2c C CC C C C «-- C C C c C c ' cc c < ccrcc cc c c cc C CCj CCccc CC c C CC c C c c CC7C i CC C c C c cc cc c < cdccc oc «:c cc ^cc: Cc;-< C^Cc'C -'CC:C ^-^ cccc c , cc * •< c c <~ CC C cCCC c C « C CC C cc c c c CC C c <^< c «r ( < s C cc cc c cc c cc cc < c: cc c = cc c Cc C cr c< «T CC CC c C cc Cc cr cC CC cc CC c C -£ cc cc c < . CCCC cC cc c cc c " Cc c^ ; cc ccC Cc - cc CC ' _'4 c C( Cc c 'ewe- CCCC c ' _ Cccc O ' ; CCCC O i "CCiX C: « C« c » CC < c i c cC cc C < «G csr c V. <. C C C c c< C CC Cc cC CC CCCC CC CC CCC cc CC ccc < c< CCc ■< cc CCc <■ CCC ' C CC c c C CCC c c C CC c c , t c 9262 165 Great-great-granddaughter of Elisha Story. 1894 DISNEY, MRS. SALLIE VON PHUL. 6595 120 Great-granddaughter of Christian Beakley. Great-granddaughter, of William Von Phul. 1896 DO ANE, MRS. FRANCES MARY TREAT. 11981 202 Great-granddaughter of Samuel Mott. 1894 DOANE, MISS IDA FRANCES. 6598 119 Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Mott. Great-granddaughter of James Treat. Great-great-granddaughter of Jonah Witter. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1894 DOANE, MISS MARGUERITE. 6597 118 Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Mott. Great-granddaughter of James Treat. Great-great-granddaughter of Jonah Witter. 1896 DOLPH, MISS MARY GRACE. 12170 207 Great-great-granddaughter of Moses LJolph. 1893 DOUGHTY, MISS HARRIETTE. 3065 18 Great-granddaughter of John Guthrie. Great-granddaughter of John Brandon. Great-granddaughter of Christopher Doughty. 1893 DOUGHTY, MRS. MARTHA GUTHRIE. 3064 19 Granddaughter of John Guthrie. Granddaughter of John Brandon. 1894 EATON, MISS MARY. 4881 71 Great-granddaughter of Moses Goodman. 1894 ELLIS, MRS. MARY RHODES. 6603 122 Great-great-granddaughter of Artemas Ward. 1894 ELY, MRS. AGATHA EUSTICE. 4088 56 Granddaughter of John Blackwell. 1894 FARRELL, MRS. SULTANA SEBREE. 4954 86 Great-granddaughter of Henry Brasher. 1894 FOSTER, MRS. ABBIE FISKE. 3578 53 Descendant of John Adams, through his mother, Susanna Boyleston. Great-granddaughter of John Fiske. 1893 FOSTER, MISS ANNA HAINES. 3118 23 Great-granddaughter of Job Haines. Great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Haines. 1893 FOSTER, MRS. FRANCIS MARY LIVINGSTON. 3049 15 Great-granddaughter of Melancthon Lloyd Woolsey. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1893 FOSTER, MISS JULIA RESOR. 4089 58 Great-great-granddaughter of William Burnet. 1893 FOSTER, MISS LILY BROADWELL. 3119 22 Great-granddaughter of Job Haines. Great-granddaughter of Stephen Haines. 1896 FROLKING, MRS. ELEANOR SMITH. 11710 196 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Hub- bard Burrows. 189? FRENCH, MRS. ADALINE C. 7984 150 Great-granddaughter of Abel Richards. 1893 GARDNER; MRS. MARY MURPHY. 3327 108 Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Peachy Menzies. 1894 GARRARD, MISS ANNA KNAPP. 4883 70 Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Ludlow. 1894 GARRARD, MISS EDITH. 4888 78 Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Ludlow. 1894 GATES, MRS. LILY LANGDON. 5559 104 Great-granddaughter of John Langdon. 1895 GIBSON, MRS. MARY RACHEL. 10725 175 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Hanyoost Shoemaker. Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Herter. Great-great-granddaughter of Michael Myers. 1895 GODLEY, MRS. REBECCA HODGSON. 10713 179 Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Crane. 1895 GOOCH, MRS. ANNA STOUT. 10015 19S Granddaughter of John Crane. 1893 GOODMAN, MRS. GRACE GRISWOLD. 3286 30 Great-granddaughter of Roger Wells. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1893 GOODMAN, MISS KITTY PIATT. 301 1 9 Great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt. 1894 GOODMAN, MRS. MARY WRIGHT. 4688 63 Great-great-granddaughter of William Smith. Great-grandniece of Jeremiah Smith. 1896 GRAY, MRS. MARY FREE, 13661 219 Great-great-granddaughter of John Burrows. 1893 GREVE, MRS. HARRIET FISHER. 3576 41; Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Otis. Great-great-great-granddaughter of James Otis. 1896 HANDY, MISS MARIETTA BISHOP. 13654 212 Great-great-granddaughter of Harras Hopkins. 1894 HANNA, MRS. MARGARET STEPHENSON. 5561 99 Great-granddaughter of James Stephenson. 1894 HANNA, MISS MARTHA. 5563 102 Great-great-granddaughter of James Stephenson. 1894 HANNA, MISS MARY McCUNE. 5562 100 Great great-granddaughter of James Stephenson. 1894 HARGRAVE, MRS. LYDIA PERRY. 4884 82 Great-granddaughter of Joshua Huddy. 1893 HARRISON, MISS EMMA. 3940 55 Great-granddaughter of Moses Goodman. 1894 HARRISON, MISS MARY TORRENCE. 4886 67 Great-granddaughter of Joseph Torrence. Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Findlay. Great-great-granddaughter of Richard Bronson. Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Mc- Dowell. 1894 HARRISON, MRS. SALLIE E. 5557 98 Great-granddaughter of Lemuel Perin. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1896 HARRISON, MRS. VANELIA JAMES. 13670 228 Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas James. 1894 HARTDEGEN, MRS. ANNE BURT NORTON. 6894 126 Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. 1893 HEMINGRAY, MRS. CLARA KECK. 3063 20 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Piatt Baylis. 1893 HERRON, MRS. GEORGIA ALDRICH. 3939 54 Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Augustus Baker. 1893 HINKLE, AIRS. KATE DAVIS. 2490 124 Great-granddaughter of Rufus Landon. Great-great-granddaughter of Enoch Glover. Great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Holden. 1894 HINKLE, MISS KATHERINE DAVIS. 4955 85 Great-great-granddaughter of Rufus Landon. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Enoch Glover. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Holden. 1894 HODGSON, MISS SARA. 4786 66 Great-granddaughter of Daniel Baker. 1894 HOPPLE, MRS. SARA HANNA. 5564 101 Great-great-granddaughter of James Stephenson. 1893 HOLLISTER, MISS ELLA STRAIT. 3006 11 Creat-granddaughter of Elijah Strong Hollister. 1893 HOWE, MISS PERSIS PUTNAM. 4687 65 Great-granddaughter of Rufus Putnam. 1893 HUBBS, MISS JANE. 3570 46 Great-granddaughter of William Craft. c National Chapter. Elected. No No _ 1894 HUDSON, MRS. MARY PATTON. 5560 106 Great-granddaughter of John Mercer Patton. Great-granddaughter of Joseph Phillips. Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Francois Joseph Count de Flechir. 1893 HULBERT, MRS. CAROLINE MATILDA. 3569 47 Great-granddaughter of William Craft. 1893 HUNT, MRS. MARTHA TROTTER. 3325 36 Great-granddaughter of George Nicholas. Great-great-granddaughter of Robert Carter Nicholas. 1895 ISHAM, MISS MARY KEYT. 9269 158 Great-great- great-granddaughter of Eleazer Hamlin. 1895 IRWIN, MRS. MARY LOUISE ORR. 10720 173 Great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt. Great-great-granddaughter of Oliver Spencer. 1893 JENNEY, MRS. MARY PERRY. 3573 44 Great-granddaughter John Fyfe. Great-granddaughter Robert Gray. Great-great-granddaughter Return Strong. 1895 JONES, MRS. FRANCES D. 9264 164 Great-granddaughter of Thomas Fosdick. 1894 JUDKINS, MRS. NELLIE ANDERSON. 4090 60 Granddaughter of Richard Clough Anderson. 1894 KEIFER, MRS. JULIA A. 4890 68 Great-granddaughter of James Pettigrew. 1895 KENDRICK, MISS CAROLINE. 9270 1 59 Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Ken- drick. / 1893 KING, MRS. LOUISE ESTE. 3007 34 Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Thomas. Great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Terrell. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1894 *KENDRICK, MRS. SARAH ANDERSON. 6110 113 Daughter of Richard Clough Anderson. 1896 KITE, MRS. EVA MARY. . 11279 186 Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Jackman. 1896 KUMLER, MRS. JOSEPHINE P. 14642 230 Great-great-granddaughter of David Ball. 1895 LANGDON, MRS. ELEANOR WEST. 7983 146 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Hope Lathrop. 1895 *LAWS, MRS. SARAH AMELIA.' 7985 151 Great-granddaughter of John Langdon. 1894 LAWS, Miss ANNIE. 5071 92 Great-great-granddaughter of John Langdon. 1894 LAWS, MISS ALICE. 6602 112 Great-great-granddaughter of John Langdon. 1893 LE BOUT1LLIER, MRS. LUCY GOODMAN. 3009 10 Great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt. 1895 LOVELL, MRS. MAY FALLIS RODGERS. 9434 2a; Great granddaughter of George Fallis. Great-granddaughter of John Poage. Great-great-granddaughter of George Poage. 1896 LUDLOW, MISS LIDA ALMIRA. 11277 190 Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Lud- low. 1894 MCCAGG, MRS. MARIE THERESE DAVIS. 5063 93 Great-granddaughter of Rufus Landon. 1896 MCCALL, MRS. SARAH A. MERRELL. 13658 216 Great-granddaughter of Joseph Poor. * Deceased. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1894 MCFADDEN, MRS. FLORENCE DeWITT. 3776 51 Great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt. 1896 MCKEE, MRS. LOUISE. 11280 191 Great-great-granddaughter of John Mills. 1893 MCLEAN, MRS. SARAH K1LBRETH, 3284 26 Great-granddaughter of John Brandon. Great-granddaughter of John Guthrie. 1894 MACMULL1N, MRS. BELLE MATTHEWS. 5556 105 Granddaughter of William Brown. 1895 MARSHALL, MRS. CAROLINE MUNSON. 10727 177 Great-granddaughter of George Sexton. 1896 MATTHEWS, MISS RUTH HANFORD. 14641 229 Great-granddaughter of William Brown. 1894 MARTIN, MRS. NEVA WEIR. 5072 96 Great-granddaughter of Samuel Weir. 1894 MARTIN, MRS. ALFREDA CLARINDA HAINES. 6592 123 Great-great-granddaughter of Caleb Swan, I. Great-granddaughter of Caleb Swan, II. 1894 MELLEN, MRS. ANGEL1NE C. BREWSTER.- 6104 194 Granddaughter of Bernard Hubley. 1893 MILLER, MISS GRACE MAITLAND. 3008 35 Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Thomas. 1896 MITCHELL, MRS. HELEN HANDY. 13655 213 Great-granddaughter of Harras Hopkins. 1893 MONFORT, MISS ADELAIDE HUBBARD. 3641 52 Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Mills. 1893 MONFORT, MISS MARY ESTE. 3051 14 Great-great-granddaughter of Moses Este. National Chpter. Elected, No. No. 189^ MONTGOMERY, MRS. MARTHA PITTS HAR- RISON. 5066 95 Great-granddaughter of Joseph Torrence. Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Findlay. Great-great-granddaughter of Richard Bronson. Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Mc- Dowell. 1893 MOREHEAD, MRS. MARGARET CONGAR. 3005 1 Great-great-granddaughter of Francis Cassatt. 1894 MORGAN, MRS. ELIZA BUSHNELL. 4893 69 Granddaughter of Jason Bushnell. 1894 MORGAN, MRS. ELEANOR MOORE. 6604 114 Great-granddaughter of John Harrison. Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Harrison. 1893 MORRISON, MRS. CAROLINE PUTNAM. 3285 31 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Israel Putnam. Great great-granddaughter of John Sevier. 1894 MORTON, MRS. MARY LOOMIS. 