mmm^m i BITS OF PASTURE; OR, Handfuls of Grass for the Lord's Hungry Sheep, BEING SELECTIONS FROM SERMONS y OF J. R. MILLER, Author of "Week-Day Religion," "Practical Religion," "Home-Making," etc., etc. CULLED AND ARRANGED BY MARY A. BUTLER. " He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." *3 PHILADELPHIA : PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION AND SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK, No. 1334 CHESTNUT STREET. 3^ COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY THE TRUSTEES OP THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION AND SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK. ALL EIGHTS RESERVED. The Library op Congress WASHINGTON Westcott & Thomson, Stereotypers and Electrolypers, Philada. TO THE MEMBERS OF DR. MILLER'S BIBLE-CLASS, AND TO THE LARGER CLASS WHICH HE TEACHES IN THE PAGES THE WESTMINSTEE TEACHER, THIS LITTLE BOOK is AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE COMPILER. PREFACE, While fulfilling the promise, " I will feed my flock," the Shepherd may not lead us by waters of rest and quietness all the way. But always, accord- ing to our need, there are bits of pasture, and cheered and strengthened by these earnests of "green pas- tures" and "still waters," we follow on. These thoughts were gathered from manuscript ser- mons read during several shut-in years. Because stim- ulus and counsel, comfort and sunshine, have been found in these handfuls, with the earnest hope that they may go on, each day blessing and helping others to bless, they are tied together " in His name." M. A. B. 5 BITS OF PASTURE. Sanuarg !♦ "the lord will provide." YMRITT& deep in your heart this New Year's Day this word of sublime confidence, Jehovah-jireh. It tells you that you can trust God always, that no promise of his ever fails, that he doeth all things well, that out of all seeming loss and destruction of human hopes he brings blessing. You have not passed this way heretofore. There will be sorrows and joys, failures and successes, this year, just as there were last year. You cannot forecast individual experiences. You cannot see a step before your feet. Yet Jeho- vah-jireh calls you to enter the new year with calm trust. It bids you put away all anxieties and fore- bodings — " The Lord will provide." 7 Sanuarg X. CHRIST OUR BIOGRAPHER. "IXTE need not trouble to keep diaries of our good deeds or sacrifices, or to write autobiographies with pages of record for the things we have done. We may safely let our life write its own record, or let Christ be our biographer. He will never forget any- thing we do, and the judgment day will reveal every- thing. The lowliest services and the obscurest deeds will then be manifested. January 2* TRUE LIVING. T IFE means far more than many of us ever dream of. It is not merely passing through the world with a fair measure of comforts, with enough bread for our hunger, with enough raiment to keep us warm. Life means growth into the image of Christ himself, into strength, into well-rounded character, into disciplined manhood and womanhood, into the blessed peace of God. But the peace into which he guides us is vic- tory over all the trials, a quietness and confidence which no external circumstances can break. Sanuarg 3. THE BIBLE IN CHARACTER-BUILDING. PHAEACTER never can be strong, noble and beau- fill, nor can conduct be worthy of intelligent be- ings bearing God's image, if Scripture truth be not wrought into the very soul by personal search and pondering. Let us not stay for ever in the primer of religious knowledge, amid the easy things that we learned at our mother's knee. There are glorious things beyond these: let us go on to learn them. The word of Christ can get into your heart to dwell in you and transform you only through intelligent thought and pondering. Samtarg 4* FINDING OUR MISSION. TXTE need never be anxious about our mission. We need never perplex ourselves in the least in try- ing to know what God wants us to do, what place he wants us to fill. Our whole duty is to do well the work of the present hour. There are some people who waste entire years wondering what God would have them do, and expecting to have their life-work pointed out to them. But that is not the divine way. 9 Sanuarg 4* If you want to know God's plan for you, do God's will each day ; that is God's plan for you to-day. If he has a wider sphere, a larger place for you, he will bring you to it at the right time, and then that will be God's plan for you and your mission. " Our lives we cut on a curious plan, Shaping them, as it were, for man ; But God, with better art than we, Shapes them for eternity." Satutarg 5* PRAYER IN BUSY DAYS. TT is in prayer that God shows his face to his chil- dren, that they have visions of his beauty and glory, that the sweet things of his love come down as gifts into their hearts, and that they are trans- formed into his likeness. If you would be blessed, get many seasons of prayer into your busy, harassed, tempted, struggling life. It is in these quiet moments that you really grow. Somewhere in every vexed, fe- verish day get a little " silent time " for prayer. It will bring heaven down into your heart and make you strong for service. 10 Samtarg 6* THE SYMPATHY OF CHRIST. jTNLESS words mean nothing, unless the Scriptures cheat us with poetical images and illusions, Christ feels our every grief and every struggle, and sympa- thizes with us in each one. Kemember how his heart responded when he was on earth to all human need. Sorrow stirred his compassion. Every cry of distress went to the depths of his soul. That heart is still the same. When angels are thronging about him, and a poor weary sufferer in some lowly home on earth or a stricken penitent crouching in some darkness reaches out a trembling finger-tip of faith and touches the hem of his garment, he turns about with loving look and asks, "Who touched me?" Sanuarg 7* YES AND NO. HTHERE is tremendous power in the little monosyl- lable " No " when it is spoken resolutely and cour- ageously. It has often been like a giant rock by the sea as it has encountered and hurled back the mighty waves of temptation. It is a majestic power, the 11 Samtarg 7* power to say "No" to everything that is not right. But it is just as important to learn to say "Yes." There come to us offers and solicitations we must not reject, and opportunities we must not thrust away. Life is not all resistance and defence. Whatever is wrong we must meet with a firm, strong, uncompro- mising "No;" but whatever is right we should wel- come into our life with a hearty, cheerful "Yes." Sattuarg 8* THE DISCIPLINE OP DRUDGERY. THHERE is nothing like life's drudgery to make men and women of us. You chafe under it. You sigh for leisure, to be freed from bondage to hours, to duties, to tasks, to appointments, to rules, to the treadmill round. Yet this is God's school for you. It may be a cross. Yes ; but all true blessing comes to us hid- den under the ruggedness and the heaviness of a cross. We do not grow most in the easiest life. Accept your treadmill round, your plodding, your dull task-work, and do all well — do always your best — and you will grow into strong, noble character. 12 Sanuarg 9* god's giving. POD does not dole out help by little grains. He pours out blessings until there is no more room to receive. He gives until our emptiness is altogether filled. He is never done giving when you cease re- ceiving — he could give far more. Nothing limits the supplies we get from God save our capacity to take. He would give infinitely if we had room to receive in- finitely, and the only reason we are not supplied in this glorious way, according to God's riches, is because we will not take all that God would give. The only thing that stands in the way of our being blessed to the full is the smallness of our faith. January 10. OUR CLUMSY HANDS. jWTOST of us are awkward in doing even our most loving deeds. We must learn to be patient, therefore, with people's awkwardness and clumsiness. Their hearts may be gentler than their hands. Do not misinterpret their actions, finding enmity where 13 Samtarg 10* purest love is, indifference where affection is warmest, slights where honor was meant. Away with your petty suspicions! Be patient even with people's faults. Let us train ourselves to find the best we can in every act of others, to believe the best always of people and their actions, and to find some beauty in everything. Sanuarg U* god's better answer. POD many times answers our prayers not by bring- ing down his will to ours, but by lifting us up to himself. We grow strong, so as to need no longer to cry for relief. We can bear the heavy load without asking to have it lightened. We can keep the sorrow now and endure it. We can go on in quiet peace without the new blessing which we thought so neces- sary. We have not been saved from the battle we shrank so from entering, but we have fought it through and have gained the victory. Is not victoriousness in conflict better than being freed from the conflict ? Is not peace in the midst of the storm and the strife bet- ter than to be lifted altogether over the strife ? 14 Sanuarg 12. TOUCHING OTHERS. HPHEKE are some good people who seem to want to be your friends and to do you good, but they stay at a distance, and never come near you. Then there are others who draw close to you, and look into your eyes and touch you with their hands. You know the difference between these two ways of helping. The former persons give you only cold help, with no part of themselves, no tender sympathy ; the latter may give you really less of material help, but they pour a por- tion of their own warm life into your soul. Christ never withheld his touch ; he always gave part of him- self. We should be the touch of Christ to others. His love should tingle in our very fingers when they touch others. Sanuarg 13. FIDELITY TO DUTY. HTOO often we want to know how duty is going to come out before we are ready to accept it and do it. But that is wrong, for we have nothing whatever to do with the cost or with the outcome of duty ; we have to know only that it is duty, and then go right 15 Samtarjj 13. on and do it. The true way to live is to bring to each duty that comes to our hand our wisest thought and our best skill, doing what appears to us at the time to be the right thing to do, and then leaving it, never re- gretting nor fretting about results. God has promised to guide us, and if we are living in true relations to him we may expect guidance moment by moment as we go on. Sanuarg 14* HAVING — GIVING. TT is not having that makes men great. A man may have the largest abundance of God's gifts, — of money, of mental acquirements, of power, of heart- possessions and qualities; yet if he only holds and hoards what he has for himself, he is not great. Men are great only in the measure in which they use what they have to bless others. We are God's stewards, and the gifts that come to us are his, not ours, and are to be used for him as he would use them. When we come to Christ's feet in consecration, we lay all we have be- fore him. He accepts our gifts, and then, putting them back into our hands, he says, " Go now and use them in my name among the people." 16 Samtarg 15* AN EYE FOR MOTES. TXTE ought not to expend all our keen-sightedness in discovering our neighbor's little faults. By some strange perverseness in human nature we have far keener eyes for flaws and blemishes in others than for the lovely things that are in them. Not many of us go about talking to every one we meet about our neighbor's good points and praising the lovely things in him. Not a few of us, however, can tell of an in- definite number of faults in many of our neighbors. Would it not be well to change this, and begin gossip- ing about the good and beautiful things in others ? Sanuarg 16* SILENCE THAT IS NOT GOLDEN. TS any miserliness so mean as that which holds loving and gentle words in the heart unspoken when dear lives are starving close beside us which our words would save and feed? Use your gift of speech to give comfort, joy, cheer and hope to all about you. Use it to encourage the weary and disheartened, to warn those who are treading in paths of danger, to inspire the lethargic and indolent with high and holy motives, to kindle the fires of heavenly aspiration on cold heart-altars. 2 17 Sanuarg 17* CHRIST IN US. XX/'E should not be satisfied with any small measures of attainment. If Christ dwells in each Chris- tian, we should all be new incarnations. Christ him- self was the incarnation of God. He said, " He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. ,, If we are Chris- tians, we are new incarnations of Christ. We should be able to say to men: "Look at me, and see what Christ is like." The beauties of Christ should be seen in us. This will become true just in the measure in which the Christ in us is allowed to rule us and trans- form our lives. It should be our aim and prayer that the divine abiding in us may be without hindrance, and that no part of our life shall remain unfilled. Sanuarg \&. PRACTICAL KINDNESS. IT INDNESS must be practical, not merely emotional and sentimental. It should not be satisfied with good wishes, sympathetic words, or even with prayers ; it should put itself into some form that will do good. There are times when even prayer is a mockery. It is sometimes our duty to answer our own requests, to be 18 Samtarg \$. ourselves the messengers we ask God to send to help others. We are God's angels when we find ourselves in the presence of human needs and sorrows which we can supply or comfort. Expressions of pity or sym- pathy are mockeries when we try to do nothing to re- lieve the distress. Sanuarg 19. BEING — DOING. TPHERE is a silent personal influence, like a shadow, that goes out from every one, and this influence is always leaving results and impressions wherever it touches. You cannot live a day and not touch some other life. Wherever you go your shadow falls on others, and they are either better or worse for your presence. Our influence depends upon what we are more than upon what we do. It is by living a beau- tiful life that we bless the world. I do not under- estimate holy activities. Good deeds must charac- terize every true life. Our hands must do mighty works. But if the life itself is noble, beautiful, holy, Christ-like, one that is itself a benediction, an inspi- ration, the worth of the influence is many times multiplied. 19 Samtarg 20. PREACHING BY SHINING. 'THERE is not a Christian who cannot preach ser- mons every day, at home and among neighbors and friends, by the beauty of holiness in his own com- mon life. Wherever a true Christian goes his life ought to be an inspiration. Our silent influence ought to touch other lives with blessing. People ought to feel stronger, happier, more earnest after meeting us. Our very faces ought to shed light, shining like holy lamps into sad and weary hearts. Our lives ought to be benedictions to human sorrow and need all about us. Sanuarg 2\. TOO LATE AFTER-THOUGHTS. 'THERE is a time for the doing of the duties which are assigned to us. If we will do them in their own time, there will be a blessing in them. If, however, we do not perform them at the right moment, we need scarcely trouble ourselves to do them at all. The time to show interest and affection to any sufferer is while the suf- fering is being endured, not next day, when it is all over, when the person is well again or — dead. Oh, 20 Sanuarg 21* there are so many of us whose best and truest thoughts are always after-thoughts, too late to be of any use ! We see when all is over what noble things we might have done if we had only thought. Sanuarg 22. SERVING IN LOVE. ^UlTOKK in Christ's vineyard, gifts to missions, char- ities dispensed to the poor, money given to good causes, ministries among the sick and the needy, — these things please Christ only when there is in them all love for him, when they are done truly for him, in his name. We need to look honestly into our hearts while we crowd our days with Christian activity, to know what the spirit is which prompts it all. " Lovest thou me f" is the Master's question as each piece of service is ren- dered, as each piece of work is done. There is no other true motive. January 23. THE HIDING AWAY OF SELF. 1V[0 grace shines more brightly in a Christian than humility. Wherever self comes in it mars the beauty of the work we are doing. Seek to do your 21 Samtarg 23* work noiselessly. Do not try to draw attention to yourself, to make men know that you did this beauti- ful thing. Be content to pour your rich life into other wasted, weary lives, and see them blessed and made more beautiful, and then hide away and let Christ have the honor. Work for God's eye, and even then do not think much about reward. Seek to be a bless- ing, and never think of self-advancement. Do not worry about credit for your work or about monu- ments: be content to do good in Christ's name. Sanuarg 24* 1 UU r E pray earnestly, pressing our very heart into the heavens, but it is for the doing of our own will that we ask, not for the doing of God's will. Is it the true child-spirit for us to insist on having our way with God, to press our will without regard to his ? Are we not God's children? Is it not ours to learn obedience and submission in all things to him? No prayer is acceptable to God which, after all its intensity and importunity, is not still referred to God and left to his superior wisdom. Who but he knows what is best for us? 22 Sanuarg 25* SPIRITUAL GREATNESS, C PIEITUAL greatness — sanctified character, beauty of soul, the likeness of God upon the life, heart- qualities — shall endure for ever. Into this true spirit- ual greatness God wants to train every one of us. Many Christians grow sadly disheartened because they seem never to become any better. Year after year the struggle goes on with the old tempers and ugly dispositions, the old selfishness, pride and hate- fulness, and they appear never to be growing victori- ous. Yet Christ is a most patient teacher. He never wearies of our slowness and dullness as scholars. He will teach the same lesson over and over until we have learned it. If we only persevere, he will never tire of us, and his gentleness will make us great. Sanuarg 26. PATIENT LOVE. "AS I have loved you " means love that is sweet, fragrant and gentle to men who have many rude- nesses and meannesses, who are selfish and faulty, with sharp corners and but partially sanctified lives and very vexing ways. If all Christian people were an- gelic, and you were too, it would not be har^ to love 23 Sattuarg 26. all ; but as many other people are not yet angelic, you will still have need of patience, even if you are an- gelic yourself; which probably you are not. Sanuarg 27. CONTROL OF TEMPER. 'THE worst-tempered people may be made gentle and loving in all speech, act and disposition by the re- newing and transforming power of divine grace. God can take the jangled keys and put them in tune if we will but put them into his hand. But we must strive ourselves to be sweet-tempered. We must watch the rising anger and quickly choke it back. We must keep down the ugly dispositions. We must learn to control ourselves, our tempers, our feelings, our passions, our tongues. We must seek to develop the gentle things and crowd out the nettles. The discipline is not easy, but the lesson can be mastered. Sattuarg 28. "as we forgive." TN the model prayer which Christ gave to his disci- ples he linked together the divine and the human 24 Sanuarg 28* forgiveness. While we pray to God to forgive our countless and enormous sins, we are taught to extend to others who harm us in little ways the same forgive- ness which we ask for ourselves. Let us keep no bit- terness in our hearts for a moment. Let us put away all grudges and all ill feelings. Let us remember the good things others do to us and forget the evil things. Then we can pray sincerely, " Forgive us as we for- give. 5 ' If we cannot do this, I do not know how we are going to pray at all for forgiveness. Sattuarg 29* THE TEST OP LOVE. nrHEKE is a great difference between love for people you never saw and never shall see and those with whom you mingle in close relations. There are some persons whose souls glow with compassionate affection for the Chinese, the Hindus, the Japanese, who yet ut- terly fail in loving their nearest neighbors, those w 7 ho jostle against them every day in business, in pew, in church-aisle, in society. The test of Christian love is that it does not fail even when brought into closest contact, into the severest frictions, of actual living. 25 Sanuarg 30. WINNING SOULS. AA^E must love those we seek to save, but we must love Christ more ; we must love them because we love Christ, because he loves them, because he gave himself for them. We must strive to win souls not for ourselves, but for Christ. It is not enough to get people to love us ; we must get them to love our Sav- iour, to trust in him and to commit their lives to him. We must hide ourselves away out of sight. He who is thinking of his own honor as he engages in any Christian service is not a vessel ready to be used by Christ. We need to take care that no shadows of ourselves, of our pride, our ambition, our self-seeking, fall upon our work for Christ. Sattuarg 31* BLESSINGS OF TRIBULATION. YU'HEN you have passed through a season of suffer- ing and stand beyond it, there ought to be a new light in your eye, a new glow in your face, a new gen- tleness in your touch, a new sweetness in your voice, a new hope in your heart and a new consecration in your Sanuarg 31* life. You ought not to stay in the shadows of the sorrow, but .to come again out of them, radiant with the light of victory and peace, into the place of service and duty. The comfort that God gives puts deep new joy into the heart and anoints the mourner or the sufferer with a new baptism of love and power. jft&ruars X. CONTENTMENT, NOT SATISFACTION. AX^E must distinguish between contentment and sat- isfaction. We are to strive to be content in any state; we are never to be satisfied in this world, whether our circumstances are prosperous or adverse. Satisfaction can come only when we awake in Christ's likeness in the world of eternal blessedness. We are not to seek contentment by restraining or crushing the infinite cravings and longings of our souls. Yet we are meant as Christians to live amid all circumstances in quiet calmness and unbroken peace, in sweet rest- fulness of soul, wholly independent of the strifes and storms about us, and undisturbed by them. Content in whatever state, yet never satisfied ; that is the ideal life for every Christian. 