-^ ...i:,^. \ "oV .-f^°- 'bv" "-o.^^' .^'% <^°^ W- -^-j. ^^ -kv 0^ .••• iS-- '^^..'^^•y' "°^'^-^/ *^,'^^-y^ %*»; ^^0^ ♦ AT ^^ *'V7r« .A V •* n'5 .f- ,. V-'^'n/ "°^*^--fO' '^<.,'^^\/ %''. -^^0^ ^°-^*. -^21^^; ^^ .v'i' ♦'. :- -^^0^ 'fL. C" "^'^.^'^' ^oV '^•o^ o_ » •^ \^<^ :^^^ \cf^ 'WM.'- '^^-"^'^'^ *' •!iy' ,'»Ji| 6t)th Congress, 1st Session. \ HOUSE OF KEPRESExNTATlVES. | 3^^?,^^^ ( 1 No. 310. WELCOME TO GEN. JOllX J. PEKSUING. September 11, 1919. — Onic nil to be ]ir)nted. Mr. Mo.MiEi.L, from tho Coniniitteo on ArrangtMuont of Welcome to- Gen. Persliing, submitted the following REPORT. Mr. -Mondell pi'eseiited the following repoi't from the jonit rom- niittee upjiointed to nri'unge for a welcome to Cien. -loliii .1. Persiiing. The joint committee appointed in accordance with tiie pro\ isions of House concurrent resolution 21), consisting of five mcmlx'rs of tiie ITniled States Senate jind se\en nn-mhers of the House of Repre- sentatives, for the ])ur|)ose of making arrangements for ai)prt)])riate exercises in welcome oi Gen. John .1. Pershing, general of the Armies of the United States and conuuander in chief of the Amei'ican E.xpe- ditionary Forces during the Worhl War, witli instructions to r(>i)ort to tlie Senate and House of llei)resentatives such ])rogram and |)ro- cedure as the joint committee deems lilting :ind appn)|)riate, begs leave to i-e|)ort as follows: Tile joint committe<' reconuneiids that tiiere he held, in the HiJl of the House of Ue|irescritatives, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tliursday, Septend)er IS, lill'J, a joint session of (he Congi'ess, at which session it is suggested that tlu' \ ice President ui-, in Ids enforced absence, the President pro teni|iore of tiie Senate, shall make an address of wel- come on the part of tlie Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Kej)- resentatives shidJ make an address of welcome on the jtart of the House. It is further suggested that in the event of the passage of the pending resolution authorizing the gift by tiie Congress of a sword of iionor to Gen. Persiiing, the Hon. Champ Clark, a Meml)er from tiie State of Missouri and former Speaker of tiie House of Ke])- reseiitatives, be selected to make an address of presentation. The joint committee suggests that invitati(ins be extended to the President of the Lhiitetl .States, the members of tlie Cabinet, tlie Chief Justice and associate justices of the Su|)reme Court, and such ollicers of tlie Army, Navy, i.nd Marine Corps as the Secretary of War and (' •J 2 WELCOME TO GKN. .lOHN J. PERSUING. i the Secretary of the Navv, respectively, may suggest. Tlie j..inr ..ununittee further rerommwuls the adoption of a concurrent reso- lution wiu• fO U !923 •*U.o'« N -J. .^* * ^^-^^^ ••• A" I <> * ..•• .0 4.' V-S' .-to*. .^■^ ^^-.. 6* ^'"-IS" "^o ■o . » " A 0° /,•