. He married, in Uellinglmni, dune 23, 1752, Eunice,'^ born Nov. 20, 17.'50, daughter of Isaac* and Miriam (Thayer) Thayer. She died Feb. 19, 1757. Children : i. JiubeH,-' b. Nov. 5, 1752. ii. Mahgahkt, b. Nov. 10, 1754. Robert^ Smith (Pelatiah,* Samuel,^ Pelatia/i,^ Michael^), born Nov. 5, 1752, was adopted by his granduncle, Capt. Robert* Smith of Bellinghara, who entailed a large landed estate upon his son Pelatiah'"' and his eldest male descendants. In the records he is called Robert Sraitii, dr., to dis- tinguish him from his granduncle Capt. Robert. In the Revolution, Robert^ Smith, Jr., served two days in Capt. Jesse Ilolbrook's Co. on the Lexington alarm of A[)r. 19, 1775; he also served three days in the same company on the Rhode Island alarm of Dec. 8, 177G. He was a trader, and died insolvent Jan. 3, 1794, his widow being appointed administratrix on Feb. 4, 1794. He married. Mar. 7, 177G, Levina,''' born in Cumberland, R. I., May 27, 1758, daughter of Abner'' and Rlioda (Thomson) Cook of Wren- tham. She married second, Apr. 25, 1799, Ezekiel Bates of Bellingham, and died Aug. 16, 1841. Children : i. Pelatiah,* b. June 25, 1776. ii. Mahgaret, b. Mar. 20, 1778. iii. AbxePm b. May 1, 1780. iv. Robert, b. Mar. 30, 1782. V. Lfvina, b. Apr. 13, 1784; m. May 26, 1803, ArnokF Hill of Ilolliston. vi. SiMox, b. July 1, 1787. vii. Samuel, b. Mar. 28, 1789. viii. RuEL, b. Apr. 23, 1791. HARRIS. Arthur^ Harris was of Duxbury as early as 1640, and was one of the original proprietors and settlers of Bridgewater in 1650. Later he re- moved to Boston, where he died June 10, 1674. He married Martha , who survived him. Children : i. Isaac.''' ii. Samuel. iii. Martha. iv. Mary. IsAAC^ Harris {Arthur^), eldest son, born perhaps about 1640, lived in Bridgewater, where he died in 1707. He married first, about 1 (ids. Mercy,^ born -June 2, 1650, daughter of Robert^ and Susanna ( Winslow) Latham, who died before 1698. He married second, June 2>i, 1698, Mary,- born Oct. 2^, 1660, daughter of Robert and Rose Dunbar of Hingham, \vho died about 1707. Children by first wife : i. Desire.^ ii. Jane,h. July 19, 1671; m. in 1688, James Dunbar of Bri(l7. He married, Dec. 2(1, 1754, Sarah. "^ horn Nov. 27, 1735, daughter of J acob^ and Sarah (Stodder) Sprague of llinghani. Chihlren : i. Ahisha,'^ b. July 16, 1755. ii. Vknus. iii. Daniel. iv. John. V. Sarah. vi. Dehokah. vii. Rachel. viii. Maky. Abisha* Lewis, Jr. {Abisha,^ Jokf,* John,^ James,^ George^), b. in Ilingham, July 16, 1755, lived in Ilingham until after the lievolution, when he removed to Vermont and settled in Tinniouth, adjoining Ira, wheie he resided until his death, March 28, 1828. Tiie Mass. Archives have several records of his military service in various Hingham com[)auie3 as [trivate, drummer, and sergeant, during 1775, '7G and '77. He married, iu ilingham March 2o, 1779, Deborah,'* born Oct. 23, 1759, daughter of Edward* and Hannah (Lewis) Wilder of Ilingham, who died July 10, 183(3. Children : i. HannaiiJ b. 1781. ii. Harris, b. 1785. iii. Walter, b. 171)1. iv. Nelson, b. 1793. V. 7'amsm, b. 1797; m. Dec, 24, 1820, Jas. Pratt. vi. Deborah, b. 1799. LANE. William^ Lane was in Dorchester as early as 1635, and had grants of land in 1637. His will, dated Feb. 28, 1650-51, was proved July 5, 1654, so he probably died in the Spring of the latter year. He married in England, Agnes , who joined the Dorchester Church about 1637. Children : i. Elizabeth.' ii. Mary. iii. Annis. iv. George, b. about 1613. V. Sarah. vi. Andrew. George- Lane ( William^), born about 1613, was one of the early pro- prietors of Hingham; settled there in 1635, and resided there until his death on June 11, 1689. He was a shoemaker by occupation ; received various grants of lands ; was admitted freeman Oct. 8, 1672, and served as Selectman iu 1669 and 1678. He married Sarah,' daughter of Walter^ and Mary (Frye) Harris, who died March 26, 1694-5. Children : i. Sarah,'^ bapt. in Mar. 1637-8 ; ra. Oct. 31, 1655, Lieut. James Lewis, ii. Hannah, bapt. Feb. 24, 1638-9. 60 iii. JosiAH, bapt. May 23, 1641. iv. Susanna, bapt. June 23, 1644. V. Elizabeth, b. about 1646. vi. John, bapt. Jan. 20, 1647-8. vii. Ebenezek, bapt. Aug. 25, 1650. viii. Mary, bapt. Apr. 17, 1653. ix. Peter, bapt. July 23, 1656. HAKRIS. Walter^ Harris came to New England in 1632 and lived in Wey- mouth until 1649, when he removed to Dorchester, where he resided until 1653, when he again moved, this time to New London, Conn., where he died Nov, 6, 1654. Freeman June 2, 1641. He married in England Mary Frye, who died Jan. 24, 1655-6. Children : i. Sarah,^ h. in England ; m. in 1637 George^ Lane, ii. Gabriel. iii. Thomas. LINCOLN. Sergt. Daniel^ Lincoln, one of eight persons of this family name who settled early in Hingham, was born in England in 1619 and was in Hingham, Mass., as early as 1644, where he was Selectman in 1685 and 1692 ; sergeant in the local militia company and died March 19, 1698-9. Inventory £247-6-0. He married, probably just before emigrating, Su- sanna , who died Feb. 20, 1703-4. Children : i. Susanna,'^ b. May 14. 1054. ii. Daniel, b. Feb. 22, 1656-7; d. young. iii. Hannah, h. Sept. 10, 1659 ; m. Nov. 17. 1682, John' Lewis. iv. Daniel, b. 1661. V. Sarah, b. Sept, 7, 1664. vi. Ephkaim, b. May 26, 1667. vii. Child, b. Jan. 31, 1668-9; d. young. viii. Rachel, b. June 27, 1671. HAWKE. Matthew^ Hawke, born about 1610, came from Cambridge, England, in 1638 to Hingham, Mass., where he lived until his death, Dec. 11, 1684. Freeman May 18, 1642, Town Clerk, Selectman in 1663, and school- master from 1679 to 1683. He married in England, Margaret , who died March 18, 1683-4. Children : i. Elizabeth, 2 b. July 14, 1639. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 1, 1641. iii. Bethia, b. Jan. 21, 1643-4. iv. Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1646. V. James, b. MaV27, 1649. vi. Deborah, b. Mar. 22, 1651-2. vii. Hannah, b. July 22, 1655. Capt. James^ Hawke (MaUhetv^), born in Ilingham, May 27, 1G49; resided there until his death, Nov. 27, 171"). Freeman 1G8U; Selectman 1G85, '87, '93, 1701, 1713; Town Clerk 1700-1715; and Capt. of the Hiughaiu military company for several years. He married «Jiily 9, 1078, Sarah,^ bapt. Feb. 28, 1657-8, daughter of Jolin^ and Margery (Karnes) Jacob. Children : i. Sarah,3 b. Oct. 30, 1679. ii. Mahgakkt, b. Sept. 15, 1681. iii. Jamks, b. Sept. 29, 1683. iv. Mauy, b. July 6, 1685. V. Mattukw, b. Mar. 28, 1688. vi. Emzabkth, b. Dec. 16, 1()81). vii. Deborah, b. Jan. 14, 1691-2; m. Ma}' 2, 1716, John Lewis. JACOB. . Nicholas^ Jacob came from Hingham in Old England to New Eng- land in 1G33, and was one of the first settlers of Ilingham, Mass., where he afterwards lived nntil his death, June 5, 1657. Freeman 1635-6; Selectman 1637; and Deputy to the General Court in 1648 and 1G49. Inventory of estate showed £393-8-6. He married Mary , who survived him and married second John Beal, and died June 15, 1681. Children : i. John,^ b. about 1630. ii. Elizabeth, b. about 1632. iii. Mary, b. about 1634. iv. Sarah, b. about 1637. V. Hannah, bapt. Feb. 23, 1639-40. vi. JosiAH, bapt. Nov. 6, 1642. vii. Dkbohah, bapt. Nov. 26, 1643. viii. Joseph, bapt. May 10, 1646. Capt. Joiin^ Jacob (Nicholas^), born in England about 1630, was brought to Hingham in infancy by his parents and resided there until his death, Sept. 18, 1693. He was an enterprising and successful man, and active in public affairs, serving as Selectman in 1662, '65, '83, '86 aud '89. He was also prominent in military matters, especially during King Philip's War. On Feb. 21, 167G-7 he was in command of a company of eighty men stationed at Medfield when the town was surprised and attacked by a large force of Indians who succeeded in burning nearly half the houses in the place befoi'e they were driven off. He also served in the Narragansett campaign vmder Capt. Johnson, and shortly after the latter's death in the Great Swamp Fight on Dec. 19, 1675, Capt. Jacob was put in command of the company, and during the rest of the winter engaged in scouting on the frontier. Inventory of estate of Capt. Jacob amounted to £1298-5-0. He married fii'st, Oct. 20, 1653, Margery,^ daughter of Anthony^ and Margery Fames, who died April 7, 1G59. He married second, Oct. 3, 1661, Mary, born April 1, 1641, daughter of George and Jane Russell. Children by first wife : i. JoHN,^ b. Oct. 20, 1654 ; killed by Indians. ii. Mary, b. Mar. 30, 1656. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1657; m. July 9, 1678, James Hawke. iv. Benjamin, b. Apr. 2, 1659. 62 Children by second wife : V. Jael, b. Sept. 7, 1662. vi. David, b. June 20, 1664. vii. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 11, 1666. viii. Peter, b. Feb. 12, 1667-8. ix. Hannah, b. Dec. 26, 1669. X. Samuel, b. Nov. 30, 1671. xi. Deborah, b. Aug. 15, 1G74 ; d. young. xii. Deborah, b. May 8, 1677. xiii. John, b. July 31, 1679. xiv. Lydia, b. Apr. 18, 1681. XV. Abigail, b. Nov. 13, 1683. EAMES. Lieut. Anthony^ Eames was in Charlestown as early as 1 634, but the next year settled in Hingham, where he resided until 1652, when he removed to Marshfield. He was admitted Freeman March 9, 1636-7, and became a man of prominence, serving as Deputy to Massachusetts General Court in 1637, '38 and '43. In 1637 he was appointed Lieutenant in com- mand of the Hingham military company and continued in that service un- til 1645, when dissensions arose and insubordination followed, on which he resigned his office. The wrangle was carried before the government of the Colony and was continued for over a year. On account of these diffi- culties he was probably induced to remove to Marshfield, in the Plymouth Colony, where he was admitted Freeman on June 7, 1653, and was Deputy from Marshfield to the Plymouth Colony Court in 1653, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 1661. He married, in England, Margery . Children : i. Milicent,'^ b. about 1618; m. in 1635 William Sprague. ii. John. ill. Mark. iv. Margenj, m. Oct. 20, 1653, John Jacob. V. Elizabeth, m. about 1650, Edward Wilder. SPKAGUE. William^ Sprague came to New England from Upway, Dorsetshire, and was in Charlestown in 1635, whence he moved to Hingham the next year, where he resided until his death, Oct. 26, 1675. Selectman in 1645 and Constable in 1661. He married, in 1635, Milicent,'^ daughter of An- thonyi .^-^^^ Margery Eames, who died Feb. 8, 1695-6. Children : i. b. in Charlestown, ii. to x. in Hingham : 1. Anthony,'^ bapt. June 23, 1636. ii. John, bapt. Apr. 1638. iii. Samuel, bapt. May 24, 1640. iv. Jonathan, bapt. Mar. 20, 1641-2 ; d. young. V. Persis, b. Nov. 12, 1643. vi. Joanna, b. Dec. 1645. vii. Jonathan, b. Mav 28, 1648. viii. William, b. July 2, 1650. ix. Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1652. X. Hannah, b. Feb. 25, 1654-5. 6S Anthony^ Spka.gvk (William^), bapt. June 23, 1G3G, inlierited his father's liomestead in IIin>rhani, where he resided until his dcatli, Sept. 3, 1719. He was a farmer and his liouse was burned on the 19th of April, 1676, during an Indian raid in King Philip's War. Selectman in 1688, 92, and 1702. lie married, Dec. 26, 1661, Elizabeth,'- born about 1643, daughter of Robert^ and Mary (Warren) Bartlett oE Plymouth, who died Feb. 17, 1712-13. Children : i. Anthony,' b. Aug. 18, 1063. li. Bknjamin, b. Aug. 18, 1G65. iii. John, b. Sept. 30, 10G7. iv. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, IGGO. V. Samuel, b. Marcli 8, 1G71-2. vi. Sahah, b. May 23, lG7-i. vii. Jamks, b. Jan. 23, 1677-8. viii. JosiAH, b. Apr. 23, 1680. ix. Jeremiah, b. July 24, 1G82. X. Richard, b. Apr. 10, lfi85. xi. Mattiikw, b. Mar. 27, 1G88. Jeremiah^ Spuague {Anfhony,'^ William}), b. July 24, 1682, was a farmer and passed his life in Ilingham, where he died, March 5, 1759. He married in Boston, March 5, 1706-7, Priscilla Knight. Children : i. Jacob* b. 1709. ii. Knight, b. Oct. 12, 1711. iii. PiusciLLA, b. Mar. 22, 1712-13. iv. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 18, 1714. V. Susanna, b. Apr. 11, 1716. vi. Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1717-18. vii. John, b. Mar, 1, 1719-20. viii. Nehemlah, b. Feb 21, 1721-2. ix. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 10, 1723-4. X. Deborah, b. Mar. 17, 1725-6. xi. Joanna, b. Mar. 20, 1727-8. Jacob* Sprague {Jeremiah,^ Anthony,'^ William}), born in 1709, was a farmer and lived always in Hingham, where he died, in Jan. 1785. Con- stable in 1748-9. He married, "Feb. 18, 1734-5, Sarah,* born Dec. 28, 1711, daughter of Jacob^ and Sarah (Howard) Stodder of Hingham, who died March 25, 1786. Children : i. Sarah,^ b. Nov. 27, 1735 ; m. Dec. 26, 1754, Abisha Lewis. ii. Jacob, b. June 25, 1737. iii. Rachel, b. July 20, 1739. iv. Priscilla, b, Aug. 20. 1741. V. Abigail, b. July 6, 1743. vi. Seth, b. Oct. 17, 1745. vii. Reuben, b. Mar. 10, 1748-9. BARTLETT. Robert^ Bartlett, born about 1603, came in the ship "Ann" in 1623 to Plymouth, where he settled and resided until his death in 1676. He was a cooper by trade. He married in 1629, Mary,'^ born about 1609, daughter of Richard^ and Elizabeth Warren, who died in 1681. 64 Children ; i. Benjamin,'' b. about 1630. ii. Rebecca, b. about 1632, iii. Mary, b. about 1634. Iv. Sarah, b. about 1637. V. Joseph, b. about 1640. vi. Elizabeth, b. about 1643; m. Dec. 26, 1661, Anthony Sprague. vii. Lydia, b. June 8, 1647. viii. Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1650. WARREN. Richard^ Warren, the first of this name in New England, came to Plymouth with the Pilgrims in 1620 in the first voyage of the "May- flower," leaving in England his wife and children, who came in the " Ann " in 1623. He settled in Plymouth near Eel River, where he died in 1628. A contemporary, Nathaniel Morton, in his " New England Memorial," speaks of him as " grave Richard Warren, a man of integrity, justice and uprightness, of piety and serious religion, and a useful instrument during the short time he lived, bearuig a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the plantation." He married about 1 608 Elizabeth , who survived him nearly half a century, and died Oct. 2, 1673, aged over 90, "having lived a godly life, and came to her grave as a shoke of corn fully ripie." Children : i. 3Iary,^ b. about 1609 ; m. in 1629, Robert Bartlett. ii. Ann, b. about 1612. iii. Sakah, b. about 1614. iv. Elizabeth, b. about 1616. V. Abigail, b. about 1619. vi. Nathaniel, b. 1624. vii. Joseph, b. 1626. STODDER. JoHN^ Stodder was in Hingham and received a grant of land as early as 1638. Freeman, May 18, 1642. He died Dec. 19, 1661. Inventory £124- 11-6. He married in England, Ann . Children : i. Elizabeth,^ b. about 1629. ii. John, b. about 1631. iii. Daniel, b. in England, Aug. 29, 1633. iv. Hannah, b. about 1636. V. Samuel, bapt. June 14, 1640. JoHN^ Stodder {John^) born about 1631, was a housewright and lived in Hingham where he died Dec. 20, 1708. He married Dec. 13, 1665, Han- nah,- born July 25, 1646, dau. of John^ and Mary (Lewis) Bryant of Scitu- ate, who died Nov. 17, 1702. Children : i. Hannah, » b. Nov. 25, 1666. ii. John, b. June 7, 1668. iii. James, b. July 16, 1670. (55 iv. Tabitha, b. Feb. 6, 1671-2. V. Jacob, b. Feb. 27, 1G73-4. vi. Martha, b. Nov. 1, 1G76. vii. Hkzekiah, b. Feb. 11, l()78-9. viii. Natiianikl, b. Mar. 22, 1C80-1. ix. Benjamin, b. Oct. 23, 1683. X. Bathsheba, b. Api'. 6, 1686. Jacoh^ Stodder (Jolin,'-^ ,/o/m^) born in Hingham Feb. 27, 1673-4, al- ways lived there until his death Oct. 25, 1734. By occupation he was a cooper. He married Aug. 17, 1704, Sarah,' born Sept. 26, 1674, daughter of Daniel and Deborah (Pitts) Howard of Hingham ; she died April 27, 1756. Children : i. NATii.usfiEL,* b. May 14, 1705. ii. Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1711 ; ra. Feb. 18, 1734-5, Jacob Sprague. BKYANT. JouN^ Bryant, Sr., was first at Barnstable but soon settled in Scltuate where he was Deacon in the church, sergeant in the military company, deputy to Plymouth Colony Court in 1657, 77 and 78, and also selectman the latter two years. By occupation he was a housewright, and he died Nov. 20, 1684. He married first, Nov. 4, 1643, Mary,^ daugliter of George^ and Mary (Jenkins) Lewis of Barnstable, who died July 2, 1655. He married second, Dec. 20, 1657, Elizabeth,"^ daughter of Rev. William^ and Mary (Fisher) Witherill of Scituate, who died about 1660. He married third, in April 1664, Mary, ^ daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hilaud of Scituate. Children by first wife : i. JoHN,2 b. Aug. 17, 1644. li. Hannah, b. July 25, 1646; m. Dec. 13, 1665, John Stodder. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1648. iv. Joseph, b. 1649 ; d. young. V. Mary, b. Feb. 24, 1650-1 ; d. young. vi. Martha, b. Feb. 26, 1652-3. vii. Samuel, b. Feb. 6, 1654-5. Child, perhaps by second wife : viii. Daniel, b. perhaps about 1660. Children by third wife : ix. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1665. X. Mary, b. 1667. xi. Benjamin, b. Dec. 16, 1669. xii. Joseph, b. 1671. xiii. Jabez, b. Feb. 18, 1671-2. xiv. Ruth, b. Aug. 16, 1673. XV. Thomas, b. July 15, 1675. xvi. Deborah, b. Jan. 22, 1676-7. xvii. Agatha, b. Mar. 12, 1677-8. xviii. Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1679. xix. Elisha, b. 1682. HOWARD. JoHN^ Howard was in Plymouth as early as 1643, and later was one of the settlers of Dartmouth. The name of his wife is not known. Children : i. JOHN.'^ ii. Daniel, b. about 1645. iii. Sarah, b. in Plymouth, Aug. 20, 1647. Daniel"^ Howard {John}) born perhaps about 1645, was a blacksmith and settled in Hiugham about 1670 where he died Jan. 17, 1674—5 ; inven- tory of estate £219-13-0. He married May 13, 1670, Deborah,^ bapt. Nov. 6, 1651, daughter of Edmund^ and Ann Pitts of Hingham. She mar- ried second, Dec 27, 1677, Matthew Whiton, and died Sept. 19, 1729. Children : i. Daniel,^ b. 1671, bapt. Mar. 24, 1671-2. ii. Deborah, b. Nov. 24, 1672. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1674 ; m. Aug. 17, 1704, Jacob' Stodder. PITTS. Edmund^ Pitts, a weaver by occupation, was in Hingham, Mass., as early as 1639. Freeman May 13, 1640 ; selectman 1668, 72, 77, 80 and 81. He died May 13, 1685. He married in England Ann , who died Nov. 30, 1686. Children : i. Mary,^ b. about 1637; d. young. ii. Sarah, bapt. Dec. 29, 1631). iii. Mary, bapt. Sept. 8, 1642. iv. Ann, bapt. Dec. 22. 1644. v. Isaac, bapt. Apr. 12, 1646. vi. Elizabeth, bapt. Apr. 23, 1648. vii. D(borah, bapt. Nov. 6, 1651 ; m. May 13, 1670, Daniel Howard. viii. John, bapt. Nov. 27, 1653. ix. Jeremiah, bapt. Jan. 25, 1656-7. WILDER. Edward^ Wilder was brought to Hingham, Mass., in 1637 in boyhood by his mother, a widow, Martha Wilder, who came from Shiplock, Oxford- shire, England. He was a farmer and lived in Hingham until his death, Oct. 18, 1690. Admitted freeman May 29, 1644, he held the office of selectman in 1667 and served in Capt. Johnson's Co. in the great swamp fight in King Philip's War, Dec. 19, 1675. He married about 1649 Eliza- beth,^ daughter of Anthony-^ and Margery Eames. Children : i. Elizabeth,'^ b. about 1650. ii. John, b. about 1652. iii. Ephraim, b. about 1654. iv. Isaac, b. about 1656. v. Jahez, b. March, 1657-8. vi. Abiah, b. 1660. vii. Mehitable, b. 1660. viii. Abigail, b. 1662. ix. Ann, b. 1664. X. Hannah, b. Mar. 16, 1665-6. xi. Mary, b. Apr. 5, 1668. .e.