' '• ' > Class F74 _ Book >CaSm CoDvri9htN ft ' COFiRIGIlT OEPOSm REGI STER of the CHARLESTOWN MEN in the Service during the CIVIL W A R 1861 - 1865 BY JAMES EDWARD STONE! ^ y^i B O ST O M Old Charlestown School Boys Association 19 19 £438 L/ri-f, Copyright, 1919, By James Edward Stone THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, V. S. A. APR 17 1919 ©CLA5L5265 *v / PREFACE THE Committee of Publication has departed this year from its custom of presenting to the Association a book devoted exclusively to persons connected with our Public Schools. The present volume is a Register of the Men of Charlestown who served their country during the Civil War (1861-1865) in the Army and Navy, in number upwards of 4,000, a great proportion of whom, however, had attended our Schools in their youth. The work of compiling this Record has been long and arduous; it has fallen upon the junior member of the Com- mittee, who has had the valuable aid of our associate, Leonard Chauncy Spinney. So wide was the field to be covered, and so great was the number of names involved, that it has not been possible to give more details than those here presented. Furthermore, until 1864, the Navy Department did not credit the States with the enlistments of their citizens in other States, consequently our Navy Record is not so complete as that of the Army. It is hoped that any errors or omissions which may be noted in these pages will be called at once to the attention of Mr. Stone. The thanks of the Committee are given to the courteous and efficient officials of the Adjutant-General's office of the Com- monwealth for their hearty cooperation; but for their readiness to place at the Committee's service the accurate and admirably arranged Archives in their custody, this work would have been impossible of accomplishment. The Adjutants of Abraham Lincoln Post 11 and Major George L. Stearns Post 149 of the Grand Army of the Republic, also put their Records at the disposal of the Committee, thereby rendering invaluable aid. To these gentlemen, also, IV PREFACE the Committee makes its grateful acknowledgments, as well as to Mr. Charles F. D. Belden, the obliging Librarian of the Boston Public Library. Mr. Edward Burbeck has been assiduous and successful in securing financial aid; and Mr. Samuel Hobbs has given substantial expression to his interest in the Association and its present undertaking. To both the Committee offers its cordial thanks. In addition to the general contribution toward the cost of compiling and publishing this Register, a private subscription has been made by a few members of the Finance Committee, which has enabled the Committee of Publication to meet the large expense involved. The names of the subscribers follow: Edward Burbeck, Henry H. Edes, Henry J. Evans, William L. Henry, James S. Murphy, Frank W. Richards, Arthur R. Robertson, Walter F. Watters, J. Frank Wellington and George S. Wright. Henry Herbert Edes, James Edward Stone, Committee. Boston, 29 March, 1919. Contributors TO THE COST OF THIS REGISTER /JRCHLTR, f?O0£T/fT £>. BA I LEY, YJA/DREIA/ J Ba lllz w, Reta/a? y £■ &asvc?s, St /f/°//£/v J". Barber, w/tt-/AAf l.. BARROAS, BrAASSX T- 0AR ROAY, Q.£0R C £ A Bars To w, Q,/rT. Cha files B BltQ/atsV, H£ASR Y Af- B£rry, YQls'reo ~ r - Bowaaan, SelwYsV 2. Braoeorei, Boetrest J Brazier, Breoers c/r ks. Yoft/rerJ est -t4e tfc/oLsort sV.y. B/fESLSA/, J OH A/ 0- BRlSSTAJALL, YVoRMASA "Y >V3/re//e/. Cole.Allea/ B. Colc;aa/, Timothy //■ CONE, BrAA/R W. Corey //loa/zo W CoRRI QASA, BRASSY J Cor ri Qa as, James "7. Cottle, Br a ask CooqRLiAs Batrica a". Cron i a/, John J- Crowle y, <_/ Thoaiao~ DODLCY, ClsetosV O. Doa~B M £>. John Ounsree, Wastry ias. Dusseault, Johas AS- (T/uriT/piS/frto/v; //r/jA'/r iaa. L\0£J, Rca/ky He/r/nc/pr L~A£-T, L£*//S /V L'OAiAA/OS. A/-PL f?T W- EL \s £ T 7j A/a s?ac J Fall, Charles ~7~ E'J //£/?. Ez/fA R- E/SH£R GeoffQi- A/ Ei r 2 £f?/ c/\ S. EL/a/t, Qcoffcfc: E. Afer-/cyens Co 7-r ?-*,. FOSTG/f, RLO£L/3£/?T Af Es/dnston ///. Fullea: RsrA//?y A Qalv /a/, Corf^/cLiU'S E QA/fOA/E/f^ G£0/?<,£ E. GaR£Y, Cha&lcs C G/B3Y, ^AAfV££ Q/LOAY, AfT>£>, /V/)HOS*J E> Worcester- /tyass QovE, W/LL/AAf T Wf\/ )og/<3, A/as-* QRACE, W/LL/AA1 Cy/fAV£S, ERARA A/. Ga?e£aA, L~£>yvA r d A. tjREEAA, /^O/TAfiTS 7" AD A y *t 7-c . A'/g s s Hall, Seajoa m / a/ ~7~ Hall, Charles lZ. HALL, tZ&AZAA C. HA LL, E~D»/ARD S. Hall, £~redea?/c L3- Hall, Ro&er r 6. Hall, /Roa?as /L/lls Hall, W/ll/am araa/atl/ aa Har/j)^ HoAMV£L T. Ha ac a/; y^£f TR CjA? yV- Hatch, L~o\A/At r a O. HAY£S, KJ/AA1£*S H. Haves, do ma/ r HaJYAAES, WALTER S- He/V Af/ TY, M' OR A EL. d. HEA/HYj, W/LL.IAM L. F//4.LS, <^EORQE HEA/A7Y HOB/3 3, 'S/tATC/EE Holl/s, Charles a. Holt, QeorQe E. HO. Worce, Ft CA/A RO A/. LOAAa\s/s) F LoOAf/Sj. MO A? A C£l A/, LOYf/A/^ AfOBEA?T A3. LoU W/LUAA1 H O'PR/ER, DEASAS/S £. O'BA?/ A- AY, W/£.UAAf //• O' CoA/A/OR, DaA/LEL «/ Oi./ \aey?, Pober y \ W/LL//lAt AS- PR/AIE, lAY/A/F/EY-O F (pO/AsAS, B(s waro C. Sawyer, Hollas F- Se/ljeasst/catea?, Fata as a- d. S£/OEA/S TICKER, (/EORC7E &. ^EA/A/OTT, &AA//EL A~ Se YAfO ia/AR D \A/> K)A/OW, RlCHARO T. ^Sr/a/a/ey, Leo ma no Chamc y Stoai£; i/asrer W. SUMMERS, HR THUS? W- •SwAA/, /ILRREO kS A?/y?rtaut/i, A/ass Sw/irv, QEOR g£ /I- Thomas d. Cha r/les THOMRSOA/, A/£a/S?Y Af- TOkVi-E, QEORCE A/. Ua/DERWOOO, £i>WAA?0 /- . I/a a/ Wa CrHEs?, t/. S. Ward, Fheder/c c. Warjdj Thomas b. W 'A RRE A/, RH/LEMOA/ £>. W££H. Part fa ltd, A/&. West, Will/ am Wheeler, Charles ~ Wti/TEj £dward & Write, Qeohge O- IA/H/~E; K/lLLIAM W . WlLLARD, £~£>AlOA'D yS~. WlLL/AA/S, JAAfVEE WUL/AM 3, \ffEAJ C£T/r T- WlLSOAYj QeOR<7£ W- WlLSOAA, tS/IMES //. W/lsoa/, Thomas £~oms WOLLEY, WlLLIAM 7~- WOOOBORYj /~/?AASH £>. Wh/qht, Thomas //• Wh/ qn T, Wae tea* //. Yea/£7-CH/, Dr-.H£A/RY A. ft* -I »m ^ tn £ £*> *» r < m < 5 _ "I St* S h 5 J- h 51 & ■< * c * N C« ^ 51 ^ . t .. .-J 0» >, f <* k> r p h o Ai «) _► I :_ R o ^ h h-C) r to ^i >1 sJ p* to ^ b J: * o *$^ 3 Cv 3? h 5" £> o $ to N _> Cu N> 5 R I! to & 5 _ * > a $?* C. u ^^ tv Cu > CX) * O I I i Cu K> » - _____ -■»» M r *> n^- SB ■MM ■ ■ •» > F1 CO o 53 p^ o 2 C 2 r > > s PI > n "0 a c H C > o a 33 "C r > PI z ^ r — I—* 00 X > *7* C5 > 7, •n w O ir. n V in D3 53 O Z I— H ARMY CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. /}*?£ J, /. /Z~£>i*s/lFr £> Age £4- birtliplace C/d/-/ej/««//t residence /*/<>„&? Gen. C^r?,'*.. /ec^'/ip r// 2. S/tsk/- *?&/'. (/. s. isc /. /66S~ i/u«e £:/? so /^ f /Jsq/y/f-/. fV Age zo birthplace residence fo Hi// J7- <5~*"//r/ /oo &ay j Co. a. s^i-,sd>7- & /8G4- Oo/y //re,-//r// '-/nf. J year- j Co. C A=S-/i«k/e-, /66Z Ae6./2 cesaW'Ty Oc/.2Z./e6Z. '•9- '?'/.3years Co >/. r^r/^sAs. /S6J Jan 2. Ara»j. y/f-Q. /V 0i ,3 //?63 /j/VDCf? SO /V, W/i. ty^Af W. Age 3d birtliplace residenceCo»,oricr 7 & J/ //** /?&//. /.?./!,/ A=>r'C Abv /J' /6/ 8^ t3&?/./ r ./}r-A. /*r/r<3rL 'eSZi/u^e /?£;*/$ /-/FA* A? V // Age Z / birtliplace residence 2/ Ccn//s OV. -fS/Tetf/ Q3„ Ch./r /^r/ror,*. /een.27 //ov/* /S6s- /4asdR£:ws,iJgha/ jB. Age 21 birtliplace residence/QSjSzrpQ^S/- '86 /, /?/&-;/ /s. i/c* /y s/. /e 6 / fifVDf?A-,YJ, iJOHA/ AT. Age : 2y birthplace residenceZSrt4?6sfer'JK /^/5%?^ Ok Co. C. /=V/^o./fe /B6I Sept // Oct J /S64- /P/SO&ZrVf, Jc-S£:fH // Age 2.5- birtliplace ^oj/cn. residence C&»t6r/&ceS+ S~-//r/. jrnontAs Co- /■ /^r/w^e. /86/ /7p r// '3 Sc< /y J/ /*0/e. /86f Apr// / Scr,<~ Z4-. /6bZ. IS 6/ JiA./y Z. /auTideci '- Ahs/'orter- sS^/n/Smortmij. Co.& Serf'/. /Q6Z Sep'/ /S Jc^/y Z. /Q 63 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. ^A/(7/f^/epVMir-i3-/e65- flppLeTG^Xsr/vo &. Age 4-2- birtliplace residence //a/n///on t A/as* + 7 £*/*■ /. 3 m out As Co £T. /=*•/ Va^e /£6 2-Sep> 22 Oec.J' /S6Z. 3>-_gc H.4H: 3 year J. Co- A Z~* l*eu* /66j.J<3rt, 'Z . Jan,./d~ /66S~ 6 '/? C // £Z /?, £~&W/Y IS/. Age Z4 birthplace residence frforrurnert / 6. Jca.A/ 2 /fi6S 'y ge 20 birtliplace residence Sa/em. M// C/. ec///e62- Af=!fi7lT4 Q£, Thomas /? Age 4-o birthplace residence 4- /!\,c, it r /. 'O ^B^rf /r. /!>-/. 3 yea r* Z~~ /-> eoc / /<36Z . Corpora./ /&6~2- ShpS.'9 Uc*/y 2 / */c/y 29. ct/saSi/i/y flee . 3o /-56Z Ash. W/ll/am Q- a & ^ 4 birthplace residence ^//rV/J/h/f JV. ^*//rt/. 3*o„cAj GC. S^r^aTe. '■36/ /}pr,7 'J i/£/yJ/ '3 6/ S^/rt/- SmantAj Ce~0 Corpo ra / '66 Z Sep/ '9 **'££. C. Age tS birthplace Airvv Gt-c/Ai >-«/ residences 9 Tot/'* SS- j>-J* M/?rY. Jyesrs. Co J3 ■ &*&'/■ /eeJ /fpr// /S ■ cZ/jaSi''''^/ i/c*rre 2J/&6 4- dsH/.£:Ys re-err iJV. /i^/CsK 3 years Co C. /="r/vo.re. /e6' Sep' '7 AfarcA. 6 '£63 /JTISSOO/), k/£SJE Age 4- A~ birtliplace residence s~9 ftfe'r^. S/- Z.3 r - /"' '■ Jy<**rJ, Cii *S. t°r/*&*e. /S6/ Ssp'f.2&. <*eja6'Ay- Stay 2 # /StJcreus ~/a^ Jgjc'-' A ge 2.2 birthplace residence Lynde 6c ro.SJ /.* /fe i- /I fa s s residence 65 £~/?*t &/■. §'//«/, -/ooda yj Co Q. /^rt'vaTe. /&G4 iA^/y '<$ A/o v. '<>■ AS 6* ZS~$* (/rretf acted Cc fr/va/S. t^6Sd<^n 3 Uunc-Z9 /e$r /)Y£f?, £>AV/£> /? Age Z/ birthplace residence Dec&tk r- SJ iSZ 7 ^^/ 3ye<3rJ, Co/ /=>-/.• c»*2 //fe /QCZ Sep'/ &/j&6i/ity /~*6.S~ '£6 3 AyA/£T/f, xs. •J^Gc-fYrvU/ete /£<£3 A4>*/ ZJ Tr&n-S, S^ /3ar/. Sep//./#4+ J"£* £?&M It /ft-/. 3years. Pr/ >rar& /S6-& 3ep//. l/c*-rr<3 SZ. /3V. S^/ft/.rJrrton-eAs. Co- ft: /^/V^Tfe /./cr,sZf W6Z /c?6/ Jc*.'yZr r^r/j/ostei jee •k&v/' iftece Sac ca/, <£2?^v/a/ t/ Age z/ birthplace residence /<$■ ¥/rt/. 3 years. Co/9, ^/-/i/^/e A?6 / / ^ L ^9 3/, A7-/JCrrer- a/ /3<*/ '//ft*/ zs £3ADC7£:/ : f t S-r't.t.A?4'v /-/■ Age 3/ birthplace residence ft/a /it JV. •S .//*/. /GG&ayJ Gl.£>. A>r/\/-&/& /364-t/o*/y '■*- &4/£.£Y, 4VO/f£W t/. Age Zo birthplace C?r-<*/ /-,/ 'S S*2/?r/. Srnon-e/l S,G>&. -^VvrA^Tte /rV^/fe / S64- /~e6. Zy- t/o<.r-tG /i' /&6S~ 3/\/i.£y, tJCf/AS /?. Age 4-5 birthplace residence Z/fftt^se// St, 3^/rhjV. CZa^. 3 year j Cb /•/ f^/va/e. / $6 2, birthplace residenceCAap IH&rt S-f. J^S&rf l^.A/rA, ■JyearJ. /^/va/e. /e6Z.A?u.'p./S *Sepf- 6. 'S64- zSA/ZEYj, tV/ZZ/*Af A & -?8 birthplace residence /^ecaActf •&. Jt*/y Z /<9S3 AS^/rE/?, /l/VD/fEt* AA. A & -9 3 birthplace residence /Z t//'?re S/, 4 iJl B<3tA, £-t, /lr/. 3yesrj /=>/>/&A~. / <$> 62, Sep'/ //. cy/sa 6////y /^6 .2/ /ee>3 B^tTE/?, /7ojk/ez\/. * *& / GeTO/TQE rV Age Z3 birthplace residence Cross S/. <3 Z *-*/* A. 3yearJ, Co /i. F>, \,a /& /$64 Abv. // c/GJGrfe /^rtt/a/e. /<3S/ Oc/./6 Ju.rre.Z3 /e62- BANDELI-, A/zT/V/f Y C. Age 27 birthplace residence BunferWt 'if/ J3^An/.3ye^>-^ Corf- r^r/irafe. /Q6Z. iA<./y /<* - &/JRtrE:f?, Jr: AT&ET/3 /T A;'- Z, birthplace , cAarA&s/o n/n residence //an/ a td J*. 4-4 & £/h/. SntoncAs. C c /). Corpora./ /£ 62 Oc/. 3 June /3. '#63 /S63 Gcr.3/. Corps &' /}rWfc*.e..r?43. /86¥- /~&6 /3~. 3?y?/"lCCerpsc"/?/rtfu<>. /864 Alpr. 4 /fk$ T c/i<3K?e<;\/&Te. /3s /-/eAZ/t'Y Age /g birthplace residence ~~>-//i/. /oo■ ZsJ /o yv /-*■ residence S/ K/^/e i5V /O *-/»/. /errnonA, Co//- /•=>/ ^^/fe /S6Z, Ju./yZ8 ^/urr&ZZ /S6S &AR//ES, A/EsV/? Y <"?. A & e Z3 birthplace residence /fUsse// J~/ ^9-yi^Arr/. &*rto»*As. Gf. E. /^/f&Ae /86Z. S&p-'/ZZ. ct>s*>6'Ar-/y Mr./^/862 BAKfVES, /-Ao/?/tCE AT Age 2 c birthplace residence /ftcjse// •?/■ 47** Art/. 9m on tA j Co.E. E^/vo-Ze. /36Z Sep'/ ZZ. /'7y /}•*-$ '-> / ' ?6 3 23^)/f/YES, Jots/ birthplace residence /Z^AttA. r//)^ a ^ ■? 9 birthplace residence 3/ Coo AT Af//V «/ Age J2 birthplace residence $ /%//? j/. *7^/rr/- 9r»o>rrrAs. Co /T. Corpora./ /<°,6Z/i/ter /////Jf J/-/rrf. tSye&rj Cofi~. -^Jv •.C /Pr-n/^/e. /36J, Oec. // <"/<3y- * & ■ '&6S- Sa/^/^Y, />mC/-/A £ i. // d years. Co /■ />,*&/&. /S6Z./)oig.// c//ja6,/i/y &ec /S /e6S 3ART£.£TT, /-/'/?AAf // Age j.4- birthplace residence /fi,jsv// jv- 2 ^/Sar/. 2r> rfr/. Jyearj Py,„a/e, /<9ec // rtisg. '6- /t 6mt>Ht4s Corpora/ /S62 //ay 29 V6*2< r /g62 jBA/7T/.£:TT, OGryr*> Age 34- birthplace residence £\?ereSr JV <3 2 "-*/?*/ Jye-ars. Co. /. Serf'r /862.rft*-? ■// Cja6//>/y /}pn/'o.'4 BASS, &£■//■/ A Aft AS H e ^* birthplace residence Coo/? JV- /i^S^M. // /lr/. 3y ear Co C /*r,sa/e. /663 /)pr,/ 22. CC-T2C /€6S 25 ASS, (y2rO/?Q£ r9 Age Zj~ birthplace C/ar/ej/orvrt residence Co of £/i: Gtre/fG^ A & e /- mm residence Cec/ar- •Si'- y Oec 9 //>6l- SATSC/V, W/2 2/AA-f Age 3 J birthplace residence f/'r-Sf Sr~ tS^ &&//■/? /4rr Sye'drj, 4r/i'//'cer /864- Afd>rc/v 2,f >y /Jpn'/iy /264 23X)XT£T/^ (/(J//// /T Age 2f birthplace ^Boj&n residence /-//// JV. t* /»/■ 3 years . Co- At Corpora. / '26' A/ay 23. c//ja6/A7y Jan.'S~./£6i- 10 ** &<5>" 2+ /St-/-. J years, frn/a/e /262,Sep> 9. Jun& 9. '26J~ 5^2/V, SxiM-'A'/ 2T- Age 24 birthplace residence ^/m &/■■ A3 *."/*/. 3y /^r/vec/i*. '26' Jc*./y '6 /joy / '26 4- BCACH; /rfi//?T"V I place Z6~^/»/, 3ye*rJ Co 3- /t*r/*<&e. ' 8G4- 0 *-* /3<3f/,2/ tfr/. 3yearJ. f^r/vare. 'S 62 Sep'/ £) ■ y • J^ne 9 /26S Sccnc/f, i/Or"V Age 02 birthplace . residence tt - /tA Sye-arj urrassiyrr&c/ Sep'/ /J '262. B£1000£:, ThO*1*S Age 4-3 birtliplace S<3/e m-. A/ajj residence Ttt/ts iS/, S~- /ff/. 3 tnortt/ts. Co./X. /^r/'ra/^. >Q6/. dpr/A /9 *£*& S/ '86/ •5^//'/. 9m6Hc/t.J Co. P. /^r/v&fis. t862.S&p'A, '6. 0O£r, 77 H'/^/frs-^y Age 2o birthplace 3a/^m i Afajj residence IZifts J" A U.S. £"rry sneers fl/Us/cian, Co. C. /26/Oc/.y Oc/.y /e,64 cSjETcV/P, l/fi'/A' //- Age -3 O birthplace residence C&mbridfe'St / SJ '/r&e'/. SJ-rfrf ityearj. Co.£- rtfefez. /S6/ /?uy.y. a,s<36;/ify- A ' Ci// '$62. QCQCfS, M//i.i-/AAf Age 3 S birthplace residence Jfo/tunren/- vr<. residcncc/.dW'ence •S/ yJ2' n - ne Zf '26S CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. 3F/V/V£1 TT, l/OH/V /*) Age Z/ birthplace residence S3* 'n/. -cA U./&63 £3£/v/*£7T, ur^/w£W Ag e j# birthplace residence Aire/i St ,Si"//JOA^ SaA-/0£L W Age -so' birthpla.e /JtAenS A/e> residence Br/yA/art , /P/.C/3 Age 4-4 birthplace . residence / S *?/»/. Jye^rj Cg/V. ^/-/csre, f8 3d' t/a>n. Zj- (/c, ff eA /e 6S~ 8£lf?FT/ G/W, /£oW/*/?0 Age 4-3 birthpknc S* /„&/-& /862 /lug.//, ft, re-en/rJf- i/arc.4. /. /^/i/^fe /G64 uAc/y /<° t . /V C y. /6. /dC4- 3£S?A7Y, C/V/9 /=? I £ S M Age Z/ birthplace A c use//, /ty&js residence Cor/CorC SA d 7 ^ A/ //.An /.J years. Co. /-/. Com. Jy'/. O&V. Jyrr' S birthplace residcncejB&rrir/t/ftz s* •5^/rtA- 5 w «»f/ij Co. a S*rsv*7e. /<3€2 xSc-p/ S3 Uoc'y Z /#63 A3/Bf/A7j IAA/i-t_/AM A" Age £ y birthplace residences^ mdric/fG. >5Z *S *- A Am/. SrnOrr *4j .Co //■ frrisa/e. /■3S2 ■S^p'/ /<5 i/uA/ 2./Q63 birthplace 7 Age -3? 2. K *&&r/. l/./4r/ •Jye&rV, /^r/>/<9/e. /S6Z. \St=pY S -C/fS^6n , r1y 4pn'/ 26 /S63 JS/C/T'V £:*-{-, tA/QA-fES W- Age /S birthplace residence /Ju burn S-r Zl^/rt/.JyGorj. Cb.A f=r/va /e. //-j Co./:. P, , * a*e, /SGZ.tyei-cA '? Aisy /■ /#6* /£64 j4c*.j /. /-Aijpife/ J/eOT«< i/t. A96Y, /V«k. S-- cf,j&A,/r/y Oct. 4~. '46 2- /3/GCl.OrY, OsC^fil H. Age 2 # birthplace residence Q *A/nA. /oort.4- Oct 1 - 74. /?.6S~ CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO 10 /"-'■ /-+ Bl/fO, G£OffCi£: >?. Age Ji birthplace residence S ^/» /. 3 w»ny '/ / 96/, Zip r// / S iXx /y 3/ /9c&o& try , rVt-jit /=*>v> / /$ ?J. *- ~S~* A /rt/- /coa'ayj Co//, /^rrva/e. Z364- t/u/y/4- */ov.Z6./e. /. , Sery/. /-564 Oec.J/ Co./T. Sep'/Zf./eij" 3 LA /3D£~LL^BorV/A/ Age /$ birthplace residence 47^/rt/. 9r*xort*A.. Co £. r^r/isafe, AS €Z Sep '/ ZZ S e p/ /. /f?63 B/L/ll30e LL^ £/?*///<■ /9. Age 34- birthplace £a/Hh.M//- residence 9 H/a// <&• /^ f ^eff'/.C<3Y. S> <3rJ. G,./. Pr/wre. '362 Jatt.Z? '/ran*. * ** Cav. Jan Z.f. /96Z. ^^^r// zo/964- /B64- /?prr/ 2/ M>v./4-./86f /3/.AK£, Ct-//)/?L£j K/ Age Z? birthplace residence C/te/s&a . /?>-/va/e. /Q64 i/oi/y A? //gv./6 /£64- £3/-A/Ce, //?A £. Age -/S bHhplace Sol rry // //■ residence I '7 /-h//? S/. /4 **//.//■ Vg/. 3ye*>rj. Co- 3. T^r/vaTe /£6Z 4oy. 9. /)uy <5 /G6S" BLA/tfCH/lftty 4u> //■ Corpora./. /S6Z /■ /f. Age /& birthplace residence ^/Ee/en •&• &/• 36 /rt/. dyearJ. Co- a. Cc,r-p>oro./ /6 62./?otf./ .£r. /^/yr&te. /ecz Sep'/ ZX. Sep/ / //e. /. £-. ^-/i/*/fe /9 6Z. Oc/. /O. Sep'/ / /9CS £3 LOO £>s /-///? s4S*7 Arc 23 birthplace residence Oec-^/Hr •sr ■&-/**/ S-rrtort-e/r* Ch r /'*#?& /<3 6/ rfpri/ '9 Jc*./y 3/ /e 6/ CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. 11 Si-OOOj iJot-tAS Cf. Age birthplace /f/a^ort M ' //■ residence Gmerr *?/■ /d¥ /VP- l/f>/ 3ye>*r-j Co C}. *Seryt /662 . /9c^y '2- i/c<>ieJc'e63- Ql-OOOs St'OBj^/PT 4- Age birthplace yVetv i-om/on, M */ residence **'^St JV //**A!//.t4s/. 3year-j. Cc, /T Corpora/ /£.&. /^-/sa/e. /£ 64-d&n.Z Je^ '/. ZS /&6J- SlO/VTj QjEO/TGC Age 2. o birthplace residence S^f/rt/. 3?rioretrA, Co -T- /^/i'^e. /& 6/ sfprt'/'S d"crt birthplace -So^/on resiaence «- ^^ ^~' w /6*- /n/. ttnat/acAec/ Co. /oo&ayj tt/vafe /c?6* /)oi.y 6 SVos /■? s#64- 3o/-A/d, fbrftrCK A ge 3 8 place residences/ice/ //c ■ C/-. ZS^/rt/ -dycarj. Cc //■ /^r/t/afe. /•S62 Jep'f Z dt/ *afe. /c?SS st/ay/4- dot/y Z /? /^r/'vate. /G64 <-fe / b> 3 ' dotfr^/4- /#6S~ &C )'£>, (/f///A/ / Age ^^ birthplace residence ScAoo/ ,y/0J^PH Age 27 birthplace residence rVood J"A •£*!"/*■/. J-montAj Cc, K. Corpora/ /86/ Apr!/ t S> du/y J/ /S6/ £3oY£>, W//-/./StAf Age Z3 birthplace residence rYcod ~S/- S^/?t/. J^rrontrAj Co K P'riva/e. /S6t rfpnV '9 t/ot/y J/-/06/ /■&/?eg'/ Cdv 3 year J Co C /^risate /fi 62 ^6.26 Set}.Z//e6S /SoVOtr/V; S//.S1S M Age / 9 birthplace residence SS **/*/. 3 year- j Cc- /f /^'vatz. /e6S d&rv.Z/ ?/C/S*£/_ Age £/ birthplace residence fro nt 3/. S^ 9-mo>ttAj Cc/!- /^/ia?^ /G62 3<=pr 2f Ua/y 2 . /<9 6 3 birthplace residence O/^/zr/ / y 3 r -? Bart. LiPi-S . Jye^rj Car-pare./ J_& . Acf-S. /SO-*- 0GY/VTG fSj W/JL/.//SA4 /T Age 28 birthplace residence /-/HC/ert **//>/. 9-rrrOntAj Cc.O /^r/'vaTe. /c?6Z.^i~~G*. / /&6/. dpr'/ '9 JtA./y 3/ /e<&r 7S^Cc/ir-ec/ (AS /«/ Cc. O- Cap*. 'Z63.fh6-Z7. tfoy '2-'e6*t- See /Yavy /7y /?pr.'/2.//}63 SftAOrO/fO, /-//T/V/fY C. Age 2Z birthplace JBc.sTT.rt. residence ^'*n 3/- // ^Ba/r 1 - t/./tr-/. 3ye* r j. /=>, *,*. /e. /&6Z.; / ?c<.f.lz styaj/ iJ " /£63 J3/?AD/-£ Y> ^ r - £e:v£:/?£:tt Age 2t birthplace residence Afe tr4~.c/~ /•^'Tsj'/./Y/fr/. J year j C-./3. /*&/•«*»*• /€£4- /?/aK/x.2+ U >-v-eK/,j/ '"# ■ /( - /€6 tT £BRADLE.Y, W>LL/A*t Age '9 birthplace residence 0"e©« 3/- 3^/rr/Jye>*rS. O, /). s=>r /*3Z *l-*/n/> 3yr*rj G>/}- /***»/& /e44 iSune 9 i/oine. 29- /€iS" S/TAD2.C >J M/U/L/AM Age '7 birthplace residence CmCa-d 3/. /•sS/fkj'/ Car.Jy&arj. Cc. C /^r/vate. / c? 6/ Sep '/. // Oct- t* /e<$4- 3/7AOY, JoH/V Age 3 2- birthplace residence /7/C/>'"err VSTf*?**/ /r > /rs£/ft/£ Ce/?fs /e6S. rf<3n ./$ 3 /=f A Q a O /y, 0/-/A/?L£S>V./yAge J -? birthplace residence/arvrer, ce s/. / s S/r e £?