/ HISTORY DEARBORN AND OHIO CODNTIES, INDIANA. FROM THEIR EARLIEST SETTLEMENT. C01TT^I3Sri3SrC3- A HISTORY OF THE COUNTIES; THEIR CITIES, TOWNSHIPS, TOAVNS, VILLAGES, SCHOOLS, AND CHURCHES; REMINISCENCES, EXTRACTS, ETC.; LOCAL STATISTICS; PORTRAITS OF EARLY SETTLERS AND PROMINENT men; BIOGRAPHIES; PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS ON THE HISTORY OF THE NORTH-WEST TERRITORY, THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND THE INDIANS. ILHiTTSTI^J^TEID. CHICAGO: F. E. WEAKLEY & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1885. Cu^ CHICAGO: 4 .) > ^~^ « John Morris Company * ^^ * ^ ^ printers. ^ j PREFACE. TT^HE generation of hardy men, who first settled the region comprising -L the counties whose history is given in this vohime, has nearly all passed away. The names and deeds of those who encountered the perils of Indian warfare, endured the privations of pioneer life, and, with rifles by their sides, cleared away the giants of the forests, rescuing from savages and wild beasts the lands the present generation possesses in peace, should not be forgotten. It is the purpose of this volume to give the history of their achievements, and to record the growth and development of these counties, that the present and future generations may know something of what it cost to give them this fair land, and who were the brave men and noble women who converted a wilderness into the smiling region we now behold. More than a year has elapsed since the prospectus of this work was issued. This period has been spent in its preparation, during which every township and neighborhood have been visited and information obtained by conversation with old residents and men of intelligence. Several hundred manuscript pages have been received from gentlemen in various parts of the counties. The compilers have explored the original records of the counties and availed themselves of all published sources of information. They have searched out every book, pamphlet and document relating to the history of southeast Indiana in the State Library at Indianapolis, the library of the Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society at Cincinnati, and the public libraries at Indianapolis and Cincinnati. In this way they have been enabled to present a larger and more varied amount of historical matter concerning the region along the Ohio and west of the Great Miami, than was ever before embodied in a single volume. The five preliminary chapters were prepared for this work, and will be found to contain facts concerning the early history of Indiana, not given in any history of the State yet pu.blished. The township histories are designed to chronicle annals of each neigh- borhood, thus rescuing fi'om oblivion much interesting and valuable local history that would otherwise be lost through the death of early settlers, and the ravages of time. The biographies, at the close of the history of the counties, are arranged in alphabetical order. They were prepared, for the most part, by the can- vassing agents of the publishers. These sketches may be found in succeed- vi PREFACE. ing years to possess an interest and value which will cause the book to be much sought after by exploi-ers in genealogies and family histories. In the preparation of the chapters on "The Miami Purchase" and ' 'Indian Depredations' ' the writers have had the aid of the valuable papers of the late Dr. Ezra Ferris, of Lawrenceburgh, whose sketches have never been published in book form. They relate chiefly to the first six years of the settlement between the Miami Rivers. It is believed that every import- ant fact contained in them concerning the early history of the country about the mouth of the Great Miami will be found in the following pages. The printed sketches and manuscripts of Geo. W. Lane, who has long taken a deep interest in the pioneer history of Dearborn County, have been freely placed at the disposal of the i^ublishers. We also desire to express bur obligations to the venerable Samuel Morrison, of Indianapolis, George Sut- ton, M. D. , of Aurora, and Samuel F. Covington, of Cincinnati. The writers have faithfully aimed at accuracy, but he who expects to find the work entirely free from errors or defects, has little knowledge of the difficulties attending the preparation of a work of this kind. Some errors ai*e unavoidable. The publishers trust that the book will be received in a generous spirit, which is gratified at honest efForts, and not in a captious spirit. To county, town, and township officers, editors, members of the bar, physicians and many intelligent citizens, the publishers are indebted for favors and generous assistance. The Publishers. CONTENTS. iz PAGE. Sketches of Some Deceased Physicians 165 Dr. Jabez Pereival 165 Dr. Ezra Ferris 168 Dr. Jeremiah H. Browor 167 Dr. David Fisher 169 Dr. Mathias Haines 170 Dr. Henry J. Bowers " 173 Dr. Nelson Horatio Torbet, 173 Dr. Basil James 173 Dr. Robert Gillespie 174 Dr. Hugh T.Williams 174 Dr. Myron H. Harding 174 CHAPTER XL— Journalism. The Dearborn Gazette 176 The Indiana Oracle 176 The Indiana Palladium 177 The Western Statesman 177 The Political Beacon 179 The Indiana Whig :; 180 The Democratic Register 181 The Independent Press 181 The Lawrenceburgh Press 182 The Indiana Signal 182 The Dearborn Democrat 182 The Western Republican 182 The Western Commercial 182 The Aurora Standard 183 The Independent Banuer 183 The Aurora Commercial 183 The People's Advocate 183 The Dearborn Independent 183 The Aurora Spectator 183 The Rising Sun 184 The Rising Sun Times and Farmer's Journal 184 The Rising Sun Journal 184 The Indiana Patriot 185 The Indiana Blade 185 The Indiana Whig 186 The Rising Sun Herald 187 The Rising Sun Mirror 187 The Hoosier Patriot 187 The Indiana Republican 187 The Neutral Penant 187 The Indiana Weekly Visitor 187 The Hoosier Paper 188 The Observer and Recorder 189 The Ohio County Recorder 190 The Saturday News 190 The Rising Sun Local 190 CHAPTER XIL— Ohio River Floods. Climate of the Ohio Valley 191 Effect of the Removal of Forests on Floods... 191 The Flood of 1788-89 192 An old Memorandum 192 The Flood of 1832 192 The Flood of 1847 194 The Flood of 1882 194 The Flood of 1883 196 The Flood of 1884 197 Relief of Sufferers at Lawrenceburgh 198 Table of High Water Marks 198 CHAPTER XIII.— Military History. Revolutionary Soldiers in Dearborn and Ohio Counties 199 Dearborn Countv in the War of 1812 200 Namesot Soldiers of the War of 1812 201 The Mexican War 202 The Civil War 203 Dearborn County in the Civil War 203 Company I, Seventy-seventh IndianaVolun- teer Infantry (three months' service) 208 The Seventy-seventh Regiment (three months' service) 208 Company C, Seventh Regiment (three yeans' service; '.. 209 The Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry 210 Company C, Eighty-third Indiana Volunteer Infantry 211 The Eighty-third Regiment Infantry 212 PAGE. The Second Battery Light Artillery 214 Company B, Fourth Cavalry 216 The Seventy-seventh Regiment 216 The Morgan Raid 219 Unfortunate Occurrence During the Raid... 222 Drafts and Bounties 223 Tabular Account of County Expenditures... 224 Aid Societies 224 Closing Scenes of the War 225 'HAPTER XIV.— List of Officers. Territorial Judges of Dearborn County 226 Circuit Judges 226 tJommou I'leas Judges 227 Associate Judges 227 Probate Judges 227 Members of Territoral Legislature 227 Members of Constitutional Conventions 228 Members of State IjCgislature 228 Board of Magistrates and County (Commis- sioners 230 Treasurers 231 Clerks 232 Recorders 232 Sheriffs 233 Auditors 233 United States Officers 233 State Officers 234 Ohio County Officers 234 Circuit Judges 234 Common Pleas Judges 234 Associate Judges 235 Probate Judges 235 .Sheriffs 235 Recorders 235 Clerks 236 Auditors 236 Treasurers 236 County Commissioners 236 Members of the State Legislature 237 CHAPTER XV.— City of Lawrenceburgh. Lawrenceburgh Laid Out Origin of its Name Capt. Samuel C. Vance Newtown Laid Out Edenborough Early History and Progress ol I ^\lcnLC- burgb Principal Citizens in 1813 The Town Described in 1815 Horse-thief Hanged near Tannti s < let k The Anderson House Lawrenceburgh Sunday-school Socittv Daniel Brown Celebration of the Fourth of Julv in 18') Business Interests in 1826 Lawrenceburgh in 1828 Deecribed The Murder of Palmer Warren Trial, Conviction and Execution o( Vm isa Fuller Progress of the City from ISl'.o to ls4ii Independence Day, 1831 Lawrenceburgh a City Cirowth and Progress Odd Fellows' Building Business of the City— 18.58-59 Banks Great Fire, July 4, iscc, Churches Methodist Episcopal < hurch Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church Henry Ward Beecher in Lawrenceburgh Catholic Church German Evangelical Zion Church Lutheran St. John's Church German Methodist Episcopal Church Christian Church Trinity Episcopal Church Early Schools Graded Schools CONTENTS. PAGE. High School 281 Leading Manufacturing Interests 283 Gas Works 297 Fire Department 297 Societies 299 ""^^-^Old Landmarks 301 Centennial Fourth of July 302 CHAPTER XVI.— OiTY of Aurora. Aurora Laid Out 303 Aurora Association for Internal Improve- ments 304 First Sale of Lots 305 Early History of the Village 306 Reminiscences 309 First Magistrate of Aurora 311 Mayors of the City 314 Telegraph and Telephone 315 Business Exhibit in 18.58-59 315 (jirowth and Progress 317 Great Fire of 1882 320 Floods 321 Schools 324 Fire Department 327 Churches 328 Baptist Church 328 Methodist Episcopal Church 331 Presbyterian Church 332 St. John's Lutheran Church 333 Catholic Church 334 German Reformed Church 335 St. Mark's Episcopal Church 335 Christian Church 336 Leading Jlanufacturing Interests 338 Grand Opera House 352 Postmasters 353 Societies 353 CHAPTER XVII.— City of Rising Sitn. Location 355 Origin 3.56 Founders of Rising Sun 357 The Early Village 3.58 First Merchant 359 Incorporation 360 Independence Day, l.s34 360 The Town in 183.5-36 361 Main and Front Streets in 1833 363 Pen Picture of the Town in 1845 369 Steam-boat Building and Boating 374 Early Postmasters 370 Telegraph 377 Leading Manufacturing Interests 377 National Bank 382 Churches 382 Methodist EpiscopaRhurch 382 Presbyterian Church 384 Christian Church 385 TTuiversalist Church 386 Baptist Church 386 (German Reformed Church .• 386 Shiloh Baptist Church 387 Schools 387 Rising Sun Seminary 389 (iraded Schools 396 Great Fire of 1866 397 Fire of 1885 398 Cemeteries 399 Societies 400 Rising Sun Insurance Company 402 Flat-boat Insurance 405 Centennial 1 'ourth of July 407 CHAPTER XVIII.— Lawrenceburgii Township. Boundaries and Organization 409 First Land Sales 410 Pioneers and Pioneer Settlement.? 411 Incidents of Pioneer Times 418 Antiquities 420 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 421 Mills and Distilleries.. '. 423 Hardinsburgh 424 Greendale 424 CHAPTER XIX.-Center Township. ^^^^' \ Organization and Boundaries 425 ^ First Land Sales [ 496 Early Settlement '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 427 Pioneer Reminiscences 428 "Saw-mill," the Indian 432 Early Religious and Educational Notes 4.34 Cochran 434 River View Cemetery 4.36 CHAPTER XX.— Randolph Township. Boundaries and Organization 437 ^ , Land Entries .' 437 "- Pioneers and PiuneiT Settlmients 439 The Fultons 440 The Brown Family 445 North's Landing...! 450 ilillersburgh .' 452 Mills and Distilleries 453 Schools, Churches aud (aaveyards 454 CHAPTER XXL— Miller Township. Boundaries aud Organization 456 Government Land Sales- 457 V Pioneer Settlements 458 -sj Notes on the Early Settlers 461 Mills '. 463 Schools, Churches, Crraveyards 464 CHAPTER XXII.— Union Township. Boundaries and Organization 467 Original Land Purchases 467 Early Settlements 468 An Indian Story 470 Mills and Distilleries 471 First Schools 471 Churche.s and Graveyards 472 Mounds 473 Milton 474 Hartford 476 Miscellaneous 477 CHAPTER XXIIL— Hogan Township. Boundaries and Organization 478 Original Ljvnd Sales 478 Early Settlements 479 Notes on the Early Settlers 482 Early Schools and Industries 484 Churches and Graveyards 485 Wilmington 486 CHAPTER XXIV.— VVashington Township. Boundaries and Organization 489 Land Entries ." 489 Early Settlements 490 Notes on Early Settlers 491 Early Schools.. 493 Churches and Graveyards 494 CHAPTER XXV.— Clay Township. Organization and Boundaries 495 First Land Sales 496 Early Settlement 498 Reminiscences of Laughery 500 Mills 503 Schools, Churches aud Graveyards 503 DUlsborough 505 CHAPTER XXVI.— Cesar Creek Township. Boundaries and Organization 507 Original Land Sales 507 Pioneer Settlements 508 Noteson FirstSettlers 510 First Schools 511 Early Mills 512 Churches and Graveyards 512 Farmers' Retreat 514 CONTENTS. xi PAGE. CHAPTER XXVII.— Pike Township. Boundaries and Organization 514 First Land Sales 515 Early Settlements 516 Early Industries 518 Churches, Schools and Graveyards 519 Freedom, or Cole's Corners 521 CHAPTER XXVIII.— Harrison Township. Organization and Boundaries 522 First Land Sales 522 Early Settlements 523 Mills and Distilleries 527 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 528 Harrison 533 Ancient Remains at Harrison 534 CHAPTER XXIX.— Manchester Township. Boundaries and Organization 537 First Land Sales 537 Early Settlements and Pioneer Merchants... 541 Churches, Schools and Graveyards 549 Mills and Other Industries 552 Hamlets 554 CHAPTER XXX.— Sparta Township. Boundaries and Organization 656 Original Land Sales 556 Early Settlements and Events 559 Industries 561 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 561 Moore's Hill 564 Moore's Hill College 567 CHAPTER \ XXL— York Township. Boundaries and Organization 569 Government Land Sales 569 PAGE. Early Settlements 571 Mills 573 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 573 Yorkville 576 CHAPTER XXXIL— Kelso Township. Boundaries and Organization 577 (iovernment Land Sales 577 Early Settlement 579 Dover 579 New Alsace 581 St. Leon 582 CHAPTER XXXIII.— Cass Township. Boundaries and Organization 584 Government Land Sales 584 Pioneer Settlements, Incidents and Tradi- tions 585 Industries 589 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 589 Aberdeen 591 CHAPTER XXXIV.— Jackson Township. Boundaries and Organization 592 Early Settlements 595 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 596 Industries 598 Hamlets 599 CHAPTER XXXV.— Logan Township. Boundaries and Organization 600 Government Land Sales 600 Early Settlers 602 Mills 6C2 Schools, Churches and Graveyards 603 Logan Cross Roads 604 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.' Biographies of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Alphabetically Arranged 605-987 ies out of place : bhn Smith Vincenes Frank. PORTRAITS. William S. Holman James H. Lane William D. H. Hunter.. George Sutton Myron H. Harding 171 John Hornberger Facing 296 Shadrach Hathaway Facing 355 Lawrenceburgh in the Flood. VIEWS. .Facing 191 | Dearborn County Court House 240 *In the various Township Histories under the head of Early Settlers, Pioneers or a similar heading appear references to, and short sketches of many of the early residents of the Counties of Dearborn and Ohio not given in this department of the volume. PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS, CHAPTER I. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The Title of Virginia to the Territory Northwest of the Ohio-The French IN Indiana-Gen. Clark's Eeduction of the British Posts -Organization of the Northwest Territory-First Counties in Indiana-Knox County-Gen. Clark's Expedition Against the Wabash Indians-Gen. Charles Scott's Expedition-Col. James Wilkinson's Expedition-Gen. Josiah Harmar's Expedition-St. Clair's Defeat— Wayne's Victory. INDIANA, as a civil division bearing the name, dates its existence from July 4,1800, when the act of Congress creating Indiana Terri- tory went into effect. It then included Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. The United States census of 1800 found in Indiana 5,641 inhabitants. In 1805 Michigan Territory was struck off, and, in 1809, Illinois; from the latter year Indiana dates its present limits. December 11, 1816, the Territory was admitted into the Union as a State. From its first exploration by white men Indiana constituted a part of New France until 1763, when it was ceded by the French to the English. In the treaty of 1783' Indiana was included in the territory yielded by Great Britain to the United States. While it belonged to the English it was part of the colony of Virginia, and was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, from which time until the formation of Indiana Territory, it formed a part of the Northwest Territory. Virginia acquired title to the great territory northwest of the Ohio by its several charters from James I, and especially from the one bearing date of May 23,1609, in which were granted all the territory along the coast for 400 miles, and extending "up into the land throughout from sea to sea." Virginia first attempted to exercise authority over this vast domain in 1769, when the House of Burgesses passed an act establishing the county of Botetourt, with the Mississippi River as its western boundary. 20 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. Fincastle, Va., was the seat of justice of this extensive county. In October, 1788, a Virginia statute provided that "all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who are already settled, or shall hereafter settle on the western side of the Ohio, shall be included in a distinct county, which shall be called Illinois County.'' Col. John Todd served under appointment of the governor of Virginia as civil commandant and lieutenant of Illinois, until his death at the battle of Blue Licks in 1782. THE FKENCH IN INDIANA. The first explorations and settlements of the whites were by the French, and were the results of the enterprise of La Salle, who set out from Canada in 1G79, and passing across the lakes descended the Illinois River. The Indians inhabiting the country at that time seem to have made little or no opposition to its occupancy by the new-comers, and several important French towns were established on the Illinois and Wabash before the eighteenth century was far advanced. The missions and settlements of the French were of necessity established along the routes of travel from Canada to the mouth of the Mississippi. The only mode of travel was by canoes. Among the portages over which the French carried their canoes from one navigable river to another, one was of three miles' length in St. Joseph County, Ind., from the St. Joseph River to the Kankakee; another was from the Maumee near Fort Wayne to the Wabash. The exact period of the first French settlements cannot be ascer- tained. Early in the eighteenth century a party of French Canadians descended the Wabash, and several settlements were soon established along its banks, among others Vincennes. Many dates have been given of the establishment of Vincennes, some of which are mere conjectures. Volney conjectured the settlement to have been made about 1735; Bishop Brute speaks of a missionary station there in 1700; Bancroft says a military post was formed there in 1716, and in 1742 a settlement of herdsmen was made; Judge Law dates the post back to 1710 or 1711, and the New American Cyclopedia says the party of French Canadians descended the Wabash in 1702 and established towns along the river. At one time the French settlements were represented as in a flourishing condition and this part of New France was described as a new paradise, but the settlers degenerated, became ignorant and slothful, and but little superior to the Indians among whom they lived. GEN. Clark's reduction of the British posts. During the Revolution most of the Western Indians adhered to the British. The possession by the British of the posts established by the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 French at Detroit, Kaskaskia and Vincennes gave them easy and con- stant access to the Indian tribes of the Northwest. The bold plan of defeating and expelling the British from their Western posts was con- ceived and brilliantly executed by a Kentucky backwoodsman, George Rogers Clark. By spies seut for the purpose, who were absent from April 20 to June 22, 1777, Clark satisfied himself that an enterprise against the Western settlements might easily be successful. He went to Virginia and submitted his plans to the government of that State. Gov. Patrick Henry gave him written instructions, authorizing him to enlist . seven companies to serve under his orders for three months. Clark's rank at this time was lieutenant colonel. He raised three companies at Pittsburgh, and descended the Ohio to the falls, where he was joined by another company of Kentucky recruits. He left the falls with four companies on the 24th of June, 1778, during a total eclipse of the sun. He descended the river to Fort Massac, and thence proceeded by land to Kaskaskia, a distance of over 100 miles. Heavy rains had fallen, and were succeeded by hot, sultry weather. Their route lay through a wil- derness without a path. On the prairies a July sun beat upon them. Their guide became bewildered. On the 4th of July this party of in- vaders, with torn and soiled garments and beards of three weeks' growth, came in sight of Kaskaskia. The town contained about 250 houses, and the inhabitants were mostly French. Clark sent forward some of his men who could speak French to pass through the streets, making procla- mation that all the inhabitants must keep within their houses, under penalty of being shot down in the streets. The next day the little army of invaders marched into town in two divisions, and in two hours all the inhabitants surrendered and gave up their arms. Not a drop of blood was shed, but the victory was complete. A few days later Clark sent a detachment mounted on French ponies to Cahokia, thirty miles dis- tant, and obtained a surrender of the fort and garrison at that point. An embassy was sent to Vincennes, and in a few days the American flag was floating from the fort and the French inhabitants brought over to the United States. Clark was compelled to leave only a diminutive force to hold posses- sion of Vincennes, and the British Lieutenant-Governor, Henry Hamilton, then at Detroit, formed the plan of retaking the|place, in which he suc- ceeded without difficulty. The latter had a considerable force of British regulars, French volunteers and Indians. Clark with his main force was at Kaskaskia, and his position one of great peril. His number of men was too small to stand a siege and his situation too remote to call for re- cruits. He formed the bold and hazardous scheme of capturing Gov. Hamilton and retaking Vincennes. 22 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. February 7, 1779, Col. Clark with bis little army commenced its march from Kaskaskia to Vincennes. Their route lay through prairies and points of timber. The winter was unusually wet, and the streams all hio-h. On the 13th of February they arrived at the Little Wabash and'Muddy Rivers. The rains fell every day, and here the men were compelled to wade to their waists, and sometimes to their armpits in mud and water. On the 18th, eleven days after their departure, they heard the morning gun of the fort at Vincennes. On the evening of the same day they were at the Wabash, below the mouth of the Embarjrass. The party was now in an exhausted condition; the river was out of its banks, and all the low grounds covered with water. Again making their way through deep waters they arrived in full view of the town a little before sunset on the 21st. In order to make his force appear formidable, Clark ordered his men to march and countermarch in such a manner that from the intervening ground the enemy were led to count them twice or thrice. Ten or twelve pairs of colors were so displayed on long poles as to be seen above the intervening high land, and from a distance made no des- picable appearance. Gov. Hamilton was awed into a surrender, which was formally made on the 24th. The expedition of Col. Clark was not excelled in difficulty, daring and heroic endurance by any during the Revolution. The march from Kaskaskia to Vincennes was one of extraordinary hardship and enterprise. The whole expedition resulted in the successful reduction of all the British military posts between the Ohio and Mississippi, gave tranquility to the frontier settlements, and secured to the United States the whole of this vast territory. The'^Virginia Legislature passed a complimentary resolution to Clark and his men for their victorious campaign, "whereby great advantages may accrue to the common cause of America, as well as to this commonwealth in particular. " ORGANIZATION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. After Virginia and other States had ceded to the United States their claims of jurisdiction aad soil to the territory lying northwest of the Ohio, it became necessary for Congress to establish civil government in the new extensive region. Accordingly in the summer of 1787, while the convention which formed the constitution was in session at Philadel- phia, Congress at New York passed an "Ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio," which has come to be best known as "The Ordinance of '87." This was the most important act of Congress under the Articles of Confederation, For nearly twenty-nine years it was the fundamental law of Indiana, S. P. Chase in his history of Ohio said of it: "Never, probably, in the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 23 history of the world, did a measure of legislation so accurately fulfill, and yet so mightily exceed the anticipations of the legislators." Its object^ was declared to be to "extend the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty which form the basis whereon these republics, their laws and constitutions are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory; to provide also for the establishment of States and permanent government therein, and for their admission to a share in the federal councils on an equal footing with the original States at as early periods as may be consistent with the general interest." The territory for which this ordinance provided a government em- braced all the land then belonging to the United States northwest of the Ohio. It extended from Pennsylvania to the Mississippi, and from the Ohio to the great lakes. Five States have been organized from it: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The territorial gov- ernment was organized soon after the passage of the ordinance and at first was vested solely in a governor and judges. The first governor was Gen. Arthur St. Clair, who was president of Congress when appointed. In 1788 he entered upon his duties at Marietta. During the continuance of the first grade of government, there was no capital of the territory in the proper sense of the term. Laws were passed by the governor and judges wherever they happened to be assembled. Some were enacted at Marietta, some at Cincinnati and a few at Vm- cennes. CD. About the 1st of January, 1790, the governor, with other ofiScers, descended the Ohio from Marietta to Fort Washington, at Cincin- nati, where he organized Hamilton County, which embraced the western part of the State of Ohio. On the 8th of January, the governor and secretary arrived at Clarksville, at the falls of the Ohio, on their way to Vincennes. From the falls they proceeded by land along an Indian trail to Vincen nes, where they organized the county of Knox, the fourth county organized in the Northwest Territory. It comprised all the territory along the Ohio between the Great Miami and the Wabash. Vincennes was made the seat of justice. Thence they proceeded to Kaskaskia, and there esta blished the county of St. Clair, comprising all the territory from the Wabash to the Mississippi, and named by the secretary Winthrop Sargent, in [honor of the governor. Knox and St. Clair Counties were organized for the protection of the French inhabitants, and to carry into efifect the agreement in the ordinance of 1787 with reference to the pres- ervation of their rights under the laws and customs already existing among them. At Kaskaskia the governor issued a proclamation, calling 24 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. upon tbe French inhabitants to exhibit the titles to their lands, in order to have them examined and confirmed and their lands surveyed. GEN. Clark's expedition against the wabash Indians. The first important expedition which passed over the Territory of Indiana against the Indians was the unsuccessful one of George Rogers Clark against the Wabash Indians in 1786. Many depredations had been committed in Kentucky by marauding bands crossing the Ohio, plundering, burning and scalping. The bands were chiefly from the Miamis and the Wabash. Congress having failed in its efforts to secure peace with the Indians by the treaty at Fort Finney, ordered two com- panies down the Ohio to the falls, and on June 30, 1786, authorized the raising of militia in Kentucky for the invasion of the country of the hostile tribes. The expedition was organized into two parties, one under Gen. Clark to march against the Upper Wabash country, the other, under Col. Benjamin Logan, was to proceed against the villages on the head- waters of the Great Miami. Col. Logan, with 400 or 500 mounted riflemen, crossed the Ohio near Maysville, Ky., and passing northward succeeded in destroying some Indian villages in what is now Logan County, Ohio, killing about twenty savages and taking about seventy prisoners. Gen. Clark was not so successful. With about 1,000 men he marched from the falls of the Ohio for Vincennes, and arrived near that place in October. His supplies were to be forwarded to that place by boats. Nine boats had been freighted with stores to descend the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabash, and then to ascend to Vincennes. The low state of the water retarded the arrival of the boats. The army lay encamped awaiting the arrival of provisions. Day after day passed. One thou- sand hungry men consume much food. The men were put on short allow- ance. Many became restless and mutinous. At last, after waiting nine days, the boats arrived, but to their disappointment the meat was found to be spoiled by the hot weather. There ^were sound rations for only three days, and there was a march before them of 200 miles. The mu- tinous spirit became more apparent. Gen. Clark urged an immediate and rapid advance. The Kentucky Volunteers were re-enforced by a number of the inhabitants of Vincennes, and the army started on its march up the Wabash. On reaching the mouth of the Vermillion, it was found that the Indians had deserted their villages on that stream. Dis- appointment, hunger and fatigue now led to open mutiny, and 300 men, with some oflficers of high I'ank, mounted their horses and left for their homes. Neither the commands, the entreaties, nor the tears of the com- manding general could avail. Nothing was left to Clark but the aban- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 donment of the expedition. With the remainder of his half- starved men, the unfortunate commander ^worked his way back to the falls, covered with shame and confusion. This was the last expedition of the bril- liant military genius, George Kogers Clark, and the first one which re- sulted unfortunately. GEN. CHARLES SCOTt's EXPEDITION. In January, 1791, President Washington laid before Congress his views of the proper measures for protecting the Western settlements from Indian depredations. He expressed a very decided opinion that another campaign against the Wabash Indians was indispensable. These tribes were estimated at 1,100 warriors, to which were to be added 1,000 be- longing to more distant tribes. The President held that, although winter imposed peace at that time, unless the attention of the tribes was directed to their own country, they would spread desolation over the frontier on the opening of spring. Congress authorized the President to raise an army of 3,000 men, to be placed under the command of Gov. St. Clair, who was appointed a major-general, and also a corps of Kentucky volunteers for the purpose of a rapid march and immediate attack on the Wabash. This corps was placed under the command of Gen. Charles Scott. On the 23d of May, 1791, Gen. Scott, with a force of about 800 mounted men, crossed the Ohio at the mouth of the Kentucky and com- menced his march for the Wea towns. They pressed forward with the utmost celerity, but the rain fell in torrents, and wore down their horses and injured their provisions. The country was intersected and made rough by four branches of the White River and other smaller streams, many of them having steep and muddy banks. On the Slst of May they had made 135 miles from the Ohio. June 1, at a distance of 150 miles from the Ohio, they came in sight of two small villages on their left, at a distance of two and four miles respectively, the main town being about five miles in front. The General sent a detachment under Col. Harding to attack the villages on the left, while he pressed forward rapidly toward the main town in front. When the main army arrived at an eminence overlooking the villages on the Wabash, the enemy were discovered in great confusion crossing the river in canoes, having been apprised of the approach of the whites by one of their warriors who had seen them on the preceding day. All the savages in five canoes were destroyed by a well directed fire. The Wabash, at that point, was too high to be forded, and the Indians kept up a vigorous fire from the Kick- apoo towns on the opposite bank. Two companies passed down the river and crossed over and drove the enemy from the Kickapoo village. In the mean time Col. Hardin successfully executed the order to take the 26 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. villages on the left. He also discovered a third and stronger village which he also captured, and joined his commander before sunset, having killed six warriors and taken lifty-two prisoners. The next day Col. Wilkinson, with 360 men, mai'ched to the Tippecanoe village, which he took and destroyed, together with a large quantity of corn, peltry and furniture. On the same day the Wea and Kickapoo towns were burned, and the gallant army reached the Ohio on the 14:th of June, having ac- complished the great object of their expedition without the loss of a single man killed and only four wounded, and having killed thirty- two of the savages and taken fifty-two prisoners. The General testified that not a single act of inhumanity had marked the conduct of his men. COL. JAMES Wilkinson's expedition. The expedition of Gen. Scott having been successful, on the recom- mendation of Gen. St. Clair the Kentucky Board of War resolved to organize another without loss of time, to destroy the Eel Kiver towns, This expedition was placed under the command of Col. James Wilkinson. July 20 Col. Wilkinson reported to Gov. St. Clair, at^ Fort Washing- ton, with 525 men well mounted and equipped. The march began from Cincinnati August 1. They took with them provisions for thirty days. Instead of taking the direct course toward the Eel River villages, in order to mislead the enemy the army directed its course toward the site of Fort W^ayne. The hunting grounds of the Indians in the south- east part of Indiana, and the most common paths traveled by them were thus avoided. For three days the northwardly course was pursued. After about seventy miles from Cincinnati had been made, their course was turned northwestward. On the 6th they captured a Delaware living on the Maumee. On the 7th the army reached the Wabash near the mouth of Eel River. The troops crossed the river and charged upon the town. The enemy being completely surprised, was unable to make the least re- sistance; six of their warriors were killed and thirty-four prisoners taken. Unfortunately in the hurry and confusion of the charge two Indian women and one child were killed. A white captive in the village was released. The whites lost but two men killed and one wounded. The next day the corn was cat down and the cabins burned. Col. Wilkinson then took up his march toward the Kickapoo towns in the prairie, by way of the Tippecanoe village. Reaching the latter place, which had been de- stroyed by Gen. Scott in the preceding June, it was found that the Indians had replanted their corn and beans. These were again cut down. While at this place the commander learned of some murmuring and dis- content among his men, growing out of a reluctance to proceed further in the enemy's country. This induced him to examine the state of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. . 27 horses and provisions, when he ]earned to his mortification that 270 horses were lame and jaded, and barely five days' provisions left for the men. Most reluctantly was the Colonel compelled to abandon his design against the Kickapoos of the prairie. He, however, marched against a village of the same tribe about three leagues west. This town, consisting of about thirty houses, was destroyed, with a considerable quantity of corn in the milk. On their homeward march the army fell into Gen. Scott's home- ward trace, and arrived at the falls of the Ohio August 21. The men were mostly Kentucky volunteers, and great praise was awarded by the commander to the whole detachment. Their entire march from Cincin- nati to the Indian towns, and then to the falls was by accurate computa- tion 451 miles, and was accomplished in twenty-one days. Among the prisoners taken by Col. Wilkinson were the sons and sisters of the king of Ouiatenon nation. GEN. JOSIAH HARMAk's EXPEDITION. The largest and most important expeditions against the Indians of the Northwest Territory were directed against the Miami towns at and near the junction of the St. Mary and St. Joseph, where they form the Maumee. The region about the site of Fort Wayne was probably more thickly populated with savages than any other in Indiana. The junction of the rivers was the site of an old and important town of the Miami tribe. The importance as a strategic point of the site of Fort Wayne struck Washington's sagacious mind, and one of the objects of the cam- paigns on the Maumee was to establish here a fort which was to be con- nected by Intel-mediate stations with Fort Washington at Cincinnati. The first of these campaigns was under the command of Gen. Josiah Harmar. He marched from Cincinnati, in September, 1790, by a cir- cuitous route, which he was told by guides was the shortest and best to the head of the Maumee. Ho had, in all, about 1,300 men, three- fourths of whom were raw militia, badly armed and equipped. They were badly supplied with axes and camp-kettles; their arms were largely out of repair and almost useless, many muskets being brought in with- out locks, with the expectation of being repaired in camp. Many of the militia were substitutes unused to fire-arms, who at the first sight of the Indians threw down their arms and ran. October 13, the army be- ing within about thirty miles of the site of Fort Wayne, Col. John Harding, with 600 militiamen and one company of regulars, was sent forward to surprise the enemy and keep them in their forts until the main body with artillery would come up. On reaching the villages, however, they were found deserted. On the 17th the main body arrived, and five or six towns were destroyed, and about 20,000 bushels of corn in 28 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. the ear cut down. On the 21st the army started on its homeward march. Unfortunately, on the next day it was resolved that Col. Hard- ing, with a detachment of 340 militia and sixty regulars, should return to the burned villages on the supposition that the Indians had returned thither. They succeeded in finding the Indians early the next morning. A severe engagement ensued; the savages fought with bravery. The troops were defeated, many of the militia and most of the regulars being killed. Dispirited by this misfortune and dissensions among his officers, Harmar returned to Cincinnati. The expedition is known as Harmar's defeat. In its purpose of intimidating the Indians it was entirely un- successful, but in its object in destroying the Miami villages it was com- pletely successful. The towns were taken and 300 houses and wigwams barned without the loss of an American soldier. The subsequent efforts to defeat the savages in battle were unsuccessful. The Indians looked upon the expedition as a failure and defeat, and it was followed by vig- orous efforts on their part to harass and break up the American settle- ments. To carry out their purposes more effectually. Little Turtle, chief of the Miamis, Blue Jacket, chief of the Shawnees, and Buckongahelas, chief of the Delawares, engaged in forming a confederacy strong enough to drive the whites beyond the Ohio. ST. CLAIR S DEFEAT. The unfortunate expedition of Gen. St. Clair was organized during the year 1791. He was instructed by the War Department to march for the village at the head of the Maumee, in order to establish a strong and permanent military post at that place, and to establish such posts of communication between that place and Fort Washington as he should judge proper. "The establishment of such a post," said the Secretary of War, "is considered as an important object of the campaign, and is to take place at all events." September 17, St. Clair, with about 2,300 men, marched from Ludlow's Station, near Cincinnati. No- vember 3, the army arrived at a creek running to the southwest, and which was supposed to be the St. Mary's, one of the principal branches of the Maumee, but was afterward found to be a branch of the Wabash. Early on the morning of November 4, the army was surprised and met with a most disastrous defeat. Of the 1,500 men engaged in the battle, more than half were either killed or wounded. It was the greatest ca- lamity to the disheartened and greatly harassed pioneers of the North- west Territory, and the most disastrous defeat of the Americans by the Indians. The battle occurred near the Indian line in Mercer County, Ohio, the battle-field being afterward known as Fort Recovery. INDIANA TERRITORY. 29 Wayne's victory. IiD mediately after the defeat the Federal Government took steps to raise another large army to operate against the hostile tribes. Nearly three years passed, however, before the confederated hostile tribes were met by Gen. Anthony Wayne, whose army numbered more than 3,000 men, well disciplined and finely ofl&cered, 1,600 being mounted volun- teer troops from Kentucky, commanded by Gen. Charles Scott, of that State. Wayne's decisive victory occurred August 20, 1794, near the Maumee Rapids, in Wood County, Ohio. The battle is known as the battle of the Fallen Timbers, though sometimes called the battle of the Maumee. Had not the Indians, apprised of the approach of the armies of St. Clair and Wayne, gone forth from their principal villages to meet them, the disastrous defeat of the one and the decisive victory of the other would have taken place on the soil of Indiana, and not Ohio. Cessation of the long and bloody Indian war followed Wayne's victory, and a peace was secured, which continued unbroken until the battle of Tippecanoe, sixteen years later. CHAPTER II. INDIANA TERRITORY. Division of the Northwest Territory— Organization of Indiana Territory— Condition of the Territory at its Organization— The First Governor— Tecumseh and the Prophet— Fear of In- dian Hostilities— Battle of Tippecanoe— The Slavery Question IN THE Territory— The War of 1812— Indiana Admitted into the Union— Progress of the State. THE vast extent of the Northwest Territory made the ordinary opera- tions of government extremely uncertain, and the efficient action of courts almost impossible in the western parts of the Territory. In the three western places of holding courts, Vincennes, Cahokia and Kas- kaskia, there had been held but one court having criminal jurisdiction in the five years from 1795 to 1800. Offenders against justice having no fear of punishment, the French settlements became an asylum for the most vile and abandoned criminals. A committee of Congress, March 3, 1800, recommended a division of the territory into two distinct and sep- arate governments. Accordingly, May 7, 1800, an act was passed by Congress making such division by an act which took eifect from and 30 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. after the succeeding 4th day of July. The western division was called Indiana Territory. The first boundary of Indiana Territory on the east was not the same as the eastern boundary of the State. The ordinance of 1787 provided that the middle State which should be formed out of the Northwest Ter- ritory, should be bounded on the east by a line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami River, and the committee of Congress which proposed the division of the territory recommended that the divis- ion should be made by this line. The act of Congress, however, made the Greenville treaty line, as far as Fort Recovery, the boundary line. The line of division was described as "beginning at the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Re- covery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line be- tween the United States and Canada. " The Greenville treaty line is found marked on some of the maps of Indiana. Fort Recovery was in Darke County, Ohio, about one mile east of the State line. When Ohio was made a State the line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami was made its western boundary, and the lands between this line and the Greenville treaty line were attached to Indiana Territory. CONDITION OF THE TERRITORY AT ITS ORGANIZATION. At the time of its organization Indiana Territory comprised a vast region almost uninhabited except by savages. The only settlements of white men were so widely separated that it was impossible for them to contribute to their mutual defense or encouragement. These settlements were four^in number. The first was at Clark's Grant, at the falls of the Ohio opposite Louisville; the second the old French establishment at Vincennes, on the Wabash; the third comprised a series of French vil- lages, extending from Kaskaskia, seventy-five miles below the site of St. Louis, to Cahokia, five miles below St. Louis; the fourth was Detroit, on the Detroit River. The capital was at Vincennes, at this time often written Post Vincents. Numerous tribes of warlike Indians were scat- tered throughout the northern portion of the Territory, whose hostility to the American settlers was inflamed by the intrigues of British agents and frequent outrages by American hunters and traders. Clark's Grant in Indiana was a reservation by Virginia in her cession of the Northwest Territory to satisfy the claims of Gen. Clark and the ofiicers and soldiers under his command in the conquest of the British posts of Kaskaskia and Vincennes. The quantity of land in the grant was stipulated not to exceed 100,000 acres, to be laid off in one tract, the length of which was not to exceed double the breadth, and in such place on the northwest side of the Ohio, as a majority of the officers should INDIANA TERRITORY. 31 choose. The tract was selected and located about the falls of the Ohio, and distributed among the claimants according to the laws of Virginia. An act of the . Legislature of that State was passed "to establish the town of Clarkesville, at the falls of the Ohio, in the county of Illinois," by which a board of trustees in whom the title of the town was vested in trust. They were directed to sell lots of half an acre each at public auction, subject to the condition that the purchaser should within three years from the date of sale erect a dwelling-house "twenty feet by eight- een, with a brick or stone chimney." The trustees located the town im- mediately at the foot of the falls. Its position at the head of keel-boat navigation on the lower Ohio was supposed to give it great advantages, and it was for a time a rival of Louisville. Jefferson vi lie, at the head of the falls, occupied the site of Fort Steuben. Midway between these places and on the opposite side of the river was the then unhealthy town of Louisville, which, in 1800, contained a population of 359 souls, and about 150 houses, a printing office and a postoffice. From the falls of the Ohio, settlements spread over Clark's Grant. Vincennes, the capital of the Territory, is described by contemporary writers at the period of the establishment of the territorial government, as a handsome town of about 100 houses, some of which were built of freestone. From Cincinnati, settlements extended up the Whitewater Valley. On the first Monday in April,^ 1801, the first sale of lands west of the Great Miami was held at Cincinnati. In the closing years of the last century, before the establishment of a land office for the sale of any lands in Indiana, squatters had begun to occupy Government lands in the southeastern part. Land offices, at which, lands in Indiana were sold, were established by the United States as follows: At Cincinnati, May 10, 1800; at Vincennes, March 26, 1804; at Jeffersonville, March 3, 1807; at Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, March 3, 1819; Fort Wayne, May 8, 1822. From Cincinnati, the most important town in the eastern division of the Northwest Territory, to Vincennes, the capital of Indiana Territory, was a laborious journey through the wilderness. A common method of making this journey was to embark on the Ohio in a Kentucky boat, sometimes called an ark, with horses and provisions, proceed as far as the falls, and thence by horseback to the post, more than 100 miles unmarked by a vestige of civilization. THE FIRST GOVERNOR. The first governor of Indiana Territory was Capt. William Henry Harrison, afterward major-general and President. At the time of his appointment he was twenty-seven years old, yet he had already served 32 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. under "Wayne against the Indians as lieutenant, and distinguished him- self for bravery; had been the first delegate in Congress from the North- west Territory, and had served as secretary of the Territory. As the secretary was ex officio lieutenant-governor, he had for a considerable time performed the duties of governor of the Territory before its divis- ion, Gen. St. Clair, the governor, being rarely in the Territory at that time, his residence being in Pennsylvania. When the office of governor of the new Territory of Indiana was first proposed to young Harrison, he expressed himself as much adverse to accepting it, because he had reason to believe that Gov. St. Clair would soon be retired from the gov- ernment of the more populous eastern division (now Ohio), and that he would be strongly recommended as his successor. It happened, however, as Gen. Harrison himself has narrated, that two influential supporters of John Adams' administration were desirous of that position,, and by their management he became the governor of Indiana Territory. The gov- ernors were appointed for three years. Harrison was appointed by Presi- dent Adams in 1800; upon the expiration of his term he was reap- pointed in 1803 by President Jefferson; in 1806 he was again appointed by Jefferson; in 1809 he was reappointed by President Madison, and in 1812 again appointed by Madison. The territorial governors were ex-officio superintendents of Indian affairs within their territories. A few months after President Jefferson came into office he nominated Gov. Harrison a commissioner to make treaties with the Indians, and the nomination was confirmed by the Sen- ate. The custom of the Government in treating with the Indians had been to appoint two or more persons to represent the Government as com- missioners. The reason given by the President for this departure from the usual course in the case of Indiana Territory, was that Louisiana had been ceded to the French, and the French understood the manage- ment of the Indians better than any other nation; that to guard against their intrigues it was necessary to form settlements on the Mississippi, the lower Ohio, the Wabash and Illinois Rivers, which could only be done by extinguishing the Indian titles, and this could not be done at once, but by watching opportunities. The President, therefore, did not wish to embarrass the governor with a colleague. ^ Thus it was that Harrison was the sole representative of the United States in the nego- tiations with the Indians by which the Indian title to most of the lands of Indiana was extinguished. Gov. Harrison held this important commission during the entire period of his government of the Territory. He negotiated thirteen treaties, and obtained the cession of over 50,000,- 000 of acres in the Northwest, more than double the land now included in Indiana. INDIANA TERRITORY. 33 While acting as commissioner, Harrison was allowed, in addition to his pay as governor, $6 per day and his expenses, and he could assume the character of Indian commissioner whenever he thought proper. He was indeed necessarily almost constantly acting under it. The charges he made for pay as commissioner, however, were only for the time actu- ally employed in specific negotiation. All the compensation he received for these services during the twelve years he held the commission did not exceed 13,000. His charge for one important treaty was $44. It is said that no man ever disbursed so many and such large sums of public treasure with so little difficulty in adjusting his accounts with the Gov- ernment as Harrison while governor. United States commissioner and superintendent of Indian affairs in Indiana Territory. He wisely avoided keeping the public money on hand, and always made his pay- ments by drafts on Washington. Some of the more important of the early treaties by which the owner- ship of Indiana lands was transferred to the United States Government, are here mentioned. In the treaty at Greenville, August 3, 1795, only a small portion of the lands in the southeastern part of the State was included. Septenjber 17, 1802, Gov. Harrison entered into an agree- ment at Vincennes with the chiefs of various tribes by which the bounds of a tract at that place said to have been given to its founder were settled and June 7, 1803, at Fort Wayne, the same chiefs ceded the lands about Vincennes to the United States. . Other treaties were concluded at Vincennes in August, 1804; at Fort Wayne in September, 1809; at St. Mary's in October, 1818, and Tippecanoe in 1832. TECUMSEH AND THE PROPHET. The troubles with the Indians commenced early in the history of the Territory. In July, 1801, the governor, referring to the lawless acts of vagabond whites, wrote to the United States Government: "All these injuries the Indians have hitherto borne with astonishing patience, but though they discover no disposition to make war upon the United States, I am confident that most of the tribes would eagerly seize any favorable .opportunity for that purpose, and should the United States be at war with any European nations who are known to the Indians, there would probably be a combination of nine-tenths of the northern tribes against us, unless some means are made use of to conciliate them." President Jefferson did everything in his power to protect the Indians and to induce them to cultivate the soil and adopt the arts of civilized life. Congress was powerless to prevent the atrocities committed by the worth- less white men who are ever found prowling along the verge of civiliza- tion. The outrages were deplored by thousands of good men. 34 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. Early in the history of the Territory, Tecuraseh planned his scheme of a confederation of all the Indian nations, by which the whites were to be restrained in their acquisitions of lands. This remarkable man, the most bold and accomplished warrior and diplomatist the tribes of red men ever produced, was for much of his active life a resident of Indiana. He was born not far from the site of Springfield, Ohio, and belonged to the Shawnee nation, his father and his mother being members of differ- ent tribes of that extensive people. In 1795 he became a chief. He resided in different parts of the Miami country, in what is now Ohio, until 1798, when he accepted the invitation of the Delawares, then residing in part on White River, Ind., to remove to that region with his followers. Here he resided a number of years, and gradually extended his influence among the Indians. Tecumseh's brother, known in history as the Prophet, was scarcely less remarkable a man; he was an orator of great power and a religious teacher. About 1804, according to the accounts usually given, the brothers began to work in unison on their grand project of uniting all the Western Indians in one confederacy. Their avowed objects were two-fold: first, the reformation of the savages, whose habits unfitted them for continuous and heroic efforts; second, a union which would make the purchase of land by the United States impossible without the consent of all the tribes, and would give the Indians a strength that would be dreaded. In case of war with the whites a simultaneous attack could be made upon all the frontier settlements, so that white troops could not be sent from one to the aid of another. In 1805, through the influence of the Prophet, a large number of Indians collected at Green- ville. In 1806 both Tecumseh and the Prophet were at Grreenville, and were visited by representatives of many tribes. APPEEHENSION OF INDIAN HOSTILITIES. In the spring of 1808 the brothers removed to a tract of land on the Tippecanoe, a tributary of the^W abash. Here on a spot probably never visited by white men, about 100 miles northwest from Fort Wayne, was the Prophet's town, containing about only 130 souls. Representative Indians from remote parts here visited the Prophet, who continued his efforts to reform his brethren by preaching temperance, depicting the fear- ful evils the fire-water of the white men had brought upon them, and announcing his commission from the Great Spirit to extricate his red children from the utter ruin with which they were menaced. Tecumseh traveled from tribe to tribe, strengthening his influence and organizing his league. With the enthusiasm of Peter the Hermit he journeyed over thousands of miles, visiting remote nations of red li.^ ^ lU^L^ INDIANA TERRITORY. 37 men. He visited all the northern tribes on the west bank of the Missis- sippi, and upon the Lakes Superior, Huron and Michigan. In 1807 Gov. Harrison, alarmed at the movements of the two brothers, sent a message of inquiry and remonstrance, couched in severe terms. The Prophet sent a reply, denying that he had any purpose to rouse the tribes to another war. His plan of saving the Indians, he constantly asserted, was by reforming them from intemperance, uniting them and encouraging industry. In July, 1808, the Prophet went from Tippe- canoe to Vincennes, a distance of hundreds of miles, on a pacific mes- sage to the governor. He came with a large number of followers, whom he frequently harangued in the presence of the governor on the evils of war and intemperance. No persuasion of the whites could induce any of them to touch intoxicating liquors. The Prophet again declared that it was his desire to live in peace with the whites, and called the Great Spirit to witness the truth of his declaration. Whether the Prophet was a religious fanatic or a vile impostor can never be settled. Throughout the year 1809 Tecumseh and the Prophet continued to strengthen themselves both openly and secretly. Notwithstanding these solemn and repeated declarations of peaceful intentions, the Governor suspected their ultimate designs, and was preparing to meet any emer- gency. In June, 1809, Tecumseh with about forty followers again vis- ited the Governor. The Governor wrote to the Government that suspi cions of his guilty intentions were strengthened rather than diminished by every interview during this visit of the chief. In September, 1809, the Governor met the chiefs of several tribes at Fort Wayne, and pur- chased of them moi'e than 3,000,000 acres of land on the Wabash. Tecumseh refused to sign the treaty, and threatened death to those who did. In the year following he visited the tribes as far south as Tennes- see, exhorting them to lay aside sectional jealousies in the hope of pre- serving their hunting grounds. THE BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. The Governor stood firm and sent for a few soldiers and organized the militia. In July, 1811, the citizens of Vincennes and its vicinity met while the legislative council was in session and memorialized the President on the subject, not so much for a military force from the Gov- ernment as for permission to fight the Indians in their own way. The Indians began to prowl through the Wabash Valley. Harrison was promised strong re-enforcements, with orders, however, to be backward in employing them. On the 1st of August he advised the Secretary of War of his plans, which were to again warn the Indians to obey the treaty of Greenville, but at the same time to prepare to break up the Prophet's 38 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. establishment, if necessary. Having received his re-enforcements, the Governor, as commander, advanced from Vincennes up the Wabash. On the 5th of October he was at Terre Haute, where he built Fort Harrison. Here one of his sentinels was fired upon. October 31 he was at the mouth of the Vermilion River, where he built a block- house. He then advanced toward the Prophet's town, still, however, offering peace to the Indians. When within a few miles of the Prophet's town Harrison was met by the Indian embassadors, who expressed surprise at his ad- vancing upon them and said that an answer to the Governor's demands upon the Indians had been despatched to him by a Pottawattomie who had left two days before to meet him, but had missed him by taking the road on the south side of the Wabash. Harrison informed them that he had no intention of attacking them until he found that they would not comply with his demands. It was agreed that the army should encamp for the night and in the morning an interview with the Prophet and his chiefs should take place, and in the meantime no hostilities should be committed. Before daybreak of the morning the treacherous savages crept upon the camp, burst upon the sleeping army like demons, and before the light of day was far advanced the battle of Tippecanoe was fought. Harrison had risen at a quarter after four o'clock, and the signal for calling the men would have been given in two minutes, when the attack commenced. Nineteen-twentieths of the men had never been in an action. They behaved well, took their places without confusion, under an exceedingly severe fire, and fonght with bravery. The camp fires affording the enemy the means of taking surer aim, were extinguished. With coolness and deliberate valor the white men stood their ground in darkness against the ferocity of the savages, until daylight, and then routed the red men in vigorous charges. The next day they burned the Prophet's town and returned victorious to Vincennes. The battle of Tippecanoe was fought on the 7th of November, 18J 1. The whites had in this action not more than 700 efficient men — non- commissioned officers and privates; the Indians were supposed to have had from 700 to 1,000 men. The loss of the whites was 37 killed on the field, 25 mortally wounded and 126 wounded; that of the Indians about 40 killed on the field, the number of wounded not being known. Among the killed were two Kentucky officers, Col. Joseph H. Daviess and Col. Owen. The battle-ground was a piece of dry oak land, skirted on the west by Barnet Creek, with marshy prairies covered with tall grass on the east and west. At the time of the battle Harrison held no rank in the army, but as governor he was commander of the Indiana militia, and under the authority of the War Department he took com- INDIANA TERRITORY. 39 mand of the whole force. The victory made the commander famous, and twice, in 1836 and 1840, Indiana cast her electoral vote for "the hero of Tippecanoe." At the time of the battle Tecumseh was among the southern Indians. When on his return he learned that his brother had brought on the attack and had been defeated, he was exceedingly angry, and it is said reproached the Prophet in the bitterest terms. The defeat had destroyed the power of the brothers, and crushed the grand confederacy before it was completed. Six months^after the battle the United States declared war with England. Tecumseh left Indiana for Fort Maiden, in Upper Canada, joined the British standard, participated in several engagements against the Americans, and for his bravery and good con- duct was made a brigadier-general. He was killed at the battle of the Thames, October 5, 1813, in the forty- fourth year of his age. Harrison, with whom he had so often conferred, was the commander of the enemy against whom he fought in his last battle. THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN THE TERRITORY. Before the formation of the State constitution several efforts were made to introduce African slavery in a modified form into the Territory of Indiana. Slavery had been introduced into the Illinois country by the French as early as 1720. The ordinance of 1787 prohibiting slavery in the Northwest Territory was a subject of complaint by some, who, by memorials to Congress from time to time, made efforts to obtain a sus- pension of the restriction for a limited period. The first petition to Congress was from four persons in Kaskaskia in 1796, asking that slav- ery might be tolerated there. Before the division of the Northwest Territory, and while the first territorial Legislature was in session at Cin- cinnati in 1799, petitions were presented by Virgiaians, who owned lands northwest of the Ohio, asking that they might settle with their slaves on their own lands. These petitions were promptly rejected, as the Leg- islature had no power to suspend an ordinance of Congress. Many of the early settlers of Indiana were -from Virginia, Kentucky and other slave States. A large proportion of the population of the Territory, while not desiring to make Indiana a slave State, believed that a temporary employment of slave labor would greatly encourage immigration and promote the growth and improvement of the country. Early in 1803 a territorial convention was held at Vincennes to deliber- ate on the interests of the Territory. Gov. Harrison was president of the convention. A memorial was sent to Congress, together with a letter of the pi-esident of the convention, declaring the assent of the people of Indiana Territory to a suspension of the clause of the ordinance of 40 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. 1787, forbidding slavery. John Randolph, from the committee of Con- gress to which this letter and memorial were referred, reported as fol- lows, March 2, 1803: " That the rapid population of the State of Ohio sufficiently evinces, in the opinion of your committee, that the labor of slaves is not necessary to promote the growth and settlement of colonies in that region. That this labor, demonstrably the dearest of any, can only be employed to advantage in the cultivation of products more valuable than any known to that quarter of the United States; that the committee deem it highly dangerous and inexpedient to impair a provision wisely calculated to promote the happiness and prosperity of the northwestern country, and to give strength and security to that extensive frontier. In the salutary operation of this sagacious and benevolent restraint, it is believed that the people of Indiana will, at no very distant day, find ample remuner- ation for a temporary privation of labor and of immigration." This report was made at the close of the session, and the subject was brought up again at the next session. The report, together with the let- ter of Gov. Harrison, and the memorial of the inhabitants of Indiana, was referred to a new committee, of which Csesar Rodney, of Delaware, was chairman. This committee, February 17, 1804, made a report in favor of the prayer of the memorial, and offered the following resolution: " Resolved, that the sixth article of the Ordinance of 1787, which pro- hibited slavery within the said Territory, be suspended in a qualified manner for ten years, so as to permit the introduction of slaves born in the United States, from any of the individual States; provided that such individual State does not permit the importation of slaves from foreign countries. And provided, further, that the descendants of all such slaves shall, if males, be free at the age of twenty-five years, and if females, at the age of twenty-one years." This resolution failed to pass, and the subject came up again in Feb- ruary, 1806, when another report was made in Congress in favor of the tem- porary suspension of the prohibition of slavery, on the ground that the people of Indiana universally desired such suspension. At the session of the Legislature of Indiana Territory, in the winter of 1806-07, resolutions on the subject were adopted and presented to Congress. Another com- mittee of Congress reported in favor of the suspension of the slavery clause of the ordinance for ten years, but the measure was again lost. A committee of the United States Senate reported, November 13, 1807, that it was not expedient to grant the request of the Indiana Legislature. To avoid the restriction in the ordinance against slavery, the Terri- torial Legislature passed an act, September 17, 1807, entitled "An Act concerning the introduction of negroes and mulattoes into this Territory." INDIANA TERRITORY. 41 It legalized the introduction into the TeiTitory of persons of color, who were slaves in the States or Territories, by requiring the owner or posses- sor to enter into indentures with his slave, the latter stipulating to serve as an indentured servant for a certain period, at the end of which he was to become free. A record of the indenture was'required to be made in the Court of Common Pleas within thirty days after the introduction of the slave or slaves. Children under fifteen years of age were required to serve their former owner or possessor, if males, until the age of thirty- five years; if females, until the age of thirty-two years. Many slave- holders in Virginia, Kentucky, and other slave States, desiring to man- umit their slaves, migrated to Indiana and availed themselves of the priv- ileges of this law. In Indiana, slaves before the expiration of their term of servitude, were termed under the law "indentured servants."^ This form of servitude was done away with in Indiana by judical decisions, and in Illinois by a clause in the State constitution. Had it not been for the firmness of Congress, in resisting what seemed to be a popular demand, Indiana might have been a slave State. The demand that slave-holders, who owned land in Indiana, should be permitted to employ their slaves in clearing the forests from their own land, seemed just and reasonable to many persons who were not in favor of the extension of slavery. THE WAR OF 1812. At the commencement of the war of 1812, Indiana Territory had a white population of about 30,000 souls, chiefly in the southern portions of the Territory. All the settlements in Indiana, as well as those in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Illinois, were much exposed to Indian depreda- tions. The Government had hesitated to employ force against the Indians in Indiana, lest all the tribes of the Northwest should be combined against the United States in case of a war with England, which was imminent. Although Gov. Harrison wrote a few months after the battle of Tippecanoe, " The frontiers never enjoyed more perfect security," yet as soon as hostilities between the United States and England commenced, there were gloomy fears of the Indians all along the western frontiers, which rose to universal consternation when the intelligence was spread abroad that the whole of our army under Hull, with Detroit and Michigan, had been surrendered to the combined British forces, commanded by Brock and Tecumseh, leaving our entire outposts in the Northwest almost defenseless. Three points needed protection, Fort Wayne and the Mau- mee, the Wabash, and the Illinois. The troops intended for Fort Wayne were to be put under Gen. Winchester, a Revolutionary ofiicer residing in Tennessee, but little known to the frontier men; those for the Wabash were to be under Harrison, whom the battle of Tippecanoe had given a 42 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. military reputation in the West; those for the Illinois were to be under Edwards, governor of Illinois Territory. Such were the intentions of the Government, but the action of the authorities of Kentucky frustrated them and fortunately led to the elevation of the governor of Indiana to the post of commander-in-chief of all the forces of the West and North- west. Gov. Harrison while at Cincinnati received from Gov. Scott a re- quest to repair without delay to Frankfort. Arriving at the capital of Kentucky, he found a large number of influential citizens of Kentucky assembled, some to witness the inauguration of Gov. Shelby, and others by invitation of Gov. Scott, the retiring governor. A grand council had been held upon the course to be adopted for the defense of the Northwestern frontier, and it had been determined to request Gov. Harrison to take command of the troops on the march and to appoint him a major-general in the Kentucky militia. He accepted the com- mission, took the oath required by the laws of Kentucky, and in a few hours was on horseback to overtake the troops and assume command. Gen. Harrison afterward said that he looked upon this as the most hon- orable appointment he had ever received. A great State, already distinguished for the talents of her sons, some of whom were Rev- olutionary officers, placed the governor of another Territory in com- mand of her troops for a difficult and dangerous expedition. Sep- tember 17, 1812, Harrison was appointed by the Government com- mander of the Army of the West, After the surrender of Detroit and Fort Dearborn on the site of Chi- cago, Forts Wayne and Harrison, in Indiana, were the only military stations on the Northwestern frontier in the hands of the Americans. These were re- enforced. The defeat of Hull and the victories of the British and Indians in the Northwest awakened throughout Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky a determination to wipe out the disgrace which had stained our arms, and to avert the desolation that threatened the frontier. In August several regiments which had been raised in Ken- tucky were directed to the aid of Indiana and Illinois. Vincennes was made the principal rendezvous, and Gen. Hopkins was appointed com- mander of the troops on the Wabash. It was arranged that Gen. Hopkins, with between 4,000 and 5,000 mounted riflemen, should move up the Wabash to Fort Harrison, cross over to the Illinois country, destroy all the Indian villages on the Wabash, march across the prairies to the head-waters of the Sangamon and Vermillion Rivers, and then form a junction with the Illinois rangers under Gov. Edwards, and sweep over the villages on the Illinois River. September 29, Hop- kins wrote to the governor of Kentucky: "My present intention is to INDIANA TERRITORY. 43 attack every Indian settlement on the Wabash, and to destroy their property, then fall back upon the Illinois, and I trust, in all the next month, to perform much service. Serious opposition I hardly appre- hend, although I intend to bo prepared for it." In accordance with his determination, Hopkins set out from Fort Harrison with his raw militia- men October 15, and marched some eighty or ninety miles in the Indian country without obtaining sight of the enemy, when he was com- pelled to return on account of insubordination among his men and some of the officers. Deeply chagrined at the failure of his expedition, Gen. Hopkins did not return to Kentucky, but remained at Fort Harrison to await the rais- ing of another and better disciplined army. On the 11th of November he set out from Fort Harrison with about 1,200 men on an expedition against the Indians of the tipper Wabash. Lieut. -Col. Butler, with seven boats loaded with supplies and provisions, at the same time ascended the river. On the 19th the army arrived at the Prophet's town, and 300 men were sent to surprise the Indian towns on Ponce Passu Creek, but the villages were found evacuated. On the 20th, a Kickapoo town con- taining 120 cabins was burned, and all the winter provisions of corn in the vicinity destroyed. The cold weather of winter was rapidly coming on, many of the men were, as the General said, "shoeless and shirtless," and as the ice in the river began to obstruct the passage, it was deemed prudent to return. The conduct of this detachment contrasts favorably with Hopkins' first army. The military system under which the war of 1812 was carried on would by no means have answered the purposes of the Government in the greater war of the Rebellion. The terms of service for which the men were called out were generally short, not exceeding six mouths. In many cases the raw militiamen had scarcely learned to drill as soldiers when their term of service expired, and they were succeeded by fresh, untrained recruits. The West, and especially the region of the Maumee and Lake Erie, was the principal theater of the war. In many parts of the United States there was much opposition to the war, but the pioneers of Indiana Territory were enthusiastically in favor of the declaration of war and its vigorous prosecution. Although the population was Dot large, in every vicissitude of the contest the conduct of the people of Indiana was patriotic and honorable. They volunteered with alacrity, and endured the hardships of the campaigns on the swamps of the Mau- mee and the St. Mary's with patience and cheerfulness. PEOGEESS OF THE NEW STATE. Peace was made with Great Britain by the treaty at Ghent, December 24, 1814. The Indians, deprived of their British ally, and having lost 44 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. their great leader, Tecumseli, renounced all hope of arresting the advance of the white man. Tribe after tribe during the year 1815 entered into treaties of peace with the United States, and acknowledged themselves under the protection of the Government. Confidence was restored to the frontier settlements, and immigration again began to push into the forests and prairies. The campaigns of the rangers and mounted infantry, who had traversed the rich and delightful lands along the Wabash, the San- gamon and the Illinois, served as explorations of new and fertile countries, and opened the way to thousands of pioneers and the formation of new settlements. Although large numbers passed westward to the prairies of Illinois, yet Indiana retained a large share of the rapid immigration. Prom 1810 to 1820 Indiana increased in population from 24,520 to 147,178, an increase of 500 per cent, a rate of growth at that time unex- ampled in the growth of American States. In December, 1815, one year after the close of the war, the Territorial Legislature petitioned Congress for the privilege of forming a State con- stitution and admission into the Union. A bill for these purposes was passed in April, 1816; soon after a convention met at Corydon, and June 29, adopted the first constitution of Indiana. This constitution was formed at a time when there was a lull of party violence, and when the era of political good feeling prevailed. December 11, 1816, the State was admitted as a sovereign member of the Union. Jonathan Jen- nings, who had represented the Territory as delegate in Congress, and had presided over the convention which formed the constitution, was the first governor. In January, 1821, the Legislature located the seat of government at Indianapolis, and at the same time appointed commis- sioners to lay out a town at the site selected, and gave it its present name, formed by adding the Greek word polls, meaning a city, to the name of the State. In the decade from 1820 to 1830 the sales of government lands in the State were rapid,amounting to more than 3,500,000 acres ; and the population increased 133 per cent. From 1830 to 1840 the population was doubled. In 1833 the Wabash & Erie Canal was commenced; in 1834 the State Bank, with ten branches, was incorporated The result of these under- takings, and others into which the State entered, was a debt of over $14,000,000 and a general bankruptcy, which retarded the progress and development of the State. In 1846 measures were taken to pay the accumulated interest on the State debt; in 1850 a new constitution was adopted, and soon the whole economy of the State was changed and pros- perity returned. The State is the smallest of the Western States, hav- ing an area of 33,809 square miles, but in population it ranks sixth in the members of the Union. THE INDIANS. 45 CHAPTER III. THE INDIANS. Location of Indian.Tribes in Indiana-Little Turtle Quoted-Thb Miami Tribe— Indian Villages— Indian Agriculture— Moral and Intellectual Character of the Indians-Antoine Gamelin's Journey— Indians Demand the Ohio for their Boundary. THE Indian tribes resident within the bounds of Indiana when the first settlements by the whites were commenced were theMiamis, the Shawnees, the Delawares, the Wyandq^j^d_Pottawatomies. The Weas, Eel Eivers, and Piankashaws, also found in the State, were really branches of the Miamis. In the treaty at Greenville Gen. Wayne rec- ognized the Weas and Eel Rivers as distinct tribes from the Miamis in order that they might receive a large share of the money which was stip- ulated to be paid by the United States. Gen. Wayne thought it just that the Miamis and thei/allied tribes should receive more of the annui- ties promised by the Government than they would be entitled to as a single tribe, because he recognized it as a fact that the country ceded by the treaty was_really their property. The Indians were so frequently at war with each other and so often moved from one region to another that it is difficult to locate them and impossible to fix definite bounds to their possessions. According to the map of Indiana giving the Indian names of rivers, towns, etc., prepared by the late Daniel Hough, of Wayne County, and published in the Indiana geological report of 1882, the northern portion of the State is assigned to JhePottawattomies; the Wa- bash and Maumee Valleys to the Miamis; the head-waters of both branches to Whi te River to the Delawares; the southeastern part of the State along the Ohio to the Shawnees, and west of them the Wyandots. Of these tribes the Miamis were at one time by far the most numer- ous and powerful. Their territory embraced all of Ohio west of the Scioto, all of Indiana and part of Illinois. They had numerous villages on the Scioto, the head-waters of the two Miamis, the Maumee and throughout the whole course of the Wabash as far down as the town of Brushwood, now Vincennes. Before the arrival of the whites west of the mountains, it is believed that the Miamis could assemble a larger number of warriors than any other aboriginal nation of North America. 46 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. The ravages of the small-pox liad largely reduced their numbers befor e the commencement of the Revolutionary war. Little Turtle, the famous Miami chief, during the negotiations which preceded the treaty of Greenville, spoke with pride and yet with sadness of the former greatness and dominion of his tribe. His words are pre- served in the American State Papers: "I hope you will pay attention to what I now say to you. You have pointed out to us the boundary line between the Indians and the United States; but I now take the liberty to inform you, that that line cuts off from the Indians a large portion of country which has been enjoyed by my forefathers time immemorial, without molestation or dispute. The prints of my ancestors' houses are everywhere to be seen in this portion. It is well known to all my brothers present that my forefather kindled the first fire at Detroit; from thence he extended his lines to the head-waters of the Scioto; from thence to its mouth; from thence down the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabash; from thence to Chicago on Lake Michigan, At this place I first saw my elder brothers, the Shawnees. I have now in- formed you of the boundaries of the Miami nation, where the Great Spirit placed my forefather a long time ago, and charged him not to sell or part with his lands, but to preserve them for his posterity. This charge has been handed down to me. I was surprised to find my other brothers differed so much from me on this subject; for their conduct would lead one to suppose that the Great Spirit and their forefathers had not given them the charge that was given tome; but on the contrary had directed them to sell their lands to any white man who wore a hat, as soon as he should ask it of them. " Little Turtle took pride in the antiquity of his race, as well as in the extent of territoiV controlled by his ancestors. In 1797 this Miami chief met Volney in Philadelphia. The French philosopher explained to the savage orator the theory that the Indian race had descended from the dark-skinned Tartars, and, by a map, showed the supposed communi- cation between Asia and America. Little Turtle replied: "Why should not these Tartars, who resemble us, have descended from the Indians ?" INDIAN VILLAGES. Long before the first settlements of the English-speaking whites in Indiana, the habits of the Indians had been modified by their contact with the Europeans. The traders had supplied them with firearms, scalping-knives and iron tomahawks. They had iron pots and brass ket- tles for cooking and sugar making. They had learned to like strong drink, and were given to great excesses in eating and drinking. Many of the inhabitants of some of their more important villages were French. THE INDIANS. ' 47 The Wea Prairie, or plains, a few miles, below the mouth of Wea Creek, and not far from the site of Lafayette, contained some of the most extensive improvements ever made by the Indians within the limits of the State. On the opposite side of the Wabash was the Indian town Ouiatenon, or Wah-wee-ah -tenon in the Indian tongue. When it was destroyed by Col. Wilkinson in 1791, he found there a number of French books, letters and documents, showing that the place was in close con flection with Detroit. For richness of soil and beauty of natural scenery, few places in the West can compare with the Wea Plains. The town of Tippecanoe, or Kathtippacamunck, on the north side of the Wabash, at the mouth of the Tippecanoe, was also a celebrated Indi- an place. In 1791 the village consisted of about 120 houses, eighty of which were shingle-roofed. The best houses belonged to the French traders, whose gardens and improvements around the town are described as delightful, and indeed not a little wonderful. There was a tavern with cellars, bar and public and private rooms; the whole was marked by considerable order, and evinced a small degree of civilization. The town of the Eel River tribe was scattered along the Eel River for about three miles, on an uneven, scrubby oak barren, intersected alternately with bogs almost impenetrable, and impervious thickets of plum, hazel and black-jack. Col. Wilkinson found the head chief at this place guard- ing a number of prisoners, and families at work digging a root which they substituted in place of the potato. INDIAN AGRICULTDEE. The agriculture of the Indians in Indiana, as well as in most other parts of North America, was confined chiefly to the growing of corn and beans, to which potatoes were afterward added. The extent of their corn-fields on the Wabash and the Maumeewas greater than is generally supposed. A journal of Gen. Wayne's campaign, kept by George Will, under the date of August 8, 1794, says: "We have marched four or five miles in corn-fields down the Auglaise, and there are not less than 1,000 acres of corn around the town." The same journal describes the im- mense corn-fields, numerous vegetable patches and old apple trees found along the banks of the Maumee from its mouth to Fort Wayne, and dis- closes the fact that the army obtained its bread and vegetables for eight days, while building Fort Defiance, from the surrounding corn and po- tato fields. One of the chief objects of the military expedition against the Indian villages was the destruction of their corn, which would compel the war- riors to devote more of their time to hunting as a means of subsistence, and thus prevent marauding expeditions against the white settlements. 48 PEELIMINARY CHAPTERS. Gen. Harmar, in his unsuccessful expedition in 1790, burned and destroyed nearly 20,000 bushels of corn in the vicinity of Fort Wayne. Gen. Charles Scott, in his expedition against the Wabash Indians, destroyed a considerable amount of corn about the 1st of June, 1791. In August of the same year, Col. Wilkinson, who marched against the same vil- lages, found that the Indians had replanted their corn, and it was in high cultivation, several fields being well plowed, Wilkinson reported that besides burning a respectable Kickapoo village he had cut down at least 430 acres of corn, chiefly in the milk, and that the Indians, left without houses, home or provisions, must cease to war, and would find active em- ployment in subsisting their squaws and children during the coming winter. MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHAEACTER. Gen. William H. Harrison speaks of the moral and . intellectual qualities of the Indians of the Northwest in his discourse before the Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society on the "Aborigines of the Ohio Valley," as follows: "The Wyandots, Delawares, Shawn ees and Miamis were much su- perior to the other members of the confederacy. The Little Turtle, of the Miami tribe, was one of this description, as was the Blue Jacket, a Shawnee chief. I think it probable that Tecumseh possessed more in- tegrity than any other of the chiefs who attained to much distinction; but he violated a solemn engagement, which he had freely contracted, and there are strong suspicions of his having formed a treacherous de- sign, which an accident only prevented him from accomplishing. Sim- ilar instances are, however, to be found in the conduct of great men in the history of almost all civilized nations. But these instances are more than counterbalanced by the number of individuals of high moral character which were to be found among the principal and secondary chiefs of the four tribes above mentioned. This was particularly the ease with Tarhe, or the Crane, the great sachem of the Wyandots, and Black Hoof, the chief of the Shawnees. Many instances might be ad- duced to show the possession on the part of these men of an uncommon degree of disinterestedness and magnanimity, and strict performance of their engagements under circumstances which would be considered by many as justifying evasion. "By many they are supposed to be stoics, who willingly encounter deprivations. The very reverse is the fact. If they belong to either of the classes of philosophers which prevailed in the declining ages of Greece and Rome, it is to that of the Epicureans. For no Indian will forego an enjoyment or sufifer an inconvenience if he can avoid it, but under peculiar circumstances, when, for instance, he is stimulated by THE INDIANS. 49 Rome strong passion. But even the gratification of this he is ready to postpone whenever its accomplishment is attended with unlooked-for danger or unexpected hardships. Hence their military operations were always feeble, their expeditions few and far between, and much the greater number abandoned without an "efficient stroke, from whim, caprice, or an aversion to encounter difficulties." He adds-. "When, however, evil comes which he cannot avoid, then he will call up all the spirit of the man, and meet his fate, however hard, like the best Roman of them all." antoine'^'gamelin's journey. While Gov. St. Clair was engaged in organizing the western counties of the Northwest Territory, in 1790, he made a praisworthy efifort to con- ciliate the hostile tribes on the Wabash. Antoine Gamelin, an intelli- gent French merchant of Vincennes, was employed to carry the messages of the Government to the Indians, and to ascertain their dis- position and sentiments. Antoine traveled across the State and visited all the tribes along the Wabash and as far east as the junction of the St. Joseph and St. Mary's, at the site of Fort Wayne. His journal, which fortunately has been preserved, gives much information concern- ing the Indians of Indiana in the earlier period of the history of the Northwest Territory. Setting out from Vincennes, April 5, 1790, the first Indian village he arrived at was called Kickapougoi, inhabited by a tribe then peace- ably disposed toward the whites. The second village he found was at the river Vermillion, and inhabited by the Piankeshaws, who looked upon the Mi amis as their elder brethren, and could not give an answer to the message until they had consulted that nation. On the lUh of April, Gamelin arrived at a tribe of the Kickapoos, who also regarded the Miamis as their elder brethren. On the 18th he arrived at Eel River. The village of Eel River Indians stood about six miles above the junc- tion of that stream with the Wabash. The chief of this tribe was absent, and no answer to the message could be obtained. On the 23d of April he arrived at the great village of the Miamis, at the site of Fort Wayne. The chief of the Miamis at this time was called LeGris. At this place were both French and English traders. While Gamelin remained five Pottawattomies arrived with two negro men, whom they sold to the English traders. Blue Jacket, the great warrior chief of the Shawnees, was at the Miami town. Both LeGris and Blue Jacket were disposed to insist that the Ohio River should be made the Indian bound- ary, and the report of Gamelin was unfavorable for the maintenance of peace. 50 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. INDIANS DEMAND THE OHIO FOK THEIR BOUNDARY. The Indians of the Wabash and Maumee were hostile to the formation of the earlier settlements northwest of the Ohio, and made incursions upon the whites along the Ohio in what is now the State of Ohio, and often passed into Kentucky on expeditions of plunder and murder. These Indians were united in claiming that the whites had no rights to any lands northwest of the Ohio; that the treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1768 made the Ohio River the boundary, and they refused to regard the treaties of Fort Mackintosh in 1785, and Fort Harmar in 1789, as bind- ing, because not ratified by all the tribes. In 1793 President Washington instructed the commissioners appointed by him to negotiate a treaty of peace with the Northwestern Indians, to use every effort to obtain a confirmation of the boundary line established at Fort Harmar, and to offer in payment $50,000 in hand, and an annuity of $10,000 forever. The Indians refused the money, claimed that the treaties already made were void because not sanctioned by all the tribes, demanded that the Ohio River should be considered the boundary, and that every white settlement should be removed from the Northwest Territory. The paper containing these views of the Indians was signed by the chiefs of the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawn ees, Miamis, Mingoes, Pottawattomies, Ottawas, Connoys, Chippewas and Munsees. The commissioners explained to them that the United States Govern- ment had sold large tracts of land northwest of the Ohio, and that the white settlements and improvements were numerous, and had cost much money and labor, and could not be given up; but the Government was willing to pay a larger sum in money and goods than had been given at any one time for Indian lands since the whites first set their feet on this continent. The Indians gave as their final reply: "Money is of no value to us, and to most of us is unknown. As no consideration whatever can induce us to sell the lands on which we get sustenance for our women and children, we hope we may be allowed to point out a mode by which your settlers may be easily removed, and peace thereby obtained. "We know these settlers are poor, or they never would have ventured to live in a country which has been in continual trouble since they crossed the Ohio. Divide, therefore, this large sum of money which you have offered to us among these people. Give to each, also, a proportion of what you say you will give to us annually over and above this large sum of money, and, we are persuaded, they will most readily accept it in lieu of the land you sold them. If you add, also, the great sums you must expend in raising and paying armies with a view to force us to yield you THE INDIANS. 51 our country, you will certainly have more than sufficient for the purpose of repaying these settlers for all their labor and their improvements. "We shall be persuaded that you mean to do us justice if you agree that the Ohio shall remain the boundary line betw^een us. If you will not consent thereto, our further meeting will be altogether unneces- sary. " The ^commissioners on the part of the Government said " That they had already explicitly declared to them that it was now impossible to make the Ohio River the line between their lands and the lands of the United States. Your answer amounts to a declaration that you will agree to no other boundary than the Ohio. The negotiation is therefore at an end." Nothing remained for the Government but a vigorous prosecution of the war. The Indians were defeated by Gen. Wayne in August, 1794, and in August, 1795, a treaty of peace was ratified by all the tribes. The treaty of Greenville was the first one since that of Fort Stanwix, which was regarded as binding upon the Indian confederacy. It was observed by them in good faith, and there was no further war between the red men and the whites until the battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. 52 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. CHAPTER IV. PREHISTORIC REMAINS. Arch^ological Work > IN Southeast Indiana— Purpose of Mounds— Their Age— Gen. Harrison on the Ancient Fort at the Mouth of THE Great Miami— Signal Stations— Open-air Work-shops— An- cient Fire-places— Stone Utensils, Weapons and Ornaments- Trade OR Traffic Among the Pre-historic Races. INTERESTING archseological remains are found throughout southeast Indiana. They are the traces of a people who inhabited the basins of the Mississippi and the Ohio in the distant past. Their elaborate and extensive earthworks prove that they were not nomadic tribes, but a numerous people, dwelling in fixed communities, probably devoted to agriculture, and having certain fixed laws, customs and religious rites. Some of these works required an immense amount of labor and consider- able engineering skill. What race of people built these remarkable works we shall probably never know, and in the absence of positive knowledge, there origin is referred to a people called the Mound-Builders. It cannot be said that any law governing the arrangement of either the tumuli or fortifications has been discovered. Both appear to be more numerous along the rivers than elsewhere. It has been thought by some writers that the archaeology of the Miamis has for its distinguishing feature a system of strong fortifications along the two rivers, and that the numerous mounds on the headlands and interior points may have been signal stations, commanding the whole region and binding the country together as the seat of one united nation. A more common view is that the mounds were places of sepulture and memorials raised over the dead, the largest mounds being erected in honor of distinguished personages. The notion that they contain the remains of vast heaps of dead fallen in great battles is wholly unsupported by the facts obtained from excavations and examinations. But one or two skeletons are usually iound in these mounds, and where many are found it is probable that the later Indians, and, in some cases, Europeans, have buried their dead in them. The New American Cyclopedia assumes, from facts and circumstances deemed sufficient to enable us to arrive at approximate conclusions con- cerning the antiquity of the Mound-Builders' records, that we may infer, PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS. 53 for most of these monuments in the Mississippi Valley, an age of not less than two thousand years. "By whom built, whether their authors migrated to remote lands under the combined attractions of a more fer- tile soil and more genial clime, or whether they disappeared beneath the victorious arms of an alien race, or were swept out of existence by some direful epidemic or, universal famine, are questions probably beyond the power of human investigations to answer. History is silent concerning them and their very name is lost to tradition itself." Extensive pre-historic forts and mounds are found on both sides of the Great Miami, near its mouth, which have been accurately platted by Samuel Morrison. Gen. William H. Harrison took a deep interest in these works. "The work at the mouth of the Great Miami," he wrote, "was a citadel, more elevated than the Acropolis of Athens, although easier of access, as it is not like the latter, a solid rock, but on three sides as nearly perpendicular as could be, composed of earth. A large space of lower ground was, however, enclosed by walls uniting it with the Ohio. The foundation of that (being of stone, as well as those of the citadel) that forms the western defense, is still very visible where it crosses the Miami, which, at the period of its erection, must have dis- charged itself into the Ohio much lower down than it now does. I have never been able to discover the eastern wall of this enclosure, but if its direction from the citadel to the Ohio was such as it should have been, to embrace the largest space with the least labor, there would not have been less than 300 acres enclosed. The same land at this day, under the best cultivation, will produce from seventy to 100 bushels of corn per acre. Under such as was then probably bestowed upon it, there would be much less, but still enough to contribute to the support of a considerable settlement of people, remarkable beyond all others for ab- stemiousness in their diet. Gen. Harrison did not believe the work at the mouth of the Great Miami and the one at Circleville could have been erected by the same people if both were intended for military purposes. "The square at Circleville," he says, "has such a number of gateways as seem intended to facilitate the entrance of those who would attack it. And both it and the circle were completely commanded by the mound, rendering it an easier matter to take than defend it. The engineers, on the contrary, who directed the execution of the Miami works, appear to have known the importance of flank defenses. If their bastions are not as perfect, as to form, as those in use in modern engineering, their position, as well as that of the long lines of curtains, is precisely as it should be." Dr. J. W. Baxter, of Vevay, gives the following account of a series of mounds, or signal stations, occupying prominent points along the 54 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. Ohio River, and so located that each may be seen from the next above and below. These command nearly the whole bottom. From the sta- tion below Patriot the observer may look across Gallatin County, Ky., and the valley of Eagle Creek to the height of land in Owen County. Both this mound and one near Rising Sun exhibit traces of fires that may have been used as telegraphic signals by the Mound-Bailders. The mounds at the following pl-dces form a complete series, though others may have been used when the country was timbered: Rising Sun, near Gunpowder Creek, Ky. ; the Dibble Farm, two miles south of Patriot; the "North Hill," below Warsaw, Ky. ; the Taylor Farm, below Log Lick Creek; opposite Carrollton, Ky. ; below Carrollton. There are a number of mounds in the vicinity of Aurora, and quite a large mound was within the city limits, but has been almost entirely re- moved by cutting a street- way through it. Dr. George Sutton, of Au- rora, has a large and interesting collection of ancient stone implements, which he collected from this county and from Kentucky. J. B. Gerard, M. D., in connection with others, opened a mound near the mouth of Laughery Creek, in Ohio County, which was about 100 feet in diameter and fifteen feet high; excavations were made at several places, and they found human bones, one whole earthen pot, and a great many fragments of pottery. Mr. Stratton also found a whole pofc in this mound, and still another was found by H. C. Miller. Dr. Ge- rard has noticed from twenty to thirty mounds along the bluffs of Laughery Creek, and has opened a number of others, but found nothing of note except ashes, which lay at the base of them all. Dr. George W. Homsher, of Fairfield, Ind., in a paper on the "Ancient Remains on Whitewater River," in the Smithsonian Report of 18S2, describes what he terms "open-air woi'kshops " situated in the valleys along the Whitewater. Their location is indicated by a vast amount of broken cobble-stones or chert. From the fragments it is easy to determine the kind of implement which was manufactured, whether axe, celt, pestle, hammer, arrow or ornament. These workshops, as a general rule, are located on the second terrace formation along the river or the larger streams flowing into the river, and in close proximity with each shop is an excellent spring of water. There is also in close prox- imity to the workshop a signal mound or station, located on the highest hill or bluff along the river. One of the most famous of these workshops is situated about 500 yards northwest of Quakertown, and covers about two and a half acres. At least half a wagon load of ancient implements have been gathered here, and yet additional ones are still found. Dr. Homsher locates about a dozen open-air work-shops along the Whitewater. The same writer maintains that sigfnal mounds in some instances PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS. 55 have been converted into burial mounds, probably after their abandon- ment as signal stations. " In signal mounds," he says, " there is only one spot, and that in the center, that shows the action of fire, and when it has served its purpose it is built up in a cone shape and aban- doned. In case it is converted into a burial mound the fire has been extinguished, the surface leveled, the dead deposited, and again another layer of clay or whatever material is used in its construction, is symmet- rically laid over the dead to the depth of six to eighteen inches. Over the whole surface a fire once more is started, the object being to burn the clay or harden it, so that the water will not permeate it so readily as it does unburnt clay. In doing this there is no fear of destroying the objects deposited below. Sometimes where a limb has not been sufficiently covered it has been charred, which accounts for that part of the subject we oftentimes find in these tumuli that are mutilated and attributed to cremation." It is said that a greater number of wild grapes, plums, crab-apples and onions are found growing near the mounds in southeast Indiana than at a distance from them. In the Ohio River terraces are found some antiquarian remains. In the bottom below the mouth of Laughery Creek, are the remains of what are called ancient fire-places, which are disclosed from time to time as the river wears away the bank. R. H. Warder examined one which " consisted of a layer of boulders thirteen feet from the surface. The part exposed was three feet across. Pieces of charcoal, soft aud crumb- ling, were found among and under the boulders, while other pieces, that had fallen out and dried in the sunshine, were firm. The clay under the boulders was red as though burnt. No one could examine the section without being convinced of human agency in the work." In the river bank opposite Florence, there is a layer of decomposing mussel shells, thirty- two inches below the surface. The out-crop now extends forty feet, was noticed as early as 1847, when the bank stood two or three rods nearer the channel than it now does. Similar deposits have been observed elsewhere in the river terraces. Among the most interesting archaeological relics are the utensils, implements, weapons and personal ornaments of pre-historic times. It should be borne in mind that, while most writers on American antiquities make a distinction between the Mound -Builders and the tribes the whites found in possession of the country, such a line of demarkation cannot well be drawn with accuracy with respect to the stone, flint and copper relics. Some of these relics may belong to a pre-historic race of the distant past, some to the earliest Indian tribes inhabiting the country, and others to later Indians, whose mechanical arts may have been modi- 56 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. fied by contact and trade with the whites. It is, therefore, impossible to separate the relics of the Mound-Builders from those of the later races. We cannot refer the copper implements to any particular epoch, nor can we determine when the stone age began or ended. Stone imple- ments have been found associated with the remains of animals long since extinct, yet these implements are not different from those known to have been in use among the savage tribes when first seen by the whites. With respect to the purposes for which they were designed, they may be divided into utensils for domestic use, implements for handicraft, weapons and ornaments. With respect to the materials from which they were fabricated, they are stone, flint, slate, copper, pottery, bone, horn and shell. The most common relics are the flint arrow-heads, spear-heads and daggers. Other flint implements, such as knives and cutting tools, scrapers and borers have been found. Of stone relics, the most common are axes and hammers, grooved so that a forked branch or split stick could be fastened for a handle; balls more or less round, probably used as hand-hammers; pestles for crushing grain, and many ornaments — among them flat, perforated tubes of highly polished slate, and various forms of flat stones, polished and perforated. Stone pipes are found of various sizes and construction. Specimens of ancient pottery have not been often found. Charles Rau, the author of several valuable papers on American antiquities, has shown that there was an extensive trade or traffic among the pre-historic races of America. This is rendered evident from the fact that their manufactured articles consist of materials which must have been obtained from sources in far distant localities. The materials of which many relics found in Indiana are composed, can only be found at a distance of hundreds of miles. The term "flint," used to describe the material of which various chipped implements are manufactured, is used to include various kinds of hard and silicious stones, such as horn- stone, jasper, chalcedony and different kinds of quartz. There have been found in the United States places where the manufacture of flint implements was carried on. There was a great demand for arrow-beads among the primitive tribes, and in places where the proper kind of material could be found, there were work shops for their manufacture. An important locality to which the aborigines resorted for quarrying flint is now called Flint Ridge, and extends through Muskingum and Licking Counties, Ohio. Dr, Hildreth says of this ancient flint quarry: " The compact, silicious material of which this ridge is made up seems to have attracted the notice of the aborigines, who have manufac- tured it largely into arrow ar^ spear heads, if we may be allowed to PHYSICAL FEATURES. 57 judge from the numerous circular excavations, which have been made in mining the rock, and the piles of chipped quartz lying on the surface. How extensively it has been worked for these purposes may be imagined from the countless number of the pits, experience having taught them that the rock recently dug from the earth could be split with more free- dom than that which had lain exposed to the weather. These excava- tions are found the whole length of the outcrop, but more abundantly at 'Flint JElidge,' where it is most compact and diversified with rich colors." The greenish, striped slate, of which variously shaped tablets are made, is believed to occur in no parts of the Union except the Atlantic coast district, and to have been transported, either in a rough or worked condition, from that region to the different parts of the Mississippi Valley in which the relics are found. The copper used by the aboriginal tribes was probably obtained chiefly from the northern part of Michigan. CHAPTER V. PHYSICAL FEATURES. Similarity of the Surface Features of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzer- land Counties— Topography— Changes made along the Ohio- Table OF Elevations— Stratified Rooks— Minerals— Drift— Gold- Bearing Drift— Land-Slips— Sink-Holes— Soils. THE three counties of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland, in southeast Indiana, all bordering on the majestic Ohio, present such simi- larities in their surface as to form a district whose physical features are best described together. These three counties are composed of the same geological formation, and indicate substantially the same geological his- tory. A description of the topography and geology of one would, in its general statements, apply to the rest. Robert H. Warder grouped the three counties together in his report on the geology of this region, pub- lished in 1872. Free use will be made in this chapter of Warder's. Report, together with the information contained in the writings of Prof. Edward Orton, of Ohio. In treating of the physical features of this dis- trict, only the leading points can be noticed. The attempt will be made to discard the technical terms of science, and to treat the subject in such a manner that it can be understood by any reader of average intelligence, although wholly unacquainted with geological science. The district extends forty-three miles from north to south, and twen- ty-one and one-half miles from east to west. 58 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. TOPOGRAPHY. The district has a diversified topography, and contains a great variety of soil. Although each of the counties has an extensive front on the Ohio, and much of the land of the district consists of Ohio River hills, yet there are extensive regions of upland flats which, in a state of nature, retained the water most of the year. In each of the counties are to be found bottom lands, river terraces, steep hill -sides, broken uplands and upland flats. The district contains some of the richest and some of the poorest land in the State. Picturesque scenery is to be found in the district along the Ohio, and the streams which fall into it, and on the uplands pleasant vistas of four or five miles may be enjoyed from favored spots. The hills along the Ohio are said, perhaps with truth, to be unsurpassed in beauty on the globe. The roads leading from the river to the higher lands pass -along the beds of streams between hills which are often beautifully rounded, while the ridges slope gracefully to the bottoms. The Ohio River extends for more than fifty miles along the east and south of the district. The big bottoms of the Great Miami are on the eastern side of Dearborn, and the Whitewater flows through the north- east part of that county. Tanner's Creek empties into the Ohio below Lawrenceburgh. North and South Hogan Creeks unite at Aurora, and flow into the Ohio. The winding Laughery Creek flows south in Ripley County,then turning northeastward, forms the boundary between Dearborn and Ohio Counties. The flood of the Ohio in 1847 backed water up this stream within three or four miles of the Ripley County line. The streams of Switzerland County are all comparatively small, the principal are Grant's, Bryant's, Log Lick and Indian Creeks. Some of the streams have considerable fall, and were early utililized for water-power, but as the forests have been cleared away, the water supply has become less constant, and many mills have been abandoned. The Ohio, with its mighty flood, causes many changes along its banks, in one place washing away large tracts, in another extending the land into the river channel. On this subject Warder's Report says: "A few examples of these changes will be given: At Rising Sun it is estimated that no less than 300 feet of the bank has been washed away within twenty-five years. A row of houses has disappeared which once stood above Main Street, with road and play-ground beyond. The well referred to, at Hickman's Landing, was dug about 100 feet from the bank, but it has been carried away and much of the bottom behind it. At Florence there was but little wear twenty-five years ago, the bank being protected by trees. About eighty feet of the bank have been lost at the Main street within a few years, and 200 feet a short distance PHYSICAL FEATURES. 59 below. Repeated changes of the river road have been required in maoy places. The process of land making is also very common, but I judge that the amount of material deposited will by no means equal the amount removed. There was formerly a low island above Vevay, close to the Indiana shore. Steamboats ascending the river frequently passed through the chute twenty years ago. The steamer Kentucky went through as late as 1859. A few tow-heads were gradually formed about the upper end. The current was thus arrested and the tine material held in sus- pension was deposited. When this accumulation had so filled the chute that the island was connected with the main land at low water it became part of Indiana; another corn-field has been added to the agricultural wealth of the State. A stump, which was at the water's edge in 1850, to which the fisherman fastened his net, is now several rods from the bank. Land is still forming among the trees beyond and below the island. Similar deposits are generally forming wherever a growth of willows or other trees is secured sufficient to diminish the current in time of overflows. Sometimes, however, the exposed roots of trees indicate that they are not a certain preventive of erosion. The current may be even wearing the bottom at one point while depositing silt immediately beyond." A table of elevations has been prepared from various sources, and is here given. The figures give the elevation above the ocean: Feet. Lawrenceburgh 500 Guilford (C, I., St. L. & C. R. R) 520 Harman's (C, I., St. L. & C. R. R.) 759 Weisberg (C, I., St. L. & C. R. R.) 941 Sunman's(C., I., St. L. & C. R. R.) 1,037 Summit, near Milan (O. & M. R. R.) 1,000 Moorefleld (turnpike level) 885 Quercus Grove (turnpike level) 870 Dillsborough 785 "Seminary Hill," near Vevay 700 Ridge, south of Guilford*(Aueroid barometer) 875 High points, southwest part of Switzerland County (Aneroid barometer) 875 General level of high ground in the northwest part of Switzerland County 950 High point, near schoolhouse, one mile south of East Enter- prise (turnpike level) 910 STRATIFIED ROCKS AND MINERALS. '. "' The stratified rocks of the district belong to the series formerly known as the Blue Limestone, and sometimes called the Hudson River Group. The modern name for the rock is the Cincinnati Group. These rocks belong geologically to the Hudson River Period, the Lower Silu- rian Age and the Paleozoic Era. They are found in the southeast part of 60 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. Indiana, the southwest part of Ohio, and in a considerable area of Ken- tucky. They ax-e exposed in bluffs along the Ohio from Maysville, Ky., to the mouth of Fourteen Mile Creek in Clark County, Ind. The strata of the Cincinnati Gi'oup foi'm the floor of nearly the whole of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties. The blueish tinge of the rocks is due to the presence of an oxide of iron. Exposure often changes the color to a light gray or drab. The rocks of this formation abound in well- preserved fossils, often of great beauty. The fossiliferous remains occur in such numbers and are so well preserved, that the attention of the most careless observer is directed to them in the stones by the wayside and in the village pavements. There are a few exposures of Upper Silurian rocks in the district, but their boundaries have not yet been accurately mapped. The limestone seldom occurs in layers of more than eight inches. There is an apparent layer of sixteen inches in the Lawrenceburg quarry, but it is separated into two or three by partings of clay. Neither does the marl occur in uninterrupted beds of any great thickness. Near Ris- ing Sun there is an exposure of twenty feet, or more, of blue clay, with no limestone more than an inch or two thick; but even here, there is a very thin layer of solid rock at every foot or few inches. The blue lime- stone is broken by vertical joints at intervals of a few feet or less. The largest piece observed was at Vevay, about 10x6 feet. The pieces often approximate to the parallelogram in shape; sometimes this feature is very striking, where the layer is divided into bits by two sets of nearly parallel joints, not running at right angles. A weathered stone often exhibits very narrow parallel grooves on the upper surface. By breaking the specimen they are seen to extend through one fourth, more or less, of its thickness. At the quarries near St. Leon, Dearborn County, in the upper part of the series, the rock is compact and bears hammer dressing much better than the average rock of this formation. On exposure it becomes gray. This change begins at the surface, and gradually reaches the center. While this is in progress, the two colors are not blended, but the gray and the' blue remain very distinct. Among the lowest Lower Silurian rocks exposed are layers of compact stone of comparatively dark color and abounding in fossils. This rock crops out in Millersburg, one mile from Florence, and at other points on the river. The stone is quarried nearly opposite Rising Sun, at low water, and used for tombstones under the name of "Kentucky marble." It receives a beautiful polish, when the fossils are very distinct; some dull spots probably indicate the position of concretions through the rock. Small cavities lined with calc spar sometimes occur and small crystals of iron pyrites are frequent. Slabs are quarried as large as desired. PHYSICAL FEATURES. 61 Blue limestone for building purposes is everywhere abundant. Very little of it will bear dressing. Few quarries are extensively worked, as this stone may be picked up from the beds of creeks. Lime for home consumption is burned from the blue limestone. Hydraulic cement is made from the quarry near Bennington. Gravel suitable for roads, is found at many places in the river ter- races, including those of the Whitewater and Miami. Deposits are not often accessible on the high lands. Molding sand for heavy work has been procured from the railroad cut near Newton. The manufacture of salt was carried on in early times when trans- portation was difficult; but this industry was long ago abandoned, as there are no salt wells or springs strong enough to make it profitable. There was a Government salt reservation on Section 25, Township 6, Range 1 west. Salt is said to have been made by the Indians on Grant's Creek at the Mineral Springs. Good bog iron ore occurs in many parts of the broken upland, but has not been seen elsewhere. In each spot it seems confined to a few rods or a few acres near the hilltop, but several outcrops occur near one locality, as near Quercus Grove. There are ledges from six to fourteen inches thick, but the stratum is seldom continuous, being divided into pieces a yard or less in diameter. Drift pebbles occur through the mass in many cases. The ore is most frequently noticed at the surface, or where struck by the plow, but it has been seen eight or nine feet deep. DRIFT. There is more or less drift on nearly all the high land. Northwest of Manchester, at Fairview, and in other parts of the upland flats, the lime- stone is overlaid with unstratitied blue clay, containing pebbles and boulders, many of which bear glacial scratches. The impervious nature of this clay determines, to a great extent, the agricultural character of the "crawfish flats." Much of the drift has been removed by erosion from the broken upland, but, even on the hills, some pebbles are found (occasionally scratched) which must be referred to this source. Boulders are common in each of the counties, some of them three or four feet in diameter. An interesting specimen, found near Tanner's Creek below Weisburg, was a piece of native copper, weighing twenty-six ounces, which must have been brought by natural agencies from the Lake Superior region. An unusual amount of pebbly drift occurs on the hills near Florence, and at the base is a mass of clay mingled with pebbles, on which no scratches are observed. At Hartford there is a remarkable accumulation of drift, chiefly rest- 62 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. ing against the north face of the native hill. Between the bottoms of Laughery Creek and the hilltop, the deposit is about 200 feet high, with a beautiful grassy surface, divided by narrow dells. An outcrop through the soil shows nothing but cemented gravel. Time has been wasted here in searching for lead. Sand, with some cemented layers, was found near the top. At the base are slabs of blue and gray limestone, mingled with clay, a variety of pebbles, and flattened ferruginous concretions, which consist of concentric layers or are hollow. A trilobite (Calymene), with the form and markings uninjured, was here associated with scratched pebbles. In one of the prospect holes there is about twelve feet of quicksand in a basin of a native rock. Large crystalline boulders abound south and southwest of Hartford, occupying a space one mile east and west by one- fourth mile north and south, ia a valley that opens toward Laughery Creek. Two or three small streams flow northward across this valley to the creek. GOLD BEARING DRIFT. In the drift are deposits composed of crystalline rocks with large quartz and granite boulders, magnetic iron ore in the form of black sand, and gold dust and nuggets. George Sutton, M. D., of Aurora, in a paper on the " Gold Bearing Drift of Indiana" read before the American Association for the Advancement oE Science at Cincinnati, August, 1881, said : "Along the valley of Laughery Creek, a stream which enters the Ohio River a few miles below the mouth of the Miami, may be seen deposits of this auriferous drift. They are not stratified like the terrace formations seen along our rivers, but lie in irregular accumulations along the valley. At the bottom of the small streams that have cut across this drift are seen deposits of black sand already alluded to, which principally consist of magnetic iron ore. It is in this sand that gold is found. Seven miles from the mouth of Laughery may be seen a deposit of this drift about a mile and a half in length, nearly half a mile in width, and about one hundred feet in thickness. ***** Some portions of the Laughery drift are so rich in gold that it is seen with the unaided eye, and almost pays a fair remuneration washing for it. My attention was directed a few weeks since, by the owner of the farm on which this drift is found, to a small excavation which had been made in washing for gold. It was by measurement six feet long, five feet broad and about two feet deep. He informed me that from this place $8 worth of gold had been obtained, and that a man had washed from the drift on his farm gold to the value of $16.50. The gold is found in the form of dust, flattened scales, and small nuggets. Only that which could be seen with the unaided eye was saved." PHYSICAL FEATURES. 63 Dr. Sutton traced the gold-bearing drift in a line across the State of Indiana northwestward to Illinois and argued for the existence of rich veins of gold north of the great lakes. LAND- SLIPS AND SINK-HOLES. A common phenomenon is the land-slip, especially on the steep river hills. The clay, being wet with spring rains, becomes slippery and too soft to support the weight above. Part of the hillside slips down by its own weight, forming a bench where the material accumulates. A greater depth of soil is retained on the benches than on the steeper part of the slope. Another interesting phenomenon is the formation of sink-holes. These are most abundant in the soils overlying the Upper Silurian rocks, or the upper part of the Lower Silui'ian, where the water, sinking through the soil, wears away a channel by dissolving the rock, and the soil, no longer supported, falls in. A very common form is that of an inverted hollow cone. This may increase if the water is allowed to wash down more and more of the soil to the channel below, but if it becomes sodded over (especially when filled with brush or rubbish), the wash may be ar- rested, and the sink be converted into a pond, and gradually tilled up. When the surface soil is matted together by the roots of grass, it will keep its place long after the cavity has begun to form, until finally some horse puts his hoof upon the fragile roofing, and a cavity is revealed large enough to hide the whole animal. The next year the hole may be filled. A series of sink-holes sometimes points out the vein of water, when a well is to be sunk; or an opening in a layer of rock, when a quarry is to be opened. SOILS. The typical soil of the upland flats is derived from true drift, with which it is underlaid. It consists chiefly of stiff, cold, wet clay, of ashen color. Water stands on the surface after rain. The soil is shallow, for it is too stiff and close to let the roots and moisture penetrate readily. The subsoil, when wet, is very sticky; it adheres to the spade like putty. When dry, it is very hard; the spade will not penetrate it. The ground near the watersheds is called crawfish land, from the abundance of these animals. Their holes retain water all summer. Where there is more natural drainage this is not the case. Toward the broken land, in all directions, the soil is more yellow and mellow, and appears to have a larger proportion of sand. On the broken upland the amount of drift varies according to the thickness of the original deposit, and the amount lost by erosion. The limestone and marl add to the fertility where they are exposed to the air 64 PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS. or streams. In some parts the rock crops out at the surface, in others there are many drift pebbles, the clay having been removed; in still oth- ers, the digging of wells shows the true, unmodified drift. These soils are yellow, except where a large amount of organic matter has accumulat- ed, as in the native forest, or by the use of green manure. Although the vegetable mold is generally more abundant on the hillsides than here, yet the soil has the advantage of retaining the moisture better than that which is darker and more mellow. The still more broken land, including the hillsides, contains in the blue limestone formation all the mineral ingredients essential to perpet- ual fertility, but these must be modified by disintegration and the addi- tion of organic matter, before they can be appropriated by the plant. Some steep, barren hillsides are practically worthless. Having been cleared, or bearing but little timber, they do not support even a good crop of weeds. The soil is washed ofif as fast as it is formed. In more favored localities, a thin, white clay soil accumulates sufficient to produce a scanty crop of wheat. In still others the forest leaves are mingled with the soil, or a crop of clover has been plowed in, furnishing the or- ganic matter that is needed to make the rich, "black hillsides." Note the fertile slopes near Rising Sun, where the hills are covered with a garland of trees. A farm on Grant's Creek produced satisfactory crops of corn and wheat for fifty years, when it was thought necessary to re- store the land simply by raising hay. This is not an exceptional in- stance, for the hillside farmers claim that a proper rotation is alone nec- essary to maintain the fertility unimpaired. The terrace soils remain to be described. They are derived entirely from modified drift and material washed from the several formations of the Ohio Valley. The ingredients are so varied that no essential mineral element is wanting. The creek deposits derived from the blue limestone resemble the hillside soil, in being stiff, clayey and whitish wherever the organic matter 'is exhausted, but with this ingredient the creek soil is very similar to the rich, black hillsides. The gravel of the river terraces would easily admit the air and rain, and quickly yield to these decomposing agencies, producing good land. Some terraces contain gravel only a foot below the surface, in others the soil is deep. There may be an understratum of coarse or fine gravel, or even of fine clay. Some river terraces are very sandy, as the low bottom above Rising Sun. Some are stiff and clayey, as a narrow strip on the north side of the Sand Run ; this may be attributed to material washed from the hill sides. The recent river deposits are always fertile, and where a frequent addition of river mud can be secured, no apprehension is entertained that the land will be exhausted. HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES CHAPTER I. LOCHRY'S DISASTROUS DEFEAT. George Rogers Clark Proposes an Expedition Against the North- west Indians— Col. Lochry's Force in Aid of That Expedition— His March to Wheeling— Misfortunes of His Men— Want of Am- munition and Provisions— Slow Voyage down the Ohio— Landing ON the Indiana Shore — Surprise — Defeat— Massacre of the Colonel and Other Prisoners— LiUut. Anderson's Journal— The Proper Orthography of the Name of the Commander— List of the Killed AND Wounded. THE surprise and defeat of Archibald Lochry and the massacre of his men is the first conflict on record between the Indians and the whites on the soil of Indiana. It took place in the last year of the Rev- olutionary war and was really one of the battles of the Revolution, as the Indians engaged in it were allies of the British. The winding stream which forms the boundary between Dearborn and Ohio Counties, at the mouth of which the bloody battle was fought, bears the name of the un- fortunate colonel who there lost his life. It is the purpose of this chap- ter to give all the facts now known concerning Col. Lochry's expedition and its disastrous termination. We have accounts of the expedition by two men who participated in it — Capt. Robert Orr and Lieut. Isaac Anderson. Capt. Orr, whose account is published in Western Annals, was wounded by having his arm broken in the engagement ; he was carried off a prisoner to Sandusky, where he remained several months; at length, finding that they could^not cure his wound, the Indians took him to the hospital at Detroit, whence he was transferred to Montreal in the winter, and exchanged with other prisoners at the end of the war ; afterward he was appointed a judge of Armstrong County, Penn., which position he held at his death, in 1833, 66 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in his eighty- ninth year. Lieut. Anderson's account is published in Mc- Bride's Pioneer Biographies of Butler County, Ohio. The date of the engagement, as given by Gapt. Orr, is August 25, 1781, by Lieut. Ander- son, Aucrust 24. The latter is probably the correct date, as Anderson kept a journal during the expedition. Early in the summer of 1781, Col. Ai'chibald Lochry, who was county lieutenant of Westmoreland County, Penn,, was requested by Col. George Rogers Clark to raise a military force and join him in a contemplated military movement against the Indian tribes of the North- west, Capt. Orr, by his own exertions, raised a company of volunteer riflemen. Capts. Stokely and Shannon commanded each a company of rangers, and Capt. Campbell a company of horse. The party amounted to 107 men. Col. Lochry was the only field oflficer in command. It was Col.Clark's original intention to rendezvous at the mouth of the Great Miami, and to proceed up that river with his expedition, but he subse- quently changed his plan and ordered Col. Lochry to follow him to the falls of the Ohio. The force was rendezvoused at Carnahan's block-house, eleven miles west of Hannastown, July 24, and on the next day they set out for Fort Henry (Wheeling) by way of Pittsburgh, where it was arranged that they should join the army under Clark. On arriving there it was found that Clark had gone twelve miles down the river, leaving for them some provisions and a traveling boat, with directions to follow him. After preparing some temporary boats for the transportation of the men and horses, which occupied ten days, they proceeded to join Clark. Arriving at the place where he had halted, they found he had gone down the river the day before, leaving Maj. Creacroft with a few men and a boat for transportation of the horses, but without either provisions or ammuni- tion, of which they had an inadequate supply. Clark, had, however, promised to await their arrival at the mouth of the Kanawha River, but on reaching that point, they found that he had been obliged, in order to prevent desertion among his men, to proceed down the river, leaving only a letter fixed to a pole directing them to follow. Their provisions and forage were nearly exhausted; there was no source of supply, but the stores conveyed by Clark; the river was low and they were unacquainted with the channel, and could not therefore hope to overtake him. Under these embarrassing circumstances Col. Lochry dispatched Capt. Shannon with four men in a small boat with the hope of overtaking the main army and securing supplies, leaving Capt. Shan- non's company under the command of Lieut. Isaac Anderson. Before Capt. Shannon and his men had proceeded far they were taken prisoners by the Indians, and with them was taken a letter to Clark, detailing the LOCHRY'S DISASTROUS DEFEAT. 67 situation of Lochry's party. About the same time Col. Lochry arrested a party of nineteen deserters from Clark's army, whom he afterward released, and they immediately joined the Indians. The savages had been apprised of the expedition, but had previously supposed that Clark and Lochry were traveling together, and through fear of the cannon which Clark carried refrained from making an attack. Apprised now by the capture of Shannon and his men and by the reports of the deserters, of the weakness of Lochry's party, they collected in force below the mouth of the Great Miami with the determination to destroy them. They placed these prisoners in a conspicuous position on the north shore of the Ohio, near, it was said, the head of an island, and promised to spare their lives on condition that they would hail their companions as they passed and induce them to surrender. This island is about three miles below the mouth of the creek named after the Com- mander. Col. Lochry and his men made slow progress in descending the Ohio, and despairing of overtaking Clark's army, they landed, August 24, about 10 o'clock in the morning, at a very attractive spot on the north side of the Ohio at the mouth of a creek, about ten miles below the mouth of the Great Miami. Here they removed their horses ashore and turned them loose to graze. One of the party had killed a buffalo, and all, except a few set to guard the horses, were engaged around the fires which they had kindled in preparing a meal from it. Suddenly thev were assailed by a volley of rifle balls from an overhanging bluff, covered with large trees, on which the Indians immediately appeared in great force. The men thus surprised, seized their arms and defended them- selves as long as their ammunition lasted, and then attempted to escape by means of their boats. But the boats were unwieldy, the water was low, and the force too much weakened to make them available, and the whole party, unable to escape or defend themselves, were compelled to surrender. Immediately the Indians [fell upon and massacred Col. Lochry and several other prisoners, but were restrained by the arrival of the chief who commanded them, the celebrated Brant, who afterward apologized for the massacre. He did not approve, he declared, of such conduct, but it was impossible entirely to control his Indians. The murder of the prisoners was perpetrated in revenge for the massacre of the Indian prisoners taken by Broadhead's army on the Muskingum a few months before. The Indians engaged numbered 300 or more, and consisted of various tribes, among whom the prisoners and plunder were divided in proportion to the number of warriors of each tribe engaged. The next day they set out on their return to the Delaware towns. There they were met by a party of British and Indians, commanded by Col. 68 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Caldwell and accompanied by the two Girty's andMcKee, who professed to be on their way to the falls to attack George Rogers Clark. They re- mained there two days. Brant, with the greater part of the Indians, re- turned with Caldwell toward the Ohio. A few only remained to take charge of the prisoners and spoils. These they separated and took to the towns to which they were assigned. The prisoners remained in cap- tivity until the next year,]which brought the Revolutionary war to a close. More than one-half of the number who left Pennsylvania under Col. Lochry never returned. The foregoing*account is substantially that given by Capt. Orr. Some doubt has been expressed whether Brant was the leader of the Indians at the time referred to, there being no other evidence that he was then in the West. James McBride, in his sketch of Isaac Anderson, says that the Indians who were waiting opposite the island below to intercept the party, were informed of the landing of the whites by runners. According both to McBride and Anderson there were two attacking parties of Indians, one in the woods and the other in canoes on the river. Lieut. Isaac Anderson kept a daily journal from the time he set out on the expedition until his return, which was published in McBride's Pioneer Biographies. Although the events are briefly recorded, it em- bodies, probably, the most authentic account of the expedition in exist- ence. We insert without abridgment the first part of the journal cover- ing the month of August, preserving the original spelling of proper names. JOURNAL. "August 1st, 1781. — We met at Colonel Carnahan's in order to form a body of men to join General Clark on the expedition against the In- dians. "Aug. 2d. — Rendezvoused at said place. "Aug. 3d. — Marched under command of Colonel Lochry to Maracle's mill, about 83 in number. "Aug. 4th. — Crossed Youghagani a river. "Aug. 5th. — Marched to Devor's ferry. "Aug. 6th. — To Raccoon settlement. "Aug. 7th. — To Captain Mason's. "Aug. 8th. — To Wheeling Fort, and found Clark was started down the river about twelve hours. "Aug. 9th. — Col. Lochry sent a quartermaster and officer of the horse after him, which overtook him at Middle Island and returned; then started all our foot troops on seven boats and our horses by land to Grave Creek. "Aug. 13th. — Moved down to Fishing Creek; we took up Lieut. Baker LOCHRY'S DISASTROUS DEFEAT. 71 and 16 men, deserting from Gen. Clark, and went that day to middle of Long Reach, where we stayed that night. "Aug. 15th. — To the Three Islands, where we found Major Creacroft waiting on us with a horse-boat. He, with his guard, six men, started that night after Gen. Clark. "Aug. 16th. — Colonel Lochry detailed Capt. Shannon with 7 men and letter after Gen. Clark, and we moved that day to the Little Connaway (Kanawha) with all our horses on board the boats. "Aug. 17th. — Two men went out to hunt who never returned to us. We moved that day to Buffalo Island. "Aug. 18th.— To Cattish Island. "Aug. 19th.— To Bare Banks. "Aug. 20th. — We met with two of Shannon's men, who told us they had put to shore to cook, below the mouth of the Siotha (Scioto) where Shannon sent them and a sergeant out to hunt. When they got about half a mile in the woods they heard a number of guns fire which they supposed to be Indians firing on the rest of the party, and they immedi- ately took up the river to meet us; but, unfortunately, the sergeant's knife dropped on the ground and it ran directly through his foot and he died of the wound in a few minutes. We sailed all night. "Aug. 21st. — We moved to the Two Islands. "Aug. 22d. — To the Sassafras Bottom. "Aug. 23d.— Went all day and all night. "Aug. 24th. — Col. Lochry ordered the boats to land on the Indian shore, about 10 miles below the mouth of the great Meyamee (Miami) river to cook provisions and cut grass for the horses, when we were fired on by a party of Indians from the bank. We took to our boats, expect- ing to cross the river, and was fired on by another party in a number of canoes, and soon we became a prey to them. They killed the Col. and a number more after they were prisoners. The number of our killed was about forty. They marched us that night about eight miles up the river and encamped. "Aug. 25th. — We marched eight miles up the Meyamee river and en- camped. "Aug. 26th. — Lay in camp. "Aug. 27th. — The party that took us was joined by one hundred white men under the command of Capt. Thompson and three hundred Indians under the command of Capt. McKee. "Aug. 28th.— The whole of the Indians and whites went down against the settlements of Kentucky, excepting a sergeant and eighteen men, which were left to take care of sixteen prisoners and stores that were left there. We lay there until the fifteenth of Sept. 72 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. "Sept. 15th, 1781. — We started toward the Shawna towns on our way to Detroit." To brietly narrate the remainder of the journal: Lieut. Anderson arrived at Detroit, October 11, and was confined in the citadel; was taken in a sloop to Niagara Fort; thence to Montreal, where he scaled the pickets, and made his way to his home in Pennsylvania, where he arrived in July, 1782. Eemembering the beautiful and fertile bottom of the Miami River, which he had traversed when a captive, in after years he resolved to possess a portion of that fertile soil. Accordingly he purchased a sec- tion of land on the west bank of the Great Miami, near the mouth of Indian Creek, in Butler County, Ohio, and in 1812 removed thereon with his family, and there resided until his death in 1839, in the eighty- second year of his age. The fate of Col. Lochry and his men was not known to their relatives and friends for several months after their defeat. In a letter from Gen. "William Irvine to Gen. Washington, dated Fort Pitt, December 29, 1781, an account of the disaster is communicated, and the writer adds: " These misfortunes throw the people of this country into the greatest consternation and almost despair, particularly Westmoreland County, Lochry' s party being all the best men of their frontier." Lochry 's mis- fortunes compelled Col. Clark to abandon his expedition. In Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio is the following account by Col. John Johnson, of one of the prisoners, who was living with the Indians in Logan County, Ohio, at the time of the first settlement of that county: " James McPherson, or Squa-la-kake, 'the red-faced man,' was a native of Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Penn. He was taken prisoner by the Indians on the Ohio, at or near the mouth of the Big Miami, in Loughry's defeat; was many years engaged in the British Indian depart- ment under Elliott and McKee; married a fellow-prisoner; came into our service after Wayne's treaty of 1795, and continued in charge of the Shawnese and Senecas of Lewistown until his removal from office in 1830, since which he died." Some of the accounts of this disaster, which have found their way into valuable historical works, are inaccurate. Some of them say the landing was on the Kentucky side. According to the account in Col- lin's History of Kentucky, one of the boats was taken to the Kentucky side, and Capt. William Campbell's men began cooking buifalo meat. The men were assailed from the overhanging Kentucky bank, and as soon as the boats began to move another large body of Indians on the Indiana side rushed out on the sand bank. While there is no doubt that the defeat took place on the Indiana LOCHRY'S DISASTROUS DEFEAT. 73 side, it is not certainly known whether it was in Dearborn or Ohio County. None of those who participated in the expedition and wrote accounts of the disaster, which have been preserved, state whether the landing was above or below the mouth of the creek, and on the question whether it was probably above or below the descendants of the old pio- neers of this locality now" differ in opinion. It is safe to say that the most intelligent officers of the expedition, after witnessing the terrible butchery of their companions and then marched off prisoners with the Indians, would not be clear in their recollection on this point, and per- haps would not have been able to settle the question even by a visit to the scene of the disaster. The name of this unfortunate commander has been variously written Lochry, Lochrey, Loughry, Loughrey and Laughery. In Dillon's History of Indiana it is written Loughry; in Collin's History of Ken- tucky, Loughrey, although in the Annals of Kentucky, prefixed to the latter work, we have Lochry and Lochi-y's Creek. The people of Dear- born County seem to have early settled upon Laughery as the correct spell- ing of the name of the creek which is^now the boundary of their county, and in McBride's biography of Isaac Anderson, as published by Kobert Clarke & Co., the same orthography is followed, although Anderson himself wrote the name Lochry. The writer of this chapter has satis- fied himself, after full investigation, that Lochry is the correct way of spelling the name of the Colonel, as will be seen in his published letters in the Pennsylvania Archives of the period of 1781. Upon this point the writer addressed a note to Lyman C. Draper, the historian, who has in preparation a full history of the campaigns of Gen. George Rogers Clark. He says that Lochry is the correct spelling, and that he has among the papers of Gen. Clark a letter of Lochry's, a mere formal, brief, business letter, and Lochry is the way he signed his name. It is to be earnestly hoped that the people of Dearborn and Ohio Counties may yet be induced to write Lochry's Creek and Lochry's Island. Return of the men killed and taken August 24, 1781, upon the Ohio River under the command of Col. Lochry. Killed: Col. Lochry, Capt. Campbell, Ensigns Ralph, Maxwell and Cahel. Prisoners: Maj. Creacroft, Adjt. Guthree, Quartermaster Wallace, Capts. Thomas Stokely, Samuel Shannon and Robert Orr; Lieuts. Isaac Anderson, Joseph Robinson, Samuel Craig, John Scott, Milr Baker; Ensign Hunter. Privates killed and taken prisoners in Capt. Stokely's company: Killed: Hugh Gallagher, Isaac Patton, Douglass, Pheasant, Young, Gibson, Smith, Stratton, Bailv and John Burns. Y4 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Prisoners: Jolin Trimble, William Mars, John Seace, Michael Miller, Robert Watson, John Allenton, Richard Fleman, James Cain, Patrick Murphy, Abraham Anderson, Michael Haire. Capt. Campbell's company: Killed: William Allison. James McRight, Jonathan McKinley. Prisoners: William Husk, Robert Wilson, James Dunseth, William (^ZM Weatherington, Keany Quigley, Ezekiel Lewis. Capt. Orr's company: -7^ Killed: John Forsyth, William Cain, Adam Erwin, Peter Maclin, ^~ Archibald Erskin, John Black, John Stewart, Joseph Crawford. Prisoners: Adam Owry, Samuel Lefaver, John Hunter, Joseph Erwin, Mans Kite, Hugh Steer, Hugh Moore. Capt. Shannon's company: Killed: Ebenezer Burns, killed by accident. Prisoners: Solomon Aikens, John Lever, Jonas Fisher, George Hill, John Porter, John Smith. Lieut. Baker's company: Killed: D'AUinger, George Butcher, John Rowe, Peter Brickman, Jonas Peters, Jonas Brooks.^ ^ ; . .r~ ,' .-., Prisoners: John Catt, '"^Lawrence, Jacob Lawrence, Christopher Tait, Charles Martlin, William Rourk, Wnd. Franks, Abraham Righley, V George Mason. Lieut. Anderson's company: Killed: Samuel Evans, Sergt. Zeanz Harden, Matthew Lamb, John Milegan, John Corn. Prisoners: Norman McLeod, Sergt. James McFerson, William Marshall, Denis McCarty, Peter Coneley, John Ferrel. Taken prisoners in Maj. Creacroft's company: Thomas James, Thomas Adkson, John Stakehouse, William Clark, Elihu Risely, Alexander Burns. Forty-eight privates and twelve officers taken; five officers and thirty- six privates killed. FORT FINNEY. 75 CHAPTER II. FORT FINNEY. Congress Proposes a Treaty with the Indians at Vincennes— Place Changed to the Mouth of the Great Miami— Arrival of the Com- missioners—Building THE Port— Isaac Zane— Hunting Buffalo- Indians Arrive Slowly— Wyandot Camp— Shawnees Unfavorably Disposed— Coolness of Gen. George Rogers Clark— The Treaty. /;■ /''>^ FORT FINNEY was erected in the autumn of 1875 for the purpose of protecting the United States commissioners and troops during the negotiations with the Indians preliminary to the treaty there entered into January 31, 1786. The fort stood on the bank of the Ohio above the mouth of the Great Miami. Congress resolved in March, 1785, to hold a treaty with the Indians of the Wabash and other parts of Indiana at Vincennes, June 20, 1785. The place of meeting was afterward changed to the mouth of the Great Miami. The representatives of the United States were George Rogers Clark, Richard Butler and Samael H. Parsons. Various circum- stances caused the time of the negotiations to be changed to the winter of 1785-86. The Wabash Indians refused to attend on account of a growing spirit of hostility. Some chiefs and warriors of the Shawnees and a few Delawares and Wyandots finally met the^commissioners. A detailed account of the movements of the commissioners and the troops accompanying them, the erection of the fort and the slow assem- bling of the Indians is given in the journal of Maj. Ebenezer Danny, published in 1860 by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In October, 1785, Lieut. Denny was ordered' to embark for the Great Miami in company with Gens. Butler and Parsons, commissioners instructed to treat with the Wyandot, Delaware and Shawnee Indians. The treaty contemplated was saplementary to one made at Fort Mcintosh, in Janu- ary, 1785, concerning which there had been complaints among the Indians, and was principally intended to include the Shawnees who had failed to appear at Fort Mcintosh. The company to which Lieut. Denny was attached was commanded by Capt. Finney, and contained about seventy men. The fleet bearing the commissioners and troops left Fort Pitt early in October, and consisted of twelve small keel-boats and batteaux, bearing 76 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the troops and goods for the ladiaos, with two large Kentucky flats to carry horses, cattle, etc. The arrival at North Bend and the erection of Fort Finney are_,given in the following extract. 32:1 [Oct.]— Arrive at mouth of Great Miami. Best ground for our station about a mile above the mouth, where the boats were brought, and everything un- loaded. All hands set to work chopping, clearing, etc., and preparing timber for block-houses and pickets, and on the 8th inst. [November] had ourselves inclosed; hoisted the United Stales flag, and christened the place Fort Finney, in compliment to Lieut. Finney, the commanding officer. Our work is a square stockade fort, sub- stantial block-houses, two stories, twenty four by eighteen feet in each angle, con- tains one hundred feet of stout pickets, four feet in tlie ground, and nine feet above, situated one hundred and fifty yards from the river on a rising second bank. A building eighteen by twenty feet, within the east and west curtains, for the accom- modation and reception of contractors' stores and Indian goods; and one small but strong building, center of north curtain, for magazine. A councilrhouse, twenty by sixty, detached, but within gun-shot. Commissioners and their followers pitch their tents within the fort, and erect wooden chimneys. The .season was very favorable but cool, and the men were employed for some time finishing the block-houses and clearing off the timber and brush for some dis- tance outside. Gen. George Rogers Clark came up from the falls of the Ohio (Louis- ville) and joined the other commissioners a few days later. On the 34th of Novem- ber Maj. Denny notes the arrival of messengers, who set out from Pittsburgh to the Indian town to invite the Indians to a treaty at Fort Finney, accompanied by six chiefs of the Shawnees, Wyandot and Delaware nations, namely: Captain Johnny, or Red Pole, Half King, Crane, Pipe, Wingman and White-Eyes— "all glad to see us, brothers; some grog and smoke produced." On the 37th "about one hundred Indians assemble and are camped a couple of miles from U3; the greatest part Wy- andots; afewDelawares." On the 5th of December Maj. Denny makes entry; Gens. Clark, Butler and Parsons'] leave us on a visit to the falls of the Ohio, about one hundred and fifty miles below. Capt. Finney and myself, with a party of soldiers in boats, go to Big Bone Liclv, thirty miles down; dig up and collect some astonish- ing large bones. Danny was occasionally in company with Isaac Zane, a man who had been broug ht up among the Wyandots. On the 12th of December, Denny, Zane and two Indians went up the river seven miles to hunt b uffal o. The Jouraal records that the bunting party returned on the fourth day and brought the'meat of three buffalos, two bears and parts of a number of deer. Oa the 20th of December the commissioners re- turned from the falls, disappointed at not finding more Indians assembled. Those who had come in were principally Wyandots and Delawares, with whom the treaty at For t M cintosh was made. The Shawnees were the ones for whom the proposed treaty was intended, but they hung back. It has since been developed that the notorious Simon Girty and Robert Suphlet, a cousin of the British agent, Alex McKee, were with the Shawnees, endeavoring to prevent their attendance at the treaty. At length, January 14, 1786, about 150 Shawnee men and eighty women visited the fort and were received with high honors. The com- FORT FINNEY. 77 missioaers directt^d that a party of soldiers should cook and serve out provisions for them in the council-house. As the Shawnees selected al- ways their old and decrepid women to do the cooking, when they saw United States' soldiers carrying kettles of provisions to them they laughed and shouted at them in derision. They approached the fort in a stately manner with Indian music beat on a keg drum and singing. During the negotiations the Wyandot camp was on the bank of the Great Miami, about three miles north of Fort Finney. Gen. George Rogers Clark understood the Indian character thoroughly. He was a short, stout, square man with a high forehead, sandy hair, blue eyes and heavy, shaggy eyebrows. He kept aloof from his colleagues of the commission, and there seems to have been some jealousy between them. With Lieut. Denny he was on familiar terms and in- vited him to pass his evenings with him at his tent, where he talked freely about his adventures and victories. The Shawnees came to the fort in no friendly spirit, and but for the profound knowledge possessed by Gen. Clark of their character, one conference might have resulted in the murder of the commissioners. Three hundred of their warriors, with their paint and feathers, Janu- ary 14, filed into the council-house. Their demeanor was sullen and suspicious. The commissioners sat at a table in the center of the cham- ber. The scene is thus described in the "Encyclopedia Americana," by an officer who was present: "On the part of the Indians, an old council sachem, and a war chief took the lead. The latter, a tall, raw-boned fellow with an impudent and villainous look, made a boisterous and threatening speech, which oper- ated effectually on the passions of the Indians, who set up a prodigious whoop at every pause. He concluded by presenting a black and a white wampum, to signify that they were prepared for either event, peace or war. Clark exhibited the same unaltered and careless countenance he had shown during the whole scene, his head leaning on his hand and his elbow resting on the table. He raised his little cane and pushed the sacred wampum off the table with little ceremony. Every Indian at the same time started from his seat with one of those sudden, simultaneous and peculiar savage sounds, which startle and disconcert the stoutest heart and can neither be described nor forgotten. "At this juncture Clark arose. The scrutinizing eye lowered at his glance. He stamped his foot on the prostrate and insulted symbol and ordered them to leave the hall. They did so, apparently involuntarily. They were heard all night debating in ^the bushes near the fort. The raw-boned chief was for war; the old sachem for peace. The latter pre- vailed and the next morning they came back and sued for peace." 78 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The troops remained at Fort Finney for several months after the signing of the] treaty on January 31. A majority of the men in the garrison were Irish, and celebrated St. Patrick's day by getting drunk, in the evening only six men being fit for duty. One of the men died the next day from the effects of too much liquor. On the 25th of March a block-house, on the bank of the river, was completed to guard the boats. The 4th of July was celebrated with three rounds from small arms and three from the field piece. Lieut. Denny's diary at the fort closes in July, 1786, when he was ordered to Fort Harm ar. At what time Fort Finney was abandoned is not known, but it was before the settlement at North Bend by Judge Symmes. By the treaty of Fort Finney the United States were acknowledged to be the sole and absolute sovereigns of all the territory ceded to them by the treaty with Great Britain in 1784. Hunting grounds, lying chiefly in Indiana, were allotted the Shawnees as follows: "The United States do allot to the Shawnee nation lands within said territory to live and hunt upon, beginning at the south line of the lands allotted to the Wyandot and Delaware nations, at the place where the main branch of the Great Miami, which falls into the Ohio, intersects said line; thence down the river Miami to the fort of that river next below the [old fort, which was taken by the French in one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two; thence due west to the river De La Pause; thence down that river to the river Wabash; beyond which lines none of the citizens of the United States shall settle,- nor disturb the Shawnees in their settlement possession." The treaty failed entirely in securing peace, as the tribes more distant than the Shawnees were in no way disposed to cease their incursions. THE MIAMI PURCHASE. 79 /t, CHAPTER III. THE MIAMI PURCHASE. First Exploration of the Miami Country— Christopher Gist— Benja- min Stites— John Cleves Symmes— Columbia— Cincinnati — North Bend— Troops at the Mouth of the Great Miami— Their Kemoval TO Cincinnati— Flat-Bottomed Water Craft— Judge Symmes's Policy with the Indians— Failure of his Efforts to Maintain Peace— The Indian War Begins. A NUMBER of the earliest pioneers of Dearborn and Ohio Counties first settled, after their immigration to the West, in the tract be- t^een the Miami Rivers, known as Symmes's Purchase, or the Miami Purchase. This tract was settled several years before any of the lands below the Great Miami. Some account of the Miami Purchase is necessary to a correct understanding of the history of the counties with which we are dealing. The first white man on record who explored the Miami region, and probably passed within or near the present limits of Dearborn County, was Christopher Gist , agent and explorer for the Ohio Land Company of Virginia. Traveling with horses and accompanied by one or two wood- 'nen, Gist passed into the interior of what is now the State of Ohio, in the winter of 1750-51. He had a conference with the Mi ami Ind ians at Piqua, their chief town, and thence passed down the Mijuni Valley to the Ohio. At that time the buffalo, whose original range seems to have been nearly the whole of North America, was an inhabitant of the Miami country, and was seen by Gist in droves of thirty or forty. "Nothing is wanted," he wrote, "but cultivation to make this a moa^^ delightful coun- try." This journey was made eighteen years before^aniel Boone first saw the valley of the Kentucky. Not long after the treaty of Fort Finney, Maj. Benjamin Stites, then of Red Stone, Penn. , explored the region between the Miamis, and through infonination obtained from him Judge John Cleves Symmes, of New Jersey, made a contract with the treasury board of the United States for the purchase of the lands. Three parties were formed to occupy and improve separate portions of Symmes's Purchase. The first, led by Benjamin Stites, consisted of twenty-two male persons, with the families of some of them, who, 80 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. November 18, 1788, landed at the mouth of the Little Miami, and founded Columbia, within the limits of a tract of 10,000 acres, deeded by Symmes to Stites. The second party was formed at Limestone under Matthias Denman and Robert Patterson, amounting to twelve or fifteen persons, and landed opposite the mouth of the Licking near the close of December, 1788, and founded Cincinnati, first called Losanteville. The third party was under the immediate direction and care of Judge Symmes, and left Limestone January 29, 1789, and on their passage down the river were delayed and obstructed by floating ice, which covered the river. Early in February they reached North Bend, above the mouth of the Great Miami, where the Judge proposed to found a city. North Bend received its name from the fact that it was the most northern bend of the Ohio below the mouth of the Great Kanawha. Judge Symmes laid out a village at this bend, and every individ- ual settler of the party accompanying him received a donation lot, which he was required to improve on condition of obtaining a title. At Cleves, Ohio, the Great Miami approaches within a mile of the Ohio River, but instead of flowing into the great stream at this place, it makes an abrupt detour to the west and south, and only reaches its destination after a cir- cuit of ten miles. Its approach to the Ohio is blocked by a ridge 150 feet in height, through which a railroad tunnel is constructed. On the peninsula between the two rivers Judge Symmes laid out a city on a mag- nificent scale, extending from the Ohio to the Great Miami. He named it Symmes City, and he intended it to be the great metropolis of his pur- chase. His project, however, failed, and even the name of the projected city was forgotten. The settlement continued to be called North Bend. After returning from his purchase, the Judge was so highly delighted with the fertility of his lands that, on September 22, 1789, he wrote from Maysville to his associate, Gen. Jonathan Dayton, that he thought some of the land near the Great Miami "positively worth a silver dollar to the acre in its present state." Gen. Harmar, in a letter from Fort Washington, dated January 14, 1790, one year after the commencement of the settlements between the Mi amis, thus describes them: "The distance between the Little and Great Miami is twenty-eight measured^ miles. Near the Little Miami there is a settlement called Columbia; here, some miles distant from Columbia, there is another named Losanteville, but changed lately to Cincinnati, and Judge Symmes himself resides at the other, about fifteen miles from hence, called the Miami City, at the north bend of the Ohio River. They are in general but small cabins, and the inhabitants of the poorer class of people." At the solicitation of Judge Symmes, Gen. Harmar sent Capt, Kearsey THE MIAMI PURCHASE. 81 with forty-eight rank and file, to protect the settlements commenced in the Miami country. A part of the men were for a short time at Columbia, aa a guard to the pioneers, under Maj. Stites, but through the influence of Judge Symmes, the entire command proceeded to North Bend, and landed there about the 1st of February, 1789. Capt.Kearsey intended to occupy Fort Finuey, built at the mouth of the Great Miami three years be- fore, but this purpose was defeated by the high water, which spread over the high grounds, and rendered it difficult to reach the fort. He was much disappointed, as he expected to find a fort ready built for him, and was not provided with the implements ready to construct one. He was so much displeased that, according to Judge Burnet, he resolved not to attempt to construct a new fort, but to leave North Bend and join the garrison at Louisville, and early in March embarked for the falls of the Ohio with his command. Judge Symmes wrote to Maj. Willis, commandant of the garrison at Louisville, complaining of the conduct of Capt. Kearsey, representing the exposed situation of the Miami settlements, and requesting a guard to be sent to North Bend. This request was promptly complied with, and before the close of the month of March, Ensign Luce, with seven- teen or eighteen soldiers, arrived and were stationed for a time at the Bend. It was not long before an attack upon them was made by the Indians,^ in which one soldier was killed and four or five others were wounded, including a surveyor from New Jersey, Maj. J. E. Mills. Although he recovered from his wounds, he felt their disabling effects until his death. The presence of troops for a while gave North Bend a decided advan- tage over its two rival settlements. Many of the first adventurers planted themselves at the Bend, believing it to be the place of greatest safety. Ensign Luce, however, only erected a temporary work of defense at that place, regardless of the earnest entreaties of the Judge to proceed at once to the erection of a permanent fort. September 16; 1789, Maj. Doughty arrived in the Miami country with instructions to erect a strong fortification at the most suitable point. After reconnoitering three days, he fixed upon Cincinnati "as high and healthy, and abounding with never-failing springs, and the most proper position." The soldiers were removed from the Bend to Cincinnati, and many of the settlers followed. The latter place became the great commercial metropolis of the Miami country. The fiat bottomed water-craft called arks or Kentucky boats, in which the early emigrants descended the Ohio, were often immense structures and made in a most substantial manner. These boats were built of stout oak plank, fastened by wooden pins to frames of timber. The cabin was well protected and placed in the stern. From it the 82 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. / smoke curled up gracefully. The fire within gave warmth and comfort for the women and children when the wind was chill or the rain was falling. When the weather was pleasant, picturesque groups of men, women and children could be seen in the middle part of the boat, noise- lessly floating along — the only motive power the current of the stream. The cattle, provisions and furniture were placed in the bows. Had it not been for the dangers from murderous savages lurking along the shore it was a pleasant enough mode of traveling. When the boat reached its destination it was broken up, and the materials of which it was constructed served a useful purpose in building the new homes of the emigrants. Judge Symmes, the projector of the Miami Purchase, had his resi- dence at North Bend until his death. " His tomb is about thirty rods west from that of Gen. Harrison. On a tablet covering his grave is the following inscription: "Here rest the remains of John Cleves Symmes, who, at the foot of these hills, made the first settlement between the Miami Elvers. Born on Long Island, State of New York, July 21, 1742; died at Cincinnati, February 26, A. D., 1814." Judge Symmes had been chief justice of New Jersey, and at the time he embarked in his land speculation in the West, was a member of the Colonial Con- gress. He was the father-in-law of President Harrison. The name of Judge Symmes should not be confounded with that of Capt. John Cleves Symmes, of Hamilton, Ohio, author of the theory that "the earth is hollow, habitable within and widely open about the poles." The author of this theory which has been ridicaled in the expression "Symmes' Hole," was a nephew of the land speculatoi*. Although Judge Symmes contracted with Congress to pay onl y 66| cents per acre for the land between the Miami Rivers, and his purchase is one of the most valuable and fertile tracts in the United States, yet he was not financially successful in his project. Indian hostilities so long delayed the settlement of his purchase that he was unable to meet his obligations to the Government. ^ Judge Symmes proposed to treat the Indians kindly and justly, and thus to prevent an outbreak between them and his settlements. There were no Indian towns in the lower part of the country between the Miamis or on the west side of the Great Miami in the region now in- cluded in Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties. This is contrary to the general impression, but Gen. Harrison, who came to the Miami country when a mere boy, and was familiar with Indian history and tradi- tions, was emphatic in denying that this portion of the Ohio Valley had been occupied as a place of residence by the Indians for centuries before the first arrival of the whites. But while there were no Indian towns THE MIAMI PURCHASE. 88 in this region, the red men claimed thecountry as their hunting ground, and were frequently found encamped in the valleys in considerable numbers. As the number of white emigrants increased, the Indians con- templated the movements of the whites with much jealousy. They denied the binding obligation of the treaty under which the United States claimed to have obtained the lands. They not only saw that the rapidly forming settlements would deprive them of their hunting grounds, but they also suffered many outrages from lawless and cruel white men who were controlled by no sense of justice or humanity. In one of his earliest exploring expeditions up the Great Miami, Judge Symmes, who was in company with a considerable body of Ken- tuckians, came across a small and defenseless body of Indians. The Kentuckians, incensed at depredations by savage hordes, in their State, and hating even the name of Indian, wished to shoot them at sight. Symmes interposed for their protection, which proceeding, he says, the Kentuck- ians thought unpardonable. Not long after/the commencement of the settlement at North Bend, as Judge Burnet relates, Symmes was visited by a number of Indians from a camp in the neighborhood of the Colu mbia settlement. One of them, a Shawnee chief, had many complaints to make of frauds practiced upon them by white traders, who, however, had no connection with the pioneers. After several conversations and some small presents, he pro- fessed to be satisfied with the explanation he had received, and gave assurances that the Indians would trade with the white men as friends. In one of their interviews the Judge told him he had been com- missioned and sent out by the thirteen fires in the spirit of friendship and kindness, and that he was instructed to treat them as friends and brothers. In proof of this, he showed them the flag of the Union, with its stars and stripes, and also his commission, having the great seal of the United States attached to it; exhibiting the American eagle, with olive branch in one claw, emblematic of peace, and the instrument of war and death in the other. He explained the meaning of these symbols. At first the chief did not think them very striking emblems either of peace or war, but before he departed from the Bend he gave assurances of the most friendly character. Notwithstanding all this, when the Indians left the settlements for their own towns they stole, as the whites would say, but as they said, took, a number of horses from the Columbia settlement in compensation for the injuries they had received from the white traders. These thefts were repeated and a party of whites was sent out in pursuit. As they approached the Indian camp, Capt. Flinn was sent forward cautiously 84 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. to reconnoiter. He was surprised, taken captive and carried into the Indian camp. Not being very closely watched, and having great confi- dence in his activity and fleetness, at a favorable moment he sprang from the camp and made his way in safety to his friends. There were a num- ber of horses belonging to the Indians near their camp. Not finding their own, the whites took the Indians' horses and returned to their set- tlement. In a few days the Indians came back to Columbia, returned Capt. Flinn's rifle and complained of the loss of their horses. The matter was finally amicably arranged. Notwithstanding the peaceful policy of Judge Symmes, it was impos- sible to prevent the outbreak of hostilities. Before many months elapsed two boys at Columbia were shockingly murdered, and the head of one of them was found fixed on a pole. Doubtless, in some cases, lone Indians were shot down in the woods by roving bands of worthless white men. The long war, which continued for nearly seven years, was commenced. All peaceful intercommunication between the white and red men ceased. Orders were given that every white man enrolled in the militia should carry his gun and be equipped ready for fight at all gatherings, whether on Sunday or other days. Thus it will be seen a dark cloud early hovered over the new settlements between the Miamis, and eclipsed for a time the bright hopes indulged in at the commencement of Judge Symmes' s enterprise. The Indian war was a most unfortunate one for the Miami settle- ment. Many persons bought lands from Judge Symmes, immigrated to the Miami country, but could not live upon their lands for fear of the Indians. Many of the pioneers, who afterward settled on both sides of the Great Miami, were for years compelled to remain within the protec- tion of block- houses and forts. Dr. Ezra Ferris estimated the number of male persons capable of bearing arms at the principal settlements in 1791 as follows: Columbia, 150; Cincinnati, 100; North Bend, 80; Dunlap's Station, 15; Cavalt's Station, 20. The unhappy condition of many of these adventurers who were prevented from occupying their lands, and the methods adopted of building stations of defense, are described by Judge Burnet in the following extract from his notes: " A large number of the original adventurers to the Miami Purchase had exhausted their means by paying for their land and removing their families to the country. Others were wholly destitute of pi'operty, and came out as volunteers, under the expectation of obtaining, gratuitously, such small tracts of land as might be forfeited by the purchasers, under Judge Symmes, for not making the improvements required by the conditions stipulated in the terms of sale and settlement of Miami lands, THE MIAMI PURCHASE. 85 published by the Judge in 1787. The class of adventurers first named was comparatively numerous, and had come out under an expectation of taking immediate possession of their lands, and of commencing the cul- tivation of them for subsistence. Their situation, therefore, was distress- ing. To go out into the wilderness to till the soil appeared to be certain death; to remain in the_j settlements threatened them with starvation. The best provided of the pioneers found it difficult to obtain subsistence, and, of course, the class now spoken of were not far from total destitu- tion. They depended on game, fish, and such products of the earth as could be raised on small patches of ground in the immediate vicinity of the settlements. " Occasionally, small lots of provisions were brought down the river by emigrants, and sometimes were transported on pack-horses from Lexington, at heavy expense, and not without danger. But supplies thus procured were beyond the reach of those destitute persons now referred to. " Having endured these privations as long as they could be borne, the more resolute of them determined to brave the consequences of moving on to their lands. To accomplish the object with the least exposure, those whose lands were in the same neighborhood united as one family; and, on that principle, a number of associations were formed amounting to a dozen or more, who went out resolved to maintain' their positions. " Each party erected a strong block-house, near to which their cabins were put up, and the whole was enclosed by strong log pickets. This being done, they commenced clearing their lands and preparing for planting their crops. During the day, while they were at work, one person was placed as a sentinel to warn them of approaching danger. At sunset they retired to the block-house and their cabins, taking everything of value within the pickets. In this manner they proceeded from day to day and week to week, till their improvements were sufficiently extensive to support their families. During this time they depended for subsis- tence on wild game, obtained at some hazard, more than on the scanty supplies they were able to procure from the settlements on the river. " In a short time, the stations gave protection and food to a large number of destitute families. After they were established the Indians became less annoying to the settlements on the Ohio, as part of their time was employed in watching the stations. The former, however, did not escape, bat endured their share of the fruits of savage hostility. In fact no place or situation was exempt from danger. The safety of the pioneer depended on his means of defense, and on perpetual vigilance. 86 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. " The Indians viewed those stations with great jealousy, as they had the appearance of permanent military establishments, intended to retain possession of their country. In that view they were correct; and it was fortunate for the settlers that the Indians wanted either the skill or means of demolishing them. " The truth of the matter is, their great error consisted in permiting those works to be constructed at all. They oiight have prevented it with great ease, but they appeared not to be aware of the serious consequences which were to result until it was too late to act with effect. Several attacks were, however, made at different times, with an apparent deter- mination to destroy them; but they failed in every instance." CHAPTER IV. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. Hostility of the Indians Against thk Settlements in Kentucky- Attacks on Tanner's Station— Killing of John Filson and Abner Hunt— Attack on Dunlap's Station— Capture of Young Fuller —The Murder of De Moss— Murder of Benjamin Cox and Thomas Walters— Premiums for Indian Scalps— Indian Depredations Checked by Wayne's Victory— Indians Continue to Steal Horses. THE hostility of the Indians against the whites was displayed before the commencement of the settlements between the Miamis, They intercepted boats passing up and down the Ohio, and attempted to break up the white stations on the south side of the river. Large numbers of the savages frequently encamped and hunted in the region embracing Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties, and passed over into Ken- tucky for the purpose of stealing horses and annoying the settlements in that State. There were extensive hunting grounds of the tribes of the Wabash and Maumee in the southeast part of Indiana. While Fort Finney was occupied, Lieut. Denny recorded in his jour- nal that a station, consisting of a few families with a stockade for defense, had been erected on the Kentucky side of the Ohio, about six miles below Fort Finney. On the morning of March 20, 1786, an express from the station informed the garrison at the fort that the Indians had attacked two of their people a short distance from the sta- tion, killed one and wounded the other. The wounded person escaped into the cabins at the stockade. Lieut. Denny took a light boat with a INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. 87 sergeant and twelve men, and hastened to the station. He found the dead man scalped and cut in several places; he buried him, assisted in rendering the stockade more secure and returned home. This station was probably Tanner's, at what is now Petersburg, Ky. Four years later, John Garnet, in a deposition taken before a magis- trate, for the use of the Kentucky authorities, stated that he was at Tan- ner's Station on the Ohio, about five miles below the mouth of the Big Miami, in the latter part of April or the beginning of May, 1790, when five Indians placed themselves in ambush between the cabin of Mr. Tan- ner and his field, and captured his son, a lad about nine years of age, with whom they crossed the Ohio. It appears also from other deposi- tions that in the fall preceding two men had been killed at or near the station. After the commencement of the settlements between the Miamis, a number of persons were killed along the Great Miami. John Filson, one of the original proprietors of Cincianati, having gone up the Great Miami, on an exploring expedition in company with Judge Symmes, became separated from the rest of the company, and, as is believed, was killed. The date of this event is given as October 1, 1788. In January, 1791, a large band of Indians led, it was afterward reported, by the notorious Simon Girty, were roving in the woods west of the Great Miami. Abner Hunt, one of Judge Symmes' surveyors, John S. Wallace, John Sloan and a Mr. Cunningham had been exploring the country west of the Great Miami, and on the morning of January 8, after roasting their venison and taking breakfast at the camp, set out on further explorations. About 100 yards from their camp they were beset by the savages in the rear, who fired a volley of eight or ten guns. Cun- ningham was killed on the spot; Hunt, being thrown from his horse, was made prisoner; Sloan, although shot through the body, kept on his horse and made his escape, Hunt's loose horse following him. Wallace was on foot at the time, and took to the woods pursued by two Indians, and being uncommonly active out-ran them. In about two miles he overtook Sloan, with Hunt's horse following him, which he caught and mounted. They made their way to Danlap's Station on the Great Miami. On the morning of January 10, Danlap's Station was attacked by a very large body of Indians, probably numbering 400 or 500. The block- house at that time was occupied by a small detachment oE United States troops, of about eighteen soldiers, commanded _^by Lieut. Kingsbury. The Indians compelled Abner Hunt to mount a stump and to demand the surrender of the station. This was refused, and the Indians made a des- perate effort to take the block-hoase, but it was bravely and successfully defended. Abner Hunt was cruelly tortured, and put to death in sight of the garrison. 5 88 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CAPTURE OF TOUNG FULLER. Mr. William McGlure, of Franklin County, Ind., whose father came from Kentucky and settled near Cleves in 1804, gave the following nar- rative in 1879: "I learned from Capt. Isaac Fuller, of this county (Franklin), that his father lived as early as 1794 or 1795 at North Bend and in the Big Bottom, and that he helped to raise the first patch of corn that was ever raised by white men in the Big Bottom. He also told me he had a brother about sixteen years of age taken by the Indians from North Bend, about 1795. He had been sent after the cows. The Indians de- coyed him by using a bell. His father, alone, followed them to near Brookville, and stayed all night on the place on which I now live, and watched the movements of the Indians, but was unable to effect his son's release. The Indians took him to the Upper Wabash country, and he remained with them about two years. He was left by his master at the camp with the squaws, with directions what to do, but after the In- dians left, one of the squaws, a half-sister of the celebrated Tecumseh, ordered him to work at something else, which he refused to do, when she tried to kill him. He kept out of her way for the time, believing she would kill him if she had an opportunity. Soon after he went with her fishing, and watching an opportunity, he struck her with a club on the back of the head, and knocked her into a deep hole of water, where he supposed she was drowned. Then he struck out for Detroit, where he arrived in about a week, subsisting himself as best he could, being fol- lowed by the Indians all the way, whom he succeeded in eluding. After he arrived in Detroit he found a friend, who secreted him for a day or two until the Indians ceased hunting for him, when he conveyed him over to Maldon, on the Canadian side of the Detroit Biver, from which place he went to Bufifalo, N. Y., and from there he went home through New York and Pennsylvania, and down the Ohio Kiver." THE MURDER OF DE MOSS.* In the spring of 1793 a number of families from Cohambia, Cincin- nati and North Bend, made a settlement at the mouth of the Big Miami, which was called the Point. Among the families from Columbia, I recollect those of Hugh Dunn, Benjamin Randolph and Isaac Mills. The arrival of Gen. Wayne's army, in the spring, increased the confi- dence of the new settlers, and caused other families to join them. They argued that the presence of so large an army at Cincinnati would deter the Indians and keep them quiet. But some who thought they under- stood the Indian character better, said they would constantly keep small *Dr. Ezra Ferris. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. 89 parties of their most daring warriors hovering about our frontiers to watch the movements of the ai-my, and that the exposed settlements would be more liable to attack. With the last opinion Mr. William Smalley, who had escaped from Indian captivity, agreed. Mr. Smalley warned the people that they would have no abatement of hostilities until the Indians were whipped. He said they as much expected to defeat Wayne as they were certain they had defeated Harmar and St. Clair. During the summer of 1793-94, a Mr. Rittenhouse built a mill to grind corn on a small stream passing down from the hill to the Miami, through where the town of Cleves now stands. The mill was a wet- weather concern, the,stream being small, but it was a great accommoda- tion to the people at that time. In the after part of the winter or begin- ning of spring, after a rain sufficient to supply the mill with water, Mr. DeMoss, with a young man by the name of Micajah Dunn, and another named Thomas Fuller, went from the settlement before named (Goose Pond) to Rittenhouse's Mill, with each a bag of corn to have ground. They were detained so as not to start home until after dark; that, how- ever, produced but little inconvenience as there was very bright moon- light. A short distance after leaving the mill, they came to the residence of Mr. Wheeling, and seeing several persons there, Mr. Dunn and the other young man rode up to the door to make some inquiry, but Mr. DeMoss rode on expecting soon to be overtaken by them. Whilst sitting on their horses talking about twenty minutes, they heard the firing of guns in the direction DeMoss had gone; that did not create much alarm, however, as the people were in the habit of going out on moonlight nights to kill game. They started immediately after hearing the guns, and rode as briskly as their horses could travel with the load they had. They found DeMoss lying across the path dead, and the bag of meal by his side. It would be useless to attempt to describe their feelings in that trying moment, following a narrow path in the woods, surrounded by a large growth of trees, behind which they might easily imagine their enemies wei'e concealed. They reached their homes, gave the alarm, and a party was raised to go after and carry the corpse of DeMoss to his family. This bloody scene took place almost within hearing of Lawrence- burgh, had there been any person there to hear. The Mr. Dunn here alluded to, was the eldest brother of Judge Isaac Dunn, and the father of Gersham Dunn and others of Lawrenceburgh. MURDER OF BENJAMIN COX AND THOMAS WALTER. In the winter of 1794-95, Benjamin Cox and Thomas Walter were killed by the Indians on the bank of Double Lick Run, one-fourth of a 90 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. mile southwest of the stone which marks the Hue between Ohio and Indi- ana on the road leading from Lawrenceburg to Elizabethtown. Dr. Ezra Ferris thus describes this act of savage barbarity. "When in the state nature had formed it, and before it had been sub- dued by the hand of man, the Big Bottom had, in addition to the com- mon trees of the forest, including thickets of plum and haw trees, a luxuriant vegetable, sometimes called hog-weed, but commonly called horse-weed. This weed was thick on the ground, and in a few weeks in summer would grow to the height of from ten to fifteen feet, bearing a seed, which, when ripe, was eaten by hogs. Soon after the settlement was formed by the white people on the east side of the Big Miami (near the Point), some of their hogs crossed over the river to graze and feed in these thickets, and some of them remained so long that no one continued to exercise ownership over them or their increase, until,^like the deer in the woods, they became the property of any person who could find and take them. " Late in the fall of 1794 several persons from the settlement on the east side of the river crossed over into the bottom in search of hogs to use as meat for the ensuing season. Among them were Isaac Mills, Isaac Dunn, Benjamin Cox, Thomas Walters, Josej)h Randolph, Joseph Kitchel and Isaac Vanness. After an unsuccessful search for the most of the day it was proposed by some of them to return home for the night and renew the search the next morning, but Cox and Walters thought it would be best to encamp on the ground, so as to have the advantage of an early start in the morning; the balance disagreeing with them returned home, and they remained in the woods. Indications made it appear that after the others left they followed down Doable Lick Run, about 100 yards below the place where the road from Lawrenceburgh to Elizabeth - town crosses it, where they selected a place to stay for the night, and made a fire to sleep by on the ground. Toward midnight the people at the settlement were very much alarmed at the report of several guns heard in the direction that Cox and Walters were left by the company, and fears were entertained of their safety. " Early the next morning a number of persons started to ascertain the fate of the two men. They repaired to the place where the company left them the previous evening, but not finding them, they scattered through the woods in search of them, and after a short time Mr. Garrett Vanness and Isaac Dunn, who were following down the creek, came upon the body of Mr. Cox near the place where they had built a fire. He had been shot and scalped and otherwise mangled. The balance of the company were called together, and after a little search found Mr. Walters dead in the woods, seventy or eighty yards from where he was first shot. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. 91 and from appearance of things it was concluded that he had been first wounded and m ade an attempt to escape, but was followed, killed and scalped. "These bodies presented a horrible appearance, and they were the last killed in the Miami country. The barbarity the savages exercised on them gave little evidence of a disposition on their part to make peace. The traveler passing from Lawrenceburgh to Elizabethtown, as he crosses the run near the stone building, lately the residence of Thomas Miller, may at any time, by turning his head to the right, glance his eye over the spot where Benjamin Cox and Thomas Walters, the last vic- tims of savage barbarity in the war closing with "Wayne's treaty, were cruelly, murdered. " The time at which this atrocity was committed was later than that stated by Dr. Ferris. Since commencing the work of compiling this history we have been enabled to tix the date from the tile of the Centinel of the Northicestern Territovy. In its issue of February 7, 1795, that journal contained the following item: "Arrived here yesterday from the mouth of the Great Miami, Mr. Isaac Mills who informs us that on Monday evening last the Indians killed two men by the names of Benjamin Cox and Thomas Walter, about one mile and a half from that place." Accord- ing to this the date of the murder was February 2, 1795. PREMIUMS FOR INDIAN SCALPS. The long war which was ended with Wayne's treaty at Greenville was a cruel one. The Miami country was known as the "Miami Slaugh- ter House." The bloody depredations of the savages so incensed the settlers that they were induced to take measures for their protection which it is not pleasant to record. It is not perhaps generally known that men of high standing formed a committee to publish a notice offering premiums for Indian scalps and to keep the scalp money subscribed by "many good citizens with a design to check the incursions of the hostile Indians." A portion of Dearborn County was included in the district within which young men were offered inducements to range the woods "to prevent savages from committing depredations on defenseless citi- zens." Early in the spring of 1794, a subscription paper was in circu- lation at Columbia to provide premiums for scalps of Indians. And in the Centinel of the Northwest Territory of May 17, 1794, a committee consisting of L. Woodward, Darius C. Orcutt and James Lyons, of Cin- cinnati, and William Brown, Ignatius Ross and John Reily, of Colum- bia, publish a notice offering rewards for Indian scalps taken between the 18th of April and the 25th of December, 1794, in a district begin- ning on the Ohio ten miles above the mouth of the Little Miami, extend- 92 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ing ten miles west of the Great Miami, and twenty-five back into the country, above where Harmar's trace crosses the Little Miami, and in a direct line west. Rewards were offered as follows: "That for every scalp having the right ear appendant, for the first ten Indians who shall be killed within the time and limits aforesaid, by those who are subscribers to the said articles, shall, whenever collected, be paid the sum of $136; and for every scalp of the like number of Indians, having the right ear appendant, who shall be killed within the time and limits aforesaid by those who are not subscribers, the Federal troops ex cepted, shall, whenever collected, be paid the sum of $100; and for every scalp having the right ear appendant of the second ten Indians who shall be killed within the time and limits aforesaid, by those who are subscribers to the said articles, shall, whenever collected as afore- said, be paid the sum of $117; and for every scalp having the right ear appendant of the second ten Indians who shall be killed within the time and limits aforesaid by those who are not subscribers to the said articles shall, whenever collected, be paid the sum of $95." Wayne's decisive victory in August, 1794, put a check to the depre- dations, but it did not at once reduce them to absolute submission. De Moss, Cox and Walters were all killed several months after the victory at Fallen Timbers. According to Dr. Ezra Ferris the Indians continued their hostilities on the settlers at Columbia for some months after Wayne's victory. Robert Griffin and a young Paul and David Jennings were killed, and Reason Bailey was captured by the Indians in the vicin- ity of Columbia, all in the fall of 1794. The Centinel of the Northu-'est Territory of March 14, 1795, an- nounced that on Saturday evening, March 6, the Indians stole eight horses from North Bend; the next morning Lieut. Aladon Symmes with a party of twenty-seven men pursued them about sixty miles and retook the horses; but unfortunately the Indians discovering his party made their escape. As late as May 9, 1795, the Indians stole nine horses from Ludlow's Station, only five miles from Cincinnati, and though pur- sued made their escape. The treaty of peace at Greenville, concluded August 3, 1795, put an end to the murder of white men by Indians in the Miami settlements, but horses continued to be stolen by them. Judge Symmes thought that white men who bought horses from the Indians were to blame, as the Indians would steal horses to take the place of those they had sold. The judge wrote to Gen. Dayton, in 1796, that he wished Congress would make it a penal offense for a white man to buy a horse from an Indian, as no Indian would walk when he could steal a horse. Sometimes, however, a white man would steal a horse from the In- PIONEER HISTORY. 93 dians, and we have the record of the conviction of at least one man for this offense. In March, 1796, at Cincinnati, the seat of justice for the whole Miami region, Daniel McKean, lately arrived from New Jersey, was found guilty of stealing a horse from an Indian. He was sentenced to pay the red man $1, and receive thirty-nine lashes in the most public streets of the town, and bear on the front of his hat, during the inflic- tion of the punishment, a paper, with the inscription in large letters: "I stole a horse from the Indians." CHAPTER V. PIONEER HISTORY. Some Very Early Settlements Attempted Northwest of the Ohio- Important Dates— Tanner's Station— Ma j. Byrd's Stockade Near THE Site or Lawrenceburgh— Pioneer Adventures at the Mouth OF the Great Miami— The Story of Benjamin Walker— Progress OF THE Early Settlements— Early Surveys and Sales of Land- Indian Bands Encamp Near the Settlements— Early Commercial Intercourse and Prices — Pioneer Life— Log-Cabins and Their Furniture— The Primitive Forests and Wild Beasts— Character of the Early Emigrants. THE question who were the first white men to build their cabins in Dearborn and Ohio Counties, is an interesting one, but it can now never be satisfactorily answered. One cause of the uncertainty in this matter is the fact that settlements were attempted on the northwest side of the Ohio at a very early period, some of them being commenced not long after the treaty of Fort Mcintosh, in January, 1785. Settle- ments were attempted at various places along the Ohio, but were pre- vented by the authorities of the United States. Proclamations by Con- gress were issued against settling upon the public domain as early as 1785. Hundreds of families had built their cabins on the Indian side of 'the Ohio, previous to the settlement at Marietta, in April, 1788, and were driven away by the military power of the United States. Jan- uary 24, 1785, the commissioner of Indian affairs instructed Col. Har- mar " to employ such force as he may judge necessary in driving off persons attempting to settle on the lands of the United States." From the correspondence published in the St. Clair papers, it appears that the number of persons who had established themselves on the northwest side of the Ohio as intruders on the government lands before 94 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the settlements at Marietta and Cincinnati, was mucli larger than is usually supposed. John Emerson, March 12, 1785, took upon him- self the authority to issue a proclamation for elections by the inhabitants of the west side of the Ohio for the choosing of members of a conven- tion for forming a constitution, the elections to take place April 10, 1785; one at the mouth of the Miami, one at the mouth of the Scioto, one on the Muskingum, and one at the house of Jonas Menzous, the loca- tion of which was not given. Ensign John Armstrong reported early in 1785, that from the best information he could obtain, there were 1,500 persons on the Miami and Scioto and upward of 300 families on the Hockhocking and Muskingum, and down the Ohio for a great dis- tance there was scarcely one bottom without one or more families. It is not improbable that some of these early settlements were attempted below the mouth of the Great Miami and within the limits of Dearborn and Ohio Counties. These early intruders on the government lands were dispossessed by the authorities. To those who are acquainted with the bloody character of the war waged by the Indians against the white settlements northwest of the Ohio, it will appear highly improbable that there could have been any white set tiers below the Great Miami from the commencement of that war in 1789 until Wayne's treaty of peace in 1795. It should be remembered that during this savage war there was scarcely any military protection for the Miami settlements. Judge Burnett says: " It is a perversion of language to apply the phrase 'military protection ' to anything enjoyed by the Miami people at the time when protection was most wanted. If it be asked what protection they really did receive during the period of great est exposure, the answer may be given in a few words. Eighteen sol- diers were stationed at Columbia in the fall of 1 788 ; one company halted at North Bend thirty-four days in the winter of 1788-89; after which a detachment of eighteen, rank and file, landed at the same place, where they remained a few days, and then proceeded to Cincinnati." If we add to these Maj. Byrd's battalion at the stockade on the west side of the Great Miami during the last months of the Indian war, we have the entire military protection afforded to three infant settlements extending nearly thirty miles in an enemy's country. With these facts before us it would seem highly improbable that any families with women and childi-en were permanently settled in Dear- born or Ohio Counties much before the ratification. of the treaty at Green- ville, although some of the more daring woodmen may have ventured to build huts north of the Ohio and below the Great Miami soon after Wayne's victory. If so, they were willing not only to brave dangers from savage foes, but to endure privations of a lonely life in the wilder- PIONEER HISTORY. 95 ness. Family traditions concerning early settlements often confound the date of the first visit of a pioneer to his future home with that of his first settlement. Some of the early settlers of Dearborn and Ohio Coun- ties came f I'om Kentucky, and some of them may have remained on the south side of the river awaiting the time when they could safely remove north of the Ohio. Doubtless in some cases crops of corn were grown north of the river by those who still lived in the more secure settlements on the Kentucky side. IMPORTANT DATES. The following dates exhibit the progress of the white man's domin- ion 'along the Great Miami: \/ First settlement at North Bend, February, 1789. Dunlap's Station, protected by a strong fortification, on the east side of the Great Miami, seventeen miles above Cincinnati, established early in the spring of 1790. Maj. Byrd's stockade on the west side of the Great Miami, erected in the winter of 1793-94. Wayne's victory, August 20, 1794. V Hamilton laid out on the east side of the Great Miami, December 17, 1794. Wayne's treaty of peace, August 3, 1795. Government survey of lands, west of the Great Miami, commenced in 1798. Act of Congress providing for sale of lands west of the Great Miami, May 10, 1800. First sale of lands west of the Great Miami, first Mondav in April, 1801. tanner's STATION. This station gave name to Tanner's Creek, and was situated opposite the mouth of the creek on the site of Petersburg. The following account of the station is from Collins' History of Kentucky: "Tanner's Station, on the Ohio River, twenty-two miles below Cincinnati, on the site of the present town of Petei'sburg, was settled by and named after Rev. John Tanner, the first Baptist preacher in this part of Kentucky, certainly before 1790. In April, 1785, a company from Pennsylvania, composed of John Hindman, William West, John Simmons, John Seft, old Mr. Carlin and their families cleared thirty or forty acres on the claim of Mr. Tanner — the first clearing in Boone County, Ky. They remained there a month or six weeks, then went to Ohio to make improvements, but did not remain there. In 1790 John Tanner, a little boy of nine years, was made prisoner by the Indians, and in 1791, an elder brother, Edward, 96 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. « nearly fifteen (both sons of Rev. John Tannei'). Edward made his escape two days after his capture and returned home. Except that the Indians told Edward of their having taken John the year before, the latter was not heard of by his friends for twenty-four years. He spent his life among the Indians, and, in 1818, was employed by the United States authorities at Sault Ste. Marie as an interpreter. The father removed in 1798 to New Madrid, Mo., and died there a few years after." A confirmation of the very early date of the establishment of this station is found in the journal of Maj. Denny at Fort Finney, who records that on March 20, 1786, two of the people at "a station six miles below us on the Kentucky side," had been attacked by the Indians, one of them killed, and the other wounded. MAJ. BYRd's stockade NEAR LAWRENCEBURGH. Early in 1794 Maj. Byrd, with a battalion of troops of Gren. Wayne's army erected a stockade on the west bank of the Great Miami, two miles above Lawrenceburgh, where he I'emained until the treaty of Greenville in August, 1795. The purpose of the stockade was to pi'otect keel -boats with supplies for Wayne's army, which might descend the Ohio and ascend the Great Miami as far as Fort Hamilton, and to pro- tect the settlements on the east side of the Great Miami. It was in De- cember, 1793, that Gen. Wayne built Fort Greenville. He detailed a strong guard for the defense of Fort Hamilton, and when the army went into winter quai'ters at Fort Greenville, he directed a force under Maj. Byrd, known as the^Rowdy Regiment, to encamp on the fii-st high ground on the west bank of the Great Miami, above its mouth, for the purpose before mentioned. The site of the stockade is known as Rowdy Camp to this day in the neighborhood of Lawrenceburgh. The trans- portation of supplies for the army at Greenville from Cincinnati was a business which made the track up the Mill Creek Valley, first opened by Gen. St. Clair, a great thoroughfare for teams, citizens and soldiers. Both citizens and soldiers were sometimes waylaid by the Indians, killed and plundered. When there was sufficient stage of water in the Great Miami the best way of transporting heavy articles to Fort Hamilton was by keel boats. PIONEER ADVENTURES AT THE MOUTH OF THE GREAT MIAMI.* On Judge Symmes' second tour West, in the spring of 1790, among other families accompanying him were three families of Guards — Alex- ander, Gersham and Guard, cousins. Alexander, his wife, Hannah, and their four children, settled at North Bend; and Gersham Guard and *By Samuel Morriaoii. PIONEER HISTORY. 97 family and his brother and family, settled some five miles east. Alex- ander's children were Timothy, David and Bailey. At this period there was one company of troops stationed at the Bend to guard the settle- ments. The latter part of this year (1790) was spent in rearing cabins and hunting to keep the family in venison. The next spring, 1791, their colony was increased by the arrival of Capt. Joseph Hayes and family; his two married sons, Job and Joseph Hayes, Jr., their wives and chil- dren; his two Bons-in-law; Thomas Miller, Sr., wife and 'five children; James Bennett and wife; Benjamin Walker, wife and three children; Samuel, John, Joseph and their sister, Jane Walker, Isaac Polk, Garrett Van Ness and Joseph Kitchell. This added thirteen effective men to their colony. This entire colony remained as best they could upon their scanty means, hunting, farming a little, while some of them had to go to Big Bone Licks to manufacture salt. In 1793 Capt. Joseph Hayes took a lease at the mouth of the Big Miami River, and nearly the whole colony removed after having been driven out of their cabins by the great flood of that year. At this place they had previously erected their log-cabins, in the form of block- bouses. Here they were joined by several other families, among them, William Gerard, wife and two sons, Eli and Elias, and their daughter (Mrs. John Crist), John White and wife. Alexander Gaard and family packed up all their goods in a pirogue for the purpose of removing down to the mouth of the Great Miami. Here they landed the pirogue and Mrs. Guard and the children got out to walk, while Mr. Guard and Capt. Hayes undertook to take the pirogue's load of goods around into the Miami. The Miami being a little swollen, ran out with a strong current. This bore the boat against the root of a sunken tree, upsetting the boat and thereby losing all their goods, and came near drowning the two men. They, however, succeeded in getting out. Thus Mr. Guard and family were left without anything except what they had upon their backs. Among other things they lost all of their money, which was in silver. Mr. Guard procured a cabin and moved into it. In 1796 Mr. Guard and family moved west of the Great Miami, and settled in that beautiful bottom west of Elizabethtown, and from thence into Dearborn County. From 1793 to 1795 a battalion of troops under command of Maj. Byrd were stationed at a stockade on the right bank of the Great Miami River one and one-half miles from its mouth to guard these exposed settle- ments. But notwithstanding this garrison and troops, the Indians occa- sionally stepped in and murdered the whites and stole horses. In the summer of 1794, John Tanner ran a keel- boat from his station to Fort Hamilton for the purpose of supplying the troops at that place with 98 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. provisions; while rounding the island in the Great Miami, near the mouth of Whitewater, the Indians in ambush fired on his canoe, killing a colored man, his bowsman. That island ever since goes by the name of Negro Island. Not long after the above occurrence, Eli Gerard, of the Hayes Station, was sent over west of the Miami River to hunt their horses, which had strayed off. Three Indians gave chase to him and pursued him to the Miami River. Gerard plunged into the river and swam across; when the Indians came upon the bank he was two-thirds of the way over, and a tomahawk was thrown at him. Alexander Guard died about 1810. THE STORY OF BENJAMIN WALKER.* From the earliest recollections of the writer he has heard various reasons given for the removal of Mr. Walker to this county, and the se- cluded life he led for a number of years in this unbounded wilderness. These stories were so different that it left the mind in doubt as to the truth of any, but all so far agreed that he had done some deed of daring that required him to leave his home and native State, and after wander ing hundreds of miles through an unknown country he found a stopping place near the mouth of Laughery Creek, where he lived alone, hunting for food, and on the constant lookout to avoid the dangers that surround- ed him. All these, being told over at the winter fireside, surrounded his name with a kind of romance that mystery aided to impress on our youthful mind. And while we would gladly have removed this impression of mystery, we never took the liberty of referring to the subject in presence of any of the family, but since we commenced writing these reminiscences of pioneer life we have been assisted by the memoiy of others with interest- ing facts that may be presented to the reader, and, among others, with a reliable history of Benjamin Walker, and the occurrence that drove him from wife and children. As stated above, Mr. Walker lived alone, but in a few years others came to the neighborhood, and, having decided to make this his home, he got word to his wife to join him, which she did, with their three chil- dren. While living in this forest home they were often visited by an Indian chief, called Captain Green. One day this Indian came into the cabin with such an expression of rage on his countenance, and tomahawk in hand, that the relator, then a little boy, hid behind his mother's chair. The chief, addressing himself to Walker, said: "You kill Indian!" Walker instantly sprang to his feet at this unexpected arraignment, and *By George W. Lane. PIONEER HISTORY. 99 bravely replied: "Yes, kill Indian — me kill two Indians! " and stopping for a moment, as if to weigh the effect, added: "They killed my father!" The chief threw down his tomahawk, and held out his hand — " Right, right! — me kill, too!" This led to an explanation of the affair, and the boy, who had quailed before the savage eye of the wild man of the wilderness, heard the story from his father's lips, and told it to John Cobb, Esq., a few years since, while on a visit to Mr. James Walker, in Illinois, and Mr. Cobb to the writer, who, with the assistance of George W. Chesman, will try and place it in shape for the reader. More than eighty years ago (1876) two Indians visited a village in Pennsylvania, and, among other things, got to bragging how many whites they had killed during the Revolutionary war, and showing a stick with notches cut, they pointed to it, and said "so many." A bystander noticed a few long marks, as a boy tallying a game, and wished to know what they meant, and was told that the long marks were for officers, and one of the longest was for Col. Walker. The mention of this name at- tracted the attention of three young men, who had been left orphans years before. The Indian continued: "Col. Walker no brave — he beg — wanted to come home, " and with many taunts, and many particulars of his death, these fatherleys boys listened in silence, but after the Indians had gotten through and left town, these three held a council, and decided that these Indians should never brag again of killing their father, and started in pursuit. After they had gone some distance one of the brothers hesitated and advised them not to go any farther, but the two elder were determined to go on and^ drove this one back. They went on and overtook the Indians near a stream. Ben had with him a short sword, John a gun. They had agreed upon a plan of attack when they got near enough. The one with the gun was to shoot the Indian in advance, and Benja- min was to attack the other with his sword. At the signal the gun did its work, but not effectually; the Indian fell, but only wounded. Ben raised his sword to strike, but as it came down it struck a limb and the Indian started to ran. Walker after him. The Indian plunged into a stream, but not alone. They struggled in the water for some time, un- til the Indian drew a knife, which Walker wrenched from him and killed him. By this time the wounded Indian had found his feet, and seeing the contest in the water, tried to get there in time to assist his friend, but his speed did not serve him, for when he got there Walker had killed the first and soon dispatched the second. This over, a new trouble met him, some of the citizens of the village, suspecting some- thing might be on hand of the character related, had also sought the 100 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. lonely woods, and before young Walker had left the stream, came in sight and spoke of arresting him. He told them not to undertake it, as enough blood had been spilled that day, and they might take his word for it that he would not be taken alive. They did take his word. The young Walkers avoided the officers by hiding in a cellar for nine days, when they took advantage of a storm and reached the woods, then the mountains, then the Ohio Valley, the 3'ounger (John) stopping in the western part of Ohio, and the hero of our story coming on to Dearborn County, where he resided a number of years, improved a valuable farm and was blessed with a large, worthy and respectable family. PROGRESS OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The details of the history of the early settlements will be found in the chapters of this work devoted to the township histories. A brief resume of some of the very earliest settlements is here given. Some of the dates here given are taken from the historical sketch prepared for deposit in the corner-stone of the court house at Lawrenceburgh and others from the best attainable sources of information. Early in January, 1796, Adam Flake and family settled on South Hogan Creek. In February, 1796, Ephraim Morrison, a soldier of the Revolution, built the first log-cabin and cut away the first trees on the bank of the Ohio, just above the mouth of Hogan Creek, where Aurora now stands. Early in May, 1796, Capt. Joseph Hayes and family and Thomas Miller and family settled in the big bottom three and one half miles north of Lawrenceburgh. Sometime in 1798 Henry Hardin and family settled on the site of Hardinsburgh ; William Gerard and family and George Crist settled one mile above Hardinsburgh; Daniel Lynn, William Blue, David Blue and Benjamin Walker settled on Laughery Creek; and William Allensworth, Isaac Allen, Judge John Livingston, John Dawson and John White made settlements. In the same year William Ross settled at the mouth of Laughery Creek, but afterward moved further up that creek. In 1797 Daniel Perrin and several persons named Cherry made settlements. ^j In 1798 John Fulton and his son Samuel, with their families, arrived at the site of Rising Sun; Robert and Jesse Drake settled on Grant's Creek; Absalom Gray and family settled between Hogan and Laughery Creeks; Amos, Henry and James Bruce settled on North Hogan Creek; George Glen and George Grove settled in the vicinity of Hogan Creek; Ebenezer Foot and family and Francis and Nicholas Cheek made their settlements. PIONEER HISTORY. 101 October 11, 1798, Israel Ludlow commenced to run ^and mark out the first principal meridian, now the State line between Ohio and Indiana. Benjamin Chambers and William Ludlow were the United States surveyors who surveyed most of the land in Dearborn and Ohio Counties. In the spring of 1799, Benjamin Chambers carried the surveyor's compass and measuring chain over the land on which Rising Sun is sit- uated. In 1799 Benjamin Avery located on land in Randolph Township adjoining the northern limits of Rising Sun. The foregoing does not purport to be a complete list of those who settled in the two counties before the year 1800. The pioneers, however, whose settlements date back to the last century, were comparatively few in number. Those who located in the two counties before the first Gov- ernment sale of lands, generally expected to secure their titles and save the improvements they had made by purchasing of the Government the tracts on which they had settled as soon as it was possible so to do. Yet but few tracts were purchased in 1801, the first year in which sales were made by the Government of lands west of the Great Miami. The earli- est settlers usually established themselves near the Ohio or the larger streams flowing into that river. For some years after the whites made their homes in southeast Indiana parties of Indians encamped occasionally near the settlements. They usually behaved civilly, though they were much inclined toward horse stealing. When Ephraim Morrison first settled here in 1796, the notori- ous white savage, Simon Girty, was sometimes in this region. On one occasion Blue Jacket borrowed a saddle from Morrison in order to accompany Girty to Detroit. The saddle was brought back according to promise. " During the Indian troubles which preceded the battle of Tippecanoe, and continued throughout the last war with England, much alarm was frequently caused by the movements of the Indians through- out all the settlements in Indiana, and indeed at Cincinnati. Block- houses were built in Dearborn and Ohio Counties for protection, and in some cases families removed to more secure localities. The population of Dearborn County did not increase rapidly until after the close of the war of 1812. February 2, 1798, Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury, reported to the United States Senate that no contracts had yet been made for sur- veying the public lands below the Great Miami, but that surveys were expected to be commenced during the coming season; and it appears that surveys were commenced below the Great Miami before the close of that year. 102 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. These lands were first offered for sale at Cincinnati on the first Monday in April, 1801, under the direction of the register of the land office and either the governor or secretary of the Northwest Territory, The sales were to be made at public auction for three weeks, but no lands were to be sold for less than $2 per acre. All lands remaining unsold at the close of the three weeks of public sales, might be disposed of at private sale at not less than $2 per acre. The lands were offered in sections and half sections. The public lands at first were sold on credit, the deferred payments bearing interest. This system was a disastrous one. A great debt due the Government accumulated to such proportions that it far exceeded the ability of the people to pay. In 1820 the system was changed; all lands were thenceforth sold for cash; the price was reduced to $1.25 per acre, and lands could be bought in small tracts of eighty acres. EARLY COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE AND PRICES. In the Centinel of the Northwest Territory for January 17, 1795, Elijah Craig, Jr., advertised from the "Mouth of the Kentucky" that he would have boats ready by the 1st of February at that point to transfer goods. Freight of goods to Frankfort would be 50 cents per 100; to Sluke's warehouse, 75 cents, and Dick's River, $1.25. The rates of freight on public property carried by private boats from Fort Washington to Fort Hamilton up the Great Miami, were — for flour per barrel $1.10; whisky, $1.33; corn, 26| cents per bushel, and all other property 50 cents per 100 pounds. From Fort Washington to the mouth of Stillwater, $3.30 for flour, $4 for whisky, 83^ cents for corn and $1.60 per 100 for other articles. At the time of the first settlements in Dearborn County, Cincinnati was the principle market for the whole Miami country. It was then a little village, shown by a census taken in 1795 to contain a population of 500 persons, living in ninety-four log-cabins and ten frame houses. A voyage to New Orleans was then made by flat-'boats in 100 days. For the journey eastward, the primitive pack-horses were beginning to be exchanged for the large and heavy old-time Pennsylvania wagons with four and six horse bell teams. As a consequence of the difficulty attend- ing commercial intercourse, every article the Miami farmer could produce was low; every foreign article he was compelled to buy was relatively high. Corn and oats were 10 or 12 cents a bushel, sometimes 8 cents; wheat, 30 or 40 cents; beef, $1.50 to $2, and pork, $1 to $2 per 100. On the other hand, here are some of the prices for foreign articles our fathers paid at Cincinnati in 1799: coffee, 50 cents per pound; tea, 80 cents; pins, 25 cents a paper; ginghams, 50 cents per yard; fine linen, PIONEER HISTORY. 105 $1 per yard; brown calico, 7 shillings 6 pence to 10 shillings; goslin green and gray cotton velvet, 7 shillings 6 pence to 11 shillings 6 pence; cassimere, $3 per yard; cotton stockings, 6 shillings to 15 shillings; bonnet ribbon, $1 per yai'd; "thin linen for flour- sifters," 10 shillings per yard; " small piece of ribbon for tying cues," 11 pence. There was little encouragement for the furmer to raise more than he could use at home. In 1806, a traveler wrcte that he had no conception how the farmers can maintain themselves with flour at $3.50 per barrel, and pork $2.50 per 100. The merchants, however, he said, made an exorbitant profit. In four years, those who came from Baltimore or Philadelphia with goods obtained on credit, had paid their debts and lived at their ease. There was little use for corn even for cattle or hogs, as the cattle found subsistence on the wild grasses of the woods, and hogs lived and fattened on the mast of hickory nuts, acorns and beech nuts. PIONEER LIFE. A truthful account of the mode of life among the early settlers of the Ohio forests cannot fail to interest and instruct. As the backwoods period recedes, its interest increases. It is to be regretted that more of the traditions of the pioneers, giving homely but faithful pictures of the every-day life of the early settlers have not been preserved. Their rec- ollections of their journeys from the older States over the Alleghany Mountains, the Hat-boat voyage down the Ohio, the clearing in the wil- derness, the f.L-st winter in the rude cabin and the scanty stores of provis- ions, the cultivation of corn among the roots and stumps, the cabin- raisings and log-rollings, the home manufacturing of furniture and clothing, the hunting parties and corn-huskings, their social customs and the thousand scenes and novel incidents of life in the woods, would form a more entertaining and instructive chapter than their wars with the Indians or their government annals. .Far different was the life of the settler on the Ohio from that of the frontiersman of to-day. The railroad, the telegraph and the daily newspaper did not then bring the comforts and luxuries of civilization to the cabin-door of the settler; nor was the farm marked out with a furrow and made ready for cultivation by turning over the sod. The labor of opening a farm in a forest of large oaks, maples and hickories, was very great, and the difficulty was increased by the thick growing spice bushes. Not only were tx'ees to be cut down; the branch- es were to be cut off from the trunk, and, with the undergrowth of bushes, gathered together for burning. The trunks of the large trees were to be divided and rolled into heaps and reduced to ashes. With hard labor the unaided settlor could clear and burn an acre of land in 6 106 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. three weeks. It usually required six or seven years for the pioneer to open a small farm and build a better house than his first cabin of round logs. The boys had work to do in gathering the brush into heaps. A common mode of clearing was to cut down all the trees of the diameter of eighteen inches or less, clear off the undergrowth and deaden the larger trees by girdling them with the ax, and allowing them to stand until they decayed and fell. This method delayed the final clearing of the land for eight or ten years, but when the trunks fell they were usually dry enough to be burned into such lengths as to be rolled to- gether. The first dwellings of the settlers were cabins made of round logs notched at the ends, the spaces between the logs filled in with sticks of wood and daubed with clay. The roof was of clapboards held to their places by poles reaching across the roof called weight-poles. The floor was of puncheons, or planks split from logs, two or three inches in thickness, hewed on the upper side. The fire-place was made of logs lined with clay or with undressed stone, and was at least six feet wide. The chimney was often made of split sticks plastered with clay. The door was of clapboards hung on wooden hinges and fastened with a wooden latch. The opening for the window was not unfrequently covered with paper made more translucent with oil or lard. Such a house was built by a neighborhood gathering with no tools but the ax and the frow, and often was finished in a single day. The furniture of the first rude dwellings was made of puncheons. Cupboards, seats and tables were thus made by the settler himself. Over the door was placed the trusty flint-lock rifle, next to the ax in use- fulness to the pioneer, and near it the powder-horn and bullet-pouch. Almost every family had its little spinning-wheel for flax and big spinning-wheel for wool. The cooking utensils were few and simple, and the cooking was all done at the fireplace. The long winter evenings were spent in contentment, but not in idleness. There was corn to shell and tow to spin at home, and the corn-huskings to attend at the neighbors'. There were a few books to read, but newspapers were rare. The buckeye log, because of its incombustibility, was valuable as a back-log, and hickory-bark cast into the fire-place threw a pleasing light over a scene of domestic industry and contentment. Rev. William C. Smith, in his "Indiana Miscellanies," thus speaks of the way of lighting these primitive homes: "During the day the door of the cabin was kept open to afford light, and at night, through the winter season, light was emitted from the fire-place, where huge logs were kept burning. Candles and lamps were out of the question for a few years. When these came into use they were purely domestic in their PIONEER HISTORY. 107 manufacture. Candles were prepared by taking a wooden rod some ten or twelve inches in length, wrapping a strip of cotton or linen around it, then covering it with tallow pressed on with the hand. These 'sluts,' as they were sometimes called, answered the purpose of a very large can- dle, and afforded light for several nights. Lamps were prepared by dividing a large turnip in the middle, scraping out the inside quite down to the rind, then inserting a stick, say three inches in length, in the cen- ter, so that it would stand upright. A strip of cotton or linen cloth was then wrapped around it, and melted lard or deer's tallow was poured in till the turnip rind was full, when the lamp was ready for use. By the light of these during the long winter evenings the women spun and sewed, and the men read when books could be obtained. When neither lard nor tallow could be had, the large blazing fire supplied the needed light. By these great fire places many cuts of thread have been spun, many a yard of linsey woven, and many a frock and buckskin pantaloons made." The cabin-raising and the log-rolling were labors of the settlers, in which the assistance of neighbors was essential and cheerfully given. When a large cabin was to be raised, preparations would be made before the appointed day, the trees would be cut down, the logs dragged in and the foundation laid and the skids and forks made ready. Early in the morning of the day fixed, the neighbors gathered from miles around; the captain and corner-men were selected, and the work went on with bois- terous hilarity until the walls were up and the roof weighted down. The cabin of round logs was generally succeeded by a hewed log- house more elegant in appearance and more comfortable. Indeed, houses could be made of logs as comfortable as any other kind of building, and were erected in such manner as to conform to the taste and means of all descriptions of persons. For large families, a double cabin was common; that is, two houses, ten or twelve feet apart, with one roof covering the whole, the space between serving as a hall for various uses. Henry Clay, in an early speech on the public lands, referred to the different kinds of dwellings sometimes to be seen standing together, as a gratifying evidence of the progress of the new States. "I have," said he, ''often witnessed this gratifying progress. On the same farm you may sometimes behold, standing together, the first rude cabin of round and unhewn logs, and wooden chimneys; the hewed log-house chinked and shingled, with stone or brick chimneys; and lastly, the comfortable stone or brick dwelling, each denoting the different occupants of the farm or the several stages of the condition of the same occupant. What other nation can boast of such an outlet for its increasing population, such bountiful means of pro- moting their prosperity and securing their independence?" 108 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The wearing apparel was chiefly of home manufacture, The flax and wool necessary for clothing were prepared and spun in the family, cotton being comparatively scarce. Cax'ding wool by hand was common. Weaving, spinning, dyeing, tailoring for the family were not unfre- quently all carried on in the household. Not a few of the early settlers made their own shoes. Wool dyed with walnut bark received the name of butternut. Cloth made of mixed linen and wool, called linsej, or linsey-woolsey, of a light indigo blue color, was common for men's wear. A full suit of buckskin, with moccasins, was sometimes worn by a hunter, but it was not common. With the early settlers, almost the only modes of locomotion were on foot and on horseback. The farmer took his corn and wheat to mill on horseback; the wife went to market or visited her distant friends on horseback. Salt, hardware and merchandise were brought to the new settlements on pack-horses. The immigrant came to his new home not unfx'equently with provisions, cooking utensils and beds packed on horses, his wife and small children on another horse. Lawyers made the circuit of their courts, doctors visited their patients, and preachers attended their preaching stations on horseback. The country was infested with horse-thieves. The unsettled condi- tion of the country made the recovery of stolen horses very difficult. The horse-stealing proclivity of the Indians was one of the chief causes of the hatred of the early settlers toward the red men; but after all depredations by the Indians had ceased, the farmers continued to suffer much from horse- thieves, who were believed to be often organized into gangs. The great value of the horse, and the difficulty of recovering one when run away, caused the pioneer to look with naalignant hatred upon the horse-thief. The early legislatures were composed almost entirely of farmers, and they endeavored to break up this kind of larceny by laws inflicting severe pen- alties. The little copper distillery was to be found in most neighborhoods. Rye and corn whisky was a common drink. It was kept in the cupboard or on the shelf of almost every^family, and sold at all the licensed tav- erns, both in the town and country. The earh^ merchants advertised that good rye whisky, at 40 cents a gallon, would be taken in exchange for goods. Houses and lots were offered for sale, flour or whisky taken in full payment. It was a part of hospitality to offer the bottle to the vis- itor. Whisky in a tin cup was passed around at the house-raising, the log rolling, and in the harvest field. It is a mooted question not easily settled whether intemperance was more common then than now. That the spirituous liquors of those days were purer is admitted, but the notion that they were less intoxicating seems not to have been well founded. PIONEER HISTORY. 109 Excess in drinking then as now brought poverty, want and death. The early settler with the purest of liquors could drink himself to death. The breaking up of ground and cultivation of crops was attended with difficulty. The bar share and shovel plows, and later the bull-plow with wooden moldboard, husk collars and tugs, and rope traces and withes; the sickle first, then the cradle and scythe, and threshing with a flail, or treading out with horses, and cleaned by uieans of a sheet by the aid of several persons, characterized the implements of farming. It is not easy to describe the forest as it appeared in its primitive luxuriance to the eyes of the pioneers. No woodland to-day, even in the most unfrequented spot, wears the rich and exuberant garb which nature gave it. Under the transforming power of civilization, the earth assumes a new aspect. Even the woods and the streams are changed. Herbage and shrubs which once grew luxuriantly in our forests have been eaten out by cattle, until they can only be found in the most secluded and in- accessible places. Trees cut down are succeeded by others of a different growth. The buffalo and elk, probably never numeroiis in this vicinity, had disappeared before the approach of the white man, but the bear, the deer, the wolf, the panther, the wildcat, the otter, the beaver, the porcupine, the wild turkey, the rattlesnake, racer, moccasin and copperhead of the fauna, which have now disappeared, remained in greater or less numbers for some years after the occupancy by the whites. The streams were in- fested with leeches. Swine were the chief means of the destruction of poisonous snakes. Wolves were so numerous and destructive to sheep that premiums were provided for killing them. Countless numbers of squirrels were to be found in the woods, and unceasing vigilance was required on the part of the settler to protect his corn-fields from their ravages. They some- times passed over the country in droves, traveling in the same direction. These animals were a nuisance, and were too common to be regarded as valuable for food. Other kinds of game wei-e abundant. For some years the red deer were as numerous as cattle to day. Wild turkeys could be shot or en- trapped in great numbers. When mast was abundant, a drove of more than 100 wild turkeys, all large and fat, might be found in the near vicinity of the settlements, and when mast was scarce large numbers would sometimes come to the barn-yards for grain. The rivers abounded with fish. The early immigrants may be described as a bold and resolute, rather than a cultivated people. It has been laid down as a general truth that a population made up of immigrants will contain the hardy and vigorous 110 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. elements of character in a far greater proportion than the same number of persons born upon the soil and accustomed to tread in the footsteps of their fathers. It required enterprise and resolution to sever the ties which bound them to the place of their birth, and, upon their arrival in the new country, the stern face of nature and the necessities of their condi- tion made them bold and energetic. Individuality was fostered by the absence of old familiar customs, family alliances and the restraints of old social organizations. The early settlers were plain men and women of good sense, without the refinements which luxury brings and with great contempt for all shams and mere pretense. A majority of the early settlers belonged to the middle class. Few were, by affluence, placed above the necessity of labor with their hands, and few were so poor that they could not become the owners of small farms. The mass of the settlers were the owners in fee simple of at least' a quarter of a section of land, or 160 acres. Many possessed a half sec- tion or a section. After the settlements were begun, few persons owned land in large tracts of two or more thousand of acres; while the poorest immigrant, if industrious and thrifty, could lease land on such terms that he would soon become the owner of a small farm in five or six years. The backwoods age was not a golden age. However pleasing it may be to contemplate the industry and frugality, the hospitality and general sociability of the pioneer times, it would be improper to overlook the less pleasing features of the pictui-e. Hard toil made men old before their time. The means of culture and intellectual improvement were inferior. In the absence of the refinements of literature, music and the drama, men engaged in rude, coarse and sometimes brutal amusements. Public gatherings were often mari-ed by scenes of drunken disorder and fighting. The dockets of the courts show a large proportion of cases of assault and battery and afi'ray. While some of the settlers had books and studied them, the mass of the people had little time for study. Post roads and postoffices were few, and the scattered inhabitants rarely saw a news paper or read a letter from their former homes. Their knowledge of politics was obtained from the bitter discussions of opposing aspirants for office. The traveling preacher was their most cultivated teacher. The traveler from a foreign country or from one of the older States was compelled to admit that life in the backwoods was not favorable to amenity of manners. One of these travelers wrote of the Western people in 1802: "Their gen- erals distill whisky, their colonels keep taverns and their statesmen feed pigs." CIVIL ORGANIZATION. Ill CHAPTER VI. CIVIL ORGANIZATION. Organization of Dearborn County— The Older Counties of which it Formed a Part— Virginia Counties— Changes of Boundaries- First Officers and First Courts— Curious Court Incident— Early Administration of Justice— Division ok Dearborn and Formation OF Ohio County— First Officers and First Courts of Ohio County —Dearborn County Buildings— Ohio County Buildings. DEARBORN COUNTY was formed by proclamation of William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana Territory, March 7, 1803, and was named in honor of Maj.-Gen. Henry Dearborn, at that time Secretary of War under President Jefferson. As originally formed, it embraced all the territory bounded by the Ohio State line on the east, the old Indian bouodary line on the west and north, and the Ohio River on the south, and included all of Ohio County, nearly all of Switzerland, and por- tions of several counties along the State line up to Fort Recovery. The reader who desires to know the full history of his county, will be interested in knowing the older counties, of which Dearborn and Ohio were a part. From 1790 until 1798 these two counties formed a part of Knox County, with the seat of justice at Vincennes. June 22, 1798, Gov. St. Clair issued a proclamation, changing the western boundary of Hamilton County from the Great Miami River to the Indian boundary line, running from the mouth of the Kentucky River to Fort Recovery; from that date these counties were a part of Hamilton County, with the seat of justice at Cincinnati until April 30, 1802, when Congress estab- lished the present western boundary line of Ohio. From April 30,1802, until January 24, 1803, they were under no county organization what- ever. From January 24, 1803, to March 7, 1803, a part of Clark County, with the seat of justice at Jeffersouville. But at still earlier dates, this territory had been made a part of polit- ical divisions called counties. During the Revolution, this region would have been marked on a map of the North American Colonies as a part of Virginia, whose extensive domain, making her the mother of States as well as of Presidents, reached to the Mississippi. Out of this broad ter- ritory vast counties were formed. The county of Kentucky included the whole of the present State of that name. In October, 1778, Virginia, by 112 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. statute, declared that: "All the citizens of the commonwealth of Vir- ginia, who are already settled or who shall hereafter settle on the west- ern side of the Ohio, shall be included in a distinct county, which shall be called Illinois County." This territory, then, once formed a part of the vast western county of Virginia called Illinois. But, going back a few years further, we find this region included in a county of still more vast extent. South of the Natural Bridge, between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies, and intersected by the James River, is a county of Virginia, with Fincastle as its seat of justice, named Botetourt, in honor of Norborne Rerkeley, Lord Botetourt, a conspic- uous actor in American colonial history, and governor of Vir- ginia. That county was established in 1769, and was bounded on the east by the Blue Ridge, on the west by the Mississippi, and com- prised Western Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Fincastle then, as now, was the county seat. The following curious provision is fou.nd in the act of Virginia, creating Botetourt County: And whereas, the people situated on the Mississippi, in the said county of Botetourt, will be very remote from the court liouse, and must necessarily become a separate county as soon as their numbers are sufficient — which probably will happen in a short time: Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid (House of Bur- gesses) that the inhabitants of that part of the said county of Botetourt, which lies on the said waters, shall be exempted from the payment of any levies to be laid by the said county court, for the purpose of building a court house and prison for said county. The boundary between Jefferson and Dearborn Counties, established by act of November 23, 1810, commenced on the Ohio River at the mouth of Log Lick, now in Switzerland County; thence to the old Indian boundary; and thence with said boundary to the northeast corner of the Grousland Purchase. A portion of the above territory was stricken from Jefferson and attached to Dearborn by act of September 7, 1814, viz.: All that portion of Jefferson County which lies east of the old Indian boundary and north of the line dividing Sections 19 and 30, Town 4, Range 3 west. Also from a point beginning where the line between Townships Nos. 6 and 7 north. Range 13 east, intersects the old Indian boundary; thence with said line west to the corner of Sections 32 and 33, Town 7, Range 12 east; thence north to the northwest corner of Section 21, Town 10,Range 12; thence east on what is now the line between Franklin and Ripley Counties to the old Indian boundary line; thence southwardly with said line to the point of beginning. The above last described tract was taken from Dearborn to form a part of Ripley County by the act of December 27, 1816. CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 113 In 1814 the line between Sections 19 and 30, Town 4, Range 3 west was extended east to the Ohio River and now forms the north boundary of Switzerland County. By aot of January 7, 1845, all that part of Dearborn County which lies south of Laughery Greek was attached to Ohio County, leaving Dear- born with its present boundary lines, viz. : Beginning at the confluence of Laughery Creek with the Ohio River; thence up said creek with its meanders to the old Indian boundary line; thence with said line north- wardly to the line dividing fractional townships Nos. 8 and 9; thence east to the first principal meridian, being the Ohio State line; thence south to the Ohio River; thence down said river to the place of beginning. FIRST OFFICERS AND COURTS. On the same day that Dearborn County was organized,. Gov. William Henry Harrison appointed the following named persons justices, to hold the courts of common pleas, the^ courts of general quarter sessions of the peace, and the orphan's court under the ordinance and laws for the government of the Territory, viz. : Benjamin Chambers, Jabez Percival, Barnet Hulick, John Brownson, Jeremiah Hunt, Richard Stevens, Will- iam Major and James McCarty. Other civil officers appointed at the same time were Samuel C.Vance, clerk of courts, and James Dill, recorder. The commissions of all the officers dated from March 7, 1803. ^ August 15, 1803, the following persons were appointed officers of the militia of Dearborn Cointy, viz.: William Hall, Samuel Fulton, Daniel Lynn, Barnet Hulick and Jeremiah Johnston, captains; William Standiford, William Spencer, William Cheek, James Hamilton and William AUensworth, lieutenants; Gersham Lee, Thomas Fulton, Michael Flake, William Thompson and Ja,m£is Buchanan, ensigns. August 23, 1808, David Lamphere was commissioned sheriff, James Hamilton, recorder, vice James Dill, resigned, and Jonathan White, coroner. Tl;ie first session of the court of general quarter sessions of the peace is believed to have commenced oq the first Monday of September, 1803. In the proclamation of the governor establishing the county, the courts were directed to be held in the town of Lawrenceburgh, which had been laiJ out in the spring of 1802. Dr. Jabez Percival, one of the judges, had built a double log-cabin, and in it the first courts were held. A curious incident, illustrative of the primitive mode of administer- ing justice, is related on the highest authority as having occurred in an early court of this county. An altercation arising between an unman- ageable and contemptuous witness and one of the judges, the witness sustained his side of the argument by seizing a clapboard and striking at 114 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the judge. The judge fended off the lick which was aimed at his head with his arm. Both clapboard and the judge's arm were broken by the sudden and violent contact of the two. This was considered a contempt of court, and the witness was ordered to jail, but there was no jail, and as the most feasible means of carrying out the sentence of imprisonment, his feet and hands were tied, he was laid along the ground and a section of worm fence was built up over him, the lower rail just touching his neck. In this position he was kept for some hours, by which time it is fair to conclude he was possessed by a realizing sense of the inconven- ience attending a disrespectful treatment of the court. CHARACTER OF THE EARLY COURTS. Hon. Oliver H. Smith, who practiced extensively in all the counties of southeastern Indiana, beginning in 1820, thus describes the adminis- tration of justice: " The county was new, sparsely settled, and being on the Western frontier, the towns and villages were filled with Indians trading their peltries, wild game and moccasins ornamented with the quills of the por- cupine, with the settlers, for calicoes, whisky, powder, lead, beads and such other articles as met their fancy. The population of the country embraced by the circuit was a hardy, fearless and generally honest but more or less reckless people, such as are usually to be found advancing upon the frontiers from more civilized life, and consequently there were more collisions among them, more crimes committed calling for the action of the criminal courts than is common in older settled and more civil - ized parts of the older States. "The judiciary system at the time referred to, was, like the country, in its infancy. The circuit court was composed of a presiding judge, elected by the Legistature, who presided in all the courts in the circuit, and two associate judges, elected in each county by the people. These 'side judges,' as they were then called, made no pretensions to any par- ticular knowledge of the law, but still they had the power to overrule the presiding judge and give the opinion of the court, and sometimes they even 'outguessed' the president, giving the most preposterous reasons imaginable for their decisions, as, in one instance, that of a writ of sciy^e facias to revive a judgment, would not lie unless it was sued out within a year and a day. The decision oE the associates was affirmed in the supreme court, for other reasons, of course. The court houses were either frame or log buildings, arranged to hold the court in one end and the grand jury in the other, the petit jury being accommodated in some neighboring outbuildings. The clerks had very little qualification for their duties; still they were honest, and the most of them could write CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 115 more legibly than Rufus Choate, United States Senator. The sheriffs were elected by the people as they are now, and seem to have been se- lected as candidates on account of their fine voices to call the jurors and witnesses from the woods from the doors of the court house, and their ability to run down and catch offenders. The most important personages in the country, however, were the young lawyers, universally called 'squires' by the old and young, male and female. Queues were much in fashion, and nothing was more common than to see one of these young 'squires' with a wilted rorum hat, that had once been stiffened with glue in its better days, upon his head, from the back part of which hung a cue three feet long, tied from head to tip with an eel skin, walking in evident superiority, in his own estimation, among the people in the court yard, sounding the public mind as to his prospects as a candidate for the Legislature. There were no caucuses or conventions then. Every can- didate brought himself out and ran upon his own hook. If he got beat, as the most of them did, he had nobody to blame but himself for becom- ing a candidate;, still, he generally charged it upon his friends for not voting for him, and the next season found him once more upon the track, sounding his own praises. " The court rooms in those days were prepared and furnished with much simplicity, and yet they seemed to answer all the purposes abso- lutely necessary to the due administration of justice. The building gen- erally contained two rooms, the court room being the larger, at one end of which there was a platform elevated some three feet for the judges, with a long bench to seat them. These benches were very substantial in general, sufficient to sustain the most weighty judges, yet on one occa- sion the bench gave way, and down came three fat, aldermanly judges on the floor. One of them, qaite a wag, seeing the 'squires' laughing, re- marked: 'Gentlemen, this is a mighty weak bench.' The bar had their benches near the table of the clerk, and the crowd was kept back by a long pole fastened with withes at the ends. The crowds at that day thought the holding of a court a great affair; the people came hundreds of miles to see the judges and hear the lawyers 'plead,' as they called it. On one occasion there came on to be tried before the jury an indictment for an assault and battery against a man for pulling the nose of another who had insulted him. The court room was filled to suffocation, the two as- sociate judges were on the bench; the evidence had been heard and pub- lic expectation was on tiptoe. All was silent as death, when the young 'squire,' afterward Judge Charles H. Test, arose and addressed the court: 'If the court please — . ' He was here interrupted by Judge Mitchell from the bench, 'Yes, we do please. Go to the bottom of the case, young man; the people have come in to hear the lawyers plead.' The young 116 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Squire, encouraged by the kind response of the judge, proceeded to ad- dress the jury some three hours, in excited eloquence, upon the great provocation his client had received to induce his docile nature to bound over all legal barriers and take the prosecutor by the nose. All eyes were upon him, and as he closed Judge Winchall roared out, 'Capital! I did not think it was in him!' The jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty' amid the rapturous applause of the audience. Court adjourned, and the people returned home to tell their children that they had heard the lawyers 'plead.' " DIVISION or DEARBORN AND FORMATION OF OHIO COUNTY. The question of the division of Dearborn County was agitated from an early period.' Eising Sun, laid out in 1814, was ambitious to be a county seat from the first, and worked faithfully and earnestly with that end in view, until success crowned its efforts. As early as 1817, before the State of Indiana was a year old, Col. A. C. Pepper, it is said, went to Corydon, the capital of the State, to obtain an act from the Legislature organizing a new county with Rising Sun its seat of justice, but he was unsuccessful. Lawrenceburgh was the seat of justice of Dearborn County from the organization of the county, and being situated on the eastern side of the county about midway between the northern and southern boundaries, was unwilling to have the shape of the county changed, lest the county seat should be removed. The friends of a new county, finding they were not strong enough to effect a division of Dearborn, resorted to strategy and advocated a removal of the county seat to a point nearer the geographical center, and September 26, 1836, Wilmington became the seat of justice. Lawrenceburgh having lost the county seat was now not so much opposed to the formation of a new county, provided the county seat could be brought back to her. An alliance was formed between the friends of division and the relo- cation of the county seat, and in 1843 members of the Legislature were chosen from the county favorable to both these projects. As an indica- tion of the unanimity of sentiment on the part of the voters of Randolph Township it may be stated that George P. Buell, the candidate for senator in favor of division and relocation, received in that township 501 votes, while Charles Dashiell, the candidate opposed to these measures, received five votes. The act organizing Ohio County and removing the seat of justice of Dearborn County from Wilmington to Lawrenceburgh pasi^ed the House by a vote of sixty-six to twenty-three, December 31, 1843; it passed the Senate, January 3, 1844, and was approved by the governor January 4, CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 117 1844. The act is a long one, but on aceount of its importance we give its most important sections: AN ACT TO ORGANIZE A NEW COUNTY OUT OF THE COUNTY OP DEARBORN, AND RELOCATE THE COUNTY SEAT THEREOF. APPROTED JANUARY 4, 1844. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Qeneral Assembly of the State of Indiana, That from and after the first day of March next, all that part of Dearborn County, within the following bounds, to-wit: Beginning on the Ohio River on the section line between fractional sections number twenty-five and thirty-six, in Town four. Range one west, thence west with said line to the northwest corner of section num- ber thirty-two; thence south to the northwest corner of Section number five, Town three, Range one; thence west to the range line between Range one and Range two; thence south to the line dividing Switzerland and Dearborn Counties; thence with said line east to the Ohio River; thence up said river to the place of begin- ning, shall constitute the county of Ohio. Sec. 2. That Martin R. Green, of the county of Switzerland, Joseph Bennet, of the county of Franklin, and James Myers, of the county of Ripley, be and they are hereby constituted and appointed commissioners to permanently locate the seat of justice of said county. The commissioners, or a majority of them, shall convene in the town of Rising Sun, in said county of Ohio, on the second Monday in April next, or as soon thereafter as a majority of them shall agree. Sec. 5. That the circuit and other courts of said county of Ohio shall be held at Rising Sun until suitable buildings can be erected at the county seat, after which the courts shall be held at the county seat of said county. Sec. 13. That from and after the first day of April next the seat of justice of the county of Dearborn shall be, and the same is, hereby removed and permanently located in the town of Lawrenceburgh, in said county of Dearborn. Sec. 15. That all officers whose duty it shall be to keep their said offices at the seat of justice in said county of Dearborn shall be, and are hereby required to remove and keep their said offices at the town of Lawrenceburgh on or before the said first day of April next; that from and after the said first day of April (1844) all public business, which shall be required by law to be transacted at the seat of jus- tice in said county of Dearborn, shall be performed and transacted at the court house in said town of Lawrenceburgh. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the corporation of the said town of Lawrence- burgh to give bond with good and sufficient security, to be approved of by the county commissioners of said county, or any one of them, in a penalty of any amount lie or they may require, not exceeding, however, the penalty of ten thou- sand dollars, payable to the State of Indiana, conditioned that the corporation of said town of Lawrenceburgh shall, within one year from and after the said first day of April, 1844, fit up and repair the court house and jail in said town of Lawrence- burgh, and build a clerk's office, recorder's office, and auditor's office in said town, all of which shall be equal in point of convenience and durability to those already erected and built in the town of Wilmington; and that said corporation will furnish suitable rooms for holding said offices in said county at the expense of the same, until said public buildings shall be erected and refitted as aforesaid. Sec. 17. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. An examination of the first section of the foregoing act will show that the original boundaries of the county were not the same as at pres- ent. Ohio County is now the smallest county in Indiana, containing a 118 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. little over eighty-five acd one-half square miles. As originally formed it comprised only a portion of Eandolph Township, and contained less than eighteen square miles. Probably a smaller county was never formed in the United States. It remained thus, however, only for one year and three days. January 7, 1845, by act of the Legislature, all of Dearborn County lying south of Laughery Creek was attached to Ohio County, leaving both Dearborn and Ohio Counties with their present boundaries. The old constitution of Indiana provided that " the General Assem- bly, when they lay off any new county, shall not reduce the old county or counties from which the same shall be taken to a less extent than 400 square miles." It was thought that Dearborn had been reduced to 400 square miles of territory, and that this would effectually bar any divis- ion of the county, but a close survey made at a time of low water in the Ohio showed a surplus. Out of that surplus Ohio County was first formed. It was out of the power of the Legislature in the act creating the new county to have made it any larger. As the constitution did not forbid the changing of the boundaries of counties already established, at the next session Laughery Creek was made the boundary between Ohio and Dearborn. Thus after a long and hard fought contest, Rising Sun became a seat of justice. The people of that village built the county buildings free of expense to the county. They obligated themselves that if Rising Sun was made the seat of justice of the proposed new county, the cost of erecting the public buildings should not fall upon the tax payers of the county. The commissioners appointed to locate the seat of justice met at Rising Sun on Monday, April 8, 1844, and selected the site upon which the public buildings now stand, the ground having been donated for that purpose by Col. A. C. Pepper. The occasion was one of public rejoic- ing, and a dinner was given to the commissioners at which a number of citizens were present. The first election of county offices in Ohio County was held May 1, 1844, when the following named persons were chosen: Probate judge, Samuel Jelly; associate judges, Samuel Fulton and Thomas H. Gilmore; county clerk, James H. Pepper; recorder, William T. Lambdin; treas- urer, John B. Craft; auditor, Samuel F. Covington; commissioners, John Bennett, William H. Powell and Morris Merrill; coroner, Alexander C. Campbell. As the constitution provided for the election of coroner at the regular election held in August and at no other time, Mr. Campbell was not legally elected, nor was ho commissioned. Another special elec- tion was ordered to be held June 1, for the purpose of choosing an assessor and school commissioner, on which day Martin Stewart was CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 119 elected assessor, and Nathan R. Steadman, school commissioner. William Lanius had been commissioned sheriff by the governor for the purpose of organizing the county, but in his absence Ohio County was organized by his deputy, Samuel F. Covington. At the annual election, vv^hich took place on the first Monday of August, the following officers were chosen: Sheriff, James B. Smith; coroner, Theophilus Jones. The board of commissioners at their first session made the following appointments: County surveyor, Henry James; inspector of elections, Charles W. Mountz. The first court held in Ohio County was the probate court, which commenced its sitting in the then Old School Presbyterian Church on Second Street, Monday, August 12, 1844. Samuel Jelley was probate judge, and James H. Pepper, clerk. On the same day a special session of the commissioners was held in the county clerk's office, in a building then standing on the east corner of Main Street and the alley between First and Market Streets. The first term of the circuit court was held in the church already mentioned on Second Street, beginning on Monday, December 4, 1844, and continuing two days. Miles C. Eggleston was president judge, and Samuel Fulton and Thomas H. Gilmore, associate judges; John Dumont, prosecuting attorney; James H. Pepper, clerk, and James B. Smith, sheriff. DEAKBOKN COUNTY BUILDINGS. First Jail. — The first jail of the county, erected in 1804, was built of logs, and was located on the public square. In 1806 William Cook was the jailor, and resided in the jail building. First Court House. — The first court house stood on the site of the present temple of justice, and was built in 1810. It was a two-story brick building, the court room being on the ground floor, with jury room above. This building was destroyed by fire, March 5, 1826. Second Court House. — The interior only of the first court house hav- ing been consumed by fire, the second building, for the use of the courts, was constructed on the same foundation and with the same walls. In May, 1827, the county commissioners appointed Jesse Hunt, James W. Hunter and George H. Dunn commissioners to superintend the construc- tion of the building, which it appears was not ready for occupancy until the fall or winter of 1828. Second Jail. — The second county prison must have been built at the same time that the second court house was constructed, although there is no separate mention made of it in the commissioners' proceedings. The men named above as commissioners appointed to superintend the erec- tion of the second court house were to superintend the erection of two 120 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. public buildings. No description of the building is given or mention made of its builders in the records that we were able to find. In the State Gazetteer of 1833 it is referred to as a stone jail. It was two stories high, and occupied a position nearly on the site of the present jail. Third Court House. — On the removal of the county seat from Law- renceburgh to Wilmington, in 1835, the public buildings — a court house and jail — were erected in that village by the citizens thereof and vicinity at a cost of about $4,000. The court house, still standing, is a two-story brick, in size about 42x48 feet, and is the property of the lodge of Masons of that village. Third Jail. — The third jail, as stated above, was erected at Wilming- ton. It was a substantial building, and stood upon the public square; both it and court house were donations, and were accepted by the county commissioners, March 9, 1836. The jail was occupied only a few years when it was destroyed by fire. Fourth Jail.— In March, 1840, a contract was let, for the erection of the second jail at Wilmington, by the county commissioners to Timothy Kimball for $1,700. At the final settlement made with Mr. Kimball, he was allowed $1,939.77. Fifth Jail. — The fifth county prison was erected on the public square at Lawrenceburgh in 1848, the contract having been let to Timothy Kimball in December, 1847, for $2,600. In August, 1848, the build- ing was received and accepted by the commissioners, at which time they allowed Mr. Kimball $210 extra " for the building of a wall above the high water mark of 1832." Sixth Jail and Sheriff's Residence. — The sixth and present jail was built in 1858-59. The sheriff's residence — a two-story brick building — fronts on High Street, with jail to the rear, and stands in the south cor- ner of the public square. The work was let by departments to various persons, and cost in round number.s $8,600. Fourth Qdurt House. — The order for the erection of the present magnificent/court house of Dearborn County was passed by the board of county commissioners, March 16, 1870, and George Kyle, of Vevay, in Switzerland County, Ind. , was selected as architect, April 13, 1870, to prepare plans and specifications, and June 15, 1870, the plans were sub- mitted by the architect and adopted by the board. An order was passed for the removal of the old building, and the work of demolition commenced June 16, 1870, the board having accepted the proposition of the commou council of the city of Lawrenceburgh, tendering the use of Odd Fellows' Hall free of charge for the use of a court house during the erection of the new building, the same was designated as the place of holding courts. CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 121 Proposals for the erection of this building were advertised to be received until July 15, and July 16, 1870, the contract was awarded for the cut stonewoi'k to Francis L. Farman, of Indianapolis, and the remainder of the work to T. J. Shannon, of Lawrenceburgh, and July 17, the work of excavation was commenced. The stone used in the construction of the building was quarried at Elliottsville, Monroe Co., Ind. , and is a pearl-gray limestone of fine grain, giving forth a distiact, ringing, metallic sound, when struck by by another hard substance. The style of architecture is the Corinthian — having a portico in front of the Corinthian order; the flank and rear are also embeliahed by projections and pediments upon which the same order is developed. The dimensions are seventy-three feet three inches fronting on High Street, and running back one hundred and one feet three inches, exclusive of projections. The portico is thirteen feet three inches by forty-six feet eight inches. The perpendicular height from the base line to the comb of the roof is sixty-seven feet. The building was completed at a cost of about $100,000 and stands to-day one of the finest court houses in Indiana. The corner-stone of the present court house in Lawrenceburgh was laid with imposing ceremonies April, 13, 1871 in the presence of fully 5,000 spectators. The various orders of Masons, Odd Fellows, Druids, Good Templars and other benevolent and religious societies of the county were fully represented. Louis Jordan, Esq., of Indianapolis, was the orator of the occasion. The following is a list of the articles deposited in the corner-stone: Histories of Masonic Lodges — Wilmington Lodge No. 158; Law- renceburgh Chapter; Lawrenceburgh Lodge; Burns Lodge No. 55; Har- rison Lodge No. 17; Aurora Lodge No. 51; Hansellman Commandeiy, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Histories of Odd Fellows — Advance Lodge; Allemania Lodge No. 334, of Aurora; Teutonia Lodge No. 289, of Lawrenceburgh; Bethlehem Encampment No. 3, of Aurora; Union Lodge No. 8, of Lawrenceburgh; Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, of Aurora. Histories of Druids — Aurora Grove; Grand Grove of Indiana; Grand Grove of the United States; Columbia and Teutonia Chapters No. 2, of Lawrenceburgh; Order of Harugari No. 223, of Lawrenceburgh. Histories of Keligious Societies — American Protestant Association, of Lawrenceburgh; St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Aid Society, of Lawrence- burgh; Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceburgh; Lawrenceburgh Baptist Church of Christ; German Evangelical Zion's Church, of Walnut Street, Lawrenceburgh; Aid Society to Indigent Sick of G. E. Z. Church, of Lawrenceburgh. 7 122 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Histories of Corporations, Associations, etc. — Deutschen Bau Verein, No. 1, of Lawrenceburgh; Lawrenceburgb Liedertafel; City of Aurora; City of Lawrenceburgb; Dearborn County Agricultural Society; Dear- born County; First National Bank, of Lawrenceburgb; Cocbran Forum; Dearborn County Medical Society. Publications — Democratic Register, six copies, including dates of April 7 and 14, 1871; Lawrenceburgb Press, April 13, 1871; Dearborn Independent, April 13, 1871; Rising Sun Recorder, April 8, 1871; Political Beacon, October 7, 1837; Cbillicothe Advertiser, 1850; Dearborn Democrat, 1838, and otber old papers relating to Dearborn County, contributed by Dr. George Sutton, of Aurora; Milliner's Pam- phlet of Fashion Plates, for April, 1871, deposited by Mrs. Margaret Beggs, of Lawrenceburgb. Miscellaneous — Samples of United States Postage Stamps in use in 1871; 25 cent note of Petersburgb, Ky., Milling Company, 1817; $1 note of second municipality of New Orleans, 1839; One one- ninth of $1 continental currency, issued by the colony of Maryland, 1775; 1 cent coin, 1786; 1 cent coin, 1777; L C. & L. R. R. switch key, deposited by Peter Martenstein; photograph of commission of Azel Fitch, as captain in Colonial Army, dated March 24, 1760, issued by Thomas Fitch, captain general and governor of the colony of Connecticut, deposited by D. W. C. Fitch; samples of copper and silver coins of United States, 1871 ; biographical sketch of the late J. H. Brower, M. D. The Asylum for the Poor. — About twelve miles northwest of Law- renceburgb is located the County Infirmary. The building is in crucial form, 104 feet in width and 150 feet in length, and two-stories high, having sixty-four rooms. The building is neat and substantial, well arranged for the convenience of the inmates, is heated by steam, and makes a pleasant home for the unfortunate of the county. Its kitchen and dining room arrangements, together with the offices and airy sitting rooms, give it a home like appearance and it may be truly said that the county has secured a valuable home for those depending for their support upon the county. The building was completed in the fall of 1882, costing $21,754. The original contract price was $15,840, to which was added $500 for extras. In 1881 the farm comprised about 300 acres of land, the proceeds of which for the year 1880 amounted to about $2,000. The architect of the building was Capt. Alex Pattison, and the contractor and builder was Seth Piatt, both of Dearborn County. At the time of the completion of the building, the asylum and farm were under the management of Thomas Duncan, who had had charge of it for several years. The inmates then numbered forty. CIVIL ORGANIZATION. 123 The asylum was first established in 1835, in July of which year the contract was let to William Brown for the carpenter work for $920. The stone and mason work was to cost $650. About fifty acres of ground had been purchased in the spring of 1833 of Phoebe Pate, lying in Section 10, Township 5, Range 2, for the pur- pose of erecting an asylum. The amount paid for it was $220. That farm was sold in 1883, for $2,600 and the present farm purchased in the spring of the same year of C. F. Wood for $3,840. COUNTY BUILDINGS OF OHIO COUNTY. The court house square on which the temple of justice and jail of Ohio County are located is situated well up in the city from the river, and is bounded by Mulberry Street, Broad Street, Main Street and an alley. The ground was donated to the county by Col. Abel C. Pepper, the deed of conveyance being made by Col. Pepper and wife to the county commissioners, with the provision that should the town of Rising Sun cease to be a county seat, the lot should become the property of the president and trustees of Rising Sun. This deed of conveyance bears date of December 11, 1845. The Court House. — This, a substantial two-story brick building, stands on the center part of the square facing Main Street, amid a grove of beautiful shade trees; the building is fifty feet deep, with a portico of twelve feet in front supported by large round pillars, making in all 60x40 feet wide. The first story is arranged for ofiices and jury rooms, and is nine feet high; the court room is on the second floor. The building stands on the highest ground in the corporation, and was erected in 1845. * F'irst Jail. — The first county prison was a wood structure of one apartment located on the square above described, and was received and accepted by the county commissioners, and the key given to the sherifif on the 24th of November, 1846. Second Jail. — This consisted of an addition of one apartment (con- structed of wood, 12x16 feet in size), to the old jail, the two wooden apartments being enclosed by a brick wall twelve inches thick. In Septem- ber, 1848, the board of county commissioners accepted the proposition of George G. Brown and Washington H. Hall to build this jail for $900, to be completed on or before June 1, 1849. After twenty years' service this prison passed into history with this comment from the grand Jury made in August, 1869: "Is utterly insuflficient for the safe keeping of pris- oners, and is deficient in every requisite ordinarily deemed to be required for the health and comfort of human beings. As to the manner in which the same has been kept they believe that the jailer has per- 124 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. formed his duties in that regard as well as circumstances would permit. They would suggest that the jail building might possibly be used for stabling purposes, but all of the jury being farmers and having a kindly feeling for animals of the horse kind, would not recommend that it be put to that use. " Third Jail and Sheriff^s Residence. — The two-story substantial brick residence of the sheriif, and jail, is located in the western corner of the court house square, facing Mulberry Street, and was erected in 1870 at a cost in round numbers of $5,000; the contract being let by the county commissioners at a special session held in February, 1870, to John M. Reister and to Charles Williams and Oliver English. The Asylum for the Poor. — In 1853 steps were taken by the county commissioners for the establishment in the county of an asylum for the poor, and September 9 of that year they bought of F. L. and S. C. Gas- kill fifty acres of land in Section 31, Township 4, Range 1, for which they paid $1,700; the deed of conveyance, however, was not made until March 8, 1854. Suitable buildings were soon erected, and in March, 1854, John Wallace was appointed the first superintendent of the insti- tution at a salary of |200 for the year. In September, 1881, two tracts of land were added to the farm, one of nineteen acres oflf of the O'Neal place, and the other of thirty- three acres off of the S. H. Stewart place, for which were paid $570 and $990 respectively. Among the superin- tendents have been Stephen Booth, G. W. Sink, Lewis Lotton, William Buchanan, Ed E. Lyon, Erastus Downey, N. Leggitt. The latter died in the summer of 1882, while in office, and his unexpired time was served out by Jacob Cooper, who that fall was appointed for a term of five years. Mr. Cooper has managed the institution to the entire satis- faction of the inmates and the county in general. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 125 CHAPTEK VII. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. First Roads— Road from Vincennesto Cincinnati— Stage Coaches- Turnpikes— The Whitewater Valley Canal— Railroads— Ohio River Navigation — Flat-boats— Keel-boats— First Steamboats. THE first roads were mere traces or paths for horses. After. the first public highways were established they remained for years little more than mere tracks through the woods cleared of timber, without bridges, and, in the fresh conditioo of the ^soil, almost impassable in the wet season. Wagoning, however, was an important business before the construction of cauals and railroads. The first effort to establish a permanent road through either Dearborn or Ohio Counties, of which we have any account, was in 1799, when Capt. Ephraim Kibbey, then of Cincinnati, surveyed the route for a road from Vincennes to Cincinnati. The route is not given, but it is stated that he found the distance from Vincennes to the Great Miami to be 155 miles and forty-eight poles. The Western Spy, published in Cincinnati, July 23, 1799, contained the following: "Capt. E. Kibbey, who, some time since, undertook to cut a road from Fort Vincennes to this place, returned on Monday reduced to a perfect skeleton. He had cut the road seventy miles, when, by some means, he. was separated from his men. After hunting them some days without success, he steered his course this way. He has undergone great hardships, and was obliged to subsist on roots, etc., which he picked up in the woods." About 1820 the road from Cincinnati to Vincennes was described in almanacs of that date as follows: "From Cincinnati to Vincennes — Burlington, 15 milesj Rising Sun, 10; Judge Cotton's, 20; Madison, 20; New Lexington, 17; Salem, 32; French Lick, 34; East Fork White River (Shoat's), 17; North Fork White River (Hawkins') 20; Vincennes, 16; total, 201 miles." As early as 1820 commissioners were appointed to lay out "State roads." An important State road was laid out from Lawrenceburgh through Brookville, by way of Southgate and Tanner's Creek, Conners- ville, Waterloo, Ceutreville and Winchester. It was long familiarly known as the Connersville State road. 126 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ^ Stage coaches began to be important means of carrying passengers anci mails over the principal thoroughfares of Indiana between 1825 and 1830. In 1831 a post-coach was run between Cincinnati and Lawrence- burgh, via Elizabethtown and Cleves. Leaving Lawrenceburgh Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M., it arrived at Cincinnati at 12 noon; and leaving Cincinnati on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 A. M., it arrived at Lawenceburgh at noon. The coach connected at Lawrenceburgh with the Indianapolis stage on Tuesdays. The pro- prietor informed the public that he had purchased a new and elegant four-horse coach, of sufficient capacity to accommodate eight passengers, and that he intended to superintend the driving in person. In 1838 the stage route from Indianapolis to Cincinnati, via Lawrenceburgh and Napoleon, was through New Bethel, Wrightsdale, Brandywine, Shelby- ville, Middletown, St. Omer, Greensburg, Napoleon, Laughery, Man- chester, Lawrenceburgh, Elizabethtown and Cheviot. At the close of the year 1835, there were only two macadamized roads leading into Cincinnati, one of which was twelve, and the other sixteen miles long. Several years elapsed before there were any turn- pikes in Dearborn County. In 1840, an editorial article in the Beacon, published at Lawrenceburgh, urged the necessity of improving the roads of Dearborn County, which then included Ohio County. "Nothing," wrote the editor, "will aid so much in bringing capital and business to the place as good roads, and in this particular our county is lamentably deficient. It is idle to wait for the State or the county to do anything; this township should take the lead. Nearly one-third of the whole wealth of the county is in this township, and there are not more than twenty or twenty-five miles of leading roads in it. That it would take but a short time to turnpike the whole of them, by a judicious and equi- table system, must be evident, and such an example would unquestiona- bly be followed by the other large townships, and most of the leading roads would be made good." Aurora, in its early history, labored under great disadvantages, on account of the expense and difficulty of crossing the different streams emptying into the Ohio above and below that place. Wilmington mo- nopolized most of the business in that region. There was little trade brought to Aurora by the river road. In 1836, George W. Lane built a bridge across the mouth of Hogan Creek, which opened the way of com- munication through Aurora to Lawrenceburgh. The road up the valley of South Hogan Creek was relocated, and a bridge was built across South Hogan Creek, on the road from Aurora to AVilmington. The next important step for the benefit of Aurora was the relocating the road from Aurora to Manchester, to go up the hill where there was an easy grade INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 127 obtained, instead of following the ridge to a point just above Cheek's house. The constant use of these dirt roads, as business began to increase at Aurora, made them almost impassable during the winter and spring of the year, which made it necessary that the main roads to Aurora should be made turnpikes. At the session of the Legislature in 1847, Mr. Lane being a member, a charter was obtained authorizing a company to build a turnpike road from Aurora to Dillsborough, and Hart' a Mill in Ripley County. Also a charter for the building of a turnpike from Aurora to Moore's Hill by way of Wilmington. These roads were soon after con- structed, and added greatly to the commercial trade of Aurora. About this time a law was passed authorizing the trustees of Canton Township to improve the roads in that township, and they graded and macadamized the road up the hill toward Manchester, and the road down the river to the mouth of Laughery Creek. The third improvement was made by the township (Center) in chang- ing the road to Lawrenceburgh, and in conjunction with Lawrenceburgh Township building the macadamized road now in use. The next important turnpike constructed was from Lawrenceburgh to Manchester. The company for the construction of this road was char- tered February 18, 1840, and known as the Lawrenceburgh & Napo- leon Turnpike Company, but the road was never built to Napoleon. The company was organized in February, 1841, and books for the subscrip- tion of stock were opened the following month. The townships of Lawrencebm-gh and Miller projected and built the turnpike from Lawrenceburgh to the State line near Elizabethtown. The Aurora & Johnston's Mill Turnpike, eight miles in length, was built by a stock company. About the year 1850 the system of township roads was attracting much attention. Four miles of the Tanner's Creek Turnpike were announced as completed in May, 1851. There was much improvement made in the roads in three years from 1867 to 1870. April 1, 1869, it was announced that subscription books were opened and canvassing commenced for the construction of the Rising Sun & Laughery Turnpike; the amount of stock solicited was $20,000, in shares of $25. In June, 1868, the directors of the Rising Sun & Milton Turnpike Company contracted for the construction of the road at a cost of $1,375.89 per mile. Four miles were completed in the fall of the same year. May 28, 1870, the contract for the construction of the North Landing 128 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. & Quercus Grove Turnpike, was let at an average rate of $3,100 per mile. The Kising Sun & North Landing Turnpike Company was organ- ized in September, 1870. June 4, 1878, the wood and iron bridge across Laughery Creek on the road from Aurora to Rising Sun fell into the creek. It had been built in 1869. A new bridge at this place was completed in the autumn of 1879, at a cost of $17,458, Ohio County paying the sum of $2,931. WHITEWATER VALLEY CANAL. One of the early demands of the people of a new country is for means of intercommunication. So soon as the Western country began to be set- tled there began the cry for national aid in opening up all sorts of aven- ues for ingress and egress to and from the frontier lands. New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio had given great attention to the subject of canals, and Indiana early in its history turned its attention to the same subject. The project of a canal thi-ough the Whitewater Valley was agitated as early as 1822 or 1823, by Alvin Joselyn, then connected with the Brookville press; subsequently there was held at Harrison, Ohio, a con- vention of delegates from Franklin, Wayne, Union, Randolph, Fayette and Dearborn Counties. A survey was soon made under the supervision of Col. Shriver's Brigade of United States Engineers. Col. Shriver died before the survey was completed, and after his death the work was continued by Col. Stansbury, who began at the mouth of Garrison's Creek, but discontinued his labor on the approach of winter. Nothing further seems to have been done until 1834, when from the Connersville Watchman it appears that "a corps of engineers are survey- ing the route of the contemplated canal down the valley of the White- water." / In January, 1836, was passed by the General Assembly of Indiana the celebrated act to provide for a general system of internal improvements under which were commenced the Wabash and Erie Canal, the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, Indiana Central Canal and the Whitewater Valley Canal. The last named work was to extend from Hagerstown to Lawrenceburgh. The State of Ohio, or a company chartered by the State? afterward constructed a branch from Harrison, Ohio, to Cincinnati. The survey and location of the Whitewater Valley Canal were com- pleted and the contracts for building the various sections were let at Brookville, September 13,1836, which event was there the occasion of a celebration, and that day made a general gala day. The orator on the occasion was Hon. David Wallace. Gov. Noble, ex-Gov. James B. Ray, Dr. Drake, of Cincinnati, and George H. Dunn, Esq., of Lawrenceburgh, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 129 were chosen as representative characters to perform the ceremony of "breaking ground" for the new canal. Under the auspices of the State, the canal was completed from the Ohio River to Brookville, as well as about half the work from Brook- ville to Cambridge City. The cost of work to Brookville was $664,665. At this time (1839) the State found itself in debt some $14,000,000, and was compelled to abandon all public works. The first boat to reach Brookville was the "Ben Franklin." This was Saturday, June 8, 1839. The citizens gave vent to their joy by the firing of cannon and other demonstrations. At the session of 1841-42 the Legislature chartered the Whitewater Valley Company with a capital stock of $400,000. In October, 1843, the canal was extended from Brookville fifteen miles to Laurel; to Con- nersville, twelve miles further, in June, 1845; and in October, the same year, it was completed to Cambridge City, the entire cost to the company being $473,000. The first boat that arrived at Connersville was in the fall of 1845. It was called the "Patriot," and was commanded by Capt. Gayle Ford. On the 1st of January, 1847, a tremendous freshet damaged the canal so badly that it cost upward of $100,000 to repair it; by the flood was carried off the aqueduct across Symon's Creek, near Cambridge, and that across the West Fork of Whitewater, at Laurel, besides washing immense channels around the feeder dams at Cambridge, Connersville, Laurel, Brookville, the one four miles below, and that at Harrison, and also doing much damage along the whole line. A second flood in No- vember, 1848, only a few weeks after repairs had been completed, dam- aged it to the amount of $80,000. It was, however, again repaired and operated, to some extent, for several years, until superseded by rail- roads, one the Whitewater Valley Eailroad, constructed along the tow- path, and part of the way in the bed of the canal, which had been pre- viously placed in the hands of a receiver, and the right-of-way trans- ferred to the railroad company for that purpose. The canal constructed by the company extended north only to Cam- bridge City. (The length of the canal from Lawrenceburgh to Cam- bridge City was seventy miles.) Subsequently, in or about the year 1846, the Hagerstown Canal Company was organized and the canal com- pleted to that place in 1847. But a small number of boats, however, ever reached that place, and the canal soon fell into disuse, except as a source of water-power. RAILKOADS. As early as 1834-35, when steam- car ti-ansportation was in its in- fancy and before a single mile of railroad had been constructed in Indi- 130 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ana, George H. Dunn was the advocate of a railroad from Lawrence- burgh to Indianapolis. The project then failed. In 1847, the Legisla- ture chartered a company of which Judge Dunn was the first president, authorized to construct a railroad from Lawrenceburgh to Rushville, but the president failed to meet with the encouragement he had hoped for in Rush County. He then turned his attention to the northwest. Finally the friends of a railroad'settled down upon the old project of a road from Lawrenceburgh to Indianapolis. The contract for the con- struction of the first division of this road — twenty miles up the Tanner Creek valley — was let in July or August, 1849; the second division reaching to Greensburgh a few months later, and the third division, from Greensburgh to Indianapolis, in 1851. In September, 1853, the whole line, except five miles between Greensburgh and Shelbyville, was reported completed, and the cars running regularly thereon. The history of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad involves legislation of three States — Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. The first act of incorporation of this road was granted by Indiana, February 14, 1848, incorporating the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad Company and authorizing the construc- tion of a railroad on the most practicable route "between Lawrenceburgh on the Ohio River, and Vincennes on the Wabash River, and extending eastwardly to the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, and westwardly through the State of Illinois to the city of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri." March 15, 1849, the State of Ohio recognized the corporate powers granted by Indiana, and authorized the extension of the road to Cincin- nati. February 12, 1851, the State of Illinois authorized the com- pany to construct a railroad through that State. In 1854 there were completed twenty-nine miles of the road; in 1855, 233 miles; and in 1857 the whole line of 337 miles of six feet guage was open for traffic. The articles of association of the Whitewater Valley Railroad Company were filed with the Secretary of State, June 8, 1865. In 1866 there were constructed eighteen miles of the road; in 1867, fifty-four miles; and in 1868 the entire line of sixty-two miles was completed. In Dearborn County there are forty-nine miles of main track of rail road divided among three companies as follows: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago (including the Lawrenceburgh branch of two and one-half miles), twenty-two; the Ohio & jMississippi, twenty-one, and the Whitewater, six. The total value of railroad property in the county, as assessed by the State board of equalization in 1883, was $550,562. There is no railroad in Ohio County. OHIO RIVER NAVIGATION. The navigation of the Ohio has always been of vast importance to the INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 181 counties bordering upon it. The first boats employed upon its waters were canoes and flat-boats, the latter made of stout green oak timber. In the early history of the country the broad and gentle surface of the Ohio, called the beautiful river, often presented an animated and joyous spec- tacle, with its large and commodious boats of emigrants quietly floating down the -stream. Each boat would contain one or more families of men, women and children, with their domestic animals and furniture. A little hut at one end of the boat was the cabin, and furnished protection from the rain, being parlor, bed-room and kitchen for the household. Sometimes a large raft of pine boards would float down from the Al- legheny, containing a neat log- hut, and present a novel aspect, the emi- grants bringing with them their all — their wives, children, horses, cattle, sheep, fowls, the dog, wagon and household furniture of all sorts. There was no toil in the journey down the stream. Two oars appropriately placed very easily kept the raft in the center of the stream. With corn meal on board, milk from the cow, and abundance of game from the shore, the emigrant fared sumptuously on his voyage. Not unfrequently several of these rafts would join together, and form a floating village of six or seven families, and their live stock. At an early period regular lines of keel-boats were established be- tween Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, each boat making a trip in fom' weeks. These boats had separate cabins for ladies and gentlemen. The pro- prietor of one of these lines announced that "passengers will be supplied with provisions and liquors of all kinds, of the finest quality, and at the most reasonable rates possible. Persons desiring to work their passage will be admitted on finding themselves, subject, however, to the same order and directions from the master of the boat as the rest of the work- ing hands of the boat's crew." These boats, as well as the flat-boats, were propelled by oars and setting poles. Their cargoes were necessarily light, especially in going up stream. The first improvement in the navigation of the Ohio, according to Judge Burnet, was the introduction of barges moved by sails, when the wind permitted, and at other times by oars and poles, as the state of the water might require. These vessels were constructed to carry from fifty to 100 tons. In wet seasons, if properly manned, they could make two trips between Cincinnati and New Orleans in a year. The increased quantity of cargo they carried reduced the price of freight, and enabled them to transport from New Orleans to Cincinnati at from $5 to $6 per 100, which was below the average charge of carriage across the mountains. From that time most of the groceries used in the Territory were brought up the river by these barges; as the price of freight was diminished, the quantity of produce shipped was proportionately in* 132 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. creased. The introduction of this mode of navigating the Ohio and Mississippi was an epoch in the history of the West. The barges were well adapted to the purpose for which they were designed, and continued in use until navigation by steamboats became common. But for some time after the introduction of keel-boats, flat-boating down the Ohio and Mississippi was an important business. About the year 1820 building flat-boats at and near Hartford assumed importance. Sometimes as many as forty or fifty, or even sixty, would be loading at one time in that vicinity. These boats were usually from sixty to eighty feet long by from fourteen to sixteen wide, and drew from thirty to thirty-six inches of water. Starting upon the Ohio, usually in March, on reaching the Mississippi these boats would form fleets of as many as twenty.' Landing every night, the crew would remain ashore until after breakfast. Many boats were loaded at Rising Sun. The flat-boat busi- ness began to decline subsequent to 1830. The lirst steamboat which made a voyage down the Ohio left Pitts- burgh in October, 1811, and in four days arrived at Louisville. This boat was called the " New Orleans," and on its first voyage carried no freight or passengers. In consequence of the small depth of water in the rapids, the boat was detained at Louisville for three weeks. It improved the time in making several trips between Louisville and Cin- cinnati. The comparatively few and scattered inhabitants on the Indi- ana side of the river, whom even the rumor of such an invention had never reached, when they gazed upon the novel appearance of the vessel, saw the rapidity with which it made its way over the waters and heard the strange noise caused by the stream rushing from the valves, were excited with a mixture of surprise and terror. Several small steamboats were constructed at Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Wheeling within the next five years, but it was not until the suc- cessful voyage of the " Washington" between Louisville and New Orleans in 1817 that the general public were convinced that steamboat navigation of the western rivers would succeed. The " General Pike," built at Cincin- nati in 1818, to ply between Louisville, Cincinnati and Maysville, is said to have been the first steamboat on the Ohio for the exclusive accommo- dation of passengers. This vessel measured 100 feet keel, twenty -five beam, and drew three feet three inches of water. The cabin was forty feet long and twenty-five broad. AGRICULTURE. 133 CHAPTEK VIII. AGRICULTURE. PiONEEK Farming— Early Implements— Pioneer Plowing— Reaping WITH THE Sickle— Horses— Cattle— Swine— Principal Crops- The Floating Barn— A.gricultural Societies— Ohio and Switzerland County Agricultural Society— Dearborn County Agricultural Society— Southeast Indiana ^agricultural Society— Lawrence- burgh xVgricultural Association. lyj'OTWITHSTANDING the wonderful fertility of the rich, virgin soil JL N| when the old forests were cut away, and the genial and vivifying rays of the sun shone upon the first crops planted by the hand of man, agricul- ture was not the road to wealth with the early settlers. The great embar- rassment under which the pioneer farmer- labored was the difficulty of get- ting the products of his soil to a market. In spite of roots and stumps, sprouts and bushes, the newly cleared land brought forth bountiful har vests; but the wagon roads were imperfect, canals and railroads un- thought of, and the distance by the Ohio River to the principal markets so great, the navigation so difficult, tedious and hazardous, that the early farmer had little encouragement to increase the products of his fields beyond the wants of his family, and the supply of the limited home mar- ket created by the wants of the inhabitants of the neighboring towns and the newly-arrived immigrants. The average time required for a jour- ney by a flat-boat propelled by oars and poles, from Lawrenceburgh to New Orleans and return, was six months. The cargoes taken in these boats were necessarily light; the boats could not be easily brought back, and were generally abandoned at New Orleans and the crew returned by land, sometimes on foot through a wilderness of hundreds of miles. A large part of the proceeds of the cargo was necessarily consumed in the cost of taking it to market. Hogs and cattle were driven afoot over the mountains, and, after a journey of a month or six weeks, fouad an uncertain market in Baltimore. Corn rarely commanded more than 10 or 12 cents per bushel; wheat, 30 or 40 cents; hay was from $3 to $4 per ton; flour from $1.50 to $2 per hundred; pork from $1 to $2 per hundred; the average price of good beef was $1.50 per hundred, while oats, potatoes, butter and eggs scarcely had a market value, and the sale of cabbage and turnips was 134 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. almost unlieard of. But the early farmers supplied tLeir homes liberally with the comforts of pioneer life; they lived independently, and, perhaps, were as happy and contented as those who have the luxuries brought by wealth and commence. The proximity of a spring, rather than the claims of taste or sanitary considerations, usually determined the location of the first residence of the pioneer farmer; and the log stable and the corn-crib, made of rails or poles, were apt to be in close proximity to the residence. The first fences, both for the fields and the door-yard, were made of rails in the form of the Virginia, or worm fence. This, in a new country, where timber, readily split with the wedge and maul, was abundant, was the cheapest and the most durable fence. Unsightly as it is, it is yet super- seded to a limited extent only by post and rail, board or wire fences, or hedges. IMPLEMENTS. The agricultural implements of the pioneers were necessarily few in number and made simple in construction — often made on the farm with some assistance from the noir^hboring blacksmiths. The plows used were the bar- share and the shovel. The iron part of the former consisted of a bar of iron about two feet long, and a broad share of iron welded to it. At the extreme point was a coulter that passed through a beam six or seven feet long, to which were attached handles of corresponding length. The mold board was a wooden one split out of winding tim- ber, or hewed into a winding shape in order to turn the soil over. The whole length of the plow, from the fore end of the beam to the ends of the handles, was eight or ten feet. Newly cleared ground was with this plow broken up with great difficulty. On this subject a pioneer says: "The old bar-share plow, with a coulter and wooden mold board, was the best plow then in use, though by far the greatest number used only the shovel plow, which answered an excellent purpose in the loose rich alluvium soil in its virgin purity, free from weeds and grass. The shovel was all the iron connected with the plow, and not unlike those in use at the present day. The gearing or harness used by a majority of our pio- neers was so novel in its construction that I must describe it. The bridle for the horse was an iron bit, the balance being of small rope. The col- lar was made of shucks (the husks of the corn). The hames were shaped out of a crooked oak or a hickory root, fastened at the top with a cord and at the bottom in the same way. The traces were of rope, the back- band being of tow cloth. The whiffle-tree or single-tree was of wood, with a notch on each end; the trace hitched by a loop over the whiffle- tree, and to the hame through a hole. The whiffle tree was attached to the double-tree by a hickory withe, and sometimes by a wooden clevis AGRICULTURE. 135 made of two pieces of some tough wood, with wooden pin: the double- tree fastened to the end of the plow beam by the same form of clevis and sometimes an iron one. To the rope bridle was attached a cord, called a single-line, by which the horse was driven. By far the largest number of plow-teams was only a single horse, geared as before described, and hitched to the shovel-plow, the ground broken up, crossed oflf and tended by the same plow and horse." The cast-iron plow was slowly introduced. The early harrows were made of bars of wood and wooden teeth, and were rude and homely in construction. Sometimes, in place of the harrow, a brush, weighted down with a piece of timber, was dragged over the ground. The sickle was in universal use for harvesting grain until about 1825, when it was gradually superseded by the cradle. The sickle is one of the most an- cient of farming implements; but reaping with the sickle was always slow and laborious. For the twenty years succeeding 1830, there were few farmers who did not know how to swing the cradle and scythe, but dur- ing the next twenty years reapers and mowers, drawn by horses, became almost the only harvesters of grain and grass. The first reaping ma- chines merely cut the grain; a raker was necessary to gather the grain into sheaves ready for the binders. Self-raking reaping machines soon followed, and, about 1878, self-binding machines were introduced. Of the two old-fashioned methods of separating the grain from the straw — the flail and the tramping with horses — the latter was the most common in this region. To-day, instead of this slow and wasteful method, a horse or steam-power thresher not only separates the grain, but winnows it and carries the straw to the stack, all at the same time. HARVESTING WITH THE SICKLE. A newspaper writer thus describes the harvesting of the pioneers: " My first experience in harvesting was about 1825. Then about twenty-five or more men would work together. The reapers went to the farm-house where they were to harvest, and there they would find a lunch set out, consisting of milk, bread and butter, cold ham sliced, onions, etc., then a tanzy bitters, after which they get to the field. There a leader was chosen, generally by the owner of the field. The leader com- mences; he cuts a space about four feet wide and two feet deep; the second falls in, and cuts the same space, and so on until all are cutting. They cut to the middle of the field, and then if the leader is acquainted with all his men he will stand and rest for from one to five minutes; if not, he will inspect the work of every one thoroughly, and commend or reprimand as he thinks the reapers deserve. After the brief rest is over, the leader gives the word to go ahead, and they cut to the end. If the 136 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. grain should be very wet they let it lie in grips until it is dry enough to bind. They keep on cutting until about 8 o'clock, when they breakfast. About 9 o'clock they commence again. Dinner is served at 12. About 4 o'clock a piece with coffee, some of the reapers putting a good dram in their coffee. Early in the morning the boys were allowed to take their sickles and gouge for their fathers; that is, to go to the far end of their through and reap till they would meet them, but as soon as the dew was off they had to hang up their sickles. Some would be detailed to carry water, others placed under some old man and made to gather sheaves. All this seems very slow work compared with that of the reaping machine, but the modern reaper could have done nothing in the fields then, for the stumps stood as thick as the shocks. "About 1827 there were two cradles in our fields, but they never cut as clean as the sickle or the reaping machine. But the cradles soon caused the sickles to be hung up in the barn, seldom to be taken down except for the purpose of cutting a patch of grain blown down. Wages for reapers were 50 cents per day." The capital invested in domestic animals constitutes a large item in the wealth of the counties. Improvements in breeds of all the farm ani- mals have kept pace with the improvements in agricultural implements and methods of tilling the soil. After the land had been generally cleared of the forests, the necessity of oxen ceased, and interest in the improvement of the horse commenced. The possession of good horses — elegant, strong and speedy — became a matter of pride with the farmer. Speed was not considered of special value in the horse until the improve- ments in the public roads rendered possible the use of the modern light carriage. The beneficial effect of agricultural fairs was soon seen in the improvement of live stock, and especially of horses. Before the estab- lishment of fairs the horses of this region were of a most uncertain and inferior breed. Soon after the Morgan horses, Tom Crowders, Hio-hlanders and other good horses were introduced. The Morgans came first, and a number of fine horses of the breed were exhibited at early fairs, and were much admired. Whenever a new breed has been introduced the tendency has always been to amalgamate it with stock already in use. The strains of blood have not therefore been kept dis- tinct. The farm horses or horses for general purposes found throughout the counties are of mixed and uncertain blood, but it is certain that they have been greatly improved within thirty years in style, action, form, temper and endurance. ^J^n^jTA^ ■2/'tlf?L Ji ^ AGRICULTURE. 139 The cattle of the early settlers were introduced from various quarters, eraigrants from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky bringing many with them; and it is believed by some that cattle raised by the Indians previous to the first settlement by the whites, were an element in the original or common herds in the West. Of course they were a heteroge- neous collection, yet in process of time, the stock was assimilated to the locality, acquiring local characteristics, by which the experienced cattle- dealer determined from their general appearance the region in which they were reared. The early farmers suffered their cattle to wander through the woods and uncultivated grounds, browsing for their living, and thus some of the native grasses or shrubs were extirpated by being cropped off early in the spring before the flowers and seeds were formed. In winter the cows were not housed nor sheltered, but found their subsistence at a stack of wheat-straw, or in the corn-field, after husking time; or, at best, were fed twice a day in an open lot with fodder and unhusked corn. The practice, which is still common, of securing the corn before it is fully matured, by cutting off the stalks near the ground, and stacking it in the field, is said to have originated with the cattle-feeders of Virginia. The Patton stock of cattle, introduced into Kentucky early in this century, doubtless found their way across the Ohio, and were crossed with the cattle on the north side. The Kentucky importation of 1817 also probably influenced, to some extent, the cattle of this region. Excel- lent short-horn cattle continued to be introduced from time to time, until there is scarcely a neighhorhood in which more or less of their cross is not found. Of lale years the Jerseys and other breeds are finding their way into favor. SWINE. A writer on the subject of the swine of the early settlers, gives this description of them: "They were long and slim, long-suouted and long- legged, with an arched back, and bristles erect from the back of the head to the tail, slab-sided, active and healthy. The 'sapling-splitter' and 'razor-back,' as he was called, was ever in the search for food, and quick to take alarm. He was capable of making a heavy hog, but required two years or more to mature, and. until a short time before butchering or marketing, was suffered to run at large, subsisting mainly as a forager, and in the fall fattening on the 'mast.' " What a contrast between the bogs of that period and those of 1885! Probably no change wrought in the stock of the farmer is so marked as in this animal. Those of to-day mature early and are almost the reverse of the razor-back, having a small head, small ear, short neck, with a 140 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. long body and hams, and in general shape are almost square, and are capable of taking on 250 pounds of flesh in eight or ten months. Of the improved breeds of swine, the Suffolks, Chester Whites, Berkshires and Poland Chinas are foremost. PKINCIPAL CROPS. Corn is especially adapted to the rich bottoms which receive frequent additions of rich alluvium from the overflowing river and creeks. The crop, however, is sometimes destroyed by late floods. In what is known as the "big bottom," a large tract in Dearborn County extending from the junction of the Whitewater and Miami Rivers to their mouth, and thence along the Ohio to the mouth of Tanner's Creek at Aurora, a dis- tance of ten miles, corn is almost the exclusive crop. Fields on these bottoms which have been planted in corn for forty years in succession, will produce without manure from sixty to one hundred bushels per acre. The average is about seventy five bushels. These bottoms are valued very highly on account of their productiveness, and being subject to occasional inundations from back-water from the Ohio, no fears are entertained of an exhaustion of their fertility. In Ohio County there are extensive tracts of fertile bottom lands along Laughery Creek and the Ohio, and Indian corn is perhaps the most important crop in Ohio and Switzerland Counties. Wheat is an important crop in this region; oats, rye and barley are also grown to some extent. Potatoes form an important crop in Ohio County, it being nothing unusual for a farmer to cultivate forty acres in potatoes, producing from fifty to three hundred bushels per acre. Grass is the principal crop on the uplands. Two tons of hay from one acre are not uncommon, but the average yield is about one ton per acre, Switzerland County has been noted for the amount of timothy hay shipped to the Southern market. The hay is pressed into bales by what is generally called the "Morman Hay Press." Some years ago there were reported to be about two hundred of these presses in Switzerland County and about fifty in Ohio County. In Cotton Township, in the former county, where this press was invented and the first one erected, there were said to be fifty in operation. In recent years tobacco grow- ing has become an important industry in southeast Indiana. THE FLOATING BARN.* Mr. Jesse Hunt, of Lawrenceburgh, was one of the first settlers of that place, and about the year 1819 erected "Hunt's Hotel," which, by nhe way, was considered the "star" hotel of this country as long as Mr. *By George W. Lane. AGRICULTURE. 141 Hunt kept it. As he had to raise his own hay, he cleared a piecje of ground (upon which the Methodist Church was afterward built), and seeded it down to grass, every year clearing a little more land, and rais- ing yearly more than was necessary for home consumption, until he found a surplus of hay upon his hands which he knew not how to dis- pose of. After thinking over the matter for some time, he concluded that there must be a market for hay somewhere down the river, and made up his mind to put his hay afloat and try to find that market. But there was one great difficulty which stood in the way of this project: the bulk of the hay would prevent its being compact enough to make the trans- portation of it profitable. Here indeed was a dilemma; but ever fertile in expedients, Mr. Hunt conceived the idea of pressing his hay. But how to construct a machine for doing this puzzled him worse than ever, and brought his speculation to a stand. At this stage of the proceed- ings he bethought him of a Mr. Morrison, an "universal genius," and a man of great inventive propensities, who lived at Hardintown, and who, he thought, if any one, could aid him in the construction of his machine. So, posting up to Hardintown, he sought Mr. Morrison, and laid his plans before him. Mr. M. entered heartily into the scheme, and setting to work in a few days turned out the first hay press ever invented — an old-fashioned, wooden screw press. When it was completed Mr. M. went on to Washington and procured a patent for his invention. Meanwhile Mr. Hunt had the press put up, and set to work baling his hay. The neighbors gathered around to witness the operations of the new "hay-mil]," which was the object of as much curiosity as would have been a traveling menagerie to the denizens of this then sparsely settled country. Some shook their heads, others laughed outright, and all persisted in assuring Mr. Hunt that they would soon see in him a walking illustration that "a fool and his money are soon parted." But Mr. H. "reckoned he knew a thing or two," and kept on about his busi- ness, despite their taunts and jeers. The hay baled, the next thing to be done was to build a boat to put it in. This was accomplished in due time, and the first hay boat that ever floated down the Ohio received its load preparatory to starting for a market. From his inexperience in the business, Mr. Hunt had some difficulty in constructing sweeps, etc., to suit him, but having the whole forest to go to, he at last got his boat rigged out, and everything ready for a start. On the day of his depar- ture the whole settlement turned out to see the "floating barn" fairly under way, and amid the not very complimentary remarks of the more knowing ones, and the ridicule of the whole crowd, the moorings were cast off, and the boat floated along with the current, and was soon lost to their sight as it swept around the nearest bend. 142 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. "The crowd, with fingers in their mouths, "Went homeward, one by one." Mr. Hunt's hay speculation furnished material for gossip for a few days, and was then almost entirely forgotten. In those days the arrival of a steamboat at the wharf was not a mat- ter of such comparative indifference as at present. There were then but very few boats navigating the Western rivers, and the stoppage of a boat at a river town brought all the inhabitants to the bank to see who was going to land, learn the news, etc. Steamboat whistles had not then come into use, and each boat carried a small cannon, which was fired off to announce its approach to town. One day, it may have been three or four weeks after Mr. Hunt's departure, the booming of a cannon an- nounced to the citizens of Lawrenceburgh that a steamboat was ap- proaching their village. Instantly all work was stopped; the blacksmith dropped his sledge, the carpenter his plane, the merchant his yardstick, and all repaired to the bank of the river to watch the approaching boat. On she came, and when she had arrived sufficiently near to enable the people on the shore to distinguish one individual from another, they saw Jesse Hunt standing erect upon the prow. The boat landed, and the eager crowd gathered around Mr. Hunt, with, "Well, Jesse, how far down did you get with your 'floating barn' before you stove her?" "What's hay worth in New Orleans?" "Where's the wreck of your boat?" etc., etc. As soon as he could get an opportunity, Mr. Hunt told them that he had got along very well until he arrived at the mouth of White River, where they were lying one day, when a steamboat came up, and a stranger, hailing Mr. Hunt, asked him what he would take a ton for his hay. He replied $30. The stranger accepted the offer, the hay changed hands, and IMr. Hunt returned home. The crowd which had gathered around him, expecting to have some rare sport at his expense, felt rather cheap at this (to them) unexpected result of his spec- •ulation, and quietly dispersed. As it was when Columbus made the egg stand upon its end, so it was in this case. The ice having been broken, others built boats and sent their hay down the river, from which they realized handsome profits. Thus was a trade commenced which has increased from year to year as the county became more thickly settled, until hay has become a leading article of export, affording employment to a large number of our citi- zens in preparing it and getting it to market, and returning a handsome profit to those who invest their money in speculating upon it. We can hardly pass a farm in a ride of ten miles into the country but what has a hay press, and whenever we see one it reminds us of the "hay mill" that was so universally ridiculed by the good people of Lawrenceburgh in 1819. AGRICULTURE. 143 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES AND FAIRS. The Ohio and Switzerland County Agricultural Society was organized October 11, 1851. The first annual fair of the society was held at Rising Sun, October 6 and 7, 1852, at which the attendance was reported unex- pectedly large, numbering about 3,000 people. The exhibit of agricult- ural and mechanical articles was commendable. The number of pre- miums awarded was sixty- seven, and the amount paid for premiums was $101 besides a number of copies of the report of the State Board of Agriculture. At this time John Hall was president and W. M. French, secretary. For four or five years the exhibitions of the society were held alternately between Rising Sun and Vevay, the citizens of those places contributing the funds necessary to fit up the grounds. In 1857, a per- manent site for a fair ground was secured near Enterprize, in Switzer- land County, since which time the exhibitions have been held there. In 1877 the association had twenty-five acres. Success has almost invari- ably attended the fairs of the society. In 1880, the secretary reported 1,080 entries, $1,700 paid out in premiums; $400 expended in sub- stantial improvements; all claims against the society paid and a balance in the treasury of $891.60. The Dearborn County Agricultural Society was organized April 10, 1852. The first officers were Seth Piatt, president; Gersham Dunn and John D. Johnson, vice-presidents, and Francis Worley, secretary. The first annual fair was held at Manchester, October 27, 28, and 29, 1852. In that year the society numbered 125 members. The receipts and ex- penditures of the society the first year were as follows: From fees of members •. $117.00 " county 60.00 " premium donated 13.00 " proceeds of fair 71.75 $261.75 Paid amount of premiums $83.00 " printing 8.00 " contingent expenses of fair 11.45 " books and stationery 11.08 $113.53 Balance in treasury $148.22 In 1856, the Dearborn County Fairs began to be held at Aurora. The society had there enclosed nine acres of ground leased for five years. In 1858 the society had 600 members. The Southeastern Indiana Agricultural Society was organized as a stock company in 1869, and was a reorganization of the Aurora society. 144 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. March 4, 1869, the Dearborn County Agricultural Society met and resolved to abandon their organization, and to organize a new society under the laws of Indiana to be known as the Southeastern Indiana Agri- cultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Association. The first fair of the new organization was held September 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 1869. The receipts were $2,210.10; the amount paid for premiums was |1,656, and $557 were expended on the grounds. The fair ground is located one- half mile northwest of Aurora in a beautiful grove of maple-trees. The ground is held in trust by the city for the use of the society; the im- provements are owned by the society. The Lawrenceburgh Agricultural Association held its first fair in 1879. The association has splendid fair grounds, with a half-mile track, and a covered stand with a seating capacity of 2,500. The grounds are beautifully situated, and the appointments complete. The city has been liberal to the society in donations. The secretary, in his report for 1882, said: "The past has been very unlucky in some respects. Fire has twice destroyed forty-eight box stalls and a barn. The first time the loss was $1,800, but the second time, luckily, we were insured for $1,200, about two-thirds of the damage sustained. In the winter of 1882 the Miami and Ohio Rivers broke over their banks, and went rushing through the fair grounds at a lively rate, carying desolation in their wake, and playing sad havoc with the grounds generally. The association was damaged fully $1,000 by this catastrophe. Notwithstanding these dis- couragements, the directors went to work, built new box stalls and barn, a large and fine art hall costing $2,000, and made other improvements. The success of the fair of 1882 was phenomenal. It rained every day during the fair, and by looking at the gate receipts you find that the at- tendance was astonishingly large." THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 145 CHAPTER IX. THE LEGAL PROFESSION. The Legal Business of the Pioneers— The Practice of Law in the Territorial Courts— The Lawyers and practice in the Early State Courts— The Pioneer Lawyers of Dearborn County — Sketches of Some Deceased Members of the Bar. IT is probable that the legal business of the earliest pioneers of south east Indiana was transacted at Cincinnati, which was the most im-' portant town northwest of the Ohio. The first courts in Indiana were held at Vincennes, and that place was the first seat of justice of the re- gion comprising Dearborn and Ohio Counties, but its distance, and the fact that at that time there had been no sales of land by the United States, make it doubtful if any legal business for this region was trans- acted at that ancient town. Cincinnati was accessible; was the seat of justice for this region from 1798 to 1802, and the United States land office was located there. In 1796, when the first settlements were com- menced in Dearborn County, there were nine practicing attorneys in the little village of Cincinnati, all of whom, except two, says Judge Burnet, became confirmed drunkards, and descended to premature graves. The same writer says of the early lawyers and the practice of law in the ter- ritory northwest of the Ohio: "It was always my opinion that there was a fair proportion of genius and talent among the early members of the bar. Some of them, it is true, were uneducated, and had to acquire their legal knowledge after they assumed the profession. These were not numerous, but were noisy and officious, and, for some time, were able to procure a considerable amount of practice. This may be accounted for, in part, by the fact that the docket contained a large number of actions for slander and as- sault and battery, and indictments for larceny, libels and the like, which generally originated among the followers of the army, who were numer- ous, consisting of pack-horsemen, bullock-drivers, boatmen and artificers, who were not always very discriminating in the selection of counsel. "In 1796 our circuit was a very extended one, though it included but three counties — Washington, Hamilton and Wayne. Nevertheless, in De- cember, 1799 Mr. St. Clair and myself attended the court at Vincennes, in the county of Knox, with a view of engaging in the practice. But 146 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the distance, connected with the fact that the docket did not present a prospect of much lucrative business, induced us to abandon the project. "When it is recollected that the country at that time, and for some years thereafter, was destitute of roads, bridges and ferries, and even of white inhabitants, after traveling thirty or forty miles from the county towns, it might naturally be concluded that our journeys through the wilderness, from court to court, were irksome and unpleasant. Such, however, was not the fact. We took care to provide comfortable stores, which we were enabled to transport on our horses, with the aid of a pack-horse, and our minds were made up to endure anything that might occur. The want of bridges and ferries rendered the art of swimming an indispensable qualification of a good hackney. No man purchased a horse for the saddle without being first assured that he was a safe swim- mer, and when mounted on such a steed he felt himself secure. Gener- ally, our parties consisted of four or five, and were, in reality, more like excursions for amusement than journeys of fatigue and distress." Oliver H. Smith, in speaking of the lawyers of early Indiana, says: "Our lawyers were what the world calls self made men, meaning men who have not had the advantages of rich fathers and early education, to whom the higher seminaries and colleges were sealed books; men gifted by nature with strong, vigorous, clear intellects, fine health and sound constitutions; men who, like the newly hatched swan, were directed by nature to their proper elements, their proper professions. Few of them failed of success. Necessity urged to action. With most of them it was 'root or die.' In ninety-nine cases out of every hundred of the failures in the dif- ferent professions and avocations in life, charged by the world to ' bad luck,' it is nothing more nor less than the selection of a profession, avocation or business that nature never intended you for. The smallest teal or duck, that swims on the bosom of Chesapeake Bay, would sink and drown, in that element, the best blooded and finest game-cock that ever old Virginia produced in her most chivalric days; while in the cock- pit the teal or duck would be nowhere in the fight. "Our counties furnished too little business for the resident attorneys; we all looked to a circuit practice. Some rode the whole circuit, and others over but few counties. We sometimes had a little sparring in our cases in trials, but it ended there, and we stood banded together like brothers. At the Rush Circuit Court my friend Judge Perry bargained for a pony for $25, to be delivered the next day, on a credit of six months. The man came with the pony, but required security of the Judge for the $25. The Judge drew the note at the top of a sheet of foolscap and signed it. I signed it; James Rariden signed and passed it on, and on it went from lawyer to lawyer around the bar, till some twenty of us had THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 147 signed it. I then handed it up to the court, and the three judges put their names to it. Judge Perry presented it to the man he had bought the pony of, but he promptly refused to receive it. 'Do you think I am a fool, to let you get the court and all the lawyers on your side ? I see you intend to cheat me out of my pony.' Up he jumped and ran out of the court house on full gallop. " The great variety of trials and incidents on the circuit gave to the life of a traveling attorney an interest that we all relished exceedingly. There was none of the Green Bay City monotony, no dyspepsia, no gout, no ennui, rheumatism or neuralgia; consumption was a stranger among us. An occasional jump of the ^toothache, relieved by the turnkey of the first doctor we came to, was the worst. All was fun, good humor, fine jokes well received, good appetites and sound sleeping, cheerful landlords and good-natured landladies at the head of the table. We rode first-class hoi'ses: Gen. Noble on 'Wrangler,' for which he gave $60; Drew on ' Drew Gray,' cost $70; Caswell on 'Blue Dick,' cost $65; Rariden on 'Old Gray,' cost $80; John Test on 'Bay Filly,' cost $50; Gen. McKinney on 'McKinney Roan,' cost $45; David Wallace on 'Ball,' cost $40; Amos Lane on ' Big Sorrel,' cost $60; Judge Eggleston on 'Indian pony,' cost $35; George H. Dunn on 'Dancing Rabbit,' cost $40; James B. Ray on 'Red Jacket,' cost $60; Martin M. Ray on 'John,' cost $35; William R. Morrison 'Jacob,' cost $50; Charles H. Test on 'Archie,' cost $40; John S. Newman on 'Clay Bank,' cost $60; and I rode 'Grey Fox,' that cost me $90. These were the highest prices at that day for the very best traveling horses in the country. They were trained to the cross-pole mud roads, and to swimming. " Our attorneys were ready, off-hand practitioners, seldom at fault for the occasion. Sometimes we had to meet attorneys from other States, who would tire the Latin and technical terms with a triumphant air, but in most cases they were foiled by the quick retorts of our bar." The following named persons were members of the bar of Dearborn County and practiced before the courts of the county prior to 1820: James Dill, J. B. Thomas, Thomas Wardell, John Lawrence, Elijah Sparks, Amos Lane, Jesse L. Holman, James Noble, Stephen C. Stevens, William Hendricks, Daniel J. Caswell, Moses Hitchcock. Subsequent to 1820 appear the names of John Test, Sr., George H. Dunn, Edwin Pratt, Ezekiel Walker, Arthur St. Clair Vance, Philip L. Spooner, Horace Bassett, Henry Cunlifife, D. S. Major, James T. Brown, Theodore and Carter Gazlay. The following list of the members of the bar of Dearborn County in 1871 was prepared by W. W. Tilley in an historical address deposited in the corner-stone of the court house: Daniel S. Major, William S. 148 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Holman, -John D. Haynes, John Schwartz, John K. Thompson, William Wirt Tilley, George B. Fitch, Noah S. Givan, Francis Adkinson, Will- iam H. Bainbridge, Omar F. Roberts, George W. Roberts, E. W. Adkin- son, Hamilton Conaway, William H. Mathews, Isaac M. Dunn, Charles S. Dunn, Hugh D. McMullen, O. B. Liddell, Richard Gregg and George R. Brumblay. When the first term of court in Ohio County convened on the second Monday of December, 1844, the resident bar of that county consisted of one member only, Asaph Buck, who soon after removed to Wilmington in Dearborn County. On the second day of the term, Daniel Kelso, James Brown, Theodore Gazley, Daniel S. Major, A. C. Downey, J. S. Jelley and P. L. Spooner were admitted as attorneys of the court. Of these Hon. A. C. Downey and James S. Jelley, located in Rising Sun, where they continued to reside. A. C. Downey became circuit judge in 1850 and filled that office until 1858, and in 1870 was elected to the supreme bench. In 1846 Samuel Dibble and John W. Spencer were ad- mitted to the bar and located in Rising Sun; the former died soon after and the latter continued in the practice until his death in 1859. Henry A. Downey was admitted to the bar in 1849 and practiced at Rising Sun until 1858, when he removed to Vevay. John J. Hayden was admitted in 1850, and, in 1858, was elected common pleas judge, which office he resigned in 1860 and moved to Indiaaapolis. GEN. JAMES DILL, an Irish barrister, who immigrated to America and was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was the friend and associate of Gen. Harrison and Gen. St. Clair, and married the daughter of the latter. Senator Oliver H. Smith, who studied law with him, thus de- scribes his preceptor: "He was frank and open in his intercourse with others, about the common height, wore a long cue, dressed with taste, features good, eyelids heavy, hair thrown back in front." Judge Will- iam S. Holman says: "Gen. James Dill is a grand character in the history of Dearborn County. He was the last of our gentlemen of the old school. Forty years ago the spirit of Westminster pervaded our jurisprudence. It appeared even in our forms of procedure. There was infinitely more of the pomp and show of judicial authority then than now. When Gen. Dill appeared in court, it was in the full costume of the gentlemen of the last century — his knee breeches and silver buckles and venerable cue neatly plaited and flowing over his shoulders, seemed a mild protest against the leveling tendencies of the age; but nothing could impair the hold which the gallant soldier and courtly and witty Irishman had on the friendship of the people of this county. He remained clerk for many years, and until his death." Gen. Dill was a member of the Territorial Legislature, and served as speaker of the House THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 149 in that body. He was a member of the convention which formed the first constitution of Indiana, and was chairman of the committees on impeachments and the militia. JESSE B. THOMAS, one of the first lawyers of Dearborn County, was born in Hagerstown, Md., in the year 1777, and came west in 1799, and studied law with his brother, Richard Symmes Thomas, of Bracken County, Ky. On the organization of Dearborn County, Indiana Territory, March 7, 1803, he located in Lawrenceburgh as a practicing lawyer. The first election of members to the Territorial Legislature, was held January 3, 1805. Jesse B. Thomas was elected a member for Dearborn County, and served in that body as speaker of the House, Ben- jamin Chambers, of the same county, being president of the council. Mr. Thomas served as speaker of House at the first and second session of the Territorial Legislature, when he was elected a delegate from the Territory to Congress. On the organization of Illinois Territory, he was appointed by the President of the United States one of the judges of that Territory, and removed to Kaskaskia; thence to Cahokia and thence to Edwardsville. On the formation of a constitution and State govern- ment of Illinois in 1818, he was a delegate to, and president of, the convention that formed the constitution of Illinois. Mr. Thomas was elected by the first State Legislature as United States Senator, and served in that body ten years. He then removed to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where he died in 1853. JUDGE ELIJAH SPARKS was born in Queen Anne County, Va., about 1770. At the age of nineteen or twenty he became a professor of re- ligion and, in 1792, he engaged as a traveling preacher. After one or two changes he went to Kentucky and commenced the study of law, and, in the fall of 1800, commenced practice in Campbell County, Ky. He sub- sequently removed to Bank Lick (now Covington) in the same State, and, in the spring of 1806, removed to Lawrenceburgh, at which time John Weaver, at one time sheriff of Dearborn County and a brother to Mrs. Sparks, was then a United States oflScer, and with a small command occu- pied one of the block-houses in what is now Dearborn County. On the 16th of January, 1814, Mr. Sparks was made one of the Territorial judges of Dearborn County, which office he filled until his death in May, 1815, presiding with great credit. The Rev. Allen Wiley alludes to him as "one of the prominent instruments of the planting, spread, and sym- metry of Methodism in this part of Indiana." HORACE BASSETT was born in Mansfield, Conn., January 18,1782; in early life he immigrated to Vermont; he there studied law with Col. Mattox, and followed his profession successfully — for some time filling the office of State's attorney. He removed to Indiana in 1820, and set- 150 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. tied at Aurora. In 1822 he was elected to the Legislature which met at Corydon, and continued to represent the district in which he lived for six years. He was a member of the first Legislature that assembled at Indianapolis. It was through his instrumentality, in about the year 1822, that the township system was adopted as a system local to Dear- born County. Twenty years later, when, by the adoption of the new ■constitution of the State, legislation concerning townships, county business was required to be uniform, impressed with the value of the system, William S. Holman, another member from Dearborn County in the State Legislature, introduced the bill extending the system to all the counties of the State. This bill passed, and the township system, although since greatly modified, became the permanent policy of Indiana. In 1832 he was one of the commissioners who removed the Indians from tbis State to the far West, beyond the Mississippi. Two years afterward he was appointed by Judge Holman clerk of the United States Circuit and District Courts, which office he held till the time of his death. He became a resident of Indianapolis in 1840, and died in that city Decem- ber 18, 1860. Mr. Bassett was universally respected and loved by those who knew him. His natural intelligence, united with extensive reading, in which much of his time was spent, rendered him a favorite compan- ion in the social circle. At his death the committee appointed to draft and adopt resolutions expressive of the feelings of the membei's of the bar and officers of the United States Circuit Court said: "Inasmuch as it has pleased our Heavenly Father to call to Himself our friend and brother, Horace Bassett, Esq., who for so many years past has been clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States, we his friends and associates have met to pay our tribute of respect to and veneration for his memory. It is not so much his long and useful life as a lawyer, a legislator and an officer of court, as his high merits as a man and Christian, which we de- sire to commemorate." * * * AMOS LANE, born March 1, 1778, was a native of New York, and at the time he left that State for the West, resided at Aurora, not far from New York City. Arriving at Cincinnati he halted there a few months, and in the spring of 1808 he came to Lawrenceburgh, Ind. Mr. Lane being a lawyer by profession sought admission to the bar, but was refused license for the sole reason, as he frequently declared, that he was an ardent friend of Thomas Jefi"erson. This was in the summer of 1808, and in the fall of the same year he crossed the Ohio River with his family and located on Judge Piatt's fariu. Not satisfied with his location, he constructed a huge canoe, and loading his few household goods and family into it, he floated down the Ohio River to Carrollton, Ky., but he was so much dissatisfied, with the first sight he had of the town, THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 151 that he returned to Boone County, and located directly opposite Lawrenceburgh on the bank of the river at a place than called Tousey- town. Here he remained for two years, turning his hand to anything that would enable him to make bread for his family. In 1811 he located in Burlington and was admitted to the bar of Kentucky. In 1814 he returned to Lawrenceburgh and had then no trouble in being admitted to th^ bar of Indiana. He soon gained a high place in his profession, especially as a criminal lawyer. He distinguished himself in the case of the State vs. Amasa Fuller, indicted for murder, appearing as counsel for the prosecution. In 1816 he was elected a member of the first Legislature of the State of Indiana and was chosen speaker. He was re elected in 1817, and was again a member of the Legislature in 1839. At this time he was a leadings pirit in southern Indiana. In 1833 he was elected to Congress over' John Test, an able and popular Whig. He was re-elected in 1835, defeating Judge George H. Dunn. In Congress Mr. Lane was an ardent champion of Gen. Jackson, and won the title of " The "Wheel Horse," so ardently and zealously did he defend the hero of the Hermitage. As a popular orator Amos Lane had but few, if any, equals in the West — Corwin and Clay only excepted. He was fully six feet high, of erect and commanding stature, and possessed a voice of remarkable force and power, deep and full, over which he had complete control. His language was ready and fluent, and being master of invective in a marked degree, woe unto the man who incurred his dis- pleasure. He had full blue eyes, which were very expressive under all circumstances, but when he was aroused by feelings of emotion they were positively piercing. Frequently he would close his teeth together, and talk through them with a hissing sound that would almost make one's flesh crawl. Instantly changing his manner, his voice would become soft and mellow, coupled with the most touching tones, that would draw teai's from many of his hearers. Amos Lane was abstemious in his habits, so far as the use of alcoholic liquors were concerned. He was never known to be intoxicated, and men who were intimate with him say he did not drink liquor at all. Smoking and chewing tobacco he detested all through his life, as two tine rows of white teeth afiorded proof. He was equally abstemious in the use of objectionable language, never indulging in either profanity or vulgarity. As a lawyer, without being the most learned or profound, he achieved remarkable success. Judge W. S. Holman said of him, "He was a man of strong will; at the forum or on the stump, he neither asked nor gave quarter, but he commanded an eloquence that could raise a hurricane or melt his audience to tears." He died September 2, 1849, aged seventy-one years, and was buried at Lawrenceburgh. 152 HISTORY OF DEAHBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. JUDGE JESSE L. HOLMAN was born at Danville, Ky. , October 24, 1784. During his infancy his father was killed while seeking to relieve a block-house beleaguered by hostile Indians. "With few opportunities for instruction, Jesse L., by persistent efforts obtained an English education, and in later life became accomplished in the higher mathe matics and in general literature. Before he attained his majority, under the encouragement of Henry Clay, he published a novel in two volumes, entitled "The Errors of Education," which obtained a large circulation for that period. He studied law at Lexington, Ky., in the office of Henry Clay, and when scarcely of age commenced its practice at Port William, now Carrollton, Ky., where he married Elizabeth Masterson, an estimable lady of superior accomplishments. In 1810 he removed to Indiana Territory and built a cabin on the range of hills that rise abruptly from the Ohio Kiver south of Aurora, and to this new home, which he called "Veraestan," he removed his family in the same year. They brought with them and emancipated a large family of slaves which had descended to Mrs. Holman from her father. Here he cleared his farm, and the embellishment of his beautiful rural home was to him a labor of love. From the time he settled in Indiana Territory until his death, his life was almost uninterruptedly devoted to the public service. In 1811 he was appointed by Gov. Harrison, prosecuting attorney of Dearborn County. In 1814 he represented that county in the Territorial Lecrislature and was president of the Legislative Council, and in the same year was appointed by Gov. Posey, judge of the Second Judicial Cir- cuit of the Territory. In 1816, on the admission of Indiana into the Union, he was appointed one of the three supreme judges of Indiana by Gov. Jennings, and remained on the supreme bench fourteen years. In 1831 he was defeated in the Legislature for United States Senator by only one vote, although the Legislature was, politically, strongly against him. In 1832 he was elected superintendent of common schools of Dearborn County. In 1834 he was appointed by President Jackson, United States Judge for the District of Indiana, and held that office un- til his death, March 28, 1842. Justice John McLean said of Judge Holman: "Of his legal research and acumen he has left enduring evidence, but what most excited my admiration was his singleness of purpose; he had no motive but to discharge his public duty uprightly." Judge Holman was a Baptist preacher, and for years was pastor of the Baptist Church at Aurora, preaching regularly when not away on public duty. He organized a Union Sunday-school, believed to be the first in the State, and was its superintendent up to his death. He laid out the city of Aurora and was active in the establishment of Indiana College, and was one of the earliest and most devoted friends of Franklin Col- THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 153 lege. No man, in the early history of Indiana, was more highly respect- ed and beloved than Jiidge Jesse L. Holman. One who knew him well, says: "AVe have often been amused when traveling through the coun- try, to hear honest-minded farmers speak of Judge Holman, and with what lively recollections they would refer to his visits, giving day and date; and often have we heard the remark that this (referring to some accident or occurrence) took place the fall after Judge Holman was here, or that that happened a year or two years after Judge Holman visited us and stopped over night — making his visits an era or important period in the history of the family." JAMES T. BROWN was born in Mercer County, Ky., in 1795, of a Maryland family. He came bo Indiana Territory with his father's family about 1814, and grew to manhood near Madison, receiving the best educational advantages then ofifered. AUer being admitted to the bar he practiced in Decatur County, and soon took a leading position at the bar of southeastern Indiana. About 1838 he came to Wilming- ton, and practiced with success in Dearborn County until his death. He was a man of extraordinary intellectual endowments and a fine lawyer, with keen wit, inexhaustible humor and great vigor and terseness of ex- pression. There are those yet living who knew him well, and are well qualified to give a just estimate of his abilities and learning, who do not hesitate to rank James T. Brown as a great lawyer and without a super- ior in the bar of his time in the State of Indiana. He was a very- eccentric man and had little regard for the customs of polished society. A fellow member of the bar said of him soon after his death: "He came to Dearborn County thirty years ago, with a piercing black eye, a great bald head, an old coat, and no «linen exposed to view; and so he remained to the last; yet he would have been a very bold or a very reck- less man who would have dared to joke the old gentleman on his antique garments or his contempt for ordinary fashions." He never married. He died at Lawrenceburgh in 1867. GEORGE H. DUNN was a native of the city of New York and came to Dearborn County about 1817, an active young man of pleasant manners and good appearance. He possessed the qualities which enabled him to secure the confidence and respect of the people. As a lawyer he was faithful to his clients; his pleadings were exact; his language chaste, and his manner in argument kindly and conciliating, but his well- rounded sentences were less effective before a jury of plain men than the sledge-hammer manners of some of his opponents, yet he was a lawyer of influence and few men had sti'onger and more lasting friends. He was elected to the Legislature in 1828, 1832 and 1833; was a mem- ber of Congress from 1837 to 1839 and State treasurer from 1841 to 154 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1844. He and Gov. Bigger revised the code of Indiana, and at a later period he served as judge of the circuit court. While he was in the Legislature the charter of the State bank and its branches and of the railroad from Indianapolis to Lawrenceburgh were passed, both of which were principally the work of Mr. Dunn. July 4, 1833, the com- pletion of the first mile of railroad in Indiana was celebrated at Shelby- ville by thousands from all parts of the State, and George H. Dunn was the hero of the day. Though disappointment followed disappointment he never gave up the enterprise of a railroad from Lawrenceburgh to the State capital. To his untiring zeal under every possible discourage- ment is to be attributed the final success of that road. To him alone belongs the credit of projecting and carrying on to final completion that great enterprise, which he did not see fully accomplished until his locks were silvered with the labors of many years. On the monument over his grave is appropriately placed the representation of a railroad train. He died at Lawrenceburgh, January 12, 1854, aged fifty-seven years. DANIEL S. MAJOR was born in Dearborn County, near Harrison, September 6, 1808. His father, Judge William Major, was one of the earliest pioneers of the West. At that early period in the valley of the Ohio, facilities for education were limited. But the youth, inspired by a manly and just ambition and thirsting for knowledge, will sel- dom fail. The plough-boy snatching the elements of learning from the school books, while the horse rested at the end of the furrow, or spelling out, with unwearied patience, the rudiments by the blaze of the hickory bark on the winter fire, is a familiar picture to the land blessed with liberty. At an early age young Major entered the Miami University at Oxford, Ohio. A vigilant student, displaying in early life the patient industry which gave so marked a character to his long professional career, he graduated with the full honors of that university in September, 1831, and in the same month, buoyant with youth and hope, he entered the clerk's office of Dearborn County, as a deputy clerk and student of law with Gen. Dill. He was admitted to the bar September 24, 1832. In a few years he reached the front rank of his profession; and as early as the year 1842, in commercial law, the branch of jurisprudence to which he especially devoted his attention, stood at the head of the bar. At this early day his practice extended into the supreme and federal courts of the State; and for thirty years he has been in every leading case tried in the courts of this county. In his long professional life Mr. Major was a model of patient indus- try. In term time a case was seldom called, where he appeared for THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 155 either the prosecution or defense, without finding him fully prepared upon the law and the facts. Mr. Major had the bearing of a gentleman trained in the universi- ties. He was scrupulously precise and formal in his personal bearing and address, dignified, yet courteous and aflfable; his mind singularly well balanced, and capable of long and intense application — displaying more strength than activity. He could not jump at conclusions, or seize them intuitively, but reached them by patient and persistent mental effort. He would not be hurried in the conduct of a cause, but brought out patiently and persistently every fact; and pressed every consideration upon the court or jury that justice to his client required. As an advocate Mr. Major was strong, clear and logical; not eloquent in the usual sense of the term, seldom embellishing with ornament his speeches to court or jury; but generally content with a clean and forci- ble presentation of his case. His utterance was clear and distinct. He spoke with coolness and determination; yet, when the occasion required, he displayed some of the highest powers of the advocate. In politics he was a Whig and afterward a Republican. In private life he was a man of spotless reputation. He was a Christian gentleman and an earnest supporter 'of the benevolent and educational enterprises of his age. He died at his home near Lawrenceburgh, on a beautiful spot overlooking the Ohio, just forty years after his admission to the bar, September 23, 1872. An elegant and beautiful tribute to his mem- ory was given in an address at the coart house by Judge William S. Holman, from which most of the foregoing sketch has been obtained. EBENEZER DUMONT was the son of John and Julia L. Dumont, and was born in Vevay in 1814. At about the age of twenty-one he came to Dearborn County, and established himself in the practice of law. In 1838 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives, and subsequently held the office of county treasurer. At the breaking-out of the Mexican war, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Fourth Indiana Volunteers, and served with distinction for one year, participat- ing in the capture of Huamantla, the seige of Puebla, and numerous other engagements. Resuming the practice of law, in 1851 he was again elected to the House of Representatives, and was chosen speaker. In 1852 he was elected president of the State Bank of Indiana, which position he filled until the expiration of the charter of the bank in 1858 or 1859. In connection with this office he was president of the board of sinking fund commissioners, which office he held at the breaking-out of the late war. On the organization of the Seventh Indiana Regiment he was appointed colonel, served with distinction during the three months' campaign, and upon the reorganization of the regiment for three 9 156 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. years' service, was again selected for the satiie position. Soon after the battle of Greenbriar, he was commissioned brigadier-general, and assigned to Kentucky. His health being so poor as to disqualify him for service in the field, in 1862 he accepted the nomination of the Republican party of the Indianapolis District for Congress, and served two terms. A short time before his death he was appointed governor of Idaho. He died at his residence in Indianapolis, April 17, 1871. Gen. Dumont, as a law- yer, had few peers. Before a jury he was irresistible; happy in illus- trations, he brought the most elaborate arguments to the comprehension of the dullest mind. " With organizing genius, fertility of expedient and sleepless mental activity, Ebenezer Dumont was a lawyer, soldier and gentleman, whose fame will never equal the measure of his merit." GEN. BENJAMIN J. SPOONER was born at Mansfield, Ohio, October 27, 1823, his parents coming from New Bedford, Mass. He was educated at public and private schools, and when eighteen years old apprenticed himself to learn the tanner's trade. At the breaking out of the Mexican war he enlisted for a year in Col. Lane's Indiana Regiment, and was a second lieutenant. He was at the battle of Buena Vista, but at the expi- ration of his term of service left the army, and returning to Indiana read law, and began its practice in Lawrenceburgh. He was made prosecu- ting attorney of the circuit, and took an active interest in politics as a Whig, and afterward as a Republican. On the breaking out of the civil war he was among the earliest volunteers, raising the first company in Dearborn County, and as lieutenant-colonel in the Seventh Indiana Reg- iment, he took part in the West Virginia campaign under Gen. Morris, where the first battles of the war were fought. He re- enlisted at the end of his three mouths' service, and was lieutenant-colonel of the Fifty- first Indiana under Col. Streight. His regiment, attached to the Twentieth brigade, was in winter quarters in Kentucky in 1861-62, and in the spring was attached to the Sixth Division of the Army of the Ohio, and took part in the battle of Pittsburgh Landing. Col. Spooner was with the army in the movements around Corinth, and after that resigned and came home. He then recruited the Eighty-third Regiment and was placed in command, taking part in all the engagements in and around Vicksburg, until the fall of that place in the summer of 1863, when, assigned to Gen. Sherman's army, he was at Chattanooga, Lookout Moun- tain, Resaca, Dallas, Dalton and Kenesaw Mountain. At the last named place, June 27, 1864, Gen. Spooner was wounded in the left arm so severely by sharpshooters that amputation was necessaiy. His wound unfitted him for active service, and in April, 1865, he resigned. He was imme- diately appointed United States Marshal for Indiana by President Lin- coln, the last appointment Mr. Lincoln made, and held that ofiice until THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 157 1879, when he resigned. In the railroad strike of 1877, he was Urm in the discharge of his duty, and aided much in restoring order. During the war he was a brave soldier, and after the battle of Mission Eidge he was presented a handsome sword by the non-commissioned officers and privates of his regiment, in testimony of his services there and on other fields. He died at Lawrenceburgh April 8, 1881. JOHN SCHWAETZ was born in Bavaria in 1831 and received a classi- cal education. He participated in the Revolution of 1848 and was com- pelled to flee from his native land. He landed in New York in 1850, and on June 7, 1853, arrived at Lawrenceburgh. He first served as a clerk and book-keeper, and later studied law under James T. Brown. About 1858 he formed a law partnership with Benjamin J. Spooner. For four years he was mayor, and for the same length of time city attorney. He enlisted in the civil war and served as captain one year. He was an extensive reader, and had a large and well assorted library of miscellaneous works, and the largest law library in the county. He possessed a fine legal mind of wonderful analytical power and scope, and was able to unravel the intricacies of the law with a facility seldom seen. He died at Law- renceburgh in 1881. CHAPTER X. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Practice of Medicine in Pioneer Times— The Materia Medic a of the Early Doctors— Early Charges for Medical Services— District Medical Societies— Review of Epidemics— Character of the Pio- neer Physicians— Sketches of Some Deceased Physicians. OWING to a variety of causes we have found it a task of no small difficulty to prepare a history of the medical profession in Dear- born and Ohio Counties. We have not the data to be derived from the records of a medical society whose existence was continued through a long series of years. It is to be regi-etted that some one of the early physicians has not undertaken to give us an account of the pioneers of the medical profession in Dearborn County when that county embraced a large area of southeast Indiana. The pioneers of this pro- fession were worthy of a prominent place in the history of their county, and such sketches of these men as we have collected from many sources 158 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and here present in a permanent form, will be prized not only by the intellif^ent members of the medical profession but by others as well. If the pioneer physicians of this part of the Ohio Valley have left no rec- ords of their practice and experience, the failure should not surprise us. Generally they were not men of scientific attainmeots or even of liberal education. The state of society in which they lived could not be favorable to the cultivation of science or the literature of their profes- sion. In order to realize the 'difficulties and disadvantages the early physi- cians labored under, it is necessary to cousider the times in which they lived. Dr. Daniel Drake, of^Cincinnati, in an address on "Early Medi- cal Times," delivered in 1852, has given a striking picture of the every- day life of the pioneer physician: "Every physician was then a country practitioner, and often rode twelve or fifteen miles on bridle paths to some isolated cabin. Occa- sional rides of twenty or even thirty miles were performed on horseback, over roads which no kind of carriage could travel over. The ordinary charc^e was 25 cents a mile, one half being deducted, and the other paid in provender for his horse or produce for his family. These pioneer physicians were moreover their own bleeders aud cuppers, and practiced dentistry, not less, certainly, than physic; charged a quarter of a dol- lar for extracting a single tooth, with an understood deduction if two or more were drawn at the same time. In plugging teeth tin-foil was used instead of gold-leaf, which had the advantage of not showing so con- spicuously. Still further, every physician for the first twelve or fifteen years was his own apothecary, and ordered little importations of cheap and inferior medicines by the dry goods merchants once a year, taking care to move in the matter long before they were needed. From twenty- five to thirty days was the required'time of transportation from Philadel- phia to Brownsville, and as much more by river to Cincinnati. Thus from four to five months were required for the importation of a medicine which, at this time, being ordered by telegraph and sent by express, may be received in two days, or a sixtieth part of the time. Thus science has lengthened seconds into minutes. The prices at which these medi- cines were sold difi'ered widely from those of the present day. Thus an emetic, a Dover's powder, a dose of Glauber's salt or a night draught of Pareo-oric and Antimonial Wine, haustus anodymis, as it was learnedly called, was put at 25 cents, a vermifuge or blister at 50, and an ounce of Peruvian bark at 75 cents for pale, and $1 for the best red or yellow. On the other hand personal services were valued very low. For a bleeding, 25 cents; for a sitting up all night, $1, and for a visit, from 25 to 50 cents, according to circumstances or character of the patient. THE iMEDICAL PEUFESSION. 159 Many articles in common use then have, in half a century, been superseded or fallen more or less into neglect. I can recollect balsam of sulphur, balsam of Peru, Glauber's salt, flowers of benzoin, Huxham's tincture, spermaceti (for internal use), melampodium, flowers of zinc, ammoniaret of copper, dragon's blood, elemi, gamboge, bitter apple, nux vomica, and red, pale and yellow bark. On the other hand, we have . gained since that day the various salts of quinine and morphine, strich- nine, creosote, iodine and its preparations, hydi'ocyanic acid, ergot, col- lodion, sulphate ot magnesia and chloroform. Indeed, in half a century our materia medica has undergone a decided change, partly by the discovery of new articles and partly by the extrac- tion of the active principles of the old. The physician often carried medicines in his pocket and dealt them out in the sick room; but the common practice was to return home, compound and send them out. But few of you have seen the genuine old doctor's shop of the last century, or regaled your olfactory nerves in the mingled odors which, like incense to the god of physic, rose from brown paper bundles, bottles stopped with worm-eaten corks, and open jars of ointment, not a whit behind those of the apothecary in the days of Solomon. Yet such a place is very well for a student ; however idle he will be always absorbing a little medicine, especially if he sleeps beneath the greasy counter." EARLY CHAKGES FOR MEDICAL SERVICES. The first Legislature of the State of Indiana undertook to regulate the compensation of physicians for professional services, and to prevent over-charging. An act approved December 24, 1816, provides: "It shall not be lawful for any physician or surgeon to charge or receive more than 12^ cents per mile for every mile he shall travel in going to, and returning home from, the place of residence (for the time being) of his patient, with an addition of 100 per cent for traveling in the night." The following is a list of charges recommended by the Indiana State Medical Society held at Cory don December 11, 1822: Visit 25 cents toll 00 Mileage ^ 25 Venesection 25 cents to 50 Pulv. Febr. 6i " m Emetics 12| - 25 Attendance through the day $2 50 to 5 00 night 5 00 Obstetrics 5 qq Extracting tooth 25 Reducing luxation 5 qO to 10 00 Amputation 30 00 to 50 00 160 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETIES. An effort to establish medical societies in the State by legislative enactment was made at an early period. Section 1 of act approved by Gov. Jennings December 24, 1816, reads: "Be it enacted by the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Indiana, that for the purpose of regulat- ing the practice of physic and surgery in this State, each circuit as laid ' off for holding circuit courts shall compose one medical district, to be known as first, second and third medical districts in the State of Indiana, according to the name of the circuit." It was further provided in this act that in each district there should be a board of medical cen- sors, who were required to admit to merabftrship every physician or sur- geon residing or wishing to practice in the district, who should, " on examination before them, give proof of their qualification to practice either profession and reasonable evidence of their moral character." An act approved January 18, 1820, organized four medical districts, and gave the State Medical Society authority to establish as many addi- tional as it might deem expedient. The State Medical Society was first organized in 1820, and held its meetings at Corydon. then capital of the State, until 1826, when it met at Indianapolis. The act of 1816, above referred to, named as censors for the third district,- in which Dearborn County was included, Drs. Jabez Percival, D. F. Sackett, D. Oliver, John Howe and Ezra Ferris, and authorized them to meet at the house of Walter Armstrong, in the town of Law- renceburgh, on the fii'st Monday in June, in the year 1817, for the pur- pose of licensing physicians. Dr. Sackett, who was appointed a member of this board, then resided at Salisbury. No evidence has been found to show that this board of censors ever met to carry out the purposes for which they were appointed. An act of the Legislature, approved January 30, 1830, says in its pre- amble, that owing to defects in the previous law, the medical societies existing have never been legally organized, and that the provisions of the law have not induced a large portion of qualified men to become mem- bers of any medical society, or been sufficient to guard against the licensing of unqualified persons. The new act provided that district medical societies may be composed of all persons of good moral character residing in their respective districts, who have been regularly licensed to practice medicine in the State, or have been reputable practitioners in the State for two years next preceding the passage of the act, or who have graduated at any regular medical college in the United States. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 161 HISTORY OF EPIDEMICS.* "The object of this paper is to put on record a brief review of the epidemics that have prevailed in southeastern Indiana, or more partic- ularly in Dearborn, Ripley and Ohio Counties, during the last fifty years, and also to direct your attention to the changes which have taken place in our endemic malarial diseases. Of several of the epidemics we allude to no notice has yet been published. "The first epidemic we direct your attention to was an epidemic of cholera in Dearborn County, which occurred in 1833. This was before I commenced the practice of medicine, but as the facts have never yet been published, and I have obtained them from a reliable source, and they are still remembered by many of our old citizens, I take the liberty of presenting them. "A steamboat ascending the Ohio River in the month of May, 1833, landed near the mouth of Tanner's Creek to bury one of the deck hands who had died of cholera. Two men, one an old citizen of Dearborn County, by the name of Page Cheek, were fishing near the place this boat landed. The officers of the boat, seeing these men, employed them to bury this body, which they did. All the next day Cheek, who lived near the mouth of Wilson's Creek, about a mile from Tanner's Creek, plowed in the corn-field, apparently well, but during the night he was suddenly attacked with cholera, and died after a short illness. His brother-in-law, Eli Green, went with his wife to the funeral. They re- sided near Hartford, about six miles from Cheek's residence. Within a week both Green and his wife died with cholera, and in a few days after their deaths three of their children also died, making five deaths out of this family of seven persons. The disease spread through the neighbor- hood, and soon appeared at Aurora, where a large number of deaths oc- curred, among the number some of the most prominent citizens. It is impossible now to ascertain the number of deaths which occurred, as no account of this epidemic in Dearborn County was ever published. The disease was regarded at that time as being new, and the epidemic as be- ing the most fatal that had ever visited this part of the country. "In 1838 the Laughery Valley was visited by a malignant form of malarial fever, different from anything that I have seen since, with the exception probably of a few sporadic cases. Intermittents were prevalent that autumn over the whole country, but along this valley we had a modification of remittent, with what we regarded at that time as con- gestive fever. The patient would be seized by a slight chill, followed almost immediately by profound coma or congestion of some organ, and 162 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. very frequently died before a physician could be procured. In other cases the chill was followed by fever, delirium and great irritability of the stomach. There was generally in such cases a remission, but no well- marked intermission. The skin and conjunctiva assumed in a few days a yellowish or jaundiced appearance. These cases we regarded at that time as bilious remittent fever, but we probably had every form and type of malarial fever in this locality, such as simple intermittent fever, re- mittent fever, bilious fever, and pernicious or congestive fever ip various forms, and I think I can safely say that every family residing along this valley for eight miles from the Ohio River were more or less unwell, and in many families all were bedfast. "We have annually, at the present time, autumnal and intermittent fevers in various forms, but I never see now cases of pernicious con- gestive fever, or even bilious fever, similar to what we had at that period along the Laughery Valley. The country was then new, the land was exceedingly rich, there were extensive swamps and a dense forest, except around the log-cabins of the inhabitants. Since then the valley has been cleared, the swamps drained, and the land cultivated, and the congestive fevers, which were occasionally seen fifty years ago, have disappeared. "In 1842 and 1843 epidemic erysipelas prevailed indifferent parts of the United States. It made its appearance in southeastern Indiana in the winter of 1842 and 1843. It was known by the popular names of black tongue, sore throat, swelled head, etc. We heard of it prevailing in Ripley County as a malignant disease, and before it reached Aurora, in Dearborn County, we heard that a physician, who resided toward the western portion of the county, had died of the black tongue, The phy- sician residing at Wilmington had a severe attack. I was called to attend him, which placed at once a large number of his patients under my care, and I soon had extensive experience with the disease, which gave me an opportunity of seeing it in all its varieties. " In the month of July, 1843, after we*had seen notices in the news- papers that influenza was prevailing as an epidemic in Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and other Eastern States, it suddenly made its appearance in southeastern Indiana, and within a few days after it first appeared a very large proportion of our inhabitants were under its influ- ence. The disease itself was seldom fatal, but it occasionally gave rise to other diseases which were attended with danger, and the origin of a number of cases of phthisis pulmonalis was attributed to this epidemic. "In 1848 we had a remarkable epidemic of scarlet fever. During the time that I had been practicing medicine I had had considerable exper- ience with scarlatina; the cases were generally mild with a few exceptions. This year, however, we saw the disease in a new form. We heard of its THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 163 prevalence in Switzerland County, and were informed that a large num- ber of children had died from the disease. It was supposed to have been brought to Aurora by the boy who carried the mail, as he had but recently recovered from an attack of scarlatina. Two children were taken unwell on the same day; they resided in the same part of the town, but in different houses. They both died within a short time of each other, and the disease spread through the city. It presented a variety of symptoms. In some instances the violence of the disease was concen- trated upon the throat, in others upon the brain, producing convulsions or coma; in other cases the patient seemed to sink as if from a shock, and in other cases there was violent gastro-enteric irritation — vomiting aud purging, with but little rash. An account of this epidemic was pub- lished in the North American Medico- Chirurgical Review. " In 1856 scarlet fever again prevailed in southeastern Indiana and at Aurora as an epidemic, but this time in so mild a form as scarcely to require medical treatment. AVhy should the disease appear at the same place, apparently under the same circumstances, at one time in so malignant a type, and at another in so mild a form? "In the spring of 1849 cholera, which was prevailing as an epidemic in the United States, made its appearance in Aurora, and assumed its most malignant form. It for a time was principally confined to a small section of our town, including the portion in which I resided, which was the most dry and elevated, and was regarded as the most healthy part of our city. In this section of the town there seemed to be an accumulation of infection, for more than half the inhabitants died. I was suddenly attacked with the disease while attending patients in the night, and my whole family, one after another, was taken down. My eldest son died after only a few hours' illness, and my youngest child sank to what appeared the lowest stage of collapse from which a patient could recover. In watching the progress of this epidemic, it appeared to me that chol- era, like other diseases, presented a diversity of symptoms, and that the diarrhoea that generally accompanies this disease, and at that time was regarded as only a premonitory symptom, was in reality a form of chol- era, which occasionally gave rise to the most malignant cases. " Following the cholera a malignant form of dysentery prevailed as an epidemic. As it appeared in some instances to be intimately associated with cholera, appearing among our rural population immediately after the introduction of well-marked cases of cholera, I regarded it as but one of the modifications of this disease. We have never had an epidemic of contagious malignant dysentery similar to what we had at that time, except during or immediately after the prevalence of cholera. "Cholera pi'evailed as an epidemic in southeastern Indiana in 1854, 164 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1866 and 1873. There were not as many cases in these visitations as there were in 1849, which we thought was due to the rigid system of disinfec- tion which was adopted, particularly so in 1866 and 1873, and also to the patients being more isolated. " From 1836 to 1856 we occasionally had epidemics of a disease which was known in those days as milk sickness. This disease was con- fined to a section of Dearborn County, between six and seven miles in length and three or four in breadth, extending from what is known as King's Ridge in a southerly direction to near Hartford. This was prob- ably the most dry and elevated portion of Dearborn County, and that portion of the county most free from intermittent, remittent or malarial fevers. During these epidemics the cattle died in this [^locality with a disease known by the name of 'trembles.' Some farmers lost nearly all their stock. This sickness and loss of cattle caused a depreciation in the value of the farms in this section of the county. The premonitory symptoms of this disease were a remarkable feeling of lassitude, loss of appetite, headache, coated tongue, and a burning sensation in the epi- gastric region. After a variable period these symptoms were followed by nausea and frequent vomiting and a low grade of fever of a continuous type, and in all cases there was obstinate constipation. The fluid vom- ited was generally mucous, 'tinged of a dark or greenish color. There was seldom a well-marked chill, neither was there a well-marked intermission in the fever. The fever was nearly always of a low grade. I am well aware that writers have regarded milk sickness as only a modification of our malarial fevers, but it appears to me that this disease must arise from some cause entirely different from the malaria that produces our intermittent fevers, for in southeastern Indiana milk sickness occurred in that' portion of the country where malarial diseases were not known, while along the valley of the Laughery, where malarial diseases were the most malignant, milk sickness never occurred and the cattle did not die with the 'trembles.' " For the last twenty years I have not heard of a well-marked case of milk sickness in this section of the country where the disease was at one time so common, neither have I heard of cattle dying of the ' trembles.' The country has since been cleared, the ground cultivated, and milk sickness and the disease amongst the cattle known as ' trembles ' have entirely disappeared. The land which was once depreciated in value on account of these diseases, is now ranked amongst the most valuable in Dearborn County. This is additional evidence that the removal of the forests in many localities, so far from being an evil, is conducive to health. " It was many years after I commenced the practice of medicine before THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 165 I saw a case of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Now we occasionally have cases, and the disease is probably on the increase. The same may be said of diphtheria. "In 1862 we had an epidemic of purpura, generally known by the name of spotted fever, in which there were a number of deaths. Some of the patients died within twenty-four hours from the first symptoms of the attack. "Within the last forty years we have had very remarkable diseases amongst the inferior animals. The epizootic amongst the swine, known as hog cholera, has destroyed thousands upon thousands of these animals. The epizootic amongst the horses in 1873, is so recent as to be familiar to all "Looking back then over a period of nearly fifty years, we have seen in southeastern Indiana a number of epidemics, and have seen our malarial diseases assume different forms and undergo very marked changes." THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS. The earlier physicians who practiced in Dearborn County when it included several counties of the present time, were of the heroic school and made liberal use of the lancet and calomel. In their treatment they relied largely on purging, bleeding, blistering and salivation. The quantities of calomel used by some of the old physicians are sufficient to startle the modern scientific practitioner. While some of these earlier physicians were men of good natural abilities and were leading men in their communities, few of them had received a degree from a medical school or from any institution of learning. In their youth medical instruction was chiefly given in the irregular form of medical pupilage. In some sections a system of apprenticeship existed, the young medical pupil being indentured for a period from three to seven years. At the conclusion of the pupilage, the preceptor signed a certificate which supplied the place of a diploma As late as 1825 there were but two medical colleges west of the Alle- ghanies. During his pupilage the young medical student learned to compound medicines for his preceptor and to grind quicksilver into unguentum mercuriale, but the facilities for instruction were meager compared with those of the present day. There were few good medical libraries; periodical medical literature was in its infancy; work in the chemical laboratory was not expected of the student, and practical anatomy was made a felony by statute, the populace being inimical to dissection, a mob rising against it as late as 1820. DR. JABEZ PERCIVAL was born in 1759 and died in 1841. His former residence was near New Amsterdam, N. Y. Just what his early 166 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. advantages were in obtaining a knowledge of his profession, the writer is not informed. He practiced medicine for some time previous to removing West. He came to Lawrenceburgh in 1801. The connty being new and sparsely settled, he practiced over a large extent of country. He was favored with an iron constitution and will. These sustained him in great exposure and labor, incident to the practice of medicine in that day. It is believed he did not refuse to attend to calls from any class of persons, night or day. He thought little of the ornate in his profession; the tastes of the fastidious were not much consulted in the administration of medicines. Adjuvants as placebos to remedies, in heroic practice, were not very numerous. Notwithstanding he was thought to be skillful; to have real merit as a physician and surgeon. He seemed to be quite at home' in surgery, if he did call the dura-mater the striffin of the brain, and, when he thought necessary, did not hesi- tate to perform even capital operations. He possessed many pe- culiar traits of character, and was a man of great courage as well as endurance. We here give several incidents as illustrations: At one time he was thrown from his horse, resulting in the dislocation of one hip-joint. Several persons gathered around, offering their assistance. He refused their help, crept to a fence and got upon his horse and rode home, without the reduction of the head of the femur. He was chosen, and for a time acted as magistrate. A Mr. , a man of great phys- ical power, often exhibited it in fighting with such as he supposed thought themselves his equal. Having broken the peace, the constable an3 by-standers were commanded to arrest him. They feared to take hold of the desperado. This did not suit the doctor-squire. He com- menced upon the refractory man, but as the Doctor advanced, he received a lick with a bludgeon that broke his right arm. Nothing daunted, though much the smaller man, he seized the culprit with his left hand, and held him until the sight of his heroism brought sufHcient assistance to secure him. Another incident: In the days when there were fugi- tives from labor, there were also cases of kidnapping. Several persons of African descent had been arrested and taken on a boat. Those who held them threatened to shoot any person who attempted their rescue. No one seemed willing to take the risk of interfering. The Doctor believed they were kidnapped, entered upon the boat and took them from their claimants. Another case of a different character, in the exercise of his official functions: At a time when engaged in driving oxen, a gen- tleman and lady rode up and informed the Squire that they desired to be married. He asked to see the license. Looking up, he inquired: "Do you promise to live together till death shall part you?" Answer, "Yes." "I pronounce you husband and wife. Gee, Buck; get up!" Dr. THE MEDICAL PEOFESSION. 167 John Percival, son of Jabez Percival, had probably better opportunities for thorough medical education than his father. We are unable to say whether he was a graduate or not. One of his nephews, with whom we have spoken on the subject, thinks he was. He is said to have attended lectures at Troy, N. Y. He practiced medicine for some time in con- nection with Dr. Grubbs, at Burlington, Ky. He afterward moved to Lawrenceburgh in 1825. He continued here in reputable practice till about 1837. He moved to Missouri, and probably died about 1841, from injury to the spine, the efifects of a fall. DR. EZRA FERRIS was born at Stanwich, Conn., April 26,1783. His father, who was also a native of that village, six years after the birth of Ezra, determined to emigrate to the far West. The enterprise at that time was so novel and daring that it drew together a number of people to witness the departure. Dr. Ferris, in his old age, wrote that although he was only six years old at the time, he had a distinct and vivid recol- lection of the occasion. His father, September 20, 1789, with his family, and accompanied by two other families, took their departure. As the little party of emigrants took their seats in wagons and moved down the road, they were surrounded by a crowd on every side ready to pre- dict that they would either fall a sacrifice to savage cruelty or be drowned in descending the Western rivers. But nothing could overcome the courage of the little company. Their route was along the road on the north side of Long Island Sound to New York City, thence through New Jersey and Pennsylvania and over the Allegheny Mountains to the Monongahela River; thence, by boats to Fort Miami, about three-fourths of a mile below the mouth of the Little Miami, where they arrived December 12, 1789, having been two months and twenty days on the journey. There were, at that time, some thirty or forty families living in the fort, without the restraints of civil law and destitute of almost all kinds of provisions except such as could be obtained from the woods, in which hovered the hostile savages. An apartment in the fort, about sixteen feet square, was assigned to the family, in which they resided for a time. The first five years Ezra Ferris spent at Columbia were during the horrors of an Indian war. He saw the dejection of the spirits of the pioneers when Harmar's expedition failed and St. Clair was disastrously defeated, and participated in the rejoicing over Wayne's victory. He has given a vivid picture of the hardships and deprivations the settlers at Columbia were compelled to undergo during this period. "Many of them," he says, "had been raised in opulence and had in- dulged in luxuries and enjoyed all the necessaries of life, now removed far from their former homes, where nothing but the most common fare could be had, and that often in stinted measure, were cast down though 168 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. not forsaken. Add to the want of bread, the mortification an Ameri- can mother (who had been at all times in the habit of clothing her chil- dren comfortably, and sometimes ornamenting them to please her fancy), must feel to see them clad in rags and dirt, for the want of materials to make new clothes of, or soap to wash them when dirty, and you will see enough to discourage and distress them." Ezra Ferris had the benefit of such schools as could be supported at Columbia during the Indian war, and after the return of peace, ob- tained a good education. When a young man he studied in a good school in one of the Eastern States, and his education was quite a liberal one for the son of an early western emigrant. When quite a young man he was licensed as a Baptist preacher at the Duck Creek Baptist Church and was afterward ordained. He also studied medicine. For some years he taught a school at Lebanon, Ohio, when he removed to Law- renceburgh and there practiced medicine and also preached to the desti- tute Baptist churches of that vicinity. He was elected a member of the convention which formed the first constitution of Indiana, and in that body was chairman of the committee on the elective franchise and elec- tions. He also served as a member of the State Legislature. On the organization of the State Government he was appointed by the Legisla- ture one of the censors for licensing physicians in the third medical district. Before he became an old man he retired from the active prac- tice of medicine, but continued his drug store. He also continued to preach at Lawrenceburgh and at Salera. Dr. Ferris was a most useful man. He was modest and retiring, but highly respected by all. He was sti-ongly attached to his own branch of the church and was a sincere and deeply pious man. In politics he was a Whig. He was a man of fixed principles and his friends always knew where to find him. In 1851 he published a series of articles on the early settlement of the Miami Valley. A. H. Dunlevy, in his History of the Miami Baptist Association, wrote: "Elder Ferris knew more of the early history of the Miami country than any man living at the time of his death. He was not a man to be prejudiced, as is too often the case, so as to form unjust opinions or give undue coloring to any transactions related by him." The reader will find in this work copious selections from his writings. Dr. Ferris was twice married. He died at Lawrence- burgh, April 19, 1857. DR. JEREMIAH H. BROWER was born in New York City in 1798. He was descended from one of those Dutch families that immigrated to the colony in an early period of its history, and aided in laying the founda- tions of its present greatness. His father was a physician, and educated his son for the profession of his choice. It is believed that for a year or THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 169 more he enjoyed the superior advantages of the private tutelage of that eminent surgeon and physician, the elder Mot. In the year 1819 the family immigrated to the West, and settled in Indiana; the father, Abra- ham Brower, in Lawrenceburgh, and the son at Elizabethtown, Ohio, where they were respectively engaged in the practice of their profession. Dr. Jeremiah H. Brower assumed his field of labor, in which he continued in an active and exclusive practice until within a year or two of his death. The above dates show that Dr. Brower, for a period of thirty- five years, was in active and extensive practice in the city in which he died. To the practice of this profession he brought #more than an ordi- nary share of learning, zeal and native ability. As a man, a citizen, as a physician, in line, in all the relations of life he discharged his varied obligations to society in a manner creditable to himself and useful to the community in which he lived, so that himself and his friends could say without ostentation, that the world was better and wiser for his having lived in it. Commencing his professional life as early as 1819, he was closely identified in interest and community of feeling in all of the so- cial, moral and educational enterprises of the community, always a prom- inent and self-sacrificing laborer for their advancement, and his name and memory will be long held in grateful remembrance by the trusting and confiding community in which he lived and labored. His ardent patriotism and characteristic benevolence were illustrated in his readi- ness to abandon the comforts of home and a lucrative practice to hasten to the bloody battle-field, to the reeking and malarious hospital ship, to aid and comfort the brave and dying defenders of an imperiled country. Among the medical men of Indiana, with whom he had a large and inti- mate acquaintance, his abilities early pointed him out as a fit person to be honored with the presidency of the Indiana State Medical Society, a trust that he discharged with credit to himself and usefulness to the pro- fession. Dr. Brower's naturally feeble constitution at this period of life, was impaired by his visit and exposures in the South in 1865. He re- turned with greatly impaired health and strength to the duties of his practice, but his constitution had received a shock from which he never fully recovered. He died August 1, 1866, aged sixty-eight years, and was buried at Lawrenceburgh. DR. DAVID FISHEH was born in the State of Vermont about the year 1780. But little is known of his early education, or at what time he commenced the study of medicine, or whether he was a graduate of any medical college, but he acquired a good medical education and obtained a certificate of qualification from a medical board of examiners in Ver- mont and practiced his profession in that State until 1812. He then im- migrated to Peru, N. Y., and practiced his profession at that place until 170 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1818. He then removed to Coshocton, Ohio, and remained there a little over a year. He next immigrated to Wilmington, Jnd., and, a few years afterward, to Aurora. He was one of the company that purchased the ground and assisted in laying out the plat of the town of Aurora. He purchased Lots 153 and 154, on the corner of Fourth and Water Streets; here he erected what was considered in those days a large building, and kept a hotel. This was carried on in connection with the practice of his profession, which often extended for ten or twenty miles into the country. He resided in Aurora until about 1826 or 1828, when he removed to a farm back of Rising Sun. On this farm he resided, occasionally chang- ing his residence to Rising Sun, until 1845, when he was disabled by a stroke of apoplexy, which incapacitated him for the active duties of his profession. In January, 1851, he received another stroke of apoplexy, and died quietly at his home in Rising Sun. As a physician he was faithful; neither bad roads nor stormy weather kept him from visiting his patients. He was remarkable for the correctness of his diagnosis and was opposed to active depletion in the treatment of disease. As a man he was noted rather for strong natural sense than culture, yet he was always a diligent reader of standard medical books. He was a zealous member of a district medical society which had been organized in this portion of the State, and which continued in existence until about 1825. DR. MATHIAS HAINES was born in Raymond, N. H., Decem- ber 30, 1786. His earlier years were spent on a farm, during the summer months assisting his father. In the winter he attended the common schools. When near the age of manhood he obtained, by his own efforts, the advantages of a year or two at the academy in Peacham, Vt, after which he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Sheed, of Peacham, Vt. On completing the prescribed course of study, he com- menced the practice of his profession in the northern part of Vermont. In 1816, in company with his twin brother, he came West, riding all the way on horseback, and located in Rising Sun, which at that time was within the bounds of Dearborn County. Dr. Haines was a member of the society of Free Masons, and as early as 1819, in company with others, organized a lodge in Rising Sun, and continued an active member during his life. He married Miss Elizabeth Brower, at Lkwrenceburgh, October 22, 1822. In the winter of 1845-46, he united with the Presbyterian Church of Rising Sun, and soon after was elected an elder, and as such frequently represented the church in the Presbyteries, and also as dele- gate of the Presbytery in the General Assembly of the United States. In the spring of 1846 from failing health and repeated and severe attacks of illness, he gave up the active duties of his profession and removed to a farm about two miles from the city, where he lived for six or seven S:S^^Sg5*?««*i^ THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 173 years; he then sold his farm and removed back to Rising Sun, where he resided until his death, which occurred January 21, 1863, at the age of seventy-seven years and twenty-one days. Dr. Haines was active and liberal in promoting the intellectual improvement of the community. His efforts, in common with others, to advance the educational interests of the city, resulted in building a house for an academy which was popular and very successful for many years until superseded by our present system of common schools. Dr. Haines was an affable and courteous gentleman, a true Christian in every sense of the word, and for forty years enjoyed the confidence of the community in which he lived, as a safe and able physician. DR. HENRY J. BOWERS was born in Massachusetts in 1801. His father was an Episcopal minister and gave his son a good English educa- tion. At the age of twenty he immigrated to Dearborn County, settled at Lawrenceburgh, and commenced the study of medicine. In 1822 he mar- ried Miss Rispah Morgan, at Lawrenceburgh. In 1824 he commenced the practice of his profession at Moore' s_Hill, and soon after bought a farm near this place, portions of which were in Dearborn and Ripley Counties, the farm being on the dividing line. His residence was in Ripley County and office in Dearborn. In 1856 he built a large residence near Moore'sHill, in Dearbord County, and resided at this home until his death, which occurred in January, 1866, aged sixty-five. He was elected a mem- ber of the Legislature in Ripley County in 1840, andre-elected twice, and was also elected twice to the Senate. In 1850 he was elected a member of the convention to revise the State constitution. He took great inter- est in the erection of the Moore's Hill College and was one of the prin- cipal stockholders in the building. Dr. Bowers was remarkable for his energy. He was a good political speaker, popular in his manners, and had an extensive practice both in Dearborn and Ripley Counties. DR. NELSON HORATIO TORBET was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1800. He studied the profession of medicine in Philadelphia and mi- grated directly from that city to Wilmington, Dearborn Co.,Ind. At this place he practiced his profession for more than forty years. He was pop- ular in his manners and was elected to the Legislature in 1834 — also was elected treasurer of the county in 1844. While on a visit to Kansas, in 1873, he contracted diseases which terminated his life at the age of seventy- three. At one period he had an extensive practice, embracing a circuit of many miles over the rough country around Wilmington. He was a jovial companion and was always regarded as an honest man. DR. BASIL JAMES was born in Frederick County, Md., in 1797,canie to the West with his father's family in 1807, first stopping at Lawrence- burgh, but for educational purposes the family removed to Cincinnati 174 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and remained two years. In 1812, on account of Indian troubles, the family, excepting the father and his eldest sou, Pinkney, were taken to Louisville, Ky., for security, whore they remained until the fall of 1813, when all the family finally settled in Ohio County. Dr. James was identified with Rising Sun from its foundation, his father being one of the founders of the place. He practiced medicine here during all the active years of his life, giving up the profession only a few years before his death on account of age and feebleness. Paralysis came upon him about 1875, and although he recovered to some extent, yet he continued comparatively helpless, and died August 8, 1877. DR. ROBERT GILLESPIE was a native of Leith, Scotland, where he was born in 1793. He graduated at the University of Edinburgh, receiv- ing the degree of Ch. M. (Master of Surgery). In 1819 he immigrated to America and settled in Cass Township, Ohio County, then in Dearborn County, where he practiced medicine with success until his death. Dr. Gillespie's opportunities for medical instruction were much superior to those enjoyed by most of his associates. He was considered a leading physician and surgeon in Ohio and adjoining counties, and he enjoyed an enviable reputation both professionally and socially. He died in 1846. Dr. William Gillespie, of Rising Sun, is his son. DR. HUGH T. WILLIAMS was born in Breckinridge County, Ky., May 27, 1812, and was the son of Rev. Otho Williams. He graduated at the Louisville Medical Institute in 1842. He practiced medicine at Helena, Ark., until 1845, when he removed to Rising Sun, where he re- sided until his death, most of the time engaged in the active practice of medicine. His practice was large and lucrative. In the last years of his life he practiced his profession in connection with his son. Dr. Hugh D. Williams. He was largely identified with the growth and enterprise of Rising Sun, and was for many years a member of the council and school board. He represented Ohio and Switzerland Counties one term in the Legislature, and during the war was appointed by Gov. Morton draft commissioner and enrolling officer of Ohio County. He was a member of the Methodist Church, the Masonic fraternity and of the I. O. O. F. Dr. Williams was possessed of a strong mind and was a well-informed man. He died December 22, 1879, leaving an only son and a large number of relatives to mourn their loss. DR. MYRON H. HARDING was born August 7, 1810, in the town of Williamson, Ontario Co., N. Y., and was the second son of David Hard- ing, who in 1820 emigrated from New York to Ripley Couhty, Ind. Myron Holly Harding attended the pioneer schools of Ripley County, and worked at chopping, piling brush and burning log and brush piles, sometimes, on moonlight nights, working with his brothers in the clear- THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 175 ing until a late hour. When eighteen years of age he became a school teacher and at the age of twenty entered upon the study of medicine under the tuition of Dr. Cornett,- of Versailles. After studying one year he successfully stood the examination before the Medical Society of Dearborn County. He then practiced as a licentiate until the year 1837, when he graduated at the Ohio Medical College. He subsequently located at Lawrenceburgh, where he continued in the successful practice of his profession until his last sickness. His practice was extensive, and his skill and learning _in his profession were never questioned. He was the author of some valuable articles in the medical journals. He served as president of the Indiana State Medical Society and of the Dearborn County Medical Society. He took a warm interest in the progress of medical science and was a member of the American Medical Association and an honorary member of the California State Medical Society. Dr. Harding was a remarkable man. First he was a man of one work, a faithful servant of the community in his profession. He was a most devout man, and faithful husband and father. His wife and children occupied the tenderest place in his affection, their adversity his sorrow, their prosperity his delight. He was a true citizen and unhesi- tatingly identified himself upon the side he thought best and right. A defender of all moral principles, you knew just where you would find him, because he was a man of clear convictions and had the courage of them. In the midst of all the activities of a courageous manhood, on the 5th of June, 1885, he was stricken with paralysis. He lingered on through the passing months until September 18, 1885, when his death occurred. His remains were interred in Greendale Cemetery at Lawrenceburgh. Such are the mere outlines of the life of a self-made and self-educated physician, whose indomitable will and unblemished moral character deserved the high success which crowned the career of Myron Holly Harding, M. D. In 1838 he was united in marriage to Lucy S. Plummer, who died in 1864 In 1865 he was joined in mar- riage to Mary A. Hill. To him, by his first marriage, were born six children, three now living — Isadora H. , Laura F. and David Arthur. 176 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTER XI. JOURNALISM. Dearborn Gazette— Indiana Oracle— Indiana Oracle and 'Dearborn Gazette— Indiana Palladium— The Western Statesman— Politi- cal Beacon— Remarks on Milton Gregg and David V. Culley— Indiana Whig— Indiana Patriot— Dearborn County Register- Indiana Whig— Indiana Register— Democratic Register— Inde- pendent Press— Union Press— Lawrenceburgh Press— Remarks on 0. B. ToRBETT— The Rising Sun— Rising Sun Times— Rising Sun Times and Journal- Remarks on Isaac Stevens— Remarks on Alex E Glenn— Rising Sun Journal— Indiana Patriot— Dear- born County Register— Remarks on Elder William P. Stratton— Indiana Blade— Remarks on the Co vingtons— Indiana Whig- Remarks ON Robert T. Moore— Rising Sun Herald— Rising Sun Mirror- Hoosier Patriot— Indiana Republican— Xeutral Pen- ant— Weekly News— Indiana Weekly Visitor— The Hoosier Paper— Observer and Recorder- Recorder— Ohio County Re- corder—Rising SunRecorder— Saturday News— Rising Sun Local • —General Remarks. THE first newspaper published in Dearborn Connty was styled the Dearborn Gazette,\>\ih\\shed at Lawrenceburgh in 1817, by B. Brown, a Yankee; the office was in a little brick building owned by James Hamilton, located on the rear end of the lot on which is now known as the residence of Mr. John B. Vail. The motto of the paper was "Equal and exact justice." The printer of the establishment is remembered to have been Steele Sampson. We have before us Vol. I, No. 5, of the Indiana Oracle, which bears date of September 29, 1819, "printed and published every Wednesday morning by Dunn & Russell." The Oracle was a four column folio and in size about 18x10 inches. Just how long the Indiana Oracle vfas pub- lished by Messrs. Dunn & Russell we cannot say, but it was under their management at the close of the first volume, which was with the issue of October 3, 1820, when there was no indication of their withdrawal. The next record evidence we have is that No. 119, Vol. Ill of the Oracle appeai-s under date of September 21, 1822, "printed and published weekly by Dunn & M'Pike, which with issue of July 19, 1823, came out under the title of the Indiana Oracle and Dearborn Gazette, so it is likely that the Dearborn Gazette had been in existence during these years and at this time was consolidated with the Oracle. JOURNALISM. 177 The successor to the Oracle and Gazette was the Indiana Palladium, the first number of which was issued Friday, January 7, 1825, printed and published by M. Gregg and D. V. Culley, being of the same size as all of its predecessors. The Palladium flew the motto "Equality of rights is nature's plan — And following nature is the March of Man." In the salutatory it was stated "We profess ourselves Republicans, warmly attached to the best interests of our country; and pledge our- selves to publish a paper founded upon purely Republican principles, uncontrolled by faction, and unbiased by party spirit. Divesting ourselves of everything like sectional partialities and local predjudices — our paper shall be devoted exclusively to the benefit of ourselves and the public in general. " * * Of the Palladium and the men connected with it, C. F. Clarkson wrote in 1883: •* The first permanent newspaper, from which there has been contin- uously a live paper issued, was started January 10, 1825, by Milton Gregg and David V. Culley, called the Indiana Palladium. They were both able writers and practical printers. The office was originally located in the second story of what was called fifty-five years ago the ' bank building,' being west of and adjoining the old residence of father Isaac Dunn. In the summer of 1829, the proprietors built a one-story office further east on the continuation of High Street, opposite the residence of that sturdy old citizen William Tate. They continued to publish the Palladium, making it a spirited and interesting paper, until September 12, 1829, when owing to some unfortunate difficulties Mr. Gregg sold out to Mr. Culley, who continued to publish it until he was appointed to a position in the land office at Indianapolis, by President Jackson. Mr. Culley was a decided Democrat, while Milton Gregg was a National Republican, which was pi-evious to the day when, at the suggestion of James Watson Webb, the party took the name of W^hig. " The writer went into the Palladium office, September 21. 1828, as an apprentice, but retired from it with Mr. Gregg. So long as Gregg & Culley published the Palladium, it was independent in politics, but when Culley assumed entire control, it espoused the^cause of Jackson and De- mocracy. Mr. Gregg at once commenced preparations to start a National Republican paper, which he did in the second story over the old Ferris drug store, corner of High and Short Streets, then occupied by Prichard & Noble, for drugs. The paper was commenced March 10, 1830, and was called The Western Statesman. Previous to this time, there had been various vicissitudes with papers at Brookville, Ind., the last by Au- gustus Jocelyn. Gregg purchased of Mr. Joeelyn the Brookville printing materials. They were old and badly broken in sorts. Mr. Gregg sent a 178 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. wild Hoosier teamster for the printing establishmjent, who laid a quilt on the floor and emptied all the cases on it — all sizes and varieties of types in one inglorious 'pi.' John W. Holland, who lived and flourished at Indianapolis long after, and if living yet, will vividly recollect aiding the writer in distributing the 'pi.' It took three weeks. C. F. Clark- son, who had commenced his apprenticeship with Gregg & Culley, finished it in the office of the Statesman. That was a hard time for newspapers. The people were poor, just opening their farms, and mail routes and post- offices scarce. A part of our apprenticeship was to ride horseback Friday and Saturday every week to distribute the papers to subscribers. The route was down by Aurora, Rising Sun, then north to Watts' Mill, then up by old Charles Dashiel's, around by Manchester, etc., home — leaving packages of papers in twenty or thirty places. Mr. Gregg continued to publish the Statesman but a few weeks by himself. He sold out a half interest on the 28th of April, 1830, to Thomas Dowling, an able writer and shrewd politican from Washington City, who had learned his trade and politics in the old National Intelligencer office. Dowling i became a prominent man in Indiana politics— standing high socially and finan- cially. He died a few years ago at Terre Haute. He Tylerized in 1842, and, as a consequence, got a fat Indian contract, which made him finan- cially comfortable for life. "Gregg & Dowling continued in partnership only till November 2, 1830, when the latter retired and bought the Greensburg paper. At that time one A. F. Morrison was editor of the Democratic paper at Indian- apolis. He was considered the strongest political writer in the State, and the small fry of all parties, though not respecting, feared him. Dowling fearlessly bearded him. It was one of the fiercest and probably the ablest newspaper warfare ever waged in Indiana. "Mr. Gregg continued to publish the Statesman until the spring of 1831. John Spencer, who was then sheriff of Dearborn County, having been appointed receiver of public moneys at the land office at Fort Wayne, resigned the sheriff's office. At that time Noah Noble was governor of Indiana, and he appointed Milton Gregg sheriff. At that day public officers performed the duties of the office in person, instead of doing as now, having deputies to transact the business, while they smoke cigars, talk politics, and prepare for re-election, or to succeed to a better office. " Mr. Gregg being engrossed with the sheriff's office, in which there was more money than publishing a paper, abandoned the office entirely, yet in his name. He gave the editorial and mechanical department over to the writer hereof, then only twenty years of age. During the year I purchased it of Mr. Gregg, with the understanding that possession was to be given at the close of the newspaper year, which was March 8, 1832. JOURNALISM. 179 I published the paper by myself until March 8, 1833, when I sold one- half to D. S. Major. In July, of the same year, the other half was sold to J. R. Smith, who was a worthless vagabond, and soon left for parts unknown. The paper then had a precarious existence for some time under Major's administration, who, as a lawyer, had enough to do without a newspaper." No. 1, Vol. II, of the Statesman was a five column folio and flew this motto, "The Constitution, Wisdom, Justice, Moderation," and was issued March 18, 1831, by Milton Gregg. Mr. Clax'kson, on assuming the management of the paper, in the pros ■ pectus said: "The great principles which this press shall maintain will be those of the Union, of the American system, and of internal improve- ments. * * * * It will support for the next Presi- dency, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and for Vice-President John Sergeant, of Pennsylvania.'' For a time, in 1832, while Mr. Gregg was serving as sheriff, Judge Test edited the Statesman, and in an editorial said: "I have ever been, and always expect to be, the devoted (perhaps some will say the enthusiastic) advocate of those great national principles, sound principles of Union, of the American system, and of internal improve- ments, until maintained." Under date of March 15, 1833, Mr. Major set forth that he was opposed to the rights of secession. "That a State has a right to withdraw from the Union whenever she becomes dissatis- fied with any of the measures of the general Government, I cannot ad- mit. * * * J 1jq1(J that there is no such thing as State sov- ereignty, nor a sovereignty in the general Government. * * * For let the doctrine of nullification and secession once prevail, and all the wisdom, talent, zeal and patriotism in our government cannot save the Union. Like the pestilential blast, it will sweep over our land, and leave the dilapidated walls of the once-fair fabric of our Republican Government the blasted monumeirt of our folly." * * * With the issue of October 9, 1833, Mr. Major withdrew from the Statesman, leaving Mr. Smith the sole publisher until the following spring. After the expiration of Mr. Gregg's term of oflfice as sherifi", he en- gaged for a time in flat-boating and trading on the river, but again re- turned to his profession, and, it is said, in 1837 began the publication in Lawrenceburgh of a paper entitled the Political Beacon. No. 1, of Volume III, bears the date of October 26, 1839. This paper he published until 1844, when he sold to Messrs. Dunn & Watts. On the 25th of January, 1840, said the editor of the Beacon: "Our banner is thrown to the breeze, on whose broad folds are inscribed the names of Harrison and Tyler, and in their cause, and for the interest of our common country, 180 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. we shall expect to do battle in such a manaer as to prove to the world that we are no lukewarm politiciansi" Still later, in the cam- paign of 1840, appeared the following extract: "That we are zealous in politics, and ardently devoted to the success of Whig principles, we admit; but that we would attempt to carry our point by misi'epresenting facts to the prejudice of our political opponents, is a charge which we desire, at all times, indignantly to repel! — and no man shall lay it at our door with impunity. Our cause is founded upon the immutable principles of justice and truth; and upon this broad basis, and this alone, we desire to see it stand or fall, 'Truth is mighty and will prevail.' " From Lawrenceburgh Mr. G-regg went to Madison, and finally to New Albany, Ind., where he died some twelve or fifteen years ago. "He mar- ried, December 25, 1828, Miss Lucy B. Dennis, then one of the prettiest women I ever saw. They raised a model family of children, but parents and children are all dead, except the youngest daughter, who now lives in Des Moines, Iowa." David V. Culley died in Indianapolis in 1869; was born in Pennsyl- vania in 1804, receiving the greatest part of his schooling at or in the vicinity of Franklinton, where he also acquired the rudiments of his trade — printing. About 1821, he removed to Elizabethtown, Ky., where his father was residing, and where he finished his trade. Subsequently he was at Corydon and at Brookville, and in 1824 removed to Lawrence- burgh. Here he was married to a Miss Brown, and in 1825, in connec- tion with Milton Gregg, established the Indiana Palladium, but in time political differences separated them. Mr. Culley served in both branches of the General Assembly from Dearborn County, and in 1836 was made register of the land ofi&ce by Van Buren, removed to Indianapolis, and in 1851 served as president of the gas company. A paper styled the Indiana Whig was started in Lawrenceburgh in 1834. No. 6 of Vol. I appeared under date of May 24, edited by John McPike. Nothing further that is definite of this paper have we been able to learn. John B. Hall, in September, 1839, succeeded Elder W. P. Stratton in the publication of the Rising Sun Journal, which paper, under date of October 10, 1840, appeared as the Indiana Patriot, in which Mr. Hall stated that he had sold the office to Mr. G. M. Childs, and discon- tinued the publication of the Journal. The Patriot was to be Whig in politics. December 5, 1840, Mr. Childs withdrew from the publication of the Patriot, and was succeeded by J. B. Kent. This office was removed to W^ilmington, and under date of March 27, 1841, appeared at Wilmington, Vol. I, No. 1, of the Dearborn County Register, neutral in politics, published by J. B. Kent. It has been stated in print that the JUURNALISM. 181 Dearborn County Register was suspended at the end of the first year, and the office and fixtures sold to B. B. Root, who continued the publi- cation at Wilmington, of a paper styled the Indiana Whig, until 1844, when the office was removed to Lawrencebui'gh, where it was continued by B. B. Root and James S. Jelley until the close of that year, when it was suspended, and^the office and fixtures bought by John B. Hall, who, for the second time, began the publication of the Register. Again it has been stated that, in the fall of 1844, Mr. Root sold the Whig to Mr. John B. Hall. who changed the name to the Indiana Register, and in the following year moved the paper to Lawrenceburgh, and, purchasing the Political Beacon, consolidated the papers under the name of the Demo- cratic Register. In 1850 Mr. Hall sold the Register to George W. Lane, who, in 1851, sold it to Messrs. Oliver B. Tarbett and Charles C. Scott. These gentlemen continued to publish it two years, and, in 1853, sold it to Addison Bookwalter, who published it until in 1871 — his valedictory appearing in issue of January 6. Mr. Bookwalter's successor was Edward F. Sibley, who continued its publication until in 1877 — his val- edictory appearing under date of Max'ch 8. In the same issue ap- peared the salutatory of the Democratic Register Printing Company. On the 29th of March, of the same year, appeared the valedictory of J. H. Burkam and the salutatory of W. D. H. Hunter and W. H. O'Brien, who have since conducted the paper. From the foregoing it is seen that the Democratic Register is the lineal successor of the Dear- born County Register, established at Wilmington in 1841. Mr. Ben- jamin V. Gould, now foreman in the printing department of the Register office, seems almost a part of the establishment, in as much as he entered the office as an apprentice in 1856, and with the exception of a short period, has been identified with the printing of the Register as foreman through that long period of years. October 18, 1850, was issued the first number of a newspaper in Law- renceburgh, styled the Independent Press, published by H. L. Brown and James E, Goble, and edited by O. B. Torbett. The Press was a seven column folio. August 22, 1851, the Press was sold to Rev. W. W. Hibben, who, on the 9th of |June, 1852, associated with him J. P. Chew, a pi-actical printer and foreman of the office, as assistant editor. On the 20th of October following, Mr. Chew became the proprietor and editor of the paper, and conducted t until April 12, 1856, when he sold to E. F. Sibley, then publishing the Aurora Standard, who combined the two papers, which were suspended in 1857. For several years following 1857, with, perhaps, a short interim, a Republican paper continued to be issued at Lawrenceburgh, with differ- ent persons at its head, among whom were R. D. Brown, and Thompson 182 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Brothers. Within a period of five years subsequent to 1856, the paper had five different publishers, and was suspended as many times. June 8, 1864, appeared the first issue of the Union Press, a six-column folio, published by Lyman Knapp. The Press firmly adhered to the cause of the North and supported the Union, urging a vigorous prosecution of the war and the abolition of slavery. July 4, 1867, the name of the paper was changed to the Lawrenceburgh Press. Mr. Knapp in a short time was succeeded by J. P. Chew, in the publication of the Press, who had been, with the exception of about five years, identified with the Repub- lican organ of the county as publisher and editor, since 1852. Mr. Chew continued to conduct the Press until June 27, 1878, when he sold the paper to James E. Larimer, who has since published and edited the same. Mr. Samuel Chapman, now a job printer of the city, was, for some eighteen years prior to Mi*. Chew's withdrawal from the Press, asso- ciated with the printing department of the office in the relation of fore- man and manager. The Press is the Republican organ of the county, and, as will be seen from what has been said above, is the direct succes- sor of the Independent Press established in 1850. Mr. Torbett, whose name is connected with the history of the Press, died in Indianapolis in 1864. He commenced the practice of the law in Lawrenceburgh about 1848; was for a time connected with the Press, and subsequently with the Register. Iq 1849-50, he served from this county in the State Leg- islature, and was speaker of the House; was a talented man, the young- est in that body. The first newspaper published in Aurora was the Indiana Signal, the first number of which made its appearance in August, 1836, edited by L. C. Hastings. In politics the Signal was Democratic, and was dis- continued after the presidential campaign of that year. In 1839 a paper was established at Aurora entitled the Dearborn Democrat, by the Aurora Printing Company, edited by Alexander E. Glenn, which was continued during the exciting canvass of 1840, then removed to Lawrenceburgh and published by C. W. Hutchins. For sev- eral years following the removal of the Democrat, Aurora was without a paper. The Western Republican was started at Lawrenceburgh by Nimrod Lancaster in 1846, and in the fall of 1847 it was removed to Aurora. It was started as an independent paper, Vol. II, No. 32, appeared under date of November 22, 1847, published at Aurora by John B. Hall and Nimrod Lancaster, supporting Taylor. In 1848, the Republican became the property of Folbre & Co. The Wester7i Commercial was started in Aurora in 1848, by N. W. Folbre and W. H. Murphy, Vol. I, No. 11, bearing date of February 10, 1849. The Commercial was neutral in politics and JOURNALISM. 183 religion, and continued to be published and edited by Mr. Folbre until on the 22d of May, 1851, when he retired and was succeeded by Messrs. Root & Bowers. That year (1851) these gentlemen established the Aurora Standard, a Whig paper. These gentlemen continued the publication six months, and for six months longer the Standard was published by Mr. Bowers alone, when, in 1852, E. F. Sibley, then foreman in the office, purchased an interest in the paper, and continued in its publica- tion until the paper was suspended in 1857. The Independent Banner was started at Aurora, in 1852, by N. D. Folbre, the first issue appearing August 12. Mr. Folbre remained the editor and publisher of the Banner until his death, which occurred March 3, 1854. The publication ceased with the paper of March 8, 1854. Mr. Folbre was born in Ohio in 1824, and, with his parents, located in Aui'ora in 1826. In 1836 he entered the Signal office in Aurora to learn his trade. From 1838 until 1845 he was employed in the office of the Political Beacon at Lawrenceburgh, where he remained until 1845, when the press changed hands, and our subject controlled the printing department. Later he was in the office of the Western Repub- lican, printed at Lawrenceburgh by Mr. Lancaster, and when the office was moved to Aurora in 1847, Mr. F. returned with it. In 1859 W. H. Nelson established a paper at Aurora called the Aurora Commercial, which continued to be published by him until some time in the early part of 1861, when it was suspended. That fall the paper was revived by E. F. Sibley, and successfully conducted by him until 1868, when the establishment was sold to John Cobb. September 13, 1868, appeared the first number of a paper styled the Peoples' Advocate, published at Aurora by E. F. Sibley, which was con- tinued by that gentleman until 1871. July, 1868, there was established at Aurora by a joint stock company of twenty-four members, who had pui'chased the press and printing material of the Auroi-a Commercial, a paper called the Dearborn Inde- pendent, an independent Republican newspaper. Up to February, 1869, this paper was edited and published by J. W. McDonald & T. J. Cobb. At this time Mr.'McDonald retired and left the management and editing of the paper to Mr. Cobb, who, in April, 1873, sold the Independent to L. W. Cobb, who has since conducted the paper as proprietor and editor. Under the present management the paper has been conducted as independ- ent in politics. The Aurora Spectator, a neat and newsy weekly newspaper, was started some years since by James Everett, a native of Illinois, but for ten years past a resident of Aurora. In 1882 he accepted, as a partner, Frank Gregory, a native 'of Rising Sun. Messrs. Everett & Gregory 184 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. have both been connected with the printing business from boyhood, and are achieving an encouraging success with their enterprise in Aurora. Two and fifty years ago occurred the birth of the first newspaper published in Rising Sun, then a village of Dearborn County. The paper was styled the Rising Surij the first issue of which appeared under date of November 16, 1833, printed and published by Isaac Stevens & Co., the Company being Eldridge G. Brown, a steamboat captain. In size, the Rising Sun was 18x11^ inches, a five column folio. It was not designed as a political paper, "reserving to our individual self the right to speak and think, we shall ever in our editorial capacity avoid all partyism and political controversies, while at the same time, in regard to the general movements of the Government we shall endeavor to give a plain and unvarnished tale, and leave our readers upon this subject to ponder and determine for themselves.'' With the issue of May 17, 1834, the name of the paper was changed to the Rising Swn Times, published by Stevens & Glenn. The Times was neutral in politics and continued to be published by Stevens & Glenn until November 8, 1834, when Mr. Stevens sold to Mr. Glenn who continued its publication until 1837 or 1838; the last number we were able to find appeared under date of September 16, 1837. On the 18th of February, 1837 or some time prior thereto, the name of the paper was changed to the Rising Sun Times and Farmers* Journal, and with that issue began the paper, a political one, pledging itself to support the administration of Martin Van Buren. Isaac Stevens was born in the city of New York, in 1811, and in 1815 with his parents removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where, at the age of fifteen, he was apprenticed to the printing business, serving six years, thence coming from the ofiice of the Cincinnati Gazette in 1833, to Rising Sun. In the fall of 1836 he removed to Vevay, and there com- menced the publication of a weekly newspaper, which business he continued in with the intermission of about two years, until 1857, tnen engaged in different branches of mercantile business until his death, which occurred in 1877. Alexander E. Glenn was a man of considerable ability, and after leaving Rising Sun went to Aurora, where he was connected with the publication of a paper. In 1836 he represented Dearborn County in the Legislature, and in 1841 he returned to the city of Columbus, Ohio, taking the foremanship of the State Journal office. In 1853 he com- menced the publication of the Ark, an Odd Fellows' Journal, which he edited for fifteen years. His death occurred at Columbus, Ohio, in 1872. Vol. I, No. 1, of the Rising Sun Journal, a five column folio sheet, JOURNALISM. 185 neutral in politics, was issued September 12, 1838, edited and published by William P. Stratton, who retired from the paper September 7, 1839, and was succeeded by John B. Hall, whose name appeared in connection with the paper September 21st of that year. The paper appeared under date of October 10, 1840, as the Indiana Patriot, being a six column folio, stamped as Vol I, No. 1, in which issue Mr. Hall stated that he had sold his printing office to G. M. Child, and discontinued the publi- cation of the Rising Sun Journal. The Patriot was to be Whig in poli- tics. With the issue of December 5, 1840, Mr. Childs withdrew and J. B. Kent became the proprietor. The last issue of this paper at our command appeared October 9, 1841. The office was removed to Wil- mington, and under date of March 27, 1841, appeared at Wilmington, Vol. I, No. 1, of the Dearborn County Register, neutral in politics, published by J. B. Kent. At the end of two years Mr. Hall again bought the office and published the first Cass paper in Indiana. After the division of Dearborn County and the removal of the county seat to Lawrenceburgh, Mr. Hall removed the office to that place, carrying it on until he sold out to George W. Lane in 1852, after which Mr. Hall went to Evansville, where he published for several years the Evansville Enquirer. In 1876 he was still connected with the press of that city. Elder William P. Stratton, whose name is mentioned above in con- nection with the press of the county, was, while publishing the paper, pastor of the Christian Churches at Rising Sun, Ind., Petersburgh and Burlington, Ky. He was a practical printer, and though for forty years a preacher, had by secular pursuits supported himself and family. His death occurred in Cincinnati, in 1883, aged seventy-five years. In that city he held many positions of honor and trust. He baptized over 1,000 persons, officiated at over 2,000 funerals and married over 2.000 couples. March 25, 1843, S. F. Covington issued the first number of a paper, styled the Indiana Blade, which was established for the purpose of se- curing the division of Dearborn County, and the location of a county seat at Rising Sun. An effort of this kind had been made at regular in- tervals for a number of years, but had always proven unsuccessful. On this occasion, however, the friends of the measure succeeded in electing George P. Buell to the Senate, and Col. Pinkney James, David Macy and Richard Spicknell to the House, who procured the passage of a law di- viding Dearboru County, and creating the new county of Ohio. Febru- ary 22, 1845, Mr. Covington associated with him his brother, John B. , and August 23 of that year, S. F. Covington transferred the paper to hisjbrother, John B. Covington, and took charge of the Madison Courier. In 1846 he returned and united with his bi'other in the publication, and continued until January, 1848. when he purchased the Madison Courier 186 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and again took charge of that paper. John B. Covington continued in charge at Rising Sun. March 11, 1848, John B. Covington sold the Blade to Amor & Jennison, and joined his brother at Madison in the Courier. In July, 1849, they sold the Courier to M. C. Garber. S. F. Covington went into the insurance business, and for many years was connected with the Indianapolis and Rising Sun Insurance Companies, having charge of the office of the Indianapolis company in that city. After- ward he went to Cincinnati and became secretary of the Globe Insurance Company, and is now its president. He has served as president of the Cin- cinnati Chamber of Commerce, and is one of the best posted and most reliable and trustworthy commercial men in that city. John B. Coving- ton became secretary of the Rising Sun Insurance Company, and acted in that capacity for several years; was engaged also in trading in produce, and has now retired to a rural home half a mile below Rising Sun. With the issue of June 3, 1848, George Amor was succeeded in the publication of the Blade by R. P. Moore, the paper to be conducted in the future under the title of the Indiana Whig, by Messrs Moore & Jen- nison; Vol. I, No. 1, of which appeared June 17, 1848. In the salu- tatory it was stated that the Wliig would support Taylor and Filmore. " Fully persuaded of the importance of the approaching campaign, the interest already manifested by the Whigs of this representative district, and the importance of a Whig paper at this point, has alone induced the proprietors to embark in this new enterprise. With no encouragement but the efficacy of our principles, and the ultimate good which must nec- essarily flow from a proper promulgation of those principles, has in- duced us to launch our frail bark on the broad and boundless ocean of political warfare, and meet the enemy 'face to face' in open combat. " The Democratic nominations are already made; the party drill of the 'opposition' has commenced; the tocsin has been sounded, and they are daily girding on their armor preparing for the conflict. It behooves us, then, as W^higs, to meet them. Therefore it is necessary we should have some medium through which to defend ourselves. We intend the Whig to be that medium; and in order to more fully disseminate the Republican principles of the great Whig party, we ask the Whigs of the district to aid us, and we will spare no pains to render the Whig worthy of their support. In fact, we intend making the Whig a political paper, giving 'measures, not men,' our preference. " We are now on the eve of an important political campaign, one, too, fraught with more interest and magnitude than any preceding one. The trying issue has come. One more universal rally is necessary. With the spirit of 1840 breathing in every patriotic Whig breast, and the inter- ests of our common country at stake, we can, by a strong pull, and a long JOURNALISM. 187 pull, and a pull altogether, redeem the Whig party^from the thraldom in which it was so unexpectedly thrown in 1844. " * * * * Mr Jennison was associated with the publication of the Whig but a short time, when the paper was conducted by Mr. Moore (Robert T.) alone. The latter was a sharp writer, a little rough and decidedly pur- sonal, and had several street difficulties. In point of ability the Whig ranked among the first papers of the State. Its editor defended and sup- ported with noted talent the cause he espoused, doing himself credit and exercising no little influence by the bold and independent course he pur- sued. Under Taylor Mr. Moore became postmaster of Rising Sun; sub- sequently read law and was admitted to the bar; served as prosecuting attorney over this judicial district; removed to Cincinnati, where he died September 13, 1854, at the early age of twenty-eight years. The office of the Whig was sold to W. T. Pepper, who issued under date of August 24, 1850, No. 1, Vol. I, of a paper styled the Rising Sun Herald, to be neutral in politics. Vol. I, No. 1, of the Rising Sun Mirror was issued November 24, 1849, by John H Scott, which March 13, 1851, was consolidated with the Herald, to be neutral in politics, as each of those papers had been; the new paper to be edited by Mr. Pepper and published by Charles Scott. This pa- per was shortlived, we judge, for in September, 1852, Mr. Pepper issued No. 1, Vol. I, of a paper under the title of the Hoosier Patriot, Democratic in politics. The Patriot was published but a short time. Vol. I, No. 1 of the Indiana Repahlican appeared in Risino- Sun August 30, 1851, under the proprietorship of Hayden & Gregory. It claimed to be Republican in politics, of the same school of Adams, Clay and Webster, and supported Fillmore for the presidency. September 20, 1851, Mr. Hayden withdrew from the paper and was succeeded by Will- iam French, who in connection with Mr. Gregory published the paper until December 11, 1852, when Mr. French became sole pi'oprietor. Jan- uary 1, 1853, H. C. Craft became associated with Mr. French in the publication of ih.Q Republican, the last number of which was issued April 22, 1854, and the paper was then removed to Jeflfersonville, Ind. The Neutral Penant made its appearance in Rising Sun, October 13, 1853, published by H. C. Craft; and the Weekly News, Vol. I, No. 2, ap- peai'ed under date of March 3, 1854, by Charles Scott. The latter not long after this removed his office to Vevay. May 6, 1854, was issued No. 1, Vol. I, of the Indiana Weekly Visi- tor, published by William H. Gregory, in the publication of which he continued until in 1859. Under date of November 7, 1857, under the head " Last of Republicanism," the editor observed: " The career of Republicanism has been run — the yearling is dead. 188 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The coup de grace has been administered in the State of Ohio— its only western stronghold — and it now lives only on its death bed in New York and New England. During its life it was, without intending it, a great ally to "the Democracy," for it elected Buchanan, when Fillmore alone could have defeated him; and a Congress, elected two years ago "Ameri- can," it converted afterward into " Republican," to be succeeded, as it was certain to be, under such a wrongful conversion, by a Congress Democratic. "We were accustomed a year since to speak of the Freemont movement as a passion, an excitement and a fever, which was as certain to die out in a twelvemonth, as night and day were certain to succeed each other. We were very much abused then for the prediction, but time has proved it true." * * * How soon the resurrection, and what a grand life! Under the head "Obituary" appeared the following notice of this paper in the Hoosier Paper oi. March 5, 1864: "Died on Saturday morning, Feb- ruary 20, 1864, after an illness of several months, the Aurora Rising Sun Visitor, in the ninth year of its age. Requiescat in pace. "Little did we imagine, when we came to Rising Sun to publish the Hoosier Paper, that we would so soon be called upon to record the detnise of this time-honored and valuable institution, which, with an intermission of a few months, continued to exist for nearly nine years. The publication of the Visitor was commenced by the late William H. Gregory, in the year 1855, if we recollect aright, and continued by him several years. During his administration, the Visitor was looked upon as one of the ablest papers in the State; but, after continuing the publi- cation of the paper for about four years, he was compelled, on account of bad health, to retire from business. Mr. Gregory disposed of the office to Judge J. J. Hayden, then residing in this city, who published the paper about twelve months and then sold out to Mr. D. G. Rabb, and Mr. John W. Rabb took hold of the paper and published it through the presidential campaign ]of 1860, and^ up to the breaking out of the Rebellion. In April, 1861, Mr. Rabb recruited a company of troops under the call of the President for 75,000 men for three months' service, and went with the Seventh Indiana Regiment, leaving the Visitor in charge of a publisher. When the call was made for three years' troops, the said publisher left it in the hands of another 'publisher,' who 'run' it about one month, and then let it fizzle. After a lapse of several months, the concern was revived by Messrs. Frank Gregory & Co. (Mr. Ed F. Sibley), of the Aurora Commercial. For about a year the paper was published regularly 'every Saturday morning,' the first and fourth pages being printed at Aurora. Finally, Messrs. F. G. & Co. sold the JOURNALISM. 189 material, with which the second and third pages had been printed, to a firm in Ripley County, and thereafter the arduous task of printing the Visitor was performed at the Commercial office in Aurora, the work being expedited by transferring matter from the columns of the Commercial to those of the Visitor, and filling the fourth page, and a large portion of the other three pages with Aurora advertisements. From the time of the transfer of the concern from Rising Sun to Aurora, the people lost interest in it, and the aforesaid valuable(?) institution continued to grow gradually weaker and to struggle hard for existence; but finally, without a cry or a groan— it being so weak it couldn't groan — it suc- cumbed and went 'the way of all flesh.' Such is the short but brilliant history of the Aurora Rising Sun Visitor. Again we exclaim, 'Peace to its ashes.'" The Hoosier Paper was started in Rising Sun February 20, 1864, by John P. Lemon and D. B. Hall (the latter is now the publisher of the Rising Sun Local), which gentlemen continued its publication until in the following August, when Mr. Hall went into the United States serv- ice, and Mr. Lemon continued the publication of the Hoosier until the February following, when he sold to Mr. J. E. D. Ward. The follow- ing is extracted from the salutatory of the Hoosier: "Politically, our paper will support the present administration in all its acts in the con- duct of the war. * * * "VVe know no difference between a traitor in arms and a traitor at heart, and think they should be served the same way — hanged as high as Haman. While our brave soldiers are fighting the enemy, we deem it our duty to fight them at home and we shall do so to the last extremity. We do not want to see this war end unless it be with honor to the North. Just so soon as Jeff Davis & Co. come to see 'the error of their ways,' and come back under the shadow of the old stars and stripes, in obedience to the Constitution and laws of the country, or the whole race of rebels is exterminated and our armies and navies have encompassed their territory, then we are for peace — not be- fore." On the 11th of March, 1865, Mr. J. Edwin Donelson Ward issued No. 1, Vol. I,' of the Observer and Recorder, whose political complexion was purely loyal, conforming to the views and doctrines of the Repub- lican or Union party, "to support the Government in all of its measures to put down the Rebellion." Mr. Ward continued to publish the paper until in 1866, retiring July 14, and on the 21st of that month and year Messrs. Frank Gregory and Charles Beat}'^ took possession and issued the Recorder, which gentlemen set forth in their salutatory that it was their intention to publish an independent newspaper, devoted to the interests of Ohio County and Rising Sun. On the 12th of January, 1 1 190 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1867, the name of the paper was changed to the Ohio Comity Recorder. With the issue of the paper bearing date of September 26, 1868. Mr, Beaty retires and the Recorder is published by Mr. Gregory until June 2, 1873, when the paper was sold to the present proprietor, Frederick J. Waldo, who June 7, 1873, seat the paper out a quarto, six columns, independent in politics but not neutral. The paper is now published under the name of the Rising Sun Recorder, and is Republican in politics. October 17, 1874, D. W. Calvert commenced the publication of a paper in Rising Sun styled the Saturday News, independent in politics. The News was continued in Rising Sun under the same proprietorship uutil in the spring of 1878, when the office was removed to Aurora and the paper there published under the same management, though changed in politics to a Democratic paper until the spring of 1881, when its pub- lication was discontinued. Vol. I, No. 1, of a weekly paper styled the Rising Sun Local, a six column folio independent in politics, published by Banner Hall, made its appearance in Rising Sun July 26, 1879, with Murray T. Williams as local editor. The Local has continued under the same name and proprietorship, though several times enlarged and otherwise improved from the beginning. It is now Republican in politics, and Mr. Hall, the editor, is still assisted by Mr. Williams. The LocaZ, since November 13, 1880 an eight column folio, is a live and interesting sheet. The Rising Sun Herald is the name oE a weekly penny paper estab- lished in the city in 1884, by Master Frank Downey, who is both editor and publisher. The Herald is printed on a sheet about 7x10 inches, and is a spicy little paper devoted to the best interests of the general public. Vol. I, No. 46, of the Herald bears date of February 20, 1885. Giving our prediction for what it is worth, founded on our observations of the conduct of the " Liliputian," we judge our young friend (if he contin- ues to see in person to the prompt delivery of the Herald of a February morning, with the mercury ranging from 15° to 20° below zero, the Ohio River almost frozen over, with the city itself frozen up, before one has a fire or his breakfast, as the writer experienced last winter), will rise to the foremost rank of his profession. The printing offices of to-day throughout Dearborn and Ohio Counties are well equipped with presses of modern make and with improved facil- ities for the dispatch of all kinds of job work, and the men engaged in the conduct of the several newspapers are men of ability and well quali- fied for the profession, and are endeavoring to advocate such measures as are in the line of progress and advancement ennobling to man, and are for the best interests of the public generally. The men conducting OHIO RIVER FLOODS. 191 party papers are, generally, of strong political convictions, and are not silent on political questions, but are ever on the alert in the furtherance of the principles of the party to which they are attached. Biographies of the members of the press will be found in the biographical depart- ment of this work. CHAPTER XII. OHIO RIVEK FLOODS. Climate of the Ohio Valley— Conditions Favorable to a Great Flood— The Flood of 1788-89— 1832— 184?— 1882— 1883— 1884— Disas- trous Effects at Lawrenceburgh— Relief for Sufferers- Table of High-water Marks at Cincinnatl AN account of the most disastrous floods of the Ohio River will be given in this chapter in the order of their occurrence. The Ohio Valley is subject to greater vicissitudes of climate, perhaps, than any other part of the world of like proportions. A change within forty days has been experienced from a temperature 20° below zero to 65° above— the cold of Canada and the warmth of the Gulf in the same winter. The conditions favorable for a destructive flood in the Ohio are a frozen ground throughout the immense region drained by the river, a thick covering of snow spread over fields and forests and accumulated in immense snow-banks in the mountains, lastly warm winds from the Gulf and the Southwest superabundantly laden with rain, and day after day pouring out many inches of water. The ground being frozen is impervious to the water from the rain and melted snow, and the torrents from four States are poured into the mighty river. The agency of the removal of forests and the cultivation of the soil in increasing the number and destructiveness of floods had been much discussed. Forests with their roots, fallen leaves and branches, act as sponges, and to some extent hold back the water. The clearing and cul- tivation of the land and the increase of tile and ditch-drains, facilitate the discharge of the rain-fall into the streams; but it would seem that the effects of these changes from a state of nature in causing floods have been exaggerated. Certainly the destruction of forests cannot be the cause of floods, for there were disastrous high waters at the very earliest settlements. Dr. George Sutton, of Aurora, has vigorously attacked the theory that the removal of forests produces our great floods. He says: "The advocates of this theory seem to have forgotten that there have 192 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. been fluctuations not only in temperature but in the amount of rain-fall over different parts of the globe in all ages, and that the vast amount of moisture accompanying our continental storms is brought from the ocean by great atmospheric currents, and that this moisture is deposited over the country and along the valleys of our rivers independent of local influences. "A combination of circumstances may produce a flood similar to what we had in 1884, forests or no forests. It is known that the fall of one inch of rain is equivalent to 2,000,000 of cubic feet of water to the square mile. If five inches of rain fall suddenly upon a deep snow lying upon frozen ground in the valley of the Ohio Biver, the forests would certainly have but little influence in preventing a disastrous flood. From alluvial deposits we have conclusive evidence that great floods have occurred in the Ohio River long before the country was settled by the white man." 1788-89. — There was a great flood in the latter part of the winter in which the Miami country was first settled. The troops arriving at the mouth of the Great Miami were prevented by the high water from occu- pying Fort Finney. The new settlement at Columbia in January was under water; "but one house escaped the deluge." The soldiers were driven from the ground floor of the block-house into the loft and from the loft into the solitary boat which the ice had spared them. John Cleves Symmes in a letter to Col. Dayton, dated North Bend, May, 1789, says that the whole country thereabout had been inundated, and that "the season was remarkable for the amazing height of the water in the Ohio, beino" many feet higher than had been known since the white people had come into Kentucky." A memorandum by Judge Goforth reads thus: "September 25, 1789, Maj. Stites, old Mr. Bealer and myself took the depth of the Ohio River, and found there was fifty-seven feet of water in the channel, and that the water was fifty-five feet lower at that time than it was at that uncommonly high freshet last winter. The water at the high flood was 112 feet." ' It is evident that there is an error in these figures. If they were cor- rect no house in Columbia would have escaped the deluge. It is prob- able that these early observers made a mistake in measuring the height of the marks of the flood or that they struck a hole in the river. 1832. — Passing over the high waters of more than forty years we come to the first great flood of which a correct record exists, that of Feb- ruary, 1832. On the 1st of February, the ground was covered with snow, but the weather was warm and pleasant. The snow melted rapidly until the 6th, when the rain set in. On the 8th and 9th it rained continuously; OHIO RIVER FLOODS. 193 on the 10th the rising of the waters in the Ohio began to attract attention at Cincinnati and Lawrenceburgh; on the 14th many merchants at Cin- cinnati were compelled to remove their goods to the second story of their houses; the river continued to rise rapidly until Saturday morning, February 18, when it came to a stand. The flood was of a most distressing character; the Ohio did more damage by overflowing its banks than had ever before been done since the first settlement of the country. Nearly all the towns on the Ohio were inundated in whole or in part. Fences and movable property were swept from all the farms on the river bottom from Pittsburgh to Louis- ville. Houses, barns, grain and haystacks were seen floating down the river in great numbers. Hundreds of families were turned houseless upon the community. At^Cincinnati the water covered between thirty and forty squares of the city which was then nearly all crowded into the bottoms. The flood reached its highest point on the 18th; two days later it had declined two feet four inches; on the 24th the river was within its banks. The bottoms^^about Cincinnati and Lawrenceburgh may be said to have been inundated for about twelve days — six days while the flood was advancing and six days after the decline began. The Lawrence- burgh Palladium, published by David V. Culley, in its issue of March 3, 1832, said of this flood: "The late great flood in the Ohio and its disastrous effects being sub- jects of painful interest to all, we have collected in our paper to-day statements from the different towns on the river. From Pittsburgh and as far down as we have been able to learn; the destruction of property has been great beyond a parallel in the West. The height of the water in this place, over the great flood of 1815, was five feet nine inches, and over that of 1825 about eight feet. High Street, the most elevated part of the town, was covered with from four to six feet of water its whole extent. On some of the cross streets the water was still higher, and the inhabitants were compelled to seek refuge in the buildings along High and Walnut Streets. All the two story buildings on these streets were filled to overflowing — some having three, four and five families in them." Although Lawrenceburgh suffered much from this flood, some of the statements concerning the condition of the town at the time of high waters were gross exaggerations. A Cincinnati newspaper stated that "the town of Lawrenceburgh is wholly inundated, so that there is scarcely a house to be seen but the spire of the church." To this the Statesmen replied: "Now the truth of the matter is, the flood was perhaps about six or seven feet higher than it has ever been known; 194 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. two small frame or log dwellings on the low ground were floated away, and some light, empty frames removed from their foundations, but no lives were lost and no very serious injury sustained, indeed not nearly so much as was expected while the flood was up and before it subsided. The whole of the old part of the town was inundated, but the principal part of the new town was not touched with the flood. * * * * * * * No white man can recollect when the water has been of sufficient height to overflow the principal street in our village, and except the small cupola on the court house there is not a spire, dome or sky-light on a church or any other building in the town." 1847. — The flood of this year is the only destructive one in the Ohio of which we have any record, occurring in the month of December. The rise was from streams on both sides of the Ohio emptying'their waters into the Ohio above Lawrenceburgh. The Ohio began to swell December 10, 1847. December 15, there was a heavy fall of snow. On the 17th the waters reached their highest point, when there were sixty-three feet and seven inches of water at Cincinnati. 1882. — The flood of February, 1882, although the waters were not so high as in 1832 and 1847, was disastrous and appalling at Lawrence- burgh. We copy from the newspapers of that city: "For several weeks the Ohio River, at this city, had been rising grad- ually, until Monday evening, February 20, it had reached a point at the junction of the till in the fair grounds and the "Big Four" Railroad, when it became necessary, on account of the depression in the fair ground embankment, to raise the bank at least two feet in order to keep the waters which had been accumulating from flowing over the bank into the city. Mayor Roberts promptly secured a force and went to work with energy and determination to do all that could be done to keep back if possible the waters, and up to midnight Monday had succeeded ad- mirably in holding them in check. But the continued rains for the past few days had swollen the White Water and Miami Rivers to such an ex- tent that it was soon evident that it would be impossible to keep up the embankment of the "Big Four" Railroad from this city to Hardintown, and the most that could be expected was to hold the waters back until morning or daylight. But at about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, the 2l8t, the waters from the Miami were thrown against the "Big Four'' Rail- road track with excessive pressure, on account of the barrier formed by the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, which would not permit the accumu- lated waters to pass into the Ohio River, when at a point just below the locks, at Hardintown, and a point opposite the Trough Pond, near Nicholas Fox's, the water broke through, and it was not long until it was rushing with fearful velocity, and in vast volumes through the upper OHIO RIVER FLOODS. 195 end of the city, carrying terrible destruction in its wide and rapidly ex- tending pathway. The screams of the people in the lower parts of the town, when they were aroused to the fact that they were surrounded by the flood of waters, were distressing in the extreme. The Mayor had arranged for giving a signal of alarm by the ringing of the church bells, and when it was known that the flood was coming the bells pealed out their terrible warning, and at the same time the flood gates at the lower end of the city were opened, and the torrent of waters came rushing from both directions with equal destructive force until they met at Walnut Street, like two mighty giant monsters of the deep amid its angry waves struggling for the supremacy of the sea, until both ended their existence in death, and thus the waters ceased their angry flow. "Although it was generally known that it would be impossible to keep the waters out of the city, and that many of the houses were ten feet or more below the surface of the water in the river, yet compara- tively few persons were prepared when the rush of waters came. The result was the loss of individual property has been very gi-eat. Not so much in the aggregate of dollars and cents, however, as that it came to a class of people not able to lose anything — yet in many cases it took all they had, even to their houses. Both in the upper and lower end of the city quite a number of small houses could be ween overturned, while others had floated away from their foundations. It is surprising how many families were driven so hastily from their homes, on account of the sudden rise of the water within the city limits, which in its mad career seemed to wash, upturn and drive everything before it. Hardly two hours had elapsed from the time the water broke its barriers until it was in every part of the city doing its work of devastation, and yet we have heard of but one death. "The men employed in their skifi"s and hastily provided boats did noble work in rescuing the people from the great peril in which they were so suddenly found. Large numbers of families took shelter in the public school buildings, in the court house, in the stove works, in the lodge rooms and other large rooms on High Street, as well as with pri- vate families, and it may be said that over a thousand persons were made homeless for the night at least. It was but a short time after getting housed until they were provided with food and made as comfortable as it was possible to make them under such unforeseen circumstances and the short time which was given to work. "The waters continued to rise until about 4 o'clock Tuesday after noon, and from that time until midnight there was but little change, when it began to fall. In the afternoon it had covered High Street, with the exception of here and there a small portion of the center of the 196 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. street could be seen as dark spots above the water. High Street being the highest street in old Lawrenceburgh, this part of the city therefore was entirely submerged. The store houses, with floors even with the pavements, had a few inches of water on their first floor. On all streets besides High the buildings were more or less filled with water, ranging from one foot to fifteen feet." 1883. — Early in February of this year the continued rains and gradual rising of the river had been a topic of conversation at Law- renceburgh, but notwithstanding the Ohio and Miami Elvers had been making encroachments on the high lands, hopes were entertained that the river would not exceed that of 1882, and that the levee, though known to be weak at the points filled after the washout of the preceding Feb- ruary, would be sufficient to hold the waters in check, but the people were doomed to bitter disappointment. The whole city was completely sub- merged except a few squares in Newtown. High Street, the highest street in what is termed Oldtown, or the principal part of the city was under water on an average of about six feet, and there was not, in the main part of the city, a single house of which the first floor was not under water. The stores all along High Street had an average of about five and one-half feet of water in them, and along Elm, Short, Walnut and other streets leading from the river, the depth of water increased, and in many cases the water reached the second story. In 1882 the waters were enabled to flow over High Street by the aid of a boom from the Miami, but the Ohio failed to reach this street, the highest street in the city, only at the extreme upper end. In 1888, however, the Ohio Eiver became the ruling master, and took complete possession of the city, and covered its highest street to the depth of six feet. With such a depth of water running with rapid current through the city, it was to be expected that the loss of property would be enormous. Aside from the loss of merchants, grocery men and business men, the destruction of houshold goods and personal property was enormous. The loss of buildings also was great. Eight manufacturing establish- ments, 2 business houses, 40 dwellings, and 3 stables were entirely destroyed, and 179 dwelling houses, 133 barns and stables, 19 shops, 6 business houses, removed from their foundations. Graham & Marshall lost heavily in lumber and had their saw-mill swept away, while Henry Fitch's losses were nearly as large, although his mill stood firm. As the water disappeared the destruction of property became more apparent. The houses generally presented a very shattered appearance; the windows were broken out, doors and sash smashed, and where the fur- niture had not been removed, bureaus, bedsteads, tables, and safes were tm-ned upside down, mirrors smashed, carpets, bed-clothing and wear- OHIO RIVER FLOODS. 197 ing apparel covered with slimy mud, and pianos injured beyond rep air. 1884. — The flood of February, 1884, was by far the greatest and most destructive known since white men took possession of the Ohio Valley. In December, of the winter of 1883-84, a great amount of snow fell; over this was spread several inches of fine hail, so that the amount of frozen water spread over the Ohio Valley was very great. Throughout January more snow fell, only a portion of which melted. Three feet of snow had fallen, and much of it was spread over the valley, or accumulated in drifts. At last came the warm storms from the southwest, and day after day there were heavy rains. All the conditions existed for a disastrous flood. Nowhere was it more destructive and frightful than at Lawrenceburgh. On Wednesday, Februai-y 6, 1884 at about noon of that day, the levee was still holding back the water between old Lawrenceburgh and Newtown and Hardintown; but along High Street, between Elm and St. Clair Streets, the waters from the Ohio began to pour into the city. Up to 10 o'clock at night but a very small part of the city had been visited by the waters, but at about this hour the levee at the locks, just below Hardintown, gave way, and the rushing element came with all its fury, spreading in wild confusion over the fields beyond, and in a few hours extending with rapidity all over the city, but, unlike 1882, it met the water from the Ohio, and thus the force of the current was broken, and but little damage was done to property on account of the rush of waters. By 1 o'clock Thursday morning, the waters covered High Street, with the exception of that part of the street between Charlotte Street and the railroad crossing at the Miami Valley Furniture Factory. This point, the highest on High Street, was the last to become submerged. From this hour (Thursday morning at 6 o'clock) at which time there was about twelve inches on High Street, the rise was gradual until Thursday, the 14th; at 5:45 P. M., it came to a stand-still, and then remained appar- ently stationary for nearly five' hours, when it began slowly to recede, until on Thursday morning, 21st inst., the most of High Street was again visible, after being beneath the flood of waters for two weeks. The water rose to such height that the force of its lifting power alone was sufficient to upturn buildings and break them in two; but to this force was added a boisterous wind-stoi'm that shook the buildings to their bases and lashed them with the furious waves until hundreds of build- ings of various kinds left their foundations to be tossed upon the waters, broken to pieces or carried bodily into the river and lost forever to their owners. On Thursday morning, February 15th, at 6 o'clock, the waters reached 198 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. their highest point, being two feet eight inches higher at Lawrenceburgh than ever before known. The heights at various places in the city are here given: Ferris' drug store, 8 feet 4 inches; Jordan's drug store, 8 feet 7 inches; Indiana House, 22 inches on second floor; Hilhnan's store, lOfeet 5 inches; Kieflfer's store, 5 inches on second floor; postoffice. 9 feet 5 inches; court house, 4 feet 6 inches; People's Bank, 8 feet 10 inches; Methodist Church, 1 inch on second floor. • The entire village of Hardintown was under waterfor twelve days, and its inhabitants took refuge in the Bellview Church and with friends. Relief committees were organized and contributions were promptly sent from all parts of the country. The Lawrenceburgh Relief Commit- tee received and disbursed over S20,000. Large quantities of provisions were bought, and liberal donations of bedding, clothing, food and coal were received from various parts of the country to relieve the distresses of the 3,000 persons driven from their homes by the flood. When the waters subsided many houses were found wrecked, which the owners were unable to repair. A blank form of ap- plication for relief was prepared and the owner was required to show, under oath, his or her inability to repair the damages. One hundred and eighty -seven of these were tiled, of which 160 were granted. Eleven houses were completely swept away, tifty-four were off the foundation, some of them several hundred feet, and fourteen of them turned over. An efficient force of movers, carpenters, stone and brick masons, plasterers, and laborers were engaged to repair the damages. The executive committee compromised a large number of cases, allowing the owners to do the work themselves, or have it done, and the amount was paid on certificate that it was completed. The following is a table of the highest water marks, as kept on record at Cincinnati, for the years mentioned below: 1833, February 18 64 feet 3 in. 1847, December 17 63 feet 7 in. 1859, February 22 55 feet 5 in. 1862, January 24 57 feet 4 in. 1865, March 7 56 feet 3 in. 1867, March 14 55 feet 8 in. 1870, January 19 55 feet 3 in. 1875, August 6 55 feet 5 in. 1882, February 21 58 feet 7 in. 1883, February 15 66 feet 4 in. 1884, February 14 71 feet f in. The river gauge at Cincinnati is at the water works. The zero of the guage corresponds, as nearly as it was possible to make it at the time it was established, with the Four-mile Bar above the city. The figures MILITARY HISTORY. 199 above given show the depth of the water on that bar, and are not a true guide to water in the river channel. When there is twenty-three inches of water on the Four-mile Bar there is fifteen feet in the channel oppo- site the water- works. If thirteen feet, therefore, be added to the above figures, it will approximate the depth of water in the channel at Cincinnati, On account of the greater quantities of water poured out from the Great Miami at some floods than others, the relative heights at Cincinnati and Lawrenceburgh are not the same; thus, in 1884, the waters at Cin- cinnati were four feet eight and three-fourths inches higher than in 1883, while at Lawrenceburgh they were but three feet four inches higher. CHAPTER XIII. MILITARY HISTORY. Revolutionary Soldiers— The War of 1812— The Mexican War— The Civil War— The Honorable Record of Dearborn and Ohio Counties in the Struggle for the Union— The Morgan Raid- Drafts and Bounties— War Expenditures of the Counties— Aid Societies — Rejoicing at the Surrender of Lee. AMONG the pioneers who settled in Dearborn County were a num- ber who served in the Revolutionary war, and the following is a list prepared by George W. Lane of the soldiers of that great struggle for freedom whose remains are buried within the limits of the county: Capt. Joseph Hayes. Winthrop Robinson. Joseph Barlow. ' Col. Zebulon Pike. Enoch Sackett. William Kerr. Capt. Isaac Cannon. Jacob Toothman. James Skeets. Maj. John Calhoun. William White. James Dykman. Ephraim Morrison. James Scott. Henry Raymer. Peter Carbaugh. Jabez Percival. John Sackett. John Baker. Capt. John Crandon. Baylis Cloud. Samuel Marsh. Capt. Hugh Dunn. Job Judd. Samuel Richardson. John DeMcss. Elijah Rich. Joseph Hannegan. Isaac Way. Jonas Frazier. Jacob Taylor. John Day. Mr. Burroug. The following is an incomplete list of the pioneers of Ohio County who were Revolutionary soldiers: Noah Miller, from New Jersey, served in the "Jersey Line," partici- pated in many skirmishes and in the hard-fought battle of Monmouth, N. J., suffering severely in the latter engagement. 200 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Hannaniah Rollins served in the "Jersey Line," entering the service in his sixteenth year. About 1777 he was attached to the band, or to the "music," as it was termed, as fifer, was promoted to iife-major, and served his country to the end of the war. Ephraim Bobbins, a native of Connecticut, served in the war, partici- pating in several skirmishes, and was wounded in a skirmish which took place in Rhode Island. John Fulton (a soldier) and wife were made prisoners by the Indians in 1780, during the Revolutionary war, and remained captives one year. Benjamin Chambers was commissioned by the Continental Congress an ensign in the First Pennsylvania Regiment in 1778, when not fifteen years of age, and in the following year was made a lieutenant. He was in active service several years, and was distinguished for gallant bearing on the field of battle. James Stewart, who died near Rising Sun in 1833, at the age of seventy-eight years, was a Revolutionary patriot. N THE WAK OF 1812. Dearborn County, we believe, furnished no organizations that were engaged in the Indian campaigns, but she did, under the direction of Gen. Harrison, organize a company under Gen. James Dill, commanded by Capt. James McGuire, which max'ched from Lawrenceburgh to Lebanon, Ohio, then the place of rendezvous of the troops raised in the counties of southwestern Ohio, and, it appears from what follows, thence marched to Piqua, Ohio, but were there met with the information that the Indians were advancing on the frontier, and were ordered back to Lawrenceburgh to protect the frontier settlements. The part the county played in this war is set forth in the following article, written in 1862, and published in the Aurora Comriiercial over the signature of E. Chafin: '^Soldiering in 1812. — Mr. Editor, I will give you a little of our ex- perience of camp life in 1812-13. We first volunteered in a company under Capt. James McGuire, in the fall of 1811, to join Gen. Harrison's army, but before we were organized the battle of Tippecanoe was fought, and we stood as minute men until after the declaration of war with Great Britain, June 18, 1812. On the 1st of August following we or- ganized again under Capt. McGuire, were attached to Maj. Shatter's Bri" gade, and marched to Piqua, on the Mad River, in Ohio, where we joined Gen. Harrison's army. We were there some two weeks, when an ex- press arrived from old Dearborn to Gen. Harrison, who ordered us to countermarch to Indiana Territory to protect the frontier. "Our company built a block-house at Brookville, commanded by Lieut. MILITARY HISTORY. 201 Breckinridge; one on Tanner's Creek, commanded by Capt. Blasdell, and a third on Laughery, where Capt. McGuire afterward lived. We scouted from one of these block-houses to the other until April 1, 1813, when we were mustered out, and returned to our homes. With all our scouting, the Indians were watching iis, as the sequel proved. The block- houses were not filled for nearly a week, and during that time the Indians stole eight horses and a large quantity of tobacco from Isaac Allen, on South Hogan, and two horses from Nicholas Lindsay, who lived where George Lane now lives. They also spoiled three or four yoke of cattle by cutting their ham-strings. Many of the inhabitants then moved over into Kentucky for fear of the Indians, but 'old Kentuck' sent us Capt. Seabury, with his company, who chased the Indians across White River; they found the river so swollen that they had to give up the chase and return. Maj. Nichols, of Wilmington, and Conrad Huff- man were both in the chase. They are both dead. I have been acquainted with them both for fifty years." NAMES OF SOLDIEES OF THE WAR OF 1812. The following list of citizens of Dearborn County who served in the second war with England was prepared by Greorge W. Lane: Samuel C. Vance. James Dill. John Weaver. James W. Weaver. Justice Sortwell. Decker Crozier. James McGuire. Samuel Ewan. George Greer. Joseph Morgan. Samuel Frazier. William Randall. Dr. Samuel Martin. Obediah Priest. Thomas Annis. Ephraim Hollister. Jesse Sacket. John Greenfield. Warren Tebbs. Johnson Watts. Aaron Bonham. Joshua Yerkees. James Salmon. Casper Johnson. George Lewis. — Maston Isgrigg. Willobv Tebbs. Enoch Blasdell. Abijah Decker. William Majors Stephen Thorn. William King. Jonathan Lewis. Timothy Kimble. James Bruce. Elial Chafin. Thomas Kyle. Jonathan AUee. Isaac Randall Garret Swallow. T. N. Burroughs. Joseph Daniels. Samuel Perry. Thomas Porter. Maj. John Lewis. Ellis Williamson. Israel Bonham. Nathan Lewis. Obediah Voshell. Thomas Johnson. - James Dart. Isaac Taylor. William Webb. James Cloud. Thomas Ehler. William Maserve. James King. Joshua Staples. Ferdinand Turner. George Rudisal. Thomas Covington John Durham. -George Mason. Levi Garrison. Jesse Calaway. Job Judd, Jr. Joseph Judd. Jacob Rudisal. Maj. Jeremiah John-Alex Roseberry. son, Sr. Nathaniel Tucke James C. Cornelius, ©aleb Roseberry. Ira Cloud. Thomas Dart. Michael Farran. Richard Pippin. John Lilly. Caleb Johnson. Capt. Robert Brack- enridge. Spencer Wyley. Job Hayes. William Ashby. Capt. Charles Stev- ens. John White. J. Brackenidge. Nicholas Mason. John Majors. James Eads. Samuel Johnson. Robert Gullett. John Durham. William Green. Stephen Green. Philip Mason. John Burk. Daniel Mason. Aquilla Cross. John Mason. Matthew Lamdon. Samuel Thornton. John Tanner. Baylcss Ashby. William Lake. James Ofield. Robert Majors. Elijah Eads. Thomas Hackelman. Noyes Canfield. James Withrow. James Boyd. Capt. StepheaWood. James Powell. Joseph Plummer. Daniel Salmon. Samuel Roberts. Charles Clements. Enoch Pugh. Col. Henry Miller. /-'Valentine Lawrence. James Holmes, Sr / Finlev Judd. Michael Rudisal. Jerry Johnson, Jr. Maj. Thomas Brac- kenridge. John Hall. Joseph Huston. William Caldwell. Jacob Fielding. Edwards Clements. Luther Plummer. 202 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. We have been unable to obtain a complete list of the soldiers of the war of 1812, who resided in Dearborn County, south of Laughery Creek. The following is a partial list and includes the names of those buried in the Rising Sun (Graveyard: Henry Palmer, Morris Merrill, Nathaniel L. Squibb (entered the army as a drummer at the age of fifteen years), Capt. John I. French William Goldson, Sooter McAdams, Benjamin Moulton (Kanger) Mathew Cadwell, Abel C. Pepper, Thomas Lindsay, George Hewett Thomas Jones, Robert McGuffin, William Padgett, James B. Smith, Jere miah Clore, Andrew Y. McComb, Thomas , Bradley, Mr. Ricketts, Levi Winters, Rev. James Jones, Martin Mitchell, William O'Neal, William Tilton, Gilbert Hall, Daniel Taber, Robert E. Covington. THE MEXICAN WAR. Immediately on the proclamation of President Polk calling for three regiments from Indiana, James H. Lane, then a merchant of Lawrence- burgh, organized a company ( F ) of volunteers for the Mexican War, and was the first to report to the governor the organization of a company. Jefiersonville was made the place of rendezvous, where, on the organ- ization of the Third Indiana Volunteer Regiment, James H. Lane was elected its colonel, and George Dunn, of Lawrenceburgh, succeeded Lane in the captaincy ^of the company. The regiment went immediately to Mexico, and participated in the battle at Buena Vista. At the com- mencement of the battle the Third Regiment was placed in the reserve; during the progress of the battle a number of brigades were forced back, and the Third Regiment was ordered to the front and maintained its position during the entire battle, and was the only regiment that did not retreat in the face of the enemy during the entire engagement, thereby redeeming the honor and credit of the State of Indiana. A second call was made upon Indiana the following year for soldiers, and Ebenezer Dumont, of Lawrenceburgh, organized and reported a com- pany ready for service; and under the same call, Capt. William Bald- ridge, of Lawrenceburgh (late of Pennsylvania), organized a company and was chosen its captain. On the organization of the regiment— the Fourth Indiana Volunteers — Ebenezer Dumont was elected lieutenant- colonel, and Thomas J. Lucas, of Lawrenceburgh, was chosen captain of the company, succeeding Dumont. The Fourth Regiment was ordered to Vera Cruz, and was assigned to the main army under Gen. Scott. On their march they learned that Santa Anna was at a certain point, and a portion of one of the Law- renceburgh companies was detached, under Capt. Thomas J. Lucas, who advanced so rapdily that he came near taking Santa Anna himself, reach- MILITARY HISTORY. 203 ing the house in which he had slept the night previously, while the bed he had occupied was yet warm, Anna having left in such haste that his wooden leg was left behind. The term of enlistment of the Third Regiment having expired, it, with the colonel, returned to Indiana. Col. Lane by the authority of the President then organized from all parts of the State the Fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, one company of which was from Dearborn County. The place of rendezvous of the regiment was at Madison, where James H. Lane was elected^colonel of the regiment. The regiment was at once ordered to the front, and joined the main army of Gen. Scott at the City of Mexico. The regiment, together with^ the Fourth, remained in the service until peace was declared. The Fifth Regiment, while yet in Mexico, held a meeting of its officers and men, and voted their colonel, James H. Lane, a sword to cost |1,000. The funds were placed in the hands of a committee, which purchased the sword and presented it to Lane on ,hi8 return from the war. This sword was in his house at Lawrence, Kas., when Quantrell made his murderous attack on that city, and before leaving Lane's house stole it, with many other valuables in the house. During the pursuit of the retreating rebels, Col. Lane found the sword, took it home and it has since remained in the family as an heirloom. THE CIVIL WAR. The people of Dearborn and Ohio Counties may well cherish with pride their record in the war of the Rebellion. When the national flag was fired on the people were prompt and thorough in response to the call to arms, and men of all parties exhibited alacrity and patriotism in bearing their share of the burdens of the momentous struggle. On the receipt of the intelligence of the fall of Fort Sumter, the excitement throughout both counties was intense. Ordinary occupations and pursuits were almost forgotten. Lawrenceburgh, Aurora and Ris- ing Sun were thronged with an excited populace, asking for the latest news from the seat of hostilities. The people's patriotism ran high, and the loyal men of all parties, forgetting past differences, announced their readiness to follow their country's call. The following history of Dearborn County in the war of 1861-65, under this head^ was prepared by Capt. Alexander B. Pattison,of Aurora: The record of Dearborn County in the war of the Rebellion, shows it to have been second to no other county of equal population in the State. It was one of the first to respond to the call for troops, and within twen- ty-four hours after the firing on Fort Sumter, three companies had of- fered their services, and were soon under way to the State capital for muster into the Seventh Regiment for three months. These three com- 204 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. panies were Company D, of Lawrenceburgb, with Benjamin J. Spooner as captain, who, after being mustered in, was succeeded by John F. Cheek (Capt. Spooner being promoted to lieutenant-colonel), David E. Sparks, first lieutenant, and Jesse Armstrong, second lieutenant, with 75 enlisted men; Company Gr, of Lawrenceburgb, with Nathan Lord as captain, L. H. Stephens, first lieutenant, William Francis, second lieu- tenant, with 75 enlisted men; Company E, of Aurora, with John H. Ferry as captain, Henry Waller as first lieutenant, and Alexander B. Pattison as second lieutenant. These three companies formed the van guard of what afterward proved almost ^n army of itself that went from Dearborn County. They were followed next by two companies for the Sixteenth Regiment, of one year troops — Company G, with Albert G. Dennis as captain, William J. Fitch, first lieutenant, and Philip Dex- heimer, second lieutenant, with 78 enlisted men, and Company I, from Aurora, with John A. Platter as captain; William Copeland, first lieuten- ant; Israel Phalin, second lieutenant, .with 84 enlisted men. The Six- teenth organized with Thomas J. Lucas as lieutenant-colonel, and Ed- ward Jones as chaplain from the county. Later the Seventh Regiment reorganized for the three years' service with one company, A, from Aurora^ John H. Ferry, captain; Alexander B. Pattison, first lieutenant, and Ben- jamin F. Burlingame as second lieutenant, with 108 enlisted men, in- cluding recruits; served three years; lost by death while in the service, 24; mustered out at end of service, 33. Company K, of Lawrenceburgh, with Jesse Armstrong as captain; Homer Chismar, first lieutenant, and James F.Vaughn, second lieutenant, with 111 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 19; mustered out at end of service, 31. In the Eighteenth Regiment was Thomas Pattison, colonel, and A. P. Daughters, surgeon. With Company A — captain, Jesse L. Holman; first lieutenant, Robert G. Cunningham; second lieutenant, Judson B. Tyler, and 108 enlisted men; lost by death, 6; mustered out at end of the service of three years, 21. Enlisted in tbe Thirty-second Regiment was Company C, with John L. Giegoldt as captain ; Max Sachs, first lieutenant, and Henry Bellman second lieutenant, with 130 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 22; mustered out at end of enlistment, 32 men. Company D, with John Schwartz as captain; Frank Knorr, first lieutenant; Emanuel Eller, sec- ond lieutenant, with 122 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 19; mustered out at end of service, 50 men. Enlisted in the Thirty- seventh regiment from Dearborn County, Company F, with Wesley G. Markland as captain; John B. Hodges, first lieutenant, and Joseph P. Stoops, second lieutenant, with 101 en- listed men; lost by death, 24; mustered out at end of service, 43. MILITARY HISTORY. 207 For the Forty-fifth (Third Cavalry) Regiment, Dearborn County fur- nished Company D, with Daniel B. Kiester as captain; Mathew B. Ma- son, first lieutenant; Henry F. Wright as second lieutenant, with 84 enlisted men; lost by death, 10; mustered out at end of service, 36. The county furnished to the Fifty-second Regiment, Company C, with George W. Tyer as captain; William Francis, first lieutenant and Eli Mattox, second lieutenant, with 100 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 11; mustered out at end of service, 41. To the Eighty-third Regiment there was sent Benjamin J. Spooner, as colonel; George H. Scott, as lieutenant-colonel; Henry C. Vincent and Samuel M. VVeaver, assistant surgeons. Company B, with Jacob W. Eggleston, as captain; Henry Gerkin, first lieutenant; Dandridge E. Kelsey, second lieutenant, with 113 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 30; mustered out at end of service, 37. Company H, with James M. Crawford, as captain; John Rawling, first lieutenant, and Ferris J. Nowlin, second lieutenant; with 92 enlist- ed men; lost daring enlistment, 20; mustered out at end of enlistment, 42. Company I, with Henry J. Bradford, as captain; William N. Craw, first lieutenant, and George W. Lowe, second lieutenant; with 91 en- listed men; deaths during term of service, 18; mustered out at end of enlistment, 37 men; while in the same regiment there were 75 more men from Dearborn County distributed to the other companies. To the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment, Company I, with George W. Shockley, as captain; Edwin T. Gibson, first lieutenant, and George W. Wood, as second lieutenant, with 95 enlisted men; all mus- tered out at end of 100 days, the term of enlistment. To the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment, Company G, with Josiah Dorn, as captain; Sanford Briddle, first lieutenant, and Enoch Al- len, second lieutenant, with 100 enlisted men; lost by death, 4; mus- tered out at end of enlistment, 82. Dearborn County also furnished one company to the Eleventh Ken lucky Volunteers, with F. Slater, captain, afterward promoted to colonel of the regiment; Edward H. Green, first lieutenant, with 80 enlisted men; lost by death during service, 8; mustered out at end of enlist- ment, 46. The foregoing shows a grand total of 1,946 men enlisted in the county, while, undoubtedly, a large number more enlisted in different regiments in and without the State that we have no account of, and as far as we have the i-ecord it also shows that there were killed, and died while in the field, 224, and that there were mustered out with the regi- ments at the expiration of their term of service, 661, the others having been discharged, deserted, transferred to other regiments, taken prison- 208 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES ers, etc. Such is a brief statement of the number of men furnished by Dearborn County during the war of the Rebellion, while there was scarcely a battle fought during the war in which the county was not represented. The Indiana Regiments which contained the greatest number of men from Ohio County were the Seventh, Eighty-third, Second Battery and Fourth Cavalry. The following is the list of the officers and men of Company I, of tlie Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry (three months' service): COMMISSIONED AND NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Capt. John W. Rabb. First Lieut. Solomon Wixterman. Second Lieut. David Loslutter. All of Rising Sun. First Sergt. Frank Gregory Sergt. Joseph G. Bell. Sergt. Hugh Jameson. Sergt. Joseph S. Thompson. Corp. Samuel S. Lynn. Corp. Silas P. Richmond.* Corp. Jerry McElvay. Corp. Hudson Campbell. Musician, Fred Garlinghouse. Musician, William P. Ammen. Adkins, Thomas J. Fortner, Jesse Adkinson, James Fowler, Frank Burgess, Levi H. Gockle, Wm. P. Brunley, Riley Hunt, A. D. Bennett, John Hardin, Allen Bradshaw, Marion Barker, Philip B. Hardy, John E. Colley, John Husseman, John Connell, George PRIVATES. Moore, Richard McNutt, John P. Pink, Samuel Pink, Archibald Piersou, Julius C. Hourigan, Michael Neal, John Neal, Charles Richmond, Peter Hayman, Henry T. Scoggin, Elisha Smith, Joseph H. Smith, James Stelink, Henry Tinker, James M. Tinker, Wesley Terrill, William Van Antwert, Wm. Vehouse, Frederick Walker, M. C. Walker, George Walker, Edward Wade, Harvey J. Williams, Oliver D. Williams, Orville G. Williams, Jerome B. Yarnell, Daniel Yonker, Hartley Cunningham, Martin Harrison, Ellis Dodd, John W. Jennings, D. A. Dodd, Thomas M. Lemons, Geo. W. Smith, Henry H. Degner, Charles Loslutter, Chris Smith, Ephraim Eastman, William C.Lakin, Frank Summers, Jesse Elias, Hamilton McQuithey, J. B. Stout, John W. Elstar, Levi H. Maloue, Joseph Stephenson, Geo. W. The Seventh Regiment was organized and mustered into service for three months, at Indianapolis, April 25, 1861, with Ebeuezer Dumont (who bad served with distinction in the Mexican war) as colonel. On the 29th of May it was ordered to West Virginia and proceeded at once by rail to Grafton. On the 2d of June it proceeded by rail to Webster, where it was joined by other regiments. The entire force was then divided into two columns under the immediate command of Col. Kelley, and was marched to Philippi, the Seventh being in advance. The advance guard under Lieut. Benjamin Ricketts, of Company B, Avhen within a mile of the town, engaged the enemy's pickets and drove them back. The Seventh, followed by the rest of the column, crossed a bridge MILITARY HISTORY. 209 and entered the town at double-quick, driving the rebels before them out of the town and two miles beyond. The regiment remained in camp •at this place for six weeks, and then marched to Bealington, as part of Gen. Morris' command. Here some skirmishing was had with the enemy's pickets, and a reconnoissanee to the right and rear of their line ' made by a force of 500 men of the Seventh and Ninth Indiana, under Col. Dumont. On the night of July 11, the rebels retreated from the front of our troops, and in the morning the pursuit commenced— the Seventh being in the rear— and was continued until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, our forces halting at Leedsville. While here Capt. Blair and Lieut. Tucker captured three rebel prisoners. The next morning the march was resumed to St. George-Cheat River being forded on the way. At Carrick's Ford the crossing was resisted by Gen. Garnett, which was promptly met by the tire of the Fourteenth Ohio, Col' Steadman, stationed on the bank of the river opposite the enemy.' The Seventh Indiana then advanced and charged down the banks of the river, crossed over, captured the enemy's baggage, and hiirried on in pursuit of the retreating rebels. At the next ford, three quarters of a mile from Carrick's Ford, the enemy made another stand, under the personal command of Gen. Garnett. The resistance was brief, the rebels flying and leaving their commander dead on the field. Col.' Du- mont continued the pursuit for two miles and then halted for the night. The next day the Seventh took up the line of march to St. George and from thence to Bealington. After a few days' rest it was ordered to Indianapolis, where it was mustered out of service. Company C, of the Seventh Regiment Indiana Infantry (threel years' service) had for its successive commissioned officers from "ohioj County: OFFICERS. Capt. Solomon Waterman. First Lieut. Jerome B. Williams ^ Capt. David Lostutter, Jr. First Lieut. Orville W. Williams v Capt. Hugh Jamison. First Lieut. Robert E. Hall. Capt. Orville D. Williams. First Lieut. Thomas M Dodd Capt. Robert E. Hall. Second Lieut. SamueJ S. Lynn First Lieut. David Lostutter, Jr. Second Lieut. Hugh Jamison First Lieut. Samuel S. Lynn. Second Lieut. Jerome B. Williams ^ First Lieut. Hugh Jamison. Second Lieut. John W. Dodd. The enlisted men were: First Sergt. Hugh Jamison. Corp. Henry Stealing. Sergt. Jerome B. Williams. Corp. Marcus C. Wallier. Sergt. Julius C. Pearson. Corp. Abel C. Pepper French Sergt. Orville D. Williams. Corp. Henry T. Hayman. Sergt. Thomas M. Dodd. Corp. Jacob J. Burnett. Corp. Calvin F. Monroe. Musician James F. Lemon. Corp. John W. Dodd. Musician George W. Righter Corp. George W. Lemon. Wagoner William Abbott. 210 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. PRIVATES. Allen, Isaac M. Allen, Nath'l M. C. Bennett, George W. Burns, Richard Bradshaw, Mason B. Campbell, Sam. M. Carpenter, Dan. T. Clark, George Clark, William H. Collins, John Collins, Armstrong Conaway, Joseph Conradd, John Craft, Israel Loriny Crandall, Reed N. Delph, Jonas T. Delph, Willis M. Dugle, William H. Dugle, Samuel Eastman, Philip Eggleston, Aaron D. Fisher, Charles Fox, James M. Gibbous, Oliver P. Grace, Richard D. Hall, Robert Elwood Hare, William Hodges, John Holcraft, Jeremiah Holden, William G. Huston, James C. Huston, Isaac M. Israel, Elijah Jones, David Kelley, John M. Kittle, William H. Lambert, William Lemon, Henry Clay Lewis, Robert B. Loder, James W. Longwood, Mort. S. Majors, John Marker, Harmon H. McCullough, H. H. McKnight, John Miller, Benj. Jr. Mitchell, Robert B. Monroe, William Mullen, William Nieman, Martin F. Oatman, William Otenchultz, H. Pate, Charles E. Pate, Jackson I. Pearce, William H. Pink, Archibald I. Powell, John H. Randall, Alex., Sr. Randall, Alex., Jr. Reinhardt, Herman Richmond, Peter S. Rieman, William Schwertzfezer, F. Simons, Theodore L. Stewart, Charles L. Sterling, Charles W. Stopher, Andrew J. Summers, Frank Tinker, James M. Tinker, James Thompson, Martin Tuttle, Sanford Tyler, Nathan W^alton, William H. Walker, William Welch, Benjamin F. Williams, Alex. B. Williamson, J. Williamson, Albert Wilson. James S. Winn, Peter Yonge, Robert G. Armstrong, G. M. Courtney. M. H. Gibbins, William Hewitt, George Keller, Jacob S. Kelly, Oliver P. Lee, John C. Longwood, Theo. Miles, Thomas L. Mier, William F. North, Pinkney A. Pugh, Sampson M. Sink, William F. Williams, Charles Williams, Oliver G. Wilson, James Williamson, J. The regiment was reorganized at Indianapolis, and was mustered in for three years' service, September 13, 1861, with Ebenezer Dumont as colonel. It moved at once into Western Virginia and joined Gen. Key- nolds' command at Cheat Mountain. On the 3d of October, it participated in the battle of Green Brier, and soon after moved up the Shenandoah Valley, camping near Green Spring Run. At Winchester it was engaged in the battle of Winchester Heights, March 23, 1862, and also in the en- gagements at Port Republic on the 9th of June, and at Front Royal on the 12th of the same month. It then marched to Fredericksburgh and back again to the Shenandoah, under Gen. Shields, after which it was assigned to Gen. McDowell's command. The regiment was with Gen. Pope's forces in the campaign of the Army of Virginia, participating in the tight at Slaughter Mountain, August 9, 1862, and the second battle of Bull Run on the 30th of August. The regiment was engaged in the pur- suit of Lee during the invasion of Maryland, and took part in the battle of Antietam, on the 17th of September, losing two killed and eight wounded. It was next engaged at Ashby's Gap, or Union, on the 2d of November, suifering a loss of four killed and six wounded. It participated in the MILITARY HISTORY. 211 battle of Fredei'icksburgh, under Gen. Burnside, on the 13th of Decem- ber. During the next year's campaign the Seventh was engaged in the great battles at Chancellorsville, on the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th of May, and at Gettysburg on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th of July, losing heavily in both en- gagements. At the close of the campaign of 1863, it participated in the bat- tle of Mine Run, November 30. The spring of 1864 found the Seventh in camp at Culpepper, from whence it moved with the Army of the Poto- mac in Grant's last great campaign, participating in the following battles: in the Wilderness, on the 5th and 6th of May; at Laurel Hill, on the 8th of May; at Spottsylvania, on the 10th and 12th of May; at Po River,, at North Anna River, on the 25th of May; at Bethesda Church, on 30th and 31st of May and 1st of June, and at Cold Harbor, on the 3d of June. In these engagements the regiment was under fire for eighteen days and suffered severely. On the 16th of June it crossed the James River to join the assault on Petersburgh, and was engaged the day follow- ing in the desperate but unsuccessful attempt to carry the rebel works at that place. Here the regiment remained, participating in the siege of Petersburgh until the 18th of August, when it moved with that portion of the army, selected for the purpose, on the Weldon Railroad, with the view of cutting the same, and was engaged in the battle near Yellow House, on the 19th of August. On the 23d of September, in pursuance of orders from the general commanding the corps to which it was attached, the Seventh Regiment was consolidated with the Nineteenth regiment of Indiana Volunteers, and afterward, on the 18th 6t October, this new oi'ganization was again consolidated with the Twentieth Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers. Upon the final discharge of the Twentieth, July 12, 1865, the veterans and recruits that had been transferred to it from the Seventh Regiment, were also mustered out, and on the same day returned to Indianapolis with it for final payment. Company C, of the Eighty- third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infan- try, had for its successive commissioned officers: Capt.Metellus Calver?, Rising Sun. First Lieut. Wm. H. Smith. Capt. Benj. North, Grant's Greek. First Lieut. E.G. North, Grant's Creek. Capt. Wra. H. Smith, Rising Sun. Second Lieut. T. Shehane, Fairwiew. First Lieut. Benj. North. Second Lieut. Eli Harrison, Rising Sun. The enlisted men were: First Sergt. Wm. H. Smith. Corp. John J. Douglass.* Sergt. Ernest C. North.* Corp. John Monroe. Sergt. Edmund Miller.* Corp. Wm. P. Conner. Sergt. Riley Brumly. Corp. John D. Sams.* Sergt. Eli Harrison. Corp. Pleasant M. Shafer. Corp. John Bennett. Musician-David C. Thorn. Corp. James Kay. Musician Jacob Hess.* Corp. Wm. H. North.* Wagoner Daniel K. Crandall. 212 HISTORY OP DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. PRIVATES. Douglass, Wm. B.* Kyle, Robert* Drake, Jonathan* Drake, Lemuel* Englehart, H. D. Facemire, J. W.* Fish, Martin* Fisher, Wm. H. Gregorj^ John W. Hamilton, M. T.* Harman, Jacob* Harris, Hosier J.* Hatfield, Abner* Hess, Frederick* Hewitt, Joseph M. Lare, John C. Lewis, Samuel J. Long, Peter Mead, Edwin R.* Miller, James E. Miller, Benj. F. Monroe, Henry Moore, George Moreland, James Myers, Jonathan Neal. Chris C. Nettle, Geo. W. Korth, James M.'^ Hewitt, Henry VPalmer, Henry W. House, James* Parker, Oscar House, Michael* Pocock, Reuben* Hutchinson, R. D.* Rains, Franklin James, Ernest* Read, Wm. H. Koons, John D. Reed, John A. Rex. Wm. Rice, John W. Robinson, C* Rodgers, John T. Rollins, Benj. F. Rusk. James W.* Sedam, Charles Shafer, C. B.* Shafer, Thos. J. Shelley, Silas* Shelley, Joseph* Shipman, James O. Smith, John* Steele, John A. ^ Tarbox, Nelson* Theas, Ernest H. Waldon. Wm.* Ward, John Weathers, John S. Winters, Jeremiah. RECRUITS. Herrick, Joseph Hummel, E. Howard, John Pryor, Wm. W. Scott, Theodore* Ward, Joseph. Bailey, Wm. G.* Bailey, Daniel J.* Beaty, John W.* Brey, Orrin O.* Bruner, John F. Bruner, Marion Callahan John M. Clark, Jacob Cloud, Wm. Cloud, Daniel Cochran, Oliver P. Conaway, John W. Conrad, Neal. Coary, Samuel H. Crouch, Joshua R. Davis, Lanson* Dodson, Joseph* Dodson, Wm. Dorman, Edward Douglass, Geo. K.'* Douglass, Arthur* Davis, Aaron S Fabian, John Qaskill, Owen S. The above company was not made up entirely of men from Ohio County, a number being from adjoining territory, principally from Switzerland County. Sixty-two men and officers are claimed from Ohio County in the company. Those marked with a star are from adjoining territory. Of the recruits, only the residence of Scott and Ward are given. The Eighty-third Regiment was organized at Lawrenceburgh,in Sep- tember, 1862, with Benjamin J. Spooner as colonel, and in a few weeks after left the State for the Mississippi River. The organization was composed of nine companies of volunteers for three years, and one com- pany of drafted men. The latter was discharged from service at the expiration of nine months from the 15th of November, 1862. Upon reaching Memphis the regiment was assigned to duty with the army then operating in west Tennessee, and participated in the march to the Talla- hatchie, and the first campaign against Vicksburg in December. In the latter campaign it was actively engaged in the assault upon the enemy's works at Chickasaw Bayou. In January, 1863, it proceeded up the Mississippi with the expedi- tionary force sent into Arkansas, and was engaged in the storming and capture of Arkansas Post, on the Uth of January. After this it joined MILITARY HISTORY. 213 Gen. Grant's army, then occupying Milliken's Bend and Young's Point, and took part in the preliminary operations that opened the campaign against Vicksburg. In the latter part of March it moved with the army in its march to the rear of Vicksburg, and after crossing to the east side of the Mississippi, engaged in the battle of Champion Hills, on the 16th of May. The regiment then went into the entrenched works, fronting those of the enemy at Vicksburg, and remained therein, almost con- stantly on duty, until the capitulation of the enemy on the 4th of July. While there it took part in the assaults upon the rebel works on the 19th and 22d of May. The regiment next marched to Jackson, and participated in the siege and capture of that place. Upon the termination of the Vicksburg campaign, the Eighty-third proceeded up the Mississippi, with Sherman's army, to Memphis, and from thence marched across the country to Chattanooga, where, on the 25th of November, it participated in the great victory over the enemy at Mission Ridge. During the winter of 1863 the regiment remained in camp in the vicinity of Cleveland, Tenn., and in the spring following, engaged in the Atlanta campaign. Marching with the Army of the Tennessee, southward to Atlanta, it was actively engaged in all the movements of that successful campaign, engaging in the battles at Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, the repulse of Hood's army on the 22d and 28th of July, near Atlanta, and the battle of Jonesboro. After the occupation of Atlanta, the Eighty-third moved northward in pursuit of Hood's army, and after aiding in driving the enemy into northern Alabama, returned to Atlanta. In November Sherman's army commenced its march through Georgia to Savannah, and the Eighty-third moved with it, reaching Savannah on the 21st of December. In the assault upon and capture of Fort Mc- Allister, near Savannah, the regiment was engaged, thus opening Sher- man's communications with the sea. It next proceeded to Beaufort, from whence it marched through the Carolinas to Goldsboro, engaging the enemy at Columbia, S. C, and Bentonville, N. C. Upon the conclusion of active military operations in those States, the regiment moved to Washington City, marching through Raleigh, Peters- burgh, Richmond and Fredericksburgh. At Washington it formed a portion of the marching column at the grand review of Sherman's heroes, and on the 3d of June, 1865, was mustered out of service, and proceeded homeward. Reaching Indianapolis, it was present at a grand reception given to returned soldiers in the capitol grounds on the 9th of June. On this occasion addresses were made by Gov. Morton, Gen, Hovey and Col. Ben Spooner. The remaining recruits, upon the muster out of the organization at 214 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Washington, was transferred to the Forty-eighth Indiana, and continued to serve with that regiment until its miigter out at Louisville, Ky., July 15, 1865. The Eighty-third has traveled over 4,000 miles by land, 1,800 upon steamboats and 485 by rail, making a total of 6,285 miles traveled during its term of service. It has been engaged in several minor battles and skirmishes in addition to those mentioned in this sketch, and has been under tire for over 200 days. The Second Battery Light Artillery, Indiana Volunteers, was organ- ized at Indianapolis, on the 5th of August, and mustered into service August 9, 1861, with David G. Rabb, Rising Sun, as captain. Its suc- cessive commissioned officers were: Capt. David G. Rabb. Capt. Johu W. Rabb, Rising Sun. Capt. Hugh Espey, Jr., Rising Sun. First Lieut. John W. Rabb. First Lieut. M. K. Haines, Rising Sun. First Lieut. Hugh Espey, Jr. First Lieut. M. H. Masterson, Salem. First Lieut. Wm.W. Haines, Rising Sun. On the reorganization of the battery the successive commissioned officers were: Capt. James S. Whicher. Second Lieut. John Stewart. First Lieut. George B. Sink. Second Lieut. John Heardon, Huntsville. First Lieut. John Stewart, Lewisville. Second Lieut.C.W. Johnson, Indianapolis. The enlisted men from Ohio County, as nearly as can be obtained (the place of residence of probably one half of the battery not given in the adjutant-general's report) were as follows: First Lieut. J. S. Whicher, Indianapolis. Second Lieut. Hugh Espey, Jr. Second Lieut. Mathew H. Masterson. Second Lieut. William W. Haines. Second Lieut. James S. Whicher. Second Lieut. John L. Miles, Rising Sun. Second Lieut. George B. Sink, Rising Sun. First Sergt. William W. Haines. Q. M.-Sergt. John L. Miles. Sergt. Abner McFarland. Sergt. George B. Sink. Sergt. William P. Harris. Corp. James Buchanan. PRIVATES. Barricklow, George Knollman, Henry Ammen, Wm. P Corp. DeWitt C. Bonnell. Corp. Jesse H. Jones. Corp. Samuel Mullen. Bugler Benjamin F. Pepper. Artificer James M. Long. Barricklow, Fred McArthur, Jerome Arford, James R Buchanan, Perry Mitcliell, John Carlisle, Wm. H. Peaslee, Abraham Carpenter, John S. Reed, James S. Downey, Rufus K. Rupker, Frederick Clore, James Eastman, Wm. E. Scott, Samuel E. Conner, Robert C Fowler. Henry Scoggin, Elisha Craft, George A. Hall, Peter Summers, Henry Corson, Eli Hasbough, L. Vehouse, Frederick Dugal, Samuel Hunt, Martin V. Volkman, Henry Gillis, William H. Hewitt, William Mapes, George Burgas, Levi H. Pate, Smith Campbell, Sam. M. Ricketts, Robert Campbell, Hudson Rabb, George J. Steele, William A. Spore, Isaac Spore, George W. Todd, Thomas E. Todd, James. MILITARY HISTORY. 215 Fifty-five men are claimed to have served from the county in the above battery. On the 5th of September the battery left Indianapolis by rail for St. Louis, where it went into camp until the 25th of September, when it embarked on a steamer and proceeded up the Missouri River to Jefferson City. Disembarking at that place, it encamped in the vicinity until the 4th of October, and then marched with part of Gen. Hunter's division to Tipton. Remaining there until the 17th, it moved southward, passing near Versailles and through Warsaw to Mount View, and thence to Spring- field, Mo. From Springfield it moved into Kansas, going into quarters at Fort Leavenworth daring the winter, and in the spring of 1862 moving to Fort Scott. On the 28d of May, the battery marched from Fort Scott to lola, Kas., where it remained in camp until the 1st of June, and then marched to Baxter's Springs, on Spring River, in the Indian Territory. On the 5th, with four pieces of the battery, a detachment marched with an expedition from Baxter's Springs to Round Grove, on Cow Skin Prai- rie, in Cherokee Nation, where, coming upon the enemy's force, under Col. Coffee, a fight ensued about dark on the 5th. The enemy was routed, after the firing of six rounds of shot and shell, and a large amount of live stock, equipage and munitions of war captured. On the 28th of June, the battery marched from Baxter's Springs with Col. Sol- omon's brigade, upon an expedition against the rebel Indians. Moving southward into the Cherokee Nation, the enemy under Gen. Rains was encountered at Round Grove, and before our forces could attack them, the enemy fled. Returning to Fort Scott, the battery took part in sev- eral expeditions sent out from that place. It engaged the enemy at Lone Jack, Mo., on the 9th of September, and at Newtonia, Mo., October 10. Moving into Arkansas, it participated in engagements with the ene- my at Fort Wayne, on the 28th of October; at Cane Hill, on the 27th of November; at Prairie Grove, on the 7th to 9th of December, and at Van Buren on the 29th of December. During the following spring the bat- tery was stationed at Springfield, Mo., from whence, in July, 1863, the greater portion was detached and sent to the field in Arkansas and Indian Territory. On the 28th of August this detachment took part in the battle at Perryville, in the Choctaw Nation, and on the 1st of Sep- tember it was engaged in the fight at Cotton Gap, Ark. The battery again united, participated in the battle of Buffalo Mountain, on the 25th of October, ^fter which it moved to Waldron and Fort Smith, Ark. In January, 1864, a small portion of men re-enlisted as veteran volunteers. The battery continued to operate in western Arkansas during the winter, spring and summer of 1864. On the 11th and 12th of April it engaged ■216 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUxNTIES. the enemy at Prairie de Ann, Ark, and on the 13th at Moscow, Ark. On the 18th of the same month it participated in the battle of Poisoned Spring, Ark., in which it lost two guns, and on the 28th it fought the enemy at Mark's Mills, Ark. On the 29th and 30th of April, it again engaged the enemy at Jenkins' Ferry on Saline River, after which it moved to Fort Smith. At this place on the 29fch, 30th and 31st of July, it took part in the battles fought in defense of the fort, and assisted in defeating the enemy. In September it returned to Indianapolis, where the non-veterans were mustered out of service, and the organization broken up. The battery was reorganized at Indianapolis, on the 18th of Octo- ber, 1864, with James S. Whicher (first lieutenant of the old organiza- tion) as captain. In December it proceeded to Nashville, Tenn., where it remained until the latter part of June, 1865. While there it took part in the battle at Nashville on the 15th and 16th of December, 1864. Returning to Indianapolis, with 113 men for muster out, it was present at a reception given to the returned soldiers in the capitol grounds on the 30th of June, at which speeches were made by Lieut. -Gov. Baker, Gen. Hovey and others. On the 3d of July, 1865, the battery was mus- tered out, and the officers and men finally discharged. During the term of service of the two organizations, the Second Battery marched 11,500 miles and lost one officer and twenty seven men killed. Company B, Fourth Cavalry (Seventy- seventh Indiana Volunteers) had for its successive commissioned officers as follows: Capt. .John A. Platter. Second Lieut. William T. Pepper. Capt.William T. Pepper (of Rising Sun). Second Lieut. .John H. Thompson. Capt. John H. Thompson. Second Lieut. William H. H. Isgri^a;g. First Lieut. William H. Bracken. The enlisted men from Ohio County as nearly as can be obtained (the place of residence and the company not given in the adjutant-gen- eral's report) were: Williams, Oliver H. Clark, Joseph M. Harryman, Samuel Shoup, George Barker, Philip B. French, George W. Jameison, Robert A. Smith, George W. Hall, D. B. Fox, Frank Lambdin,WilliamT. Smith, William F. Newman, George W. Harris, James Myers, James Whitlock, John T. Scoggin, Elijah Harris, Charles M. Miles, James Youge, William Barman, Marmaduke Hoover, Robert McAlister, Edward Bedgood, Alfred Hayman, GeorgeW. Spore, Isaac RECRUITS : Bowman, Isaac Lemon. George W. Parker, Oscar Spore, Samuel Jackson, Albion Neal, Jacob Richmond, Eli S. St. Clair, Henry. The Seventy-seventh Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 22d of August, 1862, with Isaac P. Gray as colonel. On the comple- MILITARY HISTORY. 217 tion of its organization the aspect of affairs in Kentucky was so threat- ening that the regiment was divided, four companies being sent under command of Maj. John A. Platter to Henderson, Ky., and the remain- ing companies to Louisville, from whence they were ordered into the in- terior, where they were joined by Col. Gray. The battalion under command of Maj. Platter had a skirmish with the enemy at Madisonville, Ky., on the 26th of August, and again at Mount Washington, on the 1st of October, in which a number were killed and wounded. On the 5th of October it engaged the rebels at Madisonville, suffering some loss. In the spring of 1863 this battalion joined the other companies, and after this the regiment served together, with the exception of Company C, which became the escort for Gen. A. J. Smith, and followed the fortunes of that officer's command. During the invasion of Bragg,'a portion of the battalion under the command of Col. Gray, went into camp for a brief period near Madi- son, Ind. , and moved from thence to Vevay, near which place it crossed the Ohio River and moved, on a tour of duty, through Owen, Henry and adjoining Counties, Kentucky, reaching Frankfort about the 24th of Oc- tober. Soon after the companies of this battalion were stationed at Gal- latin, from whence they moved after John H. Morgan's forces toward Green River. On the 25th of December the battalion fought Morgan near Mumfordsville and defeated him, suffering a slight loss. Moving into Tennessee in January, 1863, it reached Murfreesboro in February, in which vicinity it operated for some months, fighting the enemy at Ruther- ford's Creek, on the 10th of March. On the 28th of March it was act- ively engaged in feeling the enemy near Murfreesboro. At this time the battalion was commanded by Col. L. S. Shuler. The regiment, now united, moved with Rosecrans in the campaign toward Tullahoma and Chattanooga, participating in the battle of Chickamauga on the 19th and 20th of September, and again engaging the enemy on the 23d of September. Crossing the Tennessee, it fought the rebels at Fay ettevi lie, Tenn., on the 1st of November, losing a few of its members. The regiment marched into east Tennessee early in December, where it remained during the winter of 1863-64. During this campaign it held the advanced position in all the cavalry movements, and was con- spicuously engaged in the battles of Mossy Creek, Talbott's and Dund ridge, for which it was highly complimented in the reports of brigade and division commanders. On the 27th of January, 1864, a severe fight occurred at Fair Garden between the division to which it was attached and two rebel divisions, the latter having been driven during the day eight miles. Capt. Rosecrans, with the second battalion of the Fourth Cavalry, dismounted as skirmishers, charged with the Second Indiana 218 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and First Wisconsin Cavalry (also dismounted) on the enemy's skirmish- ers. Maj. Purdy, with the first battalion supported by Lilly's Eighteenth Indiana Battery, and the remaining four companies of the Fourth Cav- alry, were ordered to a "sabre charge" on a rebel battery. This charge was led by Lieut. -Col. Leslie, and resulted in the capture of the battery, one battle flag and more prisoners than the charging party had men engaged. The enemy were completely routed, and fled in disorder to the mountains. Lieut. -Col. Leslie fell while gallantly leading his men on to victory, pierced through the breast with a rebel bullet. The other losses to the regiment were but few. In March the regiment arrived at Cleveland, Tenn., and in May moved with the cavalry of Sherman's army in ' the campaign against Atlanta. On the 9th of May, it fought the enemy at Varnell's Station, Ga. , and on the 2d of June it had a skirmish near Burnt Chiirch. It next moved on the McCook raid, participating in the tight at Newnan on the 31st of July, and in all the movements of that expedition. After the capture of Atlanta it marched into Tennessee, and engaged the enemy at Columbia, Tenn., in Octobei*. In November it was sta- tioned near Louisville, serving with the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division of the Cavalry Corps of the Military Division of the Mississippi. In January, 1865, it was in the vicinity of Nashville, and in the following month at Waterloo, Ala. Moving into Alabama with Gen. Wilson's forces, it participated in the active campaign in that State and Georgia, engaging in the battles of Plantersviile and Selma. Leav- ing Macon, Ga., in May, it reached Nashville and went into the Provis- ional Cavalry Camp at Edgefield, where it remained until mustered out of service on the 29th of June, 1865. After its muster out the regiment remained at Nashville a few days until it was finally discharged and paid, when the organization was broken up, and the officers and men returned to their respective homes without coming to the State capital in a body. Company C was detailed to serve as escort to Gen. A. J. Smith, and engaged in all the operations of the command of that ofiicer, including the campaign and siege of Vicksburg and the Red River expedition. Dur- ing the year 1864 it returned to the regiment, aud served with it until its final discharge. In addition to the above-named companies, Ohio County was repre- sented in various other organizations in both the army and navy to the number of twenty-five men, making a grand total of 382 enlistments in the service from Ohio County. The organizations to which the men belonged participated in eighty- four engagements, while the loss of life from wounds and disease exceeded 100. The county sustained an hon- orable part, and claims a full share of the glory on the records of the reg- iments in which its men fought in the war of the Rebellion. MILITARY HISTORY. 219 THE MOKGAN RAID. The following account of Morgan's Raid is from the Centennial address of George W. Morse, delivered at Rising Sun, July 4, 1878: "July 7, 1863, Gen. John H. Morgan, of the Confederate army, with a mounted force of 3,000 or 4,000 men, and six pieces of artillery, captured two steamers, the "J. T. McCoombs" and "Alice Dean," at Brandy wine, Ky. Information was sent to Corydon, and Capt. G. W. Lyon, of the Indiana Legion, with one gun and thirty men arrived at Mauckport, the night of the 8th, when Col. Timberlake took command, having 100 men of the legion additional. He proceeded to a point opposite Branden- burg, and placed the gun in position by 7 o'clock in the morning. As soon as the fog lifted Capt. Lyon sent a shot through the "McCombs", and several at the rebels who retreated from her. But Morgan's guns were soon returning the tire, killing two men. The forces of the legion fell back, and two regiments of rebel soldiers crossed, formed under the bank, advanced and charged, taking the gun and several prisoners. Col. Timberlake fell back toward Corydon, where all the forces available at so short a notice had taken post; these were under the command of Col. Lewis Jordan, of the Sixth Legion, and numbered about 400 men. In the meantime Morgan crossed his forces, and on the morning of the 9th, advanced upon Col. Jordan's, which fell back to within one mile of Corydon. Here the tight was maintained for half an hour. When his little band was flanked, and in danger of total destruction, he surren- dered, loss three men killed, and one fatally and one badly wounded. Morgan's loss was eight killed, and thirty-three badly wounded. The prisoners were robbed and then paroled. " We will not stop to describe the progress of Morgan's forces further, but simply relate the incidents connected with Col. Williams' command, composed in part of three companies of the Eleventh Regiment, Fourth Brigade of the Indiana Legion. "On the 8th of September, Brig.-Gen. A. C. Downey received orders from Gov. Morton to send as many companies of the legion as possible to Seymour, as Morgan had entered Indiana. Col. H. T. Williams ordered Capt. J. C. Wells, Jackson Barricklow and John R. Cole, to be ready to proceed the next morning. They did so, going by wagon to Aurora, and thence by rail to Seymour, where they arrived on the even- ing of the 9th. They numbered about 185 men, all told. On the next day (July 10) Col. Williams received orders to proceed with all haste to Madison. The cars were soon got ready and the command was con- veyed back to North Vernon, where information was soon received that Morgan's forces were approaching South Vernon. Col. Burkam, with several companies of the legion from Dearborn County, remained while 220 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Col. Williams, with the companies from Ohio County, and a battery of two six- pound guns and three rounds of ammunition marched to South Vernon. Some difference of opinion on the management of the defense seems to have led to this result; the two colonels named, being the high- est officers present, adopted separate modes of action. The command was halted in a grove of small trees about one- quarter of a mile from North Vernon, the men stacking arms and falling out of line. In a few minutes a scout came riding swiftly from the direction of the enemy, and told the officers: " 'Moro-an is coming, is only about three-quarters of a mile east of town.' " 'Can yoa tell how many men he has.^' asked the colonel. " 'As near as 1 can guess about 6,000," replied the scout. " 'I don't care a d — n if there are 60,000, do you 'f' said Oapt. W., turning to his orderly. " 'Well, no,' replied the latter, 'only it would take longer to kill 60,000 than it would 6,000.' " 'The march was resumed, and in about half an hour, on a bluff high bank, the crest of a hill rising suddenly from the margin of the Muscatatac River, the company of Capt. Wells stacked arms and fell out of line, hard by a stone church or schoolhouse. In a few minutes a rapid discharge of musketry was heard, back on the road they had come, the line was reformed, the firing ceased, the men standing in momentary expectation of an attack. They afterward learned that the tiring they had heard was the result of an engagement between a small company of movinted citizens and a detachment of Morgan's men sent to destroy the telegraph wires, depots, etc., which was in part prevented. "Across the Muscatatac, on the crest of a densely wooded hill, not more than 4,000 yards from the schoolhouse mentioned, was a battery of four pieces Morgan had just planted; it was entirely concealed by the thick undergrowth. Capt. Barricklow's company was under the bluff, a little further up the creek, and Capt. Cole's lying on the railroad near the bridge which spans the creek. Soon after a man with a white flag was seen coming across the creek toward the main road leading into the town. He was met and escorted to the colonel commanding (H. T. Williams), of whom he demanded in the name of Gen. Morgan, an un- conditional surrender of the town and the forces under his command. Col. Williams' reply was: 'No, you can't take my men, nor the town, without a hard fight.' The bearer of the flag returned to Morgan with that answer. Soon after another flag was conducted to Col. Williams, who ordered its carrier under arrest, he being found within the lines without proper escort. Col. Williams immediately sent over to North MILITARY HISTORY. ♦ 221 Vernon for aid, in the hope that re- enforcements had arrived. The mes- senger met Gen. Love, who had arrived with 1,000 men, who were then disembarking from the cars. On arriving at the front, Gen. Love ordered the flag set at liberty, at the same time sending the colonel to Morgan asking ' two hours time to remove women and children.' In reply to this demand Col. Williams was given fifteen minutes to return and thirty minutes additional to remove the women and children when the battle Avill commence. Capt. Wells' company was placed on the railroad track, the high embankment of which was a good breast- work, and as night settled over the scene a solemn silence came with it. "All of Col. Williams' men and Col. Burkams', they having come from North Vernon, now lay along the railroad track, and as the time approached for the struggle to begin, it would be idle to say there was no anxiety, no apprehension. Suddenly, on the hill where the masked battery had been planted by Morgan, there were two explosions heard, following each other so rapidly they nearly blended in one — a shell had been tired from a cannon; this was supposed to be the signal to begin the battle. Soon the regular tread of a column of infantry was heard (for it was too dark to see), tramp — tramp— it passed, and word was brought that it was a Michigan regiment — 800 strong. "The sky had been getting red, and now began to cast back to the earth the glare of the many tires in the camp of the enemy. It should have been stated that there was a mistake with one of the Dearborn County companies, at about the time the attack was expected. Some of the inhabitants had collected the cattle and horses in the town and drove them furiously to the ford of the Muscatatae, intending to drive them across and save them. The company stationed at this ford imagined it was the onset of the enemy, and in the darkness and confusion of this night attack, went over the bank, falling a distance of fifteen or twenty feet, badly injuring a number of them. The night wore away without any further alarms, save the explosion of a caisson on the hill mentioned before; morning came— forty pieces of artillery were then ready to belch death and destruction, on many regiments of men eager for the fray — but Morgan— where was he? In the foremost ranks of his flying columns, miles eastward, near Versailles — they hardly knew of his de- parture — he could not delay to call in the pickets, the lines were tight- ening around him — a great many horses were also taken. The next day the advance was made on foot to Sunman Station, where it was found that Morgan had already crossed the line into Ohio, The regi- ment proceeded to Lawrenceburgh, and thence home to Ohio County. "We close the account of the raid by 7naking one extract from Gen. Love's report to Gov. Morton, dated July 20, 1863. He says: ' It is 222 ' HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. due to Col. Williams and his gallant regiment from Ohio County to say, with only 200 men of his regiment, and the armed citizens of Jennings County he refused to surrender Vernon to Morgan's force of 4,500 with five pieces of artillery. * * * The failure to take Vernon was the first check he had received since entering our State.' " In the report of W. H. H. Terrell, adjutant-general of Indiana, of the Morgan raid in the State in July, 1863, it is stated that " at 5 o'clock July 13, Morgan moved eastwardly from his bivouac a few miles from Sunman's, in the direction of the Ohio line, crossing the railroad at three stations— Harmon's, Van Weddon's and Weisburg. The bridges and track at all three places were destroyed, and a water tank at Van Weddon's burned. Passing rapidly on by Hubbell's Corner, New Alsace, Dover and Logan, the rebel advance reached Harrison, Ohio, a little after 12 o'clock noon." Concerning the action and behavior of the raiders as they passed through Harrison, says the author of the History of Hamilton County, Ohio, "about 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the 13th (July), the advance of the rebel command was seen streaming down the hillsides on the west side of the valley, and the alarm was at once given in the streets of Harrison. Citizens hastened at once to secrete valuables and run off their horses, but in a very few moments the enemy was swarming all over the town. The raiders generally behaved pretty well, offering few insults to the people and maltreating no woman or other person. They secured what horses they could, thronged the stores, taking whatever they fancied. One gentleman, who kept a drug store, was despoiled of nothing but soap and perfumery. Similar incidents were related of other shops in the village, and from one and another a large amount of goods in the aggregate was taken, but there was no robbery from house to house or from the person; and after-a few hours' stay, having refreshed themselves and their horses and gained all desired information, the head of the column began to tile out of the village in the direction of Cincin- nati on the Harrison turnpike. ' ' The accident that occurred at Lawrenceburgh during the " raid" was thus described by the late adjutant-general above referred to: "The resistance and pursuit of the rebels was as nearly bloodless as any hostile movement on so large a scale could be, but it was destined to cause more bloodshed after its departure than it did by its presence. On the evening of the 13th, Col. Gavin, in command at Lawrenceburgh, havino- been informed that Morgan had taken Harrison and had turned back and was advancing upon Lawrenceburgh, took prompt measures to meet him. He sent out his own regiment, the One Hundred and Fourth, half a mile beyond Hardintown, on the turnpike, where a strong barricade * MILITARY HISTORY. 223 was constructed, and a line of battle was formed along the towpath of the canal so as to use the canal bank as a defense. Col. Shryock's reg- iment, the One Hundred and Fifth, was ordered to take position half a mile in the rear. About 9 o'clock at night, while marching to the assigned position through a very short curve in the road at Hardintown, the rear of the column seeing the head indistinctly in the darkness, and unaware of the curve which threw the men in front on a line parallel with those in the rear, mistook it for a portion of the expected enemy's force, and a shot accidentally fired at the moment made the impression so strong, that they fired into thg advance. The advance, of course, mis- took the fire for that of the enemy and returned it. Col. Shryock instantly rode down the line to stop the firing, telling the men that they were killing their comrades, but though promptly obeyed he was too late to prevent a serious catastrophe. Five men were killed, one mortally and eighteen more or less wounded, the following is a list of the casual- ties caused by this sad mistake: Killed. — Sergeant, John Gordon; privates, Oliver P. Jones, William Faulkner, Ferdinand Hefner and John Porter. Wounded. — Captains, A. K. Branham and William Nicholson; lieutenants, William E. Hart (mortally), Samuel Bewsey and Joel New- man; sergeants, Richard M. Baker, John Pyle and James E. Bates; privates, Samuel E. Duncan, Edmund Bloomfield, Martin Hoover, Will- iam Flint, David S. Gooding, W. G. Johnson, D. W. Parish, R. T. Raines, Jabez Wilson, Allen R. Bates and Hart." DRAFTS, BOUNTIES, ETC. The war called for so large a proportion of the entire male popula- tion that the quota was not in all cases filled without difiiculty. Drafts and the offer of large bounties to volunteers were found necessary, hence many of the recruits on being mustered into service received considera- ble bounty. The draft assignment of October 6, 1862, to Dearborn County was as follows: Harrison Township, 22; Logan Township, 22; Kelso Township, 44; Jackson Township, 14; Cesar Creek Township, 6. The men who filled the quota of Dearborn County were, with the exception of an inconsiderable fraction, volunteers. The county, with a total militia enrollment, in September, 1862, of 3,252 had 1,753 volun- teers, 1,528 of whom were then in the field, requiring the following month the draft only of 108 men. Ohio County, with a total militia enrollment, in September, 1862, of 796 had 387 volunteers, 299 of whom were in the field, requiring the 224 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. following month the draft of only 15 men, the draft assignment being to Cass Township. COUNTY EXPENDITURES. Exhibit showing the amounts expended for local bounties, for relief of soldiers' families, and for miscellaneous military purposes by the county and townships during the war: DEARBORN COUNTY. County, City or Township. Dearborn County Harrison Township Logan Township Miller Township Lawrenceburgh Township. Center Township Hogan Township Manchester Township York Township Kelso Township Jackson Township Sparta Township Cesar Creek Township . . . . Clay Township Washington Township Lawrenceburgh City Aurora Citj^ Dearborn County total. Grand total Bounty. $201, 11, 9, 3, 10, 21 623 00 750 00 350 00 100 00 000 00 833 00 500 00 090 00 920 00 950 00 336 10 230 00 600 00 ,600 00 ,423 00 $38,283 21 400 00 150 00 1,150 00 15.000 00 17,250 00 1,078 00 3,500 00 300 00 325 00 1,126 85 2,732 00 125 00 425 00 136 50 54 86 11,300 00 $295,305 10 $93,335 45 Miscellaneous. $396,016 17 375 62 7,000 00 $7,375 62 OHIO COUNTY. County, City or Township. Bounty. Relief Miscellaneous. Alii A Pnnntv $37,000 00 11,800 00 4,800 00 9,375 00 5,600 00 $4,769 78 $424 95 Pace Tnwzn'shin 54 95 333 64 75 00 Ohio County total $68,575 00 1 $5,158 37 $499 95 S^74.2,33 32 AID SOCIETIES, DONATIONS, ETC. Various aid societies were organized throughout the counties during the war, and through the efforts of the ladies, many delicacies and com- forts were sent to the field. The Aurora Soldiers' Aid Society as a branch of the Cincinnati Sanitary Commission was organized in March, 1862. The Moore's Hill Soldiers' Aid Society was organized by the ladies soon after MILITARY HISTORY. 225 the intelligence of the battle of Fort Donelson, was received, in the spring of 1862. In April, 1862, the ladies on Ebenezer Ridge, and on Wilson Creek and vicinity, met and organized a Ladies' Sanitary Association The Soldiers' Relief Society of Lawrenceburgh Township, was organized December 22, 1864 Similar societies were formed elsewhere, and all did a noble work. The report of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Lawrenceburgh Township made in July, 1865, showed receipts of $556.48. CLOSING Scenes. The following extract from the Aurora Commercial oi April 13, 1865, will give the reader an idea of the manner in which the news of the sur- render of Gen. Lee and his army was received by the people of Aurora: "Last Monday was a day of wild excitement in this city. The news of Lee's surrender, following so quickly upon the capture of Richmond, was almost too much of a good thing, and produced demonstrations on the part of some of our patriotic citizens, that would under other circum- stances, be disproportionate to their years. The cannons were brought out, the bells were rung, houses illuminated, and the town poured its population into the streets, to witness the display and exchange cono-rat- ulations. Songs, speeches, and shouts of joy and praise, were indulged in until a late hour, when all retired to their homes to dream of the peace and prosperity in store for our beloved country." The Commercial of April 20, 1865, referring to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, remarked: " The news of the assassination of President Lincoln has produced a deep impression in this community; every person seems to feel as if he had met with a severe and irreparable loss. Last Sabbath|was one of the most mournful and solemn days we have ever passed in Aurora. Wherever we would turn, our eyes would rest on troubled countenances, which bore the impress of a deep and abiding affliction. Men conversed with each other in undertones, and even the spirits of the children, too young to know sorrow, seemed to be oppi'essed with the universal sadness. We hope we may never see such another day. "Yesterday nearly our whole population attended the public exercises at the Methodist and Lutheran Churches, to pay their last sad tribute to the memory of our late Pi'esident. While eloquent speakers discoursed of the virtues of the deceased, and of the loss the country has sustained in his death, the sobs of women, and the silent tears trickling down the cheeks of brave men, told how heavily the blow had fallen upon our patriotic people. God grant that they may never again suffer such an affliction." 226 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTER XIV. LIST. OF OFFICERS. Territorial Judges of Dearborn County— Circuit Judges of Dear- born County— Common Pleas Judges of Dearborn County— Asso ciATE Judges of Dearborn County— Probate Judges of Dearborn County— Members of the Territorial Legislature— Members OF Constitutional Conventions— Members of the State Legisla- ture from Dearborn County— Board of Magistrates and County Commissioners of Dearborn County— Treasurers of Dearborn County — Clerks of Dearborn County— Sheriffs of Dearborn County— Auditors of Dearborn County— United States Officers —Circuit Judges of Ohio County— Commion Pleas Judges of Ohio County — Associate Judges of Ohio County* — Sheriffs of Ohio County— Recorders of Ohio County— Clerks of Ohio County- Auditors OF Ohio County— Treasurers of Ohio County— County Commissioners of Ohio County— Members of the General Assem- bly FROM Ohio and Switzerland Counties. territorial judges of dearborn county. BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, March 7, 1803 to December 14, 1810. Jabez Percival, March 8, 1803 to January 6, 1814 Barnet Hulick, March 7, 1803 to December 14, 1809. John Brownson, March 7, 1803 to January 6, 1814. Jeremiah Hunt, March 7, 1803. Richard Stevens, March 7, 1803. William Major, March 7, 1803 to January 6, 1814. James McCarty, March 7, 1803. Isaac Dunn, March 17, 1812 to February 14, 1817. Elijah Sparks, January 16, 1814 (died in May 1815). James Noble, appointed to fill the vacancy and served until 1816. Jesse L. Holman was also a Territorial judge at the time of the ad- mission of Indiana into the Union. circuit judges of dearborn county. John Test, of Franklin County, 1818-19. John Watts, of Dearborn County, 1819-20. Miles C. Eggleston, of Jefferson County, 1820-45. Courtland Cushing, of Jefferson County, 1845-47. LIST OF OFFICERS. 227 George H. Diinn, of Dearborn County, 1847-50. William M. McCarty, 1850-53. Keuben D. Logan, 1853-65. Jeremiah M. Wilson, of Fayette County, 1865-69. Robert N. Lamb, 1869-71. Henry C. Hanna, 1871-73. Omar F. Roberts, of Dearborn County, 1873-79. Noah S. Givan, of Dearborn County, 1879-85. W. H. Bainbridge, of Dearborn County, 1885. COMMON PLEAS JUDGES OF DEAEBOEN COUNTY. William S. Holman, of Dearborn County, 1853-56. Charles N. Shook, 1856-61. Francis Adkinson, 1861-65, Robert N. Lamb, 1865-69. Scott Carter, 1869-72. ASSOCIATE JUDGES OF DEARBORN COUNTY. Solomon Manwarring, 1816-30. John Livingston. Isaac Dunn, 1830-38. JohnM'Pike, 1830-35. Samuel H. Dowden, 1835-38. John Livingston, 1838-45. Alfred J. Cotton, 1838-45. David Conger, 1845-51. John A. Emrie, 1845-51. PROBATE JUDGES OF DEARBORN COUNTY. George H. Dunn, 1829-31. John Livingston, 1831-37. John M'Pike, 1837. John Palmer, 1837-43. Theodore Gazlay, 1843. William S. Holman, 1843-47. Alfred J. Cotton, 1847-52. MEMBERS OF THE TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. The first Territorial Legislature met at Vincennes July 29, 1805. Benjamin Chambers, of Dearborn County, was president of the Legisla- tive Council, and Jesse B. Thomas, of the same county, speaker of the House of Representatives. 228 HISTOItY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The Second Territorial Legislature met September 26, 1808. Jesse B. Thomas, of Dearborn County, was again speaker of the House. The Third Territorial Legislature met November 10, 1810. The Fourth Territorial Legislature met February 1, 1813, James Dill, of Dearborn County, was speaker of the House at the first session, and Isaac Dunn, of the same county, was speaker during the last seven days of the second session. The fifth and last Territorial Legislature of Indiana met at Corydon, August 14, 1814 Jesse L. Holman, of Dearborn, was elected president of the Legislative Council. MEMBERS or CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. Convention of 1816: James Dill, Solomon Manwarring and Ezra Ferris. Convention of 1851: William S. Holman, John D. Johnson and Johnson Watts, MEMBERS OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE, DEARBORN COUNTY, SENATORS. 1816-18.— Ezra Ferris, at Corydon. 1821-22,— John Grey, at Corydon. 1825-30. — John Watts, at Indianapolis. 1831-32,— James T. Pollock. 1833.— D. V. CuUey, 1834-35,— Daniel Plummer. 1838-43.— Johnson Watts. 1844-45.— George P. Buell. 1849-51. — James H. Lane, president of the Senate, 1846-51,— James P. Milliken. 1852-57.— Richard D. Slater. 1859-61.— Cornelius O'Brien, 1863-65.— James W. Gaff. 1867-69. -Elijah Huffman. 1871-73.— Richard Gregg. 1875.— Noah S. Givan. REPRESENTATIVES . 1816. — Amos Lane, Erasmus Powell. 1817. — Amos Lane. 1818, — Erasmus Powell, John Watts, 1820, — Ezra Ferris, Erasmus Powell. 1822, — Pinkney James, Horace Bassett, Ezekiel Jackson, 1823. — Samuel Jelley, Benjamin J. Blythe, David Bowers. LIST OF OFFICERS. 229 1825. — Abel C. Pepper, Horace Bassett, Ezekiel Jackson. 1825. — Ezekiel Jackson, Abel C. Pepper, Thomas Guion. 1826. — Ezra Ferris, Ezekiel Jackson, Horace Bassett. 1827. — Horace Bassett, Ezekiel Jackson, Joel Decoursey, James T. Pollock. 1828. — Horace Bassett, James T. Pollock, Arthur St. Clair, George H. Dunn. 1829-30.— Horace Bassett, James T. Pollock, Thomas Guion, Walter Armstrong. 1830. — James T. Pollock, Walter Armstrong, Ezra Ferris, Samuel H. Dowden. 1831.— David V. Culley, William Flake, Warren Tebbs. 1832.— George H. Dunn, David V. Culley, Oliver Heustis. 1833. — George H. Dunn, Thomas Guion, David Guard. 1834. — Nelson H. Torbett, James Walker, Thomas Howard. 1835. — Henry W^alker, Thomas Howard, Milton Gregg. 1836. — David Guard, Pinkney James, John P. Dunn, Abel C. Pepper. 1837. — George Arnold, Abram Ferris, Enoch W. Jackson, Alexander E. Glenn. 1838-39. — George Arnold, Jacob W. Eggleston, William Conaway, Ebenezer Dumont. 1839-40. — Amos Lane, William Lanius, William Conaway, William Perry. 1840-41.— Abij ah North, John B. Clark, Isaac Dunn, William R. Cole. 1841. — Ethan A. Brown, James P. Milliken, James Rand. 1842-43. — Ethan A. Brown, John Lewis, James P. Milliken. 1843-44. — Pinkney James, David Macy. 1844. — Oliver Huestis, John Lewis, William Lanius. 1845-46. — George Cornelius, Richard D. Slater. 1846-47.— A. G. Tebbs, John D. Johnson. 1847.— George W. Lane, Richard D. Slater. 1848. — John D. Johnson, Alvin J. Alden, George M. Lozier. 1849-50. — Daniel Conaway, Joseph A. Watkins. 1850. — Ebenezer Dumont (speaker of the House), John B. Clark, 1850. — (Special session) Oliver B. Torbett, William S. Holman. 1853. — Oliver B. Torbett (speaker of the House), Noah C. Durham, 1855. — Alvin J. Alden, John Crozier. 1857. — John Lewis, George W. Lane. 1858.— Noah C. Durham, Warren Tebbs. 1859.— Warren Tebbs, Noah C. Durham. 1861. — Omer F. Roberts, Charles Lods. 1863. — Omer F, Roberts, Alfred Brogan. 230 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1865. — John C. Stenger, Richard Gregg. 1867.— Edward H. Green, Warren Tebbs, Jr. 1869-71. — Warren Tebbs, Jr. 1872-73.— (Special) Noah S. Givan. 1875. — Columbus Johnston. BOARD OF MAGISTRATES AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DEARBORN COUNTY. From 1826 to 1831 the business of the county was controlled by a board of magistrates from the several townships, one of whom was elected president. The old records having been burnt, the first meeting of which any record exists was held in 1826 with James Dill, clerk. The following names appear. 1826. — Mark McCracken, president; John Porter, James Lewis, Will- iam Brundye and Laban Bramble. 1827.— Mark McCracken, Cornelius S. Falkner and Job A. Beach. 1828. — Philip Eastman, James Murry, Delia Elder, Isaac Colwell, John Godley, James W. Hunter, Martin Stewart and William Flake. 1829. — David Bowers, John Glass and Israel W. Bonham. 1830. — Joseph Wood, Ulysses Cook, John Columbia and John Neal. The law was changed in 1831 and the county was divided into three districts, and one man was elected from each district to compose a board of county commissioners. The following persons have been elected and served on this board. 1831. — District No. 1, Joseph Wood, elected for one year; District No. 2, Mark McCracken, elected for twQ years; District No. 3, George Arnold, elected for three years — all serving from the first Monday in August, 1831. From this date one county commissioner was elected annually as follows: 1832.— William Conway. 1833. - Charles Dashiell. 1834— George Arnold. 1835.— John Neal. 1836. — Benjamin Sylvester. 1837. — David Nevitt and William Conway. 1838.— David Walser. 1839.— Aaron B. Henry. 1840.— William S. Ward. 1841.— Charles Dashiell. 1842.— John Columbia. 1843.— William S. Ward. 1844.— David Walser. 1845. — James Grubbs. LIST OF OFFICERS. 231 1846. —Daniel Taylor. 1847. —Martin Trester. 1848.— Jonathan Hollowell. 1849.— William S. Ward. 1850.— Zera Vinson. 1851. — Jonathan Hollowell. 1852. — John Heinberger. 1853. — Benjamin Biirlingame. 1854.— Mason J. McCloud. 1855.— Asahel Tyrrel. 1856. — Benjamin Burlingame. 1857. — John Anderegg. 1858.— Asahel Tyrrel. 1859.— Francis Buffington. 1860. — John Anderegg. 1861. — Charles Briggs. 1862.— Francis Buffington. 1863. — Charles Briggs. 1864. — John Anderegg. 1865. — Francis Buffington. 1866. — Frederick Sonders. 1867.— Smith Piatt. 1868.— Asahel Tyrrel. 1869. — Frederick Sonders. 3870.— John C. Stenger. 1871.— Asahel Tyrrel. 1872.— Frederick Sonders. 1873. — James Grubbs, Smith Piatt. 1874.— Frederick Slater. 1876.— Michael Hoff, Abraham Briggs. ] 877.— Frederick Slater. 1879.— Abraham Briggs, Michael Hoff. 1880.— Garrett Bosse. 1882. — Charles Lods (by appointment to till vacancy caused by the death of Hoff ), Henry Bulthaup (by appointment to fill vacancy caused by the death of Bosse), T. T. Annis, John Buchert — Bulthaup (elected). 1883. — Charles Fisk, John Feist (by appointment to fill vacancy caused by the death of Buchert. 1885. — Nicholas Vogelgesang. TREASUKEES OF DEABORN COUNTY. Daniel Hagerman, died 1829. Thomas Palmer, 1829-31. 232 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Walter Armstrong, 1831-36. Robert Moore, 1837-38. William G. Monroe, 1838-40. Ebenezer Dumont, 1840-45. Nelson S. Torbet, 1845-47. Cornelius O'Brien, 1847-50. Noble Hamilton, 1850-53. Strange S. Dunn, 1853-55. Thomas Johnson, 1855-57. Francis M. Jackson, 1857-61. Marcus Levy, 1861-63. William F. Crocker, 1863-65. Thomas Kilner, 1865-70. Francis Lang, 1870-74. Charles Lods, 1874-78. William H. Kyle, 1878-80. Dr. James D. Gatch, 1882. CLEKKS OF DEARBORN COUNTY. Samuel C. Vance, March 7, 1803, to September 6, 1813. James Dill, September 6, 1813 until his death, in 1838, and was succeeded by Alexander Dill, appointed clerk pro tern. William V. Cheek, 1839-51. Cornelius O'Brien, 1851-56. Samuel L. Jones, 1856-61. John F. Cheek, 1864-68. John A. Conwell, 1868-78. Warren Tebbs, 1878. RECORDERS OF DEARBORN COUNTY. James Dill, March 7, 1803 to August 30, 1803. James Hamilton, August 30, 1803 to February 14, 1817. ■ James Dill, 1817-31. Thomas Porter, 1831-34. Asa Smith, 1834. Thomas Palmer, 1835-55. Tobias Finkbine, 1855. John Heinberger, 1855-63. Alvin J. Alden, 1863-67. Alfred Brogan, 1867-71. Francis M. Johnson, 1871-79. George C. Columbia, 1879-85. LIST OF OFFICERS. 233 SHERIFFS OF DEARBORN COUNTY. David Lamphere, August 23, 1803, to November 23, 1804. James Hamilton, November 23, 1804, to December 30, 1816. John Hamilton, February 14, 1817, died May, 1818. William Hamilton, May 29, 1818, to August 18, 1818. Thomas Longley, August 18, 1818 to August 18, 1822. John Spencer, August, 1822, to August, 1826. Thomas Longley, August, 1826, to August, 1828. John Spencer, 1828-32. Milton Gregg, 1832. William Dils, 1832-37. John Weaver. Samuel Osgood. "^ Thomas Roberts. Frank M. Riddle. John Brumblay. John Boyd, 1858-60. Edward A. Conger, 1860-64. Richard C. Arnold, 1864-68. Frank R. Dorman, 1868-72. Lewis Weitzel, 1872-76. Elijah Christopher, 1876-80. John C. Sims, 1880-84. Daniel M. Guard, 1884. AUDITORS OF DEARBORN COUNTT. George W. Lane (first auditor), 1841-46. Reuben Rogers, 1846-55. Elias T. Crosby, 1855-64. Richard D. Slater, Sr., 1864-68. Richard D. Slater, Jr., 1868-75. Myron Haynes, 1875-79. Alexander Pattison, 1879-83. Julius Severin, 1883. UNITED STATES OFFICERS. The following named citizens of Dearborn County have held offices under and by authority of the General Government: Jesse L. Holman, Judge of the United States Court for the District of Indiana. Horace Bassett, clerk of the District Court, Indiana. Abel C. Pepper, United States marshal for State of Indiana. Thomas Porter, receiver United States land office, Fort Wayne. 234 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Arthur St. Clair, register United States land office, Indianapolis. John Spencer, receiver United States land office. Fort Wayne. Abel C. Pepper, Indian agent. David V. Culley, register United States land office, Indianapolis. B. T. W. S. Anderson, United States mail agent. D. M. Skinner, United States mail agent. Servetus Tufts, assistant door-keeper United States Congress. Samuel J. Johnson, assistant door-keeper United States Congress. E. D. Slater, Sr., assistant door-keeper United States Congress. Geo. W.Lane, superintendent United States branch mint,Denver, Col. Benjamin F. Spooner, United States marshal for the State of Indiana, R. DeLoss Brown, assistant door-keeper United States Congress. James I. McConnell, assistant door-keeper. United States Congress. Jason D. Brown, secretary of Wyoming Territory. Henry W. Blasdal, "governor of Nevada Territory. STATE OFFICEES. Jesse L. Holman, judge of the supreme court. George H. Dunn, treasurer of State. John P. Dunn, auditor of State. James H. Lane, lieutenant-governor. B. DeLoss Brown, librarian. E. G. Collins, secretary of State. James DeSano,- librarian. Ebenezer Dumont, president of the State bank. CIECUIT JUDGES OF OHIO COUNTY. Miles C. Eggleston, of Jefferson County, 1844. Courtland Cushing, of Jefferson County, 1845-50. Alexander C. Downey, of Ohio County, 1850-58. Joseph W. Chapman, 1858-64. John G. Berkshire, of Ripley County, 1864-69. Robert N. Lamb, 1869-70. Henry C. Hanna, 1870-73. Omar F. Roberts, of Dearborn County, 1873-79. Noah S. Givan, of Dearborn County, 1879-85. W. H. Bainbridge, of Dearborn County, 1885. COMMON PLEAS JUDGES OF OHIO COUNTY. Robert Drummond, 1852-58. John J. Hayden, of Ohio County, 1858-60. Francis Adkinson, 1860-64. Robert N. Lamb, 1864-68. Scott Carter, 1868-72. LIST OF OFFICERS. 235 ASSOCIATE JUDGES OF OHIO COUNTY, Samuel Fulton, 1844-47. Thomas H. Gilmore, 1844-47. John Hall, 1847-51. Martin Stewart, 1847-51. PROBATE JUDGES OF OHIO COUNTY. Samuel Jelley, 1844-51. Thomas W. Pate, 1851-52. SHERIFFS OF OHIO COUNTY. William Lanius, 1844, by appointment. James B. Smith, 1844-46. William W. Pate, 1846-51. Thomas H. Gilmore, 1851-55. John J. Works, 1855-57. John M. Ginnings, 1857-59. Thomas H. Gilmore, 1859-61. Harvey Green, 1861-65. Moses T. McMurray, 1865-67. B. F. Miller, 1867-69. William H. Clark, 1869-73. John McGuire, 1873-75. Rufus K. Downey, 1875-77. David H. Durbin, 1877-79. John Monroe, 1879-81. John McGuire, 1881-85. Thomas A. Bennett, 1885. RECORDERS OF OHIO COUNTY. William T. Lambdin, 1844-50. John R. Ross, 1850-51. Henry B. Newman, 1851-55. J. J. Hay den, 1855. John Downey, 1855. William Elliott, 1855-63 . John B. Covington, 1863-71. Joseph B. Pepper, 1871-75. John W. Facemire, 1875-79. George B. Hall, 1879-80. Wallace P. Hall, 1880-82. Reuel W. Fugit, 1882. 236 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CLERKS OF OHIO COUNTY. James H. Pepper, 1844. John R. Ross, 1850. John B. Covington, 1861. Oliver H. Miller, 1864. Solomon K. Kittle, 1872. John H. Jones {ad interim), 1876. William W. Williams, 1876. George B. Hall, 1880. AUDIT0E8 OF OHIO COUNTY. Samuel F. Covington, 1844-45. Joseph M. Vance, 1845. Lot North, 1851. John D. Bush, 1855. Oliver H. Miller, 1859. Solomon K. Kittle, 1863. Oliver H. Miller, 1871. Joseph P. Hemphill, 1879. TREASURERS OF OHIO COUNTY. John B. Craft, 1844. James B. Smith, 1855. Robert W. Jones, 1859. Hugh S. Espey, 1865. John T. Whitlock, 1867. AVilliam H. Clark, 1875. John C. Miller, 1878. John W. Facemire, 1883. Michael McGuire, 1885. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO COUNTY. 1844. — John Bennett, William H. Powell and Morris Merrill. 1845. — John Bennett, for three years; George Pate, for two years, and James Hemphill, for one year. 1846. — James M. Shepherd. 1847.— George Pate, re-elected for three years, and Cornelius Miller succeeded John Bennett, deceased. 1848. — Thomas Summers. 1849.— Allen B. Wilber, Marshall Elliott. 1851. George Pate (died in 1852) and John Hall, appointed to the LIST OF OFFICERS. 237 1852. — Charles E. Hamilton, James W. Gibbens. 1853.— Benjamin Hall. 1854. — George Buchanan. 1855. — James Johnson, Nathan Vanosdol, Joseph L. Pate. 1857.— Calvin Marble. 1858. — Hiram Barricklow. 1859. — Hugh Anderson. I860.— Henry Brown. 1861.— William Wooden. 1862.— Hugh Anderson. 1863.— Henry Brown. 1864.— Ezra Kemp. 1865.— Scott Billings. 1866.— William Hemphill. 1867. — Ezra Lampkin. 1868. — James Buchanan, by appointment, to succeed Ezra Lampkin, removed from the county; then elected. Scott Billings. 1869.— William Hemphill. 1870. — James Buchanan. 1871.— Scott Billings. 1872.— William Hemphill. 1873. — James Buchanan. 1874.— Scott Billings. 1875. ^William Hemphill. 1876.— John Hanna, John W. Cofield. 1877.— Scott Billings. 1878. — Christian Marlman. 1879. — James North, Henry F. Potterbaum.. 1881. — James Buchanan, by appointment to succeed Henry F. Potter- baum, removed from the county. Christian Marlman. 1882.— F. M. Miller, J. F. Schroeder. 1884. — Christian Marlman. MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLE FROM OHIO AND SWITZERLAND COUNTIES. The following list contains the names of men who have been honored with a seat in the General Assembly of Indiana from the senatorial and legislative districts of which Ohio County has constituted a part since the organization of the county until 1869 and 1875, respectively; Senate. — Ohio and Switzerland Counties were made a senatorial dis- trict in 1845. Since the adoption of the new constitution, the sessions of the Legislature have been held biennially, the senators being elected for four years. 238 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1846-47-48, Martin R. Green; 1849-50-51, John Woods; 1852-53. William Powell; in the sessions commencing 1855 and 1857, Philander S. Page; in the sessions commencing 1859 and 1861, Benjamin L. Rob- inson; in the sessions commencing in 1863 and 1865, Alexander C- Downey; in the sessions commencing in 1867 and 1879, Flavins J. Bell- aney. House. — Since 1845 Ohio and Switzerland Counties have composed a representative district. 1846, John Tait, Jr.; 1847, Samuel F. Cov- ington and Charles T. Jones; 1848, Daniel Kelso; 1849, John W.Wright and John W. Spencer; 1850, Thomas Armstrong; 1851, Samuel Porter and John W. Spencer (after this session the Legislature met biennially, and convened in January instead of December, as under the old consti- tution); 1853, Oliver Dufour, Hazlett E. Dodd; in 1855, George W. Harryman and David Cain; 1857, John W. and John J. Hayden; 1858- 59, William H. Gregory (session of 1858 a special one); 1861, Hugh T. Williams; 1863, Robert N. Lamb; 1865, Augustus Welch; 1867, James North; 1869, Stephen H. Stewart; 1871, William G, Holland; 1873; Benjamin North; 1875, William T. Pate. CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 241 CHAPTER XV. CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. Location and Origin— The Early Village and Its Progress— The Warren Murder— The Decade Betaveen 1830 and 1840— Observ- ance of Independence Day, 1831— Laavrenceburgh a City— Growth AND Progress— Odd Fellows Building and City Hall— The City 1858-59— The Banking Business— The Fire of July 4, 1866— Ecclesi- astical History— Schools— Leading Manufacturing Interests- Gas Works— Fire Department— Societies— Old Land Marks and Relics— The Centennial Fourth. LAWRENCEBURGH is situated on the right bank of the Ohio River, occupying a position on a broad expanse of most fertile bottom lauds, back of which there arises a ridge and range of hills, tow- ering, perhaps, 100 feet above the valley, from which is presented a pic- ture most grand to behold— the broad and extended bottoms coursed by the Great Miami, the city with its many and graceful church spires pointing heavenward, its huge and tall chimneys from the numerous fac- tories, the majestic Ohio flowing beneath the chivalrous Kentucky hills. The city is located in the southeastern part of the county, and is distant by rail eighty-six miles southeast of Indianapolis, and twenty-one miles a little west of south from Cincinnati, Ohio, and by river twenty-two miles, lying in latitude 39° 5' north, and longitude 7° 35' west. The city was laid out in April, 1802, the plat being recorded on the 8th by Samuel C. Vance, who was the original proprietor of the land on which the original plat was made — fractional Section 14, Township 5, Range 1 west— which Mr. Vance entered July 23, 1801. In addition to this tract of land Mr. Vance entered a number of others and, it is said, could not pay for them, and the tract on which the city was laid out was re-entered, December 3, by Col. Benjamin Chambers, who was the pat- entee. The surveying vs^as performed by Benjamin Chambers and James Hamilton. The original plat we failed to find, but in the records of this county over the date of May 29, 1812, at which time Mr. Vance as pro- prietor acknowledged the plan of Lawrenceburgh as enlarged and altered from the original plan on record in Hamilton County, Ohio (the place being laid out when its site was a part of that county and State). The plat comprised 196 in-lots, bounded about as follows: On the north by 242 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Elm Street, on the south by Mulberry Row, on the east by Front Street, which bordered on a common lying between it and the river, and on the west by Partition Lane. In addition to the above number of lots there were fifty-five out-lots. The public square, on which is now situated the court house and jail was bounded by High, Catharine, Charlotte and Mary Streets. As compared with the original plat it was stated that the front tier of lots was brought one pole nigher to the river; the lots on Front and Second Streets were reduced in size, and New Street estab- lished between the front and second tier of lots; five lots that were orig- inally appropriated to the future enlargement of the town were in the meantime laid out and disposed of as out-lots, the town having been enlarged to a much greater extent on more suitable ground. Early additions to the town were made as follows: In 1814 by Sam- uel Ludlow, six lots out of his meadow lot fronting on Elm Street, and on the east of that street; by John Elliott, of Philadelphia, in 1831, five lots between New Street and River, and Elm and Short Streets; and thirty-six lots, half on either side of Short Street and adjoining Parti- tion Lane, in 1839, by William T. Cbafi'ee. The town was named by Capt. Vance in honor of his wife, whose maiden name was Lawrence. Samuel Morrison is the authority for saying that in the autumn of 1802, Dr. Jabez Percival- erected the first house on the site of the town and occupied it; it was a double log-cabin. " Mr. Vance was a United States government surveyor, residing at Cincinnati, Ohio, and having ascertained the good quality of the soil, and the most eligible location, on account of the high ground upon these bot- tom lands, naturally took advantage of his discovery, and bought all the land on which the original town is situated; and also the balance of the bottom up the river to a point where a line from the river north and south struck the old channel of the Big Miami River, and afterward upon the highest point of ground erected his residence, known to most of our residents as the Omer Tousey property, in 1818, now owned by Col. Willis. The whole river front of the original town is a public common, with the reservation on the part of the layer out of the town and his successors, heirs and assigns of maintaining the right to the land at the ferry, and a ferry and warehouse. The balance belongs to the town, although many persons have encroached upon it. It was trespass, though done through ignorance of the fight of the town to the common. In the year 1809, or thereabouts (the records having been destroyed by fire, we are unable to give the exact date), Pinkney James laid out what is now called New- town, by the name of Edenborough; not prospering in the selling of lots, he followed his father, who laid out that town, to Rising Sun, in this CITY OF LAWKENCEBURGH. 