A HISTOR^^ COUNTY OF DU PAGE, ILLINOIS CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OP ITS EARLY SETTLE3IENT AND PRESENT ADVANTAGES, A SEPARATE HISTORY OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, INCLUDING NOTICES OP RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES, -WITH THE NAJSIES AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST SETTLERS IN EACH TOWNSHIP, AND MUCH VALUABLE STATISTICAL IXFORMATIOX By C. W. RICHMOND & H. F. VALLETTE. CHICAGO: STEAM PRESSES OF SCUIPPS, BROSS & SPEARS, 45 CLARK STREET. 1857. 5 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S57, by C. W. EICIIMOXD AXD H. F. YALLETTE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of Illinois. ■'1 Culver, Page & Hotne, BINDERS, 128 and 130 Lake Street. TO THE READEK. The authors propose to oifer no apology for tlie appearance of tins work. They are, however, con- scions of many of its imperfections, to which it wonld be nnwise in them to draw the attention of the ]3nblic. The original mannscript was j)repared more than a year ago, and placed in the hands of a printer, whose establishment, with all his effects, including said mannscript, was carried down stream at the time of the high water last spring. To this cir- cnmstance may be attribnted the delay in its pub- lication, as well as some slight errors of omission and commission, Avliich anybody is at liberty to find in the work. If the reader chances to discover anything of the kind, we here take the liberty to inform him beforehand, that " we knew it." And if anybody thinks he can write a better history of Du Page Comity, we can only say to him, in tlie IV TO THE READER. language of the good deacon avIio made an nn- siiccessful attempt to preach in the absence of the regular pastor, " if you really think you can do it better, why, try it, that's all." We hereby tender our acknowledgments to the following named persons, for much valuable in- formation for the work : Capt. Joseph Naper, Miss ISTaxcy Hobson", John Warne, "Willard Scott, R. ^. Murray, II. B. Hills, H. D. Fisher, L. W. Mills, E. Duncklee, Rev. Mr. Washburne, E. It. Loomis, Hon. Walter Blanchard, John Granger, Myron C. Dudley. THE AUTHORS. EARLY HISTORY OF THE COUNTY. PIONEEK EEMIOTSCEXCES. The present cliapter is designed to embody the leading incidents connected with the early settlement of Du Page Connty, and embraces a period of nearly three years. It may be for the benefit of some to state, that this narrative does not disclose a succession of 'klisastrons chances," nor is it franght with " mov- ing accidents by flood and field," and he who periises these pages, thinking to derive gratification from such sources, will undoubtedly be disappointed. .The pioneers of our county are fast j^assing from us, and soon there will none remain to tell the story of their hardshijis. That such facts and incidents, relating to their settlement here, as are considered worthy of record, may be preserved, is the object of this sketch ; and if these convey no lessons of historic value, it is believed that they wdll not be devoid of interest to those familiar with the locality of the scenes de- scribed. The bulk of information herein detailed, has been gathered from authentic soui-ces, from living- witnesses ; and if errors or omissions have occurred, HIS T O li Y O F the writer can only assert, in extenuation, the honesty of his intentions, and crave a liberal indulgence toward his deficiencies. The first permanent settlement within the limits of Du Page, was made in the fall of 1830, and during the spring of the year following. Stephen J. Scott removed from Maryland to this State, with his family, in the year 1825, and "made a claim" near the present site of Gros Point. While on a hunting tour, in the month of August, 1830, in company with his son Willard, he discovered the Du Page river, near Plainfield. Impressed with the beauty and aj)parent fertility of the surrounding country, he resolved to explore the river, and ascended it as far as the con- fluence of its east and west branches, now called " The Forks." Here he became enamored of the gorgeous adornings with which the hand of nature had embellished the scene around him. In these he beheld infallible tokens of the " j^romised land," and it required Ijut little time for him to ponder and determine the question of making that beautiful region his future home. A comfortable log house was subsecpiently built upon the farm now owned by Mrs. Sheldon, and the family of Mr. Scott came on to possess the '^ new claim," in the fall of 1830. Other families soon settled in the vicinity. Although Mr. Scott is en- titled t(^ the distinction of having been the pioneer of the " settlement," which soon extended for several miles along the river into Will and Du Page, yet thei-o are others who lay well established claims to the pioneersliip uf this county. About the middle DU PAGE COUNTY of March, 1831, Baley Hobson came and settled, with liis family, near the present site of the family resi- dence, being the first actual settler on the soil of Du Page County. The family of Mr. Paine located near Mr. Hobson, in April following. In July the family of Capt. Joseph JSTaper came from Ohio, accompanied by the family of his brother, John i^aper. CajDt. Kaper had visited the county in February, 1831. lie built a cabin near the site of his flouring mill, in wdiich he lived until a more commodious dwelling could be provided for his fanlih^ He also built a trading house that season, and carried on quite an extensive trade with the settlers and Indians. The latter were quite numerous here at that time, but he always sustained the most friendly relations with them. The settlement received constant additions to its numbers, and at the end of spring, 1832, it contained one hun- th-ed and eighty souls. Among the families were those of IT. T. Wilson, Lyman Butterfield, Ira Car- penter, John Murray, R. M. Sweet, Alan son Sweet, Harry Boardman, Israel Blodgett, Pobert Strong, Pierce Ilawley, Walter Stowel, C. Foster, J. Man- ning, and II. Babbitt. The locality was tlien known as " ]^aper's Settle nient." The winter of 1832 w^as one of unusual severity, which, together with a scarcity of provisions, rendered the prospects of the settlers rather gloomy. John Naper, John Murray, and E. M. Sweet were sent to the ''Wabash" for provisions, from which place supplies were at length obtained, and the dreary sea- son, " on his frozen wings," passed away without much suffering among the settlers. The new spring awoke and clothed the earth in all the beauty and freshness of ins T C) E Y O F a joiing creation, quickening into life countless germs, in bud, and flower, and tree ; tilling the air witli the mel- ody of motion, the murmur of released waters, and the song of birds, and spotting the verdure of the wide- sj^reading prairies with tire and gold in the tint of flowers. How true to the sentiment of all who witnessed the 023ening of that long looked for spring, must be the words of the poet : " These are the gardens of the Desei-t — these The unshorn fields, boundless and beautiful, And fresh as the young earth ere man had sinned. The Prairies ! I behold them for the first, And my heart swells, while the dilated sight Takes in the encircling vastness." Xever was a " good time come " hailed with more gladness than was the spring of 18325 ^J "t^^e infant colony. A prospect of reward for past hardships was before them. All was busy preparation for the ap- proaching seed time. Tlie labor of breaking and fencing weiit briskly forward, and in due time the new fledged ..grain came peering from the mellow ground. But long before the growing fields stood ready for the sickle of the glad harvester, the little band were obliged to relinquish their cherished anticijjations, and flee from their new homes for the safety of their lives. The news of the breaking out of the Black Hawk war caused great excitement in the settlement, and the alarm w^as heightened by the arrival of Shata, an ex- press from the Pottawattomies, who were friendly to the whites, with the intelligence that a party of Sac Indians were committing depredations among the settlers on Fox river, some ten miles distant, and that the houses of DU PAGE COUNTY. 9 Cumiingliam and Ilollcnbeck liad "been burned to the ground, and their property entirely destroyed. Aware of their inability to carry on a successful warfare with the Indians, as the colony was in an almost defenseless state, and being liable to an attack from them at any moment, the settlers decided to send their families, Avith all possible haste, to Chicago, where old Fort Dearborn offered its protection to any fearing the incursions of tlie savages. The settlement was now the scene of uniyersal disorder and alarm. Bustle and confusion were the order of the hour. Men were hurrying to and fro in eager pursuit of their wives and children, while weeping wives and crying children were liurrying with equal rapidity and greater anxiety in pursuit of their husbands and fathers. Order was at length, in some degree, restored, and while the women were engaged in packing such articles of clothing and provision as they would recpiire for the journey, the men were actively fitting out teams to convey them away. Early in the afternoon of the IStli of May, the train started for Chicago. But the fimiily of Christopher Paine, who lived near the place of S. & D. Babbitt, consisting of his wife and six children, were, in the general confusion incident to their hasty departure, left behind. The family were sent in advance of the train, with directions to wait at a sliort distance from the settlement for its arrival. Concealing themselves in a thicket by the roadside, near the farm uovn" owned by Capt. John Sargent, and not hearing the company as it passed, they were obliged to remain in their place of concealment during the night, which must have been 10 11 I S T O R Y O F one of fearful anxiety to tlie mother, as the imagina- tive dangers of her sitnation magnified, while watching over her houseless and defenseless children. They returned in safety to the settlement next morning, hut much exhausted by fatigue and hunger. The following incidents relating to the alarm and sudden flight of Mr. Hobson's family, haye been kindly furnished by one of its members. Mr. Ilobson, with Mr. Paine and son, had just seated themselyesat their noonday meal, relating, in the meantime, the intellii>:ence they had received while at work in the held ; that a band of Indians were advaiicing, and were then only thirty miles distant, when they were suddenly interrupted by the appearance of Paine's eldest son, who rushed into the house, bareheaded and breathless, informing them that Specie and Anient had just arrived from the An Sable grove, having run their horses down, and performed a part of the journey on foot, to bring the alarming intelligence that a body of Indians had that morning passed through Hollen- beck's grove, killing several settlers, and burning everything in their path. Upon this intelligence, immediate preparatiojis for safety were considered expedient. Ilobson and Paine arose from the table, leaving the dinner untasted. Mr. Paine, accompanied by his sons, started in great haste for their home, wliile Mr. Ilobson prepared to ride up to the ^aper settle- ment, to see what the inhabitants there had concluded to do, but his wife and children, clinging to him, begged him not to leave them ; whereupon he saddled the horses, and after seeing the wife and children all mounted, except the eldest son, who was to accompany DIJ PAGE COUNTY. 11 tliem on foot, they started together. They chrected their course through the east end of the grove, and coming npon a rise of gronnd, hehekl a man on horseback, about a mile distant. It immediately occurred to Mr. Ilobson tliat this was an Indian spy, but it proved to be one of a small party of scouts, sent out from the settlement. He, however, directed his wife and children to hasten out of sight. Tliey rode into the grove and dismounted. Mr. PI. came up soon after, threw the saddles into a thicket, turned the horses into a neighboring field, and made all possible haste to secrete his family ; directing them to use every precaution to evade pursuit, and not to tangle nor bruise the grass and weeds as they went along. Having done this, his attention was next directed to his dog, a faithful and valuable animal. " You have been," said he, " my companion and pro- tector for years ; you have never been unfaithful to a trust, nor given me cause to question your fidelity — always 'the first to welcome, foremost to defend.' But now you may betray us, and, saddening as the thought may be, I must be reconciled to the necessity of putting you to death." So, taking the unsuspecting victim, he went to a cabin near by, which had been but recently occupied hy the family of Mr. Seth Wescott, his object being to procure an ax with which to do the deed at which liis very soul shuddered. It was supposed that the family of Mr. Wescott had received the alarm, and fled. Wliat then was his sm'prise to meet him at the thresliold of his door, with gun in hand, just starting out on a hunting expedition. At Mr. Hobson's solicitation, the dog 12 H I S T O R Y O F was shot ; but lie died not, as many pass from life, without a tear to consecrate the event, or a heart to embalm the memory of the departed soul — his loss was sincerely lamented. Mr. Wescott made imme- diate preparation to join the settlers, and Mr. Hobson, fearing that the report of the gmi might have alarmed his family, hastened to meet them. Accompanied by his wife he then returned to the house to make prepa- rations, in case it should become necessary for thein to desert their home. The box had been removed from the wagon, but with his Avife's assistance he was enabled to replace it, and, after completing their arrangements, they again set forth, Mrs. Hobson with some food to seek her children in the grove, while her husband went to the settlement to see wdiat prepara- tions were being made there. On his arrival he found that the families, with a part of the men, had gone to Chicago. He informed those that remained of the condition of his family, and of his anxiety that they should set out that night, in hopes of overtaking the advance party. Capt. Naper, Lieut. King, and Specie volunteered to return with him to the place where he had concealed his family. They were all mounted ex- cej^t King, who was on foot. Having found the family in their hiding place, it was a matter that required considerable mathematical skill to determine how they were to be conveyed. It was, at length decided that the two eldest cliildren should be placed on the horse of Mr. Hobson ; that Capt. ISTaper should take t^vo more on the horse with him ; and that Mrs. Hobson, assisted by Iving, should go on foot, carrying the youngest child, then two years old. Tliey pressed on DU PAGE COUNTY. 13 toward the north end of the grove, where Mr. Ilobson had agreed to meet them with his team. Emerging from the grove they had yet half a mile to go, and Mrs. Ilohson being fatigued by the journey, one of the children was taken from Capt. Paper's horse and placed on the horse with the two others, wdiile Mrs. Hobson mounted behind Capt. JN'aper. They started again, one horse carrying Capt. Xaper, with his huge Kentucky rifle, together with Mrs. Hobson, one child, and sundry and divers trappings. It is supposed that the gallant captain never presented a more formidable appearance than he did while riding along on that memorable occasion, with his burnished steel glisten- ing in the moonbeams, although he has, since that day, been the hero of at least three decisive battles. Tliey arrived in safety at the place appointed to meet Mr. Ilobson, who soon came up with his oxen and wagon, bringing with him such things from the house as lie could hastily pick up in the dark. Tlie announcement of "all aboard" soon followed. Mr. Ilobson gave up his horse to Mr. King, who returned with Capt. Naper to the settlement, while the vehicle containing the family moved on its slow and weary way. The night was cold, and rendered still more uncomfortable by a heavy fall of rain; but w^et and cold are of minor consideration, when compared with the horrors of an excited imagination, Avliich trans- forms every tree and shrub into a merciless Indian foe, with tomahawk and scalping knife in hand, ready to commit their deeds of cruelty and slaughter. Passing a night of the most intense fear and anxiety, they arrived at Brush Hill at sunrise. Crossing the 14: IIISTOKY OF O'Plaln, they foTind a liabitation, tlie only one on tlie wliole route. They jonrneyed on, and soon reached the "Big Frame," the distance across which is abont ten miles. Crossing this prairie was the most tedious part of the way. The wheels, during a greater part of the distance, were half imbedded in the marshy soil, rendering it almost impossible for the team to move on, even with an empty wagon. The children became sickened from exposure and thirst. Being unpro^dded with a drinking vessel, Mrs. Hobson fre- cpiently took the shoe from her foot and dipped the muddy water from tlie pools by the roadside, which they drank with much apparent satisfaction. They plodded on at a slow j)ace, and reached their desti- nation at a little before sunset, much exhausted by hunger and fatigue, neither Mr. nor Mrs. Hobson having tasted food for more than thirty-six hours. They wei'e safely quartered in Fort Dearborn, and liere we leave them, and return to the settlement. Some' fifteen or twenty men remained behind, when the settlement was abandoned by the families, in order to protect, if possible, their dwellings and other prop- erty, from the dej^redations of the Indians, should they come to destroy them. They quartered themselves in the log house of Capt. E^aper, and kept vigilant guard during the night. On the following morning the set- tlement was visited by Lawton, an Indian trader, liv- ing on the O'Flain, in company with tliree Indians and a half-breed, named Burrasaw. They brought no ]iews, but came to gather further particuhirs in rela- tion to the threatened invasion of the Sacs. As the settlers had heard notliiiig of tlieir movements since DU PAGE COUNTY. 15 the departure of Sluita's express, it was resolved tliat a party, joined by LaAvton and the three Indians, should go to the camp of the Pottawattoniies, near the Big Woods, some ten miles distant, for informa- tion. Two men, named Brown and Murphy, had been placed on patrol that morning, and were out on the prairie, a little west of the settlement. Tlie party setting out for the Big "Woods determined to test their courage, and for that purpose, sent the three Indians in advance of the main party. As soon as the Indians came in sight of the patrol, they gave a most terrilic war whoop, and darted on after them with the ileet- ness of so many arrows. The patrol, seized with sud- den consternation, sprang to their horses and fled in the wildest dismay — iirst toward the north, but being intercepted by some of the company, whom they took to be ravages, they wheeled and took an opposite direc- tion. In this course they Avere again intercepted by the three Indians. Concluding they must be surrounded, they came to a halt, laid down their arms, and were about to sue for mercy, when they chanced to discover in the features of their vengeful pursuers a striking- likeness to those they had left at the settlement. The fact soon dawned upon them that they had been suc- cessfully hoaxed, and their duties "on guard" termi- nated with that adventure. The company advanced toward the Big Woods. As they drew near the timber, an Indian was ob- served mounted on a horse, who, on seeing them, turned and fled. The tliree Lidians nuide instant pursuit; overtaking iiim before he had gone far, they made themselves known as friends, and detained him IG HISTORY OF mitil the company came up. Lawtoii understood the dialects of several Indian tril)e3, and in a conversation with him ascertained that he belonged to the Potta- wattomies, who were encamped only three miles distant. The Indian said the whole of his tribe were drnnk, and it would be dangerous for the company to visit them. How^ever, after brief consultation, they decided to proceed to the encampment, and the captured Indian led the way. Although the appear- ance of the company in the camp caused some little excitement among that portion of the tribe who were sufficiently sober to entertain an emotion of any kind, yet they w^ere received with no apparent indications of hostility. On examination, the testimony of the Indian was fully substantiated. Indians were found in a state of beastly intoxication in every part of the camp ; while others were enjoying the pastime in the most picturesque, amusing and fantastic series of per- formances that can be imagined. Dancing, singing, wdiooping and screeching, delightfully minglell, form- ed the grand offering which there went up at the shrine of bad whisky and worse tobacco. One fellow, who seemed to be of a decidedly pugnacious turn, was lying on the ground, face downwards, with his hands secured behind him, Samson like, with green withes. Frantic with rage, he seemed to utter the most vehement and fearful denunciations against all who came near liim. Upon inquiry, it was ascer- tained that the fellow had violated an important law in their code respecting these orgies, which law for- bids " a brother knocking a brother down,'- and he was suffering tlie penalty affixed. DU PA^E COUNTY. 17 The company were suininoiied into the presence of the chiefs, who gave them a friendly and conrteons reception. A council was called, and Lawton and Burrasaw were admitted to the ring. The consulta- tion lasted for two or three hours, and the "outsiders" were becoming rather impatient. An old Indian woman, known to Capt. IS^aj^er, while passing near him, utteredjn his ear the word " Puc-a-che," which, being both literally and liberally interpreted, signi- fies " Be off." And the Captain began to think it time to heed the advice. Inquiry was made in relation to the deliberations of the council, and Lawton responded, that " there were three hundred Sac Indians in the Black Berry timber, some four miles distant; and," said he, "you will see them if you wait here an liour. These Indians will not tight tliem, but will 'stop them by talk,' if they can, from burning your settlement." The Cap- tain signified no inclination to hold an interview with three hundred Sac Indians, but suggested the propri- ety of retreating to the settlement as soon as possible, and sending the most valuable property there to Chicago. This i)lan received the acquiescence of all the company, and after making arrangements with Lawton to send an express to notify them of any immediate danger from the Sacs, the settlers returned. The packing of their goods was immediately com- menced. All the articles which were inconvenient to convey, were lowered into a well partly dug, and all was soon ready for loading the wagons. The horses had been harnessed, and were then feeding at a stable some ten or fifteen rods from the house. IS HISTORY OF Capt. Xaper was in the liouse tying tlie corners of a quilt, which contained the remnant of clothing left behind by his family, Avhen a man rushed wildly into the room, shouting at the top of his voice, " the Indians are upon us !" Tlie whole company took instant alarm, and with the exception of Captain and John ^Naper, beat a precipitate retreat to a thicket of hazel bushes, which, in those days, flourished in i)rolific exuberance on' the soil now known as Jefferson avenue. The two Kapers were somewhat unlike the redoutable Mr. Sparrowgrass, who was prone to pull trigger and make inquiries afterward. They decided that hiqiiiry should take the precedence, and if it came to that, why, they could riin some. As the horses were near, they removed the harness and put on the saddles, that they might be in readi- ness in case of emergency. They had scarcely accom- plished this, when Alanson Sweet came galloping up on his fierce charger, exhorting them to instant flight, if tliey valued their lives. " There are at least £ve him- dred Indians upon us," said he, " "and they are not more than fifteen rods off." Alanson rode away, but the Pa- pers resolved to investigate. They walked in the direc- tion from which Sweet said the Indians were approach- ing, and soon came upon a rise of ground which had concealed the Indians from view, when lo ! the dusky visage of their friend Lawton appeared before them. He was at the head of about fifty brawny Pottawatto- mies, and had come to warn the settlers of immediate danger. Messengers were sent out to gather in the fugitives, that all might listen to Lawton's story. He said that at least sixteen of the Sacs, and how many DU PAGE COUNTY. 19 more lie did not know, liad crossed Fox river ; that the Pottawattomies could not stop them. They were determiued to attack the settlements, and their ""talk" could not prevent them. The settlers, upon this, aban- doned all idea of saving their property, but determined to make every effort to save the wife and children of Paine, who were still in the settlement. The horses were attached to a light covered wagon, in which the family was placed, and the whole company set out that night for Chicago. John Naper insisted upon going on foot, and divested himself of everythiug in the shape of attire, except his shirt and pantaloons. He was earnestly entreated to ride, but upon his assuring the party that "he could outrun any Sac Indian in the nation," further importunity was deemed useless. They reached the O'Plain, and encamped for the night without taking their horses from the wagon, that they might be ready to move on at a moment's warning. They had hastened on, through fear of beiug cut off on the northern trail, by the Indians, and being nmcli worn with fatigue, all hands slept pretty soundly till next morning. The journey was then resumed, and the party arrived at Chicago before noon, on the 20tli day of May. A company of twenty-five men was raised during the day, to return to the settlement. It consisted chiefly of settlers, accompanied by Captain Brown and Colonel Hamilton. They started on Satur- day, May 21st, and passed the night at Lawton's. ^ext day they went on to the settlement, where they found everything undisturbed. Leaving the settle- ment under the gi^ardianship of several friendly Indians, the company proceeded to Plainfield, where '20 11 I S T O il Y O F tliej found the settlers safely quartered in a fort, which they had just completed. Tliey then started for Hol- derman's grove, to ascertain the condition of the settlers there. Meeting Cunningham and Hollen- beck on the way, they were iir(:brmed that it would be of no use to go further, as their property had been destroyed. ^Notwithstanding, they proceeded to Hol- derman's grove. From this place they sent an express to Ottawa, to notify the settlers of the safety of their property, and also sent a messenger to Chicago, to apprise their friends of their own safety. The party remained at Holderman's house during the night. Early next morning the express returned from Otta- wa, bringing the intelligence of the massacre at Indian creek. The party immediately went to Ottawa, and thence proceeded to the scene of the bloody tragedy. What they there witnessed was too appalling to be described. Isot less than fifteen bodies, of men, wo- men, and children, were lying there, cut and mangled in the most shocking manner. It was ascertained that they were -of the families of Messrs. Hall, Davis and Pettigrew, and that two daughters of the Hall family, Silvia and Rachel, the one about seventeen and the other about iifteen years old, were carried off as pris- oners. The party of Indians immediately retreated into the Winnebago coimtry, up Rock river, carrying the scalps of the slain and their prisoners w^ith them. " Indian wars are the w^ars of a past age. They have always been characterized by the same ferocity and cruelty. To describe this massacre is only to repeat what has been written a hundred times ; but a brief account of it may not be deemed inappropriate in this DU PAGE COUNTY. 21, place. Tlie Indians were about seventy in number. Tliey approached tlie liouse in wliicli tlie three fami- lies were assembled in the day time. They entered it suddenly, with but little notice. Some of the inmates were immediately shot down with rifles, others were pierced through with spears or despatched with the tomahawk. The Indians afterward related, with an infernal glee, how the women had squeaked like geese when they were run through the body with spears, or felt the sharp tomahawk entering their heads. All the victims were carefully scalped, their bodies shock- ingly mutilated ; the little children were chopped to pieces with axes, and the bodies of the women were suspended by the feet from the walls of the houses. The 3^oung women prisoners w^ere hurried, by forced marches, beyond the reach of pursuit. After a long and fatiguing jom-ney with their Indian conductors, through a wilderness country, with but little to eat, and being subject to a variety of fortune, they were at last purchased by the chiefs of the Winnebagoes, employed by Mr. Gratiot for the jjurpose, Avith two thousand dollars, in horses, wampum, and trinkets, and were returned in safety to their friends." The company assicted in burying the dead, and returned with sad hearts to Ottawa. There they found Col. Stillman's command, consisting of about two hun- dred men, under Col. Johnson. The settlers, or Capt. Brown's company, as it was called, encamped on the north side of the river, near where the city of Ottawa now stands. Capt. Brown's company being so small, he requested Col. Johnson to send an escort with his party to Chicago, as it was expected that they wouhl 1)0 at- 22 II I S T O E Y O F tacked b j Indians on their return. Col. Johnson refused to send men for that purpose, but paraded his company and called for volunteers. Maj. Bailey and twelve privates volunteered to go. But the company being still very small, Col. Johnson agreed to send a detach- ment up the river and meet Maj. Brown's company at Green's mill. Upon this assurance, the settlers left Ottaw^a and followed the river up as far as Green's, but no tidings came to them of Col. Johnson's detach- ment. Beturning to Holderman's grove, they found everything laid waste. The settlement there was a scene of complete devastation and ruin. They j)ro- ceeded to Blainiield, and found the garrison in a state of great alarm, occasioned by the news of the mas- sacre at Indian creek. The women, who apjDeared the more courageous, provided the company with a good supper, and they remained there until next day. In the moriiing the settlement was abandoned, and all started for Chicago, except a preacher by the name of Paine. He refused to accompany them, as he had, from some cause, conceived the notion that the settlers at Chicago had all been murdered. lie started in the direction of Holderman's grove, but was found mur- dered some days afterward, with one scalp torn from his head and another from his face. Paine was wont to wear a very heavy beard, which accounts for the scalp being taken from his face. There is a tradition of this brutal afi'air, wliich informs us that the Indians cut off Paine's head and carried it with them, suppos- ing, from the appearance given to the face by its long beard, that they had killed one of the gods of the wliites. DU PAGE COUNTY. The settlers all readied Cliicago tlie same day on wliich tliey left Plainlield. The Scott families, which should have l)een noticed in another place, did not abandon their claims at the Forks, nntil some time after the inhabitants fled from the settlement. A son of Eobinson, an Indian chief of the Pottawattomie tribe, was living with, them, and they knew that, in case of actnal danger from the Sacs, the boy would be taken away. "When he was removed, they concluded there would be no safety in remaining longer, and thereupon followed in the trail of their affrighted neighbors, to Fort Dearborn. ]^ot long after, a scouting party of twenty-five i>orsemen started for the settlement; their object being to ascertain whether any of th<^ enemy had been there, and to look after the property of the set- tlers. This expedition was placed under the command of Col. B. Beaubien. They left Chicago in tiie morn- ing, and at noon reached tlie O'Plain river, where they found Robert Kinzie, witli fifty Indians under his command. An arrangement was made, by which it was agreed that the Indians, under Captain Kinzie, should pro- ceed by the direct trail to the settlement, and the mounted company should proceed to the same place by way of Capt. Boardman's, to look after the property there. It was expected that the latter party y^ould arrive at the settlement some time before the former. Beau- bien's com]3any urged their horses on as fast as possi- ble, and in a few hours arrived at Ellsworth's grove. Tlie skirt of timber, which then extended over nearly 24 II I S T O R Y O 7<^ the whole area of the present village of ^N'aperyille, concealed the settlement from their view, but to their "surprise, and we might add, to the dismay of some, smoke was seen rising from the place where Xaper's house was situated. A halt was called, and by some of the company, most willingly obeyed. A hasty con- sultation followed, and John I^aper, who was ever ready to " don armor and break a lance" in the cause of his friends, volunteered to ride around the point of timber, and ascertain whether the settlement was in the possession of friend or foe. In case he should meet with friends, he was to discharge his rifle, to notify his waiting and anxious comrades of that tact. But if foes were encountered, he was to return imme- diately to the "company. His progress was watched with no small degree of interest, until he passed be- hind the point of timber, out of sight. Soon the reports of two guns were heard, and J^aper did not make his appearance. In all probability he was shot, and the alarm among the company increased. There was no means of telling how numerous the enemy might be, nor how soon the sharp report of the rifle might be their own death-knell. Two of the compan}^, one of whom was mounted on a pack mule, and the other on a diminutive pack pony, belonging to the American Fur Company, manifested considerable uneasiness, as they had found by actual experience that neither of their animals was very remarkable for speed, and knew that in case of flight they must inevitably fall in tlie rear, and become an easy prey to their pursuers. They considered dis- cretion as the better part of valor, and "self-preserva DTJ PAGE COUNTY. 25 tion the first law of nature,'" and, suiting their .action to the consideration, hobbled off toward the East Branch timber. They had not gone far when they were discovered by Col. Beaubien, who rode on after them, loudly vociferating, "Halt! halt!" Tliey did not heed the command, but concentrated all their efforts to get out of his way. Beaubien put spurs to his horse and soon ran them down. Coming up to them he drew a 23istol, and, presenting it, uttered the effective condition and conclusion, " You run ? By gar ! you run, me shoot you !" The argimient was irresistable, and the fugitives were captured and l)rought back. R. 