/ /i ! 1 onGi n nzziveuLMmorQ oraoiTL Class Book Copyright }1^_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm cA Sheaf of l^scf Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/sheafofrosesOOgord caToj noses bu (s)uzabeth (joraon QjiiunratLoaf bu Jredcrick W. cA/iartla ^nd, cMcKgUy & Companu Copyriglit, igr^i, By Rand McNallv & Company C Ki'ca g o MAy 24 1915 ©CI,Aaf»8960 ifZklf bool\ Is dedicated \JiJ to all kindred fpLrits who love the bcaatilul inX^ture; and is apecialhj inscribed to mij locfai jricnds of the (Qacific coast j^i I I /?> GiLzabcm Qordon cA Sheaf of T^scj he rose u?af born of /over/ sl^hf, J Of [over/ tears and fobr, (LAnd deep within It/ mowlna heart -^ J ^ke heart of true love throbr; &ach rose that blooms an embiem Is Of love divine and true, oAnd I have made a sheaf of them "Jjo send, with love, to uou. C./13, una etter '.eanu/ippi Or fioufcf made bu hands; More predouf taaa trie plowlnp pemr Men reek In distant lands; (Breatliinp of loVe and purltu, of constant hearts and true; cA bunch of roses, Qods oWn Ptft, cAtt wet with lieaVeny dew. ^kitc Ckcrohcc ui anqd on her uoa. to heaven, j One perfumed, starlit _ niafit T^emcmbcred one s/ieo Lei behind, . cAnd pausina in her lQol\eo bacl\^to earth, and shed a tear c/or love left all forlorn, behold! ^ here fell that pearly drop (1^ pure white rose war born. Oeclt ^runcr ^wo men there Wero In olden daus ^ho loved each other well, Tdo each man was the fame fair maid Nearer than woros could tell. ^ One fussed her hand ana rode awau, qTCls heart With sorrow frauakt',, S^rouno that cottaae threshold ejreW 13he rose called cJriendli ^houcjhty Ouu Mad ©«/^ rriotficr keard the war aod call cX)cr wcU-loVcd firft-boray aarac. With Ups that fmllcd, but ticart that bled, S^hc kcard hir dream o) jamc, Q?hc pinned the colors on kls breart Sind watched him march awau; "TjIic rose tliec/ call 13/ie cMothcrs cPrac/cr" ^ ^loffomed that fateful dau. QjOhitc ^anluia nc ioumcijcd to a Jordan Land 13o teach the loVcj of Qod. 'Iphe thorns of Lmorancc and strife I ^cset the path he troa qTGls prauer for faith and strength went up VfO cHjim who hear/ all Woes; oAn answering sim to him Was sent — 13hc fwcct ^fhitc ^ankiia ^se. 'The of (Did Gantlc proud Gaft'diaa bcautu kft c76cr home in mnnu ^ Spain, . J cyind Went With, him wfio kdd kcr heart Si fairer home to gain. 13o ftranae new lands the aooo fkip sailed, J cAnd Where she touehed her hfel r 13hcre orcw, in to^cn of uouaa ■^ love, r J J ■' X3h£ T^se o (Did GasUle. SSi^^j^ ^;^^E! Sarrano Spaalfti maid Oj ki^k dcarcc JZlVca In hcr^ patio. Suitors fhe had, but none could touch 13hc maids pure heart oj snow. Where came a aatiant from the wars Who'd iDanquirhcd all hir foes; c}6e Won her heart, and from her btush Grew the Safrano ^Tlpsc. S^iak Gkerohcc tender, uearalna mother -foul %^hofe life had never hfiozOn T3he bleffinei of a babiji heart ^catlncj aaalaft her own, c)6und^ ro/y, fmlUncj, at her door J (£/! babe oj nnj/tenj', ISherc bloomed the rorc o] mother love, 'J3he rare efPtnh^ Gheroh^e, ^gl! ^'^^^^fi 'aca uerrilnot bou and aid, from infanoj ^lauinakf, qooo comradcf too, QJh.l/^3 liana in hanJ one funinicr dau a rare old garden tnrouok; Cyl incadoiD larh^ fuU-tliroatca Sana , (£HDLf loVc zona to tlic morn; ^lic crlnifon Jacaucmlnot arcW there, J cJor there neiO LoVe u)af born. oaii\^CLjcd Indian priiiccff QjPar lOooed, so Uqcndf fay, {)u a brave and aallant loidicr QjP/io loved and rode awaij; binder the sliadow or tlic liillf Gapped bu eternal moidf, S'lie fleepf, enwrapped and fheltcred by 'Islie Gold or (Dphir 'jRp/e. ^ti^l^^ dashsj babu came to fharc CL^ qupsuf ^ ^ caravan, . ^hc dark- cyco mother loVcd the child cAf onlu mothers can. S'hc Laid htm 'monast the ara/fCA u)here ^he south wind softiij blows; J^Vcs anacl sent to mark the spot ^hc tiacjoca T^Un ^/c. ^r^ aJtlUaracu bonnlc Irish lassie cyoLioiDcd her sweetheart true ^o dirtant shores, where homesick tears ^edimmed her cues of blue', ^hc {IttLe [People heard her plat at, cAnd pitijiiicj her Woes, ^hecj planted as a sweet surprise ^hc pinK cyiiUarneu Hose. cMarle ^an cKoutc e O / IP'^^ ^ cactus- covered kJI I jitu / Jj cTacinq the ocean \^V blue, cl fhtnina cross War raLred abjt 'Bij one whose heart was true; . '^he seeds of faith nc scattered where ^he western f unset abios, '^ook root and arcw, and biofsomcd in ^hc Crucifixion ^o/c. c/ifncrLcari ^eautu here arcat ambitionr swirl around Si tccmlna, to'd'uia mart, (f^ qrau - haired qardcacr worked and hoped, J^velr fair dream in hir heart; ^ ^he virion bright he cherirneo', till ODith Velvet leaver uneurled, qA perfect rare rewarded him — Iboer gift to ail the World. he raiaboio, on a mmmcr dau, C^lowina aaaitift the sku, 9jOaf flLLcd iDltk pltu ar it heard cA hapicff loVcrlr nqk; c4 shower of rumpathu it seat ^o conipar/ him around. 9x)hcrc fell those drops of kindli ^ balm ' J ^hc flainbow IXosc war huad. Rl^^ SiDcct ^rlcr ^ofe /^^ ^ome love tnc foot where V UUcf jUa^ (J) "^heir subtLu sweet V y perrume. Some love the laaauorour lotur, witk J Itf orlcntaL bLoom; Qut drlftijip downward tnroum the uears, cMu loual nnemoru poer "Uo where mu childhoodf treasure Uvef— Ijhe wild Sweet "Drier T^/e, ^?5S Si^ii,