27 jFebruarg 2* SERVING CHRIST AT HOME. 1WTANY people think that work for Christ must be something outside, something great or public. They imagine that to minister to Christ they must teach a Sunday-school class or join a missionary society or go out to visit sick people or go into hos- pitals or prisons on missions of mercy. These are all beautiful and important ministries, and Christ wants some of you to do just these things too ; but the very first place you are to serve him is in your own home. Let the blessed light of your life first be shed abroad in that most sacred of all spots. Brightening that lit- tle place, you will be the more ready to be a blessing outside. Those who are the best Christians at home are the best everywhere else. jFebruarjj 3. KEEPING OUR PROMISES. lUTANY people promise anything you ask of them, but make a small matter of keeping their promises. They enter into engagements with you to do this or that, to meet you or call on you at a certain time or to do some favor for you, and utterly fail to fulfill their en- gagements. This is a very serious matter, this lack of fidelity to promises and engagements. Surely we 28 jFefcruarg 3* ought to keep sedulous watch over ourselves in this regard. We ought to be faithful to the promises we make, cost what it may. It is a noble thing when we find one whose promises we are as sure of as of the ris- ing of the sun ; whose simplest word is as good as his oath ; who does just what he says he will do at the moment he says he will do it. That is the kind of faithfulness God wants. jjtbruarsi 4* LOVE AS WELL AS SERVICE. AX/E may carry too far our idea that all our service of Christ, our acts of love for him, must be also in some way acts of practical beneficence and help to our fellow-men. We may not call all deeds and gifts wasted which do not feed the hungry or clothe the naked. In secret we may pour our broken heart's love upon Christ, bathing his feet with penitential tears, even though we do nothing in these acts for any human life. In our worship we may adore him and love him, though we comfort no sad heart and help no weary one. Nothing is so grateful to the heart of Christ as love, and surely we ought sometimes just to love Christ, forgetting every other being in the ecstasy of our heart's adoring. 29 jjtbruarg 5* god's plan for our lives. POD does not merely make souls and send them into this world to take bodies and grow up amid crowds of other souls with bodies, to take their chances and make what they can of their destinies. He plans spe- cifically for each life. He deals with us as individuals. He knows us by name, and loves us each one with a love as distinct and personal as if each was the only child he had on this earth. He has a definite plan for each life. It is always a beautiful plan too, for he never designs marring and ruin for a life. He never made a human soul for the express purpose of being lost. God's design for each life is that it shall reach a holy character, do a good work in the world, fill a worthy place, however humble, and fill it well, so as to honor God and bless the world. jjt&ruarg 6* THE HABIT OP SYMPATHY. HTHE gentle ministries of love which you take time to perform as you hurry from task to task in your busy days will give you the sweetest joy as you remem- ber them in the after days. What these ministries 30 are to those who receive them you never can know till your own heart is sad and lonely and one comes to you in turn with the true comfort of love. Train yourself to the habit of sympathy. Be ready any hour to speak the full rich word of love which shall light- en the burden of the one you meet. Everywhere are hearts that need and hunger for what you have to give, and God has given love to you for the very purpose of blessing those whom he sends to you day by day. jFe&ruarg 7* USE YOUR ONE TALENT. TSE your one talent for God's glory, and he will give you more to use. Do the little duties faith- fully, and you will grow in skill and ability and be able for greater. No duties are small or unimportant. There are many who grow discouraged because they are kept all their life at little tasks. Men praise grand and heroic deeds, and little notice is taken of the com- mon heroisms of daily duty. But you remember what one said : that if God sent two angels to earth, one to rule an empire and the other to clean a street, they would each regard their employment as equally distin- guished. True faithfulness regards nothing as small or unimportant. 31 jftftruarg 8* THE COST OP BEING GOOD. AATE can never bless the world by merely having a good time in it. We must suffer, give and sac- rifice if we would do good to others. It costs even to be good. Some of us know what self-repression, what self-restraint, what self-crucifixion and what long, severe discipline lie back of calmness, peacefulness, sweetness of disposition, good temper, kindly feelings and habit- ual thoughtfulness. Most of us have lived long enough to know that these qualities do not come naturally. We have to learn to be good-tempered, thoughtful, gentle, even to be courteous, and the learning is always hard. Indeed, we attain nothing good or beautiful in spiritual life without cost. jFe&ruarg 9. "AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." "T OVE one another as I have loved you." How did Christ love his disciples ? How did he manifest his love to them ? Was it not, among other ways, in wondrous patience with them, with their faults, their ignorance, their unfaithfulness? Was it not in con- siderate kindness, in ever-watchful thoughtfulness, in compassionate gentleness ? Was it not in ministering 32 jFefrruarg 9. to them in all possible ways ? What is it, then, to love one another as he loves us ? Is it not to take his ex- ample for our pattern ? But how slowly we learn it ! How hard it is to be gentle, patient, kindly, thought- ful, even perfectly true and just, one to another ! Still, there the lesson stands and waits for us, and we must never falter in learning it. jjt&ruarg 10. SOUL-HUNGER. A RELIGION that is satisfied with any ordinary at- tainments — indeed, that is ever satisfied at all — is not a living religion. The Master's benediction is upon those that hunger and thirst after righteousness. It is the longing soul that grows. There are better things before you than you have yet attained. Strive to reach them. It is not easy to rise Christward, heaven- ward, to advance in the Christian life, to grow better. It is hard, costly, painful. Many people are discour- aged because they do not appear to themselves to be any better, to be any more like Christ, to-day than they were yesterday. But even true longing is growth. It is the soul's reaching godward. " The thing we long for, that we are For one transcendent moment." 3 33 JFebrttarg XI* GOD AND NATURE. ^XTE talk about laws of nature, and we say they are fixed and unchanging. Yes ; but God is back of the laws of nature. They are merely his ways of working. They do not work and grind like a great heartless machine ; there is a heart of love, a Father's heart, at the centre of all this vast mechanism which we call nature. All things work together for good to every one who loves God. You are the centre of the universe in a sense that is wondrously true. All things revolve about you ; all things minister to your good. If only you keep your trust fixed upon God and are obedient and submissive, even nature's tre- mendous energies will never harm your true life. jfe&ruarg X2* THE SPLENDOR OF COMMON DUTY. |7 VERY common walk of life is glorious with God's presence, if we could but see the glory. We are always under commission from Christ. We have, sealed orders from him every morning which are opened as the day's events come. Every opportu- nity for duty or for heroism is a divine call. Be loyal to duty, no matter where you may hear its call nor to 34 jjt&ruarjr 12 ♦ what service it may bid you. Duty is duty, however humble it may be, and duty is always noble, because it is what God himself allots. The work which the day brings to us is always his will, and the sweetest thing in all this world to a loving, loyal heart always is God's will. The service of angels in heaven's bright- ness is no more radiant than the faithful duty-doing of the lowliest saint on earth. jfc&ruaru 13* THE LOSING THAT IS SAVING. HE way to make nothing of our life is to be very T careful of it, to hold it back from perilous duty, from costly service, to save it from the waste of self- denial and sacrifice. The way to make our life an eternal success is to do with it what Jesus did with his — present it a living sacrifice to God, to be used wholly for him. Men said he threw his life away, and so it certainly seemed up to the morning of his resurrection. But no one would say that now of Christ. His was the throwing away of life which led to its glorifying. In no other way can we make anything worthy and eternal of our life. Saving is losing. It is losing it in devotion to Christ and his service that saves a life for heavenly honor and glory. 35 jftbruarg 14* THE VALUE OF THE RESERVE T^HERE is a wide difference between worrying about a possible future of trial and being ready for it if it should come. The former we should never do ; the latter we should always seek to be. It is he who is always prepared for emergencies, for the hard pinches, the steep climbing, the sore struggle, that gets through life victoriously. In moral and spiritual things it is the same. It is the reserve that saves us in all final tests — the strength that lies back of what we need in ordinary experiences. Those who daily commune with God, breathing his life into their souls, become strong with that secret, hidden strength which preserves them from falling in the day of trial. They have a " ves- sel " from which to refill the lamp when its little cup of oil is exhausted. jFe&ruarg 15* FINDING YOUR MISSION. HTO find your mission you have but to be faithful wherever God puts you for the present. The humbler things he gives in the earlier years are for your training, that you may be ready at length for the larger and particular service for which you were born. 36 jftbruarg X5* Do these smaller, humbler things well, and they will prove steps in the stairs up to the loftier height where your " mission " waits. To spurn these plainer duties and tasks, and to neglect them, is to miss your mission itself in the end, for there is no way to get to it but by these ladder-rounds of commonplace things which you disdain. You must build your own ladder day by day in the common fidelities. jjtbruarg 16* sorrow's compensations. TDEYOND the river of sorrow there is a promised land. No grief for the present seems joyous, yet afterward it leads to blessing. There is a rich possible good beyond every pain and trial. There are green fields beyond sorrow's Jordans. God never means harm to our lives when he sends afflictions to us. Our disappointments are God's appointments, and bring rich compensation. Our losses are designed to become gains to us as God plans for us. There is nothing really evil in the experiences of a Christian, if only God be allowed to work out the issue. Our Father sends us nothing but good. No matter about the drapery ; be it sombre or gay, it enfolds a gift of love. 37 jjt&ruarg 17* A TIME TO BE DEAF. TN slander the listener is almost, if not quite, as bad as the speaker. The only true thing is to shut your ears the moment you begin to hear from any one an evil report of another. The person has no right to tell it to you, and you have no right to hear it. If you refuse to listen, he will not be able to go on with his narration. Ears are made to hear with, but on occasion it is well to be deaf. We all aim at courtesy, and courtesy requires that we be patient listeners, even to dull and prosy talkers ; but even courtesy may not require us to listen to evil reports about a neighbor. Ear-gate should be trained to shut instinctively when the breath of aspersion touches it, just as eye-gate shuts at slightest approach of harm. jFtfmtarg 18* PERSONAL INFLUENCE. 17 VERY human life is a force in this world. On every side our influence pours perpetually. If our lives are true and good, this influence is a blessing to other lives. Let us never set agoing any influence which we shall ever want to have gathered up and 38 jft&ruarg 18* Duried with us. When we think of our personal influ- ence, unconscious, perpetual, pervading and immortal, can we but cry out : " Who is sufficient for these things ?" How can we command this outflow from our lives, that it shall always be blessed ? Let us be faithful in all duties, in all obligations and responsibilities, in all obediences, in act, word and disposition, all the days, in whatever makes influence. In no other way can we meet the responsibility of living. JFebruarg 19. THE HUMAN PART. 'THE work of seeking, winning and gathering perish- ing souls Christ has committed to his disciples. The redemption is divine, but the mediation of it is human. So far as we know, no lost sinner is brought to repentance and faith save through one who already believes. It is the Holy Spirit who draws souls to Christ, yet the Spirit works through believers on un- believers. We see thus a hint of our responsibility for the saving of the lost souls that our soul touches. There are those who will never be saved unless we do our part to save them. Our responsibility is commen- surate with our opportunity. Christ wants daily to 39 jFeforuarg 19* pour his grace through us to other lives, and we are ready for this most sacred of all ministries only when we are content to be nothing that Christ may be all in all ; vessels emptied that he may fill them ; channels through which his grace may flow. jFe&ruarg 20* THE TRUE MINISTRY OF PAIN. HTHERE is a Christian art of enduring pain which we should seek to learn. The real problem is not just to endure the suffering which falls into our life, to bear it bravely, without wincing, to pass through it patiently, even rejoicingly. Pain has a higher mission to us than to teach us heroism. We should endure it in such a way as to get something of blessing out of it. It brings to us some message from God which we should not fail to hear. It lifts for us the veil that hides God's face, and we should get some new glimpses of his beauty every time we are called to suffer. Pain is furnace-fire, and we should come out of it always with the gold of our character gleaming a little more bright- ly. Every experience of suffering ought in some way to lift us nearer God, to make us more gentle and lov- ing, and to leave the image of Christ shining a little clearer in our lives. 40 jftfrruarg 21* FAULT-FINDING. TT is strange how oblivious we can be of our own faults and of the blemishes in our own character, and how clearly we can see the faults and blemishes of other people. Finding so much wrong in others is not a flattering indication of what our own hearts con- tain. We ought to be very quiet and modest in criti- cising others, for in most cases we are just telling the world what our own faults are. Before we turn our microscopes on others to search out the unbeautiful things in them, we had better look in our mirrors to see whether or not we are free ourselves from the blemishes we would reprove in our neighbor. There is a wise bit of Scripture which bids us get clear of the beams in our own eyes, that we may see well to pick the motes out of the eyes of others. jFe&ruargi 22. MAKING SWEET MEMORIES. \XTE are all making memories in our to-days for our to-morrows. The back-log in the old-fashioned fireplace sings as it burns, and one with poetic fancy says that the music is the bird-songs of past years — that when the tree was growing in the forest the birds sang in its branches, and the music sank into the tree 41 jFefrruarg 22. and was held there, until now in the winter fire it is set free. This is only a beautiful fancy, but there is an analogy in life which is actual. Along the days of childhood and youth the bird-notes of gladness sing about us. They sink away into the heart and hide there. In the busy days of toil and care which follow they ofttimes seem to be lost and forgotten. Then in still later days the fires of trial come and kindle about the life, and in the flames the long-im- prisoned music is set free and flows out. Many an old age is brightened and sweetened by the memories of early years. They are wise who in their happy youth-time fill their hearts with pure, pleasant things ; they are laying up blessings for old age. jfcftruari! 23. IN ALL THY WAYS. F\0 we make much of God in our lives? Is God really much to us in conscious personal experi- ence ? Do we not go on making plans and carrying them out without once consulting him ? We talk to him about our souls and about our spiritual affairs, but we do not speak to him about our daily work, our trials, our perplexities, our week-day, work-day life. 42 We are to shut God out of no part of our life. "We must have something besides human nature, even at its best, if we would be ready for all that lies before us. We must get our little lives so attached to God's life that we can draw from his fullness in every time of need. jjt&ruarg 24* THE BLESSING OP TEMPTATION. Yfc[T& sometimes wish there were no temptation, no sore trial in life, nothing to make it hard to be good, to be true, to be noble, to be pure. But did you ever think that these great qualities can never be got- ten easily, without struggle, without self-denial, with- out toil ? Every promised land in life lies beyond a deep, turbulent river, which must be crossed before the beautiful land can be entered. Not to be able to cross the stream is not to enter the blessed country. Every temptation is therefore a path which leads to some- thing noble and good. If we endure the temptation and are victorious, we shall find ourselves within the gates of a new paradise. " Blessed is the man that endureth temptation : for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him." 43 JFdrcuarg 25* FIDELITY IN TRIFLES. HPHERE will be honors eternal for those who have filled important places of trust and responsibility in this world and have proved faithful in great things. There will be crowns of glory for the martyrs who along the ages have died rather than deny Christ. But there will be rewards just as brilliant and dia- dems just as splendid for those who, in lives of lowly service and self-denial and in patient endurance and humble devotion, have been faithful in the things that are least. God does not overlook the lowly, nor does he forget the little things. If only we are faithful in the place to which he assigns us and in the duties he gives us, we shall have our reward, whether the world praises or whether our lives and our deeds are un- known and unpraised among men. Faithful ! that is the approval which brings glory. jFebruarg 26+ POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY. TDOWER makes responsibility. You are not respon- sible merely for what you are trying to do, but for what God has given you power to do. Wake up those slumbering possibilities in your soul ; you are respon- sible for all these. Stir up the unused, inactive gifts 44 Jftftruarg 26. that are in you ; you are responsible for these. The things you can do or can learn to do are the things Christ is calling you to do, and the things he will re- quire at your hand when he comes again. It is time we were understanding life's meaning. God gives us seeds, but he will require more than seeds at our hand ; he will require all the harvest of beauty and blessing, that the best tillage can bring out of the seeds. jjt&ruarg 27* THE MINISTRY OF SYMPATHY. IM^O ministry in this world is more beautiful or more helpful than that of those who have become famil- iar with life's paths, and have learned life's secrets in the school of experience, and then go about inspiring, strengthening and guiding younger souls who come after them. Nothing in Christ is more precious than this knowledge of life's ways, gained by his own act- ual experience in human paths. He has not forgot- ten what life was to him. He remembers how he felt when he was hungry or weary or in struggle with the tempter or forsaken by his friends. And it is because he passed through all these experiences that now in heaven he can be touched with the feeling of our in- firmities and can give us sympathy, help and guid- ance. 45 jjt&ruarg 28* GROWING THROUGH HABITS. ANE whose daily life is careless is always weak. But one who habitually walks in the paths of upright- ness and obedience grows strong in character. Exer- cise develops all the powers of his being. Doing good continually adds to one's capacity for doing good. Victoriousness in trial or trouble puts ever-new strength into the heart. The habit of faith in the darkness prepares for stronger faith. Habits of obedience make one immovable in one's loyalty to duty. We can never over-estimate the importance of life's habits ; they lead our growth of character in whatever way they tend. jftftruarg 29. "THY will be done." n OD'S will for us leads on earth to the noblest, truest, most Christ-like character, and then beyond this world to glory and eternal life. For you, what- ever your experiences, however hard and painful life may seem to you, God's will is the very hand of divine love to lead you on toward all that is good and beauti- ful and blessed. Never doubt it, even in the darkest 46 jjt&ruarg 29. hour or when the pain is sorest or when the cross is heaviest. God's will holds you ever close to God, and leads you ever toward and into God's sweetest rest. It brings peace to the heart — a peace that never can come in any way of our own choosing — to be able always to say, "Thy will be done." JHarcij !