4889 71 Great-granddaughter of Stephen Knowlton. 1896 MULL1KIN, MRS. KATHERINE CLARK. 11711 187 Great-granddaughter of Davis Wasgatt. 1896 MULLIK1N, MISS KATHERINE. 117*2 188 Great-great-granddaughter of Davis Wasgatt. 1896 MULL1KIN, MISS MARY AUGUSTA. 11713 189 Great-great-granddaughter of Davis Wasgatt. 1893 MURPHY, MRS. CAROLINE WINSTON MENZIES. 3326 37 Great-granddaughter of Samuel Peachy Menzies. 1895 MUSSEY, MRS. MARY GANO. 9261 161 Great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. E-ected National Chapter. No. No. 1895 NEFF, MISS ISABEL HOWARD. 9271 166 Great-granddaughter of William Sterret. Great-great-granddanghter of Aaron Scout. 1895 NEWTON, MRS. ABBIE HOW. 9266 162 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Carleton. 1893 NEWTON, MISS CLARA CHIPMAN. 3571 48 Great-granddaughter of Marshall Newton, Jr. 1895 NEWTON, MISS ELLEN HULDAH. 7304 134 Great-granddaughter of Marshall Newton, Jr. 1895 NORMAN, MRS. MINNIE MERRELL. 7311 141 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Betsey Ross Claypole. 1894 NORTON, MRS. EDITH ELIZA AMES. 6594 91 Great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Tower. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Peter Tower. 1894 NORTON, MRS. JULIET BURT. 6893 125 Great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. 1896 NO YES, MRS. ALICE HUTCHINS. 11982 203 Great-granddaughter of Amasa Hutchins. Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Bacon. 1896 NYE, MISS MARGARET. 11983 204 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Nye. Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Allen. Great-great-great great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Nye. 1895 ORR, MRS. ANNA OGDEN BURNET. 10726 174 Great-granddaughter of Oliver Spencer. ^ National Chapter. Elected. No Nq> 1894 O'SHAUGHNESSY, MRS. LUCILE BONDU- RANT. 4882 81 Great-granddaughter of George Gray. 1895 PABODIE, MRS. MARIA PLIMPTON. 7307 1 37 Great-granddaughter of Edward Seagrave. Great-granddaughter of Abner Plimpton. 1893 PEALE, MISS KATHERINA ANNA 2959 3 Great-Granddaughter of Charles Wilson Peale. 1896 PECK, MRS. MARY KILBURN. 13657 215 Daughter of John Peck. Granddaughter of Hiram Peck. 1896 PERIN, MISS MAY. 1 1276 192 Great-granddaughter of Lemuel Perin. 1893 PERIN, MRS. MATILDA HULBERT. 3068 17 Creat-great-granddaughter of William Craft. 1893 PETERS, MRS. ELEANOR HARTSHORN. 3010 8 Great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt 1896. POGUE, MRS. FANNIE WEST. 13659 217 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Hope Lathrop. 1896 POGUE, MISS ELIZABETH MARGARET. 13660 218 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Hope Lathrop. 1894 POST, MRS. EMMA J. FOSTER. 5575 128 Great-granddaughter of Andrew McGrew. 1894 PROBASCO, MRS. MINNIE MOULTON. 7309 139 Great-great-greal -granddaughter of Freeborn Moulton. 1894 PUGSLEY, MRS. CORNELIA DABNEY PRICE. 6607 201 Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel McDowell. Elected National Chapter. No. No. 1895 RAWSON, MRS. FANNIE D. 7982 145 Gieat-great-granddaughter of Walter Bud- dington. 1896 RHODES, MRS. JENNIE HANDY. 13653 211 Great-great-granddaughter of Harras Hopkins. 1896 RHODES, MRS. MAY LOVELL. 11979 199 Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Downs. Great-great-granddaughter of Jesse Downs. 1894 RICHARDSON, MISS MARY CABELL. 6662 142 Great-great-great-granddaughter of John McClure. Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Cabell. Great-great-granddaughter of Wm. Richardson. Great-granddaughter of John C. Richardson. 1894 RICKETTS. MRS. ELIZABETH LAWS. 6601 in Great-great-granddaughter of John Langdon. 1895 ROBBINS, MRS. HARRIET CHASE. 7308 138 Great-granddaughter of Abel Richards. 1894 ROBERTSON, MISS ETHEL BURT. 6898 131 Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. 1894 ROBERTSON, MRS. SALL1E GANO. 6897 130 Great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. 1895 RODGERS, MRS. HATTIE FALLIS. 9435 185 Great-granddaughter of James Allen. Great-great-granddaughter of John Poage. Great-granddaughter of George Poage. Great-granddaughter of George Fallis. 1895 SAGE, MRS. ELIZABETH HINKLE. 8574 147 Great-granddaughter of Philip Hinkle. 1895 SARGENT, MRS. SOPHIE MALLON. 8575 155 Great-granddaughter of Michael Beadle. r National Chapter. Flecied - No. No. 1894 SAUNDERS. MISS BETTY WASHINGTON. 5065 89 Great-great-granddaughter of James Taylor. Great-great-granddaughter of Waller Overton. Great-great-granddaughter of John Barry. 1895 SANDERS, MRS. M. ISABEL. 10711 170 Great-granddaughter of Peter Grant. 1895 SEELY, MRS. HELEN. 10712 167 Great-granddaughter of Eleazer Johnson, Jr. 1895 SHOEMAKER, MISS ELMYR\ BURBANK. 10728 176 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Henry Herter. Great-great-granddaughter of Michael Myers. Great-great-granddaughter of Hanyoost Shoe- maker. 1895 SHOUSE, MISS MARY ALICE- 7305 135 Great-granddaughter of Richard Sparks. 1894 SIBLEY, MRS. CICELY BURT. 6896 129 Great-great-granddaughter of John Gano. 1894 SMITH, MRS. OLIVE DOUGLAS. 6895 127 Great-granddaughter of Simon Perkins. 1896 SMITH, MISS CAROLYN AUSTEN. 11714 *97 Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Hubbard Burrows. 1895 SMITH, MRS. CLARA STARBUCK. 10721 171 Great-great great-granddaughter of Ezra Leonard 1896 SMITH, MRS. VANELIA JAMES. 13669 227 Great-granddaughter of Thomas James. 1893 SMITH, MISS HATTIE B. 3448 39 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Clark. Ei.fctfd. National Chapter. No. No. 1893 SMITH, MISS LAURA MAY. 3449 38 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Clark. 1894 STEWART, MRS. HELEN MORGAN. 4892 70 Great-granddaughter of Jason Bushnell. 1894 STEWART, MRS. HARRIET REBECCA TORRENCE 5067 94 Granddaughter of Joseph Torrence. Great-granddaughter of Samuel Findlay. Great-granddaughter of Richard Bronson. Great-great-granddaughter of John McDowell. 1896 STRUNK, MRS. ELLA GARRETSON. 12171 208 Great-granddaughter of Samuel Nevers, Jr. Great-granddaughter of Nathan Corey. 1896 SWENEY, MRS. HARRIET ORR. 13662 220 Great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Piatt. 1896 TAFT, MRS. MABEL B. 11985 206 Great-great-granddaughter of John Cheno- worth. 1896 TAYLOR, MISS LEONORA J. 11278 193 Great-great-granddaughter of John Cheno- worth. 1893 THOMAS, MRS. ISABELLA ISHAM. 31 16 24 Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Champion. Great-granddaughter Mrs. Deborah Champion Gilbert, daughter of Henry Champion. 1894 THOMS, MISS EUNICE SWIFT. 4895 74 Great-great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Huddy. 1893 THOMS, MRS. MARY SWIFT. 4502 61 Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Huddv. National Chapter. Elected. • No. No. 1893 THORNTON, MRS. MARY FRANCES DERAISMES. 494 38 Great-great-granddaughter of Gilbert Town- send Vail. Great-granddaughter of Joseph Alexander Vail. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Vail. 1895 TORRENCE, MlSS ELIZABETH F1NDLAY. 9265 160 Great-granddaughter of Joseph Torrence. Great -great-granddaughter of Richard Brownson. Great-great-great-granddaughter of John McDowell. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Archibald Irwin. 1893 VAN VOAST, MRS. VIRGINA MOSS HARRIS. 2955 2 Great-granddaughter of James Taylor. Great-granddaughter of John Harris. Granddaughter of Jordan Harris. Great-great-granddaughter of Littlebery Mosby. 1893 VAN VOAST. MISS VIRGINIA REMSEN. 2956 5 Great-great-granddaughter of James Taylor. Great-great-granddaughter of John Harris. Great-granddaughter of Jordan Harris. Great-great-great-granddaughter of Littlebery Mosby. 1894 W1BORG, MRS. ADELINE SHERMAN. 4690 no Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Sherman. 1894 WHELPLEY, MRS. KATE RESOR. 4087 57 Great-granddaughter of William Burnet. 1893 WILSON, MRS. JULIET GUTHRIE. 3069 16 Great-granddaughter of John Guthrie. Great-granddaughter of John Brandon. Elected. National Chapter. No. No. 1895 WRIGHT, MISS MARIE LOUISE. 1S1 Great-great-granddaughter of William Burnet. 1894 YERGASON, MRS. KATHERINE BARTLETT. 4503 62 Great-great-granddaughter of Ithiel Battle. Great-great-granddaugnter of Dudley Case. RECORD OF ANCESTORS. Record of Ancestors. ADAMS, JOHN. Was the son of Susanna Boyleston. Her direct ancestor, Peter Boyleston Adams, was born in Braintree, Mass., October 16th, 1738, and his mother was also the mother of John Adams, who signed the Declaration of Independence. Foster, Mrs. Abbie Fiske. ALLEN, BENJAMIN. Enlisted in 1778 and served on alarms at Dartmouth, Bedford and Falmouth, in Colonel Freeman's Regiment. Allen, Miss Martha. Nye, Miss Margaret. ALLEN, JAMES. Captain, of the Militia of Augusta County, Virginia: was in the battle of Point Pleasant and saw his brother, Lieutenant Hugh Allen, killed there. Rodgers, Mrs. Hattie Fallis. ANDERSON, RICHARD CLOUGH. Captain 5th Regiment of Continental Line; Major 1st Regiment Continental Line; Major 3d Regiment of Continental Line; Lieutenant -Colonel of 6th Regiment of Continental Line ; Aid-de-Camp to General, the Marquis de Lafayette; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati; made Brigadier. General of Militia after the war; a warm personal friendship existed between him and Marquis de Lafayette ; born at Goldview, Hanover County, Virginia, January 12th, 1750; died in Jefferson County, Kentucky, October 16th, 1826. Judkins, Mrs. Nellie Anderson. Kendrick, Mrs. Sarah Anderson. BACON, BENJAMIN. Served as Captain six days for the " Relief of Boston in the Lexington Alarm" April, 1775. Was born in Canterbury, Conn., in 1757, and died in Plainfield, Conn., February 24th, 1S26. Noyes, Mrs. Alice Hutchins. BAKER, DANIEL. Enlisted in Captain Andrew McMeyer's Company of the ist Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 13th, 1775; served as Private in Captain John Scudder's Company, ist Regiment, Essex County. New Jersey Militia; served with rank of Ensign in Captain John Scudder's Company of New Jersey State Troops ; accompanied the expedition through the wilderness to Quebec in capacity of Adjutant. Hodgson, Miss Sara. BALL, DAVID. Served as a Private (minute man) in the Essex County New Jersey Militia, during the Revolutionary war. He belonged to a class of men who were called upon for special duty and assigned to any company needing a complement of men. Kumler, Mrs. Josephine P. BARKER, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS. Served with the Connecticut Troops ; was a Sergeant in Captain Josiah Fow- ler's Company ; Sergeant in Captain William Douglas' Company, 1775; dis- charged November 28th, 1775 ; ist Lieutenant in Colonel Andrew Ward's Regi- ment, 1776; was at battles of Trenton and Princeton, Adjutant to Battalion Colonel William Douglas ; commissioned June 20th, discharged December 29th, 1776; Captain