Qass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT \ 7\ I m CONTENTS. |See Alphabetical Index at the endx»f the Hand-book.] Page. Preface v General Information vii Hotels, vii — Lodgings, vii— Boarding, viii — Restaurants, viii — Railroads, viii — Steamers, ix— Street Cars, ix — Vehicles for hire, xii — City Post Office, xii— Mails, xii — Rates of Postage, xiii — Telegraph Offices, xiii — Churches, xiii — Theatres, xiv — General Amusements, xiv— Etiquette, Ceremonies, and For- malities, xiv — Distances from Washington, xix — Foreign Dis- tances, xix — Differences of Time, xx. Section I. Washington and the District of Columbia 1 Washington, 1 — District of Columbia, 5. Section II. Description of the City 15 Avenues, Squares, Statues, &c. Section III. Public Buildings and Grounds 55 Historical Retrospect. 55 — Capitol, 56 — History of Congress, 118— President's House, 121— Department of State, 128— Treas- ury Department, 131 — War Department, 136— Navy Depart- ment, 140— Department of the Interior, 142— Patent Office, 145— General Post Office, 151— Department of Justice, 154 — Department of Agriculture, 156 — Naval Observatory, 163— Army Medical Musuem, 166 — Government Printing Office, 168— Winder's Building, 170— City Hall, 171— Arsenal, 172— Navy- Yard, 174 — Marine Barracks, 176 — Magazines 177 "Section IV. ^aces of General Interest 178 Smithsonian Institution, 178— Corcoran Gallery of Art, 180 — Washington National Monument, 192-Armory, 196-Churches, 107 -Hails, 198— Newspaper Offices, 199— Public Schools, 201— Asylums, 202 — Cemeteries, 205— District Government, 207 — »Iar'.:et3, 209— Places of Historical Interest, 210. (Hi) IV CONTENTS. Section V. The Environs of Washington 211 Section VI. History of Washington 234 Index 244 Abbreviations. Abbreviations. N., S., E., W., north, northern, northward, south, &c. east, &c., west., &c. ; m., mile ; sq. m., square mile ; lbs., pounds; r., right; 1., left; hr., hour; min., minute; yr . year ; a., acres ; av., avenue ; st., street ; yds., yards. PREFACE. The necessity of a reliable and complete Descriptive and Historical Hand-book to the Capital of the United States has long been felt. Warden's Geographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia, pub- lished in Paris in 1816, and the several editions of the Guides compiled by William Elliott, 1826 and 1830, and George Wat- terson, 1848, are really the only ones which possess the merit of original research. The productions of a similar character published since 1848, and especially the later ones, have been crude and imperfect, impositions in character and price, and noticeable only as containing the smallest amount of informa- tion for the largest amount of money. The compiler of the present work hopes to avoid these objections at least, and to give to the public a Hand-book of attractive and useful descriptive information about all places of interest in and around Washington, and at the same time to supply some appropriate historical data which may be valuable to carry away as a souvenir of a visit to the Seat of Government. In the preparation of the historical portions of the HAND- BOOK to Washington and its Environs, original author- ities only have been examined, including the manuscript rec- ords, correspondence, and proceedings of the Commissioners charged with the superintendence of the building of the city, 1791-1800 ; the correspondence of George Washington, Thom- as Jefferson, and others on the same subject ; the Statutes at Large ; official documents, from the establishment of the per- manent Seat of Government down to the present time; besides the writings of travelers and public men and files of news- papers. Respecting the descriptive features, all points of interest in the city and surroundings, still in existence, have been personally visited and inspected. It is hoped, therefore, that the Hand-book will prove not only an invaluable companion on the spot, but an ever-wel- come and entertaining friend for future perusal and refer- ence at the home fireside. The compiler is under obligations to many of the officers (v) vi PREFACE. of the Government ; and while desiring to recognize their kindness, finds it difficult to make distinctions by individuals : he therefore thanks them all. The general information has been compiled with special reference to the necessities of the stranger in the city, and, in connection with other useful matter, will be found to con- tain trustworthy intelligence respecting railways, hotels, churches, theatres, &c. The code of Etiquette in Washing- ton and Street-car Directory will be found particularly con- venient and valuable. The remaining features of the Hand-book will appear as the reader familiarizes himself with its contents. In a city like the capital of such a constantly expanding Republic as the United States of America there are never- ending changes. To keep pace with these, it is the intention to annually revise and augment the Hand-book to Wash- ington and its Environs, so as to keep it at all times cor- rected to the latest period. The compiler does not presume that the Hand-book is faultless ; but to approximate such a degree of completeness, as far as practicable, will constantly be his endeavor. He will therefore be grateful for any errors or omissions pointed out or corrections suggested. These may be communicated by letter. Washington, D. C, 1879. DeB. R. K. PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1880. The success which has attended the earlier editions of this Handbook is accepted by the compiler as a sufficient guarantee of the public appreciation of its merit as the most complete and reliable work of the kind for reference and information ever published at the Capital. In view of this fact, the present edition has not only been thor- oughly revised, but the scope of information and number of illustrations materially enlarged. The illustrations are from wood by such eminent artists and engravers as Ross Turner, Schell, H. H. Nichols, and not by cheap, patent, mechanical processes, as in other works. K. GENERAL INFORMATION. (HOSE who are influenced by a desire to visit the National Capital, when most attractive in point of beauty of nature and art, and without reference to the fashionable and congressional season, should arrive in May or June, or October or November. The hottest months are July and August. The winters, on the other hand, are generally mild and beautiful. The health of the city at all seasons is unexceptionable. For official and social seasons see Etiquette. Hotels, — The National Capital has a number of hotels., some of which will compare favorably with the best in the country. They are all located upon or conveniently acces- sible to the different lines of street cars connecting the Ex- ecutive Departments with the Capitol and western and east- ern portions of the city. The following are the principal hotels and charges per day: The Arlington, Vermont av., near H st. N., $3.50; Ebbitt, F St., corner of 14th st. W., $3.50; Wtllards' , Pennsylvania av., corner of 14th st. W., $4 ; Metropolitan, Pennsylvania av., between 6th and 7th sts. W., $3 ; Imperial, E st. N., between 13th and 14th sts. W.,$2.5o; National, Pennsylvania av.. corner of 6th st. W. $3 ; Rigg's, Fifteenth St., bet. F and G sts. NW.,ji4. The St. yames, corner Pennsylvania av. and 6th st. W., is on the European plan, rooms from $1 to $6. There are also other hotels on the American and European plans , suited to all classes, and at proportionate rates. Lodgings. — Persons desiring to pass some time in Wash- ington, and desirous of living retired, can find excellent lodg- ings in the vicinity of all the hotels, and in different parts of the city. The large transient population of the city has cre- ated an unusual demand for this style of accommodations, and every grade, from elegant suites down to unpretending single apartments, may be found. The rates for rooms would range from $25 for single rooms to $100 and upwards a month for suites. Persons remaining less than a month can also be supplied with quarters. Boarding,— Many houses in which lodgings can be secured also provide daily board, ranging from $25 to $35 a month for each person. The hotels also accommodate outside boarders at $45 a month for each person. (vii) ▼HI GENERAL INFORMATION. Restaurants. — A number of excellent restaurants can be found in all the business portions of the city. Frequently persons find it more convenient to have lodgings and take their meals nearest where they may happen to be at the hour of dining. The charges at restaurants are about the same as at hotels or boarding-houses, according to grade. There are several excellent restaurants equal in appoint- ments to any in the large cities of the North. Cuisine excellent. Railroads. — (See Table of Distances.) — Persons departing from Washington have a choice of routes to all parts of the United States. Depots. — The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for the North, East, and West, N. E. cor. New Jersey av. and C St., NW. Baltimore and Potomac Railroad for the North, South, East, and West, 6th st. immediately south of Pennsylvania av. Local trains, for Alexandria, leave the Baltimore and Potomac Depot at short intervals. The BranchTicket Offices of each road are convenient to the principal hotels. Sleeping Cars are attached to all through night trains. Tickets may be pro- cured at railroad ticket offices. Baggage will be called for and checked to all the principal cities of the United States, by leaving orders at the railroad ticket offices. Both depots may be reached by the Pennsylvania av., and F, and 9th st. lines of street railways. Steamers depart from Washington or Georgetown at stated times for Landings on the Potomac River and Chesapeake bay ; for Baltimore and Norfolk ; also for Philadelphia, New York and Boston. (See the daily prints.) The Wharves of all the Washington lines maybe reached by the Pennsylvania av. street cars exchanging at 7th street going south. Street Cars. — All parts of Washington may be reached Capitol, North O., and South Washington Railway or "Belt Line," incorporated 1875 cars every few minutes during the day, begins on Maryland av. and 3d, to 7th, through Virginia av. passing near the National Museum and the Smithsonian Institute ; through 12th st, passing the Dept. of Agricult- ure, to Ohio av., to 14 st W, to Pennsylvania av., through E st N. to 11 st W., thence, O st N (cars returning take P st instead of O st) to 4 st W,to G st N, into 1st st W, pasing near the Capitol and the Botanical Garden, to Maryland av., to the starting point, making the circuit of the best portions of North and and South Washington. Intersects all the principal street railway lines. Uniontown and 7th St. W. Railway, (Potomac and Anacostia) runs from 7th st W, through M st S, to 11 st E, passing the Navy Yard, thence across the Navy Yard Bridge to Uniontown. The tickets of one street railway are good on all other lines. Fare 5 cents six tickets for 25 cents. Exchanges given on branches of the same line. ■Washington and Georgetown Street Railway, incorporated 1862, car& every few min. during the day, start on Bridge st., at High, Georgetown, cross Rock Creek over a fine iron bridge, follow Pennsylvania av., passing Mills' Statue of Washington, Corcoran Art Gallery, Lafayette Square, War Depart- ment, President's House, and Treasury. At 15th st. W. connect with the cars on the 14M Street and Columbia Railways. Exchange tickets given for the former. At the S. end of the Treasury they again enter Pennsylvania av., which they follow the entire length of the business quarter of the city, passing the Centre Market Botanical Garden and naval monument. At oth st. W. thev X GENERAL INFORMATION. intercept the Metropolitan line N. and S. ; and at 7th st. W. connect with the cars of the 7th st. branch N. and S. On the latter exchange tickets are given. At the W. gate of the Capitol grounds one branch turns to the 1. for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot every 10 min. during the day, and the other to the r. for the Capitol or Navy Yard, every 5 min. during the day. At the top of the hill a branch carries pas- sengers to the E. front of the House, or S. extension of the Capitol. The main line continues along B st. S. to Pennsyl- vania av., and thence to 8th st. E., thence passing the Marine Barracks to the Navy Yard . Fourteenth-Street Branch, cars every 10 min. dur- ing the day, start on New York av. at 15th st. W., NE. of the Treasury Department, thence to 14th st., thence N. to boundary, passing the Fourteenth-Street Circle Department. Exchange tickets are given on the Pennsyl- vania av. line. Seventh-Street Branch, cars every 4 and 5 min. dur- ing the day, start at the boundary, follow the same street across the city to the Potomac river, passing the N. Market, Mount Vernon Place, Patent and Post Offices, *and Odd- Fellows' Hall. At Massachusetts av. they intersect the Co- lumbia Railway, and at F st. N. the Metropolitan line. On Pennsylvania av. they connect with the main line. Ex- change tickets given E. or W. The cars now pass the Cen- tre Market, cross the Mall, with the Smithsonion grounds on r., continuing to the wharves for the Alexandria, Mount Vernon, and other steamers. Metropolitan Railway, incorporated 1864, cars every 4 min. during the daj% start on 17th st., W. of the Navy and New State Departments, follow 17th st. W., passing the State, War, and Navy Departments, and Corcoran Art Gal- lery to H st. ; here the Georgetown branch leaves ; thence passing Lafayette Square to 14th st. ; thence to F st., inter- secting the 14th st. and Columbia Railways at New York av. ; connecting with the cars on the 9th st. branch N. and S., on which exchange tickets are given, passing the Patent and Post Offices, and intersecting the 7th st. line; thence to 5th st. ; thence to Louisiana av., passing Judiciary Square ; thence to Indiana av., passing the City Hall; thence to C St., passing the Baltimore and Ohio depot to Delaware av. ; thence to B st. N., where the E. Capitol branch leaves; thence to the Senate extension. Georgetown and East Capitol Street Branch, cars every 6 min. during the day. Same as the main line going W. Cars leave that at II and 17th sts. N W. ; thence to Con- necticut av. ; thence to P st. at the Circle, intersecting the GENERAL INFORMATION. XI Connecticut av. and Park Railway ; thence along P st., cross- ing Kock Creek over a fine bridge, entering West st., George- town ; thence to High ; thence to Fayette, where it passes the Convent of the Visitation ; thence to 2d ; thence to High ; thence to Dumbarton ; thence to Montgomery ; thence to West, where the return track follows the outward, back to Washington. The East Capitol extension continues on B st. 1ST. to 1st E. ; thence to East Capitol st., and thence to Lin- coln Square, the present terminus. It will be extended E. on the same street to the Anacostia. Ninth Street Branch, cars every 7 and 8 min. during the day, start at Boundary ; thence, passing Mount Vernon Place, the Patent Office and Masonic and Lincoln Halls, toB st. At New York av. they intersect the Columbia Railway. At F st. exchange tickets are given E. and W. OnB st. the cars pass the Centre Market, and intersect the 7th st. line. On 6th st. they pass the Baltimore and Potomac Depot to Mis- souri av. ; thence to 4£ st. ; thence to the Arsenal gate. Silver Springs Branch, of Metropolitan road starts at the N. terminus of the 7th st. line, and follows the 7th st. road a distance of 1£ m , passing the Scheutzen Park and Howard University, and terminates at present at the road to the Soldiers' Home and Rock Creek Church. Columbia Railway, incorporated 1870, cars every 10 min. during the day, start on New York av. at loth st. W., NE. of the Treasury ; thence to H st. At 14th st. they cross the Metropolitan and 14th st. lines ; at 9th st. W. the Metro- politan, passing Mount Vernon Place, to Massachusetts av. At 7th st. they cross that line ; thence to H st. N. ; thence to the boundary, passing the Government Printing Office. At the terminus the Baltimore turnpike and Benning's Bridge road commence. Connecticut Avenue and Park Railway, incorpo- rated 1868. The Connecticut av. portion is used by the Me- tropolitan line to Georgetown. A car connects at the P st. Circle, and runs to boundary. Further extensions of existing lines, and the construction of new ones, are proposed, in some instances the roadway having already been laid. Zli GENERAL INFORMATION. Vehicles for hire. — Rates of fare established by law for hacks, cabs, or other vehicle for hire in the District of Co- lumbia. Bet. 5 a. m. and Bet. 12.30a. m. 12.30 a. m. and 5 a. m. For one or two passengers in a one- f Per h'r, 75 cts. Per hour,$l 12. horse vehicle. 1 Pertrip,75 cts. Per trip, $1 12. For one or two passengers, four- ( Per hour, $1 50. Per hour, $2 25. seated vehicle drawn by two < Per trip, ex- Per trip, exceed* horses, within the city. (. ceed'glm.,$l. 1 m., $1 50. And for each additional passenger, 50 cts. One mile or less, one half these rates. For one or two passengers, four- p h $1 50 Per h $2 25# seated vehicle^ drawn by two Per trip, exceed- Per trip, exceed- horses, from Washington to or x | 2 w , 1 £ # ^ from Georgetown. ' v e ' ^ And for each additional passenger, 50 cts. One mile or less, one half these rates. One-horse vehicle does not include buggies and phaetons. In all cases where a vehicle is not engaged by the hour, it will be considered as being engaged by the trip. Special rates are charged for excursions. If there should be an overcharge, drive to the nearest police station, where officers in charge will immediately decide the case. In every case require a ticket of the driver before starting. City Post Office. On Louisiana av. S. side, near 7th and Pennsylvania av. NW. Hours for the arrival and departure of the mails bulletined at the office. The Money Order Office is in the second story of the rune building. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telegraph Offices. Western Union, cor. 15th and F st. NV\ Atlantic & Pacific, on Pennsylvania av. near 14th St. W, N. side. Kates of Postage. — Domestic— Letters to any part of the United States, 3 cents for each \ ounce or fraction thereof. Letters within any city, 2 cents where free delivery ; other offices, 1 cent. Kegistered Letters, 8 cents registration fee, in addition to the regular postage. At least' one full rate must be paid on letters to secure their transmission. Printed books, package limited to 4 lbs., except books printed by or- der of Congress, 2 cents for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof. Newspapers and magazines 1 cent 2 ounces. All transient matter must be prepaid in full by stamps. Foreign. — The frequent changes in routes and rates rend- ers it advisable to omit a table of foreign postages All ne- cessary information should be obtained at the Post Office. GENERAL INFORMATION. Xlll Churches.— The following list of places of religious worship is merely designed for the use of visitors in the city, and therefore embraces only the representative churches of each denomination. For convenience of reference, it is arranged alphabetically. The usual hour for service is 10.30 to 11 A. M. and 7 to 8 p. M., according to the season of the year. Baptist ; E street , E st N between 6 & 7 W . ; Calvary, cor H & 8 sts. N W. Catholic Roman ; St. Aloysius,cor I & N, Capitol sts ; St. Domi- nic, cor 6th & F sts 5 W. ; St Matthew, cor H & 15 sts NW. CONGKEGA TIONAL; cor 10 & G sts N W. Episcopal Protest- ant; Ascension,cor 12th st and Massachusetts av. NW ; Epiphany, G. st between 13 & 14 NW. St. John's, cor 16 6 H sts N W. Episcopal Metho- S==! dist; Foundry ,corG & 14 sts NW. Metropoli- tan,cor4^&CstsNW. Episcopal Metho- dist (bouth); Mt. Ver- non, cor 9 & K sts NW Gekman Reformed; First, 6?nd NstsNVV.; German A M, English PM. Hebrew ; Washing- ton Hebrew congrega- tion, 8th st between H & I sts NW. Services every Friday 7 P. M & Sabbath (Saturday) 9 A. M. Lutheran ; Trinity, ^gjjl cor E & 4th sts NW.; = Memorial N and 14th sts N W. Presbyterian; Fourth, oth bet G & H sts NW ; Kew York av., New York av be- tween 13 & 14 sts NW. Unitarian; All Sauls', cor 14 & L sts NW. Uni versa list ; serv- ices in Talmage Hali, F between 9 & 10 sts. There are also many fine churches for col- . ored people. The Ascension Church (page 197). XIV GENERAL INFORMATION. The Census Office. Theatres. — The best places of amusement in the city are Ford's Opera House, on 9th st. W., immediately S. of Penn- sylvania av., and the National Theatre, on E st. N M bet. 13th and 14th sts. NW. Here the standard comedies and trage- dies and plays of the day are performed by excellent stock companies during the winter season, varied at intervals by Italian, German, or English opera, and the presence of the- atrical •" stars." General Amusements. — Concerts and lectures take place almost every night, and will afford recreation for those who prefer this character of entertainment. Etiquette, Ceremonies, and Formalities. — The population of Washington is divided into two classes : official and unoffi- cial, and society admits of the same classification. The first includes those actively associated with the various branches GE.NERAL INFORMATION. XV and departments, of the Government and retired officers of the Army and Navy and families. The second includes resi- dents in the capital not in official employment, and visitors. The Season. — The fashionable season commences with the New Year's receptions, and ends with the beginning of Lent. During this period life at the eapital is extremely gay. The congressional season begins on the first Monday in De- cember of each year, and, with a recess during the Christmas holidays, lasts till March 4 in the odd years and until June or July in the even years. During the months of July, August, and September, the prominent officials and residents leave the capital for places of summer resort. Receptions. — The reception season begins on New Year's day and lasts till the beginning of Lent. The days for after- noon receptions are arranged among the ladies of the families of the President, Cabinet Ministers, and Governor of the Dis- trict. The announcements are made daily during the season in the newspapers. Hours, afternoon, 2 to 5 p. m. ; evening, 8 to 11 p. m. Afternoon receptions are open to all. Evening receptions are by card, unless otherwise announced in the daily newspapers. Titles — The following are the forms of address used in conversation with certain officials, viz : Mr. President ; to members of the Cabinet, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Postmaster Gen- eral, Mr. Attorney General ; Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice Presi- dent, Mr. Senator, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Justice, for associates of the Supreme Court, and Mr. , for Representatives. The latter frequently have titles, as Judge, &c. Official commu- nications should be addressed, "To the President, "To the Chief Justice." and all others "To the Honorable, the Sec- retary of State," &c, or "The Honorable D. W., Secretary of State;" and to members of Congress, Honorable, with the name. The form customary for ladies of officials, is Mrs. President ; Mrs. General ; Mrs.. Secretary, &c. The following form of address for certain officers would be better than those now in vogue : For the Secretary of State, The Premier; other members of the Cabinet, Mr. Minister. Cards. — Whenever a visit is made or reception attended, a card, containing the name and residence in the city, should be sent in, or left with the usher, or in the receiver in the hall. Cards left at afternoon receptions are generally recog- nized by cards to evening receptions. Cards are generally issued lo all evening receptions, except those of the President and Speaker of the House of Representatives, and sometimes the General of the Army. In private calls, if the person called upon be out, turn down the right upper corner of the card, to indicate that called in person, if the call be upon XVI GENERAL INFORMATION. the family, under the same circumstances, turn down the right end. In making a farewell call, place P. P. C. on the lower edge of the card. A stranger, in calling upon officials, or at receptions, should, if his name be not announced by an usher or by card, men- tion it himself, so as to prevent embarrassment. Invitations. — In all cases, invitations to dimier should be promptly accepted or declined. It is not obligatory to espond to invitations to evening entertainments, unless re- tired in the letters R. S. V. P., though it is proper to recog- ze them formally. Invitations to evening receptions do ot require a reply. The general form of reply is : Mr. S presents his compliments to Secretary , and accepts with pleasure his invitation to dinner Thursday evening. Mon- day, Dec. — , 187 — . The form is the same, with adaptation, for evening entertainments. CaUjS. — The ladies of officials return calls. The President and wife are not required to return calls ; other members of the family can. The lower officials should always call first upon the higher; and ladies the same ; hours 2 to 5 p. m. Evening calls only allowed for social acquaintances. The first visit received should be returned in three days. Stran- gers, desiring to pay respects to any officials, can do so with propriety during office hours, sending in a card, marked " to pay respects," by the usher. DRESS. — For visiting and at all afternoon receptions such dress for ladies and gentlemen as is recognized in good soci- ety for morning calls should be worn. At all evening recep- tions and dinner parties, full evening dress for ladies and gentlemen should be strictly observed ; consisting, for gen- tlemen, of black dress-coat and pantaloons, white neck-tie, and light gloves. The President. — Cabinet days, Tuesdays and Fridays, hours of meeting 12 M. Business hours : During the session of Congress, the President receives Senators and Represen- tatives from 10 A. M. to 12 M. every day, except Sunday, and the public, by card through the usher in the ante-room, from 12 M. till 3 P. M., except on Cabinet days and Sundays. The number admitted during hours is governed entirely by the time the President can spare from his public duties. Persons desiring to pay their respects only, should note "to pay res- pects" on their cards, and call the attention of the officer in in the ante-room thereto. During the adjournment of Con- gress, the President, when not absent from the Capital, usu- ally receives in the morning from 10 A. M. to 12 M. The President and family receive socially in the evening. GENERAL INFORMATION. XV11 These visits, however, are only made by those warranted by their acquaintance to call upon them. Diplomatic representatives of foreign governments, upon their first arrival at the Capital, are presented in the Blue- Room, at a time fixed by the Secretary of State, with the consent of the President. The ceremony of presentation consists of an address by the Minister, and a reply by the President. The President's levees are announced through the press. No further invitation is necessary, and all strangers at the Capital are at liberty to call. The hours are usually from 8 to 10 p.m. Music by the Marine Band. No dress is pre- scribed, though it is eminently proper to appear in the even- ing dress dictated by good society. Enter by the N". door, where the ushers will direct to the cloak rooms. Then enter the Red, and pass into the Blue-Room, where the President receives. Announce name to the Marshal of the District, who presents to the President. The Engineer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds presents to the wife of the President. After paying respects, in order to make room for others, it is advisable to pass out at once into the Green and thence into the East-Room. The afternoon receptions at the President's House are al- ways held by the wife of the President, on such days as she may select. She is assisted by such ladies as she may invite, generally selected in alphabetical order from the wives of Senators and Members, who, by their official positions, are entitled to such consideration, and any friend. Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. No invitations. Visitors in the city are at liberty to attend. The President, after office hours, often assists. Presentations are made in the Blue Room by the Engineer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds. Approach as in levees, except that it is customary to leave a card at the door. Enter the Red Room. Dress the same as recognized by good society as suitable for morning calls. These recep- tions afford an excellent opportunity to strangers at the Cap- ital to view the suits of parlors, state dining room, and con- servatories. The latter are open to the public only oh these occasions. After leaving the Blue Room, pass into the Green and East Rooms. The corridor which leads from the East Room extends to the conservatories on the W. end. The President, during the winter, gives state dinners, to which thirty-six invitations at a time are issued, and comprise Sen- ators and Representatives, selected alphabetically. Their wives are also included. The President also invites promi- nent officers of the Government in recognized order. On New Year's day the President receives in the following XV111 GENERAL INFORMATION. order : Members of the Cabinet and Foreign Ministers ; judges of the Supreme Court of the United States; Senators and~Representatives in Congress; the Governor of the Dis- trict of Columbia and suite; judges of the courts of the Dis- trict of Columbia and of the United States Court of Claims ; officers of the army and navy ; Assistant Secretaries of depart- ments; Solicitor General; associations and the public. Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court. — La- dies receive on Monday. Return visits. First call must be made upon them. Speaker's receptions are announced in the newspapers. General of the Army. — Reception of lady, Mondays. Expect the first call. The General's receptions are by card, unless otherwise announced in the newspapers. Admiral of the Navy. — Same as for General of the Army, except evening receptions always by card. The Cabinet. — The ladies of Cabinet "Ministers usually /eceive on Wednesdays, at which time visitors in the city are at liberty to call, leave cards with and give names to the usher at the door. Evening receptions by card are given by Cabi- net Ministers. The ladies of the Cabinet return visits. The first call must be made upon them. Senators and Representatives. — Ladies receive on Thursdays. Calls must be first made upon them. Governor of the District. — Diplomatic Corps. — Invitations are issued to all enter- tainments. .Receive calls first. There are also diplomatic evenings for members of the corps and families, and such others as the lady personally invites. Residents.— The ladies of the families of residents at the capital not in official life, call first. Their days at home are generally marked on their cards. Social precedence. — 1, The President; 2, the Chief Justice ; 3, the Vice President ; 4, the Speaker ; 5, the Gen- eral of the Army; 6, the Admiral of the Navy; 7, the Cabi- net, Secretary of State, Treasury, War, Navy, Postmaster General, Secretary of the Interior, and Attorney General ; 8, Senators ; 9, Associate Justices ; 10, Representatives in Con- gress ; and, 11, Governor of the District. Remarks. — General Jackson first introduced bad manners into the society of the President's House. The President, by virtue of his office, of a right occupies the highest social posi- tion in the land, and the observance of the formalities which are recognized in the surroundings of any American gentle- man's home should be accorded to the home of the President. GENERAL INFORMATION. XIX Distances from Washington. Capitals of States or Territories are in capital letters. MILES. Albany, N. Y 374 Albuquerque, N.M..2156 Alexandria, Va 7 Annapolis, Md 42 Atlanta, Ga 721 Augusta. Me 631 Austin, Texas 1781 Baltimore, Md 40 Boise City, Idaho.. .2667 Boston, Mass 458 Brownsville, Tex... 1946 Buffalo, N.Y 446 Cairo, Illinois 977 Carson City, Nev...2950 Charleston, S. C 587 Cheyenne, Wy. T....1850 Chicago, 111 842 Cincinnati, Ohio.... 611 Columbia, S. C 519 Columbus, Ohio 535 Concord, N. H 503 Deer LoDGE,Mon.T.2700 Denver. Col. T 1950 Desmoines, Iowa 1162 Detroit, Mich 692 Dover. Del 159 Duluth, Minn 1437 Erie, Pa 466 Fort Abercrombie,1507 Fort Benton, M.T..3130 Fort Berthold, D.T.2186 Fort Bliss, Tex . .. 2523 Fort Boise, Idaho.,2669 miles. Fort Bridger,Wy.T.2349 Fort Dodge, Kan. ..1586 Fort Fetterman 1984 Fort Gibson,Ch.Na.l387 Fort Hays, Kan 1525 Fort Klamath, Ore.3320 Fort Laramie, W.T.1906 Fort Leavenworth. .1263 Fort Randall, D. T.1535 Fort Smith, Ark. ...1307 Fort Wayne, Ind... 694 Fort Yuma, Cal 3881 Frankfort, Ky 731 Galveston, Texas. ..1556 Harrisburg, Pa 125 Hartford, Conn 342 Indianapolis, Ind... 715 Jackson, Miss 10S2 Jefferson City, Mo.1077 Kansas City, Mo. ...1234 Lansing, Mich -... 742 Leavenworth, Kan. 1260 Little Rock, Ark...llli Louisville, Ky 720 MADisoN.Wis/ 974 Memphis, Tenn 934 MlLLEDGEVILLE, (^a„ 698 Milwaukee, Wis 927 Mobile, Ala 1082 Montgomery, Ala ... 896 Montpelier, Vt 556 Nashville. Tenn.... 775 New Haven, Conn.. 307 miles. New Orleans, La.. ..1250 New York, N. Y 229 Norfolk, Va 233 Olympia, Wash. T...3982 Omaha, Neb 1298 Pensacola, Fla 1050 Philadelphia, Pa.... 139 Pittsburg, Pa 374 Por. land, Ore 3952 Providence, R. 1 419 Raleigh, N. C 313 Richmond, Va 130 Sacramento, Cal 3072 Saint Louis, Mo 952 Saint Paul, Minn..l285 Salem, Ore 3834 Salt Lake CityU.T.2464 San Francisco. Cal. 3155 San Juan Is., W. T.4047 Santa Fe, N. Mex...2093 Savannah, Ga 691 Tahlequah, Ind.T..1300 Sitka, Alaska 4535 Springfield, 111 928 Tallahassee, Fla..... 953 Toheka, Kan 1302 Trenton, N. J 170 Tucson, Ar. T 2628 Vancouver, W. T...3970 Virginia City, M.T.2687 Wheeling, W. Va.... 401 Wilmington, Del... Ill Yankton, D. T 1449 Foreign Distances, air-Line, from Washington, to miles. Belize 1410 Berlin 3840 Buenos Ayres 4870 Calcutta ..8580 Callao 3168 Caracas 1830 Cape Good Hope....7380 Cape Horn 6450 Chuquisaca 3670 Constantinople 4870 Georgetown, Br. G.2230 Havana 1250 MILES. Honolulu 4650 Jerusalem 5490 Lima 3180 Lisbon 3180 London 3300 Mexico 1680 .Nicaragua 1740 Panama 1840 Paris 3480 Pekin 7680 Rio de Jaaeiro 4300 MILES. Rome 4080 San Domingo 1300 San Juan 1380 San Salvador 1650 Santiago, Chili 4700 Spanishtown, Jam..l290 St. Petersburg 4290 Sydney, Aus 9150 Tehauntepec. 1620 Vera Cruz 1560 Vienna.. 4110 XX general information. Differences of Time. Table showing the mean time at 39 places in the United States and Foreign Countries, v. hen it is mean noon at Washington, D. C, United States of America. * Signifies forenoon and t afternoon. Time computed from the ob- servatories of all places marked (oj h. Albany. X.Y (o) f Alexandria, Egypt. f 7 Astoria. Oregon * 8 Augusta, Maine t •> Baltimore, Md. ...... f Berlin, Prussia (o) f C Boston, Mass t U Cambridge, Mass... (o) f Canton, China * Charleston, S. C * 11 Chicago. Ill * 11 Cincinnati, Ohio.... * 11 Detroit, Michigan.. * 11 Greenwich, Eng.... (o) f 5 Honolulu, S.I * G .Teddo, Japan * 2 Leavenworth, Kan. * 10 Lima, Peru * 11 Liverpool, Eng {o) t 4 London, Eng (o) f 5 m. s. 13 13 7 44 52 57 23 52 1 45 1 46 23 58 23 42 41 18 48 30 17 41 30 13 36 2 8 11 36 44 28 12 49 16 59 41 56 11 2 12 h. Louisville, Ky f H Melbourne, Aus'lia * 2 Memphis, Tenn * II Mexico, Mex * 10 Milwaukee, Wis * 11 Mobile, Alabama... * 11 Montreal. C.E f Moscow, Russia (o) f 7 New Orleans, La.... * 11 New York, N.Y t Panama. C. A * 11 Paris, France (o) f 5 Philadelphia, Pa.... (o) f Rome, Italy (o) f 5 Salt Lake, Utah * 9 San Francisco, Cal. * 8 St. Louis, Mo * 11 Vienna, Austria (o) f 6 Washington, D.C... (o) m. s. 2C 12 48 5 7 40 ■ 31 50 1(5 35 16 6 14 38 28 8 12 12 12 50 15 17 33 7 34 58 6 39 48 58 25 7 11 13 44 ~) tctttttc ^ipeiule Of 0,11 rtcoyg I I SECTION I. WASHINGTON AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON. |HE Seat of Government of the United States of America has been appropriately called u the Virgin Capital." A territory under the exclusive j urisdiction of Congress had early received the atten- tion of the legislators of the new Kepublic; indeed, before the clamor of war had fairly ceased, or the royal standard of England had left its shores. The posses- sion of such a territory was an important feature in the de- bates upon the framing of the Constitution; and it was pre- eisety forty-eight days after the last act of ratification, that the Federal City of the American Republic was by solemn en- actment of the young Congress of the Thirteen Free and Inde- pendent States located on the beautiful eastern shore of the broad Potomac. It might be added, that not only is Washing- ton the only virgin capital in the world, but its foundation was simultaneous with the inauguration of the permanent form of government of the nation. Of being synchronous it lacked less than two years. The idea and the execution were essentially American. It was founded as the Capital of the Republic. It sprang out of the virgin soil, and its growth and magnificence were to be measured by the progress and taste of the people who constituted the Government of which it was to be the political head and centre and the permanent residence. Among the capitals of the great nations of modern times, in this particular Washington'stands alone. St. Petersburg, now the seat of the imperial residence of the Autocrat of all the Russias, rose out of the morasses of the Neva at the will of the great Peter. It was long what its founder called it, a look-out upon Europe, before the ancient capital of the Czars, in the fertile Moskva, left the sheltering walls of the Krem- lin for the banks of the Neva. Versailles, the queen of royal residences, sprang from a favorite hunting lodge of Louis XIII. A monarch like his successor was alone capable of an „ /£BLM. JULi\ rfA\ — I -inr/11 REFERENCES 1. TheCapitoL S. President*!* House. 3. State Department- 4. Treasury Department. 19. Smithsonian Institution. 20. Wn*hintt«J!> Monument. 22. Greenouth'a Statue of W «'l»« ,w 5. W „ Department. » KKSHBKB*'^ ft K^Ui'^^'S SSSSM- 8. Post-Office Deparlnwnl- 9. Department of Justice 10. Department of Agrieuluin 11. Naval Observatory. 12. Arsennl. 13. Navy-V.r.l U. Marine Kurrm-k l.\ C.mrt-Houre. 16. JniL 17. (US Arj-lum 18. City Market,. 20. OMrtMioniil BunalGr' ,uod 27. Nnvul HonpitaL 28. Government l'rinlin«Ora«. 29 Medical Miirruni. SO. Slim 'I Office. II. WmJerMSu.Uinl. M nrawnfl SIAMC ol pcou. 31. Mount Vena " 1",. olnStju. ;y k SI int< r'l'" EQOODfts ffisioHlingDoa! 58iMOODqgagQg§SB VIEQINIA Z GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. exhibition of extravagance such as this. The genius of Le Brim and Le Notre, and the expenditure of two hundred millions of dollars, did not make Versailles a capital. Its name and its associations are synonymous with the reckless- ness of a luxurious and dissolute court. Home, the city, of over twenty-six centuries, was government and capital , when Romulus, with his handful of Latins on the western slope of the Palatine ; Tatius, with his Sabiues on the Capitoline and the Quirinal ; and the Etruscans on the Cselian and Esquilinc, gathered around the forum, and laid the foundation of that career of greatness and power, which justly earned the proud title of Mistress of the World. But republican Rome rose on the ruins of the earlier kingdom of the Tarquins. Impe- rial Rome superseded the colossal fabric of the Republic of the Consuls, the Tribunes, und the Triumvirs. Pontifical Rome reared herself upon the crumbled throne of the Impe- rial Caesars. The Rome of to-day, the capital of United Itah', therefore, may well be said to be the mother, while Washington is the maiden, of capitals. Geographical Location. — Washington the Federal, or Capi- tal City of the United States of America, is situated on the. left or eastern bank of the Potomac River, between the Anacostia, or Eastern Branch of the Potomac, and Rock Creek, 106£ m. (statute) above the mouth of the Potomac River, by ship channel, from abreast the red buoy oft" Point Lookout to Arsenal or Geenleaf's Point, and 1S5£ m. from the buoy 1$ m. NE. of Cape Henry light, mouth of Chesa- peake Bay. The distance by air line to the mouth of the. Potomac River is 69 m., and to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay 143 m. The distance from the Capitol by air line to the sea-coast, just below Cape Henlopen, the nearest point, is 105 m. ; and to the Chesapeake Bay, available for vessels of war, Patuxent River, 53 m. ; Annapolis 3SJ m.. and Herring Bay 39 m. The latitude of Washington (capitol) is 38° 52' 20" north, long- itude 76° 55' 30" .54 west of Greenwich, and 79° 15 / 41" .69 west of Paris, both ascertained in 1821, under authority of Congress, by William Lambert of Virginia. The site of the city and the location of ihe public reservations, squares, Cap- itol and President's House, were selected by President Washington. The only direct reference to the location of the public buildings within the limits of the territory then accepted, was contained in a proviso in the amendatory act of Congress, approved March 30, 1791, requiring their erection on the Maryland side of the P -tomac. When the city was located, the northern limit of the United States was lat. 46 N. and the southern 31 N., placing Washington but 23 min. or geographical miles south of the centre along the Atlantic Coast. The centre is now in the vicinity of Newberne, North Carolina, or 233 miles S. Another important c msideration in those primitive days was the fact, that on 4 AREA. no part of the coast, within the bounds of the country, was there accessible to sea-going vessels a port situated so far inland The distances from the National Capitol to the remote points within the vast domain now under the jurisdiction of the republic, indicate the wonderful ex- tension of area attained by conquest and purchase during the first century of growth, viz To the north-eastern boundary on New Brunswick, 750 miles ; Rouse's Point, northern boundary, 598 miles; Cape Flattery, the extreme north-western boundary, on the Pacific Ocean, 4102 miles , Sitka, the capital of the Alaskan Possessions, 4535 miles ; to San Francisco, western boundary, on the Pacific Ocean, 3155 miles; Key West, Florida, 1494 miles ; Brownsville, Texas, the Mexican frontier, 1946 miles. \_For table of distances from Wash- ington to the principal cities of the United States and the world, see General Information.] Area. — The plot of the city lies on the W. side of the tract, 64 sq. m., within the present borders of the District of Columbia, and is 14 m. in circumference. It covers 6,111 a., or a little over 9J sq. m. The avenues, streets, and spaces comprise 2,554 a. ; the Government reservations, as origi- nally laid out, 541 a., and squares 3,016 a. The greatest length is from W. to S. of E. ; or from Rock Creek, between I and K sts. W., to the bank of the Anacostia, at 24th st. E., on B st. S., 4.57 m. The earlier plot is extended to 31st st. E. ; but the 7 additional streets and squares are subject to tidal inundation, and are generally excluded from the later maps. The greatest breadth of the city is W. of N., from Greenleaf Point, at the foot of the Arsenal Grounds, to Boundary, at 11 St. W., 3.78 m. The mean width from E. to W. is over 4 m., and length 2J m. The city lies 4 m. along the Potomac and about 3£ m. along the Anacostia. The following is a comparison of the geographical location, area and popula- tion of Washington with the leading' capitals of Europe : Washington. — Lai. 38 52' 20" N. On Potomac Hiver, 106^ m. from its mouth. Area 9% sq. m., and 14 111. in circuit. Population, 1870, 109,199. London. — Lat. (St. Paul's), 51° 30 48" N. On Thames River, 50 m. from its mouth, Area of old city 1 sq. m. With city and liberty of Westminster and 5 boroughs, 31,313 sq. m. Population, 1870, 3,215,000. Paris. — Lat. 48° 50' 12" N. On the Seine River, no m from its mouth. Area 14 sq. m. Population, 1871, 1,950,000. Berlin. — Lat. 52 30' 16" N. On Spree River. Area 6,800 a., and 10 m. in circuit. Population, 820,000. St. Petersburg. — Lat. 59 56' N. On the Neva River, near its mouth. Area 6 m. in length and 5 in width. Population. 667,000. Vienna. — Lat. 48 12' N. On the Wein River, near the Danube. Circuit 15 in. Population, 1872, 640,000. Rome. — Lat 41 54' 06" N. On the Tiber River, 17 m. from its mouth. Circuit 12 m. Population, 1872, 247,497. Government. — The municipal form of 1801, with amend- ments at various times, continued for nearly three-quarters of a century, in 1871 it was superseded by the territorial form, which was abolished by Act of Congress, June 20, 1874, and a government of three commissioners substituted. (See Government, District of Columbia.) Finances. — (See District of Columbia.) Population (See District of Columbia). History. ( See page 235.) GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION. ft DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Federal Territory, or District of Columbia, is situ- ated on the left or E. bank of the Potomac River, at the confluence of the Anacostia or Eastern Branch Boundaries.— The District of Columbia comprises 64 square miles. It lies entirely within the State of Maryland, and is bounded on the north by Montgomery county, on the east and south by Prince George county, and west by the Potomac River. Davie Burns Cottage ^scc rlistory, Page 23c.) The Federal territory as originally located by President Washington, under authority of the Constitution of the United States, and national and state legis- lation, formed a square of 10 miles (100 sq. m.). The bounds were proclaimed by the President March 30, 1791. On Friday, April 15, of the same year, at 3 P. M., the municipal authorities of Alexandria, Virginia, repaired to the house in which the commissioners of Washington were residing, and after uni- ting with them in a glass of wine, to the sentiment '' May the stone which we are about to place in the ground remain an immovable monument of the wis- dom and unanimity of North America," the company proceeded to Jones' Point, or the upper cape, which projects into the Potomac River on the Vir- ginia side or right bank, at the confluence of Hunting Creek, then 1 mile E. of S. of the Court House of Alexandria, in the following order : Town Sergeant; Daniel Carroll, Commissioner, and the Mayor of Alexandria ; Andrew Ellicott, Surveyor and the Recorder ; the Aldermen and Common Council, not Free Masons; strangers, Master of Lodge No. 22, F. A. M. of Alexandria, with David Stewart, Commissioner, on his right, and James Muir, Pastor of that Episcopal parish on his left, followed by the rest of the fraternity and citizens. 6 GOVERNMENT. Ellicott, " Geographer General," then ascertained the precise location » Jones' Point, as defined by the President's proclamation, whereupon the Mas- ter of the Lodge aud Dr. Stewart, aided by the craft, planted the initial or corner-stone of the Federal Territory, in accordance with the impressive rites of Masonry. The Rev. James Muir delivered an address. After parcaking of refreshments, the procession returned to the city, and closed the ceremonies of the day with a banquet and appropriate toasts and speeches. From this initial stone Mr. Ellicott, during the ensuing year, laid down the lines ot boundary as directed by the President's proclamation. The first at an angle of 45 W. of N., a distance of 10 m., into the State of Virginia ; the second also starting at the initial point, at a right angle with the first, or N. E., across the Potomac, 10 m., into the State of Maryland, and the remaining two lines from the ter- mini of the first two and at right angles with them, respectively, N, E. and N. W., until they met each other in a point. The original Territory, it will be seen, stood diagonally, each angle facing one of the cardinal points of the com- pass. The N. point, as originally laid out, is % m. due W. of Silver Spring, Md ; the E. point 2^ m. S. of E. of Benning's Bridge, on the Anacostia ; the 5". or initial point at the N. cape of Hunting Creek, called Jones' Point ; and the W. point near the source of Four-mile Run, in Virginia. The centre of the original Territory is marked by a gray free-stone, about 100 yds. W. of the Washington Monument, and on a line almost due S. from the President's House, at a distance of about % m - The lines were marked by square mile stones, with appropriate inscriptions on the side facing the territory, "Jurisdiction of the United States ;" facing thf> State, " Virginia," or " Maryland," according to location ; facing the North 4 » 1792," the year in which planted ; and facing the South, the po- sition of the Magnetic Needle. Many of these stones are doubtless still standing, but lost sight of amid the accumulations of decayed vegetation. It has beei. wisely suggested that the Government should define the lities of the Federal Territory of this now mighty Republic by tablets, columns and other marks, worthy and commemorative of its greatness. Shortly after the District was laid out this was seriously considered. It was proposed to build a great Fort at Jones' Point, on the site of the initial corner-stone of the Federal I'erritory, at the same time to constitute one of the defenses of the river approach to the Capital from the Sea and to be called Fort Columbia. It was actually com- menced, but was soon afterwards abandoned. In 1S46 all that portion of the District, consisting of about 36 sq. m., which lay on the W bank of the Potomac, in Virginia, was retroceded to that State, which reduced the area to 64 sq. m., its present extent. Since the retrocession, the short-sighted policy of that act has been demons rated. The question of re- storing the I'erritory to its first limits is being agitated. In the absence of ab- solute jurisdiction on both sides of the river, it is manifest that there must be interminable conflicts of interest and authority; the more so as the Capital in- creases in population, wealth and magnificence. The schemes of improvement of the Potomac in front of Washington and Georgetown also demand the possession of the Virginia shore. Political Divisions. — The District is divided into the cities ;' Washington and Georgetown and the County of Wash- I I !()11. Government. — The Congress of the United States, in Nov., is .:;>. assembled for the first time in the City of Washing- ton. The jurisdiction of the United States over the Dis- trict vested on the first Monday of Dec, 1800. It was not, however, till Feb. 27, 1801, that Congress assumed direct and exclusive jurisdiction— all affairs of the district being first referred to a Committee for the District of Columbia for con- sideration and report. 8 GOVERNMENT. The act of Congress approved February 21, 1871, created all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia, into a govern- ment, by the name of the District of Columbia ; the execu- tive power to be vested in a Governor, to be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and to hold office for four years ; and the legislative power in a Legislative As- sembly, composed of a Council of 11 members, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, to hold office two years, and a House of Delegates of 22 members, elected by the people, and to meet annually. There was a Board of Public Works for improvements, a Board of Health, charged with the sanitary care of the District, and a Delegate in Con- gress. On January 22, 1872, a memorial was presented to Con- gress, declaring that the Board of Public Works had usurped authority in making improvements, and was submitted on February 6, 1872, setting forth a great increase of the debt of the District of Columbia, and asking that this be prevented. An investigation was ordered. The committee, after an investigation consuming over three months, unanimously arrived at the conclusion that the then existing form of government of the District of Columbia was a failure ; that it was too cumbrous and expensive ; that it was wanting hi sufficient safeguards against maladministra- tion and the creation of indebtedness. The act of June 20, 1874, based upon the recommendations of the committee, abolished the territorial form, alone retaining the Board of Health, and provided a provisional government of three Com- missioners until a permanent one was devised by Congress. This is now being done. The judicial courts of the District are subject to the legisla- tive action of Congress only. The salaries of all officers appointed by the President are paid by the U. S. ; all others by the District. The new District government went into operation June 1, 1871. Finances, estimated upon the tax le\y for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874 : Assessed valuation of real estate in the District of Colum- bia, #96.433,072, viz : Washington, $80,539,782 ; Georgetown, $6,272,010; County of Washington, $9,621,280. Total actual valuation, $200,000,000. Revenue taxes. $1,700,000; gov- ernment appropriation bv Congress, $1,700,000. Rate of tax on $100, $1.50. POPULATION. 9 The act of Congress of 1874. abolishing- tne territorial gov- ernment established in 1871, also embraced provisions for a thorough examination of the financial condition of the Dis- trict of Columbia and accounts of the Board of Public Works. This work has been carefully performed bv a Board of Audit and reported to Congress. THE van ness mansion. (See page 2IO.) The funded indebtedness, December 1st, 1879, was- District of Columbia, $19,835,200; late corporation of Washington, $1,833,123.33 ; late corporation of George- town $20,000. Total. $21,688,323.33. Provided for bv acts of Assembly of the District of Columbia, 1871, 72, '73, and of Congress, 1874, 75, 79, including the 3 T %% per cent, bonds maturing 1924, $13,504,900. covering the largest part Population. — The population of the District, inclusive of the County of Alexandria up to. 1840, and exclusive after, during each decade since its occupation bv the Government, \yji«.i 800. 