The Naval arid Military Order of the Spanish-American War ROSTER OF MEMBERS THE NEW YORK COMMANDERY NAVAL AND MILITARY ORDER Spanish-American War To date of July 1, 1908 r^ 114. .5 Commander Col. WALTER B. HOTCHKIN, U. S. Vols. Senior Vice-Commander CoMDR. JAMES C. GILLMORE, U. S. Navy Junior Vice-Commander Major FRANK KECK, U. S. Vols. Recorder Lieut. STEPHEN JENKINS, LateU. S. Navy Registrar Lieut. Col. CHAS. RICHARD, U. S. Army Treasurer Major J. J. BYRNE, U. S. Vols. Chaplain Rev. JOHN C. WELWOOD, U. S. Vols. Council Lieut. Col. N. B THURSTON, U. S. Vols. Lieut. G. B. TOWNSEND, Late U. S. Navy. Major S. T. ARMSTRONG, U. S. Vols. Capt. LYLE F. BELLINGER, U. S. Vols. P. A. Surg. JOHN P. McGOWAN, Late U. S. Navy CoMDR. ALBERT MORITZ, U. S. Navy Lieut. PAUL R. TOWNE, U. S. Vols. Capt. JOHN T. HILTON, U. S. Vols. Ensign FRANK W. TOPPAN, U. S. Navy Capt. CHARLES WEISER, U. S. Vols. 2 Gift Author ROSTER OF MEMBERS. THE NEW YORK COMMANDERY OF THE NAVAL AND MILITARY ORDER OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. To date of July 1, 1908. Companions are requested to notify the Reg istrar of any errors that may be found. The records are for services in the Spanish- American War, and in the subsequent Philip- pine insurrection to date of April i, 1901. The rank given is the highest obtained by the Com- panion during such period. Companions still in the Army and Navy are given their present rank. Companions marked with the star also saw service during the Civil War. The first number given is the National Num- ber and the second is that of the New York Commandery. CHARLES RICHARD, Registrar. 663. ADAMS, CHARLES F. (499), Majoi and Regimental Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services : Major and Regimental Surgeon 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Sea Girt, N. J., May i — June — ; Tncksonville, Fla., and Pablo Beach to September i ; Sea Girt and home station to November i^ 1898, when mustered out with regiment. , J 308. ADDICKS, WALTER R. (253), Lieu- tenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant United States Navy. June, 1898. Commanded the Aileen on patrol duty Sandy Hook and Lower Narrows ; de- tached from command of the Aileen and > r- dered to command the Huntress; put the Huntress out of commission at the New York Yard, September, 1898. 194- ADKINS, JOHN JARED (194), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant (J. G.) in command of the IVaban from July i to August 29, 1898. 74. AHERN. GEORGE P. (74), Major United States Army, retired. Services: First Lieutenant 25th United States Infantry; in engagement at Tayabacoa, June 30, 1898; Captain 9th United States In- fantry, June 30; commanded transports Wan- derer and Mexico August 14 — September 21, 1898. 129 AINSWORTH, FRANK HARRISON (129), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Abarenda, May 21, 1898, to January 17, 1899. Engagements: Guantanamo. June 12, 1898. 830. ALLEN, CHARLES C. (545), Lieu tenant, United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant Company C, 1st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, April 28, T898, to October 26, 1898; First Lieutenant 28th United States Volunteers, July 5, 1899 ; Second Lieutenant 30th United States Infantry, Febru- ary 2, 1901. Served with ist Pennsylvania Volunteers at Mt. Gretna. Pa., Chickamauga Park, Ga., and Knoxville, Tenn., until Septem- ber 15, 1898; vk^ith the 28th United States Vol- unteers at Camp Meade, Pa., and Presidio, San Francisco, until October 22. 1899. On January 7. 1900. assigned with regiment to duty with General Wheaton's expeditionary brigade in Southern Luzon. Participated in engagement at Sancanluma, Province of Cavite, January 7, 1899; with Colonel Birkhimer's expedition to the Island of Mindanao, December 8, 1900, to March il, iQOt, and numerous skirmishes in Luzon and MinJ-nao, P. I., during 1900 and 1901. 6ti. ANDERSON, HAROLD W. (483), Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer Badger Eastern Patrol Squadron, May and June, 1898; Block- ade Squadron, north coast of Cuba, July; fleet of Admiral Sampson, south coast of Cuba. August; on home station September and Octo ber, 1898. 610. ANDERSON. WILLIAM THOMAS (482), Chaplain United States Army. Services: Chaplain loth Cavalry United States Army: Exchange Officer in charge of post at Fort Assiniboine, Montana ; upon being relieved rejoined regiment at his own request in Cuba, July 24, 1898 ; engaged in hospital and other work in keeping with his sacred office. 574. ANDREWS. CHARLES ALLEN (463). Major United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Tdth Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13; Mnior, June 13, 1808: served with regiment until muster out October 27. 1898. 73T. ANDREWS, CHARLES LEE (514). Ensign,^ late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Yankee, Apn'l 30 to Sep- tember 2, t8o8: Northern Patrol Squadron; in blockading and bombarding Santiago dc Cuba ; at Guantanamo, Caimanera, Cienfuegos, Cosilda and Isle of Pines, 1898. 56T. ANDREWS. CHAMPE SEABURY (450), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 3d Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry: Judge Advocate of Gen- eral Court Martial, August i. 1898, and October 27, T898; detailed as S. R. R. O. June 2, 1898, headquarters 3d Army Corps. i68. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE FERGUE- SON (i68), Lieutenant United States Vol- unteers. Services : Second Lieutenant of Artillery, Light Battery "B," Georgia; in Camp Griffen, Georgia, May 15, 1898; Chickamauga Park, June 15 to September 8; Griffen, Ga., Septem- ber 8 to October 17, 1898. 957. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE K. (595). Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant 45th Infantry United States Volunteers, August 25, 1899 to June 3, 1901 ; with General Wheaton's Expedition to Cavite Province January, 1900; with General J. W, Bell's Expedition to Camarincs in Feb- ruary, 1900. In action near Iriga, June i to 5, 1900; Bicol River, October 22, 23 and 24, 1900; San Vicente, November 21, 1900, and on numerous scouts and expeditions. 652. ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL TREAT (493). Major and Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services : Acting assistant surgeon United States Army, General Hospital, Key West, Fla., April 19, 1898; major and brigade surgeon United States Volunteers, June 4, 1898; chief surgeon Department Puerto Prin- cipe, Cuba ; chief surgeon District Negros, De- partment Visayas, P. I., and chief surgeon Third District, Department Southern Luzon, P. I. 69. AUSTIN, ELMORE FARRINGTON (69), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "L," 71st Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 10 to November 15, 1898; participated in engage- ment at Las Guasimas, June 24, 1898; battle of San Juan, July i, 2 and 3, and the bombard- ment of Santiago de Cuba, July 10 and 11, 1898. 330. BADER, ALBERT JOSEPH (275), Chaplain United States Army. Services : Chaplain 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Lexing- ton, Ky. ; Americus, Ga., and at Matanzas Cuba. 1020. BAECHTOLD, CHARLES AL- BERT (633), Assistant Engineer late United States Navy. Services: Assistant Engineer United States Navy, July i, 1898, to February 6, 1899; served on Rainboiv, Chicago, Massa- chusetts and as Chief Engineer on the Yankee ; all of service connected with fitting out ships. 1105. BALCH, LEWIS (668), Major, Sur- geon, United States Volunteers. Services: Major, Surgeon, 2d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 6 to No- vember 3, 1898; Brigade Surgeon, United States Volunteers, until mustered out, Novem- ber 13, 1900. Service in United States, Cuba, and Philippine Islands. 419 BALL, JOHN HATHAWAY (357), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, 9th Regiment New York Vol- unteer Infantry, May 21 to November 15, 1898; at Camp Geo. H. Thomas and Chickamauga, Ga., from May 26 to September 4, 1898. 43. BARTLETT, FRANKLIN (43), Colo- nel United States Volunteers, Services: Colonel 22d Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; at Camp Black, N. Y.. May 9 to June 10; at Fort Slocum, N. Y., June ro to November 23; in Major General Wade's Provisional Division in Porto Rico August, 1898; 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Army Corps, in camp at Athens, Ga., 1898. 321. BATES, HAYDEN J. (286), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers, Services : Lieutenant 8th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Peeks- kill, N. Y. ; Camp Geo, H. Thomas, Lytle, Ga.. from May 20 to November 3, 1898. 518. BATES, WILLIAM GRAVES (407), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Adjutant 71st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry at outbreak of war; Cap- tain and Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, June 3; Assistant Adjutant General, second detachment Philippine expedi- tion, June IS; Assistant Adjutant General, 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 8th Army Corps, June 18 to August 30; participated in all actions in front of Manila, and was present at the sur- render of that city August 13, 1898; relieved from duty and ordered to report to Washing- ton, D. C, accompanying Major General F. V. Greene from Manila. 310. BAUM, HENRY CLAY (255), Cap- tain United States Volunteers. Services : Private Company "C," 3d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May i, 1898; First Lieutenant, May 5; Captain and as- sistant surgeon, July, 1898, with rank from May 5 ; served as surgeon of the regiment dur- ing most of the period of service of regiment Founded the Roswell P. Flower Fever Hospi- tal at Fernandina, Fla. 162. BECKWITH, GEORGE E, (162), Lieutenant, late United States Navy, Services : Lieutenant St. Louis from May 18 to September, 1898; on scouting duty until May 15; cutting cables from May 18 to June i, 1898. 783. BEERS, WILLIAM LEROY (525), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign United States Navy May II, 1898; Lieutenant (J. G.), July 30, 1898; served on the Caesar during the blockade of Santiago, Cuba, from June 6 to June 23; at Guantanamo to July 6; Yankee and Terror, Port Royal Naval Station, to December 22, i8y8. 6 970. BELKNAP, JAMES LYMAN (606), Assistant Surgeon United States Navy. Services : Hospital Steward ist New Hamp- shire Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Concord, N. H., Chickamauga, Ga. and Lexington, Ky. On duty at 3d Division Hospital, 1st Army Corps, Chickamauga, Ga., from June 2 to August 28, 1898. 889. BELL, OLA WALTER (571), Captain United States Army. Services : Captain 7th Cavalry United States Army. In camp at Chickamauga Park, Ga., with Provisional ist Corps, April 21 to May II, 1898; in camp at Tampa, Fla., with 5th Corps and Provisional 4th Corps, May 13 to August I, 1898;- in camp at Femandina, Fla., August 3 to August ID, 1898; at Montauk Point, L. I. (Camp Wikoff), August 18 to August 24, 1898; Manila, P. I., October 5, 1899; served in Young's Provisional Cavalry Brigade, Lawton's Division, during campaign in Northern Luzon, October 15, 1899, to Jan- uary 4, 1900; at San Fernando, P. I., from January 18 to April 13, 1900; at Buenotan Union, P. I., from April 13 to November 1$, 19C0; at San Fernando Union, P. I., from November 16, 1900 to March 9, 1901 ; as Cap- tain of the Port and Collector of Internal Revenue until April i, 1901. 375- BELLINGER, LYLE FREDERICK (312), Captain United States Volunteer En gineers. .; . Services : Captain Company "C," 2d Bat- talion 3d United States Volunteer Engineers; had charge of and executed the survey of the inner harbor of Cienfuegos. 1054. BELMONT, PERRY (652), Major and Inspector General United States Volun- teers. Services : Major and Inspector General ; on staff of Major General W. C. Butler, com- manding the First Division, Second Army Corps, United States Volunteers. 186. BENKARD, JOHN PHILIP (186), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 12th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13; Firsf Lieutenant, May 26; Captain Company "G," October 27, 1898; recruiting officer New York City from June 12 to July 3, 1898; in Cuba with regiment from Jaftiiary i, 1899, to March 21, 1899. 1231. BENTON, FREDERICK LESLIE (702), Surgeon United States Navy. Services : Assistant Surgeon United States Navy, Navy Yard and United States Naval Hospital, Washington, D. C, July 21, 1898 to February, ,1899. U. S. S. Sol'ace and U. S. Naval Hospital at Cavite, P. I., and saw active service near Manila in March, April and May, 1899. 66. BERMINGHAM. CHARLES L. (66), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Dale as Executive Officer. 28. BERNIER, LOUIS LEON (28), Lieu- tenant, late United States Navy. Services: Passed Assistant Engineer Reso- lute, May 14 to December I, 1898; participat- ing in all its engagements and cruises. 527. BERRYMAN, OTWAY CALVERT (416), Colonel United States Marine Corps. Services : Captain commanding marines on the Baltimore; participated in the battle of Manila Bay; blockade and capture of Manila, May I to August 13, 1898. Marine officer of fleet on staff of Admiral Dewey, Philippine Islands, and engaged in suppressing insurrec- tion of Filipinos ; on the Olytnpia, and on shore until May 20, 1899. 288. BLAKE, JOHN R. (233), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 12th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13 to September 3, 1898. 601. BLOODGOOD, FREEMAN, Jr. (473), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Enquirer from June 25 to August 2, 1898; Jason from Au^rust 6 to Sep- tember 6, 1898. 80s. BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND (534). Chaplain United States Volunteers. Chaplain 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teer Infantry ; in camp at Chickamauga and Knoxville, 868. BRAUNERSREUTHER, WILLIAM (558), Commander United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Commander Baltimort and Charleston; received surrender of Guam June 21, 1898; served on the blockade of Manila and was present at its capitulation August 13, 1898; Captain of the Port of Manila from America's occupation October, 1898, to March 28, 1901. 592. BREESE, CHARLES PARKER (470), Captain United States Volunteer En gineers. Services : Captain Company "E," ist United States Volunteer Engineers. 1037. BRODERICK, JOHN J. (639), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant and Assistant Sur- geon, 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. June 30, 1898. Resigned September 14, 1898. 962. BROWN, THURBER ARNOLD (600), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant Company "L," 3d New York Volunteer Infantry, May 17 to December 10, 1898. At Camp Black, N. Y., May 2 to 28, 1898; Camp Alger, Va., May 29 to August i8, 1898; Camp Meade, Pa., August 19 to September 12, 1898; Home Station, Elmira, N. Y., September 13 to December 10, 1898. 944- BROWNLEY, WILLIAM SPEAR (586), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 5th Maryland Volun- teer Infantry. Camp Wilmer, Pimlico, Md., May 14 to 18, 1898; Camp George H. Thomas, May 22 to June 2, 1898; Garrison Field, Tampa, Fla., June 6 to July 31, 1898; Tampa Heights, Fla., July 31 to August 18, 1898; Camp Wheeler, Huntsville, Ala., August 21 to Sep- tember 6, 1898. Mustered out October 10, 1898. 831. BRUNNER, ROBERT A. (546), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 2d Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Sea Girt, N. J., May I to June i ; Jacksonville, Fla., and Pablo Beach to September I ; Sea Girt and home station to November 17, 1898, when mustered out with regiment. 602. BRUSO, FRANK (474), Major and brigade surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Major and brigade surgeon, 2d Divi- sion Hospital, 3d Army Corps, Chickamauga Park, Ga., July 2 to September 9, 1898. 263. BRYANT, WILLIAM SOHIER (684) Major and Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery United States Volunteers, May 11, 1898; Ma- jor and Brigade Surgeon of Volunteers Au- gust 9, 1898, to March 13, 1899. Services in the United States and Cuba. 385. BUCHANAN, ALLEN (322), Lieu- tenant United States Navy. Services: Ensign United States Navy; served in the transport fleet from May 30 to June 22; then on the St. Louis durine the landing of the Army in Cuba; on the New York from June 20 to August 22, 1898; par- ticipated in the bombardment of the fortifica- tions of Santiago and the fight with Cervera's fleet on July 3, 1898. 151. BUCKEY, MERVIN CHANDOS (151), Captain United States Army. Services : Second Lieutenant sth United States Artillery ; at Fort Slocum, Fort Han- cock and at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, N. Y., commanding Battery "B" at Fort Slo- cum and Camp Rogers ; in skirmishes at Guanica and Yonca, and in garrison duty at Ponce, P. R., campaign of 1898. 506. BUNTING, JAMES ERNST (583), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant Company "H," 3d United States Volunteer Infantry. Saw service in Macon, Santiago, Caimanera, Jamaica, Cuba and Baracoa. 39. BURNSTINE, ALBERT (39), Lieu- tenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Apache July 6, 1898, to September 7, 1898. 204. BURR, CHAUNCEY REA (204), Lieiitenant United States Navy. Services : Assistant Surgeon, Naval Hospi- tal, Mare Island, May 31, 1898; Monterey, June 3 to September 18, 1898; Brutus, Sep- tember 18 to November 29; Nero, November 29 to December i, 1898. Puget Srund Naval Station, January 16, 1899. Participated in the battle of Manila, August 13, 1898. 