//*4>-/.3yo.a r s. Cc. /.. /*■/*-** /<96J. Ooc.y osoSi/i/y r/ 3yA£t£a?aaa /fiss^e Cc>?p jBRAMCH, H//?AM A=f. Age jo birthplace A^ M ^ ^e residence /.ex/riy/on, <&' S^/m/. JmOrrcAj. Gy.C. /^-rr&f-e. '86/. Apr// 'S. - i *-' tssfc. /862 . Sep / /$ iJc^/y Z ■ /€6 3 B/?A2 I £/?, H/AZ././/)Af // Age 36. birthplace residence W<3/4-er- cTA- •5*- /tt/, Sws«t/!j Co. //. /^>r/^r e '66Z Sep/ /6 Sc/ -s~A ^.A/Jwmc^. Cr, . AT />7c-<.j/c/'& n^ /B6A /fpr//AS. t/u/y <3/. /S6/ Batceo c/oa/aa AV. y3Z"-^//r/-'Syed>-j. Co./. /^j/e/an, /862./fc^p//. te re-en/iit i/an.4-' /eg* / £69 •/&?*. S~ tAot-no Zf f&6i~ S/f££/Vj /f/f^i-Z/Cf Age 2-JT birthplace residence A/^/rt/. Jyejrs. Co./. /=r/v&*e. A86/ c/urre /J -rrt/ls Ch 4- A^rr „ rr, ort *As. Co />■ frns&fe. /<3£:7 l saAV, /.£W/S Age Zo birthplace £72. /? Age 4-Z birthplace Ct&r/^sfir^^ residence Ssrf/s//- jy- ^Z^/tt/. 9-rrrGKtAj, Co.& /R^/i^^/e. '862 •Ssp'/ '?. i/c*/y 2. '£63 £3 ft OAD£f?6s/ r S?£-D£r/T>/Cst W- Age *3 birthplace residence CAe/se/'y Oc/.z+./e64- Bf?OT//£A?jS, /-/>'*>PO LYT £ /=> Age birthplace residence -?/-*//*/. Si*/<=c/ £>-. / z3e:rj-/z>*r"\r &. Age Zo birthplace residence Jomer^//e 2. 9 £*/,-,/• Jyean, G..B. S<&r S ¥ /-$6/. A/ay/4 ft re-^n/'J'- l/a rt . / '€44- /■S6? Jan. 2 Z^l/eiA./. i/^/y 2+ye6J~ Bftorw, 0/W/P//TJ- W # Age 2/ birthplace Lorve//. j/asJ residence Bunfer f/,// &■ '7*- 4 /h /-Sy^ars CrC. fr/v^fe. A3 6/, Apr,'/ 'J •/?!*$ J./4 64- E3/?OIAr/V, C\'/f(/S & Age 2Z. birthplace residence G/^/ft/. /.year- Co- C- fr, r,,fafik, /G63 Oeo.S. frax-s. /* Sy **/?*/. (/utre/ '#6S~ /S6S.i/u»e/ Order. far £*?pr t/t*-/y /eV€6S' /3f?Ol*"^ QeO,G£ O Age 2 J birthplace residence Barr/err S/. •J 2 — ^//-r/ ~Jyear\S, Co./. Cot-para J /f}62y!<^y// ft re-enter i/arr.4f€6'r /3/fOH//Vj GEO/YGE r/. Age 2/ birthplace residence /■/« me sl&ad &■ SS*J/»/. JyearJ. Co /) &/*■»/)*. /& an, Co /■ Cot -poi-o-/ //}6/>-/ 5*1 /»/. SfrrarrC/is. Co.r. /*r,va/& /6 62. Sep? /. Ut^/y 2.. '963 z3fr'GrVS/,/fi t v/fiS. j""-*/Pe^/ Cav. Jy?arj. Co /I. S*?>y? '€6* i/an +. Sep'/.zg zees' >e 6J~ Oc r ■>'. Z "-• / J- /SA*f£:s A& e ■*-& birthplace residence tS*J /?■ Oc/- 2y. /f>6*- birthplace Soj/fn. Age /S residence Ssr'f'Gr' Sr tS- 4 /fr/. ,oo*ays Co. r /*rf*a*e. 3 / /2 *d- /rert/ctcAy Sc/ C&p/S/'n. /e6j. Sep? Z 6 . iJu/y //. /e6 S MeOAL O/./Zft/rOff M/IA/ B /f O rV /V, i/. /-/£ A/ /? Y Age Z. / birthplace residence J 7rer~o,i t S{. ^3 y ^/n/~ JyesrJ Ca // /^-/^fV9f& '£6S iJcrs/ iJu./y/* '£6S Brow 'a/, W/)f?r?^A/ S Zy birthplace S*J/rr/ JrrrarrtAs Co • /T. /^/vctfz. /£6/.Apr,7 '9 ~ CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. V5 BpOWY, W*-L/AM 3. Age 3 3 birthplace residence 2/ 0c tv SS- /•lA/r'eg'/.C&v.^yearj. G. (j /?/«'! /£6/ <5e:G/rG£ /S Age /9 birthplace residence nan'^'-d ^Sy. 2 $ <^AnA. JyearJ Co A/ Pr'i*a/e. /86Z ■/?<*■£ 22 Uv*/y.Af '86S- 3PYAA/7, lAoPA' Age A? birthplace residence S**/n/ 9-r~o?ezi,'664 S*A<3af/. /././Or/ Jyears A^AfaAi. /£6*./e6 -Z6- i/orre'2 '£6J~ BoCTP/eiy/IA/fAP/fCA/'S/l/.O Age f S birthplace residence A fa At ecJ- /.'Us J 3 VC A/ AAA AAV, iAAA1£S Age 4 4 birthplace residenceScAcc/ '//« C/, 3Q*^/nA.3yea^^.Co C. PrAvaTs '£64 */c/y ^6 /ran J A 2 6 'A/71/ &r^. C2>./>. /=>r>i'a./e /e64.i/c*/y '£ t*?ie2S~'e63- BfCAT, rt£ATFfli-i- ,S. Age 44 birthplace residence ^^Pee'/ CavJyearj Co P S^-t'va/e. / 6 6 4, Ae6. £ //cv :'4-'£6i~ Age 26 BOCAZ-STY, lA^A/fS birthplace residence Afd/rt J/- S *A An/- tfyearj Co / P'r/va/e. / /r/v9fe. /&$/ >Ac*Ay ft- <'"/va/c- /£62 /4<^-y S~ i/ ,„rt-4- /tfarcA /6/£6f Boc-AAf/Auypp, tf / '*-£-<'-4Af Age 4 4 birthplace residence C"? 2 3. -Sep// '£6 J CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 16 5W^^/?Zj G//^/7'.£3 C Age /& birthplace 2Boj/o?c residence S-/fl/./000&ys &,.£> /^riisa/e, /&64 oi-/ c/ £ 2- t/. Age birthplace residence Tpen/f.-i J"/:. /Q6Z.^o^ /£. t/c*/y 'G. /-S64- BuftBANK, //lOWZO f~ Age /9 birthplace 23oj7oh. residence £~c/^rr sa6,/,y S/ay 2/ '£62. JSlSftC/TCSj 7~HC*/AS /'///y S/arcA Z. /?63 /30PQ2TSS, rV//.^/A/r/ /f Age 2.6 biriltplace residence rVa//i,r. £>>ed /lug+/£64- 3_a i/ s. Cc/cx /n / C&p f. 'S 64- Ppr>'/ 'S~ 6c/ 2. c /e6S- &O/?/?0(/i7P, /9e£Z. ><' Age Jc birthplace residence r^usPrt •St' 2$*f/rrS. ~Jye^rj_ Ce.rY- /^r/'^&Te. /-/' J/- '0*J B<3*> jy./}rrJye>grj Pr/^^re /&6Z Ou ne S ' re-en/bsr jOeC. // /£63 /S63 Dec Zc. O'jad i/'y Apt'/ * /t4~e r MS// S'- JZ^/n/jyearj. Co /I r^r/va/k /e62. /?u.f. f 9. To r-ce/t/is/ (/an <=■ '££0- /A tf^. Jan- -3" l/uttc. Z-9 'S6S &lyTT£p/~'£/-D, CW?/-£S // A F 'G birthplace C/tst/cjTctvn, residence /.Cr/rr^/tK J/- //*$ 6a t/. /.-(■&■/. Jyer an /''■ /&64 (/an Z. i/cne '6 /86S CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. *| 7 IN THE ARMY SoTTSAfS, /VTAAS/r V- Age 2-4- CAA2>Wtri_2-, Cy~£T(7A?C?£ # Age 3j~ birthplace birthplace residence Aexr/t^fcTc.A/ajs residence 7%G m tf/jre. JV ■S **/»/. 3r»on?*. A/-/)rA Jy. /° wa? g J >■* Q^rA 2/. S>rA. j^ed f^s, F>r,ts&<^ AH 63 t/r/. SirtentAs Co-AA. «' Se>&A •5™/?t/- JTxoKtAj Co Jr. Pr/vert*, /e -/***&. 2 ■ y *-? e /r^ v */./>*■/. Cc. -c ^^^ /<36~2. ^SvpA 2f ..- <='/s&6/A,Ay \Je>/i Jo '€63 f#64. S~ep V 2Gjp#„j /i ty-**/t,/. J«p/lo./e&- //** Art/. tSyeanr. O-. £1 S'r-sisaSZ A£64 Je-p / 2.C .June Jc. /e6cl~ C^fAAAL,7^Gl/A S Age JS birthplace residence C,Yy Set-. <-?w e: l c, Cma/tics A Age 22. birthplace CyqAi-AAtAA/, Wi-i-/AA1 c/ Age 2/ residence &os75rc birthplace •36 -/»/. 3y#ars3, Ch.3. A~'r/ifaA& residence At-omA . A^rs.r&re, /eSS.rfctf/V?: S-a'./*fc.. *y¥/rt/. 9*~eft<4*.Ci>.£: Cap/a fn /a 6 2-. ■S^p '/. 2 2- Jcp'/V- '#63 Age 2 3 Caia/a/v, C//aia*/.£s birthplace 'esidence Cfc/se<* PS- 2 **/rh 9 i'. /-/./?,-/. CcC}. /"r,^a./e. /&6J,Oec.y O/JaSiY'Ty /?t^.//./e.6y C^A/P > /3£rz/. - , ec.J/ A/aylt /*6 3- C^/fCY, T/-/OA14-S O Age 2-/ birthplace 2o^tc/CA, ^rty. residence 1/0/f/ef cSY f *™ /3&tr . i/./Jr/ a>- s. Corpora/ /. £.Gm.S & ry/. 2^Z^u.2. 1 66/. tyay 2. 0" /fly- 2.J. /£ £> /=>/-/ is &fe /66 2. SG^ry- ^"/y *• /e6J J^/rr/. /coctey-s Cb.0. Jsry'r 1 /£64- t/ot/y/e AVtr. /6. /£<$4- Cf} /?//£:% l/4M£S Age 2o birthplace residence €/f?//i/. /year-. Cc. AT. fr/safe /<9607 (/Va r re H •&■ /O & -Ba/f. // Ar/ JyearJ f c r/f&fe. /eg* iSdrt/. Uc< » e S> /-£ 6^f /e63~ l/u/y /6.c//jc/>arfsd /rfim 12/f-C CsiRKOL/-, OOH/V *&■ Zf birtliplace residence rfea j a nr* J/- S^/tt/. Sfrrcff^fs Co A- /^rrare. /S62 JepY ^9 J u /yZye63 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 1 9 IN THE ARMY C/l/f/fOl/-, /tf/L/AAf Age £6 birthplace residence JcAoo/ r/i/a/e, AS 6/ iJu m e Z 6 Uot/y H /$64- C*/r>T£:/f, /Y/ZZ//IA4 V Age4-5~ birthplace residence Ufa r-r&rr /S6/A?ccy.e OkiSr~ /eC2.Jep/./4 A/ayZS/e64- C/)/?y/-,rS/:///?Y A & /9 birthplace C/?or/ejfoi*'rt residence SaA?/rr S^/n/. /occ/ays Co.// A^-n/a/e. C*S£Y, Tt/O/H^S A l e £9 birthplace residence /faKlAa // p V. J" Sep V. /£. /e$a- C*SS£l/.j yV/Z //ZIZ4 C Age 44- birthplace residence A/<3/ff -/„& re. /66Z ^ejo '/■ Z 9 ///{/<*>£. Age Z4- birthplace Poh/Za/rtf, A/e. residence JDeca/iTr JV- S*J/;?/. 9?^0/rt^s Co-O- /^r/YG.-/& '862. Sep'/ A &/J/6/'/t7y Sfentf 23 /?63 ■S*4 ////. /c,oc/ayj Oo.O. Corpora./ /86t- i/u/y /& M,y. / /&64- O/UkVCZly i//9CO& />■ Age / Age ZJ birthplace A-fedyvay. A/ajs residence i4//j/g/r <-*"/• /•Zf/Tes'/Ca-v ~ JeeMary /?&co/~c/ O/l t/AA/A) U QWj /^Tff/CSr Age 2J birthplace residence tyc t £> /?^y.ff. /#GZ CH/,D&OUFfM£> UoJZPHrV Age f-J birthplace residence /fairf /$6/^• Py/i/afe /86Z. Sep >. ''7;'y Afarcj{2Jje&3' C/-//) /VO /<£" /£ /Joo^/^^Ai Age JJ birthplace residence C/at-A'i C/- '3^/rr/. Jyear-J Co £> . /=>-/Ve^ /86Z./h6 YO a/iso' dan //S 63 Oh J) MO /.£:/?, /3 FA/yJAAf /SS /*" Age 4-4- binhplace residence p?easa/ir L JS: Cr /86Z. Sep '/. Zi- &/& T Age XI birthplace /.Gjf/nf7o'/(, //a j j residence /)da?nj /B6/, //pr!/ Z3 Ji^/y 2Z./S6/ ZZ "-/n-/. Syear-J C G .r~- /=*-iva/h /*64- C/i> J //&/.£•/?, S/l#t(/e£- £7. Age Z3 birthplace / er/fftf^/rf residence /)03mS S/- '&6//?prr'/ '9. Hounded i/an .Z6./S6S- /2**/?r/. Jyear-J. Co./T Q.Af.Sery'r /86Z./?cco./Z- Jan.ZS./a63 ytb/Y/ssourr Cav. /*'z*r4d/f /6ff3./f/ay 23 Oec./J. /Q64- Cm^pj./'Y, Oz/f*/? Me zn birthplace residence H/ai'r~err Sr 1 - Zd 7 ^/''/. JyWJ Co- C. /^r/va/e, /66/, 44>r- 4- 7b re-en/iH- AfarcA. ze./e64 /864-,/yfarcA Zf oeserfed M,fay * 3 */ay/* /€6+- C/-//)f=>MA/i/ t tyALT£/7 4 Age 2 z. birthplace residence Q& yr/e/f <-V 36./n/.<3y€>a*J. Ca-&- Corpora./ '£6Z. /?Ocp. // JfcycA 4. /<5>oJ _ /86J~ t/oL/re. 7 /-/£Z/r C/. S.Cofert?* fcop* /S6 a~ ST, '/ /■ /<$6f- /S64-./e6.4- birthplace residence //. />/e>&& *S* S~^/r//. ^^ofr-trAj Cc C. /=>-/'/^/e. /7/ 9. iJcWy J/ /e 6/ /O^ 3-/■. 3 yS~ Ca/ASC, £)4r-/0 C Age 26 birthplace residence Con CGrd J> J^Garr.zS.//,-*. Jy&jr.f. /=> r ,^4iTe /86Z. 4c*.? /S~ dropped Oc?.2Z./e6j Cfr^SS, Cor^^/f'O A". Age 44- birthplace Afe/rOS^-.Z/ssj residence Sc4«0/ SA- S~*d./n/'. Stttch-cAs ChA 7eofJTer- /e62. Sep? 2?. i/c/y Z./&63 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 2 1 IN THE ARMY Age X6 birthplace residence /)//ert c. 4. /S6Z. birthplace /ffet-f yor/e residence /y^jje// SA- Age JV /-////. 3y-, faTe. A $63 c/oc/y y. Trans To 3f°^s/U»s.^^(6t- dy^/nf-JyttrMCoCf. /=*?/(/*?& S864-3 Je>e Atavy /f'sco/-^/ C AA/ETl^ Q/rO/rg£: Age 3 birthplace . residence A^fysf/'c ^Z- / 4/^J '/ft/. 9»,c»cAs. Co £. /=>>-> •i'd'Tfe AS6Z. S&prZZ Jhy,///e6J & £:B£avst Z£A? At, Age J 9 birthplace residence Ayoe 1* /-/? *$A. /^Af'^y'/'Cia^. ii ye&r-J. /^/is&fe. A$6Z /fo.f. 9, /Fa*j.Ye63 CHZSl-FY, W/I.L/4/V Age 'S birthplace residence (Jn/Gff -' v<3/e. /s Co £>- ^/Ka/& /&6/Sr/ s/er?& /f!6o Sep'tZ6 OcA/6-/e66 Crt"/Z-0>S Jn Q£G /?/o/. /fSery'r /e6Z./?t*.y.ZZ. Cap/. l/01/y /0~ 'ZGS- C///Z.&J, Q670/7Q/T 7~ Age 'G birthplace C/iar/ejltivst residenceAVtoumenr/)*e, S*? />t/. Jsrtosrt/tj Co A. fr/veTe. >S 6/. rfpr,/' 9. i/unJ)V/& S? Age 2-/ birthplace residence //e'sr/sy /. A?prY'/'9 t/u./y<3/./e6/ ^-•¥ />,/- /Go&«/fe. '86/. A/^y-Zt Age 2y birthplace residence iVw ec ZJ '£62. birthplace residence residence fr& n./r///< rfV /d6/.Ac^.ze o/ecf — oc/z^./'S6Z- Age 2.6 /^^fa/ •Jy&arj C/ /^r/^tik birthplace residenceBu n fa>rM'i//-Sy- /& S*^/?t/, Jmon^.Co./C- Ccrpc.r-^/ /<9 ' Set-?/ '#62. Ccr 1 . /S 6* i/kA/W /W?k/6. '€€■*- Age 2 1 birthplace residence t/ay . /9r/. Jy <=&nj, f= , -,\f<3rG. S&6J U<3n.Z oc-jerTerf t/&/r/* se6J Cla/?/? } l/oh/v yy Me z/ birthplace residence /-yrtc/e -i'/ 1? i/^/y s/. /$<$' /■^■/fey/.Cav. Co/if. fr/rare. /G6/. Oc/-9- /rarr^./c ■**■& sft&ZGtr.c/ct-f.ASe/ 4 *& /?&h-j, /=}■/ ]/<3f&., Cc- C. '8 62./l?6.2S/. '£ 62 . J&p ¥. Zf •*:/£, / jfa^ ,+ /-/'is&/£ Jl Co- C /./-re. 2f. /$=f£:jO£P/C^ Age J6 birthplace residence /.Gxs/tfrfy ft jy ^•*d/rtA 5-mcMtAj. Co./V. /*=-•-/ i- Cz. £1X1 i/£1S, /T-V/r/f Y Age /'/&//* '/?(/ J Age 2s birthplace residence Seen U> 44-*/h/. 9,-xontAj Cb £/?/ C/S Age Ze birthplace residence £cfer* cSY. Ou»e //. Age ZJ birthplace residence /^feaj^/r /iSt- ^t^AlZ/.A/ w „ « ryfj; Co C, /=L,v 3 re. '86/. Apr// /$ i/u/yM/-/>£?/& /66/, i/a/i /J 7r<3nj ft ' Verz'Wv >f£rs£/?Y£L CoOY, £T/Di^A/?J2 rV Age birthplace residence i/acA-JC n S/ /3^/»/ 3>earv, Co C. Serf?. /^//e<^. '86/ A/ay /Z. &<*.?/, /e<>4- CC£, /V/ZL/AA? /!. Age z/ birthplace residence S/c?/sf >S/. <3 r *J3a/Z//-/}r/. Jy&anJ, /=r/i/a/k. /S6/. S~ e/3 r/4- O/Jadi/r/Ty Oc/. *-■ ''e6z- birthplace Age z<$ res idence /Tec aTo r- ■/■ Jy earj /^/ra/e. /S62. /?uf /JT t/u,ie S. '£6J~ <0 O LZ3/I T '/•, QfTC/T-Q^: rV Age '9 birthplace residence<5r>erm an i?y. 4 ^ B&T/ U. //r/ Jyearj /=r/i/afe. /etZ.Jepr// /o re-en/sr Jan Z 'fi6 JV ■5"-! /?r/ 3nrr,nc£j_ Ca /V. y*^^/■/ i/&ra. /66P t/<*'y Zo At}Y/6 //$6f,ttc4j Cc C S'r/i/a/e /f)6/. Apr// r$ Ju.fy J/ /&6' Z /?L£.J r^ Arc -/ Syej^j. S=S~safe. /<5Sz ■ / i 7 c'///*/ is'&n.e. /l eYf? Age z f birthplace residence Bow >Sf~ S^/rr/. /oocf&ys Ch.£. /^rtG£. 4- Age ZcT birthplace residence Z3GrV <5+- //rf/rt/.Oyears, C c . //■ i^r/s/ate. /£6/ (June /J- er Cc '-'* J* 1 - 8^/rtf- 9?rrGHtAs. Q.A1 S=>/f&/e /£6Z -Vcv/, Guy, y /e63 Co/.£.MA/Vf /HO/rfAS Age Zy birthplace residence BunKe r f//// J*. //**/?i/<3y7j3/? *Af/eL- Age zo birthplace residence £T/m S/ &*f////. 9mcrtr/,j Ce-O. f*r/va/e. /86Z -JejaV.f? l/c.*A/n/ S-n-tontAs Co-//- /=>■/ va^e. /$6i-Jep>y6 iA*/y.Z.'e63 if^/n/- /coaayj Co-// Pr/.^a^. /<96 4 tSu/y 2-6 /Tor '6- /<96'f- CoL.i50/y, Here* ^ '* birthplace residence S**/ft/. Sr«o>t-t/>S CcD yOrtr-aT-e. /86Z. Jep' /S ^f^bi/iTT/ 4pr, t < '*6J J<= e A/stvy /r&c*. r-d Co*", S Z4- birthplace res idence Jo '" *f JV jr^t/ M /.-J^^trAs Cb.C. ^''v?/g / 86/. Apr;/ fS) U^/yJ/ /-/.3y earn, /=>/^7g ' i/u./y j/ /ee/ S ?*/fef 'ti C*s v. 4y6'?- CoG/f, dewy Age Z / birthplace residence Buir/fer.//?// G' - '"/■ /ye*n Cb./}. Fr/isa/e. /e6+. \Se-pV.Z dune '?-./<$66d t/oL/y/e. 7r~4HJ./g U.sS.A6vy, Apr,'//?. /&$?. CgOWZ3J,Ug///V C. Age Z3 birtliplace ^SsnScrn/Sn, /V. // residence //a '3 '*» 'S >-/ Isafe '664. Se6. S. /Pt+y Jo '£-64- Coo <&<£'% ^/-Z/AAf/f, Ate 2-9 birthplace residence C/?*f / 1/0/e. /66/. 'Vo v- S~ fa re-en //J* l/&/r./. /f<£4- Z&69- Jc>h. Z. C/.S.C.t: Apr// /c. M64- Cg/?CG/?<4/V, /tf/CA/^ZKC Age 2 + birthplace residence A/e c//c./-c? J> <47**/>i/- 9^o/r^j Co/. Z^r/wa/e. t&62. Gc/.Z4- birthplace residence \3""/3a'/.Zr.7}rT'. >Jye _ Oc/ Z/ '?64- J~<9(? 7V&\/y Tfeco/^y CoJ"rfZ z 0, /*h//?/?a/C£: Age ■*■/ birthplace residence t&H/ea i/#6Z. tJ<*/y 76 Uc»& c? // *fe. /&6/ J^pV. 2# fo re-ex// sV /i6./ '£64- / /- 3 years. Cb-7f. Pr/is-afe Jy^/rr/ 3 years d- O. 7^r/',s<37e. /£>63. xSu/y 27./ra»s.6 32~f{»/- 3Z "*/ft/. 3 years Cg.£T. /?,/'*&*& Coy,*JCr7A/ //. Age A? birthplace residence Jo/ey JV 23 r "/»/. 3yeam. C&.JT. T^rJvafe. /&6 4- -ZCf *' 36 */£/ 3ye-arJ. G-/3. Corpora 7 G/f/tA-fJ, /^TfFJ T4AS C. Age Z 7 birthplace /psw/cA, Afass residence ZT/rft >S7. /^-/fef'/. &?v. 3years- Co/'. r\iya7k_ /SeZ./lLA-tf.y. JVor.jve6 / ?- 0/fs4/(y, Tr7GAS7JS /" Age Z->~ birthplace residence 6~^/x/.J-rrte*oAs Co.C. /=r'isa?%. /■S~J. Co. -A- Corpora./ /e6A Je;»* /y //or 6. /etl C^/^/qQ/yy, Ca/a/?L£:-s i/. Age /S birthplace . residence 36 -/ft/- Jyeerj Cg/3. y^/V^Tfe /&6z. 4ocy. 4. of/JoS'fr'/y M>r- 6/&63 Cr?/)Af, \JorfV D- Age Zy birthplace residence /I ujftA . Pr/lsa^e. '££/. Way zf- a//j'^6t//iy /?(*.$. ze A^vy /fecore/ C '/? yQ 1*7 /^O /? O, l/OJ £rPr7 >?. Age 2 2. birthplace residence *&*!?/*/. 9**rct*n4f Cc ■£>. Coi-pCi-a./ 'e6Z.Cc/./ i/oc/y Z 7363 Cf?f-AM£7?.dOrf*7 Age ZO birthplace residence Q^/n/. /totals Co.O. r>fvm>%. S-eG*-. 3<~/y '/ 7VC.V. 70. 76C*- 33 Tj/ /rtS- ^ years. CoS. Pri'safe. (QGS, dan.26- Co.O- i/i*/y t+. /$es CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 2 7 IN THE ARMY C/?£'4/>4£'/T, W/LI.//IA1. Age £./ C/?os/,// e/ - j-/ •S3 r -/n/. 3yearJ. Co £. Pr/va/e. *S*J/m /. JrMontAj, C~,\sc.f. fr<3ns fi 2^/n/. ■ Pr/vafe. 32^^/n/. JyearM Co/. /"nya'S. /$64:i/ < 3n.Z6. Uc^/y /4../66S' /S6Z. 4<*3. // A/ay Zf. '£ 6J- Cy?OC/r£:f?j/3£ //c'J./#6Z. /St 2.. Sep f. S6 ■ Pr/raris. residenceSuMte rft/i/>s+ ■ /&6/. (Jt*/y/t 0» va/e. /e62.Jep/. 9 •J«»*9 '£6J- CrTOG/i /V, lA/V/v Age Z6 birthplace C/r>0 */£//.; -/< residence Sfe/jox Ct- /$ 4 2 ■ Se jo'/. £f A, rv-en/'J/ ^ "-//./)r/Jcns(,./s6j // & J &&f/. /+./>>-/■ Jye-y-i Pr/i/afc. Z ""fey/. H/lrS. Co.£). Pr/'r*fc. /&6Z. />ol^. 2S Ma y, *-J: / $63 /<$6J. do-.?, z z . j 9 p s.3./ej- C/TOrv/.£:y, £>A/v/£/. S Me /S . .place birlhflace residence Ley ,ny/s K j/- residence /ficAfttonc/ S/- ■a?**/n/. 9*KGKt/;s. Co£ /HrVa/fe jm&cp/. /S/frS Jy&an Or.. £ Pr/'i/aTe /862.Sep<'.2Z. Sep* /.'€63 /S6J. Cc/ Z/ Sep/.'S./^CS- CROSBY, /ElOw/AS <*7 Age 2/ C/7C/H//Vj W/LL/4 A-t lT Age /^ "lace Baj/Zn, birthplace /.owe// A/as j residence £jje A jy. residence /=&a >-/ &/■ •36*J/h/. yjy&arj. Ca.G. SstyV. ' S -A*/- /Ooc/ayj. Co.jS. fr/'va/e. AS 6 2 #i*i?. j (J-4CC-/B Age 2./ birthplace residencetPai-/SH 3/. residencectesfnu/ J"/ • 3Z'"-/mA 3yea>-s Co./. C-. THOMAS Age lace JeAec, Afairre. birthplace /3«j/o7<; /V*-*J residence />/& /'n ec./8 r-e en.trs/e* A?£J Age 3/ residence birthplace ■S — /rr/. ««rfa/j Ca.£>. /=V/ i^>vaXe /S6-4-, /Zc-cf.sjo. i/une*-. /66 s ClS Af/Vf / "<$-/„ arts. /$6*. Ucorx*As, Co£T. Coipoi-a-/ /ti/se6i/>'/y ^Jt^/y /J.'e63 C<.j/v*/"*G*SA r>fj //> c /*/> trt- Age z. £>" birthplace residence /t^sc/A>/-!*<>/& /&6JT Oec.y /&/st £-^/rt/. VfrrartrAj. Co- A. Artve/e. /36~Z. y£sp/./6 t/c*/y Z./e6J Co/? T"^j — YS, o'GJcTA'/Y' s4- Age birthplace residence rftcj/irC */. Y//?r/. 3 ye&*j. Ar/Yofe. /SC/, \5hspf. 37 ^Jep/-./6./&64- Cott£:/T. /-/^/YTr y/6 '€6*- CTc/r 7~ £:/=?* yV/£-£-/Y)Af 3 Age /9 birthplace residence />f<3/*7 St- ^**/?r/. /oa c/ayj Co- // /°y/'v&/e. /<364- t/u/y ZO /4/6V/6. YG6 +■ DACY/J, C~£Of? /. f. /e^s £>*£>££: Y; rV/£t-sY>Ai /?. s. Age ^a birthplace residenccCft&f/ej cJ*/. /^/%.'/. //.Y!r/. Jyrfv'<3/e. DALTOA's/ly'/CH/ttTi- Age ZS birthplace residence CAe/se* &+• S^/*/- 9TrfOH*Ai Ch.A- /=V^e /GGZ.Jc-p/ Zf i/o,/y 2. 'f6J CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 2 9 IN THE ARMY O^/Ly, l/4/iftCS Age -?4 birthplace residence birthplace residence A?s4 /V / £T /LJ, idoJ £.**+/ Age '9 birthplace residence S -/ft/. 9Trrart. JL3 r~h6 ./6- '£63 &A V/ J, /?UJ ~/A/ Age sjo' birthplace residence £~\A?rejZ >S/ ■ /e6Z./?u.p. 2-2-. Chpd. dunea-'G 6J~ O* V/J, BjES/'J**//'/ Age Zy birthplace residence C(/f/aq& ■/' i/oTh. '€6/ Apn'/ '9 iSu/yJ/ /e6/ ZZ* 1 -?/*/. liyc&r* Cb.& Z**-«. /.rise*/. /8"" /(3 6J, du./te. // , /=> r /s(,n er-T-rvound&ct 1 b6+- sVof 4. Escaped, from. jL/6t>y/}-/M/t. /Jl V/S Cp4P£.£S L Age Z.4- birthplace residence /T/fff 4\//J,C///}fTLtZ>S -t. Jye^rj. tfejo/rer-. /e6Z-ddn./ Cf/&d OCf-6- /&6Z. D/)V/J, £>/lS//£:Z- y\/ Age J4- birthplace residence ^^WJ ^> 3'*J/?l/.JrKO?f£A' Co- A". Corpora./ /e.6/ dpn t /y-^efy «>« /- i/ M /y J/- /& 6/ j-*A /*/■ 9™ok*A dudy Z . /e63 S^/mS. /co c/ayj. Cop. CapTig/rt* '864-. du/y zo jVbv-/6./e64- Dsqv/JsJToG*/? rV Age Z4- birthplace £>o r / J d/?ej/.//./)y-/. 3 year J Co.O. J~ery'r- /3 64- /)o-J.Z4- UiA»e-'J-/e6s-\ DdV/Sj £OrVA/?C> /T Age 4-/ birthplace residence •Surx/rrer 6///£y. i/u/rei*r/e6/ /D/fy/djZ^/OCA/ }\/ Age-Z./ birthplace residence tf/esfgrsl rfve. .1 Z'*^/*/- JyA V/ »jr, /^Tf £:£>£: /?/ C/f Age birthplace /^/mcu *A, //*•» o residenceC/4(/rcJ C/. e^o.s.a,/./?,/. / ^//ec0f /a//- '8 6 4-, fqy/JL./86^" £>/)y/s, C?£-g/?c?£z W. Age 23 birthplace residence A/a/n *Sr- ^T^/ft/- -Jrrrone/iJ O. C. A>r/va7& /& 6/, Apr,'/ /}. 4- £)4V/S,r/£A//?Y A- Age /<3 birthplace residence A/yjT/C /!•jAAt£S Age /9 birthplace residence Csmbri'df&Jf S^/nt'./ooof^yj. d, ■ &. /^t-A/e/e, /$6 4 64 £)A V/3_, U Mqy "?. C&p/a/'rt -i/«h»e4- oc/. '7/8 64- D4v/J.A/A/?3t/Ai-t-/-/ Age Z/ birthplace residence /lusttx l.'S64 DAV/J, f?IQHA/?0 // Age 2/ birthplace residence Burr/res///// -St- 2 2 **/»/■ 3y&^nf. Cb- £>. /??r'v&r<=, ' 8 6/. Sep/, 6 . Oc/- /y./664- OAV/J, '&/hS- /ye>or-. CbS. / c V/^/fe /G64- f?u?-Jo rA/ar<2, /e6Z.S&p/-/(> Ou/y Z./e63 Da v/JO a/, //ei/vOEfT-JO/s/ Age 33 birthplace residence /•^V/fX Jye&rj Ce,. c /, Y, Sf 3S<* A71/. 