♦ love's ministry. r OVE'S quality is measured by what it will do, what it will give, what it will suffer. God so loved the world that he gave — gave his only-begotten Son, gave all, withheld nothing. That is the measure of the divine love for us : it loves to the uttermost. If you are Christ's, every energy of your mind, every affection of your heart, every power of your soul, every fibre of your body, every particle of your in- fluence, every dollar of your money, is Christ's, and all of these are to be used to bless your fellow-men and to make the world better and happier. If we love, we will give, we will suffer, we will sacrifice. If we would be like God, we must live to minister, giving our life, without reserve, to service in Christ's name. 47 Jtarfj 2. BEFORE THE SUN GOES DOWN. FSTRANGEMENTS between friends should not be permitted to continue over night. It is a scriptural counsel that we should not let the sun go down upon our wrath. Why ? Because there may not be another day in which to get the wound healed and the estrange- ment removed. " But it was not my fault," you say. Noble souls, inspired by the love of Christ, must not ask whose fault it was that the estrangement began nor whose place it is first to seek restoration. If it was not your fault, you are the better one to begin the rec- onciliation. It is Christ-like for the one who is not to blame to take the first step toward the healing of the breach. That is the way He did and always does with us. Do not delay too long. What time is it ? Is the sun moving toward his setting? Hasten, and before the shadows of evening come on be reconciled with your friend. Let not the stars look down on two hearts sundered by anger or misunderstanding. J&arcfj 3. GREATNESS IN GOD'S SIGHT. TPHE greatest men are but fractions of men. No one is endowed with all gifts. Every one has his own particular excellence or ability. No two have precisely 48 JHarrfj 3. the same gifts, and no two are called to fill precisely the same place in life. The lowliest and the humblest in endowments is just as important in his place as the most brilliantly gifted. The great life in God's sight is not the conspicuous one, but the life that fills the place which it was made to fill and does the work which it was made to do. God asks not great things ; he asks only simple faithfulness, the quiet doing of what he allots. Jlarrfj 4* MINOR UNTRUTHFULNESSES. T^HEKE are other forms of untruthfulness besides the direct lie. There are those who would not speak an untrue word, who yet color their statements so as to make them really false in the impression they leave ; or they would not speak a lie, but they will act one. Their lives are full of small deceits, concealments, pretences, insincerities, dissimulations, dishonesties. You know how many of these there are in society. Oh, be true in your inmost soul — true in every word, act, look, tone and feeling. Never deceive. There are no white lies in God's sight ; it is a miserable fiction that thinks there are. 4 49 JHarcij 5* TO-DAY, NOT TO-MORROW. 'THERE are duties that must be done at a particular moment or they cannot be done at all. It is to- day the sick neighbor needs your visit, your help ; to- morrow he may be well or others will have ministered to him or he may be dead. It is to-day that your friend needs your sympathy, your comfort ; it will not be of any use to him to-morrow. It is to-day that this tempted one needs your help in his struggle ; to- morrow he may be defeated, lying in the dust of shame. It is to-day you must tell the story of the love of Christ; to-morrow it may be too late. Learn well the meaning of Now in all life. To-morrow is a fatal word; thousands of lives and countless thousands of hopes have been wrecked on it. To-day is the word of divine blessing. Jlartfj 6* TRUSTING FOR TO-MORROW. C HOULD the uncertainty of all human affairs sad- den our lives? No; God does not want us to bring to-morrow's possible clouds to shadow our to- days. He does not want us to be unhappy while the 50 Jlardj 6* sun shines because by-and-by it will be dark. He wants us to live in to-day and enjoy its blessings and do its work well, though to-morrow may bring calamity. How can we ? Only by calm, quiet, trust- ful faith in God and obedience to him at every step. Then no troublous to-morrow can ever bring us harm. Those who do God's will each day God will hide under his wings when the storm breaks. Jtadj 7* THE BEAUTY WITHIN. TDODILY health is beautiful. Mental vigor is beau- tiful. But heart-purity is the glory of all loveli- ness. The heart makes the life. The inner fashions the outer. So above all things be pure-hearted. That you may be pure-hearted let Christ more and more into your life, that he may fill all your soul and that his Spirit may permeate all your being. That the beauty of the Lord may be upon you, that the win- ning charm of God's loveliness may shine in your features, you must first have the beauty of Christ within you. The transfiguration must come from within. Only a holy, beautiful heart can make a holy, beautiful character. 51 Jtacfj 8* ANSWERS THAT WAIT. T^HE day may come to us, as life's meaning deepens, when we shall cry to Christ and he will not seem to hear. Whenever this experience may come, let us remember that Christ's silence is not refusal to bless. There may be some hindrance in ourselves, and a work of preparation is needed in us before the blessing can come. Instead of doubting or blaming the Master, we should look within ourselves and ask what it is that keeps the answer waiting. When we are down lower in the dust of humiliation, when our weak faith has grown stronger, when our self-will is gorie and we are ready to take the blessing in God's way and at his time, the silence will be broken by love's most gracious answer. Jlarcij 9. CHARACTER-BUILDING. HPHAT picture of the silent temple-builders on Mount Moriah is the picture of all the good work of the world. Ever the builders are at work on these char- acters of ours, but they work silently. From a thou- sand sources come the little blocks that are laid upon 52 Jlarrf} 9. the walls. The lessons we get from others, the influ- ences which friends exert upon us, the truths which reading puts into our minds, the impressions which life leaves upon us, the inspirations from the divine Spirit, — in all these ways the silent work of building goes on. It never ceases. The builders never rest. By day and by night the character-temple is rising. Is it all beautiful ? Are the stones all clean and white ? JHarrfj 10* STRONGEST WITH THE WEAKEST. '\X7'E are not all alike temptable. There are some with sweet temper and equable disposition whom nothing disturbs. God seems to have sheltered them by their very nature from the power of evil. Then there are others whose natures seem to be open on all sides, exposed to every danger. To live truly costs them fierce struggles every day. These easily-tempted ones are they to whom Christ's sympathy and helpful- ness go out in most tender interest. He singles out the one from every circle that is most liable to fall, and makes special intercession for that one. Even the Johns, with their gentle loveliness, receive less of help from the Master than do the fiery Peters. 53 WEAKNESS OP LITTLE FAITH, TT is because of our lack of faith, or of our small faith, that there is so little outcome from our ceaseless rounds of doing. If we had the power of Christ rest- ing upon us as we might have it, with one-tenth of the activity there would be ten times the result. Only think of the possibilities of our lives, the plainest, commonest of them, if we had all of Christ that we might have! He is ready to do through us greater things than he himself did. We need faith to lay ourselves in Christ's hand as the chisel lays itself in the hand of the sculptor. Then every touch of ours will produce beauty in some life. Then all the power of Christ will work through us. JHarcij 12* THE SANCTITY OP CONSECRATED LIFE. HPHE soul that has had a vision of the Christ, the person in whom Christ is already formed the " hope of glory," and who is also himself destined to wear the divine image, must never drag his honor in the dust of sin, must never degrade his holy powers in any evil service. Every time we are tempted to com- 54 JHarrfj 12* mit some sin, if we would stop and think, " I am now a child of God; shall a child of God, destined to wear Christ's image, stoop to be untrue or dishonest or impure or to cherish wrath or bitterness ?" would we not turn away from the temptation? Could we sin against God with the consciousness of our high call- ing in our heart? Jlarrfj X3. THE LAW OF AMUSEMENTS. A MUSEMENTS are proper, both as to kind and degree, just so far as they make us better Chris- tians. "Whenever they become hindrances to us in our Christian living or in our progress in sanctifica- tion, they are harmful, however innocent they may be in themselves. How do your amusements act on your spiritual life ? What is their influence on you ? They may be very pleasing to you. They may afford great gratification. But what is their effect on you as a Christian ? In one word, Are they means of grace ? Or are they making you care less for Christ and hin- dering your advancement in spirituality ? We ought to be honest enough with ourselves to answer these ques- tions truthfully, and then act accordingly. 55 Jlarcij 14- THE ELOQUENCE OP LIVING. 'TONGUES of angels without love to inspire their silvery strains are but as tinkling cymbals. Life itself is infinitely more potent than speech. Character far surpasses elocution as a force in this world. The talking standard is a false one in the estimating of the value and power of Christian workers. Do what you have gifts to do. Be sure of your heart-life. Make your personal character a sublime force in the world. Then when the accents of silvery speech shall have died away your influence will still remain a living power in the hearts of men and an unfading light in the world. Jlarrfj t5* WHAT TO DO WITH INJURIES. "IXTHAT must we do with the wrongs and injustices and injuries inflicted upon us by others if we are not to avenge them? How are these wrongs to be righted and these injuries to be healed? Do not fear the consequences of any wrong done to you. Simply roll the matter into God's hands and leave it there, and he will bring all out clear as the noonday. He will not suffer us to be permanently and really injured by any enmity. Our duty, then, is to bear meekly 56 Jlarcij Wu and patiently the suffering which others may cause us to endure ; to bathe with love the hand that smites ; to forgive those who injure us, and to commit all the injustices and inequities of our lives and all wrongs into the hand of the just and righteous God. The oyster's wounds become pearls ; and God can bring pearls of spiritual beauty out of the hurts made by human hands in our lives. Jtadj 16. LEARNING MEEKNESS. TD ELIGION is not good believing only ; it is getting the good things of good men and of God down out of the old pages of inspiration where we find them and into our own lives. Meekness as a beatitude is very beautiful. Meekness in Moses we admire greatly. But how much of it are we getting out of beatitude and biography into the experience of these common days ? In our daily intercourse with men do we hold our hearts quiet and still under all harshness, rudeness, criticism, injustice? There are countless little irrita- tions and provocations that make friction every day. How do we endure them ? Do they polish and refine our natures ? These are the lessons of meekness. 57 Jtecfj 17- SILENCE THAT IS GOLDEN. TT is easy for one to poison a person's mind concern- ing another. There is measureless ruin wrought in this world by the slanderer. Characters are blackened, friendships are destroyed, jealousies are aroused, homes are torn up, hearts are broken. Let us never take up an evil report and give it wing on breath of ours. Let us never whisper an evil thing of another. We know not where it may end, to what it may grow, what ruin it may work. Words once spoken can never be gotten back again. We had better learn to keep the door of our lips locked and say no evil ever of any one. This is a silence we shall never regret. JHarrfj 18* THE SHADOW OP GOD'S WINGS. TS there a grief in your heart which groweth into a sore pain ? Is there a shadow of a coming sorrow that you see drooping down over you ? Eemember it is the shadow of God's wing, and therefore it is a safe shadow. Creep closer under it, closer yet. Earth has nothing human so gentle as true mother-love ; but God's wing that Mds down over you then is gentler than even 58 JHartfj 18* mother-love, and you can never get out from be- neath it. It holds you close to the gentle heart of the divine Father. You need never be afraid while resting there. In all the universe there is no harm that can come nigh you. From your eternal shel- ter you can look out with confidence, as from a win- dow of heaven, on the fury of earth's storms, and be at peace. The wildest of them cannot touch you in your pavilion. Jtecij 19* THE BEAUTY OP RELIGION. ^IXTHILE Christian life is firm and unflinching in its integrity and uprightness, it is yet beautiful in its amiability and gentleness. The immutable princi- ples of uprightness, like mountain-crags, are wreathed over with the tender vines and covered with the sweet flowers of grace and charity. True religion is never meant to dry up the life and make it cold, hard and dead. It is meant to bring out ever-new beauties, to clothe the soul in garments of loveliness. It insists on the development of every power of body, mind and soul to the farthest possibility. It presents the strong- est motives. It points to the finest examples. Its ideal includes not only " whatsoever things are true, whatso- 59 Hard) 19. ever things are just," but also " whatsoever things are lovely." JHarcf) 20. SELF-RENUNCIATION. T^HEY are highest in the ranks of men who serve, who live for others, whose lives are given out in loving, unselfish ministry ; and they rank highest of all who serve the most deeply and unselfishly. It is only in serving that we begin to be like the angels and like God himself. It is when the worker for Christ utterly forgets himself, sacrifices himself in the fire of his love for Christ, that his labor for souls yields the richest and best results. When we care only that Christ may be magnified, whether by honor or dis- honor, by life or death, in us, then will he honor us by using us to win souls for his kingdom. Jlarrfj 21* SAYING "YES" TO CHRIST. HPO believe on Christ as a disciple is to say " Yes " to him always, with the whole heart, with the whole being. It is giving up the sins that grieve him. It is 60 JHarcfj 21* cutting loose from whatever displeases him. It is re- nouncing every other master, and taking orders from him only. It is going with him, following him wher- ever he leads, without question, without condition, without reserve, not counting the cost. It is saying " Yes " to Christ whatever he may ask us to do or to give up or to sacrifice or to suffer. That was the way his first disciples followed him. That is the way his disciples must follow him now. Absolute obedience to him is the condition of following. Hard) 22* "unto the end." HPHE most wonderful thing in the universe is our Saviour's love for his own. Christ bears with all our infirmities. He never tires of our inconsistencies and unfaithfulnesses. He goes on for ever forgiving and forgetting. He follows us when we go astray. He does not forget us when we forget him. Through all our stumbling and sinning, through all our provo- cation and disobedience, through all our wayward- nesses and stubbornnesses, through all our doubting and unfaithfulness, he clings to us still, and never lets us go. Having loved his own, he loves unto the end. 61 Jtad) 23. TN the divine providence nothing comes a moment too soon or too late, but everything comes in its own true time. God's clock is never too slow. Every link of the chain of God's providences fits into its own place. We do not see the providence at the time. Not until afterward will you see that your disappoint- ments, hardships, trials, and the wrongs inflicted on you by others are .parts of God's good providence to- ward you, full of blessing. Not until afterward will you see it, but the " afterward " is sure if you firmly and faithfully follow Christ and cleave to him. The "afterward" of every disappointment or sorrow is blessing and good. We need only to learn to wait in patience. Jterfj 24 VICTORY BY YIELDING. JACOB got the victory and the blessing not by wrestling, but by clinging. His limb was out of joint and he could struggle no longer, but he would not let go. Unable to wrestle, he wound his arms around the neck of his mysterious antagonist and 62 Jlarrf) 24- hung all his helpless weight upon him, until at last he conquered. We will not get victory in prayer un- til we too cease our struggling, give up our own will and throw our arms about our Father's neck in cling- ing faith. What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence ? Can we wrest blessings by force from God ? It is never the violence of willfulness that prevails with God. It is the might of clinging faith that gets the blessings and the vic- tories. It is not when we press and urge our own will, but when humility and trust unite in saying, " Not my will, but thine." We are strong with God only in the degree that self is conquered and is dead. Not by wrestling, but by clinging, can we get the blessing. JHarcij 25. THE LESSON OF PEACE. "IXTHERE Christ places us we are to remain ; where he sends us we are to go. And in the heat of life's conflicts, set upon on every hand by a host of things which tend to distract our peace, we are to maintain an unruffled calm and all the tenderness and simplicity of the heart of a little child. That is the problem of life and of living which Christ sets for us, 63 JHarrfj 25. and which he will help us to solve if we accept him as our teacher. As the tender grass and even sweet flow- ers live and grow all through the winter under the deep snows, and come forth in the spring-time in beauty, so our hearts may remain loving, tender and joyous through life's sorest winter under the snows of trial and sorrow. JHartfj 26. CLIMBING UPWARD. C OME one asked an old minister, " What is repent- ance ?" " The first turn to the right," was his an- swer. If you want to grow into Christlikeness, rising at length into radiant purity and sainthood, you must begin with the first simple duty that comes to your hand. Kesist the first temptation. Do the first right thing that offers. Paint on your soul the first vision of divine loveliness you see. You cannot reach saint- hood at a bound. You must conquer your way up step by step. " Heaven is not reached by a single-bound, But we build the ladder by which we rise, From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies, And we mount to its summit round by round." 64 Jftardj 27. ALWAYS OUR BEST. A LL Christ wants from any of us is what we have ability to do. He asks no impossibilities. He ac- cepts our homeliest, poorest gifts or services if they are indeed our best and if true love to him consecrates and sanctifies them. We need to care but for two things — that we do always our best, and that we do what we do through love for Christ. If we are faith- ful up to the measure of our ability and opportunity and if love sanctifies what we do, we are sure of our Lord's approval. But we should never offer less than the best that we can do ; to do so is to be disloyal to our Lord and disloyal to our own soul. fttarrfj 28. "thinketh no evil." T OVE thinketh no evil. It does not suspect un- kindness in kindly deeds. It does not imagine an enemy in every friend. It does not fear insincerity in sincere professions of esteem. It does not impugn men's motives nor discount their acts. On the other hand, it overlooks foibles and hides the multitude of faults that belong to every human being, even those who are the holiest and the best. It believes in the good that is in people, and tries to think of them always 5 65 Hard) 28. at their best, not at their worst. It looks, too, at the possibilities that are in men, what they may become through divine love and grace, and not merely at what they now are. It is wonderful how seeing through love's eyes changes the whole face of earthly life, transfiguring it. If the heart be filled with suspicion, distrust and doubt of men, the world grows very ugly. But love sees brightness, beauty and hope everywhere. Jtarfj 29. NEED A REVEALER OP LOVE. "IXTHATEVER makes us forget ourselves and think of others lifts us upward. This is one reason that God permits suffering. We would never know the best and richest of human love if there were no pain, no distress, no appeal of grief or of need. The best and holiest of mother-love would never be brought out if the child never suffered. The same is true of God's love. God would have loved his children un- fallen just as much as he loves them fallen, but the world would never have known so much of God's love had not man fallen. Our sore need called out all that was richest, holiest and divinest in our Father's heart. If no night came we should never know there are stars. Darkness is a revealer. JSarcfj 30. FAITHFULNESS. lA^HATEVER your duty is, you cannot be faithful to God unless you do your work as well as you can. To slur it is to do God's work badly. To neg- lect it is to rob God., The universe is not quite com- plete without your little work well done. " Be thou faithful " is the word that rings from heaven in every ear, in every smallest piece of work we are doing. " Faithful " as a measure of requirement is not a pil- low for indolence. It is not a letting down of obliga- tion to a low standard to make life easy. Faithfulness is a lofty standard. It means our very best and most always. Anything less is unfaithfulness. Thus the universe suffers, for the smallest duty not done or badly done leaves a lack or a blemish on the whole world's work. BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING. POD blesses you that you may be a blessing to others. Then he blesses you also a second time in being a blessing to others. It is the talent that is used that multiplies. Receiving, unless one gives in turn, makes one full and proud and selfish. Give out the best of 67 Jttarrfj 31. your life in the Master's name for the good of others. Lend a hand to every one who needs. Be ready to serve at any cost those who require your service. Seek to be a blessing to every one who comes for but a moment under your influence. This is to be angel- like. It is to be God-like. It is to be Christ-like. We are in this world to be useful. God wants to pass his gifts and blessings through us to others. When we fail as his messengers, we fail of our mission. GOD HIMSELF HIS OWN BEST GIFT. T^NLAEGE your desires and your prayers. Do not ask merely for mercies and favors and common gifts. Do not ask God merely to give you bread and health and home and friends and prosperity ; or, ris- ing yet a step higher, do not content yourself with asking for grace to help in temptation, or for strength to fill up your weakness, or for wisdom to guide you in perplexity, or for holiness and purity and power. Ask for God himself, and then open your heart to receive him. If you have God, you have all other gifts and blessings in him. And it is himself that God is will- ing to give for the asking, not merely the favors and benefits that his hand dispenses. Ask most largely. A BEAUTIFUL LIFE. A LIFE need not be great to be beautiful. There may be as much beauty in a tiny flower as in a majestic tree, in a little gem as in a great mountain, in the smallest creature as in a mammoth. A life may be very lovely and yet be insignificant in the world's eyes. A beautiful life is one that fulfills its mission in this world, that is what God made it to be, and does what God made it to do. Those with only common- place gifts are in danger of thinking that they cannot live a beautiful life, cannot be a blessing in this world. But the smallest life that fills its place well is far love- lier in God's sight than the largest and most splendidly gifted that yet fails of its divine mission. " Far better in its place the lowliest bird Should sing aright to Him the lowliest song, Than that a seraph strayed should take the word And sing his glory wrong." FOLLOWING OUR WHITE BANNERS. W E talk about consecration. What is consecration ? It is nothing less than doing the will of Christ, not our own, always, whatever the cost, the sacrifice or the danger. There is too much mere sentiment in our religion. We say we believe in Christ ; if we do, we must follow him wherever he leads, though not know- ing whither. We say we love Christ, and quickly from his lips comes the testing word : " If ye love me, keep my commandments." To be a Christian is to be devoted, utterly, resistlessly, irrevocably, to Christ. Joan of Arc said the secret of her victoriousness was that she bade her white standard go forth boldly ; then she followed it herself. Good intentions and vows and pledges of consecration are well enough as white ban- ners, but when we have sent them forth we must be sure to follow them ourselves. &jml 4* "as thy days." 