343- BURR, NELSON BEARDSLEY (288), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant Company "I" I2th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry ; in camp at Peekskill, N. Y., Chickamauga Park and Lexington, Ky. 203. BURROUGH, LEWIS FAIRBROTH- ER (203), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Constellation ; on the Man- hattan from July 11 to August 10, 1898; Mar- celltis August 10 to September 13, 1898. 1091. BYRNE, JOHN JAMES (662). Major N. G. N. Y. ; Captain, United States Volunteers. Services : Captain, Company K, 9th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; Lieutenant, May 2, 1808, to August 8, 1898 ; Captain until mustered out November 15, 1898. Service in United States. 356. CALROW, CHARLES JAMES (293), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign United States Navy, May 4, 1898; served as assistant to officer in charge of the Third District United States Coast Signal Service, with headquarters at Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va.. until July 30. 1898; United States Steamer Cheyenne until August 28, 1898. Honorably discharged September 10, 1898. 645. CAMPBELL, HECTOR RONALD (489), Lieutenant late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant (J. G.") on the St. Louis during the war with Spain. 414. CAPEHART. EDWARD EVERETT (3.')2), Commander United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Ne7v York during the war with Spain ; participated in engagements in Matanzas, Mariel. San Juan, P. R., and in all the attacks on the forts at Santiago, and took part in the battle of July 3. 1898. Mem- ber of the Wainwright Board to examine wrecks after fight. On duty at Torpedo Sta- tion, Newport, R. I., from June, 1890, until February 16, 1901. 165. GARDEN, GODFREY LYNET (165), Captain United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services : Lieutenant and Ordnance Officer Manning throughout the war with Spain; on blockade duty before Havana, Santiago, Matanzas, Manzanillo, Bahia Honda and Cien- fuegos; on guard duty at base of supplies; scout service off Bahia Honda, and ni guard fleet convoying General Shafter's troops to Cuba. Engagements: Carbonas, May 12; en- gaged Spanish position off Mariel, May 13; bombardment Santa Cruz Del Sur, July 20; on August 15, while on Cienfuegos blockade, carried flag of truce from Manning to enemy announcing the raising of the blockade. 8. CARR, CLARENCE A. (8), Command- er United States Navy. Services: Chief Engineer United States Navy; Inspector of Machinery, United States Torpedo Boat Bailey until July 7, 1898; En- gineer of Armeria carrying ordnance supplies, July 7 to September 20, 1898; Inspector of Ma- chinery torpedo boat destroyer Stewart and torpedo boats Bailey and Wilkes; Inspector of Machinery of battleship Kentucky: Chief En- gineer of the Bennington, Asiatic Squadron, to April I, 1901. 942. CARROLL, JOHN F. (584), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 14th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 16 to December 67 1898. Served at Camp Thomas, Ga., May 20 to September i, 1898; Camp Shipp, Ala., Sep- tember 3 to 14, 1898. 1212. CARSTENSEN, GUSTAVE AR- NOLD (700), Chaplain United States Volu- teers. Services: Chaplain, with rank of Captain, 158th Regiment Indiana Volunteers, April 26, 1898, to November 15, 1898. Services in the United States. 1196. CASSALS, ARTHUR FLETCHER (691). Captain United States Army. Ser- vices: Lieutenant 7th United States Artillery. Services in the United States, Cuba and the Philippine Islands. 205. CASSIDY, EDWARD R. (205), En- sign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Viking May 19 to May 28 ; Hannibal May 28 to October 10, 1898; Ster- ling, October 10. 1898, to March i, 1899. loio. CHALKER, JAMES HUMPHREY (627), Chief Engineer, United States Rev- enue Cutter Service. Services: Chief Engineer in the United States Revenue Cutter Service; in the expe- dition that captured the island of Guam; in the first expedition to the Philippines on City of Sidney; on board the McCulloch when she captured the Abbey. Assisted in dismounting the guns on the various fortifications in Manila Bay, by order of Admiral George Dewey, United States Navy; was present at the surrender of Manila to the Army and Navy forces of the United States. 11 139- CHALMERS, THOMAS CLARK (139), Major and surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services: Captain and assistant surgeon I2th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2 to September 30, 1898; major sur- geon I2th New York Volunteers, October i, 1898, to April 20, 1899. At Camp Townsend, Peekskill, N. Y., May 2 to 17 ; Camp Thomas, Ga., May 20 to July 30, 1898 ; Reserve Hospital 1st Army Corps until September 21, 1898; with General Brooks' expedition to Porto Rico, Lexington, Ky., October i to November 24; Americus, Ga., November 25 to December 26, 1898; Matanzas, Cuba, January i to March 22, 1899. Surgeon 28th United States Volunteers July 5, 1899, to March 24, 1901, in the cam- paign of Southern Luzon and Northern Min- danao; major surgeon United States Volun- teers March 25, 1901 ; also acting chief sur- geon 7th Separate Brigade. Commanding offi- cer Brigade Hospital, Zamboanga, and Quar- antine Officer, Port of Zamboanga. 90. CHAPMAN, MELVILLE D. (90), Lieutenant United States Marine Corps. Services : Lieutenant Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, New York, August 10, 1898; Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., September 19. Massachusetts October 10, 1898. Resigned December 11, 1898. 91. CHASE, NORTON (91), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 203d New York Vol- unteer Infantry. 1114. *CHASMAR, JAMES HENRY (672), Chief Engineer, United States Navy ; Captain, retired. Services : Commander U. S. S. Vulcan, April 23 to October 11, 1898. At Santiago and Guan- tanamo Bay, Cuba, repairing vessels of the fleet until retired, October 11, 1898. 1081. CHESTON, DANIEL MURRAY, Jr. (657), Lieutenant United States Army. Services : Corporal, Light Battery A, Penn- sylvania Artillery, May 6 to November 19, 1898. Service in United States and Porto Rico. 304. CLAIBORNE, JOHN HERBERT, Jr. (249), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 12th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13, 1898; Cap- tain, October 15, 1898; in camp at Peekskill, N. Y. ; Chickamauga, Ga., and Lexington, Ky. 342. CLARK, GEORGE HATTON (287), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant and Adjutant 201 st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, July 8, 1898; Captain, October 27, 1898, to April 3, 1899. 454. *CLARK, ROBERT McEVAN (364), Captain United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services: Captain United States Revenue Cutter Dallas, guarding mine fields in Boston Harbor, Mass., from May 6 to August 16, 1898. 12 120. CLAUS, HENRY (120), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Troop "C," United States Volunteer Cavalry; participated in the Porto Rican campaign in 1898 ; battle of Coamo, August 9, 1898; skirmishes in Haniato Pass, August 9 and 10, 1898. 87. CLOUS, JOHN W. (87), Brigadier- General United States Army. Services: Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge Ad- vocate General United States Army. Assigned to duty at Headquarters of the Army in June, 1898, and proceeded early in July, 1898, with the Major General Commanding the Army to Siboney, and took part in the operations in Cuba, and subsequently in the Porto Rican Campaign ; August 12, 1898, recalled from Porto Rico and assigned by the President as Secretary and Recorder for the Commission for the Evacuation of Cuba. Brigadier-Gen- eral United States Volunteers September 21, 1898; on duty in Havana, Cuba, until Januacy 7, 1899; mustered out as Brigadier-General of Volunteers March 24, 1899. 1002. COBDEN, RICHARD (624), Chap- lain United States Volunteers. Services : Chaplain 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, August 16 to November 23, 1898. 1113. *COGHLAN, JOSEPH B. (671), Rear-Admiral, United States Navy, retired. Services : Captain, commanding U. S. S. Raleigh during the battle of Manila Bay. In 1898 was stationed at the War College, New York Navy Yard, going from there to the command of the Caribbean Squadron. 173. COLLIER, PRICE (173), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Prairie, Signal OfT.cer and Adjutant of Battalion; took part in engage- ment and sinking of Alphonso XII off Mariel ; on blockade duty off Cuba in June, July and August, 1898. 177- CONNELL, WILLIAM MURRAY (177), Captain United States Army. Services : First Lieutenant, 12th Regiment ; New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898. On detached service as Assistant Acting Quar- termaster, Reserve Ambulance Corps, in Porto Rico, July 16 to November 3, 1898; Captain Company "K," 12th Regiment New York Vol- unteer Infantry, September 7, 1898, until mus- tered out April 20, 1899. First Lieutenant 26th United States Volunteer Infantry July 5, 1899; Captain September 13, 1899. 1106. COOK. HAROLD EARLE (669), Lieutenant, United States Navy. Services : Naval Cadet, United States Navy, on duty on the U. S. S. St. Louis, May 29 to August 8, 1898; on the U. S. S. Newark until August 23, 1898; the U. S. S. Solace until August 29, 1898. During that period partici- 13 pated in the cable cuttings of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo, in the capture of the prize S. S. Twickenham, and the battle off Manza- nillo. 959- CRAIGIE, DAVID JOHNSTON (597), Brigadier-General United States Army. Services: Major and Lieutenant-Colonel United States Army, April, 1898 to January, 1901. Recruiting duty during the Spanish- American War and service in the Philippines. 823. CRAVEN, MACDONOUGH (544), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Justin, League Island Navy Yard, May 8, 1898; Executive OflScei until October 10, 1898; ordered to the Indiana on same date; discharged October 15, 1898. 400. CRIMMINS, MARTIN L. (338), Captain United States Army. Services : Second Lieutenant 69th New York Volunteer Infantry and extra Aide de Camp on General Coppinger's staff from July 29 to September 12, 1898; Aide de Camp of General Coppinger September 20 to 26, 1898 ; command ing Provisional Company "L," 2d Oregon United States Volunteer Infantry, October 4 to November 23, 1898; joined i8th United States Infantry November 23 in Cavite, P. I. ; took part in the capture of Iloilo, Jaro, engagements about Jaro, and the battle of Jaro River; en- gagements at La Paz, the battle of Sambag or Illias Banier, battle of Pavia, capture of Santa Barbara, engagements at Banate River, Point Mapatag and five others ; First Lieutenant 6th United States Infantry, October i, 1899. 943. CRONIN, FRANCIS JOSEPH (585), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant 69th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 19 to November 26, 1898. At Camp Black, Hempstead, L. I. ; assigned to duty with Headquarters ; 2d Brig- ade, 3d Division, 4th Army Corps as Assistant Quartermaster; Staff of Brigadier-General John N. Andrews, United States Army, June 13, 1898. Resigned November 26, 1898. 945. CRONIN, JAMES MICHAEL (587), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain and Regimental Quarter- master 69th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 19. Resigned October 17, 1898. 7.%. CROSCUP, HOMER CECIL (515), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Acting Bat- talion Adjutant 14th Regiment, New York Vol- unteer Infantry; Captain, same regiment, Sep tember 14, 1898. 34. CROSS, WILSON (34), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Battery "B," Pennsylvania Volunteers, from May 5 to No vcmber 27, 1898; served with Battery at Mt. Gretna, Pa., and Camp Geo. H. Thomas; ap- 14 pointed Battalion Adjutant July 22; Ponce, P. R., August 5, reported to Major General Miles and Major General Brooks; ordered to proceed to Guayama to participate in engage ment. 315- CURNEN, BERNARD V. (260), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant 201st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, July 6, 1898; Commander of Headquarters Detachment and Guard Headquarters, 2d Division, 2d Arm> Corps, December 15, 1898; appointed Assistant Mustering Oflficer and Assistant Inspectot General, Headquarters, 2d Division, 2d Arm> Corps; Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Geo. M. Randall, 2d Division, 2d Army Corps 1205. GUSHING, WILLIAM H. (699), Captain U. S. R. C. S. Services: Lieutenant United States Steamer Calumet on blockade duty off Havana, Cuba. 1204. *DALLY. JOHN R. (698), Chief En- gineer U. S. R. C. S. Services : Chief Engineer United States Steamer Algonquin, May 10, 1898, to 1899. 864. DALY, ROBERT J. (554), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Camp Black, L. I., May to June, 1898; First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., June to September, 1898, Post Adjutant and Recruiting Officer; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., September to Novem- ber, 1898, First Lieutenant and Battalion Ad- jutant; 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Mustered out with regiment No- vember 23, 1898. 1017. DALY, WILLIAM JOHN BARRY (630), Chaplain United States Volunteers. Services: Chaplain 69th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 19, 1898, to January 31, 1899. 1174. DAVIS, CHARLES EDMOND(687), Major and Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services: Major and Surgeon 1st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898, to February 26, 1899. Services in the United States and Philippine Islands. 647. DAVIS, CHARLES O. (491), Lieu tenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant, Company "F," 22d Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; served at Camp Black until June 10; Willets Point, N. Y., June 10 to September 23; Fort Slocum, N. Y., September 23 to November 23. 1898. 451. DAVIS, EDWIN GREELY (663), late Ensign, United States Navy. Services: Assistant Engineer, United States Navy; served at the Charleston Navy Yard from June 7 to July 19, 1898; on the Wyan- 15 dotte as Chief Engineer on coast defense duty. Honorably discharged October 10, 1898. 3}. DAVIS, WILLIAM H. (31), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Major i8th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, May 13 to October 22, 1898. 490. *DAY, SELDEN ALLEN (400), Colonel United States Army, retired. Services : Captain Battery "M," 5th Artillery ; at Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, New York Harbor; promoted Major May 14, 1898; com- manded at ualveston, Texas, June, 1898; took siege train from Tampa, Fla., to Guantanamo. Cuba and Guanica, P. A., and hoisted first American flag over Custom House at Ponce ; commanded heavy artillery battalion and took over the forts at San Juan, October 18, and hoisted American flag over El Morro Castle ; Inspector of Artillery and Ordnance Depot at San Juan, P. R., until September, 1901. 62. DAY, WILLIAM P. (62), Rear-Ad- miral United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Commander Nciv Or- leans from May 22 to November, 1898; took part in engagements and bombardments of forts oflF Santiago and on the blockade of San Juan, P. R. 371. DEMUTH, JESSE SMITH (308). First Lieutenant and assistant surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Private Company "I," 12th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, April 3, 1898; First Lieutenant and assistant surgeon, August 24, 1898; Executive and Summary Court Officer of the Military Hospital of the District of Matanzas until July 16, 1898. 1099. DE RONDE, FRANK S. (664), Captain, United States Volunteers. Services : Captain, Company F, 2d New Jer- sey Volunteer Infantry, from May 2 to Novem- ber 17, 1898. no. DE RUBIO, HENRY ARMSTRONG CUSTER (no), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 201st New York Volunteer Infantry. 291. DE RUSSY, RENEE AMEDEE (236). Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant 12th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13, 1898; com- manding Company "D," June 27 to July 20, 1898. 12. DICKEY, WILLIAM EUGENE (12), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer United States Navy; assistant to Chief of Auxiliary Naval Force, 3d District ; on Resolute, taking the Cuban Commission to Havana; on Buffalo, participating in the various battles from Feb- ruary I to March 23, 1899. 16 52. DIMOCK, WILLIAM DE W. (52). Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign United States Navy, April 30 to September 9, 1898: on the Yankee; Northern Patrol Squadron in blockading and bombarding Santiago de Cuba ; at Guantanamo, Caimanera. Cienfuegos, Casilda and Isle of Pines, 1898. 467. DIXON, HIRAM (377). Lieutenant late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant (J. G.) on the U. S. S. St. Paul, May 15, 1898, to September 2, 1898. On scouting and blockade duty until June 25, and transporting troops to Cuba and Porto Rico until September 2. 38s. DOHRMAN. HORATIO G. (295), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Vermont, in connection with the Chicago, July 23 to October 10, 1898. 