GIass^ti_-U^X Book ,^.^ \ p -> 39th Congress, ) HOUSE OF HEPFtESENTATIYES. ( Report 1st Session. j f" / / ^ No. 17. MEMORIAL EXERCISES OS THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. UftCfltowna FebrlaRY 1G, 1SC6. — Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. U'^ -- qh^ Mr. E. B. Washburxb, from the Select Committee of one from eacli State repiesented, on the death of President Lincohi, made the following R E P E T . In pursuance of the concurrent resolutions of the two houses of Congress on the 12th of February instant, the chairman of the joint committee of arrange- ments on the memorial exercises of the late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, have placed a certified copy of said concurrent resolutions in the hands of the Hon. George 'Bancroft, and have requested of him a copy of his address on the occasion referred to, for publication, as will appear from the following correspondence, which I move be read, and that it lie on the table and be printed. The Capitol, Washington, Fehruarjj 13, 1866. Sir : "We have the honor to present to you an official copy of two concurrent resolutions adopted by the Senate and House of Representatives on the 12th instant, expressing the thanks of Congress for the appropriate memorial address delivered by you on the life and services of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and instructing us to request from you a copy of the address for publication. Having shared the high gratification of hearing the address, we take pleasure, in accordance with the second of the concurrent resolutions, in requesting you to furnish a copy of the address for publication. We have the honor to be, with very great respect, your obedient servants, SOLOMON FOOT, Chairman on tlic jyart of the Senate. E. B. WASHBURNE, Chairman on the part of the House. Hon. George Bancroft, Washington, D. C, Fehruanj 14, 1866. Gentlemen : I have received your letter of yesterday, and a cojiy of the two concurrent resolutions of Congress, to which you refer. The thanks of the Senate and House of Representatives for the performance of the duty assigned me I value as a A-ery distinguished honor, and I shall cheerfully furnish a copy of the address for publication. I remain, gentlemen, very sincerely yours, GEORGE BANCROFT. Hon. SoLoiNioN Foot, Chairman on the ixirt of the Senate. Hon. E. B. Washburne, Chairman on the pari of the House. r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 025 496 m