243 State, and in the year 1811, sold out the town of Edenborough.to Stephen Ludlow, George Weaver. John Weaver and Thomas Porter, including the old pond and embracing the property upon -which George Huschart's marble works are now situated ; thence in a direct line to the raeanderino- of Tanner's Creek, to a point where the north line of the old graveyard in Newtown struck it, and thence east to where the old fence north and south used to divide the new addition from the city dirt lot. Isaac Dunn being elected to the Legislature, sitting at Corydon, then the capital of the State, got the town of Edenborough vacated, but some years after- ward, an opportunity offering for the sale of building lots, in connection with Stephen Ludlow, who already owned a number of the lots of the old town, had the old map, with the exception of the two southern tier of lots, re-recorded and reinstated as a town under the statute, and it then was incorporated with the old town of Lawrenceburgh as a part of the town." — Centennial History. Over the date of April 6, 1819, Isaac Dunn, a proprietor of New Law- renceburgh, acknowledged a plat entered and laid off by him from the town formely called Edenborough, to be an addition to Lawrenceburgh f this consisted of 125 lots. Next to Tanner's Creek, ground was desig- nated as a graveyard, and running parallel with that stream were desig- nated Shipping, Main, Front and Water Streets, which were intersected by First, High, Third and Fourth Streets. By an act of the Legislature in the year 1846, Old and Newtown were incorporated as a city. Since that date the town of Rossville has been annexed to the city^ besides Eichelberger and Lewis added a large addition, by the subdivision of high adjoining grounds into building lots which have been sold, and are already greatly improved by fine residences shops and manufactories. As a suburb, we have the beautiful town of Greendale, with her large manufactories, many cozy cottages and palatial residences. "In former days, rival towns attempted to give our city bad repute on account of an occasional overflow from the Ohio River, but owing to the energy of the citizens, and the liberal expenditure of over $400,000 pub- lic and private, and at least $200,000 by the respective railroads passing through our city, we have succeeded in making fills and embankments to that extent, that places us above the reach of high water. Time with its destroying power has made sad havoc with the early landmarks of our city's existence; the little log-cabins and houses have long since dis- appeared and been forgotten. Death, the insatiable reaper, has been busily at work during those days, and one by one has gathered home the old pioneers, until at the time we write, there remains not one who viewed the dawn of its existence. Those men of iron will and courage have 244 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. passed away, and the toils, suffering and dangers they encountered in beating back the savage occupants, and reclaiming this magnificent country from an unbroken wilderness, can never be realized by the gen- erations that shall succeed them. At the present time Mr. Norval Sparks is the oldest resident in our city, having settled here with his father's family in the year 1806, and to him are we indebted for many of the names, dates and incidents of those early times." — Centennial History. THE EARLY VILLAGE AND ITS PROGRESS. " In the year 1806, the principal buildings were the ferry house on the bank of the river above Walnut Street and the warehouse below Walnut Street, The residences were those of Benjamin Chambers and Gen. James Dill on the bank of the river; James Hamilton and Michael Jones lived on what is known to-day as Vail's Alley; what is now known as New Street, was then called Second Street, and on it lived Dr. Jabez Percival, Jesse B. Thomas, Capt. Samuel C. Vance and Elijah Sparks. On High Street, below the railroad, lived Rev. Baldridge. William Cook was jailer, and lived in the old log-jail; James Foster, on the corner of Vine and High Streets, and carried on the business of making chairs. Owing to the disadvantages James labored under, he was not prepared to manufacture cushioned spring bottoms. William Morgan lived on the corner of High and Walnut Streets; on the opposite corner, known now as Burk's Corner, John Horner carried on a blacksmith shop. Mr. John Gray kept store on the corner of Short and High Streets. Jacob Horner kept tavern in a log-house, where the Anderson House is, and Judge Isaac Dunn lived on the corner of New and High Streets. Those embraced principally all the houses that were at that time; the most of them were log. It is evident that the first house erected on the site of Lawrenceburgh, was built by Dr. Jabez Percival, who had imoiigrated here some years before. For a number of years there was little growth to the city; here and there were erected the small log- cabins by the new comers, and one peculiarily of the log-cabins of those days was, the majority of the logs used in their erection were of Buck- eye; it grew very plentifully, and was no doubt selected by the sturdy old fellows on account of it being soft wood and easy to cut. The little log- cabins would present quite a picturesque appearance during the first year of their erection, young shoots would put forth from every log, and give them the appearance of a large mass of green bushes. " The courts at that date were held in the house of William Morgan, on the corner of Walnut and High Streets; Judge Benjamin Park was the district judge, and resided at Vincennes. Benjamin Chambei's was associate judge; Samuel C. Vance was clerk; David Lamphere, sheriff, CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 245 and William Cook, jailer. The attorneys were Jesse B. Thomas, Michael Jones, Elijah Sparks, and James Noble. The business was dispatched promptly without the aid of professional jurors, and there were no changes of venue granted. Upon the public square was erected the first log-schoolhouse, which was also used as a meeting-house; the first teachers were the Rev. Baldridge and a Mr. Fulton (house was removed in 1831). Mr. Elijah Sparks preached for the Methodists; Rev. Baldridge, for the Presbyterians, and Mr. John Watts who lived across the river in Ken- tucky, for the Baptists. In the year 1810 the old brick court house, (burned in 1826), was built." — Centennial History. In 1818, the principal citizens of the village were Samuel C. Vance, Benjamin Chambers, James Dill, Stephen Ludlow, Isaac Dunn, Benja- min Piatt, Dr. Jabez Percival; Jacob Horner, proprietor of hotel; John Horner, blacksmith; Walter Armstrong, inn-keeper; Samuel Fauncher, constable;Timothy Davis; James McLeaster, shoe-maker; Charles Lee Brai- ser, hatter; William Cook, jailor; old Mr. Kimball, wheelwright; John Cox; William Cumberlain, proprietor of horse-mill; Dr. Ezra Ferris; Cham- bers Foster; Zenas Hill, school teacher; Mr. Shaw; Mr. Thornbury; James Hamilton; William Caldwell, justice of the peace, and David Ger- ard. At this period there were but two brick houses, one stone, besides the court house, and five frame houses, those of Vance, Chambers, Dill, Ludlow and Dunn: all the others were log-houses. Of the young men Andrew Morgan, Walter Hayes, Davis and John Weaver, and Samuel H. Dowden are all that can be recollected after a lapse of seventy-two years. In Daniel Drake's picture of Cincinnati and Miami Country, published in 1815, it is stated that "Lawrenceburgh having occasionally suffered inundation, has grown but little, and a new village called Edinborough has been lately laid out on higher ground, about one-half mile from the river, but this is not a place of much promise. The inhabitants of the counties of Dearborn, Franklin and Wayne, received their supplies of foreign goods almost exclusively from Cincinnati, but little, mercantile capital being employed at Lawrenceburgh, and there being on the Great Miami no depot of merchandise for that region." Two years later the author of an emigrants' directory says, "In traveling seven miles through the woods of Dearborn County, I counted two bears, three deer, and up- ward of 100 turkeys. In the course of the day I missed my way and wandered several miles in the wilderness." "From the year 1812 to 1820, the town grew rapidly, and became the business point for all the surrounding country, which had been rapidly taken up and settled upon by immigrants from the older States. Many substantial buildings were erected during this period. The principal business men of this date were David P. Shook & Co., Samuel Vance, 246 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. John Gray, John H. & Benjamin M. Piatt, David Guard, Isaac Dunn, John Eads & Co., William Pyne (tailor), Stephen Ludlow,' John Gibson, Israel J. Canby, A. Morgan, Frederick Lucas, James W. Weaver, David Rees, William Ewing, Joseph H. Coburn, Jacob Brasher, C. Fitch, E. Hollister, James Hallowell, Harris Fitch, Jesse Hunt, W. Tate, Benja- min Stockman, W. Armstrong, Thomas Shaw, John Bates, Noah Noble & Co., Mary Brooks (milliner), Jared Evans, J. P., and David Bruner was the barber. Dennis Duskey ran a trading boat from here to Cincinnati, leaving every Monday morning, wind and weather permitting. Every attention was given to goods committed to his care, and every ac- commodation possible afforded to passengers. There was no bar on this boat, and smoking was positively forbidden, and the first person caught playing cards was at once set ashore. The captain reserving the right to indulge in profanity whenever the occasion required it. In 1817 the first paper was published by B. Brown, called the Dearborn Gazette: the office was located in a building on what is now known as Vail's Alley the motto of the paper was "Equal and exact justice." During his ed- itorial career the following incident occurred: Mr. John Jackson was the mail carrier. His rout was from Cincinnati to Madison. He lived at Georgetown, and made Lawrenceburgh a way-station, and would bring the mail matter down tied up in his handkerchief. Brown took him to task for his seeming carelessness, which irritated the courageous carrier, who was a man of extraordinary physical strength, and as brave as he was powerful, and he determined to chastise the impertinent editor. Brown was a small man, but lacked no courage; when Jackson entered the office to chastise him for his impertinence, he was busily engaged, inking balls in hand, printing his paper, and as soon as he had come in striking distance of him. Brown struck him in the eye with the ink balls, and succeeding in making a good impression. Jackson was so aston- ished at the mode of defense, and the weapons used by the Yankee printer, blinded and blackened, he retired from the contest, proclaiming he could whip his weight in "wild cats," but always preferred to pass by the small odoriferous animal whose defense was more effectual than a Chinese stink pot. " Early in the spring of 1813, a horse thief was captured near Tan- ner's Creek, who had in his possession a very fine horse, which he had stolen from some honest pioneer. He died very suddenly with his boots on. A few nights after his death it is reported that Dr. Jabez Percival, the leading physician of the town, and Ezra Pugh, held a most thorough post mortem examination xipon the body, and unfortunately for the ben- efit of the medical society of the county of to-day, the old rough and ready doctor and his able assistant, neglected to transmit the result of CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 247 that examination. But the records prove that it did not cost the tax- payers anything, as there was no charge made for coroner or juror's fees. At this time, The Farmers and Mechanics Bank was in existence. Isaac Dunn was president, and Thomas Porter was cashier. The list of physicians were Dr. Jabez Percival, Ezra Ferris, -John S. Percival, Mar- maduke E. Ferris, Dr. Finch, Dr. Brower and Dr. Easton. The attor- neys that practiced in the courts, were James Dill, Jesse B. Thomas, Elijah Sparks, Thomas Wardell, John Lawrence, Amos Lane, James Noble, Jesse L. Holman, Stephen C. Stephens, William Hendricks, Daniel J. Caswell, Moses Hitchcock, Isaac S. Brower and George H. Dunn. "Business was brisk, and the following was the price list as reported to us by the chief clerk of the firm of Dunn & Ludlow: India muslin, 75 cents per yard; calico, 62| cents per yard; coffee, 75 cents per pound; tea, $2.50 per pound; sugar, 50 cents per pound; indigo, $4 per pound; madder, 50 cents; copperas, 25 cents; salt, $4.50 per barrel; iron, 12| cents per pound; castings, 10 cents; flour, $5 per hundred; corn, 15 cents per bushel; potatoes, 15 cents; pork, $1.50 per hundred; beef, $1.50 per hundred; eggs, 6^ cents per dozen; butter, 12| cents per pound. In those days when a young sprig put on one of those muslin shirts, he felt as exalted as the wearer of a ruffled shirt of to-day does at a 'Centennial tea party,' and the fair Miss robed in one of those 62|- cent calicoes made from five or six yards, as grand as the young Miss of to-day does when she appears before the mirror to behold herself cos- tumed for a 'Martha Washington reception.' In 1816 George Weaver erected and operated a saw-mill in Newtown. The motive power was supplied by two sturdy oxen; the number of feet sawed per day we are unable to give, as there was no city measurer at that time. In 1820 Jesse Hunt erected the hotel on the corner of High and Walnut Streets, known as the Anderson House, which is said to have been the first three- story brick house erected in the State. Benjamin Stockman did the brick work. "The Lawrenceburgh Sunday-school Society was organized December 24, 1819, with Dr. Jabez Percival, president; George H. Dunn, secretary; David P. Shook, treasurer; Dr. Ezra Ferris and Dr. Abram Brower, superintendents. The directors of the Lawrenceburgh Library Company, for the year 1820, were John Porter, John ^Veaver, Joseph H. Coburn, Isaac S. Brower, Jabez Percival, James Dill and George H. Dunn. At the annual election, January 3, 1820, to elect directors of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank for the ensuing year, the following persons were elected: Isaac Dunn, Ezra Ferris, Isaac Morgan, Walter Armstrong, John^ Weaver, David Guard, Lazarus Noble, Stephen Ludlow, Levi Miller, Moses Schott, George Weaver, Samuel Bond and Amos Lane. 248 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. " January 10, 1820, the first murder in the city occurred, by Amasa Fuller killing Palmer Warren. January 6, 1820, the ladies of the city met at the house of David Guard, and organized a female Sunday- school. Mrs. Frances Dunn was president, and Polly Lane, secretary. Miss Elizabeth Brower, Miss Mary Brooks and Mrs. Elizabeth Percival were the committee on constitution and rules. Mrs. Elizabeth Percival, Frances Dunn, Polly Lane, Rebecca Wright, Elizabeth Rice, Elizabeth Brower, Anna Eads and Huldah Gardner were appointed superintend- ents. Mrs. Mercy Porter, Misses Mary Brooks, Elizabeth Brower, Mary Ann Brower, Lucretia Earl and Electa Wright volunteered as teachers. Mrs, Bulah Guard was elected treasurer, and Miss Elizabeth Brower, secretary. " As an indication of the energy and enterprise of those days, it ap- pears that the city fathers had the courage to assume an indebtedness of $3,500 for the purpose of digging wells and filling up High Street. The city grew quite rapidly, and became the business town of the State, and the market point for all the adjoining counties extending as far west as Indianapolis. The produce was all brought here in wagons, and this was the shipping point for the southern markets. Great numbers of trading and flat-boats were annually sent down the river, and a large number of the citizens were engaged in that hazardous trade, and it is claimed that there was more business done here in those days than at the present time. And there were many noted characters here in the ze- nith of their glory, many whose names have come down to us, brilliant with the memory of their many good deeds and acts, and whose reputation was co-extensive with their young and rising State, and who did much in laying the solid foundations upon which we have builded,while there were some, as in this day, noted for their dark and infamous deeds; of the latter class we will mention one Daniel Brown, and there are quite a number of our old citizens living to-day who remember him well. He is said to have been one of the most powerful men of that time, nearly six feet in height, straight as an arrow, and very active, at all times appearing in a smiling mood, subtle and courageous as a lion. He was an active business man and county commissioner. He kept a store on High Street, in the build- ing where Mr. Moore's book- store is at the present time, and in addition traded on the river. He was a noted counterfeiter and gambler, and in one of his trips south he got into difficulty with gamblers at a noted place known in those days to all river travelers as "Natchez Under the Hill," and killed one of them. He succeeded in making his escape, and proceeded to New Orleans, where he at once entered largely upon counterfeiting, and was very successful, and it was some time before he was detected. He was placed in jail, with others of the gang, and some CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 249 reports say he died, while others claim he succeeded in making his es- cape; be that as it may, the citizens of this city never heard of him after that time. "March 13, 1826, the court house was burned, and all the records de- stroyed — it was dui'ing the freshet of that year, the water was up around the building at the time, and it was so cold that the next morning after the fire it had frozen ice all around it. There is no doubt but it was the work of an incendiary. The citizens of our city at that date were largely imbued with the patriotic spirit that was transmitted by their Revolution- ary sires, and the commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence was never permitted to pass by without a grand celebration and jubilee, a day of rejoicing and good feeling. And to give our citi- zens (whom we regret to say are fast forgetting the memories that clus- tered around that day), an idea of how they celebrated, we give the program of July 4, 1825: Maj. Langley, marshal; Maj. Spencer, assistant marshal; the procession proceeded to the Methodist Church. Beading the Declaration of Independence, by Capt. Samuel C. Vance; address by George H. Dunn, Esq., after which the procession was formed and proceeded to the hotel of John Gray for dinner. After the ladies had retired, the patriotic old gentlemen proceeded to drink twenty- four toasts, and acquitted themselves heroically, as they did every task imposed, and with unfaltering courage never shrank from any undertak- ing, and the record of that day no doubt did no discredit to their valor, and with patriotism swelling every bosom, they closed the scene amidst many cheers in response to the following toast: O. H. Perry, the hero of Lake Erie. ' May the British lion lie and wheeze, While swift the eagle flies, Spreads her broad pinions o'er the seas, And picks out both his eyes.' "In those early times, in addition to the 4th of July, the general election and muster days were times looked forward to with great inter- est by the early pioneers. On election day they would gather for miles and miles around at the voting precinct. Those of the more peacefully and good naturedly inclined, would devote the day to fun and pleasure, and in a jovial and enthusiastic manner would champion the interest of their respective candidates, while the more pugilistically inclined, would embrace the opportunity to display their physical powers, and on those days many and bloody were the encounters that would occur between the neighborhood champions, as their friends would gather around them to see that there was fair play, as it was termed, and at it they would go, regardless of the more Christianized rules of the London prize ring, and 250 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. many were the cheers that would greet the champion of Hogan, Wilson of Tanner's Creek, as he was declared victor over the town champion, who bleeding and discomfited would appease his wounded spirit by the fond hope that he might be more successful the next time. Politics ran high; they entered into it as in everything else, with all the vim and energy of their enthusiastic natures; in championing their respective candidates for the various oJB&ces, they rendered to them that devotion and fidelity that would have done honor to the soldiers of Napoleon's Old Guard. The papers of those times teemed with articles of a personal nature, filled with the severest invectives, attacking both the public and private characters of the politicians of the day. There seems to have been one person who wrote under the nom deplume of the "Old Man of the Mountain," said to have been James M. Bay, who had been drawn into the battle with a number of the gallants, but from his mountain fastness, up Tanner's Creek, hurled forth his poisoned javelins with an energy that must have discomfited his opponents." — Centennial History. From 1812 to 1834, there were no banks of much value in Dearborn County, and consequently no place to dispose of the surplus produce raised in the ' Big Bottom ' and Lawrenceburgh, and no way of pro- curing money (which was silver) for the needs of the country. Conse- quently, there were thirteen men of enterprise who began the New Orleans trade; their names are Col. Benjamin Chambers, Andrew Mor- gan, David, Ezra and Bailey Guard, Job Miller, Joseph, Walter and Jacob Hayes, Abiah Hayes, Jacob Dennis, Isaac Dunn and Stephen Ludlow. Among these traders, Jacob Hayes acted a prominent part. These thirteen men were vastly of more importance to Lawi'enceburgh and the surrounding country than any bank ever established here. They bought up all of the surplus produce, paying for it in silver money, and that too when the people needed it most. Jacob Hayes was a very active and prominent trader on the river from 1820 to 1848, having from two to five flat-boats loaded with produce on the river at one time. The writer heard him say, that frequently he had all that he was worth afloat on the river. Mr. Hayes was prominent in establishing the Lawrence- burgh Insurance Company, and one among its largest stockholders. He was also a large stockholder in the Lawrenceburgh Branch of the State Bank of Indiana. Quite an extensive business was done at Lawrenceburgh in 1826, something that astonished the people. Its great business interest and commercial supremacy is thus set forth by Mr. John Scott: "Some idea can be formed of the commerce and growing importance of this town and county by the following statement of produce shipped at the river, for the Mississippi and lower country market, from the 1st CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 251 of January to the Ist of May, 1826, a period of four months. In giv- ing this statement we have confined ourselves almost exclusively to the produce of the neighborhood of the town, not having it in our power to give the whole amount of produce exported from the county, which would, it is believed, swell the sum to $80,000 or $100,000. SHIPMENT. 14,140 bushels corn @ 50 cents per bushel I 7,070 00 51 horses @ $75 each 3,825^00 136toasof hay;@ |30 per ton 2,720 00 45 head of cattle @ $25 each 1,125 00 2,131 barrels pork @ $6 12,786 00 1,393 kegs lard @ $3 4,179 00 493 live hogs @ |5 2,465 00 66 hogsheads of hams @ $32 per hogshead 2,112 00 10 tons hams @ |5 per cwt 1,000 00 11 barrels hams @ fSJper barrel 88 00 80 bushels of potatoes @ 50 cents per bushel 40 00 186 barrels flour @ $3 per barrel 558 00 500 gallons whisky @ 25 cents per gallon 125 00 453 kegs tobacco @ $10.50 a keg 4,756 00 74 dozen chickens @ $2 per dozen 148 00 12,250 lbs. pork, in bulk @ 4 cents 490 00 $41,467 50" The writer said he made no mention of small ai'tieles, such as oats, hoop-poles, flax seed, etc., which he thought would run up to $6,000 or $7,000, yet it had amounted to the above large sum. He also informed us that to carry this enormous amount of produce to market it required twenty flat-boats, which cost an average each of $100. He places the population of Lawrenceburgh at 700. It had 150 handsome brick and frame dwellings, nine stores, five taverns, six lawyers and three physi- cians, with a vast number of mechanics of various professions. There was a storehouse five stories high, which was considered the best from Cincinnati to the Falls (at Louisville). "There is also," says the writer, "an extensive silk lace factory established in the town, which supplies a large district of country with the article, and the only one of the kind west of the mountains (referring to the Alleghanies), also a printing office and a Masonic lodge." The following description of Lawrenceburgh is taken from a geogra- phy and history of the Western States published in 1828: "It stands on the north bank of the Ohio, twenty-three miles below Cincinnati, and two below the Big Miami, which is the eastern limit of the State. This town is in the center of a rich and deep bottom. The ancient village was built on the first bottom, which was frequently 252 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. exposed to inuadation. It is not uncommon for the water to rise four or five feet above the foundations of the houses and stores, in which case the inhabitants remove to the upper story, and drive their domestic ani- mals to the hills. Visits and tea parties are projected in the inundated town, and the vehicles of transport are skiffs and pirogues. The period of the flood, from ancient custom, and from the suspension of all the customary pursuits, has become a time of carnival. The floods, instead of creating disease, wash the surface of the earth, carry off vegetable and animal matter that would otherwise putrify, and are supposed to be rather conducive to health than otherwise. The old town, built on the first bank, has been stationary for many years. New Lawrenceburgh has been recently built on the second bank, and on elevated ground, formed by the bank of Tanner's Creek. Since the commencement of this town, few places have made more rapid progress. Many of the new houses are handsome, and some of them make a splendid show from the river. Its position in relation to the river, and the rich adjacent coun- try, and the Big Miami is highly eligible. It has a number of commenc- ing manufactories, and promises to be a large town." THE WARREN MURDER. The following account of the murder of Palmer Warren by Amasa Fuller at Lawrenceburgh, in 1820, and the trial and execution of the latter, is taken from the Indiana Oracle of May 7, and August 15, 1820: " The Circuit Court for Dearborn County closed its session on Satur- day last. The whole of the term was consumed by the trial of Amasa Fuller, on an indictment for the murder of Palmer Warren. Few trials have excited more general interest, as well from the character and appear- ance of the prisoner, as from the circumstances which led to the atrocious deed. The circumstances are briefly these: Fuller had for some consid- erable time prior to the murder of Warren, been attentive to a young lady who was residing with her uncle in Lawrenceburgh. About the last of November, 1819, Fuller left this place for Brookville; while there, the unfortunate deceased commenced an intimacy with the young lady to whom Fuller had been before attached; their intimacy resulted in an engagement of marriage, which was to have been consummated on the fatal 10th of January, 1820. "It appeared in evidence, that about the middle or last of December, Fuller, then at Brookville, received a letter in the handwriting of War- ren, and signed by the young lady, inclosing a ring, in which she renounced all feelings of attachment toward him, and returned him the ring which she had received from him in pledge; that after the receipt of this letter. Fuller appeared gloomy and melancholy, and on Friday, CITY OF LAAVRENCEBURGH. 253 January 7, he left Brookville on foot, and arrived at Lawreneeburgh in the evening of that day; after changing his wet clothes (it having rained) he went into the house of the young lady's uncle, next to Mr. Coburn's hotel, where he put up, and was there frequently between the time of his arrival from Brookville and the day of the murder; meeting Warren at the house he several times attempted to quarrel with him, which Warren as often declined. On Saturday, the 5th of January, it appeared that Fuller borrowed a pair of pistols with the avowed design of shooting at a mark, in which amusement he requested several young men to partici- pate. On the afternoon of that day, he asked a Mr. Hitchcock if he would go out and hunt with him; he replied that he would, and would go for his gun; Fuller answered, ' I do not hunt with guns, but with pistols.' On Sunday, January 9, Fuller seemed cool and collected, talked on vari- ous subjects with his fellow boarders, and declared he had no pretensions to the young lady in question. On Monday morning, January 10, he asked Mr. Hitchcock, when up in his room at the hotel, which was the best way to load a pistol and the surest way to kill; and observed, ' I am afraid that this pistol has not enough powder in it; how shall I shoot it off so as not to be heard ? (it must be observed that Warren's office is under the same roof with Coburn's Hotel.) Fuller went down stairs, and shortly after came up, saying, ' I have shot it off and no person heard me.' Fuller then loaded the pistols with powder and four slugs each. Hitchcock told him he hoped he had no evil design. Fuller replied, 'I have Dot, but will show you some fun.' Fuller then put on a great coat, which he had borrowed from Mr. Coburn, and feeling it had pockets, he put one pistol in each pocket of the coat, and walked down stairs, having previously asked Hitchcock if he could discover that he had pistols. It appeared further in evidence, that Fuller left the house, came back and went out again; he was seen by Mr. Farrar (who was standing in the door of his house, next but one to Warren's office), to come out of Coburn's bar-room about a yard behind Warren, who unlocked the door of his office and entered, followed by Fuller; in about three- fourths of a minute Mr. Farrar heard the report of a pistol in Warren's office, instantly ran there, and attempting to open the door, it was stopped by something, and looking down he discovered the body of Warren lying crosswise the door; he pushed open the door, and upon entering the office discovered Fuller standing beside the body, and the room tilled with smoke and the smell of powder. Warren was not yet dead, but struggling in the last agonies. Mr. Farrar seized hold of Fuller, exclaiming! 'Good heavens! Fuller, is it possible you have done this?' Fuller replied, *I am a man, and have acted the part of a man; I have been ridding the earth of a vile reptile; I glory in the deed! ' The pistols were found lying on the counter in 254 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the office, one discharged of its contents, the other still charged; a writ- ing was found on the iioov, the substance of which was, that Warren, in the presence of Almighty God, swore to renounce all pretensions to the young lady, and acknowledged himself to be a base liar and a scoundrel. Fuller said, after his arrest, that he had presented this paper to Warren^ desiring him to sign it; he refused; he then offered him a pistol, bidding him defend ^himself like a man; this Warren also refused, and that he then shot the cowardly rascal. The body of Warren was pierced with a wound just below the pap of the left breast. It does not appear that Warren had ever taken any undue advantages of Fuller, or even spoke a disrepectful word of him to the young lady or any other person. "The prosecution was conducted by Amos Lane and John Test, Esqs. , the prisoner was ably defended by Charles Dewey, Joseph S. Benham, Daniel J Caswell, William C. Drew, Samuel Q. Richardson, and Merrit S. Craig, Esqs. The counsel for the prisoner moved to continue the trial until the next term of this court, on an affidavit of the absence of two material witnesses. This motion was overruled by the court because not stating the facts to^be proved by those two witnesses. Another motion was then made for continuance by the counsel for the prisoner, on affidavit that popular prejudice ran so high, that the prisoner could not have a fair trial. The opinion of the Court was: That if the fact thus stated came to the knowledge of the prisoner subsequent to the former motion for a continuance, he would listen to it; but as it does not appear that it did, the motion was overruled. The defense set up on the trial was insanity. It, however, appeared in evidence that the prisoner had been thought by those witnesses who had seen him, to be more gloomy and melanchoUy than usual, and as if something disturbed his mind; but nothing like insanity was made out. After a long and patient hearing of the testimony, which was very consistent and positive, and after an able defense by the prisoner's counsel, the jury retired, and in about two hours returned into the court with a verdict of guilty. On Saturday morning the sentence of the court was passed by his honor, Judge Eggleston, that the prisoner at the bar be remanded to his place of confinement, and be thence conducted on Friday, the 31st of March? inst., to the place of execution, and be there hanged by the neck until he be dead! Fuller preserved throughout his trial, and at the time the Judge pronounced to him his awful doom that his days were numbered, a stern, inflexible countenance. "Yesterday (Tuesday, August 14, 1820) being the day appointed for the execution of Amasa Fuller, who was condemned for the murder of Palmer Warren, thousands of men, women and children, from all quarters^ assembled to witness the awful spectacle. At about 11:30 o'clock A. M., CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 255 the prisoner was conducted from the jail, accompanied^by several minis- ters of the gospel, and under a strong military guard; on reaching the scaffold he ascended the ladder with a firm and steady[step; a^ psalm was then sung; the throne of Grace was addressed by the Eev. Mr. Lambden (who had attended him for several days), a short address was then made to the multitude by the Rev. Mr. Plummer, after which the ordinance of baptism was administered to him by Mr. Lambden. After taking an affectionate leave of the ministers, sheriff, and a few others, the cap was drawn over his face, and at about 12:30 the drop fell — here let us pavise — the rope broke, and he fell to the ground. He was imme- diately again suspended, and after a few struggles his spirit took its flight, we trust, to take a seat in that mansion above, 'not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.' The body hung about forty minutes, when it was cut down and given to his friends for interment. "This unfortunate man had long been one of the strongest advocates for infidelity, but, oh, with what rapture do we proclaim to his friends, to the world of mankind, that he gave the blessed assurance that it pleased the Almighty to open his eyes to the truth of the gospel. He publicly renounced all his former opinions and relied wholly upon the merits of the Redeemer for a blessed immortality. " THE DECADE BETWEEN 1830 AND 1840. From the year 1820 to 1830 the town increased beyond the expecta- tions of the incorporators; the future prospects were indeed gratifying; everything indicated that the town was destined to become one of the largest in our State, all the various kinds of manufactories'^ were being established. Substantial buildings were rapidly being erected, and a spirit of energy and enterprise seemed to pervade all the citizens, who ever took a just pride in a town of their creation. Substantial churches and schoolhouses were being built, good and wholesome laws were being adopted for the government of the corporation, and all was prosperous until the year 1832, when the great floods of that year seemed to crush for a time its growth, and dampened the energy of its citizens. The flood occurred in February of that year, and rose to a greater height than any that had preceded it since the settlement of this town, or any that has occurred since that date. It was between two and three feet above the present level of High Street. It was quite disastrous, destroy- ing a great deal of property, and carrying off a number of small frame and log-houses. The town presented a novel appearance for nearly two weeks; the entire business was carried on by the citizens floating around on rudely constructed rafts. There were no promenade concerts, and the old-fashioned, quilting parties our early dames delighted in, were 256 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. unavoidably postponed. Everybody was on a common level, and the cattle and hogs had rights that were respected, and after the waters had subsided, it was discovered that an old sow had taken posession of the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church on Walnut street; and dur- ing the entire time remained secure in her devotions from the interference of the outside rabble. Near this time there occurred an accident that cast a gloom over the town. The little log-house erected on the southwest corner of High and Walnut Streets, by William Morgan, was still standing, and in it was kept a store by Darragh & Askew; adjoining on High Street, Mv. John L. Bishop had erected a brick building for a saddler shop, and run up a fire wall next to the log building. One evening during a storm, the fire wall was blown over upon the log building. There were in it at the time Mr. Askew Darragh, John Mason, James M. Brasher and Thomas Longley. Mr. Askew was instantly killed. Mason was so severely hurt that he died in a short time afterward. Darragh, Brasher and Longley escaped with very slight injuries. For a few years, the improvement of the city was very slack, but upon the passage of the Internal Improvement Bill by the Legislature, and the town being made the terminus of the White Water Canal, a fresh impetus was given, and buildings and manufactories were erected rapidly. The most of the three- story blocks of business houses in the city at pres- ent, were built during this period, including the old bank building. A. P. Hobb's distillery was built in 1836. E. D. Johns' flour-mill, known now as the Old Water Mill, in 1837. Brown & Lamping were manufact- uring furniture where Burkam's planing-mills are. Edwin G. Pratt had a foundry in Newtown. John B. Carrington, a man of extraordinary mechanical genins, was engaged in making steam engines. George H. Dunn and John Test were engaged in testing the capacity of the town to support a cotton factory, between the vacation of their courts, as they were both very prominent lawyers, but men of great energy, and devoted to building up the town of their pride. The report comes down to us that the project succeeded in the same degree that our magnificent woolen mills of to-day has. Very soon the spindles remained idle. Cooperage was manufactured to a large extent, and a great deal of pork was an- nually packed here. Hon. George H. Dunn had commenced his project to build a railroad from here to Indianapolis, and urged it forward with his usual characteristic energy, the citizens of the town rendering their iiniversal support, and contributing liberally of their means, but was ultimately forced to abandon it, Mr. Vandegraflf, the chief engineer having died near Greensburgh, while engaged in making the survey, which caused the suspension of the work for some time. Afterward the CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 257 survey was completed, estimates made, and contracts for work entered into, and commenced in many places along the line, when on account of the financial difficulties of 1838 and 1839, the company was forced to abandon the undertaking, resulting in a heavy loss to many uf the stockholders, and a great detriment to the growth of the city." OBSEKVANCE OF INDEPENDENCE DAY, 1831. The anniversary of American Independence in 1831 was celebrated in Lawrenceburgh by the different Sabbath-schools in the neighborhood. About 11 o'clock a procession was forrned on High Street, under the direction of the marshals of the day, and proceeded to a grove about one- quarter of a mile from town, where the Declaration of Independence was read, and a very appropriate and eloquent address delivered by Judge Holman. After which suitable refreshments were distributed among the children, and they were then marched back to town and dismissed; pres- ent 1,000 persons. On the same day a number of citizens convened at the house of Mr. H. Fitch, and partook of an excellent dinner prepared by him. The company then removed to another table, prepared for drinking toasts, where the Declaration of Independence was read by Judge Test, and a variety of patriotic toasts disposed of with the utmost harmony and good feeling. Capt. Thomas Porter presided on this occasion. LAWRENCEBURan A CITY. Old and New Lawrenceburgh were incorporated as a city in 1846, under " an act granting the citizens of Madison and Lawrenceburgh a City Charter. " The first election was held at Lawrenceburgh April 6, 1846, at which were elected David Macy and Milton Beach, councilmen for the First Ward, and Gardner Elliott for the Second Ward. By the "Indiana Register," a State work published in 1846, Lawrenceburgh then contained a population of 3,000. The names of the attorneys, physi- cians and business men given in that publication were as follows: Attor- neys — George H. Dunn, Amos Lane, P. L. Spooner, John Ryman, D. S. Major, Abram Brower, D. Macy, William S. Holman, James T. Brown, James H. Lane, J. S. Jelley and T. Gazley ; physicians — Ezra Ferris, Jeremiah H. Brown, Elisha Morgan, M. H. Harding, E. P. Bond, Milo Black and William Starm ; principal merchants — George Tonsey, C. G. W. Comegys, John Gray, Craft & Co., Lemly & Dunn, Wymond & Ferris, Houck & Wedelstaldt, J. Gyse & Co. , R. & A. Parry, L. B. Lewis, James S. Heath, John Ferris & Co. GROWTH AND PROGRESS. Important eras in the city's history, which greatly contributed to its 15 258 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. growth and progress, were in the decade between 1830 and 1840, when was agitated the question of internal improvements; the bill passing in 1836, which led to the construction of the Whitewater Canal soon after, the terminus of which was at Lawi-enceburgh; the agitation and build- ing of the railroads through the city, which were soon thereafter begun, though not completed until early in the decade between 1850 and 1860, and the introduction and building of the macadamized roads and pikes, which were begun late in the decade between 1830 and 1840, and were gradually completed and extended in succeeding decades. In the year 1850 Mr. George H. Dunn, the leading spirit in the building of the Lawrenceburgh & Indiannpolis Railroad, succeeded in reviving the com- pany, which on account of the fijiancial difficulties of 1838 and 1839 had been forced to abandon the undertaking, and the road was complet- ed. From that date to the present time, the city has continued to enjoy a slow and sure growth, and has become noted for its various manufacto- ries, and the enterprise of its citizens. The census of 1830 gave Lawrenceburgh a population of 895; the estimated population of 1833 was 1,000, when the place presented 9 mercantile stores, 1 drug store, 3 taverns, eight lawyers, 4 physi- cians, 3 schools, 2 brick churches, a brick court house, a stone jail, a market house, and 2 printing offices, each of which issued a weekly newspaper; and since 1840, as given by the United States census, at each decade (except 1860) it has been as follows: 1840, 1,450; 1850, 2,651; 1870, 3,159; 1880, 4,700. The population is now (1885) estimat- ed at upward of 5,000. Of the population of 1880,4,700, 1,075 were of foreign birth. During the decade between 1870 and 1880 the city was in a flourishing condition, and ranked among the first manufacturing cities in the State. At this writing (1885) though having escajDed but one year out of four, during which the city was submerged throughout by the floods of the Ohio River, causing a great destruction of property, besides a suspension of business for days and weeks at a time, the citi- zens ai'e evincing a determination to maintain the high position the city has gained as a manufacturing point, and a spirit of enterprise and public improvement is exhibited by them never excelled under like cir- cumstances. During the building season of 1883, after the second flood, in addition to reconstructing houses wrecked by the flood, over fifty new buildings were erected, costing from $500 to 83,000 each. The previous season (1882) there were fifty- one buildings erected. In 1880 the city presented sixteen productive establishments of industry, with a capital of $1,350,000 invested, and a total value of manufactured products of $1,895,952 during the census year, for which was paid for wages $290,- 967. This included only those factories that produced over $500 annu- ally. CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 259 ODD FELLOWS BUILDING AND CITY HALL. On the southeast corner of Walnut and High Streets is located a graceful three- story brick building, 44x75 feet, the first floor of which is used as store rooms, the second as a public or city hall, and the third floor is the Odd Fellows Hall, for which purpose the building was erected in 1853 at U cost of about $8,000 in round numbers, the greater portion of which was subscribed by the order of Odd Fellows of the city. The building was completed in 1855, and Oddl Fellows Hall dedicated June 6 of that year. The completion of this edifice was the occasion of some demonstration on the part of the citizens of the city. On the morning of its dedication. Grand Representative Daniel Moss, of Grreensburg, Ind., officiated as Grand Master at the ceremonies held in the hall. In the afternoon the order, attired in their rich regalia, formed in a proces- sion attended by the Newport Brass Band, paraded the streets and assembled at the depot of the Big Four Railroad, where an address was delivered by Rev. I. D. Williamson, of Cincinnati. During the after- noon and evening the ladies held a strawberry festival at the hall. THE CITY, 1858-59. From a business standpoint Lawrenceburgh made the following exhibit in 1858-59: 1 steam flouring-mill, 1 water flouring-mill, 3 dis- tilleries, 2 breweries, 5 hotels, 2 newspaper offices, 6 churches and 10 schools, with an estimated population of 4,000 inhabitants. Adler, L., milliner. Adler, H., dealer in dry goods. Armstrong, C , manufacturer of chairs and furniture. Anderson, B. T. W. S., proprietor eating saloon. Bartholomew, Joseph, proprietor Lawrenceburgh House. Barkdall, D. S., cooper. Beckenholdt, John, brewer. Beckman, Alexander, proprietor wharf boat and commission merchant, Boese, H, confectioner and dealer in fancy goods. Bolander, Amos, proprietor Bolander House. Bookwalter, A., editor and proprietor Democratic Register. Brodbeck, George, ice cream saloon. Brown, William, manufacturer of furniture. Brown, James T., attorney at law. Browneller, F., tanner and currier. Bryant & Lord, manufacturers steam engines and boilers, saw and grist-mi ir machinery, etc. Buel, G. P., produce and commission merchant. Carbaugh & Braun, grocers. 260 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Chapman & Sons, grocers. Chew, J. P., dealer in books, stationery, etc., and agent Adams Express Co. Crist & Bell, dealers in hardware. Crontz, J. D., blacksmith. Crooker, Mrs. E. A., milliner and dress-maker. Dexheimer, Philip, blacksmith. Dorr, v., blacksmith. Dorr, J., wagon- maker. Dowden, O. W., saddler and harness-maker. Drake & Merrill, wagon-makers. Dunn, Mrs. S. E., ambrotypist. Eckert, M., boot and shoe-maker. Edwards, Miss Annie, milliner. Ferguson, G. W., house and sign painter. Ferris & Abbott, druggists. Ferris, J., insurance agent. Fichter, M., boot and shoe-maker. Finney, Gr. B., pump-maker. Fitch, D. C, grocer. Fitch, H,, proprietor Fitch House. Focal, Peter, proprietor Railroad House. Frances, J. & T., carpenters. Frederick, P., brick- maker. Prein, P., boot and shoe- maker. Gaff & Marshall, millers and distillers. Gurnier & Ebert, brewers. Guzley, T. & C, attorneys. Grojf, R., dealer in hats and caps. Gysie, J., grocer and dealer in liquors. Harding & Tate, physicians and surgeons. Hanbold, N. , boot and shoe-maker. Hauck, J. J., hardware dealer. Heifer & Woodward, carriage manufacturers. Helmuth, H. R., dealer in dry goods. Henry, J. W., saddles and harness. Herrold, H., daguerrean artist. Hirsch, H., tobacconist. Hitzfield, A., dealer in wines and liquors. Hitzfield, A., attorney. Hobbs, H. K., cashier Branch Bank. Hommer, J., grocer. CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 261 Hornberger, John, dealer in wines and liquors. Huschart, G., dealer in marble. Johnson, F. S., stoves and tinware. Junker, J. M. , boot and shoe-maker. Junker, A., barber. Kalen, B., tailor. Kauffman, I. C, cooper. Kestner, G. A., proprietor Rossville Exchange. Kraas, William, grocer and baker. Kramer, F., grocer and liquor dealer. Krastner, A. grocer. Luke, Miss Martha, milliner. Lewis & Eichelberger,'*^millers. Lewis & Moore, dealers in dry goods. Lewis, L. B. & Bro., dry goods dealers. Loge, J. P., clothier. Lominel, H., grocer. Lommel, P., resturantand grocer, Lucas, T. J., watchmaker and jeweler. Ludlow & Tate, lumber dealers and manufacturers. Lutman, H., boot and shoe-maker. Lyons, M., tobacconist. Mass, M. , merchant tailor. McCormick, J., merchant tailor. McGrath, T., blacksmith. Major, D. S., attorney. Martin, S. A., editor and proprietor Republican Banner. Martin, S., cooper. Moody, A., barber. Moody, I., barber. Mooney, J., clothier. Moore & Spooner, grocers. Moore, Mrs. L. A., milliner. Moore, Reuben, cooper. Morgan & Son, distillers. Morgan, A., dry goods and groceries. Morgan, F., boot and shoe-maker. Nevitt, Major & Co., commission merchants. Puny, R. H., dealer in dry goods. Pfeister, F., boot and shoe-maker. Ret j en, C, barber. Richards, J. F., justice of the peace. 262 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Eiddell, F., postmaster. Rittenhouse & Williams, millers and distillers. Rodgers, R., livery stable. Roth, Michael, grocer. Schmidt, J. F., boarding house and saloon. Schmitt, A., physician and surgeon. Schneider, W. boot and shoe-maker. Schwartz, John, attorney (mayor). Schwartz, Alex, dealer in wines and liquors. Schwartz, Alex, clothier. Siemandel, J. cooper. Sheldon, G. B., stoves and timware. Smith, H. F., grocer. Smith. H. F., coal dealer. Sparks, D. E., dealer in dry goods. Sparks, N., grocer. Spooner, P. L., attorney. Spoon er, B. J., attorney. Stum, Andrew, cooper. Swope, J. H., cooper. Temple, C. W., insurance agent. Ulrey, J. P., dentist. Walter, R., druggist. Wipple, A., proprietor Washington Hall. Water, P., blacksmith. Werneke & Muerman, tobacconists. Wert, W., cooper. White, Mrs. E., dressmaker. Wuest, P. H., baker. ^Wymond, John, grocer, Zimmerman, P., tailor. THE BANKING BUSINESS. The first banking institution! of the early village was known as the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, which had an existence, probably, of not more than a decade at the furthest. Its business was carried on in the brick building adjoining the residence of W. D. H. Hunter, on High Street, a date on the building indicating that it was erected in 1817. Isaac Dunn was president, and Thomas Porter was cashier of this bank at about this time. In 1820 the directors of this bank were Isaac Dunn, Ezra Ferris, Isaac Morgan, Walter Armstrong, John Weaver, David Guard, Lazarus Noble, Stephen Ludlow, Levi Miller, Moses Schott, George Weaver, Samuel Bond and Amos Lane. CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 263 The State Bank of Indiana was chartered January 13, 1834, and com- menced operations November 19, of that year, with ten branches, having a capital stock of 11,760,000. A branch was established at Lawrence- burgh, November 15, of that year. The first board of directors were Omar Tousey, William Tait, Norval Sparks, J. P. Dunn, Walter Hayes, George Tousey, D. S. Major and Richard Tyner, of Brookville. The directors on the part of the State were Pinkney James and Jesse Hunt. The first president of the bank was Omar Tousey, and the first cashier Enoch D. John. The institution was to have commenced operations in the latter part of November, 1834, with a capital stock of $80,000. The branch at Lawrenceburgh erected the elegant and substantial banking house on the northeast side of Short Street between High and the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, now occupied by the Peoples National Bank. This bank, on the expiration of its charter, was succeeded by the Bank of the State of Indiana, a branch of which was established at Lawrence- buro-h, the business of which was carried on in the same building above referred to, and under the same regime, the latter being officered for some years by E. G. Burkam as president, and H. K. Hobbs, cashier. August 5, 1863, was organized the First National Bank of Lawrence- burgh by Walter Hayes, Joseph Hayes, Jr., Anson Marshall, Theodore Gazlay, Carter Gazlay, DeWitt C. Fitch, Ezra G. Hayes, Samuel Morri- son, Isaac Dunn, Thomas Sunman, Samuel L. Jones, James C. Hayes and James C. Martin, with a capital stock of $55,000. The directors were Walter Hayes, Samuel Morrison, Samuel L. Jones, DeWitt C. Fitch, Carter Gazlay, E^J. Hayes and Joseph Hayes, Sr. ; president, DeWitt C. Fitch; Isaac Dunn, cashier. The bank was carried on in the building located on Short Street, nearly opposite the Peoples' National Bank, is built of brick and two stories high, 24x64 feet, fire proof, with the Masonic Lodge]in the upper story. It is fitted up in fine style for the business, with a fire proof vault, and one of Hall's latest im- proved burglar safes. At different times the capital stock was increased until it reached $100,000. Mr. Fitch was annually elected its president from its organization to its close. This bank, on the expiration of its charter, merged into the City National Bank of Lawrenceburgh, in Feb- ruary, 1883, which suspended business in August, 1883. On the 19th of June, 1865, the old branch of the bank of the State was transferred into a national bank with a paid up capital of $200,000. The directors were] Joseph H. Burkam, Joseph Hayes, Sr., Ezra, G. Hayes, L. B. Lewis, K. M. Lewis, E. S. Blasdell, Warren West, W. H. Baker, Samuel Morrison. Ezra G. Hayes was chosen president and L. B. Lewis cashier. The county press at this time thus commented on this organization: "The large wealth, high moral stand- 264 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ing and business qualifications of the owners, directors and officers is an ample and sufficient guarantee to the public for any confidence that may be reposed in the institution." The business of the bank was transacted under the name off the Lawrenceburgh National Bank. In 1872, this bank was succeeded by a private bank styled the Lawrence- burgh Banking Company, owned and managed by E. G. and J. H. Burkam, which in February, 1875, was succeeded by a private bank styled the Peoples Bank under the firm name of William Probasco, Braun & Co., with a capital of from $50,000 to $100,000. January 1, 1882, the Peoples Bank merged into the Peoples National Bank, with a capital stock of $100,000, conducted under the same management and offi- cered by William Probasco, president; Henry Probasco, vice-president; Peter Braun, cashier; and Will Braun, assistant cashier; all men whose business qualifications are well known and appreciated, and who have the entire confidence of the city and surrounding country. Mr. Braun (who has had many years'experience in the banking business), and his son are courteous and affable men to transact bu.siness with. This, the only living bank of the city, is carried on in the building erected by the branch of the State bank. THE FIRE OF JULY 4, 1866. Probably the greatest fire that ever visited the city, which in two hours laid waste fifteen or twenty buildings and stables in the central portion of the place, destroying property to the value of $60,000, oc- curred July 4, 1866. The fire originated in a shed in the rear of the prop- erty formerly owned by William Kraas, on High Street, between Short and Elm. The heaviest loss was by Lewis & Eichelberger, who had over 1,000 barrels of dour and 15,000 empty barrels burned in their ware- house; total including building $20,000, fully covered by insurance. The next heaviest loss was by Bryant & Lord, of their foundry buildings, some machinery, and a large number of valuable patterns, also their dwelling on Elm Street; loss $15,000, insured for $3,000. John H. Ross' dwelling; loss $2,500, insurance $1,000. Isaac Dunn's loss, dwelling occupied by Mrs. Strange Dunn, $1,000, barn and contents $2,000, insurance $700. Nevitt & Major's warehouse, loss $5,000. Jas. Wyman & Co., 500 oil barrels stored in warehouse, $1,000. Mr, Van- horn, 100 tons of hay, insurance $1,000. Lawrenceburgh woolen factory, machinery stored in warehouse, value $1,000, insurance $850. M, Zimmer two-story brick bake shop and out-buildings, loss $1,000. There were a number of minor losses. CITY OF LA.WRENCEBURGH. 265 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Laivrenceburgh. — Since its first planting in this country a little over 100 years ago, Methodism has always kept even pace with Western immigration. Scarcely has the rude cabin of the forest been completed, and the first fire kindled upon the earthen hearth by the venturesome immigi-ant, till the Methodist preacher, blazing his way through the almost unbroken forest in search of the lost sheep of Israel, has knocked at his door and shared the hospitality of his home. Literally was this true with regard to the present site and adjacent vicinity of Lawrenceburgh. When but few trees had yet been felled, and few cabins reared, when there was no nucleus of a town here, per- haps even before Jabez Percival, Hamilton, and Oapt. Vance had erected their log-houses at this place along the banks of the Ohio, the Methodist preacher, with saddle bags and umbrella (necessary companions of the early pioneer ministers), visited this place, collected the widely scattered settlers to a private house, broke to them the bread of life, aud organ- ized the believers into a society. As early as the year 1802, the present site and adjacent vicinity of Lawrenceburgh, being included in what was known as the Miami circuit, had the pastoral care of Elisha W. Bowman, with quarterly visitations of William Burk, a man of sterling qualities, as presiding elder, who served in this capacity for the disciplinary limit of four years. During the years 1802 and 1803, while Mr. Hamilton, Jabez Percival and Capt. Vance were building their rude dwellings and searching through the cat- alogue of cities to find a name for the coming town — in which the latter succeeded, calling it Lawrence, after his wife's maiden name — Revs. John Sales and Joseph Oglesby, having been appointed to this circuit, were here prospecting as to the probable future of the town, and laying down the foundation principles of a spiritual city. These two heroic men of precious memory were succeeded the following conference year, which embraced a part of 1805 and 1806, by Revs. Banjamin Lakin and Joshua Riggin. At the close of their term of service, which during this period of the church was practically limited to one year, the name of this circuit was changed from Miami to Whitewater Circuit, and Thomas Heliums and Sela Paine were the preachers, with John Sale as presiding elder, who continued on the district four years. To these two good men succeeded, in 1807, Joseph Williams and Hezekiah Shaw, who were fol- lowed, in 1808, by Hector Sanford and Moses Grume; and on the expira- tion of their term of service, Samuel H. Thomson and Thomas Nelson were appointed to the charge, and served one conference year, it being a part of 1809 and 1810. 266 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. At this time there seeais to have been a general i-eorganization of the work. The name of the district was changed from the Ohio, by which it had been called from the beginning, except the first year, to the Miami District, and Solomon Langdon, was appointed presiding elder, his predecessor retiring by limitation of office; and the circuit appears to have been so diminished in number of appointments that one man could supply it, and accordingly Moses Grume was reappointed to the circuit without an assistant, only one year having intervened between this and his former appointments to this work. At the close of his pastorate, which occurred in the fall of 1811, the name of the circuit was again changed to Lawrenceburgh, and Walter Griffith appointed to it. He was succeeded by William Dixon. And then again, Moses Grume — as if he were peculiarly adapted to this charge — was reappointed to the circuit, with Samuel Parker as presid- ing elder. In the fall of 1814, at the close of Mr. Grume's third pastor- ate, the eloquent John Strange was appointed to the circuit, and John Sale to the district. These two Johns of remarkable talent were suc- ceeded by David Sharpe as pastor, and Moses Grume as presiding elder. The next year Russell Bigelow and Allen Wiley (two sons of thunder, whose names will not soon be forgotton), were appointed to the circuit, and the following year Allen Wiley was returned to the circuit, with Samuel West as preacher in charge, this being the first time in which a preacher was sent to this charge for the second year. John Sale was re- appointed to tJie district in place of Moses Grume, who retired in the fall of 1817, and who appears no more in the list of appointments for this section of the church. Twice was he presiding elder on the Miami District, and at three different times was he the pastor of the Meth- odist people of this town and vicinity. The next conference year, which embraced a part of 1818 and 1819, Benjamin Lawrence traveled the cir- cuit alone, and the following year he was reappointed, with Henry F. Fernandes, junior preacher, John Sales continuing on the district. Up to this time the Methodists of Lawrenceburgh were unable to own a church building, and had been obliged to hold their meetings at first in private dwellings and afterward in a log-schoolhouse that stood on the court house common. But now that their members and financial ability had attained to considerable strength it was proposed to build a house of worship, and, accordingly, in the year 1821 the now old brick church on Walnut Street, still standing, was founded, built and dedicated to the worship of God. At ihls time the eloquent John P. Durbin, now ex-missionary secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Ghurch, and James Gollard were the preachers on the circuit, and Walter Griffith was pre- siding elder. This was a time of joy and gladness to the Methodists of CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 267 Lawrenceburgh. Though this house was long since abandoned for a more commodious one, to many who are yet living there are precious memories clustering about this spot. Besides the blessings attending the regular services of the place, this church was visited with many extraordinary " refreshings from the presence of the Lord." In this church was held the memorable revival of John Newland Moffatt. In 1822 Henry Baker having been appointed to Lawrenceburgh Cir- cuit, of course had charge of this church. In 1823 the memorable Will- iam H. Raper, of Ohio, was appointed to the charge, and in 1824 re- appointed, with John Jayne as junior preacher, Alexander Cummins serving as presiding elder for these two years. The name of the district was again changed in the fall of 1824, and was now called the Madison District, and John Strange was appointed presiding elder, and James Jones and Thomas S. Hitt to the circuit. The following two years James L. Thompson was the preacher in charge, and George Ransdell assistant for the second year; and these two were succeeded by Allen Wiley and Daniel Newton. Allen Wiley was now placed upon the district, where he remained four years, and Nehemiah B. Griffith and Enoch G. Wood were appointed, in the fall of 1828, to the circuit, the latter of whom has once since been the pastor of the church in Lawrenceburgh, and is now (this centennial year) presiding elder of Moore's Hill District, of which a prominent appointment is Lawrenceburgh. How marvelously has the Lord preserved this veteran of the cross! Since his first appointment to this charge to the present time — a period of foi'ty-eight years — he has stood in the front ranks of the hottest of the battle, and still is fresh and strong, bidding fair for years of active service. In 1829 N. B. Griffith was appointed to the cir- cuit, with Richard S. Robinson, assistant. John W. McReynolds and Alfred J. Arrington were next appointed, and their successors were Joseph Oglesby and John C. Smith. With this year (1832), Allen Wiley's time on this district having expired, James Havens, the fearless pioneer of Western Methodism, was appointed presiding elder, and Joseph Oglesby and his colleague were returned to the circuit. After one year we find Allen Wiley again on the district, where he remained three years; and the former pastors were succeeded in 1833 by William M. Daily and John Daniels, followed in 1834 by C. M. Holliday and Silas Rawson, and these again in 1835 by Rodman, David Stiver and James V. Watson. In 1836 Enoch G. Wood was reappointed to the district, and James Jones and William B. Ross to Lawrenceburgh Circuit, and the following year Mr. Jones was returned as preacher in charge, with Samuel T.Gillett and Silas Rawson, assistants. This was the last year of Lawrenceburgh Circuit, Lawrenceburofh having been ir the fall of 1838 constituted into 268 _ HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. a separate and independent charge, and distinguished as Lawrencebnrgh Station. The first pastor under this arrangement was Joseph TarJiiugton, now venerable with age but fresh and cheerful as in his youth. Brother Tarkington was succeeded in 1839 bj^ Mr. B. Hibben, and in 1840 by John C. Smith, and in 1841 and 1842 by Samuel T. Gillett. In 1843 the name of the district was changed from Madison to Ris- ing Sun District, and James Jones made presiding elder, and Rich- ard S. Robinson pastor of Lawrencebnrgh Station. He was followed in 1844 by James Hill and in 1845 by A-ugustus Eddy. The district in 1846 was again called Lawrenceburgh, and Enoch G. Wood was appointed to it, and Mr. Eddy was returned to Lawrenceburgh Church. During the years of 1847 and 1848 this church was under the pastorate of C. B. Davidson. The last two years marked a neW epoch in the Methodism of Lawrenceburgh. Like the prophet's house, the old church had become " too straight " for them, and the question of a more com- modious one was forced upon the congregation. The present church was built in 1847, and dedicated the same year by Bishop Hamline, after whom it was named. Its first board of trustees was composed of the following persons: Omer Tousey, George Tousey, Levin B. Lewis, Jacob P. Dunn, Edward Tate, John Callahan and Will- iam S. Durbin, and these being transferred from the trusteeship of the old church on Walnut Street. The board of stewards regularly appointed for this church were George Tousey, John Callahan, Wexham West, J. H. Brower, Jacob P. Dunn and John Binegar. The class lead- ers were Isaac Dunn, William S. Durbin, L. B. Lewis, E. G. Brown and George Tousey. The succession of pastors and presiding elders since the erection of the present church is as follows: In the fall of 1849, Thomas H. Rucker was made pastor of Hamline Chapel, and John A. Brouse, presiding elder. Mr. Rucker was succeeded the next two years by F. C. Holliday, who is still in the effective work. In 1852 the latter was appointed to the district, and James Crawford to Lawrenceburgh Station, who was returned for the second year. He was succeeded by Hiram Gilmore in 1854, and he in 1855 and 1856 by Enoch G. Wood; Giles C. Smith being made presiding elder at the last date mentioned, Enoch G. Wood was succeeded in 1857 and 1858 by Elijah D. Long. During these two years under the ministry of Brother Long, the church was blessed with an almost unbroken revival, of which much fruit remains at the present day. For true piety and devotion to the work of saving souls the church is seldom blessed with the equal of Brother Long. His memory is precious. Thomas H. Lynch was appointed to the district in 1859, and Francis A. Hester to the Lawrenceburgh Sta- tion, and the following year Elijah D. Long was appointed to the dis- CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 269 trict, and F. A. Hester was returned to this charge. During the years 1861-62 the church had the pastoral care of John S. Tevis, and Sampson Tincher was appointed to the district in the last year mentioned. In 1863 and 1864 William C. Ransdell was appointed to Hamline Chapel; and it will be remembered that this was the last charge upon earth for this young and promising minister of the gospel, for the Great Bishop, that is above all bishops had appointed him to a higher service. Though this beloved pastor died in the early part, of his second year, it may be said to the credit of the church they continued to pay his salary in full for the rest of the year, and meanwhile employed the ministerial services of John Lewis to fill out his unexpired term. Francis A. Hester was again appointed to this charge in 1865, and in 1866 reappointed, with Fer- nandez C. Holliday, presiding elder. Brother Hester was succeeded the following two years by John G. Chafee; James Lathrop on the district. During the last year of Mr. Chafee's pastorate the present parson- age property on High Street was purchased at a cost of $2,500. The raising of this money was mostly due to the ladies of the church, to whom, ever since, has been committed the necessary repairs and general oversight of the parsonage. George P. Jenkins was appointed at Law- renceburgh Station in 1869, and was reappointed in 1870 and in 1871. This was the first instance since 'the extension of the pastoral term to three years in which any minister had been returned to this charge for the third year. During the last date F. C. Holliday was presiding elder of the district. To Mr. Jenkins the church of Lawrence- burgh is indebted for the valuable historical matters which he has writ- ten up and neatly recorded in the church record, and without which the present history could scarcely have be'en written. This cost him no inconsiderable amount of time and labor, for which the church owes him a debt of gratitude. In the fall of 1872, R. D. Robinson was ap- pointed to the presiding eldership of the district, and Sampson Tincher was appointed to the Lawrenceburgh Station, and by reappointment was continued in the charge for three years. These were three years of gen- eral quiet in the church, but nothing of very special interest is recorded. In 1878 the venerable Enoch G. Wood was appointed to the Moore's Hill District, as it is now called, and reappointed in 1874-75; and in the last year S. S. McMahan was appointed to the pastorate of Lawrence- burgh Station. Thus we have traced the ministerial appointments of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lawrenceburgh and vicinity, including the general history of its progress through a period of seventy-five years — from the beginning to the present centenial year. It will be observed that the Methodist Church of this place has been blessed with the varied minis- 270 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. try of very able men, some of whom were or have become representative men of the denomination. During the long period of seventy years, with slight exception, the church has not been called to suffer from the defection of any of its pastors; neither for the same length of time have they suffered the loss of but one — William G. Ransdell — by death while serving them. This we think worthy of recording as matter of gratitude to God who preserveth the integrity of his workmen and in whose sight their lives have been precious. Precisely what iniliience this individual church has had on the sev- eral generations of the people of the city and vicinity since its organi- tion, and on the Methodism of the State, it is, of course, impossible to say; but we may fairly presume that it has been very considerable. Many hundreds, if not thousands, have been converted to God at its altars, and many of these have been men of mark, not only as examples of strong religious character and workmen in the church, but in business circles as well. Some of them have gone out over the State and influenced Methodism abroad, not a few of them being enrolled in the Methodist Churches of Indianapolis. A few — and we are sorry to say so few — have gone out from this church into the ministry. HoseaDurbin, whose ministry was short, and perhaps two brothei's Mulfinger, are all that can be remembered. While many who have been converted in this church have not kept the faith, the great body of the membership have lived to adorn Christian religion, and have died in the very gateways of Heaven. Among the deceased standard bearers of the church who are still fresh in the memories of the living may be mentioned Omer Tousey, Judge Dunn, James Thomson, George Sheldon, William Brown, Ellis Brown, Benjamin Stockman, Hamlet Sf)arks, Oliver Tousey, James Jones, D. S. Major, Dr. William Tate, and many others whose names will long be cherished for their exemplary lives and devotion to the church. And here it would be\injust to omit reference to another large class of per- sons to whom the church in Lawrenceburgh has been at all times deeply indebted for both its temporal and spiritual prosperity. We refer to those women who labored in the gospel, elect ladies who have been ready to second and carry forward every good work. Many of this class whose lives were eminently useful to the church on earth, are now serving in the heavenly mansions; but there still remains a goodly number on whom the spirit of the Lord rests, and who have a mind to work. Though the Lawrenceburgh Methodist Episcopal Church still main- tains its spirituality, it is at the present time, owing to the very large emigx'ation of the English speaking population from this place, neither so strong financially nor nvimerically as formerly, still it has a fair mem- bership and congregation, and possesses financial ability equal to all its CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 271 necessities. As to the value of the Methodist Church property in Law- renceburgh, the substantial church building on the corner of High and Vine Streets is estimated at |12,000; and the parsonage on High Street — a very good and commodious house — is estimated at $2,000. Upon the whole perhaps no individual church in the State has enjoyed more continued peace and prosperity, and exerted a deeper and wider influence upon Christianity than the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lawrence- burgh. The Regular Baptist Church of Lawrencebwgh. — The con- stitution of this church is said to have taken place in 1807. In the absence of records only a brief sketch of it can be given. Dr. Ezra Ferris located in the village in 1804. He was a young married man of quite a liberal education for that time, and had been identified with the Old Duck Creek Baptist Church in Hamilton County, Ohio, where he had, as was generally termed, "exercised his gifts" in speaking. He was zealous in the sect of religion he espoused, and was instrumental in the organization into a church the several families in and about Lawrence- burgh of the same denomination, among whom were several of the Blasdells, who resided on Tanner's Creek, Timothy Davis, Charles Brasher, and the Ferrises at Lawrenceburgh, Henry Hardin and wife, Ja- cob Froman and wife, of Hardinsburgh, and a Mrs. Bonham, from near Elizabethtown. These may not all have been members at the time of the constitution of the church, but all were early and active members. Thomas Townsend and wife, and a Mr. Foster were also early members. Services were held at private residences at the various localities named until about 1830, when Lawrenceburgh became the settled place for holding services. That year the Presbyterian denomination completed their church, toward the building of which the Baptists contributed $300, and were to have the use of the building alternately or when the Presbyterians were not using it. Subsequently the appropriation was refunded, and the use of the church by the denomination under consid- eration was discontinued. In 1845 the little brick house of worship lo- cated on Center Street was erected. From the beginning up to the time of Dr. Ferris' death in ] 857, he was regarded as the senior pastor of the church and also frequently preached elsewhere in the county. Elder Mathews and William Steele from Kentucky were for a period assistant pastors to the Doctor. The venerable Dr. Bond occasionally officiated prior to 1840, and in the latter year was made assistant pastor, and for the succeeding decade occupied the pulpit for about one-half of the time. From 1850 to 1857 he was away from the city, and in 1857, on the death of Dr. Ferris, he became pastor of the church and served until the close of the war, since which time the following named minis- 272 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ters have occupied the pulpit: Dr. Bond (occasionally), Degarmore, Meeks, Clancy, Earl, Hamline, Swaim, Loving, and Tinker. The mem- bership of the church is now about seventy. The First Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceburgh was organized September 27, 1829, by Rev. Sylvester Scoville, with the following mem- bership: Duncan Carmichael, Catherine Carmichael, William Archibald, Betsey Archibald, Jacob Piatt, Mrs. Ann Runyan, Miss Margaret John- son, Mrs. Jane E. Sparks, Mrs. Sarah Darragh, Mrs. Catherine L. Pinckard, Mrs. Jane Clark Hageman, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth Rice, the first nine being received on letter from other churches, the remaining four on profession of their faith. The church was reported to the Presbytery of Oxford, Ohio, and received under their care October 2, 1829. The board of trustees was composed of Duncan Carmichael, William B. Ewing, William Archibald, George H. Dunn and Stephen Ludlow. In tlje early existence of the society, it had no church building. Sometimes the congregation met at the court house, some- times the doors of the old Methodist Chapel on Walnut Street were opened to them. Another preaching place for this denomination was in a building on the corner of Main and Short Streets. During the pastorate of Mr, Scoville a church building was erected on the southwest side of Short Street between William and Center, which was completed in 1830. The Baptist congregation furnished a portion of the money ($300), to- ward its building, for which they had certain rights and privileges — the venerable Dr. Ferris occupying the pulpit one-half of the time, or when the Presbyterians did not use it. Subsequently the appropriation, made by the Baptists was refunded and their use of the building was discontinued. September 26, 1838, the church resolved to be an inde- pendent Presbyterian Church and remained disconnected with any Pres- bytery until in 1841, when for a time it was in the Presbytery of Madi- son (New School). It was again connected with the Presbytery of Oxford, Ohio (Old School). Subsequently the Presbytery of White Water was formed, with which it was placed. In 1846 a parsonage was provided for the pastor. The following named ministers, and in the order given, have been pastors of the church: Sylvester Scoville, 1829 to February, 1832 (died in 1849); Alexander McFarlans, November, 1832, one year (died in 1838); Charles Sturdevent, October, 1834, one year and a half; Henry Ward Beech er. May, 1837, two and a quarter years; J. A. Tiffany, December 26, 1839, one year; W. A. Smith, January 1, 1841, to May 24, 1848; W. H. Moore, July 1, 1849, one year; S. S. Potter, November, 1850, a number of years; Geoi*ge I. Taylor, Augustus Taylor, Joshua R. Mitchell, Charles H. Little, Samuel N. Wilson (up- ward of ten years) and Mr. Thomas, the present incumbent. On the CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 273 site of the old church on Short Street stands a beautiful brick edifice, which is ornamental and beautiful in style of architecture, and elegantly furnished within, erected in 1882 and dedicated September 24, 1883, with a sermon by Rev. Dr. Heckman, the Rev. Charles Little ofiSciating in the evening. The building was erected at a cost of $10,768. The following article appeared in the New York World of May 22, 1882 : "Mr. Beecher baptized nineteen babies yesterday morning, the little Christians behaving, with few exceptions, most admirably. In asking for a collection for the Presbyterian Church at Lawrenceburgh, Ind., he said that it was the church over which he was first settled as pastor. 'When I was twenty-three years old,' said Mr. Beecher, 'I went forth knowing but very little, and having no grace of that knowledge except that I knew I knew very little. My first stop was across the Ohio River, opposite Cincinnati, where a hall had been opened with a view of forming a New School Presbyterian Church, for I was then a Presbyterian, and am still in everything except their Confession of Faith. I began to preach there, however, and after preaching about a half-dozen Sundays I was visited by a young woman about twenty-one or twenty-two years old, named Martha Sawyer (that's not her name now, so you won't know who it is), and I was invited to take charge of another church at Law- renceburgh, Ind. She was, I believe, trusteee, deacon and treasurer of the church; at any rate they had no other. She collected all the money that was collected and they paid me about $150 a year and the American Missionary Society made up the rest, [so that I had the munificent salary of $450 a year. There I began my ministerial and pastoral life. There was but one man in the church, and that was one too many. However, here I began to learn. I don't know how, but here I learned for two years and a little more, and then I was called to Indianapolis, where I was for the two years preceding the time of my coming here. That lit- tle brick church which would seat 100 or 150 persons was where I preached my earliest sermons. When we had a communion I had to go out and borrow a deacon and elder. That church remains. A photo- graph has been taken of it and has been sent to me. I recognize every brick in it. I was sexton of it as well as pastor. I swept it twice a week; got lamps from the adjoining town and hung them upon the walls, and bought oil and filled and trimmed them, and kept them trimmed; for previous to that there had been no evening service. The church has existed ever since, with various degrees of prosperity, but now they have undertaken to baild for themselves a new church and I come to ask you what you are going to do to help them.' The baskets were passed and returned well filled." 274 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church of Laivrenceburgh. — The first Roman Catholic congregation, of Lawrenceburgh, was oro-anized in the year 18-40^ consisting of about fifteen families, among which the following names take precedence, viz. : George Huschart, Peter Werst, John Kimmel, Jacob Meier, Lewis Crusart, Anthony Schwartz and Michael Long. At this time divine services were held in a house in Newtown, belonging to Jesse Hunt, and occupied by a Catholic family; about a year later in the house of George Huschart, and at times, also, in the bouse of Michael Lang. The corner-stone of the first Catho- lic Church was laid^on Walnut Street in 184:L The church was built of rock, 40x60 feet in length, but was not completed until 1847, when it was dedicated. During these years Lawrenceburgh was attended by priests from the neighboring congregations, the first of whom was Eev. Joseph Ferneding, who attended but a short time; it was next visited by Rev. F. O'Eourke, and after him by Rev. A. Bennett till 1851, also by Rev. M. Stahl and Rev. A. Carius. In 1851 the Rt. Rev. Bishop M. De St. Palais, D. D., of Vincennes, gave it in charge of the Franciscan Fathers of the St. John's Church, Cincinnati. Rev. G. Unterthiner, Sigismund and Anselm Koch, O. S. F., who attended till the year 1859, when it was transferred to the charge of Rev. Ig. Klein, resident pastor of St. Nicholas (Pipe Creek), who regularly attended till the year 1866, when by the appointment of the Right Reverend Bishop, Rev. Clement Sheve became the first resident pastor of the place. Owing to the increase of Catholic population. Father Sheve saw that a more spacious edifice was required, and the present beautiful church of St. Lawrence, 50x115 feet, erected on Walnut Street, near the place of the old church, is the result of his ministry, and the fruit of his zeal and labors; he also built a fine residency for the pastor, and a large schoolhouse. Compelled by loss of health, he resigned in 1870 and left for Minnesota, where he died in the spring of 1875. Rev. C. Sheve was succeeded by Rev. J. J. Dudden- hausen, who remained until May 15, 1875, when he was transferred to Trinity Church, Evansville, Ind., and with sincere feelings of regret his parishioners saw him depart for his new scene of labor. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. J. F. Souderman, the present incumbent. In connection with the church are also several church societies. The membership of the ladies' society is 205, and that of St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Benevolent Society, 125. The parochial school is in charge of the sisters of St. Francis; the number of children in attendance is about 200, and the number of teachers, five. The German Evangelical Zion Church of Laivrenceburgh was first constituted October 3, 1847, under the name of German Evangelical Re- formed Church of Lawrenceburgh, belonging to the Evangelical Re- CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 275 formed Synod of the United States. The constitution was signed by five trustees, to-wit: Johann David Hauck, George Ross, Johann Reimer, Lorenz Winter and Johann Siemantel. The small congregation held its meetings at first in the Presbyterian Church, on Short Street, in 1848. The members built a brick church on Walnut Street, 54x28. The upper part of it was consecrated for divine service, and the basement was used as a day school and parsonage. In 1862 a new constitution was voted. In 1867 the congregation dissolved its connection with the Evangelical Reformed Synod, and changed the name to German Evangelical Zion Congregation of Lawrenceburgh, In 1867 a new and larger brick build- ing, 75x42 feet, was erected. A steeple was raised 100 feet high, and a bell hung in it. While the foundation was being laid, a number of the members left the congregation, and established the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Newtown. November 24, 1867, the building was ready to be consecrated, and was named Evangelical Zion Church. In the same year a parsonage was built by the side of the new and in front of the old church, which was fitted up for a school-room and for weekly meet- ings. All these buildings, costing about $14,000, are still used for the same purpose. The congregation consists at present of 72 families. Ever since the formation, the congregation generally had its own German day school, which now numbers 110 scholars. The Sunday-school was established in 1851, by Rev. Friedel and Mr. Johann David Hauck, and numbers at present 160 scholars and 20 teachers. Associations in con- nection with the church are: An association of the ladies, established in 1858 with 63 members, numbers at present 81; the singing choir, established in 1867 with 19 members, now numbers 45; an association of men for church building, in 1867, with 21 members, now numbers 39; an association of young ladies, established in 1867 with 21 members, numbers at present 27; an association of young men, established in 1871 with 11 members, now numbers 14; a sick aid society, established in 1862, which at present numbers only 14 members. The names of the pastors of the congregation since 1847 are Revs. P. B. Madonlet, 1847-50; A. H. Friedel, 1850-51; H. Straeter, 1851-52; A. Carrol, 1852-53; Casp. Pluess, 1854-59; H. Lienstaedt, 1859-62; C. Betz, 1862-71; C. F. Warth, 1871 to the present time. The Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Chtwch of Neiv Laivrenceburgh. — Until 1867 this religious body formed a part of the society now known as the German Evangelical Zion Church of the city whose history is given above. At this time a number of the members withdrew and established the congregation under consideration. The corner-stone of the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church was laid in the year 1867, and finished in 1869. The church is a brick building, 40x80 feet, has a 276 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. stone basement, and a tower 120 feet high, and cost upward of $16,000, of which sum an outside debt remains. The building is located on the corner of Main and Fourth Streets. The church has a membership of 34 families, a Sunday school with 70 children, a singing choir, with 24 members, a day school with 34 children at present. Its pastor, Thomas H. Jaeger, who has served the congregation since October, 1875, is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and other States. The German Methodist Episcopal Church of Laiorenceburgh had its origin in this wise: April 11, 1839, Rev. Adam Miller, pastor of Race Street Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, preached to a congregation in Law- renceburgh, for the first time, and, on the following months' services were held every two weeks, by Rev. Dr. W. Nast, who, June 16 of that year, ordained a class of 10 members, which was increased to 20 members in the following two weeks. Of this class J. M. Hofer was appoint- ed leader. Shortly after this a Sabbath-school of from 20 to 30 members was organized with 8 teachers. Services were held for a time, until a church building was erected, in private houses, frequently in the dwelling of J. M. Mul finger. In 1842 the first house of worship was built, located on Market Street. In 1860 the present church edifice, a substantial and commodious brick, located on Center Street near Wal- nut, was erected, which is valued at $8,000. At first this charge was connected with a circuit over which presided Rev. Juhn Kisling, preach- er in charge. The first quarterly conference was held in 1843, by Rev. C. W. Ruter, presiding elder. In 1845 the Lawrenceburgh charge be- came a station, having then a membership of 40. The following named ministers have been pastors of the church: John Kisling, G.\A. Brennig, John Zwahlen, C. Wyttenbach, John Phetzing, John Geyer, L. Heiss, John Bier, Jacob Rothweiler, Adolph Kartter, F. Schroeck, C. Dierking, John Kisling, J. H. Koch, C. Schelper, F. Miller, L. C. Lurker, A. Gerlach, C. Helwig, J. C. Wurster, J. Scheveinfurth, C. Bertram, D. Volz, John Phetzing. The Christian Church of Lawrenceburgh. — In the spring of 1876 the Christian Church of Lawrenceburgh was organized by Rev. A. Elmore, the outgrowth of an extensive revival at which upward of 100 were taken into membership. The first officers of the church were J. R.Trisler, James D. Willis, elders; Spencer West, Christopher Dailey, George Morris and Boone Rice, deacons. A call was extended to Mr. Elmore to become the pastor of the church, which was accepted. On the corner of Elm and Center Streets is located a beautiful and substantial brick church edifice, the property of this society, which was completed and dedicated August 7, 1884, the sermon being preached by elder F. D. Power of Washington, D. C. \/ CITY OF LAWRENCEBUllGH. 277 Trinity (Protestant) Episcopal Church of Laivrenceburgh. — Services of the church were first held in Lawrenceburgh on the feast of Epiphany, January 6, 1840, when the Trinity parish was duly organ- ized with but three commuaicants and but few others who knew any- thing about the church. The first rector of the parish was the Rev. T. C. Pitkin, who served one year and was succeeded by Rev. Charles Prindle, who died at the close of the first year of his rectorship. About this time the most active layman of the little band died, and two others removed from the city, which caused a suspension of services until in the fall of 1844, when services were resumed under the rectorship of Rev. A. C. Treadway. Services were continued at different intervals until June, 1856, when the last service by a clergyman of the church, of which we have any account, was held. The present modest little brick church^edifice on Walnut Street was erected and consecrated to the serv- ice 'of God in 1854. Of the rectors serving the parish from the time'Rev. Mr. Treadway severed his connection with it until 1856, the records do not definitely treat, but among those officiating at baptisms were Revs. T. B. Fairchild, John Trimble and E. C. Pattison. In 1874 services were again resumed by Rev. William H. Troop, who was sent a missionary to the cities of Lawrenceburgh and Aurora. The meetings of the parish at Lawrenceburgh were for a time held in the court house, the church building having been occupied as a place of business. The church was restored, and the first service held in it was on the sixteenth Sunday after Trinity — September 20, 1874 — since which time services have been continued and conducted by the following named rectors, who have had charge of the two parishes: Revs. William H. Troop, 1874-75; Thomas W. McLean, 1875 to 1878; Curtis P. Jones, Thomas K. Cole- man, Benjamin T. Hall, David B. Ramsey, the latter (present rector) taking charge July 15, 1884. The first schoolhouse of the village was erected on the public or court house square very early in its history. It was a log-building and the first teachers in it were the Rev. Samuel Baldridge (a Presbyterian minister, who was residing at Lawrenceburgh, and who from 1810 to 1814 worked as an itinerant missionary in the Whitewater Valley), and a Mr. Fulton. In 1808, Mrs. Mary Lane, the wife of Hon. Amos Lane, a woman of high culture and refinement, kept a school in Kentucky nearly opposite Lawrenceburgh. In 1809 the Lane family moved to what was called Tousytown on the Kentucky side of the river, just opposite the city. At this point she opened a school, which increased to seventy scholars, being patronized by the people of the surrounding country. In 2 ( 8 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1814 the Lane family settled in Lawrenceburgh, and Mrs Lane for a short time only taught in the log-building above mentioned. In 1813, Zenas Hill is remembered as the school teacher of the village. The late Henry James, of Rising Sun, whose father settled at Lawrence- burgh in 1808, said: " We remained there about two years, ditring which time I attended school, which was taught by Dr. Ferris, an Irish- man. He was an excellent teacher, and was afterward engaged to teach in Rising Sun. Under his instruction my brothers and I studied Latin and Gi'eek. " School was kept for a time in an old frame building that stood on High Street, between Mary and Vine, nearly opposite the Stevenson House; also in another house on the same side of High Street just below AValnut. Samuel H. Dowden, a Virginian of intelligence. and a Mrs. Stevenson, who afterward became the wife of Thomas Tou- sey, are remembered as early teachers. The first schoolhouse erected in New Lawrenceburgh was built prior to 1820, and stood on the same lot on which the present one is located. After the completion of the old Presbyterian Church in 1830, that stood on Short Street, the basement story was a favorite place for holding school. In 1833, what was termed through the newspapers as the "Lawrenceburgh High School," was opened by Z. Casterline in this house of worship. In 1841, the school trustees advertised in the city papers that the free school of District No. Nine (including all that part of the township lying east of Gray's Alley) would be open May 10. The school under the charge of Mr. Bundy was to be kept in a room in Ferris' row on High Street, and that under the care of Mrs. C. Morehouse, in the basement story of the Presbyterian Church. The trustees then were J. H. Brown, William Brown and John P. Dunn. In 1851 there were two high schools in the city, namely: the 'Law- renceburgh Academy, established by J. M. Rail, assisted by Miss Parme- lia Fahr, and the Lawrenceburgh Institute, established under the super- vision of trustees, with Edward Cooper, A. M., principal. In addition to these there were in the city a select school held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church under the direction of Miss and Mrs. Potter ; a middle district school taught by Mrs. Wardell; the Newtown District, Elmerdorf and District No. Ten, Germantown, taught by John D. White; there were also two German schools on Walnut Street, one German Catholic taught by John F. Herwig, and the other both Catholic and Protestant, taught by Jacob Behmar. From 1840 to 1856 the following named were among those who taught in the basement of the Presbyterian Church: John M. Wilson, Dr. Potter, John D. White and J. M.Olcott. The following sketch of the Lawrenceburgh public schools appeared in one of the county papers in 1876: CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 279 " The Lawreuceburgh graded schools were organized and established the 15th day of November, 1856, by Omer Tousey, John Anderegg and Samuel Morrison, board of school trustees, and Norval Sparks, clerk; J. M. Olcott. superintendent; D. H. Pennewell, assistant superintendent; Mrs. Hubbel, Mrs. Brasher, Miss Yeatman and Miss Brower, teachers. Number of children attending public schools in the city, 250; number of children between the ages of five and twenty-one years in the township, 1,294. The high school building was erected in the year 1859, by the township trustee, Mr. William Tate, and completed by his successor in office, Mr. John Ferris. In the year 1865, by and in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, the control and management of the city schools was transferred from the township trus- tee to a school board of trustees consisting of three persons, president, secretary and treasurer, to be elected by the council of the city of Lawrenceburgh. The following named persons have been elected and acted in that capacity: Levin B. Lewis, John H. Gaff, Andrew A. Heifer, Andrew J. Pusey, William M. James, Noah S. Givan and John K. Thompson. The present board is George Otto, president; Dr. Charles B. Miller, treasurer; Thomas Kilner, secretary. At no time in the history of the schools have they been in as good condition financially as at the present time. At the expiration of the present school year, there will remain, and unexpended, the sum of $4,979.84. It is the desire of the present board of trustees, with the consent and approval of the patrons of the schools, to make some radical changes therein, whereby they may become more efficient and beneficial. There is annually expended by the board for school purposes, $10,000. The school prop- erty consists of two large brick buildings; one situated on the corner of Short and Market Streets, surrounded by a beautiful park with fine play ground for the children, and the other on the corner of Shipping and Fourth Streets, a building erected in 1870 — the grounds have been ornamented during the present year by shade trees. The buildings are supplied with charts, globes, chemical and philosophical apparatus, skeleton, etc., to which additions are being constantly made, and every facility afforded to make the school efficient and the equal of any in the State. The real estate and buildings are valued at $30,000; value of scientific apparatus, $550; value of library, $100. Corps of instructors at the present time: John R. Trisler, superintendent; William F. Gil- christ, principal; Miss Josie M. Brand, Miss Sallie B. Marsh, Miss Emma C. Hauck, Miss Emma L. Pusey, Miss Mary Hopping, Miss Carrie H. Rowe, Miss Fannie Pierce, Miss Katie Ferris, Miss Annie S. Hayes, Miss Esther L. Avery, teachers; Mr. A. S. Teutschel and F. J. Kalmerten, German teachers; Prof. Emil A. Roehrig, vocal music: 280 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Joseph White, janitor; Margaret Brown, janitresg. The average monthly salary of teachers, exclusive of superintendent, is $50.60. Number of pupils enrolled in the school, 650; number of children enumerated in the city between six arid twenty-one years, 1,951." In 1883 the enumeration of children in the schools was 1,749. Now the Lawrenceburgh Public Schools embrace five departments, viz.: I, En- glish primary; II, English grammar; III, German primary; IV, German grammar; V, High School. The English primary department includes the first four years of school training. It takes pupils at the beginning, and leaves them fair spellers, readers and writers, and gives them a knowledge of the four fundamental principles of arithmetic. In this department lessons also are given in language, physiology, geography, music and drawing — thus making it the aim of this department to thoroughly prepare the pupil to advance to the grammar department, and at the same time to furnish him with that training that will be most useful in life, should his training end with this department. The English grammar department includes the next four years of the course, or from fifth year to the eighth inclusive. Its object is to receive pupils who have completed the foregoing department, or its equivalent, and to give them such drill as shall make them proficient in spelling, reading, penmanship, arithmetic, geography, grammar, physiology. United States history, vocal music, drawing and composition, and to best fit the pupil to enter the high school, or to discontinue school life, if compelled to do so. The German department, as created by the liberality of the school board, and provided with the proper teachers in the years from 1878- 1881, proved to be a success. The floods of 1882, 1883 and 1884, and the subsequent diminution of population, as well as a certain indiffer- ence and shortsightedness of a number of parents, preferring rather to withdraw their children from the advanced classes of this department than to let them have the benefit of a better education, caused the dis- continuance, in 1884, of the seventh and eighth year, corresponding with the advanced classes of A and B, grammar grade. For the benefit of this department and its further progress, the restoration of these grades will be essentially necessary. Parents should, under no circumstances, allow children to quit school until at least the ninth school year is reached, and thus help to fill up this grade again with as many pupils as are necessary to justify the board in sustaining and paying another teacher. The departments comprise as complete a course in the German language and literatiire as is practicable, and at the same time the same instructions that are given in English, in the corresponding English de- CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 281 partments, are given in these departments. The fact that the teachers in the German grades are native German, or are of immediate German descent, greatly facilitates the work. The entire German work is also placed under the supervision of a skillful teacher, trained in the best German schools. High School. — The general public recognize the High School as an indispensable part of the public school system, and hence not only cheer- fully support it, but demand its existence. Without the high school aa a goal for the brighter or more ambitious pupils of the lower departments, our school system would lose much of its valuable influence upon the community. The greatest good derived from the schools is their influ- ence upon the character of the pupil. The cultivation of will power, or that which determines character, begun in the lower grades, is carried on more effectively in the high school; for the pupil is more mature, and can be led to see the neccessity of the power of self control. That it is one of the duties of the State to provide the means for higher culture must be recognized by all who have any adequate knowledge of the State and its relation to the individual; the branches taught have already been enumerated, and are such, if completed, to qualify the pupil to enter the freshman class of the State University or Purdue University. And in view of this fact the State board of education has commissioned the Law- renceburgh High School to pass its graduates, without further examination, to the freshman class of either Purdue or the State University. School Board. — R. Walter, president. F. R. Dorman, secretary. Dr. C. M. Miller, treasurer. Instructors. — T. V. Dodd, superintendent, and teacher of the senior class. W. H. Rucker, principal of the high school — ninth and tenth years. Julia W. Rabb, special teacher of grammar in grammar department, and principal of eighth year. Emma Brogan, special teacher of reading in grammar department, and principal of seventh year. Mary E. Pusey, special teacher of geography in grammar department, and principal of sixth year. Nettie Van Ness, special teacher of arithmetic in grammar depart- ment, and principal of fifth year. , teacher in A primary grade, fourth year. Pauline Berkshire, teacher in B primary grade, third year. Retta Brodbeck, teacher in C primary grade, second year. Nettie Akers, teacher in D primary grade, first year. Carrie Goyer, teacher in C and D primary grades first and second years. 282 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Jennie Huff, assistant teacher in D primary grade. J. R. Kuhlman, superintendent of German; teacher in German gram- mar department. Alice Schleicher, teacher in German primary department, third and fourth years. Anna Sembach, teacher in German primary department, first and second years. Matilda Hoffrogge, teacher in German primary department, first and second years. E. A. Roehrig, teacher of music and penmanship. Wash Howard, Oldtown, and Mrs. Flush, Newtown, janitors. BOLL OF ALLUMNI. 1872— Fannie Pierce, Mary E. Banyard, Emma C. Hauck, E. D. Freeman, Carrie H, (Rowe) McCormick. 1876 — Mary (Jones) Ross, Mary Pusey, Lizzie (Savage) Brenkert, Edward T. Mader. 1877— Tina Pusey,* Emma Blair, Robert Colt, Fred Ferger. 1878 — Tillie Israel, Alice Schleicher, Lewis B. Danniel, H. Lee Early, Collins Fitch, Warren Hauck, George Schroeder. 1879 — Mary Akers,* Olivia Broadwell, Emma Brogan, Julia Stock- man, Cora Bainbridge, Fred Everhart. 1880 — Bessie Hunter, Edward S. Smashea, Rell M. Woodward, 1881 — Tecumseh Meek, Joshua Terrill, George Terrill, Nettie Akers, May Stockman, Retta Brodbeck, Kora Thomas, Pauline^ Berkshire, Al- lie Snider, Nannie Terrill. 1882— Ritta Dunlevy, Nettie A. Duck,* Belle Garner, Emma Schleicher, Lizzie Pusey, George L. Gatch, Mary Emmert. 1883— Ada Fitch, Anna A. Sembach, Flora M. Walter, Carrie D. Schleicher, Lillie St. C. Rooke, Lillie M. Fichter. 1884 — Lulu Smashea, Julia Akers, Mattie Freeman, Tillie Schwartz, Louisa Howard, Mary Murnan, J. F. Tilley. 1885— Ella Squibb, Martin Givan, William Miller, Jennie Huff, Nettie Burk, Stella Fisher, Louisa Decker, Curtie Hodell, Albert Geisert. LEADING MANUFACTURING INTERESTS, f In the foregoing sketch of the earlier village and town, the business interests and lesser industries have been referred to in a general way, •Deceased tThe census of 1880 showed that the sixteen productive establishments of industries of the city, with a capital of $1,350,000 invested, produced manufactured articles to the value of SI, 895,952 during the census year, for which 8290,967 was paid for wages. In this calculation only those tactories that produced articles over the value of 8500 were considered. CITY OF LAWRENCEBUKGH. 283 and it is our purpose here to treat more specifically of the various manufacturing interests which have been the means of developing the slow and quiet village and town of three-quarters of a century ago into the bustling manufacturing center of the past decade, with its numerous distilleries, immense furniture factories, cigar factories, cooper shops, flouring-mills, saw and planing-mills, breweries, woolen-mill, stove foundry, coffin factory, with the cluster of minor mills and factories which have been dotted over its surface and given employment to thous- ands of men, women and children. Flouring Mills. — The first merchant flouring-mill in Lawrenceburgh was built in 1837, by Mr. E. D. John. The building is still in exist- ence, and is situated on the canal basin, and now used by Mr. R. Duck for a saw-mill. Mr. John erected the building for a pork house, but when completed concluded to convert it into a flouring-mill, with four pairs of buhrs, or stones, and all other requisite machinery for the man- ufacture of flour. When completed he sold one-half the mill, in 1838, to Dr. C. G. W. Comegys, now of Cincinnati, who soon afterward added four more pairs of buhrs and a corresponding amount of other machinery, so that they then had a capacity for the daily manufacture of 300 bar- rels of flour. These mills were called the Miami Mills, and in a few years this brand of flour became noted for its excellence, not only in the United States, but in the West India Islands and South American ports. It was said of it that it would remain sweet for months in trop- ical climates while other brands would sour. In 1840 Dr. Comegys pur- chased Mr. John's interest in the mills, and subsequently added a dis- tillery, placing it in the same building with the flouring business. The Doctor connected both the flouring and whisky business for a season or two, when he sold out to Messrs. Bar & Febiger, two gentlemen from W^ilmington, Del., who prosecuted the business until 1848. In 1847 Milton Gregg erected a large building a few feet south of the above- named mills, in one end of which he placed machinery for crushing flax seed; in other words, an oil-mill. In the other part of the building he placed a flouring-mill and machinery, with three run of stones, with a ca- pacity for manufacturing 100 barrels of flour daily. This flouring-mill and machinery he leased to Lewis & Eichelberger for ten years, at a rental of $1,000 per year, but before the termination of one year he sold the mill to Lewis & Eichelberger, and in a few months after the sale both oil-mill and flour-mill were consumed by fire. This occurred in the spring of 1848. Lewis & Eichelberger did not rebuild, but at once purchased the Miami Mills and distillery. The latter they sold to the Messrs. Gaflf, who removed the machinery to Aurora. Lewis & Eichel- berger continued to operate the Miami Mills till 1852, when the floods 28-4 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. of that year swept off the great dam at Harrison, and otherwise dam- aged the canal so that it was confidently asserted and believed it would never be repaired. Lewis & Eichelberger, despairing of ever obtaining water to propel their machinery, set to work to build the large steam mill on High Street, which they completed in 1853, at a cost exceeding $25,000. The architects, or millwrights, were resident citizens — Messrs. A. J. Pusey and William Probasco. In the meantime, the canal company had made a loan of money and repaired the canal, so that now Lewis & Eichelberger had a steam-mill with a capacity of 350 barrels, and water- mills of 300 barrels per day. They continued to operate the water-mills until the canal was utterly destroyed and abandoned, and continued to operate the steam-mill, which they afterward called the Miami Mills, up to the winter of 1870, when they were sold to Messrs. Roots & Co., of Cincinnati. The firm of Lewis & Eichelberger was formed in the spring of 1847, and dissolved in the month of December, 1870, nearly twenty- three years, in which time, it is estimated, over 2,000,000 barrels of flour were manufactured by them, and the money paid out by the firm for grain, cooperage and labor exceeds $8,000,000. The mill, under the pres- ent management of Messrs. Roots & Co., has been enlarged and furnished with latest improved machinery for manufacturing purposes. It is a model mill in every respect, with a capacity of annually manufacturing 90,000 barrels. The firm manufacture the finest grade of flour, that has an established reputation throughout the various States. The large frame grist-mill known as the Walnut Street Mills, located at the end of that street going to Newtown, was built in 1882, by Snyder Brothers & Co., but now operated by John Snyder & Sons. The mill is the property of George Beckenholdt. It has a capacity of 225 bushels per day (twelve hours). It is equipped with improved machinery and is valued at $10,000. The Manufacture of Distilled Liquors. — For half a century the city, in this branch of industry, has been famous, not only the city but the county. This city is the headquarters of the district, the office having been again located here in June, 1885, the collector being W. D. H. Hun- ter. The district in 1880 comprised the counties of Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jefferson, Ohio, Jennings, Ripley and Switzerland. The total amount of revenue collected in the district for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1880, was $3,283,991.01 of which $3,259,771.87 was collected at the offices in Dearborn County, more than twenty-four twenty-fifths of the entire revenue collected in the district. There are located in the county seven distilleries, namely: four at Lawrenceburgh, two at Harri- son, and one at Aurora. It is stated that the firm of T. & J. W\ Gaff & Co., of Aurora, during fifteen days in February, 1875, paid as revenue CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 285 tax the sura of $120,000. From the 13th to the 20th of that month their orders for whisky amounted to 2,820 barrels at an average price of $50 per barrel, or $141,000 for the entire amount ordered. A gentleman who for years was connected with the internal revenue office at this point, in speaking of the distilleries of the city, remarked that "it is impossible to give the varying capacity of the distilleries during all their histories, but it may be safely said they have made enough whisky to float a navy or flood a city. Since the tax went on they have paid over $30,000,000 to the government." Two principal causes make this a good distilling point. The transportation facilities are good, and the water is clear, in- exhaustable and cold, a very important matter in the business. The first distillery for the manufacture of distilled liquors was estab- lished by Dann & Ludlow, in the year 1809, and was located near the present site of the Squibb & Co.'s distillery. The motive power was fur- nished by an unfortunate blind horse, and if there was no unavoidable delay, they succeeded in manufacturing two barrels per week, without the aid of lynx-eyed revenue officials, and when it was finished it was straight, nothing crooked there; whisky rings with their corruptions and perjuries were unknown to the honest pioneer. The next one was established in 1821 by Harris Fitch & Co., on Wilson Creek, on the land of Page Cheek, and for a number of years there was not a great deal done in this branch of manufacturing, that of later years has grown so extensive, and given to our city and county a world wide reputation for the quantity and quality manufactured. In the year 1836, Mr. Amaziah P. Hobbs erected the first distillery run by steam-power, with a capacity of mashing 600 bushels per day. In the year 1839, it was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt by Hobbs & Craft, and was again destroyed by fire in the year 1850, and was never rebuilt. Its location was just below the present Glenwood malthouse, the frame part of which was a part of their malt- house. In 1847, Peter Robbins erected what was known as the "Little Dinkey," with a capacity of 150 bushels per day. Mr. Robbins sold to Andy Morgan, who during the war was joined by E. G. Hayes and they operated it until about 1864. In 1847 or 1848, George Ross, Antony Swartz and Gid Benner built the Rossville distillery, subsequently owned by John B. Garnier and E. B. Dobell, with a capacity of 600 bashels per day. Since that date there have been several erected which will appear in their regular order; and there is no interest that has done more to build up the trade of the city and county than this one. The John H. Gaff & Co. Distillery.— lu the year 1851 Jabez L. Owenby, J. Anson Marshall and Jacob B. Shepperd, erected the buildings subsequently owned by John H. Gaff & Co. , for the purpose of the man- ufacture of high wines, alchohol and Bourbon whiskies. One year later 286 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. this firm changed to Bradley, Marshall & Blasdel, who ran it two years and sold to James Gaflf, Marshall still retaining an interest. Gaff & Marshall added thereto the manufacture of flour, and the business was continued under that firm name until the year 1863, when Mr. Marshall retired, and the firm was changed to Gaff & Co. la the year 1869, another change occurred, and the firm was John H. Gaff & Co., who operated it until 1879, when it was sold to N. J. Walsh. The building for manufacturing purposes was located in New Law- renceburgh, fronting on Shipping Street, and extending back to Tanner's Creek. It was built of frame, with a capacity of mashing 900 bushels of grain per day, producing 3,500 gallons of proof spirits. There is a brick fire-proof bonded warehouse, 100x40 feet, two stories high; also a malt-house 70x50 feet, with a capacity of malting sixty bushels of grain per day. They had cattle pens with a capacity of stalling 1,200 head of cattle, and hog pens for 3,000 head. This firm gave employment to over thirty persons, and paid out annually for labor over $16,000, and when the distillery was run at its full capacity, the General Government would realize a revenue tax upon the goods manufactured, of nearly $1,000,000. This firm manufactured cologne and French spirits, alco- hol, high wines and Bourbon whiskies. The principal points of trade for the sale of goods manufactured were Cincinnati, New York, Balti- more, Boston, San Francisco and Marseilles, France. The distillery burned on the night of August 27, 1885 — the property of N. J. Walsh. It had been idle for several years. William P. Squibb & Co., Registered Distillery, No. 8. — In the year 1868, Mr. Kosmos Frederick purchased grounds and proceeded to erect buildings for the purpose of distilling Bourbon whiskies and high wines» The same are situated in what is known as the town of Greendale, front- ing on the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Railroad, and extend- ing back to Tanner's Creek. Before the completion of the building he formed a partnership with Messrs. William P. and George W. Squibb, and in January 1869, they commenced operations. September 1,- 1871, Mr. Frederick sold out his interest to the Squibb Brothers, who proceeded to enlarge the buildings and the capacity for manufacturing purposes. The buildings are built of brick, 20x200 feet in length, with an L extending back forty feet, three stories in height, with a capacity of mashing 330 bushels of grain per day, producing 1,260 proof gallons of spirits. There is a brick warehouse, fire-proof, 40x100 feet, and they have recently erected a brick building for the purpose of continuous distillation, to be used in the manufacture of alcohol, cologne spirits and Bourbon whiskies, with cattle and hog pens sufficient for all the stock. The value of the buildings and real estate is $30,000. This firm gives CITi' OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 287 employment to fifteen persons and pays out annually for labor over $6,000, and for articles to be used in the process of manufacturing $71,000, and pays annually to the General Government for revenue tax over $300,000. The value of the manufactured goods, exclusive of tax, is over $75,000, and the value of the stock fattened on the slop, $40,000. The principal points for the sale of the goods of this firm are Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. The members of the firm are active business men, and are known in business circles for their promptness and relia- bility. N. J. Walshes Registered Distillery, No. 7. — The old Rossville dis tillery was built in 1847 by George Ross, Gid Renner and Antony Swartz, and they ran it till Ross' death. Rittenhouse & Shroyer after- wai-d operated it, and E. G. Hayes and William Probasco were operating it during the war, when the tax was put on and made them rich. About 1868 E. B. Bradford ran it for about a year or so, and afterward Smith Fowler ran it in the name of J. S. Smith, and Alf Phillips succeeded them. In 1877 N. J. Walsh bought it and retains it, though it has been entirely rebuilt and is perhaps the finest distillery property in the country — the great warehouses and all the buildings being of the beet brick, and the machinery the latest and best improved. It has a capacity of mashing 2,100 bushels of grain per day. The feeding pens for cattle will accommodate 1,500 head, and the warerooms have a capacity of storing 25,000 barrels of liquor. The Nicholas Oester Registered Distilling, No. 9. — In the year 1875, Mr. Kosmus Frederick, purchased grounds and erected buildings for the purpose of manufacturing high wines and Bourbon whiskies. After a year or two,^he sold out to the present proprietor. The buildings front on Ridge Avenue, Greendale, 103x53 feet, four stories high, built of frame, with a brick warehouse 20x20 feet, and three stories high; a fermenting house 25x72 feet, and cattle and hog pens sufficient for all stock. The capacity of the building is for mashing 400 bushels of grain per day, pro- ducing 1,600 proof gallons of spirits. The value of the building and real estate is $30,000. When run to its full capacity, it will give employment to twelve persons, and require an annual expenditure for labor of over $7,- 000, and for materials to be used in the process of manufacture of over $80,000, and will pay a revenue tax to the General Government of $400,- 000. The value of the manufactured goods, exclusive of the tax, is over $100,000, and the value of stock fattened on slop $50,000. The Frederick Rodenhurg & Co. Registered Distillery, No. 12 is located on Tanner's Creek near the bridge, the main building being a large frame three stories high. The business was established in 1880, by Fred Rodenburg, at a cost of about $15,000. Other members of the firm are 288 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Christ Rodenburg and Charles Aring. Eight men are employed, and the distillery has a capacity of mashing 310 bushels of grain per day. High wines and Boarbon whisky are distilled here. The Brewery Business. — The first brewery for the manufacture of beer was established by George Ross, in the year 1845, in the building known as the Old Cotton Mill, on the ground where the Wheel Company is at the present time, with a capacity of manufacturing twenty barrels per day. In the year 1850, Kosmos Frederick built the brewery now owned by J. J. Hauck, which remains unemployed. In the year 1855, Mr. John B. Gamier erected a small brewery fronting on Shipping Street, with a capacity for manufacturing ten barrels per day, which he con- tinued to operate for nearly two years, when the business had increased to such an extent, that he was compelled to have larger capacity, and he purchased the brewery erected by Cosmos Frederick, and continued there until 1866, then sold to Hauck & Gebhard. He at once commenced to erect the large building on the corner of Third and Shipping Streets. The building for manufacturing purposes is 100x100 feet, two and a half stories high, with three lager beer cellars, 100x17 feet, and sixteen feet high, with malting rooms, with a capacity for malting 150 bushels of grain per day. The capacity of the brewery is fifty barrels per day. The brewery gives employment to twelve or fifteen persons, and pays out annually for labor $10,000, and for materials to be used in the process of manufacturing, the sum of $70,000, and if run at its full capacity, the General Government would realize a revenue tax of over $15,000. The trade is confined to the State of Indiana. The value of real estate and surrounding property is $50,000. Mr. John B. Garnier is a native of France. When he arrived in this country he was without any means, and commenced without any capital, but by his industry and economy, has become one of our wealthiest citizens. The Edwin B. Dobell Furniture Factory. — In the year 1863, Mr. E. B. Dobell, who had been extensively engaged in the manufacture of fur- niture in the city of Cincinnati, and his factory having been destroyed by fire, purchased from Elzy G. Burkam and Joseph H. Burkam, the furniture factory located in Greendale, which was built by Brown & Tate, the original pioneers of the manufacturing of furniture for the wholesale trade in our city. He paid for said property the sum of $22,000, and proceeded to the manufacture of a general line of furni- ture, making a specialty of bureaus, washstands, extension tables and bedroom suites. By strict attention to business, he soon succeeded in building up an extensive trade throughout the various States. During the month of May, 1873, his extensive manufactory was destroyed by fire, whereby he'sustained a loss of $45,000. With his CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 289 usual energy he at once proceeded to repair the damage, and in less than three months the buildings were erected, stocked with machinery and in working order. The building is 60x100 feet, four stories high, built of brick, with an iron roof. Surrounded by his extensive lumber yards, the factory building, residence and real estate are valued at $30,000. He employs from seventy to seventy-five persons in the various departments, and expends annually for labor over $35,000, and for material to be used in the manufacture the sum of 125,000; the value of the goods manu- factured is over $100,000. There is constantly on hand a large stock of manufactured goods, and in his yard a stock -of seasoned lumber, from 500,000 to 750,000 feet. The principal points of the trade of this firm ai*e in the South and West, extending as far south as Florida, and west as California, and embracing all the territories. The entire management of the business in all its departments is under the supervision and con- trol of Mr. E. B. Dobell, who is known as one of our most enterprising and upright business men. The Lawrencehurgh Furniture Manufacturing Company was organ- ized February 13, 1868, by Christ Lommel, Charles Schnell, Conrad Sander, John C. Brand, Fred Klienhans, George Fi-eyn, Adam Kastner and Fred. Rodenberg, with a capital stock of $7,000. At the annual meeting of stockholders, February 13, 1869, was increased to $13,000; March 5, 1870, to $15,000; April 1, 1871, to $22,700; February 21, 1872, to $33,100; December 31, 1872, to $43,300; January 13, 1874, to $58,150; in January, 1875, to $59,400; and in January, 1876, it was increased lo $63,250, which is the capital stock at this date. The establishment was incorporated under the laws of the State, with C. Sander, as president; C. Lommel, secretary and treasurer, and F. Klein- hans, as foreman of the factory. The management has not materially changed. The building for manufacturing purposes, corner Main and Second Streets, New Lawrencehurgh, is built partly of brick and frame; is 40x100 feet, two stories high, with a basement, supplied with the most improved machinery, and run by steam-power. The warerooms "are situated on the corner of Short and Centre Streets, Lawrencehurgh, are built of brick, 41x118, three stories high and a basement. The buildings, real estate and machinery ai-e valued at $28,000. The firm gives employment to from seventy fo eighty persons, and pays out annually for labor $40,000, and expends for materials $45,000, and the value of the manufactured goods are over $100,000, and carry a stock of seasoned lumber from 800,000 to 900,000 feet, and have constantly on hand a large stock of manufactured goods. The specialty of the firm are bureaus, washstands, bedsteads, dressing-case suites, and bedroom suites. The principal points of trade are in the West- 17 290 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ern and Southern States, with some sales in the Eastern States. The business of the firm is constantly on the increase, and their goods manu- factured have a reputation the equal of any in the West, and the busi- ness characters of the members of the firm are well established for prompt and correct dealing. The Miami Valley Furniture Manufacturing Company. — On the 24th day of March, 1868, George Hodel, Jr., John Christena, Henry F. Wencke, Adam Schleicher, George Schleicher, Gustave Schoenberger, Her- man H. Woehle, John F. Sembach, Philip Dexheimer, George Hodel, Sr., Johann J. Haack, Samuel Dickenson, John Bookster, Levin B. Lewis and Alexander Beckman, formed themselves into an association to be gov- erned in pursuance of the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved May 20, 1852, and the acts amendatory thereof; the association to be known by the title of the Miami Valley Furniture Manufacturing Company; the capital stock $20,000. The existence of the company was to be for fifty years ; the object of the com- pany was the manufacturing of a general line of furniture. The officers of the company were as follows: George Hodel, Jr., pres- ident; Harris Bateman, secretary; Levin B. Lewis, treasurer. Directors: George Hodel, Jr., John Christena, Henry F. Wenke, Adam Schlicher, Levin B. Lewis, Johann J. Hauck and Gustave Shoenberger. The com- pany proceeded at once to erect their buildings on their grounds, situated on High Street, between Charlotte and Maple Streets. The building for manufacturing purposes is 70x80 feet, four stories high, stocked with all the latest improved machinery and run by steam power. The warehouse is 34x150 feet and four stories high. At the annual meeting of the stock- holders, January 4, 1870. on account of the increase of the business, it was ordered that the capital stock be increased to $40,000; at the annual meeting on the 3d day of January, 1871, it was increased to $60,000; at the annual meeting, January 8, 1872, it was increased to $75,000; at the an Dual meeting, January 6, 1873, it was increased to $82 500; at the annual meeting, January 6, 1874, it was increased to $100,000, which is the capital at the present time. The company gives employment to about sixty-five persons, and pays out annually, for labor, the sum of $42,000. The real estate is valued at $25,000, and carries a stock of lumber from 750,- 000 to 1,000,000 feet; and annually pays out for material for manufac- turing pui'poses over $40,000. The annual sales of manufactured articles is over $100,000. The increase and extent of the business has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the incorporators, owing to the admir- able management of its officers. During its existence it has paid to the stockholders over 150 per cent of dividends. The quality of the furniture manufactured by this firm defies competi- CITY OF LAWRENCEBDRGH. 291 tion; its trade extends over the Eastern, Western and Southern States, and large quantities are shipped direct to the Canadas. And owing to the safe and prudent management of its financial department by its young and enterprising president, Mr. George Hodel, Jr., who has annually been elected to that position from its organization, the company has never been compelled to ask an extension of time, but at all times was prepared to promptly meet its liabilities. The management has not materially changed since the beginning; the former secretary, Harris Bateman, died in 1873, when C. M. Pritchard succeeded him to that oflfice. The Ohio Valley Coffin Company. — January 27, 1872, Timothy E. Scobey, George Hodel, Jr., Israel Crist, Charles Decker, James C. Mar- tin, Joseph McGranahan, Charles B. Burkam, Charles Lommel, James E. Larimer, John Dorr, Henry Fritz, Thomas Freeman, Washington Howard, Julius Israel, Loyd S. Isdell, Christian Knoebel, John Knoebel,. Henry Leindecker, James J. McConnell, William Pound, Peter Roller, George M. Roberts, Louis Kohlerman, James E. Smashea, William Seekatz, Thomas H. Tyson, Mathias Miller, Joseph White, August Wencke, organized under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, to be known as the Ohio Valley Coffin Company, with a capital stock of $30,000. Existence of the organization to be fifty years; object, for the purpose of manufacturing wooden burial caskets and The officers of the company were as follows: Timothy E. Scobey, president; George T. Bateman, secretary; Israel Crist, treasurer; T. E. Scobey, George Hodel, Jr., Israel Crist, Henry Leindecker, Charles Decker, James C. Martin, Joseph McGranahan, Charles B. Burkam and Charles Lommel, directors. The company erected their buildings on High Street, between Ash and Maple Streets. The building for manu- facturing purposes is 40x100 feet, three stories high. The warehouse is 35x70, three stories high. For some years the enterprise languished and there was a frequent change in officers. The present management, consisting of L. S. Isdell, president; Charles Decker, superintendent and manager; Samuel McElfresh, secretary and treasurer, have conducted the business since in 1875, and under their management the trade has steadily revived until the institution now occupies an enviable position. In 1873 the capital stock was increased to $39,000, and at present its capital stock is $58,500. This is one of the leading factories of the city, and is doing an extensive business. They manufacture all kinds of coffins, caskets, and all kinds of trimmings are kept on hand. The capacity of the factory is 600 coffins and caskets per week, and the annual business of the concern amounts to upward of $100,000. Employment is given 292 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. to about seveuty-five workmen. The real estate of the company in 1876, was valued at $19,000; stock of manufactured articles, $15,000; lumber and materials, $7,000. Similar Factories That Were. — In the line of manufactories, of which we have just been treating, there have been others of considerable proportions to which the city pointed with pride, but which are now numbered with the things that were. The large four-story brick build- ing, forty feet deep located in New Lawrenceburgh, facing Front Street, is a monument to the enterprise of the Dearborn Furniture Company, by whom it was built in 1873, it and the ground costing about $18,000. This company, composed of George Otto, C. J. B. Ratjen, J. C. Keitel, J. Gabriel, L. Bock, George Kaffenberger, A. Menken, Christ. Lommel, Charles Kepper, Joseph Zengel, G. Baumgartner, Conrad Kepper, B. Burkhardt, Rev. C. F. Worth, C. Kleyer, J. Hunnefield, F. Schneider, F. Schlosser, P. Jacquot, A. Dietrich, J. W. Roth, J. H. Leindecker, J. A. Schwartz, A. Gass, J. W. Loew, Herman Saager, L. Kupperschmidt, J. Lose, P. L. Matheus, George Seekatz, C. Israel, J. Duerr, C. Fitterer, J. Jack, F. Lang, C. Kress, A. Stienback, H. Knude, Joseph Pallizcino, F. J. Messang, F. Kreider, J. Israel, F. Winter, B. Margileth, A. Kiefer, M. H. Kiefer, H. Eberharfc, T. W. Kestner, Christopher Scherger, Fred Schnider, A. Kanter, W. Panze, John Walser, John Smith, John Ott, Fred Petershagen, Frank Federle, William Schoepflen, Ed Seekatz and L. Arnold, was organized and'incorpovated in accord- ance with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, a company to be known as the Dearborn Furniture Company. The capital stock of the company was $40,000. They did business sev- eral years only. Subsequent to the termination of their business the McLain Chair Factory was established in the same building, which was carried on only a year or so, when it too passed into history. In 1875 a firm under the title of the Lawrenceburgh Chair Company, composed of Matthew Bresbo and other practical mechanics, engaged in the manufacture of chairs, making a specialty of cane bottom chairs, did business on Walnut Street. March 17, 1873, the firm of Marsh & Ewbank entered into a partner- ship for the manufacture of a general line of wooden burial cases and caskets. Their manufactory was situated on Elm Street and was well equipped with improved machinery, run by steam power. Their ware rooms were on Third Street. This enterprise lasted but a few years when it ceased. The Bauer Cooperage Company. — One of the leading industries of the city was established in 1880 by James Walsh, who conducted the business two years, when in 1882 it became the property of the present CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 293 firm, with a capital stock of 1100,000. The members of the company and officers are James Walsh, N. J. "Walsh, secretary; D. F. Walsh, Jacob N. Bauer, vice-president; John G. Bauer, president and treasurer. The buildings and yard of this mammoth enterprise are located in New Lawrenceburgh, on the corner of Third Street and the railroad (opposite the brewery) and cover nearly half of the block, the main building being a large two-story brick. The establishment is equipped with the most modern and improved machinery, giving it a capacity of turning out 600 casks per day. It gives employment to from 150 to 200 persons. The establishment was burned on the night of December 2, 1884, but was immediately rebuilt. Whisky casks only are here manufactured. The Miami Stove TForAvs, located on the up] er end of High Street be- between the tracks of the Big Four and Ohio& Mississippi Railroad, were established in 1877 by S. L. Yourtee & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio. In consid- eration, on the part of the city of Lawrenceburgh, of $27,000 and the grounds, the company was induced to locate the works at this place. Messrs. Frank R. Dorman, James D. Willis, Dr. Harding, George W. Preston, H. C. Kidd and Col. Burkam were instrumental in securing the same. Iq 1880, Yourtee & Co. assigned, and the establishment became the property of a stock company, of which the present capital stock is $50.- 000, and the officers, Fred Naeher, president; J. E. Warneford, vice- president, and Benjamin Ruthman, secretary. The buildings are of brick and cover a large area of ground; the main building is three stories high, 35x125 feet. The cost of the foundry, ready for operation, was $35,000. The full capacity of the establishment is 150 men. They manufacture various kinds of cooking and heating stoves, of which the Miamis and May-Flowers have gained a large reputation. The George Huschart & Co.^s Marble Works.— In the year 1841 George Huschart and Jacob Meyer, Si\, entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business of marble and freestone works. Their place of business was located on the lot where the Odd Fellows Hall is now built; the co-partnership existed until 1842. Mr. Meyer disposed of his interest and moved to Connersville, Ind. There were several changes in the firm from that time to the present, Mr. Huschart always retaining a large interest. During that period, by the excellent workmanship of the firm, they have built up an extensive trade. The firm at present consists of George Huschart and Michael M. Huschart, his son. Their place of business is located at Nos. 131, 133 and 135 Walnut Street. They are prepared to fill all orders for monuments, tombstones, tomb- tables, etc., of American and Italian marble, red and gray Scotch granite, in the neatest and most tasteful styles. Mr. George Huschart, senior member of the firm, is one of the oldest business men, with a reputation for upright dealing in his business unquestioned. 294 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The Carriage and Spring Wagon Manufactory of William Fike. — In 1850, A. A. Heifer and John Mower commenced the business of manu- facturing carriages in the "old pork house building," on Walnut Street. Their partnership continued about four years; they were succeeded by Heifer & Woodward, who erected the large building now known as the New York Store, in 1855, and carried on a very prosperous business, manufacturing carriages mainly for the Southern market. In 1861 Mr. Woodward retired from the business, and Mr. Heifer sold the building and constructed another on Short Street, where he continued the business until 1873, when he sold out to George Pfalzgraf 6l Bro.,who were the proprietors of the manufactory up to 1881, when succeeded by the pres- ent proprietor, whose place of business is designated as Nos. 23 & 25 Short Street, where he manufactures all kinds of buggies, phaetons, spring-wagons, etc. He employs eight men. The A. D. Cook Pump and Tube Well Manufactory. — These works and light machine shops are located on the south side of Walnut, be- tween Centre and Tate Streets, where are manufactured improved tube wells, tube well strainers, the latter of which he makes a specialty of, and on which he has established a good trade. All kinds of repairing is also done by Mr. Cook, who is a live and enterprising man. The es- tablishment was founded in 1882 and now gives employment to fifteen men. The Burkam Lumber Company was established in 1865 by J. H. Burkam, with an investment of $20,000. In 1883 it was transferred to a stock company, known under the above title. The firm is now com- posed of J. H., W. T. and F. M. Burkam. The planing-mill, door, flooring and sash factory and lumber yards are located on the corner of Short and William Streets, where the business has been continuously and extensively carried on. P. Walter & Son, Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Feed Store and Manufacturers of Wagons, Farming Tools and General Blacksmithing. — This establishment is located on Walnut Street, and was founded, the wagon and blacksmith department in 1879, and the implement business added in 1882. These gentlemen are enterprising and public-spirited business men, and deserving of the patronage of the country at large. The Manufacture of Cigars. — For a period in this city's history and that of the county. Dearborn was also famous for this branch of indus- try. In the year 1873 it was said that there were more cigars manu- factured in this county than in any other county in the United States west of Cincinnati. The following is a statement of the number of cigars sold by each manufacturer in the county during the year 1873; CITY OF LAAVRENCEBURGH. 295 C. H. Werneke (Lawrenceburgh) 2,145,300 J. Rief & Bro. (Lawrenceburgh) 1,859,550 William Huber (Lawrenceburgh) 700,000 George Ritter (Aurora) 63,000 C. F. Cless (Aurora) 71,000 J. P. Arnold (Aurora) 118,000 Abeles & Jaehing (Aurora), eight months 63,000 H. Danimyer (Manchester) 183,000 H. Maune (St. Leon) 52,000 V. Hoff (Lawrenceville) 29,000 Total 5,303,050 Of the three Lawrenceburgh factories referred to, the one of Clamor H. W. Werneke was established by that gentleman on a small scale in 1853. His business constantly increased, and from the first year's labor of two hands and 100,000 cigars manufactured, it grew to that extent that for a number of years there were employed from sixty to eighty hands, manufacturing annually from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 cigars, and expending for labor over $30,000, requiring an outlay for material to be used in the process of manufacturing of over $35,000, and paying an- nually to the General Government for revenue stamps over $16,000. In 1876 the county press thus alluded to him: "His manufactory is located on High Street, built of brick, three stories high, and complete in all its departments. Mr. "Werneke, with all his enterprise and energy, has proven a benefactor to the interests of the laboring masses of our city. He has taught hundreds the trade and ever acted generously with them; and to-day, many of the first-class business men of the trade throughout the various cities and towns of the "West learned the business with him. Upright and prompt in all his dealings, he is known and appreciated in all bubiness circles. May the pioneer of this great manufacturing inter- est of our city live many years to enjoy the fruits of his energy and enterprise." In the centennial issue of the Register the factories of Jacob Rief & Bro., and that of William Huber were thus referred to: "On the 1st day of September, 1869, Jacob Rief & Bro., engaged in the manu- facturing of a general line of cigars. Their manufactory was first located on the corner of Walnut and William Streets, with a capital of less than $100. Mr. Jacob Rief being a practical cigar maker, purchased the materials and sold in a retail way at his shop the manufactured goods. In time the business increased, and he employed one journeyman; dur- ing the year 1869, there were manufactin'edJ39, 100 cigars; in the year 1870 the business still inc7"eased, and there were manufactured 119,200 cigars, which were principally sold in a retail way to the the trade in the city. In the year 1871, was the commencement of the wholesale busi- 296 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ness of the firm. A wholesale jobber in the trade at Indianapolis having seen a sample of the goods being manufactured, called at the shop, and astonished Mr. Rief by proposing to contract for the delivery of 10,000 cigars per week. He laid down his knife and the unfinished cigar, and accepted the offer. At once with his usual energy he proceeded to ar- range for the fulfillment of his contract. Closing out the retail depart- ment he moved to more commodious rooms on the corner of New and Walnut Streets; during that year he gave employment to from twelve to fifteen persons; manufactured and sold 359,000 cigars. In the year following the business was extended beyond the limits of the State, and there were manufactured and sold 638,100 cigars. During the year fol- lowing Mr. Rief facilitated the manufacturing of cigars by adopting and using the Oberhelm patent molds; and having enlarged the manu- factory buildings, employed a traveling agent to assist in introducing his goods and making sales; the success and extent of the business of that year far exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the firm, and there were manufactured and sold 2,161,750 cigars, giving employment to from fifty to sixty persons. The business continually increased, and there are annually manufactured over 3,000,000 cigars, giving employ- ment to over eighty persons, and paying annually for labor the sum of $31,000, and for materials in the manufacture of goods over $42,000, and paying annually to the General Government for revenue stamps over $16,000. Their manufactory is located at the corner of Walnut and New Streets, 65x132 feet, and two stories high. The real estate and buildings are valued at $10,000. The rapid growth and success of this enterprise has been mainly attributed to the indomitable energy and business qualifications of Mr. Jacob Rief. He is yet a young man, raised in our midst; he has done a great deal in building up the manufactur- ing interests of his native city. " William Huber commenced the manufactui-e of cigars in the year 1866, being a practical cigar-maker, decided that he would commence business for himself. Purchasing twenty-five pounds of tobacco, he manufactured it, sold his cigars, purchased more stock, and by his in- dustry and economy and honorable attention to business, he has in a few years succeeded in establishing and building up a lucrative business. He gives employment to from twelve to fifteen persons, and annually manufactures from 500,000 to 700,000 cigars. His manufactory is located on the corner of Walnut and William Streets. He is a young man of good business qualifications, prompt and reliable, and of in- dustrious habits, and ranks among our men of enterprise and energy." Mr. Huber is still carrying on the business, but now located on High Street between Walnut and Short. Neither of the other two factories are in existence in the city at this time. ^y^?^^ /4^t:>o- *-i^^^ c^i^ CITY OF LAWRExXCEBURGH. 297 Other Past Manufacturies. — On High Street, opposite the courthouse is a large brick building in which was formerly carried on the. business of the Lawrenceburgh Woolen Mills. The building is 90x54 feet and four stories high, in which were erected six machines called "Jacks," of 264 spindles each, or 1,584 in the aggregate. The Lawrenceburgh Woolen Manufacturing Company was organized February, 1866, with a capital stock of $50,000 . Its president was E. S. Blasdel and the secre- tary was E. D. Moore. The board of directors were E. G. Hayes, W. Hayes, John H. Ga£f, Isaac Dunn, E. S. Blasdel, L. B. Lewis and C. B. Burkam. That spring they purchased of Col. J. H. Burkam the site upon which this building was erected. The machinery for the factory cost $35,000. Late in the year 1870 the mills suspended. Along the river bank about opposite St. Clair Street several years ago the firm of Henry Fitch & Co. built one of the largest and most com- plete saw-mills in the State, having a capacity of sawing 80,000 feet of lumber per day. The machinery was of the most improved order and was put in the mill to get out rough and finished lumber with the great- est speed possible. The mill was supplied with electric lights, and was operated most of the time both day and night, and manuf actm-ed every, thing from lath to the largest building material, and without doubt the enterprise was the most gigantic ever attempted in this part of the State. GAS WORKS. The gas works of this city are located in New Lawrenceburgh, along the track of the Big Four Railroad. They were established in 1868 by a stock company with a capital stock of $28,600, and built by Messrs. Barringer & Ewing. The first board of directors were J. H. Gaff, Theo- dore Gazlay, O. T. Stockman, Zeph Heustis, A. A. Heifer, J. Giphard, J. B. Shephard and John Hornberger. The first officers were J. H. Gaff, president; Theodore Gazlay, vice-president; O. T. Stockman, secretary, and J. H. Lewis, treasurer. The works were completed and the city lighted with gas for the first time on the night of Monday October 12, 1868. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The first thoroughly organized and equipped fire department of the city was established in 1882. This year a committee appointed by the council purchased two steam fire engines manufactured by the Ahrens Company of Cincinnati, the cost of the engines complete with reel cart and 2,000 feet of hose to be $10,800. January 25, 1883, the engines name "Miami" and "Edenburg" put in their appearance. The Miami was at once given a test trial in the presence of a large crowd of citizens 298 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. In about three and a half minutes after the match was applied to the engine she was throwing a full stream of water as high as any house in the city. The trial was satisfactory. Both engines are alike, and were much admired on their first appearance on the street. "The fire laddies acquitted themselves with credit in handling the hose, considering it was their first experience in this line. They found the hose a rather tough customer to handle at first and not a few of them were sprinkled in their efiforts to manage when a full stream was being thrown." Both the New- town and Oldtown companies are well officered and there is no reason why they should not prove to be one of the best volunteer fire departments in the State. The companies are composed of men of energy and pluck, and if they manifest the interest and enthusiasm that their friends ex- pect, they will soon become the pride of our city. Two engine houses, both substantial and ornamental brick buildings, located on the north side of Short, between High and William Streets, and on Third, near Shipping Street (Newtown), were at once built, and have since been the quarters of the two companies, which are styled Lawrenceburgh Fire Company No. 1 and Lawrenceburgh Fire Com- pany No. 2. On the adoption of the constitution and by-laws in Janu- ary, 1883, the companies were given as follows: Fire Company No. 2. — Chief of Fire Department, August D. Cook; assistant chief, J. H. Menke, Sr. ; captain, John T. Tittel; lieutenant, Gustav H. Donk; secretary, Charles Spanagel; assistant secretary, Henry G-ambor; treasurer, J. H. Menke, Sr. ; hose directors — Jacob Schimpf, Jr., Henry A. Menke, Jr., Andrew J, Pusey, Jr., John Spana- gel, Henry Stahla,"John B. Garnier, Jr.; messengers — Charles Miller, Frank Lipps, John Gambor; police — Jacob A. Lamason, Peter Zins, John Weaver, John Gardner, August Yerger; standing committee — Harry F. Leuchtenburg, Harry Vest, Al Sherrod; engineers — George W. Ward, Albert Sherrod; stokers — George W. Foster, Edward Leien- decker; ax men — William Kaffenberger, Henry Gambor; additional members — George Bechtel, Barney Niemeyer, William Hardley, Edward Heaton; Asa Dillon, William Bush, Andrew Gross. Fire Company No. 1. — Chief of Fire Department, August D. Cook; assistant chief, Hugh S. Miller; captain, James Brannon; lieutenant, Theodore Wade; secretary, John G. King; treasurer, Mathias Hansel man; engineers — J. W. Fawcett, Robert Killough, Wilson F. Gaff; stokers — Charles E. Crontz, Perry A. Skinner, George Schrader, John C. Ratjen; pipemen — James Isherwood, Charles F. Kohr, John O'Toole, William Lannigan; police — John Sicking, Henry Schrader, William Henn, P. W. Jackson, Hanson Freeman; messengers — A. J. Huffman, Ralph Fisher, F. Ferguson. Hook and ladder company — CITY OF LAAVRENCEBURGH. 299 foreman, William Sparks; James Walker, Louis Hitzfield, Gustavo AV^ehrlinof, Frank Mason, Isaac Squires, William Standrifif, Frank Bar- tholome, Charles Schrader, Edward Barrett, Albert Bartholome, R, Kro- nenberg, James Haney, Samuel Grififith. The fire plugs and cisterns are set forth in the following list: Plugs — At Miami Stove Foundi'y, west end of Columbus, Indianopolis, St. Louis & Cincinnati depot, Miami Valley Furniture Factory, Lawrenceburgh Flour-Mill, McLean Chair Factory, Lawrenceburgh furniture company, Rossville Distillery, Squibb's Distillery. Cisterns — Corner St. Clair and Center Streets, corner Elm and Margaret Streets, corner High and Short Streets, corner Walnut and Centre Streets, corner High and Charlotte Streets, in front of Catholic school building, in front of Catholic Church, corner First and Front Streets, Newtown; corner Third and Main Streets, Newtown; corner Main and New Streets, Newtown. SOCIETIES. Union Lodge No. 8, of the I. O. O. F., was instituted at Lawrence- burgh on the 1st day of February, 1841, in the building on High Street several years ago, occupied by Werneke's cigar manufactory, by Grand Master Christian Bucher, and assistants. The charter members were N. N. John, Benjamin Mayhew, John Wymond, William Eichelberger and Willis Miles. The first officers were William Eichelberger, N. G. ; Benjamin Mayhew, V. G. ; N. N. John, secretary; John Wymond, treas- urer. Nearly all the other charter members (in 1876) had passed away. Brother John then resided in Galveston, Texas; Brother Wymond in Indianopolis. Brother Mayhew died in this city, and the members of the order, true to their sacred principles, assisted and educated his orphans. Brother Eichelberger died June 2, 1871. He was a true and noble man, an honor to his lodge, and a faithful exponent of its charitable teachings. He lived respected by his fellow men, and died lamented by all who knew him. The first initiations were George Dunn, John Gill, David Gibson, J. S. Lemly, John Kyle, Jesse Hippie and Martin H. Oflfutt. The oldest member of the lodge (in 1876) was Samuel Craft, of Atchison, Kas., who had been a member since February 24, 1841. January 18, 1845, Brothers George Dunn, P. Ewing, Jason Piei'ce, H. R. Hall, George Chandler, William Davidson, John Medrus, O. T. Stockman, O. P. Gray, George Morton and E. Bateman withdrew by card for the purpose of organizing Vigilance Lodge No. 16. Said lodge has since surrendered its charter. The lodge now numbers sixty- five, and it is officered as follows: Stephen H. Heustis, noble grand; D. C. Huffman, vice grand; J. R. Kuhlman, permanent secretary; William Fagaly, recording secretary; Peter Braun, treasurer; John D. Bostic, conductor; George Wood, warden; John M. Roehm, I. Guardian. 300 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. December 9, 1850, Brothers H. Dawson, R. Greenfield, Robert Lancaster and E. Jackson, withdrew for the purpose of establishing a lodge at Guilford. In the year 1853, the present hall building was erected at a cost of $11,500. From the organization of the lodge up to 1876, there were received as members 375 persons. The financial condition of the lodge was then: General fund, $9,509.75; orphan fund, $2,172.43. Foriuna Lodge No. 289, I. O. O. i^.— July 29, 1867, C. J. B. Ratjen, L. Adler, George P. Vogel, George Myers, William Young, Anton Schneider, William Linkenbach, John Eisel, Frederick Klein- hans and A. Probsel, withdrew from Union Lodge, for the purpose of organizing Fortuna Lodge No. 289, which is in a flourishing condition. Lawrenceburgh Chajjter No. 56, R. A. M. — Dispensation granted December 20, 1865, signed by Thomas Pattison, G. H. P., and William Hacker, G. Sec. The petitioners were James M. Brashei', E. G. Hayes, J. W. Mills, William Smith, Leon Adler, J. H. Gafif, Alex Beckman, George Mather, E. S. Blasdell. The charter was granted May 24, 1866. Comp. Pattison installed Comp. J. M. Brasher as M. E. ; H. P. Beck- man, King, and J. H. Gaff, Scribe. The joint election of officers, June 27, 1867, resulted as follows: Alexander Beckman, H. P; B. S. Blasdell, K; J. H. Gaflf, secretary; Leon Adler, C. H. ; J. M. Brasher, P. S.; S. Hor- ton, R. A. C. ; J. C. Hibbets, secretary; George Decker, treasurer; E. G. Haynes, Capt. third vail; J. H. Burkam, second vail; R. R. Benham, first vail; William F. Crocker, guard. The present membership is thirty-two. The present officers are as follows: S. H. Collins, H. P.; N. S. Givan, K; L. S. Isdell, Scribe; S. Dickinson, C. H. ; J. C. Hibbets, P. S.; J. F. Rolf, R. A. C; R. R. Benham, Capt. third vail; J. M. Pal- mer, Capt. second vail; J. R. Trisler, Capt. first vail; Louis Adler, treasurer; George Decker, secretary. Dearborn Lodge No. 49, K. of P., was instituted at Lawrenceburgh by W. G. Wheeler, D. D. G. C, with other members of Aurora, July 2, 1874, with the following named thirteen charter members: John E. Ammel, P. C. : Martin- L. Rouse, 0. C. ; Joseph R. Kuhlman, V. C. ; John H. Russe, P. ; Samuel M. Shephard, K. of R. and S. ; Boone Rice, M. of F. ; Joseph Mooney, M. of E. ; R. J. Wood, M. at A. ; Charles Shephard, I. G. ; George W. Johnson, O. G. ; Hugh S. Miller, Robert Killough, Edward Dobell. Present membership, ninety. The Lawrenceburgh Liedertafel was organized in October, 1858, with eight members. Rules and by-laws were made and adopted September 8, 1859, and the first regular election of officers occurred October 13, of that year, Prof. Meyer and Frederick Haas acting as president and secretary, respectively, in the meantime. The first officers elected were CITY OF LAWRENCEBURGH. 301 Charles J. B. Ratgen, president; Dr. August Schmitt, secretary, and Michael Lang, treasurer. The society, though experiencing di'awbacks, has been continuous since the organization, and is now in a prosperous condition, with a membership of about eighty persons. The present offi- cers are Charles Decker, president; James R. Kuhlman, vice-president; Charles Ratgen, Jr., secretary; Frank Federle, treasurer; Emil A. Roehing, director of singing. Germania Lodge No. 223, D. O. H., was instituted February 22, 1871, by officers of the State Lodge of Indianapolis with a membership of twelve. The present officers are Jacob Decker, O. B. ; Frederick Krieg, XJ. B.; Herman Hoefer, secretary; Charles J. B. Ratgen, treasurer. Lodge room in the third story of building on the corner of Short and Centre Streets. Columbia Grove No. 2, U. A. O. D., was instituted November 1, 1858, with thirteen members, by a gentleman from Louisville, Ky. The present officers are Adam Proebsel, E. E. ; Anton Kiefer, U. E. ; Charles J. B. Ratgen, secretary, and John Albrecht, treasurer. The society meets in hall in third story of building on the corner of Short and Centre Streets. OLD LANDMAKKS AND BELICS. It is said that the first brick house erected in Lawrenceburgh was built by Dr. Jabez Percival, in the very beginning of the present centu- ry. The building is still standing and is in a good state of preserva- tion. It is located in the rear of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and faces the river, and is now known as the "Bee Hive." It is a substantial, two-story structure, quite large; the lower windows in front are square; the walls are about three feet thick, and in which were used what is called "slop brick," an article of brick made by hand, but dipped, while raw, in water instead of sand. It seems bricklayers in that day were not adepts in mechanics, and did not know how to construct the modern arch with brick, with its key, etc. In this building, wherever an arch occurs, the key, or center brick, is of mammoth proportions, formino- about one-third of the arch. An ordinary sized man could easily go to sleep on its walls, and even if disturbed by a bad dream, could roll and still retain his position on the outer wall. What is known by the older residents of Lawrenceburgh as the Hunt Hotel, a large, three-story brick building on the corner of Walnut and High Streets, was erected in 1819 or 1820, by Jesse Hunt, and is said to have been the first three-story brick structure erected in the State. This three-story house, it is stated by old settlers, struck the then primitive citizens with a kind of awe of curiosity and wonder. While the third tory was being added, frequent remarks were made, like " What in the s 302 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. world is Jesse Hunt going to do with them rooms way up there? A fel- low would break his neck looking out of them windows," etc. Until within recent years there were several old territorial relics in possession of Maj. Anderson, formerly proprietor of the Anderson House (old Hunt Hotel, above referred to), which consisted of an antiquated- looking, high desk, and a common table (both very solidly and honestly made), both of which formed part of the furniture of the first land office established in the Northwest Territory. These articles did their duty both at Vincennes and Cincinnati, the late Peyton Symmes being their last user in Cincinnati ere the land office was removed to Chillicothe. The old desk and table then became the property of Gen. Harrison, and were saved out of the destruction by fire of the Harrison homestead at North Bend. THE CENTENNIAL FOURTH. The 4:th of July, 1876, was appropriately observed at Lawrencebnrgh. The city was pretty profusely and extensively decorated, large flags be- ing suspended from the principal buildings and across the streets. On the night of the 3d Capt. Shrader's company camped in the fair ground, and at midnight began a march through the city, on their way firing sa- lutes in front of the houses of the mayor, councilmen, and other prom- inent citizens. The procession formed on Walnut Street under Grand Marshal F. R. Doi'man, composed of the Continental Guards and differ- ent societies of citizens; two decorated cars, each containing a young lady representing the Goddess of Liberty, surrounded by others repre- senting different States; the ship of state manned by youths in sailor's costume, and bearing a young lady representing Columbia, and two dec- orated cars containing little girls in costumes displaying the national colors. The procession marched through the principal streets, thence to the fair grounds, where the exercises of the day took place. The latter con- sisted of music by the band, prayer by William Chapman, reading of the Declaration of Independence in English by E. F. Sibley, addresses by Capt. J. D. Willis, reading of the Declaration of Independence in German by Charles J. B. Ratgen, and addresses by R. E. Slater and J. E. Larimer. CITY OF AURORA. 303 CHAPTER XVI. CITY OF AURORA. Location and Origin— Incorporation and the Early Village— Rem- iniscences— Acts OF Aurora's First Magistrate— Aurora a City ITS Mayors— The Electric Telegraph and Telephone— The City, 1858-59— Groavtii and Progress— Fire of 1882- Floods of 1882-83-84— Educational Fire Department— Ecclesiastical History— Lead- ing Manufacturing Interests— Banking Houses—The Grand Op- era House— Postmasters— Societies. AURORA is situated on the right bank of the Ohio River, four miles below Lawrenceburgh and twenty-six below the city of Cin- cinnati, Ohio. The natural beauty of the site of the city is rarely sur- passed, the river at this point making a graceful curve or bend, and thereby is given the city one of the finest harbors on the river from Pittsburgh to its mouth. Partially built on and surrounded by towering hills, with both branches of Hogan Creek gently wending their way through her limits, it possesses that picturesque and romantic air seldom bestowed on any city. In the growth of the city these hills have been climbed, and many are the beautiful homes here located from which the lover of nature can feast his eyes upon a grand and most beautiful pic- ture. The original plat of the village contained about 206 lots, besides six public squares or tracts of ground equal to twelve lots, and extended from the Ohio River — Water Street — to Ridgeway, a street parallel with Water, and from Importing Street to Library Street. It was laid out in 1819, by Jesse L. Holman, trustee for the "Aurora Association for Inter- nal Improvements, on fractional Sections 32 and 33, Town 5, Range 1 west. These fractional sections bordering on the Ohio River, were entered by Charles Vattier, then of Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 18th day of September, 1804, and were purchased in 1819 by an association of gen- tlemen residing in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, for the purpose of laying out a town. The association was called "The Aurora Association for Internal Improvements." The two fractional sections, except a small reservation at Hogan Creek, were conveyed to Jesse L. Holman, in trust for the association, on the 14th day of January, 1819, and the original plat of the town was acknowledged by Mr. Holman as trustee, 304 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. before James Dill, recorder of the county, on the 30th day of January, 1819, and recorded the same day, when Judge Holman gave the pros- pective city the name of "Aurora.'' The following is an extract from the original article of agreement between Vattier and the purchasers: "Articles of agreement and association entered into this day, Jan- uary, 14, 1819, between Charles Vattier, of Cincinnati, in the State of Ohio, of the first part, and Jesse L. Holman, Richard Norris, Martin Cozine, Samuel Moore, Erasmus Powell, David Fisher, Jehi- el Buffington, and James Powell, of Indiana; Elijah Horsley, Will- iam Scandrett, Philip Craig and Ebenezer GrifiSng, of Kentucky; John W. Langdon, Daniel Dudley, Benjamin Mudge, Charles Farren Watson Lewis and Jesse L. Langdon, of Ohio, parties of the second part, are as follows, viz.: Charles Vattier, party of the first part, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein and after ex- pressed, to be performed on the part of the said parties of the second part, has this day and hereby does grant, bargain and sell to them, the said parties of the second part, nineteen -twentieths of two portions of land in Dearborn County, in the State of Indiana, situate at the mouth of Hogan Creek, viz. : fractions thirty-two and thirty- three, containing 516 35-100 acres, more or less." By the terms of the instrument, Vattier reserved that part of Section 32 which lies on the upper side of Hogan Creek. The association was to pay $19,000 for the property in ten equal annual installments. The first installment was paid one year from the date of transfer, and one each year there- after until all were paid. The first meeting of the association was held on the 20th of January, 1819, with all the members present. Judge Jesse L. Holman, father of Hon. W. S. Holman, was chosen president of the meeting, and Benjamin Mudge, clerk. At this meeting a constitution governing the association, which had been previously drafted, was accepted. The constitution pro- vided that the regular meetings of the association be held twice a year, on the second Monday in January and July. Jesse L. Holman was appointed trustee of the association, in whom the legal title of the land was ■ invested. The constitution was acknowledged before Charles B. Cannon, a justice of the peace in Dearborn County, on the 25th of Janu- ary, 1819, and placed on record in the books of James Dill, county recorder, on the 30th. At the first meeting it was decided that "the company proceed by themselves or their directors to lay out a town, to build an ox saw-mill and grist-mill, a bridge across Hogan Creek, a warehouse or such other improvements as they may judge proper." On the 1st of February, 1819, it was ordered that the directors receive sealed CITY OF AURORA. 305 proposals for the building of a bridge across Hogan Creek, at the end of Bridgeway Street. One of the conditions of the contract was that the "proprietors and their families pass toll free." The bridge was not built until 1836. At a meeting held April 13, 1819, Richard Norris, as agent of the company, was required to give bonds in the sum of $40,000; as treasurer Philip Craig gave bonds to the extent of $30,000. The first sale of lots took place April 28, 1819, with the terms of sale as follows: " One per cent in hand; one-fifth, including the 1 per cent, in eight weeks; one-fourth of the balance every year thereafter until paid. If not paid punctually interest to be added from the time of contract." At this sale 206 lots were disposed of, including those donated to persons who agreed to commence improvements at once. The lowest price paid for a single lot was $60, the highest $486. The entire sale amounted to $28,553. On the 11th of July, 1820, Elias Conwell^was admitted as a member of the association, he having purchased the shares owned by Erasmus Powell. Other transfers of stock were afterward made. About this time the company commenced drilling wells for salt water, near where the Crescent Brewing Company's brewery now stands, and Horace Bassett and Conwell were appointed a committee to superintend the work. In January, 1820, an entire square was donated to Samuel Harris, on con- dition that he would make improvements on the same equal to four sub- stantial buildings within eighteen months. At the same meeting of the company it was ordered as follows: " That four lots be donated to the friends of Samuel Harris, and ground suflScient to establish a cotton-mill or woolen-mill, provided the same be established thereon within four years." January 10, 1821, the ferries across the Ohio River and Hogan Creek were leased to Edward Fairchild for a term of two years. October 24, 1822, Jesse L. Holman resigned his position as director, trustee and treasurer, his duties as one of the three judges of the supreme court, to which place he had been appointed by Gov. Jennings, demanding all his attention. The thanks of the association were ten- dered him for the " ability, wisdom, impartiality and integrity with which he managed the concerns of the company." The trust property was then conveyed to Richard Norris, afterward to Horace Basset, and finally to Isaiah Wing. The proceedings of a meeting of the company held April 27, 1820, are so brief, and withal so unique, that they deserve to be reproduced: Resolved. That when any member wishes to speak he shall rise and respectfullv address Mr. President. Resolved, That when two or more rise to speak at the same time, the president shall decide which shall proceed. Adjourned to attend the sale of lots. 18 306 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The deed from Charles Vattier and Camila, his wife, conveying the property to the Aurora Association, was acknowledged before Isaac G. Burnett, who was the mayor of Cincinnati. The lots were sold mostly on credit, and at very high prices, and for three or four years a great deal of public attention was given to the enterprise and quite a flourishing little village was built up, but at that time there was but little immigration Westward, great scarcity of money, and few of the lots were paid for, and many of them forfeited to the association, Charles Vattier became the owner of a large number of the lots and most of the reserved lands, and afterward transferred the same to William Israel, attorney in trust, and he to Buchanan, Buell and Lane, which became the property, by transfer, of George W. Lane about the year 1835. Mr. Holman, as trustee of the association, acknowledged an addition to the village in the spring of 1820 to be correct. In 1837 twenty out- lots, containing a fraction over forty-eight acres of land, were added. Later additions were made in 1844 by George W. Lane; in 1845 by George W. Chrisman; and in 1846 by Henry Walker. The following lots were designated and set apart by the association for special purposes, January 18, 1820: on Literary, now Fifth Street, lot No. 208, for Library Association; two lots east of the old Baptist Church building, lot No. 209, to the Aurora Baptist Church; one lot east of the present old church building, lot No. 210, for school purposes; the lot on which now stands the old meeting-house, a public square at the head of Judiciary Street; lot No. 216, to the Masonic Order; on the site of the residence of Rev. Mr. Freeman, lot No. 221, to the Methodist Episcopal Church; on the site of the residence of Joseph MeCreary, lot No. 221, for school purposes; adjoining lots mentioned one, lot No. 227, to Presbyterian Church; one lot west of the Mrs. James Wymond's residence, lot No. 228, for school purposes. INCORPORATION AND THE EARLY VILLAGE. In September, 1822, an election was held to choose a board of trustees for the corporation of Aurora, when the following named persons were elected: Edward Fairchild, Timothy Brown, Elias Con well, Abraham St. John and Ebenezer B. Mudge. Horace Bassett was chosen clerk of the board. Up to this date improvements in the town had gone forward slowly, and many of the lots were forfeited to the association, owing to the inability of the purchasers to meet payments. It was necessary, in many cases, to grant further time to those who were improving the donation lots. One of the first houses built in the town was erected on a donation vt, by Henry Van Middlesworth. It was finished in 1822, and occupied CITY OF AURORA. 307 for several years as a hotel and store, being, probably, the first public house in the place. It was known as the "Aurora Hotel," and was kept by Van Middlesworth. The house still remains, and is now the residence of Ira Hill, corner of Front and Second Streets. Conwell and Vattier became the owners of many of the lots, and among the first buildings erected may also be mentioned the frame house which yet stands at the south end of Hogan Creek bridge, corner of Main and Importing Streets, and the frame part of the Eagle Hotel, on Front Street. The former was built by Conwell, who occupied it as a store and dwelling for many years, and the latter by Vattier. In this building Vattier kept the first saloon that was opened in Aurora. Among the first brick houses erected is the one at present occupied by Mrs. Cochran and daughters, corner of Main and Second Streets. It was built by Aaron Foulk, father of L. N. Foulk, who had a store there for some time. One or two stores besides those mentioned, were kept in Aurora at that period, while Wilmington had about three places where merchandise was bought and sold. Takino- the extent of the population into consideration the community was quite as well supplied with places of business in those early times as now. But few steam-boats were running, and the merchants brought their goods from Cincinnati in small flat-boats. Previous to the flat-boat the pirogue, a craft of the canoe kind, was used for the transportation of goods. The first ferries across the river and creek at this point consisted of these pirogues. The fertile lands of southeastern Indiana were attracting emigrants from the country East, and from 1820 to 1825 the population of Dear- born County increased with wonderful rapidity. Center Township (then Laughery Township) and the new town of Aurora received a fair share of this population. Many new houses were erected in the town and con- siderable business activity was manifested. The panic was brought on about this period by the failure of banks in all parts of the country, and Aurora suffered with every other town and city in the West. A check was put upon improvements, and but little progress was made for some time. Money was scarce and the products of the country lower than evei- before or since. Prime corn would bring but 7 cents a bushel; eggs were sold for 2 cents a dozen, and butter for 3 cents a pound. Other things were proportionately low. In 1823-24 Pinkney James, of Cincinnati, built a small steam-boat on the bank of the Ohio, in front of the Eagle Hotel property, and on the 4th day of July, 1824, it was launched, and the event celebrated by the firing of cannon, etc. The boat was named the "Clinton." Hundreds of persons came in from the surrounding country to witness the demon- strations and pass the Fourth in town. During the festivities, Henry 308 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Van Middlesworth was killed. He was assisting in the loading and managing at the caonon, when a premature explosion took place, killing him instantly. He was standing in front of the gun ramming the charge with an iron bar. The top of his head was carried away, and the body hurled over the bank, a distance of several feet. Old citizens speak of this day as exceeding all others in the history of the town in the amount of drunkenness, fighting and general lawlessness indulged in. The town was filled with people, and whisky was sold and drank without stint. Two roughs had a desperate fight in the blood where Van Middlesworth fell, and immediately after the body was removed, while scores of people looked on and applauded the beastly spectacle. Dozens of tights occurred during the day, and for the time being law and order were accounted as naught. Among other incidents a notorious rough named Kilgour, who had been drinking heavily, drew a pistol on David Milburn, against whom he had a fancied grudge, and was only prevented from firing by a cool-headed bystander striking the weapon from his hand. The first house in this locality, in the building of which any pretensions were made to appearance or convenience, was erected by Clayborn Morrison, at a very early date, on the site of Strawder Cheek's residence. It was built of logs (a decided improvement on poles, willows and bark), was higher than the architect of the period seemed to require, and contained three rooms. History is silent as to the way in which this residence was furnished, but as Mr. Morrison was probably a gentleman of advanced ideas, it is safe to presume that he had his forest home fixed up in a manner closely akin to "style. " The second house of this character was built and occupied by Page Cheek, and was located somewhere on the present Billingsley farm. Referring again to Mr. Conwell, it was stated at his death that he, in 1819, erected the building at the corner of First and Main Streets, and in it established the first mercantile store in the village, and in connec- tion therewith kept the postoflfice for eight years. His house was the resort of politicians and others, and his estimable lady, a daughter of Charles Tatem, of Cincinnati, made their abode the seat of refined hospitality. In 1828 the author of a geography and history of the Western States thus spoke of Aurora: "Aurora is a new village at the mouth of Hogan Creek, four miles below Lawrenceburgh on the Ohio. It contains between sixty and seventy dwelliugs." Five years later (1833). The Indiana Gazateer thus described the village : " It contained about 600 inhabitants, 3 stores, 1 tavern, a physician, a lawyer, a preacher of the Gospel, several mechanics of different professions, a seminary, a church, and a large and prosperous Sunday-school." CITY OF AURORA. 309 REMINISCENCES. The following article containing reminiscences of early Aurora was published in the Independent Banner in 1852, then edited by N. D, Folbre : "We are no stranger in Aux'ora. Our earliest recollections in life had their existence here. Our days, from our infancy, have been mostly spent in this place ; and we profess to know something of its early his- tory. "All that territory now covered with neat houses, and known as the Fifth Ward of the town, we knew when it was overspread with Indian corn, yielding annually a bountiful harvest. Beneath Chambers' store once run a deep ravine, from the hills west of the town, and emptied into the Ohio. So deep was that ravine, that a tolerably sized wooden bridge was thrown across it, for the benefit of the citizens and travelers. In summer we have played in its waters ; in winter have skated upon its frozen surface. Our playmates, who sported with us then, are now nearly all gone ; some are in California, a few yet reside here, but most of them are dead. "Remember well the old grist-mill which stood on the bank of South Hogan Creek, about fifty yards to the right of the walnut tree at the head of Third Street ; saw the oxen when they tramped the wheel that turned the mill, and the miller when he took his toll. Recollect when Hogan Creek at its mouth was sixty feet deep (when the Ohio was low), and the old Frenchman, Vattier, when he kept the ferry across it, and took his 'eleven -penny bit.' In those days this • ' Town was all covered over With bramble and with clover.' and some dog- fennel and a few Jamestown (Jimpson) weeds. Oh! those were brave old days. "At a still earlier date, about the year 1828, when four years of age we attended school, held in a log- cabin, which stood on what was then a grassy common, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, west of Squire Harris' dwelling. This was also used as a place of worship for Methodists, a sect at that time few in number here. Twenty-five or thirty frame and log-houses composed the village. A few years later, the brick house on the corner of Main and Second, occupied by O. P. Cobb, as a dwelling, was built by Aaron Foulk, in the east part of which he resided, in the west he opened a diy goods store. This house was considered a vast im- provement to the town, and was universally styled the 'big brick.' Above the door of the store-room was posted a sign of dark green ground with bright yellow letters which read 'A. Foulks' New Store,' much to the delight of the good people of the neighborhood. In 1835, where 310 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. our office now stands, there stood a frame house, occupied by Daniel Bartholomew, Esq. (deceased), as a drug and dry goods store. The Squire was one of the oldest inhabitants, and filled the various posts of mer- chant, magistrate and doctor — there being no regular physician in the village. His store-house was destroyed by fire. The day it was burned we were in school taught by one Gauf Wilson (who will be remembered by all wbo were so unlucky as to have been his pupils, for his peculiar propensity for applying the birchen rod). A fire those days in town was a remarkable event, and the school was dismissed and teacher and scholars hastened, en masse, to the scene of disaster, where all the vil- lagers old and young, male and female, had assembled to render their aid to the sufferer. "At that time there were few steamers plying upon our beautiful Ohio. Some of them were hard -looking crafts, compared with the splendid boats of the present day. When a passenger wished to take passage, if in the night, the boat was brought to shore by the discharge of a rifle or other small gun. Freights and passage were dear, and many of the people of the village and neighborhood preferred traveling on the old 'Fearnot,' a keel-boat, greatly celebrated as a fast traveler, making one trip every two weeks to Cincinnati, freighted, generally, with barrels, hoop-poles and staves; and, returning, brought goods of all kinds for our small shop- keepers and the neighboring villages. This unparalleled speed was eclipsed, however, by a smaller keel-boat, under the command of a gentle- man who was determined to outdo time itself, and a brag trip to Cincin- nati (including the taking in and discharging of the freight) was conse- quently made in eight days. Thereafter, when this swift craft came in sight of our port, and blew her famous boat-horn, the villagers assembled on the river bank to greet her and hear the latest news. "The year 1836, almost seventeen years since, was a great era in the his- tory of Aurora— a printing office was established in the town. It was called the Indiana Signal, and was owned by George W. Lane, and several others, and edited by S. C. Hastings, now a supreme judge in California. The Signal was devoted to the election of Martin Van Buren to the presidency. John K. Wilcox,^who yet resides here, had the control of the mechanical department; in that office, and under his direction, we set our first type. William Webber, was also an apprentice in the office, and many a boyish fracas had we there together. The office was in the upper story of the house now occupied by Judge Kumel as a tavern, on Main Street, near the creek. But the 6'i^na/ was short lived: it rendered all its strength to Van Buren's election, for which purpose it was estab- lished, and shortly after that event, its Democratic fires ceased to burn. A paper printed with the same type and press, called the Dearborn Dem- CITY OF AURORA. 311 ocrat, was started shortly after the decease of the Signal, by one J. C. Whitilsey, but died in a very short time, for lack of support. In the latter part of 1838, or early in 1839, a newspaper, entitled The Dear- born County Democrat, was started in town, in the room we now occupy, by Alexander E. Glenn. The paper was Democratic, and advocated, in 1840, the re-election of Van Buren. The election of Gen. Harrison was too much for Mr. Glenn, and his paper shortly after that event went by the board. "At this period the census of the United States was taken, and Au- rora was found to contain only 490 inhabitants! And not till about 1844 did the place give evidence of ever being anything more than a small village. But the country for many miles around the town, being exceed- ingly rich and productive, whose trade, if proper inducements were held out could be secured, and the locality of the place being one of the best on the Ohio, possessing the finest harbor and landing on the river for the largest class of boats in the lowest stage of water, were advantages no longer to be overlooked. Strangers commenced coming in, build- ing and locating. Business and dwelling houses were in demand; prop- erty increased in Value. The old citizens holding property, put up sub- stantial houses. Real estate was in constant demand. Men of capital were attracted to the town; and soon Aurora contained a number of val- uable houses. From year to year the place continued to prosper. Now, in the year 1852, Aurora numbers over 3,000 inhabitants, supports two newspapers, and contains some of the most elegant and costly houses in the State — several of them erected at an expense of $9,000, $14,000 and $15,000 each. Several hundred flat-boats, freighted with produce, every season leave our port for Southern markets. A superior steamer plys as a regular daily packet between this place and Cincinnati. A considerable busi- ness is also picked up here by the mail and Madison boats. No steamer fails to land at our wharves as she passes. In our midst, and around us, are signs of active business. Our landings are crowded with freight, our streets filled with wagons from the country,our mechanics busy in their shops, our merchants engaged at their counters — all denoting a flourishing little city and prosperous community. What a change in a few years! At this point the great Ohio & Mississippi Railroad first strikes the Ohio River; the machine shops for which, are to be located near the west part of the city. These shops will occupy twenty acres, including the dwellings of the workmen, and will bring to our place, it is estimated, 400 families." ACTS OF aurora's FIRST MAGISTRATE. Daniel Bartholomew was the first magistrate of Aurora. He was 312 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. elected justice of the peace in the year 1822, and from a docket left by him it would appear that he served in that capacity for about eleven years. In this ancient record, which is yet in the possession of Richard Hubbartt, Esq., of Aurora, the earliest entry was made January 9, 1822, in a case entitled "Ebenezer Lange vs. Noah and James Lambert." It was a plea of debt to recover $10. On that date the plaintiff ap- peared and withdrew the suit, when the case was dismissed by the justice. The last record bears date of July 6, 1832, showing that Squire Bartholo- mew's term of office was somewhat extended. Daniel Bartholomew came to Aurora in 1819 or 1820, from Vermont. During a freshet in the river he landed his family at the mouth of Hogan Creek, in a small boat, in which they had probably floated from Pitts- burgh. His family consisted of a wife and two daughters. One of the daughters afterward became the wife of George W. Cochxan, a man well known by the older citizens of Aurora and prominently connected with the early history of the town. "When the water fell Bartholomew allowed his boat to "beach," and continued to live in it for about one year. He then built a small house on the bank of the river a short dis- tance below where the Eagle House stands. In this house he lived with his family and kept a small store. After he was elected justice of the peace, he also used it as an office. Aurora was then in embryo. The building now occupied as a residence by Mr. Ira Hill, corner of Second and Front Streets, and the one built by Bartholomew, were the only houses on the bank of the river. Charles Vattier, the original land owner, was pro- prietor of a ferry to convey persons across the river. The ferry consisted of a small flat and a large canoe. Elijah Horsley was employed by Yattier to manage it. Hogan Creek was crossed by the same means, no bridge having been built until fifteen years later, when Mr. George W. Lane, as an individual enterprise, constructed a toll bridge across the mouth of the creek. His bridge was of great importance to the young town. Mr. Lane afterward sold it out to Dearborn County, and when the old structure became insecure the present bridge was erected. Going back to Squire Bartholomew's docket, a brief review of its contents may be of interest, as showing how and to whom justice was ad- ministered in Aurora fifty years ago. The following record appears on page 4, and is among the first cases entered: "State of Indiana vs. John Hiffi In a charge of abuse and insult to the wife of Ebenezer Lange; warrant issued February 18, 1822; the defendant came and the jury summoned, empaneled and sworn. After a proper and full in- vestigation of all things ajDpertaining to the charge, the jury retired, and soon agreed upon a verdict of eight dollars fine for the State of Indiana. Daniel Baetholomew, J, P." CITY OF .AURORA. 313 On the 20th day of March, 1822, for breach of peace and swearing, Thomas Longley was fined 95 cents; same date, for "abuse and threatening to his wife, who prayed surety of the peace," Thomas Daily was found guilty and committed to jail. May 31, 1822, Axey Wilson was tried by a jury for an assault upon a child. He was adjudged guilty and fined 1 cent, to be applied to the State of Indiana. Samuel Roof ap- pears on the 22d of July, 1822, and acknowledges himself indebted to Henry Benson in the sum of 50 cents, together with interest thereon nntil paid. On the 2l8t of August an execution was issued, by order of the plaintiflf, and in default of payment the body of defendant was com- mitted to jail ; Samuel Doolittle, constable. State of Indiana vs. Amasa Ball. This was an action of assault and battery on the body of George W. Thornton ; warrant issued September 2, 1822 ; returned the same day with the body present. The jury was unable to agree. To quote, from the docket, " The foreman retired and the balance was discharged, and the defendant made his escape into Kentucky to those people whose countenance favored his character." George W. Thornton then comes forward as the defendant in an assault and battery case, but no witnesses being presented against him he was discharged. " State of Indiana vs. Samuel Eoof. The defendant was legally summoned and empaneled as a juror November 2, 1822, when he retired from the room after the case was submitted to the jury, and was absent some time; after which, with- out permission, he went home and returned not again. It is therefore considered that the State of Indiana recover of the defendant the sum of $2, this the 2d day of November, 1822. Daniel Bartholomew, J. P." On the 1st day of October, 1822, James Green brought suit against Torrence Curry to recover 37| cents. On the same day the claim was paid, and Green's receipt appears on the docket. Isaac Cannon vs. Jehial Buffington. An action for neglect of duty as constable. No cause. Case dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Ebenezer Grifiing for "contempt and abuse and trespassing on the rules of com- mon decency and good order" was fined $1, November 10, 1822. November 4, 1822, it required three juries to find John W. Ledbitter guilty of assault and battery. Ledbitter was fined |5, and sat- isfied the Court by note on the agent of.^ "Aurora Association." Elias Conwell and Horace Bassett were prominent and influential men in the days of which we write. Both were leading spirits in the or- ganization and building up of the town. But they had their little personal misunderstanding, as appears by the record of February 24, 1823. On that day Conwell committed an assault and battery on the person of Bassett. and was arraigned for trial by jury. He was found 314 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. guilty and fined $2 and costs. Elijah Wbitten, in an action "for profane swearing for seven different oaths, taken before me on the 6th day of March, 1824, at Aurora, for which the said Whitten was fined one dollar for each oath." On the 7th of June, 1824, Michael Trester brought suit against Isaac Miller on account of the freight on one barrel of salt from Cincinnati to Aurora. Execution issued and placed in hands of Robert Criswell, constable. Edmund Cheesman for an assault upon Caleb Woods-worth, constable, while in the performance'of his duty as constable, was adjudged guilty, and for want of bail committed. In a suit for forcible entry and detainer, between Luke Erill, plain- tiff, and Elias Conwell, defendant, March 19, 1825, wherein it was alleged that Conwell took unlawful possession of abiailding belonging to Erill, and in which considerable public interest was probably manifested, the "Court adjourned to the meeting house." The following named persons comprised the ^jury: David Boardman, John B. Chisman, Noyes Canfield, Peter Carbaugh, John Vinson, Walter Kerr, William Hancock, Jonathan Parks, David Walser, Conrad Huffman, Asa Shattuck and Stephen J. Paine. Verdict for plaintiff. Thomas Sparks, for swearing in open court, August 23, 1825. was fined $1. "The defendant left the State and died," says the record, "but did not satisfy the judgment." For assault and battery, April 29, 1826, John Brown was fined $3. His fine was not paid, and Robert Criswell, constable, was directed by the court to convey the defendant to the county jail for im- prisonment. John Lasine for an assault upon his wife, Sunday, October 7, 1827, was arrested on complaint of J. Wing, and brought before the court in a state of intoxication. When sober he was fined $1. Charles Vattier, the land owner and enterprising business man, found time, it would seem, to occasionally partake of the pleasures and pas- times of social life, as witness this: On the 8th of December, 1830, he was arraigned for assault and battery on the body of Peleg Bartlett, and fined $3 and costs. AURORA A CITY ITS MAYORS. The city government commenced'in 1848, with John D. Haynes as mayor. He was succeeded in 1851 by Solomon P. Tumy, who officiated until 1859, with the exception of 1856, during which year Washington Stark occupied the chair. John Gaff was elected in 1859, Frederick Slater in 1861, Dr. George Sutton, 1863; R. Criswell, 1867; Frederick Huckery, 1869; J. A. Emerie, 1871; Dr. Frederick Rectanus, 1873; Edward H. Green, 1877, and Louis E. Beinkamp, the present incumbent, was first elected in 1881, having since administered the affairs of the office with commendable zeal. CITY OF AURORA. 315 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. In the fall of 1852 a company was formed under the name of ' ' The Eising Snn, Aurora & Lawrenceburgh Telegraph Company" for the purpose of running the wires from the Lawi-enceburgh office to Aurora and Rising Sun, establishing an office at each place. The office at Aurora was located at the grocery^of | W. Webber & Co., on Third Street with William Webber in charge. In 1854 a new line of telegraph (the Wade patent) was built through Aurora to run with the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad to St. Louis. In the spring of 1879, the office of T. & J. W. Gaff & Co., of Aurora and that of H. W. Smith & Co., of Cincinnati were connected by tele- phone, messages being sent and received over the line on Friday, March 14, 1870. THE CITY, 1858-59. From a business standpoint, Aurora made the following exhibit in 1858-59, as shown by a State compilation published at that time: Allen, W., carpenter. Allen, E. B., blacksmith. Andrews, A., grocer. Beettner, H., barber. Beerger, W., gunsmith. Bess, F. M. , proprietor hotel. Bloom, A., merchant tailor. Bond, R. C, physician and surgeon./ Burns, F. A., boot and shoe-maker. Bush, B. M., agent Adams Express. Campbell & York, saddlers. Carbough, J. H., attorney. Chambers, Stevens & Co., dry goods, groceries, etc. Cheek, George, dealer in bay. Clark, Mrs. A. P., postmistress. Cobb, John, coal dealer. Cobb, O. P. & Co., pork packers, grocers, etc. Cooper, C. H, «fe A. J., jewelers. Crane, A. G. & Co. , manufacturers of bai'rels. Cunningham, William, dealer in liquors. Devons, J., woolen factory. Dines, G., barber. Dyke, N. tin-smith. Ebersale & Haines, druggists. Ebersale — physician and surgeon. ' Edwards, W. J. & Co., carriagfe- makers. 316 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Fehling, C, grocer. Fisher, P., boot and shoe-maker. Gaff, T. & J. \V., millers, distillers, dry goods, groceries, etc. Garmhausen, B., grocer. Giedgold, J., meat market. Giedgold, J. L. & M., livery stable. Goldsmith, M., boots, shoes, etc. Green, Ed H. , attorney, Hamilton, J., hotel. Harris, W. T., justice of the peace. Hauck, L., barber. Held, P. H., merchant tailor. Hettenbergh, S., exchange. Hill, S. P. & Co., druggists. Holman & Haynes, attorneys Holz, Dr., physician & surgeon. Hubbartt, R., grocer. Hubbartt, A. B., carpenter. Huckery, F. , justice of the peace. Hurlbert, L. G., lumber dealer and mill factory. Ittner, J., boot and shoe-maker. Kasner, P., bakery. Kelsey, J. A. & Co., wharf -boat. Kemp, M., grocer, baker and liquor dealer. Kreitlein, A., grocer. Lamkin, H., tailor. Johnson, A., baker. Laupus, J. G., tobacconist. Lansberry, A. B., wagon-maker. Latimore, T., carpenter. Lozier, Abram, dry goods and groceries. McCreary, R. E., dry goods and groceries! McHenry, B. N., blacksmith. Malony, J., grocer. Marron, H., furniture. Mayer, Cohn & Co., clothiers. Milburo, J. N., jewelry and book store. Miles, I., attorney. Parker, S. , fruit and vegetables. Phalin, I., grocer. Pierce, S. R., dry goods and groceries. Pyle, J., ambrotypist. CITY OF AURORA. 317 Radspiner, J. F., grocer. Rider, J., boot and shoe-maker. Rothirt, F., grocer. Sadlei', Mrs. C. , milliner. Schultze, A., hotel. Sherrod, W., barber. Sherwood, Mrs. Mary., milliner. Shipper, B., coal dealer. Siemontel, M., bakery and confectionery. Siemontel, brewery. Siemontel, M. & C, millers. Slater, F., grocer. Small, E., dealer in hay. Squibb, W. P. & Co., dealers in liquors and groceries. Stafford, J., grocer. Stark, Mrs. M., milliner. /Stedman & Co., foundry. Stevens, J., blacksmith. Stevens, W. F., insurance. Stratter, L. S., dry goods. Taylor, G. W., livery stable. Terrill, R. Q., attorney. Tuck, N. H., ambrotypist. Tumy, S. P., mayor and dealer in stoves and tinware. Twyman, B. W., attorney. Veiht, F. L., physician and surgeon. Weaver, J. W., commission merchant. Wehe, A., saddler. Wilke, J. H., grocer. Worth, F. D., hotel. ^Wymond & Gibson, coopers. Young & Miller, boots and shoes. GKOWTH AND PROGRESS. Important eras in the city's history may be said to have commenced, first, with the construction of the bridge across the mouth of Hogan Creek by George W. Lane in 1836; at which time another was built west of the city, the completion of which was of the first importance to the place. That summer a number of young men of energy settled in Aurora, who assisted in different ways in diffusing life and energy to the old inhabitants of the town. L. G. Hurlbert as a merchant; Dr. George Sutton as a physician; L. C. Hastings as editor of the Indiana Signal; 318 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. A. C. Cole, a young lawyer, who died at an early age; Charles and Thomas Folbre, George W. Cochran, Isaac Hancock, all young men of energy and also extensive river traders. About this time Thomas Folbre commenced the erection of a large brick building, which stands on Second Street, at that time the largest and finest building in the town. Second, with the establishment of the distillery and mills of Thomas and J. W. Gaff in 1843. Third, with the completion of the Ohio & Mis- sissippi Railroad, to the town in 1854, the location here of the extensive car shops of that road and the construction of the turnpikes about that time. Fourth, with the location of the Great Crescent Brewery in 1873, and the establishing of the mammoth industry the rolling-mill, by the Aurora Iron Company in 1873, which finally became the nail and iron works of O. P. Cobb & Co. The census of 1840 gave Aurora a population of 490; of 1850, 2,051; of 1860, 2,990; of 1870, 3,304; of 1880, 4,435. The post office was established in Aurora in 1819. The printing press was introduced into the village in 1836. The first steamboat was built at and launched from Aurora in 1824. The electro-magnetic telegraph was put in operation in 1852. The railroad was completed to the city in 1854. Street lamps were introduced into the city in 1861 and a portion of the streets were then lighted. The streets were lighted by gas in 1874. A steam fire engine was brought to the city in 1876. The city was connected by telephone with Cincinnati in 1879. In the Western Republican of October 5, 1847, it was stated that "Notwithstanding high water and hard times, our city marches straight onward. The cause is obvious. Capital, enterprise and industry are a part of the secret of its success — these combined must overcome every obstacle. A friend has taken the pains to give us the number of houses which have been built since the first of March, and under contract to be completed this season, to-wit: brick, 18; frame 60; additions, 12; total, 90." The total number of buildings erected in Aurora in 1850 was 123; 100 of which were dwellings, 2 churches, 1 mill and distillery, 10 ware- houses, 2 livery stables, 4 blacksmith shops and 4 cooper shops, costing $120,000. Below is given the names of such builders of houses wherein the cost of the building amounts to $1,000. CITY OF AURORA. 319 Henry Walker : . |13,000 T. & J. W. Gaff(raill and distillery) 30,000 Joseph W. Gaflf g'ooo Presbyterian Church 8 000 Dr. Sutton 5^000 J. & 0. P. Cobb (store room and pork house) 5 000 P- B. Vail 3;000 Levi Stevens 3 000 John Shattuck 2 000 Henry Blasdell 2 000 B- M. Bush ;.";; 1^300 Bierman 1000 Samuel Lewis 1 000 $83,000 ' 'About 1850, Aurora had grown up to the business increase caused by distilling, milling, etc. Next came the railroad, the shops were established close by, and another rapid growth followed. Again aboat five years ago we had caught up in population with our business, and a temporary stoppage ensued. Lately added a brewery, a furniture factory, a chair factory, and an immense rolling-mill to our industries." — Dearborn Independent, 1873. In November of the following year, the same paper said, "Improve- ment on every hand is going on, our streets are being improved, busi- ness houses are being erected, dwellings are fairly springing up, and new branches of business are opening up constantly. Our population is increasing, rapidly, business men, professional men and capitalists are locating here, and Aurora is becoming noted for her business energy and enterprise." A writer for one of the city papers in 1879, speaking of forty years ago, said, ' 'Then what is now the heart of the city, was a common, multis generous of ravines, mud holes, jimson and dog-fennel patches. The Third Ward of Sunnyside and West Side, were either cornfields or heavy forests, while our lively suburb, Cochran, was the elegant hay farm of the gentleman after whom it is named. The roads leading to the interior were of such a character that the best one ascended the hills at such a grade as to require a good team and light wagon to haul a barrel of salt, or whisky and keg of dog- leg tobacco to Wilmington, then the county seat, and seat of learning of Dearborn and Ohio Counties; but now only the decayed remains of its former self. Whilst the roads leading both up and down the river were in such a condition, without bridges, and the streams ferried in such a manner that no prudent life insurance com- pany could afi"ord to take risks on persons who traveled them. Ten years later we find Aiirora incorporated and improving her streets, which together with the liberal use of her influence and means in relocating, 320 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. grading aud mettling all her roads, inlets and outlets, soon marked a progress that has continued until Aurora, solid Aurora has expand- ed clear across the valley and above the confluence of the two Hogans, and is rapidly climbing the surrounding hills, which aflford the most delightful views to be found in the Ohio Valley." Concerning the city's improvements we quote from the Independent of January 10, 1878: "Our city has come out wonderfully in the last seven months, as the following summary will show: Beginning on Fifth Street, we have J. J. Metcalfe, a fine two-story dwelling; Crescent Brew- ery, two-story bottling establishment. On Fourth Street, John Stark, dwelling; James R. Hayes, two-story dwelling; H. J. Marshall, renova- tion of house; Prof. Tufts and Charles Stevens, each a two- story dwell- ing. Third Street, Episcopal Church and Nees' new hotel. Second Street, Johnson's two-story brick business house. Bridgway Street, Martin Scheuerman, two-story brick dwelling; Romstein, one-story busi- ness house. Mechanic Street, Al Bloom, dwelling; Main Street, Small's and Wilke's buildings, both large, two-story business houses. On Judi- ciary, the complete overhauling and repairing of the old Weaver and Groves property; also dwellings of P. Garrity, destroyed by fire, and York's large livery stable. In the Third Ward the building has been confined exclusively to dwellings, as follows: Johnson Street, John Twentyman, E. Cole and Pardee Bench; Broadway, Charles Glass and P. Garrity; Moore Street, Dent Wymond; Manchester Street, W. H. Cobb; Sunnyside, E. D. Haynes, B. F. Trester, Jr., Thomas Tan- ner; Eastside, William Block; in Westside, Frank Briddell, Charles Shepard, Rev. I. B. Grundy, John Gifiin and George Lamb have erected handsome dwellings. Never, perhaps, in the history of the city, has so much building been done in so short a time. Next season many more buildings will go up. The foundation for the Nutshell & Cunning- ham , and the Mabin Brothers' buildings, on Second Street, have been laid, and the erection of large business houses thereon, will begin early in the spring. We venture the assertion that no town of its size in this part of the country has made the advancement that our city has during the past year." FIRE OF 1882. September 4. 1882, occurred the greatest fire at Aurora, that the city ever experienced, by which was consumed nearly a whole block of build- ings. The fire originated in the chair factory of John Cobb & Co., on Bridgeway Street, nearly opposite the Indiana House. The wind was blowing a sweeping gale from the burning building right into the heart of the city, and most of the surrounding buildings were wooden struct- ures. The tire extended in every direction, except to the north. The CITY OF AURORA. 321 Indiana House burned, everything east of it on Fourth Street, John Siemantel's buildings on Third Street, also Adolph Mann's saloon, and ail the out-houses between Third and Fourth Streets, and the first alley east of Bridgeway, burned. On the west side of Bridgeway Street the chair factory, engine-house, dry house and ware-house, a carpenter shop and brick dwelling, and all buildings there between Third and Fourth and First, were burned. Seventy-five thousand dollars worth of property, covering a whole square, was nearly wiped out. The steam fire engine from the Walsh & Kellogg Distillery, of Luwrenceburgh, was sent down, and one telegraphed for from Cincinnati, but did not come,a8 the fire was got under control. The principal losses were as follows: John Cobb & Co., $30,000, insurance to the amount of $8,000; Mrs. Brewington, $5.000, no insurance; John H. Siemantel, $7,000, insurance $3,000; Adolph Stamm, $6,000, insurance $3,000; M. Giegoldt, $15,000, insurance $6,000. FLOODS— 1882— 1883— 1884. During the great floods in the Ohio River, occurring in February, 1882. 1883 and 1884, Aurora shared the same fate as did her sister Ohio River cities that were so unfortunate as not to have been built on elevations. The following extracts are taken from one of the city papers of those years, as showing the rise, progress and receding of the waters, and the general aspect of things: On Tuesday morning the weather was quite cold and snow fell in fitful gusts, yet the rise continued slowly but surely. The water flooded Main Street from the bridge half way to Second Street, and from the foot of Second Street to Chambers & Stevens' corner. The people living on these streets were forced to move into the upper stories of their houses. On third Street the water came half way up to Main, on Fourth Street nearly to Judiciary, while it reached Peter Koehler's corner at the foot of Fifth Street, shutting off communication, except by boats to "Texas." In the afternoon the rise was about half an inch per hour. The floor of the Main Street bridge was covered before 5 o'clock, and the water worked up in the gutter opposite Riddell's drug store, and up on Main to McClellan's blacksmith shop. At 8 o'clock Tuesday evening the river came to a stand, the Big Miami having subsided, and between 11 and 12 o'clock it began to recede, falling by morning about eleven inches, which was a great relief to everybody. — Independent, February 23, 1882. While only two or three small dwelling houses are turned over at this writing (Wednesday evening) nearly half the houses in Aurora have water in them, varying in depth from the eave of the roof of those houses in the low lands to more than a foot on the floor of Leive Bros 10 322 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. jewelry store, in the opera bouse building. Hundreds of dwelling houses will suffer more or less damages, and will require thorough reno- vating when the water goes down. — Independent, February 15, 1883. "As we went to press last week the Ohio River was still rising here and, although it was the last day of its climbing up and up to a height beyond man's memory, the strangest thing was that on that last day, Wednesday, February 14, 1883. it rose at a rate equal to any day after it had overflown its banks. The water continued to rise during all of Wednesday and until 6 o'clock Thursday the loth inst., at which time it came to a stand at a point thirty-three and one half inches above the mark of the famous flood of 1832." The height of the water here as given in last week's Independent was good enough when it was written but was considerably surpassed before that issue of the paper was ^read. Last Thursday morning the climax was reached. The Ohio Kiver was on the floor of our postoflSce; it was five feet and eight inches deep in O. P. Cobb & Co.'s store, was about two feet deep in the First Baptist Church, lacked only one inch of being in Schaeffer's store on Third and Main Streets, was rippling in Dr. Bond's house on George Street, was within two and one-half feet of the second floor of Gaff's building at the foot of Second Street; finally was two feet nine and one-half inches higher than anybody ever saw it in Aurora and we have plenty of the proverbial "oldest inhabitants" too. The water came to a stand at 6 A. M. Thursday and many a high water mark for February 15, 1883, was cut to record the flood height for future generations to swim over. A good mark is cut deep in the second step adjacent to the First National Bank; another is chiseled in the iron column of Mitchell's building opposite the bank and in innumerable places all over town the mark of this highest flood of them all is 'chalked down.' The water was on a stand for about four hours when it began to recede &\ovi\^ .— Independent, February 22, 1883. "We started out to get an estimate of individual losses of our citizens by the flood, but the work was too great for us. Our citizens, both rich and poor alike, have lost heavily, probably, in all, not much less than U^O,Om:'— Independent, February 22, 1883. "As a result of their precautions, the citizens of Aurora will not suffer nearly as much as they did in 1882 or in 1883, and the de- struction of property will not be one-third as much as in either of those years. W^arning came over the wires: 'Prepare for seventy feet.' That would be three feet and six inches more than we had in 1883, and the people lost no time in preparing. All the people living in houses likely to be submerged moved into their second stories, where they were high enough, and where this was not the case they abandoned the houses CITY OF AUKORA. 323 and moved to higher ground. All of our merchants moved their goods and perishable property beyond the possible reach of the water, and thus saved everything, many of them vsrorking night and day to accomplish their object. Of course Cobb's Iron & Nail Company, the Sutton Mill Company, Aurora Distilling Company, and the Aurora Valley Furniture Company were drowned out and stopped operations, but, aside from loss of time, trouble and inconvenience, their losses will not amount to much. With the river already bank full (and over its banks in many places), the rain commenced Monday night, February 4, and poured down almost in- cessantly till Thursday morning, February 7. Tuesday, February 5, the water was over the sidewalk from the Eagle Hotel to the Crescent Brewery, and in all that portion of town north of Hogan Creek, and be- tween George Street and the river. Then the rise was rapid, and the water extended up Second Street to Mechanic Street, up Third to Main up Mill Street to the office of the Aurora Distilling Company, and up Main Street to its intersection with Third. "The above part of this article was written Monday morning, when we had the faintest hope that there would not be much more to tell, but the rains kept coming up till last night, when they finished early in the night with a heavy climax, and then the wind changed, and the most welcome cold snap that ever visited any community fell upon us and put a check to the rain, and gave us hope that the river would not overflow the hilltops, at least. But the rainfall had been general through the whole valley of the Ohio, and the greatest of all floods was inevitable. Up and up and up it climbed, driving people from one refuge to another, until 4 o'clock this Thursday afternoon, February 14, 1884, it had reached a point six feet above the once legendary flood of 1832. It stood at this height for some time, as if meditating whether to burst itself in one final effort to do yet greater things, and then it began very slowly to recede. "In order that those of our readers who are away from Aurora may understand the height of the flood, we will give them a few old land marks to go by. The water was just to the top of the door of the old yellow brick house on Cobb's corner, which house has stood in all the great floods since 1832. It was eight feet and ten inches deep on the floor in Cobb's store; it stood in the gutter in front of Dr. Sutton's office, on Third Street; it was about eight inches deep on the inside corner of the pavement at the Catholic Church, on Fourth Street; it went up Sec- ond Street as far as the front door of Tuck's building, at the corner of Bridgeway; it backed up Broadway nearly to Hogan Creek, six inches more would have sent it through the whole length of Broadway; it stood several inches deep in Stedman & Co. 's foundry; it backed up Main 324 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Street beyond Third, so that by stepping across the pavement from the front door of the old Asa Shattuck residence, oner would step into the river; it vpas over the door knob of Dr. Bond's /residence, on George Street, and was up into the yard at John Cobb's residence; it was in some places over the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, between Aurora and Law- renceburgh; over the tops of the telegi'aph poles, and was over the roofs of freight cars loaded with stone that were placed on the Wilson Creek bridge. Those of you who have only seen the high water of 1832 and 1847, in Aurora, have no idea of what a real high water in the Ohio is. "The highest point of the present flood stands within half an inch of being six feet above the once famous flood of 1832, and is three feet and two inches above the flood of last year." — Independent, February 14, 1884. "In other words, we don't believe Aurora's loss will foot up more than $20,000, unless you count the loss of time to factories being idle; and how often are they shut down to reduce stock, or by reason of a strike, for a longer period than the flood closed them ? True, Aurora has lost more houses than she did last year, and more are off of their foundations, but the loss of household goods is not nearly so great this year, and the loss of mercantile stock is actually nothing worth nam- ing, while last year it was very great, because people would not then believe that the flood would surpass every previous one, and did not get out of the way. * * * * Taking all things into consideration, we cannot help but believe that Aurora has suffered less loss this year than she did last, although this flood has been with us, and upon us, more than twice as long as that of 1883." — Independent, February 21, 1884. EDUCATIONAL. Public Schools. — The founders of Aurora in the very beginning made provisions for schools, as evidenced in the setting apart of Lots No. 222 and 288 on the original plat of the village for school purposes. These were adjoining lots given for the Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches. Lot No. 210 was also set apart for school purposes. In the very beginning of the village Mrs. Joanna Fox erected a log-cabin on Fifth Street, the site of the William Brewington residence, subse- quently this building was vacated by Mrs. Fox, when it was used for some years as a schoolhouse, and by all denominations of Christians for church purposes. A large and liberal donation was made, including "Seminary Square," to found a seminary of learning, and among the first educational institutions incorporated in the State was the Aurora Semi- nary. In 1826, upon the earnest solicitations of Judge Jesse Holman, the Rev. Lucius Alden, a Presbyterian clergyman and a gentleman of high CITY OF AURORA. 325 scholastic accomplishments, was iDduced to emigrate from Boston Mass., and take charge of the institution, at a salary of $300 per year, which he successfully conducted for several years. The assistant to Prof. Alden was Stephen S. Harding, who received $13 per month for his services. Mr. Harding was afterward governor of Utah and judge of Colorado. At present he resides in the adjoining county of Ripley. For the next twenty years the school of Aurora passed through the vicissitudes to which subjected, under the passage of the various laws governing educational matters and the times rendered necessary, without making much progress. In the winter of 1852-53, Mr. L. A. Nine of Cincinnati, delivered a lecture in Aurora on the graded school system. He presented the subject in so clear and forcible a manner as to convince his hearers that this system was in advance of the old method of teaching. Efforts were then made by the citizens of Aurora to establish the system in the Aurora schools. The school board was com- posed of Dr. A. B. Haines, Thomas Gaff, Dr. Bond, James M. Miller, I. H. Carbaugh, R. R. Baker and George W. Lane, which gentlemen em- ployed a superintendent, who unfortunately, it afterward was discovered, had no practical knowledge of the graded system, and the system not proving a success under his management was not continued. Two years later (1854) another effort was made with the same view under the fol- lowing board of trustees: George Smith, George Sutton, N. R. Sted- man, B. M. McHenry and Daniel Armei and the graded system was adopted. A Mr. Bronson who had a practical knowledge of the system in Kentucky was employed to take charge of the Aurora schools, power being given him to select his assistants. The schools were opened and grade into the primary, the secondary and the high school departments, each grade having a course of study assigned to it, which prepared the scholars for the next higher grade, establishing a system of promotion by transfer depending upon the industry and advancement of the pupil. August 30, 1855 i the following notice appeared in the Aurora Stand- ard : " The trustees of the school district for the city of Aurora inform the public that the graded schools commence their second session Monday, September 3, under the superintendence of the same teachers employed last session. They earnestly entreat all who feel desirous of sending to those schools to commence with the session, so as to enable the teachers to ai'range the scholara as soon as possible in their proper classes. As there is no public money in the treasury the trustees have put the terms of tuition as follows : Primary Department per month, 75 cents ; Secondary Department, $1.00 ; High School, $1.25. To be paid at the expiration of each month to the trustees. Since the last session 326 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the superintendent has pi'ocured philosophical apparatus, maps, ana- tomical plates, which will enable him more closely to illustrate the different branches taught in the department. From the success and popu- larity of the schools during the past session, we anticipate a continuance of public favor, and hope the terms of tuition will be promptly paid at the end of each month. George Sutton, N. R. Stedman B. N. McHenry, George Smith, Daniel Armel, . Trustees. ' ' Some of the above mentioned trustees were continued in office for a long succession of years, becoming closely identified with the develop- ment of the excellent schools and splendid school buildings of Aurora. From 1859 to 1863, during the progress of the construction of the large school building located in the southern part of the city, the city was without the benefit of public schools, but her citizens had waited pa - tiently until the completion of the house in the fall of 1863, when school was opened in it under the superintendence of Rev. A. W. Freeman, a Presbyterian clergyman, who in that, or the following year, organized the schools as they have, with perhaps little variation been conducted. Mr. Freeman, after thoroughly organizing the schools and conducting them several years retired, and his successors were Messrs. Davidson, Temple and Clark in the order given, the latter remaining as superin- tendent for a period of upward of ten years, longer by far than served any of his predecessors or successors. Mr. Clark (Ed.) is a man of fine attainments and remarkably well adapted for his high calling, and to his ability and thoroughness are the people of Aurora largely indebted for the high excellence of their public schools. The course of study as laid down at the time of which we are writing occupied a period of seven years. Until 1870, at the close of each year, there were annual exhibi- tions at the school building, or at some public hall, and the pupils who had finished the course of study received a certificate to that effect upon their leaving the schools. The class of 1868 included two persons, and that of 1869 three. In the latter part of June, 1870, occurred the first an- nual commencement, which was made an event in the history of the schools. The exercises were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, there being present the mayor of the city and the council and a large assembly of citizens. The graduating class consisted of eleven persons. The diplo- mas were' presented to them by Prof. Clark, and to the classes of 1868 and 1869 were given diplomas by Rev. A. W. Freeman, then chair- man of the school board. CITY OF AURORA. 327 The growth of the city made it necessary for more commodious quarters, or additional accommodations, so in 1880 another large and substantial brick schoolhouse was erected in the northern part of the city at a cost of $18,000, which was completed and school opened in it that fall. Each year has shown a marked increase in the growth and prosperity of the schools of Aurora, and it is a great source of pride to her citizens to be able to say that no city in the State can boast of better schools. The present superintendent and principal of the schools are F. D. Churchill and Charles N. Peak, respectively. In addition to the superintendent and principal, one gentleman is employed in teaching Oerman, ajid fifteen female teachers, the latter receive for their services from $40 to $50 per month. School enrollment, 850. Catholic Schools. — The St. Mary's congregation numbers some 220 families and the school is under charge of four Sisters of St. Francis. The rooms are on Fourth Street, near their church and are comfortably arranged for school purposes. Sister Bonnie, the principal, graduated at the public schools, since which she has taken an academic course in Baltimore, and is thoroughly competent in algebra, history and philos- ophy, as well as the more common branches. The school is under the superintendency of Rev. J. J. Schoentrup, who was raised in this county, and after leaving the common schools, spent three years at the Bardstown, Ky., college, then five years at St. Meinrad's College, of Spencer County, Ind., after which he completed his course at the St. Joseph's''Theological Seminary at Indianapolis. After leaving col- lege Father Schoentrup was in charge of a parish at Mt. Vernon, Posey County, this State, for six years, when he was called to accept the spiritual supervision of the St. Mary's congregation in this city. School enrollment, 176. German {Lutheran) School. — This school is patronized by about 100 families, the enrollment at present consisting of about eighty scholars. It includes in its curriculum, German and the common branches. Until December last it was under the personal charge of Mr. August Maletzky, \^ who was at that date prostrated with a serious illness resulting in his death the following February. The congregation have called and ex- pecst to secure a competent teacher for the fall opening. Since the death of Mr. Maletzky, Rev. Henkel has officiated as tutor, but as his ordinary labors as pastor of the church and superintendent of secular schools, are sufficiently arduous as to require his whole attention, the ari'angement will be at once made to secure the services of another teacher. FIKE DEPARTMENT. Prior to 1876 the citizens of Aurora protected property from fire as 328 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. best they could without the aid of a lire engine, the old bucket line system continuing in vogue. In the year above named the city author- ities purchased a steam fire engine of Messrs. Ahrens & Co., of Cincin- nati and a fix'st-class fire company was organized. September 8, 1876, this engine was tested in the afternoon at the fair grounds, the fire was lighted and in three minutes and forty-two seconds from the time the test was applied the engine was throwing water from the hose. In a minute after water was being thrown over 200 feet high. Two line of hose were attached to the engine and it threw two steady streams at an estimated height of nearly 200 feet. In the evening the fire company took the engine over to the city to give it another test and get practice in handling the machine and managing the hose. Steam was raised quicker than at the fair ground and through 200 feet of hose water was thrown to a distance of 258 feet. The company consists of a member- ship of about fifty volunteers, officered at present by Capt. Mort Steele and Lieut. W. W. Brison, and is well equipped and supplied with all necessary accompaniments. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. The Baptist Church. — Saturday, Feburary 26, 1820, a council of elders and brethren convened at Aurora for the purpose of consulting as to the propriety of constituting a Baptist Church at that place. The council was organized by choosing Elder A. Graves as moderator, and Jesse L. Holman, clerk. The following brethren and sisters were constituted a church of Jesus Christ, by the name of the church at Aurora, to wit: Timothy Brown, William Hancock, Jesse L. Holman, Sophia Brown, Lydia St. Johns and Sallie Brown. The first services were held in a log-house located on the lot where William Brewington now resides, on Fifth Street. It was built originally for a private residence, by Mrs. Joanna Fox, but was afterward used as a schoolhouse, and by all denom- inations of Christians for church purposes, as occasion might require. Somewhere between the years 1825 and 1828 the Baptists built a meeting house on their lot, one lot east of the present site of the old house, and was the first meeting house built in the town. It was a brick structure, the bricks of which were made on the lot where now stands Hurlber.t's machine shop. It was surmounted by a small belfry, and for a time the people were summoned to church by a triangle. Afterward this was supplanted by a bell, which is the present ferry bell on this side of the river. Some of the seats which were in the old^ meeting house are now in use in Council Hall. This old building has some special reminiscences connected with it, one of which is that the world-renowned Lorenzo Dow once preached in it; and, second, that the first session of the first United CITY OF AURORA. 329 States Bankrupt Court was held within its walls, pi'esided over by Jesse L. Holman. The reason for this court being held here was owing to the fact that Judge Holman was sick, and unable to go to the capital of the State to transact the business absolutely necessary to be done. The church worshiped in this house until,1848. Elder James Dickens, of the Bullettsburgh, Ky. church, became the iirst pastor, and under his min- istry the church entered upon its career of usefulness and prosperity. Frequent accessions were had by letter up to October, when the first convert was baptized. At the close of the year the church numbered seventeen members. Elder Dickens served the church until 1824, when, having declined further services, Elder Samuel Harris was called to the pastorate, and served the church, excepting at short intervals, until 1832. During his ministry, members were received at almost every meeting. He died of cholera while on a visit to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1832. Elder Thomas Curtis, a minister of great usefulness, and beloved by all the churches, was chosen as the next pastor. He served the church for two years, during which time great prosperity and pleasure attended his labors. Elder Curtis, on account of other engagements, much to the regret and sorrow of the brethren, relinquished the charge in 1834, when the church voted unanimously to invite a council to consider the propriety of setting apart to the ministry Jesse L. Holman. The council met July 12, 1834, the following being the officiating ministers: Elders William Morgan, William Bruce, Thomas Curtis, Robert Kirtley, Ezra Ferris and Daniel Palmer. Brother Holman was, according to the desire of the church, solemnly set apart to the work of a minister of Jesus Christ. As pastor of the church Brother Holman more than met the expectations of his brethren, and received large accessions to the church. Brother William Johnson was Brother Holman' s successor; he also enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the brethren, and during his pastorate the church was largely blessed by the presence and power of the Holy Sj)irit, and large numbers were added to its membership. Dur- ing the year 1845 the church was supplied with preaching by Elders Roe and E. P. Bond. June 13, 1846, Elder Hamilton Robb was called to the pastorate. He was very popular as a preacher, and his ministry was attended by large congregations. Brother Robb served the church until February, 1849, when he resigned. Elder Jeremiah Cell succeeded Elder Robb as pastor, and served the church for one year with great acceptance. After which Brother R.C. Bond was called into the ministry and ordained, April 14, 1850. Elder William Leet was next called as pastor of the church, and remained as such for one year. Elder Leet resigned in 1852, and was succeeded by Elder E. P. Bond, who continued as pastor for four years. He was succeeded by Elder R. C. Bond, who served the 330 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. churcla for two years with great acceptance, and during his pastorate re- ceived into the church some forty-five members, which greatly strength- ened it. In 1859 Elder R. C. Bond declined further service, and was succeeded by Elder J. H. Smith, who served the church for one year. Elder Edward Jones was the'next pastor, serving the church little more than one year, when he resigned, and the church solicited Elder Jeremiah Cell to become their pastor, which he did and served for two years. After Brother Cell left, the church maintained public worship every Sab- bath for over six months, calling in such ministerial aid as could be pro- cured. June 1, 1866, Elder Charles Ager, of South Bend, accepted the pastoral charge, whose labors were blessed to the good of the church and the conversion of souls. His successful labors with and for the church were dissolved early in 1879, and Elder C. C. Davidson succeeded him in February 1879, who labored zealously in the building up of Zion until October 1, 1884, after which, for a short season, the church was without a pastor, but on December 1, 1884, Rev. Francis M. Huckle- bery accepted a call, and became the pastor. He is highly esteemed by his brethren and the community in general, and is a bright and shining light in the vineyard. Such, in brief, is the history of the Baptist Church at Aurora. Space forbids the notice of many of the brethren, who in their sphere of duty performed services in the cause of Christ, which will give them a place for all time to come in the record of the good and the true. Such were Aaron Foulk, Alexander Steele, Newton M. Rags- dale, John N. Cochran. Robert K. Baker. Peter B.Vail, John Briddell and others of equally precious memory. Likewise the sisterhood of the church have contributed their full share toward its prosperity. The records of no church can present a more faithful, pious and earnest band of Christian women than the Aurora Church has ever been blessed with, and, when the final account shall be made up, we expect to see them wear their crowns of rejoicing in glory. Throughout the history of this church it has ever taken a lively interest, and contributed liberally toward missionary and benevolent enterprises. It has always faith- fully maintained the purity of the gospel of Christ, and never in any instance faltered in its fidelity to truth. The church has also, from the year 1824, maintained the cause of Sabbath-school instruction, and has always had in successful operation an interesting school. The average attendance of present school is 230, the officers of which are William S. Holman, Jr., superintendent; James R. Vail, assistant; Miss Margaret Kaster, secretary; Miss Flora Siementel, treasurer. Present church officials, Rev. Francis M. Hucklebery, pastor; William Webber. George C. Dale, A. B. Lansberry, deacons; James R. Vail, clerk; William V. Webber, treasuer; William Webber, L. M. Foulk, George C. Dale, trus- tees. Present membership is 350. CITY OF AURORA. 331 In 1848 the Fifth Street meeting-house was built. The bell hung in the new church building was purchased by the citizens, exclusive of all church members. The bell weighs 1,800 pounds, and on the evening of the day on which it was hung, a feast was made in honor of the donors. This was in the year 1852. The building at present owned by the Bap- tists of Aurora, and in which they now worship, is one of the finest church edifices in southern Indiana. It is a brick structure, 48x95 feet, of handsome architecture, finished in 1875 at a cost of upward of $20,000. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Awrora.— Daniel Bartholomew and wife, Olivia B., floated down the Ohio River from Cincinnati to Aurora on a flat-boat in the spring of 1816, and settled on the bank of the Ohio, near where Mrs. Hill's house stands. They lived in their boat till a log-house was built for them; it consisted of two rooms, one of which was their store-room. In the other they lived, and there William Lamb- den preached the first sermon on the site of Aurora, and organized the first class, consisting of Martin Cosine and Elizabeth, his wife; Richard Norris, Joseph Norris and wife; Ira Wright and Elizabeth, his wife; and Daniel and Olivfa Bartholomew — nine persons in all. In 1823 William H. Raper preached as circuit preacher, and may have been the first regular pastor. Alfred Cotton and Daniel Plummer held a pro- tracted meeting in a log-schoolhouse which stood near the present site of the Catholic Schoolhouse. The first Methodist Episcopal Church in Aurora was built in 1830, and stood not far from the site of the foundry of Mr. Nathan Stedman. The building was of brick, a plain structure; its probable dimensions were 30x40 feet, with a small cupola, but lacking a bell, as such adornments and conveniences were rare in those days. The furniture was of plain character, with no rests or backs at first, but added later, a good high pulpit some four feet from main floor, but cut down by the influence of some preacher of more modern ideas. This church was finished in 1838, James Jones then being preacher in charge. In 1839 a revival of religion broke out under the pastoral labors of Charles Bonner and S. T. Gillett, extending over the entire circuit. One hundred and forty persons were added to the struggling church at Aurora. The first church was completed under great difficulties, and when finished there was a mort- gage on it, and it was finally sold in 1842. The second church, still standing and now known as Siementel's Mill, was built "in 1845. In 1849 the Aurora charge became a station. Some dissension in the church was caused by the doctrine of the coming of Christ known as Millerism; a division was created and thirty persons withdrew from the church, and others stood aloof from active participation in its affairs. But pros- perity returned, and in 1851 the trustees reported that a new and larger house was needed. The present church was dedicated in 1862 by Bishop 332 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. E. R. Ames, and there was doubtless a day of rejoicing among the Methodists of Aurora. The iirst Sunday-school was probably held about 1817 or 1818. The following named pastors have served the church since it became a station: 1849, John Miller; 1850-51, Samuel P. Crawford; 1852-53, John W. Sullivan; 1854-55, Joseph Cotton; 1856-57, J. T. R. Miller; 1858-59, S. Tincher; 1860, J. B. Lathrop; 1861-62, William G. Ransdall; 1863-64, John A. Chafee; 1865-66, William W. Snyder; 1867-68-69, Charles Tinsley; 1870, John S.Tevis; l871-72,Abram N. Marlatt; 1873-74, Charles Tinsley; 1875-76-77, R. R. Baldwin; 1878- 79, D. A. Robertson; 1880-81-82, M. L. Wells; 1883-84-85, E. H. Wood (present incumbent). The Presbyterian Church. — The first Presbyterian minister who re- sided in Aurora was Rev. Lucius Alden, who, in 1826, at the earnest so- licitation of Judge Jesse Holman, opened a seminary in the village, which he successfully conducted for two years, preaching every fortnight in the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, near Dillsborough, and on alter- nate Sabbaths at other points in the vicinity. The germ of the Presby- terian Church was a Sabbath-school, composed of vchildren not attending other schools. It assembled first in a room of the house now occupied by Ml-. Adam Weke, but afterward in the schoolhouse (in 1869 the site of the Indejjendent printing oflice). Neighboring ministers heard of it, and visited it. To this measure, when proposed, the little number of ten consented, and April 14, 1844, by a committee of the Presbytery of Madison, consisting of Rev. John M. Dicky, Harvey Estes and W. N. Smith, was duly organized. Brother Smith, who was the pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Lawrenceburgh, took charge of the little flock and administered to them for eighteen months, when he left the neigh- borhood. It was then, and during its successive vacancies, visited fre- quently and cared for by Rev. B. F. Morris, of Rising Sun. During the summer of 1846 it enjoyed the ministry of Rev. Abraham Blakely. All these ministers are now deceased. In August, 1848, Rev. Levi R. Booth was called to its pastorate. During his stay the congregation rapidly increased, and after having worshiped in the Baptist and Meth- odist meeting houses, and in the second story of the Masonic building (now Council Hall), which was fitted up for the purpose, at length ac- quired for itself a fixed habitation, and the basement story of the pres- ent house of worship was finished. JVIr. Booth resigned his charge De- cember 31, 1851. Rev. John H. Ziveley, of Kentucky, succeeded Mr. Booth in the autumu of 1852, but remained only three months. Rev. John Stewart, of Walnut Hills, Ohio, began his labors as stated supply, Janu- ary 1, 1853, and continued therein fifteen months. Rev. A. W. Free- man, its present pastor, succeeded Mr. Stewart July 1, 1854. The CITY OF AURORA. 333 church edifice was completed and dedicated in January, 1856. During Mr. Freeman's absence from the country, in 1861-62, the pulpit was supplied fifteen months by Rev. John P. Haire. The following persons have served as elders, the last four being still in ofiice. Those having a * prefixed to their names are deceased: Charles B. Canon, A. B. Haines, M. D., Elnathan Horr, *George Greer, *Philip Gould, H. W. Smith, James A. De LaVergne, *Peter E. Trim, *Loui8 G. Hulburt, James Lamb, M. D., John Mitchell, Henry Fisher, W. C. Henry, M. D. The following persons have served as deacons, the last four being still in office (1876): *L. G. Hurlburt, *John McConnell, Daniel Armel, John H. Gaff, H. W. Hurlburt, Seth Stedman, A. O. Gould, H. B. Shutts, Robert Lytle. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. — The first effort for organiz- ing a Lutheran congregation in Aurora was made in 1856, by a very small number of settlers who were convinced that it was a necessity, as well as their Christian duty, to assemble on the Lord's day for divine worship. They were occasionally ministered to by different ministers, among whom, as the most prominent and successful in their labors, Revs. Koening, then of Cincinnati, and Wichmann, of Farmer's Retreat, are mentioned with kind remembrance and gratitude. The first mem- bers were Fred Schmidt, E. H. Niebaum, J. H. Bower, John E. Bair, John Friberger, Herman Schumacher, John Schumacher, Henry Hartker, H. Davider, George Sciller, George Ritter, Charles Huxall, George Drex- ler, John Steig, Floran M. Frank, Mrs. Catharine Siementel, Mrs. Barbara Braunnegel, Mrs. Elizabeth Siementel, Mrs. Rothert, Mrs. Herdegen and Mrs. Kreitlein. First officers: Fred Schmidt, president; E, H. Niebaum, secretary; John E. Bair, treasurer; Herman Schumacher, John E. Bair and John Frybarger, trustees. In 1859 a resident minister took charge of the congregation which, meanwhile, had increased, numbering about fifteen or sixteen families. Rev. Mr. Hartley also provided for a paro- chial school. Two years later he resigned, when the congregation agreed to apply to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other States, for a pastoi*. Their call and request was answered, and the work of the Lord prospered among them. In 1857 they rented from the Baptists the church "over the creek" which, some time after, was acquired by purchase. The congregation continued growing until their house of worship be- came too small for them, and they were compelled to secure a proper lot for the purpose of erecting a more commodious church. In May, 1873, ground was purchased from the Baptist congregation located on Me- chanic Street, when they at once commenced building their present beau- tiful church edifice. The same is constructed in the Gothic stvle, with 334 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. a spire 105 feet in height, and adorned with the cross as' an emblem and visible testimony that Christ crucified is to be preached and worshiped in that church. The interior is of a pleasant impression, its walls being white, the pews oil-finish, the pulpit — on the right side of the altar niche, from the entrance — of oak grain color, and the baptismal font, on the lift side of the altar niche, resembling marble. The altar itself , notwith- standing its simplicity, is an ornament indeed. The audience room is 38x71, containing forty pews — twenty in each row — sitting for 400. The gallery has twenty- seven pews, seating about 200. The entire length, including steeple and alter niche, is ninety feet, the width forty. The foundation was built by Messrs. Gerlach & Horr, of Aurora; the water table and the balance of the freestone work by Mr. Huschart, of Lawrenceburgh. The contract for the church edifice was awarded to Mr. M. Barker. The structure gives credit and the best recommendation to the contractor. The building was completed at a cost of over $13,000 and dedicated February 8, 1874. Since then the congregation has built a brick schoolhouse and frame parsonage. Eev. Mr. Hartley, as pastor, was followed by Rev. J. C. Schneider, and he by Rev. George Runkle, under whose instructions the church was exceptionally successful. Then followed Rev. H. Henkel, the present incumbent. The Boman Catholic Church, ^^ Immaculate Conception." — The first mass celebrated in Aurora was read in O'Brien's house by Rt. Rev. Bishop Purcell, of Cincinnati. At this date the bishop, by invitation, delivered the first Catholic lecture in Aurora in the old schoolhouse. In the spring of 1849 the first meeting of the church under consideration was held in Kemp's bakery, the membership being composed of the following named German and English speaking people: Barney Shippei', Henry Cleaver, John Cleaver, Anthony Cleaver, Frank Cleaver, John Miller, Valentine Hahn, Mike Maloney, Sr., John Maloney, Pat Maloney, Pat Garrety, Mike Moran. After this the congregation met at Anthony Cleaver's, and various other houses, the town hall and schoolhouse until December 25, 1857, at which time the first church was erected upon "Hog Back" by Father Koch. Father Unterdiener, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was the first overseer. He was succeeded by Father Kreisch, from Madison. Then came Father Sigmund Koch, after which his brother, Ansom Koch, both from St. John's Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. Father Klein became the first resident priest. Octo- ber 12, 1863, he purchased the present site, Lots Nos. 168, 164, 165 and 166, corner of Judiciary and Fourth Streets, agreeing to pay $4,500 for the same. Father Klein advanced $1,500 upon the pur- chase, and proceeded to erect a church 106x52, thirty-two feet high, at a cost of $24,000. He acted as architect and superintendent, and com. CITY OF AURORA. 335 pleted the building m the falJ of 1864:, excepting the steeple, which was finished in the fall of 1876. The membership being poor, after per- forming their daily labor, would gather in after supper and place the stone and brick upon the ground and scaffold for the masons to work upon during the day, thereby dispensing with the usual attendants. The church is built of stone and brick, and is a grand structure, and has a seating capac- ity of about 1,500. The brick schoolhouse was built in 1866. It is 70x30, and at present there are 186 pupils, and four teachers are employed. The priest's residence was built and completed in 1873, after which Father Klein, was succeeded by Father Ferdinand Hunt, who made mea- ger improvements, and increased the liabilities over $5,000. In June, 1883, Father Hunt was succeeded by Father Schoenthrup, under whose careful and prudent management the indebtedness is gradually being liquidated. The present membership is over 1,000 souls. In this charge there are five sisters, who devote their time and talents to the church. The German Reformed Church. — The first meeting to organize this church was held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, December 3, 1873. The noble band consisted of twenty-one members, and G. Reiche was their first preacher. Jacob Peters was president, Frederick Smith, secretary, A. H. Merkle, Frederick Smith, George Meyer, H. Gier, and Jacob Peters were trustees. Frederick Smith and Herman Lievey, elders; Jacob Peters, George Meyer and George Rieman were stewards. September 3, 1874, they dedicated the present church on Fifth Street, which is 30x60 feet, brick, and cost $2,000, and has a seating capacity of about 500. The church has had its trials and losses by death and removals from the city. The present membership is about thirty, and since their organization have had only three pastors. Rev. H. Ruster- holz succeeded Rev. G. Reiche; and Rev. F. Saure, their present minis- ter, who succeeded Rev. Rusterholz. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. — April 7, 1874, Bishop Talbot held service in the Young Men's Christiaa Association's rooms — the first Episcopal service ever held in Aurora. At the earnestly expressed desire of a number of persons, immediate steps were taken to organize an Episcopal Church, and to secure the regular services of a clergyman. In June, 1874, an organization was effected under the laws governing the establishing of a mission. The Rev. W. H. Throop, then just ordained to the ministry, was appointed by the bishop to take charge. He entered at once upon the earnest discharge of his duties, and during the time of his ministry at Aurora succeeded in bringing fourteen persons to con- firmation — the nucleus of a congregation. The first confirmation took place September 20, 1874, when nine received the rite. In April, 1875, 336 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. five persons were confirmed. Rev. Mr. Throop resigned his charge on the 29th of September, 1875, to enter upon a larger field of labor. In October, 1875, Rev. Thomas W. McLean, formerly assistant minister in St. Paul's Cathedral, Indianapolis, succeeded Rev. Mr. Throop. From this time on, for a period, the parish services were held in the German Methodist house of worship, located at the foot of Fifth Street. Subse- quently the parish erected a neat little frame church edifice, in which their services have since been held. December 1, 1877, Rev. McLean was succeeded by Rev. Curtis P. Jones, who officiated as rector until 1878, when he resigned and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas K. Coleman. The next rector was Rev. Benjamin T. Hall, who entered uponhis duties April 1, 1880, and remained with the charge until 1881, after which services consisted in lay reading by Mr. F. M. Munson until January, 1883. From this date only occasional meetings were held Until July 15, 1884, when Rev. David B. Ramsey took charge of the church. In Sep- tember, 1884, under his supervision, the church was moved and a rectory for the pastor was at once erected. The present number of communi- cants is twenty-five. The parish warden is F. G. Appleton; vestryman, George B. Maltby. The Christian Church. — Through the instrumentality of J. N. Wal- ton, the first meeting of this organization was held in the German Methodist Episcopal Church, on Fifth Street, on the first Sunday in Octobei', 1879, with the following members present: James N. Wal- ton, R. H. Davis and wife, and visiting members from Lawrenceburgh and Petersburg. Elder A. Elmore presided. Elder Rowe, editor of the Christian Revietv, was present. The meetings continued for one week, and closed with the two last services on Sunday in the Opera House, Elder A. Elmore preaching at 3 P. M. Sunday afternoon, sub- ject, " Hell; " and at 7:30 in the evening, subject, "Heaven." There were over 1,000 persons present at each service. At this time originated the sending of a challenge by Rev. Merrill, pastor of the Universalist Chui-ch, to Elder A. Elmore to discuss the question " Do the Scriptures teach that all who die in willful disobedience, will be finally holy and happy in the life to come? " The matter was turned over to H. B. Sherman, who concluded to continue the meeting in the Opera House for three evenings, and in the course of two months perfected arrange- ments with William Holt, of Indianapolis, Christian, and Rev. Carlton, of Ohio, Universalist, to discuss the above question. The debate took place in the Opera Hoiise, which lasted three evenings and closed the fourth evening at the Universalist Church (which the Christian Church now owns). Great interest was manifested, and all denomina- tions turned out en masse. The result of the debate was satisfactory to CITY OF AURORA. 337 the Christian people. During the debate many persons were present from Cincinnati, Ohio, Petersburg, Ky., Pleasant Ridge, Rising Sun and Chesterville. About live weeks after the debate took place, Elder William Holt returned and held a series of meetings in the Opera House, at which Mrs. Fannie Walton and Miss Lina Davis made confession the first fruits of the preaching of the Christian Church of this city. This closed the meetings until the third Sunday in January, 1880, when Elder I. G. Tomlinson, of Indianapolis, held services at 3 P. M., in Council Hall, Criswill's Block, with about sixty persons present. Again on the 28th day of February, 1880, at the same place on Saturday eve- ning, L. L. Carpenter, State Sunday-school evangelist, presided with only fifteen present. The first communion services were held in the same hall on Sunday, at 10:30 A. M,, L. L. Carpenter presiding, with thirty- seven present, at which time H. H. J. F. Muller, German Luth- eran preacher of twelve years' experience in the ministry, applied for baptism by immersion, having changed his views upon baptism and other teachings of the Lutheran Church. The next service was held at 3 P. M., Elder Carjjenter preaching. His text was on the "Christian's Hope." Members of the Petersburg Church chartered steamer " Min- nie, " and attended this service, sixty strong. Monday and Tuesday eve- nings following, services were held in an old dingy store-room in Cris- will's Block, much interest being manifested. L. L. Carpenter being unable to remain loDger on account of previous appointments, J. N. Walton telegraphed T. G. Tomlinson, of Indianapolis, to come and continue the meeting. The meetings were conducted until Sunday, March 14, at which time L G. Tomlinson affected an organization with fourteen charter members, to wit: James N. Walton, Fannie Walton Miss Lina Daris, R. H. Davis and wife, Mary A. Lindsay, Mrs. W. H. Lamar, George Hood and wife. Miss Frankie Hood, H. H. J. F. Muller, Mrs. Lizzie Given, Mrs. Lou Marshall and Mrs. Ellen Keerney. The first officers were James N. Walton andH. H. J. F. Muller, elders; R. H. Davis and George Hood, deacons; Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Given, deacon- esses; James N. Walton, secretary and treasurer. Sunday-school was organized at the same time, and officered as follows: H. H. J. F. Muller, superintendent; Richard Ashworth (Baptist) assistant superintendent; Miss Lina Davis, secretary; Miss Carrie Stevens, treas- urer; Miss Nettie Bussell, librarian. The happy band continued to meet in the room for a year and a half. T. D. Garvin, of Eaton, Ohio, held a series of meetings, lasting one month. Great interest was manifested, and eight persons were added to the church, when a room was secured in the Opera House. The most important meetings wei'e held by H. W. Elliott, when some thirty-three were added to the church. In Septem- 338 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ber, 1882, the congregation rented the Universalist Church, and January 8, 1884, purchased the same for $1,000. In June, 1884, the church was thoroughly remodeled by inserting new seats and windows, applying paint, paper, carpet, and hanging a new bell, which makes it a neat and attractive house of worship. During the floods of 1883 and 1884, while the church was occupied by the flood- sufferers. Good Templars' Hall was secured, where church services and Sunday-school were held. The church has never failed to meet for worship on Sunday since its organization. The present mem- bership is about forty, having been somewhat reduced by the removal of several families to other places. The church is in a very prosperous con- dition. Present officers are James N. Walton, elder, 'secretary and treas- urer; R. H. Davis and James Williamson, deacons. The Sunday-school is in a very prosperous condition; average attend- ance about 140. The present officers are James N. Walton, superintend- ent and treasurer; James Williamson, assistant superintendent; Miss Lina Davis, secretary; Miss Daisey Williamson and Miss Cora Bleasdell, librarians, including fourteen teachers; Mrs. Fannie W^alton, organist. LEADING MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. Aurora is not devoid of manufacturing interests, there being several important establishments within the corporation, but her nearness to the great markets, facilities for shipment by rail and water, valuable timber in the surrounding counties, and other natural advantages, should rapidly and permanently add to the number. The early history of the distilling business in this neighborhood, in. which so much capital is now employed, ought to furnish an interesting chapter. Unfortunately but little information can now be obtained of the pioneer distillers, and the means employed by them in the manufac- ture of whisky. »^The first distillery — allowing that it can be called by such a dignified name — of which we have any account, was built some- where on Tanner's Creek in 1809. The first in this immediate neigh- borhood was situated on the Worley farm, and was owned by Nathan Worley. Probably the entire cost of the mill and machinery did not ex- ceed $50. Its capacity was about one barrel a week. It was run by horse power, and required the labor of one man to attend to it. This distillery was probably in operation about the time Aiirora was laid out. Even at that early day it could not manufacture enough whisky to supply the demand, and in consequence the product of the mill was not allowed a chance to improve by age, but was put on the market at once. An in- cident, related substantially as it was given to the writer, may serve to show how quickly this stock passed from the manufacturer's hands to the CITY OF AURORA. 339 consumer. Our authority is an old and respected citizen, whose grand- father was one of the men interested. One day a party composed of seven old settlers, concluded they would take a walk out to the distillery. Their object in going there does not appear, nor is it essential' to the story. They arrived on the ground at an early hour, before any of the neighbors had congregated— it being a place of resort— and just as the distilleryman was hitching his horse^to the beam to commence operations. In those pioneer times liquor was taken occasionally for the stomach's sake, as it is to-day, and being then the honest extraction of the grain, its effects were less disastrous than at present. The seven forefathers were of the opinion that a moderate indulgence would not be amiss after the morning walk, and each prepared himself with a drinking cup. There was no stock on hand, and as the horse walked slowly around, and the new liquor Howed in a gentle stream from a wooden spout, our seven caught it in their cups, each in his turn, and drank it on the spot. On this occasion the distillery was made to run above its capacity, as those whose turn seemed long in coming followed after the horse, and, to in- crease the production of the mill, urged the animal beyond his usual speed. This enterprise continued about an hour or more, and every spoonful of whisky produced was drank then and there. Such incidents as the above were of frequent occurrence — at all events they were not rare — and this one only differs from them in what follows. About the time our party felt that they were invigorated sufficiently for all imme- diate requirements, another squad came along and relieved them of their drinking cups. This proved to be a thirsty squad also, and for another hour the propelling power was kept on a trot. To the writer this seems bordering on the shadowy and unreal, and he is almost persuaded to fol- low the incident no further. But his authority being the grandson of one of those very men, he is compelled to sacrifice his own feelings for the sake of history, and continue with it to the end. One squad succeeded another throughout the entire day, and the production was consumed without sugar as fast as it fell from the spout. Not a drop reached the receiving tub, nor was a drop wasted. At nightfall these convivial spir- its took a final "here's-looking-at-you," remunerated the proprietor, and departed for their homes. The Aurora Distilling Company. — Manufacturers of rye and Bourbon whiskies, located on Importing Street, had its incipiency here over forty years ago, having been started in 1843 by T. and J. W. Gaff & Co., and successfully operated by them until December 1, 1881. At that date a joint stock company was organized with a capital of $300,000, which assumed control of the concern, greatly extending their productive capac. ity, and materially adding to the reputation of their product. Charles L. 340 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Howe is president of the new coi'poration, John McGuire, vice-president and superintendent, and Henry W. Smith, secretary and treasurer. About five acres of ground are occupied by their buildings and cattle sheds, the distillery and warehouses alone covering one-half the space. The dimen- sions of the distillery proper are 260 feet in length by eighty feet in width and two stories high. A few statistics in regard to its extensive operations, would, no doubt, be interesting, and we accordingly give them. Some 450,000 bushels of grain are yearly consumed, producing from 60,000 to 65,000 barrels of whisky, arid requiring in the manufact- ure and distribution of this enormous product the services of over fifty men. The capacity of the still is 150 to 200 barrels per day, necessitat- ing the consumption of 2,000 bushels of corn, malt and rye, which, after the distilling process, possesses a secondary value as food for cattle. About 1,600 or 1,700 head of fat cattle are thrown upon the market every spring by this means, thus yielding a gross income of nearly $75,000. The mash of almost half a million bushels of grain is thus made to serve the double purpose of manufacturing and cattle food. It would no doubt be a subject of interest to detail the process of manufacturing from the beginning to the last important operation — the attachment of the in- ternal revenue stamps; but this our limited space will not allow. When it is remembered that the revenue tax is 90centspergallon,it will be seen that the United States Government realizes annually over $1,500,000 from the operations of this establishment. It may not be usually known that the product of the still is rarely put upon the general market for several years after being stored. As its value increases with age it is allowed to remain in the warerooms until it can be disposed of profitably to the retail dealer. To enable the manufacturer or wholesaler to hold his product without loss in interest, or by accident, the United States Government has established tbe "bonded warehouse," in which the man- ufacturer stores his liquors, receives the bond of "Uncle Sam" for the same, and pays the revenue tax at the end of three years. The company at present have 16,000 barrels of whisky in their storage room and in the four bonded warehouses, and 4,400 more in their warehouse at Bremen, Germany. The product of the Aurora distillery is handled by dealers in all parts of the United States, and has won a high reputation wherever sent. Dearborn and Ohio Counties furnish all the grain used here, as well as a large per cent of the cattle. In the operation of a business like this, costly and extensive machinery is of course required; we can not, however, describe in detail this feature of the establishment, but can furnish some idea of the completeness of its facilities in this respect by saying that four boilers thirty feet in length by four feet in diameter, and a seventy-two horse-power engine, with eight other engines, are required to furnish the necessary propelling force. CITY OF AURORA. 341 Samuel Wyviond & Co., manufacturers of barrels, half barrels and kegs, and dealers in puncheon stock. The shops were originally estab- lished twenty years ago by Samuel and Philip Wymond, who continued their successful operation until late in the year 1879, at which time they were completely destroyed by the ravages of the tire tiend. Following the fire Mr. P. Wymond retired, and with indomitable pluck, which sub- mits to no discouragement in consequence of disaster, more commodious buildings were'at once erected by Samuel Wymond, and work resumed on an extended scale. He continued the business alone for several years, but his growing demands requiring more capital and more attention, he accepted as partners James Wymond and William E. Gibson. This partnership was formed in 1874, and continued till 1877, when Samuel Wymond was again left alone by the retirement of the aforesaid part- ners, but in conjunction with Mr. G. H. Wymond at once formed the present firm, purchasing at the same time the cooperage works formerly owned by W. E. Gibson & Co. The works of Wymond & Co. occupy the square bounded by Exporting, Importing, Bridgeway and Second Streets, and have a capacity of 600 whisky barrels per day. Although a very large per cent of their manufacture is whisky barrels, they turn out annually large quantities of pork barrels, kegs and lard tierces. Their surplus product, after supplying the local demand, is shipped to Cincin- nati, St. Louis, Louisville and the Pacific coast, and wherever used have been regarded with high favor. The perfection to which American wood working machinery has been brought within the last few years, has materially changed the process of barrel making, so that now in every cooper- shop of considerable size a very large per cent of the labor is performed by machinery. With all their labor-saving appliances, Wy- mond & Co., furnish employment to over 100 men, and disburse every month $4,000 to $5,000 in wages. A large sixty horse-power engine and boiler is used in operating the various machines, and these together with the manual force employed, turn off an annual product valued at nearly 1300,000. Three million pieces of raw material are constantly kept on hand, and altogether this is one of the most flourishing institu- tions in the city. The Aurora Flour Mills, located on Third Street and Bridgeway had their origin in a mill that was started at above site some twenty-five years ago, having been in several hands, the last before the present firm being Michael and Leonard Siemantel. Droge & Donselman became proprietors in 1876, and have since continued the business. Additions have from time to time been made to the mill, and about a year since the building was completely overhauled and refitted, better machinery added, and the mill supplied with a new outfit for making flour by the roller 342 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. process, and no pains or money was spared to make it the best mill in this section of country. There are now in full operation four double sets of E. P. Allis & Co.'s rolls, planted on firm foundations and doing their work in a very noiseless and satisfactoiy manner, they also have four run of buhrs in operation. Their brands of Hour are rapidly taking precedence over all others, and their work in general is giving excellent satisfaction. The establishment is now run strictly as a merchant mill, as the proprietors think an evener and better grade of flour can be produced in this manner than by doing custom work; but flour is exchanged with farmers for grain, and they can bring their grist to mill, receive the cash or flour in exchange, and carry the products home without further delay. The capacity of the mills is now 200 barrels for a full day, which re- quires for the same over 1,000 bushels of wheat. Grain is principally obtained from the surrounding country, by which a local market is pro- vided for nearly all the farmers' surplus ])roduct. The building occupied is a four story brick, 40x50 feet, with a boiler room in addition. The propelling power is furnished by two twenty-two feet boilers and a mas- sive eighty horse-power engine of Steadman & Co. 's make. Ten men are employed in its operation, and the product is disposed of in this vic- inity, Cincinnati and the Southern trade. In addition to the main build- ings, they have numerous sheds, and the mill is equipped with purifiers, dusters, wheat-cleaners, bolting-reels, flour packers and all the late in- ventions. Stedman & Co., manufacturers of engines, car wheels, hay and cot- ton presses and general machinery. In detailing the industries of this city we cannot fail to give due prominence to this long-established and well-conducted institution, occupying, as it does, an important position among the industries of Aurora. Started in Rising Sun by N. R. Sted- man and others, it was operated there for two years, and then removed to Aurora, having now been in uninterrupted operation here for thirty- six years without a single stop on account of strikes or financial panics. On the death of Lamdin, two yeai's after removing to this city, T. & J. W. Gaff purchased his interest, when the firm name was changed to Stedman & Co., which it still continues, although the elder Stedman has been deceased since April last, leaving the entire control of the works in the hands of his son, Nathan, who came in as a partner in 1867. The recent decease of the Gaffs leaves Mr. Stedman the only surviving mem- ber of the co-partnership of 1867. The premises of the company at present include ten town lots, mostly covered with buildings, and pre- senting the evidence of an extensive and thrifty enterprise. Experienced foremen, who have been employed from twenty to twenty-six years here, are placed in the different departments, and nothing is omitted that CITY OF AURORA. 343 would in any way add to the excellence of their work. The finishing department is superintended by Mr. Joseph Miller, the cotton-press fac- tory by R. B. Fowler, the foundry by R. T. Hubbard, and the pattern making by M. R. Lukens. Mr. Stedman himself, who has been the practical manager of the enterprise since 1867, was actively employed in the shops from the time he was sixteen years of age, so that long before he ceased to be manually engaged in them he had become an expert in the business, and was intimately familiar with every branch of their manufacture. The Stedmans, although judicious in business, were at the same time full of push, and always kept their institution well abreast of the times. Many important inventions in machinery have been added from time to time to their facilities, and it is difficult to find an estab- lishment more thoroughly prepared to do promptly and satisfactorily all kinds of work. They are conveniently located for the delivery of goods to the boat landing or the railroad freight offices, and their accumula- tion of thirty-six years of patterns gives them facilities for a wide range of work. Some eighty to 100 men find employment in their various de- partments of labor, and the range of work embraces car-wheels, hay and cotton presses, circle saw-mills, brick machines, drag-saws, mill machin- ery, corn-shellers and all kinds of castings. Engine building is their leading specialty, and the Stedman Engines are a favorite all over the West and South, as well as in the leading manufactories of this city and section. Two hundred thousand dollars are said to be invested in this establishment. Fisk Brothers Carriage Manufactory. — The first carriage manufactory in Aurora was owned by Edwards & Smith, and was started in 1853. In 1855 Charles Fisk was admitted as a partner in the firm, and continued as such until March, 1864, when the manufactory was purchased by him- self and three brothers, Henry Fisk, Harry Fisk and Hiram Fisk. The new firm, under the title of Fisk Bros., commenced at once the man- ufacture of carriages, buggies and spring wagons, on a more extensive scale. The Messrs. Fisk were all practical carriage-makers, as well as enterprising business men, and they were not long in building up a large trade. After the close of the war they found a large market in the South, and for several years their shipments to that country were quite extensive. Marion Fisk, another brother, was their Southern agent, with headquarters at Vicksburg, Miss., and Shreveport, La. In consequence of the unsettled condition of the country at that time, they were finally compelled to abandon their trade South. At the present time their trade is principally in Indiana and Kentucky. The work turned out by this firm takes rank among the best in the country. 344 . HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The Door, Sash and Lumber Factory and Yards of L. G. Hitrlberf, office located on the corner of Third and Mechanic Streets. — The father, L. G. Hurlbert, Sr., began business as a lumber dealer here a great many years ago, and in 1866 L. G. Hurlbert, Jr., was taken in as a part- ner. Soon after the death of the senior Hurlbert the son became solo proprietor of the business, which he has continued to control to the pres- ent time. His yard is well supplied with all kinds of rough and dressed pine lumber, which is obtained principally from the forests of northern Michigan, besides a large quantity of sawed shingles, sash and doors. Of lumber alone Mr. Hurlbert handles annually upward of 1,000,000 feet, while his operations in shingles amounts to almost 1,500,000 yearly. The annual cost of these supplies must reach a large sum of money, and when it is remembered that this is the pioneer yard of the county, having had an uninterrupted existence of thirty-five or forty years, it will be seen that since beginning trade this firm has handled capital aggregating many hundred thousand dollars. The premises occupied consist of a half-dozen lots, the old planing-mill and other buildings. Mr. Hurlbert's success is the result of a thorough knowledge of the business and careful attention to the wants of his customers, who are distributed throughout every part of this and adjoining counties. John Cobb & Co., manufacturers of wood and cane-seated chairs, factory located on the corner of Third Street and Bridgeway. This old- established institution has for many years been the^main stay of the chair-making industry in this section, having been founded by the Au- rora Chair and Furniture Manufacturing Company, as long ago as 1868. Two years after the business was started here, it was purchased by John Cobb & Co., and has since been continued under their management, and exerting a beneficial effect upon the town in which it is located by pro- viding remunerative employment to a large force of workmen. It at the same time demonstrates the advantages of this place as a manufacturing point by the success it has achieved, and provides a convenient market for the costly grades of timber in this and surrounding counties. la September, 1882, the entire factory and a large amount of the stock were destroyed by lire, entailing a heavy loss on the company, one-third of which only was covered by insurance; but with an energy that defied even the fii'e fiend they at once began the reconstruction of their works, and within 100 days were again in full operation. The new buildings are much more substantial than the destroyed ones were, being built principally of brick, and having a superior outlay of machinery. The factory, at present, covers about a quarter of a square, is located at the corner of Third and Bridgeway Streets, and is well supplied with plan- ers, band saws, turning lathes, boring, mortising and tenant machines, CITY OF AURORA. Ui circle saws, and many other appliances necessary for the skillful and effective employment of labor. About 130 workmen are employed in the various departments, who turn off about 200 dozen chairs of different grades every week. These goods are marketed almost entirely in the northern half of the Union, being shipped to various points from New York City to San Francisco. A portion of the force and machinery is at present employed in constructing chairs for the use of the United States Government. These chairs are marvels of beauty, and so, in fact, are all the chairs made here. Cobb & Co. are also operating alai-ge branch factory at Butlerville, Ind., where another quality of goods are pro- duced, such as maple chairs, rawhide frames and other cheaper kinds. The operations of the Aui'ora establishment is almost entirely in the line of line walnut chairs, and embraces a gi'eat variety of styles. Almost three-fifths of the annual disbui'sements of this firm for material and labor is left in this vicinity, thus adding largely to the general welfare of our people. In the manufacture of every article at this establish- ment nothing but the best stock is used, and hence the trade can always rely on the superiority of its production. Of the value of the annual output we are not informed, but that it amounts to a large sum can be readily understood from the fact that the company distributes among its employes alone over §30,000 yearly. The company, as at present organ- ized, consists of John Cobb, J. A. Cobb, T. J. Cobb and Stedman & Co. John Cobb is a native of Pennsylvania, and came to Aurora as early as 1819. He was engaged in the boating business for many years, and has been connected with mercantile, manufacturing, and other business undertakings from the earliest history of the city. The Crescent Brewing Company. — Beer brewing and bottling estab- lishment, Decatur and Market Streets. The increasing popularity of lager as a drink has made beer brewing an industry of vast proportions, involving the employment of immense capital and labor. The beer busi- ness was begun in Aurora about eleven years ago by Gaff & Co., at which time the Crescent Breweiy was erected, and by whom it was operated for five years, then passing into the hands of the present joint stock company. This company was organised in 1S78 with a paid in capital of §250,000, and is officered as follows: President, J. TT. Gaff; vice-president, G. L. Howe; treasurer, J. D. Parker; secretary, J. K. Vail; superintendent, S. D. Langtree. The foreman, Mr. M. Butz, is a gentleman with few superiors as an experienced brewer. From the organization of the Crescent Brewing Company these works have had a remarkably prosperous career, and the excellent reputation of their prod- uct has been steadily extended. As an evidence o^ the high quality of their manufacture mav be mentioned the fact, that they have secured 346 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. first premiums at a number of State fairs in the South, among which were those of North Carolina and Atlanta, Ga. The company em - ploy sixty to seventy workmen in the various departments of manufact- ure, running both night and day; do their own malting, require a great amount of barley and hops in their operations, and have an ex- pensive Arctic ice machine for keeping the finished product cool, it be- ing necessary to hold the temperature to about thirty -five degrees. The brine used in the cooling process is impelled through eight miles of pipe. In addition to their own requirements the company have facilities for producing thirty -five tons of ice daily, and are just putting in an expensive Ballantine ice machine, capable of producing twenty-five tons more each day. A large supply of malt is kept in their storage rooms. Some 800 casks, with a capacity of 1,500 gallons each, are kept full of beer, ready to be drawn for shipment. It can readily be comprehended that the equipment of such an institution requires a vast expenditure of capital in machinery and other necessities. The establisment is fitted up with all the necessary appliances for the successful prosecution of the business, being supplied with a large outfit of the best steam machinery, bottling equipments and malting facilities. The boiler room, 30x50, is provided with four massive boilers, while in different parts of the several buildings are nine engines of various sizes, one being sixty horse-power, besides a number of force pumps and many miles of copper and iron pipes. The main building is 300 feet long by 180 a part of the distance, and 90 the remainder. It contains two malt kilns 30x30, four fermenting cellars each 25x100, four ice storage rooms each 40 feet deep and 30x60 feet, eleven cask rooms for storing the finished product, an engine room, 30x60, besides numberless other rooms for difi'erent purposes. There are many other items and facts connected with this institution that would be of interest to the wor- shipers of Gambrinus, but we have not the space to further extend this article. We will conclude by saying that the product of the Crescent Brewery is, after supplying the local demand, shipped to all parts of the Southern States," and wherever used has been regarded as the best lager made. A very large amount of money is expended in this section for barley and wages, while the annual output of the institution aggre- gates about $500,000, thus adding materially to the prosperity of the city. Cobb^s Iron and Nail Factory, located along the river and the railroad in the northeastern part of the city, had its origin in the rolling-mill, established in 1873, and operated by the Aurora Iron Company, In September, of the year above mentioned, J. B. Evans, a gentleman of large experience in the manufacture of iron, desiring a location for a roll- CITY OF AURORA. 