1090; DOLPH. CYRUS ABDA (661), Lieutenant United States Army. Services : Private in the Hospital Corps United States Army, from June 7, 1898, to April 3, 1899; Second Lieutenant, 4th United States Infantry, 1899; First Lieutenant, 26th Infantry, February 3, 1901. Served in the Philippine Islands from July 25, 1898, to De- cember 16, 1898; October 5, 1899. to March 3, 1903. Took part in the battle of Manila and other engagements at Cavite and in Luzon. 106. DOW, ALEXANDER (106), Lieuten. ant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant ist Regiment, United States Volunteer Engineers : Camp Townsend, N. Y., and in camp near Ponce, P. R., until October, 1898. 307. DOWLING. ^ JAMES FRANCIS (2!;2), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Sergeant Company "D." T2th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, Mav 13, 1898: Second Lieutenant Company "D," May 26, 1898; camp duty. 390. *DRAKE, FRANKLIN JEREMIAH (327). Rear Admiral United States Navy. Services : Ordinance Officer, Navy Yard. Mare Island. Cal. : in command of Resolute in fall of 1898 in addition to ordnance duty. 1004. DROUILLARD, JAMES PIERRE (626), Captain late United States Army. Services: Lieutenant 4th Tennessee Volun- teer Infantry, July 13 to September 9, 1898; Second Lieutenant. 6th United States Infan- try. September 9. 1898; First Lieutenant First United States Infantry, September 30, 1899; Lieutenant 9th Infantry. United States Army, April 23. T900 ; on Island of Negros, P. I., from Tune, 1800, to July, 1900; in engatrements at Tibuan. Negros. P. T. ; in China with 9th In- fantry. United States Army, from Ttily. T900, to May, 1901 : in engagement at Pa Ta Chon ; commanded Company L. 9th Infantry, in Pe- kin and Company G in Tien Tsin and at Ta Ka, China. 17 98. DUANE, ALEXANDER (98), Lieu tenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant in charge of 2d Dis trict, C. S. S., April 22 to August 15, 1898. 1036. *DUDLEY. EDGAR SWARTWOUT (638), Colonel United States Army. Services : Lieutenant Colonel and Judge Ad- vocate United States Army; on staff of Major General John R. Brooke in Cuba, December 15, 1898, to December 20, 1899; on staff of Major General Leonard Wood, in Cuba, De- cember 20, 1899, to May 29, 1901. 459- *DUFFIELD, HENRY MARTIN (369), Brigadier General United States Volun teers. Services : Brigadier General United States Volunteers, in command of Separate Brigade. 2d Army Corps, at Camp Alger, Va., May 2/ to June 22, 1898; arrived at Siboney June 27; engaged in demonstration of Aguadores ; in command of 33d Michigan, July i, 1898. 160. pUGAN, DANIEL A. (160), Ensign late United States Navy. Services : Ensign, Acting Assistant Pay master Montauk April 12 to 27, 1898; Badger, May 21 to October 7, 1898; in Cuban blockad- ing squadron, July 4 to 26 ; assisted in capture of three vessels — Humberto Rodrigucs. tug; 5"a)5, brig, and San Fernando, hzTge — off Nuevi tas, Cuba. 1068. DUNCAN, LOUIS (653), Major, United States Volunteers. Services : Major, 1st Regiment Engineers United States Volunteers, May 15 to August 1898. Service in United States. 4. DUNCAN, WILLIAM B. (4), Lieutcn ant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Yankee, April 30 to September 6, 1898; participated in the bom bardment of Santiago, Cuba, June 6; capture of Guantanamo, June 7 ; engagement with gun- boat Diego Velasquez, June 13, at Cienfuegos and gunboat at Casilda, June 15, and general dispatch and blockade duty on southern coast of Cuba until peace was declared. 355- DUNLAP, THADDEUS COX (292). Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer Indiana. Ma> 30 to July 2, 1898; Oregon. July 3 to Septem ber 13, 1898; Massachusetts, September 15 to December 13, 1898. 869. DUNN, GEORGE M. (S59). Lieuten ant Colonel United States Army. Services: Major ist United States Volun- teer Cavalry, May 9 to September 15, 1898; Major and Judge Advocate of Volunteers, April 17, 1899; Major and Judge Advocate United States Army, April 2, 1901 ; in com niand squadron, Tampa, Fla., July and Septem ber, when regiment mustered out at Montauk Point, 1898; Judge Advocate, Department of 18 Santiago, Cuba, May 20, 1899, to May 2, 1900, station Santiago; Judge Advocate, Department Western Cuba, July i, 1900, station Quenea dors, to December i, 1900. 296. DUNN, HERBERT OMAR (241)^ Commander United States Navy. Services : Watch and Division Officer Ter- ror during the month of April, 1898, blockad- ing Cardenas, Cuba ; captured the Spanish steamers Guido and Bolivar, and the Spanish sailing vessels Tres Hermanos, Lorenzo, Mas- cotta and Carlos Rosas; May 4, joined Admiral Sampson in his expedition to Porto Rico ; May 12, engaged the forts at San Juan, P. R., for three hours ; returned to the coast of Cuba, and during May and June engaged in blockad- ing Havana and defending Key West; Guanta- namo Bay, July 17, 1898; July and August, as- sisting the army at Ponce, Guanica and Porto Rico; from April 2, 1900, to March 4, 1901, Navigating Officer of the Buffalo; Lieutenant Commander, July I, 1900. 803. DUNPHY, JAMES F. (532), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "A," 2d Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry; was with the regiment at Sea Girt. N. J. ; Jack- sonville, Fla., and Pablo Beach, Fla. 662. DWYER, JOHN F. (498), Ensign, L^nited States Navy. Services : Ensign Panther; took part in the operations of the ist Marine Battalion at Guantanamo, Cuba, from June 10 to June 20, 1898. 187. DYER. GEORGE RATHBONE (187), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "G," 12th Regi- ment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2 ; Major, May 13. 1898. Camp duty: Camp Townsend, Peekskill, N. Y., May 2 to 17, 1898 ; Lexington, Ky., August 26 to November 13, 1898; Camp Gilman, Americus, Ga., No- vember 15 to December 26, 1898; Matanzas, Cuba, January i to March 22, 1899. 879. DYETT. ALBERT HENRY (565), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant 22d Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24, 1898; at Camp Black until June 10. 1898; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H.. until September, 1898; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., until muster out, November 23, 1898. 1019. EDWARDS, CHARLES (632), Lieutenant, United States Volunteers. Services: Private Company I, 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898; Corporal, July 4, 1898; Second Lieutenant, same company, September 12, 1898; in the bat- tle of San Juan Hill, July i, 2 and 3, and pres- ent at the siege and bombardment of San- 19 tiago de Cuba, July lo and li, 1898; received honorable mention for meritorious service dur- ing the invasion of Cuba by letter of War De- partment dated August 22, 1898. 883. EP WARDS, ROBERT, JR. (569), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "B," 8th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 14, i8g8; camp duty in United States until mus- tered out virith regiment, November 31, 1898. /72. ETSLER. WHITNEY IRVING C382'), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Niagara from June t-i to October 8. 1898; Sterling, October, T898. to March i, 1899. 3^6. ELY. ADDISON (280), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "L," 2d New Tersev Volunteer Infantry. May T2. t8o8: Pro- vnst Mnrshal 2d Division, 7th Armv Corps, nt Camn Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Fla., June 0. 1898, on the staff of General Arnold. 70. EMERSON. ISAAC EDWARD (70). Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Commander Tst Naval Battalion Maryland National Guard; Dixie from April 23 to May 9, 1808: Lieutenant United States Navy May 2=;. t8o8: Commander Dale Mav 3T : Assistant Chief of t?th Light House District luly 12 to August 20; Assistant Chief United States Auxiliarv Naval Eorce, and in command of 5th Light House District and Dale to No- vember 2, 1898. 1168. ERNST. ARTPIUR ALBERT (683). Lieutenant LTnited States Volunteers. Services : First Sergeant Company "I," 14th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, April 29, 1898; Second Lieutenant, July 20, 1898. to November 18, 1899. Services in the United States. 372. EVANS. CHARLES R. (309), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 6th United States Volun- feer Infantry dmmunes), from July i, 1898, to Tanuary 7, iSgo. when promoted Major, same regiment ; in camp at Knoxville. Tenn. ; Camp Thomas. Chickamauga, Ga., and at Arecibo, P. R., from November 3, 1898, to February. 1809. 25. FIELDER, FRANK SIDNEY (25). Assistant Surgeon, late ITnited States Navy. Services: Assistant Surgeon United States Naval Hospital. Washington, D. C, May 15 to June 6, 1898; Cincinnati from June 7 to Sep- tember 17, 1898; member of Board of Medical Examiners for enlistment of crews of Har- 7-ard and Yale, at Newport News, Va.. from June 10 to 20, 1898. Honorably discharged September 27, 1898. 20 884. FISCHER-HANSEN, CARL AAGE VILHELM FREDERICK (570), First Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant ist United States Volunteer Engineers; on detached service as Aide-de-Camp to Major General Wade, Com- manding 3d Army Corps in Chickamauga. 746. FISH, WILLIAM L. (518), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "C," 47th Regi- ment New York Volunteer Infantry; served at Camp Black, N. Y., and Fort Adams, R. I. 523. FISKE, BRADLEY ALLEN (412), Captain United States Navy. Services : Navigator of the Petrel; at the battle of Manila Bay, and was reported to the Department by her Captain for "eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle." Was at the taking of Manila, August 13, 1898; was Navi- gator of the Monitor Monadnock from Jan- uary I to May 13, 1899, and as such partici- pated in all the naval engagements against the Philippine insurgents in Manila Bay, includ- ing the bombardment of Malabon in February and of Paranaque on March 25, 1899. As Executive Officer of the Yorktown took part in the bombardment of San Fernando, P. I., August 7, 1899. 386. FITZGERALD, HENRY C (323), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Major and Additional Paymaster United States Army. Participated in the en- gagement in the trenches in front of Manila, August 5, 1898; battle of Manila, August 13, 1898; served in the Philippines from May 17, 1898, to 1899. 978. FLEMING, THOMAS ROBERTSON (614), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; served at Camp Black, N. Y., May 24 to June 10, 1898; Wil- lett's Point and Fort Slocum, N. Y. H,, to November 23, 1898, 22. *FOLGER, WILLIAM MAYHEW (22), Rear-Admiral United States Navy. Services : Commander New Orleans; par- ticipated in the bombardment of the Santiago forts on May 31, June 6 and 16, 1898. The New Orleans silenced the batteries on T)oth sides of the entrance of Santiago Harbor alone on June 14. July 14, relieved the Yosemite at the blockade of San Juan, P. R. ; captured the French blockade runner Olinde Rodriguez burned the Spanish steamer Antonia Lopez, previously run ashore by the Yosemite. The New Orleans twice received complimentary sig- nal from the flagship, "Well done, New Or- leans" — (June 14 and 15, 1898). 534. FORBES, HENRY HALL (423), P. A. Surgeon, late United States Navy. Services : P. A. Surgeon on the Nahant from April 22 to July 7, 1898. 21 46a FORD, WILLIAM GRIFFING (370). Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant in command of the Free Lance on home service ; commanded the Sylvia on home service, and as Executive OftV cer and Navigator on the Sylvia in Cuba. 548. FORSHEW, ROBERT PIERPONT (437), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant United States Navy, League Island Navy Yard, April 13 to 19. 1898; in command of ten small vessels per- forming harbor patrol duty, May 7 to 17, 1898 ; in command of the New Hampshire, June 22 to July 13, 1898; Executive Officer on the Buffalo July 16 to 25, 1898; on duty New Hampshire, July 25 to October 8, 1898. 1201. FURLOW, JAMES WADSWORTH (695), Captain United States Army. Services: First class Private and Corporal United States Signal Corps, May 23, 1898. to May 1, 1899; Second Lieutenant 11th Infantry, United States Army, April 5, 1899 ; First Lieu- tenant, 11th Infantry, February 2. 1901. 324 FOWLER, EDWARD S. (269), Ma- jor United States Volunteers. Services : Major and Additional Paymaster United States Volunteers from May 28, 1898, to January 31, 1899. 726. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM BUEL (509), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant on the Buffalo, May 26 to September 2.1, 1898. 85. FRICK, EUCLID B. (85), Major United States Army. Services : Captain and Assistant Surgeon United States Army; Camp Geo. H. Thomas, April 27, 1898; Port Tampa, Fla., May i, 1898. at Camp Rogers, Ybor City, Fla., established field hospital for siege artillery train. Fort Trumbull, Conn., August 24, 1898. Charge of hospital at Fort Wadsworth, September 3, 1898, to November 29, 1900. Charge of hos- pital, San Juan, Porto Rico, November 11, 1900, to April, 1903. 520. FRIES, CLAUDE SHARPE (409), Lieutenant United States Army. Services : Captain 4th Regiment, New Jer- sey Volunteer Infantry, June 30, 1898, to April 6, 1899; Captain 28th Infantry, United States Volunteers, July 5, 1899, to May, 1901. 45. FRY, ALFRED BROOKS (45), Chief Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Chief Engineer Nahant, April 4, 1898 ; Chief Engineer Stranger in Cuban waters from June 22 to September 2, 1898. 807. FURBUSH, CHARLES LINCOLN (536), Major and Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services : Acting Assistant Surgeon United States Army Hospital ship Missouri, July 27, i8y8; in Chief Surgeon's office, Headquarters 22 Department of Havana, Cuba, May 4, 1899; Director of Department of Charities and Hos- pital, Havana, Cuba, May 11 ; Captain and As- sistant Surgeon United States Volunteers, Au- gust 21, 1899; Major and Surgeon, March 16, 1901. Foreign service: Ponce and Arroya, P. R. ; Santiago and Havana. Cuba : islands of Panay, Cebu, Negros and Bohol, P, I. 702. GALE, EDWARD COURTLAND (502), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "A," 2d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Camp duty : At Hempstead, Chickamauga, Tampa and Fernandina. 604. GAMBORG - ANDRESEN, CARL (476), Captain United States Marine Corps. Services : Second Lieutenant United States Marine Corps, Marine Barracks, Navy Yar(^, Portsmouth, N. H., from July 25 to August 9, 1898; Naval Base, Key West, Fla., August 9 to September 14 ; Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, New York, until September 26; Marine Bar- racks, Norfolk, Va., until December 13, 1898; Naval Station, Havana, Cuba, until February 7, 1899. 370. GAYLORD, FRANK BOURNE (307), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Yosemite from May 9 to August 26, 1898. 973 GILMER, JAMES BLAIR (609), Lieutenant United States Navy. Services : Naval Cadet United States Navy ; Signal Officer United States Transport "Vig- ilancia," United States Transport Steamer Leona and United States Transport Steamer Seneca, from June 2 to 26, 1898; served on the United States Battleship Iowa, on blockade duty off Santiago Harbor until July 4, 1898. when proceeded to Guantanamo, Cuba ; Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., October i, 1898 to January 28, 1899; served on the Badger, Jan- uary 30 to end of war, April 11, 1899; par- ticipated in the bombardment of the Morro, Socapa, Punta Gorda and the Western bat- teries, Santiaga de Cuba and the battle of July 3, when the fleet attacked and destroyed the one in command of Rear-Admiral Sr. Don Pascual Cervera y Torpete of the Spanish Navy. 912. GILMORE, JOHN WINFIELD (576), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Assistant Engineer (with rank of Ensign), United States Steamer Detroit, May 20 to September 14, 1898; on Havana blockade May 28 to 30, 1898; at bombarding of Dai- quairi, covering landing of troops, June 23 and 24, 1898. 477. GILLMORE, JAMES CLARKSON (387), Commander United States Navy. Services: Navigating Officer 5"/. x'aul, April 20, 1898; participated in the bombardments of Guantanamo Bay and of fort off San Juan, P. 23 R. ; in battle with Spanish torpedo boat de- stroyer Terror, sank Terror and drove off others; blockading and scouting duty; also transport duty, until August, 1898; commanded torpedo boat Porter, out of commission No- vember, 1898; Executive Officer Scorpion, out of commission January, 1899 ; Navigating Offi- cer of Solace to Manila. April 6 ; jointed York- town April 12, 1899; prisoner to the Filipinos Detember 16; abandoned in mountains of Ca- gayan December 18; rescued by Colonel Hare and detachment from 33d and 34th United States Infantry. 193. GOODMAN, WILLIAM (193), As- sistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : League Island Navy Yard, July II to October 31, 1898. 219. GRAF, ALBERT FREDERICK (219), Assistant Surgeon, late United States Navy. Services; Assistant Surgeon Yale, May 2, 1898; captured the Spanish steamer Rita May 8, 1898; scouted in the Bahama Channel May 17, 1898; scouted off Santiago until relieved by the Flying Squadron, May 20, 1898; on dis- patch boat until June 10; from then until Sep- tember, 1898, on transport duty, Siboney, Gua- nica and Santiago. 995. GRIFFIN, FRANCIS WHARTON (617), Captain United States Army. Services : First Lieutenant 3d United States Volunteer Engineers, July 22 to December 31, 1898; served in camps in the United States; December 23, 1898^ to April 15, 1899, in Cuba ; July 20, 1899, to September 20, 1890, in camps in the United States ; October 28, 1899, to Feb- ruary 10, 1901, Island of Luzon, P. I. ; partici- pated in skirmish at San Mateo, P. I., Novem- ber 24, 1899 ; in skirmish near Mariquina, P. I., May 24, 1900. 