14.003: 1810.24.023: 1820.33.039; 1830.30,834; i840, 43,712 ; 1850, 51,687 ; 1860, 75,080 ; 1870, 131,700 ; 1880, 177,638; male, 83,594; female, 94,044 ; native, 160,523; for- 10 INDUtmiV AND WEALTH. eign, 17,115: white, 118,236; colored, 59,402. By Civil Divisions— Georgetown, 1870, 11,384 ; 1880. 12,578; male, 5,854; female. 6,724; native, 11,764; foreign, 814; white, 8,819; colored, 3,759. Washington. 1800, 3,210; 1810, 8,208; 1820. 13,247, 1830. 18 826 ; 1810, 23,364 ; 1850, 40,001 ; 1860, 61,122 ; 1870 109,- 199; 1880, 147,307; male, 68,320; female, 78,987; native, 133,070 ; foreign, 14,237 ; white, 99,128; colored, 48,179; size, 14 in population. Remainder of the. District, 1870, 11.117 ; 1880, 17.753 ; male, 9,420 ; female, 8,333 ; native, 15,689 ; foreign, 2,064; white, 10,289 ; colored, 7,464. Miscellaneous Statistics, 1870. — Area, 64 sq. m.-; persons to a sq. m., 2,057.81. Families, 25,276; persons t« a family, 5.21. Dwellings, 23,308 ; persons to a dwelling 5.65. Per- sons in each class of occupations : Agriculture, 1,365; male, 1,350 ; female, 15. Professional and personal services, 29,845 ; male, 17,927; female, 11,918. Trade and transportation, 6,126; male, 5,852; female, 274. Manufacture, mechanical, and mining, 11,705; male, 10,071; female, 1,634. Other statistical information will be found under appropriate heads. Vital Statistics.-The District is situated in one of the health- iest regions in the country. Notwithstanding the large num- ber of strangers constantly arriving in the city and the irregular habits of a large proportion, the average death-rate compares favorably with other sections. The census of 1870 shows the following results: Oregon, 1 death to 146 popula- tion, the most favorable; Minnesota, 1 to 124; New Hamp- shire, 1 to 74 ; Pennsylvania, 1 to 66 ; District of Columbia, 1 to 65; California, 1 to 62 ; Missouri, 1 to 61 ; Massachusetts,! to 56 ; Louisiana, 1 to 50. The percentage of deaths to pop- ulation in the District is 1.53. The aggregate number of deaths in 1870 was 2,015: males, 1,065; females, 950 ; ag- gregate population, 131,700. Of the deaths, 929 died under the age of 5 years. The principal diseases are pulmonary and fevers, in particular localities. The fevers are generally intermitting and bilious. Industry and Wealth, 1870.— Valuation of Property, $74,- 271,693; assessed real. $71,437,468; personal, $2,834,225. 12 GEOLOGY. True value, real and personal, $126,873,618. This is exclu- sive of the property of the General Government. Taxation, not national, total $1,581,569 ; county, $49,975 ; city, $1,531,- 594 ; 1860, total $260,218 ; 1870, public debt, not national, $2,596,545. Agriculture: Acres improved, 8,266; woodland, 2,428 ; other unimproved, 983 ; value of farms, $3,800,230 ; implements, &c. $39,450 ; value of productions, betterments, and additions to stock, $319,517. In 1860 there were 17,474 acres improved and 16,789 unimproved, with a value of but $2,989,267. Manufactures : Establishments, 952 ; capital, $5,021,925; products, $9,292,173. In 1860 there were but 429 establishments, with capital $2,905,865, and products $5,412,102. No mining or established fisheries. Agriculture. — The cereals and other crops of the N. belt of the N. temperate zone are cultivated with success in the District of Columbia. Fruits and vegetables in great variety are also grown. The markets of the capital are abundantly supplied from the vicinity, and rank with, if they do not ex- cel, the finest in other parts of the United States. Topography. — The District of Columbia presents a pleasing variety of landscape. On the shores of the Potomac, towards the NVV., the outlying spurs of the Blue Eidge range of the Appalachian chain approach the city, and form the wild and romantic scenery of rugged rocky hills and deep valleys along the Potomac at the Little and Great Falls. The remainder of the District consists of sweeping and graceful undulations. The Potomac, from the NW., and the Anacostia, from the NE., unite their currents about the centre of the original bounds of the District, from which point the main river flows in a southerly direction, until it passes the line. A number of smaller streams, including Kock and Tiber Creeks, which water all parts of the District, find their outlets into the Po- tomac or Anacostia. Geology. — The soil of the District bordering the Potomac is alluvial, formed by the rich deposits of the river, brought down from the mountains. The elevated lands consist almost exclusively of yellow clay, interspersed with sand and gravel. Occasionally a mixture of loam and clay is met with. Rock Creek divides the primitive from the alluvial soil. Above Rock Creek the shores of the Potomac are lined with primi- tive rocks. Shortly after leaving the District the red sand- stone appears. In some parts the stone frequently contains leaves of trees and ligneous fragments. A species of gneiss, composed of feldspar, quartz, and mica, is also abundant,, and constitutes the underlying rock of the entire District. ORNITHOLOGY. 13 Mineralogy, — The mineralogy of the District is thus stated by Mr. Eobinsou, in his Catalogue : Flint, on the shores of the Eastern Branch of the Poto- mac, near the Navy Yard, in small nodules. Hornestone, containing organic remains. Agatized Wood, woodstone, three miles north from Wash- ington, sometimes invested with minute crystals of quartz, fine specimens, and abundant. Schorl, in Georgetown, in gneiss. Lignite and Pyritical Fossil Wood, found abund- antly in digging wells. Iron Ore, in the vicinity of the woodstone locality, in de- tached masses, on the surface. Organic remains in sandstone abundant. Botany. — A list of the plants indigenous to the District of Columbia, prepared by J. A. Brereton, in 1822, from the ma- terial collected under the auspices of the Washington Botan- ical Society, and entitled Florida Columbiana, presents 22 classes and 288 varieties, following the Linnsean classification. Of the more familiar varieties found are the oak, (several va- rieties,) button-wood, red maple, sassafras, alder, mountain ash, linden, catalpa, locust, chestnut, tulip, horehound, pen- nyroyal, dogwood, blue-eyed grass, violet, wild honeysuckle, fox grape, Indian tobacco, mullien, wild sweet potato, night- shade, chickweed, touch-me-not, dog's bane, spiderwort, elder, sumac, calamus, superb lily, hellebore, free primrose, ground laurel, laurel, whortleberry, wild indigo, wild pink, cockle, poke, strawberry, dewberry, blackberry, sweet brier, May apple, columbine, ground ivy, motherwort, catnip, trumpet creeper, water-cress, wild pepper-grass, passion flower, crow- foot geranium, snakeroot, pea vine, wild potato vine, dande- lion, thistle, wild lettuce, sunflower, ladies' slipper, sedge, nettle, burdock, hog weed, Indian turnip, cucumber. Zoology. — The animals native to the region embraced within and contiguous to the District of Columbia in primitive times resorted to this vicinity in large numbers to feed upon the rich pastures found upon the alluvial banks of the Potomac. Among these were several varieties of deer. There were also panther, black bear, wild cat, wolves, red and gray foxes, rabbits, beaver, raccoon, opossum, squirrels, (several varieties,) field mice. The larger species are exterminated. The num- ber of species of all kinds is stated at 42. Ornithology. — The feathered kingdom is well represent- ed. Jefferson, in his Notes on Virginia, speaks of 100 vari- eties of birds, most of which doubtless were found in the 14 CLIMATE. District. The wild turkey was found in great numbers. The canvas-back duck, which in earl}'' clays resorted to the vicinity of Analostan Island, is yet met with in the estu- aries of the streams below the city; also the wild goose, swan, mallard, blue-winged teal, widgeon, and other spe- cies. In the swamps are found snipe, rail, blackbirds, and reed-birds. The country generally abounds in quail. The hunting of feathered game is restricted by law. The autumn months generally constitute the season. The car- dinal grosbeak, mocking-bird, sparrow, linnet, yellow-bird, thrush, sand-piper, king-fisher, and heron are also met with. The number of species of all kinds is stated at 236. Ichthyology — The Potomac, within the District, is stocked with fish in great numbers, some of which are of the finest varieties. Those best known are the sturgeon, (weight from 40 to 150 lbs.,) rock fish, (from 1 to 75 lbs..) shad, bass, gar, eel, (three varieties,) carp, herring, pike, perch, (four varie- ties,) catfish, mullet, (three varieties,) and smelt. The shad of the Potomac are of excellent quality. In the season they are very abundant, and may be seen caught on the Virginia shore opposite the city; also large quantities of herring are caught below the city. The laws of Maryland, as early as 1768, provided for the protection of the fish. Subsequent acts placed a heavy penalty upon the destruction of young fish by weirs and dams, and to prevent beating with cords or poles at certain seasons of the year. A species of shark also ascends to the cits r . Herpetology. — There are about 50 species of reptiles. Of turtles and lizards there are several varieties. There are about 20 species of serpents, including the rattle, copperhead, black, garter, water, green snakes, and vipers. Climate. — The climate of the District of Columbia is gen - erally salubrious, though subject to sudden changes, particu • larly in spring The means for a series of years, compiled at the office of the Chief Signal Officer (Reports for the benefit of commerce), indicate these general conditionsof the atmosphere: Mean temperature, minimum, 7° to 9° Fah- renheit, maximum, 95° to 102°.5; mean Barometer, min., 29.08 to 29.35 inches, max., 30.63 to 30.82; Rain Fall, max., 5.8 inches to 7.8 in. ; Prevailing winds, northwest. The hottest months are July and August, and the coldest De- cember and February. Sleighing is rare. In summer storms, attended with excessive lightning and thunder, are frequent. In the winter of 1874-5 navigation on the Potomac was entirely suspended for several weeks on account of the ice. SECTION II. DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY. AVENUES, SQUARES, STATUES, &c. HERE are three points within the city from which the finest views of Washington may be obtained : 1st. The Dome of the Capitol. 2d. The West Por- tico of the Capitol, reached through the central hall of the Library of the United States. 3d. The higher of the north central towers of the Smithsonian In- stitution. Outside of the city the best points are from the tower of the Government Hospital for the Insane, beyond the Anacostia, and the portico of Arlington House, beyond the Potomac. The stranger should not fail to take advan- tage of at least one of these opportunities, and all would amply repay him. With the aid of this Hand-book and map he will thus be able to form a perfect idea of the city and the location of the principal public buildings. Topography. — The site of Washington covers an undulat- ing tract, which lies along the left or E. bank of the Potomac River, between Rock Creek and the Anacostia. From the rugged elevations on the banks of Rock Creek a crescent- shaped ridge crosses the northern portions of the city. About two thirds its length it suddenly parts, to allow the fitful cur- rent of the Tiber through. From that point it rises and spreads out into the expansive plateau of Capitol Hill, which overlooks the Anacostia on the E. Within this encircling- ridge the surface falls away in terraces and gentle slopes to the banks of the Potomac. In different parts of the city are eminences which afford commanding situations for the public buildings. From the lower falls of the Potomac at Georgetown, where the outlying spurs of the Blue Ridge Mountains give the face of nature a somewiiat rugged appearance, a chain of low, wooded hills range on the N\, and continuing on the op- posite shores of the Anacostia and Potomac, merge again in the hills on the Virginia side. These give the appearance of a vast ampitheatre, in the centre of which stands the city. The mean altitude of the city is about 40 ft. above the or- 15 lb" PLAN OF THE CU \ . dinary low tide in the Potomac opposite. The more impor- tant elevations, according to levels taker by Brev. Lieut. Co, . George W. Hughes, Corps of Topographical Engineers, in 1850, are as follows : Foundation of St. John's Church, NE. corner of 16th and H sts. NW., opposite Lafayette Square and the Presi- dent's House, 65.50 ft. Corner of I and 19th sts. NW., 82.10 ft. East base of Capitol, 89.50 ft. Base of Naval Observatory, 96.20 ft. ■ Corner of IS" and 11th sts. NW., (highest point in the city,) 103.70 ft. The soil upon which the city is built is generally a yellow- ish clay, mixed with gravel. In digging wells near New Jer- sey av. trees well preserved were found at a depth of from 6 to 48 ft. At one point a stratum of black mud was discov- ered at a depth of 18 ft. The Tiber — so named more than a century before Wash- ington Mas founded, in the belief, it is said, that some day upon its banks would rise a capital greater than Rome, like its historic and larger namesake — runs through the city, di- viding it into two parts. Its fountain streams rise in the hills to the N., and enter the city in several branches, the principal one in the vicinity of 1st st. W. ; it then pursues a SE. and S. course, till it crosses Massachusetts av., when it winds Off to the SW. around the NW. base of Capitol Hill and across Pennsylvania av. and the Botanical Garden. Originally its course continued along the Mall and emptied into the Potomac immediately W. of the Washington Mon- ument. Subsequently it was diverted into the Washington Canal at 3d st. W., which followed the line of B st. N. along the N. borders of the Mall. The filling Of the canal led to further changes. The Tiber and its tributaries have since been utilized by diverting them into the sewerage system of the central and southern portions of the city; hence, although the stream traverses one of the most populous sections, its course is not traceable, the current flowing beneath heavy brick arches, upon which buildings have been erected and avenues, streets, and parks laid out. In primitive days the banks of the Tiber were lined with forests, and shad and her- ring in their season were caught in its waters, under the very shadow of the hill where the Capitol now stands. Plan of the City. — The plan of Washington was prepared in 1791 by Peter Charles L'Enfant, a French engineer of noticeable genius but eccentric habits, who had served in the Continental Army with sufficient distinction to attract the I III 18 PROPOSED EMBELL^HBIENTS. attention of Washington . In the work he was gieatly as- sisted by the advice of Thomas Jefferson, who, when diplo- matic representative of the United States at foreign courts, had, with an intuitive vision of the wants of the future, stud- ied the plans of the cities of Europe visited by him, and was competent and prepared, with the aid of plans and his per- sonal knowledge of their details, to contribute an invaluable amount of information on this important subject. The plan adopted combines the artistic beauty and grace of Versailles and the practical advantages of Babylon, revived by William Penn in Philadelphia. In the conception of the plan, the predominating object was to secure positions for the different public edifices ; also squares and areas of different shapes, which would afford fine prospects. The avenues were in- tended to connect the most distant parts with certain princi- pal central points, to insure a reciprocity of views. Lines N". and S., intersected b} r others running E. and W., were to divide the city into streets and squares. These lines were to be so combined as to intersect at certain given points another set of divergent avenues, so as to form on the open spaces. Every grand transverse avenue and every principal divergent one, such jus from the Capitol to the President's House, Avas to be 160 ft. wide, laid out with 10 ft. sidewalks and 30 ft. of gravel-walk, planted with trees on either side, and 80 ft. of carriageway in the centre. The other avenues and streets leading to public buildings or markets were to be 130 ft. wirle. and others 110 and 90 ft. The site for the Capitoi was determined upon as the initial point in execu- tion of this plan. That important question having been decided, Mr. Ellicott drew a true meridian line by celestial observation, which passed through the area intended for the Capitol. This he crossed by another, a due E. and W. line, which passed through the same area. These lines were accurately measured, and formed the basis on which the whole plan was executed. All these lines were run by a transit instrument, and the acute angles were deter- mined by actual measurement, leaving nothing to the uncertainty of the com- pass. The avenues and streets were then laid down. The ideas of the projectors not only contempla^i a Federal City capable ot great expansion, but also took in its creditable embellishment. Although the want of means and the general apathy of the government and people allowed these suggestions to pass unrecognized, it is interesting to observe that the dis- graceful and neglected condition of the Capital of the United States for nearly three quarters of a century was not owing to any imperfections in the original plan. Directly S. of the President's House, in the triangular space between the Mall and the Potomac and the mouth of the Tiber, where the unfinished Obelisk to the memory of Washington stands, was located the site for the Equestrian Statue of Washington, voted by the Continental Congress in 1783. On E. Capitol st., between nth and 13th sts. E. , and about the centre of the high plateau between the Capitol and the Anacostia, where four avenues inter- sect, was laid out a spacious square, in which was to be erected an Historic Column, to be used also as a Mile or Itinerary Column, from which it was in- tended to calculate the distances to all places within the United States and on the continent. This column would have answered the purpose of the cele- brated Niphon-Bass or Bridge of Japan, at Yedo. This bridge is considered ORIGIN OF THE PLAN. 19 as the centre of the empire. From it the Tocaido extends to all parts of the empire, and geographical distances are computed. At the foot of 8th st. W., immediately on the banks of the Potomac, and commanding a fine view of the widening reach of the river below, was to be erected a Naval Itinerary Column, to celebrate the first rise of the Navy, and "to stand a ready monu- ment to consecrate its progress and achievements." The crest of the knoll on which the Patent Office now stands was set apart for a National Church and Mausoleum, designed for the use of the Government on occasions of public prayer, thanksgivings, state funerals and orations, and for any other purpose national in character The edifice was to be assigned to the special use of no particular sect or denomination, but to be equally open to all. It was also to be the place for such monumental or other tributes of a grateful country voted by the then late Continental Congress for those heroes who fell in the cause ot liberty, and for such others as might be decreed a place there by the voice of the nation. Also, five grand Fountains were to be erected at different promi- nent points; one S. of the Capitol, in the large irregular space formed by the intersection of Virginia and North and South Carolina avs.; one on Maryland av., at the intersection of F and nthsts. N. E.; one at the intersection of Penn- sylvania and Louisiana avs., near the present site of the Centre Market; one on New York av., at the intersection of I St., between nth and 12th sts., N. W.; and one on the N. side of Pennsylvania av., at the intersection of I St., between 20th and 21st sts. N. W. It was proposed to supply these fountains from the springs and streams within the limits of the city. Between the Capitol and the Botanical Garden it was intended to construct a Grand Cascade, to be fed from the Tiber. Between Pennsylvania and Maryland avs., from 3d st. W., a space of 1,200 ft. was laid down as the main approach to the " Federal House" or Capitol, and by which it was intended to reach the upper square of the " Federal House." The Mall was to form a grand avenue, 400 ft. wide and about 1 m. in length, bordered with gardens, to lead to the Equestrian Statue of Washington, or where the Monument now stands, and to connect the " Con- gress Garden with the President's Park." On E. Capitol St., which was to be 160 ft. wide to the proposed bridge across the Anacostia, the pavement on each side was to pass under archways, with shops. On the S of the Presi- dent's Park was to be a well-improved "Field, 1,800 ft. wide and % m. long," part of the "Walk" from the President's House. This spacious reservation was designed for the more elegant houses and gardens of the city, to be used by diplomatic or other foreign representatives and prominent officials of the United States. Fifteen squares were to be distributed among the States in the Union, for them to embellish within a limited time, by the erection of some appropriate statue, or other mark, to the memory of the heroes of the Revolution, "to inspire the young," and designed to " leave a grand idea of patriotic interest." Lots were to be assigned for the use of churches, colleges and other institutions. All dwellings or other structures were, to be built in accordance with certain regulations, so as to preserve uniformity. Origin of the Plan. — The resemblance between the plans of L'Enfant for Washington and L'Notre for Versailles will be apparent to any one who has visited the capital of the Western Republic and the magnificent royal residence of the kings of France. The grand avenues de Sceaux and de St. CWud, diverging from the Cour Royale, are reproduced in Pennsylvania and Maryland avs., radiating from the E. front of the Capitol; E. Capitol st. is the Avenue de Paris; the Boulevard du Roi and the All£e du Potager in N. and S. Capitol sts.; and the Allees de la Reine, de Noisy, des Paons, and de la Reine, which diverge from the E. extrem- ity of the Grand Canal, near the Basin d'Apollon, with the v ( ; llEfcEKVA'ilOiNS omission of Allee de la Reine to the SW., respectively, in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New York avs. W. of the President's House. The missing avenue in the plan of Washington, the continuation of Vermont av., would have completed the resemblance, but for the interference of na- ture : the Potomac and the mouth of the Tiber standing in the way of the extension SW. of the President's House. Other striking features of the design of Versailles are observ- able. Washington, however, having in view the practical as well as the beautiful, might be said to combine the plans of two cities. The streets running at right angles have a regard for the facilities of business. While over these, with an eye to beautiful prospects and the advantageous display of the centres of attraction, at long ranges are laid the broad ave- nues, carrefours, allees, and lawns of the imperial retreat at Versailles. Though the city was originally laid out on a scale adequate to the necessities of a metropolis of more than half a million inhabitants, and with the proper regard for the adornment of the Capital of a great people in the future, the crude ideas entertained by subsequent statesmen respecting the political status of the Federal Territory and city were adverse to any expenditure other than to establish there a simple place of meeting for the representatives of the States — a sort of central agency, where the President and Executive officers might be stationed, and where Congress might come once a year or oftener, as the exi- gencies of the times required, to transact the business intrusted to them by the Constitution — mainly to pass laws, appropriate money, levy taxes, declare war, ratify treaties, and confirm nominations. This class, then in the ascend- ency, found it impossible, or were unwilling, to see anything national in the foundation of a Federal Capital, and consequently opposed every measure looking beyond the mere provision of accommodations for the public offices. To build a capital in every sense symbolic and worthy of the Union was en- tirely foreign to their interpretation of the meaning of that portion of the Con- stitution which gave Congress the powor to accept and exercise exclusive juris- diction over a Territory to be solely devoted to the uses of the nation for the purposes of the Government. These notions, it would seem, were a revival of a practice in Germany centuries ago. On the left bank of the Rhine, imme- diately below the ancient village of Rhense, on the very brink of the stream, and apart from the habitations of men, is still to be seen the famous though rude rostrum or temple known as the Koenigsstuhl. It consists of stone seats, within a small circular wall, and overhead entirely open to the air. Here, in the earlier ages, the German electors assembled to deliberate upon the affairs of the empire, to perform acts for the common good, to make treaties, and to nominate or depose the emperors. Washington, by the class alluded to, was viewed in the light of the Koenigsstuhl of the United States. More mature thought, however, at last brought the people to look upon their capital as the political metropolis of the United States. This enlightened view is recent, dating no further back than 1861. It was not till 1870 that the march of much- needed improvement commenced. With this new state of affairs the Capital is annually becoming more worthy of the greatness of the Republic of over fifty millions of people. Eeservations. — In the plan of the city a liberal allowance of space was selected and marked out in the most desirable localities for the sites of public buildings, parks, and for other purposes of the Government. These grounds were called res- ttESEilVAriOJNiS. ^1 ervations, and were numbered from 1 to 17, with an aggregate area of 541 acres, 1 rood, 29 perches, fo? which Hie government paid $66.66f per acre, total $36,099, from money arising out of the sale of city lots granted by the mill's status of Washington. (See page 39.) original proprietors. These reservations were selected by President Washington for public purposes. Those still pos- sessed by the Government— several having been sold or granted away since, leaving 513 acres — are designated on the maps by their original numbers, but are popularly 22 RESERVATIONS. called after the principal buildings situated on them, or from the uses to which assigned, as follows : No. i. The President's Grounds extend from H st. N. to B st. N., and from 15th to 17th sts. W., with the excepiion of a square in the NE. and NW. angles. On these grounds are the President's House, conservatories, and stables, flanked on the E. by the Treasury Department, and on the W. by the State, War. and Navy Departments. Total area, 83 a. 1 r. 22 p. No. 2. The Capitol Grounds and Mall extend from 1st st. E. to the pro- longation of 15th st. W., and between B sts. N. and S. On these grounds are the Capitol, Botanical Garden, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Ag- ricultural Department. Total originally, 227 a. o r. 8 p. Under authority of Congress, in 1872, squares No. 687 and 688, in the NE. and SE. angles of the E. Park, were purchased an-i thrown into the grounds. The deficient portion of the Mall was disposed of in 1822. See Reservations Nos. 10, 11 and 12. No. 3. The Park extends from the W. line of the Mall, on 15th st. W., to the banks of the Potomac, and is separated from the President's Grounds by B St., N., formerly the line of the Tiber Creek and the Washington Canal. The old channel of the Tiber entered the Potomac on the NW. border of this reservation. These grounds are occupied by the Washington Monu- ment and the Government Nurseries. Total area, 29 a. 3 r. 9 p. No. 4. The University Square extends from E. st. N. to the banks of the Potomac, and between 23d and 25th sts. W. On these grounds is the Naval Observatory. Total area, 21 a. o r. 18 p. No. 5. The Arsenal Grounds, foot of 4^ st. W., originally included the point of land at the confluence of the Anacostia and Potomac, from Greenleaf's Point to T st. S., and between the mouth of James Creek and the line of 3d St. W. to the Potomac. Total area, 28 a. 2 r. 31 p. This reservation in 1857 was extended by the purchase of the land between the line of the canal into James Creek and W. to the Potomac and N. to Pst. S. No. 6. The West Market Square, on the Potomac, at the foot of 20th and 21st st. W. covered with water. No. 7. The Centre Market Square, between the point of intersection of Pennsylvania and Louisiana avs. and B st. N., and from 7th to 9th sts. W. Total area, 2 a. 3 r. 29 p. This reservation years ago was granted by the President to the corporation for the erection of a market. In i860 it was granted to a private corporation by which the present handsome structure was erected, now the principal market in the city. No. 8. The National Church Square, between 7th and 9th sts. W. and F. and G. sts. N., occupied by the Patent Office. Area 4 a. o r. 22 p. No. 9. Judiciary Square, between the intersection of Indiana and Louisiana avs. and G. st. N., and 4th and 5th sts. W., occupied by the City Hall. Area, 19 a. 1 r. 27 p. In 1819 a portion of this reservation was granted by Congress to the corporation for a Town House or City Hall. No. 10 Reservation North of Pennsylvania av. between 3d and 4^ sts. W In 1822, granted by Congress to the corporation, to be sold in lots, to pay for the removal of the canal, which then ran along the S. side of Pennsylvania av., to the centre of the Mall, from 3d to 6th sts. W., and to fill up the low grounds in that vicinity. Total area, 6 a. o r. 31 p. No. 11. Reservation between B andC sts. N. and 2d and 3d sts. W. Total area, 3 a. 24-. 34 p. Disposed of same as reservation No. 10. No. 12. Reservation North of Pennsylvania av., between 2d and 3d sts. W. Total area, 1 a. 1 r. 4 p. Disposed of same as reservations Nos. 10 and 11. No. 13. Hospital Square, from the Anacostia to 19th st. E. and between B andG sts. S. Total area, 77 a. o r. 26 p. On this square stands the Maga- zine, Alms House, and District Jail. No. 14. The Navy Yard is bounded by M st. S. and the Anacostia, and the continuation of 6th and 9th sts. E. Total area, 12 a. 3 r. 15 p. On these grounds are the buildings, docks, ship-houses, and works of the Washington Navy Yard. Nos. 15 and 16. Eastern Market House Squares, near the Navy Yard. These reservations were granted by Congress to the municipal corporation RESERVATIONS. 23 for the purpose stated. Area, No. 15, 1 a. o r. 21 p. ; No. 16, 1 a., o r. 23 p. * r o. 17. Town House Square, the irregular space S. of the Capitol, between S. Capitol st. and 3d st. E. and E and H sts. S. Total area, 21 a. 1 r. 29 p. The aggregate area of the public reservations in the city, deducting those disposed of, correction of errors, and modifications, is 513 acres. In 1812 the President of the Urited States was authorized to take possession brown's statue of general scott. (See page 36.) of the whole of the public reservations, and to lease them out for not exceeding ten years, on such terms and conditions as in his judgment might best effect their improvement for walks, botanic gardens, or other public purposes. A detailed description of the reservations occupied by the Government will he found in connection with the public buildings or their other designating feature. 24 AVENUES. aw^ 1 - r~ Qj 00 ec coo 1 " oo ^ cccoSi* d C bble-stnne, in streets less traveled, mostly south of Pennsylvania av. 1 He Macadam is but little used within the city, owing to the dust but is ex- tensively employed on the highways traversing the rural districts within the Territory. Under the old corporation, with the exception of a few spasmodic attempts as the necessities of an increased population became urgent, no efforts were 26 AVENUES. made to improve the avenues, streets, and spaces. Underact of Con^u^s April 6, 1870, one-half of the width of many of the avenues and street *as set apart for parking, leaving a roadway of not less than 35 ft. width in the centre, or two such road-ways on each side of the park, should that be placed in the centre. Pennsylvania and Indiana avs. and 4^ st. W., between the City Hall and Pennsylvania ave., were excluded from this arrangement. On July 8, of the same year, Congress authorized the paving of Pennsylvania av. at the Government expense. Under the Board of Public Works, a sys- tem of grades was adopted, to which all avenues and streets were made to conform. Description of Avenues. — The broad thoroughfares are among the principal attractions of the National Capital, and the finest possessed by any city in the world. A drive upon them, especially of an evening:, when thronged with hand- some equipages, affords a truly enjoyable recreation. Pennsylvania av. is not only the principal, but also one of the two longest in the city. It is, however, twice interrupted in its continuity — by the President's House and Capitol. Its width varies from 130 to 1G0 ft. It is about 4£ m. in length, from Georgetown and Rock Creek to the Anacostia, and is the main line of communication across the city. Along its route are the Washington Circle, the War and Treasury Departments. and Presidents House. From 17th to loth sts. the avenue pre- sents a particularly fine prospect, passing between the Noril Park of the President' 's Grounds, in front of which is a side- walk 34 J ft. wide, and Lafayette Square. From loth st. W. tc the Capitol it traverses the entire length of the finest business quarter and the fashionable drive. It thence winds up and around the hill surmounted by the Capitol, and continues to its terminus on the banks of the Anacostia. At the foot of 8th st. E., leaving this avenue, is the Navy Yard. Pennsylvania av. was also the earliest used. In 1800 it was opened and rudely drained from the Capitol to Georgetown, and yet it was nothing better than a marsh. During the administration of Jefferson, from the Capitol to the Presi- dent's House it was laid out in three roadways. A row of Lombardy poplars was planted between the centre or main roadway and that on either side. A flag-stone footwalk also ran from the Capitol to Georgetown. In 1825 the side- walk on the S. side was paved with stone from the Capitol to the Navy Depart- ment. In 1832 the trees were cut down, the curbs extended, and a drained, macadamized roadway, 45 ft. wide in the centre, laid out. The " centre strip," however, was not entirely completed till 1849, ar> d then was shaded with elms, maples, and " trees of heaven.'' In 1842 it was iighted with lamps from the Capitol to the President's House ; subsequently it was paved with cobble- stones, and so remained till 1870, when it was improved in a manner commen- surate with its prominence as a thoroughfare. Massachusetts Avenue is the longest unbroken in the city, being over 4j m. It begins at the NVV. Boundary; is 160 ft. wide, and extends to the Anacostia SE., intersecting New Hampshire and Connecticut avs., forming the P-street Circle; Vermont av., forming the Circle of Victory (Thomas Statue); New York av., at Mount Vernon Place; New Jer- sey and Delaware avs.; Maryland av. at the Statue of Greene; Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky avs., at Lincoln Square (Statue of Emancipation,) and thence to the Hospital Grounds on the Anacostia. ±>±.o^tiilrx±ui\ UJ) AVENUES. This avenue gradually rises to an elevation considerably above the surround- ing heights, from which it descends in easy graduation to the middle of the broad intermediate valley, and rises again on the east. On its route are the finest circles and squares, and many of the most costly residences. It is well paved, and bordered with a choice variety of trees. Simmons Naval Statue, or Monument of Peace. The naval monument, designated by Congress the Monument of Peace, de- signed by Admiral Porter, U. S. N., and erected from subscriptions started by him, 1865, in his fleet, on the fall of Fort Fisher, " In memory of the officers, seamen and marines of the United States navy who fell in defense of the union and liberty of their country, i86i-'65." From officers, midshipmen and men, >9,oco, from prominent gentlemen, (including Secretary Borie, $1,000,) $4,000, increased Dy investment in U. S. securities. .Contracted for, 1871, with Frank- lin Simmons, sculptor, of Maine, for $21,000, Ravacchione Carrara marble, height, 44 ft., erected without ceremonies, 1877. The surmounting- figures represent History recording the woes narrated by America ; west of plinth., Victory crowns young Neptune and Mars; east, Peace offering the olive branch and surrounded by the products of the peaceful arts. Latter paid for, $2,000, out of appropriation, $20,000, by Congress, 1876, for foundation, platform, steps and circular basin, designed by Edward Clark, architect of the Capitol. Cas-'. cades flow from the mouths of bronze dolphins in the sub-base, and four artis- tic lamp posts stand on the rim of the basin. The monument was admired in Rome as one of the finest works of the kind ever sent to America. It was transported from Leghorn on board the U. S. ship Supply, and landed at the Navy Yard, Washington. Inscription on the tablet, held by History, " They died that their country might live.'' The monument stands on Pennsylvania Av.,at the western base of Capitol Hill. It is 40 ft. high; the figures are 6ft. 'J.& DESCRIPTION OF AVEMUEb. Vermont and Connecticut Avenues, 130 ft. wide, ex- tending respectively NE. and NW. from the N. side of La- fayette Square, opposite the Executive Mansion. On the former are many beautiful private residences, and the Statues of McPkerson and Thomas, and on the latter the elegant edifice of the English Legation and the property of that government. New York Avenue, 130 ft. wide, begins at the Potomac river, SW. of the Department of State, and runs across the city in a NE direction. Its continuity is interrupted by the park of the Executive Mansion. From the Treasury Department ME. it is parked in the centre, and has a vista of elms. At the intersection o f Massachusetts av. is ?. beautiful bronze fountain. Maryland Avenue, itiu ft. wide, beginning at the Wash- ington terminus of The Long Bridge across the Potomac, extends N£. across the city to the Baltimore Turnpike. From the iormer to the (J;ipitol it is mostly a railroad thoroughfare. Ball's Statur up Emancipation (See page 38). T..C temahimy avenues .ire more or less improved, but as yet present no spe- Ciat attractions. New Jersey and Delaware avs. cross each other at the Cap- itol, and present fine sweeps of vision from that structure. Rhode Island and New Hampshire avs. in the NW. portion of the citv, are rapidly filling up with private residences of a striking variety of architectural design and ele- gance. For names, widths and courses of avenues see " Table" 1 page 24. For location and interesting points see map of the city in this Handbook. DESCRIPTION OF AVENUES. 29 Executive Avenuf, laid out in 1871, begins at Pennsylvania av., E. and W. of the Executive Mansion, and passes the Treasury and State, War, and ■Navy Departments respectively The N. entrances consist of six massive granite gate-posts, upon which are swung immense iron gates. A granite staircase, 20 ft. wide, and a beautiful fountain stand W. of the Treasury De- partment. Walks lead from the Departments to the Executive Mansion. Passing S., the two wings of the av. form a semi-circle, uniting opposite theS. Portico of the Executive Mansion, and proceed in a broad single line due S. to B st. N., where the av. enters the c'ark or Monument Grounds, and joins the beautiful Drive, commenced in 1872, connecting the President's and Capi- tol Grounds. Robisso's Statue of McPherson. (See page 36.) The Drive. — Leaving the S. terminus of Executive av., the Drive, consisting of a gravel roadway of 35 ft., planted on either side with trees, sweeps along the banks of the Potomac, affording a superb view of the expansive bosom of the river N. till lost behind the hill crowned by the Naval Observatory, and S. as far as the Long Bridge. On the left is a beautiful lake, covering 3 a., fed by a spring on its SE. border and a fountain in the centre. On the right are ponds for the propagation of fresh-water fish, under the auspices of the United States Fish Commission. About 100 yds. W. of the Washington Monument, is a gray freestone, a little over 2 ft. in height which marks the centre of the District of Columbia, as laid out in i79i-'o2. The Drive now winds round the Monument. On the S. is the Government Propagating Garden ; also the stately edifice of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing The Drive then enters the Agricultural Grounds , a beautiful reservation. At this point also commences the Mall. Prior to 1816 this attractive portion of the public grounds was covered with majestic oaks. ,0 bAit-chi'S. at 12th St. W., the drive now enters the quiet retre.a of t!\e Smithsonian Insti- tution, Armory Square, so named from the former Armory of the District Militia located on the S. portion, to 6th st. W., where it will cross the track of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, on an ornamental iron bridge, with a 40 ft. roadway, and 12 ft. sidewalk on either side, constructed by that company in compliance with the act of Congress, and terminates opposite the W. en trance to the Botanical Garden. It is proposed to extend the drive across the garden, so as to complete the connection with the Capitol Grounds without leaving the line of the Mall, thus carrying out the original plan of the city, which contemplated " a walk and drive between the President's House and the Capitol." The Drive is nearly 2 in. in length. BRONZE STATUE OF GEN. GKEEN (SEE PAGE 3S.) Streets. — All streets in the city are designated from the Capitol, North, and South Capitol Streets, intersecting the Capitol from North to South, and East Capitol Street and its prolongation on the the Mall from east to west, crossing at right angles, constituting the base lines and dividing the city into four sections. The numbered streets range in parallel lines east and west of the Capitol and lettered north and south, as A st. N. or S., or ist st. E. or W., according to the situation with respect to the Capitol, as A and ist sts., Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, for every locality, it being necessary to designate the section. The principal public buildings, parks, business and fashionable parts of the city are in the Northwestern quarter. There are one hundred numbers in each block, beginning at the Capitol and extending to the four points of the compass {For additional information, see page 24. and map of the cit— x EtENOMECLATURE. 31 The city in addition to its magnificent avenues possesses many attractive streets. Prominent amongst these are F, I, K. and M, sts. N., and 4J, 11, 14, and 15 sts. W., upon which are some of the most beautiful private residences. The fine thoroughfare extending East of the Capitol, known as East Capitol Steeet, was originally designed to be the chief street of the city ; North and South Capitol Streets running from the Capitol, lie on the^rs^ meridian of longitude for the United States, as laid down, in 1791, by Ellicott ; 7th Street W. is devoted exclusively to trade. ( For location of streets see Map ; for width see " Table," page 24.) FOUR AND ONE-HALF STREET. (JarviS.) Renomenclature. — Jt is proposed to abolish the present system of no- menclature of the streets with duplicate letters and numbers. This plan is not only extremely confusing to strangers, but embarrassing and a source of great inconvenience to residents. The proposed renomenclature contemplates for streets running N. and S. a system of consecutive numbers, beginning at 28th St. W.,. which would be 1st St., and terminating at 31st st. E., which would be 60th St., the additional street necessary to make up that aggregate being 4^ st. W. or 2Tst st. First Sts. W. and E. at the Capitol would be 29th and 30th sts. respectively. N. and S. Capitol sts. would retain their present names. It is also proposed to adopt for the streets running E. and W. a nomenclature which would require no alteration in the letters, selecting for each the name of some citizen eminent in the service of the Government or in private life, the initial letter to correspond with the letter which now designates the street. For instance : Streets North of the Capitol — Adams, Benton, Clay or Clinton, Douglas, Everett, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton. Jefferson, Kent, Lincoln, Marshall, Nelson, Otis, Peabody, Quincy, Randolph, Story, Tompkins, Up- shur, Van Buren, and Webster. Streets South 0/ the Capitol— Anderson, Bainbridge, Chaun- >ey, Decatur, Ellsworth, Farragut, Grant, Harrison, Jackson, Knox, Law- rence, Marion. Nash or Nicholson, Overton, Perry, Quitman, Rodgers, Scott, Taylor, Union, Van Ness and Warren. Parking.— The street parks and sidewalks of the city are generally planted with trees possessing the merits of state- liness and symmetry of growth, expansive foliage, early spring verdure, and variety of colors in autumn. The varieties used are the silver maple, American linden, European syca- more maple, American elm, tulip tree, sugar maple, sweet gum, red maple, Norway maple, negundo, American ash, buttonwood, oaks, and European ash and linden. The trees are usually planted 40 feet apart and properly cared tor. Certain varieties are confined to certain streets. The supply is kept up from the reserve Nursery on the banks of the Anacostia, S. of the Alms House, <\vhere there is constantly a stock of upwards of 20,000 plants from 2 to 9 feet id height. This parking adds vastly to the adornment of the capital. Quarters — The arrangement of the streets with respect to the Capitol divides the city into 4 sections. The Northwest Quarter constitutes the finest portions of the capital, embrac- ing the President's House, all the Departments and Foreign Legations, the principal business establishments and fashionable residences. The Southwest Quarter, formeily known as " the Island," from its separation from the rest of the city by the Washington Canal, now filled, is generally the quarter of per- sons of moderate means. In it are also the wharves. TheNo? theast Quarter is the same as theSW. The Southeast Quarter, with a small portion of the NE., is known as " Capitol Hill," from the Capitol, which stands on the W. brow. It was intended, originally, co make this the finest portion of the city The Tiber Arch (outlet of Great Sewer). Sewers.— The cities of Washington and Georgetown, for ewerage and drainage, are divided into 5 sections. i. The Georgetown and Slash Run District. Draining that city, the N. W. portions of Washington, Slash Run, and small streams N. W. of the city. The main sewer, ^ m. long, 10 ft. span, with 7 miles of brick and 30 miles of pipe tributary sewers, disembogues into Rock Creek. SEWEK8. 33 2. The Boundary District, intercepting the storm waters of the rural dis- tricts N. of the city, and hitherto finding outlet through the over-flooded Tiber sewer, and also draining the contiguous parts of the N. section of the city, be- tween Boundary N. and 14 streets. The main sewer consists of a 9 ft. conduit 2 m. long, emptying into the Anacostia, and 5 m. brick and 15 m. pipe tribu- tary sewers. 3. The Tiber District, draining the entire city east of 6th st.W., about 3,000 acres, embraces 16 m. brick and 30 m. pipe sewers. This is one of the largest sewers in the world, named after the Tiber Creek, which finds outlet hrough it, and might be called the Cloaca Maxima of Washington, as that was wakd's statue of thomas. (See page 39;. the great drain of Rome. The main sewer consists of a brick arch 24 to 30 ft span, 15 ft. high, and over 2 m. long. It extends through the basin of the val ley, and winds around the base of Capitol Hill under the Botanical Garden and thence under the Tiber arch (see engraving page 32), into James Creek, and thence into the Anacostia east of the arsenal. 4. The B Street Area, draining all the central and most populous parts of the city N. and S. of the Mall, skid between the foot of Capitol Hill and 17th street, and embraces 14 m. of brick and 18 m. of pipe sewers. The mainsewei 1 m. long and 12 ft. in diameter, follows the line of the old canal on B street, and discharges into the Potomac at the foot of 17th street. 5. The Potomac and An icostia Areas, embracing the portions of the city contiguous to the two rivers, and finding outlet directly into them through 4 m. brick and 20 m. pipe sewers. See map of the city for locality Drainage Areas. The sewerage system of Washington, the most complete in the world, is 34 SQUARES. constantly extended to meet the necessities, health and convenience of the city. It now embraces 48 m. of brick and 113 m. of pipe sewers. The sewerage of the city formerly drained into the canal, which crossed the most beauti- ful and populous portions of the city from the Anacostia to the' Potomac S. of the President's Grounds, passing along B st. N., and separat- ing the beautiful grounds on the Mall from the rest of the city. This open mass of filth and disease was filled in 1872. Squares. — In addition to the grounds attached to the public buildings, and which will be de- scribed in that connection, there are a number of beautiful squares in various parts of the city. Lafayette Square, 7 acres N. of the President's House and be- tween 15J and 16 J sts. W. The broad ave. extending to the N. is 16 St., terminating at Meridian Hill. From the President's Grounds on the S. it is separated by a broad ave. This square is beautifully laid out. in graveled walks with seats, and adorned with trees and shrubbery of rare varieties. A watchman's lodge partly for the public stands on the N. side. Two |L, bronze vases of antique design, 7 ft. high, weighing 1,300 lbs. each, cast MR %^^ GV 7.% S 4l^.r^ the Washington Navy Yard 1873, mounted on granite pedes- tals, stand on the E. and W. sides of the square. In the centre of this square is Clark Mills's equestrian statue of General Andrew Jackson, originally contracted for by the Jackson Monument Association, composed of the friends and admirers of the subject, who subscribed $12,000 for the purpose. In 1848, Congress granted to the Association the brass guns and mortars captured by the General at Pensacola. In 1850 an additional number of brass suns and national trophies, captured in battle, sufficient to complete the the statue were donated by Congress, and an appropriation made in 1852 for the marble pedestal. In 1853 $20,000 were appropriated for the comple- tion of the statue, and Congress assumed possession of it. It is colossal, weighs 15 tons, total cost, $50,000. The tail and the hind parts of the horse are weighted and the figure poised without the aid of rods, as in the great siatues of Peter the Great at St. Petersburg, and George III. at London. This was the first application of this principle. The statue'was tinveiled amid imposing ceremonies Jan. 8, 1853, the anniversary of the General's victory over the British at New Orleans. Stephen A. Douglas, orator. SQUARES. 35 JACKSON EQTJESTK1AN bXA'lUJv McPherson Squaee.— On Vermont av., between I and K sts. N. and 15th st. W., 1-J- acres, well laid out with walks and shrubbery, and adorned with composite iron vases and drinking fountains. In the centre is the bronze 36 SQUARES. statue of Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, killed near Atlanta, Ga., at the head of the Army of the Tennessee, July 22, 1864, erected by the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, Louis T. Eobisso, of Ohio, sculptor Robert Wood & Co., of Phila- delphia, founders, heroic 14 feet high, horse 12 feet long, metal light bronze, being cannon appropriated by Con- gress, weight, 7,000 lbs. Cost, $23,500. The General is represented in the lull uniform of his rank, with slouch hat, holding his field glasses in his right hand, and surveying the field of battle. Unveiled Oct. 18, 1876, amid an imposing military pageant, Gen. John A. Logan, orator. The superb pedestal, in five massive and appropriately decor. ated blocks of Virginia granite, cost #25,000, voted by Congress in 1875. It was proposed to place the remains of the General beneath the statue, and a vault was constructed for the purpose, but the removal, though approved by his family, owing to objections of the people of his native place, was not con- summated. Farragut Square. — On Connecticut av., between I & K Sts. N., and 17th st. W., l£ a., beautifully laid out. Here has been erected the colossal bronze Static of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the U. S. Navy, ordered by Congress, 1872 ; executed by Mrs. Vinnie Ream Hoxie, Washington, 1880. It was cast 1880, at the U. S. Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., from the meta of the bronze propeller of the flag-ship Ha.'tford, in which the admiral achieved his most signal victories. Height of figure, 10 ft.; weight, 1500 lbs. ; cost, $20,000. The Admiral is represented in full uniform, his foot resting on a block, hold- ing in his hand a spy-glass, and earnestly watching the movements of the enemy. "i s unveiled April 2$, 1881, amid an imposing naval dis- play. Horace Maynard, Tenn.', and D. W. Voorhees, Ind., orators. The Pedestal of Maine granite is 20 ft. high, cost $2,000, and rustic base, $5,000. Under the pedestal was placed a cupper 1 ox, giving an account of the services of the Admiral, history of the statue, an Army and Navy Register, and model of the propeller of his flagship, the Hartford. The mortar carriages were cast out of the metal of the propeller. Scott Square. — At the intersection of Massachusetts and Rhode Island avs., and 16th st., due N. of Presidents House, 1 acre. Here stands the bronze Statue of Brevet Lieutenant General Winfield Scott ordered by Congress, 1867, erected 1874, H. K. Brown, of N. Y. ; sculptor, Robert Wood & Co., of Philadelphia, founders. Cast out of cannon trophies of the valor of the General in Mexico, and donated by Congress. Total height, 15 ft.; figure, 10 ft.; weight, 12,000 lbs. ; cost, $20,000. [See engraving, page 23.] The General is represented in the full uniform of his rank, mounted on a war charger, at rest, and surveying the field of battle. The pedestal, of Cape Ann granite, stands 14 ft. high, is in five large blocks, total height with statue, 29 ft. The platform is 26 ft. long, 13 ft. wide, and 2 ft. thick, and weighs "19 tons, 1,197 lbs. ; sub-base, 20 ft. X 10 ft. X 1 ft.; 84 tons; base, 17 ft. X7 ft X 3 ft., 41 tons ; die, 15 ft. X 5 ft; X 5 ft-, 3^ tons ; and cap, 17 ft. X 7 f t. X 3 ft -> 37 tons 1,500 lbs. Total weight of pedestal, 320 tons 697 lbs. When quarried, weighed 400 tons 621 lbs. These are the largest stones ever successfully quar- ried in this country, and among the largest in the world. Great difficulty was experienced in their removal to the seacoast, whence they were transported to the National Capital by sea. SQUARES. 37 Franklin Square, between 13th and 14th. sts. W. and I and K sts. N"., comprises 4 a., and was purchased by the Government in 1829 in order to secure control of a fine spring, the waters of which, as early as 1832. were conveyed in pipes to the President's House and Executive offices. This water is still used for drinking purposes at the President's House, it being considered better than that from the Potomac. The spring lies N". of the fountain, beneath two iron and stone covers, built in the arch constructed over the spring. It was not until 1851 that this square was laid out. In the centre is a small fountain, with a basin 30 ft. in diameter, and a keep- er's lodge, with other conveniences, near by. There are also several drinking fountains. The square is planted with a pleasing variety of ornamental trees and shrubs. Judiciary Square, on the original plan of the city, was designated reservation No. 9, and was set apart for the then contemplated buildings for the. accommodation of the judicial branch of the Government.* It comprises 19| a., and ex- tends on the S. from the intersection of Louisiana and Indi- ana avs., at the head of 4J st. W. to G st. N., and between 4th and oth sts. W. The S. portion, fronting on 4£ st., is occupied by the City Hall. On the E. side was erected the immense temporary wooden structure for the call given in honor of the Second Inauguration of President Grant, March 4, 1873. On the W. side, during the rebellion, i86i-'6s, wooden buildings were erected for soldiers' hospitals. This square is one of the largest and most at- tractive in the city. Rawltns Square, on New York av., SW. of the Depart- ment of State, 11 a., is beautifully laid out, with walks, trees, evergreens, and shrubbery, and rustic fountains. In 1874 was erected there the heroic bronze statue of Brigadier General yohn A. Rawlins, of Illinois, Adjutant General and chief of staff to General Grant, i864-'6s. and Secretary of War, 1869, ordered by Congress in 1872, exe- cuted by J. Bailey, of Pennsylvania, 1873, cast by Robert Wood & Co., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, cost $10,000, 8 ft. in height, and weighs 1,400 lbs. The Virginia granite pedestal, 12 ft. high, cost $2,500. Mount Vernon Place, at the intersection of Massachu- setts and New York avs. and K and 8th sts. NW., till 1871, was occupied on the E. half by the Northern Market. It is beautifully laid out and planted. In the centre is a raised circular space, containing a bronze fountain. Triangles. — At the intersection of the avenues and streets | are small spaces designated Triangular Reservations. Many of these E. and W. of the Capitol are planted with trees and shrubs, and are further beautified with small fountains. Birds. — A flock of imported sparrows was set at liberty in the public grounds in 1871, for the destruction of insects. Each year new cages are placed in the trees for the accommodation of their increased numbers. These useful birds are fed reg- ularlv every morning during the winter in Franklin, Lafayette, and other squares. 38 CIRCLES. Green Square, at the intersection of Massachusetts and Maryland avs., NE. of the Capitol. 3£ a., beautifully laid out. Here stands the colossal equestrian bronze statue of Ma- jor General Nathaniel Greene, of the Revolutionary Army, H. K. Brown, sculptor. Erected 1877, under act of Congress, June 23, 1874, in conformity with a resolution of Congress. August 8, 1786, Robert Wood & Co.. Philadelphia, found- ers. Original appropriation, $40,000. October, 1875, $10- 000 additional to include pedestal. The General is in the uniform of an officer of the Continental army. He points forward, and is in the act of giving orders to an aid on the field of bat- tle. The animal is about to step off; the near hind foot rests on a cannon ball, and preserves the equilibrium. Total height, 1334 ft,, length, 14 ft., weight 6000 lbs., cost of casting $10,000. The pedestal, composed of three massive blocks of New England granite, is 20 ft. high, making the total height of the statue 33% ft. Lincoln Square. — On East Capitol st., 1 m. E. of the Capitol, 6£ acres beautifully laid out. Here stands the bronze group entitled Emancipation, representing Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the U. S., standing by a monolith, and holding in his right hand the proclamation of freedom. A slave kneeling at his feet, with manacles broken, is about to rise. On his left is the trunk of a tree with lash and manacles strewn about. Thomas Ball, of , sculptor, 1874; Ferd. Miller, jun., Munich, 1875. foun- der. 12 ft. high ; weight 3,000 lbs., cost, $17,000. Erected by the Western Sanitary Commission of St. Louis, Mo., out of the funds contributed solely by emancipated citizens of the United States, declared free by the proclamation January i, 1863. The first contribution, $5.00, was made by Charlotte Scott, a freedwoman of Virginia, being her first earnings in freedom, and consecrated by her suggestion and request on the day she heard of President Lincoln's death, to build a monument to his memory. Unveiled April 14, 1876, the anniversary of his assassination, in the presence of the Presi- dent of the U. S., cabinet and foreign ministers, and a vast concourse of colored and white citizens. Frederick Douglass, orator. The pedestal of Virginia gran- ite, 10 ft. high, cost, $3,000, was voted by Congress. It was in this square, in the proposed original embellishment of the Capital, that the Historic Column was to be built, to serve alsoasa mile or itinerary column, from which all geographical distances in the United States were to be calculated. Stanton Place lies NE. of the Capitol, at the intersex tion of Maryland and Massachusetts avs., and comprises 3£ a. A short distance S. of the Capitol, at the convergence of New Jersey, South Carolina, and North Carolina avs., is a large tract, originally laid out as Reservation N/o. 17. It contains 23J a., or, on the first maps, 21 a., and was set off as the site for the Town House or City Hall, but has never since been considered in that connection. It is still with- out improvement, though the subject has been called to the attention of Congress. There are other squares in the SE. parts of the city vacant and unimproved. ORNAMENTAL GARDENING. o9 Circles. — The space at the intersections of the more im- portant avenues forms what are termed circles. Washington Circle, 23d st. W., at the intersection of Pennsylvania and New Hampshire avs., contains the Equestrian Statue of General George Washington, by Clark Mills, ordered by Congress in 1853. cost $50- 000, cast out of guns do- nated by Congress. it represents Washington at the crisis of the Battle of Princeton, the horse shrinking before the storm of shot and the din of conflict, while the rider preserves that equanimity of bearing native to his great character. The Thomas Circle (Circle of Victory), at the intersection of Massachusetts and Vermont avs., and 14th St. NW. Here is the bronze statue oj Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, contracted for by the Society of the Army of the Cumber- land, 1874, with J. Q. A. Ward, sculptor, for $40,000, Bureau Broth- ers & Heaton, of Philadelphia, founders^ $10,000, from new ma- terials, heroic height, 16 ft., weight 7500 lbs. Unveiled November 19, 1879, amid a grand military and civic pageant, Hon. Stanley Matthews, orator. The hymn 0/ Victory, words by Herbert A. Preston, music by J. Max Mueller, was executed by 100 male voices and accompaniment of the U. S. Marine Band, 60 pieces, a full drum corps, and battery of Ar- tillery. Bailey's Statue of Rawlins (Page 37). The General is represented in the field dress of a Major General of the U. S. Army, suddenly reining his horse to observe the field of battle. The statue faces south, the line of vision being directed towards the General's native hills of Virginia. Pedestal erected by Congress, $25,000, Virginia granite, is of beautiful design, elliptical shape, 16 ft. high, with bronze tablets, representing the badge of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Four bronze lamp posts designed by General Thomas L. Casey, Engineer Public Buildings and Grounds, cast by Robert Wood & Co., Philadelphia, 1877, cost $1,000 each, 12 ft. high, with three-sided base and three ornamental shafts with surmounting centre and three bracketed lanterns surrounding it. On this site a salute of 800 guns was fired in commemoration of the fall of Petersburg and Richmond, April 3, 1865, and a few days later 500 guns in honor of the surrender of Gen« eral Lee's army. Ornamental Gardening.— In 1851 A. J. Downing, the cele- brated landscape gardener, was employed by the Government 40 engineer's office. to lay out the public parks and reservations. The grounds of the President's House were to be extended to the line of the Washington Canal, now B st. JN"., and to be laid out with a circular parade-ground, lined with trees in the centre. A carriageway, by means of a suspension bridge, was to con- nect the S. Park of those grounds with the Mall, near the Washington Monument. A drive was to follow the Mall to the Capitol. The Mall itself was to be beautifully adorned with lawn?, walks, drives, trees, and shrubbery. Lafayette, Franklin, and the other squares were to be laid out by the same person. The admirable schemes of improvement con- templated by this truly artistic gardener were suddenly in- terrupted by his death in 1852. During the single year of his service he prepared a general plan for the laying out and beautifying of the publicgrounds. This, in a great measure, has been carried out by his successors. In the Smithsonian Grounds may be seen a beautiful Vase, erected by the Amer- ican Pomological Society to the memory of Downing. A description of this tribute to his genius will be found in its appropriate place. Previous to this the attempts at the appropriate laying out and planting of the public parks were both crude and spas- modic. In 1826, more than a quarter of a century after the Government had made the city its permanent seat, there were no public walks, save the dusty avenues. In 1831 the grounds around the Capitol and President's House were still in the unkempt condition of nature unadorned. In 1832 the old Treasury Building was enclosed. The next year the pedestal wall and railing were placed in front of the Park of the President's House, and the S. Park, near the mansion, was planted with trees. In 1834 the foot and carriageway were completed. In 1835 Lafayette Square was improved and planted, and supplied with lamps. In 1837 the W. Park of the Capitol Grounds was extended to take in part of the Mall from the circular road around the building to 1st st. W., mak- ing an addition of 8 a. The park was walled in and the grounds laid out in walks and supplied with fountains. In the same 3'ear the President's Grounds were in more creditable condi- tion. In the S. park, towards the then line of the canal, it was proposed to lay out an extensive fish-pond, to supply the Presi- dent's table with fish. The public grounds, an eyesore to the community and a reflection upon the tase and liberality of Congress, were again neglected. Office, Engineer in Ohai'ge. — In 1871 a system of improvernemts was inaugurated by Major O. E. Babco^k, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., in charge of Public Buildings, Grounds, and Works. Congress annually appropriates from 8100,000 to $joo,ooo, to be expended under the Engineer's office, for salari-«, BOTANICAL GARDEN. 41 the improvement and care of the public grounds not otherwise specially assigned; repairs and refurnishing the President's House, green-houses, and for fuel ; light- ing the Capitol, President's House, and public grounds ; and construction and re- pairs of all bridges on the Potomac and Anacostia, and repairing and extension of Government water-pipes. Propagating" Garden. — The Government Propagating- Gar- den, originally on Missouri av., between 3d and 4J sts. W., is beautifully situated on the banks of the Potomac, S. of the Washington Monument. The garden covers 8 a. The forc- ing houses are supplied with apparatus for the propagation and growth of plants of the rarest species and varieties. In 1872, from the old garden, upwards of 20,000 papers of flower seeds were collected and cured. These, with surplus plants, sometimes numbering upwards of 10,000, consisting of roses, chrysanthemums, verbenas, geraniums, begonias, and other hot-house annuals and shrubs propagated at these gardens were distributed to members of Congress, and others notified by circular letter that such stock was ready. A Nursery is connected with the garden, in which trees and shrubs are grown for the supptyof the public parks. Copyright, 1874: DeB. B. Keim. BOTANICAL GARDEN AND GREEN-HOUSE. Botanical Garden. — Open daily. 9 a. w. to 6 p. rn.— This instructive place of public resort is situated at the foot of Capi- tol Hill, extending from 1st to 3d sts. W., and between Penn- sylvania and Maryland avs. There are two main entrances for pedestrians, one opposite the main central W. gate of the Cap- itol Park and the other on 3d St., opposite the E. end of the Drive. Each entrance consists of four marble and brick gate piers, with iron gates. No wheeled vehicles are permitted in the garden. The avenues diverging from the W. Capitol Park give the garden a wedge-shape, the narrower end facing the W. front of the Capitol. It comprises 10 a., surrounded by 42 BOTANICAL GARDEN. a low, brick wall, with stone coping and iron railing, and is laid ont in walks, lawns, and flower-beds. N. of the Main Conservatory is a large fountain, with 9 main jets and a mar- ble basin 93 ft. in diameter. The fountain is supplied from the Acqueduct, and throws its highest stream to an altitude of 65 ft. This fountain in full play presents a beautiful ef- fect, especially when reflecting the rays of the sun. S. of the Conservator} 7- is a smaller fountain, with a granite basin. During the summer the hardiest plants, in boxes, are ranged on either side of the main walk, and contribute materially to the beauty of the garden. The Main Conservator]), commenced in 1867 from designs by Mr. Clark, Architect of the Capitol, consists of a central dome and two wings. The base is of marble and the super- structure iron. The entire length is 300 ft., greatest width 60 ft., height of dome 40 ft., and wings 25 ft. The dome is supported on a brick column, which answers the double pur- pose of being a chimney also. Around this column winds an iron, spiral staircase, which leads to a cupola surrounded by a balustrade. From this point the finest view of the W. front of the Capitol may be obtained. The key is kept by the Su- perintendent. There are 10 smaller Conservatories, of brick and wood, in one of which is a Lecture or Botanical Class- room, with accommodations for 100 students. The latter fea- ture contemplates the appointment of a Professor of Botany by the colleges of the capital to hold lectures here. All the conservatories are heated by hot water, conducted in iron pipes, supplied from 5 boilers. Three of the boilers are in the vaults under the pavement of the dome of the Main Conser- vatory. The object of the garden is education and the dis- tribution of rare plants. For the latter purpose there are 4 conservatories devoted to propagation. All seeds are saved. The garden is under the control of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Each member of Congress, on ap- plying to the chairman of the committee for plants or seeds, is supplied, if practicable. Boquets are frequently obtained in the same way. Botanical Collection. — The first collection of plants in this National Conservatory was brought to the United States by the Exploring Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1838-'42, commanded by Captain (Bear Admiral) Charles Wilkes. The collection was first deposited in the Patent Office, but in 1850 was removed to the Botanical Garden. Some of the plants are still living, and a large share of the present collection are the descendants of those brought back by the Wilkes Expedition. A few have furnished represent- atives for many of the principal conservatories of the United States and Europe. BOTANICAL GARDEN. 43 The disposition of the collection is according to a geograph- ical distribution. The strictly tropical plants occupy the cen- tre Conservatory, and those of a semi-tropical nature, requir- ing protection and lying towards the N. pole, are placed in the W. range and wing; and all indigenous to countries lying towards the S. pole are in the E. range and wing. The Centre Building or Rotunda, temperature 80°, contains a fine variety of the majestic palms, called by Martins the princes of vegetation, and of which there are 300 kinds, the most prominent being here represented. The most interest- ing in the collection is the palm tree of Scripture, familiarly known as the date palm. Jericho, the City of Palms, was so called from the numbers of this tree growing in its vicin- ity. It was recommended to be used by the Jews in the Feast of Tabernacles. In Arabia, Egypt, and Persia it sup- plies almost every want of the inhabitants. The fruit is used for food, the leaves for shelter, the wood for fuel, and the sap for spirituous liquor. It matures in 10 years and then fruits for centuries, bearing from 1 to 300 cwt. at a time. Among the Arabs the pollen dust is preserved from year to year, and at the season of impregnation of the pistils or female flowers a feast called "Marriage of the Palms" is held. It is a singular historical fact, that the date palm of Egypt bore no fruit in the year 1800, owing to the presence of the French army in the country, which prevented the an- nual marriage feast. Among the other plants in this portion of the Conservatory are the fan, royal, ratan, sago of Japan and China, Panama nat, oil, wine, coco de Chili, sugar, and cradle palms; the East India bamboo ; the tree fern, from New Zealand ; as- crapea, from Madagascar ; screw pine of Australia, with its cork-screw leaves and roots in mid air; the cinnamon of Ceylon ; maiden's hair fern ; mango, a delicious fruit of the West Indies ; and banana, that most prolific of all plants ; the great stag and elkhorn ferns from Australia, (very fine specimens,) and the dumb cane of South America. The sap of the root of the latter will take away the power of speech. Humboldt, during his explorations in South America, was eight days speechless from tasting it. The outer circle of the rotunda is devoted to the smaller tropical plants. The E. range, temperature 50°, and wing, 40°, are de- voted more particularly to the plants of the South Sea Islands, Brazil, Cape of Good Hope, Australia, and New Holland. The principal specimens are the tree fern of New Zealand ; the aloe and the Caffre bread tree from the Cape of Good Hope ; the India rubber, the passion flower, the caladium, of Brazil; Norfolk Island pine of Australia, one of the most 44 BOTANICAL GARDEN. beautiful and largest-growing trees in the world; the queen plant, or bird of paradise flower, from its resemblance to the plume of that bird ; the tutui, or candle-uut tree, from the Society Islands, the nut being 1 used by the natives for lighting their huts; the coii'ce plant, and several varieties of cactus. To the W. range and wing, temperature same as E., the plants of China and Japan, the East and West Indies, and Mexico are assigned. The most notable plants here are the cycadacese, of the East Indies, the largest in the country ; the four-century plant ; the camellia japonica, or Japan rose ; the lovely lily of Cuba ; the historic papyrus aniiquorum, or paper plant, of Egypt; the tallow and leechee trees of China; the guava, a delightful fruit of the West Indies; the vanilla of Mexico, the species which furnishes the aromatic bean ; the black pepper from the East Indies ; the sugar cane, the cheramoycr, or custard apple, and cassava of the West Indies; the sensitive and the humble plants; the American aloe, or century plant, of Mexico ; the camphor tree from Japan ; the tea plant ; the papay, an Oriental tree, which has the property of rendering the toughest meat tender ; a plant of the adansonia digitata, or monkey bread, which grows on the banks of the Senegal, and reaches the enormous circum- ference of 100 ft. They are supposed to attain the age of 5,000 years. They, have many uses. Humboldt pronounces them the oldest organic monuments of our planet. There is also a specimen of the carob tree of Palestine, sometimes called St. John's bread. The pulp around the seed is sup- posed to have been the wild honey upon which St. John fed in the wilderness. There are other interesting speci- mens of the vegetable kingdom, including a pleasing variety of climbing plants. The arrangement of the exotics in the Central Conservatory presents the appearance of a miniature tropical forest, with its luxuriant growth of tree and vine. Until recently the Conservatory was in possession of a speci- men of the bohan upas tree, of which such fabulous stories have been told. Each wing of the Conservatory is supplied with a fountain. In the W. range is a vase, brought from St. Augustine, Florida, and taken from the first house built on the North American continent within the present limits of the United States. A fine specimen of maiden's hair fern grows in the vase. The outside conservatories are generally used for propaga- tion. One, however, is specially devoted to camellia japo- nica, and another to that curious growth, the orchids or air plants. The botanical collection received some valuable con- tributions from the expedition of Commodore Perry to Japan. The supply is kept up by propagation and purchase, and at LIGHTING OF THE CITY. 45 rare intervals by scientific or exploring expeditions of the United States. Superintendents of the Botanical Garden. — 1850-1852, W. D. Breckenridge ; 1852, William R. Smith. History. — The design of the projectors of the city contem- plated the location of a botanical garden upon one of the extensive reservations which had been set apart for public purposes. In 1798 there was considerable discussion as to its location. A deputation waited upon the Commissioners of the city and urged the S. Park of the President's Grounds, but as the object was the enjoyment of the public, it was seen fit to establish it in its present desirable situation near the Capitol. The topography of the ground, however, was most uninvit- ing. The Tiber flowed across one end of it, and most of it was low and marshy, and exposed to the ebb and flow of the tides in the Potomac. There is a tradition that it was the early execution ground of the city, and that no less than five criminals were hanged there. In 1822 the Botanical Society of Washington was incorporated \>y Congress. The society, prior to its incorporation, through the individual efforts of those interested in botanical researches and investigations in the District of Columbia, had prepared a full list of plants, and as early as 1817 had arranged them according to the Lin- naean classification and the more fashionable arrangment of Jnssieu. The grounds assigned to the society were the same now used by Congress for that purpose. Under the auspices of the society the marshy portions were dredged and con- verted into a small lake, into which the tide continued to ebb and flow. A few of the native trees were planted, consisting of fine oaks, buttonwoods, gums and persimmons. The only vestige remaining of these primitive efforts at a botan- ical garden are two post oaks. After the discontinuance of the society the garden was used as a deposit for rubbish. In 1850 the representative management was assigned to the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. The first buildings were then erected, and the office of Superintendent created. This post was first filled by W. D. Breckenridge, who had been horticulturist and botanist to the Wilkes Ex- pedition. A systematic course of improvement was inaugu- rated out of the annual appropriations by Congress, begin- ning with the filling of the entire grounds to a depth of 5 to 6 ft. Lighting of the City. — The lighting of the city is entirely by private companies. The first of these was incorporated in 1848. In that year Congress made an appropriation of $2,000 46 STATUES. for paying the Washington Gas Company for lighting the Capitol and Capitol Grounds, to include fixtures ; for laying pipes from the main pipe at the Capitol to the foot of 15th st. W., on both sides of Pennsylvania av., and for 100 lamp- posts and lamps and other necessary "fixtures. This was the first use of gas in the city. In the same year gas was also first introduced into the President's House. It has since grown into general use. The Government provides for the lighting of all public buildings and grounds, and the District for avs. and sts. Statues.— The statues in the public parks contribute greatly to the adornment of the capital. A description of each will be found with the grounds in which placed. The Washington Aqueduct (Jarvisj. Water Supply.— The water of the city is carried from the Great Falls of the Potomac, by the Aqueduct, a distance of 12 m., to a Distributing Reservoir, 2 m. from Kock Creek and U m . from the Capitol. The daily supply is 30 million galls, and consumption 17 million galls., or 127 galls, to each per- son—the largest of any city in the world. The full capacity of the Aqueduct is 80 million galls. A description of this remarkable work will be found in another part of this Hand- book. In the effluent screen well at the distributing reservoir are laid four 48-in. mouth-pieces for the supply of the city. Three o£ the^e are reduced in the pipe-vault to 36-in., 30-m., and 12-in. Leaving the vault these three mains run parallel across the country to a small stream known as Foundry Branch. WATER SUPPLY. 47 Near this point they strike the road along' the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which they follow through Bridge and Aque- duct sts., Georgetown, to Rock Creek, a distance of 2 m. On the way the 30 and 12-in. mains cross College Pond, over an arch of 120 ft. span, composed of two 30-in. pipes. The 36-in. main is laid in the bottom of the creek. At Rock Creek two of the three mains are joined, so that the water is conveyed through two 48-in. pipes, which form an arch of 200 ft. span across that stream. These arches also sustain a roadway for general traffic between the cities of Washington and Georgetown (see aqueduct, page 217). Crossing the aque- duct bridge at the E. abutment, the three mains are re- sumed and thence the vast water supply for the public and private buildings and fountains of the Capital is dis- tributed by the following larger conduits : The jb-itu h main along Pennsylvania av. to L st. N., thence on L st. to New Jersey av. 3 72-528 m. The 30-inch main along Pa. av. to K st. N., along K to Massachusetts av. , along Mass. av. to New Jersey av., along N. J. av. to B st. N., and L bet. N. J. and Mass. avs. 3 4-5 m. The 12-inch main along Pa. av. to 8th st. E., along 8th st. E. to the Navy Yard, with a branch line from Pa. av. along 24th st. W. to the Observatory ; another from 8th st. W. bet. Pa. av. and F. st. N., thence along F. st. N. to 7th st. W., along 7th st. to G st. N.; another starting at Mass. av., along 4th st. W. to D. st. N., along D. st. to 4^ st. W., along 4% st. to the Arsenal ; another starting at Pa. av., along 14th st. W. to B. st. S. Total of main and branch- es, 9 3-5 m. The 20-inch main along B. st, S. at 10th st. W., to BARTHOLDI FOUNTAIN (THEILKUHlJ. (See Page 48). 6th st. W., along 6th st! to Maine av., along Maine av. to Pa. av., from Pa. av. to B. st. N., along B st., bet. N. J. av. and 1st st. E., and on B st. bet. 1st st. E. and nth st. E., 1 m. The 10-inch main along 7th st. W. from G. st. N. to Mass. av., J^ m. The 8-inch main along Pa. av. from 2d to 15th st. W., 1 1 8 m. xtf THE 11ARBUH. In the original plan of the city it was proposed to utilize the Tiber Creek, the elevation ot" the source of which was 237 ft. above tide. Its water was to supply the eastern part of the city and the Capitol, thence to form a cascade 50 ft. wide 20 ft. fall into a reservoir below, thence in three falls across the west park of the Capitol, the Botanical Garden and the Mall. In 1832 the water of Smith' s Spring, 2^ m. north of the Capitol, 30 ft. above its base and near the Howard University, was conducted into the Capitol building and fed the foun- tain in the west terrace. In 1836 Congress purchased this spring and one acre of land. In 1837 its waters were conducted into the Treasury Department, and later into the general Post Office In 1832 the spring in Franklin Square sup- plied the President's House and "public offices." In late years the aqueduct water has also been introduced. Other springs were also utilized to supply contiguous portions of the city. These have since been superseded from the aqueduct. Smaller supply pipes also extend through intermediate portions of the city. The total length of water mains in the District of Columbia, 1881, was 175 miles, viz.: laid by the United States, 30, 12, 6 and 4 inch, 18 m.; by the Dis- trict of Columbia, 36, 30 and 20 inch., 6 m.; by the late Corporation of Wash- ington, 6 and 4 in., 117 m.; by the Water Department since organization to 1881, 141 m. The supply is controlled by upwards of 800 large stop-cocks. There are upwards of 825 fire plugs, 700 taps, numerous fountains, great and small, hydrants, etc., and 20.000 water takers. There is a high service reser- voir for the more elevated portions of Georgetown (see page 212); also ^.stand- pipe of limited capacity on the hill N. of 16th st. W. In 1881 there were 438 pumps in use in the District, and new ones being added against possible necessities. By statute, the water rates are limited to the cost of laying new pipes, keep- ing the old ones, in repair and current expenses of administration, but not for revenue. The rates are regulated by stories and front feet, viz.: per annum, 2 stories with front width 16 ft. or less, $3.00 ; each additional story, $1.00 ; addi- tional front foot, 25 c. There are also special business and miscellaneous rates. Receipts about $225,000. Disbursements about the same. Fountains. — There are many fine fountains in the city. The Bariholdi (Frederic Augustus, a French sculptor, pupil of Ary Scheffer) Fountain, bronze, exhibited at the U. S. Centennial Exposition, 1876. purchased bv Congress, 1877, $6,000 ; 25 ft, high, and stands in the Botanical Garden. The base consists of three turtles ; the Dowl, fourteen feet in diameter, rests on three female figures representing light and water, " the twin goddesses of cities.'' Above are dolphins, a domical covering, and crown. Weight, 15,000 lbs.; water thrown from turtles, dolphins and crown, total, nine outlets. The water dripping down is illuminated by 12 lamps, lit by electricity. The mar- ble basin, 90 ft. in diameter, ordered by Congress, 1878, $3,000. Plays in kill on days in the American calendar to be commemorated, and holidays. There is a fine fountain on the plaza north of the Treas- ury Department, consisting of an immense granite urn, 1 he tassa of which measures 16 ft. in diameter. The first public fountain erected in 1810, was by the mayoralty. The Harbor. — In front of Washington the Potomac, re- leased from the hills above Georgetown, expands into a broad lake-like river. The Potomac River rises in the Alleghany Mountains, and after a course of 400 m. empties into the Chesapeake Bay. At its confluence with the bay it is 7£ m. wide, and in front THE HARBOR. 49 of Washington 1^ in., with 18 ft. of water. The Anacostia at its mouth is nearly as wide as the main stream, and is fully as deep. Salt water reaches to within 50 m. of the city. The average tide at the STavy Yard is 3 ft. The Harbo'} of Washington consists of a channel extending from Greenleuf 's or Arsenal Point, the upper point at th£ junction of the Anacostia and Potomac, to the foot of 17th st. W., a distance of f m., and also a small channel in the Anacostia. The Potomac Channel has an average width of 400 ft. up to Maryland av. or Long Bridge, between the depths of 6 ft. at mean low water, and narrows to 250 ft. at the Arsenal wharf . The greatest depth to the lower wharves at*6th st. S W. is 11 ft., and to Maryland av. 8 ft. Above Long Bridge this channel gradually shoals, and is lost in the flats off 17th st. The Anacostia Channel has an average width of 350 ft. ? between the depths of 6 ft. on either side, and narrows to 250 ft. The greatest depth to the ISTavy Yard is 14 ft., and 1 m. above is but 6 ft. The Harbor of Georgetown consists of a depression in the bed of the Potomac, lying between the town front on the left bank and -> small portion of the right or Virginia bank and Analostan Island, near the same bank. This harbor has an average width of 800 ft., with an average depth of 25 ft. at mean low water. The depth over the bar in the main chan- nel of the Potomac just below this harbor is but 10 ft. at mean low water. This depth has been increased to 15 ft. by dredging. The Main Channel, starting at the harbor of Georgetown, runs between Analostan Island andEasby's Point, the S. end of 27th st. W., along the bank of the river to the W". end of Long Bridge, and thence to Geisborough, or the lower point of the mouth of the Anacostia. Off this it joins the channel of the Anacostia and that from the Potomac front of Wash- ington. Here the three unite, and form the broad channel, which extends clown the main river. The length of the main channel from the canal aqueduct at Georgetown to deep water at Geisborough Point is 4| m. The depth at mean high water at the shoalest place in the Potomac below Wash- ington is 22 ft. Between the main channel of the Potomac and the shore lying between 17th and 27th sts. W. lies an expansive marsh of about 1,000 a., known as the flats, and mostly covered with a rank growth of water-grass. One third is clear at low water, and the remainder is covered from 1 to 4 ft. It is stated by the engineers who have made a survey 4 50 COMMERCE. that these deposits increase yearly as the shores above are cleared of forest. Wharves and Canal.— The wharves of the city along the banks of the Potomac, at the foot of 17th st. W., are used by wood and sand craft; 7th st. W., by steamboats and schooners; and on the Anacostia, W. of the Navy-yard, for wood, lumber, coal, stone, sand, and other articles brought to the Washing- toiynarket. During the building of the city, the Acquia Creek stone for the Capitol was landed on the banks of the Tiber, about where the Potomac Gar- den now stands. The stream was deepened, so that with the aid of the tide flat boats could ascend. For the convenience of the wood, coal, and sand-boats, and other small craft desiined for the city, James Creeh, which enters the Anacostia immediately E. of Barrack* , in 1875 was dredged to a depth of 8 ft. at low-water mark, and widened to 60 ft. as far as Virginia av. at its intersection with S. Capitol st. The old Washington Canal, which connected the Anacostia at the foot of 2d St. E. with the Potomac at the foot of 17th st. W. commenced in 1791 and fin- ished in 1837, nas been filled, and a covered sewer built in its place. Commerce. — The improving the navigation 0/ the Potofnac and the construction of a canal to the head-waters of the Ohio, were enterprises co- eval with the founding of the capital. Alexandria, 7 m. below, already en- joyed a commerce with the cities and towns on the Chesapeake, along the Atlan- tic coast, and the ports of foreign lands. Georgetown, just nbove, also had a local trade of some importance. The introduction of steam on the Potomac took place shortly after its satisfactory application as a motive power in navi- gation. The VVashington, Alexandria, and Baltimore Steam-packet Company, an earlier corporation, was succeeded by the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam-packet Company, incorporated in 1829. The facilities of t?-avel on the river and bay, and to points N. by the sea, by sail and steam, have at different times since been largely augmented. Merchant vessels belong- ing to the customs district of Georgetown, which includes Washington — 1872, sail 78,2,081 tons; steam 25, 5,084^ tons; unrigged 309, 18,490^: total 412, 25,656 tons. There is an extensive home trade on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay, and by Sea, with the cities on the Atlantic seaboard. The direct foreign trade is small, all imported goods being received through other ports. Harbor Improvement. — In 1872 a board of officers was appointed, under an act of Congress, with a view to the tmproveme7it of the channel 0/ the river and the water fronts of Washington and Georgetown for commercial purposes, and the reclamation of the poisonous marsh opposite the city. The board re- ported three plans, that most favored proposing but one channel, of sufficient width and depth for all purposes ; a direct continuation ot the river at George- town, to run along the right bank of the river as far down as Gravelly Point, and thence directly toward Geisborough Point on the left bank, joining the deep channel of the river at that point, following nearly the present main chan- nel of the river, and affording a frontage of 7 m. The channel, 23 feet deep, would be of sufficient width to enable the largest vessels to move with ease and free from danger of grounding, and also to discharge the heaviest freshets The great freshet of about 1852 swelled the river at the old Chain Bridge, just below the Little Falls, to a height of 43 feet above mean high water; at the Aqueduct Bridge, 10 ft. ; at the Arsenal, about 3 4-5 m. below, 4% ft. ; and at Alexandria, about 3^ m. still lower down, 2J4 ft. The width of channel adopted for the Anacostia is 600 ft., with a depth of 23 ft. at mean low water at the Navy Yard Bridge. For the transhipment of coal from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, in front of Georgetown, it is proposed to erect suitable cocks and piers, to be continued by lines of bulkhead, including piers, the whole commencing at the NE. corner of High and Water sts., Georgetown, and extending along the entire Washington front on the Potomac and Anacostia to the outer end or the N. abutment of Anacostia Bridge. With these improvements Long Bridge would be reconstructed, with spans of not less than 200 ft., and a pivot-draw, with two openings of not less than 160 ft. clear in each, the bridge to be constructed for railroad and ordinary travel. The estimated co=t of the whole work is $6,000,000; or less expensive materials, $4,000,000. Land reclaimed, 1023 a. • time to complete, 4 yr-.. 52 BRIDGES. It is proposed to remove the Naval Observatory, and use the earth for filling. Extension of the Oity. — Long Bridge, to the water front, to be designated Railroad Avenue, would be laid out in a road- way 200 ft. wide, with space for rail-tracks in the centre and a carriageway on either side. The irregular space between Maryland av. continued to the water, Railroad av., and the bulkhead, including streets, 44 a., with 4 piers, to be re- served for railroad freight depots and workshops. The Mall would be extended W. to proposed Potomac av., would give an aggregate length of 2 T ^ m., and would form a magnifi- cent triple avenue, sweeping away in front of the W. fa- cade of the Capitol, by the side of which would tower the Washington Monument, and along which could be erected statues and monuments to the memory of the great men of the Republic. The general system of streets and avenues would be extended over the reclaimed ground outside of the Government reservations, 454 a., with the exception of Rail- road av., now Long Bridge and Potomac av., 200 ft. wide, to run the entire length inside the bulkhead. The street, 100 ft. wide inside the bulkheads, on the Anacostia front, called by the name of that stream, would run from the Arsenal to the Navy-yard. Bridges. — There are no fine bridges across the Potomac or Anacostia connecting Washington with the opposite shore. At the beginning of the present century there were four bridges : one across the Potomac into Virginia, and three across the Anacostia ; all owned by private companies. There , are now the Long Bridge across the Potomac, which is also used for a railway, and the Navy Yard and Benning's, or the Upper Bridge, across the Anacostia. The Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Bridge also crosses the Anacostia above the Navy-yard. In 1809 a pile bridge, 1 m. long, with a draw on the E. and W. ends, was in use across the Potomac. The SW. end was destroyed in 1814, by order of the Government, during the presence of a foreign enemy. It was restored in 1816. In 1832 the Government purchased it and built a new one, which was destroyed by ice in 1836. It was restored in 1838. In 1850 it was proposed to build an iron or stone arched bridge, but after plans were submitted the matter dropped. The railroad portion of the present Potomac bridge was built in 1872. The entire structure consists of a way for vehicles and pedestrians and for the track of the Washington and Alexandria Railroad. Near the Washington end is a small draw over the E . channel. From this point a causeway crosses 54 BRIDGES. vhe,marshes of the river to the Virginia channel, which is sur- mounted by a wooden structure, with a draw sufficient to ad- mit of the passage of the largest vessels. It was by this bridge that most of the vast armies of the United States marched into Virginia during the rebellion, 1861-'65. The Navy Yard Bridge across the Anacostia, from the the foot of 11 st. E., to Uniontown or East Washington, supplanted a wooden structure, built in 1819. It was over this bridge that Booth escaped after the assassination of President Lincoln. The new Wrought Iron Truss Bridge, erected under act of Congress, June 22, 1874, and opened June. 1875, cost, $146,000. Has horizontal top and bot- tom chords, vertical posts of " Phoenix" columns, and diagonal tie rods, built by Clark, Reeves & Co., Phcenixville, Penn. ; is 1700 ft. long ; roadway 20 ft. wide, and two side walks each 5 ft. wide; spans 102ft. each; one draw span 36ft., with 30 ft. clear opening, 12 hydraulic cement piers, and 2 abutments of granite, gneiss and lime stone laid in regular courses ; 440 ft. of causeway. Free Bridge above is the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Bridge. The Chain Bridge across the Potomac at the Little Falls, 4 m. above Washington, connecting the District of Columbia and Virginia, was built before 1811, and was a chain suspen- sion bridge. This name has always been retained, though several structures — the last a Howe truss bridge, partly car- ried away in 1870 — have since been demolished by ice gorges and freshets, which rise to 40 ft. The present wrought-iron truss bridge was ordered by Congress in 1872, built by Clark, Reeves & Co., Phcenixville, Penna., was erected and opened in 1874. It is 1,350 ft. long, 20 ft. wide, 26 ft. high, and has 8 spans, from 1G0 to 170 ft. each. The floor beams are 15-in. rolled iron; planking, 3-in. North Carolina Pine ; stands 30 ft. over the main channel, and cost $100,000. The bridge rests on the old stone piers, raised 18 in., and is free. The other bridges within the District are Benning , s, a wooden structure, £ m. above the Navy Yard, and the Aque- duct of the Alexandria Canal at Georgetown. Communication between Washington and Georgetown across Hock Creek is maintained by three bridges. The Pennsijlvania-av. Bridge is a line iron structure, consisting of an arch of 200 feet, formed by two 48-in pipes, used to con- vey the aqueduct water into the city. Railroads. — In 1831 Congress authorized the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to construct a branch into Washington. In 184 1 two trains were running each way, time, 2^ hours, distance, 40 miles. Now the capital is connected by rail with all parts of the country. See General In/or mat ion. Telegraphs. — In 1843 Congress appropriated $30,000 to test the practica- brlity of the system of electro-magnetic telegraphs invented by S. F. B. Morse. The line was completed between Washington and Baltimore in 1845. To-day hundreds of wires bring the government into instantaneous communi- cation with the remotest section of the country, and the newspapers are furnished with daily telegraphic intelligence from the capital. Street Railways. — These convenient means of city transportation were introduced in 1862. (See General Information.) SECTION III. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. sf to the for the United HISTOKICAL KETKOSPECT. HE Legislative and Executive branches of the Government occupy buildings erected expressly for their accommodation. The co-ordinate, or Judi- cial branch, is yet without a structure of its own, though such provision for its accommodation was originally contemplated. The Capitol is devoted purposes of Congress, and affords limited facilities sessions and business of the Supreme Court of the States EXECUTIVE BUILDING. 1798-1871 The increase of the Government business and the inad- equate accommodations afforded by the public buildings, commodious as they are, lias necessitated, in a number of cases, the purchase or renting of private buildings in different parts of the city. The Department of Justice occupies the upper portion of 56 THE CAPITOL. the Freedrnen's Bank building. Winder's building, origi- nally erected for a hotel, now owned by the Government, is used by several of the bureaus of the War Department. A number of the bureaus of the other executive offices are similarly provided for. The first edifices built for the accommodation of the exec- utive offices were the War Office, 450 ft. SW., and the Treas- ury, on a corresponding site SE. of the President's House; the former before and the latter after 1800. Both faced S. The War Office, now the Navy Department, was later trans- ferred to the new building on the N. In 1818 Congress au- thorized the erection of two new buildings N. of those then standing. These were completed during the administration of President Monroe. The four structures were then desig- nated according to their location with respect to the Presi- dent's House; that is, the NE., SE., XW., and SW. Execu- tive Buildings — respectively State, Treasury, War, and Navy Departments. The site of the fir-t two is now occupied by the Treasury Department. The War and Navy Departments are still standing, but will shortly be removed, to make room for the new State, War, and Navy Department uow build- ing. The first building, designed by George Hadfield, Archi- tect of the Capitol, formed the models for all. They were brick, originally 2 stories high, 120 to 160 ft. front, (50 ft. deep, a*id 1 ", ft. high, with a freestone basement and Ionic portico. They were subsequently raised and otherwise modified. It was originally intended to have a passage between them and the President's House, but this was abandoned. The SE. building, or Treasury Department, was destroyed by fire in March, 1833. It then occupied temporary quarters on Penn- sylvania av. In 183G the erection of a new Treasury Depart- ment, more suitable in design and dimensions, was com- menced on the site of the old. Before the business of the Government became so great, all the offices were accom- modated in the four buildings. The Patent Bureau then oc- cupied rooms in the NE., the Attorney General's Office and Indian Bureau in the NW., and the General Land Office in the SE. Executive Buildings. THE CAPITOL. The Capitol of the United States {open every day, except Sunday) stands on the W. brow of the plateau which forms the E. portion of the city. It may be reached from the more populous sections by street cars. Pennsylvania av., trom APPROACHES. 57 Georgetown, leads to one of the gates at the foot of the hill, below the \V. entrance. From the President's House, by Pennsylvania av., the distance to the Capitol is 1£ m., and the same from the most remote of the principal hotels. The street cars pass in front of or close by all the hotels. Street Oars. — The Pennsylvania-av. (marked "Capitol") Street Cars, from the W., pass around the Capitol on the S., and by a branch track from S. B st., carry visitors to the SE. angle of the S. Extension, occupied by the House of Kepresentatives. Strangers should be careful to take a car for the Capitol. Those marked "Navy Yard" run within a short distance of the same point. Those of the same line for the Baltimore and Ohio RR. Depot would leave them on the N. line of the grounds, and some distance from the building. The Metropolitan, or F-st Cars, by a branch track, land pas- sengers on the plateau at the NE. angle of the 1ST. or Senate Extension. Strangers should be careful to take a car for the Capitol. The same line of cars to the E. parts of the city on E. Capitol st. also pass near the same point. Site. — The Capitol occupies very nearly the centre of the plot of the city, there being 25 sts. E., 27 sts.VY., 22 sts. 1ST., and 21 sts. S. Oil a straight line, however, drawn from N\V. to SE., it stands about ^ m. towards the latter point. The great white Dome which surmounts the mighty pile, rising high in the air, is visible for miles around — indeed from every elevated point in the District. From it, as far as the eye can reach, may be seen rolling hills, broad valleys, and rivers. The E. fapade of the building looks out upon the expansive plain of Capitol Hill, with a background of beautiful elevations, those on the right being beyond the Anacostia; the N. across a broad intervening valley to the wooded encircling hills of the city; the S. down upon the low grounds and sparsely settled portions of the city, with the broad Potomac and Anacostia mingling their waters in the distance ; the W. overlooks the business and official quarters, the lawns and groves of the Botanical Garden, the Mall, and the President's Grounds, and the wooded summit of University Square, with the shining domes of the Observatory and Georgetown Heights beyond. Approaches. — Broad avs. and sts., 11 in number, from 130 to 160 ft. wide, radiate from the Capitol and constitute its ap- proaches as follows : E. front — to the NE. Maryland av., to the SE. Pennsylvania av., and to the E. E. Capitol st. ; W. front — to the NW. Pennsylvania av., to the SW. Maryland av., and to the W. lie the Botanical Garden and Mall ; N. 58 THE GROUNDS. front— NE. Delaware aw, NW. New Jersey av., to the N. N. Capitol St.; S. front— to the SE. New Jersey av., to the SW. Delaware av., and to the S. S. Capitol st. The Grounds. — The grounds surrounding the Capitol, en- larged in 1872-'3, by the purchase of squares G87 and 6S8, for $684,199.15, respectively in the N. E. and S. E. angles form a parallelogram 1,800 ft. E. and W. and 1,253 ft. N. and S M containing 51 J a. The Capitol occupies the centre, and with its massive porticos, broad steps and blockings, towering dome and columns, pilasters, entablatures, with architrave, frieze, and cornice, pediment and balustrade, is one of the most imposing structures in the world. In 1874, Congress, for the tirst time, took steps towards a creditable improvement of these grounds. A topographical survey was made, and Fred. Law Olmstead of New York, landscape architect, authorized to furnish plans. On June 23, 1874, $200,000 were appropriated to be expended under the direction of the architect of the Capitol. Mr. Olmstead. charged with the execution of the plans, was aided by John A. Partridge, engineer in charge, and Geo. Kent Radford, consulting engineer. The general features of the improvements are the continua- tion of East Capitol St., to connet with a broad paved carriage court, (Neuchatel pavement,) 300 ft. wide in front of the cen- tral portico. On either side is an undulating space of oval shape. On that portion facing the building is a seat with blue stone plinth, and base, Seneca back and blue stone coping and cap. The seat is divided into 8 spaces by piers of blue stone and Seneca, 3 ft. 4 in. high, surmounted by bronze lamps 12 ft. high. In front is laid a patent Mosaic pavement in colors. In front of the central portico stands 6 lamp piers 13 ft. 3 in. high, blue stone base, with red sand stone band, and above, blue stone and polished Passamaquoddy (red) granite, in alternate courses, surmounted by bronze lamp posts, 12 ft. high, designed by Thomas Wisedell, of N. Y.. cast by Janes, of N. Y., 1874. In the rear, on either side of the main avenue, is a flower casket, base 40 by 30 ft., of blue stone and granite, and surmounted by a bronze vase, from which rises a spray fountain. Around each casket is a pavement similar to that in front of the seat. The plans yet to be acted upon for the West Park contem- plate a terrace 50 ft. wide, with supporting walls 10 ft. high. Opposite the central western portico an imposing double flight of steps will descend to a terraced walk, 40 ft. wide 60 THE GROUNDS. and 1,000 ft. long, terminating In beautiful pavilions. Op- posite the main steps is another descent to the three main diverging foot-ways. From the various converging avenues drives and foot ap- proaches lead into the grounds through appropriate entrances, to the carriage court and porte cocheres. At the Pennsylva- nia and Maryland avenue foot approaches, on the west, will be large fountains. In the northeastern space is the Sumner beech, so called in consideration of the Senator's admiration. h\ front of the central western projection of the portico is an oval basin, (78,827 galls.,) which receives the water from a white and b\\\e~marble fountain near by, erected in 1834, and fed from a covered reservoir under the carriage court at the head of the main avenue, East Park, supplied from Smith's Spring, 1£ m. N. of the Capitol, just NE. of Howard Uni- versity, and purchased in 1832. In this basin, in 1814, stood the Naval Monument to the memory of the officers who fell in the Tripolitan war, 1S04, now stands in the U. S. Naval Academy grounds at Annapolis, Md. In the E. Park is the colossal statue of George Washington, '* the father of his country," by Horatio Greenough, of Mass., ordered by Congress, 1832. for the Rotunda of rhe Capitol, made in Florence, Italy, was S years in completion, weighs 12 tons, if erect would be 12 ft. high, and cost, including sculptor's work, freight, removals, and attendant expenses, $44,000; of this $5,000 were for transportation from the "Washington navy yard to the Rotunda, about 1 m. The large size of the statue has occasioned considerable embarrassment. It was designed by Congress that it should be suitable to the interior of the Capitol. It was found entirely out of propor- tion there. Its final resting place is yet a matter of doubt. In the figure, the right hand points to heaven, and the left, advanced, holds a Roman short sword, the handle presented. Over the right arm and lower parts of the body falls a mantle. The seat is ornamented with acanthus leaves and garlands of flotvers. The carvings in the back admits of a view of the back of the statue. A small figure of Columbus rests against the left arm of the seat, and of an Indian against the right. In basso relievo on the right of the seat is represented Phaston in his car, drawn by fleet steeds, allegorically, the rising sun, and the crest of the arms of the United States. On the left are represented N. and S. America, as the infant Hercules strangling the serpent, and Iphiclus on the ground shrinking from the con- test. The back of the seat bears the inscription, '•'■Simulacrum istud ad magnum Libertatis exemplum nee sine ipsa duraturum. HORATIUS GREENOUGH, Faciabat. (This statue is for a great example of Liberty, nor without Liberty will the exam- ple endure. Horatio Greenough, Sculptor.) The pedestal is 12 ft. high, and of solid blocks of New England granite. The inscriptions arc: S. face, tv First in Peace ;" N., " First in War ; " W., " First in the hearts of his Countrymen." A better effect for the statute, and particularly softening its necessarily coarse lines, would be secured by elevating the pedestal to a height of at least 25 ft. In 1840 a United States frigate was despatched by Congress to bring the statue to the United States. The hatches, however, were not sufficiently large to admit it into the hold. A merchant ship, the Sea, was chartered and altered to accommo- date the unwieldly mass. In 1841 it arrived and was placed in the rotunda of the THE (UtoUNDS. 