'THEKE is in the Bible no promise of grace in ad- vance of the need. God does not say he will put strength into our arm for the battle wfiile we are in quiet peace and the battle is yet far off. When the conflict is at hand the strength will be given. He does not open the gates for us nor roll away the stones until we have come up to them. He did not divide 70 the Jordan's waters while the people were yet in their camps, nor even as they began to march toward the river. The wild stream continued to flow as the host moved down the banks, even until the feet of the priests had been dipped in the w T ater. This is the constant law of divine help. It is not given in ad- vance. As we come up to the need the supply is ready, but not before. Yet many Christians worry because they cannot see the way opened and the needs supplied far in advance of their steps. Shall we not let God provide and have faith in him ? " Keep thou my feet ; I do not ask to see The distant scene ; one step enough for me." TRUE WOMANHOOD. T^HAT is not Christ's religion which is moved to ecstasies of love and compassion for the Zulus and Chinese across seas, and is selfish, irritable, greedy, im- patient and disobliging at home. The true woman is the very soul of self-forgetfulness in her own home- circle. Then wherever she goes she is the same. She carries the sweet, patient spirit of Christ everywhere. 71 Her hands are gentle as an angel's, and are ever scat- tering blessings. Her words are thrilled with a strange power of sympathy and tenderness, and carry comfort into the sad heart, courage into the fainting heart, life into the sluggish heart. A selfish woman is a contra- diction. Wherever selfishness does appear in a woman it is a blur that disfigures the divine beauty. TURNING VISIONS INTO LIFE. ry OD gives us visions of spiritual beauty that we may turn them into realities in common life. All our heavenward aspirations we should bring down and work into acts. All our longings and desires we should make true in experiences. Every day's Bible text taken into the heart should shine forth to-morrow in some new touch of spiritual beauty. As the look of the face is caught in the camera and held there, so every time Christ looks in upon our souls, even for an instant, some impression of his features should become fixed there and remain as part of our own spiritual beauty. So in all our life the words of Christ we hear, the lessons we are taught and the holy influences 72 &prtl 6* that touch our souls should enter into our very being and reappear in disposition, character, deeds. OTHER PEOPLE'S FAULTS. MO doubt it is easier to discover other people's faults than our own. Many of us are troubled more about the way our neighbors live than we are with our own shortcomings. We manifest a greater feeling of responsibility for the acts and neglects of others than for our own. Now, the truth is every man must bear his own burden. We shall not be called to answer at God's bar for the idle words, the sinful acts and the neglects of duty of our neighbor. But there is one person for whose every act, word, disposition and feel- ing we shall have to give an account, and that is our- self. We had better train ourselves, therefore, to keep close, minute, incessant and conscientious watch over our own life. We had better give less attention to our neighbor's mistakes, foibles and failures, and more to our own. Most of us would find little time for look- ing after other people's faults if we gave strict atten- tion to our own. Besides, seeing and knowing our own defects would make us more charitable to those of others. 73 THE FATHERHOOD OP GOD. UOW it would brighten and bless our lives if we were to carry always in our hearts the conception of God as our Father ! When we can look up into God's face and say out of warm and responding hearts, " Our Father," all the world and all life take on new aspects for our eyes. Duty is no longer hard and a drudgery, but becomes a joy. Keeping the command- ments is hard if we think of God merely as a king ; but if we look up to him as our Father all is changed, and our love for him and our desire to please him make obedience a gladness. We can say then, "I delight to do thy will, O my God." 3lprtl 9. IN THE DISCOURAGED DAYS. IXTE all have our discouraged days, when things do not go well. The young people fail in their les- sons at school, although they have studied hard and really have done their best. The mothers are tried in their household work. The children are hard to con- trol. It has seemed impossible to keep good temper, to maintain that sweetness and that lovingness which 74 Iprtl 9. are so essential to a happy day. Try as they will to be gentle, kindly, patient, their minds are ruffled. They come to the close of the long, unhappy hours disturbed, defeated, discouraged. They have done their best, but they feel that they have really failed. They fall upon their knees with only tears for a prayer. But if they will lift up their eyes, they will see on the shore of the troubled sea of their lit- tle day's life the form of One whose presence will give them strength and confidence and who will help them to victoriousness. Before his sweet smile the shadows flee away; at his word new strength is given, and after that, work is easy and all goes well again. ^pril 10. BLESSING IN MISTAKES. QUE, very mistakes and our sins, if we repent of them, will be used of God to help in the growth and upbuilding of our character. Our very falls, through the grace and tender love of Christ, become new births to our souls. " Of our vices we can frame A ladder, if we will but tread Beneath our feet each deed of shame." 75 In the hot fires of penitence we leave the dross and come again as pure gold. But we must remember that it is only Christ who can make our sins yield blessing. If we are Christ's true followers, even our defeats shall become blessings to us, stepping-stones on which we may climb higher. This is one of the marvels of divine grace, that it can make all things work to- gether for good. ^pril XI. SPEAK OUT THE LOVING WORDS. UOW much better would it be if we were more gen- erous and lavish of our good words when our friends can be cheered and blessed by them ! Some- times we get the lesson of keeping silence over-learnt, and let hearts starve for lack of kindly words which lie meanwhile on our tongues ready to be spoken. It is not the want of love for which we are to be blamed, but the penuriousness that locks up the love and will not give it out in word and act to bless hungry lives. Is any other miserliness so mean? We let hearts starve close beside us when we have the bread to feed them, and then, when they lie in the dust of defeat or death, we come with our love to speak eloquent fu- neral eulogies. Would it not be far better to give out the kindliness when it will do good ? 76 &prtt XI. " Why do we wait, and coldly stint our praises, And leave our reverent homage unexpressed, Till brave hearts lie beneath a roof of daisies, Then heap with flowers each hallowed place of rest? " For every year the veteran ranks are broken, And every year new graves await our flowers. Ah ! why not give to living hearts some token Of half the love and pride that throb through ours ? " Bring blooms to crown the dead. But, in your giving, Forget not hearts that still can strive and ache ! Oh ! give your richest garlands to the living, Who offered all, in youth, for honor's sake !" CHRISTIAN WORK. ID KING every grace and gift of your life into Christ's service. Not only use well the gifts you have now at work, but develop what you have into greater skill and power of servicee. Strive ever to excel. Grow by working. Don't stand with idle hands a moment, because for each moment you must give account. Do not allow your spiritual powers to rest in dusty niches merely for adornment : take them all down and put life into them, that they may be useful. Do not play at Christian work. The King's business requireth haste. 77 CHARACTER ALONE ABIDES. AATE must strive to realize every dream of goodness and Christ-likeness that our hearts dream. Re- member it is character that is the only test, and the only true fruit, of living. It is not knowledge, for knowledge will fail. It is not money, for money can- not be carried away from earth. It is not fame, for fame's laurels fade at the grave's edge and its voice gives no cheer in the valley of shadows. It is not cul- ture or education or refinement. It is life — not what we have or what we know, but what we are — that we can carry with us into the eternal world. april 14* THE HOME FRIENDSHIPS. FRIENDSHIPS in the family require most gentle care and cultivation. We must win each other's love within home-doors just as we win the love of those outside — by the sweet ministries and graces of affection. We must prove ourselves worthy of being loved by those who are nearest ; they will not truly love us un- less we do, merely because we are of the same house- hold. We must show ourselves unselfish, thoughtful, 78 gentle, helpful. Home friendships must be formed as all friendships are formed — by the patient knitting of soul to soul and the slow growing of life into life. Then we must retain home-friends after winning just as we retain other friends — by a thousand little win- ning expressions in all our intercourse. We cannot depend upon relationship to keep us loved and loving. We must live for each other. We must give as well as receive. We must be watchful of our acts and words. THE HEART'S DAILY BREAD. ^IXTE all need sympathy, human kindness, cheer, fel- lowship, the thousand little things of human love, as we go along the dusty road of life. These small coins of affection are the brighteners of every life that is blessed by a rich friendship. It is this unceasing ministry that your heart hungers for as its daily bread — not great gifts and large favors, but a gentle affec- tion ateness in your friend which shall bring cheer, satisfying, inspiration, comfort, uplifting, hope and strength to your soul every time you look into his face. 79 &pril 16* "in his name." TF we have the true spirit of service we will look upon every one we meet, even casually, as one to whom we owe some debt of love, one sent to us to receive some benediction, some cheer, some comfort, some strength, some inspiration, some touch of beauty at our hand. We may never do one great or conspicu- ous thing of which men will talk or which will be re- ported in the newspapers ; but every word w T e speak, every smallest act, every influence we send out, even unconsciously, " in His name," merely our shadow fall- ing on human need and pain and sorrow as we pass by, will prove sweet and blessed ministry of love, and will impart strength and help. The name of Christ conse- crates every smallest deed or influence, pouring it full of love. &pril 17* "I SAY WHAT I THINK." TTHEKE is a class of people who boast of their hon- esty and frankness because they "just say what they think," flinging out the words right and left as they come, no matter where they strike or whom they wound. Call it not honesty, this boasted frankness ; — call it rather miserable impertinence, reckless cruelty. 80 We have no right to say what we think unless we think lovingly and sweetly. We certainly have no right to unlade our jealousies, envies, bad humors and miser- able spites upon our neighbor's heart. If we must be ugly-tempered, we should at least keep the ugliness locked up in our own breast, and not let it out to mar other people's happiness. Or, if we must speak out the wretched feelings, let us go into our own room and lock the door and close the windows, that no ears but our own shall hear the hateful words. &prtl 18* THE PEACEMAKER'S BEATITUDE. TT is very easy, if you are talking to one who has a little distrust of another or a little bitterness against another, to say a word which will increase the distrust or add to the bitterness. We like to approve and jus- tify the one with whom we are speaking, and in doing so we are apt to confirm him in his bitterness or sense of wrong. Let us be on our guard that we do not un- intentionally widen little rifts into great breaches. Let us seek ever to be peacemakers. There is no other beatitude whose blessing is more radiant than that of the peacemakers — " they shall be called sons of God." 6 81 8prtl 19* THE BLESSING OF STRUGGLE. T^HE daily temptations which make every true life such a painful conflict from beginning to end bring us constant opportunities for growth of character. Not to struggle is not to grow strong. The soldier's art can be learned and the soldier's honors can be won only on the field of battle. If you would grow into the beauty of the Master, you must accept the conflicts and fight the battles. You can have life easy if you will by de- clining every struggle, but you will then get little out of life that is truly noble and worthy. The best things all lie beyond some battle-plain : you must fight your way across the field to get them. Heaven is only for those who overcome. None get the crown without the conflict save those who are called home in infancy and early childhood. " Sure I must fight if I would reign." Sprtl 20. MINISTEY OF " SHUT-INS." A FAITH that fails not nor murmurs in hours of suffering is like a heavenly lamp burning in the 82 Spril 20. home. It makes the chamber of pain a little sanctu- ary, a holy of holies, which none can enter but with quiet reverence. Do you think such suffering, so sus- tained, so radiant, performs no ministry of blessing for those who witness it ? We must not think that when God lays us aside from active service, shuts us in and calls us to suffer, he is stopping our usefulness for the time. Besides the enriching of our own lives for new ministries when we come again from the shadows, our suffering may become meanwhile a school for other lives, our faith and peace unspoken sermons on the power of God's love and grace. april 21* CONSCIENCE IN LITTLE THINGS- CCRUPULOUS people are often laughed at for their scruples. " Why be so particular?" gay and giddy ones ask. " Why be so conscientious about mere tri- fles ? Why be so exacting and punctilious in the doing of small duties ?" The answer is, that in the matter of right and wrong nothing is little ; certainly nothing is insignificant. Duty is duty, whether it be the small- est or the greatest matter. He is on the highway to 83 nobleness of character who has learned to be scrupu- lous concerning the smallest things. He that is care- ful in little things rises every day a step higher. He who is faithful in little things is then entrusted with larger responsibilities. It is the units in life that are most important. Look after the little units and the greater aggregates will be right. Make the minutes beautiful and the hours and days will be radiant. &prtl 22. GOODNESS IN THE SHADOWS. C HALL we trust our Father only when he is giving us pleasant things, and shall we not trust him also when he brings the shadow over our hearts ? Do you think God is good only when he makes all things such as please you? Is he not just as good when he gives you pain or losses ? It is the will of God that our home-sorrow shall make our home-life sweeter, purer, kindlier, Christlier. If we believe in God and take the pain from his hand with the same confidence as the pleasure, then the shadows will be as rich blessings to us as the lights and the sorrows will be steps upward on which our feet may climb toward God. 84 &}jrit 23. CHRISTIAN HISTORY. PHKISTIAN history is one of the best evidences of J the deity of Christ. No mere man could touch the world's life as Jesus Christ has touched it. It is nothing less than the energy of God working in men's hearts that has produced the marvelous results which we see wherever the gospel has gone. Men's bodies may not now be instantaneously healed by a divine touch, but men's moral lives are transformed by the same divine touch as in the old miracles of gospel days. Nations are lifted up into purity, justice, truth, freedom and righteousness. Are not these great moral and spirit- ual miracles as wonderful attestations of the divine mission of Christ as the physical miracles that marked the days of the incarnation ? COST OF BEING A BLESSING. TXTE must live deeply ourselves if we would be able to bless others. We must resist sin, even unto blood, if we would teach others how to be victorious in temptation. We must bear trials and endure sor- rows with patience, with submission and with faith, so 85 as to be victorious, if we would become comforters and helpers of others in their trials. You must learn be- fore you can teach, and the learning costs. At no small price can we become true helpers of others in this world. That which has cost us nothing in the get- ting will not be any great blessing to any other person in the giving. It is only when we lose our life, sacri- fice it to God, that we become deeply and truly useful. MAKING OTHERS HAPPY. THHE world needs nothing more than it needs happi- ness-makers. There is a great deal of sadness everywhere. The Bible is a book meant to make peo- ple happy. Joy-bells ring all through it. The mis- sion of the gospel is to make happiness. The angel's announcement of good tidings of great joy is going forth yet on every breeze. The story of the love of Christ is changing darkness to light, despair to hope, tears to laughter, sorrow to rejoicing, in all lands. It is the mission of every Christian to be a happiness- maker. Each one of us has power too to add some- thing at least to the world's gladness. We can do this 86 in a thousand ways — by being joyful Christians our- selves, making our lives a sweet song ; by telling others the joyful things of the word of God ; by doing kind- nesses to all we meet ; by comforting sorrow, lifting burdens away, cheering sadness and weariness and scattering benedictions wherever we go. &prtl 26. OUR HEART CHRIST'S KINGDOM. T) ELIGION is not an art nor a science ; it is a life. It is not the mere learning and following of a set of rules. It is the growth of Christ-likeness in the heart, spreading thence into the whole of the being. It is the setting up of the kingdom of heaven within us. This kingdom in one's heart is the rule and authority of Christ, owned and recognized there at the fount and spring of the life. It is the rule of love — " the love of Christ constraineth me." St. Paul goes still fur- ther, however, and speaks of it as a new incarnation. " Christ liveth in me," he says. A Christian life is, therefore, really the personal reign of Christ in the heart of every one who accepts him. The conquest is slow ; that is, the heavenly King finds his kingdom under alien sway, and to get full possession and to 87 &jjril 26. reign supreme and alone he must subdue the whole of the old nature. It is this work of conquest and sub- jugation that goes on in this world, and it is not com- plete until the believer passes into heaven. All earth- ly Christian life is, therefore, a learning to be a Chris- tian. We should bend all the energies of our being toward the bringing of heart, mind and will into com- plete subjection to our King. &jml 27. UPLIFTING POWER. IJAS Christ's friendship been to you as close, per- sonal, tender, constant as the human friendships that have been dearest ? The close friends of Christ have found no other influence so strong as his precious friendship in forming and transforming their lives. Continually before them, in all its purity and spotless- ness, in all its strength and heroism, in all its gentle- ness and beauty, that fair life has shone, a pattern in the mount let down from heaven for mortals to fashion their lives upon, brought down close to them and win- ning them by its loveliness. No one who has had Christ for friend in any true, real sense has failed to be blessed by him in the way of growth into nobler, richer life. ^prtl 28. IMMORTAL WORK. 1VTOTHING done in matter is immortal, for matter is perishable. The noblest monument of earthly builder will crumble ; but he who works on the un- seen, the spiritual, leaves impressions that shall endure for ever. The touch of beauty you put upon a life yesterday by the earnest words you spoke, by the new impulse you started in the heart of your friend, by the vision of heavenly purity you gave in your own life to one who was with you, will be bright when suns and stars shall have burned out to blackness. What we do on immortal lives is immortal. He is wise, there- fore, who chooses to do his life's work on materials that shall never perish. Thousands of years hence he will find the things he has done enduring still in immortal beauty. &pril 29. WORLDLY MOTIVE IN CHRISTIAN LIFE. 