727. GRIFFITH, STUART WEBSTER (510), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Nahant, May 12 to Sep- tember 8, 1898. 406. GROW, EUGENE J. (344), Surgeon United States Navy. Services : Assistant Surgeon United States Navy, June 8, 1898 ; served at the Boston Navy Yard, U. S. R. S. Wabash, Boston Naval Hos- pital, Amphitrite for limited periods until or- dered to the Massachusetts on January 10, 1899 ; transferred to the New Orleans on July 29, 1899. 127. HALBERSTADT, BAIRD (127), First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermas- ter United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant, 4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Camp D. H. Hastings, April 28 to May 15 ; Camp Geo. H. Thomas, May 18 to July 22; sailed with regi- ment for Guanica, P. R., July 28; took part in invasion of Puerto Rico, August 2 to Septem- ber I, 1898; mustered out with regiment, No- vember 16, 1898. 24 727. HALPIN, ARTHUR FREDERIC (511), Lieutenant United States Army, retired. Services: Second Lieutenant, 7th Regiment, California Volunteer Infantry, May 9 to De- cember 2, 1898; Captain 35th United States Volunteer Infantry, July 5, 1899, to May 2, 1901 ; served in the Philippines (Bulcan Prov- ince), taking part in all operations of the regi- ment in the province. Appointed Second Lieu- tenant United States Infantry, August, 1901. 1199. HAMILTON, ERNEST L. (694), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Private, Sergeant and Second Lieutenant 30th Infantry, United States Vol- unteers, July 17. 1899, to February 17, 1901. Services in the Philippine Islands. 63. HARDIN. EDWARD E. (63), Lieu- tenant-Colonel United States Army. Services: Captain 7th United States Infan- try at the outbreak of war: Colonel 2d New York Volunteer Infantry, May 17 to October 25, 1898. 1213. HARDIN, JOSEPH SANDERS (701), Captain United States Army. Services : Captain Company "D." 1st Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, May 12. 1898, to November 10, 1898. Captain 46th United States Volunteer Infantry, September 20, 1899, to May 31, 1901. 1197. HARRIMAN, FREDERICK C. (692) , Cantain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 12th New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13th, 1898, to July 23 ,1898. Services in the United States. 164. *HARRIS. IRA (164). Lieutenant Commander, late United States Navy. Services: Commanded the Scindia from May 16 to 22, i8q8 ; commanded the naval force that assisted in the attempt to bring the Infanta Maria Teresa North, and took command of the ship after the wreck master decided to aban- don. Superintendent of the Army Transport Service from December 28, 1898, to November 15, 1900. 808. HARRISON, FRANCIS BURTON (5,^7). Captain and Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers. Services: Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers. 2d Brigade, ist Division, ,3d Army Corps ; at Camp Thomas, Chickamaupa, Ga. Assistant Adjutant General, Tst Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Army Corps, at Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala. 968. HART, BENJAMIN S. (604), Cap- tain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "K,'" 22d Regi- ment Infantry, New York Volunteers. Camp duty at Camp Black, Fort Schuyler and Fort Slocum, N. Y. H. 25 640. HARTSHORN. EDWIN S. (485) First Lieutenant United States Army. Services : First Lieutenant 201st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 6, 1898; Captain 201st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, January 3, 1899; mustered out with regiment, April 3, 1899; First Lieutenant 27th Infantry, United States Volunteers, July 13. 1899; Battalion Adjutant, August i, 1899; served in that capacity until muster out of regi ment, April i, 1901. Served in the Philippine Islands from October 20. 1899, to February to. 1901 ; in the engagement at San Mateo, P. I.. September 16, 1900; in the expedition to and the engagement at Pinaurau, P. I., November 22, 1900. 408. HARTIGAN, JOSEPH J. (346), Lieu tenant United States Volunteers. Services : Private 201st Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, July T, 1898; Cor- poral. July 25; Sergeant, August 11, i^; at Camp Black. N. Y. ; First Sergeant, November r, 1898, at Camp Meade, Pa. ; Second Lieuten- ant, November 25, Camp Wetherill, S. C. ; mus- tered out, April 3, 1899. 867._ HAUBOLD, RUDOLPH O. (557), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24 to October 21. 1898: camp duty at Camp Black. N. Y., and garrison duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 727. HAUGHWOUT, CHARLES SAM- UEL (508), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Commissary 1st Regiment, Colorado Volunteer Infantry, May I, 1898; participated with regiment in building and occupying the trenches before Ma- nila and the subsequent fighting, and the capt- ure of Manila on August 13, 1898. Assistant to the Collector of Internal Revenue from Au- gust 31, 1898, to May 12, 1899; participated in engagements at Los Pinos and Paranaque, June 9 and 10. Wounded. Mustered out Sep- tember 9, 1899. 410. HAY, THEODORE J. (3^8), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Battery "B," 1st Califor- nia Heavy Artillery, from May 9 to Septem- ber 30, 1898. 123. HENDRIE, STRATHCARN (123). Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Yosemite. May 9 to Au- gust 20, 1898; participated in the bombardment of San Juan, P. R., June 28, 1898. 100. HESS. FRANK JUDSON (100), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 202d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry: service at CamiJ Black. N. Y, -1.... ■ 2^ I 282. HEWITT, ERSKINE (227), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, and senior personal Aide to Major General James H. Wilson, Chickamauga Park, Charleston and Porto Rico, from May 9, 1898, to October 28, 1898. 466. HILL, FREDERICK PARSELI (376), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Buffalo and AUecn. IOI2. HILL, WILLIAM R. (629), Lieuten- ant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2. 1898; in bat- tle of San Juan Hill. Cuba, July i, 2 and 3; at the siege and bombardment of Santiago de Cuba, July 10 and 11. 1898. 26. *HILTON, JOHN T. (26), Captain and Regimental Adjutant, United States Volunteers. Services: Captain and Regimental Adjutant, 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry ; in Camp at Sea Girt, N. J., May i to June i ; Jacksonville, Fla., and Pablo Beach to September I ; Sea Girt and Home Station to November 17, 1898, when mustered out with regiment. 60s. HINE, EDWIN WARREN (477) Colonel United States Volunteers. Services : Colonel 2d Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Sea Girt, May 2 to June I ; Jacksonville, Fla., and Pablo Beach to September i ; Sea Girt and Home Sta tion to November 17, 1898, when mustered out with regiment. 709. HITCHCOCK, CHARLES H. (504), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "H," ist Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry ; served with the regiment at Camp Black, N. Y., May I to June n ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., June 11 to July 7; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., July 13 to August 17, 1898; at Camp McKinley, Honolulu, H. I., August 27, 1898, to January 24. 1899. 558. HOBSON, RICHMOND PEARSON (447), Naval Constructor, late United States Navy. Services: Naval Constructor United States Navy ; served on the New York in blockade jf Havana, Cuba ; in bombardment of Matanzas and San Juan, P. R. ; commanded United States Ship Mcrrimac and sank same in harbor of Santiago, June 3, 1898; prisoner in Santiago from July 3 to 6, 1898; raised the Infanta Maria Teresa and reconstructed the Isla de Cuba, Isla de Luzon and Don Juan de Austria. 152. HODGES. HARRY F. (152), Lieu- tenant-Colonel United States Army. Services: Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel 1st United States Volunteer Engineers ; in camp at Peekskill, N. Y., June 20 to August 4, 1898 ; en route and in Porto Rico, August 4 to November 25, 1898, At Headquarters Novem- ber 25, 1898, to J^Jinary 25, 1899, 27 891. HOLLAND, JOHN BUTTERFIELD (573). First Lieutenant United States Volun- teers. Services: First Lieutenant 3d New York Volunteers, attached to Staff of Brigadier- General Charles F. Roe, Commanding ist Brigade, 2d Division, rst Corps, at Chicka- mauga and Knoxville from June 30 to Sep- tember 3, 1898. 126. HOPPIN. FRANCIS L. V. (126), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13, 1898, to close of hostilities. 050. HORN, TIEMANN N. (592), Cap- tain United States Artillery Corps. Services: First Lieutenant United States Artillery Corps during Spanish-American War; served in Boston Harhor, fortifications on Long Island, now named Fort Strong, and with 7th Army Corps in camp at Savannah, Ga. 519. HORTON. WILLIAM E. (408), Ma- jor United States Army. Services: Lieutenant Tst Regiment, District of Columbia Volunteer Infantry; served with the regiment at Camp Alger, Va. ; Chickamauga Park, Ga., and Tampa, Fla. : Captain and As- sistant Adjutant General United States Volun- teers. Tst Brigade. 1st Division, ?th Army Corps. June 4. i8q8: participated in the fight at San Tuan. November i. 189R, assigned as Adju- tant Gener.-il ist Brigade. 3d Division, 2d Army Corps, and served with the same at Camp Meade, Pa., and Athens, Ga. On February T. 1899, assigned as Assistant to Adjutant Gen- oral, Headquarters 2d Army Corps, Augusta, Ga. Cantain and Assistant Quartermaster. April, 1899: Brigade Quartermaster, rst Brigade, Tst Division. 8th Army Corps. Philio- pine Islands. September i, t8o9; served rrn the .<;tafF of Colonel AVm. H. Bisbee (later Briga- dier General) in General Schwan's campaign in Cavite Province. P. I.. September, 1800, to March, T900; also in Northern Luron, P. T., in General Lawton's campaign ngainst Agui- naldo, as Assistant to the Chief Quartermaster of Lawton's Division, and a portion of the time as Acting Chief Quartermaster. Assist- ant to Chief Quartermaster from March i, 1900, to September i"^. 1902. 863. HOTCHKIN. WALTER B. (553), Major United States Volimtcers. Services : Major 22d Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24 to November 23, t8o8: in command of Infantry Battalion, Fort Schuyler, N. Y., June to September. 1898 : First Lieutenant T2th Regiment, New York Volun- teer Infantry, December, 1898; served with Army of Occupation at Matanzns and Car- denas, Cuba ; mustered out as Captain 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, Au- gust 20, 1899. 28 179- HOUGH, DAVID LEAVITT (179), Captain United States Volunteer Engineers. Services : First Lieutenant ist Regiment, United States Volunteer Engineers, June 7, 1898; Regimental Quartermaster, June 14; at Camp Townsend, Peekskill, N. Y., to August 5 ; Porto Rico, August 15; Post Quartermastei near Ponce; served as Engineer in inventory ing and appraising property for Porto Rican Evacuation Commission. Captain, Septembei I, 1898. On duty in New York, November 25, 1898; in charge of United States Transport Manitoba carrying troops to Cuba, Decembei 24, 1898, to January 20, 1899. Mustered out January 25, 1899. 1088. HOWLAND, JOHN D. (659) Major, United States Volunteers. "Services: Major, 65th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 1 to November, 1898; Lieutenant and Adjutant, 202d New York Vol- unteer Infantry, November 6, 1898, to April 15, 1899. Service in the United States. 939. HUNTER, JOHN (580), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Chief Engineer United States Steamer St. Paul, May 4 to September 2, 1898. Participated in action with Isabel II and the Destroyer Terror. 711. HUTCHINGS, HENRY A. (506), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 37th Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry ; participated in fight- ing in trenches before Manila, P. I., August 13, 1898; engagement with the insurgents, Feb- ruary 5, 1899; Santa Cruz expedition, April 8, 1899; battle of Safpote Bridge and campaign south of Manila, June 10, 1899; engagements near Langas, January 31, 1900; Cavite, Febru- ary I, 1900; Santa Cruz Laguna, April 12; Pela, April 22; Pasanjau, May 26; Magdalena, June 5; Paete, June 13, 1900. 363. IGOE, JAMES JOSEPH (300), Lieu- tenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant United States Navy, May 26 to September 8, 1898 ; Celtic. 653. ILLIG, EDWARD SMITH (494). Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "M," 4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ; in camp at Mt. Gretna, Pa. ; Chicka- mauga, Ga., and in Porto Rico during latter part of July, 1898. 374. JARRETT, ARTHUR R. (311), Cap- tain and Assistant Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services : Captain and Assistant Surgeon 22d Regiment, United States Volunteer Infan- try; in camp at Fort Totten, Fort Slocum and Camp Black, N. Y. 29 99. JENKINS, STEPHEN (99), Lieuten- ant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant, Executive Officer Aberenda, May 14, 1898, to December 24, 1898; participated in the engagement at Guantanamu. 1042. JENNINGS, EDGAR S. (644), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company M, 3d New York Volunteer Infantry ; First Lieu- tenant, September 10, 1898, to December 2, 1898. 564. JOHNSON, FREDERICK CURTISS (453), Captain LInited States Army. Services : Lance Corporal 7th United States Cavalry, August 20, 1898; Corporal, September 12, 1898; Sergeant, January 3, 1899; Second Lieutenant of Cavalry, April 10, 1899. 367. JOHNSON, LORENZO BASCOM TABER (304), Captain and Assistant Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Naval Cadet, United States Navy, Cincinnati, June 15 to September 17, 1898: First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon United States Volunteers, Captain and Assistant Sur- geon United States Volunteers, May 5, 1900, to March 16, 1901. 758. JONES, JOHN M. (520), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, 9th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; served at Camp Geo. H. Thomas, Chickamauga, Ga. 128. JOSEPHTHAL, LOUIS MAURICE (128), Assistant Paymaster, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Paymaster Nahant, April 30 to September 2, 1898. 804. KATZ, HERBERT (533), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Private Company "A," 2d Regi- ment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898; Sergeant, May 12, 1898; at Sea Girt, N. J., Major and Chief Com. of Sub., United States Volunteers, July 13, 1898; served as Com. Officer July and Aueust, 1898, at Chicka- mauga Park, Ga. Depot Com. Newport News, Va., and Purchasing Com. and Chief Com., De- partment of the Missouri, September, October, November and December, 1898. 213. KECK, FRANK (213), Major United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "K," 71st In- fantry, New York Volunteers, May 2 to May 31, 1898; Major 3d Battalion, May 31 to No- vember 15^ 1898; in Cuban campaign; at the battle of San Juan Hill and subsequent siege and surrender of Santiago de Cuba. Captain Company "D," 42d Infantry, United States Volunteers, August 17, 1899, to June 27, 1901 ; in command at Pasig, Rizel Province, Luzon, P. 1., July 24 to August 27, 1900; Sunken Road, k Manila Province, Luzon, P. I., November 4. 1900, to January 26, 1901 ; Mariquina, Rizel Province, Luzon, P. L, January 26 to April 21, 1901 ; in Colonel Beacom's expedition to Rizel, Laguna, Morong and Batangas provinces, Lu- zon, P. L, January 20 to February 23. 1900, and in skirmishes at San Antonio, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon, P. L, January 24, 1900, and near Lumbong, Laguna Province, Luzon, P. L, Feb- ruary 13, 1900. For bravery in action before Santiago, in the Battle of San Juan Hill, nom- inated for the rank of Brevet Lieutenant-Col- onel. 56. KELLEY, JAMES DOUGLAS JER- ROLD (56), Commander United States Navy. Services : Member of Board Auxiliary Ves- sels, March, 1898; Aide to Commandant, Navy Yard, New York, 1898, and Commander Reso- lute, West Indies, 1899 and 1900; of Dixie, 1900-1901. 661. KEMP, GEORGE HENRY (497), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 13th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898; Caotain 22d Regiment, New York Vol- unteer Infantry, May 24, 1898; in command of Company "F," from May 24 to November 23, 1898: at Camp Black, N. Y.; Willets Point, N. Y., and Fort Slocum. 585. KENNON, LYMAN WALTER VERE (467), Major United States Army. Services : Colonel United States Volun- teers ; Captain 6th United States Infantry ; in the Santiago campaign ; at the battle of San Juan Hill, wounded July i ; Major loth Cav- alry, October 24, 1898. 857. KENNY, WILLIAM AVERELL (551), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24 to No- vember 23, 1898; in Camp Black, L. I., and on garrison duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 191. KENT, GEORGE EDWARD (19O, Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant and Executive Officer Celtic, May 24, 1898; Interior Coast Defense System, May 30, 1898; Auxiliary Naval Force, July 9, 1898; "Board of Inspection," July 21 to September 30, 1898. 147. KERR, JOHN BROWN (147), Brig- adier-General United States Army. Services : Captain 2d Squadron, 6th United States Cavalry ; in the Santiago campaign ; at the battle of San Juan Hill, wounded July i ; Major loth Cavalry, October 24, 1898; Colonel 1 2th Cavalry, General Staff Corps. 