in 4th Connecticut Line; Captain 6th Connecticut Line, Colonel William Douglas; commissioned Adjutant January ist, 1777 ; signs as Assistant Adjutant General Connecticut Division in 1780 ; promoted Captain, May 10th, 1780. In 1781 served with General, the Maiquis de Lafayette in Virginia; he is also rated Aid-de-Camp ; Brigade Major and Lieutenant Inspector 2d Connecticut Brigade 1780-81 ; was an intimate friend of the Marquis de Lafayette. Herron, Mrs. Georgia M. Aldrich. BARROWS, DANIEL. A private in Captain Edward Blake's Company ; Colonel George Williams' Regiment, Massachusetts Troops, 1776; second service on a secret expedition for one month with Captain Blake, 1777 ; a private in Captain Josiah King's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Regiment, Massachusett's Troops, 1778. Cadle, Mrs. Anna Barrus. BARRY, JOHN. Served in the army during the war ; from Lunenburg County, Virginia. Saunders, Miss Betty Washington. BARTLETT, JOSIAH. ' "Most noteworthy first signer of the Declaration of Independence after the President of Congress, John Hancock"; in 1765 was a member of the Legis- lature of New Hampshire, Governor Wentworth in 1766 conferred upon him judicial office, and November nth commissioned him Lieutenant Colonel of the 7th Regiment of Militia : all this time he was engaged in most active oppo- sition to the crown, became a member of the Committee of Safety, and a member of the convention called to elect delegates to the General Congress in Philadelphia in 1774 ; was chosen one of two delegates, but could not attend. However, continued his active attendance upon the New Hampshire Assembly, and the Committee of Safety at Exeter, N. H. At this time his judicial " ' appointment was recalled by the Governor, and he was dismissed from his command "for his rebellious acts." In 1775 Colonel Bartlett assisted to raise, arm, clothe and pay soldiers, also to raise a special company to be ready for immediate service. August 23, 1775, was chosen to the Continental Congress, taking his seat September 16th, 1775 ; re-elected January 23d, 1776; same year appointed on a committee to prepare a form of confederation ; December, 1776, re-appointed delegate to Continental Congress ; was present with General Stark at the Battle of Bennington, having assisted in provisioning his army ; August, 1778, delegate to Congress at Yorktown ; 1780 appointed Chief Justice of Court of Common Pleas of New Hampshire; 1782 Associate Justice of Su- preme Court of the State ; 1788 Chief Justice, was chosen Senator ; 1790 took his seat as President of the State of New Hampshire, holding the office until it passed out of existence; 1793 was chosen first Governor of hrs State, resigned in 1794. He was the first man to vote for the Declaration of Inde- pendence ; was a member of the convention called to ratify the Constitution of the United States, and strenuously advocated its adoption. Died May 19th, 1795- Connor, Mrs. Levietta Bartlett. BATTLE, ITHIEL. Was born at Milford, Massachusetts, 1751-52. Served as Sergeant in Cap- tain Miles' Company, Bradley's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, from September 10th to December 25th, 1776. Served as Lieu- tenant under Washington at Valley Forge. Yergason, Mrs. Katherine Bartlett. BAYLISS, PLATT. At the beginning of the Revolution pnrchased large supplies for the army, and recruited the first company of soldiers raised in New Jersey ; was com- missioned Captain June 14th, 1776 ; promoted to the rank of Major, August 12th, 1776. At the battle of Long Island, Major Baylis cut through the Eng- lish lines with three hundred men, bringing them inside Washington's lines. For this and other brave acts, Washington appointed him Quartermaster-Gen- eral. Born near Baskingridge, Somerset County, New Jersey. Died May, 1777. Hemingray, Mrs. Clara Keck. BEADLE, MICHAEL. Quartermaster in the 13th Regiment, Albany County, New York Militia. In active service in the battles of Bennington and Saratoga. Sargent, Mrs. Sophie Mallon. BEAKLEY, CHRISTIAN. Christian Beakley heads the list of field and staff officers in Colonel Benjamin Flower's Regiment of Artillery Artificers February 3d, 1777, and ranks as Lieutenant. This corps as it was called was raised by direction of General Washington. These companies were stationed at Carlisle and Philadelphia ; their duties were to cast cannon, bore guns and prepare ammunition for the army. Disney, Mrs. Sallie Von Phul. BETTS, SILAS. Private in 9th Regiment, Connecticut Militia, Captain Gregory, and General Wooster; enlisted October 21, 1776; honorably discharged January 11, 1777. Betts, Miss Florence Huntington. BLACKWELL, J HN. First Lieutenant 3d Virginia Company, April 29, 1776; wounded at Battle of Brandywine, September nth, 1777 ; Captain September 15. 1777; prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780; exchanged and served to close of war. Ely, Mrs. Agatha Eustice. BOOTH. WILLIAM AYLETE. Member of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1779-80, and took part in the deliberations, as shown in Journal of the House; also Colonel in the American army at the Siege of Yorktown. Boylan, Mrs. Eleanor Stillman. BRANDON, JOHN. Served throughout the war of the Revolution as a Captain of the New Jersey Line ; was buried with military honors. Doughty, Harriette. Doughty, Martha Guthrie. McLean, Mrs. Sarah Kilbreth. Wilson, Mrs. Juliet Guthrie. BRASHER, HENRY. Captain in Colonel Malcolm's State troops in 1776; served afterwards during the war. Farrell, Mrs. Sultana Sebree. BRONSON, RICHARD, M. D. Served as Surgeon in 6th Battalion Cumberland County Associators, com- manded by Colonel Samuel Culbertson. Harrison, Miss Mary Torrence. Montgomery, Mrs. Martha Pitts Harrison. Stewart, Mrs. Harriet Rebecca Torrence. Torrence, Miss Elizabeth Findlay. BROWN, WILLIAM. Served in Captain Comstock's Company, 8th Continental Line of Connecticut ; enlisted April 9th, 1779, for the war; Corporal May 8th, 1779; Sergeant August 1st, 1780; Standard Bearer of "Forlorn Hope" at the storming of Stony Point. N. Y. Burton, Miss Martha. McMullin, Mrs. Belle Matthews. Matthews, Miss Ruth Hanford. BRUN, JOHN. Was a private accredited to Morris County, New Jersey ; moved to Battle Hill (now Madison) New Jersey, with his father, David Brun, prior to 1764; born July 24th, 1750, at Newark, New Jersey ; died in Hamilton County, Ohio, 27th November, 1814. Brady, Miss Mary M. BUDDINGTON, WALTER. Private in Captain Hall's Company of " Lexington Alarm ; " also served in defense of Fort Griswold against Benedict Arnold; wounded, and imprisoned on the ship " Jersey Blue " for nearly a year. Rawson, Mrs. Fannie D. BURNET. WILLIAM, M. D. He was in the medical service of his country from the beginning of the Revo- lution ; established a Military Hospital, of which he was Superintendent, on on his own responsibility, in Newark, 1775 ; in 1776-77, was elected a member of the Continental Congress ; later resigned his position to take the position of Surgeon-General of the Eastern District, which position he retained until the peace of 1783. Burnet, Miss Margaretta. Foster, Miss Julia Resor. Whelpley, Mrs. Kate Resor. Wright, Miss Marie Louise. BURROWS, JOHN. Served as captain in one of the " Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments ; " commanded by Col. David Forman ; commissioned as Major July 22nd, 1779 ; served from 1777 to 1780. Gray, Mrs. Mary Tree. BURROWS, HUBBARD. Served in the war in various capacities, but fell at the battle of Fort Griswold ; he was killed on the east parapet ; his son John turned over the bodies 01 27 before he found his father. His wife was left with ten children, under the age of seventeen. Two brothers and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Burrows fell with her husband. His name is on the monument at Groton. Frolking, Mrs. Eleanor Smith. Smith, Miss Carolyn Austen. BUSHNELL, JASON. Enlisted at the age of seventeen ; served till close of war in a company of General Waterbury's Regiment; 1781. was detailed for defense of coast from Horseneck to New Haven; July, 1781, was encamped with Washington's command at Tarrytown ; later served along Long Island Sound. Morgan, Mrs. Eliza Bushnell. Stewart, Mrs. Helen Morgan. BUTLER, JOHN. Served three years in 3rd Connecticut Regiment ; was mentioned with distinct tion for his bravery ; was granted a pension, but died before securing it. Butler, Miss Alice. Butler, Miss Florence. Butler. Miss Mary Nina. CABELL, JOSEPH, M. D. Served as Surgeon in the Revolution ; was member of the House of Bur- gesses, and on Committee of Safety; member of Convention 1775; Acting Surgeon during the Revolution, and in command of the Buckinghams at Yorktown ; born in Nelson County, Virginia, 19th September, 1732; died in Virginia. Richardson, Miss Mary Cabell. CASSATT, FRANCIS. Was a soldier in Captain McMaster's Company of Colonel Fisher's Regiment of New York troops in the Continental Army, and participated in all the cam- paigns of the army to which his company was attached. Morehead, Mrs. Margaret Congar. CARLETON, EBENEZER. Sergeant in Captain John Davis' Company, Colonel Fryes regiment; 1st Lieutenant in Stephen Webster, Jr., Company, 4th Essex County Regi- m ment. Collier, Mrs, Susan Caroline How. Newton, Mrs. Abbie How. CHAMPION, HENRY. Appointed April 1775, by the Assembly to supply all necessary stores and provisions for the army; July, 1775, appointment confirmed by Congress, (Washington recommending it), was p'romoted the following October from Lieutenant-Colonel 12th Regiment Connecticut Militia to Colonel of 25th Regiment; 1776 served in the campaign around New York; resigned from his regiment and was appointed Commissary General in 1777; and Purchasing Commissary for the Eastern Department of the Continental Army January, 1778; was reappointed by the State April, 1780; and was one of the most efficient of the Commissiaries ; also assisted in supplying army stores out of his own means. He was prominent in politics prior to the Revolution, and con- tinued to be elected to the Assembly during the war, of which body he was a member for 31 years ; born January 19th, 1723, at East Haddam, Con- necticut; died at Colchester, Connecticut July 23rd, 1791. Cullen, Mrs. Sarah Eliza. : Thomas, Mrs. Isabella Isham. CHENOWORTH, JOHN. Enlisted in Richard Davis' Company, Colonel J. C. Halls regiment for 3 years'; became Sergeant of his company, was attached to the 4th Maryland Regiment at White Plains, September 9th, 1776. He was captured in battle by British forces November 16th, 1776, but was soon exchanged. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, of Ft. Washington and other minor battles. Before the Revolutionary War he was a patriotic, public spirited man always in the defense of the Colony. He married Hannah Cromwell about 1765. She was the lineal descendant of the Earl Essex and her great-great-grandfather Sir Oliver Cromwell, of Hinchenbrook, was the uncle of Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector of England. Taft, Mrs. Mabel B. Taylor, Miss Leonora. CILLEY, JOSEPH. Was engaged in the attack upon Fort William and Mary, 1774; after the battle of Lexington, marched to the scene of action at the head of one hundred volunteers from Nottingham and vicinity ; was appointed Major in Poor's 2nd Regiment of New Hampshire ; he was made Lieutenant-Colonel in 1776, and April 2nd, 1777, was made Colonel of the 1st New Hampshire Regiment of three years men ; led his distinguished regiment at Bemis Heights, was at the surrender of Burgoyne, storming of Stony Point, Mon- mouth and White Plains, and other noted battles. After the war, was ap- pointed Major-General of the New Hampshire Militia, June 22nd, 1786; was % the Vice-President and President of the Society of the Cincinnati in New Hamp- shire, and was intimately associated with General Washington. Cilley, Miss Mabel. CLARK, ABRAHAM. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was born in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, on February 15th, 1726; held several offices under the Royal government, and in all of them he exhibited great fidelity. He was one of the Committee of Vigilance of New Jersey, and was distinguished for his watchfulness and untiring activity. In 1776 Mr. Clark was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress from New Jersey, and voted for and signed the Decla- ration of Independence : with the exception of one term, remained an active member of the General Congress ; was one of the delegates from New Jersey to frame the present Constitution of the United States in 1787 ; was a member of the first Congress under the present Federal government, and continued an active member of that body until the close of his life. Mr. Clark retired from public life when Congress adjourned June, 1794; died early in the autumn of that year, and is buried at Rahway, New Jersey. Smith, Miss Hattie B. Smith, Miss Laura May. CLAYPOOLE, ABRAHAM GEORGE. First Lieutenant in a Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel John Patton ; commission dated 14th of January, 1777 ; Captain in 3rd and nth Pennsylva- nia Regiments; commissions dated 12th of August, 1779, an d 22nd of March, 1781 ; certificate as member of the Society of the Cincinnati, dated 31st of October, 1785, signed by George Washington, President, and by J. Knox, Secretary. Carson, Miss Jane Findlay. CLAYPOOLE, MRS. BETSY ROSS. General George Washington and Robert Morris, were appointed a committee by Congress, to design a suitable flag for the nation. In the spring of 1777, they called upon Mrs. Betsy Ross, who was considered the finest needle woman in America, and Washington had a high regard for her. General Washington made a design for the flag and directed that the stars should be six pointed. Mrs. Ross made some changes in the design and suggested that the stars should have only five points, as the five pointed star is the most symmetrical. This design was accepted, and the first flag made by Mrs. Ross was used at the battle of Saratoga, and led the American Army to victory. The house she lived in is still standing in Philadelphia. "Betsy Ross was married three times, but it is as Betsy Ross that she will always be known among the American people." Norman, Mrs. Minnie Merrell. CONE, JOSEPH. A naval officer who perished at sea. Mrs. Cotton has the family records, names and dates from William the Conquerer down 37 generations. There have been eleven kings and queens in the family. Cotton, Mrs. Mary Slocum. COREY, NATHAN. Of Groton, Mass., was private in Captain Asa Lawrence's Company, Colonel William Prescott's Regiment; enlisted on April 25th, 1775, for the eight months service ; private in Captain John Minot's Company of Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment, for service in Rhode Island; enlisted May 10th, 1777, private in Company from Middlesex County ; enlisted for the term of nine months in Colonel Reed's Regiment for service at Fishkill, N. Y , arriving at Fishkill June 19, 1778. Strunk, Mrs. Ella Garretson, CRAFT, WILLIAM. Served in the Second Westchester County, New York Regiment, under Col. Thomas, from June 26th to September 24th, 1779. Hubbs, Miss Jane. Hulbert, Mrs. Caroline Matilda. Perin, Mrs, Matilda Hulbert. CRANE BENJAMIN. Who entered the Essex County New Jersey Militia, 1776, at the age of fifteen, and served as private and musician throughout the Revolutionary War. Godley, Mrs. Rebecca Hodgson. CRANE, JOHN. Colonel of artillery in Revolutionary War. Killed while under St. Clair in the famous Indian Massacre in Ohio, and buried with the honors of war. Gooch, Mrs. Anna Stout, CURRY, JAMES. Second Lieutenant 8th Virginia, December 1776; 1st Lieutenant 24th, June 1777; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain 23rd, Sep- tember 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston 1780; exchanged Junei78i ; served to close of war, born in Virginia, died in Kentucky July 5th, 1834. Burnet, Miss Margaretta. CURTIS, JAMES, Jr. Enlisted May 10th, 1775, ' n the Regiment of Colonel David Waterbury ; was discharged from the company under the command of Samuel Whiting, Lieu- tenant Colonel of the Regiment. He again enlisted July 10th, 1776, for six months in the Company of Captain Chester Wells ; discharged December 25th, 1776. 1777 served on armed vessel, taken prisoner and detained two years on board of prison ships, escaped and reached New London, on one of the boats belonging to the vessel. Curtis, Mrs, Evelyn Goss. De FLECHIR, COUNT CHARLES FRANCOIS JOSEPH. Came to Virginia with his kinsman, the Marquis de Lafayette ; enlisted in the American army as private ; was immediately elected Captain of Company H., Independent Washington Guards; was ordered to Canada ; promoted Colonel for brilliant service at York and St. Christopher ; served to the end of the war. Hudson, Mrs. Mary Patton. DEVOE, JOHN. Served as soldier in the war ; killed in the battle of Bennington, August 16th, 1777. Benedict, Mrs. Marguerite Lloyd. DOLPH, MOSES. A private in the Third Company, Captain Charles Graham's Second Regi- ment. Colonel Phillip Van Courtlandt in 1778-79. Dolph, Miss Mary Grace. DOUGHTY, CHRISTOPHER, Served during the Revolution as a Private ; received a pension. Doughty, Miss Harriette, DOWNS, EDWARD. An original " Minute Man'' on the Lexington Alarm Rolls of Staughton, Mass., and marched as Sergeant with Captain John Endicott's Company, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regiment in the Alarm of April 19th, 1775. Also served in Captain Endicott's Company at Dorchester Heights. Served with Captain Swan's Company at Castle Island and with Captain Adams Company at Cambridge ; was 2nd Lieutenant of Captain John Baxter's Com- pany at Hull. Discharged 1782. Butler, Mrs. Lily Lovell. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary Lovell. DOWNS, JESSE, Private in Captain Abner Crane's Company 1779, on duty in Boston. When discharged immediately re-enlisted in Captain Joe Cushing's Company on duty in Rhode Island, Also served in special detachment; was on duty at Castle Island, again in Rhode Island ; was promoted to Corporal and Ser- geant. He was a son Lieutenant Edward Downs of the Continental Army, was father of Commodore John Downs of the U. S. Navy, who served with distinction in the wars of 1812, and those with Tripoli and Algiers and com- manded the Pacific Squadron in 1832-34; was grandfather of Commander John A. Downs of the U. S. Navy, who was commended for " the utmost gallantry and skill" in the attacks on Forts McAllister and Sumpter in 1863, and was in command of the Gulf Squadron at the time of his death. Butler, Mrs. Lily Lovell. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary Lovell. ELLIS, WILLIAM. Captain Heard's Brigade June 14th, 1776; Major, Colonel Read's Battalion Detached Militia July 18th, 1776; Major, Colonel Potter's Battalion; Major State Troops November 27th, 1776; was taken prisoner April 5th, 1778; ex- changed December 26th, 1780. Butler, Mrs. Alfreda Martin Fortiner. ESTE, MOSES. Served in the 4th Hunterdon Company during the greater part of the war ; promoted from Lieutenant to Captain for bravery at the battle of Monmouth. June 28th, 1778 ; at this battle was seriously wounded. Monfort, Miss Mary Este. FALLIS, GEORGE. Who being of Quaker origin could not bear arms, but rendered material aid to Washington, at one time selling off his farms for $101,000, which he will- ingly gave for the relief of the army. Rodgers, Mrs. Hattie Fallis. Lovell, Mrs. Mary Fallis. FINDLAY, SAMUEL. Was commissioned Quartermaster May 4th, 1778, of the 6th Battalion Cum- berland County Associators, commanded by Colonel Samuel Culbertson ; was engaged in the battle of Guilford Court House. Harrison, Miss Mary Torrence. Montgomery, Mrs. Martha Potts Harrison. Stewart, Mrs. Harriet Rebecca Torrence. Torrence, Miss Elizabeth Findlay. FISKE, JOHN. Soldier and pensioner of the Revolution. Foster, Mrs. Abbie Fiske. FOSDICK, THOMAS. Enlisted on May 20th, 1775, for thirty days service in the "Lexington Alarm" in the city of New London, Connecticut, re-enlisted in the 6th Connecticut Regiment, commanded by Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, on whose staff he served as Surgeon's mate until January 1st, 1776; when he was honorably discharged. Jones, Mrs. Frances D. FOWLER, NOAH, Sr. Served in a Connecticut Company in April 1775 ; aided in the defence of Lexington, during the "Lexington Alarm," as Captain of his Company, marched to New Haven July 5th, 1775, to aid in its defence; was a commis- sioned officer of 7th Regiment of Connecticut troops in 1780; 1782 was made Lieutenant-Colonel 28th Connecticut Regiment in the re-organization of the Connecticut troops; born at Guilford, Connecticut, 1750, died at Guilford, Connecticut. Coan, Miss Anna Hawks. Coan, Miss Flora Durand. FYFE, JOHN. Soldier in Captain Henry Farwell's Co., Colonel William Prescott's Regiment, on the Alarm of April 19th, 1775, from Groton ; also, soldier in Captain Henry Haskell's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment January 13, 1776; also, soldier in Captain Job Shalluck's Company, Colonel John Robinson's Regi- ment March, 1776. Jenny, Mrs. Mary Perry. GANO, JOHN. Served as Chaplain of the Continental Army ; was appointed a Chaplain under Colonel Dubosque and General James Clinton ; was in the action on heights of White Plains, and at Princeton ; was at the assault on Fort Clinton, and Fort Montgomery ; he was constituted