01 Capitol. The main door was cut away to ad- mit it, and a pier of masonry e- rected beneath the pavement to supportit. Here it was out of pro- portion, and in 184a it was re- moved to the E. Park, where it stood for many years beneath an uncouth shel- ter of pine boards. The sta- tue, while ad- mired as a work of art, has been much criticised as a misconcep- tion of the char- acter in which the subject is held in the hearts of his country- men. A foreign writer has desig- nated it " a sort of domestic Ju- piter." The Capitol originally stood on the declivity of the hill, and on the W. pre- sented a story below the base line on the E. To correct this defect and great- ly enhance the imposing ap- pearance of the structure, the se mici rcu iar rang.; of case- mates, utilized for fuel and storage, was constructed, the outer face forming a beauti- ful green glad;. The terre-plein is paved with Maryland Seneca stone, with an outer ;.■;''.]> of New England granite. IniSiS the terrace was connected with the building by the bro;:d platform opposite the western projection, and the west door was cut through. In 1S73 the iron railing which enclosed the grounds was removed to give plac-e to an enlarged line of enclosure then purchased The configuration of the immediate eminence upon which the Capitol'stands has been materially changed and beauti- fied by the hand of art. The original slopes have been mod- ified by terraces and slopes falling to the level of the divergent avenues. There is also an enlarged line of enclosure, em- GREENOUGH S STATUE OF WASHINGTON. 62 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. bracing the acquisitions of additional ground. General Description.— The Capitol of the United States, as now completed, is unquestionably the finest and largest building of the kind on the face of the earth, and does credit to the skill of the architects and the taste of the nation. In durability of structure and costliness of material it is also superior to any other. The great edifices of the Old World are accumulations of a number of centuries. The Capitol of the United States is the stupendous work of less than a single century. The elevated seat, formed by nature and art, upon which the Capitol stands, is 89J ft. above ordinary low tide in the Potomac, 1 mile distant, and is admirably adapted to the display of its vast proportions and architecture. The entire length of the building is 751 ft., and the greatest depth, the breadth of the wings, 324 ft., including the porticos and steps. The ground-plan covers about 3^ acres. The structure in detail consists of a main building' and two extensions, or wings, with connecting corridors. The main or central building is 352 ft. in length, and, exclusive of the W. projection, 121^ ft. deep, with an E. central colonnaded portico 160 ft. wide, consisting of rows of monolithic Corinthian columns, 24 in number and 30 tt. high, exclusive of pedestals. The portico is elevated on a rustic basement, surmounted by an enriched entablature and pediment, the latter 80 ft. broad. Over this rises an attic story, surmounted by the Dome, 135^ ft. in diameter. In the rear and on either side of this main portico the edifice rests on a basement to correspond with that of the portico. Above this rises the order, two stories in height, with pilasters, an entablature, frieze, and surmounting balustrade, carried out in the same architectural de- sign. It is proposed, at some future day, to take down this portico,- and ex- tend the front of the central building E., to bring it at least on a line with the E. front of the two extensions, so as to perfect the architectural group. Be- tween the original building and each of the extensions, which lie at the N.and S., is a connecting corridor of 44 ft. in length and 56 ft. depth, with four fluted columns on either front. Each extension has a front of 143 ft. facing the E. and W., and depth of 239 ft. along the N. and S. facades. The latter is ex- clusive of the porticos and steps on the E., which correspond with the main building. The facades of each extension are embellished with porticos on three sides, those on the E. consisting of 22 fluted monolithic columns, in two rows, N. and S., and 10 on the W. ends, the columns facing the N. and S. respectively constituting the N. and S. fronts of the building. The porticos of the N. and S. facades are 124 ft. front. The westjront of the main building presents a central projection of 83 ft. by 160 ft. front, with a recessed colonnade ioo ft. in extent, consisting of 10 coupled columns, elevated on a rustic basement, as the E. front, and rising, with its entablature and balustrade, to the roof, surmounted by a paneled screen or attic. The rest of the W. front is the same as the E. There are no steps on the W. front of the main building, it being entered from the upper terrace. The extensions stand on a foundation of granite, raised about 4 ft. on all sides ; the basement or ground floor is reached by granite steps. On the E. facade are three broad flights of steps, which lead to the commencement of the order. Beneath the basement is a sub-basement, visible only and ac- cessible on the outside from the casemated terrace on the W. The central building first erected is freestone, from the Government quar- ries at Aquia Creek, about 40 m. below the city, purchased by the Commis- sioners in 1791. This is painted, in order to conform in general appearance with the wings, which are built of white marble, from Lee, Massachusetts. The marble columns of the extensions are from the quarries at Cockeysville, THE DOiUE. 63 Maryland. The appropriations made by Congress from 1800 to date for the erection and remodeling of the Capitol amount to $1 5.000,000. THE WESTERN FACADE AND PARK OF THE CAPITOL. The Dome. — Out of the centre of the main building rises the great Dome of the Capitol, designed by Walter, and which replaced a smaller one removed in 1856. It is of the follow- ing dimensions : Exterior Heir/lit — above the base line of the E. f;i9ade of the Capitol to the top of the lantern, 288 ft.; above the W. gate of the park, 360 ft.; above the balustrade of the building, 218 ft.; statue of Freedom on the apex, 19 J ft. Total height from base line to crest of statue of Freedom, 307i ft. Total height above low tide in the Potomac, 397 ft. Diameter, 135| ft. The Dome rests on an octagonal base or stylobate, 93 ft. above the basement floor, and as it leaves the top line of the building consists of n peristyle, 124 ft. in diameter, of 36 iron fluted columns, 27 ft. high, and weighing 6 tons each. Above this is a balustrade. From the entablature of the peristyle to the attic is 44 ft. Above the balustrade begins the domi- cal covering. The apex is surmounted by a lantern? 15 ft. in 54 THE DOME diameter and 50 ft. high, surrounded by a peristyle, and crowned by the bronze Statue of Freedom. Just below the lantern is a balustrade around the crowning platform. The outer domical shell is pierced with glazed openings for the admission of light. In the lantern is a reflecting lamp, lighted by electricity, and used only when either or both Houses of Congress are sitting at night. This light is visible from all parts of the city. The Statue of Freedom, by Crawford, 1865, which sur- mounts the lantern of the Dome, rep- resents the figure of a female, the r. hand resting on the hilt of a sheathed sword; the 1. on a shield, and holding a wreath. The crest of the helmet con- sists of an eagle's beak, embellished with plumes of feathers. This head- gear was not the conception of the artist, but an after-suggestion. The original model represented a simple head-band, encircled with stars. The drapery of the figure is both chaste and striking. Over an inner garb is a fur- red robe, tastefully adjusted over the 1. shoulder and falling over the 1. arm ; at the waist it is gathered in loose folds, and held by a brooch, bearing the let- ters U. S. The attitude of the statue exhibits in a striking degree the beauty of feminine grace with decision. The statue is 19i ft. high, and the weight of bronze 14,985 lbs., or 6 tons (2,240 lbs.) and 1,545 lbs. It was cast at Clark Mills' foundry at Bladensburg, 5 m. XE. of Washington, and cost $23,796. The statue stands on a bronze capping for the Dome, representing a globe, with an encircling zone, upon which are the words "E Plvribus Unum." The weight of iron used in the Dome is 8,009.200 lbs., or 3,575 tons (2,240) 1,200 lbs. The Dome stands upon a substruction of masonry, which forms the foundation of the outside walls, and also upon 40 interior columns, which sup- port heavy arches, upon which rests the pavement of the Kotunda. The casting and erecting of the iron work of the immense structure was performed by Janes, Fowler. Kirtland & Co.. of New York, whose successors, Janes & Kirtland, continue the work and fame of that great estab- lishment. There are two smaller domes, just visible above the crowning balustrade. The roof of the entire building is covered with copper and iron. STATUE OF FREEDOM. PORTICOS, 65 The following are the dimensions of the three greatest domes of Europe : St. Peter's, Rome, from the pavement to the base of the lantern, 405 ft. ; to the top of the cross outside, 458 ft. ; ex- terior diameter of the cupola, 195J ft. ; interior, 139 ft. St. Paul's, -London, England, to the top of the cross, 404 ft.; diameter, 112 ft. Hotel des Invalides, Paris, France, over the Tomb of Napoleon, 323 ft. It will be seen that the Dome of the Capitol of the United United States ranks fifth in height and fourth in diameter. The dome of the Cathedral of St. Isaac, at St. Petersburg, the National Church of Russia, is 363 ft. in height, and is also a. magnificent structure, built of iron and bronze. . Porticos. — The E. facade of the Capitol is broken by three grand porticos, reached by broad flights of steps, and from which open the three principal doorways. Beneath each of these porticos are massive vaulted carriageways to the base- ment entrances, the centre one of which opens into the Crypt. The main Portico, 160 ft. in length, consists of 24 monolithic columns, 30 ft. high. On the tympanum of the pediment is an allegorical group in alto relievo, by Persico, an Italian, representing the Genius of America. The principal figure, representing America, is of semi-colossal size, and standing on a broad unadorned plinth, holding in her hand a poised shield, with U. S. A. emblazoned in the centre of a ray of glory. The shield, which is oval, represents an ornamented altar, in the centre of which is a wreath of oak leaves, in basso relievo, encircling July 4, 1776. In the rear of the figure rests a broad spear, and at her feet an eagle, with partly-spread wings. The head of the figure is crowned with a star, and inclines towards the figure of "Hope," who is addressing her. The right arm of "Hope " is raised, and the left rests on the stock of an anchor, the hand grasping part of the drapery. The Genius of America, in reply to Hope, who is recounting the glory of the nation, points to the figure on the other side, which represents Justice, with eyes uplifted, and holding in the right hand a partly-unrolled scroll, on which is inscribed " Constitution of the United States," and in the left the scales. Justice has neither bandage nor sword, representing that American justice judges intelligently. The emblematic char- acter of the group suggests that, however Hope may flatter, all prosperity should be founded in public right and the pres- ervation of the Constitution. The execution of the work is excellent, but cannot be entirely appreciated from its raised position. All the figures are cut in sandstone, and 7£ ft. in height. The sculptor at first contemplated giving more C6 PORTICOS. nudity to the group, but being persuaded that it was con- trary to the sentiment of the people of the United States, went to the other extreme. The ascent to this portico is by an im- posing flight of freestone steps, flanked on either side by mas- sive buttresses. On the S. buttress stands a semi-colossal group of statuary by Persico, an Italian, 1846, representing the Discovery of America, in a figure of Columbus, holding aloft a small globe, on the top of which is inscribed America At his side crouches an astonished and awe-stricken Indian maiden. The group consumed 5 years in execution, and cost $24,000. It is said that the armor is true to a rivet, hav- ing been copied from a suit in the palace of the descendants of the discoverer at Genoa. The corresponding group on the N". buttress, by Greenough, 1842, represents the First Set- tlement of America, consisting of five figures : a hunter rescu- ing a woman and child from the murderous Indian, while by the side is a faithful dog. The work consumed about 12 years in execution, and cost $24,000. It is of Servazza mar- ble. Persico was first designated to make this group. In the niches on the r. and 1. of the great Bronze Door, opening into the Rotunda, are the colossal statues of Peace and War, both by Persico, 1832. Peace is represented by the Goddess Ceres, a gentle maiden, with loose flowing robes and sandals. In her r. hand she bears fruit, and her 1. an olive branch. War is represented by Mars, a stern warrior, attired in Roman toga, belt, and tunic, with helmet and sandals. The tunic bears the symbols of his victims. The statues are of the finest quality of Cararra marble, each 9 ft. in height, were 5 years in execution, and cost $12,000 apiece. Both are fine specimens of art. Over the Bronze Door is a basso relievo by Capellano, 1827, representing Fame and Peace in the act of placing a laurel wreath upon the brow of Washington. In panels on either side are bundles of radiating arrows, with surroundings of leaves. The E. Portico of the North or Senate Extension is reached by a broad flight of 46 marble steps, broken by 4 landings, and flanked by massive cheek-blocks, carrying out the design of the central Portico. This portico measures 143 ft., and is adorned by a double row of monolithic Corinthian columns, 22 in all, 30 ft. high, exclusive of base, and is surmounted by a pediment of 72 ft. span. The group of figures on the Tympanum, by Thomas Crawford, symbolizes the Progress of Civilization in the United States. The centre figure repre- sents America, with the rising sun in the background. On her r. are figures of War and Commerce, Youth and Educa- tion, Mechanics and Agriculture. On her 1. the Pioneer, the Hunter, and the Aboriginal Race. The latter is represented MAIN BRONZE DOOR. 67 by an Indian and squaw, with an infant in her arms, seated by a filled grave, typical of the decadence of the red race. This group, ordered in 1862, was cut by Italians, out of Amer- ican marble from Massachusetts, and cost $45,950. The E. Portico of the South or "House " Extension, in archi- tectural design, dimensions, and material, is the same as that of the N. Extension. The portico is without statuary or sculptured embellishment ; yet, with its beautiful marble columns supporting the entablature and surmounting pedi- ment, it is grand in its nude proportions. The ■ W. facade, the central projection and extensions, and the N. and S. faces of the building, are decorated with col- onnades, of beautiful proportions, and surmounted by balus- trades, all in harmony with the porticos on the E . 1. Main Bronze Door.— The great Bronze Boor, modeled in Rome, 1858, by Randolph Rogers, and cast in bronze in Munich in 1860, by F. v. Miller, fills the main doorway, from the grand Portico into the Rotunda. The valves of the door stand in a superbly enriched casing, also of bronze, and fold back into suitably fitted jambs. The height is 19 ft.; width, 9 ft.; weight 20,000 lbs., and cost $28,000. In 1862 this door stood in the south doorway of the old Hall of Representatives. In 1871 it was removed to its present appropriate place. The events portrayed in the panels of the door constitute in alto relievo the principal events in the Life of Columbus and the Discovery of America, with an ornate enrichment of emblemat- ic designs. On the key of the arch is an excel- lent Head of Columbus. In the casing are four typi- cal statuettes representing A ; Asia; B, Africa; C, Europe; D, America. The rest of the casing is em- THE MAIN BRONZE DOOK. 68 MAIN BRONZE DOOR. 15 13 11 9 O o 16 14 12 10 IV 2 1 VI o o III 4 3 VII o O ii 6 5 VIII o o 1 8 7 IX c o D bellished with a running bor- der in relief of ancient armor, banners, and heraldic designs, emblematic of Navigation and Conquest. Sixteen statuettes of the patrons and contempora- ries of Columbus embellish the outer borders of each leaf of the door, as follows : i. Alexander VI, Roderigo Lenzoli Bor- gia, a native of Spain, Pope of Rome 1492- I5°3. 2. Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza, Arch- bishop of Toledo, and Grand Cardinal of Spain, a man of great influence at court, and early patron of Columbus. 3. Ferdinand, King of Spain, royal pa- tron of the undertaking of Columbus. 4. Isabella, Queen of Spain, and royal patroness of Columbus. 5. Charles VIII, King of France, an en- lightened monarch and friend to the cause of discovery. 6. Lady Beatriz de Bobadilla, Marchion- ess of Moya, and friend of Columbus. It is said the likeness is of Mrs. Rogers, wife to the sculptor. 7. John II, King of Portugal, the mon- arch who rejected the proposals of Co- lumbus. 8. Henry VII, King of England, ap- pealed to by Bartholomew Columbus on behalf of his brother ; meantime the dis- covery was accomplished under the aus- pices of Spain. MAIN BRONZE DOOR. (Also see page 70.) 9. Juan Perez de Marchena, prior of the Convent of La Rabida, and friend to Columbus. 10. Martin Alonzo Pinzon, commander of the Pinta, the second vessel in the first fleet across the ocean. 11. Hernando Cortez, early companion of Columbus, and conqueror of Mexico. 12. Bartholomew Columbus, brother to Christopher, advocate of his theory at the court of Henry VII, and first Adelentado of Hispaniola. It is said that the likenes\ is of the sculptor. 13. Alonzo de Ojeda, a companion of Columbus in his first voyage of discoverv and one of the most daring of his contemDoraries. 14. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, discoverei of the Pacific Ocean from the Isthmus cf Darien. 15. Amerigo Vespucci, one of the earlier discoverers of the main land of America, author of the first account of the New World, and from whom the con :inent taken it? name. 16. Francisco Pizarro, conauernr of Peru I PRINCIPAL STORY. ■Il l llllg l l 09 fa o DO H c w E-i D H a fa o 1-3 c E-t fa >-G o *^ ^GOX3 «3,B O S rt G G^^ 1? ~ -G - G o o> Jr M ^ o ~ G G O"** pq * 2 S _, «2 a, cj 55^-2 G s-i B 5^2 £ jh, O ai : «<♦_.£ *" - ~ W c'S'd 0) G Hl ci S « S3 o -3 » .2 O f5 r ^ CO ,B S G c s-i a (V B £* rC "" ,_ O as .22:= ■°"5 S-i W S li .1)5 rt.C > 5 ^o 'S yi C«r « rt^ i3 £ i*i « J %'Qh> « v 5 « S o «H °s~ . ^ o x £.1.3 S-g H S rt « « -o.a j.5 «i6m 0<>4 4) A E W 4-1 s F •< 3 4) M.S T3 ■" «•> O u ■< . .. > '•3 >> & 0" e V S G O a a N a u V e * V Efl > . -C el H - a o.E X — '"< h c S o <--s - SH 1 5 Xj u - ft u a) Y: 11 •3 5 _0 3 2 - 9 O to ^5 U "* rt ^ XI • M B n N c bt «i c: •V ROTUNDA. 73 "tr 5a ' -3" =* O CD ^ 05^ °° o c — CD ^- ■< 5T 5 so S * ft § So ^O S H » 3 -c 2 * s 3 2 *t t_l i—? rD so kO <*• ^*^ h (t 1 OoE 02 F 2, f ~ £ 8 © " 8 2 t? £ 5 CO "S O-g CO r+ (5 c^ £•€** jo CD >-> i— ' l_ o J?s"o CD O CD O M 2 2.2 Ero ^'jr cd~ -• a -?" > CO ■"* r- >— ' cd "-a. cc o-q » ffl » CD - =*" r* si ^ ^CR 2. fc*j CD h, 74 ROTUNDA. « c3 C-O x cd P ■afijjs V r— CO P . ° 53 fll -u 03 el w P £ «2 O c3 C) W O ** o °s P to a p k O © m r O °~ > O M 2 «o c "SI 1 " 8 _£ CO P -^ ©oo o >> ^ h h*J'3 P 03 CSq J) cor-; o) cd.x,^ S 5 v <* P* '~-f3 ® > 3 P cj ^ ' CO 03 55 "2 ' a --^ co ^h 03 e,-, __, CD C Tr ^ -P £ £ -p a ^ m - pT SP*3 (S e i - co , a cd-~,P . O ^ ,Q 2 to £ ® co ~ a ? u 3 03 O P 03 ROTUNDA. 75 O 3 £ * -■ h" 2t 3 3 to !5.o 76 ROTUNDA. ^rt O O g a? O — »-i u- O b» .5^ c.5 mo Nfc^-o H^ « ... (J txJt oO e Z'SO <*>«>- <"_£/£ ~° „- M '= 5-aco g *S • o-e S h tiTS' 5 * .j -^ o-5 -ow •■ e*S 2 •— >S-2«<««<«e:>^ •1 -rib* S) ~ rt c - ' ." art _§•= TJS^ o^ o i> T3S w a. ECij O u " £> -&»i 0, -^e c O.= « a «2 w £7^ •« S>~ ^ >| J ^-o S °^'w ° 5 oSsoSOgtoog-g J3 2 •.»- i o"j; rt « B rt ROTUNDA. 77 2: jif|^iliifii^£irps- ? i,^g 2 « 3C" 3 ' -»> 5 S -Oft - -I ... W 3 - " £^- / ^ " M?°i i ' SO _ -I -I - M^.-Bs! J = ' ^3 ?^ 5\8 ? sj ^-Fb =a.§ = ~ 3 35ST, co O — n O p S-- *S 25 §■ 'B S3 cd =. -T- T ."" O £T. CD 3 M^ 3 *, N^ — (^ _. ("J _l. 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Hn m r ^ n ^ • now « Coo' i^S^ oo>- ^OS> (T- tn P <« n Ci&'n Q o 00 a 3 a cr-.>- o o a; ^ 0) O tn g-es a.c*< clW §£&?££* O- «y- 1 KirvCll'AL STORY. 87 age lasted fifteen minutes, during which time the English commander concen- trated his fire upon the party. When Perry hoisted his pennant on the Niagara the American fleet was inspired with fresh courage, and by a prompt move- ment broke the British line and won the day. Perry was but twenty-seven years of age when he gained this signal victory. The best view of this paint- ing is from the balustrade at the top of the staircase. A double stairway, THE EASTERN GRAND STAIRCASE which unites at the first landing below, leads beneath the arched support and massive blocking of the upper staircase to the basement. These grand stair- cases, two in the Senate and two in corresponding positions in the House Ex- tensions of the Capitol, are among the most beautiful features of the Capitol. A full description of each will be found in its proper place. 88 CAPITOL INTEitli'U. 29 Senate Bronze Door ( Main entrance to the Senate wing), was put in place in 1868, executed by Thomas Crawford, 14£ ft. high, 9} ft. wide, weighs 14,000 lbs, cast by James T. Ames, Chicopee, Mass., cost $6,000 for model, $50,494 for casting. Tlie acanthus, cotton-boll, maize, grapes, entwining vine and cap, on elaborate brackets, enrich the frame. The his- torical subjects represented in alto relievo, are (See Key.) 7\Tr VI IV 7! ii in SENATE BBONZE DOOR. I. Battle of Bunker II ill and Death of Warren, June, 1775. II. Battle of Monmouth, June, 1778, and Rebuko*>f General Lee, who meditated betraying the American Army. III. Battle of Yorktown, October, 1781. Hamilton's Capture of the Redoubt. IV. Welcome of Washington at Trenton, April, 1789, on his way to New York to assume the office of President of the United States. This panel contains por- traits of the sculptor, his wife, and three children, and of Rogers, the sculptor of the Main Door. V. Inauguration of Washington, First President of the United States, in New York, April 30, 1789. The principal figures in this panel are portraits, including John Adams, Vice President, on his right; Chancellor Livingstone administers the oath; Mr. Otis, Secretary of the Senate, presented the Bible. The other distinguished personages represented are Alexander Hamilton, Generals Knox and St. Clair, Roger Sherman, and Baron Steuben. VI. Laying of the Corner-stone of the Capitol of the United States at Washing- ton, September 18, 1793. The prominent figures are likenesses. The order to Mr. Crawford contemplated tuo doors, one for the E. Portico of each wing. The sculptor had proceeded no further than to complete th» drawing of his designs and the work of his models in clay, when he was over taken by death. The work, however, was completed t> y W. H. Khiuenart, oi Maryland, an assistant in the studio of the sculptor at Rome. The models were shipped to the United States in 1863. They were somewhat damaged in PRINCIPAL STOKY. 89 removal, but were restored by Silas Mosman, ot Massachusetts, under whose superintendence they were cast. The mechanical execution of this work is considered in every respect equal to the great Door, and establishes the skill of American bronze founders in competition with those of Europe. Above the door, resting on a cap supported by massive brackets, are two reclining female figures, in American mar- ble by Crawford, representing Justice and History. _■ ' THE GRAND CORRIDOR AND MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE SENATE CHA.MbtK. (See No. 23, p. 86.) 30. Senate Vestibule. — This door opens into a vestibule consisting of a colonnade of 16 fluted marble columns, with capitals of acanthus and tobacco leaves. The col- umns are disposed in couples, and equally divided on either side with corresponding pilasters. The ceiling is composed of massive blocks of highly-polished marble, form- ing panels, three of which are provided with stained glass. The walls are scagliola imitation of Sienna marble, and are broken at suitable intervals into niches, with bases of Tennessee marble. The floor is tesselated in white and blue marble. At the opposite end the door of bird's-eye maple, with bronze enrichments, and set in a bronze frame, leads to the Senate Chamber. 31. Official Reporters' Room, used by the reporters of the debates and proceedings of the Senate. The ceiling is frescoed in the Pompeian style. 32. Senate Post Office. — This beautiful apartment is 9() CAPITOL INTERIOR. fitted with polished maple cases and other conveniences for the Senate mails. This room was originally intended for the Library of the Senate. The vaulted ceiling is embellished wilh frescoes by Brumidi, the principal pieces representing History, Geography, Physics, au'd the Telegraph. Three allegorical figures support a tasteful centre-piece, from which drops a chande- lier. The walls are finished in oil and gilt. 33. The Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Sen- ate- — On the walls are allegories of Seces-iwii and Peace. 34. Senate Keception Boom.— The vestibule opens into the Senate Reception Room, a brilliant salon about 60 ft. long, with a vaulted ceiling divided into two arches, that on the N. being groined, and is divided into four sections, in which are allegorical figures in fresco: N"., Liberty; S., Plenty; W., War; E., Peace. The S. half of the ceiling consists of a cir- cular arch, broken by deep caissons, arranged in concentric circles. The fresco in the centre represents youthful figures in a vignette of clouds. Outside the circle are allegorical fig- ures in fresco : NE., Prudence; SE., Justice; SW., Temper- ance ; NW., Strength. All these frescoes were executed by Brumidi, in 1856. The ceiling is heavily gilded throughout, and from it is suspended a fine chandelier. The walls are finished in tint, and enriched with stucco and gilt. They are divided into five panels, with medallion centres for portraits of illustrious citizens. Each medallion is surrounded by wreaths, and is surmounted by an eagle. The base of the walls is scagliola, in imitation of Potomac and Tennessee marbles. Under the arch in the S. wall is a well-executed centre-piece in oil, by Brumidi, representing Washington in consultation with Jefferson, his Secretary of State, and Ham- ilton, Secretary of the Treasury. On either side is a.medal- lion yet unfilled. In the N. wall of this magnificent apart- ment, between the window's, is a mirror. The floor is of encaustic tiles, finely laid, and with a beautifully-wrought star as a centre-piece. The room is furnished in rosewood, with damask and lace curtains. In winter the floor is richly carpeted. The mantel is a beautiful specimen of workman- ship. 35. Bronze Staircases, formed of entwining vines andfoliage, relieved with eagles, deer, and cupids. A similar staircase occupies a corresponding place on the W. side of the lobby. These, including two connecting with the lobby of the Hall of Representatives in the S. Extension, cost nearly $22,500. They are elaborate and artistic specimens of bronze work, and in a part of the building too dark to enable their merits to be fully appreciated. They were manufactured by Archer, Warner & Miskey, of Philadelphia Baudin, artist, 1858-'59. PRINCIPAL STORY. 01 36. Vice President's Boom.— The door on the r. within the Lobby opens into the room of the President of the Senate, generally known as the Vice Presidents Room. It is a well- furnished apartment, with plain stuccoed ceilings and tinted walls. In this room is the original of Rembrandt Pealt's painting of Washington, from life, purchased by the Senate in 1832* for $2 000. 37. Senate Lobby. — During the sessions of the Senate, admissions to the Lobby can only be obtained through a Senator. When the Senate is not in ses- sion the Lobby is open to the public. The Lobby is a vaulted passage, with gilt panels and cornice. Two doors lead to the floor of the chamber, and opposite, two doors into the "marble room." 38. The Senate Chamber.— This magnificent apartment, first occupied by the Senate January 4, 1859, is in the N. ex- 92 CAPITOL INTERIOR. tension — has entrances from the corridors on the E., S M and W., and two from the lobby on the N. Length, 113£ ft.; width, 80f ft,; height, 36 ft. ; area of floor, 9,136 sq. ft. The Chamber proper is 83 ft. long and 51 ft. wide. On the E., W„ and S. sides are the cloak rooms for Senators, and on the N. the lobby. Over these are the galleries, with seats for 1200 persons, rising and receding in tiers to the corridors of the second floor. The N. Gallery above the chair of the President of the Senate, is devoted to reporters of the press , with 40 desks, and seats for as many more. Opposite the reporters' is the diplomatic gallery. The galleries on the E. are devoted exclusively to ladies and gentlemen accompanying them ; a portion for the ex- clusive use of the families of Senators. Those on the W. are for gentlemen. F 'or plan of galleries see Diagram attic story, 15 to 21. The Desks of the Senators, two for each State, are arranged in concentric semi-circles, and made of the richest mahogany. Some are almost as old as the Senate itself. The President' s "chair" occupies a raised dais, aiso of mahog- any. The gavel rests on the desk in front. The Secretary of the Senate, Leg- islative, Chief and Minute Clerks, beginning on the President's left, occupy the desk in front, and the two official reporters immediately in front of them. The Sergeaut-at-arms on the left, and Door-keeper on the right of the chair, sit at the foot of the dais. They?(?(?r is raised about 3 in. for each semicircle of desks, and is pierced by numerous registers. These are fed from an air-chamber beneath the floor, and supplied by fans and steam-coils in the basement with moistened air tem- pered from 68° to 70 winter, from 8° to io° below the outside air in summer, and regulated by thermometers and hygrometers in different parts of the cham- ber, under the chief of the ventilating department. The contaminated air passes through the trellis work in the ceiling. (See Ventilating Departvient, page 113.) The ceiling consists of immense iron girders amd transverse pieces, forming deep panels, glazed each with a centre-piece symbolic of the Union, the Army and Navy, Progress, and the Mechanical Arts. The outer row, with trellised centres, are for ventilation, and outside of these are deep caissons and cir- cles, with a star in each. The frame rests on a heavy iron cornice. The iron work throughout is bronzed with gilt decorations. The walls are richly painted, those supporting the galleries being laid off in panels. The back of the galle- ries are pierced by doors on each side. The doors are of bird's-eye maple, elab- orately finished with foliated bronze ornaments. Niches for statuary are also sunk in the walls. The iron work was done by Janes, Beebe & Co. The hall by day is lighted through the paneled ceiling by means of the skylight in the roof. At night innumerable jets, ranged above the ceiling around the glass panels, and supplied with gas and ignited by electricity, diffuse a soft light throughout the Chamber. The public are permitted on the floor of the Chamber when the Senate is not in session. The regular hour of meeting is 12 noon every day except Sunday, but the time can be changed and sessions fixed and adjournments or- dered on its own motion. The persons entitled to the privileges of the floor sCre designated by resolution of the Senate. CAPITOL INTERIOR. 93 39. Oloak Rooms— Beneath the E., W., and S. galleries are cloak room? for the exclusive use of Senators. THE "MAKBLE" OH SKNAXUKb' KBTIRING ROOM. 40. Marble Boom — From the lobby pass through a small ' passage or vestibule into the Marble or Senate Retiring Room. I his elegant apartment is 36 ft. long, 21 J ft. wide, and 19^ ft. high. The ceiling rests upon 4 Corinthian columns of Italian marble, and consists of massive polished blocks of white mar- ble, forming deep panels. The walls throughout are of hia-hly- pohshed Tennessee marble. In the panels of the walls are large plate-glass mirrors. Those at the ends produce a strikin o- effect. In the E. and W. walls are niches. Two of these contain heads of Indian chiefs, executed in marble. The floors are of encaustic tiles. The room is handsomely furnished, and, without question, is the finest apartment of the kind in the world. In the E. vestibule is a small bronze bust of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, 1861-1865, presented by Albert De Groot, of No w York 94 PRINCIPAL STORY. 41. President's Boom.— Leaving the lobby by the W. door, on the r. is the President's Boom, assigned to the use of the President of the United States on his visits to the Capitol. This room is rarely used except on the last days of the session of Congress, when the President, with his secretaries and Cabinet ministers, assemble there to expedite the business of legislation, the President signing such bills passed by the Senate and House of Representatives as meet his approval. The walls and ceiling of this room are richly and appropri- ately decorated. On the S. wall, under the arch of the ceil- ing, is a portrait of Washington — a copy from Rembrandt Peale's— with a reclining female figure on either side : that on the r. representing Victory, who holds a shield, bearing the inscription, Boston, Trenton, Princeton, Monmouth, and Yorktown. The figure on the 1. Peace, with a laurel wreath. On the four walls are medallion portraits of Washington's first Cabinet: S., Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State; E., Henry Knox, Secretary of War, and Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury ; W., Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, aad S. Osgood, Postmaster General. Under the cornice are a lumber of small copper-colored medallions, rep- resenting the coats of arms of the States. The rest of the walls are artistically decorated in arabesques. Overhead are four corner -pieces in fresco: the first of Columbus, with a globe and early instruments of navigation, representing Dis- covery ; likeness from a portrait in Mexico. Diagonally oppo- site, Americus Vespuccius, with charts and telescope, Explo- ration, from a painting in Florence. William Brewster, with an open Bible, representing Religion; and diagonally opposite, Benjamin Franklin, with manuscript and printing-press, or History. Four medallion pieces between these represent Religion, Liberty, Legislation, and Executive. The medal- lion from which the chandelier is suspended is enriched with three infant figures, supporting an American flag. The ceilings are further embellished. The entire decoration^ by Brumidi. The room is the most richly decorated in the United States. The floors are beautifully tiled. There are three large mir- rors in the walls. In winter the room is richly carpeted and furnished. 42. Senate Committee on Enrolled Bills 43. Closets. 44. Senate Committee on Appropriations. — Tinted walls. CAPITOL IXTERIOK. D5 •45. Elevator. — : for the use of Senators, runs from the basement to the attic Story, and is fitted up with a screw and double engine: cost $10,000. 46 to 50. Offices of the Senate. — 46. Engrossing and enrolling. 47. Chief and 48. Executive clerks. 49. Secretary of the Senate. 50. Financial clerk. . 51. Western Grand Staircase.— Of white marble, leads to the gentlemen's galleries. The highly polished entabla- tures, steps, balustrades, columns and. capitals viewed from the landing leading to the basement, strike the eye with its magnificence. The design and dimensions are the same as the eastern staircase. See page 87. THE PRESIDENT S ROOM. At the foot of the staircase, in a niche, is the statue of yohn Hancock, Presi- dent of the Continental Congress, which signed and promulgated the Declara- tion ol Independence, 1776; semi-heroic ; executed in i860, in marble, by Ho- ratio Stone; cost $5,500. Against the west wall is the painting of the Storming of Chapultepec, Sept. 13, 1847, by th e American Army, under Gen. Scott, by James Walker, N. Y., from sketches in the field ; ordered i860 ; cost $6,600. The castle, one of the defenses of the city of Mexico, crowned an eminence 900 ft. high, and was taken by means of scaling ladders. General Quitman and several of the officers of the advance division are in consultation. The batteries at the foot of the hill were taken, and the approach to the city by the aqueduct lay open. The hillside is already occupied by the United States rifles. Gen. Quitman, mounted, appears on the h- of the painting. Gen. Shields is without his coat, and wounded. Near at hand are Lieuts. Wilcox and Towers, of the engineers. On the 1. stands a section of Drum's battery. In the rear, advancing 96 CAPITOL INTERIOR. to thesupport of Casey's troops, are the Pennsylvania, New York, and South Carolina volunteers, bearing their State colors, and commanded by Geary, Baxter, and Gladden. Xieontenca, the Mexican commander, is killed. Gen. Persifor F. Smith, with the rifles, confronts the enemy's breastworks, and points to the retreating Mexicans, who are fleeing by the aqueduct. CKNTRAL BUILDING— SOUTH WING. 52. South Door of Rotunda, leading to the National Statuary Hullzxai I'ouse 0/ Representatives. 53. Vestibule, crowned by a dome and cupola, and modeled from a Greek temple. The capitals of the columns are ornamented with the leaf of the cot- ton plant, instead of the acanthus. Theflowc of the cotton plant also enriches the centre of the caissons. This vestibule cortesponds with that on the N. side. The door on the 1. leads to the basement staircase, (19,) very beautiful in design. 54 and 55. Document Room, House of Representatives. — These are for the supply of bills and documents for the current use of members of the House. 56. Stationery Room of the House of Representatives. 57. House Committee on Banking and Currency. — When representa- tives occupied the old Hall, now the Hall of Statuary, this room was set apart for the use of the Speaker. It was to this room that John Quincy Adams was conveyed after he fell at his seat in the House, February 23, 1848, and it was here that he died, two days after. A marble console on the west wail supports an excellent bust of Adams, by J. C. King, 1845,$ .placed here in com- memoration of this sad event. lilSifflllSIll Houdon's WashihGTOH — Historical Clock — David's Jeffeksun. ' 68. National Statuary Hall. — This magnificent Hall, for- merly used as the place of meeting of the House of Kepre- sentatives, is Grecian in design, having been planned and adapted, by Latrobe, after the remains of the Theatre at Ath' ens. It consists of a semi-circle of 96 ft. chord. The ends of the prostyle and peristyle are separated by a wide project- ing surface of freestone, which rises to the top of the order and supports a segment arch, which corresponds with the segment of the vaulted ceiling that crowns the hall and ends against it. To the top pf the entablature blocking is 35 ft., and to the apex of the domed ceiling 57 ft. The semi-peri- CAPITOL INTERIOR. 97 style or circular colonnade on the N. is composed of 14 columns and 2 antae, of the Corinthian order; the shafts of solid blocks of variegated marble or brec- cia, were quarried from the banks of the Potomac above the city. The bases are freestone. The capitals are of Carrara marble executed in I taly and de- signed after those in the temple of Jupiter btator at Kome-Hadfield sa y*. after the capitals of the Lantern of Demos at Athens. The entablature is of the pro- Gkeen, Williams, Trumbull, Sherman, Clinton portions used in the former temple, ornamented with dentils and modillons, enriched with leaves and roses. The floor is of marble. A paneled dome springs overhead. The apex of the dome is pierced by a circular aperture, crowned by a lantern, serving the double purpose of light and ventilation. The dome is similar to that of the Pantheon at Rome. On the S. side of the hall, forming the loggia, are 8 columns and 2 antse of ihe same style as the peristyle. Over the entablature of this colonnade springs a beautiful 72 ft. chord. On the Livingston, Winthrop, Adams, Allen, King. blocking of the cornice beneatn is a. figure of Liberty, in plaster, by Caucici a pupil ot Lanova, 1829, originally intended for execution in marble The figure, seen from the galleries in front, produces a striking effect. On the r is the irustrum of a column, around which a serpent, the emblem of wisdom, is en- twining itself, and at the feet of the.figure is an American eagle. In the frieze ot the entablature, under this figure, is sculptured an eagle in stone, with out spread wings, the work of Valaperti. Over the N. door stands a clock in m~ y£ PRINCIPAL STORY. ble, by Chas. Franzoni, 1819. History, her drapery floating in the air, is rep resented as standing in the winged car of Time and recording passing events, The car is placed on a globe, on which, in basso relievo, are cut the signs of the zodiac. The hours are marked on the tace of the wheel of the car. The hall aifords some acoustic, phenomena, also in the west column near the south door, can be distinguished human faces, all will be explained gratis by the attendant. When the Hall was occupied, the Speaker's chair stood on the S. side, upon an open rostrum about four feet above the floor, enclosed by a bronze balustrade. Rich crimson curtains fell in elegant folds from the capitals of the columns, and were separated so as to form luxurious draperies as a backgronnd to the chair and rostrum. Below and in front of the Speaker's rostrum stood the Clerk's desk, raised on a variegated socle. Upon this stood a rich mahogany table, with damask silk curtains. Between the columns were sofas and accom- modations for twenty reporters. The members' desks of mahogany, with arm chairs, were arranged in concentric circles, for 232 members, the aisles forming radii from the centre. In the rear of the outer row of desks was a bronzed iron railing with curtains, constituting the bar of the House. Outside of this was the lobby. The gallery over the loggia was set apart for the ladies, having cushioned seats for the accommodation of 200 persons ; the general gallery ■would seat 500. The panels on either side of the ladies' gallery contained full-length portraits of Washington by Vanderlyn, and Lafayette by Ary Schef- fer, a present from the distinguished Frenchman upon his last visit to the United States. Under these were copies of the Declaration of Independence, in frames emblematically ornamented. At night the Hall was lighted by "solar gas'' from a chandelier at the apex of the dome. This Hall was occupied by Congress for 32 years. During the first days of the Rebellion, 1861-65, troops were quartered in it. In 1862 it was used as a hospital for the sick and wounded of the army, and in 1864, by act of Congress, was set apart for its present appropriate purpose. THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF STATUES. The House of Representatives having taken possession of its new quarters in the Capitol in 1857. the ''old" Hall fell into neglect. In 1864, Congress, desirous of perpetuat- ing its historic associations, authorized the President of the United States to invite each State to furnish statues, in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each State, of deceased persons who had been citizens thereof and illustrious for their historic renown, or for distinguished civic or military service, as the States determined worthy of national commem- oration, when so furnished to be placed in the old Hall of the House of Repre- sentatives, in the Capitol of the United States, which was set apart for a. Nation- al Statuary Hall. The State contributions are given in the order received by the government. Rhode Island. — 1871. Nathaniel Greene, marble, life-size, H. K. Brown, 1869, attired in full regimentals of a Major-General in the Continental army, re- presented as pledging the service of his sword to his country. Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, and promoter of civil and re- ligious liberty in America; marble, life-size, Franklin Simmons, 1870, robed in the dress of the early colonist. The pedestals are of Rhode Island red granite. Connecticut. — 1872. yonathan Trumbull, an eminent patriot of the Rev- olution, and from whom the term " Brother Jonathan" originated on account of his skill in expedients to meet the necessities of the Continental Govern- ment. Marble, heroic, C. B. Ives, 1869. Roger Lherman, one of the committee to draft the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Marble, heroic, C. B. Ives. 1870; represented in Continental civil attire The Pedestals are of Vermont mat ble. CAPITOL INiLKIOtt. M New York. — 1873. George Clinton, a signer of the Declaration of Indepen dence, General of the Revolution Governor ot New York and Vice President of the United States. Bronze, life-size, H. K. Brown, 1873. Robert Wood & Co., Phila., founders: represented in Continental military dress. Robert R. Livingston, First Chancellor of New York, who administered the oath of office to George Washington upon his inauguration as President of the United States, March, 1789. Bronze, life-size, E. D. Palmer, 1874. Barbe- dienne, Paris, founders, represented in the chancellor's robes, and holding by his side the treaty for the cession of Louisiana by France to the United States, which he successfully consummated. The robe and lace work is artistic. Massachusetts. — 1876. John Winthrop, first Governor of Massachusetts, landing with the charter of 1630. Marble, semi-heroic, Richard S. Greenough, 1875, represented in the costume of the times. Samuel Adams, an early advocate of liberty. Marble, semi-heroic, Anne Whitney, 1876, represented in colonial dress and protesting to the Royal Gov- ernor against the presence of British troops, using the memorable words : " Night is approaching, an immediate answer is expected, both regiments or none." March 6, 1770. Vermont. — 1876. Ethan Allen. Marble, heroic, L.C.Mead, i875,represented in the uniform of a Continental officer, with drawn sword and flashing eye, de- manding the surrender of Ticonderoga in the name of" the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." "Jacob Collamer, 1880, a forcible orator on constitutional questions, Post- master-General, 1S49, and Senator of the United States, 1855-64. Marble sem— heroic, Preston Powers, 1879. Represented in the costume of the times, addressing the Senate, left hand resting on a pedestal bearing the State arms. Maine. — William King, 1880, an early advocate of the separation of Maine .1 id Vlassachusetts in 1819, and first Governor of Maine, itf.>j. Marble se.mi- ■ r- iic, Franklin Simmons, 1877. Represented in top boots and Spanish cloak, • t 'lolds in his hand a roll of parchment, the Constitution of the mate. In addition to tnese State contributions the Hall contains a plaster copy of the statue oi George Washington, ex Richmond, life-size, by Houdon, 1788 re- presenting the father of his country in civic attire, with a staff in his hand, his cioak and sword resting on a bundle of lictors' rods, and with a rude plow in the rear; the superb semi-heroic statues of Alexander Hamilton, marble, by Horatio Stone, 1868, $10,000 ; the first Secretary of the Treasury. General E D. Baker, killed in the rebellion. Marble, by Horatio Stone, 1875, $10,000 ; representing him as a Senator of the United States ; and Thomas Jefferson, bronze, by the celebrated French sculptor, P. T. David D'Angers, 1833, Fondu a Paris, par Honore Conon et ses deux Fils ; representing the author of the Declaration as just having signed that instrument of American liberty; the statue was presented by Uriah Phillips Levy, of theU. S. N., 1833, but was not accepted until 1874. The pedestal is a superb piece of work, in four vari- eties of marble, executed by Struthers, of Philadelphia. The other works are a statue of Abraham Lincoln, marble, Vinnie Ream, 1866, $15,000; busts of Abraham Lincoln, marble, Mrs. Sarah Fisher Ames, 1868, $2,000; T. Kosciuszko, marble, H. D. Saunders, 1857, $5°° ? an d Thomas Crwvford, scuiptc by h ; mse!f. Of the few paintings are a Washington, by Gilbert Stuart, 1796, painted from life for the Chesttnut family of South Carolina, purchased 1 875, $1, 200 ; and two CaSltonVby Chester Harding', 18-,"$— -Vand Joshua Giddings, Miss — Ransom, 18— ; a mosaic of Abraham Lincoln, by Salviati. oi Venice, a man- ufacturer. 59. Corridor, connecting- the S. wing of the centre or old 100 PRINCIPAL STORY. building with the S. Extension, occupied by the House of Representatives. This is the same as No. 22. Opposite is the main door to the floor of the House of Representatives. SOUTH, OR HOUSE EXTENSION. This portion of the building corresponds, in its general fea- tures, with the Senate Extension, the larger size of the Hal] of Representatives causing simply a narrowing of the outer corridors. 60. Northern Corridor, beautifully designed, especially the ceiling, which is diversified with lunettes and circular and groined arches. 61. Eastern Corridor, leading to the Eastern Grand Staircase and House Lobby. At the S. end of this corridor is the office of the Government telegraph, connected, by means of wires under the building, with the office and subterran- ean cable in the N. Extension. (See No. 23.) 6a. Western Corridor, leading to the Western Grand Staircase and the offices and Lobby of the House. 