79. KING, WILLIAM N. (79), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. No records filed. 31 1112. KIP, HENRY SPIES (670), Lieu- tenant, United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, 9th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, from May 24 to November 10, 1898. Service in the United States. 976. KIRBY, JOHN EDWARD (612), Major United States Volunteers. Services: Major 8th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13 to November 3, 1898. 964. KIRBY, WILLIAM MAURICE (602), Lieutenant-Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Regiment Infantry, New York Volunteers, April 29 to December 10, 1898; organized at Camp Black, assigned to the ist Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Army Corps; at Camp Alger, Va., and at George C. Meade, Pa.; detailed as Provost Marshal of the 2d Army Corps July 24 to September 3, 1898. 977. KLINE, ARDOLPH LOGES (613), Lieutenant-Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant-Colonel 14th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 16, 1898. Served at Camp Black, N. Y., May 2 to 17, 1S98; Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga., May 20, as part of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Army Corps, to September 3, 1898; Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala., September 4 to 14, 1898; Brooklyn, N. Y., September 16 to October 27, 1898. 182. KOTZSCHMAR, HERMAN, Jr. (182); Chief Engineer United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services : Second Assistant Engineer Man- ning, March 26, 1898; May 11, sailed for Cuba as Convoy of the Gtissie expedition; in action with the Spanish troops. May 12 ; Spanish bat- teries at Mariel, May 13; scouting for Cervera off Bahia Honda from May 17 to May 24, 189S ; Convoy with Shafter's Army of Invasion from June 14 to June 20, 1898; latter part of July, 1898, on blockade off Cape Cruz ; from August I to IS on blockade off Cienfuegos. 958. KROSS. CLEMENT FREDERICK (596), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 9 to November 23, 1898 ; on duty at Camp Black, N. Y., Fort Totten and Fort Slocum, N. Y. H. 220. LAWRENCE, JOHN (220), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Executive Officer Inca from June 18 to August 27 ; Wyandotte, August 27 to Au- gust 29, 1898. 456. LAWRENCE, TOWNSEND (366), First Lieutenant 2d United States Volunteer Engineers. »» „ vt v 1 Services: Private Troop "A," New York Volunteer Cavalry, May 2 to July 2, 1898; First 32 Lieutenant, 2d Regiment, United States Vol- unteer Engineers. Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Oswald J. Ernst from July 2, 1898, to April 22, 1899. Mustered out with regiment May 16, 1899. 397. LEIGH, FREDERICK T. (334), Cap- tain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain United States Volun- teers; commanded the 3d Company, United States Volunteer Signal Corps ; served with the company at Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga. ; Camp Greely, Newport News, Va., and San- tiago, Cuba. Chief Signal Officer, Department of Santiago. 547. LEVIS, FRANCIS ADELBERT (436), Lieutenant United States Revenue Cut- ter Service. Services: Navigator of the United States Revenue Cutter Morrill from the beginning of the war until August 11, 1898; then was Execu- tive Officer, same vessel, until cessation of hos- tilities. 870. LILLIENDAHL, JOHN G. R. (560), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "C," 22d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 9 to November 23, 1898; garrison duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 855. LITTLEFIELD, CHARLES EDWIN (549), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Executive Officer Siren; was as- signed to blockade duty; commanded boat ex- pedition that cut out the Norwegian steamer Franklin; on the successful completion of this duty was detailed as Prize Master to take that ship to Key West; October i, 1898, to March 12, 1899, Navigator United States Ship Leba- non. 1167. LLOYD, JAMES H. (682), Lieuten- ant-Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant-Colonel 2nd Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 16, 1898, to November 2, 1898. Services in the United States. 971. LOCKWOOD, FRED. J. (607), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant Company "G," 3d Ten- nessee Volunteer Infantry, May 20, 1898, to January 31, 1899; in camp at Nashville May 20 to 23, 1898; Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga., until September 5, 1898; Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala., until muster out, Jan- uary 31, 1899. 500. LONGSTREET, JAMES (404), Cap- tain United States Army (Cavalry). Services: Second Lieutenant, Georgia Vol- unteer Light ivrtillery, Mav 13 to October 17, 1898; First Lieutenant, 9th Infantry, United States Volunteers, November 28, 1898, to May 25, 1899; First Lieutenant, 29th Infantry, 33 United States Volunteers, July 5, 1899; Cap- tain, September 3, 1900; First Lieutenant "B" Cavalry, United States Army, August, 1901. Served at Camp Northen, Ga. ; Chickamauga Park; Cuba (Department of Santiago), De cember, 1898, to March, 1899; Philippuie Isl- ands, November, 1899, to March, 1901. En- gagements; San Mateo, Luzon, Montalbon, Luzon ; Santa Cruz, Lagona ; Odiongan, Tablas Island; Burabit Bridge, Samar. 471. LOTHROP, ANSEL DAVIS, Jr. (381), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Niagara, June 7 to September 3, 1898; at Guantanamo and Porto Rico; Franklin from October 14 to November 16, 1898; Norfolk Navy Yard. 420. LOTHROP, CYRUS EDWIN (35H). Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Franklin and on the Yosemite from May 7 to August 20, 1898. 804. LOW, ROBESON LEA (538), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Nahant, June 4 to August 18, 1898; Sylph, as Navigator, August 18 to October 12, 1898. 911. LOWENBEIN, DAVID (575), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24, 1898; First Lieutenant United States Volunteers, September i, 1898. Resigned September 27, 1898. 421. LYDIG, PHILIP M. (359), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain and Com. United States Volunteers, May 17, 1898; with Light Artillery Brigade, ist Army Corps ; at Chickamauga, Ga., and Honolulu as Chief Com., July 18, 1898, to 1901. 1115. LYNCH, JAMES (673), Captain. N. G. N. Y. Services: Lieutenant, Company K, 9th New York Volunteer Infantry, from May 2, to No- vember 15, 1898. Service in the United States. 1082. LYNCH, THOMAS F. (658), Major, United States Volunteers. Services: Major, 1st Battalion G9th Regi- ment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898, to January 31, 1899. Service in the United States. 1021. LYON, HENRY G. (634), Captain LInited States Army. Services: Lieutenant 24th United States In- fantry; in assault on San Juan Hill, July \, 1898. wounded through right hip; recommend- ed for Brevet Captain. 605. MACEVITT, JOHN COWELL (475) P. A. Surgeon United States Navy. Services: P. A. Surgeon Jason. May 24 to September 6, 1898; during the vessel's stay at 34 Fort Pond Bay took charge of Div. A and B of the Detention Hospital at Camp Wyckoff. 1139. MacEVOY. THADDEUS F. (675), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Private 1st Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. May 2, 1898; transferred to 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry as Reg- imental Quartermaster Sergeant, July 16, 1898 ; Second Lieutenant 4th New Jersey Volunteer [nfantry, November, 1898, to April 6, 1899. .Services in the United States. 143- MACFARLANE, JAMES (143), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Nahant, April 13 to May 12, 1898; Navigator Nahant, May 17 to September 9, 1898. 802. MACKAY, WILLIAM HENRY, (531). Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer Amphitritc, May 20 to 27, 1898; joined the blockading forces off Havana ; returned to Key West for temporary duty in the Engineer's Department for repairs ; returned to the Amphitrite June 9. 1898. 811. MACY. NELSON (540), Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer of the Topeka on the Havana blockade and in the engage- ment of Nipe Bay, July 22, 1898. 10. MAGILL, LOUIS JOHN (10), Major United States Marine Corps. Services: Captain United States Marine Corps, Marine Battalion at Guantanamo and Manzanillo, Cuba. 88t. MARTIN, FRANK A. (567), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 201st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 21 to December 31, 1898. 1039. MASSARENE, WILLIAM GARD- NER (641), Lieutenant United States Volun- teers. Services : Private 69th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898; Sergeant Major, May 10; First Lieutenant and Bat- talion Adjutant, June 14, 1898, until Novem- ber 3, 1898. 17. MASSEY, GEORGE BRAGG (17), Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer Resolute, May 27, 1898; Boston Navy Yard, November 5, 1898; Buffalo, November 22, 1898; participated in the naval battle of Santiago on July 3, 1898, Manzanillo, Cuba, on August 12 and 13, 1898. 999. MATLOCK, CHAUNCEY (621). Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant 4th Battery Light Ar- tillery, New York Volunteers, July 19 to October 21, 1898. Service at Camp Black, N. Y. 35 1175. MAXFIELD, CHARLES E. (686), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 47th Regi- ment New York' Volunteer Infantry, May 24, 1898, to September 10, 1898. Services in the United States. 117. MAYER, WILLIAM G. (117), Lieu- tenaht, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant and Navigating Offi- cer on Siren, June 24 to September 24, 1898. 379. McCAULEY, EDWARD, Jr. (316), Lieutenant United States Navy. Services : Ensign Brooklyn as Aide to Com modore Schley ; took part in the bombardments of May 31, June 6 and 22, July 2, and two bom- bardments of the city just before the surrender; took part in the naval battle of July 3 with Ger- vera's squadron ; w ith United States Evacua- tion Commission in Porto Rico, 1898, till United States Army took possession; Aide to Admiral Dewey in anila from February 13, 1899, to May iq, 1899; took part in General MacArthur's advance on Malsloo on shore with Army. 997. McDOUGALL, AVERY (619), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Company "D," 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 6 to November 23, 1898; served at Camp Black, N. Y., May 24 to June ig, 1898 ; Willet's Point, L. I., June 10 to September, 1898 ; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., September to November 23, 1898. 122. McGOWAN, JOHN PATRICK (122)', P. A. Surgeon, late United States Navy. Services; Surgeon Nahant, April' 12, 1898, to April 21, 1898; P. A. Surgeon and Senioi Medical Officer Yankee, April 30 to Septembei 2, 1898. 641. McINTYRE, AMOS EVERETT (486), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "I," ist Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 20, 1898, to February 20, 1899. Service with regi- ment at Camp Black, N. Y. ; Fort Hamilton, N. Y. ; Camp Merritt; San Francisco, Gal; Presidio, San Francisco. Ordered to Hono- lulu, H. I., arriving there on August 14, 1898; established Camp McKinley on race track in Kapiolani Park, on outskirts of City of Hono- lulu August 15, and there did garrison duty un- til November 29, 1898. when ordered home. 998. McINTYRE, THOMAS HENRY RUGER (6;i()), Captain United States Army. Services : Lieutenant United States Artil- lery. Served at Fort Cluich, Fla., June 2 to September. 1898; at St. Francis Barracks, Fla., until April, 1899; Manila, P. I., April, 1899 to June, 1900; Fort Munroe, Va., June, 1900 to 1901. 90 142. McKAY, WILLIAM ESHARNE (142), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant in command of the Inca from June 15 to August 27, 1898. 969. McLEAN, NORMAN T. (605) , Passed Assistant Surgeon United States Navy. Services : Assistant Surgeon United States Steamer Iowa, during the Spanish-American War, participating in the Cuban and Porto Rican engagements; San Juan, P. R. (bom- bardment). May, 1898; Cienfuegos, Cuba (bombardment), June, 1898; Santiago, Cuba (naval engagement), July 3, 1898. 858. McLELLAN, CHARLES , HUGH (552), Captain United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services : Executive Officer Manning from April to August, 1898.^ On May 12 the Man- ning covered the landing of the first United States troops on Cuban soil at Cabanas ; May 13. engaged and silenced a battery a few miles east of Cabanas ; blockading oflF Matanzas, Ha- vana and Bahia Honda from May 14 to June 12: blockading off Cienfuegos until August IS, 1898. 878. McMILLIN, MARION (564). Cap- tain and Assistant Quartermaster United States Volunteers. Services: Captain and Assistant Quarter- master United States Volunteers, July 16, 1898. Served at Montauk Point August 6 until November 2, 1898; Huntsville, Ala., as Brigade Quartermaster 1st Cavalry Brigade, 7th Army Corps, until January 22, 1899; Manila. P. L. as Brigade Quartermaster ist Brigade, 2d Division. 8th Army Corps, until August 20. 1899 ; sent to United States on sick leave October 31. 1899; returned to the Phil- ippines^ and served as (Thief Quartermaster, 2d District Department, Southern Luzon Headquarters until July r, T901 ; participated in two engagements: The advance up the rail- road from San Gernando to Calukut. August 9. 1899, and the taking of Angeles, August 16, 1899. 1089. McNAIR. EDWARD EARLE (660), Lieutenant, United States Volunteers. . Services: Sergeant. 202d New York Volun- teer Infantry, July 19, 1898: Second Lieutenant. October 8, 1898. Mustered out with regiment April 15, 1899. Service in the United States. 47. MELVILLE, HENRY (47), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "A," 8th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Peekskill. N. Y., May 14 to May 23, 1898; Camp Geo. H. Thomas until September, 1898. 940. MILES, MATTHEW MORGAN (581), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company "E," 22d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May !24 37 to November 23, 1898; at Camp Black, L. I., and on Garrison duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y 196. MILLER, DAVID HUNTER (196), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services. Second Lieutenant 9th Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13; Camp Townsend, Peekskill, N. Y. ; Camp Thomas, Ga., May 26; Acting Com. ist Brigade, 2d Di- vision, 3d Army Corps, May 30 to June 26: Acting Regimental Adjutant, July 10 to August I, and First Lieutenant, July 23, 1898. 7. MILLER, JACOB WILLIAM (7), Lieutenant Commander, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Commander United States Navy, July S to September 15, 1898; As- sistant to Chief United States Auxiliary Force commanding 3d District. 503. *MILLER, JOSEPH NELSON (405), Rear Admiral United States Navy, retired. Services : Commander in Chief of the Pa- cific Station from August 14, 1897, to October T5, 1898. Had charge of the naval defences on the Pacific Coast during the war. Hoisted the American flag on the Hawaiian Islands. 210. MINER, RANDOLPH HUNTING- TON (210), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Executive Officer Brutus, May 28, 1898 ; arrived at Manila August 4, 1898 ; Brutus was under orders and within signal distance of Admiral Dewey at capture of Manila on Au- gust 13, 1898. 562. MITCHELL, RALPH MOLYNEUX (451), Captain L^nited States Army. Services : Private Comoany "K," 4th Regi- ment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, July 14, 1898; Sergeant, July 16; Second Lieutenant, November 18, 1898. 54. MOLINARD, W. ROBINSON (54). First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant ist United States Volunteer Engineers, June 21, 1898, to January 25, 1899. Served during the Spanish-American War in Porto Rico in 1898. First Lieutenant 42d United States Volunteer Infantry, August 17, 1899; Adjutant 2d Battalion, September 3; Aide de Camp C. O., 6th District, Department Northern Luzon, June i, 1900, to April 29, 1901 ; served in Luzon, P. I., December, 1890, to June, 1901. Engagements: Laguna Prov- ince, P. I., January; Pangil, February 7; near Lumbong, February 13; Paquil, March 8; Paete, March 21 and 29; Gaul Cailles Camp, east of Lumbong, April I ; Pinauran, November 22, 1900. 949. MORITZ, ALBERT (591). Com- mander United States Navy, retired. Services: Lieutenant on Minneapolis, Saturn and Brooklyn, March to December, 1898; Car- ibbean Sea dqrlng Spanish-American War; present on the Saturn at Cienfuegos during engagement attending cable cutting; Chief Engineer on Topeka, Neivark. Yosemite and Brutus, 1899 to 1901 ; on Newark when the In- surrectionists of Northern Luzon, P. I., sur- rendered to Captain B. H. McCalla. 455. MORRIS, MONSON (365), Lieuten- ant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 12th Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13, 1898- Com., June i to July 20, 1898; First Lieutenant. September 7, 1808; in command of Company "E." January 16 until April 20, 1898. 866. MOSES. CHARLES G. (556), Lieu- tenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. May 24 to Oc- tober 28, 1898; in camp at Camp Black, N. Y., ana in garrison at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 551. MOTT. T. BENTLEY (440), Major United States Army. Services : Aide de Camp on staflf of Major General, Merritt. 1896 to 1900; at capture of Manila. 