Brigade Chaplain by General Clinton, and soon after was commissioned such by Congress ; served until the close of the war ; born in Hopewell, New Jersey, 23rd July, 1727 ; died in Frankfort, Kentucky, August loth, 1804. Burt, Miss Juliet. Hartdegen, Mrs. Anna Burt Norton. Mussey, Mrs. Mary Gano. Norton, Mrs. Juliet Burt. Robertson, Miss Ethel Burt. Robertson, Mrs. Sallie Gano. Sibley, Mrs. Ciceley Burt. GATES, LEMUEL. Fifer in Captain Abijah Wyman's Company, 1775 ; gunner in Captain John Bryant's Company of Artificers ; also served in Captain David Coke's Com- pany. Collier, Mrs. Susan Caroline How. Collins, Mrs. Susan Caroline How. GILBERT, MRS. DEBORAH CHAMPION. Daughter of Colonel Henry Champion, was sent by her father, at the age of seventeen to carry dispatches from New London, Connecticut to General Washington at Boston ; made the journey there and back on horseback, at- tended only by an old slave Aristarchus, and again passed through the lines of British soldiers carrying funds to pay the American Army. Thomas, Mrs. Isabella Isham. GLOVER, ENO H. Private in first Independent Company of Dorchester in 1758. Also enlisted in Captain Samuel Clapp's Company 1776-1780, Hinkle, Mrs. Kate Davis. Hinkle, Miss Katherine Davis. GOFORTH. WILLIAM. Captain and Major in the New York Militia. Burt, Miss Juliet. GOODMAN, MOSES. Lieutenant in Captain Bissell's Company ; Colonel Huntington's Regiment ; was discharged at White Plains, January, 1777 ; applied for and received a pension for services as Lieutenant. Eaton, Miss Mary. Harrison, Miss Emma. GRANT, PETER. Clerk and Sergeant under Captain John Sloan, in the town of Linn, New Hampshire. Sanders, Mrs. M. Isabel. GRAY, GEORGE. Equipped a company at his own expense ; served as'.Ensign in the 3rd Virginia, May 19th. 1776 ; was Lieutenant in 4th Continental Dragoons, January 10th, 1777; Captain, December 7th, 1777; resigned May 1st, 1779. He died in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1822, and was buried with military honors. O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. Lucille Bondurant. GRAY, ROBERT. Soldier in Capt. Isaac Gray's Company, Col. Jonathon Brewer's Regiment, August 1, 1775. Jenney, Mrs. ary Perry. GREEN, EZRA. Served as private in Colonel Hunan's Fourth Regiment, First Company ; dis- charged November 17th, 1775; enlisted June 23rd, 1776, in Bradley's Battal- ion, Wordsworth's Brigade, Smith's Company ; discharged December 28th, 1776; enlisted as Sergeant March nth, 1777, in Colonel John Chandler's Regiment, Connecticut Line, Brown's Company, for three years ; died Febru- ary 12th, 1778. Andrews, Mrs. Mary Amelia Canfield. Andrews, Miss Mary. GUTHRIE, JOHN. Served as Lieutenant in Colonel Broadhead's Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line; was appointed and confirmed December 21st, 1778; 1777-78, was attached to General Morgan's command; served with distinction in the Border troubles in 1797 ; was appointed Captain in the Regular Army, 1792. He suffered many hardships, and was buried with military honors ; this dis- tinction was only accorded to officers of Revolutionary fame. Doughty, Miss Harriette. Doughty, Mrs. Martha Guthrie. McLean, Mrs. Sarah Kilbreth. Wilson, Mrs. Juliet Guthrie. GWATHMEY, OWEN. Sheriff of King William's County, Virginia, 1776. Boylan, Mrs. Eleanor Stillman. HAMLIN, ELEAZER. Captain of Thomas' Massachusetts Regiment, from May to December, 1775; Captain 23rd Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; born, 1732; died in Westford, Massachusetts, on December 1st, 1807 ; is buried atWestford, Massa- chusetts, where a monument is erected to his memory. Isham, Miss Mary Keyt. HARRIS, JOHN. A member of the Revolutionary Committee of Safety, 1775-76, in Cumberland County, Virginia; served at Yorktown, and received Land Warrants for services. Van Voast, Mrs. Virginia Moss Harris. HARRIS, JORDAN. served as Lieutenant in Continental Line to the close of the War, February 4th, 1784. Was a member of the Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Van Voast, Mrs. Virginia Moss Harris. Van Voast, Miss Virginia Remsen. HARRISON, CHARLES. Colonel of Virginia Regiment of Artillery November 30th, 1776; Colonel 1st Continental Artillery January 1st, 1777, to rank from November 30, 1776 ; served to close of war. Morgan, Mrs. Eleanor Moore. HARRISON, JOHN. Ensign in 13th Virginia Regiment, December 16th, 1776; 2nd Lieutenant Jan- uary 1st, 1777; Regiment designated 9th Virginia, September 14th, 1778; 1st Lieutenant October 1st, 1778; transferred to 7th Virginia October 12th, 1781 ; served to close of war. Morgan, Mrs. Eleanor Moore. HAINES, JOB. Served as Private ia the Jersey Blues, and rendered faithful and efficient serv- ice during the war. Foster, Miss Anna Haines. Foster, Miss Lily Broad well. HAINES, STEPHEN. By his patriotic efforts he rendered himself very obnoxious to the British, who, after the Battle of Long Island, held New York, making frequent raids into New Jersey. He was taken prisoner and imprisoned in the " Old Sugar House," Nassau Street, New York, in 1777; was exchanged after the Battle of Monmouth, June, 1778 ; was born at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, February, 1738. Foster, Miss Anna Haines, Foster, Miss Lily Broadwelll. HILLMAN, SAMUEL. Served as Body-Guard to General Washington. Butler, Mrs. Alfreda Martin Fortiner. HINKLE, PHILLIP; Private in Captain William McCalla's Company, his name being found in the Pennsylvania Archives of Linn and Egle, 2d Series, Vol. 14, p. 158. Sage, Mrs. Elizabeth Hinkle. HOLDEN, PHINEAS, M. D. Surgeon in Colonel Walker's Regiment in 1775, he was noted for his profes- sional skill, especially in the smallpox epidemic among the soldiers in 1777. Hinkle, Mrs. Kate Davis. Hinkle, Miss Katherine Davis. HOLLISTER, ELIJAH STRONG. Enlisted July 1st, 1780, as a private soldier, and served under Captain Stod- dard at Lenox, Massachucetts. In the winter of 178 1 he entered the service, and served eight months and fifteen days as Sergeant in Captain Perry's Company ; attached to Colonel Willet's New York Regiment ; was stationed at Fort Plains in the Mohawk Valley ; discharged at Schenectady. Hollister, Miss Ella Strait. HOPKINS, HARRAS. Private in Captain Shubell Griswold's Company, in Colonel Adam's Regi- ment of Connecticut Militia. Allen, Mrs. Anna Handy. Handy, Miss Marrietta B. Mitchell, Mrs. Helen Handy. Rhodes, Mrs. Jennie Handy, HUDDY, JOSHUA. In command of the Post at Toms River, New Jersey, 1782 ; taken prisoner and hanged April 12th, 1782, on the Heights of Middletown, in retaliation for the death of Philip White, a British soldier. The execution of Captain Huddy was of such importance that General Washington called a meeting of the general officers to decide what measures should be adopted ; it was decided that death should be inflicted on an officer of equal rank, selected by lot, from among the prisoners of war; the lot fell to Captain Asgill; subse- quently released by proceedings in Congress November, 1782. Breneman, Mrs. Eunice Swift. Hargrave, Mrs. Lydia Perry. Thorns, Miss Eunice. Thorns, Mrs. Mary Swift. HUTCHINS, AMASA. Private in Colonel Sage's Battalion raised June, 1776, to reinforce Washington at New York ; member of Captain Crosby's Company. Noyes, Mrs. Alice Hutchins. HERTER, HENRY. Captain of 4th Company Tryon County Militia, New York. Gibson, Mrs. Mary Rachel. Shoemaker, Miss Elmyra Burbank. HUBLEY, BERNARD. Was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1754 ; raised a company of young men, averaging six feet tall, for the War of the Revolution, and went out as their Captain ; fought seven years ; was in many battles ; was wounded and carried off the field in a dead cart. He survived, but finally died of his wounds (gun shot in shoulders, back and legs), in Philadelphia in 1810, Brewster, Mrs. Angeline C. IRWIN, ARCHIBALD. During the Revolution in 1778, served as Quartermaster to Colonel Samuel Culbertson's Battalion. Torrence, Miss Elizabeth Findlay. JACKSON, BENJAMIN. Private, in Boscawen, New Hampshire, Militia. See " History of Boscawen and Webster, 1776, New York Campaign." Kite, Mrs, Eva Mary. JAMES, THOMAS. Private in Captain Simeon Van Winkle's Company, 2nd Regiment, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia ; served during the entire war, Harrison, Mrs. Vanelia James. Smith, Mrs. Vanelia James. JOHNSON, ELEAZER, JR. Captain of the Brigantine " Dalton," a brig to cruise against the enemies ot the United States. It was captured by the English man-of-war "Reason- able," The Captain and crew were treated as pirates and thrown into " Old Mill" prison, Plymouth, England, where they remained nearly a year, finally escaping and making their way back to Newburyport, Massachusetts. Seely, Mrs. Helen. JONES, GEORGE. Served as Captain at Yorktown, and was present at the surrender of Corn- wallis. Arnold, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills. KEMPER, CHARLES. Private under Captain Hezekiah Turner in Virginia State Troops; served twenty days. Under Captain Elias Edmunds' Virginia Artillery he served seven months ; in 1781 served four months as Sergeant and Ensign under Captain William Jennings. Boring, Mrs. Alice Kemper. KENDRICK, BENJAMIN. Enlisted in 1776 and served as Private in the company commanded by Cap- tain John Gillison, 10th Virginia Regiment, until the battle of Brandywine, when he was wounded and unable to perform further service, enlisted from Culpepper County, Virginia; received a pension. Born in Maryland, 1759. Died June 12th, 1830. Kendrick. Miss Caroline. KNOWLTON, STEPHEN. Served as Private in Captain Thomas Knowlton's Company, sixteen days for the relief of Boston in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; enlisted as Private May 6th, 1775, m Captain Thomas Knowlton's Company (15th Company) 3d Continental Regiment, Colonel Israel Putnam commanding; discharged December 16th, 1775. Morton, Mrs. Mary Loomis. LANGDON, JOHN. Served as Private and non-commissioned officer during the early part of the Revolution; was Captain of Jackson's additional Continental Regiment, Feb- ruary, 1777 ; resigned September 22, 1778. Bailey, Mrs. Clara Langdon. Bishop, Miss May. Burton, Mrs. Jennie Langdon. Gates, Mrs. Lily Langdon. Ricketts, Mrs. Elizabeth Laws. Laws, Miss Alice. Laws, Miss Annie. Laws, Mrs. Sarah Amelia. LANDON, RUFUS. Born February 4th, 1759, at Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut; enlisted February, 1776, in a company of artillery ; marched to Lake Champlain ; next stationed at Ticonderoga; term of service one year. April, 1777, enlisted for seven months under Captain Pelleter ; marched to Peekskill and Danbury, performed hospital and guard duty, and was employed in the laboratory mak- ing