347 ing-mill, received a proposition from the citizens of Aurora, the latter giving him ten acres of ground and $16,000 in money, which proposition was accepted. Mr. Evans associated with him other men under the firm name of Evans & Co., to erect in this city a rolling-mill and tube works. In November the firm merged into the Aurora Iron Company, which was regularly organized on the 15th of that month, and went into operation with the following named officers: President, J. B. Evans; vice-president, Levi C. Goodale ; secretary and treasurer, F. M. Munson. The main building of the works first erected was 200x160 feet, in which were placed five heating furnaces and eight boilers supplying steam, the largest engine being of 350 horse-power. The building and equipping of the works, cost between $100,000 and $200,000. In 1875, the Aurora Iron & Nail Company, composed of the Aurora Iron Company (rolling- mill) and the Haddock Nail Machine & Nail Manufacturing Company, of Cincinnati, consolidated for the manufacture of iron and nails and nail machines, and was incorporated. In the fall of 1881 the Aurora Iron & Nail Company merged into and was reorganized as the Cobb Iron & Nail Company. In the spring of 1885 the company disposed of the sheet and barr mill and the right to use Cobb's patent process for manufacturing nails on fifty machines to another company. Both companies have since increased the capacity of their respective branches of manufacturing, and the new company are manufacturing from 400 to 600 kegs of nails per day. The old company still owns the nail plate mill and the nail fac- tory, which have no equal in the United States for making good nails at so small a cost. It is said that the first sheet iron manufactured in the State of Indiana was made here in 1874. Sutton Mill Company, manufacturers of rough and dressed lum- ber, south of rolling-mills. The saw mill operated by the above com- pany was first built by John Graham and came into the present firm's hands in 1882. By the floods of February, 1884, the building and much of its lighter machinery was carried down the raging Ohio; but, not to be baffled by disaster, the proprietors at once began the construction of a more substantial building, taking the precaution to anchor the sills six feet under ground, thus securing themselves against a similar misfortune in case of another flood. Improved machinery has taken the place of what was lost in the freshet, so that at present Messrs. Sutton & Co. can boast of having the best equipped saw and planing-mill in this entire region. Its sawing department has recently added a new carriage way, which enables them to saw timber forty feet in length. The capacity is 18,000 or 20,000 feet of lumber per day, while in the planing and dress- ing department they have ample facilities for doing a large amount of work in the best possible manner. An average of 15,000 feet of lumber 348 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. is daily produced, which, after supplying the local trade, is shipped to Cincinnati. They make a specialty of filling contract bills, having re- cently furnished the new Petersburg Distillery with 125,000 feet. Logs from the Big Sandy region are rafted from Catlettsburg on the Ohio, although considerable quantities of walnut and other timbers are ob- tained in this vicinity. Additional machinery for the manufacture of doors, sash, etc., is to be introduced next year, which will make what is already a creditable establishment one of still greater importance. Some fifteen men are given employment about the mills, and, taken altogether, the institution is of the greatest convenience to this whole section. In fact it is absolutely indispensable to a community like this, where there is such an active demand for the different varieties of plain and dressed lumber. In its annual operations this firm uses about $30,000 worth of logs, and turns out $60,000 to $75,000 worth of product. Walker^s Brick Manufactory, plain, ornamental and pressed brick, Walker's west side addition. — John Walker, for eight years past, has been extensively engaged in the manufacture of brick. A visit to his yards during the working season would disclose a busy and interesting scene, as thirty hands are constantly employed in the operation of the various machinery and other departments of the work. The first thing of importance noticed in a hurried perambulation of the premises was a pug-mill, in which the material is saturated with water and thoroughly mixed by machinery, thus dispensing with the labor of four extra hands in the mud pits, where a very laborious and disagreeable portion of the work was formerly performed. From this pug-mill the mud is forced into a brick machine and by it pressed into the moulds, thence passing into the hand of the striker. This machine is of the famous Martin patent, since greatly improved by J. Creager, and has a capacity of over 5,000 bricks per hour, if sufficient force and material could be furnished for such rapid operation, the average capacity of the yard, however, is 25,000 bricks per day. The newly molded product is dried principally in sheds, as sun-dried bricks are considered far inferior to them, in point of strength and smoothness of surface. Although the ordinary product of this yard is practically a perfect brick, Mr. Walker has facilities for repressing, by which he is enabled to produce a brick almost as smooth as polished marble, and with corners as perfect as those of a parallelogram. !Phe Miller & Cornell machines are used in the repressing process, which is something that requires skillful and careful management. Large quantities of the repressed product are sent to leading architects of Cin- cinnati, which are used in the erection of handsome suburban residences on Walnut Hills, Avoudale, and other places, bringing remunerative prices. Another specialty of this yard is an ornainentai brick, of several y CITY OF AURORA. 349 very pretty and unique designs, valuable as a finishing material and in the construction of chimneys. Three kilns, with a capacity of 300,000 pieces each, are in operation, producing annually 2,500,000, the prospect being that the product of 1885 will reach over 3,000,000. These, if laid end to end, would make an unbroken line from New York to San Francisco, and back as far as Denver. »-.Mr. Walker uses slack for fuel, which he considers superior for brick burning to anything else. He employs the calorific (i. e., hot air) process in burning, by which, with other careful manipulations in laying, etc., the arch bricks are left equal in all respects to any other, and are wholly free from the cracked and smoky appearance which they usually present. From three to four car loads are shipped daily, going principally to Cincinnati and its suburbs, where Mr. Walker has established a reputation as a brick- maker equal to the best in the country, not excepting Zanesville pro- ducers. In every quality excepting color, the product of the Walker yards is actually superior to that of Zanesville, and with the aid of Zanesville sand and other improved methods, Mr. W. will no doubt equal them even in that respect. Having already devised many valuable improvements in brick-making, among which is the employment of truck mules in trans- ferring the unfinished product to different parts of the yard and another convenient arrangement called the return mud belt, by which the mortar accumulating upon the striker is returned to the pug-mill, he can not fail to still further improve his facilities. In this way Mr. Walker has so perfected his work as to be able to compete with the most reputed manufacturers in the country. The Wymond Brick Yard.— Phillip Wymond was born in Cornwall, England, and in 1829, while still quite young, removed to this county. In 1859 he located at Aurora, and has been in business here continu- ously since that time, principally in the cooperage manufacture. He is at present operating a brick yard at the upper end of Broadway, and seems to be conducting a prosperous business. Rather extensive im- provements in machinery and other appliances are contemplated for the coming year, and if these are added, which they no doubt will be, this yard bids fair to become an important rival in the brick-making indus- try. At present the Wymond yard is producing bricks at the rate of 10,000 per day. Two kilns are required for burning purposes, in which the calorific process is employed, and in the various departments of the work the services of something near a dozen men are required. Mitchell (& Langtree's Brick Yard, located near the rolling-mills, first began operation here over sixteen years ago under the management of Mitchell & Harbaugh. It was conducted by them very successfully un- til about three years ago, when the old partnership was dissolved and the 350 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. present firm assumed control. This yard is located east of the rolling- mill, with convenient facilities for shipping either by water or rail, and has a capacity of 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 brick per annum. No mold- incr machinery is used here for the reason that the managers think hand- made brick of superior firmness, and say that many of their customers in Cincinnati prefer them. The process of burning is essentially the same here as at the other yards in this place, two kilns being used for this purpose, having a capacity of over 300,000 each. Much of the product was formerly used in this vicinity, but it is now almost entirely mar- keted in Cincinnati. The Carriage Factory of H. Fritz, located'on the corner of Third and Mechanic Streets. Mr. Fritz confines himself to no special vehicle, but builds to the order of customers, carriages, buggies, phaetons, buck- boards, farm and spring wagons, and attends to repairing in a skillful manner. It is unnecessary to dilate upon the merits of the work done at this shop, as the large patronage and long term of the service is the best attestation of its good character. Mr, Fritz is a native of Ohio and came to Aurora in 1855. He was employed for many years by the Fisk Bros., and others in the wagon-building business, served three years in the army as a private and ten years ago established in business as above, having made it a gratifying success. The Aurora Valley Furniture and Upholstering Company is located on Decatur Sti'eet, in that part of the city designated as Texas, with sale and packing rooms on Second and Judiciary Streets. The company was formed in the fall of 1872, by William Willman, H. J. Probst, Freder- ick Bosse, Garrett Bosse, H. Droge, William Bosse, C. Westmyre and Wallace Mead. In 1876 Frederick Bosse, William Bosse and Wallace Mead sold out, and Gr. C. Probst and George Hafl'erkamp came in, which constitutes the present firm. Their factory is 50x75 feet, two-story brick and frame structure. Their propelling power is a forty horse- power engine which drives all kinds of machinery, giving employment to fifty hands. Their sales and packing rooms are 60x85 feet, part two and three stories high, with cellar under all. This firm manufactures me- dium and fine goods, and have five salesmen on the road, the South and West being their best Territory, but have a general trade throughout the States and Territories. The same firm opened up a branch factory at Seymour, Ind., January 1, 1885 ; their shops being 60x100 feet, three- story brick, with engine and dry house attached, in which have been placed a forty horse-power engine and all necessary new and improved machinery, where will work fifty or more men, and manufacture only a fine grade of furniture, and common in Aurora. The city of Seymour donated the ground and buildings as an inducement to the company to locate there. CITY OF AURORA. 351 The company is composed of sober, industrious, enterprising men; and iD those times of close competition and business emulation, few succeed who do not by solid merit and earnest industry deserve success. Judg- ing of the future of this firm by their past record, they will continue to occupy a commanding position in both citiefi. George C. Probst is the superintendent, secretary, and treasurer of the Aurora branch. He is a native of Ripley County, Ind., and assumed the responsibitity of his present- position in 1881. BANKING HOUSES. Of these institutions there are two in Aurora, The First National and the Aurora National. The First National Bank of Aurora was authorized to commence business December 9, 1864, with a capital of $100,000, which afterward, was increased to $200,000. The first board of directors consisted of Thomas Gaff, James W. Gaff, Henry W. Smith, \V. E. Gibson, John J. Backman, Louis G. Hurlbert and Abram Lozier, Thomas Gaff was elected president, and Henry W. Smith, cashier. Mr. Smith, on account of other pressing business engagements, held the office but a short time, and was succeeded by John G. Kennedy, who held his position until November, 1868, when Elam H. Davis was elected cashier, and has held the office until the present time, a period of sixteen years. President Gaff continued to act as such until April 25, 1884, the date of his death, when Henry W. Smith was elected his successor. Of the original direc- tors, four, Messrs. Thomas Gaff, James W. Gaff, John J. Bachman and L. G. Hurlbert have died. The present board consists of the following named gentlemen: Henry W. Smith, president; William E. Gibson, vice-president; James W. Gaff, John A. Conwell, Abram Lozier and John McQuire. The history of the First National Bank of Aurora is one of unexampled prosperity. The high character of its projectors, their eminent financial abilities and their large resources gave the bank a prominent place among the strongest and most solid financial corpora- tions in the country, and during its long histoi'y nothing has occurred to shake or weaken it in the confidence and esteem of the public. Con- servative and prudent in all its business, and yet liberal so far as com- patible with perfect safety in meeting all the wants of the public. Dur- ing the great panic of 1873, when the banks all over the country were forced to suspend payment, the First National Bank of Aurora paid every check that was presented. The original organizers have mostly passed away, but the bank is still strong and safe in its resources and in the character of its officers. The bank was opened in a room on the second floor of what was known as the Kemp Building, and issued its 852 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. first bills March 6, 1865. The present banking house is located on the northeast corner of Second and Mechanic Streets, and is a substantial building, constructed of brick in 1870, at a cost of about $10,000. The Aurora National i?a?i/c. —Early in 1883 several citizens of Aurora discussed the feasibility of opening a second bank in the city, and meeting with prompt encouragement the matter soon took definite shape. Capt. Alex B. Pattison received a letter from the comptroller at Washington the first week in April, authorizing himself and associ- ates to organize the Auroz-a National Bank, with a capital of $100,000 and privilege to increase the same to three times that amount. The stock was rapidly taken up, and the organization was completed April 14, 1883, by the election of Francis Wymond as president, W. F. Stevens, vice-president, and Alex B. Pattison, cashier. The president, who has long been identified with the business interests of Aurora, and was closely identified with many leading enterprises, was taken sick and died shortly after the opening of the bank. The present officers are Will- iam F. Stevens, president; George W. Mitchell, vice-president; Alex B. Pattison, cashier; J. C. Wymond, assistant cashier; W. F. Stevens, Robert Maybin, Thomas Johnson, T. W. Kestner, S. D. Langtree, George W. Mitchell, and J. C. Wymond, directors. There are thirty- three stockholders, largely composed of business men of this city. The banking house is located on the southeast corner of Second and Mechanic Streets. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. This substantial and elegant building is located in the center of the city, on the south side of Second Street, in the middle of the square, between Main and Mechanic Streets. The building is constructed of brick, and is three stories high, and has a frontage of 53 feet, with a depth of 106 feet. The auditorium is on the second floor, having a seating capacity of 950 persons; it is furnished with opera chairs, of a neat and comfortable pattern, arranged upon platforms of a graduated elevation, so that they will appear sloped from the rear of the hall, toward the stage. The aisle floors are covered with heavy matting. The stage has a front of about thirty feet, and a depth of twenty, and its appointments are comprehensive, and com- pletely in harmony with the rest of the building. It is supplied with a complement of scenery necessary to meet the demands of a first class theater or opera, two elegant and cosy little proscenium boxes, one on either side, and is altogether exceedingly well arranged, and properly lighted. The scene painting and frescoing is beautiful in design, and skillfully executed by some of Cincinnati's best artists. It is lighted with gas — a forty-four jet reflector in the center of the ceiling, CITY OF AURORA. 353 together with the proscenium chandeliers and bracket lights, besides the ample foot lights and numerous burners on the stage, well supply the light. It is heated by two immense hot air furnaces. To the hall there is both a front and rear entrance, the former entrance being by means of a fire-proof stairway eight feet wide. The means of exit in case of an accident, or in any emergency, is certainly ample. The building is an ornament to the city, and stands a monument to the enterprise of its builders. It was built in 1878, by Messrs. Leive, Parks & Stapp, and opened in the evening of November 28 (Thanksgiving evening) of that year, by a lecture delivered by "Bob'' Burdette, on the subject of •'Home." POSTMASTERS. The following list of postmasters of Aurora, was prepared by George W. Lane: Edward Fairchilds, Elias Conwell, Daniel Bartholomew, Benjamin F. Ferris, Peter B. Vail, Samuel C. Reed, William Webber, Hiram L. Dean, Josephus Clark, Mrs. A. P. Clark, Henry Walker, John Walker, Harry Fisk. SOCIETIES. Aurora Lodge No. 51, A. F. & A. M., was instituted April 11, 1844, by Grand Master Abel C. Pepper, with sixteen charter members. The first officers were Michael D. Gear, W. M.; Asa Shattuck, S. W.; William Morrison, J. W. ; J. W. Weaver, secretary; John Langley, treasurer; R. Sopris, S. D. ; Joseph Buukey, J. D. ; Thomas J. Baily, Tyler. The present membership is sixty -three. The present officers are Robert McDowell, W. M. ; W. C. Henry, S. W. ; G. W. Trester, J. W. ; George Schaefer, treasurer; .F. A. Slater, secretary; Thomas H. Mc- Connell, S. D. ; F. W. Kassebaum, J. D. ; Romanus Roach, T. Aurora Chapter No. 13, R. A. M., was instituted by Abel C. Pepper, G. H. P. with nine charter members, September, 5, 1849. First offi- cers: R. Sopris, H. P.; J. W. Weaver, K. ; A. L. Bailey, S.; J. G. Hun- ter, C. N. ; Samuel Reed, P. S. ; J. F. Crider, R. A. C. ; William Green, Third Vail; A. B. Adams, Second Vail; J. B. Hall, First Vail; J. M. Hays, Guard. The present membership is sixty-two. The present officers are, A. N. Bradley, H. P. ; John Black, S. ; Robert Lyttle, P. S. ; M. J. Meyer G. M. Third Vail; L. B. Brown, G. M. First Vail; F. A. Slater, secretary; James M. Wheeler, K. ; J. C. Green, C. H. ; Robert Mayvin, R. A. C. ; James P. Coulter, G. M. Second Vail; W. C. Henry, treasurer; J. M. Newell, Guard. Aurora Commander ij No. 17, K. T.,- charter granted April 7, 1869. First officers: Thomas Pattison, E. C; W. Allen, — ; John A. Harpham, Captain of Guard; E. K. Long, E. P.; Hosea Harden, S. W.; James De 354 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Sanno, J, W. ; S. Paramore, treasurer; E. Hubbartt, recorder; T. J. Bai- ley, Warder. Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M., was organized July 1, 1871, with twenty-five charter members, the charter being granted on the 29th day of May, 1872. The first officers were ' Charles Ager, W. M. ; John Walker, S. W.; H. W. Hurlbert, J. W.; S. Paramore, treasurer; Harry Pisk, secretary; John Sargent, S. D. ; William Kyle, J. D. ; Thomas J. Bailey, Tyler. The present membership is seventy-eight, with the fol- lowing officers now serving: Charles W, Loudon, P. W. M. ; James A. Riddell, S. W.; Hubert J. Marshall, J. W.; Robert Maybin, treasurer^ R. C. Mattox, secretary; Emil Severin, S. D. ; Charles M. Beinkamp, J. D. ; James M. Steele, R. W. Rees, Stewarts; James R. Miller, Tyler. The lodge room is located in the Mitchell Building, corner Second and Mechanic Streets, and owned by Mr. G. W. Michell. Aurora Chapter R. A. M., and Aurora commandery, K. T., also meet in one hall. John A. Piatt Post No. 82, G. A. R., was organized at the K. of P, Hall July 7, 1882, with twenty-five charter members. The first officers were Capt. Alex B. Pattison, P. C; Capt. H. P. Spoeth, S. V. P. C. ; L. E. Beincamp, Jr., V, P. C. ; C. K. Emrie, Q. M.; Dr. R. C.Bond, Surgeon; Rev. G. I. Reiche, Chap.; Robert Walsh, Officer of the Day; A. B. Hub- bartt, Officer of the Guard; Harry Fisk, Adjutant. Union Lodge No. 34, K. of P. , was organized June 4, 1873, by Charles P. Carty, G. K. of R. & S., and Charles Laner, P. C, of No. 6, of Indianapolis, with W. G. Wheeler, P. C. ; R. B. Fowler, C. C. ; George W. Lamb, V. C. ; James Faulkner, P. ; B. F. Trester, Jr. , R. & S.; W. H. Trester, M. of F.; C. C. Trester, M. of E. ; H. G. Lam- kin, M. at A. ; George W, Trester, I. G., and John W. Lowe, O. G., as officers. C. C. Wheeler, James L. Marsh, William M. McCullum, Elias Frazier, Jacob Goenawein, R. W. Curtiss, and Charles Louden were the other members. Present membership sixty- four. Harmonia Lodge No. 69, K. of P., was instituted by Joseph Kuhl- man, D. D. G. C, of Lawrenceburgh, assisted by P. C. Henry Russe, and the members of Dearborn Lodge No. 49, on the 15th of March, 1876. The officers and charter members were as follows: John Burk- hardt, P. C. ; August Frank, C. C. ; John Abeles, V. C. ; Charles Martin, P.; William Uley, K. of R. & S.; John Dennerline, M. of F. ; George Dennerline, M. of E. ; A. Himelricker, M. at A. ; John Buttner^ I. G. ; John Renner, O. G. ; George Trester, George W. Taylor. ^X?; -^^c^ ^^^^ J^ac^, 2 /2.^^3J<, :7' CITY OF RISING SUN. 355 CHAPTER XVII. CITY OF RISING SUN. Location and Description— Origin— Its Founders- The Early Vil- lage—Its Progress— Incorporation— Independence Day, 1834— Status of the Town in 1835-36— Picture of Main and Front Streets, 1833— Pen Picture of the Town in 1845— Steamboat Build- ing AND Boating— Early Postmasters— The Electro Magnetic Telegraph— Leading Manufacturing Interests— The National Bank— Churches— Schools— The Fire of 1866— The Fire of 1885— Cemeteries— Societies— The Rising Sun Insurance Company— The Centennial Fourth. RISING SUN is beautifully situated on the right bank of the Ohio River, ninety- six miles southeast of Indianapolis, and thirty-five miles a little west of south of Cincinnati, Ohio. It is located on what might be termed high bottom land, the ground gradually rising from the river bank to a distance of some 400 yards, and then gradually descend- ing to a small stream (dry branch of Arnold's Creek that nearly one-half surrounds the city;, at a distancejof at least two- thirds of a mile from the river; the ground then again gradually rises for a distance of half a mile to the foot of a range of hills which rise several hundred feet above low water in the Ohio at this place. As might be expected from such a situ- ation, the city is very healthy. This may, no doubt, be attributed to the fact that during the wet seasons the streets are almost invariably dry and clean, they being so situated that the water runs off immediately after it has fallen. The channel of the river at this point is close to the city, and boats of every class can land at any stage of water. In this respect the city possesses advantages over almost every other city along the river. The city is one mile square and is laid out in regular squares, the streets crossing each other at right angles; it is far above high water mark; has wide graveled streets and sidewalks, beautiful shady promenades, and its inhabitants are intelligent, industrious, and sociable. Its general ap- I^earance is favorable to all who visit it. A stroll throughout the city discloses the fact that there are but few reminders of the olden time in the way of dilapidated buildings. Many of the residences and business houses are really elegant, and nearly all are attractive. The streets, stores, churches, manufacturing establishments, and dwellings are neat and creditable. 356 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ORIGIN. John James, an independent planter of Frederick County, Md. , im- migrated to the West in May, 1807, his family being conveyed in a flat- boat from Redstone, and landed in Lawrenceburgh in June following. He remained at that point two years, when, for the purpose of educating his children, he removed to Cincinnati, where, after a residence of two years, he removed to this place, December 25, 1811, being but a few weeks after the famous battle of Tippecanoe, which occurred in Septem- ber, 1811. In consequence of Indian hostilities prevalent at that time, and the frequent alarms of the settlement, to allay the fears of the fam- ily, he removed them to Louisville in May, 1812, one month previous to the declaration of war against Great Britain, while he and his eldest son, Pinkney, remained upon the ground. In the autvimn of 1813 the family were brought back to this point. In 1879 the late Henry James said: "In the fall of 1813 we returned to father and Pinkney at the set- tlement, and in the following spring, on the 30th day of May, we laid out Rising Sun. Father superintended, Pickney surveyed, and I carried one end of the chain, and another 'Negro' carried the other." * * Concerning this act, the records reveal the following: The town of Rising Sun is situated in the county of Dearborn, in the Indiana Territory, being laid out on Section 3 and fraction 2, Township 3 and Range 1. The aforesaid town is first laid off into blocks of twenty-four/ods on every side, and then an alley drawn through the center parallel with those streets which front the river. The blocks are then subdivided into twelve parts, each lot containing four rods in front, and eleven and a half rods deep; fronts are always to and from the river. There is a street running between every block, and are five rods wide. The alleys are but one rod wide. The lots situated between Front Street and the ^Ohio River are termed fractions, and are four rods front, and running each to the river. John James, Proprietor. INDIANA TERRITORY, ) [•ss. Deaeborn County. ) Before me, Samuel Fulton, a justice assigned to keep the peace in and for said county, personally came John James, and made oath that the aforesaid expla- nation, together with the plat, is a true description of the town of the Rising Sun, as lately laid off by him. Sworn to before me this thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and fourteen. Samuel Fulton. J. P. The orignal plat of the village included that portion of the city now situate between the river and Walnut Street, and between First and Fifth Streets, comprising ninety-six full and eighteen fractional lots. The original proprietor of this ground was Benjamin Chambers, who, on the 9th of April, 1801, with other land, entered from the United States Government that portion of Section 3 and fractional Section 2, on which the original plat was laid out. CITY OF RISING SUN. 357 ITS FOUNDERS. The proprietor, in order to promote the more rapid settlement of the town, gave all the lots on certain squares, except the corner lots, to immi- grants who would, within one year, erect a two-story log or frame house, with a brick or stone chimney, worth not less than $200. Said Mr. Henry James (deceased): "Thomas Lindsay erected a building on a lot and received a deed for it. The next day he came to father and re- quested a deed for the adjoining lot, saying that he had fulfilled the requirement. Father accompanied Mr. Lindsay to see the new building of mushroom growth, and found himself the victim of a joke. Mr. Lindsay had removed his house from the other lot over to this one, for which he claimed the deed. Father enjoyed the joke so well that he gave him the deed, and afterward added to his agreement a proviso that would prevent a serious recurrence of the joke." John James also do- nated a lot to each religious denomination, also the lot where the beauti- ful and imposing school building is erected; also, in 1828, the lot on which the seminary was erected and still stands, though since converted into a dwelling-house, and the lots where the old cemetery is located. Said Rev. B. F. Morris, in 1856: "He was a liberal man in all public enterprises, and was ambitions to found and build up a large and flour- ishing town. He died March 27, 1838, aged seventy-six years, and his wife, Martha James, July 21, 1821, aged fifty-seven years. "God's Acre," which they gave as a burial place for the dead, holds their mortal remains. They left, in their children and their children's children, numerous descendants, who occupy honorable and useful stations in so- ciety. "Col. Pinkney James, himself a pioneer,was a man of talent, enterprise, enlarged views, and devoted himself to the prosperity of this place. He built two cotton and woolen factories, which for years were in suc- cessful operation, and gave employment to some seventy-five persons. He did much to advance the interests of the place. He studied law, in early youth, with Judge Burnet, of Cincinnati, and was a member of the Legislature for a number of years from Dearborn County. He died De- cember 25, 1851, universally lamented. Another son of the proprietor of the town, Basil James, M. D., still living,* was one of the earlier phy- sicians of the place, having studied medicine under Dr. Daniel Drake, of Cincinnati. His zeal and success in promoting the cause of education in Rising Sun are evidences of his intelligent public spirit and moral worth. Another son, Henry James, still living,f also labored energet- ically to promote the interests of the place. He has built twenty-four *Dr. James died Aug. 8, 1877. fHenry James died in 1S80. 358 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. dwelling houses and three mills in and near Eising Sun, opened and improved farms,and co-operated in the public improvements of this place." THE EAKLY VILLAGE- — ITS PROGRESS. In the historical discourse of Rev. B. F. Morris, delivered in the Presbyterian Church at Rising Sun, September 15, 1856, it is stated that " during several years subsequent to the location of this town, the tide of immigration flowed into the place, and valuable and permanent citizens established themselves in business and professional pursuits. In 1813, Walter Smith and family (whose daughter is Mrs. Joshua Haines), and Jonah Smith. In 1814 Caleb Craft, Henry Weis, James A. Walton, and their families. In 1815 Prince Athearn and family, Abel C. Pep- per, Shadrach Hathaway [still living at the advanced age of ninety-one years, on the site he purchased of Mr. James, and on which he reared his cabin shoe shop in the "forest primeval" and amid the red men, longer ago than has been allotted to man, upward of seventy years. Here he dwells, hale, hearty, and cheerful, the last of his line, living as a connecting link between the past and present. What change has he witnessed! What progress! Ninety odd years of well spent time! How grand to contemplate! Ed.], N. Miller and family, Joel Decoursey, M. McHeuston and James Hayden. Mr. Hayden was the first regular physician ; he studied medicine with Dr. Drake, of Cincinnati, and first practiced medicine with Dr. Hagerman, of Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. He married on the 27th of November, 1818, Harriet James, daughter of the proprietor, and died on the 8th of July, 1823. In 1816 Archibald Moore and the twin brothers, Joshua and Mathias Haines, the latter of whom was for more than thirty years a popular physician, and is still living,* the venerable and beloved patriarch of the profession, whose life and labors have blessed this whole region. Moses, Daniel and Philip Tapley, three brothers, immigrated in 1818. These immigrants and the others previously noticed,were chiefly instrumental in giving pros- perity and character to the town; they took a deep interest in founding and fostering schools, and in laying the foundations of steady and solid growth to the place. As venerable pioneers, some like aged trees left to tell of a former forest, still remain to remind us of the times passed away, and their numerous descendants, filling useful stations in society, are honorable certificates of their own good influences and characters." The village was laid out in a dense forest with underbrush growing so thickly that one could with difiiculty penetrate it. The river front was more grand and beautiful than now. Fifty odd years ago a writer in one of the Cincinnati papers thus referred to it: "The town is sur- *Since deceased. CITY OF RISING SUN. 359 rounded by large forest trees, which furnish a cool and refreshing shade from the summer's heat. The favorite promenade ground, situated on the bank of the river, extends either way, up or down, as far as any per- son may feel inclined to walk. The bank is overhung by huge and gigantic sycamores and the wide-spreading branches of the elm, together with a variety of other trees, afford a very pleasant and uninterrupted shade, which combined with a constant breeze from the river, must render a walk very grateful. Upon the whole, I believe it to be one of the most desirable places for a residence that I have yet seen in the valley of the Mississippi. The moral condition of the place is excellent. The citizens generally are intelligent and enterprising, and the facilities of education are abundant. Commercial business is carried on to a con- siderable extent, and the mechanics seem to be prospering. I would also add, that the place is surrounded by a rich and fertile country, and occupied and owned by substantial farmers. And from the general view I have taken of Rising Sun, I can scarcely anticipate anything that can retard or check the progressive improvement of that interesting village." Standing on the brow of the hill at the river bank in early morn, resting the eye on the majestic stream beneath and to the far off Ken- tucky hills stretching for miles along its course, and to the opposite, nearer and higher elevations, one can readily imagine, in viewing a sun- rise amid such beauty and grandeur, the simple poetic impulse that could have suggested to the old Marylander the name the city has since borne. The first merchant of the village was Caleb A. Craft, who, the same year the village was laid out, erected a log-house on Lot No. 2, which contained but one room, in which he kept tavern and store. It is said that in December, 1814, Mr. Craft built on the same lot a hewed log- house of two rooms. The upper one was used as a sleeping room; in one corner of the lower room was a store and in another was a bar, liquor then being not in such disrepute as now. This building stands on Front Street near Fifth, and is still known as the Craft property. Mr. Craft was also the first postmaster of Rising Sun. His death occurred May 30,1849. Mr. S. Hathaway, still living in Rising Sun, purchased of John James, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the corner lot on Front and Fourth Streets, paying for it $100, on which he moved a two-story log-house in 1815 and occupied it as a shoe shop for five years, when he engaged in the mercantile business with Mr. Craft, they occupying the Craft Build- ing. Mr. S. Hathaway has been one of the city's most extensive business men, and, perhaps, by far the longest in business of any who have ever carried on biisiness in the city. Although now upward of ninety-one years of age, he can be found every day at his shoe shop on Main Street near Front, working on the bench made for him by Prince Athearn, in Cin- cinnati, in 1814. 360 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. An Emigrant's Directory, published in 1817, thus alludes to the village: "Rising Sun is delightfully situated on the second bank of the Ohio, with a gradual descent to the river. It contains thii-ty or forty houses and is half way between Vevay and Lawrenceburgh. It has a postoffice and a floating mill anchored abreast of the town. It has had a very rapid growth, and will probably become a place of considerable trade." Of the early additions to the village one was made by John James, acknowledged September 7, 1816, seventy- eight lots, bounded by High Street and Columbia Street; one by James Graham and wife, Mary, acknoweledged May 21, 1838, thirty-two full and seven fractional lo^ situated southwest of the original plat; one by Basil James acknowl- edged May 9, 1836, "being a continuation of Walnut Street and the alley between Walnut and High Street, and in lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 lying south of First and west of Walnut to the alley as in the plat." * * In the State Gazetteer published in 1833, it is stated that "Rising Sun contains about 600 inhabitants, four stores, one tavern, one grist- mill propelled by steam power, one seminary and one church with a number of mechanics of various trades." The first well dug in the village was at the Jelley tanyard, at the lower end of the place; it was some sixty feet deep and had a boarded log pump-stock, and is the same well that in the flood of 1832, the bot- tom fell out as it was termed, and all the water over and around the tan- nery, when the river began to recede, went down with a great roar and whirl until all was swallowed up and the yard left clear. The second well was on the upper side of Front and Second Streets, dug by John James, the proprietor of the town; it was walled up with brick, was seventy feet deep, boxed up, and the water drawn with a windlass. The third well was dug at the corner of Poplar and Second Streets, near the foot of the bridge opposite the McGuffin property; it was about seventy feet deep, walled up with stone and worked with a windlass. INCOEPOKATION. The town of Rising Sun was incorporated September 1, 1817, under "an act providing for the incorporation of towns in the State of Indiana" approved January 1, 1817. The first board of trustees was elected Sep- tember 8, 1817, who were Dr. Mathias Haines, Moses Tapley, Joel De Coursey, Henry Hayman and Samuel Jelley. INDEPENDENCE DAT, 1834. The fifty- seventh anniversary of American Independence was cele- CITY OF RISING SUN. 361 brated at Eising Sun in a very becoming manner. The day was ushered in by the firing of a national salute between daylight and sunrise, from a six-pounder, stationed on the bank of the river. At 11 o'clock the citizens of the town and a great number from the country assembled at the seminary, where a procession was formed un- der the direction of Joel Decoursey, Esq., marshal of the day. The procession marched from the seminary down Grand Street to Front to Maine and up Maine Street to the Presbyterian Church; where the Throne of Grace was invoked by the Rev. James Jones; the Declaration of Independence read by Col. Pinkney James, and an oration pro- nounced by Mr. B. F. Clark, the whole accompanied by national airs. From the church the procession marched up Main to High Street, down High to Second Street, down Second to Front Street and up Front Street to the hotel, where the company sat down to a splendid and sump- tuous dinner, prepared by J. C. Waggener. After dinner the following toasts were drank, accompanied by loud and repeated cheers, music and guns. Dr. Mathias Haines, president of the day, having been called from the table. Col. Pinkney James was appointed president pro tern who was assisted by John Neal, Esq., as vice president. STATUS OF THE TOWN IN 1835-36. The following articles from the Rising Sun Times of September 12, 1835, and November 12, 1836, respectively, exhibit the condition of the town at that period: "We have heretofore alluded to the astonishing amount of business transacted in this village, and yet it would seem that our town is little known abroad. This arises, no doubt, from the fact that our citizens have not been seized with the great mania for railroads and canals; and have not made a great noise in order to bring their town into public no- tice. While others have been quarreling about roads and canals, our citizens have been assiduously engaged in erecting manufactories, and improving the town; strangers are struck with surprise on entering our village, when they see our landing crowded with flat-boats, and our streets almost impassable with wagons, loading and unloading the pro- ducts of this section of the country. For three weeks past Front and Main Streets have resembled the business streets of Cincinnati, and flat boats are leaving our town almost daily. Our merchants and mechanics are trading on a sound and healthy capital — what they have is their own; they have no bank to run to, nor are they pressed for means to carry on their business. The two steam flour-mills in this place have pur- chased about 12,.000 bushels of wheat since last harvest; for which near- ly all cash has been paid, at $1 per bushel. We would like to know 362 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. what town in Indiana has paid out as much cash for a single article this season. Rising Sun is now, we believe, as great a business place as any other in the eastern part of the State; and she will soon be ahead of all, and it is altogether owing to the industry and enterprise of our citizens. "We have contemplated a notice of our village for some time past, but it has been deferred until the present, which we conceive a very good time, as by giving a correct statement of the business of the place, it may induce mechanics, tradesmen, etc., to invest some of their capital at the sale of lots advertised to take place on the first of next month, and become actual settlers. Rising Sun is most beautifully situated on the bank of the Ohio River, in Dearborn County, Ind. It has been said that a better situation for a town is not to be found on the river from its head to its mouth. The high water of 1832 was not out of the banks at this place. The town has always been remarkable for its health, as has also the surrounding country. The country for miles back is settled by wealthy, industrious and intelligent farmers, which, of course, is much in favor of the present and future prosperity of the town. The popu- lation of Rising Sun is between 1,000 and 1,200. It contains 1 cotton factory, 2 merchant flouring-mills, and one in the vicinity, each running three pair of buhrs, and all driven by steam power, 2 taverns, 9 dry goods stores, 1 book and drug store, 1 clothing store, 1 boot and shoe store, 3 grocery and liquor stores, 2 grocery and provision stores, 2 practicing physicians, 1 lawyer, 1 silversmith and jeweler, 1 printing office, 1 hat factory, 1 chair factory, 3 saddlers, 4 tailors, 4 cabinet-makers, 6 or 8 carpenters and joiners, 2 shoe-makers, 6 coopers, 2 blacksmiths, 2 tin and sheet iron ware factories, 2 stone- ware potteries, 1 tannery, 4 brick- layers and plasterers, 1 house, sign and ornamental painter, 1 painter and glazier, 1 soap factory, 1 carding machine, 1 extensive tobacco and cigar factory, 2 lumber merchants, 2 wagon makers, 4 draymen, 1 mar- ket house, 3 houses of public worship — 1 for the Methodists, 1 for the Presbyterians and 1 for the Reformers, a fire and marine insurance com- pany, a town seminary, and also the Indiana Teacher's Seminary, an institution incorporated by the State is located in this village. * * * All are doing a good business. "In addition to the trade of the town, the amount of country produce and articles manufactured by our mechanics, and annually shipped down the river, is immense. These articles comprise principally cabinet ware, stone-ware, tin-ware, chairs, molasses barrels, tobacco, cigars, wagons, etc. One thing in particular deserves to be said in praise of the indus- try and business of the place, and that is all are trading upon their own capital. While other towns are favored with bank facilities, and drive CITY OF RISING SUN. 6b6 their trade on fictitious capital, our merchants, mechanics, tradesmen, etc. , have the actual capital, and little or no bank accomodations are asked for. Another thing may be said of our town much to its advant- age. We allude to our schools. The Rising Sun Seminary is a plain but spacious building, capable of accomodating nearly, if not all, the children in the town. In this institution, all the branches of a common education for males and females are taught, and young men prepared to enter college. We understand it is the intention of the trustees of the Teachers' Seminary to erect in the course of next summer, a large and commodious building for that institution. At present it is kept in one of the rooms of the Rising Sun Seminary. This institution is mainly designed to educate young men for the business of professional teach- ers. Two steamboats have been built at this place and owned by citi- zens. One of them plies as a daily packet between Rising Sun and Cin- cinnati. A third one will be finished here next spring. The prices for all kinds of mechanical industry are high, as also the wages of laborers. And, in fine, prosperity reigns over our village and the surrounding country in as high a degree as over any other section of the West." PICTURE OF MAIN AND FRONT STREETS, 1833. The following articles appeared in the Rising Sun Local, under dates of February 10 and 24, 1883, under the title of " Main and Front Streets Fifty Years Ago." They were written by the Hon. S. F. Coving- ton, of Cincinnati, Ohio: ^'Main Street. — As you have been kind enough to give us former res- idents of Rising Sun a picture of Main Street as it now is, thus remind- ing us of the good old town and reviving pleasing recollections of it, I have thought that it might interest some of the present residents to know how Main Street looked some fifty years ago or thereabouts. I cannot at this late day be positive as to dates, but will approximate as nearly as my memory will serve me. Beginning as you did, at the stone landing, my recollection is that it was constructed in 1838, by Marcus D. Lykins, who died in Covington, Ky., about a year since. Previous to the making of the stone landing, there was a solid wooden crib built about half way from the top of the bank to low water, which was some fifteen feet high on the river side, and the road above was graveled to it. From this crib the road was graded and supported by crib-work up stream, at an angle of about forty -five degrees to the main crib, to low water mark. It made a good wharf, and the stone landing was no improvement upon it. Tal- bott's Mill, built by Moses Turner, stood in a deep recess where the bank had caved in. When first built the level of the basement floor, on the side next to the river, was ten feet or more above the level of the ground '664: HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. outside. Where ' Fairview' stands, was a small frame building on a line with Front Street, occupied by Dr. B. James as a drug store. The open space on the river bank was a good place to look at steamboats, and was generally occupied when one was passing. The high water of 1832 came just to the top of the bank at this point. The frame on the alley above Walnut Street, described by you as being occupied by Doc Wood, I think is the same building that occupied the present site of Fairview. The corner you now describe as being occupied by a log-house that was afterward removed to the southeast corner of Grand and High Streets, and occupied by Benjamin Hoag for many years, and afterward by Sam- uel Berkshire, a prominent colored citizen and no doubt still remem- bered by many. Upon the removal of the log-house, Haines & Lanius erected in 1826 the brick building, which was burned in 1866. Next west of this was a small frame building, occupied about 1833-34 by Bennett & Morgan for a hat shop. At the corner of the alley above this was a double one-story frame dwelling, originally occupied by Thomas Bradley. Adjoining this on the east was a like building, occupied by J, F. Harrison as a shoe shop, and John Baxter, still a res- ident, worked in it. The brick buildings below this and adjoining the comer building, that was burned in 1866, were erected in 1834 or 1835. Squire Decoursey's residence occupied the opposite side of the alley, standing back some thirty feet or more from the street. The old frame above Colter's was first a large tobacco warehouse, and afterward fitted up in front for a dry goods store by Decoursey & Richardson. The shop now occupied by Henry Kurr was occupied by Squire Philip East- man as a saddler shop, and the brick dwelling next was his residence. The frame dwelling next was the residence of the widow of Mr. George Jones, who afterward married Squire Caleb Campbell. The corner above had on it a small frame dwelling which was usually occupied as a whisky shop until about 1839-40, when the brothers Niles, built a better house and occupied it as a tin shop. The present 'Riverside House,' was built by Moore & Pepper in 1827-28, for a dry goods store. They had previously occupied a frame building on the same site for the same purpose. The present office of the hotel was built by W. and J. O'Neal, about 1831, for a dry goods store. Between this and Mrs. Best's residence was a small frame building, at one time occupied as a tailor shop by Willis Miles, and at another by Andi-ew Naileigh as a tin shop. The present residence of Mrs. Best was occupied by Col. S. S. Scott, who had at the time of his death, which occurred of cholera in 1833, a dry goods store in the frame building on Front Street next south of the 'Riverside.' At that time the lot was vacant up to a one- story frame house on the corner of the alley, which had CITY OF RISING SUN. 365 been from time immemorial a whisky shop. It was among the first houses built in the town, and was for many years kept by Banks & Davis. I have been told by an old-time resident that at one time Oliver H. Smith (who was afterward a member of Congress from your district, and United States senator from Indiana), read law in that building while acting in the capacity of bar-keeper. The double brick building now occupying the site was erected about 1833-34. "On the corner where McAroy's drug store now stands was a large frame building, in which, fifty years ago, Robert Best had his saddle and harness shop. Soon after it was occupied by Mapes & Armstrong as a chair factory. The ground was vacant between the chair factory and the present Bloss bakery. This last named building is one of the oldest in the town and was built by Banks & Davis. There is enough of inter- est connected with the history of that house alone to make an article quite as long as you would care to publish in a single issue. Its upper story was for a long time occupied as a Masonic lodge, and it was so occupied at the time of the Morgan disappearance. Enoch Drake can tell all about that, and he isprobably the only Mason living that worked in that lodge room. The first newspaper printed in Rising Sun was printed in that room. It has been used for balls, for dancing schools, and for religious meetings. L. W. Lynn occupied it for a schoolroom. It was at one time a favorite resort for the boys that wanted a quiet little game of 'old sledge' or 'picayune poker' — but I must not stop here to tell all about this house, but follow you on. There was no house between that and the corner until Mr. Scranton built the little one story frame tailor shop adjoining. The only building on Lot No. 06 (now so well covered by Espey's corner, the bank, the residences and the Presbyterian Church, until 1833, when the church was built), was a log- house that stood on Market Street, at the north side of the lot, and occupied by John T. Austin, whom some of your older citizens will remember as a character. The frame dwelling occupied now by John Williamson, was occupied by 'Mr. John Tait as a residence. Above that was the brick building now occupied by Maj. Anderson, built by Capt. E. G. Brown. Those two, I think, were the only buildings on this lot. " Following you back to the corner of Market Street, Gibson's corner was occupied by a frame dwelling house, in which resided Mrs. Laurena Love, a sister of Mrs. S. Best. This, however, was more than fifty years ago, as Mrs. Love was married to Deacon P. P. Baldwin in 1833, at which time she was residing in the house already stated as once the residence of Thomas Bradley. The next house on the lot was the brick building on the corner of the alley, the lower story of which was used by Squire John Neal for a blacksmith shop, and the upper story as a 366 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. public hall, in which was held religious services, balls, dancing schools and traveling shows of various kinds. The Garey Building was erected less than fifty years ago. I remember the fact, but cannot fix the date, when the only house between the alley and Walnut Street was a frame blacksmith shop occupied by Summers & Root. This was before 1832, as Mr. Summers removed to Patriot that year. Mrs. Peck's house was built in 1832-33, by Marcus D. Lykins, and long occupied by him as a residence. On the Summers corner was a brick building occupied by Zadock Wood, who had his cooper shop about midway of the block on the opposite side of the street. There was no building between that and High Street. On the opposite was the present city hall, which you call the Wilber corner. The upper story of this building was used for night school and writing school, also for religious worship by the Christians before they erected the church edifice on Walnut Street between Grand and Fifth Streets. The frame building next above was occupied by Squire Bennet as a residence and court room, and the brick building next above by Samuel Best, Jr., as a residence. These were the only build- ings on Main Street at that time between Market and High Streets. Fifty years ago there were no buildings on the west side or west of High Street. All that territory now occupied as dwellings was then cultivated fields, inclosed with staked and rided fences. A lane extended from the Dry Branch to High Street, and it was a favorite race track. Hardly a Sat- turday passed, when the road would admit of it, that there was not a horse race there. Amos T. Coyle used to pride himself on having the fastest horses in the country, and James Dyer, who I believe is still liv- ing, a staid and sober citizen of Switzerland County, and who was rec- ognized as the best jockey in the vicinity, usually rode Coyle's horses in the races. " Front Street. — While endeavoring to draw a comparison between Front Street fifty years ago and your report of its present appearance, I must be allowed a little latitude, and not be kept down to the exact date within a year or two either way. If you don't think it pretty hard to remember incidents and appearances fifty years back, please try it when you get old enough to make the efifort. From a point at the foot of Will, iam Street all the way to the mouth of Arnold's Creek, the river bank was lined with large trees, chiefly sycamore and elm. Where the Porter Hunt House and the Seward Saw-mill stand was a slash grown up with witch-hazel and similar undergrowth. A great deal of the river bank has been washed away, amounting, as it appears to me, to several hundred feet. Mr. Piatt Thompson, father of Capt. Joseph Thompson, lived in a house not far from a line of William Street extended, which then stood some distance from the bank, but the foundations of which, I presume, have CITY OF RISING SUN. 367 long since fallen into the river. In front of this and below, down along the timber, was once a famous fishing ground, and Arty Thompson, in his boyhood days, gathered in many an eleven pence and quarter for the nice perch he caught there. "Outside of the little brick you now mention stood the frame black- smith shop of David Love, who moved to his farm near the mouth of Grant's Creek in 1832. Bennett and Morgan, still well remembered, came to Rising Sun that year and started a hat shop in the building. The little brick was built by Joseph Mauck, and occupied by him as a gunsmith shop. He afterward moved to Kentucky. He was the father of Stephen Mauck, who formerly kept the ferry. First Street was not then cut down in front of either of those houses. There was 'a good wide road between the frame and river bank, extending down for half a mile or more, and which was often used for a race track. 'Quarter Nag' races were quite common in those days. Front Street did not then extend below First Street, as now, and the road down the river led around the hat shop to the river bank. The tanyard and Jelley home- stead siood there then as now, excepting only the inroads and ravages that time has placed upon them. There were no houses on the east side of Front Street, between First and Second, until the mill at the corner of Front and Second was built, about 1834-35. The property you des- ignate as the old Benjamin Morgan property was owned and occupied by John B. Craft, who afterward sold it to Capt. John Tait, who resided there many years. The high water of 1832 and 1847 came up to this corner so that one could not pass around it [the highwater of 1883 stood six inches on the floor of this house. — Ed. Localj. The frame next was occupied by William Elliott. The double brick was built some years later by Albert and Mortimer Dunning, who also built the Dunning House on Main Street. Squire Bennett occupied a frame house that stood next. What is now known as the Lindsay House was then the residence and office of Dr. Matthias Haines, a pioneer physician and a man universally respected and esteemed as a physician and citizen. Across the street, the old Jamieson property, the corner room was occu- pied by William Cullen as a grocery and dram shop, and the rest of the house as a family residence. The brick next was occupied by Mrs Hay- den, mother of Judge John J. Hayden, and her father, Mr. John James, proprietor of the town. The frame next was occupied by Col. Pepper, who afterward traded with his partner, Mr. A Moore, for the three- story brick, into which he moved, Mr. Moore moving into the frame. The next which was part log and, part frame, was occupied by Mr. John Lanius as a residence and hat shop. When Gen. Jackson was elected President in 1828, Mr. Lanius was appointed postmaster, in place of 368 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. C. A. Craft, and removed the postoffice to that house. Then comes the three story brick which has a history. It was built by Daniel Brown, who for more than fifty years ago, kept a store in it; Brown afterward owned and commanded steamboats on the Ohio, Mississippi and Alabama Rivers. He was long suspected of counterfeiting the notes of the United States Bank, and was finally arrested and imprisoned in New Orleans, where he died before being tried. Brown was a very gentlemanly man in manners and appearance, and as his conduct here was always ex- emplary, the older citizens always spoke of him respectfully. The upper story of his house was fitted up for a Masonic lodge room, and so occupied before the lodge removed to the Bloss House on Main Street, the approach being by an outside stair-way at the south end of the building. After the Presbyterians got into their own house the Chris- tians used it under the ministrations of the late venerable James Challen. When Masonry revived in 1842-43, it was again used as a lodge room, until in 1844, the present lodge room was erected. Several of the now 'old Masons' received their degrees in that room. It was also used for balls, and club meetings. The famous 'Tippecanoe Club' of 1840 held its meetings in that room. Capt. Brown's residence was built at 'a time when the memory of a man runneth not to the contrary ; ' away back in the twenties Col. S. S. Scott kept the 'Commodore Perry Inn' in it. In front of the house was a pole some fifteen feet high with a frame work on top, within which swung a board sign some 5x3 feet, on each side of which was painted what was supposed to be a portrait of Commodore Perry, with uniform epaulets, sword and cocked hat, and the famous motto, 'Don't give up the ship.' The house was occupied under differ- ent administrations for many years as a hotel. Among its proprietors I remember Col. Scott, Samuel Howard, Mr. Snider, Capt. John C. Wag- goner, who first kept the ferry, then the hotel, and then was the first captain of the first steamboat built at Rising Sun. James R. Read was mate, John H. Jones was clerk and Mr. William Goldson was engineer, on the 'Alpha,' and all are still living. Coming back to the tavern, it was kept for several years by Mr. A. Rector. It was always well kept and fur- nished the Fourth of July and other important dinners. The frame next adjoining was in the olden time occupied as a dry goods store by Samuel Howard, and afterward by Col. Scott, who, as mentioned in a former article, had a store there at the time of his death. The John C. Miller House was built in 1831 by Mr. John James, who, with his daughter, Mrs. Hayden, occupied it as a residence for many years. The Whitlock property and the building next east of it were built the suc- ceeding year, the first by Dr. B. James, who occupied it as a residence, and the other by Capt. Henry James, who built it for a store. Its first CITY OF RISING SUN. 369 occupancy was by Harvey and George Green as a hat store and shop. Some years later Capt. James fitted it up as a residence and occupied it for several years. The high water of 1832 and 1847 came just to the top of the bank in front of these houses, and at Second Street it came over the bank up to Front Street. As I have now reached Main Street, a good dividing line, I find this article proving too long, and probably tedious, so I will leave the rest of Front Street to be described at some future time." PEN PICTURE OF THE TOWN IN 1845. Rising Sun, forty years ago, is fully pictured to the youth of today in the following sketch extracted from the Blade of January 1, 1845. "From 1814, to the present time, its growth, though not as rapid as many Western towns, has been steady. Each succeeding year has added something to it; and now we can boast, that, although there are many houses of respectable old age, there is not a single one in a dilapi- dated condition, and not one without her occupant. "Most of the houses which have been built, for several years, are of brick; and although we have no residences or public buildings remark- able for their structure, yet all are substantially and conveniently built; with, also, a proper regard to taste. There is one fact, in relation to the houses of Rising Sun, which goes to show the prosperity of the town, and that is, that nine tenths of the occupants of the business and dwell- ing houses are the owners. ******** "As a place of business, Rising Sun is not surpassed by any town of its size in the West. The surrounding country is rich in soil, and the occupants are men of sterling worth. A poor farm or an indolent farmer is something rarely to be met with in the vicinity. As may be inferred, from what has been said, the surrounding country is in a high state of cultivation, and we are glad to record that the many good farm houses and capacious barns furnish us strong evidence that the husband- man is repaid for his labor. The corporation's indebtedness is about 1600. The amount of revenue to be collected in this year is $289.54. The levy on real and personal property for 1844 is 12 cents on the $100. Valuation and poll-tax 25 cents." Churches. — The churches of the town were the Christian, the house of worship being situated on Walnut Street, between Grand and Fifth; the two Presbyterian (old and new school), the former located on Second Street (now the Zion, coloi'ed, house of worship), and the other the pres- ent house of worship on Main Street; and the Universalist, building on Grand Street. Societies. — The Rising Sun Bible Society, organized in 1842; Friend- ship Lodge No. 4, Rising Sun Masonic Lodge No. 6. 22 370 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Washington Temperance Society, of Rising Sun, was organized Janu- ary 19, 1842. The first lectures delivered in the town by the Washington- ians were by Messrs. Fishpool and Thomas Brown. In 1845 the society numbered 702 members, and was officered by Samuel Jelley, president; B. J. Hathaway, recording secretary. This society swallowed up the old temperance society of the place. In 1845 it was stated: "As some evidence of the efifect which it has had upon the community, we may state that there is not a single place in town at which ardent spirits are retailed." The board of commissioners of the county of Ohio, at their first sitting, in June, 1844, upon the unanimous petition of the citizens of the town, passed an order that no license for retailing ardent spirits within the town of Rising Sun should be granted for the term of five years from the date thereof. The Rising Sun Lyceum organized November 1844. The following year it was officered as follows: President, Daniel Tapley; secretary, S. F. Covin o-ton; treasurer, L. W. Lynn; curator, Joseph Hoole. The membership consisted of thirty persons, who met every Monday evening at the seminary. Schools. — The Rising Sun Seminary located on Grand Sti-eet. Fe- male school, Miss Sarah T. Morrison, principal. The public schools — 136 scholars, C. S. Horton, teacher, assisted by Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Rose's school for small children. Industries. Flouring-mill and distillery of Lanius & Athearn, which consumes annually, 90,000 bushels of grain, and fattens annually, 3,000 hogs. The Rising Sun Cotton-mills, corner Front and Fifth Streets, propri- etor, P. James, runs 700 spindles, averaging daily 350 pounds of cotton yarn, also makes daily seventy- five pounds of batting; superintended by VV. Goldson; fourteen power looms, averaging 3,000 yards O. S. nab- rugs per week, superintended by I. Schofield; three sets wool cards, su- perintended by E. Roberts; a finishing shop is also connected with the mills, superintended by George Beatty. The mills give employment to forty-five hands, and consumes annually 260 bales of cotton. The Risino' Sun Iron Foundry, proprietors Messrs. James & Stedman, manufacture castings of every description; made during the past year, twenty-eight hay screws, averaging 1,600 pounds each. Foundry em- ploys five hands, and consumes sixty tons of pig metal annually. The manufactures of the town consume annually 25,000 bushels of coal. Five thousand head of hogs have been packed here this season. A Hoover's brick yard on the corner of Front & William Streets, made last year over 400,000; is making arrangements for burning CITY OF RISING SUN. 371 1,000,000 next year. In addition to this he will have his saw-mill in op- eration by April 1, and will be prepared to furnish lumber for building to any amount. W. Burright's brick yard, corner of Front & Plum Streets, made last year 250,000; is making arrangements for burning twice as many this year. Physicians. — Dr. John Morrison, residence at La Place, three miles below town, on the river; office at Hathaway's drug store. Dr. I. Evans, residence southwest corner Main and High Streets; office west side of Main Street, near Front. Dr. M. Haines, residence and office west of Front, between Pennsyl- vania and Second Streets. Dr. B. James, residence and office, Front Street, between Main and Grand. Dr. J. P. Ulrey, dentist, residence west side of Market Street, between Main and Second. Attorneys at Laiv. — Gazlay & Downey, office at the clerk's office. Postoffice. — Located at the corner of Third and Main Streets, John W. Hall, postmaster. Insurance Agents. — Indiana Mutual Fire Insurance Company, char- tered January 30, 1837, John H. Jones, agent. W. T. Laraden, agent for Hartford Protective and Marine Insurance Company. Dry Goods. — S. Hathaway, corner of Front and Grand Street; Craft & Lynn, east side of Front Street, between Main and Grand; H. D. Hamilton, No. 2 Main Street; John W. Hall & Co., No. 3 Main Street; Stirratt & Wells, No. 4 Main Street; W. Miles, merchant tailor. No. 5 Main Street; T. Kimpton, west side of Main Street, three doors from Front; A. North & Son, northwest corner of Main and Market Streets. John McKnight, northwest corner of Main and Walnut Streets. Groceries and Produce. — D. Fisher, Front Street, two doors east of Main. Alexander Jamison, southwest corner Main and Market Streets; Thomas Summers, northeast corner of Main and Market Streets. Storage and Commission. — Craft & Lynn, east side of Front, be- tween Main and Grand Streets; T. Lindsay, corner Front and William Streets. Drug Store. — B. J. Hathaway, Front Street, three doors below Grand. Hotels. — Washington Hotel, by A. Rector, Front Street, near the corner of Main; Rising Sun Hotel, by George Carpenter, Front, be- tween Main and Second Streets; boarding and private entertainment, by Mrs. Runyon; on Front Street, between Main and Grand. Silversmith and Jeioeler. — Samuel Best, east side of Main, Walnut and High Streets. 372 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Cabinet Maker. — W. E. Hoole, west side of Main Street, near the river; J. T. Whitlock, west side of Main Street, opposite Presbyterian Church. Chair Manufacturers. — W. H. Mapes, west side of Main Street, near the river; John Young, west side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church. Boots and Shoes. — George B. Hall, east side of Front Street, between Main and Grand; John S. Baxter, east side of Front, between Main and Second; J. A. Clark & Co., Maiu, two doors from Front Street; Thomas Davis, east side of Main, between Main and Market. The shops afiford employment for twenty-hve hands. Blacksmiths. — James Tait, northwest corner of Market and Main Streets; W. H. Neal, MainStreet, opposite the Presbyterian Church; Will- iam Steele, Main Street, opposite the courthouse; J. Wilber, High Street, between Second and Pennsylvania; Thomas Cottrell, William Street, be- tween Market and Front; Gould, at Rising Sun Iron Foundry; H. Clove, blacksmith and plow- maker, corner of Walnut and Second, ships annually about $3,000 worth of plows to the Southern country; R. Hartgrove, Market, between Main and Second. Coopers. — Theophilus Jones, Walnut Street, between Main and Second; Thomas Jones, Walnut, between Second and Pennsylvania; Lewis Noble, on alley east of the Universalist Church; William McGuffin on alley between Market and Front; William Walker, between Second and Penn- sylvania; Samuel Berkshire, on alley near the seminary. Tailors. — Robert Turner, east side of Front, between Main and Second; Caleb Campbell, east side of Main, near the corner of Market; Almon Scranton, west side of Main, near Market. Saddlers. — Nelson Eastman, Market, near the corner of Main; P. Eastman, east side of Main, near Market; A. & M. Dunning, west side of Main; Mr. Martin, Front street are opposite Washington Hotel. Stoves, Etc. — Joseph B. Sheldon, southeast corner of Main and Market, also manufacturer of copper, tin and sheet iron ware; Thomas Summers, northeast coi'ner of Main and Walnut, manufacturer of copper, tin and sheet iron ware. Hatters. — Bennett & Morgan, east side of Main between Front and Market. Wagon and Plow-Makers. — M. Huston, William Street, between Mar- ket and Front; E. Wilber, High Street between Second and Pennsyl- vania. Tanner and Currier. — S. Jelley, corner of Front and Pennsylvania. Lumber Yards— ^. Seward, corner of Second and Walnut; John M. Daniels, Walnut between Main and Grand. Onr OF RISING SUN. 3Ti> Bakery and Confectioner y. — A. Rector, west side of Main Street, four doors from Front. Gunsmith. — Jacob F. Smith, Market near the corner of Main. Turning. — A. C. Campbell, in the alley in the rear of Mapes & Hoole's furniture rooms. Carpenters and Joiners. — W. Wentrell, S. W. Sharp, D. Thorn, King, Kingdon, Keith, J. Larew, T. Bradley, J. Lindsay, T. Lindsay, W. Jones, J. Keister, F. Vanness, J. L. Morgan, David Anderson, W. Hall, George G. Brown, T. C. Hall, L F. Reddington, F. Fisher, Marsh S. Thompson. Fanning Mill. — Jonathan W. Marble, Market Street, near the cor- ner of Pennsylvania. Painters and Glaziers. — John Jones, Brownfield, George W. Jones, George W. Morgan. Brick Masons. — T. |H. Gilmore, J. M. Ginnings, Ross Crosby, L. Clark, C. Bunnell, S. Henderson, P. Shultz, McQuithey D. Gilmore. Stone Masons. — O. English, John Q. Latta. Draymen. — John Serber, Jacob DeWolf, J. A. Howard, F. Brierton, Jacob Speilman. Butchers. — W. F. Tudsbeny, R. Hewitt, Shotwell, J. Decoursey. Soap and Candle Manufactory. — J. Decoursey. City Tonsor. — J. Edrington, west side of Main, between Front and Market. Rising Sun Pottery. — Market Street, between Grand and Fifth, Brownfield, proprietor. Newspapers. — Indiana Blade, published by S. F. Covington, corner of Main and Front Streets; The Times, published by B. J. Hathaway, Front Street three doors below Grand. River Trading. — About 100 flat-boats leave this landing every year, loaded with produce for the Southern markets; a large number of those engaged in this business leave here during the months of September and October, and remain in the South until the succeeding May or June. The value of the produce at this landing will average $1,500 to the boat load, thus making the total amount shipped by flat-boats each year $150,- 000. The value of produce shipped by steam-boats amounts to over $80,000 per annum, making the total value of produce shipped from this point $180,000. The following named persons are engaged in the river trading: J. Stephen, J. W. Lemmon, J. M. Vance, W. M. Vance, W. Pepper, H. Clore, J. C. Clore, George H. Craft, R. Rodgers, P. Roberson, Jamison & Stuart, W. Poteet, A. Walton, H. Dodd, H. A. Hart, A. Paul, J. C. Miller. W. Miller, T. Lindsay, I. D.Hamilton, Sam- uel Seward, J. Seward, Stephen Seward, R. Noble, Joseph Seward, W. B. 374 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Sink, B. B. Loring, O. Noble, G. W. Kemp, W. C. Kittle, W. T. Pate, Ira James, W. P. James, H. James, Morgan & Anderson, John Tait, Jr., H. Jelley, W. Oxley, B. Hall, James Tait, W. F. Tudsbery, J. C. Wells & Co., A. & M. Dunning, J. A. Clark & Co., J. H. O'Neal, W. O'Neal, Ed Granger, W. Higbee, F. Vanness, C. Lostutter, J. J. Hayden, Jesse Hewitt, Gibson & Beatty, D. Wilber, E. Wilber, H Merrill, L. H. Howard, Capt. J. Thompson, H. W, Brown, J. Larew, John Grace, Thomas Grace, Tim Grace, E. Calkin, E. S. Calkin, D. Calkin, W, Espey, George Roger, P. Thompson, J. Q. French, G. J. Moore and W. Freeman. STEAM-BOAT BUILDING AND BOATING. The following article is extracted from the "Centennial Sketch of Ohio County," the article appearing over the initials F. J. W. : "In 1814 the first steamboat passed Rising Sun. It formerly had been a large barge that made several voyages from Cincinnati to New Orleans, consuming eight months in the downward and upward trip. A rudely constructed engine was put into it, and thus furnished and fitted up, the steamer 'Independence' plowed the waters of the Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers. Arriving at New Orleans, Gen. Jackson, commander of the American forces, pressed it into service against the British; and, after the war, in 1815, she began her upward trip, and arrived, after a voyage of four months, at Rising Sun, where she stopped for wood, but none could be obtained. John James furnished her with fence-i-ails for fuel, and agreed to take his pay in a passage to Cincinnati. He em- barked, but such was the slow speed of the steamer that when he got to North Bend he left the boat and walked to Cincinnati, arriving some twelve hours before the steamer. "The citizens of Rising Sun and vicinity, being men of energy, and interested in improving and opening up the business of the country, early saw importance of engaging in steam-boating, for the con- venience of the people, as well, no doubt, with the idea of giving em- ployment to deserving men, and turning an honest penny for themselves for their investment of capital and skill. And to do this they commenced building steam-boats. Fortunately they had in their midst a man of energy and'ingenuity, who was a practical ship -carpenter, and who had been one the workmen on the famous old frigate 'Constitution,' that did such active service in the war of 1812, and the keels of all the nine steam-boats built at Rising Sun and Milton were laid by him. His name was Prince Athearn, Sr. His skill and the means of the most prominent men of Rising Sun were brought into requisition, with the following results: "The steam-boat 'Alpha' was built at Rising Sun. in the year 1834, . CITY OF RISING SUN. 375 and finished in the early summer of 1835, and was run as a packet from Rising Sun to Cincinnati first, and then in the Cincinnati and Ports- mouth trade until December 13, when she was loaded for Florence, Ala., on the Tennessee River; it was at the time of the removal of the Creek Indians from Georgia to Indian Territory. As the boat was small, two keel boats were provided to tow on each side, and she bargained to take about 600 Indians, including their negro slaves, to Fort Gibson, about 700 miles up the Arkansas River. Returned to Rising Sun in March. The officers were, up to this time: L. C. Wagoner, captain; James Read, mate; John H. Jones, clerk; Jesse Hewitt, pilot; Harvey Green, steward; W. Goldson and Elijah Townsend, engineers; W. Arthurs and William Walker, deck hands. The boat proved poor stock, was sold at a loss to the owners, run South, and finally wrecked somewhere in the Red River country. The principal owners of the boat were S. Hatha- way, Samuel Best, Sr., Jacob La Rue, Moses Turner, William Cullen, J. C. Wagoner, John H. Jones and Robert Thompson. "In 1835, Col. Pinkney James and Henry James built the steam- boat 'Dolphin,' at Milton, on Laughery Creek, to run between Rising Sun and Cincinnati, which she continued to do until the spring of 1838, making daily trips. "In 1837 Capt. John B. Craft, Piatt, Lanius, and Athearn, built the 'Renown,' at Milton, and started her in the trade between Madison and Cincinnati, but there not being sufficient business, she made trips to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and New Orleans, and was sold to Cincinnati parties. "In 1838 Col. P. James built the 'Herald,' at Rising Sun, and put her in the, trade as a tri-weekly packet between Warsaw and Cincinnati. She was soon burned on a downward trip, near Anderson's ferry, about nine miles below Cincinnati. Fortunately, no lives were lost by the accident. "Col. James immediately lengthened the 'Dolphin,' at Rising Sun, and in the fall of 1838 brought her out as the 'Hoosier,' intending to run her as a packet between Patriot and Cincinnati, but getting aground on Gunpowder Bar on the first trip, and, being detained a day or two, it was decided to confine her to the trade between Cincinnati and Rising Sun until the fall of 1839. "In 1839 Col. James built the 'Indiana,' at Rising Sun, and in the fall of that year she took the place of the 'Hoosier' in the Cincinnati and Rising Sun trade, and continued until the spring of 1843, when Col. James sold her to the trade between Cincinnati and Maysville. After- ward, Capt. Thomson Dean purchased the 'Indiana.' "In the year 1854, Capt. Eldridge G. Brown was at New Orleans, and 376 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. seeing a boat used in the towing business by the name of 'Indiana,' he could not believe it was the old boat he had commanded, until he went aboard and examined her, when he was convinced that it was the old boat. After the 'Indiana' was sold, the Baldwin Brothers, of Cincin- nati, put the steamboat 'Fashion' in the Rising Sun and Cincinnati trader but soon after sold her to Capt. William Glenn and Levi Stevens, who extended the packet trade to Madison. This virtually ended the packet trade between Cincinnati and Rising Sun. The 'Dolphin,' 'Herald,' 'Hoosier' and 'Indiana,' were commanded by Capt. Eldridge G. Brown. Robert Thompson, still living in Rising Sun, was engineer on all these boats commanded by Capt. Brown, from 1835 to 1843. Mr. Thompson then went on the Isaac Shelby, and other boats, in the Memphis trade. Hon. S. F. Covington, of Cincinnati, and Capt. James H. Pepper, of the 'Cons Millar,' were clerks, and Samuel Parker and Riley Noble were pilots on these boats. Of the first boat built here, the clerk, mate, pilot, one engineer, and steward, are still living. "In 1847, the 'Rambler' was built at Rising Sun, by Col. James. Ira James commanded her; and her first trip was up Red, Black and Washitaw Rivers. She went up until she found but eighteen inches of water, and then came back home. Next she made a trip to New Orleans, and on the way down was run into by the 'Princess,' but not sunk. She made the trip back in thirteen days. She then made a few trips from Rising Sun to Cincinnati, and while paddling along close to a large tree above the Miami, the tree fell across her bow, cutting her down. She was raised, and sold to parties at Louisville and went South. "The 'Grampus' was built at Rising Sun, about 1848, by Col. James. Capt. Ira James first run her from Rising Sun to Cincinnati, then went South, towing a flat-boat or two, and came back and sold her to Herton & Morgan of the Rising Sun Distillery, who used her in their business, towing corn-boats, etc., and making an occasional trip to Cincinnati. "About 1849, Capt. Ira James built the 'Iris,' at Rising Sun. She was built out of the wrecks of the saw-mill, ship yard, and an old steam- boat wreck. The boiler and engine of the saw- mill were put in the boat. After paddling around here awhile, she was sold, and went South; and the last that was seen or heard of the high-headed 'Iris,' was in the spring of 1850, when she was seen about 100 miles above New Orleans, with her hull full of live hogs." EAELT POSTMASTERS. The postoffice was established at Rising Sun prior to 1817 with Caleb A. Craft as postmastei*. Mr. Craft located in the village in 1814. He held the office until after the election of Gen. Jackson in 1828, when CITY OF RISING SUN. 377 John Lanius was appointed, who held it until after Gen. Harrison was elected in 1840, when John W. Hall was appointed. After the election of James K. Polk in 1844, Mr. Lanius was again appointed and held the office up to the time of his death in 1846. Mr. Lanius was succeeded by S. F. Covington, and he in 1848 by John B. Covington. The latter was succeeded by Robert P. Moore who was appointed under the Taylor administration. During the administration of President Pierce, Friend was the postmaster and upon the election of President Buchanan, J. W. Spencer received the appointment. Mr. Spencer resigned and Stephen Ulry was appointed, holding the office until the end of the administra- tion. When President Lincoln took, his seat, Mr. Ulry was re-com- missioned and was in the office until his death July 22, 1864. THE ELECTRO MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. In 1852 a company was formed under the name of the Rising Sun, Aurora & Lawrenceburgh Telegraph Company, for the purpose of running the wires from the Lawrenceburgh office to Aurora and Rising Sun. The line was built to Rising Sun by S. F. Covington and Charles Temple, both now of Cincinnati, Ohio. Among the stockholders of Rising Sun, were S. F. Covington, John Grace, S. Hathaway, J. H. Pep- per, B. J. Hathaway, J. W. Talbott, Andrew Morgan and J. C. Wells. The office at Rising Sun was located at the insurance office of S. F. Cov- ington and Mr. Covington was the operator. The line was bought of O. Reily — the Morse patent. LEADING MANUFACTURING INETRE8TS. Among the earliest industries of the village can be mentioned the tanyard of Samuel Jelley, which was established by him not long after his location here in the spring of 1813. This was located at the lower end of Front Street, and was in operation until within probably the past ten years. In 1817 an Emigrants' Directory published in the East referred to " a floating mill anchored abreast of the town." This was probably the enterprise of Col. Pinkney James. About this time the first wool-carding machinery was operated in a building located on Second, between Poplar and Walnut Streets, by Philip Baldwin. The machinery was removed about the year 1831. John Harris, Sr., built an early mill for grinding purposes, below the village on Section 16, which was subsequently removed near the corner of Fifth and Poplar Streets, and was propelled by means of an inclined treadwheel upon which horses or cattle were placed to supply the power. The first steam saw-mill was built in 1833, and was located on the 378 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. corner of Fifth and Poplar Streets, built by John Rose and Jacob Larue. Among the pioneer carpenters were Gilbert Hall, Daniel Tapley, George Parker, Robert E. Covington, Thomas Lindsay (the latter two each erecting a house for their own occupancy, prior to 1818), Prince Athearn, was master workman on the United States war vessel " Constitu- tion," when she was being built, and his photograph now has a promi- nent place in her cabin. Of the cabinet-makers were James Jones, David Shaw, Daniel and Zephaniah Wick. John Neal and David Love were skilled in the manufacture of edge-tools; David Mack had an envia- ble reputation as gunsmith; Samuel Best was a watch-maker and repairer, and there are few more skilled to be found in the craft, even in this day. John Lanius, with the assistance of Pete Blosser, kept the people sup- plied with hats. This was before the advent of George and Harvey Green. Francis McDonough and William Crouch were the first to open tailor shops, and several years later were followed by Willis Miles, Al- mond Scranton and'S. S. Scott. Of the early river pilots were Capt. Joe Thompson, J. T. Lemon, Phineas Robinson, Jesse and Robert Hewitt, Riley Noble, Sidney Calkins, and Levi Howard. Flouring- Mills..- — The first regular flouring-mill of the city was es- tablished in 1826, by Moses Turner. It was erected by subscription, Mr. Turner putting in the machinery, operated by steam power. In 1847 Mr. J. W. Talbott took possession of the property, though others had owned and operated it, and has since conducted it, rebuilding and remod- eling it, until now it is a mammoth concern, well equipped, with improved machinery, having three pairs of buhrs and the roller process, giving it a capacity of 125 barrels of flour per day (twenty- four hours). It stands on the river bank at the foot of Main Street. In September, 1834, Messrs. P. and H. James, and Craft & Son commenced the erection of a new steam flouring-mill (the second in the" village), frame building, 85x36 feet, three stories high, and calculated to run four pairs of buhrs, driven by a steam engine of twenty -five horse- power, manufactured in our town. September 24, 1844, it was stated in the press of the city that Messrs. Lanius & Athearn were erecting a distillery, an addition to the flouring-mill. Later Andrew Morgan and Ezekiel Wright operated the latter. In May, 1863, the distillery building was purchased by J. W. Talbott, with the intention of converting it into a warehouse; the machinery was then being taken out. The old building now standing on the river bank, at the foot of Second Street, is the monument of this en- terprise. The third steam flouring-mill was erected in 1868, by Col. W. T. CITr OF RISING SUN. 379 Pepper. Its location is on Front Street, between Main and Second, and is now operated by J. C. Miller. Cotton and Woolen Factories. — The large frame building ptanding at the upper end of Front Street, not far from the river bank, was erected as a cotton-mill in 1833-34, by Col. Pinkney James. In the spring of 1834 it was equipped with machinery; when it was stated that the building was sufficiently large to admit two full sets of wool- carding machines. The whole was to be driven by steam, the engine for which was then being made at the engine works of C. Hagan on Walnut Street. The capacity of the mill was estimated at 100,000 pounds of cotton yarn, per year and was to do a great deal toward supplying the neighbors with all the wool-carding they might need. It was stated further, that the factory would give employment to twenty -five or thirty children, besides many other laborers. In August, 1845, the press announced that Col. Pinkney James was erecting a new cotton factory on the corner of Market and Smith Streets; the building was of brick, four stories high, and 50x80 feet in dimen- sions, occupied solely by machinery — 5,000 spindles and power looms and other fixtures sufficient to manufacture the yarns into every descrip- tion of cotton goods. A calculation showed there to be 17,000 square feet space in. the building, which was covered by cotton machinery. It was to "nearly if not quite equal the much talked of Cincinnati Mill." The first mentioned cotton-mill was to be turned into a woolen factory and to engage in the manufacture of every description of woolen goods. The latter mill or factory was completed and operated several years when it burned down and was never rebuilt. The former was converted into a woolen factory and carried on for many years, ceasing operations probably a little more than a decade ago. In its later history, the names of J. Scofield, Haig & Hutchinson were associated with this enter- prise. The Iron Foundry. — The extensive engine works and foundry for the manufacture of car- wheels, hay and cotton presses, etc., of Stedman & Co., now located at Aurora, had its origin in the foundry started at Ris- ing Sun in 1838-39, by Col. P. James and Nathan R. Stedman, where and by whom it was operated for a period of ten years, then removed to Aurora. Its location was near the cotton-mill. It seems that prior to 1833, steam engines were built at Rising Sun, on Walnut Street, by C. Hagan; James Reister and Harvey Green also carried on a foundry on Walnut Street at a later date in the building erected and occupied by the Christian Church for a house of worship. As late as during the war the foundry of J. M. 'Reister & Co. , was referred to. Tobacco Factories. — Forty add years ago Messrs. Athearn & Lanius 380 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. were engaged in the tobacco business, and were then manufacturing upward of 100,000 pounds of leaf annually. At the same time another factory was carried on by S. W. Egelston, at which were made not less than 300,000 cigars per year. Early in 1864 two tobacco manufactories commenced operations in the city, one by McAi-oy & Pitcher, on the north side of Main near Front Street, at which were employed twenty five hands, and where was manufact- ured about 3,000 pounds of tobacco per week, on which was assessed a government tax of 15 cents per pound. The tax amounted to $75 per day, and the expense of the establishment per week was $1,200. The other factory was by Pitcher & Keffer, located in the Haines Building, corner of Front and Main Streets. This establishment was not quite so large as the one first mentioned. The firm of Hathaway & Clark, manufacturers of cigars and jobbers in chewing tobacco, business house located on the corner of Main and Market Streets, was established in 1883. They employ ten hands and make 2,000 cigars per day. William Clove's Sons Plow Manufacturing Establishment, located on Walnut Street, between First and William, where is carried on one of the oldest and most extensive manufacturing interests of Rising Sun. The institution was founded in 1838, by Henry Cloro, who ten years later sold to Hiram Olore, whose successor, in 1849-50, was the late Will- iam Clare, and since July, 1884, the business has been conducted by his sons, public spirited and enterprising young men, who are doing an extensive business in their line, manufacturing cane, cotton, side hill, reversible, double-shovel and other kinds of plows, making a specialty of the side hill reversible mold-board plow. The father of the present proprietors, through his good judgment and close attention to the needs of farmers, North and South, and the superiority of his implements, has given the business a, wide notoriety. In former years, the principal market for these implements was in the South, but now sold in all parts of the country. The John Toohey Marble Works. — This industry located on the old seminary lot, was established in 1863. The proprietor, Mr. Toohey, is a live business man and deals in the best of imported and American marble and granite, and sends out first-class work. The Saw-mill and Lumber Yard of William H. Whitlock, located on Poplar Street near First was established as now operated in 1880. Five or six years prior to this Mr. W. embarked in the furniture trade, which led to his present occupation. His mill has the capacity of work- ing up some 6, 000 feet of lumber per day. Extent of Manufacturing. — For the purpose of showing something CITY OF RISING SUN. 881 of the amount of the industries carried on in Rising Sun nearly half a century ago, we give extracts from the Journal under date of Septem- ber 29, 1838: "We this day present a brief but not exaggerated statement of some of ■our resources in point of trade and manufactures. We are confident, from the best information we could avail ourselves of, that if our esti- mate err it is in underrating. The first improvement we shall notice is the extensive cotton factory owned by Col. James, situated on the mar- gin of the river, adjacent to the town. This establishment consumes 200 bales of cotton per annum, runs between 600 and 700 spindles, and gives constant employment to forty hands; proceeds about $20,000. There is an extensive wool-carding machine connected with this estab- lishment which yields from $700 to $800 per annum. We learned from the enterprising proprietor, that he is about adding the necessary ap- pendages for weaving, and will increase his facilities for spinning so that when completed, it will give employment to at least 100 hands. We note one fact here which speaks volumes, and that too in a language not to be misinterf)reted, for the health of Rising Sun, that the factory has been in constant operation five years, during which time not a single day has been lost by any of the hands through sickness. It is we think, doubtful, whether a similar fact can be found in this or any other country. " Next the Union Mill owned by Messrs. Lanius & Athearn, steam power, with three run of buhrs, consumes on an average, per annum, not less than 28,000 bushels of wheat, yielding 4,000 barrels of flour, also about 3,000 bushels of corn. This mill runs a considerable portion of the year, the whole twenty- four hours. " Messrs. Piatt & James have an extensive steam saw-mill situated on the bank of the river in the town; this mill drives two saws, and cuts on an average, when in full operation 2,000 feet per day. "The Lanius & Athearn Tobacco Factory manufactures per annum 1 20,000 pounds of leaf. Another owned by S. W. Egelston manufac- tures not less than 300, 000 cigars per year. " The following statistics under the head of exportations or ship- ments are not designed to apply to the present season particularly, but as an average for the last few years: Hay, pressed, 300 tons; oats, 35,000 bushels; potatoes, 20,000 bushels; onions, 8,000 bushels; apples, about 8,000 barrels; beans, 5,000 bushels; pork, equal to 5,000 barrels; corn, 15,000 bushels. There are many other articles, which will re- ceive attention hereafter. Last season there started from this point fifty boats well laden with the rich products of this district. " 382 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. THE NATIONAL BANK OF RISING SUN. This bank chartered and organized in 1872, capital stock $100, 000^ with A. C. Downey as president; D. Gr. Rabb, vice-president, and J. N. Perkins, cashier. The board of directors was composed of A. C. Downey, D. Gr. Rabb, J. F. Pate, Henry Wells, Samuel Seward, H. S. Espey, and Benjamin North. In March, 1872, the board purchased the ground on Main Street near the corner of Main and Poplar Streets, on which the present neat and substantial banking house was erected. The present officers are Simon Beymer, president; Peter S. Pate, vice- president, and J. N. Perkins, cashier; the latter having served in that position from the beginning. The business of the bank has been regular and constant, and no changes have taken place, saving in the election of officers. During the panics and times of financial depression the bank never closed its doors. The institution has the full confidence of its patrons at home and good credit abroad. CHURCHES. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Rising Sun. — In the summer of 1815, the first sermon by a Methodist minister, was preached by John Strange. He was the preacher on what was then called the Lawrence- burgh Circuit, which embraced a part of two or three counties and con- sequently extended far below Rising Sun. Brother Strange received his invitation to preach at this new settlement, on this wise. A Mrs. Decoursey , who was the first Methodist who had moved to town, and another lady walked from Rising Sun to a distance twelve miles below here, where Brother Strange had an appointment to preach, to hear him and to invite him to come and preach a sermon for them at Rising Sun. He accepted the invitation, and accordingly on his next round, did so. The sermon was preached on the bank of the river, at a point about the foot of Main Street. The pulpit was the trunk of a fallen tree. The pews were the tops of trees which had been felled for the purpose of erecting cabins for the occupancy of the inhabitants. This was the earliest beginning of Methodism in Rising Sun. From this, the appointment was con- tinued and the next fall at Conference, Rising Sun, was returned on the plan of the Circuit as a preaching place. The first house occupied as a church or a preaching- place, was the bar-room of C. A. Craft, who had settled here, and opened a house of public entertainment. His generosity extended to the religious public as well and opened his bar-room for public preaching. This house is still standing. The following year, 1816, the first Methodist Episcopal Church, or class was organized by Rev. David Sharpe, successor to Mr. Strange. This class was composed of the following persons, viz.: Elizabeth Craft, John Gordon, Nancy CITY OF RISING SUN. 383 Gordon, Henry Hayman, Elizabeth Howlet, Jane Fulton, Azariah Old- ham, Rachel Oldham, and Elizabeth Deeoursey; with Azariah Oldhara as class -leader. The place where this class was formed, and where it then met, was in a log-schoolhouse, which stood on the north corner of Main and High Streets. The first quarterly meeting ever held in Rising Sun, was in 1818, by Rev. Moses Grume, as presiding elder. In 1818, a lot was secured on which to build a church, and the house was completed in 1821. This lot was the same lot upon which the present edifice stands. This lot was first deeded to the following persons, as a board of trustees; James Jones, Robert Hewitt, Moses Tapley, James Jones, Sr., Azariah Oldham, Gilbert Hall and John Horrel. This church was built of brick, and was 36x40 feet. It was enclosed and occupied for years before it was plastered. It was "pewed" in the following novel way: It was pro- posed that each male member make and bring to the church, one, two or more seats as a donation; this was agreed upon. The seats were accord- ingly made and brought; but being made of the kind of lumber each brother chanced to have on hand, and in the style, and of the dimensions, etc., according to the mechanical skill and taste of each, "variety" was the spice of the occasion. The first Sabbath-school was organized in 1826, of which James Jones, who now occupied a local relation, was superintendent. Rising Sun Circuit was formed in 1837, with F. C. Holliday as preacher in charge. In 1838 the first church edifice was found to be inadequate to accommodate the congregation, and was accordingly taken down, and the second church was erected on the same ground. It was also built of brick, 40x60 feet, with basemeut containing class rooms, and a lecture room. The audience room was above, comfortably seated and furnished. The building was ornamented with a spire^and furnished with a bell. Rising Sun was made a station, or became a self-sustaining church, supporting entire its own pastor in 1842, with J. W. Sullivan as its pastor. The following persons were the stewards and leaders, and composed the first quarterly conference: Stewards — R. Crosley, J. M. Jennings, William E. Hoole, William Elliott, Benjamin Morgan, Will- iam Scott, and John H. Jones. Leaders — James Mapes, John H. Jones, Theophilus Jones, Thomas Jones, John L. Morgan, George G. Brown and William B. Sink. The membership of the church at this time num- bered about 150. The present church building was erected in 1865, Joseph Cotton as pastor, and Theophilus Jones, A. C. Downey, G. H. Craft, John H. Jones, and Samuel Seward as the board of trustees. The dimensions of the building are 50x85 feet. It is built of brick, with window and door caps of stone. It is two stories high. The basement is entirely above the ground, and contains a vestibule twenty feet deep with a class-room at each extreme end, right and left (also, upstairs, 384 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. two other class-rooms in the same relation), this vestibule containing the stairways to the audience room above. The lecture room is entered from this vestibule and is 50x50 feet. In the rear of this lecture room are three other class rooms, making seven in all, these being enclosed with folding doors, which make their use available for seating the audience when needed. The audience room is 50x65 feet, with gallery. It is yet unfinished; plastered, but not seated. The following ministers have served the church as pastors in the order given: 1816, David Sharp; 1817, Samuel West and Allen Wiley; 1818, Benjamin Lawrence; 1819, Henry Baker and William H. Raper; 1820, Allen Wiley and William Quinn; 1821, James Jones and James Murry; 1822, J. Stuart and Achemiah Griffith; 1823, John F. Wright and Thomas Huston; 1824, Allen Wiley and Aaron Wood; 1825, G. H. Huston; 1826, James Scott and Daniel Newton; 1827, James Gaven and A. H. Cheven; 1828, CorneliiTs Riddle and A. H. Cheveo; 1829, M. Taylor and George Randall; 1830, Joseph Tarkington and George Randall; 1831, J. F. Johnson and A. W. Arrington; 1882, William M. Daily; 1833, R. Robin- son and J. W. Holloway; 1834, James Jones and J. V. Watson; 1835, James Jones and Hosier Durbin; 1836, Joseph Tarkington and Lewis" Hurlbut; 1837-38, F. C. Holliday; 1839, S. T. Gillett and P. R. Guthrie; 1840, S. T. Gillett and T. A. Goodwin; 1841, A. Bussey and Geol-ge Stafford; 1842, J.'W. Sullivan and Silas Rawson; 1843-44, W. M. Daily; 1845, T. M. Eddy; 1846-47, H. J. Durbin; 1848, W. C. Smith; 1849, C. W. Ruter; 1850, W. M. Frasley; 1851, A. B. Nezbet; 1852, J. W. Locke; 1853, F. W. White; 1854-55, T. G. Beherrell; 1856-57, J. Crawford; 1858, James McCaw; 1859-60, J. S. Tevis; 1861, S. Tincher; 1862, J. G. Chafee; 1863, G. C. Smith; 1864-65, Joseph Cotton; 1866-67, W. T. Saunders; 1868, L. G. Adkison; 1869-70, W.W. Snyder; 1871-72, W.M. Grubbs; 1873-74, D. A. Robertson; 1875-77, J. F. McClain; 1878- 80, W^illiam Harrison; 1881-82, S. S. McMahon; 1883-84, R. R. Bald- win; 1885, E. A. Campbell. Present church membership 330. Presbyterian Church of Rising Sun. — The Home Missionary Society of Connecticut gave a commission to Rev. Nathan B. Derrow as missionary to the Western States. In his work under this commission, September 12, 1816, he organized this church. James Stewart, William McCord and Hugh Espey, Jr.. were elected elders, and were ordained Sabbath, September 15, 1816. The place of organization was a frame school - house standing opposite the court house; this building was destroyed by fire some two years later. The Presbyterian family worshiped in school - houses, shops, private dwellings, the woods, and sometimes in the build- ing of the Methodist Brethren, until February 22, 1834, when the building on Main Street, still occupied by them, was dedicated to the CITY OF RISING SUN. 385 service of God. In the troublous times of 1837-38-39, when the noted division of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America took place, the session of the church placed upon record the following paper, to- wit: "Whereas, it is desirable that this church, under present circumstances, belong to the one or the other division permanently, and as the church has ever been, and still is (as is believed), by sentiment and interest attached to that division called the constitutional division, therefore, ''^Resolved, That we recognize the Presbytery of Cincinnati as the judicatory to which we belong, and in which we will act, according to the act of the Synod of Cincinnati, which united Oxford and Cincinnati Presbyteries under the name of 'Cincinnati Presbytery,' thus declaring their adherence to the branch of the church known as New School." Against this David Fisher, one of the elders, entered his dissent. As the result of this action a small number, perhaps fourteen in all, labored faithfully and perseveringly for some fifteen months, until in October, 1840, when they were reorganized and enrolled by the Presbytery of Oxford, Old School. This was the body known as the Second Street Church, worshiping for a number of years in the lower story of the Masonic Building. In 1871 the two branches became united under the title of the First Presbyterian Church, as one of the fruits of the reunion of the two great divisions of the church in this country. In 1823 a Sabbath-school was established, with P. P. Baldwin as superintendent and Col. A. C. Pepper, Maj. Samuel Jelley, S. Hatho- way, and others as teachers. The following ministers have served the church as supplies, either stated or temporary, or as pastors: James Duncan, James Welch, William Dickey, John Lyle, Daniel Hayden, John Campbell from 1817 to 1822; R. B. Dobbins, David Root, Thomas Thomas, Rufus Spalding, Artemus Ballard, Ralph Cushman and James E. Johnson from 1822 to 1828; Archibald Craig, Lucien Alden, 1831-32; William Lewis, 1832-34; Charles L. Bartlett, 1835-37; James F. Clark, 1838-40: James Adger, 1841-42; James Brownlee, 1843-44; B. F. Morris, 1844-56; John C. Bonham, 1857-58; E. Block, 1858-63; A. S. Reid, 1864-66; L. E. Jones, 1867-70; J. H. Gill, 1871-75; Heber Gill, 1875-76; William Carson, 1877-78; T. C. Thomas, 1879; H. F. Olmstead, November 1, 1879 — present. The pastors of the Second Street Church were C. McKinney, Thomas Whallon, W. H. Moore. The resent church membership is seventy-five. The Christian Church of Rising Sun was organized in December, 1832, with twenty-one members, by Elder James Challen, of Cincinnati. John Tait, Sr., and David Barnhart were its first elders. Its first meet- ings were held in the Masonic Hall, over Craft's store ''n the building 386 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. now occupied by D. S. Wilber & Co. In 1833-34 they built the house on Walnut Street, now occupied by E. Smith's shop, where they continued to meet until 1857, when they moved into their present house on Main Street, where they continue to meet regularly every Lord's Day. The following named have ministered to the church either as regular pastors or elders: James Challen, D. S. Biurnett, T. J. Murdock, Thomas H. Gilmore, H. K. Pritchard, P. Vawter, T. White, J. C. Scott, Charles Short, Elder Winters, R. A. P. Buchanan, L. ^D. Ridgway, H. B. Sher- man and P. Vawter. The Universalist Church of Rising Sun.— In 1840 twelve persona organized themselves into a religious society under the above name. Benjamin Avery, S. Hathaway, Hugh Espey and Ezekiel Leach were among the number. The ground, on which the brick house of worship now standing on Grand^ Street was built, was donated by Benjamin Avery, and the building erected in 1841-42. Among the pastors of the church have been W. M. DeLong, E. M. Pingree, N. M. Gaylord, H. Roberts, Rev. Cravens, S. P. Oyler, B. F. Foster, John Allen, William C. Brooks, F. E. Hicks, G. W. Gage, J. D. H. Corwine, J. B. Grandy. The Regular Baptist Church of Rising Sun.— The beginning of the history of the Baptist society is traced back to the early village, perhaps sixty years ago, but in the absence of records nothing definite as to its origin can be given. Among some of the early residents of the village and vicinity, Mrs. Samuel Jelley, Mrs. Spears, Samuel Berkshire and wife, Mrs. Higbee, Mr. Sloan and son, Riley Riggs, and Thomas Miller and wife are remembered as being identified with the church. Meetings were, for quite a period of years, held at private houses, and at the court house after the erection of that building in 1845. In 1863 the first house of worship was erected and dedicated to the service of God. It is the present house of the First German Evangelical Reformed Church of the city, thoughj recently remodeled by the Baptist brethren, the greatest change consisting of an addition of the tower and spire, which was made four or five years ago. Among the pastors who have served the church are recalled the following: Revs. Stewart, William D. Spalding, — Howard, W. T. Beagle, W. T. Jolly N. C. Petit, A. M. Vardiman and T. C. Smith. The membership is small and has been for quite a period of years, and a fact worthy of record is that the church house above referred to was built by a membership numbering less than one dozen. The First German Evangelical Reformed Church of Rising Sun. — Along after the close of the late war of the Rebellion, a German congregation occasionally held services and in 1869 worshiped every Sabbath in the Universalist Church building, Rev. Mr. Miller serv- CITY OF RISING SUN. 387 ing them as pastor. The society in 1872 erected a frame house of worship at the upper end of Main Street and the roads centering there, which was dedicated November 24, 1872, the services being conducted by Rev. G. I. Reiche. Rev. Miller served the church as pastor until August, 1872, since which the pastors have been G. Reiche, August Guenther, A. Seyring and Jacob Hauser, the present incumbent. The congrecdtion have recently purchased the brick church edifice formerly occupied by the Baptist society, located on High Street. Present membership, forty-five families. They have their own school, conducted in German by the pastor. Shiloh Baptist Church (colored) of Rising Sun. — In October, 1867, a council composed of Elder C. Harris, of Madison; Henry Williams, of Cincinnati; J. W. Harvey, of Lawrenceburgh ; J. Zinn and T. W. Beagle, of Rising Sun, met in the Universalist Church, and constituted the church above named. The original members were Merrit Simpson, J. F. Wright, Griselda Wright, Mary Simpson, Marial Pettey. The society worshiped for a time in that building, then purchased their present brick church located on Second Street, formerly the property of the Old School Presbyterian Church. The pastors of Shiloh Church have been Elder Harris, Charles Phillips, Richard Bassett, Miles Bassett and A. Walker, the present incumbent. Present membership, sixty-five. Macedonia Methodist Episcopal Church {colored) of Rising Sun. — In 1878 a small band of colored people of the city met in an old brick build- ing that stood on Front Street, near the river bank, and were formed into a church society under the ministration of Rev. Mr. Lee, who served them one year as pastor. Among this band were Susan Steele, Georgia Frazier, Lewis White and family, John Myers and wife, and Malinda Evans. Their principal place of worship until the erection of their church on Market Street, in 1884, was^ Hathaway's Hall. Other pastors of the church have been William Berks, Henry Steen, Rev. Hesten, James Tay- lor, and Thomas Tompkins, the present pastor. The charge is on the Cleves and Rising Sun Circuit. Present membership, ten. The history of the city schools from the beginning up to 1854, is extracted and compiled from historical addresses delivered by the Hon. S. F. Covington, of Cincinnati, at Rising Sun, in July, 1879, and June, 1880, on the occasion of school reunions. "Most of the private schools were very good, being conducted by men of learning, and, in many instances, by men who made teaching a pro- fession. This was true of the school taught by William Fulton, as early, perhaps, as 1823; by Henry E. Brown, who began as early as ■^88 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1825, and continued until the opening of the seminary; by Mr. Joseph Gregory, who began in 1826 or 1827, and continued until 1833, when he eno'aged in trading to the South for several years, and afterward, in 1840, resumed teaching, but died before the close of his first session. I have had the privilege of looking over the rolls of Mr. Gregory's last school, and they show that James Summers, Walter Welch, John B. Craft, and George Huston were the only boys who were present at every roll-call. I note that among many others, John Q. Davis, Mat K. Haines, and William H. Smith have an occasional ' a ' marked opposite their names, which probably meant detained by sickness or indisposition. * * * " Judge John J. Hayden, now in the Treasury Department at Washing- ton, writes me as follows : 'My first recollection of schools in Rising Sun goes back to 1825, fifty -four years ago. Schoolmaster Brown taught in the little brick Methodist Church on Walnut Street. Young as I was, I can remember some of the older scholars. Among them were Daniel and Peter Smith, William and Piatt Thompson, John and Eliza Love, William and Margaret Jelley, Nelson and Olive Eastman, and others who have long since died or removed to other sections of the country. Mr. Brown's assistant was his sister Hermanda, a good, kind and gentle woman, who did everything in her power to render school attractive and lessons easy, by patient and tireless explanations. Doubt - less many have forgotten her, but I have not, for she saved me many a well deserved trimming down.' " There was another school taught about the same time by Miss Ana- bel McDonough, afterward Mrs. George B. Smythe, in a frame house on Front Street, on a part of the site of the present burnt district. I can remember nothing of that school beyond the fact that I attended it for a short time, having been sent, most probably, as many children are now- adays, more for the purpose of keeping me out of the streets than any expected benefits in the way of school instruction. * * * " Among the pioneers of this section were many educated and culti- vated men, who while laboring for the advancement and improvement of the common schools, and aiding and promoting their best interests, felt that a higher order of schools should be established, reaching a point in instruction that would fit young men to enter regular college classes of the best institutions of the country. The first move in this direction made in this section was by Judge Jesse L. Holman, at Aurora, than whom Indiana has never had a more devoted friend to schools and learning of every grade. His efforts in the cause of education, commencing in this vicinity more than sixty years ago, and continuing with earnest zeal for a period of more than thirty years and up to the time of his death, entitle his labors to a much more extended notice on an occasion like this than CITY OF RISING SUN. 389 my brief time will allow. At the instance and under the auspices of Judge Holman, the Aurora Seminary was established, and on the 16th day of March, 1826, Rev. Lucien Alden was employed to take charge of it at a salary of $300 per annum, which, ^by the way, was a good salary for that period. His assistant was Stephen S. Harding, whose compen- sation was $5 a month and ' his board.' Mr. Harding has since occupied a prominent place in politics, and was, at one time, governor of one of the Western Territories. The Aurora Seminary was in advance of the demand for an institution of learning of its high order, and it was closed in March, 1828, for want of patronage^ and Mr. Alden came here and took charge of the Rising Sun Seminary, the building for which was just then com- pleted. I have said this much of the Aurora Seminary, which may seem to be a divergence, for the reason that the establishment of the Aurora Sem- inary most likely prompted the erection of the Rising Sun Seminary build- ing ; that the Rising Sun Seminary was first opened under the management of Mr. Alden, who had had charge of the Aurora Seminary, and the ad- ditional reason that I desire to state that I was a pupil in the Aurora Seminary in the last year of its existence, in 1827, under the tutorage of a Mr. Jedediah Bowls, an assistant to Mr. Alden, who served in that ca- pacity at $8 per month and boarded himself. " Determined not to be behind any of their neighbors in the matter of education and providing a school of the very highest order for the edu- cation of their children, a company of gentlemen of this place joined to- gether and erected, in 1827, the elegant building for a seminary which still stands on Grand Street between Walnut and High Streets. I have not been able to find the records of the association, and fear that I can not, from the dates in my possession, give the names of all who joined in that noble work ; but I shall repeat them as well as I can, hoping that if any one in this audience can point out an omission they will do so, I would like to see a permanent record of the names of these noble men, that it might be handed down to succeeding generations ; for the men who could, and did, erect such a building and establish such a school — a school that from the first day of its opening and for many years afterward has never since been surpassed, even here in its in- struction and high order of learning ; an institution which was an honor to the town and gave to it a deserved reputation for morality, Intel ligence, culture and refinement — deserves at the hands of this generation a monument ' more durable than marble, more lasting than brass. ' The men who did that noble work, so far as I can now recall them, have, with but two exceptions, all passed away. Pinkney James, Basil James, Joshua Haines, Matthias Haines, Daniel Taply, Abel C. Pepper, Caleb A. Craft, Samuel Fulton, Samuel Jelley and Archibald Moore are all gone, Shadrach Hathaway and Henry James alone remain. 390 HISTORY OF Dearborn and ohio counties. " Mr. Alden, as I have already stated, came here at the opening of the seminary, and taught the higher branches. He occupied the whole of the upper story. The lower story was divided by a board partition, the room next to Grand Street being occupied as a schoolroom by Mr. Leroy W. Lynn, and the other by Mr. Ira Kingsbury. The seminary was sup- plied with a complete philosophical and astronomical apparatus, and it was all that was claimed for it — an institution in which young men could be fitted to enter any of the colleges of the country. Mr. Alden' s fame as a teacher was wide- spread, and young men from various parts of the country came here to receive instructions from him. * * * "Mr. Alden taught for two years, or until the fall of 1830, when he returned to Boston, from which city he had been sent to this part of the country as a missionary, and wore back a full suit of blue jeans — not the Kentucky jeans of modern times, but the old-fashioned honest blue jeans — and it was woven by Mrs. Judge Holman, on the old hand-loom, an instrument long since supplanted by the piano, and gone, never to return. Mr. Alden took pride in appearing before his friends at the ' Hub ' arrayed in a full suit of American manufacture. During his sojourn in this section of the country, Mr. Alden preached at Aurora. Rising Sun, Hartford, Dillsborough, and other points as opportunity was afforded him. Horses were scarce, light vehicles almost unknown, the roads not very good, and he generally walked to his appointments and home again. Mr. Alden was pastor of a church in Boston after his return, and lived there many years. I have no account of the time of his decease. " Mr. E. N. Elliott, a graduate of Miami University, took charge of the seminary in the fall of 1830, and was assisted by Mr. Le Roy W. Lynn. The partition was taken out of the room down stairs, and the two rooms were thi'own into one. Mr. Elliott occupied the upper room, where he taught the more advanced pupils, and Mr. Lynn taught the beginners and those who were studying English grammar, arithmetic, geography and penmanship. Mr. Lynn, as many here will remember, was a su- perior penman, his writing not unfi-equently equaling the finest copper plate printing in smoothness, and as easily read as print. There was no metalic pens in those days, neither gold nor steel. We had only the gray goose-quill, and a part of our education was to learn to make our own pens. The teacher made and mended pens for those who were un- able to so for themselves, and it was no small task. It was customary for the pupils to hand their pens to the teacher just before school dis- missed in the evening, that he might repair them outside of school hours, and return them all in good order the next morning. * * * " But few pupils bought their ink, because of its cost. All knew how CITY OF RISING SUN. 391 to make it from oak balls and vinegai'. We made red ink from poke- berries. There were no colored maps in those days; even the bounda- ries between the States and countries were indicated by black lines. After a while the boundaries were marked by colored lines, but it was a long time before the use of stencil was well enough understood to give different colors to the various political divisions on the maps. We now see maps pasted on the fences and blank walls as railroad advertise- ments, altogether superior in point of finish to the maps in the old Cum- mins atlas, over which I have poured many a weary hour. * * * " Mr. Elliott was an accomplished scholar and a fine teacher. The ■seminary was supplied with an excellent philosophical, astronomical and chemical apparatus, and Mr. Elliott was familiar with their uses and purposes. In addition to thoroughly instructing his pupils in these sciences, he frequently gave lectures, with demonstrations, at the Lyceum meetings, and attracted large and intelligent audiences. The Lyceum was a literary association that held meetings weekly for lectures and de- bates upon cm-rent topics. The lectures were by residents of the town and vicinity, and were generally very entertaining and instructive. Some idea of Mr. Elliott's qualifications as a teacher, and the estimation in which the seminary is held, may be obtained from the fact that the Rev. S. T. Gillett, now a prominent and well-known Methodist divine, and who, since the time of which I am speaking, has been pastor of the Methodist Church here, had then received an appointment as midship- man in the United States Navy, and came here to receive his preparatory instructions in nautical astronomy and navigation. * * * * "With the close of the term in September, 1831, Mr. Lynn withdrew from his association with Mr. Elliott and established a school in the upper story of the building now occupied by Edwin Bloss, as a confec- tionery, on Main Street, between Front and Market Streets. Many of the former pupils of the seminary continued with Mr. Lynn. The latter continued this school until the summer of 1832, and then engaging in mercantile pursuits abandoned the profession of teaching, a profession for which he was particularly fitted, and one in the discharge of the duties of which he did himself great honor. Mr. Lynn, in company with a number of persons still residing here, started for California in the autumn of 1849, and was drowned on the Pacific coast by the upsetting of a boat in the surf, in an attempt to reach the land to obtain supplies for the disabled ship in which he was a passenger. I feel that I must stop here for a moment and pay tribute to the memory of a man under whose tutorage I was for nearly four years, and from whom I re- ceived many wholesome lessons that were valuable to me in after life. "After Mr. Lynn's discontinuance, Mr. Elliott was assisted by his 392 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. brother Hugh G. , up to September, 1832, when Mr. E. Elliott, having been called to the Chair of Mathematics in Indiana College, as the State University was then called, discontinued his connection with the semi- nary and removed to Bloomington. He continued to act as professor of mathematics at Bloomington, for several years, and then removed to Mississippi, and was for a long time president of the Mississippi State University. " Mr. Daniel D. Pratt, a graduate of Hamilton College, New York, succeeded Mr. Elliott, entering upon his duties as principal of the sem- inary, October 15, 1832. He was assisted by a Mr. William G. Monroe who had been a pupil and who afterward had charge of the Dearborn County Seminary at Wilmington. Mr. Pratt taught but a single year, and then went to Indianapolis, where he read law, and served as private secretary to Gov. Noble. Later he removed to Logansport where he acquired prominence as a lawyer and a politician. He was several times a member of the State Legislature, was elected to Congress, was after- ward one of the United States Senators from this State, and was ap- pointed by President Grant commissioner of Internal Revenue. Mr. Pratt was a man of fine intellect; of commanding personal appearance; had a good voice, and was an excellent public speaker. He died at his home in Logansport, a few years ago while sitting in his chair and dictating to his daughter some of the reminiscences of his early life in Indiana. " The Rising Sun of November 16, 1833, announced that the seminary had been opened by B. F. Clark, a graduate of Miami University, on the first Monday in October. Mr. Clark was very highly commended in the notice, and those who were his pupils during that year will bear witness that he deserved the commendation. Mr. Clark, although then just graduated from college, had had experience in teaching, and, moreover, was particularly fitted, naturally, for the profession. He wrote for the newspapers, directing his efforts in that line more particularly to calling public attention to the importance of education and with good results, as shown by the interest awakenedj upon that subject. The following fall Mr. Clark was succeeded by Mr. Thomas E. Thomas. After leaving Rising Sun Mr. Clark studied theology, was licensed to preach in 1837, retiu-ned to Lyndenborough, N. H., his native town, where he supplied the pulpit of the Congregational Church ^for seven months in 1838, afterward entered Andover Theological Seminary as student and re- mained until August, 1839, when^ he was regularly^ ordained and was installed pastor of the congregation at North Chelmsford, Mass., which he served for twenty-nine and a half years. He was twice elected a member of the Senate of Massachusetts. He wrote a good deal for the CITY OF RISING SUN. 393 press, and in 1870 published a book entitled, "Mirthfuluess and its Exciters." His genial manner won for him many friends through life. He was sociable wherever he went, with all classes and conditions. His death occurred May 28, 1878. Mr. Joseph Porter, who was Mr. Clark's assistant died as a missionary in India in 1853. '' Mr. Thomas E. Thomas took charge of the seminary in September, 1834, and continued for one year. He was assisted by Mr. Holmes. Af- ter leaving here, Mr. Thomas taught in Harrison and at Franklin, Ohio; and in 1838 became the pastor of the Presbyterian Chvirch at Hamilton, Ohio, where he was still engaged when chosen to the presidency of Han- over College, twelve years afterward. He resigned the presidency of the college in 1854, to accept the Chair of Biblical Literature and Exe- gesis, in the New Albany Theological Seminary, where he remained for four years, and until the seminary was removed to Chicago. He preached for a time at the Bank Street Presbyterian Church in New Albany, and then accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Dayton, Ohio where he continued to preach for about thirteen years. In 1871, he was elected to the Chair of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, in Lane Seminary, and died there February 2, 1875, * * * "Mr. JohnE. Bright, also a graduate of Miami University, took charge of the seminary in 1835, being assisted by Miss A. M. Disney, after- ward Mrs. Henry James, in which he taught only a few months when the building was turned over to the Indiana Teachers' Seminary, and Mr. Bright took a room elsewhere and conducted his school for some months. Mr. Bright delivered the Fourth of July oration in this place that year. "In March, 1836, B. James, M. H. Wilder, William Lanius and W. Lewis, committee of the board of trustees, gave notice that the Indiana Teachers' Seminary, which was established in Jefferson County, near Madison, had recently been transferred to Rising Sun. The primary ob- ject of the institution was declared to be ' to prepare young gentlemen for teaching school by furnishing them with an accurate and thorough literary and scientific education, and instructing them in the best method of teaching and preserving discipline.' Rev. William Twining, a grad- uate of Yale College, was the principal. In September, 1836, it was announced by B. James, secretary of the board of trustees, that the In- diana Teachers' Seminary had been in successful operation for six months, and that the next session would commence October 17. The latter month Mr. Twining withdrew from the institution, and the pri mary department was continued under the direction of Mr. Henry Mc- Guffey, brother of Prof. William McGuffey. of eclectic school-book fame and the female department under the direction of Miss Root. Mr. Twin- ing returned to Madison, where he taught a private school for some 394 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. years, and was afterward, for a considerable period, a professor in Wa- bash College. His successor was the Rev. William Lewis, but owing to ill health, he taught but a few months. He was a most excellent teacher. The institution was closed on the 13th day of September, 1837, with the retiring of Mr. Lewis, and its property was donated to the Rising Sun Seminary, except that part of the library which was strictly theolog- ical, which was given to the Presbyterian Church for a church library. The men who labored to build up that institution, were Matthias Haines. Basil James, Pinkney James, William Lanius, Abel C. Pepper and Shad- rach Hathaway, all gone excepting the latter. Mr. Lewis came to Rising Sun in 1831, as pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and remained until 1834, during which time the present church of that denomination was erected, when he removed to Darrtown, Ohio, where he remained but a short time. Returning to Rising Sun in 1835, he took a deep in- terest in the success of the Indiana Teachers' Seminary, and as agent of the trustees, visited the East and collected $500 in money, and some 200 volumes of miscellaneous works. He died at his parental home in Throopville, N. Y., April 4, 1838, aged thirty-six years. "Samuel W. Smith, a graduate of Miami University, took charge of the seminary in the autumn of 1837, and continued one year. The seminary was advertised to be opened on the 12th of September, 1838. in the higher department under the management of E. N. Elliott, the same gentleman who had had charge of it from 1830 to 1832. During 1838 a Mr. Wilkie taught a primary school in the same building, the school extending through the most of 1839. On the 12th of November, 1838, Mr. S. A. Gilmore taught a district school in the basement of the Methodist Church. The trustees of this district were Joshua Haines, John W. Hall and Jacob Morrison; a tuition fee of $1 was charged. On the 2d day of September, 1839, Mr. Wilkie began another term of his school. The Misses Morrison, Mary A. and Sarah T., notified the public that they would on the 17th of June, 1839, open the first session of the Rising Sun Female Seminary, in the room formerly occupied by the Female Department of the Rising Sun Seminary, and in addition to their usual academical course they would instruct in needle- work, plain, embroidered and embossed. Notices of this school, taught by the Misses Morrison, were given as late as 1840. On the 2d day of December, 1839. a Miss Hoolie opened a school for instruction in the usual English branches and in drawing, painting, needle work, etc. " In the spring of 1840 Miss A. L. Ruter advertised the opening of a school for young ladies in the new building on Walnut Street, for in- struction in the usual branches, and in astronomy, chemistry, botany, the French language, wax work, etc. From April, 1840, to February, CITY OF RISING SUN. 395 1841, Rufus M. Harris, a graduate of Miami University, was principal of the seminary. His successor was S. B. Halley, also a graduate of Miami University, whose service began in February, 1841, and continued during the succeeding year. His successor was Eev. C. McKinney, a graduate of Miami University, who taught up to 1844. Mr. McKinney at the same time was pastor of the Presbyterian Church. September 9, 1844, the announcement was made that the seminary had been opened under the superintendence of Rev. T. A. Goodwin, a graduate of Asbury University, and on the 12th cf October, D. Haines, A. B., was advertised as principal. November 29 the papers announced that Rev. J. S. Bar- wick had taken charge. The latter was principal until 1847, and was succeeded by William P. White, assisted by his sister. Miss White. They taught through the academic years of 1847-48. " During these periods other private schools were kept up in the town, and an effort was made to keep alive a public school, but with not very marked success. In October, 1847, Mr. John T. Whitlock gave notice that the public school would be opened under the control of Mr. A.T. Ris- ley, and that a slight tax, which would be made known at the endoE the session, would be assessed. In March, 1849, Mr. Risley advertised that as the public school would not be resumed until late in the summer, because the treasurer was out of funds, he would open a school in the High Street schoolhouse. During 1847-48-49, a young ladies' school was taught by the Misses DeBartholts, on Main Street, near High. Mrs. F. E. Barr also taught a private school at her residence on Second Street, from 1849 to 1852. From the spring of 1849 to the fall of 1850, the teachers of the seminary at different times were Rev. William Moore, pastor of the Second Street Presbyterian Church, assisted by Miss Caro- line M. Talbotfcs, and Mr. F. Price assisted by Miss R. P. Chamberlain • From August, 1850, to August, 1851, the seminary was under the manage- ment of Thomas G. Schriver, assisted by Miss Frances Richey. The former was succeeded by B. M. Munn, whose successor, in the fall of 1852, was E. N. Wilson, assisted by Miss Kate Turner; the latter was still teaching in 1854. " This year the seminary became the property of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. B. F. Morris, then pastor of that church was active in securing it, he being anxious to have established here a female seminary of the highest grade, and, enlisting the trustees of the Presbyterian Church in the undertaking, sufficient money was secured to pay for the building and to refit and refurnish it. Mr. Morris and William T. Pepper were appointed a committee to draw up a circular setting forth the objects and aims of what is now the Southeastern Indiana Female Seminary, and to procure competent female teachers. On the 26th of 396 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. August, 1854, Mr. Morris reported that he had procured Miss Anna R. Fitch to take charge of the institution for $500 per year." At this time was being built a large two-story brick house, 65x57 feet,, to contain eight apartments, on the south side of High Street between Second and Main, for the graded schools of the city. The school board was then Thomas H. Gilmore, president; William Gillespie, vice-presi- dent; James M. Reister, A. T. Risley, J. S. Jelley and J. M. Ginnings. In the spring of 1872 this building was overhauled and repaired at an expense of about $1,800, costing in the first place about $4, 000. Shortly after the repairs were completed the building was destroyed by fire. That same year, 1872, the present substantial and imposing brick school building was erected on the same site at a cost of $20,000. The building is three stories high and comprises eleven apartments besides the cloak and hat rooms opening out into spacious halls. In the center front of the building is a tower eighty-eight feet high. The building is Grecian Doric style of architecture, and is the most commodious and imposing, structure in the county. The architect was Leon Beaver, of Dayton Ohio, and the contractor James M. Reister, of Rising Sun. The house was opened for school early in the year 1873. The condition of the public schools of the town in 1853 is shown by the following article extracted from the Bepublican of December 3, of that year under the head of the Rising Sun Graded Schools: "The board of education has admitted into these schools 330 pupils; and there are many more making application for admission. Seven competent and faithful teachers are employed, and all things are moving on prosper- ously and in admirable order. We are so far delighted with the opera- tions of this graded system; it works well and is destined to become universally popular. At the last meeting of the board the following orders were passed: "Order first. The school year shall consist of forty-three weeks, divided into three terms as follows: first, a winter term of thirteen weeks beginning on the first Monday in January; second, a spring term of fourteen weeks, following the winter term without vacation; third, a full term of sixteen weeks, ending the last Friday before the 25th of December. "Order second. That the salary of the principal shall be dollars per year. That the salary of the male teacher of the second grade for the coming winter term, shall be at the rate of $400 per year. That the salary of the female teachers for the second grade shall be $175 per year. That the salary of the female teachers for the first grade shall be $125 per year, except for inexperienced teachers, which shall be $120 per year." CITY OF RISING SUN. 397 From the erection of the second building until 1880 inclusive, the principals and greater number of teachers were as follows: John B. and John F. Follett, Miss Richardson, L. B. Hatch, H. D. Perry, J. Long, John D. Bush, Prof. Merrill, Prof. Hurty, J. F. Matson, J. S. Nutt, W. B. Wilson, J. R. Winstead, C. B. Palmer, G. W. Huflford, Superin- tendent, 1870-71; Louis G. Hufford, 1 year; Anna Wilber, 10 years, 1870- 80; Eliza J. McKnight, 3 years, 1870-74; Mrs. Jennie Downey, 7 years, 1870-77; Mary E. Johnson, 1 year, 1870; Matilda Miller, 1 year, 1870; Mary Cruger, 2 years, 1870-71; Lottie Lotham, 11 years, 1870-80; Lydia Craft, 3 years, 1870-73; Charles B. Palmer, superintendent, 1 year, 1871; Hattie Spencer, 1 year, 1871; Fannie C. Walker, 1 year, 1871; Caroline Bennett, 1 year, 1871; P.P. Stultz, superintendent, 11 years, 1871-82; C. E. Bickmore, 3 years, 1872-74; Lizzie Croft, 3 years, 1872-76; Minerva Romans, 3 years, 1873-76; Rose O. Mitchell. 3 years, 1874-76; Dilla Hanna, 2 years; 1874-75; 'Fannie McAdams, 1 year, 1875; Mattie Crouch, 4 years, 1876-80; Mary Elcock, 1 year, 1876; Nellie Postoo, 3 years, 1876-78; Clara Robertson, 1 year, 1876; Maggie Matson, 2 years, 1878-80; Alice Smith, 2 years, 1878-79; Anna Join, 3 years, 1878-80; Anna Beaty, 4 years, 1877-80; George Morse, 1 year, 1875; Mary Dorrel, 1 year, 1877; Eliza Lotton, 1 year, 1880; Fannie Rabb, 2 years, 1878-79. Mr. Stultz severed his connection with the schools in 1882. "Under the superintendence of Prof. Stultz and his efficient corps of assistants our schools have been a success in all that the word success imparts." His successor was S. S. Overholt who has had the management and superintendence of the schools since the fall of 1882, conducting the same with success. THE FIEE OF 1866. About 4 o'clock on the morning of Monday, September 17, 1866, occurred the most destructive fire the town had, up to that time, ever experienced. The fire originated in the building occupied by the shoe store of Cox & Co. , on the upper side of Main Street, and spread along Main anS. F. Covington. THE CENTENNIAL FOURTH. Independence day, 1876, was appropriately observed by the ciitzens of Ohio County. About sunrise the roar of cannon and the ringing of the bells of the city announced the beginning of the exercises of the day. The next thing on the program was the grand march of the Earthquakes, led by the city band, the rear being brought up and well sustained by Gibson's 408 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. chime of bells on wheels. Next -was formed the procession for marching to the grove, which, after parading through the principal streets, took the road leading to the beautiful grove of Moses Turner, one-half mile above the city. The procession, which consisted of old men representing the thirteen original States ; one hundred girls, representing the years of the century ; forty -nine boys, representing the then number of States, Ter- ritories and the District of Columbia ; the Odd Fellows in regalia, fol- lowed by citizens in wagons, carriages and buggies, on horseback and on foot, was led by the brass band and formed such an one as was never be- fore witnessed there. Col. Dodd had gotten up a nice flag for the old men, which was carried by a veteran of the Mexican war. William Goldson, aged eighty-five years and six months, was sitting in a chair known to be over one hundred and sixteen years old. The exercises at the grove consisted of prayer, by Rev. J. F. McClain ; historical address by G. W. Morse, and an oration by Judge W. A. Cullen, and came in order named. George W. Lane was called on and offered some remarks pertaining to pioneer matters. Toasts were then responded to. Among those replying were J. F. McClain, Col. H. E. Dodd, M. S. Marble, C. C. Edwards and Rev. I. B. Grundy. Most of the business houses and private residences of the city were decorated with American flags and other patriotic emblems, and the event called together one of the largest crowds that ever assembled in Ohio county. LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 409 CHAPTER XVIII. LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— First Land Sales— Pioneers and Pio- neer Settlements — Incidents and Early Condition of the Country— Antiquities-Schools, Churches, and Graveyards- Early Mills, Distilleries, etc.— Hardinsburgh— Greendale. LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP is bounded on the north by Miller TownBhip,on the east by the State of Ohio and the Great Miami River, on the south by Centre Township and the Ohio River, and on the west by Manchester and Centre Townships. Its boundaries in 1826, as then laid out and established by the board of county supervisors, were as fol- lows: "Commencing at the mouth of the Great Miami River; thence to the northeast corner of Town 6; thence west to the range line between Ranges 1 and 2; thence south with said line to Hogan Creek; thence eastwardly with the meanders of Hogan Creek to the Ohio River; thence up said river of Ohio, to the mouth of the Great Miami and place of beginning." Lawrenceburgh Township as then described, in addition to its present territory, included the entire township of Miller, nearly three sections of York, and about one-half of Centre. It lost its territory in Township 6, Range 1 west (a Congressional township) on the formation of Miller Township in 1834; it was lessened to the extent of that portion of Cen- tre Township lying north of the north branch of Hogan Creek in 1839 and 1849, and in 1850 was given it from Miller Township the three sec- tions and a half lying in the southeast corner thereof. In 1852 the fol- lowing described boundaries were assigned to the township, since which time no material change has taken place: "Beginning on the Ohio River on the line dividing the State of Indiana from Ohio, at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running on said State line north to the northeast corner of Section 25, Town 6, Range 1 west; thence west on the section line dividing Sections 24 and 25, to the northwest corner of Section 25; thence south to the southwest corner of said Section 25; thence west on the section line dividing Sections 35 and 26, to where a line drawn north and south through the center of Section 34 strikes said line; thence south through the center of Section 34, to the line dividing Congressional Townships 5 and 6, Range 1 west; thence west on said township line to 4] HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the line dividing Kanges 1 and 2; thence south on the Congressional Township line to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of Section 7, Range 1 west; thence east to the center of said Section 7; thence east along the south line of Alfred^ Howe's land in said Section 7, to the center of Wilson Creek; thence down Wilson Creek until said creek in- tersects the north line of Section 20; thence east to the northeast corner of Section 20; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 20; thence east on the section line dividing Sections 21 and 28,_^to the Ohio River, at the mouth of Tanner's Creek; thence up the Ohio River to the place of beginning." FIRST LAND SALES. The original disposition of the lands of the township by the Govern- ment, with the names of the persons to whom sold, and the dates when sold, is given below: Township 5, Range 1 west. Fractional Section 1, sold April 9, 1801, to Joseph Hayes. Fractional Section 2, April 27, 1801, to George Crist and H. Hardin. Section 3 sold, in 1802, to Barnett Hulick. A portion of Section 4, in 1809, to Samuel Bond, in 1812 to William Caldwell and John Howard, in 1815, to Timothy Guard. A portion of Section 5, in 1808, to Samuel Bond; in 1809, to Thomas Townsend; in 1814, to John Ferris; in 1815, to Amos Way and Isaac Lamasters. A portion of Section 6, in 1815, to Jacob Brasher, Leonard Chase and David Rees. A portion of Section 8, in 1811, to Caleb Pugh; in 1815, to Enoch Pugh and David Rees; in 1817, to Jesse Laird. A portion of Section 9, in 1808, to Samuel Bond; in 1811, to Dell Elder; in 1816, to Zebulon Pike. A portion of Section 10, and fractional Sections 11 and 12, to Zebu- lon Pike; re-entered by Jesse Hunt, assignee; John Brown, December 3, 1806. Fractional Sections 13, 14, and 15, July 23, 1801, to Samuel C. Vance. A portion of Section 17, in 1810, to DavidDatton; in 1812, to Adam Pate; in 1814. to George Weaver and John Dumos. Township 6, Range 1 west. A portion of Section 25, in 1815, to Daniel Perine; in 1831, to Thomas Brannin, Mary Muer, John Davis. A portion of Section 34 (part in Miller Township), in 1806, to Jacob Froman, Isaac L. Masters; in 1813, to Samuel Evans; in 1814, to Stephen Ludlow. LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 411 A portion of Section 35, in 1811, to Robei't Piatt, James Hayes, Job Miller, Hy Hardin; in 1804, to Thomas Miller. Section 36, April 9, 1801, to Joseph Hayes. PIONEEKS AND PIONEER SETTLEMENTS. To this township is given the credit of the first settlement made within the limits of Dearborn County. What is here said on this sub- ject is from Samuel Morrison, Esq., of Indianapolis, formerly for many years a resident of this county, and who has written freqiiently on the first settlement of this section of the country. In the spring of 1791, Capt. Joseph Hayes, an officer of the Revolu- tionary war, and family, his two married sons, Job and Joseph Hayes, Jr., their wives and children, his two sons-in-law, Thomas Miller, Sr., wife and five children, James Bennett and wife, Benjamin "Walker, wife and three children, Samuel, John and Joseph, and their sister Jane Walker, Isaac Polk, Garrett Van Ness and Joseph Kitchell, landed at North Bend, on the Ohio River. During the previous spring (1790") Alexander Guard and his wife, Hannah, and their four children, had landed at the same point. The names of the children of this couple were Timothy, David, Ezra and Bailey. In 1793, Capt. Hayes and Thomas Miller, Sr., took a lease of Judge John Cleves Symmes, for a tract of land at the mouth of the Great Miami River, and removed there early that spring, and to this point nearly the entire colony removed. Here Capt. Hayes and family, and the families of his children, remained and cultivated the soil as best they could, until after the ratification of the treaty of Greenville. Says Morrison, "Early in the spring of 1796, Capt. Hayes and family, and the families of Joseph Hayes, Jr., and Thomas Miller, Sr. , removed west of the Great Miami River, and settled in this county (then Knox County, Northwestern Territory). Thomas Miller and Joseph Hayes, Jr., purchased the first tract of land purchased of the United States, in the now State of Indiana. Their purchase was fractional Section 1, Township 5, Range 1 west, and Section 36, Town- ship 6, Range 1 west, containing in all 973.32 acres, April 1, 1801; paid out in 1810, amount, interest and expenses, $2,635.03 in silver. This tract of land, with the addition of over 4,000 acres more land, is still owned by their descendants to the third and fourth generation." The sections of land above referred to are located a little northeast of Hardinsburgh, and are next to the State line. Section 1, also touching the Miami River. Mr. Morrison is the authority for our saying that in 1796, Alexander Guard and family moved west of the Great Miami River, and settled in that beautiful bottom west of Elizabethtown, and from thence into 412 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Dearborn County. In 1793, this family had moved down to Hayes' Station, at the mouth of the Great Miami. Among others living at the station referred to, who moved into the county in 1796, and settled in the township, were William Girard and wife, and two sons, Eli and Elias and daughter, Mrs. Crist and husband George, and three step-children, Rees, Rachel and William. They set- tled one mile above Hardinsburgh. The same year Henry Hardin and family, consisting of William, Mary, James, Catharine, John and Philip, settled on the site of the hamlet of Hardinsburgh. Other families settling in the township in 1796 were those of Will- iam Allensworth and Isaac Allen, who occupied the land subsequently known as the Samuel Morrison farm. In March, 1802, Samuel C. Vance, James Hamilton and Benjamin Chambers pitched a large tent on the site of Lawi-enceburgh and laid it out into lots, the land having previously been entered from the General Government by Vance. This same year Dr. Jabez Percival located here. In the spring of 1806 Elijah Sparks (grandfather of the Sparks Bros., merchants of Lawrenceburgh), a Methodist minister, removed to the township, from Bark Lick, Ky. (now Covington), though originally coming from Virginia. Mr. Sparks was a man of much usefulness and of considerable prominence in the county, and*further reference is made of him elsewhere in this work. In 1807-08 he built a brick house some distance above the mouth of Tanner's Creek, toward Lawrenceburgh. In 1810 Henry Fowler and family, removing from Virginia, settled on Wilson's Creek; he was the father of the venerable Robert Fowler of Lawrenceburgh. The Hayes and Guard families emigrated from the States of Pensyl- vania and New Jersey respectively. Below is given an account of the early settlers of the township written in 1876 by Geo. W. Lane: "In the year 1791, Capt. Joseph Hayes, a Revolutionary soldier, set- tled with his family in the Miami Valley, known as the Big Bottom. This is I'egarded as the first settlement in the county of Dearborn. Capt. Hayes raised a large family, all of whom remained in the neigh- borhood, and they, also, were blessed with numerous children until, at this day, the name and descendants may be counted by scores, and many of them ai-e engaged in cultivating fields in the valley their sire dis- covered. "Capt. Hayes was accompanied, or soon after followed, by Job Hayes, who settled near what was called the Goose Pond. "Joseph Hayes, the second, who accumulated a large fortune by his LAWRENciBURGH TOWNSHIP. 413 own industry and good judgment, resided near Lawrenceburgh. His life was spared to a good old age, having the privilege of seeing his de- scendants of the third generation. Of him and his family pages might be written, but suffice it to say he was the father of wealthy bankers, worthy, intelligent and law abiding citizens. "Walter Hayes, who lived for a number of years near the State line. "Jacob Hayes, of sterling worth and great memory, who owned a large farm on Tanner's Creek. "Enoch Hayes, who lived near Elizabethtown. "Abiah Hayes, of Hardinsburgh, who never was in a hurry but moved to purpose. He was a man of sound judgment, stern integrity, of but few words, but when he did speak all listened with respect. Had he been educated in early life, his name might have adorned more than one fair page of his country's history. "Thomas Miller, of pleasant memory, who came with Capt. Hayes, and after suffering many dangers and making many narrow escapes, an account of which would fill a volume, he with his kind-hearted compan- ion made their hom« in the stone house that yet stands as a reminder of the generous hospitality of these pioneer occupants. As one evidence of their liberality, say in 1828, on the return of John F. Lane from West Point, where he had graduated, they gave a regular old fashioned Fourth of July celebration, to which all the Hayeses, Millers and country around were invited, and after an oration from young Lane and others, a free and bounteous dinner was given to all, and none were so happy as Mother Miller, as she arranged the girls on one side of the long table that was placed in the orchard, and us boys on the other, and saw that our plates were well supplied. The writer is thankful that his life is still spared to make some return for favors received, by perpetuating their names in this Centennial History of Dearborn County. "Job Miller, another son-in-law, came with Capt. Hayes, and for many years resided in Hardinsburgh, respected by all who knew him. "In 1796, Alexander Guard and family removed from North Bend to this county. Mr. Guard had landed at North Bend in 1790, a year pre- vious to Capt. Hayes, and may have selected their homes or made their location on this side of the Miami as early as Capt. Hayes, and it is not for the writer to say which family 'was entitled to the honor of being first, but it may be said with truth that both were here long before it was safe for their families. Mr. Guard was the father of Timothy, David, Ezra and Bailey Guard. David Guard married a daughter of Thomas Miller and resided at Lawrenceburgh. The other brothers lived on farms in the Big Bottom, and from^the number on guard at this day it is not likely that the name will become extinct. 414 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. "Later in the year 1796 Henry Hardin, William AUensworth, Judge John Levingston and his father, Abner Gray, William Gerard, George Crist and Isaac Allen with their families settled in the township." In speaking of the settlers from 1800 to 1812, Mr. Lane continues: "David Rees located the tract of land between Tanner's and Wil- son's Creeks in 1804, still known as the Rees farm, and now mostly owned by his sons Amos, David, Jr., and Reason Rees, worthy, good citizens of influence, and highly respected for their integrity, prompt and fair dealing. " George Weaver selected a tract just east, where he lived with his family a number of years, honored and respected. His son Samuel was one of the most chivalrous, high toned, daring young men that graced the forest homes of the period, the captain at the huskings, the first to lead off at the country dance, the acknowledged leader in all deeds of danger, generous to a fault, liberal without measure and an acceptable visitor in the best society. '•His uncle, Capt. John Weaver, was one of the most truly worthy men that graced the frontier settlements. He rendered valuable services in defending the homes of the pioneers from the Indians, and was always regarded as the bravest of the brave. "Capt. James W. Weaver was often called to lead his. company in driving back the savage foe that threatened to destroy all the pale faces on this side of the Ohio. Less worthy heroes have had books written in their praise, while with many of those who defended this country and preserved its pioneers from the tomahawk and scalping knife, rests alone on the memory of a few of their old associates or their immediate de- scendants to do them justice and preserve their names from the tomb of forgetfulness. Capt. Weaver was an enterprising business man and was among the first to engage in running boats down the river loaded with the surplus produce of this county, which he continued for a number of years, and many will remember him for his promptness and fair deal- ing; his word was as good as his bond; he prized his honor as his life and would as soon have parted with one as the other. "Davis W^eaver was a genial and pleasant gentleman, fond of com- pany and enjoyed a good story or an inoffensive joke; he could not do too much for a friend; as a business man. he was straight- forward and a law abiding citizen. "In 1803, Maj. Zebulon Pike settled on the ridge road northwest of Lawrenceburgb, where he resided for a number of years. Maj. Pike served during the Revolutionary war with great distinction and, like many others, gave up all his property to the cause. The war over, the government was tardy in recognizing his services and claims, but a few LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 415 years before his death these were in part settled. In 1834 he died, honored and respected by the entire community. His eldest son, Gen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, was an officer in the regular service of the United States. In 1807 he was assigned to special duty, and with a party of men explored the Mississippi River from St. Louis to its head. After his return, and satisfactory report to the War Department and Con- gress, Maj. Pike was appointed to explore the Western World. In 1809 he started from St. Louis with a complement of men and boats, passing up the Missouri River to the mouth of the Kaw, or Kansas River, which they followed until they came to the Great Plains. Leav- ing the valley of Kaw River they traveled south to the Arkansas River and up that stream to the Rocky Mountains, long before reaching which he mentions, in his report, of seeing a high mountain that was visible over 150 miles from its base. This mountain he did not name in his official report, but it has been named by others after the brave explorer, and to this day it is called "Pike's Peak," and may for all time be rec- ognized as a fit monument to the memory of an exalted American citizen, who was the first of his countrymen to see its bold head tower- ing far above all surroundings. " Gen. Pike entered the mountains at a place now known as Cannon City, from there to the South Park, thence south to San- Loua Park, when with a few men left of his party he went into winter quarters. Here he was arrested by a party of Spaniards and taken to Santa Fe, where he was held as a prisoner of war until word was sent and received from Old Mexico as to what should be done with him. After several delays he was released and conducted through Texas to within reach of New Orleans, when he first learned of the threatened war with England. H_e soon joined his regiment and was ordered into active service on the lakes. The army crossed into Canada, and, at his own request, Gen. Pike was placed in command of a party to storm the fort, which he was gallantly lead- ing when the enemy blew up a powder magazine that had been prepared for the purpose, and the brave Pike fell, but did nut expire until York was taken with hundreds of prisoners and a large quantity of stores and mu- nitions of war. Thus fell a brave and gallant officer, an accomplished gentleman and ripe scholar, one whose name would adorn a ' Nation's Roll of Honor,' and if his government has not built a monument to his memory, nature has furnished one of solid granite 14,000 feet above tide water, well worthy so exalted a character, and hereafter that mountain should be called ' Pike's Monument,' instead of Pike's Peak. Who sec- onds the motion ? "About this time Dele Elder and Ulyssis Cook located on the hill in sight of Lawrenceburgh, and improved the land now owned by T. T. 416 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Annis, a son of Thomas Annis, a pioneer. Also William Daniels, J. Sanks and R. Fowler. "Within the period named (1800 and 1812), the Billingsleys, Renos. Garrisons, Newtons, William Chamberlain, Callahans, and James Mc- Kinney settled in the Big Bottom. Col. McKinney was an active, enter- prising merchant of prominence and influence. He married Abby Mil- ler, eldest daughter of Job Miller, the pioneer. Col. McKinney died about the year 1827, honored and respected by all who knew him. Some seven or eight years after his death, Mrs. McKinney married Samuel Mc- Elf resh, Esq. Her life has been spared to see a number of her sons settled in comfortable homes, with habits of industry and established principles of integrity. Her daughters are married to worthy and respectable men, and, like the Spartan mother of old, she may point to more than a score of her children and grandchildren as her valued jewels, and though many summers have passed over her head, she is the same lively, cheerful and girl- like Abby of other days, when the writer first knew her. Some get old at forty, others who enjoy a clear conscience, sleep soundly, and ever ' look at the bright side only,' may be young at three score and ten. " In 1801 Eli Hill settled near Lawrenceburgh, and was the father of a large family, many of whom still live in the county, worthy and re- spected citizens. " Previous to 1812 Capt. John Crandal and George Rabb settled on Pleasant Ridge. Capt. Crandal had served during the Revolutionary war in the United States Navy. He was an intelligent gentleman. Eather Rabb was one of the best men we ever knew. ' As honest as Mr. Rabb,' was a by- word in his day. His son, D. G. Rabb, removed to Ohio County soon after the death of his father, where he resided at his death, ht)nored and respected by all who knew him. His name is written on a 'Nation's Roll of Honor ' for gallant services in defense of the Union. In early times Methodist camp meetings were held in a grove near Father Rabb's. It was on the way to attend one of these meetings that the writer saw the first carriage, now so common on our roads and streets. A family of Lawrenceburgh was on the road near where Joseph Groff Esq., now resides, riding in a cart with a yoke of good oxen at the tongue. W^hile thus traveling along at a fair gate for such a team, Capt, Vance came up in his fine carriage and span of spanking bays with a shaded driver on the front seat, and would have passed us in a whiff. But not so fast; this is a game that two can play at, and those who remember Amos Lane will readily believe that he would not relish being passed on a dusty road, no more than submit to a defeat in court, or at the forum in fair debate, without an effort. So down came the whip, off started the oxen, first at a trot, then at a run, until from the noise of the heavy LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 417 wheels over sticks and stones, the rattle of the chairs in the cart, the laughing and cheers of the boys, the two well-groomed horses took fright, and none too soon the driver sheered off to one side and let the ox team pass to prevent a runaway scene. "■ But again to begin with our list of settlers after the war, the first that appears to memory's view is the tall figure of David Nevitt, of stature firm and 'strength surpassing nature's laws.' " Abram Roland came to the county with Mr. Nevitt. Mr. Roland was engaged in the Southern trade for a number of years, and afterward purchased a farm on the ridge adjoining' George P. Buell, Esq., where he resided until his death. His family remains at the old homestead. "John I. French removed to the county soon after the war, and the writer is not certain but he was here at an earlier period. Capt. French resided on the ridge near Lawrenceburgh, until he purchased a farm be- low Laughery Creek, where he moved about the year 1825, and lived highly respected until within the last two years. He died at the advanced age of over four score. His family still retain the old homestead. "In the second division we should have referred to Maj. John How- ard, who came to this county with the Resses, Daniels, Sanks, etc., long before the war of 1812. Mr. Howard rendered good service on the front- ier; he was a member of a company under Capt. Sortwell, that marched through the then wilderness country as far north as Indianapolis, and re- turned through the eastern part of the State. Mr. Howard took the con- tract for clearing out part of the State road from Lawrenceburgh to Mad- ison, which ran over the hills crossing the divide between Wilson and North Hogan Creeks, past Wymond's farm, then to Wilmington and down the hill to Lindsay's, thence over the divide between South Hogan to Laughery. This was necessary to avoid the mouths of the creeks where fords there were none. But now you can go to Hartford without climb- ing a hill. Mr. Howard was a peculiar man, but that peculiarity never led him to injure others. He spent much of his time in teaching school, and mapy of those of the present day will remember him as the kind and at- tentive instructor. The name was worthily represented in the ranks of those who volunteered to do battle to save the country which their fathers had fought to establish. His widow still remains, and though enfeebled by the weight of many winters, her memory is good, and she tells many a story of pioneer life. "Also of the same period Jesse Laird, who settled on Wilson Creek. He moved into the county with one horse to carry his wife and worldly goods. He lived to a good old age to see his sons settled — some still on the old homestead, others moved to a distance; David Laird to the 418 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. southern part of the State, where he has built up a name and reputation that places him high in the list of the intelligent men of the State. "About the year 1807 Thomas Watts and family removing from Ohio, settled in the ' bottoms ' just above Lawrenceburgh. Here he remained only a short time, however, when he removed up on White Water, and three years subsequently purchased and moved on land in Logan Town- ship. He was the father of Squire Watts, of Lawrenceburgh." INCIDENTS AND EAELY CONDITION OF THE COUNTY. The following is extracted from an article entitled, " History of the Hayes Family," written by Samuel Morrison, and published in the Reg- ister in 1876: Referring to the time Capt. Hayes and family, and the families of his children, were at the mouth of the Great Miami River, the writer says: At this period, though over sixty years of age, he explored all the Big Bottom from Tanner's Creek to Whitewater River, and with his unerring rifle killed many a bear, deer and elk. Once when he had killed a large deer at one of the licks, on Double Lick Run, the place he shot from was the blufif bank of the run, which was breast high and completely concealed him from the lick, as he stood in the dry bed of the stream. After waiting as he thought a sufficient length of time, after the report of his gun, for Indians to make their appearance, if any about, he laid his gun down without reloading, and went and dragged the deer out into the bushes, where he had bent a sapling to hang his deer on to prepare it for packing on his horse. On his return to get his gun, it was gone; an Indian had been watching him, and when he was engaged with the deer, slipped up and stole his gun, and as it was empty, no injury could be done with it. He used to say that he always took his pick out of a drove of deer, and would never kill a doe, nor more than what was necessary for their present use. * * * * Capt. Hayes in the early part of the summer of 1796, killed a very large buck elk, with a towering head of horns, on the next branch west of Double Lick Run; this has ever since gone by the name of Elk Run. On the next day after killing the elk, there was preaching at some one of the cabins. After the services were over, it is said that his old lady got up and said, " People, all ye that want meat come to our house, father has killed an elephant." Be this elk or elephant, it shows what kind- ness existed in those early days. If one neighbor killed a deer, beef, sheep, hog, or caught a lot of fish, all would be divided out among the other neighbors; likewise did they all. Speaking of droves of deer may seem strange to the ears of our modern hunters. But the writer, who is of much later date than Capt. LAWRI']NCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 419 Hayes, can assure you that he has seen many a drove of deer so numer- ous that they could not be counted. An early surveyor of the public land told me that he counted sixty elk in one drove before they got out of his sight. He judged the drove to be over one hundred. Wild tur- keys were very numerous; they went in droves of great numbers. Also wild geese and ducks were very numerous. Zebulon P. Wordell, grand- son of Maj. Pike, fired an old musket loaded with shot into a flock of wild ducks, killing eighteen of them and wounding several others. Wild geese, brants and ducks would go northward in great flocks in the spring, and return south in the fall, and when traveling either way they always had a leader. The flock formed in the shape of the letter V, sharp end foremost, with the leader in the apex. Crows and blackbirds appeared in great flocks, and were very annoying to the farmers in put- ting in their corn crops. These birds would pull it up when first planted. The wild pigeons were the most numerous bird; flocks of at least three miles long by half a mile wide would be continually passing northward during the day for a period of at least four weeks, sometimes darkening the sun. The next numerous bird was the paraquet, a beau- tiful bird just like the parrot, only small. They lived in hollow trees. I have seen flocks of 500 or more go into a knot hole in a large sycamore tree; how they disposed of themselves after they went into the tree has always been a mystery to me. The next most numerous animal were the squirrels; they were so numerous that they devoured everything in their way. They would travel from one section to another in quest of food, and when traveling nothing would impede their march. I have heard of great numbers being killed while they were swimming across the Ohio. It was said in olden times that one woman washing clothes on the river bank killed over 300 squirrels with her clothes beater. I remember once myself in seeing them crossing from Kentucky to Indiana. It seemed to me as if the water was alive with them as far either way as you could see, and not for one day only, but for weeks. To prevent them from destroying the crops squirrel hunts were instituted. Some fifteen or twenty men and some boys would assemble at a given point, divide their party into two squads and choose their captain, and then sally forth. There would be a prize offered, and the party taking the most squirrel scalps would be the winner. In those early times no person ate squirrels. In one squirrel hunt Mahlon Brown used a cross-bow and killed double as many squirrels as any of the others with rifles; sbot-guns were not in use then. In the year 1800 the seventeen year locusts appeared in as great numbers as those of Egypt in the days of Pharaoh; they did but little harm and soon passed away. I remember them in 1817, in great forces, 420 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and after the locusts disappeared the weavil came and ate up all of the •wheat and a great deal of the corn. The locust years were 1834, 1851, and 1868, diminishing in numbers each successive year. The increase of agriculture and clearing up of the land is the cause. ANTIQUITIES. The high bluffs and second bottoms along the Ohio River, and those of its principal tributaries in the southern part of the State, were famous places of resort for the ancient race of people known as Mound - Builders. Within this township there are many traces of this race of people. On the hill north of Hardinsburgh is located an ancient fort, the wall of which is four feet high in places and is partly constructed of loose stones and partly of earth. There are two gateways on the north end formed by an earthwork that is nearly circular. The hill is nearly 200 feet high and commands an extensive view over the country around. On the ridge leading to the northeast and northwest there are eight mounds. There is also a mound on the hill to the south and two close to the road leading from Lawrenceburgh to Hardinsburg. There is also a mound northeast of Lawrenceburgh, near the track of the Ohio & Mississippi Eailroad. In 1877 Samuel Morrison wrote of the one most remarkable as follows: "When I first visited the ancient fort north of Hardinsburgh, was in 1816; I was then a school boy attending school in an old round log- sehoolhouse on the hill-side, about fifty feet above the overflowed bottom land, about 350 yards from and below the fort. At this period, not a tree on the hillside nor on the top of it, which was occupied by the fort, had been disturbed; they stood in all their primitive greatness. The outlines of the embankment or parapet of the fort were easily defined, being on an average of four feet in height, and were constructed only of earth, except on the southeast brow of the hill; the wall for 100 yards was composed of loose stones, some of them quite* large, as it took two of us school boys to up edge one of them to roll it down the hillside. (This was our noon sport.) In the midst of the fort there was a mound at least six feet high. The west parapet in crossing a ravine was by a heavy fill; it was at least eight feet high (in 1816) and in the midst of this fill there was then growing a walnut tree four feet in diameter. The gateways were at the northwest angle and consisted of a small cir- cular shaped fort, very high walls, taking out the corner of the main fort, leaving a gateway at each side of the small fort, it answering as bastions to guard the two exposed sides of the fort, the other sides being protected by steep hillsides. It was supposed to contain about twelve acres. I found in this fort several beautiful stone axes, made of a hard, green, speckled stone, highly polished." LAWRENCEBURGH TOWNSHIP. 421 SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. Some time subsequent to 1793, the year the Millers, Hayeses, Guards and others settled at the mouth of the Great Miami River, and there es- tablished the stations, and prior to 1796, the date of their removal into what is novs' Indiana and this county, school was taught at the station of Captain Hayes by Isaac Polk. ' ' Polk taught in the station and was the first school teacher in the country. He was known far and near as ' Master Polk,' and was one of the best scribes ever in the country, and it is to be regretted that we know so little of his history." In the Hayes, Miller and Guard settlements schools were taught from almost the very beginning. James Grubbs, who is still a resident of the county, born in this township in 1805, speaks of attending school in his earliest school years that was kept near the State line up in the Hayes and Miller neighborhood taught by one Britton. This was held in the rude round log-cabin of that day. Probably one-half mile further west on the other branch of Double Lick Run (the first was on that stream), he at- tended a cabin school taught by one Woolsey. Subsequent schools heat- tended were further north in Miller Township and east in the State of Ohio. Enoch Miller, born in the Township in 1813, and of the old pioneer stock of that name, recalls his first school as one taught in a rude log (with bark on) cabin that stood on the Thomas Miller land, in which one Dolly, a Yankee, was a teacher, and quite a severe one, too ; so much so, that the boys at one time concluded to somewhat soften him and not longer bear his severe treatment without remonstrance. He was "barred' out at one time, but effected an entrance to the house, but was seized by the boys and shown a pile of logs and kindling, and came to terms. Daniel Jessup was another teacher who taught in the building men- tioned. He is remembered as a good man and excellent teacher. Later a'frame building at Hardinsburgh served as a place for holding school ; here a one-legged man (name forgotten) taught for a time. Our venerable friend Robert Fowler, of Lawrenceburgh, now in his eighty-second year, and who came to the county in 1810, recalls the first school that he attended or has any remembrance of, as one taught in a rude log-cabin that stood on the east bank of Wilson's Creek, just where the rail- road bridge crosses that stream. This house, Mr. Fowler thinks, was used as a "temple of learning" in the winter of 1811-12. The next school he remembers attending was held in what is now Center Town ship, along the road leading to Ebenezer Church and at a'point opposite the stone residence of Mrs. Worley. Joseph Dent held sway here. An early school was held at a point probably half way between Lawrence- burgh and Aurora, on the gravel road, now the David Rees land; here Isaac Polk, before referred to, was the teacher. About the year 1820 a 422 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. log-cabin schoolhouse was erected on the school section, in which the first teacher was Alexander Gregg. Among the first settlers of this township were quite a number of Methodists, and of Old School Baptists, and classes or societies of these denominations were organized in the very beginning. Capt. Joseph Hayes and a number of that early settlement were Methodists, and the circuit preachers visiting the first settlements along the river established preaching places in the cabins throughout the county. Capt. Hayes was an exhorter and class -leader, and it is but reasonable to suppose his house was open to Methodist preaching. One of the early preaching places was at the residence of William Winters, who lived between Law- renceburgh and Aurora. Preaching of this denomination was often held at the Millers'. An early preaching point of the Baptist denomination was at the house of Henry Harden. An arm or branch of the church at Lawrencebui'gh was there established as a matter of convenience, and in the course of time a frame house of worship was erected as a kind of Union Church, built by the neighborhood and open to all the denomina- tions. Among the early families identified with the Baptist Church were the Fromans, Fowlers, Hardins, Bullocks and Bonhams. Elder Ezra Ferris, of Lawrenceburgh, was the main minister. Subsequently a brick house of worship took the place of the frame referred to, which was subsequently converted into a schoolhouse and is yet standing at Hardinsburgh. By death and removals the Baptist congregation at this point dwindled down until their lamp went out, and the organization passed into history. Just west of Hardinsburgh, on the ridge, is located a substantial brick house of worship, with cupola, on the front of which building, on the inlaid stone, is the inscription "bellevue m. e. church, Founded A. D. 1852." This society is the outgrowth of the class above referred to. For the early history of the Methodist Churches in this region of the country the reader is referred to the lengthy sketch of the church at Lawrence- burgh given in the history of that city. In the northeastern part of the township, not far from the State line, is located probably the oldest place of burial in the township. In the early Hayes and Miller settlement, a death occurred in the Miller fam- ily — a child of Thomas, which was buried on a high piece of ground near the State line, the property of another, to which some exceptions were taken, and the remains were removed to the graveyard mentioned. In strolling through this habitation of the dead we noticed within a stone wall stands a brown sandstone slab, which bears the inscription LAWRENCEBURGH TOAVNSHIP. 423 Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Miller Seign, Who died on the first day of December, A. D. 1843, aged eighty years, three months and twenty-one days. Emigrated from Pennsylvania in the year 1791. The oldest grave marked by a tombstone, whose inscription is legible, is that of Mary Gaard, wife of Timothy, and daughter of Solomon Hayes, born in 1784, died in 1806. This graveyard is quite large, but seems to have been used principally by the Hayes, Miller and Guard families. Among some of the aged whose remains are here peacefully awaiting the final summons are the following: Abiah Hayes, Sr., died in 1858, aged seventy-seven years; Nancy, wife of Abiah Hayes, died in 1851, aged sixty- eight years; Col. James McKinney, born in 1795, died 1838; Job Miller, Sr., born in 1782, died in 1865; Sarah, wife of Job Miller, Sr., born in 1797, died 1877; Henry Newton died in 1881, aged ninety-three years; Mrs. Newton, wife of Henry, born in 1800, died 1874; Priscilla, wife of Thomas Miller, Sr., died in 1845, aged eighty-five years. About one-half mile west of the yard just described, and on the ridge, is what is known as the Guard Graveyard, in which are buried quite a number of the Guard family. Here we noticed no grave older than 1829, that was marked by a lettered tombstone. EARLY MILLS, DISTILLERIES, ETC. The first mills operated in the county were known as the Armstrong Mills, and the first was located on Wilson's Creek, in this township, on the land known as the J. E. Wymond place. They were erected by Ben- jamin Walker in 1802. The following description of this mill has here- tofore been given: "Take two flinty limestones, about five inches thick; dress them round, thirty inches in diameter; fit the first one in a gun four feet high; set on end five inches from the top, making a small hole through the log at the top of the stone for a meal spout; place the upper stone with a small hole through the center for the grain to run through, a small hole drilled near the outer edge to attach the motive power, which is supplied by a stick placed in this hole and fastened to a beam over head. This is turned around by one hand, while with the other you drop in a few grains at a time, and with constant labor one peck of corn could be ground in an hour." Some time after the canal was built Job Hayes established a grist-mill at Hardinsburgh, which was operated for some years, and removed to the distillery above Rossville. On the Ezra Guard place three brothers, Ezra, Bailey and David Guard, established and operated a tannery in the earlier history of the township. 124 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Thomas Miller operated an early copper still on Double Lick Run, in an early day; capacity, about two barrels per day. HARDINSBUEGH. The village of Hardinsburgh is located in the eastern part of the town- ship, about two miles north of Lawrenceburgh, and one and a half miles west of the Great Miami River, It was laid out on the lands of Henry Hardin, being part of fractional Section 2, Town 5, Range 1 west, and for whom it was named. The surveying was done by Moses Scott, May 19, 1815, and acknowledged by Mr. Hardin on the following day. An addition to the village was laid out in 1817, by David Findlay (thirty lots), the surveying being done by B. Chambers. Mr. Findlay and one Deleplaine were early merchants, and a Mr. Bartlett the ''village smith" at this point. Here, in the earlier history of this section of the country, considerable business was carried on, but the glory of the place has long since departed, and the village itself gone back into peaceful fields again. GREENDALE. To the north and west of the city of Lawrenceburgh, scattered along a commanding ridge overlooking the valley and bottom lands of the Ohio and Miami, and the distant Kentucky hills, and extending nearly to Hardinsburgh, is located the pleasant suburban village of Greendale, in main comprised of beautiful homes, the residences of many doing business in the city. Here are located the beautiful cemetery grounds bearing the name of the village. The incorporation of the place occurred in 1872. In 1883 Stephen Ludlow laid out and had recorded some thirty-six lots, under the name of Greendale. The Greendale Cemetery Association was incorporated in 1865. The incorporators purchased some thirty acres of ground of Joseph Hayes, located, as above stated, along the beautiful ridge lying to the north and west of the city of Lawrenceburgh. The cemetery was very tastefully laid out (the design being made by Benjamin Grove, an engineer from the city of Louisville) by a Mr. Ihle, a landscape gardener, in 1867. The managers for the first year were E. G. Hayes, John Anderegg, A. A. Heifer, Gen. T. J. Lucas, O. T. Stockman, A. Beckman and D. W. C. Fitch. The cemetery was dedicated September 21, 1867, the address being delivered by Rev. B. W. Chidlaw. The grounds are very beau- tiful, rendered so by the abundance of shade trees, choice shrubbery and the many elegant and costly monuments. CENTER TOWNSHIP. 425 CHAPTER XIX. CENTER TOWNSHIP. Okganization and Boundaries— First Land Sales— Early Settle- ment AND PIONEER REMINISCENCES— EARLY RELIGIOUS AND EDUCA- TIONAL Notes— Cochran— RiVERViEW Cemetery. CENTER TOWNSHIP was organized in January, 1839, and its boundaries as then described were: "Commencing at the mouth of Laughery Creek; thence up said creek to the Congressional Town- ship line between Town 4, Range 1 and Town 4, Range 2; thence north along said township line to the northwest corner of Section 19 in Town 5, Range 1; thence east along this section line to the northwest corner of Section 21; thence south on said section to the corner of Section 21; thence east to the Ohio River; thence down the river to the mouth of Laughery Creek to the place of beginning. " The township was formed of territory taken from Laughery and Law- renceburgh Townships and comprised about its present acreage in amount, though its boundary lines have undergone some change. By a change in the boundary lines between this and the township of Lawrenceburgh, in 1849, the former acquired the territory lying in Sections 18 and 7, and that portion of Sections 17 and 20 in Lawrenceburgh Township of the latter township, the latter of which it lost by another change in the boundary lines between the said townships in 1853, when it was given to Lawrenceburgh Township. The same year, in altering the boundary lines in Hogan Township, something less than a section of land lying along this western part of the township of Center and belonging to David Walser, Conrad Hufifman and Conaway Bainum was attached to Hogan Township. The boundary lines of the township as described in 1852 were as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 21 Congressional Township 5, Range 1, west; thence west to the southwest corner of Section 21; thence north to the northwest corner of Section 21 ; thence west along the northern line of Section 20 to the center of Wilson Creek; thence up said creek to the south line of Alfred Howe's land, in Section 7; thence west along the south line of Alfred Howe's land to the northeast corner of southwest quarter of Section 7, Town 5, Range 1 (being the center of said Section 7); thence west on the north 426 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. line of said southwest quarter of Section 7 to the range line dividing Ranges 1 and 2; thence south on said range line to Laughery Creek; thence down the creek to the Ohio River; thence up the Ohio River to where the east and west line, running between Section 28 and 21, Town 5, Range 1 west, strikes the river; thence west to the place of beginning. FIRST LAND SALES. The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government with the year of sale and the purchasers' names are set forth in the follow- ing list: Township 4, Range 1 west. Fractional Section 4 sold September 18, 1804, to Daniel Conner, and resold December 12, 1810, to G. R. Terrence. A portion of Section 5, in 1810, to Jesse L. Holeman; in 1813 to Joseph W. Winkley; in 1814 to George Shinkle; in 1815 to John Walsh. A portion of Section 6, in 1812, to James Rumblay; in 1813 to Val- entine Barton, Richard Norris; in 1815 to Isaac Conner, A portion of Section 7, in 1812, to Eli Green, Henry Grove; in 1813 to Squire Poteet and George Grove. Sections 8, 9 and 10, April 22, 1801, to Daniel Conner, and resold December 2, 1806, to O. Orsmby (Section 9 lies partly in Ohio County. Section 10, all in Ohio County Randolph Township), Town 5, Range 1 west. A portion of Section 18, in 1814, to John Robison, Enoch James, Jr., Jehial Buffington, Amor Bruce and Enoch James. A portion of Section 19, in 1806, to David Rees; in 1808, to Samuel Bond; in 1812, to Francis Cheek, and in 1816 to Samuel Perry. A portion of Section 20 (part in Lawrenceburgh Township), in 1806 to Nathan C. Findlay, David Rees; in 1811, to Page Cheek. Section 21 and fractional Sections 22 and 23, April 27, 1801, to Charles Wilkins. Fractional Sections 27, 28 and 29, sold December 19, 1801, to James Conn. A portion of Section 30 (part in Hogan Township), sold in 1811, to Isaac Reynolds, Eli Green, John Buffington and Conrad Huffman. A portion of Section 31 (part in Hogan Township), sold in 1812 to Richard Norris, Abraham Carlough; in 1815, to Martin Cozine. Fractional Sections 32 and 33, in 1804 (September 18), to Charles Vattier. A portion of Section 7, in 1814, to Enoch James, David Hogan; in 1815, to Charles Dawson, P. S. Symmes and Lewis Whiteman. CENTER TOWNSHIP. 427 EARLY SETTLEMENT AND PIONEER REMINISCENCES. la the historical sketch of the county, deposited in the corner-stone of the court house, prepared by Judge Tilley, it was stated that " early in January, 1796, Adam Flake and family settled on South Hogan Creek. In February, 1796, Ephraim Morrison, a soldier of the Revolutionary war, built the first log-cabin and cut away the forest trees on the bank of the Ohio, just below the mouth of Hogan Creek, where Aurora now stands. " When Ephraim Morrison arrived at the mouth of Hogan Creek to make his settlement, there was already some cleared land, both above and below the creek. The exact date of this, the earliest known white set- tlement on the site of Aurora, is given by Samuel Morrison, son of the pioneer, as February 14, 1796. Ephraim Morrison found at this place an Indian hut, about sixteen feet square, without roof or floor, which he repaired and occupied until he could build a better house. Here on the site of the city of Aurora, March 1, 179S, was born Ephraim Morri- son, so far as is known the first white child born in this part of the Ter- ritory northwest of the Ohio, still living, venerable in years and charac- ter. After a residence of four years at the mouth of Hogan Creek, Ephraim Morrison removed to a place he had selected on Laughery Creek, three-fourths of a mile from its mouth. Here his wife died December 18, 1803. "At this period, " says Samuel Morrison, ' ' the United States would not sell less than one section of land, and if there was a fi-actional section between the whole section and the river, it had to be purchased with the whole section. In this case there were two fractions, the section and the two fractions amounting to 1,198.22 •acres. My father not being able to buy so much land, it was bid off at the land sales at Cincinnati by Charles Wilkins, of Kentucky. So my father, who had been a soldier in the Revolution and was wounded in the battle of Brandywine, lost his land and was compelled to pay rent for the improvements he had made." The writer in his research has found it stated in print that George Grove settled at the mouth of Laughery Creek in 1794, and built the first cabin ever erected by a white man within the limits of Dearborn County. He has also found it stated in print that Nicholas Cheek and wife, Barbara, settled within the township under consideration in 1794. In the historical sketch, above referred to, the year of the Grove settlement is given as 1798, but of the Cheek settlement, if we remember correctly, no mention is made. Of the latter, in 1861, on the death of Mrs. Barbara Cheek, it was stated that she resided in her native State (Virginia) forty years, then re- moved to Dearborn County, where she remained sixty- foui" years. She 428 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. claimed to be one hundred and four years of age. Before her death she stated that she and her deceased husband were the fourth family to settle here, saying, that Mr. George Groves, Mr. Benjamin Walker and Mr. Ephraim Morrison had arrived just before them. Tavern Cheek, a brother to Nicholas, gave the year of their coming as 1796, which is most prob- able. On the subject of the early settlers of this township Geo. W. Lane in 1876 wrote as follows: "In 1796, Adam Flake and family settled on South Hogan Creek, about one mile from the Ohio Eiver. William Flake, a son owned the farm on which John Spidel now resides. '" In the same year Ephraim Morrison, a soldier of the Revolution, landed just below the mouth of Hogan Creek — where the city of Aurora now stands-^with his family of one daughter and three sons: Agnes, Ephraim, Jr., William and Thomas. Samuel Morrison was born after their arrival and he has often been spoken of as the first male child born in the county. But this honor was contested by the friends of William V. Cheek. "During this year the Cheeks settled in the county with their families. Soon after their arrival William Y. Cheek was born and, if not the first, was certainly the second male child of the county. He secured by his own efibrts a good education and became a man of great influence, pleas- ant and agreeable, and was twice elected clerk of the county. " Page Cheek, in early life, was an energetic and dashing man, with kind impulses and undaunted courage. At a certain time the settlers were without salt, and great anxiety was felt for the health of the community, and none was to be had nearer than Shawneetown, 111. Page Cheek pro- cured a keel-boat and started on the perilous journey. When he ar rived at the salt works, he was informed of the law that they could only sell each applicant a certain quantity and, if the writer remembers cor- rectly, it was three bushels to the family, but Cheek, with the aid of one of his men, was equal to the occasion, and the next day one of the hands presented a paper with the names of all the settlers this side of the Allegheny mountains on it, and a sack for each was filled and marked as per schedule. This was not a case of crooked whisky, as the government imposed no tax on salt, but a simple provision of safety for the good of the people, and the salt was obtained for that purpose and furnished to those in extreme necessity. The barge was loaded, and in due time reached Lawrenceburgh to the great joy and relief of the people. This made Cheek quite a hero and he was treated on all sides, and being of a social nature, he yielded to the tempting glass, and it may be said with truth, that Page Cheek was not the first or only man who has sufi'ered by over anxious friends. CENTER TOWNSHIP. 429 "Again another fact might be mentioned: When this part of the Northwest Territory was first occupied by the whites, slavery was recog- nized and quite a number of negroes were held in servitude in this county. After Indiana Territory was organized by act of Congress, a vote was taken on the question, and by a clear majority it was decided against slavery. And when the writer was a boy he freqviently heard the remark, that this one and that one had run their slaves across the river and sold them, while Page Cheek set his free; he owned quite a number, perhaps more than any other man in the county. "Having told these stories in his favor, we will tell a third, of a dif- ferent character, for the benefit of Bergh and his humanitarian society: Once upon a time Page Cheek rode his fine horse to town and hitched him in the usual place; the horse remained at his post as a good horse should for a reasonable time, but as night came on he got hungry and thirsty and broke loose, at least so went the story. Toward morning Page started for home. Not finding his horse, he had to foot it through mud and water to his home on Wilson Creek (on the farm where Aaron B. Henry lived so many years); Mr. Cheek got home and rested awhile, he then took down his rifle that was kept in readiness for a better purpose, and walking to the field, shot that horse. Some said he shot to crease him so that he could catch him, but be that as it may, the ball struck too low and the horse fell never to rise again. If there is such a thing as riches taking wings and flying away, or any truth in the saying that, there is a tide in the affairs of men, or that there is an overruling provi- dence that punishes as well as blesses, at any rate, from this inhuman act, an excuse was given for the superstitious to moralize over their truth and refer to this as confirmation strong, for riches did take wings, the tide did ebb, and misfortune after misfortune followed him in quick suc- cession until, weighed down and discouraged, his candle went out. "In 1798 George and Henry Grove first selected their homes on Laughery Creek. Mrs. Mahala Buffington, with three sons — John, Jon- athan and Jehial — settled near Aurora. John Buffington left a large family, some of whom are residing on the old farm. "Stephen Peters came to the county with Ebenezer Foot, in 1798. They first settled on the river bank, just above Aurora. A freshet in the Ohio drove them back to the high ground, where they lived a few years, and afterward settled on South Hogan Oreek, in Washington Township. Mr. Stephen Peters was the father of Joseph Peters, who lived and died on the land entered by his father, and the old homestead still belongs to the family. "About 1809 Martin Cozine located on the farm just west of Aurora, now owned by Mr. James, also John Mi Iburn, father of John N. Mil- burn, and father-in-law of George W. Taylor, of Aurora.'' 430 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. " In 1810 Jesse L. Holman settled in the township and built a cabin on the range of hills that rise abruptly from the Ohio river, south of Auro ra, and to this new home, remote from other settlers, he removed his family. He at once rose to distinction, and reared a son to follow in his footsteps, biographies of whom appear elsewhere in this work. "In 1810 Charles Folbre emigrated from Pennsylvania and settled on Hogan Creek, about one and three-quarter miles from its mouth. Here he remained two years, and moved to Lawrenceburgh, and from there to Zanesville, Ohio, which distance he traveled in midwinter on horseback, taking with him his wife and two children. In 1826 he retui-ned to Dearborn County. In 1830 he removed to Greensburgh, and returned to Aurora in 1832, where he died during the year. Thomas Folbre, his eldest son, was born in Pennsylvania, and still resides in Aurora, where he has lived since the death of his father. "In 1810 William Griffin came from Winchester, Va., and located in this township on the land now owned by O. P. Cobb. William Grif- fin, Jr. lives on a farm on the hill some two miles north of Aurora. David Griffin resides in Aurora, and has long been engaged in running flat-boats down the river. David is a large, well-built man, and in^other days had the strength and courage of a lion, was generous as he was strong, and on one occasion a number were at Langley's Hotel, among the rest a man by the name of McKinney, well known about Greens- burgh. McKinney took offense to some remark of the writer, and drew back to strike out from the shoulder. David Griffin quickly stepped be- tween, and facing McKinney told him to try his hand on him first. McKinney looked at him, surveyed him up one side and down the other, stepped back and wisely concluded he did not want to fight as bad as he thought he did. McKinney offered to treat and settle the affair, but Griffin refused to drink with him until he apologized to his friend. This McKinney reluctantly consented to do, but it was tight or apologize. The amend was made honorable and glasses were tipped, and if one of that company did not drink of the contents of his glass, he went through the motions. "George Griffin has for a number of years resided in Aurora. He takes great pleasure in conversing of other years, and his memory being good, he tells many a thrilling story. His good wife, Cynthia Griffin, is still spared to sit near him at the pleasant fireside. Their home is like , a public house. They have receptions and entertainments every day. All are made welcome, and without form or foolish ceremony are treated with a generosity and hospitality of 'Ye olden time.' JMrs. Griffin is the ready and kind nurse by the side of every sick-bed, going at any time, night or day, through storm and rain. Indeed it may be said that like CENTER TOWNSHIP. 431 the Good Samaritan of old, she seeks the afflicted and relieves the dis- tressed; and who will take her place when she is called to her long home?'' Uncle George, as he was familiarly called, was Aurora's oldest citi- izen. His death occurred March, 1885. He was a native of Virginia, and at the time of his death was in his eighty- sixth year. The following is given as having come from the lips of the above pioneer: In 1810, when he was ten years of age, his parents, in com- pany with the grandparents of the present Johnsons of North Hogan, and the grandparents of the present Kyles, of Manchester, left Virginia (from near Winchester) and were all bound in covered wagons, for Vin- cennes, on the Wabash. That destination was reached, through an almost unbroken Indian forest, by the Johnsons and Kyles, but so great were their perils in consequence of the hostility of the Indians, that Gen. Harrison, whose headquarters were at Vincennes, advised them to return as far as Kentucky; and to protect them, he sent with them an escort of seventy-five soldiers. The Griffin family was induced by David Rees, father of Amos and Reason Rees, to stop and try the Ohio River bottoms, he promising them whatever aid they might need the first year in getting a subsist- ence. W^ild meat was plentiful, for game was always in sight. Deer were often caught with skiffs, while swimming in the river. Wild plums and grapes were abundant in their season. Bread, the staff of life, the most necessary article of food, was the most difficult to obtain. When the Griffins built their cabin between Wilson and Tanner's Creeks, it was the fifth in this region, and one of these was occupied by a bachelor. This neighbor, Joseph Barlow, by name, had been a Revolu- tionary soldier, and, on account of increasing infirmities, he soon removed to Kentucky, where he lived with a nephew to the great age of one hundred and eight years. The bottom was then covered with tim- ber. David Reese kept a ferry at Tanner's Creek, where the railroad bridge now spans it, but his boat was bo small that a wagon had to be taken to pieces to be conveyed across. Wild animals were very numer- ous and were a great annoyance. The howling of wolves at night often rendered sleep impossible. "While eating breakfast one morning I heard a squealing," said Uncle George, "and on going to see I saw a bear devouring a wild hog. It was necessary to keep all domestic animals in pens adjoining the house. " The surviving widow herself tells of driving away the saucy deer and turkeys from the grain stocks, when she was a girl. But more to be dreaded than these were the lingering and hostile Aborigines, some of whose tents were yet to be seen. The United States Government had 432 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. bought their lands two years previously, and they had removed to the Wabash; but incited by the British and French, both of whom were jealous of our national growth, they became dissatisfied and revengeful. In gangs considerable numbers of them returned with cheeks painted red and hair arranged for war. In those times it was not safe for one of the pioneers to venture alone away from his home. Horses and other property were stolen. "Many a morning on going out of my cabin door," said Uncle George, "I have seen fresh moccasin tracks. Billy "Winters' cabin was the largest and strongest, and while an attack was feared, the neighbors would occupy it as a fort. Subsequently other block-houses were built. Not until after the battle of Tippecanoe were we relieved from 'the terror of the tomahawk.' " When the red men left for the Wabash country one savage alone refused to leave his old haunts, choosing to remain and live among the pale faces, from whom he received the name of "saw-mill." The friend- ship of this Indian was of much service to the pioneers in that critical period, and his untimely death was greatly lamented. Near where the town of Harrison now is, he met two of his own race, one of whom bought whisky and gave some to his companion, but none to himself. "Saw-mill," feeling himself insulted, challenged them both to fight him at the same time. The challenge was accepted. They all whetted their knives, then laid them down and took another drink. They then made a ring two rods in diameter, within which they were to confine themselves, and began their bloody conflict. "Saw-mill" first killed one of his antagonists, and then was killed himself by the other. Wild turkeys were very numerous and troublesome. One day a large flock going down the bottom was met by another flock coming in the opposite direction, and the result was a furious battle of the gobblers. The Griffin boys, attracted by the commotion, formed a semi -circle and drove them all across the river, but so fat and heavy were they that they could not rise to the top of the Kentucky bank. Their only alternative was to return to the Indiana shore, from which the boys frightened them away again, and before they could reach any landing place many of them were so exhausted that they sank into the water. The boys returned to their cabin with eleven, which they had captured with their skiffs. Uncle George had various experiences as a river trader. Twice, on his return from the South, he walked from Shawneetown to his home. The first time he was obliged to leave his flat-boat at that place because of heavy ice. His pedestrian companions were John Conway (brother of the late Capts. Dan and John Conway), and his uncle, Joseph John- son. Referring to the locality in question, a writer in the Democratic CENTER TOWNSHIP. 433 Register in 1876, thus alludes to the early settlement : " Previous to ]800, although many families had settled in this neighborhood, little was done in the way of clearing lands. Each family had sufficient ground under cultivation to raise corn, potatoes, etc., to supply its indi- vidual wants, and with their primitive modes of farming, this was per- haps all they could cultivate. Game of every species common to the country was here in abundance. Buffalo and elk were growing scarce. The black bear, deer, gray and black wolf, wild cat, beaver, otter and por- cupine were plentiful. In the summer of 1807, Isaac Cochran brought his family here from the neighborhood of Chillicothe, Ohio, and built and moved into a log-cabin on the site of the present residence of John Cobb. Mr. Cochran had a large family, and his cabin was necessarily built on a larger scale than those of his neighbors with small families. It contained two rooms. His family consisted of Mary, his wife, and nine children, viz. : Alexander, George W., Isaac, John, Nancy Mary, Malinda, Eliza and Susan. Of this family, George W. is a prominent business man of Baton Rouge, La., where he resides. He also retains many of the lots in the town of Cochran, near Aurora, which is built on property originally owned by him. Nancy is yet living in Aurora, at the age of seventy-one years, the wife of "Washington Stark. About this time came Martin Cozine and family, the Scott family, Thomas Horsley and family, Petite, and others. A family named Ensley, consisting of an old couple and one child, were here when Cochran came. They lived on the bank of the river, near the present residence of A. Lozier. Their cabin, a primitive structure of logs and the bark of trees, was the first habitation erected by a white man on the ground where Aurora now stands. There were many other cabins in the neighborhood; but in the opinion of Mrs. Stark, who remembers the location of all, Ensley' s was the only one within the present town limits. It scarcely rose to the dignity of a cabin, being a mere hut, but as it marked the begin- ning of a prosperous city, let this brief record, at least, be made of its pre- existence. It has long since passed away; the people who inhab- ited it have returned to earth, and this is all that remains. "Martin Cozine settled on what is now the James farm, on South Hogan; Horsley, Scott and Petite in the same neighborhood. Nicholas Cheek still lived below Wilson Creek, in the cabin first erected by him, but soon after Cochran came he built a small house out of hewed logs, probably the first one of the kind in the settlement. Francis, Page and Tavener, brothers of Nicholas Cheek, were here at that time. The bot- tom lands between this point and Petersburg, on the Kentucky side of the river, were cleared and the country in the interior quite thickly set- tled. Petersburg, formerly Tanner's Station, was an ambitious village. 26 434 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Lawrenceburgh was laid out and growing. Aurora was yet unborn. Among those who settled in this neighborhood from 1807 to 1812, and who have descendants still living here, may be mentioned the following: Charles Folbre, William Griffin, Thomas Billingsley, David Rees, Kob- ert Milburn, Samuel Elder, Eleazer Small and William Wymond. Vachel Lindsay and William Winters were also early settlers. The lat- ter lived for a number of years on the bottoms above Wilson Creek. Christopher Bingaman and Joseph Barlow were others. Barlow died some time ago near Burlington, Ky., at the age of 107 years. [Several of these settlors pi'obably were just over the line in other townships. — Editor. J EARLY RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL NOTES. The Bridges and Carroll families were early settlers of this township, the former residing at the mouth of Hogan Creek, and the latter north- east of Aurora. The houses of these families were the early preaching places of the Methodist local and circuit preachers. Ebenezer Church, a Regular Baptist, was constituted not far from the year 1820, and soon after a log meeting-house erected not far from the line dividing the townships of Center and INIanchester, which was one of the great preach- ing places for the settlers for miles around. One of the first schools of Center was taught in a little log-cabin schoolhouse that stood on the opposite side of the road from the stone house of Mrs. Worley, in the Ebenezer Church neighborhood. Joseph Dent was the first teacher here, and Mr. Robert Fowler, of Lawrence- burgh, was one of his pupils. Along about 1823 or 1824 a Mr. Cannon was keeping school in a cabin which had formerly been occupied as a dwelling, and stood south of Aurora, on the Judge Jesse N. Holman place. Probably 100 yards south of the cabin just mentioned the neigh- borhood a little later built a log schoolhouse, in which a Miss Green is remembered as the first teacher. In the western part of the township another hewed log schoolhouse was early built, and Everett Milburn is recalled as an early master in it. Gideon Cummings was engaged in teaching in the southern part of the township along Laughery Creek; also Samuel Hopping. Mt. Zion Meeting House, located in the Trester Graveyard, just over the line in Washington Township years ago, also served as a temple of learning. Servetis Tufts is remembered as having taught in this building. COCHRAN. The town of Cochran is situated on the south or right bank of South Hogan Creek, and adjoins the city of Aurora on the west, the town hav ing the advantage of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad and the Aurora CENTER TOWNSHIP. 435 & Laughery Turnpike, both of which pass through it. The most nota- ble industries are the large car works of the railroad mentioned, which cover several acres and give employment to hundreds of men, and the Cochran Chair Manufactory. The Ohio & Mississippi Eailroad was completed to this point in the spring of 1854, and to the building of this road and the location of the car shops here is Cochran indebted for its origin. The town was laid out on land in Section 31, Township 5, Range 1 west, the proprietor of which was George W. Cochran, who acknowledged the plat of the town (234 lots) August 25, 1860. The population in 1867 was shown to be 599, and in June of that year the county commissioners were petitioned by seventy voters of the place for incorporation. June 22 of that year an election of the citizens was held at the schoolhouse in the town to decide whether or not it should be incorporated. There were seventy-eight votes cast at this election in favor of incorporation, and none, we believe, against. The car shops at this place usually employ quite a large number of men, but the present pay-roll shows less than 150 steady workmen. The Cochran Chair Company was started some five years since, and has built up to be an institution of considerable magnitude, employing about seventy-five hands. The present postoffice was established July 4, 1878,. and under the successful management of A. P. Shultz has proven to be a great accommodation. A school and church are also found here, and many well built cottages adorn the surrounding eminences, prominent among the number being that of Erastus Downey. Altogether, the vil- lage claims about 1,000 inhabitants, and is rapidly building up. The Rev. E. G. Wood, pastor of the Aurora 31ethodist Episcopal Church, thus alludes to the origin of the church at Cochran, in his recently published sketch of the church at Aurora and vicinity: "Bat the bugle sound of prosperity is heard in the report of the trustees, February 8, 1851, viz. : * It is the opinion of the trustees that the house is not large enough to accommodate the usual audience, and that a new and larger church should be built.' And to see the still increasing enterprise of this rising society, the quarterly conference of October 29, 1853, appointed a committee, consisting of Brother Will F. Stevens and Rev. John W. Sullivan to solicit a lot on which to build a church at the machine shops, as an outpost for more aggressive work by this church, and I understand there is now a lot deeded to the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cochran for church purposes, and I wish to say that a small chapel now upon that lot would be of inestimable service ta our cause, not as a separate appointment nor self-supporting charge, but for occasional preaching, a Sabbath- school and social meetings. There are about forty families of our membership who live in Cochran. At 436 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. this same quarterly conference a cordial invitation was extended the Southeast Indiana Conference to hold its annual session here in 1854; and before they adjourned a motion was made to build a new church immediately." RIVER VIEW CEMETERY. The grounds of the Aurora Cemetery Association are located in the southeastern part of the township. The cemetery is on high and rolling ground, most beautifully fitted by nature for a city of the dead, over- looking the majestic Ohio and the historic Laughery Creek, with its beautiful wooded banks, gives it an attraction seldom surpassed. The graunds are interspersed with neat avenues and beautiful drives, and are dotted over with choice shrubbery, evergreens, and many costly and grand monuments. The cemetery was established in 1869, the organi - zation of the association taking place in the spring of that year. The incorporators were the following named: George Sutton, Francis Wy- mond, Josiah Chambers, John N. Milburn, Philip Wymond, Thomas Gaff, J. J. Bachman, H. W. Smith, W. F. Stephens, George Shockly, J. K. Wilcox, E. F. Sibley, Simon Siemantel, Jesse Younger, Nathaniel Dyke, C. D. Beinkamp, Richard Gregg, W. F. Bailey, A. Epstein Charles Baum and E. Christopher. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 437 CHAPTEK XX. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— Land Entries— Pioneers and Pio- neer Settlement— North's Landing— Millersburgh— Mills, Dis- tilleries, etc.— Schools, Churches and Graveyards. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP occupies a position in the eastern pai't of Ohio County, and comprises nearly one-half of the territory of the entire county. It is bounded on the north by Laughery Creek, which separates the counties of Dearborn and Ohio, on the east by the Ohio River, on the south by Switzerland County, and on the west by Cass and Union Townships. On the formation of Ohio County, in 1844, the county commissioners at their first session, held June 3, of that year, ordered that all of the territory of the county be embraced in one township, to be called Randolph Township. The following metes and bouDds were given it: "Beginning on the Ohio River on the section line between fractional Sections 25 and 36, Town 4, Range 1 west; thence west with said line to the northwest corner of Section 32; thence south to the northwest line between Range 1 and Range 2; thence south to the line dividing Switzerland and Dearborn Counties; thence east with said line to the Ohio River; thence up said river to the place of beginning." Prior to the organization of Ohio County, this was known as Randolph Township, Dearborn County, and originally, in addition to its present territory, it included the eastern tier of sections in the town- ship of Union, which were attached to Union, Dearborn County, in 1833. In 1845, when the boundary line between Dearborn and Ohio Counties was changed, a change was made in the metes and bounds of Randolph Township, leaving it as it is at present. land enteies. The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government with the year of sale and the purchasers' names, are set forth in the follow- ing list: (Where the entire section was not disposed of at one time, the succession of dates and names indicate the years when and names to whom portions of the section were sold.) Town 3 north, Range 1 west. 438 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Fractional Sections 1 and 2, and Section 3, sold April 9, 1801, to Lewis Davis and Benjamin Chambers. North half of Section 4, February 11, 1812, to David B. Close, and the rest in 1814, to David Close and John James. Section 5, in 1813, 1814 and 1815, to William Howlett, John Payne, Martin Stewart and John Dixon. Section 6, in 1815, to Peter White, Hugh Beatty, John Mounts, John Barricklow and Robert Espey. Section 7. in 1814, to Hugh Espey, and in 1815, to John Barricklow and Hugh Espy. Section 8, in 1814, to John Dairet and Robert Drake; in 1816, to Hugh Espey; in 1817, to Hugh Moore. Section 9, and fractional Sections 10 and 11, January 25, 1802, to Henry Cadberry. Fractional Section 15, in 1814, to P. S. Symmes, assigned to John James. Section 17, in 1804 and 1813, to Robert Ricketts, and, in 1814, to Hugh Espey, Sr., and Stephen Stewart. Section 18, in 1815, to John Dixon, and in 1816, to Samuel S. Scott, and Rufus Gordon, William Ross and Dillard Drake. Section 19, in 1815, to Richard J. Hale, Jacob Goodner; in 1816, to Nathan Ricketts and Willis Bates. Section 20, in 1815, to David Remer; in 1816, to Silas Howe and William Ross; in 1817, to Silas Howe; and, in 1827, to Calvin Mable. Fractional Sections 21 and 22, in 1813, to Lot North, Town 4 north. Range 1 west. Fractional Section 10, sold April 22, 1801, to Daniel Conner, and re- sold December 2, 1806, to O. Ormsby. (See Centre Township.) Fractional Sections 14, 15 and 16, sold July 20, 1801, to Joseph Wilkinson, and resold to Jesse Hunt, December 3, 1806. Section 17, in 1813 and 1814, to Benjamin Miles; in 1814, to Henry Miller, and, in 1818, to R. Taylor and Thomas Burns. Section 18, in 1813, to Michael and William Flake, and Squire Pe- teet; in 1814, to Richard Bailey; in 1815, to Jacob Smith and John Conner. Section 19, in 1813, to John and Farrington Barricklow and James Burke; in 1816, to John Hunt and F. Barricklow. Section 20, in 1814, to Thomas Stewart; in 1816, to James Warnock and Abijah Goodrich; in 1831, to William Higby. Section 21, in 1814, to Cols. William L. and J. D. Miller; in 1815, . to John Barricklow, and, in 1816, to Hugh Moore. Section 22, April 7, 1807, to Pay ton Short. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 439 Fractional Section 23, April 7, 1807, to Payton Short. Sections 25 and 26, May 27, 1801, to Israel Loring. Section 27, in 1816, to Jonathan Parks, Alex Abercrombie, William Bills, A. Dubois and Robert Duck. Section 28, in 1814, to John H. McCollough; in 1815, to Robert Espey, James Stewart and Charles English. Section 29, in 1816, to Ephraim Guard, Samuel Steel and James Hind; in 1830, to Isaac Dexter; in 1831, to Henry Collins; in 1833, to Elijah Lindsay. Section 30, sold in 1813, to John and FarringtonBarricklow; in 1814, to Isaac Dexter, and in 1815, to Isaac Dexter. Section 31, in 1814, to Peter Lonesteller, Asa Hamilton, James Buchanan and James Gibson. Section 32, in 1814, to Frederick Waldo, Noah Babbs and James Stewart; in 1815, to Jonathan Huntington and John English. Section 33, in 1813, to Claybourn Allen; in 1815, to Isaac Wilcot; in 1817, to Robert Elliott; in 1831, to Samuel M. Jelley. Section 34, in 1809, to David B. Close; in 1804, to Elorantbun Kem- per; in 1815, to David Close and Samuel M. Jelley. Section 35 and fractional Section 36, April 27, 1801, to James Find- lay. Township 3, Range 2 west. Section 1, sold in 1814, to James A, Walton; in 1817, to Robert Elliott; in 1827, to Andrew Douglass; in 1833, to David Herron, and, in 1834, to John W. Herron and Andrew Douglass. Section 12, in 1818, to John Embree and E, Hepburn; in 1816 to James Wood; in 1830, to Hugh Bodle; in 1831, to James Boyle and Lydia Wright, and, in 1834, to James Wishard and William Gray. Section 13, in 1814, to George Newton and Prince Athearn; in 1816, to Benjamin Dubois; in 1818, to J. Embree and E. Hepburn; in 1832, to James T. Pollock. Section 24, in 1813, to Robert Ricketts; in 1814, to Jacob Light, John Dewitt; in 1815, to Jacob Light. PIONEERS AND PIONEER SETTLEMENT. A number of the original purchasers of the lands of Randolph became actual settlers, improved the lands, played their part in trans- forming the wilderness into the beautiful and fertile fields amid the pri- vations and hardships of pioneer life, replaced the cabin with a substan- tial brick, the cumbersome log-stable with the commodious barn; gave up the sickle, the scythe and the cradle for the reaper and the mower, the "flail " for the steam-thresher, saw the wigwam of the savage give way 440 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. to the church; witnessed generations born to know only by tradition of the block-house, the trail of the Indian, and the wild animals; gave shape to the civil, political and religious history of the county, and at last, their bodies to the churchyard. Peace to their ashes. For much of the information under this head the wi'iter is indebted to the Centennial address delivered at Rising Sun, July 4, by George W. Morse and to the historical discourse of Rev. B. F. Morris, delivered in Rising Sun in 1856. The first white persons to take up their abode where Rising Sun now stands were John Fulton and his wife, their sons Samuel and Thomas and their families, and Christopher Huston and his family. This set- tlement was made in 1798, one year before Col. Benjamin Chambers, a government oflScer, arrived to survey the land preparatory to the offering by the government of the lands in the Northwest Territory, north of the Ohio River and east of the mouth of the Kentucky River, at public sale. Samuel Fulton, who was a resident of the immediate vicinity of Rising Sun for a full half century afterward, in the year 1798 built the first cabin in this vicinity, on the bank of the Ohio River, at the foot of what is now Sixth Street. Soon afterward Christopher Huston, a brother of Samuel Fulton's wife, built a cabin on the bank of the river, just below the foot of the present First Street. The sight occupied by it has been washed away by the current of the river for more than half a century. Thomas Fulton built a cabin on the bank of the river about midway between the other two, but in 1802 removed to the bank of Arnold's Creek, the location afterward known as the Thomas Nelson farm, and where the Indians often encamped and held their councils. Christopher Huston removed to the bank of Arnold's Creek, opposite what was afterward known as the James Boyle homestead. Samuel Ful- ton remained where he first located until about 1811, when he removed to the farm about one mile north of Rising Sun, where he resided at the time of his death in 1849. John Fulton was a native of Kilkenny, Ireland, and came with his father, when a mere youth, to Lancaster County, Penn. There were four sons in the family, John, Robert, Hugh and Andrew. The family were among the founders of the First Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, Penn., and their strong Presbyterian proclivities led to the opinion that they were of Scotch ancestry. John was apprenticed to a blacksmith, Robert to a tailor, and Hugh and Andrew to farmers. Robert afterward engaged in farming in Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, when his son Robert, who was the first to successfully apply steam to the pro- pulsion of vessels, was born in 1765. John Fulton married Jane Dills, who shared with him the vicissitudes RANDOLPH TOAVNSHIP. 441 of a most eventful life for a period of barely three years less than three score and ten, and they now sleep side by side in the "Fulton Burying Ground," one and a half miles north of Rising Sun, on the road to Au- rora. They remained residents of Lancaster County for several years. Their son, Samuel Fulton, was born in that county July 1, 1762. John Fulton took up arms in defense of the country of his adoption and was with Washington's troops at the capture of Trenton. He lived some fifty years after that, but length of years never lessened his contempt for Hessians or his hatred for Tories. After his service in the army of the Revolution, he removed his family to Northumberland County, Penn., then on the frontier, and encountered the perils of the period in the vicinity of the massacre at Wyoming. Mr. Fulton, his wife, and his sis- ter were carried into captivity by the Indians at this time, and he and his wife were held until the exchange at Quebec, a short time before the close of the war. Two of their children were killed by the Indians in the presence of their parents, being taken by their feet and having their brains dashed out against the trees, because, by reason of their youth, they were unable to keep up in traveling. The sister was given the privilege of escape by running the gauntlet. Two rows of young In- dians were formed, each with a whip in hand to scourge her as she passed between the lines. A whip was given her with the privilege to strike as she ran, and so well did she use it that her tormentors cheered her for her bravery. The life of the husband was spared that the In- dians and Tories might avail themselves of his skill as a blacksmith, and that of the wife that she might be their cook and servant. The cru- elties inflicted upon them in their captivity oftentimes made death more desirable than life, and engendered a hatred of Indians and Tories that never was modified. At the time of the captivity of the parents, Samuel Fulton, then only sixteen years old, was a member of a military company raised for local defense against the attacks of the prowling Indians, and known as scouts. His company came to his father's place only a few hours after the capture, and although they immediately started in pur- suit, they were unable to overtake the capturing party. Mr. Fulton, after six months' service as a scout, joined the militia authorized by Congress and served until the close of the war. At the close of the war the surviving members of the family were re- united and settled in Cumberland County, near Harrisburgh, when Samuel Fulton was married to Mary Huston, who shared with him the privations of pioneer life in Indiana for more than a third of a century. She died August 13, 1834, aged sixty-seven years. Their three eldest children were born in Cumberland County. Anna, who died in early womanhood; Jennie, who was the wife of Peter Allen, a pioneer of 442 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Laughrey Valley, and Mary, who was born March 7, 1793, married to Robert E. Covington, January 7, 1819, and died at Rising Sun, where she had lived for more than three-quarters of a century, July 26, 1875. In the summer of 1794 fche same party that made the first settlement in 1798, where Rising Sun now stands, left Cumberland County, Penn., for the west. On their journey they met Gen. Washington, who was on his way back to Philadelphia from a visit to the troops encamped at Bed- ford preparatory to a march against the whisky insurgents in western Pennsylvania. Washington inquired of them what part of the country they came from and their destination, which then was Washington County, Penn., thanked them for their services as soldiers and wished them prosperity in their new homes. This meeting with Washington was a pleasure to which both father and sou often referred. They remained in Washington County but little over one year, and in the spring of 1796 descended the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers and landed at Newport, Ky. , with a view of locating at Lexington, Ky., where a brother of Mr. Fulton had previously engaged in merchandising. They remained at Newport about two years and then located on the present site of Rising Sun, as already stated, in 1798. Col. Chambers secured the large tract of land extending for some miles on the river front, from the old school section at the mouth of Arnold's Creek to a point above Laughrey Island, and embraced the large tracts afterward owned by the Browns, the Jameses, the Lorings and the Smiths. The tract so long occupied by Samuel Fulton was contracted for with Col. Chambers, but afterward embraced in the sales to the Browns with a reservation that they should convey to Fulton. The deed to Sam- uel Fulton is from Roger Brown, and bears date March 20, 1815. It is now in the possession of his grandson, S. F. Covington, and is an ancient appearing document. Three of the ten persons — five men and five women who comprised the entire membership of the Presbyterian Church at its organization in Rising Sun, September 12, 1816, were Samuel Fulton, Mary Fulton, his wife, and Jane Fulton, his mother. The children and grandchildren of the parents and grandparents who participated in the organization of the First Presbyterian Church, in Lancaster, Penn., participated in the organization of the first Presbyterian Church in Rising Sun, Ind., more than half a century afterwai'd. Before the organization of the Presby- terian Church in Rising Sun, and perhaps afterward, until a regular house of worship was secured, Col. Fulton opened his house for public worship. He was known on several occasions, between 1804 and 1808. to have rowed a canoe to Cincinnati to bring from that city Rev. Joshua L. Wilson, or the Rev. James Kemper or the Rev. David Risk to preach RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 443 to them in either his cabin or that of Col. Chambers, and afterward take them home by the same conveyance. The mode would be considered impracticable now, but it was the most comfortable and expeditious mode at that time. Pirogues and canoes were made useful for other purposes, as well as conveying ministers to congregations. In the winter of 1805 Col. Fulton made a large party for his neighbors. Col. Chambers being one of the invited guests hitched his oxen to a large pirogue, and with all his family and a few friends in it, gave a merry sleigh -ride to the party. This was a common conveyance during the season of sleighing. Quite a contrast with the elegant sleighs of the present time. Before there were any stores or trading establishments to exchange such supplies as were needed by the settlers for furs and peltries, Col. Fulton would gather them in and send them on pack horses to Lexing- ton, Ky. ; that place, at that time, being a more desirable market both for selling and buying than Cincinnati. Mrs. Fulton had a brother, a merchant in Lexington, whom they occasionally visited. Having a family of small children, husband and wife could not leave home on such a jour- ney at the same time, mainly on account of the presence of so many Indians who, though professing friendship, were not to be trusted, Mrs. Fulton sometimes made this journey alone, but always combined business with pleasure. Placing such articles as she had for sale on one or more pack horses, and riding another, she went to Lexington, made her social and business calls, exchanged her merchandise for supplies, and returned in the same way. It was usually a three day's journey each way, but there were settlements at convenient distances by persons with whom she was acquainted, and from whom she received the most cordial hos- pitality. Her daughter, Mrs. Mary Covington, during her life time, frequently referred to these journeys, and spoke of the store goods brought home by her mother. Finery and fashions were looked after then as well as now. The ornamental and useful were both sought. Mrs. Covington remem- bered that on one occasion her mother bought her "a love of a bonnet," and her father a rifle to be used for procuring meat and as a defense against the Indians. The quantities of goods brought from Lexington was very small. Most of the clothing was made at home. Wool for winter clothing was gotten from sheep that had to be brought in the house at night, or put in a pen with great fires around it to protect them from the wolves. The summer clothing was made almost wholly of the prod- uct of the flax-patch, though occasionally small patches of cotton were raised. Mr. S. F. Covington now has a counterpane, the cotton of which was 444 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. planted, cultivated, carded, spun, woven and elaborately ornamented with needlework, with a spread eagle in the center, and the date, 1812, by his mother, a daughter of Col. Fulton. Military organizations were a necessity for proper and efficient defense against the Indians. Col. Fulton was appointed by Gen. Har- rison, then Territorial governor, captain of the first company organized in this section. His commission is dated August 5, 1803, and is now in possession of one of his descendants. He was afterward appointed by Gen. Harrison colonel of the Third Regiment of the militia of the State. At that time there were but three regiments organized in the State — one in the vicinity of Vincennes, one in the vicinity of Charleston in Clark County, and the other embraced within the territory now composing the counties of Switzerland, Ohio, Dearborn, Ripley and Franklin. At the organiza- tion of the civil government in the State, he was appointed by Gen. Harrison one of the three justices of the peace then assigned to Dearborn County. His jurisdiction as justice embraced a large territory, and as a consequence all the differences between neighbors for miles around were referred to him. Saturday was set apart as law day, and on that day the whole neighborhood would congregate at the residence of Squire Fulton. His invariable practice was to discourage litigation, and it was always understood that if parties compromised their differences, he made no charge of costs. He was the arbiter of the whole neighborhood, and such was the estimation in which his character to do justice was held, that during the many years he held office there was not a single appeal from his judgment. He was one of the first two associate judges who sat upon the circuit bench of Ohio County, having been elected to that position by the almost unanimous vote of his fellow citizens. He occupied the place until his failing health made it necessary for him to resign. Eleven children were born to Samuel Fulton and wife — nine daugh- ters and two sons. Three of the daughters, namely, Mrs. Sarah Welch, aged eighty-two; Mrs. Frances Thompson, aged seventy-four, and Mrs. Eliza Peck, aged seventy-one, are still living in 1885. John Fulton, son of Samuel, died at the age of seventy years; William Fulton, son of Samuel, died at the age of sixty eight years; John Fulton, the father of Samuel, died at the age of ninety-seven years, and Jane, his wife, at the age of ninety- three years. Col. Fulton maintained during a long and eventful life an unim- peachable public and private moral character. It is a strong evidence of the purity and strength of his principles, that in the early settlement of this country, where there were so many inducements to lead astray, he was uniformly temperate and moral. In all the relations of life, he acted with fidelity, and lived and died an honest man, "the noblest work of God." RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 445 In the spring of 1799 Benjamin Chambers, a government officer, planted the surveyor's compass and carried the measuring chain over the land on which stands the present city of Rising Sun. He was a native of Chambersburg, Penn. His father was a prominent patriot and officer in the Revolutionary war, and the family was distinguished for intelligence, social position and Christian virtues. He surveyed the plat of ground in 1799, with other adjacent tracts, and it was patented to him and Lewis Davis subsequently. He built a double log-cabin on the river bank, north of the foot of Sixth Street (above the old cotton factory) to which he removed his family in 1803, and planted a peach orchard, which for many years afforded abundant fruit to the pioneers and their descendants. In 1809 he removed his family to New Law- renceburg, then Edinborough, having exchanged his lands with John James for others at the place mentioned. Mr. Chambers was commissioned by the Continental Congress an ensign in the First Pennsylvania Regiment, in 1778, when not fifteen years of age; and in 1779 was made lieutenant, and was from the date of his first commission, in active service until the close of 1780. He was dis- tinguished for gallant bearing on the field of battle, and his mature life by high intelligence and courtly manners. His society was agreeable and fascinating to all. In 1799 Benjamin Avery located in the township, purchasing of Col. Chambers the lands which are now a part of the estate of D. G. Rabb, adjoining the northern limits of Rising Sun. In the year 1798 there arrived from Lexington, Ky., Robert and Jesse Drake, with their families. They first settled on Grant's Creek, but in 1800 Robert removed to a point on the river opposite the foot of Laughery Island. Two years afterward he moved to the land now owned by James Clark, on Arnold's Creek, where, in 1803, Mr. Enoch Drake, his son, was born. To the latter gentleman, who is still able to do a day's work at his trade of wagon-making, the author is indebted for notes and incidents of the early times. He now resides in Rising Sun. About the year 1810 Jesse Drake removed to what is now known as the James Hastings' place, northeast quarter of Section 2, Town 3, Range 2, where he kept tavern for several years (Cass Township). On removing to a point on the river opposite Laughery Island, Mr. Drake built a cabin, obtaining from the island boards enough to lay the floor and loft. These boards were relics or remnants of a flat-boat, and were pierced by numerous bullet holes. The settlement of the Brown family in the vicinity of Rising Sun may be said to have commenced in the winter of 1802-03, and was made under the following circumstances, the Browns being residents of 446 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Connecticut, and in the spring of 1802, Ethan Allen Brown had been admitted to the bar: "At that period the tide of emigration was westward, and Brown being possessed of an adventurous turn of mind, caught the fever, and soon after his admission to the bar, started for the West, in company with his cousin Capt. John Brown, who afterward settled on a farm in Kentucky, opposite North Bend, and became distinguished in the polit- ical annals of his adopted State. Taking with them a considerable sum of money, they proceeded on horseback through Pennsylvania, where the old military and Indian roads furnished superior inducements to travel- ers. When they reached Brownsville, then called Redstone, Penn., they purchased two flat-boat loads of flour, with which they went to New Orleans, stopping on the way at the tract of land upon which the town of Rising Sun was afterward surveyed and laid out. Arriving at New Orleans with their cargo and not finding a market, they shipped their flour on the sailing vessel 'Rebecca,' and took passage on the same for Liverpool, England, and having disposed of their merchandise, returned to Baltimore, Md., in September. In the fall of the same year (1802), Ethan Allen Brown received instructions from his father, to explore the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, for the purpose of selecting a large tract of land upon which the family could settle. Brown was not long in carrying out the wishes of his father, for in December, 1802, he pur- chased of Benjamin Chambers several thousand acres of land surrounding the spot where he had landed the summer before while on his way to New Orleans. David Brown, an elder brothei', immigrated to the place soon after, and with the assistance of Ethan and one or two of their Kentucky neighbors cleared about six acres during the winter of 1802-03. On a part of this the old homestead house now stands. Roger Brown, Jr. , another brother, came to the place ia 1810, and his father with the rest of the family in 1814. Under the culture of industrial art and taste, that forest land, which, until his death in 1872, was in the possession of Henry Brown, Esq., a worthy descendant, has been transformed into a beautiful and tasteful 'Parterre' farm, which was under the latter's occupancy as it had been under its previous ownership, the seat of a generous hospitality, the humble and the poor receiving the same kind and differential courtesy as the noted and the wealthy. This family was intelligent and hospitable, and all of its members lived in the hon- orable respect of their neighbors and died with the sorrow of the com- munity." Robert Brown, Sr., was an earnest friend of human rights, and sided with the colonists during the struggle for Independence. He was born in 1734, and died in 1816, the inscription on his tombstone declares RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 447 that he was " beloved by his relatives, respected by his friends, an hon- est man and a true Republican. ' ' The son, Ethan Allen Brown, was thoroughly educated in his youth, and on reaching his majority he determined to attach himself to the legal profession; for some time he studied in Darien, his place of nativ- ity, and subsequently went to New York and entered the office of Gen. Alexander Hamilton, then in the zenith of his power and usefulness. Ethan Allen Brown was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1802, pass- ing a highly creditable examination. During the year 1804, he located at Cincinnati, Ohio, and at once entered upon the practice of his pro- fession. From the beginning his was a career of prosperity at the bar, having an extensive practice, yielding him a large income for those times. He was a worthy compeer of the Burnetts, Estes, Hi leys, Symmes and McLeans, who "ruled the circuit" of southern Ohio. He rose to honor- able distinction in the civil service of his country. The marble shaft, over his grave, bears the following inscription, a fitting tribute to his life and character; Ethan Allen Brown, A man distinguished during a long life by devotion to the service of his country, in the oflSce of Judge of the Supreme Court, Governor of the State of Ohio, Senator of the United States, Commissioner of the United States Land Office, Envoy to Brazil, etc., and more highly distinguished as one whose unblemished character, whose truthfulness and purity of heart and life, reflected honor on offices, which are supposed to confer honor on their incumbents. Was born in Connecticut In the year 1776. Died at Indianapolis, Feby. 24, 1852. Upon retiring from this position, Gov. Brown returned to the West, removing from Ohio November 1, 1836, to the township of Randolph, Ohio Co., Ind. Here he found a happy home, near the grave of his honored father. His time was employed in managing the homestead estate, with its broad, luxuriant fields and pastures, and in caring for and comforting an elder afflicted brother and aged sister. He also gave con- siderable attention to literary pursuits, having an extensive correspond- ence with the public men of the nation, and with several of the learned societies of the East. While a resident of Indiana, he held but one public office, that of member of the General Assembly of 1842. Some of the descendants of the Browns are still living in Ohio County, Ind., in the old burying ground, at which place rest the remains of those above mentioned. In 1802 Thomas Fulton settled on Arnold Creek, in the southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 4, Range 1 west, known at the present by the name of the "Nelson Place." On this land the Indians used to 448 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. encamp on their visits to this part of the State, up to the time of the war of 1812. John Moulton and family, in the year 1802, settled at the mouth of Arnold's Creek on land now in the possession of James North. His son, Benjamin, in his life-time, referred to his nearest neighbors as being Thomas Mounts, Samuel Fulton, and Jesse and Eobert Drake. The Moultons were from the State of Kentucky. Some time prior to 1804 or in that year, the father of James McCon- nell, who some years since kept the toll-gate near the Laughery Creek bridge, settled about two miles below Rising Sun, and in that locality James was born in 1804. He says "about 1812 the neighbors forted at his father's house. Indians had come in on the Laugbery about Hart- ford and committed depredations. The people would follow farming during the day, and for security would resort to the fort at night. A little incident that was right funny at the time, happened while people were forted up at a block-house on Maj. McGuire's farm. While in the block-house they got short of meat, and some of them went down to a deer lick a mile from the house; they had followed up this lick to a bluff that was higher up. A little above this was a tree which had been blown down, one part of it looked like an Indian with his gun pointed. They were all mounted on a scaffold fifteen feet high, when Purcell see- ing it shouted ' Indian boys! ' 'Indian boys! ' One Livingston undertook to climb down, when the scaffold pole broke and down they all fell, one of them breaking the lock of his gun in the fall. This one not having seen the supposed Indian started toward him, when they all shouted, 'you're going right toward him.' He speedily turned and made for the block- hovise hot foot. The others recovering presence of mind in their fall, investigated the tree, found the Indian was nothing but a root, remained, and got a deer. Horse-stealing in those days was a favorite pursuit of the Indians." In the year 1807 John James, from Frederick County, Md., settled at Lawrenceburgh, and two years later exchanged his lands located there, with Col. Chambers for the land on which Rising Sun now stands. In December, 1811, John James removed his family to the latter place, but in consequence of fears entertained of Indian depredations, he removed thence in May, 1812, to Louisville, Ky., where they remained until the fall of 1813; Pinkney, the eldest son, and the father returned to share the dangers of the inhabitants, and assist in their defense. This was the period of trouble with the Indians. Referring to their settlement at Rising Sun, the late Henry James said: "At that time father owned a large tract of land where Rising Sun now stands, and he and his boys went back and foi'th from Cincinnati to RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 449 this place as the occasion required. We had our bachelor home where William Goldson now lives. The Indians were so troublesome that we crossed the river at night, and many a night did I pass in an old hollow tree on the Kentucky shore. The remainder of the family came to our house in the wilderness on Christmas day, 1811, which was but a short time after the battle of Tippecanoe. The Indians were hostile, but the settlers were often needlessly alarmed. Several times the people living out on the hills became alarmed, thinking the Indians were coming, and they fled toward the river, and alarmed the whole settlement with the appalling cry, 'Indians ! Indians !' On such occasions we made ready all the "dug-outs" and skiflfs that we possessed, and either awaited fur- ther developments or rowed over to the sand bar or Kentucky shore. "In consequence of the hostile attitude of the Indians, whether real or fancied, father removed his family to Louisville, he and Pinkney returning to the settlement. " * * * Mr. James became the founder of Rising Sun, and with its interests himself and sons became closely identified. Further remarks concern- ing them will be found in the sketch of Rising Sun. Robert Ricketts settled in the township quite early. During the period of the Indian frights his cabin, which was located on the lands now owned by Lester Lostutter in Section 16 was often used as a place of defense and resort. Mr. Ricketts was one of the mounted rangers. William Ricketts died May 27, 1839, aged seventy-three years. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, was severely wounded in an engage- ment in Mingo Bottom in 1791. He settled in the county in 1814. William Dorrel and family settled in the township on what is now the George Scranton place, where he opened up a farm. At the time of his arrival, in the neighborhood of 1810-12, thex-e were but a few fam- ilies residing along the strip of country between Rising Sun and Allens- ville in Switzerland County. He was a Pennsylvanian, though at an early day removed to Ohio, where he married, and from thence came to this section. The following concerning the early history of the township near the mouth of Grant's Creek appeared in the Centennial issue of the Recorder: "About the year 1802 or 1803, Col. Johnson with a company of men from Kentucky, crossed the river at what is now IS'orth's Landing, for the purpose of breaking up a band of Indians who were in the habit of crossing the river and stealing horses, and committing other depreda- tions in Kentucky, and then crossing back with their booty, where they felt that they were safe. They had a kind of rendezvous at the Lick, close by the present residence of S. R. Wilson, where they made salt, 27 450 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. aad shot the unwary deer when they came to sip the saline water. To this point Col. Johnson cautiously directed his steps, and before reach- ing the lick began to see unmistakable evidence of his close proximity to an Indian camp The Indians, however, seemed to be apprised of their coming and had concealed themselves amid the brush and weeds on the hill side opposite Mr. Wilson's. Two squaws and an old Indian were left at the spring, apparently boiling water for salt. Some of the advance espied the trio by the spring, and thirsting for vengeance, and having the pride and ambition to be the slayer of a red skin, shot the old man. The warriors on the hill side now began to make it apparent that there was work to be done if they were routed; not a very decided stand was made by Col. Johnson, from the fact the Indians were more formidable than he antici- pated, and the river was between him and safety. One of two brothers named Grant was shot. Col. Johnson and his men retreated hastily to the river, the brother of the slain Grant here first missed his brother, and, failing to induce the party to return, started back alone; but one of the party joined him (whose name I have not been able to learn). These two were also killed. The party crossed the river and most of them returned to their homes, but a part of them recrossed the river three days afterward and proceeded to the lick and buried their fallen comrades. The Indians had also retreated, not even scalping their vic- tims. Tradition says not how many Indians were slain. The slain Grants gave name to the creek and lick. "Thomas Mounts, the well-known spy and pioneer, settled here in 1806. He never cast aside his buckskin moccasins, and the cat-like tread acquired during his earlier years clung to him his entire life. His wife, who shared with him all the hardship and adventure of his pioneer life, was a daughter of Col. Crawford, who was burned at the stake- at or near Chillicothe, Ohio, by the Indians, " Samuel Curry came in 1808 or 1809, and settled on the farm where Samuel Lostutter now lives. A block-house was built there as a place of safety during threatened Indian troubles. It was used as a stable by Peter Lostutter for many years after he bought the farm. Henry AVal- lick, and a few others, came a little later. Thomas North rode through on horseback from West Point, N. Y., in the fall of 1814, and entered the fractional section just below the mouth of Grant's Creek. He returned to New York, and did not occupy the farm until 1826. His son, Royal F. North, however, came out in 1815 and remained two years. In 1828 he and his family moved on the farm. *' In 1815, the prospect of peace, and the population becoming suffi- cient to insure protection against the Indians, the country began to fill RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 451 up very rapidly. Lot North entered the fractional section just above the mouth of Grant's Creek, and removed with his entire family upon it, including sons and sons-in-law. Peter Lostutter entered the half section on the corner of which Grant's Creek Church now stands. Mr. Stewart, father of Col. William Stewart, of Quercus Grove, Henry Kelly, John Gibbons and others came about the same time. Most of those entering land, had barely enough to pay the amount required by government, and made the other payments by making ' black salts,' and, boating them to Cincinnati in a pirogue. Lot North and his sons established a ferry, and for a number of years it was a noted crossing-place." James Clement, a native of New York, born in 1798, and in 1815 settled west of Rising Sun. His death occurred in 1880. Uncle George Beatty, who, in 1881, was still living, settled in the western part of the township in 1815, in Section 6. But few trees had then been felled in the county, at least in that neighborhood. The family put up a cabin with but a single room, in which they lived until 1825, when they built and moved into a two-story hewed log-house, which is yet standing, and in a good state of preservation. A few acres of gronnd were cleared and a peach orchard started by planting peach stones, and in a few years they had an abundance of most delicious peaches. They dried many, which sold for 50 cents per bushel; large quantities were distilled into brandy, which sold at 50 cents per gallon. The deer and bear were plenty in those days, and Uncle George became a noted huntex*. In 1816 or 1817, John Gibson — the father of George and Hugh — and John Kittle, told Uncle George they had been deer hunting and both aimed at and shot a deer at the same time; the deer ran a short distance and fell down, and they went up and cut its throat, but in a few moments it got up and ran off, and they lost it. Uncle George said they were truthful boys, and he questioned them closelj, and found they had hit the buck, one on one side, and the other on the other side. I thought the deer was enchanted, but eight weeks after I killed a big buck, he had a monstrous big frame, but was poor, and that attracted my attention. I examined him closely, and to my surprise, found two bullet scars, one on each side of his back, and on looking at his throat, I found it had been cut by the windpipe, and had just healed up. That satisfied me that the boys told the truth, and this was the same buck they had tried to kill. Maj. Hugh Espey, from Pennsylvania, settled in the township inl 816, bringing with him from Pittsburgh, the machinery for a mill which he built m that year, some three miles distant from Rising Sun, on the Milton road. 452 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The same year Benjamin Van Osdol, coming down the river by boat to Rising Sun from the State of Pennsylvania effected a settlement some three miles west of that place. north's landing.* In 1831 the first postoffice was authorized and called Grant's Creek, with R. F. North, postmaster; he and his family retained the office^thirty- f our years. In 1805 they voluntarily relinquished the office. The name of the office was then changed to North's Landing, and N. H. North was appointed postmaster, and holds the office yet. Thomas and Lot North were both Revolutionary soldiers, both are buried in the same grave yard, but each upon the land entered by them from Congress. Peter Lostutter is also buried upon the land of which he was the original purchaser; in fact most early settlers made the mistake of wanting their remains to rest upon their own lands. There has been no marked improvement about North's Landing excepting the enlargement of his store by N. H. North; two rooms are finished off above, one for Morning Star Lodge, F. & A. M., the other for Darius Grange, P. of H., and the building of the North's Landing & Quercus Grove Turnpike, and the North's Landing and Rising Sun gravel road, the latter of which ought to be a matter of pride to any community. MILLERSBUEG.* The village bearing the above name, aod in which the writer of this brief history was born, is situated about three miles below Rising Sun. It took its name from James Miller and brothers, who for many years resided there. Among the first settlers there and in the immediate vicinity, were Beverly Miller (father of the above Millers), Ashel North, Levi North, William H. Powell and Abijah North, Beverly Miller, locat- ed near Millersburg about 1820. At that time it was a point of little note. In 1832 almost the entire neighborhood formed a copartnership, built a large stone mill, which for many years did the grinding for a large scope of country. It was first-class for its time, and the building would be a credit to any community at the present time. A distillery was added in 1845, and a few years later it was burned down and never rebuilt. About the year 1828 James Miller opened out a dry goods and grocery store in this place, and continued in the business until the year 1868, a period of forty years, when he sold his stock of goods and real estate and removed to Rising Sun. At one time Jonathan Howe carried on the mercantile business here, but finally closed out and removed to Sugar Creek, Ky. The stores of Miller and Howe were the only ones *From Centennial issue of the Recorder. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 453 ever cai'ried on in Millersburg. About 1846, quite an extensive manu- factory of tobacco was carried on at Millersburg, at which time, and for several years the village was one of the best business points for miles along the Ohio River. In addition to the stores mentioned there was a blacksmith shop, wagon shops, and part of the time a physician was located there, two of whom I remember, Dr. J. B. Girard and Dr. Cross, who was a surgeon in the Mexican war. Millersburg, from 1840 to 1858, was a flourishing little town, having a population of about fifty. It has been a prominent shipping point for many years, and numerous flat-boats have received their cargoes there for Southern markets. The village has lost much^of its business reputation in latter years, but it will long retain its name among the lively little towns that have seen their day and passed into history. Its citizens were plain and unassuming, not boasting of wealth nor extraordinary ability, yet some of them have been chosen to fill public places of trust and honor; among whom we mention William H. Powell, State senator at one time; Abijah and James North, representatives in the State Legislature; O. H. Miller, for seventeen years county clerk and auditor of this county. Of the old citizens who resided in Millersburg for thirty- five or forty years, none are left unless it be James North. MILLS, DISTILLERIES, ETC. George Beatty, in an early day, operated a copper still on his place, and manufactured peach brandy. Fifty years ago, or more, John and Farrington Barricklow were con- ducting a number of industries on what is now the Gregg farm, in the northwestern part of the township, which was quite a business center. They carried on a blacksmith shop, had in operation a mill and carding machine run by a tread-wheel and horse-power, and had a potter shop. Hall's Mills, three miles from Rising Sun, on the Milton road, was an important business point sixty years ago, with mill, store and blacksmith shop in successful operation. The mill has been built there four times. It has been idle now for some years. The first mill was erected in 1816, by Maj. Hugh Espey, who came to this State in that year from Pennsylvania, bringing with'him from Pittsburgh the ma- chinery for the mill, or rather a part of it. In 1832 a number of persons at Millersburg joined together and built a large stone mill, which for many years did the grinding for a large scope of country. The mill was a first-class one for its time, and the building would be a credit to any community at the present time. In 1815 a distillery was added, and a few years later both were destroyed by fire, and never rebuilt. 454 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. In referring to the mills in the vicinity of Rising Sun, in 1838, a writer speaks of "A North's Mill, located about two miles and a half from town, on the river; steam-power, with three runs of buhrs; consumes 18,000 bushels per annum, yielding 3,000 barrels of flour, corn, 3,000 bushels, making an aggregate of 21,000 bushels of grain per annum. Espey's Mill has water-power, two run of buhrs, grinds about 5,000 bushels per annum as an average." On Arnold's Creek, in the western part of the township, was located the grist-mill of a Mr. Hayden, which was in operation early in the his- tory of that settlement. On the same stream, near Rising Sun, John James built an early mill, which was carried on by Nathaniel Robinson. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND GKAVEYARDS. One of the early schools in the western part of the township was in the Dexter neighborhood, buiU of logs, and styled the Dexter [School- house. Mr. A. J. Barricklow attended school in this building, and has a reward of merit obtained there, which bears date of May 22, 1830, signed by C. Lindsay, and reads: "This is to certify that Jackson Bar- ricklow is a good boy and attends to his book." An early schoolhouse was built in the vicinity of Salem Church. Mr. A. J. Barricklow, now residing in the township, is one of the old-time school teachers. He has served the people of Randolph Township as an instructor for about twenty-eight years, beginning his profession in 1848, teaching, princi- pally, in the northern part of the township; Salem, Maple Grove and Collins' Schoolhouse being the main ones. About one and a half miles southwest of the Salem Church is located one of the first places of burial in that portion of the county. This was on the Farrington Barricklow land, and in point of age is identical with the old place of burial in the northwestern corner of the township, on the Laughery Creek, called the Bailey Graveyard. A lettered tombstone in the latter yard indicates that Lewis Bailey was born in Massachu- setts in 1754, and died in 1817. Among others buried at this place are Rachel, wife of Hezekiah S. Bailey, born in 1801, died in 1879; Heze- kiah S. Bailey, born in 1795, died in 1825; Mary Bailey, born in 1758, died in 1819; Enoch Squibb died in 1832, aged fifty -nine years; James Squibb died in 1839, aged sixty- nine years; Mary Packenham died in 1852, aged seventy-six years; Robert Packenham died in 1825, aged sixty-nine years. The Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, located in the northern part of the township, is an old society, and is the outgrowth of a Methodist class held in the cabin homes of some of the pioneer settlers of that RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. 455 neighborhood sixty or more years ago, when on the old Lawrenceburgh Circuit, and the pioneer preachers came perhaps once in four or six weeks, and at other times the pulpit was filled by some of the local min- isters. For a period of years the old neighborhood schoolhouse served the society as a house of woi'ship. In the summer season woods meet- ings were occasionally held. The present brick house of worship was built in the summer of 1855. The land on which the church stands, in- cluding the burying ground, was formerly the property of William Wade. The graveyard to the left and rear of the church was established at about the time of the erection of the meeting-house as a regularly laid out and incorporated public cemetery, by a company of persons, and among the barials here made, are numbered many that were identified with the church's history. Of the aged buried in this yard can be men- tioned Mary, wife of David Gaskill, who died in 1865, aged eighty- sis years; William Gerard died in 1874, aged eighty-three years; Aaron Maryman died in 1874, aged seventy years; Joseph Stockdale died in 1878, aged seventy-two years; William S. Hannah died in 1880, aged seventy -six years; Rachael Whiteford died in 1876, aged sixty-eight years; Farrington Barricklow, born in 1777, died in 1861; Elizabeth, wife of Farrington Barricklow, born in 1799, died in 1879; Deborah, wife of Henry Collins, died in 1868, aged seventy-five years; John Barricklow,. born in 1800, died in 1873; Permelia Welch died in 1861, aged seventy- nine years; Sarah (Ray) Pate died in 1867, aged seventy-five years. 456 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTEE XXL MILLER TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— Disposition of Lands by the Govern- ment—Pioneer Settlements and N otes— Mills, Churches, Grave- yards AND Schools. MILLEE TOWNSHIP is bounded on the north by Logan and Harri- son Townships, on the east by the State of Ohio, on the south by Lawrenceburgh Township and on the west by Kelso, York and Manchester Townships. The township was organized in March, 1834, created out of the township of Lawnenceburgh and designated as Township 6, Range 1, it being a Congressional township and contained thirty-six sections of land. Miller then comprised, in addition to its present territory, the east- ern portion of York (nearly three sections), which it lost on the forma- tion of that township in 1841, and three and a half-sections located in the southeastern part of the township, now a part of Lawrenceburgh Township which the latter acquired in 1850. The metes and bounds of the township as established by the commissioners in 1852, were as fol- lows, which have not since been materially changed: Beginning at the northeast corner of Congressional Township 6, Range 1 west, running thence south on the State line dividing Indiana and Ohio to the south- east corner of Section 24 in said Township 6 ; thence west to the southwest corner of Section 24 in said Township 6; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 26 in said Township 6, Range 1 west; thence west on the east and west line dividing Sections 26 and 35, to where a line drawn north and south through the center of Section 27 strikes said line; thence south to the Congressional Township line dividing Congressional Town- ships 6 and 5, Range 1 west; thence west to the southwest corner of said Congressional Township 6, Range 1; thence north on the line dividing Ranges 1 and 2 to the southern line of lands owned by Samuel and Virgil Dowden, being a fifty- acre tract on the north end of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 6, Range 1; thence east on the eastern and southern line of said Dowden's land to the east and west of section line dividing Sections 19 and 30 in said Township 6; thence east on said line to the southeast corner of said Section 19; thence north on the north and south section lines dividing Sections 19 and 20, to the west fork of Tan- MILLER TOWNSHIP. 457 ner's Creek; thence down said fork to the junction of the north and west fork of Tanner's Creek; thence up the north fork of Tanner's Creek to where a north and south line drawn through the center of Section 7, Township 6, Range 1 strikes said fork. DISPOSITION OF LANDS BY THE GOVEKNMENT. Below is set forth the disposition of the lands of the township made by the government with the dates of sale and the names of the persons to whom sold: Township 6, Range 1 west. A portion of section 1 sold in 1809, to Michael Shanks; in 1811, to John Garrison; in 1817, to Enoch Jackson; in 1818, to Isaac Hills; in 1833, to John L. Jacobs. A portion of Section 2, in 1806, to Jacob R. Compton; in 1814, to John Harper and Elijah Garrison; in 1815, to Joseph Harper. A portion of Section 3, in 1814, to James White and John McCon- nell; in 1815, to George Farmer; in 1816, to John Gibson. A portion of Section 4, in 1817, to Joseph Rainsburg and David Bowles; in 1818, to Abner Graham; in 1831, to Joseph Wollen; in 1832 to William Vance, and in 1835, to James Garrison. A portion of Section 5, in 1817, to R. Ulearer and Richard Weaver; in 1835, to James A. Goota and Joseph Lynch; in 1836, to George Cook and Levi B. Swan ; in 1833, to James Gladden. A portion of Section 6, in 1818, to William Barr; in 1831, to Thomas Haddleston. A portion of Section 7 (part in York Township), in 1815, to Robert Hunt and Ebenezer Rogers; in 1818, to John Burke and John Smith. A portion of Section 8, in 1813, to John Dawson; in 1815, to Samuel Hutchinson; in 1817; to Raliff Bogert; in 1818, to William Smith, also to him in 1836; in 1834, to Christopher Gibson, and in 1835, to William W^ hi taker. A portion of Section 9, in 1815, to Reuben Sutton; in 1816, to Levi and Thomas Bracken ; in 1817, to Joseph White; in 1824, to James Garri- son; in 1832, to Caleb Osborn; in 1833; to William Liddle. A portion of Section 10, in 1815, to Jerry Murphy and Joseph Stroud; in 1817, to Aaron R. Bonham; in 1827, to Daniel Wood; in 1834, to Isaac Fuller. A portion of Section 11, in 1804, to Noble Butler; in 1811, to Isaac Henderson; in 1812, to John Sheared; in 1816, to John White. A portion of Section 12, in 1809, to Michael Shanks; in 1814, to John Barkalow; in 1815, to James Fuller; in 1817, to Samuel McHenry. A portion of Section 13, in 1804, to Thomas Millet; in 1808, to Will- 458 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. iam Torrence and Thomas Fuller; in 1812, to John and Sarah Fuller; in 1813, to James White. A portion of Section 14, in 1804 and 1815, to Robert McConnell; in 1817, to Jacob Parke. A portion of Section 15, in 1814, to Silas Garrison; in 1826, to John Goodwin; in 1829, to Walter Hayes; in 1830, to John Goodwin; in 1831, to James Smith and Mathew Swan. A portion of Section 17, in 1811 and 1817, to John Ewbank; in 1817, to Thomas Price. A portion of Section 20, in 1806, to John Dawson; in 1814, to Na- thaniel Tucker; in 1817, to John Ewbank and John Dawson. A portion of Section 21, in 1814, to Michael Shanks; in 1825, to Joseph Parke; in 1826, to John Loper; in 1830, to Ezekiel Jackson; in 1831, to Ezekiel and Enoch M. Jackson. A portion of Section 22, in 1811, to Abraham Garrison; in 1809, to Abijah Hayes; in 1815, to Ezekiel Jackson. A portion of Section 23, in 1804, to Charles Dawson; in 1811 to James Bennett, Joseph Hayes; in 1812, to James Goodwin. A portion of Section 24, in 1808, to David Guard; in 1811, to Levi Miller; in 1812, to Thomas Hunt, Micajah Parke. Section 26, in 1804, to Charles Dawson. A portion of Section 27, in 1804, to Thaddeus Cooley; in 1806, to Henry C. Smith, John McCleave. Section 28, in 1804, to Jacob Blasdel, and Archibald Stark. A. portion of Section 29, in 1804, to Jacob Blasdel; in 1814, to John Dawson; in 1817, to Denice, trustee; in 1818, to Ephraim Kneeland. A portion of Section 30, in 1815, to William P. Marshall; in 1816, to Thomas Darling; in 1817, to Jacob Blasdel; in 1832,' to Samuel Elliott. A portion of Section 31, in 1816, to Aaron Burroughs, Charles Os- goods; in 1817, to Aaron Burroughs and James Conners; in 1831, to Thomas Annis. A portion of Section 32, in 1814, to John Frazier, James McClester; in 1815, to Joshua Stroud; in 1816, to John Foster. A portion of Section 33, in 1811, to Enoch Pugh, Elijah Walden; in 1814, to Stephen Ludlow and Walter Armstrong. PIONEER SETTLEMENTS, AND NOTES. The settlement of this township was contemporaneous with that of Whitewater Township, to the east of it, in Hamilton County, Ohio, and Lawrenceburgh Township, to the south, in Dearborn County. John White and John Dawson have been credited with effecting set- MILLER TOWNSHIP. 459 tlements here in the year 1796. Mr. White died in the township in 1852, in the ninetieth year of his age. He was a native of Maryland, and from thence removed to Pennsylvania, from which Stat^, in 1792 or 1793, he settled at North Bend, on the Ohio River, and from thence removed to what is now Miller Township. On his death it was stated that ' ' he died in a cabin built by himself fifty-eight years ago, it being the third built in that settlement." Mr. Dawson died in the township in 1848, in the seventy- fourth year of his age, having resided in the house in which he died upward of forty years. At the time of his death it was stated that he came here in 1799. The year of his coming as first mentioned (1796) was that given, in the history heretofore referred to as being deposited in the corner- stone of the court house. From a son still living in the county we learn that the date of his settlement here was in 1799. He was a native of the eastern shore of Maryland, but reared in Virginia, and when a young man, removed to Tennessee, thence to Kentucky, where he married, and in the year above mentioned he came to this locality, bringing his house- hold effects on horseback. He is said to be the first man who settled on Tanner's Creek, and at one time owned some 2,000 acres of land in that vicinity. He was the father of several men of prominence, who are referred to in the biography of Harrison Dawson, of this township. At one time, in an hour of peril, he displayed presence of mind and intre- pidity worthy a Roman general. Indians once entered his cabin in a menacing manner, and attempted to tomahawk himself and wife. He could talk the Indian language well, and drawing his rifle upon them, told them not to. stir, upon their peril, for the first one that moved his tomahawk would be a dead man. Holding them all at bay, he talked to them, and then told them all to retire in peace and quiet, which they promptly obeyed. He once shot a large panther which was in the act of springing upon him, and killed a large elk on Darling Ridge, which was thought to have been the last one killed in the neighborhood. At another time it is said that he carried upon his shoulder, while riding horseback, a large iron kettle from Cincinnati to his cabin. John Jackson, a man of family, removed to this county from the State of Maryland in about 1798, He reared the following named chil- dren: John, Ezekiel, Enoch, Susan and Sally, the latter two being the wives of John and Charles Dawson, respectively. The father died in 1814 and the widow in 1823, the former having been accidentally drowned in Tanner's Creek, while crossing that stream. His son John married in Kentucky, and in about 1798 settled in what is now this township, entering land at $1.25 per acre, on a portion of which he erected a brick house, which is still standing, and is one of the oldest in 160 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the county. Enoch, another son, ^^as born in the county, in 1804, and on growing to manhood, became a shrewd politician. He represented the county in the Legislature, and in the days of Whig supremacy he was at various times before the people as candidate for office. So efficient was he in his manipulations of party machinery that Edward Eggleston, the author, makes him the hero of the local election, in his book entitled "Roxy,'' the plot of which is laid in the vicinity of Salt Fork Creek — the Jackson neighborhood. Ezekiel Jackson, the other brother, too, for years represented the people of the county in the State Legislature. A number of the descendants of the Jackson family are still residents of the township. George Conner settled in this county in 1799 and died in this town- ship in 1868, in the eightieth year of his age. He was a native of Penn- sylvania. Jehu Goodwin settled on Salt Fork Creek in 1800. He became familiar with the Indian language and was accustomed to go to their camps. It is said that he once went to their camp near Georgetown and joined in their sports. He could out-jump, out-run and out-shoot them. On the occasion noted he jocosely said "Indian good for nothing; I beat him at jump, run and shoot, and now I can beat him with bow and arrow." In a moment an Indian seized his bow and drew a bead upon him, his eye flashing with fire, and Goodwin thought himself "a goner," but another Indian in a moment seized his arm, and turned away his shot, and he escaped. Aaron R. Bonham, with his father's family landed at Cincinnati in 1796, from which point he moved up the Whitewater Valley and, it is said, built at first the cabin erected west of that river. This was located in Whitewater Township, Hamilton Co., Ohio, and stood near where Bond's Mill was subsequently built. Aaron served in the war of 1812, being a member of Capt. McGuire's company. After the war he married one of the Guards and located in this township. His death occurred in 1847. Jacob Blasdell, a soldier in the Revolutionary war, settled on Tan- ner's Creek, southeast of Guilford in 1805. He was a native of Massa- chusetts, but removed to New Hampshire and was there married, and possessed upward of 1,000 acres of land. In 1799 he removed to Colum- bia, at the mouth of the Little Miami River, where the family remained until their removal to this township. Soon after his arrival he built a grist-mill and saw-mill on Tanner's Creek, he being a mill-wright. He also erected a schoolhouse, and in 1811 himself and neighbors built a fort, as it was termed, for defense against the Indians, but they never ex- perienced much trouble from them. Mr. Blasdell understood black- smithing, and did that class of work for the neighborhood. His death MILLER TOWNSHIP. 461 occurred in 1831. Before coming West he had several times served as a member of the Legislature. In the beginning of the century John Fuller, his mother and sister located in the eastern part of the township, also Robert McConnell and family. The Ewbank family settled on Tanner's Creek in 1811. They came from New Jersey to this point; John, in the year 1807, immigrated to this county from England, and in 1809 the rest of the family followed, all stopping for a time in the State of New Jersey. In 1817 Job Jndd and family coming from New York, located here. He was the father of RoswellJudd — among the oldest men of the town- ship. John Collier, a native of England, in 1817 came to America on a pros- pecting tour and visited this county. He with a fellow traveler walked over the mountains to Pittsburgh and from thence proceeded by skiff to Lawrenceburgb. The same year he returned to his native country, walking the entire distance from Tanner's Creek to Philadelphia. On his return to England he was married, and in 1819, a colony, composed in part of his two sisters and their families, namely, Ann Hansell and Jane Con- forth, the Chapilows, the Clarks, the Linuses, John Gatenby and others, in addition to several unmarried men. These were all of one neighbor- hood. They landed in Lawrenceburgb in the autumn of 1819. The Hansell family'settled on the west or north fork of Tanner's Creek, about one and a half miles above the village of Guilford. Other families from England settled in the township at this time or soon afterward, among whom were the Hargetts, the Liddles, and the Smiths. Of the early settlers of the township Geo. W. Lane thus wrote in 1876: "In 1798 Ezekiel and John Jackson located in what is now known as Miller Township. Ezekiel Jackson was five times honored by the people of the county with a seat in the State Legislature. John Jackson was the father of Enoch W. Jackson, an active, influential and intelligent citizen, who was also a member of the State Legislature. Also John Shanks, who had two sisters captured by the Indians. Mr. Shanks still lives in Miller Township, a worthy and highly respected citizen. "In 1799 John Dawson located on Tanner's Creek, below where Guil- ford now stands He was an industrous, enterprising and worthy citi- zen, honored and respected by all who knew him. His early home is still in the posession of his family. "Maj. Decker Crozier was one of the early pioneers who deserves special mention. He was associated with Capt. McGuire in establishing block-houses, and with the men under his command patroled the country between them, thus protecting the infant settlement which, during the 462 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. war of 1812, did not extend over four miles from Lawrenceburgh, as most of those who had made locations further in the country had, for security, removed to town or in the immediate neighborhood. Maj. Cro zier was a stone-mason and farmer, and when the writer first knew him, was living on one of the best hill farms in the county, in what is now Miller Township. He was a man of strong arm; the grip of his hand was equal to a blacksmith's vise, and, like Logan, he knew no fear. Maj. Crozier's life was spared to see, if not a large family, a family of large men grow up around him, and witnessed extensive improvements in the wilderness country he had so often traveled before a tree was cut or a path had been blazed. "In 1805 Jacob Jonathan and Elijah Blasdell settled on Tanner's Creek near Cambridge. They were worthy and highly respected citizens and each deserve a special notice. A number of the names still remain in the county, highly respected and all known as law abiding and good citizens; others of the family are in distant States, one Henry W. Blas- dell was elected the first governor of the then new State of Nevada, which office he discharged with the same stern integrity and honesty of purpose for which his father and family in this county have ever been conspicuous. " Referring to the settlement on Tanner's Creek from England, and speaking of a period soon after the war Mr. Lane continues: "They came about the time, if not before, those to whom we have referred in Manchester, but the writer is not certain on the subject, but about this time quite a colony came from England and located in the woods near Guilford — we refer to the Ewbanks, Smiths, Hansells, George Randall, Hargates, William Sawdon, Liddles, Conforths, Lasenbys, and soon after the Huddlestons. Of these pioneers some of their desendants remain on the old homesteads, others in different parts of the county while many have gone farther west. This colony, if it may be called one, was regarded with great favor at the time as it was soon ascer- tained that they were intelligent men and families of respectability and high standing, and during the sixty years they have resided in the county they have made good those first impressions. As a community they have been industrious, law abiding and peaceable citizens. "Thomas Ewbank was an active, pleasant business man not only well known in the county but the eastern part of the State. "John Ewbank was a plain matter of fact kind of man, of few words, and in trading with him in old times, the less bragging you did over your goods, wares, etc. , the sooner you could strike a bargain. It might be said John never kissed the blarney stone." Mrs. Mary Piles, whose father, Alexander, settled in the county in MILLER TQWNSHIP, 463 1807, and she herself in 1813, was married to George Piles in this town- ship, said some years ago that she was a native of Kentucky and was reared in forts; that her mother at one time was in a fort when Col. Boone, at the time a prisoner with the Pottawattomie tribe, who were en- camped on the opposite side of the river, swam the river and gave warn- ing to the inmates that the Indians intended undermining their way into the fort, and thereby saved them. At the age of eighty years. Aunt Polly, as she is familiarly called, was remarkably spry and active for her years, and could read ordinary print without spectacles. A young lady once said.