'THERE is a great deal of worldly policy and pru- dence in the Christian Church. There are those who shrink from duties .through timidity or fear of the consequences. There are those who are restrained from taking the right side of important questions or boldly declaring their beliefs through motives of practical april 29- expediency. Too many professing Christians lack courage to speak to others about their spiritual inter- ests, fearing rebuff. The money question, it must be confessed, weighs sometimes in the balance in the shap- ing of the course of Christian men, the decision turn- ing on the answer to the question, " What will be the effect of this or that course on my business or on my social standing ?" We all know well that such world- ly policy ought to have no place among the motives that sway the minds of Christian people. The only desire should be to know what is right, what is duty, what is the will of God. To be swayed by any other influence is to be unfaithful to our Lord. M ^pril 30. NEED OP RESERVE. ANY a great battle turns at last on the reserve. The struggle is perfectly balanced and victory is uncertain. Then one side or the other brings up its reserve, and instantly the question is settled. Life's battles and crises are determined in like manner, oft- times, by the reserve or the absence of reserve. No life is a dead level of experience from cradle to grave. The days are not all bright. The course is not all smooth. The experiences are not all easy. We must 90 april 30. all be assailed by temptations and by spiritual foes, when victory can be gained only if we have reserves of resistance to call into action. We must all stand before tasks and duties which will altogether baffle our ability if we have no more strength to draw on than we have been using in the common duties of the com- mon days. Blessed are they who have learned to draw on the infinite resources of divine strength ; with the fullness of God as reserve they can never fail. THE LAW OF MINISTRY. rtOD sets before us work, conflict, self-denial, cross- bearing. The central law of Christian life is min- istry, serving. You quote, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever." Yes, but there is no way of glorifying God save by living to bless the world in Christ's name, to bless men by serv- ing them, loving them, helping them, doing them good. We are debtor, therefore, to every man we meet. We owe him love ; we owe him service. We are not to set ourselves up on little thrones and demand homage and service from others ; rather we are to do the serving. Christ came " not to be ministered unto, but to min- ister," and we should be as our Lord. 91 . 2+ UNSPOKEN PRAYERS. UVERY thought that flies through your brain is heard in heaven. God hears wishes, heart-long- ings, aspirations, soul-hungerings and thirstings. Do not grieve, then, if you cannot find words in which to tell God what you want, if you cannot put into well- defined thoughts the hopes and hungers of your heart. When words and even thoughts fail, pray in silent yearnings, in unutterable longings, and God will un- derstand just as well as if you spoke in common language. Much of our best praying is done when we sit at God's feet and do not speak at all, but only let our hearts talk. " Rather, as friends sit sometimes, hand in hand, Nor mar with words the sweet speech of their eyes, So in soft silence let us oftener bow, Nor try with words to make God understand. Longing is prayer ; upon its wings we rise To where the breath of heaven beats upon our brow." JHag 3. CHRISTIAN LOVE. 'THE spirit of Christian love, if allowed to work deeply and thoroughly in all hearts and lives, 92 3. will prevent variance and alienation among Christians. It will lead us to forget ourselves and think of others, not pushing our own interests unduly nor demanding the first place, but in honor preferring one another. It will make us willing to serve, to minister, even to stoop down to unloose a brother's shoes. It will make us thoughtful, too, in all our acts, in our manners, in our words. It will make us gentle, kindly, patient, teaching us to be to all what Christ would be if he were in our place. Jlag 4- THE LIFE THAT WINS. YH E can win others to Christ only by being Christ to them, by showing them Christ in ourselves, by living so that they may be attracted to Christ, and may learn to admire and to love him by what they see of him in us. One of the most effective ways of winning souls is through beautiful, gentle, Christ-like living. Eloquence of persuasion in a preacher is pow- erful with sinners only in so far as the preacher's life is consistent. Preaching without love in the life is only empty clatter. But where deep, true love, the love of Christ, is, the plainest, humblest words become eloquent and mighty. 93 5* RECOGNITION IN HEAVEN. XJEAVEN is the Father's house. A father's house is a home ; and can you think for one moment of a home in which the members of the household do not know each other ? The sweetest, best, happiest and most perfect earthly home is but a dim picture of the love and gladness of the home in heaven. Heaven is like a holy home, only infinitely sweeter, truer and better. Home has been called " heaven's fallen sister." If in the imperfect homes of this world we find so much gladness in the ties that bind heart to heart and knit life to life, may we not be confident that in the perfect home of our heavenly Father all this gladness will be infinitely deepened and enriched ? Love will not be different in heaven ; it will be won- drously purified and exalted, but earthly love will live on through death into eternity. OBEDIENCE IN HEAVEN. QBEDIENCE makes heaven. All the life of heaven is simply perfect obedience. A little of heaven comes into our life on earth when we learn to obey 94 the will of God. Obedience is the mark of royalty. Wherever God finds a soul that is ready to yield al- ways to his will, to do his commandments without ques- tion, to submit to his providences without murmuring, there is a life that he is ready to crown. We get to be like Christ just as we learn to obey and do God's will. Heaven comes down into our heart just as we yield our lives to God. iffllag 7* WHY SO CHARY OF KINDNESS? IX^E let our friends go through life without many marks of appreciation. We are chary of com- pliments. We hide our tender interest and our kind- ly feelings. We are afraid to give each other the word of praise or of encouragement lest we should seem to flatter, lest we should turn each other's head. Even in many of our homes there is a strange dearth of good, whole-hearted, cheering words. Let us not be afraid to say appreciative and complimentary words when they are deserved and are sincere. Let us lose no opportunity to show kindnesses, to manifest sympa- thy, to give encouragement. Silence in the presence of needs that words would fill is sinful. 95 JHag 8* ROOM IN A HUMBLE SPHERE. XftTTiEN you are tempted to chafe and repine at the narrowness of your circumstances and the limi- tations of your sphere, remember that Jesus, with all his rich life and all his great powers, for thirty years found room in a humble peasant home for worthy liv- ing and for service not unfitted to his exalted character. If you can do nothing but live a true Christian life — patient, gentle, kindly, pure — in your home, in society, at your daily duty, you will perform in the end a ser- vice of great value and leave many blessings in the world. Such a life is a little gospel, telling in ser- mons without words the wonderful story of the cross of Christ. love's supreme moments. J* OVE in its supreme moments does not stop at a lit- tle. It does not weigh and measure and calculate and restrain its impulses and check its floods. They know nothing of love who think strange of Mary's costly deed, who try to explain why she acted so prod- igally, so lavishly, so wastefully, when she put upon her Lord the highest honor she could bestow upon him. If our love for Christ were only stronger, deeper, rich- 96 er, we would not need to have Mary's deed explained. We would not calculate so closely how much we can afford to give or do. Jftag 10* THE PERIL OP FAILURE. TWTYKIADS of lives with magnificent possibilities have been utter failures because men and women have not gone promptly to duty at the divine call. They were intended to fill certain places. God made them for these places and qualified them for them; but when they were summoned to their work they excused themselves on one plea or another and buried their talents in the earth. Let us train ourselves to obey every call of God, lest in our hesitancy, distrust or disobedience we fail of the mission for which we were made, and meet the doom of the useless in God's universe. Jftag n. IP WE KNEW. AATE should learn to look at the faults of others only through love's eyes, with charity, patience and 7 97 It. compassion. We do not know the secret history of the lives of others about us. We do not know what piercing sorrows have produced the scars which we see in people's souls. We do not know the pains and trials which make life hard to many with whom we are tempted to be impatient. If we knew all the secret burdens and the heart-wounds which many carry hid- den beneath their smiling faces, we would be patient and gentle with all men. 12. THE SECRET OP PEACE. DERFECT loyalty to Christ brings perfect peace into the heart. The secret of Christ's own peace was his absolute devotion to his Father's will. We can find peace in no other way. Any resistance to God's will, any disobedience of his law, any wrench- ing of our lives out of his hand, must break the peace of our hearts. No lesson that he gives ever mars our peace if we receive it with willing, teachable spirit and strive to learn it just as he has written it out for us. If we take the lessons just as our Master gives them to us, we shall make our life all music and we shall find peace. 98 13. PRAYER IN SORROW. "DEING in an agony, he prayed," is the Tecord of our Saviour's Gethsemane experience. The les- son stands for all time. Like a bright lamp the little sentence shines amid the olive trees of the garden. It shows us the path to comfort in our time of sorrow. Never before or since was there such grief as the Re- deemer's that night, but in his prayer he found com- fort. As we watch him the hour through we see the agony changing as he prayed, until at last its bitter- ness was all gone and sweet, blessed peace took its place. The gate of prayer is always the gate to comfort. There is no other place to go. We may learn also from our Lord's Gethsemane how to pray in our Gethsem- anes. God will never blame us for asking to have the cup removed nor for the intensity of our supplication ; but we must always pray with submission. It is when we say, in our deepest intensity, " Not my will, but thine," that comfort comes, that peace comes. JKag 14- god's strange schools. 1VTO books, no universities, can teach us the divine art of sympathy. We must be sorely tempted ourselves before we can understand what others suffer 99 in their temptations. We must have sorrow ourselves in some form before we can be real and true comforters of others in their times of sorrow. We must walk through the deep valley ourselves before we can be guide to others in the same shadowy vales. We must feel the strain and carry the burden and endure the struggle ourselves, and then we can be touched with the feeling of sympathy or can give help to others in life's sore stress and poignant need. So we see one compensation of suffering : it fits us for being in a larger sense helpers of others. JKas 15* THE LARGENESS OP DUTY. T\TJTY is always too great for earnest souls. No one can do all that he knows he ought to do or that he wants to do. When we have done our duty, how- ever, day by day, faithfully and earnestly, accord- ing to the light and the wisdom given to us at the time, it ought not to cause us regret afterward if it appear that we might have done it with more wisdom or with greater skill. We cannot get the benefits of experi- ence until we have had the experience. We cannot have manhood's ripe wisdom in the days of our youth. 100 15. We can always see when a day is done how we might have lived it better. We should bring to every hour's work our finest skill, our best wisdom, our purest strength, and then feel no regret even if it does not seem well done. Perfection is ever an unreached goal in this life. Duty is always too large for us to do more than a fragment of it. Hag 16* THE TEST OF AMUSEMENTS. TS the love of pleasure growing upon you,' gaining the power and the ascendency over you ? Is it dulling the keenness of your zest for spiritual pleasures ? Is it making Bible-study, prayer, communion with Christ, meditation upon holy themes, less sweet enjoyments than before ? Is it making your hunger for righteous- ness, for God, less intense ? Is it interfering with the comfort and blessing you used to find in church serv- ices, in Christian work? If so, there is only one thing to do — to hasten to return to God, to cut off the pleasure that is imperiling the soul and to find in Christ the joy which the world cannot give and which never harms the life. We must test all our pleasures by this rule: are they helping us to grow into the noblest spiritual beauty? 101 . 17+ LIVING TO SERVE. THRUE life, wherever it is found, is ministry. Men think that they rise in life as they get away from serving ; but it is the reverse. " Not to be ministered unto, but to minister/ ' our Lord gave as the central aim and desire of his life. These words give us also the ideal for all Christian life. The whole of Christ's wonderful biography is focused and printed here. He himself holds up the picture as the pattern on which every disciple's life is to be fashioned. No one really begins to live at all in any worthy sense until selfish- ness dies in him and he begins to serve. /We should ourselves ask concerning others not how we can use them to advance our interests and our welfare, but how we can do them good, serve them, become in some way blessings to them. Mm 18* MAKING AND KEEPING FRIENDS. TT is worth while to make friends if they are worthy. It costs to do it ; we can have friends only by giv- ing our life for them and to them. Selfishness never wins a friend. We can make others love us only by truly loving them. The largest service, if we do not 102 love, wins us no real friends. Then the friends we have made we should grapple with hooks of steel and keep for ever. No friendship should be formed which is not beautiful enough for heaven. God will never be jealous of the pure human affections we have in glory. Even the brightness of Christ's radiance will not eclipse for our eyes the faces of the earthly friends we shall meet on the golden streets. Loving God supremely will not drive out of our hearts the love of dear ones knit to us along the years of fellowship in joy and sorrow. The better we love Christ, the deeper, purer, tenderer and stronger will be our love for Christly human friends. 19. WEAVING OUR SOUL'S GARMENTS. TATE are all busy weavers. For ever are we throw- ing the shuttle back and forth, each moment leaving one new thread in the web of our life which shall stay there for ever. Every thought, every feel- ing, every motion, every light fancy that plays but for a moment in the soul, becomes a thread which is in- stantly a permanent part of the life we are living. Our words and acts are threads clean and beautiful or 103 Jflag 19. stained and blemished, according to their moral char- acter. Thus we are for ever weaving, and the web that we make our souls must wear in eternity. How important it is that we put into this fabric only threads of immortal beauty ! If we do God's will always, and train ourselves to think over God's thoughts, and to receive into our heart the influences of God's love and grace, and to yield ever and only to God's Spirit, we shall weave for our souls a seamless robe of righteous- ness which shall appear radiant and lovely when all earth's garments have faded and crumbled to dust. J&ag 20. life's real problem. TTHE problem of sailing is not to keep the vessel out of the water, but to keep the water out of the ves- sel. In like manner, the problem of true Christian living is not to keep ourselves out of life's cares, trials and temptations, but to keep the cares, trials and temp- tations out of us. As the sea is the normal element for ship-sailing, so care is the normal element of life in this world. But we must keep the sea out of our heart. Some people make the mistake of letting their cares and worries creep into their souls. The 104 Jlag 20. result is that they grow discontented, fretful, un- happy. The secret of peace is to keep the heart free from care and anxiety even in the midst of the sorest trials. This secret we can have only by opening our hearts to Christ. 2t NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD. "IXTE must not measure by an earthly standard in testing the failure or success of life. There are lives which the world crowns as successful, but which heaven rates as failures. Then there are others over which men drop a tear of pity, but which in God's sight are put down as noble successes. All earnest Christians do many things which they hope will prove blessings to others, which yet in the end seem to fail altogether of good result. But we do not know what good may yet come out of our true work that has ap- peared to fail. "Your labor is not in vain in the Lord." It may not show any result at once, but somewhere, some time, there will be blessing from everything that is done truly for Christ. The old water-wheel runs around and around outside the mill. It seems to be accomplishing nothing, but the shaft 105 21. goes through the wall and turns machinery inside, making flour to feed the hunger of many or driving spindles and weaving beautiful fabrics. Our lives may seem, with all their activities, to be leaving no result, but they reach into the unseen; and who knows what blessings they become, what impressions they leave on other lives and in eternity? Has 22. DOING GOD'S WILL. T^OING God's will builds up character in u$. Doing God's will builds up in us that which shall never need to be torn down. He that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Every obedience of our lives adds a new touch of beauty on our soul. Every true thing we do in Christ's name, though it leave no mark any- where else in God's universe, leaves an imperishable mark on our own life. Every deed of kindness or un- selfishness that we perform, with love in our hearts for Christ, though it bless no other soul in all the wide world, leaves its benediction on ourselves. We are sure, therefore, of getting a blessing in our own life when we are obedient, even though we impart no good to any other. 106 JKag 23* GIVING TO BEGGARS. TPO the blind man begging by the wayside, to the poor wretch that comes to our door for alms, to the crippled old woman who sits muffled up on a door- step and holds out a wrinkled hand, we owe something if we are Christians. We may not give money — usu- ally we had better not give money — but we ought to give something. We represent Christ in this world, and we ought to treat every such case of need and misfortune as our Master would do if he were precisely in our place. We ought to give at least a patient an- swer, a kindly look and sympathetic attention. This from Turgenefl's " Poems in Prose " : "I was walking in the street ; a beggar stopped me — a frail old man. His tearful eyes, blue lips, rough rags, disgusting sores, — oh, how horribly poverty had disfigured the unhap- py creature ! He stretched out to me his red, swollen, filthy hand ; he groaned and whimpered for alms. I felt in all my pockets. No purse, watch or handker- chief did I find. I had left them all at home. The beggar waited, and his outstretched hand twitched and trembled slightly. Embarrassed and confused, I seized his dirty hand and pressed it : * Don't be vexed with me, brother ! I have nothing with me, brother.' The beggar raised his bloodshot eyes to mine, his blue lips 107 23. smiled and he returned the pressure of my chilled fingers. ' Never mind, brother/ stammered he; 'I thank you for this ; this too was a gift, brother/ I felt that I too had received a gift from my brother." The brotherly word was holiest alms. 24 HOW TO KNOW CHRIST. TPO some Christ is a creed and a pattern of life, but not a personal friend. There are many who know well the " historic Christ," but to whom he is only a person who lived nearly two thousand years ago. They read his biography as they read that of St. Paul or St. John, admiring and wondering, and ofttimes saying, in the lines of the children's hymn, " I wish that his hands had been placed on my head, That his arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, 1 Let the little ones come unto me.' " They think of his sweet life as but a vanished dream. Or, if they realize his resurrection, he is to them an absent friend, like a dear one journeying in another 108 24 land — real, living, true, trusted, but far away. But all such miss the sweetest blessedness of knowing Christ. He does not belong to the past nor to the far away, but is a Friend who would come into the actual daily life of each of his believing ones. No mother was ever so much to her child as Jesus would be to us if we would let him into our life. How can we get this bless- ing of personal knowledge of Christ and conscious personal friendship with him ? Trust him and obey him, and you will learn to know him and love him. 25* NOTHING GOOD COMES EASILY. TTNSELFISHNESS, even in its smallest acts and manifestations, costs some sacrifice. Work for others which costs us nothing is scarcely worth doing. It takes heart's blood to heal hearts. It is those who sow in tears that shall reap in joy. Take easy work if you will, work that costs you nothing ; give only what you will not miss; spare yourself from self- denial and waste and sacrifice ; but be not surprised if your hands are empty in the harvest-time. We must give if we are to receive. We must sow if we would reap. 109 JHag 26. god's storehouses. T^ACH step in the life of faith is toward richer bless- ing. Are you God's child ? There is nothing be- fore you in the unopened future but goodness. Every new experience, whether of joy or sorrow, will be a new storehouse of goodness for you. Even in the heart of disaster you will still find goodness enfolded. Even your disappointments will disclose truer, richer bless- ings than if your own hopes had been realized. Here is a lens through which every true Christian may see his own path clear to the end — from goodness to richer goodness, from glory to glory, the last step through the opening door of heaven into the presence of the King. JHag 27. BRUISED REEDS. P HEIST is building his kingdom with earth's broken things. Men want only the strong, the successful, the victorious, the unbroken, in building their king- doms ; but God is the God of the unsuccessful, of those who have failed. Heaven is filling with earth's broken lives, and there is no bruised reed that Christ cannot take and restore to glorious blessedness and beauty. He can take the life crushed by pain or sorrow and 110 JHas 27- make it into a harp whose music shall be all praise. He can lift earth's saddest failure up to heaven's glory. JHas 28. OPPOSITION A MEANS OF GRACE. CPIRITUAL life needs opposition to bring out its best development. It flourishes most luxuriantly in adverse circumstances. The very temptations which make our life one unceasing warfare train us into true soldiers of Christ. The hardnesses of our experiences, which seem to us to be more than we can possibly en- dure, make the very school of life for us in which we learn our best lessons and grow into whatever beauty and Christ-likeness of character we attain. Jlag 29. life's possibilities. HTHINK of all the magnificent powers God has put into these lives of ours. He has given us minds to think, to reason, to imagine, to roam amid the stars, to wander into the very borders of infinity, to climb the golden stairs of faith even into the midst of heaven's ill 29. brightness. He has given us hearts to feel, to suffer, to rejoice, to love. He has put into our beings the possi- bilities of the noblest achievements and the loftiest at- tainments. Oh, what a shame it is for one born to live in immortal glory, called to be a child of God, to be- come like the Son of God, yet to be content with a poor earthly life and to live without reaching up to- ward God and heaven ! IHag 30. OUR soldiers' graves. AX^E do not always remember, as we enjoy our nation- al blessings and comforts, what they cost those who won them for us, and those who have conserved them and passed them down to us. We strew flowers on the graves of our soldiers who fell, and tell in song and speech of their heroic deeds. This is well. We should never let the gratitude die out of our hearts as we think of the blood that was shed in saving our country. But gratitude is not enough. This redeemed country is a sacred trust in our hands. We are now the conservators of its glory. We have more to do than sing the praises of its dead heroes and soldiers. There are battles yet to fight — battles for national 112 Jlag 30. honor, for righteousness, for truth, for purity, for relig- ion. We must hold up the old flag in the face of all enemies. "While we honor the memory of those who died in patriotic and holy war, let us ourselves be worthy soldiers in the great moral war that never ceases, and patriots loving country more than party, and truth and righteousness more than political pre- ferment and reward. 