63. House Committee on Military Affairs. — Here is a series of seventeen paintings, exccuteu in i87o-'7i, by Lieut-Co!. Seth Eastman, a retired officer of the U. S. A , representing someot the principal forts ot the United States, the Military Academy at West Point, and Fort Sumpter before and after the bombardment. A case of breech-loading arms used in the army stands against the west wall. 64. Eastern Grand Staircase, leading to the galle ries. (For their divi- sion, see Plan oj attic story, Nos. 50 to 55.) The staircase is of Tennessee marble, bronze capitals and white marble steps, and in every particular of de- sign, measurement, and execution similar to that in the same position in the Senate Extension. In the niche it the foot is the superb Statue of jfejferson, by Hiram Powers, 1863; cost $io,ooo f) executed in Italy. Against the E. wall, is the painting of President Lincoln signing the Proclamation of Emancipa- tion of the negroes, Sept. 22, 1862,. by Frank P. Carpenter, cost $25,000; pre- sented to the United States, by Mary Elizabeth Thompson, Feb. 12, 1878. {See engraving, grand staircase, page 87. 65. Main Door. — This very prominent entrance is still without the embel lishments of art. Mr. Crawford, the designer of the bronze door of the N. Extension, at the same time received an order for one for the S. The death of the sculptor, who had already completed the designs, prevented the execution of work on the second door. The models, however, were completed by his pupil, Rhinehart, for which the latter received $9,000, but have been since their completion stowed away in a dark vault, near the Undercroft. The door will represent scenes in the life of Washington. 66. Vestibule. — This beautiful vestibule consists of 8 fluted columns in couples, two on either side. The capitals are enriched with leaves of acanthus, tobacco and corn. The ceilings are paneled, and the walls tinted and broken by 8 niches, with Tennessee marble bases. 67. House Committee on Ways and Means. — A fine department, richly decorated in the renaissance style, diversified with American shields, foliage, birds and fruit. 68. House Committee on Appropriations. — Room decorated and pan- eled in distemper and encaustic by Strieby, 1873. The fruit pieces and repre- sentation of moulding are particularly well executed. The door near by leads to a vestibule which opens into the House Lobby. The bronze staircase (35) is the same as those adjacent so the Senate Lobby. 69. Reporters of Debates. — This room was originally used as the Mem- bers' Reception Room. The walls aie tinted, and the groined arches overhead are decorated in arabesque in fresco. ;o. Lobby of the House of Representatives. — The lobby, which may be entered in company with a member during the sessions of the House, has an iron-paneled ceiling, highly enriched in oil, the decoration being that in vogue during the 15th centurv. On the r. are doors opening into the Hall. PRINCIPAL SiollY 101 71. Hall of the Representatives.— ("House of Represen- tatives") — The dimensions of this superb legislative hall, the finest in the world, are : length, 139 ft.; width, 93 ft.; height, 36 ft. The floor is 1 15 feet by 67 feet. The galleries will seat about 2,500 persons. Beneath these, against the N. f Si E.,and W. walls, are cloak and retiring rooms, and back of the Speaker's chair the lobby. Upon the floor are desks for the Representatives and Delegates, arranged in concentric semi-circle*. The Speaker's "desk" is raised about 3 ft. from the floor. In front are desks for the clerks of the House, and still in front desks for the official reporters. The whole is made of white marble, with a base of Ten- nessee, and is extremely beautiful. The clock marks the morning hour, and limit of debate. East of the Speaker, on a pedestal of Vermont marble, stands the mace or insignia of authority, when the House is in session. When not, it may be seen in the room of the Sergeant-at-Arms. It consists of a bundle of lictor's rods, bound together by silver ligatures, and surmounted by a silver 102 PRINCIPAL STUtlY. terrestial globe, crowned by the American eagle. On the left of the chair is a full length portrait of Washington, by Vanderlyn, 1834, and on the right one of the Marquis de Lafayette, by Ary Scheffer, 1822, the celebrated French artist ; was presented to Congress by Lafayette upon his last visit. In the W. panel of the S. wall is a fresco by Brumidi, representing Washington at Yorktown re- ceiving the officers sent by Cornwallis to ask two days' cessation of hostilities, and in place of which two hours were granted. Over the N. door is a clocks surmounted by an eagle, and supported on either side by figures of an Indian and hunter. In the panels east and west of the S. doors are two paintings by A. Bierstadt, $10,000 each, respectively representing the Settlement of Cali- fornia about 1769, in the name of Spain, purchased 1878, and the Discovery of the Hudson River by Henry Hudson, 1609, purchased 1875, representing the great navigator landing, and groups of Indians and birch canoes The ceiling of the Hall is ofcast iron, paneled, painted and gilded, and highly enriched with gilt moldings, and supported on a decorated cornice. 'I he.pan.els Atr; filled with glass with stained centre pieces, representing the arms of the States. There are two outer rows of panels, that nearest the wall of open work, with massive pendants in the centre. Above the ceiling is the illuminating loft, with 1,500 gas gets lighted by electricity during night sessions. Heie also is the truss work of the ceiling and roof. For heating and ventilating , page 114 During a recess or adjournment of the House visitors can enter upon the floor The doors in the lobby are generally open. When the House, which meets at T2 noon, is in session, the rules designate who are allowed the privileges of t lit 72. Hall Library, for the use of members in debate. 73 and 74. Cloak Rooms. 75. Key and Store-Room. 76 to 78. Representatives' Retiring Room. — The pilasters, cornice, and celling are of iron, enriched with gilt. In the centre panel, overhead, is a massive representation of a cluster of acorns. On the walls hangs a gallery of crayon portraits of the Speakers of the House of Representatives since the first organization of the body, by Louis Wieser, Washington, D. C. $50 each. Each State is invited to contribute oil paintings of the Speakers eit-cted from their Representatives Connecticut has already furnished Jonathan Trumbull, by H. J. Thompson, 1880. The mirrors, hangings of the curtains, and furni- ture, are all in keeping. 79. Closets. 80. Room of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 81 to 83. Offices of the House of Representatives. — 81. Sergeant-at- Arms. 82. Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks. 83. Journal and Printing Clerks. 84. Western Grand Staircase. — Same in material and construction as that on east. See Engraving, p. 87. In the niche at the foot is a bust of Bee-she-kee the Buffalo, a warrior of the Chippewas of the Upper Mississippi, by F. Vincenti, 1854, bronze by Joseph Lasalle, 1858. Over the first landing is Westward Ho, a chromo silica by Emanuel Leutze, 1862, $20,000. This represents an emigrant train crossing the Rocky mountains. Below is The Golden Gate, harbor of San Francisco, by A. Bierstadt. In the ornamental border north is a medallion of Daniel Boone and south Captain William Clarke, both early pioneers. 85, 86. Committee on Naval Affairs. — The floors of both extensions are laid in encaustic tiles of beautiful design, c c c c courts. ATTIC STORY. 1,2. Store Rooms of the Congressional Library. CENTRAL BUILDING, NORTH WING. 3. Steps to the Dome and Electrician's Room. — See No. n principal Story to the dome. The steps to the right lead to 4. Electric Battery Room, containing thebatteries for lighting the capitol. ATTIC STOKY. 103 5. Electrician's Office. — The officer will explain the working of the appa- ratus. The light mg of the capitol by electricity was begun in 1865. The gas is from the mams of the city. See No. 9, Principal Story. THE RETIRING ROOM OF THE REPRESENTATIVES. (Sec iNo. 70-70, y. Lu^.J 6, 7, and 8. Library of the Senate (reached from 21 Principal Story, open every day). This embraces a collection of official documents printed by order of either House of Congress, the journals, debates, and proceedings of each; statutes ; U. S. Supreme Court reports ; law books ; special works of reference relating to legislation, and files of newspapers. The library occupies the adja- cent lofts, and in the aggregate comprises 25,000 vols. It is designed for the ex- clusive use of Senators. NORTH OR SENATE EXTENSION. 9, 11, 12, and 13. Senate Document Room, reached from 16. Attic Story, contains files and extra copies of all bills, laws, reports, and other official docu- ments printed by order of Congress, or either brancn, and for the current sup- ply of Senators. . [10. Senate Committee on Civil Service.] 14. Eastern Grand Staircase. — For Description see 28 Prin- ATTIC MOKY. < O »— i 03 W -< &- o GO w < H cq Q W p w K O h3 O c-" < » 6« hBBB IIBBBiaa ATTIC STORY. lu«3 cipai story. Galleries will seat 1,200 persons. — 15. Ladies ; 17. Reserved ; 18. Diplo- matic ; 19. Gentlemen ; 20 Press Reporters, with desks and seats for about 60 representatives of the press ; 21. Ladies. 16. Corridor. 22. Ladies' Retiring Room. 23. Hall, richly stuccoed in emblematical figures. Here are the paintings of the Grand Canon 0/ the Yellowstone and Chasm of the Colorado, by Thomas Moran, Pa., purchased respectively 187? and 1874, $10,000 each. 24. Ante Room beautifully enriched in stucco. Exclusively for ladies. 25. Senate Committees on Private Land Claims; 26. Claims; 27. Revolutionary Claims; 28. Eastern Corridor; 29, 30. Com. on Print- ing; 31. Western Corridor; 32 "Western Grand Staircase, see 51 Prin- cipal Story, page 87. 33, 34. Sen. Com. Public Buildings and Grounds. GRAND CORRIDOR AND MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE "HOUSE." (SeeNo.6o,p. 1 35. To the Illuminating Loft. 36. Senate Committee on Transportation. — Entered thr >ugh 37. 37. Senate Committee on Pacific Railroads. — Tinted walls, and with- out decoration. 38. Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections. 39. Elevator for use of Senators. (See Principal Story, 45.) 40. Senate Committee on Commerce. — A fine apartment, without deco- ration. 41. Senate Committee on Mines and Mining. — A small room, without special attraction. 42. Ante Room opening into No. 43 and Gentlemen 's Galleries. 43. Press Reporters' Retiring Room. — A fine apartment, furnished for the use of members of the press entitled to the privileges of the gallery. _ There is also a branch telegraph office for the convenience of the press during the sessions of Congress. 106 ATTIC STORY. MAIN BUILDING- SOUTH WING. 44. Store Room for House Library. — Entered by the door in the gallery over the north door of the Statuary Hall. 45. Store Room connected with the document room of the House of Rep- resentatives. 46. Store Room of House Library. The room south is used for the same purpose. SOUTH OR " HOUSE " EXTENSION. 47. Eastern Grand Staircase.— See 64 Principal Story. The adjacent corridor leads to the Northern Corridor , Galleries, and Ladies' Retiring Rooms. 48. Northern Corridor. — The ceiling presents an interesting combination of circular flanked by groined arches and lunettes richly embellished with em- blematic figures and arabesques in stucco. 49. Library of the House of Representatives. — This is entered from the Northern Corridor. In this room are 15,000 volumes, though the entire library comprises 150,000 volumes, which embraces the floor library of the House of Representatives {Principal Story , J2) and the libraries of commit- tees. Owing to want of suitable accommodation, the galleries outside the peristyle of the Hall of Statuary and 44 and 46 Attic Story, are used for the storage of books. It is proposed, after the erection of a building for the accom- modation of the Library of the United States, to assign the magnificent suit of library halls (Principal Story, j"and 6) to the uses of the documentary libraries of the two Houses of Congress. 50. Ladies' Galleries. — See No. 71 Principal Story ; also Diagrams, 51. Reserved Galleries for families of Members of the House of Repre- sentatives. See No 7 1 Principal Story ; also Diagrams. 52. Reserved Gallery for members of the Diplomatic Corps. See No. 7/ Principal Story ; alsc Diagrams. 53. Press Reporters' Gallery, with desks and seats for about one hundred representatives of the press. 54. Reserved Gallery, exclusively for Ladies. 55. Gentlemen's Gallery. — See No. J 1 Principal Story ; also Diagrams. The House Galleries will seat about 2,500 persons. 56. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. — No special attractions. 57. House Committee on the Judiciary. — The room is tinted and en- riched with stucco. 58. House Committee on Commerce — Walls simply tinted. 59. House Committee on Public Lands — No special attractions. 60 and 61. Ladies' Retiring Rooms. — Neatly and comfortably furnished and possessing every convenience. A matron is in constant attendance. These rooms are entered from the eastern corridor and gallery. 62. Press Reporters' Retiring Room, (entered through 64 and 63 from the western corridor,) and for the use of those entitled to the privileges of the gallery. There are conveniences for writing dispatches. Adjoining is a small cloak-room. 63. Press Telegraph Office (open during the sessions of Congress). Twenty-four wires leave the building by means of three ten-wire cables, and beyond the Capitol Grounds, S., connect with the lines for all parts of the United States. There are also ten wires leading under the building to the Senate Office, and six wires to the connecting corridor, (59 Principal Story.) A switch enables the operators to form a connection with the lines to any part of the United States. 64. Ante-Room leading from the western corridor to the Press Telegraph Office and Reporters' 1 Retiring Room. 65. House Committee on Pacific Railroads and Revolutionary Claims. 66. House Committee on Elections. — No attractions of special interest- 67. — House Committee on Railways and Canals. — No special decora tion. 68.— House Committee on the District of Columbia. BASEMENT STORY. 107 69 and 70. House Committees on the Militia and Mileage. 71. Western Grand Staircase. — See 84, Principal Story. The adjacent corridor leads to the Northern Corridor , the Galleries , Committee Rooms, Press Telegraph Office, and Reporters' Retiring Room. c. c. c. c. — Courts. The floors of the attic story of the N. and S. extensions are laid with encaus- tic tiles of elegant design. BASEMENT STORY— SENATE EXTENSION. 1. Western Stairway and Corridor. — The former as- cends to the principal story. The corridors of the Senate basement present an interesting exhibition of the decorative art. The vaulted ceilings throughout are in distemper, and all below the spring of the arches in oil. The walls and pilasters are in the style of the 15th century, as employed in the loggia of Raphael in the Vatican at Rome, with centre medallions of illustrious Americans, and introductions from the natural history of America. The ceilings are in the same style, with introductions of modern inventions and American landscape. The birds, animals, and reptiles are studies from the collection in the museum in the Smithson- ian Institution, drawn by Brumidi, and painted by Leslie. The decoration of the basement commenced in 1855. The medallions and finer parts are by Brumidi, while the de- tails are by others. The profiles in medallions of the panels represent prominent personages in the struggle for independence. At the N. end are the 12 signs of the Zodiac ; also landscapes of Day and Night. Over the door of the room of the Com. on Mil. Affairs is a spirited fresco representing America ac- coutred for war, and surrounded by the implements of martial strife; opposite the foot of the grand staircase, Las Casas, the early friend of the red man; over the door of the room of the Committee on Indian Affairs, Columbus land- ing and beholding the beauty of an Indian maiden, typical of the lands he had discovered, and opposite is America seated with drawn sword, reading from the Constitution and the laws on the one hand, with Justice standing on the other, all by Brumidi. 2. Senate Committee on Revision of the Laws. — Tinted. 3. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. — This room was originally in- tended for the use of the Committee on Agriculture. In the pilasters and bands are fruit pieces. Under the arches are typical groups of agricultural products and implements. In the groined ceiling is a centre-piece of grapes and leaves well executed. The general decoration consists of arabesques and gilt. The 4 border pieces represent seasons and showers, flowers, grains, and fruits. The foliage is specially well executed. The ceiling is distemper and the walls oil ; executed by Castens, a German. 4. Senate Heating and Ventilating Apparatus. — See Sub-basement Story. 5. Senate Committee on the District of Columbia. — Tinted. 6. Senate Committee on Library. — The vaulted ceiling is adorned with fresco and gilt, and medallion pieces representing Sculpture, Astronomy, Ar- chitecture and Painting. The walls are laid out in a broad panel or border. 7. Senate Committee on Military Affairs. — The ceilings are frescoed with victors' wreaths, shields, and other emblems of war. On the walls and pilasters are representations of arms and armor of different periods, nations, and races, ancient and modern. The pilasters were painted by Leslie. The sword across the shield in the centre pilaster is a copy of the sword of Wash- ington. On the W. wall is a medallion head of Liberty, surrounded by flags and weapons of war. Under the arches are 5 historic subjects, in fresco, by 108 BASEMENT i-TORY. P-- ■ -- s t BASEMENT STORY. 109 Brumidi; N., Boston Massacre, 1770. S., Battle of Lexington, 1775. N., Death of Wooster, during the British invasion of Connecticut, 1777. S., Washington at Valley Forge, 1778. The three prominent figures in the fore- ground are Washington, with Lafayette on his I. and Gen. Green on r. E., Storming of Stony Point by Anthony Wayne, 1779. Wayne, wounded, is be- ing carried into the fort. 8. Senate Committee on Naval Affairs. — The general design of decora- tion is Pompeian, by Brumidi. The principal features of the ceilings are fresco representations of marine gods and goddesses and an Indian female. Under the arches are representations of ancient porticoes with antique vessels. The walls, painted in oil, are divided into nine panels, with blue background and figures representing attributes of the navy as centre-pieces. The pilasters are scagliola, by French artists. 9. Elevator. — (See Principal Story, No. 45. ) 10. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary. — The wall decoration con- sists of figured panels and the vaulted ceiling, elaborate arabesques, varied by flower pieces and 4 medallions, each containing cherubs respectively bearing olive branches, fasces, quiver, and band with motto, £ pluribus unum. 11. Closets. 12. Northern Corridor. — In the arch over the E. end are introductions of improved agricultural implements. In the demi-lunette over the door to the room of the Committee on Foreign Relations (No. 20) is a fresco representation of the signing of the provisional articles for treaty of peace between the United Slates and his Britannic Majesty, Nov. 30, 1782, from an unfinished picture by Benjamin West, a copy of which was left by Senator Sumner, of Massachusetts. The fresco over the door of the room of the Committee on Territories (No. 13) represents the negotiation of the cession of Louisiana to the United States by France. In the pilasters are subjects from the natural history of America, and the medallion centres of ihe paneling of the walls contain profiles of Revolu- tionary heroes. At the W. end are some fine specimens of bird painting. 13. Senate Committee on Territories. — Ceiling frescoed in arabesques, walls richly paneled. 14. Bronze Staircase. — (See No. 33 Principal Story.) 15. Senate Stationery Room. — No decoration. 16. Senate Committee on Agriculture. — No decoration. 17. Main Corridor. — Near the N. door is richly frescoed overhead, but is unfinished. At the base of the spans are landscapes. In the medallions are profiles. The decoration of the ceilings of the broad corridor beyond is unfin- ished. In the pilasters are sketches of American landscape. The smaller halls beyond are enriched overhead with foliage, vines, and four American eagles, and representations of banners and implements of war. 18. Senate Committee on Contingent Expenses. 19. Superintendent Senate Folding Room. 20. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. — On the ceiling, in dis- temper, are four well-executed eagles, and under the arches, in oil, four medal- lions, containing profiles of chairmen of the committee : Clay N., Allen S., Cameron E., Sumner W. The walls are artistically paneled. The medallions are by Brumidi, and the rest of the room by Castens. 21. Hall. — The decoration is varied with emblematic figures. The femaie figures denote peace and plenty. In the S. arch, overhead, are four pieces, re- presenting navigation, geography, the industrial arts, and science. In the N. band are mechanics and the agricultural products of the northern States, and S. band commerce and the products of the southern States. Over the door of the room of the Committee on Patents is a fine fresco of Robert Fulton of Pennsylvania, one of the first (1807) to apply steam to the purposes of naviga- tion. The likeness is from a portrait painted by Fulton himself, and now in the office of the Commissioner of Patents. Over the door of the room of the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads is a fresco of Benjamin Franklin, the first Post Master General during the revolutionary days, and opposite is John Fitch, one of the earliest inventors of (3798) steam as applied to naviga- tion. 22. Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. — Ceilings frescoed in arabesque — walls tinted. 110 CAPITOL INTERIOR. 23. Senate Committee on Patents. — Simply tinted. 24. Eastern Entrance and Vestibule. — The doors open from an arcaded walk and vaulted carriageway beneath the Senate portico into a vestibule, in which are eight marble piers, four on each side, with sixteen corresponding marble pilasters. These piers and pilasters support the colonnade of the main vestibule above, and afford, perhaps, the most striking example of the durabil- ity and strength of the edifice. The arches are tinted and enriched with stucco. The walls are scagliola. 25. Senate Committee on Pensions. — The ceiling is decorated in ara- besques in fresco, with four border medallions of flowers and fruits. Under the £. and W. arches are symbolic representations of the Constitution and Liberty, and N. and S. fruit pieces. 26. Eastern Stairway and Corridor. 27. Passage and Steps to Senate Folding Room.— (See No. 6.) 28. Senate Committee on Public Lands. — Frescoed overhead with border and American shields and arabesques. The walls are paneled, with bases in scagliola. 29. Senate Committee on Education and Labor, reached through No. 28, is a small but chastely-decorated apartment. 30. 31. Senate Refectory. — Open to the public. 32. Inner Corridor. — In the bands of the arches are eagles clutching fasces and olive branches. The walls are paneled. In the pilasters are American shields and sketches from American natural history. The rooms on either side, except the Refectory, are used for storage. 33. Senate Committee on Manufactures. 34. Senate Committee on Rules. — No decoration. 35. Connecting Corridor. — Ceiling distempered and gilt. MAIN BUILDING— NORTH WING. 36. Corridor, from the Senate Extension to the Crypt. 37> 38, 39. Conference Room of the Supreme Court of the United States. — 37, Ante-Room ; 38, Conference Room; 39, Conference Room Li- brary. 40. Senate Baths, for the use of Senators. — Fitted up with marble baths and every convenience. There is also a water-cure apparatus and barber shop. 41. Vestibule. — The arched substruction supports the Greek vestibule above. The door E. opens at foot of — 42. Supreme Court Store Room and Files. 43. Staircases to Principal Story. — There are two of these, one in each wing of the main building. The general architectural design of that on the S. is peculiarly attractive. The vestibule E. is ornamented with columns in imita- tion of cornstalks, suggested by Jefferson. 44. Law Library, ( open every day, except Sunday, same as Library of the United States, entered from No. 43.) — This apart- ment is semi-circular, with an arched recess towards the W., and a colonnade recess on the E., back of which are the only windows. An arcade passage runs around the sweep of the circle, supporting a domical ceiling of masonry, rest- ing on heavy Doric columns, covering the entire room. The ceiling is groined upon the surrounding arches. In the tym- panum of the W. arch, in the recess, is a plaster relief, by Franzoni, representing a figure of Justice, and by her side Fam.e, crowned with a rising sun and pointing to the Consti- tution of the United States. The columns and piers of the arches of this room are heavy Doric. Some alterations were made in the original design of this room, owing to the fall of the vaulted ceiling, the result of defective construction. This led to the introduction of the columns. BASEMENT STORY. HI which have added greatly to the appearance of solidity, and have materially strengthened that part of the building. The alcoves for the books are arranged on the W. The room in the NE of the main hall is devoted to works on For- eign Law, Legislation. The inner roo7n to Trials. The small room on the NW. is set apart for Foreign Law Commentaries. The room by the entrance door is used for storage. The Library is a branch of the Library of the United States and for the special use of the Supreme Court of the United States. See page 82 for Description and History of Library. THE ROOM OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. (See p. IO7.) CENTRAL BUILDING. 45. Crypt. — A circular space, consisting of a treble colon- nade, containing 40 Doric columns of the proportions of •those of the Temple of Psestum, surmounted by groined arches running in radii direction, and supporting the floor of the Rotunda. The star in the pavement under the cen- tral arch denotes the exact centre of the Capitol. The grating in the pavement of the Crypt on the E. side leads to the vaulted passages below. The weight of the iron alone in the Dome is 8,009,200 lbs. 46. Headquarters Capitol Police. 47. Guard-Room, or Prison, for the temporary imprisonment of persons 48. Steps to the Sub-bisemenc and Undercroft. 49. Western Staircase, leading to the Rotunda. 50. Western Main Entrance of the Capitol. — (See No. 49.) 112 CAPITOL INTERIOR. 51. Senate Committee on Rules. Senate Committee on Manufactures. 52. Senate Committee on the Census. 53. Senate Committee on Education. 54 and 55. Store Rooms. 56. Room of the Territorial Delegates. 57. House Committee on Expenses in the Navy Department. 58. House Committee On Education and Labor. Here contumacious witnesses have been confined. 59. Coinage, Weights and Measures. 00. House Committee on the Revision of the Laws. 61. House Committee on Mines and Mining. CENTRAL BUILDING-SOUTH WING. 6:. Vestibule. fi-x. Corridor. — A. continuation of the main corridor. 65. Offices Superintendent of the House Document Room. The ad- jacent rooms are use^l for folding and storing public documents. 64, 66, and 67. Offices of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. 68. Washington Branch Post Office, (entrance outside.) — Congressional matter is here received and mailed to destination. 69. Connecting Corridor. SOUTH OR HOUSE EXTENSION. 70. Main Corridor to the S. Entrance. — It is 143 ft. long and 25 tt. wide, and consists of a fine colonnade of fluted marble columns on each side, with cap- ita Is formed of acanthus, tobacco, and corn leaves. The walls are scagliola, instating Sienna marble, the ceiling iron, and the floor encaustic tiles. 71. Refectory. — Open to the public. 72. House Committee on Indian Affairs.- Here is a collection of oil pa intings, illustrating life among the Sioux Indians of Minnesota, painted in 1867-69 by Lieut. Col. Seth Eastman, a retired officer of the U. S.A. 73. Corridor. 74. House Baths, for the use of members of the House. There are 8 baths, 4 of which are marble, and fitted up with all the elegance and appliances of the modern bath. 75. Eastern Stairway and Corridor. — No special decoration. 76. House Committee on Printing. — Walls simply tinted. 77. House Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. 78. Passage to steps to Sub-basement. (See No. 93.) On the same are tne locksmith's shop and ice and store rooms. 79. Eastern Entrance and Vestibule. — The entrance opens from the ar- caded walk and vaulted carriage way beneath the eastern portico of the House Extension. The groined arches of the vestibule rest on 4 marble piers and cor- responding pilasters. The arches are decorated with stucco, and the walls are finished in scasrliola. 80. House Post office, fitted up with bird's-eye maple cases, with boxes for each member and the officers of the House of Representatives. The room is without decoration. 81. House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. — The deco- ration consists of paneled walls, with a balustrade above the moulding. The ceiling is embellished with arabesques, two American eagles and shields, and has an elliptical centre-piece formed of balusters, in fresco, 82. Room of the Official Reporters of Committees. 83. House Committees on Coinage. Weights and Measures, and the Library. 84. House Committee on Territories. — Richly and appropriately deco- rated with Indians' weapons of war and the chase and implements of peace. In the spans of the arches is a running border, with introductions of fox and deer heads, and the smaller animal life peculiar to the plains. Under the im- post molding is a border of fruits and grains, with escutcheons bearing the BASEMENT STORY. 113 85. House Committee on Private Land Claims and Public Expen- ditures. — This Mum is without decoration. 86. Doorkeepers' Room. — Plain walls. 87. Newspaper and Index Room. — Here the newspaper subsciption- books for members are kept, each member being allowed #125 annually for newspapers and stationery. The index, for journals and all public documents are also made here in pursuance of an order of Congress. 88. House Committee on Invalid Pensions. 89. House Committee on Claims. — Walls tinted. 90. House Committees on Agriculture and Manufac- tures. —Decorated by Brumidi in 18 r >5, the first work of the kind done on the Capitol, and, with the exception of the panels, is frescoed throughout. On the ceilings are representations of the four seasons, symbolized in Flora, Ceres, Bacchus, and Boreas. On the E. wall is a fresco representating Cincinnatus called from the plow to be Dic- tator of Eome. On the opposite wall is a corresponding scene, representing Putnam called from the plow to join in the battles of the Revolution. 91. Clerks' Document Room. — Through this office the various executive departments and foreign legations in the United States are supplied with copies of documents printed by the two Houses of Congress. 92. "Western Stairway and Corridor. — No decoration. 93. Steps to the Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, South Exten- sion. — v For description, see Sub-baseinent.) The iron grating at the end of the passage was originally designed, for the ice used in the ventilation of the Hall of the Representatives during the summer months. Improved means have obviated the use of ice. Over this grating are the coils of steam pipes, measur- ing 11 miles, and used for heating the Hall of Representatives in winter. 94. House Committee on War Claims. — No decoration. 95. House Committee on Accounts. — Walls simply tinted. 96. Closets. o. — All rooms marked o indicate used for storage. c c c c Courts SUB-BASEMENT STORY. Under the entire building is a massive substruction or seat of masonry, con- sisting of piers and arches, upon which rears the mighty superstructure of the Capitol. NORTH OR SENATE EXTENSION. The sub-basement of the North or Senate Extension may be reached from Nos. 4 and 2j, Plan of Basement Story. The former is the proper way for visitors. This will lead to the — Senate Heating and Ventilating Apparatus. — Open to visitors. The machinery employed consists of 4 fans, 2 for air and 2 exhaust ; 4 boilers, 3 engines, 2 steam-pumps, 1 for the 2 tanks in the loft over the Senate Chamber, and 1 for boilers ; 18 miles of steam-pipes in the entire Extension ; 1 vaporizer, 2 descending shafts from the loft of the Senate Chamber, and 1 ascending shaft into the open air, the outlet at the base of the Dome. The principal air-ihaft enters from the glacis of the first terrace in the W. Park, 220 ft. from the building, the air being drawn in by a fan, and forced through a main air-duct into the air-space under the floor of the Senate, and thence into the Chamber by means of registers. The air supplied in winter is raised to a temperature of 68° to 70 , and in summer from 8° to io° below the outer atmosphere. The temperature supplied to the galleries is some degrees lower, in order to coun- teract the animal heat which ascends to that portion of the Hall. A branch air-duct communicates with the galleries. The supply of fresh air is 30,000, and exhaust 40,000 cubic ft. a minute. The original apparatus was designed by Capt. M. C. Meigs, and the exhaust and other improvements by H. F. Hayden, Chief Engineer U. S. Senate. The engineer in charge will explain 114 CAPITOL INTERIOR. CENTRAL BUILDING. The sub-basement of the Central Building may be reached by the steps No. 48, Plan 0/ Basement Story. There is also an entrance from the first terrace on the western front of the building, immediately below the main western entrance. The rooms on these Corridors are used for divers purposes, but of no special importance ; the rooms on the Southern Corridor, W. side, by the Engineer in Charge of the Public Buildings and Grounds. Here may be seen the original manuscript journals, letters, and other books and records of the com- missioners superintending the building of the city, 1 791-1800, and the records of a later period, and valuable early maps of the city. An attache will be found in the office every day except Sundays and holidays. The key to the undercroft is kept here. Visitors desiring to see this portion of the building will be kindly shown there by the person mentioned. The door at the end of the passage leading east from this corridor opens into a court across which is the — Model Room. — This consists of a subterranean gallery, built of brick and heavily arched. It forms a complete circle, and constitutes a portion of the foundation of the Dome. Within this is a smaller gallery, and in the exact centre the Undercroft, which see. In these galleries are plaster models of cap- itals of columns, cornices, mouldings, tiles, and statuary employed in the embel- lishment of the exterior and interior of the Capitol. The Undercroft or Vault beneath the Crypt, originally designed for the sarcophagus containing the remains of Washington. The Undercroft, the nave and transept, measuring each 10 feet in length, and about 6 in width, is cruci- form. Upon learning of the death of Washington, Congress, Dec. 24, 1799, passed resolutions appropriate to the sad event, and provided that a marble monument should be erected by the United States in the Capitol at Washington. The President was authorized to request the wife of the departed patriot to permit his body to be deposited under it. In response to the letter of the President, Mrs. Washington thus transmitted her assent : " Taught by the great example 1 have so long had before me, never to oppose my private wishes to the public will, I must consent to the request of Congress, which you had the goodness to transmit to me ; and in doing this I need not — 1 cannot — say what a sacrifice of individual feeling I make to a sense of public duty." The wish of Congress was not carried out, and a subsequent request of the same character, in connection with the National Monument, was declined. SOUTH OR HOUSE EXTENSION. The sub-basement of the South or House Extension may be reached from Nos. 7 J°hn W. Jones, Va. ; 1845, 29, J. W. Davis, Ind.; 1847, 30, Robert C. Winthrop, Mass.; 1849, 3 T » Howell Cobb, Ga.; 1851, 32-33, Linn Boyd, Ky. ; 1856, 34, N. P. Banks, Mass.; 1857, 35> James L. Orr, S. C.; i860, 36, W. Pennington, N.J ; 1861, 37, Galusha A. Grow, Penn.; 1863,38-40, Schuyler Colfax, .Ind. ; 1869,41-43, J. G. Blaine, Me.; 1875, 44, Michael C. Kerr, Ind.; 1876, 44,-46 Samuel J. Randall, Penn. 120 president's house. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. The official residence of the President of the United States of America stands on the W. plateau of the city, 1£ m. from the Capitol. In the early official plans and documents it is designated the President's House, but has been since styled the Executive Mansion* and popularly the "White House.'''' The Petinsylvania-av. street cars pass in front. Grounds- — The edihce stands on Reservation No. 1, known as the President's grounds, which comprise 80f acres. The north, or main entrance to the building is readied from Pa. av., by a semi-circular drive entered through two massive gateways. The grounds are tastefully laid out with walks, trees, shrubbery, and fountains. The grounds on the south are private. Here on Saturdays, from 6 to 8 P. M. during the summer, the United States Marine Band dis- courses excellent music. The stately edifice, 450 ft. west, contains the State, War, and Navy De- partments, and the proposed executive office in the north pavilion ; that on the east contains the Treasury Department. Across Pa. av. north is Lafay- ette Square, with its statue of Jackson, while south, across a broad expanse of lawn, lake, and winding drive (Executive Avenue) are the Washington Monument and the broad Potomac , with the hills of Virginia and the City of Alexandria in the distance. The structure nearby to the S. W., is the Presi- dent's Stables. PLAN OF THE PRINCIPAL STORY, FKKSIDENT'S HOUSE. The Building.— The President's House {East Room open to visitiors every day, except Sundays, and private parlors by special permission, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.) built of freestone painted white, is i?0 ft. long by 86 ft. wide, two stories high, broken by pilasters of the order, and crowned with a balustrade. On the N. is a grand portico, of 8 Ionic col- umns, with corresponding pilasters in the rear, affording 122 pri->] [>kn rs Di.msi a shelter for carnages and pedestrians. The S. front is adorned with a lofty semi-circular colonnade of 6 Ionic col- umns, resting on a rustic basement, and reached by 2 flights of steps. On the W. are the conservatories. The general style isa modification of the residence of the Duke of Leinster, Dublin. THE EAST ROOM (jARVIS). t. Main or North entrance, and- vestibule 40x50 ft., is tastefully frescoed. A sash screen dividing the Htter forms a private corridor ( No. 14) within. 2. Official Stairway, leading to the Cabinet room and Executive offices. 3. East Room, designed originally as a Banquet Hall, and so used as late as 1837, is 80x40 ft., and 22 ft. high. The style of decor.ition is pure Greek, executed in 1873, ceiling in oil, walls in embossed paper, the dado, columns, girders, cornice, and carved mantels in wood in white and gilt ; mirrors and richly upholstered furniture and hangings add to the attractions of the room. The full-length portrait of Washington was purchased by a committee ;f Con- gress in 1803, for $2,000, for a Gilbert Stuart. Its genuineness, however, on apparently competent authority, is disputed. The original was painted for Gardner Baker, of New York, 1794-5. It fell into other hands and was offered to the Com. Cong, for the President's House. Having purchased it.Winstanley, an English artist, was directed to pack and forward it. The charge is that he made a copy and sent that to Washington, and took the original to Europe. When discovered, there was no redress. The original came into possession of Earl Lansdowne, and on his death into the hands of a London merchant, from whom it passed into the hands of Delaware Lewis. The claimed original was exhibited in the English loan collection at the Centennial Exposition of 1876. The portrait, upon the advance of the British in 1814, was saved by Mrs. Mad- ison, who had it taken from the frame and carried to a point of safety. The Martha Washington, is by E. F. Andrews, of Ohio, 1878, $3,000. The dress is an authentic copy of the costume of the time, made in Paris for a lady of wealth, to be worn at the Martha Washington Centennial tea-party at Phila- delphia, 1876. This room is now part of the suite for receptions. 4. Green Room, 30x20 ft., so-called from the predominant color in the dec- oration. The portraits of Madison and Monroe are by Edgar Parker, of Mass., 1878, after Gilbert Stuart: trom life, each $150. Harrison, by Andrews, 1S79, $150, after J. H. Bea.d. [840: and Taylor, same, after J. Vanderlyn, 1850. Originals in the Corcoran Cillery. president's house. THE BLUE PARLOR (JAR VIS}. • 5. The Blue Room, a beautiful apartment, 40x30 ft., oval in form and fin- isned in blue and gilt ; furnishings in blue damask. The chandelier is crystal and gilt. In this room the President receives on occasions of Public or Pri- vate Receptions ; also the President's wile at her Drawing- Rooms. Guests enter by the Red and leave by the Green parlors. STATE DIN I .'I (JAKVIS). 12± PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. 6. Red Room, or family parlor, 30x20 ft., tastefully furnished and with many articles of historic interest. The portrait of John Adams, by Parker, 18-79, $150, is after Gilbert Stuart, from life, in possession of Charles Francis Adams ; of Jefferson is by Gilbert Stuart (original) purchased 1876, $1,000, from Mr. Robb, of Ky.. and duly authenticated ; Buchanan, by Andrews, 1880 #4uo, after portraits in possession of Harriet Lane Johnston. 7. State Dining Room, 40x30 ft., contains a dining table to seat 36 per- sons, and table ornaments of a tasteful character. The china set in use con- sists of 500 pieces, manufactured to Mrs. Hayes's order by Haviland & Co. Limoges, 1880, representing the Fauna and Flora of America, and at a cost of $; 5,000, the government paying $3,000 for its set, with privilege ol duplication, reserved by the manufacturer. 8. Passage and Entr.ince to the conservatories and stairway to kitchens, laundry servants' quarters, etc., in the basement. 9. Butler's Pantry. 10. Family Dining Room. u. Private Stairway. 12. Small 'Waiting Room. 13. Private Stairway to the attic. 14. Grand Corridor, thrown open during receptions. The portraits of Presidents John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Fillmore and Pierce, are by Geo. P. A. Healy, 1857, for busts, $800, and full lengths, $1,000; Jack- son, by Andrews, 1880, $t5o, after Alfred Sully, of Pa., 1835 ; Lincoln, by W. Coggswell, 1867, $3,000, and .Ocant, by Henry Ulke, 1879, $800 ; Johnson, by Andrews. 1880, $200. PLAN OF THE SECOND FLOOR, EXECUTIVE MANSION. i. Official Stairway. 2. Ante-Room to President's office. 3. Cabinet Room, or President's office. The President sits at the south end of the cabinet table, and the ministers in the following order : The Secre- tary of State on his right, the Secretary of the Treasury on his left, and thus alternating, Secretary of War and Navy, and Postmaster-General and Attor ney-General. The Secretary of the Interior sits at the north end of the table The furnishings of the room are rich, but without ostentation. 4. Private Secretary's Room. Here the Proclamation of Emancipation of the negroes was signed. 5. Executive Clerks and Record Room. 6. Public Corridor. 7. Extra Bed Chamber. 8. Ante-Room. 9 and 10. Chambers. 11. Guest Cham ber. 12. Bath Room : 5 baths with beautiful fittings. 13. Guest Chamber 14. Private Chamber. In this room the post-mortem examination of the re mains of President Lincoln was held when brought to the Executive Mansion and before laid in state in the East Room. 15. Private Corridor. 16 and 17 The President's suite of sleeping apartments, 16 being a dressing-room. These rooms have been used by the Presidents for a lcng line of years. 18. State Bed Chamber. (See page 126.) 19. Library, or Family Sitting Room, containing cases, alcoves, and reces« ses for books. This room is tasteful in decoration and furnishing. president's house. THE STATE BED CHAMBER (jARVISJ. History — The President's House, or " Palace," so styled in the earlier doc- uments, was the first of the public buildings erected. On March 14, 1792, the Com- missioners of the city advertised for plans for a President's House and Capitol. On July 16, 1792, these were examined at Georgetown. The first premium of $ 500 was awarded to James Hoban, cf Charleston, S. C, for the plan of a President's House. On Oct. 13, 1792, the Commissioners, accompanied by the Freemasons, architects, and the inhabitants of Washington and Georgetown, marched in procession to the site selected for the President's House, and there, with appropriate and solemn ceremonies, laid the corner-stone of that structure. The work was conducted under the direction of Mr. Hoban, the architect, and was prosecuted under the same difficulties which surrounded the Capitol. Mr. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE — SOU I'd FRONT. The first President to occupy the building was John Adams, who took possession in Nov., 1800, after the removal of the public offices to the permanent Seat of Gov- ernment. Previous to that time the Executive of the United States was without a home owned by the nation. In New York and Philadelphia rented houses were occupied. The building up to 1814 had cost $333,207. The President's House was destroyed by the British in 1814. After the evacua- tion the President occupied a fine residence on the corner of New York av and 18th 126 PRESIDENT B 110U>E. st NW., known as the " Octagon, "recently used by the hydrographic office of" the Navy Department. In 1815 Congress authorized the restoration of the Prcstdent's House, which was done by Hoban, the original architect. It was not again ready, however, till after 1818 In 1823 the S. portico, in i8z6 the East Room, and in i8zg the N. portico were finished. Since that time the interior of the structure has been subject to frequent renovations and repairs. It is entirely unsuitable, how- ever, for the purposes to which it is now applied : executive offices and private res- idence. Congress has now under consideration a proposition to erect a suitable and exclusively private mansion in the suburbs of the capital for the residence of the President's household, and the conversion of the present building into execu- tive offices. The total appropriations for the erection and maintenance of the Pres- ident's House from i8co to date amounts to $1,700,000. For formalities and receptions, see General Information— • THB CABINET ROOM (jARVIS Presidents of the United States of America. — 1. George Washington, Va., 1789-1797, Federalist; 2. John Adams, Mass., 1797-1801, Fed.; 3. Thomas Jef- ferson, Va., 1801-1809, Republican; 4. James Madison, Va., 1809-1817, Rep.; ;; James Monroe, Va , 1817-1825, Rep.; 6. John Quincy Adams, Mass , 1825- 1829, Rep.; 7. Andrew Jackson, Tenn., 1829-1837, Democrat; 8. Martin Van Buren, N. Y.. 1837-1841 Dem.; 9 William Henry Harrison, Ohio, 1841, 1 in.., Whig; 10. John Tyler, Va., 1841-1845, elected a vVhig; 11. James K. Polk., Tumi., 184^-1^49, Dem.; 12. Zackary Taylor, La., 1849-1850, Whig; 13. Millard Fillmore N. Y., 1850-1853, Whig; 14. Franklin Pierce, N. H.. 1853-1857, Dem.; 15. James Buchanan, Penn., 1857-1861, Dem.; 16. Abraham Lincoln, 111., 1861-1865, Rep.; 17. Andrew Johnson, Tenn., 1865-1:869, elected a Republican; 18. Ulysses S. Grant. HI., 1869-1877, Rep.; 19. R. B. Hayes, Ohio, 1877-81, Rep.; 20, 1881, James A. Garfield, Ohio, Rep. ihe Executive. — I'lie Executive fmsver >\ the United Spates (C mat., 1787, Ait. II., Sec. 1) i-> ve^teJ in a President, who lulds office for roar years, ind a Vice-President, chjseu for the same term. No person except a natural DEPARTMENT OF STATE. 127 born citizen of the United States, having attained to the age of 35 years, is elig- ible to the office. The President and Vice-President are elected by electors in each State, as prescribed by Article XII., Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (1804), the Acts of Congress of March 1, 1792, and January 23, 1845, and State law enacted in compliance therewith. After the Vice-Presi- dent the President of the Senate pro tempore, or, if none, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the time being, is authorized to act as President until the disability be removed or a President elected. The declination or resigna- tion of the President or Vice-President must be in writing, and delivered into the office of the Secretary of State. The term of office commences March 4th, after the election, if Sunday, on the day following ; no inaugural ceremony is required, except that the oath per- scribed by the Constitution be taken. This solemn duty is performed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The President's salary is $50, doo per annum, and the use of the furniture and effects belonging to the United States and kept in the Executive Mansion. The official household consists of a private and assistant secretaries, two ex- ecutive clerks, one steward and one messenger. The steward of the President's household, under the direction of the President, is responsible for the plate, furniture and other public property in the President's House, and must give a bond to the United States for a f tithful discharge of his trust. Jefferson was the first President inaugurated in Washington The first inaugural addres.-> delivered outside the Senate Chamber was by Monroe. The executive has no powers except in conjunction with the legislative branch Previous to the adoption of the Constitution the executive power was vested in Congress. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The Department of State, (open daily from 9J a. m. to 2| p. m., except Thursdays, devoted exclusively to the diplomatic corps, and Saturdays, during sessions of Congress, to members,) occupies the S. pavilion of the imposing edifice, immedi- ately W. of the President's House. The Building: — This vast structure, erected for the accommodation of the Departments of State, War and Navy, designed by A. B. Mullett, Supervising Architect of the Treasury, consists of three harmonious buildings united by connecting wings, and together forming in design and exe- cution, the finest edifice of the kind in the world. The style is the Roman Doric (Italian Renaissance), originally treated. It combines the massive proportions of ancient with the elegance of modern architecture. The dimensions from N. to S., including pavilion projections and steps, are 567 ft., and from E. to W. 342 ft., or exclusive of projections, 471 ft. N. and S. and 253 ft. E. and W. The greatest height from the terrace level over all is 128 ft. There is a sub-basement and basement of Maine granite, and 128 DEPARTMENT OF STATE. superstructure of Virginia granite, comprising four stories in the pavilions of the N". and S. facades, and one in the roof, and five stories and one in the roof in the E. and W. cen- tre pavilions. The whole is crowned by an artistically de- signed mansard roof. The building was commenced in 1871, and the S. pavilion finished and occupied by the Depart- ment of State in 1875. The entire structure has 150 rooms, and cost $5,000,000. The building has four facades of equal importance, the N and S., and the E. and W. being respectively counterparts. There are two courts into which there are four private car- riage ways from the E. and W. The E. and W. facades pre- seut the appearance of a centre and two lateral wings. The centre is connected with the N. x and S. by two wings. There are four grand entrances by the N., S. and, E. W. centres of the pavilions approached by massive flights of steps through the projecting porticoes. The platforms are of im- mense blocks of granite, weighing over 20 tons each. There are four other entrances of less importance. The building is absolutely fire-proof. All the stone was dressed in the quarries. The sub-basement is devoted to storage, fur- naces and engines, the basement to bindery, storage and clerks' rooms. The remaining stories are divided into splendid apartments, for the uses of the various bureaus of the Department. Objects of Interest. — A. grand corridor, 15 ft. wide, and paved with marble, traverses each floor of the building from E. to W., and may be reached by an elevator fiom the basement to the attic. On the second floor , looking S. over the Potomac, is a magnificent suite of apartments for the use of the Secretary of State and his assistants. The Diplomatic Reception Room (4 and 6) is a sumptuous salon decorated in the Germanized Egyptian, in distemper, with marquetry floor, and furnishing of ebonized woods and gold brocade. On the walls are portraits of Daniel Webster by Geo. P. A. Healy, 1843, and Lord Ashburton by the same, 1848, purchased by Congress, 1879, $3>°°° each, from the widow of Fletcher Web- ster, and represent the principals in the negotiations of 1842, which settled the northern boundary question. On the consoles over the mantels are bronze heads by Bartholdi, 1876, K. Barbidienne Paris, of Washington and Lafayette. The rooms of the Secretary of State (12), First, Second and Third Assis- tants, and Chief Clerk on the same range, are chastely decorated in distem- per. The Diplomatic Ante Room, at the W. end of the corridor contains a life-size portait of the Bey of Tunis, sent by special envoy, 1865, with a letter ot condolence on the assassination of President Lincoln. Also of W. H. Seward, by Rufus Wright, and Daniel Webster, by Pope, from life. In the Ante Room at the E. end of the corridor is a collection of photographs and crayons of the Secretaries of State, commenced in 1865. On the third story is the Library. The alcoves in four tiers are entirely ot iron. Overhead is a glass canopy. The whole is finished in tint and gilt. The collection 0/ works embraces the finest library on questions of diplomacy on the continent. There are also many objects of historic value, including the original draft of the declaration of Independence, and the desk upon which it was wrjitten, presented by Jefferson to James Coolidge, jr., of Mass., and presented to the U. S. by his heirs, 1880; also the original instrument signed ; George Washington's sword, purchased 1880 by Congress, and commission as 130 DEPARTMENT OF STATE. commander-in-chief; staff of Benjamin Franklin ; treaties with England and Sweden, with immense seals ; a fac simile of a treaty between the Athenians and Chdcideans, 446-445 B. C, in the time of Pericles, engraved on a slab of Pentalic marble, found in 1876 in the S. wall of the Acropolis at Athens, and other objects of interest. In the Department are the original rolls 0/ all the laws of I he United States, the original draits of Revolutionary Documents, the Federal Consti- tution, the Diplomatic and Consular archives, including treaties and other documents of historic value from the foundation of the government. 