3ye>arJ. Co-/)- /^r/r-afe- AG62.s9uf S YFarrS.So Y-APC. AifarcAS S&6 4- £>*-*/r>j3GA?AA,Z?A>A,AZTZ.A/- Age Zi- birthplace CAay/ejYcMi/rt residence Ot=ca7Cir >S* S**/»/. 3^o»rA t CbK- A^-tva/i. SV6S /?prrV'f JuSyJ' se6S J-^/ft/ 9r»cnc4s Co* > S=>;>saY1>, S86Z. JepV- s6 UuAyZ set J DeTAt? S/V KS4/FD AT. Age Srs Co -AS. Y*r, raAe A96a &£--4f?S AS 6A sVbr.SS. Yr~a*S 4 tS.S.Csv Atv.Z.se(,3 OZSO/S. UAC03 birthplace Age 24- residence S4^/»/.3ye^J. fr-art-sAo SS £ *Am/- SS^/i,/ 3 years. Os-AC. A^r/rats. ie6t~ <-/ar Z/ A?uo Z 0.SS6S OS CnJ-AlsSE/VKSAStf/A/ A~T Age Z9 birthplace residence S~-/h/. 3 nrorreSij C/o^/sv t^ sets. A/&y S 64- ^,-r.Z. rrartS.ftSVsvy A/qySC.ff?C«- j&e> AYayy A^COror OUTSAT, £** TA7/ C A* Age -3* birthplace residence /Yapp/ny >& 3'?'/rt?f//VAY>-/.3y&3j-s Co A~- S^'faYe S$63 e SV<3ry AtTpcok* D SAOA £:,/-/* ATA?/ S Age 2y birthplace residence ■5~/a->-cA, SZ- /fi//ed / lf,Y<*e>-H*sjAYay6 sees /D£rz\AA/Gj /WaASAT £T. Age Z 2- birthplace residence £LA)A/Azy, /y/tA/se/. Age AS birthplace residence S*- A /nA 9™- A*r/*aTe SSG 2- e>c.2e. fFattJ.fn // ^ //r/. S/fy/fi /#Cf- //*^/?r/- 3y&&/-s C<.-£>- /*>rv&rf O^Af£r/f , /~T > £>**//£:£. £> Age Zy birthplace residence/fa rr&sr sf- /f,62. Oc/.J/ /q^ 9 Zc , e6nJ D£rM//vr & C. Age /3 birthplace residence Cc,ff&p&_ J£-ys Ugh// //. Age 2./ birthplace residence tfea a uv- ,v5"*- /*/. 9-?~er,-eAj Co /> ■ l°^V^/^ /&6Z, Sep* 2? £> £T /f? />J £T X, Af' CP/tEL birthplace Ire /a net Jl^t/y 2 ,/e 6 J Age 2 o residence C^e/se-■/. Co /r Car ; 3 c >-<*./ /&64- '.J" /£6S~ OS/V/VSTT'T, /3(~'/i/?oa14*/ /.. Age // JV //*J '//!■/■ <3ye^>- J Ce,. /. Pr/'i/efe /Jep f- 6 >Sep V '6. /ed birthplace residence /ftcSr^cKC/s/ /2<*/rt/.3y? 3o / ? f>3 De/V—O/Y, C~MA/fL£r£/?& Y, /S4A C M'- ZS- birthplace /~i> , r/e &', i// residence Trcnfcn. ■s/- 2-"-*/*H. /!,/. Co.A- Corparo/. '84/ /Ipr// 2 J" ySep+.// '86' /. /~^^fey ?.fefer<*rx. F- re- Carp. Co. H. /0fai si* s/. S~9*J/?,/:3y<=<3rj.Co.S-. p> r/v .&/& '6&rj: G>./^ /*r-/r<3/e, / GC4.fi? 6. Zo. <4^/?X, r*J/£A//? y /*? birthplace 3~. 0<3nv-,^rh. /CC/, t/o,/y22_ ft r-e-src/,^/- Oec.Z6./e6j /3£3. Oe c . zy C a . C. £JJ£:, O/S/SS Age 3Z birthplace residence *7-/*/- c /*»<;k*Aj Co a. /=W,?;fe /G<=c./4- Sep/ z. f£63 Oct/S^A/S, C?A/A/?Lei: S 4' birthplace C?5/-/aj/J>v« residence Wore ej/eryfej /S**/7t/. 3ye&rJ. CTcfone/ /Sd/.i/c+Zy/J' Srr^.Qen.. Srpri'/' /jr. /862~ /£6S: /fp>//J. Srrsr? /Wa/.<5e,*.. UJ. re./. /fi<5<5. c/urre, Z. Afo<.sfere f? o f- Age *e birthplace <-.//rS J moires Co. Ax' /^rt'i/afc. /G6/.4pr// '9 l/ot/y J/. /#6/ /"'v*-te. /G6Z.Sc-^/ y o'/etf. /tcAo.Zy. /G64- 0£r\/£/i'£:^Ox, TMOA-fsts Age Z) birthplace residence Met"* .2. /T^/Zee* Uurre. '6 'S6f- birthplace Age '<9 residence^" nf. J. /<9£Hf//V£-, ST£:f*M£/V £>■ A & e *<, birthplace residence £:*£./*/; THOMAS Age Z/ birthplace residence Was/r/ny/Zhc JV. cS^/h/. fronds Ca/4. fr/vate. /36Z.^Tep/Zf t/o-fy 2./C6J -T6Z. Oc/'O a/j&6///r% Oec./Z.'ec,J- D'CSTEIYj AftETA £. OT Age Z / birthplace Oe^Cr-i ' i-*6.7V- /V * residence Cc ret ts J*. 0> '« /*/. JmcKcAs CoC. /=>-, ^«j /e /y w^fyj/./ee/ 3 r ^/?ef*. C&v. slye-^rj Cc,J>.Jeryr<. O' tLLO birthplace residence Cft/*- o"fe /eSt-Gc*-** Sep/-Z'&OJ S6 r */rr/- •Jye-J'-j Co £. f^mrfe. /e64-l/arf./L Orea /)<*$■&■ '66+ Z?//L/L//ify /SAf£T% o'GJ£-fi>M /T Age £/ birthplace "'■ residence Mfeppt'ny e. birthplace residence ly„c/e S/ -36^/^^-^ye^^j Ca/3. fr/v&fe. '66 1- rtu.f^6 ■Gtfjotif/ri'y /y&rctS, /G6C>~ Doasv£j h/£/i/ffY Age 2£ birthplace residence C/fy Sy. 4»0? **/*/■ 9»«,k t*J. Co. £T. Cap*. /e6 2-.'Sey>'.Z<;. u'c/ > ,.Jb./e6J £>0£>C£, Osv*'?/.£:>s £~. A & e 2*- birthplace residence Concor-af J - /. "y^&a/S, /.*./>r'. Jy. /•*/ £/eji-j f=>/-/\sa/e. /e,CZ../ c JBJf J Z *& /?l/. 3ySar-J. Co /. Ccrpcra./ fTY, 3 r* t Cof£6J /S6J. Oec.JJ i/tVy '6 reCS" OO/L^/Vj /^-OT/T/Cf-C Age 3Z birthplace residence tS/rerr* JV • 3 -V/r/, Jyear-J. Cc /C. fr-irafe /t?6/ -{. Jy&arJ. /"wi/^ f£G4- iSan Z l/wwe /^•Wj" OO f\f i4 //(/£"_, /~f?A//C/S Age 2-' birthplace residence Z "f/ffe f'/.dr. 3 year j O. /-f /e 63 //a v z<* (jo/ y jL6. /ecj- D G f/ /) // tf £T, A/fCf/A££_ Age 2f, birthplace /n? /art of residence /rervo/t /■ St>- S^/i'/- 9rrrorrzAs Co./}- f^rryar^s. '662. Au.f Z£. OcT/V//fSG/K/ Age J$ birthplace residence O&caf&fSf S^/ff/- 9>r+c.neAj Co/) t^f'vafe. /G62. . 3e?p/ Zf. l/o. /y 2 . '663 Og/vaioso /y, Sc-^irvAfrr Age 20 birthplace residence JZ "-?/*/■ Jy^rr-J. Co C. /*/o€j,c/a,~ f&C 2 Way 2? ft ,-e-e„/,jS l/o/t. * fe64 f&S4 3art.j~ i/urtG Zf 'eCJ~ Oo/V/C QA/Vj l/£/?£f>f/A/* Age 4-2- birthplace residence yfajA"t. JV. S^/ff- 9'KO'rtAj Co- A- ^rrrar-e. /e62 . Sop /2y -,, afe. /eez.Ss^f.zy ^c/y.t./ecj Dga/SS£:Z.I.j OCTAy/us Age ( s birihp\a:e f'cr-fj-rut.u.TA /V /-<■ residence /_. /■¥*#.#. A r f Co./?. Pr,*<>r& /8 6*; Se^tf*. Jot/re /■>' I e C^" OG/VA/£i.i-Y, 2 K - /. J" Sep / /C.'&64- OO/K'O 1/4 AS, &y4Ss/£L C. Age Z/ t irthplace j3 os //as s residence/ fec/fa k! J~^ ■ /--'/feeY Cdf, jy&arj Cc.& r c 'r-/ife J /SC/,S '2- Oct- Z4-. '£64- 0OO*-e:y, l/A»f£J ^ Age 'St bitl'.piacc residence Car* & rtdfe- S^/f* ' rcoctayj. Cr.O/ : ''-'ra/e. , S6 4,i/^(yS rVer-'ifSS* ±Se& -Va v v A*^^ 1* Oot/QHT >J tJAAfCS t*/- Age 'u birthplace residence Le* in jT?,«. ~a./ /G62 l/u/y If O/jaAU/ty c/un^2f./e63 m DoyVj S~l223~ cDorvOJ^ oi*'/v£Y, TrtCAfAS Age 42- birthplace /rc/a^cl residence A/e&rird 3* 3 r ?B&-t/. 2* />!■* 3 y rat- j P>r,>/aTe, set? tS^rr /C /t&hj rz S*4 BafS. SZ>A 24 '864- £*A Bort.2* Ar/ 3yt=& r j Pr/y^fi* 106*. t/an / 6. i/une. IZ /S6J~ DowA/C Y, 7<3i-s ChO. P^-rr&le. /36Z.iS<3nf. ty/sabi/i'ty S^p./.2i'/.£-. Py/v&l^. I&62 Jep'Azz. yS^p/y f&63 S^/fW- /OO a<3yj Co- /V. P^-/\r^r & /3^0^rf,/ / ./f^ j y /e0 Y2 £j Oc,fY/Y£'L/OS Age ///tti/AfayJO-r , e6y DOYl£, AffC///)£l- /B Age 2$ birthplace residence/^- rr/7-t S+, S-/n£ Strne/icAs Co. 2? P^/f^/e. /66Z SejsrV.Z/ C//Jc>6''/'7y /*farcAZJ/&63 •See A'&vy /fecar-a DOY/- £, Ml CPOZ-A J Age J 7 birthplace residenceCyuiH cy &• 2f-8**/?iS SmantAs Co /7 /?-/V«/fe /e6Z. YYOtr.3 Sep./J /£6J /3 r/l /'i /■ JyeJrJ Cc.z3. /^-iv^re. /Q 6f. l/lore 9 t/ot/y/*/e6* ID O Yi £j, ST£:r*£/V A- Age 3/ birthplace residence P/e^tan / C^v. 3yearJ, Ch B Serf'. 186/ A&p'f'y IS re e nit j/. Oe-c 2? it?63 '(i&3 Oec Ze 1-tfSery't. nr,»*tiJ CaC. /=>-r-ir&fe /, ^"^/Tfe^V. C86 4 /e4 6- //ov-Z/ '6<5S /O/f^PtZ/?, SiAfiserL Age 2Z birthplace residence Afa/'it 3A. S** ' /"/ 'ooc/ayJ Co- tt. r^r/isaft /a 6+. lJoL/y Zo /Vov. /6. te co- Age 3S~ birthplace residence //"ate" •& 3 '-^ ty>e//. C a y. Oe/. t^r/yaTe. '363. Ot=c.t? cy/ec/ &t. rYosA/>.e.//uy.2.c/e6S/ ■?7 C - /»/. 9-rHOrccAj Co £. r^r/isat£, tc?6Z. Oct. */j£ru /G6 + Age '8 birthplace residence Qoti'rtcy A* 32 "-" /h /■ 3yevrJ Co (/. A=>r/'yaTe. /B6Z.Af<3y 26 Ct/tect /Votffi/e6Z. £>*=( /SCoLL, dCr/tV Age J« birthplace residence 2et*/?t/.3ye-a*j. Co S. A^j/vaTe. /Set AZ>ec. tS dtjaditl/y Oec.^.'eez. Or? /S COLL, <~/o h*j Age "to birthplace residence Jc/ice/t/c C/ /■'-'flo/T/v Art. /y^ar. Co- 3. Pnyetz. /e63./iu.f./s- cf/j6r/''> Afay/S>./e64- /DrTOyVtVj A/.Q/0/V /-/. Age Zo birthplace residenceSt^. Itit/an V//.£yA/>f /f. Age Z3 birthplace residence^-y/rcre boi-c, S/. //^/rf/. Oye-ar-s Co / Pr/yaftz. /36/. dune /3 Uone. 24. /S64- 0/^YO£^ rJo/?AC£ X/ Age 2-3 birthplace CV/w ftTls.j AfajJ residence £- ►'c ret/ St Z -i'^. /mA 3ye>arj Co /)■ /^ryrare. /36Z./yZ/ /yarcA,2/./ £>r,*are. /r,rark. tQGf-.dar* 6. trans ti S'J B a r+ ■ Sk 6. 26. /rt. 3 ye-^rJ. Priv&-fe. tQG-9. /~e .Z6. a/'ect Cct.y.fffS'f. O i //-/■-£; ^ i/r-zy^V Age 2./ birtliplace residence 0"7 ''/>ep/.Kj<,„ e J/e6j- £>L,G~/?AA/j Ch /?/p/:/6. 'ti64- £>0-A//-4A? <./£/? C/v}£~ & Age 23 birthplace J3oj/£m. residence /r^tvar<3 tsA/A/j l/Ater/V —/*s£ A/ Age 3 2. birthplace residence CenbrrOye. ■S/- /. Alu-y.Z '66' 3>-c* &i3// i./ 'fr/.Sye<"-J Jl^Zrect/ ,£ 6 i Septs' / a/6*h j K* residence Cree* J* 4J*J /rr/9-r»OM*4s Co. £. /^'fa/e. '36Z.A)u.y.a Sep'/ / /S6j 0 Age 2 7 birthplace San 6 or-/t ScUsx/y// residence A/a' f< o~/ ^*//*/(^ejw Co- 3 Ccrpc-a/ /£6/ Sep*. Z. A/ay 3/./S6S 00/763 DlsAfQ/A/, A Age 33 birthplace residence C^sr/es s/. 32^-^/„/3yearJ Co /T Pf/i/afe. /&6Z A?up.'J ft, i-p-sh/i's*- i/a rr f- ///es 3 < y^/rt/3yearJ Cot:. /^Seiy/-'i'z / e u / /G6Z.A7 A/ajoat C Age /£ birthplace residence 47^/rr/ $rrtOt**Aj C c> . £ . /=>/><»/& /8SZ. Sep'/ 2 2 Sepr././e6J jETatgsv, (j£ro/?c?£: 23 Age /9 birthplace residenceCfre/sea &/■ S~^/" /. '06 C<3 yj. Co //■ Corpora / /#6* t/ct/y ZO sVov.'6 'SCO- £ato/v, //e/v/ry Q.//-/Al r /:3y t ?<,rt, Cg£ /*rtva/k 16 6J..V6 v. Jo. />/3/ 2S / birthplace CA<3r/ej/cU,n- residence)/y&rn°H s/ Scf-f/n/- Syesr-j Co//. A^/Vafe. /66/ OcA 9 A/#K:A.26ye6S fTcz O L £: 3, /Vs/. Z 'A *-/ Age 2Z. birthplace residencef?,rs/ey!s cv- /S*-*/?r/.3y/ />*f Age Z Z. birthplace. Crfar'ej'own. residence C&fttbrtdfe, A4**/n/. 9*n«n-cAj Co/1- '^Serf'/. '&6Z. Sep/2. L/ctfte /A//Q/VOJ, J3CATars C. zQ64.tJart.Zo. '-*'.l/ect'. ^<^-f-2G./Qcs ^DM/itSOJj OEX TC? rf. Age /e birthplace residence i/rt/OM /!>Af/)A/£>j^ Qeo/rgz: /5. Age zj birthplace residence WggCSS- /-S-f/reyS C*3r. Co C. /^/'tsa/e, '36/. Sep'/ // OC. 24. /ecr- ED/W4MOSs Qe6-i~ t-DMA/sOS, dAM£J S. Age Z9 birthplace residence 2 ***/*/ 3 years. Co /-/, p'r/i/a?% '66/. Afdy /B C/eC coy P& J^rreSn JS63 £~D-SO*/, DuCHESnC 0£- Age *& birthplace residence j^^Ar A 3yeans. Co/. Pr/i/afe i"e6Z. >4ocf //■ f» re^s*//s/ i/an 4 '664 /664. i/arr S Order Wo? t/ep? i/«'y / '66 &~ tZowiftDJ, C/Y/>/f'£J Age 2.4 birthplace residence Ms ft* JV /■^Bat/.Z/./lr/. Jyears Corpora' /&G/./?ocf 23 fo re-eft//Jf Oec ZJ. 'e63 re63.Oec.Z4- /ran J A y^Ba//. /ifaCZ./eGJ- y~^ B a//. /./■■/} r/.3yearj. Cot-para' /S63. Oec. Z4. Apy//2o./66S C&W/lfro^fYEA/fY Age 44- hirthplace residence kVa." 'J ~r 36**/'*/- Syearj Co &. /^r/'ra/e '662 Aug.? fra/Tj firlfey/E/f-A?/ /fess/trs. /G64 £otV4ffD-s, l//t*f£~S M Age 2? birthplace CAar/ej/orvn residence fusje/'S/- 3*- BafUJfrf , 3yearj. Pr/va/e. /G6'. Sep/-/?DJ, JoJ£P" Age 21 birth place n//jtdj(,i ' /V- S- residence 3c/tv 6J~ £l2»^AA>y>Jj W/zuAM ,Age 2 a birthplace W/nc/Jor,A/3 residence z3o*Y SS. '0' t -Bfay /o /e 3 years Co tf. Pr/raTe. /S6', Oec.Z/ CUsaSi/iYi, r^ec-. S> /fr63 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 39 IN THE ARMY Age £TlDf?/0<5£j H///.L/AA4 // birthplace f-/u H+JYitfe,/}/* residenccA^of/cra/ Sfcuse. /€6J i/<*/y Zfi Afa/'cr" U 'v/re />Zo Tra/rj/z j~7^r , H/-cA" SamuCL Age \JJ~ lirthplace residence Crra.y /y J»6 ,/?u^ /■ 'G64- £TL Af J, C//W Aft £TS M Ace 39 /LAjCATSOAA, //CtVAAfO /3 Age >9 birthplace residence ■Scd 6 ''<• '•' 3/' S^/Tff. Sr»o»eAj. Co- #■ frt'valb. AG 6 2. SeyjA/6 iju/y Z /66J residence //$*/„/. 3yearj. Co A A^rfyaTa. 'SGA UuhG. AJ /fitted t/ay6 '464- CA-AfS. /V/J.L/AM <*/cr-<* SA- S^/T&y.A Cav CtB- P'r'vare. A&G4- r,va7&. /QG/. OC/./4- C//GC/ S<3/iJbuy8c/. Je-ptiy- ocS-iv/ee*- aTm/TAT Y,ySQHA/ f> A i* z *- birthplace jLa con' a. A/-AA residence Gr<3 * ft CA- /J^//,/. dyearj Cc S. />/uJ'C/oS /e■/. -Jy&arj. Sijiper?*tj/rtary / e 6 67Aia tCH tz. /)pr//Z6. /66-T vT«2 /Ks \si/ A7- j- Cb rpcz-a/ '66 2 Sep/, p {June ?./fi6J~ ^JTcT/r, UACOS Q Age // birthplace residenceCcKJi'j J/ /lv& 2 3 *4/h / Jyevrr-J. Cc- A? ■ Pr/vere. ff>6l, Se-p'f: ZP. OC/ /J '€64- j£TsT££:, H//LiVA/Vf £. Age Z / birthplace residence Cottf/j Si* /!ye. *S~ e 4&<3 *t. /- A A7r/ -Jy^arj A^r/rafe /<9 6/. Ssjj./- '3 a/j. Pr/'veA* f«6Z, •Sejst'. '3 i/c/y Z /£63 S/ Z Z x*/m / Jyearl Co /? frxra/e. 'J,J-''^i/4^ T Age 2^ birthplace residence Scj/ati. S'- /*A- Jmorrr/j; Co./. Cor??c.r-a/. '/ /}pr,//S ^~e24./ Sl st- /&<>/■ ij'-t/y Z/. Pr/SOr&r— S*J/lt/- ?*„6H*Aj- 97*0**4*. /7M //. Ay/ /=?-/,/cch /Very topr*. ffA/VJ, /T/A/C S- Age ^ 2. birthplace residence A/3/efe./t/f^sJ /■S ;o V* /S l/^/y Z./&6J El/AysJ, W/2 £fsq/y Age 2 + birthplace residence /"7/t//- JV- 7^Z3a//.2A.Ay/. J years /=5viwfe. 'Q6J. ^C"^^^ /f Age 2 2. lirthplace/K?rOt'//t c/j Co- t/. SfrfY- /8 62. sSep '/•./&. /t np-e*//s' Z""b 4.i/ur6 /etij Z~ K S/r%y'/. //. Art. Co- o"g /<5>6-J J~«?e AYsvy /feca-a ^i/£/TCrr > Wal -£:/? Age 2/ birthplace rcsidence///a/> JV- ■S*f/n/.3fK«ttrAj Co-A". J^/e*/ 'e6/<4pi-U'9. 2"^£/ei*.S . 3~*J/*/. 9-y»r-n/a/e. Co ■ £>■ 'S6Z . Je^/. ' 9 i'u/y 2. /aCJ. f* /SfBrfO-He^j CV/fC/ S £. Age 26 birthplace residence C/rr-e SS- /6 *J/rr/. Jyvarj. Co. C. /^r/i/afe. '$6/. /? LE S ~ Age birthplace CAar-ZesfaWrc residence Afert'on. 3rJ, Cc./' /^'f^'c. /86Z. Aliy-f. f/ *1/fe*rj, Co- F. P> r ,ira/S. '86/. £>3i-j. Co -3. P^rvar^. ge 2/ /#6//?uf.2Z. /)co j '€<$' /O? /fA'/V A Af, Qeo/?G£: //• Age Jo birthplace residence £~/nf J"/ f-L*/fef/.f/.>*r f; 3 y **~i. Cb. 4 S*r,v&#± /Q6Z.t/^/y t->~ Pe6.Z/./#6J SHEET NO. ^1 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY rAff/VSWOTTrfj W//-L/A/*? Y* Age zz. birthplace Ciar/ej/crv"- residence F&& ,./ oy. 2 9**/*/ Jyearv. <5>-M -«V/^/JS. /Q ■ Sf^Yrr/^yearj. G&.C-- Y^r/is&Ye. /&6+ lYart./f Ct/S&SYYi'Yy iYocmg ' / '■ ' S6-i~ birthplace residence S?^/r*/. JyoarJ. ChB. Cir,rp>&f / 3 64 (/• Age Zo birtltplace residence Trertfan •** '■ /■&■/„/, Jy&arj Co./r. r">-,v<3*°. /2?/e6ir F~£/.T/W*/Y J .CuA/?/-£S L. Age birthplace A?o,rYlr;/Ya, A/e. ■ residence Y$-"-"~ &><■ c +- yrj A/&/»e i/c.Y Ga.*- Y^r/va/s. ,a e +^ 6 .4. j„Y y ,/ /ees- Y~££. TO/V; lYo-SMi//^ Af. birthplace residence H/Y/Aarrc Jv 32**?YhY- Jye-arJ Co./. A^-tva/ii. /e4l.4c*.y.// S//*y AfarcA.Ze> /G6J V£T£A?A /V /f , £J£/?i/^' <- O /? f J 't>C'4- Sep*. /Z. /Vf.i/.2 6./e6~S- Age /« Y^YTOAYj W//.4-/AA-/ Y~- birthplace residence G/sAYrrY. / ,-*>ar; cTc./r. Y>/-,-J. Co £>■ Y^r'i/a/e. / . oec./6 ^^(y zo./e6s~ /*£/? Q(/SOA/j Yr"0 SC/PT Age birthplace residence Y^v'&r-e// J/ ■ S t ^/r'.Y.Y-/y4/-Y. Ch- Cy. S&ryY- /3$2. s&p/./j iJc/y..'^:/eGJ~ Y~£/p/r > Y£/i , j HY/£t./*Aj A. Age 2J~ birthplace residence A/ec A a rr/'c J~A- ecr, r-at A~/C/r£TTj, <- residencc 2"^&<3/Y.Y-S.Y?rY. /^y/'ts&fe. /864t/'3" 26. /}i+c?.// /■3- Jee/Kjiy /FscGz-d Y^/et-Y), £&£A/£Z£A? Age 2? birthplace residence HY'/rc^h< p J/. /<-'Yrr/- Jy& Age 2 + . bhthplacc residence Cc/rca^d JV. Y-/ft/. 3ye>ar-j. Co. -Yisaf & /Y?6/. Way 2 * CfeserT&ct AV&rct. /■ '£63 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 42 P~/£L O, fff '£ ' £. 'A* '* A/ Age 4-4- birthplace DorcAej/e r Afjjj residence /%ijj&// «*> S^/n/. 3rriorrcAj. S7/e. A/ay't.r- /. A t e **■ birthplace residence S2 "-?/„/. Jye^rj. d /. rYeforrer- f,Af/c/*A/Z /- Age 2a. birthplace residence i/o/rrer *s* 3^rT«yt P/?r/. Cr, A/. /=>r/'re> A/iavy /Fe'Ccrd. /"/£/./), 7~HGA?AS Age ZS~ birtliplacc residence Z3ow St- ^2"^/»/ ^„rfj, Cb if. <&r,y*f& /<56Z. Sep/ /6 //cp.Zo / 32^/h/ -Jy/ayj /&6«> A/^vi/ffecoKf / r /rvi£y, 4- P/JrV, ■St/Ar'A/tr/? Age 2/ biithpbhc residence /fvo/r P?- S**/*/ Jm.c,~.c/(j O. K- P*r/vafe. /t> CI Apr/// 9 '/,n,r>f */ 3~sn£f?, Geo/rQe. rV. A» SI bhthplait iisubme /vrr-rK S/ ,yt*//f/. SyearS Co <4 /~*r/ro/k /B6Z- Sep'r.Z O/jc/6,'/, *f i/une 22 'S63 //J P £ ,% •S/IA^oe/- ar-J.Cc, C. Corpora./ /e62. /fu.o.2. t/oiMeZi: ve<;y /"/J/T-C, i/tfw/v /? Age Z-O birthplace residence rf/Zsfoc &f- •36,/it/- Jyeer-J. Co /3. Corpora./ /e6Z. (/c^/y Zy i/u/re28. /e6S F~' TZ. G?Ef?AL Oj •/AA/E J Age £ 6 birthplace residence /Yafet- St /•^/-nf. Jy^,-j. Co Q. /=>r''va/e. /86Z Sep/. J~ /ff&yZ* /e64- Age 34 f/TZQEffALDj i//tM£S birthplace residence Wafer- S/- 'S 9 - //'/. 'Jye&rj, Orrass r'oneet recrut/ '£6j.Oec.Z a/sabi/,/0 Oec2ofe6-3 / r ~/TZQ£'rY^l-Dj l/6/V/\/ V. Age Z/ birthplace residence /^B3//, lf/)r/',3ye-orj ^r/sefe. / /. /&6/ Ge-c./S A> re-ettfar- A/a r cA 2o. '#64- /t?64; rVarcA 2-/ < /u»e3o. yfi6S' f/TZP/q /V?/ C- rXj l/f////v z3. Age bilthphif BanfC,r.A/Ct residence ^u/'rrCySr^ 9** /Ife/rrc? )/c/. Co/C P r/ r-aTa /S6/ Sep/ / Sep/ /~>~ /&6S~ CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 4- 3 IN THE ARMY nrz-PAT/ric/Cj 'f/6*t*s &ts. A & *■*- birthplace residence SSos/ck- 5*^/n/. JmcHtrAj Cb C. frit/ate. t d 6/ t?pr// '9 "^ 0/ /e6/ 3/ *£ US.Cc/0 Troops. /2i4A/AC?/IA/,/>fATT*£:"S Age "3 birthplace resilience />fa r'rt •?+ S~ti/ttA /00&<3yJ. Ca. /-/■ /^-/rigfe. /86*.l/<*ty Zo. M.v./6 /Q64- ^f^zfe? t C~<9\s. 3ye&rj Ch.Z. P/-/v-j /^rivafe s#6+. S"^&<3tf- ttvfrt. Oye>a/-s fr/vate. t864./?uy/Z. O /'-C. Afay /6 /?6S fzy/vT, JsqAfcZS £3- Age 3/ birthplace residence // t*/3atf. U tlrt 3yea r-J, p>rr i/-a>/fe i$64; *- *- Uune./6. /PCS' tloOOj /^ATST/CK A& 'G birthplace residence /S6Z. */i*.ty Z£ Oune. 2-3~. /S6/ birthplace residence /"¥/»/ -CtytHinS. Oo-tt. t=>/Vat&, '€6Z.Sepr4- at/'so&f//ty t/an./c> '£6J /=S.OV£>j, D/iV/D O Age £3 birthplace residence j-irA/ M /.J?rto>*e/rS Co A" Private. /36/,/fpi-'/'? u ' u/ y J//&6/ /StZ.S&pr f> ~ **• residence Bun/i'er//i//c?s- Z^^n/- %3y&&rJ. CoCf. Corpoi-a./ /e63. i/u/y / l/olA/ /*■ /e6jr / r lyMAr'j ~7~A/0AfAS Age 4-J- birlhplace residence t^g/er- St ■ 2-*£0att.£t tlrt. ctye&rv f'r/VaTe. tB63. £>ec. /Z Actf /'■ /e?Sr -*/?:y Oc/ zz /e6 z. /~0£t 3 £3, L/OHAS Age 2.2 hirth place residence Wa//Ter /4 ve. 2. 2"- /iff. JyearS. Barret. AfotJ/C/'&ft- /B 6/. Oc/. a' f/roer. /Var&e-p/ J?uf ///£6X_ f~G*fO,epr June /£. /£ C3~ fGBO,rV/t.t./A/\1 Age 2/ birthplace S7er//ny Afasj residencerl/arre/r 3r- 2 *^ /?rr. jyear-J. r^r/ira/e, /S6/, Seyp '/■. j- £ow4f?o J Age birthplace residence Dexf&r f?ch*s Z6 "- (ryiajTacAed Company /ii/a*/ry /year /a C4 Sep? 3o Oc/- / /£6S~ {~GS~£/7,//ZGA/ZO 77 Age jy birthplace residence ^y^/fr/- 3yearj, Co £. Pr/ra/e. 'Q 64 £e&.4 Tfa»j /c &/*?/?e z Ju/y Jo zees' /^OJTtT/fj CHA/?i.£S Age 34- birthplace residence A^cf/in-a 3/ , S*^/x/- JmcneAj £)r-uni. /l/a/or- /6 6/. r?pr// /9- Jujy J/ /e< ^ Sf ~^/n A JyearJ. /^r/'ric/pa/ A/uJ'C/arL> /P.64. /~e/>■/. Jyearj Pr/'rr. Afujic/an. /86/, A'Oy /. T^6 S. /f>63 r~GJ T£/f. /ZOrVsl/TO Age 36 birthplace residence 3 ur/rer ////'/ <&■ J~'d/n/. 3 rnon* /i 'j. Cc. C, £>rii/a/a /f?6/ Apr// '? Jute 24. /e £2. /&£/■ i'<*/y !■/. t?r'J6ftey. /3<*.// /fou-v. Sf't/rtf.Jyeans Cc £T /'rtVa/a 4 Tnanj. /i <5~7 **/*/. June/. /e£J~ 'S6J-i/oi/v//v Age 3c birthplace residenceBu"*#r-//i'// '3/- // e r/rtAjyear7f. Cc /r &-/va/& /&6/. Ju/re. /J . i/urre Z4 'eG4- r~OSr£:/f, Q£G/?Q£ H/ Age Z? birthplace residence8uH//er//i'//3/- 9 ^BaH //. /?r/. Jy 6S~ FOST^/f; {JoH/J 7"/T Age zo birthplace residence rVa//T. /^r/i/afe. /Q64-i/u/y/a 4i>r-/6 'G64- /^O C//. /YJ, r703£/r' T birthplace Age <-?J !/£--£/¥**/ /7£J£/fl/£ Coff.PJ. /£6o~ t/a?t 2G Orc/s-f rYar £&p/ Ai*> Z3'a6S' fr IA/1. ££?/?-. OoO. A'fi/are- /e63.£>ec. Z.C«A.J r ?H/)r/. Oc/ZG /e6S CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. ^ 5 IN THE ARMY Age 'fi /^C r, CasxisplZJ Af. birthplace residence fosfer's CS- //*T /rt/-Jye&rJ C<> /■ frivs/a. ft! ft* (./v/re. '3 fet-Zf 'e6->- fOXj £~OrVS)/10 Q- Age I' birthplace residence ^3/ n S/. S r4 /»f-3»*Ofrt./,j Ca C. /="r,v<3/e. / Age if birthplace residence Sf^/W 3ye*r-J C 3 C rp0rlL / 'G64. x'a» * 7r*„s.% J/"/,,/ i/^ne/ZS&i' /SSS.i/c/re/ Ju/ySd. A?