31* MASTERING MISFORTUNE. A N English prisoner, suffering from persecution, was cheered for one hour each day by a little spot of sunshine on his dungeon-wall. Through a grating high up the sun's rays streamed down into his cell for this little time. He found on his floor an old nail and a stone, and with these rude implements he cut upon the wall while the sunlight lay there a rough image of the Christ upon his cross. Thus he mastered his mis- fortune, getting blessing out of it. The incident has its lesson for us all. Whatever the calamity or the disaster that builds its dungeon-walls about you, never let despair lay its chilly hand upon you. Never yield to the gloom. Never let the darkness into your soul. 8 113 31. There is no dungeon so deep and dark but down into its chilling gloom the rays of God's love stream. In the light of these fashion some new beauty on your soul. Carve on the wall of your heart the image of the Christ. Master your misfortune, and make it yield blessing to you. Conquered calamity becomes your helper and leaves beauty on your soul ; but let your trouble master you, and it leaves an ineffaceable scar upon your life. Sunt I- BEAUTIES OP NATURE. HPHEY miss many a tender joy who do not always hold their hearts in sympathy with nature. They lose many a whisper of love that drops from God's lips who have not ears open to catch the voices of nature. They fail to behold many a lovely vision of beauty who have not learned to use their eyes in ad- miring the exquisite things that God has scattered everywhere in such glorious profusion. Yet most of us walk amid these inspirations, these rare pictures, these sweet voices, and neither feel nor see nor hear. God never meant us to get so little comfort or joy from the lovely things with which he has filled our earth. 114 Mm 2* FAILING IN OUR LITTLE PART. POD is not so limited in his resources of power that if one little human hand somewhere fails to do its appointed duty his great cause will be defeated. He has large plans, in which the humblest of us have our own allotted place and part. But there is no com- pulsion brought to bear upon us. We can refuse to do our little piece of work if we choose. God's plan will then go on without us, and other hands will do what we refuse to do. The only effect of our failure in the duty assigned us will be in ourselves. Our own hearts will be hurt by our failure in duty, and we shall be set aside, missing the honor and blessing which would have been ours had we done our part. Mm 3. LEAVING ALL TO GOD. A S we go through life we learn more and more to doubt our own wishing and choosing as we see how little really comes from our own ways and plans. We learn not to choose at all ourselves, but to let God choose for us. No doubt we miss heavenly blessings many a time because we have not faith to take them 115 Sunt 3* in their disguise of pain or grief, preferring our own way to our Father's. Then God sometimes lets us have what in our willfulness we persist in choosing, just to teach us that our own way is not the best. We learn at last to plead, " Bless me, my Father," not daring to indicate in what manner the blessing shall come, but preferring that it shall be as God wills. Suite 4* "AS WE FORGIVE." Xfc[T& ought to keep no count of offences and forgive- nesses, and the time never ought to come when we shall say we can forgive one no more. When we are smarting under some injury done us by another, and when our feeling of resentment is burning into a flame within us, we should remember that the wrong we have done to God is infinitely greater, and that he in his love has freely forgiven us. Should we not, then, be willing to forgive others their little wrongs against us? This is why our Lord put into the prayer he taught his disciples the words, " Forgive us our debts as we forgive." He wants us always to remember that we ourselves need forgiveness, and that if we would be like him we must forgive as he does. 116 3unt 5* THE BLESSING OF ASSURANCE. "[7 VERY Christian's privilege is to enjoy unbroken assurance while living close to Christ. God wants us to trust him just as fully in the shadow as in the sunshine. There is grace enough in Christ to give light and joy in the darkest experience. Yet it is just as true that many of God's noblest saints, in all ages, have had seasons of depression, when they lost the joy of salvation and could not speak triumphantly of their hope. It is true, also, that there have been many devoted followers of Christ who never in their life could get farther than to hope they were Christ's disciples. Is this the best that the love of God and the grace of Christ can do for those who are saved ? 3une 6* "I AM READY." A^HATEVER command God gives, we should in- stantly and cheerfully answer, " Yes, Lord ; I am ready to obey." It is not hard to say "Yes'' when God leads us only in easy paths, where the flow- ers are strewn, where the way is smooth and agreeable. But sometimes the path is covered with thorns and is rough and steep, or is through fire or flood ; still, we are always to say, " Yes." If it is to some trial or m 3ime 6* cross-bearing or sacrifice that God calls us, our answer should ever be the same. We ought to be able to trust him when our eyes can see no blessing or good in the way he would take us. Every path of God leads to a rich joy. 3tme 7; CHOICE OF FRIENDS. TA/'E should choose friends whom we can take into every part of our life, into every closest com- munion, into every holy joy of our heart, into every consecration and service, into every hope, and between whom and us there shall never be a point at which we shall not be in sympathy. We ought to accept only the friendship that will bring blessing to our lives, that will enrich our character, that will stimulate us to bet- ter and holier things, that will weave threads of silver and gold inte our web of life, whose every influence will be a lasting benediction. 3tme 8* life's opportunities. LL the days come to us filled with opportunities. A There are opportunities for gathering knowledge and for growing wise. There are opportunities for growing in character, becoming stronger, truer, purer, 118 3unt 8. nobler, more Christ-like. There are opportunities for doing heroic things for Christ. There are opportunities for performing gentle ministries and for rendering sweet services in Christ's name to those who need loving sym- pathy and deeds of kindness. Opportunities come to all — come continually, on all the common days, and come ofttimes in the simplest common things. The trouble with too many of us is that we do not improve them, do not seize them as they pass. June 9. VICTORY BY STANDING. /^NE of the first things in military training is to learn to stand well. Old soldiers will tell you that there is nothing which so tests the courage and the obedience of men as to be required to stand still on the field and hold a position in the face of the enemy. Ofttimes the battle depends upon standing firm. The same princi- ple applies in all life. Much of Christian duty is not ac- tive, bustling work, but quiet, patient waiting. There come many times in the experience of every life when victory can be gained in no other way. We must stand still and wait for God. Immeasurable harm is wrought in personal lives and in the work of God by the impatience that cannot wait for the divine bidding to go forward. 119 Suite 10* POWER OF THE TONGUE. '"THE tongue's power of blessing is simply incalcula- ble. It can impart valuable knowledge, making others wiser. It can utter kindly sentences that will comfort sorrow or cheer despondency. It can breathe thoughts that will arouse, inspire and quicken heedless souls, and even call up dead souls to life. It can sing ,songs which will live for ever in blessed influence and ministry. Such power we should consecrate to God and hold ever pure for him. The lips that speak God's name in prayer and Christian song, and that utter vows of fidelity to Christ, should never defile themselves with any forms of corrupt speech. They should be kept only for Christ. 3tme XI* INDIVIDUALITY OF CHARACTER. PHARACTER is personal. It is not a possession we can share with another. We can give a hungry man part of our loaf of bread. We can divide our money with one who needs. But character is some- thing that we cannot give away or communicate. The brave soldier cannot share his courage with the pale, 120 Suite !!♦ trembling recruit who fights by his side in the battle. The pure, gentle woman cannot give part of her purity and gentleness to the defiled and hardened sister-woman whom she meets. Character is our own, a part of our very being. It grows in us along the years. Acts re- peated become habits, and character is made up in the end of the habits which have been repeated so often as to become a permanent part of the life. Sunt 12* WORK FOR OTHERS. "tXTE can do our best work always when we do it not for ourselves, but that it may bless others. If the motive in all ambition, all toil, all effort, is to be- come wiser, stronger, greater, more influential, in order that we may do more in Christ's name for our fellow- men, then whatever we do will be beautiful and noble. The motive exalts and ennobles the work. We get the largest measure of good for ourselves from what we do when our first aim is to do good to another. If you would get the best from any good thing, receive it from God and then hasten to minister it in Christ's name to others. The richest blessing comes not in the receiving, but in the giving and doing. 121 3\xnt XX SECOND-HAND BIBLE TRUTHS. 1WTANY Christians have their heads stored full of catechism, creed and Scripture, and yet when trouble comes they have not one truth on which they can really lean or trust their weight, or which gives them any actual support or help. Piles of doctrines, but no rod and staff to lean on in weakness. Lamps hung away in great clusters, but not one of them burn- ing, to throw its light upon the darkness. Bundles of alpenstocks tied up in creed and text, but no staff to walk with over the dark mountains. Let us learn to study the Scriptures for ourselves, and to know what we should believe and why we should believe it. Sec- ond-hand Bible truth is not the kind of food our souls need. Suite 14 MISREADING PROVIDENCES. "XXTE are all apt to interpret " providences " in ac- cordance with our own desires. When we are wishing to be led in a certain way we are quite sure to find " providences " that seem to favor our own pref- erence. We must be careful in interpreting the mean- ing of events and occurrences. We are not to enter every door that is thrown open before us. The devil 122 Mm 14 opens doors of temptation, but we are not to call op- portunities to sin guiding " providences." God's voice in providence never contradicts the voice of his word. 3tme 15* KEEPING A CHILD'S HEART. "\XTE ought to keep our hearts warm and full of kind- liness and sweet humanness, even through the harshest experiences. Many of us find life hard and full of pain. We meet misfortunes, sore trials, dis- appointments. We should not allow these harsh ex- periences to deaden our sensibilities or make us stoical or sour. Nothing but the love of God shed abroad in us by the Holy Spirit can keep any of us in such gen- tleness and tenderness amid the stern and severe ex- periences of life. Yet it is possible to carry the gentle heart of a little child through all life's hardness and chill into the fullest and ripest old age. Sunt 16* SETTING PAIN TO MUSIC. N "Marble Faun," Miriam, the broken-hearted singer, puts into a burst of song the pent-up grief of her soul. This was better, surely, than if she had 123 i Sunt 16. let it forth in a wild shriek of pain. The religion of Christ would teach us to put into song every anguish and all sorrow. It would set to music our deepest, sad- dest experiences. It would have us sing even our heart's bitterest plaints. It gives us anthems rather than dirges for the utterance of our sorest griefs. It helps us to do this by revealing to our faith's vision something of beauty and blessing in every dark hour, something other eyes cannot see. It lets us hear in our deepest trials the voices of divine love, encourag- ing, cheering, assuring us. Surely the lesson is worth the learning. It is nobler to sing a victorious song in time of trial than to lie crushed in grief. Songs bless the world more than wails and tears. They also honor God more. It is better for our own heart, too, to put our sorrows and pains into songs. June 17* DIVINE DISCONTENT. 'THE ideal Christian life is one of insatiable thirst, of quenchless yearning, of divine discontent, wooed ever on by visions of new life, new joy, new attainments. The trouble with too many of us is that we are too well satisfied with ourselves as we are. We 124 3unt 17. have attained a little measure of peace, of holiness, of faith, of joy, of knowledge of Christ, and we are not hungering for the larger possible attainments. Oh, pray for discontent ! With all the infinite possibilities of spiritual life before you, do not settle down on a little patch of dusty ground at the mountain's foot in restful content. Be not content till you reach the mountain's summit. Sunt X8* THE POWER OP FAITH. POD can use very weak and imperfect agents. He can do great things with poor instruments. But there is one kind of person he will not use. He will not send blessing to the world through an unbelieving heart. If you would be a vessel meet for the Mas- ter's use, you must have faith. Believe in Christ. Be- lieve that he is able and willing to do the " greater things " which he has promised to do through his dis- ciples. Open your heart to receive him and all that he brings. Expect him to do great things through you. If we have faith, there is no limit to what Christ will do for us. Faith lays our powers in Christ's hands, as the chisel lays itself in the hands of the sculptor for the carving of the marble statue. 125 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, HPHERE are causes enough to separate people and to produce frictions and alienations. Let us not add to the world's bitterness and grief by ever encourag- ing strife or putting a single coal on the fire of anger. Rather let us try to heal the little rifts we find in peo- ple's friendships. The unkind thoughts of another we find in any one's mind, let us seek to change to kindly thoughts. We can do no more Christ-like service in this world than habitually and continually to seek to promote peace between man and man, to keep people from drifting apart and to draw friends and neighbors closer together in love. Sunt 20. " WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY." AX^E become truly beautiful just in the measure that we become like God. Human holiness is not always beautiful. There are men who are good, but not lovely. They have qualities that repel others. But true holiness is attractive. We ought to make our religion so beautiful that all who look upon us shall be drawn to our Master. We do dishonor to 126 Sunt 20* Christ when we profess to be his people, and yet show in our character, disposition and life things that are unlike Christ. How will men of the world know what true religion is if you and I do not show them its beauty in our lives ? We should seek not only what- soever things are just and true and honest, but also whatsoever things are lovely. 3une 21* LOVE FOR THE BRETHREN. TT is easy enough to love some people — people with tastes like ours, people who belong to our " set," people who are particularly kind to us. But that is not the way Christ wants us to live and to love. True Christian fellowship takes in all the followers of our Lord, all who bear his name. We are to be known as disciples by our love for one anocher. It requires grace to love all Christians. We must have the love of God in our hearts before we can do it. We must be close to Christ before we can be close to each other. We must cultivate the thoughts and feelings of the brotherhood that is in Christ. The humblest believer is our brother, because he is a Christian. We are one in Christ. 127 3unc 22. BETWEEN THEE AND HIM ALONE. T ET us learn to seal our lips for ever on the wretched, miserable habit of telling the world about the motes in our neighbor's eye. Who made us a judge over him ? Tell him his faults between thee and him alone. You can find chapter and verse for that. Tell him his faults, if you will, with love and sympathy in your heart, confessing your own to him meanwhile. Tell him his faults because you want to help him to become nobler, lovelier and better, because you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, not because you want to humble him or glory over him. Tell him his faults in secret if you are ready for such holy work ; but do not, do not tell the world of his faults. 3urtt 23. CHRIST-LIKENESS AT HOME. T/'EEP the lamp of love shining day after day amid the multitude of home cares and home duties, amid the criticisms of home playfulness and thought- lessness, amid the thousand little irritations and prov- ocations of home-life which so tend to break peace and 128 3unt 23* mar sweet temper. Let home love be of the kind that never faileth. Wherever else, far away or near, you pour the bright beams of your Christian life, be sure you brighten the space close about you in your own home. No goodness and gentleness outside will atone for unlovingness and uncharitableness at home. %mz 24* GETTING READY FOR TEMPTATION. AX/E must all meet temptation, and the tempter comes so suddenly and so insidiously that if we cannot instantly repel his assault we shall be foiled. There is nothing like texts of Scripture to drive Satan away. We need to have our quiver full of these pol- ished shafts, these invincible darts, and to keep them ever ready to draw out on a moment's notice to hurl at our enemy. The only way to do this is to make the word of God our daily study, storing in our memory its precious texts, its counsels, its promises, its warn- ings. Then we shall never be surprised unprepared or defenceless, but for every temptation shall have a dart ready to draw out and hurl at our adversary. 9 129 June 25. THE LOVE OF CHRIST. POD puts something of himself into every true human life. He helps and blesses us through our friendships, but these are meant only to help us up to himself. Christ Jesus is the only man in whom we may have eternal trust. All other friendships are but fragments ; his is the perfect friendship. Back of the sweet, gentle humanities in him, which make it so easy for us to come to him and repose in him, is the might of the eternal God. When we come to this precious human love, for which our hearts crave and which seems so satisfying, we know that infinite divine full- ness lies back of the tender warmth. The humanity comes very close to us, and it is for us to lay our heads upon its bosom. Then when we lean on him we are lifted up in the arms of Omnipotence. Suite 26. WHATSOEVER THY HAND FINDETH. ipiND your work wherever Christ has put you. Do whatever he gives you to do. Strive to be full of Christ ; then strive to he Christ to the souls about you that are lost and perishing or that are in need or sor- row. Seek to make one little spot of this world 130 3unt 26. brighter, better, purer. Christ has redeemed you and lifted you up, that you may redeem and lift up other souls about you. If your hand is only ready for ser- vice, you will always find work ready for your hand. 3unt 27. DOING GOD'S WILL. TXTE are never to be rebellious or slow to submit to God ; but we must be sure that we have done all we can before we fold our hands and " Thy will be done." There come many experiences, however, in which we can do nothing and can only submit. We must not only ourselves strive faithfully in all things to do the will of God, but must suffer it to be done in us, even when it lays us low in the dust, even when it strips us bare and shatters all our joys. This will is to be accepted, too, not rebelliously, with murmuring and complaint, but songfully, joyfully, lovingly. 3tme 28. CREED AND LIFE. "TT makes small difference what a man believes, what doctrines he holds : it is conduct that counts." 