88. MUHLENBERG, JOHN CAMERON (88), Brigadier-General, United States Army, retired. Services : Post Paymaster, Washington, D C. : Chief Paymaster, Porto Rico, 1898; Chief Paymaster, Department of the Gulf. 703. *MUNROE, CHARLES WARREN (503). Chief Engineer United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services : Chief Engineer Perry, on duty ;it Puget Sound Naval Station at Bremerton. Washington ; on Puget Sound, and guarding submarine mines at the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon. 880. MURPHY, DANIEL JAMES (566), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 9, 1898; at Camp Black until June 10, 1898; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., until September, 1898; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., until muster out, November 23, 1898. 398. MURRAY, WILLIAM LEWIS (3.35), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "L," 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer In- fantry; participated in the battle of San Juan. July 1-2 ; was present at the bombardment and siege of Santiago, July 9, 10, 13 and 14, 1898. 1 172. MUSTIN, HENRY CROSKEY (685), Lieutenant United States Navy. Services : Ensign U. S. S. Neiv York, aide to Rear-Admiral W. T. Samp.son at Cuba. Commanded U. S. Gunboat Samar, lf?99 arid 1901, during Philippine Insurrection, 39 948. MYDDLETON, HARRY STANLEY (590), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign United States Steamer Alexander, May 24 to October 4, 1898; United States Steamer Pompey, during October, 1898. until January 25, 1899; served on blockade off Santiago, Cuba, and at Guantanamo. 328. MYER, ALBERT JAMES (273), Ma- jor United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant 3d Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantrv. May 17, 1898- at Camp Black and Camp Alger. Va., from May 17 to July 2, 1898. Captain 3d Regiment. New York Volunteer In- fantry. July 5, 1898; Major 202d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 5, 1898; in command of 3d Battalion, 202d Infantry, at Camp Black, N. Y., August 2 to September 13 ; Camp Meade, Pa.. September 14 to November 16; Camp Haskell, Athens, Ga., November 18 to December 3, 1898; Camp Barrett, Guanajay, Cuba, Department of Pinar del Rio, December 3. 1898, to February 9, 1899; Camp Young, February 9 to March 18, 18^; Camp Howard, Savannah, Ga., March 22 to April 15, 1899. loi. NANCREDE, CHARLES BAY- LARD Cioi), Major and Chief Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Chief Surgeon Camp Alger, 3d Di- vision, 2d Army Corps. Went with Duffield's Independent Brigade to Cuba, June 23, to Aguadores, Julv i, 1898. Divisional Hospital at Siboney. Took wounded and sick to Fort- ress Munroe, July 8, 1898. General Hospital, Camp Wyckoff. 524. NELSON, DEAN (413), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Second Lieutenant Company "I," 8th Regiment. New York Volunteer In- fantry, May 21, 1898; First Lieutenant, same regiment. May 20 ; Commissary, June 20_ to Au- gust, 18^, and was placed temporarily in com- mand of the Commissariat of the 3d Brigade, I St Division, 3d Army Corps. In camp at Chickamauga, Ga. 44. NEWBERRY, TRUEMAN H. (44). Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Franklin. April 27 to May 7. 1898; Yosemite. May 7 to July 14, 1898. Engagements : Morro Castle, Isabella XL, Concho and Ponce de Leon, and armed Span- ish transport Antonio Lopez on June 28 ; block- ade of Santiago, August 24, 1898, to January i, 1899. 189. NICHOI-S, ROWLAND STUART (189), Chaplain United States Volunteers. Services : Chaplain 9th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Peekskill, N. Y., and Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga. ; Chaplain United States Army, 23d United States Infantry, lolo, P. I. 40 38i. NORTON, ALBERT LELAND (318), Lieutenant-Commander United States Navy. Services : Ensign Miantonomoh, March lo, 1898; served on the same ship on the Havana blockade until the cessation of hostilities ; Lieu- tenant (J. G.), May i, 1898; Iowa, September 12, 1898, and proceeded to Manila, P. L; in active service during the Philippine insurrec- tion. 914- NORTON, JABOZ CLARK (578), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant (J, G.) United States Steamer Pompey; Executive and Navigating Officer; June 7 to August 21, blockading duty off Cardenas and Matanzas, capturing several small prizes ; subsequently on blockade duty at Isle of Pines until September 15, 1898; Decem- ber 23, 1898, in command of Pompey; January, 1899, put the Pompey out of commission at League Island Navy Yard, Pa. 975- ODEN, GEORGE J. (611), Lieuten- ant United States Cavalry. Services: Private Battery "H," 3d United States Artillery, June 27, 1898 to July 6, 1899; Private, Sergeant Major and 2d Lieutenant 36th Infantry, United States Volunteers, July 8, 1899 to June 3, 1901 ; Lieutenant loth United States Cavalry July i, 1901 ; in action with 3d Artillery, before Manila, July 31 to August i, August 3 and 4, August 6 and 7, in assault on and capture of Manila August 13, 1898; In- surrection actions, Tondo, February 4; La Loma, February 5; capture of Calvocan, Feb- ruary 10; Battle of Caloocai, March 26; Polo, March 26 ; Marilao, March 27 ; capture of Mat- olos, March 31 ; night attack, Paombong, April 13, all in 1899; in 36th Infantry, United States Volunteers, Porac, September 28, October 17, November 2; Mabalacat, November 7; Bam- ban, November 11; Mangaterem, November 28; Alos, Zambales, December 21, 1899; ex- pedition to South Zambales, February 8 to March 7, 1900 ; Pilar, Abra, December i, 1901 ; expedition to Abra Province, November 21, 1900 to January 15, 1901. 967. OSBORN, RALPH (603), Lieutenant (J. G.), late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant (J. G.) on the St. Paul throughout the Spanish-American War. 166. PALMER, ARMIN BUTLER (166), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant Light Battery "B," Georgia Artillery. United States Volun- teers; in camp at Chickamauga Park, May 15 to September 8, 1898. 760. PARKE, JOHN S. (522), Major United States Army. Services: Com. 2d Brigade, ist Division, 8th Army Corps, 1898; Acting Adjutant Gen- eral, same brigade, Montauk Point, N. Y., un- til October, 1898; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. 41 Y., until April, 1899; in the Philippines to May, 1902; in action at Calamba, Luzon, August, October, November and December, 1899; in campaign against insurgents in Batangas, Luzon, December, 1901, and April, 1902. 199- PARKER, FREDERICK (199), En- sign, late United States Navy. Services: Navigator Peoria, June i to Au- gust 28, 1898; shelled Tallabacoa and covered attempted landing of the Cubans under Cap- tain Nunez in the afternoon of June 30. As- sisted the Helena in shelling Las Tunas, Cuba, in the forenoon of July 2, and the Tallabacoa blockhouse in the afternoon ; effected a land- ing at Palo Alto and junction with General Gomez, July 3, 1898. On duty with the block- ading squadron off Havana for about live weeks. 320. PARKER, ROBERT LLOYD (265), P. A. Surgeon, late United States Navy. Services: P. A. Surgeon United States Navy. Surgeon St. Louis, April 24 to Septem- ber 2, 1898; in medical care of Admiral Cer- vera and his officers and crews on voyage to Portsmouth, N. H., when prisoners of war. 413. PARKER, WALTER R. (351), En- sign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign and Signal Officer throughout entire service on the Yosemite; participated in beaching Spanish steamer An- tonio Lopez at San Juan. 1046. PATTERSON, ROBERT L. (648), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant and Battalion Ad- jutant, 3d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. May II, 1898, to February 14, 1899. 16. PAYNE, FRED ROUNSVILLE (16), Lieutenant-Commander United States Navy. Services : Ensign United States Navy, St. Louis, April 28, 1898; Buffalo, August, 1898; Monadnock, February 9, 1898. Engagements : Cable cutting, Santiago de Cuba; Philippine Islands ; Caloocan, Malabon, Paranaque, Ba- coor and Zipote. Commanded various gun- boats in the Philippine Islands and engaged against insurgents in all the islands of the group. 364. PETERS, EDWARD M'CLURK (301), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant Badger from May 21; Navigator of Badger from June to August, 1898; in charge of the Spanish steamer Hum- berto Rodriguez from August 3 to August 9, 1898; Vermont from August 13 to September 12, 1898; Badger as Navigator, September 13 to October 6, 1898. 947. PETTY. EDWARD L. (589), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "M," 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, May 2 to Novem- ber 21. 1898; camp duty at Jacksonville, Fla., 4S June ^', assigned to 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 7th Army Corps ; Pablo Beach, Fla., September 2 to 22, 1898; Sea Girt, N. J., September 24, 1898. 332. PILLOT, PETER STUYVESANT (277), First Lieutenant United States Volun teers. Services : First Lieutenant 12th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13 to July 18, 1898; camp duty at Peekskill, N. Y., and Chickamauga, Ga, 759. POE, S. JOHNSON (521), Lieuten ant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant Sth Regiment. Maryland Volunteer Infantry ; in camp at Pimlico, Md. ; Chicka mauga, Ga. ; Tampa and Tampa Heights. 192. POILLON, ARTHUR (192), Lieu tenant United States Army. Services : Second Lieutenant 201st Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 22. 1898; Acting Com. of Sub. 201st Regiment, New York Volunteers. Camp G. G. Meade, October 25 ; First Lieutenant, November 13 ; Camp Black, N. Y., July 22 to September, 1898; Camp G. G. Meade, Pa., September to November, 1898; Camp Wetherill, S. C, No- vember 17, i8g8; honorably mustered out April 3, 1899. First Lieutenant 42d United States Volunteer Infantry, August 17, 1899; served through the Philippine insurrection Recommended in engagement of Pinauran. P I., November 22, 1900. Mustered out as First Lieutenant 42d United States Volunteers, June 30, 1901 ; Second Lieutenant 14th United State? Cavalry. 806. POMROY, FREDERIC H. (535) Captain United States Army. Services : Captain and Commissary of Sub. United States Volunteers, June 8, 1898, to June 8, 1901. Cuba, Porto Rico and Philippine Isl ands. 1232. PORTER, AUGUSTUS DRUM (703), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teer Infantry, May 11, 1898; also acting Regi- mental Commissary of Subsistence to August If), 1898. Services in the United States. -.42. PORTER, WILLIAM BOARDMAN (431), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Senior Second Officer of Yale, May 2, on scouting duty ; captured Spanish steamer Rita off Culebra May 8 ; ordered to her as prize master (civilian), and delivered her, with Spanish crew, to the authorities at Charleston; resumed duty on \yale with the blockading fleet off Santiago; Lieutenant (J. G.) June 16; assigned to command of Army Transport Rita July 8; conveyed troops to Si- boney, thence to Guanica, P. R., with fleet accompanying Major-General in command of the Army. 43 19. POTTER, JAMES BOYD (19), Lieu tenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant and Navigator Mon- tank from April 28, 1898, to September 13, 1898. 46. POUCHER, J. WILSON (46), First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services: Examining Surgeon recruiting of the 201 st Regiment, New York Volunteer In- fantry, at Camp Black, N. Y., July 18; Surgeon in charge of Divisional Hospital until October 10, 1898. 176. POWER, E. ORMONDE (176), Lieu- tenant Unitea States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "K," I2th Regiment, New York Volunteer In- fantn'. May 2, 1898 ; Com., July 14. Ordnance Officer, September 30; First Lieutenant Com- pany "A," October 7; Acting Adjutant and Quartermaster. Special duty: Board of Offi- cers, inventory of ordnance left by Spain in the Province of Mantanzas, Cuba, February 9, 1899. First Lieutenant 4.^d Infantry, United States Volunteers, August 20, 1899: Captain of the Port of Tacloban, Leyte, P. I., Febru- ary I, 1900. Engagements at Calbayog and Catbalsgan, Saniar, P. I.; Tacloban, Bauranan and La Pis, Leyte, P. I. 994. PRICE, OSCOR A. (616), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant Company "K," 1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, May 7, 1898. Served at Camp Lee, Charleston, W. Va., as Acting Adjutant 3d Battalion, ist West Virginia Infantry, from May 7 to 19; at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga., Acting Quartermaster, until June 16, 1898; as Aide- de-Camp to Brigadier-General Poland until August 8, 1898; served on the staff of Major Generals Randall and Snyder from August 8 to November 2, 1898, at Camp Poland, Knox- ville, Tenn. ; on staff of Brigadier-General McKee as Aide-de-Camp ; mustered out Feb- ruary 4, 1899. 873- PROBEN, CHARLES I. (563), Lieu tenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon 1st United States Volunteer Engi neers, June 28, 1898, to January 25, 1899 ; Act- ing Assistant Surgeon a few weeks prior to June 28, 1898; Recruiting Officer at Peeks- kill, N. Y.; Porto Rico, August 2, 1898; while in Porto Rico served as member of board to inspect water supply of Ponce, P. R., and in charge of Field Hospital, Ponce, P. R., during Major Seaman's absence. 1072. PRYOR, JAMES CHAMBERS (655), Surgeon United States Navy. Services : Passed Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, U. S. S. Albatross, from outbreak to close of Spanish-American War. 44 175. QUALTROUGH, EDWARD FRAN CIS (175), Captain United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Commander Terror; participated in the bombardment of San Juan. P. R. ; the blockade of the Cuban coast, and the expedition to Porto Rico. ■;86. RABORG. THOMAS MASON THOMSON (468), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Second Lieutenant 12th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry; First Lieutenant, December i"^. 1898. 184. RAND, JASPER R., Jr. ri84), Sec- ond Lieutenant United States Volunteer En- gineers. Services : Corporal Company "E," 1st United States Volunteer Exie^ineers, July T. 1808; Ser- eeant. September 20. 1808; Color Sereeanb November 5, 1898; Second Lieutenant. Janu- ary 10, 1890" served in Porto Rican campaign 40. *RANDOLPH. WALLACE F. (^0), Maior General United States Armv, retired. Services : Served with the .=;th Armv Corns under General Shafter; camnaisfn of Santiago de Cuba. 1898. commanding Brigade Ught Ar- tillery, United States Army. T3/1. RAYNOR, RUSSELL (134), Ensign, late United States Na%rv. Services : Ensign New York Naval Militia r Nahant, April 2.^ to June 28, 1898; appointed Ensign United States Navy, Tune 28, 1898 Executive Officer Free T.nnce. Tune 28 to Au- gust 28, 1898. Watch Officer Neiv Hampshire August 28 to September 3, 1898. 1185. REAGAN. MICHAEL J. (690), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Companv "M." 202d Regiment New York Volunteer Infantrv. July R. 180S. to April 15. 1899. Services in the United States and Cuba. coo. REID. CHARLES CLINTON BEAT TY (471). Lieutenant, late United States Navy Services : Lieutenant United States Ship Jason, May 24 to September 13, 1898. .^73. RETNBURG, JOHN ERNEST (462). Lieutenant United States Revenue Cutter Ser- vice. Services : Navigating Officer of the United States Revenue Cutter Greshatn. March 25 to Aueust t8. 1808; Executive Officer Algonquin August 18, i8g8, to September 15, 1902. 913. REINOLD. BERNARD A. (577). Second Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Light Artillery. 5th Battery. United States Volunteers, July 30 to October 24, 1898. Camp duty at Camp Black, New York. 4!$ 36s. RICE, MERVYN (302), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Second Lieutenant Company "H," ist Maine Volunteer Infantry, May 10 1898; First Lieutenant, July 5. 1898; in camp at Augusta, Me. ; Chickamauga Park, Ga. ; re tained in the service, after mustering out 01 the regiment, from October 30 to DecembcJ 31. 1898. 961. RICE. EDWARD JEROME (S99)r Lieutenant United States Volunteers.^ Services: Lieutenant Company "D," 226 Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, Mav 24 to November 23, 1898. Served at Camp Black, N. Y. ; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., and Willetfs Point, N. Y. 1047. RICHARD, CHARLES (649), Lieu- tenant Colonel United States Army. Services: At the outbreak of the war was on dutv as surgeon at Fort Munroe, Va., un- til June 5; June 13, 1898, to January, 1899, commanded United States Army Hospital Train, which transported sick and wounded from the various camps and stations in the South to Northern hospitals. 974. RIDABOCK, HENRY G. (610), Major United States Volunteers. Services: Major 8th New York Volunteer Infantry. May 2, 1898; at Camp Townsend ; served at Camp George H. Thomas. May 25 to September 6. 1898; New York City, Sep- tember 9 to date of muster out, November 2, 1898. 882. RIGGS, CLINTON L. (568), Major United States Volunteers. Services: Major 5th Regiment. Maryland Volunteer Infantry; mustered in at Pimlico, Baltimore, Md., May 14. 1898; ordered to Chickamauga, then to Tampa. Fla., then to Huntsville, Ala., and mustered out at Balti- more, Md., October 22, 1898. 872. RINGER, FREDERICK CHARLES (562), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. May 9 to November 23, 1898; served at Camo Black, N. Y., May 9 to June 10; gar- rison duty, Fort Slocum, N. Y., June 10 ir* November 23, 1898. 