£j - f~f?EEMA/J, S/wga/ -4 Age Zo birthplace residence ^S - /fe^Cjv.dyesra Co. Ay «-/i/d/a /S6 / £>ec If. ,/*«. 22 '£64- '-/"exjjQ/, /•*/£/ eu./. ~ r^?f£:£:/t/A//j Y/CTG/T O Age Zo birthplace residence /•V/fso'/.Csv Jyr^rJ. Co B. Corpcra./ /e6J Oec.Zf. t/ec Z /£63 r~S?£/vCr/. s4 ,f? H Age ZZ birthplace iy'/wa«/W/|'. // residenceSt/rifer ///'/ Z/~/?i/. /ye-MU£/- A' Age 41 birthplace residence Lex /ff/ok -J' S*?/liA /Oc&ayj Co // ^*-/ sTrff/tret*,- yftc.J&c Ttrrrrre/ f/fOST, Ct/A/?/.£S // Age £/> birthplace residence Co7/g^& „ v&/e. Z&64- L/&M 4- /)otf 4 /£6j- /^/TC/ST; Q£0/?OST, ^SaMI/sTL Age SZ birthplace residenceg&rs/e/r-'SA 3 r *B&//. /• rfrf &rs /^r/ i/e '/S /£>6/S~epV 6' %fepr/6./£64- f-/T-OT///A/q//AA/j /?f/i/V/r £~ Age Z3 birthplace C/?ar/?jZ2s*/ft residence •A/otrumefrf- *Sy. S'^/?t/'Jr*o»t/,s Ce.-rT. />r/sa/e. /&6/rfpr>'/ 'f iAc/yJ/./e6s J J K*/„/. jye*rJ Tra»J/c f-r^,r/.. JV^/C^ /S6Z. c/c/yJ/ £™- a Lie*-/ ^/GyZy 'S£z_ 3 rrs. ^•<«7/«"'" /f 6Z y/K/yJ'- /■i/-//^u/.-Cap/a/ic-^'x'' eJ /S6s- r~H'Or»'A/(fpAA/ ) Ocha/ ,B Age 2.2. birthplace residence £i>err lga/C~. W'Lc/AiAf /f Age «?•»" birthplace residence Sc, /ey >J *■ yJ3 r "/»f. Jyears Co. A". f>r''vefc /£6Z./!ciy. £ tJun J-e*/r<£ /oo<*ayj C a D. Pr/'vale. '864 i/u'y '# 'Vof '6 '£64- QaBR l€L, Jo-SHOA S Age 2.C birthplace residence Pine &A- Z2"-?/*/- Jy Cc A~- /=V'«c?/e. /SC/. A"-?"- Oa+.'/r '24+ QABPI £ U, W/LL//4A1 £ Age 4 Z. birthplace residence S& c*^ c ft/rt/.Jy&ai-j. Co- C. Prt */a/&, /c76Z-V)uf 4-- ** re-en'isr A/aydfr Z *■ tP.64- /e6f- AfarcA ZZ, /rJrtS.fo 3Z~-"'>«'^~e?'f: Private, /e C 4. i/crre '6.J 'fit g^tf. I //?**. Jy&a/s. /O/rWa /^^^-/ c i6Z/ t/o/re. /i'./egS* Q*qc t Q£0/?ec?'(!63 QA Q£j /I/OSSS //• Age Z / birthplace residence /w ■« f P/ S & -^//f /■ /o a cays Ca o, s^r/ Va/& /C G 4-. -' "a/a G/HLZ; •SsqMl/EL O. Age J 6 birthplace residence A7il/er--Jt- /•i^/fc^X Cav. Jy-j. Cc. / Pnva/e. /ec. Sapf.it.. Q.*f. Jsrf cAa Cc, ». Pt-,*afe /66Z. Jop/ /. Cf/i&bi/fty t/an./+ te&3 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 4 7 IN THE ARMY CfALLAA/Tj -WS/L Age Z/ birthplace residence S7 **//< A 3ye>a/-j. Cr.C. /=>'>*/& /£6S: t/urrG Z. t/<*/yJc./£ 6J~ GAAfAf/)A/JyG£O^Cy£: /-/■ Age '9 birthplace C/ie/sea. Afajs residence S^i 'pp 'J &*■ /££/. A/ay 6- l/i-yZZ ,e6/ 2?*- fa/Jye-arj. Or. 3. Pr/isate. 6i/r>y 4pr,7 /G./eGL- Gs) A1/\4£T/_ L, /?z 3£/7 T A7- Age 2 2 birthplace residence Be/mc n / ov /fi■ Age 20 birthplace residencei-ejtiitftcn. y '/. /S6Z.S^p¥.2Z. -,„#/& / #63. >?«-jr. Zy tFahjft C/.SA'avj/ i/t*/ylf /C6V- S^eA'Svy /p*&.. S**/nA /oc&a^j. Or,. D. P'r'isa/k. 'G64-. i/c/y /fi M>v/6vf!6.a- QAffOAf£p,/-//iA/OL£Y O. Age '/s<36Ur?y />/s,-c/if5 /e6j < ~7Afr*DyV£'?, A^C,y£S Age 2 6 birthplace ^ffc^./f/wj residence Corcf/i <-*>■ /**/?» /■ 3ye>ar-s Or, O. r^t-'t va>e. 'e62./4o<.f // Afayze // V o-rfe /6$Z.fiu-j. /3 GtsatH'try t/sfi. /3. sec-j. Co O. /V/Vva € /(36Z. /?"■<} 'G r,\safe. /fl6/. Ocf.J/ As /-*-*■*/,■>/■ t/art.3-/*6'"■?'& QaYj i/o/va/ fr Age 2-3 birthplace residcnceK>'C*r»6 r ' a 9 e ' ^4/?,/. VmorcrAj Cr./V /=>/^»/fe /eCZ. Se-pA ft t/«/yZ se63 G^Tf^AirTOj S^Af (/£■/. Age 4-3 birthplace Liverpool £no residence />/a/tf S/. OZ^/u/^y^a^s Cr, /. /^ i>y. / /yJ tr A/ rt /.Sye C. £T. G£/?/?/>S/<, /-/£.*//? Y Age birthplace Germany residence 7/ic,i-"di'/r& *S* y* s/. y l/c./. Co i4 fnvate. '66' Way /./rfay'«- r/ JyearJ. Co £> f rivals. /fi6Z /e6.24- SeJ.Z-* i£6J~ Q//3BS; C///?^£^ Age 2 7 birthplace residenceS/TcZ-Ao/m. As Y S*^A?r/.<3mo/rcAj Co C. Private. '86/. rtprt ' '? Uc*./y 3/ '?6 / G//.G£/?yi^/-Siri/\/ Age birthplace /tfa/'ne, residence//*>rrur»ei< / C/ /•^A/a/xe. Vr,/- Cfe i4 r^rin^/s, /Q6 4- /louy Z4 (/ctne /6 /S6J~ C$,l&£:s?z CW^fUTJ w Age 3/ birthplace residence Le*iijf>%* •** / ^/fief'S // Ar/. 3yea--' Co G fnva/e. /G62./?up.// t/u/y *■ Z3 Cf//.s>^ y, /Tc>i / vj)'?o /•/ birthplace A /arb/e /ieV- 2 "-*/h/. Jyeai-j Co, C /'«•' 2. tJu/yjo./eGS- G/1-t./Sj /V/2. t-/AA? Age JZ. birthplace residence Wapptrty SA 2^/n/Jyear-s Co,/' rnifa/e. /&<$/. J Co Sy ZO /Vev./6 /?6-a //CH4£c. //• /lg S -J.3yA fi=,-^ar & /SG3 -*< A-.C, S&pVeygn. G L is/rz. /As/ Q, EOi*s/> AfO AY. Age ZJT birth place Cd&tVes/ct*sK- residenccC/r&Asea 3 4* x?2^^/n/. 3ye-e>rj Ch /. Cor-po-3/ /S6Z A?c*f// f& Serf*, ,/<** 1- 'e&4- A2/- r J O.JICg/occ**/?,/. Z"*l,eu.t G-.S. /SCT- i/a*. * S* p l. zt-oV- /&<5Z. fiotf./o Uunee,'B6o- Qo/.jS£i/Po W'/-/-MM C Age 2 2 birthplace residence Cccf/'s re-eK/r'jt 1 t/an*. AS 6 4 /S64- i/orr. S. Cat-poi-cJ, CA/eaf. & nail fife ■ residence Af&cf/orct \s/- /Z^i/rr/.^ye&rsCb/S ^-/vo/e- /<9<5< i/v/re Z6 iJi^/y e i&64- Q OOOiyV//Vj JH400FCJ & Age 2.6 birthplace residence Bu»/Te.rH/// /&6/, i/t*/y ZZ. O/SObZ/Jfy (./u/y/*./e62- Qo W/Mj THOA1AS Age 23 birthplace residence J2^i/rt/.SyeSfj Co /f- /=>r/isScxne26. forts, to 3Z M "^/-t/nneZJe6S ^3Z *!?/*/• 3ye-£rj Cc. #. Pr/v&le. /66S, i/urte Z. Age 3b birthplace Cfrar/ej/awrt. residence 2"°'A/^e3^. Co /one/ 166/, Ufa/ 24. & r /j G&n.'UJ. My 4 f. Ml 'P.6//\/ov./S-d,J*t>i/;Ty Apr,'/* , S63 jmtn/./oooays CbO Corpora/ 'e6S*./)fa/-cA 6 . St,** Z./S6J- GOVIO, CH4/7L £asv. CojS. /^;Ye6-sfer St •f-tTe?./ O&v Sye#rs. /=?-, *-,?/£. Co A Go. tS-r. JV/L'l/A/y A/. birthplace residence SAeaf St- Zff/rr/^-ejr-s Co.// S^/ra/e. '&6/. A/oi/. S a/e Gf //u-tfuf? /J se6z. CjowA/y, 4/voj -J Age /<9 birthplace residence ■4$ 'J/?,/ V^n^Mj C n C friyare. '€ 6~ 2-iJet/sf ZZ. C/lJ#6/Alfy Dec 29 /9ft ZTsmu/iuJ S.IJoivan. See Wavy /?««/-«*- birthplace residence Age /# Sett Kjc/y Z.G /Vr,v./6. /fjct- Gt^C/T, rV/L/./AAf L. Age 2 Z. birthplace residence //Me i5V» £- <: */?rS-/CfCec&Aer~St- /3o<* '/no,a„e ye/ Cb O Ccrporo./ tecSS.O^cy Occ X. stt&S- 0/=(AHA/3 2 ^/rte^./ • C<3 y. jyeart, 3u f /«»/- /B6+. Marc/^ ? Jvfy 2o _ /S6 ^ Q/r'SIA'o Q£0/?Cy£ W. Age '<$ birthplace £. residence Qu/H£i/ St- 'e69- i/c(y /# A/oy/6 'S64- (5s?4/Vo *Vf/- !///./.£: <$ Age ZO birthplace residence tV/HtA/vp JY- JT^/rrA jmOMtfo Ch C f^r/vafe. /SS/. /?pr// /$ i/c*/y J/. /S 6/ <5f?AA/Tj, A7lSF-(SS //, Age 3/ birthplace i esidence Cam 6/-/dfe S/- /Z **/*/. 3y&s/-j Ch & /^/i^/e /£)£/ l/un&Z6 tlcc/a'6 2e;/e62- Ci/?A\/£Sj/?//7HOAfY /T Age 2fi. birthplace residence /?uSf/'K St S^fTef/Gav.OyesrJ Ch C, /^/if&Ze. '&<54, -/^s/e. /8 62.QC/./4. JW^././. ,463 SHEET NO. 51 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY G/?E£L.£iy, -S^AA/^/^/zV 77 Age z' birthplace ' r es i lctii:cSu?i /fer//'// S/. *3S t */? r ,ya/e, /S6Z- s4<^?. '9 i/c»e 9 //?6S <5f? £ £ SVi O^A>/£/_ [birthplace Age s?r7" c /3/f?arj Co.£ /=>>■/ Age z.o birthplace kVenc/a//. AfajJ residence /hr/f 6/ ■? t A /?ef'/ //•/'>•/. SyearJ. /^r/ra/e* Cc //■ '#64;Aca-S/ S* A /nf- ymcrrrAj Co. O /^-/va/e. ' & 6 Z Oct 1 - / O'J&b'/'fy rfarcA. Z3/e63 GRtZ£-/\/LAW, AffrS£S W- Age~J4 birthplace. __ r residence /1//s/Zrt S/- JZ^^/n/-3ye>arj. Co ■ /• Corpora/ '86 Z. #<*&.// • /o re -■/■ JyeJrJ Co A~ , /^r'va/e. '863 Ocr". <9 i/une Zf /86S~ G r7£I£: Ave Z4 birthplace residence Derry. A/ //■ f7±S/x/. 7e /86Z. Se? ? ?./.2Z Jep> / 'e63 Q r7£/V/£/% G "£>£-/?£ Y Age td r j Co 3 recruit. / yest-. '863 cVov /a/e. /e63. 0*///£/. birthplace Age Z/ E^tVe^ez/J'A J^/rbf7 //./?>■/. C c o. /*m,a&. '863 Ocr>. 6. JeuT" /<9 'fids' Gr?/£/ r //'/, i/cS/T/^// Age birthplace £3oj/on./>/<3jj residence-&6jv S/-- /Z^ lAPr^Oft/ fi/. Co.£>. *>c»rrj7&r- 'G6Z I'ome '7 \7urre. ZZ'SdJ Qr7//-7 r //V, f^/f/-//V Age 43 birthplace resilience CsO/Gy S/ S^/h/. 5mc»r/v&/e, /f?6/. /rtcq 'O /Puf.'Z 'ficS'r Q '/? ' , <£/r/A/, 7V'Cr/^£Z Age 2/ birtliplace ' residenccA/ot*/fc>> S/ JO ^/?f/ 3ye>&ns Co A /^/l/o-yg /H6/. Oe-c. /3 c/,so6//,yy /LfarcA. 4 /fi&3 G/7C/SS, £~Ok1/A/7D Age 36 birthplace residence /-'HC/er* S/ /J'fa/- <3yt>&rJ Co //. &-///e »<'<3 CM Way'* ^69- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 5 2 G/?Oir £ '?, Gzo/r'qe: A Age '3 birthplace residence f f -/ie A'Oyy tT&cor-oC- GtfO&B, r/es/Z~wL residence War ri rt s* 2"* S/H./rx/. C<, /. /"riy^rc '86/. A/a.y 2 J. ,' iA» r, . y . '86 J H /Vw^^Z/fi-^ir/i'/CA Age 3 2- birlhplacc residence S9 ^/nf. <3y&&rj. Cr. C /'r/Ka/e '86*. . C. Private. IgfS. >/ot rte /■ i/ot/y JC. fH6J~ H/^OL£:Y,Oh^RLC:S H. Age 4-3 birthplace residence 3 2 ^ a /n A 3 years Co./. Serf'/ /S6Z./)ocy ■'/■ Cfisabi/ify Uan-6-'**64- /-//}OC £ Y, A^T/V/P >' /?' Age -3s " birthplace residence DeC2./loy.2 / - Okr<*6it"t*y fZby/etrJ /-/<40£. £ Y, S/£-A//?r A/ Age 2o birthplace £~. Cam dri cfe e,/Y£A '/» /. Jy eorj C-. £. /^/rare. /S6/. i/cc/y/6 /?ixy./. /e64- /iADLOCrXjW/LL/AA/ E. Age 2o place residence Oecs/Sr-^/ Zy~ rai / M /. dyear-j Co. // • /=>-/ trv/e. /<"?<£/ £3ec./6. O'SoO'Y'iy cz ^ee/V&/y /?<=-ce,i-v ra/e. /86J~t/art 2. iJ(*/y^o./e/i /362./?"-? ^ a/' i e Orchard /Ty.Oec.r '€63 ft/?/. 4, r?/C//A /70 ■&<-> Y/S TOSS Age ^ 2 birthplace CA&rArj/orvrt residence ///a/r rr<*?rJcni"//e fa Sep f Jo fS 64- A/^l/.£TT, Q£&S?G£ ~r\/ Age birthplace AS. YC,fy "' /"residence Car core/ /4r& 4-t£.A/.Y. //■ rfrfe czTp. S™cntAj Co./?, Corpora/ /dez.Sfpv.zf lare C/tdr/vrr J fe residence Bunrfei-m)/ w- 32^/71/. 3y~^# r j Co./. Corpora/ /S6Z./?c<.?.s O^Af/fL A?, birthplace x residence Ffrrfirrs y^-f •2 "-?G3 //. Z/ /?/-/ ^prf M Pr /*&/£, 1&6/ i/c/yj/ /-?■6^ f-/A)/rf/l//0/V£L> A^Sf^fSf? G.\ Age 'H birthplace residence Trerrrcrtt JV. 4-7 '** /" / 9 mo ft r/^s Cc, £■, /=V/ 'u-3/e, /8././e63 3 r */T&?'/-C&i'. \3ye3nj Co .4 '■ A^r/'ifsAe. /£ 63, £>e?c.. 7 CT/S& £>///?% C Age 2/ birthplace/ residence /pfc/^-OV- ■4 *J BarA.17^/9~r/T3 ye<*>-j S J = , r/\/0'&, / /* ■ S-erjf; /fi6/ AYcn- -'9 *> ne-B*//st- i/an-'-'GG*- //*//£>, Geo/rcje: w- ■s Me *-> place ^_ _ residence /<*/£* * J "''' /36Z. Sep? 2 2- -^ep/ /-ze6J A//)A//.z?y_, i/c^/V .1 ge 2 6 birlii place , residence /fic/r f*ML£y, Wll/Aa? Age 23 birthplace 'residence /f/c/""6fr~i i 3 years y*V/ *><» /&, /Q Q4 iSen. y i/o, ^/fAA"? «/• Age 24-. •S^/fe?./ ■ C<3 v- -3 years Cc..&- /a 63. nee.? j^ ? ,y-£e./a6s Age 2* ' //4a/so/w, A-fc/T/f/s hirthplacc Me 3? hirtliplace -<- ex/"? /&k.,A/asJ residence Trrz m fa 11 -S/ S e J/„/. r/ro7e. 'Q62, 3e p Z /6 ^"fy *■ /e63 ///)/,/> /A/ 7/re>r/r'C/r rV- Me 'A ^birthplace 2«v» imfTcn , Afas* residence Trren/r/i >-»- /ggz Sep/. /6 yS«'y *- /f ?63 *£~*A/?rA /OC/tf&yJ C<-,./V /'rri'&fe. /e ■ J^iSd^// /Qr/ ^years frrroZe. /66Z. rtuf./S~ €//<=■vourt//ify /e6 ZJ./tc&S //4 A/ 'JO//, SAMfe/- /?■ Age 2.3 birthplace ' residence /G-3&//.Z //4r/. <) years P'r/Ua/s. /e<$Z.~SepV. 9 a/so-biZ'Ty /l?ay zj./fi&S /-/a p>£: a/a/ y> tV' *■/./**■? Age ye place residence fesr/<*r-j O-. C. /*>-,'. P'rrvafe. /i"'ra/&. /&62.Sepr /O c/o/y 2.r*)63 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. g 5 IN THE ARMY *-*/> /y sr/A/ i7i77y - l6 r *r/r,377aeArt*y 6 /yGi/.te/eCf- f/A /?/?/A/(f TO*/, tJ/f.<3>-s Co- £7. A*r/isa7&, //>/AtS Srj CoC. Corpora/ '86g.A7ay2.(, 7ratrss ft Yf?C /Zcv-3/a6$ /-/^ f? ft / S, c/gwas j*j/g Sy^ A?r/ !/„«/ 'S6S /edS-i/ct/re Z. Co-/C JlS~ IG64 /If ay 6 /^/./eu*- //*SS£-— 71 £OKV*fD *~ Age Z3 birthplace residence £~i/ererr' /^Af/'Ay /CT Age Zy birthplace £. M/,'/fc M A/&, residence Wa//dce C/- ^y^/rt-f 'S/hgm-cAs Cb-£i Z^^/su.i' /aez.Sepr 1 .^. ^Sj- birthpldce &6S/ZH, tfas~S , residence /r&/#6H /■ %Ss-. 1/ * 3a.-rf. 9-woxnfs Pr/'vate. ie6i..£/u 9 .2S Seyy. /)fdy ZS. /?6S /-/Si-TCrtjiSGHAS Q Age /<§ birthplace ~7s-»rvt/G>-*/i A/./-/ residence •S^/nf/CGC/ayj Co //. S=>r/is&r=Wa/g. /& 6Z. e>c /J &c. JT. ThenS./t Of. A. S/-* i /c»e/./i'£j- '$6X/-/ birthplace Cs?*, £>>-/ •> net/ residence /^o/ronterr/^A Z2 - 'rr/.Jy <**,.+ Co c. A>r,r /£, /oe/oc/.*- os*. 4,7,3, s-* 6 , C/ . /e63 HAYES, JV//././AA1 Age 28 birthplace residence rf^/oftf^/purs S*J/*tS. dwantrfa Co. C. A^r-iv&fe, /& S/. Apr// f?. t/c/y 3/ /£<$/ / ^'/Fey ■+. C&v. 3ye*rj Co. Af. Fr/mr^ /aC/.Oc/.S. O ''c?c/.r/;//t,n //,/-/e»,ens Co. o. /=>r/„e/e. '**'.**»#* 9 #<*?.* /**, M* zee: —/A/£T f /Ja/o/?£:m/ Age ^4. birthplace residence r~\*Trr ant ,/,Y-y fyoy c , €6S H£AC, Q(yy C Age Zy birtliplace residence CAfe/sea ;/iry /Yoi/. 22. /S62 Age 2 J A/££>/_ £ }' A?A/Q // 6 birthplace residence So rf/e // ■S/- '&6 2 Sep /. 2 2 j ep// / /e6 j H£££>Y, />fAOry/C/E: Age 4-3- birthplacc residence /.ex /rtf/o*/t Ct Zf}*6/?tf d 'years, Co G. /=V/Koyfe /&6//~>ec./3 C//s<3bi/)7y Oee// /#62. HEAtA?£fi?, Qeo/rCfZ: Age birtliplace Muh/'c/i //<3. residence YZi-//^. Co <4. Serf 7 /s/ €**/VY.Cov C c /}. Co^pc/c,/ (f}6/. Jcs-plr* // U&n /3 /f63 HC //A/CBCf/fY, Ph/L/P Age 42 birthplace residence /$&/-rt/. 3 yea /j, Co. fV. /^/i/a/e. I e '_, A?/C/M St Age 2 ? birthplace residence Afec/fc/rt Z6 duneJo //} Age 2 3 birtliplace residence S/is/5/t. •^-//f/J/KCKevfj CoC / c >/i<-o>7fe. 'S6/, /?pH//S d<*/yj/.//?6/ 'HE./7/7'C/t J , QEO/?Q£ /-/.H/ Age birthplace Ats yv/- on a 'on. // //. residence yVo o A/fiv.2.7 / GA/ t W//./_/si/ar-/tep/ 0ec./x/e6J- ME/fv^r/./.^ / r /?£&/cA'/ c/r ly Age /v.3ye>drj Co. re /*r/i/0/e '#63 i/an.Z6 O/sooi/i/y /Yor./S /e£,j S^Z/tA *60cr ai/ j- Cb />. r^efe 'e&+U«(y /8 /Yoy/6 , e6 +. I CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO, 57 IN THE ARMY Hcyey, /HOfr/AJ W. Age 3/ birthplace ' residence £/?£:., Age 22 birthplace \ icsidenceZTc/oewerc/ 3t. S^/?t/. 9-rnOft^j Cc-O. Corpor&Z. 't}62.&63 SX% /71/. tooaayj Co O. 3~e-ry V . /a 64- iSo>£/ /& AS61/./6 /ec-, v # r ^ /fi6t, 3ep'Z /9 64 /-/'C/r£Y_,iJo/-i^' Age -?6 birthplace i residence Jo/'rei- J> yer~£I/7Ary Z?£:f£:fj>y£. Co/fPJ '864. Oc/. '9 Or&erJrferr/tepZ. /Yoy2o/s6S ///^(^//V^/ZrA"?/^ Age £/ birthplace residence •5~*//ii/- 3»to„t/j Co. Z?. P'r/yete. A? 6 / Qpr,'/ '? Z 3, r , '„&Ze. z>-,■ ts&Te. /&6 2.- /residence Ws/tece CZ. t— t&rmon/ C&\s. Coff.C&pZS/ 7%, /£6Z.<5ep/3oJ_£re,!?A/dyhr; /Vay'3/#6S /// £-0 /? £ T/*. Uchaj £> Age /6 birthplace residence if**/?,/ 9r»6»c/ij Co-// Z=i-,ra7&. /eCZ.Se-p/. '6 i/oOy2./e&ss *S*t/ttS. 9'^crrr/j Cat/. /=>/ f r,^7&_ /S6/. Oec./6 fi n?-eK/ij/ i/an i '86-4- /S64. i/an J &/j S'-4 /r-t / zoo -gS AS 64. 4pr/Z 6 Uc/y -V.ASef j- f* '/ £ t-/ a i9 z>, S— £*>«£ vv C Age^2.2. birthplace Z'c, r /j'~ac-.cA /v *s- residence */&* co cZc Sf 32 *-"/»/. Syff- 'G6*- ce64 t/art S W Age 3 ' birtltplace residence ScJrrre/r jv /•£' '/Ye?./ C<9 \S •-, Tr* f'Af*s Age 2 3 birthplace Oiar/esforvn. residence p'edr/^/ S^/i/ 9rr,on*As Co * Corpora/, 'S&2. Se-pS.2y 63 aj /renrt, //i'n/c/ey. See /\fe rjy /r±co-& /■/"//■SCJ. A<-j/?"*C? *~ birthplace Age 24- residencer?/cS/o/r CV H/TCA-Z/rvCJ, /.A\a/JGK' birthplace Age 23 sidence J r4 /,-r'f&fe. /&6Z Sspi /6 \Jo./y 2 /£63 J '--" Afeo/ ■ C<3 V .J yc&ns, Co-4 P"r/ir3. /Voi/23 i/urte SJ./46T Je*> /Va *y /t'ecortf /-/"OB* /? 7, i/f Dnv/O r/ ■ Age 3o birthplace residence ScAc.o/ J' J""-?j^^f/.Z/ •"?'/. Jy&arj fr/raZe. /f Z6 /£$+■ Ho&/iF?7,Q£o/r<;£ yv- M* 23 birthplace ' resideme Al/jfert 3/ 5^/rr/. SrrrorrtAj. Co C F>r,r&/£. /36/ /fpr.'Z Zf Jo.Zy JZ Zf>eZ /■I'/Thy/Cy* JyearJ G> C- PrrreTe. /ee/. Sep/ ry Oct- J. 'S64- .WO&A f? T> /J* AC Ageia- birthplate /3(,j/i~rr. residence Jc/eo/ 3f GO^//-r,,o' /&0 4- / Oec-9- ft re-c-n/tJS c/& rr J '£ C+- /et>+. / j3 Age «?6 birthplace residence S2 *!&/*/. Jyearj Cit./. fr/vafe. / G 6 Z . *txy // C//Jc/foi/l1j/ /Yor-22./«6t- tWoOQOO/V, tJo/-/zv V- Age **- birihplace residence f-if/fcoV, /V Z?r /. 3<3 7tc/ M<*J/C,a,~e /(>.(,/. r, •/&/& /ec/. >*)p > <^ Age 2 7 birthplace O/dTcw/r /tfJrj C a .&. ^"-<*//e^/- /e.62. i/o>/y2J Capfe/rc Uocrre $ /e&S /&67- t/0-.rre. 2 2 . Sr-e ye/ 1 fif^/or /-/OOQ /f/A/^C' A/, W/l/'AW /* Age 27 birthplace CfiAt/rcy.Af'aJS residence Co rtcorcr S/ dc> ^/nf- -Jyoorj Co B rrira/e, /eG2./^<^9-6 cy,^ai>,/./y Ore.-*. /ft 6 2 Se-e /V&yy /record AYO^JO/V, We A//? Y Age *-' birthplace residence Af&&<* •£■'■ ^"^/Tey./C&v ctyesrj Chr/ C^rpar-a. / /3rto'rra,r<,. ^/ Y '-'66S MO £, <4t//D Age 2 3 birthplace J3o j /3 're residence i^crey "0£rr IrV. Age 2/ birtliplace residence Suiter M# Jf- / '-' A3<9 f/.Z/. /?r-/. Jy ear j frt «-<*^B /e 6 2 . JmpS 9 /f!64- SHEET NO 59 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY rVfilG'?or,yx,/?'VOfr£*.' o' Age 2 9 birthplace Cum^-^a residence Afe&ct OV /€6 2.Je-p/S t/W / Z'?63 U^.^SfG/lO/ CcrpJ 2 **-? /./£zo- + ■ fWCi/Srx'GGfi t/4A?£S Age z? birthplace C'/srr'ejtotvr^ residence Ss/rtrat' -» //^/rtAJye-arj, Co. A", /^rrvate. /S «/,i/"iV^ i/ctrre. *+■ '#<>"■ A/oy.23/rcG^W S^/nA SfKCrtcAs. Ca.C. Corpora/ /GGr\j rV/yyy^i^ A. Age**' birthplace residencerTesfan/ «JV' *r ei< &&*/ 2/Ar/. Jy&arJ Pr-r v?e. /86 Z.JepV.f/. fa re-ertf'jr t/orr-J. /&64- /a 6-r. lAsrt t Ct/t?c( Ararat 'r rt./a. l/ar.Zy. '(?&*■ A/G/£>£-AA S-y£yvy?r Age 2S birthplace residence S9*J/?t/. J year J, Cii.C: /'r/'v&fe- / s rr. Age '? birthplace CAa r/ej/ctvrt residence f&fG*s 7 - On&r^cAeys y=>-i/ay <*- /?t*f. J . yecuy Se-^yfAsuy decora A/G/y ss, A~yr£0 A Age 2 S birthplace residence A//s/r,n S~y S^/>t/. /occf&ys Cc.O. ^/ts/fe '66 f-. /«Aa /fjctr J/- J*-Z/ti /. /o r, cfay j- Co. £> A=>r/isa/£. /GG<*. i/<^yy /$ , yYf,r-/6 /•*<■*- /•?? AF&fS- Car. jye>+nj Ca C A=i-tr&fe. /e6"f-/>x.29 OoLfttsjc, .fQ6s /-/G/-A4£'/ /? i/c/yJ/. /&c*-r /edt. y?CLf.e fca'tsU36**/t,/. /?<*? 22. reo- <36*- A/ "/- -Jye-arj G>.&. ** < ?2./£-<^r'. /f7r7£yy A Age /f birthphue /y. y?&jj residence/.y i-rcte (xm Sr S*//nr- ? rite* d/t <~o. rr- -c.,-,^/8. /fiCZ. Jojo./ve >J<-y?£i*y O. Agezz- birthplace residence Car i 'j cy. /&-4- //cyy: iJarj Ch 2. /z>-,va/%> /(j6J. (/art. S 'Je-o'y 2S. /G6j~ //ooy=£yf, £~/DW*/?2} A* Age /? birthplace residence Gprrcarcf ~sy O* — ffep'y C&r. <3yG&i^s. G?.£> £T rj>j rV/'L/A*/ £T. Age 2./ birtliplace residence 'O *^&3tf. ///?>■/. /?/ AS J, //, *■&/?•. //)$Z c/c<./y Z?. (/>«■«<» /e v. <3y<-.9> j . a,. £\ /^/^/fe /3G+. i/ec.3/. fa re-en/r'j/ /y J./e66 /-/O/rV/t r?£>. //!/£/? y c3 . Age z? biithplace A/&/, /rfe7J A} Age-i/i birthplace residence /^'PP-* « J "<* 5> <* Ba// // Ar / Jyf/. Jyeerj Co G /^nt/oTe. /e6Z-/fccy.2G /rfdrcAZj '/e64- f-/VBBAF( Dj r/eT/V /- Age J/ birthplace residence A'AYeoo' J/ 2 "■? Bar/ /./■/) r/. 3y,e>arj Jl^P V/ecr /d(,/ Jo-Jy 3/ - /?uo /* /e63 /6 63. /fotf. /*■ /-i f //eoc/. Jep /.3 ie63~ CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 5 1 IN THE ARMY HOS£.f? } 0/-/ARl-£:S Age 36, birthplace residence //t.^/n/Jy^srJ Co K Pnv&fe. /&($£ J&yoV.J Uun&Z-f /$64- /iuGA/es, W//./-//)Aj AS Age birthplace / r e/&?i-C: Private. I f}Qf- (J<3M. /y '*/(&- HU/VTj//l'V//VC -5 Age ZS~ birthplace Se.utA barO residence C/iejfrr6(/- •£/ /J ^/m/- 3ye&rj Co J3 A^/'i/d'As. /B 6/ t/<*/y '6 Ma/. 4-. /V6 Z.. /JlA/ Corps /e6'h /ipri/ e /yU/VT£r/?j vGrUfi4yv'c*c residence S^/r€64- //WT£/?,AWCA-//' Age a I birthplace residence S-^/rt/. 9-fKontAs Co /Q ■ Fr/'ve/A /e6Z-.S»tA.j Co./-/ Fl-, sate JS 6 2. Sep/. /6 */<*/y *■ '£&3 Hj 0/W/f/i"J aV ■ Age Zf birthplace residence A/^j /•** /,, /^Ar^O^AT/C^ /-■ Age $/ birthplace residence ti^rr/ey JV . G/^/h/. /^ea« Cc. 3. /^r/rafe. /66? /ft*?. Zy tJo< f r '/ ff A/e/orJurfeen iJ^/y J/ /£6/ /-/OffOOC/r, // Age Ze birthplace residence //**/*/. -Sy&rJ. Cc K />?