131 3mxt 28. That is the way some people talk as they fling their flippant sneers at creeds. But it does matter what one believes. Wrong believing leads to wrong living. The heathen who worships a god that he conceives of as lustful, cruel and unholy becomes himself lustful, cruel and unholy. The Christian who worships a God who is revealed to him as holy, righteous, pure and good, becomes himself holy, righteous, pure and good. Thus beliefs shape the life. It is important, therefore, that we know the truths about the character and will of Christ, as our conception of Christ will print itself upon our life. Sunt 29. FINDING THE GOOD IN GOD'S WORLD. THANKFULNESS or unthankfulness is largely a matter of eyes. Two men look at the same scene : one beholds the defects, the imperfections ; the other beholds the beauty, the brightness. If you cannot find things to be thankful for to-day, every day, the fault is in yourself, and you ought to pray for a new heart, a heart to see God's goodness and to praise him. A happy heart transfigures all the world for us. It finds something to be thankful for in the barest cir- 132 Sunt 29. cumstances, even in the night of sorrow. Let us train ourselves to see the beauty and the goodness in God's world, in our own lot, and then we shall stop grum- bling, and all our experience shall start songs of praise in our heart. June 30. NOT YOUR WORK, BUT YOU. TT is not so much your work as you that God wants. At least he wants you first, and then your work. Service from hearts that are not really consecrated to God is not pleasing to him. We are in danger of for- getting this in our busy, bustling days. It is easier to offer God a few activities than to give him a heart. The tendency of the religious life at present is to work, to service, rather than to loving God. So we need to remind ourselves continually that loving must come before doing and serving. The largest and most con- spicuous work will find no acceptance with God if our hearts are not his. " 'Tis not thy work the Master needs, but thee — The obedient spirit, the believing heart, The child obedient, trustful, glad to be Where'er He will, to stay or to depart. 133 3ulg I* THE VALUE OP TIME. rjUR days are like beautiful summer fields as God gives them to us. The minutes are blooming flow- ers and silvery grass-blades and stalks of wheat with their germs of golden grains. The hours are trees with their rich foliage or vines with their blossom- prophecies of purple clusters. Oh, the fair, blessed possibilities of the days and hours and minutes as they come to us from God's hands ! But what did you do with yesterday ? How does the little acre of that one day look to you now ? What are we doing with our time? Every moment God gives us has in it a possibility of beauty as well as something to be ac- counted for. Are we using our time for God? Ms 2* FOR THE SAKE OP CHRIST. T OVE to Christ must be the spring and inspiration of all duty, all heroism, all fine achievement, all service of our fellow-men. "In His Name" is the true motto of all Christian living. Serving our fel- low-men amounts to nothing in Heaven's sight if it is not done for the sake of Christ. The service must be really rendered to Christ, no matter to whom the 134 Mg 2+ kindness is shown, or otherwise there is no exaltation in it, however beautiful it may be in itself. Things we do from any other motive have no acceptableness in the sight of God. Ms 3. WATCH YOUR HEART-LIFE. AX^E need to watch our heart -life, for it is in thoughts, feelings, dispositions, moods, tempers, affections, that all departure from Christ begins. We need to watch our inner spiritual state. The world may see no abatement in our zeal, in our religious activity, in our earnest advocacy of the truth, and yet there may be less prayerfulness, less love for Christ, less tender- ness of conscience, less hunger for righteousness, less desire for holiness. Is Christ more to you now than ever he was before ? Does his love constrain you with overmastering sway ? Can you say, with Zinzendorf, " I have only one passion, and that is He " ? Is your heart right? Mg 4* PRAYING FOR OUR COUNTRY. AX^E need to pray much for our country. Perhaps we err in making our prayers ordinarily only for 135 Julg 4- ourselves and for our own little world. Certainly our country ought to have a place in the daily supplica- tions of every Christian. Those who rule over us ought to be continually remembered. They are men, and need divine wisdom and guidance. They are men under the sway of partisan influence, and we need to pray that they be kept free from any domination which would lead them to forget God. We need to pray for our institutions, that they be kept pure and holy — that righteousness may prevail throughout the land. We need to pray for all our people, that they may be made good citizens, that uprightness and in- tegrity may characterize them. " Happy is that peo- ple whose God is the Lord." Mg 5* OVER- ANSWERED PRAYER. MO true, faith- winged prayer goes unanswered, but many a prayer that seems to us unanswered is really over-answered. The very thing we ask God does not grant, because he is able to do something infinitely better for us. We ask only for bodily help or relief, and he sees that we need far more some deep 136 3ulg 5* spiritual blessing. He answers our soul's needs before he gratifies our personal wishes. We ask for a tem- poral favor ; he does not give it to us, but instead he bestows upon us a spiritual good which will enrich us for ever. We ask for the lifting away of a burden or the averting of a sorrow ; our plea is not granted in form, but instead we receive a new impart ation of the power of Christ, or an angel comes from heaven and ministers to us. Thus many times our little prayers are really over-answered. 3ulg 6* PASS ON YOUR BLESSING. POD does not like to bestow his blessings where they will be hoarded, but he loves to put them into the hands of those who will do the most with them to bless their fellows. The central object of true living is to be helpful to others. The true life is one devoted to Christ, to be used then for him in blessing others. Lay every gift at the Master's feet, and then, when it has been blessed by him, carry it out to bless others. | Bring your barley loaves to Christ, and then, with the' spell of his touch upon them, you may feed hungry thousands with them. 137 Ms 7* UNDER GOD'S ORDERS. "IXTHEREVER God puts us, he has something def- inite just there for us to do — something which he has brought us there on purpose to do. There is some- thing he created you specially to do. He brings you every day into places where it is true that you are there for a definite duty. Every time we find our- selves in the presence of a need or an opportunity for helpfulness we may well stop and ask if God has not brought us to this point for this very thing. We are ever really under orders. Ofttimes the orders are sealed, and are opened only as the hours move. To realize this gives all our commonest life a sacredness that should make us reverent. We are continually serving our King. Ms 8* THE BEGINNINGS OP BITTERNESS. T ET us instantly crush the beginnings of envy, jeal- ousy and hate in our hearts, never allowing the day to close on a bitter feeling. The hour of evening prayer, when we bow at God's feet, should always be a time for getting right everything that may have gone 138 Ms 8* wrong with us and in us during the day. Then e very- injury should be forgiven when we pray, " Forgive us, as we forgive." Then every spark of envy or jeal- ousy or anger should be quenched and the love of Christ should be allowed to flood our hearts. We should never allow the sun to go down on our anger. Ms 9. WRITTEN NOT WITH INK. HPHE world does not read the Bible nor come to church to hear the minister. All it learns about Christ and the Christian life it must learn from those who bear Christ's name and represent him. If all church-members lived truly consecrated lives, holy, beautiful, separate from the world, loyal to Christ in business, in pleasure, in all things, it is impossible to estimate what the saving power of the Church would be in example alone. It is an awful thought that pro- fessing Christians, by the inconsistencies of their per- sonal lives, lead souls to reject the Saviour. We are all responsible for the influence of our example. Our lives should be New-Testament pages that all could read. 139 Ms 10* GRACE FOR THE DAY. CLOD does not give us his grace as he gives his sun- shine — pouring it out on all alike. He discrimi- nates in spiritual blessings. He gives strength accord- ing to our need. His eye is ever on us in tender, watchful love, and what we need at the time he sup- plies. He gives grace for grace. When one grace is exhausted another is ready. The grace is always timely. It is not given in large store in advance of the need, but is ready always in time. It may not al- ways be what we wish, but it is always what we really want. Ms XX* THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE. UOLY thoughts in the heart transfigure the life. Your daily thoughts build up your character. Our hearts are the quarries where the blocks are fash- ioned which we build into our life-temple. If our thoughts and meditations are good, beautiful, true, pure, loving and gentle, our life will grow into Christ- likeness. Professor Drummond tells of a young girl whose character ripened into rare beauty — one of the loveliest lives, he says, that ever bloomed on earth. 140 Ms 11* She always wore about her neck a little locket. But no one was ever allowed to open the locket or to know what it contained. Once, however, in a time of dan- gerous illness, she permitted a friend to look within it, and there she saw the words, " Whom having not seen I love." That was the secret of the dear child's trans- figuration of character — loving the unseen Christ. The same love, warm, tender, earnest, glowing in the heart year after year, will transfigure any life into heavenly beauty. Ma X2. THE BLESSING OF DOING. TT is the building of character that should be our central aim in all life. Business, school, home, church, reading, pleasure, struggle, work, sorrow, — all are but means to the one end. I do not care how much money you men made last year ; but let me ask earnestly what mark last year's business made upon your character. The growth of one's manhood is of infinitely more importance than the growth of one's for- tune. Everything we do leaves its impress within, upon our soul. We are building life all the while, whatever we are doing. The work itself may fail, but 141 Ms 12* in the worker's disappointment, amid the failure of his plans, the work on his character goes on. Even in defeats the struggling leaves a recompense within. Giving, though nothing good comes from the gift, blesses the giver. " In the strength of the endeavor, In the temper of the giver, In the loving of the lover, Lies the hidden recompense. " In the sowing of the sower, In the fleeting of the flower, In the fading of each hour, Lurks eternal recompense." Mg 13* THE INFLUENCE OF WORDS. YftTOT&DS are so easily spoken that we forget what power they have to give pleasure or pain. They seem to vanish so utterly the moment they have dropped from our lips that we forget they do not go away at all, but linger, either like barbed arrows in the heart where they struck or like fragrant flowers distilling perfumes. No matter when we talk with others or on what theme, however playful or light, we should always try to speak 142 Ms 13* some thoughtful word before we part, some word that will give strength or hope or cheer or help. We may not meet our friend again. Ms t4- SEEING ONLY THE FAULTS. '"THERE are some people who walk through God's fair world and in the midst of men and women whose lives shine with bright qualities and dazzling gems of character, and yet they have no eyes for any of these radiant beauties. But for every fault and blemish they have the sharpest vision. They judge uncharitably. They think evil where there is none. This is one of the things Christ condemns. We should train ourselves away from a habit of life so unchris- tian. We should seek to have eyes only for the beauty, not for the blemishes. Ms 15. HOME-WORK FOR CHRIST. TATE are not truly Christians if we are doing nothing for our Lord. But the work of Christ is not all found in the things we do in the Church. Let no one 143 Ms 15* fret who finds no time from love's devoted service for outside or public work for Christ. You are doing most beautiful things for Christ in your unselfish toil, in your sick-room ministry, in your care for your chil- dren, in your deeds of kindness to the invalid within your own doors. Only do all in Christ's name, and it will shine like angel's work. Some people God seems to ordain for just such ministry and to keep ever busy out of the world's sight. Let none such fret that they cannot take part in the public work of the Church. Mg 16* PRAYER WITHOUT PROMISE. HPHEKE are human lives that never learn to sing the songs of faith and peace and love until they enter the darkness of sorrow and trial. Would it be true love for these for God to hear their prayer for the removal of every sorrow and pain ? There is no prom- ise for the prayer that God would take out of our life, out of any life, the hindrances, the griefs, the bitter- nesses. If we pray such a prayer, it must be simply a humble, shrinking request, which we shall refer at once, without undue urging, to the wise and perfect will of God. 144 MS \7. "ye did it not." ^IXTE are too apt to neglect opportunities of helping others and of relieving distress, never thinking that we are sinning against Christ, that we are indeed leaving him unhelped and unrelieved when we might have given him sweet comfort. We forget that neglects are sins. " Ye did it not " is the charge, in our Lord's picture of the Judgment, against those who are bidden to depart. The things we have failed to do will be the things that shall turn the scales on that great trial- day. We must meet our neglects as well as our posi- tive sins. VISIONS IN THE WORDS OP CHRIST. 17 VEEY word of Christ that we ponder deeply opens to us a vision of beauty or excellence — something very lovely, a fragment of Christ's own image — and we should instantly strive to paint the vision on our own life, to get the beauty, the excellence, the loveli- ness into our own life. Let us learn to be loyal to the word of Christ ; not only to know it and ponder it and meditate upon it, but to do it, and to allow it thus 10 145 Ms 18* to shape and mould our whole being into its own holy beauty. If we hide Christ's words in our hearts, they will transform us into his likeness. Ms 19- OUR WEAK HOURS. "UlTE are not at all times equally strong. There are days with all of us when we throw off tempta- tion with almost no effort. But none of us are so every day. There are hours with the strongest of us when we are weak. These are the times of peril for us, and our adversary is watching for them. In your weak hours keep a double guard, therefore, against temptation. Keep out of its way. Throw yourself with mighty faith on Him who was tempted in all points as we are, and knows therefore how to deliver us when we are tempted. In time of special weakness run to Christ for shelter. Ms 20. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. POD looks upon us as individuals. We come into this world one by one. We live in a sense alone 146 Mg 20. with our own personal responsibilities. We die one by one. As individuals, not as crowds, must we stand before God. Your destiny will not depend on any chance of the moment : you are fixing it yourself in your choices and acts, in your habits and life. Your own faith and obedience must weave the garment of beauty for your life. God gives the materials, but after that each one is the weaver of his own " wed- ding-garment." Mg 2\. DOING THINGS FOR CHRIST. \ATE often imagine that it was a great deal easier for our Lord's first disciples to do things for him than it is for us. They could see him and hear his voice and do errands really for him, and coming back hear his approval or his thanks ; but we cannot hear him telling us what to do, nor can we see his pleased look when we have done anything for him. So we find ourselves wishing he were here again, that we might get our duties right from his very lips. We sometimes ask how we can do things for him when he is not here. But we have only to remember his prom- ise: "I am with you all the days." He is here, 147 Ms 21* though unseen, just as really as he was with his first disciples. We can do things for him all the time. Every loving obedience is something done for Christ. Every kindness shown to another in his name and for his sake is shown to him. Every piece of common, routine task-work, if done though love for him, be- comes something done for Christ. So we can make all our dull life radiant as angel's ministry by doing all for Christ. Ms 22. god's unchanging love. UUMAN love may change. The friendship of last year has grown cold. The gentleness of yester- day has turned to severity. But it is never thus with God's love. It is eternal. Our experience of it may be variable, but there is no variableness in the love. Our lives may change ; our consciousness of his love may fade out ; but the love clings for ever ; the gentleness of God abides eternal. " For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed ; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." 148 Ms 23. god's present help. /THERE is never a moment, nor any experience, in the life of a true Christian, from the heart of which a message may not instantly be sent up to God, and back to which help may not instantly come. God is not off in some remote heaven merely. He is not away at the top of the long steep life-ladder, looking down upon us in serene calm and watching us as we struggle upward in pain and tears. He is with each one of us on every part of the way. His promise of presence is an eternal present tense : " I am with thee." So "Thou, God, seest me" becomes to the believer a most cheering and inspiring assurance. We are never out of God's sight for a moment. His eye watches each one of us continually, and his heart is in his eye. He comes instantly to our help and deliverance when we are in any need or danger. Ms 24. THE GREATEST ATTRIBUTE. TPHE greatest attribute in God is not his power, though it is omnipotence, not his knowledge, though it is omniscience, not his glory, though it is burning majesty ; it is his love. He is greatest as he 149 3uig 24 blesses and serves. The brightest hour in Christ's life was not the hour of his transfiguration, or of his mira- cle-working, or of his sublime teaching, but the hour when he hung in the darkness on his cross. Then it was that his love shone out in the most wondrous re- vealing. We need to remember for ourselves that the greatest thing in the world is love — that serving is the path to highest honor. M£ 25. IJ 1 VERY life will have its times of sore testing, its times of sharp trial, its experiences in which or- dinary strength and preparation will not avail. It is when we have Christ back of our own little strength, when we are abiding in Christ, when our faith links us to his everlasting fullness, that we have the reserve we need for any future. True religion binds the soul to God, so that from his divine fullness supply comes for every emergency. We cannot fail if God is back of us. Our lamps can never go out if they are fed from heaven's olive trees. But if we have no such reserve, our own feeble strength will soon be exhausted, and there will be no refilling of the emptied vessel. 150 Ms 26. SHRINKING FROM DUTY. \UBlEN we stand before any duty, whatever peril or cost it may involve, let us not hesitate to do it. You cannot turn away from duty save at the peril of your soul. Forget not the momentous word of Christ: "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." There are times when the best use we can make of our life is to give it up. Life that is saved by shrinking from duty is not worth saving. It has been stained, and has lost its glory in the saving. It is infi- nitely better to die in the way of duty than to live by cowardice or disloyalty to Christ or by any unfaith- fulness. Mg 27. AS A FLOWER SCATTERS FRAGRANCE. C TAY at Christ's feet till your heart overflows with love for all, even for people you have not liked be- fore. Then begin to think about them and to live for them. Begin to scatter happiness as a flower scatters fragrance, as a lamp scatters beams of light. Christ was always making people happy. Shall we not take the same aim for ours ? It is a wonderful power, too — 151 Ms 27. a power that we all have in a greater or smaller meas- ure — to put gladness and joy into others' hearts. No mission in life can be nobler than to live to be a hap- piness-maker. Mg 28. PRAYER AND ANSWER. T^RUE prayer is earnest, not tiring nor fainting. It takes every burden to God — the small and the large alike. It is submissive, referring all to the Father's will. Its answer may not come in the direct granting of the request we make, but may come instead in more grace and strength, enabling us to keep the burden and yet rejoice.. Lying at our Father's feet in the time of our strong cryings and tears, we learn obedience, and our sobbings end in praises, our strug- gles in acquiescence, our tears are dried and we rise victorious — not getting our own way, but glad and happy and peaceful in God's way. Mg 29. TAKING SHORT-CUTS. AXTE should never take short-cuts, even to things that we are sure will some day be ours. Life is full 152 Ms 29* of these opportunities to shorten the path to success, to achievement, to position. God's way ofttimes seems long and far around. But any other way, however short it seems, is longer. Though there may be no sin committed in taking the short-cuts, nothing dis- honorable done, nothing to stain the soul, still it is better to go only as God leads. His way is always in the end the shortest. Ms 30. WHAT WE TRY TO DO. n HEIST accepts what we try our best to do for him, what we truly want to do, even though no results come from our efforts. This ought to be a comfort to many of us, for we do not do, any of us, indeed, what it is in our hearts to do. Our hands are awkward and unskillful, and fail to work out the beauty that our mind dreams. We go out with high resolve and lov- ing thought to do some sweet service for our Lord, and come back with tears and sad regret over the fail- ure or the marring of what we meant to do. But Christ knows what our hearts planned and what we wanted to do, and that is what he counts and sets down on his books. 153 3ulg 31. BLESSING OP DAILY CROSSES. A TKUE Christian life never grows easy, never be- comes entirely agreeable to our natural tastes. Every day is, in a certain sense, a crucifixion, a nail- ing of self on the cross. But this very hardness is a means of grace. The cross lifts us upward. We grow under the burden of our daily duties and cares. So it comes that the things we would like to be freed from are the things we could least afford to lose. What we consider our disadvantages may really be our most indispensable advantages. We grow best under pressure, under the hard necessity of toil and care. August I, CHRISTIANITY A LIFE. TT were easier to get all the sunbeams out of grasses and flowers and plants in the bright summer days than to get the life of Christ out of the world. It has wrought itself into everything along these Christian centuries, not only into the individual lives of Christ's followers, but also into laws and systems and institu- tions, into thought and literature and music and art. Christianity is not a mere creed. There is that in it 154 August !