cartridges ; received a pension. Davis, Mrs. Katherine Landon. Hinkle, Mrs. Kate Davis. Hinkle, Miss Katherine Davis. McCagg, Mrs. Marie Therese Davis. LATHROP, HOPE. In 1774 he was appointed on a committee to forward donations to Boston and Charlestown. Afterwards appointed one of a committee to provide clothing for officers and soldiers in the Continental army. Member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, 1780-81. Langdon, Mrs. Eleanor West. Pogue, Miss Elizabeth Margaret. Pogue, Mrs. Fannie West. LEONARD, EZRA. Served as Private in Captain Edmund Hodge's Company, Colonel Job Cush- ing's Regiment, 1777; served in Captain Benjamin Bonney's Company, Col- onel Elisha Porter's Regiment, 1779; a ^ so served under Brigadier General Peterson, 1780. Bailee, Mrs. Jessie Kate Starbuck. LUDLOW, CORNELIUS. Was commissioned First Major of Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, January 13th, 1776 ; detached as Major of Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade of detached Militia, June 14th, 1776; commissioned Liutenant-Colonel of Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, May 23d, 1777; resigned November 13th, 1777. Garrard, Miss Anna Knapp. Garrard, Miss Edith. Ludlow, Miss Lida Almira. LYNCH, CHARLES. In the earlier stages of the Revolution, he was actively instrumental in organ- izing a Committee of Vigilance, for the punishment of Tories and outlaws in the region bordering on the Staunton River, Virginia ; he presided as Judge at the trial of those accused, hence, arose the name of " Lynch Law." This committee never inflicted capital punishment, an exemption which was proba- bly due to the fact that Colonel Lynch had been brought up a Quaker. Dur- ing the war Colonel Lynch raised a regiment of Riflemen, and joined General Greene's army in front of Lord Cornwallis, in North Carolina. His regiment held position on the right of Greene's army at the Battle of Guilford Court House, on the 15th of March, 1781. Carroll, Miss Nannie Foster, McCLURE, JOHN. He organized and was elected Captain of the South Carolina Rangers. On the 6th of August, was engaged with Sumter at the Battle of Hanging Rock ; in this battle showed extraordinary bravery and courage, was severely wounded, and his company suffered the largest loss of men of any company present. He died in " Liberty Hall" on the 18th of August, 1780; born in South Carolina. Richardson, Miss Mary Cabell. MCDOWELL, JOHN. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, January 9th, 1776, (Robert Johnston, Surgeon), in Colonel William Irvine's Regiment, 6th Penn- sylvania; commissioned Captain 7th Pennsylvania, February 5th, 1778 ; trans- ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, January 1st, 1783, served to November 3rd, 1783 ; continued to serve as Surgeon until he resigned July 24th, 1788; died June 6th, 1794. Harrison, Miss Mary Torrence. Montgomery, Mrs. Martha Pitts Harrison. Stewart, Mrs. Harriet Rebecca Torrence. Mcdowell, samuel. Served as Colonel of a Virginia regiment which did good service in guarding the mountain passes. Kept in subjection the western and southern Indians, and again and again drove back the British under Cornwallis. Is said to have been the first one to raise the " Liberty Pole " in the valley of Virginia. Beecher, Mrs. Nannie O'Hara. Pugsley, Mrs. Cornelia Dabney Price. McGREW, ANDREW. Served as Private in the Revolution, was born at Baltimore, Maryland March 5th, 1760, died at Milford, Ohio, August 5th, 1823. Post, Mrs. Emma J. Foster. MARSH, EPHRAIM. Served as Private in the Essex County New Jersey Militia in the Revolutionary war; took part in the capture of the " Blue Mountain Valley," Ian. 22, 1776. Burtis, Mrs. Hannah Louise Monfort. MENZIES, SAMUEL PEACHY. Served as Lieutenant of a regiment of the Virginia Line ; was present at the battle of Yorktown ; born in Richmond County, Virginia ; died near Ver- sailles, Kentucky, January, 1833. Gardner, Mrs. Mary Murphy. Murphy, Mrs. Caroline Winston Menzies. MILLS, EDWARD. Served as Sergeant in a Morris County New Jersey Regiment. Monfort, Miss Adelaide Hubbard. MILLS. JOHN. Who served as Ensign, Lieutenant and Captain in the war in Virginia and the Carolinas. McKee, Mrs. Louise. METCALFE, JOHN. Who upon the first call for soldiers raised a company of infantry in Fanquier County, Virginia. Served throughout the war. Brown, Mrs. Lucy Chappell. MOSS, HUGH. Of Virginia, served as a Major in the Revolutionary Army. Arnold, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills. MOSBY, LITTLEBERY. High Sheriff of Cumberland County 1753, and a member of the Revolutionary Committee of Safety, for Cumberland County, 1774-5. Van Voast, Mrs. Virginia Moss Harris. Van Voast, Miss Virginia Remsen. MOTT, SAMUEL. Of Preston, Conn. He was appointed at the May Session of the Legislature 1775, Engineer, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel to repair forthwith to Ticon- deroga and Crown Point. He served in the department under Generals Montgomery and Schuyler, was present as Chief Engineer at siege of St. Johns, Canada, 1775. He served through the year. Returning to Connecti- cut was appointed Engineer in February, 1776, to examine works at New London and Groton. He was Colonel of State Troops in 1776, and Brigadier General Connecticut Militia in 1791. "Colonel Samuel Mott, was among the patriots and soldiers from Preston who breasted the first waters of the Revolu- tion; and were often afterward in the field during the war." Two State Battalions under Colonel Samuel Mott and Herman Swift were raised in June and July, 1776, to re-inforce, the Continental Troops in the Northern Depart- ment, then stationed at Ft. Ticonderoga and vicinity. They served under General Gales and returned in November 1776. He was one of the Com- mittee of three to examine and report on those who were injured and survived the battle of Groton Heights. Doane, Mrs. Frances Mary Treat. Doane, Miss Ida Frances. Doane, Miss Marguerite. MOULTON, FREEBORN. Ranks as Captain on the Lexington Alarm Roll of Captain Freeborn Moul- ton's Company, Colonel Danielson's Regiment, which marched to Cambridge on the Alarm of April 19th, 1775; length of service 21 days. Left Cambridge May 6th, 1775. Probasco, Mrs. Minnie Moulton. MYERS, MICHAEL. " Minute Man " in Tryon County Militia, 3rd Battalion ; died from wound received at Johnstown. Gibson, Mrs. Rachel Mary. Shoemaker, Miss Elmyra Burbank. NEVERS, SAMUEL, Jr. At sixteen years of age was a soldier in the French and Indian war, and was present at the death of General Wolfe, before Quebec ; appears as Private on Lexington Alarm Rolls of Captain Joshua Walker's Company, Colonel David Greene's Regiment which marched on the Alarm of April 19th, 1775, from Woburn; Private in Train Band of the 3rd Company of Woburn, under Captain Timothy Winn, in May, 1775. Strunk, Mrs. Ella Garretson. NEWTON, MARSHALL, Jr. Of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts ; Private in Massachusetts regiments under Colonels Ward, Wood, Cushing, Bigelow and Drury ; served in battles of Long Island, Harlem Heights and Siege of Boston : born 1755, died Decem- ber 15th, 1833. Newton, Miss Clara Chipman. Newton, Miss Ellen Huldah. NICHOLAS, GEORGE. Major and olonel of Second Virginia Regiment, with Patrick Henry when he demanded the return of the Colony's gunpowder, seized by Lord Dunmore; also raised at his own expense, a company of men who aided materially in driving Lord Dunmore from Virginia ; was with the troops which defended Richmond during Arnold's expedition ; was also member of the House of Delegates, and an active member of the convention which ratified the Consti- tution ; after the war he settled in Kentucky, and rendered valuable services to that State, filling many prominent positions. Hunt, Mrs. Martha Trotter. NICHOLAS, ROBERT CARTER. Was a member of the Assembly dissolved by Lord Dunmore, and which re- assembled at Raleigh Tavern ; was appointed member of Committee of Safety, and was chairman pro tern of the committee which met in 1775 for the adoption of the Constitution ; author of addresses to arouse the patriots, also Judge of Court of Chancery and Appeals from 1779 to 1780. Died at Han- over, 1780. Hunt, Mrs. Martha Trotter. NYE, EBENEZER. Who served as private in Captain Fisher's Company, Colonel Freeman s Regiment in Alarms at Falmouth and Dartmouth in 1778, as recorded in Record index to Revolutionary war archives in office of Secretary at Boston. Allen, Miss Martha. Nye, Miss Margaret. NYE, BENJAMIN. Allen, Miss Martha. Nye, Miss Margaret. OGDEN, ROBERT. His right arm being disabled by a fall in childhood, he could neither wield a sword, nor handle a musket, but he rendered good service in the capacity of Quarter-master and Commissary of Stores, he gave time and money and pledged his credit freely to supply the suffering army of Washington with sub sistence, clothing, horses and transportation. Broadwell, Mrs. Marie Haines Nixon. O'HARA, JAMES. Captain in Virginia regular forces, raised to protect the western frontier of Virginia. Commissary in general hospital, Carlisle, Pa.; and Quarter-Master General. Beecher, Mrs. Nannie O'Hara. OTIS, JOSEPH. An American General of the Revolution, was born at West Barnstable, Massa. chusetts, 1728, was a brother of James Otis, and a graduate of Harvard Col- ledge, died in 1810." Greve, Mrs. Harriet Fisher. OTIS JAMES. Colonel in Revolutionary War. Greve, Mrs. Harriet Fisher. OVERTON, WALLER. Of Virginia, was High Sheriff of his county ; and served as soldier in the Revolutionary War. . Arnold, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills. Saunders, Miss Betty Washington. PATTON, JOHN MERCER. Enlisted 1774, in North Carolina ; raised a company called '• The Blue Hen's Chickens;" promoted Colonel of North Carolina Regiment, 1775; was with Moultrie at the siege of Charleston, and aid to Washington under General James P. Varnum at Valley Forge. Hudson, Mrs. Mary Patton. PEALE, CHARLES WILSON. Raised his own company, and fought with it in the battle of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and was an officer in the Revolutionary army. He is said to have painted Washington from life fourteen times, his best known portrait — Washington as a Virginia Colonel, was copied more than one hundred times. He painted miniatures of General and Mrs. Washington in 1776 ; also painted many of the celebrities, native and foreign, connected with American history. Peale, Miss Katherina Anna. PECK, HIRAM. Who at the age of sixteen years, took his brother Joshua's place (who was wounded in battle and obliged to return home) in Captain Jonathan Sibley's Company, Colonel Luke Drury's Regiment, from August 9th to November 2 1 st, 1 78 1. Enlisted again in same company, 