■/*&/&. /<$ $Z St?p'/ /, A/,Ssi/ta - (fe/7'yj£>c<>j Pa. /*- <=»/&. /SGZ.Oc/.Zf- Sep//. /*■/ 1/&/& /<5 62. Oc/./S S9/0 /. J" /£63 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 62 birtltplact residence Af-/'r&/& /<9rbfe/rcaJ G>./£.WaGC,rt /D /.Z Z tuctit 1 ,yj& residence 0eeaEi"W- Jf&Martre. An/- C c .£:. /5-/Vi>>a te$/, du/y /6 disSOi/ity //oy.ry. 'fi^i. AfiJTCr/fASJGty, A/ffCfff 841GB. Age J residence /fai/srd j/. '8 6Z. d<3n.7 Qf/e'd //.Gi/e&rrj /•*./?«? 'f./etz HO~C^f/f f/^O f/, iV/1/y£J /!/ Age 2./ bin:.; residence Ffe>aj<9n / J*/ . J^^/n/.Jy^arj Cc,./. Pr/^afe /? I ,-.' rrt residence/thst/Hf r&st Order War£)ey>/.d<*fy ZZ /3rJ Cc.i- .r^r/vaTe. /Q64-.D&C.3' Ct/Jbi/ify c/wfe//A«' /WO/V.5 Or/ J Af. Age 23 birthplace residence MuJ/c/'dn. / QC4-. dec/y /g r>*are. /(J 6/ Je-p '*■ *" ^** /A /e6 3 U* COB^/.y^rV/j'/Sr^'C^: At/ Age tf birthplace residence t/e/'/ey P/- Z4- ec- ff- //-/£ J, Q£Of?q^ Age //> birtlif . residence /fes/ey Pf. &+* //r/. 9 rrrcfr c/s Cc/f- P>r/t^ar^ /8 6Z.S&-p.//<3 L/ci/y z. fe63 4<~* /Ytey-J-Cav. /. Ch B. Pr/ya/c fa64-^/'S'-cA. /. rVor.f4-/f>63~ SHEET NO 6 3 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY Age Jy birthplace residence Wej/ey P* Z^^/ti/. 3yt= r-fYe. f Uf.// to re-e/d yfe. /$(,2.,*J<^/y2y Oi'ecf /e£. // /fi6.i \Jo*-"* Sorb. E OW*/* Age SJ birthplace residence ■S4*^/nAj yearJ d, $ f°r*,ar%. 'G6J.>S<^/y ZJ- C//sat>,/,ty J^^/^./fiCS" do HA/ SO*/, //S.di*t*e Z. S?'- C«.£. dt*/y3o '%6y Jo/tA/JO/V, i/r/AW C Age £•*- birthplace residence //'- /rt/. jyearj. Co /. frivol, '66/. do,rrts. /J. Hi//c<* B<*t/ /T^rx. yo./>«y.tf./e6i \Jo**/*so*y, Lews £: ■ A & Zl birthplace C*r3r*ejfa/«srt residence CcJumb/a C* S *J /rt/-- 9-H~Gr>t4 j CoO /'wwfe /QGZ-Srp/ 2Z. t/ufy Z./263 See A/aity /fecoref Jo H yVSOA/j JV T/* >V, Age Z? birthplace residence y t/ct/y J'- *9 6/ \Jo/f**JO AS, H///.*./*/*? /~- Age J J birthplace residence War is re -X* 5? rA /7i*'JyedrJ. C 6 C. /=WoVfe /8 6+.ty<3 7-l/"?/r~a"J ft V/?.C Se6 2e /86S \JohASSGa*, rV///_/A/*f <*/■ Age Z 2. birthplace residenceBur#erM//Jt- Z&^ ''■ /rt/. ■Sye-^rJ Co O Unsafe. f<36/. Cc/./o £>f. •Jye&r-J. CT&.&- ~Se/y ■/. /(it>* >J<3rr 2? Ocr< 3'- /. O. Or<*>r< /Y^yos- '66/ birthplace residences-""^" Jv * '-/ft/ ■SyG'&t-j Co- f~ /^y-zr'&fe, /&62 <4c*f & Al//e&?*'' **■ //f/Zn/. JyearJ Co G. ^rw/fe /S6/ jone- /J Orc>r-j Co . /. /^-/vafk, /S6J Oec. 3 i/otnc /J. //} 6f kJoa/£6, #/vC"?£IA/ Age 'S birthplace residence /7t*/„/. Jyeans. Co/*. /"r/Kdfe /&&S~ . J^vW^. ZZ 1-*/*r/ 'JyearJ CV.^e 1 /=?-/.•<=»/&. 2&62 Oct- " kJc*7 Occ2 17 /Std*- 4 i/v/y 2.0 Sri* /£ /e64- Jo'VCJjC'-'ARLCJ /"*• . Age 2.2 birthplace t. -'■* ^C Y, /~/?l a/C /J 2S Age Z/ 24 tr - < /Te,,3yp&r-j Cc, ^ *S*rf/ birthplace residence /£>(,/ <>&, , ^*■ /o d/sab'/iTy Ji^/y 24./dG3 \Joa/£J, G£<~Jf<7£ ^/-J Cc £7. CeiiyaO ra/ residence /S6" t/c? — Zf Ocr J//ri6S / <9 6 ' *1£J •/ Age /^ birtliplace birthplace Scj^/ln. residence ,££*■/ JV resiJenceM'art.nfrcK J/ *S*-/"/ 'GGOiSyJ Cc. Z>. ffva^s. S-/*/ ,CCC?ay2. Cc. O Pr'va/iL /fifi* l/t-r/y A? ASoic /(, /Jjth'* 2964 rjc/y 'b A/or- ft. ")e- ^a v y cr^co-cf •JocV£J;Af£2.v/2.L£ O Age / iJc/yJ/ c-&**/'£ 2 Age zi residence Ar re, >v »5V birthplace /2-^S-r^ ir 4f/ Jy- IS 6J~ iSax-.Zo Ji^/y 2f. 'ecS JO*S£j,yV/j.t.//rA1rr' Age 44 birthplace tiCcVOC, G£0'?q£ 2-2. Age 24. residence Of ca /t, r •*/ birthplace '07 ?*//*/. Jc«2y 3/ /CebS SHEET NO. 6 5 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY Age 2j,- /T££/- /7u.f./ /e6/ birthplace residence f-*^ ffegr 1 . Ctfy. 3ye. S ct/j-cfb/'f/Yy A/6v/4--/&6J~ rt£JL£.£:% £>asv/£Tz /-/. Age /S birthplace Bojtcrt. ( residence f?u i /" St, fS 6f tipr-i/ '•*" tfELLEYj/^AMK*-/*' S Age 24 birthplace JS<,j fort residence A/o/'k 3+ 3 r */riS- J-morrcA-s. Co Z. fr/yate. /86f.//p rf/ / 7 Av-J- //€6t I'ftZLLCy.iJAMtZJ Age 4-3 birthplace residence Sn orf r ,*<,?£. /Q6Z.tJo/y/6 June. //■ /86£~ /■fCL l£Yj /rf/CrWA £L Age 3 Z birthplace residenceBunirer tt/'/t S* S*-/*/- DmorriAj Ssr-pr. (To /)■ fB6Z. Sep-f. 2-9 :/.£% Thomas Age 2o birthplace residence C/ie/se& Pf. 2<, ^r/ft /■ 3y ea -rJ Co- r~? Pr-i r aYe, fe62-./)tA.G- ." Cr/eo* c/a-*- Si '€>63 Hei l£Y> tVAt. -£"/? O, Age /8 birthplace residence Austin 3f- S— ' /Tt/./ooa<3us Co.ff. Muj/'c/<3-rl, 1 3 6 * dotty Z.O A/ov./6-/864- rt£l£.£Y> rV/LL/AA-? Age /B birthplace /ffftej bury, /I/ass residence rY<3 / rt St /&Jfof'r\ M/?r/, 3ye<9rj Co £T /=r-/i/S7e. /86 2.s c e6.// Oi'jdti/i'Ty re.AJ.t863 rfCLLZY, rV/Lt-tAA-f 7" Alt 2-' birthplace residence tyu if* cy S-r S *4 BaH. 1/. Ylt-A 3ye>&rJ Corpora' /e<5/. Cec.//. /Z, re-e/t//J! t tfatr.S /<96*- /86*.(S&/*-6 fed 6-/&6S' ft EL SOj Q£Of?Q£. £?. Age 2o birthplace f/e*/£osti, u, Ar.w. residence Qfryf/&/ £¥. *?y **/?(/■ 9-rnort-eAs Cc£T. Serf'*. /86Z Sept. 6 3ep/ f- /S6J /f£IlTOA/j A/CS£S B- Age Zi' birthplace Atirt/10 nt ptort, A/&^ residence rYa/Sre 7' Si 1 - 3 r -^r7e^'Y. r/.Y?rt3ye&rj Co. C i&ris&re. /3 /fC/Vslrtj £zf?rt B Age /S birthplace CA&f/e j four rt residence Ctte/sea JV c5"W/r/ ' 9-mon-cAs Cor/- Corpcr<3f 'e6Z- Se-pi V6 Uufy £../ 8 63 S*4/n/- i gg aayj. Or. ff- CoT-por<3/ f864, ^.r'6./fi6'f- /ffsV £>A £ fj l/4Af£TS /7 Age 2.3" birthplace residence f^/pf/ 3y ea>r>S. CorT P^- /y d/7&. fGSf. A/<3iy2+ />/<3y23~/864- ZfCAfOrmi-j WAf-OO TT Age 3 2- birthplace residence SO**/?*/. SmovcAj Co.O. P'r-i'ir-^f^ ff}6Z. Sep/. AS" Auf.24-. '863 tfS/Viirr-'CsXj /=^TrT/Crx Age 3o birthplace residence Bojfort. S*^/>tf. 9-rr,6neAj Co/? /^nVcrfe. /aez.Sep+.Z? CfeJ&rfec< Ocf lz'863 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 6 6 H£A//V/iOyj ZTdwa/?0 //.f Age ZZ birthplace i residence S*?/n/. /ccodys CoO. P*r/'r&r<=. 1 8 64-. y/- #<*.?■ Zy '264 Age Zy birthplace residence 5^/-nS. yrxcntAs Co 4 Private. 'e?62 Se-p./Z? ?<> re-en f/s+ 2'*?HAn'.J<**e&/g63 Z " "ftbf.t '■//./?>■/. JyeorJ. Co- A. frirefiz. /86 J iJU/y Z$ Oiecr/feHbern, M C, Ccf '■//. /€64- K£fi//V£Yj Af/CHA £ L Age 4-0 birthplace residence J/lOrf JV ZO^/n/JyearS. Co"/~ Prrc&re. /863. /?ocp. ~J ai'-SOb'i/triy Gee iy.'Q(>3 f/TA/zV/SO/V, OPA/fl£S IV Age 3Z birthplace residence tfuj/rh S/-- 3 2*- '/■» •/■ 3ye//i/y Sep> 26./&C/ rt£/=? rV//Vj A/ATT/S£i*/ Age 2-5" birthplace residence LtrrOerr St- Zf^/n/Jye&r-J Co //■ p"r/ verts. /86 2.PocO. 26 Dec Jc '»64- HCY£^/PA vV. Age 4-3 birthplace /re/dnO ' residence Cfie/sed JV- Z L* r y . A/ass residence Ber/orv s Pi- Z Z "-/n/- 3 years Co Q. SeryV. '86/, Sep* 9 fc re-e*/,jf /e« /. /.. *}J *2, // i.* 4r/<3y*-arJ. Pr- » a/<±. /864. /V&kc/l. // r/fs 'SA- residence fleasan/ tf* <5-/?i/.9/ncrt*Aj. /lfi-<.J/c/^7^ 2"-A/Y./7i/. Cor/ A>nvdfe. /8ez. ScepA.z? iS^/y £ /e63 18 6/ A/arC/v /4- AfayZ6'e63 /ilM&ALL, ChAPLCS H. Age J9 tf//vG <5£0/?C,£ r,. Age birthplace birthplace Thy Ac r &• residence Bun/rei-// A/ -S' residence CAspnian JV -/ ^a-/© Z ■** 1/crrHOnr 1 /*/■ Co. -8 Serf/- /fSGZ.Ocf.Zo •S■/ V&/SL se6/.Ut*(i//*. Ai r^-enAJr Oe-c.Z6. /&6J /86Z. Aluuf. /£ -anS. Co. AT Se?yr<. H/A/G- OjJ/A A/ A/ Age 33 birthplace Z3erf/ey /V- /& 6*. t./t*Sy M t/ct/y /*■ 'e6S~ residence M/&//fer-^/ Z "*//,/. Jye-ars Co- O. Serf/- Af'AfBALL. AA/r7A\Af Age 2/ /&6/. A/ay // Mi3ALLj4£:S AT. Age 2/ birthplace At/ff&Y, ~77sOA/as Age Z7 residence Wo/frer AJ ve _ birthplace Srtf/anc/ 9 ^ Bat/. L/./ir/. 3yearj, A^r/voTe. residence AAysAe A7. '861. 4i*. a ./o June 6 /86fZ Z *<*A///. /»/• Cc. re P'r' va/e. /663. Oec. 3 /fpr// S>- /e6J- '1 IM L3 ALL, LlCVSJ S Age 4c Miff/tLAA/O, l/aa/SJ Af. AgeZS birthplace birthplace L o MCtGn, Cfty residence Ar&n/r/'n S/- residence AVesCo & *5r 23 rd -//l/ 3ye>ar-s <>.■//■ /^t'lra/e. I^Ba//- HA)r/. 3year.S. Cc. C. Corpora/ 186/ Sept zc d/jaS'/AAy A/Oy Zo.'S6Z /8 S3. Ac 6/0 Oc/Zo- /8 6S /S64.Sep//2 V- r?.C. A4,v/6./86S K/tch £a/, /ToeeiT Z3. ,Agt *J' tf'Af&A) LLj I GP£AS ZO £. . Age /£ birthplace birthplace residence Su//iiran •?+■ residence CuniAr/Cye. Si/- /•Z-'/Tef./- Cav. SyparS Co. C. / c >/i'a/&. St*/n/./oo Pr/vafe. /86/. S&p/./y /c re -en As* Dec-S/./G^J '8r/'rafi2. /f>64 Jan 2 June /6./A63' /&64. Ua/-i Z. lAurre. /6 /a 63" CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 68 M A/O^jdo-SEE'/-' //• Age Zo birthplace residence /}l/jtz~i<. SA S**/iif. Hmcrcc/cs Co // Afusic/an. '88 Z. c5epi 'O dt^/yZ./eC* -See A/a^y /fecorct /fA/ZQA/T. CrAAAfLES Age >e birthplace residence A^o/A? SA 2 P, /«/■ \?ye«rj. Co.D. A'rii/a/e, 18 64-. ddro. £T doirrs '/ A8 6S~ /JA/iqA/T, / r /9AA'Ax Age i-l birtliplacc Ca/at'j Af& residence Oa/C SZ- 2 "-"/ferns* J /»/■ Co A? fr'sore. /86Z.darrZH Apn'/Zf. '66S /fn/quT, Qeoz?qe H. Age 2-> birthplace residence tz y e/e /- PZ. l^/it/. 3yearJ Co r Priu-sfe. Z&6A May Z4. franstZ f/^faf. "lay il- '*6*- //*£/„/. -3y//' /^nya/^. Zfi64-. A/ay i-l £>ec8 Z864- fXzvz <7 H T; do m /v Age birthplace L on dorr. Ert-y- residence rVsi/er/y rVc '2 c * /* u /»/ Co g. r>-i\/ate. /ee>/, dune Z/ iWJ//W /1a//$hT, Samuel birth!' I Age residence MA l/ernc.n Jt- Age IS rtzV/q/-ZT, 'ZVOMAJ yv. birthplace residence EcZe-rt SA- 2™- Ba-r/.l/./)*/. JyearJ Prir&Ze. ie6/. du/y 3z. a?uo /C- Z66f- M/V/q/-/T, rV/£.l-/AM A. Age 20 birthplace Bos/on. residence /)//s7c~il -J A / J -'/m/ J year J Co r~ A^r-ivaTS- !fJ6/.May 2+ aisa&z/z/y i/u/y zc '66/ K/VOWLEJ, />T/IA//r UV- Age IS birthplace C/rdr/esfe.rvr^ - :e Essex St* 36^/rf/ Jye<*/. J A^-i . Zfi64. /?prd Z6 A~/vc', C/isabl/c/y rju/y 7 '66 i- LaaTE, Al.£>H£ US A Age Z 2. birthplace C/ia r/ej/Or^ n. residence AfysT/'c. SZ S**/n/. Jorrorrc4 J. Co. C r°riiraT^. /e 6/. Apr// /S Jo, /y J/ '66/ Q^-'/3a-r/ l* /)rr. 6fCKc/ij Pnisafe. /S6Z June Z /Vo,£f'&62. S**/ti/- /oo/i/aTe, 1 8 6S. t/a/r /4- Order M/arOep/ iA*/? '« /eC S~ LAMG, Oia/EA/ <~S Age34- birthpl residence Q^/irr •jye&ro Co B. E*ri I/&/&- /fj6>2. /iu-f. 2/ Ot-saoi/ijy Oec 2S. '663 Z xt At 6WT, Orj OAAi/EL Age l Si btrthpln residence /rf&//< J/ y3 6 c * / »/- <>yedrj. Co- 8. /<3/7r - S < J/ji/J»*o~h*.Aj. Co-/*, Pr/vafe. /S 6/. /ip}-!/ '3 do*/y J>- 'a>-s Co H ■ Pr/i/o~fk. /86/. fiiscf.24--S/c>( — Sep/ Z /£6* L/qfij/T / A/, JCH/^f Age -3? birthplace residence Fi-t'/fce.f'an Sf £"-/?/./?-^ - &aw<3 /&6/, Some. 12. /?0cf..i'0/e6i- SO *£/rt-/- 3?ncn?/ts /)fuJ/C/'<3rc /6 6Z.. AgB 2o bi> th place residence C6e/se><3 St /S62.Sep/./3 tfoy. y 'A r/f/ C A" Age 4-0 birthplace residence fiusfi'rt S/ //*A/ n /. 3ye>ai^j. Co-/- Rnr&r f&6/.duK& /J Orowne-c/ dot/y-3/. /£$ / LawLE/?, W/Zl.fAA1 Age Z/ birthplace residence Z 4 *?/*/. Jyr&r-J. Co /) ■ /^iw&k. t8 6/. Sep'* 6. 3 LAH//?EA/CE, BzA/JAAftA/ /T Age ZS birthplace residence CortrbrtOo-e St //^ 3^/f.U/Qr-/- Jye&rJ /^r/v&te. /&64. d<3rc-2 du»e/6-/£6E Laia//?£:/VCZC, Qeo/?t//er- C&v. Co- C J36+ 0. -/v3fe, /t/.J y <>0rj. Co/ fi-ns^fe. '■86 Z. AoLf . /. 0/S<3b i/ify /-"e 6 . A? /6>63 Z/T-^e/% dACOS /-/■ Age 2 9 birthplace residence \3 Z /ii /■ 3ye o> >~j Co/. I'V/icefe //iGZ-rfot^.//. c//s<3£>i/ifs//-T, d K/ M e birthplace residence ■3^/k/A/. //■>/<./, Cc-jS, S&,-f/ 'd 6/. /4i*-f. 2 ■ /h-9 r& r- birthplace Aee Z/ residence Aforrusr'erir'- Jf ■4** *%?'/■ H-Art'.Jyears. 2*-?Z/e<*A /S64. /fuof. ZJ dune '7 '&6S~ LEE, do/jAS W birthplace £~rif/s>rtc/ residence J/^/n/.Jy&^r-j, Ch.C. CoyTa/n. 1 8 6/ A/o* Zo Mr.zo/ec*- L £/~£/?sr e, /II rn e o Age '€ birthplace residenceS?e*Jen+f + S? *^/?f/- ' Jyc-ar** Cc C. /^/-/veTe. /86f-t/<"T./4 ff,//(=f-/6 J<+y-2 S&6J Age 2,3 LC G Qj W'L L'A "1 aa birthplace residence Se ?*/»»/ J ye* r-J. Co £ A*r> f&AZL. /86f- Af&rcA./ X£ /r/vo/&. /&6Z SepA/9 JuAy zyet>3 J4- $* 3&/A. 1? /)>-/. Jye&r-j Pr/r&Ae, AS64- Ped.Zy Jotrre. ^~/86S Z£/l/^/V,C///!^£J Af- Age /« birthplace residence A^/e&J&H AJf- i6' / /*/-o'/Wr > ).G, C. /*r,lf<3fiz. /*)$/. Oc*. // CA/3f/?/V/f A-A. Ace A3 birthplace residence tfar/ore 3/- /S62\Se-p/Hz Jep / / /? 6J L£Ai/iAAj A~/f£C£A?/CAr AS Age /o" birllt place GierAej/S*vro residence Tur'Ai J>- '#6 2. Sep s '6. i/t*/y*./e&3 L£/yfAtV,G£<->??C?£ A-A- .Age**- birthplace CAia rAejAcrv ro residence Hampton A-A. !/i-»ert'«l L£0~AHO,A*DA?£rV HA- Age ><, birthplace residence Concord 3* /3*S/7t/-J*/+*n/. Co O 2"^A/eu/- At,6A JuAy '6. tens. 4"9 as./SCJ J-4*d/Tt/ JyearJ. Co.*. A<.'L,eu>* AS(,3 Avl 9 ,s J a * 3/. zee* to J V US. Co/ '•■>. /■ Age 2 6 birthplace J3o j727c residence&u/rfar//,//^ S^/rtJ- s ''■ // *S B-StA./i / /«/-/ Pr/i/cife. /G62./ioL.f.2J~ Afay 2*~ /e6J Z £~|/V/ S, A?££XA*S0£/? Ace 4-2. birthplace residence /-/ar-far** Sf ■ ver£R^/v APe:s£/?^£ -,r&A&. /S6*.rSepiy June 4-. /£ 6j~ L£W>S,C*A/?L£J A/ At* 2J birthplace residence //<9/*coc& >S* S*-At,S. /ocaayj Co //- / c 5-/^«'*e A&64. Jo* Ay 2 o "6 " '* '** * CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. 71 /.<£7fV/J, /£V3W\/ /V Age 2 J birthplace residence Gate J/ 3*^ /3ar//t /#-/. JyOJrJ. /="rt !/&/&. /&<$/ Sep*- /•* *r'i//tx/ Yc>-K/5i~>t /& /ipr>/& 'e<>i birthplace resilience S/e/jct, C? 32 "-*/»/■ J y ,ecj £-£ YOtt*/, //a f r ' A/ Age 21 birthplace /n=- /at,c/ residence fu /Cj JV /$6z. -96 J" ffj n s % jt *?/,./ ^„ e /o./ae* 3 ^ "-"//,/ Jyeat-j Ct, s: A?,tv&/e. '£6 4.i/^»e> 4. /£6jt L/GGV, /3<;TLe:/? Age Z/ birthplace residence //** SOfY // At-/. iyccM Corpora/ I&C1. i/cst*. Z 3o./ic/f<=sfeji ■S^/nA/ocaayj. Co£>. /P/-/^% /SG+.Ju/y/e. A/<.v./6./e64- LtA/COL/VjC/J4/?L.£J £. Age 2 2. birthplace residence /Tjs&x 6J-. /~e6 2a U(A?-ce.2& /<3qJ~ L//vCo£-A/ J Q£OfG££OK//'Y Age birthplace residence t/ip /r JV- vXe^t/ ST^/Kr-SmotteAj. Cr. C /*>-risa/&. /&$/. 4pri/ '?■ l/l*./yj/. /£6/ /-/A/CO/-/Yj A/4/?S//ALL Age J4- birthplace L o we// //a J J residence £v&r& // **/' 6**/"/ 9-marr e4s. Co C /^/-/ra/e. /S6 2 Acojo. i/«*«JV«W ///vvf^v, Cgs?a/£ li (/ S Age 2o birthplace residence Wej/ej/ /" /3<*/*l/. 3y*>»* Ogc.2/ /e6J 'G6S.Dec.Zt. i/omJo C«(j" L/A//Y& //A //j £>2i*"e L Age '9 birthplace residence SuitrYe t- /////jx / s -*/?e<,£: rv Age 3c birthplace residence £~/rrf S*- 3 2 **-/*/ jye?at- /z re-etr/rj/- l/s^r ■"?■ /#64- /fit*. J/lA1£:j f 3 - Age ZO birthplace residence S^/f,/ /oot/ayj, Co. LC. /'/-/'rafe- /, /tt62.Sep+ 2.1 Srp/.z 'C 6 J Z./tca'^/^^ T+so/yts O. /V/^t /G6Z.S r ,r<3/£. /as/, r, ram. *86/. r,v. /f)64. tSurrcr j" />".$/. zee*- £-/TTL£F/E/-Q yJj)*/£S O Age '£ birthplace Wafer/lr**- residence /^*r/ J/ 2 f «*/ft / JyMrj. Cc. &■ fi^tya/lk. /Q6/ Ocj./jr oi*He 9 /e&S Ll77LCr-/££-0. /7ocje/r S Age 26 birthplace residence fiyejco// JV- ,/',ry ^v^/ j /g&3 Lo/vq, Qero/rQC //. Age /9 birthplace residence Ausfrrt ~r/- Z y **(n/. Jy<=*,%f. Co. /-/ ■ Se?r 9 /- /e6/A / Gr3" 2"^i/eu.r /Vof zj /ffCz ie?dZ ,/\sr, i/.2J /-Cis&nr /7<^ z j. /e6J /f36J *"-?.Z3 Ca/oTa/n. 0<=Y <9 /36f- Lo/vq, U*/>t£;s Age 4-0 birthplace residence dl^G/JO S* 2 O c */rt/ 3ye?,-,,, birtliplace residence M^l/erncn J* O S FnG/f/res? Gift'J Cc. O. rtr-te/'cer /ftclj'.AfarcA. /J~. />/<9rcJ ,J~ 'tCG LoO/\/iCY; •Jr,"*/ Age birthplace /r^/&„c* residence iVes/ey Pi 6 9<1 "V /"/ O. 4 /R-r^o/'e /6G/.i4o*~> l^Cr. < 2 •e\idence8<'/6 s/>ay CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET NO. 7 3 Lot?0, C^t/Qt?tes £. Age 26 birthplace residence /f}6 Z ^9 'O Jt*rre &■ /#6s~ l-OROj Cm* t?t.£S I. Age 3/ birthplace residence Oa/r St *?¥/*/■ Jfrra/rcAj. G>- C. ft-t^fe. Sf)6/. Aflr,/ ty Ju./y J/ /S6/ t86/.3*pt./A ff,!/ed Yot*/t,*vn y a . /)pr>/^./€6Z LQ/?0,£A/OCM S. Age Zi. birthplace residence 9t*&arf. Zt /?,->*. 3ye>arJ. Pr/'tf*>*& /Q 6 2.. rfv-f./O Uu n~>r-j Co. tr Pr/raSe. /<9 6Z rfoty. s~ UuMG. //■ tS6S~ A-OPtOj IA///.t/AM W. Age Za' birthplace residence£>.'*- c//set»/'fy rfpr// 27./e6J- Lot?/A//, A?& -*J -?7*V*/. 9„ rC „ c Aj Co.£. frrv&te. /#rj. CV-, C. ft-> Vs/c. //.=? j-j- residence Bt4 it Aertt,'// ^**/7r /• /?& residence Coatf St- ■S'^/rr/jmorr-cAs. Co.tc. Pr/vete, /e6< Apri't tf \Jc*/y J/. tt) 6t 2^ 0&TI •tt.rfrl'. 3ye**nJ Prrva/e. '#64. ^o,reAj. Co .£. Pr/wate. /e6ZJ~e>pt.Z6 t/tVy 7 'G63 I oc/o, -/ ^«s /a, '66*. . /3 6-f-. tfcy.23 f&- S-/?i/./Ooct<3yJ C(,.tt. P*r/v&fe. /G6f. v/c*/y ZO /Vc,y- /6. /G64- /-CjV£t?'/V\t, Se—t-t l. Age zt birthplace B&rre, AfajJ residence /S^/rt/- 3y?£CJ C Ace zo birthplace • 'Cforfs C/ 4y*4/-n/ S>~<6>eeAj Co /fr/y 6. /*r-J, Y^r/refe. /<3 64, f<3 C4 L Y/VC/Y_, dcn/Y Ace 2 3 birtlipla^e residence S**/rt/- 9»iohcAs Cr, O F^/i/ofe /862 Sep/. '3 Ju/y 2 '*63 LYWCH, do/Y/V O. Age 28 I ;!ace residence^S ojfcrt 47*-™/-mS. 2~trrcAj Co £ frsvffe. /862 Dec./S 3ep/ 2 /e€3 L Y/YC/Y, A?/, /I T/A/ birthplace Age 43 S^/n/ dy^ orJ Co £ Pr/V&&. /G6l ■ /l«j 2/ &/&**~,± &rJ C~c, Y) ■ Y^r/ ?<*/&. /QC/. i/t*/y 2 cy/jc?6//r/f Y^6/6/^Cf L YO/YS, QeoY? q £. W. Age 2/ birthplace residence fl/<3//-t J> tQG3~ d&n 2/ \Jc+/y 'Z /&C3~ L YOtf .J d£/?£M/Yl/Y Age 2/ birthplace residence tyj/»r , /•*-'/*/ 3y(>f<3y 2J~ /K64- Af c //rtrer<2. /S € Z . Seps / /6 ■ di^/y Z '6 63 J*-*/*/ 'CC &ay J c & /y Ses-ry / A/Ov /t '€6 4- 't?64 Uo./ y ZO A? c C^BC; UYIAfd;S Age 2 2 birth',. a I •e.-ii tut Bri-rt re S*±/-rt/ 'cccta ys C-o £> Y>r/*e>/S. /Q6* •J<*(< / '*, "or *6 'f?C4- /IfC CASf/f£.SV, Ost/v/Ct- A-e 2/ birthplace residence Se/rKO/r r Jr S^/ti/- 3yc^r3 Co /. Tex^^J"^'' /eC/, iVWe// Uvc 2/.'B(>4- CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 7 5 IN THE ARMY H c Ca /? r/yjr/j ,/*?<, 7/ ,y Age ZS birthplace residenceAf<3r/otc /TTA/£:r J T/AyC-7-*>y >~~ Age iq birthplace residence Crf., ■jc uar^- ■32 ''°/"/-3y<< /<96? uari 3~. Corpora/, cy.ect, crincund flfgy/i/ec^. tf C C*r? T y, C*/lr?L£J Ate 34- birth place residence / B €/. Oe>c. A? fi//,e/6/e62. AJ C Casj>tYj /D*sV/£:/- Age 3Z birthplace residence ^e^Aw c_sy S** fa/ 9-~c»kS,j Co /} /^r/raTe. J662 .-Sep/ Zv c Ca/v/V, /D4TA//V/S Age 3 o birthplace residence 3o*^/n-/- 3y?■/* «/e /f)£/ Oc/ Z4- O/ec/ /V-O-la. Jey>/ ZS./Z6Z M C Ct-AU SLArVX>, C///V/j>l£J Age /Q birthplace residence 32^/rr/. J/p*«, Co/, /z^/is&re. /8 62 /?uc,.// Trorts 7j i/./f C, SkpZ/X/063 A4 c Cl'jU£>, Ch^i/T//E:J £ Age 2.2. birthplace ffor£> Cha^lz-s £■ // r CLO 0£>, >J/iA/£3 Age l(> birthplace residence Cc/fc f s. -» S^/rf/ 9-nrcrra4j, Co // '■ /^/-/rj/e. /e?6Z .J&jat Z? do./y 2 /e63 A<, c Clou o, dor^/v Age ze birthplace residence A/e/tA //S/t Jf- S^/rr/ Jmont'ij C c , C /^/ts&Ze. /Q6/ fl-pr// /& dct/c, J/ /&€/ *f c C LO tfOj /^ere^f Age 33 birthplace residence S^/?i/. ^rnorrcAj Co /?- /^r/isore. /<962. Se/3/- 2f ij^/y 2 /e63 // C Cc O OOs W/l C/AA7 Me 33 birthplace residence ScA o o / /* Age AS birthplace residence G/ J'/tt/- 3(yr-J. Co- >X- /^t-'is&Te. /<36S~. d/£ s /? birthplace Ate Z/ /e 6Z, J'-s-p t Z /Way ZS~/£&?- M C Co /TO y, Ctf/T/S TO P/t£/? Age Z4- birthplace residence Wa/Zcer-J'* //**/?,/ oV^aw Ci,./. /^-/isaXz /3 <3/, do a/ Age j-£:/?/>? err, ^r ■'""£ >~ ••' '•' 2 * 4S*/n/ 9-rr.or.rAj Co-/ Corpora/ /QG Z. Ocr/ti 3ep/ /J. '£63 CV4/-0 iJc3£P// Age ZS birthplace £r/»ce £c/w&rJ"> /#. ?*/»/. 3ye& r j. Ci £-. /c>, ^i»/g 'fiC- A<^-r 3yC3r~s. Co £. K'va/G. /&6/ .