1 ne columns, pilasters, casings and beams in the corridors are of iron, the itoon throughout are of Honduras Mahogany. The spacious stairways at either end of the corridors are of granite, with exquisite bronze balusters ; over head is a -lucco canopy. There is an electric clock on each floor. The floors are of white Vermont and black Pennsylvania marbles. Secretaries of State — 1789, Thomas Jefferson, Va.; 1794, Edmund Ran- dolph, Va.; 1795, Timothy Pickering, Mass.; 1800, John Marshall, Va.; 1801, James Madison, Va.; 1809, Robert Smith, Md.; 1811, James Monroe, Va.; 1817, John Q. Adams, Mass.; 1825*, Henry Clay Ky.; 1829, Martin Van Buren, N. Y.; 1831, Edward Livingston, La.; 1833, Louis McLane, Del.; 1834, John Forsyth, Ga.: 1841, Daniel Webster, Mass.; 1843, Hugh S. Legare, S. C; 1843, A. P. Upshur, Va.; 1844, John Nelson, Md.; 1844, J. C. Calhoun. S. C; 1845, James Buchanan, Penn.; 1849, J. M. Clayton, Del.; 1850, Daniel Webster, Mass.; 1852, Edward Everett, Mass.; 1853, W. L. Marcy, N. Y.; 1857, Lewis Cass, Mich.; i860, Jer. S. Black, Penn.; 1861, W. H. Seward, N. Y.; 1869, E. B. Washburne, 111.; 1869, Hamilton Fish, N. Y ; 1877, William M. Evarts, N. Y. 1881, James G. Blaine, Me. History of the Department. — Before the adoption of the Constitu- tion of the United States the "Department of Foreign Affairs" was under the direction of an officer styled tl Secretary to the United States of America for the I )eparnnent of Foreign Affairs.'' On July 27 and September 15, 1789, it was created a Department, and the chief officer styled the Secretary of State. He is ex officio a member of the President's Cabinet, and carries out his instructions in all matters relating to diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations, negotiates treaties, instructs ministers and con- suls ot the U. S., grants passports to citizens of the U. S. leaving the coun- try ; is the custo- dian of the Seal of the U. S., and uses it under orders from the President, prepares and at- tests commissions granted to all offi- cers of the U. S. confirmed by the Senate, and super- intends the publi- cation of all acts and resolutions of Congress, and for eign and Indian sreaties, and pre- terves the originals of the same. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 131 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The Treasury Department (open to the public daily, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.) lies E. of the President's House, on the line of 15th St., and may be reached from the E. or W. by the Pennsylvania-av. line of street cars. The Building. This consists of a basement and sub-base- ment of rustic work, three stories of the pure Grecian Ionic order, and an attic, surmounted by a balustrade. It measures 468 ft. from N. to S., and 264 ft. from E. to W., and inclusive of porticoes and steps, 582 ft. by 300 ft., and has four fronts. The western, consisting of a colonnade after the style of Minerva Pallas at Athens, 336 ft. long, with 30 Ionic colums of Virginia freestone, and flanked at either .end by a recessed portico. The remaining facades are of Dix Island (Me.) granite. The east front, facing the Presi- dent's House, is broken by a central portico of 8 monolithic pillars, and 2 in the recess in the centre and the same on the sides, and reached by a broad flight of steps. Small porticoes, corresponding with the central one, are at either end of the W. front. The north and south fronts have a central portico, the same as that on the west. The steps on these fronts descend to broad tessellated platforms. On that on the north is a fountain, the tassa 12 ft. in diameter, cut from a single block of granite. The shafts of all the granite columns are monolithic, 31% ft. high, 4 ft. in diameter, and weigh 33 tons. The pilasters, the same, weigh 6 tons. The cap-stones'of the blockings against which the steps abut measure 18 ft. by 17 ft. and 20 inches high, and weigh 43 tons. The building has 4 principal en- trances, and on the N., W. and E., are beautiful parterres. The interior consists of 2 hollow squares, 138x123 ft., separated by a wing 120 ft. long by 57 ft. wide. At the west entrance is a vestibule, formed of 6 Doric columns, supporting groined arches and tastefully decorated. The cor- ridors to the N. and S. lead to those wings, and the centre one to the west en- trance. A double stairway at either end of the latter ascends to the upper stories, and another leads to the basement and sub-basement, where are ma- chine shops, engine rooms, etc., in the latter, and in the former storerooms and offices. On the principal and upper stories are the official apartments 0/ the Secretary of the Treasury , and Bureaus of the Department. The corridors of the new portions of the building are broken by iron columns and pilas- ters, with ornamented capitals. The building contains 200 rooms independent of the basement and attic, and cost $6,000,000. The east or old portion of the buildii.g occupies the site of the old south- eastern Executive building, destroyed by fire in 1833, rebuilt in its present mag- nificence 1836-41, from plans by Robert Mills. This part was T shape. The N., IV. and S. extensions were designed 1855, by Walter, architect of" the capital, begun by Young, continued by Rogers, and completed by A. B. Mullet. Objects of Interest. — The Office of the Secretary of the Treasury is a beautiful apartment on the second floor, on the S. side of the south corridor. The Cash Room, entrance on the first floor, N. corridor. The balcony is en- tered by a door from the S. corridor on the second floor. The most attractive features of the room are the walls, which are of highly polished marbles of beautiful variety, as follows : Lower Story — stylobate, base, black, Ver- mont; mouldings, Bardiglio, Italian: stiles, dove, Vermont; panels, Sienna, Italian; dies, Tennessee. Above stylobate, pilasters and panel beads, 132 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. white-veined, stiles, Sienna, Italian ; panels, Bardiglio, Italian ; cornice, white-veined, Italian. Upper Story — stylobate same as lower. Above stylobate as in lower story, except the panels, which are Sarrangolum marble from the Pyrenees. The vaults, in which the current funds of the Govern- ment are kept, may be seen on a "written permit from the Treasurer of the United States, office in the NE. angle of the building, first floor, deliver to the Cashier, first door W. of the entrance to the Cash Room. The vaults are of steel and chilled iron, about 20 by 15 ft. Another of the same capacity is overhead. The amount usually in the vault is about $10,000,000, including gold coin. The money is kept in packages or bags in the wooden cases. Near the door of the vault is an elevator, used for conveying money between the vaults above and the express office immediately below. As much as $5,000,000 have been shipped to the different sub-treasuries in a single day. The vault n which the national bank bonds are kept is on the same floor, near by, the permit being delivered to the Chief of the Division of National Banks, whose office is in the NW. angle of the building. In the basement are two reserve vaults, not open to visitors at all. The Counting of the Currency may be seen through the doorways on the right of the west corridor, N. end. None but employees are permitted to enter. The counting is done entirely by lady clerks. The facility and accuracy with which they accomplish their work are marvelous. The Library on the S. corridor third floor contains 8,000 volumes of the choicest works in every branch of literature. It is for the use of the employees. The Redemption Division, N. corridor of the basement; the currency unfit for circulation, and received from all parts of the country, is here counted and cancelled previous to be burned. The cancelling is done by a machine run by a turbine wheel. A permit from the Treasurer must be obtained, the same as for a visit to the vaults. The Rooms of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury in the basement, W. corridor S. end, contain a number of suberb drawings of public buildings erected by the government. The general features of inerest in the building are the north, west and south corridors, and the gracefully designed granite stairways leading from them. See Portraits of the Secretaries , Page 135. Photograph Office. — Opposite the S. entrance is the building occupied by the Photographer of the Treasury Department. Here fac similes of accounts for verification by agents sent throughout the country or abroad, and plans and elevations of public buildings, are made by means of photography. This work is carried on on a large scale. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing. — This branch of the Treas- ury Department occupies a separate structure on the Mall, cor. 14th and B sts., S. W., between the Agricultural De- partment and Washington Monument. Visitors admitted from 9:30 to 11:45 a. m., and 12:30 to 2 p. m. Apply to officer of the watch, main entrance, for required pass from the Chief of Bureau. The building is 220 ft. long and 135 ft. wide, designed by James G. Hill, Su- pervising Architect of the Treasury; is of the Romanesque style; authorized by Congress, 1878 ; cost $300,000 ; was occupied July 6, 1880; is constructed of pressedbricks, above the basement with string courses of moulded bricks ; is fire-proof throughout, the floors consisting of iron girders and brick arches, the doors and window frames only being of wood. The North facade, facing the city, comprises a basement and three stories, surmounted by an artistic cor- nice, and broken by three pavilions, that at the N. E., rising into a belfry tower 130 ft. high. The South facade, overlooking the Potomac river, is bro- ken by several chimneys of architectural designs. The west carries off the fumes of the hardening rooms, and is built of massive walls to resist the action 134 TREASURY DEPARTxMENT. of the fumes of the acids used in hardening the plates. The elevator towers are also of beautiful designs. The stack irom the boiler rooms in the rear is too ft. high. . On the Principal story are the entrance hall in the belfry to'wer, lined with ornamental and colored brick, and the stairway of iron and brass railing, with ornamental and enamel brick, wainscoting. Near by are the rooms of tl.e offi- cer of the watch an 1 administrative offices. On this floor are the vaults, with time-locks ot the most delicate mechanism, generally set from 4 p. m. to 7 a. m.; the hardening room, where softened rollers and plates containing the de- signs are hardened (or use by being put into furnaces with heated cyanide of potassium: transfer; geometric lathe ; dressing and washrooms. The plate vault, guarded day and night by tru>ted watchmen, contains all the engraved plates of the government. The chief custodian is under the Sec- retary nf die Treasury, and delivers plates for printing only upon the Secreta- ry ^ r Icr, and requires them to be restored at the close of work hours. THE BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. In the basement, reached from the main hall-way, are clerks' offices ; bind- ery ; perforating, gumming, ruling, steam plate press, engine and boiler rooms, and ink mill. There are 8 boilers, 40 H. P. each, and 2 engines 200 H. P. and 6 j H. P., and 3 elevators. In the sub-basement are the machine shops for the repair of the machinery ,ised. On the second floor are the draughting, destruction committee, numbering machine, examining, hydraulic press (202 tons pressure) rooms, also the stock vault 65x12 ft. of chilled steel and masonry and double doors with time and mag- net lock. On the third floor, hand plate press and wetting rooms. On the fourth floor (attic), dressing rooms, male in the E. end and females in the W. end. Also ventilators and fans. The toiuer is ascended by an iron spiral staircase : in the first landing is the tower clock, and above, a lookout. The boiler house in the rear, 2 stories high, contains rooms for the destruc- tion of defective bank-notes, furnace room and laundry. The building is heated by hot water, and ventilated by machinery. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 135 Office of the Coast Survey, erected 1871 (rented), brick fire-proof, S. E. of the Capitol, on New Jersey av. This service, established in 1807, is charged with the survey of the coasts of the U. S. on tide water. The standard weights and measures are kept nere, from which standards are furnished to the different States. Secretaries of the Treasury and their Portraits. — In the south corridor of the second floor of the Department may be seen a collection of portraits of the Secretaries of the Treastiry ; cost, $500 each. 1789, Alexander Hamilton, N. Y., by Miss C. L. Ransom, 1880, after original in City Hall, New York; 1795, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Conn., Richard M. Staigg, 1880, after rrumbull, 1806, for Josiah Quincy ; 1 801, Samuel Dexter, Mass., no portrait painted ; 1801, Albert Gallatin, Pa., Matthew Wilson, 1880. from family portrait ; 1814, George W. Campbell, Temi., no portrait painted ; 1814, A. J. Dallas, Pa., F. Thorp, 1880; 1816, Wm. H. Crawford, Ga., Henry Ulke, 1879, after Huntington ; 1825, Richard Rush, Pa., Mrs. C. Adele Fassett, 1880, from family portrait ; 1829, Samuel D. Ingham, Pa., no portrait painted; 1831, Louis McLane, Del., no portrait painted ; 183^, W. J. Duane, Pa., no portrait painted; 1833, Roger B. Taney, Md., Ulke, 1881, from photograph for Secretary Chase; 1834, Levi Woodbury, N. H., Henry A. Loop, 1080, after portrait from life ; 1841, Thomas Ewing, Ohio, Wm. Garl Brown, 1879; 1841, Walter Forward, Pa., Thorp, 1881, from family portrait; 1843, John C. Spencer, N. Y., no portrait painted; 1844, Geo. M. Bibb, Ky., Ulke, 1880, from family portrait ; 1845. Robert J. Walker, Miss , Brown, 1879 ! i 849j Wm. M. Meredith, Pa., no portrait painted : 1850, Thomas Corwin, Ohio, J. H. Witt, 1880 ; 1853, James Guthrie, Ky., E. F. Andrews, 1880; 1857, Howell Cobb, Ga., no portrait painted ; i860, Philip F. Thomas, Md., no portrait painted; 1861, John A. Dix, N. Y., no portrait painted; 1861, Salmon P. Chase, Ohio, Ulke, 1880, from water color from life; 1864, Wm. P. Fessenden, Me., Frederick P. Vinton, 1880, after family portrait; 1865, Hugh McCullough, Ind., no portrait painted; 1869, Geo. P. Boutwell, Mass., no portrait painted; 1873, Wm. A. Richardson, Mass., Richard M. Staigg, 1880, from life ; 1874, Benjamin H Bristow, Ky., no portrait painted; 1876, Lot M. Morrill, Me., A. H. Bicknell, 1880, from life ; 1877, John Sherman, Ohio, no portrait painted ; 1881, Wm. Windom, Minn. History of the Departm e nt . — The Department of the '1 reasury was organized by Congress Sept. 2, 1789, with a Secre- tary of the Treas- ury, ex officio a member of the President's Cabi- net, as its chief officer. He has charge of the col- lection of the reve- nue, disbursements of money, makes estimates of reve- nues and expendi- tures for Congress, for approprations, reports information to Congress, and performs all ser- vices relative to the finances. 136 WAR DEPARTMENT. WAR DEPARTMENT. The War Department (open every day, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.) occupies the northern half of the east connecting wing of the vast edifice erected for the ac- commodation of the Departments of State, War and Navy. (For description see page 127.) The east wing was formally turned over to the Secretaries of War and Navy, April 16, 1879, length 341 ft., depth of curtains 62, height to top of centre pavilion ventilator 135 ft., rooms 173, windows 412, cost $2,500,000. This wing will ultimately be entirely occupied by the Navy Department. On the north wing, for the occupancy of the War Department, excavations for foundations commenced June 17, 1879. The demolition of the Northwest Ex- ecutive Building, erected 18 18, and occupied by the War Department, began April 7, 1879. The portico, consisting of six plain columns with Ionic capi- tals, entablature, and two antee of sandstone, was removed, under the direc- tion of the Quartermaster General of the Army, to be utilized at the portals of the Arlington National Cemetery. Objects of Interest in the 'War Department. — Note. — Visitors to the Building can enter any of the apartments simply to view them by permission of the chief clerk or the ushers at the door. The basement, reached from the sidewalk contains nothing of special inter- est. The sub-basement, reached by the centre main steps, contains the ma- chinery for the elevators, pumps, heating and ventilating apparatus, boilers, coal vaults and store rooms. First Floor (Room 55), on the r. of the main entrance, the headquarters of the Army. The General receives by card from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. In this suite of apartments is an interesting gallery, mostly taken from family por- traits, collected by Col. Audenreid, of the senior officers commanding the ar- mies of the United States — George Washington, of Virginia, 1775-83 and 179S-99; Henry Knox, of Massachusetts, 1783-84; Josiah Harmer, of Penn- sylvania, 1789-91 ; Arthur St. Clair, of Pennsylvania, 1791-92 ; Anthony Wayne, of Pennsylvania, 1792-96 ; James Wilkinson, of (b. in) Maryland, 1796-98 and 1800-12 ; Alexander Hamilton, of New York (senior officer upon death of Washington), 1 799-1800 ; Henry Dearborn, of Massachusetts, 1812-15 ; Jacob Brown, of Pennsylvania, 1815-28 ; Alexander Macomb, of Michigan, 1828-41 ; Winfield Scott, of Virginia, 1841-61 ; George Brinton McClellan, of (b. in) Pennsylvania, 1861-62 ; Henry Wager Halleck, of New York, 1862-64; Ulysses Simpson Grant, of Illinois, 1864-69 ; William Tecumseh Sherman, of Ohio, 1869. Also oil paintings of General Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, taken imme diaiely after the battle of New Orleans, and finished in 1836; General Zach ary Taylor, of Louisiana, from life, 1846; Generals George Gordon Meade, of Pennsylvania, and James Birdseye McPherson, of Ohio, and other general offi cers of the Army. Also a series of oil paintings representing scenes on th frontier , by N. H. Trotter, of Pennsylvania, Wounded Buffaloes pursued b> Prairie Wolves, 1876, the The Last Stand, 1876, Herd of Elk, 1878, Grizzly Bears, 1879. Also the original pen and ink copies of Life Studies in tht Army, by Edwin Forbes, of New York, awarded the Centennial medal for the finest drawing. The rest of this corridor is occupied by the various staff departments. 1 '- ''ftp 138 WAR DEPARTMENT. The Second Floor (Room 93). The office of the Secretary of War and re- ception room adjoining, constitute a beautiful suite of apartments artistically finished in encaustic and oil, and luxuriously furnished. Here is a valuable and interesting collection 0/ portraits 0/ the Secretaries 0/ War from the foundation of the Government, cost $305 each, and painted authority Congress. Secretary of War, 1789, Henry Knox, of Massachusetts, portrait by Young, after Charles Gilbert Stuart ; 1795, Timothy Pickering, of Massachu- setts, by Edwin Bracket, after Stuart; 1796, James McHenry. of Maryland, by Daniel Huntingdon, after Pollock ; 1800, Samuel Dexter, of Massa- chusetts, by Bracket ; 1801, Roger Griswold, of Connecticut, no portrait painted; 1801, Henry Dearborn, of Massachusetts, by Huntingdon, after Stuart ; 1809, William Eustis, of Massachusetts, by Bracket: 1813, John Armstrong, of New York, by Huntingdon, after John Vanderlyn : 1814, James Monroe, ot Virginia, by Robert W. Weir; 1815, Alexander J. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, ad interim, by Ph. Morton; 1815, William H. Crawford, of Georgia, by Huntington, after John Wesley Jarvis ; 1817, George Graham, of Virginia, ad interim, by Hun- tington, after Charles King ; 1817, John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, by Jarvis : 1825, James Barbour, of Virginia, by Henry Ulke ; 1828, Peter B. Porter, of New York, by Huntington, after Weir; 1829, John H. Eaton, of Tennessee, by Weir : 1831, Lewis Cass, of Michigan, by Huntington, after George Peter, Alexander Healy ; 1836, Benjamin F. Butler, of New York, ad interim, by Weir ; 1837, Joel Poinsett, of South Carolina, by Weir, after Thomas Sully; 1841, John Bell, of Tennessee, by T.L.Clear; 1841, John McLean, of Ohio, no portrait painted; 1841, John C. Spencer, of New York, by Weir; 1843, James M. Porter, of Pennsylvania, by Huntington; 1844, William Wilkins, of Pennsylvania, by Weir ; 1845, William L. Marcy, of New York, by Ulke ; 1849, George W. Crawlord, of Georgia, by Huntington ; 1850, General Winfield Scott, ad interim, army, by Weir ; 1850, Charles M. Con- rad, of Louisiana, by Huntington ; 1853, Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, by Huntington; 1857, John B. Floyd, of Virginia, by Huntington; 1861, Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, by Weir; 1861, Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, by Henry Thorpe ; 1862, Edwin M. Stanton, of Ohio, by Weir ; 1867, U. S. Grant, ad interim, army , by Ulke; 1868, General Lorenzo 1 nomas, ad interim, army, no portrait painted ; 1868, John M. Schofield, of Illinois, by H. P. Cur- tis ; 1869, John A. Rawlins, of Illinois, by Weir ; 1869, W. T. Sherman, pro tempore, army, by Healy ; 1869, William W, Belknap, of Iown, by Hun- tington; 1876, A. Taft, of Ohio, by Huntingdon; 1876, James D. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, by Huntington ; 1877, George W. McCrary, Iowa, by Ulke ; 1879, Alexander Ramsey, ot Minnesota. 1881, Robert T Lincoln, 111. Private Secretary 's Room (92 ). Portraits of General George Rogers Clarke, of Virginia, by Peter Bomgrass ; i860, General Clarke's occupation of the North-western Territory, secured by the treaty of 1783, the boundary line of the Great Lakes instead of the Ohio River; General Horatio Gates, of New York, President of the Board of War; 1777, by Huntington, General George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army ; 1775, by Hunting- ton, after Stuart, General Benjamin Lincoln, of Massachusetts, Secretary of War; 1781, a copy of Sergeant's head, by J. A. Young ; General John Arm- strong, of Pennsylvania, by Huntington, after Vanderlyn; General Winfield Scott, Secretary of War, ad interim, 1850. In the Chief Clerk's Room is a collection oT twelve small paintings of spirit, by G. H Walker, representing the campaign against the City of Mexico. Third Floor (Room 116;. The Library, comprising 25,000 volumes, mostly on military subjects and a selected list of miscellaneous works and military maps. The cases were designed Ly H. T. Crosby, Chief Clerk. It also con- tains many rare and valuable manuscripts relating to the military history of the country. Fourth Floor Nothing of special interest. WAR DEPAETMENT. 139 Other places of interest under the War Department, as the Arsenal, Medical and Ordnance Museums, the latter in Winder's Building, will be found under appropriate heads. In the Flag Rooms, No. 616 17th street, opposite the War Department (open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily, except Sunday), are the battle-torn United States and State flags taken from the national forces and recovered upon the capture of Richmond, and captured Confederate flags. They repre- sent every State. Signal Office. — {Open every day, except Sunday, from 12 a. m. to 3 p. m.) The Chief Signal Officer of the Army, under whose direction the national weather observations are made, occupies two contiguous brick buildings on G street, W. of the War Department. The wires entering the building con- nect the office with the different stations in all parts of the country, through the lines of the general telegraphic companies. The entrance for visitors is by the door No. 1719. Ascend to the Instru- ment Room, in the fourth story. Here may be seen the apparatus employed in the various meteorological observations, including the barometer for atmos- pheric pressure, and to indicate the passage of storms ; the thermometer , mercurial and spirit, for temperature ; the hygrometer, humidity ; the anem- ometer, for velocity of the wind ; the ivind-vane, or anemoscope , for direction of the wind ; and rain gauge, for rain-fall. On the roof of the building are rain-gauges, wind-vanes, and anemometers, with self-registering instruments in room below. There is a complete set of self- On Nov. 1, 1870, at 7 35 a. m.. the first systematized synchronous meteoric reports ever taken in the United States were read from the instruments by the observer sergeants of the signal service at 24 stations, and placed upon the tele- graphic wires for transmission. In Oct., 1871, the display of cautionary sig- nals was inaugurated at ports on the Atlantic and the Gulf coast and the north- ern lakes. The sphere of usefulness of this important service is annually ex- tended. History of the Depar tment: — Prior to 1 789 the Sec- retary of War W3.S charged with the di- rect management of the military affairs of Congress. The office was created an ex ecutive department August 7, 1789. The Secretary was then required to execute the orders of the President of the United States in all matters respecting military, naval or Indian affairs. The Secretary of War is now restricted un- der tne direction of the President to jurisdiction over the military service only. He is ex of- ficio a member of the Cabinet. 140 NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVY DEPARTMENT. The Navy Department (open every day, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.) occupies the south half of the east connecting wing of the State, War and Navy Department Building. (For description of the general building see page 127, and for east wing page 138.) The Naval Observatory, Navy Yard and Marine Barracks are described under their appropriate heads. The Nautical Almanac office for the computation of astronomical tables for the Observatory the Navy and Merchant service, established 1849, at Cam Dridge, Mass., and removed to Washington, 1866, is also in quarters away from the Department. Objects of Interest in the Building : Basement. — In the Hydrographic office where charts are made and the depot of all hydrographic information for the use of the navy and commerce, is the largest chart printing press in the United States. The sub-basement, entered from the middle stairs, contains the machinery, heating and ventilating apparatus. The First Floor contains Bureau offices. On the Second Floor (Room 97) is the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, a magnificent apartment with Marquetry floor, walls finished in gilt and colors in the Greek style of decoration ; furnishings very rich. The chief clerk's office adjoining is also a fine room. The Third Floor is devoted to the Bureaus of the Department. On the Fourth Floor is the Library in the centre pavilion, the walls, ceil- ings, gallery-flooring, wainscoting and cases of cast iron, and floor encaustic tiles. The panels in the walls consist of marbles, the red being Griotte, the green, Alpine; the yellow, Sienna, and the chocolate, Lake Champlain, (Vt.) The niches are finished in bronze, cast iron plates, and in each are artistic gas brackets, in pure bronze, cast 1880, by Bureau Brothers and Heaton, of Philadelphia, in the first story the figures representing Science, War, Industry and Liberty, those in the gallery being allegorical of the Navy. The dome or skylight overhead consists of heavy iron frames, and white and colored glass. The arrangement is in two stories with a gallery and archways on the N. and S. sides leading to the alcoves for books and hand elevators. Fifth Floor. In the center pavilion the door leads to the gallery of the Library. Overhead is a beautiful skylight of iron and colored glass, The grand stairways of #ix flights each, four being geometrical, lead from the attic to the sub-basement, are wonders of construction, no two steps being alike, and being let into the wall 16 inches, and firmly wedged, forming a cantilever. The bronze balusters, 1106 in number, cast by the Hopkins and Dickinson Manu- facturing Co., cost $5.50 each, and are exceedingly fine. The hand rails and newel posts, are massive and rich in finish, being mahoganyfrom CentralAmerica. All the corridor floors are tiled in alternate white and black marble from Swanton, Vt. The upper landings are black marble from Glen Falls, N. Y. Secretaries of the Navy. — The War Department had charge of Naval affairs until 1798. 1798, George Cabot, Mass., declined; 1798, Benjamin Stod- dert, Md. ; 1801, Robert Smith, Md. ; 1805, Jacob Crowninshields, Mass.; 1809, Paul Hamilton, S. C. ; 1813, William Jones, Pa. ; 1814, Benjamin W. Crowninshields, Mass.; 1818, Smith Thompson, N. Y. ; 1823, John Rogers, Mass. ; 1823, Samuel L. Southard, N. J. ; 1829, John Branch, N. C. ; 1831, Levi Woodbury, N. H. ; 1834, Mahlon Dickerson, N. J. ; 1838, James K. Pauld- ing, N. Y. ; 1841, G. E. Badger, N. C ; 1841, A. P. Upshur, Va. ; 1843, David Henshaw, Mass. ; 1844, T. W. Gilmer, Va. ; 1844, J- Y. Mason, Va. ; 1845, George Bancroft, Mass.; 1846, John V. Mason, Va. ; 1849, W. B. Preston Va. 1850, W. A. Graham, N C; 1852, J. B. Kennedy, Md.; 1853, J. C. Dobbin, N. C.; 1857, Isaac Toucey, Conn.; 1861, Gideon Welles, Conn.; 1869, A. E. Borie, Pa.; 1869, G. M. Robeson, N. J.; 1877. Richard W. Thompson, Ind.; 1880, Nathan Goff, Jr.; 1881, Wm. H. Hunt. La. 142 AAV 1 Ul±X'Al.i.i.* Reverdy Johnson, Md., Stanley, 1856, $50; 1850, J. J. Crittenden, Ky.,see 1841; 1853, Caleb Cushing, Mass., Stanley, 1857, $60, after Carpenter; 1857, Jeremiah S. Black, Pa., Win- ner, 1872, $500 ; i860, E. M. Stanton, Ohio, F. B. Carpenter, 1865, #200; 1861, Edward Bates, Mo., A. J. Conant, 1861, $500; 1864, Jas. Speed, Ky., Healy, 1865, $250 ; 1866, Henry Stanberry, Ohio, Jared B. Flagg, 1869, $800 ; 1868, O. H. Browning, 111., no portrait painted; 1868, Wm. M. Evarts, N. Y., W. M.Hunt, 1870, $750; 1869, Ebenezer C. Hoar, Mass., Hunt, 1870, $802 ; 1870, Amos T. Ackerman, Ga., Thorp, 1875, $500; 1872, Geo. H. Williams, Oregon, Thorp, 1S75, $750 ; 1875, Edwards Pierrepont. N. Y., D. Hunting- ton, 1875, $1305 ; 1876, Alphonso Taft, Ohio, Thorp, 1877, $750; 1877, Chas. Devens, Mass., D. Huntington, 1881, $750 ; 1881, Wayne MacVeagh, Pa. no portrait painted, 1881. The Court of Claims. — In the first story is the Court of Claims of the Uuited States, occupied 1879, established 1855, to hear and determine all claims under acts of Congress or Executive Departments, or referred to it by them. From 1855 to 1879 '' occupied rooms in the basement of the western central projection of the capitol. It consists of a chief and associate justices. The general sessions begin the first Monday in December. Adjournment usually in May or June. Fridays and Saturdays are devoted to writing up opinions. History of the De- partment.— The office of Attorney General, created Sept. 24, 1789, was made an Executive Department by act of Congress June 22, 1870. All prosecutions on be- half of the Government are conducted by this department. The At- torney General reports annually to Congress. He gives opinions upon all questions of law, when asked by the Pres- ident or heads of the Executive Departments. He is ex officio a mem- ber of his Cabinet. Under him are the officers of the District and Circuit Courts of the United States, Me- tropolitan Police, etc. 156 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Department of Agriculture {open daily, except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p. m.) occupies that portion of the Mall lying E. of 14th st., and between the Washington Monument and the Smithsonian Institution. The building commands a view of the business quarter of the city, and in turn itself makes a fine appearance from 13th st. W., which it faces. Grounds. — The grounds in the immediate vicinity of the building are beautifully laid out. On the N. front is a con- creted surface the entire length of the building, and 50 ft. wide, which makes a spacious carriageway to the main en- trance, and is also used by pedestrians. A terrace wall about 4 ft. high, ornamented with stone balusters and pedi- ments with plant vases, runs the length and parallel with the front of the building, and at a distance of about 100 yds. At each extremity of the wall is a small iron pavilion of suitable design. The terrace divides what are known as the Upper and Lower Gardens. The former is laid out in beds, with intervening walks, and is devoted to flowers, vases, and rustic statuary. The lower, and all the grounds lying in front of the building line, with the exception of the flower garden, have been laid out as an arboretum, with walks and drives, and a well-selected collection of the hardier trees and shrubs. The flower garden contains no shade trees, which affords an unbroken view of the building. The trees and plants in the arboretum are planted on strictly botanical rules, the order and tribe of plants being grouped. The effect, however, by careful arrangement of the blending types is peculiarly atttactive, and has not the formal appear- ance of a scientific classification. The collection embraces 1,600 species of plants. In the rear of the department building and plant houses are the Experimental Grounds, covering about 10 a., those lying in the rear of the plant houses being set apart for experimental gardening, and those in the rear of the building, and occu- pying the SE. angle of the enclosure, for the experimental orchards and stables and yard. The object of these grounds is for testing varieties of small fruits, seeds, and for the prop- agation and culture of hardy plants. Along portion of the In. line of the grounds, commencing at the W., are artificial lakes, rivers, and swamps, for the cultivation of type varieties of water and marsh plants. The plans for the grading and laying out of the grounds were prepared and carried into 158 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. execution in 1868, by William Saunders, of Penn., Superin- tendent of Gardens and Grounds. (Also see Plant Houses.) The Department Building-, designed by Adolph Cluss, ar- chitect, and completed in 1868, is of the renaissance style, 170 ft. long by 61 ft. deep, with a finished basement, three full stories and Mansard roof. It was erected by contract, under the superintencence of the architect, is constructed of pressed brick, with brown-stone bases, belts, cornices, and trimmings, and cost, including apparatus for laboratory, $140,420. The front presents a centre building with main entrances, and is flanked by two wings. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — FIRST FLOOR. A. Main Entrance. — Doors, oak and ash woods Vestibule, 20 ft. square and 16 ft. high. Floors, encaustic tiles of chaste design. Walls, paneled in encaustic paint. Ceilings, in frescoe, representing an arbor of vine foliage held by American eagles, with outspread wings. Ornamentation in arabesque, mingled with four medallions, illustrating, in landscape, light and shade and human figures, the four seasons of the year, divisions of the day, and ages of man. B. Main Staircase leading to the second floor and Museum of Agriculture. C and D. Private Stairs to the second floor and passage to.doai rooms and closets. The vestibule (A) opens into a wide corridor, from which the various offices, 20 ft. square, are entered. 1. Ante Room, finished in bird's eye maple and black walnut, in panels, and represents a fine specimen of the application of wood to walls, known as "wood- hanging." 2. Commissioner of Agriculture, finished in panels of bird's eye maple, bor- dered by friezes in mahogany and blistered walnut, alternating with paneled pilasters in mahogany and satin wood, all parted by curley maple, and relieved by a tracing of gilt. 3. Private Office of Commissioner. The friezes are of birch, borders of black walnut, and panels of mountain ash. 4. Library. A tastefully finished apartment, supplied with mahogany cases. The collection of works, S,ooo vols., forms the most complete agricultural library in the United States, and comprises nearly all the standard works on agriculture and kindred sciences, reports of all the State boards of agriculture, and agricultural, horti- cultural, and pomological societies, and the transactions of the leading agricultural and •oientific associations of England, France, Germanv, and Italy. The object •/ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 159 th* Library is for -eference and used in the extensive correspondence of the Depart- ment. Persons interested are permitted to consult works, but not to take them from the room. Among the most interesting works is a set, 14 vols., on botany, illustrating the flora of Central Europe, published in Vienna, and presented by the Emperor of Austria. There are also portraits of a number of personages, among the number Marshall P. Wilder, of Boston, the distinguished horticulturist. 5 to 8. Clerks' Rooms, finished in encaustic oil paint, plain, with frescoed ceilings. 9. Chemist and Microcopist Room, is supplied with cases containing a collec- tion of minerals having an agricultural value. The chemist makes analyses of soils, fertilizers, and agricultural productions. The results are recorded for future refer- ence. The microscopist examines and reports upon the diseases of plants. 10. Balance Room, contains a variety of balances used in the chemical work. 11. Lauoratory, supplied with chemicals and other apparatus used in chemical experiments. A private stairway leads to the basement below, in which are fur- nances, ovens, and other necessary conveniences. The equipment of the Laboratory is very complete. iz. File Room. • 13 and 14. Clerk's Room, finished in encaustic paint. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, SECOND FLOOR. A. Stairs to the Botanical Museum, Taxidermists, and Modeless Rooms. B. Stairs to clerk's rooms. 15. Museum of Agriculture. — Opposite the main entrance below, a double flight of stairs of wrought and cast iron, lighted by a large stained-glass window, leads to the second floor, and into the Museum of Agriculture. On the first landing is a plank 12.x 6% ft. from the giant redwood tree of California. The Museum Hall occupies the main building, and is 102 ft. long, 52 ft. wide, and 27 ft. high. A covea stuccoed cornice extends around the hall, broken at regular intervals by brack- ets, in which are wrought busts of Indians. The cove is ornamented by flowers and fruits, with medallion shields bearing the arms of the United States, and the States of the Union in 1868 in their chronological order. The ceiling is divided into 15 panels, embellished with rosettes. A soft color, harmonizing with the ornamenta- tion of the hall, is employed generally on the walls. For the accommodation and security of the agricultrual collection, the hall has been supplied with dust-proof wal- nut cases of chaste design. The Museum (which will be explained by an attendant) shows the agricultural productions of the United States, and manufactures therefrom, also how the former are affected by climate, insects, birds, and animals — injurious and beneficial. It is divided into general, State, and economic. The general division illustrates the his- tory of agricultural products. The fruits and vegetables are modeled in plaster of Paris, and colored in oil, to represent nature. The State and economic divisions, when completed, will show in a single case the mineral and agricultural productions, 160 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and economic substances manufactured therefrom, of each State. The principal ob- ject »f the museum is utility, to include all the products of agriculture, and bearihg upon the increase of knowledge in that important branch of industry. In the centre of the hall is a table of California redwood 7x12 ft. finished in other native woods, and presented by gentlemen in California. The vase on the table is made of Coquina or Florida shell rock from St. Augustine, Florida, taken from the foundation of the residence of the early Spanish colonial governors. Cases North Range commencing on the W. The shelf numbers count from below. The injurious birds have a perch with a partly black end, and beneficial, white. 1. Not yet erected. It is proposed, however, to place this case shortly. 2. 1, American ducks; 2, American small birds, arranged to show benefit or in- jury, with contents of stomachs in small boxes; 3, American hawks and owls. 3. 1, animals — domestic and farm pests; 2, American game birds; 3, gulls and aquatic birds. 4 Domestic poultry. 5. 1, Fish — prepared skins ; 2 and 3, foreign game birds that can be or have been domesticated. o. A case has been prepared for this space, and will be erected at once. 7. Foreign game birds. g. California products and miscellaneous specimens. 9. Grains and cereals — native. 10. Grains and cereals— native. The middle and upper shelves arranged by States. 11. 1 and 2, Temporary case of botanical specimens. 12. I, Vegetable fibres — cotton. Cases South Range commencing on the E. 12. Foreign woods, Sec. 13. 1 and 2, Foreign grains, collected at the Paris Exposition 1867; 3, miscella- neous. 14. I, Petroleum, tobacco; 2, sugar, syrups, ccc, Indian foods; 3, farinaceous products, gums, resins, &c. 15. 1, Chinese paper; 2, American and foreign paper and paper-making mate- rials; 3, Japanese paper. 16. Silk from egg to manufactured goods of highest quality. 17. I, Animal fibres, angora wool; 2, vegetable fibres, ramie and aloes; 3, vege- table fibres, miscellaneous. 18. 1, Vegetable fibres, cotton; 2, flax, flax cotton, aselepias; 3, New Zealand flax, agaue fibre and miscellaneous tropical fibres. In a case against the wall is a fine specimen of the cotton plant. 19. The case designed for this space has not yet been erected. Centre of the Hall, commencing on the west. 20. 1, Tropical fruits — southern apples; 2, apples, (models.) 21. 1, Vegetables, (models;) 2, apples and pears, (models.) 22. I, Vegetable, apples, fish, (models;) 2, pears, (models.) 23. 1, Vegetables and fruits, (models;) 2, miscellaneous fruits and vegetables, (models,) fungi; (models and natural.) The plan of the museum was suggested and carried into operatiou by Townend Glover, entomologist of the Department. 16. Statistician. — Here the monthly and annual reports and statistical informa- tion are compiled. 17. Clerks of the Statistical Division. 18. Ladies' Retiring Room, iq. Clerks. 20. Cabinet of Entomology. — Tne room, 20 x 30 ft., is supplied with suitable walnut cases. The collection comprises the insects of the United States injurious and beneficial to agriculture, arranged scientifically, for reference. In the open cases is a small collection of insects for exhibition, and specimens of insect injur) DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. lfil end architecture, both ex- ceedingly interesting. The walls are hung with a'serles of about 300 plates, by Prof. Townend Glo- ver, illustrating the insects in the cabinet. 2,1. Entomologist's Private Room. On the third floor, E. wing, reached from A, plan of the second floor, is the Botanical Museum. It is supplied with appro- priate cases, and contains 200 natural orders and 25,000 species of plants, a space being devoted to each order. The speci- mens are arranged on sheets and indexed. The first collection was trans- ferred from the Smithso- nian Institution, and comprised the specimens brought home by the Wilkes expedition. The specimens gathered by the various United States exploring exprditions are all deposited here. The collection of plants of the United States is very cm- plete. The rooms adjoining are occupied by the Tax- idermists on the W. and Modelers on the S. The former has the preparation of birds for the museum, and their care. The latter makes models of fruits for the museum. Over the third floor, W '. wing, reached from B, plan of the second floor, the rooms are used for clerks. Basement reached fiom B, first floor — con- tains Seed Rooms, in west- ern portion, and rest Fold- ing, Laborers', and Engi- neers' Rooms, and accom- modations for heating ap- paratus and fuel. The seed-packing department, where upwards of 60 per- sons are employed, is of great interest. 11 162 DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE. Plant Houses — On the W. of the department building are the plant houses, commenced in 1868 from designs by Wil- liam Saunders, Superintendent of Gardens and Grounds. The main structure is 320 ft. long and 30 ft. wide E. and W M with a wing 150 long projecting to the rear or S. of the centre of the main building. The centre pavilion is 60 ft. long, 32 ft. wide, and 30 ft. high, and is devoted to palms and the larger tropical plants, such as bananas. The pavilions at the extremity of the wings are 30 ft. square, 26 ft. high, ? nd are the orangery, and for other semi-tropical fruits. Th y se terminal pavilions are joined to the centre by connect ng ranges 100 ft. long, 25 ft. wide, and 17 ft. high, and are c- cupied by the miscellaneous collection of plants of practi ftl use, such as medical plants and those furnishing textile fibr s, useful gums, sugars, and dyes. The S. projecting wing is the grapery, and contains a collection of foreign grapes. 1 e roots are planted in borders on the outside, and the ste» s conducted into the grapery through apertures in the bri K wall. The dark varieties are on the W. side, and the lig it on the E. There are 100 varieties in all. The plant houses are heated by means of hot water, circulated through 5,000 ft. of 4-in pipe, and supplied by two boilers. The boilers are arranged with a cut-off, so that they may be operated separately or together. These houses have foundation walls of red sandstone, with bluestone bases and caps. The doors and windows of the centre and wings are designed in moresque arches. Brackets uphold the^cornice from which the cupola roof rises. The main entrance projects from the main building, and has three arched openings The frame of the structure is of iron and wood substantially built, and cost $25,000. The roof is covered with American glass of double thickness, and curved expressly for the purpose. Commissioners of Agriculture. — 1862, Isaac Newton, Penn.; 1867, John W. Stokes Penn., (acting;) 1867, Horace Capron, 111.; 1871, Frederick Watts, Penn. x877« W. G. LeDuc. 1881, George B. Loring, Mass. UlStOry. —Under act July 4, 1836, Henry L.Ellsworth, Commissioner of Patents, gave attention to the distribution of rare grains, seeds, and plants, in the collection of which he was aided by the diplomatic and consular officers of the United States in foreign countries. In 1839 $1,000 were appropriated for the purpose. This gave rise to the agricultural division of the Patent Office. In 1S58 a Propagating Garden was established on that portion of the public grounds lying along the S. side of Missouri av., bet. 4^ and 6th sts. N., for the purpose of testing sorghum and Chinese sugar cane. In" 1868 these operations were removed to the present more extensive grounds. . The Department of Agriculture was established by act of Congress dated May I5, 1862, "to acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful infor- mation on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehen- sive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants." The chief executive officer was to be known as the Commissioner of Agriculture, to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Department, before occupying its present abode, had rooms in the basement of the Patent Office. There are now annually distributed about 1,200,000 packages of seeds, and 25,000 bulbs, vines, cuttings, and plants. The publications cf the Department consist of an annual report of about 700 pagei octavo, 227,000 to 275,000 printed for distribution, and monthly reports of about 48 pages octavo, on the condition of the crops. 28,000 printed. NAVAL OBSERVATORY. 163 NAVAL OBSERVATOKY. The United States Naval Observatory is one of the leading astronomical establishments in the world. It is open every day, except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p. m. The watchman will show visitors through the building. Night visits are very much restricted in consequence of the interference with the astronomical work. The street cars on Pennsylvania av. run within 10 min. walk. Alight at 24th st. W., south side. Vis- itors afoot may reach the Observatory by following New York av. W. of the State, War, and Navy Department to E St.. N., thence by the latter to 24th st. W. Grounds. — The Observatory occupies a commanding site on the N. bank of the Potomac, 96 ft. above tide, and origin- ally known as Peters'' Hill, after its proprietor. The beauti- ful grounds comprise 19 a. within the walls, and constitute Reservation No. 4 on the original plat of the city. NAVAL OBSERVATORY. There are many interesting historical associations connected with the site. In 1755 portion of Braddock's army camped here on the march from Alexandria to the fatal field on the Monongahela. On the Potomac bank is a rock upon which the troops were landed, and known as Braddock's rock. In 1792 it was proposed to erect z. fort and barracks on the N. portions of the reservation. It was a favorite project with Washington to establish a national university here. The grounds were named Uni- versity Square from this fact. In l8i3-'i4 part of the American army encamped on the hill, from which fact it was long known as Camp Hill, and advanced to Bladens- burg for the defense of the city against the English. The Observatory, founded in 1842, is under the direction of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. The reserva- tion in the centre of which it stands was selected for the pur- pose by President Tyler. Buildings. — The central building, completed in 1844, is 50 ft. sq., consisting of a basement and 2 stories, with a crown- ing parapet and balustrade, and is surmounted by a dome. 164 NAVAL OBSERVATORY. On the E. and W. are wings, each 26£ ft. long, 21 ft. wide, and 18 ft. high. At the end of the former is the residence of the superintendent, and the latter, an ob serving-room, 40 ft. by 28^ ft., built in 1869. The projection on the S. is 60 ft. long, and terminates in the great dome. Visitors are expect- ed to register their names in the book opposite the main entrance. Booms and Instruments! — The numbers refer to the diagram of ground plan. I. Pier of Equatorial, brick, imbedded 17 ft. in the earth, conical, is iz ft. in diameter at the surface line, 7 ft. at top, 28 ft. high, and is capped with a pedestal of stone weighing 7% tons. Over the pier is a dome zj ft. in diameter, rising 20 ft. above the roof, and provided with a slip. The dome revolves on six Z4-lb. shot. This Equatorial, purchased in 1845, was made by Merz and Mahler, Munich, cost $6,000. Object-glass, 9.62 in., clear aperture; focal length, 14 ft. 4.5 in. Its work is chiefly upon the smaller planets, asteroids, and comets. II. Superintendent's Office. — Here is an electro-chronograph, in a marble case, invented by Prof. John L. Locke, 1848. It is connected by electric wires with the clocks in the Executive Departments, Weather Signal Office, and Western Union Telegraph Office. The current is continually passing, the pendulums of all the clocks beating together. In the adjacent hall is a superbly-carved black walnut switch-board, made by the Western Electric Manufacturing Company, Chicago, and purchased in 1874. The frame takes no wires, and has 3,000 combinations. Through this the clocks, chronographs, and instruments are placed in communication with each othei and with the telegraphic system of the world. The old switch-board is opposite. III. General Office. IV. Office of Naval Officer in Charge of Chronometers. V. Packing- Room. VI. Mural Circle and Transit, with clock and chronograph. Mural Cir- cle, made by Troughton & Simms, London, 1843 ; erected in 1844. Object-glass, 4.10 in., clear aperture ; focal length, 5 ft. 3.8 in. ; diameter at graduation, 60.35 in.; is divided into every 5 min., and is supplied with reading microscopes. Its use is for observing declinations of stars. Transit, made by Ertel & Son, Munich, 1844 ; erect- ed the same year. Object-glass 5.33 in., clear aperture ; focal length, 7 ft. 0.4 in. Used for observing the right ascension of stars. These were the principal instru- ments used by Prof. Yarnell in making his Catalogue 0/10,658 Stars. VII. Chkonometer-Room, in which the chronometers of the navy, when not in actual use, are kept and rated. The average number here is zoo. They are wound and compared with a standard,daily, and a record kept of their variation by the naval officer in charge. In the same room is a standard mean-time clock, with necessary apparatus, from which at meridian each day exact time is dispatched. The naval officer in charge, at 3 min. before noon, connects the clock through the foot of the pendulum with electric wires, and at mean noon taps the electric key, simul- taneously giving the instant of mean noon to the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany's offices, and thence all over the U. S. The ball over the Observatory is dropped at tne same moment. VIII. Library. — In 1844 this consisted of 200 vols, of astronomical works, do- nated by the Greenwich, Paris, Berlin, and Vienna Observatories. It now com- prises 6,000 vols., some very rare, dating in 1482, relating to astronomy, meteorolo- gy, and kindred sciences, and is the most complete of the kind on the western hemi- sphere. IX. Siderial Clock, made by Kessels, of Altona, Germany, is used as the standard clock of the Observatory. X. Transit Circle, made by Pistor & Martins, Berlin, was first mounted in the present Library in 1865. Object-glass, 8.52 in., clear aperture; focal length, 12 ft. 1 in.; outer diameter of its circles, 45.30 in., and at the graduation, 43.40 in. Both circles are divided to every z min., and are fitted with reading microscopes. The collimators, for adjusting the instrument, have a focal length of z ft. II in. Use : observation of the positions ot the sun, moon, and planets. In the same room is a chronograph, made by Alvan Clark & Sons, from designs by Prof. Wm. Hark- ■ e»». It records by electric wires the times at which observations are made. NAVAL OBSERVATORY. 