-^ i 67 Jabez- AVilder (Edward^) born in Hingham in March, 1G57-8, was a farmer ami inherited his lather's homestead where he resided until his death May 24, 1731. Constable in 1687 and 1700. He married Mary (Ford ?) Children : i. Ephraim,' b. Jan. 2, 1694-5. li. Rachel, b. Mar. 13, l(>'-'5-6. \. . iii. Lkaii, b. Mar. 13, l(J95-6. p^^^^- iv. Maky, b. May 28, 1697. V. Kkziah, b. Nov. 27, 1698. vi. Jahkz, b. Mar. 18, 1699-1700. vii. Edward, b. July 1, 1702. viii. Sakaii, b. May 24, 1704. ix. TiiEOPHLLUS, b. Mar. 12, 1709-10 Edward' Wilder (Jabez,- Edward^) born in Hingham, July 1, 1702, was a farmer and resided on the paternal homestead where he died Jan. 31, 1769. He married P'eb. 21, 1750-51, Hannah,^ born June 29, 1731, daugh- ter of John'' and Deborah (Hawke) Lewis, who died Mar. 21, 1811. Children : i. Edward,* b. Nov. 15, 1751. ii. Hannah, b. Sept. 23, 1753. iii. Joseph, b. June 15, 1755. iv. Isaiah, b. May 20, 1757. V. Deborah, b. Oct. 23, 1759; m. Mar. 23, 1779, Abisha Lewis, Jr. vi. Leah, b. June 13, 1762. vii. Benjamin, b. July 30, 1764. viii. Selah, b. July 15, 1766. PART III. ANCESTRY OF CLARA KENDALL MARCY, WIFE OF LEW CASS HILL. ANCESTRY OF CLARA KENDALL MARCY. MARCT. JoHN^ Marcy, born about 1002, appears in Roxbury, Mass., in 1685, when he joined Rev, .loliu P^liot's church. In 1G8(3 lie became one of the pioneers of Woodstock, Conn., where he lived until his death, Dec. 23, 1724. He married Sarah Hadlock, born Dec. 10, 1670 ; died May 9, 1743. Their son, JoHN^ Marcy, born Nov. 17, 1689, was a farmer, and lived in Wood- stock, Conn. He married, Jan. 14, 1712, Experience Colburn, born March 16, 1691-2. Their son, Capt. John® Marcy, born in 1724, lived as a young man in Woodstock, Conn. About 1765 he aj^pears in Walpole, N. H., where he lived during the Revolution, being captain in the military service. After the Revolution he settled in Windsor, Vt., where he died April 11, 1801. His marriage has not yet been found. His son, John* Marcy, born 1750-55, served in his father's company of Wal- pole, N. H., in the Revolution, and moved to Windsor, Vt., with his parents after the war. After his father's death he, perhaps, moved to Johnson, Vt. His marriage has not been found. His sou, GuY^ Marcy, born July 19, 1786, in Windsor, Vt., removed to Johnson, Vt. He married Polly Eaton Taylor, born May 26, 1788, in Cambridge, Vt. Their son, Charles Dustin^ Marcy, born March 24, 1821, in Johnson, Vt., re- moved to Worcester, Mass., in 1846, where he was in business many years as a carpenter and builder, and for a few years in the boot and shoe busi- ness. In 1867 he left Worcester and went to Hammonton, N. J,, where he remained about 3 years, and then returned to New England, settling in Boston, where he resided until his death, Feb. 13, 1896. He married, Nov. 22, 1849, Mary Kendall Whiting, born 1825 ; died April 6, 1900. Their daughter, Clara Kendall' Marcy, born Sept. 20, 1852, married April 4, 1873, Lew Cass Hill, HADLOCK. Nathaniel^ Hadlock was an inhabitant of Charlestown, Mass,, as early as 1643, and about 1658 removed to Lancaster. He had a wife Mary and they were probably parents of 72 Jambs'^ Hadlock of Roxbury, who married, May 19, 16G9, Sarah Draper, born 1G52. Their daughter, Sakah^ Hadlock, born Dec. 16, 1670, married, 1686, John Marcy. DKAPER. James^ Draper, born in 1618, was the fourth son of Thomas Draper of Heptonstall, Yorkshire, Enghind. He married in Heptonstall, April 21, 1646, Miriam, born Nov. 27, 1625, daughter of Gideon and Grace (East- wood) Stansfield. James and Miriam Draper came to New EngLaud about 1650 and settled in Roxbury, where he lived until his death, in July, 1G94, except from 1655 to 1665, when he resided in Dedham. His wife Miriam died in Jan., 1697-8. Their daughter, Sarah^ Draper, born in 1652, married May 19, 1669, James Hadlock. COLBURiS^. Nathaniel^ Colburn was in Dedham, Mass., as early as 1637, and lived there until his death, May 14, 1691. He married, July 25, 1639, Priscilla Clark, who died Aug. 12, 1692. Their son, John- Colburn, born in Dedham, July 29, 1648, passed his life there, and died Jan. 29, 1705-6. He married, in 1672, Experience Leland, born May 16, 1656; d. Dec. 20, 1708. Their daughter, Experience^ Colburn, born March 16, 1691-2, married, January 14, 1712, John Marcy. LELAND. HoPESTiLL^ Leland, born about 1580, was the patriarch of this family in New England. He was the first person interred in the original ceme- tery at Sherborn in 1655, aged 75 years. His son, Henry^ Leland, born about 1625, lived first in Dorchester, and in 1654 became one of the first settlers of Sherborn, where he died April 4, 1680. He married Margaret, a sister of Robert Badcock of Milton, who died May 21, 1705, aged about 75 years. Their daughter. Experience^ Leland, born May 16, 1656, married, in 1672, John Colburn of Dedham. WHITING. Rev. Samuel^ Whiting, born Nov. 20, 1597, was son of John Whiting, sometime Mayor of Boston, Lincolnshire, England. Graduated at Em- manuel College, Cambridge University; A.B. in 1616, and A.M. in 1620. Came to New England in 1636 and was settled as first pastor of the church 73 at Lynn, where he continued until his death, Dec. 11, 1G71). lie married, Aug. (), 1029, for second wife, Elizabeth St. -lolui, born in IGU"), sister of Hon. Oliver St. John, Lord Chief Justice of England. She died March 3, 1677. Their son, Ri:v. JosKPii'^ WiiiTiNC, born in Lynn, April H, 1641, graduated at Harvard College in 1061, and was settled in the ministry at Lynn with his father, and succeeded him in IGSO. In 1682 he became pastor of the church in Southampton, L. L, where he died April 7, 172.'}. He married, in 167o, Sarah Danforth, born Nov. 11, 16-16; died in 1723. Their son, Ki:v. JoiiN^ "\VmTiN(i, born Jan. 20, 1681-2, graduated at Harvard College in 1700, and was tutor there for several years. He later settled in Concord, Mass., where he was pastor from 1712 to 1738; and he lived there until his death, INIay 4, 17o2. He married, Oct. 30, 1712, Mary Cotton, born Nov. 5, 1689 ; d. May 29, 1731. Their son, TnoAiAs* AVhiting, Esq., born June 25, 1717, was a lawyer and local justice, and lived in Qoucord until his death in the spring of 1776. He married, March 25, 1742, Lydia Parker, born June 10, 1725. Their son, John Lakk® Whiting, born July 22, 1755, when a young man settled in Shrewsbury where he resided for several years, and later in Lancaster where he died in 1807. He was a soldier in the Revolution and a lawyer by profession. He married, Aug. 27, 1782, Olive Wymau, born in 1762; died April 14, 1842. Their son, Seth* Whiting, born in 1787, went into business as a brush manufac- turei', which business he carried on in Shrewsbur^^ and later in Southboro, where he died, April 3, 1849. He married Mary Kendall, born in 1794, died 1877. (Of their children a sou, John L. Whiting, settled in Boston and founded the firm which bears his name and has become by far the largest in the world in the manufacture of brushes.) Their daughter, Mary Kendall'^ Whiting, born 1825 ; married Nov. 22, 1849, Charles Dustin Marcy. DANFORTH. Nicholas^ Danforth, bapt. in Framlingham, Suffolk Co., England, March 1, 1589, came to Cambridge, Mass., in 1634, where he died in April, 1638, having been Deputy to the General Court two years. He married Elizabeth , who died Feb. 20, 1028-9. Their son, Hon. Thomas^ Danforth, born Nov. 20, 1623, lived in Cambridge and became one of the most prominent men