{./ctA, S~ fc re-e,i//j/- /VovJ'e&a /H6 3 A'oy 4 /rasrj fz V. /?. C. 4pn'' 62. *SepV 2y. c/c/y Z '#63 M C OC/VALOj Afl&CVJ i/ Are 2. I bin/-; residence <3/&/-?t/. Jyvar*. Ce,. C /=>r/r&7&. /&6j~ iS,** 2y 'Sop,y s /-a&s ty C ' OOA/OOt^H, Cclmam I I JZ ■ rlace resident e/fic/"rK,,rcf "/« 6 j '663 ■'■■ e -6 Oc/ "* 'e63~ A/ c Ou CA/.,Uc,h/v A * 3o birthplace CAa^eJ/oKM n idenee ■4 £ ■ t //n/ 9 not & -j Co /T /^-'sa/e. '652 /Vfef / c»cAj Co D Se/y/ tacz Sept. 'f tSo./y 2 /e63 MCSLffoy, •J*/y£j Age Zl birthplace 3dsfo/t residence /•S^/ff/. Jye&rJ. Co C f=>r/rJ Age /S birthplace residence So*/ i/V 8 f -0&TY./j'4rK€r»<>»nl3 frrra/e. IS 6 X.tJune // A/ow 2f '#62. fit c £ w £ /=? /v y, '&/&. J #6 2 /?uf.3o. durS.A/v O, /fO&ertT Ace 4 4- birthplace residence 3e/nr<,?,/ J*- // t*/r(/ 3yes,rj Co. /T /=V/*-e7e. 'as/. 1 birthplace '■■u< <.- JTi /"/■ 9~*;*<&&, f86/2J-/>«<£. /S GS~ s7b?c S" t ?/n//GGCf&\,j,C<,.0. fi?r-/i/<37<£ /& 64-, 6i/,fy ve/of 9 fQ6Z S^/rt/ / r, Go-ay j. Co/? fr/i/ctrcL /QC-V-.c/oi/y /J A/ C '/%A7 f/iC/T/ /•, >Jgh*> ■■29 birthplace residence CAe/se>a^r4 ■JZ «?/*/ 3y<=*r-J Co/. /^,,„c>/^ fO 6 2. rfuy. // Oec /X'66 1- Aj^ AY/1T#£S7A / , t/n />faf?7/M Age Zf birthplace residence J 2^/7i/. 3y<=^j-j i Co/. f^r-iv&rtz. fa 62. Ao.-?. //. cS/so6 r/ify fe6. « fS63 Af c fY£/v/V£.)r, £>atv/£L Age 2i birthplace residence f? "£/■*/■ Jye-ar- Co /3 . /'r/ya/e. /G64, Oen./Z. Ji^fy f/./G^S" *> 1C A~£ A>/V£:y, i/W/TJ Age 22 birthplace residence Af<3//t if/- Z^fpeft.Hrfrt'- Co.C. fr/i/are. /S6* />?c f? Af c /f/ A/ L £ Yj /.£6/V*/?0 Age Jo birthplace /Vr,rs<* Sc <;/?'<} residence fifec/ /<-,>-& Se?^.T-/j floc ? .s6./e$tf/e /Get tfan./*-. t/ir7/e 26./*iGi~ Ay c /./!<./ *■* Age JH birthplace residence £"(? **//?/". <3y-iis•/ J-/ ry residence Yf»e / Ace *J J birthplace /3oj/o/* residence M9ik S/ 4-?*f/rt/. />r,/ ZS 0'j'*6i/'fy Oec r */ic/. J years Co£. /^r/'r&fe- iQ6/. #«? z& /r,//ed r ai rC**s *& \A,e,*w/*6x M c /yfAHOWjL4w/?fssC£: •s Age 3->~ birth • resitlenceC4apr*<3tr •S< / 2G 'J/rtf. 3y«arj CA&p/d/n- /S62 c/un*> Z/S May -><* '*6J A, c A,/1iVcyS, OtA't^ A * e J r / 3 y e*rj. /Private. I&C/. Sep/ S Sep/ /6 /*±/i,-f Jws„f/j Co H. fnr&te. 'G6Z- Sep/ 2^- Sep/3 '#63 Af c Af/C//A6TZ., M/ZLL/Ac/iy //. A%* 2 6 Nil':: rest lenct Qhe/jed •f Q**/t*/. f-rMOncAj Co 0. y-*r>rdfiS. 'G6Z. Sep/. '9 AtA-f. / '/f6 3 /r/ c /V4s*/4/?/l, «/»///V A(.e J J birthplace A?sA/ort.cCnf- ■: c Affjorr &■ ^ r** /fey-'/. Ca v Jyearj Co V- Corpora./ 1663. /Vr.v./ yJv»e.'C /ftC*- ididciuc 2*"* /?fy #i r />rr*ropc/>J.Afd Oc/y /6>62 M c Srvtrtr/ve.Y, £(sqf"£ Age ^s birthplace residence 3 r -/?e 9 / H #'/■ 3ye<*rJ Co / c V/Ko"fe /H6J /?o^y /■? O,s0b>/ity Apr,/'* '86* A? C SrVC/T/V £ Yj, 0\sve/V At,e Jo' tlilhpljiC residence /Z r b cas A C/ /a^/«/" Jyeor-J Co j3 . *>r; J /H6J M MAC//VT/ /?£, /Br*/*/ f~ Ag* 37 bir ih plate residence /O r J (/mr&ScAed Co /n / ?oC/<*y J /^-,ra/lt 1864, Apr,/ ZH tfo.? 6 /36-f />-fACOA4/3*r/? Of/4f?/-£S /*/. .!.. Z/ re:idenicZ?ec<7/t'/- S/ vi"*^ /tt/ /C6<7<*yj Co £>. frr'vo/ei. //? C V. i/cj/y /Q /Vcv /6/f}6l Jee /Va*\, /fecot-a CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 79 IN THE ARMY J fa C G Af&E/f, QEG /?$£: Age 4-G birthplace residence Dec&Ao r S/- ^Q^/m/. 3yearJ. Ch- £T A'r/v&Te. /&G2.. flu.?. /& t/o/re 3. /eca~ A?ACOA/3E/f. <5ec.2$./(;63 '863, Oec3G lAuffe /i. /s 6J~ MACOGA/AtLGj dAAISS A~>. .Age ZG birthplace , residence £-*4 /*•/ /GGaf<3y J Co H- /=>/va7& '6C4- i/c/y Zo A7oy./6 '€64- T - Af/IC/f, /ToWA/fOy*)- Age /3 birthplace / residence TSos/ort S *&/?r/isa/Q. /G60. t/oi/y /$ A/GV/6/e64- >■..'■ , _-s**^ MsiCfi-EASj Af/CHAEi. Age Z/ birthplace ' residence S9 **/nA 3yearj Co./. T^r/ya/e. '/G64-, Apr// Z ?r<,„j.t<, S7 e/, A,7.t/ u 7e/^63 /B6J xSu»e Z. Co./. 37 */#/. AtuyH /&6X AJJOOEAT, CHAAZ/.ES Age JV birthplace H'a/i/ax, /y.S. residence J3g w . &~/e6 3 A/* Qr/Z/TEj /HO/VAS Age 24- ' birthplace residence 7-7 7*A ■ A'r/'vff/e. /ed-Sepy £z J /y z. /e&3 7^/AHOA/EY, i/AA/EJ Age Z/ Jiirthplace residence J3oyy ^A 2o *J/rt/. 3 years Co //■ ErivaAz. /S 63. Oec.Zi /?/£\sS c/, Age 2.3 birthplace . residence «j» -/*/ StnoxtAs Co A/ A>r//. Co (p. T^r/raYe. /a 62. Jo,/,, 26 l/u »e 6- /e6s- AJAH/Vj £3EA/i^. 3ye /}yj 20 7/$6 ■*' Af/IM/Vj >ViLi./AM Af. ^Age Z + birthplace residence /Ye yv Sect /<. ret £/V, Cha/ILCJ M< '7 \birthplacc residence/3^ ,,fceyU,i.i.Ji- ■ PrtraT*. /6 63, /)u. 9 ZZ. Dec.*' l(i6S ty* ft DC A/, 'Qco'?Jnonorot>/y Ipn' 'J'.'tMJ JV>e ^3v/? '/ /«/e6/ '#6/. Apn'/'S d^/y J/ fee/ S**/rr/. *>-n,o*tA/ Co.G. ftf ' l/'*a^\ /B62 . Jep *.'6. d^/y Z ""■ 6 J •S** /*,/■ /0<,CT<*y< residence A&,-/rer- '/■ 9 me r**A j Co £>. Corpora/ /#6Z '.Sep/- Jo,/y Z. '*63 M/> r?r?/A/£/f'. A?B A/CR AA. A ge *■ «* birthplace residence /err/}' d/- 4-7^/n/. SlrrrcrcAj Co rX /^rir-jTe /S6Z Ocr. 9 Jep/// /f>63 Af/tr7r?/A/C/?, W/Li./AA4 ft. J A» Z6 birthplace * residence JT9 -*/*/■ 3yeess, /<,. /l/eyM 'e6"4- At Aft •*£>£• A/, iSosc-ftf Age JJ' birthplace *t residence 3 9 *?/?>/ JyesrJ Co O. /^t-/ W&Te. 'Q63. iju/y /*-. O/eo /}L*.y.ie/fi6<*- ^AfArTJ H K//ZZ/AA1 /)■ Age zy birthplace \ _ : residence /lu.6ur* J* 3Z "J*/*/. Jyexir-s Co-/. Trans ro 3>^3#f/ Z* A* ■3^ Ssr/Zr.^r-/. Oyc64- A74/r~SW<4lt-idAMCS Age AS' birthplace j residence /tf<3/c/t. S*- A /n/- 9rn6tftAs\Cc.A- /=>-/><*«; /G6Z. •/>«&' ie6A Oc/ZO U re-e»/,jf . C><=cZS~'t>63 /S 63, Oec .26.' Ocr /4> /a6 S Af/t/TSTC/S/ji/QJeT/^r/ /- Age birthplace X^trrrtou *A Afe. ' residenceBsA/tv/'/f /&/*■& 'rfSyO/re r; '86/. /Ver.JV i?*n.A'e6S- Af/)rTT/ /V, And /lew S Age 4-+- birthplace Ate yv YorA ' residenceB^i»briaye^t- 7&B&rf. M &>■■/■ /ye>9r-_ Cr,. £:. /^-/f«7fe. /Q64; Al*-y e L/urre 2S. /#6cT Af/I/FT'/V, C?CO/?Cj£ <7 Age Z3- plat* residence IS*J/h/- 3y*-ar\S. Cc-C f^-t'irafe. /e S3, dc/y fo C//ed 3e//e Attim. fa. Mr. /+. /«63 />//?/? r"V/Av» /T 2 & birthplace cLyitde ec. fO '864- SHEET NO 81 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY /t//»/fr/A^ /HOAfAS Age 22. AfAjoWj K///.L/AA/ P7 Age 2 2 birthplace birthplace residence fTiCnrxorfd 3y residence Sot.///r&rt <*r /£6/. Sep, ■/. Z3 Cf/ec/ o/t*6u»u/H iS2. Se-p-f //.7re>HJ./o K/f C. AL£s/foTH/)/V/£-/. Age 3y ira/s. residence £_i/e reff •S/- 2 y '-/rt/- Syeari Co-/\. Ve/i'nary JUryec-t. t ?, 6 / -S-* p'f 2- / fivt-f 6/edi- /G64, O^cr. 3/ Co. £, Sep/. 28 '&6J~ /f£AO, /r1/C-#*££ Age 34 A/AJO^O QcoP^S £, Age 2.6 birthplace residence CAc?/s^s p/ birthplace 2^/n/. Jyrorv, Co-L. Pr/r-sr^. residenctSurr/cer'/'// •*+" 3, **- Pe? y. /■/■ Pr¥. %Ty ee> ra Pr, ira/a iB 63. Otsc.ZZ. S■ Age 2$ /8 6/, r?L*y . // fe rfS.fi !/■ /?. COc/'t/eGJ birthplace /e63, Oc//7. V. U ■ C Co.C.?£ A/OY./4/86J' residence Pltsse///v/£2. Age jj //&jj A'fA4 0*Ss7'-'£.C/00'?C /- . Age 24- residenceLex/rtfTirc /&&/, iJocrte. 2.0 /ifuJ/c/ar-c i/«»e 2+ '#64- S^/rr/. 9-~KGKeAj. Ce.rV- Pr-/ys/e. /ff. yV/^c/^^-f Age residence /vfe&<3 %f* •■ birthplace // *^/rt/- 3ye<3rJ. Ch . /. Prrr/a/e. residence A/a ii< /Ye tf- o7 /.£>, /»A-/>*7t /<9■> Vf» i/i*/y 3/ '€ 6/ ■3~e* /»/■ 9-mo>tt4j. CgiV- r>/y 2 . '8 6 J Af £/?/<• /I £;/?{- r/?tT0 /X Age /s> birthplace o/ywct/o /r O ^t^/rr/. 3»rGrrr4j. C~o./?. Pr/ysfe /<9 6/. /7pr// ' 9 J" /> 3 A A9 6/ /3 *~- S3&M I /. /ft-/. 3 years. r-t^Se ^ V. /862. /Yoy.26 /y ZH /f>6J~ Af^/T/f/L C, O/Q/f/CJ Age J4- birthplacc rVear*. /v " residence Bar/AeSt j>- y'J/V/-/- /«/ Cc. £>■ <$■*/. 3~ery / /J/tiv>/zj *■ Age i a birthplace residence I /rr co /n p/. / S?. /i. o>ef*y2&'e63 A V ,''D£> i. £~ TO AS, . /»»-(■>«?/& 186*-. i/tvi/ /<* 7& /<$&/, <3o,/t& '3 Uune. 2V./&64- birthplace Age 32. residence 73c 'forx /=v /86/. Oci'.J/ 7-*j/fT<~afAfe,-cA,6./G62. A//£ {.£:/?, tOsHf/a 2z birthplace residence /$ &/rr/. 3y < = G ?-<3/ '<36<*. c/ u /y sj A4>y./6 /S6-*. CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 8 3 IN THE ARMY "//zz^(/rS. Co. ST. 7^7/l/ase. /G64-. l/t*(y 2o. sVo*./6./e6*-' S<2 6/, SV(, is. ZS /% re-erfur i/asr .3. Sf>64- •3 *& /7gq./- Co \s. 3ye&*s. Co. A/. &/*«= ycrj /e64- / ?0'VT4qc/£ J sOAsV/S2 /Z Age 23 />'?//./.£:/% )Y/ 2 2 SAS>7 D. 7~. Age Z4- birthplace birthplace . ' residence C/i&p>me7T S+ . ■" -{ residence k *S -/•*/■ Sr*r Off *<4f. Co-SV< Corpora/ /ft 6/. syay2/r<*fe 2 7 **M*/ne. /*/. Co. £ /<±'/s e <* *■ ' / B GS. S&p /-J- J^p //6 sec*- /86 2. s3* JV residence /Tot j jess *ss • // — /■»/. 3ycsr J Co./, /^r/r&Se. 4? "^/nf. f -,is■///. s. j. £owi /7J3 Age 3 2 ■birthplace birthplace residence v residence S9 e S< / r'/- 3yf>arj; do. /V/>**. Z^^/n/- Jye^rS. . 73 & rrcS. />7kj rc/&r>- I8 6*. S^eb.S, 7r<*»S>c S7^0i/ i/x/,e / sec Jr '36/ Oc/.J Orcfer War OepS .ss<^o-3o ss>6Z " S&6S. i/urre 2 S / * /n / Co .0 Ju/y 3c'e6 S sty/ 2 7 O Sss^ sVosrslCd: /?. AgeZS s^o(/sf£:,Q£ros?c£: */ Agez/ birthplace birthplace residence 47^/h/- 9rrr07tt:/fj VctC. Corpora/ residence //d'H ss /J-'s'it/. 3 y . /"fs'lS «?7S ./B6+. 'y^/n/.3y<>w/^tj Age 23 S**/?,/. yncrre/rj. Ca.sV. ^/^fe birthplace /e62. Se-p.S /6 !/ J K £/./.£/, i/smfes >V. Age ZZ birthplace ' /<3G2. Sep ? 2 2, "H Sep/ / s?63 residence Qrer&\ /•Vs7C7/ £ /.2_, ss '*6«- birthplace ■See /fay ftecorcl. resi dence /e^sV/S./siS- Co S. Pr/l/ofe //**/»/ 3 ye&s-j. Co. fT_J&sy'/i //i 64-, Sep S. /• ~./y SZ ' tJo*/y /■?./&6S~ CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 84 Moo/fes, C/s/>/rt-£:s ,. Age 2/ birthplace residence Af/'c A tnouc/ sr- ^2^SfArt/./ys>^r; Cb./t. /=*-<•>.»/%. /e63.//pr,'/ /2 /fay 3/H63 Af0/?/*//>7~/-/O/>fi3 Age^e birthplace residence Gr-at, J> • 22-Kjf/,-,/. 3yearJ. Gi.fr. /*r-/Va/& A96/. OaA. 6 0/so6//'fy A~e6+./$63 A/o/f/l/v, Ws/Lt/4/,1 /'/teeAS/t J*- fO *J B&r/. // />/-/. 3 years fr/'rofe. /dj /9cif./t./e63 tyOtflgyj #/- ex- A "£>£/? Age3o birthplace residence A^earAj"*- S' *A fa/. 9-rrro/rtAj Cc./f. Pr/Vafe /e <52. J"e/J f. 2 y i/o./ y 2.. /f>63 Mot /?/£./., Cyco/vce: r- Age zs- birthplace CA a rAej/o*., re residence OecaAt,/"^* S*3" fa/ 9-rrrcifc/tj Cq. /V py/ira/h. '$62. Sep'*. / /$/ . Age Z4- birthplace residence Cambr/dye, /fax> S*^fa / J**** *Aj. Co C- /^r/rafe. /e6/,/Apr;A /S Ju/y ■}/'*$/ Aforr/t/SOSS, Sco TT Age 2- A birthplace residence 36** '/«/• JyearA Co/3, /^r/va/k. /e 62. //ocg. 6. 0/00 B<}//,>*ore. AfcA. iri'vafe residence y/r3 A?. birthplace residence /taj/r'rt 3/ ^*S/riS. 9»f6s*rs.£:yj C/Z^/v/?)' Age 23- birtliplace residence /ftASSe// JV 36** /rt/. 3 years. Co 3. Jerry/- Af>62. /?<*?. ■*. Ots36/A,ry Miis/A /G64- CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY SHEET No85 /1-fCS/Y £:/=?, £oi*/"v 1/ Age 2 Z birthplace residence DeC<3/ur 3/ //tf /n/. 3ye>&r-j. Cr, C Corpora/ '6 6/. t/or/re /J 0/J&6 >'/i7y Jo, kg '9 '#6 Z. Mo L/LTOSVj /■'/?/) /vp- ■& Age Z Z birthplace residence /~/rjr- rro?r&4>s, Co O. ^r/rcfTe. 'Q62 S*?p/ /9 ijc/y Z ///63 /Sfpej./- C&v. 3y-s Cc,.C P'r/rafe //* Age 2 3 birthplace CA&r/ejA&rv «- residence Projpect 3/ S**/*/ 3r»0Ht/;s. Co /T- ^rrrare 186/. Apr// /S l/v(y 3/ /3 AfOuSZPy_, Q/ro/rqe /Y Age zaT birthplace residence C/?-h J? 36^- /n/ SyesrJ Co 23 /^r/s&Te. I G62. /?i*q. 2 OieO C r a£ OrcAarciJeprzy/f<3 f*1/ ///62. /7<*f // /?, reen/3/ (/&* 4. Af cT<»- /GClJarr.S -/> c5»7e. I6C2. Je-pV. /& i/c/y 2 /r,r<3/ /t/r,i/. 2c./£-C4- r» T£L AfUL/TOOA/erj KZ/ZZ/AAf Age 3o birthplace residence S^/K/JnoxtAj Co A- Pr/i/sTe. / Q6 Z Sep / 2 9 J<«/y 2. /e63 ^fcy/v/v, Q£G/?qe: Age az birthplace residence /rfoc/ZtK J* 2 y "< 3 Co, 5/r&rps/ioc,7erj 3yedrJ /(i6Z.S<=j3>./6./r^rr.J/i Y./?C. May fG /Q04- Mt/W/fGeZj t/ff. l/Gh*s Age fS birthplace residence C^e/jers d> 2 91<, //r/.Jy&&rj Co- A" />lL 4*n l/.S /*/_ C c s. fr/vcrt*. te6/ t /9pr>V '/ /fpr///0.'e66 All//?/ 3 *)', ^f?7HO/^ Age /$ birthplace residence S*J Botf. Zf./frr. Jye-*>-s P>-,,ar&. ie6Z. /Jccf.y /f,//ecf GeTTysbury /& ? fH/fzcy Age 2S birthplace /re/9 fret residence /ifouffcn 3* /5^/™/^p^w Co r P-rn/crfe. /Ht>/,/)oLf /■ Ou<9br/lZj7 AAir fi.'6 6j *f Off PHY, c/zr/7£/^'AH Age 2/ birthplace residence Wapp'/nf J> O'f/rr/ 3y(?c>rj Cr, D Pr,,r/3 // C B&rt, /. f. Prf. 3ye^r,. Prrr&re ff,63 Dec 3' Serf/ J^. rre r 6. /ft 6 S~ AfuPPH); ty/CHAE Z B AgeZ.' birthplace C/i<3 r/ej P. >v/n residence Creerr JV-. S+4/rf/. 9-r^C/re:/,, Cr, P. Z'r/ys/h /& 6 2 Sep//. "y, rfoae/rr Age*? birthplace residence Wo'tfer /4Ve *0 **/*/■ 3 y-/? a/2. I f}6t. /jou? / 7, &/t£j birthplace residence Greert S/- 2 n - & /^/.3ypa^ CoB. Pr/ rets. /e6/, Afa.yZJT ore p pec/ 1UF?/?AY, iS£/?£M/4 * Age3S birthplace residence Mir/iarri s Sr /g^/rr/JyearJ Prti/ate, /a 6 2. Sep/. 2. 1 8 6 2 ./Zee '3 U/ovnae birthplace residence W/'/Z/etm j JV 2 2"J'/Ti/.Jyee>*5. Co /C /Cy,;,^^ /<9 C/. Alu-f. /0 O, S&6/A/y Sep/ <$. '96 2. S

ar-j. Co.^r /£>/*orJ. Co /. friv&re. /&6/ i/ttere. 'J Ois<»6i/,ty Oc/ " '£62. A/A S/Sj i/T. /V/2. 1- '-A *7 //. Age 34- birthplacc residence Mar/on ^o„e:Aj Cc, H. A^r/y&Ye. ' e 6 2. Je-t? '/. '6- iSc*/y 2.'e €3 /)/4JO/Vj/1l&£:/?T J. Age 2 s birthplace /3r<9/nYhee. Af/rj s residence ffa// iS/- J&'/f's?/. Cs K Cg./c. /cr/vrn/e. "3 6 2. ■/ r&fe. /a62.Sepf S> i/^e 9 '£6S~ A/s/)l£:s Ct/A/7£-£:j /-/ Age >? birthplace residence dr/Sye >Sf- 4 7 &/*/. y^onrAs. Cq.£. /^/i/aYe. /e(>2. Sep'/ 2 2. Sep t- /. /s 63 6-c«S /li 64. t/or/y 2 3 /Yor- 3a. '664 A/Ei-JOts/j 4a/v£Pt Age 24- birthplace residence Wef/fcr S/. ■4/-/h/ '/rrrarrrAj Cr.. £~, />r/ K^^e. /ti 6 2, Sip/?/ 2 2 s<*n/ JV ^^/^ Jy^m Cr. f. /=>r,^&7e /86Z./)t*f.// 0/S&6//>/y Jan 2/3. /S 63 /tl'WCO^jg /Z~£>i/ : ?o Age Z3 birthplace residence z3otv J/-- 'a6 2.r&/./S63 A/zZ yV C O Sri z3_, Z^?£0£r/r/C/CA Age Z3 birthplace CZrar/es/Zwn residence 36^ /rt/. . /064- - /VzyVM/l L L, BEA/U/tAf/AS Age Z/. birthplace Ju rrey A/. // residence tZ$^ O/7/0 /■» /. Co. £. rri'vafe. /0 G* /}c*-y. Z3 6S ok 9 . Zj l/n*c^ '«6 S s/£:w/-/ALt-, Qs:c /?-/l/ € A/s vy /j&co >-& A/£rv4/A)44/y, Afs-i/?^//* /.£. Age /& birthplace residence j5o\s/or< 47*" hf/- 9*#0?ft/!s. Cc..£- //ocJ'C'&-m; 7&6Z.'Sep + ^>/ /& rt'/ '9 i/^/y Sf. '(ft/ Sf. A ge Z4- birthplace residence Oec<3tici'C/ •3*^ ' Ga-r/.l/.tfri'. Jye-arJ. />/Ka« ld6Z./}<^-(,+ '&C4-, U&rt S /Fans /t K/f'.C. /e6 6 /fits A/O/3 /. £ (//f. yJoJEp/V IA/. Age Zo birthplace Sfone/i&iK, r>/&ss n-j idence Ec/fervart/i o? ■ /J^/nf. 3ye?&rJ. Cc,/}. /*r/is&/e. '8 6 f, i/orA, 3years. r^r/Va/S. /86Z./i<^ ? ./O tAureG.AS rr /■<&■■ 32 -I/*/*/- 3 years. Co/- A*riva/e. /S6Z ■ <4<*f. AA cAf'ecA Was/. OC. i/cx 3 '#63 AVOA?CA?GSS. kVAAAAAAf /~- Age /9 birthplace residence flfti/fCMfer/st- AA^/n/". dyears Co./. Pr/i/a/g, /3<5/. June /J /fi//e / fi'rre./?ui<, A/cyZyAe&s /VO/f/^AiV, £zA Age Jz birthplace residence A>fecA/ircA d>- \32*^/?t/. 3years. Co/. Corpora/ I&64 dart.S~ durre Zf. /&6S- /YO/fr?/o; /l£>*VAAS > rV'Z t/A*f £. Age ZZ, birthplace • residence Afa/rt >**• AO *f B&A/, £ A. A7r A. 3yea rs Pr/ ya/e. /t?6 Z ■ Sep A- 9 iJorr/e S AG »,c,„rA~s Co. C. A^r,V<^r^- /ae/.Aypri/'S do■ Age ZZ birthplace residence Csse* SA. ^Affaf.-3t*OM*As. Co.C. 3^A/e^A. AG6A Ppr/A /6 . Jo-Ay J/. /3 6A ■32 "- /ti/. -3 years. Co- A. Cap/a/ rt /B6Z *JuAy29 Afa re A A a. A 863 /f)6J «-9 it- 'bCi. 36^A-»/.3years. CapTs/rc /eez.Ai*.$23. AS-. Co/onef * Au.f.Ze /e6 i- /&6Z.A?o<.e.2e r-es/'frrecr i/c*AyJo. AS63 A/O AfrVOOOj A/OrVA /f O U Age Zo birthplace residence AjbcAfpn r-A,^faji S'^/rr/./oaerayj.Co-AA. A'ri'vaAe. A a 64. do.Ay 2 O A/o v /6 Ve C *■ "y Age /<$ A/OY£Sj £~OArf(/AAD rV birthplace A3 <>s * a y\S a rt MM residence /ear/ S+- 36 ^/n/- 3years Co S. Sc ry A. Afa/oi" /ee>z-/ft^// Z-^A/e^A. /Vo-&>is-. Cc,./-/. /^r/V&fe /3Ci.^/i O/£S &. Age 2/ birthplace residence £~/m S-A 9- S&rf. j!.t.A V/ 3ye*#/-j Pr/vate, ie6i../7uf./O.A',//e < / Qe7T y s6^>- 9 %c/u/yZ'46Z birthplace residence Stf/x/JmonrAj Co C./>fv-,\,d>7%. '■3<$'f-,/e6.2 2. l/c* 'y /CT. '<$ Cj~ 0/)/f/>?/) /v) W/vjir/i-v S. Age zy birthplace residence /y 71 cAs SorcJ* S^/ti/. 3r?,c,7tcAj. Cr, C. /'V/i-ara '46/ Apr// '£> \J<*/y3/.'46/ l$6f. //W Ft,,-/ 1 "cc/jc.^. t-e Jf&yi?. 'iCj O j ' 3f?//ZSV, f Age 33 birthplace residence 1/0 £:i: ,Age 3o birthplace //-e/&MMct Zfac/er- lf}6/. k/cxttg.// A/oi/. ZO.ff;65i •See A/evy /?/T/.£S Age 21 birthplace C/t&r/eslfwTT, residence /0~?£ On<3tt<3^Aec/ Ch. /»/. /=5vK^-y- S '-V5-? O'/YA/f-A; Jf/ C /VW . 7 c3 7'7v& r e. '& 6*. >Jcrr7/?/l£ rV/j-C/AA? Age i-O birthplace residence fr*r*s J* 3—^T^^y- <>t-j, Co. f. /'/■/'ra/e. /063 AVovZy /rarrs/o Z/^Vw/. Ju/y //. /SG4- //t4/r?/. 3yy^o'/fe. '{$64 t/t*/y ». t/cHe, 22 /(>6S- O'Zg-A/fYs T/*tGT#y Age 2$ birthplace residence £So*v SS- 2 2 T£? /n /. 3ye=anr. Co f~. y> r/ iyafii. /86f. /)<*■?■"' C//'s<3b///fty iJn Zo. A96-*- OV04/^/y'<:^£i Age z/ birthplace residence Sabcoeif C/ / 6 *J/rt / 3ye*rS Co. f. /*>/' "^"& /Q6/ //? /f/9 , /?rs&/}>£:i*s Age 4-o birthplace residence l/£-~£/?4A/ /fes /£/?*£: Cc,/?t>s /A6J- t/jfr.zy O'AScZ/S-jW'Cfoet- /**■ Age z^ birtliplace CAar-^j-Zorvn, residence B<*nfr*r'//'fJ-r £-<(*/*,/. 3 i/c/y Z./e.6J ■f-rt&Bff. /.y /}> •* -Syrar-J C^Af.S^^y /86jr O'sVctt, 77/ o/ffsy J- Age 2 2. birthplace , residence 3-/rt/. 9*Me,Mr*s. Co, *■ /=>yV*/fe. /Q62.JepY. 2? Jo./y Z. /#63 Age 24 O'sYdV/l.^ Tz/OAfAJ birtliplace residence ^■rf/*/. S*~o»i-Aj CoO. /^r-/ya/e '8 GZ. Oc/// iJc/y z. /S6 OffrfOsVO, /?/.&£ /y r Age 3/ birthplace residence £~ssex J+- //t*/rt/ 3ye>9r-J. Oc,./. /^r/ya/k. /<9 <5 /, iJafte. /3 o/ctrrs 24-. /&6*- O1SG00&, /QAfOS /^/fe /■(J6'f,ijL*/y Zo . /Vr.v./6.'1}6*- Os QOOOs Q^O/r'Q/T t^ Age 39 birthplace residence /fusses/ ' S+ t> 9 ./»/. 3,y&<9r-j. Ca.£. /^r/ror*. /t,6*. s~e6. ■*. trans*; S 7 *f/x/. L/c„e/./e~ c/ufteZ. S7&/rt/.j /.cxsf-J is- Age J 6 birthplace residence Afs/ft •'<* frrj/ £/<}4/- /S&rfet-ty. 6 7~,c,r,r>arj. Je^y. /f}6/.-5ept-3~ Z""//*!^* -r.<3yearj. /•if/.rec<-/- /fi 6+. Ware*. '? r /rar&. /&G/, n,i.»*v tjart ?./t;6J Oty/_ O Af£:s Age ze birtliplace residence £-jyTr<*t/ SS^/rt/.3y^arj. Co /t Pr/vafe. l(3(>S.>J&n..2.S /?cx-f. Ze./ftOJ- S4^/M/.3y SHEET NO. 91 CHARLESTOWN IN THE ARMY /°Y,C/\A f?D, Jo HA/ A . Ace Z O birthplaceCft&rfejton/ rx. residence Afe/rt S/ S#/M//y/6./e64- 186 & May 7, ^-"O J. G* v r^cpZ./ifeye./tt? ^A CAT A/? E>,iS- Wesie y Age /£ birthplace residence >36"'/?i/.3y /ii/. Jyezrs C&p>7&/ri /6 6-f- Oc /. 5 C//S& £> //ity Apn'/ //■ / birthplace residence fietr/ey ./~* residence Sea i/er cJV- 43 r -^/n/. 9-»<6»t/j Co E, Pr/vaTs; /&6Z.Sep/4- t/o>Zy3c./663 P>A I YV ZZj a/jability i/txrre Z.'S6/ Palme/?, /?ichaf?o Age birthplace Encj/<=> rrc/ residence Wa/ri S* /3<4 A/,Y. //■/}/- f. Co/.. Y^r/yaYe. /Q - S/E/n/ 9-mo»fi4j Co. O. ^VVo-Zfe /S6z. Sep/70 o/jobt/i/y A^or-z/./eaz. S&/n/- '00<7<3y4. Pa /.Ai e /?. Samuel ia/. Age / ^ birthplace P/'ffj/ort, tfe. residences^ rf/e7T^7 / *-/-/)■/&/ M& /rr/. Co B. S&ry/- /8 6Z rtoof 29 Afey zy- 7fi6~T /^AL^E/f. 7//EO0O/T-E /-. Age *-' birthplace residence Je//erje;t /Ire 'J-' /Very/// fir f. Jye&rj. C .Q Y*woYei '667. /Y{/y A/? O- Age <37 birthplace residence CcnCOrcJ St- J$/*/rff.3yec,rj. Cr,.E Serf/-- /8r, Co. /. /=>-/>. Cc.eT /f? (5 2. Sep/. 73 s4YY/E7- 7. Age Z7 birthplace C/?