1782. Peck, Mrs. Mary Kilburn. PECK, JOHN. Private in New York Regiments, 1775-76. Peck, Mrs. Mary Kilburn. PERIN, LEMUEL. Ranks as Private on Lexington Alarm Roll, Captain John Perry's Company ; length of service eight days. Corporal in Captain John Perry's Company, Colonel Timothy Walker's Regiment, August ist, 1775; promoted Sergeant Captain Nathaniel Carpenter's Regiment for service in Rhode Island on the Alarm of December 8th, 1776; served with rank of Sergeant until the latter part of 1780. Buchanan, Mrs. Mary Perin. Harrison, Mrs. Sallie E. Perin, Miss May. PERKINS, SIMON. Served as Captain in the Revolutionary Army ; he was born in Norwich, Connecticut, October 25th, 1757; died September 4th, 1778, from a disease contracted in the army. Smith, Mrs. Olive Douglas. PETTIGREW, JAMES. Entered the army soon after the commencement of the war; served as Lieutenant with Pennsylvania troops until the close. Residence at time of enlistment 1781-82, Easton, Pennsylvania; widow aided by the Society of the Cincinnati. Keifer, Mrs. Julia A. PHILLIPS, JOSEPH. Enlisted at Morristown in 1775, served as Captain and Colonel of New Jersey Militia ; was with Washington at Morristown, and with General Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga in 1775 ; member of House of Burgesses. Hudson, Mrs. Mary Patton. PIATT, JACOB. In 1775, at the age twenty -eight, was elected Captain of ninety young farmers and volunteers from the State of New Jersey. His services in the Revolu- tionary War were active and prolonged. In 1779 was a Captain in the regular service, and was in all of the important engagements of the Revolu- tion ; was attached to the staff of General Washington ; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati arroll, Mrs. Mary Arabella. Goodman, Miss Kitty Piatt. Irwin, Mrs. Mary Louise Orr. Le Boutillier, Mrs. Lucy Goodman. McFadden, Mrs. Florence DeWitt. Peters, Mrs. Eleanor Hartshorn. Sweeney, Mrs. Harriet Orr. PICKETT, WILLIAM. Third Virginia Regiment. His daughter, Sallie Pickett Metcalfe, is mentioned in the Herones of the Revolution, who finding their neighborhood infested by 2000 British led by Benedict Arnold, at great risk carried the news to General Washington, all the men being in the army. She was shot and severely wounded by the British. Brown, Mrs. Lucy Chappell. PLIMPTON, ABNER. Served as Captain in Colonel Wade's Regiment in Rhode Island 26 days. Pabodie, Mrs. Maria Plimpton. POAGE, GEORGE. Of the Augusta County, Virginia, Militia. In Waddell's Annals of Augusta County, Va., p. 410, he is given the title of Colonel. Lovell, Mrs. Mary Fallis Rodgers. Rodgers, Mrs. Hattie Fallis. POAGE, JOHN. High Sheriff throughout the Revolutionary war. Lovell, Mrs, Mary Fallis Rodgers. Rodgers, Mrs. Hattie Fallis. POOR, JOSEPH. Of Rowly, Essex County, Mass. Private in Captain Stephen Kent's Com- pany, 1775. Private in Captain Moses Newell's Company, 1776; Lieutenant in Captain Gideon Foster's Company, 8th Essex County Regiment, 1779. McCall, Mrs. Sarah A. Merrell. POSTLEWAITE, SAMUEL. Was Captain of Wilson's Battalion engaged in guarding stores at Carlisle, Pennsylvania ; also Assistant Deputy Quarter-master 6th October, 1777 to December 1782 ; later Lieutenant Colonel. Burnet, Miss Margaretta. PUTNAM, ISRAEL. Served in the war of the Revolution in the capacity of Senior Major-General. Morrison, Mrs. Caroline Putnam. PUTMAN, RUFUS. Served as Lieutenant Colonel of a Worcester County Regiment at the out- break of the Revolution; was transferred to the Civil Engineering Department, and assisted in the fortification of Dorchester Heights, Roxbury and Brookline ; rendered great assistance in the fortification of West Point, and in the works thrown up to hinder Burgoyne's advance. At the close of the war he was ap- pointed and elected to numerous civil positions of prominence. Howe, Miss Persis Putnam. REILEY, JOHN. Enlisted August, 1776; served as Private in Captain Miller's Company, 8th Pennsylvania Regiment ; served in Captain Swearingen's Company under Colonel Daniel Morgan twelve months, transferred to C aptain Clark's Com- pany ; discharged August 1 ith, 1779 '> present at surrender of Burgoyne. Cadwallader, Mrs. Ella Bacon. RIDDLE, JOHN. Entered the army in 1778, Captain William Logan's Company, Colonel Frelinghuysen's Regiment, with whom he served until 1782, when he entered the privateering service ; commissioned as Ensign by General St. Clair, and afterwards in 1797, promoted to Lieutenant by Governor Winthrop Sargeant. In 1804 he was commissioned Captain by Edward Tiffin, 1st governor of the State of Ohio, who in 1806, made him Major. In 181 r he was elected Colonel of 1st regiment of State Militia, serving with honor through the war of 18 12. Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Riddle. RICHARDS, ABEL. Served as Private on Lexington Alarm Roll of Captain Fairbank's Company, Colonel Heath's Regiment, April 19th, 1775 ; ranks as Private in Captain David Fairbank's Company, Colonel Mcintosh s Regiment, March 4th, 1776; served as Captain in 6th ompany, 1st Suffolk Company Regiment of Massa- chusetts Militia; ranks as Captain of Captain Abel Richards Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment; enlisted March 23rd, 1778; discharged April 6th, 1778. French, Mrs. Adaline C. Robbins, Mrs. Harriet Chase. RICHARDSON, JOHN C. Entered the Revolutionary army at the age of sixteen, served as Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion Flying Camp ; enlisted June 1776 ; was promoted to Cap- tain and pensioned as such ; born in Baltimore, and died in Fayette County, Virginia. Richardson, Miss Mary Cabell. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM. Served as Colonel of the 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp from June to December 1776 ; afterwards served as Colonel. Richardson, Miss Mary Cabell. ROBERTSON, JAMES. Was Commandant at Fort Wautauga— Fort Lee, with rank of Captain 1776 ; served in an expedition against the Indians, was commissioned Indian Agent for Province of North Carolina July 28th, 1777 ; was enrolled Officer of Militia, member of Committee and Justice of the Peace, Colonel under Gov- ernment of North Carolina in 1780 ; member of North Carolina Legislature in 1785 ; after the war, was appointed Brigadier General by Washington and occupied other positions of trust, born in Brunswick County, Virginia, June 28th, 1742, died at Chickasaw Agency September 1st, 1814. Bradford, Mrs. Mildred Taylor. SARGENT, WILLIAM. Private in Captain William Luckett's Company, for two months jn 1776; September, 1777 enlisted in Captain Thomas Frazier's Company, Colonel Johnston's Regiment, for three months ; served as guard in Captain Richard- son's ompany, two months ; born in Montgomery County, Maryland 1760, died August 28th, 1844, m Kentucky. Ambrose, Miss Lucy Daugherty. SARTWELL, SIMON. Was Lieutenant of 7th Company of the 1st New Hampshire Regiment, com- manded by Colonel Cilley in 1777-1779; he was made a Captain in 1780; born at Charlestown, New Hampshire. June 25th, 1749, died in Charlestown 30th May, 1 79 1. Curtis, Mrs. Evelyn Goss. SCOTT, CHARLES. Raised and commanded the first company south of the James River engaged in the Revolutionary War. Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Virginia February 13th, 1776; Colonel of 5th Virginia, May 7th, 1776; Colonel 3rd Virginia, August 12th, 1776; served with distinction at Trenton. April 1st, 1777, was made Brigadier General Continental Army, was at Valley Forge, Princeton and Mommouth, was taken prisoner at the surrender of Charleston, S. C. For distinguished services during the Revolution was breveted Major General after the war, settled in Kentucky and occupied many positions of prominence ; born in Cumberland County, Virginia, 1733, died in Kentucky, 22nd October, 1813. Burnet, Miss Margaretta. SCOUT, AARON. Sserved in the 7th Company of the 4th Battalion of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Neff, Miss Isabel Howard, SEAGRAVE, EDWARD. Served as 1st Lieutenant, under Captain Samuel Reed, on the Alarm of the battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775; served as Captain in Colonel James Reed's 20th Regiment of Foot, in the Massachusetts three months service ; commissioned as Captain of the 9th Company in the 3rd Worcester County Regiment, 177610 1780; commissioned Captain same company January Pakodie, Mrs. Maria Plimpton. SEVIER, JOHN. Ranked as Colonel, and was the hero of the battle of King's Mountain, fought, on the 7th of October, 1780; after the war occupied high offices of trust; born September 23rd, 1745, died near Decatur 24th of September, 1815. Morrison, Mrs. Carolina Putnam. SEXTON, GEORGE. An Ensign from March 25th. 1777 ; Lieutenant from September 28th, 1778 ; Captain August 20th, 178 1 to October 23, 1782. Marshall, Mrs. Caroline Munson. SHERMAN, DANIEL. Was a member of the Council of Safety during the War of the Revolution, member of the Legislature, represented his native town (Woodbury) sixty-five sessions in the General Assembly ; Speaker of the Lower House, member of the Constitutional Convention of Connecticut, and voted for the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Wiborg, Mrs. Adeline Sherman. SHOEMAKER, HANYOOST. Of Tryon County Militia. Gibson, Mrs. Rachel May. Shoemaker, Miss Elmyra Barbeak. SMITH, JEREMIAH. Was engaged in the Battle of Bennington where a portion of his queue was shot off into his hands, and a musket ball grazed his throat, left its mark there for many years. Goodman, Mrs. Mary Wright. SMITH, WILLIAM. Delegate from New Hampshire to the Provincial Congress which met at Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774. Goodman, Mrs. Mary Wright. SPARKS, RICHARD. Served os Sergeant in Captain Thomas B. Bowen's Company of the 9th Penn- sylvania Regiment, commanded by Colonel Richard Butler ; enlisted for the war September 10th, 1778 ; rose through frequent promotions to be Colonel of the 2nd Regiment U. S. Infantry, July 6th, 1812. Shouse, Miss Mary Alice. SPENCER, JOSEPH. One of the eight major generals appointed by Washington at the beginning of the war of Independence. Cotton, Mrs. Mary Slocum. SPENCER, OLIVER. Colonel of Spencer's Regimeut, Continental Army January 15th, 1777; dis- charged at ciose of war. Orr, Mrs. Anna Ogden Burnet. STARR, DANIEL. Enlisted at the beginning of war as Major ; served in the New England States; was present at Danbury, Connecticut, when it was attacked by the British, April, 1777 ; was killed in battle April 27th, 1777. Benedict, Mrs. Marguerite Lloyd. STARR, EZRA. Raised a company at Danbury, Connecticut; was commissioned successively Lieutenant, Captain and Major ; suffered severe losses when Danbury was burned April, 1777 ; served to