- "Why, grandma, you can walk faster than I can!" "Yes, I believe I can, and when I was a girl I could run faster than any Indian. I re- member when I was about seventeen years of age we all were called suddenly into fort at Guilford, where we remained several days, as news had come that the Indians were on the war path. In our hurry we had brought only one churn with us and there were a dozen women who all wanted to make butter. Now our house was only a mile from the fort, and there we had one of those pretty cedar churns which we used in Kentucky. Well, I knew that if we all waited turns for the one churn some would have to wait a good while, so I said to Jesse, a girl about my own age, 'Indians or no Indians, I am going to get our churn; let US steal out of the fort, we can run to our house and back in a jiffey.' Out we went and got well on our way to the house, when, going through a hazel copse, I saw a dog sitting watching us with his ears cocked, and said to Jessie 'look at that dog!' when just as I spoke up jumped an In- dian. As soon as we saw him we started and ran for the fort, the In- dian in chase, but we were too quick for him, and when we got into the open ground we lost sight of him. As soon as we got to the fort we told the rangers and they started in pursuit." MILLS. The tirst settlers in this and Lawrenceburgh Townships depended in main for a number of years on the larger mills built on the White- water to the east, in what is now the State of Ohio. As early as 1796 John Cleves Symmes built a grist-mill at North Bend. Later the Bond & Rees Mill, in Ohio, was in a measure depended upon by the first settlers of this vicinity. Jones' Mill on Whitewater was also visited. The Jacob Blasdell Grist and Saw-mills on Tanner's Creek,in the southern part of the township, were erected quite early, and served as a great convenience to the settlements for miles ai'ound. Mr. Blasdell made his settlement in 1805 and soon afterward built a saw and grist-mill, which were carried on for many years in the Blasdell name. In 1825 a full- 464 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ing-mill was in operation on Tanner's Creek, at what was called Cam- bridge. A number of years later Matthew Swann bviilt and operated a mill on Salt Fork. Subsequently he built a second mill on the same stream below the one first mentioned. On the East Fork of Tanner's Creek located some three miles above Guilford, not far from 1840. was built a grist and saw-mill by John Smith, and run by one Jones, or the two built it in connection with each other. About forty-five years ago the brothers Robert and William Hansell built a steam saw-mill in their neighborhood. CHURCHES, GRAVEYARDS AND SCHOOLS. Along the East Fork of Tanner's Creek, probably one and a half miles north of Guilford, is situated an antique looking church building partially surrounded by a burying ground. The building is of stone and in shape square, with roof slanting on all four sides from a point above in the center. This building is the oldest house of worship now standing in the township, and most likely the first house erected for that purpose in the township. It was built in 1821, at which time Revs. Collardand John P. Durbin were on the circuit, and was originally oc- cupied by a society of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, in which, probably, not far from the year 1828, a division occurred, or a merging of the membership into a society styled the Methodist Protestant Church, which denomination has since occupied the building and continued services. The membership is now light. The charge is a point on the circuit embracing three churches, namely, the one in the northern part of the township, a little west of Salt Fork; the one near the graveyard on the West Fork of Tanner's Creek, and the one just considered. All are in charge of Rev. J. H. Neihr. The graveyard referred to about the stone church was formerly owned by John Ewbank, who gave it for the purpose for which it is used. The oldest grave marked by a tomb- stone, upon which there is a legible inscription,i8 that of Hannah Guion, who died December 10, 1820. Of the old persons buried here whose o-raves are marked by inscribed stones we mention the following with some remarks: John Ewbank died in 1832, aged eighty years; Ann Ewbank, wife of John, died in 1848, aged eighty-two years; Thomas Ewbank, born in 1793, died in 1857, aged sixty-four years; Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Ewbank, died in 1870, aged seventy -five years; Thomas Smith, died in 1863, aged sixty six years; William Smith, bcrn 1800, died in 1874; Ann, wife of William Smith, born in 1800, died in 1868; John Smith, of England, settled his place in 1818, died in 1860, aged eighty-one years; Jane, widow of John Smith, died in 1863, aged eighty-five years; MILLER TOWNSHIP. 465 Christopher Brown, died in 1846, aged eighty years; Frances Hall, a na- tive of England, died in 1880, aged eighty-two years; Joseph Hall, a native of England, born in 1792, died in 1852; William Sawdon, a na- . tive of England, born in 1786, died in 1870; Mary, widow of William. Sawdon, died in 1878, aged seventy years; William Huddleston, died in 1832, aged seventy-nine years; Priscilla Lazenby, died in 1858, aged seventy-four years; Cornelias Vanhorn, died in 1835, aged sixty-eight years; Eve, widow of Cornelius Vanhorn, died in 1846, aged eighty-two years; Jane Boute, died in 1839, aged seventy-eight years. In the fore- going list are the names of many of the early members of the church just sketched. In the early settlement of .the towaship, along in the Blasdell neigh- borhood was known as "Cambridge," and in the Jackson neighborhood as "Georgetown." At the latter place is located a burying ground as old if not older than the one at the stone church referred to above. The land on which it is located was previously in possession of one of the Jacksons, it is believed, and given for that purpose. In the former neighborhood, Jacob Blasdell, early in the settlement made there, built a schoolhouse which was primitive indeed, but lasted until in the neigh- borhood of 1825, when he was instrumental in erecting a hewed log- academy, said to be the first chartered institution of learning in the State. Mr. Blasdell also did the early "smith" business of the neigh- borhood. In the academy spoken of, some of the higher branches were taught. Along Tanner's Creek in this vicinity, about 1811, the neigh- bors erected a block-house for protection against the Indians, which was garrisoned by United States soldiers. One of the first places where school was held in the neighborhood set- tled by the English colony, as it was designated, was in an old log meeting house that stood on West Fork of Tanner's Creek at the grave- yard. Elias Horner, Thomas Ward and William Runnells are remem- bered as early masters at this point. Located in the extreme northern part. of the township is Providence Presbyterian Church, the early mem- bei-ship of which formerly worshiped with the Presbyterian society at Harrison, Ohio, but which, in 1831, for sake of convenience, formed themselves into a separate society. The organization took place May 22, of that year, under Rev. S. Scoville. The original membership num- bered about forty, among whom were the Gibsons, the McGahens, the Reids, the Judds, the Blackwells, the Shepherds, the Pollocks, the Mc- Clures, the Langdales. Soon after the organization . was effected, a log meeting house was built on the site of the present building. This was very primitive, the ladies' seats being puncheons with one side smoothed, while the gentlemen's were round with no dressing. ' 28 466 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The present building is a neat frame with spire and bell, and was built in 1848. Among the pastors of the society have been Revs. P. H. Gallady (about eighteen years), J. W. Scott Moore, John Stewart, H. M. Walker, H. F. Olmsted. The present incumbent is Rev. William Carson, and the church membership is seventy odd. About the church is an old burying ground and a new cemetery. The ground of the former was owned by John Gibson, Sr., who gave about one acre for church and burial purposes. The dates of church organization and use of yard are identical. The first interment is believed to be the body of Elizabeth McGlaughen. The new cemetery lies to the north and west of the graveyard, the greater part of it being in Harrison Township. It com- prises about two acres of ground, belonging to George H. Gibson of Cincinnati, Ohio, who laid out the grounds in 1884. The first burial was the body of William Haddock. In the northwestern part of the township between branches of Tanner's and Salt Fork Creeks is situated at a small graveyard a neat frame church building in which worships a Methodist Prostestant Society which was organized in about 1842. Of those identified with the society in its early history can be named John Grubbs and wife, Robert and William Hansell and their wives, and John Smith and wife ; and of the early ministers, James Murray, W. W. Paul, George Wheatley, Samuel Morrison, Hugh Stack, J. M. Flood. The present church was built in 1863. Previously the congregation wor- shiped in a log meeting-house which stood near the site of the one now used. The ground for both church and burial purposes was given by John Grubbs, Sr. In the early settlement made in the eastern part of the township were kept early schools. Among them is remembered one taught about one mile northwest of the Sugar Grove Methodist Episcopal Church by Levi Garri- son, a lame man. (Several schools taught here). On what is now the David Frazier farm was built at an early day, comparatively speaking, a frame schoolhouse in which a man by the name of Eddy taught. Over in Ohio and down further south in what is now Lawrenceburgh Township were lo- cated schools which were often attended by the children of the settlement in question. Almost in the midst of a grove of beautiful sugar trees in the eastern part of the township stands an attractive brick church building bearing the inscription " Sugar Grove Church, founded A. D. 1853," and to the side of it is a graveyard where rest the remains of the pioneer set- tlers of this vicinity. This was the worshiping place of a Methodist Episcopal society, but for some years past has not been Used as a regu- lar preaching place. The Buttlers, the Millers, the Stephensons and the Guards were identified with the society in years gone by. UNION TOWNSHIP. 467 CHAPTER XXII. UNION TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— Original Land Purchasers— Early Settlement— Indian Tradition— Mills, Distilleries, Etc.— First Schools— Churches and Graveyards— Mounds— Milton— Hart- ford— Miscellaneous . UNION TOWNSHIP is bounded on the north by Laughery Creek, on the east by Randolph Township, on the south by Cass and Randolph Townships, and on the west by Pike Township. In March, 1845, after the additional territory from Dearborn had been attached to Ohio County, the commissioners of the latter county described Union Township, as "all the territory bounded by Cass Township on the south; Randolph on the east; Dearborn County on the north, and Pike Town- ship on the west." This description would give Union Township, in addition to its present territory, Section 31, of Pike. In February, 1876, the boundary lines between Union and Pike, and between Pike and Cass, were so established as to leave Pike Township with its present territory. Before the organization of Ohio County, Union was the name of a town- ship of Dearborn County, which originally embraced, besides the present territory of Union Township, Ohio County less Sections 24, 25 and 36, which were given it in 1833, the eastern tier of sections of Pike, and all of Cass Township. original land purchaseks. Below is set forth the original disposition of the lands of the town- ship, with the dates when sold and names of the persons to whom sold. Township 4, Range 2 west. Sections 13, 21, 22 and 23, are situated partly in Dearborn County. Section 13, was purchased in 1803, 1811 and 1814, by John Brown- son in the former year, and by Peter Allen in the years last mentioned. Portions of Section 21, were purchased in 1810, by Daniel Crume; in 1811, by Benjamin Wilson; and in 1812, by Patrick Fall and Ben- jamin Wilson. Portions of Section 22, were purchased in 1808, by John James; in 1811, by William Blue; in 1812 by Henry Cloud and William Spencer, Sr. Portions of Section 23, were purchased in 1803 by John Brownson; in 1804, by Benjamin Wilson; in 1811, by John Walker. 468 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Portions of Section 29 (part in Dearborn County), were purchased in 1809, by Daniel Creemer; in 1811, by Eobert Conaway ; in 1812, by Will- iam Weathers; in 1815, by Ebenezer Hubert. Portions of Section 24, 1811, by John and James Walker; in 1814, by Isaac Carlton and Henry Anderson; in 1816, by James Allen. Portions of Section 25, in 1813, by John Davis; in 1815, by Joseph Oglivie per Walker. Portions of Section 26, in 1814, by John and James Walker; in 1815, by John and James Walker; in 1817, Thomas K. Coles; in 1813, by Samuel Hanna. Portions of Section 27, in 1812, by David Blue; in 1814, by John Walker; in 1815, by William Blue; in 1817, by David Blue. Portions of Section 28, in 1808, by John James; in 1815, by John Walker; in 1819, by Joseph H. Coburn; in 1813, by David Hufford. Portions of Section 32, in 1813, by Robert Conaway; in 1815, by Joseph Frakes; in 1832, by John Weathers and John Conaway; in 1835, by John W. Ray; in 1836, by Thomas Purcell and Renselaer Willey. Portions of Section 33, in 1816, by James Conaway; in 1818, by John Glass, William Babbs, William Gibson and Otis Ellis; in 1827, by William Kittle; in 1836, by David Hufford. Portions of Section 34, in 1814, by Ebenezer Hubert; in 1815, by James Gardner; in 1816, by Joseph Woods; in 1817, by Jacob Miller. Portions of Section 35, in 1814, by John Espey and James Crane; in 1816, by John Walker; in 1817, by Hugh Espey. Portions of Section 36, in 1814, by William Alexander, William Scranton, John Barricklow and Benjamin Miles. EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first settlements in the township were made along Laughery Creek. Those in which there is any degree of certainty in naming were made at and in the vicinity of the village of Milton. On or about Christmas, 1810, when Ebenezer Harbert landed just above the now vil- iao-e of Guionville, and reared his rude cabin on the -north bank of Laughery Creek, there were living a few settlers along the creek both above and below, but none on the hills. Of those dwelling south of the stream in what is now this township can be traced John Weathers, where Milton now stands; below lived James Conaway, Daniel Crume and Ben- jamin Wilson. Just at what period these settlements were made cannot now be determined, but by reference to the above land sales it will be seen that Wilson purchased lands in the vicinity of Hartford as early as 1804, Daniel Crume further up the creek in 1808-09. John Weathers, re- ferred to above, was a native of Virginia, but came from Kentucky to the UNION TOWNSHIP. 469 Laughery Creek Valley. It is said that he settled here in the very be- ginning of the century and built the first cabin in that vicinity. Settlements along the north bank of Laughery Creek had been made as early as 1796, and of those known to have been identified with the interests south of the stream and who, perhaps later, resided in Union Township were Daniel Lynn, who settled in what is now Washington Township in 1796, and several of the Blues, as John, William and David Blue, are said to have resided in the township prior to the war of 1812- 15. John Walker and brother, sons of Benjamin, who settled in what is now WashiQgton Township in 1796 were early settlers of Union. In 1868, at the death of Joel Lynn, it was stated that he was born on Ar- nold's Creek in 1799; that his father, Daniel Lynn, settled near Hart- ford when but four families resided in that vicinity. There may have been a mistake in naming the creek, and that Laughery Creek was meant. Samuel Thomas and Benjamin Lawrence settled west of Milton on Laughery, early in the century; other settlers of the township along the creek just mentioned, who had located here .just before or about the time of the second war with England, can be recalled, Allen Boise, Nathan Rickets, Tetrick Falls. In the fall of 1813 Robert Wilber and family removed from the State of New York, traveling by wagons over the mountains to the city of Pittsburgh, and from thence by flat-boat to the vicinity of Rising Sun, landing at Roger Brown's, about one mile above the latter city. He re- mained along the river one year raising one crop, then removed to a tract of land located about one mile below Hartford. This was in the spring of 1815. Here he resided some twelve or fifteen years, and removed to the opposite side of Laughery Creek above Hartford, into what is now Washington Township, where he resided until his death. Among other things and worthy of mention, brought by the Wilbers to the new settle- ment were some pigs, which were of a much better breed than those in this section, and were the means of improving that animal in the neigh- borhood. This pioneer was the father of Robert E. and Allen Wilber, who were for many years active business men of Hartford in the vicinity of which place they still reside. In 1813 William Gerard, then a single man, settled along Laughery Creek in Section 22, on laud which he subsequently purchased and to which he removed his young bride in 1814. William Gerard represent- ed one of the first families to settle in the Western country, himself born at the mouth of the Little Miami River, Columbia, in 1791. On Christmas day, 1814, landed at the mouth of Laughery Creek William Scranton and family, the parents being natives of New York, but from thence having removed to Canada, thence to Ohio. They set- 470 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. tied in the year 1814 in this township. Mr. Scranton died in 1834 and his widow in 1842. John Woods and family settled in the southern part of the township in 1817, coming from Pennsylvania. They were natives of Ireland, but grew up in Pennsylvania. From Rising Sun to the point of settlement they found their way much of the distance by a blazed path; and on the farm where the son William now lives, they felled the first tree, reared their cabin, and cleared up and improved the farm. The parents died, the husband in 1837, and the widow in 1865. In 1817, Henry Miller, a native of Pennsylvania, with his father's family, came down the river in a flat-boat, and thence up Laughery Creek to Hartford and settled on a tract of land near by. One of the Blues heretofore referred to was the early "smith" of the settlement, and with Blue young Miller learned the blacksmith trade, serving ap- prenticeship from the age of thirteen till twenty-one. The old shop stood on the roadside one mile above Hartford. In 1876 this pioneer was still residing with his wife on Laughery Creek. She was the daughter of old Maj. McGuire, on whose place stood the old block-house in Cesar Creek Township, to which she remembers having gone for safety. Among others coming a little later were Aaron Maryman in 1818, from Pennsylvania; Ross Marsh in 1818, from the same State, and Sooter McAdams from Ohio, though by birth a Pennsylvanian, in 1819. The latter was a soldier in the war of 1812. INDIAN TRADITION. Some years ago the following incident appeared in the Reveille, pub- lished at Vevay, this State: "Henry Wallick residing near Center Square, in the summer of 1883, showed the editor of the Reveille, a relic of early times — an In- dian tomahawk and pipe combined; the handle being hollow, used for the stem, and the bowl of the pipe being in the head of the hatchet. The tomahawk has a history, and is a link connecting the present civili- zation with the barbarous past. In early times among the pioneer set- tlers on Mill Creek, back of Cincinnati (then Fort Washington), was Providence White, a sturdy pioneer and daring Indian fighter. When but fifteen years of age, the Indians attacked the block-house on Mill Creek, and he volunteered to go to Fort Washington, seven miles distant, to give the alarm, and obtain assistance. Although shot at many times, his fleet horse carried him safely to Fort Washington, and he returned with soldiers, who drove the Indians away. "Several years afterward, ^two Indians went to the house of a settler. The only person at home was a woman, who was engaged in making soap. UNION TOWNSHIP. 471 The fiends concluded to kill the woman by compelling her to drink hot soap. One Indian held her while the other attempted to pour the soap in her mouth; but she closed her lips, and the hot soap flowed down her face and neck, burning her severely. White heard of the outrage, and was furious with rage. In company with another man (whose name Mr. Wallick has forgotten), Mr. White started in pursuit of the Indians, and the next day about sun up, when near where Hartford is now situated, on Laughery Creek, discovered the Indians. White shot one and his companion the other, taking the arms of the dead Indians. Several years afterward White frequently visited in Switzerland County, among other places the home of the parents of Mr. Wallick, on Grant's Creek, in Posey Township. Mr. Wallick named his son Providence, which greatly pleased White, and he said that when he died, he desired that the son of Mr. Wallick have the tomahawk. White died at the residence of Walter Cofield, near Hartford, about eighteen years ago, and was buried at Quercus Grove graveyard. Then Providence, a three-year old boy, fell heir to the tomahawk captured from the Indian. The tomahawk has a history, and is a relic that should be preserved.'' MILLS, DISTILLERIES, ETC. The first mill built in the township was the Benjamin Walker saw and grist-mill erected at Hartford, it is thought by Mr. James Ross, as early as during the war of 1812-15, or a little before that period. This was operated for a number of years in the Walker name. Sometime in the decade between 1820 and 1830, Graham and Addison built a large frame mill, both water and grist, and also a carding machine at Hartford. Samuel Beckwith, at an earlier period than the carding machine just re- ferred to, put in operation with power bought of Walker, a fulling-mill at Hartford. Mr. Walker also carried on to some extent the distilling of liquor. There was a little copper still, operated on the Wilber farm, before they came in possession of it, by a Mr. Newell. The Wilbers sub- sequently operated a little still; "Uncle Jim Ross" says, the Wilbers made a pretty good article of whisky, making only two or three gallons to the bushel. Tetrick Falls also operated a copper still. In 1824 Col. Pinkney James built a grist and saw- mill at Milton. There is now a large grist-mill in operation at that point, and a grist and saw-mill at Hartford. FIRST SCHOOLS. One of the first schools taught in the township was kept in the settle- ment about Milton. A rude round log-cabin schoolhouse was built just above the now village as early as 1815, in which school was held for several years. James A. Roby, a cripple, is the first teacher remem- 472 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. bered. He taught several schools in this building. Another early schoolhouse was built on the north side of the creek (Laughrey), which was attended by the children of the settlement named. A schoolhouse was erected at Hartford quite early in the century, in which a William Eussell, a Virginian, was the first teacher; also a Miss Thayer kept school in this building. School, too, was held in the old Baptist meet- ing-house that stood on the hill at Hartford. Mr. Russell, a Mr. Rod- gers and Simon Harpham taught in the meeting-house. The stone schoolhouse still standing at Hartford was built in about 1831. Mr. Russell also held sway in this building. CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. Of the early settlers along the creek a number were Baptists and Methodists. One of the first preaching places of the latter denomination was at the house of Daniel Grume, who was himself a local preacher. In a very early day there was a regular appointment at Mount Tabor, in Washington Township. Across the creek in what is Deax'born County at the houses of Daniel Conaway and a Mrs. Brin8ton,were held Method- ist services very early. The Baptists too, first held their meetings in private houses, until in about 1819 or 1820 the society erected a meeting- house on the hill just south of Hardford, which, too, served the Method- ists for a time as a place for holding meetings. The Baptist society was not long lived and the building was subsequently used as a schoolhouse. The society at Hartford, now the Methodist Episcopal Church, may be said to have had its origin in a great revival that occurred in the vil- lage in 1839-40, at which time upward of 200 persons became converted and a church society was organized; and in 1840, the present large and substantial brick house of worship was erected. It is an appointment on the Hartford Circuit, of which Rev. William Lathrop is pastor. There are no large burial grounds in the township, but scattered here and there are a number of family graveyards, where many of the first settlers are sleeping their last sleep. On the hill not far from where the old Baptist meeting-house stood, there is located one of these places of interment, in which a number of the Walker family are buried. There is another near Milton, known as the Weathers grave- yard. There are still others, one on the Turner farm and one in the Wood's neighborhood. The Methodist Episcopal Church Society, at Milton, is quite an old organization. The first building occupied by the society was a frame one which was completed in 1844, though the society is much older than this building would indicate. The building referred to was replaced in 1878 by the present beautiful frame church edifice, which was built at a UNION TOWNSHIP. 473 cost of $1,200. The building will seat 300 people, and was dedicated to the service of God, Sunday, July 27, 1879. Revs. L. G. Adkinson and C. W. Lee, officiating. The appointment is on the Hartford Circuit. In the Hastings neighborhood in southern part of the township is located a substantial brick church, in which worship a Christian society, better known as the followers of the teachings of Alexander Campbell. At the church is a place of burial, the ground for both church and burial purposes having been set apart by Stephen Hastings. The first inter- ment in the yard was made in 1837, the body of Walter Hastings. Among the aged buried here are the following: Eliza Monroe, wife of John VV. H, died in 1878, aged seventy-two years; John W. H. Monroe, died in 1869, aged sixty -eight years; William Higbee, died in 1875, aged eighty-three years; Rebecca, wife of William Higbee, died in 1869, aged seventy-five years; Stephen Hastings, died in 1873, aged seventy-five years. The present house of worship here located was erected in 1839, previous to which time, for several years, meetings were held in the neighborhood schoolhouse. A number whose remains rest in the churchyard were identified with the history of the church. MOUNDS. In the township are situated a number of mounds, the largest of which is in the vicinity of Milton, on the lands of P. Conaway. The follow- ing is an account of an excavation made September 6, 1871, by T. E. Alden and George W. Morse: "The mound is about fifty feet in diameter, ten feet in vertical depth at its center, with a very regular circular outline, presenting a formida- ble appearance. The stumps of four or five forest trees with a diameter of at least two feet still remain on and near its summit. They com- menced digging eight feet from the center on the top, cutting a trench north and south four feet, east and west eight feet. At one foot in depth they found plenty of flat, thin limestone, laid somewhat lapping each other, making it very difficult to get them out. At two and a half feet depth the first skeleton was uncovered, supposed to be that of an adult male. The head lay to the west; feet gone entirely; cranium mashed flat by the heavy stones. This trench was sunk to the depth of seven feet, in the progress of which three layers of skeletons were exposed, with earth and flat rock between, in layers of two skeletons side by side. Another opening was made on the northwest side to the depth of four feet, intersecting the first one. At the depth of one foot a flint arrow head was found. The layers of skeletons were arranged as in the first opening — with some regularity in the outer layers, but toward the center of the mound no regular layers were observed; on the 474 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. contrary a heap or mass of bones was disclosed in promiscuous confu- sion. The work of burying must have been a huiTied one. Indeed, Mr. M. thinks some were buried alive — perhaps offered as sacrifices to the manes of some fallen chief. Several skeletons a little isolated from the general mass lay upon their sides with the leg bones drawn up and the arms at right angles from the bodies, as though a struggle in the throes of death had taken place after or at the time of interment. "The bones of the old, young and middle aged were mingled in utter disregard to order or precedence. Fragments of some skulls showed a thickness of three-eighths of an inch; while other fragments denoting a head nearly as large would not exceed one-sixteenth of an inch; hence the conclusion was arrived at that two races of people were buried in this mound, and at a remote period, it may have been one or two thou- sand years ago, the bones being dry, sieve-like and brittle. A thigh bone could be broken with one's thumb and finger; the lower jaws in many cases were entirely wanting. That the mound was built at one time, and not at several different periods was another conclusion arrived at, for this reason — no vegetable mold was discovered either in stra- tums or mass to mark the intervals which must have occurred in its for- mation." MILTON. The village of Milton is situated on Laughery Creek, about ten miles northwest of Eising Sun. A few years since a writer thus spoke of its history: "From Dillsborough, approaching Milton, one comes to the hill tops overlooking Laughery Creek and sees underneath him a pretty pastoral valley, with farms bordered by loug-extending stone fences far up the stream to the westward; an ancient and straggling mill-dam across the creek nearer at hand; and a long dry mill-race running down the fur- ther side, and losing itself behind the hillside trees that interrupt the view below eastward. One has to descend the hill diagonally before he sees the termination of the mill-race, the old weather beaten, red painted grist-mill, with its veteran companion, the saw-mill, a hundred yards above (both must have been erected half a century ago), and the few scat- tered houses along a single street or road that make up the forlorn, tumble-down village of Milton. The older houses are also painted red, and the red paint on mills and houses is at least forty yeax's of age. Mil- ton, as a settlement, dates back nearly sixty years. It was originally called •James' Mills, or Jamestown, after its original proprietor, John James, a Virginian, who was also the first settler and proprietor of the town or city of Rising Sun, eight miles below Aurora on the Ohio River. "Well, what is there remarkable about Milton? Little enough, UNION TOWNSHIP. 475 perhaps, but one doesn't like to have the place where he was born, thought slightly of, so I must tell you what there is in or about Milton worthy of report. The old grist-mill is a water-mill, yet a great square stone chimney at one corner suggests an experiment, at least, with steam, and if one goes to examine it, he will find an old steam engine under- neath that has seen service, not exactly in the milling business, but in the steam-boat line. It was, in fact, an engine of a steamer — the ' Poca- hontas,' if I mistake not, which blew up many years ago, and bought up cheaply afterward, was tried at first in the Milton Mill, but did not give satisfaction, then it was removed to another mill several miles distant, and remaining there several years inactive, was taken back to Milton, where it has had a good old age of rusty do-nothing with the old stone chimney, above mentioned, its sentinel on duty. " Thirty-five and forty years ago Milton was somewhat of a steam- boat builder. Two steam-boats were then built on the Laughery shore, between the old saw and grist-mills. The first of these was the 'Dol- phin,' built by Col. Pinkney James, of Rising Sun (son of the founder of both places), and was used, I believe, as a packet between Cincinnati, Rising Sun and Patriot or Madison. Later, in 1836 or 1837, the ' Renown' was also built at Milton by an enterprising little company, interested in the mills at the time, I believe. These boats were, of course, built during the low water season, and had to wait for freshets to float them to the Ohio. The ' Renown ' was a handsome and ambitious boat for those days, but her builders had reason to believe afterward that she was ' built in the eclipse, and rigged with curses dark.' For, used chiefly in the lower river trade, she never, I believe, 'made a fortu- nate trip, and burnt the hands of every person who . touched her. It is not an uninteresting fact that the ' Renown ' was built as I am told, under the supervision of Prince Athearn, a prominent pioneer citizen (long dead) of Rising Sun, who, originally a New England ship-builder, had long before been selected by one of the contractors from among his apprentices to draft and build the ti'ansom of the old United States frigate * Constitution.' The miniatures of him and his wife hang, I am told, in the cabin of the old war-ship now. Thiis Milton associates itself with history. "Opposite Milton, on the other side of Laughery, is a little unhap- py cluster of houses known as Guionville, which has been the postoffice of the vicinity for many years. Once or twice Milton succeeded in get- ting the official distinction, but as the mail had to be carried on horse- back from Aurora, and the Laughery had to be crossed only twice to reach Guionville, while it was necessary to cross it four times to reach Milton, why, of course, there was a serious reason why Guionville should be preferred." 476 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Ralph Weathers and his son John first settled on the site of the vil- lage ; Col. Pinkney James built the mill; then Allen Boyce, Joe Davis and David Barnhart settled; Joe Davis was the first blacksmith, and David Barnhart the first wagon-maker; the mill has been successfully run by Moses Turner, A. C. Pepper, Holden & Kittle, Iliff & Werts, and in 1876, was run by John Snyder. Building the race in that day was a big job. James Ross, of Hartford, helped do it. Milton in 1876 consisted of a saw and grist-mill, 1 store, 1 wagon shop, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 carpenter, 1 church and 1 schoolhouse. Guionville, directly opposite, is the postoffice, in Dearborn County. There was formerly a tanyard, run by H. W. Records, but it has gone down. HARTFOKD. The village of Hartford is located on Laughery Creek, three miles below Milton. It seems that the place was regularly laid out and platted, but no record of it can be found at the court house in Rising Sun, or at Lawrenceburgh. It is said to have been laid out in 1817, by Benjamin Walker and his son John, who owned adjoining farms on that site, and in an early day erected a saw and grist mill. Benjamin Moul- ton, whose father settled at the mouth of Arnold's Creek in 1802, is the authority for fixing the date of tha erection of this mill in 1802, and saying that it was the first built in either Ohio or Dearborn Counties. John Bell kept the first hotel; Judge Livingston, John Watkins and Erasmus Powell, first store- keepers; then J. Burkham, J. Allen, Gilbert & Brown, S. Wilber and A. P. Andrews, Sparks & Percival, S. Wilber & Watts, A. Y. Maryman, and A. and R. Wilber, from 1833 to 1875. First school teachers, John Russell and Mrs. Thair; J. C. Lawrence owned and run a saw, grist and carding-mill. Daniel Jaynes built a mill-dam that stood some twenty years, or until it rotted away, and in place of washing out below, it filled up; John K. Lewis owned and run a wheel and wagon shop. The postmaster of Hartford, in 1819, was J. Allen, over whose sig- nature, in the issue of the Indiana Oracle of November 3, of that year appeared the following notice of letters remaining in the office at that place, which, if not taken out by January 1, 1820, were to be sent to the general postoffice as dead letters: A — Andrew Andrews; B — Martin D. Bush; C — Robert Conaway, Joshua Cobb, Elieazer Cole, Joseph Churchill; D — Frederick Dow, John Downey, Thomas Drake; E — Pot- ter Edwards; F — Robert Flemming; G — Thomas Guion, John Gibson; H — Joseph Haigh, Jr.; J — S. B. Jackson, Jx'.; K — Phineas L. King; L — Ezra Lamken, Joseph Lenour; M — Nathaniel Mix, Robert Miers, Jonathan Miers, William Miers; R — Jordan Rice, Ebenezer Rogers; UNION TOWNSHIP. 477 S — George Smith, Peter Stager, William Simkins; W — Ephraim Wil- son; Y7-A.meziah Young. People in early days came to mill and to trade at Hartford, twenty miles, and trading was so brisk that they had to form in line and wait their turn at the stores; and in the spring time there would be from twelve to twenty-four flat-boats at the landing that came out of Laughery, loaded with corn, flour, lumber, whisky, and stone. Maj. James McGuire was the leading boatman; the first physicians were Drs. Perci- val, Crookshank, Gillespie, Jessup, Martin, and Gerard. There were some distilleries, but their history is not at hand. The business of Hartford, in 1876, was 2 stores, kept by Spielman & Ross, and H. F. Pottebaum; 1 saw and grist-mill, by Pottebaum & Scherer; 2 blacksmith shops, by Pohle and Anderson; postoflfice, J. H. Speilman, postmaster; 1 wagon shop, and 1 carpenter; 2 lodges, F. & A. M. , and I. O. O. F. ; 1 Methodist Episcopal Church, and 1 schoolhouse, and numerous residents, including 1 doctor and 1 minister. MISCELLANEOUS. The township contained, in 1876, about 750 inhabitants, and 146 voters, and had 2 Methodist Episcopal churches, the oldest erected in 1840, and had 4 first-class common schools, 1 Masonic Lodge, No, 151, organized May 26, 1853, with about thirty members ; 1 Odd Fellows' Lodge No. 246 organized in 1865 with about 30 members ; 1 Grange, organized in 1865, with about thirty-four members. Had furnished to the profession 1 doctor, J. B. Gerard, and 1 minister, Mr. Mendell ; the township also had 2 grist-mills, 3 saw-mills, 3 stores and groceries, 4 blacksmith shops, 2 wagon -makers, 3 carpenters, 1 postoffice, 1 shoe shop. The township is governed by 1 justice of the peace, and a trustee. The land is level along Laughery, and back hilly, and is well adapted to corn, wheat, hay, oats and potatoes. Timber consists of walnut, ash, hickory, sugar maple, cherry and poplar. Minerals, lime- stone, coal and iron, the latter two not in paying quantities. It also contains four beautiful mounds, built by the race of ancient Mound- bailders, in which have been found shells, beads, pipes, pots, darts, etc. The oldest persons now living in the township are : James Ross and wife, and Jacob Speilman, A. and R. Wilber, Henry Miller, William Hannah, Mrs. Maryman, William Woods. Largest landholders, Henry Miller and A. & R. W^ilber. One of the greatest improvements is the Laughery Turnpike, which runs clear through the township, and Cincin- nati can be reached in three hours. Laughery is still used for boating, but only to a small extent. 478 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTER XXIII. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organizations— Original Land Sales— Early Set- tlement AND Notes— Early Industries— Churches and Grave- yards—Wilmington. IN point of position the above named township lies south of the center of Dearborn County, and is north of Washington Township, west of Center, south of Manchester and east of Sparta Township. Originally its territory belonged to Laughery Township. Its organization took place in 1852, when was given it the following description : Beginning on the range line dividing Ranges 1 and 2 at the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5, Range 2 west ; thence west on the line dividing Sections 13 and 24 to the northwest corner of Section 22 in said Congressional Township 5 ; thence south to the southwest corner of said Section 22 ; thence west to the northwest corner of Section 28 in said Township 5, Range 2 west ; thence south on the north and south Section line dividing Sections 28 and 29, to the centre of South Hogan Creek, down said creek to the range line dividing Ranges 1 and 2 ; thence north to place of beginning. It was then less its present size nearly four sections of land, which it received at different times in the next few years, obtaining from Center Township in 1853 in the neighborhood of three-quarters of a section along its eastern boundary, and in 1856 and 1857 in two tracts from Sparta Township the three sections in the northwest part of the town- ship. original land sales. The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government, with the year of sale and the purchasers' names, are set forth in the following list: Township 5, Range 2 west. A portion of Section 21 sold in 1819 to Samuel C. Vance, assignee, Peter Hannegan ; in 1829 to Elias Conwell. A portion of Section 22 sold, in 1819, to Samuel Todd ; in 1827, to Amor Bruce ; in 1833, to John Bruce, Jr. , Andrew Stevenson, John Snyder, Caleb Coledin ; in 1834 to Caleb Coledin ; in 1835 to Timothy Kim- ball ; in 1836 to Henry M. and Stephen Bruce. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. 479 A portion of Section 23 sold, in 1806, to James and Amor Bruce ; in 1809 to Benjamin Huffman; in 1812 to A. Reccord; in 1816 to Thomas C. Porter. A portion of Section 24 sold, in 1811, to Benjamin Powell, James Bruce ; in 1816 to Deman Moss, Priscella Huston. A portion of Section 25 sold in 1809, to Amos and D. G. Boardman. A portion of Section 26, in 1803, to Jeremiah Hunt. A portion of Section 27 sold, in 1814, to Daniel Odell; in 1815, to James Montgomery; in 1817 to Henry Bruce ; in 1818 to William Shane. A portion of Section 28 sold, in 1815, to John Montgomery; in 1817 to James Reed, Sylvester Richmond; in 1829, to Martin Cozine; in 1833, to Asa Jackson. A portion of Section 29 (part in Sparta Township), sold, in 1817, to John and Hiram Knapp ; in 1832, to John Pritchard, Nancy Higbee, Thomas Reccord, A. Flake ; in 1835, to Benjamin Benington ; in 1836, to Nancy Higbee and Thomas Reccord. A portion of Section 20 (part in Sparta Township), in 1815, to- Thomas Mclntyre; in 1816, to Moses Musgrove, Christian Hershey. A portion of Section 17 (part in Sparta Township), in 1816, to David Osborn, Stephen Inman; in 1830, to Nathaniel Todd; in 1832, to Thomas B. Cook; in 1836, to Gilbert T. Given, Thomas B. Cook. A portion of Section 33, in 1809 and 1818, to Isaac Allen; in 1816, to John Jones; in 1831, to James Care; in 1832-34, to George Golding; in 1836, to Louis Nichols. A portion of Section 34, in 1813, to Jeremiah Hunt. A portion of Section 35, in 1805, to Adam Flake; in 1811, to Michael and William Flake; in 1813, to William Strong, P. Hill; in 1814, to William Chamberlain. A portion of Section 36, in 1811, to John H. Piatt; in 1812, to Michael and William Flake; in 1813, to Robert Milburn. A portion of Section 13 (part in Manchester Township), in 1816, to James Morgan, Michael Morgan; in 1817, to Thomas Lanner. EARLY SETTLEMENT AND NOTES. The first settlement in the township was made in 1796. ' It has been stated upon authority that in January of that year, Adam Flake, wife two sons and two daughters, settled on South Hogan Creek. By refer- ence to the above land entries it will be noticed that in the year 1805, a portion of Section 35 was entered by Adam Flake, and that in 1811 portions of the same section were entered by William and Michael Flake. The old pioneer lived and died on this land, and in the little graveyard just above the creek in the same section rest his remains. 480 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. William Flake, a son, represented the county in the State Legislature in its early history. Amos Henry and James Bruce, from Kentucky, located on North Hogan Creek in 1798. Amos became quite an extensive land owner. Out of a family of fifteen children he reared twelve and to each gave eighty acres of land. A number of the Powells from the State of Pennsylvania settled on North Hogan Creek very early in the century. Nathan Powell, the father of Mrs. Eachel Baker, of Wilmington, who is now past four score and eight years, was but a little girl at the time of their emigration. Nathan Powell had a family of three sons and two daughters at the time of his emigration. Benjamin Powell (a brother of Nathan), Nathan and Erasmus Powell, a son of Nathan, came first and raised one crop before removing the family. Mr. H. E. Powell of this township is a son of John Powell, who has fixed the date of his father's first coming as 1801, and his return in 1807, while Uncle Benjamin Boardman, of Wilming ton, is of the opinion that the Powell settlement was made in 1805. Mrs. Baker recalls in addition to the Flakes and Bruces the names of Noyes Canfield, one Payne and a family by the name of Diggs, the latter squatters only, that were in the neighborhood when the Powells made their settlement. Conrad Huffman, from Virginia, settled in the county in 1803 (either in this or Center Township). He served in the war of 1812 un- der Gen. Dill. He was the father of Hon. Elijah Huffman, now a resi- dent of Hogan Township. About the year 1805, or soon thereafter, Peter Carbaugh, a Revolu- tionary soldier, Thomas Baker and John Durham located lands near Wilmington. L. G. Elder died in this township in 1876. He was a native of Maryland, where he was born in 1800, and in 1808 the family settled in the county. The Elders, who settled on North Hogan Creek and whose descendants still live there, had a negro boy named Harry Short. This boy, probably on account of the difference in the color between himself and the'people with whom he associated, was a curiosity to the Indians, a few of whom were yet prowling about the country. George Griffin, now an old citizen of Aurora, whose father settled with his family in 1816 on lauds now owned by John Billingsley, relates the troubles of the negro. The Indians were always on the lookout for the strange crea- ture, and were evidently determined to capture him alive. They made no attempt to take his life, but many a lively foot race they gave him over the hills and along the bottom lands of Hogan Creek. Short was in Aurora four years ago, and he is yet living in Indianapolis at a great age. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. 481 William Bainum and family, the parents natives of Delaware, set- tled in the township in 1810, and erected the first cabin on the ridge between the two Hogan Creeks. He was the father of the aged William Bainum, still a resident of Hogan. William Kerr, father of the venerable Walter Kerr, of this township, who now survives though upward of eighty- five years of age, settled here in 1816. John Kerr, another son, lived to a ripe old age, he dying in 1874, born in 1795. The family were from North Carolina. The father was a Revolutionary patriot. His death occurred in 1843. John H. Rigg, one of the pioneers of Hogan (born in 1804), came from Philadelphia with his mother to the county in 1814, and cleared the farm he now resides on. From 1812 to 1815 the country was settled rapidly; lands were cleared and the spirit of progress began to manifest itself in earnest. Many of the settlers showed a preference for the vicinity of Wilming- ton, and about the year 1815 the town was laid out. Capt. James Weaver, who died in Aurora a few years since, established the first store in the new village. He kept his small stock of goods in a cabin built of Buckeye logs. About this time the lands upon which Aurora was after- ward built, were partially cleared. The bottom lands on Hogan and Laughery Creeks were "also being cleared and cultivated. Three miles from the mouth of Hogan Creek, on the south fork of that stream, a man named Dennison had cleared a small tract of bottom land. On this tract was a "salt-lick." Dennison constructed a spring-pole engine, and bored a well here, believing that salt water in sufficient quantities to man- ufacture from, would be found. He worked diligently, but without suc- cess for several months. One day he appeared in Wilmington, appar- ently laboring under the greatest excitement, and exhibited a considera- ble quantity of what he firmly believed to be silver. He had discovered it, he said, by the merest accident among the drillings which came from his salt well. The metal was examined by experts and pronounced pure silver. Excitement ran high over this old-time " bonanza," and Denni- son was regarded as the luckiest man in all the surrounding country. A number of Quaker gentlemen were in the neighborhood at the time, and they at once formed a company to buy Dennison's property. He lacked the funds necessary to operate the " mine," and as he was anxious to see it developed and the country enriched therefrom, he was in a man- ner obliged to sell. The Quaker gentlemen paid him $3,000 cash for his property, and preceded at once to develop it. They sunk shafts and prospected diligently and hopefully for some time. No success; not a particle of silver ore was found, nor anything indeed to indicate that it 29 482 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. had ever existed there. The project was finally abandoned as a failure. Some of the specimens which Dennison had left in Wilmington were again hunted up and examined, and on one of the small pieces of silver was discovered the impression of a type. This was abundantly sufficient to warrant the belief that he had cut up coin and " salted " his mine. He afterward returned a part of the purchase money to the Quaker company. In 1807 David G. Boardman and^ brother Amos, the latter a man of family, removed from New York and settled about one-half mile north of Wilmington. The following named were all pioneers along North Hogan: Nathan Milburn and Jacob Harwood. Along South Hogan settled James Cure, the Adamses, George Gold- ing and William Chamberlain. Early settlers on what was called " Jugg Ridge " were the Moores, Alva Churchill, Timothy Kimball, James Reed, Elijah Huffman, George Cornelius, E. Chafin, Peter Hannegan and Elijah Huffman. Margaret Stitt died in Wilmington in 1866. She was born in Penn- sylvania in 1777. Benjamin Sellers died near Wilmington in 1864, aged sixty-six years; was born at Columbia, and at about the age of fourteen his father set- tled in Dearborn County, settling on the Bonner farm, where he resided until marriage in 1823, and then lived on North Hogan until 1831, when he removed to the vicinity of Wilmington. James Hubbartt, living in Marion County, Ind., celebrated the one hun- dredth anniversary of his birth, was born March 27, 1785, in Sussex County, Md.,and came to Dearborn County in 1811, where he lived until 1833, since which time he has lived on the same farm where he now resides. Grand- father of A. B., T. R., William A. and Hiram Hubbartt, of Aurora; has forty-seven grandchildren, seventy-eight great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren, representing five living generations. His father, John Hubbartt, died near Wilmington, this county, in 1848, only four weeks less than one hundred years old; buried in Mount Tabor Cem- etery. His grandfather lived to be one hundred and five years old. The following concerning the pioneers of the township was written in 1876 by Geo. W. Lane: " Noyes Canfield came to the county in 1800, stopping for a time at Lawrenceburgh, and assisted Dr. Percival in building the first house in that town. He afterward moved to a piece of land he entered on Hogan Creek at the foot of the hill north of Wilmington, where he lived until his death. He was the father of Edwin Canfield, of Wilmington, and Cyrus Canfield, a justice of the peace in Hogan Township. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. 483 " William Record settled on North Hogaa in 1807, where he remained for eight or nine years. During the war he with his family were often compelled to take shelter in the block-house close by, that was under the command of Capt. James Bruce. About 1816 he moved to King's Ridge in Sparta Township, where he opened a farm and resided until his death. He was the father of Thomas Record and Mrs. Lemuel G. Elder. Thomas was born in 1810, ''and there are but few natives left in the county who date back much further than Mr. Thomas Record. We call to mind William Bruce, Samuel Morrison, Capt. Charles Bruce, John Crozier. "William Bainum was a pioneer who settled near Wilmington at an early day. He was truly 'an honest man, the noblest work of God.' " Amos Boardman remained in the county a few years after the war, and then removed to Ripley County on the State road from Lawrence- burgh to Indianapolis, where he opened a large farm and kept one of the most popular stopping places for the accommodation of the numerous travelers on that road, which before railroad times was quite a business. "David Boardman was the father of Benjamin Boardman, of Wil- mington. The widow of David is still living and is hale and hearty at the advanced age of four score and three years. " Elias Chatin came to Lawrenceburgh in 1810. When the trouble commenced with the Indians he was among the first to volunteer for the protection of the settlers, and served during the war when duty called. His services were recognized by the Government by the issue of a land warrant. After the war Mr. Chatin removed to Sparta Township, where he opened a farm and resided until his death. For some ten or twelve years Mr. Chafin published in the Aurora paper reminiscences of the war and pioneer life, which we would be glad to have for reference, but have not as yet been able to obtain them. Mr. Chafin was an enterprising man and a worthy, law abiding citizen, who attended to his own business and left others to do the same. "Peter Hannegan moved to the county in 1818, and settled on Sparta Ridge. He was a soldier during the war of 1812, as was his father dur- ing the Revolutionary war. Mr. Hannegan was an active, industrious man and prominent citizen. His life was spared to witness over four score years a few years since, respected by all who knew him. " Our attention was called to four aged ladies residing in and near Wilmington who have experienced pioneer life, seen Indian warriors and lived for weeks in block-houses. " Mrs. Jane Purdy was born in this county in the year 1800. Her father, John Moore, settled on Laughery that year, afterward removed to the farm now owned by James Stafi'ord in Washington Township. During the war of 1812 the family took shelter in the block-house near 484 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. A. Tufts, where they would remain for weeks at a time. Mrs. Pui'dy is the oldest native born citizen in this part of the county known to the writer. "Mrs. Elizabeth Carbaugh was born in 1798, and came to the county in 1810. She was a sister of Thomas Baker, of Wilmington. Her hus- band did service during the war of 1812. "Mrs. William Bainum is now over eighty years of age, and has been in the county some sixty-five years, and now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Watkins, in Wilmington, on the land selected by her com- panion when it was an unbroken forest, " Mrs. Thomas Baker was born in 1797, and came to the county with her father, Nathan Powell, about the year 1804, and can count seventy years of sunshine and shade in the county of Dearborn. " Mrs. Baker was a sister of Erasmus Powell, who was a member of the first Legislature in the State of Indiana in 1816, associated with Amos Lane, re-elected in 1818 with John Watts as a colleague, and again elected in 1820, and represented the county in company with Dr. Ezra Ferris. Her brother, Mahlon Powell, was sheriff of the county for four years. "Mrs. Baker resides with her son, Thomas Baker, of Wilmington, in the enjoyment of good health and mind unimpaired." EARLY SCHOOLS. One of the first schools held in the North Hogan settlement was in the Powell neighborhood, the teachers being Benjamin Powell and Elijah Bonham. The neighborhood early erected a log-cabin schoolhouse, prob- ably one mile north of Wilmington, on the creek, in which the same teachers mentioned above taught. Mrs. Baker, who was married in the summer of 1812, was a pupil in both schools. An early schoolhouse was built on the Jacob Harwood tract, which was used for a number of win- ters. Jack Howard and John Harwood were among the first teachers in this building. David Boardman held school for several winters at his house. The first regular schoolhouse in the village of Wilmington was the brick one which stood in the graveyard. This was built as early as 1825. The County Seminary was located at Wilmington in 1833. EAELY INDUSTRIES. George Golding operated a little corn-cracker on South Hogan Creek, along about 1820 or 1825. William Chamberlain is remembered as hav- ing a horse-power mill on his place south of Wilmington in an early day. Benjamin Huffman early built a grist and saw-mill on North Hogan Creek; Henry Bruce had a little hand-mill; Jacob Harwood and Capt. Payne each had a little corn- cracker and copper still. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. 485 • CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. The houses of Benjamin Powell and William Bainum were early preaching places in those settlements. Mr. Bainum was a zealous Meth- odist, occupied an official position with the first class or society, and it is said that the first quarterly meeting in the neighborhood was held at his house. For some years the Methodists and Baptists held their serv- ices in the little brick schoolhouse that stood in the graveyard. Among the membership of the Methodist society besides those already referred to were William Glenn and family, Banna Stephens and family, Thomas Jennings and family, and David Carr. Of the Baptist families can be recalled the Curtises, the Churchills, the Hancocks and Marklands. Elder Thomas Curtis was for years the minister of the society at Wil- mington, and of Ebenezer Church in Manchester Township. Not far from the year 1836 the Baptist society built a brick meeting house on the present site of Simpson Chapel in Wilmington. The society gradu- ally by deaths and removals became so reduced in numbers that the house was abandoned and sold to the township trustees and used for school purposes. Probably not far from 1838 the Methodist society erected a brick house of worship opposite the graveyard, which they occupied until the present brick church edifice was built. This denomination either traded for or bought of the township trustees the old Baptist house of worship, tore it down and erected on the same site the present edifice which from an inscribed stone inlaid in the building is called Simpson Chapel, and was erected in 1865. It is a brick building and the appoint- ment is one of three places on the Wilmington Circuit. Mount Sinai Methodist Episcopal Church is located in the north- western part of the township, and is an organization of probably fifty years standing. Peter Hannegan and family, John and Levan Pritchett and families were among the members worshiping there forty odd years ago. Some time during the war a number of the membei's of Sinai withdrew and organized themselves into a Christian Union society which has since been discontinued, and the building, which was erected on a site about a quarter of a mile southeast of the old Sinai Church, was sold to the Sinai society within the past two or three years. The latter society abandoned their original church building, tore it down, and repaired and remodeled the Christian Union Building, making it a very neat and attractive edifice, and in it now worship. The frame structure referred to as having been torn down, was built prior to 1836. At the old site was a burying ground to which a Cemetery Association, in 1876, added upward of an acre of land and had it laid oflf regularly into lots. The grounds have been improved and they are now an attractive place of burial. 486 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. On the^southern outskirts of the village is located both the new ceme- tery and old public graveyard; the latter is as old as the village itself. The ground was formerly owned by William Chamberlain, who it is believed, set it apart for the purpose for which used. The first interment made in the yard was either the body of Benjamin Powell or that of Leah Hayes. To the latter there is no tombstone. Mr. Powell's death occurred October 3, 1817, aged sixty years. Among the pioneers and aged persons whose remains were interred, were the following named: Luke Evil, died in 1846, aged seventy-seven years; Susannah Kichmond, died in 1845, aged eighty-two years; Stephen Wood, died in 1844, aged fifty-one years; John Baker and wife; Samuel Stitt and wife; Mary, wife of James Bruce, died in 1861, aged sixty-six years; James Bruce, born in 1796, died in 1837; John B. Chisman, died in 1836, aged sixty-seven years; Ann, wife of John E. Chisman, died in 1857, aged eighty-seven years; John Durham, born in Delaware in 1776, immigrated to the West in 1814, served in the war of 1812, died in 1861, aged eighty- five years; Catharine, wife of John Durham, born in 1774, died in 1867; David Walser, born in 1794, died in 1869, aged seventy-five years: Elizabeth, wife of David Walser, born in 1799, died 1871; the Cheeks, the Weavers, the Buflfingtons, the Millses, and the Musgroves. The new cemetery is located in the rear of the old graveyard, both being in one enclosure. It comprises two acres of land, which were purchased and regularly laid out in 1882, and is controlled by an association. WILMINGTON. The village of Wilmington is located on the old State road leading from Lawrenceburgh to Madison about eight miles southwest of Law- renceburgh and in the southern part of the township under consideration. It was originally laid out May 30, 1815, into thirty-two lots by William C. Chamberlain, Michael Flake and Robert Moore, as proprietors. Lots from 33 to 60 were added by Robert Moore and William Bainum, April 3, 1816. Lots from 61 to 69 were added in 1835 by Robert Moore. Other additions were made in 1835 by William Bainum and Arthur St. Clair Vance. Robert Moore is thought to have been the first "village black- smith" Thomas Cole and Isaac Hancock were early storekeepers, and Stephen Wood an early tavern-keeper, built the inn known as the "White Tavern." From a directory published in 1833 the town was reported to have one tavern, two stores, a physician, a schoolhouse and a church, with about 100 inhabitants, "amongst whom are a number of industrious mechanics." In 1833 the county commissioners ordered the county seminary built in the village, it was to be of brick, two stories high and in size 64x28 feet. HOGAN TOWNSHIP. 487 The old seminary, a commodious two-story brick building with four apartments, still stands, and has been for many years the property of the township and in it the schools of that neighborhood are conducted. In 1854 a company was formed and purchased the building of the county and for some years conducted an academy in it. The county commissioners, in March, 1839, ordered that an election be held in the village for the election of trustees of the incorporated village. The seat of justice of Dearborn County was located here in 1836 and a court house, jail and clerk's and recorder's office built. In 1843 the county seat was relocated at Lawrenceburgh. During the interven- ing years, Wilmington was a very thriving and flourishing business place, being then in advance, as a business point, of its sister village Aurora, but on the removal of the county seat the glory of the place de- parted, and it is now a most quiet and peaceful little hamlet. In 1836, when the village was almost in the zenith of her growth among the business men and leading spirits were Isaac Hancock, J. C. Cordry, John R. Wood, James Powell, O. H. Reed, Josiah Chambers, Thomas Jennings, Stephen Wood, R. Stephens, William Glenn. In the year 1858-59 the population of the village was shown to be 350; in 1863 it was 366; there were then the following named business places: 2 groceries, 3 dry good stores, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 wagon shop, 1 saddler shop, 2 shoe shops, 1 butcher shop. Mr. John C. Younker, of the village, has a powder flask that was carried by Garret Hume during the Revolutionary war. He gave it to James Wilson, who used it during the campaign of Gen. Anthony Wayne, in 1795. Mr. Wilson gave it to John C. Younker, Sr., who was a soldier during the war of 1812. He kept it in his possession for over fifty years, and at his death gave it to his son, John C. Younker, Jr. During the Morgan raid a number of guns were furnished with powder from this flask — so it may be said it has seen service in four important wars and is as good as when first plucked from a gourd vine one hundred years ago. Dearborn Lodge No. 536, I. 0. O. F., was instituted August 10, 1876, under L. Sexton, Grand Master. The charter members were T. W. Cottingham, John M. Kimball, John C. Younker, M. V. Bruce, W. F. Bruce, John Buffington, George V. Churchill, George C. Cottingham and B. Bruce. The first officers were Thomas W. Cottingham, N. G. ; John C. Younker, V. G. ; M. V. Bruce, secretary; John Buffington, treasurer. The present officers are O. D. Buffington, N. G. ; George S. Dennerline, V. G.; George Cole, recording secretary; Thomas W. Cotting- ham, secretary; John Buffington, treasurer. The lodge built their hall 488 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in 1876, at an expense of $1,000, an^d, at present, are out of debt, and are in a prosperous condition. Have taken in by initiation thirty, and by card ten. Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M. — The charter was granted to the above-named lodge, May 24, 1854, by Henry C. Lawrence, G. M., The first officers were Robert D. Brown, W. M. ; William D. Lindsay, S. W. ; John P. Walker, J. W. The present officers are Leonard Spick- nail, W. M. ; Daniel H. Crozier, S. W. ; James C. Runyan, J. W. ; Thomas A. Ward, treasurer; R. D. Brown, secretary. The lodge owns a good hall and has money in the treasury. The present membership is thirty-seven. Harrison Lodge, F. & A. M. — A dispensation was granted May 25, 1848, to the above named lodge by Philip Mason, G. M. The officers under dispensation were Thomas Palmer, W. M. ; W. V. Cheek, S. W. ; E. Bedumah, J. W.; S. Wood, treasurer; James Lindsay, secretary; E. T. Percival, S. D.; J. Lindsay, J. D. Under a charter granted May 28, 1844, the name of the lodge was changed to Franklin Lodge No. 52, the first officers of which were James D. Lindsay, W. M. ; John B. Powell, S. W. ; W. H. Glasgow, J. W. In 1845 the above charter was surrendered, and there was no Masonic lodge in Wilmington until in 1854. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 489 CHAPTEK XXIV. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— Land Entries— Early Settlements- Early Schools, Churches and Graveyards. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP is one of the southeru tier of subdi- visions of Dearborn County, and lies between South Hogan Creek on the north and Laughery Creek on the south, its eastern and western boundaries being Center Township, and Clay and Sparta Town- ships respectively. Its formation occurred in 1852, of territory taken from Laughery Township, which was one of the original townships of the county, and embraced a large tract of country, out of which were created several subdivisions. In 1852 the following metes and bounds were ascribed to Washington, and have not since been changed: "Be- ginning on Laughery Creek in Section 13, Town 4, Range 2, where the range line dividing Ranges 1 and 2 strikes the creek; thence up said creek to where a line running north and south through the center of Sec- tion 21, in said Town 4, strikes said creek; thence north to the center of said Section 21; thence west to the east line of Section 20 in said Town 4, being to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 21; thence north on the section line dividing Sections 20 and 21, in said Town 4, Range 2, west, to where said line crosses the South Fork of Hogan Creek; thence down said South Hogan Creek to the range line dividing Ranges 1 and 2; thence south on said range line to place of beginning. land entries. In the following list is set forth the names of the original purchas- ers of the lands of the township with the dates of purchase: Township 4, Range 2 west. Portions of Section 1, were pui-chased in 1812, by Ira Wright; in 1813, by Daniel Huffman, Joseph E. Milbarn, Jacob Moore. Portions of Section 2, in 1811, by Stephen Peters, James Walker, John BuflSngton; in 1812 by James Lindsay. Portions of Section 3, in 1813, by George R., and Vincent Lindsay, Henry Peters; in 1815 by Jehiel Buffington; in 1817 by John Wheelet. Portions of Section 4, in 1813, by John Buffington; in 1815 by John 490 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Lewis; in 1817, by Clabourn and Ira Allen, Elias Little, James W. Whitaker; in 1837, by Lewis Nichols, John Hubbert. Portions of Section 6, in 1820, by Henry Van Middlesworth ; in 1832, by Michael Teney; in 1836, by Lewis B. Hunt, Henry Leasure, William C. Birdell; in 1837, by John L. Bailey, Harrison Alfred; in 1838, by Ar- thur F. Roberts; in 1839, by Ellis Kincaid. Portions of Section 9, in 1813, by John Walker, James Pritchard; in 1814, by Jehiel Buffington; in 1815, by Caleb Mulford; in 1827, by William Frazier. Portions of Section 10, in 1806, by John Livingston; in 1811, by John Hulbart, Sr.; in 1812, by Ralph Smith; in 1815, by John Walker. Portions of Section 11, in 1803, by Henry Cloud; in 1805, \by Mi- chael Honich; in 1813, by Robert McKittrick. Portions of Section 12, in 1813, by Abraham Carbaugh; in 1815, by Robert McKettrick, Daniel Conaway, George Grove. Portions of Section 14, in 1812, by Daniel Conaway, George Nich- ols; in 1814, by George Nichols. Portions of Section 15, in 1813, by Daniel Lynn; in 1815, by David Bowers; in 1817, by Samuel C. Vance; in 1818, by Daniel Crume; in 1825, by Benjamin Wilson. Sections 13, 21, 22 and 23 are only partly in this township. (See Union Township.) EARLY SETTLEMENT. This portion of Dearborn County began to be settled in 1796. It has been authoritatively stated that Benjamin Walker and family made a settlement in the southern part of the township on Laughery Creek in 1796. Mr. Walker was a Pennsylvanian. He later moved on the south side of the creek, erected a grist and saw -mill, laid out the village of Hartford, built for a residence the stone house in 1816, which is still standing in that village, was an enterprising business man and the father of Hon. Henry Walker (deceased), who was closely identified with the early history of Aurora and the county in general. He represented the people of the county in the State Legislature in 1835-36. More concerning the Walkers will be found elsewhere in this volume. William Maroney from Virginia, is believed to have settled in the township in 1796. Daniel Lynn is credited with having located on Laughery Creek, in the township, in 1796; a son, Joel, was born on the creek in 1799. We have seen it stated in print that the wife of John Conaway, who was Rebecca Lynn, was the third white child born in that county. Her birth occurred in this township, Isaac Allen settled in the county in 1796, One of the Aliens settled WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 491 on South Hogan or Allen's Branch, very early, and at the mouth of the latter stream built and for years operated a grist-mill, the mill going down about 1840. Whether this was [|the same Allen or of the same family we have been unable to learn. Two years later Daniel and William Conaway settled in the township. They were Virginians. Daniel Conaway had lived for a time at Peters- burg, Ky., and at Lawrenceburgh before locating in this township. A daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Trester, informs us that at the time of the lo- cation of her father's family on Laughery there were only two or three families along the stream to their knowledge. About the beginning of the present century Benjamin and Jesse Wilson and others of that family located in the township. There is now residing in the township a Benjamin Wilson whose father settled here in 1805. His name was Benjamin, too; was a native of Pennsylvania, mar- ried in 1792, removed to Kentucky in 1795, and located in this township in 1805. Ralph Smith and family and John Hurbert and family located here in 1813. They were originally from the State of North Carolina, but had removed to Ohio and came from the vicinity of Lebanon to this township. Mr. Smith was the father of Wilkinson Smith, a resident of the township, Maj. George Nichols was one of the early pioneers of Washington. He died in Wilmington, this county, in 1863, in the ninety-third year of his age. He was born in Maryland, immigrated to Kentucky in 1791, and in 1808 located in this county. He served his country in the Indian war on the Western frontiers in 1791, and also in the war of 1812-15. "He loved his country, a man of pure principles, and an honest man. He lived respected by all who knew him, and died without an enemy." In 1815 the widow of William, and mother of Capt. Martin Trester, of this township, with nine children, came from the State of Kentucky and located here. Concerning the early settlers of this township, Geo. W. Lane wrote in 1876 as follows; "Stephen Peters came to the county with Ebenezer Foote in 1798. They first settled on the river bank, just above Aurora. A freshet in the Ohio drove them back to the high ground, where they lived a few years, and afterward settled on South Hogan Creek, in Washington Township. Mr. Stephen Peters, was the father of Joseph Peters, who lived and died on the land entered by his father, and the old homestead still belongs to the family. "Ira Wright came West in 1805 and stopped a few years in Cincin- nati. April,1812, he moved in asmallboat with his family to this county, 492 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and settled on South Hogan, about two miles west of Aurora. He lived in bis boat until be built a cabin for bis family, and witb bis own bands cleared a farm on wbicb be lived until deatb called him to bis long bome in 1866, aged four score years. He was tbe fatber of Capt. Henry F. Wrigbfc, wbo organized a cavalry company in tbe early part of tbe late war, and witb bis company marcbed to tbe front and was in active service on the Potomac. Capt. Wright, like many other true and loyal citizens, gave bis life to his country. Tbe old farm is still in possession of tbe family, and tbe principal part owned by David C. Wright and brother. "In 1807 Robert Walker came to tbe county. He stopped at Law- renceburgh, where be married a daughter of William Cook, after the war. Mr. Walker settled on tbe hill in Washington Township. His eld- est son, John P. Walker, now resides on^the old homestead. "George Nichols came to this county in 1810. He located on the hill north of Laughery Creek, in sight of Hartford, and for a number of years bis bouse was the home of tbe pioneers and settlers. Maj. Nich- ols was a man of intelligence, and was a highly honored and much res- pected citizen. "James^Lindsay came to tbe county before the war, and settled on South Hogan Creek, on the State road from Lawrenceburgh to Madison, now in Washington Township. He moved from Frankfort, Ky., coming down tbe Kentucky River in a pirogue, or Indian canoe, then up tbe Ohio River to the mouth of Hogan, and up South Hogan to his new bome in a dense wilderness. He established a tanyard, and for many years was engaged in furnishing leather to the new Settlers. Mr. Lind- say was an enterprising and industrious man of unwavering integrity. He was the fatber of Enoch Lindsay, who now resides on tbe old home farm, and Mrs. John Spidell, wbo lives in sight. " John Durham settled in this county some time before the war of 1812 and resided in Lawrenceburgh for a few years, when be removed to a farm on the bill near John P. Walker's, in sight of Mount Tabor Church, where be resided for a number of years. Mr. Durham was a soldier during the war of 1812, defending the settlements against the Indians, and it is said, marched through tbe wilderness with a company under Capt. McGuire. This must have been in 1811, to join Gen. Harri- son in bis campaign against the Indians, for after the declaration of war, the militia of this part of the State were required nearer home, and another account says Maj. McGuire joined Gen. Harrison in Tippecanoe tbe next day after the battle of November 7, 1811; but of both these there may be some mistake, and we refer to them for the pur- pose of obtaining information on tbe subject. If Mr. Durham ac- complished so perilous an undertaking, there must have been others in WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 493 the county who accompanied him, and if their names can be ascertained, due mention shall be made. We therefore invite special attention to the subject, and request any information of the facts that may be in the possession of any person, that the truth of history may be veritied. Mr. Durham's life was spared to see over four score years. He was the father of David Durham now of Seymour, and Noah C. Durham, of Sparta, who was twice elected to the State Legislature. The first time in 1852, associated with Oliver B. Torbet, the second time in 1858, with Warren Tebbs." Joseph E. Milburn, Eli Green from Kentucky, Richard Norris, Robert McKittrick, George and Henry Groves and Robert Abbott were other pioneer settlers in the township. EARLY SCHOOLS. Among the first schools taught in the southern part of the township, is remembered one in the Daniel Conaway neighborhood, where the neighbors had erected a rude log-schoolhouse, in which Eli Green, one Clark and Richard Chapman were teachers. Another was on the George Nichols place, in which the teachers were Joel Lynn and James Russell. An early and quite likely the first regular schoolhouse in the township was built on or near Laugh ery Creek. James Hamilton, a Kentuckian, was the first teacher in this house. In the settlement about Mount Tabor was built an early schoolhouse, in which David Carr is recalled as having taught. At the graveyard in the eastern part of the township, known as the Treste'r Graveyard, as early as 1818 or 1819, there stood a meetinghouse in which school was kept. Here Servetis Tufts is remem- bered as having taught. Probably 400 yards southwest of the grave- yard just mentioned was the site of an early built hewed log-school- house, in which Eli Green, James Chapman, James Russell and Levi Poston imparted instruction at various times. School was held in this building before the meeting house was built. CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. Early Methodist preaching places in the southern part of the town- ship were at the houses of Daniel Crume, who, himself, was a local preacher, and a Mrs. Brinton. Among other private residences where preaching was held prior to the building of Mount Tabor Church, was at the house of George Smith, in the Mount Tabor neighborhood. The class that worshiped at the latter place erected a hewed-log meeting house probably as early as 1818 or 1820, and possibly a little before. It stood on the same site of the present church, the ground for both church and burial purposes having been given by George Smith. In 1850 the 494 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. log meeting house was replaced by a brick bailding, which was dedicated that fall by Dr. Simpson, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The building was blown down by the storm of July 4, 1873; was rebuilt, and rededicated August 2, 1874. Mount Tabor is an appointment on the Dillsborough Circuit, which is made up of Dillsborough, Mount Tabor, Green's Chapel and Hart's Mills. Originally this church was on the old Lawrenceburgh Cir- cuit. At the churchyard there is quite a large place of burial, which is as old as the church itself. Here rest the remains of many of the first set- tlers of the county, and among them many who were identified for years with the church, beneath the shadow of which their bodies are return- ing to dust from whence they came. Among the early interments and aged persons whose graves are marked by inscribed tombstones are the following: George Smith, died in 1828; Joseph Smith, died in 1832; Ralph Smith, born 1767, died in 1835; Esther, wife of Ralph Smith, died in 1842, aged sixty-seven years; Elizabeth Wheeler, died in 1828; David McKitterick, died in 1855, aged seventy-one years; Abraham Gul- litt, died in 1849, aged sixty-eight years; Martha, wife of Abraham Gul- litt, died in 1860, aged seventy-three years; Robert Gullitt, of Delaware, died in 1843, aged fifty-six years; Rebecca, wife of Robert Gullitt, died in 1870, aged eighty- four years; Jacob Flemming, died in 1833, aged sixty-one years; Mary, wife of Jacob Flemming, died in 1853, aged seventy years; John Gullitt, died in 1858, aged seventy-eight years; Solomon Hubbard, died in 1835, aged forty-seven years; Mary, wife of Aquilla Hume, died in 1832, aged forty-six years; Frances Glenn, wife of D. C. Hope, died in 1874, aged seventy-five years; Mary Brumble, born in 1789, died in 1842; George Golding, born in 1791, died in 1848; Isaac Miller, died in 1837, aged fifty-eight years; Hannah, wife of Isaac Miller, died in 1852, aged seventy-two years; William Abbott, died in 1860, aged seventy-two years; Elizabeth, wife of William Abbott, died in 1854, aged sixty-one years; W. P. Beckett, died in 1866, aged sev- enty-two years; Mary, wife of W. P. Beckett, died in 1863, aged sixty- nine years. In the northeastern part of the township is located what is styled the "Trester Graveyard," which is probably about as old as the one at Mount Tabor. Here was built a hewed log meeting house in the early part of the century, which was called Mount Zion Church by the neighborhood, and at first used as a kind of Union Church, but finally was in the pos- session of the Methodists. Among the leading Methodists at this place in an early day were Richard Norris, Joseph E. Mil burn, Ira Wright and Charles Stephens, Norris and Milburn being class leaders. The building also was used for schoolpurposes. The services were discontin- CLAY TOWNSHIP. 495 ued many years ago and the building removed. The ground was given for the purposes for which used by Kichard Norris. There is probably one acre of ground in the graveyard, and quite a number of interments have been made in it, but it has so grown up with briars and bushes that we were unable to examine the tombstones. However, from Capt. Trester, who resides near by, we learned that a number of the first settlers of that section were buried there, among whom were Richard Norris, Ira Wright, A, Abbott, with many of their descendants. In Section 11, on the old place of Daniel Conaway, is a small public burying ground, which was set apart for burial purposes by Mr. Cona- way, whose remains rest there, and also a number of his family. His death occurred in 1844, aged seventy years; Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Conaway, was born in 1774 and died in 1856; John Tufts was born in 1798, and died in 1867; John Tufts, Sr., was born in May, in 1773, and died in 1849; Prudence Tufts born in Massachusetts in 1774, died in 1861; others buried here were some of the McConnells, the Parkers, the Willses and the Greers. CHAPTER XXV. CLAY TOWNSHIP. Organization and Boundaries— First Disposition of Lands— Early Settlement and Reminiscences— Mills, Schools, Churches and Graveyards— DiLLSBOROUGH. CLAY TOWNSHIP was organized in September, 1835, with the fol- lowing described boundaries: "Commencing at the Congressional line dividing Towns 5 and 6, Range 3 west; thence east to the corner of Section 4, Township 4, Range 2 west; thence south to Laughery Creek; thence westwardly meandering with Laughery Creek to the mouth of Hays' Branch; thence westwardly meandering with the main southwardly branch or fork of said Hays' Branch to the first mentioned boundary line to the center of Section 20, Township 5, Range 3, on the boundary line of Dearborn County; thence northwardly with said line to the place of beginning." The territory within the above described metes and bounds formerly was a part of Laughery, Cesar Creek and Sparta Townships, and in addition to its present territory then included the irregular portion of southeastern Sparta bordering on South Hogan Creek, which it lost 496 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. between the years 1835 and 1852, most likely in the latter year, when the boundary line between Sparta and Clay was changed to run with the creek. To the north of Clay is Sparta Township, to the east Washing- ton, to the south Ohio County (Laughery Creek running between) and Cesar Creek Township (Hays' Branch running between), and to the west Ripley County. FIRST DISPOSITION OF LANDS. The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government, with the year of sale and the purchasers' names are set forth below: Township 4, Range 2 west. A portion of Section 30 was purchasd in 1806, by Hamilton & Jones; in 1818, by Elijah Thatcher; in 1819, by Richard Smith; in 1832, by John Speer and Martha Speer; in 1834-35, by Charles L. Pate; in 1836, by Thomas Guion, Richard Smith; in 1837, by Jonathan Hill. Section 29 (partly in Ohio County, see Union Township). A portion of Section 5 (part in Sparta) in 1816, by John Wheeler; in 1817, by Samuel Wheeler; in 1818, by John Wheeler; in 1831, by Elias Littell; in 1836, by John Hubbart. A portion of Section 7, in 1817, by James B. Jones, in 1818, by John and Dunham Davis, Samuel Ent; in 1832, by Henry Teney; in 1835, by William Abbott; in 1836, by James McClain, William B. Miller, Will- iam C. Birdsell; in 1837, by Harrison Alfred, John Kerr. A portion of Section 8, in 1813, by David M. Kettrick; in 1817, by Garrett Swallow; in 1818 by James Hubbart; in 1825, by James W. Whitaker; in 1827, by William J. Fleming; in 1834, by James Smith; in 1836. by James W. Whitaker. A portion of Section 17, in 1817, by Garret Swallow; in. 1818, by Ezekiel Pritchard; in 1827, by James Haines, George Gordon and Robert Gullitt; in 1832, by David Abbott; in 1837, by John Kneeland; in 1839, by Ezekiel Harper. A portion of Section 18, in 1817, by William Abbott and Samuel Fra- zier; in 1818, by Jesse Vandolah; in 1833, by John Vandolah; in 1836, by David Kerr; in 1839, by Nehemiah Knapp. A portion of Section 19, in 1818, by Elijah Thatcher, John W. Nixon and Henry Britton; in 1827, by William Smith and Henry Britton; in 1836, by John W. Nixon; in 1837, by Henry Darby. A portion of Section 20, in 1817, by Daniel Crume; in 1849, by Guilford & Todd; in 1832, by Samuel Hurbert and James Wilson; in 1833, by Thomas Guion and John Hughes; in 1835, by Samuel Hurbert; in 1837, by George and W. S. Mitchell and Henry Martin. Township 5, Range 3 west. A portion of Section 1 (part in Sparta) in 1815, by John Whitaker; in CLAY TOWNSHIP. 497 1831, by William and Johu Noble; in 1834, by James Noble; in 1836, by Elijah Miller, Harrison Alfred and Christian Weist; in 1837, by Jacob E. Johnson and Jonathan Hart; in 1839, by "William L. Thorn- ton. A portion of Section 2, in 1818, by John C. Shuman; iu 1817, by Henry Brogan; in 1832, by John G. Shuman; in 1833, by John Winsor; in 1836, by George W. Thornton, Edward E. Rorern, George H. Shuman and Jacob E. Johnson; in 1837, by Jacob Wakeman and Humphrey Cain. A portion of Section 3, in 1817, by Philip Rowland, Benjamin Farblers and Samuel Fleming; in 1832, by James O. Smith; in 1837, by John J. Akin and Robert Farrin. A portion of fractional Sections 4 and 5, in 1817, by Samuel Fleming. A portion of fractional Section 8, in 1836, by Oliver Lee Lyon. A portion of Section 9, in 1833, by Philip Rowland; in 1834, by John McCabe and Laban Bramble; in 1836, by Philip Rowland, Joa- chim Williamson, A. L. Bramble and John Oaings. South end of fractional Sections 8 and 9, in 1818, by Jacob Baymiller and J. J. Benbridge. A portion of Section 10, in 1818, by Samuel Frazier, Archibald Mc- Cabe, James Loder, Azariah Jaunan and Laban Bramble. A portion of Section 11, in 1818, by George Abraham, James B. Jones, Jesse Vandolah and Robert Smith. A portion of Section 12, 1818, by William Williamson, William Ran- dall and Daniel Wilson; in 1819, by Ephraim Burroughs; in 1838, by Jonathan Hart. A portion of Section 13, in 1817, by George Abrahams, Sutherland and Ramsey; in 1818, by Daniel Loder and William 'Frazier; in 1827, by James A. Loder. A portion of Section 14, in 1818, by Daniel White, Nehemiah Knapp, Robert Smith and Peter Rainer. A portion of fractional Section 17, in 1818, by John Fleming. A portion of Section 21 (part in Cesar Creek) in 1828, by Theophilus Martin; in 1836, by William Headley, Joseph Collins and Young John- ston; in 1837, by John Headley, Enoch Bostarick, William Headley and Theophilus Martin; in 1838, by Peter Sohen. A portion of Section 22, in 1818, by John Ruthop; in 1836, by George Grose, Jr., Henry Parker and Isaac Jones; in 1837, by George Grose Jr., and John Miller; in 1838, by Rice Coles, Benjamin Fowler, John Ruthop and Henry and Peter Sohen. A portion of Section 23, in 1818, by John Fleming, Jacob Spangler, Henry Spangler and David Williamson; in 1838, by Herman H. Nieman, John Brinkman, James Grove and Peter Tasset. 498 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. A portion of Section 24, in 1818, by Henry Smith, Nehemiah More- house and Elijah Thatcher; in 1831, by Joseph Losover; in 1838, by John E. Goodert; in 1838, by John E. Vosten, Henry Protest, John H. Barket. A portion of Section 25, in 1813, by Benjamin Purcell; in 1818, by Terrent and Kobert Huston; in 1837, by James Abdon; in 1838, by Her- man Shaefifer. Sections 26 and 27, lie in this and Cesar Creek Township. (See the latter.) EARLY SETTLEMENT AND REMINISCENCES. The year 1796 has been given as that marking the settlement of Will- iam Ross and family in the county. William, the head of the Ross family, was a native of Scotland, and came to America a single man with Lord Cornwallis during the Revolutionary war, and was made a prisoner at Little York. After living for a while on the farm of Gen. Washington, he was there married, lived for a time at Old Redstone Fort in Pennsylvania, at Grant's Station, then settled in this county, first stopping for a time at the mouth of Hogan Creek. His family at this time consisted of six members. February 22, 1799, David, a son, was born at the mouth of Hogan Creek. Just at what time the family moved up Laughery Creek is not known, but it was shortly after their settlement on Hogan. Mr. Ross, with his boys, cleared up a farm on Laughery Creek in this township, where he resided until 1816, when he removed farther up the same creek to what is now Ripley County, cut- ting the road as they went, where he, assisted by his sons, cleared up and improved land. He was a useful citizen, served as a Territorial jus- tice of the peace, having been commissioned by President Madison, and his commission being renewed until his removal from the county in 1816; and later served as one of the commissioners of the county of Switzerland before the portion of the territory in which he resided was attached to Ripley County. He also filled other civil offices, and was a man amom^ the pioneers. James Ross, a son, now a resident of Hartford, was born on Laughery in 1803, and though upward of four score years is very active and in almost the full possession all of his faculties, retaining them to a remarkable degree for one of his years. Though totally blind, so rendered by disease upward of a quarter of a century ago, Mr. Ross is exceedingly jovial and happy, and himself and wife, who is but three years his junior, and a daughter of the old pioneer Robert Conaway, are spending the evening of their lives together, appar- ently amid sunshine and happiness. It has been our pleasure, while compiling these pages, to frequently visit Grandfather Ross, to whom we are indebted for much of the pioneer history up and down Laughery CLAY TOWNSHIP. 499 Creek, where his long life has been passed. Beginning as a pioneer boy, amid the scjenes of frontier life, where the wilderness was his play- ground, the Indian boys his playmates, and the block-house often his home, he narrates with much interest and pleasure those bygone days. The Indians were often encamped in the woods surrounding his father's cabin, to which they frequently came for food. The settlers experienced little trouble from them, but were occasionally subjected to frights at their expense. About 1813, when the Indians were threatening war upon the settlements, the Ross family took refuge in Kentucky, where they remained several weeks. Occasional alarms took them to the neighboring block-houses along Laughery Creek, but no attacks were made. Horse stealing was sometimes practiced by the Indians. Mr. Ross remembers, *he thinks, in the spring of 1812, when the men folks of the settlements went in company in pursuit of a baud of Indians who had stolen a number of horses in that locality, but they were not overtaken. Mr. Ross has been engaged in farming and flat-boating the greater part of his life, the latter pursuit being a great occupation on Laughery Creek, where the business was extensively engaged in for probably twenty-five years, beginning about 1825. In 1836 he was mar- ried to Elizabeth Pate, who died in 1847, after bearing him seven chil- dren. His second wife was Miss Rhoda Lyons, who was a daughter of Robert Conaway, referred to below. The year 1798 is given as the date of the Conaway settlement on Laughery Creek. Mrs. Rachel Conaway, a native of Virginia, with four sons, James, John, Robert and Simon, immigrated to the West near the close of the last century, and Robert and James of the number settled in this township just below Milton, where there still resides a number of their descendants. Ebenezer Harbert and Samuel Purcell were others who settled along Laughery Creek in the Ross and Conaway neighborhood in the early part of this century. Peter Wright settled early in this present century at the mouth of Hays' Branch. He was a Methodist exborter and built one of the early mills in that region of the country. Thomas Guion settled in the vicinity of the point now bearing his name, Guionville, where he was subsequently engaged in merchandising. He was once a repre- sentative from the county in the State Legislature. On the hill above Guionville, settled Samuel Jewett, who had a large family of boys; several of the Smiths, and John Nixon, all En- glish people. In the northeastern part of the township the Hubbartts' settled, one of whom is now living in Marion County, this State, upward of 100 years of age. 500 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. In 1816 William L. Abbott and family from New Jersey, settled west of Mount Taboi'. Other pioneers of this locality were Samuel and David Frazier, William Glenn, the Swallows, William and Isaac Ran- dall, the AbramH, McCalls and Brambles, a number of whom came to this location from near Springfield, Ohio, and some from the State of South Carolina. Along the ridge in the vicinity of Dillsborough, located William and David Williamson, Phillip Rollin and Peter Perlee; all we believe, came to this place from the vicinity of Springfield, Ohio. Daniel Wilson, too, was a pioneer in this section. The following scrap of pioneer history of this section was published in the Dearborn Independent in 1874, under the head of "Reminiscences of Laughery:" " Ebenezer Harbert came from Pennsylvania to Indiana Territory in 1810. He started in the spring from Connelstown, above Pittsburgh, on a flat-boat, taking furniture and other necessaries for their backwoods life. He landed at Cincinnati and found a few log-cabins and a pet bear chained on the shore. Nothing of interest happened during their trip, except an adventure with a deer. They had a canoe along with them, and seeing a deer swimming across the river two of the party jumped in and gave chase. In the 'muss' the deer upset the canoe, turning it bottom upward, and throwing the men into the water. But being good swimmers they killed the deer, righted the boat, took in the deer and paddled to their floating home in triumph. Harbert's party spent the summer at North Bend, and in the fall moved up Laughery about one-half mile, where they stayed all night with a settler named Falls. The settler told them so much about the country that they were alarmed, and they started back and moved down the Ohio to the mouth of Grant's Creek. During their stay here an event occurred which we • would not consider very pleasant. While the men were absent the cabin was besieged by a bear, so that the women and children were confined to the house without any means of defense until the men returned. "About Christmas they again moved up Laughery a short distance above Guionville, where they commenced clearing, and built a house. I believe this house is still standing about half a mile aboye Guionville. When they arrived here there were a few settlers along the creek both above and below, but none on the hills. Sam Purcell lived farthest up the creek, about two and one-half miles above Guionville. Ross lived between Percell and Harbert, John Weathers lived opposite Guionville, where Milton now stands. Still below were James Conaway, Mr. Crumes and Ben Wilson. Harbert's nearest neighbors on either side were dis- tant one-half mile. The whole country was covered with dense forests, CLAY TOAVNSHIP. 501. crossed only by foot paths, and was infested with bears, wolves and other wild animals. These, together with hostile Indians, rendered the lives and property of the settlers precarious in the extreme, and many were the hair-breadth escapes which never will be recorded. From time to time the alarm of Indians would ,be sounded and the cry of ' The Indians are on us; run for your lives! ' would be accomplished with great excitement and confusion. In such times each of the members of the family would gather what he could and repair in all haste to the block-house. On one occasion, when the Indians made a raid on the set- tlement, John Harbert gathered up a pot of greens that were cooking, and not having time to reach the block-house hid it a thicket till the danger was past. When the family came from their hiding places they enjoyed their greens as that dish is seldom enjoyed. The block-house was simply a neighbor's house, where it was understood they were to meet in times of danger. "A fort was commenced on the place where John Conaway now lives, but being directly under the hill, and consequently in an exposed situa- tion, was never finished. Soon after Mr. Harbert settled here, a band of Indians, of the Delaware and Pottawattomie tribes, camped below Guion- ville. Among them were sev&ral renegade whites, including the noto- rious Simon Girty. The Indians would steal everything they could lay their hands on. They stole three horses from Mr. Harbert. However, there was much stealing attributed to them that they were innocent of, for some of the settlers were caught in acts of that kind. The squaws took considerable interest in the household affairs of the whites, and they begged all the cucumbers they could, of which the Indians were very fond, when ripe. The houses of the first settlers were rouhd log-cabins, and generally contained but one room. A man who could live in a hewed log house was considered an aristocrat. Thfe fireplace occupied nearly one whole side of the room, and they used back- logs so large that they had to roll them in with handspikes. The outside of the fireplace was built of logs, the inside of stone, and the chimney of sticks and clay. The cooking was all done in the fireplace, from which they suspended their pots, etc. The table furniture consisted of pewter and delf plates, pewter spoons, wooden bowls, etc., with gourds to drink out of. For seats they had benches or stools, and their cupboards were made of clap- boards. The houses had but few lights, and sometimes, instead of glass, they used greased paper. Each family was under the necessity of doing everything for itself as well as it could. To make meal, three devices were used — the grater, hand-mill, and hominy block; the last, however, used more for making hominy. The grater was made of a half circular piece of tin, and perforated with a punch from the concave side, 502 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and nailed by its edges to a block of wood. The ears of corn were rubbed on the rough edges of the holes, while the meal fell through them on the block to which the grater was nailed, and which, being in a slanting di- rection, discharged the meal into a vessel. This was used for soft corn. The hand-mill was made of two circular stones, the lower one called the bed- stone, and the upper one the runner. These were placed in a hoop, with a spout for discharging the meal. A staflf was let into a hole in the upper surface of the runner, near the outer edge, to turn the stone by. The grain was fed into the opening in the center of the runner by hand. I suppose the mill was similar to that used in Palestine. The hominy block was a log with an excavation burned in one end, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, so that the action of the pestle on the bottom threw the corn up the side toward the top, from whence it contin- ually fell down in the center. The first water-mill belonged to the old man Purcell, and was of the kind denominated tub-mills. The water wheel, five or six feet in diameter, was attached to a perpendicular shaft, on the top of which was a spur wheel, gearing into a trundle head on the lower end of the spindle. Instead of bolting cloth they used sifters made of deer skin, in a state of parchment, stretched over a hoop, and perforated with a hot wire. The people wore home-made clothing. Almost every liouse contained a loom, and almost every woman was a weaver. Most of the men wore moccasins and hunting shirts, and some of them wore buckskin trousers. The farmers made their own imple- ments, wooden mold-board plows, harrows with wooden teeth, etc. The diet of the early settlers was corn bread, pork, and wild game, in which the country abounded, such as bear, venison, turkey, etc. The standard dish for log-rollings, house-raisings, corn-shuckings and weddings was the 'pot-pie.' There were no stores in this part of the country. When the settlers needed groceries, etc., they were compelled to go to Cincin- nati for them. "There were no churches; meetings were held at private houses; people did not go to church to display their finery; the men wore jeans and the women flaunel. A calico dress was a rarity. Preachers were mus- cular Christians; pointed men to the Saviour through a love for their race; endured hardships on a salary of $50 or $75, and often sacrificed their lives in their untiring devotion to the cause. But even living as they did, the early settlers enjoyed life. They were an honest, industri- ous, and hardy people. Of course there were some roughs, they are to be found everywhere. What a change has taken place in the last three- quarters of a century! How thankful the rising generation ought to be that we live at the present time. The county has been cleared up and divided into beautiful farms; towns and cities are scattered over the CLAY TOWNSHIP. 503 land; schoolhouses and churches are found everywhere, all for our bene- fit. I love to hear settlers tell of the life they have lived, of their trials and sufferings, of their backwoods life. There is a great deal of unwrit- ten history within our reach which will soon be gone forever. Then let us gather it while we may. " MILLS. Peter Wright built one of the very early mills along the creek. It was a rudely constructed mill where both grinding and sawing were done. Mr. Wright was still operating the mills in 1824, but they soon after passed into the hands of William Allen, who carried on the milling business there five or six years, or thereabouts, when they ceased operation. Their location was at the mouth of Boyd's Branch. In the year 1835 Alexander Noble built the mill on Hayes' Branch on the Aurora & Laughery Turnpike, thirteen miles from Aurora; subsequently rebuilt by Mr. Klinkerman, and operated by steam; now owned by John H. Donselman. In the year 1839 William B. Miller and brother erected the mill known as Miller's Mill, on South Hogan Creek, above Dillsborough Station on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. The building is of stone, rebuilt in the year 1868; it is four stories high, with four run of stone, and a capacity of 400 bushels per day. The Dillsborough Mill was built by Arthur Beckett in 1858. It was remodeled and a saw- mill attached by Mr. Nehemiah Grullett. The pres- ent proprietors are William B. Suits and Leroy Roberts. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND QEAVEYARDS. The first schools of the township were generally taught in cabins previously occupied as dwellings. The first school in the Conaway and Ross neighborhood was held prior to 1816, but on the south side of Laughery Creek, some little distance above Milton, James Roby taught several of the early schools here. A little cabin schoolhouse was next built on the north side of the creek, probably three-quarters of a mile above Milton. Mr. Roby is re- membered as the first teacher in this building. Another of the early schools of the township was taught in a vacated cabin house that stood about a quarter of a mile above Conaway' s Ford. In 1824, in Section 12, there was still standing a log schoolhouse which had been in use several years. At this time a Mr. Bush was keeping school in it. Thomas Wilson subsequently taught in it, receiving $10 per month and "boarded around." Not far from 1831 the township was laid off in six districts, and five small frame houses built, costing about $100 each. Col. Egelston was one of the school trustees at this time and for some 504 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ten years later, and was instrumental in the early movement of dividing the township into districts, and labored for the progress the schools sub- sequently attained. About 1826 a Presbyterian society was organized and a log meeting house built in the old graveyard located a half mile north of Dills- borough on ground given for the , purpose by William Williamson. Among the early members of the society were the Perlees, the Row lands, the Swallows, the McOabes, Wilsons and Heustons; and the Rev. Lucin Alden, of Boston, who was in charge of the Aurora Seminary, and a young man of tine ability, was one of its early pastors. Subse- quently the meeting house was removed toDillsborough and occupied by the same society until about the year 1854, when it was replaced by the present brick building, which is now the house of worship of the Ger- man Lutheran congregation, the later having purchased it in 1876, when it was enlarged and otherwise improved. Since that date the Presbyterian society has been holding services in the Odd Fellows Hall. The burying ground in the old churchyard, judging from the oldest inscribed stones, is older than the society formerly worshiping there. Among the agedVhere interred are the following named: William Hair died in 1866, 'aged sixty-nine years; Thomas Hall died in 1868, aged sixty-six years; Alexander Chillis died in 1868, aged sixty-eight years; Susan Scudder died in 1879, aged eighty- three years; James Scudder died in 1857, aged seventy years; John Rowland died in 1867, aged seventy-three years;. Thomas N. Bearaughs died in 1873, aged eighty years; Nathan Smith died in 1826, aged forty-seven years; William Skelton died in 1850; aged sixty-three years; Sarah Skelton died in 1877, aged eighty-five years; Phoebe, wife of Josiah Morehead, born in 1795, died in 1874; Isaac Randall died in 1842, aged fifty years; George Warren died in 1858, aged seventy-three years; John Legg died in 1848, aged seventy-one years; Constance, widow of John Legg, died in 1858, aged seventy-four years; Josiah Morehead died in 1850, aged seventy-nine years; Jeremiah Dennis born in 1790, died in 1849; Sylenia Dennis, born in 1792, died in 1872; Susannah, wife of John Courtny, died in 1881, aged seventy -eight years; J. O. Smith died in 1870, aged seventy-one years; Sarah, wife of J. O. Smith, born in 1791, died in 1861; William Frazier died in 1862, aged seventy- eight years; George Abraham died in 1858, aged seventy-eight years; Polly Gilbert, wife of Garrett Swallow, died in 1858, aged seventy years; Polly, wife of J. D. Stoops, died in 1862, aged seventy-one years; William Randall born in 1788, died in 1863, aged seventy-five years; Jesse Vandolah died in 1837, aged sixty-six years; Mary, widow of Jesse Vandolah, died in 1849, aged seventy- eight years; Joseph Bennett died in 1873, aged sev- CLAY TOWNSHIP. 505 enty-nine years. The oldest grave marked by a lettered tombstone is that of Rebecca Smith, who was born in 1800 and died in 1819. Some years subsequent to the organization of the Presbyterian Church a Methodist Episcopal society was formed, and for a time worshiped in the church building belonging to the Presbyterians. In 1838 the Meth- odists erected a house of worship at Dillsborough. Among the families identified with the society in its earlier history were the Watsons, the Glenns, the Randalls, Millers, Brambles and Ferrous. The present beautiful church edifice, constructed of brick, was erected eight or ten years ago on the old site. St. Peter's Lutheran Church, at Dillsborough, was organized in 1876. The membership had formerly worshiped at the Opptown Church, and in the year named they purchased the church building belonging to the Presbyterian society, and enlarged and repaired it. Among the families identified with the organization are those of Henry Niebrugge, William Grieve and G. Ellerbrook. The pastors have been Revs. H. F. Miller, C. R. O. Miller and A. Schaechter, the present incumbent, who has been with the church for the past four or five years. The congregation have their own schools in which the children are instructed in German. They also have their own cemetery located south of the old graveyard above described, which has been laid out within the past two years. Oak Dale Cemetery, located about half a mile north of the village of Dillsborough, contains a number of acres beautifully and tastily laid out, and dotted over with choice evergreens and shrubbery. It is con- trolled and managed by an association organized in 1868, the date of the beginning of the cemetery. DILLSBOROUGH, The village of Dillsborough is located near the center of the town- ship, distant fourteen miles southwest of Lawrenceburgh, and one and a half south of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. It was laid out by Mathias Whetstone in the northeast corner of Section 14, Township 5, Range 3 west (sixteen lots), surveyed March 16, 1830, by Nathaniel L. Squibb. Additions to the village were made in 1837, and in 1855 by G. V. Swallow and Mr. Lenover. The first merchant of the village was David Gibson, who remained a short time only, and was succeeded by Jacob Egelston, who also started the first blacksmith shop at this point. In 1837 Mr. Egelston sold his store to William Glenn, now one of Cincin- nati's wealthy merchants. Mr. Glenn also kept the first inn of the place. Several years after the town was laid out the Wymonds — Philip, Samuel and James — began the cooper business, which they carried on extensively for quite a number of years, working from twenty to thirty 506 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. hands, manufacturing barrels for the Cincinnati market. This industry and the men engaged in it did much toward building up and making the town. The flouring-mill located here was built in 1858, by Arthur Beck- ett. It was remodeled and a saw-mill attached by Nehemiah Guliett. The present proprietors are William B. Suits and X^eroy Roberts. In 1858-59 the village had a population of 700, and made the fol- lowing showing: 3 blacksmith shops, 1 book store, 1 boot and shoe shop, 5 carpenters, 2 cabinet shops, 4 general stores, 1 carriage manu- factory, 1 minister, 2 dress-makers, 1 furniture dealer, 1 steam grist- mill, 1 harness-maker, 1 grocer, 1 hide and leather dealer, 2 hotels, 4 lawyers, 2 justices of the peace, 2 physicians, 1 stove and tin dealer, 2 coopers, 1 painter, 2 churches, 2 schools. At this writing the industries of the place are meager, there being besides the blacksmiths' shops one wagon-making establishment, carried on by F. H. Tholke (successor to Young & Young), and one in connection with a plow manufactory carried on by D. Perlee (established in 1850), a cooper shop established in 1883 by Robert T. Knowles. The village has a number of large and substantial brick business houses and resi- dences, a large and commodious three-story brick schoolhouse, and two beautiful church edifices which are ornaments to the place and a credit to its citizens, who are enterprising and public spirited. Hopewell Lodge No. 80, F. & A. M. , and Chapman Lodge, I. O. O. F., own their halls and are in good condition. William Spear Post No. 189 was organized June 16, 1873, by the officers of Huff Post No. 89, of Lawrenceburgh. There were about thirty two members mustered in on the organization of the post. The officers were David H. Holmes, P. C. ; Albert G. Withrow, S. Y. C. ; Daniel Knowles, J. V. C. ; Dr. Samuel Weaver, surgeon; Thomas J. Lord, O. of D. ; James H. Albert, O. of G. ; James H. Shatts, chaplain; Henry W. Holtegal, Q. M. ; James W. Lemon, adjutant; D. Clinton Misner, Sergt. Maj. ; Demos Perlee, Q. M. Sergt. The post adopted the name in honor of Lieut. William Spears, of Company F, Thirty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, who was killed in action at Pumpkin Vine or New Hope Church on the 27th day of May, 1864. The present officers are P. C, William Roland; S. V. C, D. C. Misner; J. V. C, John Pearson; Q. M., James Abbott; surgeon. Demos Perlee; O. of D., Andrew C. Stevenson; O. of G., Daniel Knowles; Chaplain, James H. Shatts; Sergt. Maj., Harrison Smith; Q. M. Sergt., Henry Peeper; Adjt. , David Challas. The post now numbers seventy-one members, and is in a flourishing: condition. CESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. 507 CHAPTER XXVI. CESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— Original Land Sales— Pioneer Set- tlement AND Notes— First Schools— Early Mills— Churches and Graveyards— Farmer's RetiSeat. CESAR CREEK is an irregular township lying in the southwestern corner of Dearborn County between Knobb Creek or Hay's branch on the north, Laughery Creek on the east and south, and Ripley County on the west. The county board of supervisors in November, 1826, desig- nated its boundaries as follows: "Commencing on the old boundary line at the northwest corner of fractional Section 8, Township 5, Range 3 west; thence east to the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 5, Range 3 west; thence south so the south line of the county of Dearborn; thence west to the western boundary line of Dearborn County; thence northwardly with the old Indian boundary line and western line of the county of Dearborn to the place of beginning." In addition to the present territory within the boundaries of Cesar Creek, the latter then com- prised a good part of the township of Clay and a portion of the territory out of which Ohio County was formed; the former it lost on the organi- zation of Clay Township in 1835, and the latter on the formation of Ohio County in 1844, and the subsequent change in the southern bound- ary line of Dearborn County in 1845. original land sales. Below is set forth the first disposition of the lands of the township by the Government, with the dates of sale and names of the persons to whom sold: Township 4, Range 3 west. A portion of Section 4, sold in 1816, to John Watts, Nathan Frakes; in 1825, to John Watts; in 1838-39, to Frederick Probst. A portion of Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10, are situated in Ohio County. (See Pike Township.) Township 5, Range 3 west. Fractional Section 20 (part in Ripley County) in 1818, to Felix Brandt. Section 21 (part in Clay Township, see that township). 508 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. A portion of Section 26 (part in Clay), in 1818, to J. Embree and E. Hepburn; in 1834, to John Williamson; in 1836, to Young Johnson, Peter Spangle; in 1838, to Henry Probst, Charles Drago, William Turner, Frederick Wabben. A portion of Section 27 (part in Clay Township) in 1818, to Nathaniel Wright, Abel Johnson; in 1836, to Daniel Kelsey; in 1837, to James Lenorem. A portion of Section 28, in 1817, to Martha Lemon, Daniel Kelsey and G. Pate; in 1818, to John Watts; in 1832, to William Johnson; in 1837, to William Patterson; in 1838, to Charles Droge. A portion of Section 29 (part in Ripley County), in 1818, to John and Thomas Watts. A portion of Section 32 (part in Ripley County), in 1816, to Robert Ray. A portion of Section 33, in 1817, to John and Samuel Cole; in 1818, to Felix Brandt; in 1833-36, to Daniel Kelsey; in 1838, to Harvey Cole. A portion of Section 34, in 1816, to Jacob Froman and George Zinn; in 1817, to Lawrence Purcell; in 1818, to Ezra Slauson; in 1837, to William S. Pate; in 1838, to Abraham C. Hart, Henry Walber. A portion of Section 35, in 1835, to Robert Turner; in 1837, to T. Bradley, William Patterson, Abraham C Hart, Jared Brush, William Turner; in 1838, to Herod H. Ellesman, Henry Walber, John F. Bartei, William S, Pate, John Liggett. A portion of Section 36 (part in Ohio County), in 1808, to Benjamin Purcell; in 1812, to Solomon Stephens; in 1815, to John Dougherty; in 1832, to Charles L. Adney; in 1836-37, to James Lyons. PIONEER SETTLEMENT AND NOTES. The settlement of this township was commenced along toward the close of the first decade in the present century. George Zinn came to the township in 1805, and settled on Laughery Creek. In 1876 Jacob Zinn, his son, said there was a stockade fort on the place now owned by Rudolph Winters. Back of an old stone house called the Spears House, and near the foot of the hill close to a large spring, this stockade enclosure was located. Within it were many small cabins, to which, when an alarm was given, the women and children fled, the men going to the block-houses, one opposite the mouth of South Fork and one lower down the creek than the stockade. The stockade was built under the direction of Mr. Purcell, in 1811 or 1812, who came some years before from Kentucky. Jacob Zinn retains a lively recollection of the stockade on the occasion of several of those alarms, where he spent a day or two each time. CESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. 509 The cabin of Robert Rickets, then on land now owned by Lester Lostutter in Section 16, was often used as a place of defense and resort in those days, Mr. Rickets being one of the mounted rangers. The following sketch of a prominent pioneer in substance was pub- lished in the county press some time after his death, and as it contains points of interest relative to the early settlement of this locality it is here given: Maj. James McGuire was born May 10, 1785, at Dundalk, a seaport town in the county of Louth, Province of Leinster, Ireland. He early entered the British Navy. He was under the command of Lord Nelson, at the taking of the Danish fleet at Copenhagen in 1801. Subsequently he enlisted in the English Army; in 1802 he arrived in Ohio (having crossed from Canada, where his regiment had been ordered, and in 1808, to Dearborn County), making his home at Lawrenceburgh until after the Indian hostilities were over. He became acquainted with Adam Flake, one of the first settlers, and married his daughter. August 22, 1810, he was appointed and commissioned by the govern- ment captain of militia of Dearborn County with James Allen, lieut- enant, and John Payne, ensign. In 1812 he went into active service, and was appointed drill-master as it was called, to drill all the troops that were raised in the county, he being a perfect master of military tactics. There were two companies of mounted men with rifles called rangers. The first company was under command of Capt. James Mc- Guire, and the second company was under Frederick Scholtz. These companies erected som6 half-dozen block-houses; the most southern one was on the land owned by Maj. McGuire. One company at a time would be distributed in squads of ten men to each block-house. The other company would be patrolling the wilderness from block-house to block- house, and extending their rounds into the interior of the wilderness tmenty or thirty miles; then spending a part of their time at home with their families. This guarding our frontier was kept up until the close of the war. He was subsequently appointed a major in the service. April 17, 1811, James McGuire entered the southwest half of the quarter of Sec- tion 9, Town 4, Range 3. To this land he retired when it was a dense wilderness. Here he moved into and occupied the block house. Prior to this there was but one tract of land purchased in the township. This was by James Hamilton, of the quarter-section north of him. McGuire was undoubtedly the first settler in the township, as Hamilton never lived there. Col. Johnson Watts said: "When I moved to Laughery in 1815, Maj. James McGuire lived one mile below me in the block-house, kept up iu the time of the war. " His location was in Cesar Creek Township on the north side of Laughery Creek, opposite the 510 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. mouth of Bear Creek. On this farm he spent a great portion of his time, or I might say the prime of life in clearing up, improving and cul- tivating his farm, and alternately running his surplus produce to New Orleans in flat-boats, and then returning on foot several times through the Indian nations which inhabited the dense wilderness that lay along the course. He died at the old homestead on Laughery Creek June 18, 1857, in his seventy- second year. Geo. W. Lane, in his "Centennial History," thus referred to Maj. McGuire: "Capt. James McGuire, who settled on Laughery Creek, was another of the pioneers who rendered valuable service in defense of the early immigrants to this part of the State, and deserving honorable men- tion. When most of the inhabitants this side of the Ohio crossed into Kentiicky, under an alarm of approaching Indian bands, Capt. McGuire joined Gen. Dill and others, at Lawrenceburgh, to defend those who had the courage to remain. In this connection it might be added that the alarm was a false one, or the preparation made by the militia to meet them deterred the savages from attacking the settlements; yet it was often referred to as a feather in the caps of those who remained, and the writer has often heard mention made of those who crossed the Ohio to escape from supposed danger, rather than remain and take their chances with their brother pioneers. If a state were disposed to make a 'Roll of Honor,' composed of true heroes who had been well tried and posi- tively proven in times of great danger, no name would grace the list more worthily than that of James McGuire. Capt. McGuire was spared to a good old age, to see peace and plenty and many happy homes in the rich valleys and on the pleasant hills where, in other days he had wit- nessed scenes of carnage and bloodshed, and traced through the dense forest the lurking foe and deadly enemy to civilized life." Judge John Watts and family settled in the township on Laughery Creek, in 1815. Both the Judge and a son. Col. Johnson Watts, were leading spirits, and men of prominence and usefulness in the county his- tory. They were Virginians, and had located near Petersburg, Ky., prior to the war of 1812-15, and at the station formed at the latter point the Judge was in command during times of danger. From 1825 to 1830 he represented the county in the State Senate, He was an elder in the Old School Baptist Church, and preached many times in the pioneer set- tlements of Dearborn County. Col. Johnson Watts was a member of the State Senate from this county in 1838-43, served as an officer in the war of 1812, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention, in 1851. James Rand settled on Laughery Creek in times of danger, and im- proved a fine farm. Mr. Rand was elected to the Legislature in 1841. He was known as an honest, good citizen. CESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. 511 During the second decade in the century, the following named pio- neers made settlements in the township: Eleazer Cole, William Lemon Daniel Kelsey, Harvey Cole', Kobert Ray, Stephen East, Jessie and Jor- dan Rice, Charles L. Henry and Adam Pate, John Froman, John Cory, Elijah Sloan, Peter Wright, Samuel Wright, Cobern Shed and Abel Johnson. Johnson had first settled on Arnold's Creek, in what is now Ohio County, and in 1820, settled in the vicinity of what is now known as Opptown. The Coles, Lemons and Kelseys were in the same neighbor- hood. Along Laughery Creek were the Wattses, Rand, McGuire, Ray, the Rices, Pate, Zinn and Frowman. Cory, Sloan, the Wrights and Shed, were along the Hays Branch. Robert Ray was a brother of Gov. James B. Ray. He was a minister of the gospel. The German immigration to this township, began about 1S,37. The first to locate was Frederick Wulber, Ernist Nieman, Frederick Otting, Henry Busse, Garret Busse, Charles and Henry Droge, a Mr. Grelly. Several families of Ruhlmans and Henry Siekerman, mostly men of families, were early German immigrants to this township. With the exception of three or four families, the entire township is now German. The following sketch of an old resident of the township is some- what remarkable, hence giveu (as written in 1843). Gideon Tower was born in Cumberland, Providence County, R. I., April 30, 1753, and was married in March, 1775. Joined the army of the Revolution in April of the same year, and served from three to seven months every year, whilst the war lasted. His wife was born November 28, 1754, and both are now living in Cesar Creek Township, this county, and are enjoying good health. They had thirteen children, fifty-nine grandchildren, seventy-nine gi'eat- grandchildren, and six great-great- grandchildren. They had two sons who were out in the last war — John Tower and Gideon Tower, the former was massacred January 23, 1813, at River Risin. They had one grandson, Henry Millard — who had the honor of commanding the right wing of the Texas forces, on the memorable 21st of April, 1836, when the Mexicans were defeated and Santa Anna made prisoner by the Texans. It is seldom that husband and wife live together sixty-eight years, and live to see their descendants multiply to 157, and see six of their fourth generation. And what is yet moi-e strange, that their generation should all be of one political opinion. All of them so far as my knowledge extends, that were voters in 1840, except one, who voted for Gen. Harrison. FIRST SCHOOLS. It is said that the first school in the township was taught in a cabin 512 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. house that stood in the southern part of the township on the John F. Licking land. Mr. Robert Ray was the teacher. An early school was kept in a cabin house formerly used as a dwelling, and stood near the Cole Graveyard. The teachers in this house that can be recalled were Adolphus Dimmick and George Johnson. On the Judge Watts place Robert Ray taught an early school in a vacated dwelling. The first reg- ularly built schoolbouse was erected some time in the decade between 1820 and 1830, at or in the vicinity of Opptown. Another of the pio- neer schoolhouses was erected in 1828, on the Lemon farm, and another at the mouth of Hayes Branch. EARLY MILLS. Prior to 1820 Peter Wright erected a saw and grist-mill at the mouth of Hayea^Branch, which was operated for many years. Just above the mill was a little copper still. Henry Parker operated a horse-power mill in an early day. CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. Among the early settlers of the township there were quite a number of the Methodist and Baptist belief, and among them several ministers. Preaching was frequently held in the cabin homes of the pioneers before meeting-houses were built, and classes or societies were as early formed. Some time between 1820 and 1830, the Methodist society erected a meet- ing-house at Cole's corner, in the graveyard, perhaps a quarter of a mile southeast of Opptown. Robert Ray and Israel Cole were both local preachers, and their voices were often heard by the pioneer. Many of the first and later members who worshiped in the meeting- house in question lie slebping in the old churchyard below described. The ground for both church and religious purposes was set apart by one of the Coles. The house of worship has been removed, and nothing left to remind those yet living of the bygone years save the quiet city of the dead, over which the marble slabs stand as sentinels. This is the oldest public burying- ground of the township. The earliest burial made, which is marked by a lettered tombstone, was that oE the body of John, son of E. and H. Cole, who died December 10, 1819, aged twenty-seven years. Other early interments were an infant of Reed and Mary Cran- dall, who died in 1820; Dorcas Cole in 1822, and Israel Cole in 1823. Among the aged buried here are the following named: John Leggett, died in 1867, aged sixty-seven years; Margaret, wife of John Leggett, died in 1878, aged seventy-eight years; Eleazer Cole, born in 1804, died in 1875; Elizabeth, wife of George Headley, a native of England, died in 1848, aged sixty-five years; Lemuel D. Turner died in 1865, aged six- ty-four years; Nancy Turner died in 1864, aged fifty -eight years; Elea- CESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. 513 zer Cole died in 1822, aged fifty-four years; Daniel Kelsey born in 1788, died in 1865, aged seventy-six years; Eunice, wife of Daniel Kelsey, died in 1872, aged seventy-nine years. Thomas Kelsey, a Revolutionary soldier, died in 1835, aged eighty-one years. About 1832 a Baptist society was organized in Pike Township, Ohio County, and in two or three years they built a meeting-house in this township on land given for the purpose by Jacob Zinn. The church was styled Laughery Valley Baptist Church. Among the membership were Jacob Zinn, David Fisher, the Pattersons, the Sanderses, the Grahams and Rhoda Conaway. This society has held no meetings for probably thirty odd years. At Farmers' Retreat (Opptown) stands a beautiful and attractive church edifice with a tall cupola and spire styled St, John's Lutheran Church, which building was erected in 1867; near by it stand^ a large hewed schoolhouse, in which are held the schools (in German) of the congregation, and on the other side of the church is a large and neat' dwelling, the pastor's residence. The church organization took place in 1842 or 1843, and the first house of worship built at the graveyard of the society, which is situated a few hundred yards east of the Cole Grave- yard. The buildingis the one above referred to as the schoolhouse, which was removed to its present site on the completion of the new church. Among the early membership were the following named: Fred Luking, Henry Lubby, several families of Prentyses, Chris Nolte, Mai*t Matting, E. H. Stapel, John and Fred He£fmier and Earnest Kuhlman. Of the ministers ai'e recalled Revs". Misner, Hunger, Myer, Theodore Weich- man, the latter's pastorate covering a, period of twenty- four years. The graveyard where the old church stood is well cared for and contains many neat marble slabs. It is about the same age as the church. About five years ago, the congregation bought or James W. Johnson, another tract of ground adjoining the other, which has been beautifully laid out and now contains some choice shrubbery and several costly monuments. Another Lutheran Church building stands probably forty rods east of the German graveyard, the congregation formerly was a part of St. John's Church but some twenty or more years ago split off from that chiu'ch and have since been a separate organization. This society is now weak and we believe has never had a regular resident pastor. The present pastor is Rev. Mr. Schaechter, who is pastor, too, of the Luth- eran Church at Dillsborough, where he resides. Some thirty odd years ago a society of German Methodists was organ- ized and held services occasionally in the old Methodist meeting-house located at the Cole burying -ground. The first preacher of the society was Rev. John Hopping. Other ministers were Revs. Hoehouse, Leo- 514 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. pard and Fult. About thirteen years ago, the society purchased the frame house of worship that stood at the graveyard (Cole) and out of it erected a new one at Farmer's Retreat, in which their services are now conducted. farmers' retreat. This settlement consists of a cluster of houses scattered along the road leading fromDillsborough to Friendship, and from appearances it is judged that the inhabitants are a thrifty and industrious people, as all buildings are either new or in good repair and order. There is located at this point a postoffice and several stores and industries as follows: three general stores, one harness shop, one blacksmith shop and one shoe shop. The physician is Dr. Barklay. CHAPTER XXVII. PIKE TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— First Disposition of Lands— Early Settlement and Notes— Industries— Churches, Graveyards and Schools— Freedom, or Cole's Corners. PIKE, the western township of Ohio County, lies between Laughery Creek on the north, and Switzerland County on the south, and between Cass and Union Townships on the east, and Ripley and Switz- erland Counties on the west. The township was described by the county commissioners in March, 1845, as " All the territory of said county west of the line dividing Ranges 2 and 3 in said county." This description gave to the township its present lands, less the eastern tier of sections. In September, 1874, it was ordered that " That part of Cass and Union Townships west of a line commencing at a point in Union Township on Laughery Creek, one mile east of a line dividing Pike and Union Town- ships, running south to the southeast corner of William Cutter's land in Cass Township, thence west to South 'Fork; thence up South Fork to the line dividing Pike and Cass Townships, be attached to Pike." In Feb- ruary, 1876, the boundary lines between the townships of Union and Pike, and Cass and Pike, were so established as to give the present ter- ritory to Pike Township, which territory originally formed part of Cesar Creek and Union Townships of Dearborn County. PIKE TOWNSHIP. 515 FIEST DISPOSITION OF LAKDS. The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government, with the purchasers' names and year of sale, are set forth in the following list (where the entire section was not disposed of at one time, the succes- sion of dates and names indicate the years when and names to whom portions of the section were sold): Township 3, Range 2 west. Section 6, sold in 1815, to Hubbard Jones; in 1816, to Robert Lyons; in 1833, to Simon Gonaway; in 1836, to Daniel Conaway; in 1837, to Leonard Bailey; in 1839, to Hiram Barker. Section 7, in 1817, to Abraham Wheeson; in 1825, to John Phelps; in 1833, to James G. Kittle;, in 1830-32 to JohnGibbs; in 1836, to Moses Johnson. Township 4, Range 3 west. Section 1 (part in Dearborn County), in 1811 and 1814, to Joseph Lyons; in 1818, to Felix Brandt; in 1830, to Samuel Graham and James Lyons; in 1837, to Samuel Graham. Section 2 (part in Dearborn County), in 1812, to Charles and Jacob Brashen; in 1814, to Samuel Purcell and Austin Hubbard; in 1817, to Peter Longer; in 1836, to Charles B. Pate; in 1837, to Lewis Pate. Section 3 (part in Dearborn County), in 1814, to Griffin Tipsond and Abraham Bills; in 1836, to Charles B. George, Jr., and R. R. Pate; in 1838, to Herod H. G. Ellerman, in 1839; to Henry Probst and Frederick Wolver or Wulver. Fractional Section 5 (part in Dearborn County) in 1812, to Larkin Kyle. Section 8, in 1816, to John Watts; in 1836, to David Pate; in 1839, to John H. Tilbert. Sections 9 and 10 (part in Dearborn County), in 1811, to Thomas Rand and James Hamilton; in 1815, to James McGuire. Section 11, in 1818, to Jesse Embree and Edward Hepburn; in 1819, to William Wooley; in 1833, to William Patmore; in 1836, to George Pate; in 1839, to Cornelius S. Terwilliger. Section 12, to Jesse Embree and Edward Hepburn; in 1819, to Henry L. Wilmer. Section 13, in 1815, to Richard Folsom; in 1819, to H. L. Mangowem and H. Y. L. Wilmer; in 1834, to James F. Johnson; in 1839, to John J. Frely. Section 14, in 1818, to William Barr and Edward Hepburn; in 1832, to Timothy W. Graham; in 1834, to James Wymond; in 1836, to Daniel Wolcott and John Elder; in 1837, to George Carpenter, Norman Sloan, A. N. Sloan. 516 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Section 15, in 1838-34, to Timothy Ward; in 1836, to Ezra G. Bear, Timothy Ward, Hugh Cole, William Winscott; in 1837, to Thomas Jones, Joseph Q. Frazee. Section 17, in 1831-32, to James McGuire; in 1833, to Benjamin Dolph; in 1836, to Albert Voris; in 1837-38, to John McGuire; in 1838, to William N. Gardner; in 1839, to Benjamin S. Hildebrand. Section 20, in 1818, to Samuel Acton, in 1819, to John Sherlock; in 1836, to George Fallis, Luther Hotchkiss, Martin D. Fallis, Madison Vanosdal, Henry Demsdell. Section 19, in 1833, to John C. Mapert; in 1838, to Jacob Boyd. Section 21, in 1834, to James Wilson; in 1830, to Marshall Elliott; in 1835, to William Murphy; in 1837, to George Fallis, Samuel Fallis, Will- iam Armstrong and Martin D. Fallis; in 1838, to Eichard Fallis and Edward Roberts; in 1839, to John Fallis, Joseph B. Glenn, John Gross. Sectibn 22, in 1832, to Christian Cooper; in 1833, to Orlando Wal- ker, B. H. Walker and Isaac G. Bascom; in 1834, to Peter G. Danlenyn, Joseph Culp and Joshua Sutton; in 1836, to Peter G. Danlenyn and Eli Cooper. Section 23, in 1817, to Thomas Morgan, John Gifford and Mathias Redding; in 1818, to Stephen Burrows; in 1827, to John Clark; in 1836, to Haney Hatcher; in 1837, to David Brown and Eleazer Smith. Section 24, in 1818, to Peter Bear, John Dickinson, John and Will- iam B. Phelps; in 1836, to Jacob R. Harris; in 1838, to John Clark; in 1837, to James Fox and John Gibbs. Township 4, Range 2 west. Section 31, in 1806, to Thomas Purcell; in 1804, to Dickey Berk- shire; in 1817, to John Clement; in 1833, to Hubbard Jones and Sam- uel Griffin,. A portion of Section 36, Township 5, Range 3 west, is in this town- ship. (See Cesar Creek Township. ) EARLY SETTLEMENT AND NOTES. This township began to be settled about the close of the first decade in the present century. One of the very early settlers along Laugh - ery Creek, in the neighborhood of the mouth of Bear Creek, was Thomas Rand, a man with a large family. His sons were James, Thomas and Charles. The family removed to this site from what is now Brown County, Ohio. This family cleared up and improved land. Further up Laughery, and not far from the "Indian Boundary Line," settled Thomas Johnson at an early period. Several families of Pates, settled along Laughery Creek, during the war of 1812-15, of which were Jeremiah and son, and George, men of fam- ilies. PIKE TOWNSHIP. 517 Among the early settlers on South Fork were Hurbert Jones, James Moore, Thomas Logston and Thomas Bobbins. . Other pioneers of the township, who had located here between sixty and seventy years ago, can be recalled George French and family (Penn- sylvanians), Samuel Cunningham and family, Peter Bear (a Virginian) and family, John and Elisha Clark (from Ohio here) and families, Nor- man Sloan and family, Benjamin Locks and family, Jeremiah Folsom and family, Ebenezer Phelps and family, and a Mr. Walson, all of whom lived in and about what is now called Freedom; along Laughery Creek, lived Samuel Graham, John Lyons, Isaac Bisby, some of the Purcells and a man by the name of Spears, all men with families; and on Bear Creek, lived Benjamin Dulph and family. These men were all in the strictest sense pioneers, clearing up and improving farms, and otherwise identified in the township's history. Toward the latter part of the decade between 1830 and 1810, marks the period when the German element began settling in the township, which now is greatly in excess of the American population. Among the early Germans immigrating to this section were Henry Marker, Henry Blanker and Frederick Housemire. On this point, in 1876, it was stated: "Thirty-seven years ago we had but few German families (among the first were Mr. Potterbaum, Henry F. Marker and Henry Blanker), now we have about^seventy." Concerning some of the men of the township the following appeared in one of the county papers in 1876: "Robert McKim is the oldest man in the township, in his nine- tieth year; Christopher Housemire and wife, came next, eighty-three and eighty-six; Ezekiel Walston, a veteran of the war of 1812, eighty-three; John Dennis, Sr., eighty-two; James McGuire is quite old, also. Capt. T. W. Pate was born in Virginia, and served as assessor and justice, then removed above Rising Sun; served as judge of the probate court, and as captain of Company C, Thirty-seventh Indiana, and commanded the steamer 'Red Stone.' Hon. William T. Pate, of Patriot, served as sheriff and in the State Legislature. John S. and Henry S. Pate, also are claimed here. Peter S. Pate was born on the farm on which he still lives, aged forty-eight, and has done the township good service, and is a director of the National Bank of Rising Sun. Col. Carlisle Stout, father of Capts. Able and Ira Stout, is an old citizen, having resided here nearly forty-five years. Eli Cooper also is an old resident." Capt. Pate above referred to, died in the city of Rising Sun, of par alysis, March 22, 1885, when the following obituary notice appeared in the Local of that city: " Capt. Thomas Waterson Pate was born in Montgomery County, Va., May 17, 1813. His parents, in 1814, removed to what was then known 518 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. as the Northwestern Territory, settling on the bank of Laugher j Creek, in what is now the western part of Ohio County. He was married. April 17, 1834, to Mildred Rice, a grand-daughter of Judge Watts, a Baptist minister of considerable note in those days. Five children were born to them, four of whom are living. In 1846 he removed to a farm on the Ohio River, near Rising Sun, where he resided until 1869, since which time he has resided in Rising Sun. The greater part of his life was spent as a farmer, boating during the winter season on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. He entered the army in 1861 as a captain in the Thirty- seventh Indiana Regiment. He was discharged, in 1863, on account of wounds he received at the battle of Stone River. After his recovery he was appointed a pilot in the Mississippi squadron, in which capacity he served until the close of the war. He was possessed of vig- orous constitution, not requiring the seiwices of a physician until nearly seventy years of age. An intimate acquaintance for sixty years describes his social character by saying: 'He would walk for the pleasure of see- ing another ride his horse.' " INDUSTRIES, Probably as early as 1816 or 1817, Judge Watts built a grist and saw- mill on Laughery Creek pretty well up toward the "Indian Boundary Line." Prior to this he had a kind of a corn cracker more rudely con- structed than the mill mentioned. In those times persons taking grain to the mill were to oversee their own grinding and in waiting their turns would not unfrequently be compelled to remain at the mill a day or more at a time. A story is said to have been often related by Maj. McGuire, which is illustrative of the slowness in which the mills of those times performed their work. While the Major was once looking after his grinding he happened to fall asleep for some time, and on awaken- ing and examining his grist he found a dog near by which had been eating it as fast as converted into meal, and stood barking for more. In 1825 Col. Egelston and Isaiah Bisby erected a grist and saw-mill on the Laughery Creek further down, which was operated probably fifteen years. It passed from them into the hands of a Mr. Patterson. Mr. Bisby also for a time operated a little still. Peter Bear built a grist and saw-mill on South Fork, east of Freedom, not far from the year 1825 or 1826. Probably twenty years later Hugh Anderson erected a steam saw and grist-mill about one half a mile east of Fi-eedom. -This mill was operated some years, burned down, was rebuilt and finally wore out and is an industry of the past. Another steam saw-mill was built at Freedom before the Anderson mill by Darius Ford which, too, is num- bered with the things o^ the past. Not far from 1840 Marshall Elliott PIKE TOWNSHIP. 519 erected and carried on a grist-mill on Bear Creek, which was located about two miles from its mouth. In the early times there were several tanneries in operation, one by John Lyons, one by Col. Johnson Watts, one by a Mr. Dayton and one by one of the Clarks. Both Col. Watts and one of the Grahams operated little copper stills. In 1876 there were in the township three stores, kept by J. Graves & Bro., F. W. Housemire and Buchanan Bros; three blacksmith shops, ten cooper shops, one grist-mill and three saw-mills. CHURCHES, GRAVEYARDS AND SCHOOLS. On the west side of Laughery Creek about one mile east of the western boundary of the county at the old graveyard situated there, nearly at the water's edge, formerly stood what was designated as " The Bear Creek Regular Baptist Church, " which society was constituted June 13, 1818, at the residence of Judge John Watts, Elders George Hume and Jesse Vawter being the ordained gentlemen present. The original members were John Watts, Fannie Watts, Erastus Lathrop, Dilly Lathrop, Ezra Lathrop, Sr., and Ezra Lathrop, Jr., and among the early elders were Judge Watts, Erastus Lathrop, George Hume, James Milles, Andrew Baker and Moses Purcell. Ground at this place was set apart for burial and church purposes by Judge Watts, and on it was early erected a log meeting-house, which in twenty-five or thirty years was replaced by a frame one which was used until the congregation was removed to Friendship or Paultown, in Ripley County, where it in con- nection with the society worshiping at that place some time before the late war, erected a neat and substantial brick church edifice. The Bear Creek Graveyard is strikingly peculiar in the fact that all graves are walled up above the ground with stone in sarcophagus form with a lettered stone standing at the head of the grave as is usually the case. This place of burial is not large, though a number of graves are marked by rude unlettered stones, and quite likely many of the first settlers of that section of the country are interred here without any thing at all to mark their last resting place. The yard is unfenced and for years has been open to the various causes that will eventually obliterate all traces of the hallowed spot. Only a few of the stones bearing inscriptions are legible. The oldest we noticed was inscribed to the memory of Newton Watts, born in 1800, died In 1818. The remains of Elder Erastus Lathrop rest here, his death occurring in 1821, at the age of forty -five years. Just over in the field across the public road to the west is a small place of burial surrounded by a stone wall, in which rest the bodies of Judge John Watts, Col. Johnson Watts and a number of the family, the Harts, and a few others. Judge Watts died in 1834, aged sixty- 520 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. seven years; Frances, widow of Judge Watts, died in 1854, aged eighty - two years; Robert Ray died in 1838, aged forty-nine years; John Henry died in 1878, aged eighty-one years; John Oglevee died in 1868, aged seventy- five years; Col. Johnson Watts died in 1871, aged seventy-six years; Elizabeth, wife of Col. Johnson Watts, died in 1867, aged seventy-three years. In the early settlement in the southern part of the township, a class of Methodists was accustomed to worship at the residence of George French, who was a class-leader. This denomination, we believe, has never erected a meeting-house of their own in the township. In the southern part of the township, less than one mile south of Freedom, or Cole's Corners, stands a neat and substantial frame church building, called Olive Branch Baptist Church, erected in 1884 The society was organized probably fifty years ago, and in 1838 or 1840, a meeting-house was erected at the graveyard, on the site of the building just described, on ground given, it is believed, by George March, for church and burial purposes. At about the time of the re- moval of the society worshiping at Bear Creek, to Friendship, a divis- ion occurred in the Olive Branch Church, then, we believe, called Sugar Branch, and a portion of the membership formed a society and built a meeting-house about one mile west of Freedom', but were, com- paratively speaking, short-lived. To the right of the Olive Branch Church is quite a large burying ground, in which rest the remains of many of the earlier members of both branches of the church just sketched. Among the aged whose bodies are here interred, are the fol- lowing: Thomas Bobbins, died in 1867, aged eighty-three years; Sarah, widow of Thomas Robbins, died in 1880, aged seventy-nine years; George March, died in 1863, aged eighty-seven years; Juda March, died in 1864, aged eighty-five years; Daniel Baker, died in 1881, aged seventy- one years; William Spear, died in 1861, aged eighty-three years; Mary, wife of Hugh Anderson, died in 1871, aged seventy-seven years; Thomas Davis, died in 1876, aged eighty-three years; Timothy Ward, died in' 1870, aged seventy-seven years; Rebecca, widow of Timothy Ward, died in 1871, aged seventy- three years; Jeremiah Robbins, died in 1869, aged seventy-one years; Lydia, wife of Isaac Robbins, died in 1877, aged seventy- three years. Elders John, Samuel and Absalom Pa\;ey, and Robert Stephenson, were ministers of the Olive Branch Church. St. Peter's is the name of a German Lutheran Church society that worship in a large and substantial brick church edifice, located near the center of the township, erected in 1878. The society, as an organization, dates back to the time when the township began to be peopled by the Ger- PIKE TOWNSHIP. 521 man immigrants. Their first building, a frame, was built in 1852. In the rear of the building is situated the schoolhouse of the congregation, who instruct their children in the German language; also, to the rear of these buildings, probably 100 yards, is a small burying ground belong- ing to the church, which dates back to the church organization. The church building above referred to as having been built by a por- tion of the membership that withdrew from the Olive Branch Society, and located about a mile west of Freedom, has within the past decade fallen into possession of a United Brethren Society, organized, perhaps, ten years ago. In 1876 the membership of the Olive Branch Church was sixty-two, and the pastor was Elder Samuel Pavey; the membership of the Lutheran church was 100, the pastor being Eev. F. Zurmullen. One of the early schools taught in this township was kept in a cabin previously occupied as a dwelling house, located near the tanyard of one of the Clarks referred to above. T]be teacher was Samuel Bell. About three-quarters of a mile south of Freedom was built a hewed log-school- house, in which taught Harrison Plummer, Warren Crandall, and a Mr. Ward, respectively. There were five schoolhouses in the township in 1875. FREEDOM, OR COLe's CORNERS. This consists of a little cluster of houses located along the highway where two country roads cross, in the southern part of the townshipj where is a postofiice, and some little business. The postoffice was first established on Bear Creek, under the name of Bear Branch, with Henry A. Downey, once a prominent lawyer of Vevay, as postmaster. It was his first entrance into public life, in 1852 or 1853. The ofiice was moved to Cole's Corners in 1855, and Darius Ford was appointed postmaster. In 1868 the office was removed to the store of F. W\ Housemire, where it remained until 1876, when it was removed to Cole's Corners, and James Buchanan appointed postmaster. 522 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTER XXVIII. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. Organization and Boundaries— Disposal or Lands by the Govern- ment—Early Settlement and Notes— Mills, Distilleries, etc.— Schools, Churches, and Graveyards— Harrison. HARRISON is the northeast corner township of Dearborn County, and was organized at the June session of the commissioners in 1844, out of territory belonging to Logan Township. Its boundaries were then described as follows, which are the same at present: "Com- mencing at the northeast corner of Miller Township, and running due west on the northern line of said township to the one-half mile stone on Section 34 of Logan Township; thence due north three and three-quar- ter miles more or less to the center of Whitewater River; thence follow- ing up said river to the county line; thence east on said co nty line to the Ohio State line; thence south on said State line to the place of be- ginning." The township on the north borders on Franklin County, on the east on the State of Ohio, on the south on Miller Township, and on the west on the Whitewater River and Logan Township, disposal of lands by the government. The lands of the township as sold by the government with the years of sales and names of purchasers are exhibited in the following list: Township 7, Range 1 west. A portion of Section 1, sold in 1811, to Obediah Ford; in 1814, to Stephen Falkington; in 1816,to Hugh Moore; in 1818, to Samuel 0. Vance; in 1832, to John Garner. A portion of Section 2, in 1811, to James Blackhouse; in 1812, to James Remy; in 1815, to George Larrison; in 1818, to Moses Wiley; in 1832, to Nathan C. Wickham and James McMannaman. A portion of Section 3, in 1816, to James Jones, Sr.; in 1824, to Hugh Abercrombie; in 1829, to Solomon Manwarring; in 1832, to Jesse Whipple; in 1833, to Rees Strand; in 1834, to Hugh Abercrombie. A portion of Section 4 (part in Logan Township), in 1803, to James Adair, Sr.; in 1809, to Enoch Smith; in 1810, to James Jones. A portion of Section 10, July 14, 1801, to Richard Manering; in 1803, to John Hackleman. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 523 A portion of Section 11, August 29, 1801, to John Brown; August 13, 1801, to Lewis Deweese. A portion of Section 12, June 5, 1802, to William Majors; in 1804, to Alexander Dearmand; in 1815, to James Hartpence. A portion of Section 13, August 22, 1801, to Cave Johnson; December 8, 1801, to William Allensworth and William Ramsy. A portion of Section 35, in 1817, to John Gibson; in 1832, to William McClure, Aaron Scoggins, and Isaac Crinden; in 1833, to E. G. Scoggins and Aaron Scoggins; in 1835, to William H. Loyd; in 1836, to Benjamin Morgan, Jr. A portion of Section 36, in 1816, to Reuben Lewis; in 1828, to James y Backhouse; in 1832, to Stephen and Elisha Burke, David Williams,/^ Hiram and Silas Henderson; in 1833, to Aaron Scoggins and David Williams; in 1834, to John L. Hall. A portion of Section 23, in 1818, to A. White, Jacob Ducaris, Will- iam Pereell and Thomas Breckenridge; in 1828, to George Waldorf, Ben- jamin Morgan; in 1833, to Thomas McBreckenridge, George Waldorf; also to Waldorf in 1835; in 1838, to Warren Tebbs. A portion of Section 24, April 9, 1801, to John Brown; in 1811, to William Purcell; in 1833, to John Snyder. Section 25, in 1805, to John Allen; in 1815, to Jonas Crane; in 1832, to Ulila Burke, William S. Deweese; in 1828, to Denis Hol- dron; in 1834, to John Henderson; in 1835, to William Waldorf. A portion of Section 26, in 1817, to Absalom Cornelius; in 1818, to Enoch Morgan, David Lathrop; in 1832, to Ranna S. Cloud, John McCannon; in 1834, to John Henderson, Jr.; in 1835, to Robert Cas- sady. Sections 15, 22, 27 and 34, situated in the townships of Harrison and Logan, are treated of in the latter. EARLY SETTLEMENT AND NOTES. In 1879 the venerable William McClure, of Franklin County, this State, wrote as follows: "My father moved from Harrison County, Ky., in 1804, when I was about two years old, and settled near Cleves, about five miles below the town of Harrison, Ohio. He remained there one season, and then moved to a place called Stone Lick, and built a log-cabin, which was on the farm of the late Peter Rifener, about one mile above Harrison. I learned from Capt. Isaac Fuller, of this county, that his father lived as early as 1794 or 1795, at North Bend, and in the Big Bottom, and that he helped to raise the first patch of corn that was raised by white men 'in the Big Bottom. 524 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. "I will now name some of the first settlers in the vicinity of Harri- son, out as far as the Dry Fork, and Miami, and up to the line of Frank- lin County, and also state where they lived, as near as I can recollect, as the principal route to the interior of the State, from Cincinnati, where the land offices were located, was up the Whitewater Valley, where we locate these early settlers. On the Ohio side, and near the Miami, there lived Col. Bennifield, Squire Vantrees, Basil Wells, — Carrs, Prof. AVhite, — Ingersol, and the Ismingers. J. Armstrong settled on the Dry Fork near New Haven, in 1802, or 1803; also the Athertons and Shucks. Mathew Brown lived nearer Harrison; also the Cottons. At Harrison and below, were Eben Cooley, Hunts, Aliens, James Backhouse and Breckenridge. Above Harrison, first was old John Caldwell, who could tell some of the greatest stories of any man in the country. He said when he was lying by his corn one year in the bottom above Harrison, he noticed a very promising hill of corn, and that he concluded he would mark it; so he threw a black chunck by it, and in the fall, when he came to gather it, there wei;e 165 ears on the hill of corn, and four- teen on the black chunck. Next, above, was James Eads, father of William H. Eads, formerly of Brookville. Mr. Harthouse lived near him. Jere- miah Johnson lived near Johnson's Fork, from whom I presume, it took its name. Across the river lived the Ashbys. Above the mouth of Johnson's Fork, on the bank of the river, there was a block-house built in 1812, for defense against the Indians. Moses Wiley, father of Hon. Spencer Wiley, settled on the farm of the late Thomas Breckenridge. The next farm above was settled by William Jacob, father of Maj. Hackleman, deceased, late of this county. William Mayer lived in the bottom, south of Hackleman's, near the old Baptist meeting-house. The next above Hackleman's, were Solomon and Richard Manwarring. The next above near where the Widow Bray lives, was James Cole, who was one of your noisy and boisterous men. He could be heard in com- mon conversation nearly half a mile. Benjamin McCarty, James Adair and Abner Conner settled in the bottom above Cole's. Some persons by the name of Logan, made some salt at, or near, the mouth of Logan Creek. "My father moved to Richland Creek about four miles below Brook- ville, in 1807. At that time Ralph Wildridge and the Treads, and, perhaps, John and Samuel 5'Ockafellar, lived about New Trenton, and over the river, opposite the Big Narrows, Isaac Levi and a man by the name of Brownlee were the first settlers. John Vanblaricum settled at the upper end of the Big Narrows. Zachariah Cooksey settled next above and George Rudicil's father, where Maj. Rudicil now lives. About that time Michael Rudicil settled about a mile east on the upland. Maj. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 525 Rudicil has lived where he now lives ever since I can remember, and in his yoanger days traded to New Orl eans, and brought more money into the county than any man I was acquainted with, and was always correct and honorable in his dealings. Nathaniel Porter and Joseph Mormon settled first above Rudicil. John Hagerman built a mill at the lower end of what is called Bennett's Bottom; there also was, perhaps, the first carding machine in the country, and a good grist-mill." * * One of the most successful and well known Methodist preachers in the Whitewater country was Rev. Allen Wiley; his father moved to a place about three miles above Harrison in 1804, at which time Allen was in his sixteenth year. In 1845 and 1846 Rev. Mr. Wiley published a series of articles in the Western Christian Advocate entitled, "Intro- duction and Progress of Methodism in Southeastern Indiana." He was a man of unusually large experience and knowledge of the people and times whereof he wrote. He says: "In the autumn of 1804, my father came to Indiana and settled about three miles above where Harrison now stands, I being then in my sixteenth year. The country was then some- what densely settled along the river, up to what was called the Lower Narrows, six or seven miles above where Whitewater leaves Indiana. As well as I remember there was one family on the southwest side of the river opposite the before mentioned narrows; another family on the same side opposite the narrows, above the present town of New Trenton; and another on the same side in the bottom below the present town of Roch- ester (now Cedar Grove). Three quarters of a mile above Big Cedar Grove Creek Mr. John Connor, an Indian trader, had a store kept by a Frenchman, hence the store was called the French store. I have now gone to the ultima thule or verge of the white population in the White- water Valley in 1804. The first settlers in the Whitewater bottoms were in many respects, a charming people when I became acquainted with them in 1804. They were generally a sober, industrious and kind-hearted people "********** The author of an "Emigrants Directory," published in 1817, in speaking of the village of Harrison says, "a considerable number of the inhabitants are from the State of New York; Mr. Looker from Saratoga •County, Mr. Crane from Schnectedy and Mr. Allen, the postmaster, from New Jersey, own the surrounding lands. They are all very fine and valuable farms, worth from $40 to $60 per acre. The settlement was commenced about sixteen years ago." ***** In 1884, Mathias Voshell died in Millar Township this county, when it was stated that "he was born in Delaware, in 1800, and with his step- father, Mr. Thornton, immigrated to Williamsburg, Penn., in the fall of 1805, where Mr. Thornton built a flat-boat, and in 1806 landed in Cin- 526 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. cinnati, and selected and built the first cabin house on the Ohio side, in the town of Harrison, and at the age of twenty-five went to Kentucky, where, until recent years, he resided, then came back to Dearborn County." About this time there were located at and near Harrison a number of substantial men, among whom were John Allen, James Eads, Solomon Manwarring, James Cloud, William Purcell, Warren Tebbs, Isaac Majors (father of Daniel S. Majors), JohnHinkston and Samuel Hallo- well. In 1807 Moses Tebbs and family removed from North Carolina and settled on the Whitewater in this township. Mr. Tebbs had previously resided in the State of Virginia. On coming here game of all kinds was very plenty, and the male portion of the Tebbs family became expert hunters. When the Indian war broke out in 1811, Warren with his brother Willoughby (sons of Moses), and most of the young men in the neighborhood joined the rangers, and were stationed at the various block- houses, as the frontier forts were designated. After the war Warren was married and settled in what is now Logan Township. Adamaners Andres and family from Maryland, settled on the east bank of the Whitewater in 1813. He was the father of James Andres, a highly esteemed citizen of Harrison. Mr. Andres and family were accompanied by Isaac Mettler and family from the same State (Mary- land). Mr. Mettler was born in that State in 1774, and had four brothers who served throughout the Revolutionary war, and he, himself, attended the funeral of President Washington at Trenton, N. J., on which occasion he was one of the strewers of flowers. Both Mr. Mettler and Mr, Andres had several children at the time of their location. At about the time of the location of Andres and Mettler, Elijah Eads, Nicholas Crane, James Hartpense, William Percell, Ulila Burke, Simeon Razor, Moses Wiley, Thomas Breckenridge, Edward Majors, Jerry Johnson, George Arnold, William and John Gooley, all men of families were residing in the township. Peter Williams, a native of one of the Carolinas, settled in the township in 1811. He was the father of David Williams, now a citizen of the township. In 1814 the mother of Thomas Cottingham, a widow with five chil- dren, from Maryland, settled on the Whitewater. William McManaman and family, from the State of Pennsylvania, removed to Franklin County, this State, in 1813, and the following year located in this township. William Lake and family, from New Jersey, located in this township in the spring of 1815. It is said that on reaching Harrison they found HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 527 the village all built up of log- cabins, excepting one which Thomas Boman, a relative, had built in 1812. The building, though repaired and re- modeled, is still standing, being occupied by James White. Soon after his arrival Mr. Lake removed to the Indiana side, about one mile north- west of the village, where he resided some twenty years; he subsequently removed to Everton, Ind. where his death occurred. John Chappelow, a native of England, with his parents, William and Elizabeth, settled in the county in 1821, first locating on Tanner's Creek, then on what was called "Chappelow's Kidge." MILLS, DISTILLERIES, ETC. In the first settlement of the West, the pioneers were frequently sub- jected to great inconvenience on account of their remoteness from mills. The earliest mill of which we have any knowledge, that was patron- ized by any of the settlers of Dearborn County, was the mill at North Bend, concerning which John Cleves Symmes, under date of August 10, 1796, wrote: " I am building a dwelling house and grist-mill, both on pretty extensive plans, and am obliged, personally, to superintend the whole out doors by day, and to arrange my accounts by night, so that, from early dawn to midnight, I am engaged with my farm buildings. I had this season a wheat and rye harvest of fifty acres, and have 115 acres of land planted with Indian corn, and a stock of 150 head of cattle." On this subject we quote again from Rev. Allen Wiley. "There were two mills near Harrison. The next above, I believe was Hagerman's, on the Bennett farm; the next above was Conner's Mill." * * * In the year 1810, Samuel Bond, from Virginia, settled on VV^ilson's Creek, and during that year or soon thereafter, removed over the State line and built what was known far and near by the early settlers as Bond's Mill, also as the Bond & Rees Mill. It was a water-power mill, and stood on the Whitewater. This mill was quite a substantial one, and was patron- ized by the pioneers for miles around. In 1808 or 1809, a saw-mill was operated on the Whitewater, just west of Harrison, by William Purcell and Thomas Breckenridge. Probably about 1824, these men built a grist- mill, on the east side of that stream. Another of the early mills on the Whitewater, was built by a Mr. Jones, in the vicinity of Harrison prior to 1810. Moses Lyons built an early mill located about one and a half miles above Harrison, on the Whitewater. The Hinkston Mill, located about five miles above Harrison, was standing in 1818. Later than the above mill was the Kersey grist and saw-mill, which stood on the east side of the Whitewater, above the Hinkston Mill. Not far from 1817 or 1818 Isaac Briggs erected a carding machine 528 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and fulling-mill, which were in operation quite a number of years, on the site of West Harrison. A Mr. Briggs operated a distillery in the same locality in an early day, and, perhaps, it was the same man above named. There are two flour-mills now in operation on the Indiana side of Harrison, one of which was built not far from ten years ago by Thomas Calloway. This mill stood on the site of the William Briggs mill, erected at least forty years ago. The other mill was built byAbram Briggs about the beginning of the late war. These are both steam-mills. On the Indiana side of Harrison there are two distilleries, one operated , rt by Charles and William Adair, sons of James ^dair (deceased), who in connection with Joseph Cloud, erected the distillery probably thirty-live or forty years ago. The second distillery has been in operation only a few years. It is the property of the Frederick Bros. Not far from 1840, there was started a furniture factory, which is now quite extensive and is carried on by a Mr. Oyler. A smaller furniture establishment is carried on in West Harrison, which began operations a year or two ago. There is also located here a brush factory started some ten or fifteen years ago by a Mr. Clark, which is still owned by that gentleman. The ruins of the old Harrison woolen- mill are still standing, a monument to the enterprise of William Briggs, built before the Briggs flouring-mill. It was subsequently owned and operated by a Mr. Davidson. " It ceased operations a number of years ago. William Davidson for years was quite extensively engaged in the cooper business at Harrison. On the old Hydraulic some three miles above Harrison, is located a large, substan- tial brick flouring-mill, the property of Messrs. Miller & Knecht. who have conducted the mill* since 1882. The mill was built about 1872 by John and Henry Stinger. It was built as a water-power mill, but on the failure of the Harrison Hydraulic Company steam-power was added. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS. Probably as early as 1816 a little cabin schoolhouse was built on the Ohio side of the line in the vicinity of the Jones Mill, in which John Wilkins is remembered as teaching among the first teachers of that vicinity. Soon after this, and possibly before, school was kept in Harri- son, on the Ohio side, in a regularly built schoolhouse, by John Kil- gore. Daniel and Isaac Hartpence were early teachers in this last men- tioned schoolhouse. For many years the children for miles about Harri- son on the Indiana side attended school in the village of Harrison. Not far from 1825 there was built a log-schoolhouse in the northeast corner of Dearborn County (this township), in which one Dr. Williams and both of the Hartpences above mentioned were teachers. Concerning the early religious history of the AVhitewater country, HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 529 the late William McClure, Sr., of Brookville, wrote: "Among the first settlers on the Whitewater of the religious denominations, the Regular Baptists had a large majority. There were churches on Hackelman's farm above Harrison, on Johnson's Fork, Little and Big Cedar, near Fairfield, and one or two on West Fork. Their preachers in early times were Ezra Ferris, at Lawrenceburgh ; Jeremiah Johnson, at Hackleman's, I think, was a preacher; James Remy, at Johnson's Fork; Moses Hor- nady, at Indian Creek; Lewis Deweese, William Tyner and John Blades, at Little Cedar, and William Wilson, on West Fork. Lewis Deweese was an eloquent preacher, delivered short discourses, and quit when he was done. He, likewise, married nearly every one in his vicinity, and was noted for his brevity generally. Some of the others were good preachers, but none of them so popular as Deweese. At one time Mr. Deweese was baptizing in the Whitewater. A large crowd gathered on the bank. Among these was a rather fun- loving girl, who amused her- self and those around her in kicking off large lumps of a bluff bank on which she stood, just above the baptising spot, which fell into the water and both made a noise and muddied the water. The old preacher turned around, standing still in the water, and said: 'You, Sally , if you don't quit kicking that dirt into the river, I will expose you before this whole congregation.' She quit." On this subject the Rev. Allen Wiley wrote: "In taking a review of the religious aspect of the country, I will have to cross the line into Ohio, and look at the state of things west of the Great Miami, for that region was always much connected with eastern Indiana in all its relig- ious movements. The larger portion of the people were from the South, especially from Kentucky, where the Baptist denomination was then dominant, and sent out many popular ministers. These ministers were successful in raising up a large church, and many of them frequently visited the Whitewater Valley. Indeed, nearly all the preaching on this side of the Ohio and Miami, was by these Kentucky preachers, both before and for some time after my acquaintance with the country. I remember but one exception, and that was only occasionally. The excep- tion was a Mr. John Brown, of Cincinnati, a Congregational or Independ- ent minister, who used to preach to us sometimes. He was regarded as a very talented man, but not very deej)ly pious. The first meeting-house, it is presumed, ever built in the Whitewater Valley, was on Lee's Creek, a small branch of the Dry Fork of Whitewater; it was about thi-ee miles east of Harrison; it was a log-house. * * * The next place of hold- ing meetings was at Jacob Hackleman's; this house yet stands (1845) a little on the rise of the hill, about one and a half miles above Johnson's Fork. Here a church was constituted in the spring or summer of 1805, 32 530 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and Mr. Tyner, who lived south of Brookville, and was a son-in-law of Mr. Hackleman, became the pastor. Mr. Tyner was a warm-hearted, honest, active, good man, who preached with great zeal and some success. Shortly after the organization of the above church, either in the fall of 1805 or summer of 1806, the members of the church and the citizens, built a log meeting-house, in the old style, with a gallery in it; the house was in the southwest corner of Mr. Hackleman's land. That old house was the first meeting-house ever built in the Whitewater Valley, on the Indiana side of the line. To the great disgrace of somebody, I know not whom, that house is now (1845) desecrated by being turned into a barn." ********* Referring to this church, it is stated in the "Dearborn County Atlas," published in 1875: "The first Baptist Church of Dearborn County — Mt. Happy — was organized in Harrison Township, on the fourth Saturday of June, 1807, by the following brethren: Christopher Wilson and John Goss, from Bullettsburg, Ky. ; Henry Hardin, Lawrenceburgh ; William Tyner, Cedar Grove. The following persons constituted the membership of said church: Jacob Hackleman. Sarah Hackleman, Mary Hackleman, James Cloud, Sally Cloud, Heziah Ashby, Robert Scanland, Katy Scanland, Nancy Allensworth, Henry and Patsy Remy, William and Elizabeth Remy, Sibbel Rolif, William Smith, and Elizabeth Ed- wards." Elders Hornaday and James Cloud were the ministers of this church for many years. About the old meeting-house was a burying ground, but now all traces of both are entirely obliterated. Mr. Wiley said further: "When I came to the Whitewater, in the fall of 1804. there were only two men on it, so far as I know, who had ever been Methodists; these were James Cole and Benjamin McCarty; the latter had been an exhorter, or local preacher, in Tennessee. He settled on the Whitewater in the summer of 1803, at which time he had rather fallen from his religious enjoyments. He subsequently be- came a local preacher of medium talent, and later withdrew, and connected himself with the United Brethren. Enoch Smith came in the fall of 1805, or winter of 1806, and lived on my father's farm. His wife was a most devoted and pious woman, who was one of the main pillars in the church after its formation. These persons, with a few others, sent a petition to John Sale, who was then presiding elder in the Ohio Dis- trict. In their petition they asked that a regular traveling preacher be sent to them to preach and form societies. After the petition had been sent in, McCarty began preaching in the neighborhood, and the people were taught something of Methodist doctrines. f"In March, 1806, John Sale sent Joseph Oglesby to form a new cir- HARRISON TOAVNSHIP. 531 cuit west of the Great Miami, to be known as Whitewater Circuit. Oglesbv preached in several places in Ohio and finally found his way to the Kentucky settlement in Wayne County, where he preached at the house of Mr. Cox, on Elkhorn, a tributary to East Fork. From there he went down the Whitewater to McCarty's, more than forty miles distant. Why he passed the Carolina settlement without preaching I know not. The McCarty house was near the river bank about seven miles above its entrance into the State of Ohio. At this place Oglesby formed a flourishing society, which remained many years, being afterward removed to Mr. Richard Manwarring's, a little farther down the river. Mr. Man- warring joined the chui-ch at an advanced period of life, but became a steady and established member, who kept the preachers and preaching a long time. He afterward removed some short distance above Brookville and died at a good old age, having been the kind husband of four wives." Mr. McClure remarks: "There were a few Methodists and New Lights among the early settlers: Henry Linkhorn and Allen Wiley, near Harrison; Thomas Manwarring, at New Trenton; William Ramsey, near Cedar Grove; Thomas Upjohn and Reuben Phelps, east of Brookville; Augustus Jocelyn, Elijah Barwickand Benjamin McCarty, at Brookville; several of the Alleys, on Pipe Creek; James Con well, at Laurel; Elijah Sparks, John Strange and other traveling preachers frequently came through the country." In speaking of the Whitewater Circuit as it was about 1827, the Rev. Thomas Goodwin, who wrote in 1879, said: " The first preaching place south of Brookville, was at Manwarring's, at New Trenton. The most southerly appointment in the Whitewater Circuit was Isaac Adair's, in Dearborn County. This was another ' tavern.' Here the preaching was, at a very early period, in the schoolhouse just'below the family dwelling; but the tavern was one of those hospitable homes that the preachers, as well as all others, loved to enjoy. At New Trenton the preaching was for twenty years in private houses, chiefly at Manwarring's. This was a 'tavern,' after the fashion of those days, for nearly every house along any very public road was prepared to entertain man and beast. Manwarring was a local preacher and a very good man. It is no dis- paragement to his house as a preaching place to say that in one corner of the front room, which would be called the 'office,' but which was then called the 'barroom,' there was a neat quarter circle, with a radius of five or six feet, paneled up, say four feet, a little higher than an aver- age counter to the ceiling, neatly enclosed in bars, and running up and down, through which, at the counter, was an opening, say a foot square, through which the man behind the bars dealt out ' refreshments ' in the form of gin, whisky, brandy and the like. The entrance into this was 532 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. usually a door under the counter, large enough to admit a barrel, and through which the landlord stooped and crawled to his place of business. In some of the more artistic ' bars ' the door was full height, and would admit the tender walking erect. I have no recollection of Rockafellar's, but I presume it had the same indispensable convenience, for it was a very popular ' tavern,' which it could not have been without a ' bar' any more than it could without beds. The preaching, was not, however, very often in the bar-room, but usually in the parlors. By the way, the num- ber of ' taverns' fifty years ago that were turned into meeting-houses for the occasion, was great. As late as forty years ago I preached in one room of a tavern, while all that was implied in a tavern, except eating and sleeping, was transacted in the adjoining room. The Methodist dis- cipline of those days especially provided for such taverns, stipulating that they should be kept in a quiet and orderly style, though it prohib- ited local preachers from engaging in the business, which was so mani- festly unjust that it became a dead letter every where, as in the case of Manwarring. Why should a man be deprived of the benefits of an hon - orable business merely because he is a preacher ? " The following concerning Presbyterianism in this region of country, is extracted from the writings of Rev. Ludlow D. Potter: " The first Pres- byterian minister, of whose labors in this region we have any record was Rev. Samuel Balbridge, who organized a church of seventeen members at the home of John Allen, near Harrison, where he preached steadily until 1814. From 1810 to 1814 he worked as an itinerant missionary, in the Whitewater Valley, having various preaching places from Law- renceburgh to Dunlapsville. He preached at Brookville, and at Robert Templeton's, but more frequently at John Templeton's and at Mr. Han- na's, rear Hanna's Creek. * * * * After the removal of Mr. Balbridge from Harrison, there was occasional preaching in Harrison, Brookville, Somerset and adjacent settlements, by Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Kentucky, Rev. James Dickey, of Ohio, and others, for four of five years, during which period other families had settled in various parts of the country." * * * * At West Harrison (on the Indiana side of the line) stands a large old- fashioned brick church edifice bearing the date 1834 — the house of the Church of Christ. Some years subsequently the church society construct- ing this building and worshiping therein, removed to East Harrison. About the year 1840 there was a Methodist congregation worshiping at a church building which stood on the land of Robert Haddock, Sr., in Miller Township, perhaps a half-mile southwest of Bright. Among the members were the Liddles, the Judds, the Hargetts and Haddocks. Some years subsequently, this house of worship was abandoned, and the pres- HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 533 ent house of that society located at Bright — a neat frame, with cupola and bell was erected. This is now an appointment on the Guilford Circuit. On the hill, just west of Harrison, is situated a neat little church edifice with a graveyard about it, built in 1860. This is the property of a German society, which is in a languishing condition. In early times there was on the old Allen place a burying-ground, which is now, we believe, wholly obliterated. Just above Longeneker's Station on the Whitewater Valley Railroad, on a high point of ground, is most beautifully located a graveyard, which commands a grand view. This ground, it is said, was originally given for burial purposes by Judge Solomon Manwarring. The oldest grave marked by a tombstone bearing a legible inscription is that of Hannah, wife of John P. Case, who died October 31, 1818. Among the aged whose remains rest here (marked by inscribed stones) are Solomon Manwarring, born in 1776, died in 1836; Jacob C. Cox, born in Long Island in 1782, died in 1841; J. Jones, Sr., died in 1873, aged eighty-two years; Moses Hornaday, died in 1863, aged eighty-two years; Mary Ashby, died in 1883, aged eighty-three years; Isaac Adair, died in 1852. Other well known citizens of the surrounding country here interred are a number of the Adairs, Ralph Wildridge, the Manwarrings, the Brays, the Cases, the McClures, the Montgomery s, the Foxes, the Millers, the Smiths, the Lakes and the Ash by s. The town of Harrison is situated in the eastern part of the township on either side of the State line, with the major portion of the town on the Ohio side, distant from Cincinnati twenty-four miles, and from Law- renceburgh twelve miles. Its location is on the Whitewater River and on the Whitewater Valley Railroad. In the history of Hamilton County, Ohio, it is stated that "this was the first town to be laid out in Hamil- ton County, west of the Great Miami, except the early extinct Crosby on the banks of that stream. Its recorded plat is dated December 8, 1813, and it was laid out that year by Jonas Crane at the southwest cor- ner of Section 19." The same year the Indiana side of the town was laid out by John Allen and Peter Hanan, says the Historical Atlas of Dearborn County. The Dearborn County records are silent on the sub- ject other than that Godley's addition to the town was laid out June 2, 1859, it being that part south of Moore and east of Canal to State line. The following description of the early village is given in an " Emi- grants' Directory " published in 1817: "This village is situated on the north side of Whitewater, eight miles from its mouth, eighteen southeast of Brookville, and in the center of a large tract of some of the best land in the State. More than one-half 534 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. of the village stands on the Ohio side of the State line. There are about thirty-five houses, mostly new. A considerable number of the inhabitants are from the State of New York. Mr. Looker, from Sara- toga County; Mr. Crane, from Schenectady, and Mr. Allen, the post- master, from New Jersey, own the surrounding lands. They are all very fine and valuable farms, worth from $40 to $00 an acre. The settlement was commenced about sixteen years ago. The bottoms are here from one to two miles wide; the soil remarkably deep and rich, and the woods free from brushwood. The trees are of a moderate growth, but straight and thrifty. The traces of ancient population cover the earth in every direc- tion. On the bottoms are a great many mounds, very unequal in point of age and size. The small ones are from two to four feet above the surface, and the growth of timber upon them small, not being over 100 years old, while the others are from ten to thirty feet, and frequently contain trees of the largest diameters. Besides, the bones found in the small ones will bear removal and exposure to the air, while those in the large ones are rarely capable of sustaining ttieir own weight, and are often found in a decomposed or powdered state. "There is a large mound in Mr. Allen's field about twenty feet high, sixty feet in diameter at the base, which contains a greater proportion of bones than any one I ever before examined, as almost every shovel full of dirt would contain several fragments of a human skeleton. When on Whitewater, I obtained the assistance of several of the inhabitants for the purpose of making a thorough examination of the internal structure of these monuments of the ancient populousness of the country. We examined from fifteen to twenty. In some, whose height were from ten to fifteen feet, we could not find more than four or five skeletons. In one not the least appearance of a human bone was to be found. Others were so full of bones, as to warrant the belief that they originally con- tained at least 100 dead bodies; children of different ages, and the full grown, appeared to have been piled together promiscuously. We found several skull, leg and thigh bones, which plainly indicated that their possessors were men of gigantic stature. The skull of one skeleton was one-fourth of an inch thick; and the teeth remarkably even, sound and handsome, all firmly planted. The fore teeth were very deep, and not so wide as those of the generality of white people. Indeed, there seemed a great degree of regularity in the form of the teeth in all the mounds. In the progress of our researches we obtained ample testimony that these masses of earth were formed by a savage people, yet, doubtless possessing a greater degree of civilization than the present race of In- dians. We discovered a piece of glass weighing five ounces, resembling the bottom of a tumbler, but concave; several stone axes, with grooves te HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 535 near their heads to receive a withe, which unquestionably served as helves; arrows formed from flint, almost exactly similar to those in use among the present Indians; several pieces of earthenware, some appeared to be parts of vessels holding six or eight gallons; others were obviously fragments of jugs, jars and cups; some were plain, while others were curiously ornamented with figures of birds and beasts, drawn while the clay or material of which they were made was soft, and before the pro- cess of glazing was performed. The glazier's art appears to have been well understood by the potters who manufactured this aboriginal crock- ery. The smaller vessels were made of pounded or pulverized mussel shells, mixed with an earthen or flinty substance, and the large ones of clay and sand. * 'There was no appearance of iron; one of the skulls was found pierced by an arrow, which was still sticking in it, driven about half way through before its force was spent. It was about six inches long. The subjects of this mound were doubtless killed in battle, and hastily buried. In digging to the bottom of them, we invariably came to a stra- tum of ashes, from six inches to two feet thick, which rests on the orig- inal earth. These ashes contain coals, fragments of" brands, and pieces of calcined bones. From the quantity of ashes and bones, and the appearance of the earth underneath, it is evident that large fires must have been kept burning for several days previous to commencing the mound, and that a considerable number of human victims must have been sacrified, by burning on the spot ! Prisoners of war, no doubt selected for this horrid purpose. Perhaps the custom of the age ren- dered it a signal honor for the chieftains and most active warriors to be interred, by way of triumph, in the ashes of their enemies, whom they had vanquished in war. If this was not the case, the mystery can only be solved by supposing that the fanaticism of the priests and prophets excited their besotted followers to voluntary self-devotion. The soil of the mound is always different from that of the immediately surrounding earth, being uniformly of a soft vegetable mold or loam, and contain- ing no stones or other hard substances, 'to press upon the dead and dis- turb their repose.' "Almost every building lot in Harrison Village contains a small mound, and some as many as three. On the neighboring hills northeast of the town, are a number of the remains of stone houses. They were covered with soil, brush and full grown trees. We cleared away the earth, roots and rubbish from one of them and found it to have been anciently occupied as a dwelling. It was about twelve feet square; the walls had fallen nearly to the foundation. They appeared to have been built of rough stones, like our stone walls. Not the least trace of any 536 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. iron tools having been employed to smooth the face of them could be perceived. At one end of the building, we came to a regular hearth, containing ashes and coals, before which we found the bones of eight persons of different ages, from a small child to the heads of the family. The positions of their skeletons clearly indicated that their deaths were sudden and simultaneous. They were probably asleep, with their feet toward the fire, when destroyed by an enemy, an earthquake or pesti- lence." It is said that the first hotel. in the village was built in 1816 by John Wykoff; the second by Breckinridge & Purcell in 1818. Among the early merchants were Satteratt & Totten, James Wilson, John D. Moore, Isaac Morgan (the father-in-law of the present Vice-President of the United States), who, it is thought, built the first brick house on the Indiana side, now occupied by the Tebbs Bros., in 1818. Dennis Holden was one of the first shoe-makers in West Harrison. In the State Gazetteer of Ohio, for 1841, the village is noted as con- taining about 300 inhabitants, with 3 churches, 4 stores, 2 taverns, 2 groceries, 2 physicians, 3 clergyfcen, 1 apothecary shop, 16 mechanics' shops, 1 planing-mill, 1 carding machine, and 100 dwellings. One-third of the inhabitants then resided on the Indiana side. The line of the Whitewater Canal passes through the town, and is now in operation. It is thought that about one-third of the ^ village is located on the Indiana side. This was incorporated in 1883. The United States cen- sus for the State of Indiana, we believe, has not given the population of the Indiana side, nor has that for Ohio given the entire population of the town, so that it will have to be estimated from the population of the Ohio side given below: In 1830 it had 173 inhabitants; in 1850, 940; in 1870, 1,417; and in 1880, 1,550. The greater number of the industries of the town are located on the Indiana side of the line; here there are 2 large flouring-mills, 2 distilleries, 2 furniture factories, 1 brush factory with other smaller affairs, all spoken of under the head of mills, distilleries, etc., elsewhere in this volume. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 537 CHAPTER XXIX. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Organization— First Land Sales— Early Settle- ments—Pioneers, Incidents and Notes— Churches, Graveyards AND Schools— Mills, and Other Industries— Hamlets. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP is bounded on the north by Jackson and York Townships, on the east by Miller, Lawrenceburgh and Center Townships, on the south by Hogan and Sparta Townships and on the west by Ripley County. Its boundaries in 1826 were de- scribed as : "Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 6, Range 2 west; thence west to the western boundary of the county; thence south- wardly with the old Indiana boundary line to the southwest corner of Township 7, Range 3 west; thence east with the south line of said town- ship until it strikes Hogan Creek; thence with the meanders of said creek until it strikes the north and south line of Section 9 Township 5, Range 2; thence south to the southwest corner of Section 9 Township 5 Range 2 west; thence east to the northwest corner of Section 15; thence south to the southwest corner of Section 15, Township 5, Range 2; thence east with the section line to the line dividing Ranges 1 and 2; thence north with said range line to the place of beginning. " In addition to its present territory the township then comprised the greater portion of the present township of York, the southern tier of sections of Jackson Township and a small portion of Kelso. In 1881 Manchester was lessened by twelve sections which were attached to Kelso Township, and was again lessened on the formation of Y'^ork Township in 1841. The loss of territory it sustained on the part of Jackson occurred on the formation of that township in 1832. Since the organization of York Township there has been no material change in the boundaries of Manchester. FIRST LAND SALES. Below is set forth the disposition of the lands of the township by the government with the purchasers' names and years of purchase: Township 5, Range 2 west. A portion of Section l,sold in 1809 to David Blane; in 1813, to Amor Bruce; in 1812, to Elijah Pitts; in 1814, to Ichabod Palmerton. 538 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. A portion of Section 2, in 1813, to James Vaughn; in 1814, to Jolin Ferris; in 1817, to James Vaughn; in 1818, to Robert McCracken, Ralph Hatch. A portion of Section 3, in 1816, to John Stephenson; in 1817, to Zebulon Dickinson, Benjamin and John Tibbets; in 1828, to Elijah Thatcher; in 1831, to Abner Tibbets, Jr.; in 1832, to John C. Dickinson. A portion of Section 4, in 1817, to David Tibbets; in 1818, to Moses Beckford; in 1824, to Nathan Pettigrew; in 1832, to same; in 1836, to George W. Clark, Moses M. Roberts, Nathan Pettigrew, Wood Milburn, Richard Oliver, Wesley Caldwell. A portion of Section 5, in 1818, to John Tibbets, JohnOdell; in 1831 John Vinson; in 1832, to James Fox; in 1836, to Francis Vinson, William Hewett, George W. Clark, Samuel Roberts, Ira Tinker. A portion of Section 6, in 1818, to James Mills, Jr. ; in 1828, to Noyes Cranfield; in 1827, to Stephen J. Pain; in 1831, to Alex Mc Kinney, Hugh Alexander, James Mills, Jr.; in 1836, to John Ellis, William Hewett. A portion of Section 7 (part in Sparta Township), in 1824, to Samuel Hamile; in 1833, James Hodgson, Alex Low; in 1834, to James Byers; in 1818, to John Darkiel; in 1830, to Eli Musgrove; in 1835, to John D. Bowen, Aaron Valentine; in 1836, to Thomas McKinstry, Joseph D. Baker, Henry Hancock. A portion of Section 8, in 1818, to Hugh McMullen, George Stephen- son, John R. Arnold; in 1835, to William Ramsey; in 1836, to William Hewett; in 1837, to David Durham. A portion of Section 9, in 1815, to Robert Milburn; in 1818, to Wat- kin R. Watkins; in 1832, to Jedde Clark, John Ramsey; in 1833, to Zebulon H. Roberts; in 1834, to George Johnson, Isaac Tindal; in 1835, to William Gregory; in 1836, to Thomas Heckburn, Jedde Clark. A portion of Section 10, in 1814, to John Johnson; in 1816, to Daniel Pate; in 1818, to David Johnson; in 1824, to John Cundale; in 1826, to John Tibbets; in 1829, to B. B. Fifield, Evert Clindinen; in 1838, to T. Dickenson. A portion o^Section 11, in 1815, to Andrew Cook; in 1817, to Thomas Kyle; in 1818, to James Ince and George Mantle, Oliver Heustis. A portion of Section 12, in 1817, to Henry Dils, William Forbes; in 1818, to David Hogan, James Leeson. A portion of Section 14, in 1814, to David G. Boardman; in 1815, to Joseph McKinney; in 1818, to Willian Lewis, Lambkin McKinney. A portion of Section 15, in 1815, to Robert Milburn; in 1824, to John and Bartholomew Caldwell, William Shane, George Clark; in 1819, to Samuel C. Vance, ass. ; in 1832, to Bartholomew Caldwell. Section 13 (part in Hogan Township, to which reader is referred. ) MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 539 Township 6, Range 2 west. A portion of Section 7, in 1817, to Charles Dawson; in 1818, to Cas- per Michael, Blackly Shoemaker; in 1824, to Spencer Curtis; in 1834, to Peter J. Bonte; in 1835, to John Roth. A portion of Section 17, in 1817, to Samuel C. Vance, David Ketcham, Gilbert Piatt, Israel Noyos; in 1832, to Silas Landers; in 1836, to David Hall, Samuel Shoemaker, Blackley Shoemaker. A portion of Section 18, in 1816, to Jared Evans; in 1817, to Gilbert Piatt, William Dawson, Samuel C. Vance; in 1828, to John Bennett. A portion Section 19, in 1816, to Charles Dawson; in 1817, to Daniel Miller, P. Sherer, Stephen Wood. A portion of Section 20, in 1817, to Israel Noyes, Daniel and James Miller, Jr., John Kinsley; in 1816, to Anthony Broadwick. A portion of Section 21, in 1819, to Isaac Farris, assignee; and Patrick and Esther Walsh. Sections 16, 22, 23 and 24 (Part in York Township; see that town- ship). A portion of Section 25, in 1814, to Ezekiel Harper; in 1816, to Thomas Darling; in 1817, to Stephen O. Brown; in 1818, to Abel True; in 1828, to Asa Jaquith; in 1831, to Reuben True. A portion of Section 26, in 1817, to Joseph Hunter, Jonathan Bennett; in 1818, to James Cox, Abel True, William Shearin; in 1831, to Azariah Oldham. A portion of Section 27, in 1818, to Job Sylvester, Davis Woodward, Nathan Pettigrew; in 1830, to George Clark; in 1832, to Joseph Roberts, John Darling. A portion of Section 28, in 1817, to Stephen Wood, Mathew and Allen, John Mitchine, Tilbett Crocker. A portion of Section 29, in 181 5, to Roderick Moore, Perin G. Northup; in 1817, to Minerva Swift, Stephen Wood; in 1831, to Rickard S. Freland. A portion of Section 30, in 1815, to John Cunningham, John Free- land; in 1817, to Stephen Wood. A portion of Section 31, in 1818, to David Roberts, Sr., William Barton, Thomas Alloway; in 1828, to Noyes Canfield; in 1833, to Asahel Tyrrel; in 1836, to Walter Pardun, William Barton, Edwin Canfield. A portion of Section 32, in 1818, to Joseph Sylvester, Elijah Rich; in 1829, to Samuel W. McMullen; in 1832, to William H. McCullen, John B. Clark, Samuel Plummer, Daniel H. McMullen; in 1835, Luther Plummer, David McCoy. A portion of Section 33, in 1814, to Abner Tibbets; in 1815, to Isaiah Ferris, Sarah Mark, Robert McConnell. A portion of Section 34, in 1815, to John Palmer, Robert Hunt; in 540 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1817, to William B. Chamberlain, Joseph Plummer; in 1829, to Joseph Roberts; in 1831, to Oliver Heuston, A portion of Section 34, in 1815, to James Vaughan ; in 1814, to Grilus Bradbury; in 1815, to Lawrence Lagieres. ;] I A portion of Section 36, in Riley Elliott, James Vaughn; in 1817, to Samuel Wright; in 1824, to Jonathan Crow ; in 1828, to Levi Hamblin. Township 7, Range 3 west. Fractional Section 10, in 1814, to William Hamilton. Fractional Section 22, in 1818, to Joseph Ferris and John Freeland; in 1836, to Luther Cleveland, W. G. Wood; in 1837, to John Jackson, Stephen M. Day. A portion of Section 11, in 1816, to Phineas Hill, Cyrus Mills; in 1818, to James Babcock; in 1817, to Joseph Statelan; in 1825, to John P. Brown. A portion of Section 12, in 1818, to Jared Michael, Ebenezer West- cott, Blackby Shoemaker, Amos Morris, Jr. ; in 1828, to William Smith ; in 1833, Amos Morris, Jr. A portion of Section 18, in 1816, to Jesse Stone; in 1817, to Fred- erick Swain, Samuel C. Vance; in 1818, to John Stephenson; in 1827, to Jacob Michael; in 1828, to Blackby Shoemaker. A portion of Section 14, in 1816, to Joseph Sletter; in 1818, to David Conger; in 1825, to Daniel Hathaway; in 1826, to William Rood; in 1827, to Enoch Conger. A portion of Section 23, in 1818, to Daniel Hathaway, John Doty, Paul Heuston and J. Andrew; in 1819, to Benjamin Beach, Sr. A portion of Section 24, in 1818, to George Stevenson, J. Emberlee and Ed Hepburn; in 1828, to James Shoemaker; in 1831, to (jersham Dunn. A portion of Section 25, in 1817, to Stephen Wood, Godfrey Snow; in 1818, to Sophia Fageby. A portion of Section 26, in 1817, to John and Jonathan Finch; in 1818, to Michael Millen and John G. Honery; in 1821, to Benj. Beach, Sr. ; in 1825, to George Giran; in 1828, to Edward Round; in 1835, to Josiah Lewis. A portion of Section 27, in 1833, to Ira Wilson; in 1835, to Hunter Wilson, Joseph French, Jr.; in 1835, to Jonah Lewis; in 1836, to Ira Wilson, Stephen M. Day, Daniel Hall. A portion of Section 34 ((part in Sparta Township), in 1817, to Lemuel Moss; in 1833, to Harvey Moss; in 1835, to Adam Moore. A portion of Section 35, in 1819, to John R. Round; in 1825, to Joshua Given; in 1827, to William Huls; in 1828, to Cyrus Cook, John P. King; in 1836, to John R. Round, William Huls. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. • 541 A portion of Section 36, in 1818, to Daniel G. Boardman, Ste- phen J. Paine; in 1818, Robert McCracken. Sections 1 and 2, Township 6, Range 3 west are part in Sparta Township. (See that township.) EARLY SETTLEMENTS, PIONEERS, INCIDENTS AND NOTES. The history of Manchester Township as a settlement dates back to the year 1815, when Mark McCracken, his brother Robert and their mother located on the present site of the village bearing the name of Manchester. In 1852 Robert stated over his signature that he in 1815 cut the road seven miles himself and drove the first wagon that was ever on the ridge, and put up the first cabin in that neighborhood. It is understood that he cut the road from Cambridge to this site. He also stated that his nearest neighbor was four or five miles distant, and he that much farther west in an unbroken and interminable wilderness. Two years later he sold out to the Rev. Daniel Plummer, but his brother, Col. Mark McCracken, retained his portion to the day of his death, and erected that large and spacious mansion now occupied by William H. Baker. During the same year three brothers, David, George and Joseph Johnson, from Frederick County, Va., located on North Hogan Creek. They left Virginia in 1810, settling first in Butler County, Ohio, thence in 1812 removed to Vincennes, thence to the vicinity of Louisville, Ky. , and in 1814 to near the site of Aurora, and from there on North Hogan Creek. The same year there settled in the township Lawrence Lozier and family, he being a native of New Jersey. In 1816 settled David and Abner Tibbetts, Simon Alexander and Benjamin Anderson and others. At this time throughout the Eastern States, especially in Maine, the people had what was termed the " Ohio fever," and there was a great tide of immigration to that State. " In the fall of 1817 fifteen families from about one neighborhood in Maine, and eleven of them, with ten wagons and twenty-four horses and seventy-eight souls, started off together from Cumberland County in one day. It was a great move, and excited the curiosity of the country through which they passed; they were spoken of as the great ' land fleet. ' Their route was through the beautiful cities of Portland, Haverhill, to Albany; thence up the fertile valley of the Mohawk; thence across to Olean Point, on the head waters of the Alleghany; thence down the river, in boats and on rafts, to Pitts- burgh; thence down the beautiful Ohio to Lawrenceburgh, in Indiana, where they cast anchor, cabled up and sought each a resting place and a home in the then wilds of the West, and most of them located on what 542 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. was then called Green Brier Ridge, now known as the Pleasant Village of Manchester, among whom was the Rev. Daniel Plummer, so favorably and extensively known." Robert McCracken, in referring to the coming of Daniel Plummer, remarked: "In the section where Plummer located there were no less than five families living, and 100 or more acres cleared, and five acres cleared on the tract of land I sold him. Some twenty families were living within one mile of him when he came.'' The following history of the early settlers of the township was written in 1876, by Geo. W. Lane, and published in the Aurora Independent: " Soon after the war one of the most important settlements for num- ber and character was made in Manchester Township. They suffered many hardships and indeed many deprivations, but they stood their ground like Christian martyrs, and many lived to see tall oaks utilized for other purposes and removed to make room for houses, barns and meadows, and in less than a decade the ridge for miles was under a high state of cultivation, and in the fall, rows of teams would be seen on the road hauling off the surplus of their farms and cooper shops. The last was carried on for a number of years, as Manchester was studded over with heavy timber, the tallest and largest trees this side of California, and to work up these great oaks into pork barrels, required the labor of Mr. Jaquith and all his boys, and these boys were as good jovial fellows as ever were turned loose in any big woods. The writer remembers well the first time he ever saw Manchester. He rode out on a horse behind Henry, or as he was better known as Hank Jaquith, to attend a party that was on the tapis for that night, and if the party was too large for the house, they adjourned to the thrashing floor in the great barn; it did not in any wise mar the pleasure of the occasion. " Biit to return to the settlers. Among the number were Lucien, Sheldon and Alexander Fairbanks. They each raised families, but if the writer is not mistaken, none of the name remain in the township. "Lawrence Lozier settled first on Tanner's Creek, then on the ridge. He was the father of George M. Lozier, who still remains in Manchester, and Abram Lozier, of Aurora. " David Tibbitts resided in the township a number of years, an influ- ential and highly respected citizen. He removed West with his family in 1852. "Joseph E. Baker was one of the early settlers of Manchester. A man of tine appearance and easy address. He was the father of Kirtley Baker, of Aurora, and William H. Baker, of Upper Manchester. Will- iam H. has carved out his own fortune, and it may be said that he is one of the most successful business men of the county. He deserves great credit for his active industry and constant attention to his own affairs. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 543 "There were also William Bennett, A. True, M. Darling and A. Old- ham, near Tanner's Creek. Mr. Oldham was a good honest man and as true a Christian as ever lived this side of the gates of Paradise. "John Palmer resides on the State road. He was elected probate judge for the county, and for a number of years was a justice of the peace. He was honest and wanted to do right. Judge Palmer was a large farmer and merchant. "Charles W. Wright was the pioneer merchant of Wright's Corners,- and for many years did a good business. He was a sensible and indus- trious man. "Daniel Plummer was a man worthy of remembrance and entitled to a more extended notice than the writer can indulge in. No friend of other days is called to mind with more pleasing associations. He was not only a good man, but he wanted all others to be good. His example corre- sponded with his precepts. His daily walk was a rebuke to the evil dis- posed, and his kind words well calculated to encourage them to seek the paths of rectitude. Mr. Plummer took no pains to secure public favor with a view to obtaining office, though well qualified and worthy. His moral and religious training led him into channels of a higher and more useful character, yet the people without solicitation on his part, elected him to the State Senate in 1834, which office he honored, instead of the office honoring him. He discharged the duties of the position honestly, faithfully and acceptably to the people. "Mark McOracken was a prominent man in his day, and enjoyed the confidence of his fellow citizens. They always knew just where to find him. He was a man of nerve and unyielding when he made up his mind. He seemed to have an intuitive sense of right, and his scorn of wrong was so positive that like the balance wheel of a watch, it regulated all his actions. As an officer of the county he was economy personified. He could say no to pretended and unjust claims against the county with a vim that might be learned to great advantage at the present day. His motto was that he had a right to be liberal or even extravagant with his own, but never with the people's money. "Daniel Roberts is one of those men whose character furnishes a light to memory's path, that could not be overlooked while casting about Manchester for worthy pioneers deserving special mention. It is said ' that from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaketh.' If this is true then Mr. Roberts must have had a heart as big as a lion, for it has been flowing with love to his neighbors and generous sentiments to his associates for over four score years, and yet the fountain is not exhausted, and even his voice is set to the key of kindness that, like the echo from a mountain cove, rincs on the ear long after he ceases to speak. Had he 544 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. received a thorough education in early life, with his other gifts, would have made him more prominent and highly useful in a much larger sphere. "There are many reasons why the writer should find it agreeable em- ployment to refer to the pioneers of Manchester Township. In other years he has traded with most of them, visited their houses, attended their public meetings and taken part with them on all important occa- sions as if one of them; and now, though many long years have passed, the recollection of them awakens feelings of gratitude that our pen can- not move fast enough to allay. "Oliver Heustis was one who would have been recognized as a man of intelligence in any society. He was a constant reader and it may be said was a student all his life. He was well posted on all political questions and familiar with history. He was a good talker and very much enjoyed pleasant and intelligent conversation, indeed it might be said that that was his forte, for Mr. Heustis was not a gifted public speaker, but when he did take part on important occasions what he did say was sensible and to the point. Mr. Heustis was twice elected to the Legislature (1832, 1844), as a member, he was regarded as a practicable man of principle and unyielding integrity. His life was spared to see the dawn of this centennial year. "James P. Milliken was an intellectual light that could not be hid in a forest home, but was called forth to take elevated positions of trust and honor that his light might shine forth for the good of others. Mr. Milliken was a man of fair attainments, dignified appearance and un- sullied reputation. A wish to do just right was the prominent point in his character — this led him to disregard the popular breeze of the day and induced him to prefer political martyrdom to the abandonment of his honest convictions. Mr. Milliken was in the full sense of the term a temperance man by precept and esample, and would that others should be the same. He also had decided opinions on the subject of human slavery, and would not yield them for the sake of friends or party. As a citizen he was industrious and enterprising, and enjoyed the confi- dence of all who knew him. Mr. Milliken was four times elected to the State Legislature — twice to the House of Representatives (1841-42) and twice to the Senate — serving six years (1846-52). " Luther Plummer was an unassuming man of sterling worth and strict integrity, looking to the welfare of his family and attentive to his own interests. He put on no foolish style or attempts to appear in char- acters other than his own, but like ornaments made of pure gold they need no varnish or gilding, so with a true-hearted man, who is the same at home as abroad, to-day and to-morrow, who acts well his part without MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 545 pomp or dazzling parade. To say that Mr. Plummer was an honest man would be no compliment, for like the description we once heard of a cer- tain person ' that he deserved no credit for being a gentleman, he was- one naturally,' so with Mr. Plummer, he deserves no credit for having been an honest man, he was one naturally. " Of the early settlers, the Congers should not have been forgotten. David Conger was a man of influence in his day. He was the father of Edward A. Conger, who was elected sheriff of the county when quite a young man. Edward bid fair to make a man of considerable prominence had his life been spared. Lewis B. Conger was well known in the county. He was elected in 1841 assessor of real estate for the entire county under the new law. "Samuel W. Conger still resides in Upper Manchester, respected, as he deserves to be, by all his neighbors. " A history of the township would be imperfect without a reference to Ben Tibbetts, who, when the writer first knew him, was one of the most active, thorough-going, dashing business men in the county. He could haul more hay and load a boat quicker, go to New Orleans, and back again, sooner than any one else. His very presence, with his usual fire and life, like a galvanic battery that emits electricity at the slight- est touch, gave activity and new life to all around him. At heart Ben Tibbetts was an honest man, of generous impulses, and while he may have wronged himself he never intentionally wronged a neighbor. " The writer finds it easier to commence on Manchester Township than get away from it, and unless he abridges his comments on the vari- ous characters that memory calls to mind, may not finish during the cen- tennial summer now approaching. But that must not be, as the reader would weary of the subject long before we had done justice to the pio- neers of other parts of the county, and while we would not slight any we must be content with a brief notice. There are others we will omit for the present to include with those prominently engaged in trading down the river as we propose to publish an extended notice of the commercial relations of the county under different auspices. "To resume our sketches: Alfred J. Cotton found a home in Deai*- born County when quite a young man. There were few better and many worse men than Judge Cotton. His moral worth and religious devotion commended him to the respect of all good citizens; but his name and history are recorded in a more reliable shape than we can place them, yet we will add that he served as associate judge for a number of years, and probate judge of the county for four years. "The following pioneers settled in the northwest corner of the town- ship: B, Shoemake (father of John Shoemake), Isaac Morris, William 546 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Dawson, John Spence, Peter Fox, Mr. Michael and Mr. Toothman, all of whom left the county, and not a representative of their names remain in the neighborhood. Not so with the Platts, who came with the first and settled in the woods with none west of them; their name is so well represented that it bids fair to be known at the next centennial occasion. "Seth Piatt is an intelligent, enterprising citizea, of industrious habits and good moral character. "Smith Piatt Js a prominent man of influence in the county, and has served a number of years as one of the commissioners of the county. All of the name are law-abiding and worthy citizens. " We must not leave Manchester without calling attention to Mrs. Mary Piles, better known as Aunt Polly. She came to this county during the war, and was married to Mr. Piles in 1813 at Georgetown, in Miller Township, and now, at over eighty years of age, is as active and sprightly as a girl of sixteen, and can walk five miles (more or less) without any difficulty. Her memory being good she can tell all about pioneer life in Dearborn County, and relates many an interesting story of other years. "Samuel M. Kennedy is one of those sterling men that cannot be passed without a call. He had the advantages of an early education and has improved them by a studious life. Mr. Kennedy did not come with the first but was here soon enough to see the tall oaks in their native strength, hunt the wild turkey and deer, and sufifer some of the depriva- tions of frontier life. He is a man of stern integrity, unyielding in adherence to great principles, and true to a friend, as the needle he looks at so often is to the north pole. "But to return to the early pioneers we find Amos Noyes, Israel Noyes, Hugh Noyes, Micajah Dunn, Silas Wicks, McMullens, Purduns, Hathaway, Dorman, Kyle, Vaughan, Alexanders, Harrison, Aiken, Elias Heustis, Pedigrew, Schooley, Clark, Milburn, McCoy, Reuben Jaquith, Charles Dawson, Ross, Gearhart and Johnstons. The latter have been referred to at some length by another writer in a very interesting history of their settlement and milling operations; we can only add that Thomas Johnston was elected to the responsible position of treasurer of the county, and Columbus Johnston, a member of the State Legislature in 1874. "Jedediah Clark was one of the early pioneers of Manchester, and would have been mentioned while in that township, but we were not cer- tain as to his Christian name, as we propose to give the correct and full name of every citizen to whom reference is made, that the history we do furnish may be a reliable and impartial record for the future. "Mr. Clark was an industrious man, of temperate habits, and high moral worth. He was devoted to his family, and a peace- maker in MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 547 bis neighborhood, and if there ever was a man who could lay claim to a full share of the promise, ' Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God,' it was Jedediah Clark." Where it can be given, the date of settlement, and State from which the above named settlers emigrated, are set forth below, with similar facts concerning other settlers, and incidents attending immigration and settlement: The Tibbettses were from Maine; Benjamin died in 1853, aged eighty- four years. The Heustis family was from New York State; date of set- tlement, 1819. William Dills, from West Virginia, settled here in 1816. Joseph Baker was from New York; date of settlement, 1817. The Con- gers were from the State of New Jersey, and came in 1818. William Con- ger and family started in October, 1817, going by wagoas over the moun- tains to Brownsville, where^they had a family boat built, when they started down the river for Lawrenceburgh. At some distance fx-om Pitts- burgh they were frozen up in the ice, and detained about two weeks. They landed at the "Burg" in February, 1818, whence they proceeded to their future home, to which lands, in Section 14, they had to cut their way. The McMullens came from Pennsylvania here in 1817, stopping for a year in what is now York Township. Hugh, the father of Jame.s McMuUen, was a native of Ireland. They built the first cabin, and were the first settlers on what is known as Pleasant View. The Givan family came from Maryland, and settled here in 1825, Joshua, the father of Judge Givan, of Lawrenceburgh, and of William L. H. and George, of this township, was a native of Maryland, and on coming to this county, interested himself in educational matters, and the first schoolhoase that was erected in the neighborhood in which he set- tled was built on his land, and mainly through his influence and exer- tions. His house was one of the preaching places, before the erection of the church building (Baptist). "His object and aim in life was to benefit his fellow men, to do good in the community in which he lived, honest in all his dealings, charita- ble in his giving, and religious in his every day life; he died in a ripe old age, honored and respected by all who knew him." Judge Cotton came from Maine and settled in the township in 1818. He reared him a cabin; "all was one vast unbroken wilderness around him, save here and there a little cabin and a small opening, the labors of the new-comers the previous year. These were scattered about on what was then Green Brier Ridge, so called by hunters, because of the prevalence of a brier of that color that abounded in the forest My cabin was far removed from any other habitation, 'solitary and alone' at first. I had bushed out a wagon track, as we call it, and had, also, G48 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ^blazed' a foot-path, a nearer cut to the settlement. My mind reverts with indescrible emotion to that period of my life. Many is the time and oft, that I have entered this dismal and solitary homeward path, v^hen for a good part of the way, it was so dark that I could not see my hand to save me— was compelled to feel out the path with my feet, with my heart in my mouth, my hair well nigh erect, and my blood nearly curdled, for the prowling wolves were about my path, and had often raised their hideous yells in my very door-yard." * * * Rev. Daniel Roberts emigrated from the State of Maine. In 1817 he determined to seek]a home in the West, Indiana being his objective point. Using an ox team for his mode of conveyance, he started on this long and tedious journey. On reaching a point near the falls of the Gene.see River, in the State of New York, his money being exhausted, he was compelled to stop and engage himself as a common laborer in order to replenish his scanty purse. Having obtained a small sum of money he continued his journey until he reached Pittsburgh, arriving there at the beginning of the summer of 1818. He hastily constructed a rude craft, upon ^which he and his family embarked, and pro- ceeded down the Ohio River to Cincinnati, where he concluded to stop for a time before continuing to Indiana, his original destination. He remained in Cincinnati nearly two years. During the year 1819, under the ministry of Rev. I. Smead, a powerful and able preacher, he joined the Christian Church, and was immersed in the Ohio River, opposite the mouth of the Licking. At the age of thirteen, he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Durham, Maine, under the preaching of Joshua Soule, afterward a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal. Church South; but the forcible sermons of Smead having satisfied him that the doc- trine and polity of the Christian Church were more in accord with the teachings of the Bible, he concluded to join that organization. While still in Cincinnati, he was ordained as elder by the minister who received him into membership, and soon after entered into the itinerant ministry. In 1820, Daniel Roberts, with his family, removed to Indiana, and located near Manchester, Dearborn County. He resided for two years on Pipe Creek, in Franklin County, but with that exception he has made DearbornjCounty his home. Pleasant View was settled by the McMullens, Ellises, Paynes, Goulds, Finches, Givanses, William Green, Elijah Dorman and sons, Wilson and John Dorman, David Loter, and an eccentric genius named Jacob Fielding, remarkable for his wit and ready repartee. The citi- zens of Pleasant View Ridge have always been noted for their encour- agement to educational enterprises, the number of their churches, and their industrious habits. MANCPIESTER TOWNSHIP. 549 The Pleasant View Debating Club has been a fixture for many years; its fortunes ebbing and flowing with the times. Of its old members who have become workers in affairs, we mention Judge Joe Ripley, senator; Major Slater, his brother; the poet, F. M. Slater; our worthy citizen, Senator N. S. Givan; ex-Deputy Treasurer, N. M. Givan, a prominent lawyer and politician of Missouri; Auditor Myron Hayues; ex- Sheriff Frank B. Dorman, and ' Senator Ed P. Ferris, of Ripley County, with many others. Elias Heustis is the authority for our saying that James Vaughn kept the first public house, dug the first well, made the first brick kiln, and had the first peach orchard in the township. Daniel Plummermade the first hay press used in the township. It is also said that he built the first frame house, and first frame barn in the township. In 1876 the house was standing after sixty years' service. The barn was built not far from the same time, and was used as the first church in the township after it was built, the house serving for that purpose until the barn was erected. These ancient buildings, together with the homestead, are the property of ex-Sheriff Frank R. Dorman, who takes a pride in keeping them as near what they first were as possible. CHURCHES, GRAVEYARDS AND SCHOOLS. Just above it is stated that the first frame house in the township, and the first frame barn were built by Rev. Daniel Plummer, and were respectively used at times as places of worship. Probably as early as 1822 or 1823, the Methodists in^that section of the country, erected at Man- chester or PlummertowD, a frame church building, which they occupied for a number of years, when it was replaced by a brick house for the same purpose. This building was found to be too small for the congre- gation, and was cracked, perhaps too hastily built, and was soon replaced by a second and larger brick edifice. For matter of convenience in 1876, the present neat and substantial frame church building was built, at what may be termed Middle Manchester, and the old brick was aban- doned. The edifice last erected is quite showy, having a tall cupola, with spire and bell. The charge is on the Manchester Circuit. Among those who first worshiped in the house, barn, and old frame, and were instru- mental in organizing and supporting the church were the Plummer family, of which there were a number, the McMuUens, some of the Rob- erts and others. Not far from the time of the erection of the first frame church, a hewed log meeting-house was built by a society of the Old School Baptists, about where the brick is now located at the graveyard, known as Eben - ezer Church (Section 12, southeastern part of the township). The church 550 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. was constituted February 7, 1822, with a membership of six brethren and sisters, who had previously moved into the neighborhood. Their names were Elder William and James Morgan (from Wales), Thomas Bevan, Samuel Bevan, Elizabeth Morgan and Sarah Morgan. The first pastor of the church was Elder William Morgan; other pastors in their regular order have been Thomas Curtis, Jacob Ryker, James Babcock, Edwin P. Bond, Hamilton Robb, Jeremiah Cell, Francis Riddle, J. Lawrence and Thomas M. Ervvin. Not far from forty years ago the present brick house of worship was erected, which was remodeled or rebuilt in 1870. It is a substantial house 35x55 feet, with neat cupola. The dedicatory ser-,^ mon was preached August 7, 1870, by Elder Stephenson. The grave- yard at the church is about as old as the church society. In the northwestern part of the township, on what is known as Hogan Hill is located an old place of burial, which as we strolled through, we noticed from the inscriptions on the sandstone and marble slabs that a number of the old pioneers rest there. Among them David Conger, who died in 1842, aged eighty years; Elizabeth Conger, died in 1847, aged seventy-seven years; Silas Wicks, died in 1880, aged eighty- five years; Martha Wicks died in 1880, aged eighty years. No tomb- stone indicated an earlier burial than 1838, yet the ground was used as a place of burial prior to 1825. In 1825, at this burying ground, was standing a log-schoolhoase, which was used for both church and school purposes. Among the Baptist congregation there in its early history were the Babcocks, Andrew, Edward and James; Enoch Conger, Amos Morris, Joshua Givan, Cyrus Mills, James Stephenson, the Ferrises, a Mrs. Day, a Mrs. Hathaway. Andrew Babcock was an elder in the soci- ety for years, and Cyrus Mills was the church clerk for a long period. The land at this point belonged to Enoch Conger. In 1840 the school - house was still standing, and in use as before. At this time an unfin- ished log-church was standing near by, but it was never completed or used. In the neighborhood of 1851 a frame church building was erected, which stood until 1877, when it was torn down. By removals and deaths the congregation was so lessened that services were gradually discontinued. Have had little preaching there for the past twenty years. The old log structure was the first "temple of learning," and the only one for some time for that section of the country. Among the first mas- ters can be recalled James Stephenson. At quite an early period in the township's history there stood at the graveyard in the rear of the Jaquith (Mrs. S. G.) property at Wright's Corners, a log-church, the property of the Old School Baptists, which was used for many years for church purposes; school was also taught in it. The building wasj torn down forty-odd years ago; it stood on the MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 551 site of the barn of Mrs. Lucy Jaquith. Elder Zacheus Palmer officiated as minister for years. The place of burial is, perhaps, as old as was the house of worship. Just north of Wright's Corners stands a frame church building, which has long been occupied by a congregation called the Providence Free Will Baptist Church. The organization was effected in the summer of 1838 by Rev. Cyrus Dudley, of Ohio, who upon invitation came here and held a series of meetings in a carpenter shop near the Corners. These meetings were continued some six weeks, and resulted in the organization of the society July 28, 1838. Elders Morgan and Curtis, of the Old 'school church, were both present and assisted, and, it is said, the name Providence was given the church by the first mentioned elder. Some of the original and early members were as follows: Q. S. Jaquith, Lucy Jaquith, Lucy Jaquith, Sr., Mrs. Vaughn, Abbie Owen, Harriet Jaquith, R. Russell and wife; Rev. Cyrus Dudley served the congregation for a number of years. Other pastors were Samuel Hathorn and J. F. Tufts. Their first house of worship was a frame structure built about 1840. It was destroyed by tire, and was replaced by the present one. The con- gregation is now without a pastor, and no regular services have been held foV some years. St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran Church (German), located in the northern part of the township, was organized in 1843, with a membership of twelve, among whom were Valentine George and Peter Vogel, John Drout, Christopher Seitz, a William Rupe, Jacob Graff and a William Wenthorse. The first church building was a log one, which was dedi- cated July 30, 1843; Rev. August Miller preaching the sermon. Ten years later (1853) the present substantial brick edifice was erected. The graveyard was started in 1843 on the organization of the church. Rev. Miller was the pastor of the,church two years. Christian Busse followed. Other pastors were Meyers, Geiger and Bournmeister. Near by is located a neat brick- schoolhouse erected in 1881, in which the children of the church are taught. Just north of North Hogan Creek in the southwestern part of the town- ship is located a very neat little frame church, and nearby a graveyard, well cared for. This house of worship belongs to a society of Old School Baptists, which was organized about the year 1848. Elder Rich- ard Kelly, Joshua Givan and wife, Sarah Rice, William Knapp and wife, Reuben Smith, Lyman T. Smith and family were among the early membership. Elders Richard Kelly, Benjamin Dartus, Tilton, Alex- ander Conley and Robert Wilson have served this people. The ground on which the church stands was given by Joshua Givan, and that where burials are made was given for the purpose by William Givan, a son. 552 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. The graveyard is not so old as the church by about eight or ten years. The first interment here was the body of William Huls. Not far from, the cemetery is quite an old place of burial, where rests a number of the pioneers ;of that section of the country. The ground was given by Cyrus Cross and John P. King, and about 1832 was buried Thursa King, the first interment made in it. Near the home of William Givan was erected the first schoolhouse in that neighborhood, and in it some of the early masters were Lymon T. Smith, Almira Smith, Robert States and John P. King. At Holman is located a frame church building, which was erected about 1846. Previous to the building of this church an organization was effected, the result of a series of revivals held in the old school- house. Early members were William Huls, H. N. Dixon, John Dorman and family, Cyrus Campfield and family, David fcllis and family and Joseph Ellis and family. The charge was placed on the Milan Circuit, on which was Rev. Lathrop. It is now on the Manchester Circuit. South of Holman stands a church structure, built during the war of the Rebellion by a society called the Christian Union Methodist Church. Samuel Kennedy, the Rumseys, the Ketchums, the McMullins, the Weatherheads, Terrells and others were identified with the organization or early society. The society was short lived; no services have been held for years. About thirty years ago a Universalist society was organized and built the church now located in Upper Manchester. Israel Noyeswasthe lead- ing spirit in the movement; among other members were the Platts. The congregation never had a resident pastor, and never was very strong. Only occasional preaching is held in the building. At Wright's Corners is located a Methodist Episcopal Church build- ing, the society of which dates back some thirty odd years. There is a graveyard here, started about the same time. The Loziers, Blasdels and the Parmertons were identified with this church society in its early exis- tence. MILLS AND OTHER INDUSTRIES. Of the mills on North Hogan the following is extracted from an ar- ticle written in 1876, referring to that stream sixty years ago: "There were a few cabins dispersed along the banks of the North Hogan, from its mouth up as far as the block-houses, a distance of about four miles, beyond which was an unbroken wilderness. Capt. Jim Bruce, Amor and Henry Bruce lived near the block-house. The cabins further down were occupied by the McKinneys, Powells, Bordmans, Hufi"mans and other pioneer settlers. North and south there were some settlements, but west and northwest along the creek there was no settlement, and of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 553 course ao roads, the country being devoted to the use of hunters and trappers until December, 1815, when the Johnson family cut out a road and penetrated the wilderness for three miles above the block-house, and settled on the land previously entered by them, 300 acres, eighty acres of which they afterward surrendered to the Governmenment, not being able to pay for it. The descendants of those pioneers — David, George and Joseph Johnson, that is, the children of the latter two (David never having been married), still own and occupy this land, and have added to it. Upon this land is located the oldest flouring-mill in Dearborn Coun- ty, operated by other than horse-power, and it has been known for sixty years as Johnson's Mills, and during all that time has been owned and operated continuously (except when stopped for repairs) by the Johnson family. The mill was started in March, 1817, after about a year's time spent in building. Considering the limited means in money, help and facilities for obtaining machinery, this was considered quick work. The races and foundations were excavated by hard labor in removing trees and rocks, and constant tugging with the roots, of which the ground was literally full, as Uncle Charlie Bruce can testify, he being the only liv- ing man who participated in that work. " There are a few persons living who remember the new mill when it first started with its one run of Allegheny stones (which are yet preserved), upon which all kinds of grain were ground, giving the best of satisfaction. Also the mill house, which was supported on forks, sided up with slabs, and roofed with clap-boards. The mill continued to be owned and run by the three brothers, David, George and Joseph, being variously enlarged and improved until 1843, when Joseph became sole owner by purchase of the other shares. Since which time the machinery has been twice almost entirely removed and modernized to suit the requirements of the times. It was last rebuilt in 1873, under the supervision of Andrew J. Pusey, Esq., of Lawrencebux'gh, who deservedly stands at the head of the mill-building fraternity in southeastern Indiana. It is now a complete flouring and custom-mill owned and run by the Johnson boys, under the style of J. Johnson & Co. "Some years after the Johnson Mill was started, Thomas H. and David Milburn started an oil-mill, one-fourth of a mile above on the creek, and soon after converted it into a custom or grist-mill, and for many years carried on the business, and finally sold the mill to James Rumsey, who died in a few years, and the mill passed into the hands of N. C Durham, who operated it for several years, and sold it to the John- sons, since which time it has not been run. "In 1846 George Johnson, above referred to, built a custom-mill one mile below, which was run a few years and abandoned. .554 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. "At various times there have been Moses' Mill, and Round's Mill and Payne's Mill further up the creek, and Nathan L. Milburn's Mill, and Huffman's Mill further down the creek, but they have all passed away, leaving the Johnson Mill 'as a spared monument to fair dealing and close attention to business." The Johnson Mill was destroyed by fire in December, 1882, The Moses Mill was both a grist and saw-mill. In the southern part of the township (below Holman), in an early day was operated a mill by horse-power owned by James Baggs. Those going to mill took the "power" with them, and then gave one-eighth of the grist, Such mills ground probably twenty bushels per day. Prior to 1825 Oliver Heustis built a carding machine at Lower Man- chester. It was first operated by horse-power, and later by steam, and on the adoption of the latter power, a couple run of stones were put in, and grinding done. This was in operation probably fifty years, Heustis & Plummer carried on for a long time, and the business finally ceased in the hands of Daniel Plummer, Near by was built and operated a small foundry by Russell Coman. A tanyard was also here carried on for years by Francis Hansell, and later by one Keeley. The large steam flouring-mill located at Upper Manchester, and operated by W. H. Baker, was built in 1854, by Noyes & Dunn. It has since been in the hands of John Kennett, William Burton, Haines «fe Conger, Clarke & Bedner, Haines & Conger, then to the present proprietoi*. Along the turnpike running through the center of the township east and west are four settlements designated as Upper Manchester, Middle Manchester, Lower Manchester and Wright's Corners, The first mentioned is located in the center of the township and is the most active in point of business of the four places. There are now located at the latter place 2 good stores, 1 postoffice, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 wagon-maker, 1 cooper shop, and 1 grist and saw-mill. Id an early day it is said that Daniel Northrop, of the vicinity, owned a mule that was very breechy and usually went where it pleased, which fact gave to the place the name Muletown, which it is still frequently called. The settlement along the road in 1818-19 may be said to have given origin to the place. Justus H. West laid out some lots as an addition to the point in 1850. Lower Manchester or Plummertown had its origin in the settlement made there in 1818, and took the latter name from the Plummers, sev- eral of whom settled there. This is the oldest of the places mentioned, Louis Plummer was the first merchant here, and began in selling goods MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. 555 from a chest. He next sold from a hewed log-house, and finally built quite a storehouse. B. Clark was another early merchant. Ebenezer Roberts was the early ''smith" of the place. Middle Manchester was first settled by Joseph Sylvester, who in 1818 was living in a log-cabin, the first built at this point. In 1818-19 sev- eral cabins were built! here. Early merchants along what is now the pike were William Tibbetts, William Jordan and Samuel and Daniel McMullen. Samuel McMullen, a resident of Upper Manchester, is still keeping a little grocery, and though eighty- two years of age, is quite active and a very genial and affable man to deal with. Mr. McMullen was commissioned postmaster at Middle Manchester several years before the late war, which position he held with little exception until last fall, when he tendered his resignation. The three places thus described are scattered along the road for a little more than one mile. Some two miles east of Plummertown is Wright's Corners, a very attractive little settlement or hamlet; the buildings, public and private, and surroundings all giving evidence of thrift and enterprise. At this point is located quite an imposing and commodious high school build- ing, which has been an institution of some note. It stands a monument to the enterprise of its founders and an ornament to the settlement. Probably sixty years ago Washington Wright kept a store and was post- master at this point, hence the name. Mrs. Mary House is the present postmistress, and there is in the way of business here two blacksmith shops and one store. A Mr. Bouker was one of the first blacksmiths in the neighborhood. 556 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHAPTER XXX. SPARTA TOWNSHIP. Organization and Boundaries— Original Land Sales— Early Settle- ment AND Events— Industries— Schools, Churches and Grave- yards—Villages. SPARTA TOWNSHIP, in November, 1826, was described by the board of county supervisors as follows: Commencing on the old Indiana boundary, on the township line between Townships 6 and 7, Range 3 west; thence eastwardly following the meanders of said creek to where the same strikes the line running north and south between Sections 8 and 9 , Township 5, Range 2 west; thence south to the southwest corner of Section 9, Township 5, Range 2 west; thence east with said line one mile; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 21, Township 5, Range 2; thence west one mile; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 5, Township 4, Range 2; thence west to the old Indiana boundary- line; thence northwardly with said line to the place of beginning. Sparta as described included, in addition to its present territory, some three and a half sections of Hogan Township, the greater portion of which was given the latter township in the years 1856 and 1857, and the northern tier of sections of Clay, which it lost on the formation of Clay, in 1835, regaining, however, the eastern portion thereof between 1835 and 1852, and most likely in the latter year. In 1870 a small portion of land in southwestern Manchester Township was attached to Sparta. The above are the material changes of this subdivision, which is bounded on the north by Manchester Township, on the east by Hogan, on the south by Clay, and on the west by Ripley County. ORIGINAL land SALES. ^ The lands of the township as disposed of by the Government, with the year of sale and the purchasers' names, are set forth in the following list: Township 5, Range 2 west. A portion of Section 18, in 1816, to Christian Harshey; in 1817, to John H. Musgrove, Jonathan Vail, Riley Truitt. A portion of Section 19, in 1816, to Christian Harshey; in 1817, to S. B. and W. J. Wood, David Kerr. SPARTA TOWNSHIP. 557 A portioD of Section 30, in 1817, to Phineas L. King, Theodore Thompson; in 1830, to Jonathan Parks; in 1832, to Aaron Foulk, Joseph Carpenter; in 1836, to Percy Wheeler, Wilson Wheeler, Thompson Dean; in 1837, to George Cornelius, Wilson L. Wheeler, John Christy. A portion of Section 31, in 1817, to William and Thomas Olcott, Claybourn Allen; in 1831, to Michael Flake; in 1833, to Lorenzo W^right. A portion of Section 32, in 1817, to James Lindsay, John Jones; in 1831, to John Columbia; in 1832, to James Lindsay; in 1837, to Peter Rough. Section 7 (part in Manchester Township; see that township). Sections 17, 20 and 29 lie in the townships of Sparta and Hogan. (See the latter). Section 6, Town 4, Range 2 west, is situated partly in Sparta and Washington Townships. (See the latter). Section 34, Town 7, Range 3 west (part in Manchester Township; see that township). Township 6, Range 3 west, A portion of Section 1 (part in Manchester) in 1817, to Amor Bruce, Stephen Wood, Benjamin Johnson; in 1829, to Stephen J. Paine; in 1833, to Samuel McKoustry; in 1836, to Samuel McKoustry, Thomas Lambertson; in 1837, to George H. Johnson. A portion of Section 2 (part in Manchester) in 1817, to Stephen Wood, Benjamin Johnson; in 1818, to Elisha Hancock, Gilbert T. Givan, Nancy Davis; in 1836, to Henry Johnson. A portion of Section 3, in 1816, to David Medsker; in 1818, to John Dashiell. The southwest quarter of Section 3, and part of fractional Section 4 in 1817, to Jesse B. Lord and Samuel Moss. West half of northeast quarter Section 3, and north half Section 4, in 1824, to George Dean. A portion of Section 9, in 1818, to E. Olmstead; in 1829, to John S. Olmstead. A portion of Section 10, in 1817, to Charles Dashiell, James Knight, John Juman; in 1818, to John Leggit, Moses Musgrove, James Ander- son and Martin Justis; in 1827, to Martin Justis. A portion of Section 11, in 1817, to John Brumblay, Riley Truitt; in 1818, to Spencer Davis. A portion of Section 12, in 1817, to Amor Bruce, Jonathan Vail, Thomas Lambertson; in 1818, to William Hancock; in 1834, to John McKinstry; in 1836, to John Alexander. A portion of Section 13, in 1817, to Jonathan Vail, Adam Flake; in 1817, to Joseph Churchill, Jr.; in 1826, to Michael Flake; in 1827, to 558 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. John Branington; in 1831, to James Daugherty and Charles Branington; in 1832, to Samuel Stage. ^/ A portion of Section 14, in 1817, to Spencer Davis; in 1818, to John Chance; in 1824, to Benjamin Hinds: in 1825, to Thomas Boggs; in 1857, to David Osborn. A portion of Section 15, in 1817, to Samuel B. and Winslow J. Wood ; in 1818, to R. C. Stevens, Robert Glass; in 1829, to Willis Miller; in 1832, to Alexander Walker; in 1836, to Caleb G. Ward, Robert Glass, Rezin Hirsh, Levi Boyd, James Lambertson. A portion of Section 21, in 1818, to Samuel C. Vance; in 1827, to Samuel C. Vance; in 1831, to Isaac Oathandt; in 1832, to Seth Hertman; in 1836, to John J. Livingston. A portion of Section 33, in 1833, to Elhavan Burroughs; in 1832, to George Durham. A portion of Section 22, in 1818, to James S. Hogsheard, Thomas Lambertson, Arnold Burtch; in 1824, to Rufus Holcomb, Sarah Daugh- ters; in 1832, to James Dolson; in 1836, to Caleb G. Ward. A portion of Section 23, in 1818, to Thomas Lambertson, Josh Mc- Knight, Asa Gloyd, David Brown, Eliakin Jones. A portion of Section 24, in 1818, to Samuel Snider, James S. Hogs- heard; 1828, to Thomas McKnight, William Wheeler, Levin W. Riggin; in 1826, to Benjamin, Brian, Jr. ; in 1836, to Michael Flake, Samuel Ewan. A portion of Section 25, in 1817, to Theodorus Thompson, George Hames, Stephen Burroughs, Leonius King. A portion of Section 26, in 1818, to Peter Hancock. E. P. Pierson; in 1819, to Isaac L. Winston; in 1822, to Robert Faulkner; in 1820, to Mary Faulkridge, in 1832, to John I. Geyen; in 1836, to Jacob Faulkner. A portion of Section 27, in 1818, to Joseph Lee, Peter Newcomer, John Snyder, Jr. ; in 1819, to William Turner; in 1836, to John M. Patrick. A portion of Section 28, in 1818, to Jesse Hunt and Thomas S. Killman. A portion of Section 33 (north half of fractional), in 1818, to Mark Baher. A portion of Section 34, in 1817, to David Medsker, James Hayes; in 1832, to John M. Patrick Henry Terry, James Hayes; in 1836, to Alexander Walker, Arnstead'Albitt; in 1837, to James Hayes, Philip Rowland. Section 35, in 1817, to Adam D. Livingston. A portion of Section 36, in 1817, to Claiborne Allen, John Suther- land and James Ramsey; in 1820, to Samuel Marshall; in 1827, to SPARTA TOWNSHIP. 559 William Lyon; in 1836, to Thomas G. Benson; in 1837, to Allen Perry, Perry Bidly, Thomas >Jelson, Harrison Alfred. EARLY SETTLEMENT AND EVENTS. The forests of Sparta first began to give way to the pioneer's axe in 1812, though little advancement was made toward settlement until after the close of the war of 1812-15. The following list contains the greater number of the earlier pioneers of the township: Steven Pain emigrated from the State of Vermont; removed from this section of the country before death. Samuel Allen emigrated from Kentucky in 1814; removed from the township prior to death. James Duncan emigrated from Maryland in 1815, his death occurred in 1864. Moses Musgrove emigrated from Virginia in 1816. He was the father of Mrs. Nancy Wood, who is residing in the township at this time, aged eighty- one years. Mr. Musgrove is said to have killed the last panther shot in the township in the year 1817; the animal weighed 200 pounds and measured nine feet from the end of nose to tip of tail. Mr. Musgrove died in 1819. Samuel and Demos Moss emigrated from Massachusetts in 1816; removed from the township before death. Riley Truitt emigrated from Maryland in 1817, and died in 1818. Thomas Lambertson emigrated from Maryland in 1817, and died in 1865. Benjamin Johnson emigrated from Maryland and located in Sparta Township in 1817; he was a strong minded man of positive opinions and unwavering character. He was true as steel to a friend, and could be relied upon at all times. He was the father of John D. Johnson, who was elected to the State Legislature in 1846, and re-elected in 1848, and in 1850 was elected a member of the convention to revise the Constitution of the State. He was also the father of Samuel J. Johnson, who served for a number of years as assistant door-keeper for United States Con- gress. Frank M. Johnson, once recorder of Dearborn County, was a grandson of Benjamin. The latter's death occurred in 1859. Samuel B. and Winslow Wood emigrated from New York State in 1817. Their deaths occurred in the years 1858 and 1868, respectively. Samuel B. was the father of Hosea Wood and husband of Mrs. Nancy Wood (referred to above), residents of the township. Jonathan Vail emigrated from New York State in 1817, and died in 1847. 560 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Stephen Inman emigrated from the State of Maine in 1817. Nathaniel Richman emigrated from the State of New York in 1817, and died in 1859. Gilbert Givan, the father of George M. , emigrated from the State of Maryland in 1818, and died in 1862. Jason Chilson emigrated from Rhode Island, and died in 1838. Adam Moore and family emigrated from Maryland in 1818, and set- tled on the site of Moore's Hill. A son, John C, " died at Moore's Hill in 1871; was born in Maryland«.in 1810. His father moved to this place in 1819; has always lived there, and was identified with the place more than fifty-two years, and for a number of years the leading man in it." Samuel Marshall, a native of London, England, was married in New York City, and in 1818 settled in this township. " Abraham Eversole was born in Virginia in 1791, served in the war of 1812-15, married in 1818, and in 1819 located in this township. Among the early friends were Adam Moore, Charles Dashiell, Morton Justis, John Brumblay, Sr., Ezekiel Maston, John Dashiell, Ranna C. Stevens and Spencer Davis. The residence first erected by Father Ever- sole was constructed of logs, the above named friends assisting in its construction; the clapboards and roof were made and put on in one day. There were no saw-mills near or lumber to be obtained, and everything pertaining to the building were of the primitive kind." Noah Davis emigrated from Maryland in 1818, died in 1880, aged seventy- eight years. " He was a good citizen and worthy man." Timothy Kimble and Samuel Stage settled in this township in 1818. Thomas Heaton emigrated from Green County, N. Y., in 1818. William Turner, a native of Yorkshire, England, located in the town- ship in 1819. Joseph Thompson emigrated from New York in 1819, and died in 1846. James Daughters and family emigrated from Maryland in the fall of 1820. Morton Justis, a native of Delaware, with his parents early removed to Pittsburgh, Penn. ; thence to Hamilton County, Ohio, and in 1821 Morton and family located in this township. Elias Little, from Ohio, and William Tyler, from Maryland, were early settlers in this township. In the fall of 1818 a wagon road was cut through the woods from what is now Aurora to Moore's Hill, and on to the Ripley County line. The first natural death that occurred in the township is thought to have been that of Riley Truitt in 1818. SPARTA TOAVNSHIP. 561 INDUSTRIES. Adam Moore put in operation on his land, soon after settling, a grist- mill, the power of which consisted of a treadwheel worked by animals — horses or oxen. About 1830 Lyman Smith erected a saw-mill on North Hogan Creek in this township. In 1828 James Hayes erected a grist-mill on South Hogan Creek in the western part of the township, which he operated for about fifteen years, when, in the act of cutting ice off the wheel, he fell and was crushed to death. The mill was subsequently operated by Joseph Besong and Jacob Zapp. One of the first steam-mills in the county was built by Phineas King in the year 1839, and was operated in connection with his woolen fac- tory, which had been run for twenty years with a treadwheel, and was situated on what was known as King's Ridge, near Chesterville. At his death the mill was abandoned and the woolen machinery moved to Milan. In the year 1839 William "^B. Miller and brother erected the mill known as Miller's Mill on South Hogan Creek about one and a half miles south of Chesterville. The building is of stone, rebuilt in 1868; it is four stories high, with four run of stone, and a capacity of 400 bushels per day. Samuel and Winslow Wood settled in the township in 1817, and started the first tanyard on Section 20. They were intelligent and useful citizens. In 1831 Steven Payne^ built and operated for five or six years a dis- tillery, which was located in the northeastern part of the township, capac- ity about one-half barrel per day. This is believed to have been the first and last enterprise of this character in Sparta Townshp. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND GRAVEYARDS. The first schoolhouse erected for the '^children of the first settlers of Sparta Township stood over in what has since become Hogan Town- ship, erected on the Daniel Crozier land by the neighborhood in 1818, a rude log-house; a Mr. Ball is "remembered as the first teacher. Subse-. quently Eliel Chafin held sway in the same building. In about 1824 this house was abandoned, and a log schoolhouse built on the present site of No. 5 Schoolhouse in the eastern part of the township. Nathaniel Richman and John Daniels were early schoolmasters here. The old log- schoolhouse gave way in the course of time to a frame, and that in time to the present and second frame, all on or about the same site. Other teachers who taught either in the log or first frame were a Mr. Earl; John Arnold, Thomas Wood, Samuel Wright, John Osborn, Leander Kelsey, 562 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. J. P. Daughters, Joseph Bedunnah, Harvey Connelly, and John Lang- ford, all of whom excepting one were boarded at the old Wood homestead. In 1820 a log-schoolhouse was built on ground now within the limits of Moore's Hill, in which Sanford Ehodes is thought to have taught the first school, the tuition being 75 cents per quarter for each pupil, and was paid mostly in trade. The first Methodist class in the township was organized at the cabin house of Moses Musgrove in the year 1818, by the Kev. Mr. Lawrence. The membership was composed of Nathan Milburn, who was the class leader; Moses Musgrove and wife, Torrence Curry and wife, Peter Hannegan and wife, Simon Peters and wife, Hiram Knapp and wife and Eliza Riddle. About the year 1820 the place of meeting was at the house of John Dashiell, near Moore's Hill; then, shortly afterward, it met at the house of Adam Moore. This class was the nucleus of the now flourishing Methodist Episcopal Church at Moore'& Hill, and its subsequent history will be given in the sketch of that town. The regular Baptist Church at Sparta was organized May 21, 1822, at the house of Eli Spencer, with Rev. Daniel Palmer, pastor, and Samuel Marsh, Gilbert S. Givan and wife, Sallie Johnson, C. Falkner, Isaac Offutt, Matthew Spencer, Rachel Fox, Nathaniel Richmond and wife, members; Mr. Marsh was deacon. The following named minis- ters have served the church and been stationed here: Revs. David Palmer, Nathaniel Richmond, Aaron Ball, Joseph Morgan, Gillis Daughters, David Fisher, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Hinkley, Thomas Curtis, John M. Givan,'Mr. Gildei'sleeve, Joseph Rocker. William Matchet, Archie Smith, Alexander Coundly, Richard Kelley, Lewis Rysinger, P. J. Calap, N. C. Petit, A. J. Loveing and Robert Wilson. The church membership is 'about sixty. The neat and substantial brick house of worship, located in the village of Sparta, was erected in 1853. Prior to this another brick stood on that site, the ground having been donated by Joseph Churchill, erected prior to 1840. Near by the old Sparta Baptist Church stands a frame church build- ing, erected in 1855 by a Presbyterian Church body, and occupied by them until some ten or fifteen years ago, when by death and removals the society grew feeble, and the house was abandoned. Among the membership were Samuel Allen and family, Samuel Mahood and family, Samuel Heuston and family, John Laughlin and family, and James Rus- sell and family. About the church was formerly a burying ground, but was never extensively used, and has, since the church's downfall, been abandoned. Probably not far from 1844 there was a Methodist Episcopal society organized at Sparta, which, too, for the past fifteen or twenty years, has SPARTA TOWNSHIP. 563 been numbered with the things that were. Among the members were Thomas B. Cook and family, John Hynes and family, Robert Scott and family, Bartholomew Caldwell and family, Perry Chance and family, Michael Bruce and family and some of those that subsequently belonged to the Presbyterian Church, on the building of which many of the members of the Methodist Episcopal society identified themselves with it, and it gradually gave up, and the membership went to other neigh- boring churches. Perhaps as early as 1826 or 1828 Rev. Daniel Roberts organized a church society at the house of Daniel Whitacre, on Whitacre's Fork. Among the early members were Daniel Whitacre and wife, John Car- penter and wife, Thomas Nelson and William Tyer. About 1843 the society erected a log meeting-house at the little graveyard that is located in Section 36, the ground, one acre, having been formerly the property of William Tyer, who meant to give it for burial and church purposes. From this site the society built their present frame edifice, called Con- cord Chapel, located at Chesterville, which was dedicated in 1856, Rev. Roberts served this charge off and on for a long period of years; Rev. Thomas Brandon and Elder Guard also preached at Concord. The society is identified with the denomination styled Christians (Campbel- lite). The old burying-ground named is about the age of the first church house erected there. A half mile south of Chesterville is located a little frame dwelling touse, which, until within the last few years, was the property of a con- gregation of German Methodists, used by them as a meeting-house. The society has since disbanded, or at least are not continuing their meetings. Simon Humpfield and wife, Ferdinand Holtgel and wife, and Henry Hurnfelt constituted a part of the membership. As one goes from the village of Chesterville to Moore's Hill, to the left of the road about three-quarters of a mile from the former village, he sees a frame house of worship, standing just behind a clump of grand old forest trees, and to the rear of the building a row of cedars, beneath and about which sleep a number of the "forefathers of the hamlet." Peace to their ashes. This house of worship belongs to the Union Methodist Episcopal society, which is upward of a half-century old, and worshiped that long ago in a neighboring schoolhouse. Not far from 1840, a log meeting-house was erected on the site of the build- ia Ohio, and was married to Miss Ella A. Gregory. To them have been born David A., Fred, Maud A., Sadie and Willie. fMr. Bradley went to Bloomington, 111., in 1871, and worked for the Chicago & Alton Railroad for fourteen months; thence to Pana, in 1872, and worked until 1874 for the same company. At this date the Ohio & Mississippi Company bought that road, and he has worked for them ever since. In June, 1876, the Ohio & Mississippi officers transferred him to the Cochran shops where he has since worked. Mr. Bradley is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13, Aurora Commandery No. 17, and G. A. R. Post No. 85. PETER BRAUN, Lawrenceburgh, cashier of the People's Na- tional Bank, is a native of Germany, and was born in 1826. His parents were Johann and Nettie Catharine (Gceble) Braun, who passed their entire lives in Germany. Our subject passed the years of his minority in his native country, receiving there a common school education. In 1848 he immigrated to the United States, but returned to Europe in the following year, immigrating a second time to this country in 1851. He was employed awhile in the furniture store of Brown & Tate as clerk; spent about one year in the Branch Bank; three years in the grocery business and contracting on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad; kept books one year for Dunlevy & Fowler, of Cincinnati; cashier of the First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh from 1863 to 1874, and superintendent of foundry at Evansville, Ind., for Frederick Browneler till 1875. In the latter year, with Wi lliam Probasco, he established the bank with which he has ever since been connected. Mr. Braun was married, in 1860, to Sarah R. Browneler, daughter of Frederick Browneler, of Cin- cinnati, and their four children are Lizzie K., Fannie W., William F. and Phillip C. Mr. Braun is a member of the I. O. O. F., and a man of excellent character and business qualifications. EGIDIUS BRAUNAGEL, Aurora, proprietor of saloon, billiard parlor and summer garden, was born in Baden Baden, Germany, August 31, 1822. He came to America in 1849, locating in Ripley County, Ind., where he farmed. In 1850 located in Aurora, and followed engineering, for five years. In 1856 he engaged in draying, and continued at that until 1869, when he opened a saloon and run one pool table. After operating for three years he put in four tables, and in 1880 opened the garden. Mr. Braunagel was married, December 11, 1851, to Miss Eva B. Siemantel, who was born in Bavaria August 6, 1834. Her parents, John and Anna K. Siemantel, were born in Bavaria, the father in 1785, and the mother in 1797. They were married in 1815, and came to America in 1846. He was a farmer and stock dealer, and died February 8, 1847; the mother died Jane 9, 1870. To the marriage have been 640 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. born the following children: Leonard, born May 9, 1853, died November 18, 1854; Mary, born September 17, 1855; Michael G., born May 25, 1857; Edward,>born March 20, 1859; Anna, born March 15, 1861; Simon, born June 30, 1863, died October 10, 1865; John V., born December 4, 1872. Mr. B. is a member of the order of Druids, and his wife and children of the Lutheran Church. ELENORA (LaMAR) BREWINGTON, Aurora, widow of William Brewington, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 6, 1836, and was edu- cated at the Wesleyan Female College of that city, where she graduated in 1854, and faithfully continues to hold her membership with the Alumni. Her father, William W. LaMar, " was born near Salisbury, Md., December* 8, 1811, and her mother, Elizabeth (Blake) LaMar, was born in Salisbury, Md., August 20, 1816. They were married August 27, 1835, and raised twelve children, eight of whom are now living. The family moved to Aurora, Ind., October 30, 1866. Miss Elenora La- Mar was married, May 15, 1855, to William Brewington, a native of Wil- mington, Dearborn Co., Ind., where he was born, August 16, 1830. Seven children were born to the marriage, namely: Charles H. , born July 17, 1858, died December 3, 1860; Ella S., born October 2, 1860, now Mrs. F. Clark; Elizabeth L. , born July 13, 1863; Levina A., born July 28, 1865, died May 15, 1869; William K, born December 11, 1867; Elenora, born March 12, 1870; Frank, born April 14, 1872. Mr. Brew- ington engaged in business in Wilmington when twenty-one years old, and continued for seven years. In 1858 he moved on a farm, where he remained until 1870, at which time he opened a general store in Aurora. He also speculated in real estate, and was very successful in all his operations, leaving his family a competency at his death, which occurred February 14, 1878. He was an active, energetic business man, a kind father, and an affectionate husband. Mrs. Brewington is an active worker and member of the Christian Church. FRANCIS C. BRIDDELL, proprietor of livery, sale and feed stable, Aurora, was born in Aurora, February 4, 1852, where he received the best education the public schools afforded. At the age of seventeen he engaged in his present business. For several years he has acted as assist- ant book-keeper and collector for the Aurora Gas Company. He was married, October 16, 1877, to Miss Carrie L. Hitzfeld, who was born in Lawrenceburgh, Ind. To the marriage has been born York L. Briddell, January 10, 1880. Mr. Briddell has a fine stable, in size 106x53 feet, which will accommodate fifty head of horses. He has done a fair bus- iness from the start and prospered in life. His residence is in Walker Town, an addition to the city proper Further particulars as to ances- tors will be found elsewhere. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 641 HENRY W. BRODBECK, dentist, Aurora, office over O. P. Cobb & Go's, hardware store, corner of Second and Main Streets. Dr. Brodbeck was born in Lawrenceburgh and received his education in the high school of that city. His preceptors in his profession were Drs. Samuel E. Harryman and J. P. Ulrey, of Lawrenceburgh. He com- pleted his course in Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating March 3, 1881, with honors, at the Ohio College of Dental Surgery. Immediately there- after, he located in Aurora, and by thoroughness in the treatment of irregularities has succeeded in building up a lucrative practice. His office is supplied with the latest dental appliances and modern improve- ments, which enable him to work with neatness and dispatch. He has demonstrated beyond any question of doubt, that he is skilled, thorough and careful in all departments of his profession, and is warranted in looking forward to a bright and prosperous future, which he richly de- serves on account of his close application to business, strict integrity and moral character. The Doctor is a member of Union Lodge No. 8, I. O. O. F., of Lawrenceburgh, and of the County Medical Society; also of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His parents, John G. and Mary D. (Hass) Brodbeck, were born in Germany, the father being a harness- maker. WILLIAM BROWN, farmer. Clay Township, was born in Mont- gomery County, Va., June 28, 1811. His parents, George and Mary (Raburn) Brown were also natives of Virginia, and were born, the former in Culpepper County, in 1782, and the latter in Montgomery County, in 1792. They were married in Montgomery County, where she died in about 1826; and in 1887 he moved to Ohio County, Ind., and later made his home with our subject, where he died in 1859. He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was the father of nine children, viz.: Margaret, James, George, William, Joseph, Elizabeth, Nancy, John and Mary. William, our subject, came with his father to Ohio County, Ind., in 1837, where he turned his attention to farming and improving land. He was married in Dearborn County, in 1842, to Martha A. Boston, after which he settled at Milton where he resided about two years, when he rented a farm in Dearborn County, where he moved, and in 1852 he purchased and moved on his present farm, where lie has since resided. He lost his wife by death, July 7, 1881. They have raised to maturity two orphan children. Mr. Brown is a fine man, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He owns sixty- seven acres of land. JAMES T. BROWN, see page 153. ROBERT D. BROWN attorney, Hogan Township. For forty-three years Mr. Brown has resided in the town of Wilmington; he was born in Otsego County, N. Y., April 13, 1814. His parents, Robert D. and Sarah 642 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. (Bartlett) Brown, were natives of York State, the father died in 1817 and the mother February 4, 1829. Mr. Brown being left an orphan immigrated to Ohio in the spring of 1829, thence to Indiana in 1837, after losing his wife (Mary Cummings) in 1836, to whom he was married in New Haven, Ohio, in 1835. After locating in the then prosperous and enterprising town of "Wilmington, Mr. Brown married Mary Hubbard Harwood, and unto them was born a son, Jason B., February 26, 1889, who is to- day one of Indiana's most successful legal practitioners and an active worker in local politics. Mrs. Brown died December 16 1839. In 1841 Mr. Brown married Mrs. Orena Churchill. Unto them were born two children : Emma and Latham B. This wife died in 1847. Not being willing to endure the trials of this life alone Mr. Brown was mar- ried, in 1848, to Elizabeth J. Mills, his present helpmate, who has been to him a faithful and valuable counselor. Mr. Brown read law in Wil- mington, and wate admitted to the bar in Lawrenceburgh in 1852. He was elected magistrate in 1843, and served for seventeen years. In 1861-62 he was State librarian, and was gauger under Andrew Johnson for five months, which was the most lucrative position of his life. He is and has been for some time, president of the board of managers of the Knightstown Soldiers' and Orphans' Home and Asylum for feeble-minded people. Mr. Brown is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., and was the first mason in the town. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a Democrat. CAPT. GEORGE W. BROWNE, late of Aurora, was born in Law- rence County, 111., February 28, 1831. His father, Aaron Browne, was born in New York City in 1793. His mother Elizabeth (Wilcox) Browne, was born in Virginia in 1803. His father came to Indiana in 1823 and located at Vincennes, where he followed milling and farming. He was a lieutenant in the war with the Indians, and died April 3, 1858, the mother died in 1856. In 1852 Capt. Browne run a fiat-boat for Glass & Brown of Metropolis, 111., and followed the river up to 1859. He then be- gan working in the blacksmith department of the Ohio & Mississippi shops at Vincennes. He enlisted as private in Company M, First Heavy Artillery,and served until January 10, 1866. He then took charge of a hotel at Cairo, 111., where he remained five years. From there he went to Me- tropolis, and engaged in dairy and saw-mill business, continuing up to 1874, since which he has kept hotel in Martinsville, and Greensburgh, Ind.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Rising Sun, Ind., and in Aurora. Mr. Browne was married, March 15, 1855, to Miss Emily C. Sellers, who was born in Logansport, Ind., January 3, 1837. To the marriage the following named children have been born: George E., Fannie A., and Charles S. The latter, a promising young man, died at Washington C. H., Ohio, iu November, 1885, aged seventeen years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 643 J. P. AND JOHN F. BRUCE, farmers, Hogan Township, reside upon Section 16. Their parents, Isaac and Julian (Fahrand) Bruce, were born in Hogan Township; the father December 4, 1808, mother February, 12, 1811. They were married August 27, 1829, and raised a family of twelve children. Father Bruce was pilot on the river for sixteen years, during which time he shipped cattle and produce for himself. He was captain of State militia for some time, and was an active worker in the cause of education and church affairs; cleared up most of his land and left plenty for his children; was one of the three school trustees under the old law; and both he and his estimable wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which honored him with a stewardship for years. He died August 13, 1880, Mrs. Bruce, March 13, 1874. Mr. John F. Bruce enlisted in March, 1862, in Company F, Third Indiana Cavalry, as a private, and served three years in the civil war. The above named brothers are leading a quiet life, engaged in agricultural pursuits. JONATHAN B. BRUCE, farmer, Hogan Township, was born there July 14, 1828, his educational advantages being very limited. His father, Charles Bruce, was born in Gallatin County, Ky., March 20, 1798; his mother, Phebe Mclntire, in Kentucky in 1794. They were married in 1819, and raised a family of nine children: Thomas M., Anna, Henry, Nancy, Jonathan B., Jane, Nelson T., Benjamin R. and Davis W. Mr. Bruce flat-boated for twelve years and served the people as constable for several years. He has been a farmer all his life, and owns the first land he entered, which is well improved and under good state of cultivation. His wife died in 1875, and was a member of the Christian Union Church; Mr. Bruce also. Mr. Charles Bruce has been a powerful man in his day; has done much hard work; had many a fight and never was whipped. In politics he has always voted the Democratic ticket. Mr. Jonathan B. Bruce was married October 29, 1854, to Mrs. Angeline (Baker) Glass. She was born in Ripley County, Ind., April 3, 1825, and had two children by her first husband — John M. Glass, who was born November 25, 1845, and was killed on the railroad in 1855. Mr. Bruce has followed farming all his life, and has never united with any secret organization or church, his motto being to do unto others as he would have others do unto him under like circumstances. Mrs. Bruce has one child, Joan, by her first husband. Ella F., a daughter by her second husband, died in infancy. JANE (ROSS) BRUCE, Aurora, is the widow of John Bruce, and was born July 26, 1820. Her father, Amos L. Ross, was born near Lebanon, Ohio, in 1794, and died March 28, 1866. Her mother, Eleanor (Shumaker) Ross, was born in Ohio, March 25, 1797, and died 644 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. August 18, 1864. Her uncle, David Ross, was born April 12, 1835, and resides in Peoria, III, where he practices medicine, and has a wide reputation in removing cancers. Mrs. Bruce was married, April 25, 1841, to John Bruce, and by their happy union had eight children: Louisa, born July 2, 1842, died January 4, 1883; John, Jr., born November 29, 1843, died April 24, 1846; Amos, born December 3, 1845, died August 8, 1847; Amor L., born November 8, 1847; Adam, born March 9, 1852; Sarah E., born October 23, 1854; Landy H., born April 24, 1857; Cal- vin R., born April 25,1861. Her husband was a farmer, trader and flat-boat pilot. He made twenty-three trips to New Orleans. In early times he was school director and school trustee. He was successful and honest in life. His word was as good as the best bond ever made. He died November 10, 1870. AMOR L. BRUCE, Hogan Township, is the son of John and Jane (Ross) Bruce, whose sketch appears above. Amor received a good common school education, and has been a farmer, and stock raiser and trader all his life. He was married, February 20, 1883, to Miss Lizzie Myers, who was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, April 3, 1856. Unto them has been given one child— James Blaine, born October 4, 1884. Amor L. Bruce was born November 8, 1847. He takes delight in squeezing the juice from the cane and producing the best sorghum molasses in these [parts. His present turn of mind toward future development seems to be for trading in stock, at which he has been very successful. He is like his father— honest and upright in all his business operations. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his devoted wife is a member of the German Lutheran Church. BOLIVER BRUCE, farmer, Hogan Township, Section 23, owns a comfortable home. Mr. Bruce was born in Hogan Township, August 7, 1833, and received a fair education. He is the son of William Bruce, whose sketch will be found elsewhere. On the 14th of February, 1869, Mr. Bruce was married to Miss Sarah J. Hiner, a native of Indiana, who was born September 10, 1847, and there were born to them two chil- dren—Floyd H., born April 30, 1870; Wilber B., born February 20, 1883. Mr. Bruce is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 336, 1. O. O. F. His wife's parents, John A. and Eliza (Garrison) Hiner, were born in Indiana, the father, September 18, 1824, the ^mother, February 21, 1826. Mr. Hiner enlisted in August, 1861, in Harris' Cavalry, and was killed June 26, 1863, in a skirmish before Gettysburg. The mother died June 13, 1849, being a member of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal Church. LOVEY (DURHAM) BRUCE, Hogan Township, was born in Vir- ginia, July 22, 1809, and was educated in the common schools. Her par- ents John and Catharine (Conaway) Durham, were born in Delaware, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 645 came to this State about 1815, locating in Lawrenceburgh. In 1819 they moved to Washington Township, near Mount Tabor Church. He was in the Revolutionary war. Miss Lovey Durham was married December 25, 1825, to William Bruce, who was born in this (Hogan) Township, September 10, 1804. By the happy union ten children: Catharine, John W., Simon B., Martin V., William F., James C, Melissa, Isabelle, Mary M. and Eliza. Mr. Bruce was a farmer all his life. He was justice of the peace for years. He and his wife, joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. She u»ited with the church when seventeen years of age. Mr. Bruce departed this life, August 6, 1878, leaving a competency for the entire family. NICHOLAS BRUM, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in France June 11, 1820. His parents, Adam and Magdalena (Gruf) Brum, were also natives of France, and from thence in 1831 immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., settling in York Township, where they resided until their deaths. They were the parents of seven children — Peter, Magdalena, Louisa, Catherine, John, Jacob, and Nicholas. Our subject came with his parents to this county in 1831, and was here married. May 18, 1850, to Margaret Miller, and afterward moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he resided about live years, and from thence removed to Dearborn County, Indiana, and has since resided here. He purchased his present farm in Kelso Township in 1858, consisting of ninety-eight acres of fine land, which he has improved. They have had born to them seven children, viz. : Nicholas (deceased), Adam (deceased), Nicholas, Sarah (deceased), Charles, William, and Jacob (deceased). JOHN BUCHANAN, news-dealer and confectioner, Aurora, (place of business is in the postoffice building, where all the delicacies of the season can be found, was born in Ohio County, March 4, 1827, and received a common school education. His father was born in North Carolina, June 7, 1780. The mother, Anna (Sturman) Buchanan, was born in Virginia, July 16, 1784. They were married February 12, 1801. In early life the father was a miller, but awhile before his death, which occurred April 24, 1828, he was engaged in farming. Mr. John Buchanan was a farmer until 1878, when he followed gardening for three years. In 1881 he moved to Aurora and opened up a general agency, which he conducted up to March, 1884, at which time he added his present business and has prospered even better than he hoped for. He was married, November 4, 1856, to Miss Isabella Gregory, a native of Rising Sun. To them have been born Mark, April 16, 1858, died February 29, 1860; Jennie, September, 23, 1860, died December 21, 1875; Frank, July 29, 1863. Our subject was appointed county super- intendent by the county commissioners of Ohio County, after which he was elected, and served in that capacity for five years. 846 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. JOSEPH BUCHERT, proprietor hotel and farmer, Jackson Town- ship, a native of Dearborn County, born in 1832, is a son of Peter and Mary (Egby) Buehert, he a native of Germany and she of France. They were married in France, and in 1826, with a family of five children, immi- grated to America, landing at New York; thence by team came to Cincin- nati where they remained one year, and in the fall of 1827 came to Dear- born County, Ind., and purchased forty-six acres of land on the southeast quarter of Section 30, in Jackson Township, upon which he resided through life. When he located upon this land there was but little cleared, upon which was a log-cabin into which they moved and commenced their pioneer work. Their first milling was done on the Whitewater, corn-bread and meat being their principal articles of food. Subsequently he purchased more land, erected a good log-house, and before his death he had a good farm and comfortable home. After Mr. Buehert had purchased his land and moved on to it with his family he had $4.75 left, all the money he had in the world, and no way to get any more but to make from the land, then all in the woods — a condition which would discourage most men of the present day. But the result of his life proved him equal to the undertaking. The first plow he had he brought on his back from Cin- cinnati ; also the first grindstone he brought in the same way. He died in February, 1854, aged seventy-five years. His wife survived him and died September 24, 1874, aged eighty-three years. They were parents of eleven children. All grew to maturity, married and had families; six now living: Frances, now widow Miller; Joseph; Catharine, wife of Frank Sinderberger, residing in Cincinnati; Elizabeth, wife of M. Hoffrider, residing at Los Angeles, Cal.; Caroline, wife of Charles Schott, living in Shelby County, Ind., and Morton, also in Shelby County. The latter married and resided in Jackson Township until the spring of 1883, when he removed to Shelby County. In 1880 he was elected township trustee and had served three years. After he moved away his brother Joseph, was appointed to serve the balance of the unexpired term. Tho se deceased were Peter, Mary, who married Joseph Brandt; Anna, who married Lawrence Siefort, John and Terris, the latter married John Idoux. Peter, the eldest son, while young followed steam-boating from Cincinnati to New Orleans for several years. Subsequently he settled in Iowa, married and had two sons and one daughter. In 1853, in at- tempting to swim across Turkey Rivei', when about the middle of the stream was seen to sink and was drowned, it is believed from cramps, as he was known to be an excellent swimmer. John, the other son deceased, married and had one child, Anna, who survived and is now the wife of Simon Zinser; John was a stove molder by trade. He was elected county commissioner in the fall of 1882, and was serving in that oflSce BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 647 at the time of his death. He died March 2, 1884, aged sixty-two years. Joseph, our subject, was the seventh child of his father, and was born in the log-cabin on his father's place and grew to manhood familiar with pioneer life. He remembers well when a child of running after the wild deer and turkeys, trying to catch them, and of the extensive forests that then covered almost the entire country. He was married, September 6, 1859, to Caroline Huber, born January 20, 1839, a daughter of Damas and Catharine Huber, he a native of Germany and she of France. They came to America in 1833. They had seven children, six now living: Caroline; Joseph; Catharine, wife of F. Houseman; Lewis; Louisa, wife of Christian Schook, and Anna, wife of F. Knoepfler. The one de ceased, Mary, married M. Brisbo. By this union Mr. Buchert has had nine children, seven now living: Emma M.; Louisa E., wife of George H. Koenig; Frank J., Pauline A., Richard L., Martha A. and Edmond S. In the spring of 1859 Mr. Buchert purchased one acre of land upon which was a large building, part log and part frame. Here in partner- ship with John Medosch he opened out a hotel and grocery. Soon after Mr. Buchert bought the interest of his partner and continued the busi- ness till 1876, when he closed out his grocery stock, erected his present large and commodious brick house in which he has continued the hotel business to the present day. In 1856 Mr. Buchert made a trip to Cali- fornia and returned in 1859, prior to the purchase above mentioned. Mr. Buchert started in life with very little capital. Now he owns 111 acres of land and has one of the best and largest brick houses in Jackson Township, with other good improvements, the result of industry and a carefully conducted business. GEORGE P. BUELL, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in Scipio, Cayuga County, N. Y., in 1801. He moved to Indiana in 1820 with his father, Judge Salmon Buell, who had come West to invest the remnant of a for- tune. Judge Buell's large family scattered through the Western States of Ohio and Indiana; Barnum and Salmon D. Biiell in Marietta, and George P. and Almira Dunn at Lawrenceburgh. Our subject, in 1820, in con- nection with his brother-in-law, Luther Geer, who had been a wealthy mei-chant of Utica, N. Y., brought a large stock of goods to the village of Lawrenceburgh and embarked in business. At this time very little attention had been paid to the raising of hogs, although the country about the place of his adoption was particularly adapted for that feature of agriculture, and hogs were exceedingly low, owing to the difficulty in getting them to market. While pork here was only bringing from $1 to $1.50 per barrel, it commanded the high price in New York City of from $10 to $11 per barrel. Mr. Buell at once, on his arrival, began purchas- ing all the hogs in the surrounding country, had them slaughtered and 648 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. packed into barrels, and taken by impromptu boats to New Orleans, and thence conveyed by ships to New York City. This is said to have been the first experiment in the West, that later opened up the way and led to that very important trade and commercial enterprise which for many years made Cincinnati famous, and gave her the soubriquet of "Porkopo- lis." This first enterprise of the kind in the West made by Mr. Buell proved so successful that he continued the business at Lawrenceburgh, and thereby furnished a home market for this character of agricultural product, which induced the farmers in the Miami Valley to engage exten- sively in the raising* of hogs. For a number of years Lawrenceburgh was the center and monopoly of trade in pork packing and shipping to distant markets, exceeding and preceding this branch of business at Cin- cinnati. In this business Mr. Buell continued for many years, having at different times associated with him as partners Robert Buchanan and James M. Armstrong, president of the old Commercial Bank of Cincin- nati. To Mr. Buell, James H. and Geo. W. Lane each were indebted for their start in life, as he gave them their first start in business, the latter of whom, it may be said, in due appreciation of the many kind- nesses received at Mr. Buell's hands, and from the admiration he had for the man, and respect for his memory, here preserves the facts connected with the beginning of the Western pork trade, giving credit to him to whom it justly belongs. Mr. Buell was twice marr'ed. His first wife was Ann Lane, who died in 1844, after they had lived happily together for twenty years. He, being left with seven little children, in 1845, married Mary St. Clair, who with all the love of aunt and mother, made him happy by her solicitude for his children. Her death occurred in 1859. After the death of his first wife Mr. Buell embraced religioQ, and ever after led the life of a Christian. Next to his family Mr. Buell was devoted to his country, which he loved as only a patriot could love. Ae a part of that country he had loved Indiana. From the time of its adoption until his death he devoted himself to her interests. With her was spent his manhood and his riper years, and with this people were his feelings and his "home," to him truly "the dearest spot on earth." He had watched his adopted State from her infancy to her maturity, and it was the interest he felt in her welfare that induced him to take the part in politics which he often did, with influence; for he was far-seeing and energetic. Though he filled a seat in the State Senate for several years, to the credit of his constituents, yet he was not a partisan from love or desire of office. Through bitter experience in early life, and great industry in later years, Mr. Buell amassed a handsome competency- His death occurred at Lawrenceburgh Dec. 31, 1862. Says a writer: "The year 1862 will long be remembered for the sad BIOGRAPHICAX SKETCHES. 649 record it made in the memory of many of the citizens of this county, and rapidly as calamity has followed calamity, and numberless as have been the hearts that have been made to bleed during this terrible year, how peculiarly is this the case with a family to which the writer will call attention; and with what sadness of heart will its members call to mind 1862. At the close of the year, and on the last day of the same, the only remaining son of the once large and influential family of Judge Salmon Buell of Iltica Lake, N. Y., expired, and during the year, commencing with its first week, seven of the family traveled the same road. Lieut. Julius Octavus Buell, youngest son of George P. Buell, Esq., of Law- renceburgh, Ind., died Jan. 6, 1862, at Denver, Col., aged twenty years; George P. Buell, Esq., oldest^son of P. Barnum Buell of Lowell, Ohio, who fell from a boat in the Ohio River opposite Cincinnati and was drowned, January 1862, aged thirty-five years; Cadet James P. Drake, Jr., only son of Gen. Drake and Priscilla H. Drake, who was Priscilla H. Buell, youngest daughter and only remaining member of a family of twelve, of Judge Salmon Buell; young Drake died in Tennessee, after a lingering illness, in February, 1S62, aged twenty-two years; Don Carlos Curtis, son of William F. Curtis and Amelia A. Curtis, formerly Amelia A. Buell, granddaughter of Judge Buell, who died at Marietta, Ohio, June 7, 1862, aged fourteen years; Captain Frank Buell, who closed his bright career in August, 1862, , on the field of battle, while protecting the retreat of Pope's army, aged twenty-six years; P. Barnum Buell died December 5, 1862, at Lowell, Ohio, aged sixty-six years; George P. Buell died De- cember 31, 1862, at Lawrenceburgh, Ind., aged sixty-one years." JOHN BUFFINGTON, of Dearborn County, was one of the early settlers of this section of the country, and for more than forty years maintained his place among her most pi'ominent and influential citizens. His history, as it is connected with the most thrilling incidents of Western life and involves all the varied interests of a protracted and useful life, merits a more extended notice than can here be given it. His birth occurred in Virginia March 7, 1784, and he removed to the West in 1797. He spent several years with the settlers of North Bend and on the Miami, after which he moved to Dearborn County and entered land on North Hogan Creek, where he opened a farm and upon which, with the exception of a few years, he resided until his death, which occurred March 10, 1852. Mr. Buffington planted himself in the wilds of Indiana, endured all the perils, privations and toils of a pioneer life, cleared up a beautiful farm, raised and educated a large and respectable family, and . lived long to enjoy the fruits of industry and the labor of his hands, and to repose in the happy consciousness of a virtuous and honorable career. 650 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. JOHN BUFFINGTON retired, Hogan Township, resides in Wil- mington. Through life he was a farmer, blacksmith and flat-boat pilot. He was born in Washington Township November 17, 1818. His father, Jonathan, was born in Pennsylvania and immigrated to this county in 1807, where he followed farming in summer and piloted on the river in the winter. The mother, Jane (Moore) Buffington, was born in Kentucky August 22, 1800, and came to this county in 1805 with her parents. They raised a family of six children, the father dying in 1827, the mother in 1882. Mr. John Buffington was married July 1, 1852, to Miss Eliza Jane Carabaugh, who was born in Hogan Township April 4, 1826. By this union three children were born: William H. , Oscar D. and John. The first and third died in infancy. Mr. Buffington began as river pilot in the spring of 1844 and continued as such until 1879, being compelled to abandon his chosen occupation on account of cataract, which destroyed the vision of one eye and materially damaged the other. Otherwise he is well preserved and enjoys good health. He joined Dearborn Lodge No. 536, I. O. O. F., in 1855, and Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., in 1860. His amiable wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLIAM H. BUNGER, Randolph Township, one of the thrifty farmers of Ohio County, was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1832. He remained in his native country till eighteen years of age, and was there educated. In 1849 he immigrated to America, leaving his parents, Fred- erick and Catharine Bungei', behind. He landed at New Orleans, and from that point came direct to Rising Sun in the same year. He after- ward spent one year in Illinois, and then returned to this county, where he has since resided. He married, in 1855, Flora Stegemiller, daughter of Frederick Stegemiller, and native of Hanover, Germany, and they have six children: John W., George H., Frederick, William, Wesley and Flora A. After his marriage Mr. Bunger rented land till 1861, when he purchased a farm of sixty-eight acres, on which he resided thirteen years, increasing it by purchase to ninety acres, which he still owns. In 1874 he moved to his present farm of 197 acres, adding forty-seven acres by a later purchase. He has confined his attention exclusively to farming and stock raising except while engaged in constructing two miles of turn- pike. By industrious efifort and good management, assisted by an exem- plary wife and a group of sober, reliable children, Mr. Bunger has gained a handsome competency, and is still prospering. The family is associ- ated with the Baptist Church. JOSEPH H. BURKAM, capitalist and lumber dealer, Lawrence- burgh, was born in Dearborn County in 1838. He is a son of Elzie G. Burkam, who came to Dearborn Countv about 1820. Elzie G. was a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 651 prominent man of Dearborn County for many years. He removed from the country to the city in 1846, and was made president of the Lawrence- burgh Branch of the State Bank, and served as such until 1865. He had also a banking house in Cincinnati, Ohio, for fifteen years, and was interested in the banking firm of Burkam & Sons, of Chicago. In 1865 he removed to the city of New York, where he has since resided, a wealthy banker of that city. Our subject, Joseph H. Burkam, is one of the prominent and most active business men of the city of Lawrence- burgh. His early life was passed in Dearborn County. He was chiefly educated in Lawrenceburgh, and before of age he began the banking business with the firm of E. G. Burkam & Co., of which he was a mem- ber. In 1861 Mr. Burkam came *o the city and accepted the vice-presi- dency of the branch of the Bank of State located here, in which bank he remained until 1865. When the Lawrenceburgh National Bank was organized that year (1865), he established the present extensive lumber yards of the Burkam Lumber Company, since which time he has been engaged in this business in connection with real estate transactions, and has also carried on farming extensively. Col. Burkham was a member of the first board of directors of the Lawrenceburgh National Bank, and, in 1872, was one of the principals in the Lawrenceburgh Banking Com- pany, controlled and managed by Elzie G. and J. H. Burkham. He has also taken a deep interest in the manufacturing business of Lawrence- burgh; was active in the establishment of the woolen-mills of the city, and invested a large amount of capital in the enterprise; he also took an active part in having the Miami Stove Works located at Lawrence- burgh. During the war he was a strong Unionist, and as colonel of a reg- iment of the Indiana Legion, in command of several companies did good service in repelling Morgan's forces in their invasion of south- eastern Indiana. Col.Biirkam was married in 1860 to Miss'Kate Collins, whose death occurred in 1881, leaving four sons and a daughter, namely: William F., Frank M., Joseph H., Ezie and Kate C. FEANCIS BUSALD, merchant, Jackson Township. This gentleman and prominent business man of Jackson Township was born in Germany, September 24, 1824, is a son of Martin and Catharine Busald, natives of Germany, but who, in the spring of 1840, immigrated to America, landing at New York, from whence they came to Cincinnati, thence to Lawrence- burgh, arriving at the latter place about the 1st of September of the same year. Mr. Busald then settled on a piece of rented land in Jackson Township. He died in 1858, aged fifty-six years. His wife who sur- vived him, subsequently purchased sixty acres of land in Ripley County, Ind., but finally sold her farm and removed to St. Peter's, in Franklin County, Ind., where she died aged sixty- eight years. They were the 652 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. parents of eight children, five now living: Francis; Barbara, wife of William Heim, residing in Cincinnati; Margaret, wife of Arnold Reigger, residing in Bloomington, 111.; John A. and George; the two last now reside in Franklin County, Ind. Mr. Francis Busald, the eldest son of his father, has remained a resident of Jackson Township ever since the arrival of their family in 1840, a period of forty-five years. While young he learned the carpentering trade, which business he followed sev- eral years, by which he earned his first money and purchased a house and lot in Lawrenceville for |300, and soon after sold it for $400. He then purchased a farm of eighty acres for $1,000. In 1856 he traded this farm for the store property and stock of goods, where he still continues conducting a general mercantile tradfi. He has now been in business here twenty-nine years; he has had a large and extensive trade, having won the confidence of the community by the honest and upright manner of his transactions, and by his industxy and close application to business he has accumulated a good and ample competency. He owns a good farm, of 170 acres, adjoining the village of Lawrenceville, upon which he has erected a fine and commodious brick residence, and is now comfort- ably situated to enjoy the balance of his live in peace and plenty. On January 23, 1849, he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Meis- ter, a natiye of Germany, by whom he has had thirteen children, nine now living, viz.: Frank; Margaret, wife of Adam Sahm; Catharine, wife of Simon Whipple; Barbara, wife of John Riepberger; Mary, wife of Peter Schneit; John; Josephine; Caroline, wife of Frank Duell, and George. HENRY C. BUSSE, farmer, Hogan Township, was born in Prussia, September 23, 1834, and received a good English and German education. His parents, Rev. Christian and Dorothea (Poos) Busse, were born in Prussia, his father, November 11, 1806, mother, March 10, 1806, They were married December 27, 1826, and were parents of four children: Dorothea, born in 1827, died in 1831 ; Christena, born February 24, 1832, died June 24, 1850; Johanna, now Mrs. Henry Engelkinge, and Henry C. Father Busse was a farmer in early life. He immigrated to America in October, 1844, and came to this county; located in Manchester Town- ship. In 1846 he was ordained as a Lutheran Evangelical minister. His first pastorate was St. Stephen's Church, in Manchester Township, where he preached for twenty-eight years. In addition to his ministerial duties, he taught school from 1846 to 1869. Success crowned his every effort as a minister, and he received many into the church during his labors. Since 1874 he has led a retired life. His wife died January 3, 1877. He now makes his home with his son, Henry C, who cheerfully gratifies his every desire. Mr. Henry C. Busse was married, April 27, 1854, to BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 658 Miss Anjelica GesoU, a native of Germany, who was born March 22 1833 By this union nine children were born; Henry P., born June ^ , 1856'; Caroline, born December 4, 1858; William born January 3 1861; John, born March 27, 1863; Louisa, born December 12, 1865, Georl^e, bom March 16, 1868; Anna, born May 16, 1870; Abalona, born June'20 1872; Matilda, born January 4, 1875. The entire famdy belong to the Lutheran Church. Mr. Busse has been one of the trustees m the church for the past si.teen years. He is a quiet, i". COLT, engineer, of Lawrenceburgh, a son of John D. and Frances (Mills) Colt, whose history is given in the preceding sketch, was born in Switzerland County, Ind., April 18, 1832. He received his scuooling in his native county and at Louisville, Ky., and, like his brother, in early life learned the occupation of an engineer, starting first on the steamboat " Sam Cloon," then engaged in the Cincinnati & Nashville trade. He continued his occupation on the river until the breaking out of the civil war, having become an experienced and expert engineer, and having run on the waters of the Ohio, Mississippi, Tennes- see, Cumberland, Red, and other rivers. On the breaking out of the war, Mr. Colt enlisted in Company K, Ninety-first Indiana Volunteers, serving for nearly three years, and participating in the battles and skir- mishes in which the command was engaged, and finally was discharged on account of disability. Since his return from the United States serv- ice, Mr. Colt has been engaged principally as a stationary engineer. In politics he is identified with the Democratic party. WILLIAM COLTHAR, one of the leading merchants of Rising Sun, Ind., is a native of Brown County, Ohio, where he was born in 1852. He is a son of Jasper and Sarah (Sammes) Colthar, his father having been a farmer and stock dealer in Brown County previous to his death, which occurred about 1857. His mother is a native of Pennsyl- vania, and is still living. Mr. Colthar grew to manhood in his native county, where he resided till about twenty-four years of age, gradually building up his business interests, having begun his mercantile trade in a very humble manner. By dint of hard labor, shrewd management and a close attention to his business in all its details, he succeeded in over- coming all obstacles, and soon ranked among the first of the business men of that locality. In the fall of 1875 he came to Rising Sun and purchased the Hathaway Building, a part of which he now occupies. 674 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Here he placed a stock of general merchandise and soon established a flourishing trade, which by fair dealing he has ever since been able to hold and gradually increase, doing an annual business of 160,000 to $70,000. In April, 1884, he disposed of the dry goods department of his establishment in Rising Sun, and established a branch store at Cha- nute, Kas., placing a stock of general merchandise valued at $20,000. Since that time he has confined his trade in this place to the sale of ready-made clothing, ladies' wraps, boots and shoes, hats, caps, etc., car- rying a stock of about $14,000, with an annual trade of $37,000 to $40,000. Mr. Colthar may, with commendable pride, point to his busi- ness success, which indeed has few parallels. Besides his mercantile inter- ests he owns a good farm in Brown County, Ohio, valued at $4,000; double store-rooms and vacant lot in Rising Sun, valued at $6,000, and six town lots in Attica, a growing town of Harper County, Kas. Our subject was married, September 6, 1876, to Laura Gilmore, a native of this county, and a daughter of Thomas H.and Letitia (Doud) Gilmore. Her father, a bricklayer by trade, subsequently engaged in the grocery business in this place, served as sheriff of the county several years, and also as one of the associate judges of the probate court of Indiana. He died in 1864, his widow still surviving. Mr. and Mrs. Colthar have but one child — Jessie. Mr. Colthar has the leading mercantile establishment in the city, and doubtless fl^lly merits the extensive and lucrative trade which he has founded. JOHN COLUMBIA, Lawrenceburgh, now one of the oldest res- idents of that city, was born in Fayette County, Penn., October 20, 1799. His parents, William and Susanna (Jones) Columbia, came from Pennsylvania with their children in 1800, and located in Hamilton County, above Cincinnati, where they resided many years, and where his father died. Here our subject passed the years of his minority. At the age of twenty he married Sarah Chambers, of York State, daughter of James and Lydia Chambers, and soon after he came to this county and purchased eighty acres of Government land, beginning work on his own resources. In October, 1824, Mrs. Columbia died, leaving two children^ one of whom is still living — Julia Ann, wife of Jacob Miller, of Sparta Township. March 31, 1825, Mr. Columbia was married to Sarah Shead, daughter of William Shead, of York State, and six children were born to them, two now living: Rebecca (Radspinner) and George C. Mr. Columbia added lifty acres to his original purchase, now owning 130 acres of good land. In 1843 he was elected county commissioner for a term of three years; served as justice of the peace fifteen years, and as township trustee for several years, being one of the old and venerable land-marks of Sparta Township. Mr. Columbia's second companion BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 675 departed this life March 9, 1873, and he has since resided with his son, having long since retired from active service. GEORGE C. COLUMBIA, son of John Columbia, recorder incum- bent of Dearborn County, was born in 1835. He was reared on the farm in this, his native county. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served three years. He was taken pris- oner at the second battle of Bull Run, paroled and returned to his regi- ment, and participated in some of the most important battles of the war. He received his discharge September 20, 1864, returned home and resumed farming. He was elected county superintendent of schools in 1872, serving three years, and in 1878 was chosen coanty recorder, being re-elected to the same office in 1882. Mr. Columbia was married, in 1877, to Nettie Churchill, daughter of Julius Churchill, and they have one child living — Emma. Mrs. Columbia passed away October 26, 1881. In politics Mr. Columbia is a stanch Democrat, and as a public officer is above reproach or criticism. HAIVOLTON CONAWAY, farmer, Clay Township, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Dearborn County, was born in Clay Township, December 25, 1812. His parents, Robert and Edith (Weathers) Cona- way, were both natives of Virginia, the former a son of John and Rachel Conaway, who were natives of Ireland and Wales, from where they immi- grated to the United States in a very early day, and settled in Virginia. Their children were John, Daniel, James, Simon, Eliza and Robert, the latter, the father of our subject. He, when a young man, emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky, where he and the above Edith Weathers, were united in marriage, and from thence came in a very early day to Dearborn County, Ind. , where they afterward resided until death. They were the parents of eight children, viz. : Rhoda, Preston, Harriet, Hamil- ton, Parthena, Robert, James and Simon B. Hamilton, our subject, was brought up as a farmer, but in later years turned his attention to the mercantile business at Guionsviile, this county, which he pursued for a number of years, beginning as early as 1839, during which time, and also afterward, he held the office of justice of peace for about four- teen years. About 1855 he begao the practice of law, which he has continued more or less since. He also has engaged in flat-boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers during a number of years of his younger life, beginning as early as 1832. He and Miss Harriet Lemon were united in marriage in Clay Township, this county, about 1840. They had born to them two children, viz. : Eliza and Robert. This wife died about 1856, and he subsequently married Elizabeth E. Harper, by whom he had born to him four children, viz.: John S., Charles, Ralph P. and Alhama E. Mr. Conaway is a man of excellent character, and 676 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. is highly respected by all who know him. He owns 160 acres of fine land in Clay Township, Section 29, on which he resides; also owns 280 acres in Coffee County, Kas. SIMON CONAWAY, merchant and postmaster. Clay Township, was born in Ohio County, Ind., October 6, 1835. He is the eldest of five children born to John and America (Wilson) Conaway. He was brought up as a farmer, and pursued that occupation until 1860, in which year he opened up a general merchandise store at Guionsville, which he has since conducted. He was married at Guions- ville, in 1865, to Arena C. Thatcher, from whom he was divorced, and December 2, 1881, married to Mrs. Amanda Smith, by whom he has had born to him two children — twins — viz. : America A. and one who died in infancy. Mr. Conaway was appointed postmaster of Guionsville office in 1872, which he has since held. ELIAS CON WELL died at Napoleon, Ind., in 1862, aged seventy - three years. He was a native ^of the State of Delaware, and removed to Aiirora in 1819, erecting the building at the corner of First and Main Streets, said to be the first mercantile house established in Aurora, and in it he kept the postoffice for eight years. His house was the resort of politicians and others, and his estimable lady, a daughter of Charles Ta- tem of Cincinnati, made their abode the seat of refined hospitality. For a quarter of a century before his death, Mr. Conwell was a resident of Napoleon. Esther Conwell, the wife of our subject, was born in Dela- ware in 1797, and died at Aurora in 1882. A. D. COOK, proprietor of the Lawrenceburgh Machine Shop, Law- renceburgh, was born in Germany in 1850. He came to America, with his parents, when a child, and grew up in the town which has ever since been his home. He was educated in the Lawrenceburgh public schools, and in his youth learned the tinner's trade in which he continued exclu- sively, till about 1882. He then began operations as a machinist and has gradually increased his business till the present time. In 1881 he invented "Cook's Patent Well Strainer" and began the manufacture of the same, and the article, which is of unquestionable merit, is gradu- ally coming into general use. In 1884 he took out a patent for a strainer to be used in driving tubular wells, and these with others he is manu- facturing in large quantities. His establishment is making fair prog- ress, and is destined, in the near future, to become one of the import- ant institutions of Lawrenceburgh. He manufactures pumps of superior quality, also tubular well fixtures, and does all kinds of repairing, oper- ating about fifteen workmen. The shops occupy three large rooms on Walnut Street, and are receiving a liberal patronage. Mr. Cook was married in November, 1882, to Miss Anna Hassner, who was born and reared in this community — a daughter of Tony Hassner, now a resident BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 677 of Versailles, lad. In the business interests of Lawrenceburgh, Mr. Cook takes quite a prominent place, and with his ecergy and business tact will, no doubt, soon be the peer of any of his cotemporaries. He is chief of the tire department and takes a keen interest in the general wel- fare of his adopted town. F. W. COOK (also written Koch), Lawrenceburgh, one of the older business men of that city (now retired), is a native of Bremen, Germany, born April 30, 1816. His parents, Frederick William and Margaret Cook, were highly connected in the old country, some of his relatives possessing large fortunes. He learned the tinner's trade in his native country, and followed the same there until 1851, when he immigrated to the United States to seek his fortune in "the land of Uncle Sam." He landed at New Orleans, where he resided not quite one year, working at his trade for a Frenchman, who defrauded him of most of his earnings. He then went into business for himself, at Carle- ton, La., but about one year later sold out and moved to Lawrenceburgh, where he has ever since resided. He conducted a successful hardware and tinware business up to 1877, when he taraed the stock over to the management of his son, and retired from active business life. Mr. Cook was married in his native country to Anna Bottler, by whom he had six children, five of whom are still living: John, August, Henry, William, and Margaret. Mrs. Cook was a daughter of Henry Bottler, a farmer in Germany. She and Mr. Cook have always labored hard and honestly, and are wholly entitled to the comfortable circumstances in which their life long labors have placed them. JOHN F. COOK, dry goods merchant, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Germany, in 1847, son of F. W. Cook (or Koch). He was brought to this country by his parents, and educated in the Lawrenceburgh schools. In 1867,he began the clothing business, which, in connection with dry goods, he has ever since continued, except one year, in the hardware trade. In 1868, he married Anna E.Vogel, daughter of George P. Vogel, and they have two children — Frederick J., and Elsie. Mr. Cook carries an elegant stock of dry goods, dress goods, velvetines, etc., and enjoys a full share of the general patronage. W. F. COOK, Lawrenceburgh, dealer in hardware, stoves, tin ware, galvanized cornice, etc., was born in Lawrenceburgh in 1860, and grew to maturity in h is native city in whose public schools he was edu- cated. When about fourteen years of age he began learning the tinner's trade, and in this capacity he was employed till 1882, when he assumed charge of the entire business. He carries a full stock valued at $3,000 to $4,000, and has a liberal share of the general patronage in his line He is a young man of good business qualifications and is bound to suc- ceed. 678 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. JACOB COOPER, Randolph Township, son of John and Mary (Kulp) Cooper, was born in Ohio County in 1851. His parents were both natives of Indiana, his father of Ohio County. His grandfather, Corne- lius Kulp, settled in this locality in a very early day, coming from Penn- sylvania prior to 1820. His father was a farmer and followed that pursuit all his life. He purchased forty acres of land after his marriage and resided on the same for a short period when he removed to Iowa. About one year later he died in this county, while here transacting some business pertaining to his property, about 1856. His widow who subse- quently married James Chambers is still living and is again a widow, her second husband having died in the late war. By the first marriage six children were born: Charles, Nancy, Winnie, Jacob, Flora and Mary, the latter deceased. After the father's death the family returned to this county, where our subject Jacob Cooper, has since resided. For a time he worked for wages and made his home with his mother. He subse- quently rented land for some years, and in March, 1883, was appointed superintendent of the Ohio County Infirmary, which institution he has since had charge of, conducting the same in a very satisfactory manner. He is firm in his discipline yet kind in its exercise, and under his charge the inmates have little reason to complain. Mr. Cooper was mar- ried in 1875 tc Sarah Fuller, of this county, daughter of Samuel and Catharine (Kittle) Fuller, old and esteemed residents of the same. By this union were born four children: John W., Pearl, Grace, and Hattie. Mr. Cooper is a member of the I. O. O. F., and a man of sterling quali- ties as a citizen. THOMAS W. COTTINGHAM, merchant and blacksmith, Wil- mington, was born near Moore's Hill, in Sparta Township, March 24, 1838. His parents, Caleb T., and Jane (Mitchell) Cottingham, were na- tives of Maryland, his father born in 1805, mother in 1812. They were married December 25, 1835, and raised seven children. Their par- ents moved to this State in 1823. Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham were mem- bers of the Baptist Church. He was a farmer, and was killed by a falling limb November 2, 1867, the mother died in 1877. Mr. Thomas W. Cot- tingham, was raised on a farm until eighteen years of age, at which time he went to blacksmith trade and started in business in 1876. He mar- ried Miss Lucy Lenover, April 20, 1865. She was born in Dillsborough, October 10, 1845. By this union were born three children: Anna T., Minnie S. (born November 17, 1867, died June 20, 1884), and Ordell. Minnie S., was the wife of Edward M. Congor, and Mr. C, is raising his grandchild, Edna P. Congor, who was born June 1, 1884. Mr. Cotting- ham has been a resident of Wilmington since February 25, 1867. He is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 536,1. O. O. F. The entire family BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 679 belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was elected township trustee in 1882. JAMES P. COULTER, master car-builder, Ohio & Mississippi Rail- road shops, Aurora, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Philadelphia May 29, 1835, where he received a common school education. His par- ents, James and Jane (Moore) Coulter, were natives of Ireland; the for- mer was born October 21, 1797, the latter October 10, 1796. They came to America in 1821, and located in Philadelphia, where he worked at his trade, bricklayer.and stonemason, until his death, which occurred June 24, 1846, a Ehler performed much hard work opening out his farm, and here he re- sided through life. His wife died about 1863, aged sixty-three years. He died in 1877, aged seventy-nine years. They were parents of eight children; all grew to maturity, six now living: Rosanna, wife of Will- iam O'Brien, residing in Ripley County, Ind. ; William; Jesse, residing in Missouri; Elizabeth; Catharine, wife of John Alden, residing in 708 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Kansas, and Jane, wife of George Need, residing in California. Mr. Ehler was one of the founders of the St. John's Lutheran Church, formerly known as the Engel Church, of which he and his wife were active mem- bers through life, and they were interred in their burying ground by the church. By this union the Doctor has seven children: Mary, wife of Aaron Keller, of Lawrenceburgh; Cordelia, Pierre G-., George, Emile (the last three are now in college at Valparaiso. Ind.), Alma and Eich- ard. Dr. Fermier was the first regular physician ever located in Jack- son Township, and although there have been other physicians located here in practice since, yet he is the only one who has remained perma- nently. He has a large practice, and holds the confidence of the people. DR. EZRA FERRIS, see page 167. WILLIAM T. FERRIS, of Lawrenceburgh, died in that city, Au- gust 1, 1883, aged seventy years. He was a son of Dr. Ezra Ferris, one of the prominent and useful citizens of the same city, whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this work. Our subject commenced business for himself at Hartford before he had reached his majority, but after three or four years, he returned to Lawrenceburgh, and for a number of years was engaged in the wholesale grocery business with John Wymond, the firm being Wymond & Ferris, which met with great success. He was next in business in Cincinnati, then for a time farmed, and for many years prior to his death, he was connected with the revenue service. He passed a long life of usefulness and died leaving a name unsullied. CHARLES E. FERRIS, druggist, of Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Dearborn County, born in 1850. His father was John Ferris, and his grandfather, Dr. Ezra Ferris, one of the pioneers of the West, and a man of prominence and great worth in the early settlement at Lawrence- burgh, a sketch of whom appears in the medical chapter of this volume. Our subject grew up in Lawrenceburgh, and received his education in the public schools of the place. In 1869 he began clerking in the drug store, then the property of his father, and has since continued in the same business, the store having been first established by Dr. Ezra Ferris early in the present century, and since carried on in the Ferris name, having descended from father to son and to grandson, and now carried on by the Ferris Bros., who are genial and affable gentlemen. GERHARD FETTE, proprietor of the New Alsace Flouring-mills, Kelso Township, was born at New Alsace, Ind., October 6, 1841. His parents were Frank and Mary A. (Volmering) Fette, both natives of Ger- manv, where they were born, the father January 6, 1811, and the mother September 29, 1812. They were united in marriage in Germany, and from thence, in 1839, immigrated to the United States, landing at Balti- more, from which city they came to Cincinnati, and about one year later BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. . 709 moved to New Alsace, Dearborn County, where the father worked at his trade, he being a blacksmith. In 1846 he moved to Oldenbui'g, Franklin County, this State, and in 1852 moved to New Alsace, where he after- ward resided until death, which occurred June 11, 1877. His wife still survives, and resides at New Alsace. They were the parents of seven children: Henry (deceased), Gerhard, Annie, Agnes (deceased), Elizabeth, Mary and Kosa. Gerhard, our subject, the second member of the family, learned the blacksmith trade and carriage-making with his father when a young man, and afterward engaged in the business for a number of years. He was united in marriage at New Alsace November 28, 1865, to Elizabeth Klee, who was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, Septem- ber 1, 1846, and was a daughter of Nicholas and Margaret (Hartig) Klee. After his marriage he first settled at Weisburg, this county, where he carried on blacksmithing. In 1872 he moved to Washington, Daviess Co., Ind., and from thence, in 1874, to Weisburg, and in 1878 to Ripley County, Ind., and purchased a mill and engaged in milling two years, then moved his mill to New Alsace and erected the building where it now stands. He is doing an extensive business at present. He is an estimable man, and is well respected by all who know him. They have had born to them ten children: George T., Nicholes H., Frank J., An- drew E., John H., Mary C, Dora M., Margaret M., Martin I., Anthony A. Mr. Fette and family are members of the Catholic Church. MICHAEL FICHTER, Lawrenceburgh, the oldest shoe-maker in business in the town, was born in Straasburg, France (now Germany), in 1826, and learned his trade in his native country. He continued his trade in that country till 1847, when he immigrated to the United States, coming direct to Lawrenceburgh. He first engaged here with one Har- baugh, with whom he was employed till 1854, when he opened up a shop of his own. Since that time Mr. Fichter has conducted a fairly successful business in the boot and shoe line in Lawrenceburgh. He is now located at No. 80 High Street, which building he owns, and keeps on hand a good stock of custom made and eastern goods valued at about $1,000. Mr. Fichter was married, in 1852, to Sophia Wagner, who was born in Baden, Germany, and who immigrated to this country in 1846. Their children are Henry, Mary (Mrs. Garner), Sarah, Alice, Lily, John, Emma and Charles, the eldest son being a workman on a passenger train between Cincinnati and Vinceunes. John Fichter is a printer by trade, at present employed in the office of the Lawrenceburgh Register. The family, is associated with the German Methodist Church. Mr. Fichter's business room is a part of the first brick tavern which was built in Law- renceburgh in 1818. DR. DAVID FISHER, see page 169. 710 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. NELSON FISK, a leading farmer of Randolph Township, was born in New York State, in 1814. His parents were William and Christina (Pfieffer) Fisk, natives of Connecticut and New York, respectively, and were married in the latter State. His mother's people resided on the Delaware River, her father keeping a hotel, in which occupation he ac- cumulated considerable wealth. In 1817 Mr. Fisk migrated with his family from New York State, coming down the Ohio River to Cincinnati and soon after Ohio County, where he purchased a quarter section of land on which he remained till his death. At the age of forty-five Mrs. Fisk returned to her old home on the Delaware, to secure her portion of the estate, going all the way alone on horseback and carrying home with her $1,500 in gold. She lived to be ninety-six years old and was noted even to her last days for her fastidious tastes. Of their twelve children but five are living: Samuel, Nathaniel, Hiram, Amy (wife of John Mc- Closky) and Nelson. The latter, who is the subject of this notice, was brought up on the farm, in which occupation be has ever since engaged. In 1839 he married Francina Baker, daughter of Joshua Baker, and in 1855 his wife passed away, leaving seven children — five still living: Samuel, Brow, Mahlon D., Silas B., Lana (wife of David L. Wade). In 1862 Mr. Fisk was married to Julia A., daughter of William Hanna. Her father was born in Delaware in 1804, moved to Pennsylvania when about eight years old with his father, Samuel Hanna, who, in 1813. migrated to Ohio County and died in 1859, having been a farmer all his life. William Hanna died in 1881. By his last marriage Mr. Fisk has three children living, namely: Malvin W., Lizzie and Arthur. In his business pursuits Mr. Fisk has been blessed with ample success. He owns an excellent farm and has provided each of his children at maturity with a desirable inheritance. He has always fol- lowed the occupation of a farmer. The family is associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. SAMUEL FISK, son of Nelson Fisk, was born in Ohio County in 1840. He was reared on the farm, and in the pursuit of agriculture he has ever since engaged. At the age of twenty-six years he married Eliza Lostuter and they have two children: John N. and Fannie. After his marriage, Mr. Fisk began farming on his own responsibility, owning a tine farm in this township, which he sold in 1884. He also did considerable busi- ness dealing in stock. Mr. F. is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has always had the reputation of being one of the thriftiest young farmers of Randolph township. ffNELSON D. FOLBRE, see page 183. AGNES G. (FLANNIGAN) FISHER, farmer, Union Township, was born in Cable County, W. Va., October 3, 1837. Her father, John Flan- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 711 nigan, was born near Clarksburgh, Va., in 1812; mother, Agnes B. Ross, near Glasgow, Scotland, August 15, 1813. Her parents were mar- ried in August, 1836, and raised three children: Agnes G., Eliza G. and James V. R. They moved to Ohio County, Ind. , in 1844, and her father died the same year. Agnes G. Flannigan was married to John Fisher March 23, 1862; he was born in Randolph Township, Ohio Co., Ind., June 28, 1816. By their union were born five children : Aggie H. . born December 28, 1862; John J. A., July 28, 1864; MinnieB., born No- vember 17,1866 (died October 16, 1867); Fannie E., March 2, 1869; Cora L., February 3, 1872. Her husband farmed all his life and was very successful. He was a stockholder in and president of the Hartford & Rising Sua Turnpike Company; was school director several times, and an active, consistent member of the Christian Church. He died April 3, 1881, and left quite a landed estate, which the widow has managed very successfully ever since. She possesses wonderful financiering ability, and is a close figurer in all her management Their eldest daughter, Aggie H, was married January 30, 1881, to Mr. Taylor W. Barricklow. Unto them has been given one child, Aggie L., born January 11, 1882. Mrs. Fisher is a faithful and examplary member of the Christian Church. HARRY FISK, postmaster, City of Aurora, is a native of Kenton County, Ky., born March 11, 1840, and received a common school edu- cation in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father, William B. Fisk, was born in Maine in 1803, and his mother, Cynthia Stevens, was born in Kentucky. The former was a carpenter, and the family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1843, where they remained until 1858, at which time they moved to Indianapolis, thence to Kansas in 1870, where the father died in 1872. In 1855 Harry Fisk engaged in carriage painting, and continued at his trade up to 1861. At this period of life he enlisted in the Union Army, in the three months' service, as a private soldier. At the expiration of this term of service he enlisted in Company A, Seventh Regiment Indi- ana Volunteers for three years. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Port Republic, and escaped after six weeks' incarceration in prison at Lynchburgh, and returned to his regiment. Immediately thereafter he was commissioned second lieutenant. Od the 8th of May, 1864, he was wounded in one limb at Spcttsylvania Court House. His army experi- ence as a private soldier and officer was enviable, having participated in many important battles. In 1865 he, with three brothers, started a car- riage factory in Aarora, all being mechanics, took charge of separate branches and worked faithfully, which enabled them to surmount all obstacles and prosper in the enterprise. In 1883 Harry withdrew from the firm, and accepted the office of postmaster at Aurora, which position he is now holding. He was married, November 15, 1864, to Miss 712 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Ludici Crowley, a native of Missouri, who was born December 13, 1849. By the union five children have been^born, namely: George W., Frank, Harry, Kate and Anna. His estimable wife is a member of the Baptist Church. In 1868 he was appointed United States Ganger and served for two years. He was a member of the city council from the Third Ward from 1876 to 1880, and oflBciated as treasurer of the Agricultural Society from 3873 to 1883. He is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M. From ^1880 to 1883 he filled the important office of deputy collector, and is a quiet, law-abiding citizen. GEORGE B. FITCH, attorney, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of the city in which he now resides, and in which the greater portion of his life has been passed. His birth occurred in 1823, His parents were Harris and Hannah (Biggs) Fitch, natives of New York and Virginia, respectively, though the latter was raised in the State of Kentucky. Harris Fitch settled in Dearborn County in 1817. He was an active business man, engaged in various pursuits, as merchant, landlord and river trader. He was the father of eight children, some of whom be- came men of some prominence in business circles. The father, perhaps, was better known as a landlord, having for many years kept the "Fitch House," which continues to be one of the hotels of Lawrenceburgh, and bears the name of its past proprietor. Our subject in his earlier 'life was engaged in clerking and as a business man. He read law with Theodore Gazlay, then an attorney of Dearborn County, and was ad- mitted to the bar in about 1850, since which time he has pursued that profession. In 1854 Mr. Fitch was united in marriage with Miss Annie Burkam, a daughter of E. G. Burkam, elsewhere mentioned in this vol- ume; three children have been born to the union, namely: Mary B. , Jeannett and Laura. AVESLEY FLEMING, farmer. Clay Township, is a native of Ham- ilton County, Ohio, where he was born June 28, 1827. His parents were Rev. William J. and Amelia (Rickards) Fleming, both natives of Delaware. The former was a son of Jacob and Charlotte (Johnson) Fleming, who were also natives of Delaware, where she died. They were the parents of five children, viz. : William J., John, Cynthia, Mary, and James. After the death of Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Fleming married Mary Gullett,and, in about the year 1822, immigrated to Hamilton County, Ohio, and from thence, in about 1828, to Dearborn County, Ind., where they resided until their deaths. They had born to them five children, viz.: Robert, Rebecca, Jacob, Elizabeth and Louisa. William J., the father of our subject, was born in Kent County, Del., January 23, 1800. He came with his parents to Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1822, where he and Amelia Rickards were united in marriage, xiugust 25, 1825. She BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 713 was born in Kent County, Del. , August 20, 1808, and was a daughter of Leven and Rebecca (Riggs) Rickards, both natives of Delaware. After Mr. Fleming's marriage he first settled in Hamilton County, Ohio, where he resided until March, 1828, at which time they moved to Dear- born County, Ind., settling in Clay Township, where he purchased land and resided until his death, which occurred June 9, 1877. His wife still survives, and at present resides at Dillsborough. He was a thorough Bible scholar, and for many years previous to his death was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which church he was a devoted and zealous member from his sixteenth year. They were the parents of three children, viz. : Eliza, Sarah A., and Wesley. He spent a part of his early li Ee at the carpenter' s trade, and of late years has de- voted his entire attention to agricultural pursuits. He was married in Ohio County, Ind., May 26, 1856, to Martha J., daughter of James aud Sarah M. (Gullett) Westcott. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, February 17, 1835. After Mr. Fleming's marriage he first settled in Ohio County, where he resided until 1858, in which year he moved to Dearborn County and purchased and settled on a farm in Clay Township, Section 17, which he improved. He subsequently purchased and settled on his father's old homestead in Section 8, where he at present resides. He owns 143 acres of tine land, which is well improved and under a high state of cultivation. They have had born to them four children, viz. : Lillias A., Olive A. (deceased), Tillis S., and Amelia O. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics a Republican. JOSEPH FOLZENLOGEL, farmer, Kelso Township, is a native of Germany, and was born at Alsace, in March, 1824. His parents, Nich- olas and Mary (Grusenmier) Folzenlogel, were both natives of Ger- many. They were the parents of ten children, viz. : Martin, Mary A, Dora, Catherine, Nicholas, Joseph, Magdalena, Michael, Frances and Elizabeth. Joseph immigrated to the United States in 1849, first set- tling at New York City, where he engaged in cabinet-making, following it about four years. From thence he went to Illinois, where he worked at the carpenter trade one year. He then went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and worked at the carpenter trade about two years. From thence he went to Kansas, where he also engaged in the same, and from thence, in 1858, he came to Dearborn County, Ind., and purchased and settled on his present farm. May 4, 1858, he married Magdalena Sibler, by whom he has had born to him eleven children, viz. : Mary A., Frances, Mag- dalena, Joseph, Elizabeth, Caroline, Catherine, Annie, Edward, George and Dora B. (deceased). Mr. Folzenlogel and family are members of the Catholic Church. 714 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ROBERT H. FOWLER, of Lawrenceburgh, one of the few surviv- ing pioneers and venerable raen of the city and county, is a son of Henry and Ann (King) Fowler, natives of Prince Williams County, Va., and of Fairfax County, Va. , respectively, of French and Scotch descent, was born at Charlestown, near Harper's Ferry, Va., October 9, 1803. His father, was a cooper by trade, and in 1810 settled on Wilson's Creek, in Lawrenceburgh Township, where his' death occurred June 22, 1815. The mother died in 1858, aged eighty-three years. Our subject was the eldest of six children, and, through necessity, began the battle of life young and with little education, having gone to school probably not more than nine months in all. Until the age of twenty years he re- mained on the farm with his mother, and assisted- in raising the younger members of the family. For twenty years he followed flat-boating on the Ohio River, being engaged as a pilot the greater part of the time. In the meantime, October 12, 1826, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann Butteriield, a Virginian by birth. To this union were born three daughters, viz.: Emily M., Caroline S. and Margaret J., all of whom are now living. Since leaving the river trade Mr. Fowler has farmed until recent years, when he removed to Lawrenceburgh, where he is now spending the evening of his life in a comfortable home with a daughter; Mrs. Emily Gray. The death of his wife occurred at Law- renceburgh, January 19, 1883. Mr. Fowler cast his first vote in 1824, for John Quincy Adams, for President of the United States, and has ever since sustained the doctrines advocated by the old Whig party until the organization of the Republican party, when he became identified with that party, and has since acted with it. All of the family were Baptists, our subject having been identified with that church since 1839. Mr. Fowler is well preserved in mind and body for one of his years, and the writer is indebted to him for many facts contained in this volume, and will ever refer with pleasure to the friendly calls exchanged during its preparation. JAMES B. FOX, Harrison Township, one of the well to do farmers of this township and a veteran of the Mexican war, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1830. His parents, Jacob and Rebecca (Polan) Fox, are both natives of New Jersey, and of German and English descent, respectively. His mother was born September 19, 1801, and is still liv- ing, well preserved for one of her years. Her grandfather was a com- missioned officer in command of a naval vessel in the Revolution and was lost in battle. Her relatives all reside in New Jersey, and there she grew to womanhood. During the war of 1812, she was an eye witness of the engagement between the naval vessels " Wasp" and " Frolic," which scene she still vividly recalls. Her father died while she was yet BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 715 a child, and she was reared by her mother with three other sisters, only two of whom are now living. In her twenty-second year she married Jacob Fox, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, and a blacksmith by trade. It is worthy of note that both Mr. and Mrs. Fox were born in the same house and in their youth playmates. In 1825 the family which then included four children emigrated westward, going by wagon to Pittsburgh, thence by steamboat to Cincinnati. They located in Hamil- ton County, Ohio, where they resided some five years and then moved to this county. Here the father gave up his trade and engaged in keeping hotel at the old country stand where his widow still resides. He died here in September, 1845, and the business was conducted for many years after by Mrs. Fox. Before his death Mr. Fox had purchased 160 acres of land, and this homestead is still in the possession of the family. In his day Jacob Fox was a prominent member of the F. & A. M., attaining the "royal arch" degree, and his acquaintanceship extended over the greater portion of southeastern Indiana. James B. Fox, the subject proper of this notice, remained under the paternal roof till his seven- teenth year when he enlisted in the war against Mexico, in which he par- ticipated in six general battles — four under Taylor and two under Scott. He was a member of Company C, Third Artillery, Bagg's Battery, and fired the first cannon between the American and Mexican Armies at Palo Alto, May 8, 1846. He took part in the engagement at Kesaca de laPalma, Monterey, Beuna Vista, Tampico and Sierra Gorda; all are famous in the history of our country. After the close of the war he was for some time employed as mail carrier between Santa Fe and Fort Leavenworth, and in the Southwest he remained about two years. In October, 1851, he was commissioned by Burnside to carry a government dispatch to Fort Leavenworth, and the distance of 800 miles he covered on horse- back in eleven days. In the following January he went with a govern- ment train into Texas, and in June returned to his present home, where he has since remained, engaged in the quiet pursuit of agriculture. Mr. Fox is now fifty-five years old, a genial bachelor, free from family care, and he has voted for every Democratic President since the campaign of Franklin Pierce. MARTIN V. FOX, Harrison Township, one of the best farmers of the same, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, near Cincinnati, in 1832, and is a son of Jacob and Rebecca (Polao) Fox, natives of Salem County, N. J., near the Delaware. Mr. Fox grew up on the farm with his parents and has always engaged in agricultural pursuits. He pur- chased his present farm of 100 acres in 1865, and since that time has never moved his effects but once. He was married, in November, 1865, to Cornelia Gritfith of Hamilton County, Ohio, and daughter of David and v=. 716 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Eliza (Lawrence) Griffith, her father of Ohio, her mother from Mas- sachusetts. BeBJamin Griffith, her grandfather, was one of the earliest settlers of Hamilton County, and is said to have taught the first school of that county in a flat-boat which was made fast to a tree by a grape- vine. Her parents remained residents of Hamilton County. Her father died in 1844; her mother in 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Fox have six children: Henry, Adna, Martin V., Walter, Carrie and Eddie. They are rewarded for their industry by a liberal share of the comforts of life in the way of a comfortable home, and they enjoy the esteem of a large cir- cle of friends. PHILIP FKEIBERGER, retired, Aurora, is a native of Germany, born in Bavaria, March 28, 1823, where he received a common school education. His parents, John and Catharine (Schemlin) Freiberger were natives of Bavaria, the father was born in 1790, and died in 1838; the mother was born in 1801, and died in 1849. Philip came to America in 1846, and located in Somerset County, Penn., where he worked at the carpenter's trade, and manufactured cigars. He was married, August 18, 1846, to Miss Mary Harring at Chambersburgh, Penn. ; she was born Sep- tember 23, 1825. Eight children have been born to the marriage, namely: Elizabeth, born February 24, 1847; Caroline, born January 18, 1849; John, born October 13, 1850; Philip, born July 22, 1852, died February 10, 1861; Mary A., born August 20, 1854; Andy, born July 22, 1858; Lillie, born June 2, 1861; George, born June 5, 1863. Michael Harring, the father of Mrs. Freiberger, was born in 1790 and her mother, Catharine (Kruitzer) Harring was born in 1800. They came to America in 1846. Philip came to Aurora, Ind., in 1847, and followed carpentering, and various branches of business. He is a member of the Druids and Ger- man Reformed Church. CAPT. JOHN I. FRENCH, of Rising Sun, died in that village in 1874, at the ripe old age of four score and six years less four months. In 1817 he removed from New York State, and settled on the ridge near Law- renceburgh, and in 1830 he moved to what is now Ohio County. He was a soldier of the war of 1812, In 1870 it was stated that he was the oldest Mason in the State, having been connected with the order sixty- one years. He was made a Mason in New York City. REUEL W. FUGITT, county recorder of Ohio County, Ind., was born in Jefferson County, Ind., May 25, 1842, grew to manhood on a farm, and in 1861 enlisted in Company F, Twenty-second Indiana In- fantry. He served till June, 1865, when he was honorably discharged, having taken part in some of the strongest battles of the war. Among these were the the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Perry ville. Stone River, Jackson and many minor engagements; was wounded at Perry ville and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 717 also at Stone River, though not seriously. Returninor home Mr. Fugitt engaged in saw-milling in Ripley County until 1868, when he removed to Ohio County and followed agricultural pursuits until elected to the recorder's office in 1882, which he still holds. Was married in 1872 to Miss Nora Trader, of Ohio County, daughter of Isaac Trader. By this union have been born four children: Mary E., Susan, Elmira and John. Mr. Fugitt is a member of the G. A. R., Benjamin North Post, also of the F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. ELIJAH FULLER, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Dear- born County, Ind., November 10, 1835. His parents, Elijah and Azubah (Gloyd) Fuller, were natives of New York and Massachussetts respect- ively, and were born, the former May 19, 1783, and the latter December 11, 1798. They wei-e married in Dearborn County, Ind., June 15, 1823, and settled in Sparta Township, where he engaged in saw-milling and farming, and where they resided until their deaths, which occurred, the mother August 5, 1854, and the father August 8, 1858. They were the parents of six children, viz. : Amanda, Eliza, Truman, Martha, Emily and Elijah. The latter was united in marriage in Sparta Town- ship, December 5, 1858, with Mary J., daughter of Jonathan and Eliza- beth Noble. She was born in Dearborn County, Ind., September 23, 1839. After our subject's marriage he settled on the old homestead where he has since resided. He owns ninty-seven acres of land, has a family of four children, namely: Ella F., born August 29, 1859; John M., born April 15, 1862; Elizabeth P., born December 13, 1865; Anna B., born June 6, 1867. Mr. Fuller is a gentleman and he and his family highly esteemed. THOMAS & J. W. GAFF, of Aurora, the latter locating here in 1840, and the former soon after, have been conspicuous characters in Aurora's history. Thomas was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1808, and with his parents James and Margaret immigrated to America in 1811. J. W., was born in Springfield, N. J., in 1816, and both were here edu- cated, Thomas first learning the trade of his father, paper-making, and both that of distilling, which business they engaged in together in the city of Philadelphia, and in 1843 located in Aurora in the same business, establishing the widely known firm of T. & J. W. Gaff & Co. These men by their extensive improvements, industry and enterprise did much for the advancement of the town. They were the first to undertake the construction of turnpikes and to establish daily communication by steam- boat between Aurora and Cincinnati. Thomas was one of the original stockholders and directors of the Ohiotfe Mississippi Railroad. Their en- terprises were various — farming, mining, foundry and machine works, mercantile business, banking, etc. Tbomas was president of the First Na- 718 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. tional Bank; vice-president of the Gas Light &Coke Company; he was a man of remarkable executive ability, and was considered one of the best financiers in the country. During the war he strongly supported the cauHe of the Union. His death occurred in the city of Cincinnati within the past year. James W. was a man eminently fitted for business and at the time of his death, which occurred in Cincinnati in 1879, he was engaged in thirty-two distinct firms and lines of business, and was possessed of great wealth. He was extremely industrious and very careful about de- tails, giving to them the minutest attention. He held various offices in the county, among them State Senator, member of school board and president of the agricultural society. lie was a generous and benevo- lent man. He removed to Cincinnati before the late war. JOHN H. GAFF, of Lawrenceburgh (brother of Thomas and J. W.), was born in Springfield, N. J., September 13, 1820. He received a common school education, and in 1835 was apprenticed to learn the jeweler's trade with a Mr. Ackerman in New York City, with whom he remained six years, then he spent four years in the City of Mexico. In 1845 he returned to the United States and settled in Aurora, and en- gaged with his brothers in the distilling business, and while a resident of that place served two terms as mayor of Aurora. In 1864, with his family, Mr. Gaff removed to Lawrenceburgh, where he resided until his death in 1879. On his removal to Lawrenceburgh he continued in busi- ness with his brothers and Mr. Anson Marshall, and on the withdrawal of the latter a new firm was organized, consisting of John H. Graff and Charles L. Howe, under the firm name of John H. Graff & Co. Mr. Graff was actively identified with all of the interests of Lawrenceburgh. He was for some some years a member of the board of education of the city. GEORGE W. GALLOWAY, farmer, Sparta Township, is a native of Jennings County, Ind., born August 20, 1834. His parents, Elihue and Mary (Elliott) Galloway, were natives of Maryland and Kentucky, respectively. They were married in Kentucky, and in 1817 immigrated to Jennings County, Ind., where he died in June, 1863, at the age of seventy-three, and she moved to Dearborn County in 1870 and remained until her death. They were the parents of twelve children, namely: William, Sarah A., Samuel, Martha, John, Elisha, Joseph, Elijah, Ephraim, George W., Robert and Harriet. George W. was married in Jennings County, Ind., May 23, 1867, to Rosealtha M., daughter of Benjamin H. and Nancy A. (Robinson) Myers. She was born at Law- renceburgh December 31, 1851. After this marriage Mr. Galloway set- tled in Jennings County and remained until 1871, in which year he moved to Dearborn County, purchasing and settling on his present farm. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 719 He owns ninety-two acres of fine land. They have had born to them four children, viz. : James H., Samuel G., Zina B. and Inez P. Mr, Galloway and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is also a member of the Masonic order. JOHN W. GAREY, baker, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, and proprietor of news stand. Rising Sun, was born in New York State in 1829, and came in 1835 with his parents, Charles G. and Unis (Spald- ing) Garey, to Switzerland County, Ind., where the latter resided till their respective deaths, his father October 14, 1874, in his seventy-ninth year, his mother August 21, 1881, in her eighty-third year. His parents were farmers and in the occupations peculiar to that line of work Mr. Garey's earlier years were spent. In 1846 he went to Cincinnati and learned the baker's trade, which he has ever since continued. In 1852 he went from Cincinnati to Dayton, Ohio, and from that point to Rising Sun in 1857, where since which time he has carried on a successful trade in his line. He carries a full stock of groceries and provisions, keeps a bakery in full blast, acts as special agent for the sale of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Commercial Gazette, Times and Post, and does a thriving busi- ness. Mr. Garey was married, in 1852, to Elizabeth A. Reynolds, of near Hamilton, Ohio, and they have three children living: Frank O., baker, Wellington, Kas.; Ida M., wife of Rev. W. T. Jolly, Ashland, Ky. ; Hugh T., who is still at home. Mr. Garey served two years in the city council and four years as city treasurer. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., F. & A. M., and Baptist Church, of which latter society Mrs. Garey is also a member. JOHN B. GARNIER, brewer. City of Lawrenceburgh, was born in France in 1817. His early life was passed on a farm. He immigrated to this country, and in 1840, located in the city of Lawrenceburgh, where he began the brewing business, which he has since continued, although at times otherwise engaged. In 1866, in connection with a brother, August Garnier, he established his present extensive bi'ewery, a sketch of which appears in the history of Lawrenceburgh. In 1848 Mr. Garnier was united in marriage to Maiy Dififner, a native of Bavaria, and by the marriage there were born two children — a son and daughter — named John and Anna. Mr. Garnier is one of the capitalists of Lawrenceburgh, and one among her leading and influential citizens. He is a Democrat in politics, and wields a strong influence in his party in Dearborn County. JAMES M. GARRIGUS, farmer, Manchester Township, born in New Jersey, November 25, 1815, is a son of James and Elizabeth (Godden) Garrigus, natives of New Jersey. The paternal grandfather, Jacob Garrigus, was also a native of New Jersey, and a soldier in the Y20 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. war of the Eevolution. He lived and died in his native State. The maternal grandfather, Joseph Godden, also died in New Jersey, his na- tive State. The subject of this sketch, the eldest surviving son of his parents, left his home and native State in the fall of 1839, coming to Wheeling, Va., by stage; thence by Springfield, Ohio, to Cincinnati; thence by boat to Lawrenceburgh, Ind., and then on foot to his sister's, Mrs. John Jackson, now Mrs. Samuel Conger, in Manchester Township, this county. In the spring of 1841 his father and family came, and purchased eighty acres of the northwest quarter of Section 24, this township, where he remained till his death, four or five years later. His wife survived many years, and died at her son James' residence. They had seven children, the eldest, Jacob, died in his native State; Amza settled in Mississippi, where he still resides. Those who came to this county, are Mabel G., James M., Joseph, Elmer, and Israel; the latter died in Illinois, Joseph now resides at Trenton, 111., and Elmer in Bar- ton County, Kas. Mr. James M. Garrigus after his arrival taught school several winters in the old pioneer log schoolhouses. Soon after his father purchased and settled on his land, Mr. Garrigus bought the eighty acres adjoining his father's oa the east. After the death of his parents, Mr. Garrigus became owner of the entire quarter section, where he has resided to the present time. He has erected new and com- modious buildings, and made other improvements constituting a pleas- ant home and residence. May 30, 1844, he married Miss Harriet Tuttle, born in 1826, a daughter of Lewis and Theodosia (Conger) Tuttle, na- tives of New Jersey, but became early settlers of this county, and died, leaving Harriet, a young -child, who was raised by her uncle, Samuel Conger. By this union they have had six children, five now survive: Amza; James E., now an attorney residing at Greeley, Col.; Israel Dayton; Fannie M., wife of Charles Cai'penter, residing in Knox County, Ind., and Hattie E. The one deceased, Jacob Henry, was in the war of the Rebellion, in Company C, Seventh Indiana Calvary. He was under Col. Shanks in Missouri, and while out on a foraging expedition it is believed was shot by guerrillas, as he never returned and nothing has ever been heard of him. He was under eighteen years of age when he enlisted; was a brave soldier whose young life was sacrificed in the de- fense of his country. LEWIS D. GARRISON, farmer, Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in the same in 1838. His parents were Marvel and Sarah (Groves) Garrison, who died while he was a child. At the age of fourteen he found employment with Hazel Suit, with whom he remained for some time. He then went to Iowa and while there enlisted in Company C, Fourth Iowa Cavalry, and spent about four years in the service of his BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 721 country. After the close of the war he returned to this county and, in 1866, was married to Mrs. Priscilla (Hayes) Suit, daughter of Joseph Hayes, one of the first settlers of the county. He has since resided chiefly in this locality, engaged in farming, in which pursuit he has been quite successful. He is a member of the F. & A. M., K. T. degree, and also of the I. O. O. F. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison have but one child, Lewis, born June 17, 1870. By her former husband Mrs. Garrison had eight children — five living: William, Joseph, Nancy, Calvin and Sarah J., the latter now wife of Irvin Miller. SUMNER C. GASKILL, farmer, Randolph Township, was born in New Hampshire in 1825. His parents were David and Mary (Eaton) Gaskill, the former a native of Essex County, Vt., the latter of Wooster County, Mass. His father grew to manhood in his native State, from which, after his marriage, he removed to New Hampshire and in 1835 immigrated to Ohio county, where he purchased land and remained till his death in May, 1855. George Gaskill, brother to David, settled in Ohio County as early as 1818 and was a physician of some note, having acted as surgeon in the war of 1812. A sister, who married Jonas Men- dell, also settled in Ohio County about 1833. David and Mary (Eaton) Gaskill reared a family of six children, only two of whom are now living: Sumner C. and Marietta Boyle, now a resident of Jefferson County, Ind. The mother died in 1864 at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Sumner Gaskill was ten years old when he came to Ohio County. He had obtained the rudiments of an education in the New England schools, and subsequently shared the advantages of a sister and brother who were well educated, both becoming teachers. Mr. Gaskill himself subsequent- ly took up the profession and taught seventeen terms, twelve of which were taught in two districts — six consecutive terms in the district in which he lives. During the summer seasons he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and in 1850 he purchased fifty acres of land, which he sold about four years later to Ohio County, after which he purchased his pres- ent home of ninety acres, on which he has since resided. Mr. Gaskill was married, in 1862, to Sarah J. Gregory, of Rising Sun, daughter of Joseph Gregory, one of the old residents of this county. They have no children. Mr. Gaskill is a member of the Masonic fraternity and one of the progressive citizens of his county. JAMES D. GATCH, M. D., Lawrenceburgh, son of Lewis and Ma- riah (Newton) Gatch, was born March 5, 1831, at Milford, Clermont Co., Ohio. His father was born and raised at Baltimore, Md., and his moth- er, at Cape May, N. J. They immigrated to the above named place in 1809. Having settled at so early a date in the West, they did much to develop the industry and intelligence of their section. Both were well 722 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. educated, and more particiilarly Mrs. Gatch, as she had been educated in the schools of Philadelphia, giving her superior advantages over many of that early day. She, as well as her husband, was a person of much dignity. Active participants in the Methodist Episcopal Church, their home was the home of the pioneer preachers. Rev. Nicholas Gatch attended the first conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held in America at Baltimore, in 1775, before the declaration of Inde- pendence. And for over 100 continuous years there has been a Gatch minister in some one of the families of that name. Dr. Gatch was raised upon a farm, received an academic education, after which he en- gaged in teaching in the city school of his native place, and made a fine reputation as an instructor. In 1851 he entered the office of Dr. L. A. Hendricks, Sr., where he read medicine during his course of studies until he graduated at the Miami Medical College in 1854. He had pre- viously attended a course of lectures at the Medical Institute of Cincin- nati in 1852, and a course of lectures at the Medical College of Ohio in 1852-53. He was presented with a diploma from the latter in 1858, and immediately commenced the practice of his profession in Dearborn County, Ind., and met with good success. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he offered his services, and was commissioned first assistant surgeon, August 19, 1862, to the Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Col. T. J. Lucas, commanding. He was actively engaged as medical officer in charge of the regiment (the same month) at the disastrous battle of Richmond; Ky., where the gallant Sixteenth suffered a loss of 175 in killed and wounded. He was assigned to one of the operating boards, which honor he had conferred upon him in every battle in which he was engaged. He remained at Richmond, Ky. , until October 12, most of the time in charge of the Smith Hospital. In November, 1862, the command was ordered to the Department of the Mississippi, and he was engaged in the battles of Yazoo River, Arkansas Post, Grand Gulf, and the siege of Vicksburg, and by direct orders from Gen. Grant, through Maj. Holstein, established a general hospital at the Ion plantation on the Mississippi River, near New Carthage, La. , where he received the sick of the Thirteenth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Army Corps, together with the wounded at the engagements of Grand Gulf and Port Gibson, in all 1,010, in twenty- four hours, and all of them comfortably provided for. Dr. Gatch is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been since 1856, and a member of the Masonic order; is a member and ex- vice-president of j the Indiana State Medical Society; member and ex- president of the Dearborn County Medical Society; member of the American Public Health Association; member of the Tri-State Medical Society of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky; honorary member of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 723 Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley; member and secretary of the Board of Health of Lawrenceburgh, Ind. He has performed many sur- gical operations, some of them very difficult. His contributions to medical science, although not numerous, have been able and were well received. He took a lively and influential interest in the formation of the State Board of Health, and contributed some articles touching upon the subject, one on sanitary science, read at Tri-State Medical Society meeting at Evansville, Ind, November, 1879, and one upon harmony and associated action in connection with State medicine read before the State Medical Society in May, 1880; these papers were highly endorsed, and it was said did much good in assisting to accomplish the desired result. He has twice married, first in May, 1856, to Annie E. Cordry, daughter of Abel Cordry, Cincinnati, Ohio, to whom was born one son, Enoch L., an excellent young man, and successfully engaged in farming. His second marriage was to Fannie M. Lozier, April 25, 1861, the accom- plished daughter of the Hon. George M. Lozier, of Wright's Corner, Dear- born County, Ind., to whom one son has been born, George L., a young man of sterling qualities, who at this time is married and employed in the county treasurer's office. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Gatch, Jacob Blasdel, was one of the indefatigable pioneers of the county, ever ready and willing to advance the moral and intellectual interests of his community. He gave the first temperance lecture that was delivered in the State of Indiana. Her father, G. M. Lozier, has been all through his life one of the active and pushing men in church matters, school or anything that would promote the welfare of society. He has held posi- tions of prominence and trust, also has represented his county in the State Legislature. The subject of this sketch, Dr. Gatch, has been twice elected to the treasurer's office of his county, which he has tilled and is filling with marked energy and ability; he is also engaged in the practice of his profession in which he has a tine reputation, and from his present appearance, we should think, has many years of usefulness, of happi- ness and prosperity before him. ENOCH L. GATCH, farmer and stock dealer, Washington Town- ship, was born in Dillsborough, July 1, 1858, and is a son of James D. Gatch. Enoch L. was reared by his aunt, Harriet E. (Gatch) Lindsay, who has cared for him with a mother's interest, from the time he was eleven days old. She was born in Clermont County, Ohio, May 18, 1826. Miss Harriet E. Gatch was married September 25, 1849, to Enoch M. Lindsay, who was born in Henry County, Ky., May 22, 1811. They lo- cated in Washington Township, December 1, 1849, where he followed farming, very successfully. Unto them was born a son, James L., who died in infancy. IMi's. Lindsay united with the Methodist Episcopal 724 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Church when quite young. After they had moved to this State, she ob- tained a church letter bearing date December 3, 1850, which certified "that Harriet Lindsay had been an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Milford Circuit, East Cincinnati, Ohio Annual Conference," duly signed. When she presented the certificate to the Aurora Methodist Episcopal Church, in the spring of .1851, she was re- fused admission, because she would not say that " she was sorry that her husband was not a member of the church." This refusal has kept her outside the church ever since, but has not broken her faith in God. As for. Mr. Lindsay, he was a good man, with an abiding faith in the future life, and believed the best preparation for the unknown to-morrow to consist in performing to the best of his ability the duties of to-day. This philosophy sufficed during health, and did not fail him even when passing into the shadows of death, October 15, 1878. Mr. Lindsay com- manded universal respect, as in all the transactions of life he was actuated and governed by a sense of personal honor, and of the rights of others. He loved his home better than any spot on earth. Mr. E. L. Gatch was married October 6, 1881, to Miss Luella Mason, who was born in Hogan Township, November 25, 1859. Her father, Mathew B. Mason, was born in Rochester, N. Y., June 10, 1829; her mother, Emily (Spi- dell) Mason, in Hogan Township, September 20, 1838. They were mar- ried June 11, 1856, and raised four children. The mother died Septem- ber 28, 1875. GEORGE B. GIBSON, dealer in hardware, stoves and farming im- plements. Rising Sun, was born in Ohio county in 1831. His father, John I. Gibson, was born February 28, 1797, and his mother, Jane Beaty, June 13, 1795. His grandfather, James Gibson, was a native of Virginia, and his grandmother, Sallie Ireland, was born at sea. His father came to this locality with his parents, James and Sallie (Ireland) Gibson, in 1814, from Georgetown, Ky., and his mother's people came from Pennsylvania in a very early day. John I. and Jane (Beaty) Gib- son were married December 15, 1815, and were residents of Ohio County till their deaths, Mr. Gibson dying in 1852, and Mrs. Gibson in 1850. George B., the subject of our notice, was reared on a farm, and followed that occupation till thirty-seven years of age. He then abandoned the farm and moved to Rising Sun, in order to give his children greater ad- vantages of education, and after some time spent in the produce busi- ness, in 1872 purchased the stock of hardware owned by James Reister, and embarked in that business, which he has since continued, greatly increasing his stock. He has the only hardware emporium of the town, and carries a stock valued at $10,000, besides a large line of farming implements, for the sale of which he acts as agent. Mr. Gibson was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 725 married, in 1856, to Elizabeth Stopher, a daughter of William Stopher, an old resident of Ohio County, and they have six children: William, Charles, Matthias S., Hugh, John and Harry. Mr. Gibson is a member of the 1. O. O. F. and F. & A. M. , and a Democrat. THOMAS H. GIBSON, Miller Township, a member of one of the old families of Dearborn County, was born here in 1838. He grew to maturity a farmer, remaining with his parents, John and Ann (Hargitt) Gibson, till his twenty-sixth year. In 1864 he went to Cin- cinnati, where, with his three brothers, George H., John B. and Dennis W. Gibson, he engaged in the wholesale hat trade. Here he conducted a successful business until July, 1883, when he withdrew from the firm and retired. He is interested somewhat in Florida orange culture, and still retains his farm in this township, but is not paying especial atten- tion to agricultural pursuits. Mr. Gibson was married, in 1865, to Anna Ewbank, native of this county and daughter of William Ewbank, one of the early settlers. Three children are the result of this union: Clara D., Thomas B. and George D. The family is identified with the Presby- terian Church, of which Mr. Gibson is quite an energetic member. HENRY GIEGOLDT, saloonist, Aurora, proprietor of the National House, corner Third and Judiciary Streets, is a native of the city and born April 1, 1853. He was the recipient of a common school education. His father was born in Baden, Germany, April 28, 1817, and his mother Margaret (Kammerer) Geigoldt was born in Schwarzenbach, Germany, February 18, 1821. The parents immigrated to America in 1832, and located in Aurora, where the father followed butchering up to the time of his death, April 25, 1876. Henry was raised to the business of his father, and followed the same up to 1881, when he engaged in his present occupation. He was married, in 1877, to Miss Christena Strasinger, a native of Ripley County, this State, who was born May 20, 1853. To this union have been born five children: William, born Octo- ber 29, 1877; Charles, born May 10, 1879; Tilda, born August 25, 1880; Joseph, born February 2, 1881 (died April 12, 1883); Albert, born Feb- ruary 2, 1882. Mr. Giegoldt is a member of the I. O. O. F., Druids and K. of P., and of the German Lutheran Church. DR. ROBERT GILLESPIE, see page 174. FREDERICK GINTER, dealer in general merchandise and pro- prietor of hotel, Dillsborough, is a native of Prussia, Germany, born near Berlin, October 12, 1828. His parents were Henry G. and Louisa (Ladd) Ginter, also natives of Prussia, Germany, where they were born, the father in 1800, and the mother in 1797. They were also married in Prussia and settled near Berlin,where they resided until the spring of 1833, at which time he and wife and one child immigrated to the United States, 726 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. leaving our subject and his elder brother behind with their grandparents and uncle. Mr. Ginter landed at Baltimore, Md. , and shortly after located near the city, where they remained about one year and engaged in fishing, from thence he came to Cincinnati. Ohio, and from there, shortly afterward, settled at Cleves, where he carriedon merchant tailor- ing and remained there for a number of years. In 1837 Mr. G. sent for the balance of his family, two sons, who emigrated in that year in company with their grandfather and uncle, landing at Baltimore, and from thence came to Pittsbiirgh over the mountains by wagon, and thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, and on to Cleves, where the parents resided. In 1841 they moved to Dearborn County, Ind., locating in Cesar Creek Township, where the father purchased land and remained until 1846, then removed to Cleves, and died in that village. Their children were Henry, Frederick, Will- iam, Lewis, John and Chai;les. Frederick remained with his parents until seventeen years of age, when he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and be- gan the shoe-making trade, which he completed and followed there until 1854, in which year he came to Dillsborough, and worked for Will- iam Lemon about six months, and in 1855, he and his brother, William, purchased the shop of Lemon, and they carried on the business together until 1856, when our subject purchased his brother's interest and ran the business himself. Mr. G. was married, November 26, 1857, to Martha -E. Morris , widow of Daniel Morris, and daughter of William Farsith. She was born January 1, 1830. They had born to them two daughters, Iva and Laura. The wife died April 22, 1863, and he was again married, September 19, 1866, to Jane E. Eowland, who was born July 22, 1840. They had eight children: Grace, Amy, Susan E., Frank R. (deceased), Fred L., Maud, Glenn E. (deceased) and Blanche. In 1864 Mr. Ginter, in partnership with his brother, purchased the store of G. V. Denton and soon thereafter a stock of goods from Samuel Wy- mond, of Dillsborough, consolidated the two and carried on a large mer- cantile business together until 1866, when our subject purchased his brother's interest and has since carried on the business himself. He is one of the most enterprising and wide-awake business men of the place' and has done much toward improving the town. He is a man of good general information. In politics he is a Democrat and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He is a member of the order of Odd Fellows. JOSHUA GIVAN, of Manchester Township, was born in Maryland July 2, 1788, and departed this life January 31, 1874. He was married, in 1811, to Miss Henrietta Davis, who died June 14, 1876, aged nearly eighty-one years. Mr. Givan moved to this county in the spring of 1825, and purchased a farm in Manchester Township, on which he lived until his death, retiring some years prior from active life, owing to his BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. . 727 advanced age, and resided with a son, George. His recollection went back vividly to the early history of the country. He recollected the fierce political contest that occurred during the administration of Jefferson, and the excitement it occasioned at the time, as well as the incidents of the war of 1812. He cast his first vote for President for James Madi- son, the second time he was elected President and the last vote he gave for a candidate for President was Horace Greeley, in 1872. When he came to this county he interested himself in educational matters, and the first schoolhouse that was erected in the neighborhood in which he set- tled was built on his land, and mainly through his influence and exer- tions. Having but a limited education himself, he was desirous that his own children, as well as those of his neighbors, should have a better advantage than he had in his early life, if possible. He was ever a friend to the unfortunate, and ready to assist those who needed assistance. Mr. Givan was of a domestic turn of mind. He rarely ever left home unless business called him away, and then he staid no longer than business required. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and when there was no church building in the neighborhood in which to hold meeting, he often had preaching at his house, and he would go around and invite his neighbors to come with their families, saying that if they did not agree with all the preacher might say it would do them no harm to attend wor- ship. His object and aim in life was to benefit his fellow-men, to do good in the community in which he lived. Honest in all his dealings, charitable in his giving, and religious in his every day life, he died in a ripe old age, honored and .respected by all who knew him. To the marriage of IVIr. and Mrs. Givan six children, who grew to the age of maturity, were born, namely: George, William L. H., Martha, Noah S., Robert and Mary A. The parents were active members of the Hogan Hill Baptist Church. They were pillars in the church, and among its main supporters. Both had been identified with that denomination for sixty years. GEORGE GIVAN, farmer, Manchester Township, born in Maryland, December 1, 1816, is a son of Joshua and^Henrietta Givan, mention of whom is made in the preceding sketch. Mr. George Givan was in his ninth year when his father settled in Dearborn County. Here he grew to manhood, fully acquainted with pioneer life; was married February 16, 1840, to Sabrina Jane Hall, daughter of Daniel and Sabrina (Knocks) Hall, natives of Maine, who settled in what was then Dearborn County, now Ohio County, Ind., about 1818, and spent their entire lives in Ohio and Dearborn Counties. She died on the place now owned by Lewis Drake, April 8, 1836, aged forty-two years. He died at Mr. George Givan's June 2, 1853, aged sixty-five years. They had nine children, 728 HISTOKY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. six now living, viz.: Hezekiah, Sabrina, Daty M., Laura, 'Lydia and Daniel K. By this union Mr. Givan has had nine children, six now survive: Noah M., Melissa H., Sanford E. Joshua J. Martha A. and Sampson Douglass. Of those deceased two died young, and the other, John W., died in the army in the service of his country in the war of the Rebellion, near Brownsville, Tex., January 19, 1864, from disease contracted in the service, and his remains were buried there. Mr. Givan has now resided here sixty years upon the purchase his father made, of which he now owns a half section of land, being the south half of Section 26, this township. He has adhered to the old maxim, "a rolling stone' gathers no moss," and in his case it has proved well, as he now has a fine body of land, a good home and an ample com- petency. He served as a justice of the peace eight years, from 1855 to 1863. He and wife are active members of the Hogan Hill Baptist Church; have been identified with that denomination forty-two years. WILLIAM L. H. GIVAN, farmer, Manchester Township, was born in Maryland April 22, 1820, a son of Joshua and Henrietta (Davis) Givan, whose sketch has been given above. William L. H. grew to manhood under the austere influences of a pioneer life, a true helper of his father in his arduous labors, obtaining but a limited education in the rude schoolhouses of that day. He was united in marriage October 19, 1843, with Jane M. Ferris, daughter of Sylvester and Rhoda (King) Ferris, natives of New York, who settled in this county in 1838. By this union they had seven children, six now survive: Cornelia, Laura, Heman, George, Rhoda and Connelly. Mr. Givan has continued a resident upon land of bis father's first purchase, where he has erected good buildings and improve- ments, constituting a pleasant home. He, like his father before him, is an active member and supporter of the Baptist Church, having been a member since 1842. He lost his wife by death July 20, 1862. She was a devoted Christian, and an earnest worker in the church, having united with it prior to her marriage. NOAH S. GIVAN, Lawrenceburgh, ex-judge of the Seventh Judicial District, was born in Dearborn Pounty, September 30, 1833. He is a son of Joshua and Henrietta (Davis) Givan. The early years of our subject were passed on a farm, sharing the advantages of the common schools. He entered Franklin College at the age of twenty years, and spent three years in study at that institution. He then took a two years' course in the State University at Bloomington, Ind., graduating in 1858. He studied law with Judge Buskirk, attended the law school at Bloom- ington, Ind., and in 1859 was admitted to the bar, beginning the practice of his profession at ^yashington, Daviess Co., Ind. Five years later he removed to Lawrenceburgh, where he has ever since resided and con- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 729 ducted his practice. He served two years as prosecuting attorney, and in 1802 was elected to the State Legislature on the Democratic ticket. Resuming his practice he continued the same till 1872, when he was again chosen representative, serving two years. In 1874 his abilities and faithfulness were further complimented by his being elected State Senator from Dearborn and Franklin Counties for a term of four years. He left the Senate only to be elected to the position of judge of the Seventh Judicial District, in which position he discharged his duties with marked ability and satisfaction to the people. In 1876 Mr. Givan was nominated for elector on the Tilden national ticket. He has served as councilman and school trustee, and for several years officiated as county examiner. Judge Givan is a man of integrity and honor, and his long career in public life is sufficient evidence of his merits and pop- ularity as a citizen. He was married, October 17, 1866, to Mary Mar- tin, and they have four children: Martin J., Retta A., Maggie J. and Frank M. GEORGE M. GIVAN, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in that township June 19, 1827. His parents, Gilbert T. and Sarah C. (Mer rill) Givan, were natives of Maryland and Virginia, respectively. The former was a son of Robert and Catherine (Duncan) Givan, who were both natives of Maryland, and were born, the former March 12, 1760> and the latter September 3, 1763. They were married in Maryland, January 6, 1781, and had born to them six children, namely: Hetty, Sallie, Margaret, Gilbert T., Elizabeth and Matilda. The mother died July 13, 1795, and the father was again married, October 28, 1795, to Rosey Burton, by whom he had one child — Nancy. This wife died May 5, 1797, and he subsequently married Ruth Robinson. She died April 12, 1817, and he again married, January ^28, 1818, Priscilla Cotting- ham, and in 1828 started for Indiana, and died April 26, 1828, .while en route, about ninety miles from Baltimore, Md. His wife came on through to Indiana, in company with John Burbage and family, and died in Dearborn County January 8, 1829. Gilbert T., the father of our subject, was born in Worcester County, Md., July 31, 1789, and was married in Accomac County, Va., December 2, 1813, to Sarah C. Mer- rill, who was born in Accomac County, Va., September 6, 1795, and was a daughter of George and Charlotte Merrill. After their marriage they settled in Worcester County, Md., where they remained until April, 3818, at which time they immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., where he entered eighty acres of laud in Sparta Township, which he improved and resided on until his death, February 8, 1862. His wife died July 28, 1861. They were the parents of twelve children, viz. : Margaret M., Albert G., John W., Robert H., Elizabeth A., Maria J., George M. Y30 HISTQRY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Sarah R. , Adoniran J., Peter M., Alfred B. and Sanford G. George M. was married in Dearborn County, January 6, 1848, to Ann E. , daughter of Nathaniel T. and Harriet L, (Sage) Jaquith. She was born in Man- chester Township February 25, 1830. In 1850 he moved on his father's old homestead, of which he purchased sixty-five acres in 1863, and has since resided there. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Their children are John F., Mary B., Sanford E., Harriet J., Sarah E., Eva A., Charles M., Ella J., Harry R., Irving P., Cora A. CHARLES E. GLASS, railroad police, Aurora, is a native of Ohio, born in Cincinnati, February 2, 1850, and received a common school education. His father, Michael Glass, was born in Pennsylvania near Mifflin December 28, 1816, and his mother, Mary L. (Kissinger) Glass, in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 17, 1820. Mr. Glass moved to Aurora in 1857, and has worked at coopering all his life. Charles learned the cooper trade and worked at it eighteen years. He was married, Novem- ber 8, 1870, to Miss Florence R. North, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1852. Three children have been born to this marriage: Charles L. , Oliver and Flora M. The wife died January 5, 1880, and he married, May 16, 1880, Miss Laura Lukins, who was born in Rockport, N. Y., December 12, 1854. Two children have been born to the last marriage: Anna and Harry. Mr. Glass was appointed by the mayor and council in 1882 to the police force, and served two years. In June, 1884, he received his present position by appointment, and has met with good success during his entire term of office. He is a member of Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., and Bethlehem Encampment No. 3, L O. O. F. ALEXANDER E. GLENN, see page 184. JACOB GOENAWEIN, dealer in and manufacturer of boots and shoes, Aurora, is a native of Germany, born in the kingdom of Wurtem- berg January 19, 1843, where he received a common school education. His parents, Goutlib and Rosena (Dane), were born in the same province, the former in 1819, and the latter in 1822. The father was a contractor and builder, and died in 1862. Jacob came to America in October, 1857, and located in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he learned the shoe-maker trade. He enlisted April 16, 1861, in Company E, United States Heavy Artillery, with Pattison, under Gen. McClellan. Subsequently the or- ganization was fitted out as flying artillery, and he served as such until April 16, 1864, when he was discharged. He then worked in the Gov- ernment employ at the Washington Arsenal for fourteen months, covering saddle trees. In the fall of 1865 he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked at shoe-making. Thence he went to Paducah, Ky., St. Louis, Mo., Booneville and St. Joseph, Mo., and back to Cincinnati, Ohio, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 731 working journeyman work all the time. In the fall of 1866 he located in Cochran, Ind., and followed his trade up to July, 1881, when he be- gan business in Aurora and settled permanently. Mr. Goenawein was married, April 14, 1867, to Miss Louisa B. Spicer, who was born in Car- rollton, Ohio, November 25, 1847. Seven children have been born to the marriage, namely: Rosa, Arthur, May, Louisa, Ruth, Jacob and Carl C, Mr. Goenawein is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., of Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., and of the G. A. R. Mr. Goenawein is also extensively engaged in the bee business, producing several thousand pounds of honey annually. WILLIAM GOLDSON, of Rising Sun, died in that village October 3, 1884, in the ninety-fourth year of his age. He was born in the State of New York, and from there removed to Philadelphia, thence to Cin- cinnati and to Rising Sun upward of a half-century ago. He was a patriot of the war of 1812. On coming to the village of Rising Sun, he, being an engineer, served as such in the cotton and woolen factories, distillery and flour-mills of the place and also served as engineer on the Rising Sun steam-boats. GEORGE A. GOLDING, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., March 10, 1833. His parents, George and Jane (Jackson) Golding, were natives of Kentucky, and of Irish and German extraction. The former was born December 28, 1791, and the latter March 5, 1792. They were married in Kentucky, and in 1814 removed to Dearborn County, Ind., settling on Hogan Creek, in Hogan Township, where he entered land and there resided until their deaths. He died February 14, 1848, and his wife March 4, 1857. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Nancy, William, Sarah, Jackson S., John, George A., Sarah J. and Rachel. George A. was married in Dearborn County May 13, 1855, to Barbara A. Howard, who was born in Dearborn County August 5, 1837, and was a daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Thornton) Howard, natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. The former was born in 1801 and the latter in 1802. They immigrated to Dearborn County in a very early day, where they were married and resided until their deaths, which occurred, the mother in 1871 and the father in 1876. They were the parents of seven children: George, Elizabeth, James, Samuel L., Barbara A., Benjamin and John. After the marriage of George A. he settled on his father's old homestead in Hogan Township, where he resided a number of years. In 1861 he en- tered the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in August, 1861, in Company D, Third Regiment Indiana Cavalry as a private. He was subsequently made corporal. He was taken prisoner near Fredericksburg, Va., while on a scout, and was confined in Libby and Belle Island prisons for 732, HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. three months. He was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, lud., Sep- tember, 1864, and from thence returned home, and in December, 1866, purchased and settled on his present farm in Section 29, where he has since resided. He owns 102 acres of line land, which is well improved and under a high state of cultivation. He is an excellent man and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is also a member of the G. A. R. R. H. GOULD, proprietor of the Gould Livery and Feed Stable, Law- renceburgh, was born in Ohio County, Ind. , in 1841. His father, Ben- jamin Gould, is a resident of Rising Sun. His grandfather was one of the early settlers of Manchester Township, and used to walk from that locality to Cincinnati, where he was employed in ship- building. Mr. Gould grew to maturity in his native county, from which in 1862 he en- listed in Company E, Sixty-eighth Indiana under Capt. Alexander Beck- man, and served three years in the United States service, receiving an honorable discharge in 1865. He participated in some of the principal battles of the war, and at Chickamauga was wounded in the thigh. He engaged for some time in the livery business at Rising Sun, locating in Lawrenceburgh in 1882, purchasing the Walker stock of the stable which he is now conducting. Mr. Gould was married, in September, 1872, to Mahala Stevens, daughter of Charles Stevens, one of the early settlers of Switzerland County, and they have two children: Charles and Ella. Mr. Gould is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and active in his attention to his business. LOUIS GRAF, gunsmith and dealer in guns, ammunition, cutlery, hai'dware, sewing machine supplies, etc., Aurora. He was born in Baden, Germany, January 10, 1860, ^where he received a good education. His parents, Charles and Magdalena (Palmer) Graf, were natives of Baden; the father was born December 10, 1810, and the mother, in September, 1833. Louis came to America, May 19, 1880, and located in New York, where he worked in a machine shop. In 1881, he came to Cincinnati, Ohio, and worked in different places up to July 1, 1883, when he located in Aurora, and opened his present business. He was married, April 7, 1881, to Miss Barbara Robinstine, who was born in Aurora May 7, 1854. Three children have been born to them, namely: Enoch and Barbara, and an infant (deceased). His wife died November 19, 1884. Husband and wife belonged to the German Baptist Church. She died in the faith of a blessed immortality. JOHN GRAY, of Lawrenceburgh, died in that city in 1854; his father's family, immigrated to Dearborn County near the close of the last century, but after a short residence he removed to Kentucky with his father, where he resided several years and returned to Lawrenceburgh, in 1804, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 733 to receive the benefit of a school then taught in the neighborhood. At an early period Mr. Gray engaged in mercantile pursuits with John H. and Benjamin Piatt, and after they had been driven by fire from their business at Lawrenceburgh, he accompanied Mr. John H. Piatt to Cin- cinnati, and there engaged with him in business. Subsequently he returned to Lawrenceburgh, where he continued in mercantile business for many years. Honesty was a marked trait of his life. He at one time represented Dearborn County in the Legislature. MILTON GREGG, see page 180. ELIJAH N. GREER, farmer and dairyman, Washington Township, native of Pennsylvania, was born in Alleghany County, September 30, 1822, where he received a liberal education. His parents, George and Susannah (Newlin) Greer, were born in the same county, father in 1784 and mother in 1794; they moved to this county in 1841. His father was color bearer in a cavalry battalion, under Gen. Harrison, in the war of 1812, and was wounded in the arm at Mississinnowa. He died in 1876, mother died in 1870. Mr. Elijah N. Greer was married September 7, 1848, to Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, a native of Dearborn County, Ind., and three children born to them were Levi, William and John. Mrs. Greer died in March, 1861. Mr. Greer engaged in the dairy business, and began the delivery of milk in Aurora September 7, 1884. He has a herd of seventeen fine cows, and proposes to increase the number as rapidly as the demand will justify. Mr. Greer has been a great friend to education, has given his children its full benefit, regardless of expense, and is proud of the investment. EDWARD H. GREEN, attorney at law, Aurora, was born at Aurora March 1, 1837, and is the youngest son of Stephen and Martha J. Green. His father was a native of Kentucky and removed to Indiana at an early period; he was for many years treasurer of the city of Aurora, and held various ofi&cial positions for a great part of his life; having never biTt once been defeated when a candidate. Edward H. Green took the scientific course of study at Franklin College, Indiana, under Presi- dent Silas Bailey. He then read law in the office of Judges Holman and Haynes, and commenced the practice in Aurora. In 1861 he enlisted for one year in Company I, Sixteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was appointed orderly sergeant. He was with his regiment in Virginia and Maryland, and for a time was located at Harper's Ferry. His regiment was mustered out in June, 1862, and Mr. Green immediately assisted in raising a company of cavalry which was tendered to Gov. Morton, but was refused unless it should be used in filling out depleted companies of regiments already in the field. The company was then accepted by the governor of Kentucky, armed with Spencer carbines and assigned to 734 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the Eleventh Kentucky Cavah-y as Company E. Sergt. Green was commissioned second lieutenant of cavalry volunteers, and afterward captain. He was with Burnside at the siege of Knoxville, with Sherman at Atlanta and its approaches, and was engaged at Kesaca,Da]ton, Dallas, Big Savannah and Kenesaw Mountain. His company, for a time, formed the escort of Maj.-Gen. J. F. Reynolds. After the battle of Stone River, he pursued Morgan through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, and assisted in his capture. Upon the close of the war he resumed the practice of law. In 1866-67 he served as representative in the Legislature. In 1877 he was elected mayor of his native city, Aurora, and i-e-elected in 1879. He has engaged in the practice of the law most of the time since the close of the war. Capt. Green is a public speaker of acknowledged ability, clear, logical and forcible in Lis delivery. In 1862 he was married to Mias Lizzie Shirley, of Jefifersonville, Ind. JOSIAH C. GREEN, dealer in groceries and provisions, on the cor- ner of the Washington & Aurora Turnpike, Cochran was born in Aurora, March 2, 1851, where he received a common school edu- cation. Prom 1868 to 1881 he worked at carpentering in the Cochran Car Shops. In October, 1881, he opened up his; present business and has succeeded in building up!a satisfactory trade. He was married, June 26^ 1873, to Miss Sarah E. Rhein, who was born in Wilmington, Del., Octo- ber 24, 1854. He and his estimable wife belong to the Methodist Epis- copal Church. He is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13, and Aurora Commandery No. 17. GEORGE S. GREEN, engineer at the Ohio & Mississippi Car Shops, Cochran, was born in Aurora, February 13, 1854, of parents William and Elizabeth (Gullett) Green, born, the former on South Hogan Creek, Dearborn County, August 12, 1817, and the latter in Hamilton County, Ohio, November 12, 1823. William Green was a stone mason by trade. For fourteen years he served as coroner of the county. He was a Mason and a Knight Templar and in 1847 filled the office of W. M. His death occurred October 15, 1871. Both William and wife were identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church, the latter still survives. Our subject learned the painting trade, serving three years, and in 1873 began work, as a laborer, at the rolling-mill in Aurora. In 1876 he be- gan as engineer at the same mill, in which capacity he served for over four years, when he began his present relation with the car shops. On the 19th of April, 1876, he was married to Miss Agnes McConnell, a daughter of William R. McConnell. Her birth occurred October 23, 1854. Three children have been born to the marriage, viz. : William F., Carrie and Mary. The parents are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Mr. Green is now serving by appointment as school BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 735 trustee. For the year 1883 be was treasurer of the village of Cochran. He is a member of Lodge :'no. 51, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13 and Aurora Commandery No. 17. He is a temperate and industrious man. FIELDING W. GRIMSLEY, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Jackson County,Ind., April 7,1885. His parents were the old and highly es- teemed pioneers, James and Eunice (Heaton) Grimsley,native8 of Kentucky and New "York, respectively. The former was a son of Silas Grimsley, a native of Culpepper County, Va., where he was born in the year 1792. His father, James Grimsley, was also a native of Virginia, and from thence, in a very early day immigrated to Boone County, Ky., where he resided until his death. He was shot and killed by the Indians at Petersburg, Ky. He was the father of five children, viz. : Feilding, Nelson, Elizabeth, Polly and Silas, the latter being the grandfather of our subject. He immigrated with his parents to Boone County, Ky., and was there married, in about the year 1812, to Jane Moore, a native of Ireland, where she was born in 1796. In about the year 1816 Mr. Grimsley and family immigrated from Kentucky to Ripley County, Ind. , where he resided until his death. They were the parents of seven children, viz. : Elizabeth, Joseph, Sarah, Winlock, Roxy A., Nancy and James. The latter, the eldest member of the family, was born in Boone County, Ky. , June 10, 1814, and came with his parents to Ripley County, Ind., when about two years of age. He was united in marriage in Ripley County, in about 1834, to the above Eunice Heaton, a daugh- ter of Titus and Phebe (Blaxley) Heaton. She was born in Green County, N. Y., June 20, 1818, and came with her parents to Dearborn County, Ind., when about three years of age. After Mr. Grimsley's marriage he first settled in Ripley County, where he resided about one year when he moved to Jackson County, Ind., and, in 1837, removed to Ripley County. The following year he moved to Boone County, Ky., and in 1840 back to Ripley County, and in 1844 to Dearborn County, where he purchased land and resided until 1853, when he went to Her- mann, Mo., for the purpose of purchasing land, and there died December 10, of that year, his wife still survives, and resides on the old home- stead in Dearborn County, They were the parents of ten children, viz. : Nelson R., Joseph, James, Cynthia A., Mary E., Susan J., John M., Edward, Eben and Fielding W., the latter was the eldest of the chil- dren. He was educated at Moore's Hill College, and for many years turned his attention to teaching. He was united in marriage in Boone County, Ky., October 13, 1861, to Amelia E., daughter of -Alfred J. N. and Mary A. (Harrison) Piatt. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 27, 1843. In 1864 Mr. Grimsley moved to Dearborn County, Ind., and settled on his present farm, which he had purchased the year previous. 736 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. In 1864 he entered the United States service, enlisting, October 4, in the Twenty-second Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and served until May 18, 1865. He had born to him four children, viz. : Annie L. (deceased), William G., Flora B. and Fielding W. Mr. Grimsley is identified with the order of Odd Fellows and is a respected citizen. JOSEPH GROFF, Lawrenceburgh, was born in New Jersey in 1813. In 1820 his parents moved West and located in Elizabethtown, Ohio, where he resided with them till 1834, in which year his father died, his mother having passed away about 1826. In early years Mr. Groff at- tended the schools of the village above mentioned, and in the same vil- lage began the hatting business which he conducted there till 1834. He then removed to Lawrenceburgh, where he continued the hatter's trade till 1847, manufacturing all kinds of hats — wool, silk and fur. He had begun boating on the Ohio prior to that time, and did quite a successful business in the produce trade. He was also engaged in pork packing for a time, shipping to New York. About I860 Mr. Groff having given up flat-boating and packing, purchased 616 acres of good land near An- derson, Madison Co., Ind., and has since been devoting his attention chiefly to agricultural pursuits. He has always been alive to his busi- ness interests; was one of the first stockholders of the I. & C. R. R., and has always been foremost in the enterprises of the city of whose council he was formerly a member. Mr. Groflf was married, in 1834, to Delilah Nowlin, a representative of one of the oldest and most esteemed families of this county. Eight children were born to them, four of whom are still living, viz.: Mary, Cordelia, William and George. Mr. and Mrs. Groff may be regarded as pioneers. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and highly respected as citizens in their community. OTHO W. GRUBBS, Miller Township, is a native of Dearborn County, born in 1834, and a descendant of one of the early settlers here. His parents were Richard and Susan (White) Grubbs, the former deceased, but the latter still living near Bright, this county. Mr. Grubbs, whose name heads this sketch, grew to maturity on a farm, and having but a limited advantage of schools. In 1855 he married Margaret McCracken, a native of this county and daughter of Robert and Lucy (Carberry) McCracken, also early settlers in this county — es- pecially her mother's people. After his marriage Mr. Grubbs spent about five years in assisting his"father in paying for a farm of which he subsequently received sixty acres as his share, and this tract he has since resided upon and cultivated, meeting with such a degree of success as to enable him to add forty-two acres more to his original tract. Except about three years occupied in operating a portable saw-mill, Mr. Grubbs BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 737 has always given his attention to farming. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., a man of liberality and enterprise, and self-made in the truest sense. Assisted by an excellent wife, they have worked their way from the humblest sort of a log cabin to a well-appointed home supplied with all the necessaries of life. Their ten children who are all living are Mary E., wife of Samuel Hunkhouser; Susan, wife of William Cor- san; Owen W. ; Anna W., wife of George W. Truitt; Alice, Mattie, Joseph P., Cortes, Carrie and Iowa. DAVID GUARD, Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in Dearborn County June 20, 1826. He was a son of Ezra and Polly Guard, the former born in 1786, the latter in 1791, and who were among the first settlers of the county. He grew up on the farm and continued in agri- cultural pursuits during his life. He married, in 1848, Miss Nancy Miller, daughter of Mahlon B. and grand -daughter of Thomas Miller, the pioneer settler of this locality, and after his marriage continued his farming business on land inherited from his father. They reared four children who are still living: Simeon, Joseph, Sherman and Isadora, the latter now the wife of Warren Bennett. Mr. Guard died in March, 1867, leaving behind him many friends who will long cherish his memory. Mrs. Guard subsequently married Louis Hayes, born in the county in 1837, and son of Van Hayes, who died in 1848. He resided about four years at " Georgetown," where he took up his abode with Abiah Hayes, with whom he remained till twenty-five years of age. In 1862 he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-third Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served in the war about three years, participating in some of the most important battles. Receiving an honorable discharge he returned home and since his marriage has been engaged in farming. DANIEL M. GUARD, Lawrenceburgh, sheriff of Dearborn County, and native of the same, was born in 1840. He is a son of Timothy and Rebecca (Hayes) Guard, the former a native of Dearborn County, the latter of Hamilton County, Ohio. His father was a son of Ezra Guard, and his mother a daughter of Enoch Hayes, both of old and distinguished families of the county. Our subject spent his early years on a farm, receiving a common school education with one " quarter " at College Hill. In 1859 he was married to Ruth M. Miller, a daughter of Mahlon B. Miller, and they reared one child, Eliza E., now wife of Jacob H. Miller. Mrs. Guard died in 1862, and in 1863 Mr. Guard married Eliza H. Mil- ler, daughter of Enoch H. Miller, one of the old residents of the county. Seven children have been born to them: Sallie, Hiram, Anthony and llnoch, and three others deceased. Mr. Guard has been engaged chiefly in agricultural pursuits. He served about five years as township assessor, and in the fall of 1884 was elected sheriff of Dearborn County, in which 45 738 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. capacity he is still officiating. He is a strong Democrat and has always taken an active part in local politics. CHARLES GULLETT, farmer, Washington Township, was born in Delaware, July 28, 1810, where he received a fair education. His par- ents, Robert and Sarah (Morrison) GuUett, were natives of Delaware, where his mother died. His father came to this State in 1828. His sec- ond wife was Rebecca Gullett, with whom he lived until his death March 28, 1843. His second wife died May 2, 1870, in her eighty-fifth year. Mr. Charles Gullett was married, February 11, 1836, to Miss Anna Smith, a native of the township, born March 6, 1818. To them were born five children: Mary E., born November 29, 1836; Sarah E., born April 11, 1842; Rebecca, born June 12, 1845; Minnie, born January 29, 1848; Robert, born June 12, 1850. Mr. Gullett has been a hard working farmer all his life, and in his old age is enjoying good health. He and his excellent wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Gul- lett's father was in the war of 1812, but was discharged in a short time. The old gentleman was a farmer all through life, and a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. R. GULLETT, farmer. Clay Township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, August 14, 1819. His parents were Robert and Rebecca (Riggs) Gullett, natives of Delaware, where they were married, and in an early day immigrated to Hamilton County, Ohio, settling on Mill Creek, which is now within the limits of Cincinnati. In 1827 they moved to Dearborn County, Ind., where they resided until their deaths. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Mary, Charles, Sarah, Anna, Abraham R., Ruth, Elizabeth and Robert. A. R. came with his parents to this county in 1827, where he was married, March 11, 1846, to Miss Susan Columbia, who was born in this county, June 14, 1826, and is a daughter of John and Sarah Columbia. After Mr. Gullett's marriage he settled on the same farm where he now lives and has resided principally since. His wife died July 30, 1878. To their marriage were born seven children, viz.: George R., John C, William L., Charles W., Thomas P., Anna E. and Sarah R. Mr. Gullett is a member of the Methdist Episcopal Church. JOHN GUTZWILLER, farmer, Kelso Township, is one of six children born to John and Anna Gutzwiller, who were natives of Switz- erland. Our subject is also a native of Switzerland, where he was born, June 21, 1816, and from thence, in 1832, immigrated to Dearborn'County, Ind., settling in Kelso Township, where he has since resided. He was married in this township, June 10, 1845, to Helena Winter, and had by her eight children: Jonn, Jacob (deceased), Joseph, Martin, Rosie, Christena (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), and Caroline (deceased). His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 739 wife died June 29, 1858. He was again married, June 4, 1861, to Mrs. Mary Frohliger, by whom he had one child, Mary L. Mr. Gutzwiller is a good citizen and has a respected family. They are all members of the Catholic Church, and are highly esteemed by all who know them. JOSHUA HAINES, of Rising Sun, was born in the State of New Hampshire, December 30, 1785, and there resided until twenty years of age, when he removed to Salem, Mass., and there he resided seven years, and, in 1816, settled in Rising Sun. In 1821 he was united in mar- riage to Louisa Smith, who survived him. During his residence in Ris- ing Sun up to about 1851, "he was one of the leading and most substan- tial merchants of that place. As a business man he was of uncompromis- ing integrity; he was foremost among the citizens of Rising Sun in efforts to promote the public interest, and particularly so in the advancement of education and correct moral deportment." DR. MATHIAS HAINES, see page 170. ABRAHAM B. HAINES, M. D., physician and surgeon, Aurora, is a native of Indiana, born in Rising Sun, November 29, 1823. His father was Mathias Haines, a skillful physician, who in 1816 located at Rising Sun, a sketch of whom appears in the medical chapter of this work. The wife of Mathias Haines was Elizabeth (Brown) Haines, a native of New York City. Our subject received the benefit of the then excellent schools of his native village, and then was sent to Miami Uni- versity, at Oxford, Ohio, where he completed his education. He read medicine under his father, and attended lectures at the Ohio Medical College one year, then was one year in the medical department of the Western Reserve College, graduating in March, 1846. In April, 1846, he located in Aurora and began the practice, devoting his entire time and ability to his chosen profession. He was married, in October, 1847, to Miss Julia P. Loring, who was born in Ohio County, Ind., November 9, 1824, by which union three children, Mathias L., Thomas H. and Mary have been born. Dr. Haines was appointed, in July, 1862, sur- geon of the Ninteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served as such until the close of the war, after which he returned to Aurora and re- sumed the practice of medicine and surgery, in his quiet way, without any ostentation whatever. He has received his full share of practice, which his skill and ability justly merits. He is a member or the Dear- born County Medical Society, and of the State Medical Society. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, in which he was made an elder in 1848. The Doctor is an exemplary Christian gentleman and a worthy citizen. DANIEL T. HALL, justice of the peace, an old and esteemed na- tive resident of Rising Sun, was born in 1828. His father, Gilbert 740 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Hall, and his mother, Rachel Chandler, were both born in Accomac Coun- ty., Va. , whei'e they grew to maturity and married, removing with their three children from that State to Maysville, Ky., in 1814. In 1815 they came to Rising Sun, where they resided till their respective deaths in 1835 and 1852. Daniel T. Hall, our subject, has nearly always resided in Rising Sun. When a boy he learned the shoe-making trade here, and this has been his life occupation, except during a few years of ill health which prevented the pursuance of his trade. Ee was married, in 1849, to Miss Louisa Campbell, a native of Ohio and daughter of Thomas and Catherine (Seward) Campbell. Seven children were born to them, six of whom are still living: Thomas, George B., Eliza, Kate, Rachel and Ruth. The deceased was Fanny. In 1884 Mr. Hall was elected justice of the peace and he is now officiating in that capacity. He is among the oldest native residents of Rising Sun, in the esteem of whose citizens he holds a creditable place. GEORGE B. HALL, Rising Sun, clerk of court, Ohio County, was born in Rising Sun in 1856, son of Daniel T. Hall, who is mentioned above. So far his life has been passed in his native town, in whose pub- lic schools he was educated, and in the vicinity of which he was engaged in teaching for about six years. At the age of fifteen he suffered the misfortune of losing his left arm by accident while engaged in work about a saw-mill, and this has since prevented his performing manual labor of the heavier sort. In 1878 Mr. Hall was elected recorder of Ohio County, resigning this office in 1880 to accept the more remunera- tive office of clerk of courts, to which he had been elected in that year. In this latter capacity he is still officiating, having been re-elected in 1882. He has discharged the duties of his office with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents, thus placing his reputation as a pub- lic servant in an enviable light. Mr. Hall was married August 8, 1880, to Elizabeth Cooper, native of Ohio County and daughter of Eli and Mar- garet (Marker) Cooper, old residents of the same. They have two chil- dren: Vei-a V. and Ouida. Mr. H. is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics a Republican.. D. B. HALL, editor and proprietor of the Rising Sun Local, is a native of Ohio County, and was born in Rising Sun in 1844. His parents were Washington and Cassandra (Cornelius) Hall, his father a native of Rising Sun, his mother born elsewhere in the State. His father was a carpenter by trade, and spent his entire life in his native town. Banner Hall, as he is most popularly known, passed his youth in common with other boys in and about his native town, in whose schools he was given a fair education. At the age of fifteen he began work at the printing trade in the old Visitor office, in which he remained BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 741 till the opening of the war, when he enlisted in the Sixteenth Indiana Regiment as a member of the regimental band for one year, serving about eight mouths, being discharged at the expiration of his time. In 1863 he enlisted in the Fourth Indiana Cavalry, and served fifteen months, being discharged on account of sickness. He returned home, and with John Lemon established the Hoosier Paper, but soon after sold out to his partner, and in August, 1864, enlisted again in the service, this time as musician on Admiral Lee's flagship "Blackhawk," serving till the close of the war. On his last return to Rising Sun he was employed on the home papers and the Cincinnati CommercialiiW 1879, when he estab- lished the Local as elsewhere stated. Mr. Hall was married, in 1867, to Miss Ella Clore, of Rising Sun, daughter of Reuben Clore, who was for many years a prominent river trader. They have three children: Hay- den, Reuben and Halstead. Mr. Hall is a member of the F. & A. M., the G. A. R. and Methodist Episcopal Church, Mrs. Hall also being a mem- ber of the latter society. In the management of his paper he has achieved a creditable success both as editor and publisher. H. D. HANOVER, general roadmaster of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, with headquarters at Aurora, Ind., was born in Wilmington, Conn. , in 1836, and is the son of Charles and Candace (Clough) Han- over. The father was born in Baltimore, Md., April 3, 1797, the mother in Belchertown, Mass., September 1, 1801. The parents were married March 26, 1817; the father died November 8, 1861, and mother August 21, 1871. Mr. H. D. Hanover's early life was spent in Wilmington, where he acquired a common school education, and as is customary with boys he could be found at the station forming the acquaintance of fire- men and engineers, one of whom he persuaded to secure for him a place as fireman. In 1853 his career as a railroad man began in the capacity of fireman on the old Western Road (now the Boston & Albany) under Wilson Eddy, master mechanic, first firing the engine "Alabama" for one year at %l per day between Springfield and Worcester. He was com- pelled to give up his position on account of being too young to endure the hard labor. In 1854 he went to the N. L. W. & P. Railroad as fire- man and brakeman, where he remained for two years, after which he came to the conclusion that he would like to be a track man, and went to work on section at Stafford Springs, Conn., and worked for three years. In 1858 he was persuaded to go West under promise of a position as section foreman, which he accepted, and started for Wisconsin and landed at Zanesville, which was the terminus of the Illinois & Wisconsin Railroad, later the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac, and now the great system of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, where he was put on a section at Spopiere under Clark Lipe, roadmaster, remaining one 742 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. year, after which he returned East and remained eight months, thence West, and was given a section at Woodstock, 111. ; from there he went to Chicago. Mr. Hanover was soon changed to a section at Milton Junction, Wis., and remained there on section, extra gang track laying, and con- ductor on gi-avel train until 1866, when he branched out to see if he could not better his condition, and chanced to meet an acquaintance, who interceded for him, and through his kind assistance he obtained a situa- tion as conductor on a construction train on a division of the Ohio & Mississippi Kailroad, which position was held for six months. Then Mr. Hanover was promoted to division roadmaster on the Western Divis- ion, thence Eastern Division, officiating in that capacity for fourteen years. In December, 1880, he was promoted to general roadmaster, hav- ing 629 miles of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad under his supervision, the duties of which office are being faithfully discharged at present, mak- ing nearly twenty years' service with the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and during all this term of service he has not lost one day's time, and has the good will and hearty support of his subordinates. By constant care and faithfulness to his employers all these meritorious promotions have been made as a reward for valuable services rendered. Mr, Han- over has had over thirty years' actual experience in the track department, and is recognized as being thoroughly competent and duly qualified for the duties of his responsible position. No reference is needed or further evidence required proving the sterling worth and great public benefit of such representative men. The smoothness with which the affairs of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad move along (so far as they come under the management of Mr. Hanover) is proof positive that he is the right man in the right place, and under his able supervision the business interests of the Ohio & Mississippi cannot but go forward to prosperity. Mr. Hanover was married, April 29, 1859, to Miss Margaret Hamilton. He has taken all the degrees in Masonry, and is a member of the Indiana Consistory at Indianapolis. DR. MYRON H. HARDING, see page 174. SAMUEL HARRIS settled in Aurora in 1821, emigrating from near Leeds, England. He had been for many years a clergyman of the Church of England. After settling in Aurora he became a member and then pastor of the Aurora Baptist Church. He was a man of great learning. His library was for many years the most extensive and valuable one in the State, and especially rich in theological works, which were presented after his death, by his son W. T. Harris, to the Hamilton Theological Seminary. Rev. Samuel Harris died in 1832. WILLIAM TELL HARRIS, was an Englishman by birth, and son of Rev. Samuel Harris: a gentleman of refined social qualities, great learn- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 743 ing, and an author of some note. Mr. Harris was an eccentric man in many respects, but that eccentricity never led him to wound the feelings of the most sensitive— always the polite and dignified gentleman, friendly to all, but familiar with none. He was born in London in 1796, and at an early age was graduated from the University of Oxford. At the end of his collegiate course he was indentured to an apothecary, and serving a full apprenticeship received a diploma as a physician. In 1817 he came to America and spent a year in traveling through the West, mostly on foot, returning to England the following spring. Shortly after, ac- companying his father's family, he immigrated to this country, and the family took up their residence in Aurora, and for forty-five years, our subject was a prominent citizen of Aurora. "Punctual in his engage- ments, precise in his business matters and guarded in his expressions." The following extract from a memorial of him by Geo. W. Lane, shows that he was "not only gifted in his memory of local facts, but was un- surpassed in a much higher sense:" "In 1843 Gov. Whitcomb with a friend visited Aurora. I proposed to them a call on Mr. Harris. They consented, and after an introduction, the Governor noticed the extensive library which adorned the room, and walking up to its heavily laden shelves with all the cheer and familiarity of a child with its toys, spoke of their value. Mr. Harris replied, ' These are my household gods, heir- looms of an ancient descent, with the additions of each generation.' Gov. Whitcomb responded, 'I envy you your pleasure in your retire- ment, with this ancient lore for your companions;' and placing his hand on a book, continued, 'this would be my favorite pastime. Do you re- member where the author says ?' quoting from a passage of thril- ling beauty. 'Certainly,' said Mr. Harris, 'but that does not equal ' and he repeated some eloquent sentences. Gov. Whitcomb re- plied, 'You quote from ,' naming the author and the period, with the remark that he had not been attracted by their beauty until repeated by him. Mr. Harris, with a formal bow, 'Thank you, sir.' And thus they continued to quote, the other naming the author and the period, and mentioning some circumstances connected with it, until Mr. Harris told an interesting story which a remark of Whitcomb had called to mind. Whitcomb was silent; he did not know the author or the period in history referred to. His face became rigid as marble, and he stood a statue of surprise. Mr. Harris, seeing this, came to his relief with a cheerful remark in a foreign tongue. Whitcomb was himself again, and came at him with a flash of his black eye as if it said, ' now I will have my reveno-e,' and replied in another language Mr. Harris, receiving the charge in all the self-confidence of a prophet who knew the result, replied in still another. Whitcomb answered in yet another language, 744 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and how often it was repeated I do not remember, but I well recollect that the two silent spectators were astonished. But it was Mr. Harris's time to reply; he did so in pleasant accents. Whitcomb again was silent; he understood it not. The statue resumed its position, and it is not for me to say how long it would have remained had not a remark about books of ancient date galvanized it to life again. Now, it was well known that Whitcomb had one of the best selected libraries in the State, and had reason to be proud of it. He referred to a valuable book of a certain edition; Mr. Harris had the same of an older date, and thus the unequal war was resumed, until Indiana's most learned governor be- gan to show signs of a drooping crest, when, as if reminded by a new thought, he triumphantly referred to an old copy of the Bible that, at great expense, he had sent a special messenger to some distant country to purchase for him. Mr. Harris let him tell his story, as if loath to de- prive him of his well-earned laurels, then slowly took from a shelf a strange -looking book and remarked: ' Governor, had you called on me, I could have shown you a copy of much older date,' and turning its leaves read some familiar passages. One glance at its pages satisfied Whit- comb — it was a sealed book to him." ROBEET A. HARRIS, North's Landing, a native of Switzerland County, Ind., was born in 1828, and is a son of Jacob and Gertrude (Scott) Harris, who came into Switzerland County with their parents about 1816. His parents married in Switzerland County, purchased land there, and reared their family, his father being a farmer and dealing con- siderably in real estate; he died in 1885, aged eighty-three years. They reared eight children; all of whom are still living. Robert A., whose name appears at the head of this notice, grew up in his native county and resided there till April, 1881. He has always given his attention chiefly to farming and stock dealing, but has also done considerable bus- iness in the produce trade, in which he is now engaged. In 1853 Mr. Harris was married to Elvira Palmer, a native of Switzerland County, and daughter of George and Phoebe Palmer, and three children were born to them: Jennie, Jacob and Effie B. In April, 1880, Mrs. Harris passed away, and Mr. H. has since been united in marriage with Jemima Hayes, of Ohio County, and daughter of Jesse Hayes. Mr. Harris is one of the most substantial citizens and business men of the county. ORVILLE J. HARRIS, farmer, Randolph Township, son of Jacob R. Harris, is a native of Switzerland County, Ind., born in 1841. He grew up on the farm and remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age. In 1865 he married Miss Kate Hobbs, of Gallatin County, Ky. , daughter of Emory Hobbs, and after his marriage removed to Boone County, Ky., where he resided till 1881, when he came to his present BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 745 farm near Rising Sun. He has always engaged in farming, in which pursuit he has been quite successful. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have two children: Harry and Bennie. EGBERT HARGITT, merchant, Guilford, one of the older residents of Dearborn County, was born in Miller Township in 1826. His father, Thomas Hargitt, located in the same township in 1814. He was a native of Yorkshire, England, and is still living in his eighty- seventh year. He married Ann Mason when about twenty-three years of age, and located on land deeded to him by his grandfather, Thomas Har- gitt, and has since chiefly resided in the same locality. From early man- hood he was engaged in the local ministry, until his advanced age com- pelled him to retire from that field of labor. His wife passed away many years ago. Robert Hargitt, whose name begins this notice, passed his early years on the farm, and received the ordinary common school edu- cation of those days. In 1851 he married Eliza Fuller, a native of this county, and they have three children living: Allie (wife of John Eagle), Harry M. and Dolly. After his marriage Mr. Hargitt took up agricult- ural pursuits, which he followed till 1862, when he, with his brother, George W. Hargitt, purchased the stock of general merchandise owned by Daniel Chitister, at Guilford, and engaged in mercantile business in that village. In this pursuit he has since continued, except during two years spent in the West, and his efforts have met with fine success. His stock of goods is valued at about $3,000, and he enjoys a tine country trade. For fifteen years Mr. Hargitt acted as agent for the American Express Company at Guilford. He spent about twenty years, more or less, engaged in the local ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but has given up work in that capacity. He was for many years a member of the I. O. O. F., but at length asked and received a card from that organization. GEORGE W. HARGITT, York Township, is a native of Miller Township, born in 1832. He resided in his native neighborhood till 1855, and was employed on the farm under the ordinary parental guidance. At twenty-one years of age he learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed about three years and then removed to Illinois, where he operated one year in the lumber business. He then returned to this county, and has ever since been a resident of the same. He worked at his trade up to 1863, when he purchased, in partnership with his brother, Robert Hargitt, a stock of general merchandise of Daniel Chitister, and began his mercantile|pursuit at Guilford, where he has continued the same about eighteen months. He then withdrew from the firm, and invested in a portable saw-mill, which he operated till 1872. In 1874 he pur- chased his present farm of forty-seven acres, on which he has resided 746 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. since 1873, chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits, but occasionally working at his trade. Mr. Hargitt was married, January 26, 1854, to Jane M. Hansel, a native of this county and daughter of William Han- sel, one of the early settlers of this county. Their five children living are William T., Mercer F., Anna M., Bertha K. and Emma A. The two sons are now engaged in raising cattle in western Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Hargitt are members of the Methodist Protestant Church, and are well provided with the comforts of life as a reward for their industry. Mr. Hargitt has not been an aspirant to office, but has affiliated with the Republican party on all questions of national issue. His only part in the late war was a slight skirmish during Morgan's raid, the incidents of which are to him the source of more amusement than terror. In all his dealings with his fellow men Mr. Hargitt has never resorted to anv litigation whatever, which is perhaps as good a recommendation for his citizenship as could be given. SHADRACH HATHAWAY, of Rising Sun. This truly aged and venerable citizen is a native of the State of Massachusetts, born at New Bedford, January 19, 1794. His father was a tanner, and at the age of eleven years, young Shadrach commenced, under his father's gviidance, that trade in connection with the making up of the leather into shoes, which occupation he pursued until his twentieth year, spend- ing a portion of the falls and winters in traveling through- the State of Georgia, working at his trade and purchasing hides and peltries for his father's tannery. In the summer of 1814, he removed to the West, stop- ping for some months in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he continued his occu- pation as a shoe-maker. While at this point he made the acquaintance of John James, the proprietor of the then recently laid out village of Rising Sun, and of him bargained for a lot on the corner of Front and Fourth Streets, paying for the same 1100. On the 16th of February, 1815, Mr. Hathaway removed to the new village, being then in his twenty- second year, removed a two-story log house on his lot, and in it opened a shoe shop, and carried on his business for five years. He next embarked in the business of general merchandising as a partner with Caleb A. Craft, the firm occupying the Craft Building on the upper end of Front Street, which yet stands as a land-mark of bygone days. In this old building was kept the postoffice, and also a hotel or " inn " by Mr. Craft. The partnership of Craft & Hathaway lasted but about one year, when Mr. Hathaway returned to his shoe shop in the old log-cabin and followed his trade for another year; then in connection with Daniel Wicks, a brother-in-law, and their families, they went East by wagons to visit their old home. While in New York City Mr. Hathaway pur- chased a stock of goods, which was conveyed by wagons to the city of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 747 Pittsburgh, and from thence by boat to Rising Sun. The goods were placed in his former place of business, on the corner of Foiirth and Main Streets, and, in connection with general merchandising, he followed his trade. About 1823 a partnership was formed, consisting of our subject and Mr. A. Moore, their place of business being on Front Street, between Second and Main Streets. Not long subsequent to this Mr. Hathaway again returned to his first love and removed back to the old log house, continuing his old line of business until 1827. This year he erected on that site the large and commodious brick business house and residence, which still stands as a monument to his enterprise and public spirit. In this building for twenty years he carried on quite an extensive general store. In 1849, convinced that the business of the village was moving farther down town, he purchased the Decoursey property on Main Street, and built the large business house now occu- pied by the store of William Colter; he here removed his stock of goods, greatly increasing the same, and for years did a very successful busi- ness, and carried one of the most extensive stock of goods in southeast- ern Indiana. Owing to the business depression at the close of the war and financial troubles generally, Mr. Hathaway, with many others, had to succumb to the pressure. Since that period he has not engaged in active business, though now can be seen at almost any time seated on his shoe bench, which was made for him by the late Prince Athearn in Cincinnati in 1814. Our subject has been one of Rising Sun's most active, enterprising and public spirited citizens. His name is coupled with all movements that have had for their object the building up of the city, and the best interests of her citizens — giving his aid, through a longer identity to one place than is often recorded, to all steps taken in the direction of progress and development of the county and the improvement of its citizens, morally, religiously and intellectually. He is the last of his time; the associates of his early years have all passed away, and alone he stands venerable and grand, like the old oak of the forest — a fit representative of his time. Though burdended with cares of only eight years less than the seldom attained five score, our venera- ble friend is cheerful and enjoys good health. He is in the possession of all his faculties to a remarkable degree. The following letter was written to Mr. Hathaway by Hon. S. F. Covington, of Cincinnati, on the ninetieth anniversary of his birth: Cincinnati, Ohio, January 18, 1884. Dear Sir: Please accept my congratulations on the occasion of the celebration of your ninetieth birthday, and permit me to express the hope that you may cele- brate many more, retaining your present vigorous mental and bodily health. Forty-six years ago I was In your employ as a clerk in your store. I learned then to respect and honor you; and in all the intervening years, because of your 748 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. many acts of kindness and friendship to me, that feeling, mingled with gratitude, has grown stronger and stronger. As a testimonial of friendship, I send you by your daughter, Mrs. Wiswell, a cane, which I trust may serve in aiding to support your steps for many years to come. Respectfully yours, S. F. Covington. JOHN J. HAUCK, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Germany in 1816. He was reared to early manhood in his native country, immigrating to the United States at the age of sixteen years. He located in Cincinnati and was there engaged four years in the baker's trade, which he learned of his father in the old country. In 1836 he married Anna M. Horn- berger and in the same year came to Lawrenceburgh, and opened up a bakery and confectionery, which he conducted for several years. He en- tered the hardware trade subsequently and also carried a stock of dry goods, conducting these lines of business from 1843 to 1859, when his failing health compelled him to retire from active business. Mr. Hauck served in the city council for several years, and in 1873 was elected mayor of Lawrenceburgh, holding the office for a period of six years, and discharging his duties fearlessly and creditably. In 1880 his health failed entirely, and he departed this life February 2d of that year. He was an enterprising business man, and always made his influence felt in the progressive measures relating to the city. He was one of the found- ers of the Miami Valley Furniture Factory, and to his energy its ulti- mate success was largely due. Mr. Hauck was the father of eight chil- dren, seven of whom are still living, namely: John, John J.. Caroline M., Henrietta M., George F., Emma C. and Warren N. Two of the sons are grocers, located at Greenville, Ind., and a thii'd at Indianapolis, Ind. In 1847 Mr. Hauck, with George Ross' assistance,built the first Reformed Church in Lawrenceburgh. He was a member of the Reformed society for eleven years, but subsequently joined the Presbyterians. Both as busi- ness man and citizen Mr. Hauck occupied an enviable position in the esteem of his associates. Warren N. Hauck, son of John J. Hauck, and city attorney for Lawrenceburgh, was born in the said city in 1860. He grew to maturity in the town of his birth, and w^as educated in its public schools, graduating in 1878. In 1880-81 he took a course in the Nelson Business College, Cincinnati, and in the fall of the latter year entered the Cincin- nati Law School, graduating in 1883. He entered upon the practice of his profession in Cincinnati and continued the same in that city one year, when he came to Lawrenceburgh, May, 1884. Previous to this he had in 1882-83 attended for a time the McMichen University of Cin- cinnati. In the spring of 1884 he was elected to the office of city attor- ney of Lawrenceburgh, to fill the unexpired term of A. W. Ganes, who had tendered his resignation, and in this position he is now employed. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 749 He is a young man of excellent character, and with the qualities of mind and heart calculated to secure for him success of the highest order, ABIAH HAYES was born December 18, 1780, in Washington County, Penn., where he continued to reside until near his twentieth year, when he removed to the Big Bottom, where his grandfather (Joseph Hayes), and four of his uncles, had settled some years previously. He located in the valley of the Big Miami, not far from where Thomas Mil- ler, Sr., first settled. Here he invested all his money in the purchase of two and one-tenth acres of land, whereon he reared his log-cabin. This two and one-tenth acres formed the nucleus of his future fortune. With untiring energy and perseverance, which he possessed in a high degree, he made thirty-three trading voyages to New Orleans, and sixteen times returned home on foot, through the Indian nations, and once he went around by sea with his cargo, which he disposed of at Norfolk, Va., Alex- andria and Geoi'getown, D. C, returning home by Washington and Brownsville, paying a visit to the place of his nativity and burial place of his father, thence from Pittsburgh, by the Ohio River home. Thus, at the age of fifty-five years, he had become the richest man in Dearborn County, He was cool and collected, never suffering himself to be car- ried away by passion, he seemed to meditate much, and converse spar- ingly and never was taken at a nonplus. During the war of 1812 Mr. Hayes belonged to what was called the Rangers, served one trip around by Brookville. Pipe Creek, and the head of Tanner's Creek, Seeing no enemy they returned home. Maj. McHenry was the captain; Mr. Hayes hired a substitute to finish his term of service, thus bidding adieu to the profession of arms. Mr. Hayes raised a large family, seven of whom lived to womanhood and manhood and were married. But three of them sur- vive him — two sons and one daughter. About eight years since he lost his wife, the companion of his youth. Some four or five weeks passed, he complained of a pain in the side of his face, which was supposed to be a boil; it grew worse and broke. On Monday the 19th Samuel Morrison and Henry Hardin visited him ; he conversed freely and sensibly with them, recounting the reminiscences of the past as vividly as though they had just transpired; he retained the full enjoyment of his mental faculties to the last. He was taken with a congestive chill on Monday the 26th (hav- ing had two chills previously), which terminated his pilgrimage on earth. He died at the residence of his son, Abiah Hayes, Jr., in the vicinity of Hardinsburg, July 27, 1858, in the seventy- eighth year of his age. His funeral sermon was preached by Rev, E. D. Long, attended by two other clergyman, at the Bellevue Methodist Episcopal Church, to a very lai-ge audience, among whom were to be seen pioneers Judge Isaac Dunn, who has been in the Miami Valley over sixty-nine yeai's; Job Miller and his sis- 750 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ter-in-law Sarah Miller, over sixty-eight years; Bailey Guard, sixty-seven years; Thomas Miller, Joseph Hayes, Walter Hayes, Jesse Hunt, Thomas Hunt, over sixty years; Jonathan Blasdall, Elizabeth Blasdall, JohnCull- ahan, fifty-five years, and Samuel Morrison, a native of the county of Dear- born, born in 1796. Thus another of our number has been called away. Peace be to his sleeping dust. He has felled the last oak, reared the last log-cabin, plowed his last furrow, his corn is laid by, his harvest is passed, he sleeps his last sleep. JACOB HAYES was born in Chester County, Penn., Jan. 8, 1791, and immigrated with his parents to Dearborn County in 1804. They settled in the "Big Bottom," on land owned by Joseph Hayes, Jr., and Thomas Miller, Sr. Here, at the age of thirteen years, he began the labor of felling the trees of this grand old forest, and clearing up the land for cultivation; this business, alternately with farming, he pux'sued diligently until he became of age. He now, without any education, without means or influence, commenced his career and struggles through life. His first trip to New Orleans was as a hand, with his cousin. Job Miller, who made his first trip in 1812. Jacob Hayes traveled by land three times, the whole distance, through the Indian nations that embraced the dense wilderness that lay between here and there. In the summer of 1813 business of a private nature called him back to Chester County, the scenes of his early childhood, traveling the whole distance on horseback, and at a time too when the roads were new and bad, and no bridges; but this was thought nothing of "in the days when we were pioneers, fifty years ago. " He was a very active and prominent trader on the river, from 1820 to 1848, having from two to five flat-boats loaded with produce on the river at onetime. He wasprominent in establishing the Lawrenceburgh Insurance Company, and was a large stockholder, both in it and in the Lawrence- burgh Branch of the State Bank. "When the pioneers of our county drop off one by one, and especially those who have spent a long life of usefulness, in rearing the first log-cabins, clearing away this immense forest, making ' the wilderness to blossom as the rose,' and in changing it from the home of roaming savage tribes, to the abode of civil and religious liberty, their histories should be written. The history of Jacob Hayes is the history of the times in which he lived among us, and also the history of the county. Go back seventy years and you'will see the little family boat of Solomon and Mary Hayes, with their five children, descending the Ohio River and landing at Lawrenceburgh. Seventy years of his life have been spent here among us, within four miles of Lawrenceburgh. Should these things not be noted? He has done his work, he has finished his course, and what his head and hands have failed to do, his money has done." Our subject was married three times, having by each of hisfirgt BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 751 two wives two children, and six by his third wife. He left three daugh- ters and four sons living, and three dead, twenty-one grand, and two great- grandchildren. By his industry and frugality he amassed quite a for tune, estimated at $80,000 which he leaves to his widow and seven children. By his kind and obliging nature, and under the guise of friend- ship he has suffered a loss of $20,000 within the last three years. His boat- ing expeditions and extensive farming operations made him a good judge of human nature; he was a man above mediocrity, and had he received the advantages of an early education, and the opportunity occurred for bringing out his active mind and talents, he would have made his mark in the world. In addition to this he had been blind for eighteen years previous to his death, which occurred February 25, 1874, his fun- eral sermon was preached by Rev. S. Tincher; services in the Methodist Episcopal Church, attended by a large congregation, among whom were the following pioneers and children of pioneers ; John Oallahan, Reuben Jack- son, William Dils, Norval Sparks, David Nevitt, Joseph Groff, A. F. Gage, Joseph Stevens, Alexander Guard, John Ferris, J. C. Craig, Dr. M. H. Harding, E. Crosby and Mr. Roberts. EDWARD HAYES, farmer, Lawrenceburgh Township, was boi-n October 11, 1837, near where he now resides, his parents being Jacob and Leah (Hayes) Hayes. His father settled in this county in 1793, and lived to the age of eighty-three years. Mr. Hayes was reared on a farm, and remained with his parents till about thirty-five years of age. He inher- ited a considerable tract of land from his father's estate, and by his own exertion has since made additions to this, till he now owns about 400 acres. He was married, in 1859, tft Jane E. Nield, daughter of James and Hannah (Whiteley) Nield, both natives of England. Their children are Edward, born in 1864; Silas V., born in 1867, and Joseph, born in 1869. Mr. Hayes is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one of the many thrifty farmers of Dearborn County. GEORGE HAYES, a thrifty farmer of Lawrenceburgh Township, was born here in 1832. He is a son of Jacob Hayes, with whom he remained on the farm till about thirty years of age, sharing the advan- tages of the common schools. He learned the wagon trade, and this, in connection with the manufacture of a patent corn-drill, which he invented himself, he was for some time engaged in. As early as the age of four- teen years he made a trip to New Orleans with his father, who did an extensive flat-boating business at that time, carrying stock and produce to that city. On his first trip their cargo consisted of 196 head of cat- tle and a number of hogs. Mr. Hayes was married, in 1859, to Martha A. Bales, a native of Hancock County, Ind., daughter of Abijah and Amelia Bales, and they have three children: Jacob, Leah and Isaac. Mr. 752 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Hayes owns nearly 500 acres of land, and is an industrious and energetic farmer. J. W. HAYMAN, merchant, Moore's Hill, an old and highly respected citizen of that village, was born in Worcester County, Md., July 31, 1816. His parents, Levin and Martha (Walston) Hayman, were both natives of Maryland, where they resided during their entire lives. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Robert R., Jacob H., Levin P., Edward W., Leah C, Susan R., Ann M., Rufus M., Maha- la C, and Jesse W., our subject, being the sixth member of the family. He was educated in Maryland, and when about sixteen years of age began learning the carpenter's trade, which he completed, and also the cabinet- making and millwright trade, and afterward engaged in the same for a number of years. In April, 1838, he came to Moore's Hill, Ind., and was here married, November 29, 1839, to Fannie C, daughter of John and Amelia (Duncan) Dashiell, born in Dearborn County, Ind., July 16, 1820. Soon after Mr. Hayman's marriage he located at Dillsborough, whei-e he engaged in milling a short time, after which he removed to Wilmington, where he remained until 1840, at which time he moved back to Moore's Hill, where he has since resided. After moving there in 1840, he engaged in teaching school for some time, teaching the lirst public school at that place. He subsequently opened up a store there, and has since engaged in merchandising. In February, 1863, he was appointed postmaster at Moore's Hill, and still retains the office. Mr. Hayman is respected by all who know him. He and wife are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. They were the parents of seven children, namely: Thomas L. (died in the war), Luther T., John E., Alice M., George H., Ernest O., Milna D. (deceased). D. H. HELMS, farmer. Clay Township, was born in the same September 21, 1838. He is one of twelve children born to the old and highly esteemed pioneers of that locality, Alfred and Eliza W. (Jones) Helms. The former was born in Lincoln County, N. C, in the year 1816, and the latter in Clermont County, Ohio, in the same year. They were married in Dearborn County in 1837, after which they settled on a farm on the banks of what is known as " Hayes Branch," Clay Township, where they have since resided. They have had born to them twelve chil- dren, viz.: John W., David H, William H., Andrew, Philip, Mary J., Isaac T., Clarissa, Levi, Charles B., Albert S. and one who died in infancy. D H., our subject, was brought up as a farmer. He received a good common school education, and after reaching the yeai's of matur- ity, left the " land of steady habits," and turned the greater part of his attention to teaching school, beginning the profession as early as 1858. He has taught 149 months of school, all in Dearborn County, with the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 753 exception of three terms. In 1862 he entered the war, enlisting August 11, in Company B, Eighty-third Indiana Volunteers, as a private, and in August, 1863, was made orderly sergeant, and May, 1865, he received the commission of second lieutenant, in which capacity he served until his discharge, June 2, 1865. After his discharge he returned to Dearborn County and resumed his school work and also farm ing. In October, 1865, he purchased the farm on which he now resides. He was married at Lawrenceburgh, October 17, 1867, to Jane T., daugh- ter of Williarn C. and Sarah (Spangler) Johnson. She was born in Cesar Creek Township, Dearborn Co., May 18, 1840. The following spring, after his marriage, Mr. Helms moved on his farm, where he has since resided. They have had born to them nine children, viz. : Light- burn, John F., Lewis (deceased), Benjamin (deceased), Arthur L. (deceased), Charles, Orville D., Annie M. and Victor H. Mr. Heli^is is a member of the G. A. R. and an esteemed citizen of the township. H. R. HELMUTH, of Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Bremen, Ger- many. He was born in 1815, September 4, and at the age of fourteen years immigrated to America. He remained east of the mountains till 1832 , and then came to Cincinnati, where he resided until 1837. He learned the cooper trade, and pursued that occupation for several years, and for a few months conducted a distillery at Rising Sun, but gave up the lat- ter business from conscientious scruples. In 1837 he located in Law- renceburgh, where he has ever since resided. His father died in 1845. In 1850 Mr. Helmuth opened up a dry goods and grocery store in Law- renceburgh, and has ever since engaged in mercantile business. He closed out the stock of dry goods several years ago, and has since dealt only in staple and fancy groceries, carrying one of the neatest and best selected stocks in his line in the city. His son, William Helmuth, or "Will,"' as he is popularly termed, has recently been admitted to the firm, which is now known as H. R. Helmuth & Son. They are doing a prosperous business, which is the result of a strict attention to the same, together with the pluck and energy which they have exercised in carrv- ing it forward. H. R. Helmuth was married, in 1839, to Mary Sartwell, a native of Lawrenceburgh, and daughter of Justice and Dorsie Sartwell, her parents being among the earliest settlers of Dearborn County. Her mother's people were from Pennsylvania, and her father's from New Eng- land. This union resulted in the birth of four children, who are now living, viz. : Maggie J.. widow of Hugh Thompson; Louis; Ella, wife of D. G. Justice, and William. The latter, who is now a partner in the business, as stated above, was born in Lawrenceburgh, and educated in its schools, and in that city his entire life has been passed. He was married, October 11, 1883, to Miss Anna Dewers, of Aurora, Ind 754 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. a daughter of Henry Dewers, of that city. Mr. Helmuth is a young man of energy and good business qualifications, and these qualities, coupled with affable and obliging manners, are sure to gain for him that success in his business which nature has so well fitted him to achieve. The family generally is one of the most highly esteemed in the commu- nity. JAMES Q. HELPHENSTINE, piano and organ dealer, Wilmington, is a native of Ohio, and was born in Madison County December 27, 1837. His father, William, was born in Pennsylvania in 1801, and was drowned at Memphis, Tenn., in 1848. His mother, Mary (Powell) Helphen- stine, was born in Virginia in 1815, and died in July, 1862. James Q. came to Wilmington in 1846, and worked upon a farm until 1855; then engaged in butchering, continuing up to 1863. He was married, December 24, 1863, to Miss Eliza A. Shank. She was born in Marion County, Ind., August 18, 1838, and one child, Belle, now Mrs. Johnson, was born to them. In 1864 Mr. H. moved to Ohio, kept hotel, was city weighmaster, and bought hay for the Government. He returned to Wilmington, May 11, 1866, and butchered up to 1868; then went into the sewing machine business. January 11, 1871. he engaged in his present business, and has succeeded very well in the undertaking. His estimable wife was appointed postmistress at Wilmington in 1882. The entire family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLIAM HEMPHILL, one of the foremost citizens of Eising Sun, was born in Huntington County, Penn., in 1820. His parents, James and Catharine (Moore) Hemphill, were natives of Pennsyhania and of Irish extraction. The family moved from Pennsylvania in 1821, and located at Cincinnati, where they resided till 1834, when they came to this locality, locating back of Rising Sun, where the father did shoe- making and kept a country store. While in Cincinnati he was engaged in the grocery business. He subsequently moved to Rising Sun, where he died in 1874, aged seventy-nine years. His widow is still surviving, in her ninety-third year. William Hemphill, whose name begins this notice, grew up under "the parent roof -tree," and in his earlier life worked four or five years on the bench. In 1845 he married Polly Ann Richardson, daughter oO Joseph P. and Polly Ann (Keffer) Richardson, who settled in Ohio County in 1817. Mrs. H. was born in Ohio County, but her parents were natives of Virginia. After his marriage Mr. Hemphill purchased land in Switzerland County and began farming. He made two or three changes of location, and in 1856 purchased his farm of 100 acres, which he still owns, near Rising Sun, and on which he resided till about 1875, when he purchased a home in town. He has since given up agricultural pursuits, and turned his attention to the prod- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 755 uce trade, making an annual trip to New Orleans and other points of Southern market. He made his first trip in 1841. Mr. and Mrs. Hemp- hill have seven children: Rebecca J., wife of William Lostutter; Davis County, Ky. ; Mary, wife of Charles W. Croft ; Joseph P. ; James S. ; Lucy A., wife of George E. Bradford; Fanny B., wife of S. M. Seward, and Grant. One son, William T., is deceased. Mr. Hemphill is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Universalist Church. He served about ten ye^rs as commissioner of the county, refusing a further continuance in the oflSce. His father also served several years in the same capacity. JOSEPH P. HEMPHILL, auditor of Ohio County, a resident of Rising Sun, was born in Ohio County in 1853. He is a son of William Hemphill, whose sketch appears above. Joseph P. grew up in his na- tive county, assisted his father on the farm, and received his education in the schools of Rising Sun. In November, 1879, he was elected to the office of county auditor, and in 1882 was re-elected to the same office, the duties of which be is still performing with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the county in general. He is an afifable gen- tleman and an obliging and courteous officer. Mr. Hemphill was mar- ried, December 31, 1879, to Miss Joanna Fisher, a daughter of John Fisher (deceased), of Ohio County. He is identified with the order of F. & A. M. and the I. O. O. F., and votes in the interest of the Repub- lican party. W. C. HENRY, M. D., physician and surgeon, Aurora, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, February 1, 1841, and is of Scotch-Irish extraction; his ancestors settled in the United States early in the history of the country. During his boyhood he attended the public school, where he acquired a knowledge of the usual English branches, including the higher mathemat- ics, and also studied Greek and Latin, besides paying some attention to ele- mentary anatomy, with a view to entering the medical profession. At the age of twenty-one he left school and enlisted for three years as a private in Company A, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was soon promoted to the rank of sergeant, and participated in Grant's campaign against Vicksburg and its approaches, until after the fall of the place in 1863. W^hile in the army, his health having become impaired, he was sent home on sick leave, at the expiration of which he reported at Indianapolis, and was detailed to hospital duty, in which he was engaged during the remainder of his term of service. While thus employed he gave special attention to his duties, with the view of making the profes- sion of medicine his vocation in life, and on leaving the seryice imme- diately entered the Vermilion Institute at Hayesville, Ohio. There he pursued a preparatory course for two years, after which he studied medi- 756 HISrORY OF dearborn and OHIO COUNTIES. cine with Drs. Baker and Barrett, of Wooster, Ohio. Subsequently he attended two courses of lectures at the Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated in 1870. He first practiced at Tipton, Mo., about eighteen months, and then removed to Aurora, Ind. , where he has since been one of the most successful physicians. His course of study included special instruction on treatment of diseases oE. the eye and ear, under Dr. E. Williams, and he has since given much attention to this branch of the profession. During the prevalence of the epidemic in the State in 1874, Dr. Henry contributed a valuable paper on trichinae to local journals, which attracted much attention at the time and was favorably commented on by the profession generally. Immediately after his graduation in 1870 he married Miss Kate Lindsay, daughter of John F. Lindsay, contractor and builder of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Henry enjoys the confidence and esteem of the public as a skillful and pains- taking physician. He is an active member of Dearborn County Medical Society and of the Indiana State Medical Society, having been for the past five years secretary of the former body. He is also city physician of Aurora, surgeon, by appointment, of the eastern division of the Ohio & Mississippi Kailroad, and has been for two years member of the city council, in which he takes an active and prominent place. In politics Dr. Henry is a Democrat. He is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M. ; Aurora Chapter No. 13, and Aurora Commandery No. 17, K. T., also K. of H. , in which he is dictator of his lodge. He is an active member and elder in the Presbyterian Church. ELISHA G. HERRON, farmer, Washington Township, was born in Lancaster County, Penn., August 19, 1815, and received a partial educa- tion in Clermont Academy, completing his studies in Cincinnati, Ohio. His parents, David and Lydia (Griswold) Herron, were also born in same coun- ty in Pennsylvania, the father in 1788, the mother, 1790. They were mar- ried in 181 2, and raised five children, three of whom are alive. They moved to Rising Sun, Ind., in February, 1834, where he followed farming until his death, which was in 1846; mother died in 1857. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church; father a class leader all his life. Mr. E. G. Herron was raised on a farm. He taught school in early life, and began clerking in Rising Sun. In April, 1840, he engaged in busi- ness in Hartford and continued until 1849, at which time he sold out and located upon the farm where he has resided ever since. His consort departed this life April '1, 1854, and he was married June 1, 1856, to Aminta Wilson, who was born in this township February 21, 1832. Their four children are Emma, John W., Mary A. and Maggie F. He was appointed clerk by the commissioners and was elected township trustee, when the services of three men were required to look after the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 757 business. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty six years. His wife and children are also members of that society. ALBERT HEUCK, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in Bavaria, Germany, June 6, 1817. His parents were Herman H. and Rosanna (Grane) Heuck, natives of Germany and France. They were the parents of six children: William, Henriette, Justine, Babbete, Adaline and Albert, our subject, the next to the youngest member of the family He immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., in 1839, and shortly afterward went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked in a store. In 1842 he returned to Dearborn County, and was here married, December 23, 1842, to Elizabeth Probst, who was born in Germany, January 17, 1826, and was a daughter of John G. and Margaret (Nuss) Probst. After his marriage he engaged in farming one year, and then removed to Cincin- nati. Ohio, where he again worked in a store for some time, and subsequently removed to Dearborn County, and from here to Harding County, 111.; returned later and' settled on his present farm, where he has since resided. He has had born to him eighteen children, viz. : Louisa (deceased), Amelia, Karl W. (deceased), Josephine, Catherine, Magdalena F., Adaline. Emma, Louisa, Elizabeth (deceased), William E., Wilhelmina (deceased), John A., Rosina, George L. (deceased), Charles H., Ludwig H. (deceased), and George P. (deceased). Mr. Heuck was elected trustee of Kelso Township in 1856, and held the office two years, after which he was again elected in 1860, and held the office for a number of years afterward. THOMAS HIBBERT, foreman freight department Ohio & Mississippi shops, Cochran, is a native of England, born in county of Lancashire August 9, 1829, and received a very limited educa- tion. His father. Joseph, was born io 1796, and mother, Nannie Hardman, were also of English birth. They came to America in July, 1854, and located at Taunton, Mass., where he followed the trade of a hatter up to his death in 1874. Thomas worked in a cotton-mill at Taunton until 1855, then went to Philadelphia, where he worked in Diston Saw Works. In 1856 he returned to Massachusetts, and worked in woolen-mills at North Deighton until July, 1857, at which date he removed to Aurora, Ind., and began working for the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad as a carpenter on car work. In 1862 he was promoted to foreman of shops in freight department, which position he has since filled with entire satisfaction to the company. He was married, August 8, 1852, to Miss Sarah Schotield. She was born in Feilsworth, England, September 10, 1828. Seven children have been born to them: Stamford, born December 5, 1853, died July, 1854; Emma, born March 17, 1856; Melanctham, born March 25, 1858, died August 14, 758 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1859; Angelo, boru March 21, 1860; Agnes, born August 14, 1863 (deceased); Edith, born August 2, 1864; Cora, born August 21, 1869. He is a Master Mason, and member of Aurora Lodge No. 51. Also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. CAPT. JOHN C. HIBBITS, insurance agent, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Dearborn County, born on the homestead farm in Lawrence- burgh Township, July 18, 1834. His parents were John and Susan (Ridinger) Hibbits, of Welsh and Scotch-German extraction. James Hibbits was born in Delawai*e, and in 1804 came as far West as Cincin- nati on a trading expedition from Pittsburgh, then a single man. He subsequently married Susan Ridinger who was a native of Ohio. In 1814 or 1815, James and family located in Dearborn County, stopping for a year or two near the hamlet of Hardinsburgh (often called Hardintown), then settled on a tract of land in Section 8, of the Rees purchase, where he resided the rest of his life, occupied principally as a farmer, though by trade he was a cooper. He was a man of intelligence, and a respected and esteemed citizen. His death occurred on the homestead in 1863. His widow survived him a number of years and died in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1879. John C. grew up on the farm, received such schooling as the country Mchools of his neighborhood afforded; then he was sent to Moore's Hill College where he completed his education, and was for a number of years engaged in teaching in the counties of Jefferson and Dearborn. August, 1861, he enlisted as a private soldier in Company F, Thirty-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served throughout the entire struggle, having been with the army in the Department of the Cumber- land, and participating in all of the engagements of his regiment, begin- ning with Stone River and closing with the fall of Atlanta, and also taking part in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tenn., in all of which he bore an honorable part, and rose to the rank of captain. He was promoted to second lieutenant and captain, commanding Companies A., F. and D. of his regiment, and led the assault at Lookout Moun- tain, being in command of the three companies. He received several slight wounds. On his return from the United States service, Capt. Hibbits accepted the agency at Lawrenceburgh of the Merchant Union Express, and later of the American and Adams Express Companies, the business of which he conducted until 1879. Since which time he has been engaged in a general insurance business. May 23, 1878, he was united in marriage with Mrs. A. G. Bioadwell. Capt. Hibbits is a member of the Episcopal Church, is identified with the G. A, R., and with the Masonic order. In politics he is a Republican. EPHRAIM J. HIGBEE, Randolph Township, one of the represen- tative farmers of Ohio County, was born here in 1824. He is a son of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 759 William and Rebecca (Jacobs) Higbee, natives of New York and Ohio respectively. His father came West from New York, married in Ohio, and in 1823 located in Union Township, Ohio County, where he purchased land and resided until his death, about 1875. Ephraim Higbee, the subject of this sketch, grew up on the farm, and has always engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married in 1850 to Ann Kemp, daughter of John Kemp, and by this union two children were born, Mary and Charley. The mother died in 1878, and in 1880 Mr. Higbee was married to Susan Lotton nee Kemp, sister of his first wife. After his marriage Mr. H. began business on his own responsibility. He obtained some property from his father's estate and this he has gradually increased by dint of hard labor, industry and economy, till he now owns 290 acres of valuable land. Mr. and Mrs. Higbee are members of the Christian Church, and are held in high esteem by the people of their community. ADAM K. HILL, farmer and wharf boatman, Aurora, was born in Manchester Township, December 27, 1848, and completed his education at Moore's Hill College. His father, Abram Hill, was born in Lawrence - burgh Township, November 10, 1821, where he received a common school education, and farmed for a livelihood. He was married, Feb- ruary 26, 1846, to Miss Manerva Kerr. She was born in Hogan Town- ship, September 3, 1824, and to them were born nine children: Amanda, October 13, 1847; Adam K., December 27, 1848; Milton V., December 22, 1850; Harry B., September 30, 1852;, Alice, February 25, 1856; Aitha, November 20, 1858; Mary E., December 27, I860; Lewis W., August 16, 1862; Jennie, July 8,1867. In 1861 Mr. Hill enlisted in Company K, Twenty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served one year as first lieutenant; after which he re-enlisted in 1862, in the Seventh Cavalry, and served nineteen months as first Lieutenant, and was pro- moted to captain, and served eleven months in that capacity. In 1864 he received a slight flesh wound in the wrist, but participated in nine- teen severe fights with his regiment, without another scratch. In 1874 he took charge of the wharf -boat in Aurora. The business increased so, that in 1877 he was compelled to move to the city, which would enable him to handle the business more successfully. He is a member of Wil- mington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., and the G. A. R. His estima- ble wife is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject was raised a farmer, and was married February, 1872, to Miss Ella S. Worley, daughter of Francis Worley. She was born September 27, 1851, in Center Township, and to them "has been born one child, Gracie G. (July 15, 1874). Mr. Hill is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M. He has been in the stock trade for many years with his father, and is connected with the wharf-boat interests, buying hay 760 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and grain and running delivery. The firm has facilities, which enable them to deliver merchandise promptly in any part of the city. In 1884 Mr. A. K. Hill was chairman of the county Republican Central Commit- tee, and has always been an active, working Republican. EDWIN A. HILLMAN, merchant, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Birmingham, England, born in 1842. His father, John Hillman, was a locomotive builder in England, married there AnnRubotom and in 1851, immigrated to the United States. The family located at Metamora, Ind., where Mr. Hillman engaged in the milling and mercantile business. In 1867 he moved to Lawrenceburgh where he resided till his death in 1881. Mrs. Hillman passed away in 1876. E. A, Hillman was about nine years of age when he arrived in America. He grew to manhood with his par- ents at Metamora, and in 1862 enlisted in Company C, Sixth Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, and entered the war, serving about three years, taking part in the battles of Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Nashville and other minor engagements, and receiving an honorable discharge in June, 1865. After the war he returned to Metamora from which point he moved to Lawrenceburgh in 1867, and engaged in various lines of business till 1872, when he began the glassware and queensware trade in which he is now engaged. In his business enterprises Mr. Hillman has been quite successful. He was married, in 1868, to Roselia M. Ransom, daughter of Daniel Ransom, of York State, and they have four children: Anna, Mary, Edwin and Emma. The two eldest daughters with Mr. and Mrs. Hillman, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Hill- man is a member of the G. A. R. and a reliable business man. REIZEN HINDS, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, January 29, 1818. His parents were Benjamin and Eliza- beth (Hash) Hinds, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively. They were united in marriage in Washington County, Penn., and from thence, about 1812, moved to Ohio, settling near what is known as Seven- Mile, where he. purchased land and remained until after the close of the war of 1812, and then moved to Hamilton County, Ohio, where he remained until 1825, at which time he moved to Dearborn County, Ind., entering land and settling in Sparta Township, Section 14, where he afterward resided until death. He was among the early settlers in that vicinity, and well understood the hardships and inconveniences of a pioneer life. He was highly respected by all who knew him. He died August 5, 1835, mourned by many friends. He was twice married and was the father of thirteen children, viz.: Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, James, Sarah, John, Henry, Reizen, Emily, Jane and three who died in infancy. Reizen, our subject, was married in Sparta Township December 3, 1837, to Mary, daughter of Eben and Sarah (Streeter) Heaton. She was born BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 761 in Dearborn County September 29, 1819. After his marriage he settled on the same farm on which he now lives, and has since resided. He has had born to him thirteen children, viz. : Benjamin, Sarah E., Harriet L., Mary J. (deceased), Julia, Rachel A. (deceased), Melissa M., William F., Emma E., Margaret A., Thomas J., Charles E. and Flora B. Mr. Hinds and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is also a member of the Masonic order. He held the office of township trustee in 1844-45. C. A. H. HITZFELD, cabinet-maker, Lawrenceburgh City, was born in Bremen, Germany, September 30, 1819. He is a son of Jiirgen H. Hitzfeld, and was reared to maturity in his native country, where he learned the cabinet trade. In 1840 he immigrated to America to view the prospects, and three years later returned to Germany, coming again to this country with his parents about two years later. The family lo- cated at Fort Wayne, where Mr. Hitzfeld resided till 1850, when he moved to Cincinnati. One year later he came to Lawrenceburgh and here he has since been employed, chiefly in the carpenter's trade. From 1855 to 1860 was engaged in factory work; built the German Methodist Church and Lutheran Church, and many other edifices in Lawrenceburgh. In 1849 Mr. Hitzfeld married Caroline Hornberger, daughter of Nicholas Hornberger, and four of their seven children are living: Mary,Caroline, Louisa A. and George N. Mrs. Hitzfeld passed away in the winter of 1884-85, deeply mourned by many friends. Mr. Hitzfeld has been a member of the German Methodist Church for fifty years, and is one of Lawrenceburgh' s most worthy citizens. LOUIS HITZFIELD, proprietor of the Hitzfield Hotel, Lawrence- burgh, was born in Germany in 1833. He resided in his native country till 1845, having been reared by his grandfather, his mother having died while he was an infant and his father soon after immigrating to this country. Mr. Hitzfield sailed for America in 1845, and located first at Fort Wayne, Ind., where the majority of the family still reside. At the age of fourteen he left home to carve out a fortune for himself, and about two years later "brought up" in Cincinnati. He spent about three years in the two cities alternately, chiefly engaged in attending store, and in 1857 located in Lawrenceburgh. In 1861 he joined the United States Army and pushed westward to California, remaining in the region of the Territories till 1864. He then returned to Cincinnati, clerked a few months in a wholesale grocery store, spent a few months in Memphis, and in Februaiy, 1865, returned to Lawrenceburgh and assumed charge of the Hitzfield House, which he has since conducted. Mr. Hitzfield was married, in 1865, to Miss Kate Wilke, daughter of John Wilke, a substantial business man of Aurora at that time. Of their nine children 762 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. six are still living: Carrie, Anna, Louis, Albert, Charles "\V. and an infant. The "Hitzfield House" enjoys a liberal patronage, both regular and transient, its success being largely due to the able assistance rendered its proprietor by his estimable wife and eldest daughter, Carrie. CHAKLES H. HOFF, farmer, Jackson Township, born in Cincin- nati, July 24, 1836, is a son of Michael and Catharine Hoff, natives of Bavaria, Germany. Michael Hoff immigrated to America while a young man; arriving at Cincinnati he remained^there some time and worked at his trade, that of a shoe-maker. About 1835 he'^married, and about 1837 he purchased land in Dearborn County, Ind., near Lawrence- ville, where he settled and resided through life. He died March 25, 1882, aged sixty-seven years. His widow still survives and resides on the old home place. They were parents of eleven children, nine now sur- vive: Charles H., John H., Mary E. (wife of George Schlicht), Michael, Mary (wife of John Gutapple), George, Valentine, Louisa (wife of Will iam Blasdel) and John. Mr. Hofif was quite a prominent citizen and well-known throughout Dearborn County. He filled some of the most prominent offices of his township, serving as trustee several years. At the time of his death he was serving in his second term as county com- missioner. Under his administration of the office several important works were constructed, of which were the building of the bridge across Tanner's Creek at Guilford and the erection of the countj' asylum, each of which evinces creditable management and careful attention of the commissioners in charge. Mr. Charles H. Hoff, the subject of this sketch, and the eldest child of Michael Hoff, has been a resident of Jackson Township forty- eight years. He was married, September 6, 1857, to Harriet Bolsey, a daughter of George and Harriet Bolsey, na- tives of Germany, who became settlers of this county, and died here of cholera during the prevalence of that epidemic in 1849. They had seven children, six now living: Caroline (wife of Henry Coppfa, who resides in Cincinnati), Harriet, George, Elizabeth (wife of Charles Mayer, who resides in Cincinnati), Lewis and Henry. Mr. Hofi' and wife have had fourteen children, twelve now living: Catharine (wife of Frederick Huber), Mena (wife of C. S. Sprague), Lewis, Lizzie, Charles, Anna. Henry, Louisa, Ida, Albert, Perley and Lydia. Mr. Hoff has made farming his business through life; has a good farm of eighty acres with good buildings and improvements, and is well known as one of the prominent and reliable citizens of Jackson Township. GEORGE HODEL, president of the Miami Valley Furniture Manu- facturing Company, Lawrenceburgh, was born in 1840. At the age of nineteen years he went to Cincinnati, where he was employed in the banking house of E. G. Burkam till April of 1861, when he enlisted in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 763 the Eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry and entered the war, serving about four years — one year as hospital stewai-d — taking part in some of the most important battles. He then returned home and soon after assisted in establishing the furniture factory with which he has since been connected. He was also one of the incorporators of the Ohio Valley Coffin Company, and has been in the city council for many years. He ranks among the first of the citizens and business men of Lawrence- burgh. Mr. Hodel was married, in 1867, to Miss Mary E. Shumaker, by whom he has three children: Anna C, Charles W. and George F. JUDGE JESSE L. HOLMAN, see page 152. HON. WILLIAM S. HOLMAN, attorney at law, Aurora, is a native of Dearborn County and was born, September 6, 1822, at his father's homestead, Veraestau, on the Ohio River hills near Aurora. He was the son of Judge Jesse L. and Elizabeth (Masterson) Holman. He was educated in the common schools of his neighborhood and at Franklin College, Ind., where he studied two years. When he was twenty years of age his father died, and this prevented his completing the college course. He studied law, and when of age was admitted to the bar, and at once began the practice of his profession in his native county. In the same year in which he was admitted to practice, 1843, he was elected probate judge of Dearborn County. In 1849 he was chosen prosecuting attorney, and in 1850 was elected senatorial delegate from Dearborn County in the constitutional convention. In 1851 he was elected a re- presentative in the first Legislature under the new constitution; and, al- though one of the youngest members of the House, was made chairman of the judiciary committee. He supported most of the measures of re- form which were incorporated into the revised statutes, and secm'ed the passage of the bill which extended the township system to the several counties of the State. In 1852 he was elected common pleas judge, and served until 1856. During his incumbency he received a commission as circuit judge, but held the office of common pleas judge until the end of his term. In 1858 he was first elected to Congress from the Fourth District, and in 1859 took his seat in the Thirty-sixth Congress. He has been elected to Congress eleven times, being a member of the Thirty- sixth, Thirty-seventh, Thirty-eighth, Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty second, Forty-third, Forty- fourth, Forty -seventh, Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses, and has served as a representative for a longer period than any other Western man. He has always acted with the Democratic party. During the war he was a Union Democrat and supported the war meas- ures of Mr. Lincoln's administration and voted for all the appropriations made for the suppression of the Rebellion. He brought forward many of the measures which became laws, touching the increase of pay and 764 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the bounties of the Union soldiers. Judge Holman earnestly opposed the subsidy system from the public resources, either in bonds, lands or money, to promote private enterprises; and it has been claimed for him that the series of resolutions on that subject which he succeeded in carrying through the house, broke down— for the time at least — the en- tire system of subsidies. He has opposed all forms of class legislation. He was an earnest advocate of the homestead policy, and opposed any other method of disposing of the public lands except as bounties to the soldiers of the Union army. He introduced and carried through the measures which relieved the commerce of the Ohio River from the op press! ve tax imposed on it at the Louisville & Portland Canal. He h as generally been a member of the committees on war claims, com- merce and appropriations. At the last session of the Forty-fourth Con- gress, he was chairman of the committee on appropriations, and also of the committee on public buildings and grounds. He was chairman of the committee appointed by the Forty-eighth Congress to inquire into Indian affairs. Judge Holman was a formidable candidate for the United States Senate in 1875, and for governor in 1876 and 1880, and was the favorite of the New York Sim for the Democratic nomination for presi- dent in 1884. As a lawyer he stands in the front rank of his profes- sion. Before reaching his majority he was married to Miss Abigail Knapp, a young lady of excellent education and refinement. AVhen not absent on public duties, with strong attachment for the place of his birth, he resides at Veraestan, engaging in the delightful employments of rural life, and being still in the enjoyment of vigorous health. His home is situated on a breezy and romantic eminence overlooking the Ohio, and commanding a view of wonderful beauty stretching away for many miles. JAMES HOLMES, Randolph Township, one of the leading farmers and stock dealers of Ohio County, was born in Harrison County, Ky., in 1822, the youngest of six children, four of whom are now living, viz. : Polly, wife of Absalom Adams, married in Harrison County, [Ky., in 1827, and moved to Laughery in 1828; William, born in 181U, married to Celia Ricketts in 1832, and moved to Woodford County and purchased land, clearing up three different farms, and working up from poverty to a for- tune, accidentally killed in 1876 by a load of lumber falling upon him, was a firm Democrat, and noted for his liberality (sent one son to the war, and he was killed at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain); Sarah, wife of Morgan Robinson, married in 1833, husband died in 1880; Nancy, wife of William Burns (who died in September, 1853), and is now a res- ident of Bellevue, Ky; Robert, who married Margaret Moreland in 1840, and died of cholera in 1849. James Holmes, the father of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 765 above named children, was born in Virginia. His father, of Irish descent, moved to Kentucky when a young man, and there married Prudence Klampet, a native of Delaware, and in 1824 moved to Ohio, in which State they resided four years, in Clermont County. They came to Dearborn County in 1828, where Mr. Holmes purchased 120 acres of land on either side of Laughery Creek, when, in March, 1829, death took him from his toil. His widow survived till September, 1879, dying at the age of ninety-four and a half years. James Holmes, the subject of this sketch, grew up in the woods on the farm, residing with his mother till January, 1849, when he married Charity Ann Myers, a native of Ohio, and daughter of Joel and Lydia (Rand) Myers. He began very poor, and worked hard to make a start in business. He chopped cord- wood at 35 cents per cord, and by the greatest economy and labor saved from his earnings 1500 in ten years, and bought fifty acres of land- Since that time his advancement has been more rapid, and he has added to his original purchase at intervals till he now owns 300 acres. He has done some flat-boating and has dealt extensively in stock and produce, buying in every part of the country for many miles around. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes have had ten children, two deceased; the eldest, Lauretta, at fourteen years of age, and Mary, the third daughter, who died in 1875 at the age of twenty years. The living are Prudence (wife of John McQuary, Switzerland County), Emma J. (wife of Edwin Tinker, this township). Belle, Anna (wife of Joseph Pate), Elizabeth, Rubert, George and James A. Mr. Holmes takes an active part in local politics, and is a Democrat of the most pronounced order. As a citizen his character is above reproach, and his naturally social nature has won to him a large circle of personal friends. JOHN F. HOMANN, merchant and postmaster, Sparta Township, was born in the county of Meinersen, Hanover, Germany, December 20, 1848. His parents, John F, and Frederick (Wrede) Homann, were both natives of Germany, former born in 1824, the latter, in 1826. They resided in Germany their entire lifetime, the former dying in 1875, the latter in 1881. They were the parents of two children, viz. : Caroline, and John F. , our subject, the eldest. He was educated in Germany, and when about fourteen years of age, began the shoe- making trade, which he completed, and in 1870 immigrated to the United States, landing at New York City May 7, of that year; from thence he came immediately to Chicago, 111., and after traveling through Illinois, Michigan, Tennes- see, Mississippi and Arkansas, in the spring of 1871, landed at Cincin nati, Ohio. He worked at his trade there for about four years, and was there married, October 13, 1874, to Emma Schilling. She was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, August 24, 1855, and was a daughter of August and 766 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Dorothea (Ideker) Schilling, who immigrated to Dearborn County in the year 1861. In 1877 Mr. Homann moved to Cold Spring, and in the same year purchased the store of Henry Wilkening, which he has since conducted with vigor and success, and is now doing a large business in general merchandise. June 2, 1884, he was appointed postmaster of this place, which office he at present holds. Mr. Homann is a good cit- izen, and a member of the Lutheran Church. He is the father of four children, namely: John F., George A., Augusta E. and Charlotte M. ANDEEW D. HOPPING, farmer. Centre Township, resides on Section 5, possessing 160 acres of land, on which he was born August 29, 1817. He attended school in a log schoolhouse, and received only a lim- ited education. His father, Ephraim Hopping, was born in New Jersey, August 29, 1775, and his mother was born in the same State April 29, 1778. They came to Indiana in the fall of 1816, and in the spring of 1817 to this locality. The father was a tailor by trade, but followed farming. He was a member of the first school board in Aurora. He died October 22, 1848. The mother slipped and fell, and broke her hip, which caused her death October 29, 1870. She never lost a tooth from childhood, and all were perfect, except one, at her death. Mr. Hopping was married, October 10, 1848, to Miss Jane N. Greer, who was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., July 24, 1826. They have been blessed with eleven children, namely: Mary F., Lewis, George, James, Laura, Harvey, Elizabeth (born April 15, 1864, died June 28, 1882), Jesse, Net- tie, John and Edward. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. JOHN HORNBERGER, one of the foremost citizens of Lawrence- burgh, is .a native of Bavaria, Germany, where his forefathers for many generations had lived and died. He was born at 5 o'clock P. M., August 16, 1817, according to the old record which he still has in his possession. His parents, George N. and Anna M, (Forster) Hornberger, natives of Steinweiler and Minnfeld, Bavaria, respectively, the former born Octo- ber 24, 1788; the latter January 7, 1797. Their parents were Nicholas and Margaret (Fiever) Hornberger and Jacob and Margaret Forster. His grandfather died in Steinweiler. March 19, 1865, his father passed away being then a resident of this county, having immigrated with his family in 1881. There were six children, four born in Germany: John, Anna M. (Mrs. Hauck), Mary C. (Mrs. Schulze), Elizabeth (Mrs. Widelstadt). Mary C. and George N. were born in Cincinnati, Ohio. The family landed in New York in June or July, 1831, and reached Cincinnati August 8, the same year. Here they resided till 1837, the father following the cabinet trade for a time and also conducting a hotel in the city. They theu moved to Lawrenceburgh, where Mr. Hornberger died as stated above, after having entered about 1,000 acres of government land in Dearborn and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 767 Franklin Counties. John Hornberger, the subject of this sketch grew to manhood in Cincinnati, being about fourteen years of age when he came to America. He came to Lawrenceburgh with his parents in 1837, having first married in the city Mary E. Loge, May 14, of that year. She was a native of Steinweiler, County Condel, Germany, and daughter of John and Anna M. (Odenbach) Loge. Her father died in this country in 1873, her mother in 1865. Her grandparents were John and Mary Loge and Carl and Catharine Odenbach. On locating in Lawrenceburgh Mr. H. engaged in the hotel business, which he continued with marked success till November, 1851, a period of fifteen years. He then estab- lished himself in the wholesale and retail grocery and liquor trade and continued this till 1868, doing a prosperous business. From 1846 to 1858 he was also engaged at intervals in flat- boating produce on the Ohio River, and in this occupation he was also largely successful, his most profitable trip being made in 1855, the net proceeds of the same amounting to more than $3,000. In 1853 Mr. Hornberger manufact- ured about 1,000,000 bricks in connection with his other business opera- tions, and in the winter of 1855-56 was engaged in the rendering busi- ness at Cincinnati. From 1860 to 1865 he did a large business in con- tracting and filling, operating as many as forty men and twenty-five carts in his railroad and other engineering constructions. His last work in this line was done in 1874. Besides his business operations Mr. Hornberger has been largely identified with the official interests of Lawrenceburgh and vicinity. In 1859 he was elected township assessor of real estate and re-elected to the same office in 1864. Was elected to the Lawrenceburgh city council in 1859, and so faiihful was he in the discharge of his duties in this capacity that he was sustained in this position by his constituents for sixteen consecutive years, and is now a member of the same body. He officiated as controller and manager of the Greendale Cemetery for about eighteen years, and was for some time director of the Lawrenceburgh Gas Company. In all his official trans- actions he has discharged his duty with faithfulness and integrity, and in both capacities of citizen and public servant he has fully merited the esteem and honor which attaches to his name. Mr. and Mrs. Horn- berger were married May 15, 1837, and eight children have blessed their union, namely: Mary Louise, born July 23, 1842, now the wife of Valentine J. Koehler; John William, December 17, 1843; John F., January 14, 1845; Caroline, April 8, 1847; George N., November 2, 1848; Henry, February 9, 1850; Richard W., July 18, 1851; Mary C, September 30, 1853. Five of these children are deceased, viz. : John William, Caroline, George N., Mary C. and Richard W. In politics Mr. Hornberger is a stanch Democrat and firm in the faith of the prin- 768 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ciples of his party. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. having joined the society in 1839 and now the oldest member of the Lawrenceburgh lodge. He has practically retired from active business, his chief employ- ment now being to look after the property which by a long life of in- dustry he has been able to accumulate, and he may therefore be aptly termed a landlord. JOHN F. HORNBERGER, the popular jeweler of Lawrenceburgh was born in the same city in 1845, and is a son of John Hornberger, whose notice appears above. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and for several years was engaged in the various county ofl&ces as clerk or deputy. At the age of twenty-one years he began the jeweler's trade with John Goessler, of Newport, Ky. , with whom he remained about two years. He then went to Cincinnati for a time, opening his shop in Lawrenceburgh in 1869. His establishment is locat- ed at No. 71 High Street, where he carries a stock of general jewelry valued at about $5,000. He does all kinds of work peculiar to the trade, and has a liberal patronage. Mr. Hornberger was married, in 1869, to Buena Vista McCright, of Lawrenceburgh, daughter of Joseph and Nancy McCright, well known residents of the place, and they have four children: Katie, Nanna, George and John. Mr. Hornberger is a mem- ber of the K. of P., and one of the live business men of the town. ROBERT HUDDLESTON. one of the truly representative citizens of Miller Township, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1820. His parents were Robert and Mary (Ward) Huddleston, both natives of England, where his mother died. His father and four children immigrated to America in 1831, and located in this township, where the father pur- chased land and resided till his death, which occurred soon after. The children, thus left in their early years without paternal guidance, engaged in work among the farmers of the community till grown to maturity, when the old homestead being divided, they established them- selves in homes of their own. Robert Huddleston, the subject of this notice, was married at the age of twenty-two years to Mary J. Ewbank, native of this county, and daughter of Thomas Ewbank, an early set- tler of English birth. Her father was born in 1793, and emigrated from England with his parents in 1807, settling in New Jersey. In 1811 the family moved to Indiana Territory, and settled on Tanner's Creek, in this county. In his twenty-fourth year (1817) Thomas Ewbank married Elizabeth Anderson, a native of New Jersey, and they began house-keeping in the same place in which Mr. Ewbank closed his earthly career November 26, 1857. In his sixteenth year he joined the Method- ist Episcopal Church, and his walk thereafter was that of the conscien- tious Christian. He also assisted in organizing the Methodist Protest- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 769 ant Cliurch, in this county, at the time of the division between the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Protestant denomina- tions, and was warmly attached to the cause of religion. After his mar- riage Robert Huddleston took possession of his portion of the home farm, erected a cabin on the same in the winter of 1842-43, and with a very small outfit of furniture (which included a new cook stove, then a great curiosity to the whole noighboi'hood, and the first in the commu- nity), began housekeeping and farming in real pioneer style. The old cabin is still standing as a monument to the early sacrifices endured within its humble walls; but its day of usefulness has long since gone by, and it has given place to a comfortable brick residence of modern design. A life of industry has rewarded Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston with a fair portion of worldly comforts, and their union has been blessed by eight children, seven of whom are now living: Sarah C, wife of M. B. Wood; T. Henry; Carrie G. , wife of John Kuntz; Martin V. who mar- ried Mary J. Hansel; John F., who married Ella Cook; Ida M., wife of Dora Hansel, and Anna B. who is still at home. It is worthy of note that Mr. Huddleston owned the second wagon made at the Guilford shop and the first iron toothed harrow used in the community. Mr. and Mrs. H. were formerly members of the Methodist Protestant Church but are now associated with the Methodist Episcopal society, with which they have been connected many years. HENRY HUDDLESTON, merchant, Guilford, of the firm of Rob- ertson & Huddleston, born in Dearborn County in 1847, is a son of Robert Huddleston, and grew to maturity on the farm with his par- ents. At Indianapolis he learned the art of telegraphy, which he en- gaged in about two years, in Ohio, and then, after a few months at home for recuperating his health, went to Fort Gibson, Ind. T., where he was employed three years as operator and express agent. Failing in health, he returned home in 1876, and after a long period of suffering from spi- nal affection, in baffling which he displayed great pluck and tenacity, his health was so far restored as to permit him to resume work of a light na- ture, and in 1884 he purchased a half interest in the Robertson store, of Guilford, and has since engaged in mercantile pursuits. He married Emma Sparks in 1871, and they have two children: Mertie and Alice. ELIJAH HUFFMAN, farmer, Hogan Township, resides upon Sec- tion 21. He was born one mile west of Aurora, July 26, 1818. His education was very limited. His father, Conrad, was born on the south branch of the Potomac River, Virginia, in 1770. His mother, Elizabeth (Carbangh) Huffman, was born in Harrison County, Ky., in June, 1798. His father was a farmer, and came here in 1803, and nearly every year he built boats and took his crops South. He was a scout in the war of 770 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1812, under Gen. Dill, and died June 30, 1862; his mother died July 17, 1884. Mr. Huffman was married May 5, 1836, to Miss Rachel Buffington. She was born in Dearborn County, January 29, 1818, and to their union six children were born: Andrew J., William B., Daniel, Mary A., E. Homer and Nancy J. Andrew J. served three years in Company I, Eighty-third Indiana Volunteers. William B., enlisted in the Sixteenth Indiana Volunteers, served ninety days, then went into the gunboat service, and served over two years. E. Homer served three months in the Ninety-first regiment, then went into the gunboat service and served until the close of the war. Mr. Huffman was congressional town- ship trustee from August, 1839, to 1845, and justice of the peace from 1845 to 1854. He was elected State Senator in 1866, and resigned to defeat the Fifteenth Amendment; after which he was re-elected by a larger majority than before, showing that he was fully indorsed by his constit- uents, who honored him with the office for six years. Again Mr. Huff- man resigned his seat and returned home, feeling that he had accom- plished all the good he could for his friends and neighbors. He has always been a warm friend to education, and has served as school direc- tor for many years. He was county assessor, by election, for two years. He was the originator of the Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company, framed all the papers, and was the first secretary, holding that position for four years, and is now vice-president of the organization. He also has an interest in the Grange Supply Store, at Cincinnati, Ohio. He cleared most of his present farm, and built all his own buildings, as well as many other permanent improvements in the neighborhood. He is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M. Both he and Mrs. Huffman are members of the Christian Union Church. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman are a well preserved old couple, and enjoy life, having plenty to meet their every want whilst serving out their pilgrimage here below. BENJAMIN F. HUNDLEY, proprietor of the Hundley livery and feed stable, Rising Sun, was born in Ripley County, Ind., in 1854, son of Thomas and Sarah (Mendell) Hundley. He grew to manhood in his na- tive county and was there engaged in agricultural pursuits during all the earlier portion of his life. He was employed as clerk in a general store at Elrod postofiice about two years, and except that time was engaged in farming, receiving the essentials of an education in the common schools. In the fall of 1883 he came to Rising Sun and purchased the livery stock of R. H. Gould, and since that date has continued in the livery business, meeting with merited success. Mr. Hundley was married in September, 1874, to Miss Esther A. Johnson, daughter of Reizin and Esther (Van Dolah) Johnson, her father a native of Ohio, her mother of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 771 Dearborn County, Ind. Her father was one of the old and esteemed residents of Ripley County — at once a tanner, farmer and merchant. Mr. H. is a member of the I. O. O. F. and encampment, and is an active, energetic citizen, well adapted to his business. JESSE HUNT, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in the State of New Jersey in the year 1787, and immigrated west with his father's family in the year 1806, and located at Elizabethtown, Ohio. He moved to this city in the year 1817, and rented the Horner Hotel, and in less than a year bought it. In 1819 he removed the old log building, and erected the three-story building on the corner. It was the first three-story brick building ereete'd in the city, and is said to have been the first in the State. He continued to keep hotel up to 1848, with a few years of inter- mission during that time. He was a man of extraordinary energy and mechanical genius. He invented and used the first hay press that was ever used in the United States, and was the pioneer of the hay trade to the Southern market. In the year 1823 he erected his first hay press on the lot where Epstien's store is. It was a wooden screw, and his first bales pressed weighed from two to three hundred pounds, and were tied with withes. His trial trip down was composed of thirty tons. The next year he improved and reconstructed his press, and conceived the idea of using hoops and nailing them, for the bales. He pursued that business for nearly five years, when he retired from it, and confined him- self entirely to the management of his hotel, and the improvement of his property in the city. At the organization of the branch of the State bank at Lawrenceburgh, he was appointed one of the State directors of said bank, and continued in that position for over twelve years, and for a number of years was president of the board of town trustees. He al- ways took a great interest in the improvement of the city, and aided in every effort to advance its prosperity. Prompt in all his business en- gagements with his fellow men, he possessed enough common sense to act the part of an honest man in all his private and public trusts. He died in April, 1873, at the advanced age of eighty-six years, respected by all who knew him. MAJ. JAMES W. HUNTER, Lawrenceburgh, was the son of Rob- ert and Letitia (Walker) Hunter, and was born in Harrisburg, Penn., December 16, 1796. When a small boy his parents moved to Wellsburg, Va., near Wheeling, where they lived and died. On a visit to Steuben- ville, Ohio, during a revival of religion in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in that city, James Hunter became acquainted with Miss Har- riet Protzman to whom he was afterward married, August 31, 1815, Thomas Shaw having married Sophia Protzman, a sister of Harriet; Hunter and Shaw concluded to start out into the world together. They 772 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. constructed a flat-boat and gathered together their little stock of house- hold goods, loaded them on the boat at Stenbenville, and with the two young brides and their mother they launched their boat upon the waters of life and the beautiful Ohio, and floated down the stream until they came to Cincinnati. Here they landed, but remained but a short time, when'they started out into the country to seek a home. They stopped at Brookville, Ind., and after remaining there but a few months came to Lawrenceburgh, some time in the year 1817, where they each located, lived, raised a family and died within a year or two of each other, hon- ored and respected by all who knew them. James Hunter was a carpen- ter by trade, and though he was a skilled draftsman and an architect of reputation in the community where he lived, he gave up his trade in early life and sought other channels in which he was enabled to secure a competency, and leave his family in comfortable circumstances. During the latter part of John Quincy Adams' administration, and after the election of Gen. Jackson to the Presidency, Judge Isaac Dunn, who was then postmaster at Lawrenceburgh, appointed Maj. Hunter his deputy, and on Jackson's inauguration to the Presidency Maj. Hunter, who had been a warm supporter of Gen. Jackson, was appointed post- master, a position he held until his death, September 14, 1835, and which was continued by his widow until the close of Gen. Jackson's last administration. During the period he was postmaster he was also mail agent for this section of the country, and his house was the head- quarters of the mail lines and stage coaches for southeastern Indiana. He was a man of an affable and genial nature, and exceedingly popular, though he never held any State office other than justice of the peace. During the latter part of his life, when his health had been impaired by disease, he accepted the office of magistrate, which he also held until his death. He had a great fondness for military tactics, and for many years made it a study, and when the organization of the militia of the State was in force, during the vigorous part of his life, he was an active par- ticipant in all of its drills, encampments and displays, and was the lead- ing spirit in its movements in southern Indiana. On the 12th day of December, 1825, he was commissioned a major of ^the Fifty fifth Regi- ment of Militia of the State of Indiana by James B. Ray, then gover- nor of the State, a position he held until his resignation July 2, 1831. He died in the prime of life, only thirty-eight years of age, leaving a widow and six children, five of whom lived to mature age, honored and respected; the youngest died in infancy. Isaac W. Hunter, the eldest, who died in Lawrenceburgh in 1861, was a business man, and at one time was sheriff of Marion County; and he also represented that county in the State Legislature. Dr. Lazarus N. Hunter, who died in Texas in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 773 1860, was a prominent and successful physician of Missouri; Dr. Will- iam D. H. Hunter, whose biography can be found in this work, has attained to considerable distinction. James J. Hunter was a farmer well and favorably known in Dearborn County, where he lived and died, and Mrs. Harriet J. O'Brien, the only daughter, widow of the Hon. Corne- lius O'Brien, is still living in Lawrenceburgh, highly esteemed by her many friends. The widow, now Mrs. Isaac Dunn, is also living, nearly the last of the noble pioneers that have given character to the commu- nity in which they have spent their eventful lives, and in the future will be kindly remembered by coming generations. No man has ever lived in Lawrenceburgh who left a better name or whose character shone out more brightly in its indueace on society than his. He lived and died a noble Christian man, and the few that now remember him, speak of him as a man perfect in life, and call him to mind with none but pleasing recollections. Ex-Gov. Albert G. Porter, of Indiana, in writing to Mr. F. E. Weakley, in regard to a notice of the death of Maj. Hunter, in a letter dated October 17, 1885, says: "I have not been able to find any other notice of Maj. Hunter in the Palladium. I am surprised, as Maj. Hunter, at the time of his death, was postmaster, and had long been one of the most prominent, useful and estimable men in Lawrenceburgh. I was a boy when he died, but I remember him distinctly, because he was a man whom boys liked. His name should be long preserved on account of his many tine qualities." W. D. H. HUNTER, United States revenue collector. Sixth Indiana District, born in the city of Lawrenceburgh January 8, 1830, is a son of James W. (whose biography appears above) and Harriett Hunter. Dr. Hunter obtained the rudiments of an education in the best schools of Lawrenceburgh, which was before the days of public schools, and at the age of eighteen entered Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind., taking a scientific course. In the spring of 1851 he moved to Mexico, Mo., where he engaged in the study of medicine with an elder brother, subse- quently, attending lectures at the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati. Returning to Missouri he began the practice of his profession, which he continued but a brief period when he entered the drug business, owing to the unpleasant features connected with the medical practice of that locality. He remained a resident of Mexico till 1871, and became one of the leading citizens of that part of the State, and during his residence there occupied many positions of honor and trust at the hands of an ap- preciative people. He was several times mayor of Mexico; was a long time member of the city council and served one term as clerk of the couuty court. He was appointed postmaster of Mexico by President Pierce; was nominated to represent the counties of Audrain, Lincoln and Pike 774 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in the constitutional convention called to consider the position of Missouri in relation to the Civil war, but declined; in 1SG4 was elected repre- sentative of Audrain County to the State Legislature, taking a prominent part in the deliberations of the House; in 1866 was appointed assessor of internal revenue for the Fourth District of Missouri by President Johnson; was made representative of the Ninth Congressional District of Missouri in^the National Democratic Convention of 1868, and was a member of the committee on permanent organization of that body, and in the meantime was fourteen years editor of the Mexico Ledger. During his term of service in the Legislature Dr. Hunter officiated as chairman of some of the most important committees, and his public career generally has been commended. He was a member of the State board of managers of the Missouri State Insurance Company, and was president of the local board for Audrain County; also director of the life association America of St. Louis. In 1871 he came to Lawrenceburgh to assume the man- agement of his mother's estate left to her control by the death of her late husband, Judge Isaac Dunn, and since that time has been a resident of his, native town. He purchased the Lawrenceburgh Register, the official paper of Dearborn County in 1877, and this journal he has since ably edited, assisted in its management by his son-in-law, W. H. O'Brien. In the journalistic iieid his reputation is also something more than local. He has officiated as president of the southeastern Indiana Editorial As- sociation and vice-president of the southern Indiana Editors' Association, and was also president of the State Democratic Editorial Association. In the State politics of Indiana, Dr. Hunter has also been recognized. At the Democratic State convention of Indiana, held at Indianapolis June 9, 1880, he was chosen a member of the State central committee for the Fourth Congressional District to serve two years, and in 1884 was chosen one of the electors at large for the State of Indiana in the national election of that year. In public enterprises Dr. Hunter is always in the foremost rank, having taken an active part in the locating of the North Missouri Kailroad (now known as the Kansas City & Northern Railroad) as early as 1854, and was for some time director of the company. He was also among the first projectors of the Louisiana & Missouri River Railroad, now the western extension of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, of which he was also a director and took an active part in raising subscriptions to its stock. In 1885 was appointed collector of internal revenue for the Sixth District of Indiana by President Cleveland, and in this capacity he is now officiating in connection with his editorial work. The Doctor was first married, November 21, 1854, to Lucy J. White, of Audrain County, Mo., who lived but a few months after her marriage. October 15, 1857, he was married to his present wife, Miss Fannie A. Cauthorn, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. '^^^ daucrhter of Ross and Sarah Cauthorn, of Esses County, Va. Their two children are Hattie, now the wife of William H. O'Brien, and Bessie. Dr. Hunter is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also of the Masonic fraternity, aad is in every respect an honorable gentleman, and exemplary citizen. JOHN D. HUNTER, Rising Sun, one of the thrifty farmers of Ohio County, was born in Butler County, Ohio, in 1819. He is a son of John and Tamson (Dixon) Hunter, and his early years were passed with his parents in farm labor, attending the common schools to a limited extent. He was married at the age of twenty-eight years to Miss Christiana Griswold, a native of Pennsylvania and daughter of Thomas and Mar- garet (Corson) Griswold. Her parents married in Beaver County, Penn. , came to Ohio, and later to Ohio County, about 1838. They both died in Risinc^ Sun. After his marriage Mr. Hunter began the work of gaining a competency, and this was done by following agricultural pursuits. He soon made a purchase of fifty acres of land, and his success was such that in ten vears he was worth as many thousand dollars. He has continued tarmm'cT from the first, and has added to his original purchase till he now owns 350 acres, which he still oversees, two of his sons being engaged in the farming business. He ranks among the most prosperous farmers of the county, and having always been punctual in meeting his obligations enjoys the confidence of a large circle of business men. Mr. and°Mrs. Hunter have four children: Thomas, Elmer, Charles and Margaret, the daughter, now the wife of William Higbee, a carriage dealer and manufacturer of Newcastle, Ind. Thomas married Lizzie Gibson, daughter of Hugh Gibson, and Elmer married Jennie Miles, daughter of" Jonas Miles. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are members of the Christian Church, and worthy citizens, having the full esteem of their community. ALEXANDER HUNTER, Randolph Township, son of John Hunter, one of the early settlers of Ohio County, was born in Switzerland County, Ind., in 1822. His father was a native of Ireland, born Feb- ruary 9, 1788, and was brought to this country by his parents while an infant. ' His mother, whose maiden name was Tamson Dixon, was born in Ohio, and died at about seventy years of age. His father, who located near the Switzerland County line in 1822, died at the age of seventy-five, having been a farmer all his life. He served many years as a justice of the peace and was a strong Democrat, and for many years a member of the Baptist Church, but later of the Christian denomination. Our subject worked on the farm with his parents till twenty-one years of acre. He then worked three years for his father at a salary of $100 per year, after which he purchased 100 acres of land. He has always fol- 776 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. lowed agricultural pursuits; has owned several different tracts, and now has a farm of 160 acres of good land, besides being otherwise comforta- bly provided for. Mr. Hunter was married, in 1852, to Mary J. Rogers, a native of Ohio County and daughter of Parker Rogers, and their union has been blest by three children: Anna Belle, wife of George Oxley, Adair^ County, Mo. ; Ida H., wife of William Powell, residents of Switzerland County, Ind., and John P., a resident of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are members of the Baptist Church. GEORGE HUSCHART, of the firm of George Huschart & Co., mar- ble dealers, Lawrenceburgh City, is a native of Bavaria, born May 11, 1819. He immigrated to America in 1833 with his parents, his father entering Congress land in this county. He lived on the farm till eight- een years of age, and then took up the trade of marble cutting, in which he has since been engaged. Mr. Huschart was married, in 1841, to Mar- garet Lang. Their children are George ^H., Michael M., Frank M., Henry A., Margaret, Frances, Mary, Lana M. and Clara. These are engaged as follows: Michael M., in the marble business, Lawrenceburgh; Frank M., salesman for Roth & Myer, Cincinnati, Ohio; George H., commission merchant, Baltimore; Frances, wife of John P. Georgen, Chicago; Mary, a sister in the convent. Fort Wayne; Lana, wife of Marks Keiffer, Camden, N. J. Mr. Huschart is one of Lawrenceburgh's most worthy citizens. He began the marble business with one "Umpstead in 1840. The firm deals in the best foreign and domestic marble, statu- ary, tombstones and granite monuments, freestone building work, etc., doing a flourishing business. CHRISTOPHER HUSTON, of Ohio County, died June 1, 1845, aged seventy-five years. He was one of the early settlers of the West, having come to the vicinity of Rising Sun about the year 1800. He was a man universally esteemed, and although his health, for some time pre- vious to his death, had been i_such as to prevent him from ming- ling much with his fellow men, there are many who do and will long remember him as one of "God's noblest work, an honest man." JOHN ISHERWOOD,, Lawrenceburgh, grocer, and president of the Lawrenceburgh Gas Company, is a native of Lancashire, England, born in 1820. He grew into manhood in his native country, being chiefly engaged there in the cotton business. In October, 1848, he immigrated to America, his objective point being Boston, whei'e he was employed to set up the machinery of the Atlantic Cotton Mills, of Lawrence, Mass. He next removed to Cincinnati, where he was engaged in the Arknes Locomotive Shops, till about 1858 or 1859, when he located in Lawrence- burgh, where, excepting about two years in grocery business at Indianap- olis, he has since remained, chiefly engaged in the grocery and produce BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 777 trade. He has had charge of the gas works since 1877, and has held stock in the institution for about seventeen years. He has been promi- nently identified with the business interests of the city, and has given aid to most of its enterprises tending toward its improvement. Mr. Ish- erwood was married, in England, December 25, 1827, to Miss Diana Ken- yon, a daughter of James Ren yon, and they have two sons: James W. and Thomas W., both at present engaged in the gas works, the former superintendent of the same. Mr. Isherwood is a member of the I. 0.0. F., and though well along in years, is still one of the most active business men of the town in which he resides. Both he and Mrs. Isherwood are active members of the Presbyterian Church. JOSEPH A. JACKSON, farmer, Miller Township, was born in Dearborn County in 1823, and is among its oldest native residents. His parents were John H. and Rachel (Parker) Jackson, his father also a native of this county. Our subject grew to maturity in this township, his parents both having died when he was a child, not two years of age. He grew up under the care of his grandparents till sixteen years of age, and then began the battle of life for himself, finding employment wherever he could. For about ten or twelve years he followed the Ohio River flat-boating, and after abandoning that pursuit began farming, having purchased some land in the meantime. He married, in 1857, Miss Hester Tebow, a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, where she was reared to twenty -four^y ears of age. This union has resulted in a family of eight children, six of whom are living: Uriah, Olive, Amos, Clara B., Harvey and Allen O. Thurman. Since his first purchase, by con- stant labor and economical management of business affairs Mr. Jack- son has increased his possessions till he now owns 347 acres of land, which is under a fair state of improvement. He has always been a hard worker, and the competency, which by the assistance of his estimable wife he has been able to accumulate, is nothing more than the just reward for their combined labor and sacrifices. Mr. Jackson is not an active political worker, but in all State and national elections casts his vote in favor of Democratic principles. COL. PINKNEY JAMES, Rising Sun, was bred to the law, but not liking the practice, soon abandoned it after being admitted. The train- ing, and his acquaintance with the law were afterward of great service to him in his active mercantile and manufacturing business life. The inclination of Col. James' mind was to mechanism, and it might be said of him that he was a natural mechanic. In an emigrant's guide, pub- lished in 1817, mention is made of Rising Sun, in which it is stated that it " has a floating mill anchored abreast of the town." This mill was constructed by Col. James, the power being derived from the swift cur- T78 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. rent in the river in front of the town. A few of the older inhabitants will probably remember the saw-mill that once stood on Arnold's Creek, a short distance back of town. That was built by Col. James. Some time previous to 1830, Col. James built the flouring-mill at the place now called Milton. It was for many years known as "James' Mill," and had a reputation for good work that brought customers from many miles distant. This mill was at first an exclusively water power mill, but its business grew to such proportions that steam machinery had to be placed in it to provide against the contingency of a scarcity of water. He was one of the proprietors of the steam flouring-mill erected at the southeast corner of Front and Second Streets. In 1S33 he erected and put in operation the cotton factory near the bank of the river, above Fifth Street. The business was so successful that in a few years he more than doubled its capacity. About 1843 he built the large brick cotton factory on the west side of Market Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets, and which was destroyed by fire in 1849. Col. James established the first steamboat packet line between Rising Sun and Cincinnati in 1834, and maintained it uninterruptedly for some ten years. Several unsuccessful efforts to establish a steam packet between the two places had proven failures. His first boat was the " Dolphin," which made the round trip daily, except Sunday, between the two places. The "Dolphin " was built in 1834, at James' Mill, on Laugh rey Creek, and brought out on the spring flood of that year. Her architect was Prince Athearn, who had worked ag an apprentice on the famed United States frigate " Constitu- tion." The steamboat "Renown," of which Col. James was one of the owners, was built at the same place in the winter of 1835-36 under the same superintendence, and floated to the river also on the spring flood. The " Renown " was a large boat for the period and intended for the Cin- cinnati and New Orleans or the Cincinnati and St. Louis trade. In 1838 Col. James built the "Herald,'' and extended his trade to Warsaw, Ky., making tri- weekly round trips. She was a larger and better boat than the " Dolphin." The " Herald " ran but a few months. She was burned and sunk some ten miles below Cincinnati, on a downward trip, without any loss of life. The work of enlarging the " Dolphin" was nearly finished when the " Herald " burned. It was hurried to completion and she was put in as a Rising Sun and Cincinnati packet. The next spring, 1839, the "Indiana" was built at Rising Sun, and put in as a packet the succeeding fall, and continued in the trade until 1843, when she was sold to the trade between Maysville and Cincinnati. In 1838 Col. James estab- lished an iron foundry at Rising Sun, under the management of Mr. N. R. Stedman, recently deceased at Aurora, chiefly for the making of cook- ing stoves, and which they shipped to all parts of the country. The BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 779 foundry also did a considerable business in making cotton-press screws. During all these years, and with steamboat and manufacturing interests to look after, Col. James was largely and almost all the time engaged in merchandising and shipping. He was a man of wonderful energy and errterprise and of great industry. As extensive and varied as was his business, he always held it under his own control and directed the man- agement of it. Col. James was a public-spirited citizen, and in that respect a public man. He was foremost in every enterprise calculated to improve or benefit the town, but he had an aversion to holding public offices. He was several times a member of the State Legislature, but accepted the place only when he could serve in the interest of some important local matter, and was generally supported for that purpose by both political parties. He was several times urged to become a candidate for Congress, but always refused. He was a man of fine natural ability, well educated, a fluent and forcible speaker, and if he had so chosen, could have been a power at the bar or in the State and national legisla- tive halls. He was born in Frederick County, Md., May 6, 1794, and died December 25, 1851. "Col. James was long known as one of our most active business men. The deceased was one of the proprietors of the city ia which he died, and was industriously engaged for a lifetime in building up and increasing the trade of Rising Sun. The community will sustain a loss in the death of this distinguished individual that we fear will not soon be replaced." DR. BASIL JAMES, see page 173. CAPT. HENRY JAMES, a pioneer citizen of southeastern Indiana, died at Rising Sun, Dec. 2,1880, in his eighty-fourth year. He has been long identified with the growth and prosperity of Rising Run, his father, John James, being its founder. Capt. Henry James was the father of Dr. L. A. James, of Cincinnati. Capt. James, until within a few years past, had been identified with some of the prominent and active business interests of that section, having been engaged in merchandising, milling and as owner of steamboats, and having, by his intelligent business management, added largely to the prosperity of the vicinity of his home. He and his brother, Col. Pinkney James, now near thirty years deceased, and his brother, Dr. B. James, who died some three or four years ago, were well known to the early settlers of Cincinnati, as well as this vicin- ity, having been educated in the schools there, and later as they entered upon active business, to the merchants of thirty years ago. EDWIN L. JAQUITH, farmer, a native of Manchester Township, born May 6, 1837, is a son of G. Sullivan and Lucy (Grant) Jaquith, natives of the State of New York. The paternal grandparents, Reuben and Lucy Jaquith. natives of the same State, about 1820 removed to 780 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Indiana and settled in Manchestei* Township, a short distance north of Wright's Corners, where they resided until their death. Mr. G. Sullivan Jaquith was but a boy when brought to this county; here he grew to manhood, and subsequently married and spent his life in this township. He died February 5, 1878, aged sixty-eight years. His widow still sur- vives, aged sixty -eight years and resides with her daughter at Aurora. They had eleven children, six now living: Edwin L. ; Phebe Ellen, now the wife of Hugh D. McMullen, of Aurora; Cyrena H., wife of William H. Kyle; Mary Emma, wife of John Emmerson; Anna P., wife of Frank Strieker, residing in Ohio, and Fanny T., wife of George W. Martin, also residing in Ohio. Mr. Jaquith engaged in farming several years, but subsequently entered upon the mercantile trade at Wright's Corners, in which he was engaged for twenty years. He started in life without means, but by industry and good management in business, he became quite wealthy, owning 250 acres of land, his store and other property, enabling him to enjoy all the comforts and conveniences of life. He and wife were active members of the Providence Free Will Baptist Churcli, of which they were among the constituent members and in which he served as deacon many years. Our subject, the eldest surviving child, has spent his entire life upon the farm where he was raised, engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married March 1, 1860, to Miss Ann E. Howerton, born January 21, 1839, a daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Howerton, he a native of Virginia and she of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Howerton, while a young, single man, came to this county, was married at Lawrenceburgh and soon after settled in this township on a farm half a mile west of Wright's Corners, and spent his life in this neighborhood. He was engaged many years, especially in the winter seasons, in boating on the river to New Orleans. By this business and farming in summer, conducted with energy and care, he accumulated an ample com- petency, leaving to his children property sufficient for a good start in life. He and wife were early members of the Free Will Baptist Church. He died May 5, 1862, aged fifty-six years. His widow still survives, aged seventy years. Of their eleven children seven are living: Omer, a resident of Kansas; Mary Jane, wife of Henry Mason; Ann E. ; Frank D., living in Nebraska; Lorinda, wife of Samuel Darling, of Indianapolis; Albert E. and George F. Mr. Jaquith and wife have eight children: Cora Estella, Clemintine A., Iva Pearl, Nellie Gertrude, Orville, Sulli- van Frank Edwin, Libbie May and Leoline, MAJ. JAMES JELLEY, Sk., of Rising Sun, was born July 1, 1768, was married in Fayette County, Penn., and in the year 1813 removed to the site of Rising Sun. He was a tanner by trade, and for years was engaged in the tanning business in his adopted village. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 781 was a member of the convention that framed the State Constitution in 1816. In 1822 Maj. Jelley was a representative from Dearborn County in the State Legislature. For many years he was brigade major in the State militia, comprising the counties of Jefferson, Switzerland and Dearborn. He was the first probate judge of Ohio County, serving from 1844 to 1851. His wife, Isabella, was one of the original members of the first Presbyterian Church organized iu Rising Sun, with which denomination she had been identified sixty years. Her death occurred November 12, 1855, aged sixty- seven years. Maj. Jelley died February 6, 1864, hav- ing been a Freemason for upward of half a century. CHARLES S. JELLEY, attorney at law, Aurora, son of Hugh Jelley and grandson of Maj. Samuel Jelley, late of Rising Sun, was born in the vicinity of Rising Sun, Ind., May 16, 1849. He attended the public schools of that village from which he was graduated in 1864, and two years later was graduated from Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven, Conn., after which he entered Asbury, now Depauw Uni- versity, at Greencastle, Ind., where he pursued his studies two years, then went East and entered Yale College, from which institution he was graduated in 1871. He read law at Wilmington, Ohio, and was there admitted to the bar, May 16, 1872, in which place he began the practice of law, and continued until March 1, 1874. He then removed to Aurora, Dearborn County, Ind., where he has since resided and been engaged in active practice. On the 11th of November, 1875, he was married, at Wilmington, Ohio, to Miss Lizzie Hughes, a daughter of Judge Hughes. Mr. Jelley is a scholarly young man of fine intellect and promising in his profession. He has served as city attorney of Aurora for seven years. THOMAS JENNINGS, farmer, Sparta Township, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Dearborn County, was born in Indiana County, Penn., October 25, 1807. His father, Isaac Jennings, was a native of Cecil County, Md., and was born in 1766. He was one of four children, viz. : Thomas, James, Isaac and Deborah, born to Isaac and Sarah (Dick) Jennings. He was united in marriage in Cecil County, Md., in 1788, to Elizabeth, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Thompson) Camp- bell, who was born in Ireland in the year 1766. Shortly after their marriage they located in Westmoreland County, Penn,, after which the county was divided, and they resided in Indiana County until 1820, at which time they moved to Butler County, Ohio, and in 1825 to Hamilton County, where he died in 1828, and she in 1829. Their children were David, Deborah, Sarah, Isaac, Elizabeth, Ann, James, Susan and Thomas, our subject, the youngest member of the family. He came with his parents to Ohio in 1820, where he was educated, and afterward engaged in teaching school for a number of years, beginning as early as 782 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUxNTIES. 1826. He taught the first free school that was taught in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1830 he engaged in the dairy business, which he continued for some time, and August 13, 1833, was united in marriage to Emeline L. S. Jones, and in 1835 moved to Wilmington, Dearborn Co., Ind., where he engaged in the merchandise business for about five years. His wife died in 1836, and he was subsequently married to Catherine Quarry. In 1840 he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, and resumed the dairy business, and in 1857 removed to Dearborn County, purchased and settled on his present farm, where he has since resided. He had born to him seven children, viz. : Thomas W. (deceased, by first wife), and Samuel G. , Rebecca A., Thomas A., Isaac (deceased), Sarah L. and Susan. Mr. Jennings is a worthy citizen and highly esteemed by all. He and wife are identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which ho has been a devoted and zealous member since 1829. He owns a pleasant home and farm of 110 acres. THOMAS JOHNSTON, retired miller, Manchester Township, was born January 1, 1828, a son of Joseph and Mary (Karney) Johnston, he a native of Virginia and she of Kentucky, About 1810 three brothers, David, George and Joseph Johnston, with their mother, Elizabeth John- ston, emigrated from Virginia to Ohio, where they spent a short time, thence in 1812 they moved westward through Indiana till they reached Vincennes, where they stopped and raised one crop; thence removed into Kentucky, near Louisville, and spent one season, and in 1814 came to Dearborn County, Ind., locating on land near Aurora, known as the Reese land, where they raised one crop, and during this time they entered from Government 240 acres of land on North Hogan Creek, in Section 10, Manchester Township. This country was then all in the woods with few roads. They cut out a new road from the block-house by which to reach their land and location. In 1815 they moved to their new home, where they had already erected a log house. This location had been selected by them, not for its beauty or value for farming purposes, but as an eligible site for milling purposes, and they immediately commenced digging a race, and making other preparations for the erection of a grist-mill, subsequently employing a millwright from Hamilton, Ohio. This mill, which was at first erected with a single run of buhrs, was ultimately increased to four run of buhrs, and was one of the earliest and most important mills in this section of the country. This mill continued to be run by the Johnston family for nearly sixty-six years, until in December, 1882, the mill was destroyed by fire. In 1843 Joseph pur- chased the interest of his brother George, and continued to run the mill till his death in October, 1873, aged eighty-one years. From that time till the mill was burned it was run by the sons. Mr. Johnston's life was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 783 one of great activity, and all his business conducted with prudence and good management, and as a result he became wealthy, having accumu- lated a large competency. He was the father of nine children — seven sons and two daughters — five now living: John, George, Thomas, Colum- bus and Joseph M., all of whom live upon the old home place but George, who resides one-fourth of a mile above on Hogan Creek. Thomas Johnston, the subject of this sketch, was mai'ried, in September, 1867, to Miss Abigail Heustis, a daughter of Elias and Sarah Heustis, he a native of New York and she of ^Massachusetts, who were among the early settlers of Manchester Township. By this union they have had four children: Eobert Cave, Anna Mary, David Thomas and Joseph E. (twins); the latter died aged three months. Mr. Johnston filled the office of county treasurer by appointment from May till November, 1855, thence by election from that date till November. 1857. COLUMBUS JOHNSTON, miller, Manchester Township, is a son of Joseph and Mary Johnston, whose history appears in biographical sketch of Thomas Johnston. He was born January 7, 1834, on his father's place on North Hogan Creek, where he grew to manhood, brought up to the milling business in his father's mill, receiving a good common education, such as the district school of their neighborhood afforded. After arriving at his majority he continued his labors with his father and brothers in conducting the milling business, which had been for many years and stiil continued to be conducted by them, with no special partnership or company organized, but all working together as one family in friendly unison upon the confidence and honor each placed in the other, all property and its income being enjoyed in common by all, which exhibited the unusual feature of family honor and confidence worthy of imitation. In 1874 Mr. Johnston was elected to the Legisla- ture, serving in the session of 1875, and re-elected in 1876, serving in the session of 1877, his services giving general satisfaction to his con- stituents. In 1882 he was elected as senator; has served two years, with two years more to serve. Mr. Johnston is also held in such high estima- tion in his community, upon the principle of his honesty and integrity, that he is entrusted with much public business for others; is now serving as guardian for a large estate which takes considerable time and atten- tion. In all of Mr. Johnston's business relations, whether for himself, for others, or in his official capacity for his constituents, he carries for- ward his work in an unassuming yet prompt and straightforward manner that wins the confidence of all with whom he has dealings. Mr. John- ston was united in marriage, January 4, 1870, with Miss Ella J. Brum- blay, a daughter of Davis M. and Sarah C. (Givan) Brumblay, natives of this county. By this union they have had two children, one now living. 784 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Edgar F., born May 23, 1874; Florence (deceased). Mr. J. is a member of Burs Lodge, No. 55, F. & A. M. Is a Democrat in politics. ADAM JOHNSON, baker and confectioner, .Aurora, was born in Bavaria, January 7, 1821, where he received a common education. His father, Adam, was born in Bavaria in 1795, and died in 1848; his mother Catherine (Kuentzer) Johnson, was born in Bavaria in 1796, and died in 1837. The subject of our sketch came to America in 1840, land- ing in New York, and worked in the water-works for three months. Thence he went to Philadelphia where he began the baker trade, at which he worked for six months, then moved to the country, and followed weaving until in 1848, when he moved to Aurora, Ind., and has followed baking ever since. He was married, August 12, 1850, to Mrs. Eliza N. (Steuzart) Cassner; she was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, May 31, 1828, and had two children by her first marriage, Sophia and Francis J. ; by her union with Mr. Johnson, six children: Eliza B., Albert, Phoeba, Christ, Addie and Abbie have been born. Mr. Johnson runs a delivery wagon and delivers bread to all parts of the city. In connection with his bakery he has, during the season, an oyster saloon. J.W.JOHNSON, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in the same. May 31, 1835. His parents were the old and highly esteemed pioneers, John D. and Sarah I'Brumblay) Johnson, who, with their parents, emigrated from Maryland to Dearborn County in a very early day. The former was a son of Benjamin Johnson, a native of Worcester County, Md., and was born February 1, 1778. He, also, married in the same county, a Miss Sarah Dashiel, a native of the same county, born August 22, 1777. In 1817 they immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., settling in Sparta Township, where they resided until about 1848, at which time they re- moved to Jackson, Iowa, where he died August 30, 1852, she surviving him about two years. They had born to them eight children, namely: W^ill- iam P., Anna, Margaret, Samuel. Edward K. , Elizabeth, Benjamin and John D. the father of our subject and the eldest member of the family. He was born in Worcester County, Md., in 1808, and came with his parents, in 1817, to Dearborn County, where he learned the stone cutting trade, which he afterward engaged in for a number of years. He and Sarah Brumblay were united in marriage in Sparta Township, October 23, 1828. She was born in Worcester County, Md., April 29, 1809, and was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (McGee) Brumblay, who immigrated to this county from Worcester County, Md. , in 1817. They were both natives of that county, the former born January 15, 1781; the latter, September 23, 1787. They were parents of sijt children, viz.: Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Anna and David M. On immigrating to Dearborn Count3% Mr. Brumblay settled in Sparta Township on a farm, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 785 where he died July 31, 1853, his widow, October 11, 1854. After Mr. Johnson's marriage he settled on a farm in Sparta Township, Section 12, where he remained until about 1836, at which time he removed to Wil- mington, but subsequently removed to Sparta Township and purchased a farm in Section 18, where he settled and afterward resided until his death, which occurred in January, 1878. He held a number of oflfices of trust, was twice elected to the Legislature and once to the constitutional convention. His widow survived him three years and died March 12,1881. They had born to them twelve children, viz.: Sarah E. (deceased), Mar- garet (deceased), Francis M., John W., Joseph S., Benjamin F., Mahala J., Mary J. (deceased), Edward P., Charles J., William C. and Anna. J. W,, our subject, attended the district schools and received a fair edu- cation, and afterward completed his education at the Franklin Colleo-e. He was united in marriage, October 2, 1856, to Henrietta, daughter of Noah and Sarah (Montgomery) Davis, and a native of Hogan Township, born October 30, 1836. After his marriage he settled on a farm in Sparta Township, where he remained six years, when he sold it and purchased and moved on his present farm, where he has since resided. Mr. John- son is an energetic and extensive farmer. He is a member of the Bap- tist Church, also, a member of the Odd Fellows order. He began teach- ing school in 1856, and has since taught sixteen terms, ten in Sparta Township. He held the office of justice of the peace from 1878 to 1884. Has raised six orphan children but is the father of none. CHARLES W. JOHNSON, harness- maker, Moore's Hill, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, May 28, 1836; his parents, William P. and Maria L. (Olmsted) Johnson, were natives of Maryland and Indiana respectively, the former being a son of Benjamin and Sarah (Dashiel) Johnson, whose sketch appears elsewhere. Our subject's mother died when he was about one year old, and he was afterward brought up and educated by his grandparents, John S. and Hattie Olmsted, with whom he remained until he reached the years of maturity, and with whom he moved to Switzerland County, Ind., in 1843. He devoted the greater part of his early life to farming, and in 1861, entered the war, enlistino- July 22 of that year in Company C, Third Indiana Cavalry, and served in the rank of a non-commissioned officer until the battle of Upperville, Va. Here he was wounded, July 22, 1863, shot by a musket ball in the right thigh, which resulted in the amputation of his limb, eight inches from the body. This disabled him from further service and he was taken to the hospital, where he remained until his discharge, March 7, 1864. Mr. Johnson was a brave soldier, and participated in all the engagements of his regiment, until the date of his wound, passing through thirteen general engagements and thirty two skirmishes. After his discharge in 48 786 HlSruRY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1864, he retui'ned to Switzerland County, Ind., and the same year was elected assessor ^of the township in which he resided, which oifice he held for four years. He was united in marriage in Switzerland County, March 7, 1865, to Matilda L., daughter of Jordan and Susan (Cole) Wainscott. She was born in Switzerland County, Ind., May 17, 1846. In 1869, Mr. Johnson was elected real estate appraiser of Switzerland County, and, in 1870,' took the census of that county. In 1871 he began his present trade at Bennington, that county, which he pursued there for about ten years, and during the greater part of the time, he held the office of township trustee. In September, 1881, he moved to Moore's Hill, Ind., for the purpose of educating his children, of whom the two eldest are now students of Moore's Hill College; he also re- sumed the harness trade on moving there. His children are John W., Flora C, Margaret P. and Lillian G. Mr, Johnson is one of the most sociable and accomodating business men of Moore's Hill, and is highly respected. He is a man well informed on general topics, and in politics is a Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, also a member of the I. O . O.F., and G. A. R. KE V. JAMES JONES of Rising Sun, a philanthropist patriot, a Christian, and last but not least, a devout and effective minister of the Gospel, was born in Herefordshire, England March 22, 1790, and came with his parents to, the United States in 1803, and settled in the city of Balti- more. In 1807, the family moved to Milford, Ohio. In 1810 under the preaching of Rev. Jesse Justice, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at a camp meeting near Milford; in 1811 he was licensed to exhort, and six year later (1817), was licensed to preach. He removed the same year to Rising Sun, Ind. , where he found a small class of four- teen members which had been organized by Rev. John Strange. In 1820 he was received into the Ohio Conference, and appointed to Whitewater Cir- cuit. The next year he was sent to Madison Circuit. The two succeed- ing years he traveled Oxford Cix'cuit. His next appointment was on the Lawrenceburgh Circuit, and then was stationed at the Rising Sun charge. For eight years following his ministry at Rising Sun, he was out of the work, and was occupied as a carpenter, that being his trade. He went to New Orleans during the winters, worked at his trade and preached on the deck of flat-boats, on the wharves, levies and in churches. During all this time he never lost the itinerant fire, and, in October, 1834, he joined the Indiana Conference, and was appointed to Vevay Circuit for two years. In 1836-37, he traveled Lawrenceburgh Circuit, with an increase of nearly 700 members; next work was Brookville Circuit, in 1838-39; and next was the Vevay Circuit again; next was Wilmington Circuit two years; in 1844 was appointed to Rising Sun District, and in 1845 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 787 was stationed at Jefferson vi lie; in 18 46-47, to Patriot Circuit, and in 1848 to Elizabethtown Circuit, where in a protracted meeting he received his first paralytic stroke, from which he never fully recovered. In 1849 he was sent to Vernon Circuit; and in 1850, he received his last station at North Madison, and closed his twenty second year of active labor in the church; from 1851 he sustained a superannuated relation to the confer- ence, till the day of his death which occurred in Rising Sun, November 7, 1856. Mr. Jones served in the war of 1812, under Harrison. " He manifested by his conduct in life, that he meant to fulfill all of the char- acteristics of a good man, and he did accomplish them all to the letter. He possessed all of the qualities of head and heart eminently calculated to fit him for usefulness in the age in which he lived, and the circumstan- ces that surrounded him.'' JOHN H. JONES, of Rising Sun, is a son of Rev. James Jones, and is a native of Milford, Ohio, born August 20, 1814. In 1817 his parents settled in the village of Rising Sun, the family being composed of the parents and two or three children, of whom our subject was the eldest. The latter when very small, obtained employment in the little woolen factory of the village operated by John and Harvey Aikens. He received but a limited education owing to the circumstances surrounding him. In 1828 Mr. Jones began clerking for Mr. Shadrach Hathaway, a merchant of the village, who, after a trial of four weeks, bargained with the father of our subject for the latter's services for one year, agree- ing to pay for the same $25, and one quarter's schooling in the seminary. This was accepted and ended Mr. Jones school days. For the succeed- ing seven years Mr. J. remained with Mr. Hathaway, and subsequently clerked for Moses Turner. Next he bought some stock in the steamboat •'Alpha," built in the village, and was her clerk for a period. He sub- sequently clerked for different persons in Rising Sun, and in 1846, in connection with Capt. D. J. Rabb, went into the grocery and general produce trade, which firm did an extensive business for about five years, when they sold to the Espeys. One year later, Mr. Jones again engaged in the same vocation and continued until after the late war. Since that time he has given up the more active and heavy pursuits, and been employed in agencies and a general real estate line. Mr. Jones has been the kind husband of four wives, the first being Miss Precepta C. Bailey, of Cincinnati; the second was Miss Jane Murray; the third, Mrs. Sarah Guard, and the present one was Ruth Gullitt. He is the father of seven children, only two of whom survive. Mr. Jones has long baeu identified with the interests of Rising Sun and ever active in taking part in all movements looking to the development of the place. He has long been active iu trying to get a railroad to the city, and is yet /88 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. untiring and hopeful. He has served the people in various offices to their satisfaction and to his own credit; has been one of the leading spirits in church vi'ork, having been since youth identified with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. He is a respected and esteemed citizen. OSCAK JONES, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, Rising Sun, was born in the same square on which his store is located, in 3854. He grew up in his native town and obtained a limited education in its pub- lic schools./ In his fourteenth year he began operations in flat-boating, trading in produce, and in this business he continued about nine years. He then established himself in the grocery business, purchasing his first stock from Mr. Hewitt. He has gradually increased his stock and trade, and now ranks among the most prospei'ous grocers of Rising Sun. Mr. Jones was married, May 19, 1875, to Mary E. Hamilton, 'of Ohio county, and daughter of John E. Hamilton. He is a member of the I. O. O F. and encampment, having been twice to the grand lodge, and with Mrs. Jones, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ORIN JUDD, Miller JjTownship, was born in Dearborn County in 1831. His father, Orin Judd, was a native of New York, born in 1796, came to this locality at twenty-one years of age, purchased land and married Nancy A. Gibson, by whom eight children were born: Erastus, Charlotte, Mary A., Job, Louise, Orin, Nancy E. and Harriet, the two eldest now deceased, the others living in various parts of the West. The father died in December, 1848; the mother in September, 1843. Our subject grew up on the farm and has ever since engaged in agricultural pursuits. After his father's death he took charge of the estate, of which he subsequently inherited fifty acres. In 1852 he sold his interest in the homestead and purchased his present farm of ninety-four acres, where he has since resided. He was married, April 11, 1851, to Mary J. Cook, of this county, daughter of George and Priscilla (Ewbank) Cook, natives of England, and among the first settlers of this locality. Her father is still living in his eighty-fifth year. Her mother died August 31, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Judd have five children: George, Morris, Anna, Josie and Emma. The family is associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Judd has occasionally officiated as local minister for the past twenty- five years. Besides his property in this county Mr. Judd owns a farm of eighty acres in Livingston County, 111., on which Mor- ris, the youngest son, resides. He married Sarah B. Hawk, of this coan- ty, in February, 1883. George A. married Jennie Shaw, of this county, in February, 1879, and now resides in McLean County, 111. Anna was married in February, 1880, to Whitfield Nowlin, and resides in this township. Josie was married in October, 1884, to Leonard Blasdel, and also lives in this township. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 789 EDWABD E. JUSTIS, farmer, Sparta Township, was born near Moore's Hill, June 29, 1S37. His parents were Martin and Dorcas T. (Eaton) Justis, natives of Delaware and Virginia, respectively, the former born in Delaware, December 1, 1788, and from thence immigrated with his parents, John and Susan (Turner) Justis, to Pittsbux-g, Penn., in a very early day. From Pittsburg they removed to Columbia, Hamilton Co., Ohio, where he learned the shoe-making and tanning trade, which he afterward engaged in for a number of years. He was united in marriage in Union County, Ind., November 7, 1817, to the above Dorcas T.Eaton, who was born in Virginia, March 29, 1799, and was a daughter of Will- iam and Margaret (Gossom) Eaton, natives of Virginia. In March, 1821, Mr. Justis moved to Dearborn County, Ind., settling on a quarter section of land in Sparta Township, a part of which is now within the limits of Moore's Hill. After erecting a small log-cabia and opening out a few acres of ground, he in company with his brother, prepared a tan-yard, on which they built a shop, and for many years afterward en- gaged in tanning and shoe-making, supplying the pioaeer neighbors with boots and shoes. He subsequently retired from his trade, and turned his attention to farming. Later he erected a pleasant and commodi- ous residence, in which he resided until his death, December 24, 1872. His widow succeeded him in death, February 23,1883. Eighteen children were born to tlrem, who were named as follows: William, John, Thomas, Nancy, Sarah, Margaret, Jesse T., Squire, Mary H., Sanna S., Samuel N., Elizabeth, Permelia D., Harriet, Edward E., Deborah, Louisiana and Altha G. Mr. Justis was a man of many good qualities. His wife, an exceedingly intelligent and amiable lady, was loved by everybody. They were among the early pioneers of this vicinity, and well under- stood the hardships and inconveniences of a pioneer life. HERMAN H. KAMPING, merchant, Dillsborough, is a native of Germany, born August 14, 1840. His parents, John H. and Margaret E. (Orthmann) Kamping, were both natives of Germany, where they resided until death. They were the parents of five children, of whom our subject was the youngest. He, when about fifteen years of age, turned his attention to the tailor's trade, which he completed and has en- gaged in more or less since. In 1864 he immigrated to the United States, landing in October of that year at New York City, and a few days later came to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained until the follow- ing spring, at which time he came to Dillsborough, where he has since resided. In 1868 he opened a general mercantile store, which he has since continued, and also does merchant tailoring. He married at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, October 8, 1868, Emma E. Struve, by whom he has had born to him seven children, viz.: Anna M. E., William H. , Henry H., 790 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Amelia M., Lula I., Emma S. and one infant daughter who is not yet named. FREDERICK W. KASSEBAUM, marble dealer, Aurora, was born in Hanover, Germany, October 29, 1843. His parents, Frederick W. and Mary E. (Prassen) Kassebaum were natives of Hanover, Germany, the father was born August 25, 1809, and the mother February 23, 1811. The former was a landscape gardener. The family immigrated to America in 1845, locating in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1850 they moved to Switzer- land County, Ind., and followed farming up to 1858, thence to Indian- apolis, where the father is now leading a retired life; the mother died July 8, 1856. In the fall of 1856 Mr. Kassebaum commenced his trade in Cincinnati, Ohio. After learning the same he worked journey work in Vevay, Ind., up to July 4, 1861, at which time he enlisted in Company A, Third Regiment Indiana Cavalry, serving twenty months as private. He was wounded near Portville, Md., in the shoulder and head. In 1863 he went to Indianapolis, and worked for Ware & Co., with which firm he remained until January, 1865, when he located in Switzerland County, engaging in the marble business, continuing for eleven years, after which he sold out and moved to Indianapolis and engaged in the grocery business. In 1879 he came to Aurora and began business in this city. He was married, October 29, 1866, to Miss Martha H. Vandevier, who was born in Switzerland County, February 18, 1849. Eight chil- dren have been born to the marriage, namely: John L., Anna E,, Carrie J., Mary B., Earnest Albert F., Jessie and Fred W. Mr. Kassebaum was deputy collector of internal revenue for six months. He is presi- dent of the school board. He belongs to the I. O. O. F. and encamp- ment, K. of H., G. A. R. and Aurora Lodge No. 51 F. & A. M. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOHN PHILIP KASTNER, baker and ice dealer, Aurora, was born in Bavaria, November 19, 1819, where he received a common school education. His father, Godfrey, was born in Bavaria in 1790 and died in 1860; his mother, Savilla Miller, was born in the same province in 1795 and died in 1865. John Philip came to America in 1839 and worked in Cincinnati, Ohio, for four years. He then came to Aurora and engaged in the grocery and bakery business with a brother. In 1846 he sold out and went to Germany, returned in 1847 and worked for his brother. He was married March 15, 1848, to Miss Mary Huckery, who was born in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in 1834. Unto them have been given eight children: Dor- othea, Mary, Andy, Louisa, Matilda, Igena, Gustave and Edward. Mr. Kastner started in the ice business in 1854, and is the oldest business man of German extraction in the city. He was school trustee in 1864, and is a member of the Pioneer Society of Cincinnati, Ohio. His wife and daughter are members of the Catholic Church. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 791 GEORGrE H. KEENEY, Rising Sun, county surveyor, undertaker and produce dealer, is a native of Switzerland County, Ind., born in 1848. He is a son of Hiram B. and Delilah (Humphrey) Keeney, his father a native of Neve York, his mother of Switzerland County, Ind. His father, Hiram B. Keeney, born in New York in 1820, came to Switzer- land County with his parents in 1835. He farmed with his brother, William, for several years and then purchased the farm, where his widow now lives, on which he resided until his death in 1866. He owned 170 acres of good land. Mr. Keeney married Delilah Humphrey in 1845. She was a daughter, of Stephen Humphrey, of an old family in Switzerland County. Mr. Keeney was a member of the F. & A. M. and one of the most thrifty farmers and esteemed citizens of the county in which he lived. He had four children: Laura, wife of P. North; George H. , hosier, who married Lena Cunningham; and Jacob, who married Mollie Moore. At the time of his death, Mr. Keeney was holding the office of surveyor of Switzerland County. George H, our subject, grew up on the farm, where he remained till his father's death. He was educated in the public schools of the county and subsequently taught several terms. He acquired a knowledge of surveying and civil engineer- ing and has since done considerable work in that line. He served as dep- uty surveyor in Switzerland County from 1869 to 1880, when he located in Rising Sun. He was appointed surveyor of Ohio County in 1883 and has since served by election as regular surveyor. From 1873 to 1877 he was employed in the United States revenue service. In connection with his official work as surveyor and engineer, Mr. Keeney does undertaking and officiates as a funeral director, besides doing quite an extensive produce business in partnership with Simon Beymer, president of the Rising Sun National Bank, under the firm name of Keeney & Beymer. Mr. Keeney was married in 1873 to Miss Mary Shafer, of Aurora, Ind., daughter of Andrew Shafer, and they have five children: Burke, Bayard, Hale, Mabel and Denver. Mr. Keeney is a member of the F. & A. M., Patriot, Ind., and of the Universalist Church, clerk of the latter society. WILLIAM C. KEMP, Randolph Township, one of the foremost farmers of Ohio County, was born in the same in 1823. He is a son of John and Huldah (Lampkin) Kemp, the former a native of England, the latter of New York. His father came to Dearborn County about 1806-07 and entered land there, for a time keeping "bachelor's hall." He be- came one of the prominent farmers and died in 1865, his wife passing away a few years previous to that date. William C, whose name heads this notice, spent his early years in assisting his parents on the farm in Ohio County where he has nearly ever since resided. He was educated in the public schools of his day and learned the coopering trade also, which 792 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. he continued to work at for some time in connection with his farming. In 1846, Mr. Kemp purchased 108 acres of land in Switzerland County a* $1,400, this being his first investment in real estate. He resided several years at different times in Switzerland County, but 'finally located per- manently in Randolph Township. He has dealt to a considerable extent in real estate and now owns about 800 acres of choice laud which he has obtained by hard labor, good management and economy combined. Mr. Kemp was married in 1846 to Content L. Hastings, daughter of James Hastings, one of the pioneer settlers of this county. She is a grand- daughter also of Prince Athearn who assisted in laying the keel of the old warship "Constitution," and afterward built several river steamboats at Rising Sun. To Mr. and Mrs. Kemp were born eight children, all liv- ing and all married but one, their names being as follows: James, Charles, Harry, Edward, Lucian, Laura (wife of Henry Sparks), Mollie (wife of Mahlon Fisk) and Maggie (wife of William Wade). Mr. Kemp ranks among the most successful farmers of the county and his reputation as a citizen is no less enviable. SAMUEL M. KENNEDY, farmer, Manchester Township, born in Franklin County, Penn., July 6, 1813, is a son of John and Elizabeth (McMath) Kennedy, he, a native of South Carolina and she of Pennsyl- vania. Mr. John Kennedy had one brother, William, who was in the battle of Tippecanoe and many others, and at the close of that war, enlist- ed in the regular army in which he served through life. He also had one sister, Eleanor, who married W^illiam Mackey, and lived and died in Franklin County, Penn. Mr. John Kennedy came to Pennsylvania, when a young man, married and resided there until 1839, when be immigrated with his family to Indiana and settled in Dearborn County on land now owned by James McMullen in Section 32, Manchester Township, where he died in the summer of 1850, aged seventy-two years. His wife died in 1848, aged sixty-four years. They had ten children: John, Margaret, Eliza, Mary, Samuel M. , Williarti, Robert, Nancy, James and Catharine, of whom five now survive: Eliza, now widow Bair, residing in Pennsyl- vania, with her son, Samuel M. ; Robert, now a resident of Illinois; Nancy, wife of James McMullen, and James. Mr. Samuel M. Kennedy grew to manhood in his native state. In 1840 he came to this county, where in 1842, he married Miss Harriet Ellingwood, by whom he had three chil- dren, Elizabeth, wife of Sylvanus Palmer, now a resident of Burling- ton, Ky. ; Nancy, now widow Pratt, holding a position in the Soldiers' Orphan Home at Knightstown, Ind. , and John B., a teacher in the High School at Batesville, Ind., also a partner in the Co£Sn Manufac- tory of the same place. Mrs. Kennedy died in 1846. March 4, 1849, Mr. Kennedy married for his second wife, Margaret Barton, a daughter BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 793 of William and Jane Barton, natives of Ireland, who settled in Dear- born County in 1818. By this union they have three children: William, Harriet and Samuel. Mr. Kennedy has now been a resident of this county forty-five years, owns a good farm of 100 acres with good buildings and improvements, constituting a pleasant farmer's home. He was elected county surveyor in 1852, since which he has served several terms by reelection. And of him in this capacity it is said that he sel- dom made an error, being one of the most correct surveyors the county ever had. He has served as clerk and trustee of his township besides filling other minor ofiices, and is recognized as one of the best citizens of Manchester Township. WALTER KERR, farmer, Hogan Township, was born in Gilford County, N. C, April 23, 1799, and received no education save what he gathered up in life himself. His father, William, was born in North Carolina, June 2, 1756; his mother, Elizabeth, in Ireland in 1757. They were married in 1784 The mother died in 1814, and the father moved to this county in 1816 with his children. He was in the Revolutionary war. All through life he was a farmer. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. He died January 1, 1843. Mr. Walter Kerr was married September 13, 1821, to Miss Elizabeth Russell, who was born on Licking River in Campbell County, Kj., June 14, 1803. Ten children were born to them : Mary A. , Minerva, Mahlon B., Catharine, Rachel, Nancy J.. Elizabeth, William, Charles and David. In 1861 Charles enlisted in Company K, Eighteenth Indiana Volunteers as a private soldier, and died at Vicksburg in July, 1864, from sickness and exposure. jMr. Kerr was constable from 1834 to 1836 and deputy sherifi from 1836 to 1840. He flat-boated for twenty years and speculated in hay, oats, corn, cattle, hogs, apples, and potatoes and was on the "McGregor" when it blew up February 22, 1830. He had an arm broken, was blown into the river, and saved his life by clinging to broken frag- ments of the boat. He improved his farm, educated his children, and did all the work himself, and has lived in his present house since 1840. He was a Democrat up to Buchanan's time, but since a Republican. He was a member of the Know-nothing, and S. of T. lodges; joined the Methodist Episcopal Church when thirty-nine years old; was class leader for many years, and has tilled other responsible positions in the church. His amiable helpmeet goes hand in hand with him in every undertaking. She has also been an active member in the Methodist Episcopal Church for years. JAMES AND AARON KERR, farmers, reside in Hogan Township. They are natives of Dearborn County, Ind. James was born May 14 1837; Aaron, May 16, 1833, and both are well educated. Their father 794 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. was born in North Carolina, November 29, 1795; their mother, Sarah (Peters) Kerr, in Dearborn County, Ind., June 9, 1802. They were married September 10, 1820, and raised eight children. The father came to this county in 1816 and followed farming all his life.' The mother and her people were driven twice by the Indians into the block-house, near Spidells, which was their only secure refuge. The father died Septem- ber 29, 1874; the mother died August 25, 1884. The old pioneer couple endured the hardships and privations incident to frontier life from choice, that their children might enjoy the fruits of their labor. H. G. KIDD, the jovial dealer in stoves, tinware and house- furnish- ing goods, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Cincinnati in 1839, and resided there till six years of age. His father died about 1843, and the family subsequently resided in several different localities. He learned the tin- ner's trade about 1855 at St. Mary's, Ohio, where he resided about eight years, and after that time was engaged in various towns — Covington, Louisville, Lima, Ohio; Evansville, Ind., and others — till 1860, when he located in Lawrenceburgh, working four years with a Mr. Sheldon. In 1864 he began business for himself, and has since continued as sole proprietor of the establishment. His store-room at No. 73 High Street, is well filled with a full line of goods valued at $3,500 to $4,000, and his patronage is in keeping with tlie inducements offered by his complete stock and close attention to business. Mr. Kidd was married, in 1862, to Maggie T. Hoter, who came to Dearborn County with her parents in 1847. Her father was a cooper by trade, and conducted that business for a time in Lawrenceburgh, but his shops were destroyed by floods. He subsequently entered the war, and is now at Dayton. Her mother passed away in 1860. Mr. Kidd is a member of the I. O. 0. F., G. T., K. of L., Methodist Episcopal Church, and a good fellow on general principles. THOMAS KILNER, farmer, resides in Hogan Township, and owns the old homestead in Section 33. He is a native of Massachusetts, and was born in Boston, July 19, 1825. His parents, Thomas and Marion (Thorn) Kilner, were born in England. His father was an actor, and after his arrival in this country, traveled through the East, and played with Booth, Forrest, and other celebrated characters. He was on the stage when Forrest made his first appearance. He retired from the stage, in 1825, and in 1839 located upon eighty acres of land in Section 33, Hogan Township, Ind., and raised a family of thirteen children, two of whom survive — Thomas and a sister, Mrs. Marion E. Squibb, widow of Edmond Squibb (deceased). His father was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; mother, a Baptist. Thomas farmed and taught school up to 1862, at which time he enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Indiana BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 795 Infantry, under Col. Lucas. August 30, 1862, he lost a leg, and was discharged on accoant thereof in October, 1862, and returned home, a cripple for life. In a short time after his arrival at home, he was elected township trustee, and in 1865 was elected county treasurer and served two terms with honor to himself, and entire satisfaction to his constituents. He was married to Miss Mary E. Armstrong, a native of Delaware, and by this union six children were born: Edmund, J. Will- iam, Arthur F., Edwin, Mary E. and Ada May. Since his wife's death Mr. Kilner has been endeavoring to keep his children together, and educate them for usefulness in life. Mr. Kilner is a leading and active citizen, and is highly respected by'all who know him. WARREN KINCAID, retired, Dillsborough, one of the old and highly esteemed pioneers of Dearborn County, was born in Greene County, N. Y. , June 12, 1804. His parents were Samuel and Marion (Stewart) Kincaid, natives of New York, the former born in 1768; the latter in 1775. After their marriage they settled in Greene County, and remained until 1808, in which year they immigrated to Ashtabula County, Ohio, and from thence, in 1817, to Dearborn County, Ind., where Mrs. K. died in 1855. He subsequently made his home with his son, Warren, in Ripley County, Ind. , where he died in 1865. They were among the first settlers of Dearborn County. They were both members of the Bap- tist Church, and were highly respected by all who knew them. They were the parents of eleven children, viz. : Didamah, Alexander, Anna, Elizabeth, Warren, Amanda, George, Samuel, William, Maria, and Stewart. Warren, our subject, came with his parents to this county in 1817, and has ever since resided in this and Ripley County. He was married at Lawrenceburgh, Ind., August 7, 1827, to Lucinda, daughter of Joshua and Hannah (Sweet) Peck. She was a native of New York, where she was born, June 9, 1811. After his marriage he first settled at Law renceburgh and engaged in boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and also farming part of the time. In 1839 he purchased a farm in Ripley County, where he moved and turned his attention wholly to farm- ing until 1867, in which year he sold his farm and moved to Dills- borough, Ind., where he has since resided and enjoyed a retired life. He lost his wife January 2, 1879. She was the tender mother of ten chil- dren, viz.: William v.; George, deceased; Amanda, deceased; Hannah; Lewis, deceased; Susan W.; Hellen T. ; Mary, deceased; Oscar, deceased; and Anna T. Mr. Kincaid has done much hard labor in his time, and in his early days was subjected to all the trials and hardships incident to pioneer life. SOLOMON KITTLE, of Ohio County, was born in Wood County, Va., in September, 1793. At the age of eighteen he moved to Ohio, and 796 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in 1814 came to Ohio County, where he has lived ever since. His wife was boru in Kentucky in the year 1795. When he came to Indiana he landed at the mouth of Laughery Creek and rowed their boat up that stream to Hanover Landing. He had thirteen children, seventy-six grandchildren, a majority of whom are still living. Mr. Kittle was living in 1876. FEEDERICK KLEINHANS, foreman of the La wrenceburgh Furni- ture Factory, is a native of Germany, born in 1835. He spent his early years in his native country, where he was educated and learned the trade of carriage manufacturer. In 1856 he immigrated to the United States, and located at once in Lawrenoeburgh, where, for six years, he followed the business of mill-wrighting. after which he began work at the furni- ture trade which he has since continued. Mr. Kleinhans was married, in 1859, to Miss Martha Ekil, who came from Germany to this country in 1858. They have seven children living: Mina, Anna, Rosa, Tillie, Freddie, Hermann and Charley. Louise is deceased. Mr. Kleinhans is an industrious worker, and well qualided no doubt for the discharge of the duties devolving upon him in his position. HERMAN KLEFPER, the leading merchant tailor of Lawrence - burgh, is a native of Germany, born May 29, 1841. He grew to maturity in his native country, learned his trade there, and was there engaged in its pursuit till 1864, when he immigrated to the United States, locating at Lawrenceburgh, but subsequently spending three years in Cincinnati. He began business in 1868, and has since continued, meeting with fair success. The firm was originally Cook & Klepper, but was dissolved as such in April, 1876, since which time Mr. Klepper has been sole proprietor of the establishment. He is located at No. 84 High Street, and carries a fine line of goods valued at about $5,000, consisting of fine cloths, gent's furnishings, hats, caps, etc., enjoying a well merited trade. Mr. Klepper was married, to Rebecca Hartre, who is also a native of Germany, and by whom he has four children: Ella, Henry, Carl and George. He is a member of the Druid's society, and is highly esteemed as a citizen. LEONARD KLINGELHOFFER, carpenter, contractor and archi- tect, Aurora, shop, corner of George and Morrison Streets, is a native of Dearborn County, Ind. , born on King's Ridge, August 12, 1850, where he received a common school education. His parents, Charles and Barbara (Kinshire) Klingelhoffer, were born near Hamburg, Germany, and came to America in 1834, locating in Arkansas, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1847 they settled in Lawrenceburgh, and followed farming up to 1852. at which time they located in Aurora, and the father led a retired life up to his death. Leonard came to Aurora, in 1864, and followed carpentering up to 1875, at which time ho branched out for BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 797 himself, and has been successful in all his undertakings. He was mar- ried, November 9, 1871, to Miss Emma Camptield, who was born in Dearborn County, October 14, 1852. To them have been born three chil- dren Jessie, Maggie and Lida. Mr. Klingelhoflfer is a member of the following secret organizations: Druids, I. O. O. F. , K. P. and K. of H. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. CORNELIUS KLUMP. blacksmith, New Alsace, was born in Jack- son Township, September 29, 1830, son of Morris and Catherine (Gep- hard) Klump, who were natives of Germany; the former born in 1803. the latter in 1813. They were married at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1833, and moved to Dearborn County in 1835. They were the parents of eleven children, viz. : Elizabeth, Catherine, Michael, Helena, John, Lewis, Josephine, Clara, and two which died in infancy. Cornelius, our subject, the next to the eldest member of the family, learned the blacksmith trade with his father, which trade he has since followed. He was married at New Alsace, in January, 1860, to Margaret Niters, by whom he has had born to him seven children, viz. : Frank, Lewis, Mary, Catherine, Rosie, John and Michael. JOHN B. KNEEVEN, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, November 22, 1841. His parents, John H. and Susanna Kneevan, wore both natives of Hanover, Germany, the former born October 22, 1804, the latter, April 2, 1808. They were married at Cincinnati, Ohio, February, 1840, and resided in Hamilton County five years, when they moved to Dearborn County, Ind., and purchased and settled on the same farm where our subject now lives and where the father died March 12, 1881, the mother still surviving. They were the parents of four children, viz. : Mary, Margaret, Benjamin O. and John B. , our subject, the second member of the family. He was married, October 17, 1865, to Thrase Klanka, who was born in Hanover, Germany. Mav 13, 1840. They have had eight children, namely: Herman (deceased), Mary, Martin/Carry, Albert (deceased), Henry, Benjamin (deceased), and Catherine. Mr. Kneeven and family are members of the Catholic Church. JOHN C. KNIGHT, iron worker, Aurora, was born in London, Eng- land, Jamiary 28, 1837, where his educational advantages were very limited. His parents, Charles and Sarah (Rosetter) Knight, were drowned when John was but a mere child, and he possesses no trace of their genealogy. Mr. Knight started out as a sailor when very young, and during his boyhood days visited China, East India and other foreign countries. He finally landed in Americain 1856 at port of New Orleans, thence he went to New York, where he enlisted in the navy on the Unit- ed States frigate "Niagara"' which was engaged in laying United States 798 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. telegraph, remaining nine monthp. He next went on the Paraguay ex- pedition underAdmiral Shubrick on United States ship "Caldeonia," and was absent nine months. He then enlisted in the navy for three years, on the United States frigate "Sabine," spent over two years on the Gulf station. In February, 1862, he shipped again at Boston on the United States steamer "San Jacinta," Gulf squadron. In fifteen months he was sent to New York, disabled, and was sent to hospital and discharged. One year after he passed an examination and went into gunboat service under Porter and served until the close of the war; after which he located in Newport, Ky, , where he remained until 1876, when he came to Aurora, and secured work in the rolling-mill. Mr. Knight was married, October 17, 1864, to Miss Sarah Boden, daughter of Major Boden, of Kentucky ; she was born June 7, 1844. By this marriage six children have been born, namely: Blanche, Charles W., Marion, Jane, Willie and Alta. Mr. Knight belongs to Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R. R. T. KNOWLES, cooper, Dillsborough, was born at Chesterville, Dearborn Co., Ind., March 31, 1838. His parents were William and Henrietta (Moore) Knowles, natives of Sussex County, Del., father born August 23, 1804, the mother October 12, 1814. They were married in Sussex County, October 24, 1832, and from thence immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., in 1835, where he resided until 1873, in which year he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he died March 29, 1873. His widow still survives and lives among her children. They were the par- ents of twelve children, namely: William deceased; Daniel E. ; Robert T. ; William F., deceased; Sarah J., deceased; Amanda, deceased; Emeline, deceased; Isabelle, deceased; Leucretia, de- ceased; Luck, deceased; Martha W. and Charley. He was previously married to a sister of his last wife and had by her four children, viz.: Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and David. R. T., our sub- ject, when about fifteen years of age, began the cooper trade, and has engaged in the same principally since. He enlisted in September, 1861, in Company F, Thirty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, and served until August, 1862, when he was discharged on account of disability and re- turned home. He was married at Dillsborough, in 1859, to a Miss Hickman, by whom he had one [child, Albert V. November 12, 1870, he was again married to Phebe Osborn, by whom he had one child, Walter L. In December, 1883, he opened up a cooper shop at Dills- borough, which he is at present carrying on quite extensively. VALENTINE J. KOEHLER, Lawrenceburgh, book-keeper and cashier, was born in Munchberg, kingdom of Bavaria, July 23, 1842, of parents Carl G. and Barbara (Huth) Koehler The father held many BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 799 positions of honor and trust, among which was the captaincy of land- wehr in Munchberg. He was a business man, the proprietor of a soap and candle factory. Valentine J. received a collegiate education, after which he served an apprenticeship of three years in the mercantile busi- ness in his native city. He immigrated to this country in 1860, landino- at New York in April of that year, and in a few days came to join friends and acquaintances in Aurora, Ind. Shortly after his arrival in Dearborn County he began clerking for John Hornberger, who was in the grocery business and an extensive contractor, engaged in filling up the streets of the city of Lawrenceburgh. In August, 1861, Mr. Koehler enlisted as a private in Company D, Thirty-second Eegiment Indiana Volunteers. He was subsequently promoted to sergeant, quartermaster- sergeant of the regiment, second lieutenant of Company A, Thirty- second Regiment Indiana Volunteers, first lieutenant and aid-de-camp to Gen. August Willich, in the Department of the Cumberland, having served in all three years and three months, and having participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Stone River, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and other engagements in which the Army of the Cum- berland took part. On the 22d of May, 1864, Capt. Koehler received a slight wound in the head, and was hit with a spent ball on the right side of the collar bone, he was also wounded in front of Atlanta on the 22d of July, 1864, by the explosion of a shell which killed his horse from under him, and by which the Captain sustained a broken leg. Capt. Koehler was tendered the lieutenant-colonelcy of his i-egiment, but de- clined it. He was honorably discharged in November, 1864, and for a period of five years was engaged in business in Knoxvilie, Tenn. He then returned to Lawrenceburgh and from 1869 to 1875 he was employed in the United States revenue service. In 1875 he resigned his position and accepted a position in the distillery of John H. Gaff & Co. of Lawrenceburgh, and remained in that company's employ until February, 1878, when he became connected in a like capacity with the distillery of James W. Gaff & Co., which firm, in 1880, merged into the Mill Creek Distilling Company, of Cincinnati, and with which he is now em- ployed as cashier and book-keeper. Capt. Koehler retains his residence at Lawrenceburgh, where he is a citizen of influence and high standing. In ] 866 he was married to Miss M. Louise Hornberger, a daughter of John Hornberger and a native of Lawrenceburgh, born on the same day of the month and year as was her husband — July 23, 1842. Three children have been born to the marriage: John H., Carl R. and Louisa. Capt. Koehler cast his first vote for President Lincoln and has since voted the Republican ticket. LOUIS KOHLERMANN, proprietor of livery and feed stable and 800 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. undertaker, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Germany, born in 1823. His father was steward to the emperor of Hesse Darmstadt in whose employ his life was chiefly spent, following his sovereign in the wars of Hun- gary. Mr. Kohlermann grew to maturity in his native country, where he was educated and at the age of fifteen learned the brass turner's trade. He pursued this vocation till twenty-one years of age, in Germany; he then immigrated to America and for eleven years followed the same occu- pation with Cornelius Becker & Co., of Philadelphia, then the largest chandelier manufacturing establishment in the United States. Mr. Kohlerraan then removed to Putnam County, Ohio, where he resided two years, when he removed to Lawrenceburgh about 1858. He was em- ployed at common labor till 1865, when he began the livery business, admitting his son as partner in 1884. Mr. Kohlermann was married in Philadelphia about 1845 to Miss Elizabeth Rexroth, a native of Germany and who immigrated to Trinidad, S. A., from which place she afterward came north. They have four children living: Charles, Rudolph, Mary, and Emma. The family has the esteem of a large circle of friends. BERNARD KUNE, farmer, Kelso Township, a native of Hanover, Germany, born December 30, 1823. His parents, Theodore and Mary (Theders) Kune, were also natives of Hanover, where they married, and from whence, in 1849, they immigrated to the United States, landing at New Orleans, and from thence came to Cincinnati, Ohio, and in March, 1852, to Dearborn County, where they both died in 1859.' Bernard, our subject, one of six children born to them, immigrated to the United States in 1846. He first landed at Galveston, Tex., and from thence, about two weeks later, came to New Orleans, La. From there he came to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where he was united in marriage, January 6, 1850, to Dora M. , daughter of John B. and Annie M. C. (Busch) Fangmann; she was born in Oldenburgh, Germany, September 30, 1830. In March, 1852, Mr. Kune moved to Dearborn County, Ind., and settled on his present farm, which he had purchased in 1851, and where he has since resided. Mrs. K. departed this life January 30, 1870, and in February, 1871, Mr. Kune married Annie Martin (widow of Frank Martin), daughter of Bernard and Magdalena (Koch) Kramer. She was born in Hano- ver, Germany, July 11, 1822. Mr. Kune and family, consisting of six living children, viz.: Frank, Christena, Louisa, John, Philemena, and Joseph, are members of the Catholic Church. THOMAS KYLE, of Dearborn County, was the son of John Kyle, a Revolutionary soldier, who served under Gen. Washington, and assisted in storming the Britinh redoubts at Yorktown, and witnessed the sur- render of Gen. Cornwallis. He died August 31, 1845, aged eighty-nine years. He was born near Winchester, Va., March 24, 1785, where he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 801 spent the early part of his life. In the year 1809 he, together with his father and a company of friends, started to the then far off West. In their rude country wagons they embarked on their long journey, crossing the mountains coming to Pittsburgh; thence to Cincinnati, and from there through an unbroken forest to Vincennes, on the Wabash, So great were the perils from the Indians, that Gen. Harrison advised the party to return to Kentucky, and to protect them sent seventy-five armed men. They reached Kentucky in safety. But Mr. Kyle chose to cast his lot with the pale face, and joined Gen. Harrison's command as a soldier, and took part in the battle of Tippecanoe, November 7, 1811, where he had three horses killed after the treaty of peace with Tecum- seh, at Vincennes. He returned in the following year to Dearborn County, and entered a section of land in Town 6, Range 2 west, in a dense and unbroken forest. He immediately set to work to clear a farm. In the year 1815 he married Elizabeth Kerney, of Kentucky. There were born to them two sons and four daughters. They began the hard- ships of a pioneer life with but a few neighbors to enjoy their friendship or hospitality. The nights were made hideous by the howling of wolves; wild game abounded in plenty and furnished the new emigrants plenty of meat. Bread stuff was scarce and mills far back in Ohio. They raised their family to man and womanhood, and gave each as good an education as possible in those times. About the year 1849 consump- tion made its appearance in the family, unbidden by any heriditary tendencies, and, strange to say, in the short space of six years, they had passed to that far off country. Thus, in old age, he and his beloved wife were left to enjoy the comforts oP a snug little fortune, which they, by industry, had accumulated. On the 14th day of October, 1858, his beloved wife died, leaving him alone. Two years after he married Mrs. Mary Burkdoll, a lady of refinement, with whom he lived pleasantly until his death, which occurred on the old homestead, January 6, 1861, aged seventy-five years, ten months and twelve days. His eldest son, John, was married to Margaret Harrison, July 30, 1842. He bought a farm near the old homestead , and settled on it. He was a man univer- sally beloved by all who knew him, taking an active interest in the improvement of society, especially public schools. His education was limited to the branches taught in the public schools, which created in him a great desire for a higher education for his children. Honest and industrious, he had accumulated considerable property. Four sons were born to them, namely: T. M., W. H., L. B. and J. J., the youngest dying in infancy. L. B., the next yoangest, was afflicted in early life from disease of the hip joint, and was compelled to go on crutches through life. He gained a good educatioD. and was thoroughly active to 802 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. whatever interested society, but disease blighted his prospects. He died April 10, 1879. John suffered like his brother 9,nd sisters from that blighting consumption, although everything in the way of medicine and travel could do availed nothing, and at the early age of thirty-six years he closed his eventful life. William Kyle, his second son, was born in Manchester Township, April 2, 1821, and was married to Melissa Milburn on the 28th of August, 1844. One daughter was the result of this marriage. The daughter died before she arrived at the ago of twenty-one. He departed this life on the 6th of January, 1850. Mar- garet, his eldest daughter, was united in marriage with Thomas Harri- son, September 8, 1844. Two daughters were born to them. She died on the same day as her brother William, and side by side they were consigned to their last resting place in the family cemetery. Rebecca, his second daughter, was married to George Mental. Four children con- stituted their family — two sons and two daughters. She died from consumption on the 30th of April, 1854. Jane and Elizabeth, although full of life and promise, fell early victims to consumption, the former dying at the age of thirty-three, the latter at the age of thirty. Dr. T. M. Kyle, eldest son of John and Margaret Kyle, was born in Manches- ter Township on the 30th of April, 1842. Although deprived of the bene- fits of a father's advice at the age of twelve years, his dutiful mother thoroughly mastered her situation, and that of her family gave early character to the life of her son. He was kind and dutiful, assisting his mother in carrying on the interest of the farm. He, in early life, mani- fested great desire for knowledge, attending the district schools during the winter until fifteen years of age, when he entered college for three years. He made rapid advancement in all the bi'anches of science. He taught two terms in the public schools of the township. But his early love for the science of medicine made it possible for him to enter as a student the ofi&ce of Dr. Chamberlain. He read with him but a few months, and went to Cincinnati, entered the Ohio Medical College as a. matriculant during the session of 1864-65. During the next year he engaged in the drug business at Vincennes; but in the autumn entered the Miami Medical College, where he took two courses, and graduated in that institution; moved to Manchester; bought the property of his preceptor, and began the practice of his chosen profession, in the sight of where he spent his childhood days. He was married to Miss Anna Johnson, youngest daughter of Hon. J. D. Johnson, of Sparta, Septem- ber 27, 1866. Miss Johnson was a young lady of refinement and cul- ture, and added great promise to the Doctor's success. Her father had served the people of this county in the Legislature, and was a member of the constitutional convention who framed our present constitution. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 803 was a gentleman of influence, and took great interest in the success of his children. The Doctor has built up a large and lucrative practice. He takes great delight in the practice of surgery, and makes a specialty of treatment of all forms of malignant diseases and tumors. He has per formed some of the most difficult operations, one in particular which he claims is the first of the kind on record. He is a member of the Dear- born County Medical Society, Indiana State Society, Mitchell District Society, American Association of the United States. He is in no way inclined to office seeking, but rather follow his chosen profession. He, like all his ancestors, is Democratic. He is a strong believer in the doc- trines taught by the Methodist Church, an ardent lover of Free Masonry, and thrice elected Master. Besides his active professional duties he has time to devote to the Sabbath-school work, and his public speaking is done in the interest of the Sabbath-school work. Four children bless their home: John J., Maggie F., Jennie M. and Claudia B. John J., born May 27, 1868, is a young man of fine promise, and is on his fourth and last year in college. The girls are bright, and bid fair to be useful. They are great lovers of home. The Doctor and his good wife try to make their home so attractive that their children prefer it to the homes of others. "W. H. Kyle, second son of John Kyle, was born in Manchester Township, August 28, 1845. He received his education in the common schools. He attended commercial college at Indianopolis, and graduated in the year 1863. He was married to Miss Serena Jaquith, May 19, 1867. He immediately engaged in trade with the South, ship- ping hay and produce, which was the chief export from Dearborn County. lie continued in that business until 1879, when he was elected county treasurer, «vhich position he tilled for two terms. During his adminis- tration the county debt was funded, and an exact amount of the indebted- ness of the county was ascertained. And when his time had expired the county papers joined in saying that William Kyle had filled the office to the entire satisfaction of the people of the county. After his term of office he removed to his native township, and is engaged in agriculture and stock raising. He has three sons and four daughters. Frankie, the eldest son, is taking a commercial course at Lebanon, Ohio, from which he expects to graduate at the close of the college year. JAMES LAMB, M. D., physician and surgeon, Aurora, office cor- ner of Main and Second Streets, over O. P. Cobb & Co.'s store, was born on Oil Creek, Venango County, Penn., February 15, 1818, and was the eldest son of the thirteen children of David H. and Margaret (Kidd) T^amb. His paternal ancestors emigrated from the north of Ireland be- fore the Revolutionary war, and Gen. John Lamb was the first collector of the port of New York under Washington. Both his grandmothers 804 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. were of Scotch-Irish descent. In 1827 his parents moved to Jefferson County, Ind. At the age of fifteen he became a clerk in a dry goods house in the village of Canaan, and after one year's experience was sent with Mr. Goodrich on a coasting trading boat down the Ohio River. Although among other duties, he was obliged to sell intoxicating liquors, he never indulged in their use. After disposing of his goods and boat he entered the employment of two brothers who were extensive operators. He took charge of their store, and all the money received in their ex- tended business passed through his hands. His employers offered to educate him at the Catholic institution at Beardstown, Ky., but, owing to severe and continued sickness, he was compelled to reject their kind of- fer and return home. His educational advantages were very limited. After mastering Pike's and Smiley's arithmetics he wished to procure a grammar, and in order to do so, took corn on horseback nine miles to Madison, where he sold it at 20 cents per bushel. Then purchased Kirkham's grammar, and by close application mastered it. At the age of nineteen he began teaching school, which he continued for twelve years, spending his leisure time in study. In 1845 he began the study of medicine, reciting to Dr. John Home, of Mooretield. He afterward studied with Drs. Eastman and Tevis, both gentlemen of culture and ability. He began the practice in May, 1849, just previous to the great cholera epidemic of that year, and treated many cases successfully. Feeling a desire for a more thorough medical education, he took a course of lectures at the medical department of the University of Michigan, graduating in 1853. He resumed the practice in the spring of 1856 at Allensville, Switzerland Co., Ind. In 1858, in company with Dr. Butz (since deceased), opened a preparatory college of medicine, supplying it with a very valuable anatomical museum and laboratory, at a cost of $1,600. They had six students at the breaking out of the war, five of whom, including a brother of Dr. Lamb, entered the army, and either were killed on the field, or died of disease or wounds. Dr. Lamb was a warm friend of the Union in the late civil war, and was only prevented from enlisting by the care of his family and aged pai-ents. He had four brothers in the army, two escaped unhurt. In 1862 Dr. Lamb was a delegate to the United States General Assembly at Cincinnati, and also to Philadelphia in 1870, and was a member of the judiciary committee, composed of the ablest churchmen of America and Europe. He assisted in reorganizing the Dearborn County Medical Society, which now num- bers about fifty members. He has contributed many papers to this society, and is alM'ays ready to defend the honor and integrity of the profession. In November, 1841, Dr. Lamb married Miss Sarah A. Car- nine, of Switzerland County, Ind. By the marriage four children were BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ' 805 born, two of whom survive. The son, Lamartine K., is a graduate of the Ohio Medical College, and has a good practice in Tolona, 111. The daughter, America C, who completed her musical education under Prof. Andre, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is the wife of Frederick Treon, M. D., who is also a graduate of the Ohio Medical College, and in practice with his father-in-law at Aurora. Dr. Lamb cast his first vote for Gen. Harrison in 1840. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, he having united with it whem twenty -four years old, and she in early youth, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. HUDSON G. LAMKIN, carpenter, Aurora, is a native of Dearborn County, born January 31, 1841, and received a common school education. His parents, Thomas and Eliza A. (Graves) Lamkin, were both born in Dearborn County, the father May 15, 1817, and the mother May 10, 1817. The father was steam-boat mate for thirty-five years. He was wharf master from 1846 to 1856, and served for one and a half years as corporal in the Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry during the Eebellion, and was discharged on account of disability. His death occurred in March, 1873. The mother died in March, 1884. For several years Hudson G. Lamkin followed draying, after which he began the carpenter trade. He enlisted July 12, 1861, in Company D, Third Indiana Cavalry as a private, serving three years and two months. In November, 1863, he was promoted to brigade wagon master, and was mustered out as such. He was married December 12, 1864, to Miss Rebecca J. Bowman, who was born in Ohio County, August 26, 1843. By the union eight children have been born, namely: Gladys I.; William T., born May 1, 1867, died in infancy; Hattie; Emma; Grier, born October, 1875, died May, 1876; George; Elias, born May, 1880, died May, 1882, and Susie. Mr. Lamkin is a member of the K. of P. Lodge No. 34, of which he is past grand representative, also of the G. A. R. Post No. 82, of which he is now adjutant. AMOS LANE, see page 150. MRS. MARY LANE. In 1804 Amos Lane was married at Ogdens- burgh, N. Y. , to Mrs. Mary Howes, a daughter of John Foote, a soldier of the Revolution; they moved West in 1808. While living in Kentucky, opposite Lawrenceburgh, and afterward at Burlington, Ky., Mrs. Lane taught a school, which at one time numbered seventy pupils. Mrs. Lane was a remarkable woman. Her attainments in education and literature were considerably above those of most women of her time. She wrote well both in prose and poetry; accomplished in her manners, she pos- sessed fine conversational powers. Her figure was large and her mien always dignified and stately, but the tenderness of her spirit made her genial and kind to every one about her. The mother of six children and 806 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. never rich, Mrs. Lane devoted her efforts to so raise her family, that they might occupy positions of honor and respectability. Her husband became a distinguished lawyer, a leading politician and a member of Congress; her eldest son graduated with honor at West Point, and died in the service of his country; another son represented iu Congress the dis- trict in which he was born, and died a member of the United States Sen- ate, and the remaining and only living son has occupied many honorable and responsible position of public trust. Her three daughters became the wives of Arthur St. Clair, Esq., Judge Huntington and Hon. George P. Buell; all of them ladies of fine accomplishments, inheriting from their mother many of her best traits. Mrs. Mary Lane died at the resi- dence of her son-in-law, George P. Buell, near Lawrenceburgh, Decem- ber 27, 1854, aged seventy-seven years. JOHN FOOTE LANE, eldest son of Amos and Mary Lane, was born at Touseytown, Ky. , opposite Lawrenceburgh, December 24, 1810. He entered West Point at the age of thirteen years, and graduated with honor when seventeen. Col. J. F. Lane died in Florida, in 1836, at the early age of twenty-six. COL. JAMES H. LANE was born in Lawrenceburgh, in 1814. He was a merchant at Lawrenceburgh, and afterward studied law. He was colonel of the Third Indiania Regiment, in the Mexican War, and after- ward of the Fifth Regiment. His gallantry at Buena Vista retiected great credit on his native State. He was lieutenant governor of Indiana^ from 1849 to 1853. He represented his district in Congress, from 1853- 1855. He was elected as a Democrat, and in Congress voted for the Kansas, Neb., bill. He subsequently went to Kansas, and there became noted as a leader of the Free-State party. When he went to Kansas, he had no expectation of leaving the Democratic party: he desired by a con- servative course to make Kansas a free State and a Democratic State, but when he got there, he found that no man could occupy a middle ground, much less a conservative position. He was compelled to choose between the pro-slavery cause and the Republican party; he became a Republican more from necessity than choice, and when once inside of that party he remained. Gen. James H. Lane was as brave a man as ever faced an enemy, as those associated with him will cheerfully testify, and as String- fellow and Atchinson found to their cost. He was elected to the United States Senate from Kansas, and was serving his second term in that body when he ended his life by suicide. While in Mexico, he contracted from (drinking poisoned) water a diarrhoea, which became chronic and affliced him to the grave, and no doubt produced that aberration of mind which was apparent on a number of occasions for several years before his death, and which prevented him from gaining high rank in the civil BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 807 war. "He was a man of restless ambition, unconquerable energy and imperious will. For his services in repelling ' the border ruffians' of Kansas, and preserving that beautiful country from the curse of slavery, he deserved well of his country, and will occupy a prominent and honor- able position in the history of the great struggle between freedom and bondage." He shot himself in the mouth and died Sunday afternoon, July 1, 1866, near Lawrence, Kas. James H. Lane was married in 1841 to Miss Mary Baldridge, a grand -daughter of Gen. Arthur St. Clair. Of their children three are living at this time: Lieut. James H. Lane, late of the regular army; Thomas Davies Lane and Mrs. Annie E. Johnson. GEO. W. LANE, second son of Amos and Mary Lane, was born at Burlington, Ky., in a log-cabin on the outskirts of that village, November 7, 1812. When he was two years of age, his parents came to Lawrenceburgh, and since that time George W. has had his residence in Dearborn County. He now resides west of Aurora, in an old fashioned, comfortable and substantial brick house, on an elevation commanding a beautiful view of the valley of South Hogan Creek and distant hills. In «arly life he engaged in the mercantile business at Lawrenceburgh. While at that place, he erected the large brick bnsiness house on High Street, adjoining the Ferris drug store. In 1834 he was one of the first direct- ors of the old Lawrenceburgh & Indianapolis Railroad Company. In December, 1835, he removed to Aurora, and while there devoted his time largely to building up the material and educational interests of that pros- perous city. At the time Mr. Lane removed to Aurora, nearly all the business of that part of the county was transacted at Wilmington. Owing to the expenses and difficulty of crossing the different streams emptying into the Ohio, above and below Aurora, there was little travel by land on the river road through the town. In 1836 he built a bridge across the mouth of Hogan Creek, which opened the way of communication and travel through Aurora to Lawrenceburgh. While in the Legislature Mr. Lane obtained charters authorizing the construction of turnpike roads from Aurora to Dillsboro, to Hart's Mill and to Moore's Hill, the last via Wilmington; these were soon after constructed and were of great conven- ience to Aurora. While in the Legislature Mr. Lane aided in obtaining the charter for the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and on the organization of the company for its construction, he was made one of the first direct, ors. In 1850 he became the owner and publisher of the Lawrenceburgh Register. In 1841 he was elected the first auditor of Dearborn County and held that office for four years. He was elected a representative in the Legislature in 1847, and again in 1856. Be was superintendent of the United States Mint at Denver, and also assistant treasurer of the United States, which position he held for eight years. As a public offi- 808 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. cer it is believed that his fidelity to the interests of the public and his integrity have never been questioned even by his political opponents. Educated in the school of Andrew Jackson, in politics, he is, as vras his father, a Democrat, but is not a narrow partisan and has the respect and esteem of men of all parties. In Dearborn County, especially, where he has been so long and so well known, he is highly esteemed, not only as a good man, but also as a man of ability. He has l6ng taken a deep interest in every thing relating to the pioneer times and early history of Dearborn County and southeast Indiana. He collected and preserved the valuable historical papers of Dr. Ezra Ferris. He has written many interesting and important sketches of local history, some of which have been published in the Aurora, Lawrenceburgh and Cincinnati newspapers, and he has furnished important contributions to this volume. Mr. Lane is now living in the peaceful retirement of his rural home, more than three-score and ten, yet his interest in current events is unabated. He is a man of medium stature with animated eyes, and in personal appear- ance is said to strongly resemble his distinguished father. He is the last of his father's family, which once held a high position in the aristoc- racy of intellect and intelligence in the |oId county of Dearborn; the rest are all gone, and the old family mansion in Lawrenceburgh, in which the father and mother entertained Gen, Jackson, looks as if it too would soon go to the dust with those who once inhabited it. Geo. W. Lane was married to Miss Sally Maria Buell, a daughter of Salmon D. Buell, of Marietta, Ohio, and sister of Gen. Don Carlos Buell. Nine children were born to them, two of whom, Mary E. and Buell L., died young; seven are living viz. ; Amos, Anna, George B. , Mary Eliza, Gertrude B. , Julia and Jane Alma. JOHN LANIUS, of Eising Sun, died on the 9th of April, 1846, aged seventy-three years. He emigrated from Reisterstown, Md., in 1812, and settled in Circleville, Ohio, where he remained until 1818, when he removed to Rising Sun where he continued to reside until his death, at which time he was serving as the village postmaster. Mr. Lanius was remarkable for habits of industry, veracity and integrity in all his deal- ings with his fellow men. He lived with the widowed relict then left to mourn his loss, fifty-two years in the strictest harmony. He was a mem- ber of the United Brethren Church. The writer of this notice has known Mr. Lanius for more than thirty years, and he verily believes that but few men have lived so many years and left as many examples worthy of imitation, as a citizen, a neighbor, a patriot and a Christian. R. G. LANGSDALE, M. D., a popular druggist and pharmacist, Rising Sun, is a native of Kentucky, born in 1851, He was educated at Moore's Hill College, and for seven years was engaged in teaching BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 809 "the young idea how to shoot." In 1879 he entered the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati, and took a thorough course in the study of medi- cine, graduating March 4, 1881. He then sold out his interest in the drug business at Florence, Ind., and located in the same year in Rising Sun. In Januaiiy, 1882, he purchased a stock of drugs of B. F. Buchanan, and, since that date, has done a good business in the drug line, keeping a full stock of goods peculiar to the trade. Dr. Langsdale began the study of medicine with Drs. Fairhurst & Mantle, of Vincennes, Ind., and later, with Dr. J. M. W. Langsdale, of Florence, Ind. He now confines his prof essional services to city practice exclusively. In the fall of 1885 Dr. Langsdale was married to Miss Carrie Enochs, one of the most prepossessing young ladies of Rising Sun. GEORGE H. LANKFORD. river trader, Aurora, is a native of Maryland, born in Somerset County, November 29, 1832. His educa- tion was very limited. His parents, Littleton and Adaline (Townsend) Lankford, were born in Maryland, the father in 1800 and the mother in 1802. They raised a family of six children. The parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Chvirch, in which the father was an officer for years. He died in 1858, and the mother in 1858. George H., in early life, left the farm and served a four years' apprenticeship at bricklaying, and received as compensation for his services in addition to the knowl- edge acquired, one pair of boots. He came to Indiana in 1855, and fol- lowed his trade, and boarded for fourteen years at the Eagle Hotel in Aurora. September 4, 1865, he was married to Miss Adaline Pusey,who was born in Maryland, January 15, 1835. Mr. Lankford began operat- ing on the river in 1859, and has followed flat boating and steam-boating ever since. He was in the Government service for three years as pilot, and ran the blockade, at Vicksburg, in perfect safety, without even a scratch. He holds a license as pilot from Cincinnati to New Orleans. For the last few years he has been spending his winters south. Mr. Lankford is a worthy member of Aurora Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13, Aurora Council and Aurora Commandry No. 17, K. T. His estimable wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. JAMES E. LARIMER, editor of the Lawrenceburgh Press, the Republican organ of Dearborn County, is a descendant of a large family of that name who were pioneers of Fairfield County, Ohio; his father, James Larimer, having been born and reared there. The family subse- quently moved to Elkhart County, Ind., where James E. was born in 1840. The death of his father broke up his home when he was seven years of age, and thereafter he knocked about with the ordinary expe- rience of a homeless orphan, finally picking up the trade of blacksmith. Though of unbroken Democratic stock he was an abolitionist from the 810 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. first. When the war began he laid down the hammer and joined the first company Ohio sent into the conflict, Company A, First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was in the first battle of Bull Run, three days after his time had expired. It was his company that first de- veloped the enemy, and his regiment that caused the retreat and protected the panic-stricken mob from the Black Horse Cavalry. At the close of the three months' service he spent all his money to enlist men for three years, and when sent home on recruiting service in 1862, he spent all his wages up to that time enlisting men. He re-enlisted as a veteran in 1863, and was mustered out July 20, 1865, having been in many of the engagements participated in by the Fourteenth Corps between "Wildcat" in 1861 and the surrender of Johnston in 1865; and the only per- sonal matter he takes any pride in is the fact that he did faithfully what one man could do in the war for the Union. At the close of the war Mr. Larimer was united in marriage with Miss Rhoda Ward, daughter of William S. Ward, ex-commissioner, and one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Dearborn County. Laura, their only child, is now ten years of age. In 1866 and again in 1884 he was Republican nominee for representative to the State Legislature, which fact attests to the confidence placed in him by his party. In 1869 he entered the internal revenue service as ganger, and served fifteen years, ranking among the most effi- cient officers in the service. His best friends were among his fellow officers and the men with whom he had to do officially. In 1878 he purchased the Press office, which, with his wife, a valuable assistant, he has since ably and successfully conducted, being thoroughly devotad to his party, always active in its support, and fearless almost to a fault in opposing what he thinks to be wrong. Besides his newspaper work, Mr. Larimer has also given some attention to the manufacturing interests of Lawrenceburgh. He holds some stock in the Ohio Valley Coffin Company, to the success of which he has contributed his full share. A mind serious and philosophic, firm and conscientious in his convictions, he is well cal- culated for usefulness as a balance-wheel of public sentiment in the field of labor which he has chosen. JOSEPH LARKINS, foreman molder, Ohio & Mississippi shops, Cochran, is a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, born in Cincinnati April 19, 1850. He obtained a common school education. His parents, Joseph and Elizabeth (McGuire) Larkins, were born in Ireland. They came to America in 1847, locating in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he fol- lowed brick-making, building, contracting and farming. The subject of this sketch worked on the farm until 1865, when he learned plumbing and gas fitting, at which he worked for two years; then clerked in a grocery for five years. In 1872 engaged in business for himself; in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 811 1873 sold out and came on the Ohio & Mississippi Road; in 1874 went to I.e. & St. L.Road, worked for three years in molder's department; August 26, 1877, retiirned to Aurora and worked as freight hand for Ohio & Mississippi Railroad; December 14, 1878, was transferred to molder's department, and in 1881 was promoted to foreman, which position he has held ever since. He was married, May 13, 1870, to Miss Nellie Dews, a native of Aurora. To them have been born two children: Anna and Robert. WIT;LIAM G. LAYCOCK, retired carpenter, Hogan Township, resides in Wilmington. He was born in Clermont County, Ohio, April 3, 1802. His parents, Nathan and Ann (Gregory) Laycock's record has been lost, but the father's nativity was Pennsylvania, and the mother's, Maryland. They wore married and moved to Kentucky in 1796, and in two years thereafter to Ohio, where they raised a family of thirteen chil- dren. He was in the war of 1812, under Gen. Harrison, in cavalry department, and furnished his own equipments. The parents were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. William G. Laycock learned the tanner's trade in boyhood. Having left home when only fifteen years of age, he knows almost nothing about his ancestors. He was married, February 17, 1822, to Miss Nancy Higbee, who was born in 1806. There were born of this union seven children: James, Nathan, William, Eliza, Francis, Charles and Ann M. The mother died August 25, 1846. He remarried, October 3, 1847, Mrs. Ann (Dreper) Tufts, who was born in Temple, Franklin Co., Me., July 13, 1810. She came to Indiana in 1836. They have one child, Olive E. Mr. Laycock came to Indiana in 1846, and has resided here ever since. He has framed many a house and barn, and done much hard work in his day. He is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., and Aurora Chapter No. 13, also Aurora Council. He and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was steward and trustee when the church was built, and be has always taken an active part in religious matters. CHARLES LEIBECKE, druggist, Aurora, on Second Street, where can always be found pure drugs, paints, oils, varnishes and glass, surgi- cal instruments and surgeon's supplies, and all standard pharmaceutical preparations, was born in Germany, August 25, 1846, where he received a collegiate education, taking a special course in chemistry and phar- macy. He clerked four years in his native land, and came to America in 1864; landed in New York and enlisted in Company A, Forty-fifth Regiment New York Infantry, and served until the close of the war. In the fall of 1865 he began clerking in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he re- mained up to the spring of 1872, at which time he came to Aurora, and 812 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. opened up his present business. He was married, December 4, 1873, to Mitis Christena Wellman, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, December 10, 1848. To them have been born three children: Harry, Charley and Mamie. The members of the family are identified with the Catholic Church. WILLIAM LEIVE, watch-maker and dealer in jewelry, silverware, books, stationery, wall and window paper, pianos, organs, etc., Aurora, was born in the Province of Hanover, January 13, 1838, where he re - ceived a common school education. His father, John Leive, was born in Hanover, Germany, July 7, 1817, and his mother, Anna C. G. Ober- mueller, was born in the same province in 1816. They came to America in 1860 and. located in Cincinnati, Ohio. In Germany, the father of our subjectj followed engineering, and in this country farming. The mother died January 13, 1873. Mr. Leive came to Aurora in the spring of 1861 and worked for a Mr. Milburn, with whom he learned his trade. In 1865 he began business for himself, and gradually worked up from nothing to his present truly enviable position in life. He was married, October 24, 1867, to Sophia F. Resing, a native of Ohio. She was born in Cincinnati, January 24, 1847. To the marriage three children have been born: Charles H., December 6, 1868; Alvina M., August 26, 1872, and William H., August 15, 1874, Mr. Leive and family are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. JAMES LIDDLE, one of the leading farmers of Miller Township, was born in Dearborn County in 1824. His father, Steven Liddle, was a native of Yorkshire, England, born in 1780, and came to this county in 1819, bringing his father with him. The family was of Scotch and En- glish parentage, the ancestors having been residents of those countries through time immemorial. Steven Liddle was a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and had considerable reputation in a local sense, as a laborer in that capacity. He purchased land in Miller Town- ship, and did quite a farming business in connection with his ministerial work. He was twice married, his first wife having beea Isabelle Clark, who died in England, leaving one child — Elizabeth. His second wife was Sarah Thompson, by whom he had nine children. He died June 27, 1851. James Liddle, whose name begins this notice, grew to matu- rity in his father's home, and was early inured to the toils and trials of farm life. He married, in 1848, Miss Sarah J. Ewbank, daughter of Mar- tin C. Ewbank, and they have reared six children: Charles, Howard, Ella, Anna, Marian and Laura. After his marriage he began operations on his own responsibility, making his start in a very humble manner in- deed. His first purchase of land was made about 1852, and consisted of 112 acres. By industry, perseverance and good management he has BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 813 added at intervals to his original possessions till he now owns 480 acres, and with his son, 600 acres of valuable land. He has always dealt quite extensively in stock, and the rank he is now able to take anaong other farmers of the county is sufficient evidence of his general success. The family is associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. LEANDER LINDSAY, farmer and dairyman, Washington Township, was born in Gallatin County, Ky. , December 23, 1843, and completed .his education at Georgetown College. His father, Charles, was born in Dear- born County, Ind., January 27, 1807, and immigrated to Kentucky when quite young, where he followed farming and school teaching. The mother, Minerva Williams, was born in Scott County, Ky. They were married in 1837, and raised a family of five children. His father was sheriff for four years in Gallatin County, Ky. , and made a prompt and efficient officer. Mr. Leander Lindsay began farming in Center Town- ship in 1855, and located in Washington Township, where he now resides, in 1872. He was married, April 12, 1870, to Miss Harriet J. Dils, who was born in Centre Township, Dearborn Co., Ind., January 22, 1843. Five children resulted: William L., born February 24, 1871, died March 5, 1872; Mary, born February 9, 1873; Paul, born May 11, 1878; Gracie, born March 16, 1882. Mr. Lindsay is a member of Pleasant View Grange No. 237. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. He has a fine herd of Alderny cows, and splendid facilities for taking care of the milk. He churns by horse-power, and makes a specialty of furnishing his patrons with good butter and rich buttermilk. He was raised a farmer, but has found his present employment more lucrative than tilling the soil, hence he devotes his time and talent to the butter and buttermilk business, which he began in 1877. JOHN F. LINDSAY, retired, Aurora, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., May 16, 1823, and received an ordinary English education. His father, Thomas Lindsay, was born in Kentucky in 1793, and came to Aurora in 1811, and followed carpentering up to 1829, when he returned to Kentucky, where he lived unti.1 his death, in 1870. The mother, Eliz- abeth (Fulton) Lindsay, was born in Pennsylvania, and came here, in 1798, with her father. Judge Samuel Fulton, son of a Revolutionary soldier, who was one of the first associate judges of Ohio County, Ind. , and served for many years as justice of the peace. John F., at the age of ten years, began the carpenter trade, and followed it up to 1882. He was married, September 3, 1845, to Lucinda Powers; she was born in Boone County, Ky., July 21, 1824. Mr. Lindsay moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852, and remained until 1870; then returned to his native playgrounds, and now resides on the place where he was born. He owns twenty-three acres of land within the city limits, and has opened a stone quarry upon the 814 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. same, and superintends the business himself. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church, and he of the Universalist Church. Mr, Lindsay is a well-preserved, elderly gentleman, and bids fair for many years of usefulness to his family and friends. THOMAS O. LINDSAY, attorney, real estate and insurance agent, Aurora, ofi6.ce on Main Street in Dr. Henry's block. Mr. Lindsay was born in Rising Sun, Ind., October 17, 1849, and completed his education in the public schools at Cincinnati, Ohio. His father, John F., was born in Aurora, Ind., May 16, 1823; mother, Lucinda (Powers) Lindsay, was born in East Bend, Boone Co., Ky., July 21, 1824. In. 1865 Thomas O. began the carpenter trade, which he followed for years, and became a very successful architect. In J 870 he came to Aurora as contractor and builder, and has built over 180 houses, including the Opera House, all of which stand as monuments to his skill and ability as an architect and builder. Mr. Lindsay abandoned manual labor in 1881, and engaged in his present business. He was admitted to the bar in 1882. He was married, in 1877, to Miss Vina Cunningham; she was born in Wilming- ton January 17, 1854. To them was born one child — Lillian. He is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., and Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F. ; also Harmony Lodge No. 69, K. of P. JOB LITTLE, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in the same, March 20, 1828. His parents, Elias and Kebecca (Mulford) Little, were both natives of Ohio, and migrated from then ce to Dearborn County in a very early day, settling on the same farm on which our subject now lives. They were among the early pioneers of this county, and at the time the settlement was made the county was almost an unbroken wilder- ness. The father died in 1869, his wife having died in 1829. He was afterward married to Mrs. Nancy Hubbard, who died about 1843, and he then married Betsy Shedd, who still survives. He was the father of twenty-one children, namely: Mulford, Ephraim, William, Archibald, Julia, Phebe, Mary, Martha, Esther and Job, by his first wife; Jackson, Rebecca, Myer, Sarah, Amos, Elias and David by second wife, and George, John, Aan and Elizabeth by third wife. Our subject purchased the old homestead after his father's death, where he has always resided. He was married in Sparta Township, in 1850, to Elizabeth Lind- say, by whom he had born to him two children, viz.: Elias W. and Esther J., the latter deceased. Mrs. Little died in 1854, and in the same year he married Harriet Lindsay, a sister of the first wife, by whom he has had nine children, viz.: James F., Sarah F., Archibald, Ebben B., George B., William A., Charles S., Oscar E. and Fladilla M. CHARLES LODS, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in France January 15, 1825. His parents were John P. and Mary Lods. both BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 815 natives of France, where they married and from where, in 1827, they immigrated to the United States. Landing at New York City; from there to Cincinnati, Ohio, they came by flat boat, the mother dying on the way, the father came immediately to Dearborn County, settling in Logan Township, where he purchased land and was married to Margaret Christopher. In 1837 he moved to Kelso Township, purchasing the farm and settling where our subject now lives, and where he resided until death. He was the father of eight children, viz.: Susan, Cather- ine, Joseph, Elizabeth, Rosanna, James, Charles and Louisa. Charles, our subject, came with his father to this township, where he was united in marriage, May 16, 1850, to Isabelle Hudson, who was born at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, March 3, 1824, a daughter of Christopher and Ann Hud- son. After his marriage be settled on the old homestead, where he at present lives and has resided principally since. He was elected township assessor of Kelso Township in 1855, and in 1860 was elected to the State Legislature. In 1872 he was elected treasurer of Dearborn County, which office he held two terms. Mr. and Mrs. Lods are parents of five children, viz.: Louisa (deceased), born March 2, 1851; Elizabeth, born September 8, 1853; Catherine, born October 15, 1855; Charles J., born September 29, 1862; Josephine, born April 26, 1866. Mr. Lods owns 240 acres of fine land, well improved. He holds a high rank in the cit- izenship of his township, and in both his legislative and official career he has merited the esteem and confidence of all interested. CHRIST LOMMEL, Lawrenceburgh, the able superintendent and treasui-er of the Lawrenceburgh Furniture Manufacturing Company, was born in Germany, in 1834, and grew up to early manhood in his native country. In 1851 he immigrated to the United States, and soon after located at Lawrenceburgh. He was variously employed till 1868, when he began operations with the above named company, with which he has since been connected. Mr. Lommell is among the foremost citizens of Lawrenceburgh, both in civil affairs and business enterprise, having for some time represented one of the wards in the city council, of which he is at present a member. He was married, in 1868, to Miss Lena Kirsch, by whom he has seven children living, namely: Louise, Charles, Katie, Henry, Edward, Tina and Arthur. Amelia is deceased. Mr. Lommel is a member of the Druid's society, and a gentleman of excellent standing as a citizen. NIMROD LOTTON, grocer, Lawrenceburgh, born in Ohio County, Ind., in 1837, is a son of William and Julia (Jenkins) Lotton. He grew to maturity in his native locality, in whose schools he obtained the rudi- ments of an education. He resided on a farm till 1866, when he removed to Lawrenceburgh, and engaged in the cooperage business, operating 816 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. from fifteen to twenty workmen. In 1873 the panic brought on reverses which compelled him to curtail his business, and he engaged in the manufacture of beer casks till 1882, when he embarked in the grocery business, in which he still continues. Mr. Lotton was married, July 29, 1869, to Luella G. fSwope, who was reared in Lawrenceburgh, and three years teacher in the public schools. Her father was James Swope, a merchant of Lawrenceburgh for twenty live years. Mr. and Mrs. Lotton have two children: lola G. and William. Mr. Lotton was four years a member of the city council, and is generally regarded as an enterprising business man. BENJAMIN F. LOTTON, Rising Sun, dealer in groceries and provisions, was born in Ohio County in 1854. He is a son of William and Lucy (Mendell) Lotton, both natives of the same county. He grew up on the farm with his parents, remaining under the care of the pater- nal roof till twenty-three years of age. He obtained a good practical education in the common schools, and at Moore's Hill College, with a short term at Lebanon, Ohio, Normal School, and subsequently taught eight terms. For about four years he was engaged during the summer seasons in running a wholesale and retail dry goods and notion wagon. In November, 1883, he established himself in the grocery and provision trade in Rising Sun, where he has since conducted a profitable business, making a specialty of goods in job lots. JOHN LOFTUS, farmer, of Sparta Township, was born in Ireland in May, 1827. His parents, W^illiam and Catherine (Collins) Loftus, were also natives of Ireland, and were the parents of six children, viz. : Patrick, America, Thomas, William, Mary, and John, our subject, the second member of the family. He immigrated to the United States in 1848, landing at New Orleans in May of that year. Shortly afterward he came to Cincinnati, Ohio, amd from thence to Aurora, Ind. , where he was married to Betsy Heflfrein, by whom he has reared four sons, viz. : Michael, John, James and Thomas. In about 1865 Mr. Loftus pur- chased and moved on his present farm, where he has since resided. He owns 140 acres of fine land, well improved, and is regarded as one of the thrifty agriculturists of the township. HENRY LONGCAMP, farmer of Clay Township, is a native of Germany, born May 14, 1843. His parents, Frederick and Mary (Sheibumb) Longcamp, were also natives of Germany, and immigrated to Dearborn County in the year 1843, settling in Cesar Creek Township, where he died in Febraary, 1881, his widow subsequently moving to Ris- ing Sun, Ind., where she now resides. Their children were Frederick, Mary, Henry, Eliza, Louisa, Minnie, William and Rosena. Henry, our subject, enlisted in the war August 14, 1862, in Company E, Eleventh BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 817 Kentucky Cavalry, as a private, and served until July 15, 1865, at which time he was discharged and returned home, where he was married, March 14, 1867, to Catherine Rullman, who was born in Dearborn County June 28, 1846. Shortly after his marriage he purchased and settled on the farm where he now lives, and where he has since resided. He owns ninety-six and a half acres of fine land. Mr. and Mrs. L. are parents of three children: Henry W., deceased; John H. and Annie M. GEORGE C. LONGENECKER, farmer and grain dealer, Harri- son Township, was born in this township January 12, 1861. His parents, Solomon and Mary (McManaman) Longenecker, were natives of Adams County, Penn., and this county respectively. His paternal grandpar- ents came to this county with their children about 1845-46, his father being then a small boy, though he became a prominent farmer, owning 512 acres of land. He was also engaged in the lumber business for a time, and in all his enterprises was quite successful. He reared four chil- dren: Rebecca H., Solomon, Mary E. M. and George C He died September 13, 1884. His wife still survives and resides at Metamora, Ind. , with her son and two daughters. Geoi'ge C. , our subject, grew to the age of seventeen on the old homestead, where he now temporarily resides. In 1877 he moved to Metamora with his parents, and was then married. May 27, 1884, to Hattie L. McGuire, of that place, daughter of Dr. William W. and Angeline (Martindale) McGuire. Since his marriage Mr. Longenecker has been engaged in this township in farming and buying grain and stock at Longenecker Station. He is a young man of energy, good character, and good business qualifications. OTHO LOWE, an energetic farmer, Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in Dearborn County in 1844. He grew to maturity on the farm, was educated in the common schools, and in 1863 married Mary S. Guard, and began business on his own responsibilities. He rented land a few seasons and in 1879 made a purchase to which he has since added till he now owns about 238 acres, ranging in value from $40 to $100 per acre. In 1879 Mr. Lowe was married to Bartha Wamsley, daughter of Moses B. Wamsley, Hamilton County, Ohio, his first wife having passed away previously, leaving three children: William, Lucy and Anna. Mr. Lowe is regarded as one of the most substantial farmers of Dearborn County. He is a lineal descendant of one of the earliest settlers. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and holds a ranking position in the citizenship of his community. FREDERICK F. LUCAS. Among the pioneers of Lawrence- burgh, Dearborn Co., Ind., was Frederick F. Lucas, a Frenchman of education and culture, a watchmaker and jeweler by occupation, a native of Rennes, France, and son of (ex-notary public) John Baptiste and 818 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Elizabeth Lucas (nee St. Clare), two families of distinction in that city occupying official positions in the Government, church and army. To them were born seven children — three sons and four daughters — namely: John Baptiste, Frederick Francis, Charles August, Johanna Elizabeth, Marie Angelique, Anna Marie and Marie Josephine. At the age of eighteen years Frederick enlisted in the French Army, under Napoleon, and followed the fortunes of that illustrious leader through the last scenes of his warfare. He was one of the sufferers of the terrible scourge, the small-pox, which so weakened the army, and fought at the battle of Waterloo. After Napoleon's defeat, political differences caused him, with many others, to immigrate to the United States, arriving at Baltimore about 1817, where he remained some time and learned the trade of watch- maker. From there he removed to Marietta, Ohio, then to Cincinnati, and from there to Lawrenceburgh, Ind., in the year 1820 where he set- tled for life. In 1824' he married Letitia Nethery, a granddaughter of Maj. Walter Craig, of Wilmington, Del., who was an officer of tbe Revo- lution and for meritorious services rendered at the battle of Brandywine» was awarded a large tract of land, to which she is an heir. To Frederick and Letitia Lucas were born five children — three sons and two daughters. The two youngest sons died in childhood. The daughters, Mrs. Laura M. Cheek and Mrs. Josephine A. Dumont, are still living. GEN. THOMAS J. LUCAS, postmaster at Lawrenceburgh and native of that city, was born in 1826. His parents, Frederick F. and Letitia (Nethery) Lucas, are mentioned in the above sketch. Ho was edu- cated in the public schools of Lawrenceburgh, in which city also he learned the jeweler's trade with his father, and for many years he conducted that business. His father, born and reared during the period of the greatest military excitement of France, and directly under the influence of the genius of the great Napoleon, of whom he was a great admirer, trans- mitted to his son, in no mean degree, the tastes and talents of the soldier. At the early age of seveteen years he enlisted as drummer boy in the Mexican war, joining Company C, Fourth Kegiment Indiana Volun- teers, commanded by Willis A. Gorman and was soon promoted to sec- ond lieutenant, acting at one time as assistant commissary and later in the service as adjutant. He served the first year of the war under Gen. Taylor and subsequently under Gen. Scott, and participated in several spirited engagements. In the month of August, 1847, he was landed at Vera Cruz and marched to the City of Mexico in pursuit of Santa Anna. He fought in the battles of Broken Bridge, Cerro Gordo, Wamantla, Eclisco, Pueblo and various other minor engagements. After the close of the war he returned to his home and former occupation in Lawrence burgh. In 1848 he married Miss Ann E. Munson, who has since borne I BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ' 819 him live children— three sons and two daughters— the latter only now liv- ing: Mrs. Emma, wife of Frederick Kinsinger, of Cincinnati, and Miss Florence F., who is still at home. Mrs. Lucas was a daughter of Ira Munson, a pioneer of Hamilton County, Ohio. Her parents came orig- inally from New Jersey, entered land in Hamilton County, losing five of their children by death from disease during the first year of their set- tlement there. Gen. Lucas continued the jewelry business in Lawrence - burgh till 1861, April 18, of which year, ^on theeveut of the fall of Sumter, he began the organization of a company for military service. From this time until mustered out, January 15, 1866, he did efficient service for the Government, being almost constantly in the field, and ever ready to do his whole duty in whatever department assigned him. The following editorial, taken from the Lawrenceburgh Press of September 24, 1885, is a brief but concise summary of his military record during the late war and will give the reader a fair iaea of his military capacity and of the extent of the invaluable services rendered his country during those tremendous times: "A man more modest with respect to his military services never drew a sword. Few even in his own county know that he was the most distinguished officer it produced, and at least equaled any man of his state. This was partly because of his reluctance to parade his rank and his work, but more because that part in which his capacity was proved and he earned the notice of his commanders, was in the far South, and overshadowed by the nearer and greater operations of Sherman and Grant. Pages of newspapers made us familiar with the Atlanta and the Richmond campaigns, where a line got in about the details of Banks' and Canby's operations. We knew the Red River campaign was a failure for which Banks was responsible, but we never heard of the Custer of that bootless but bloody march. * * * * A strong Democratic partisan when the war begun, he was not deceived or misled, as to his duty, an instant. He went for the flag, and made no constitutional quibble. He helped organize two companies here, raised a third, was elected captain, joined the Sixteenth Indiana, and because of his qualifications was appointed lieutenant-colonel. In the battle of Ball's Bluff, made as a diversion to cover another move, he cov- ered the retreat across the Potomac with 1,100 men, and retired in the last boat. His capacity here made him a colonel, and he was sent home to reorganize his one year regiment into a three years one. Before it was fairly seasoned he met Kirby Smith's invading army at Richmond, Ky. , and though defeated as the little force was certain to be, the Sixteenth, on account of confidence in its commander, met the brunt of the fight in trying to delay Smith's advance, to give time for our forces to gather, and in the first of three fights in one day, lost 200 killed and 820 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. wounded. Reorganizing again after the wounded were well and the captured exchanged, he went to Grant and fought in all the operations about Vicksburg, generally in advance on account of the good discipline and drill of his command. He was wounded three times in charges on the works of Vicksburg, but never left the front. After the surrender he was sent to New Orleans and put in command of a brigade of cavalry, and did the cavalry service for Franklin's operations in the Teche coun- tiy. While the work was of a skirmishing character, it was wide spread and deveolped his military instinct. In the winter of 1863-64 and spring of 1864, in the Red River campaign, he commanded two brigades of cavalry and two batteries, in the advance, fighting every day. Many of these engagements were small cavalry battles, and they always ended in the enemy being swept from the field by the skill and dash of his forces. After Banks met the rebel army at Pleasant Hill and was defeated, rather by his own fears than by the enemy, and ordered the withdrawal, Lucas covered the retreat of the demoralized forces, and to turn and charge the pursuing and jubilant enemy was of almost hourly occurrence. At Alexandria Banks was driven into the works, but the same force that drove him in was repulsed and driven off the field by Lucas' pluck and his skill in handling his division. Indeed a historian of this campaign, in the St. Louis Globe- Democrat, declares that but for Lucas' courage and capacity with cavalry, Banks' army would have been ruined if not captured. From Alexandria to the Mississippi Lucas had the advance, to clear the way of the enemy that had surrounded Banks. After this campaign he was commissioned a brigadier- general on the recommendation of officers who had seen his fitness for cavalry work With a division of cavalry he entered upon the campaign of Mobile, and his rapidity and strategy so confused the enemy that he thoroughly invested Fort Blakely and was about to charge it when Gen. Steele's infantry arrived. After the fall of Blakely, Lucas was brevetted major-general 'for meritorious conduct, ' and sent to intercept the expected retreat of the Mobile forces; and at an engagement at Claiborne two rebel regi- ments were utterly annihilated. Seventy-five of the prisoners captured had sabre wounds, showing the sort of fighting that was done. Being chief of an independent command reporting direct to Canby and receiv- ing orders direct from him, Lucas raided western Florida, southern Georgia, and Alabama, destroying railroads, munitions of war, and cap- turing or routing the troops that tried to protect them. Being in middle Mississippi when hostilities ceased, he marched west to Vicksburg, mustered out his command, whose time was expired, and was himself ordered to New Orleans to await the issue of the threatened complica- tions with the French in Mexico; and not until that threatened cloud BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 821 passed was he ordered to be [iiustered out, January 15, 1866. Sheridan, who was on the Mexican frontier, had heard of him, and had indicated to Canby that he was the sort of man he might want." Since the close of the war, which diminished rather than increased his fortunes, Gen. Lucas has been variously employed. Four years he was engaged in the United States revenue service. In 1881 he was appointed postmaster at Lawrenceburgh, and the business of that office he has since faithfully attended to. Though an ardent Democrat prior to 1881, he has since that date affiliated with the Republican party. STEPHEN LUDLOW, Lawrenceburgh, was an early pioneer of Dearborn County. He was born at Long Hill, Morris Co., N. J., May 5, 1778. He emigrated West with his parents in 1789, and settled in Columbia. His father, John Ludlow, was the first sherifi in Hamilton County, Ohio, appointed in 1790. Mr. Ludlow, in the seventeenth year of his age, entered upon the duties of assistant United States surveyor with his uncle, Isaac Ludlow, and upon his death continued with his uncle, William Ludlow, and served in this capacity for the period of twelve years, surveying in the Western wilderness. On the dissolution of partnership between Isaac Dunn and John R. Beaty in 1808, he entered into a partnership with Isaac Dunn in the mercantile business, and continued it until 1819; during that period he made several trips to New Orleans, and walked back through the Indian nations that were between here and there, and several trips East to buy goods. He was married to Misa Porter, daughter of John Porter, Esq. After her decease he married Miss Leah Ann Bell. He was appointed one of the commissioners by the Legislature of Indiana in 1820, to make a selection of the four sections granted by Congress to the State for a seat of government. The commissioners met at the junction of Fall Creek and White River in June, 1820, and after an examination of the country made their selection of the present site of Indianapolis, June 7, 1820. Mr. Ludlow was a stout, robust man, above the medium size. By his untiring energy, perseverance and economy, he became one of the wealthiest men of the county, a useful citizen, a good neighbor, kind and affectionate husband and father. He died March 22, 1855, lamented by all who knew him. JOHN R. LYNN, farmer, Washington Township, was born in the same, Dearborn Co., Ind., July 28, 1842. He attended common school and completed his education at Farmer's College in Ohio. He is also a competent and well qualified book-keeper, having graduated February 22, 1861, in Bacon's Commercial College. In early life he kept books in Cincinnati, Ohio, clerked on steamboats, and settled down to farming in 1876. Mr. Lynn was married, August 31, 1875, to Miss 822 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Kate Hannah, who was born in Ohio County, Ind., March 8, 1853. Their three children are Mabel V., born September 2, 1876; Jessie R., born June 10, 1878; Julia F., born June 16, 1880. Mrs. Lynn's father, William I. Hannah, was born in Delaware, March 18, 1804, and her mother, Maribah (Barricklow) Hannah, was bom in Pennsylvania Sep- tember 24, 1811. They were married February 26, 1826, and raised four sons and four daughters. The father was a cooper by trade, but followed farming up to his death, September 4, 1881. His parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Lynn's father was born on Arnold's Creek, Ohio County, and died April 2, 1868. His mother, Eliz- abeth (Walker) Lynn, was born in Washington Township. Mr. Lynn is an I. O. O. F., and member of Hartford Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M. He was elected W. M. of Hartford Lodge in December, 1882, and re- elected each following year up to- the present, which proves his good qualities as a presiding officer, and that he is duly appreciated by the brethren. He is truly a self-made man. Mrs. Lynn is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ROBERT LYTLE, foreman in blacksmith shops of the Ohio & Miss- issippi Railroad, Cochran, is a native of Ireland, and was born in County, Tyrone, April 17, 1847, and received only a common education. His parents, Joseph and Elizabeth (Mills) Lytle, were born in same locality. The father came to America in 1847, and mother in 1849, locating in Aurora, Ind. The former was a linen weaver by trade, and died March 29, 1855. The mother resides in Aurora, and is enjoying good health, being now about seventy years of age. The subject of our sketch has always worked hard, and never sought preferment. He lived economically, and gave nearly every dollar of his hard earnings to his good mother up to the date of his marriage. In 1860 he began as a laborer at T. & J. W. Gaff' s Mill, and in 1864 commenced the black- smith trade under William McClelland. In June, 1864, he changed to Steadman's Foundry and worked until 1865; then engaged with the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad Company at the Cochran shops to complete his trade. In 1876 he was promoted to foreman of the blacksmith shops, and has held the position ever since. Mr. Lytle was married. May 4, 1880, to Miss Lizzie Treon. She was born in Bartholemew County, Ind., April 2, 1860. By the union, one child — Jennie T. — has been born. Mr. Lytle is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M. , Aurora Chapter No. 13, Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., Aurora Commandery No. 17, and the Presbyterian Church. DANIEL S. MAJOR, see page 154. JUDGE SOLOMON MANWARRING, late of Dearborn County, died in Logan Township February, 1836, in the sixty-fifth year of his BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 823 age. He emigrated from the State of Delaware to this county in 1803, and about 1810 he was appointed one of the members of the Legisla- tive Council of Indiana Territory, in which capacity he served until the change of government, with the universal approbation of his immediate constituents and the Territory generally. In 1812 Judge Manwarring was elected a member of the convention for Dearborn County, which framed the State constitution. After the change of government he was elected an associate judge of the Dearborn Circuit Court for two suc- cessive periods of seven years each, which position he tilled with punctuality and to the universal satisfaction of those who placed him in that position. " Judge Manwarring was hospitable, charitable, and invariably kind to all his acquaintances, punctual and honest in all his dealings, sincere in his friendships; he may be truly pronounced one amongst the 'noblest works of God ' —an honest man." He died univer- sally regretted by all who knew him. CHARLES MARMET, York Township, was born in Hamm, Prov- ince of Westphalia, Prussia, November 1, 1821. He received a good education in his native country and in 1850 sailed for America, landing in New York, August 15, of that year. He came direct to Cincin- nati, where after clerking about two years in a commission house, he es- tablished himself in the commission business in 1852, in partnership with his brother, Florence. The business of the firm was soon extended to New Orleans, where he spent the greater part of his time till the beginning of the civil war, when he returned to Cincinnati and retired from the commission business to the farm near Yorkville, where his widow now resides. He was married August 18, 1863, to Rosa Ege, a daughter of Joseph Ege, one of the old and esteemed residents of York- ville. Her father was born in Alsace, France, in 1813, and is a son of John and Barbara (Ober) Ege. He married, in 1839, Magdalena Heim- burger, daughter of John G. Heimburger, and in 1833 immigrated to America, came to Indiana and located where he has since resided. In 1862 Mr. Marmet purchased the farm where Mrs. Marmet now lives, and here he made his home till his death in 1881. They had seven children, four of whom died in infancy. The living are Florence, Wil- helmina and Matilda. Mr. Marmet was an enterprising farmer, a mem- ber of the Catholic Church and left behind him a large circle of friends. CHARLES H. MARSH, foreman machinist, Ohio & Mississippi 8hops,Cochran Town^ip,is a native of Dearborn Conn ty,Ind., born Decem- ber 9, 1845, and received a good common school education. His parents, Zachariah and Mary (Decker) Marsh, were natives of Ohio, and New York. He followed the river as mate and captain. Charles went to his trade in 1864, in the ;^Ohio & Mississippi shops at Cochran. In June, 824 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1883, he was promoted to foreman, and has worked in the same shop since 1864. He was married May 22, 1879, to Miss Alice A. Forsythe, a native of Illinois, and to them^has been born one son, Carl W., March 2, 1880. Mr. Marsh served nine months in Company H, Ninety- first Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., also Aurora Chapter No. 13.' His estimable wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. HENRY V. MARSHALL, farmer, was born in Sparta Township, December 3, 1822. His parents were Samuel and Lydia (Cook) Mar- shall, natives of England and New York, the former an only child born to Samuel and Mary Marshall, of London, England. He was born in London, May 29, 1789. His parents died when he was very young, and he was brought up by his uncle and aunt, and when about eleven years of age he immigrated to the United States, landing at New Y'"ork City, where he afterward engaged in the mercantile trade, and he was there united in marriage to the above Lydia Cook, who was born in August, 1790. In 1818 they immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., settling on a quarter section of land in Sparta Township, where they afterward resided until death. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Joseph, Samuel, George, Henry V., Harriet, Jane, James and Charlotte. H. v., our subject, was married in Sparta Township, March, 1844, to Jane Hodshier, by whom he had nine children, viz. : Augusta, Hattie, Charles L. (deceased), Cordelia, Clark, Eva M., Seward L. Morton and Clarence. Mrs. Marshall died in August, 1879, and in June, 3883, Mr. M. married Mrs. Anna S. Parks, widow of John Parks, deceased, and to them were born two^ sons: Howard and Thomas. In 1852, Mr. Mar- shall went in company with sixteen other men from Chesterville to California, where he remained about twenty-five months and engaged in trading, after which he returned to this county. He owns 160 acres of land. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a straight- forward citizen. CHARLES MARTIN, proprietor of billiard hall and the Germania Assembly Rooms on Second Street, Aurora, was born in Bavaria, Germany, July 23, 1847, where he received a common school education. His father was born in Bavaria in 1823, and died in 1877. His mother, Magdalena (Riedinger) Martin, was born in Bavaria, and died in 1851. The father was a book-binder and printer. Mr. Martin came to America in 1863, and located in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he worked at cigar- making up to 1873. He was then appointed to the free delivery department of United States mail service in Poughkeepsie, at which he continued until May, 1874, when he engaged in the manufacture of cigars]^for himself, continuing eighteen months. He next came to Aurora, where he engaged in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 825 the same business. In 1876 he began his present business, at which he has since continued. He was married February 12, 1873, to Miss Louisa Bauer, daughter of Charles Bauer, who was born April 6, 1852. Five children have been born to them, namely: Lizzie H., Charles G., Will iam, Gus and Edna. Mr. Martin is a member of the K. of P. and Druid organizations. PHILLIP L. MATHEUS, of Lawrenceburgh, was born December 2, 1829, at Klingenmlinster, near Landau, in Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, and was the youngest son of Wendel Matheus and his third wife, Katharina F. Conradi; her father, George M. Conradi, was em- ployed as surveyor and geometrical engineer to lay out the frontier line of France and Germany, between Alsace and Rhenish Bavaria. Our subject was educated at the village school and the college at Bergzabern, a few miles from Rome, leaving school at fourteen to clerk in a store in the latter city. After three jears of hard work here he obtained a situation in the city of Manheim, on the Rhine. While in the latter city Mr. Matheus took sufficient part in the political revolution of 1847-48-49 to make it necessary for him to flee the coun- ry, as did such men as Hecker, Struve, Blind and others, some of whom were his playmates in boyhood. Accordingly he left the "Vaterland, " April 16, 1850, immigrated to the United States, and in June of the same year located in Lawrenceburgh. Here he has since resided, except four years (1857-61), in Boonville, Mo., engaged in merchandising. He has been employed as salesman in a number of different establishments, built the "Rossville Exchange," and for a time operated the old brewery — always industrious and true to the interests of his employers. From September, 1862, to 1866, he served as assistant revenue assessor for Dearborn County, and in the latter year was elected city treasurer of Lawrenceburgh, serving eleven years and declining further service, at the same time acting as city civil engineer. In 1863 was Independent candidate for county auditor, and though defeated, polled a large vote; in 1869 he was appointed by Gov. Porter to sell the Omer Tousey estate; in 1873 was chosen cashier of the Lawrenceburgh National Bank, and served three years without being asked for a bond, "and carried the bank through the panic of 'black Friday' without trouble or loss." In the fall of 1873 Mr. Matheus took stock in the Dearborn Furniture Company, which finally led him into an investment with the McLean Chair Com- pany. The failure of the latter enterprise, caused by the floods of 1882- 83-84, and the general depression of business, turned him back to the insurance, European steam passage and exchange agency business, in which he is now engaged in connection with the Matheus & Minick Fil- ler Company, manufacturers of wood tillers, wood stains, etc. Mr. 826 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Matheus was lirst married, in 1855, to Margaret Hauck, daughter of Johannes Hauck, a teacher in the German schools, and their children were Emil F., who was born April 30, 1856, and died in 1875, having spent two years in school in Germany, and later assisting his father as clerk iu the bank; Louisa M. , who died at two years of age; Gustave G., born in Boonville, Mo., in 1860, married Anna Kleinhans; Louis L., born in Lawrenceburgh in 1862; Charles W., born in 1864; Matilda M.,1869; Albert G. , born in 1873, and died in infancy. The cherished mother of these children passed away June 16, 1873, in her forty-third year. After being ten years a widower, April 12, 1883, Mr. Matheus was married to Miss Mina Hertle, who was born at Bergzabern in 1842, niece of Dr. Daniel Hertle, of German literary fame, and an estimable wife of ex- perience and decision. In this country "Mr. Matheus had one brother and two sisters: Fritz, Katharina and Henrietta, the latter only living. His mother immigrated here in 1856 and was buried in the old cemetery at Lawrenceburgh in 1860. In the formation of societies Mr. Matheus has been quite prominent, having assisted in organizing the first singing society in 1852; the Turn Verein in 1853; Columbia Grove of Druids, 1853; Fortuna Lodge, I. O. O. F., 1867; the German Building Company. 1869; was director in the gas company, and is one of the incorporators of Greendale Cemetery. He is a member of the German Pioneer Soci- ety of Cincinnati. JAMES D. McADAMS, farmer, of Cass Township, a native of Ohio County, born in Cass Township, March 12, 1820, is a son of Sooter and Ann (Downey) McAdams, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Ohio when children in an early day with their parents, and settled at Colum- bia, where they grew to maturity, he being apprenticed to learn the shoe-making trade at Lebanon, Ohio. They were married in Ohio, and in 1819 removed to Indiana, and settled in Hartford, Union Township, but soon after removed into Cass Township, and settled in the Downey neighborhood, where they resided several years; thence returned to Union Township, where in August, 1854, Mrs. McAdams died, aged fifty-five. He died in 1874, aged eighty-two years. He had followed his trade, that of a shoe-maker, the greater portion of his life; had pro- cured a small yet comfortable home, but a few years prior to his death, suffered a severe loss by the burning of his house, upon which he had no insurance. He served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and was one of the number who volunteered to enter Canada, and make aggressive war- fare there, and, as a reward at the close of the war, received a discharge giving special credit for that daring feat, of which his descendants may well feel proud. He was twice married, and the father of twenty- three children. By the above, his first wife, he had eighteen children; sixteen BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 827 grew to near maturity; seven now survive, viz. : Elizabeth, now widow of Walter Suits; James D. ; Catharine; Susanna, wife of Lyman Smith; Sooter; Mary, wife of John Ake, and Walter S. By his second wife, Elizabeth Mulford, he had five children. James D. McAdams, the sub- ject of this biography, was the first child born to his parents after they settled in Ohio County, and here grew to manhood, brought up to his father's trade, which business he followed several years; then he entered upon farming and has spent his entire life in Ohio County. The farm where he now lives he purchased in 1867. It consists of 190 acres with good improvements. December 31, 1843, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Downey,1born in New Kichmond, Ohio, April 16, 1826, a daughter of Amos and Mary (Sargeant) Downey, she being their only child. By this union they have had five daughters, three now living: Mary Ann, wife of Samuel Scott; Fannie A., wife of John B. Cowles, and Susanna, wife of William T. Wilbur. Mr. Mc- Adams is one of the prominent and well to do farmers of Cass Town- ship. Starting in life a poor boy, by his industry and good manage- ment, with the help of a frugal wife, he has accumulated a comfortable fortune. GEORGE McAROY, druggist and pharmacist, Rising Sun, Tnd., was born in Franklin, Warren County, Ohio, in 1835. His parents were George and Sarah (Bowne) McAroy; both were natives of Monmouth County, N. J. His father was a physician, born in the town of Cran- berry in 1790, and a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Philadelphia, Penn., and served as assistant surgeon during the war of 1812, with Great Britain, and stationed at Trenton, N. J., with a corps of physicians and surgeons. The family came to Franklin, Ohio, in 1820, where the parents died. Our subject grew to the age of seven- teen years in his native town, and then went to Cincinnati, where he learned the drug business, which he has ever since conducted. In 1856 he went east to Philadelphia and New York, where he remained one year; came to Rising Sun in 1857. In the latter place Mr. McAroy has since carried on a successful business, which he has gradually gained by carefulness and efficiency in his semi-professional business. His establish- ment is complete in every particular, and is kept in order and style in a manner equal to a first-class city drug store. Mr. McAroy also owns a one half interest in the large drug house of H. J. Marshall & Co., Aurora, Ind. ; his interests are represented by his son. Will B. McAroy. Mr. McAroy was married in 1858 to Eliza J. Best, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Green) Best, one of the old families of Ohio County. His grandfather, Samuel Best, emigrated from London, England, in a very early day, and on arriving in this country located in Cincinnati, where ©lis HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. he was associated in business with Nicholas Longworth and other pio- neers of that city. To Mr. and Mrs. McAroy have been born nine chil- dren: Nellie, Bella H., William B., George, Harry, Sarah B., Charles, Margaret E. and Tetta. Mr. M. is a member of the I. O. O. F., and one of the most wide-awake citizens of Rising Sun. His dwelling house, which is located on High Street, in one of the pleasant parts of the town, is characterized by the good tast-e and neatness peculiar to his business establishment, being provided with a fine conservatory and other arrangements of elegance and convenience. NEWTON McCLAIN, proprietor of St. Charles Hotel, Aurora. On the 20th of April, 1885, ilr. McClain took charge of, and assumed all the duties as landlord, of the above house. He has been engaged in the hotel business since 1874, first at Versailles, next at Osgood With his past experience, the traveling public will be carefully looked after, and their every want supplied. Mr. McClain was bom in Eipley County, Ind., October 29, 1836, and received a common school education. His parents, John and Jane (McCormick) McClain were born in Virginia, and immigrated to this State in early life. Newton McClain was mar- ried, August 27, 1856, to Miss Eunice M. Crandell, a native of Dearborn County. By the union four children have been bom, namely: Anna B., Elizabeth, Agnes and Charles. Mr. McClain left the farm, in 1852, and engaged in milling at Friendship, where he continued up to 1874. He is a member of Friendship Lodge No. 36, F. & A. M. , and has also taken chapter degrees. ROBERT A. McCONNELL, merchant, Aurora, was born in Belfast, Ireland, June 3, 1851. His parents were William E. and Mary (Strain) McConnell, mention of whom is made below, our subject completed his education at Bloomington, this State, and taught school from 1S68 to 1871, then accepted a position as book-keeper and cashier for Gaff, Lozier & Co., which he held with pleasure to himself, and to the entire satisfac- tion of his employers until 1879, when he engaged in business for him- self, carrying a stock of general merchandise. In May, 1882, he formed a partnership with George A. McAvoy, and opened an extensive clothing house in Lawrenceburgh, which Mr. McAvoy superintends. Both stores are doing a successful and prosperous business, which the firm justly merits. Mr. McConnell was maiTied, June 3, 1872, to ^liss Ella F. Trester (daughter of Capt. Martin Trester), who was born in Dearborn County, Ind., December 20, 1855. By their marriage two children: Laura F. and Mabel M. have been born. Mr. McConnell is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13 and Aurora Commandry No. 17. He and his estimable wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is one of the trustees. His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 829 place of business is in Mitchel's block on Second Street, and upon his shelves, and counters, can be found a full assortment of imported, and domestic piece goods, and goods from his house are always guaranteed to give satisfaction, as repi'esented. In addition to his other business, he represents fire and life insurance in the best companies of this and foreign countries. WILLIA.M R. McCOXNELL, real estate agent and collector, Aurora, was born in Belfast, Ireland, September 16, 1821, where he received a common school education. His parents, James and Agnes (Kennedy) McCoonell were natives of Ireland, died years ago. Our subject came to America in 1844, and located in Lawrenceburgh with Daniel Majors, where he remained until the spring of 1846, at which time he returned to his fatherland, and was married, May 19, 1846, to Miss Mary Strain, a native of Belfast, who was born June 26, 1822. Eight childi-en were born to the marriage, namely: James R., Robert A., Mary J., Agnes, John, Thomas, Carrie and TTilliam E. Father McConnell returned to Lawrenceburgh, in 1856, with his family, and farmed up to 1865, when they moved to Aurora, and he endeavored to earn a livelihood in an easier manner. For seven years he served the people of Aurora as constable. He has also served as assessoi-, and during 1884-85, as deputy. Him- self and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. They are highly respected citizens. TVILLIAM McCOXNELL, farmer. Washington Township, was bom in Allegheny County, Penn., February 20, 1831, and immigrated to this county with his parents, April 20, 1839, and received his education at Farmers College, Cincinnati. His parents, Maj. John McConnell and Martha Robinson, were natives of Fayette County, Penn., his father born in 1797. After his wife's death, the Major married Miss Elizabeth Robbins, a native of Allegheny County, Penn., born in 1801. She died March 21, 1843, and he March 26, 1864. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. William McConnell was married October 27, 1869, to Miss Dorothea Beckett, a native of this township, bom July 10, 1849, and daughter of Joe S. Beckett. Mr. McConnell owns 154 acres of valuable land, which he is engaged in cultivating, having followed agricultural pursuits chiefly during his life. He is comfortably situated and seems to enjoy the fruits of his industry. Both he and Mrs. McCon- nell are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOHX C. McCULLOUGH, druggist and at present stamp deputy in the Sixth Indiana District revenue oflBce, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Washington County, Penn., born in 1850. At the iige of five years he removed with his parents to Ohio, and resided in Belmont and Morrow Counties up to 1867. He then came to Indiana, where he has since been 830 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. chiefly engaged in the drug business at Osgood and Lawrenceburgh, having been now eleven years in the latter place. Mr. McCuUough was educated in the common schools and at the Ohio Central College, at Iberia. He has served four years as clerk of the city of Lawrenceburgh, and in July, 1885, was appointed stamp deputy in the revenue office un der Dr. Hunter at Lawrenceburgh, now discharging the duties of that position. Mr. McCullough was married, in 1872, to Louisa Koons, of Vincennes, Ind., daughter of Charles T. Koons, a prominent official of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. They^have three children: Edwin C, John and William. Mr. McCullough is an elder and active member of the Presbyterian Church, is district president of the Sunday-school union, and a member of the Masonic order. MARTIN McDERMOTT, tie inspector for the Ohio & Mis- sissippi Railroad, with headquarters at Aurora, Center Township, was born at White Park, Ireland, November 1, 1852. He com- pleted his education by graduating from Christian Brothers' Semi- nary. In 1872 he came to America, and located in Boston. In the fall of same year he moved to Aurora, where he worked as common laborer for awhile, then as section boss, next as gang foreman, and in 1880 was promoted to his present responsible position, which he has held for the entire road ever since. By being patient and thorough, coming up step by step, successfully'mastering every undertaking, he has achieved a rep- utation in railroad circlesj'and justly merits his present position. Octo- ber 20, 1875, he was married to Miss Anna E. Bannon, who was born in Cochran, Ind., May 20, 1854. Unto them have been born three children, namely: Thomas, born September 1, 1876; James, born March 12, 1879; Mary, born February 21, 1882. The family are members of the Catho- lic Church. He is a member of St. Patrick's Benevolent Society. ENOCH' McELFRESH, Hardiutown, Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in Dearborn County in 1841. He is a son of Samuel McElfresh, who located in this county about 1835, and grew to maturity on the farm with his parents. In 1863 he married Eliza Miller, daughter of Mahlon and Eliza (Hayes) Miller, and began operations as a farmer on his own re- sources. He has since engaged in agricultural pursuits and has met with fair success, now owning sixty acres of good land. Mrs. Eliza Mc- Elfresh passed away in June, 1866, and in December, 1867, Mr. Mc. was married to Jane Marquett, a native of this county and daughter of Jacob and Priscilla (Miller) Marquett. They have five children: Sam- uel, Eliza M.. Joseph, Helen B. and Mary. Four others ai'e deceased. Mr. McElfresh is a member of the I. O. O. F. and a citizen in good standing in his community. SAMUEL McElfresh, secretary and treasurer of the Ohio Valley BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 831 Cofl&D Company, of Lawrenceburgh, was born near this place January 22, 1844 His parents, Samuel and Abigail McElfresh, were natives of Kentucky and this county respectively, his grandfather, Job McElfresh, being one of the first to settle in this locality. His father died of lock- jaw in 1876, his mother still surviving. Mr. McElfresh passed bis early years on the farm and obtained a fair education in the common schools, supplementing this by taking a course in the commercial college, of Cin- cinnati. In 1865 he came to Lawrenceburgh and engaged as clei-k and book-keeper in a grocery establishment in which he continued three years, then purchased the store in partnership with a Mr. Beckman and remained in the business one year as proprietor. He was next employed in the Rossville Distillery as book-keeper at the same time, having an inter- est in the cattle fed at the establishment. He operated in this manner two years, then began buying grain for the distillery, following this work about four years, when he took stock in the Ohio Valley Coffin Factory, with which he has been connected since 1875. Mr. McElfresh was married in September, 1868, to Helen HoDister, of Lawrenceburgh, daughter of Russel and Alvira Hollister, who are still residents of the place. Their two children are Harry J. and George R. Mr. McElfresh is a man of sterling qualities both as a citizen and business man, and he has doubtless contributed a full share to the success of the manufac- turing establishment with which he is identified. CAPT, JOHN McGUIRE, superintendent of the Aurora Distilling Company, Aurora, was born in Ohio County, Ind., September 16, 1810, where he received a good common school education. His father, John Q. McGuire, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., September 25, 1819, and his mother, Margaret (Cole) McGuire, was born in Ohio County, Ind., near Rising Sun, September 30, 1822. They were mar- ried in 1839. The father was a prosperous farmer and resided in Ohio County the latter part of his life. The mother died June 11, 1885. Capt. McGuire was raised on a farm and at the age of sixteen went to Missouri, where he remained for six years, after which he returned to Ohio County, where he farmed and traded up to 1872. In 1872 he was elected sheriff of Ohio County, and served two years, March 18, 1873, he moved to Aurora and took charge of the Aurora Distilling Com- pany as its superintendent, which position he has since held. In 1883 the Captain took an interest in the business, and has been vice-president in addition to superintendent since that date. He was married, Feb- ruary 14, 1863, to Miss Margaret Grace, a native of Ohio County, Ind. (daughter of Capt. John W. Grace). By the marriage the following children have been born: Harry, born June 14, 1864; Everett, born November 18, 1866, and Grace, born October 14, 1872. His wife died 832 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. July 30, 1875, and he was married, December 16. 1877, to Miss Sue Grace, also a native of Ohio County, Ind. This union has been blessed with one child, Peninah, born January 2, 1881. Capt. McGuire all through life has been an active, enterprising business man, and by his own industry and correct business management has secured a compe- tency as a reward for his labors. He is the true type. of an honest man and worthy citizen. Ail his investments have proved successful, and of great benefit to the community in which he has resided. He has always taken a great interest in agricultural pursuits and has been president of the Dearborn County Agricultural Society for the last three years. The society has prospered under his careful and energetic management. He is a member of Hartford Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M. MICHAEL McGUIRE, Pike Township, treasurer of Ohio County, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., in 1841, and is a son of James Mc- Guire, who was born in the same county. The latter, his father, was a son of Maj. James McGuire, elsewhere mentioned in this work, and was a farmer by occupation, living his entire lifetime, except three years in Iowa, from 1855 to 1858. After the formation of Ohio County, in 1844, he moved into the same and here he died. He married Sarah Reser, daughter of Michael Reser, and they reared six children to matur- ity: Susanna, Michael, Margaret, James, Ada and John R. Mrs. McGuire was born near Frankfort, Ky. Michael McGuire, whose name introduces this sketch, grew to maturity on the farm. In 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Thirty-seventh Indiana, and served three years, taking part in many of the most important battles, among which were Stone River, Chickamauga, and others in the Atlanta cam- paign. He left the army at Jonesboro, his time of service expiring, and received his discharge in 1864. Returning home Mr. McGuire engaged about three years in saw-milling and farming, engaging in the latter oc- cupation exclusively after that time to the present, except during his ofl&cial career. In 1880 he was elected to the office of sheriff, re-elected in 1882, and m 1884 to the treasurer's office, which he now holds. His farm in Pike Township comprises 172 acres, and he is regarded as one of the substantial farmers of Ohio County. His official career is sufficient evidence of his standing as a citizen and his record as a public servant. Mr. McGuire was married, in 1866, to Missouri A. Burgess, an accom- plished daughter of John G. Burgess, a native of Virginia and a resident of Dearborn County. Their only son and child is Newton J. Mr. Mc- Guire is a member of the F. & A. M., I O. O. F. and G. A. R. WILLIAM J. McHENRY, lumber dealer, Aurora, office on Main between Importing and Second Streets, was born at Martin's Ferry, Belmont Co., Ohio, November 5, 1839, and obtained a common school BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 833 education. His father, Basil N. McHenry, was born in Wheeling, "W. Va., February 18, 1814. and his mother, Olive G. (Wells) McHenry, was bom in 1821. His parents were married May 18, 1837; mother died in 1876, and the father is retired. William J. followed the river as flat- boatman for a few years, and in 1863 enlisted in the Ninety-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry, served one year, then entered gunboat service, and remained until the close of the war, after which he returned to Aurora, and, in 1866, engaged in the lumber business, at which he has continued ever since. He was married, October 15, 1867, to Miss Carrie A. Gresey, who was born in Lawrenceburgh, Ind., June 10, 1849. By the union two children, Charles B. and William J., Jr., have been born. Mr. Mc- Henry is a member of the K. of H., and his wife of the Baptist Church. TIMOTHY McHENRY, of Rising Sun, one of the proprietors of the Anderson and McHenry Omnibus Line, was born in Switzerland County, Ind. , in 1849. He is a son of Joseph and Jane McHenry, both natives of Ohio, and with his parents he worked on the farm till twenty-one years of age. obtaining a practical education in the common schools. He worked at farming for wages after his maturity, continuing in this manner till 1879, when he purchased a half-interest in the Anderson Bus Line, with which he has since been connected. In 1882 he established a livery and feed stable, of which he is sole proprietor, and which he is still keeping in operation to a good advantage, having a first-class outfit in horses and vehicles. Mr. McHenry is a reliable citizen, and the start he has gained in the business world has been made by discreet management and the hard labor of his own hands. JOSEPH McHENRY, of Rising Sun, son of Joseph and Jane McHenry, was born in Switzerland Co., Ind., in 1856. He was reared on the farm and remained with his parents, engaged in agricultural pur- suits, till his father's death, July 12, 1882. The family then moved to Rising Sun, where they now reside, and Mr. McHenry engaged with the firm of Anderson & McHenry, in whose employ he has since been retained. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a young man of sterling qualities as a citizen. Mr. McHenry obtained the rudiments of an education in the common schools, and he has always sustained a reputation for industry and good habits generally. C. A. McINTYRE, jeweler, of Rising Sun, was born in the Dominion of Canada in 1862. He is a son of J. A. Mclntyre, a furniture dealer of Aurora, in which latter city he grew from childhood to maturity. His early years were spent in attending the Aurora public schools and assisting his father in the furniture business, in which he still controls an interest. He learned the jeweler's trade, and in 1884 located in Rising Sun for the purpose of doing a general business in that line. 834 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Mr. Mclntyre was married in 1883 to Miss Lulu Miller, of Rising Sun, daughter of William W. Miller, now a resident of Wellington, Kas. Her father was twelve years engaged in the manufacture of cigars at Rising Sun. Mr. Mclntyre is a young man of a genial disposition, and has every promise of a successful future in his business enterprise. JAMES McKINNY, Lawrenceburgh Township, a native resident of the county, was born here in Arpil, 1822. He is a son of Col. James McKinny, who settled in Hardintown about 1806 or 1807, and became a prominent business man. He kept a large general store (part of the time two stores), packed pork, farmed and did a large business generally. He died in 1838. Our subject grew to maturity in his native county, where he has ever since resided, except five years which he passed in Piqua, Ohio (from 1838 to 1843). He was educated in the district schools, and in early life did some trading in connection with his farm work, which was his chief occupation, He was married, in March, 1853, to Elizabeth Hayes, daughter of Mahlon and Sarah (Mil- ler) Hayes, who were natives of Dearborn County, and consequently among the first of the native-born citizens of the same. After his marriage Mr. McKinny continued his agricultural pursuits, and his labors have been rewarded by success. He owns at present about 300 acres of excellent farming land, well improved, and is otherwise well provided with the comforts of life. He belongs to that class of careful, economical farmers, whose untiring industry and perseverance have dur- ing the past half century converted the swamps and forest lands of the better portions of the United States into fertile fields of bountiful har- vests and gardens of blooming flowers, and who as a class are fast dis- appearing from the field of action. Mr. and Mrs. McKinny have eight children living: Thomas, Mahlon, Katie (wife of Isaac Stevens), Dan- iel, Calvin, James, Pearl and Abigail. Three others are deceased. They are members of the Methodist Church, and the family takes rank among the first of the county. SAMUEL McMULLEN, merchant, Manchester, is a son of Hugh and Nancy (Mc'Math) McMullen, natives of Ireland. They came to America when young, and were married in Pennsylvania, where they resided until the fall of 1817, when they removed to Indiana and settled in Dearborn County. Further reference to their settlement is made in the history of York and Manchester Townships. Samuel McMullen was born in Frank- lin County, Penn., June 21, 1803, and was but a lad of fourteen when he Ccime with his parents to Dearborn County. Here he assisted his father in rearing the little cabin in the primeval forest, and here his long life has been passed and witnessed the wonderfiil change in advancement and progress almost incredulous to behold. He assisted his fat* er in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 835 opening up a farm, and remained with him until the age of twenty-three years. March 9, 1826, he was married to Nancy Dunn, a daughter of Micajah and Sarah Dunn, and to their marriage were born eight chil- dren, three of whom still survive. Mrs. McMullen died January 8, 1880, aged seventy-seven years. Mr. McMullen was married, August 19, 1883, to Mrs. Adda Dressel. Our subject is now one of the oldest living pioneers of Dearborn County, where nearly three score years and ten of his life have been passed — man's allotted time. His life has mainly been passed in farming. Since 1851 he has been engaged in mercantile pursuits. He was appointed postmaster by President Lin- coln, and with the exception of a short time under the Johnson adminis- tration, he has since held the office until the present administration of President Cleveland, on the incoming of which he tendered his resigna- tion. He has been identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church for over half a century. HON. HUGH D. McMULLEN, attorney at law, Aurora, was born in Manchester Township, Dearborn Co., Ind., December 11, 1836, of par- ents Samuel and Nancy (Dunn) McMullen, a sketch of whom appears above. Our subject was reared on a farm and followed agricultural pur- suits until 1860. He received, in his early boyhood, such educational advantages as the neighborhood schools afforded, then entered the State "University, from which institution he was graduated in 1862. During the years 1860 and 1861 he was engaged in teaching in the vicinity of Greensbm-gh, this State, and in the State of Kentucky, the proceeds of which enabled him to pursue his college course. While in college Mr. McMullen began reading law, which was subsequently followed up, and in 1864 he was admitted to the bar. In 1863 he was elected surveyor of Dearborn County, and re-elected in 1864. In 1868 he was elected pros- ecuting attoraey for the court of common pleas of the district composed of the counties of Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland and Jefferson, which office he filled for two years with marked ability and to the satisfaction of his constituents. Since 1878 he has been the attorney for the county. In 1882 he was elected from Dearborn County to the State Legislature, and was re-elected as a representative in the fall of 1884, and at the last session of the General Assembly his name was prominently urged for the speakership of the house. Mr. McMullen is in every sense a self- made man, and stands deservedly high in his profession, and the several civil positions with which he has been honored have been so adminis- tered as to reflect credit to himself and to his constituents, h-aving per- formed the duties with ability and good judgment. June 25, 1862, he was married to Miss Ella Jaquith, a native of Indiana, and to the mar- riage six children have been born, namely: Hany R., William, Cassius 836 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. W., Stanley H., Arthur B. and Ned C. He and his wife are identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is identified with the College Greek fraternity, Sigma Chi; is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M., of Lawrenceburgh Chapter, and of the K. of P. SANFORD MENDEL, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Man- chester Township, September 12, 1826. His parents, George and Mar- garet (Huffman) Mendel, were natives of Virginia, the former born in 1785, the latter in 1794. They were united in marriage in Virginia, and in 1816 immigrated to Dearborn County, settling in Hogan Township on what is known as North Hogan Creek. In 1818 they removed to Ripley County, but returned to Dearborn County subsequently, and purchased a farm in Manchester Township, where the father died in 1861, the mother in 1880. Their children were thirteen in number, our subject being the sixth. He spent several years of his early life in boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and was married in Manchester Town- ship, this county, February 21, 1861, to Lovina Heustis, who was born in Manchester Township, December 12, 1833, and was a daughter of Elias and Sarah (Ellis) Heustis. After his marriage Mr. Mendel pur- chased and settled on the same farm on which he now lives. Mr. and Mrs. M. are parents of four children, viz.: Ella J., Louisa C, Sarah A. and Margaret M. ADOLPH H. MERKEL, grocer, notary public and insurance agent, Aurora, was born in Saxony July 3, 1820, where he received a collegiate education. His father, John T., was born in the same kingdom Febru- ary 28, 1790, and died March 25, 1822. His mother, Johanna L. Merkel, was born in Saxony November 22, 1786, and died in 1863. The parents were married November 22, 1814. The grandfather. Chris- tian Merkel, was born in Germany September 1, 1765, and died in Janu- ary, 1840. The grandmother, Johanna (Eilitz) Merkel, was born in Ger- many, and died there March 11, 1807. The grandparents were married January 12, 1786. Adolph was a surveyor and farm overseer in Ger- many. He came to America June 17, 1849, locating in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained up to October 18, 1849; thence he came to Aurora, Ind., where he has since resided, and been variously employed. He was married, January 24, 1854, to Miss Catharine M. Steiger, who was born in Bavaria, November 14, 1835, and to their marriage have been born six children: Louisa, Enlily (born November 2, 1856, died January January 2, 1865), Kate, Amelia M., Anna R. P. and Bertie E. E. Mr. Merkel is a member of the L O. O. F. and encampment; also the Dru- ids and Druid Chapter, and German Reformed Church. His place of business is on the corner of 4th and Front Streets. MORRIS MERRILL died December 31, 1872, in the ninety- fourth BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 837 year of his age. He was born in Rensselaer County, N. Y. , August 13, 1779; was married in 1807, to Rhoda Robbins; was converted to God in 1811, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1814 he volun- teered in the war of 1812-15, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. He joined the Masonic order in 1813, in the Farmer's Lodge, Oneida County, N. Y. He left New York in 1823, and settled in Rising Sun; was one of the first commissioners of Ohio County; also filled other offices. " He died a good man, venerated and respected by all who knew him." NOAH MILLER, a Revolutionary soldier, died in Randolph Town- ship, September 12, 1838, aged eighty-one years, was born on the Scotch Plains, N. J., in 1756; was about twenty years of age when war between Great Britain and the United States commenced. He was among the first to take up arms in defense of his country, and was continually on the scout until the battle of Long Island. On the day that battle was fought about 200 persons had collected together about nine miles from the battle ground to hear a Presbyterian minister preach. The preacher urged them to fight for their freedom. During the sermon nearly the whole assembly stood upon one rock, and the roaring of the cannon at Long Island was so distinctly heard as to make it difficult to hear what the preacher said. The next day Mr. Miller and about twenty others went and enlisted in the Jersey line, and continued to serve in the reg- ular ai-my until the close of the war. He was in a great many skirmishes, and was in the hard- fought battle of Monmouth in New Jersey, and suf- fered very severely in the engagement. In 1800 Mr. Miller removed to Fayette County, Penn., where he resided until 1815, when he removed to Dearborn County. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church; latterly was a strong advocate of the temperance cause. " He left behind him an unsullied reputation for morality and honesty. He died as he had lived, an honest man." CHARLES B. MILLER, M. D., Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Dearborn County, born September 15, 1840. He is a son of William B. and Sarah A. (Gullett) Miller. His father settled early in Sparta Town- ship, and has for many years been there engaged in the milling business, which he continues to the present time. Dr. Miller grew up as a miller by occupation as well as name. He received a common school education, and subsequently took a course of instruction at Moore's Hill College, after which he engaged in teaching, first in the district schools, and later as assistant in the high school of Rising Sun. In April, 1861, he entered the United States service for three months in Company E, Sev- enth Indiana Volunteers. He had begun the study of medicine with Dr. J. D. Gatch, and in the winter and spring following attended lectures 838 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. at the Ohio Medical College. In August, 1862, he assisted in organizing Company E, of the Sixteenth Indiana, and ten days after the regiment was mustered into service he was wounded severely in the neck, breast and right shoulder in the battle of Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. However, in less than tive weeks, he had so far recovered as to be at Indianapolis doing double duty, drilling his company and attending the sick. He remained with his regiment till the battle of Arkansas Post, after which he was detailed for duty as assistant surgeon on hospital boats until May 1, 1863, when he was promoted to assistant surgeon of the United States Army in which he served till May, 1865, on duty in the general hospitals in the vicinity of and at Vicksburg. While acting as surgeon he performed nearly, or quite, every variety of operation inci- dent to the war, and with gratifying success. Returning home he located in Lawrenceburgh, in August, 1865, where he resumed his practice, and has since remained. In March, 1866, he married Helen Wymond, of Aurora, daughter of James Wymond, who for many years was prominent in the cooperage business in that city. Their only child and son is Will W. In 1872 Dr. Miller formed a partnership with his former preceptor, Dr. Gatch, with whom he has since continued, the firm having a large practice. He is a member of the Dearborn County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. The doctor takes an active interest in educational matters, and has sei'ved twelve consecutive years as a member of the Lawrenceburgh School Board. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Grand Lodge; also a member of the Royal Arcanum, of which he has officiated as Grand Regent of the State. Both he and Mrs. Miller are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOHN C. MILLER, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Orange County, N. Y., November 22, 1827. His parents, Ira B. and Caroline (McKinney) Miller, were natives of Orange County, N. Y., the former born in 1806, the latter in 1816. They were also married there, and in 1829 moved to Susquehanna County, Penn., where she died in 1841. He subsequently moved to Wayne County, N. Y., and there died in 1864. Their children were Joseph, Sarah J., Nicholas, Lovina E., Maria, George and John C. our subject, the second member of the family. He went with his parents to Pennsylvania and in 1847, to Wayne County, where he engaged in bridge building, having learned the trade previously. About one and a half years later, he went to Chemung County, N. Y., where he engaged in the same work until 1853, on the New York & Erie Railroad. He then came to Aurora, Ind., and en- gaged in same work on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad until 1854, at which time he located at Cold Springs and took charge of a section on BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 839 the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad for about two years. He was united in marriage in Sparta Township, April 5, 1855, to Emma J., daughter of Elisha and Luciilda Jones. She was born in this township August 30, 1837. In 1856 Mr. Miller purchased and moved on the farm where he at present lives, and has since engaged in farming and carpentering. He was elected trustee of Sparta Township, in 1882, which office he at present holds. Mr. Miller is a member of the Masonic order, also of the K. of P. His children are Ira B., Mary L. and Lillie M. D. H. MILLER, proprietor of livery and feed stable, Lawrence- burgh, is a native of the county, born in 1842, and here his entire life has been spent. He passed his earlier years on the farm with his par- ents, Thomas and Emeline (Wilson) Miller, continuing his agricultural pursuits till 1869, when he began operations in the livery business which he still continues. He was married in May, 1866, to Miss Caroline Hauck, daughter of Jacob and Johanna (Hornberger) Hauck, and they have six children living: Johan E. F., Emory F., Ira L., Scott, Pearl and an infant. Mr. Miller is a member of the F. & A. M. and the K. of L. and keeps a full line of first class stock in his adopted vocation, doing a full share of the livery business of the place. JOB MILLER, Hardiusburgh, one of the most prominent farmers of Lawrenceburgh Township, and a descendant of one of the pioneer families was born in Dearborn County, in June, 1833. He is a son of Job and Elizabeth (Hayes) Miller, who came here with their parents in a very early day. His grandfather, Thomas Miller, was one of the first settlers of the county, coming here with his father-in-law Capt Joseph Hayes, a Revolutionary soldier in 1791. He entered considerable land in this county, built the stone house now occupied by Otho Lowe, and continued farming on an extensive scale till his death. Job Miller, Sr., the father of our subject, came to this county with his parents in an early day as stated above. He married Elizabeth Hayes and began farm- ing, in which occupation he was highly successful, besides doing a large business in stock and river traffic. He bought 100 acres of land, which by the help of his older sons, he cleared up, and reared a family of eight children by his first wife (who was a daughter of Enoch Hayes), and three by his second wife, Sarah Morrison, to whom he was married about 1831; his first wife died in 1829. He died in 1865, leaving his children a handsome inheritance. Job Miller, Jr., the subject of this sketch, grew to manhood on the farm with his parents. He married in 1854, Rachel Whipple, daughter of Willard and Nancy Whipple, who were also early settlers of this county. He inherited a moderate fortune from his father's estate, and to this he has since made a creditable addition, almost doub- ling his original possessions. He has always engaged in farming, except 840 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. two years spent in operating a flonring-mill, and has been generally suc- cessful, now owning about $450 acres of land valued at $80 to $100 per acre. Mr. and Mi*s. Miller have seven children living: Abbie, Harriet, Isaac, Job, Thomas, Charles R. and Carrie; six others are deceased. Mr. Miller is fully entitled to a place in the front rank among the farmers of the county. OLIVER H. MILLER, Rising Sun, ex- auditor and ex-clerk of Ohio County, is a native of the same, born in 1833. His parents, James and Eliza (McArdle) Miller, were both natives of the county also, and his grandfather, Beverly Miller, was one of the first settlers of Ohio County. His father was a merchant at Millersburgh for many years, and in honor of him the village received its name. He died in Rising Sun about 1873, his wife having passed away about 1836. Oliver H., our subject, spent his early years in school and attending his father's store, remaining in the latter till 1859. In that year he was elected auditor of the county, and in this and the office of the clerk of court, alternately, he served twenty consecutive years. He was next employed as deputy auditor of Dearborn County for one year, served from 1881 to 1883 as mayor of Rising Sun, and since the former date has been engaged more or less in merchandising. He is now employed as book-keeper for the firm of William Colter. Mr. Miller was married, in 1854, to Melissa Lemon, of Ohio County, daughter of James and Catharine (Larr) Lemon, and they have two children living: Ella M., wife of P. P. Stultz, superintendent of the Mount Vernon (Ind.) public schools, and Ettie. Mr. Miller is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his long continuance in the offi- cial service of the county, fully attests to the esteem with which he is regarded by its citizens. JAMES R. MILLER, carpenter and stair builder, Aurora, is a native of Dearborn County, born in Washington Township December 18, 1846, where he received common school education. His father was born in New-House, England, March 4, 1811, and came to America in 1820, locating in this county where he farmed until his death. The mother, Malinda C. (Nole) Miller, was born in Lexington, Ky., in 1820. The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm and followed the plow until 1865, when he chose his present vocation and has pursued it faithfully and successfully ever since, working during the last eight years for Mr. L. Klingelhoffer. In 1865 he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving four months without having received a scratch. He was married, January 7, 1869, to Miss Eliza A. Hubbard, and to them a son was born, Everett H. Mr. Miller is an active member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M. His wife is a member of the Methodist, Episcopal Church. Our subject is always ready to assist an unfortunate and needy brother. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 841 JACOB MILLER, farmer, Sparta Township, one of the old and highly esteemed pioneers of Dearborn County, was born near Wheeling, W. Va., February 22, 1820. His parents were Jacob and Margaret (Blume) Miller, both natives of Switzerland, former born March 9, 1778; the latter October 12, 1772. They were also married in Switzerland, and in 1817 immigrated to the United States, settling in Virginia, and from thence, a few years later, removed to Belmont County, Ohio, and in 1835 to Dearborn County, Ind., where the mother died September 25, 1838; the father May 22, 1860. They were the parents of eight children, of whom our subject was the youngest. He came with his parents to Dear- born County in 1835, and has since resided there. He was married in Sparta Township November 7, 1841, to Julia A., daughter of John and Sarah (Chambers) Columbia. She was born in Hogan Township June 7, 1821. After this marriage he settled on a farm in Section 5, Sparta Township, which he had purchased previously, improving the farm and remaining on it for about eight years. He subsequently purchased and settled on his present farm, where he has since resided. He owns 200 acres of fine land in Sparta Township and sixty in Clay Township, which is well improved. Mr. and Mi*s. Miller are parents of twelve children, viz.: John W. (deceased), Mary Ann E., Andrew J. (deceased), Susan R. (deceased), George L. (deceased), Sarah J. (deceased), Hannah A. (deceased), Matilda C, Amelia F., George C, Charles M. and Flora J. HENRY CLAY MILLER, farmer, Washington Township. The subject of this sketch is one of the leading enterprising farmers of Washington Township. He has taken pride in storing his mind with useful informa- tion, and has a fine collection of Indian relics and fossil remains; all his specimens are perfect and valuable. He was born September 9, 1850, and received a common school education. His father, Henry Miller, was born in Beaver County, Penn., in 1809; his mother, Catharine (McGuire) Miller, in Cesar Creek Township February 18, 1812. Mr. Henry C. Miller was married September 7, 1875, to Miss Jennie Squibb, who was born in Randolph Township, Ohio County, September 15, 1859. Mr. Miller has farmed all his life, and moved upon present farm March 7, 1883. He is a member of Hartford Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13 and Aurora Council. He and his estimable wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. F. H. MINNEMAN, farmer, and agent for agricultural implements, Jackson Township. Among the enterprising and active men of Jack- son Township is F. H. Minneman, who was born in Franklin County, Ind., March 12, 1844, a son of Frederick and Minnie (Beckman) Minneman, natives of Germany. He came to America while a young man, and remained in Cincinnati for several years. Subsequently he 842 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. entered eighty acres of land in Franklin County, Ind., married and settled upon the same. He is still a resident of that county, has raised a large family, giving each child $1,000 as a start in life, and still owns a fine farm and home with an ample competency, which he ac- cumulated by his industry and good management. He is the father of twelve children, nine now survive: F. H., our subject, Lewis, Christian, Just, Susan (wife of Herman Wulber), Angelus (now a minister residing at Jackson, Ohio), Elwina (wife of William Butt), Rufine (wife of A. Gesell), and David. Mr. Minneman, the subject of this sketch, at eighteen years of age started in life for himself. At twenty, he took a course of study in the high school at Springfield, Ind. Then for several years he was engaged in teaching school in Ripley County. Subsequent- ly he purchased a farm near St. Nicholas and engage'1 in farming. There he was elected a justice of the peace, in which he served three years, until he sold his farm and removed to Dearborn County. Mr. Minneman, although owning and residing upon a good farm which he superintends, his leading business is selling agricultural implements. He has now been engaged in this line of business ten or twelve years, has established a good trade, and is well and favorably known over a large scope of country, and possesses the general confidence of the farm- ing community. Mr. Minneman was united in marriage, April 10, 1866, with Miss Louisa Wulber, daughter of Henry and Mary Wulber, natives of Hanover, Germany, but now residents of Ripley County, Ind. They had ten children, four now living: John, Catharine, Louisa and Herman. Mr. Minneman and wife have had fourteen children, seven now living: Gusta Adolf, Ida, Ira, Alpha, Alfred Hugo, Addison and Ora. ISAAC MILES died at his residence in Clay Township, Dearborn Co., Ind., October 4, 1881. The deceased was born in Woodford County, Ky., October 26, 1804, and at the time of his death was seventy.six years, eleven months and nine days old. At the age of twenty - two he mustered with a battalion of Kentucky militia in the city of Lex- ington, called out in honor of Gen. LaFayette, then in the city, on his second visit to the United States after the close of the Revolution- ary war. Col. Dudley, commanding, announced that Gen. LaFayette had a present to make to each soldier of the command, and beginning at the head of the battalion his hand was presented and shaken by the entire soldiery. The present he received on that occasion he treasured as one of the richest mementoes of his life. He came to Indiana in 1828, and the same year was married to Elizabeth Miles, in Jefferson County, near Madison, and followed the occupation of farming about six years. At the expiration of that time he moved to Versailles, Ripley BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 843 County, where he engaged into mercantile pursuits. In 1839 he took up his residence in Dillsboro, and reopened the sale of merchandise. The law of this State at that time acted as a bolster to economy and human integrity, and goods were sold on credit to nearly every applicant for time. But a strange freak of legislative wisdom struck the State Legisla- ture, and it passed an exemption act. The Legislature cancelled in a single act the majority of the people's obligations. This sudden revolu- tion swept like a besom of destruction the business enterprises of the cit izens of the State. He was left in debt and made penniless, but possess- ing an indomitable will and great muscular strength, he collected a four- horse team, and through rain, snow, sleet, ice and mud, by day and night, .he went forth until the clouds of adversity gave way to sunshine of mea- ger prosperity. He then began the cancellation of his own indebted- ness, and in a few years every creditor was honorably paid. Without the advantages of education he began the study of elementary principles of law, and was admitted to the bar of the Common Pleas Court of Dear- born County, in 1844 He moved to Aurora in 1847, and for many years was engaged in the mercantile and hotel pursuits, and occasionally prac- ticed law. In 1865 he moved to his farm, near Dillsboro, where he remained away from the active scenes of life till his death. His mother's lessons of morality, engrafted early in life, took root in his mind and grew with his youth, and strengthened with his strength, and shed their refulgence through and at the sunset of his life. He accepted the Bap- tist faith, and was united to the church and baptized in 1830. He lived and died in the unswerving belief that the Bible is a Divine revelation to man, and that it gives abundant evidences of the immortality of the soul. Being disciplined in the severe school of the vicissitudes of life and the fickleness of fortune, economy became his beacon in the after- noon of life. He felt it a duty, he said, he owed to his God, to his coun try, and to his fellow man, to attend the memorial services of President Garfield. FRANCIS M. AND ALLEN W. MILES, of Clay Township, were born at Versailles, Ripley Co., Ind., September 28, 1831 and February 27, 1835, respectively. Their parents were the old and highly esteemed pioneers, Isaac and Elizabeth Miles, referred to above. They were the parents of six children, namely: Joseph D., born April 18, 1830; Francis M., born September 28, 1831; Evan C, born July 20, 1833; Allen W., born February 27, 1835; Samuel W., born January 2, 1837; Sarah E., born September 14, 1844. Allen \V. was educated in the graded schools of Aurora and the Franklin College, of Johnson County, Ind. ; also in Memphis, Tennessee, where he afterward engaged some time in book- keeping. He subsequently came to Dearborn County, and was united in 844 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUxNTIES. marriage in Clay Township, January 7, 1868, to Mary A, Bruce, after which he settled with his brother on the old homestead, a part of which he now owns. Francis M., when about nineteen years of age, learned the printer's trade, which he has engaged in oflf and on for a number of years. He entered the service in 1862, enlisting in August, in Company F, Seventy- ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war, being discharged June 9, 1865. He was maiTied in Jennings County, Ind., November 14, 1871, to Chloe A. Pierce, who died Febru- ary 11, 1872. He was married in Hamilton County, Ohio, April 13, 1877, to Mary Powell, who died in November, 1882. Mr. Miles is a member of the G. A. R. and an excellent citizen. He now resides upon the old homestead, a part of which he owns. ROBERT T. MOORE, see page 187. L. S. MOORE, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in the same, June 22, 1819. His parents were the pioneers, Adam and Judith (Smith) Moore, who emigrated from Maryland to Dearborn County in 3818, and settled near where Moore's Hill is located, from him the beautiful little town receiving its name. He and a Mr. Stevens were the parties who located and laid out the town, the former being the first postmaster of the place. He also owned the first mill in the vicinity. He was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him, was a minister of the Methodist Epis- copal Church for a number of years previous to his death. He was the father of ten children, viz.: Isaac, William, Betsy, John C, Har- riet, Mary, Levin S., Nancy, Benjamin and Jane. L. S., our subject, was united in marriage in Sparta Township, July 5, 1844, to Anna Dowden, and afterward settled on the same farm where he at present lives, and where he has since resided. His wife died October 28, 1853, leaving six children, namely: Otho W., Mary, Sophia, Benjamin S., Isaac T. and John C. He was again married April 24, 1855, to Mary R. Sparks, a daughter of Hamlet and Elizabeth (Chisman) Sparks, by whom he has six children: Anna, George, Josephine, Harriet, Charles (deceased), and Carrie. Mr. Moore is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and also a member of the I. O. O. F. and one of the most intelligent wide-awake citizens of his community. INDIANA R. MOORE, Sparta Township (wife of John C. Moore, deceased), and one of the oldest pioneers of Dearborn County now liv- ing, was born near Lawreneeburg, Dearborn Co., Ind., January 16, 1811. Her parents, Samuel H. and Sophia (McCrackin) Dowden, were both natives of Virginia, where they were united in marriage and from which State, in the year 1810, they immigrated to what was known then as the far-off West wilderness, Indiana Territory. They settled in Dearborn County in 1810, resided there until about 1842, at which time they re- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 845 moved to Decatur County, Ind. There Mrs. Moore died shortly after- ward. He subsequently married a Miss Nolten, by whom he had three children, viz. : Francis M., Henry H. and Lucinda E. By his first wife he had eleven children, viz.: Michael A., Indiana R. , Virgil Mc, Char- lotte J., John H., Otho W., Anna G., Isaac T., Thomas, Emily and Sarah. Indiana R. , our subject, and Mr. John C. Moore were united in marriage in Dearborn County, December 23, 1834. He was a native of Maryland and was born February 8, 1810. His parents Adam and Judith (Smith) Moore were natives of Maryland, where they married. In 1818 they immigrated to Dearborn^Co., Ind., settling in Sparta Township, and afterward entered the land which now is occupied by the beautiful little village of Moore's Hill and its suburbs. Here he toiled and labored hard to earn a home and accumulate a competency, in which he succeed- ed, and here he remained until death. He was a man of good sense, general information and strong moral convictions, always decided and positive on all questions of political or religious significance. He was a thorough Bible scholai', and for many years previous to his death was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John C, referred to above, when a young man, learned the saddler's trade, which he engaged in for a number of years, but subsequently turned his attention to merchandize and coopering business which he continued till his death Jane 4, 1871. He was an enterprising man, exceedingly skillful in busi- ness, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was one of the founders of Moore's Hill College, and for many years previous to his death was a devoted and zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His widow, the subject of our sketch, a highly esteemed and amiable lady, resides in the old and commodious mansion within the limits of Moore's Hill, where she enjoys a quiet and retired life. She is a devoted Christian and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a number of years. She is a lady of unusual intellect and her faculties are well preserved for one of her age. 'Her eight children are Isaac S., Hanson D., America S., Helena J., Benjamin F., John W., Vii-gil Mc. and Mary T. ANDREW MORGAN, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in New Jersey, in 1789, and in early life removed with his parents to Pennsylvania. In 1815 he came to Lawrenceburgh and made his home with Eli Guard. On the establishment of the first postoffice at Lawrenceburgh, in 1804, Mr. Morgan mailed the first letter that ever passed through the office — one he had written to his parents. From 1804 to 1810 Mr. Morgan was on the river the greater part of the time, and in 1810 made his first trip to New Orleans. From 1810 until 1820 he was engaged in commerce on the Ohio River. By means of pirogues, flat and keel-boats, he navi- 846 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. gated the Ohio River and Kanawha from Pittsburgh, Kanawha Salt Works to Cincinnati, Lawrenceburgh, Louisville, New Orleans and St. Louis and other points, and for a considerable time he did most of the salt trade between the Kanawha and Cincinnati, in which business he was successful and accumulated quite a fortune. He had but little educa- tion, was a man of natural talent, of untiring energy and perseverenee, and of sound judgment. His death occurred at Lawrenceburgh in 1865. ARMATAGE MORGAN, Harrison Township, one of the old settlers of Dearborn County, was born in Montgomery County, Penn., in 1816. His parents, Enoch and Margaret (Moss) Morgan, were also natives of Pennsylvania, and were there married. In 1818 the family left their home near Philadelphia to seek a home in the West. They came by wagons over the mountains to Pittsburg, and from there by a keel-boat down the Ohio River to Cincinnati. The next move was to Harrison, where Enoch Morgan and his brother, together, entered 160 acres, which they subsequently divided, after selling twenty acres to a third brother, a blacksmith by trade, and who, when he first came to this county, plied his trade for some time with an iron wedge driven into a block of wood to serve for an anvil. On the farm above referred to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan resided till their deaths, and here our subject grew into manhood, working for his parents till twenty-two years of age. He then purchased a farm of 120 acres of Robert Cassidy, for whom he labored five years as payment for the same. In his thirtieth year (February 5, 1846), he married Hannah Lynas. a native of this county, and daughter of Joseph and Sarah (White) Lynas; her father, a native of England and an old Revolutionary soldier. Her parents were early settlers of this county. This union has been blessed by six children, three of whom are still living: Joseph, Jennie and George W. The two sons are both farmers; the daughter, a teacher in the Harri- son high school. After his marriage, in 1846, Mr. Morgan settled on his present farm, and, for about six years, lived in an old log-cabiu of the reo-ular pioneer sort, when he moved in a wheelbarrow to the comfortable residence which has since sheltered his family. By dint of hard labor, industry and economy, assisted by a faithful and persevering wife, Mr. Morgan has provided well for the frosts of old age, and is now enjoying the fruits of his earlier labors. For many years Mr. Morgan was quite extensively engaged in the culture of small fruit, and at one time had twenty- nine different species of the cherry on his premises, and other fruits accordingly. It is worthy of note that the family seems doomed to accidents, several members having thus lost their lives. The father was drowned in a canal; his brother Edward was killed by striking a tree while riding rapidly by it on horseback; a third, Benjamin, was killed BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 847 in falling down a stairway, and a brother-in-law of our subject was killed by a falling tree. Mr. Morgan's family are associated with the Christian Church, of which he has been a worthy member for more than half a century. EPHRAIM MORRISON. * Samuel Morrison my grandfather had one daughter and six sons, five of whom were in the Revolutionary war. My father, Ephraim Morrison, was born in Bucks County, Penn., June 5, 1758, and served as a private soldier in the Revolutionary war, and was wounded in the battle of Brandy wine, September 11, 1777, and narrowly escaped the massacre of Paoli, where fifty-three soldiers were massacred in cold blood by the British, September 20, 1777. These fifty-three soldiers were so badly wounded in the battle of Braadywine, that they could not help themselves from being placed in a barn as a hospital near Paoli. The English slipped up a narrow valley in the night and brutally murdered the fifty-three disabled soldiers. The family after the Revolutionary war, removed to the west branch of the Susquehanna River and settled just below the mouth of Pine Creek. Here Mercy Morrison (grandmother) died October 30, 1798, and Samuel Morrison (grandfather) died May 5, 1801, aged one hundred years and four months. Ephraim Morrison was married to Mrs. Nancy Hettick (whose maiden name was Forster) July 1, 1787. Here Samuel, Jr. and Ephraim Morrison bought land, but failed to pay for it as they were ruined by the depreciation of the continental money, which they had received for their services in the army. They resolved to immigrate to the West and began their journey in 1794 and came as far as Pittsburgh, where they remained during the year 1795, to await the result of the Greenville treaty of August 3, 1795. Ephraim Morrison embarked with several other families in a keel-boat for the Western country, on the Ist of February. It was said to be mild and delightful weather. They tarried a day at Marietta; thence to the Stites and Gano settlement at Columbia, at the mouth of the Little Miami River, where they tarried two days; thence to Cincinnati, where father met with Joel Williams, whom he knew in Pennsylvania. Next they stopped at North Bend to see Judge John Cleves Symmes; thence to the mouth of the Great Miami River, where there was a station that had been established by Capt. Joseph Hayes and associates, consisting of some eight or ten families. They then proceeded to Tanner's Station (now Petersburg), where they arrived on the 9th of February. Here father concluded to stop, on account of mother's sickness. The other immigrants went on to the falls of the Ohio. Here was John Tanner, John Watts (both Baptist ministers) a Mr. Voden, Mr. Eads, Daniel Moseby, William Caldwell, a *By Samuel Morrison. 848 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Mr. Kirtly, Mr. Ashby, Maj. Israel Sebree, Capt. William Sebree (broth- ers of Mrs. Frances Watts); Mr. Alloway lived just about one mile above the station. On the river bank, just below the mouth of Hogan Creek, there stood an Indian hut about sixteen feet square, without floor or roof; father and my eldest brother repaired it and moved into it ou Val entine's day (February 14,) 1796. Here, it was said, there were three or four acres of ground that had been cleared off" by the Indians; about the same number of acres above the creek. Here father met Adam Flake, who told me that he settled on South Hogan Creek in January, 1796, about a month previous to father's settlement. He often told me that he and my father were the two first families that ventured northwest of the Ohio River. There were great numbers of Indians encamped in the vicinity. Among their chiefs were Black Hoof, an old man, Blue Jacket and Capt. Bill, a very large Indian. With the Indians here was the notorious Simon Girty. The Indians were of the tribe called Shawneese. In the latter part of 1796, Blue Jacket borrowed a saddle of father to accompany Simon Girty to Detroit. He came back faithfully and re- turned the saddle, but Girty never came back, that I know of, though he had a son. who was reared mostly in Dearborn County, and went by the name of Simon Peters, and was married in Dearborn County, thence removed to Marion County, where he ended his days, leaving a family. Mr. Adam Flake informed me of the families as they came. In 1798, Ebenezer Foot (step-father of the Peterses and Mahala Butler), David Butler and step-sons, John Jonathan and Johiel Buffington, George and Henry Grove, George Glenn, Abner Gray and family, three sons and one daughter, to wit: Abner, John and Moses Gray, who settled just above the mouth of Laughery Creek; Daniel, Robert and James Conaway ; Francis and Nicholas Cheek and their families; James, Henry and Amor Bruce and families. Ephraim Morrison assisted Col. Benjamin Chambers in surveying the public land of Dearborn County; he carrying the hind end of the chain and keeping tally of site trees, brooks, quality of soil and timber. Col. Chambers was a first cousin to Mrs. Ephraim Morrison. The sur- veys were commenced by Israel Ludlow, October 11, 1798, who began the first meridian line from the center of the mouth of the Great Miami River. The variation of the compass was ascertained to be 5° 10' east of the true north. The surveys were all completed within the years from 1798 to 1805 inclusive. To these surveys there is no base line, the townships number north from the Ohio River, and the ranges are num- bered west from the first meridian line. The land was not yet surveyed, and of course no claims could be perfected. Father sold his impi'ovements below the mouth of Hogan BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 849 Creek to old Ebenezer Foot, and, in 1799, moved about ten miles north, into what was afterward Hamilton County, Ohio, for the purpose of taking a contract of getting out timber, and to assist a man by the name of Smith to build a grist-mill on Whitewater River. He settled in a neighborhood where Mr. Smith and Mr. Bonham lived. Here he and his family remained one year, and while here he killed a very large buck elk. My eldest brother, who accompanied father in his hunting expeditions, said that he once counted seventeen elks in a drove before they mixed up so that he could not count any more. He said that there were at least thirty elks in the drove. Deer also went in droves. The early settlers made a rule that they would not kill a female elk or deer, therefoi'e only the bucks were killed, the does being left to breed. It was said that the Indians originated this custom. This is why the dressed leather from deer skins is called "buckskin." Father built a double log-cabin, stable and sheep house on a tract of land he had chosen to be his future home. It was situated on fractional Section 22, Town- ship 5, of Range 1 west. He made his improvements on the west bank of Tanner's Creek, which meandered nearly through the cen- ter of the section. Here the Indians had cleared up some ten or twelve acres of land, and on one edge of it stood a mound of mussel or clam shells eight feet high. Blue Jacket told my father, in the presence of. my eldest brother, that the Indians made a feast of roasted clams every twelve moons, in remembrance of the great Manitou, who ruled the fishes and the clams. At this place my father and brothers cleared up and put under fence thirty acres of land. Our sheep had to be housed every night on ac- count of the wolves. A bear came into our door yard and took a hog that would weigh fifty pounds, stood on its hind legs squeezing the hog in its hug and biting it. On hearing the hog squeal father took down his rifle and shot and killed the bear. The land sales took place at Cincinnati. April, 1801, and father at- tended them. Fractional Section 22 contained 511.81 acres, and father had money enough to enter half of it, 255.90 acres, which lay on the west side of the creek, on which were all his improvements, the creek divided it about equally. Gen. James Finley, the laud officer, told father that the treasury board had ordered him to sell nothing less than a whole section, and that all fractional sections must be sold with the whole section to the rear of and adjoining them. Section 21 and fractional Sections 22 and 23 containing in all 1,183.77 acres by the maps, and 1,197.22 acres by the tract books (true contents 1,181.13 acres), at $2 per acre amounted to $2,367.54. The whole 1,183.77 acres was bid off by Charles Wilkins, who paid on it 1598.61. Father returned home 850 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. with a broken and subdued spirit, to think that all of his hard labor and that of his sons was lost. That year (1801) they raised an excellent crop of corn, a patch of flax and a patch of cotton. Wilkins charged father for the rent of his own improvements. Father then resolved to leave the Territory as soon as he could make arrangements and hear from his brother Samuel, who had settled somewhere in Ohio. Father was forced to pay rent on his own improvements and support a family of nine persons, when all that they wore and ate had to be made within the family circle. Each family then had to live as an independent nation of people. They carded, spun and wove all their wool and cotton, dressed, spun and wove their linen; tanned and made their own leather and shoes; dressed and made their own buckskin, which was used much for pantaloons, moccasins and sack coats for boys and men. Mother died December 18, 1803, leaving father with a family of six children to pro- vide and care for. In the summer of 1804, father and my two eldest brothers got out the timber and built the first jail in Lawrenceburgh. It was built of logs a foot square and notched at the corners, so that the logs fit close together; the two floors, above and below, were laid with logs a foot square and close together. Two windows, one on each side of the door ; each window was one foot perpendicular by two feet hori- zontal, each filled with iron gratings. The door was made of three-inch oak plank, the battons were of bar iron, three inches broad by one inch thick, which also formed a part of the hinges. On the organization of Dearborn County, March 7, 1803, Gov. Will- iam Henry Harrison offered to Ephraim Morrison the appointment of judge of the court of general quarter sessions of the peace and common pleas, which said position he declined, because he had lost his land and home. In November, 1804, father made a sale and sold all his loose prop- erty, including cattle, sheep and hogs, reserving a yoke of oxen, wagon and mare, and began his journey to Ohio December 1, of that year. On the third day we reached Hamilton, and on the sixth Dayton, and on the 7th of December, our new home on Mad River, in Clark County, Ohio. This home we occupied one year, one month and twenty-six days, when father died (February 2, A. D. 1806), of an injury received at a house raising. He was five feet ten inches in height, weight 175 pounds, brown hair and blue eyes. He never aspired to oflSce, or to be a leader in politics or religion, though a member of the Presbyterian Church; he was a man of worth and skill, and should not be forgotten, or pass into oblivion unnoticed. For a life of modest toil and persevering in- dustry in the period he lived in, was of great value to the country; be- sides his service in the Eevolutionary war, for naught, as the continen- tal money, with which he was paid proved worthless. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 851 Ephraim Morrison and sons cleared up and put under cultivation sixty acres of land, built two good double log-cabins, made plows, looms with their equipments, hand-mills, etc., during their eight years residence in Dearborn County. He left the county because he had to be a tenant on his own labor and improvements, the United States Govern- ment requiring him to pay $2 per acre for 1,183.77 acres or none, when it sold land east of the Great Miami to Judge John Cleves Symmes for 66| cents per acre, and at the same time agreeing with him to receive soldier warrants, which were selling at 5 shillings on the pound, for the pay of one entire range of townships, extending from the Great to the Little Miami River, amounting to 80,640 acres and costing $13,440. Father was a remarkably stout and strong man. Nicholas Cheek told me that father carried on his shoulders 800 bushels of corn (in the ear) and put it into a keel boat in one day. Cheek said that they had two bed ticks that would hold about six bushels of corn each. They filled one, Cheek and another man helping to put it on father's shoulders, who then carried it to the boat where two other men took and emptied it, giving father the empty bed tick and he took it to Cheek and partner who had another bed tick tilled, and they put it on father's shoulders, who took it to the boat, and so on until the boat was loaded. Among other things Ephraim Morrison was a great hunter, Mr. Isaac Mills staid one winter with him, and the two men did nothing but hunt and kill bears for their skins. It was said that they killed twenty bears besides keeping the family in deer meat. There was a deer lick not far from the mouth of Hogan Creek where father would go whenever it was necessary to supply the family with meat. At one time when he went to the lick he saw a large panther crouched on a leaning tree, that bent over the lick, watching also for deer. He did not see it until he was too close to risk a shot, he thought if he did not kill it, in a couple of bounds it would be upon him. He looked it in the face, slowly moving backward, until he felt himself safe in trying to scare it away without, risking a shot, which he did by breaking a limb and throwing toward it, it leaped ofif and ran away. On the side of the hill just be- low the first little brook below Aurora, father shot a bear, it fell down, kicked and at last lay still, he reloaded his gun, went up to the bear and gave it a poke with his gun;^the bear sprang to its feet and pursued him for some distance, after giving up the pursuit he wheeled and gave it a second shot, down it tumbled, kicking and quivering as before; thinking it dead for certain this time he punched it again, when it sprang to its feet and gave him a much closer chase than before, he was obliged to drop his gun and save himself by running over a deep ravine on a slim pole that lay over it. He succeeded in getting around to his gun and by a third shot killed the bear. 852 HISTORY OF dearborn and OHIO COUNTIES. Gen. James Dill, clerk of the court in Dearborn County, told me that my father, Ephraim Morrison, saved his life once, with that of three others. I asked him how. He replied that Mr. Morrison was bringing a pirogue load of stone from the Kentucky shore, there were in the pirogue with him only three men as hands, who could swim; myself and three others as passengers, who could not swim. As we left the Ken- tucky shore the wind arose and by the time we reached the middle of the river the wind became a gale, the pirogue began to fill with water, those that could swim, wanted to leave the pirogue and let those who could not swim drown. But Mr. Morrison took command and would not allow any to leave, and commanded that every man should apply himself to the oars with all his might, and by so doing they could run the pirogue into shallow water before it would sink. They did as he commanded, and never did men labor and row for life as they did. We reached shoal water before sinking, where the water was but three feet deep. We all had to wade out with grateful hearts that we were saved. GEORGrE C. MULLEN, Aurora, clerk in the office of Aurora Dis- tilling Company, is a native of Marble Head, Mass., born September 22, 1855. His parents, James and Mary (Connell) Mullen, were born in Ireland, and came to America in 1840. The father was a contractor, and came to Aurora in 1865. After concluding to locate in Aurora he wrote for his family, and went to Cincinnati to meet them, where he fell from the steamer "St. Charles," and was drowned. The mother came on to Aurora, and by the assistance of George (then a mere boy), kept the fam- ily together, and raised them by hard labor and strict economy. George was industrious, and gave all his earnings to his kind mother, without which she could not have kept the family. His first work was watching hogs from the corn at the distillery. In 1868 he met with a misfortune, which resulted in a stiff knee joint. The skill and ability of the faculty at the Indianapolis Institute could not save his limb. He returned to Aurora in 1871, and was taken in the office of the distilling company as office boy. In 1875 for good behavior, accuracy and rapidity in figures, he was promoted to paying and receiving clerk, which position he has since held. His position is one of great responsibility, as many thou- sands of dollars pass through his hands every year. Mr. Mullen was mar ried October 15, 1879, to Miss Anna McGraw, a native of Aurora, who was born August 4, 1856. By the happy marriage four children have been born, namely: James, born January 26, 1880; Mary, born June 29, 1882; Sarah, born August 17, 1883, and Kate, December 23, 1884. Mr. Mullen and his family belong to the Catholic Church. He is a mem- ber and secretary of the Catholic Knights of America, Branch No. 115; also belongs to the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union No. 292, in which BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 853 he has tilled all the offices. He was chosen as trustee in the Catholic Church in 1879, again in 1880, 1883 and 1884, and is secretary of the board of trustees at the present; is secretary of the Mutual Loan Association; is truly a -self made man, having worked himself up to an enviable position in the estimation of business men, who have always reposed full confidence in him as an honest and faithful man. He is and always has been a true Democrat, and has labored zealously for the advancement of the party. AKCHIE C. MURDOCK, grocer (corner of Main and Third Streets), Aurora, was born in Warsaw, Ky., October 9, 1863, and received a com- mon school education. His father, Christopher C, was born in Harrison County, Ky., July 29, 1821. His mother, Mary J. (Winters) Murdock, was born in Rising Sun, Ind., May 12, 1826. They were married Sep- tember 6, 1842, and raised seven children: Janette, Olpha (born May 2, 1847, and died October 7, 1864), George, Ira, John, Charles (born Novem- ber 22, 1854, and died March 23, 1862), and Archie C. The latter began life by clerking for Wm. Coulter, a dry goods merchant at Rising Sun, with whom he remained for six years. He came to Aurora in April, 1883, and engaged in his present business. He was married December 4, 1884, to Miss Ella M. C. Coulter (daughter of J. P. Coulter). She was born March 3, 1866. He is a member of the Christian Church and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At the store of our sub- ject can be found choice groceries, and in season oysters, vegetables and fruits. JAMES MURDOCK, farmer, Manchester, born in County Antrim, Ireland, is a son of William and Aan Murdock, natives of Ireland, who immigrated to America and settled in Dearborn County in 1847, and re- sided here several years, thence removed to Missouri, where Mrs. Mur- dock died January 25, 1869. He died in 1876. They had born to them nine children, five now living: Ann Jane, now Widow Steele, residing in Sullivan County, Ind.; George and William, now residents of Sulli- van County, Mo. ; Matilda, wife of James Boreland, also residing in Sul- livan County, Mo., and James, the subject of this sketch, who married Ann Russell. She was born in County Antrim, Ireland, November 27, 1837, a daughter of James A. and Elizabeth Russell, natives of the same locality, who came to America in 1844 and settled in Dearborn County, where Mr. Russell died March 15, 1855, aged forty years. Mrs. Russell still survives and resides on the old home place. They had eight children, five now living: Ann, William, Hugh, Elizabeth and Sarah Jane. Of those deceased, John and Robert died in the war of the Re- bellion; John dying in Andersonville prison and Robert at Vicksburg, from the efifects of wounds received in battle. Mr. Murdock and wife 854 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. spent one year in Missouri, then came back to Indiana and resided about fourteen years in Sullivan County. In July, 18S1, they located on the place where they now live. This farm they purchased the winter previous. It consists of 127 acres of good land with good improvements. JOHN A. NEES, proprietor of Union Hotel, Aurora, is a native of Bavaria, born November 2, 1829. His father, Thomas Nees, was born in Germany, died in 1842. His mother who was also a native of Ger- many, died in 1846. Mr. John A. Nees came to America in 1847, locating in Clermont County, Ohio, where he taught school. In 1867 he located in Aurora, and engaged in the grocery business. In 1877 he built his present hotel, and has run the same ever since. Mr. Nees was married, May 31, 1852, to Miss Amelia Koch, who was born in Ohio, August 18, 1835. Eleven children: Amelia, Thomas, Hellen, William, John, Frank, Josephine, Emma, George, Henry and Anna have been born to the marriage. Mr. Nees has a large and commodious hotel, with livery stable connected, which enables him to accommodate man and beast with the best the city affords. He belongs to the Catholic Church, and has been the organist for thirteen years. DAVID NEVITT, of Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in Ohio County, W. Va., in 1795; at an early age he was apprenticed to a hatter, which trade he learned, and in 1816 came to Lawrenceburgh, where by the aid of Abram Roland he carried on the trade. Subsequently he en- gaged in produce, and did an extensive business in the pork line. While carrying on this business he opened and cleared up a farm, to which he moved in 1836, yet continued his business in Lawrenceburgh. His death occurred in 1878. WILLIAM NENTRUP, farmer. Clay Township, was born in Han- over, Germany, March 1, 1835. His parents, Joseph and Hannah Nentrup, were also natives of Hanover, Germany, and immigrated to the United States in 1852, landing at New Orleans, and from thence up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Aurora, Ind., locating in Clay Township, Dearborn County, where they subsequently resided. The mother died in 1860. The husband still survives, and resides at Dillsborough. They were the parents of two children: Henry and William. The latter came to Dearborn County, in 1852, with his parents, and has since re- sided here. In 1859 he purchased his present farm, and in October, 1860, was married to Louisa Linkmeier, after which he settled on his farm, where he has since resided. They have had born to them one son, Henry W. Our subject owns eighty acres of fine land. The family is identified with the Lutheran Church. HENRY NEWTON, of Lawrenceburgh, was a native of the State of Vermont. In his early youth he resided near the city of Erie, Penn., BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 855 and assisted in getting out timber for the purpose of building United States vessels, to be used in the war of 1812-15, and which were used by Commodore Perry at his victory on Lake Erie. Mr. Newton joined the army and marched to Detroit to the relief of Hull. He lived in the vicinity of Lawrenceburgh upward of sixty years. His death occurred in 1881, aged ninety-one years. R. D. NEWTON, farmer, Clay Township, was born near Rising Sun, Ohio County, Ind. , September 16, 1821. His parents, George and Lucretia (Drake) Newton, were natives of Massachusetts and Virginia, respectively, and from thence immigrated to Ohio County in an early day, where they were married. They were the parents of Diana, Asa, Delila and Robert D. Newton. The latter was brought up a farmer, and when about twenty years of age began working at the carpenter's trade, which he followed for about three years only, when he turned his attention to coopering, which he engaged in for a number of years. He was married in Dearborn County November 18, 1852, to Mary Headly, and settled at Patriot, Switzerland County, where he remained about eight years, after which he moved to Dearborn County, and purchased and settled on the same farm where he dow lives and has since resided. He has fifty-four acres of well improved land. E. H. NIEBAUM, of the firm of McCrarey & Niebaum, dealers in dry goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, carpets, cloaks and fancy goods, located in the opera house building, Aurora, was born in Hano- ver, Germany, December 27, 1839. His parents, John F. and Louisa (Marsh) Niebaum, were both natives of Hanover, and came to America in 1845 and located at Farmer's Retreat, in Dearborn County, Ind. Here our subject received the ordinary training given by the schools of the neighborhood. He resided on a farm until 1859, when he came to this place and began clerking for Chambers, Stevens & Co., with which firm he remained until January, 1876. November 11, 1862 he was married to Clara E. Rieman, a native of Hanover, Germany, born on Christmas day, 1843. To the marriage have been born Frank W., Charles H. and Willie E. Mr. Niebaum is an active member of "St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Among the leading firms of the city representing the dry goods trade, we mention that of McCrarey & Niebaum. This firm was organ- ized in January, 1876, and at once took rank as one of the ruling houses. In a few months after opening up, it was found to be necessary to re- move to more commodious quarters, in order to meet the wants of a rap idly developing trade. That their extensive trade may be promptly served, they require the aid of six hands in their various departments No reference is needed or further evidence required, proving the sterling 856 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. commercial worth aud great public benefit of such representative men to the general trade of both city and surrounding country. HENRY NIEBEUGGE, proprietor livery and sale stable, Dillsbor ough, is a native of Hanover, Germany, where he was born April 1, 1827. His parents, Herman and Maria (Nentrup) Niebrugge, were also natives of Germany, where they resided until their deaths. They were the parents of six children, namely: Bernard, Minnie, Catherine, William, Frederick and Henry. The latter, the eldest member of the family, immigrated to the United ^ States in 1845, landing at New York City, where he remained one year and engaged in the carpenter trade (having learned the trade in Germany). In 1846 he came to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was married, January 3, 1850, to Henriette Schwenkmyer, who was born in Prussia, Germany, November 11, 1829. In June, 1850, Mr. Niebrugge moved to Dearborn County, Ind,, where he purchased and settled on a farm in Section 23, Clay Township, and engaged in farming, remaining until 1865, in which year he sold his farm, and pur- chased the coopering establishment of Samuel Wymond at Dillsborough, which he operated until 1878, also engaging in the mercantile business. In 1881 he opened a livery, feed and sale stable at Dillsborough, which business he now follows and is prospering in. They have had born to them ten childreu, viz.: Aaron H., Bernard H., Charles F., Henriette M., William G., Lizzie K., Annie M., Mary, Gustie L. and Louisa M. Mr, Niebrugge is a member of the I. O. O. F., also of the Masonic order, and himself and wife are members of the Lutheran Church. JOHN H. NOBLE, carpenter, Sparta Township, was born at Che- viot, Hamilton Co., Ohio, March 29, 1834. The parents, from whom he descended, were Jonathan and Elizabeth (Dashiell) Noble, natives of Maryland, and were born near Salisbury, Wicomico County, the former in 1807, and the latter in 1812, Mr. Noble was, by occupation, a car- penter and house-builder. He emigrated from Maryland to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1832, where he worked at his trade, and soon thereafter came to Dearborn County, Ind. Here he and Miss Dashiell were united in marriage in March, 1833, after which they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and remained until 1834. when they removed to Dearborn County, Ind., locating near Moore's Hill, where they remained for a short time, and from thence removed to Wilmington, Ind., and in 1843 returned to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where she died in 1843, and in 1844 he returned to Aurora. He was again married, at Aurora, in 1844, to Isabelle Hiatt, and in 1849 moved to Petersburg, Ky., where he remained until 1851, at which time he returned to Dearborn County, Ind., where he died in March, 1857. He was a man of good moral character, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also a member of the Masonic BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 857 order, was a skillful mechanic, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He had born to him by his first wife: John H., Amelia A., Mary J. and Elizabeth; and James R., William P. and Sarah M. by his second wife. John H., our subject, was the eldest of the children. He was educated iu the public schools of Aurora, and in 1851 began boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, which he followed until 1855, when he engaged in the carpenter trade, which he has pursued, more or less, since. He is a skillful and scientific workman, and is one of the most enterprising and accommodating citizens of Moore's Hill. He was iinited in marriage at Moore's Hill, June 4, 1857, to Louis- iana, daughter of Morton and Darcus T. (Eaton) Justis, She was born near Moore's Hill, August, 1840. After Mr. Noble's mar- riage he settled at Moore's Hill, where he has since resided, with the exception of one year, when he lived at Aurora. In 1861 he en- tered the war, enlisting, August 5, in the Eighteenth Regiment Indi- aua Volunteers as a musician, in which capacity he served until Decem- ber 25, 1861, at which time he was discharged; and in September, 1864, he re-enlisted in the United States Navy as a musician and served until May, 1865, when he was discharged, and returned to Mooi'e's Hill, where he has since resided. / He has had born to him eleven children, namely: Lilian M., John M. , Henry E., Eva J., George F. (deceased), Chai'les A., Daisy, Etta, Maud, Ned and Glenn B. Mr. Noble owns tine property in Moore's Hill, where he resides. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., also of the G. A. R. He is a man who is highly respected by all, and has held many offices of trust in the county, and at present is a member of the board of trustees of the pub- lic schools of Moore's Hill. CHARLES C. NOLTE, farmer, Clay Township, was born in Cesar Creek Township, Dearborn Co., Ind., August 24, 1854. His parents, John H. and Margaret (Rullman) Nolte, were natives of Germany, and from thence in an early day immigrated to the United States, locating in Dearborn County, where they married, and settled in Cesar Creek Township, where they resided until 1856, in which year they purchased and settled on the same farm, on which our subject now lives, which they improved, and on which they lived until 1879, when they removed to Cesar Creek Township, where he died December 19, 1882, at the age of fifty-three years. His widow still survives. Their children were Louisa, William and Charles C, the latter the eldest member of the family. He was married, in Dearborn County, January 9, 1879, to Mary S. Schriefer, who was born in Spencer County, Ind. , June 16, 1854, and was a daugh- ter of Ernest and Sena Schriefer. After Mr. Nolte's marriage he settled on the farm where he now lives and has since resided. He owns 232 858 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. acres of fine land. Has had born to him three children, viz.: John H.. Herman E. and Laura M. Mr. Nolte and family are members of the Lutheran Church. NATHAN H. NORTH, merchant, Randolph Township, a descendant of one of the first settlers of this locality, was born in Ohio County, near the site of his present store-room at North's Landing, in 1835. He is a son of Levi and Rachael (Rude) North, natives of ConHecticut. His parents died when he was but ten years old, and he was thus left in his boyhood to take care of himself. He obtained the rudiments of an edu- cation in the common schools and spent a short time in the Greencastle schools. When about sixteen years old he began clerking in the store, of which he is now proprietor, and continued in that capacity till his twenty- first year, when the property fell to him by the division of the family estate. He then followed store-boating about three years, and in 1860, established himself as proprietor of the store of which he has since been owner and manager. He carries a full line of general merchandise, his stock valued at about $2,000, and has a fair patronage. He is also deal- ing quite extensively in produce in partnership with R. A. Harris. Mr. North was married in 1859 to America J. Searcy, a native of Switzerland County, daughter of Moses and Mary (Jones) Searcy, early settlers in that locality. Four children were born to this union: Ira L., Benjamin G., Fannie M. and Moses F. Mr. North is a member of the F. & A. M., and one of the live business men of the county. He has served as post- master at North's Landing since 1865. SILAS NOWLIN, farmer, Miller Township, is another of the ven- erable pioneers of Dearborn County. He was bom in Garnett County. Ky., in 1809. His parents were Zachariah and Mary E. (Pride) Nowlin, natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively, and came over into this locality in 1818. His father died in 1824; his mother in 1847. Our subject grew from boyhood to manhood in this county. He worked by the month, and at flat-boating for some years, and in this way made his start in the business world. In 1835 he was able to purchase 140 acres, and in the following year bought eighty acres more, and thus by indus- try and shrewd business management he continued to add to his posses- sions, till he owned about 800 acres in this county, besides a considerable tract in Illinois. He continued his river traffic for several years after purchasing his first land, making his last trip in 1849. Since that time he has devoted his time and attention exclusively to farming and stock- raising. Mr. Nowlin was married in June, 1835, to Eleanor C. Blasdel, born in Dearborn County, a daughter of Jonathan Blasdel, one of Dearborn's earliest settlers. Seven children were born to them, four of whom are now living: Nancy E., Mary E. , Elijah B. and Jonathan B. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 859 The mother of this group passed away in July, 1846, and in September, 1849, Mr. Nowlin was married to his present wife, whose maiden name was Martha J. Hargitt, a daughter of Thomas Hargitt, one of the early settlers of this county, and now one of the oldest men within its limits. Seven children are living as a result of this marriage: Emma, Jeremiah T., Charles W., Silas W., Anna J., Everett and Kobert S. Mr. Nowlin has labored long and hard to build up his property interests and provide for his latter days, but his too generous nature has been imposed upon much to his disadvantage, losing him a large portion of his former pos- sessions. However, he is still in control of a good farm, and it is hoped may yet be able to retain a comfortable allowance for his declining years. ENOCH B. NOWLIN, a leading farmer of Miller Township, was born in the same in the year 1832. He is a son of Jeremiah Nowlin, who came to this country with his mother, three brothers and two sisters, in 1818. He grew up on the farm with his father and obtained the edu- cation then afforded by the common schools, beginning business opera- tions on his own responsibility at twenty-two years of age. About two years later he purchased a tract of land in Kansas, but his agricultural enterprises have been confined chiefly to this county. He now owns about 500 acres of land in this township, besides his Kansas property, which fact attests to his ability and success in the management of busi- ness affairs. He assisted in constructing the Lawrenceburg & Guil- ford Turnpike, and has generally been alive to the best interests of that portion of the public domain of which he is a resident. Mr. Nowlin was married, in 1859, to Jane H. Langdale, a native of Cincinnati and daughter of Robert H. Langdale, who moved to Dearborn County soon after her birth. Of the four children born to them three are yet living, viz.: Harry, Robert J. and Anna. Mrs. Nowlin departed this life in July, 1884, after twenty-tive years of wedded life spent in faithful service as a wife and mother. A daughter, Mary P., is also numbered among the deceased. Harry Nowlin, the eldest son, was married in 1882 to Lana Smith, daughter of David Smith, who was of one of the old and esteemed families of the county, now deceased. They have one child, Archie, born in October, 1884. In politics, Mr. Nowlin has not taken a very active part, though he is warmly devoted to the interests and the principles of the Republican party. FERRIS J. NOWLIN, Miller Township, one of the representative farmers of this township, and a member of an old and esteemed family, was born in May, 1839. His early years were passed on the farm with his parents with whom he remained till he reached his majority, attend- ing the district schools and the schools of Manchester, this county. In 1862 he enlisted in Company H, Eighty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 860 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and entered the service in which he continued about six months^ being most of the time incapacitated by sickness in the South, in Sep- tember, 1862, Mr. Nowlin was married to Elsie J. Voshell, of this county, daughter of Obidiah and Ann Voshell. Her parents are both deceased; her mother died in 1844, her father, who was bom in 1802, died April 6, 1878. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Nowlin established them- selves in a home of their own and since April 1, 1864, have been installed in their present quarters. Mr. N. has devoted his attention chiefly to farming and stock raising, and though having met some heavy reverses, he is still doing quite an extensive business, owning about 390 acres of land. He has also been alive to public interests as well as private. Was one of the principal movers in the construction of the Lawrenceburgh & Guilford Turnpike, owns considerable stock in the road and has been its superintendent since it was built. He has been treasurer of the company since its formation, and was superintendent of the construction of the Salt Fork bridge in 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Nowlin have six children living: Pemma, Max A., Louis M., Emma J., Otto and Clyde. AMBEOSE E. NOWLIN, farmer, stock dealer and general trader, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Dearborn County, and was born in 1843, son of Jeremiah Nowlin. He grew up a farmer boy and received a common school education with the advantage of a two years' course of study in the Miami University, of Oxford, Ohio, in 1863 and 1864. On reaching his majority Mr. Nowlin began business operations for himself. He taught three terms of school, when, becoming convinced that that occupation was not his forte, he began farming and stock dealing, which he has ever since continued with marked success. Mr. Nowlin was married in August, 1870, to Miss Flora B. Baker, daughter of William H, Baker, of Manchester Township, Dearborn County, and two children have been born of this union: Oakey B. and Margaret P. In former years Mr. Nowlin rented land of his father, but on the death of the latter he received his portion of the general estate, which the heirs divided among themselves without the aid of court, lawyer or adminis- trator. In 1880 he purchased his farm of eighty acres near Greendale and has since resided there. About the same year he purchased a farm on Tanner's Creek. Mr. Nowlin takes an active interest in local politics and has served two years as chairman of the Republican Central Commit- tee of Dearborn County. He is one of the seven stockholders of the People's National Bank, a director of the same, and as a citizen, a repre- sentative man in the best sense of the term. HON. CORNELIUS O'BRIEN, Lawrenceburgh, who, during his lifetime, became one of the leading citizens of Dearborn County, was a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 861 native of Ireland, born in Callan, Kilkenny County, October 10, 1818. His youth was passed in his native Erin, from which he immigrated to the United States in 1835-36, and located in Dearborn County where he ever after resided. From early youth he was thrown upon his own resources, and thus in the fullest sense he may be considered as having been the architect of his own fortune. For a number of years after his location at Lawrenceburgh, he filled the position of deputy in the clerk's and treasurer's office in the county, and in 1847 was elected to the latter office by a large majority. In 1850, before the expiration of his term as treasurer, he was elected to fill a vacancy in the clerk's office, being re elected in 1852. In 1856 Mr. O'Brien was chosen delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Cincinnati from the Fourth Con- gressional District. In 1858 he was elected State Senator from Dearborn County, and during his entire official career he discharged the duties of the trusts reposed in him with complete satisfaction to the people he represented. At the Democratic State Convention in January, 1860, he received the nomination for clerk of the supreme court, which nomina- tion was heartily approved by the party throughout the State, though he was defeated through general causes affecting the democracy of the whole State in that year, and not from any personal considerations. During his services as county treasurer and clerk he fitted himself for the prac- tice of law, which he subsequently engaged in with marked success, establishing for himself a most creditable reputation in that profession. Beginning life unaided he became an eminently practical and useful man, his course through life being marked by consistency and integrity. After leaving the State Senate Mr. O'Brien took charge of the auditor's office and served out Elias T. Crosby's term. He married Harriet J. Hunter, April 14, 1852, and died February 2, 1869. WILLIAM H. O'BRIEN, editor of the Lawrenceburgh Register, was born in Lawrenceburgh in 1855, and is a son of Cornelius and Harriet (Hunter) O'Brien, referred to above. He grew to maturity in his native town, sharing the advantages of its public schools, and subse- quently finishing the sophomore year at the Asbury (now Depauw) Uni- versity, in 1874. After about one year's service as assistant deputy clerk of Dearborn County he formed a partnership, in 1877, with Dr. William D. H. Hunter, and purchased the Lawrenceburgh Register, which he has aided in conducting ever since. In 1885, by the appoint- ment of Dr. Hunter to the United States revenue collectorship of the Sixth Indiana District, Mr. O'Brien succeeded to the chief editorship of the Register. In the same year he was elected mayor of Lawrenceburgh City, and entered upon the duties of that office, dischai'ging the same in a manner entirely satisfactory to all interested. He was married, May 862 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 9, 1882, to Miss Hattie Hunter, daughter of Dr. William D. H. Hunter, and they have two children: Cornelius and Fannie. Mr. O'Brien has been secretary of the Dearborn County Agricultural Society for the past few years, and in general has been alive to the best interests of the com- munity in which he resides. FKEDERICK OPPEKMAN, merchant, Cochran, is a native of France, born in Alsace, November 16, 1844, where he received a collegi- ate education. His parents, John B. and Fredericka (Gonzer) Opperman, were born in France; father in 1812, mother, 1807. Father was a sad- dler and harness- maker, mother died in 1840, and in 1852 the surviving members of the family immigrated to America and located at Harrison, Ohio, where the father died in 1873. Frederick farmed and taught school up to 1865, at which time he engaged in general merchandising at New Haven, Ohio, continuing up to 1877, then moved to Cochran and opened up his present business, in which has met with merited success. He was married December 26, 1872, to Miss Mary E. Scoble; she was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 6, 1845. Two children — Ella S. and Katie M. — have been born to them. His business demands two spacious rooms, 20x50, and he employs four clerks. The entire family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLIAM F. ORCHARD, foreman tin department Ohio & Missis- sippi Shops, Cochran, is a native of New York, born in Clay County December 24, 1852, and received a common school education. His parents, James and Matilda (Barnes) Orchard, were born in England. They came to America in 1850, and located in New York, where he worked as a machinist. William came to Indiana in 1863, locating in Aurora, where he served a regular apprenticeship at his trade, beginning in December, 1864, with the Ohio & Mississippi Company. He was married, April 27, 1871, to Miss Mary F. Ferrin, a native of Boston, Mass. She was born October 11, 1853. They have been blessed with three children: Matilda, Mamie and Willie. Mr. Orchard is a sober, industrious man, and commands the respect and esteem of the commun- ity in which he resides. SIMEON S. OVERHOLT, principal of the Rising Sun Public Schools, was born in Bucks County, Penn., in 1830. He grew to maturity in his native county, where he obtained his education, chiefly by self exertion, and later supplemented his stock of information by instruction in the Upland Normal School. He began teaching early in life, and has ever since continued in the profession. He served nine years as super- intendent of the Bucks County, Penn., schools, and since the expiration of his term of service in that capacity has been engaged in graded schools elsewhere. In 1872 he came to Ohio, in the schools of which State he was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 863 employed eight years, three years of which time he was located at Har- rison, and the same period as principal of the schools at Bond Hill, Ohio. In the fall of 1882 Mr. Overholt took chargo of the Rising Sun schools, which he has since conducted with efficiency, being a teacher of culture and large experience. Mr. Overholt was married, in 1862, to Martha C. Smith, of Bucks County, Penn., and three children have been born to them, only one of whom is now living, namely: Hasseltine C. WILLIAM L. OWNBY, merchant, Rising Sun, was born in W. Va. in 1839. His father, James L., and his mother, Mary J. (Matthews), were also natives of the same State. In 1841 his parents located in Lawrence- burgh, where his father was for a time engaged in distilling, in partner- ship with Marshall & Shepherd, in the earlier buildings of the Walsh Dis- tillery at that place. In 1854 he removed with his family to Mattoon, 111., where he engaged in farming, and where his widow is still living, he himself having died there in 1870. William L., the subject, of our sketch, grew to manhood under the care of his parents and was chiefly educated in the Lawrenceburgh schools. He spent some time on the farm iu Illinois and then learned the blacksmith's trade, which he continued till 1881, when he was appointed postmaster at Fisher, 111. In the spring of 1884 he came to Rising Sun, and with his brother-in law, Ira Powell, purchased a stock of dry goods, carpets, etc., of William Colter, and has since been merchandising. The firm carries a large stock and does an extensive business. Mr. Ownby was married, in 1872, to Sarah J. Powell, daughter of James A. Powell, an early resident of this place, and later of Illinois. They have one child, Hazlett, a lad five years of age. LYTLE W. PARKS, farmer and stock dealer, of Hogan Township. Prominent among the names worthy of honorable mention, is that of L. W. Parks, a native of Lawrenceburgh, born January 6, 1824. He was educated at Wilmington Seminary, and resided upon the farm from 1832 to manhood. In 1844 he went on the river as produce dealer, and con- tinued until 1859, since which time he has been a farmer. He was mar- ried, April 9, 1854, to Miss Mary J. Bruce, who was born in Hogan Town- ship August 21, 1824. Their five childi-en were James, who died in infancy; Laura, now Mrs. Lewis Bailey; Myra, now Mrs. Joseph Todd; Joseph and Lewis. Mr. Parks was in the Mexican war in 1847-48 under Gens. Joseph Lane and Wintield S, Scott, participating in the battles of Tisco and Wamantla, and helped raise the seige of Pueblo, and took part in other slight skirmishes. During the Rebellion, he was captain of the Hogan Township Militia, and with his little force succeeded in keeping Kirby Smith from invading the township. Mr. Parks was school director several times, and has always been a strong advocate of thorough 864 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AXD OHIO COUNTIES. education. He and his estimable lady belong to the Methodist Episco- pal Chm-ch. JOSEPH G. PARKS, fanner, of Hogan Township, was born in Law- renceburgh December 25, 1828. His father. John, was born in Pennsyl- vania in 1796; his mother. Margaret Kitchel. in Indiana in 1799. Father Parks came to Indiana in 1S15, and located in Lawrenceburgh, where he followed carpentering up to 1832, the year of the flood, at which time he moved to Hogan Township, where he died in 1S6S; mother died in 1876. Mr. Parks built the first schoolhouse in Hogan Town- ship. He was an earnest worker in the cause of education, and served as school director for many years. The old pioneer couple were both faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Joseph G. Parks was married. November 13, 1849. to Miss Yliva Bruce, who was born in Hogan Township November 13, 1829, on the present homestead, and was the fifteenth child of Amor Bruce, who made a handsome fortune upon the home farm. He raised twelve of the fifteen children, and gave each one eighty acres of land and some cash. Ry their union Mr. and Mrs. Parks were blessed with three children: John A., born August 18, 1850; Aaron F., born December 25, 1856: Joseph G.. born January 27, 1868. John A. left the farm, read law, and was admitted to the bar in October. 1875. He has prospered in life, and secured a competency, which will enable him to pass his pilgrimage in ease and affluence. Aaron F. attended school at Lebanon, Ohio, and Moore's Hill. Ind. , after which he taught several years, and traded considerable. In the spring of 1882 he engaged in the drug business at Aurora, and made many friends; but his health failed, and he was compelled to dispose of the business and travel for his health. The fell destroyer had too firm a hold upon him, and realizing the fact, he started from Kelley, N. M.. in a buggy for home July 21, 1884, and drove to Tunnelton, Ind., a dis- tance of over 1,500 miles. On account of being so very weak he took the train at Tunnelton and arrived in Aurora November 6, 1884. and died at the residence of his brother, John A. Parks, the following day. The youngest of the family is at home with his parents, to minister to them in their old age. Mr. and Mrs. Parks are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. R. H. PARRY, Lawrenceburgh. a retired dry goods merchant of that city, was born in the city of Pittsburgh, Penn. . in the year 1813. His father was a native of Wales, and came to the United States about 1793. He located in Pittsburgh, and was there engaged in building and contracting, erecting the first court house in that city. He married Sarah Cadwalider, a daughter of Gen. John Cadwalider. and there were born to them eleven childi'en. onlv four of whom are now livinc': Sarah. • BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 865 widow of Enoch D. John, Clarksville, Tenn. ; Rees H. ; Mary P., widow of John Dilworth, Pittsburgh, Penn., and Thomas J., Con- nersville, Ind. Henry Parry, the father, died in Pittsburgh, Penn., October 7, 1847, aged eighty-six years; his wife who was born on the eastern shore of Maryland, March 3, 1777, died April 27, 1842. In 1830 R. H. Parry came west to Cincinnati, and with his brother, Will- iam, established himself in the dry goods business under the firm name of William & R. H. Parry. Here they conducted a profitable business till 1843, in July of which year our subject, R. H. Parry, came to Lawrence- burgh, and with another brother, O. Parry, continued the same line of merchandising, under the firm name of R. H. & O. Parry, till 1873, when they sold out and retired. The firm did a flourishing business, and was regarded as one of the leading and most substantial mercantile establishments of the town. R. H. Parry was married, September 1, 1853, to Mary P. Piatt, a daughter of Abraham Piatt, of Boone County, Ky., and granddaughter of Col. Jacob Piatt, the veteran of the Revolu- tion and the ancestor of the distinguished family now bearing his name throughout the West. Her father was a farmer and died at his home in Kentucky; her mother is still living. Her grandfather located in Boone County, Ky. , in 1795, and in 1804 built the stone mansion opposite Lawrenceburgh, ktiown as "Federal Hall," where he died in his eighty- eighth year. His son, John H. Piatt, was the first banker of Cincinnati — established the first private bank west of the Allegheny Mountains — and was known as a "millionaire of 1812." He aided the United States Government during the war of 1812 by furnishing supplies to the Amer- ican Army, and after having rendered invaluable assistance as a commis- sariat, was thrown into prison for some technical violation of the law, and died a prisoner for debt within the prison bounds of the city of Washington, February 12, 1822; all this while the government owed him more than $100,000. Mrs. Parry passed away in 1865, leaving two chil- dren: Rees H., now an attorney at law, Des Moines, Iowa, and Mary P., wife of Benjamin W. Vandergrift, an extensive oil dealer of the Stand- ard Oil Company, of Pittsburgh. Since 1873 Mr. Parry has not been ac- tively engaged in business more than to look after the interests of his property, but is passing his latter days in quiet retirement in the town of Lawrenceburgh, which has been his home for more than thirty years. HENRY S. PATE, farmer. Rising Sun, was born August 2, 1811, and is a son of George Pate. He was one of the two children brought over the mountains by wagon from Virginia. He resided with his parents on the old homestead on the Laughery till the fall of 1850, He was married, in 1832, to Rebecca D. Johnson, daughter of Roswell and Mary (Baruett) Johnson, early settlers of Ohio County (1814-15), from 866 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Virginia. By this wife were born four children: Mary, Sarah A., Will- iam H., George W., all deceased but one, William H. After his mar- riage Mr. Pate bought a farm of 200 acres adjoining his father's, and be- gan the improvement of the same, remaining till 1850, in the mean- time adding eighty acres, all of which he sold at the above date, and then purchased on the "Miller Eidge" 260 acres, which he sold and left in 1874. He did considerable flat-boating while on the Laughery, and has since dealt more or less in stock, with fair success in all his business enterprises. He is now living in retirement, enjoying the fruits of his life-long term of labor. His wife, who had shared his joys and sorrows for about fifty- two years, passed away November 30, 1884. Mr. Pate has always ranked among the most substantial business men of the coun- ty, and is a fair type of the pioneer and thrifty agriculturists of his time. He and Mrs. Pate were both members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. PETER S. PATE, of Rising Sun, has long been known as one of the most prominent and successful business men of Ohio County, in which he was born in 1825. The Pate family were early settlers on Laughery Creek. Jeremiah Pate, the grandfather of our subject, came from Montgomery County, Va., with his wife Elizabeth, in 1813. He entered a quarter section of land, being a farmer by occupation; they reared ten children; Jeremiah died about 1824, and Elizabeth passed away about ten years later. George Pate, their eldest son, and father of the older stock of the family, now living in Ohio County, was born in Virginia, in March, 1787; married there Sarah R., daughter of Thomas Watterson, who was born in July, 1791, and came to Ohio County with his two children and his parents as stated above. He also entered land about eleven miles west of Rising Sun on Laughery Creek, and here he was chiefly engaged in farming till his death, which occurred in Rising Sun about 1852. He did some flat-boating from Laughery Creek, and during his life added 278 acres to his original entry of 160 acres. There were nine children in the family: Henry S., William T., John F., James D., Thomas W., Jonathan T., Mary T., Peter S. and Benjamin F., all of whom grew to maturity. Peter S. Pate, whose name introduces this sketch, spent his early years on the farm in common with other country boys. In 1846 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Reed and Mary Crandle, from Virginia, and three children were born to them, but one now living, Sarah, wife of John K. Corson, of Ripley County, Ind., two sons — James R. and James W. — are deceased. After his marriage Mr. Pate bought thirty-five acres of land in Switzerland County as his first purchase, selling out ten months later and returning to the old homestead where he virtually made his home till 1884. He obtained a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 867 portion of bis father's estate at the latter's death, but his start in busi- ness was made by his own earnings, his first payment on land being made by the sale of his first corn crop at $100. Mr. Pate has been chiefly engaged in farming, but during the war dealt some in horses. He has also dealt considerably in other stock — cattle and hogs — doing consid- erable shipping. By industry and good management he has occumulat ed real estate to the amount of 1, 180 acres, and a comfortable fortune in other property. He took quite an amount of stock in the Rising Sun National Bank at the time of its incorporation, and this he has since in creased. He was chosen vice-president of the bank in 1884, and is still serving in that capacity. Mr. Pate served as trustee of Pike Town- ship for many years, and during the war officiated as its enrolling officer. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the M. E. Church to which latter society he has liberally contributed. Mrs. Pate died May 14, 1870, after nearly twenty-five years of faithful duty as a wife and mother. In point of liberality, progressiveness and keen business judg- ment Mr. Pate has few superiors. JACKSON J. PATE, Randolph Township, son of William T. Pate, was born in Ohio County in 1842. He grew to maturity on the farm and obtained a practical education in the common schools, remaining with his parents till 1861, when he enlisted in Company C, Seventh Indiana Infantry, and entered the late war. He served three years, and took part in some of the most important engagements, among which were Gettysburg, Antietam, Winchester and others. In 1864 Mr. Pate received his discharge and returned home, and in the same year was married to Sarah Miller, daughter of Benjamin Miller, an old resident of Ohio County. Her people came originally from Virginia, and settled in this county in a very early day, her father subsequently removing to Missouri, where he still resides. Her mother is deceased. After his marriage Mr. Pate moved to his present farm, where he has ever since engaged in agricultural pursuits. He owns 390 acres of good land, and is regarded as one of the thrifty farmers of the county, dealing consider- ably in stock. Mr. and Mrs. Pate have two children: Louella and Will- iam T. Mr. Pate is a member of the G. A. R., and politically is a Dem- ocrat. J. C. PENNINGTON, lumber dealer, Moore's Hill, was born at New Paris, Preble Co., Ohio, May 5, 1830. The ancestry of the Penn- ington family in the United States dates back to 1682, in which year Edward Pennington emigrated with William Penn from England to the State of Pennsylvania. He located at Philadelphia, where he died in 1701. He was united in marriage, in 1699, to Sarah Jennings, daughter of Samuel Jennings, the Quaker governor of New Jersey, by 868 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. whom he had one son. Isaac, from whom the Penningtons of Philadelphia descended. His son, Daniel, settled in Maryland, where he raised a large family. Amos, his son, settled in Huntingdon County, Penn., and from thence, in an early day, immigrated to Barnes ville, Belmont Co., Ohio, where he died. He left four sons, viz.: Daniel, Joshua, James, and John, the latter the father of our subject, who was born in Huntingdon County, Penn., October 19, 1797, and immigrated with his parents to Belmont County, Ohio, where he married, in 1820, Elizabeth Thompson, and in 1826 moved to Richmond, Ind. He subsequently moved to New Paris, Ohio, where he remained some time, and after various other moves in 1844, he located in Ripley County, Ind., where Mrs. P. died December 13, 1847. He survived her until March 26, 1856, and died at the residence of our subject, in Ripley County. He was the father of eight children, viz.: Eli, Ellen, Mary, Deborah M., Joel C, Bryce C, William G.,and Isaac C. J. C, our subject, was married in Ripley County, Ind., September 24, 1851, to Catherine, daughter of John and Catherine (Risinger) Dorsh, who was born in Pennsylvania, September 27, 1830. In January, 1852, Mr. Pennington purchased a farm in Ripley County, whex-e he moved and engaged in farming till September, 1873, at which time he moved to Moore's Hill, where he now resides. His wife died November 30, 1867. Their eight children were: Medora D. (deceased), John C, Ella M. (deceased), Joel E., Laura H., Mary L., Charles M. (deceased), and Martha A. (deceased). Mr. Pennington was again married at Moore's Hill, March 12, 1874, to Elizabeth F., daughter of Morton and Dorcas T. (Eaton) Justis, who was born in Dearborn County, Novem- ber 7, 1832. They have one child, Walter E. Mr. Pennington is a member of the Masonic order and is highly esteemed as a citizen. ABEL C. PEPPER, of Rising Sun, was born in Virginia in 1793. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, having been for one year a private in Capt. William Garrard's troop of Volunteer Light Dragoons. He immigrated to Indiana Territory in 1815, settling in that part of Dearboi-n County that subsequently became Ohio County, and soon after- ward became one of her leading citizens. He had a taste for military affairs, and had been in the Territory but a short time when he became a militia captain. He subsequently was promoted to the office of colonel, and advanced to that of brigadier-general, though generally known under the title of colonel. He served as one of the county commissioners of Dearborn County, also as sheriff, and for several terms represented her people in the State Legislature. In 1828 he was a candidate for lieuten- ant-governor, but was defeated by Milton Stapp a few hundred votes. In 1829 Col. Pepper was appointed sub-Indian agent at Fort Wayne, by Gen. Jackson; he was afterward promoted to the office of Indian agent, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 869 then superintendent for the removal of the Indians in Indiana, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, resigning the office in 1889. Subsequently he was elected a sinking fund commissioner, and in 1845 was appointed by President Polk United States marshal for Indiana, which office he held until 1849. In 1850 he represented the counties of Ohio and Switzer- land in the constitutional convention, and took an active part in its proceedings. He served on the committees of election franchises, appor- tionment and representation, banks and banking, arrangement and phraseology, and of the militia, being chairman of the latter. In the convention he took a decided stand against a State bank and' made a speech in support of his own resolution, in which he declared himself in favor of free banks and opposed to a State bank. He was a devoted member of the Masonic fraternity, becoming a member in 1816. He afterward served as grand master and grand high priest of the order in the State, and was one of the brightest and most zealous Masons ever within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Indiana. Col. Pepper, for a time, applied himself to the study of medicine, and later read law and was admitted to the bar at Rising Sun, but, we believe, never practiced. He abandoned, too, the study of medicine. The Colonel was occupied, when not in public life, as a merchant. He was slighty above medium height, spare and sinewy, of easy and pleasing address. He was urbane and dignified in his intercourse with his fellow men, and was particularly polite to ladies. He was a useful and patriotic citizen. His death occurred at his home in Rising Sun, March 20, 1860. CAPT. JAMES H. PEPPER, formerly of Rising Sun, was born in that city in 1821, and received a thorough edacation in the village schools and in Cincinnati, Ohio, being educated for the law, which was distasteful to him, and the profession was abandoned and he engaged in flat-boating. In 1842 he became the clerk on a steam-boat belonging to Col. P. James, which plied between Rising Sun and Cincinnati. In 1844 he was chosen the first clerk of the new county of Ohio, serviag three years. He re-engaged in merchandising on the river, and in 1855 began steam- boating in the Cincinnati and Memphis trade, soon earning the promotion to captain. Previous to the war he left the river for a brief period to take the management of the Memphis. He was one of the incorporators of the Globe Insurance Company, of Cincinnati. Ohio. He built and owned some of the finest boats ever built at Cincinnati, Ohio. Latterly he commanded the great steamers "J. M. White" and "James Howard," in the New Orleans and Vicksburgh trade. "He was a man of noble instincts and generous impulses. He was warm in his attachments and sincere in his friendships. In matters of business he was the very soul of honor and integrity. In all of his dealings he was 870 PIISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHlO COUNTIES. open and fair and frank, and whatever he gained in business, was gained in an honorable way. As a steamboat commander, he stood at the top of his profession." * * He died in 1881, in Colorado, where he had gone for the benefit of health. DR. JABEZ PERCIVAL, see page 165. JAMES N. PERKINS, cashier of the National Bank, Rising Sun, was born in Boone County, Ky., in 1849. His parents, James and Mildred (Calvert) Perkins were natives of the same county, and are now residents of Rising Sun. Mr. Perkins passed the early part of his life in his native county. He came to Rising Sun at the age of nineteen years, and began clerking in a dry good's store, in which vocation he was chiefly employed till 1872, when he was given the position which he still holds as cashier of the Rising Sun Bank. He is said to have been the youngest cashier in the State of Indiana at the time of his assuming the duties of his position, being then twenty-three years old. Mr. Perkins was married, in 1872, to Harriet Spencer, of Rising Sun, daugh- ter of John W. Spencer. Her father was the first mayor of Rising Sun, and her mother afterward officiated as postmistress. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins have five children: Alice, Hugh, Joshua, Harold and James. Mr. Perkins' long term of service in the employ of the bank is the best evidence we can cite as to his sterling integrity as an official, and his character as a citizen. DEM AS PERLEE, farmer and blacksmith, Dillsborough, was born in Clay Township, April 17, 1828. His parents, Peter and Eliz- abeth (Woodruff) Perlee, were natives of Ohio, the former a son of Benjamin Perlee, a native of New Jersey, and Mary (Peterson) Perlee. His parents moved to Hamilton County, Ohio, where his father died. Peter, the father of our subject, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, June 10, 1800, and was there married to Elizabeth Woodruff, who was born April 14, 1803. In 1825 Mr. Perlee moved to Dearborn County, settling in Clay Township, where he resided till his death, May 14, 1883. His wife still survives and resides on the old homestead. They were the parents of nine children, viz. : John, Benjamin (dead), Demas, William, David, Elizabeth W., Mary, Martha and Peter. Demas, our subject, began as an apprentice at the blacksmith trade when about seventeen years of age, at Lawrenceburg, and this has since been his chief occupation. In 1850 he moved to Dillsborough, where he opened up a blacksmith, plow and wagon-shop, which he has since conducted. He also owns a small farm near Dillsborough. He was married in Novem- ber, 1853, to Rebecca A., daughter of Silas and Maria (Butterworth) Wheaton, by whom he has had born to him nine children, viz. : Ida M., Frank, Emma, Lizzie, Nellie, Bertha, Edith, Bennie W. and George W. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 871 Mr. Perlee enlisted August 11, 1S62, in Company B, Eighty-third Indi- ana Volunteer Infantry, as a private, and in 1864 he was promoted to sergeant, which rank he served in until June 2, 1865, at which time he was discharged, and i-eturned to DiUsborough, and resumed his trade, which he has since engaged in. Mr. Perlee is a highly esteemed citizen. He is a member of the Gr. A. R. and of the Odd Fellows, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. JOHN PETSCHER, saloonist, Aurora, was bora in Baden, Germany, November 28, 1838, where he obtained a common school education. He immigrated to America in 1854, locating in Lawrenceburgh, where he for twenty years followed making malt in a brewery. He was married, June 28, 1857, to Miss Catharine Oswalt, who was born in Baden, Ger- many, February 15, 1836, the fruits of their marriage being four chil- dren: Minnie, John, William and Louisa. In 1874 Mr. Petscher moved to Aurora and worked one year in the distillery; after which he engaged in his present business. After many years' experience in the manufact- ure of fine beverages, Mr. Petscher knows just how to meet the demands of his many customers. RICHARD PLATT, farmer, Manchester Township, born on Long Island, N. Y. , September 14, 1816, is a son of Gilbert and Keziah (Purdy) Piatt, natives of the same locality. Gilbert Piatt, still in his youth during the war of 1812, rendered assistance to the army in remov- ing cannon and stores in the vicinity of Plattsburg, N. Y. In 1818 he, with his family, immigrated to Indiana, and entered the southeast quarter of Section 18 in Manchester Township, where he opened out right in the woods, "not a stick amiss," erected a log-cabin, and com- menced the life of a pioneer, and here he remained through life. He died February 16, 1867, in the ninety-fourth year of his age. Mr. Piatt was thrice married. His last wife, Margaret Millikin, survived him sev- eral years. He was the father of eight children, three now living: Richard, Seth and Peter. He was a man of powerful constitution, and performed a great amount of hard labor in opening out his farm from the woods, and lived to see five of his children settled near him and doing well. Smith Piatt, one of his oldest sons, spent his life in this township and died at the advanced age of eighty years. He was a prominent farmer and a leading citizen of the county. He served two terms as county commissioner and was highly esteemed. His son, Oliver, served in the war of the Rebellion in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry. He enlisted for three years, and served till the close of the war. He now resides in Decatur County, Ind. Peter, one of the surviving sons of Gilbert Piatt, and now a resident of Nebraska, also served in the late war in Company C, Seventh Indiana Cavalry. Enlist- 872 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ing as a private he was promoted from time to time till he was captain of the company. His son, Purdy, also served in the war in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry three years. He was severely wounded in the Eed River campaign in a battle in Arkansas, and being unfit for further duty was sent home. He is now a resident of Nebraska. Richard Piatt, a child of two years of age, when his parents settled in this, then new country, grew to manhood familiar with pio- neer life. He was married, September 24, 1840, to Elizabeth Cotton, a daughter of Judge A. J. Cotton, by whom he had two children: Lewis M. and Elizabeth D. K., now the wife of David Sloan, residing in Nebraska. Mrs. Piatt died February 10, 1843, aged twenty years. August 6, 1843, Mr. Piatt married for his second wife, Emiline Clark, a daughter of Josiah E. and Elizabeth Clark, he a native of New York, and she of New Hampshire, and who settled in this county in 1837. By this union they had eight children, seven now surviving: Isaac Sylves- ter, now a resident of Nebraska; Phebe E., wife of Dr. S. E. Givan, residing in Ripley County, Ind. ; Franklin P.; James M., a resident of Nebraska; Omer M., aleo in Nebraska; Purdy P. and Cory E. The eldest son, Lewis M., was in the war of the EebellioD, enlisting in August, 1862, in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and serving till the close of the war. Mr. Piatt has now been a resident of this township sixty-six years, and upon the farm where he now lives, forty-one years. Besides his possessions here he also owns a half section of land in Nebraska, besides what he has given his children. Thus Mr. Piatt's life has been a financial success, and as a citizen and a neighbor he is held in high esteem. SETH PLATT, farmer, Manchester Township, was born in the same November 24, 1818, is a son of Gilbert and Keziah Piatt. He grew to manhood fully acquainted with pioneer life. February 27, 1842, he was united in marriage with Rebecca Southard, born June 27, 1815, a daughter of Benjamin and Temperance Southard, natives of Long Island, N. Y. They came to Indiana and settled in Kelso Town- ship, among the earliest settlers of that locality, and spent their lives there and in Logan Township, being residents of the latter township at the time of their deaths. They were parents of seven children, all of whom grew to maturity. Four are now living: Isaac, Jane, Martha (now the widow of Charles Jolly, residing in Iowa), and Rebecca. By this union Mr. Piatt has had eight children, one died in infancy, seven grew to maturity, five now survive: William, a resident of Aurora; Isaac, a resident of Kansas; Charles Sumner; Eva, wife of James Vaughn, and Mary BeJle, wife of Benjamin Manliff. Of these William enlisted in Company K, Twenty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 873 Infantry, under Col. Wheatly, in the war of the Rebellion, and in the early campaign in Missouri was taken sick with the measles, and became incapacitated for duty, was sent home, and after recovering to some extent he Rtarted to return to his regiment, but was considered unfit for duty and sent back again, and subsequently discharged. Of those deceased Benjamin enlisted in the Eighty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infan- try, was engaged in the first battle at Vicksburg, and subsequently taken sick with typhoid pneumonia, and sent to the hospital at Memphis, where he died March 25, 1863, his remains being sent home and interred in the old Piatt Cemetery. Mr. Piatt has now been a resident of Manches- ter Township sixty-six years, and believes he is the oldest native now i-esiding there. Although owning and residing on a good farm his prin- cipal business is contracting and building brick and stone work, and many schoolhouses and other buildings are evidences of his skill and faithfulness as a workman. The Baptist Church, at Aurora, was erected by Mr. Piatt, and the Dearborn asylum, just recently completed, is a fine structure, and the commissioners, in accepting the building from Mr. Piatt's hands, gave him a high recommendation for the honesty of his workmanship. WILLIAM H. PLATT, brick mason, Aurora, is a native of Dear born County, born in Manchester Township, December 8, 1842. His parents were Seth and Rebecca (Southard) Piatt, sketches of whom appear above. William has been a brick mason all his life, and came to Aurora in 1876. He enlisted in Company K, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, August 11, 1861, and was mustered out in 1862, on account of being disabled by rupture and disease. He was married February 29, 1863, to Miss Sarah J. Palmer, who was born in Manchester Township, Dearborn Co., Ind. , April 4, 1844. The following children have been born to the marriage: Harry W., born August 29, 1865; Alice M., born May 29, 1869; Herbert L., born September 4, 1873, died March 14, 1877; Frank M., born October 16, 1875. The wife died January 14, 1884. Her parents, John and Amanda (Dorsey) Palmer, were born in Cleves, Ohio, the former April 11, 1819 and the latter February 6, 1818. They were married September 12, 1839. Mr. Piatt is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M.; Chosen Friends' Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F. ; Encampment No. 3; Daughters of Rebecca No. 63, and of the G. A. R. DANIEL PLATT, mechanic and township trustee, Manchester Town- ship, born in the same, January 26, 1850, is a son of Peter and Susan (Millikin) Piatt, also natives of Dearborn County, he being the youngest surviving son of Gilbert and Keziah Piatt. Peter Piatt, the father of our subjectjgrew to manhood, married and lived in Manchester Township till in 874 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1873, when he removed to Nebraska. He was a stone mason and plas- terer by trade, which business he followed during his residence in this county, but since his settlement in Nebraska he has followed agricultural pursuits. They are parents of eight children: Purdy, Sarah Jane, now the wife of Clark Wicks; Alfred; Daniel; Victoria, wife of Ennis Lester; John; Emma, wife of Ora Lester; and Ennis K., all of whom are residents of Nebraska except Daniel. He was married, March 2, 1873, to Miss Jennie Bodine, a native of this county, born March 30, 1853, a daughter of Francis A. and Harriet (Wicks) Bodine. They have five children: Mary, now the widow of Sanford Burton; Catharine; Jennie; Hettie, wif e of J. L. Freeland, and Francis. Mr. Piatt learned the trade of his father, which he has followed as his principal business. He is now serv- ing as trustee of Manchester Township, having been elected to that office in April, 1884. ALBERT POHL, resident piano tuner and salesman with William Lieve & Bro., Aurora, is a native of Prussia, born in the Province of Saxony, September 17, 1849, where he received a collegiate course. His parents, Charles F. and Dorothea (Traflfehn) Pohl, were natives of Prus- sia, the former was born in 1801, and the latter in 1809; the father died in Frankfort on the Main, in July, 1868, and the mother died in the city of Berlin, in December, 1870. Albert came to America, July 18, 1870, and located in New York, where he remained one year, and in 1871, he came to Aurora, where he was married, April 16, 1874, to Miss Kate S. Siemantel. She was born in Wisconsin, October 28, 1853. Her par- ents, George and Catharine (Lochner) Siemantel, were born in Bavaria, the father in Obernzenn, March 17, 1826, and the mother November 2, 1829. Her grandparents, John and Catharine (Stahl) Siemantel, were born in Bavaria, the former in 1782. and the latter in 1792; grandfather died in 1847, grandmother in 1870. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Pohl have been born five children: Oscar H, Anna, Charles, Kate and Albert. CAPT. THOMAS PORTER, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in Lan- caster County, Penn., July 31, 1789. In his youth he went from there to Oliphant's Iron Works in Fayette County in that State, where he was for several years employed as a clerk. On the breaking out of the war of 1812, he enlisted in Capt. James A. McClelland's company of Ball's reg iment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, continuing in the war one year. He was badly wounded in the thigh at an engagement on the Mississinewa River in this State (then a Territory) December 19, 1812, his horse being killed from under him, the camp having been surprised before daylight by an attack of hostile Indians. He was borne from"the battle ground to Dayton, Ohio, on a litter, thence to a hospital at Lebanon, Ohio, in a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 875 sleigh, where he remained until able to resume service. The following spring he joined his company and marched to Fort Meigs, where he par- ticipated in the first siege and was again slightly wounded by a cannon ball, which killed a second horse for him, while in the act of marching. He continued in the service until the close of the campaign participating in all the engagements of bis squadron and terminating with the battle of the Thames, after which he was discharged. The wound broke out afresh a few years afterward, compelling him to walk with crutches, and it gave him much pain at intervals during the remainder of his life. In 1814 he received an appointment in the regular army as ensign Sixteenth United States Infantry, and remained in that service for several years. Having resigned from that army, he came to the West to join his father's family, which had removed from Pennsylvania to Boone County, Ky. He took up his residence soon after at Lawrenceburgh, and was for several years cashier of the branch at Lawrenceburgh of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Indiana. Ho resigned this office, and for about a year was engaged with a Mr. Amos Beeson, in carrying on a tannery and dry goods store at Elizabethtown, Ohio. Thence he returned to Law- renceburgh and was in 1830 elected recorder of Dearborn County. He was offered by President Jackson the appointment of receiver of public moneys at Fort Wayne. The office was then a lucrative one, but as the journey to that place then had to be made on horseback, he declined the appointment because his wound was too painful to enable him to make the journey. While serving as recorder of Dearborn County, his father- in-law, Mr. Moses Tousey, who owned a large farm and the ferry oppo- site Lawrenceburgh, died, and purchasing the interests of the heirs, Capt. Porter resigned the office of recorder and removed to Kentucky. Before he purchased the farm and ferry, a common " flat " and a skiflf only had been employed as the ferry, but Capt. Porter promptly purchased a fine horse-ferry-boat, and made the crossing of the river so prompt and con- venient as greatly to increase the trade of Lawrenceburgh. His boys, Oliphant and Albert, were drafted into service as ferrymen and ran the l?oat a long while. In 1839 Mrs. Porter died, and Capt. Porter, after this bereavement, soon determined to relinquish farming, and not long afterward returned to Lawrenceburgh. He was subsequently engaged in the business of pork-packing with Col. James H. Lane for two or three seasons, but the greater part of the time after his removal from Kentucky, he was not in active employment. He died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Thompson, on the 6th of February, 1854, Capt. Porter Was twice married. His first wife was a daughter of Thomas Tousey, and a sister of Oliver Tousey; his second wife was a daughter of Moses Tousey, and a sister of Omer and George Tousey. Capt. Porter was the father of 876 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ex-Gov. Albert G. Porter, of Indianapolis, whose youth was passed in L a wrenceburgh. WILLIAM H. POWELL, Randolph Township, was born in Mary- land in December, 1806. He came here from Ohio with his parents when a small boy, grew to manhood in what is now Switzerland County, and was married, September 24, 1835, to Lucinda North, a daughter of Levi North. He followed farming, and also did an extensive milling, mer- chandising and distilling business. Six of his seven children are still living: Rosanna, John H, George W., Mary E., Marcus L. and William J. The deceased was Sarah J. The father died in 1866. George W. and Marcus L. grew up on the old homestead, and are still there, owning four shares in the estate. They were educated in the common schools, and have been chiefly engaged in farming, though having done some trading on the rivex-. Recently have been dealing to a considerable extent in tobacco baying and shipping to the Cincinnati market. George W. was married, November 21, 1877, to Cynthia A. Lostutter, daughter of David Lostutter, who died in 1878. Marcus L. was married, October 13, 1880, to Mary A. Dibble, daughter of George and Margaret Dibble, and they have one son — Louis L. The Powell brothers are stirring business men, and own 182 acres of land. HIRAM F. POWELL, farmer, Hogan Township, was born in Dear- born County July 5, 1824. His father, James, was born in Washington County, Penn., in 1789, and came to this State in 1801. He returned to his native State, and again came to Indiana and located in Dearborn County, upon North Hogan Creek in 1807, and purchased one section of land at $2. 25 per acre. He farmed and flat-boated before steam-boats ran on the river. He was in the war of 1812 under Capt. Sargent. Mr. Hiram F. Powell started as engineer on the Ohio River, and followed the river for twenty-two years. He was married, November 21, 1864, to Mrs. Sarah E. Davis, who was born in Dearborn County in 1840. Their three children are Jedediah, Mary J. and Lewis; the latter deceased. Mr. Powell was justice for several years, and also served as deputy sherifi. He belongs to Dearborn Lodge No. 536, I. O. O. F., and Farmers' Insur- ance Company. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. IRA POWELL, of Rising Sun, was born in that city in 1858. His parents, James A. and Martha (Dodd) Powell, were natives of Pennsyl- vania and Lexington, Ky., respectively, and i-esided in Ohio County till 1861, engaged in farming. In 1861 he removed to Mattoon, 111., where he purchased land and carried on a successful farming business till his death, which occurred in 1879. His widow is still living, now a resident of Rising Sun. Mr. Powell was reared on the farm, and followed that BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 877 occupation till he came to Rising Sun in the fall of 1880. He was employed as salesman by William Colter till the spring of 1884, when he purchased an interest in the stock and began merchandising for him- self as related elsewhere. C. M. PRICHARD, Lawrenceburgh, secretary of the Miami Valley Furniture Manufacturing Company, was born in Ohio in 1843. He spent his early years^in bis native State, where up to 1870 he was chiefly engaged in telegraphing at different points. At the latter date he came to Lawrenceburgh and took stock in the above named furniture factory, with which he has since been connected, having been secretary of the company since 1873. Mr. Prichard was married, in 1867, to Elizabeth Channell, of Newark, O., and they have three children, Mabel, Grace and Chauning. LEVIN D. PRICHARD, farmer, Hogan Township. Mr. Prichard resides with Mr. F. C. A. Dam, upon Section 23, Hogan Town- ship. He was born in Dearborn County, February 6, 1860, and received a common school education. His parents were James and Mar- garet (Parker) Prichard, both of whom died when he was a mere lad, and he has had to look out for himself ever since. He has been truly suc- cessful in forming correct habits, and is an industrious, energetic young man. Six years of his life were spent in Kansas, farming, and with that exception he has resided in Dearborn County, Mr. Prichard has care- fully saved his earnings, and his frugal habits in the past have secured to him a comfortable share of the necessaries of life. WILLIAM PROBASCO, president of the People's National Bank, Lawrenceburgh, was born in'New Jersey in 1821. He remained in the East till 1846, when, without means or assistance, he crossed the moun- tains and came West to this county. He served an apprenticeship as millwright and for many years was engaged in the milling business — eight years at Harrison, Ohio. He subsequently went to Lawrenceburgh and engaged in the distillinglbusiness about four years, after which he began the banking business with Peter Braun, in the People's Bank, which was established in 1875 and reorganized about a few years later as the People's National Bank. Mr. Probasco was married, in 1855, to Miss R. E. Morgan, JOHN PROBST, of the firm of Probst & Doyle, saw-milling, black- smithing and dealei's in all kinds of lumber, Dover, was born in Kelso Township, October 12, 1842. His parents were the highly esteemed pioneers John and Julia (Heisler) Probst, natives of Germany. The former was a son of John G. and Margaret (Nuce) Probst, who were also natives of Germany, and from thence in 1835 immigrated to the United States, landing at New Orleans; thence came to Cincinnati, Ohio, and in the 878 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. same year to Dearborn County, Ind., parcbasing land and settling in Kelso Townsbip, wbere tbey resided until deatb. Tbey Avere tbe parents of four cbildren. viz. : George, Elizabeth, Jacob and John. The latter im- migrated to the United States in 1832, first settling at Cincinnati, where he learned the baker's trade which he followed a few years, and in 1839, came to Dearborn County, Ind., andsettled on a part of his father's old homestead, where he resided until his death. He and Julia Heisler were married in Dearborn County, and here resided during their lifetime. She died in December, 1854, and he in March, 1858. Their children were: John, Michael, Louisa, Elizabeth, Mary, Nicholas, Catherine and an infant (deceased). John, our subject, when fifteen years of age, becran as an apprentice at the blacksmith trade, which he completed and engaged in for a number of years. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the United States service in Company H, Eighty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteers, was mustered in the service September 4, 1862, and served as a private until June 2, 1865, when he was discharged and returned home; after which he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and resumed his trade. In 1866 he returned to Dover, and in partnership with John Andres, opened a blacksmith and wagon-making shop which they carried on until 1870, since which time Mr. Probst has continued the business alone until 1874, when Thomas Doyle entered a business partnership with him, and since which they have conducted their present business. Our subject was married in Frajiklin County, this State, April 30, 1868, to Amelia Fender, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Mettel) Fender. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Probst, one child, John E., was born, Mrs. Probst died March 7, 1869, and July 28, of the same year, Mr. P. was married to Elizabeth Bussard. For eight years, beginning in 1876, our subject held the office of justice of the peace. He is at present the trustee of Kelso Township. GEORGE C. PROBST, secretary of the Aurora Valley Furniture Com- pany, is a native of Ripley County, Ind., born April 19, 1859. His parents were Fred and Elizabeth (Weachman) Probst, of foreign birth. George C. received the benefits of graded schools of his native county, and in 1876 he became connected with the Aurora Valley Furniture Company, and in 1881 he took charge of the books of the company.' He is a young man of good business capacity, and of enterprise and public spirit. The history of this manufactory, with which Mr. Probst is con- nected, will be found among the industries of Aurora. DAVID G. RABB died of consumption at Maple Grove, near Ris- ing Sun, Ohio Co., Indiana, October 7, 1874, aged sixty-two years and two months. He was born in Staunton, Va., but moved with his parents to Dearborn County, Indiana, in 1816; thus having been BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 879 for half a century identified with and actively interested in the affairs of this region of country. At the early age of twelve years the disease which eventually caused his death made its first attack on his system, in an aggravated form of bronchitis, which so afi'ected his voice as to ever after unfit him for any public use of it. His early education was obtained from the schools of Hardintown and Lawrenceburgh. In 1828 he went to Cincinnati, spending two years at the Cincinnati English and Mathematical Academy, then under the charge of Mr. Winright, but afterward known as "Woodward College." His health becoming again seriously impaired, he joined the American Fur Company, and spent six months with them in the Rocky Mountains and among the head- waters of the Missouri, gaining thus a practical knowledge of the country, which was of great service to him in after years, when a prisoner of the Con- federate Army. Afterward he was for a while engaged in mercantile pursuits in Cincinnati; then returning to the home of his father, who was a wagon- maker by trade, and worked with him for some months. Find- ing active out- door exercise needful for his health, he made choice of farming for his life employment, purchased land below Laughery Creek, in what is now Ohio County, and with $400, obtained from his father, commenced clearing and farming quite an extensive tract of land. At the age of twenty-one he married Miss Abigail Scoggin, of Hamilton County, Ohio, and made his home at the Laughery Island farm, now owned by Mr. Thomas Pate. Here he buried his first child, George, at the age of one year, from consumption, his wife dying soon after from the same disease. Subsequently he marrried Miss Mar- garet H. Jelley, of Rising Sun. To the last years of his life, Mr. Rabb was actively engaged in extensive farming and flat-boating, meeting with the vicissitudes of loss and gain incident to such pursuits, but ac- cumulating sufficient property to enable himself and numerous family to enjoy all needed advantages of education and refined society. In 1847 he purchased and moved upon the farm known as "Maple Grove Farm," naturally one of the most beautiful locations for a home, on the Ohio River, between Cincinnati and Louisville. Here his second wife died from consumption, leaving six children, three of whom have since died from the same disease. In 1856 he married Miss Rachel A. Fitch, of Bedford, Massachusetts, who, with five children, survives him. Im- mediately on his removing to Rising Sun, by his active interest in public afi'airs and liberal aid to all pertaining to the religious, intellectual and social wants of the community, he became so influential a citizen that his death was indeed a public loss. For some years he was engaged in the dry goods business in Rising Sun, with Mr. J. H. Jones. For many years previous to the late war he was a member and acting officer of the 880 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. State Board of Agriculture, often contributing to the columns of the Indiana Farmer. With all the nobler qualities of manhood the charac- ter of Mr. Rabb abounded. A man of great benevolence — but caring not to make his charities public — in him the needy always found a friend. He was alive to, and ready to aid materially in, all new industries which promised good to the public. Politically he was a Republican, and the same hatred of slavery which led his parents to leave Virginia manifest- ed itself in his early identifying himself with the anti-slavery cause, and the numerous colored people who gathered at his funeral to take a fare- well look at his form, testified to the fact that in his death they had lost one of their firmest friends. His patriotism caused him ever to actively engage in the maintenance of his country's rights. For a time he acted as a scout in the Black Hawk war. During the Mexican war he raised a company of artillery, and received his commission as captain, but, on arriving at Indianapolis, the peaceful adjustment of difi&culties rendered their services needless, and they were disbanded. Immediately on the call for troops in the late war, he was ready.for action, but did not enter service until August 5, 1861, when he received his commission as cap- tain of Second Indiana Battery, and went into camp at Indianapolis. He was soon removed to St. Louis, attached to Gen. Fremont's staff, and with him made the famous hundred days' march through Missouri. From the hardships there endured, and subsequent exposures, he never fully recovered. Returning from St. Louis, where he had accompanied Fremont, to his command, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. , he was, with two other officers, on November 24, taken prisoner from the cars at Weston, Mo., by Si. Gordon's guerrilla band. After suffer- ing many hardships, insults and frequent threats of death, he was paroled by Gen. Price, to remain within the limits of Fort Leavenworth. Gordon's band being dissatisfied with this, he made his escape with great difficulty, most of the way on foot, to the fort, his former knowledge of the country doing him great service. From there he was transferred to the camp of paroled prisoners. Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio, of which he had command four months. Here he received surgeon's certi- ficate for discharge, and arrangements were made for an exchange with a rebel officer, on Kelly's Island, Lake Erie; but he having made his escape, it was never effected. Mr. Rabb was a member of the Presbyterian Church. JOHN E. RANDALL, farmer, Washington Township, is a native of Dearborn County, and was born October 1, 1828. His father, George, was born in Kent County, England, March 3, 1796. His mother was Rhoda (Ewbank) Randall. They were married September 2, 1827, and came to this county about 1822. In early life George Randall BlOGRArHlCAL SKETCHES. 881 preached, latterly farmed. He died April 22, 1869; the mother also deceased. Mr. John E. Randall has lived in the county all his life, and followed farming and stock raising exclusively. He was married, Janu- ary 1, 1856, to Miss Anna E. Wilson, a native of the county, who was born March 17, 1837. There were born to them two children: Thomas R. and William J. Mrs. R. died in December, 1858. Mr. Randall was hon- ored with the office of township treasurer, and is a member of Hartford Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M. Mr. Randall is a quiet and highly respected citizen. His course through life is truly commendable, and worthy of emulation. MATHIAS RATZ, farmer, Kelso Township, is a native of Germany, born September 21, 1823. He was the youngest of two children V)orn to Valentine and Matilda Ratz. He immigrated to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1846, where he was married, May 6, 1850, to Margaret Miller, and in 1855 moved to Dearborn County. In 1869 he purchased and settled on his present farm, where he has since resided. He owns 100 acres of fine land, which is well improved. Their children were Margaret (deceased), John, Joseph, Robert, Conrad (deceased), Mathew, Annie and Nicholas. Mr. Ratz and family are members of the Catholic Church. THOMAS RECORD, retired, Sparta Township, one of the oldest pioneers of Dearborn County now living, and an honorable and highly esteemed citizen, was born near Wilmington November 6, 1810. His parents were William and Margaret (Lillis) Record, natives of England and Ireland. The former was one of three children born to John and Mary Record, also natives of England. He, in an early day, immigrated to the United States, and was married, at Philadelphia, to Mrs. Margaret Vaneck, wife of Capt. Vaneck, and daughter of a Mr. Lillis, who immi- grated from Ireland to the United States in an early day. In about the year 1808 Mr. Record removed to Pittsburgh, and thence in a short time to Cincinnati, and from there came down the Ohio River to Aurora in a little family boat, in company with David G. Boardman and others. Shortly after his arrival Mr. Record entered 160 acres of, wild land, about one mile north of where Wilmington now stands, on North Hogan Creek, where he labored in clearing off the forests and cultivating the land, and resided until his death. He was a man of strong mind, of good general information, and was respected by all who knew him. They were the parents of Jane and Thomas Record. The latter was married, in Dear- born County, July 10, 1832, to Hannah M. Sanders, who was born in New York, October 6, 1814. A part of Mr. Record's early life was spent in flat-boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. In 1835 he settled in Sparta Township, on what is known as King's Ridge, where he has since resided. His wife died September 25, 1871. Seven children, viz.: 54 882 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. George W. (deceased), Mary J., William (deceased), John F., Lemuel E. (deceased), Adelia A. and an infant (deceased) were born to the marriage. Our subject is an esteemed citizen and a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. FREDERICK RECTANUS, M. D., physician and surgeon. Aurora, is a native of Germany, born in Bavaria, May 29, 1836, where he com- pleted his collegiate course in 1853. His parents, Frederick and Chris- tena (Peters) Rectanus, were born in Germany, the father in 1813, and the mother in 1819; the father died in Germany in 18G7, and the mother resides at present in Louisville, Ky. The Doctor came to America in 1856 and located in St. Louis, Mo., where he clerked in a wholesale grocery. In the spring of 1858 he moved to Louisville, Ky. , where he read medicine with R. J. Breckenridge, Jr., surgeon of the Marine Hos- pital, and attended lectures at the Louisville University, graduating in March, 1861. Immediately thereafter he entered the army as assistant suro-eon of the Second Kentucky Regiment, serving in that capacity for four years and one month. In the spring of 1866 he located in Aurora, and has been very successful in all his undertakings, and built up a very satisfactory and lucrative practice. Dr. Rectanus was married, December 19, 1864, to Miss Charlotte L. Langley, anativeof this city, and who was born upon the premises where they now reside, in' September, 1840. By the marriage they have raised one child, Franklin. The Doctor was elected mayor of the city of Aurora in the spring of 1870, and re elected in 1872. He discharged the duties of the office faithfully and honestly, and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. In 1880 he was elected township trustee and served four years, after which he retired from the political field. He is a member of the Druids and Druid Chapter, I. O. O. F., Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., and the G. A. R. DAVID REES, of Lawrenceburgh Township, was born near Chester, Penn., in 1766, and removed with his father's family to Berkley County, Va., in the year 1775. In the year 1794 he proceeded on horseback on a prospecting tour, with no companion but his trusty rifle. He passed through southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, through the Cum- berland Gap, to Louisville, Ky., crossing the river he proceeded through the State of Indiana to Cincinnati. He returned to Berkley, Va. ; the entire route traveled was an unbroken wilderness, inhabited by the Indians and wild animals. In 1804 he returned to the West and pur- chased the fine tract of bottom land, now owned by his descendants, and in the year 1807, removed to it with his family. He was a man of indomitable courage and energy, of that type of men of moral honesty and integrity, that laid the deep foundation of good government, of which the benefits are realized by his descendants of this day. (^hari- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 883 table and humane, he possessed the power of wielding an influence among his fellow men, for the best interests of all. He died in the year 1820, and by acts and deeds, left behind him a remembrance that will survive the destroying hand of time. REZIN REES, farmer, Lawrenceburgh Township, was born in Dear- born County, November 20, 1819. His father, David Rees, was one of the early settlers of the county, and is mentioned above. The family came originally from below Philadelphia, being Quakers and refusing to fight in the Revolutionary war, and settled in Virginia. David Rees died in 1820 and Mrs. Rees, whose maiden name was Susana Daniel, after the death of her first husband, married in 1825, Joshua Sanks, and died in 1856. David Rees accumulated considerable property, being a farmer and miller, and as his children grew to maturity, this was divided among them, our subject receiving his share with the rest, a portion being the old farm on which he was born. He subsequently followed farming till disease compelled him to give up active labor. He was married in 1849, to Mary Daniel, daughter of John Daniel, who settled in this county in 1812, and by thi& union there was born one son, Ralph W., a young man of sterling qual- ities. This son was married in 1878, to Emma Stratton, of Aurora, and they have two children: R. Holman and Loren Stratton. In his business enterprises, Mr. Rees has been quite successful, having accumulated a comfortable fortune, though his severe affliction in the latter years of his life prevents him from enjoying the fruits of his early toil. PHILIP RENCK, of Harrison Township, was born in Germany, November 1, 1811, and is a son of John and- Margaret (Devine) Renck. who immigrated to America in 1838. His father died in 1862 at eighty- four years of age. Philip emigrated in 1836. He was a farmer in the old country and has always followed that pursuit in this. He was married in 1836 to Elizabeth Kuhn who was born in Germany, and sailed for America on the same ship in which Mr. Renck came over. On arriv- ing in this country Mr. Renck worked one year in a Cincinnati foundry and one year in a tannery in the same city. He then moved to this township and with his brother-in-law, V. Hey, purchased 80 acres of land, 43 of which Mr. Renck now owns. He has since added 40 acres more, which he assigned to his son, and 120 acres more, which is now owned by John Renck, of Logan Township. Mr. and Mrs. Renck have four children living: Mary, wife of Charles Reichenbach; Frances, wife of John Lutz; John and Michael. Two children died in childhood. Mrs. Renck died in April 1884. Michael Renck, with whom his father now lives, was born in 1847. He grew up in this vicinity and has al- ways been a farmer, also operating a steam thresher the past ten seasons. He was married May 27, 1873, to Mary Schaick, daughter of Lawrence 8-^4 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Schaick, and they had four children: Emma, Albert, Elizabeth and Clara. John died in childhood. WILLIA.M RICKETTS, hack driver, Rising Sun, was born in Ohio County, August 19, 1846, son of Shadrach and Eliza (Lambert) Ricketts, his parents born and reai-ed in the same county. William grew up on the farm and followed agricultural pursuits till twenty years of age. In May, 1868, he began driving for the Anderson Omnibus Line and in this occupation he has since continued, having been in the service seventeen years. Mr. Ricketts was married April 5, 1875, to Addie, daughter of Willis Griffey, and they have four children: Lulie, Flora, Emma and Cort. JOHN H. RIGG, farmer, Hogan Township, resides on Section 13 and owns ninety-four acres; is a native of Pennsylvania and was born in Phila- delphia, April 14, 1804. His father was born in Liverpool, England, and came to America when a young man. The mother, Sarah (Howard) Rigg, was born in Philadelphia. The father was a shipping merchant and died in 1810. The mother died in 1818. Mr. John H. Rigg came to Indiana in 1814, and has lived within two miles of his present home ever since. He was married September 27, 1826, to Azubah Richardson. She was born December 20, 1809, and they have had twelve children born to them, ten of whom grew to maturity. William was killed in battle at Prairie Grove, Mo. Mrs. Rigg died September 13, 1863, and Mr. Rigg remarried March 19, 1864, Miss Frances Herbert, born in Loudon County, Va., December 30, 1811, daughter of John Herbert, who came from Wales when quite young and settled in Virginia. He was in the war of 1812. Mr. Rigg has twenty-four grand children, and six- teen great-grandchildren, scattered over the West and South. He never was sworn as a witness, nor was he ever on a regular jury. Has farmed all his life. He cleared his fai-m with his own ax, and has led a quiet, industrious life. He has been a member of the Baptist Church for over forty years. His estimable wife belongs to the same society. He is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M. EPHRAIM ROBBINS, of Ohio County, died in the vicinity of Ris- ing Sun, June 16, 1844, aged eighty-four years. He was a native of Connecticut, and a soldier in the Revolution. He was engaged in several skirmishes and was wounded in one in Rhode Island. He was an exem- plary man in all his conduct through life, and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the last tifty-two years. He was buried with the honors of war, the funeral procession being very large, attended by some 600 or 700 persons. JUDGE OMAR F. ROBERTS, attorney at law, Aurora, was born in Manchester Township, Dearborn County. June 17, 1834, son of Rev. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 8^*5 Daniel and Abigail (Goodwin) Koberts, both natives of Durham, Me. Vinson Roberts, grandfather of Judge Koberts, was one of the pioneer settlers of the town of Durham, Me., and owned and cultivated a farm one mile west of Durham's Corners. Rev. Daniel Roberts was a soldier in the war of 1812, and served at Portland, Me. He came West in 1818, and in 1820 settled near Manchester, Dearborn County. He was one of the most eloquent and useful of the ministers of the Christian Church in the West, and during his long continued labors, organ- ized over 200 churches, and baptized upward of 2,000 converts. Omar F. was brought up on a farm, where he attended the common schools and at the age of eighteen entered the Lawrenceburgh Institute, where he remained three years. When twenty years of age he com- menced the study of law in the ofl&ce of Holman & Haynes. He there continued two years, when he entered the law department of the uni- versity at Bloomington, where he graduated, and was admitted to the bar at Lawrenceburgh — March, 1857. He commenced the practice of law at Versailles, but in December, 1859, opened an office in Aurora. In 1860 he was elected a representative in the Legislature and was re-elect- ed in 1862. In 1865 he was elected in anticipation of a called session of the Legislature, to fill an unexpired term in the house. In 1873 he was appointed by Gov. Hendricks judge of the Seventh Circuit, and in October of the same year was elected to the same office, and served six years from the date of his commission, October 21, 1873. In May, 1876, he was a delegate in the National Democratic Convention at St. Louis. During the civil war Judge Roberts was a war Democrat, and introduced into the Legislatui'e a joint resolution tendering to the General Govern- ment all the aid necessary both in men and means to put down the Rebel- lion, which was unanimously adopted. In the Legislature he advocated the removal of restrictions upon the admission of testimony in courts of justice, and as a judge his most prominent characteristic was his dislike of legal technicalities which would tend to defeat the ends of justice. Judge Roberts, after a long struggle with poverty and ill health, has reached an honorable position in his profession. On Christmas day, 1860, he was married to Miss Eliza J. Elden; she died July 23, 1870. He again married, his second wife being Miss Mary McHenry, of Aurora. GEORGE M. ROBERTS, attorney, Lawrenceburgh, is one of the leading members of the Dearborn County bar. He is a native of Ripley County, Ind., and was born in 1843. His boyhood was spent in his na- tive county and his youth in Illinois. He was educated at Knox Col- lege, Galesburg, 111., and studied law at the Albany Law School in New York, graduating from the same in 1865, in which year he began practice at Omaha, Neb., where he continued the same with creditable ^86 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. success till July, 1869, in the meantime being elected laayor of the city. From May to October, 1864, he served in the United States Army as first lieutenant of Company A, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry. In 1870 he located in Lawrenceburgh, where he has since conducted a successful and lucrative practice in his profession, and in 1879 was elected mayor of that city, serving till 1885.. He has taken an active interest in the business progress of Lawrenceburgh, and holds stock in both the Miami Valley Furniture Factory and the Ohio Valley Coffin Factory, a director in the management of the latter. In 1880 Mr. Roberts married Kate Harding, daughter of William Harding, of Cincinnati, and they have one son, Frank. GEORGE ROBERTSON, of Guilford, was born in Frederick County Md., December 8, 1800. His father died, leaving him an infant, to be reared by an aunt. His mother, of Irish descent, married Samuel Right, a Kentuckian, and moved to Dearborn County, after spending some time in Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. Robertson grew to manhood in Canton, Ohio, and there married Nancy McBee in 1821. He resided in Starke County about sixteen years engaged in shoe-making. In 1837 he moved with his family, to Dearborn County and located iu Yorkville, where he re- sided till 1853, when he sold out his interests in that village and moved to Guilford. There he conducted a country store and officiated as post- master till age compelled him to retire from active service, and he turned the business over to his son, Clement W, By his first wife Mr. Robertson had eight children, four of whom died in childhood. By his second wife, Phoebe Tucker nee Brower, to whom he was married in 1838, ten children were born, seven still living: Clement W., Mary J. (wife of William Lazenby), Elizabeth Ann (wife of JohnN. Brooks), Charles D., Harriet A., Alvin B. and Harry B. Mrs. Robertson was born in New York in 1815 and came to Dearborn County about three years later with her parents, Abraham and Elizabeth Brower, who settled on York Ridge. Mr. Robertson is now in his eighty-sixth year, and the shadow which lengthens in the setting sun of life is stretching into the Beyond. He has always been an earnest Republican, and, with his aged wife, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. CLEMENT W. ROBERTSON, merchant, Guilford, was born in Dearborn County in 1838, and is a son of George Robertson, who is referred to above. He grew to maturity in the locality in which he now resides, and his early years were spent in day labor and as clerk in his father's store. In 1866 he emigrated South and located at Nashville Tenn., from which point he was employed as sleeping-car conductor on different routes through the Southern States. In 1868 he returned to Dearborn County and engaged in the mercantile business at Guilford, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 887 this he has since conducted with fair success. In February, 1884, Henry Huddleston was admitted as a partner in the business, and the firm has since been known as Robertson & Huddleston. They carry a stock of general merchandise valued at $4,000 or $5,000 and enjoy a fine country trade. Mr. R. was married in 1864 to Martha H. Mulliner, a native of New York, daughter of John Mulliner, and they have two children: John B. and Charles H. Mrs. Robertson's parents were natives of New York City, her mother's name Susan Bostwick, and they were of Scotch and Welsh ancestry, respectively. Her father was a farmer and owned the land on which the city of Rochester is built. He is said to have sold the first lot from the tract for building purposes. He died in 1842, his wife surviving till December 25, 1879. They reared a family of six children, four of whom are still living. Mrs. P. J. Tibbets, Mrs. Har- riet Fuller, John R., Miss Maria Mulliner and Mrs. Robertson. Mr. Robertson is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a genial business man and a good citizen. LeROY ROBERTS, tinner, Dillsborough, was born at Lawrence- burgh, Dearborn Co., Ind., March 8, 1844. He was one of four children born to John and Rachel (Ricketts) Roberts, natives of this State. The former was a son of Aaron and Matilda Roberts, who settled in Dear- born County, in a very early day, and from here moved to Ashland County, Ohio, where they resided the remainder of their lives. They were the .parents of seven children, viz. : Ezekiel, Lewis, Sarah, Hannah, Harvey, Amanda and John. The latter was born near Guilford, Dearborn County, this State, December 12, 1816, and moved with his parents to Ashland County, Ohio, and when about eighteen years of age he went to Ashland and began as an apprentice at the tinners' trade, which he completed, and subsequently followed the greater part of his life. He returned to Dearborn County and resumed his trade at Lawrenceburgh, and was there married, August 20, 1840, to Rachel Ricketts, a native of Switzer- land County, this State, where she was born. May 20, 1823. In 1847 Mr. Roberts moved to Batavia, Ohio, where he worked at his trade until 1850, then removed to Aurora, where his wife died December 29, 1851. He was married, August 4, 1853, to Deliah Ricketts, an aunt of his first wife. In 1856 he moved to Dillsborough, where he opened a tin shop, and in 1867 he removed to Friendship, and there died October 15, 1878. His children were Harvey, LeRoy, Buena V. and an infant daughter. Our subject learned thetitiner's trade with his father, and has been engaged in the business the greater part of his life. In August, 186L he enlisted in Company F, Thirty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers as a private, and served until October 27, 1864, at which time he was discharged and returned to Dillsborough, where he resumed his trade, 888 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and in October, 1867, he opened up a tin shop, which he has since con- ducted. He was married at Dillsborough, December 24, 1867, to Helen, daughter of George and Margaret (Eider) Procter. She was born in Scotland. In March, 1881, he and William B. Suits purchased the Dills- borough Mills, which they now command and are doing a large and exten- sive business. He has had born to him four children, viz.: John L., George P. , Margaret and James G. B. HANNANIAH ROLLINS, of Ohio County, a soldier of the Revolu- tionary war, died in Randolph Township August 4, 1836, aged seventy- five years. Little is known of the character of the deceased until his sixteenth year, when, fired by patriotic zeal for freedom, he entered the Revolutionary army in the "Jersey line,'' and was shortly afterward at- tached to the music as a fifer. This was about 1777. He was promoted to fife-major, and served his country faithfully to the end of the war, partaking in all the privations and hardships of the army during the struggle for independence, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. At the end of the war he retired to private life as an hum- ble citizen of that republic which he assisted to establish. His charac- ter was that of an honest man and a patriot, universally beloved by all who knew him. His patriotism never failed him, and although the Gov- ernment made ample provision, by which he could have received a pen- sion, he refused to make application for that small debt of gratitude un- til at a very late date, and then he yielded to the urgent solicitations of his friends and neighbors. He was a zealous member of the Baptist Church. "The church has to lament one of its fathers ; his neighbors have to lament a good counselor and kind friend, and all lament him as a friend to liberty." WILLIAM M. ROWLAND, merchant, Dillsborough, was born in Clay Township, Dearborn County, September 10, 1843. His parents, John P. and Sarah R. (McComas) Rowland, were natives of Ohio. The former was a son of Philip and Rebecca (Perlee) Rowland, natives of New Jersey, who removed to Hamilton County, Ohio, in an early day, where they were married and resided until the year 1821, at which time they moved to Dearborn County, where they resided the remainder of their lives. They were the parents of Mary A., John P., Martha, Sarah, Peter, Perlee, Rebecca, Elizabeth and Lucretia. John P. was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, March 24, 1816, and came with his parents to this county in 1821, where he and Sarah R., daugh- ter of Daniel and Susanna ( Justis) McComas were married June 26, 1839. She was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, April 20, 1819. Her parents re- moved to Dearborn County in 1822. After Mr. Rowland's marriage he settled in this township, where he resided until 1864, in which year he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 889 removed to Hancock County, 111., where he at present resides. His wife died May 27, 1876. Their children were Jane E., Mary F., William M., Susanna M., Harriet C, Philip M., Alice R., Lucy F., Lucretia E. and Alancin C. Our subject was brought up a farmer until his sixteenth year, at which time he came to Dillsborough and began the blacksmith's trade with the Perlee Bros., which he continued until the breaking out of the war. September 20, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Thirty- seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers as a private, in which regiment he remained, and participated in all the battles and engagements of the command until the battle of Stone River, December 31, 1862, in which battle he was wounded by a musket ball, which took effect in his left arm, thereby causing amputation of the arm close to the shoulder. He was discharged May 31, 1863, after which he returned to Dearborn County. Being disqualified for following his trade or any other man- ual labor, he prepared himself for school teaching, attending first a pre- paratory school at the Gaff Schoolhouse. He then attended Moore's Hill College, and on moving to Hancock County, 111., with his parents, he completed his education in the graded schools of Augusta, that State. He then taught school, and in 1867 returned to Dearborn County, where he was employed in teaching. July 18, 1867, he was married to Josephine, daughter of Samuel and Orpha (Courtney) Martin. She was born in Ohio County, October 23, 1848. Shortly after his mar- riage he removed to Hancock County, 111., where he taught one term of school, and in 1868 removed to Dearborn County again, where he resumed his profession. In January, 1871, he purchased the drug store of Jo- seph Easier, at Dillsborough, which business he carried on until 1883, when he sold out, and in November, 1884, opened a general merchandise store in the same village, in which business he is now engaged, and has an extensive trade. He also owns a fine farm in Clay Township, which he purchased in 1876. Mr. Rowland was appointed postmaster of Dills- borough in September, 1871, which ofldce he held until July, 1883, when he resigned. He assessed Clay Township in 1870-71. He is a good citizen, and is highly esteemed by the community. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R., and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland are Walter M., Frank W\, Ber- tie S. and Horace W. FREDERICK W. RUHLMAN, farmer. Clay Township, was born in Germany in April, 1833, and in 1841 immigrated with his parents, Barnet and Ella Ruhlman, to the United States, and located in Dear- born County, this State, where he has since resided. January 8, 1857, he was married to Katie Bahma and settled on the farm where he now resides. To the marriage have been born Minnie, Elizabeth, Mary 890 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. John and Anna. The parents are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. R. owns a farm of 109 acres of well improved land. AMER W. RUMSEY, farmer, Manchester Township, was bora in Dearborn County, January 16, 1840; is a son of John and Rosanna (Bruce) Rumsey, he a native of Wales and she of Dearborn County, daughter of Amer Bruce, one of the early settlers. Mr. John Rumsey came to America with his father, Watkin Rumsey, and settled in Dear- born County, on Section 9, on North Hogan Creek, in 1817, where Mr. Watkin Rumsey died. John Rumsey, who was but eight years of age when they settled here, grew to manhood, fully acquainted with pioneer life; married Miss Bruce and settled on land in Section 8, west of where his father settled, and there he resided through life. He opened out his farm from the woods, made good improvements; and became the owner of between 500 and 600 acres of land, besides considerable land in Iowa and Kansas. Starting out in life a poor man, by his own industry, energy and good management, he became a large land-holder, and died possessed of an ample competency. He died Feb- ruary 11, 1879, aged seventy years, and his remains now rest in Hogan Hill Cemetery. His wife still survives and resides on the home place, now aged seventy years. They had ten children, five now living: Cath- arine, Amer, Susan, John and George F., all residents of this township. Amer Rumsey was married February 18, 1863 to Rhoda F. Ellis, born February 13, 1844, daughter of David and Lavina Ellis, he a native of Maine and she of New York, becoming settlers of Dearborn County about 1829. Mr. Ellis was twice married and was the father of fourteen children, seven now living: Catharfne, Benjamin (now living in Ne- braska), Margaret, Abby, Rhoda, Ida and Luella. By this union (Mr. Rumsey has three children: Lillie A., Hattie and Frank Floyd. In 1864 Mr. Rumsey piirchased and located upon the place where he now resides. The farm consists of 125 acres of land, with good improve- ments. He and wife are members of the Christian Union Church, with which they have been identified for twenty years. JOHN W. RUMSEY, farmer, Manchester Township, is a son of John and Rosanna Rumsey, whose history and early settlement is given in sketch of Amer Rumsey. The subject of this sketch was born on the old Rumsey place, in Manchester Township, January 10, 1853, and grew to manhood, brought up to labor on his father's farm; was married De cember 21, 1876 to Arminda J. Shuter, daughter of Henry and Sophia Shuter, whose history appears in the sketch of Henry Shuter. By this marriage Mr. Rumsey had one child. Alma P., born February 1, 1879. Mrs. Rumsey died March 13, 1879, in the twenty-fifth year of her age, and her remains rest in the Ebenezer Cemetery. October 5, 1882, Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 891 Rumsey married for his second wife Miss Mary D. Walser, born Decem- ber 31, 185U, daughter of Benjamin and Amanda (Jackson) Walser, natives of Dearborn County. His father, James W. Walser, settled in this connty, on Hogan Creek, in 1812, one of the true pioneers. Benja- min Walser by the above marriage had six children, four now living: Charles L., Mary D., Annu I. and Americus D. Mrs. Walser died in 1865. In 1866 Mr. Walser married for his second wife, Anna M. Case, daughter of George W. Case. By her he has one child, Nancy W. Mr. Rumsey by this marriage has one child, Florence A., born September 14, 1883. Mr. Rumsey has always remained a resident of Manchester Township, and made farming his occupation. He located upon his present place in 1877, where he has a good farm of ninety acres, with good improvements. He is a member of the Christian Union Church, and his wife of the Methodist Church. FRED H. RUSHER, saloonist, Aurora, was born in Germany, March 6, 1846. His parents, John and Louisa Rusher, were born in Germany, and came to America in 1847, locating in New Orleans, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, where the father died in 1847. The father was a tombstone cutter. His mother and family moved to Dearborn County in 1858, where they followed farming. Fred H. enlisted in 1863 under Deloss Brown in Company G, One Hundred and Twenty-third Indiana Regiment and served twenty-three months. During his term of service, he contracted the rheumatism and heart disease, which have ever since been an annoyance to him. He was discharged with his regiment. Mr. Rusher was married October 1, 1874, to Miss Mary A. Tibbetts, who was born in Dillsborough, October 3, 1852. By the union four children have been born: Jellett, Maggie, Arthur and Fred. Our subject fol- lowed contracting as carpenter and builder up to the time of engaging in his present business. He is a member of the G. A. R. and K. of P. lodges. JOHN H. RUSSE, deputy clerk, Lawrenceburgh, was born at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, July 14, 1849. His education -was acquired by attend- ance at the public schools of Cincinnati, Ohio, until the age of fourteen, when he was forced to battle with the world in the great struggle for a livelihood. He learned the business of cigar-making and followed the trade for twelve years or longer through its various branches, and for a year or more was engaged in the leaf tobacco trade. In September, 1868, came to Lawrenceburgh. July 14, 1870, he was married to Mary Eliza Ransom, of Lawrenceburgh, Ind., and two children, a boy and a girl, are the results of said union: John and Mary J. In October, 1878, he was appointed deputy clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court, which position he still occupies. He was admitted to the bar of Dearborn Circuit Court 892 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in 1879. He is a very prominent member of the K. of P. in this Stale, and for two years last past has been the grand prelate of the Grand Lodge. F. H. SALE, M. D., physician and surgeon, Dillsborough, Ind., is a native of Owen County, Ky., born May 17, 1828. His parents were James H. and Elizabeth T. (Elliston) Sale, natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively; the former, a son of Robert S'ale, a native of Virginia, born in 1747. Robert and Jane Sale were natives of Wales and Holland, respectively. They immigrated to the United States in a very early day, settling in Virginia, where they afterward resided until their deaths. Robert Sale was married in Virginia to Jennie Hoard, and in 1793 immigrated to Scott County, Ky., and from thence, in 1812, to Owen County, Ky., where he afterward resided until his death. They were the parents of six children, viz. : Elizabeth, Lucy, William, James H., Gincie, and Fleetwood H. James H. Sale was born in Culpepper County, Va., March 5, 1793. When about three months old his parents moved to Kentucky, where he was brought up as a farmer. He eu listed at the breaking out of the war of 1812 and served during the entire war under Col. Hamilton. He was married, in 1817, to Elizabeth T. Elliston, who was born in Owen County, Ky., January 1, 1801, and was one of eight children born to John and Nancy (Sneed) Elliston, natives of Vir- ginia, and who immigrated to Kentucky in 1793. After Mr. Sale's mar- riage he settled in Owen County, where he owned an extensive plantation, and remained until 1832, in which year he moved to Gallatin County, and while on a visit in Deai-born County, died November 23, 1854. His widow still survives. Their children were Jane H., Allen, Susan A., Eliza, Fleetwood H., Lucy H., Artamissa L., Emma G., Robert W. and James H. Dr. F. H. Sale was educated at Warsaw, Ky. , and in 1844 began reading medicine with a Dr. McClure of that place, under whose instructions he remained until 1849, at which time he attended lectures at the Louisville University, and in the spring of 1850, he located at Wilmington, Ind., where he began the practice of his profession. In the following July he located at Elrod, Ind. , where he was married, May 15, 1851, to Mary C. , daughter of James G. H. and Eliza (Pool) Morrison. She was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, October 5, 1837. In February, 1854, Dr. Sale moved to Dillsborough, where he resumed his practice, and has since resided. His wife died March 5, 1856, leaving one child, Alice M. In the winter of 1856-57, he attended the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati, graduating in February of the latter year. He was married, November 28, 1857, to Mary V. Johnson, of Ripley, Ohio, a daughter of Marion and Mary (Osborn) Johnson. Dr. Sale is a highly esteemed citizen, and is regarded as a reliable physician and surgeon. He was in the United States service as an assistant surgeon from April, 1862, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 893 until March, 1864, when he resigned; but in November, 1864, he re- turned and served until June, 1865. CONRAD SANDER, Lawrenceburgh, is the efficient president of the Lawrenceburgh Furniture Manufacturing Company. He was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1833, and is therefore now fifty-two years of age. He grew to maturity, and was educated in his native country, where he also learned the trade of a tailor, in which occupation he was engaged till after his immigration to the United States in 1853. On reaching this country he located in the city of Cincinnati, where for four years he followed the fortunes of the tailoring business, after which he learned the art of scroll sawing, which he continued as a business till 1860, when he came to Lawrenceburgh. In 1861 he enlisted in the service of the Government, and served faithfully till 1864, participating in some of the heaviest battles of the war, among which were that of Mumfordsville, Murfreesboro and others. He was a member of Company D, Thirty- second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and did efficient service till he was taken prisoner at the battle of Murfreesboro, and confined in Libby prison, from which, after two weeks, he was liberated on parole and not returned to active service. On his return to Lawrenceburg, Mr. Sander began work in the furniture factory of E. B. Dobell, with whom he was engaged till 1869, when he purchased stock in the establishment with which hehas since been connected. In 1871 he was chosen president of the company, and this position he has since held, having served two years previous as secretary of the same. Mr. Sander was married, in 1859, to Phillipena Scholly, a native of Germany and resident of Cin- cinnati. Five children have been born to them, viz. : Lena, Henry, Joseph, Louie and Herman. Mr. Sander is a member of the G. A. R., and one of the live, energetic business men of the city. THOMAS JEREMIAH SARGENT, Aurora, whose parents were of English birth, was born in eastern Pennsylvania, in 1741, and when America's great struggle for liberty began, he fell into the ranks under Gen. Washington, and served through the entire war; was severely wounded in the battle of Brandy wine, but recovered, however, and was, at the close of the war, united in wedlock with Miss Armadilla Enochs, of Pennsylvania, in which State they resided until their removal to the old fort in Virginia, near where the present city of Parkersburg is now situ- ated in Wood County, W. Va., and cultivated the land on which that city is built. He helped to build the block-house at Marietta, Ohio, and built the first log house at the mouth of the Licking River; spent the remainder of his life in what is now Wood County, W. Va., farming. He died at the advanced age of ninety-nine, his wife having departed this life August, 1824. They were the parents of ten children. The 894 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. fourth child, Henry Enoch Sargent, was born in Pennsylvania March 30, 1789. He, like his father, was a farmer through life; was married to Mary Steele June 15, 1813, and to them were born the following chil- dren: Abraham Enoch, Iiemuel Hamilton, David Harris, Oscar Fitzallen, John Brown, William Henry, Joseph F., Thomas Tavenor, Mary Eliza- beth, George Rockhold and Lucinda M. Oscar F. died at New Orleans; John B., died at Sacramento, Cal., March 19, 1851; William H., died May 10, 1848; Joseph F., died in Wood County, W. Va., in 1838; Mary E., the eldest sister, and a bright and promising girl, was, after a short illness, called to that far away home, May 11, 1850, while nearing the close of her schooldays at Wesleyan Female College in Cincinnati, Ohio; Lucinda M. and George R. died at the home of their father. Pleasant View, Jackson Co., W. Va., the latter, who served in the late war, never having recovered from cold contracted in the army. Henry Enoch Sar- gent, who was three times married, died at the residence of his son Lem- uel, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, after several months of painful illness. The first wife and mother, Mary (Steele) Sargent, departed this life Decem- ber 31, 1837. The second, nee Miss Eliza Barnes, died at Pleasant View, W. Va. The third still survives. But four of this large family now remain: Judge T. T. Sargent, of Hutchinson, Minn.; Rev. David H. Sargent, of Lebanon, Ohio; Lemuel H. Sargent, formerly of Cincinnati, and Abram E. Sargent, the eldest son, who was born July 10, 1814. He grew to manhood on the farm of his father, in Jackson County, W. Va., assisting in all labor common to this partic- ular occupation, obtaining his education from the common schools of that day. Being full of energy, and having a desire for a change in business, removed to Kanawha County, where he engaged in the mercan- tile business for a number of years, also figured extensively in the salt business of that day, being employed for a number of months locating wells in the State of Michigan, also engaged in steam- boating in connec- tion with this business, until the purchase of the foundry and machine shops at Salines, Va., now Maiden, W. Va., where he manufactured until the year 1853, when he removed to Mason County, W. Va., and pur- chased the foundry at West Columbia, and engaged in this and the coal business until 1874, when the -entire structure, with all of its valuable contents, was destroyed by fire. The iron business of the Ohio Valley being depressed at this time, and Mr. S. being well advanced in years, never rebuilt, but continued in the coal business; was also postmaster at West Columbia one term, having resigned to remove to his present home in Aurora. Abram E. Sargent and Amelia Frances Payne, were married at Salines, Kanawha Co., W. Va. , January 17, 1843, and they were the parents of the following children: William Henry, Mary Dillon, John BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 895 Newlon, Joseph Payne (deceased;, Josephice, Frances, Goodno, Abraham (deceased), McManus Parks (deceased), Thomas Walter, Lucie Catherine and Amelia Gertrude. Mrs. Sargent was born April 6, 1824, in Shenan- doah County, Va., is the daughter of Col. William and Amelia (Gaw) Payne, both now deceased. William Henry, their eldest son, and Ida F. McDaniel, were married at Mason City, W. Va., April 3, 1867, and the names of their children are as follows: Lemuel H., Ida F., Blanche and William. Mr. Sargent is engaged in steam-boating in the South, where he resides in the winter, the summer being spent at the old home in Mason City, W. Va. His two boats, the "Ike Bonham" and "L. H. Sar- gent " are running between Vicksburg and Davis Bend. Mary Dillon, the eldest daughter, and Rev. E. Barnard, of Maryland, were married June 17, 1871, and now reside at Westerville, Ohio, the names of their children being Lawrence L. and Ernest S. Thomas W., the youngest son left school at the age of sixteen, and for several years was engaged with his father in the coal business. In 1877 he located in Aurora, and began doing business for himself. He commenced in a limited way, but by industry and enterprise he has built up an extensive business in the coal line, and also deals largely in salt, his sales reaching annually to upward of 300,000 bushels of coal and 200,000 barrels of salt. Since 1880, in connection with his trade at Aurora, he has had branches at Ghent and at Warsaw, Ky. JAMES SATER, Harrison Township, an enterprising young farmer, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1856. He is a son of Thomas and Mary (Pottinger) Sater, both natives of the same county; his father, a farmer, and still living, his mother is deceased. Mr. Sater grew to maturity in his native county, and was educated in the common schools, subsequently spending three years at the Ohio Wesleyan University. He was married, in 1878, to Elizabeth Crocker, of Des Moines County, Iowa, and in the same year began business on the farm, where he has resided ever since, engaged in agricultural pursuits. He has three children: Arthur, May and Francis. He owns with his grandmother 355 acres of good laud, is a Democrat, and takes a lively interest in local politics. WILLIAM SAWDON, farmer, Washington Township. Prominent among the names worthy of honorable mention, is that of William Sawdon, a native of Yorkshire, England, born December 24, 1811. His parents, William and Martha (Boddy) Sawdon, were natives of England, father born March 21, 1786. On account of his mother's poor health, his parents started for America, but in June, 1830, while on the voyage, she died, and was buried in the bosom of the ocean. The father located in Dearborn County in 1830, and married Miss Mary Liddle, who was born October 16, 1807. He farmed all his life, and died November 27,. 896 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OFIIO COUNTIES. 1870. Mr. William Sawdon, Jr., came to America with an uncle, who raised, and educated him, so that^he knew but little of his parents. He learned the shoe-maker's trade in Cincinnati, Ohio, and came to Dearborn County after the flood of 1832, and has resided in the county ever since. He was married, March 4, 1835, to Hannah Cornforth, daughter of Robert and Jane Cornforth. Her father died August .18, 1835, in his fifty-ninth year; her mother died September 4, 1855, aged seventy- three years, Mr. and Mrs. Sawdon had eight children: Thomas H., Robert C, Sarah J., Martha A., Mary E., George W., Hattie E. and Emma H Mrs. Sawdon was born April 27, 1815, in England, and died in Dearborn County December 29, 1874. Mr. Sawdon remarried March 26, 1876, Mrs. Eliza Ann Shoup, who was born near Wilmington July 15, 1826, and had by her first marriage three children: Edward, Thomas and James. Mr. Sawdon was a justice for eight years, also township trus- tee for a period. He is a member of Pleasant View Grange No. 237. He and his wife belong to Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was steward for twenty years, and is class leader at present. He has always been a friend to any public improvement, and ever willing to extend the hand of charity in time of need. His life has been one that is well worthy of emulation. His son, George, was a member of Col. Lucas' regiment in the late war. GEORGE SCHABEL, tinner, Moore's Hill, Ind., was born in Wur- temberg, Germany, March 26, 1836. His parents,] John E. and Elizabeth (Gabler) Schabel, were natives of Germany, where they resided during their entire lives, the former born in 1804, the latter in 1809. Their children were^John E., Mary, George and Charlie T. The father died in 1840, and the mother subsequently married Lewis Schweble, by whom she had one child, Lewis. George, our subject, learned the tin- ner's trade in Germany when quite a small boy, and has since engaged in the same. In 1854 he immigrated to the United States, landing at New York City, and from thence came immediately to Cincinnati, where he worked at his trade until 1856, at which time he came to Lawrence- burg. He was there united in marriage November 22, 1859, to Margaret Strattner, a daughter of jGeorge M. and Elizabeth Strattner. She was born in Germany, March 30, 1843. Li 1860 Mr. Schabel located in Moore's Hill and opened his present business, which he has since pur- sued, and is doing an extensive business. He has seven children, namely: Mary M., Elizabeth, Margaret, Caroline, Charles G., Clara J. and Bertha M. Mr. Schabel is a highly respected citizen. He is a member of the Masonic order and the L O. O. F. and also of the V. A. O. D. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 897 LilWRENGE SCHAIGH, Harrison Township, was born in 1823. He is a native of Germany and was there employed in a wine dairy till 1846, when he immigrated to America and located in Cincinnati. He was working in and about Cincinnati about two yeai's when he came to this township and purchased twenty acres of land, to which he has since added sixty acres more at different intervals. He married Sophia Haine in 1849 and they have six children: Elias; Elizabeth, wife of Frederick Kohl- man; Kate, wife of Henry Benininger; Mary, wife of Michael Renck; Louise, wife of Henry Valtz, and John. Mrs. Schaich was born in Germany and immigrated 'to America in 1848. The family is well respected and well provided with the necessaries of life as a result of many years of hard labor. AUGUST SCHILLING, farmer, Sparta Township, was born in Hanover, Germany, December 9, 1825. In 1849 he immigrated to the United States, landing at New Orleans, La., and soon after came to Cincinnati, Ohio. He was united in marriage in Hamilton County, Ohio, June 23, 1854, to Dora Ideker, who was also born in Hanover, Germany, January 5, 1829. After their marriage they settled in Delhi Township, Hamilton Co., Ohio, where he engaged in farming and resided until 1858, in which year they removed to Dearborn County, purchased and settled on the farm where he at present lives. He owns ninety acres of line land. He has five children, viz. : Emma, August, John, Dora and Henry. Mr. Schilling is a good citizen and the family is well respected. He and wife are members of the Lutheran Church. BERNARD SCHIPPER, contractor, and dealer in lime and stone, Au- rora, was born in Bavaria, January 19, 1822, where he received a common school education. His parents, George and Catharine (Kluever) Schip- per, were natives of Bavaria. The mother was born in 1795 and died September 24, 1842. Bernard came to America October 18, 1838, and located in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained until the spring of 1839; thence he went to Cleves, Ohio, where he worked on the canal and farmed up to the spring of 1848, when he located })ermanently in Aurora, engaging in teaming and quarrying stone, which he followed up to 1871, when he began taking contracts in building houses and streets, succeed- ing admirably up to 1877. at which time he was taken sick on account of exposure and excessive labor, and has since been an invalid. He mar- ried Miss Mary C. Schumm, January 23, 1844. She was born in Bavaria, February 4, 1820. The following children have been born to them: Catharine, John M., Mary A., Frank, Bernard, Elizabeth, Amelia, Will- iam and Rosalia. They are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Schipper was one of the active and liberal members in building up the church. He donated a lot to the church; was president of the board of 55 898 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. trustees and building committee, and labored zealously in the cause. He acted as one of the trustees for six years. REV. JOHN J. SCHOENTRUP, Catholic priest, Aurora, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. January 23, 1853. He attended St. Joseph College in Kentucky for three years; then St. IMeinrad College in Spencer County, where he graduated and completed his studies for the priesthood, being ordained priest in 1877. His first parish was at Mount Vernon, Posey Co., this State, where he remained until June 5, 1882, at which time he came to Aurora, and took charge of this parish, laboring ardently and faithfully to harmonize and build up the church. His parents, John and Adaline (Wilnes) Schoentrup, were born in Hanover, Germany; the father was born April 14, 1818, the mother May 26, 1818. They left their native land, immigrated to America in 1847, locatijig in Cincinnati, Ohio, In 1854 they moved to Dearborn County, Ind., locating perman- ently. In the fatherland and this country his vocation has been farm- ing for a livelihood. ANTONY SCHOTT, farmer, York Township, was born in Germany, January 1, 1838. His j)arents, Antony and Frances (Ott) Schott, who were both natives of Germany, came to America in 1845. They located in Cincinnati, where they resided ten years, when they purchased land in York Township, where they subsequently lived till their respective deaths; the mother March 11, 1870, the father in April, 1876. Antony Schott, the subject of this brief notice, was brought up to the years of maturity by his parents. At the age of thirty-three years he married Cecilia Feist, who was born and reared in this county, a daughter of George and Phillippa (Schoenetzer) Feist, who were natives of Germany. They have five children living: William, Frank, John, Henry and Ottil- lia. In 1872 Mr. Schott purchased his present farm of 105 acres, on which he has since resided, engaged in agricultural pursuits. The family is associated with the Catholic Church and Mr. Schott is a Dem- ocrat. ADOLPH A. SCHULZE, retired, Aurora, was born in Saxony, Ger- many, August 16, 1818, where he received a common school education. His father, John G. Schulze, was born in 1773 and died in 1837. His mother, Caroline (Waber) Schulze, was born in 1774 and died in 1837. The father followed farming all his life. Adolph came to Aurora, Ind., in 1849, and followed carpentering up to 1853. Then he started a cof- fee house and continued in that line of business up to 1878. He was married, February 10, 1853, to Mrs. Louisa Brixner, who was born in Wartemberg, Germany, November 14, 1820. Adolph, by economy and industry, has accumulated a competency, so that he can live in ease and comfort during his old age. He is a well preserved old gentleman BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 899 and enjoys life. He is a member of the Druids and German Reformed Church, of which latter he is the treasurer, ALBERT M. SCHUMACHER, farmer, Kelso Township, is a native of Hanover, Germany, born February 11, 1827. His father, Frederick •J. Schumacher, was born in Hanover in 1799, and was there united in marriage to Catherine Eberwein about 1822. She was also born in Hanover in 1802. After their marriage they settled at Gettingen, where she died in March, 1833. In 1837 he, with his children, immigrated to the United States, and settled first at Philadelphia, Penn., where he married Catherine L. Erdman, and soon after moved to Butler County, Ohio, where he purchased a small farm. In March, 1838, he moved to Dearborn County, Ind. , and purchased the farm where he now lives, in Kelso Township, Section 27, and where he died in March, 1853. Albert M. , our subject, was educated at Gettingen College, Hanover, Germany, and came with his father to Dearborn County in 1888. In 1848-49 he engaged in boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, after which he returned to this county. He was here married, December 26, 1849, to Elizabeth, daughter of George and Barbara (Kallenberger) Folanens, who was born June 3, 1832, After his marriage he settled where he now lives. Mrs. Schumacher died November 28, 1869, the mother of eleven children, viz.: Frederick B., born February 16, 185,1; Edward L., December 3, 1852; Elizabeth M., June 15, 1854, died February 12, 1855; Catherine F., December 11, 1855, died June 12, 1882, Albert H, June 18, 1858; Adaline C, January 20, 1860; William H., November 15,1861; Philip, March 16, 1863; Christopher H., January 8, 1865; Elizabeth, October 19, 1866; George, October 6, 1868. November 29, 1870, Mr. Schumacher was again married, _to Catherine Deitz, who was born in Germany, October 11, 1844, a daughter of John and Annie E. (Huck) Deitz. To them were born four children, viz. : Annie E. , March 25, 1871; George J., July 31, 1872, died October 11, 1872; Conrad A., born July 13, 1873, and Charles F., October 27, 1881. JOHN SCHWARTZ, see page 157. FRED SCHWENDENMANN, tinner and dealer in stoves and tinware, New Alsace, was born in Baden, Germany, June 7, 1825. His parents, Zafere and Frances (Kramer) Schwendenmann, were also natives of Baden, where the former died in 1833, at the age of sixty-five years. The mother, with her children, immigrated to the United States in 1847, landing at New York City, and from thence came to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she died in 1849. Our subject was the eldest of nine chil- dren. He came to Cincinnati, Ohio, with his mother, where he worked at the tinner's trade, which he learned in Germany. He was married at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 11, 1852, to Annie M. Wingerter, who was born 900 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. in Germany, December 17, 1832, a daughter of Anthony and Anna M. (Folk) Wingerter, natives of Germany, and who immigrated to the United States in 1835. After his marriage Mr. Schwendenmann settled at Cincinnati, where he remained until 1854, in which year he removed to Dearborn County, locating at New Alsace, where he has since resided. He first opened a tin shop and grocery, which he carried on for some time, after which he sold out his groceries, now conducting a large bus- iness in stoves and tinware. Mr. and Mrs. Schwendenmann are parents of twelve children: Joseph, Frederick (deceased), Frank J., Louisa M., Mary T., Adam (deceased), John, Anthony, George, Susan M., Fred and Charles. Mr. Schwendenmann and family are members of the Catholic Church. EDWARD SEEKATZ, baker and confectioner, Lawrencewburgh. was born in Germany in 1849. In 1856 he immigrated to this country with his parents, who located in Lawrenceburgh, where he grew to maturity and was educated. At the age of eighteen he went to Cincinnati, where he learned the trade of baker, which he has continued since November, 1883. He also learned the cabinet trade, which he pursued for twelve years prior to his entering his present occupation. He occupies the corner of Walnut and Center Streets, carries a full line of fresh bread, confectionery^ cigars and tobaccos, and does a profitable business. Mr. Seekatz was married in 1880 to Sophia Gose, and they have two children : Harry and Albert. Mr. S. is a member of the I. O. O. F. and R. A., and an ener- getic business man. FRANK F. SEIFERT, farmer, Clay Township, was born in Ger- many, March 6, 1840. His parents, Frederick C. and Fredireka (Leopold) Seifert, were also natives of Germany, and immigrated to the United States in 1854, landing at Baltimore in August of that year, and coming thence immediately to Dearborn County, set- tling in Sparta Township, where his father died in 1870. His mother is still living. Their children were Edward F., Lewis H., Herman B., Frank F., Augusta, Anthony, Emma and Anna. Frank F., our subject, came with his parents to Dearborn County in 1854, where he has since resided. He was married in Sparta Township Jan- uary 4, 1866, to Catherine M. Zea, by whom he has had two children, viz. : Harry F. and Alvin F. Mr. Seifert is a good citizen, and is highly es- teemed by all who know him. He and Mrs. Seifert are members of the German Methodist Church. SAMUEL SEWARD, who for many years has been one of the leading business men of Rising Sun, was born near New Philadelphia, Ohio, in 1811. Elijah Seward, his father, was born on the eastern shore of Mary- land; his mother, Starling Seward, is a native of the same State, in which BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 901 they were married, and from which they moved to Ohio about 1801. The family consisted of nine children, four of whom are now living : Samuel, Stephen, Matilda (Mrs. Noble) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Blake). In 1825 the family moved to Ohio County, where the father died on the old Brown farm in 1842, the mother surviving about twenty years. Our subject was fourteen years old when he came to the county, and he remained with his parents on the farm till 1839. In 1834 he began trading on the river, and this traffic he continued successfully for more than twenty years, making his last trip in 1858. About _1842 he began dealing in lumber and coal in Rising Sun, and this he also continued with equal success for a period of thirty years. He has now practically retired from business, except to look after the creditable fortune which, in a long lite of industry and good management, he has accumulated. At the organization of the Rising Sun National Bank, Mr. S. took stock to the amount of $10,000. He was eight years president of the institution and has been a director since it was founded. He served twenty years as trustee of the Union schools, and over thirty years as trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was also president of the Rising Sun Insurance Company for more than twenty years, and has served many years in the city council. Mr. Seward was married, in 1844, to Susanna J. Jones, daughter of Rev. James Jones, a pioneer Methodist minister of this locality. Their five children are James, William R., Morris J., S. Mills and J. Jones — the latter a practicing physician of Erie, Penn. Mr. Seward is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and also of the I. O. O. F. ; having joined the latter society in 1840. STEPHEN SEWARD, one among the older residents of Rising Sun, was born in Tuscarawas CouQty,Ohio, in 1819. His parents were Elijah and Starling (Bright) Seward, natives of Queen Anne's County, Md., and of English parentage. The family located in Rising Sun in 1825, the father a farmer by occupation, in which vocation uur subject, Stephen Seward, spent the earlier portion of his life. Before twenty years of age, however, he began fiat- boating on the Ohio River, which he continued successfully till 1859. He then engaged in saw-milling about six years and since that time has been variously employed. Mr. Seward was mar- ried, in 1846, to Miss Elizabeth Dickinson, native of Ohio, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Mason) Dickinson, both natives of England. Her father immigrated to America in 1818, her mother in 1817. They located in Elizabeth town, Ohio, were married there in 1819, and in 1835 moved to this locality. The father was a cabinet and wagon-maker and subsequently purchased land in Dearborn County, departing this life in 1843; the mother died in 1845. Mi-, and Mrs. Seward have tive children living: Jennie, wife of J. Dalrymple; Matilda, Stephen, Sherman and 902 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Rea. Three sons are deceased. Mr. Seward and his eldest son are members of the I. O. O. F., and the family is associated with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Seward has been a steward for about thirty years. He has also served four years as a member of the Rising Sun city council. MORRIS J. SEWARD, son of Samuel Seward, was born in Rising Sun in 1850. He was educated in the Rising Sun public schools and at Moore's Hill College, and in 1870 began business with Robert Jones, under the firm name of Jones & Seward, dry goods. In 1878 Mr. Jones withdrew from the firm and the business was conducted four years under the firm name of M. J. Seward & Co. Mr. Seward then withdrew from the firm and for the past two years has been employed as salesman only. He was married, in November, 1871, to Emma Croft, of Rising Sun, daughter of George H. and Bersheba Croft, the former now deceased and the latter a resident of Indianapolis. In 1874 Mrs. Seward died, leaving one child — Bertha, and in 1877, Mr. Seward married Miss Fannie Kane, of Jeflfersonville, Ind. Mr. Seward is a member of the I. O. O. F., and the Methodist Episcopal Church. SAMUEL M. SEWARD, dry goods dealer, was born July 3, 1859. and is a son of Samuel Seward, Sr. He grew to maturity in Rising Sun, the place of his birth, obtained a practical education in the Rising Sun public schools, also taking a commercial course of study at Columbus, Ohio. In 1873 he began business with his brother, with whom he has since continued. He was married, in September, 1882, to Fannie Hemp- hill, daughter of William Hemphill, a leading citizen of Rising Sun. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and Methodist Episcopal Church, and a young man of considerable business energy and enterprise. W. R. SEWARD, of the firm of W. R. Seward & Co., was born in Rising Sun in 1848. He is a son of Samuel Seward, whose sketch appears above. He was educated in the public schools of Rising Sun, and took a commercial course in Lebanon Normal also. He was employed in the coal and lumber business till 1873, when he began operations in the grocery and provision trade, which he has since continued. He married Miss Belle Gillespie, daughter of Dr. Gillespie, in 1872, and they have one child living — Earl M. Two others are deceased. Mr. Seward is one of the live business men of the town, a member of the I. O. O. F., and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JULIUS SEVERIN, auditor of Dearborn County, and a leading manufacturer of Aurora, Ind., is a native of Prussia, where he was born in 1830. He grew to maturity in his native country, where he ob- tained the rudiments of an education in the common schools, after which, being of an energetic, studious turn of mind, he took a course of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 903 study in the Polytechnic Institute of Hagen, Prussia. While here he worked as copper-smith, and after serving the required time, in 1850, he immigrated to the United States, to seek a more favorable field for the full range of his capacities. After being engaged in the various cities of New York, Meriden, Conn., Boston, Norfolk, Va., Cleveland, Gallon, Ohio, for seven years, he located in Aurora, which has since been his place of residence, save during temporary engagements abroad. In 1858 he established the Boiler & Copper Works in Aurora and two years later built the efficient Gas Works of that city. He was employed about eighteen months by the Keystone Patent Company and in 1862 repre- sented that firm at the World's Exposition at London, England, for the purpose of exhibiting and explaining their machinery. In 1805 Mr. Severin established the Copper & Sheet Iron Works in Aurora and in 1873 was one of the nine men who built the Aurora Rolling-mills. He still controls the Excelsior Iron & Copper Works at Aurora, and, in con- nection with his sons, operates the same, manufacturing all kinds of iron roofing, buildings, chimneys, tanks etc., and copper work for distilleries and breweries. The enterprise, though in its infancy, is assuming pro- portions, and its projectors are building up an extensive trade, which extends throughout the Middle and Eastern States, and are receiving business communications from foreign countries. The Messrs. Severin are active and thorough -going business men, and their enterprise ranks among the leading industries of Aurora. The office of the works is located on Main between Importing and Second Streets. As a business man Mr. Severin' s usefulness, enterprise, energy and liberality have added greatly to his popularity as a citizen. Recognizing this the Democracy of Dearborn County in 1882 chose him their candidate for auditor and he was elected by an overwhelming m*ajority. The duties of this office he has discharged with signal ability, promptness and success, and in a manner entirely satisfactory to all the people interested. In 1855 Mi-. Severin married Catharine Horn, a native of Germany, and seven chil- dren are the fruit of this union — all living and well educated. Their names are: Lena, Emil, Eugene, Louise, Julius, Huldah and Louis. Louise is a graduate of the State Normal School and received the first teacher's license for three years granted in the county. The two sons, Emil and Eugene, are associated with their father in business. The family enjoys a high standing socially in the community, and from the father down to the youngest son is no less fortunate in its range of in tellectuality and moral influence. JOHN S. SHATTUCK, plasterer and contractor, Aurora, was born in Aurora September 2, 1821, and is represented as being the oldest native resident of this city. He received instruction in the common English 904 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. branches, and began learning the plastering trade at the age of fifteen years, which trade he successfully followed for many years. In 1856 he engaged in the drug business, in connection with keeping the telegraph and Adams Express offices. This combination of business was run until 1863; then he sold out the drug department, but retained the telegraph and express positions until 1870, at which time he was appointed gauger by the Government. In 1875 he resigned his government position, and engaged with Gaffs as their private gauger for five years; then was reap- pointed gauger by the Government, and served in that capacity up to August, 1884, since which time he has been contractor and builder. His father, Asa Shattuck, was born in Middlesex County, Mass., July 8, 1789; he settled in Aurora, January 1, 1820. The mother, Prudence (Harding) Shattuck, was born in New York; mother died in 1833 and father died in 1867, his death*being caused by a fall from a building. John S. Shattuck was married July 8, 1847, to Miss Sarah A. Hill. She was born in Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 2, 1825. To them seven children have been born, viz.: Charles S., infant son. Flora, Lelia, Carrie, John H., Permelia. Mr. Shattuck is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F. & A. M.; Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, L O. O. F., and the Baptist Church. WILLIAM SHAW was born December 15, 1802, in the city of Paisley, Scotland. He immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1816, stopping at Philadelphia, remaining there about five months, and then, coming to Pittsburgh in a butcher wagon, they pi'oceeded down the Ohio River in a keel -boat to Vevay, and located upon a farm in Craig Township. William Shaw was married to Linda Rous, of Vevay, Ind., April 14, 1825; moved to Vevay in 1831, and for a number of years engaged in merchandising; when he purchased a good farm about two miles north of Vevay, upon which he moved with his family, where he resided till his death, August 25, 1873. Mr. Shaw joined the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, at Vevay, in 1839, and became a most devout Christian. He was kind and agreeable in his intercourse with his fellow men; and contributed liberally of his means to all public enterprises. Mrs. Linda (Rous) Shaw was born December 6, 1805, in Bradford, York- shire, England. She immigrated to the United States with her mother and other members of the family in 1812, embarking at the city of Liv- erpool on the merchant vessel "Packet." The war of 1812 between Eng- land and the United States having been declared, the vessel was detained at Liverpool about five weeks, when it was allowed" to sail. On account of its being an American vessel, and when within four days' sail of New York, it was captured by a British frigate, and all on board taken as pris- oners of war to Nova Scotia, where they were detained about five weeks. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 905 They were released, however, upon finding that their passports were law- fully executed, and were permitted to pursue their way unmolested to New York. Mrs. Eous and her children, upon laoding at New York, repaired to Poughkeepsie, joining her husband who had preceded her to America several years. In 1814 they came to Pittsburgh in wagons and thence down the Ohio in a flat-boat, arriving at Vevay June 9, 1814, where they remained till 1818; then located on the present site of the Switzerland County Infirmary, in Craig Township. Mrs. Shaw joined the Methodist Episcopal Church with her husband, William Shaw, at Vevay, in 1839, and has always been noted for her kind Christian spirit, as manifested upon all occasions. She now lives in her pleasant home at Vevay, honored and loved by her children, relatives and friends. A. SHAW, of Lawrenceburgh, son of William Shaw, was born in Switzerland County, Ind., in 1847, and his early years were spent in that locality. He was given the rudiments of an education ia the com- mon schools of Switzerland County, and subsequently spent four years in study at Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind. He engaged in farm- ing in his native county till 1874, when he came to Lawrenceburgh, where he conducted the hotel business two years in connection with the regular operations of the farm. In 1882 he began the grocery business under the firm name of Fitch & Shaw, purchasing the intei-est of his partner in September, 1884. He occupies the corner of High and Short Streets, and carries a stock valued at $2,000 to $2,500, doing a good business. Mr. Shaw was married, in 1873,, to Hannah V. Fitch, daughter of De Witt C. Fitch, who is well known in this county, and by this union there were born four children: Ida C, Cora L., Harris F. and Edward R. HOEACE SHAW, with E. S. Downey, dealer in agricultural imple- ments, Aurora (residence in Rising Sun), is a native of Ohio, born in Mount Pleasant, Hamilton County, July 22, 1840, and received an acad- emic education. His father was born in Massachusetts, August 15, 1802. His mother, Susan (Janks) Shaw, was born in Providence, R. I., in 1806, and died in 1844. His father was a jeweler, and he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1833. January 1, 1864, the subject of our sketch moved to Ohio County, Ind., and engaged in general mer- chandise, continuing up to 1871, at which time he went West, and remained for four years; thence he went to New York as an accountant in Brooks' Locomotive Works. In 1877 he returned to Rising Sun, and entered the field as a commercial traveler, continuing as such up to 1881, when he engaged with Mr. E. S. Downey. Mr. Shaw was married, December 8, 1869, to Miss Elizabeth Whitlock, who was born in Rising Sun, November 28, 1846. One child, Julia, was born to the marriage. Mr. Shaw belongs to Friendship Lodge No. 6, F. & A. M., Rising Sun, and his estimable wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 906 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. GEORGE B. SHELDON, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in the 3''ear 1812, in the city of Philadelphia, and removed with his father's family when quite young to Cincinnati, Ohio. He learned the tinner's trade. In the year 1835 he came to Lawrenceburgh and worked for a Mr. Hood. In 1840 he established the business of a tinner on High Street, in a building known as "Lane's Salt Warehouse," and continued the busi- ness until his death, which occurred on the 27th of March, 1865. Mr. Sheldon was one of our business men, who by his energy, did much to benefit our city. He was foremost in every good work that would be beneficial to the community. Early in life he connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and no person ever labored more sin- cerely to live and act in accordance with the teachings of Christianity. Kind and generous, charitable to a fault, he was often imposed on by designing persons, who knew his confiding nature. In his business transactions he was the soul of honor, and the word of George B. Shel- don possessed an intrinsic value, more precious than gold, and when he was called to cease his labors, our city sustained the loss of an honorable, enterprising citizen, Christianity one of its brightest lights, the poor and suffering a steadfast friend. WILLIAM SHOLEY, Rising Sun, manufacturer of cigars and dealer in cigars and tobaccos, was born in Prussia in 1850. He passed his childhood and youth in his native country, remaining there till sixteen years of age. In 1866 he emigrated to the United States, and located in Ohio County. He followed farming up to 1874, when he began the manufacture of cigars, which he has continued to the present time, having learned the trade himself in Prussia. His establishment is located near the corner of Main and Walnut Streets, Rising Sun, and he manu- factures 75,000 to 100,000 cigars per year. Mr. Sholey was married, in 1884, to Julia L. James, daughter of Edwin James, of Aurora. ABRAHAM P. SHUTTS,boot and shoe dealer and postmaster,Cochran, is a native of New York, born July 9, 1841, where he received a common school education. His parents, John and Ada (Hitchcock) Shutts, were born in York State, the former, in 1801; latter, August .25, 1805. In 1842 they emigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., where he followed farming. Abraham farmed up to 1861, at which time he enlisted in Company F, Thirty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving three years. After returning home he learned his trade, and has worked at it ever since. He married Miss Amanda J. Barker, November 18, 1879; she was born in Dearborn County, Ind., August 8, 1845. To them have been born four children: Frank, Blanche, Maud and Earl. He was appointed postmaster in July, 1878, and officiated as city treasurer during 1880 and 1881. He is also a member of Chosen Friends' Lodgre, No. 13 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 907 I. O. O. F., and of the Methodist EpiscopalChureh. He is an active busi- ness man and faithful public official. HENRY SHUTER, farmer, Manchester Township, born in Hanover, Grermany, January 26, 1812, is a son of Frederick and Mary Shuter, natives of Hanover, Germany, who were parents of two children: Henry and Frederick. Mrs. Shuter died, aud he subsequently married Margaret Imhofif, and in 1830, with his family, immigrated to America, landing at Baltimore, where they remained till 1832, when they came to Cincin- nati. In 1834 they removed to Indiana and settled in Jackson Township, Dearborn County, where they resided till death. By his last wife Mr. Shuter had two children: William and Sophia. Of the four children, Frederick and Sophia are deceased. William resides on the home place in Jackson Township. Mr. Shuter came to his death very suddenly by falling from a load of wheat. He was an industrious farmer, a good citi- zen, and one of the early settlers of that neighborhood. He and wife were members of the Lutheran Church. Henry Shuter remained in Cincinnati about two years after his father moved to Jackson Township, after which he worked out for various farmers for a time. January 14, 1840, he married Sophia Poos, who was born in Meslingen, Prussia, June 7, 1818, a daughter of Henry and Christena Poos, natives of Prussia, but who came to America in 1839 and settled in Ripley County, Ind. (where two of their children had previously settled), and there remained till death. They had three sons and five daughters, of whom two daughters died in Germany; the others came to Indiana, four of whom now survive: Freder- ick, Henry, Sophia and Hannah. Mr. Shuter and wife have had seven chil- dren, four now surviving: William, Henry, Hannah and Eliza. John and Lizzie died in infancy; Arminda, who married John Rumsey, and had one child. Alma, is also deceased. Mr. Shuter resides upon the place where he settled after marriage, which he had previously pur- chased, and where he now has a tine farm of 220 acres. He also owns another farm near Wright's Corners of 110 acres, besides having given his children other lands and money. He also owns 400 acres in Illinois. All of this property they have accumulated by industry and economy. They are worthy members of the Baptist Church, in which faith they have reared their children, all of whom have united with the church. SIMON SIEMANTEL, grocer and saloonist, Aurora, is a native of middle Bavaria, was born July 5, 1828, and received a common school education. His parents, John and Catharine (Stahl) SiemanteJ, were born in Bavaria, the former in 1782 and the latter in 1795. They came to America July 3, 1846, landing in Baltimore, thence to Lawrenceburgh July 14, 1846, where they settled on a farm. The father died in 1847, and the mother in 1873. Simon was raised on a farm, but in 1847 908 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. learned the cooper trade. In 1851 he went into the grocery and bakery business, at which he continued for four years. He then went to Rising Sun, where he engaged in butchering. In 1857 he came to Aurora and purchased the old Methodist Church on the corner of Third and Bridge- water Streets, and converted it into a mill, which he operated up to 1870. At this date he sold the mill and started his present business. He was married, January 8, 1852, to Miss Anna Barbara, who was born in Bavaria, February 25, 1831. By the union eleven children have been born, viz. : John (born February 5, 1853, died April 3, 1878), Anna K., Margaret (born in 1856, died in September, 1857), Margaret K., Lizzie, Simon (died in infancy), Simon K., Carrie, Mamie, Charles W. and Albert. Mr. Siemantel was elected in 1862 from the First Ward as councilman and held the position for four years. He was also appointed township trustee in 1868 and elected in 1869. He was one of the incorporators and directors of River View Cemetery, organized in 1869. He has been identified for years with the I. O. O. F., and is a member of the Aacient Order of Druids, of which order he was made grand mas- ter in 1863. JOHN AND PETER SINGER, Harrison Township, two good- natured bachelors of that locality, were both born in Germany, the former, February 12, 1830, the latter, October 13, 1833. Throughout their lives their two paths have been in the same line. They immigrated to America with their parents, Peter and Mary (Hahn) Singer, in 1841, and located on the farm where the two sons now reside. Their father died soon after locating here, and they grew to maturity under the guid- ance of their widowed mother, who died, May 15, 1883, and left them alone indeed, the home of the family becoming the "hall of the bachelor." They have always followed agricultural pursuits and now own the old homestead of 115 acres. Since the death of their faithful mother, under whose care they were nurtured from infancy to maiUhood, they have lived in that state of blessed singleness which all poor mortals enjoy who have no gentle hands of the tender sex to sew buttons, darn socks, wash linen and stew hash. They propose to change their mode of living soon as circumstances determine, and it is hoped the future may bring them the happiness which they merit. COL. FREDERICK SLATER, merchant and postmaster, Sparta, was born in Hanover, Germany, October 6, 1828. His parents, Frederick and Matilda (Reape) Slater, were also natives of Germany, and, in 1835, immigrated to the United States, landing at Pittsburgh, Penn., in Novem- ber of that year. They then removed to Cincinnati, and to Lawrence County, Ohio, and in 1840 to Alexandria, Campbell Co., Ky., where the mother died in 1873, at the age of seventy-seven years, and the father in 1876, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 909 at the age of seventy-seven years. They had born to them five children, viz: Henry H., Matilda, Emily, John G. and Frederick. The latter came with his parents to the United States in 1835, remaining with them until 1849, at which time he came to Aurora and clerked in the store of Fred Huckery for about ten months; he then returned to Campbell County, Ky., and engaged in farming until 1852, at which time he went to El Dorado County, California, and engaged in mining until 1856, when he returned to Campbell County. There he united in marriage, June 25, 1856, with Sarah A., daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Williams) Carbert, who was born in Philadelphia County, Penn., August 23' 1833. In Sep- tember, 1856, Mr. Slater moved to Aurora and purchased the grocery store of Frederick Huckery and engaged in the grocery trade there until 1861, at which time he was elected mayor of the city. In September, 1862, he resigned the office of mayor and entered the war, enlisting in Company E, Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry as a private and after the organ- ization of the company was chosen captain, which capacity he served Id until June, 1863, at which time he was promoted to major and in December, 1864, to lieutenant-colonel, which rank he served in until the close of the war. He was discharged at Louisville, Ky. , July 14, 1865, after which he returned to Aurora, Ind., and in September of the same year moved to Sparta, where he at present lives, and opened his present busi- ness, which he has since pursued. In 1874 he was elected commissioner of Dearborn County, which office he held until 1880. Col. Slater is a highly respected citizen, and an enterprising and accomodating business man. He is a member of the Masonic order. He and Mrs. Slater are parents of six children, viz. :WilliamH., Frederick A., James C. (deceased), Emily M., Lawrence (deceased) and Sarah A. R. EMMET SLATER, Lawrnceburgh, attorney at law, and prose- cutor for Dearborn and Ohio Counties, was born in Yorkville, Dearborn County, in 1848. He is a son of Richard D. Slater, who was many years an influential citizen of Dearborn County, and the years of his minority were chiefly spent in his native village. He received the ordinary common school education and subsequently taught five winter terms, engaging in the study of medicine in the meantime about two years. Conscious that he had not yet found the proper field for operation, he abandoned the medical study and took up the law, first by private reading and later under the tutelage of Judge Givan and last with Judge Bainbridge, being admitted to the bar April 12, 1869, He entered immediately upon the practice of his profession, continuing about one year, when he accepted a position as deputy sheriff of Dearborn County, in which capacity he officiated four years. His official duties having somewhat interfered with his law studies, he temporarily abandoned 910 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the same and for two years .conducted a cigar factory on rather an extensive scale, operating as many as twenty workmen. In 1878 he returned to the law practice again, accepting the appointment of deputy prosecuting attorney for the Seventh Judicial Circuit, and formed a silent partnership with Judge Atkinson, which continued till the latter removed to Montana as land register. He then continued his practice individually, and'in 1882 was elected prosecutor for the district comprising Dearborn and Ohio Counties, and in 1884 was re-elected to the same ofl&ce, having previously served four years under appointment by R. L. Davis, his predecessor. In 1876 Mr. Slater edited and published the Lawrenceburgh Herald, a lively campaign sheet, and during 1880, the Lawrenceburgh Democrat, a spicy paper of similar cast. He has held a position on the regular staff of the Cincinnati Enquirer for the past seven years as local correspondent and is a ready and effective writer. In his earlier years Mr. Slater spent a short time in the ministry, and in all the various vocations of teacher, preacher, doctor, lawyer and journa- list he has achieved a creditable success, entirely commensurate with the time and attention devoted to the respective fields of labor. Mr. Slater was married, in 1873, to Mary Miller, daughter of Thomas and Emeline (Wilson) Miller, and granddaughter of Thomas Miller, one of the original settlers of this county. They have two children, Everett E. and Grace E. Mr. Slater is a member of the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum and K. of P., and 'an earnest advocate of Democratic principles. He is a shrewd politician and, we believe, as a public official, has always discharged his duties with satisfaction to the people. FRANK A. SLATER, general foreman of O. &. M. shops, Cochran, is a native of Prussia and was born September 20, 1837. He received a good common school education. His father, Charles, was born in north- ern Prussia in 1796. His mother, Caroline Schonert, was born in the same province in 1798. They came to America in 1846, locating in Naumburg, Lewis Co., N. Y., where he followed farming and weaving up to his death in 1862; mother died in 1872. Frank in early manhood learned cabinet-making and piano building. In 1850 he returned to Europe, remaining four years. After his return to America he worked at various points until March 3, 1865, at which date he located permanently at Aurora, Ind, ,with the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad Company, starting in at cabinet work June, 1869, he was promoted to foreman of the cabinet department, which position was held until April, 1871. At this date the company promoted him to general foreman and draughtsman, on account of faithfulness and close application in guarding their interests. His labor in his present position began January, 1871, at which time he took up and completed all drafting for the shops. His indomitable BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 911 energy and natural talent have caused him to be numbered among the most proficient of the profession in this country. He has never been away from the shops or off duty since he began working for the company; neither has he been suspended nor discharged. At present he has super- vision over 180 hands, on an average. He was married, March 29, 1859, to Miss Mary Cowau. She was born in Syracuse, N. Y., April 2, 1838, and to them have been born three children: Charles F., born August 20. 1860; Susan, born in 1862 and died in 1866; Caroline, born February 8, 1863. Our subject is both an Odd Fellow and Mason, having taken the thirty-second degree in the latter order. ELIAS SMALL, farmer, Hogan Township, resides upon Section 24 and owns 130 acres. He was born in the township, July 30, 1850, and received a common school education. He has farmed all his life. Mr. Small was married August 24, 1872, to Miss Emma Durham. She was born ia Hogan Township, December 27, 1855, and they have three children: Harry, David and Addie. Mr. Small is an active young man and is the son of William H. Small, an old pioneer farmer of Dear- born County, who by industry and economy has laid up a competency, and is enjoying his journey homeward as the sands of life gently flow out through the glass of time. CHRISTOPHER SMITH, farmer, York Township, was born in 1821, on the farm on which he still resides. He is a son of John Smith, one of the early settlers here, and with whom he resided till his parents' death. He inherited the old homestead of 160 acres, on which he is now located, and where he has conducted a fairly successful agricultural business for many years. He was married about 1845 to Sarah Dedas, a native of Butler County, Ohio, and daughter of Isaac and Eliza Dedas, and by this union were born four children: W. A.; Eliza J., wife of Lewis Rollin; Calvin H. and George H., the two elder sons residing in Illinois at the present time. Mr. Smith is regarded as one of the representative farmers of the township, and is entirely worthy of a place in the annals of the county. He has always resided on the same farm, and is ever ready to encourage such enterprises as tend to advance the interests of the county and community in which he lives. WILLIAM J. SMITH, farmer. Miller Township, was born in this county in 1847, near where he now resides. He received a common school education and was early inured to the labors of the farm to which he has since devoted his attention. He was married, in 1870, to Adaline Hansel, a native of this county and daughter of Robert Hansel an early settler and prominent farmer of this township. They have two children: Arthur and Alma. In the same year of his marriage Mr. Smith purcliased seventy -five acres of land which he has since been en- ^ 912 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. gaged in cultivating. In 1882 he was elected trustee of Miller Town- ship and in 1884 was re-elected to the .same office in which he is still serving. He is an active and public-spirited citizen, a Kepublican in politics and a good fellow generally. "^ EDWIN SMITH, M. D., homoeopathic physician and surgeon, v9 Aurora, office in Mitchel's block, over the postoffice, was born in Con- |;^ way, Franklin Co., Mass., April 29, 1832, where he improved the limited advantages afforded by the public schools. His parents were Riifus and Polly (Foskett) Smith, the former of whom was of an old Massachusetts family and the latter of Welsh descent. His father was a shoemaker and died in 1843. His mother being left in very moderate circum- stances, Edwin assisted in supporting the family. After he had attained his eighteenth year he received private instructions from his pastor for two years, during which time he pui'sued a scientific and literary course, with a view to the study of medicine. He afterward traveled two years in the life insurance business, and then spent some time with a relative who was a merchant. In 1852 he located in Cleveland, Ohio, and en- gaged in business, which he prosecuted some four years, but finding that it did not agree with him he retired. He then took a thorough course in a commercial college and attended two courses of lectures on commercial law, after which ho located in Canton, Ohio, and engaged in teaching from 1857 to 1876. He had nearly all his life been a student of the science of medicine after the old school, and had intended to prepare himself for that form of practice, when he became interested in homcBO- pathy. At this juncture in life he purchased Dr. Pulte's books and a case of medicines and in due time commenced treating himself and friends. Being favorably impressed with the results he gave up teach- ing and entered Pulte's Medical College of Cincinnati. In addition to the regular course he gave special attention to gynecology and diseases of the eye and ear, and received a special diploma in the former branch. He graduated in May, 1877, and was awarded the prize for his thesis on the eye and ear. In July, 1877, he located in Aurora, Ind., and began the practice. He has strong faith in the virtue of electricity, the appli- ance of which he considers indespenaable in the treatment of certain diseases. His laboratory and dispensary are supplied with every appli- ance of modern excellence, and his library is one of the most complete to be found in the city. His good judgment and leniency toward those holding different opinions from his own have won him honor and friendship. He has succeeded in his profession and built up a lucrative practice. He is a member of the Hamilton County Pulte Association, the State Medical Association, and the ^American Institute of Homoe- opathy. He has been a member of the Baptist Church (of which his BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 913 parents were life long members) since attaining his fifteenth year. For a number of years he was secretary of the chvirch at Canton, Ohio, and has been secretary of the Wooster Baptist Association and of the Sab- bath-school convention. He has occasionally contributed to the church journals and has been an earnest worker. Dr. Smith has been twice married; first to Miss Mary Andrews, daughter of Hon. Luther Andrews, of Queensbury, Warren Co., N. Y. She died January 11, 1861, leaving an infant son, Edwin R., Jr. In 1867 he married Miss Cornelia Whitmore, daughter of Russell and Jane Whitmore, of Georgetown, N. Y., she died Jamiary 1, 1877. Dr. Smith's mother is still living and resides with her eldest daughter, who is the wife of Prof. Charles E. Hamlin, of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. WILKISON SMITH, farmer, is a native and resident of Washiogton Township, and was born December 8, 1815. His parents, Ralph and Easter (Hubbard) Smith, were born and raised in North Carolina, and immigrated to this State and Township in 1813. The parents endured all the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life, and left plenty for their family, which consisted of twelve children. The mother was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Wilkison Smith was married March 8, 1844, to Miss Julia Ann Powell, who was born in Hogan Township in 1814. By this union were three children: Hiram. Sarah, James. Mrs. S. died in 1843, and our subject re-married June 22, 1844, to Miss Ann C. Duvall, who was born in Pennsylvania, March 15, 1826. By this union three children: Jehue, Margery, Mary. He has farmed all his life, and served his constituents for eighteen years as township trustee. Everything about his home indicates thrift and enter- prise. He is an active and highly respected citizen. GEORGE A. SMITH, farmer, of Clay Township, was born in Dear born County August 26, 1830. He is one of ten children born to the esteemed pioneers, William and Mary (Britton) Smith, who were natives of Yorkshire, England; the former born May 25, 1787, and immigrated to the United States in 1817. In 1818 he located in Dearborn County, where he afterward resided until death. He and Mary Britton were united in marriage in Clay Township, June 27, 1819. She was born May 24, 1803, and immigrated with her parents from England to the United States in 1818. locating in Dearborn Coimty in the same year. After Mr. Smith's marriage he settled on the same farm, on which our subject now lives, and died there July 24, 1862. Mrs. S. still survives and resides on the same farm. Their children were: Mary J. . deceased; Thomas, deceased; Sarah; Samuel, deceased; George A.; Jane; Charles B., deceased; James, deceased, and two died in infancy. George A. is still 914 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. unmarried and is living at home with his mother and two sisters on the old homestead, which he now owns. WILLIAM B. SUITS, miller, Dillsborough, Ind., of the firm of Roberts & Suits, is the eldest of nine children, born to David K. and Mary (Barker) Suits, natives of Deai'born County. The former was a son of William and Catherine (Karr) Suits, who immigrated to Dearborn County in 1816. He was born June 12, 1817, and when a young man learned the blacksmith trade with his father, which he afterwards en- gaged in for some time. He and Mary Barker were united in marriage in Dearborn County, December 13, 1838. She was born January 30, 1822, a daughter of Hiram and Hester A. (Davis) Barker. After Mr. Suit's marriage he purchased a farm in Clay Township, where he engaged in farming until 1844, in which year he moved to Bellevue, Ky. Here he engaged in blacksmithing and mercantile business until 1848, then removed to Dearborn County, and settled upon bis farm in Clay Township, where he resided until 1849, at which time he moved Lo Dills- borough, and engaged in coopering and mercantile business until 1854, he traded his store for a farm in this township, and there resided until his death March, 20, 1868, followed by that of his widow January 15, 1876. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: William B., born August 10, 1841; Rebecca, March 17, 1844; Catherine E., February 7, 1847; Esther A., July 17, 1849; Samuel W., June 16, 1851; Walter C, De- cember 31, 1856; Sarah E., November 26, 1853; Mary A., December 26, 1860, and Artimissa, December 9, 1863. William B.,the subject of this sketch, was educated in the district schools, and after reaching maturity engaged in carpenter work until the breaking out of the war. He en- listed August 10. 1862, in Company B, Eighty-third Indiana Volunteers as a private and served until his honorable dischargB, June 2, 1865. He participated in all the engagements of his company, and was wounded at the battle of Vicksburgh. May 19, 1863, in the right side by a musket ball, which disabled him for a short time. After his discharge he returned to Dearborn County, where he was united in marriage, September 6, 1866, to Agnes B., daughter of George and Margaret (Elder) Proctor, who was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, March 21, 1839. Her parents were both natives of Lanarkshire, Scotland, where they were married, and from whence they emigrated to the United States in 1849, settling first in West Virginia, moving to Dearborn County in 1861. They had born to them eight children, viz: Agnes B., Margaret E., James, Mary E., Hellen, John, George and Mary E. After our subject's marriage he settled on his father's farm in this township, and engaged in farming until 1881, in which year he moved to Dillsborough, and in partnership with his brother-in-law, Leroy Roberts, purchased the Dillsborough BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 915 Mills, which they have since conducted. Mr. Suits is a highly esteemed citizen, and is one of the most social and enterprising men of the place. He is a member of the G. A. R., and also the Masonic order. Has had born to him five children, viz.: Maggie E., June 20, 1867; Mary B., May 9, 1869; Ellen, July 17, 1873; Georgeanna, April 1,1875, and Gert- rude, October 17, 1882. RALPH SUITS, farmer, Clay Township, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., July 30, 1830. He is one of the ten children born to William and Catherine (Karr) Suits, who were natives of North Caro- lina, the former born January 18, 1791, and the latter April 17, 1791. They were married in North Carolina, and in 1816 immigrated to Dear- born County, where they resided until their deaths, the mother's occurr- ing December 6, 1856, and the father's March 17, 1881. Their children were: Martha, David, Betsey A., Emsley, Nancy, William, Alfred, Wal- ter, Ralph and America J. Ralph, our subject, was married in this county, September 20, 1854, to Ruth Arthur, by whom he has seven children, viz.: William G., Emma A., Arabell, Mary E., Adaline, Ella F. and Hattie M. Mr. Suits has always engaged in farming, and ranks among the most exemplary citizens of his township. JOHN SNYDER, manager of the Walnut Street Mills, Lawrence- burgh, is a native of Virginia, born in 1825. He resided in his native county till fifteen years of age, when his father died, and he soon after removed to Boone County, Ky., with his mother, locating in the neigh- borhood of Worthington, where they resided seven years. They then moved to Ripley County, and from there in 1868 to Ohio County. In 1884 he located in Lawrenceburgh, where he engaged in the mill- ing business, an occupation he has followed since his boyhood, being also a mill-wright by trade. In 1868 he invented what is known to mil- lers as the "cockhead balance," now largely used in mill-stones through out the country. He commanded a company of militia, home guards, during the rebellion, and has always been an active, industrious citizen. Mr. Snyder was married, in 1846, to Martha Stewart, a daughter of Wilson Stewart, of Ripley County, Ind., and they had four children: Mary E., William, Paris F. and John L. Mrs. Snyder passed away in 1854, and in 1855 Mr. Snyder was united in marriage with Harriet Hart, of Hamilton, Ohio, They have six children living — three sons and three daughters. Mr. Snyder has been a member of the F. & A. M. since 1853, and both he and Mrs. Snyder are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. JUDGE ELIJAH SPARKS, see page 149. DAVID E. SPARKS, grocer, Lawrenceburgh, was born in that city in 1828, and grew to maturity in that place. His grandfather, Elijah 916 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Sparks, was a native of Fredericksburg, Va., was married there, and in a very early day came West with his family, locating at Bank Lick, Ky.. near Covington. He was quite prominent as a Methodist minister, cir- cuit rider, and also became a Territorial judge. He located with his fam- ily at Lawrenceburgh about 1806, and died about 1815, while on his journey back to Virginia, which trip he was making on horseback. His wife was Elizabeth Weaver, sister of Capt. John Weaver, who was for some time in command of troops at block-house stations along the river. Nerval Sparks, the father of David E. Sparks, was the youngest son of the family; six years of age when they came to Lawrenceburgh. He was born at Bank Lick, Ky., in 1800. He grew to maturity in this county, and while a youth engaged as clerk in the mercantile house of George P. Buell, one of the first merchants of Lawrenceburgh. He subsequently spent about two years at Connersville, Ind., but after that time remained a resident of Lawrenceburgh till his death. About 1822-23 he engaged in the dry goods trade, and continued in the same till 1838, when he failed in the general business crash, which swept the country at that time. His brother-in-law had established the grocery and seed business about the same time, and died in 1838. Norvai Sparks then took charge of his deceased brother- in law's store, and conducted the same till his death in 1877, having been a resident of Lawrenceburgh seventy -one years. His wife was Jane Johnston, of Schenectady, N. Y., and they reared four children: Margaret J., David E., Ann E, and John W. Four others died in childhood. Mrs. Sparks passed away in 1855. David E. Sparks, whose name introduces this sketch, began business for himself in 1857, under the firm title, David E. Sparks & Co., having been employed as clerk in a store for several years previous. He was succeeded by his partner, John Hunt, in 1860, and entered the service of the Government, enlisting, in 1861, in the Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and serving till 1865. He enlisted as private, but was pro- moted to lieutenant, serving in the quartermaster's department. He sub- sequently raised a company called Cincinnati National Guards, and was commissioned captain of the same, which was afterward consolidated with the Thirteenth Kentucky, under command of Capt. Mark Monday. He served as master of transportation, and was subsequently employed in the United States railway service at Nashville. From 1865 to 1870 he was engaged in the wholesale drug business at Evansville, Ind. From 1870 to 1877 he was employed by the Shilito firm, of Cincinnati, since which time he has been engaged at Lawrenceburgh. Mr. Sparks was married, in 1863, at Nashville, Tenn., to Miss Josephine Beckel, of Phil- adelphia, daughter of Prof. J. C. Beckel, a music publisher and teacher for many years in that city, where he still resides. Her mother was Charlotte Eicholz, of an esteemed family of that locality. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 917 JOHN W. SPARKS was bora in Dearborn County, in 1840. He grew to maturity in his native town, Lawrenceburgh, and was educated in the public schools. His father, being a merchant, he was brought up in the mercantile business, spending most of his time, when not in school, in his father's store. He entei-ed the service in 1862, being employed in the quartermaster's department under Gen. Carr, and served about one year, being also a participant in the siege of Vicksburg. He returned home soon after this, and entered the grocery business, in which he con- tinued till 1866; engaged in the drug business till 1870, and since the latter date has been engaged in the grocery trade at Lawrenceburgh. LEONARD SPICKNALL, farmer, Hogan Township, resides in Section 26, and owns 160 acres of land. He was born where he now resides, November 9, 1828, and received a fair education in the com- mon branches. His father, Thomas, was born in Virginia, June 2, 1801, mother, Elizabeth (Williams) Spicknall, in Cornwall, England, Febru- ary 25, 1802. They were married May 21, 1826, and raised eight out of a family of nine children. The father came to this county in 1818, and was a hard-working farmer all his life. He and his wife were both mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Both parents are deceased. Leonard has been a farmer all his life. He was married December 19, 1849, to Miss Rachel Sellers, a native of Hogan Township, who was born December 5, 1826. By this union eight children were born : Ro- sanna, Mary E. (died in July, 1879), Sarah C. , William, Clara, Alice (died in infancy), Thomas L. and Ida. Mrs. S. passed away Febru- ary 10, 1885. Mr. Spicknall was township trustee for seven and one- half years. He belongs to Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A, M. and the Grange No. 477. JACOB SPIELMAN, of Hartford, is a native of Westmoreland County, Penn., born Nov. 22, 1800. His parents died when he was young, and he removed to Lawrenceburgh with a cousin, George T. Bushj&eld, early in the present century. After remaining at Lawrence- burgh five or six years, Mr. S. went out on Laughery Creek, and for six or eight years was engaged in farm labor with Robert Conaway, with whom he made his home. While with Mr. Conaway he made two trips to the South with flat-boats — one to New Orleans and one to Natchez, see- ing Gen. LaFayette at the former place. In 1830 he was united in marriage with Miss Julia Ann McAdams, of Ohio County, and to the union were born two sons and two daughters. After his marriage Mr. S. set- tled on a farm at the mouth of South Fork Creek, and for years attended a mill at Milton. In 1845 Mrs. Spielman died, and in 1847 Mr. Spielman was married to a Mrs. Chessman, a widow. Two years later he removed to the Sate of Iowa, where he resided, and occupied a farm principally until 918 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. 1882, when he removed to the scenes of his younger years, and has since made his home with a son John H. Spielman, a resident of Hartford, and by the way a clever gentleman and an esteemed citizen — one of the active business man of the village. Our subject is, strictly speaking, one of the pioneers of the Western country, and fully acquainted with the pri- vations and hardships incident to pioneer times. He enjoys goodhealth, possesses a good physique, and with the exception of his hearing, has his faculties almost unimpaired, though his hair is white with the frost of nearly eighty-live winters. GEN. BENJAMIN SPOONER, see page 156. FRED. SPREKERHOFF, Sparta Township, section-foreman on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, was born in Hanover, Germany, June 8, 1833. He is the youngest of six children born to Henry and Sophia Sprekerhoff. In the spring of 1848 he immigrated to the United States, landing at New Orleans, La., where he remained about two years, work- ing at sugar manufacturing. He next went to Galveston, Tex., and about six months later came to Cincinnati, Ohio, and engaged in farming in Hamilton County. He was there united in marriage, December 24, 1857, to Mary Reck, who was born in Germany, September 8, 1833. In the fall of 1859 Mr. Sprekerhoff moved to Dearborn County and settled in Sparta Township, Section 1, where he purchased a small farm, and has since resided. In September, 1861, he entered the war, enlisting in Company C, Thirty -seventh Indiana, and served until September, 1864 ; was taken prisoner at the battle of Stone River, and for some time was an inmate of the horrible Libby Prison. After his discharge he returned home, and was immediately employed as a section hand on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and in 1871 was promoted to foreman of the sec- tion, which he has since continued. Mr. Sprekerhoff is a man highly esteemed by the people of his communty. He is a member of the G. A. R., I. O. O. F. and Masonic order. Mr. and Mrs. Sprekerhoff are the parents of ten children, viz. : Fred, Dora, Henry, Ida, John (deceased), William, Mary, Emma, Anna and Frank. JESSE STAGE, night policeman, Aurora, was born in Sparta Town- ship, Dearboru Co., Ind., December 26, 1833, and received a common school education. His father, Hugh, was born in Pennsylvania in 1812, and died in 1849 of cholera. The mother, Elizabeth (Daugherty) Stage, was born in Maryland, June 17, 1804. Jesse followed coopering up to 1849, then went to flat-boating, which he continued up to 1851. He then went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and clerked in a wholesale house until 1857, when he returned to Aurora and flat-boated until 1861. At which time he enlisted in Company G, Sixteenth Regiment, Indiana Vol- unteers and served one year. He re-enlisted in Company A, Seventeenth BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 919 Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. After the consolidation of the regiment he was in Company G, Twentieth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry and served in the army of the Potomac until the close of the war. He was present at the surrender of Lee, and was wounded twice during the war. In 1866 Mr. Stage engaged in flat-boating, and continued up to 1872. He married Miss Clara J. Sisson, March 16, 1872, who was born in this county, April 25, 1844. They have been blessed with four chil- dren: Jesse M., Fannie A., Elizabeth B. and Milo E. Mr. Stage is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R. JOSEPH STAPP, farmer, Centre Township, resides on Section 20. possessing forty acres, was born in Scott County, Ky. , November 27, 1816, and received a common school education. His father, Ellas Stapp, was born in Scott County, Ky., in 1787. His mother, Susan (Branham) Stapp, was born in Scott County, Ky. , in 1786. The father was a far- mer all his life. He moved to this State in 1820, and located in Madi- son. The mother died in North Madison in 1858, after which, the father moved to Switzerland County, and died in 1868. Mr. Joseph Stapp began clerking at the age of eighteen, and continued for five years. Then he opened a country store for himself and conducted the same for seven years. He was married, October 12, 1845, to Miss Indiana Watts, who was born in Dearborn County, Ind., April 19, 1824. Six children have been born to the marriage, namely: Newton H., born August 4, 1846, died July, 4, 1879; David H. ; Abraham H.; Charles W.; Susan B.; Elizabeth A., born March 9, 1853, died March 3, 1856. Mr. Stapp moved to this county in 1847, and ran a hotel for six months, since which time has been a farmer. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church at Aurora. DAVID H. STAPP, attorney at law, Aurora, was born in Ripley County, Ind., August 29, 1850, and was reared on a farm. In 1867 he entered Hanover College in this State, where he took a collegiate course, graduating in 1872. Immediately thereafter he read law with A. D. Vanosdol at Madison, and was admitted to the bar at Madison in 1872. He was admitted to practice in the courts of Dearborn County in 1874, at which time he located permanently, and began the practice in Dear- born County. Mr. Stapp was married, October 20, 1874, to Miss Jennie Merit, a native of Switzerland County, Ind., where she was born Decem ber 19, 1852. By the union one child. Plume, has been born to them. Mr. Stapp is a young man of public spirit and enterprise, and has been identified with the erection of several creditable buildings by which the city has been greatly improved. As an attorney he has thus far met with success. He is identified with Dearborn Lodge No. 442. F. & A. M. 920 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. CHARLES W. STAPP, attorney at law, Lawrencebui'gh, and a son of Joseph Stapp, a farmei", who resides near Aurora, was born in Ripley County, this State, in 1859. His boyhood was passed on a farm, resid- ing in the counties of Ripley, Dearborn and Ohio. He received a good English education, attending first the district schools of his neighbor- hood, then the graded schools at Patriot, Ind. ; after which he was engaged for two years in teaching, his leisure hours being passed in reading law. In 1878 he entered the law school at Cincinnati, from which institution he was subsequently graduated, and was admitted to the bar, February 12, 1880, and passed one year in study with Judge Givan, of Lawrenceburgh. He then located in the practice at Comanche, Iowa, where he was so occupied for two years, when he returned to Law- renceburgh and formed a partnership with George M. Roberts, which still exists. Young Stapp is a man of good ability, and a hard student, and bids fair for usefulness and success. NATHAN R. STEDMAN, of Aurora, was born in New York in 1814. In early life he went to Connecticut, where he learned his trade, a molder in foundry. In 1837 he removed to Cincinnati, and soon there- after to Rising Sun, Ind., where with Col. Pinknej' James as a partner, he started the first foundry in this part of the country. Upon the death of Mr. James, W. H. Lamdins was taken into partnership, but in the spring of J849 his interest was purchased by Thomas and J. W, Gafif, and the foundry was removed to Aurora. Mr. Stedman's was a long, busy and eventful life. He was generous to the needy and undemon- strative in the bestowal of charity. "He has left behind him the imclouded and undimmed record of a noble life for others to follow, full of patient industiy, honorable execution in business pursuits, noble deeds in benevolence and charity, and all that goes to make up the full meas- ure of a noble manhood." His death occurred in 1884. HENRY STENGER, mill-wright, Harrison Township, one of the rep- resentative men of the county, was born in Bavaria in 1832, son of Henry and EvaM. (Rising) Stenger, both of Bavaria, who married in their native country, and immigrated to America in 1840 with their seven chil- dren: John, Peter, Barbara, Joseph, John C, Henry and Susan. They located ia Kelso Township, where the father died in 1867, the mother in 1805. At the age of eighteen years Henry Stenger went to Iowa, and leai-ned the wagon trade at Fort Madison. In 1852 he returned, and after two years drifted back into the milling business, which he learned from his father, who was a miller in Germany. He and his brothers, John C. and Joseph started the St. Leon Mill, which they operated together for some time, John still owning it. In 1861 Mr. Stenger bought the Weaver Mill on the canal, one mile above the site of his present residence, but a year BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 921 later the canal was abandoued and the mill stopped. He then followed mill-wrighting for about ten years, after which he returned to this locality and assisted his brother John in erecting the hydraulic mill which was to be fed by the Harrison Hydraulic, which was then under course of construction by J. B. Smith. After an expense of vast labor and sums of money, Mr. Smith was accidentally killed and the project failed, after being taken up by Thomas Calaway. Another company was then formed and steam fixtures were put in operation by Mr. Stenger and his brother John, who sold out to the present proprietors, Miller & Knecht, in 1882. Since the latter date, Mr. Stenger has been conducting his farm of 100 acres and working some at mill-wrighting. In 1857 Mr. Stenger married Catharine Knecht daughter of John and Margaret (Schnoeble) Knecht, of Bavaria, Germany, and they have eight children: Lizzie, Rosa, Anna, Helena, Caroline, Albert, Henry and Frank E. Mr. Stenger is an indus- trious, energetic citizen, and has served his township twice as trustee, being elected on the Democratic ticket. The family is associated with the Catholic Church. JOSEPH STENGER., general merchant, St. Leon, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, born June 3, 1828. His parents, Henry and Eva (Reising) Stenger, were also natives of Bavaria, the former born February 18, 1792, the latter January 28, 1796. They immigrated to the United States in 1840 and located in Kelso Township, where Mr. Stenger pur- chased land, and where he remained until his death. He died April 24, 1868, and Mrs. Stenger October 9, 1865. Twelve children blessed their union, five of whom died in Germany, the remaining seven immigrating with their parents to this country. Josejih, our subject, was married at St. Leon, Ind., February 25, 1851, to Magdalena Herbert, who was born in Germany December 5. 1832. After his marriage he purchased a farm of his father, on which he resided until 1864, in which year he went to Braysville, Ind., where he and his brother purchased a flouring-mill, which was shortly afterward destroyed by floods. In May, 1865, he removed to St. Leon and purchased the store in which he has since engaged in the mercantile business. Mrs. Stenger died January 4, 1884, having been the mother of eleven children, viz.: John H., Catharine, Peter, Charles, Frank, Mary (deceased), Alice, Henry, Joseph, Victoria and Mary B. JOHN C. STENGER, proprietor of flouring-mill and saw-mill, and dealer in all kinds of lumber and grain, St. Leon, Ind., is a native of Germany, born February 1, 1830. He was one of twelve childi'en born to Henry and Eva (Rising) Stenger, and came with his parents to Dear- born County in 1840. He began the blacksmith trade in 1842, and engaged in the same for a number of years. In 1847, he went to Cin- 922 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. cinnati, Ohio, and worked at the trade one year, when he located at St. Leon, erected a shop and carried on business for himself for some time. July 29, 1851, he married Miss Kanigunda Knecht, who was born in Germany March 3, 1833, a daughter of John and Margaret (Schnable) Knecht. In 1854 Mr. Stenger erected a saw-mill at St. Leon, and in 1855 added to it a flouring-mill, since doing an extensive business. He is the father of ten children, viz. : William C. (deceased), John, Mary A., Elizabeth, Louisa, Joseph, Lena, Barbara, Emma and Francis (deceased). Mr. Stenger and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is an excellent business man and highly esteemed as a citi- zen. Recognizing his merits the people of the county in 1865 elected him to the State Legislature. He held the office of trustee of Kelso Township from 1868 until 1870, and in 1872 was elected county commis- sioner. He owns 330 acres of fine land in Dearborn County. JESSE W. STEWART, farmer, Cass Township, born in Pennsylva- nia September 17, 1825, is a son of William and Margaret (Oglevie) Stew- art, natives of Pennsylvania. The paternal grandfather, Ralph Stewart, was a native of Ireland, where it is believed he married, and subsequently immigrated to Pennsylvania, where he died. William Stewart was mar- ried in his native State, where four of his children were born, and in 1829 removed to Indiana, coming down the river in a small family boat, landing at the mouth of Laughery Creek, and settling in Union Township, Ohio County. Soon after the family removed into Ripley County, where Mr. S. purchased land and resided till his death about two years later, being killed at a house-raising by the rolling of a log, which threw him from the building. His wife survived him about two years. One child was born to them after they came to Indiana, thus leaving at their deaths five small children, who were brought up by rela- tives and acquaintances. The children, all living, are as follows : Joseph A., Sarah, wife of Mr. Crouse, who resides in Missouri; Jesse W., John and Maria, wife of Ezra Hastings. Jesse W. was about four years of age when brought to Ohio County, and after the death of his parents, was reared to manhood by Levi Scranton, then a resident of Union Town- ship. Mr. Stewart was married, March 2, 1848, to Louisa Hastings, a daughter of Stephen and Ruth Hastings. He was a native of Massachu- setts, and she of the State of New York. They were married in Ohio County and settled in Union Township, where he died in 1873, aged seventy-five years. His widow still survives, aged eighty-five years. They had eight children, five now living: Ezra; Louisa; Sarah, wife of Robert Cofield; Stephen M., and Eliza, now widow of Thomas McCoI- lum. Mr. Hastings and wife were members of the Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have had five children, four now living: Ruth, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 923 wife of Jackson Stewart; Stephen M., Benjamin F. and Jennie M. Mr. Stewart has been engaged in agricultural pursuits during life, and all in Ohio County, except three years — 1849 to 1852 — which he spent in the mines of California. He started in life with but little capital, and now has a good farm of fifty-seven acres, with good improvements, constituting a very pleasant farmer's home. He and his wife are worthy members of the Christian Church, having been such for forty years. ISAAC STEVENS, see page 184. JAMES M. STODGHILL, warehouse foreman for the Aurora Dis- tilling Company, Aurora, was born in Gallatin County, Ky., April 25, 1850. His father, Martin, was born in Madison, Ind., and his mother, Louisa Carr, in Henry County, Ky. In 1862 James M. started out to be a plasterer, and followed that trade for six years. In 1868 he went to Kansas, remaining some time, then returned to Paoli, Ind., where he acted as night clerk'in hotel for four years. He then went to Florence where he commenced running on the river. October 8, 1879, he came to Aurora, and began working in the foundry. He continued up to 1880, at which time he began with his present employers, and has been with them ever since. He was married July 5, 1875, to Miss Clara A. Robin- son, of Florence, Switzerland Co., Ind., who was born April 25, 1856. Two children have been born to this marriage: Roy J. and Pearl. Mr. Stodghill is a member of the Lodge of I. O. O. F. at Patriot, Ind. WILLIAM STOPHER, Randolph Township, one of the oldest resi- dents of Ohio County, was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., Feb- ruary 5, 1810. His parents, Mathias and Mary (Black) Stopher, were natives of Virginia and Maryland respectively, his father moving to Pennsylvania after growing to maturity in his native State. In earlier years Mary Black had moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania, and there she and Mr. Stopher were married. In 1818 they came with their children to Rising Sun, and Mr. Stopher took a lease of land for five years, after which he purchased a tract of his own which, by the aid of his sons, he cultivated till his death, which occurred between his seventy-fiftli and eightieth year. His widow lived to the remarkable age of more than one hundred years. Of their ten children, six are still living, our subject, William Stopher, being the oldest. He was eight years of age when he came to Ohio County. The years of his minority were passed on the farm, under the guidance of his parents. He then spent about half his time for a period of ten years in flat-boat- ing, making several trips to the Crescent City, He then turned his attention to farming exclusively till his failing strength compelled him to retire from active business and labor. Mr. Stopher was married, when 924 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. about thirty years of age, to Miss Sallie Clark, who was born on his present farm in the year 1815. She was a daughter of Isaac and Eliza- beth (McCullum) Clark, who were very early settlers of Ohio County, and natives of Virginia. On the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Stopher purchased the farm on which he has since resided, and to which he has since added 100 acres, his wife receiving her portion of her father's estate. He has been quite successful in his business, but the competency which he has gained has been obtained only by a long life of hard labor. Mrs. Stopher, after maijy years of faithful duty as a wife and mother, passed away about 1877, and Mr. S. is now residing with his son, who conducts the farm. Four children are still living: Mathias, Elizabeth, wife of George B. Gibson; Mary J., wife of Myric Hastings, and Stephen. Mr. Stopher recalls with pleasure the long, hard struggles of his busy life, and is cheerful in the enjoyment of its well-earned comforts. S. STRASBURGER, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Lawrenceburgh, is a nativeof Fi-ance, born in 1837. At the age of fifteen years he immigrated to America and located in Pittsburgh, Penn., where he was employed as cabin boy on the steam boat "Diurnal," plying between Pittsburgh and Wheeling. After two years (1854) he moved West to the Pacific coast, and for about seven years engaged in mining in California, with fair success. He then returned to Lawrenceburgh, where he married Emma Adler in February, 1865, and settled down to a permanent resi- dence and business. He began the dry goods trade in 1864, adding a stock of boots and shoes about two years later, and from that time to the present has kept one of the leading stores of Lawrenceburgh, al^vays giving his entire attention to his business interests. Mrs. Sti'asburger is a daughter of Henry Adler, a prominent merchant of Lawrenceburgh for twenty years, now a resident of Cincinnati. They have one child, Rosa. Mr. Strasburger has been twenty- three years a member of the Masonic fraternity, and afiiliates with the Republican party. ELDER WILLIAM P. STRATTON, see page 185. W. H. SULLIVAN, M. D., Rising Sun, is a native of Mason County, Ky., born in 1822. His parents, Austin and Catharine (Hiles) Sullivan, were both born in the same State. His mother died in 1855 in her eighty- fourth year. In his early days his father was a farmer, and later in life turned his attention to building flat-boats, operating a large force of men. Dr. Sullivan grew to maturity on the farm. He was educated in the Transylvania University at Lexington, Ky., and graduated in the medical department of that institution, March 3, 1848. He immedi- ately entered upon the practice of his profession, locating in Rising Sun during the first year of his practice. Having been a regular practitioner here for almost forty years. Dr. S. has built up a considerable reputa- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 925 tion for skillfulness in his profession, especially in the treatment of throat diseases. The Doctor was married in 1849 to Miss Mary Jelley, daughter of Major Jelly, one of the oldest settlers of this locality. Of their four children but one is living — William L. Dr. Sullivan owns a good farm, but devotes almost all his time and attention to his profes- sion. Since his seventeenth year he has been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which society Mi's. Sullivan is also a member. GEORGE SUTTON, M. D., physician and surgeon, Aurora, was born in London, England, June 16, 1812. His parents were George and Elizabeth (Ives) Sutton, who immigrated to the United States in 1819. The former was born in London, England, March 1, 1788. They spent the winters of 1819 and 1820 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in the spring of the latter year the family removed to a farm in the valley of the Whitewater, in Franklin County, Ind. The father of our subject was of a literary turn of mind, was possessed of a good library and was remarkable for his memory and colloquial powers. His death occurred in 1850. The mother received her education at one of the fashionable boarding schools near London, England, and was accom- plished in music, drawing and needle work. The Doctor has now a piece of her needle work representing an Egyptian scene. It is up- ward of eighty years old, adorns his parlor and is regarded as a master- piece of art. Her death occurred in 1827. Young Sutton received such educational advantages as the times and neighborhood then afforded — the day of the old log-cabin schoolhouse. He was fond of field sport and became a successful hunter of deer and wild turkeys, then in abun- dance throughout that section of the country. In 1828 he was sent to Miami University to acquire a knowledge of Latin and mathematics. In the winter of 1832-33 his father with family removed to the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, where in the following summer he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Jesse Smith, which, however, was of only short duration, as his preceptor died suddenly of cholera, then prevalent in the city as an epidemic. Subsequently he became a pupil of Prof. John Eberle, and also attended a course of private lectures given to a small class by Prof. S. D. Gross, now of Philadelphia. During the winter young Sutton attended lectures at the Medical College of Ohio, and spent most of his time in the spring and fall in the dissecting room. In the spring of 1835, having been a close student he needed a change and rest, and for this'purpose and also to look at the country, he made an ex- cursion with gun and knapsack, going from Cincinnati by the Miami Canal to St. Mary's, down the St. Mary's River in a flat-boat to Fort Wayne, thence on foot to Huntington. Here he purchased a small canoe 926 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and floated down the Wabash to New Harmony. From Huntington to Logansport the river ran through an almost unbroken forest. He left Huntington in the afternoon, intending to stop for the night at La Grove, about twelve miles distant; but the Wabash was at flood height, and the branches of the trees on either side of the river hung down in the swift current, making it safer to keep in the middle of the stream than to attempt to stop. Night and a thunder storm coming on just before he reached La Grove, he saw the lights of the town as he floated by, without attempting to land. By the flashes of lightning and the wall of trees on either side of the river, he kept in the middle of the stream until some time in the latter part of the night, when he lodged on the head of an island. To keep his canoe from turning he pushed his paddle down in the sand, and with his head resting on its end and an umbrella over him he dozed till morning. At daylight he pushed away the drift- wood that had lodged against the canoe, swung out into the river and resumed his journey. He stopped a short time at Peru, and visited the Indian village, as the natives at that time had not left the Reserve. On this solitary voyage of several hundred miles down the Wabash, he shot wild turkeys and wild geese, and saw other game in abundance. As night approached he occasionally built a tire on the bank of the river, made a temporary shelter and remained at this camp until morning, then embarked in his canoe and^continued his journey. Invigorated in health he returned to Cincinnati, after an absence of about two months, and re- sumed his studies. The following spring he graduated at the Ohio Medical College after having attended three full courses of lectures, the title of his thesis being "The Relations between the Blood and the Vital Principle." In the spring of 1836 Dr. Sutton commenced the practice of his profession at Aurora, Ind. He sooa obtained an extensive practice, as there was at that time a large amount of sickness on the low malarial bottom lands in the neighborhood of Aurora. June 7, 3838, he was married to Miss Sarah Folbre, of Aurora, and by the union four sons and one daugh- ter were born, out of which number one daughter and one son survive. Mrs. Sutton died in 1868. In the winter of 1838, Dr. Sutton, after failing to obtain & post mortem examination oE a case in which he felt much interested, wrote a series of articles on the "Importance of Post mortem Examinations to the Public." These papers were published in the Dearborn Democrat during the months of December, January and February, and were his first literary efforts for publication. In 1839 the citizens of Aurora celebrated the Fourth of July in grand style, and on the occasion Dr. Sutton was one of the orators of the day, and delivered an address to an audience of many thousands. In 1840 he published a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 927 paper in the American Journal of Medical Science, Vol. XXVI, on "Enlarged Prostrate Gland Connected with Thickened and Sacculated Bladder." In the winter and spring of 1843, epidemic erysipelas, known by the popular name of "black tongue," prevailed at Aurora, and also in the surrounding country, in Dearborn and Ripley Counties. Neighboring physicians were attacked with the disease. It caused the death of one who resided a few miles from Aurora. The only physician in Wilmington, a little town two miles from Aurora, also had a severe attack, and at one time it was thought would not recover. The illness of these physicians enlarged the range of practice for Dr. Sutton, and gave him an extensive experience with the epidemic. In the fall of 1843 he published his observations on this epidemic erysipelas in the Western Lancet. He directed attention to the various forms assumed by erysipelas. He said: "This disease has either assumed several characters, or we have had several epidemics traversing the county together. * * * jt attacks the mucous membrane of the respiratory passages, the tongue, the gland of the throat, the skin in the form of erysipelas, the lungs and thoracic viscera, the uterus and its appendages producing puerperal fever, as this last disease in several places has also accompanied the epidemic." At the time this paper was published these were advanced views. The paper immediately atti-acted attention, and extracts from it were repub- lished in medical journals,and also in "Copland's Medical Dictionary, "and it was reprinted in full in Bell's edition of "Nunnerly on Erysipelas." Dr. Sutton has been closely identified with the formation and growth of the Dearborn County Medical Society, which now ranks among the most prosperous county medical societies in the State. In the spring of 1844 he issued a circular, which was sent to physicians in Dearborn and ad- joining counties, and the first meeting of the first medical society formed in Dearborn County was organized at his residence in Aurora on the first Monday in June, 1844. At this time he had a large and lucrative prac- tice, and gave much attention to surgery. He was frequently selected to deliver public addresses, and took an active part in the temperance movement. In the summer of 1849 cholera made its appearance at Aurora in its most malignant form. His labor was incessant night and day, and while attending patients he was suddenly attacked with the dis- ease himself. This was about 2 o'clock in the morning. He had been up during the whole night, and for a number in succession his rest had been broken. The epidemic was most violent in that portion of the town in which he resided. More than half of his immediate neighbors died. His whole family were stricken down one after another. His eldest son 928 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. died after ouly a few hours' illness, and his youngest son sank into col- lapse so low that his recovery was despaired of for nearly twenty-four hours. Dr. Sutton partially recovered from the attack, and although feeble and emaciated, again assisted, as far as he was able, in the treat- ment of the sick. The distress and anxiety of the citizens of Aurora at this time can scarcely be realized, for, in the midst of the pestilence, the destruction of the town by fire seemed at one time to be almost in- evitable. On the 23d of July, while Dr. Sutton was rendering all the assist- ance that he could in his feeble health, at the bedside of a patient in the collapse stage of cholera, the alarm of fire was given, and he was hur- riedly called from this patient to attend one of the citizens who had received fatal injviries and burns at the conflagration. The flames for a time were uncontrolable, and the destruction of property was great. A large planing-mill, distillery, corn-house and a number of other build- ings were destroyed. Seeing the difficulty citizens occasionally had in procuring a physician to attend immediately on the sick, Dr. Sutton, while convalescing from his illness, issued in pamphlet form for gratui- tous circulation: "A Summary of the Symptoms and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera,'' intended for a guide in the treatment of the disease until a physician could be procured. In 1852 he delivered a Fourth of July oration at Aurora "On the Danger of Dissolution of the Union from the Question of Slavery," which oration was published in the newspapers and in pamphlet form. The danger of civil war, which occurred nine years afterward, was forcibly predicted. This year he joined the Indiana State Medical Society, and was appointed chairman of a committee to report on the "medical history of cholera in Indiana." He issued a circular, which he sent to physicians throughout the State. It contained a series of questions with blank spaces for answers. He succeeded in obtaining answers and communications from forty-six physicians, show- ing the extent to which the epidemic had prevailed in thirty-eight counties. A number of these communications were from the most em- inent practitioners in the State, and the report, it is believed, contains the largest amount of trustworthy information concerning the prevalence of Asiatic cholera within the State of Indiana that has yet been published. The report was presented to the State Medical Society at its meeting in May, 1853, and is published in its transactions. In that report he advocated the view that cholera was an infectious disease, and was dif- fused over the globe by human agency. He also advanced the idea that cholera, like other diseases, presents difi'erent grades of severity; and that the choleraic diarrhoea, which at that time was regarded as a pre- monitory system only, was in reality a mild form of the disease. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 929 divided cholera into four phases: the form of diarrhoea; the form of dysentery; a mild form resembling cholera morbus; and the malignant form, where there was failure of the circulation, in connection with vomiting and purging, blueness of the skin, cramps etc. He argues at some length to show how the disease may be spread over the country by persons laboring under diarrhoea, and how difficult it is to trace the man- ner of its diffusion. (See page 168, Transactions of Indiana State Med- ical Society.) He also advanced the idea, which has since become wide- ly believed, that infection arose from the evacuations; and he directed attention to the local malignancy of cholera, and how this local malig- nancy may arise from the accumulation of infection, either from the soiled clothes or bedding of the sick, or from throwing the cholera evac- uations upon the ground. (See 'pages 162, 163 and 164.) He says in that report that "six or seven hours before the first case terminated fatally, the evacuations from the bowels passed involuntarily into the bed; consequently, the bed and straw became saturated with these discharges. Immediately after the death of this patient the straw in this bed was emptied upon a vacant lot on the west side of this house. Now, if we can conceive that from this straw there emanated a poison capable of producing cholera, that portion of the town, which became infected is just that portion which a vapor, emanating from this place, would be most likely to pass over." Continuing to discuss this subject through several pages, he says: "When the disease prevails, each house at which a fatal case has occured becomes a source of infection — first from the patient, next from the bed and bedding, and also from the excretions, which from their watery appearance are generally emptied on the ground." (Seepage 163.) He believed that cholera could be spread through the community from the clothing of an individual being slightly soiled by this painless or choleraic diarrhoea, while the person himself wearing the clothing, although laboring under an infectious diarrhoea would scarcely be aware that he was unwell. It must be borne in mind that these views were formed in 1849, to account for the introduction and prevalence of cholera at Aurora. They were presented to the profession in May, 1853, at the meeting of the Indiana State Society. It is believed that in this report is found the first warning of danger arising from cholei-aic evacuations, and consequently the danger of throwing them upon the ground. Dr. Snow, of London, in 1854, one year afterward, presented his theory that cholera poison emanated from the evacuations, but that this poison must be swallowed, either in drinking water or otherwise, to produce its specific effect. Dr. Sutton's report is full of original observations, and is suggestive in the highest degree. It was read to the society at a 57 930 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. morning session, and, as the views presented were new at that time, it was made the order of the day at '2 o'clock for discussion. It was taken up, and "discussed at large by Drs. Harding, Moffatt, Lomax, Bobbs, Clark, Kilter, Keid, Demming, Mears, Yeakle, Sutton and other mem- bers of the society, when the report was referred to the committee on publication, and the committee requested to continue the investigation, and. report at the next session.'' On motion of Dr. Lomax, the thanks of the society were "tendered to Dr. Sutton for his able and interesting report on the medical history of the cholera," (see pages 12 and 13, ibid). In the spring of 1856 he was selected by Prof. S. D. Gross as one of collaborators for the Louisville Revieiv, and also, in 1857, for the North American Medico -Chirurgical Review, published at Philadelphia. To both of these journals he contributed papers. This year he furnished a report to the Indiana State Medical Society on erysipelas, which is pub- lished in the transactions for 1857. About this time the remarkable epizootic known by the name of "hog-cholera" made its appearance, not only in Dearborn County, but in other portions of the State, also in Ohio and Kentucky. The disease spread over the county, and the swine died by hundreds and thousands. But little was definitely' known at that time of the nature of this disease. Some writers thought it was a species of cholera resembling the Asiatic, from which it took its name, and depend- ed upon an "epidemic influence;" others, that it arose from crowding hogs together in the pens at the large distilleries. Some thought that the slop fed to hogs at the distilleries gives rise to the disease, but none at that time had proved that it was a contagious or infectious disease. Dr. Sutton made a series of experiments; he ascertained the disease to be highly infectious, that it is self-limited, that this infection had a latent period seldom exceeding twenty days, and that an attack exempted the animal from a second. He also presented evidence to show 'that the disease could not be communicated to the human system. From the dissection of sixty-seven hogs, he ascertained that it was not a disease confined to the alimentary canal, but that nearly every tissue bore evidence of inflammatory action. He came to the conclusion that "this disease appears to be intermediate between the specific eruptive diseases and erysipelas, pai'taking of the nature of each, and not having its exact re- semblance among the diseases to which the human system is subject." The first notice of these investigations was published in the Cincinnati Gazette, January 14, 1857. It was copied into several agricultural papers. A more extended series of experimentu and observations was published in the May (1858), number of the North American Medico- Chirurgical Re- view. Quotations were given in the agricultural reports and newspapers, and a lengthy review was printed in the Sanitary Review and Journal BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 931 of Public Health, for October, 1858, published in London, England, and edited by Prof. B. W. Richardson, M. D. Prof. Richardson says: "In pursuance of our previous observations, we this time offer some account of a remarkable epizootic amongst svs^ine in the United States of America. We had heard of the disease incidentally at our last issue, but not with sufficient accuracy of detail to warrant any description. This quarter we are more fortunate. The North American Medico- Chi- rurgical Review for May, contains an able article on the subject from the pen of Dr. George Sutton, of Aurora, Dearborn Co., Ind. Dr. Sutton has made a long series of researches on the epizootic, and has contributed a paper which will not soon be lost in the rolls of scientific history. From this paper we shall borrow in full all the information as to the origin, nature and transmission of the new disease- visitor." In concluding a very lengthy review, Dr. Richardson says: "We place its history, there- fore, before our epidmeioiogists, as a record of great importance, and in doing so we beg to offer to Dr. Sutton our respectful and earnest appre- ciation of his laborious and carefully conducted researches." Twenty- odd years have passed away since these investigations were made, and time has confirmed the correctness of the conclusions then arrived at. The epizootic still prevails and may now be regarded as one of the most re- markable known to have occurred upon our globe. Millions on millions of swine have died from the disease, producing a loss to our country almost incalculable. When the history of this epizootic comes to be wx'itten, it will be found that the researches of Dr. Sutton were the first that unraveled the mysteries surrounding the disease, and gave the prop- er direction for further investigation. Having had much experience with scarlatina in its most malignant form, he published in the North American Medico-Chirurgical Revieiv for November, 1857, his observa- tions on the diversity of symptoms in scarlatina maligna. He directed attention to the four following modifications: 1. Where the system is suddenly prostrated at the commencement of the disease, as if from a severe shock upon the organic nervous system. 2. Where the violence of the disease is directed to the brain, producing congestion or inflam- mation of that organ. 3. Where the alimentaiy canal is the principal seat of irritation, producing symptoms resembling a violent cholera morbus. 4. Where the disease is principally directed to the throat and respiratory passages. He presented cases to show that these symptoms were occa- sionally as distinct as those upon which scarlatina is divided into, the mild, the anginose, and the malignant varieties. Dr. Sutton was fond of the natural sciences, and, although actively engaged in the practice of his profession, he devoted a portion of his time to their study and inves- tigation. In 1859 he delivered a course of lectures on geology, embrac- 932 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ing the physical history of his own neighborhood, with which, from careful study, he had made himself familiar. These lectures were de- livered in behalf of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, of which he was one of the advisory committee for Indiana (see Mount Vernon i^ecord for May, 1859). A synopsis of these lectures was published in the Aurora Commercial at the time. This year he sent to the secretary of the Smith- sonian Institute his observations of the great Auroral display of Septem- ber 1 and 2, 1859. Prof. Henry sent extracts from this paper for publi- cation to the American Journal of Science and Arts (SilUmayi^s Journal), which may be seen in the November number for 1860, page 354. In 1862, a few days after the battle of Pittsbiirgh Landing (Shiloh), Tenn., he offered his services to the United States Sanitary Committee, visited the field of battle, and was assigned the surgical ward of one of the hos- pital boats, which were at that time conveying the wounded and sick from the field of battle to the hospital at New Albany, Louisville, etc. During the same year he wrote a series of articles of local interest on the finan- cial complications of the city of Aurora with the Ohio & Mississippi Kailroad and certain individuals. The papers were published in the Aurora Commercial and presented the subject of dispute in so clear a form that at the next election, he was brought out as a candidate for mayor, and, although contrary to his own wishes, was elected by an almost unanimous vote, only twenty- four votes out of the whole city being cast for the opposing candidate. He was elected three times in succession, the last time without op- position. He refused to serve longer, as the office interfered with the duties of his profession. In 1866 as cholera was again approaching the county, he published a summary of observation on cholera, in which he reitei'ated the views, presented in 1853, with additional observations. {See Medical and Surgical Reporter, of Philadelphia for April 14, 1866.) In August, 1866, cholera was again introduced into the city of Aurora. The experience which the citizens had had with this disease caused the city council to give the board of health unlimited power to prevent its spread. Dr. Sutton, being a firm believer in the efficacy of sanitary measures, and the power in a great measure to "stamp out" the disease, superintended, as president of that board, the disinfection of all the houses and premises, at which the disease had appeared; and a general system of disinfection over the whole city was adopted. The disease was confined to a small locality, and only twelveldeaths occurred. In 1877 he presented a report to the Indiana State Medical society on cholera, show- ing its introduction and the extent to which it prevailed in Dearborn, Ohio, and Kipley Counties, Ind., in 1866. (See Transactions of Indiana State Medical Society for 1867.) In 1868 he presented another report BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 933 to the State society, the object of which was to show that cholera was not a zymotic or blood disease, in which the poison germ is redeveloped within the blood, but that its development was from the mucous mem- brane of the alimentary canal, and that the presence of the poison germ within the mucous membrane poisons the nerves of the part, and this abnormal condition favors its re- development by producing a local hypersemia of the tissue, from which it is produced. (Transactions of Indiana State Medical Society for 1868.) This year he also published a new method of reducing dislocation of the hip-joint, by using the femur as a lever over a fulcrum placed in the groin. The paper was delayed in its publication, but appeared in the number of the Western Journal of Medicine published at Indianapolis in September, 1868, in 1869 he was elected president of the Indiana State Medical Society, an honor he highly appreciated, as he was not even present that year at the meeting of the society over which he was chosen to preside. Dr. Sutton has full faith in the mission of the medical profession to prevent and cure disease; and, as president in 1870 of the Indiana State Medical Society, he delivered an address, in which he discussed the power which mind has over the laws of nature, and that medicines were means, when properly used, by which we could aid and control the laws of human life. (See Transactions of Indian State Medical Society for 1870.) In 1871 he attended the meeting of the American Medical Association at San Francisco, Cal., as a delegate from the Indiana State Medical Society, and was appointed chairman of the section on medical topography, meteorology and epidemics. He wrote letters describing his trip to California, which were published in the Dearborn /ndependen^. In 1872 he attended the meeting of the American Medical Association of Phila- delphia, and presided over the section on medical topography, meteoro- logy and epidemics. Valuable papei's were read before the section, which are published in the transactions. He was re-appointed chairman of the same section for 1873. (See Transactions of the American Medi- cal Association for 1871 and 1872.) In 1873 he attended the meeting of the American Medical Association at St. Louis, and presided over the section on psychology, medical jurisprudence, physiology and hygiene. (See Transactions of the American Medical Association for 1873.) This year he presented to the Indiana State Medical Society, a lengthy report on the medical topography and diseases of Indiana. He sent circulars to a large number of physicians, and procured valuable information relating to this subject in forty-two counties, and also the prevailing, diseases. (See Transactions of the Indiana State Medical Society for 1873.) In August, 1873, cholera was again introduced into the city of Aurora. The Board of Health, of which he was president, adopted the same vigorous 934 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. course of disinfection that was pursued in 1866, and with the same ex- cellent effects. There was the most conclusive evidence of the introduc- tion of the disease this year into the city by infection, and its spread throughout the county by human agency. He read a paper before the society of Natural History at Cincinnati, the object of which was to show that we occasionally haye local thunder- storms which present evidence of a strong wind blowing outwardly in all directions from the center. This paper was published in the Amer- ican Journal of Science and Arts (see July number for 1873). In 1874 he made the discovery that hogs in the neighborhood of Aurora were infected with trichinae. He was also called to attend a number of cases of trichinosis, produced from eating diseased pork. He published sev- eral articles on this subject in the Aurora i^^armer ayid Mechanic. These contributions were republished in the Cincinnati Commercial, Gazette, and Enquirer, and other papers, in January and February, 1874. He continued his investigations, and in May, 1875, presented a report on trichinosis to the Indiana State Medical Society. In this report he directed attention to the fact, which he had discovered, that from three to ten per cent of the hogs in southeastern Indiana were infected with trichinae, the number of hogs diseased varying greatly in different locali- ties; and also that it was highly probable that trichinous pork was one of the causes of gastro-enteritis, diarrhoea and dysentery — diseases so prevalent in our country. (See Transactions of the Indiana Medical Society for 1875; also extracts republished in the London Lancet and a large number of medical journals.) On the 21st of December, 1874, he read a paper before the Academy of Medicine at Cincinnati on " The Fulcrum as an aid to Manipulation in the Reduction of Dislocation." He directed attention to its assistance in the reduction of dislocation of the hip-joint, as well as its aid to manipulation without force in the reduction of dislocations of the shoulder-joint. (See Clinic for January 2 and 9, 1875.) In the Medical and Surgical Reporter for January 23, 1875, he published his second case of successful reduction of dislocation of the hip- joint by manipulating the femur over a fulcrum. This case had resisted the usual methods recommended to effect the purpose, but was reduced by this plan in a few moments. In May, 1876, he read a paper before the Indiana State Medical Society on the manner of reduc- ing dislocations of the hip-joint. In this paper he presents seven rules to guide in the reduction of the different forms of dislocation of the hip-joint by manipulations over a fulcrum. He presented additional cases of success in the April and also in the September numbers of the American Practitioner for 1876. One of these cases was of twenty- eight days' standing, and had resisted all efforts to effect reduction. On BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 935 the 18th of November, 1876, he reduced, at the Philadelphia Hospital, a dislocation of the hip-joinl of ninety-eight days' duration. From its long standing and the extensive adhesions which had formed, and from the fact that it had resisted all the scientific efforts made at this hospital to effect reduction, he regards this as a most conclusive test case, and as establishing beyond all doubt the efficacy of this mode of reducing dis- locations of the hip-joint. His son, Dr. H. H. Sutton, assisted in the reduction and made this case the subject of his thesis, as he was at that time attending the Jefferson Medical College, and graduated in the spring of 1877. Dr. H. H. Sutton watched the case from the time of its reduction up to the 10th of March, when the man was able to go about. The hospital record shows that he was discharged cured. In the summer of 1877 Dr. Sutton published additional evidence of the efficacy of this mode of reducing dislocation of the hip joint. (See Cincinnati Lancet and Observer for September, 1879.) On the 23d of February, 1875, he read a paper before the Dearborn County Medical Society on the fulcrum as an aid in manipulating without resorting to force in the reduction of dislocation of the shoulder-joint. (See records of the society for February 23, 1875.) Dr. Sutton had succeeded in reducing several cases of dislocation of the shoulder- joint by the method proposed, but did not regard them as test cases. June 25, 1878, Dr. H. C. Vincent, of (iui If ord, president of the Dear- born County Medical Society, brought before the society a patient in which the humerus was dislocated on the 10th of March, and had resisted all the usual efforts to effect reduction by extension and counter- extension, with a ball or fulcrum in the axilla. From its long stauding, extensive adhesions and the unsuccessful efforts that had already been made to effect reduction, it was thought by a number of the members, that no further effort should be made to effect reduction. As Dr. Sutton was not present that day at the society, it was decided to take the patient to Aurora, on Thursday, June 27, and if reduction should be attempted, this, at least, would be a test case for the plan which he had presented to the society. The man lived about twelve miles from Aurora, and on the day appointed. Dr. H. C. Vincent, accompanied by the patient and by Dr. T. M. Kyle, of Manchester, and also Dr. W. C. Henry, Dr. R. C. Bond and Dr. H. H. Sutton, met at the office of Dr. Sutton. The dislo- cation was of 110 days' duration, and difficulty was anticipated. The patient was brought under the influence of chloroform, and, assisted by these gentlemen, Dr. Sutton reduced the dislocation, by his peculiar mode of manipulating, in less than tive minutes. Three months the patient was again brought to the society by Dr. Vincent, perfectly recovered, with perfect use of his arm, showing that this plan of reducing disloca- 936 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. tion of the shoulder-joint is, at least, worthy of a trial. As a member of the committee on necrology in the American Medical Association, he presented biographical sketches of Drs. Isaac Casselberry, Thomas Fry, James P. Debruler, and also G. W. Mears. (See transactions of the American Medical Association for 1875 and 1880.) He has also furnished a number of biographical sketches of physicians of this region of coun- try. At the meeting of the American Association for the advancement of Science, held in Buffalo in August, 1876, he read a paper on the " evidence in Boone County, Ky., of glacial or ice deposits of two distinct and widely distant periods." This paper was published in the proceed- ings of the association of 1876, and reviewed in the American Journal of Science, for September, 1877, page 239, and also republished in full in the geological report of Indiana for 1878. In 1878 he read a paper before the Indiana State Medical Society on "Placenta Praevia and its Treatment," which was published in the tx'ansactions of the society for 1878, and also in pamphlet form. In this paper he suggested the impor- tance of collecting statistics on this subject, which has since been done. He kept a meteorological journal for over thirty years, and furnished to the Smithsonian Institute regular meteorological observations for many years. (See Smithsonian reports from 1859 to 1873.) Dr. Sutton is an independent thinker; has been remarkable for his indefatigable energy, industry and love of science. Although engaged in a large practice in the different branches of his profession, he found time to devote a portion of his attention to geology, meteorology and archaeology, and also to write for the newspapers on a great variety of subjects. Some of those articles were his best productions. He has written on sanitary science, scarlatina, cholera, geology, a series of articles on the graded school sys- tem, railroad obligations of Aurora, excursion to Niagara Falls, to Can- ada, to California, and other articles too numerous to mention. He has been selected as orator for a large number of public celebrations, and has delivered addresses and orations, many of which were published in pamphlet form. As president of the board of trustees of the college of physicians and surgeons of Indiana, he delivered an address to the grad- uating class of Indianapolis in 1877, and also in 1878, which was pub- lished in the Indianapolis papers. (See Sentinel and Indianapolis Jour- nal of February 22, 1878.) He has given much attention to the micro- scope, and has made valuable discoveries and suggestions on trichinse and trichinosis, to which allusion has already been made. He has made surgery a specialty, is an expert operator, and has had a large surgical practice. The machine shops of the Ohio & Mississippi Kailway are situated near Aurora, and, as might be expected, many accidents occur at them, requiring prompt surgical aid. Much of this has fallen to his BIOGRAPHICAL. SKETCHES. 937 care, and he has performed a large variety of surgical operations. His suggestions in relation to the reduction of dislocations have been exten- sively republished, and Prof. Pooley, in the Practitioner of December, 1876, says: "It seems to me, therefore, that we are indebted to Dr. Sutton for a valuable improvement; and I do not know a more beautiful and philo- sophical piece of practical surgery than the reduction of a dislocated hip by Dr. Reid's manipulation, performed over Sutton's fulcrum." Dr. Sutton is remarkable for his independence in thought and action. He has had the confidence of the public for nearly a half century and from an extensive and consulting practice and lucrative business as surgeon and physician has, although a poor collector, been able to acquire ample means to live comfortably in his old age. He has always taken a deep interest in the subject of education; was connected with the board of school trustees of Aurora for over sixteen years, and was instrumental in erecting at Aurora one of the finest school buildings in southeastern Indiana. He directed his attention many years ago to the antiquities of his neighborhood — made notes and drew sketches of the fortifications and earthworks then to be seen, as it was evident that from the progress of improvement all trace of these monuments would, in time, be lost. He made collections of the antiquities, fossils and geological specimens found in the neighborhood of Aurora, and has now a cabinet of many thousand specimens valuable for their local interest. He has a fine equatorial telescope, five feet long, object glass, three and one-half inches, finely mounted for celestial observations, which he places at the disposal of the astronomical class in the high school of Aurora. Sketches of his life have already been published by the Rocky Mountain Medical Association, and also in the "Biographical Sketches of Physicians of the United States. " In the sketch of his life in the transactions of the Rocky Mountain Medical Association, Dr. Toner says that "all of his papers have the rare merit of being original and practical." In 1881, Dr. Sutton read a paper before the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science on the gold bearing drift of Indiana. In this paper he presents evidence to show that this drift was brought from the northwest. The paper is published in the transactions of the Associa- tion and also in pamphlet form. During the same year he was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1883, after the great freshet in the Ohio River, he discussed in the Cincinnati Commercial, the laws governing our great continental storms. A theory was advocated at that time that the removal of the forests was the cause of our great floods in the Ohio River, He endeavored to show that the clearing of the forests had but a slight influence in producing 938 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUxNTIES. our great freshets, but that these floods depended upon great continental storms which produced fluctuations in the amount of rainfall, and that such fluctuations had occurred in all ages and over different portions of the globe. (See Cincinnati Commercial Gazette for April 16, 1883.) He also, in 1883, read a paper before the Indiana State Medical Society on parasites, which is published in the transactions of the society, and also in pamphlet form. Extracts from this paper and the paper in full were republished in several medical journals. In this paper he endeav- ors to give a classification of human parasites and the different diseases produced by micro-organisms. On the 7th of March, 1884, as president of the society of alumni of the Ohio Medical College, he delivered the annual address at the college. (See minutes of the meeting of the alumni for 1884.) He also, in 1884, presented a report to the American Medical Association, which was read before the section on State medi- cine. In this report he directed attention to the necessity of providing better county hospital accommodations for our pauper population in Indiana, and directed attention to other reforms that should be made in our State. (See journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 1^5 P^g® 217.) In 1884, he was elected president of the Eocky Mountain Medical Association, and on May 6, 1885, he delivered the annual address before the society at New Orleans. May 13, 1885, he read a paper before the Indiana State Medical Society on the epidem- ics that have occurred in southeastern Indiana during the last fifty years, and also presented observations on the changes of type in some of our endemic malarial diseases. (See. transactions of the Indiana State Medical Society for 1885.) He is an active member of the Dearborn County Medical Society and also a member of the Indiana State Medical Society, and of the American Medical Association, and was a member of the International Medical Congress of 1876, as a delegate from the Indiana State Medical Society. He is a member of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, of the Archaeological Association of Indiana, and of the American Association for the advancement of science. He is an honorary member of the Ohio State Medical Society, California State Medical Society and also of several other societies. FRANCIS SWALES, veterinary surgeon and farmer, Harrison Town- ship, is a native of England where he was born in 1823. He immigrated to the United States with his parents, George and Mary (Wilson) Swales, in 1831, the family coming via New York and locating on the farm where Mr. Swales now resides and which the father purchased in the year of his immigration. George Swales was a man of extraordinary attainments; being at once a physician and veterinary surgeon and a chemist, having spent seven years in the study of medicine, five years BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 939 in veterinary surgery and two years in chemistry. He was considered one of the most successful practitioners in Europe and was equally suc- cessful in his practice in this country. In his later years he abandoned his regular practice as a physician and turned his attention wholly to veterinary practice, gaining a wide reputation for his skill and learning. He reared nine children to maturity, six now surviving: Sarah, wife of James Pruden; Dr. Wilson H. ; Francis; Mary, wife of George W. Robin- son; David W. and Christopher A. Mr. Swales met his death by drown- ing in the AVhitewater River in attempting to ford that stream, January 1, 1832. His body was found nine days later near where the present Harrison bridge spans the river. Francis Swales, the subject of this sketch, grew to maturity on the farm with his parents and except tive years has resided all his life on the old homestead. He began the study of veterinary surgery quite young under his father's instruction and has ever since been a faithful and earnest student of the profession. As soon as of sufficient age to warrant confidence he began the practice of his profession and since 1831 has made it a specialty. His services are in demand throughout a wide scope of territory and he is almost con- stantly employed. He treats both horses and cattle for all diseases peculiar to the species and is regarded as very successful in his pro- fessional work. In connection with his practice Mr. Swales has also found time to oversee the work on his farm which now comprises about 428 acres, on parts of which his two sons and two daughters now reside. He began life in a very humble way, earning his first eighty acres of land by coopering and some blacksmithing, and his entire possessions, which are now considerable, may be said to have been earned by hard and continued labor both of head and hand. Mr. Swales was married in 1845, to Hannah Grubbs, a daughter of James Grubbs, who was one of the early settlers of the covmty and is still living. Mrs. Swales was born in this county, and died May 28, 1880, leaving four children, only three of whom are now living: David, Jane (wife of Edward Jackson) and James W. Mary Eveline, wife of William Haddock, recently passed away. Mr. Swales is still in the practice of his profession and his large experience in treating maladies peculiar to horses and cattle render his services almost invaluable to the stock owners of the surround- ing country. His son, William Swales, is also engaged in the same profession located at Bright, Dearborn County, and is said to be very pro- ficient. WILSON H. SWALES, M. D., Logan Township, born in York- shire, England, March 9, 1818, is a son of George and Mary (Wilson) Swales, mentioned above. He was thirteen years of age when witb his father's family he arrived in Dearborn County. He had laid the foun- 940 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. dation of a good education in England and after arriving here he added to it what he could under the limited opportunities afforded in Dear- born County at that early day. Subsequently he entered upon a course of medical study under Dr. Crookshank, one of the earliest physicians of Harrison, Ohio. Finally he entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, from which he graduated in 1851. He had begun the practice of medicine prior to going to College and now returned home and again took up the practice of his profession which he has continued with marked success for nearly forty years. In 1842 he was united in marriage with Sarah Ann Pruden, born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Feb- ruary 11, 1819, a daughter of Isaac and Ann (Miller) Pruden* natives of New Jersey. Her parents died of cholel-a in 1850, in Hamilton County, Ohio. They were parents of eight children, four now surviv- ing: James, Ann, Henry and Lozier. Dr. Swales and wife have been blessed with eight children of whom only three now sux'vive: John H., George A. and Wilson H., the latter a practicing physician. Dr. Swales is a member of Harrison Lodge No. 17, F. & A. M. with which he has been identified since 1846. As a citizen he stands deservedly high in the esteem of the people of the county. LINEAS SWIFT, Lawrenceburgh Township, a thrifty farmer of Dearborn County, was born in the same in 1845. His fathei', Henry Swift, settled at the mouth of Laugherey Creek in a very early day and died at the age of about seventy years. Mr. Swift grew up in the county and was engaged in common labor till the spring of 1864, when he enlisted in Company D, Sixty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving one year in the late war. He received his discharge June 9, 1865, and returned to Hardintown. He had spent some time in corn weighing for James Gaff, the distiller, and on his return home was thus employed with Hiram Cox in the river trade, loading and weighing produce. He was married in February, 1868, to Eliza Hayes, daughter of Isaac Hayes, and they have four children: Isaac, Bertha, Eva and John. Mr. and Mrs. Swift are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he being regarded as one of the most energetic farmers of the community, which occupation he has given his exclusive attention to for some time. JAMES H. SWOPE, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Madison County., Ky., in 1817. His parents died when he was eight years old. He was married in 1843 in Clermont County, Ohio, to Sarah P. Perrine and but two of six children are now living: Louella G., wife of N. Lot- ton, and Sarah V., now Mrs. Wiley. In 1844 Mr. Swope came to Law- renceburgh, and this he has since made his home. From 1850 to 1858 he was chiefly engaged in coopering, and from 1858 to 1873 in the BlOGRArmCAL SKETCHES. 941 grocery business. He has served in nearly all the city offices: Was mayor of Lawrenceburgh in 1855 and again in 1859 to 1861. In the city council he served fourteen years. Mr. Swope is a member of the Masonic order, and though now old and broken in health has been an industrious and useful citizen. JOHN TAIT, Sb. , of Rising Sun, was born in Scotland, and in 1810 immigrated to America, subsequently he settled near the village of Rising Sun, where he passed the remainder of his life, his death occurring March 11, 1868. Mr. Tait in 1832 became one of the first members of the Christian Church of Rising Sun, and thereafter lived for Christ ahd became an ornament to society and one of the pillars of the church. DANIEL TAPLEY, of Rising Sun, was born in Essex County, Mass., in 1791. In 1815 he removed to Cincinnati, and one year later settled in Rising Sun. December 10, 1820, Mr. Tapley was united in marriage with Miss Susan Chandlen, a native of Acomac County, Va., and this couple, in 1870, celebrated their golden wedding, the first cel- ebrated in Rising Sun. Mr, Tapley was a resident of Ohio County from 1816 to the time of his death, which occurred in 1878. Mrs. Tapley died in 1879, aged eighty years. Our subject was three times elected mayor of his adopted city and served as deputy sheriff under James B. Smith in 1845-1847. TOWNSEND J. TAYLOR, retired merchant, Aurora, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 4, 1811. His limited education was obtained after arriving at mature age. His parents, Townsend and Elizabeth (Moore) Taylor, were natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania. The father came to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1807, and died with cholera, May 7, 1833. Townsend J. began clerking in 1882, for W. F. Gibbs in the salt busi- ness. In 1833 he engaged with a Mr. Wooley in the dry goods business, with whom he remained until August 1834, when he engaged in the dry goods and grocery business at Wilmington with a brother, Thomas J. , with whom he continued until 1837, when they sold out to Jennings & Brewington. Immediately thereafter he bought out William Glenn of Wilmington, and condvicted the business for himself for a period of two years. On the removal of the county seat to Lawrenceburgh, he moved to Aurora and there engaged in business with his brother, the partner- ship continuing until 1840, when Townsend J. withdrew, and purchased a lot on which he erected a business house and again engaged in busi- ness by himself, which he conducted very successfully up to 1854, when he began operating in real estate. For a time during the Mexican war he acted as agent in purchasing hay and grain, subsequently he had an interest in a store in Canton, Mo., which he disposed of in 1855 and 942 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. the same year started a store in Rockport, Indiana, which was continued until 1864, his business being very profitably carried on during the war. In 1864 he opened an extensive store at Aurora, but one year later he removed the goods to Rockport in charge of a son, who has since success- fully conducted the business. The store is now carried on by the brothers B. M. and John E. Taylor, who employ six clerks. Ovir subject was married, November 26, 1835, to Miss Mary A. E. Moore, who was born in Maryland, February 19, 1817. They had four children, namely: Ben- jamin, born December 1, 1837; William S., born March 15, 1840; Mary J., born May 26, 1844; Sarah E., born October 15, 1846, died October 23, 1851. The wife died, March 10,1849, and Mr. Taylor was married, February 21, 1850, to Miss Harriet C. Dean, who was born in New "York, January 27, 1826. Four children have been born to the union, namely: Townsend E., born June 18, 1851, died July 9, 1851; John E., born August 17, 1851; James Gr., born October 19, 1858; Jesse D., born No- vember 16,1860. Mr. Taylor never went into a saloon and asked for a drink. He never smoked, or chewed tobacco, nor played a game of cards, and has been at the head of a firm for over fifty years. He has never been sued for debt. He is a member of Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M. , and has been identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church for nearly half a century. GEORGE W. TAYLOR, proprietor of livery, sale and feed stable, Aurora, was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., December 22, 1819. His parents, John and Marilda (Fitch) Taylor, were natives of ?sew York, the former was born in 1788 and died in September, 1846. The mother was born in 1798 and died in October, 1875. The family moved to Dear- born County in 1832, where the father farmed until his death. George "W. was raised on a farm. In 1856 he engaged in the livery business in Aurora, and has continued in livery and farming ever since. During the vear 1870 he moved to town, since which time he has been a citizen of the city. He was married, March 22, 1838, to Miss Nancy J. Mill- burn, who was born July 26, 1821, and to the union five children were born, namely: Mary L. , Harriet E., John M. , George W. and Ella. John M. served three years in the Eighty-third Indiana Regiment as a private soldier. He went through with Gen. Sherman, and participated in many a hard fought battle. When Mr. Taylor first came here, there were only twelve houses in this township, six being all round-log one of which every stick was buckeye, and was located near where Sted- man's foundry is sitviated. Mr. Taylor's father, served all through the war of 1812. He was a quiet, industrious, law abiding citizen, whose good qualities, the son, George W. is endeavoring to emulate. Politi- cally he is a Republican, ever upholding his country, first, l^st and all tthe ime. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 943 MICHAEL TEANEY, city marshal, Aurora, was born in Aurora, Dearborn County, Ind., August 21, 1833. The coimtry being new he received only a limited education. His parents, A. and Margaret (Cox) Teaney, were born in Pennsylvania and immigrated to Indiana, locating in Aurora in 1816. The father followed farming for a liveli- hood up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1839. At the age of eleven Michael deserted the farm, and followed flat-boating up to 1870. From 1870 to 1875 he acted as steward on several steamers. In 1875 he learned the cooper trade, at which he worked for several years very successfully. He was elected councilman from the First Ward in 1875 and served for two years. In 1880 he was elected assessor, which office he filled for three years. In 1883 he was elected marshal, and has since discharged the duties of that office faithfully. Mr. Teaney was married August 22, 1854, to Miss Mary Carbaugh, a native of this county. She died August 6, 1857. He married for his second wife (December 24, 1859) Miss Elizabeth Christy, a native of Ohio, and to this union were born two children, namely: Alfaretta, now Mrs. Dewey, and John W. Mr. Teaney enlisted in June, 1861, in Company A, Eight- eenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, as a private soldier and was mustered out as first lieutenant. In politics he is a Democrat. MAJ. WARREN TEBBS, of Dearborn County, was born in Prince Williams County, Va., in 1791. While quite young, his father, Moses Tebbs, removed to North Carolina, where he resided until 1807, when he removed to the Territory of Indiana, coming by the way of Cumberland Gap, through Kentucky, and settling on Whitewater, in Har- rison Township. At that time game of all kinds was very plenty, and the male portion of the Tebbs family became expert hunters. When the Indian war broke out in 1811, Warren, with his brother Will oughby and most of the young men in the neighborhood, joined the Rangers and were stationed at the various block- houses. W.irren made several expeditions out beyond the Wabash, near Fort Harrison (now Terre Haute), and while on one of these expeditions he contracted, from exposure, a disease from which he never fully recovered, and from the effect of which he complained during the remainder of his life. After the war he returned home, and in 1815 was married to Elizabeth Ashby; she, too, having had some experience in frontier life, as she was born in the block-house across the river, in Petersburgh Ky., in 1795, about the time the Indians were stealing horses at the mouth of Tanner's Creek, on this side of the river. After their marriage they went to live on the farm in Logan Township, recently owned by James K. Pruden, where their eldest son, Alvin Grant (father of the Tebbs brothers, present resi- dent of Dearborn County) was born. He soon after moved to Harrison, 944 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. and kept tavern in the old stone building from about this time until 1822. He made several trips to New Orleans, trading on flat-boats, and on two trips he walked back through the Cherokee territory. He was a farmer from this time on until 1835, and during this time was elected and served two or three terms in the Indiana Legislature. A few years before he died he removed to Williamsport, Warren Co., Ind., where he died in 1868. WARREN TEBBS. Lawrenceburgh, clerk of Dearborn County Court, was born in 1841, son of Alvin G. and Maria (Snyder) Tebbs, and grandson of Warren Tebbs, a sketch of whom appears above. Mr. Tebbs is a native of Dearborn County. He obtained a good educa- tion, and early in life engaged in merchandising, which he has continued almost to the present time. His father and grandfather both served in the State Legislature, the former from 1846 to 1850, and in 1866 Mr. Tebbs was elected representative from Dearborn County, serving till 1872, representing also the third generation of the family which had been thus honored. In 1878 he was elected to the clerk's office, and in 1882 was re-elected to the same, the duties of which he is now engaged in discharging. As a civil officer he is held in high esteem, his conduct as such, we believe, having ever been above criticism. The fact of the trusts which have been reposed in him is the best evidence of his standing as a citizen. Mr. Tebbs was married, in 1872, to Elma S. Ley- man, of Attica, Fountain Co., Ind., daughter of Dr. W. L. and Rebecca (Turner) Leyman, her father an ex-member of the State Legislature and one of the first physicians of that county. Their two children are War- ren Leyman and Corinne Race. JESSE B. THOMAS, see page 149. TIMOTHY THOMAS, Harrison, one of the older residents of Dearbrn County, was born in Wales in 1815, and when about eleven months old was brought to this country by his parents, William and Eleanor (Davis) Thomas, who were also natives of Wales. His father was born about 1785, and immigrated to this country in 1816, locating first at Pittsburgh and moving West to Butler County, Ohio, about nine months later. Here he was chiefly engaged in cloth dressing, which was his trade. He first rented a small establishment near Indian Creek, Butler County, and in 1824 erected a small mill on Dry Fork, same county, continuing his operations there till 1832, when he moved to Harrison, where he followed the same occupation, including wool-carding. In the meantime he pur- chased 160 acres of land in this township, and after four years' i-esidence in Butler County, to which he had returned, he took up his abode on this farm and resided there till his death, about 1867. He married Eleanor Davis in 1813. She was a daughter of Timothy Davis, was born about BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 945 1788, and lived to the advanced age of eighty-nine years. They reared a family of five children, four of whom are now living: Timothy, Thomas D., Mary and Jemima M, William died at the age of twenty- four, and three others died in infancy. In his earlier years Timothy Thomas was engaged in the carding and fulling business with his father, with whom he remained till twenty-one years of age. He then followed farming about six years, after which he spent about ten years in the carding and fulling business with his brother, Thomas D., iii Decatur County, Ind. Since that time he has been constantly employed in agri- culture, and has resided about thirty-three years in Harrison Township. He was married, in 1843, to Mary E. Davis, of Decatur County, Ind., daughter of Jonathan Davis and Susanna (Baker) Davis. Twelve chil- dren have been born to them, nine of whom are now living: William, Thomas D., Timothy, George, Susan M. (wife of John T. Estell, Cin- cinnati), Eleanor (wife of S. K. Gold, Harrison), Maria, Ruth and Lulu. Part of the family is associated with the Christian Church. Mr. Thomas, though not a member of any religious organization, is a man of strict moral principles and a firm believer in the merits of the church. JOHN K. THOMPSON, Lawrenceburgh, one of the leading attorneys of Dearborn County, was born in the same in 1830. His parents, Dorus and Sarah (King) Thompson were natives of New York, and immigrated to this county in 1816. His father was a farmer and mechanic, and died in 1843. Five of the family are still living, John K., our subject, being the youngest. He was reared to the age of eighteen years on the farm, and obtained the rudiments of an education in the primitive qom- mon schools of his time, subsequently taking a regular course of study at the Asbury University, Greeneastle, Ind. He read law under his own tutilage for a time, and in 1855 entered the University of Albany, N. Y., where he received further instructions in the profession, taking the prescribed course, which he completed in one year. He was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of New York, and in 1857, to the courts of this State. Since the above date he has been constantly engaged in the practice of his profession in this and adjoining counties, with abil- ity and success. He enjoys an enviable reputation among the legal pi'actitioners of this section of the State, and the rank of citizenship which he holds, is no less creditable. Mr. Thompson has officiated as member of the board of trustees of Moore's Hill College since it has been in active session, but has not taken a very active part in the polit- ical and official affairs of the county. He pleads guilty to having taught one term of district school, but claims to have been the recipient of full absolution for his guilt. Mr. Thompson was married, in 1858, to Mary Stevens, daughter of Rana C. Stevens, and sister of Levi E. and 946 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. William F. Stevens, the former of the wholesale dry goods firm of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Cincinnati; the latter of Aurora. Mrs. Thompson is deceased, having left no children of her own. Miss Flora Thompson is an adopted daughter. F. H. THUERMER, Randolph Township, professor of music and lately a farmer, is a native of Sajony, Germany, born in 1816. He grew to maturity in his native country, and was there educated in the Freiberg Seminary. After completing his education he engaged in teaching the art of music in the graded schools of Germany, in which vocation he continued about ten years, spending one year in Belgium and Antwerp. Mr. Thuermer was a strong friend and advocate of the Union cause in Germany in 1848, and when the Revolution began he was imprisoned at Meisen, and subsequently sentenced to death. He remained in bonds from the first of 1849 to Christmas eve of 1850, when he made his escape by strategy, just prior to the appointed time for his execution. He made his way to Belgium, and soon after sent for his family, then consisting of a wife and two children, and with them immigrated to the United States, coming to Indiana and locating at Aurora. After a short residence at the latter place he moved to Cincinnati, returning again to Aurora, and from there to his present home about 1852. He was engaged in the musical profession about thirty years in this country, and has been very successful in its pursuit. He was for a time employed as prin- cipal of the musical department of Moore's Hill College, and a few months teacher in the orphan asylum at Mount Auburn, Cincinnati. In the old country he made the acquaintance of Richard Wagner, the celebrated musical composer, who was also an active worker in the Union cause during the German revolution. Mr. Thuermer now owns a farm of 230 acres, the fruits of his long term of earnest professional labor, and with a fair prospect for a comfortable living during the remainder of his life, he has retired from the field of active service. He was married, in 1842, to Hedwig Schneider, and they have four children, two born in Germany: Arthur and Robert, and two, in this country: Camillo and Alma, the latter, a teacher of music. WILLIAM WIRT TILLEY, of Lawrenceburgh, was born in George- town, D. C, February 24, 1830. At an early age he came to Indiana, and entered Asbury University. After graduating, he studied law at Centr.eville, Wayne County. On the completion of his studies, he came to Lawrenceburgh, where he resided until his death. Shortly after establishing himself here, he married the wife who survives him, at Centreville. At his death Mr. Tilley left a widow and five children. Mr. Tilley was a man of fine education and unusual natural abilities, which enabled him to attain a very respectable position among the law- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 947 yers of Dearborn County. His social qualities were not strongly devel- oped, and he had but few intimate acquaintances. He was, however, respected by all who knew him, and will long be remembered as one of the ablest young men of Dearborn County. His death occurred in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, the result of injuries received in jumping from a train of cars. The remains were taken to Lawrenceburgh and there interred in Green Dale Cemetery. MARTIN TITTEL, contractor and builder, is one of the leading business men of Lawrenceburgh. He was born in Baden, Germany, in 1826, and is a son of Joseph T. and Barbara (Kaikher) Tittel, who were also born in Baden. He was reared to maturity, educated, and learned his trade in his native country and was also engaged there about three years in a brewery, working at intervals. In 1847 he immigrated to America to better his fortune. He landed at New York and then proceeded directly to Cincinnati, where he was first employed by Mr. Sedam in what is now the prosperous suburb of Sedamsville. In the fall of the same year he located in Lawrenceburgh, where he has ever since con- ducted his business. He has always engaged in the mason's trade — bricklaying, stonelaying and plastering — and has built nearly all of the important buildings of Lawrenceburgh, including the distilleries, facto- ries, business blocks and churches. He is without doubt the most exten- sive contractor in the town and the many structures he has erected are the best evidence that his work is of the best quality throughout. Mr. Tittel learned his trade from his father and from the same source imbibed his lessons of industry, which have been the groundwork of his success through life. He has bought and sold considerable property, and though having met with some reverses, still possesses a fair share of this world's goods, all of which he has honestly earned by strict atten- tion to his business interests. Mr. Tittle was married, in 1849, to Gugunda Bechtel, of Ripley County, Ind. She was a native of Ger- many, and her parents, on immigrating to this country, located at Pitts- burgh, where her father was many years employed in a foundry of that city. Mr. and Mrs. T. have five children living: Emily, wife of Antony Lux; Josephine, wife of August Geager; John, who married Elizabeth Fitterer; Frank A. and Louise. The family is highly esteemed, and Mr. Tittle, who has served the public as a councilman, is regarded as one of the leading spirits of the business affairs of Lawrenceburgh. JOSEPH TITTEL, contractor and builder, dealer in doors, sash, blinds, lumber, etc., Lawrenceburgh, was born in Baden, Germany, February 6, 1831. He learned the trade of cai-penter and builder in his native country, and in 1852 immigrated to the United States. He came directly to Lawrenceburgh, where he resided about two years, when he 948 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. went West, and located at Leavenworth, Kas. Here he did a large bus- iness in his line, and was constantly engaged till 1859, when he made a trip to Europe to visit the home of his boyhood. In 1860 he returned to Lawrenceburgh and married Christina Naerror, whose parents, Paul and Christina Naerror (natives of Luttring, France), were long residents of Yorkville. After his marriage, Mr. Tittel returned with his wife to Leavenworth, Kas., where he resumed his trade, and where their two eldest children, Josephine and Joseph, were born. In 1864, he returned to Lawrenceburgh, where he has since resided and conducted his busi- ness in the building line, operating from four to fifteen workmen. The large number of buildings erected by him in Lawrenceburgh and vicinity, strongly attest both his honesty as a contractor and his efficien- cy as a workman. Mr. and Mrs. T. have eight children all living : Jo- sephine, Joseph, Carolina, Amelia, Charles, Ada, Augusta and Agata. The family is associated with the Catholic Church, and is well re- spected. NATHANIEL TODD, farmer, Hogan Township, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in 1819. His parents, Nathaniel and Margaret (McGeug- hen) Todd, were born in Ireland in 1785. They came to America in 1829, and located in Hogan Township, and raised a family of nine children: Jennie, born May 3, 1813; James, March 10, 1815; Eliza, May 2, 1817; Nathaniel; Agnes, Feb, 27, 1819; John, March 25, 1823; Mary, February 22, 1825; Samuel, April 15, 1827; Matilda, August 18, 1834; all of the children, except Matilda were born in Ireland. Mr. Nathaniel Todd is one of those mild, good-natured old bachelors that takes the world easy and frets about nothing, and is constantly adding to his earthly possess- ion by his frugal habits of life. JOHN TOOHEY, proprietor of the Eising Sun Marble Works, was born in 1833. He is a native of Ireland and son of Michael and Bridget (Welsh) Toohey, also natives of Ireland where his mother still resides; his father having died about 1844-45. Mr. Toohey immigrated to this country when a mere boy. He learned the stone cutting trade in Cin- cinnati, and in 1863 came to Rising Sun, where he has since continued in the marble business. He was married, in 1865, to Eliza McConnel (a native of Virginia, but reared in this locality), daughter of John and Harriet McConnell, and seven children are the result of this union: Will- iam, John, Frank, Anna, Mary, Lulu and George. Mr. Toohey keeps on hand a good quality of marble and granite, and does work neatly and promptly on order. OLIVER B. TORBETT, see page 181. OMER TOUSEY was born in Greene County, N. Y., December 21, 1800. His father immigrated to Kentuck}^ in 1802 with his family, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 949 .purchasing a farm in Boone County, opposite Lawrenceburgh, settled upon it, and remained there until his death, which occurred in 1832. His father, in early life, was not only a farmer, but a prosperous merchant, and Omei", when a mere child, was put into the store, and before he was fairly a youth had acquired that thorough knowledge of the dry goods business which enabled him to carry it on with such success after he commenced business on his own account. Not a few of our old in- habitants remember " Tousey Town," once a flourishing village on the opposite side of the river, whose chimneys still stood not many years ago. Not a trace of the old village now remains. There his father conducted his then widely known store, and there young Omer took his first business lessons. In 1822 Omer Tousey came to Lawrenceburgh, and started in busi- ness as a merchant on his own account. October 23, 1823, he was married to Miss Lucinda Johnson, a daughter of Col. Carl Johnson, of Boone County, Ky., who still survives him. Mr. Tousey continued in the dry goods business until 1834, and until his capital had so increased that he found he could employ it otherwise more profitably. His success as a merchant was unbroken. No man had better credit. In those days Western mer- chants laid in their stocks in Philadelphia. Mr. Tousey used to make his annual journey to Philadelphia on horseback. He was twice president of the Lawrenceburgh branch of the State Bank of Indiana, and was placed in charge, years afterward, of the Lawrenceburgh branch of the Bank of the State of Indiana, in order to extricate it from embarrassments into which it had fallen by injudicious management. In these positions, as in all others, in which he was ever placed he was equal to the exi- gency. The bank prospered under his wise direction. In 1839 Mr. Tousey connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and from that time until his death he was an efficient and zealous member. His judgment was so sound that his advice was sought on every important occasion, and his liberality to his church never failed. Mr. Tousey was remarkable for a sober and quiet dignity, yet he was entirely devoid of ostentation. His home was the abode of hospitality, and he furnished it with every material comfort ; yet nothing was provided for mere display. His charities were large, but secret. Many poor people testified to them after his death, whom he had enjoined not to speak of them while he was living. His love of his kindred was great and enduring, and expressed itself in deeds rather than professions. He repeatedly enjoined that when he died his remains should be deposited in the private graveyard on the old farm of his father, where x-eposed the remains of his father, mother and sisters. Mr. Tousey died March 28, 1868. He left no chil- dren. His estate was large, and after bestowing the bulk of it upon his widow and nearest kindred, he gave the remainder to remote kindred who were poor, and to faithful domestics. 950 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. FREDERICK TREON, M. D., physiciau and surgeon, Aurora, was born in Shelby County, Ind., August 12, 1855, and received his educa- tion at Frauklin Academy, after which he engaged in the machine shops as car builder with Hasklin & Barker, at Michigan City, where he com- pleted a special course in geometry, trigonometry, and civil and mechan- ical engineering. Not being contented with his occupation he began the study of anatomy under the personal supervision of Dr. J. Saddler, of Edinburg. Ind., with whom he continued for nearly two years; in the meantime he clerked in a drug store, and acquired a knowledge of drugs and their effects. In the fall of 1S76 Mr. Treon came to Aurora, and began a more systematic study of medicine under Drs. J, and L. K. Lamb. In the fall of 1877 he entered the Ohio Medical College, and two years later he was gi-aduated from the institution, receiving his di- ploma March 1, 1879, and at once entered into a professional partnership with his father-in-law, Dr. James Lamb, with whom he has since contin- ued. Dr. Treon is an active member of the Dearborn County Medical Society, and also the Indiana State Medical Society, by which latter connection he is made a member of the American Medical Association. The Doctor was iinited in marriage, May 29, 1878, with Miss America C, daughter of Dr. James and Sarah A. Lamb; Mrs. Treon's birth occurring April 30, 1847. To the marriage has been born a son — James F. (June 29, 1880). Dr. Treon's father, Andrew Treon, M. D., was born in Leb- anon County, Penn., April 27, 1804, in the same house in which his father was born. His grandfather came from France near Paris, at an early date, and remained in Pennsylvania until his death. Dr. Andrew Treon acquired his first knowledge of medicine from Dr. John Treon, who is still living at Miamisburg, Ohio, at the advanced age of ninety- five years. He was in the active practice of medicine sixty-six years, and accumulated a large fortune. Di'. Andi-ew Treon was twice married; his second wife. Miss Lydia Steinberger (the mother of Dr. Frederick Treon), was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., May 6, 1822. Her fa- ther, Frederick Steinberger, was born in Ohio. His parents came from Germany, and settled in Ohio at an early day. Dr. Treon's mother was a neice of Dr. Steinberger, professor of surgery at "Wurtemberg, Ger- many. Dr. Frederick Treon has been very successful in the practice of medicine and surgeiy. He is a member of the K. of H. Lodge No. 1084, and the Presbyterian Church. He has always taken an active part in religious matters, and was elected assistant superintendent of the Sabbath-school in 1879, and superintendent in 1880, which position he has held ever since, and has succeeded in building itp a large and pros- perous Sabbath-school, with 135 scholars enrolled. CAPT, MARTIN TRESTER, farmer, Washington Township, is BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 951 a native of Kentucky, born nearMillersburgh, May 27, 1806. His parents were of German extraction and were born in Pennsylvania. His father, "William, was born near Northumberland in 1761; mother, Elizabeth (Hesler) Trester, in 1764. The father was a farmer and mill-wright. He died in Kentucky in 1814. The mother with nine sons and one daughter, moved to Dearborn County in 1815. She invested the family fund in land and put the boys to work, cleared up the land, and raised the family successfully to economy and industry. Before her death, which occurred in 1838, she saw her family all comfortably situated in life. Capt. Trester was married September 26, 1833, to Mary Ann Winkley, who was born April 6, 1815. Eight children resulted: Emma M., Oliver H., Lewis M., Albert E., Milton L., Mary J., James M., Ella F. Oliver H, enlisted as a private soldier in the Third Indiana Cavalry for three years, and was killed at Antietam, September 14, 1862. Albert E. was in the Sixteenth Infantry under Gen. Hackelman, served one year, then enlisted in the Seventh Indiana Cavalry and served one year after the war closed under Gen. Custer. Milton L. was in the 100 days' ser- vice as a private soldier. In 1826 Capt. Trester began flat-boating as a hand. In 1828 he branched out in the same business for himself and continued for fifteen years. The balance of his life has been spent upon the farm. He was commander of the militia for years, and when the Black Hawk war caused a draft to be made, nearly all of his soldiers were cripples. One of the company offered the Captain a farm if he would not draft him. Peace being declared, all became exempt, and happiness reigned supreme in the militia camp. Capt. Trester was el- ected county commissioner in 1847 and served three years. He was school trustee for many years. When the township had three trustees he served as one for eight or ten years; he assessed the township ten years in succession; afterward served as school director for six years. The Cap- tain cleared up his farm, and in early life built a good brick house to raise his family in. He has lived to see them all grown and comfortably settled in life. Now the old people are left alone, with a big house and no family, except two grandchildren they have kindly taken to raise. Although well advanced in years, they have lost but little of the vigor and vivacity of their younger days, neither have they forgotten the sports of their youth. The Presbyterian Church is the society of their faith. Politically Capt. Trester has been a Republican since the war, before he was a Democrat, and cast his first vote for Gen, Andrew Jackson. Mrs. Trester was horn within a mile of her present home April 6, 1815, and has always lived within the locality Her parents settled on Holman's Ridge, south of Aurora, in 1813. Her father died in 1833, her mother in 1857. They had four children, viz. : William, Joseph W., John L. and Mary Ann. 952 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. BENJAMIN F. TRESTER, Jr., architect, contractor and builder, shops corner of Main and Mill Streets, Aurora, is a native of Washing- ton Township, Dearborn County, born May 7, 1847. He is a graduate of the high school. His father, Edward H, was born in Kentucky October 24, 1815. His mother, Sarah (Green) Trester, was born in Dearborn County October 21, 1819. The parents were married July 7, 1836. Mother died October 21, 1881. Benjamin F. farmed up to 1866, at which time he commenced his trade. He located in Aurora in 1873, and was married July 30, of that year, to Miss Hannah A. Winkley, a native of Dearborn County, born January 20, 1854. Mr. Trester was elected to the council from the Third Ward May 3, 1882, and re-elected May 7, 1884. He belongs to I. O. O. F. and encampment, to the K. of P., K. of H. and the Presbyterian Church, LEVI P. TRESTER, foreman woodworker Ohio & Mississippi Shops, Cochran, is a native of Dearborn County, and was born May 22, 1832. In his boyhood the country was new and he only received a limited schooling. His father, Samuel Trester, was born in Kentucky in 1808. The mother, Sophia (Briddle), was a native of Maryland. She died in 1849. Levi learned the carpenter trade in 1854. He was married August 17, 1857, to Miss Virginia Christian, a native of Virginia. She was born May 7, 1838. Unto them were given two children: Nettie and Arka. In 1869 Mr. Trester abandoned the carpenter business and accepted a position in the Ohio & Mississippi Shops as machine hand. In 1874 was promoted to foreman of shops (known as saw shops). In 1862 his patriotic heart became tired and he flew to his country's rescue, by enlisting in Company E, Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, and served faithfully for three years. He is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51 F. & A. M., also Aurora Chapter No. 13. CHARLES M. TUFTS, farmer, a resident and native of Washington Township, was born February 27, 1842. He was married, July 27, 1865, to Miss Maggie E. Howe, who was born near Marietta, Ohio, April 5, 1842. They had five children : Maud, born October 7, 1866, died September 10, 1867; Edwin O., born September 4, 1867; Arthur D., born March 14, 1870; Willie L., born September 5, 1875; Guy B., born May 23, 1877. Mr. Tufts has been an enterprising farmer all through life, and^ has his broad fields under a good state of cultivation. His excellent residence, and good improvements generally, indicate thrift, of which we feel justified in making mention, as he is always prompt in lending a helping hand to every good work, that is calculated to promote and develop the interests at large of his neighborhood and county. He and his excellent wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. MOSES TURNER, of Randolph Township, was born in Pennsyl- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 953 vania in 1792, removed to Ohio when about twenty-live years of age, where he resided several years, and removed to Rising Sun, Ind. , where he engaged in the milling business and subsequently in merchan- dising. In about 1846 he purchased a mill at Milton and moved to that place. In 1854 he returned to Rising Sun and subsequently re- moved to a farm five miles above the river, where he resided twelve year s In 1849 he was married to Miss Mary S. Beckett, who died in 1862. He again returned to Rising Sun and about 1870 he purchased and removed to a farm one mile above Rising Sun, where his death occurred July 28, 1879. He was identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church. "In his general character he was industrious and frugal. As a citizen and neighbor he w.as held in high esteem in the communities where he from time to time resided." W. S. TYIER, farmer, a native and resident of Sparta Township, was born August 6, 1829. His parents, William and Gertrude (Davis) Tyier, were natives of Maryland, there married, and in an early day immigrated to Dearborn County, Ind., settling on the same farm on which our subject now resides, where he died in 1843, at the age of sixty-three years, and his widow in 1866, at the age of seventy-five years. They were the parents of five children, viz.; Eliza A., deceased; John T. ; Jane, deceased; William S. and Amelia M. William S., our subject, spent the greater part of his young days in coopering and grain threshing, and at present devotes his time to raising stock, especially mules and horses. He was united in marriage in Clay Township, De- cember 31, 1848, to Martha E., daughter of Elliott and Sarah (Nelson) Wills, who was born in Ripley County, Ind., September 16, 1830. After his marriage he settled on his father's old homestead, his present farm, which he had purchased previously, and on which he erected a fine brick house at an expense of over $4,000. He owns a tine farm of 222 acres, under a high state of cultivation. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and, with his wife, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. Tyier have reared five orphan children to maturity, though they are par- ents of none. LEONARD ULLRICH, cooper, Aurora, is a native of Germany, born in Bavaria, August 5, 1834, where he obtained a common school educa tion. His father, Frederick A. Ullrich, was born in Bavaria in 1774, and died in June, 1853. His mother, Apolloaa (Fritch) Ullrich, was born in France in 1793, and died in February, 1853. Leonard came to America, November 27, 1853, landing in New Orleans, where he remained until May, 1854; thence to Petersburg, Ky., where he remained until June 1856; then moved to Lawrenceburgh, remaining one year, after which returned to Petersburg, Ky. In 1861 he moved to Aurora, Ind., 954 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. ■where he has resided ever since. He followed coopering in all the meanderings of his life. He married Miss Margaretta Gies January 8, 1854; she was born in Bavaria July 19, 1832. To tbem have been born six children, all deceased, except Frank G: Jacob, born Feb- ruary 22, 1855, died May 16, 1855; Frank G., born July 26, 1861; infant, deceased; Mary A., born July 22, 1864, died July 29, 1864; John A., born May 23, 1865, died October 9, 1883; Louie,' born April 3, 1867, died October 31, 1867. Mr. Ullrich and family belong to the Catholic Church. His father was working in Strasbarg, at the cooper trade, when the first three men were beheaded by the Republican Government of 1793, and was there when the second execution took place of ten councilmen and the mayor. FRANK ULLRICH, cooper, Aurora, was born in Bavaria June 3, 1828, where he obtained a common school education. He came to Amer- ica, January 15, 1854, and landed at New Orleans. In two months he went to Arkansas Post, where he worked on a farm for one year; thence to Norfolk River, and worked in a saw-mill until 1856; then moved to Lawrenceburgh, Ind., where he remained one month; thence to Peters- burg, Ky. , and worked in the distillery and learned the cooper trade. September 13, 1861, he moved to Aurora, and has followed coopering ever since. Mr. Ullrich was married, in the fall of 1848, to Anna M. Kinscherf who was born in Bavaria January 20, 1824. Mr. and Mrs. Ullrich are the parents of four children, viz.: Frank J., Kate, Margar- etta and John: Frank J. was in Company G., One Hundred and Forty- fifth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served eight months. He died in the spring of 1884. They are all members of the Catholic Church. DR. JOEL P. ULREY, dentist, of Rising Sun, is a native of Leba- non, Warren Co. , Ohio, born in May, 1817. His father, Daniel Ulrey, was a Pennsylvanian, and moved with his parents to the Northwest Terri- tory about 1800, having for a time stopped in Kentucky. They pur- chased a farm in what is now the heart of Cincinnati. The father later turned his attention to boating on the Ohio River. The parents of the Doctor died at Rising Sun, Ind. ; the mother in 1869 and the father in 1879. Dr. Ulrey spent his early years in the vicinity of Cincinnati, and was educated in the schools of Lebanon. In boyhood he worked about six years in printing oiSces at Lebanon and ^Cincinnati, and at the latter place he began the study of dentistry, which was at that time struggling for a place among the professions, and could not claim a college in its interest west of the Alleghanies. Dr. Ulrey rendered valuable assist- ance in the establishment of the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, and for his enterprise in that direction was awarded an honorary diploma by BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 955 that institution. He has been in practice for almost fifty years, forty of which he has been located in Rising Sun, and in all that long period has failed in his visits at Aurora and Lawrenceburgh only five weeks on account of ill-health. Under his present arrangements the Doctor passeH Mondays and Tuesdays at home; Wednesdays and Saturdays at Aurora, and Thursdays and Fridays at Lawrenceburgh, thus reaching a large number of patrons, among whom he has established an enviable reputa- tion. Dr. Ulrey's wife was Miss Sarah Igoe, a lady of French descent. CORNELIUS VAN HORN, York Township, was born in New York City May 15, 1806, and is a son of Cornelius and Eve (Vanzile) Van Horn, both natives of New Jersey. His great-grandfather, whose name was also Cornelius, came from Holland and located in New Jersey, near New York City, where he reared his family. His grandfather, Cornelius, and also his father, Cornelius, were born there, the former dying at the home of the latter, while our subject was but a child. The family on both sides were of Hollandese descent. Cornelius Van Horn, Sr. , was a farmer and real estate dealer in New York and New Jersey, and resided in the East till 1817, when he moved with his family to Dearborn County. They came by the usual route over the mountains by wagon to Pittsburgh, from which place, with two other families — headed by James Skates and Mr. Davison — they came by flat-boat to Cincinnati. Soon after Mr. Van Horn purchased land in York Township and came into the woods to build up a home. In a period of less than two years he purchased six quarter sections, and he continued farming until his death, which occurred, January 15, 1835, his widow surviving till 1847. He was a great trader, and being endowed with large business capacity was generally successful in his enterprises. Cornelius Van Horn, whose name introduces this sketch, resided with his parents until his twenty- fourth year. He was married, July 18, 1830, to Lydia Ayres, who was born in Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Myers) Ayres, natives of Virginia. Her father was a shoe-maker by trade, and for many years worked at that business, in which he was quite success- ful. He subsequently did quite a business in keel-boating on the Ohio, and was for some years afterward employed in the county offices of Ham- ilton County as deputy. In his later years, however, he did little but collect his rents and look after his property interests. In the spring following his marriage Mr. Van Horn moved to the farm on which he has ever since resided. He inherited a quarter section from his father, and by his industry he was able to add to his original possession till he owned 350 acres, from which he has since sold some small lots for the accommodation of his neighbors. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn was fruitful in the birth of ten children, six now living: John. Samuel, 956 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Mary, Angeline, Harrison and George. After a period of nearly fifty years of faithful duty as a wife and mother, Mrs. Van Horn passed away October 31, 1879. As a reward for their long years of incessant toil Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn, in their old age, found themselves well pro- vided with the comforts of life, which only Mr. Van Horn now lives to enjoy, and upon him the shadows of old age are stealing; though he is well preserved in both body and mind for one of his years. He remem- bers many incidents of pioneer life, which he relates with vividness, so firmly are they impressed upon his memory. SAMUEL A. VAN HORN, dealer in hay and grain. Lawrence- burgh, was born in York Township, Dearborn County, in 1833. He is a son of Cornelius Van Horn, one of the first settlers of York Town- ship, and his early life was passed on the farm with his parents. He was educated in the district schools at College Hill and Hartsville, and he remained on the homestead with his parents till thirty years of age. In 1865 he came to Lawrenceburgh and engaged in the hay and grain business, which he has since conducted, handling annually about 2,000 to 3,000 tons of hay, and wheat, oats and barley, 50,000 to 60,000 bush- els. Mr. Van Horn was married, in 1862, to Elizabeth Emerson, daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth (Lockwood) Emerson, natives of England and residents of Miller Township, where her father still resides. Two children are living — Fannie Belle and Willie Ayres. Mr. Van Horn is a live business man and useful citizen. He has served many years as clerk of Greendale and contributed liberally to the building of the Pres- byterian Church. NATHAN ALLEN VAN OSDOL, farmer, Cass Township, born in Fayette County, Penn., May 25, 1813, is a son of Benjamin and Rebecca Van Osdol, natives of Pennsylvania, who removed to Indiana in 1816, coming down the river in a flat-boat to Rising Sun, where they landed in the summer of that year and located about three miles west of Rising Sun. Mr. Van Osdol was a carpenter and mill-wright by trade, which occupation he followed the greater portion of his life. He was a true type of the pioneer — an honest, hard working man. They brought four children with them from Pennsylvania, of whom Nathan Allen was the youngest, and is the only one now living. Mr. Van Osdol died Septem- ber 12, 1848, aged seventy-one years. His widow died March 5, 1844, aged sixty-five years. Nathan Allen, who was a child of three years of age when brought to this then wildernes, grew to manhood, fully acquainted with pioneer life, and has remained a citizen of Ohio County through his entire life. For several years, in his early life, he followed boating on the river, then settled upon a farm, and has since made farm- ing his principal business. He started out in life, when sixteen years of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 957 age, with a capital consisting of one calf, which he ' sold for $1. He worked by the month, for which he was paid $3. 50, and the highest wages he ever obtained was $8 per month. In the harvest field he could sometimes get 50 cents for reaping hard all day. Through all these experiences Mr. Van Osdol has passed, and by industry and economy has accumulated a competency, now owning a farm of 155 acres, with good improvements. He was married June 30, 1836; to Elizabeth Crowley, a daughter of James and Elizabeth Crowley, natives of Virginia. Mr. Crowley was drowned in the river, in his native State, in 1817. Subse- quently Mrs, Crowley married David Mulford, and in 1820 removed to Indiana and settled near Dillsborough, and there and in Ohio County spent the balance of her life. She died February 6, 1868, aged seventy- seven years. By her first husband she had one son and three daughters; two now survive. Van S. and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Van Osdol are parents of twelve children, seven now survive: Melissa, wife of Peter Kichmond; Boston W., John, William Wesley, Charles L., Mary Eliza- beth, wife of Andrew Sedam, and Benjamin Franklin. Of these John and Charles L. are practicing physicians in Allensville, Switzerland Co., Ind. Of those deceased, three died young, two grew to womanhood: Margaret Ann and Nancy Jane; the former died, aged twenty-seven years, the latter at nineteen years of age. Mr. Van Osdol and wife have been active members of the New Hope Methodist Episcopal Church for forty- five years, in which he has been a pillar, doing much for the best interests of the society, LEWIS VAN WEDDING, farmer, Jackson Township, born in New Orleans, La., February 7, 1829, is a son of Jacob and Mary (Vogel) Van Wedding, he a native of Brussels, Belgium, and she of France. He was a soldier in the army under Napoleon; was taken prisoner and carried to Ireland, but subsequently released. In 1814 he immigrated to America, landing at New York City, where he remained some time and learned the business of refining Hugar. Thence he removed to New Orleans, where he engaged as foreman in a large sugar refining establishment. Subsequently he married, remaining a resident there until in the fall of 1832; he removed to Indiana, where he had previously purchased land in Dearborn County, where he settled and remained until his death, in 1858, aged seventy-eight years. His widow died, January 5, 1880, aged seventy eight years. They were parents of nine children, two now sur- viving: Lewis and Catharine, the latter the wife of Franklin H. Bush. Of those deceased, there were three pair of twins. One daughter, Mary, died of cholera, in New Orleans, in 1832. Lewis, the eldest child, who came to this county, grew to manhood, fully acquainted with pioneer life. His first schooling was obtained in a log schoolKouse, four miles 958 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. distant, in Manchester. February 4, 1851, he was united in marriage with Victoria Gutzwiller, born May 24, 1831, a daughter of Louis and Mary Gutzwiller, he a native of France and she of Switzerland. They were married in Switzerland, and in 1832 became settlers of this county^ where he died, in 1853, and she December 25, 1863. Mr. Gutzwiller was also a soldier under Napoleon. They had ten children, five now living: Joseph, Philip, Victoria, John and George; the latter served in the war of the Rebellion, in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, until the war closed. Mr. Van Wedding and wife have four children: Jacob P. ; Mary L. , wife of Nicholas Lang; Louisa, wife of William C. Lewis, and Elizabeth, wife of Clinton S. Ward. Mr. Van Wedding has made farming his principal business, and has been a resident of Jackson Township more than half a century. He enlisted in the war, in 1862, in Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry; was wounded at the battle of Richmond, Ky. ; taken prisoner, paroled, and finally discharged on account of disability. He enlisted as a private and was promoted to second sergeant. He has held several offices of his township. Mr. Van Wedding is one of the leading men of Jackson Township. Reliable and careful in all his busi- ness transactions, he holds the confidence and respect of the people of his community. H. C. VINCENT, M. D., Guilford, a physician of thirty-five years practice, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1826. The paternal ancestors of his family were of English descent and may be traced back to the time of the invasion of Britain by the Romans. The modern lineage is traced from three brothers, Daniel, Samuel and a third whose name is unrecalled. Daniel and Samuel immigrated to this country in the early part of the seventeenth century and settled on Martha's Vineyard Island and from that point the descendants radiated, most of them moving westward. Dr. Vincent seems to have descended from the line founded by Daniel Vincent, a branch of whose posterity settled in the vicinity of Cincinnati about the time that city adopted its present name. His pa- ternal ancestors in Massachusetts were all sailors, and after the death of his grandfather in that State his grandmother removed with her family to Ohio to prevent her sons from adopting a seafaring life. The family consisted of the following children: Jane, Thomas, Jere- miah, Bartlet, Elizabeth, Louise, Elias and Daniel; the latter and Louise are now the only ones living and reside on the old home- stead near Cincinnati, each now being near ninety years of age. Among the list of descendants are some men of national reputation. Henry Vincent, the celebrated English lecturer and Dr. Vincent of Chatauqua fame, being examples. Jeremiah Vincent was sixteen years BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 959 of age when he arrived at Cincinnati with his mother with whom he resided on a farm till he reached his majority. He then went to work with his brother-in-law, William Grossman, a carpenter and contractor, with whom he was engaged till about 1825, when he married Elizabeth Golden and soon after began his career as pilot on a river steamboat plying between Cincinnati and New Orleans. About 1835-36 he aban- doned the river and took up agricultural pursuits near Cincinnati, on land inherited by his wife, and here he closed his busy life in 1859. His wife was of Irish and Hollandese parentage, her mother's name being Von Vance. Her people were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania and her mother came to Cincinnati as early as 1796, and died there in 1878, at the advanced age of ninety-nine years and eleven months. Mrs. Jeremiah Vincent was born in Cincinnati, in 1806, and died in October, 1884. Dr. H. C. Vincent, whose name introduces this sketch, passed his first nine years in Cincinnati. He then went to the farm four miles from the city with his parents and was in this locality educated in the Carey Academy, beginning his studies in 1844. Two years later he began the stady of medicine with Dr. Jacin Brevort, under whose direc- tion he continued his reading two years. In 1848 he entered Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, and in the following year began the practice of his profession at Dover, this county, where he resided till 1856, except two years, 1851-52, which were spent in California. In 1856 he located at Yorkville where he continued his practice till 1861, when here- moved to Guilford which has since been his place of abode. Soon after locating at Guilford Dr. Vincent was commissioned assistant surgeon of the Eighty-third Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and entered the service. In February, 1863, he was sent home wounded, but returned in the follow- ing June and was present at the capture of Vicksburg and Jackson but was unable to join in the Atlanta campaign. In the winter of 1864 he resigned his commission, returned home and has since been actively en- gaged in the practice of his profession in Dearborn County. In 1850 he married Mary L. Ward, of this county, daughter of William S. Ward, and by this union there were born five children: Blanche, Charles, Edwin, Sherman and Edith. Charles is deceased, Blanche is now the wife of E. Chaplin, a most excellent gentleman, and resides at Guilford where her husband is engaged in merchandising. Dr. Vincent ranks among the leading physicians of the county and has an extensive prac- tice. He is a member of the F. & A. M. and is an active worker in the interest of the Republican party. VINCENS FRANK, foreman in distillery, Aurora, was born in Baden, Germany, February 2, 1832, where he received a good common school education. His parents, Xavier and Rachel (Maui'ath) Frank, 960 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. were born in the same kingdom, the father in 1801. The subject of our sketch came to America in 1852, and located in Clinton, Ripley County, lad., where he remained about a year and a half; thence he went to Greensburgh on five months' probation, after which he removed to Deca- tur County, where he farmed for three years. In February, 1857, he moved to Aurora, Ind. , where an engagement was consummated with the Aurora Distilling Company, in whose employ he has since remained as yeast-maker, having acquired the reputation of producing more spirits from the grain than any man in this country. He was married, June 10, 1856, to Miss Margaret Snider, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 23, 1836. Eight children, Mary, William, Elizabeth, Carrie, Peter, Maggie, Catharine and Joseph have been born to them. Mr. Frank and family belong to the Catholic Church. He has been trustee in the church for several years. At pi'esent he is one of the directors in the Aurora Fair Association. Politically he has been a life-long Demo- crat. By industry and economy he has secured a competency. JAMES C. VINSON, farmer, Clay Township, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., September 16, 1838. His parents, Simeon and Rebecca A. (Bruce) Vinson, were natives of Dearborn County. The former born October 4, 1811; the latter, May 12, 1817. They were married in Dear- born County, August 20, 1837, and first settled in Washington Town- ship, where they resided until 1844, at which time they moved to their present residence. They had born to them nine children: Abigail, William C, Caroline, Mary, Alanson, B. C, and three which died in infancy. James C. began work for himself when about seventeen years of age, always engaging in farming. He was married in Hogan Town- ship, September 14; 1862, to America Carbaugh, who was born March 8, 1838, and by whom he has had born to him five children, viz. : Delia C, William B., Herman D. (deceased), Simeon J. and Minnie E. After his marriage he settled on his father's farm, where he remained about four years; then he purchased and moved on a farm in Sparta Township, and resided until 1871, when he purchased his present farm there. NICHOLAS VOGELGESANG, one of the board of commissioners of Dearborn County, was born in Germany in 1827. He is a son of George and Elizabeth Vogelgesang, with whom he immigrated to this country in 1833. His parents first located in Hamilton, Ohio, where they resided two years, after which they removed to Kelso Township, this county. Here the father purchased laud and resided till his death, which occurred in 1876. The mother is still surviving, in her eighty-fourth year. Nicholas Vogelgesang grew up with his parents, residing with them till twenty-two years of age. He learned the blacksmith trade with his father, and the fortunes of this vocation he followed for about twenty BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 961 years. He then purchased a farm of nineU' acres (on which he is still residing), and began operations in agricultural pursiiits, which he has since continued. In all his business operations he has been quite suc- cessful, and as a reward for his industry and perseverance he is provided with a comfortable share of wordly goods. He married, in 1847, Eliz- abeth Blattner, a native of Germany, and daughter of Sebastian Blattner, who has for many years been deceased. By this union six children were born who are still living: George, a resident of Cincinnati; Nicholas, Elizabeth, wife of Antony Orcheid, of Cincinnati; Frank, Mary and Joseph. In local politics, Mr. Vogelgesang has always taken some inter- est, and has served his township ;in the offices of assessor, trustee, etc. As a further compliment to his charactar as a citizen and his judgment in public affairs, the people of the county in the fall of 1884 elected him to the responsible position of commissioner, the duties of which office he assumed in December, 1885. Mr. Vogelgesang has always been a firm adherent to the principles of the Democratic party, and loyal in its support. FREDERICK J. WALDO, Rising Sun, editor and publisher of the Rising Sun Recorder, was born in Switzerland County, Ind., in 1831, in which county his parents, Otis and Sarah (Smith) Waldo, settled about 1816. His father died when Frederick J. was an infant, and his mother subsequently married Jacob Keefer, surviving till about 1879. Mr. Waldo was reared to maturity in his native county, and edu- cated in the schools of Vevay. He began the printer's trade at the age of fourteen, and continued at the cases till 1853, when he purchased The Ohio Valley Gazette in partnership with his brother, changed the name of the paper to the Vevay Reveille and continued its publication till 1864; his brother continuing in the partnership but a few months. He nest spent about two and one- half years as postmaster at Vevay, receiv- ing his appointment in 1864. In 1867 he was appointed assistant as- sessor of internal revenue, for Division No. 4, of the Third Indiana District, serving in this capacity six years, having a silent interest in the newspaper business during part of that time. In 1873 he purchased the Rising Sun Recorder, which he has since been engaged in editing and publishing. The paper is pronounced in its discussion of all cred- itable enterprises and the public morals generally, and takes rank with the best country publications. Mr. Waldo was married December 22, 1852, to Martha J. Eggleston, a native of Latonia Springs, Ky., and daughter of Benjamin Eggleston, for many years a justice of the peace, of Covington, Ky. They have eight children: Emerson G.,'John F., INIattie, lo, William W., Otis B., Sarah and Jessie. 962 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. HENRY WALKER was born in what is now Dearborn County in 1799. His parents were Benjamin and Anna Walker, among the first pioneers of the West. Our subject was one of the city's most noted citi- zens, one who took an active part in every enterprise for the improvement of the city and the advancement of morality and religion. For forty years he was identified with Aurora's history, coming here in 1834, when it was but a village, with comparatively little business and less enter- prise; without bridges, and the two most important roads almost impas- sable to reach Manchester up the steep point above Mr. L. Cheek's; the other, west, up the hill by Joseph Tresters' and through Dr. Sutton's pasture field. To change these roads was of the utmost importance, and Mr. W. being elected to the Legislature the next year, had laws passed relocating both these highways, and the Manchester Pike and Sunnyside are the result on that route, while the turnpike to Wellsboro and Hart's Mill and the improvements on the other side followed as a consequence, Mr. Walker served as member of the State Legislature in 1835, as school commissioner in 1837 and from 1840 to 1843, and for a number of years as postmaster of Aurora. He became identified with the Methodist Epis- copal Church of Aurora in 1838. Mr. Walker was married to Miss Har- riet Bisbee December 11, 1822. Her father was a pioneer, and settled with the very first on Laughery Creek. Mr. Walker's death occurred March 21, 1876. JOHN P. WALKER, farmer, Washington Township, was born in Lawrenceburgh Township February 22, 1816. His father, Robert Walker, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, August 7, 1779, and came to Indiana in 1810 and followed farming. His mother, Theodosia (Cook) Walker, was born in Virginia February 3, 1793. They were mar- ried February 25, 1813, and raised a family of nine children: Matilda, John P., William, Sylvester, Nancy J., Catharine, Sarah and Thomas J. The parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the father dying August 7, 1865, the mother March 22, 1843. The subject of this sketch was the second child, and in early life learned the saddle and harness trade, at which he worked for twenty-five years. In early days he owned a shop in Wilmington, and made dray harness for the infant Aurora market. He also flat-boated some up to 1848. In 1848 he moved to Washington Township, and has lived there ever since and followed farming almost exclusively. Mr. Walker was married, Novem- ber 10, 1837, to Miss Mary Smith, who was born in Washington Town- ship in July, 1820. Their three children were Frances (now Mrs. B. Wcthered), Irvin S. and Elizabeth A. Mr. Walker was appointed assessor twice, and filled the oflSceof township trustee one term. He has been very successful in life, and in addition to his landed estate owna BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 963 valuable town property and chattels. He is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter No. 13, and Aurora Council. In his charity he took an orphan boy, Louis Martin, to raise, whom he treats as an own son. EUDOLPH WALTER, druggist and apothecary, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Germany in 1825. He obtained his education, literary and professional, in the schools of his native country, from which he emi- grated in 1852, locating for the first year in Cincinnati, then removing to Lawrenceburgh. He at once began the drug business, renting rooms from 1853 to 1860, in which year he erected the building he has since occupied. He carries a full stock of goods pertaining to the drug trade, and has a liberal patronage. Mr. Walter was married, in 1857, to Caro- line Hodel, born in Dearborn County, daughter of George Hodel, an they have four children: Charles A., Matilda, Flora M. and George R. Mr. Walter is president of the Union School Board, a position he has held for several years, and ranks among the first of the business men of Lawrenceburgh. PETER WALTHER, blacksmith, wagon-maker and implement dealer, Lawrenceburgh, was born in Alsace, France (now Germany), in 1831. He is a son of Michael Walther, who died in Alsace many years a^o. Mr. Walther learned his trade in his native country, from which he emigrated in 1852 to the United States. He located first in Ripley County, Ind., where he resided till 1857, when he removed to Lawrenceburgh, which has since been his home. He followed his trade in wagon-makino- ex- clusively till 1882, when he added farming implements, and in general has been fairly successful, Mr. Walther was married, in 1856, to Miss Caroline Fike, by whom he had three children: George, Katie and Ma- tilda. Mr. Walther is a member of the I. O. O. F., a hard worker and an exemplary citizen. His energy and industry fully entitle him to the success he has achieved in his line of business. C. G. WALTER, M. D., Lawrenceburgh, is one of the oldest and most widely known physicians of Dearborn County. He was born in Ger- many in 1820, and was educated in the schools of his native country, in both literary and professional studies, under instructors at Berlin, Halle Rostock, graduating with the highest honors. He immediately began the practice of his profession in the city of Berlin, where he continued with marked success up to 1852, when he immigrated to the United States. He located in Cincinnati, on his arrival in this country, but remained there only two years, when he located (1854) in Lawrencebargh. Here he has ever since conducted his practice, which has grown to exten- sive and profitable proportions. Dr. Walter makes the diseases of females and children a special study, and in all the years of his wide range of 964 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. practrce has lost but very few cases. His professional skill has gained for him something more than a local reputation and is recognized quite generally in southeastern Indiana. He is a member of the Indiana State Medical Society, with which organization he has been connected since 1867; is the oldest member of the Dearborn County Medical Society; is president of the Lawrenceburgh Board of Health; and was formerly em- ployed here as physician for the Dearborn County Infirmary. Dr. Wal- ter was married, in 1859, to Lucy Knapp, a native of this county, and they have one child — Carrie G. The Doctor enjoys an enviable reputa- tion, which he has most fairly won by close application to the study of his profession, together with a disposition to aid, for humanity's sake, all those who might avail themselves of his efficient services. In connec- tion with her household duties, Mrs. Walter, since 1875, has found time to conduct a dry goods establishment, carrying a stock ranging in value from $1,500 to $2,000, the same being the recipient of a very fair patron- age. In social as well as in professional and business circles, Dr. and Mrs. Walter are held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. JAMES N. WALTON, photographer, Aurora, was raised on a farm, and at the age of eighteen commenced to take lessons in the art of pho - tography. By close application and hard study he became quite effi- cient in his chosen vocation. About the year 1861 he opened a small gallery in Rising Sun, afterward traveling through the country with William Davis in a portable photograph car. In the fall of 1862 he went with the Nineteenth Michigan Regiment as photographer, and on his return located in Aurora, Ind., November 5, 1863, where he opened up a gallery, and continued until 1865, at which time he sold out and moved to Cincinnati, remaining there two years,''then returning to Aurora, and opening up business, fully determined to become a permanent fixt- ure. His success in the practice of his chosen profession has been flat- tering in the extreme, and in artistic photography he has not a rival in the West. His work in all its details shows a perception of true artistic effects. His management of light and shadow is excellent, and the whole furnishes a composition most pleasing. While many photographers seem to possess a good mastery of the methods of manipulating, yet of- ten there is lacking what may be termed " finish. " Again, while the workmanship may be pronounced perfect, grace in position is often lack- ing, and an ungainly pose will often spoil the effect of an otherwise good work. Such faults are never to be found in the work of Mr. Walton. The most trifling detail is not omitted, and the result is a work showing harmony in its composition, beauty in its finish and truth in its outlines. His apartments are well fitted up and possess every facility for the con- venience of patrons; and in calling the attention of our readers to the BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCHES. 965 high excellence of his work, we are only paying a just tribute to his efforts, which have brought him a patronage he richly deserves. Mr. Wal- ton was born in Ohio County, October, 31, 1842, and may be classed a self-made man. By hard study at night he acquired a common school education, his school privileges being limited, owing to the duties de- volving upon him, being the eldest of six children. On account of the failing health of his father he was obliged to assist his mother in the care of the family and the farm, at the tender age of seven years. Be- ing of English descent, and possessing that indomitable will so charac- teristic of the English people, in all of his undertakings he has never known such a word as fail. During his boyhood days he was a great lov- er of the Sunday-school, and had read the Bible through before the age of nine years. At the age of seventeen he joined the Christian Church at Rising Sun under the preaching of Elder Tears, and has been a devot- ed member of the church up to he present time. It was through his exertions that the congregation of the Christian Church of Aurora was organized. He was elected elder in the church March 14, 1880, and trustee in 1882. He is a member of the K. of H. and has filled every office wilhin the gift of the lodge. His father, Alfred A., was born in Rising Sun, April 10, 1816, and is said to have been the first male child born in that city. The mother, Elizabeth (Kompton) Walton, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, July 16, 1822. Mr. Walton was married, December 17, 1865, to Miss Fannie L. Plummer, who was born in Man- chester, Dearborn Co., Ind. She is a lady of artistic taste and culture, and by her' assistance in her husband's business, has very materially in- creased the high grade of his work. She is also a devoted member and organist of the Christian Church. To the marriage of Mr. and Mi-s Walton one son, Clifford D., has been born. ISAAC B. WARD, farmer, York Township, was born in Essex County, N. J., August 3, 1819. His father, William S. Ward, was a native of New York City, and his mother, Sarah Doyle, was born in Rheinbeck, N. J., the latter in 1796. The ancestors of the family were a mixture of Scotch-Irish and the Amsterdam Dutch, the latter branch establishing themselves in this country at the time of the early settle- ment of New York. William S. Ward was a shoe-maker by trade, and early in life moved into New Jersey, where he married Sarah Doyle. In the fall of 1822, with their three children, they moved by wagon to Wheeling, W. Va., and from thence to Cincinnati in a family boat, accom- panied by Mr. Kenedy's family. They took up their abode in the old Bonte house on York Ridge and in the following year Mr. Ward erected the first frame dwelling in that locality. He followed agricultural pur- suits chiefly during the rest of his life, though he did some work at his 966 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. trade for the neighborhood, and for many years kept the postofSce of that vicinity. As a citizen Mr. Ward was exceedingly popular. A con- firmed Whig in politics he was several times elected commissioner, with one exception, being the only repi'esentative of that party ever elected to office in the county. He reared a family of eleven children: Jane Ann (wife of John Fagan), Isaac B., William H., Charles, Richard, Caroline (wife of Josiah Campbell), Mary E. (wife of Dr. Vincent), Sarah M. (widow of Frank Riddle), George W., Addie (wife of Samuel Metzger), and Rhoda A. (wife of J. E. Larimer). In 1857 Mr. Ward departed this life, but his aged widow still survives and is at this time (November, 1885) making her annual visits to her relatives in Kansas. The mother of eleven children she has forty-nine grandchildren and thirty-nine great-grandchildren. Since the marriage of her youngest daughter, Mrs. R. A. Larimer, associate editor of the Lawrenceburgh Press, she has made her home with her. At the meeting of the pioneer association in the summer of 1885, Mrs. Ward received the gold specta- cles, a prize offered to the oldest person present. Isaac B. Ward, whose name introduces this sketch, grew to maturity on the farm with his parents in York Township. He learned the carpenter's trade and fol- lowed the fortunes of the same for about twenty years, then took up the horticultural and florist business, which he is still more or less engaged in. He purchased his present home in 1857. Mr. W^ard was married, in 1850, to Emma Taylor, a native of Cincinnati, daughter of Townsend Taylor, a hatter of that city, where her early years were passed. Their children living are Charles P., William F. and Edward K. Lizzie, the first born, is deceased. Mr. Ward is an intelligent reader and possesses a good stock of general information. He is a close observer and thinker, and ranks above the average intellectually. In his religions views he is decidedly liberal. REV. JUDGE JOHN WATTS, of Dearborn County, who lived a / life of extensive usefulness both in church and state, was born in Cul- ,./ pepper County, Va,, March 22, 1767. In December, 1788, he was unit- ,J"^ ed in marriage to Frances ^^Sbeau, both then members of the Baptist ^ * Church. She is an exemplary, pious woman. In 1789 they removed to Kentucky, then almost a wilderness, and the pioneers severely harassed by Indians. Judge Watts settled near Lexington, and was among the most active and enterprising in defending the infant settlements from the savage invaders. He was engaged in several skirmishes with the Indians, and was in Gen. Harmar's disastrous campaign. In 1796 he removed to Boone County, same State, and served for a number of years as associate judge of the circuit court of that county. Some time in 1800 he engaged in the ministry of the Gospel. In 1816 he became a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 967 resident of Dearborn County, Ind. , and two years he was elected a mem- ber of the Legislature. The next year he was appointed presiding judge of the Indiana Circuit in which he resided. Subsequently he served the people of his county for six years in the State Senate, and then retired from public office of a civil nature. Shortly after settling in Dearborn County, Judge Watts collected a small church oa Laughei'y Creek called the Bear Creek Church, which at first consisted of but seven members. He also preached for several churches that grew up in that vicinity; was one of the delegates that framed the Laughery Association in 1818, and was chosen its moderator, which, with the exception of a few years until he removed out of its bounds in 1834 remained. Though destitute of a classical education. Judge Watts possessed a strong, active and dis- criminating mind. His death occurred September 5, 1834. COL. JOHNSON WATTS, of Dearborn County, was born in Fayette County, Ky., July 7, 1794. His parents were Judge John and Fannie (Sebree) Watts. Judge Watts was one of the pioneers of Kentucky and Indiana Territory, a man of ability and of great usefulness as will be seen by the preceding sketch. His wife was an orphan girl, whose father's life was sacrificed in the war of the Revolution. She was raised to womanhood by Col. Robert Johnson, the father of Col. R. M. Johnson. Our subject's boyhood was passed amid frontier life along the Kentucky side of the Ohio River below the now village of Petersburg, to which place his father removed about 1799, having for several years previously resided at Petersburg. His playmates were Indian boys, and he became well skilled in the use of the bow and arrow. His early years were passed in assisting his father clear up a farm. At the age of seventeen years, he enlisted in his country's service, in the second war with Eng- land, under Capt. Urial Sebree. He fought under Col. Lewis at French- town, near the rapids of the Maumee, January 13, and in that vicinity on the 22d, 1813, and 'on the latter day received a wound by a musket ball in one leg, by which he was disabled, and resulted in his return home in the spring of 1813. Young Watts suffered from hunger, expos- ure and want of attention during the marches of that winter made neces- sary from the surrounding circumstances. After his return to his father's farm in the spring of 1813, he received three or four months' schooling which, with the exception of very little instruction before entering the service, was the extent of his educational advantages. November 3, 1814, he was married to Miss Elizabeth McClain, whose father resided on an adjoining farm. His father had purchased land on Laughery Creek in Dearborn County, and a portion of which was given to the son, who in 1815 had built thereon a cabin to which he removed, and there began life for himself. His father erected a saw-mill, and later established a 968 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. tan- yard, and in and about these in connection with farming, our subject was employed for some years, subsequently purchasing the same, and in addition operated a distillery. Soon after settling in Indiana, he was elected a colonel of militia, which office he held for five years. About 1825 Col. Watts began flat-boating, having perhaps, made the first effort in starting boats from up Laughery Creek, which business he was engaged in for a number of years. In 1832 he moved to Hartford, and was there for a time engaged in merchandising, having gone to that place more for the purpose of schooling his children, then eight in all — three sons and five daughters. Subsequently he purchased his father's farm on Laughery Creek, and moved upon it, and in connection with other business and his official duties, he was chiefly occupied during life. In 1825 Col. Watts served as a representative from Dearborn County in the State Legislature, and from 1838 to 1843, in the State Senate. At the time of his election to the Senate in 1837, the county was Democratic by from 300 to 400 majority, though Watts was a Henry Clay Whig. In 1850 Col. Watts, with William S. Holman and James D. Johnson, was chosen a member of the constitutional convention, and in the same year he was made the Whig candidate for Congress in the Fourth District, but was defeated by sixty-seven votes only. Col. Watts on the breaking out of the civil war, was a supporter of the Union and of President Lincoln's administration, and, fired by the same patriotism as led him on to battle in 1813, when but a lad, he, although nearing man's allotted time on earth, offered his services to Gov. Mor- ton, but which on account of advanced years were declined. Col. Watts was a man of considerable native ability, of good character and of un- questioned integrity. He closed a useful life, May 27, 1871. SQUIRE WATTS, son of Thomas Watts, was born in Ohio, January 22, 1803. About 1807 the family moved to Indiana, and located for a short time in the "bottoms" above Lawrenceburgh ; then moved up on Whitewater, where they took a lease for three years and then purchased a farm near Logan Cross Roads. Thomas Watts went to the West about 1822, and his son Squire remained in Dearbora County ever since. He has followed farming most of his life, and did much hard work in clearing the forest and tilling the soil. About 1825 he came down from Logan Cross Roads and soon after purchased land in the vicinity of Lawrenceburgh, which has since been his home. He has been a thrifty farmer, and has divided considerable property among his children. He was married, in 1828, to Isabella Hayes, a native of this county, and daughter of Abiah Hayes. By this wife there are six chil- dren living: Thomas, Warren, Howard, Morgan, Anna and Ellen. S. M. WEAVER, M. D., Dillsborough, Ind., was born near Batavia, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 969 Ohio, February 24, 1834. His parents, Samuel and Catherine (Kobinson) "Weaver, were natives of Berkley County, W. Va., and were of German, Irish and Scotch extraction. They were united in mai'riage in Clermont County, Ohio, and settled near Batavia, where they resided until their respective deaths, the mother in 1859, at sixty, the father, in 1863, aged sixty-six. They were the parents of twelve children, viz.: Charles H., William, Asenath, Sarah, Amanda, Elijah, Catherine M., Rebecca, Samuel M., Margaret, Francis C. and Elizabeth. S. M., our subject, received a common school education in the district schools of Clermont County, Ohio, and then completed his education at what is known as Farmer's College, College Hill, Ohio, after which he turned his attention to teaching school, and at the same time reading medicine. In 1855 he went to Owensville, Ohio, where he turned his entire atten- tion to the study of medicine, Dr. B. Blythe, being his preceptor, under whose instructions he remained about two years, during which time he attended medical lectures at Cincinnati. In the winter of 1855-56 he attended the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, after which he returned to Owensville and resumed his studies. In the fall of 1856 he returned to Cincinnati, Ohio, and entered the College of Medicine, of that place, where he graduated in the spring of 1857, after which he returned to Owensville, and did some practice. In May, 1857, he went to Indianapolis and began the practice of medicine in partnership with Dr. J. N. Green. The following spring they dis- solved partnership, and Dr. Weaver located at Bi'ownsburg, Ind., where he began practice independently, which he continued very successfully for several years. He was united in marriage at Dillsborough, Novem- ber 11, 1857. to Sallie A. F., daughter of George and Mary (Cleaver) Abraham, born at Dillsborough, April 21, 1830. After his marriage he settled at Brownsburg, where he resided until 1863, in which year he moved to Dillsborough, where he resumed his practice, and has since resided. In December, 1864, he was commissioned assistant surgeon in the Rebellion, which rank he served in until the close of the war. In January, 1866, he was appointed postmaster at Dillsborough. In August, 1867. he resigned and accepted the appointment of United States general inspector. In August, 1868, the office was changed to United States ganger, to which he was recommissioned and served until December, 1868. He then resumed his practice at Dillsborough. In 1870 he was elected trustee of Clay Township, which office he held two years, and in July, 1883, was appointed postmaster at Dillsborough, which office he at present holds. Dr. Weaver is a thorough medical scholar, and a successful practitioner. He is a member of the G. A. R. and Masonic order, and with Mrs. Weaver a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have had 970 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. born to them three children, viz.: May J., now Mrs. W. H. Haynes; Maggie (deceased), and Carrie G. WILLIAM WEBBER, salesman, Aurora, said to be the second old est native born citizen of that city, was born October 30, 1821, within the corporate limits of the city. He received instruction in the common branches and at the age of fourteen, began the printing trade in Law- renceburgh. Subsequently he togk charge of a newspaper in Aurora, for Mr. Lancaster. His next field of labor was flat-boating, which he continued for years, engaging for a time in the business for himself. He then traveled two years for Mr. Dean. In 1847 he engaged in the grocery business with his brother, continuing for years. In the winter of 1857 he engaged with Gaff & Co., and remained up to 1875. Then the duties and responsibilities of his present position assumed, with Chambers, Stevens & Co., looking after their interests, with fervency and zeal, ever laboring to promote the best interests of his employers. Under his hon- est and efficient management, all business is transacted in such a man- ner as to give entire satisfaction. His parents, Jonas and Sarah (White) Webber, were boi'n in Massachusetts, and came to this town in 1819. Mr. William Webber was married, July 14, 1852, to Miss Mary Jane Davis, who was born in Massachusetts April 12, 1831. To them have been born six children — Charles D., William V., George B., Harris W., Sallie, and Curtis C. Mr. Webber belongs to Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, 1. O. O. F. He and his estimable wife are members of the Baptist Church, and have always been identified with church and Sunday-school work. FRANK WEIKLE, Lawrenceburgh, proprietor of the Bartholome House, was born in Germany, 1849. He was brought to this country in 1853 by his parents who now reside in Cincinnati. In 1872 he came to Lawrence- burgh, where he was engaged in the manufacture of cigars till 1877, when he took charge of his present house. May 28, 1874, he married Josephine Bartholome, and they have three children: Theodore, Albert and Frank. Three others are deceased. Mr. W. is a member of the St. Lawrence Benevolent Society and the Liedertafel Singing Society, also of the St. Boniface Catholic Life Insurance Association of Indiana. LOUE WEISS, saloonist, Aurora, is a nativeof Germany, born on the 24th of September, 1845, of parents, Philip and Maggie Weiss, both na- tives of Germany. They immigrated to America in 1854, and located in Ripley County, this State, he being occupied as a farmer. The mother died in 1854. Our subject came to Aurora in 1863, and was employed as molder in Stedman's Foundry. He embarked in his present busi- ness in the fall of 1882. His marriage occurred on the 27th of Septem- ber, 1882, his wife being Caroline Huppmier, whose birth occurred No- vember 27, 1859. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 971 CHRISTIAN" WEIS, farmer and lumber dealer, Weisburg, born in France, September 10, 1831, is a son of Philip and Margaret Weis, natives of France, who, in 1832, immigrated to America, landing at New York. In August of the same year located in Dearborn County, Ind., having purchased eighty acres in Jackson Township, upon which they settled, and where they remained till their death. He died in 1865, aged fifty-eight years; his widow, February ^^ 3, 1881, aged eighty- two years. They had three children — two now surviving: Christian and Philip. Mr. Weis, a few years after locating here, erected a grist and saw-mill on the west branch of Tanner's Creek, which he operated till 1854. This was the first mill for grinding in Jackson Township, and proved a great convenience to the neighborhood. In 1854 his sons erected a new steam-mill, their father leaving the business to be con- ducted by them. Mr. Weis had, from time to time, purchased more land until, at his death, he owned 345 acres. In 1849 be commenced the distilling business, which he conducted very successfully until the war and the levying of heavy tax upon all liquors when he discontinued the business. He was an active, industrious man, and prosperity crowned his labors. Since Mr. Weis' death his sons have continued the milling business in connection with farming. In 1879 the sons dissolved part- nership, Philip continuing the milling business, and Christian giving his attention to dealing in lumber in connection with farming. In 1881 the mill was removed to Weisburg, as a more convenient point and on the railroad. In 1854 Mr. Weis was united in marriage with Miss Mar- garet Krouse, a daughter of Peter and Margaret Krouse, natives of France. She died in her native country. Subsequently Mr, Krouse and two surviving daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth, came to America, and he died in Jackson Township. Elizabeth is now the wife of Philip Weis. By this marriage Christian Weis and wife have had sixj' children — five now living: Caroline, wife of E. T. Stohlman; Jacob, residing at Indianapolis; Margaret, wife of M. Sitz; Louisa and Lewis. RICHARD H. WELLS, Rising Sun, died in that city, October 15. 1863, in the thirty-seventh year of his age. In March, 1862, he entered the United States naval service, and was in command of the steam tug "Spiteful" at the siege of Island No. 10, and in the engagement at Fort St. Charles on White River, at which place, as at others, he ren- dered important services. For a year prior to his death he had been engaged as pilot on the United States steamer "Gen. Lyons," which posi- tion he held at the time of his death. He was fervently attached to his country, and fought for and served her faithfully, and was bui'ied with her glorious flag lightly o'er him. He has fought in his last fight, and piloted his bark into the serene and peaceful harbor of his father in 972 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. heaven. His widow and two daughters are living at Rising Sun, a third daughter at Aurora, and one in Cincinnati. HENRY F. WENCKE, foreman of the Miami Valley Furniture Fac- tory, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Hanover, Germany, born in 1821. He there grew to maturity, and received the tuition of the public schools. He also learned the cabinet trade, and was thus employed till 1848, in which year he sailed for America. Landing in New York, he came soon after to New Orleans, thence to Cincinnati, and in 1851 to Lawrence- burgh, where he has since been employed in the cabinet business. In 1868 he assisted in founding the Miami Valley Furniture Factory, and since that time has officiated as its foreman, with excellent success. Mr. Wencke was married, in 1850, to Magdalena Kolbe, who, when three years of age, immigrated to this country with her parents. Of the nine children born to them six are still living: William, Matilda, George, Henry, Albert and Emma. Mr. and Mrs. W. are members of the Ger- man Methodist Church. JAMES WERTS, farmer. Clay Township, was born in Preble County, Ohio, October 26, 1837. His parents were John C. and Eliza- beth J. (Weaver) Werts, both natives of Ohio, where they married, and from which place they moved to Dearborn County, Ind., in 1846. In 1854 they removed to Ohio County, where they resided until 1868, in which year they moved to Brown County, Ind., where they now reside. They were the parents of twelve children, viz.: William, Maria, James, Susan, George W., Amanda, Charles, Arabelle, Isabelle, Thomas, Har- vey and Eliza. James grew to manhood with his parents. He entered the war in 1861, enlisting July 9th, in Company A, Eighteenth Indiana Volunteers, and served till August 20, 1864, at which time he was discharged and returned home. He was married at Lawrenceburgh November 9, 1865, to Mary Stevenson, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Stevenson, and native of Dearborn County. Since his marriage he has continued farming in Ohio and Dearborn Counties. He moved in 1879 to his present farm, which he purchased in 1883. He owns eighty-three acres of land, which is well improved. He has had born to him eight children, viz. : Gelette V., Maggie, Millie, Emma, Minnie, John C, Clarence and Clyde. Mr. Werts is a member of the G. A. R., and highly esteemed as a citizen. JAMES M. WHEELER, grocer, Cochran, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., November 21, 1834, and received a common school educa- tion. His father, John Wheeler, was born in Virginia January 20, 1790, and his mother, Margaret (Miller) Wheeler, was born in England January 30, 1815. His father was a farmer, and came to this county in 1802. His mother died March 15, and his father March 25, 1843. , BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 973 James M. was raised on a farm and followed farming until 1849, when he began clerking for a Mr.' Hunter, in Chillicothe, 111., a dealer in gen- eral merchandise. In 1864 he came to Aurora, and engaged with Will- iam Leive. In 1867 he engaged in the grocery business with Mr. Greer, continuing for three years; then sold out to Appleton & Co., and opened a store in Cochran for himself. He was married in May, 1871, to Miss Selina H. Greer, who was born in Pennsylvania November 1, 1837. She died in March, 1875, and April 16, 1878, he was married to Miss Margaret Newlan, who was born in Pennsylvania December 21, 1851. He is a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 442, F, & A. M., A^^rora Chapter No. 13, and Aurora Commandery No. 17; also of Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., and Encampment. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. JAMES WHITE, Miller Township, one of the first residents of Dearborn County, was born in New Jersey January 28, 1793. His par- ents, John and Abigail White, were natives of New Jersey, the former born January 13, 1763, the latter September 23, 1766. They were among the first two or three families who settled this side of the Miami River, their daughter Sallie believed to be the first white child born this side of that stream. They first located near Elizabethtown, in the " big bottoms," where they resided about three years, then moved to Miller Township, where the parents ended their days. James White grew to maturity a farmer, and married Mary Grubbs, by whom he reared nine children. Mrs. White died in 1855, and in 1869 Mr. White was again married, his second wife being Mrs. Mary Bonham nee Van Dolah, daughter of Peter and Lucinda (Watson) Van Dolah, who came to this county in 1823. After his first marriage Mr. White moved with his fam- ily to Johnson County, Ind. , where he purchased a large forest farm and began the task of clearing it up, which he accomplished only by many years of hard labor. He subsequently sold the farm, and moved to Franklin, the county seat, and ten years later to this county, where he purchased the farm on which his widow now resides. He died in 1877. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and held in high esteem by the citizens of the community in which he resided. John H. Bonham, son of Elijah and Mary (Van Dolah) Bonham, was born in this county in 1859, and has resided in this community on the farm, most, if not all, of his life. His father was born in this county, and his grandfather, Aaron Bonham, came here with his father, John Bonham, who was of the first few settlers of the county. In 1874 John H. Bonham married Sarah A. Hargitt, a daughter of Thomas Har- gitt, another pioneer of this county, and they have three children: Amy B., Charles T. and Nora E. 974 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. JOHN T. WHITLOCK, a resident and native of Eising Sun, dealer in groceries, hardware and agricultural implements, was born in 1847. His parents were John T. and Susanna K. (Yonge) Whitlock, natives of New Jersey and New York City respectively. They were married in New York and came to Rising Sun about 1836. His father was a cabinet- maker, and followed that business for about thirty years, serving two terms as treasurer of Ohio County. He died in 1882, his wife having departed this life in 1877. The subject of this sketch was reared in the vicinity of Rising Sun, and educated in its public schools. He worked with his father in the cabinet trade til) 1870, when he established him- self in the business, which he has since continued. Mr. Whitlock was married in 1872 to Flora H. Brett, of Warsaw, Ky., who died in 1877, leaving one child, Harry. November 26, 1884, he married Maggie B. Rabb, of Rising Sun, daughter of Capt. David G. Rabb (deceased), a former citizen of prominence in Ohio County. Mr. Whitlock is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R., and one of the leading merchants of Risino- Sun. He served in the late war from August 2, 1862, to Febru- ary 28, 1863, being a member of the Fourth Indiana Cavalry. FREDERICK WIDAU, farmer, Logan Township, one of the most substantial farmers of the township, was born in the same in 1837. His parents were Christopher and W^ilhelmina Widau, both natives of Germany, who immigrated to this country in 1832, purchasing land in this township in the same year. He died in 1870. Frederick Widau was reared on a farm and educated in the district schools. At the age of twenty four he married Caroline Yager, and rented land till about 1864, when he purchased his present farm of 160 acres, which he has since improved and cultivated. Mr. and Mrs. Widau have seven chil- dren: Albert, John, Emma, August, Kate, Elizabeth and William. Mrs. W, is a daughter of Nicholas Yager, of Kelso township. The fam- ily is associated with the Lutheran Protestant Church. JOHN F. WILBER, of Rising Sun, was born in New York State, March 14, 1816. His parents moved to Indiana in 1823, and located near Rising Sun, and after renting land a few years, purchased a farm of John Tait, one of the earliest settlers of Ohio County where his fatber, Benjamin Wilber, died. Jonathan learned the blacksmith's trade with James Tait, in Rising Sun, and in January, 1839, married Mary Ann Jones. He followed his trade about twenty years in various places, and then bought a farm in Ohio. Later he moved back to Rising Sun, where he died April 30, 1884. DAVID S. WILBER, attorney at law, Rising Sun, is a native of Ohio County and son of Robert E. Wilber, one of the early settlers of this region. He spent his early years on the farm and obtained the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 975 rudiments of an education in the district schools, subsequently taking a partial course of study at Moore's Hill College. He was instructed in the law by Judge Downey, and in 1880 began the practice of his pro- fession in Rising Sun, where he has since been located. For a time he was engaged in the grocery business but abandoned mercantile pursuits to give his entire attention to his profession. In May, 1883, he was elected to the mayorship of Rising Sun, and in May, 1885, was re-elected without opposition, his administration having been generally approved. Mr. Wilbur was married in 1867, to Mary French, a native of Miss- issippi, and daughter of John Q. French, her grandfather having settled in Ohio County about 1815. Mr. and Mrs. W. have four children: Liz- zie, Quincy, Emma and Robert. The family is associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. ROBERT E. WILBER born in Duchess County, N. Y., June 21, 1806, is a son of Robert and Mary (Smith) Wilber, also natives of New York, and who, in the fall of 1813, removed to Indiana, traveling over the mountains to Pittsburgh by wagon, thence by flat-boat to Roger Brown's, near Rising Sun. Their horses were sent overland through Ohio. Mr. Wilber remained on the river one year and raised one crop, then purchased 160 acres on Laughery Creek about one mile below Hart- ford, where he located with his family in the spring of 1815. Here he resided about twelve or fifteen years when he purchased 160 acres about one mile above Hartford, where he resided till his death. Mr. Wilber was a man of much native ability, and during his residence in Duchess County, N. Y., he held the o£Sce of deputy sheriff and also served as collector. Through all his business life he was noted for his honesty and uprightness. After he settled in Ohio County he was appointed a justice of the peace by the governor of this then Territory, and served until Indiana was organized as a State. His wife was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church before they came to this State, and sub- sequently he united with that society. He was the father of seven children, all of whom grew to maturity, four now surviving: Eliza A. now widow of Benjamin Walker, residing at Madison; Allen B. ; Robert E. and Dewitt C. Robert E., the subject of this sketch, grew to man- hood fully acquainted with pioneer life. He was married, September 30, 1841, to Elizabeth Newman, a native of England, and a daughter of Timothy and Frances Newman, natives of England. By this union they had six children, four now svirviving: David S., Robert C, Ethan A. and William T. Mrs. Wilber died May 29, 1883, aged sixty-four years. In 1833 Ml'. Wilber and his brother entered upon the general mercantile trade in Hartford, where they continued in business (except from 1839 to 1844) until during the war of the Rebellion, when they sold their stock. 976 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. In connection with their merchandising they have loaned a great deal of money, and thus carried on quite a brokerage business. In all their transactions they have met with excellent success, having a wide reputa- tion as a business firm. JOHN WILDRIDGE, groceries, Aurora, of the firm of Wildridge & Buffington, was born in Harrison Township, Dearborn Co., Ind., No- vember 27, 1843, and obtained a common school education. His father was born in Berks County, Penn., in 1807, and died in 1850. The mother, Eliza Bowman, was born in New Jersey, in 1814. Mr. Wild- ridge was brought to this county in 1810 by his parents, and followed farming up to his death. He was a peaceable, quiet citizen, and was re- spected by all who knew him. John was married, February 13, 1867, to Miss Caroline Buffington, who was born in. Center Township, February 13, 1845. Four children are the fruit of the marriage: Frank, born December 4, 1867; Edith, born November 2, 1868, died November 4, 1869; Daisie, born June 14, 1873; Stella, born November 24, 1878. Mr. Wildridge has always kept himself aloof from all secret organizations. He is a careful, prudent business man and a respected citizen. JOSEPH WILHELM, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in Dear- born County, June 5, 1837. His parents, Jacob and Caroline (Fry) Wilhelm, were natives of France and Ohio respectively. The former was born in November, 1811, and immigrated to this county with his parents in 1831, where he and Caroline Fry were united in marriage in 1835. She was born in Ohio in 1820. After their marriage they settled first in York Township, where they resided but a short time, thence mov- ing to Kelso Township, where Mrs. W. died in 1860, Elizabeth Young, a second wife, died in 1863, and in 1874 Mr. W. moved to Franklin County, Ind., where he at present resides.. He had born to him seven children, viz.: Joseph, Charles, Mary, Catherine, John, Jacob and Caro- line. Joseph was married in Kelso Township, this county, April 23, 1861, to Mary A. Blattner, daughter of John and Mary A. Blattner. She was born in Dearborn County, June 30, 1839. After his marriage he settled in St. Leon, where he worked at the carpenter's trade, which he learned when sixteen years of age. In 1868 he purchased and settled on his present farm, and engaged in farming, he and Mrs. Wilhelm, being parents of seven children, viz. : Mary A., Anna C. (deceased), Phile- mena L., Edward A., Anna E. and Charles J. Mr. Wilhelm and family are members of the Catholic Church. He was elected to the office of township assessor in 1882, and is still serving in that capacity. CHARLES WILHELM, farmer, Kelso Township, was born in Dear- born County, March 14, 1839. He is one of seven children, born to Jacob and Caroline (Frey) Wilhelm. He was united in marriage BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 977 at St. Leon, Kelso Township, November 13, 18G0, to Magdalena Ren- ner, who was born in Dearborn County June 20, 1842, a daughter of Peter and Cevila (Hahn) Renner. After his marriage he settled at St. Leon, and has since resided there. He owns 134 acres of land, and is the father of six children, viz. : Henry V., Magdalena, Charles J., Elizabeth, Albanner H. and Caroline. Mr. Wilhelm and family are members of the Catholic Church. DR. HUGH T. WILLIAMS, see page 174. WILLIAM W. WILLIAMS, attorney and mayor of Rising Sun, was born in Switzerland County, in 1853, son of Thomas M. and Anna C. (Murray) Williams. He has chiefly resided in Ohio County. He was educated in the public schools of Rising Sun and at Greencastle, Ind. , his earlier years being spent in farming, clerking, etc. In 1875 he began the study of law under the tutalage of Judge A. C. Downey and in 1876 was appointed clerk of the court of Ohio County. In the fall of the same year he was elected to the same office and served four years. Since that time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession and in the insurance business. Mr. Williams is a member of the F. & A. M. in which society he has held all the offices. MURRAY T. WILLIAMS, local editor of the Rising Sun Local, is a son of Thomas M. and Anna C. (Murray) Williams, his father a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, his mother of Ohio County, Ind. He was born in Greencastle, Ind., August 30, 1858, and in the public schools of that place and of Rising Sun he was educated. In 1872 he was employed as messenger in the Rising Sun bank, I'etaining that position four years. He was next engaged three years as deputy clerk of Ohio County, under his brother Will- iam Williams, and in 1879 accepted a position on the Rising Sun Local as local editor, which he surrenderred in March, 1881, to assume the duties of deputy postmaster at Rising Sun. From May, 1882, to October, 1883, he was employed in the same capacity at Aurora, since which time he has been constantly engaged in "pencil pushing" at his former post as local editor of the Local. Murray is a young man of sterling qualities, and with a brain no less fertile than his quill is facile, he never fails to present to his readers the local happenings in their most readable style. Notwithstanding his susceptibility to the tender sentiment, and the fact that he has already passed the twenty- seventh mile post of his life, he is still treading in the lonely walk of single infelicity. JAMES B. WILSON, farmer, was born in Ohio County, Ind., Sep- tember 2, 1834. His parents, Thomas and Matilda (Wethers) Wilson, were natives of Kentucky and Indiana, respectively, the former born in 60 978 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. Trimble County, Ky., November 6, 1803; the latter in Ohio County, Ind., November 3, 1806. They were married in Ohio County, 1828, and resided there during the greater part of their lives. The mother died August 27, 1837. He afterward lived with his children until his death, in February, 1879. He was the father of four children, viz. : Eliza, Ada- line, James B. and Margaret. James B. was married near Rising Sun, October 16, 1862, to Rachel Barricklow, by whom he has had four chil- dren, viz.: John B., Robert P., Daniel C, and Mary A., deceased. Af- ter his marriage he first settled at Milton, Ohio County, and in December 1865 settled on his present farm. GEORGE B. WILSON, farmer. Clay Township,was born at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, April 18, 1826. His parents, James and Sarah H. (Spink) Wilson, were also natives of Yorkshire, where the father was born October 12, and the mother May 11, 1792. They were married April 18, 1816, and resided in Yorkshire until their deaths. The father died July 23, 1846, and the mother August 22, 1877. They were the parents of twelve children, viz.: James, William, Sarah H., Ann, Thomas, Mary, George B., Margaret, Henry, John, Robert P. and Alfred. George B., our subject, immigrated to the United States in 1850. Landing at New York City he came to Cincinnati, and to Dearborn County, Ind., where he has since resided. He was married in this township June 13, 1858, to Abi- gal, daughter of Simeon and Rebecca (Bruce) Vinson. She was born in this county August 2, 1840, one of six children, viz. : James, Abigal, William, Caroline, Mary and Clark. After Mr. Wilson's marriage he purchased the farm on which he now resides. He owns 143 acres of fine land. He has had bom to him seven children, viz. : Anna (deceased), Mac, Ann, Roy, Alta, Ada, and one who died in infancy. BENJAMIN WILSON, Jr., farmer, Washington Township, is a native of Kentucky, and was born May 20, 1804. His parents, Benja- min and Margaret (Armstrong) Wilson, were born in Pennsylvania, the father, February 15, 1771; mother, April 1771. They were married February 15, 1792, and moved to Kentucky in 1795, and to this town- ship in 1805. He was a farmer all his life. The mother died in April, 1843; father, July 29, 1861. Mr. Benjamin Wilson, Jr., was married, May 17, 1832, to Miss Matilda Neal, a native of Kentucky, born August 30, 1812, and by this union reared ten children: William W., Lewis, George, Jonathan, Perry, Eliza, Melville, Elias, Nathan and Ezra. Mr. Wilson assisted his father in clearing up a good portion of his present home farm, and he has done much hard work in his time. Before marriage he made several trips down the river, but since that date has farmed exclu- sively. He and his amiable wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he has been steward for years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 979 TOM WINEGAKDNER, proprietor of bookstore and news stand, Lawrenceburgh, is a native of Pennsylvania, born at Williamsport, No- vember 10, 1846. His parents were Abram and Margaret (Williams) Winegardner, natives of Pennsylvania, both of whom are deceased, and their remains rest in the cemetery at Williamsport. Abram Winegard- ner was for a period engaged as a merchant at Williamsport, and subse- quently became an extensive lumber dealer of that place. Our subject grew up in his native town, and there received a fair education at Dick- inson Seminary. When but a lad of fifteen years, fired by the patriotism of youth, he answered his country's call, and enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Thirty-fii-st Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, and for nine months shared the fate of that command, participating in the bat- tles of Fredericksburg andChancellorsville, being discharged in August, 1862. He subsequently re-enlisted for three months, serving in the Thirty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and took part in the battle of Gettysburg. After the expiration of his term of service Mr. W. entered his father's store and was engaged in mercantile pursuits until twenty -one years of age. He then went into the oil country, and was for several years engaged in railroading. Subsequently he returned to his native place, and in 1876 came West, and for three years was a resident of Indianapolis. In October, 1879, he first came to Lawrence- burgh, being then, and for two years after, engaged in railroading. In the fall of 1881 he began his career as a business man of Lawrenceburgh, as the proprietor of a notion store. Through his energy, enterprise and genial ways, he has placed himself at the head of one of the best and most complete book stores and news stands of the city, where can also be found almost anything in the line of toys, wall paper, etc. Mr. W. is also accent for the Cincinnati Enquirer, and for the Adams Express Com- pany. '*Tom," as he is familiarly called, is a most genial and affable gentleman, and popular with with the masses. He was married on the 10th of March, 1880, to Miss Annie M. Frederick, of Carlisle, Penn. In politics Mr. W. is a Republican. FRANCIS WORLEY, farmer. Center Township, was born in High- land County, Ohio, December 25, 1810. His limited education was obtained in a log schoolhouse, where the rays of light and sunshine were admitted through greased paper, instead of glass windows, as we enjoy in this age of progression. His father, Nathan Worley, was born in Pennsylvania, and his mother, Olive (Holt) W^orley, in North Carolina. They moved to Ohio in 1808 and to this county in 1816, and the former was engaged in farming all his life. He was drafted in the war of 1812, went out, but was in no battles. His death occurred in 1830, and that of his mother in 1835. Francis W^orley, in early life, farmed, then 980 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. clerked for several parties, and flat-boated for himself. He was on the "Caledonia" when her boilers exploded, and was blown up, and took a swim for several hours down the river. After which he returned to his lirst love — farming — and has followed that vocation ever since. He was married, May 10, 1S32, to Miss Jane Dils, a native of Virginia. By the union two children — George H. and Mary J.— were born. His wife died March 10, 1834 In 1837 he married Miss Nancy J. Sanks, a native of Dearborn County, and to them have been born eight children: Elizabeth, born January 14, 1841; William R., January 5, 1843; Martha, November 18, 1844; Francis, February 18, 1847; Jennie, March 26, 1849; Ella, September 20, 1851; Fannie, May 26, 1854, and Lilla, May 28, 1854, twins. The wife died in 1858, and in 1863 he married Mrs, Elizabeth Watts McCoy, who died in 1875. June 27, 1877, he married Miss Anna E. Reihard, who was born in Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ky., March 26, 1828. Mr. Worley has served as township trustee for about twelve years, and was elected justice of the peace, but would not serve. He has been school director several times. He was one of the founders of the Horse Thief Association, and has tilled every position in the fair organization, acting as secretary for seven years. He has wit- nessed all the changes in this county, from a wilderness to its pres- ent improved condition. His estimable wife is a member of the Pres- byterian Church. HENRY R. WOOD, farmer, Manchester Township, born in Cler- mont County, Ohio, December 1, 1832, is a son of George and Thurzia (King) Wood, natives of New York, the maternal grandfather, Heman King was also a native of New York, but his father, Heman King, was a native of Connecticut. The grandfather, Heman King, came with his family to Ohio and settled in Clermont County in 1818. In 1828 he removed to Indiana and settled on the place now owned by Mr. Wood, where he resided till his death, July 16, 1850, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. He was a young lad during the Revolutionary war, but he helped to remove the troops from Saratoga to Yorktown prior to its sur- render. Mr. George Wood came to Clermont County while a young, single man, was married there, where he lived till 1847, when he removed to western Tennessee, where he died, June 24, 1884, aged eighty-six years. His wife died in July, 1834, aged thirty-five years. They had seven children, five now living: John K. (a resident of Ten- nessee), Hannah (wife of George W. Lewis), Laura, Emeline and Henry R. The last three are unmarried and reside upon the old King farm in Manchester Township. Mr. Henry R. Wood, after the death of his mother, was reared to manhood by his uncle, John P. King. At Mr. King's death he came into possession of the home place, where he has BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 981 since resided. This farm consists of 254 acres of good land with good improvements. Mr. Wood and his sister, Emeline, are members of the Hogan Hill Baptist Church. Laura is a member of the Methodist Church. HOSEA S. WOOD, farmer, Sparta Township, was born on the farm on which he now resides, July 28, 1836. He is one of nine chil dren born to Samuel B. and Nancy (Musgrove) Wood, who immi- grated to this county in a very early day. The former was a son of Daniel Wood, a native of Maine, and of English and French parentage. He emigrated from Maine to Saratoga County, N. Y., about 1790, and was there married to Mary Saulsbury, remaining in that locality till his death. They had born to them nine children namely : Samuel B., Winslo, Parserved, Jacob, Sarah, Mary, Cerefta, Lydia and Asenath. Samuel B. was born in Saratoga County, N. Y., August 13, 1793. In 1817 he immigrated to Dearborn Co., Ind., and entered the land on which our subject now lives. It required a strong heart and determined mind to endure the toils and hardships of clearing up this forest farm, but he did his part without faltering, fighting the wolf at his cabin door. He labored dilligently to establish a home with its necessary comforts, and succeeded admirably. His death occurred September 23, 1858. He was united in marriage at Manchester, Septem ber 3, 1820, to Nancy Musgrove, who was born in West Virginia, Janu- ary 5, 1804, a daughter of Moses and Nancy (Hamilton) Musgrove. By this marriage there were nine children born viz. : Thomas S., Daniel H., Jacob H., Hezekiah N., Samuel J., Hosea S., George C. and two in- fants, deceased. Hosea S., our subject, was married in Kenton County, Ky., November 28, 1867, to Mary E., daughter of Joseph and Mary (Calvert) Rich. She was born in Kenton County, Ky., November 17, 1846, the youngest of thirteen children. After our subject's marriage he settled where he now resides. He owns a fine farm of 252 acres, well improved. The only child born to Mr, and Mrs. Wood, George T., is deceased. They raised an orphan boy, Charles W. Campbell, who grew up to be a very worthy young man, and died at the age of twenty six years. WILLIAM WOODS, farmer. Union Township, was born in Pennsyl- vania, June 8, 1816, and is a son of John and Mary (Little) Woods, na- tives of Ireland, who came to America while in childhood, were reared in Pennsylvania, where they were married and resided till the spring of 1817, when they removed to Indiana and settled in Ohio County, where Mr. Woods entered 160 acres of forest land, which he cleared up and on which his sou William now lives. He died in 1837, 'aged fifty- four years. His widow survived until 1865 and died, aged seventy-seven years. They were parents of nine children, seven of whom grew to maturity and five 982 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. now surviving : Valentine C, James A.., William, Joseph, and Marga- ret, now the wife of Pryor Oxley. William Woods grew to maturity on the farm with his parents. November 29, 1839, he married Lydia Downey, a daughter of John and Siisanna Downey. He was a native of Maryland and she of Pennsylvania. They were married in Ohio, and in 1818 settled in Ohio County, where they remained through life. He died in Rising Sun, July 19, 1863, aged seventy-nine years, she at her daughter's, Mrs. Woods, April 9, 1874, in the eighty-third year of her age. They had eleven children, nine of whom grew to ma- turity, five now surviving : Mary Ann, wife ofjDaniel Kittle; Eliza, wife of Lewis French; Phebe, wife of James Works; Alexander C. and Lydia. Mr. Woods and wife have been blessed with six children, five of whom are still living: George A., John W., William D., Orpheus Alonzo and Robert E. Mr. Woods still resides upon the old home farm, where he was raised and where he has now been a resident for sixty -eight years. He now owns 190 acres of land well improved. He has reared his five sons and helped them to a start in life, by furnishing each with more than $2,000. He has never been a seeker of office, but was elected and served as county commissioner three years, in which capacity he gave general satisfaction to the people. He and Mrs. Woods are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which they have been identified twenty-five and forty years, respectively. H. R. WOLF, farmer, Cesar Creek Township, was born in Hanover, Germany, December 6, 1833. His parents, Herman F. and Charlotte (Fishford) Wolf, were also natives of Hanover. The father was born in 1790; the mother in 1795. They were married in Haoover in 1819, after which they located on his father's farm and remained till their deaths. They were the parents of ten children; namely: Frederick H., Garrett F., Lewis H., George H., Sophia, Margaret, Louisa, Henry R., Wilhelmine and Dorothea. In August 1854 Henry R. immigrated to the United States, and after a voyage of nine weeks he landed at Balti- more, coming immediately to Cincinnati, where he remained for some time. He was married in Dearborn County, Ind., February 25, 1858, to Louisa D. F. Ripking, who was born in Hanover, Gei'many, February 24, 1837, a daughter of Barnhard F. and Sophia L. (Orning) Ripking. About one year after his marriage he settled on his present farm, which he purchased in 1863. It comprises 200 acres of laud, well im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf are parents of eight children ; viz. : Ida L., Louisa A., Emilie W. A., Amalie F. D., George R., Emma M., Hen- riette D. and William R. Mr. Wolf is a member of the Masonic Order and a member of the Lutheran Church. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 983 WILLIAM C. WIILBER, farmer, Clay Township, was bora in Cesar Creek Township, Dearborn County, January 6, 1847. His parents, John F. and Louisa M. (Ellei'man) Wulber, were both natives of Ger- many, the former born at Newbrockhausen, Hanover, October 7, 1807. John F. Wulber's parents died when he was very young, and he was . brought up by his sister. In 1834 he immigrated to the United States, landing at New York City and coming immediately to Cincinnati, Ohio. Here he was united in marriage in the same year to Louisa M. Ellerman, who was born near Osnobruck, Hanover, in 1812. In 1835 Mr. Wulber moved to Franklin County, Ind., where he purchased land and remained until 1837, in which year he removed to Cincinnati, and in 1838 moved to Dearborn County, where he died March 14, 1880. His wife still sur- vives and lives with our subject, on the old homestead. They were the parents of six children; viz.: Louisa, Mary (deceased), W^illiam C. and three who died in infancy. William C. was married in Cesar Creek Township, Dearborn County, in 1868 to Sophia M., daughter of John F. and Mary E. Pruss, and settled on the farm where he now lives. He owns 231 acres of fine land. He and Mrs. Wulber are parents of five chil- dren; viz.: Emma L. (deceased), Amelia M., Theodore J. F., Laura W. and Louisa D. Mr. Wulber was elected trustee of Clay Township in 1884, which olHce he at present hdlds. SAMUEL WYMOND, of Aurora, was born in England in 1816, and with his father, brothers and sisters was brought to Dearborn County in 1829, where he lived until his death in Aurora, in 1884. In 1847 he was married to Miss Eliza A. Abbott, to whom seven children were born. He for a time followed coopering and was in mei-cantile pursuits in Dills- borough. He subsequently purchased the mammoth cooperage establish- ment owned and previously operated so successfully by W. E. Gibson, which he owned and managed by the skillful and wise assistance of his sons and brothers in his employ at the time of his death. His business was a success. " Samuel Wymond was a man of great force of character and those who knew him well found in him the strongest elements of true manhood. A brave, honest, energetic man has fallen and the community mourns. * * Very many, indeed,will be the years before the memory, now 80 green and cherished, of the noble traits of character of this plain, un- assuming, enterprising and public spirited citizen shall fade awaj'^ and be forgotten in the hearts of the many who knew him." WILLIAM W. WYMOND, a native of Lawrenceburgh, and a former well-known merchant of that city, was a son of John and Rebecca (Walk) Wymond, born in 1841. He grew into manhood in his native city, and early in life began merchandising. He began the wholesale hardware and grocery business in Lawrenceburgh but soon after removed to Cin- 984 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. cinnati, where, in partnership with his father he conducted the same busi- ness very successfully for about nineteen years. Ill-health prevented a continuance of his business operations in Cincinnati and after two years in the carriage business at Indianapolis and about the same length of time as book-keeper for the Halliday Bros., of Cairo, 111., he gave up business entirely, having met with severe financial reverses in the mean- time. He subsequently removed to Chicago, still in hope of regaining his health and died in that city in October, 1880. In, 1867 Mr. Wymond married Mrs. Laura F. McKeehan, widow of Samuel F. McKeehan, and daughter of Dr. M. H. Harding, and their three children are Laura, Paul and Grace. Mrs. Wymond's first marriage occurred in 1860, her husband going immediately to the civil war, from which he never re- turned. Mr. Wymond was one of the most successful business men that Lawrenceburgh has produced, and as a citizen possessed a character of high rank and esteem. FREDERICK A. YORK, superintendent of the gas works, Aurora, is a native of New York State, where he was born November 13, 1824. His father, John York, was born in Connecticut in 1798, and his mother, Eunice (Willby) York, was born in the same State in 1800. After their marriage they settled in the State of New York, where Frederick was reared and educated. In 1845 he came West and located in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked as a machinist for four years. In September, 1849, he located permanently at Aurora and engaged with Stedman & Co., remaining seven years. For two years succeeding ] 856 he was deal- ing in hay, then went into the livery business in connection with buying and selling horses. In 1862 he was united in marriage with Mrs. Mahala M. (Isgrigg) Briddell, who was born in Ripley County, Ind., in 1834, and by a former marriage was the mother of one child — Frances M. Brid- dell. To the marriage of our subject and wi fe, one child was born — Anna S. (now the wife of John A. Parks, an attorney of Aurora). Our subject, since 1852, has been identified with the I. O. O. F. ; he is also a member of Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., and Aurora Chapter No. 13. He is an estimable citizen and a prudent business man. FREDERICK M. ZEH,farmer,Hogan Township, was born in Germany, February 8, 1839. His educational advantages were moderately embraced. His father, George Zeh, was born in Germany, September 1, 1810; his mother, Barbara Geigoldt, in the same locality, January 7, 1811. They came to America in 1841 and to Hogan Township in the spring of 1842. He followed farming for a livelihood. The father and mother both belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was leader and one of the stewards. The father died July 17, 1877, mother July 9, 1884. Mr. F. M. Zeh was married in 1862 to Miss Mary E. Cornforth, who was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. , 985 born in Hogan Township, March 21, 1843. Unto them were given three children: Eva L., Charles A., Mary M, Mr. Zeh enlisted August 9, 1862, in Company E, Sixteenth Indiana, and served three years; was taken prisoner at Richmond, Ky., and kept a few days, then paroled and af- terward exchanged. He was with Gen. Sherman in 1862 and 1863 in the Seventeenth Corps, afterward the Thirteenth Corps, in department of the Gulf. He lost his health in the army, and, though recovering, is not strong. He was a mill-wright and carpenter by trade, but abandoned these vocations and is now a farmer. JOHN ZEH, farmer, resides in Hogan Township. He was born in Byrne, Germany, March 29, 1834. His parents were George and Barbara (Geigoldt) Zeh, who are referred to in the preceding sketch. John Zeh was married March 31, 1859, to Miss Harriet A. Powell. She was born in Hogan Township, April 20, 1836. They have three children: Luella, Oliva A., George E. He has been a farmer all his life, and with his estimable wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is one of the stewards. JOHN ZIMMER, farmer, Kelso Township, is a native of Germany, born April 14, 1833. His parents, Charles and Elizabeth (Meyer) Zim- mer, were also natives of Germany, where they married, and resided several years. Mrs. Z. died there, in February, 1850, and her husband in 1853, immigrated to the United States, and located in Dearborn County, where he died September 24, 1879, at the age of eighty-one years. Their children were Catherine, Casper, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Nicholas. John Zimmer carae to Dearborn County with his parents, and was united in marriage in New Alsace, Ind., June 18, 1861, to Eliz- abeth Kalb, who was born in York Township, May 26, 1842, a daughter of Wolfgang and Barbara (Schiderer) Kalb, natives of Germany. After his marriage he settled where he now lives. He has had born to him nine children, viz.: Joseph W., Charles F., Elizabeth P., Susanna M., Margaret B., Magadalena P., Jacob H., Annie M. and Peter J. (de- ceased). Mr. Zimmer and family are members of the Catholic Church. JACOB ZINKHON, farmer, Yorkville. was born in Pennsylvania in 1838. His parents, Kasper and Anna M. (Roth) Zinkhon, were both na- tives of Germany and emigrated to this country in 1837. They first located in Pennsylvania and later moved west to Adams County, Ohio, where they resided till their deaths, that of the mother occurring about 1860, and the father passing away in 1877. Jacob Zinkhon grew to ma- turity under the paternal roof, working with his parents till he was twenty-two years of age, then beginning operations for himself as a day laborer. For about eight years he was engaged in the nursery business, and after that was for some time occupied in quarrying stone. In No- 986 HISTORY OF DEARBORN AND OHIO COUNTIES. vember, 1876, he removed to Dearborn County and purchased his pres- ent farm of seventy-five acres, and his entire attention has since been turned to agriculture up to the present date. Mr. Zinkhon was married in 1870 to Miss H. M. FitzPatrick, of Adams County, Ohio, a daughter of James and Ellen (Gifford) FitzPatrick, her father a native of Kentucky, her mother of Adams County, Ohio. Five children have resulted from this union: Ornettie E., James H., Louella M., Charles W. and Anna N. Mr. Zinkhon, by the aid of a most estimable wife, has been fairly successful in his business relations, and they are kindly regarded by a large circle of friends in the community in which they reside. In 1864 Mr. Zinkhon enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Capt. Sanders, and spent about eight months in the service doing guard duty chiefly, receiving an honorable discharge at Columbus, Ohio. JOSEPH ZIX, farmer and brewer, Kelso Township, was born in Baden, Germany, March 19, 1825. His parents, Charles and Catharine (Brannagel) Zix, were also natives of Baden, both born in 1800. They were married in Baden, and in the spring of 1848 immigrated to Ripley County, Ind., where she died in 1849, he in 1868. Their children were Frank, Helena, Joseph, Wilhelmina, Walburga, Victoria, Mary and Matthew. Joseph came with his parents to Ripley County in 1848, marrying in Baden, April 23, 1848, Geneveva Buchdunger, who was born in that State, December 29, 1824, daughter of Joseph and Josephine (Eisen) Buchdunger. In 1850 he purchased land and engaged in farm- ing until 1856, in which year he opened a store at Pennslyvaniaburgh, and engaged in mercantile business about six years, after which he moved back on his farm. In 1865 he moved to Dearborn County, and pur- chased the brewery, owned by Martin Wilhelm, and engaged in the man- ufacture of "common beer," until 1877, at which time he rented the establishment to his son, who still continues an extensive business at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Zix are parents of twelve children, viz. : Joseph (deceased), Elizabeth, Charles (deceased), Michael, Joseph, Caro- line (deceased), John, Herman, Charles, George, Josephine and August. Mr. Zix is a good citizen, and has an excellent family. He owns 120 acres of fine land, the brewing establishment, and other property which insure him a fair annual income. JOHN SMITH, one of the first settlers of Miller Township, came there from Yorkshire, England, in 1818, and settled near Guilford, on the east branch of Tanner's Creek, there being ten children in the family. The family were of pure English blood, the ancestors tracing their lin- eage from the British island. Mr. Smith entered land (or purchased it from the government at 11.25 per acre), and resided upon the same U.Je?9 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 987 until his death. William Smith, the eldest son, lived and died in Dear- born County. He married Ann Ewbank, and reared six children to ma- turity. He died in 1874; his wife in 1865. His son, David E., was born in Dearborn County in 1821; grew up a farmer; married Martha Grubbs in 1844, and reared twelve children to maturity, viz.: Jane, Eliza- beth, Mary L., Honor, Laura M. and Jarius (twins), Jonathan G., George M., Eva, Scott and IraC, all yet living. The father died in 1875; the mother still surviving in her fifty-ninth year. Mr. Smith was a thrifty farmer, owning 200 acres of land at his death, and an esteemed citizen. His son, William J. Smith is elsewhere mentioned in this work. -n^o^ C" * r ^"-;^. '. 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