of his generation in New England, and distinguished in his insistance of the rights of the colonists against encroachments by the Ci'own. For over forty years he was in the public service, being Recorder of Deeds for Middlesex Co., from 1652 to 1686, Deputy to the General Court two years. Assistant or Royal Coun- cillor 27 years. Deputy Governor 10 years and Judge of the Superior Court seven years. He was also Treasurer or Steward of Harvard Col- lege from 1650 to 1682. He died Nov. 5, 1699. He married, Feb. 23, 1643-4, Mary Withington, born 1625 ; d. Mar. 26, 1697. Their daughter, 74 Sarah^ Danforth, born Nov. 11, 1646; married, in 1673, Rev. Jos. Whiting. withingto:n". Elder Henrt^ Withington, born in 1588, came to New England in 1635, and settled in Dorchester, where he was ruling elder in the chmrch from 1637 to his death, Feb. 2, 1667. He married Elizabeth , who died Feb. 16, 1661. Their daughter, Mary^ Withington, born 1625; married, Feb. 23, 1643-4, Hon. Thos. Danforth. COTTOK. Rev. John^ Cotton, the most distinguished of all the Puritan clergy- men that came to New England, and descended from an ancient heraldic family of Cambridgeshire, was born, Dec. 4, 1585, graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge University, in 1606, and was Vicar of St. Botolph's Cathedral, Boston, England, from 1612 to 1633. In the latter year he came to Boston and was " Teacher " of the first church until his death, Dec. 23, 1652. He married Sarah Hawkret of Boston, England, born in 1601 ; died May 27, 1676. Their son, Rev. Seaborn^ Cotton, born on the voyage to New England, Aug 12, 1633, graduated at Harvard College in 1651, and after preaching in various places was settled in the ministry at Hampton, N. H., in 1660, where he died, April 19, 1686. He married, June 14, 1654, Dorothy Bradstreet, born in 1635; died Feb. 26, 1672. Their son. Rev. John^ Cotton, born May 8, 1 658, gi-aduated at Harvard College in 1678, and in 1696 became pastor of the Hampton, N. H., church, where he died, March 27, 1710. He married, Aug. 17, 1686, Ann Lake, born Oct. 12, 1663 ; died Mar. 29, 1737. Their daughter, Mary" Cotton, born Nov. 5, 1689 ; died May 29, 1731 ; married Oct. 30, 1712, Rev. John^ Whiting. ■»' BRADSTREET. Gov. SiMON^ Bradstreet, the " Nestor of New England," was bapt. March 18, 1603-4, son of Rev. Simon Bradstreet, vicar of Horbling, Lincolnshire, England. He graduated at Emanuel College, Cambridge University, in 1624, and came to New England in 1630 with Gov. Win- throp's and the Massachusetts Bay Co. He was immediately appointed Secretary of the Colony, and for 63 years was continually in the most prominent public service, a record which is unequalled in New England History. He held the otfice of Secretary six years, was Assistant or Royal Councillor 48 years. Deputy Governor one year, and Governor ten years, from 1679 to 1686, and from 1689 to 1692. His wife, Ann Dudley, born 75 in 1G12, died Sept. 16, 1672, was far superior in education and literary- attainments to most of tlie women of her day, and is known as the first poetess of New England. Their daughter, Dorothy- Bradstreet, born in 1635; married, June 14, 1654, Rev. Seaborn Cotton, DUDLEY. Gov. Thomas^ Dudley, born in 1078, and descended from the ancient baronial family of Sutton, barons of Dudley, was one of the leading jiaten- tees of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and came to New England with Gov. Winthrop, in 1G30. He was one of the most influential men in the Colony, and was continually in the public service until his death, July 31, 1653, being Assistant for fourteen years. Deputy Governor for six years, and Governor four years. He married first, Dorothy Yorke, born 1582, who died Dec, 27, 1643. Their daughter, Ann*^ Dudley, born 1612; married Gov. Simon Bradstreet. LAKE. Capt. Thomas^ Lake, born in 1615 of a gentle family in Lincoln- shire, England, came to New England in 1640 and settled in Boston, Mass., where he became a prominent merchant. He was Captain of one of the Boston military companies and v/as killed by the Indians in Maine, Aug. 14, 1676, during King Philip's War. He married, in 1649, Mary Good- year, born in 1630; died in 1705. Their daughter, Anne^ Lake, born Oct. 12, 1663; married, Aug. 17, 1686, Rev. John Cotton. GOODYEAR. Hon. Stephen^ Goodyear was an early settler of New Haven, Conn., where he was a prominent merchant and Deputy Governor from 1643 to 1658, when he died in London on a visit there. His wife, Mary , died in 1647. Their daughter, Mary^ Goodyear, born in 1630; died in 1705; married in 1649, Capt. Thos. Lake. PARKER. Capt. James^ Parker, born in 1617, was an early settler of "Woburn ; removed to Chelmsford and later to Groton. He served as Deputy to the General Court one year and as Captain in King Philip's War in 1*675-76. He died in 1701. He married. May 23, 1643, Elizabeth Long, baptized Nov. 14, 1621. Their son. 76 Capt. Josiah^ Parker, born in 1655, lived in Groton, Chelmsford, and Cambridge. He was a soldier in King Philip's War, and later in the French and Indian War, commanded a Groton company, in 1706. He died in July, 1731. His wife, married May 8, 1678, was Elizabeth Sax- ton, born June 8, 1661. Their son, Rev. Thomas^ Parker, born Dec. 7, 1700, graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1718 and became minister of Dracut, Mass., in 1720, where he served for 45 years and died March 18, 1765. He married, in 1720, Lydia Richardson, born July 14, 1702, who survived him. Their daughter, Lydia^ Parker, born June 10, 1725 ; married March 25, 1742, Thomas Whiting, Esq. LONG. Robert^ Long, born in 1593, lived in St. Albans, England and later in Dunstable, England, whence he came to New England, in 1635, and settled in Charlestown, where he was inn-keeper and died 1664. He mar- ried, Oct. 3, 1614, Sarah Taylor; bapt. May 29, 1595; died Dec. 12, 1631. Their daughter, Elizabeth^ Long, bapt. Nov. 14, 1621 ; married. May 23, 1643, Capt. James Parker. SAXTON. Thomas^ Saxton, a miller, was an early settler of Boston, where he died, July 31, 1686. He married three wives, and by his second wife Ann Copp, who died June 22, 1661, had a daughter, Elizabeth^ Saxton, born June 8, 1661 ; married. May 8, 1678, Capt. Josiah Parker. COPP. William^ Copp came from London to Boston in 1635 and acqviired an estate on the hill which still bears his name, where he died in March, 1670. The name of his wife was Judith. Their daughter, i Ann^ Copp, married, March 10, 1652, for second husband, Thomas Saxton. RICHARDSON". EzEKiEL^ Richardson, son of Thomas and Catherine (Duxford) Rich- ardson of West Mill, Hertfordshire, England, came to New England with wife Susanna in 1630, and went first to Charlestown, Mass., which he represented in the General Court of 1635. In 1640 he became one of the pioneers of Woburn, where he died Oct. 31, 1647. His son, 77 Capt. Josiah- RicnAROSON, bapt. Nov. 7, 1G35, on his marriage on June 6, 1659, settled in Chuhnsfonl, where lie was Selectman 14 years, Town Clerk 4 years and Deputy to the General Court 2 years ; also Captain of the town cf)mpany and in active; service against the iMflians. He died June 22, Kilt"). His wife, Rcnu'inlirance Underwood, was l)orn Feb. 21, 1639-40, and survived him. Their son, Capt. Jonathan^ Richardson, born Oct. 8, 1667, lived in Chelms- ford where he was Captain of the military comj)any, Representative to the General Court in 17.