P s JUPIbS WRITTEM BY XiILLIAN GARDNER l4iM5TRATeP BY 3>ICK 3ECARTI,EY. y Class ^ 3 f^p COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. ai PI DS d PERS I lA&JSTRATEO 8V OICK HARTLEY E.P. BUTTON AND CO., 681 Fifth Av^uxje^, 1*TEW TORK. Copyright, 1915 BY E. P.- BUTTON & COMPANY OCT 13 1915 Ubc Iknfcfeerbocfeer jpress, mew ^orfe ©CI.A411946 So No MOVELTY. MIS WIRELESS BUSIMESS, Cupid said. Is OLDER THAM THE HILLS, I LONG HAVE KMOWN THE SUBTLE ArT,— With its TenTHOusAiiDTHRiLLs; Why! Adam WOOED MI5 WIFE THAT WAY— 5eF0RE HE KMEW THE LETTER "Av Paid in Tull VCuPID, TiTIE VeMDOK, WENT PeDbUNG HEARTS-^ The price taat he asked was snftLi- JUSTGIVE me a pew LITTLE KISSES," HE SAID, And a pew little 8mile5 -taat is ail." ^ I PftID HIN HI5 PRICE FOR A OOLDEM HbART, SmCE THE PaRCHASIMG PRICE SEEMED SMALL, But WHEMlHftPCOUMTEP UPTHEC0ST-^4r IfOUHD I HAP BARTERED • MYALL COMSTAMT REPAIR. LEVER CuPIDJflE COBBLER, ^ WlTM COMSUMATE ART, IK Succeeded in patchimg / A TORN LITTLE HEART It way last for a seasow,' He said with a shrug. But I FEAR IT WILL CRACK At THE VERY FIRST HUG." On THE W IRE. " l^UZZLED," THE message: READ- 'Give he Paradi5E,''it said; ho ome seemed to kmow the place, SoCuPIP UMDERTOOKTHECASE. Hetelephomedhis AMSWER CLEAR- "ThIS 15 the way, NY LITTLE DeAR: To MEYER PROMISE TO OBEY;-- BuTLOVE.m rapture,— FOR aOAY AriouRi5nmcBu5inE5$ U5Y-CUPID, We Baker, tlADEXCELLEtlTTRADEj TnE riAlDEliS ALL PURCHASED T/iE Goodies HE MADE. riE BAKEPALL MIS COOKIES In ARROWS AMD DARTS, AMD HIS CAKES WERE ALL SHAPEP IriTO LITTIE-6WEET-HEARTS. Pity VERSUS lovE (y?\D, THE Newsboy, HAD soneifiiMG to 5Ba^=<7 ^* He called it aloud,and he called very well "Buy the news- all the latest, ABOUT A lost MEftRT! Much broken, am d pierced through And through v\/ith a PartI " ^ riY heart, in ohe throb.to that call made reply; I htemse was my pity, I cahnot pemy. I FRANTIC ALLY SEARCHED FOR THE "Valuable lost" And found it-: but ah I What the finding did cost. All'crushed beyond measure"-the HEARTitdip moan; And NOTHino coulp heal it,but blood from my own; All THE RAVAGES WROUGHT, I COULD ONLY REPAIR 5y MY Heart's FULL SURRENDER — I SOLEMNLY SWEAR. LOVE'S COURIER. CuPip THE Courier, SCORED a success . How HE WON ALLTHE lASSES, NOME EVERCOULO qUESS. At his BLISSFULL assurance TWEY never DEtlURRED; niS EXTRAVAGANT STATEMENT WAS"BlBLICAl. WORD'! He INSISTED THAT KISSIMG WAS "Heaven's own plam To BRING BACK THE Garpeh ofEpen to mam!' Them he promised to show them THE "Beautiful Way" Where Sweethearts might wamper " FOREVER AMD AYE ." AMD THt^ i} (5)nSTEllATIOIi5. ^ There's sontTHiNc "up" I M THE Stars, I KNOW, Or they WOULD NEVER TWINKLE SO I'll wacer I could Wake thew cjuake Before Old Sol WAS HALF awake If the RIGHT LADDER COULP BE FOUND^ lb REACH FROM Heaven to THE ground; This spy-class seems fPiP TOMETOPROVE That there are miluons there, IN LOVE. An Appeal tor Alms Po DOR LITTLE STARViNC LoVE, With mot acrumb for food; His white wimgs droop dejectedly In HIS UNHAPPY MOOD. a beggar at your gate, Soliciting your arms; Ah! hold them out to him; v/lth all their winsome chari .UPID THE Boatman, a Lifeboat did build, AmD MiriDED IT MOTJHAT WITH WATER IT FILLED,] One oar -IT was brokenjhe other wa^ iost,« Yet he sat im the bow, and sweet kisses he to; He drifted along to the banks ofthe stream- (THAT he plotted 50ME MISCHIEF. WAS MO IDLE DREAI"^ 5ooM-A sweet uttle Maid, WITH the best of intent, ?