close of war. Benedict, Mrs. Marguerite Lloyd. STEPHENSON, JAMES. Served as Paymaster with the rank of Captain in the 13th Virginia Regiment; was a personal friend of Washington. Hanna, Mrs, Margaret Stephenson. Hanna, Miss Martha. Hanna, Miss Mary McCune. STERRET, WILLIAM. ist Lieutenant of Smallwood's Maryland Regiment, January 14th, 1776 ; was taken prisoner at Long Island, August 27th, 1776 ; exchanged November 8th, 1776. He was made Captain of the ist Maryland Regiment, December 10th, 1776, and Major April 10th. 1777 ; resigned December 15th, 1777. Neff, Miss Isabel Howard. STRONG, RETURN. Soldier in Captain John Harmon's Company, Colonel Wolcott's Regiment, 8th Company. Jenny Mrs. Mary Perry. STORY, ELISHA. Served as Surgeon in Little's Massachusetts Regiment from May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon 12th Continental Infantry, January ist to December 31st ,1776, caught General Warren in his arms as he fell ; was a member of the " Tea Party." His father, William Story, was Registrar of the Court of Vice-Ad- miralty at the time of the passage of the Stamp Act, considering the passage of that act, a blow at English liberty, he at once resigned. Devereaux, Miss Francis Marion, STUBBLEFIELD, GEORGE. He was a Captain of "Minute Men" in the 8th Virginia Regiment. A famous march he made with his company from Spottsylvania County to Williamsburg in 1775 is recorded in the archives at Richmond, Virginia. His orderly book of the 5th Regiment is also to be seen there. He was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1773-76. In 1774 he was associated in the House with Pat- rick Henry. Thomas Jefferson and Richard Henry Lee, that session passing resolutions denouncing British taxation and recommending to the other colo- nies an annual congress of delegates, which precipitated the war of the Revo- lution, in which Captain Stubblefield took a very active part. Brown. Mrs. Lucy Chappell. SWAN, CALEB— I. Enlisted December 2d, 1776; commissioned 2d Sergeant in Captain Pollard's Company of the ist Regiment of Artificers, in the State of Massachusetts Bay, Colonel Jonathan Brewer's Regiment, July ist, 1781; was commissioned Captain of the 5th Company of the 4th Regiment of Militia, in Essex County, Massa- chusetts, Samuel Johnson, Colonel of the Regiment; he served until the close of the war. Butler, Mrs. Alfreda Martin Fortiner. Martin, Mrs. Alfreda Clarinda Haines. SWAN, CALEB— II. Ensign 9th Massachusetts, November 26th, 1779 ; transferred to 8th Massa- chusetts, June ist, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, Jnne 12th, 1782; in Jackson's Conlinental Regiment, November, 1783 ; served to June 20th, 1784. After the war made Paymaster-General, U.S.A.; resigned June 30th 1808. Born 1735, died in Massachusetts November 20th, 1809. Butler, Mrs. Alfreda Martin Fortiner. Martin, Mrs. Alfreda Clarinda Haines, TAYLOR, JAMES. Served with General Washington in 1755; principal Surveyor, twice High Sheriff, and Lieutenant-Colonel for his County ; member of Committee of Safety at time of the rupture with Great Britain ; member of Virginia Conven- tion which formed the first State Constitution ; helped ratify Federal Consti- tion. He was one of the earliest patriots, who labored for political and religious liberty in America, and so continued until his death; born 1732; died 1814. Arnold, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills. Bowler, Mrs. Alice Bernard. Saunders, Miss Betty Washington. Van Voast, Mrs. Virginia Moss Harris. Van Voast, Miss Virginia Remsen. TERRELL, EPHRAIM. Captain of the Essex County Light Horse during the Revolution. King, Mrs. Louise Este. THOMAS. EDWARD. February, 1776, was Lieutenant of a body of New Jersey Militia, stationed in Queen's County, New York, and on Staten Island; in 1776 was Lieutenant- Colonel of 1st Regiment of New Jersey Militia; was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Elizabethtown men who captured the British ship " Blue Mountain Valley." This service was considered so important that Congress passed a resolution saying that the conduct of Lord Stirling and his assistants "was laudable and exemplary." He died February 7th, 1794. King, Mrs. Louise Este. Miller, Miss Grace Maitland. THOMPSON, THADDEUS. At the age of 16 enlisted as a soldier in the American army and remained until the close of the war. At the seige of Yorktown, Virginia, during the construction of earthworks, he was wounded by the wind of a cannon ball, that passed very near his legs. He never recovered from the effects of this — the wounds never healing. Burt, Miss Juliet. TORRENCE, JOSEPH. Was commissioned March 2nd, 1777, Lieutenant of the 7th Regiment Penn- sylvania Line ; promoted 1st Lieutenant February, 3rd, 1778 ; was with Wash- ington's army at Valley Forge, and was a member of the Continental Congress. Harrison, Mary Torrence. Stewart, Harriet Rebecca Torrence. Montgomery, Mrs. artha Pitts Harrison. TOWER, PETER. Enlisted April 19th, 1775, as private in Captain Loring's Company, served in different companies until 1778 ; time of last enlistment December, 1778 ; for three months ; 20 years of age at beginning of revolution, Norton. Mrs. Edith Eliza Ames. TOWER, STEPHEN. Served in Captain Cushing's Company as coast guard, March, 1776; served in Captain Job Cushing's Company. December, 1776, to April, 1777 ; served in Captain Whiton's Company, and was on guard at Cambridge, March, 1778; died, 1814. Norton, Mrs. Edith Eliza Ames. TOWNLEY, EDWARD. Private in Captain Christopher Marsh's Company of Light Horse, Essex Co. New Jersey Militia. De Lang, Mrs. Lucy Townley. TREAT, JAMES. Enlisted at Killingworth; served nine months under Captain Josiah Baldwin in 1780; in 1781 served nine months under Captain Josiah Wright: 1782, served nine months under Captain Thomas Francis; served at coast guard and received a pension. Doane, Miss Ida Frances. Doane, Miss Marguerite. VAIL, GILBERT. Ensign in the Orange County, New York Militia ; born 1765 ; died 1828. Thornton, Mrs. Mary Francis Deraismes. VAIL, JOSEPH. Was killed at the Battle of Minisink, July 22d. 1779 ; name on monument at Goshen, New York, raised in memory of the soldiers killed in that battle. Thornton, Mrs. Mary Francis Deraismes. VAIL, SAMUEL, Was a minute man in Colonel Hetfield's Orange County Regiment. Thornton, Mrs. Mary Francis Deraismes. VON PHUL, WILLIAM. Was born in Middle Pfalz, Germany. Refusing to swear allegiance to the King, his vast estate was confiscated, and he came to America in 1746. He served in the Revolutionary War under Captain Andrew Graff, also under Captain Wright in Colonel Mathias Slongh's Battalion in 1776. He was given large tracts of land for his valor and bravery near where the city of Pittsburg now stands. Disney, Mrs. Sallie Von Phul. WARD, ARTEMUS. Born in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts ; in 1776 commission revoked by Royal Governor for inflexible opposition to arbitrary power ; in 1775 appointed to the command of the A-rmy at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and by the Continental Congress First Major-General of the Army of the Revolution; in 1779 mem- ber of Continental Congress. Ellis, Mrs. Mary Rhodes WARREN, JOHN, M. D. Graduated at Harvard College in 1771, and studied medicine with his elder brother, Joseph Warren (afterwards General Warren who was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill). John Warren was Surgeon of the Essex, Massachu. setts Regiment, which took part in the Battle of Lexington in 1775; joined the army in the siege of Boston; born 1753. Brannan, Mrs. Julia Gorham. WASGATT, DAVIS. Private in Captain Joel Green's Company, Colonel Ezra Wood's Regiment, for a period of eight months, seeing service at Peekskill and White Plains. This service is discriminated '* eight months' levies " as cited in the records of Revolutionary war service ; he served for additional periods, making a total of six years and one month. Tradition says that Davis Wasgate once said in a church meeting. " seven years have I served in the cause of my country ; sixty-three in the cause of the King of Kings." He afterwards served as Jus- tice of the Peace for fifty years, and for a long succession of years was chosen by his fellow townsmen to represent them in the General Court of Massachu- setts. Further proof of his patriotism is given in the fact that he gave three sons to the War of 1812, two serving as officers and a third being a prisoner for a year and a half in one of the notorious British prison ships. Davis, Mrs. Frances Clark. Mullikin, Mrs. Katherine Clark. Mullikin, Miss Katherine. Mullikin, Miss Mary Augusta. WEIR, SAMUEL. Enlisted January 23rd, 1781, as a Private in the Continental Army under Captain Stanton, in a Connecticut Regiment of Light Dragoons, commanded by Colonel Elisha Sheldon; enlisted for the war; his discharge, signed by George Washington, is dated July 12th, 1783 ; he rendered more or less ser- vice in the militia prior to 1781, and was wounded; born in Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut; died at Milford, December 23rd, 1827. Martin, Mrs. Neva Weir. WELLS, ROGER. Graduated from Yale College in 1775 ; was 2nd Lieutenant of Webb's Addi- tional Connecticut Regiment, January 1st, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant May 16th, 1778 ; Captain April 8th, 1780 ; wounded at the Battle of Yorktown, October I4th,'i78i ; member of Swift's Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783; served to November] 1783. He belonged to a picked band of officers under General, the Marquis de Lafayette, all of whom were over six feet tall; died at Weath- ersfield, Connecticut, May 27th, 1795, and was buried with military honors. Goodman, Mrs. Grace Griswold. WILTER, JONAH. Enlisted in December, 1776; served as Private in Captain William Smith's Company, Colonel John Douglas' Connecticut Regiment, three months; 1777, re-enlisted in Captain Smith's Company, Colonel Ely's Regiment, and served eight months ; received a pension ; born in Preston, Connecticut, 1758; died in Preston, Connecticut, 1847. Doane, Miss Ida Frances. Doane, Miss Marguerite. WOOLSEY, MELANCTHON. Was Paymaster under General Lee at Peekskill ; was with General Washing- ton in New Jersey ; was engaged in the Battle of Trenton, and was promoted Lieutenant ; served at the battle of Monmouth and Siege of Newport, and other engagements; was seriously wounded ; 1779, was appointed Aide to Governor Clinton; 1780, took command of a Regiment with rank of Major ; was engaged with his Regiment on the Mohawk ; finally rose to the rank of Major-General of Militia, and occupied other positions of importance. Foster, Mrs. Francis Mary Livingston. 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