'N. Murray, who was with the company, being well mounted, started to go and ascer- tain what had become of JSTaper ; but he had gone only a short distance when Jolm made his appearance and gave the signal that friends were in the camp ; which signal was greeted with a shout as joyous as any that ever broke the silence of that grove. On entering the settlement it was ascertained that the Indians under Capt. Kinzie had accomplished the journey before them, and had fired the two guns as a salute to the gallant Kaj^er, as he rode fearlessly into the camp. The company had been out all day, and were very hungry, but nothing could be found at the settle- ment in the way of provisions. Among the cattle feeding on the prairie was a fine, fat steer, belonging to K. M. Sweet, and it was decided that it should be slaughtered for their evening's repast. The cattle were all very wild, and ran off in fright whenever they were approached, so that the only method of securing the young steer was by shooting it. The 26 IIISTOKY OF Lidians being anxious to undertake tliis part of tlie project, about fifty of tliem were provided with rifles, and. tliey sallied forth toward the place where the herd was feeding, capering and cutting all kinds of antics as they went along. As they approached the herd their victim was singled out, and two or three shots were fired without taking effect. The affrighted animal ran bellowmg over the field, closely pressed by his assailants, who kept up a continual fire upon him, until the whole round had been discharged. Of the fifty shots directed toward the animal, none proved mortal. A rifle ball, however, more fatally lodged, sent a tremor through his frame, and caused him to slacken his pace. The chase continued for some time, when the animal, in attempting to cross a slough, became mired and was easily taken. " "War seemed a civil game," compared to the uproar that followed the fall of this hero. And as they bore hhn upon their shoulders triumphantly into the camp, one would have supposed, from the infernal yelling and screeching of those Indians, which " Erabowel'd with outrageous noise the air," that Milton's deep-throated engines were again let loose with a certainty. They all shared the triumph, and each celebrated the capture of the steer as his own special achievement. N^othing could exceed the vainglorious vaporing of these rude sons of the forest, as they strutted about and exulted in the heroism of the adventure. The animal was properly dressed, and portions of the meat were prepared for supper, of which all partook with a good degree of relish. DU PAGE COUNTY. 27 After supper tlie log store was broken open and fonncl to contain, among otlier tilings, a good supply of the two staple articles of pioneer merchandise, viz. : rum and tobacco. These were dealt out profusely to the Indians as a reward for their valorous conduct in the evening chase. The company remained at the settlement during the night. In the evening, to vary the monotony a little, they prevailed uj)on the Indians to get up a war dance. This performance, when dra- matically considered, is strictly tragic, but it must be admitted that the "bilP' for that evening had a fair sprinkling of the comic. Scalping scenes and toma- hawk scenes were presented in the most approved Indian fashion, to the infinite amusement of a small but " highly respectable audience." At a late hour the whole company retired^ each individual selecting his "site" without respect to the complexion of his neighbor. In the morning the company under Beaubien arose with an impatient desire to meet the enemy. They had slept off the fatigue of the previous day, and their desire for conflict returned with redoubled force with the restoration of their bodily energies. Tliey resolved upon committing havoc among the Sacs, and fearing that they might, in some unguarded moment, slay some of their friends, the Pottawattonnes, by mistake, they went again to the old log store and procured a piece of cotton sheeting, which they tore into small strips and tied around the head and waist of each friendly Indian. Thus decorated, they left the party of Ca]3t. Kinzie, and started for the Big Woods. The' prairies were scoured, but not an Indian, nor trace of an Indian, was to be found. 28 II I S T O E Y OF The com]3aiiy returned to the settlement sadly dejected at the ill success of their Quixotic adven- ture, and started for Chicago on the following morn- ing. i^Nfothing transpired on the way worthy of notice, except that the company rode as fai* as Brush Hill constantly expecting to suffer the inconvenience of being shot, through the carelessness of one of its members, a young man then fresli from 'New York City, but now an individual of some distinction in Chicago City. He accidentally discharged his piece tliree times before reaching Brush Hill. The guns were strapped to the saddles in a horizontal position, and the chances were that the young man's I'andom shots would take effect, if he was allowed the range of tlie Avliole company much longer. Arriving at Brush Hill and attempting to dismount, bang ! went his gun again. This aroused the ire of Col. Beaubien. He could endure it no longer, and commanded the youth to surrender up his arms. This the young man stoutly refused to do, whereupon Col. Beaubien made a violent descent upon him, threw him down, and after a short struggle succeeded in wresting the gun from his grasp, after which there was no more ''firing on parade" that day. A short time after, Capt. Naper, Capt. H. Boardman, and some ten or twelve others, went out from Chicago to the settlement to examine the crops. Nothing had been disturbed, and the crops were found in good condition. From the settlement they went to Ottawa, to obtain from Gen. Atkinson, who was stationed there .with about fifty men, assistance to build a- fort at the !Naper settlement. Gen. Atkinson dispatched the (•<>m])any unrler Capt. Paine at Jolict, to aid them in I)U PAGE COUNTY. 29 the euteri:)rise. They proceeded to the Naper settle- ment and erected a fort near the house of Lewis Ellsworth, and in honor of the caj^tain of the company dispatched to aid them, called it Fort Paine. The fort was built of pickets, witli two block houses, and so constructed that it could be defended from an attack, on either side. An incident occurred just before the completion of this fort, which threw a gloom over the minds of the settlers, and excited fears which had been entirely allayed by the prospect of a speedy protection. Two men, named Brown and Buckley, were sent to Sweet's grove to procure a load of shingles. They had gone as far as the grove, north of the Beaubien place, when Buckley got out of the wagon to open a passage in the fence. Brown drove through into the field, and the team continued to move on, while Buckley walked leisurely along behind. Suddenly the sharp report of a rifle was heard from an adjoining- thicket, and Buckley saw his comrade fall dead from the wagon. Terrified and bewildered he fled toward the settlement. He reached the fort with scarcely strength to communicate the melancholy tidings to ]iis sorrowing companions. About twenty men left the fort and proceeded to the scene of the disaster. The horses had been stripped of their harness and taken away, and the body of Brown was found near the wagon, pierced with three balls. It was brought to the fort and buried. The trail of the Indians was followed, but they had fled beyond the reach of pursuit. As much alarm now prevailed throughout the company, it was decided that Capt. ISTaper and 30 H I S T O K Y O F Alanson Sweet, should start that night for. Chicago to procure more men. They started on horseback, bnt Sweet's horse giving ont, he w^as obliged to journey on foot. An incident occurred during this trip, wdiich strikingly exhibits the force of a capri- cious imagination, and the liability to deception when that faculty is unduly excited. They were approach- ing Flag creek, when Sweet affirmed that he saw two Indians, one on foot and the other on horseback, and proposed to let Capt. Naper go on w^itli his horse while he concealed himself in the grass. The Cap- tain's attention was directed to the objects, and they bore the same appearance to him. He requested Sweet to mount behind him, that they might both move toward them. He did so, and they rode on. As they passed along, the path deviated to the right, and the objects began to separate. Tliis confirmed them in their impression, and Sweet declared that they were Indians, for he could see them move. After going several rods they turned and rode back the same path, and then the objects began to approach each other, and wdien they had arrived at the place where Sweet mounted, the Indians had resumed their first position. This little experiment convinced them of their delusion, and they rode bravely on. The objects were found to be two trees of different heights, a mile distant, and half a mile apart. They reached Chicago early next morning, and asked assist- ance from Gen. Williams, who was there wdtli three hundred troops from Michigan, but he refused to fur- nish it, as he did not deem it safe to send men into the country at that time. At length Maj. Wilson 1)U PAGE COUNTY. 31 informed Capt. Naper, that if Gen. Williams would consent, he wonld take some of his men and return with him to the settlement. Whereupon, a council of officers was held, but it was deemed unsafe for any to go, even as volunteers. Capt. I^aper then left Chicago and returned much disheartened to the settlement. There being no better alternative, the settlers re- solved to remain where they were, and acting wisely upon this resolution, placed themselves in the best jDossible position for defense. Scouting parties were frequently sent out to range the surrounding country, but no skirmishes were had with the Indians. The nearest a23proach to an encounter with the enemy took place on the Fourth of July. Fired with the patriotic spirit which animated the sires of Seventy- Six, a small party shoulctered their muskets, and set forth to scour the surrounding country in pursuit of adventure. After a fatiguing day's march the party arrived at the Au Sable grove, without having an opportunity for the slightest display of their pent-up valor. Here they encamped for the night. After supper they cbew around the camp fire, and John I:^aper became the oracle of the evening. His anecdotes and tales of adventurous deeds and noble daring, kept the whole party wide awake and in good cheer far into the night, when the " meeting " broke up, and deep sleep soon assumed the sovereignty of the camp. In the morning breakfast was prepared, and after enjoying the repast pre]3arations were being made to depart. Willard Scott, who from early associations had become skilled in backwoods craft, 82 H I S T O K Y O F and regarded every ti'ack with the knowing eye of an Indian, w^as a inember of the comjDany. As they were about to leave the place, he discovered what appeared to liini to be a fresli Indian trail, and npon further examination decided, that. two Indians accom- 23anied by a boy had recently passed near the encamp- ment. This intelligence aroused the depressed spirits of tlie whole party, and all were eager for pursuit. The trail was followed wdth some difficulty to the river bank, opposite the village encampment of the Pottawattomies. Here from certain indications on the stones and sand, Mr. Scott knew the Indians had crossed the stream. A council of war was now held, and the plan adopted of crossing and riding rapidly uj) the opposite bank, and if the Lidians were then in view they could be easily surprised and taken. The Avord for starting was given, and a general stampede ensued. John TsTaper was the first to reach the opposite bank and announce that the Indians were in sight. They w^ere standing upon the roof of a w^igwam, evidently watching for the direction of their pursuers. As soon as John made his appearance they leaped quickly to the ground, made oiF toward the river and were soon out of sight. The party hastened to the spot and followed their trail to the river. They had evidently crossed to the oj)posite bank, and the party recrossed in pursuit, but no further trace of their progress could be found. After making diligent search, and having abandoned all hojDe of again find- ing the trail, the company sat down and partook of some refreshments from their knapsacks, and soon after made their way back to the settlement, some- DU PAGE COUNTY. 33 what chagrined at being compelled to sniTendei* to the artifice of their wily fugitives. The Indians eluded them by crossing to a small island in the stream, upon which was a cluster of trees. Having climbed one of the tallest trees and concealed them- selves among its branches, they sat and viewed the maneuvers of their vanquished pursuers with the greatest glee. They afterward related the whole alFair to Robinson, a chief of the Pottawattomies, and arrogated to themselves a vast amount of credit for having so successfully eluded the sharp eye of "White Eagle," an appellation which they applied to Mr. Scott. This title originated from the following cir- cumstance : Mr. David McKee, an acquaintance of Mr. Scott, had, in his deal with the Indians, received a buck-skin coat from one of them as a pledge for certain goods sold to him. A time at which the coat was to be redeemed was fixed by the parties, but when it arrived the Indian did not make his appear- ance, and the coat therefore became the property of Mr. Mclvee. It was subsequently sold to Mr. Scott. Several months after, Mr. McKee, having occassion to visit an Indian settlement near Racine, for the purpose of trading w^ith them, Mr. Scott accompanied him. Among the Indians in the settlement, they found the one from whom McKee had received the coat. Seeing the article in Mr. Scott's possession, he instantly demanded that it should be given up. He was told that he could have it by paying the sum for which it was left in pledge, but this he refused to do, at the same time persisting in his demand for an unconditional surrender of the garment. Upon re- 34 HISTORY OF ceiving a peremptory refusal, lie tlireateiied to take it by force. This considerably aroused the ire of Mr. Scott, and he told him, that if he wanted the coat, he might try the expediency of taldng it from him. Upon this, the Indian left them, threatening liim with great vengeance, and promising to return immediately with a sufficient force to take the coat from his back. He soon retm-ned, accompanied by some fifty or sixty of his companions, all fully armed, and painted in the most barbarous manner. Their appearance was enough to terrify any one who was unaccustomed to the stratagems to which Indians resort to caiTy their ends. As they approached, Scott and McKee gathered uj) their arms, and stood in a defensive attitude, con- fronting the whole party. The Indian who claimed the coat advanced and demanded it, threatening their destruction if again refused. Mr. Scott boldly informed him that the coat was on his back, and if he wanted it he must take it off. In the mean time, a young Indian chief, who was acquainted with the circumstances of the case, came and took a position with them, saying that he would stand by them in any emergency. The Indians then set up a most unearthly howling, and continued for some time to dance around them, flour- ishing their tomahawks, and trying to intimidate them with the most awful threats and frightful grimaces. At last, finding their efforts to obtain the coat unavail- ing, they withdrew, leaving Scott and McKee in full possession of the field. From that day afterward they always addressed Mr. Scott as " White Eagle," a title which belonged to none but the bravest. Although the stand taken by the young Indian chief in their favor DU PAGE COUNTY. 35 may have saved them their lives, yet it is not supposed that the Indians designed to do anything more than to frighten them into a surrender of the coat. Mr. Scott, from a long intercourse with them, had become pretty well inured to their trickery, and was not easily deceived by appearances. He had lived among them and hunted wdth them, until he came to look upon many of their "signs and tokens" with considerable credulity. Among other practices, com- mon among these Indians, was that of leaving pij)es filled with tobacco in certain places on their hmiting grounds, whenever they had bad luck, tliat the Great Spirit might come and smoke, by which they supposed his favor was secured, and that they would consequently have more favorable fortmie. This device was employed by Mr. Scott, on one occasion, with marked success. A company started from the settlement for an afternoon's foray in the East Branch timber. It w^as a luckless expedition, and night came on, finding them entirely destitute of game. Between simdown and dark the hunters assembled to set out together for the settle- ment. Mr. Scott now produced his pipe, filled it with tobacco, applied a match to it, and j^laced it very mys- teriously in the crotch of a tree. The party started, Mr. Scott riding some distance in the rear of the main body. He had not gone far when a beautiful, fat deer sprang from a thicket and crossed the path just befoje him. He leveled his rifle, and sent a ball whizzing through its heart. Before his gun was fairly loaded, another appeared, which met the same fate. The report of his rifle l)rought back the main party, who, upon witnessing the feat lie liad performed, were no ;16 HISTORY OF longer inclined to ridicule the idea of feeding the "Great Spirit" with tobacco. Abont this time Messrs. Hobson, Goodwin, Board- man, and Strong, were returning from Chicago with two ox teams. Hobson and Goodwin were riding in one w^agon, and Boardman and Strong in the other. It was a warm snminer's day, and Strong laid down in the wagon and fell asleep. Discovering that his com- panion was taking a nap, and ever on the qui vive for a little fun, Boardman called to Hobson to come and tire his gun near Strong's head, and see what the effect would be. Hobson brought his gun and discharged it as directed, when Strong, suddenly awakened by the report, and supposing himself beset with Indians, made a desperate attempt to go down through the bottom boards of the wagon box. The joke was now on Strong, and after the "laugh" liad subsided, they drove on. By and by Strong concluded to try Hob- son's courage. A plan was secretly devised between him and Goodwin, by which Strong was to secrete himself in a thicket some distance ahead, and when Hol)Son came along, get up some demonstrations that would lead him to think that there were Indians there. As Hobson's team aj)proached the place, the war wliooj) was sounded, and one or two shots fired. Goodwin manifested extreme terror, and seizing both guns, ran off, leaving Mr. Hobson alone, with nothing to defend himself but an ox whip. But he was not to be intimi- dated, and, without altering his course, rode past the thicket, standing erect in his wagon, with a fixed and searching look upon the place from which the " mani- festations" proceeded. DU PAGE COUNTY. 37 Strong abandoned the idea of attempting again to frighten Hobson, and Goodwin was coolly informed, that if he ever meddled with Hobson's rifle again, he wonld stand the chance of getting his own brains blowed out. Of the condition of the families at Fort Dearborn nothing has yet been said. We have been informed by some who went there, that it seemed as though they were to be shut up to starve, if not to be slaughtered by the Indians, having, in their hasty flight, taken but a scant supply of provisions, and there being little or nothing to be had in Chicago. For a time the garri- son was supplied with beef by Claybom*ne, who was employed to butcher for the Pottawattomies by govern- ment, but the meat was so poor that necessity alone could have compelled them to use it. Among the families in the fort was that of a Mr. Harris, who lived at Hollenbeck's grove. At the time of the alarm, the father of Mrs. Harris, a very aged man, was too feeble to make his escape unassisted. He begged them to leave him and make tJieir escape, if possible, saying that if the Indians killed him, they would only rob him of a few years. He was left alone, and four days elapsed before they were enabled to return, prej)ared to remove him. The Indians had visited the house in the mean time, but did not attempt to molest him, nor anything about the premises. When the regular troops came on from Michigan, the settlers were ordered to quit the fort, and every hovel that would afford a shel- ter was immediately crowded with occupants. At this time there were several women and children in the fort whose* husbands and fathers were at the ISTaper 38 II I S T O E Y O F settlement, building the fort there. These would have been turned out of doors, had it not been for the en- treaty and expostulation of the volunteer company. By an exceedingly liberal pro^dsion, Mrs. Hawley and six children, Mrs. Blodgett and four children, and Mrs. Hobson and five children, were allowed to occupy an upper room in the establishment, about ten feet square. Any one can calculate the space occupied by each for a bed. Here they remained for ten days, before they could make their situation known to their husbands. The Indians did not appear near the fort at any time during their stay, although the garrison was one day thrown into great excitement by a false alarm. This afforded an opportunity to test the courage of the inmates, who, with one exception, proved undaunted. It is said that a gentleman who made bravery his boast, was missing for six or eight hours after the alarm, when he was fomid snugly ensconced imder a feather- bed, but in a state of great trepidation. In July the command of Gen. Scott passed on to Dixon, aiid the main army soon followed. With the government troops between them and. their foe, the settlers had no further cause to fear. The families were brought back from Fort Dearborn, and placed in and near the fort — those of Mr. Scott, Capt. Boardman, Mr. Hobson, and John Naper, occupying a log house near by. Here they remained without molestation until after the battle of Bad Axe, which put an end to the Black Hawk war. This took place in September. All apprehension of danger was now at an end. The settlers resumed their claims, and, in uninterrupted peace and prosperity, many of them have lived to enjoy the abundant fruits of their valiant pioneership. DU PAGE COUNTY. 39 RELATIVE TO THE OLD " CLAIM FEUDS," ETC. After the close of tlie Black Hawk war, the tide of immigration again turned to Illinois, and this county received its proportion of new settlers. The first settlers selected, of conrse, the best loca- tions, which were adjacent to the timber. The upland, or dry prairie, was usually selected in preference to the low and wet, and especially preferred wherever good facilities for obtaining water w^ere offered. The houses of the first settlers were usually built near the timber. Scarcely any were to. be found upon the prairie prior to 1837. All the timber land was "claimed" before 1835, but some of the prairie land in our county, which, at that day, was considered almost worthless, on account of its being inconvenient to tim- ber, was never claimed- by the squatters. Many difii- culties arose among the settlers iii relation to the boundaries and priority of the claims of parties. Troubles of this kind are incident to the early set- tlement of any country, w^here the settlement precedes the smwey of the land by government. Tlie difiiculties here, as elsewhere, created bitter feelings of animosity between neighbors, and, in too many instances, these feelings have not been aUayed even to the present day; and we often hear disparaging remarks made by one 40 H I S T O K Y O F respecting another, which, when traced to their origin, are found to emanate from the old "claim feuds." I^^Tor were these quarrels confined to words alone. Many bloody combats occurred between belligerent parties ; the one being usually the first claimant, the other, one w^ho had "jumped the claim." Although blood w^as freely spilled during these contests, yet, with the ex- ce]3tion of but one instance, which mil be referred to hereafter, no lives were sacrificed. Sometimes the party in the wrong was driven from the field by the rightful claimant, assisted by his neighbors ; for in those days the laws of Judge Lynch were often exe- cuted in a summary manner. An understanding, or imj)lied agreement, existed among the settlers, tliat those who obtained portions of the claims of others by 23reemption, or by purchase at the land sale, sliould deed to such claimant the part belonging to him. This was called an agreement to " deed and redeed." Most of the land was clamied by those who intended to pur- chase it, and make a permanent home for themselves and their, families. Some of it, however, was claimed by what Avere then called " land sharks." This class of men merely claimed the land for the purpose of selHng it to subsequent settlers, and were not usually protected in their claims by those who were always ready to assist a hona fide settler. The claims often sold for prices which would, even now, be considered exorbitant for the land. A few of the land sharks made money by their swindling operations, but most of them can boast of but little wealth at the ]3resent time, as they were of that class who spend their money as readily as they obtain it, and engage in speculations DU PAGE COUNTY. 41 more wild and more dishonorable than stealing land, CA'en, from actual settlers. A company was formed somewhere in this county, between 1832 and 1835, which was called — for what reason we know not — "The Land Pirate Company." This company made, or caused to be made, a claim in the Big Woods, embracing three or fom^ sections of the best timbered land. Their claim was inclosed with a rail fence, some two or three rails high, and a log cabin was erected upon it. This much they accomplished without being molested. But unfortunately for the brilliant prospects of the comj)any, who, no doubt, ex- pected to realize a splendid fortune from the sale of their claim, the rails of their inclosm-e disappeared in a most mysterious manner; the boundaries soon be- came extremely indefinite ; every feature of its iden- tity was lost ; and at this day it is divided into more pieces than there are states in the union, furnishing fuel and timber to a large community in its vicinity. The land south of the old Indian bomidary line came into market in 1835. E^early all of it was bought by spec- ulators, some bidding for it as high as ten and fifteen dollars per acre. In this way the settlers, in many cases, were dispossessed of their claims, including all their improvements, which had cost them years of labor. Unable to compete with the speculators, it was impossible for them to retain their lands. In view of the hardships of such cases, and for the j)urpose of settling Hues, and making an express agreement with each other to carry out the implied agreement before alluded to, the settlers at the Big Wood formed a soci-. ety, in 1836, called "The Claim Protecting Society." 42 HIS T O K Y O F It had for its object, beside the protection of the set- tlers against speculators, the settlement of all disputes as to boundaries. It was provided that settlers whose boundaries were fixed beyond all disj)ute, should meas- ure and plat their claims, and file the same with the secretary. The other members were then bound to protect and defend them. The following preamble and resolutions are ^ taken from the records of the Big Woods Claim Society, which was the first society of the kind formed in this county : East Side of the Big Woods, ) Cook Gouiity, Illinois, Feb. 6, ISSe.j" Be it Remembered, That we, the undersigned, inhabitants of the east side of the Big Woods and its vicinity, have settled on lands be- longing to the United States, and who have severally made their respective claims, including timber and prairie : Now, for the peace and tranquility of our said settlement, we do severally and individually bind each to the other, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, to protect and assist each other in their respective claims, and to assist each other in keeping off all intruders that may intrude on each other's claims, in any way whatever. And we further agree to deed and re- deed to each other, at govei-nment price, whenever our said claims shall come into market ; that is to say, in case our respective claims shall not agree or correspond with the general government survey. The true intent and meaning of these presents is, that we severally and individu- ally shall have our lands according to our said claims that we now have claimed, whether our claims shall correspond with the actual survey or not. In case any difficulty should hereafter arise respecting any of our said claims, in any way whatever, we do severally and individually agree to let all disputes and difficulties be submitted to the following named persons, as a committee, Avho shall, or a majority of them, and their successors in office, settle all kinds of disputes or difficulties that may arise respecting claims whatever. The following persons were duly appomted as said committee : DoCT. LEVI WARD, FREDERICK STOLP, A. E. CARPENTER, WILLIAM J. STRONG, CHARLES SIDDERS. DU paCtE county. 43 N. B. All claims, as respecting their size, both in timber and prarie, shall be submitted to the said committee, for them to say whether any of our said claims are unreasonable in size or not In case of any intrusion that may hereafter arise with any of our said claims, we do severally and individually agree to pay our equal quota of expenses that may arise in defense of our claims, according to the size and nature of our claims. The above meeting was held at the house of A. Culver, on the east side of the Big Woods. JOHN WARNE, Secretary. The following is a list of the members of this society : John Warne, A. E. Carpenter, James Dyer, John Mosier, Joseph Fish, J. M. Warren, John Maxwell, Cornelius Jones, John Ogden, Phineas Graves, Wm. Hall, David Crane, James Brown, Frederick Stolp, Nelson Murray, Taylor S. Warnc, Jesse B. Ketchum, Barton Eddy, David McKee, J. S. P. Lord, Joseph Wilson, Warren Smith, Henry il. Waitc, Lyman King, Luther Chandler, Gilbert S. Rouse, S. H. Arnold, Joseph Stolp, Reuben Austin, Charles Arnold, Levi Leach. Elihu Wright, Nazah Be.ardsley, S. Hurlbut, Darias J. Lamphear, Walter tSermain, John B. Eddy, John Gregg, Samuel Mosier, Orrin W. Graves, B. Tubbs, Jr., Joseph Thayer, Thomson Paxton, L. Ward, Charles Brown, Charles Bidders, James Hymes, Nathan Williams, Wm. J. Strong, Robert Hopkins, Jesse Graves, John Stolp, Allen Williams, A. Culver, Thomas N. Paxton, Dennis Clark, Amander P. Thomas, Alfred Churchill, R. S. Ostrander, A. W. Beardsley, George Laird, George C. Howes, Samuel Paxton, William Williams, George Monroe, Harvey Higbee, . N. H. Thomas, Enos Coleman, Linus L. Coleman, Eli Northum, Zerah Jones, Reuben Jones, George S. Blackman, Blackman & Winslow, William E. Bent, J. B. & E. Smith, Ira Woodman, Alden S. Clififord, Wm. Hill, John Fox, Nathan Williams, Alanson Arnold, Eleazer Blackman, Aurin Ralph, John Sidders, Russel Whipple, Sheffield Mills, Jonas Lamphear, Wm, R. Currier, Manus Griswold, Isaac Barnes, 44 HISTOKY OF We insert below tlie record of some of the transac- tions of this body, and also several decisions relating to disj^uted claims : At a meeting this 6th day of August, A. D. 1836, at the house of Thomson Paxton, on the east side of the Big Woods, Cook county : It was motioned and seconded that this be our first annual meeting, and our next annual meeting be held on the 6th of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and to have a regular meeting every six months, or semi- annual meeting. It was motioned and seconded that the following named persons be a new committee, and they were duly elected, as follows : William J. Strong, Thomson Paxton, John Gregg, Warren Smith, Frederick Stolp. It was motioned and seconded that this society be called the Big Woods Claim Protecting Society. It was motioned and seconded that, at our semi-annual or annual meetings, in all cases a majority present shall have full power to do business; and further, that this instrument shall not be altered, in any case, except at the annual or semi-annual meetings. It was further motioned and seconded, that we bind our heirs and assigns. It was motioned and seconded that the secretary purchase a book to register our respective claims; and further, it was motioned and seconded that every person shall present or give a description of his or her claim, within ninety days from this date, to the secretary, to have our respective -claims recorded in a book for that purpose. Any claimant not complying as above, such claim by us shall be considered null and void. It was motioned and seconded that in all cases where any suit or suits are investigated by the committee, the defaulter or trespasser shall pay all costs. It was motioned and seconded that the penal sum of this, our said constitution, shall be increased from one to ten thousand dollars. Motioned and seconded that this meeting adjourn to the first Satur- day in February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to the house of Thomson Paxton. At a meeting held this 4th day of February, 1837, at the house of Thomson Paxton, on the east side of the Big Woods, Cook county, Illinois : Voted, That the time be extended for entering claims, until the next annual meeting ; that the descriptions handed in since the time expired DU PAGHi] COUNTY. 45 should be received also, for recording. Voted, That no one settler shall be protected by this society on a claim to exceed six hundred and forty acres. Voted, That the secretary drop a line to those individuals that have recorded more land than this society will protect them in. Voted, That no member of our society shall commence a suit at the expense of the society, without the approbation of the committee. Voted, That a written notice from one of the committee shall be given to the defendant, or to his wife, previous to any suit pending before them. Voted, That our whole proceedings, from the commencement, shall be published in the three Chicago newspapers, and hkewise in the Mil- waukee Advocate ; that a committee of three be appointed to draft or prepare our proceedings for publication. The following named persons were elected said committee : Russell Whipple, Eli Northam, Warren Smith, including the secretary. Voted, That the secretary shall record all decisions made by the committee respecting claims. Voted, That this meeting adjourn to the 6th day of August next, to meet at the house of Thomson Paxton. DECISIONS OF THE CLAIM COMMITTEE. We, the subscribers, have taken into consideration the right of claim in dispute between J. Warren and J. Maxwell, and award that the 160 acres shall be equally divided between said claimants. L. WARD, CHARLES SIDERS, , ., ... ^ F STOLP V Committee. WM. J. STRONG, J 1. Cook county, Illinois,^ 5th March, 1836. \ It was the decision of the committee that Mr. Warren has shown a right to the east eighty, by an agreement, and that Mr. Warren, there- fore, has nothing more to leave out with regard to the above named lot, WARREX SMITH, Committee. THOMSON PAXTON, [, JOHX GREGG, . F. STOLP, J Jan. 17, 1S87. 46 H I S T O R Y O F The committee agreed that the disputed quarter section within the furrow between Williams and Himcs, should be equally divided between said Williams and Himes, the division line to run with the road. ' Wil" liams shall take the north half and Himes the south. Entered Feb. 4, 1837. We, the committee of the " Big Woods Claim Protecting Society," give judgment on the case wherein James Dyer is plaintiff and David McKee defendant, on a lot of prairie east of David McKee's field. That the said David McKee pay the said James Dyer one hundred dollars, and have all the improvements made by the said Dyer ; otherwise, if the said David McKee refuse to pay the above mentioned sum to the said Dyer, he shall have the said lot of land as his lawful claim, to dispose of as his. A society was formed for similar objects in 1839, called tlie "Du Page Comity Society for Mutual Pro- tection." At the risk of tiring our readers, we give some extracts from its records : At a meeting of the settlers of Du Page County, held at Naperville, on the 28th of October, A. D. 1839, Russel Whipple was called to the chair, and James C. Hatch appointed secretary. Whereupon the fol- lowing report was read to the meeting: At a meeting of the settlers of Du Page County, held at Naperville, on the 29th of September last, to take measures for securing their rights and interests to and in their respective claims, a committee of ten was appointed to draft rules and regulations to present for the consideration of this meeting, in compli- ance with which, said committee respectfully beg leave to present the following : Situated as we are upon government lands, which have, by the indus- try of the settlers, already become highly valuable, and inasmuch as our claims.lie in such a variety of shapes, and are of such different dimen- sions, that they cannot in any manner correspond with the government survey, it appears necessary, in order to prevent the most fearful conse- quences, that the lines of our respective claims should be established previous to the government survey, and we ourselves bound by the strong arm of the law, to reconvey, as hereinafter mentioned, to our neighbors, whenever these lands are sold by the order of the general government, so as to keep our claims as they are now established ; and to accomplish this end, we recommend the following regulations: VGE COUNTY. 