>2 and 3.'), and died Feb. 21, 17o3. He married, Nov. 8. 1692, Elizabeth Bates, born Dec. 22, 1671, who survived him. Their daughter, Lydia^ Richardson, born July 14, 1702 ; married in 1720, Rev. Thomas Parker. UNDERWOOD. "William^ Underwood, born in England, was in Concord, Mass., in 1640, and in 1654 became one of the pioneers of Chelmsford, where he lived until his death in 1697. By his wife Sarah, who died after him, he had a daughter. Remembrance^ Underwood, born Feb. 21, 1639-40, married June 6, 1659, Capt. Josiah Richardson. BATES. Elder Edward^ Bates, born in 1605, was in Boston, Mass., as early as 1633. In 1638 he settled in Weymouth, where he was elder of the church for over 30 years, and deputy to the General Court 4 years. He died Mar. £5, 1686. He married Susanna . Their son, JoHN^ Bates, baptized Jan. 23, 1642-3, settled in Chelmsford, Mass., where he died Apr. 11, 1722, having been a soldier in King Philip's War, and later in the French and Indian Wars. He married Dec. 22, 1665, Mary Farwell,' born Dec. 26, 1640, died Mar. 7, 1713. Their daughter, Elizabeth^ Bates, born Dec. 22, 1671, married Nov. 8, 1692, Capt. Jonathan Richardson. FARWELL. Henry^ Farwell, a tailor, was in Concord, Mass., as early as 1635, and in 1654 removed to Chelmsford, where he died Aug. 1, 1670. He married Olive , who died Mar. 1, 1691-2. Their daughter, Mary^ Farwell, born Dec. 26, 1640, married Dec. 22, 1665, John Bates. 78 WYMAK. Lieut. John^ Wyman, baptized Feb. 3, 1620-21, in West Mill, Hert- fordshire, England, came to New England about 1640, and was an early settler of AVoburn, Mass., where he died May 9, 1684. He was lieutenant in Capt. Prentice's Co. of troopers in King Philip's War, and lost an eye in the service at the Great Swamp Fight. By occupation he was a tanner. He married Nov. 5, 1644, Sarah Nutt, born 1624, died May 24, 1688. Their son, Lieut. Seth^ Wyman, born Aug. 3, 1663, lived in Woburn, where he was lieutenant of the local military company, and died Oct. 26, 1715. He married Dec. 17, 1685, Hester Johnson, born Apr. 13, 1662, died Mar. 31, 1742. Their son, Capt. Seth^ Wyman, born Sept. 13, 1686, also lived in Woburn. In 1725 he was ensign in Capt. John Lovewell's famous expedition against the Abenaquis Indians. The company was ambushed in the wilderness at Pequaket, now Fryeburg, Me., on May 8, and Capt. Lovewell and Lieuts. Farwell and Robbins being shot at the beginning of the tight, the command devolved upon Ensign Wyman. After a bloody conflict lasting all day, the Indians were repulsed, and the remnant of the heroic company retreated from the wilderness to the nearest settlements. Ensign Wyman was 2>ublicly thanked for his skill and bravery in saving the remnant of the expedition, and was presented with a sword by the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay in token of his brilliant service, and given a commission as captain. Shortly after he started out at the head of a company on another expedition against the northern Indians, but contracted a fever from the exposure, from the results of which he died Sept. 5, 1725. He married Jan. 26, 1715-16, Sarah Ross, born Oct. 7, 1694, died Nov. 5, 1727. Their son, Capt. Ross* Wyman, born Aug. 16, 1717, in Woburn, settled in Shrewsbury, where he died Sept. 11, 1808. He was a man of herculean size and strength, and during the Revolution served as captain of a battery of artillery. He married Apr. 15, 1761, Sarah Whiting, born Oct. 6, 1721, died Nov. 30, 1808. Their daughter, Olive^ Wyman, born 1762, married Aug. 27, 1782, John Lake Whiting. NUTT. Myles^ Nutt, born in 1598, was a proprietor in Watertowu in 1636, and in 1646 removed to Woburn, where he resided many years. He died in Maiden July 2, 1671. His daughter, Sarah^ Nutt, born in 1624, married Nov. 5, 1644, Lieut. John Wyman. JOHNSOK. Capt. Edward^ Johnson, born in 1599, came from the vicinity of Canterbury, England, to New England about 1630, and was an early set- tier of Woburn, where he beeame a prominent citizen, hoMing the office of captain of the military company and serving as deputy to the General Court for 20 years, being Speaker in IGon. He is also widely known as the author of the " Wonder "NVorkiiig Providence," an early account of the settlement of New J^ngland. He died Apr. 23, 1672. His wife Susanna died in 1690. Their son, Ma.t. AVilliam- Johnson, born in 1G29, lived in Woburn, where he died May 22, 1704. Like his father, he was a prominent man, reitrcsent- ing AYoburn nine years in the General Court and being a Governor's as- sistant six years. He was successively lieutenant, captain, and major in the Middlesex Co. regiment. He married May 16, 1655, Esther Wiswcll, born 1635, died Dec. 27, 1707. Their daughter, Hester^ Johnson, born Apr. 13,1662, married Dec. 17, 1685, Lieut. Seth Wyman. WISWALL. Elder Thomas^ Wiswall came to Dorchester about 1635, where he lived for 20 years, and then removed to Newton, where he was ruling elder of the church from 1664 until his death, Dec. 6, 1683. The name of his wife was Elizabeth. Their daughter, Esther"^ Wiswall, born in 1635, married May 16, 1655, Maj. William Johnson. EOSS. Thomas^ Ross, a Scotchman, born about 1630, was in Cambridge as early as 1656, but in 1670 settled in Billerica, wh^re he died Mar. 20, 1694-5. He married Jan. 16, 1661-2, Seeth Holman, born in 1640, and killed by the Indians, Aug. 5, 1695. Their son, Thomas^ Ross, born June 20, 1668, resided in Billerica, and was living as late as 1746. He married in 1692, Sarah . Their daughter, Sarah^ Ross, born Oct. 7, 1694, married Jan. 26, 1715-16, Capt. Seth Wyman. HOLMAN". William^ Holman, born about 1595, came from Northampton, Eng- land, to Cambridge, Mass., in 1 634, where be resided on the corner occu- pied by the Botanic Garden, and died Jan. 8, 1652-3. His wife Winifred, born about 1597, was accused of witchcraft in 1659,' but was acquitted, and died Oct. 16, 1671. Their daughter, Seeth- Holman, born in 1640, married Jan. 16, 1661-2, Thomas Ross. 80 WHITIN^G. Rev. Samuel^ Whiting (see previous accounts) by wife Eliz. St. John, had a son, Rev. Samuel^ "Whiting, born Mar. 25, 1633, graduated at Harvard College in 1653, and was settled as pastor of the church in Billerica in 1663, where he died Feb. 28, 1712-13. He married Nov. 12, 1656, Dorcas Chester, born Nov. 1. 