654. ROBERTS. EDWARD VAUGHAN (495), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant in command of Suf>f. Naval Constructor United States Navy. Services: On duty at Mare Island N^^ Yard. California, in connection^ with repairing and fitting out vessels for Pacific and Asiatic fleet, 1898. Naval station, Cavite, Philippine Islands, 1900 to 1901. 396. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER WILSON (333\ Ensign, late United States Navy. " Services : Ensign United States Navy. Ex- ecutive Officer on the Arctic from June 30 to August t6, 1898; 5"/. Louis from August 16 to 29, t8^. 74$. RUSSELL, GEORGE D. (517), Lieu- tenant Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Major Ci3th Battalion) 22d Regi- ment. New York Vohmteer Infantry. Mav 24 to November 23, 1898: served at Camp Black, N. Y. : Fort Totten, N. Y., and at Fort Slo- cum, N. Y. 64. RUSSELL, ROBERT L. f64), Lieu- tenant-Commander United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant on Me7V Orleans. blockading coasts of Cuba and Porto Rico; in naval operations off Santiago de Cuba, and co- operating in the landing of the American troons nt Dainuiri. Cuba ; Pri^e Master of the captured Spanish steamer Oliude Rodri^iies: served in the Philippine Islands during the insurrection in the years TQOO and 1901. 1073. RUSSELL. THOMAS K. (656), Lieutenant, United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant, 12th New York Volun- teer Infantrv, Tune 9 to September 15, 1898. Service in the United States. 334. RUTHERS. GEORGE W. (279). Mnjor United States Army. Services: Captain Company "B." 8th Regi- ment. United Stntes Infantry, to June «;. i8(^; Assistant ATustering Officer. State of Georeia. Mav to Mav 17: Aide de Camp to Brigadier General A. S. Bnrt. United States Volunteers. Tst Brigade, ist Division. 7th Army Corps, and Oiiartermaster of Brigade. Mav 18 to 2?. and to the same officer. Acting Inspector and Tactical Instructor of same Brirrade, Mav 25 to Ati- gust 6. 1898. Major and C. S. U. S. V., July 16, 1898. 48 1198. RYAN, JOHN T. (693), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Private and Sergeant, 202d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 1, 1898, to May 15, 1899 ; Second Lieutenant 26th Infantry, United States Volunteers, July 5, 1899, to May 15, 1901. Services in the United States, Cuba and the Philippine Islands. 890. SADLER, JOHN T. (572), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 3d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May I to December 10, 1898. 403. SANGER, WILLIAM GARY (341), Lieutenant Colonel United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Colonel 203d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Camp duty; Camp Black, N. Y. ; Camp Meade, Pa., and Camp Wetherill, S. C. 483. SATTERLEE, CHARLES (393), Lieutenant United States Revenue Cutter Ser- vice. Services : Third Lieutenant on the United States Revenue Cutter Woodbury; served on blockade duty on the northern coast of Cuba from May 16, 1898, until the close of the war. 180. SAWTELLE, EDWARD MUNROE (180), Captain United States Volunteer Engi- neers. Services : First Lieutenant 1st Regiment, United States Volunteer Engineers, June 17, 1898; Captain, July 16, 1898. In camp at Peekskill. N. Y., June 20 to August 5, 1898; in regimental camp south of Ponce until Au- gust 31, 1898. Building Port Capron and mili- tary road to the fort, Guanica, P. R., until November 18, 1898; New York, November 24, 1898, mustering out regiment from November 25, 1898, to January 25, 1899. 812. SCHOLZ, SAMUEL B., Jr. (541), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 51st Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Philippine and Iloilo expeditions: Engagements at San Poque, February 9 and 15, 1899; Pauliben, April 24; Quirua, April 25; San Fernando, May 25, 26 and 27; Culumpet, April 25, 1899. 149. SCHROETER, ANTON HENRY (149), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Sergeant Company "L,'" 203d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. July 22, 1898; Second Lieutenant, November 26, 1898; Second Lieutenant 28th United States Infantry, October 12, 1900. 550. SCOTT, JOSEPH ALVAH (439). Passed Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Passed Assistant Engineer United States Navy. On the repair ship Vulcan from May 13 to December i, 1898 ; Neivark from De- cember 2 to 13, 1898; Assistant Supt. Engineer. United States Army Transport Service, April I, 1900, to December 15, 1900. 49 383. SCOTT, WILLIAM PITT (320), Lieutenant United States Navy. Services : Ensign on the United States flag- ship Olympia during the entire war as Aide to the Commander in Chief of the Asiatic Station (Admiral Dewey) ; participated in the battle of Manila Bay, May i, 1898; in the capture of Manila, August 13, 1898; was present at the captures of the Spanish gunboats Callao and Leyte, and was on the blockade of Manila, May I to August 13, 1899. Advanced five numbers in grade for eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle. 744. SCRANTON, GILMORE G, (516), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 34th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, April 25 to August 2, 1898; Captain 35th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, August 2, 1898, to April i, 1899; Captain 30th United States Volunteer Infantry, July 5, 1899, to April 3, 1901. 21. SEAMAN, LOUIS LIVINGSTON (21), Major and Surgeon United States Vol- unteers. Services: Major and Surgeon 1st Regiment, United States Volunteer Engineers ; Camp Townsend, August 6, 1898; Ponce, P. R., Au- gust 15, 1898; organized a camp for convales- cent soldiers at the camp of the 19th Infantry. Special instructions and reports on Military Barrack, Civil and Military Jails of Ponce, P. R., and Government transports. Served as Surgeon 17th United States Infantry at San Fernando, Luzon, Tune and July of 1899. With General Bates, Jolo, Sulu Islands, during the treaty negotiations with the Sultan of Sulu, August and September, 1899. 1. SEARS, WALTER JESSE (1), Com- mander United States Navy, retired. Services: Lieutenant United States Navy Inspector of Torpedoes and War Material to July 18, 1898. Navigator of Resolute, July iS to September i, 1898. Inspector of Ordnance, New York, Seotember 16, i8q8, to June 20, 1899. Navigator New Orleans, West Indies, Philippines, China and Japan. June 26, 1899, to April I, 1901. Command Ne7U Orleans, April 16 to 25, 1900. Engagement : Manzanillo, Cuba, August 12 and 13, 1898, for which ser- vice received medal by act of Congress of March 3, 1901. 845. SEITER, CHARLES JACOB (548), Lieutenant Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant Colonel 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13 to Sep- tember 30, 1898. 14a SELFRIDGE, GEORGE SHEPLEY (148), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Catskill, May 14 to August 12, 1898; Marcctlus, August 12 to Oc ti)ber, 1898. 60 i 570. SEYBURN, STEPHEN Y. (459), Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: At the outbreak of the war was on the personal staff of the Commanding Gen- eral of the Army. Promoted Major and In- spector General of Volunteers, May 12, 1898. Colonel 202d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, at Camp Black, N. Y. ; Camp Meade and Athens, Ga. Commander of the Military District of Guanajay. Regiment occupied the towns of Pinar del Rio, Guanjay and Mariel, Cuba. 1069. SHEEN, HENRY HOLDEN (654). Captain, United States Army. Services : Captain, 4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, May 9, 1898, to April 28, 1899 ; Lieu- tenant, 46th United States Volunteers, August 17, 1899; Captain, April 10, 1900, to May 31, 1901. Participated in battle of Montalban, P. I., and in the skirmishes, etc., incident to Schwan's Southern Campaign and the occu- pation of Cavite, Laguna and Satangas Prov- 1045. SIDWAY, FRANK ST. JOHN (647) , Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company C, 202d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July ig, 1898, to April 15, 1899; at Camp Barrett and Young, Guanajay, Cuba, December 12, 1898, to March 18, 1899. 77. SIMPSON, GEORGE W. (77), In- spector, United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Terror. Engagements : Cuba and San Juan, P. R. In command of captured schooner Tres Hermanos, April 24 to April 30, 1898; Newark, November 16, 1898, to July 31, 1899. Navy Department, Assistant Chief of Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, August 17, 1899. 306. SIMS, GARDINER C. (251), Chief Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Passed Assistant Engineer Vul- can, May 23, 1898; Chief Engineer, January 23, 1899. Special letter and commendation of Hon. John D. Long, Secretary of the Navy, January 23, 1899. Honorably discharged, January 24, 1899. Participated in the bom- bardment of Santiago and Aguadores and shell- ing of Spanish rifle pits, July i, 1898. At Guantanamo Bay four months. Repaired 72 Government vessels and furnished supplies for 65. Assisted in floating and towing the Span- ish cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa to Guantana- mo Bay, where after six weeks of hard labor she was put in repair. Furnished a crew for the cruiser, and with one of her engines in commission, the Vulcan having her in tow, started for Norfolk Navy Yard ; the cruiser became unmanageable, owing to a heavy sea and cyclones, and after rescuing 114 of our men she was abandoned November i off Wat- ling's Island. 51 223. SLATER, FREDERICK R. (223), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, ist Regiment, United States Volun- teer Engineers ; served in Porto Rico from Au- gust IS to November 18, 1898. ej. SLOAN, ROBERT S. {(^7), late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant and Executive Officer on the Stranger until September 24, 1898, Blockade of Havana. 646. SMITH, CLARENCE WILBUR (490), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. ^^ Services: First Lieutenant Company "L," 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, 3d Battalion ; at Camp Black, N. Y., May 2 to June 10, 1898; Willets Point, June 10 to Sep- tember 23, 1898; Fort Slocum, September 23 to November 23, 1898. 1044. SMITH. FREDERIC (646), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain Company B, 202d Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 19, 1898, to April 15, 1899; at Pinar del Rio, Cuba, December 12, 1898, to January 13, 1899; Camp Barrett and Camp Young, Guanajay, Cuba, January 14 to March 18, 1899. 389. SMITH, HENRY HUDSON (326), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign United States Navy; Navigator and Ordnance Officer on the Arctic, June 23 to Sentember 12, 1898. 800. SMITH, LAYTON FONTAINE (529), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant Franklin and Dixie. On blockade duty on the southern coast of Cuba; was enagged in several bombardments; chased and boarded many vessels ; July 7, 1808, took charge of British steamer Greenan Castle, prize, to take to Key West; returned to San- tiago and Guantanamo Bay, July 19, 1898; Potomac, July 20 to August 16, 1898. 1053. SMITH, ROBERT GIBSON (651). Colonel United States Volunteers. Services: Colonel 4th Regiment, New Jer- sey Volunteer Infantry, June 30, 1898; re- signed November 3, 1898. 844. SMITH, WILLIAM AUGUST FREDERICK (547), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign, United States auxiliary cruiser St. Louis from April 26 to September 2, 1898. Engaged in cable cutting and block- ade duty at Guantanamo, Santiago and Cape Cruz until June 29, 1898. July 4, received 80 officers and 620 men as prisoners on board to bring to United States. July 21 to August 15, 1898, engaged in transporting troops to Porto Rico and from Cuba to the United States. 52 1177. STAATS, CHARLES B. (688), Cap- tain United States Voliuiteers. Services : Captain Company "B," 1st New York Volunteer Infantry. May 2, 1898, to September 12, 1898. Services in the United States. 781. STALTER, WILLIAM W. (523), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 2d Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry; in camp at Sea Girt, N. J., and Jacksonville, Fla. 584. STANDI SH, FRED D. (466), En- sign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Yosemite. On Havana blockade June 7; Santiago blockade, June 12; San Juan, P. R., blockade, June 26 to July 14. 1898. 1035. STAYTON, WILLIAM HENRY (62,7), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Lieutenant United States Navy, June 20, 1898, to November 28, 1898; in com- mand of the following vessels from June 20 to October, 1898, at various times : Enquirer, Buffalo, New Hampshire, Elfrida, Huntress and Aileen. 865. STERNBERGER, HENRY S. (555), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Quarter- master 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 24 to November 23, 1898; gar rison duty at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 115. STEVENS, HERBERT E. (115), Paymaster United States Navy. Services : Assistant Paymaster Amphitrite, Solace and Alexander. Naval Station, Ha- vana, Cuba. Bancroft and Buffalo, April 30 1898, to January 30, 1899. 418. STEWART, HENRY CHRISTO- PHER HAND (356), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant ist Regiment. New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, from May 2 to November 4, 1898 ; First Lieutenant, 4th Regi- ment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Novem ber 30, 1898, to April 6, 1899. 798. STEWART, ROBERT (527), Assist ant Engineer United States Navy, retired. Services : Assistant Engineer United States Navy ; shore duty at the New York Navy Yard from May 18, 1898, to August, 1898. 27. STODDARD, CHARLES HERBERT {27), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 10 to November 15. 1898. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and First Sergeant, 29th Regiment, United States Volun- teer Infantry, August 26, 1899, to March 22, 1901. In campaigns, Luzon, Marinduque, Mas- bate and Samar, P. I., 1899, 1900 and 1901. 53 57. *SUMNER, GEORGE W. (57), Rear Admiral United States Navy, Services : Captain of the Yard, Navy Yard New York, July, 1897 to April, 1899. 368. SWAN, GEORGE H. (305), Lieuten ant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant United States Navy in command of the Cheyenne from July i to Au gust 25, 1898. 476. TAPPAN, BENJAMIN (386), Com- mander United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant Raleigh in Admiral Dewey's attack on Manila, but afterward com manded Callao in attack on Manila ; other ser- vice in the Philippines during the insurrection. 1202. TAYLOR. EDWARD MOLINEUX (696), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant 1st United States Vol- unteer Engineers, July 22, 1898, to January 25, 1899. Services in the United States and Porto Rico. 226. TAYLOR, GEORGE L. (226), Second Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Sergeant Company "B," ist Regi- ment, United States Volunteer Engineers; Second Lieutenant, October 21, 1898. 331. TAYLOR, THEODORE BURNETT (276), Captain United States Army. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "A," 8th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 14, 1898; First Lieutenant. July 6, 1898. Transferred to 12th Regiment. New York Vol- unteer Infantry, Company "E," November i, 1898. Captain, January 11, 1899; honorably mustered out, April 20, 1899; served in the United States, and Matanzas and Cardenas, Cuba. First Lieutenant, 27th United States Volunteer Infantry. July 17, 1899; Captain, October 21, 1899; Regimental Adjutant, Au- gust 12, 1900; honorably mustered out, April I, 1901. Served in the Philippines. First Lieutenant, nth United States Cavalry, Feb- ruary 2, 1901. 730. TERRIBERY, WILLIAM S. (513). Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, 2d Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, May 15, 1898; served with the 7tli Army Corps, Jacksonville, Fla., and Savan- nah, Ga. 1018. THOMAE, GEORGE FREDERICK (631), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Pompcy, May 26; Scindia, May 29; Bancroft, September 10; Gloucester, September 21 ; served at Guantanamo, Cuba, June 5 to July 2, 1898, on board the Scindia. 1041. THOMPSON. JOHN MEANS (643), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Second Lieutenant, 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 10 to June 54 5, 1898; First Lieutenant 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, June 5 to November 15, 1898; in Battle of San Juan Hill, July 1, 2 and 3, and siege and bombardment of San- tiago de Cuba, July 10 and 11, 1898. 813. THROCKMORTON, HOWARD W. (542), Second Lieutenant United States Vol- unteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 4th Immunes, United States Infantry. In camp at Freder- icksburg, Va. ; Jacksonville, Fla. ; St. Augus- tine, Fla., and Manzanillo, Cuba. 782. THURSTON, NATHANIEL BLUNT (524), Lieutenant Colonel United States Vol- unteers. Services : Lieutenant Colonel 22d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. In camp at Camp Black, N. Y., and Fort Slocum, N. Y. 185. TILTON. ERNEST ROLLIN (185), Captain United States Army. Services : Captain 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Camp Townsend, Peekskill, N. Y., May 2 to 17, 1898; Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, Ga., May 20 to August 25, 1898; Camp Lexington, Ky., August 26 to November 13, i8q8; camp near Matanzas. Cuba, January i to March I, 1809: camp. United States troops at Cardenas, Cuba, March i to 21, 1899. 