4:7 First. We do hereby form ourselves into a society, to be called the Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection, and agree to be governed by such prudent rules and by-laws as the society may hereafter adopt, not inconsistent with the laws of the country ; and that we will make use of all honorable means to protect each other in our respective claims, as may hereafter be agreed upon and recorded ; and that we will not countenance any unjust claim, set up by speculators or others ; and we declare that the primaiy object of this society is, to protect the inhabitants in their claims and boundaries, so that each shall deed and redfeed to the other as hereinafter mentioned, when the government survey does not agree with the present lines, or lines which may here- after be agreed upon. Second. That there be a committee of five appointed at this meeting, three of whom may form a board of arbitration, to decide, from legal testimony, all disputes respecting the -lines or boundaries of any claim to which they may be called together, with the costs of the arbitration, and the party or parties who shall pay the same : Provided^ It does not appear that such dispute has previously been decided, by an arbitration held by the agreement of the parties, which shall be a bar against fur- ther proceedings of said committee, except as to matter of costs. Tfdrd. That each of the said committee shall be entitled to one dollar per day, for each day officially engaged. Fourth. That, in all cases where the parties cannot establish their lines, either by reference to their neighbors or otherwise-, either party may, at any time, by giving to the other ten days' notice of his or her intention, call out at least three of the board of arbitration, to decide the same, and their decision shall 'be final. Fifth. That there be one clerk appointed at this meeting, who shall keep a fair record of all transactions of this association, and also of all descriptions of claims presented to him for record : Provided., That there is attached thereto a certificate from all who have adjoining claims, cer- tifying to the correctness of such description, or a certificate signed by a majority of any arbitration, met to establish any line or lines of said claun ; and that the said clerk shall be entitled to twenty-five cents for recording each claim and certificate. Sixth. That it shall be the duty of every settler to present to the clerk a definite description of his or her claim, either from actual survey or otherwise, and also to set his or her hand and seal to a certain indenture, drafted by Giles Spring, Esq., of Chicago, for this society. 48 II I S T O R Y O F Seventh. That there be a committee of three in each precinct, ap- pointed at this meeting, for the purpose of carrying into effect the sixth regulation. Eighth. That the settlers on the school lands ought to obtain their lands at government price. Ninth. That we will firmly and manfully protect all who conform to the above regulations previous to the first day of January, 1840. Which report and regulations were unanimously adopted, and ordered to be embodied in a constitution. Thereafter, on motion, a committee of six was appointed by the chair, to nominate a board of arbitration and clerk, viz. : Lewis Ellsworth, Elihu Thayer, Luther Hatch, Cornelius Jones, Job A. Smith, and David S. Dunning ; who, having retired, returned and reported Lyman Meach- AM, Erastus Gary, and Stephen J. Scott, board of arbitration, and P. Ballingall, clerk ; which nominations were approved of Whereupon, it was moved and adopted, that the following persons be the precinct committees, viz. : Naperville Precinct. — Stephen J. Scott, Henry Goodrich, Nathan Allen, Jr. Webster Precinct, — John W. Walker, James C. Hatch, Pierce Downer, Deerfield Precinct. — Luther Jfforton, Perus Barney, Moses Stacy. Washington Precinct, — Ly^an Meacham, Smith D. Pierce, Capt. E. Kinny. Orange Precinct. — Job A. 'Smith, Wm. Kimball, Luther F, San- derson. Du Page Precinct. — Warren Smith, Lorin G. Hulbert, Alvah Fowler. Big Woods Precinct. — John Warne, Levi Leach, William J. Strong. • Eesolved, That this meeting adjourn till the first Monday in January, 1840. RUSSELL WHIPPLE, Chairman. J AS. C. Hatch, Secretary. At a meeting of the "Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection," held at Naperville, the sixth day of January, A. D. 1840, in pursuance of adjournment, Russell Whipple took the chair, when, on motion of Mr. Geo. Martin, it was DU PAGE COUNTY. 49 Resolved, That the time for recording the claims of the members of this society, in order to secm-e the benefits of the ninth resolution of the meeting held on the 28th of October last, be extended till the first day of march next. On motion of Mr. James C. Hatch, Kcsolvecl, That the claims belonging to members of the society which lie on the line of, or in another county, shall be entitled to record and protection, on the member complying with the fifth regulation. On motion of Mr. Lyman Meacham, . Resolved, That when a claim belonging to a member of this associa- tion shall border on that of a non-resident, or that of a person out of the state, or on land not occupied, the same shall be recorded if a certi- ficate from the adjoining claimants be attached thereto, certifying to such non-residence, absence, or non-occupancy, and that there is no dis- pute concerning the same. On motion of Mr. William J. Strong, Resolved, That any member of this society who, in an arbitration, fails to establish his claim befoi-e the board of arbitration, shall pay the costs thereof within six days from the decision being pronounced, and failing to make such payment, he shall cease to be a member of this society. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn until the first Monday in March next. P. Ballingall, Clei-l: At a meeting of the society, held at Naperville, on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1840, in pursuance of adjournment, Stephen J. Scott was appointed chairman. Resolved, That James Johnson and Isaac B. Berry be allowed another trial in their arbitration with Harry T. Wilson, on condition that said Johnson and Berry pay one counsel fee, and the whole costs of the arbi- tration. Resolved, That the board of arbitrators shall have power to fill all vacancies occasioned by death, removal, or otherwise, between this time and the first Monday in May next. Resolved, That the resolution offered by William J. Strong, and passed at last meeting, be and is hereby repealed. Resolved, That the line between Ephraim Collar and Timothy E. Parsons is hereby declared to be the road leading from to , laid by Butterfield, Church and Arnold, as the same has been recorded. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn till the first Monday in 5lay next. P. Ballingall, Clerfi-. 3 50 II I S T O K Y O F At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Monday, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1840, pursuant to adjournment, John Stevens was appointed chairman, and James F. Wight clerk, pro tern., when, on motion of Mr. P. Downer, Resolved, That the time for settling and recording claims of the mem- bers of this society be extended to the first Monday in June next. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn until the first Monday in June next, then to meet in Naperville. J. F. Wight, Clerk, pro tern. At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Monday, the 1st day (being the first Monday) in June, 1840, pursuant to adjournment. Captain John Stevens was appointed chairman. Patrick Ballingall, Esq., having resigned the office of clerk of this society, on motion of Mr. Hunt, Resolved, That James F. Wight be and is hereby appointed clerk of this society, in the place of P. Ballingall, Esq., resigned. Resolved, That the time for settling and recording claims of the mem- bers of this society be extended until the first Monday in September next. On motion of Mr. James C. Hatch, Resolved, That the Clerk hereafter record no certificates of claims unless it is certified that they are the only claimants adjoining the claim or claims ojQfered to be recorded, or for want of such certificate, that the applicant shall make oath that no other person except those named in such certificate adjoin him. Resolved, That the clerk notify all persons whose claims are recorded (without their having signed the settler's bond), that they sign the said bond, or they will not be protected by this society. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to the first Monday in September next, then to meet at the Preemption House, in Naperville, at one o'clock, P. M. James F. Wight, Clerk. At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Wednesday, the 3d day of March, 1841, Hon. Russell Whipple was called to the chair, and Morris Sleight appointed Secretary. After the object of the meeting had been stated by Stephen J. Scott, the following persons were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting, viz. : Luther Hatch, Stephen J. Scott, William J. Stroxg, and Isaac Clark. On motion of N. Allen, jr., Esq., Aylmer Keith was appointed clerk DU PAGE COUNTY. 61 of this society, to record claims and the certificates for the same, and to keep the settlers' book, in place of James F. Wight. Resolved, That the time for recording claims be extended to the first Monday of September, 1841. The committee appointed to draft resolutions reported the following, which were adopted, with one or two dissenting votes: Wherecui, It is generally believed that the public lands on which we hold settlers' claims will be shortly offered for sale, and in order that each claimant may obtain and feel secure in the possession of his just claim, it is deemed necessary that there be a uniformity of action and feeling on the subject, and believing that the proving up of preemption claims will have a tendency to create excitement and confusion, if not to interfere with the rights of others : Therefore be it Resolved, 1. That we will not prove up our preemption claims, even when justly entitled to do so, except in cases where it may be deemed necessary to secure the claima,nt, but that we will not do so without the consent of a committee to be appointed by this union, or the several towns, to settle disputes. Resolved, 2. That any person who shall attempt to obtain a preemp- tion, and thereby seize upon any part of any other person's claim, shall be deemed a dishonest man, not entitled to the protection of this union, and shall not be allowed to purchase any other land in this county, if this union can prevent it. Resolved, 3. That when the inhabitants of any township shall guaran- tee to those on the school section, and entitled to a float, that they shall have their claim at ten shillings per acre ; then, in such case, if they shall obtain, or attempt to obtain a float, or lay one upon any other claimant's just claim, they shall be considered no better than a thief or a robber, and shall have no protection from this union. Resolved, 4. That it is the duty of this association to take measures to secure to claimants on the school section their claims at government price. Resolved, 5. That the protection of this union will not be extended to any person who shall either take or purchase a school section float, except the township refuse to guarantee, as in the third resolution. Resolved, 6. That the several townships in this county call meetings and make such arrangements, and adopt such measures as may be thought necessary, with regard to their claims at the approaching land sale. Resolved, 7. That the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded by the secretary to the land ofilce in Chicago, and ask of tlie register and 52 • HISTORY OF receiver to act with regard to lands in this county on the spirit of the resolutions here passed. Resolved,, 8. That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the chairman and secretary, and published in the Chicago papers. Subordinate claim societies were organized in each of tlie precincts of the county ; the settlers pretty generally joined them, and "many difficulties were adjusted by this means among the squatters. The hard times which followed the crisis of 1836 and 1837? discouraged speculation somewhat, and but few w^ere ^ble to purchase the land which they had imj)roved, and some were unable to do that. The pledges made by the members of the claim societies were uniformly carried out, and all honorable men gave no cause of complaint to their neighbors. In a few cases some less scrupulous refused to deed lands in their possession to the rightful owner, and in consequence quarrels and some suits at law were the result. Some of these suits are still " i3ending and undecided." We subjoin a few instances, showing how summarily a certain class of claim difficulties were disposed of. Many more might l)e added, but let these suffice. Two neighbors owned adjoining claims, and at the time of the organization of the claim society their land was being surveyed by the government surveyor. One of the men happened to be a member of the society, and the other not. It so happened that the random line, run by the surveyor, cut off a portion of the claim of the first, and left it in such a manner that the other would l3e entitled to a preemption uj)on it. When he discovered this, he refused to deed tlie land to the one who claimed it. Persuasion Avas used in DU PAGE COUNTY. 53 A'aiii. He tlioiiglit lie had the advantage of his neigh- bor, and determined to keej) it. In a few days, however, matters assumed a different light, and then the line was established so as to give back to the society man not only what he claimed, but also a large corner from his neighbor's tract, and now he was entitled to a preemption. The obstinate man was thus induced to join the society, and take upon himself the obliga- tion to " deed and re-deed." After being kej^t in suspense for a while, by way of punishment, his land was again restored to him. There were many of the settlers who did not join the claim societies, but among all hona-fide settlers there prevailed a determination to protect each other. The first trouble arising from " claim jumj)ing," was in 1836, or thereabouts, respecting the claim of Mr. rrothingham, in the town of Milton. A family of squatters came on and took possession of a portion of his claim, without leave or license, and were determined to remain there in spite of entreaty or physical force. The settlement was apprised of this state of affairs, and a company of about fifty horsemen proceeded to" the cabin of the incorrigible squatters, who, on seeing them coming, broke for tall timber, leaving but one occupant in the cabin, an old lady who had passed the running point. The sum of seventeen dollars was raised among the company to indemnify th.e family for sundry outlays which they had made uj)on the premises. Tliis the old lady received u2:>on condition that the family should quit the claim without delay. To expedite the execution of her part of the contract, the settlers fell to work and assisted in the removal of 54 HIS T O R Y OF the fiirnitiire from the house, and in clearing the pre- mises of everything that belonged to the family. After this had been done, the honse was torn down and the rubbish thrown into a heap near by, preparatory to kindling a bonfire, when the "meeting" was called to order and several stnmp spe^hes of a decidedly inflammatory character were made. We are not in possession of the minutes of those speeches, but have been informed that the Hon. jSTathan Allen figured cpiite conspicuously in this part of the exercises. His speech on that occasion is sj)oken of as being one of his most felicitous and pointed " efforts." When the speech-making had subsided, fire was set to the heap of promiscuous ruins, and the hut of the interlopers was soon reduced to ruins. The conduct of the settlers in this case proved a warning to future intruders, and claim jumping w^as rarely heard of in that part of the county afterward. A man from Plumb Grove happened to be on his way to the Naper seftlement and passing near the place Avhile the affair just described was taking place. Seeing the smoke ascend from the spot, and hearing the universal uproar among the settlers, he concluded at once that a party of Indians was there, killing and laying waste. Turning from the beaten track which led near the house, he made a circuit around the " marauders," and lashing his horses to their utmost speed, rode to the settlement, w^arning everybody to flee for their lives. The cause of his fright was pretty generally understood, and therefore he did not succeed in getting up a very serious alarm. A few years after a contention arose respecting the DU I'AOE COUNTY. 55 TuUis claim, whicli was situated in the same neiglibor- liood. Under a preemption law passed about tliat time, a man by tlie name of Harmond undertook to preempt a portion of tlie claim of Mr. Tnllis, who' liad already obtained possession of it under a former preemption act. In order to comply with the provi- sions of the later act, Harmond built a pen of small poles near the center of his claim, staid in it only one night, and started immediately for Chicago to prove his preemption. On his return, he comm^enced making repairs upon an old block house which was already built upon his " quarter," and being asked why he was doing it, replied that he had preempted that claim, and was going to live there. This aroused the indig- nation of the neighboring squatters, who called a meeting to take into consideration the conduct of Mr. Harmond. He, being present, was advised to relin- quish his claim, but he positively refused to do it, and at the same time threw out some pretty savage threats against the settlers, in case they attempted to remove him by force. After a long consultation, it was con- cluded that the building on the j^remises should be torn down if he did not abandon it Avithout delay. At this decision Harmond became greatly exasperated, and having his rifle with him, threatened to fire upon " the first man who should tear off a board," Where- upon a fearless Qaker gentleman stepped forth and remajfeed to Mr. Harmond that if he designed to put that threat in execution he had better begin by shooting at hiif)i^ as he considered himself a mark of sufficient magnitude for a clahn jum^jev to shoot at, any how\ The old Quaker was soon joined by Lyman Butterfield, 3 5t) HIS T ORY OF who addressed Mr. Harmond in pretty miicli the same strain, informing him that if he was not willing to waste his poAvder on one man, he would offer the additional inducement of placing his own body in fair range, so that he might at least kill "two birds with one stone." But Harmond could not be j)revailed upon to shoot, and so the party proceeded to the disputed claim, tearing down the house, and removing every vestige of former occuj)ancy. Before ten minutes had elapsed, after the decision of the council of settlers, this was done, and Mr. Harmond was sent on his way to other parts, not rejoicing, but uttering the most awlul denun- ciations against such ungentlemanly treatment. In justice to a numerous class of our early settlers, we deem it a})propriate to introduce here a brief notice of a society which Vv^as formed in 1834, and known as the " Hognatorial Council." We have ransacl^ed all the dead languages we ever heard of, in order to obtain for our readers some clue to the origin of this jyreno- 'iiien^ but have been signally defeated in the undertak- ing. Its origin is altogether too obscure for us, and we leave the task of tracing it to more able and willing hands. Tlie object of the " council " seems to have been the settling of a peculiar class of claim difficulties, Avhich were not taken cognizance of by the 'bona fide claim committee, and its operations were designed to burlesque the proceedings of that committee, as well as to ridicule courts in general. All disputes bn)ught before the " Hognatorial " were settled in a summary and satisfactory manner. We can illustrate this remark with but one instance, which occurred in the south part of the county. A man by the name of Clarke, DU PAGE COUNTY. who was firmly grounded in Midshipman Easy's doc- trine of " what belongs to my neighbor belongs also to me," made a "claim" npon another man's land, lying somewhere on the Dn Page river. Finding that peaceable and qniet possession was impossible, he applied to a gentleman who happened to be posted in " hognatorial" matters, for advice. He was of course advised to bring the matter before the " Hognatorial Council," as that was the only reliable tribunal having jurisdiction over such grievances. His case was pre- pared by ]S"athan Allen, a man of superior legal attainments, and upon a certain day the Hognatorial Council room was crowded to witness the proceedings in the case. Allen opened the case by giving to the jury a plain unvarnished statement of the facts, and closed it by a most pathetic appeal to their sense of justice, in behalf of his wronged and injured client. Several witnesses were called upon to testify, and the upshot of the testimony was that Mr. Clark had a claim commencing at a certain point on Du Page river, but in what direction his lines ran ti-om that point it was impossible to ascertain. Several hours were occupied in examining witnesses, during which time Clark kept a boy running to and fro between the " council chamber" and his house, to inform his wife of the different phases which the case assumed as the trial progressed. At length the testimony was all in, the closing argument made, and the case submitted to the jury. There was but one point left for the jury to act upon, and that related particularly to the boun- dary of Clark's claim. They were out but a short time, and returned the following verdict : " We, the •3 58 HISTORY OF jurors in tins case, decide that Mr. Clark is justly entitled to a piece of land lying on the Du Page river, and described as follows, to wit : commencing at a certain point on the east bank of said river, and run- ning perpendicular to the horizon straight ujpP This w^as enough for Clark. He hastened to communicate the result to his waiting, anxious wife, and afterward proceeded to the tavern and got ingloriously drunk over the result of his victorious suit. 1)U PAGE COUNTY 59 GENERAL VIEW OF THE COUNTY. SITUATION, EXTENT, ETC. The County of Du Page, is situated in tlie northern part of the State of Illinois, and consists of a fraction over nine townshijDs. It belonged originally to Cook county, until its separation and organization into a distinct county by act of Legislature, passed at the session of 1839. It is bounded on the north and east by Cook county, on the south by Will and Cook, and on the west by Kane. The early settlers were almost wholly of Enghsh extraction, but the population of the present day con- sists of a mixture of English and Germans. The following table will show when the several towns were organized, when first settled and by whom, and also the number of inhabitants, according to the census ofl850 and 1855: SETTLED. BY WHOM. ORGANIZED. NO. INHABITANTS. TOWNS. 1850 1855 1S84 1833 1833 1830 1831 1831 .1832 1834 1834 II. Duncklee, S.L. & H. Meacham Wells & Grant, .... Baley iHobson, H. T. Wilson, Joseph Naper, E. &J. P. Gary,... John Laughlin, Elisha Fish, 1850 1850 l850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 812 897 959 1,137 1,005 1,628 1,149 855 853 1,262 1,214 Downer's Grove, Lisle, 1,015 1,466 Milton, 1,881 Naperville, Winfield, Wayne, York, 2,055 1,533 1,039 1,342 9,290 12,807 CO II I S T O R Y O F The number of inhabitants to the square mile, omit- ting fractions, was in 1850, twentv-two, in 1855, twenty- nine. The following items are taken from the census of 1855. There are fifty-two manufactories, of all kinds, in the county, and the value of manufactured products, is $161,095. The value of live stock is $876,185. There w^ere 101,761 pounds of w^ool produced. There were seventy-two common schools taught in the comity, being an increase of twenty over the preced- ing census. There were three academies ; number of pupils, 5,770. The population included one negro^ and one Indian. FACE OF THE COUNTKY, ETC. Du Page County is generally level, and contains fair proportions of timber and prairie. The soil is well adapted to grazing, and produces abundant crops of all kinds of grain common to this latitude. The Du Page river, which has its rise in the northern part of the county, is skirted with forests of thrifty growing timber. In addition to the facilities thus aftbrded for timber and fuel, the inhabitants in the western part have recourse to the Big "\Yoods, wdiich lie partly in this county. The west branch of the Du Page, is a stream of considerable size, and affords numerous sites for the application of water power. Besides several saw mills, and other manufactories, there are flouring miUs situated upon this stream, at Warreindlle, Naper\dlle, and at Ilobson's. There are no other streams of much importance in the county, vet it is well watered bv the smaller DU PAGE COUNTY. 61 streams and springs, wliicli are everywhere to be fonncl. The average depth of wells is about twenty- five feet. PRODUCTS OF CULTIVATION. The chief staples are corn, wheat, rye, oats, and potatoes ; but barley, buckw^heat, peas and beans, are cultivated to some extent. Considerable attention is given to fruit raising. Orchards are generally young, and the adaptation of this climate to the culture of the apple, has not been fully tested. The prospect, how^- ever, for a productive season, has never been so encouraging as at present. The productions of horti- culture, are chiefly of the most common and useful kinds. Hare and delicate plants are to be found in few^ gardens. The grape is cultivated to considerable extent, and produces abundantly. Locust trees abound. The horse chestnut, larch, mountain ash, and various other species of the ornamental class, are generally introduced. The forests fm-nish a good variety of shade trees. Of the sugar maple, ehn, ash, butternut, and soft maple, large quantities are trans- planted to the farms and villages, every season. These will eventually take the place of the locust, which proves too susceptible to the severity of our winters, many having died out during the past two years. Du Page is ranked as an agricultural county, but the attention of iarmers has been directed to the raising of cattle, and it is thought by many, that the produc- tion of grain will gradually give place to the increase and improvement of stock. The " Du Page County xigricultural and Mechani- cal Society," was formed in 1854. Its design is to 62 IIISTOKY OF ]3romote a friendly intercoui'se among the citizens, as well as improvement and enterprise in tlie cultivation of the soil, raising of stock, and the mannfactm*e of useful farming and household utensils. The annual fair of this, society is held about the middle of Septem- ber. The place of meeting is now fixed at "Wheaton, the society having secured at that place twenty acres of valuable land, fifteen acres of which were donated by J. C. and W. L. Wheaton. The operations of this society, it is believed, are attended with many impor- tant results. It calls the attention of the farming community to the better management of their larms ; to the greater production and more beneficial employ- ment of manures ; to the introduction of choice breeds of live stock, of all kinds, and especially working cattle, horses, cows, and sheep. By its annual premi- ums it excites emulation, and promotes a sj)irit of enterprise and activity among the agriculturists. By the same means, it awakens kindred feelings among the women, and improves various and important articles of domestic manufacture. The farmers are generally the owners of the soil ; they form a body of yeomanry deeply interested in the improvement of their farms, and the industrious habits of citizens — one of the grand supports of our free and happy govern- ment. Success then to this society, and may each succeeding year mark its nearer approach to the worthy object for which it was formed. SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. The more judicious laws of recent times, have done much for the interest of our schools. These laws have DU PAGE COUNTY. 63 been well observed by tlie people of Du Page County. We now have about seventy school districts, which are provided wdth good school buildings and good schools. Much of our advancement in this respect, is due to the indefatigable labors of our late school com- missioner. Rev. Hope Brown. From Mr. Brown's annual report of 1855, we give some extracts showing the state of our schools at that time : *' The whole number of school districts in the county is sixty-eight, sixty-four of which are provided with school houses. If we divide these houses into four classes, we may reckon twenty in the first class, and call them extra ; we may also reckon twenty in the second class, and call them good ; we may reckon sixteen in the third class, and call them jtasmhle ; and that will leave eight for the fourth class, which may justly be called miserable. Three new houses have been erected the last year, and preparations are being made for the erection of several more the present year. lu relation to this subject, there is generally, throughout the county, a disposition to make progress in the right direction. No district is willing to have its school house reported year after year, as being miserably poor, and entirely unfit to be occupied for school purposes. Since I first began to visit our schools, five years ago, and to report the condition of the school houses in our county paper, thirty new ones have been erected, and several others have undergone important repairs ; and the prospect now is, that no district will be long without a house that they will be unwilling to have visited and reported j'?U PAGE COUNTY. 75 knocking out liis brains. He then rifled tlie pockets of the drunken one, and went on a short distance, to a house, where he got something to eat. The pocket l)Ook which contained the money was found a few rods distant from the murdered man, in the direction of the liouse where tlie murderer stopped. He then went down to AVarren station, but not meeting the cars, proceeded to the Junction, where he took the Aurora train for Chicago. He was immediately pursued to the city, information and a description of liis person given to the officers, and on Thursday afternoon, deputy sheriff S. E. Bradley arrested him as he was Avalking in Randolph street. Sheriff Smith was tele- graphed of his arrest, and started early on Friday morning and brought him to this place about noon of the same day. The grand jury had not yet adjourned, and an indictment was found against him. In the afternoon he was brought into court, it being still in session, and presented witli a copy of the indictment. Having no counsel, the court assigned to him as'counsel, It. ]N^. Murray, Esq., assisted by jST. Allen, Esq. After consultation with the State's attorney, it was agreed to allow the prisoner to ]3lead to the indictment at the next term of the circuit court, upon which he was committed to jail to await his trial at that time. Coroner Hagemann held an incjuest over the body of the murdered man, and the verdict of the jury was that he came to his death by being willfully murdered at the hands of Patrick Doyle. The name of the deceased was Patrick Tole, and he is about 25 years of age. The prisoner is a thin, spare man, about ^3 or 24 years of age. There does not appear to have 'G HISTORY OF been any fend or qnarrel existing between the brothers and Doyle, whatever, nor do they appear to have been in any sort of an aifray at the time the crime was committed, w^hich makes the case look still more aggravated." The following is a list of those who have served the county in the legislature of the state : 1836 — Capt. Joseph Naper, 1848 — Warrex L. Wiieaton, 1838 — Capt. Joseph Naper, 1850 — Willard T. Jones, 1842 — Jeduthan Hatch, 1852 — Capt. Joseph Naper, 1844 — Julius M. Warren, 1854— E. 0. Hills, 1846 — Capt. E. Kinne, 1856— Truman W. Smith. The foUowina: are the names of attornevs who have been connected with the Du Page County bar : E'a- than Allen, P. Ballingall, C. B. Hosmer, O. B. Bush, James F. Wight, Allen Mcintosh, A. R. Dodge, H. Loring, K. E". Murray, II. H. Cody, H. F. Yallette, W. Blanchard, S. F. Daniels, J. C. Waldron, L. E. De Wolf, M. S. Hobson, W. O. Watts. We close this part of our history by giving the names of the officers of the county from its organiza- tion to the present time. LIST OF COUNTY OFFICEKS. The first election for county officers was held at the Preemption House, in JSTaperville, on the first Monday in May, 1839. S. M. Skinner, Stephen J. Scott, and DU PAGE COUNTY. 77 L. G. Butler were, by law, appointed judges of elec- tion. The officers elected at this time served until the general election, Aug. 5th, same year. As the names of supervisors are inserted in the lists of town officers ajDpended to the histories of the several towns, they do not appear in this list. NAMES OF SHERIFFS. Elected, May, 1889 — Daniel M. Green Du Page Aug. 1839 —Daniel M. Green " Aug. 1842 — Harry B. Fowler " Aug. 1844 — Robert N. Murray Naperville Aug. 1846 — George Roush " Nov. 1850 — C. R. Parmalee Lisle Nor. 1852 — T. W. Smith Winfield. Nov. 1854 — A. C. Graves " Nov. 1856 — James J. Hunt Naperville EECOKDEES. May, 1839- S. M. Skinner " Aug. 1843 — A. S. Jones " Aug. 1847— J. J. Riddler In 18tt9 the clerk of the circuit court was made cx-officio recorder, the county court and the office of probate justice were succeeded' by the county court, composed of a county judge and two county justices of the peace. The office of coimty commissioners clerk was succeeded by county clerk, the county judge and the two county justices sitting together for the transaction of county business, and the county judge, with the clerk, constituting a court for the transaction of probate business. Under this provision, Nathan Allen was elected county judge in 1849, and Charles Gary and Peter Korthrup ^^^re elected county 78 IIISTORYOF justices. In 1850 the townsliij) organization law was adojDted, and the first board of supervisors elected. The following persons have held the office of clerk of the circuit court : Appointed, 1839 — P. Ballingall NapervUle 1843 — E. B. Bill " Elected, 1849 — John J. Riddler " 1852 — Peter Northrop Addison 1856— John Glos Wayne CLERKS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER S COURT, AND COUNTY CLERKS. Elected, July 14, 1839 — Clark A. Lewis* Warrenville Aug. 5, 1839 — Allen Mcintosh Naperville Aug. 1843 — Allen Mcintosh " Aug. 184Y — H. H. Cody Bloomingdale Re-elected, Aug. 1849 — H. H. Cody Bloomingdale Elected, 1853— M. C. Dudley Bloomingdale PROBATE JUSTICES AND COUNTY JUDGES. Elected, May, 1839 — J. W. Walker Downer's Grove Aug. 1839 — Lewis EUs^yorth Naperville Aug. 1843 — Nathan Allen " Aug. 1847 —J. J. Kimball " Aug. 1849 —Nathan Allenf " Nov. 1852 — Jeduthan Hatch Lisle Nov. 1853 — Walter Blanchard Downer's Grove * Died same month, 1809, and vacancy filled by appointment of P. Ballingall. t Resigned, 1S52. DU PAGE COUNTY. 79 COUNTY TKEASUREKS. Elected, May, 1839 — M. Sleight Naperville Aug. 1839 — Stephen J. Scott " Aug. 1843 — R. K. Potter " Aug. 1845— J. J. Kimball " Aug. 1847 — N. A. Thomas " Nov. 1849 — H. F. Yallette Milton Nov. 1851 — H. F. Vallette Naperville Nov. 1853 — H. F. Yallette . : Nov. 1855 — W. J. Johnson. " SCHOOL COMMISSI ONEES. Elected, 1841 — Lewis Ellsworth Naperville 1843 — R. N. Murray " 1844 — Horace Brooks Milton 1847— W.L. Wheaton " 1849 — Hope Brown Naperville 18ol— " • 1853— " " 1855— " * " Appointed, 1856 — Lorin Barnes Bloomin COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Elected, Elected, May, 1839 — Josiah Strong, Aug. 1842 — Warren Smith, " — H. L, Cobb, Aug. 1843 — T. Hubbard, " — T. P. Whipple, Aug. 1844— John Thompson, Aug. 1839 — Hart S. Cobb, Aug. 1845 — T. Andrus, " — John W. Walker, " — John Thompson, " — Hiram Fowler, Aug. 1846 — Asa Knapp, Aug. 1840 — N. Stevens, Aug. 1847 — S. D. Pierce, Aug. 1841 — J. A. Smith, Aug. 1848 — David Crane. * Resigned, September, 1856. so II I S T K Y o r COUNTY SUKYEYOES. Elected, May, 1839 — L. Meacham Bloomingdale Aug. 1839 — J. B. Kimball Naperville Aug. 1847 — Horace Brooks Milton Nov. 1849— ♦' '' Nov. 1851— " " Nov. 1853— " " Nov. 1855— " " CORONEES. Elected, May, 1839 — H. L. Peaslee Naperville Aug. 1839— " Aug. 1840 — E. G. Wight Aug. 1842 — N. Loring Aug. 1844— J. Keefer Aug. 1846 — D. C. Gould Aug. 1848 — L. Avery. Milton Nov. 1849 — C. C. Barnes Naperville Nov. 1852 — F. C. Hagemann Winfield Nov. 1854 — W. B. Stewart Naperville Nov. 1856 — Alfred Waterman Wheaton DU PAGE COUNTY. 