1637, died Feb. 15, 1712-13. Their son. Ensign Oliver^ Whiting, born Oct. 8, 1665, resided in Billerica, where he died Dec. 22, 1736, having been representative to the General Court three years, and ensign of the Billerica company. He married Jan. 22, 1689-90, Anna Danforth, born Mar. 8, 1667-8, died Aug. 13, 1737. Their son, Oliver^ Whiting, born Mar. 29, 1691, was a farmer in Billerica. He married Mar. 28, 1721, Elizabeth Brown, born Jan. 12, 1693-4, died Aug. 6, 1732. Their daughter, Sarah^ Whiting, born Oct. 6, 1721, married Apr. 15, 1761, for her second husband, Capt. Ross Wyman. CHESTER. Leonard^ Chester, born in 1610 in Blaby, Leicestershire, England, son of John and Dorothy (Hooker) Chester, and descended from an lier- aldric family, came to New England in 1633, and located at first in Water- town, but in 1635 became one of the planters of Wethersfield, Conn., where he died Dec. 11, 1648. His wife Mary (Wade) survived him, mar- ried Hon. Richard Russell of Charlestown, and died Nov. 30, 1688. Their daughter, Dorcas- Chester, born Nov. 1, 1637, married Nov. 12, 1656, Rev. Samuel Whiting. DANFORTH. Nicholas^ Danforth (see previous account) by wife Elizabeth had a son, Capt. Jonathan^ Danforth, baptized Feb. 29, 1627-8, who settled in Billerica, and was much engaged in land surveying. He was deputy to the General Court one year, and served as captain in Sir William Phipps' expedition against Quebec in 1690. He died Sept. 7, 1712. He married Nov. 22, 1654, Elizabeth Poulter, born Sept. 1, 1633, died Oct. 7, 1689. Their daughter, Anna^ Danforth, born Mar. 8, 1667-8, married Jan. 22, 1689-90, Oliver Whiting. 81 POULTER. Jonx^ PoTLTER came from lv:iyleii;li, Essex Co., Enirlaiul, to New England abont lOoO, and died in Billcrica in 1653. He marritjd Mary, who died Feb. 8, 1692-3. Their daughter, Elizabeth^ Poulter, bora S('|)i. 1, 1G.33, married Nov. 22, 1654, Ca^jt. Jonathan Danforth. William^ Brown was an early settler of Boston, where he died in 1662, leaving a widow Hannah. Their son, William^ Brown, born about 1630, lived in Boston, where he married Apr. 24, 1655, Elizabeth Ruggles, baptized Dec. 8, 1633. He died in 1668. Their son, Capt. George^ Brown, born Apr. 5, 1668, settled in Billerica, where he attained the rank of captain of the town company, and was representa- tive to the General Court seven years. He died Sept. 28, 1738. He mar- ried Jan. 30, 1689-90, Sarah Kidder, born June 1, 1667, died Feb. 27, 1717-8. Their daughter, Elizabeth* Brown, born Jan. 12, 1693-4, married Mar. 28, 1721 > Oliver Whiting. RUGGLES. George^ Ruggles was in Boston as early as 1633 and in 1640 became one of the settlers of Braintree where he died in 1669. The name of his wife was Elizabeth. Their daughter, Elizabeth^ Ruggles, baptized Dec. 8, 1633, married Apr. 24, 1655, William Brown. KIDDER. Ensign James^ Kidder was born in 1626 in E. Grimstead, Sussex Co., England, and came to Cambridge, Mass.. before 1650, where he lived until 1659, when he settled in Billerica where he died Apr. 16, 1676, from the results of hardships in the military service in King Philip's War. He mar- ried in 1650, Anna Moore, born about 1630, who survived him. Their daughter, Sarah- Kidder, born June 1, 1667, married Jan. 30, 1689-90, Capt. George Brown. 82 MOORE. Francis^ Moore, born in 1586, was in Cambridge, Mass., in 1637 where he lived until his death Aug. 20, 1671. His wife Catherine died Dec. 28 1648. Their daughter, Anna- Moore, born about 1630, married 1650, Ensign James Kidder. ke:n^dall. Francis^ Kendall, born in England about 1620, came to New Eng- land in 1640 and settled in Woburn, where he died in 1708. He married, Dec. 24, 1644, Mary Tidd, born about 1624, died in 1705. Their son, Thomas- Kendall, born Jan. 10, 1648-9, lived in Woburn and died May 25, 1730. He married in 1674 Ruth Blodgett, born Dec. 28, 1656, who died Dec. 18, 1695. Their son, Lieut. Samuel^ Kendall, born Oct. 29, 1682, became a prominent man in Woburn, both in the military and civil service. He was much in- terested in promoting new towns in the wilderness, among them Athol. He died Dec. 13, 1764. He married in 1707, Elizabeth , who was born in 1688 and died Jan. 10, 1741-2. Their son, Jesse^ Kendall, born May 15, 1727, settled on some of his father's property in Athol, where he died in 1797. He married in 1751, Elizabeth Evans, born Jan. 6, 1732-3, died in 1813. Their son, Calvin^ Kendall, born July 15, 1770, lived in Athol, where he was a farmer and died July 24, 1850. He married, June 20, 1793, Abigail Batch- elder, born Sept. 11, 1774, died Feb. 2, 1845. Their daughter, Mary*^ Kendall, born in March, 1794, married Seth Whiting. TIDD. Sergt. John^ Tidd was in Charlestown in 1637, and in 1640 became one of the first settlers of Woburn, where he died Apr. 24, 1657. His wife Margaret died 1651. Their daughter, Mary^ Tidd, born about 1624, married Dec. 24, 1644, Francis Kendall. BLODGETT. Thomas^ Blodgett, born about 1605, came to New England in 1635 and settled in Cambridge, where he died in 1642. He married Susanna , who died Feb. 10, 1660-61. Their son, Samuel^ Blodgett, born in 1633, settled in Woburn, where he died July 3, 1687. He married, Dec. 13, 1655, Ruth Iggledon, born in 1632, died Oct. 14, 1703. Their daughter, 83 RuTH^ Blodgett, born Dec. 28, 1656, married in 1674 Thomas Ken- daU. IGGLEDON. Stephen^ Iggledon sailed for New England in the ship " Castle " in 1638 but died on the passage. His widow Elizabeth settled in Roxbury. Their daughter, Ruth'' Iggledon, born in 1632, married Dec. 13, 1655, Samuel Blod- gett. eya:n's. Henry^ Evans was in Boston as early as 1643 and later settled in Mai- den, where he was drowned Mar. 1, 16C6-7. The name of his wife was Amy. Their son, Nathaniel^ Evans, born in the vicinity of 1650, lived in Maiden near the Reading line where he died Dec. 1 6, 1 7 1 0. He married Elizabeth Dun- ton, born Mar. 25, 1658, died 1740. Their son, Nathaniel^ Evans, born 1680, lived in that part of Maiden later an- nexed to Reading, where he died 1750. He married, Sept. 27, 1704, Abi- gail Townsend, born Jan. 23, 1680-1, died 1750. Their son, Andrew^ Evans, born Jan. 26, 1708-9, settled in Woburn, where he died 1778. He married, Dec. 4, 1730, Mary Richardson, born Mar. 13, 1710, died 1781. Their daughter, Elizabeth" Evans, born Jan. 6, 1732-3, married 1751, Jesse Kendall. DUNTOjS^. Samuel^ Ddnton was one of the earliest settlers of Reading, Mass., coming to there from Lynn. He died Oct. 9, 1683. He married about 1646 Anna Felch. Their daughter, Elizabeth^ Dunton, born Mar. 25, 1658, married Nathaniel Evans. FELCH. Henrt^ Felch, born about 1600, was a proprietor of Gloucester, Mass. in 1641, but moved to Boston about 1655, where he died about Sept., 1670. His wife Margaret died in Boston June 23, 1655. Their daughter, Anna^ Felch, married about 1646, Samuel Dutton. 