^ Stepped into his Lifeboat and-over it went. 2 i^AY^t A HALTER— TO t.€«o THE Timid Bargains. C upiD THE Sadler, WA-^ STITCH INC AWAY On a bridle of leather. The other day; Outside his door This message ran, Im sight of every SINGLE nan: InAKtA riATRIMONIAL HALTERAo^ To LEAD THE TiniO TO THE ALTAR." # 1^ 9 riG Day Off. UCH in MEED OF RECREATION, "Cupid plammed a days vacatiom; ICAMMOT UNGER LONG? HE SAID, There's so much work for me ahead; If people kmow I an away. The mischief sure,will be to pay." Just then two lovers passed his way- He SIGHED " I'LL CO SOME OTHER DAY." A new Worry. \ iR Cupid had captured a Flyinc-machine,i Amd up im the air he was comstamtw seem LoOKlMG RIGHT— , LOOKING LEFT With a spy-gla<;s in hand, DlSCERMING THE HeAVEHS^AMD SEARCHINC THE UHD;' These hovel devices are causimc me trouble; ^EOPLE are plotting TO MAKE MY VS/ORK DOUBLE; If I am successful in foilimg their plam— , III promise a Sweet-Heart to Everyman!" Cupid THE Umwre- In a little white cot, all daimtilv dressed. Lay The Boy, but his secret nome evem had cuessed AlLTHE nurses adored HIM.WHO cared fORHISCASE- ■ His curls and his winsome wee cherubic face. He talked about arrows and bows,in his sleep. And raved about hearts that he wanted to keer When questioned how he imto trouble was led--- "Umpirinc a Love Qame -he lauchimcly said. On Duty. * ^ft aidCupid.-the Watchmam, J Prepared fora Hicht-- ■% ^'When the Rogues are abroad i must keep them in sight ! ^ It is gay Halloweem , \ AmD THE WITCHES ARE OUT There IS TROUBLE a-brewing, Beyond amy doubt!" In Disguise. I HE WICKED LITTLE LoVE-GoD," A FISHING TRIP HE TOOK . He: carried just a daimty rod Ampcruei little hook . His bait— ATEMDER litueHeart, UlSMIMDOM MISCHIEF BENT, He acted well a patient part, Whichever way he went. He CAST his clever little line Where waters lave and swathe, He CAUGHT- THIS RECKLESS HEARTOFMINE. When I dashed down to bathe, m. Dismissed C UPID,CLAD IM CAP AND GOWMr Strolled THE campus up and down. TWAS THERE HE MET HIS WATERLOO, III FAIR CO-ED WITH INSICHTTRUE I Ih' ,'i II The nAiPEM coldly passed him by, When Cupid HEAVED A TENDER sich; Her voice with scorn, mot pity.rincs: "Qo HIDE THOSE FOOLISH LITTLE- WINGS." >. Great Amticipatioms. Queer Cupid. DISGUISED AS ^ A Gardener Cay, ^\/as tilling the soil, IN A WONDERFUL way. " III plant only Tu-lips," He. said with a grin, "There'll be a sweet time., at the gathering in." r ^^ V/7 1 THiHuNTiricSE/vsori, OUMG CUPIP, THE SPORTStlAMr Was weary FORSpRinc Whem ThE Hearts are ail frozen ICAh'T DO ATHIMG Better sit by the fire-side ToPiSTinC NYSHIliS, 7lLL THE FOURTEEHTH OF FEB., THEnjHESnOOTIMGBEGms!! Y C^UPIDTHE I Love lep me. through his garpem, b BLmDFOLDEDTOTHEEMD: ♦ Them OPEMED wide THECftTEWAY ^ Amp SMI lep -It was mv Friehd ! Iclose:p anp lockep the lattice, Amd tossed away the key: "Let ne wander om.through roses, O Be5t-Belovep, with thee! " lovE Utters. AmTVALEMTIME APPOINTS A DAY, WhEN.ONCE AYEAR,LOVE HAS IT'sWAY. DamCupid is his trusted Aid.