81 A IIISTOEY OF THE TOWK OF MILTOJN^. The settlement of tliis town was commenced in 1831, by Ilany T. Wilson and Lyman Bntterfield. Mr. Babcock and Thomas Brown settled in the town soon after. They were followed by Joseph Chadwick and his sons. In 1850 the present township organization law was adopted, and the first town meeting was held at the lionse of Jesse C. Wiieaton, in that year. The town is sitnated nearly in the centre of the comity, and is six miles sqnare. The Galena and Chicago Union Railroad passes directly through it. Tlie present population is about two thousand. As an agricultural district, this town is unsurpassed, being adapted to all the various branches of farming. It presents a beautiful and varied landscape of prairie and woodland, hill and dale, running brooks and crystal founts. In its present and future pros2:)ects, this town affords a picture which some of E"ew England's towns might well envy. There are two flourishing villages within the limits of this town, AVheaton and Danby. Wheaton is a fine, growing village, beautifully situated on the G. and C. U. Railroad, 25 miles west of Chicago, and 5 miles east of the Junction of the C. B. & Q. Rail- road, the Dixon Air Line Railroad, and the St. Cliarles Brancli road ; thus rendering access to the town direct 4^' 82 H I S T O R Y O F and easy from all points. Jesse C. and Warren L. Wlieaton were the original proprietors of the village, which was laid out by them in 1853. In the fall of 1819 the railroad was completed to this point, and during the following year Messrs. J. G. Yallette, II. H. Fuller, and a Mr. Lynch erected the first buildings. Few improvements were made until it was surveyed and platted in 1853. There are now about 1,000 inhabitants within the village limits, and upward of 200 buildings have been erected. The railroad com- pany erected a commodious building in 1856, for their use as a depot for passengers and freight, in connection with which is an express office. The following list of the business establishments of the town will give some idea of its Avants, growth and prosperity, when it is considered that scarcely four years ago there were not more than two or three dwellings to be found in the place. There are now : 1 hotel, 12 stores, 12 factories, including an extensive carriage manufactory, and a steam flouring mill, 2 lightning rod manufactories, 2 lumber yards, 2 markets, 2 post offices, 1 school house, 1 institute, 1 printing office, 1 nursery. The amount of capital employed by the principal business men, varies between three and five thousand dollars, and the annual sales range between ten and fifteen thousand dollars. At the carriage manufactory of- Messrs. Chadwick, Brother & Co., some fifteen hands are employed and about fifty carriages of every description made annually. The steam flour mill was built in 1856, by Messrs. Northrop & Watson. This mill has two run of stones, and produces flour of a superior quality. DU PAGE COUNTY. 83 The Baptist, Wesleyan and Episcopal Methodist denominations each liave their respective church organizations, connected with which are Sabbath schools, missionary societies, and various benevolent enterprises. The truly reformatory movements of the day find warm supporters here, so much so that it has been denominated a "reformatory town." The Meth- odist Episcopal and Wesleyan Methodist churches had their organizations in the town prior to the settlement of the village. The present membership of the Wes- leyan church is about 75, and the Rev. Lucius C. Matlack, President of the Illinois Institute, is the pastor. There are about 60 members of the M. E. church, and Rev. B. Close is pastor. The Baptist church of Wheaton was organized on the 12th of IS'ovember, 1856, by a council from the neighboring churches, with the usual services of church recognition. There are now 17 members of this church. The present pastor is Rev. Mr. Garrison. A printing office was established here in 1856, from which was issued for several months the Du Page County Gazette, by J. A. J. Birdsall. This paper was discontinued in the spring of 1857, for want of sufficient patronage to sustain it. A military company was organized in this place in 1856, called the " Wheaton Artillery." The officers of the company are John Short, Captain ; J. G. Yal- lette, 1st Lieut. ; J. M. Yallette, 2d Lieut. l!^umber of members, 40. The Illinois Institute is located in this place. It has a liberal charter, conferring powers equal to the best colleges, and embraces academical, collegiate and 84 II I S T O R Y O F theological departments of instruction. The charter was granted by the Legislature, in 1855. Forty acres of yaluable land and three thousand dollars cash donation, formed the basis of its establishment. The fund has been increased by additional gifts, so that the value of real estate owned by the trustees is now ujDward of $10,000. The sum of five hundred dollars was raised by subscription, in 1856, with which chem- ical, philosophical and astronomical apparatus was pro- cured for the institution. Add to these the amount of scholarships sold, which is nearly $20,000, and we have an aggregate of nearly $30,000. This amount is to be offset by a debt of $2,500. So great a success within a little more than three years of its existence, is an encouraging fact, and promises wxll for the future. It is the design of the trustees to secure to the institution a permanent endowment fund of .$100,000, by the sale of scholarships. Its catalogue for the fij'st year numbered 140 students, the second year 270, and its present prospects are more flattering than at any previous period. The following list com- prises the faculty of 1856 : Rev. Lucius C. Matlack, President G. H. Collier, A.B., Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 0. F. LuMRY, A.B., Prof. Greek and Latin. Miss M. A. NET^•coMB, A.B., Principal Female Department. Mrs. Minerva Hoes, M.D., Anatomy, Physiology, and Botany. Sebastian Perangle, German and Music. L. A. Jones, Assistant Teacher. In connection with the Institute, a commodious boarding hall has been erected, at an expense of nearly $3,000. ^ DU PAGE COUNTY. 85 Tliere are two post offices in the town, oue at Wheatoii, and one at the village of Danhy. Post master at Wheaton, C. K. W. Howard. At Danby, David Kelly. There are seven school districts in the town. The original fnnd derived from the sale of school land was $800. It is now $1,238 82. The public schools are attended by 790 scholars. Township treasurer, L. "W. Mills. Few towns in the county have done more than this, to advance the interests of public schools. Danby is an umisually pleasant and quiet village, beautifully located on the Galena Railroad, abont 23 miles \vest of Chicago. The railroad was completed to this place in the fall of 18tl:9. During the same season the railroad company erected a station house, which was the lirst frame building put up in the place. In the spring of 1850, the first settlement w^as made by John O. Yallette. Milo F. Meacham, A. Hantz, W. Wilson, "Wm. Waggoner, and Dr. L. Q. I^ewton, the original proprietor of the town, came in during the following year. Tlie place has grown raj^idly during the last tw^o or three years, and bids fair to rival some of its sister towns of much greater pretensions. Its present popu- lation is between three and four hundred. It has 1 hotel, 2 drug stores, 3 dry goods stores, 1 cabinet shop, 1 grist mill, 1 tin and hardware store, 1 black- smith shop, and 1 lumber yard. Physicians at Wheaton, O. Wakelee, F. C. Hage- mann, J. O. Yallette, Dr. Lowrie, and A. Waterman. Physicians at Danby, L. Q. Newton, IT. S. Potter, and Dr. Saxe. 86 HISTORY OF Attorneys at Wlieaton, S. F. Daniels and L. E. DeWolf. ]:^otanes Public, S. F. Daniels and J. G. Yallette, at Wlieaton, and Horace Brooks, wlio is also county surveyor, at Danby. The following list comprises the names of the town officers of the town of Milton, since its organization : SIJPEEYISORS : ~ 1850 — Warren L. Wlieaton, 185-4 — W. J. Johnson, 1851 — W.J. Johnson, 1855— " 1852— " 1856 — F. H. Mather, 1853— " 1857— " TOWN CLEEKS. 1850- — Alfred Standish, 1854- - Carlos Johnson, 1851- — J. F. Lester, 1855 — - Henry Benjamin, 1852- — J. 0. Yallette, 1856- -G. P.' Kimball,* 1853- — Carlos Johnson, 1857- -L. W. Mills. ASSESSORS : 1850- — J. G. Vallette, 1854- - Horace Brooks, 1851 — Horace Brooks, 1855- K 1852- it 1856- - D. Balsley, 1853- (( 1857- - J. C. Wheaton. COLLECTORS I 1850- — Smith Brooking, 1854- - 0. Jewell, 1851- — D. L. Christian, 1855 - - C. K. W. Howard, 1852- — Andrew Snyder, 1856- - Luther Chad wick, 1853 — Jesse C. Whcat( )n, 1857- - C. K. W. Howard. CONSTABLES : 1850- - J, G. Vallette, • 1854- - Reuben Hinzen, 1851- — D. L. Christian, Smith Brookins, 1855 — - D. Balsley, C. K. W. Howard, 1852 — Joseph Mason, 1856- - David Balsley, 1853- — David Brookins, 1857- u *Resigned, and vacancy filled by L. W. Mills, DU PAGE COUNTY. 87 OVEESEEES OF THE POOR '. 1850 — Erastus Gary, 1854 — Orlando Wakelee, 1851 — David Capron, 1855 — J. G. Yallette, 1852 — John Hacket, 1856 — J. D. Ackerman, 1853 — Lester Webster, 1857 — " JUSTICES OF THE PEACE '. 1850 — Erastus Gary, to present time. Daniel Fish, " 1853 — Daniel Fish. " COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS I 1850 — John Hacket, 1834 — Thomas Holmes, J. C. Wheaton, " F. H. Mather, Daniel Fish, Jehiel Wright, 1851 — J. C. Wheaton, 1855 — Thomas Holmes, J. S. Dodge, N. M. Dodge, Frank Ott, Jehiel Wright, 1852 — Daniel Fish, 1856 — Daniel Fish, Erastus Gary, Greenleaf Ring, Enos Jones, John Bachelder, 1853 — A. Snyder, 1867 — W. K Reese, Enos Jones, H. Hadley, J. G. Yallette, Joseph Granger. 88 HISTORY OF history of the town of :napeeyille. The first inliabitant of this town was Capt. Josepli ]N"aper, who came to this state from Ohio, in the winter of 1831. His family arrived in June, of the same year, and occupied a log house, near the present site of the grist inih. The following hst includes the names of all we have been able to ascertain, who settled in the town previous to 1838 : John ]N^a]3er, Ira Carpenter, John Stevens, John Murray, M. Hines, A. H. Howard, S. J. Scott, "Willard Scott, L. Ellsworth, A. S. Jones, S. Sabin, Geo. Martin. L. C. Aldricli, H. L. Peaslee, R. Hyde, Geo. Stixjubler, G. Bishop, J. H. Stevenson, W. Rose, R. Wright, E. G. Wight, J. F. Wight, S. M. Skimier, W. Weaver, J. Granger, i^. Crampton, W. J. Strong, R. Whipple, U. Stanley, T. Thatcher, A. T. Thatcher, J. Lamb, R. N. Murray, R. Hill, David Babbitt, H. C. Babbitt, J. S. Kimball, J. B. Kimball, L. Kimball, Harry Fowler, Hiram Fowler, R. K. Potter, J. J. Kimball, Adial S. Jones, Peter Dodd, Nathan Allen, Benjamin Smith. As the history of the first few years of the settlement of this town has already been given in the general view of the county, a repetition of it is deemed un- necessary in this place. The land in this town is generally level. The soil is productive, and equally favorable to grass and the cultivation of grain. The town abounds in limestone, and furnishes lime in DU PAGE COUNTY. 89 considerable quantities for market in other towns. In tlie east part of tlie town, stone of an excellent quality for building purposes is found, and large quantities are quarried for that purpose annually, upon land owned by Joseph ^N aper and George Martin. Extensive sand beds have also been opened, which yield an abundance of sand of a superior quality. Although the town is well watered, yet there are no streams of much note,* excepting the Du Page river, which runs through it from north to south, on the east side. This stream affords several advantageous mill sites in its course through the towai. Naperville is the oldest town in the county, and the first in point of property and population. It has up- ward of two thousand inhabitants, 2 hotels, 12 stores, 6 churches, 1 bakery, 1 bank, 2 post offices, 1 grist mill, 10 manufactories, 1 saw mill, 2 breweries, 1 tin and stove warehouse, 1 printing office, 2 quarries, 2 exten- sive lumber yards, 2 nurseries, and 1 incorporated academy. The town pays $3,400 annually for the support of preaching, and about $1,500 for the support of common schools. There are 400 members of the different chm'ches, and 350 scholars in the Sabbath schools. The village of E'aperville lies partly in the town of Lisle, being divided by the town Hue into two unequal parts, the greater lying in the town of I^aperville. In our notice of the village, we include the territory lying within its limits in both towns. The first frame build- ing erected here was by A. H. Howard, in the fall of 1833. It was erected a few rods in front of the present dwelling of Mrs. Howard. Among the build- ings next put up of this description was the Preemption 90 HISTORY OF House, by Mr. George Laird, in 1835. This hotel was owned and under the management of Gen. E. B. "Bill, for several years, dnring which time no hotel west of Chicago enjoyed a more extended and well-deserved |)atronage. The road passing through the village fi'om east to west, was the great thoroughfare between Chicago and Galena, and the town presented the appearance of an unusually active and business-like place. At a x'ery early date it- is said the size of the town exceeded even that of Chicago ! the latter city having but one log house, while Naperville had two. The first mill constructed upon the river was a saw- mill, in 1835, which was torn down in 1840, to give place to the flouring mill which stands upon the same site. This mill has two run of stones, and enjoys unsurpassed advantages for water j)Ower. The original town plat was laid out in the year 1835, by Capt. JN'aper. The plat embraced about 80 acres. To the original plat, several additions have since been made. The usual form of the village lots in the original plat was four rods front by ten in depth, con- taining one-fourth acre. These were large, compared with some which have been laid out in more modern times. The precise reason for this diminution in size has never been ascertained mth certainty. Several reasons have been assigned. One presmnption is, that there was formerly more land to the acre than there now is. Another is, that the land is more valu- able than it used to be ; but this is controverted by the fact that the large lots are sold at the same, or lower prices, than the prices at which the smaller ones are held. Some think the true reason lies in persons^ and DU PAGE COUNTY. 91 not ill property. 'Eo fault, however, can be found with the eai-lj proprietors of tlie town, either in regard to size of lots, or as to the terms on which the}^ w^ere sold. Many lots were given away, and others were sold at low prices, and upon such terms, as to time, that they have not been paid for even to this day. Everything was done in this respect, that could add to the prosperity of the place. The mercantile business, aside from agriculture, is the chief business of the town. The principal stores employ capitals of betw^een six and eight tho^isand dollars, and do a business ranging from thirty to fifty thousand dollars, annually. They sell large amounts of goods, not only to the inhabitants of this, but of surrounding towns. Integrity is a marked character- istic of the dealings of the merchants of JS^aperville. This, in connection with the uniformly low prices at wdiich they sell their goods, has secured to them a liberal and extended j)atronage. Tliere are two large nurseries near the village, from which trees and shrubs are sent to all parts of the northwest. We have been furnished some account' of the business of these nurseries, which we give below : Tlie Du Page Eclectic l^urseries were established in 1853, by E. W. and K. M. Hunt. During the fom- years past these nurseries have propagated, in each year, from fifty to one hundred and fifty thousand fruit trees. Ornamental trees and shrubbery have been proportionally increased, and some thousands of foreign trees and shrubs have been added by importa- tion, as the business has justified. Tlie Du Page County Nurseries, of Le^vis Ellsworth & Co., were 92 HISTOKY OF established in 1849. These nurseries cover at present some fifty acres of ground, embracing in the collection the most extensive stock and assortment of varieties of frnit and ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, to be found in the northwest. The yearly increase of trees and shrubs, by propagation and by importation, is truly astonishing. The proprietors have imported during the present season, from Em^ope, more than thirty thousand young evergreens and other plants. Attached to the establishment is a plant house, arranged for pro- pagating plants during the winter season. The estab- lishment gives employment to a large number of workmen, some ten families deriving their entire supj)ort from it. From fifteen to twenty men are employed, at an expense of over six thousand dollars per annum. During the present year the proj)rietors have commenced a nursery at Wheaton, where about eight acres of land are occupied, making, in all, sixty acres, cultivated for their business. There are several other nm-series in the county, but the Du Page County J^urseries are, it is believed, the first in time and the first in importance. The plow and wagon shop of Messrs. Yaughan & Peck is located in this village. It was originally established by A. S. Jones, who is entitled to the credit of originating the steel plow now so much in use. The manufacture of plows at this shoj) commenced in 1840. They possess many superior qualities, for which they have become extensively noted throughout the west. From its circular, we learn that "this estab- lishment is one of the oldest in the western states, having manufactured the steel scouring plow for DU PAGE COUNTY. 93 eigliteen or twenty years, and never been beaten at any state or county fair." Tlie establishment is capable of making fifteen plows per day. Two thousand five hundred were manufactured in 1856. The average price of these plows is $15 each. Wagons, buggies, and most kinds of agricultural implements are made here. Thirty-six men are employed. The Bank of ]N"aperville was chartered and w^ent into operation in 1854. Its nominal capital is $500,000. This bank is established upon a basis which renders it as secure as any similar institution in the state, and gives it the full confidence of the public. There are two breweries in the town, which consume annually fifteen thousand bushels of barley, and eleven thousand pounds of hops, at a cost of ten thousand dol- lars. From these, one hundred and eighty-six thousand gallons of beer are made, which, at the usual retail price, reaches the enormous sum of one hundred and foi-tj^-eight thousand, eight hundred dollars ! Al- though beer is to some extent an article of home con- smnption, it having in many instances superseded the use of that ancient beverage known by the name of water, yet it forms our chief article of export. The sale of this article in some of our neighboring towns is very large. A few words concerning the process of manufactur- ing beel" may be of interest to some. The barley is first put into large cisterns or vats, which are capable of hokUng'^ from one hundred to one hundred and fifty bushels. Water is then poured upon it, and in this condition it remains for about two days. It is then spread out about one foot in depth upon the fioor of 94: HISTORY OF the drying kiln, wliicli consists of an immense oven, so arranged that its temperatm-e can be adjusted to the genninating ])oint. Here the process of germinating, or making, as it is termed, takes place. After this, it is passed through a cleaning machine, and then through a malt machine, by which last process it is ground or broken so that its \drtue can be more easily extracted. The malt, as it is then termed, is gathered up and placed in vats holding from fifty to one hundred barrels each, when boiling water is poured upon it. After remaining several hours in this condition, during which time the mixture is constantly agitated by means of long wooden ladles, the liquid portion is drained off and boiled for some time in large boilers prepared for the purpose. This process is repeated three or fom- times, or until the strength of the barley is all extracted. TIo23s are then introduced, which give it hody^ and serve to preserve it during the warm season. The liquid is then placed in another large vat, called the cooler, and when its temperature is reduced to the proper point, is drawn off into the work tub, where yeast is introduced, and the finishing process of fer- mentation begins. By this process all extraneous matter is separated and thrown oft^ and the liquid comes out lager heer "of the first water," impatient to be swallowed. , The Odd Fellows, Masons, and Good Templtirs have each a society and hall in this place. There was at one time a large society of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance here, but their charter was surrendered in 1854. The I. O. of O. F. was organized in 1850. The DU PAGE COUNTY. 95 number of members has been about 60, and the present number is 48. The present officers of this institution are S. Boliman, 'N. G. ; W. Naper, Y. G. ; S. O. Yaughan, Secretary, and R. "VYiUard, Treasurer. The Masonic Lodge was estabhshed in 1848. The number of all the members to the present time is 120. There are now about 60 members. Tlie officers are II. H. Cody, W. M. ; C. D. Haight, S. W. ; and C. W. Keith, J. W. The lodge of the Good Templars was instituted in June, 1857. There are now 40 members. E. H. Eyer holds the office of ^Y. C. T. It might be mentioned in this connection, that the " Know JN^othings " had a lodge somewhere in this place about a year ago, but their precise locality has never been fully determined. A list of the members has been furnished us, but our space will not admit of its publication. The doings of the society were char- acteristically covert and sly, so that we are obliged to admit that we know nothing about their movements. The IN^aperville Artillery Company was organized in 1856. There are now some 50 members belonging to the company. The officers are J. J. Hunt, Capt. ; H. F. Yallette, 1st Lieut. ; R. ISaper, 2d Lieut. ; J. H. Llobson, 3d Lieut., and E. Page, Ensign. There are two post offices in the town, one at Xaper- ville, and one at Big Woods. The post master at the Big Woods is John Warne. The office at E'aperville has an annual income of one thousand dollars ; R. Naper, post master. There are several valuable public and private libra- ries in the town. The circulating library of H. C. 96 HISTORY OF Daniels, M. D., contains 400 volnmes of miscellaneous reading. There are two school libraries of about 500 volmnes, and four Sabbath school libraries, containing about 1,000 volumes. The law library of Messrs. Yallette & Cody contains 500 volumes, and is the largest collection of the kind in the county. The freshet of 1857 was a calamity to the town. This occurred in March. The river, swollen by the heavy rains and the melting snow, overflowed its banks and inundated all the business portion of the town. Soon after the stream commenced rising, the mill-dam gave way and let down upon the town an avalanche of water, bearing upon its swift cm-rent large sheets of ice, which demolished everything in their way. The rise of the water was so sudden that many of the inmates of the houses situated on the banks of the river, with great difficulty escaped. Several buildings, including three stores, were carried away. Tlie loss is variously estimated, between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars, and was chiefly sustained by Messrs. M. Hines, J. T. Green, K. Willard, C. W. Keith and Joseph ^aper. The village of ]^aperville was incorporated by act of Legislature in the winter of 1857. Tlie first election of officers for the corporation was held in May follow- ing. The names of the Board elected at that time are as follows : President, Joseph J^aper ; Trustees, IT. H. Cody, Geo. Martin, M. Hines and X. Eggerman ; Police Justice, H. F. Yallette ; Constable, A. C. Graves; Assessor, A. "W. Colt; Clerk, C. M. Castle. Our space will not admit of our entering into the details of the ecclesiastical history of this town. The DU PAGE COUNTY. 97 first effort toward organizing a religions society was made by settlers in tins and the adjoining town of Lisle, as early as 1833. A meeting was held in Lisle on tlie 13th of July, in that year, and a society organ- ized by Rev. Jeremiah Porter and Rev. 'N. C. Clark, missionaries for this county, and Rev. C. W. Babbitt, of Tazewell county. This meeting was called at the request of Isaac Clark, Pomeroy Goodrich, Israel Blodget, Robert Strong, Leister Peet, Henry H. Good- rich, and Samuel Goodrich. The society commenced its labors with true christian zeal, and its numbers rapidly increased. Among the first resolution^ adopted by the society, we find the following : Resolved^ That the miuister, as soon as practicable, shall visit every family in the settlement, and that each member of the brethren, in tm-n, when called upon, shall accompany him, to ascertain the state of reli- gious feeling, and to awaken attention to the subject, and especially to explain the object and plan of Sabbath schools, and the distribution of tracts. Rev. N. C. Clark was the first pastor of the society. Meetings were held during the year at different places in the south part of the settlement, for three Sabbaths in succession, and the fourth in the school house at ISTaperville. Punctuality in attendance upon the meet- ings of the society was strictly enjoined, and a com- mittee appointed to notice the absence of any, and caU on him at the next meeting, for his reason. In 1834, the society raised one hundred dollars to help deli-ay the expenses of their pastor. Dming the year of 1835 Mr. Clark preached regidarly upon the first and fifth Sabbaths of each month at his own house, on the second and fom-th at ^Naperville, and on the third in 5 98 HISTORY OF the neigliborliood of Mr. Luther Hatch. He continued as their pastor until July, 1836. With a pledge of three hundred dollars, and the assistance of the Home Missionary Society, the society next secured the services of Rev. E. Strong, who remained with them until August, 1837. The Eev. J. G. Porter then became their pastor, and served the society faithfully and acceptably until July, 1840, when, at his own solicita- tion, he was dismissed. During the years of 1838 and 1839 the society began to feel the need of a house of worship which should be their own. A vote was l^assed, at a meeting held in September, 1838, to build a meeting house, and at a subsequent meeting, in March, 1839, ^''aperville was selected as the place for its location. Deacon Clark, Pomeroy Goodrich, and Henry Goodrich, were appointed the first trustees. In October, 1840, Rev. O. Lyman became pastor. He was em]3loyed for six months, or until an oj^portunity offered to procure a permanent minister. The Rev. J. H. Prentiss, of Fulton, received a imanimous call in E'ovember, and was installed as pastor on the 12th of July, 1842. Three hundred dollars were pledged for his support, payable half in money and half in pro- duce, by the society, and an additional sum of two hundred dollars was obtained from the Home Mission- ary Society. By his own request, his connection with the society was dissolved, Aug. 25, 1843. Arrange- ments were then made with Rev. E. W. Champlain, to preach for the society on each alternate Sabbath during the remainder of the year, commencing on the first Sabbath in October. Mr. Champlain continued as the pastor until his death, February 8th, 1845. At DU PAGE COUNTY. 99 a meeting of tlie society, April 18tli, 1844, it was resolved " that we deem it expedient to take immediate measures to build a house of worship." At a subse- quent meeting, Deacon Isaac Clark, George Blackman, Deacon Pomeroy Goodrich, J. Strong, and Eli North- am, were appointed a committee to select a site. That committee selected a site gratuitously offered by Capt. Morris Sleight. The choice was concurred in by the society, and the present edihc'e was erected upon it in 1847. By the death of the Kev. Mr. Champlain the whole society was thrown into mourning. Although he had labored among them for only a brief period, yet he had become endeared to his people by the strongest ties of affectionate regard. He is the only minister of any denomination who has died in this place, or whose sepulcher is with us. After his death the people were destitute of a settled minister for several months, but the pulpit was regularly supplied by Eev. O. Lyman. A call was extended to Bev. Hope Brown, in August, 1845, whicli was accepted. It was provided that he should preach on alternate Sabbaths, and receive a compensation proportionate to the amount of service rendered. Mr. Brown was connected with the Home Missionary Society, and for several years aftei- his settlement liere, received contributions toward his support from that society. He was installed on the 11th of IS^ovember, 1845, and continued with this people until October, 1856, when he was dismissed, at his own request. Of Mr. Brown it may be said that few men are bet- ter calculated for the Christian miniBtry. He preaclied 100 HISTORY OF the truth every day by a consistent Christian example, as well as from the pnlpit on the Sabbath. In Octo- ber, 1856, the present pastor, Eev. E. Barber, was invited to the desk. The congregation has considera- bly increased during the past year, and the society has made new accessions to its numbers. The church was never in a more enterprising and prosperous state than at present. The Sabbath school connected with this church has sixty pupils. Tlie whole number of members, since its organization, is 177 ; the number now belonging to the church is 62. From the history of the past may we not learn the importance of faithfully sustaining the institutions and ordinances of the Gospel ? All our natural, social, and civil advantages, will avail us little without its influence. As a church, and as a society, is- it not our duty to lend a strong hand for its support, when " The pulpit, in the sober use Of its legitimate, peculiar powers, Must stand acknowledged, while the world shall last. The most important and effectual guard. Support, and ornament of virtue's cause." The worldly wisdom of that man is to be admired, who, though not a professing Christian, refused to pur- chase a farm in a town in a neighboring state, l)ecause they had no regulo/r preaching there. " For," said he, though property is cheap there now, it will always be cheap ; it will diminish in value without the restrain- ing and elevating influences of the Gospel." Much credit is due to those early pioneers for the ready zeal which they have manifested in organizing DU PAGE COUNTY. 101 and sustaining tlie clinrclies in our midst. Many of tliem are still among us, but are not to tarry with us long ; and when they shall dej)art, may the cause for wdiich they have labored and sacrificed so much be committed to hands equally zealous and faithful to the sacred trust; for it is a fact, well attested, that nothing will make a people so poor as to try to live without the preaching of the truth. The 33a]3tist church in !N^aperville was organized through the instrumentality of the Rev. Morgan Edwards, in 1843. At the time of its organization, there were nine members. Immediate steps w^ere taken to erect a house of worship. A building was commenced on the foundation of the present Congre- gational church, but a difficulty arose between the owner of the lots (who had not yet conveyed them to the society) and one of its members. In consequence of this the owner refused to give title to the society, and forbade the removal of the partly constructed building, threatening personal violence to any one who should attempt it. A committee waited upon him and endeavored to obtain his promised deed of the lots, but it was refused. Finding all their over- tures in vain, a large number of the most prominent .citizens of the place met by agreement, and unawed either by threats of violence or the terrors of the law, forcibly took down and removed the edifice to its present site, which w^as donated to the society by Lewis Ellsworth, Esq. In ISM, the building was so far advanced that it was occupied by the Congregational and Baptist societies, each on alternate Sabbaths. Rev. Riley B. Ashley became pastor of this church in 102 H I S T O li Y O F January, 1844, and continued to supply the pnlpit until January, 1846, during wliich time the church increased to thirty-six in numbers. From July, 1846, to July, 1848, Rev. Allen Gross was pastor, and the church increased to fifty-six. He was succeeded by tlie Eev. Silas Tucker, in October, 1848.- Mr. Tucker continued as pastor until October, 1855, when the number of members was ninety-five. Tlie Rev. Silas Kenny supplied tlie desk for eight months during 1856 and 1857. The j^resent pastor is Rev. E. P. Barker. In 1847 the churcli was enlarged and improved. It^ present dimensions are 52 feet in length by 36 in widtli At the time it was enlarged, a belfry and steeple were l)uilt upon it, from wliich sounded the first church bell in the county. During the past year much has been done ])j this society to beautily the church building and grounds. The Sabbath school connected with this church numbers about fifty scholars. Tlie doctrines of modern spiritualism liave been embraced by some of the leading members of this society. Whetlier this has contributed to the growth or decay of true piety in the church, Ave are not to determine. The German Evangelical Association has a largt society in this place. This society was formed in 1837 . by a few members from Warren county. Pa. J. C.^ Gros, M. Weis, Adam KnopfF, George Stroubler, Jo: Rahm, Martin Asher and Adam Schwigert wcj' among the first members. Meetings were held ■ difierent parts of the toAvn for several years, until tl church was erected at Naperville, in 1842. Tlie h on which the present chiu*ch stands, was given to tin society by Capt. Kaper. Since 1840, the society hnr DU PAGE COUNTY. 103 sustained regular preaching, and tlie cliurcli has in- creased rapidly in numbers. Tliere are now upward of two hundred belonging to the societ}^ Connected with this church there is a Sabbath school of nearly 200 scholars. It has a library of 300 volumes. Tlie present church buildmg is much too small for the accommodation of the society, and the erection of a fine brick edifice is contemplated during the present year. ISTo other church in the county has met with so great a degree of prosperity. We give the names of the pastors, from its organization : 1837- Rev. Jacob Boas, 1838— * ' Martin Hawert, 1839— ' ' Christiau Eiiiscl, 1840 — ' J. Lutz, 1841 — ' Adam Strooh, C. Lintner, 1842— ' ' F. Wahl, G. A. Blank, 1843 — ' ' C. Kopp, 1844— ' ' C. Lintner, 1845 — ' G. A. Blank, 1846— ' ' C. Kopp, S. Dickower, 1847— * ' C. Augcnstin, G. Meszmer, 1848 — ' C. Holl, H. Wcilty, J. Raggerls 1849 — ' S. A. Tobias, C. A. Schnackn, 1850 — ' B. Apley, M. Hawert, 1851 — ' J. Riegal, G. Franzen, 1862 — ' "J. Trombaner, 1853 — ' G. A. Blank, 1854 — ' J. P. Kramer, 1855 — J. Gibeis, 1856 — ' W. Straezburger, 1857 — " n. Ilenitzn. The Methodist society was formed in 1841, through the instrumentality of J. Granger, A. Keith, Mr. Un- derwood, E. Rich, and II. Daniels. A church was lOtt H I S T O K Y OF built ill 18^9. The society lias been regularly supplied with pastors since 1841. Tlie Sabbath school con- nected with this church has about 100 scholars, and its library contains 250 volumes. There are now between thirty and forty members belonging to the society. NAMES OF PASTOES: 1841 — Rev. -Caleb Lamb, 1850— Rev. M.P.Hannah, 1842— " John Nason, 1851 — *' John Beggs, 1844— " O.Walker, 1852— " J. C. Stonghton, 1846— " Elisha Springer, 1853— " Mr. Vance, 1848— " Nathan Jewett, 1854— " 0. Huse, 1856 — Rev. B. Close. The Catholics have a large society here. Their church was organized in 1816, and a house of worship erected during the same year. Tlie society was formed under the labors of the Rev. Mr. Theroler, and the first members were Peter Shultz, Xa\der Eggerman, D. Bapst, S. Dutter and G. Ott. In 1852 the church building w^as enlarged, for the accommodation of the rapidly increasing society, which now numbers 232. The names of the priests who have officiated since 1818, are Rev. Mr. Yung, Rev. Mr. Foelker, who died here in 1850, Rev. Mr. Zucher, Rev. John Kramer, Rev. Mr. Etafer, who died here in 1856, and Rev. Mr. Iveiser, wdio, having been suspended for misdemeanor, left the community very abruptly sometime in Au- gust, 1857. The physicians at N'aperville are 11. C. Daniels, J. Jassoy, "VY. B. Stewart, R. K. Potter, Dr. Overholser and Dr. Ferris. The practicing attorneys are II. F. Yallette and H. DU PAGE COUNTY. 