84 TOWKSEND. Thomas^ TowNSEND,borD about 1595, received a land grant in Lynn in 1638, became freeman Mar. 14, 1638-9, and died Dec. 22, 1677. He mar- ried Mary, who died Feb. 28, 1692. Their son, Andrew^ Townsend, born about 1642, inherited his father's homestead in Lynn, and served in Capt. Gardiner's Co. and was vpouuded in the Great Swamp Fight in King Pliilip's War, Dec. 19, 1675. He died Feb. 10, 1692. He married July 18, 1678, Abigail Collins, born 1661, died Feb. 22, 1692. Their daughter, Abigail^ Townsend, born Jan. 23, 1680-1, married Sept. 27, 1704, Nathaniel Evans. COLLINS. Henry^ Collins, born about 1606, settled in Lynn, Mass., about 1635 and died there in Feb. 1687. The name of his wife was Anne. Their son, JoHN^ Collins, born in 1632, also lived in Lynn, where he died in 1679. He married in 1655, Abigail Johnson. Their daughter, Abigail" Collins, born Mar. 23, 1661, married July 18, 1678, Andrew^ Townsend. JOHNSON. Richard^ Johnson, born about 1612, was a proprietor of Lynn, Mass. as early as 1637 where he died the Autumn of 1666. The name of his wife was Alice. Their daughter, Abigail^ Johnson, married in 1655, John^ Collins. RICHARDSON. Thomas^ Richardson, baptized July 3, 1608, was son of Thomas and Catherine (Duxford) Richardson of West Mill, Herts, England, and brother of EzekieP Richardson previously mentioned. He came to New England in 1635 and joined his brother Ezekiel in Charlestown, and with him became one of the pioneers of AYobm-n in 1640, where he lived until his death, Aug. 28, 1651. He married in England, Mary , who died May 19, 1670. Their son, Nathaniel^ Richardson, born Jan 2, 1650-1, passed his life in Wo- burn, where he died Dec. 4, 1714. In King Philip's War he was a soldier in Capt. Pi'entiss' troop of horse, and was wounded in the " Great Swamp Fight," Dec. 19, 1675. He married in 1672, Mary Baker, born in 1656, died Dec. 22, 1719. Their son. 85 Joshua* Riciiakdsox, born June 3, 1 081 , lived in Woburn wliere he died Nov. 5, 174:8. He married in 1700, Hannah. Their daughter, Mary* Richardson, boru Mar. 13, 1710, married Dec. 4, 1730, Andrew Evans. BAKER. JoHN^ Baker was an early settler of Charlestown, Mass., and about 1650 removed to Woburn, where he resided until his death, Nov. 6, 1695. He married Susanna Martin, who died Dec. 3, 1714. Their daughter, Mary'^ Baker, boru Feb. 22, 1655-6, married in 1672 NathanieP Richardsou. BATCHELDER. Joseph^ Batchelder came to New England from Canterbury, Eng- land, in 1630, and settled first at Salem, Mass., but soon removed to Weuham, where he served as dejHity to the General Court in 1644, and died in Mar., 1647. He married in England, Elizabeth, who died prob- ably about 1657. Their son, JoHX^ Batchelder, baptized Jan. 20, 1637-8, resided in Wenham. He was a member of the jury which convicted the Salem witches in 1092 ; some years later, in a written statement, the members of this jury publicly expressed their sorrow for their particijiation in the delusion. He died Nov. 17, 1698. He married, for second wife, May 4, 1666, Sarah Goodale, baptized May 31, 1640, died Mar. 22, 1729. Their son, Ebenezer* Batchelder, born in 1670, inherited his father's farm in "Wenham, where he died in 1747. He married Dec. 29, 1699, Sarah Tarbox, born Oct. 15, 1074. Their son, Mark* Batchelder, born Mar. 2, 1705-6, lived in Wenham until about 1740, when he settled in Grafton, where he died Nov. 29, 1794, ha\dug served on an expedition to Fort William Henry in 1757. He mar- ried, for second wife, May 13, 1738, Dorcas Bartlett, born Feb. 13, 1715. Their son. Dr. Stephen^ Batchelder, born in 1746, became a physician, and in 1768 settled in Royalston, Mass., where he praticed his profession for over 60 years, until his death in 1829. He married, in 1773, Meribah Stratton. Their daughter, Abigail' Batchelder, born Sept. 11, 1774, married June 20, 1793, Calvin Kendall. GOODALE. Robert^ Goodale came to New England from Ipswich, Suffolk Co., England, in 1634, and settled in Salem, Mass., where he died in 1683. He married in England, Catherine . Their daughter, 86 Sarah^ Goodale, baptized in Salem, May 31, 1640, married May 4, 1666, John^ Batch elder. TARBOX. JoHN^ Tarbox was in Lynn, Mass., as early as 1638, where he was a farmer, and also interested in the Iron Works, and died May 26, 1674. He married in England, Rebecca , who survived him. Their son, Ensign Samuel*^ Tarbox, born about 1647, resided in Lynn, and served as private in Capt. Gardiner's Co. at the Great Swamp Fight in King Philip's War, and later was ensign of the Lynn military company. He died Aug. 16, 1715. He married Nov. 14, 1665, Rebecca Armitage, born about 1647, died Mar. 7, 1676. Their daughter, Sarah^ Tarbox, born Oct. 15, 1674, married Dec. 29, 1699, Ebenezer^ Batchelder. ARMITAGE. Godfrey^ Armitage, a tailor, was one of the earliest settlers of Lynn in 1630, but moved to Boston, where he died in Dec, 1675. He married, about 1644, Sarah AVebb. Their daughter, Rebecca'^ Armitage, born about 1647, married Nov. 14, 1665, Ensign Samuel" Tarbox. WEBB. William^ Webb was in Roxbury as early as 1635, and later removed to Boston, where he died Dec, 1644. He married Rebecca , who died in 1655. Their daughter, Sarah^ Webb, married, about 1644, Godfrey Armitage. BARTLETT. Richard-^ Bartlett, born perhaps about 1580, came to New England as early as 1636, and settled in Newbury, Mass., where he died May 25, 1647. The name of his wife is unknown. Their son, ^ J. Richard- Bartlett, born in England, Oct. 31, 1621, was a cordwainer and farmer, and lived in Newbury, where he was deputy to the General Court four years, and died in 1698. He married, in 1645, Abigail , who died Mar. 8, 1686-7. Their son, JoHN^ Bartlett, born June 22, 1655, resided in Newbury, where he was a tanner and innholder, and died May 24, 1736. He served as a sol- dier in King Philip's War. He married Sept. 29, 1680, Mary Rust, who was born in June, 1664, and died between 1705 and 1710. Their son, 87 John* Bartlett, born Jan. 24, 1 G82-3, was a tanner, an 'J). \^ *>*> %,: ^o ^^-;^. l < V^' ■ A •^V V'^. .V 9* -it-i/ ■ .v>. -. '%■<.'' : .^^"^.: ^^' o V ■^-^. ^ ' ' ° "^». 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