i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. tf'W- |opsrfsi>* p. f UNITED states' OF AMERICA, f BOGIA & ZIMMERMAN'S COUPE CROQUET BILLIARD AND MARBLE GAME, FOR FIELD AND PARLOR, Patented February 17, 1874. 36/Q,6H PHILADELPHIA:^ James E. Kryder, Printer, No. 32 South Seventh St. I ^7^ . ■GrV 10 /y Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by BOGIA & ZIMMERMAN, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The inventors in getting up the patent Cup Game of Croquet, endeavor to make it more interesting to players than tliat which is played through the wires, as it can be played in a smaller space by our improve- ment with cups. It can also be turned into other interesting games, such as Billiards, with mallet, or Marbles for boys, by the use of the cups. Hoping it will meet with your favor, we remain, Yours respectfully, BOGIA & ZIMMERMAN, ' Patentees. (3) COUPE CROQUET. CUP CROQUET GAME. Size of bed, six feet wide, eight feet long-. Diamond shaped as per diagram. King- ball, three feet below first cup as target. Base, five feet below king ball. COP CBOOOET GAME. Draw the lines, as in the diagram, on the grass, or other place best suited to the players. The diagram is diamond-shaped, drawn one inch to the foot, or as the size or diagram is marked on Plate No. 1. Cut out the circle with a knife, then place a cup in the ground and a board over the cup; press down with the foot so that the edge of the cup will be even with the surface of the ground, in order that the ball may readily run in. There are nine balls (one for each cup); they are known as the red, white, blue, and black ; the cups are numbered from one to nine ; each player is to have two balls, when four are playing, making in all eight ; the odd ball is called the king, and is to be placed as a target three feet below the first cup. If the king ball is deposited in any of the cups it counts double ; if the black balls are deposited by any of the players they are counted to the owner, (5) COUPE CROQUET. and the owner of the black ball has the right to take one of the balls out of the loAvest numbered cup ; if they should both be deposited by other players, any player can go for the cups or croquet other players' balls in cups to add to their account, or croquet other players away if to their advan- tage. If they should miss getting in cups or miss hitting any of the othqr players" balls they stop, and the next player goes on. You can only use one ball until it is deposited in the cup ; you then take the other, starting from the base ; no player can have two balls out of the cups to play w^ith unless they have been knocked out after having been deposited ; each player is to do the best he can to get other players' balls in the cups, as they count to their game, except the black balls — they are counted to the owner ; when the black balls are deposited except, by the owner, they are counted as a miss, then the next player goes on. Players can croquet a black ball away from the cups ; players keep on if they deposit or croquet ; if missing, either next player goes on. The full numbei; of COUPE CROQUET. cups count fifty-four ; with the king ball in num- ber nine counts double ; each player is to continue the game until all balls are deposited. If any players' balls are knocked out of the cups it gives the owner a chance to continue playing when their turn comes around to add to their account; the players who counts the highest number wins the game. No player can croquet the balls out of the cups ; if they should hit them and they come out it will count as a miss and the next player goes on, but should they accidentally knock a ball out of cups and deposit their own, if they have another ball they can continue on play- ing. Players hitting other players' balls can place their ball to croquet anywhere. Size of bed, six feet wide, eight feet long, dia- mond shaped, as per diagram. King ball three feet below first cup as target. Base, five feet below king ball. GAME KEPT ON SLATE. COUPE CROQUET. BILLIARD CUP GAME. Size of bed, six feet wide, eight feet long. Cups one foot apart in corners, as per diagram. BILUAHG GAME. In laying out the billiard game, place two cups in corner, one foot between each cup ; players to make the size of bed according to the ground they may have to play on, as per diagram as to shape. The numbers jjainted on cups are not to be used in this game. The game is to consist of fifty points, to be played as follows : Players are to choose who are to play first, second, and so on ; playere when commencing tho game, play their balls from lower to upper cups ; failing to deposit their ball or missing any of the following points, which add to their game, counts as a miss, then the next player takes his turn, and so oh continue. The points are as follows : In hitting other players' balls counts one. When g-etting their own ball in cups counts two. Getting other players' balls in cups counts three. (9) 10 COUPE CROQUET. Players in croqueting hits tAvo balls with one stroke, counts the player four. If in hitting three, counts five. Playere can croquet any where to make their points in the game, or deposit their own ball if to their advantage. Player cannot nurse the balls more than once, so that each player may have an equal chance. When players' balls are deposited in cups by other players, owner takes their ball out and waits his turn in the game, and when their turn comes around, they hit their ball near the cup they were deposited in, and so on continue the game. The game to be played with four balls, one to each player. Size of bed, six feet wide, eight feet long. Cups one foot apart in corners, as per diagram. GAME KEPT ON SLATE. COUPE CROQUET. 11 BOYS' MARBLE GAME. Size of bed, four feet wide, eight feet long. Laid out as per diagram. MARBLE GAME. Place the nine cups, as per diagram, two or three feet apart as the players wish; each player has one, shooting Avith five or ten marbles to hack him ; each player deposits one marble in the pool before commencing the game, first player commencing the game six or eight feet from first cup, shooting upwards; players in going through their cups keep on a straight line until getting to the centre cup, then play in a diagonal manner, then to their line again returning in the same way in coming back on the other line of cups ; if they should deposit, keep on to next, and so on ; if he should miss, next player goes on. Players have the right to shoot at other players' marbles ; if hitting, player received from one hit a marble. Player cannot hit the same marble until deposited in the next cup on their line. If players in shooting at other players' marbles should get their own marbles in any cup (12) COUPE CROQUET. 13 out of the line on which they are, it counts a miss, then the next player goes on. The cups count from one to nine. In shooting other players' marbles in cups, count as cups are numbered to their game, highest number of player takes the pool and is winner of the game. Size of bed, four feet wide, eight feet long. Laid out as per diagram. GAME KEPT ON SLATE. PARLOR CUPS. The Star Cups are made exclusively for the game to be played on the carpet, floor or where the cups cannot be sunk. With a little practice the balls and marbles can be very readily deposited in the cups. The cups are star-shaped, grooved out between the points so that the ball in striking between the points will run in. If players do not want to take the time to sink the cups in the ground, the star cups can be used. Their own weight keeps them in position. (14) CIRCULAR. Dealers will state in their orders the size and style of aips. Figures i, 2 and 3, on the following page, are open, close, and tube cups. The different sizes to suit the Croquet Balls now in use are three to three and a-half inches in diajneter. Cups for Marble Game one and one-half inches in diameter. If cups are left in the groicnd, we have caps which set in cups to keep the dirt out. Dealers can have any part of the croquet game seitt to their order, in large or small quantities, such as balls, mallets, cups, books, ^c. For Terms, Agencies, or State rights, ADDRESS, BOGIA & ZIMMERMAN, JBox 2656, Post Office, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 16 COUPE CROQUET. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 712 929 6 'immm.