105 II. Cody, of tlie firm of Yallette & Cody ; W. Blan- chard and M. Hobson, of tlie firm of Blancliard & Hobsoii. J. F. Wiglit, for many years the only attorney in tlie place, lias now retired from practice. Early attention was given by tlie settlers to the subject of education. ^ A school house was the result of the first public enterprise. In the fall of 1831, a log house was erected on land now owned by Mr. Samuel Boliman, and a school taught there during the following winter by Mr. Leister Peet. The building was by no means remarkable for arcliitectm*al beauty, but being fourteen feet square, it afibrded accommo- dations to the children of this sparsely settled district for two or three years. Boards were fastened to the sides of the room for desks, and slab benches were provided for seats. Mr. Peet was succeeded by Mrs. Hines and Mr. Hiram Standish, who in succession swayed the scepter of that first temple of incipient Hberty, and taught the young idea how to shoot. Some of our most prominent citizens remember well the rude-a-m.eiitiil lessons which they received in the old log shool house, and the introduction of Parley's Magazine, from which they were instructed in almost every department of science, although the time-hon- ored edifice has long since gone to decay. A new frame building for school purposes was erected near where the Congregational church now stands, in 1835. It was used as a church, to^\m house, and two or three terms of the circuit coui't were held in it before the court house was built. Tliis school house was sold by the district, and for several years previous to the passage of our present school law, the district was 5* lOG HISTORY OF destitute of a scliool building, and the public schools of JN^aperville were of little benefit to the community. Tliej were usually held for only a small portion of the year, at places the most inconvenient and uncomfort- able. But a new impiilse has been given to public sentiment on the subject of education. There is now a fine stone building on the west side, belonging to that district, and; a pommodious brick building in process of erection oil the east side, for the accommo- dation of the Lisle district. The JSTaperville Academy was incorporated in 1851. Mr. ]Sr. F. Atkins was the first preceptor, and performed the duties of principal for about one year. After his removal, the trustees appointed Mr. C. W. Richmond, then principal of the academy at Great Barrington, Mass., to fill the vacancy. In this academy, in addition to the common branches of an English edu- cation, instniction is afforded in tlie languages and natural sciences, including music, drawing and j^aint- ing. This institution has seiit out many competent teachers for our pul)lic schools. Upv^ard of 600 difierent scholars have been members of the school during the past tliree years. The average attendance has been about 100. The following are the names of assistants in the school : Howard Kennedy, A. M. ; Geo. Hudson, J. H. Edson, Mrs. C. W. Richmond, Mrs. H. L. Snyder, Miss M. B. Dewey, Miss C. E. Grossman, Prof. C. ]^. Y. Yasque and Eugene Burnell. The academy building is pleasantly situated in the west 2)art of the village, is three stories high, and constructed of durable and handsome stone, fomid in the vicinity, at a cost of about six thousand dollars. nU PAGE COUNTY. 109 The institution is provided with chemical, philosophi- cal, geographical and historical charts, and has a library connected with it of about 600 volumes. Few seminaries offer better facilities to students who are pursuing either the English course or preparing for the higher course of collegiate studies. There are twelve school districts in the town, all of which are provided with good school houses, in which schools are taught from six to ten months during the year. Tlie summer term is usually taught by females, and the winter by males. There is a private school taught in the family of Mr. Lewis Ellsworth, by Miss S. B. Skinner. The number of pupils is limited to about twelve. Young ladies are here instructed in the English and modern languages, and also in music, drawing and painting. Our educational facilities, as a town, can not well be surpassed. They are sufficiently ample, and none need grow up in ignorance for want of proper advan- tages to obtain an education ; yet there are many, even at this day, who refuse to avail themselves of the opportmiities offered. This is especially the case in the village, but it is hoped that the new buildings which have been recently erected will draw into the schools a large class of the foreign population, who would otherwise go uneducated. 'Next in importance to the church, our schools should be nourished with peculiar care. The school fund of the town is now $1035 27. For building and rej^airing school houses, the amount raised by tax and expended in 1863, was $120 ; in 1854, $209; in 1855, $294; in 1856, $2376; in 1857, $1326. Tlie whole mimber of pupils in 1856 was 861. 110 HISTORY OF The scliool section was sold in 184:2, at $1 25 per acre. Tlie present trustees are II. Bristol, F. Myer and II. Yauglin. Treasurer, Clias. Hunt. In wliat now constitutes tlie west part of tliis town, and prior to the organization, when known as Big Woods j)recinct, the offices of justice of the peace and constable were held by the following named per- sons : justices of the peace, W. J. Strong, Abel Keys, John Stolp, David Meeker, Charles Hunt, S. S. Pax- ton; constables, Allan Williams, C. M. Vaughn, J. II. Paxton, A. F. Stolp, O. C. Stolp. List of town officers of the town of JSTaperville for the different years since the adoption of the township organization law : SUPERVISOR : . ' 1 850 — Russel Whipple. 1 854 — David Hess. 1851— " 1855 — R. N. Murray. 1852 — Joseph Naper. 185G — Charles Hunt. 1853— Hiram Bristol. 1857 — N. Crampton. TOWN CLERK : 1850 — C. F. Tarbox. 1854 — Charles Hunt 1851— Charles Hunt. 1855 — 1852 — 1856 — 1858 — 1857 — ASSESSOR : 1850 — Enos Coleman. 1854— A. T. Thatcher. 1851— " 1855 — A. W. Colt. 1852 — Hiram Bristol. 1856 — David Brown. 1853 — Enos Coleman. 1857 — George Bristol. DU PAGE COUNTY. Ill COLLECTOK : 1850- -Willard Scott. 1854 — Sidney Powers. 1851- — John Stolp. 1855— A. T. Thatcher. 1852- -Thaddeus Scott. 1856--R. N. Davis. 1853- — Sidney Powers. 1857* OYEKSEEE OF THE POOR I 1860- — John Warne. 1854 — Hiram Branch. 1851- - H. C. Daniels. 1855 — M. nines. 1852- — S. L. Jackson. 1856 — H. C. Daniels. 1853- _ u 1857 — COMMISSIONEES OF highways: 1850- — Samuel Rickert, 1854 — S.L.Jackson, II. C. Daniels, Jacob Saylor, Enos Coleman. U. D. Stanley. 1851 - — Langdon Miller, 1855 — S. M. Babbitt, W. J. Strong, H. Bristol,- Samuel Rickert. D. B. Rogers. J852- -W. J. Strong, 185G— C. H. P. Lyman, David Brown, Hiram Bristol, A. S. Sabin. Jacob Saylor. 1853- - W. J. Strong, 1857— Hiram Bristol, A. T. Thatcher, Solomon Givler, David Brown. John Stolp. JUSTICES OF THE peace: 1850- - Charles Hunt, 1853 — Harrison Loring. Willard T. Jones. 1854 — 1851- - n. Loring.-j- J. J. Riddler. 1852- - Charles Hunt, 1855— Charles Hunt.:}: H. Loring. 1856 — Eli Rich. * Collector not elected, it being a tie vote, t Elected in place of Willard T. Jones, resigned. tVice Loring, resigned. 112 HISTORY OF CONSTABLES : 1850- - Sidney Powers, 1852- D. C. Butler. 1853- 1851- - Sidney Powers, 1854- S. M. Cole. 1855- 1856- -Fred. S. Crane •S. M. Cole. George Stroubler, jr. David Salisbury. DU TAGE COUNTY. 113 A IIISTOKY OF THE TOW:^[ OF LISLE. This is tlie oldest town in tlie county, having been first settled by Bailey Hobson, in the fall of 1830. Among the early settlers were J. C. Hatch, Isaac Clark, Poineroy Goodrich, John Thompson, John Sargent, Lewis Ellsworth, Tliomas Jellies, Martin Asher, J., C, IL, and L. Stanley, E. Bush, Mr. Wil- lard, Ilemy Puffer, A. B. Chatfield, John JN^aper, and P. M. Sweet. Tlie increase of population has been in about the same ratio as that of the other towns in the county. It contains now about 1500 inhabitants, of which there is a fair sprinkling of Germaus. The town may be regarded as a very intelligent and moral, and relatively considered, religious population. Many of the first settlers came from JN'ew England, and brought with them the principles, practices, mor- als and opinions for wdiicli the people of that section have so long been wddely and favorably known. This remark jDerhaps applies more truthfully to the inliabitants of that division of the town called " Tlie East Branch- ' than to any other jiortion of it. The first settlers here, with scarcely an exception, were of the class referred to. They came possessed of a spirit of genuine Christian philanthropy, which prompted them to labor zealously for the good of their fellow men. They w^ere impelled by no narrow, bigoted views of Christian brotherhood and duty, but recognized that great moral principle which first found utterance on 114 lIISTOliY OF Plymouth Rock, of "freedom to worship God." Among the pioneers of tliis class who are now living, Deacon Isaac Clark, and Deacon Pomeroy Goodrich, maj be mentioned as having labored here for more than twenty years, with nnfailing Christian ardor, for the npbnilding of the church of Christ. They were chiefly instrumental in effecting the first religious organization in the county, which was as early as 1833. The society then foi-med rapidly increased, by members from this and the adjoining towns, and as the country became more thickly settled it was divided, and separate organizations formed. A notice of the original society will be found in the history of the town of Naperville. In consequence of its being peopled by the class referred to, correct moral principles have been infused into the East Branch community, and it would be difli- cult to find a better state of society, or a more culti- vated, intelligent, moral, and industrious class of citizens, than reside in this section of the town of Lisle. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to agriculture. Tlie farmers generally have large and highly cultivated farms, and are in independent circumstances. Land is held at from twenty -five to fifty dollars j)er acre, the price varying according to locality and nature of soil. Among the best farms upon the east branch are those of James C. Hatch, John Thompson, D. H. JSTaramore, Pomeroy Goodrich, Daniel M. Green, William 13. Green, A. S. Barnard, A. Morse, and diaries II. Goodrich. The pioneers of this to's^i had many privations to DU PAGE COUNTY. 115 undergo, but tliese Avere endured and at last conquered l)j ]nanly courage and enterprise. A spirit of cordial sociability, friendly sympathy and intercourse prevailed among tlie early settlers, which, it is feared has lost something of its charms since the country has become more densely populated. We have frequently heard it remarked by our pio- neer mothers, that the pleasantest period of their lives was when they lived in the old log house, of one apartment, which served as kitchen, parlor, pantry, bedroom, wood house and cellar. Sociability w^as then untrammeled by forms and ceremonies, and the question of "What shall we eat and wheremthal shall we be clothed," w^as thought to have a more spiritual application than in modern times. Mrs. Scott made a "party" at an early day, to which all her neighboring friends w^ere invited. For su^^per she placed before her guests a prodigious loaf of corn bread, the material for which had been pre- pared by grinding the corn between two stones. Al- though the repast was pronounced by all most delicious, yet it Avas entirely eclipsed by that of Mrs. Hobson, who had her "party" soon after, and entertained her guests, not with corn bread alone^ but coroi tread and molasses 2:raced her festive board. The following details will serve to show^ something of the trials endured by our early settlers, and the heroic fortitude with wdiich they braved discourage- ments : About the middle of May, 1830, Baley Hobson, weary of the toil of clearing the encumbering forests from the rugged banks of the Ohio river, and animated 116 IIISTOKY OF by the hope of finding a home in the wiklerness of the northwest, more congenial to the spirit and genius of agricnlture, set ont from the sparsely settled county of Orange for the more sparsely settled section of north- ern Illinois. His resolutions were those of the pioneers of the west. Without arms amounting to more than a jack-knife, for defense, he moimted his horse, and destitute of chart or compass, groped his way, as best he could, through the dense forests and deep ravines, and forded the bridgeless waters that lay in his course. Day after day was consumed in the solitary windings from hut to hut, through a region wdiich then presented but slight indications of that civilization which has since struck its roots deep into the bosom of those forests. Rain and sunshine alternately poured through the darkening foliage that overarched his pathway. Many miles were traveled where not a sound broke the silence of the dim woods, save the tread of his own steed as it bore him onward. The dismal surroundings of a forest path accompanied him until state lines were crossed, and the bright opening prairies were gamed in the state of Illinois. Emerging from the heavy timber country of Indiana, into the prairie wilderness, was an agreeable respite from the dull monotony of the scenery through which he had passed. Here was a spot fit for a moment's pause, to view wdtli far-strained vision those undulating plains, in contemplating which The heart swells, while the dilated sight Takes in the encircling vastness. Moving onward to the noi-th with the hope of suc- cess brightening before him, he gained the south bank DIJ PAGE COUNTY. 117 of tlie IlHnois river, which he crossed in a ferry-boat at a place then called Ft. Clarke, near the present site of Peru. At this place he fell in comj^any with four strangers, who had been spending some time in ex- ploring the country further west, which they found, comparatively speaking, a blank wilderness, peopled only by savages. Discouraged at the idea of settling in a country so wild and so remote from civilized man, they had abandoned their journey and were returning, with not the most favorable impressions of the great west. They urged Mr. Hobson to abandon the idea also, not only as impracticable, but as a wild and hazardous undertaking. He however left them, and pushed onward, soon reaching "Weed's Grove, since known as Holderman's grove, where he found a set tlement consisting of five little huts, occupied by as many families. Here, for the first time in his journey, he made a halt, and explored the Du Page river as far as Walker's grove, near Plainfield. He after- w^ards explored Fox river as far as Long grove, and finally made a claim six miles from Holderman's, and three miles from the main village of the Pottawattomie Indians, on Fox river. In order to secure his claim while moving his family out to it, he cut logs for the erection of what in later times has been termed the " squatter's hut." Having done this, he mounted his horse and turned homeward. To save distance, he took a new route, and struck out upon the imknown prairies, where the footprints of neither man nor beast were to be seen, without a solitary thing to guide him, save the instinctive allurements of his own fireside, which was more than four hundred miles distant. 118 HISTORY OF About noon of tlie same day he re-crossed the Illinois river, at the lower rapids, and pursued his way until night shut in upon him, when he pitched his camp, consisting of a horse blanket and overcoat, on the banks of a small stream that flowed along the border of a grove. During the night there was a heavy fall of rain, which put out his fire, and for the remainder of the night he was obliged to hold himself in a de- fensive attitude against the ravenous mosquitoes. The sun rose bright and clear next morning, and he pressed onward. Late in the afternoon he overtook a comj)any of Kickapoo Indians, who were returning from a hunting excursion, and accompanied them to their village, where he was fortunate enough to And a white man, a trader, with whom he passed the night. Leaving the wigwam town early next morning, he laid his course over the trackless prairie, for the waters of the Sangamon, which were reached just as the sun went down. Here, for the first time in three day's travel, he struck the trail of his former course. A cabin stood on the bank of the stream, occupied by a family whose nearest neighbors were twelve miles distant. He passed the night with them, and after breakfast the next morning, re-crossed the river which he had left some live weeks previous. Retracing^his former path over the wide prairies of Illinois and through the dense forests of Indiana, he reached his liome about the first of July. On the first day of Sejjtember, in the same year, he started with his family, accompanied by L. Stewart, for his new claim amid the wilds of the northwest. They had proceeded scarcely half a mile when the wagon was upset, and DU PAGE COUNTY. 119 tlie entire "bag and baggage" strewn proniiscuonsly npon the ground. This- was by no means a welcome omen of the invisible future, and created^ unpleasant forebodings of what might lie before them in»their perilous journey. Four hours detention was the result of this first ill fortune. After the wagon was turned right side up, and their effects gathered together, they moved on again. They soon lost sight of things which had grown lamiliar by time, and the forest through wdiich they passed opened upon them new scenes. The camp lire was kindled whenever night overtook them, and a smallcanvas tent was their only protection from the inclemency of the weather^ and all that screened the starlight and moonbeams from their pillows. The evening of the third day found them at the Drift Wood fork of the White river. Tliis w^as now^ to be crossed. It was a difficult stream, without bridge or ferry, and having a bed of quicksand. As there w^as but one plan to choose, ("Ilobson's choice," ot course), they resolved to hazard the experiment of fording. So, increasing the load of the abeady bur- dened team w^ith their own weight, and giving the oxen a few^ smart blows with the braid of buckskin, they dashed into the stream, and with great effort reached the oj)posite bank. The men were obliged to re-cross the stream for the herd of cattle and horses that were left behind, and the journey was resumed, until the shadows of night compelled them to pitch their tents. Thus they journeyed, day after day, leaving no visible evidence of their passage, save here and there the ashes of their camp fires, fording all the 120 HISTORY OF streams that lay in their course, until they came to the Wabash, which they crossed in a ferry, two miles above Terre Haute. Coming upon the prairies, the land was marshy for a considerable distance, and their progress was slow and difficult ; but nothing of moment occurred until they arrived at the Black Swamp, which was about half a mile in width. Here they were obhged to take everything from the wagon and carry to the opposite side on foot. Mrs. Hobson rode across on horseback, with her babe, and the two little boys waded through the mire, at the imminent hazard of being entirely swallowed up. This passed, they journeyed on, en- countering similar obstacles, often getting mired, and often being obliged to unload a part of their goods in order to proceed. Leaving the Ft. Clarke road, and having no path to guide them, they nov/ passed through an uninhabited region for the distance of one hundred miles, finding but one habitation during six days, and being able to obtain neither wood nor water to cook their meals more than twice during the whole time. Arriving at the Illinois river, they crossed that stream at the lower rapids, and after traveling a few miles further, fell in company with Mr. Clark, whose father resided at Walker's grove. Preparations were being made for a night encampment, but Clark insisted that they should go as far as Holderman's grove, where he intended to remain that night. Having with him three yoke of oxen, he attached two of them to Mr. Hobson's wagon, and thus assisted, they went on, arriving at Holderman's grove at about midnight, having been on the road twenty-one days. Here they DU PAGE COUNTY. 121 remained three weeks, during which time Mr. Ilobson sowed some fall wheat, cut some hay for his cattle, and began the erection pf a cabin on his new claim. The family were moved to the claim, and lived in a tent until the cabin was so far completed as to admit of their occuj^ying-it. Their provisions were likely to run short, and Mr. Tlobson set out on horseback to pro- cure some. After spending two days in fruitless search of something to prevent starvation, he returned home. In a few days, he started again on a longer journey, crossing the Fox and Yermilion rivers, the latter of which he forded, where the water covered the back of his horse. Still onward he went, and after crossing the Illinois, and arriving at the Ox Bow prairie, he found he could purchase no flour, but pork was ofl*ered him, which he engaged, appointed the time when he would come for it, and returned. Not feeling entirely satisfied with his location, he resolved to examine the country still further, and- accordingly set out in the direction of Fox river. Knowing that a solitary Frenchman was living in a grove near that stream, he thought to reach his hut, if possible, before night-fall ; but the darkness came on before he was able to find it, and tying his horse to a tree, he laid down upon the ground, and, with nothing to shield him from the cold of a isTovember night, save his overcoat and horse blanket, slept till morning. On waking, he found, to his sm-prise, that he had encamped in full sight of the Frenchman's dwelling, but was separated from it by a swamp. It being very cold, he hastened to the cabin, but found the door closed and fastened. lie liowever eftected 6 122 HISTORY OF an entrance by descending the chimney, enconntering in his descent some smoke, considerable soot, a blazing fire, and last, bnt not by any means least, a hnge bnll- dog, who bristled up savagely at the singular phenom- enon. He made peace with the dog, and sat down to warm himself by the fire. The proprietor of the cabin soon returned, and was not a little surprised, on open- ing the door, at finding a strange guest within. After breakfasting, Mr. Hobson made his way across the country to the Du Page river, examining the lands and localities as far as the site of his present family residence. This place satisfied him in every respect, and he at once determined to abandon the claim he had already made, and secure this as his future home. He made a few marks by which to identify it, and returned to his family, having been absent five days. In a few days, Hobson and Stewart both set out for the new claim, for the purpose of cutting timber and building a cabin upon it. This was in December. They arrived at the Du Page, and found it frozen over. Unable to* force their team into the crusted stream, they waded through it themselves, brealdng a path in the ice, which the oxen were made to follow. Having succeeded in crossing, they pitched their tent, built a fire, and made preparations for passing the night. Dming the night it commenced snowing, and continued throughout the next day. They attempted to work, but were unable to accom- plish anything in consequence of the severity of the weather, which continued to increase imtil they were obliged to abandon their undertaking. They drove down the river, a distance of three miles, to the dwell- DU PAGE COUNTY. 123 ing of Mr. Scott, who had built a cabin and moved into it a few days before. Here they passed the night, and the following day and night. On the third day the wind ceased, the severity of the weather somewhat abated, though still very cold, and they started toward home. Their course lay across a prai- rie for thirty miles, on which there was no appear- ance of a road, but they accomplished the distance, reaching home before midnight, nearly exhausted by fatigue, hunger and cold. In the course of a few days the weather changed ; some rain fell which melted the snow, and by a succession of snow, rain and frost which followed, the earth was covered wdtli a crust of ice, which made traveling almost impossible. It was now near Christmas, the time at which Mr. Ilobson had agreed to go for his pork. He therefore left his family and stock in care of Mr. Stewart, and set out for Ox Bow prairie with the intention of returning in about ten days. The weather was now extremely cold, and on the afternoon of the second day it commenced snowing. The storm came so fast and thick that the track was soon covered, and he had nothing to direct his course, while the atmos- phere was so hlled with the falling flakes that he could see onl}^ a few feet before him. Toward night a horseman passed him, but said nothing, and w^as very soon out of sight, leaving no traces of his course, as the snow filled the horse's track almost as soon as made. Kight closed in upon him, with no cessa- tion of the driving storm. Unable to see his way even a rod before him, the chance of reaching a 124 HISTORY OF habitation, or place of shelter seemed hopeless, and he was about to resign himself to his fate, when he discovered a light at a little distance which ai3peared to be coming toward him. On its nearer approach, to his inexpressible joy and gratitude, he discovered two or three men, who had come to his assistance, from the nearest settlement. They had been made acquainted with his situation by the horseman who passed him in the afternoon. They assisted him in reaching the settlement, where he stayed till next morning, when, the storm having considerably abated, he started on his way. He followed a small stream, though it was not his direct course, in order to be nearer the timber and nearer habitations. Before night came on, guided by the barking of dogs, he was enabled to reach a dwelling. Finding it unoccupied, he took temporary possession. A few embers were still burning on the hearth, and taking some rails from the fence he re- duced them to fuel and built a fire. He found feed for his oxen, and a supply of provisions for himself, of which he partook without much ceremony, and in peaceful and quiet possession passed the night. Pursuing his journey next morning, he shortly ar- rived at another dwelling, where he found the owner of the cabin in which he had stayed the night before, and told him of the liberty he had taken. Being assured that all he had done at the cabin was right, he pressed on and reached his destination on the evening of the fourth day. Tlie pork was procured, and he. started homeward on the following morning, his team consisting of two yoke of heavy cattle, and DU PAGE COUNTY. 125 his load, of about one thousand pounds, inckiding a prairie plow. The snow had fallen to such a depth that he found it impossible to proceed, and was obliged to employ a man with an additional team to assist him on. With the three yoke of oxen attached to the wagon they started, going before with wooden paddles to shovel the snow from the path. About two hours before sunset, they found that in the course of the whole day, they had advanced just one mile! There was little use in trying to go on, so they turned their team and took the back track for a quarter of a mile to a dwell- ing. Here they remained for a few days, endeavoring to ht the wagon to runners, but in this they were un- successful. Mr. Ilobson now resolved on trying to reach home on foot, and accordingly set out. He had to cross a twelve mile prairie before coming to a settlement. This he aimed to do in one day, but the sun had passed the meridian before he had made a third of the distance. Knowing it was vain to attempt to gain the settlement, he retraced his steps to the dwelling he had left in the morning, where he arrived, with life and strength nearly exhausted. Here he remahied a few days, hardly knowing what com-se to pursue. Having already been absent many days longer than he had intended, he felt great anxiety for his family, whom he had left but scantily provided ^^'ith pro^dsions, and at length determined upon mak- ing another effort to reach home. Leaving his team and load, with orders, that if it became necessary, the meat should be cut up and salted, he set out in a new direction, pursuing his way through the groves 126 HISTOKY OF towards tlie Illinois river, and finding shelter at night in the cabins which at long intervals w^ere scattered through the forests. At length, he arrived at the Illinois, which he found frozen and covered with snow. To facilitate progress he now traveled upon the ice for thirty miles, in imminent peril of his life. The ice, in many places, was so thin that it gave way be- neath his feet. At the end of this distance the river was open in consequence of its junction with a large spring, and he was now obliged to travel again through the deep and drifted snow. His progress was slow and fatiguing, but impelled by anxiety for the loved ones at home, he journeyed on with uriiiag- ing zeal, and at last reached home on the nineteenth day of his absence, to the almost overwhelming joy and surprise of his destitute family, from whom the last, lingering hope of ever beholding him again had faded out. Imagine his feelings as his little ones, half famished, came around him anxiously inquiring about his wagon, and about the provisions which they ex- pected he would bring to them. Until now he had borne up against a tide of adverse circumstances with a determined and even a cheerful spirit, but the situa- tion of his family, with no prospect of relief, was a matter not to be contemplated without the most dis- tressing apx^rehensions. J^early a week passed, and the weather became so much moderated that the snow began to melt, and it was feared that a thaw was about to commence, in which case their situation would be rendered still more hopeless. Corn was their only article of food, and upon this alone they had already subsisted for more than two months ; DU PAGE COUNTY. 127 this tliey prepared hj liulling and boiling. Some- thing must be done, for starvation seemed looking them in the face. But one plan suggested itself to Mr. Hobson, and that was a hard one to execute. It was to leave his family, and accompanied by Stewart, make one more effort to get his provisions home be- fore the breaking up of the ice. His situation was indeed a trying one. It was with great reluctance that he resolved to leave his family alone and unpi'o- tected in the dead of winter, and in a region inhabited only by Indians, whose proximity produced no more agreeable impression than fear, to say the least. But Mrs. Hobson, brushing the tears from her face, and summoning all the courage and resolution she could command, entreated him to go, and leave her to do the best she could. After preparing fuel sufficient to last until their return they set out, taking with them a yoke of cattle which they drove in advance, for the purpose of breaking a road through the snow. Tliir- teen head of cattle and three horses were left in Mrs. Hobson's care. On tlie second day after the departure of Messrs. Hobson and Stewart, it commenced snow- ing and continued without interruption for two days and nights, covering the earth upon a level, three feet jdeep. On the third day, just at sunrise, the wind be- gan to blow with fury from the west, and continued like a hurricane, without cessation, for three days, sweeping the snow from the ground and piling it in drifts twenty, thirty, and even forty feet high, while the atmosphere was so thick with the dri\dng snow, as almost to turn daylight into darkness. On the first morning of the wind storm, Mrs. Hobson, taking a 128 HISTORY OF pail, went to a spring a few yards from the house for some water, bnt before reaching the honse she was compelled to throw the water upon the gromid and make all possible haste back. Tlie children opened the door for her, which, being in the west side of the honse, it required all their strength to close again. It was not opened again until after the storm had sub- sided. The snow, which was constantly driving into the house, supplied them with water ; but who shall describe the feelings of that mother, as alone with her Httle ones, the days dragged wearily along, while her mind was filled with the most fearful aprehensions. Husband or brother she should in all probability see no more. Her children might perish in her sight, ^\^hile a like fate awaited herself. It was, indeed, a severe trial of endurance, and needed all the fortitude of her soul to sustain such agonizing reflections while the raging storm swept around her solitary dwelling. After the wind had ceased, Mrs. Hobson went out to look after the cattle and horses, but could discover nothing of them, and concluded they had been covered in the snow-drifts and perished. Tlie day passed without any of them making their appearance. The next morning they all came around from the east side of the grove, whither they had fled and remained dm-ing the storm. Tlie fuel which had been prepared and put in the house was now exhausted, while that which had been left outside was embedded in a deep snow drift. Tlie only alternative was to dig this wood out of the snow with a pick-ax, and Mrs. Hobson accordingly set about it, working and resting alter- nately, as her strength would permit. Weak and DU PAGE COUNTY. 129 faint from Lunger, and with hands frozen and blis- tered, she worked on day after day, unable to get out more wood than would barely serve from one day to another. A cow, that was accustomed to being fed at the door came into the house one day and seemed to reel, as if about to fall. Mrs. Ilobson pushed her out- side of the door, when she immediately fell dead. Fearing that the wolves, which w^ere very plenty and hungry, would come to the door to feed upon the carcass, she covered it deep in the snow. On the fourteenth day after his departure, Hobson returned with some proA'isions, leaving Stewart at Ilolderman's grove with a part of the oxen that w^ere unable to finish the trip. On his arrival, he found the wood which they had prepared, all consumed, and Mrs. Hobson tearing down a log stable and chopping it up for fuel. During that fourteen weary days, Mrs. Hobson had not seen a human being besides her child- ren. Though it was known at Holderman's grove that they were alone, yet no one dared venture to see what had become of them. It was thought by all there that the family would inevitably perish. In the course of eight days Stewart arrived with the remain- der of the oxen. They presented a deplorable spec- tacle indeed, being worn w^ith fatigue, their flesh sore and bleeding, and the hair all cut from their legs by wading through the hard crusted snow. The drifting of the snow had been altogether favorable to the return of Hobson and Stewart. Having arrived at their des- tination before the wind storm, they remained until they could make themselves some sledges. On the way home, thev could travel sometimes the whole day witli- *6 130 HISTORY OF Gilt the crust giving'wa}^, and some days tlieir teams would break througli every little while, when they were obliged to dig them out again. At home again, it was now time for new arrange- ments to be made, as there had been nothing done as yet, upon the new claim. Stewart, accordingly, set out for the new location with the intention of working there, but soon after his arrival the snow went off with a heavy rain. After the flood, occasioned by the melt- ing snow and breaking up of the ice had nearly sub - sided, the Indians came — a hundred or more — into the grove near the house, and prepared for making sugar. Ilobson now sent his family to Holderman's grove, where he had obtained permission for them to stay a few days, while he with his liousehold goods started for the Du Page, and again aimed to take up his night's lodging at the Frenchman's cabin But the traveling was bad, and his progress slow. Late in the afternoon he got " stalled " in a slough. Tak- ing off his boots and stockings, in order to keep them dry, he waded through on foot, and with great effort succeeded in getting his team through, his clothes tlie while were wet and freezing. It being by this time quite dark, and fearing to pro- ceed further, lest he sliould again be "stalled," there was no other chance than to spend the night upon the open prairie. And having some bedding in the wagon, he made out to pass the night without freezing. In the morning he reached the Frenchman's cabin, where he breakfasted. The next night found him at the Spring Brook, just west of the Du Page river, but it was so dark that he did not venture to cross it, and DU PAGE COUNTY. 