292. TODD. CHARLES G. (237), Major United States Volunteers. Services; Captain 201st Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, July 16, 1898: Ma- jor, October 28. 1898: at Camp Black. N. Y. ; Camp Meade, Pa., and Camp Wetherill. S. C 1102. TODD, HIRAM C. (667), Lieutenant, United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant, Company A, 202d New York Volunteer Infantry. July 6, 1898, to April 15, 1899. Service in Cuba and United States. 3., TOPPAN. FRANK WINSHIP (3), Ensign United States Navy, retired. Services : Ensign United States Navy. In- spection of Ordnance from Aoril 29, 1898, to January 28, 1899. 218. TOWNE. PAUL R. (218), Second Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Second Lieutenant 201st Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 6, 1898; at Camp Black and Camp Meade. 103. TOWNSEND, GERARD BOST- WICK (103), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services : Lieutenant United States Navy, Mav 12 to September 10, 1898, On Nahant, May 12 to September 2, 1898. Lieutenant Na- val Militia New York, at League Island Navy Yard, April 2 to 13, and on Nahant, April 13 to May 12, 1898. 65 856. TRAVIS, WILLIAM JEWETT (550). Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain 201st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, July 17, 1898, to April 3, 1899. Camp duty: Camp Black, N. Y. ; Camp Meade, Pa., and Camp Wetherill, S. C. 463. TREADWELL, THOMAS CONRAD, (373), Major United States Marine Corps. Services : First Lieutenant United States Marine Corps : on the Raleigh during the war ; at battle of Manila Bay, May I ; capture of Corregidor and islands at entrance, May 2 and 3, 1898; capture of Spanish forces at Subig Bay, July 7, 1898 ; attack and surrender of Ma- nila, August 13, 1898. Philippine insurrection of February, 1899. 425. TRULL, WILLIAM EVANS, Jr. (363), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant Company "G," 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry; took part in the Santiago campaign, landing at Siboney, Cuba, June 23 ; Las Guasimas, June 24; in the assault on San Juan Hill on July r, wounded July i, 1898. 539. TURNER, THOMAS JOHNSTONE (428), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services : Ensign Harvard; assisted in res- cuing 667 Spanish prisoners from the wrecks of the cruisers Oquendo and Maria Teresa; later engaged transporting troops to and from Cuba. 1000. TURPIN, WILLIAM ADDISON (622), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "M," 22d In- fantry, New York Volunteers, May 2, 1898. Served at Camp Black, N. Y., until June 10, 1898; Willett's Point, L. I., until September 22, 1898; Fort Slocum, N. Y. H., September 22 to November 23, 18^. 484. UBERROTH, PRESTON HENRY (394), Captain United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services : Second Lieutenant United States Steamer Corivin, attached to Pacific Squadron. In June, 1898, took station at San Diego, Cal. 51. , UNDERHILL, FRANCIS T. (51), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 201st Regiment, New York Vol- unteer Infantry. Camp Black and Camp Meade, Pa. ; Captain, September 28, 1898. 1038. VAN BOSKERCK, FRANCIS SALTUS (640), Lieutenant United States Revenue Cutter Service. Services: Second Lieutenant Gresham, which served as one of the vessels of the North Atlantic fleet until the end of the war. 1048. VAN WALRAVEN, ALBERT A. (650), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Company C, 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, May 14 to Novem- ber 17, 1898. 56 392. VERMILYE. FREDERICK MONT- GOMERY (329), First Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant, 12th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. In camp at Peekskill, N, Y. ; Lex- ington, Ky., Chackamauga Park, Ga. ; Ameri- cus, Ga., and Matanzas, Cuba. 712. VIELE, MAURICE A. (507), Cap- tain United States Volunteer Engineers. Services : First Lieutenant ist United States Volunteer Engineers, June 7, 1898. Served with the Regiment at Peekskill, N. Y., and in Porto Rico until muster out of the regiment on January 25, 1899. 311. WAINWRIGHT, JONATHAN MAY- HEW (256), Captain United States Volun- teers. Services : Captain Company "L," r2th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 13, 185^; served with the regiment in camp at Peekskill, N. Y. ; Chickamauga Park (Camp Thomas), Tenn., and Camp Hamilton, Lexing- ton, Ky. 1003. WALBRIDGE. EDWARD NEW- TON (625), Ensign, late United States Navy. Services: Ensign Buffalo, July 19 to July 25 ; Kanawha, July 26 to October 26, 1898. At- tached to Rear-Admiral Watson's fleet in Cuban waters. 171. 'WALKER, GEORGE P. (171 ), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Caotain of Artillery, Light Bat- tery "B," Georgia. In Camp Griffin, Ga., May 15, 1898; Chickamauga, about June 15 to Sep- tember 8, 1898; Griffin, Ga., to October 17, 1898. 377. WALKER, WILLIAM LOUIS (314). Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Assistant Engineer United States Navy, Marc Island Navy Yard, June 13; Asi- atic Station, July 9; Boston, August 2, 1898, tu December 25, 1898. 170. WALLACE, ALLEN BRADFORD (170), Lieutenant Colonel United States Vol- unteers. Services : Major 4th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, June 30, 1898; Camp Sea Girt, N. J., June 30 to September 10, 1898; Middletovvn, Pa., September n to November II, 1898; Greenville, S. C, November 14, 1898, to March 3, 1899; Lieutenant Colonel, February 26, 1899. 536. WALLACE, HENRY (425), Majoi and Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Major and Surgeon of the 47th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry ; served with the regiment at Camp Black, N. Y., and at Fort Adams, R. I. 57 209. WALLACE, RUSH R., Jr. (209), Captain United States Marine Corps. Services: Naval Cadet Marblehead, August 6 to October 14, 1898. Blockading and general duty until early in September, 1898. 174. WALLOWER, ALLAN B. (174), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : Second Lieutenant 12th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Camp in Pennsylvania to May 19, 1898; Falls Church, Va., to August 13, when sent to Mary M, Packer Hospital ; rejoined regiment and mustered out October 29, 1898. 517. WARD, FRANCIS GRANT (403), Colonel United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant Colonel 202d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, June 28, 1898, to April 15, 1899. At Camp Black, N. Y., and Camp Meade. In Havana, December 9, 1898, and proceeded to Guanajay ; remained there until March 7, 1899. 211. WARD, GEORGE GRAY, Jr (211), Major and Surgeon United States Volunteers. Services : Major and Surgeon 12th Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, May 6 to September 8, 1898. S40. WEAVER, WILLIAM DICKSON (429), Passed Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services : Passed Assistant Engineer United States Navy ; Chief Engineer of Scipio from latter part of May to beginning of July. Chief Engineer of the Glacier from early in July to October 12, 1898. 94. WELCH, SAMUEL MANNING (94), Colonel United States Volunteers. Services : Colonel 6sth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Camp Black, May 2; Camp Alger, Va., May 20 to September 4, 1898; Buffalo, N. Y., September 5 to November 19, 1898. 1138. WELLS, DANIEL (674), Lieuten- ant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant 1st New York Volunteer Infantry, July 26, 1898, to February 23, 1899; Lieutenant 30th United States Volun- teers, July 5, 1899, to February 12, 1901. Ser- vices in United States and Philippine Islands. 956. WELLS, JAMES HOLLIS (594), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Captain Company "F," 71st Regi- ment, New York Volunteer Infantry; pro- moted Major May 17, 1898; served in Cuba with the 5th Army Corps, United States Amer- ica, from June 22 to August 12, 1898; battle of San Juan Hill, July i, 1898, in command ist and 2d Battalions, 71st Regiment; detailed Acting Engineer Officer with ist Battalion, 71st Regiment and ist Battalion 34th Mich- igan, July 2 to 17, 1898; mustered out Novem- ber 15, 1898. 58 422. WELWOOD, JOHN CORNWELL (360), Chaplain United States Volunteers. Services : Chaplain 2d Massachusetts United States Volunteer Infantry, from May 10 to No- vember 4, 1898. Was in the battle of El Caney, July I, and on San Juan Hill, July 3 and 4, and in minor ene^agements before Santiago until July 14, 1898. In camp before Santiago until August 12, 1898. 1182. WEISER, CHARLES (689), Captain United States Volunteers. Services : Captain and Commissary of Sub- sistence, July 16, 1898, to May 12, 1899. En- gaged during the entire period of service in transporting sick and wounded troops from Cuba and Porto Rico to United States. 572. WEST. CLIFFORD HARDY (461), Rear Admiral United States Navy, retired. Services : Commander United States Navy. Commanded Princeton oflf Cuba during the war, and subsequently in command of same ship six months in the Philippine Islands dur- ing the insurrection. 1203. WHEATLEY, WALTER K. (697), Major United States Volunteers. Services : Captain 3rd United States Volun- teer Infantry, June 22, 1898; Major 3rd Unit- ed States Volunteer Infantry, March 17, 1899, to May 2, 1899; First Lieutenant 29th Infan- try, United States Volunteers, February 5, 1899. Services in the United States, Cuba and Philippine Islands. 83. WHISTLER, GARLAND NELSON (83), Colonel United States Army. Services : Captain of Artillery. Organized siege train, Camp Rogers, Tampa, Fla. 462. WHITE, SEYMOUR PENFIELD (372), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant Company "M," 65th Regiment, United States Volunteer In- fantry; served at Camp Black, N. Y., and at Camp Alger, Va. 979. WHITEWORTH, HORACE C. (61S), Chief Engineer United States R. C. S. Services: United States Steamer Manning, during the Spanish War; joined Admiral Sampson's Fleet at Key West, Fla., May 7, 1898; Convoyed Gussie Expedition and en- gaged batteries to protect landing of troops May 13, 1898; on blockade on north side of Cuba until army was sent to Santiago; con- voyed transports of Shafter's Army, and as- sisted at landing at Daiquiri, Cuba, June 25, and guarding army base at Daiquiri, from July 18 to end of war; on blockade off Man- zanilla and Cienfuegos. 301. WILE, JULIUS I. (246), Assistant Engineer, late United States Navy. Services: Assistant Engineer Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., from June 5 to July 15, 1898; Boston, August 22, 18^, to December 27. 1898. 59 1100. WILKES. WILLIAM J. (665), Lieu- tenant, United States Volunteers. Services : Lieutenant, Company A, 203d New York Volunteer Infantry, from July 6, 1898, to April 15, 1899. Service in United States and Cuba. 387. WILLIARD, HARRY ORMISTON (324), Captain United States Army. Services : Lieutenant Troop "B," loth United States Cavalry; participated in the campaign of the 5th Army Corps at Santiago in 1898; commanded Troop "B" in action at Las Guasi mas, June 24, 1898, and also took part in tht battle of San Juan, July i and 2, 1898, where he was wounded ; garrison duty in the United States until the end of war. ion. WILMOTT, JAMES W. (628), Lieutenant, late United States Navy. Services: Served on the Pedro (name changed to Hector) at Key West, Tampa and Boston from June 26, 1898, to September 10. 1898. On duty on board the Marcellus, Sep- tember 10, 1898, until January, 1899. 1140. WINNE, ROBERT LEWIS (676), Captain United States Volunteers. Services: Captain and Adjutant 14th Minne- sota Volunteer Infantry, May 5, 1898, to Nov. 18, 1898. Services in the United States. 747. WILSON, DOWNS LORRAINE (519), Lieutenant United States Navy, retired Services : Lieutenant United States Navy At United States Gun Foundry, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. 112. WILSON, GEORGE HOWARD (112), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services: Lieutenant 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Eup^agements at Las Guasimas, Cuba, Tune 24, 1898; battle of San Juan, Santiago, Cuba, July i, 2 and 3, [898. 1040. WILSON, HENRY C. (642), Cap- tain United States Volunteers. Services: First Lieutenant 1st United States Volunteer Engineers. June 7, 1898; Captain, January, 1899; service in Porto Rico. 289. WISE, WILLIAM CLINTON, Jr. (2'"). Naval Cadet, late United States Navy Services : Naval Cadet Yale from August S to September 19, 1898; Franklin from Septem ber 25 to October 5, 1898. 401. WOLTZ, JAMES MITCHEL (339), Lieutenant United States Volunteers Services : Second Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, May 13, November 6, 1898, In camp at Camp Rus •^ell A Alger, Va. ; Camp Geo. H. Meade, Pa. :md Camp Bushnell, Columbus, Ohio. 80. ♦WOODRUFF. EZRA (80), Lieuten ant Colonel, United States Army, retired. Services : Surgeon at Fort Trumbull, Conn., conducting the physical examination of the men 60 forming the 3d Connecticut Volunteer Infantry and the Yale Light Battery ; also engaged in the muster out of the 226 New York Volunteer Infantry at Fort Slocum. N. Y., and a detach ment of Rhode Island trooos in October and November 1898. Was on duty for four months at Camp Meade in 1899. 488. WOODWARD. CHRISTOPHER HENRY RABORG (398), Lieutenant United States Volunteers. Services : First Lieutenant 69th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, at Camp Black, N. Y. ; Camp Lieo. H. Thomas ; Tampa, Fla., Fernandina, Fla., and Camp Joe Wheeler, Huntsville, Ala. II. ZEREGA. THEODORE C. (11), Lieu- tenant, late United States Navy. Servies: Lieutenant Free Lance on duty puardinc the mine fields in New York Bay from June 28 to August 26, 1898; Elfrida, on duty at Montauk Point to September ^, 1898. ei NECROLOGY. 1899. 24 — Lieutenant-Commander Leonard Chenery, United States Navy. 30 — Captain Alfred C. Hunt, United States Volunteers. 1900. 245 — Captain Francis J. Burke, United States Volunteers. 72 — Lieutenant Hugh K. Norman, late Unit- ed States Navy. 96 — Colonel Henry Chauncey, Jr., United States Volunteers. 1901. 33— Major William H. Daly, United States Volunteers. 102 — Captain Howard C. Calder, United States Volunteers. 1902. 283— Major Clayton Parkhill, United States Volunteers. Ill — Lieutenant Ernest F. West, United States Volunteers. 282— Captain James H. McMillin. United States Volunteers. 80 — Major Charles A. Smylie, United States Volunteers. 317 — Assistant Engineer John R. Morris, United States Navy. 23 — Lieutenant Omar J. Auge, United States Volunteers. 158 — Captain William W. Reisinger, United States Navy. 1904. 217 — Major George W. Rand, United States Volunteers. 225 — Major Francis D. Jackson, United States Volunteers. 144 — Chief Engineer Edgar T. Warburton, United States Navy. 375 — Ensign Victor R. Lyle, late United States Navy. 42.— Rear-Admiral John R. Bartlett, United States Navy. 343 — Lieutenant Rufus Waterman, late United States Navy. 1905. 445 — Lieutenant Francis Boughter, United States Navy. 623— Major Robert P. Robins, United States Volunteers. 608 — Lieutenant William McE. Walton, Unit- ed States Army. 50 — Captain Woodbury Kane, United States Volunteers. 465 — Lieutenant Cave Johnson, United States Volunteers. 140 — Lieutenant Edwin Geer, late United States Navy. 424 — Major John W. Bayne, United States Volunteers. 257— Lieutenant Robert D. Russell, United States Navy. 6ft 1906. 350 — Captain Duncan Kennedy, United States Navy. 636 — Lieutenant Tallmadge H. Brereton, Unit- ed States Army. 526— Lieutenant Edward T. Bell, Jr., United States Volunteers. 5 — Lieutenant S. Nicholas Kane, late United States Navy. 59 — Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, Unit- ed States Navy. 505 — Major John A. Harmon, United States Volunteers. 82 — Chaplain Charles H. Parks, late United States Navy. 1907. 183 — Brigadier-General Eugene Griffin, United States Volunteers. 598 — Lieutenant James H. Lee, United States Volunteers. 528 — Rear-Admiral Robert A. Marmion, Unit- ed States Navy. 593 — Captain William F. Carey, United States Volunteers, 1908. 289— Lieut. Edmund L. Woodside, United States Volunteers. 635 — Captain Walter G. Smith, United States Volunteers. 325 — Captain John A. Davidson, United States Volunteers. 645 — Lieutenant William C. FitzPatrick, United States Army. 63 REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING. Delmonico's, April 21, 1908. The annual meeting of the New York Com- mandery was held at Delmonico's, Tuesday, April 21, 1908. Reports were received from the officers for the past year; also a report from the delegates to the National Command- ery meeting at Hartford, Conn., on May 18, 1908. Summaries of the Registrar's and Treas- urer's reports will be found below. The Recorder reported the formation of new commanderies in Indiana, Missouri and the District of Columbia, making eleven command- eries in all. Dinners of the Commandery are to be held in November and February. Officers, Council and delegates to the Na- tional Commandery were elected for the ensu- ing year. Respectfully, STEPHEN JENKINS, Recorder, TREASURER'S REPORT. Balance on hand, April 1, 1907 $1,488.32 Receipts during the year 1,357.60 $2,845.92 Expenditures for all purposes 1,519.27 Balance on hand, April 1, 1908 $1,326.65 REGISTRAR'S REPORT. Members. April 1, 1907 433 Admitted during the year 25 Reinstated 1 459 Losses — By transfer 7 By resignation 5 Bv dropping 7 Bv death 4 23 Total membership, April 1, 1908 436 04 m ^B'i : LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1 If nil ii||iif 1 iiiMiijiiiii nil 013 903 9816 ^ I :