♦ which can never be wrapped up in forms, in liturgies, in confessions. Nor is Christianity a mere code of ethics ; it is a life, a throbbing, pulsing, immortal life. It enters into men as the sunshine enters into the plant or the flowers. It becomes their very heart's blood, their breath, their spirit. It inspires their thought, their feeling, their words, their acts. August 2* THE HIDDEN LIFE. "\jlTE are all conscious of living in this world, even at our best, far below our best. We are conscious, too, of possibilities of character hidden within us unde- veloped, and of powers of helpfulness in our life which we have barely begun to exercise, but which might be drawn out into activity. We see hints and gleams, and we have glimpses now and then, of far more glorious life than we have yet reached. The highest attain- ments here are but the beginnings of sanctified life. The peace, joy, love, unselfishness, service, purity, holi- ness, reached in the ripest experiences of earthly saint- hood are only dim intimations of what we may become — ay, of what we shall become. Our life is hid, con- cealed, with Christ in God. 155 August 3* life's sensitiveness. VOU go through a day of varying experiences, and everything that touches your life — the words you hear, the pictures you see, the books you read, the companions you meet and with whom you asso- ciate, the friendship that warms your heart, — every- thing that touches you leaves its mark on your charac- ter. And it is not a mere passing transient impression that these things and these lives and experiences leave on your life ; it is permanent work that they do. Not the great stones in the massive building are so wrought into the fabric as these impressions are wrought into the character. Our lives are temples, and every one who touches us is a builder. So it is also with the influences we throw off on other lives. They make their record there, and it is ineffaceable. August 4* A CASKET OP SWEET THOUGHTS. TXfHEN we learn to look up to God out of our weakness and sorrow, and say " Abba, Father !" what a revelation does the name disclose! what a 156 August 4* treasure of precious love-thoughts does it unlock ! For one thing, there is love in this divine Fatherhood — love that never falters, that never wearies, that stops at no sacrifice. There is also watchfulness that never sleeps, that looks down with compassionate eye from above the silent stars and keeps vigil day and night. There is compassion also, that peers into the depths of all our want and woe. There is shelter too, for ever does our Father stand between us and danger. There is guidance, a divine Hand clasping ours and leading us along through every strange way. No casket of earth's jewels holds so rich a cluster as does this heavenly casket, this name Father, contain of the jewels of divine grace. August 5* THE MORAL POWER OP " YES." TT is important that we learn to say "Yes" when " Yes " is the true answer. To all invitations up- ward to truer, deeper, richer, nobler life we should in- stantly answer " Yes." All calls to duty, to holy serv- ice, to noble deeds, to heroic battle, we should meet with glad " Yes." While we instantly shut our hearts against all that is impure and unholy, all thoughts 157 August 5* that would tarnish or stain or blight, we should open them just as quickly to all thoughts that are pure and true and honest and just and lovely. One of the old Bible answers which we hear so often from the lips of saintly men, when called of God, is " Here am I." It meant readiness for instant, unquestioning obedience. We need to get the same answer into our heart's vo- cabulary, that when God calls we may always respond with our prompt, ringing " Here am I." August 6* SPIRITUAL POVERTY. AX^E are greedy after this world's things, and never can get enough of them ; but of the real things, the things that will last through eternity, we are satis- fied with very small portions. " What seek ye ?" asks the Master, his hands filled with precious blessings ; and we ask for some little thing, some trifle, when we might have glorious fullness of blessing. How very strange it must seem to the angels to see us poor mor- tals giving our life, our very soul, to get some paltry thing of earth that will perish to-morrow, and then not taking the precious spiritual boons that we might have for the mere asking ! 158 August 7* UNSEEN BRETHREN. YftTHILtE we pour our kindness in perpetual bene- dictions upon those whose lives touch ours in our daily walks, we must not forget that we have brethren whom we have never seen. Says the old proverb: "There are people who live beyond the hill." We must think of these in our planning for ourselves. We are in danger of living in a very small world, thinking of only a few people ; but wherever there is a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is one of our brothers. He may be in India or China or Africa or in some island of the sea ; still he is our brother, and we ought to have some kindly thought for him. August 8* GRIEF OFTTIMES AN EXCUSE. THHERE are sorrows that hang no crape on the door- bell, and wear no black, and bow no shutters, and drop no tears that men can see, and can get no sym- pathy save that of Christ and perhaps a closest human brother. If you knew the inner life of many of the people you work with and do business with and meet socially in the common days, you would be very gentle with them ; you would excuse their peculiarities, their 159 August 8* absent-mindedness, their seeming thoughtlessnesses at times. Grief makes life hard for very many people. It is a wonder they can be as genial and loving as they are, in view of the burdens that crush them. August 9. testing Christ's words. X 1 VERY word of Christ comes to us with the chal- lenge, " Put me to the test. Try me. Prove me." Eeligion is not a matter of theory, but a matter of life. We are to prove it by living it. Take every word which Christ speaks, and begin at once to obey it if it be a command, or trust it and lean on it if it be a promise. No matter if you do not understand it nor see why the command is good, yet do it. Let God lead you, and only be sure that you obey and trust him. You will not know any faster than you will do. Only keep on following Christ, and the way will open to you and become plain as you go on step by step. August l(X CHRIST IN SUNSHINE. "tXTE are in danger of using our religion only in our dark hours, when we are in some trouble. But 160 August 10. we need Christ just as much in our bright, prosperous, exalted hours as in the days of darkness, adversity and depression. His religion is just as much for our hours of joy as for our days of grief. There are just as many stars in the sky at noon as at midnight, although we cannot see them in the sun's glare. And there are just as many comforts and promises and divine encourage- ments and blessings above us when we are in our noons of human gladness and earthly success as when we are in pain and shadow. August XL ARE THERE LITTLE SINS ? AA^E talk about little sins, but when we remember that every sin is committed against the infinite God, and that all sins are eternal in their influences and consequences, the smallest grows into stupendous importance. Indeed, there is nothing little in moral life. How do we know what is small or what is great in God's eye or as measured by its results through future ages ? True faithfulness is not careless in little things. It is harder always to be faithful in small, obscure, unpraised things than in things that are bril- liant and conspicuous. More persons fail in doing the little things, the common prosaic things, of every-day 11 161 August 11* life than in doing the greater and more prominent things. Hence it is here that we need to keep double watch upon ourselves. All fraying out of character begins with one little thread left loose. August 12* imaging Christ's beauty. HO and speak of Christ to others ; tell them of his holiness, his purity, his mercy, his patience, his great love, his infinite gentleness ; speak of his benign beauty till your face glows and your eyes shine with the lustre of his radiancy as you see it in his face. But do not fail to show them in your own character, in your disposition, in your love, patience, gentleness, sympathy, unselfishness, ministry, purity, some gleams, some radiant hints, of the beauty of Christ. Let peo- ple see in you at least a dim reflection of the beauty you praise. August 13+ FORGIVING INJURIES. 17 VEN those to whom we are the truest friends, and for whom we do the most, will sometimes treat us unjustly and do us sore injury. We cannot but feel 162 August 13. the pain of such wrongs, but if meekly borne they will be turned to good for us by that divine love which transmutes everything into blessing for the life of faith. It is only when we cherish resentment and hold grudge in our hearts that the injuries done to us by others really harm us. Forgiveness robs them of their power to hurt us. Let us forgive generously. Too much of our forgiveness is with reservation : " I forgive you, but this ends our friendship." The fuller our forgiveness, the richer blessing do we take from the injurious treatment. god's goodness in all. TT is not hard to believe in the divine goodness when all things are joyous. The hard thing is to believe in it just as firmly and quietly when all things seem against us. The goodness of God is just as surely and as rich- ly revealed in the dark things of providence as in the bright things. God comes to us in many forms ; but always his name is Love ; always is he our Father. We keep two lists, and write some things as " pros- perous " and some as " adverse." God writes " good- ness" over all. 163 G August 15* WHAT GRACE DOES NOT DO. KACE does not take trial out of human life. It does not make all the world feel kindly toward you. It does not hush the tongue of reproach and scorn. It does not quell the contentions of life. It does not soften human hardness nor destroy selfishness. It does not hush the sharp voices of criticism, fault- finding and frivolous talk. It does not command a truce to jealous rivalries and envyings, to personal abuse and silly strife. It does not say to the winds, " Blow not on my child." Christ makes no charmed circle about us where we shall never more feel the blast of the storm. But he gives a peace that will keep the heart calm and tranquil in the midst of the angriest strifes and storms. August 16* WORKING BY FAITH. X 1 AITH links a man to Christ, so that he is no more a mere common man, with only his own poor feeble strength, but is more than a man — a man whom Christ is using, back of whom Christ's omnipotent energy is working. We must yield ourselves altogether to God and let him use us. Then his power, his wisdom^ his 164 August 16 ♦ skill, his thoughts, his love, shall flow through our souls, our brains, our hearts and our fingers. That is working by faith. It is simply putting our life into God's hand to be used, as one uses a pen to write or a brush to paint or a chisel to carve the statue. August 17* RECEIVING CORRECTION PATIENTLY. X7EEY many people are glad to correct others, and think it very strange they will not take the cor- rection or criticism patiently, while if any one tries the same with them they quickly resent it. What is good for another sinner ought to be good for us too. Let us seek for grace to take correction from those who love us. If a friend tell us of a fault, let us not get angry, even if he does it awkwardly so as to give us pain. Let us thank him, and set about to cure the fault. Even from the lips of an enemy in anger we may yet get lessons it will do us good to learn. August 18. BLESSING OF CONFLICT. AX^E enter a world of antagonism and opposition the moment we resolve at Christ's feet to be Chris- 165 August \$. tians, to be true men and women, to obey God, to for- sake sin, to do our duty. There never comes an hour when we can live nobly without effort, without mak- ing resistance to wrong influences, without struggle against the power of temptation. It never gets easy to be a worthy and faithful Christian. Sometimes we are almost ready to give it all up and to cease our struggling ; but we should remember that the spiritual nobleness and beauty after which we are striving can become ours only through this very struggling. August 19* BLESSINGS OF DARKNESS. ^IXTE shall learn in the end, if only our faith fail not, that the best treasures of life and character come out of the dark, painful hours. In days and nights of pain we learn endurance. In the struggles with doubt and fear we find at last bright blessed faith. In the darkness of sorrow we learn the song of joy. In weary suffering we get sweet pity for others. Meet every hard thing, every obstacle, every trial, every disappointment, every sorrow, with faith ; be more than conqueror over it through Him that loved you, and it will leave bless- ing, treasure, enrichment, in your life. 166 August 20. CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION. "THERE is a time for pleasantry and for humor. We are to talk about the bright, beautiful, joyful things around us. The Christian must not be sanctimonious. Religion suffers from nothing more than from cant. Our talk on business, on science, on pleasure, on what- Boever theme, should be fragrant with the perfumes of grace. An old proverb says : " The heart and the tongue are only a span apart." If a man's heart is touched by the fire of God, his lips will speak ever words of beauty, truth and gentle love on whatever theme he may speak. August 21. OUR PERSONAL CREED. LTOW many of us have taken our Bibles and put the doctrines of our creed to the proof? Our creeds might be shorter if we did this, yet if we only believed two or three great doctrines, and believed them after personal inquiry, and were able to tell why we believed them, it would be better than if we believed thirty-nine or forty or any number of doctrines merely because the Church teaches them. It is time we should begin 167 August 21. to think earnestly about these things. Every Chris- tian ought to be able to give an intelligent reason for the faith that is in him. Our personal creeds ought to grow out of our daily searching of the word and our daily living. ^UflUSt 22. NO STRANGE MYSTERY THERE. HERE are depths in the love of God vast and T fathomless as the ocean, and we are only on the shore. Then there are strange things in God's provi- dential dealings with each one of us. Death will solve a thousand mysteries for us in a moment. We will see then the reason for every trial, every pain, every loss, every disappointment. There will not be a trace of mystery left hanging about any providence. Love will glow everywhere. Then we shall see clearly what now we know only by faith, that all things work to- gether for good to them that love God. August 23. LOVING UNLOVELY PEOPLE. 'THEEE are some people whom it is very easy to love. They are congenial to our tastes. They 168 August 23. have amiable qualities or charming manners, or they have befriended us, or they are our social companions. But there are others, good enough, yet not congenial, not amiable, not to our taste. They have unlovely and disagreeable traits. Faults mar the beauty of their character. Yet if we are Christians we should not fail to show brotherly love toward any. We must seek that charity that hides the multitude of sins and faults. August 24 MISREPRESENTING CHRIST. TF we are sour, peevish, easily provoked, surly, resent- ful, jealous, envious, bad-tempered in any way, what sort of impression of Christ do we give to those who know nothing of him save what they learn from our lives? Surely if we love Christ truly we will not allow ourselves to continue to do him dishonor by liv- ing a life so unworthy of his dear name. Whatever we may do for Christ, in gifts to his cause or work in his service, if we fail to live out his life of sweet patience and forbearance, we fail of an essential part of our duty as Christians. 169 August 25* THE WELL IN THE HEART. A LL noble life must be an inspiration from within, a well of water springing up, the spontaneous out- flow of a full heart. We must seek to be filled with the divine Spirit. Then self will die. Then our life will breathe benedictions and drop blessings every- where. Our very look will be full of kindness. We shall radiate light wherever we move, chasing away the darkness of others' sorrow. Then, sharing our loaf with the hungry, our joy with the joyless, our strength with the fainting, Christ will give us more and more of comfort, joy, strength and helpful power, and at last will share with us his own crown and glory. For the well in the heart springs up into everlasting life. August 26* THE BLESSING OP TRUST. VOTJ cannot take into the innermost circle of your own heart's friends one who does not fully trust you. Doubt builds walls between hearts. Distrust hinders close fellowship. The same is true in friendship with Jesus. There must be perfect trust if we would get near to him. He knoweth them that trust in him. He feels the touch of every hand that rests in faith upon his 170 August 26. arm. He feels the gentle pressure of every head that is laid upon his bosom. He hears every sweet breath- ing of confidence that goes up from our lips. Oh for that trust that, in every experience of sorrow and joy, remains calm and unbroken ! August 27. THE ONE PERFECT LIFE. WHEEE do we find the truest, noblest life ? There is no smallest fragment of our humanity that re- tains the absolute perfection and beauty that were in human life as it came first from the Creator's hand. If we would see life in its wholeness, un marred, unde- based, the highest, purest, truest life, we must look in- side heaven. We are to become like Christ. We should never therefore lose sight of him. Keeping the ideal always before our eyes will, unconsciously yet powerfully, draw us toward itself. August 28. NOT IN THE EASY PATHS. 'IX/'E are strongly tempted, in these luxurious days, to seek out the easy ways in life. Naturally, we 171 QLUQWit 28. are not fond of bearing heavy burdens, of performing hard tasks, of making self-denials. We prefer to be indolent. Not many people die of overwork ; more die of ennui. Souls are withered too by self-indulg- ence. It is a false idea that God has sown his bless- ings thickest amid the flowers of earth's gardens ; nay, they lie thickest on the bare fields of hardship and toil. In shrinking from self-denials called for in the path of duty we are missing the best things God has to give us. August 29. USELESSNBSS OP WORRY. "IXTOKRYING about your hard w T ork does not make the work any easier, and it only makes you less strong and courageous for doing it. Worrying about some misfortune which you cannot help makes the mis- fortune no less and only renders its endurance harder. Thus far even common sense goes. Then religion goes farther, and assures us that even the hard things, the obstacles and the hindrances, become blessings if we meet them in faith, stepping-stones upward, disciplinary experiences in which we may grow ever into nobler, stronger life. 172 August 30. TRUST BETTER THAN QUESTIONS. AX/E ought not to ask questions about our Father's ways — why he does this, why he does that. Surely it is better to trust our Father than to weary our brain with efforts to solve the mysteries and to find the rea- sons. Questions indicate fear or doubt ; at least per- fect trust asks no questions, does not seek to under- stand. It says, " Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy sight," and rests there in perfect peace. Of course we cannot expect always to understand God's ways — he would not be God if we could ; but we know that love is the key to them all, and that some time all shall be made clear even to us. August 31* THE GREATEST WORK. ^lATE cultivate benevolence, charity, philanthropy, patriotism. We feed the hungry, and visit the sick, and minister to the poor, and provide for the widow and the orphan, and practice generosity. We emphasize personal character and service. We try to do good to men's bodies. We educate their minds. We seek their best interests in all physical and intel- lectual ways. All this is well so far as it goes ; but 173 August 31* we have not yet reached the greatest of all earthly things, the most important of all the work which a Christian can do. Are we striving to win souls ? Are we seeking the lost to bring them to Christ ? Saving souls is earth's greatest work. life's great lessons. ^IXTE all fail in the life-lessons which our great Teacher sets for us. The hardest school-tasks are easily mastered in comparison with the lessons of patience, sweet temper, forgiveness, unselfishness, humility, purity, contentment. Even at best we can learn these lessons but slowly. And though but little seems to come from our yearnings and strugglings after Christ-likeness, yet God honors the yearning and the striving ; and while we sit in the shadows of weari- ness, disheartened with our failures, he carries on the work within us, and with his own hands produces the divine beauty in our souls. September 2* DEVOTION AND SERVICE. UE who neglects love's duties of service, in Christ's name, to those who need the ministry of love, can- 174 September 2* not long enjoy the raptures of worship within the sanctuary. Devotion is not the end of Christian life; we wait upon God that we may renew our strength for noble service. In our eagerness to press within the temple to look upon the face of God we must not pass unheeding by the suffering ones who lie with appealing glance and voice outside the temple- gate. Visions of God which lead to no active service will soon die out. September 3* WHY ARE WE SO WEAK? J7 VERY Christian ought to be an apostle of Christ, and ought to leave a shining record of blessed ministry all along his path. But how is it with many of us ? Is there always power in our lives ? Are we always victorious in temptation? Does life flow out from our lives in perpetual benedictions to others whom we touch or on whom our shadow rests ? Is it not true of us that we continually fail to be, in the largest and best sense, blessings to others ? Do we not come to Christ at the close of many of our days to lament our failure and to ask him why we could not do the things we ought to do ? Do we not all know what the answer is ? — " Because of your little faith." 175