131 accordingly camped out again. Here the grass was long, and making Lis bed upon the ground, he passed the night very comfortably, and the next morning reached his destination. Mr. Scott advised him to bring his family to his place, and let them remain until he could build his cabin. He accordingly did so, and in a few dajQ their own cabin was ready for their reception. In April Mr. Hobson went again to Ox Bow Prairie for his Avagon, taking with him two yoke of cattle, and briijging back some seed corn, and potatoes. His cattle were so poor and weak that he was often obliged to carry the corn and potatoes on his back, the team being hardly able to draw the empty wagon. The Spring and Summer were cold, wet and consequently unfavorable to crops. But little was raised during that year. Other settlers, whose names have been given, soon located in different parts of the town. The iS'aper settlement extended into this town, and the pioneer reminiscences contains an account of the settlers here, up to the close of the Black Hawk war. This town embraces an area of thirty-six square miles, and is bounded by Milton on the north, by Will county on the south, by Downer's grove on the east, and l)y ]S"aperville on the west. The sm-face consists chiefly of rolling prairie, intersjDersed with groves of line growing timber. Tliis town was for- merly called Du Page, a name derived from the river, both forks of which run through it, but there being a town in Will county of the same name, it was 132 IIISTOKY OF organized in 1850, under the name of Lisle, in honor of the late S. Lisle Smith, of Chicago. That part of the village of ]N"aperville which lies in this town includes the county buildings and four churches. Tlie grist mill at Llobson's was among the first established in this part of the county. Brick making is carried on to a considerable extent, and the bricks manufactured are of good quality. The clay requires coarse sand to be worked with it, to give it com^^actness. At the establishment of Mr. E. M. Carpenter 275,000 were made last year. The other manufactures are of minor importance, it being strictly an agricultural town, in which branch of industry it competes successfully with its neighbors. There are in. this town nine school districts, in all of which schools are taught throughout the school year. Teachers of the best ability are usually employed, and rewarded by a fair compensation. The almost uni- versal custom of rotation in the employment of in- structors for our schools prevails in this town, the summer term being taught by females, and the win- ter term by males. The schools are attended by 310 scholars. The fund derived from the sale of the school section was $800. It now amounts to $1,011.66. Tlie amount paid to teachers last year was $820, and the amount expended for repairing and building was $1,830. Several stone quarries have been opened in this town, from which stone is obtained for lime burn- ing and for building purposes. The Kaperville and Oswego plank road was laid through the central part of this town. The projectors of this road thought DU PAGE COUNTY. 133 to facilitate the communication between Oswego, Nap- erville and Chicago, and thereby retain tlie travel whicli woiikl otherwise be drawn to the raih-oad which was being bnilt at the same time. The road was completed from Chicago to Naper- ville, but no farther. The project was a failure ; the stock was worthless, for people looulcl travel by railroad. Tlie material of which the road was con- structed is now being torn up and converted to other uses. Tlie following is a list of officers for the town o Lisle, who have been elected since its organization in 1850 : SUPEKVISOES. 1850 — Amasa Morse. 1854 — H. H. Cody. 1851 — Jeduthen Hatch. 1855 — J. C. Hatch, 1852 — John Stanley. 1856 — A. Morse. 1853 — Lewis Ellsworth. 1857 — John Collins. TOWN CLERKS. 1850 — J. C. Hatch. 1854 — H. F. Vallette. 1851 — George Rou&h. 1855— " 1852— H. F. Vallette. 1856 — E. W. Hunt. 1853 — S. M. Skinner. 1857 — A. S. Barnard. OVERSEERS OF POOR. 1850 — John Olney. 1854— F. A. Smith. 1851— " 1855 — John Thompson. 1852— " 1856— J. A. Richards. 1 853 — W. B. Stewart, 1857 —John Rahm. 134: HISTOK Y OF COLLECTOKS. 1850— C. K. W. Howard. 1851 — r. A. Smith. 1852— " 1853— " 1854 — F. A. Smith. 1855— B. F. Hosier. 1856 — J. H. Hobson. 185Y — C. M. Goodrich. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS. 1850- — Joseph Blodgett, 1854 — John Sargent, John Rahm, John Stanley, Ethan Griswold. T. Hilderbrand. 1851- — John RaLm, • 1855— John Sargent, J. Blodgett, F. A. Smith, Henry Ingalls. Henry Ingalls. 1852- — Solomon Mertz, 1856- R. S. Palmer, E. Griswold, E. Page, Joseph Blodgett. D. C. Stanley. 1853- — A. S. Barnard, 1857 — S. Mertz, R. M. Hunt, R. S. Palmer, R. Puffer. J. A. Ballon. CONSTABLES. 1850- — F. A. Smith. 1854 — John Graves. 1851- _ li 1855 — B. F. Hosier. 1852- — John Graves. 1856 — John H. Hobson 1853- (( 1857 — ASSESSORS. 1850 — Jeduthen Hatch. 1851— A. B. Chatfield. 1852 — 1853 — D. M. Green. 1854 — A. B. Chatfield. 1855— " 1856 — C. H. Goodrich. 1857— Elijah Root. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1850- -A. B. Chatfield, George Roush. 1854 — A. B. Chatfield, John J. Kimball. DU PAGE COUNTY. 135 HISTOKY OF THE TOWN OF BLOOMING- DALE. SiL^s Meacham, Lyman Meacliam, and Harvey Meacham, were tlie first settlers of this town. They came here together, and clearing away the snow from a spot selected for the purpose, pitched their tents, on the eleventh day of March, 1833. The Indians, who were numerous at that time, were their only neighbors during the first year. There were no settlers nearer tlian King's grove, on the east branch of the Du Page, none on the Chicago and Galena road, and none on Fox river above Green's mill. Their Indian neighbors were generally peaceable and quiet, but liUed with all manner of superstitious and savage peculiarities. Soon after the settlement commenced, a dog was discovered in the grove hanging from a limb to which it was fast- ened, with a piece of tobacco tied to each foot. The settlers afterward learned from Lawton, an Indian trader, that, the Indians had had some bad kick, and the dog was offered as a sacrifice. The grove was known among the Indians as Penne- ack grove, and received its name from a root found in it, resembling the potato. It grew in such abundance, that the Indians came for it, and carried it away to their camps, in sacks, on their j)onies. The Indians were generally trusty, and on the whole proved themselves good neighbors. The settlers placed o-reat confidence in them. They frequently came to 136 HISTORY OF tlie settlement to borrow, and were always prompt in retm-ning, thereby offering an example wliicli many "white folks" think it too much trouble to follow in all cases. Harvey Meacham once loaned his valuable rifle to one of them for several days, on the promise that he would return it at a certain time ; the Indian, faithful to his word, brought it back on the appointed day. Tlie wife of Lyman Meacham died in the M\ of 1833. Her coffin was made of boards taken from a wagon box which was brought from the east. The next death in the settlement was that of a yonng me- chanic, who came into the town with Major Skinner, in 1831. He was buried in a coffin made of plank, split from a log in the grove. A small addition to the settlement was made in 1831. Among the settlers of that year were H. Wood- worth, IST. Stevens, D. Bangs, Elias Maynard, and Major Skinner. The Meacham brothers, during the first year, built a log house for each of their famihes, broke and planted forty acres of prairie, and fenced it in, to secure it from their stock which grazed upon the open fields. At the end of the year 1834, the settle- ment had increased to twelve or fifteen families. Mau}^ trials, incident to the settlers of a new country, were experienced by these first pioneers. We are informed by one of them, that it was no uncommon thing for a man to take his plow share and moukl board, weighing some sixty pounds, upon his back and trudge away to Chicago, a distance of twenty-four miles, to get it sharpened. The precinct of Cook county, in which this settle- DU PAGE COUNTY ment was included, extended over a large part, if not all of Cook county, west of the O'Plain river. The first election in this precinct was held at Elk grove, eight miles north east of Bloomingdale. Ly- man Meacham was elected justice of the peace. The first path master went as far south as Warrenville, ten miles distant, to warn ont the settlers on the highway to perform their road labor. Tlie claim difiiculty to which allusion has been made, occurred in this town. It is thought that no correct history of the horrid trans- action has ever appeared. The statement of this affair, given in the life of George W. Green, the banker, who committed suicide in the Chicago jail,is very erroneous, llie compilers have been at considerable pains to ob- tain a brief, and as they believe, an impartial account of the transaction, which is commonly known as THE KENT TEAGEDY. In the year 1835, or thereabouts, Ebenezer Peck bought the undivided half of Dr. Meacham's claim. While they held it jointly, they leased it to Milton Kent. Before the lease expired. Dr. Meacham sold his half to Mr. Peck, and moved to the O'Plain river, previous to any difiiculty with Kent. The trouble respecting the claim commenced soon after Mr. Peck became the sole owner. Mr. Kent's lease expired in the spring of 1837, and the claim was sold to George "W. Green, of Chicago, who came on to occupy it, but Mr. Kent would not allow him to take possession ; whereupon, a suit at law was brought, which after sev- eral years' litigation, resulted in giving Green a title to the whole property. In the mean time, Mr. Kent 138 H I S T O K Y O F had built a lioiise and barn snlted to the business ot tavern keeping, near the east end of the claim, and upon a piece of land which Tie and his friends said^ Dr. Meacham gave him for a tavern stand. ISTear the first of March 18-iO, Mr. Green and family, accompa- nied by Daniel M. Green, the sheriff of Du Paoe Connty, came on to the gronnd and demanded the possession of the entire premises, tavern stand included. Mr. Kent was very unwilling to go, but notwithstand- ing his reluctance, he was forced to remove his house- hold eftects from the house he had built, and quit the premises on which he had invested all he had. His furniture was removed to a shanty which had been hastily constructed of boards upon the claim, at a little distance from the house. The sheriff notified him to leave the claim immediately, but at the old man's earnest request that he might remain over the Sabbath, it being then Satm-day night, it was provided that he could do so upon the condition that he would depart early on Monday. Old Mr. Kent was a man of iron will, and deter- mined still to have the property, and^stake everything on the efibrt, preferring even death itself, to being conquered. After preparing a quit claim deed, the following plan, as revealed by those concerned in it, was adopted. The old man, accompanied by his son, son-in-law, a friend, who afterwards married into the family, and a hired man, making five in all, were to go to the house of Mr. Green late on Sunday evening, decoy him to the door, seize him, carry him off and force him to sign the deed. When the time arrived they went DU PAGE 'COUNTY. 139 to the house. Fo^r.,of the number were on foot, and took their station at the side of the door, to seize Green when he came out, while the fourth, who Avas on horseback, rode up in front of the house and called loudly for Mr. Green ; but, instead of going to the door, Mr. Green answered him through the window of the room in which he was sleeping. The horseman told him that he wished to stop there over night, to which Mr. Green replied that the house was no longer a tavern ; that he could obtain lodging a little further on. He had scarcely said this when the outside door was broken in with a loud crash. In an instant the four men who had been stationed at the door appeared in his room. He had prepared himself with arms for his defense, should he be molested, and seizing his rifle, fired in tlie direction of the assaulters. The ball passed through the collar of old Mr. Kent's coat, and escaped through the window frame. He then snapped his pistol, the muzzle being against the breast of one of his assailants, but the collar of his coat caught in the lock in some way, and it missed fire. The room was very dark, and, therefore, Green had the better chance to defend himself. In entering the room a table of dishes was overturned, and two of the number sprang upon the bed, seizing Mrs. Green, whom they mistook for her husband. Finding their mistake, they left her unharmed, and went to the assist- ance of their comrades. In the meantime, Green seized a large butcher knife, and commenced making desperate thrusts with it at all who came in his way. A son of Mr. Kent succeeded, at length, in grasping Green tightly around the body, in such a manner as to give 140 HISTORY OF him but little use of his arms ; but he soon regretted his rashness, for it was not long before he felt the sharp point of the knife entering his back, and making an awful wound. He cried murder, implored Green to spare his life, and his comrades to come to his assistance. Old Mr. Kent advanced, and was about to lay hold of Green, when he (Green) drew the knife from the body of the young man, and struck the old ]nan a mortal blow under the left arm, at wdiicli he raised his hands, gave a dying shriek, left the room unob- served, walked a few paces from the door, and fell to the ground dead. Young Kent was now released from Green's grasp, and, notwithstanding he had received, as he supposed, a mortal wound, he still determined to conquer, and the party rallied, with all their strength, to make one more effort to secure Green. A furious onslaught ensued, and Green was at last overpowered, although he fought desperately. He was knocked down, and beaten with merciless severity upon the head with a horse pistol, and afterward taken, in a senseless con- dition, from the floor and carried, without clothing, save his shirt, across the fields to the shanty. When he had recovered his senses, he was there required to sign the paper, and the young man whom he had so severely wounded with the knife remarked that " he must do it d — n quick, too, for he wanted to see it done before he died, and his boots were then over- flowing with blood." Expecting that his life would be taken in any event. Green signed the papers in presence of the daughters, and then importuned them DU PAGE COUNTY. 141 to let liim die at once, upon which lie was taken back across the field, and left, in an almost helpless state, near his honse, which he sncceeded in reaching soon after. Mrs. Green, after witnessing the brutal treatment of her husband, and being left alone in the house, suffered the most intense alarm, supposing he would be killed, and that a similar fate awaited herself. She stood at the door crying murder, in a voice not above a whisper. Tlie death of old Mr. Kent was not known to his son until after the papers were signed. Consternation filled the minds of the settlers at such a tragedy transpiring in their midst. A sight never to be forgotten was the lifeless body of that old man, as it lay there upon the ground, his hair white like the frost of winter gathering around his icy temples, and ruified by the passing breeze, as it moaned among the branches of the grove. His countenance was fresh as though life yet lingered in his veins, but his limbs were stiff and cold in death. Green delivered himself up to the proper authority, and went before the grand jury of Du Page County, confessed the crime he had committed, and was dis- charged. "Writs were issued for the arrest of Lorenzo Kent and others, concerned in the tragic affair. Kent was arrested, and while too ill, as was supposed, to be removed, fled out of the State. The family were scat- tered, and have never been united since in that hal- lowed relation. Their head being removed, and them- selves being left without a home, they have been compelled to wander from the scenes of their early attachment, at the mercy of an uncharitable world. 14:2 HISTORY OF Mr. Green remained in the place some tliree years, but was in constant fear of his life. He never left his house without being armed, and always slept with weapons within his reach. The opinion prevailed among the settlers that he was a dangerous person, and few tears were shed when he sold his claim and left the neighborhood. His subsequent career of crime, which terminated in self-destrnction, is familiar to all. He removed to Chicago, where he amassed considerable wealth in the banking business. In 1855 he was convicted of the crime of murder, in poisoning his wife, and lodged in the Chicago jaiL Soon after his conviction, and while confined in jail, he was found dead in his cell, having taken his own life rather than undergo the execution of his sentence. Thus, we have endeavored to present a brief and impartial state- ment of the Kent affair, about which so much has been said and written. This, as we have already in- timated, was the only serious claim difiiculty in this county ; but volumes might be filled with the most thrilling tales of conflict, between settlers, respecting their claims, in other parts of the west. "Were govern- ment to survey its lands before they are settled upon, a portion, at least, of the difiiculties now incident to nQVv^ settlements would be avoided. Bloomingdale is not excelled by any of its sister towns in healthfulness of climate, fertility of soil, beauty of scenery, variety of products, nor in attention to agriculture. Meacham's grove is in this town, and embraces about 1,200 acres of fine timber. The trail made by Gen. Scott's army, in passing from Fort Dearborn to the Mississippi, is about a mile and a half DU PAGE COUNTY. 143 soutli of the grove. The trail was visible when the first settlers came, and has always been known as the army trail road. The source of tlie east branch of the Du Page river is from low land abont half a mile south of the grove. The west branch rises in a slongh, a few rods in width, situated near the north east corner of tlie town of Wayne. The town is well watered by springs and small streams, it having but one stream of any size. A branch of Salt creek runs in an easterly direction through the town, uniting w^th the main branch at Duncklee's grove, in the town of Addison. This stream furnishes water power at some seasons, and a saw mill has been erected upon it. The village of Bloomingdale contains about thirty dwelling houses, one hotel, 5 factories, 2 stores, and three chui-ches. The^^aptist society was organized in March, 1841, through the instrumentality of Rev. Joel Wheeler and Rev. A. W. Button. There were at first seventeen members, among whom were Noah Stevens, Ephraim Kettle, Asa Dudley, F. R. Stevens, Orange Kent, J. D. Kinne, Philo Nobles, Silas Farr, and William Farr. For several years the society was without a settled minister, during which time preaching was sustained by Rev. Joel Wheeler, Rev. A. W. Button, Rev. Mr. Smith, Rev. Mr. Edwards, and Rev. Mr. Dickens. The first settled minister was Rev. P. Taylor, who became pastor of the church in 1848, and continued until 1855. He was succeeded by Rev. J. 11. Worrell, the present pastor, in 1855. There have been 204 members of this church since its organization. Seventy-eight have been dismissed, 144 HISTORY OF and four only have died during tlieir membership. The Society now numbers 126 resident members. There is a Sabbath school of 40 scholars connected with this church, having a library of 450 volumes. The present house of worship was built in 1848. The Congregational Church was organized in Au- gust, 1840, by Rev. D. Rockwell, assisted by Rev. F. Bascomb. W. Dodge, A. Buck, Elijah Hough, A. Hills, E. Thayer, C. H. Meacham, and J. P. Yalding, were among the first members. Rev. D. Rockwell was ordained in 1840, and continued as pastor until 1842. The following are the names of pastors since that time : 1842 — Rev. L. Parker. 1850 — Rev. N. Shapley. 1843— " H. Colton. 1851— " L.Parker. 1844— " B. W. Reynolds. 1854— " D. Chapman. [tor 1846— " L.Parker. 1855 — " H. Judd, present pas There have been 203 members in all, of whom eleven have died during their membership. There are now 93 resident members. The Sabbath school has about 50 scholars, and a library of 300 volumes. The church of this Society was built in 1851, and dedicated June 13th, 1852. The Methodist Society of this town is in a prosper- ous condition, being at j^resent supplied vvith preachers from the E'aperville circuit. There are nine school districts in this town, eight of which have school houses. The school fund derived from sale of land was $1,028. It is now $1,425. There were 325 scholars in attendance during the past year. Trustees, Captain E. Kinne, H. Barnes, II. S. Hills. Treasurer, S. P. Sedgwick. DU TAOE COUNTY. 145 The first town nieetino^ in Bloomino-dale was held at the school house, in the village, on Tuesday, the 2d day of April, 1850. We give below the names of town officers since the adoption of the townsliip organization law : SUPEHVISORS : 1850— Erasmas 0. Hills. 1854 — John G. Yearick. 1851 — Erasmas 0. Hills. 1855 — Daniel F. Deibert. . 1852 — H. B. Hills. 1856 — Horace Barnes. 1853 — Cyrus H. Meaeliam. 1857 — Cyrus H. Meachara. TOWN CLERKS I 1 850 — Myron C. Dudley. 1 854 — H. B. Hills. 1851 —Asa W. Spitzer. . 1855 — H. B. Hills. 1852— M. C. Dudley. 1856 — H. B. Hills. 1853 —M. C. Dudley. 1857 — H. B. Hills. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE : 1850 — C. H. Meacham, 1854 — S. P. Sedgwick, H. Bronson Hills. James Vint. 1851 — Hiram Goodwin. CONSTABLES I 185Q — Huet 0. Hills, 1853 — James Vint. L. E. Reed. 1854 — S. 0. Pepper. 1851 — H. 0, Hills. 1855 — S. 0. Pepper. 1852 — J. G. Yearick. 1856 — Geo F. Deibert. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS I 1850 — S. H. Dinsmore, 1852 — Rowland Rathbun, J. H. Kelsey, James Vint, James Vint. H. Benjamin, 1 851 — D. S. Meacham, 1853 — J. Barnes, J. Hathorn, R. Rathbun, S. C. McDowel. J. X. Nind. 146 HISTORY OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS CONTINUED 1854 — L, E.Landon, J. Barnes, J. N. Xind. 1855 — D. F. Deibert, Milton Smith, B. C. Pendleton. 1850 — Jonathan Barnes. 1851— H. H. Coe. 1852 — C. H. Meacham. 1853 — H. Benjamin. 1856 — Asa Clark, Berlin Godfrey, J. A. Kelsey. 1857 — J. Y. McGraw, Alfred Rich, Pierce Driscol. ASSESSORS : 185^— Asa Dudley. 1855 — D. S. McGraw. 1856— Milton Smith. 1857 — W.K. Patrick. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR I 1850 — L. E. Landon. 1854 — Allen Hills. 1851 — Calvin Muzzy. 1855 — Allen Hills. 1852 — H. Meacham. 1856 — Levi H. Kinne. 1853 — Allen Hills. 1857 — Levi H. Kinne. COLLECTORS : 1850 — H. 0. Hills. 1854— S. 0. Pepper. 1851— H. 0. Hills. 1855 — S. 0. Pepper. 1852— J. G. Yearick. 1856— Asa Dudley. 1853 — James Tint. 1857 — Asa Dudley. DC" PAGE COUNTY. 14' IIISTOKY OF THE TOW^ OF ADDISOX. The settlement of tliis town began in 1834. Tlie iirst inhabitants were Ebenezer Duncklee and Heze- kiali Duncklee, from Hillsborongli, N. II., and Mason Smith, from Potsdam, N. Y. They left Potsdam on the 13th of August, 1833, and arrived at Chicago on the 3d of September, traveling by land across Michi- gan and I^orthern Indiana. Leaving Chicago on the 8th of Sej^tember, they followed the trail of Gen. Scott's army, which had preceded them, to the Des Plaines river, where they camped for the night, near a party of 300 Indians. On the folloAving day, they proceeded along the trail as fiir as tlie sonth line of Addison. Here they, found a grave, which was sup- posed to be that of a soldier in Gen. Scott's army. The grave was on the west bank of Salt creek. On the opposite bank, near what is now called Grey's grove, were the remains of the army encampment. Some of the tent posts were still standing. Upon examination, it was found that the waters of the creek were not salt, as they had supposed. The stream received its name from this circumstance : A hoosier team, loaded with salt, became " stalled" while fording it, and the driver was obliged to lighten his load by rolling several barrels into the water. Jlie party left the creek at 5 o'clock, and pursued the trail. Soon after dark they discovered a light, which seemed at no great distance. One of the company set out in ad- vance, hoping to reach it, but after making a circuit through the tall prairie grass, he came u])on his com- rades near the place from which he started — and the 14:8 II I S T O K Y OF party camped for the niglit among tlie prairie grass and flowers. Their slumbers were somewhat disturbed by the prairie wolves, which howled most hideously about them during a greater part of the night ; but wearied by their long marches, they rested full as well as could be expected under the circumstances. On the following day they reached Meacham's grove, whei-e they found three settlers by the name of Meacham. Here they obtained some instruction in the arts of border life. They learned how^ to make their claims, how to construct cabins, and how to manufacture their beds. From this place they pro- ceeded to Elk grove, and thence along the west bank of Salt creek to Duncklee's grove, and camped for the night on the spot where the house of H. D. Fisher now stands. On the 12th day of September they took a northern direction through the timber, and made their claims near the north end of the grove. The timber claims Avere made by marking trees, and the prairie claims by plowing a furrow entirely around each. Imme- diate preparations were made for the erection of a Jiouse. The ground was leveled with a hoe, and prairie grass, which was cut Avith an ax, was spread upon it for beds. A tent was made of cotton cloth, and here they lived for half a month, until their cabin could be completed. The sides of the new cabin w^ere formed of logs, drawn together by the pony — an important member of the company, of whom honor- able mention is hereafter made — the floor w^as formed of split logs, and the roof of oak shingles. The family of E. Duncklee arrived in August, 183-1. The 18th day of June, 1835, was tlie date of the birth of the DU PAGE COUNTY. 149 first white cliild in the town. Three barrels of frozen apples were planted by Mr. Duncklee in the spring of 1836, from which nearly all the region has been snj)- 23lied with fruit trees. He sold from his own orchard, in 1855, upward of $600 worth of fruit. There is a cotton-wood tree standing in his yard which sprang from seed sown in 1837, and measures five feet two inches in circumference, at a height of fourteen inches from the ground. The following table gives the names of the early settlers, the date of settlement, and the state or coun try from which they emigrated : NAMKS. YEAR. 1834 u 1835 1834 1835 (( u (( 1836 1834 a 1836 1835 u 1834 1835 1837 (( 1836 u 1835 1836 1837 WHERE FROM. Hezekiah Duncklee Mason Smith K H. E Duncklee . u A. Ingals C Fisher Mass. Germany, H. Smith sen Geo. Rouse K Y. E. Lester a M. Lester a r. Lester D. Lester J. F. Franzen Germany. K Y. B. Kaler.. D. S. Dunning D Gray Germany. F. Gray H. D.Fisher u H. Smith, jun ' u F. Smith T. Thomson Lewis Smith u H. Rotermund F. Kragie (( F. Stainkle J. Bertman S. D. Pierce C. W. :NLartin W. Boske B. F. Fillmore Edwin Pierce N. Y. u Germany. Vermont. N. Y. 150 nisTO]iY OF This is strictly an agricultural town. The first at- tempt at farming, of which the writer has any account, was in the fall of 183i. Mason Smitli and Hezekiah Duncklee cut and stacked a few tons of hay near Salt creek, to keep a small pony, which Avas their joint possession, and which had brought them all the way from Detroit. Their stack was completed after several days' hard labor, and they were advised to burn the grass for several rods around it, in order to protect it from the annual fires set by the Indians. Being un- acquainted with the business, they set the fire too near, and not only burned up the grass about it, but the whole stack was consumed, leaving the i3ony des- titute of a winter's allowance. Winter came on, and having no hay, they turned him into the grove, where he lived and prosj^ered until the opening of spring. The land in this town came into market in 1842, hav- ing been surveyed the previous year. When the first settlers came into the town, the land being unsurveyed, each made what was termed a claim, by staking or surrounding with a furrow as nmch land as he thought he would be able to pay for, when it should come into market. The usual cpiantity claimed was 160 acres ; some, however, claimed more, and some less than that amount. Tliere were some conflicting claims ; but these difiiculties were generally settled when the land was sold, by the one having the largest portion of the disputed claim buying the whole, and then re-deeding to each holder his proportion. In this way all obtain- ed their lands as claimed, without regard to govern- ]nent lines. There are three groves of thrifty growing timber in this town. Duncklee's grove lies on the east bank and along the Salt creek. It is about three DU PAGE COUNTY. 151 miles ill length, and half a mile in width. Grey's grove lies also on the east branch of Salt creek, and contains about 100 acres. Kaler's grove, though smaller, affords considerable fuel and timber. The balance of the lands of tliis town is chiefly flat prairie. The soil is from two to two and one-half feet in depth, with a subsoil of clay. It produces good spring wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, etc. Winter wheat generally kills out in*tlie spring, by alternate freezing and thawing. The greater part of tlie hay is made from prairie grass, which grows luxuriantly on the creek bottoms, and on the low ground. Clover, timo- thy and herdsgrass do well, but require manure to neutralize the alkalies in the land. The lands produce an average of about twenty bushels of spring wheat, forty bushels of oats, forty bushels of corn, and one hundred bushels of potatoes to the acre. The price of farms in this town varies according to their improvement. The minimum value is $25 per acre, and the maximum $50. The school section of this town sold for $800, which has been increased, by addition of interest from time to time, to $1,300. There are eight school districts in the town, six of which are pro\^ded with good school buildings. There are three German schools taught. Henry Bartling is the post master in the south part of the town, and S. D. Pierce at Sagone, in the north part. There are three churches, two establishments for the manufacture of brick, one grist mill, one car- riage shop, one cabinet shop, four stores, two boot and shoe shops, and two blacksmith shops in the town. The Lutherans have a large society, and w^orship in a 152 lIISTOIiY OF house built for their own accommodation. The present pastor is Eev. E. A. Eraiier. Tlie German Methodist society of this town is also large. It has a house of worship, and the pulpit is regularly supplied by a settled pastor. The present pastor of this church is Rev. IT. Macklin. This town has been visited with several violent and destructive storms within a few years past, the effects of wdiich were also experienced ^n other parts of the county, and through the kindness of Mr. M. L. Dunlap, Esq., we are enabled to place some account of them before our readers. The following communication was published in the Chicago Democrat^ of June 13, 1847 : THE HAII. STOEM. " This part of the country was yesterday visited with one of the severest storms of rain and hail that I have ever witnessed — the country is completely inundated. Tlie morning was cloudy, with w^ind from the south, occasionally shifting to the southwest ; during the forenoon, the clouds gave the aj)pearance of good weather. At T A. M. the barometer stood at 29.50 inches, and thermometer at 68*^. At 12 o'clock the latter had risen to 7To, and the former had fallen to 28.40 inches. At this time a thunder shower was roll- ing up its black masses from the northwest, and at 1 o'clock it burst upon us with full force, attended with large quantities of hail of icy firmness. The mass of hail stones woidd average three-eights of an inch in diameter, while many specimens picked up measured over one and a half inches in circumference. Several lighter showers followed, with wind from DU PAGE COUNTY. 153 tlie southeast ; and at 4 o'clock a heavy shower pre- sented itself in the north, extending itself south and east, with wind from the east. In a few minutes the wind suddenly shifted to the north, when the rain commenced falling in torrents, completely shutting out the view. The rain partially abated, when the hail commenced pouring down at a fearful rate, the average size of the hail stones being half an inch in diameter, while many of them would measure over three inches in circumference, being an aggregation of hail stones cemented together — perfect ragged lumps of ice. The barometer fell to 28.30 inches, and thermometer to 59^^; after the storm the latter rose to 67^, and the former to 28.40 inches. There was but little wind during the falling of the hail. This morning the houses, gardens and fields were a dismal sight. JSTearly all the glass is out of the win- dows on the north sides of the houses, the young fruit is stripped from the trees, buds and grafts of this year's growth are broken off, and the field crops are more than half destroyed. The damage to our farms in this part of the county will be severely felt." Here is another dated July 15th, 1854. A DESTRUCTIVE STOKM. " We turn aside from our usual articles on culture, to record one of the most destructive hail storms within our knowledge. It occurred about 5 o'clock P. M., Thursday, the 13th instant. Commencing in the town of Bloomingdale, Du Page County, and passing through Addison in the sanie county, thence into Cook county through the north part of Leyden, 7^- 154 HISTORY OF the south part of Elk grove and Maine, thence through Mies to the lake. Its track of greatest destruction was about a mile in width, though the hail fell in tor- rents, doing more or less damage for a mile on each side of this line. Tlie entire crops of grain and po- tatoes are completely broken down and ruined ; the grass has fared little better, being badly injured and much of it not worth cutting. Tlie corn is completely stripped of its leaves, and mostly broken off near the ground. Fruit and shade trees are nearly defoliated, badly bruised, and in many cases large stripes of bark knocked off. At the house of I. Knowles, in Addison, a 2:)ile of hail stones accmnulated in an angle of the bnilding three feet deep, and at 5 o'clock next day, hail stones were measured from this pile from three to hve inches in circumference. The trees on this farm are mostly strijDped of their bark. All the windows on the south and west sides of the houses had the glass broken. Cattle ran bellowing through the fields — horses broke from their fastenings and ran with whatever was fast to them. Tlie ten minutes the hail was falling, were of fearful grandeur, alarm and rapid destruction. The dark mass of cloud streaked with the lurid lightning — the roaring of the hail like the pouring out of a thousand torrents might well inspire terror and dismay. In a few short min- utes the hopes of the husbandman were gone ; the broad ears of beautiful waving grain fast ripening for the reaper, and which were destined to feed and clothe those he held most dear, were utterly ruined and pros- trated before him. Think you, gentle reader, that no tears coursed down the sun-burnt cheeks of those DU PAGE COUNTY. 