105 XI. Prime Vertical Transit, made by Pistor & Martins, Berlin, was erect- ed in 1844. Object-glass, 4.86 in., clear aperture j focal length, 6 ft. 5 in. Is used tnly for declinations. XII. Machine Shop. XIII. Room of Officer in Charge of thh Great Equatorial. XIV. Sleeping Apartment of Officer in Charge of the Great Equatorial. XV. Great Equatorial, mounted in 1873, made by Al- van Clark & Sons, Cambridge- port, Mass. Object-glass, 26 in., clear aperture; focal length, 32% ft., cost $47,000. The rough lump of glass was cast by Chance & Co., Birm- ingham, England. The in- strument rests upon a double pier of masonry, imbedded 17 ft. in the earth. The pier above the floor is of brick, arched, and has a cap consist- ing of a solid block of red sand- stone, 8 ft. long by 2 ft. wide and high. On top of this is an iron support weighing 1,100 lbs., to receive the axis upon which the telescope is mount- ed. The instrument with its base weighs 6 tons. The in- strument is equatorially mounted, the general plan being that devised by Fraun- hofer, modified by Messrs. Clark and Prof. S. Newcomb, and is run by a reaction water wheel. It is fitted with mi- chrometers, spectroscopes, &C. The tube is of sheet steel, rolled in Pittsburgh. There is also a chronograph con- nected with ffhe instrument. The great equatorial is plac- ed in an iron dome 41 ft. in diameter and 40 ft. in height, erected at a cost of $14,000 The superstructure rests on a stone foundation. The roof is supplied with a slip, re- volves on conical wheels, and is easily moved horizont- ally in either direction by NAVAL OBSERVATORY, GROUND PLAN. means of suitable gearing. The instrument is the largest refractor in the world. The next in size is in the private observatory of R. S. Newall, Gateshead, England, and has 2$ in. of clear aperture. XVI. Residence of the Superintendent. The rooms on the second floor of the main building are used by officers in charge of the various instruments and their assistants. The view from the platform around the dome is very fine. To the top of the staff over the dome a black can- vass ball, 1\ ft. in diameter, is hoisted daily a few minutes before noon, and by means of a steel spring, governed by a magnet and operated from the chronometer-room, is dropped on the instant of mean noon. 16G ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. Superintendents of the Depot of Charts and Instruments. — 1830, Lieut. L. Goldsborough ; 1833, Lieut. Charles Wilkes ; 1836, Lieut. Hitchcock ; 1838, Li J. M. Gilliss. Of the Naval Observatory. — 1844, Commander M. F. Maury; T -, Capt. J. M. Gilliss; 1865, Rear Admiral C. H. Davis; 1867, Rear Admiral J '/. Sands ; 1874, Rear Admiral C. H. Davis. History. — The first action of Congress towards the establishment of an ob- va- tory was in 1821, in the passage of a joint resolution to ascertain the longitude the Capital from Greenwich, first proposed by Wm. Lambert, of Va., in 1810. I (830 a bureau, for the care of the instruments and charts o*" the navy, was creat . A small 30-in. transit was erected at the same time. A series of observations wi car- ried on in connection with the Wilkes Exploring Expedition, i838-'42. In S42 a " permanent depot'" was established. In 1850 the meridian of the Obserz ory at Washington was adopted as the American meridian for astronomical and bat of Greenwich for all nautical purposes. Long, of Observatory, 77 3' 5''.? W. of Greenwich; lat., 38 53' 38".8 N. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. The Army Medical Museum (open every day, except S„ day, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.) stands on the E. side of 10th s . W., about midway between E and F sts. N. It is a plain brick structure, painted dark brown, 3 stories high, 71 ft. front, and 109 ft. deep. The building was originally a church, and then a theatre, known as Ford's Theatre, and was the scene of the tragedy of April 14, 1865 — the assassination of President Lincoln. The building was immediately closed by the Gov- ernment, and in April, 1866, Congress purchased it for $100,- 000, for the purpose to which it is now applied. The interior was taiceii out, remodeled, and madt, nre-proof, under direc- tion of Surgeon General Barnes. There is now no trace of the exact scene of the assassination. Its location was on the r., about the centre of what is now the second floor. The as- sassin took his last drink in the restaurant, which occupied the first floor of the S. wing, now the Chemical Laboratory. The President was conveyed to the house No. 516, opposite, and died iii the back room of the first floor. On the N. side, in the rear of the building, is a small wing, occupied by the Museum workshops, and in front, on the S. side, is another wing, used by the Chemical Laboratory and the officers on duty. The main entrance is in the S. portion of the front, and the Museum is in the third story, at the top of the stairway. The first floor is occupied by the record and pension division of the Surgeon General's Office, contain- ing the papers belonging to the military hospitals and monthly sick reports of the army during the rebellion, 1861-65, and are stilT received from the various posts of the regular army. The hospital records number over 16,000 vols. The payment of pensions is based upon information received from these rec- ords. The alphabetical registers contain about 300,000 names ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 167 of the 4ead of the army. The Chemical Laboratory in the S. wing is charged with the examination of alleged adulterations of medicines and hospital supplies, and other investigations of a similar nature which come before the Surgeon General. The second floor contains the surgical records. In the S. wing, on this floor, are the offices of the Surgeon General and sur- geon in charge. Here are portraits of Surgeon General Lovel, John Hunter, (a copy from Sir Joshua Reynolds,) philosophi- cal writer on surgery, Dr. Morton, author of Crania Ameri- cana, and Dr. Physic, an original by Rembrandt Peale. Museum.— The Museum on the third floor is well lighted in front and rear and by a large central skylight, which also lights the floors below through oblong openings. The attend- ant in the room will answer questions and point out objects of special interest. The specimens, arranged in cases and otherwise, number 16,000, and are divided into six sections, viz: I. Surgical Section, embracing specimens of the effects of missiles of every variety on all parts of the body, extremely interest- ing ; the stages of repair ; morbid conditions, calculi, tumors, &c. ; plaster casts representing mutilations resulting from injuries and surgical operations; examples of missiles ex- tracted from wounds ; preparations exhibiting the effects of injuries peculiar to Indian hostilities. In this section are the bones of the amputated portions of the legs of eight generals, and a portion of the vertebrae of the neck of Booth, the assassin. II. Medical Section, consisting of specimens illustrating the morbid conditions of the internal organs in fever, chronic dysentery, and other camp diseases ; the mor- bid anatomy of the diseases of civil life; and pathological pieces relating to the diseases of women and children, mal- formations, and monstrosities. III. Microscopical Section, including thin sections of diseased tissues or organs, suitably mounted for microscopical study, and a variety of prepara- tions exhibiting the minute anatomy of normal structures. An interesting branch of this section is the success attained in photo-micography, the process by which the most delicate microscopical preparations can be photographed to a magni- fying power of 4,500 diameters. IV. Anatomical Section, embracing skeletons, separated crania, and other prepara- tions of the anatomy of the human frame. The collection of human crania, with a view to ethnological study, and espe- cially relating to the aboriginal race of the United States, is very complete, numbering about 1,000 specimens. V. Section of Comparative Anatomy, embracing over 1,000 specimens of skeletons of buffalo, deer, bear, and other American mammals, 168 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. with birds, reptiles, and fishes. VI. Miscellaneous Section, including models of hospitals, barracks, ambulances, and medicine wagons, a collection of surgical instruments, arti- ficial limbs, and other articles of interest. The object of the Museum is not to gratify public curiosity, but was founded and is carried on in the interests of science. It is the finest collection of the kind in the world, and is resorted to by sur- gical and medical students and writers from all parts of the United States and abroad. The original design of the Museum was the collection of specimens illustrative of military surgery and camp diseases for the education of medical men for mili- tary service. The Medical and Surgical History of the War was compiled from the records of the museum. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. The Government Printing Office, and Bindery (open every day, except Sunday, from 8 a. m. to 5. p. m.) occupies an L-shaped brick building, on the SW. corner of H and North Capitol sts. The Office may be reached by the Columbia Horse Railway. Visitors should alight and enter by the door nearest N. Capitol st. There is also a public entrance on the latter st. It will be necessary for strangers to state to the watchman at either door that they desire to visit the build- ing. The building measures 300 ft. on II St., and 175 ft. on N. Capitol st., and is GO ft. deep and four stories high. The building, without the addition of an extension of 60 ft. on the W. end, and an L of 113 ft. on the E. end, made in 1871, was purchased in 1860 by the Superintendent of Public Printing, an office then created under authority of an act of Congress. It had previousl3 r belonged to Cornelius Wendell, and was then used as a printing office, under the contract system. The object of the purchuse was the execution of the printing and binding authorized by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives, the Executive and Judicial Departments, and the Court of Claims. Connected with the main building are a paper warehouse, machine shops, boiler and coal houses, wagon shed and stable. On the first floor are the press, wetting, drying, and engine rooms. The presses include a variety of patterns, and are adapted to every species of work. There are 52 in all, from the immense Bullock press to the small Gordon. On the second floor are the composing-room, with 300 stands, the GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 169 proof-reading rooms, the electro and stereotype foundery, and the offices of the Congressional Printer. On the third floor is the bindery, including embossing, numbering-, paging, rul- ing, stamping, stitching, marbling, and all other branches. The process of marbling is particularly interesting. On the fourth floor are the stitching and folding rooms and the Con- gressional Record office, with a capacity of working 100 men. The Record, containing the proceedings and debates of Con- gress, now printed at the Public Printing Office, is issued every day at 6 A. M. during the session of Congress. All bills and reports, without regard to length, are delivered in print to Congress the day following their presentation. The Public Printing Office is the largest establishment of the kind in the world. The capacity for work is practically without limit. Upwards of 120,000 pages of documentary composition and 1,000,000 volumes of that class of work have been turned out in a single year. The finest works printed here are the Medical and Surgical History of the War ; the reports of the Paris Exposition ; Astronomical Observations of the Naval Observatory ; the Census of 1870 ; the Case of the United States before. the Tribunal of Arbitration at Gen- eva, in English, French, and Portuguese ; prof essional papers of the Bureau of Engineers, War Department ; the Darien and Tehuantepec Ship-canal Expeditions; Hayden's Final Surveys ; Clarence King's Surveys of the 40th Parallel ; the Coast Survey Reports ; and general Catalogues of the Libra- ries of the United States and the Surgeon General's Office. In 1852 the old contract system of public printing was abolished, and the office of Superintendent of Public Print- ing for each House of Congress was created. The work, though still executed by contract, was then done under the direction of those officers. In 1860 Congress took the public printing in their own hands, and in 1867 the office of Super- intendent of Public Printing was abolished, and instead the Senate of the United States was authorized to elect some competent person, a practical printer, to take charge of the Government Printing Office. 170 winder's building. WINDER'S BUILDING. This structure (open every day, except Sunday, from a. m. toSp.m.) is situated on the NW. corner of F and 17th sts., opposite the Navy Department. It was originally erected for a hotel, and was purchased by the Government for the accommodation of public offices. The first floor is occupied principally by the Chief Engineer of the Army. The last room, No. 2, on the corridor leading to the r. after entering is the Battle Record Room, in which the reports of the battles of the late war are filed and indexed. On the r. of the S. corridor, No. 13, is a, file room for the papers belonging to the Adjutant General's Office. The second floor, E. front, is devoted to the Judge Advocate General of the Army, and the S. to the Ordnance Office. The floors above are assigned to the Second Auditor of the Treasury Department. Ordnance Museum. — (Open every day, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.) — This interesting military collection is on the second floor, and may be reached by ascending the steps opposite the main door, and keeping the corridors to the r., passing through the door marked " Ordnance Office " to door No. 49 on the r. at the farther end of the corridor; crossing this room and the connecting hall we enter the Museum, which occupies a detached building. , The collection occupies two fine halls. The most conspicuous object on entering are the captured Confederate flags. They are all more or less associated with the battles of the late civil strife. The other objects of interest are United States Army infantry and cav- alry uniforms and accoutrements complete; section of an oak, which stood inside the Confederate entrenchments near Spottsylvania C. H., and was cut down by musket balls in the attempt to recapture the works carried by 2d Corps A. P., May 12, 1864; Jefferson Davis' rifle, a French piece, taken at the time of his capture in 1865 ; artillery, cavalry, and infantry accoutrements used in the U. S. Army from the earliest date; cheveaux-de-frise from front of Petersburg, Va. ; models and drawings of arsenals ; fuses for exploding shells and cannon ; shells picked up on the battle-fields ; cart- ridge bags for field, siege, and sea-coast artillery, the largest containing 100 lbs. ; projectiles of various sizes, both spherical and rifled, the largest being 20 m. in diameter, and weighing 1,000 lbs.; portable cavalry forge and tools complete; Gat- ling guns of various sizes, including the "Camel" gun mounted on tripod, and of which large numbers are in use in Egypt ; a Billinghurst and Requia battery ; a Union or CITY HALL. 171 "coffee-mill" gun ; a steel Whitworth gun, one of a battery from loyal Americans in Europe to the United States in 1861 ; the carriage of a 4 lb. cannon, formerly the property of the city of Vicksburg, fired at a passing steamer several days before any guns were fired at United States forts or troops at Charleston or Pensacola — the gun is at West Point ; breech loaders captured at Richmond ; confederate projectiles ; models complete, showing mountings of guns in casemate and barbette, also mortars; a gun mounted on a saddle; models of field and siege artillery, caissons, forges, and bat- tery wagons used in the U. S. Army ; life-size models of horse artillery equipments, ordnance rockets, and fireworks. On the second floor is the Museum of small arms, in which can be traced then- history from the beginning, and practically illustrating the stages of advancement, embracing breech and muzzle-loaders, muskets, rifles, and carbines, armor 1610, cuirass, and helmet, and other relics from the battle-field of Sedan, 1870, foreign arms and cavalry equipments, Indian war clubs, and ancient weapons and wall pieces, Japanese two-handed sword, worn by Kondo, a provincial officer, visit- ing the U. S. in 1871, presented by Arinori Mori, Charge d' Affairs, and captured Confederate arms. DISTRICT COURT-HOUSE, (FORMERLY CITT HALL.) DISTRICT COURT HOUSE. The City Hall, until 1871, occupied jointly by the munici- pal government of Washington and the United States Courts 172 ARSENAL. for the District of Columbia, in 1873, by purchase, became the sole property of the United States, and is now entirely devoted to judicial purposes. The structure stands on the S. line of Judiciary Square, fronting 4£ st. W., and at the intersection of Louisiana and Indiana avs. In the open space in front is a marble column surmounted by a statue of Lincoln by Lot Flannery, a self-taught sculptor. It was erected out of the contributions of a number of patriotic citizens. The building was commenced in 1820, from plans by George Hadfield, the architect of the Capitol. The E. wing was finished in 1826, and the W. in 1849. It is two stories, 47 ft. high, and con- sists of a recessed centre 150 ft. long, with two projecting wings, each 50 ft. front and 166 ft. deep. The entire frontage is 250 ft. The structure is of brick stuccoed painted white. In the centre of the main building, and in each wing, are re- cessed porticos, formed of Doric columns. Between the wings is a paved space. THE UNITED STATES BARRACKS. The U. S. Barracks, formerly the U. S. Arsenal, changed 1881 (open from sunrise to sunset), occupies a tract of 69 a., 12 ft. above high water, at the extreme S. point of the city, ac- cessible by the 7th and 9th st. lines of Horse Railways; the ter- mini of which are near the gate, at the foot of 4£ st. W. The tract, Reservation No. 5 (page 22) originally comprised 28£ a., at the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia riv- ers, to the mouth of James Creek, and northward to T st. S. In 1857 it was extended to its present area by the purchase of the adjoining land on the N., between the Potomac and the James Creek Canal to P st. S., and where stood the U. S. Penitentiary 1826-69. The grounds are beautifully laid out and entered through massive gates swung on heavy guns. The garrison consists of Foot and Flying Batteries, drill every morning. Here may be seen the various styles of guns and mortars used in active service. The commanding officer's quarters are in the large building on the r., entering. The officers' quarters are in the quadrangle at the foot of the Peninsula, and for men and stables on the left. Total quarters for 5 batteries. The principal magazines are on the Anacostia. ARSENAL. 173 The body of Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, was landed at the small wharf at theS. W. end of the peninsula. It was, with the bodies of the other conspirators, buried in one of the lower cells of the United States Peni- tentiary, erecteo. on the north end of the arsenal grounds, 1826-29. In 1865 the body of IVirz, the Anderson rebel prison-keeper, executed at tue old Capitol 1865, was also buried here. When the Penitentiary was torn down. 1369, these bodies were removed, Wirz to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, D. C, and Booth co Baltimore. The grounds afford a delightful stroll or drive, with the broad Potomac on the W. and the James Creek Canal on the E. Objects of Inter- est. — In front of the old quarters are a number of captured cannon and mortars, among which are two Blakely guns, one inscribed, " Pre- sented to the sovereign State of South Carolina, by one of her citizens re- siding abroad, in com- memoration of the 20 of December, i860 ;" a brass gun with a ball in the muzzle, shot there in the battle of Gettysburg; guns surrendered by the British by the Conven- tion of Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777; French guns taken at the battle of Niagara, July 25, 1814 ; a 64 pounder, captured at Vera Cruz, March 29, 1847 > anc ^ guns cap- tured from Cornwallis at Yorktown Oct. 19, 1 78 1 : also a number of small guns and mortars, some of date 1756. History. — In 1803 a military station was es- tablished on the Arsenal grounds. In 1807 shops were erected. In 1812 powder was stored here. In 1813 it became a reg- ular depot of supplies. In 18 14 it was destroyed by the British. A num- ber of the latter were killed by the explosion of powder secreted in a w ell near the quarters. In 1815 it was rebuilt under Col. George Bom ford. In 1816 buildings were t erected by the Ordnance Department. During the rebellion, i86i-'6s, it was the depot of ordnance supplies for the Army of the Potomac. Large quantities of ammunition and gun carriages were made here. In 1864 twenty-one girls were killed in an explosion of one of the laboratories. Since the war the grounds have been beautified. 174 NAVY -YARD. NAVY-YARD. The Navy-Yard {open every day, except Sunday, from 7 a. m. to sunset,) is situated on the Anacostia, f m. SE. of the Capitol, 8th st. E. terminating at the entrance. It may be reached from the W. portions of the city in the red cars of the Pennsylvania av. st. railway. The officer of the marine guard at the gate will pass visitors. The present grounds comprise about 27 a., and are entered by a stone gateway, hi Doric style, over which are small cannon-and-ball embellish- ments, and in the centre a well-executed eagle, resting on an anchor. Inside, on the r., is the guard-room, and opposite the officers' room. An avenue runs S. from the entrance to the building occupied by the Commandant's and other offices of the yard. The Executive officer's room is on the second floor, and from whom a permit may be obtained, which will admit the bearer to any part of the yard, in the workshops, and on board any monitors in the stream. Immediately within the entrance, on either side of the avenue, are two large guns, captured in 1S04, by Commodore Decatur from two Tripolitan gunboats. The buildings on the 1. and r. are the officers' quarters : those of the Com- mandant being on the 1. On the 1. of the main avenue are the storehouses, copper-works, &c. ; and on the r. the foundry, machine, and other shops. S. of the Commandant's building are a number of cannon and projectiles : among the former two of 1686 and 1767 date, captured at Norfolk, Va., 1862; several Austrian and French guns, and two Austrian howit- zers, rifled, captured on the steamer Columbia in 1862. On the river bank are two ship-houses E. and W. Near the E . is the boat-house, from which a boat may be taken to the monitors, if any, in the stream. More to the W. lies the receiving-ship, the W. ship-house, and a water batteiy. The large building crowning the hill on the opposite side of the river is the National Asylum for the Insane. The view down the river is very fine. In the W. part of the yard is the Ord- nance-shop and Laboratory. The avenue leading back to- wards the main entrance passes near the Museum, (open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) On either side of the door are a number of projectiles of the largest size. Among these a 20-in. shot, weighing 1,048 lbs. The gun is on the Rip-raps, Hampton Roads. Here may be seen a number of relics and other ob- jects of interest : a/nong which, on the first floor, are a Span- ish gun, cast about 1490, brought to America by Cortez, and used in the conquest of Mexico ; a Spanish gun captured by Commodore Stockton in California in 1847 ; an old-style re- NAVY -YARD. 175 NAVY- YARD. peater ; a small mortar, captured from Lord Cornwallis ; a section of the sternpost of the Kearsarge, showing a shell, which did not explode, fired into it by the Alabama ; confed- erate torpedoes, taken out of southern harbors; submarine rockets; models of projectiles, and a very interesting col- lection of those which had been fired. On the second floor are principally small arms ; models of cannon ; a model of the ordnance dock, Brooklyn ; brass swivels, one very old, said to have belonged to Cortez ; a telescope rifle ; two blunder- busses, and cases of rifles and pistols. The walls and ceil- ings are artistically decorated with pikes, cutlasses, sabres, and pistols. History.— On Oct. 30, 1799, the selection of a site for the Navy- Yard was brought to the attention of the commission- ers, and led to considerable correspondence with Naval Agent William Marbury. The ground best suiced for that purpose lay on the Anacostia, a short distance above its confluence with the Potomac, on land owned by Messrs. Carroll and Prout. On Dec. 3, 1799, the Secretary of the Navy gave orders to lay the, ground out. The yard, however, was not formally established till the passage of the act of March, 1804. In those early days it was unrivalled. Such famous vessels as the Wasp, Argus, the brig Viper, the Essex, the schoon- ers Shark and Grampus, the sloop of war St. Louis, 24 guns, and frigates Columbia, Potomac, and Brandywine, 44 guns each, were built here. Li 1837 it was proposed to establish a 176 MARINE BARRACKS. naval school at the yard. Of late years the yard has lost its prominence for naval construction, owing to the greater fa- cilities presented by more recently-established stations, and the filling up of the channel. In 1816 a ship of the line could anchor here. The yard is now one of the most important for the manufacture of naval supplies. MARINE BARRACKS. A short distance N. of the Navy- Yard gate, on the E. side of 8th st. E., between G and I sts. S., are the Marine Barracks. The Pennsylvania av. cars {red) for the Navy- Yard pass the iron gate, which is the general entrance. Visitors are admit- ted from 9 a. m. till sundown, but can be passed before that time by the officer of the day. The barracks have a frontage of 700 feet. The centre building, used for officers' quarters, is two stories high, and the wings are one story, with accom- modations for 200 men. The offices of the general staff are opposite, on 9th st. E. On the N. of the square a e the quar- ters of the Brigadier General and Commandant of the Marine Corps, and opposite, on the S., is the armory and hospital. In the former are some interesting Marine Corps flags. One bears the inscription " From Tripoli to the Halls of the Mon- tezumas" by land and sea; also, a Corean flag captured in battle. The most interesting occasion for a visit would be at the time of general inspection on any Monday, weather permit- ting, at 10 a. m., when the Marines and their excellent band may be seen in full parade. Every day at 8 a. m. in summer and 9 a. m. in winter, there is guard mount, the band per- forming. The barracks were burnt by the British in 1814, but were immediately rebuilt. Recruits are sent here for in- struction before being detailed for service on the vessels of the Navy. The Marine Corps was organized in 1798 as an adjunct to the naval establishment, then placed under an independent administration. The corps has participated, with glory to its officers and men, in all the brilliant achievements which have characterized the operations of the Navy of the United States whenever called upon to vindicate the honor of the na- tion. On land the corps has borne itself nobly; and against greatly superior numbers and overcoming grave obstacles, has invariably returned with fresh laurels. In the Tripolitan and Mexican wars, in their participation in the attack on Fort MAGAZINES. 177 Fisher, in their desperate conflict on the coast of Corea against overwhelming numbers of the barbarous enemy, and in re- peated retaliatory landings on the shores of Asiatic countries and islands of the Pacific, their discipline and bravery have won for them a bright page in the nation's history. The headquarters of the corps are appropriately at the National Capital, being established at the Marine Barracks. The com- mandant or superior officer holds the rank of brigadier gen- eral ; there are also 1 colonel, 2 lieutenant colonels. 4 majors, 20 captains, and an increased number of lieutenants. The numerical strength of the corps by law T is 2,500 men. MAGAZINES. The Army and Navy Magazines, to which there is no ad- mittance, occupy about 6 a. in the S. part of reservation No. 13, or Hospital Square, situated in the extreme E. part of the city on the Anacostia. They consist of four brick buildings, the two for the Army on the N., and those for the Navy on the S., with a capacity of 2,000 bbls. each. The grounds are tastefully laid out. A sergeant and private and a small detach- ment of marines are on duty. The wharf at the foot of the grounds is used exclusively for the discharge or shipment of powder. In 1S73 the Bellville farm, of 90 a., on Oxen creek, with a frontage on the Potomac nearly opposite Alexandria, was purchased for the Naval Magazine, which will be remov- ed from its present location. The large quantities of powder usually stored in these magazines occasions great uneasiness to the inhabitants of the adjacent parts of the city. Frequent measures have been taken to have the magazines removed. That of the Navy will be transferred to its new site as soon as the buildings are ready for use. The Army magazines will doubtless speedily follow. 12 SECTION IV. PLACES OF GENERAL INTEREST. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. HE Smithsonian Institution (open daily, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) occupies a fine site S. of Pennsylvania av., and may be conveniently reached by 10th st. W.. the centre of the N. front of the building facing that street. Grounds. — The whole area of what are now desig- nated the Smithsonian Grounds — that is, from 7th to 12th st. and between B sts. N. and S., covers 52£ acres. The Smith- sonian grounds proper, and which were set apart for the In- stitution in 1846, consist of 20 a., situated in the SW. corner of the larger reservation. At first the charge of the Smith- sonian grounds proper was under the Institution. About 15 years ago, however, Congress resumed their supervision. They were then thrown into the extensive and beautiful res- ervation which now surrounds the Institution building. The grounds were designed and partially laid out by the distinguished horticulturist and landscape gardener, Andrew Jackson Downing, whose death occurred while in the prose- cution of his plans. They are arranged with lawns, groves, drives, and footways, and are planted with 150 species of trees and shrubs, chiefly American. In the E. portion of the grounds, N. of the E. wing of the building, is a vase of ex- quisite beauty, designed by Calvert Vaux, of Newbnrg, N. Y., executed by Kobert Launitz, sculptor, of New York, and erected by the American Pomological Society to the memory of Downing. The funds were supplied by friends of the deceased. The principal design of the monument con- sists of a large vase of antique pattern, worked in Italian marble, and resting on a pedestal of the same material. The vase is 4 ft. high and 3 ft. in diameter at the upper rim. The body is ornamented with arabesque. Acanthus leaves sur- round the lower part. The handles rest on the heads of satyrs. cods of groves and woods, and the pedestal on a carved base (178 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 179 surrounded with a cornice. On each side is a deep panel, relieved by carved mouldings. In each is an appropriate in- scription. That facing the X. reads, "This vase was erected by his friends in memory of Andrew Jackson Downing, who died July 28, 1852, aged thirty-seven years. He was born and lived and died on the Hudson river." On the base of the pedestal are the words, "This memorial was erected under a resolution passed at Philadelphia, in September, 1852, by the American Pomological Society, of which Mr. Downing was one of the original founders. Marshall P. Wilder, President." The whole monument, with the granite plinth, is 9J ft. high, and cost $1,600. Description. — The style of architecture of the Smithsonian Building, designed by James Kenwick, Jr., of N". Y., is Nor- man, and chronologicall} 7 belongs to the end of the 12th cen- tury, representing the rounded at the time of merging into the Gothic. It is the first unecclesiastical structure o" that period ever built in the United States. The building compares favor- SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. ably with the best examples of the styles, variously called the Norman, the Lombard, the Romanesque, and the Byzantine. The semi-circular arch still is used throughout in doors, win- dows, and other openings. The windows are without elabo- rately traceried heads. The weather mouldings consist of corbel courses with bold projections. It has towers of various 180 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. sizes and shapes. The main entrance from the N"., shelterea by a carriage porch, is between two towers of beautifully symmetrical proportions and unequal height. The general design consists of a main centre building, two stories high and two wings of a single story, connected by intervening ranges, each having a cloister on the N. with open stone screen. In the centre of the N. side of the main building are two towers, the higher one 145 ft. On the S. is a single massive tower 37 ft. square, including the buttress, and 91 ft. high. On the NE. corner is a double campanile 17 ft. square and 117 ft. to the top of its finial. At the SW. corner is an octagonal tower finished with open work in the upper portions. At the SW. and NW. corners are two smaller towers. There are 9 tow- ers in all, including the small ones at each wing. The extreme length of the building from E . to W., includ- ing the porch of the E. wing, is 447 ft. The breadth of the centre of the main building and towers, including carriage porch, is 160 ft. The E. wing is 82 by 52 ft., and 42$ ft. hi^h to the top of its battlement. The W. wing, inclusive of its projecting apsis, is 84 by 40 ft., and 38 ft. high. Each con- necting range, inclusive of cloister, is GO by 49 ft. The main building is 205 by 57 ft. and to the top of the corbel courses 58 ft. high. The material used is a variety of freestone found in the new red sandstone formation, about 23 m. distant from Washing- ton, in the vicinity of the point where Seneca creek empties into the Potomac river. It is the same, though brought from a different locality, as that used in the construction of Trinity church of New York city. The building throughout is con- structed in the most durable manner. The foundation walls vary from 12 to 8 ft. at the base to 5 ft. at the top. The walls of the main building, above the water table, are 2 J ft. for the first story, and 2 ft. for the second, exclusive of buttresses, corbel courses, and other exterior projections, and exclusive of the interior lining of brick. The walls of the wings are 2 ft. thick. Groined arches are turned under the central, the campanile, and octagonal towers, and towers of the W. wing. The copings, cornices, battlements, window jambs, mullions, sills, and all stone work, is held by iron clamps leaded. The face of the building is finished in ashlar, laid in courses 10 to 15 in. in height, and with an average bed of 9 in. The whole of the centre building is fireproof, and the two wings and ranges practically so. The roofs are of slate laid on iron. 1S2 SMITHS MAN INSTITUTION. Secretaries of the Smithsonian Institution. — 1846, Joseph Henry, of N. Y.; 1878, Spencer F. Baird, of Pa. History. — James Smithson, the founder of the Smithsonian Institution was born in London, and took a degree at Oxford in 1786. He was son of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland, and Elizabeth, heiress of Hungerfords of Audley, and niece of Charles the Proud, Duke of Somerset. Having never married, he devoted his life to science, and died at Genoa, in 1828 leaving his money to his nephew Henry James Hungerford, for life, after which it was to go to the United States " to fou?id, at Washington under the name of the Smithsontan Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." By act of Congress, July 1, 1836, the government of the United States accepted the bequest, and, in the same year, Richard Rush, of Pa., was designated to prosecute the claim. The original fund, #515,- 169, thus obtained, was placed in the Treasury of the United States, and invested. By act of Congress, Aug. 10, 1846, the Smithsonian Institution was given organization ; its affairs being entrusted to a Board of Regents composed of certain high officers of the government and a designated number of private citizens, who elected a secretary charged, under tneir direction, with the active management. On May 1, 1847, the corner- stone of the building was laid with Masonic ceremonies, in the presence of President Polk and Cabinet, and a large gathering of officials and citizens, George M. Dallas, of Pa., orator of the day. The building was completed in 1856, at a cost of $450,000, paid out of the accretions of interest, etc., of the original fund, and still leaving a permanent fund of $650,000 in the Treasury of the United States, from the income of which the expenses of the Institution are paid. The expenses ot the National Museum, under the direction of the Institution, are paid by appropriations by Congress. In 1857 the government collections in the Patent Office were removed to the Institution building. On Jan. 24, 1865, the upper part of the main building and the papers and reports of the Institution and personal effects of Smithson, were destroyed by fire. In 1866, by act of Congress, the Library of the Institution, comprising a large and valuable collection of scientific works and transactions of foreign societies, was transferred to the Library of Congress, and works now received tnrough ex- changes are immediately sent there. The Institution is now devoted to "the -increase and diffusion of Knowledge," the care of the National Museum; and conducting exchanges between the government and scientific bodies of the U. S and foreign countries. JAMES SMITHSON. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 183 THE NATIONAL MUSEUM BUILDING. This attractive structure, of the modernized Romanesque style, open daily, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., stands 50 feet E of the Smithsonian Institution, and may be reached within convenient distance by the Pa. ave. street cars, changing at 7 st. W, and go S ; or by pedestrians from Pa. av., by 10 st. W., also going S. The building was designed by Aldolph Cluss and Paul Schulze, of Washington, from plans suggested by Prof. Baird, Gen. Sherman and Peter Parker, after a careful examination of the most approved structures of the kind in the Old and New World. It is 327 feet square, and covers 2.35 acres, or 102,200 square feet. There are 4 entrances : one in the centre of each facade between 2 lofty towers 86 feet high, acting as but- tresses for i he naves. The approach to the principal entrance is from the north by 4 granite steps 37 feet wide, with moulded side-blocks, to a richly-tiled platform with granite base-blocks, surmounted by two stately candelabra. On the inscription-plate on the globe of the nave is " NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1879," and crowning it an alle- gorical group, by C. Bierbel, of N. Y., semi-heroic, in Ohio grey free stone, representing Columbia as the protectress of Science and Industry. The four symmetrical exterior walls, t.-j feet high, are broken by projections in the centre and angles utilized for rooms. Between these are large arched windows set with ornamented glass. The pavilions at the corners relieve the effect of low walls. In the rear of the curtain walls the clerestory rises to the height of the nave roofs, which terminate against the side walls of the dome. The dome in the centre at the base is octagonal, surmounted by a i6-sided polygon 67 feet in diameter, 77 feet high, and covered by a slate roof and lantern crowned by a decorated finial (total height, 108 feetj. In the clerestory are large windows. Lofty lanterns, square and oblong, have also been added above the naves and square halls, affording light withont flat skylights. The building is constructed of brick, 5,250,000 having been used, laid in black mortar, with air spaces. In the cornices buff and blue brick add to the effect. The base course is of granite and mam entrance, window sills, in- scription plates, coping, etc., of grey Ohio free-stone. The 37 roofs are con- structed of iron truss and girders and slated, the blue from Ore Banks, Virginia, and red and green from Vermont, the total 60,000 plates. The genera I features of the interior are a central rotunda with 4 naves 65 ft. wide, 117 ft. long, and 42 ft. high, radiating from it and forming a Greek cross, over the centre of which the dome rises. In the exterior angles of the cross are halls 65 ft. square, and the same height as the naves, the whole constituting 17 large ex- hibition halls, 80,300 ft. space connecting under high archways resting on brick piers, with bond stones at intervals of 5 ft., of North River greywacke blue stone introduced to give strength and durability. There are in addition on the main floor and 2 upper stories, 27,400 sq. ft. divided into 135 rooms for admin- istrative functions, offices and working rooms of the museum. The galleries, 4,000 sq. ft., are on a line with the second floor and for special exhibits. The height of rooms on the main floor to the roofs is 56 ft. The roofs are double. Those over the halls, between the Greek cross and the exterior walls are covered with metal, 32 ft. high, admitting of a clerestory with windows light- ing the square hall and naves. The glass, 31,000 sq. ft., was imported from Belgium. The sashes are set with double glass. The whole interior is in 184 SMIT11SOMAN INSTITUTION. sand finish washed in tints, with but slight decoration in the arches. The main floors are tiled in artistic designs, and the office floors of Florida pine resting on concrete. The cellar, 3,200 sq. ft., also contains an underground communication with the Smithsonian Institution. The basement, 160 sq. ft., contains boiler room and heating apparatus, with low pressure engine fed by 4 boilers 256 H. P., 2 8 in. mains and 200 steam heaters 13,680 sq. ft. direct radiating surface. All the heating, water, sewer and gas pipes are conducted about the building through subterranean ducts. By the same mains the electric wires are con- veyed into the watchman's headquarters. These are of the most elaborate character, 300 wires connecting with every window, case and door, promptly recording whether being tampered with or open or shut. Also call wires into the different halls for convenience of finding the superintendent or attendants. fc* MIT H M > N IAN IN fc T IT U TIO N . 18.") SCALE OF FEET DIAGRAM (IF THI HALLS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution is now- engaged in perfecting the arrangement of the large collec- tions of the National Museum. These will be so divided as to keep in the Smithsonian building all objects of purely- natural history, and on the second floor archaeology, the latter including antiquities of the Stone Age. lbn SMITHSONIAN INSTIi'lITlON. The Collection. — In the new National Museum Building, one- fourth of the collection will consist of minerals, rocks, ores, building stone, combustibles and clays, and the economic minerals generally ; the foods of the world ; medicines chemically produced ; aniline dyes, petroleum and coal tar; fabrics of silk, wool and cotton; collections in general ethnology; illustrations of the industries of the animal kingdom; specimens of timber, showing the eco- nomic properties, and illustratious in fisheries and fish culture. The collections in the new building will be essentially industrial and technical, showing everything derived from the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms useful to man. CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. 180 CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. The Gallery is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, admission 25 c. ; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, free; hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. from October to May. and 9. a. m. to . m. from May. to October. The building stands on the NTS. corner of Pennsylvania av. and 17th st., and was com- menced in 1859. From 1861 to 1869 it was occupied by the Quartermaster General of the United Stales Army. It is in the renaissance style, and has a frontage of 106 ft., on Pennsylvania av., and 124J ft. on 17th st. The exterior is constructed of brick, with facings, trimmings, and ornaments of Belleville freestone. The front on Pennsylvania av. is divided into a central pavilion, with a curtain on either side, and flanked by two other pavilions, one on either corner, and divided into two stories. The central pavilion has ver- miculated quoins in the corner, and these inclose the grand entrance cloor with a carved jamb and arch, overtopped with fierce tigers' heads, in relievo. The anticom of the first story is simple in design and detail, and at the same time corre- sponds with the massiveness of the quoins at the corners of the building. The second story of the central pavilion consists of an arched recess. The span between the import and the suflit of the arch is filled with decorations, and contains the mono- gram of the founder, surrounded with carved wreaths and enscrollments. Just beneath this there is a palladium win- 190 CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. (low, with fluted pilasters and columns and capitals, express- ing American foliage, exquisitively carved. In the arch are two wreaths, encircling various implements of painting and sculpture. The central pavilion is flanked on either side by two fluted columns, with capitals representing the broad leaves and fruit of the cornstalk. These support an entablature, on which are trophies, representing the Arts, on the frieze of the central pavilion ; and on this are inscribed the words, "Dedicated to Art." The cornice over this has a pediment, in the tympanum of which is a bass relief, representing the Genius of Painting, surrounded by figures emblematical of the sister arts. In the four niches on the avenue front are statues in Carrara marble, 7 ft. high, by M. Ezekiel, an American sculptor, executed 1879-80 in Rome, representing Phidias (sculpture), Raphael (painting), Michael Angelo (archi- tecture;, Albert Surer (engraving). The same sculptor is now engaged on statues for the seven niches on the 17th street side of the building. The entire structure is surmounted by an imposing mansard roof, slated. The architect was James Renwick, N. Y. The cost of building and ground, $250,000. Mr. Corcoran's private collection of pictures and statuary con- tributed to the gallery, $100,000. The endowment fund, $900,000. History. — The Corcoran Gallery of Art was the free gift of William W. Corcoran to the public, and was deeded to 'the Trustees May 10, 1869, " for the encouragement of Painting, Sculpture and the Fine Arts," certain days being set apart for artists to copy works, and requiring it to be open to visitors two days in the week without charge, and on other days at a reasonable charge for the current expenses of keeping the building in order. The institution was chartered by Congress May 24, 1870. Mr. Corcoran was born in Georgetown in 1798, began life as an auctioneer and commission merchant; in 1837 became a banker; in 1840 was associated with George W. Riggs, and in 1854 retired a millionaire. FIRST FLOOR. I. Vestibule. — Casts of ancient Bas Reliefs and Antique Busts in marble. The stairxvay leads to the picture galleries. Right Corridor. -Busts of Roman and Mythological characters. 11 subjects. Left Corridor. — Cast offragment of frieze of Trajan's Forum, the ''Crowned Augustus," and other Roman and Greek celebrities. 11 subjects. Vestibule of Sculpture Hall. — The Last Days 0/ Napoleon, marble, Vincenzo Vela, 1871 ; a replica of that bought by Napoleon III., now at Versailles. II. Trustees' Room. III. Hall of Bronzes. — 61^x19 ft. Bronzes by Antoine Louis Barge, of Paris, the largest collection of his works extant ; the Hildesheim Treasures, Ceramic Ware, Armor, Japanese and Chinese Ware, etc. This large collec- tion is exceedingly interesting. Over 300 articles. CORCORAN GALLERF OF ART. 191 IV. Hall of Antique Sculpture. — 95^x24^ ft. This large collection of casts of the statuary of the classic masters of the chisel, represents the nost celebrated specimens of the sculpture of ancient times. 78 subjects. V. Side Gallery. — 19' 1" x 18' 7". Contains fine specimens of modern sculpture. VI. Gallery of the Renaissance. — 43^x19 ft. Contains a fine cast of the West Bronze Gate of the Baptistery at Florence, by Lorenzo Ghiberti, 1381- 1455, and other fine specimens of this age. 24 Subjects. VII. Ladies' Retiring Room. VIII. Janitor. FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. IX. Hall and Stairway. — Statuary. X. Main Picture Gallery.— 96x44^ ft. The collection of paintings ranks among the first in the United States. In the centre of the north wall is a fine portrait of W. W. Corcoran, the founder of this gallery of art, by Charles L. Klliott, 1865. The paintings most valued and admired are the Departure and the Return, by Thomas Cole, 1837; the Vestal Tuccia, by Hector Leroux, 1874 ; Scenery of the Magdalena River, Granada, by Frederick E. Church, 1854 ; Ccesar Dead, by Jean Leon Gerome ; Adoration of 1 he Shep- herds, by Raphael Mengs ; Procession of the Sacred Bull, Apis Osiris, by Frederick A. Bridgman, 1879; Autumn Afternoon on Lake George, by John F. Kensett, 1864; Count Eberhard of Wirtemberg, by Ary Scheffer ; Death of Moses, by Alexander Cabanel, 185 1 ; the Farm House, by George More- land ; Niagara Falls, by Frederick E. Church, 1857; Mt. Corcoran, by A. Bierstadt, 1877 ; Chief Justice Shippen, of Pa., by Gilbert Stuart; the Talk- ing Well, by A. Vely, 1873. Over 115 paintings. XI. East Gallery. — 43^x19. Containing a fine collection of portraits of eminent Americans, by G. P A. Healy, Charles B. King, and others. XII. South East Gallery. — Endymion, by W. H. Rinehart, etc., and painting of Washington, by Miss Stuart, after Gilbert Stuart, her father. XIII. Octagon Room. — The statute of the Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers (original), 1846, etc. XIV. Southwest Gallery.— The Drought in Egypt, by F. Portaels, 1873, etc. XV. West Gallery. — The Trojan Horse, by Henri Motte ; Great Falls of the Potomac, by Wm. MacLeod, etc. Over 68 paintings. The Official Catalogue of the Gallery, prepared by William MacLeod, curator, gives a complete and instructive account of this fine collection of works of art. 192 WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. This long-neglected tribute to the life and character of George Washington, occupies a conspicuous site on a small plateau near the banks of the Potomac, W. of the Mall, where the Tiber formerly emptied into the main stream, and S. of the President's House. The Monument Grounds, or Park, as originally designated, have an area of 45 a. An avenue 69 ft wide connects Execu- tive av. with the Drive which, leaving the lake on the 1., fol- lows the line of the river bank, winds around the Monument, and communicates with the grounds of the Department of Agriculture at 14th st. W. A short distance W. of the Mon- ument may be seen the stone which marks the centre of the District of Columbia. On the hillside to the S. are the Gov- ernment Propagating Garden and Nursery. The Design. — The design of the Monument, prepared by Robert Mills, comprehends an appropriate National testimo- nial to the services of the great citizen in whose honor it was founded, and at the same time s3 T mbolizes the Republic estab- lished by his patriotism and discretion. It embraces the idea of a grand circular colonnaded building, 250 ft. in diameter. WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. 