& /YejTZvsK. residence A^usYi'm SY ■ ^Zj/Tf/, 9-rffO^J Co/-/. Y^r/vv/e /&6Z-A"cc?.ZZ Jo,/yZ./Yi63 /^A/?rY£:/f. Q£OYFec./? 0/sAf?SHL£iyj /9LOA/-ZO IS. X Age 2 2. birthplace residence IV&rre/f JV 3~^ V?f/- 9-rrrr,rr/4j Co. rV r^r/v^/a /$62.3-e??r/6 r/'ra7& /e62 Sep/./6 t/u/y2./erS3 ^A/? SO/V3, (/&///V A- Age 4-4- birth place residence C&// j/. /J^/tf/. 3 years Co r~. /^r/i/are. ' e 6Z Sep/- Z O/'sobf/iTy /1/arcA 27 /#63 /-*A/? SOA/Jj -cA /£ rvs/frre3 /rr'i/&fe / ' £A/ Age ZZ birthplace residence tfl/ert S+ < ? s> /?t/- 3 year J Ci. /■ S^r/v^fe. /B6/. Uu»e // TrSHsro 32^ a r'rr/ Uc„e 9^64- 3Z-**4 /it/- 3 years Co# Pr/i/^Te. jc»e 29 zees' ^£:AS£Tj fiLB/G*/ £> Age '8 birthplace F&rJO/r//e-/ct/tfe. residence C/re/so<3 JV /G62 Sep/. /d tfe-//~J*- 4-/^/rr/. 9rHa*rjs C .£r. r^r/y&fe 'Q 62. ~5e>p/.22. /-'irbur /<3y 24 7ra*s./Z K/f! C Marc/, 7. /e<54 ^eTAS/L/ETy, Q£TO/f. Corpora/ /GeSZ. /?oc$.Z/ /7oco24*/e63 ReC/Xr/AAfoSAAfUZl. TV- Age 3/r&fe. /& 6 4-. r~eb. 4- Tr<9*s fc J? 't/*/- i/urarJ, Co.C?. S^-ry '/■ /e 63 Oec26 Cc./% iJurr<=26-'e6J- Pf//?C£, AT/./OT Age Z3 birthplace residence 3 Z"- A?tA JyearJ C C, Corpora/ 'eel-, L/an, S. /y,// e Way '2 ^64- PfLA/S/tiy^ C &/)/?/.£: 3 //. Age 3o birthplace residence^. BosTore ^5~^/?f/ J-rMOfrrAs Co C. f^/i,&jle A9 6/, 4pnA '$> - birthplace Be/Grade A/e- residenceBurrAerMV sr S~tA/nA 3-moxtAj. Co C, P>r/i/ Oo,/ y Z./063 f^£/7/r///3, Cr/4/7/./rj //- Age 2./ birthplace residence /re?r~fo/f 3f» S^/ft/. 37trorrrAs Co A" /^r/r&Ae. I Q €/, Afpr// '£> £Lr~?/r//VS J L/Or//V S. Age / f> birthplace residence /3~/t» 3/ 3 6 ^ AnA ' 3y^a/-j- Co.jB. ^r/ya/e. /&GZ.i/o,/yZ7/rarrJ./5 K P. C. J.£:y > t//T. Sr£l/>r/£:s/ Age ZZ. birthplace residence /?//ars Co-/. PrAsore. '8 63. Atocy. /3 Trdrrj. 7% 32 "."/n/.i/uxe/O /ec* 3£-»p/7,A. 3 year J. Co. // . P>r/ya7e. /P,64-.(Ao>?'&*'/. U o. r,e zec&/Cr ~rr Z-3^ /fa/we /rrA Cc,./3. Pr/raTe /e6Z.Sep>/2y~ iAc/y /6. '£63 A-'S T^/? $ ATo/yc/SS/2 /^ Age 3$. birthplace residence Bartfefr J^ /-/fe^,/. Cy v. 3y<=ars. Co, C P^/ro/e. /?16A,Sepr./y y^r/soxer* Cc/,3 /eGO- /=^ - 7-//VQ//. 4, Cc*i/£/?s£: Age birthplace ^e.yv/'s/cr(,y>/e., residence ^fotsAn JV- 3 Z^if^/^s /*/ Co./?. P'r/y-aAe. /& 6 ■?. />f&rcA 2/ i/^/y /j,: , £ 6Jr /^/^PIA^A^ ^/fsHA/C/S yy Age 2.2 birthplace residence /3 OJ/c/t S^ /ttA- 3**,oxrAs CcC. A^r/ve-fe /e6/. Afpr// '9 Oc/y 3/ /£-6/ /•6<>/. i/c/y ZO tVGUrC/a-a /3<^// /?uil. Va. 2 f " y /7'ef /.Ci?!/, 3 year- s Cc.Ar.a.j yv.KSeu.irfer >f}63.Uar, .26 Vu^.z. /e&3 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 94 /^waffooT; &n Z2 Oze& AtC/erJC*. V/Ze G&J«/>Zd zee* z^HZi.// /"J, /fbBcZSTT M/ \gf+0 birthplace residence Cc,t'e.y /(?&•)' t/o/r /S (Jc S-j3<3Z7,ZZ./i 7 r/. JiyPcrfJ /^r' "<>/&. Zc?6/,Je> r ?> l .£.6 fa re-ezx//sz £*e>c.ZS z^63 /eOJ O^c 2 6 iJo»e Z2 zeds' PzczfjTTT, tA/ZVA/ rV. AteJ;» r\ S \" Jt?p'S/6 '#64- S^zzTzTCzC; O^. V/O SS- Age 23 birthplace residence f£62- t 3G. Jo.(*ceZz;M J>- //**/*/. 3ycarJ Cc,./. /=5-///64- P/KiC^ ThO^^J Z-t. Age**' . e &f.j/Z7i Mass residence # « sr ''» ** 3J"-?/rrf JyeJrS Cc, /. Serf ' ' '#62. Got.?.// ft, re- '" SZ J*/*/ /f,(,C/64. do /y /<<,. /e^s- birthplace residence trer-fa >JV- G 2 "-^/n/ zCGCZ-9y*T Cc,. C t^r, \r Age 2.2. birthplace residence zec^-. /Vov U~ Aug 29 /e6j- Aee / i> P* 'a/ A/ £ y } •/4**£:s birthplace ^rrG/strc/ residence >Ve ■<*/<;,- < ~ 'f/ dyfaj-j; Co f /&>-/ is&fe. 'd (S/i Way Z z A/oy Z 4 , ectf . /-^/p/^^Yj £7c>iAz^^ o >y. Age *•*" birthpjace , residence Svere/ZxSZ- 36^/mA Jyc&rs. Cg.j5. />r/ir->' •Sorre?/e6J' P/PPCy, lY/LL/AAf /^ Age 22 birthplace residence 3c>rv •-*> 2 9 -faS 3ye&rj. Co //, J er « V> /&6/, MorS- 2" cf //e>o,A U^n /«-/* 6 5~ '8 6j Jy £>ec /O- /# 63 birthplace Age /e residence Decatur J> /6^faS 3ye>^>r ! s. Cc/T r°r/v9/e ifiC/. i/c/y '2 tjc/y 27 /r e 'SC 2 Scpf £2. Sepf / /<96J S=>zLrHC£^ y c ??A/SA;/_//v C Ace -3*- •■ place residence£a*yr*>ftc^J'* SO^/*/. O-TrrCfrfAs Cr. . k t>r,v&te. Z&62 Srrpor. m /Ji+c 24 za63 z^Z. 4 Cf~AZ£Tj rVzL z/AAf HZ Ace 2 2 birthplace residence £>ec&Zi* r ^> 43^/rrf 9-r"tr>r4s Cc. £ . /??,*&?& Zfi62- OcZ 'O Jo./y 7 Zt?6J 3+ A LJ■ Z JyCSrsJ /°>/j/*/fe '&6J Sc>4>./J i/o^e z2. zecj~ /^-4/J- ~£Oj Cf£0 zt>C7 zt O Age 24- ■ place residence Z^fdf rZ J> S^/ztS 9morrr*J Cc, ZV ■Z c> r,\'d>/k ZtiC 2 Sep r Z(, # r j 4 /*r, va/e. /H64-. /4/<2/ // i/^-^e 27 ze6o~ CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 9 5 IN THE ARMY A?Hy If If £ /?, iAAA9£S */■ Q Age /8 birthplace residence frarr /c/>rt jv- tfprJ/f,/ St-TrrGrrrts Co. £■ '. S*>-/wa-/& /<9 G 2. J LU/>1fif£;/?,*JOH'V MA Age ZS birthplace Wc&urr-v t /if as * residence v* C*V //■ /„ /' / t'CArs Mca. J,'cJ>k. /rrAj Q; /9. A>/i,o/£. S3 6 2. Sep-*. 2?. H Age 26 birthplace residence rVajlr/rtp7S,i J/jjj ■53- MA 3 year j. Cc.jB. fr/vare. /« G*, c/arc S r?-<*HJ IS J/'t/n/ <_/o.ik> /. /€6S~ se6?<*/ ne. /» /. Co ■ 3 /=V/ u-dP/fe. /& 6/, i/urre tS Jt^/y 26 If 6 / J>e M?,,.-«?>& /e<5 2. SJt*/y 2 c Afcv/6 /$03- A^OO/.£, IV/L LlA A7 rV. Age 26 birthplace residencel-?!^'^'"^^ >S+ 1862 Alp-,.,/ /S &/}&£//, Ay Uu./y26 /?63 A^CCfj C~/Jsq r?l <■ J /T Age 32 birthplat e residence f~7r-it *sf l-*jSafY, // Art, JyC^rJ /'mkj* I A C,/. ■Jepr- 2 Oct If f*C4- /-*0. fr/v&fe. fe 62. J~e /V<3vy /?ecci~d A^O/TT^/f^ A/s/fj3£:r7T O. Age /fi birthplace residence 'Sc^re rv*//e. 4/d/»A 9mOf,tAj C a .dl fr/ra/e. /Q 62, Sep'r 2Z Sep'r / /fi£j A^Ott/tE/?, A//CS-"t CL Aff 2 3~ birthplace residence &?/?#<>#,< J/ S9^An/. JyiParJ. C C /=>r,rar & / OW£/?J,A}sH'/£> Age 34- birthplace reiidenceWasA/nffcrr J> /■*//3a~rr; /-/./fr/, j y e><}rj cr . C 7*r/isafe. /60- l/3>i 2J Oc/ 20- 'fiCJ- A-'t/Wr/j'S; T/-/OM4J rfA^j^ /■Z'rJ'eo'/ C^v Jy<=^rj_ Co S '. /~rtra/e /86~/,Sepr /<*. Ofe-C rAi/tin M^cf J C fay 26 '8(,2. A-^OH/CSfSj y/z/t/s-i/i-; /-/■ Age2U bvthplaie residence / y H0* 2/ cji 3o6i///t/ i/u.// /* //>e#- P'/fA 7 7, f Ate 2 J birthplace residence ffu ssez/Jf^ 3>4A?,/ J*„ f ,„rfj Os C /*r-/ya/e. 'S 6 /. A?pr-///9 J^ /y J/ /46 / /fs/t< J~/ /S^ &&?//./ /?>■/ >9£/V 7/ S J> Cw/^rfL £S //■ Age 2 2 birthplace residence /-y?r&e J/ 3 Cf/n /. /o o 03ys Co //. /)f«s/cs/ Apr// /S Ji*/y 3/.'fjt>f 36 / *//-, r-es/pne/c?rcA 2 /l?&/o/- c/o,ne. /S. /<;6f<3SJ residence //«>> e// J>- // td £&r/-/-f-/?r /. ^tye*rj >=/-/>- <»>fe birthplai e residence Af///S* / J/ /r>/ jy^orj Co C Sery.T. /OC/, May 2+ &/S& 6////y //pr,/'(, >cV6j fffes co t 7, Qco/?C7£ Age 3/ birthplu, e C4 <*- S M /H./. IrHOrrrA* O, M. Co, y^O"*/ t/tcz Jfp/ a> >Jo./y 2 /ec 3 -"/ffKV//-?; C,fcs/? Q£ AV Age '9 birth plate resident e J 6 */'•/..' '>' Co B fr/ydAe: S^/zt/. x.o^^yj. Co t/- *+ ever re. 'at-*. i/c-/y 2c //to/6Y«* /^/f^" J C o i tj Qrc/fcyt: AV Age 36 binhplatt residence 'CJ62. .&<*■? St. •J«fs//6 A?6«- birthplace residence LtYrrnce >-» 3>-/r>/ ^f,„// «r/*<*'*<*'y t<&/t.J/-f#6 2- S—hir'.fQGar*yj Ci_^. /=> t>a /s. 'OG-t. >Jc~/y 2 s~ S*-p + .*.<,. ff:6a- / f)6'*-.Jepf. 2o c/u,re 2? /<$6J~ A %e 2 4- birthplace /TcxSi^r^./if^jJ residence C/;&&/n^*/i., S* / ■¥/?&?.' Ct,v.CV,/3 Serf A /ec,/. S2 t /"S1 I . Ait 'V birthplac e residence f&at/Jf-- $-**/*£ j,„„„rA-, Co £■■ f^i'f^ne /eS/. Apr, "/ /6 i/o./yJ//e6/ (J- -J. cScrff. t~rtf/'/re>&fj Co C, 3ye*u /86/, A/(,v Z& M,yt* /S64- fffOOF/Vj £.Ow/^' Ace 2a birthplace residence /^r/i^r >-» Jc^^/Trf. 3y&r>ro. Cc, A, /^/Vc*/€ /&,(>/ A/or 2 Z Ore* s*Cf- Pl//-? C £~L L, If/ C &*£.£. A t e 2 2. birthplace feme 4j(*//lf. /*'A'/fe /8 -/ v3*s. /86* duty '6 M-* /C /S<54 - / D >jTAr'A/>tj/-/OftAC£LA- Age2OTA*AAfj /LAU/?/ S ~0/V C Age birthplace ■Seen pert Me residence Pr J Oec & /£6J- F>UT A/ £ Vj S^O/?AC£ 3 Age 'S birthplace residence Ca»>t]rie7fe, /Pj 6 2 Sep t tS Jepj-. / AS € 3 'i)64- Oc/y /ij A/(,„./6 '& £; UoS££>/J Age 2 2 birthplace . residence S7g /&<$/. r9pr, / /S Uu/y J/ /e6/ (pi// QL £ Y, /S^ />/&/*& /*/ Co./' ^ritf&fe /&6/, Dec 4-. San ' S^Ai/. dfncf7?rj S l/oc/y<3/. /G6J OO/ A/2-AA/j O/iAZ/^.1. Age 2 birthplace residence J/&/W S/ 3 r ^Barf- // /*V/ Jye&rj /^r/v&fe. /H&y Sept. S Sep// 6 '#64- Qu/\LAHj ^,'/f/ i "* Ga*/ ■ /■ v A-/ 3y<=9 birthplace residence Gree-M J> 36^t»/ 3ye#rj Cr. B. f*r,yc>?e '86 2 Ji*/y Z3 Cf/ecf ot tvcuK&j itu»e J /{?64- /T 1 A flfsS £>£-{. 2 j C/-/*/?i£s // Age '9 birthplace residence >'<■ r*£ "?& 32"-?/*/ jye^rj Cr, C. /*>-,„ tffe. /, t /3f 4 7f Jt*/y 3/ /£6r S— /?l/ pwe^f^j C ( , H f>r/i/&-f& /a 6 2. Sep* /6 3rj Co /. S^r/v&fe /3S/, d y„y. 3yejr-j Cor £■»„*/& 'HC4 /««^ '«6-r 32 *-?/*/■ 3ye r/i/<9/e. /e,6J- c/^rre 2. Uc/yzy/e6j- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 98 /?AA/0A Li-, d /.yA/AAS Age Z6 . bi'lhplacc residence Hte/fer cf/ 47 -fa/- ^mnrrriis Co.C. /^/-/Va/te /66Z. Sep'/ ZZ cSep/ f- /<9 <* J /^AA/O^Zl., dO/-/A/ C. • Ace// : place residence L/ndeK J> 5&/rt/- Jrtroireoj. Co. a. frtv&fe. /862 Sep'// lof£C4- ^A \AV, i/a CO/3 Age l 2, birthplace Cyeryfr a 11 <./ residence r>a K />/iir *s~s- //t?fc/ J y e *r j Co /r Afors/er'at*. /f,(>/. A/cTyf Jl^H O A/ O, /?fCrVA/7 /? Age 3j' birthplace residence Com frr, rr St- 31 0c? rr. /,#,*. 3 v eor-J. fnra/e. Age JO /feZAOC, dOf/A/ birthplace rf,//ten7ry. /re/oire/ usidence f>/<3i ir St- *#*?/«/. 9*~.ei*ff4j, Cr. /. /*-'//*<*+. /$6Z. /Vcv /J reJforree* AfjrcA. / '063 Sy- /n/. 3year-j. C<, y>. .rn*arz. IS63. Oec.3c.Cr. fX. Z~^/.ie^ May /3-/e,63 *?£ OMOMO, A1/CHA F L. Age ^ /j'£)A/ A- Age 2.0 birthplace J3 j ro it residence CA&pnrjr-c J/- Pi,ijtrc/r (/rr&rTac/r&cr' C<, S7-T/C7& /< y 9r..<><*■. *f<3 y 3 4<*y- C/tC*- feTEC!, Z3r?A D L£ Y Age 4^*. tliplace residence •^ 9 —/ft/. 3ye.drj_ Or,. O. Pr/rdfe /c3S4-, /^t3. 9 /Forrj K S/^/zr/ rJcfe/./eajT 1<°. place residence ScAoc,/ J/ ~i '"/?•/. 3 >■*"■. »rAs Cr.. /T e e 's-/r4p>-// if. J^/y 3/. ten/ ■ 3C^ I'll/- Jy^r-J Cr./. i^r/SHAi. if}6/.£>, Or. s £*>*-/ W Age /> birtliplace residence E~s J ex J> // ^ 3c? TT.l_* /i r-r. 3yr>^r-j; Pr-/ , , /HOMAJ &. Agejt/ birthplace ^Boston residence P>c. ' f jt- S^faf. 9-^orrAs Cc. H- rr,r&T<. I&62. 3ept/c\. <3c. //** /nf. 3y<=*rj Ci, £ p r ,!/&/£. /<3G/, i/u/re //. SF^£0, lA/z/Lt.,**-} C S Ace '3 birthplace residence /fc/cf'n s 3/ S^/rr/ /cc, cr&y j Cc, /-/ / z, /-/i/re 19 /S6S /?£/Os W/L LI* /y> Age 27 birthplace residence W&pp /ny *S/ // *£ /nf 3ye*rs. Co £' /O r/ V dri&bi/iiy Se?p-/.2f //j6S tj , L~ST£/?'0'Xj /f/C//Xi/f£> Age £ o birthplace residence £jc, i^/Jil /-'/?a t-j. Cc. A ■ />>■' i/o Te, /esj Oec 3~ /r#>rj /? 37*? /n / <./c»e / "?Cs~ //jSS. 3u/re Z. 37* /'/■ Cc,./}. yfy ic 'VCJ~ ^/CSj <4e/Q(/S TO s /f. Age 2 z birthplace C/i s >-/ej7r,wn. residence /~ y n c//^/y Z-.'C 63 ff'CCj Q^O/fCfC /T Age Z o birthplace residence S9-/&?& jv iecz /yet. '3. z* , *£k?k*- /tpn/'d /ec*- lec+./ipri/ ' //} rrejiJMecf i/an '0 'PCS' /f/c//, •J/iA'r0 d^/y 3/ 'ft' ^/C/VA/fOJ: C/-/4/Tt-£lS //• Age 'S birthpla,e residence CAq/s. Pr/ra/e. / e o * ifct/y /a>-J. /3^r-rc3_ /e6/^S /)l t/A rt Age 2 i. birlhpla t residence S*t fa/. Jtucnr/ks. Cc. C ^'ftf/S t.fJ6/. c9pr,/ '-9 \J<*/y 3/ '#«/ f?/CrtAr?030/y, (/sosygc /-t- Age 2/ birthplace residence dactcja SC S&ejz.-Se&t -'9 Ji^/y 2/363 S^S/'S- sc.oc/ayj. Cc,. tt- A'r/ic^rs. '6G4-. rt- A&6 2, "?CV- /e6-fey /, /ef'+. ff '/ i. £7 Yj r/cy C /-/ ^fU. Cc. *f>s. Cc. / /=>/»£T£/? Age22. . c r*rr.v/c,e<,3-,Jo.rfO 2. S7*?/,rS.G: £T. Uo./y 3c. / l$ r */f/. 3yc&rj Cc, rC <$>. Af. ^pcry / • /«6/ Jep/.rf 6. re-cAi* Ofc i././e6S '€63.0<=c ZZ. '■*-*£>&<-<■. Oct. 6. /*<$■*- / 86'r: Oct. 6. Gspfe/rt, June 3c, / ST t? e T T, /-t- Age Zy birthplace residence {//>, A IS /f t C £ Age 2c; birthplace residence H'err&rt Ase. /6^-// '/ffe ? t. t-t A ft •-. Cr. q F'f/iraTe. i e 6 +, Ac*-f. 3 Traxj tr /y Or/n/ <./&*. // tec J " /? **/*/■ 3 y< **rs. Cc. r~. /^r/ ror*. ,£GS itan /f> C, £, Jc 3-/"/ 9?*c.»t7J j •Sami/ei. A*, birthplace residence frrprnc, re ** C-t '2^A/.fy> A-,/. Cr.O- S^'ifa/e I flC'f- - S<4 /rf/- SGGQ& y J Co /V. AwV^/fe /ecf-, ty<-/y ZO Atcr.ri /f)6A- Age / 3 r^OS/^ AAtZA/f?y birthplace residence Warr-sn J> r<£/?f/. ,-j. Cc,j3- fMir&/k. /eC/, Or: A. 6. fr^HJ't is A? C A/arcA./6. SXG4- /t'ob/ asso/Vj /3£:a/i/4M/a,/ at Age birthplace B&nfr.r. Afs, residence Sfe/rr J *• «?*? /ite, /*/■ Cr, A- / 5 ^/V/ '6 /eoj f£- T£Sr4 A/ /? £ J r~, // // residence Aurf;',< o~/ S -/*/ /C,CT<3yJ. Cr, £>, /=>r,„c-l^. /<9&rJ. C c , B. Mcts/c/&rL '<8G2_ L/d/y. Z3 Cf/s<36i/,/y /Vc,,, 3o /eC4- ffoe/A/^O/K/j /^STAA/Sr T Age /6j /fOB/AS-SO/V, /V* />■? C £■ AS £ -4jc birth place Bh^rrYe 6r. ro I" residence Br*v J> /6^/V/SCOffS//-i /*/ Cr. /T /^t-/i/&fe. y/&y / ^/^JVe^ /rb^S/A/vTCz/y^ H/4 '/f/f/TA/ /. Age Z z birthplace residence SunSrey Mi>/ Jf- 33^/f,/. 3y/r*?e, /e 6Z . /)ccf. J>~ f^b6/e(,3 Z^O ' AS J O /\/j )V//-JLystA-? Age le. birthplace residence Carrj/ Bd» sr /2^/rr/ 3yc.' birthplace residence 36^/rt/-3 y ^arJ. Cr. B /=>/-,vaZ& /etSZ. Arc*.y. C -cVetacAed di*ty c/u„e. "~>- '#<■*- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 102 /^ciqe/f jj Q^rc/rce: s\ ■ Age 33 birth p la, c 3 re w*r- S>fe . residence Set oc/ /■/<>. C/- / - / /f%>^ V rf <4r/ 3yesrj Cr. r*~. f^/ra/e. 'H6/ U,*e.2/ V /T C. Mrt*'*6S- /To<7£:A?Sj <7fC/?'h rc-er,/,j/- i/a* -f /fSf- /$6* Jax.S Trartj.Ai, C/*J/Vayy *{syl/./e6f- •See A/a "y/feccK/ /? O G £. /? Sj &£<>/?9rJ. / *V/e»«« /■ Co f /8 6/ />/ay 2 J- Ju/y /j zee, / /•£//?& f cr" ■ C&v. 3ye-arJ. Cr,. C. A^riv&r^. Ifj 6/ . Sep / /? /fpn '/• '/■ 'Z64- /ToQCAfSj iSojeph M/- Ate za birthplace Qefrr.i'f AfrcA. residence fveret' J> 4 '** A/, «•/• Ct}. A Prvm tm,63 See /Vavy Afccorc/ /To QCA7S, *5~£ TH /?. Ate 2 2 birthplace S. £> aniens, Af&jj residence Py-esccrff ^/~ 3 & -/m/ 3 yea rj. Co B. fn iraAe l $6 2 /Qixjy. /3~ on Spec/a/ Oc/y, c/t*rret; /&6~>~ /TO <7t _ /?or, /V//././AA, A/. Age 3o birthplace residence CorrCofd y$£- ///J Barf // An 1 . 3yt=arj, /3v rate /S 64, i/arr 2 i/c?fe/6-/&6S /?0<5/V£ y> 23£r^rV^/f£> Age 30 birtliplace residence /./'rrC/e/r Sr- 2p^/ff/. 3year\x. Co //. A^r/raTe, /f? 6 2 Sep/. / iJarr/2 /&6S /TOJ£j i/a/VSS t/- Are 2 3 •place residence Afz/jft/r Sr 5*4 /**/■ 3 ■»■■<> *r/s Co C Serf'- /8 6/, 4py>'/ /6 i./i^/y 3/. /G6/ /? O J £j dOHA/ W. Ace 2 6 ti place residence S.SojfitL. c5^/Ti/.3r»c.»r4s Co. C. /■*' l/eoc-& /&6/. />pr>//6 k/i*./y J/. /ec/ /t'OI//. S TOA/4T, £oyt//A' /)■ Age 2d~ i t C4a?-/ej/zn,,x. residence Tot ff? J*~ S^/it/ 9-^o/r/rij Co.//. /^/isafe /&6 2. Sept. /o e63 /e GJ. /~e6 2/ Otsa6i//fy /7u.?./S/e6#- /TOOUTO/V tZjTf/O/y/i 5 /^. Age 2 i- birthplace CA a r/e Jfc *v /t, residence B0r7/e// J* j~/$/rr/ 9-rrrc.Mt/s Co ■ // '■ G>rpr, / a f /S62, Jepf./6 i/c/y 2 /e63 sl~/*/ft/. /oc,0ayj Co/-/ Sery.-r- / & 6f- r//i)/'J+ ■ S^/fi/ 3^,c»/-4j Cr. C. /^r/lrarti I . /^r/v&re. / 86 2 >?g<.$>. // / /eC,lcu/ji////e Ay #u<) /*/&63 /TO rV£Tj rV^r//? Y J. Age 2d birtliplace residence Afar h /- Jypa>rS Co. £>■ />*■/„ <*f& /Q62. //"■<,. S 0/J/'/y~ /&£>■ 9 '&6j r~To H/£j /-/OrV*/? £> /~ Ace XI birthplace cBart/er/ jy- -5-/rr/. /coc/ayj. Co. O. Corpcrc?/ /e?64. 1/0/y /S> /i/e,r-./6./eGarJ Co g. S*r/ra1e. IS6/. "fay 23 0/so6'/i/)/ r,yj& 'r>'v/. /<5&nr Co- Q. /=>r/]s<3/e- '8£ Oct* 2 2 /S6Z SaQAF?, OjC^ia? Age Z6i birthplace residence 36^/nA- Jye&rj Cc, A3 i°j-yVc"S '&62.Aiu-o /J cA/ea - /1A01/ Jo Ae6Z- a/. friv&Ae. 'Ai62.Alup.A2 AJm C ,„rAs Ch- AA />„„<, As '862 OCA. 2j" /?c 9 .2o. AA 63 -^9- An A. 3y&f. 6 '86* CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 10^' 3AfYO£rjSO/Y, £>t-£Y? Ak« '■& birilt place residence */' ? 4 J"*" J?* /h/. /oce/ayj Co £>■ £r,o A/ov'6. 'tie-*- >S 4 /YO£ f?SOAY, W/*-£ '**1 & Age 2 Z kirtliplnre riftc h St S -/»/■ /oocr&yj. Ch //. /^r/y&Te. /QG-*. du/y 2c, A/ov /O '8£/?3, QsOY?Q£ Age 2 2- birthplace residence S - /?<=■/ "is&fe. IS 61. AfarcA. 26 Ocf.3/ /e&ji' SAYA G£^ W//././4/W £ Age 2/ birthplace residence Unto *t J> J&ffeey-M^r/. ^ /ww . Co. C-. Artificer /86J. 4<*f. /4- fca*j Sg C/.j M&iry duty t£ fftGa- Ses, Asavy TFecorct SAWY £ £?, Y C ?t-B£/?T. Age 23 birthplace residence W'Mfxrop J> 3 r - ' B&0. £*■#*■/. SyvsrJ. £r,t/0/e_ /86Z.6c■ Age ZS birthplace residence y/*S/rt/-3yearJ Co &. Prt'itaTe. /&&*. d-ar,. yo , /erf./?«o(rjtrf«K'* ./va/e. /a 6/. Apr, / f3 ' birthplace Ge rr*ro wy residence /J'/Teoy C~<3Y dy&arJ. Co A- Corpora/ '#62. fei *6. /*».*+. t66+ '8 6-T //P"'' '*■■ ISS? C.-Jery/ Apr.'//. /866 S Cr/A/ A 8 £/,/-/£*/ r7Y Age 26 birthplace residence fifed /ore/ Sr ///* /m/ 3y<=#r.s, Cc, /r Pn'yafe. /86/. <-/cn.o 'tCS 3 C /V IA/ A H~ Z, l/AAf£S L. Age /3 birthplace residenceSw^erUi'l/ J> 3<4/rf/ <)rrtf,MT/fj . Co H. Pr/\f&fe /362-Jhpr < /6 du/y 2/863 IO B3rf. ^/./^/-/. 3ye>&rJ . fr/r&fe. A3 Sf. dart.-* dune S. /« 6 J' Scott, Ovaries O Age 'S birthplace residence Sy^/n/. Jy&arj. Co f Z8 6-* £e 6 2o traMS./o V/f.C. ■4-rf ferwGif' /«/ CV, F~. Corpcra/ /B6/ Je-pY 2o Sep'r.Jc /S 6* *5£*,A/A/V, Q£Ofr< residence SAer/rr 9 n Sf. 24- (*/»/■ 3 years. Cr. £ AiuJtc/art, IGG/.Je-p* >7 J^pf./Q ta6*- S£y,l7£/T. Vav), £?6. '/. 'S6i- See AVavy /recent (>3 J-2*/»/- /OOO^J <:<.£>. £r,vaY&. /6 64- dts'y '8 yVor/6 '&rj, Co/. W f O ft ■// /S u'o./y J/. /S 6/ & I s - /■*/"■ /year: Co-£. **r/F A/OAL/., /-Z/C/S/T Y Pr/vOfZL. zee 2, J*vb.v. /s t/c/y z /e63 •S^r/rot/scts,, Loo/s Q. Age zi- birthplace residence //"//, /tyaJJ /SSZ. Oc/. <9 S64- \S~£TH/^i. /.j /^etAfAA/ /-/. Age 2.3 birthplace Cts/y's-j/Zwrc residence /-//f 4 s*- 3^ /?fOts/?, e-c. /9 c//sa£>i//Ty /=h&. 7 . /e&j ~Sha /V//,4/v> £i£> w9 ff o Age z/ birthplace residence 9^/nY Jyv&KT. Co 4./*r-,v&fi*. /a €/, tJotrre. //. /if/sj/n? /rr scf/r,/t /tf&y /z /s?64- S/VAA/A/O A0 W/ZZ/sQAI Age Z6 birthplace /n?/<3nc/ residence Corny J"/- S'i/n/: 9^rc K r4s €>./ Age 2/} birthplace residence Z3o //&w pf 4 3^/hA ynaxrtj Co.O. /=V/^o»S /s ez J~cp/. 'z \Jo,/y Jo. '8 63 S/-/4TT 1/ C/r,/.£~6/V/)/?D Q- Age zz. birthplace residence /tndc. v&r, Ay&jj / J - f /fey/.//Y)y/, 3yearj Co./-/ /'/v^a'Tfe /86Z.zy frj/rs./r V- /?. C. Oc/'3~/e64- rr 4 s Co /£. ^V/> i/^C/C-SO/k/ A- Age 3 6 birthplace residence fl/erf/at-d &r. Co-&. Corpo r, iSs-^^esf^o^ l/. Age ZJ birthplace residence A7a/rt J* // -Barf. /_/./?,-/. Jy&ar-j &-,,&/& /ae*. <-/&"■ 2. i/c^e. /6 ./#6 3- Age z-f /-ySrrc* S/~/£lO£i> //<"-/&srZ~i«,rc residence Afi //***■ //*4&<3?Z. Z/ Ah/. 3y&arj , Ccr-poi-a/ /e62.. ^"f.iJ' AfayZJ-. '()63 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 106 Sh ££ HAAS, £~OW4/?0 Age 2 Z birthplace residence IS^/ftA 3ye&rj Co / /^r/yefe. te 6/ /?k.o /S /*f>3 ■>'$ ? C/- S—'x/- 9+*rOj<*Aj Cost- P'r/isa/G. 'QGZ. Sop* Zf. O/e-d /YeiAsbern SvC.Mv2C/e62. •S //££/? C? O Z Z>, M///-/-/ 1/1 t/. Age Z-4- birthfla:c residence HV/Ht^rc/f 3~f 3Z H */**/■ 3y*--, i^«wfe /SSZ. /'v8fe. /SSZ.Aolo// fa r^etr/tJ*-. /~eb. /■ 'G6*- /&<$#, P&6.Z. #!/*?A /? £>, iS/tMes W Age zS birthplace residence p/rJ* CoHvp&XySt&rpjAr.r.f&rj /G62. /Vav. //. Afijj/ny /Vev.Z/r./S63 ■S/SZTA^slfTOs 7 Age /-3 birthplace residence H"'/ 3 A *3— /7&y'*. C<3 is. 3 \/<*-, r/ Jmcrr-rtj Co. /<. /*r/r&fe. //y 3/- '8 6 / /5f /j^-f./- Csy. Jy&d>rj. Co. £> . P'r/ira/s. /8 6/. Sep t-.iy /*/4T~"e: *v Age- 34 - birthplace CAar/esTZrv re residence 4 ^ Co frfoi-rt/ia fa/. '-ifL/ei**- /Z6/. cjc/. '? C&pta/'-r /?