155 hardy sons of toil, to see their cherished hopes thus swept away, themselves, teams and farm implements turned out nearly idle for the remainder of the season ; and the hopes of their families resting on then* daily labor, or the prospect of a mortgage to carry them forward to another harvest ? We know the heart of the larmer is large, and ever open to relieve the un- fortunate, and in this case we feel assured that those in the immediate vicinity will extend a helping hand in the way of grass, grain, and labor, not forgetting those garden vegetables so desirable to the health and comfort of a family. Yesterday we passed over a small portion ' of the unfortunate tract, and made some figures of the loss, but these embrace only a small portion, and do not include all within the distance passed over, as we pre- fer to omit the estimate rather than take them from hearsay. In this estimate we have taken, the probable amount of grain, etc., at its market price, after deduct- ing the cost of harvesting and marketing. It is prob- ably much below the ultimate loss in deranging farm operations, and the extra expense of procuring hay and grain for farm use : Wm. Richardson, $600 M. Millner, $500 D. Lester, 600 Mr. Millner, 350 C. Heimsoth, 200 J. & J. Baker, 450 Mr. Bettings, 250 J. Knowls, 600 J. H. Ehle, 400 T. D. Pierce, 500 S. D. Pierce, 900 Messrs. Chesman, 400 A. Ingals, 800 Messrs. Lock, 100 A. Tupp, 100 L. Gary 300 Mr. Ohlerking, 800 Mrs. Going, 500 F. Turner, 600 B. F. Fillmore, 200 D. S. Duftnins:, 400 C. W. Martin 300 156 HISTOKY OF C. Scliwitzer, F. Teduka, 300 400 G. Landmiiir, H. Hadkin, J Fenneniore 300 200 900 Dr. E. Smith, 200 Lewis Lester, 100 T. B. Cochran 600 D. Clark, jr., 500 This list, imperfect as it is, shows a large loss for a small iieigliborhoocl in a rural district, and nearly all within the delivery of the Sagone post office, in the town of Addison. The south margin of the storm passed over Dunlap's nursery, in the town of Leyden, injuring the young grafts and knocking off fruit from the sj^ecimen grounds, which is to be regretted, as many varieties were fruiting for the first time, by which their correctness of nomenclature would have been decided. Such large quantities of decaying vegetable matter, now sweltering in a summer sun, cannot have otherwise than a deleterious effect on the health of families residing on this track of desolation." Under the township organization law, the first town election took place in Addison, in April, 1850. The following list includes the names of town officers since that time : 1850 — S.D. Pierce. 1851— P. Northrop. 1852 — J. Pierce. 1853 — E. Lester. SUPERVISOR : 1854 — J. Wakeman. 1855 — n. D. Fisher. 1856— " 1857— " TOWN clerk: 1850 — P. Northrop. 1851— B. F. Fillmore. 1852— ♦* 1853— " 1854 — B. F. Fillmore. 1865 — 1856— " 1857 — H. Bartling. " DU PAGE COUNTY. 157 ASSESSOR : 1850 — H. Rotermund. 1854— S. D. Pierce. 1851— " 1855— N. Sadler. 1852 — L. Barnum. 1856 — J. A. Kinne. 1853— S. D. Piei-ce. 1857 — S. D. Pierce. CONSTABLE : 1850— W. Rotermund, 1854 — S. D. Pierce. " S.D.Pierce. 1855 — L. Rust, 1851— " " J.Pierce. 1852— " 1856 — 1853— " • 1857 — G. Schneider. COLLECTOR : 1850 — W. Rotermund. 1854 — L. Rotermund 1851 — 1855 — L. Rust. 1852— T.E. Lester. 1856— " 1853— L. Rotermund. 1857 — T. Smith. JUSTICE OF THE peace: 1850— S. D. Pierce, H. D. Fisher. Peter Northrup. 1854 — 1851— " 1855 — 1852— " 1856— " 1853— S. D. Pierce, 1857 — 158 HISTORY OF HISTORY OF THE TOWX OF WIXFIELD. This town was settled in 1832 by Erastus and Jude P. Gary. They came in just after the close of the Black Hawk war, and settled in the east part of the town. Among the settlers of 1834 were Messrs. M. Griswold, J. M. Warren, J. S. P. Lord, A. Clmrchill, Alvah Fowler, Ira Herrick, and Ezra Galusha. The town is six miles square ; is well supplied with wood and timber ; is watered by the Du Page and several smaller streams ; has a productive soil and healthy climate ; and is now rapidly increasing in wealth and population. There are in the town three j^leasant villages, three churches, one academy, one grist mill, tAvo saw mills, twelve stores, ten factories, three post offices, two rail- road stations, and a population of about 1,600. Of the three villages — Warrenville, Winiield and Turner — AYarrenville was first settled. The first house was built by Col. J. M. Warren in 1834. There are now in the village a Baptist church, an incorpo- rated academy, a grist mill, a saw mill, thi-ee black- smith shops, two dry goods stores, one drug store, a post office, two wagon shops, a hotel, and about '250 inhabitants. The village is pleasantly situated on the west fork of the Du Page river, three miles from Winfield station, on the G. & C. U. railroad. Tlie first efforts toward establishing a religious or- ganization in Winfield were commenced at this place by a few members of the Du Page Baptist church, as DU T'AGE COUNTY. 159 early as 1834. Febriiaiy 4:tli, 1836, preparatory mea- sures were taken to organize a society. At a meeting held at tliat time, after some discussion, tlie following preamble and resolutions were adopted : " Whereas^ in the 2Dro\ddence of God, we. are located in this part of God's moral vineyard, and at a considerable dis- tance from our mother church, or any other church of the same fiiitli and order : liesolved^ That we organize ourselves into a regular Baptist church, to be located at Warren ville, and to be called the Second Da Page Baptist church : Resolved^ That we send letters to sister churches, inviting them to send their pastors and deacons, for the purpose of giving us fellowship as a sister church." On the 23d of February the society met at Warren- ville for tlie i^urpose of organizing, and the following churches were represented : First Baptist church of Chicago, by Elder J. T. Ilinton and Deacon Jonson ; First Church, of Du Page, by Elder A. B. Hubbard and Judge Wilson. The council was duly organized by the appointment of Judge Wilson moderator, and A. E. Carpenter scribe. The articles of faith, and practice and coven- ant, were then presented to the council, with the names of the members proposing to be recognized. Sixteen members were present, and it was resolved by the council: " Tliat we recognize these members as a regular Baptist church." The services of recognition then took place. A sermon was preached by Elder J. T. Hinton, and the right hand of fellowship was given and a prayer offered by Elder Hubbard. Tlie followiiifir are the names of the members recoo:nized : 160 HISTORY OF A. E. Carpenter, Sarah Carpenter, Manns Griswold, Sophia Griswokl, Alfred Chnrchill, Snsannah Chnr- chill, J. S. P. Lord, Mary Lord, I^ancy Warren, Phi- linda Warren, Joseph Fish. Several ministers took a deep interest at an early day in this branch of Zion. Among them was Elder Ashley, whose name is embalmed in the hearts of the jjions in this part of the Lord's vineyard. He was with this chnrch throngh several precions revivals, and was the means, in the hand of God, of bringing many from darkness to light. The hrst pastor of this society was Elder L, B. King. He has been succeeded by Elders A. B. Hnbbard, Joel Wheeler, A. J. Joslyn, A. Taylor, Joel Wheeler, S. F. Holt, Freeman, and H. Westcott, the present pastor, vv^ho recently came to this state from New Jersey. The society worshipped in a private house for some time in its early history, there being no school house in or about Warrenville, in which to hold its meetings. The first school house built here was occupied by the church until the old church building was purchased of Col. Warren and fitted up for the use of the society. A large and handsome church edifice is now in process of erection. The corner stone was laid July 22d, 1857. The ceremonies were conducted by Pev. Dr. Howard and Pev. Mr. Boyd, of Chicago ; Pev. Mr. Paymond and Pev. Mr. Estee, of Aurora ; Pev. J. H. Worrell, of Bloomingdale ; Pev. E. Barker, of Naperville ; and Pev. H. Westcott, pastor. The house is 35 feet by QQ, surmounted with a beautiful spire. The cost of building, including bell and fixtures, is estimated at between four and ^ye thousand dollars. Connected DU PAGE COUNTY. 161 with this church are a Sabbath school of fifty scholars, and two interesting bible classes. There are now belonging to this church fifty members. A Presbyterian church was organized in the west part of the town in 1836, by Rev. Mr. Clark, mission- ary, with seven members. Rev. Washington Wilcox commenced preaching at the Big Woods in 1836, and continued as their circuit preacher until 1839. In June, 1839, the Big Woods church was completed, having been built by the united efforts of the Congre- gational, Baptist, and Methodist societies, who have occupied it alternately since that time. The Bev. Mr. Baxter officiates at this time as the Congregational pastor, and Bev. H. Westcott as the Baptist pastor. There are at present about eight Baptist members, and about the same number of Congregational members. From 1836 to 1811:, the house of John Warne was occupied a^ a place of worship by the Episcopal Metho- dists living on the east side of the Big Woods. Tliat branch of the society now worshij^s in the Big Woods church. There is a small settlement at Gary's mill, near the centre of the town. The first settler here was Bev. Charles Gary, who came in 1837. The saw mill was erected in that year. A society of Methodists, seven in number, was formed here under the labors of Bev. W. Wilcox, in 1837, since which time the society has been supplied with j)reachers appointed to labor on the JN^aperville circuit. There are at present twenty resident members — many of the members residing in other towns having withdrawn and fomied new classes. The Sabbath school of this society was commenced in 162 IlISTOKY OF 1838. It now numbers 46 scholars, and lias a library of between two and three hundred volumes. The orig- inal members of this society were Angus Koss, Elizabeth Ross, Erastus Gary, J. P. Gary, Orinda Gary, Samuel Arnold, and Mrs. Ai-nold. There are 10 and 68-100 miles of railroad in this town, on which the villages of Winfield, or Fredericks- burg, and Turner are situated. The first building at Winfield was erected by John Hodges, in 1849, and occupied for several years as the depot of the G. & C. U. Railroad. This station is the nearest point on the railroad to Naperville, and hence its freight business is large. A greater amount of tonnage is sent from this place than from any other station in the county. The present station house was built in 1854. There are in the place three stores, an extensive lumber yard, owned by Mr. John Collins, several manufac- tories, and a brewery. The following account of the village of Tm-ner has been furnished by Dr. J. McConnel], and rather than rim the risk of marring it by any rude touches of our own pen, we insert it verbatim; " Tlie village of Turner is situated in a healthy region, some thirty miles w^est of Chicago. It is the centre of a rich and fertile plain, gently undulating, and beautifully interspersed with luxuriant groves and verdant prairie, with here and there the farmer's home rising up as monuments of industry and beacons of domestic peace. It is at the junction of four railroads, viz. : the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, running from this point to Galena, 111., and Dubuque, Iowa ; the Chicago Iowa & Nebraska Railroad, running DU PAGE COUNTY. 163 direct to Nebraska, and crossing the Mississippi at Ful- ton, 111., and Clinton, Iowa ; and the St. Charles Rail- road running to St. Charles. The first house within the limits of this village w^as built by Capt. Alonzo Harvey, wdio bought the claim covering the present village site, and during the time of his residence in said house, his daughter Lois w^as born, being the first wdiite person born on said grounds. But the Captain soon th'ed of farming, and sold his claim. He is now a prominent citizen of Chicago, where his daughter Lois, of rare beauty, now at the age of sweet sixteen, mingles a welcome guest in the first circles of society. Tlie government title to said claim was partly secured in the name of Winslow, and partly in the name of Stickney, after which the most of it fell into the hands of Hon J. B. Turner, tlie heirs of Mr. Winslow^, and Dea. J. McConnell. But no thoughts of a village at this point were entertained by any of the inhabitants until the Galena & Chicago Union Rail- road Company commenced to run a branch of their road from this place to Fulton, which branch is now the Chicago, Iowa & l^ebraska Railroad. In fact, no effort to build up a village was attempted till the spring of 1856, when Hon. J. B. Turner platted and recorded, according to the statutes of the state, some forty acres, to which C. W. Winslow, Esq., added twenty acres. In the summer following. Deacon J. McConnell made an addition of seventy acres of the most desirable business and dwellings lots in said town. Since which time, there have been sold to actual settlers, about thirty lots, some of which have already been built uj^on, 16-i HISTORY OF and upon others, buildings are now being constructed. Within tlie same time, from a farm adjoining said vil- lage (owned by Cr. W. Eastman,) have been sold about fifteen acres, in lots, ranging froni one to two acres, for residences, and though our village now numbers only about five hundred souls, it is a place of vast business energy and active life. We have recently had an extensive variety store established here, of which Williams & West are the j)roprietors. They sell their extensive stock at Chi- cago prices, and are about building an extensive store and storehouse on Depot street, extending across to the railroad track. W. S. Atchinson is also building a large store, for a wholesale and retail boot and shore business. With all our railroad facilities, this is a choice loca- tion to head ofi* large Chicago jobbing houses. Dr. Hall is also building a store for the drug business. J. McDonald has also a large store and storehouse, and deals extensively in dry goods, groceries, hardware and agricultural implements. He also pays cash for all the farmer has to sell, and to show the increase in his business, I give the following statistics : In 1853, when he commenced buying grain, his receipts were only 1200 bushels ; in 1854, 3000 bushels ; and in 1855 they reached over 30,000 bushels ; with a steady increase ever since, together with a trade in butter, lard, pork and wool, to compare. We have also a large and commodious hotel, of w^hich Messrs. Alexander & Easterbrooks are the- gen- tlemanly proprietors ; a country tavern kept by Michael Halm ; a large boarding house of which W DU PAGE CODNTY. 165 J. Mo wry is proprietor ; a splendid butcher's sliop, owned by Wm. Updike ; a livery stable, by Crum ; a blacksmith shop ; carriage shop ; two grocery and provision stores ; one tailor's shop ; a dress maker and milliner ; a harness shop ; a boot and shoe store ; and eight resident carpenters and joiners. The railroad companies make this their general wood depot. They also have machine shops ; a T rail re- pairing shop, with steam power, etc. To carry on their branch of industry, for officers, agents, mechanics, and common laborers, it requires about a hundred men, and as about forty trains every twenty-four hours pass through this place, it requires four extensive wells to fill the tanks of the tenders. The shipments and transhipments upon the Chicago, Burlington & Qyincy Railroad at this place, amount to about a thousand tons per month ; of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad to about fifteen hundred tons per month, and the Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad rather less. As literary and professional men, we have Rev. R. A. Watkins, Rev. S. W. Champlain, J. McConnell, M. D., and Dr. Hall. The best public school house in Du Page County was built in this village the present summer. In the summer of 185G was organized the "First Congrega- tional Church of Turner," and the following named officers elected : Deacons, Dr. J. McConnell and W. R. Currier; Clerk, J. L. Hagadone. A few days after, a body corporate, with power to hold real estate, was formed under the title of "The Congre- gational Church and Society of Turner, Illinois," and tlie following board of trustees was elected, viz. : 166 IIISOTKY OF Deacon J. McComiell, Deacon W. E-. Currier and Milo Hawks, Esq. The Hon. J. B. Turner, in lionor of wliom the village was named, being present, donated to the society a splendid lot for a meeting house, and immediate steps were taken to prepare the way for erecting a house of worship upon it. The Eev. S. W. Champlain who is now preaching here, is the first minister employed by the society. There is an interesting Sabbath school in successful oj^era- tion here, of some fifty pu23ils, and an intelligent bible class numbering over twenty. Tlie library contains about two hundred volumes." Winfield is a well cuhivated farmins: town. Tlie aggregate value of real estate in 1S56, was $160,329, and, of personal property $68,007. The town is divided into eight school districts, all of which are provided with good school houses. The school sec- tion was sold in 1840, at ten shillings per acre, and the fund thus derived has been increased to $1,282. The amount paid to teachers in 1857 was $1,126, and for building and repairing $1,785. The whole number of scholars in attendance during 1857, was three hundred and seventy-five. A company called The Winfield Cavalry, was or- ganized here in 1855. It has now about forty mem- bers. G. N. Eoundy, captain ; and F. G. Kimball, first lieutenant. The first town meeting w^as held at the house of Charles Gary, in April, 1850. The following are the names of town officers who have been elected since tliat time: DU PAGE COUNTY. 167 SUPERVISORS : 1850 —William C. Todd. 1854 — Charles Gary. 1851 —William C. Todd. 1855 — Gurdon Rouiidy, 1852 — William C. Todd. 1856 — Truman W. Smith. 1853 — Charles Gary. 1857 — Charles Gary. TOWN CLERKS : 1850- -C. L. Shepherd. 1854 — B. L. Harlow. 1851- -C. L. Shepherd. 1855 — B. L. Harlow. 1852- -L. Reed Warren. 1856 — B. L. Harlow. 1853- -B. L. Harlow. 1857— B. L. Harlow. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR I 1850 — Charles Gary. 1854 — William C. Todd. 1851 ~ Charles Gary. 1855 — James Brown. 1852 — A. E. Carpenter. 1856 — T. W. Smith. 1853 — A. E. Carpenter. 1857 — Charles Gary. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS I 1850 — James Brown, 1854 — M. M. Kemp, J. A. Smith, John Fairbank, Israel Mather. Luther Chandler. 1851 — James Brown, 1855 — Ira Woodman, J. A. Smith, Luther Chandler, Israel Mather. W. G. Seargent. 1 852 — James Brown, 1 856 — Walter Germain, J. A. Smith, E. Manville, Israel Mather. W. G. Seargent. 1853 — M. M. Kemp, 1857— Walter Germain, John Fairbank, Charles Bradley, G, N. Roundy. H. L. Brown. CONSTABLES : 1850 — A. C. Graves, 1852 — A. C. Graves, Thomas M. Griswold. S. B. Kimball. 1851 —A. C. Graves, 1853 —A. C. Graves, S. B. Kimball. S. B. Kimball. 168 HISTORY OF CONSTABLES ■ 1854 — A. C. Graves, S. B. Kimball. 1855 — S. B. Kimball, T. W. Smith. ■ CONTINUED : 1856 1857 S. B. Kimball, T. W. Smith. Reuben Austin. COLLECTORS : 1850- — Harvey Higby. 1854- - S. B. Kimball. 1851- — A. C. Graves. 1855- - S. B. Kimball. 1852- - A. C, Graves. 1856- - James Fairbank. 1853- - S. B. Kimball. 1857- - B. L. Harlow. ASSESSOES : 1850- — Harvy Higby. 1854- - G. N. Roundy, 1851- — A. C. Graves. 1855- - 1852- — Joseph Hudson. 1856- - Daniel Wilson. 1853- — Joseph Hudson. 1857- - James Fairbank 1853 1854 Walter Germain Charles Gary, B. L. Harlow. 1 855 — Charles Gary. B. L. ^a^lo^Y. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE: 1 — Charles Gary. B. L Harlow. 1857 — Charles Gary. B. L. Harlow. DU PAGE COUNTY. 169 HISTOKY OF THE TOWJN^ OF WAYNE. This town is in tlie northwest part of the county. It was first settled in May, 1834. The first family here was that of John Langhlin. Several families set- tled in different parts of the town during 1834 and the following year. Among these were Capt. W. Ham- mond, R. Benjamin, Ezra Gilbert, J. Y. King, W. Farnsworth, James Davis, Mr. Guild, Joseph McMillen, Isaac Nash, Daniel Dunham, and Ira Albro. The first post-office in the town was at McMillen's Grove. Here, also, the first dwelling and the first school-house were erected. There were but few settlers in the town at the time when the first building was put up, and the owners of it anticipated some trouble in procuring help at the raising. They however, obviated all dif- ficulty on that score by sending for a barrel of whis- key, which, with the subordinate services of only three men, performed the work in an expeditious and satis- factory manner. No incidents occurred in the early settlement of this town but such as are common to the settlement of all new countries. But little more grain was raised during the first two years than enough to satisfy the demand at home. Prices were extremely low for all kinds of produce, and market was a great way off. The proceeds of a load of corn taken to Chicago were hardly sufficient to defray the expenses of the trip. One of the first settlers informs us, however, that he S 170 HISTORY OF did realize tliree dollars and Uoelve and a half cents from the sale of 07ie load of forty bushels, which he took to Chicago in 1836, after using twenty-five cents for necessary expenses. There were no difficnlties re- specting claims in this town, and every claimant re- ceived his full quantity of land at the time of the land sale. The surface of the town is generally uneven, con- sisting of rolhng prairie. Wheat, oats, and corn are the chief agricultural staples. Probably no town in the county is better adapted to the culture of grain. Fruit is cultivated to a considerable extent in this town, especially the more hardy kinds, Apple trees grow well ; but the fruit is rendered an uncertain crop on account of the severity of our winters. Frequent attempts have been made to raise pears, peaches, plums and cherries, without much success. The red English cherry, being the most hardy, does better than any of its class. Mr. Luther Bartlett, of this town, has been more persevering in his efforts to in- troduce choice kinds of fi'uit than any other person in this j)art of the county. Some four years since he procured, at great expense, from eastern nurseries and by importation from Europe, about five hundred dwarf pear trees, and set them out on his farm. The first two years the trees did well, and gave promise of com- ing fruitfulness ; but during the summer of 1856, which followed an unusually hard winter, for this latitude, they began to exhibit signs of decay. Tlie cold wea- ther of the past winter was also unfavorable, and gave an impetus to the work of destruction commenced b}^ the former season, which has almost desolated the UU PAGE COUNTY. 171 field. There are now scarcely a dozen trees living of the -R.ye hundred planted fonr years ago. "We think the experiment of Mr. Bartlett fully determines that this region is not adapted to the raising of choice kinds of fruit. This town is not well supplied with wood and tim- ber from its own resources. The ''Little Woods," just over the line in Kane County, are chiefly owned hj the inhabitants of this town, and afford convenient supplies of both fuel and timber. Good water is abundant. The w^est branch of the Du Page runs through the east part of the town. Streams of less note and many living springs of pure water are found in all parts of the town. The attention of the fanners has been of late directed to the introduction of "blooded" stock. Wool is be- coming an important article among agriculturalists. Several large flocks of fine w^ool sheep are owned here, among which is that of Luther Bartlett, which has numbered over 1,000. The farms throughout the town present unmistakable evidence of thrift and in- dustry ; the dwellings display neatness and taste ; and tlie barns are constructed on a scale commensurate with the great and growing demands of the harvest fields. Mr. Daniel Dunham, of this town, erected a barn in 1856, the dimensions of which are fifty by one hundred feet. It has sufficient capacity for 100 head of cattle and 300 tons of hay. It cost about $4,000, and is probably the largest and best arranged barn in northern Illinois. Land in this town is worth from §30 to $10 per acre. The farms range from two to five hundred acres. Amou^: the best farms in tlie 172 HISTORY OF north part of the town are those of Messrs. L. Bartlett, ^y. Hammond, and L. Pierce ; and in tlie sonth, those of Messrs. D. Dunham and Ira Albro. There are seven school districts in the town, in all of which schools are sustained. The whole number of scholars who attended the different schools during the winter of 1857, was 218. The school section was mostly occupied by settlers before it came into market, and by an agreement among the pioneers of the town, that all who chanced to settle upon it should obtain their lands at government price, it was sold at ten shillings per acre. The school fund thus obtained has increased to about $1,300. The Congregational Church is the only organized religious body in this town. This society was formed in 18-12, or thereabouts, and worshipped in the school house at the centre, until 1849, when it united with the school district in erecting a building suitable for a church and school-house. From some dissatisfaction arising from joint occupancy or ownership, the society soon after bought out the interest of tlie district, and became vested with the sole ownership. By the aid of the Home 'Missionary Society, the pulpit has been regularly supplied by a settled minister; The Kev. Mr. Foot was the first pastor. After iiis dismissal, the Eev. Mr, Parker became jDastor ; and he was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Mr. Sykes, the present pastor, who lias served the society accej^tably for several years. The Sabbath school connected with this church has between forty and fifty scholars. Several other denom- inations hold meetings in different parts of the town. The first settlement at the Centre, alia^9^ " Gimlet- 1) U PAGE COUNTY A'ille," alias^ Orange ville, was made in 1836, by Mr. Griiild. Mr. A. Guild is the i^ost-master at tliis place. It is a small settlement, containing one chm-cli, one store, and a few dwelling houses. There is a small settlement at the railroad station, consisting of two stores, one hotel, a post-office, station house, and several dwellings. The station is thirty-three miles west of Chicago. S. Dunham was the first settler at this place. ^i There are no manufacturing establishments in the town, if we exclude the manufacture of brooms, which has been carried on pretty extensively at Wayne Centre. Tlie present population is about 1,100. The town is peaceable and healthful, being cursed by neither lawyers nor doctors. We give below a list of town officers, who have been elected since the town of Wayne was organized : SUPERVISORS : 1850 — Luther Fierce. 1854 — Luther Bartlett 1851 — 1855 — Luther Pierce. 1852 — 1856 — Ira Albro. 1853 — Luther Bartlett 1857 — Charles Adams. TOWN CLERKS : 1850 — Ira Albro. 1854 — S.W. Moffat t. 1851 — Charles Smith. . 1855 — 1852 — 1856— J. Q. Adams. 1853 — 1867 — OVERSEERS OF POOR : I860 — Charles Smith. 1854 — Ira Green. 1851— H. Sherman. 1855 — W.K. Guild. 1852— Ira Green. 1860— Joel Wiant. 1853— Samuel Adams. 1857 — Charles Adam,^. 17-i HISTOIiY OF ASSESSORS : 1850 — S. W. Moftktt. 1854 — J. Clisbee. 1851 — Charles Adams. 1855 — C. Adams. 1852— " 1856 — John Glos. 1853 — " 1857 — Charles Smith. COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS ! 1850 — Charles Adams, Myron 1854 — A. D. Moffatt, Ira Green, Smith, Henry Sherman. D. Dunham. 1851 — Joel Wiant, S. W. Mof- 1855 — S. Adams, G. Reed, H.V. fatt, L. Bartlett. Sayer. 1852 — D. Sterns, J. Clisbee, J. 1856 — H.V. Sayer, A. Fairbank, Wiant. J. 0. Haviland. 1853 — J. Clisbee, D. L. Whe- 1857 —W. ' H. MofFatt, W. K. lock, D. Dunham. Guild, S. Adams. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE: 1850 — E. L. Guild, S. McNitt. 1854 — Charles Smith, Jc^hn Glos. 1851 — E. L. Guild, John Glos. 1855- " " 1852— " •' 1856— " 1853 — L. F. Sanderson, John 1857 — Samuel Adams,' Charles Glos. Smith. CONSTABLES : 1850 — D.C. Nash. 1854 — S. Adams. 1851 — H. Ford. 1855 — E. C. Guild. 1852 — 1856— Geo. Rinehart. 1853— " 1857— " t . COLLECTORS *. 1850 — D. C. Nash. 1854— S. Adams. 1851 — H. Ford. 1855 — Geo. Rinehart. 1862 — 1856 — M. J. Hammond 1853 — Ira Green. 1857 —Lyman Flower. DU PAGE COUNTY. 175 IIISTOEY OF THE TOWN OF DOWNEE'S GEOYE. The following sketch, as far as quoted, has been kindly furnished us by the Hon. Walter Blanchard. " This town is in the southeast corner of Du Page County, and embraces nearly one and one third town- ships of land. It was first settled in 1832, by Pierce Downer (not by AVells and Grant, as stated in our table) who emigrated to Elinois from Jefferson county, ^''ew York. "He was at that time a man of unusual j)hysical powers, energetic, and capable of great endurance. He is still living at the advanced age of seventy-five years, and although his bodily health is somew^hat impaired, more by the weight of years than by disease, yet his mind retains the full vigor of youth. His habits are temperate, industrious and studious. In order to impart a correct understanding of the early settlement of this part of the county, it may be as well to state that Downer's grove, proper, is a body of tim- ber, containing about one section, and lies mostly on sections six and seven of township 38. K. of E. 11. E. It derived its name from the first settler who made his claim in and near it. Subsequently the whole township received the same name. Mr. Downers settlement was followed the next 3^ear by his son Stephen, Mr. Wells and Mr. Oooley. The claim made by Mr. Downer was on the north side of the grove ; that of his son was on the east side ; and that 1T(J IIISTOKY OF of Messrs. Wells and Cooley was at the southeast extremity of the large prairie which stretches away some three miles toward the north, five miles toward the south, and three miles toward the west. An im- portant object of the first settlers was to secure a large amount of good timber, hence we find most of our pioneers made their claims on the borders of the groves and forests. " The country about the grove had not then been sur- veyed, and the settlers marked their claims in divers ways ; some by sticking stakes ; some by plowing a furrow around them ; while others, more greedy, were like Franklin's philosopher, anxious to grasp more than they could hold, and claimed all the eye could survey, at one long look, in each direction. From this inordinate development of acquisitiveness, many quarrels originated respecting claims. With all the broad extent of unoccupied territory around them, it would seem impossible that men, in order to j)rotect their rights, should have been obliged to make a display of squatter sovereignty ; but so it was. The first trouble about claims in this town was between Mr. Downer and Messrs Cooley and Wells, and here is Mr. Downer's version of the matter. " ' I went to Chicago one day to buy some j)ro- visions, and on returning, thought I saw some one working near the northeast corner of the grove. I • went home and deposited my cargo (a back load), and although very tired, went out to reconnoitre my premises. To my great sm-prise I found Wells and Cooley had commenced erecting a cabin on my claim. I went to a thicket close by and cut a hickory gad, BU PAGE COUNTY. ITT but found I had no poAver to use it, for I was so mad that it took my strength all away. So I sat down and tried to cool off a little, but my excitement only cooled from a sort of violent passion to deep and downright indignation. To think that my claim should be invaded, and that too, by the only two white men besides myself then at the grove, made the vessel of my wrath to simmer like a pent sea over a burning volcano. I could sit still no longer. So I got up and advanced towards them, and the nearer I approached the higher rose the temperature of my anger, which, by the time I got to them, was flush up to the boiling point. I said nothiug, but pitched into them, shelcdah in hand, and for about five minutes did pretty good execution. But becom- ing exhausted and being no longer able to keep them at bay, they grappled with me, threw me on the ground, and after holding me down a short time, they seemed to come to the conclusion that ' discretion was the better part of valor' and let me up, when they ran one w^ay and I the other, no doubt leaving blood enough npon the field of action to induce a stray prairie wolf to stop and take a passing snuff as he went that way. But, sir, they did'nt come again to jump my claim.' " The Grove at an early day was one of the favorite camping grounds of an Indian chief of the Potawatto- mies, called Wanbansie. Here he used to come with his warriors and remain for several days together, and always continued on the most friendly terms with the settlers. "The first impression of emigrants to this region was 178 HISTORY OF that it could never be generally settled on account of the scarcity of timber, and up to 1836, only eight or ten families had settled at the grove. In 1835, Mr. I. P. Blodgett one of the first settlers at the east branch in Lisle, sold out his claim there, and bought that of Jumper Wells in this town. "Mr. Blodgett was a blacksmith by trade, a most worthy man and really a great accession to the settle- ment, not only as a mechanic, but as a correct and upright man. He was formerly from Massachusetts, and possessed ISTew England habits of industry, morals and economy, which did much for the improvement of society in the new settlement. Here Mr. Blodgett built a shop, and, at that time, made the best plows to be found in the countr3\ We would not be under- stood to mean by this remark that they were better than the modern productions of Messrs. Yaughan and Peck, but those who know the difficulties which were encountered before the scouring ^jlows were intro- duced, can properly appreciate the good qualities of the plows made by Mr. Blodgett. It is true that the operation was something like plowing with a hemlock limb, yet they were the best plows we had, and so we used them. To one who has never held a plow that would not scom\ all this may be uninteresting, but ask an old settler, "What would be the severest test of human endurance? and he will no doubt answer, ' Being obliged to use a plow that will not clear itself.' If a man can do that guiltless of profanity he is unquestionably an upright person. " Of the second class of settlers who came in between 1836 and 1839, may be named, Asa Carpenter, Dexter DU PAGE COUNTY. 179 Stanley, Levi C. Alclricli, Garry Smith, Samuel Cur- tis, J. R. Adams, David Page, Henry Carpenter, Walter Blancliard, J. W. Walker and Plorace Aldrich. The county at this time was being settled very fast by new comers, and the interests of the settlers began to clash. The claims extended around the entire grove. 'No questions arose respecting prairie claims, for it was the timber that all were after. Mr. Horace Aldrich had come in from Jefferson county, JSTew York, and Mr. Downer had selected a claim of timber and j^rairie for him. It was not long before he discovered that Asa Carpenter was intruding (we dare not say tres- l^assing) upon liis timber claim. Mr. Carpenter was cutting timber for fencing, and swore he would persist in doing so, for he had as good a right there as any other man. Tlie neighbors advised with him, but it was of no use. They remonstrated, but the effect was the same. They finally threatened, but this only made the old man SAvear like the army in Flanders. The neighbors then held a consultation among themselves, and decided to apply squatter sovereignty to the old man's case. Accordingly they met at a stated time, and went to the place where they found him busily engaged getting out rails. They requested him to leave the claim, but the old man swore positively that he would do no such thing. One of the settlers pro- ceeded to cut a long hickory gad, and the powerful hand that had wielded the same persuasive argument on a former occasion, was again called into requisition. After about a dozen blows had been industriously applied to liis back and legs. Carpenter proposed a brief cessation of hostilities, that he mi£:ht argue the ISO HISTOKY OF question with tliem. The request was complied with, but the conversation soon waxed warm, and the hick- ory was again apphed with redoubled vigor. This was too much for poor human nature to bear, and Carpenter, j)utting every power of pedestrianism which he had, in operation, left the crowd without even thank- ing them for this first practical lesson in squatter sov- reigntv. "This effectually settled the claim difficulty, al- though some legal proceedings grew out of the affair. " These were the only instances where personal vio- lence was employed to settle claim feuds. Claim pro- tecting societies were formed similar to those already noticed in another part of this book ; agreements were entered into to deed and re-deed, and when the lands were surveyed and came into market, each settler received all he had justly claimed. *•' The first school in this town was started in 1839, and taught by Noraian G. Hurd. It was kept in the back part of a log house, owned by Mr. Samuel Curtis. This was a private enterprise, and by shifting from one old building to another, the school was kept going from five to six months during the year, for some four years. " In 1844 a school-house was built, and is yet occu- pied by the district. For a full description of this building we refer the reader to a report of Rev. Hope Brown, while commissioner, by which its reputation suffered some, but since the Reverend gentleman has left the county, the old house stands fair. " AVhat has been said relates more particularly to the settlement of Downer's grove proper, than to the town- ship of that name, for the reason that all, excepting DU PAGE COUNTY. 