—- Our UncletSam is mot afraid To PUT HIS MAIL-BAG ItiGOOD HANDSr Poor Bachelor! He understands. A«D sympathises with their PLANS. ^ ASTROMOMICAL ^ OBSERVATIOnS^ o! flANINTHE:N00M,SAILmG OUT FROM YOUR HIGHLAND, Stealing a march on the mriocENT Stars, Show us the way, that a 'Mortal! nay join you In taking a peep at the Naidem in MAR5. To The Death. RAVE Cupid wemt A-Humihc-, He took his arrows keen: KId^HIDTHEM 50 COnPLETELY That THEY were hever seen. He humted on right merrily. With many a woundi ng dart, But found his perfect conque-^t In mybleedinc.brokenHeariI foi LED Again. yST BEFORtTHE HOUDAY Cupid pranks BEGAN TO play; He TELEGRAPHED c^,\ toOldSt.Mick, ^\^NDC0THISAM5WBR ^'^'"UBLE QUICK;-: "Mo Sir! I'll not Connive with yo liOR HELP to put ^ (/^ Your mischief through; Ny part is to delight a Heart, Mot pierce it with a fiery dart :^1^ CjbviPi> lANDIMG £fyou wander down the Happiness-Path, That leads to the Isle of Buss, VOU KMOW FULLWELL,THAT THE aftermath. Is the price you must pay for this; For mo one stays iri that Happy- Isle-— Amo mamy HAVE hurried away. While thousands travel mile on mile— To DWELL THERE,— "just FOR A DAY So MANY HAVE MISSED THE PATHWAY, And --NEVER HAVE FOUND THE BUSS, Yet THOSE who know the Way say- It IS HIDDEN m A Kiss.. /^ On Trial . [he JUPGE LOOKED DOWN WITH 50LEMM FROWM; The Little Lad— looked up, his CURLS ALL TOSSED, His white wimgscrossep. He HELD A LOVlNG-CUR " You're ch^rgep with MAKIMG PEOPLE"nAD" With drinkimg of your wime:" The Culprit calmly raised the cup- "Just sip,"your HorioRVTis DIVINE." HELD UP. h! here COMET»W0BA5HFULOHES,OUTF0RARIDf. (A LAO THAT'S TOO STUPID- I CAHMOT ABIDE--) < I'LL JUST GIVE THE PAIR A SUCCESTIOM pRT\A/0,' And THEN WE 5HALLSEE WHATTHESILLlEi WIILOO He AI MED VERY SURE, AMD THE ARROW TOOK FLICHT; The MAIP GAVE A SHRIEK-AMD THE BOY^ACTED RIG HT. While the two mever noticed the way that he went, Cupid left them-em6racinq The chance that he. sent. Hearts Ammeaied. People, PAUSING ON THEIR WAY-', Stood AMAZED on Mew Years Pay; Cupid, WITH his amvil rimgimc, lORCmCJ FIRM AMD SWEETLY SIMCINC: II Hearts, if hard this'IIappy 5easoii;' Should be hammered imto REA50I1." ^URJIEMDERED, J) AN Cupid decipep TO War he would go. Hesharpenep his arrows And tightemed his bow.— In /^'FULL UNIFORM* He enlisted'for life-" And proudly paraded, lb DRUM and to fife; He was woumded, at length, by his own cruel Dart/ lOR A PRETTY NURSE CAPTUREP His TENDER young Heart... HlsCui>IDITYfOILED. jtwas well befittimc his rnal state, When Cupid stood outside the Gate Amd becced at last to betakem in - He should find no pardon for HIS SIM. 5t. Peter eyed the Culprit o'er-- Theh FIRMLY closed the Golden Door- " We make the watches here you khow, Take back your arrows and YOUR BOW." Te^^TEmPTIMG OMPLETELY EXHAUSTED AND MINUS ni5 STREMCTn, Cupid of wickedme^^ WEftRiEP at lemct/^. ITe meekly adopted the highest church-creed,! And A LIFE Of EXAMPLE EMDEAVOURED TO LEAD. He TALKED OF REPEMTANCE - WHEREVER HE WENT, Thehaidens ALL LISTEN ED.- cm Piety bent,. But alas!-he backslip, and in Hades did land, For ONE little haid kissed the TEACHER5 RIGHT-HAND. '^immam wm iiiiligf 015 89o ^^'