193 WASHINGTON MONUMENT. and 100 ft. high, from which springs an obelisk shaftT70 ft. at the base and 500 ft. high. The vast rotunda, forming the grand base of the monument, is surrounded by 30 columns of massive proportions, be- ing 12 ft. in diameter and 45 ft. high, elevated upon a lofty base or stylobate of 20 ft. elevation and 300 ft. square, surmounted by an entablature 20 ft. high, and crowned by a massive balus- trade 15 ft. in height. The terrace outside of the colonnade is 25 ft. wide, and the pronaos or walk within the colonnade, including the col- umn space, 25 ft. The walks inclosing the cella, or gallery within, are fretted with 30 massive pilasters 10 ft. wide, 45 ft. high, and 7£ ft. projection, answer- ing to the columns in front, surmounted by their appropriate architrave. The deep recesses formed by the projection of the pilasters provide suitable niches for the reception of statues. A tetrastyle portico, (four columns in front,) in triple rows of the same proportions and order with the columns of the colonnade, distinguishes the entrance to the monument, and serves as a pedestal for the triumphal car and statue of the illustrious chief. The steps to this portico are flanked by massive blockings, surmounted by appropriate figures and trophies. Over each column, in the great frieze of the entablatures, around the entire building, are sculptured escutcheons, (coats of arms of each State in the Union,) surrounded by bronze civic wreaths, banded together by festoons of oak leaves, &c, all of which spring (eacli way) from the centre of the portico, where the coat of arms of the United States is emblazoned. The statues surrounding the rotunda outside, under the colonnade, are all elevated upon pedestals, and will be those of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Ascending the portico outside to the terrace level a lofty vomitoria, (doorway,) 30 ft. high, leads into the cella, (rotunda gallery,) 50 ft. wide, 500 ft. iii" circumference, and 68 ft. high, with a colossal pillar in the centre 70 ft. in diameter, around which the gallery sweeps. This pillar forms the foundation of the obelisk column above. Both sides of the gallery are divided into spaces by pilas- 13 194 WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. ters, elevated on a continued zocle or base 5 ft. high, forming an order, with its entablature, 40 ft., crowned by a vaulted ceiling 20 ft., divided by radiating archevaults corresponding with the relative positions of the opposing pilasters, and in- closing deep sunken coffers enriched with paintings. The spaces between the pilasters are sunk into niches for the reception of the statues of the fathers of the Revolution, contemporary with Washington ; over which are large tablets to receive the national paintings commemorative of the bat- tles and other scenes of that memorable period. Opposite to the entrance of this gallery, at the extremity of the great cir- cular wall, is the grand niche for the reception of the statue of the "•Father of his Country," elevated on its appropriate pedestal, and designated as principal in the group by its co- lossal proportions. This spacious gallery and rotunda, which properly may be denominated the ''national Pantheon," is lighted in 4 grand divisions from above. Entering the centre pier through an arched way, you pass into a spacious circular area, and ascend with an easy grade, by a railway, to the grand terrace, 75 ft. above the base of the monument. This terrace is 700 ft. in circumference, 180 ft. wide, inclosed by a colonnade balustrade 15 ft. high, with its base and capping. The circuit of this grand terrace is studded with small temple-formed structures, constituting the cupolas of the lanterns, lighting the pantheon gallery below. Through the base of the great circle of the balustrade are 4 apertures at the 4 cardinal points, leading outside of the bal- ustrade upon the top of the main cornice, where a gallery 6 ft. wide and 750 ft. in circumference encircles the whole, in- closed by an ornamental guard, forming the crowning mem- ber on the top of the tholus of the main cornice of the grand colonnade. Within the thickness of this wall staircases de- scend to a lower gallery over the plafond of the pronaos of the colonnade, lighted from above. This gallery, which ex- tends around the colonnade, is 20 ft. wide, divided into rooms for the records of the monument, works of art, or studios for artists engaged in the service of the monument. Two other ways communicate with this gallery from below. In the centre of the grand terrace above described rises the lofty obelisk shaft of the monument, 70 ft. square at the base, and 500 ft. high, diminishing as it rises to its apex, where it is 40 ft. square ; at the foot of this shaft, and on each face, project 4 massive zocles 25 ft. high, supporting so many co- lossal symbolic tripods of victory 20 ft. high, surmounted by facial columns with their symbols of authority. These zocle faces are embellished with inscriptions, which are continued WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. 195 around the entire base of the shaft, and occupy the surface of that part of the shaft between the tripods. On each face of the shaft, above this, is sculptured the four leading events in Washington's career in basso relievo, and above this the shaft is perfectly plain to within 50 ft. of its summit, where a sim- ple star is placed, emblematic of the glory which the name of Washington has attained. To ascend to the summit of the column, the same facilities as below are provided within the shaft by an easy-graded gal- lery, which may be traversed by a railway terminating in a circular observatory 20 ft. in diameter, around which, at the top, is a lookout gallery which opens a prospect all around the horizon. The inner space, or that under the grand gallery or rotun- da, may be appropriated to catacombs for the reception of the remains of such distinguished men as the nation may honor with interment here. In the centre of the monument is placed the tomb of Wash- ington, to receive his remains, should they be removed thither, the descent to which is by a broad flight of steps, lighted by the same light which illumines his statue. Description. — In its present state the Monument is 174 ft. high. It rests on a solid foundation of Potomac gneiss rock, 81 ft. square at the base, 8 feet below the surface, and 18 ft. above, narrowing to 60 ft. square. The base of the obelisk is 55 ft. square outside, the walls being 15 ft. thick, and 25 ft. square inside. The outer surface consists of heavy blocks of crystal marble, from Maryland, laid in regular courses of about 2 ft ., and backed to the required thickness by gneiss rock, as used in the foundation. The inside of the wall is perpendicular, while the outer surface gradually recedes. At the summit, when completed, the walls will have a thickness of but 2 ft. The interior will be provided with an iron stair- case. The tablets already built in the interior walls are ar- ranged to correspond with the galleries of the proposed stairway. The Monument, as it now stands, cost $230,000, and was six years in building, when the funds ran out. The esti- mated cost of the obelisk is $550,000, and pantheon $570,000 additional. Total, $1,120,000. The Monument completed would rank with the loftiest works of ancient or modern times, viz : Tower of Babel, 680 ft. ; Washington Monument completed, 600 ft. ; Cologne Cathedral completed, 511 ft, ; Balbec, 500 ft. ; Pyramid of Cheops, 480 ft. ; Cathedral, Strasbourg, 474 ft. ; St. Peter's, Rome, 458 ft. ; St. Stephen, Vienna, 445 ft. ; Cathedral, Sails- 196 ARMORY. bury, England, 406 ft. ; Cathedral, Antwerp, 405 ft. ; St Paul's Cathedral, London, 404 ft. ; Cathedral, Milan, 400 ft. The Lapidarium. — In the low wooden building NE. of the Monument may be seen the tablets intended for the interior of the Monument, to be placed the same as those already used. A keeper, who has charge of the keys, resides on the ground, and will exhibit the Monument and tablets, 81 in number, to visitors. Among the American contributions are a block of native copper, weighing 2,100 pounds, from Michigan, and 12 bricks from the birthplace of Washington. The contributions from abroad are from Mount Vesuvius ; Swiss Republic ; a block of granite from the Alexandrian Library, Egypt; China; Bre- men; Sultan of Turkey; the Temple of Carthage, Africa; ancient Egyptian head; Governor and Commune of the Islands of Paros and Naxos ; Temple of Esculapius, island of Paros ; Greek Government ; and Japan. History, — Repeated attempts have been made to erect a suitable tribute to the memory of Washington. In 1783 the Continental Congress passed a resolution for a National Monument. The site for the Monument, near the present undertaking, was approved by Washington himself in the first plan of the city. In 1800 a bill passed in one House of Congress to erect a ''mausoleum of American granite and marble in pyramidal form, 100 ft. square at the base, and of proportionate height." The Washington National Monument Association, the name by which the association of distinguished gentlemen who projected the monument was known, was organized in 1835. The amount collected to 1848 was $230,000. The corner- stone was laid July 4, 1848, with Masonic ceremonies, and in the presence of 4,000 people. ARMORY. This building stands on the SE. portion of the Mall, E. of the Smithsonian Institution, and fronts on 6th st. W. The main entrance is on the E., where a flight of steps leads to the drill-rooms on the second and third floors. The first floor is paved and arranged for artillery, there being three suitable entrances on the N. and S. sides of the CHURCHES. 197 building. Each floor is supported by 12 iron pillars, and is provided with gun racks and cases for accoutrements. The building is about 103 by 57 ft. In 1853 Congress authorized the erection of the building, to be used for the care of ord- nance arms, accommodation of volunteers and military of the District of Columbia, and for the preservation of military trophies of the revolution and other wars. It was finished in 1857. The building has long been out of use. It is proposed to place it in repair for the purposes for which it was origi- nally intended. CHURCHES. The capital possesses many church edifices which, in ar- chitectural display and dimensions, have kept pace with the growth of the population in numbers and affluence. The finest are the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal, in which are also an interesting collection of relics from the Holy Land and memorial windows, First Congregational, New-York Av. Presbyterian, Epiphany Protestant Episcopal, Foundry Methodist, Calvary Baptist, and St. Aloysins, Roman Catho- lic. Of the colored churches, the Fifteenth St. Presbyterian and Nineteenth St. Baptist are very fine structures. A list of leading churches and locations will be found in General Information. In 1794 the Washington Parish of the Protestant Episco- pal Church, to include the cities of Washington and George- town, was formed out of St. John's and Sti Paul's Parishes. The parish of Christ Church was next created, and the church edifice near the Navy Yard was erected about 1800. For sixteen years it was the only Episcopal place of worship in the city. It was attended by Jefferson and Madison. Ser- vices are still held in the same structure. The first Presby- terian church services were held in 1793, in the carpenter shop used by the joiners at work on the President's House. The first Baptist church began worship in 1802, and com- menced a building on the corner of I and 19th sts. NW. in 1803. The first Presbyterian church on F st. was established in 1803, services being first held in the hall of the Treasury building. In 1826 their new building was completed. St. Patrick's, Roman Catholic, was established in 1810. A Methodist church was erected near the Navy Yard in 1805, but meetings had been held in the city before. St. John's Episcopal Church, on the NE. corner of 16th and H sts. 198 HALLS. NW., opposite Lafayette, Square, was erected in 1816, from designs by Latrobe, the architect of the Capitol. In 1820 it was enlarged, and its original form, a Greek cross, was changed to a Latin, and a portico and steeple added. Among those who attended services here were Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Jackson, and the diplomatic representatives of England. The first Unitarian church, on 6th and D sts. NW., fronting on Louisiana av., was erected in 1824. HALLS. There are a number of halls in various parts of the city. Masonic Temple is on the NW. corner of F and 9th sts. NW., entrance on F st., and was erected by the Masonic Hall Association. The corner-stone was laid in 1868. The build- ing is of granite and Connecticut and Nova Scotia freestone, and cost $200,000. The two exposed faces are tastefully en- riched with an appropriate introduction of Masonic symbols. The ground-floor is occupied by stores, and the second by a public hall, 100 by 48 ft. and 25 ft. high, and retiring rooms. The hall has been the scene of some of the most brilliant balls and State sociables given at the capital. In the third story are the Blue Lodges of Masonry, and in the fourth the Royal Arch Chapters and Commanderies. The furniture and fittings of the lodges are of superior quality, and are unsur- passed in any similar place in the country. A lodge of Ma- sons was established in the earliest days of the capital. Prior to 1816 there were two which assembled in a building on the borders of the river. Under the pavement of the Temple, on the S. front, is what was formerly known as the City Sjjring. Odd Fellows' Hall, situated on 7th st. W.; bet. D and E sts. The earlier building was dedicated in 1846, and erected out of funds subscribed by the lodges and members meeting in the central part of the city. It was remodeled in 1S73. It has a granite base and pressed-brick superstructure, with gal- vanized-iron pilasters, jambs, caps, and cornice, and is sur- mounted by three domes, that in the centre raised above the others. The ground-floor is occupied by stores. The stair- way at the main entrance leads to the main hall, on the sec- ond floor. The hall is 100 by 40 ft. and 22 ft. high, and fitted with a stage of 21 ft. additional, at the E. end. It is princi- pally designed for balls, concerts, and lectures. Adjoining NEWSPAPER OFFICES. 199 are ladies' retiring and gentlemen's cloak-rooms. The third floor contains two lodge and one Encampment rooms. The Library, on the same flotT, for the use of members of the Order and their families, contains a fine collection of hooks. The first Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows , was established in the District of Columbia in 1827 ; the Grand Lodge followed in 1828. Lincoln Hall. — This fine structure stands on the NE. cor- ner of 9th and D sts. NW. It is built of Seneca brownstorie, with iron trimmings, is three stories high, surmounted by a Mansard roof. The corner-stone on the SW. bears the in- scription, " Y. M. C. A., Nov. xxvn, mdccclxvii. Jeho- vah Jibeh." The building was erected by a joint stock company chartered by act of Congress in 1867, and was com- pleted in 1869, at a cost of $200, 000. On the ground tioor are stores. There are two entrances to the upper floors : the main one to the Library and Reading Room and Lincoln Hall on D st. ; the smaller, on 9th st. LINCOLN HALL. The Free Reading- Room and Library and the Parlors of the Association (open to the public every day except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.) are on the second floor, entrances on both streets. The Library contains about ■25,000 vols., and the leading secular and religious newspapers of the country. The Washington City Library, founded in 1814, has been consolidated with it. On the same floor is Lincoln Hall, the finest lecture or concert hall in the city, which will seat about 1,300 people. There is also a smaller hall, used for religious and social gatherings 01 the Young Men's Christian Association. Open to all. NEWSPAPER OFFICES. The buildings occupied by two of the principal newspapers of the city will compare favorably in completeness, if not in size, with the best structures of the kind in the country. INSTITUTIONS OP LEARNING. 201 UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. The public institutions of the national Capital afford un- rivaled facilities for professional and collegiate education. NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. The National Medical College of the Columbian University. on H St., between 13th and 14th sts. N. W., was founded in 1324. The building was the gift of W, W. Corcoran, 1864, cost $40,000, was originally intended for a mechanics' library and lectures, contains two lecture rooms, with ante rooms, chemical laboratory, and dissecting room. In winter the jan- itor will admit visitors. The Dispensary is open daity, except Sunday, from 1 to 3 p. m., to the poor. The Law Depart- ment Columbian University, established 1826, occupies a building on 5th st., between D and E sts. N. W. The Medical and Law Departments of Georgetown College, respectively established in 1851 and 1870, occupy buildings on the corner of 10th and E sts. and F between 9th and 10th sts. N. W. In the former is the Central Dispensary, open daily, except Sunday, from 1 to 3 p. m. The Gonzaga College, on I, between North Capitol and 1st sts. N. Wi, was founded in 1848 as the Washington Sem- inary, and incorporated as a university in 1858. It is con- ducted by the fathers of the Society of Jesus, for day scholars only. 202 SCHOOLS. SCHOOLS. The Public Schools are among the prominent features of the National Capital. Of the buildings are the Franklin, 1st dis- trict, cor. 13th and K sts. NW., brick, 148 X 79 ft., basement and three stories, erected in 1869, and contains 14 school-rooms. This is said to be one of the finest school buildings in the Uni- ted States. The Section, 2d district, on I, bat. 2d and 3d sts. NW.. brick, 94 X 67 feet, basement and 3 stories, erected in 1871. The Wallach, 3d district, Pennsylvania av., bet. 7th and 8th sts. SE., brick, 99 X 76 ft., basement and three sto- ries, erected in 1864. The Jefferson, 4th district, cor. of 6th and D sts. SW., brick, 172 X 88 ft, basement and 3 stories, with 20 school-rooms, erected in 1872. This is the largest school building in the city. It will accommodate 1,200 pupils. It is named after Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, a member of the Board oi Trustees of the Public Schools of Washington, and president of the same 1805-'08. There are also tine grounds. In the four school districts there are 43 school buildings, owned or rented by the city. The oldest still standing was erected in 1800 for a stable, cor. 14th and G sts. NW. The Colored Schools are distinct from those attended by w r hite children. Prior to 1862 there were no colored public schools. Subsequently the schools were under charitable associations of the North. ' The first building was erected in 1866, on the square now occupied by the Sumner building. The Sumner Building, on the NE. corner of M and 17th sts. NW., was completed in 1872, at a cost of $70,000. It is 94 ft. long, by 69 ft. wide, and has a basement, 3 stories, and a trussed roof. In it are 10 school-rooms. There are 13 public schools for colored children. The annual expenditures are about $318,000, One third of this sum is set apart for colored schools. The total school population is 17,403. In 1805 the revenues for the support of schools were derived from the net proceeds of taxes on slaves, tlogs, licenses for carnages and hacks, ordinaries and taverns, selling wines and spirits, billiard tables, hawkers and pedlers, theatres and other public amusements. In 1806 there were the E. and W. academies, in 1826 the .schools were supported b3' lottery. There is now a school tax. The public schools were quartered in rented rooms, prior to the dedication of the Wallach building, in 1864. ASYLUMS. ASYLUMS. 203 There are a number of public and private institutions for the destitute and sick. Naval Hospital (open after 12 noon, during the week, if no severe cases) occupies the square between 9th and 10th sts. E. and E st. S. and Pennsylvania av. It is accessible from the Pennsylvania av. street cars (red) for the Navy Yard, at E st. The hospital is under the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery of the Navy department, and is open to officers and men of the navy and marine corps. The building consists of a three-story brick edifice, with mansard, and possesses accommodations for 50 patients. There is a reading-room for convalescents. A medical director in the navy is in charge. Naval discipline is observed. National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, on G st. be- tween 17th and 18th sts. NW., (open to visitors every day, except Sunday, after 9 a. m.,) was incorporated by Congress in 1866, and is supported by Government appropriations. It is under the direction of a Board of Lady Managers, and is for the support and education of the orphans of the national sol- diers or sailors who were killed or died of wounds in the re- bellion of 1861-'6o. No applicants are received younger than 6 years, nor retained after 16 years. Columbia Hospital for Women, and Lying-in Asylum, incorporated 1866, (visiting days Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.,) is on the corner of L and 25th sts. NW. The general wards for 50 patients are free to the wives of sol- diers, on the permit of the Surgeon General; to women of other States, on permit of the Secretary of the Interior; and to women of the District, on permit of the Governor. There are also private rooms and special wards for 30 patients, for the use of which a small compensation is required. Connected witli the hospital is an operating room, used for free patients only, and open every Saturday at 3.30 p. m., to students of medicine in the District. In the W. wing is a dispensary, open every day, where the poor receive medicines and treat- ment free. The institution is principally supported by the National Government. Washington Asylum (open every day, except Sunday) is sit- uated in the extreme E. portion of the city, on the public reservation, No. 17, laid out for the purpose. It may be reached in 15 min. along C st. S., leaving the Pennsylvania 2 CulvertNo. 12, i&i m;~Road at RadclifFs, 15^ m ; Junetion Road, 16 3-5 m ; Bridge No. 2, 17 1-5 m ; Bridge No. I, 17% m ; Ov- erfall No. 1. 16 m; Waste Weir No. 1, i8 l /£ m; Great Falls Gate House, l8^£ m. Entering George- town from Pennsyl- vania av. the Aque- duct may be reached by Bridge and Fayette sts., and new road to the Distributing Reservoir, a distance of 2 m. The water surface of the reservoir is 33 a; capacity, 150,000,000 galls, at depth ol ii ft., and 300,000,000 galls, at 24 ft ; elevation, 144 ft. above mean tide at the Navy- yard. From this point the water is carried by iron mains into the city. [See Water Sup- ply, p. 46.J The Aqueduct terminates here, the influent gate-house standing on the NW. corner. A 7-ft. Auxiliary Conduit connects the influent and affluent gate- houses on the N. which may be used independently of the reservoir. The Aqueduct consists of a cylindrical conduit, of 9 ft. in- ternal diameter, constructed of stone and brick, laid in hy- draulic cement, and covered by an embankment or tunneled through the hills, and is carried across the ■sti earns by means of magnificent bridges, and has a fall of 9 J in. to the m. The capacity of the conduit, full, is 80 000,000 galls, every 24 hrs. The present mains carry off 30,000,^00 galls. ; the consump- tion, however, is but 17,000,000. From the Distributing Reservoir is a beautiful drive, 2 m. on the embankment of the Aqueduct, to Receiving Reservoir. THE GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC. 218 AQUEDUCT AND GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC. The scenery on all sides is romantic in the extreme. On the 1. is the Potomac and the Little Falls. The Receiving Reservoir, a natural basin, formed by an em- bankment 65 ft. high, across Powder- Mill Creek, retains the water within the en- circling arms of the surrounding hills. It has a surface area of 52 a., a greatest depth of 53 ft., and drains 40,000 a. of the adjacent country. The Sluice Tower is in the S. end. A conduit extends around the S. side, connecting the Aqueduct, without passing through the Receiving Reservoir. The capacity Is 163,000,000 galls. The NW. boundary of the District crosses the Reservoir jhst beyon I the Sluiee Tower. The height of water in the Reservoir is controlled by a channel cut in the solid rock. The Aqueduct enters through a tunnel 803 ft. i:i length, and pierced through solid rock. Resuming the embankment. Cabin-John Bridge is reached: 3 m. distant. This magnificent struc- ture springs the chasm of Cabin-John Creel; at a height of 101 ft. The bridge is erected of im- mense blocks of granite, with Seneca parapets and coping, and leaps the ra- vine in a single arch of 220 ft. with 57J4 ft. rise from the springing line. The bridge is 20 ft. wide, and its extreme length 420 ft. It cost §237,000. This magnifi- cent work of art is un- equalled in the histor/ of bridge building. It is the largest stone arch in the world ; the second being that of the Grovesner Bridge, with a span of 200 ft. which crosses the river Dee. One mile above is Mountain- Spring Brook, crossed by a beautiful el- liptical arch of masonry, 75 ft span. The bridge is 200 ft. long, and cost $76,000. From this point the Aqueduct is conducted by means of 2 tunnels. About 3'% m. from the G:c-t Fulls a road leads around the hills. Before reaching the falls the scenery becomes exceedingly picturesque. The river is divided into two channels by Cupid's Bower and Bear islands, the latter the upper. At the falls the river is again formed into two channels by Conn's and Great Falls islands, the former the upper, and forms the Maryland and Virginia channels. Across the former is a dam of solid masonry, with gate-house and gates. This dam, should there be oc- casion, will be extended to the Virginia side. The Government owns the water- right, having 5 a. of ground. The dam is faced with massive guards of stone. The total water supply of the river is 1,196,019,511 galls, in 24 hrs. At this point the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is carried over the Aqueduct. At the Great Falls the Potomac breaks through the mountain in a channel nar- rowing to 100 yds. in width, and bounded on the Virginia side by perpendicular rocks 70 ft. high. The water falls over a series of cascades, making a descent of 80 ft. in i' o m., the greatest single pitch being 40 ft. At a distance of 4 m. it widens, and its agitated waters quiet into an unbroken current About 10 m. below, at the Little Falls, about 3 m. above Georgetown, the stream makes a descent of 37 ft. in a series of cascades. Released from the mountains, after passing Georgetown, the river widens into the lake-like stream which we have seen in front of Washington. CABIN-JOHN BRIDGE. COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY. 219 There is a fine view of the Falls from either side, the ledges and rugged boulders Appearing to advantage. Mingling with the wild aspect of nature is the eedar, oak, willow, birch, and jessamine. Wild cherries and strawberries in season are found in great abundanee. The most venomous reptiles abound. The scene in winter is en- chanting, great masses of ice piled up on either side, and the rocks and trees frosted with spray, form a charming surrounding for the boiling torrent in the channel. HlStOTV. — Surveys for the supply of the city with water were made by Major L'Enfant, under the direction of Washington. In 1S50 surveys were made by Col. Hughes from the Great Falls and Rock creek. The first ground on the Washington Aqueduct was broken by President Pierce on Nov. 8, 1853, in the presence of a large assemblage of officials and civilians. The length of pipe line is 18 m. ; number of culverts, 26 m. ; tunnels, 12, the longest 1,438 ft. Total, 6,655 ft- Bridges 6, viz, cut stone, 4, and iron truss, 2. In Georgetown is a high-service reservoir 120 ft. in diameter. The work was commenced by Capt. M. C. Meigs, U. S. Corps of Engineers, and cost 3,500,000. The Aqueduct is the third in rank in the United States. Kalorama. — The residence of Joel Barlow, 180o-'ll, author, poet, politician, and diplomat, who died in Poland, 1812, stands on the brow of a beautiful hill, NW. of Washington and near the Metropolitan horse railway, Georgetown branch, at the P st. bridge over Rock Creek. About 5 min. walk from the W. end of the P street bridge, is a small brick vault, belonging to the Kalorama estate. In the vault are the remains of Judith Baldwin, wife of Joel Barlow, died 1818, Henry Baldwin, of Pennsylvania, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, died 1844; Abraham Baldwin, a Senator from Georgia, died 1807; and George Bomford, Colonel of U. S. Ordnance Corps, died 1848. The body of Commodore Decatur was also placed here, Mar. 24, 1820, two days after his fatal duel In 1846 Decatur's remains were removed to St. Peter's church burial ground, Philadelphia Meridian Hill.— N. of the city, at the terminus of 16th st. W., so named as being on the meridian of the District of Co- lumbia, indicated by the meridian stone, established imme- diately \V. of the National Washington Monument. It was formerly the residence of Commodore Porter. A village is now growing upon its commanding site. Columbian University. — (Open to visitors.) Occupies a fine site N. of the city ; 5 min. walk from the N. terminus of the 14th st. horse railway ; was incorporated as a college in 1821, began 1822, a university 1873. (For Medical and Law De- partments, see page 201. The President and Chief Justice of the United States are honorary members of the Board of Trustees and Overseers. The regular course of American universities, classical and scientific, is taught. The average number of students, including the preparatory school, is 300, from all parts of the United States. The grounds com- prise 40 a., and, with the college edifice and other buildings, valued at $400,000. The main building is devoted to class-rooms, chapel, and dormitories. Howard University. — (Open to visitors.) Occupies a con- spicuous site 1ST. of the city on the r. of the 7th st. road and may be reached by horse cars from the N. terminus of 7th and 9th sts. horse railways. It was incorporated in 1867 for the education of youth, without reference to sex or color. The pupils, however, are almost exclusively colored. 220 11UWALID UNIVERSITY. The University Building, of patent brick, is 3 stories high, covered with a man- sard and tower, and -ontains philosophical, lecture and recitation rooms; library, mu- seum and offices. On the NE. is Miner If all, ladies' dormitories and dining rooms, named after Miss Miner, a teacher of colored children in the days of slavery, in the District. This lady left $5,000 invested in real estate in Washington ; since sold for $40,000, the interest of which is at present devoted to the normal department of the Univeisity. To the N. of the latter is the Normal Building, and N. of the main building is Clarke Hall, named after David Clarke, of Hartford, Conn., a gentleman of large benevolence and a liberal friend to the University. These halls accommo- date 300 students. There are also residences for the professors. The grounds com- prise 35 a. Total value of property, $6co,ooo. A short distance S. is the Medical Department and Freedmens Hospital, rented and managed under the Interior De partment. WAYLAND SEMINARY. 22] Capitol Spring, — To the KE. of the Howard University is Smith's Spring, the waters of which were conducted in pipes to the Capitol in 1830. (Sec Capitol Grounds.) Wayland Seminary.— {Open to visitors.) Occupies a com- manding position N. of the city on Meridian Hill, about 10 mm. walk N. W. from the N. terminus of the 14th st. horse rail- way. The Institution was founded in 1865 by the Baptist church for the education of colored preachers and teachers. The building, which is of brick, three stories high, with basement, Mansard and lefty tower, was erected in iS7J-'4, cost §35,000, paid out of voluntary contributions, and will accommodate 200 students. The 222 SOLDiEll. HnME work was done by colored labor. The Seminary is one of the seven schools in the South, established and fostered by the American Baptist Home Mission Society. It is not yet in full operation in the new building. WAYLAND SEMINARY. Soldiers' Home, (grounds open everyday, except Sunday,) lies about 3 m. N". of the Capitol. It is one of the most attractive drives around the city. It may be reached by pedestrians from the " toll-gate" on the 7th-st. road, which point is ac- cessible by the 7th-st. and Silver Spring horse cars; the latter being a continuation of the former, though a separate line. The original site consisted of about 200 a., since ex- tended to 500 a. by purchases, including Harewood, the seat of W. W. Corcoran. The grounds are laid out in meadows, lakes, and 7 m. of beautiful drives. The main building, the dormitory, is of marble, Norman in design, and measures 200 ft. front. In the rear is a wing of 60 ft., used for a mess GRAVE OF MAJOR PETER CHAISES L ENFANT. 223 room. On the lawn are a flag-staff and cannon. On the E. of the main building is an additional dormitory, the sta- bles, conservatory, and fruit garden. On the W. is the Riggs homestead, now the hospital, and near by the quarters of the governor and officers of the institution . S. of this is the sur- geon's residence. SE.of the main build- ing is a beautiful Sen- eca stone chapel, fin- ished in 1871, and gardener's lodge. In the distance S. is the new hospital, a com- modious brick struc- ture, and the build- ings close by are used by the farmer. The Home was first open- ed in 1851, and has The soldiers ke.p the soldiers' home, main building. accommodations for 400 inmates roads in order and perform police duty. The Home was the .favorite summer residence of Presidents Pierce, Buchanan, and Lincoln. On the brow of the hill, £ m.W. of S. of the main building, raised on a granite pedestal, and facing the Capital, stands a statue of General Winjield Scott, at the time of his conquest of Mexico, by Launt Thompson, 1873, bronze, 10 ft. high, cast by R. Woods & Co., Philadelphia, Penna. Cost $18,000. Erected in 1874 by the Home. Through General Scott the Home was founded. From the site may be had an excellent view. In 1851 Congress appropriated out of the Treasury $118,791, the balance of $300,- 000 pillage money levied on the city of Mexico by General Winfield Scott, to go to the founding of a Military Asylum or Soldiers' Home. This fund was increased by forfeitures, stoppages, and fines against soldiers, and a tax of 25 now 12 cts. a month on each private soldier of the regular army. The Home was for the benefit of the regulars and volunteers who served in Mexico, and now is for the privates of the regular army, they alone contributing for its support. Pensioners surrender their pensions while at the Home. Grave of Major Peter Charles L'Enfant, the designer of the plan of Washington, at Green Hill, the country seat of George W. Riggs, on the early manor of Chillam Castle, now Prince George's county, Maryland, is about 7 m. NE. of Washington. The grave is in the garden, the burial ground of the Digges family, the previous proprietors. The latter have been removed. The grave is without a marked stone. 224 ROCK-CREEK CHURCH. Major L'Enfant was born in France about 1755. He was a subordinate officer in the French service. In 1778 he was made a captain of engineers in the Continental array. His gallantly and ability, displayed especially at Savannah, at- tracted the attention of Washington. In 1783 he was pro- moted to major. In March, 1791, he was ordered to George- town to join Mr. Ellicott, the chief surveyor, with instructions 14 to draw the site of the federal town and buildings." Not sharing in the practical views of the commissioners, who desired copies of his plan for circulation, as an inducement to purchasers of lots, a controversy sprung up, which was aggravated by some high-handed measures, chiefly an attempt to demolish the residence of Mr. Carroll, one of the commis- sioners, which interfered with the execution of his plan on the ground. These resulted in his dismissal, after a brief service of one year. In 1794 he was employed on Fort Mif- flin, below Philadelphia. It is said he was offered, in 1812, a professorship of engineers at West Point. The last days of his life were spent around Washington. He found a home on the farm of Mr. Digges, and died in the summer of 1825, at the advanced age of 70 years. His remains still moulder beneath the sod where the kind hand of charity laid them. Rock-Creek Church and Cemetery. — {Church services, Epis- copal, every SaUbath at 11 a. m., and Cemetery open every day, except Sunday.) — The cemetery lies contiguous to the Sol- diers' Home on the 1ST., and is easy of access from the horse cars on the 7th-st. road. It comprises about one-half of the glebe, 100 a., the gift of John Bradford, about 1719. The church, which lies on the W., properly St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rock-creek Parish, was erected in 1719, rebuilt in 1775, and remodeled in 1868. The bricks were imported from England. The main walls are the same as erected in 1719. The bible used is an Oxford edition of 1727. Immediately around the church are a number of old graves, marked by rude stones, and over them stands a venerable oak, the out- spreading branches of which cover an area of 126 ft. in diam- eter. The oldest monuments are E. of the church, of the Gramphin family, 1775. In this cemetery is the grave of Pe- ter Force, with a fine monument. National Military Cemetery, (open from sunrise to sunset,) lies N. of and adjoins the Soldiers' Home, and E. of Rock- Creek Cemetery. It was established in 1861, and contains 5,424 interments : known 5145, unknown 279, and Confeder- ates 271. There are a fine keeper's lodge and conservatory. Adjoining, on the N"., is the Cemetery of the Soldiers' Home. BLADENSBTJRG. 225 Glenwood Cemetery, (open every day except Sunday,) 1$ m. N. of the Capitol, is situated at the head of Lincoln av., reached from the Columbia st.-raihvay at N. Capitol St., dis- tance 1 m. It was incorporated in 1854, and contains 90 a. The grounds are beautifully laid out in drives and walks. The public vault is a fine structure. Amos Kendall, Postmaster General 1835-'40 is buried here. Outside the gateway are Prospect Hill Cemetery, 17 a., incorporated in 1860, St. Mary's (Roman Catholic) Burying Ground, 3 a. Bladensburg, a post-village of Prince George's co., Md., lies 6 m. N. E. of Washington, on the Baltimore railroad and turnpike. It was founded about 1750, and named after Martin Blanden, one of the Lords' Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. Before the Revolution it was a place of some commercial and agricultural importance. In those days the Anacostia, upon which it stands, ad- mitted of navigation to the town. Over the stream was the bridge, and W. the field of the disastrous battle of Au- gust 24, 1814, which opened Washington to the enemy, and gave the name of Bladensburg a place in history. On the open ground was the position bravely defended by Commodore Barney and his gallant soldiers and marines. About i m. S. E. of the village, on the turnpike, was the notorious " duelling gronnd." The District line runs through the valley, thus enabling parties from the District and Virginia to pass into Maryland. The most painful of all duels fought here was that between Commodores Decatur, the hero of the . Algerine war, and Barron, in 1820, in which the former was mortally wounded. The spot was the scene of many other duels, but not of late years. The duel between Henry Clay and John Randolph of Roanoke, in 1826, took place on the Virginia shore of the Potomac river, near Washington. Near Bladensburg, a short distance from the turnpike, stood the family man- sion of George Calvert, the lineal descendant of the Baron of Baltimore. Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and National Deaf-Mute College, {open every day except Sun- day,) entrance at N. end of 7th st. E.. also W. end M st. N. ; 10 minutes from Columbia horse R. R. The grounds, known as " Kendall Green," were previously the home of Amos Kendall, Postmaster General of the United States 1835-'40. The first portion occupied was but a few acres and a small building, presented by Mr. Kendall. Sub- sequently, 25 acres were purchased, and in 1872 the entire estate of 100 acres. The grounds and buildings were vested in the United States as trustee. The institution, incorporated in 1857, has since been sustained by Congress as the institution where Government beneficiaries, viz., deaf-mute children of the District of Columbia, and of the army and navy, should receive free edu- cation. A collegiate department was organized in 1864 by Congress, and U named the National Deaf-Mute College. Both are open to both sexes. 226 DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. THE COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOK THE DEAF AND DUMB. The main central building, dedicated in 1871, was the gift of the Government. It is a fine specimen of the pointed Gothic architecture of the 14th century. It is 216 by 76 ft., and is faced on all sides with Connecticut brown-stone, in- terspersed with courses of white Ohio sandstone, and cov- ered with roofs of red and bine slate, laid in patterns and courses. The main entrance is under a recessed porch, formed by three pointed arches of alternate brown and white sandstone blocks, supported b} r double sets of dwarf columns of highly polished Scotch granite, with brown-stone bases and carved white sandstone capitals. This porch is paved with white and black marble tiles, and surmounted by an angular pedi- ment containing a carved half-relief figure of the Ameri- can eagle, with the stars and stripes on the shield over its breast. From this porch leads a small vestibule at either end into the main hall, or chapel, a room 56 ft. square and 38 ft. high, with a paneled ceiling of light and dark colored wood, with massive brackets, cornice, and panel mouldings, the walls be- ing frescoed in delicate tints in plain panels. The walls, to about 8 ft. from the floor, are protected by a paneled wain- scot, painted in strong party colors, with the pulpit, platform, and front, and folding-doors to match. The room is lighted by ten large stained-glass windows. Adjoining on the E M and separated from the chapel by eight sliding doors 15 ft. high and 27 ft. wide, is the lecture room. Over the sliding doors is a solid white sandstone arch MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY. -27 of 27 ft. span, springing' from light stone columns with carved capitals. The lecture room is about 30 by 40 ft. in size, with a raised floor. The remainder of the E . wing on this floor is occupied by a large dining-hall, or refectory, for the pupils of the primary department, with its corridors and stairs ; and with kitchens, bakery, and store-rooms in the basement below, and large dormitories in the attic above. The W. wing contains a large dining-hall for the students of the college, with its pantries and store-rooms. In the hall of this wing a stairway affords access to the tower. In the basement under this wing is an extensive laundry, steam- drying rooms, and store-rooms, while the basement under the chapel contains the fuel and boiler rooms. In the chapel is a line plaster cast of Abbe de l'Epee, taken from his tomb in the old church of Saint Roch, Paris ; also one of Abbe Sicard. The former, about the year 1760, de- veloped and applied the system of communication for deaf mutes b}'' means of natural signs. Abbe* Sicard subsequently perfected the system. There is also a portrait of the Rev. Thomas H. Gallauclet, formerly principal of the American Asylum at Hartford, Connecticut. That gentleman was sent abroad to acquire the system of instruction by natural signs. He chose the French system, now in use by the Institution aiicl College, and also generally throughout the United States. The E. building is occupied by the primary department, and contains several school rooms, chapel, library, reception parlor, private rooms of instructors, and dormitory for boys, and another in a remote part of the building for girls. The W. building is used by the College. In the rear and W. of the main central building is the finished wing of a dormitory for College students. The value of the property is $350,000. Mount Olivet Cemetery (open every day) lies on the 1. of the Columbia turnpike, ^ m. jST. of the E. terminus of the Columbia horse railway. It comprises 70 a. It was incor- porated in 1862, in the names of the parish priests of the four Roman Catholic churches of Washington. The grounds are well laid out, and shaded with oak and evergreens. Father Matthews, one of the earliest priests who arrived in the city after its occupation by the Government, is buried here, also Lieut. Col. Garesche, A. A. G. to General Rose- cranz, killed at Murfreesboro, 1862 ; Mrs. Surratt, executed for complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln ; and Wirz, the keeper of the Andersonville prison pen for na- tional soldiers during the rebellion, lSOl-^, and executed in Washington at its close. The entrance to the cemetery 228 GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. is at the SE . corner on the Columbia turnpike, where there is a neat superintendent's residence. G-raceland Cemetery {open from sunrise to sunset) is situated immediately outside the E. limits of the city, at the terminus of the Columbia horse railway. The cemetery was opened in 1872, and comprises about 40 a. Keform School of the District of Columbia occupies a com- manding site on the S. side of the Washington and Baltimore turnpike, 2 m. from the E. terminus of the Columbia horse railway. The school, which is for boys only, was established by Congress in 1866,- and is under the supervision of the Department of Justice. It was first located on the Govern- ment farm, on the Aqueduct road, 4 m. above Georgetown, but owing to the unhealthiness of that section was, in 1871, removed to its present situation. The farm comprises 150 a. The buildings stand on Lincoln's Hill, so-called from the fort of that name in the defenses of Washington during the rebellion, and which crowned the hill. They are 230 ft. above the Anacostia, which runs in the rear, and command a view of four railroads, portions of Washington, the National Insane Asylum, the Soldiers' Home, Bladensburg, the Mary- land State Agricultural School, and a vast sweep of country into Maryland and Virginia. The main building is occupied by the superintendent, boys' dining room, chapel, library, and reflecting room. The reception room for strangers is on the 1. of the main entrance. On either side of the main building are two detached wings, occupied by the assistants, and as school and dormitories. The boys divide their time in the school and shops. The boys are kept till reformed or their majority. The buildings and grounds will be greatly improved. Government Hospital for the Insane. — ( Visiting days, Wednesdays, from 2 to tf p. m., and friends of patients every day but Sunday.) This institution, founded in 1855, occupies a conspicuous site at the confluence of the Potomac and the Anacostia Rivers ; and commands an extensive view of those streams, and the capitol on the opposite bank. It is acces- sible by the Pennsylvania Av. street cars to the Navy Yard, thence by the Anacostia and Potomac Street Rail- way, across the fine iron bridge over the Anacostia, through Uniontown to the foot of the hill, within one mile. The Building was designed by Walter, architect of the Capitol, after plans suggested by Dr. C. H. Nicholls, first Superintendent, is of brick, in the Colle- giate Gothic style, consists of an imposing centre of four stories, wi h connecting ranges, and receding wings, three and four stories, with bold bum esses, iron ALEXANDRIA. 229 window hoods, and an embattled parapet; is 750 ft long and 200 ft. deep in the centre, and contains 550 single rooms. The West wing is for male, and East for female patients. The centre contains the residence of the Superin- tendent and staff officers, dispensary, chapel, rooms for billiards, and other games of amusement. The basement contains the kitchens, store rooms, etc. The large detached building S, erected under the supervision of Dr. W. W. Godding, is for special classes of patients. There are also detached buildings for the colored inmates, gas works, machine shops, barn and stables. There are aggregate accommodations for over 900 patients, averaging one-fourtu females. The home tract of 185 acres, part of an original grant of land called St. Eliz- abeth which name it still retains, is surrounded by a brick wall 9 ft. High, and tastefully laid out. The entire estate comprises 419 a. This is successfully cul- tivated for the benefit of the institution. The asylum is controlled by an Ad- ministrative Board and a superintending physician. It is for the use of the army and navy, and District of Columbia, embracing indigent and paying pa- tients, and is supported by the National Government at an annual expenditure of about $200,000, and ranks with the finest institutions of the kind in the world. GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, Alexandria. — This city, originally called Bellhaven, stands in Virginia, on the r. bank of the Potomac river, at the con- fluence of that stream and Hunting Creek, 7 m. S. of Wash- ington. The boats of the Washington and Alexandria ferry, from the foot of 7th street W., reached by horse cars, run every hour from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m., on Sunday from 9 a. m. Single fare 15 cts., round trip 25 cts. The steam cars leave at the same intervals from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. from the depot on 6th st., S. of Pennsylvania av. The city is picturesquely situated on the side of a range of low hills, and is surrounded by a fertile and well-cultivated country. The town was founded in 174S. In 1755 live colonial governors met here in connection with Braddock's expedition, which started here. In the earl} 7 " colonial days it was the rival of Baltimore in commerce, but superior advantages «and other facilities at- tractive of trade soon advanced the metropolis of Maryland 230 ALEXANDRIA. beyond the successful rivalry of the quaint Virginia town on thylum, 205. St. Elizabeth's, 229. St. John's Hospital, 205. St. Joseph's Male Orphan Asylum, 205. St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asy- lum, 205. 250 INDEX. snr Stables, President's, 123. Staircases, Sen., E., 86, 87; W., 95. H., E., 100; \V., 106; Bronze, 90. State, Department of, 127; Archives, 128; Objects of Interest, 128; Secretaries, 130; History, 130. Secretaries of, 130 ; Photographs, 130. Stationery Room, Sen., 96. Statistics, District, 10; Vital, 10; In- dustry and Wealth, 10. Statuary— See name of subject. Statuary Hall, 96, 98. Steamers, ix. Store Rooms, 103, 106, 112. Storming of Ohepultepec, P., 95, 105. Street Cars, viii. Street Railways, 54. Streets, 24, 25, 30 ; renomenclature, 31. Sub-basement, Sen , 113; H., 114. Sumner School, 201. Supreme Court of the United States, 83, 84; Chamber, 84; Busts of Chief Justices, 84 ; Sessions of, 84 ; the Chamber when occupied by the Senate, 85 ; Chief Justices, 85 ; The Judiciary, 85 ; Robing Room, 85; Offices, 86; Confer- ence Room, no; Files, no. Surrender of Burgoyne, P., 77. Surrender of Cornwallis, P., 78. Telegraph, 54. Official, Sen., 86 ; H., 100. Press, Sen., 105; H., 106. Territorial Delegates, 112. Territories Com., 109, 112. Theatres, xiv. Thomas, S. and Circle, Tiber, 16, 32. Time, difference of, xx. Topography, District, 12. Washington, 15. Transportation Com., 105. Treasury Department, 131 ; Objects of Interest, 131, 132; Cash room, 131; Vaults, 132; Photographer's Office, 132; Coast Survey, 135; Portraits of Secretaries, 135 ; History, 135. Treaty of Peace, F., 109. Triangles, 37. Trumbull, Jonathan, S., 97, 98. Undercroft, The, 114. Universities — Georgetown, 213, 214; Columbian, 219, 220; Howard, 219, 221. Uniontown, 228. Vault, 114. Van Ness Mansion, 9, 210. 33, 39- Vault or Undercroft, 114. Vehicles for hire, xii. Vestibule, Sen., 89, no; Main Build- ing, 67,96, in ; H., 100, n2. Vice Presidents U. S., list of, 119. Vice President's room, 91. Views of Washington, 15. Wallach School, 201. War Claims Com., 113. War Department, 129, 136 ; Secre- tary's office, j 36 ; Headquarters of the Army, 136; Portraits of Generals, 136, 138 ; Paintings of life on frontiers, 136; Sketches of the War, 136; Mexican Sketches, 138; Library, 138; Flag room, 139; Signal Office, 139; the De- partment, 139. Secretaries of, gallery of, 137. S., 66. Washington, Defenses of, 233. Differences of time, xx. Distances from, xix. Fort, 231. Washington City a Virgin Capital, 1 ; Geographical location, 2 ; Selec- tion of site, 2 ; Distances, xix-, 4 ; Area, 4; Government, 4; Finan- ces, 4 ; Population, 4; Statistics, 10; Foreign Capitals, 4 ; Topog- raphy, 15; Plan of City, i.6 ; Ex- ecution of, 18 ; Origin of plan, 19 ; History of, 235. Washington, Geo., P., Peale's, 9] ; Vanderlyn, 98 ; Stuart, 99, 122. Washington, Geo., S., Greenough, 60, 61 ; Mills, 21, 39 ; Houdon's copy of, 99 ; early statue pro- posed, 18. Tomb of, 231. Martha, grave of, 231. Washington National Monument, 192. Washington, Views of, 3, 7, 17. Water supply, 46; Early schemes, 48; Aqueduct, 217; Experimen- tal surveys, 219. Wayland Seminary, 221, 222. Wavs and Means Com., 100. Webster, D., P., 128. West, Benj., P., 99. Westward Ho, 102. Wharves, 50. Georgetown, 214. White House — see Prest's House, 120 Williams, Roger, S., 97, 98. Winder's Building, 170, Winthrop, John, S., 97, 99. Young Men's Christian Ass'n, 199. Zoology, District, 13.