181 five or six sections of the township, was upon the old Indian survey, and not subject to the difficulties which attended the settlement of the unsurveyed portion of it. '' It may be said, and truthfully, that, in a moral and physical point of view, the inhabitants of this town- ship stand on high vantage ground ; and yet they claim to be no better, and no smarter than their neighbors. In concluding our chapter on this town, we propose to sketch some of the incidents and practices, more com- mon at an early day than now. " Until within a few years, this part of the county was infested with wolves, wdiicli w^ere a source of great annoyance to the whole community. The farmers, however, were the principal sufierers by their depre- dations; for sometimes whole flocks were destroyed and scattered by them in a single night. To rid the country of these mischievous animals, it was the cus- tom for all who were able to " bear arms," to rally once every year for a w^olf Inmt, which was usually a scene of much amusement, and (!fftentimes of the most intense excitement. These expeditions were con- ducted in various ways. The general hunt, which was perhaps the most common, was conducted upon the following plan : " Notice of the time of starting, the extent of coun- try to be traveled over, and of the place of meeting, which w^as usually at the common centre of the circle of territory to be traversed, was first given to all the participants in the hunt. At an early hour on the morning of the day appointed, the hunters assembled and chose a captain for each company, whose duty it was to station members of the company at short intervals 182 HISTORY OF upon tlie circumference of the circle alluded to, and then the game was completely surrounded. At a given time the line of hunters began their march, and when they had aj)proached near enough to the centre to close in and form a solid line, they halted and remained sta- tionary, while the captains advanced with their sharp shooters to ascertain whether any game had been sur- rounded. If an unlucky wolf or deer had been drawn into the snare, uj)on making his apj^earance before the lines, he was sure to be riddled by rifle balls. We have been informed by one who frequently participated in hunts of this kind, that he had known of sixty wolves and as many deer being killed in one day. This mode of hunting the deer seemed altogether too cruel and cowardly in the eyes of some, but no scruples were entertained in thus exterminating the mischiev- ous, thieving wolves. To see the harmless deer ]3enned up with no chance of escaping, darting about bewil- dered, with eyes almost starting from their sockets, and then to see them slaughtered in the manner described, appeared cruel in the extreme. The mode of hunting wolves adopted by the settlers at Downer's grove, was different from that described, and ob\dated the appear- ance of cruelty in slaying the deer. " The wolf hunt was a source of amusement in this town for years, and whenever a wolf dared to show his head above the prairie grass, the boys were in- stantly in pursuit of him. The pursuers usually went on horseback, carrying in the hand a short club, and the captain of the company was the one who had the swiftest horse. The plan of action was'to spread out in every direction and scour the prairie until tlie game DU PAGE COUNTY. 183 was started, wlien by a peculiar 3'ell, tlie wliole com- pany was called, together and tlie cliase commenced. Every liorse was now put to liis utmost speed, and with his rider, would go flying over the prairie like the wind. It is utterly im23ossible to describe the wild excitement that attended the wolf chase. Generally a race of from three to five miles w^onld bring Mr. Wolf down ; then, the day's sport would be ended, and the party would return home in a sort of triumphal procession, bearing the fallen hero. Such reckless, headlong riding was attended with much hazard, and although no serious accident ever happened to the riders, yet it is surmised that the horses might have suffered from ring-bones and spavins induced by undue speed. "At one of the last of these hunts a circumstance occurred which may be classed with the serio-comic, as it at first assumed a serious phase, and then, as circum- stances changed, became thoroughly ludicrous. On a cold, blustering morning in January, 1846, the hoys (men) started out for a hunt. Wolves were becoming scarce, and the party wandered off some five or six miles, to the north of what was then known as the Duzenberry claim. The new settlers had commenced fencing their lands, and at several places before coming to this claim the party had been obliged to dismount and remove the obstruction, but here they found a ditcJi fence, which terminated at a great distance on the open prairie, and was built upon the supposition that the cattle could not, or would not go around it, consequently there was no fence on the back side. "Tlie snow had drifted very deep on the side of this 18J: HISTORY OF fence opposite to the party, and although their horses had been trained to jumping, yet an attempt to leap it would only land both horse and rider floundering in a deep snow bank. " "While holding a consultation to decide upon some method of surmounting the barrier, a wolf started from a thicket and crossed the path only a few rods from them. Every man instantly wheeled into line, and as quick as thought darted on after the affrighted animal. In the language of one of the company, 'the wolf was a large, gaunt old chap, and promised to give us a long pull and a strong pull."* Gard had a fine smart little pony, that would run like the wind, and he led the company. The chase led us far out into the prairie, and before long we found ourselves running inside of the fences on the Duzenberry claim, in a southerly direction, and would soon have to clear one of the ditch fences. There were fifteen horsemen spread out in a line, every man plying the whip and spur, and every horse at the top of his speed. We came to the fence, which the wolf cleared about two rods in advance of Gard, and as he came up, his horse seeming to partake of the general excitement, made a bold leap, clearing the ditch fence in fine style ; but unfortunately landing in a snow bank, the horse stumbled and fell, jDlunging entirely out of . sight — at the same time throwing Gard over his head and bury- ing him beneath the snow. To the party in the rear it appeared as though the earth had swallowed up both horse and rider, as the fence and snow partially concealed the scene from their view. Not a rider at- tempted to check the headlong speed of his horse until 1)U PAGE COUNTY. 185 he had cleared the fence. Some of the foremost horses made a second leap, which carried them completely over the prostrate horse of the first rider. The first thonght was for Gard. The general exclamation was, ' He is dead I' and an awful gloom sat upon the countenance of all. While thus solemnly ruminating upon his almost ine^dtable fate, the party were not a little astounded at beholding him rise, Phoenix like, from his bed of snow, among the floundering horses. Among the company was Alden Stanley, a noble, fine fellow, (alas ! he has gone to his long home,) who was standing by, very much excited. He wore a bufi'alo coat, made like a frock, cut off" at the knees. Soon after Gard came out of the snow, his horse, for the first time, suddenly made his appearance, and seemed very much frightened. The first thing that attracted his attention was Stanley's bufi'alo coat, and wheeling, he kicked at it like a flash of lightning, carrying away one entire skirt. At this juncture the wolf was dis- covered about a mile distant, standing upon an eleva- tion and looking back over his shoulder. Taking it all in all, this was one of the most laughable farces I ever witnessed, passing, as it did, from one extreme of feeling to another, and so suddenly too, that none knew whether to laugh or cry until we were just ready to remount and resume the chase, when it was first discovered by Stanley that he had lost one ot his coat skirts. The attention of the company was drawn to the fact by Stanley's remarking that some of his comrades had dressed their sheep skin ; and this brought down the house with a loud roar. After mounting their horses, the company started again. 186 IlISTOKY OF jeliu-like, in pursuit of the wolf; and within five minutes from the time of the new start 3fr. Wolf had surrendered unconditionally to superior force. I think the w^olves even, w^ere superstitious about the Downer's Grove boys, and made it a practice to give up at once when they were on their track. Many of the hoys are still li^dng, and reside at or near the grove. Of these may be mentioned Hon. W. Blanchard, D. C. Stanley, John Stanley, L. Stanley, Emerson Stanley, Charles Curtis, E. E. Downer. Ah, when we come to call the roll, there are more missing than we thought for. And now where are they ? Well, the Adamses are in California, the Curtises are at Wheaton, Henry Blod- gett is an attorney at Waukegan, Israel Blodgett is in California, Daniel has gone to his last resting place, Asel is in railroad business, and — and — in fact, there are not as many left as I thought there were ; but there are yet enough to get up a good game of ball now and then." There are four societies of Protestants and one of Catholics in the town. The Methodist Episcopal so- ciety was the first to establish preaching at the Grove, which was as early as 1839. Father Ged, as he was called — an itinerant preacher of that denomination — used to come across the prairies on foot from Barber's Corners, with undeviating regularity, to preach to the people here. The adverse changes of the weather made no difference with him ; and wherever he had an appointment he was sure to meet it, in spite of heat or cold, wind or rain. Nothing but a sincere desire to do good could have induced him to undergo, volun- tarily, the hardships to which his itinerancy subjected DU PAGE COUNTY. 187 liim. He succeeded in forming a small society at the Grove, where preaching has been regularly sustained ; and the infant church has grown to be quite numerous. This society has a good meeting house, which was built in 1852. We give some statistics relating to this churcli. The society w^as regularly organized in June, 1851, by Rev. Mr. Grundy, mtli the following named members: J. P. Cotes, Mary C. Cotes, ISTancy E. Cotes, IS'orman G. Hurd, Antoinette Hurd, Eliza Bakeman, Anne Page, Lester Hunt, and Dorcas Hunt. TASTOES : Rev. Stephen R. Beggs, served one year. Rev. S. Stover, served two years. Rev. H. S. Trumbull, served two years. Rev. S. Washburn, present pastor. The whole number of members on record is thirty- six. The number of Sabbath school scholars is eighty- five ; and the number of volumes in the library is three hundred. The Methodists have another society and church in that division of the south part of this township called Cass. The first effort toAvards organizing the church at Cass, was made by the Rev. Elihu Springer, in 1834. The following are the names of the subsequent pas- tors, as near as ascertained : Rev. Mr. Blackwell, Rev. Mr. Jenks, " " Wilder, " S. Stover, " " Martin, " L. R. EUis, " John Nason, " J. R. Wood, " 0. A. Walker, *' George Reack, " Nathan Jewett, " W. A. Chambers, " J. M. Hinman, " John Grundy, 188 HISTOKY OF Rer. M. Hanna, Kev. H. S. Trumbull, " S. Stover, " S. Washburn, present pastor. " Mr. Wilcox, " J W. Agard, Presiding Elder. The original members of this church were Hart L. Cobb, Betsey Cobb, George Jackson, Louisa Hill, and John Covely. There are now twenty members of the society, forty members of the Sabbath school, and three hundred volumes in the library. A society of Congregationalists was organized in this town in March, 1837, by the Eev. I^. C. Clark. Tlie first members were G. E. Parmalee, John A. Kichards, Dexter Stanley, Henry Puffer, Nancy Stan- ley, Susan S. Parmalee, Lucia Puffer, Elizabeth M. Puffer, and Hannah P. Puffer. The pastors in regu- lar succession, have been : Rev. Orange Lyman, Rev. Alanson Alvord, " Romulus Barnes, " Francis Leonard. Rev. George Langdon. • The number of members, and other information re- specting this church, we have been unable to obtain. The Baptist Church was organized under the labors of the Kev. Mr. Holt, in 1853, with about thirty mem- bers. Among the most active members in forming this society were Edward Goodenough, Albin Lull, and [N^orman Gilbert. Tlie same year it was organized, the society erected a church edifice, which was an honor to those who projected and carried out the en- terprise. 'No further particulars respecting this church have been obtained. The Catholics have a church and society at Cass, called the church of St. Patrick. A house of worship was erected in February, 1846, and the society at that DU PAGE COUNTY. 189 time numbered thirty-four. The following table will show who have been its pastors, and also the number of members at different periods since its organization: 1846— Rev . John Ingoldsby, Pastor. ■ — No. of members, 34 1848— " Dennis Ryan, " " " " 37 1851— " Michael 6'Donnell, " U ii U 4Q 1853— " James Fitzgerald, " " " " 39 1854— " James McGowan, " " a u 41 Feb. 1856— " John McGloflen, " «' » u 44 Nov. 1856— " Michael Harley, " " " " 47 1857— " Nicholas Mulvey, present pastor. The population of Downer's Grove at this time is about 1,200. The people are chiefly engaged in agri- cultural pursuits, and hence the town contains no vil- lages of much importance. Near the north east part of the town there is quite a smart little "huddle," generally known as Brush Hill; but at present we believe it is dignified by the title of Fullersburg. The first settlement at Fullersburg was made by Orente Grant, in 1836. There is another settlement at Lower Cass, in the south part of the town, on the Chicago and Joliet road. The first settlers here were Albin Lull, Dr. Eronson, Hart L. Cobb, Thomas Andrus, and II. Martin. Of this settlement it may be said that its inhabitants are an industrious, enterprising, " good set of folks," — a high compliment to pay to any community. The original fund derived from the sale of the school lands was $800. It has been increased by interest, and is now $1,063 72. The amount paid to teachers in 1856 was $1,048 98. Tlie number of school districts in the town is nine. Tlie highest rate of compensation paid to teachers is 190 in S TOE Y OF $25 per montli. Tlie average number wlio attend school is abont 500 ; and the average number of months in the year, in which schools are taught, is eight. Tlie average monthly compensation of female teachers has been about fourteen dollars. j^ames of town officers for the town of Downer's Grove since its organization, in 1850 : srPEKvisoRS : 1850 — L. K. Hatch, 1854 — G. W. Alderman. 1851 — Walter Blanchard, 1855 —Walter BLinchard. 1852— " 1866 — S. F. Daniels. 1853— " 1857 — S. DeGolyer. TOWN CLERKS : 1850 — A. Havens. i854 — A. Havens. 1851— " 1855— C. H. Carpenter. 1852— " 1856— G. S. Rogers, 1853 — " 1851 — W. H. Dhon. ASSESSORS : 1850 — 0. B. Herrick. 1854 — Lyman Clifford. 1851 — George Barber. 1855 — " 1852— " 1856— " 1853— " 185*7— A. H. Blodo-ett. COLLECTORS I 1850 —Peter Warden. 1854 — M. Walton? 1851 — G. Paige. ' 1855 — E. H. Gleason. 1852 — H. L. Cobb. 1856 r- 1853 — E. H. Gleason, 1857 —George Wheeler. OVERSEERS OF POOR: 1 850 — Albin Lull. ] 854 — Daniel Roberts. 1851— " 1855— " 1852 — J. Blodgett, 1856 — John Oldfield. 1853— " 1857 — DU PAGE COTNTY. 191 COMMISSIONEES OF HIGHWAYS I 1850 — Silas Culver, W. Lutiens, 1854 —J. Craigmile, H. Lyon, B. L. M. Lull. Fuller. 1851— John Marvin, A. H.Blod- 1855— J. Craigmile, M. Duello, gett, G. Gilbert. M Sucher. 1852— E. Thatcher, K. Martin, 185G — A. G. Cobb, H. Lyman, H. Andrews. M. Sucher. 1853 —A. Lull, E. Thatcher, G. ISSY — W. H. Clark, J. Oldfield, Paige. G. Prescott. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ! 1850 — John Marsell, Benjamin 1857— M.B. Tirtlot, S. J. Ack Fuller. ley. 1851— S.F. Daniels. CONSTABLES I 1850 — Peter Warden, Joseph 1864— S. W. Franklin, Luther Boyd. Couch. 1851— Milton Barr, Peter Bra- 1855 — E Gleason. man. 1856— T. 0. Roberts 1853— S, W. Franklin. 192 IIISTORYOF HISTOEY OF THE TOWN OF YOEK. We are unable to give as complete a history of this town as we could desire, although we have tried faith- fully to obtain the necessary information to do so. We cannot but believe that there are many incidents connected with its early settlement that would, to say the least, be of interest to the inhabitants of the town- sliip, if not to the general reader, notwithstanding the contrary oj)inion, which j)revails among the early settlers. York was first settled in the s]3ring of 1834, by Elisha Fish. Ilis claim was on the south east quarter of section thirty-five, where his widow still lives. The next who came in was Henry Reader, who settled in 1835, on the south west quarter of section thirty-five. Luther Morton settled soon after on section seven ; Benjamin Fuller on section twentj- -five; Nicholas Torode, sen., on section twenty-seven ; and in April, 1836, John Talmadge removed to this town from Brush Hill, where he had lived since 1834, and set- tled on the south east quarter of section twenty-three. In May, 1836, there were several families added to the settlement. Among these were the families of Jesse Atwater, Edward Eldridge, and David Tal- madge. In July of the same year, the settlement was increased by the families of Jacob W. Fuller and David Tlmrston. In 1837, Sheldon Peek, W. Chur- chill, Zerais Cobb, John Glos and Jolm Bohlander DU PAGE COUNTY. 193 came in and settled on what is now called tlie St. Charles road. John Thrasher came in about the same time, and settled on section thirty. The first settlers of this town were preeminently fitted to endure the trials incident to frontier life. They were " made of the right sort of stuff," and advanced boldly with the standard of civilization, regardless of danger, and knowing no dread of hardships. Many of them had been brought up on the borders of civilization, and were thoroughly inm-ed to all the privations of pioneer life. Perhaps no town in this county can justly claim to itself a more hardy, daring class of pioneers. John Talmadge, whose name has already been mentioned among the early settlers of this town, was for several years a soldier in the U. S. army. In that capacity he was in the service of his country during the war of 1812, and in several battles fought valiantly under our national banner. Although his head is now '^ silvered o'er with age," yet that quenchless spirit of patriotism which fired his youth still glows within his breast and flashes from his fading eye. Tliis township contains thirty-six square miles of land, and has a soil, cultivation, vales, fields, land- scapes and scener}^, which would not suffer in com- parison with many sections of country more widely and favorably known. It affords an agreeal^le variety of surface and soil, well adapted to the wants of the husbandman, and, with proper cultivation, yields him most boimtiful harvests for the support of tlie multi- tudes dependent upon his industry. The principal stream is Salt creek, wliich runs through tlie town from north to soutli. 9 194 HISTORY OF Most of tlie first settlers were originally from tlie State of 'New York, and when the inhabitants were called upon to give a name to their precinct, that of York was selected with bnt few dissenting voices. The manufactures of this town are unimportant. A steam flonring mill is now in operation at Brush Hill, owned by F. Gray. This mill has two run of stones, and is the only manufactory of much importance in the town. The Galena railroad rmis through the town, and upon it two young and thriving villages have S23rung up, like Minerva from the brain of Jove, full armed and ready for effective service. These are at Cottage Hill and at Babcock's Grove. " The village of Cottage Hill is pleasantly situated on the line of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, sixteen miles west from Chicago. The first settler here was J. L. Hovey, who came from Painesville, Ohio. He built a small house in 1843, which he kept as a hotel, it being favorably known by the farmers of the Fox and Rock river counties, who then teamed their own produce to Chicago, as the ' Hill Cottage.' The ' Hill ' proper lies half a mile from the railroad, and commands as fine a prosj)ect of prairie, cultivated farms, groves, cottages, and railroad trains, as one could desire to behold. Tliis place being but 15 1-2 miles from the centre of business in Chicago ; having good water, pure air, and railroad trains hourly pass- ing — all of which stop here — must soon become known to those who wOuld find for themselves and families, at a convenient distance from the city, a re- treat from the noise and dust of its hot and crowded streets." DU PAGE COUNTY. 195 Tlie railroad was completed to this place in 1849, since which time the village has been chiefly bu.ilt np. It now contains one hotel, five stores, several mannfactnring establishments, a railroad j)^ssenger house, some thirty or forty dw^ellings, and about 200 inhabitants. A fine edifice is now in process of erec- tion, to be used as a church and school house. Tliere is no other church building in the town, although there are several organized religious societies, which hold their meetings in the school houses in different parts of the town. Babcock's Grove is a pleasant village, of some 200 inhabitants, situated about five miles west of Cottage Hill, on the Galena road. It is an active, business- like place, and promises to become a town of consider- able importance. It has a good hotel, several stores, and a number of fine residences. The present population of the town of York is not far from 1500. The Germans have settled pretty thickly in some parts of the town, and among them may be found some of the best farmers in the county. They are frugal, industrious, and honest, as a class, and manage their farms with superior agricultural skill. There are three post offices in the town. George Fuller is post master at York Centre, Jerry Bates at Cottage Hill, and J. B. Hull at Babcock's Grove. York has the largest school fund of any town in Du Page county. The school section was sold at five dol- lars per acre, creating an original fund of $3,200. It is now near $3,500. The highest rate of compensation paid to teachers is $25 per month ; the lowest is $10 196 HISTORY OF per montli. The amount paid for teachers' wages amounts to about $800 annually. There are eight public schools taught in the township, which are at- tended bj 400 scholars. The average number of months in the year in which schools are taught is eight, and the average number of scholars in each school is forty. We would here remark that the sources from which we have obtained the statistics relating to this town have not been the most reliable, and if we find errors have occurred, it will not be to us a matter of very great surprise. Tlie following is a list of officers for the town of York since its organization in 1850. SUPEKVISOES. 1850 — Edward EldridgG, 1853 — Hiram Whittemore, ap- Gerry Bates, appointed to pointed to fill vacancy, fill vacancy. 1854 — Asa Knapp, 1 851 — Gerry Bates. 1855 —Robert Reed. 1852 — Gerry Bates. 1856 — Robert Reed. 1853 — Webster Burbanks. 1857 — Frederick Grav. TOWN CLEEKS: 1 850 — Allen M. Wright, 1 853 — Adam Glos. Charles Mather, appointed 1 854 — Adam G los. to fill vacancy. 1855 — Adam Glos. 1851 — Peter R. Torode. 1856 — Adam Glos. 1852 — Peter R. Torode. 1 857 — Adam Glos. ASSESSORS. 1850 — George Fuller. 1853 — James A. E, Barras. 1 851 — John Talmadge. 1854 — Orrin Newell. 1 852 — Webster Burbanks, 1 855 — George Fuller. P. R. Torode, appointed to 1856 — George Fuller, fill vacancv. 1 857 — George Fuller. DU PAGE COUNTY. 197 COLLECTOKS. 1850- — Adam Glos. 1854— Ansel Bates. 1851- —Adam Glos. 1855 — Lewis Eldridge. 1852- -Benjamin Plummer. 1856 — Lewis Eldridge. 1853- -David Fuller. 1857 — Lewis Eldridge. OYEESEEES OF POOE. 1850- - Robert Reed. 1854 — Layton Collar. 1851- — Burgess Austin. 1855 — John Thrasher. 1852- — Burgess Austin. 1856 — John Thrasher. 1853- — Asa Knapp. 1857 — John Thrasher. CO]M]VIISSIOKEES OF HIOmVAYS. 1850- —James L. Snow, 1854 — Lewis Wood, John Thrasher, John B. Bohlandcr, Reuben Mink. E. A. Hall, 1851- — Asa Knapp, George Fuller, appointed John Thrasher. to fill vacancy. Frederick Gray. 1855 — Lewis Wood, 1852- -Lewis Wood. John P. Bohlander, Samuel Loy. Warren Kittell. Frederick Gray. 1856 — Milo Porter, 1853- - George Fuller, John Norbury, Hiram Whittemore, Warren Kittell. Frederick Gray, 1857 — WiUiamBoyer, G. H. Atwater, appointed John Norbury, to fill vacancy. Warren Kittell. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1850 — David Thurston. Orson D. Richards. 1852 — Cyrenus Litchfield, elected to fill vacancy. 1854 — Cyrenus Litchfield. Moses Gray. 1855 — Thomas Filer, elected to fill vacancy. 1856 — John Thrasher, elected to fill vacancy. 1857— Milo Porter, elected to fill vacancy. 198 IIISTOKY OF CONSTABLES. 1850 — David Fuller. 1855 — John Xorbury, C. AV. Richardson. John G. Kleinschrot. 1853 — D. Mono, elected to fill 1856 — Lewis Eldridge, elected to vacancy. fill vacancy. 1854 — John Xorbury, elected to fill vacancy. SUMMARY. Du Page County was first settled by the whites in 1830. It was surveyed in 18 — ; was separated from Cook county, of which it previously formed a part, and became a distinct organization by act of legislature, approved February 9th, 1839. By the census of 1850, its population was 12,807 ; and assuming a uniform ratio of increase drawn from the census of preceding years, it is now nearly 15,000. It has 3,000 dwellings ; 2,850 families ; 10 villages ; 7 different religious denom- inations ; 22 churches ; 3,150 communicants ; 2,250 children and youth who attend Sabbath school. The following is a list of the post oflices in the county : PLACE. NAME OF P. M. Naperville Robert Naper, Big Woods, (Naperville) John Warne, Addison Henry Bartling, Sagone S. D. Pierce, York Center George Fuller, Cottage Hill (York) Gerry Bates. Babcock's Grove (York) J. B. Hull, Bonaparte H. Dodge, Downer's Grove Warrenville (Winfield) Col. J. M. Warren, Winfield, " Andrew Van Deusen, Turner, " I)U PAGE COUNTY. 190 PLACE. NAME OF P. M. Wheaton (Milton) C. K. W. Howard, Danby, " David Kelly, Wayne S. Dunham, Wayne Center Albert Guild, Lisle . . John Thompson, Brush Hill B. Fuller, Cass (Downer's Grove) G. W. Alderman, Bloomingdale Hiram Cody, There are eighteen miles of raih'oad in this conntj, upon which seven enterprising villages are situated. We give a statement of freight handled at the several stations, in pounds, and also the amount of cash re- ceipts for freight. Cottage Hill Babcock's Grove Danby Wheaton Winfield Junction Wayne FREIGHT. RECEIPTS. 4,275,680 $3,605 28 2,107,700 1,404 63 2,234,660 2,728 92 7,544,220 5,880 26 4,671,820 3,036 25 5,480,820 7,164 47 i,yoo,760 1,633 81 The statement in another part of the book, that Winfield forwards the greatest amount of freight is incorrect, as it appears by the last report of the G. & C. LT. Railroad Company, that less tonnage goes from that station, than from Cottage Hill or Junction. With the above brief summary our history is ended. Enough has been said to give, as we believe, a pretty correct view of the past and present condition of T>u Page County. If by this compilation anything is rescued from oblivion that will be of consequence 200 HISTORY OF DU PAGE COUNTY. to oiu' future historian, the authors are satisfied ; and if the work is received with satisfaction among those early settlers, within whose early recollection all the incidents herein detailed have transpired, they will feel doubly rewarded for their labors. While waiting these concluding remarks, news has reached us of the death of Eli l^ortham, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-seven years. He was an early settler in the south part of this county, and among the foremost in establishing and sustaining our first Christian church. It is fitting to insert here the fol- lowing brief tribute to his memory which is taken from The Chicago Democratic Press : "Deacon Noetham was one of the few men who merited, in all respects, the tribute paid by Luke to Barnabas, ' He was a good man.' Twenty years ago when a student in "William st own, Mass., we well re- member that he always impressed us with the highest reverence for his character, as a most worthy represen- tative of the honest, dignified, noble Puritans. For many years he had been fully prej)ared to leave all things here below, and go to dwell at the right hand of his Savior. " ' His youth was innocent ; his riper age Marked with some act of goodness every day ; And watched by eyes that loved him, cahn, and sage Faded his hist dechning years away ; Cheerful he gave his being up, and went To share the holy rest, that waits a life well spent.' " In conclusion we acknowledge our appreciation of the uniform kindness and assistance which we have received in gathering the material for this work. ERRATA. Page 8, second line from bottom, for " were " read toas. Page 10, twelfth and thirteenth lines from top, for "were" read tms. Page 18, for "redoutable" read redoubtaldc. Page 59, in the table, for "Wells and Grant" read Pierce Downer. Page 71, thirteenth line from top, for "are" read is. Other errors of a similar character occur, but as they will not be likely to mislead the reader, it is deemed unnecessary to point them out. *9 INDEX Pioneer Reminiscences, - - - - First settlement in Du Page County, Naper Settlement, . . . . First settlers, .... Black Hawk war, .... Fort Dearborn, .... Flight of families to Fort Dearborn, Paine family, .... Ilobson family, .... The Patrol " hoaxed," Visit to Potawattomies, The alarmed camp, Flight of settlers, .... Captain Brown's scouting party, Massacre at Indian Creek, - . .• The Murder of Paine the Preacher, Scott families, - ... Expedition under Col. Beaubien, Fort Paine, ..... Murder of young Buckley by the Indians, - Captain Naper and Alanson Sweet are deceived by The scouting party, " White Eagle," " - - . . The Great Spirit and Tobacco, Ilobson and Strong, .... Condition of families at Fort Dearborn, A Gentleman missing, - Gen. Scott's army, .... The Old Claim Feuds, .... Land Pirate Company, Big Woods claim protecting society, Society for mutual protection, - - . The Frothingham claim difficulty. appearances. PAGB. 5 6 n ■ 1 8 9 9 9 10 15 16 18 18 19 20 22 23 23 29 29 30 31 33 35 36* S7 38 38 39 41 42 46 53 204 INDEX. The Tullis claim difficulty, - - - - The Hognatorial Council, General Vieav of the County, . . - Face of the county, etc., Products of cultivation, - - . . Du Page County Agricultural Society, - Education, schools and academies, - Health, - - .- The County Press, - - . - - Organization of the County, - . - Courts. .--..- Murder of Patrick Tole, Members of State Legislature, List of county officers, - ' . - History of Milton, - . - - - Illinois Institute, - - • - Danby, ---.-- Town officers of Milton, - - - History of Napertille, . . . . History of first efforts towards establishing a church, Schools, ..---. Naperville Academy, . . - - Town officers, . . . . . History of Lisle, - - , - Character of people, . . . . How they fared in early times, Story of Mr. Hobson's family. List of town officers, .... History op Bloomingdale, . . - - The Kent tragedy, - . - . Churches of Bloomingdale, List of town officers, . . . . History op Addison, List of town officers of Addison, History of Winfield, - - Warrenville, . . - . . Deacon McConnell's account of Turner, Winfield Station, .... Town officers of Winfield, - - . . History of Wayne, PAGE. 55 57 59 60 61 61 62 65 65 10 14. 75 76 76 81 83 85 86 88 97 105 106 110 113 114 115 116 133 135 137 143 145 147 150 158 158 162 162 167 169 INDEX 205 PAGE. List of town officers of Wayne, - 173 History of Downer's Grove, - 175 First claim difficulty. - 176 Trouble about Aldrich's claim, - 179 First School, . 180 Wolf hunting, - - 181 Description of a wolf hunt, . 182 History of churches, - 186 List of town officers. . 190 History of the Town of York, - 192 Cottage Hill, ■ - 194 Babcock's Grove, - 195 List of town officers, 196 Summary, . 198 ADVERTISEMENTS. 207 ANDREW FRIDLEY, DEALER IN rtTAILS, etLASS, COPPER, CUTLERY, AND NAPERVILLE, ILL. ^LL W. F, KEITH & CO., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP (iROClRllS AND PROVISIONS FRUITS AND FISH YANKEE NOTIONS3 COiWECTIOMRy,ET{l. I^A-FERATILLE, ILL. JOHN COLLINS, DMM IN MMBIR, Keeps constantly on hand, at his yards at WINFIELD STATION, and at NAPERVILLE, the largest and best assortment of Lumber to be found West of Chicago, Avhich he sells at prices that leave competi- tion entirely out of the question. Having in his employ a large number of experienced •workmen, he is prepared to do all kinds of Building reasonably, expeditiously and satisfactorilv. NAPERVILLE, ILL. 208 ADVERTISEMENTS. SKIMER, HAIGHT & CO., 1 GENERAL DEALERS IN n$: BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AXD CAPS, frooe:frie3_ WHOLESA IE DEALERS IN WOOL AND SHE EP PELTS. N^PERA^ILLE STORE, MAIN STREET, WAPERVIIiLE, ILt. S. M. Skinbee, C. D. Haight, K. N. Datis. " NEW YORK CHEAP STORE. CASTLE & NAPER, DEALERS IN ITAftE & FMCT iW iiii^, OROOERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, SfI^A.-W 8 ACCUKATELY PKEPAKED. 210 ADVERTISEMENTS. b^hstk: of ist^perville. SCOTT, KEITH & CO, NAPERVILLS, ILL. GOLD, SILVER, AND EASTER.V EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Drafts for Sale on England, France and Germany. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections Made and Proceeds Remitted Promptly, AT CURRENT RATES OF EXCHANGE. Correspondents— In Chicago, - - H. H. TUCKER & CO. In New York, - - MERCHANTS' EX. BANK. GHAS. W. KEITH, Cash. WILLARD SCOTT, Pres. CHARLES W. KEITH, AGENT FOR THE ILLINOIS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., THE PEOBIi fflABISE & FIRE INSDEANCE COMPMY, OP ILLINOIS, and the iETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Connecticut. POJLICIES ISSUED ON FAVORABI.E TERRIS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 211 E. H. EYER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR OF NAPERVILLE, ILL. Terms, $1-50 in advance; $2.00 if not paid within six months. Of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, on short notice and at reasonable terms, for cash. 1.1 o^JGJi'[J'(I|lljII1>Il j,j.^%a CORNF.R OF ^VATER & MAIN STREETS, NAPERVILLE, DU PAGE CO., ILL, J. S. YUNDT, Proprietor. Having fitted up this commodious house for the accommodation of the public, the proprietor will spare no pains to satisfy all who favor him with a call. WILLAED, SCOTT & CO., General Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, f ^ WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ETC. The proprietors have just purchased in the New York market one of the most extensive stocks of goods, for the Fall Trade, ever brought into Du Page County. Naperville, Illinois. >-> ^ 212 ADVERTISEMENTS. NAPERVIIiliE ACABEMY. AN ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL I^OR, BOTH SE22:ES. LOCATED AT NAPIIRVII.LS, DU FAai2 CO., ILL. Boarding and Day Scholars received, and charged only for time of attendance. Rooms are now fitted up in the building expressly for the accommo- dation of Young Lady Boarders, Avho will be under the supervision of competent Female Teachers. THE TiiLL TER2£ BEC^INS ON and continues until December 24th, THE WINTEE TEEM OF 1858, WILL BEGIN ON and continue eleven weeks. For prices of Board and Tuition, apply to C. W. EICHMOJN^D, Peincipal, Naj^erville^ Illinois, NAPERVILLE PLOW FACTORY AND MACHINE SHOP. S. O- VAUGHAN & PECK, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS- '^0 9 6 6' Deacidified using ihe Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatmei ii Oate: AUG ':: BHRKEEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 1606& (724)779-2111 005 378 6844 mmMy 1 '^^■■■■^^m\^