<*-?. Zf. /• SH££fA'//iA/ } ~5 r£ /='/-'£ A/ ^ Age J*- hirth place residence /^/?ej.' //.//V/ C<, <£. P-r/vaYe. /&6Z &oco. 7. C//sc?/?'//^y t/ot/y/J '(i G3 S/YOZ£r kS_, *C&W)/T£> C Age ^ J birthplace Cja '/*■.'" ~ ><■ residence HA*"**" J/ - // *-* ''/3&/y- 9mo„cAj /^r/t/artz, /S6 2. Acj.o 9 - 1-^ /Vfljj. residence Af 3 nr. OV Z9^r/-M 1 r'. 3yf/ Occ.//. t /3. /£63 I S 63. Af&y 3 y j CoO- /^r/v&fe. /<9 G+. i/o,/y /«? M, " '6 'S/AfGA/03j tJC't: Z. A*- Age 22. birthplace residence ZCcfe m S* ■ £~/'rst- C(,rt,pa M „ tS/r&rpjAooT^r-j *Jy<*>4rJ /S 6/. Ss-p /. Z ■ cf'J&6/YrYy /YarcA6 /sS A7. Age 4 3 birthplace residence Me /rose, /7C*/„/. 3y/3 ex. /«,,,* AS. /€6Z- *S?p* ■ 'G Sep*./. /863 5^/n/ /ooc/&yj. Cr, // P?r/r**ll /3G4-. (Jct/y £0. Avy./6. /eG4- S/ MPSO/Vj / c h£D£/i'/C*; iS. Age /<3 birthplace residence /Vepo* A& m Af^st Z^/feoy- ///)■>-/■ 3y*>*rj. Co G Pi-ivo/&. /£&/. c/o/y S /fe ree K /,j/- OecZ./f)63 'B S3. Oec. J. O/ea P7cre#30YY, di*/y 3/, /Q 6/ 36 ±* /« /■ Jy&nr. Co.j3 ^J&ry S • /eSZ.Y7<^y. 9 CT/SOd/f/IJ, Je/o¥Z6.fQ63 Sz/VCLAfff, rV//_/./AAf T Age /S birthplace C/r0?-YesYr,w r*. residence AS 6Z.Y?<^f.Z4-. ySep-f.^. /S6J- ^Si/vqLCTO/V, AftCH4£ £. Age Zt birthplace residence v? *- /fef /. M Y?rf ^WJ - Co. A". /£6*. /y<3y . fr/r&fie.' /C, 6l,/?o<^ y /)u.a. /. /■ffcs*- •S/t/Y/.//VJj f/OWA/T£> A- Age /& birthplace residence 3^/3^f/,2.zy?i-Y. 3ye>arj; /'r/i/^/e. /S63. £X?c /J" Yr&rcs fc S^e^tV. Ys-A. 26. 'est- S— &l*/y4/T& V. Age 3? birthplace residence /?/<3/h o> Z (} +*/»/. Sy&rJ. Or,./, Y>rr\s&Ze. /&6/,^ys/-S6 Ct/Strbi/rYy- AfsreY Z6./S6Z /$<5'Y, i/o.fte. /'/ \ZY. ZZ v5W^//. /r /'*&/&. ZZ3 $ Z. lYc^Zy /<*. Ypjns fc If. /f C Ye 6. /.T. /QC*- ■S/slC/r, C/SAZ? l£S Age 3c birthplace tV/Zwxf/Z*., zifesj residence /^f /// J"/- /o^3<3Z/,Yz Yit-Y. &r£. CZii.O. /^i-rrcr- /8 /•Z.'ffatpS-C&v, 3y<=&rj, Corf. frrVare. /S6Z. Y)df. 4-. Tr^Mj./Z y./f. C. Mr 3c. /S6 3 •S/tf/7/S, YQ/-&S/PT Age Z/ birthplace residence Y?•/*•"■?/£ /f)<;Z. OcY // /ley. 20 /e&3 <5a?/T// j zQY3£/7T M/. Age Zo birthplace residence /O^ B&r/,Y+.Y?i-Y 3,ye^r-s /^rrvare. /#£■?, 4- /f>64. tY&».d~ 2 "-^/./e'** i/c /y 2Q. /ft* Y$f}4 i/O/y 20. / J /Y/et/tr 'VOIY. /Z/&64 tS€J~. Y?Y>r'Y Y. C&pfeYti Qu*e 2 •S/W/T/Vj CrtA ft/-£S M- birthplace residence fti4/VA-///V Age Z o Hace residence Cord is s/- jf f* fj>e.g.-f Ciy v. 3yearS. Co-A--? 1 **? ¥ ' /S64-. A/arc/c /■ 4 "-9 ' 2 7 /t!6:> ~ -S/r?/T//_, / c ~/?EOEftt<=-~oh7Aj. Co- £T. /=>/ \/a/& la6Z.Sep/ZZ. Sep*. /./e 63 '■< S. z *"l/eo<-+. M.V.1Z. '€<>*■ - 3 r ^r?ea- V.///9r/. Jyears. Co. O /$S3,/7occ}./4- fi-aHs./o /Z^/n/- 72~/m'-3yr3rs. Co.//, /^a-zi^WS f*3*?3. i/u/y 9 Trans, ft, 3^^/h/. dune Zf /e64- /S 64-, t/urr birthplace ' residenceAfCforrreH^ <&■ /6^ ' Oft a/to cAeet Co, /ft/- /ooc/ayj, /$64. /fecf. 6 /Vo v /*■ '£64- TAq mas U. //errrrf -Tee //a^y /f^core^ SM/TH, M///.L/A/if C. Age -so birthplace residence £~/*ffS/- ^■K* /fee?'/- C&t/.Syeers. Co.C. Pr/i/a/S. //} S4-. i/cf/f. S a/sotii/iry (/art. '7 'ep't Jo,/y /JT/SST Sp+H/IO /*/ 1 Age Z3 birthplace . Z O kTG //, A/3S S residence rVas/i/hffi/c S/- S^/k/. 9f^Ofr/4s. CoH- Serf/. /eeZ-SepA/6 Uu/yZ./e63 S~i6-/m/- /ooc/. Age 2? birthplace Pom /ret W- residence Coo/r 3r- 4-y^/rr/. 9»«,Wj, Co £. Corpora/ rpor, Age 2 7 /e62.Sep/.2Z. Spsa/t, i/aaje-s birthplace Pern, residence Bo/fen. P/ s3 6^ tof- 3 years. Co./3. Pr/yor& /e6Z.6uy.$ Order War Oep'f. (Ar/rey /#6jt S&EAffj UOH/V r4 Age/ 9 birthplace residence We6sfsr3'^ 2j(f/n£3yp0r. i/a?i Zo. /G<5<5 rr-& Co. r~: Pr/ya/e. /S 6 /. //prt'/ /$ Uct /y 3/. /&(,/ U. S Co/fAOf?/ C£_ Age 36 birthplace residence 3 2 ?*-<*/?,/ 3 years, Co./. Pr/y&te. I B6 Z du/y /+■ 0/ed fd/mourk ya.P?6.4-/f)63 S/ 3 O OA/E:/?, l/0//A/ /?/.£>£:*/ Age birthplace residence /■aGZ./fup.S //r,sp//a/ C/rap/a/rt V- J" l/c /ot tx 7%>ev-_r Pes if free/ Pe/>. G ■ *8 €4- S^OAf /^ £lDW*ff£> /-■ £. Age '<9 birthplace residence -ft/Met '/on &■ 35^/Tf/. 3ye>ars, Co./3. Corpora/ '8 6Z. Pcx. 9 . 4* Order Har Oepf. Oec.Z3. /. Pr/ya/e, /8<5/,A'Gt>./<$ A/ov/e./eg'?- •StA/s/ LEY; EowAfi'D P Age Z4- birthplace residence 2.3 r y/xt ' 3yoe r j. OoG. Pr/ya/tz. '& , QfOPCP £. Age /&■/*/. 3 V* Co Cr Pr/ya/& /3 6/. /y&y 2S Afey IS /#64- C —4 PLeLSj i"o iv/A/ /3 _4g e x-/ birthplace Ff-1 y/ dene e. /?/. residence/-'" den "JV- /£"-/*/■ <3 years. Co. ST. /£*'/. /&<*■ + 'V6/ *>? S y «? J^/y /e./46S- ^^/Teoy ■ Ch±s. 3 y ears. Afa for~ /ZSj-l/of/yG. SVqi/, /■?. / ■ 6~ Verwcrr-f /*/ ■ Co ■ /■ 3~. Sery r 1 - /■S63 £>&c. 3c Jc*/y 20. /a 6ec /<$ o'/ec/ ars. C C/ . AT P-zya/e. 13 6/. /Vo, 6 Oc/-/3 /£ 64- ^S-^Tl/PA/Jj r9CP/? //- Age Z/ birthplace residence £~/&t *Sr Z-Hp/n/.SyearS. Co Q A>r,va/& /B6/. /Vrr-or,tAs Co-tt. /=">-/ 4^/g /ecz. Sept. '6. 63~ vS T '£ It £ '/V S, /£ r i/£/j' / r T T A Age Zt birthplace Af&d/*fOrf, A/rs. residence U»SO/r St /t*/?i/. 3y>e-&r-j. Co /. Pr/is^fe / 6 6 2 . /)cy. /■** June 24- 'OC4- ~StzTI7£-A/S, QtTOtfq^ H/. Ace <*0 birthplace residence CActsea,/^j s 47^/k/- r/ '*?/£. '& 62. Oct. 6 tB(Z l/c/y /*■ /irc-e„/,jr- i/^/f *-■/£<:*- I (SC4-. da ■ -S~ Jt,St 4^/3*}* C* Art. jyedW. /=>rr*a/e. SQ6t. Scpf./t n, re-en/ur ct&n.3 te?<;*- t&6+- y&n. 4- • fvfarct, /C. I8C-T •St£1\/£/v S, Af^/v'/z V Ay. Age 2 9 ' nh place residence 77-ertortt t" 32 "-"/*/. 3ye^^ Cc, ./. /^V/ >«?/■& / eJfCZ. UcA, /<*- to re-rt,jr it-urr -» /£G*- 'fiC-i-.Jan 5 /y-£#f. 3 y<>arj. Co A . /=>-/!•& IS Gt. Sr-pt /2 Ct/SUbt/iry App-.'/ZJ tftC2. G£ w Ag e 'h r pla c residence fore \s t p/ 4 — C/rr &tt& C 4 r>^^'& /■9<5 4-. May 3 <4o<^ C .'ftCt- STOCtc-J3f?/D(j£, J^ifes O. Are 2' birthplace residence {■**'"« &" S?o t>f Age '9 rthplace residence 36^/rt/- 3yP&rJ Cc .J3 . tffus/e/'*7<. /&GZ. Apr •'/ t. ct/s&b/t'ty £tf> l £>£ r7 r i/oseZft-f A~- Age tg birthplace Aos/osi residence Acst/'n &*■ 4-Q ic* / ? r/. 9-*~or,rt;s C<, t. s^/mte. iBGz.Oct./fj ■Septa teas S^ trrt. /e,ocr-&ys GcO. f r ,\,&/£. lf)C*- y/u/y ,£ tvbr./tr ,e6i. residencet.e*/'rtffbn_ Sa- Q r *B^ft./i> Ar/ e™c/,et,j Pr/r&te. S(36 Z .A?c>y Jo ■ AtovZf'eGZ- •S-//i/. tor,c/3yS. Co. {j Corpora t /*)64. *,J. Cc 0. Pr/retZ. /$&rxS Co G rrr*&1£. t<5CZ. /?c*j> /"J" /)i*jf.3.te60- CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 111 IN THE ARMY 5 , O/vt:, CrtS-i/il£J £~. Age 2/ birthplace residence //& /3c?//, /././/rr 1 ; 3years /*r,ra/Z- /$&?-, . Corpora/ /S6*.r>?6 9 ri-a,ts.7% sy" /»/. i/une /./ecs- /8CS~ June. 2. 7rd*J ft V. /?. C re-eh/rsf /^A-c. /86-f- 18&4\ t/an Af /*nn /Ifus/cran. ■Ssp/-7./86S' Sro/v£,//f/if/?;' /*. Age 2-c birthplace residence H/es/ey AV, // T* /ft /. 3 years, Co /, Serf / ■ /. Age 2-7 birthplace residence S 1 ^ /'tOf< r/cs Co. C. /zy/rafe /S &/, Apr/'/ 79 a/sc6//,/y tjene. 2 /ti6/ ^StO/V /C-j L£TtA//S C? Age 2 7 birthplace Mn'fTrr-cp, Ate residence /f/'c/rft/a/ra/ st 3 2 "J /t7 IV. Age 22. birthplace residence ///frf^f-oyp S/. /— ////■ 3yc=ars. Co A~. /'V/i's/a /8 6A. May 2*. /ft/Zed MA/A//a/t/LC Y, ^/oS£8>/-/ £~. Age 23 birthplace residence /^''•"^ Sf ~ 5-4/f,/. 9-?r,crr*ls, Co ■ // ■ /^r/sa/e. /8S2. Sepr 1 . /6 Jo, /y 2/863 Sto/? Y> &f\/>S1A1/A/ /=T Age 27 birthplace " residence AfeaJ JV . C/- S^ /3arf./.+y/r/. <3vearv. /^r/Vafe. /a V . Co. £~, Afus/c/an. '8$3./tc^t 2o frg«s/o Cc.B.SZI!' /n / i/«ne Zf.r/HS •STO/? y, (/r,-Jb/-OAf6-A/ Age 2/ birthplace C/73 f/es/7,r^/^ residence Wesfcy />/■ /■Z/~/?efrf-/./i,-+- Sye*rs. Co./r. /^r/Va/e. /■9S2. A"-*? 4. /% re-er-,/ist- Oeo.Ja'863 /&63.£>ec.3/ /f<*f/6./8 6S~ StO/^ y, }1///./-//4A-f Age 38 birthplace resictencejSe/THon/ ^ ZJ^/ti/- Sy ears. Co. //■ /^r/r-^/S- /Q €2. /}<*.o. /2 d/s&6/'/'/y Uan /0./863 Sts.A/VOj 7~/tO/>j/> J rV. Age /& birthplace f3os7o/<- residence iSi*///y&r* '- r ' t /O^ B&/9./-/ /fr~f. 3 years, /^r/'i/a/e. /& 6 2. Sep/. / iJcti-te 9 /&GS~ ^ "^ /C £: ~T £ /?_ rVy/Y-4/V j3. Age -36 birthplace residence / -////• J years, Co- G. /^r/v&Te, /8 v 7, C+/si/?ccs *vr Age z» birthplace residence £■ ' ** ^ *~ S*/>/i*/yj/ /eo/ <57/?0 (/ T, rr\ Jyo^rj. Prsr^/e /£^s //. A 2/ birthplace residence J 2 "-?/, yd/M/.jyecrj Ch. /. /=v/i/<»/e. '66/ i/une // iVcrre. 2./ /8C4 ySc//. /./ i/sQ /v> C~c,/T /¥£/./a/v//t/- i/ Age 24 birthplace residence Sfou'/iTn : /-/c0A/s*/s/fc: y .\ gs Zy birthplace residence S -/>*/■ Jmcrrrfts Cc, C. Fr,\c&T& /Be/. Apr;/ /a u^./yj/ /eci 2S>^/,r/. Sycd^j Co. /I. 2*!*£,e^/- /86/. 6c*8 /-esifrrec/ iSdfz. 23 'S63 S residence Ma/>r *Sf- V£- re/?/* A/, OrH O Age 3$ birthplace residence }Va/e/~J'r<- l^B&rt 2-t /ir-r, 3ye>jrJ /^r/V^r^. 'B62./*"-? /Z C//ed r~i,fcrM3C.CreeK OecZ6/e birthplace residence / i 7e/rr,j&. S^A-r/. 9T»Grrr~4j Co.r/- /^-/ya/e. / 8,62. Sept. /&■ i/o>/yZ./863 SoTTC/Vj /^/ffO/r/f/C/x Age /J birthplace residence S? &//// 3yc=&rV. Co. C /CrrrarTe. '864-. /*&£>. 4- C//ecy £>e>c./o /6&r- Slv/ls/j H//)/ r£T/f £. Age /8, birthplace residence DcrcAeJfcr / J -//r/-3ycarj. Corf. fr/veTe. /86Z. /icif.4-: 0/jcr6///fy, /Var. to. /86Z CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 113 IN THE ARMY Syf/f/V, H/ /£/-'* "4 /? birthplace Age 34- residence G£e/se<9 S*//f/- J-metrr/tj C<*. C. Coyj/5/.t /O <$/, /fpy// 'y (Ju/y 3/ /-y f dCfe- /Jc/y /■$ lb r^^rr/'J& (/&/r / /e64- /864 ■ •/&* '■*. C//s<3/>'///rJ Co A, fr/r&fe /a 63. oec. 22. J°p '/. 3 /eos 3n//PT, £~OWAfi>D f- Age 2.2. birthplace C/ia f/es/cryrt- resjdence ft/a/Vr J> ■ /#~/3&f/. A/ /?>■/■ Sy M //t/. Jy*?/'(er-3/- 36 &/*/■ 3 /paw. Co./B. Fy/yaTe. /SCZ-rf"-?-*- C/ied. fV.J/-J Co.B. &-/V&/&. 'Pj62,Oc,/ y 2.6 r^rOTttcf/'ort Oc/e./e63 /V$3 Oc/6. S &rr. <5. /JVecy-. Z6 64-- dot/re /y. — CT^p/a/'rc / e 6 -3' Apr'"' 2. 3v*-/ya/or U-SYoA. /86J~ A/ay 26. 7ra*s./o S?£/*f/- S7&/K/.3 y earj Csp/a/'n !86S'*'/ayZ.6 dc*/y3o,/e63~ SyUO/fOJ, ///i/)(y Occ /. /e6 i- Jee/V&vy /feCGrf ■S VZ y-^S T/E ff, Uff. rtl -TSM4S Age /S birtitpisce residence AfyJfr'c /*/■ 2. y<*/-n/ 3y&&rJ. Co- // . /^nvG/f-. /e 6/. £>"/, 3ye-/ y&re. /8G/.'VGr-3~ 0/S<36///fy 0&C-Z3./S6Z /A//YT£-f7, £>£*// W, Age Z3~ birthplace residenceSc/tcc/Pt- Cs- /3^/rf/. 3yJu/y 20. l/\S-/V5\(y AfayZG /<96Z %Jj Qso/TGe: £. Age 2° birthplace residence d/r'nfra/t/yats S^'oaa^yj. Co-//- fr/yefe /8/y 2o. /Voy./6./e64- Ta/./30Tj /^f// X Age ZO birthplace CA&r/ej/Zn/rt- residence Tot //J •*/■ dotf/n/. 3 y &&rj. C c //. py/yafe /96/. /Voy. 26. 0/S////y rfprtV //. 'S62 ~7A//£>Yj £7££-AZ.£/7 Age 23 birthplace residence &*//>'"*/* 3/- f ■&/*/. 3ye>&rs. Co. P7 /*r/y*>7e. / 3 6/, />/<%y 24. /fey 2 J~ /£64- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 /A/V/YY-7T, Q£ Age 21 birthplace residence Wd//&ce Ct /&6Z. Sep/.Z2. Sep/Y./ft6.^ /AYYZj £-, />fsjJ residence /~&arYS/-- 2?¥ i B&tf.Y.AA>-Y.3yearj. Y^r/vaYe. lee/.t/c/yj/ #«-? y6 /eo*- Tat £:, Moss s /T Age ^7 birthplace residence Peat-/ S/- ZI^BaT*.// Art Sy^a/M. Y^r/isaYs. /Q S/. - 2 9^/»/- 3 years. Cq.M Y^r/roYiz. /S 6/ SYGv. /3 trans t% V. /? C Taylor yv^y-scay Age^e birthplace residence Bayt/ctt-S* /^/•Jye^j. Co O- fr/YO/e- /S6/, Afay Z4-. &/sob///ti/ Oct 'zz /&6Z. 7~4YAY£, \J0H/Sf Age IS birthplace CAarYesTo w -r-i residence 3^Yfca't Cav 3yearj Ch.Z>. /S6.+. Yh.6. /-3~ Sept 2e /G6S v£s>e AY/ 'i//£. /•3S/. May /• i/i*YyJ/./G6/ T/YtiAfAS, &t)CV//V ~ Age 24- birthplace residence // +J/h/. Jye&rJ. Co . O. Serf Y- /fl 6/. <.Yt*t,e//. i& rv-ert/is* 0 birthplace resident e //{?/»/. JyearS. CoO. /^-/f'O'/S /eCY iJun-e Y/. Jt*Yy /.YeSS T/J0AfP>SOA' y Q£GY?Q£- kV Alt 2-/ birthplace residence Yerr/n JV S~/h/. 3+«6»r4s Co./?. Y^/vaYe. /8GY. Y?p/-/Y fy J.^Yy 3/ /ec/ CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. ^| 5 IN THE ARMY I HOM&JOA/, /-/£A//?Y /^ Age /P, birthplace residence /l./Scs/g/*. 4/ '<$/*/. 9+xoHtAs Co- £7. /=J-/i^/S /B6Z. Oc/S 63 ~HO/>-f/*JOA/, /SAAC Age 3^' birth place residence Coo/f ^/ ' S?/»f. 9-moHr/s Ch. O. /^r/y&re. '3 62. Sep/. / 9 J-OsV »/>?// *rj Co./. /^r/v&re. /862. i/t^/y /9 frj»s /Z K /j>. a. /Jccj. /. /$6J /e 63. <4uy./. rf*4k, t . Cc.C. MC>. ( //«f ~THOA?PSO/% l/Oyv/3 K/. Age 36 birthplace Wrex7te>w. l /tfeis-s residence A/3/ » J? //-/*/. Jy&rj Co. A. ^W<5>/£. /$&/. tSi*4,2 2 /?oc 9 .3./e6f- T/ZOA/^SOA^ ly/V/is/ Q Age 2 3 birthplace Bmcfo/t, /(fe. residence Bux/fey///// ?S./.+./}y/. JyccffJ. /^/rSOA/j Or/S 77 Age 3o birthplace residence W&//rer- 3~OS>6 /foB/Z/TT Age 27 birthplace residence Be/?rt6tt / & 59'^/?i/.3y<=& / s. Cb-B. fr/vste. /8 64 U&m.S. 7r&fts.fi S/- /»/■ i/ccns/. se4J~ /S6S.-3. i/c~TO//f S/IAfU£-£ O. Age 3/ birthplace residence A/a/rf J<*" /Z^/*/-3y£>&yj. CoG. ^r/isa/e. /8 6/. *e. 26. tra*J /o V./7C. /e6./6./e6+ T/ZO/W/^JO/V, H///.L/A/*/ Age 2o birthplace residence f/oyey CV- SStr/yt / jyg»//'//iV//? \A/- Age Z4- birthplace residence Z ///# //ov./6./e6^ T/S /3£r~r~s, Jaa/£S ty Age 3/ birthplace residence Z 2 ^/n / 3yev>rj Co. 4- /*>-/*&/&. /863. &r/ra/<°. 18 6Z. /?u.f $ dene. S. /(?6S T/&B/7 7" T3, W/LZ/AAf A/. Age Z.3 birthplace Q3K/»er 4fe residence M/ast/Hf/e* S/- 2/SS/i/ji'rfe /»/ Co. C. B-,is<&& /86Z. Sep? /o Any 2S./S63 T//0£T^V, l/ r. f/reSA/Al/ Z 7 Age 2* birthplace residence Sa/etrtM// C/ 8rf£&rf. 6~»to*rAs Corpora/ 186 Z. duffeZ A/ov-29 /66Z ~7~/£_£J£:A/, iJOHA/ (p. Age 2 2 birthplace C/i3r/es/oys/t- residenceSa/ent ///}/ Gt 4S*/tff- 9 wo* f As Co£r. /*r/vafe /Q 62. Sep /. 26. Ju/y /. /S 63 ~T/W/A/t?ZirS Q. Age '9 birthplace residence ^.yK^/ft/. J-»*Ofrt/s Ch-£. Pr/raZe. /$S2. Sep/- 22. Sept-/- '£63 T/Tt/S, £>/)*//£/. /? Age '9 birthplace H/- Ca>n6n'c/oe. residence Setts' J "'*~ S^'m/. ?fftcit//s Go.fi/. Pr/wa/s. /66Z.Sep/./6. du/yZ.//)63 xit* Vfratrs>e/r<='. />/. Serf * je64-. Dec. J/. C c . /T Sep/. 2Q /C6S~ Tt-rc/s, f?f/)A//r/. /// /)■ Age 2 s~ birthplace W<3/CG-/r~\/-/. residence Pa/ty JV- 47 1* /„/. v. Syea /-j- Co.B. Cc.fp. /66/- S&p/. /Z Sery/- Oc/.2+./e64- iSbJ i/c/tre //. Prisorte/- "Too/?, //£/vP Y Age 23~ birthplace residenccWaSfaif/o/f St- 36&/ff/-3yearS. Cc-B- Corpora/ /86Z. ?9y6- /S64- '/b/.AfA/Vj/t'O/f^CE 'n/'Goc/<5yj, CeD. Private I P, 64-- arJ. Co/. SeryZ- /ec/. dune.//. Apr// 6- lees' -To/?/?£Y, Q£0/?Q-£ o. Age /& birthplace residence //*/»/. J years. Co /. Private. /V6/ dutre /J. d/ecr o/ tvcvticts. Sept, //./e62 ToU/f—CLLOT, £DrV/)f?D P. Age 2? birthplace See/to" ft, Mass residence £veret/3/> 4-4±!/}f/ 9trotit4s, Co-D. Private /S6Z. Sop/. /2 dare /$. 1603 To«/£.£, James//.- Age 2, birthplace /re/a ft 4 residence Afv/>f?£> M. Age 19 birthplace residence Ccttay e 3/ ■ S^/ft/ /6GC/dyS. -yr9 Co. <7 t./o. /-r e 2/£ 6~f T/?G S/. t/f /y 3/ rf<^f -/C-/S >S ' /^J/C/S62 Aty-f // o/j-/- 9*»c/tr>tj Co r\. /=^Kfe /ft&2 3v :/2. 0/S&6i//7y //pri't 2. /f>CZ <" 1* /ffe^/ tVZr> X>>-/. ^ x/>«,/& /S6/, ■Sep*. S. /o~ re -en/,s* £>ec //-/e63 J$G3.0 Tc r -/ £, (/r-i/weis J" birthplace residence /J~i4 /K *-* . /» / CV, . / *&6Z. Ocr ZS~ Uw«>>-« « Odf.3o.fed2. , /4 'orsZC> C, Age 2.S- birthplace r7i*.pas75. />f&,r,e residence Trevor* r /v 2' birthplace residence Co ore S* Z yil/rr/. 3y<*arj. Cgpr^/^ if, 6/. /Iprt'/ '9 rej/yrre-tf i/<--/y /r-jr- &&rf,Zf rfr*. S^norrrri. j- . rrt'rerfe. ASrj /^/,*/- e /Garj; Com. S^rf* /e62Sepr>*. / J S/S Se6-26/?f3 /S$3.re6.Z6. Copts/rc. Ac/. 2* /£64- /6 <5 ■+■ MO ? r,Var^ 7716 2 Sepffo. i/c/y Z./ecS \7A V G-H/sT, Sa^U£L. 7? Age Z/ hirtliplace C/j^r/ojTHyr r c residence H&f/Srt S*- 2 n -" g&rf./Lt Ar7, 3y<=JrJ. /=„^/g 7fi 6~7. i/o>/ y 37 A'olo. '6 7$6o~ V'££-S, £~C 3 VlV/AlV, rjAAf^S 7-7- Age 2y birthplace ATsrv 'A,rrc C Cor/3 fG. JV- 3Z^/it/.3ye^yt Co 7. fr/v^fe. / (? 6 2 . Aca-j /, ti, re-en/, s* /frCt\ 2. / J J L/etAp 0ec.J4.7li6* /HC4-.Dr,'*<3fe /3 6 /, Apr, 7 /C do>/y «*/■ 7eCT- WAI7£, Cw/fT/S M- Age 22 birtliplace residence 2 "^/fep/TS <4r/. Jy<*rJ. Co. rX- 7 Pi 63 /}o?C ZS ' J 'f>03~ Wa / 7£j //s/v-v >■ Age 2 7 e /faSJe/7 37-' 2 1? ' /r'eoy ■//• 79 rf. 3yesrs Co i- ■ jfrrvafA Je-p/-3 '<* 37 • /SJff&fy-t/rtr*. Jyrsr-J. /^-'sete Co £ ■ laCl-SiorcA Ji- C,-efcj£J S ZS- ■ I tl * ri/ar/'e/i Sr 36* /it/- JyearJ Co & /''-aaS /OS 2. &<*■? J" /rsrrj.lt U S TVav^y, S/r-,i-r /fiSS; , /?7-3C7f 7 S. A :■-■ Z S : '. i t residence tfdm 37 r /rj7 1/'t ff/rtA fo Ci oro tSA- /^ASa/A./y.A^AA. 3y<=^rJ. /^iVofls. /a &/. A/ay, 2e &/s&6//,Yc/ Afa y 2-9-/e6Z. rYA/./r£/f, Ot-sveA? A/- Age 2./ birthplace residence A/ea /. e s?t*f. s6 a& birthplace residence <5o/rr&rY//Ae. r J~ ^ An / <3mOKAAs. Co. C Co rpo ra A i /A &/ A?pr/A /6. ->^C,Trr4j, G>.0. A^Sefo'A- /8GZ.Sec.2f- {aVAA-ZS. Q£OAfQ£. >S. birthplace O" Aj&a&Artf residence C4e/j*?& . AGG Z.Jep>/. 2o /Qu-y.20 AG63 WAA-SAA, AtyATTA/£:yV Age 2 7 birthplace Ar&A&nd residence Sow JV ' S^MA 9-rrrCrrrAs Co. A- Cr/.*J<*~eZ.Ae*\s/& Age 3^T birthpiace residence C*&xA5 CA ^Z^AiA •3y<=& f -,r, Ch A, A^/vgAS. /8 6z,A?l*.o:// O/sab/AiAy rt. A>r/vaA& AQGZ. rtt^-y. AS- yJepA. /6.Aerj. Co- /• Corpora/ /AG 2. Alcy. // JrjMS/o lAA? C. A/prA/ G /SGf- W/l A? A? S AA, ^MSS Age 2*~ birthplace r residence > 3 'S' /?<=

Aay A J«Ay £:A/j/-UC i* O. S. Co/?/,,/. Ate/or- tese. #?■>-,'/ '2. • . ., //.Co/, /ea: zf»rai. /j 3v*. /./.&,/. -c,/.- s w> cc*.. ec.+. durte 7,'f>6-y~ WATcTZf/-/OOJ£:, 0/Z-£S Age J«- birthplace residence L/J./rt/arr/ry. Bartof IG63' i/a n. 2.G i/aK'S'fiGe yy/iTz:/TAf/tA/j /^/vr//o/vy A- Age /« birthplace />/&-/> T£~/7 M/t /V, /vT/QA/fr O. Age /# birthplace residence />/ipc/S<;r, ZZSG4- t/u/y2o. Mor./6 /eca- rVA T/TZ/VS, QtrOZ?Q/£ & Age /e birthplace residence G/£*/?t/. /y^ar-- birthploce Scor/axc/ residence Burt/rer tf/Zttr ■St??*/?,/, Jyr&rJ. Co./X /~*r'raZG Z& 6*. Oec. 2 9 t/c/y /+. /e6J~ ^/£j3B, i/r. T/woa/aJ Age 2 J birthplace residence S9-//r/. ScyrarJ. Co rZ. /°r/y<3rf z-/.» «"*• /•i'/flejZ. // Ar/, JyttrS. Co./., /°r/'ra/lz Z862./Varc/i // /Z-re-en/ij/ /i/arcA. /3. /€64- /*/,t/, 9-monfAs Co.£. /^r-/'^ar& 'S62.0C/.8 -Sep/./ 'GG3 W^bste/?, Geo/?G£ A. Age /*>, birtliplace residence MbsA/nf Ztrt Sr S^/n/ 9nrorrn4j Co- z-Z. /"r/yaZST Z8G2.Se?>/./6. - 36ti ' /»/. 3yf<3rj. Co3. /*r/r&/&. /G62. . /)u.a. j- /rarts. 6 S6#/rr/. , Or/ J M Age /3 birthplace residence 3r/y/i/ort <*r /2>d /rr/C Jy/ x f>,/e 64-. Wert C-/Y, dOr/zy Age /« birthplace /rv/a/fcy residence 2<3& / >rA<3yearJ, Co-A. Pr/r&fe. //3 r$ /e6tr rY£~l. C/V, t/arj Co./. /'r/va/e Zf)GZ. /Ql^o.// OfSOSl/f/y £>■?<=./£ /f> 63 W£L C r/y M/, T TH£ yV Age 2 '/ birthplace /re/a^c/ residence /Tvipt-e// J"/- S^/x/- 9-m*om6Aj. Gi.A. Se>yr<. i '8 62. Sep/ 1 2 f, d^/y z /etj W£i_Cr/, /=>£- -£• ,f " Age 3/ birthplace residence J3e.s~f5*. 2.fjrt/,i/. 3ycars. C./r. rr/vare. >6G2. J«vo/ 3 fti ne-crt/,s>- i/an. / /SO- //>64:l/afi. Z. 0/<=62.i/«Zy Z6 CZ/s3 CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. *| 21 IN THE ARMY Wri z (jr Oh a f?L £V ^ d £ e 6 r/y&rt= / '3<53. S&p/.//. /k /-e-en/fjf Oec.ZX'ees /e63,2X?c 2 6 c/ej-e>?-/ecr A/axA 26.(264- WZ/./.-5, tV'1/./Afi? *. Age 2 6 birthplace residence M,rc4 *E< //&/tt/-3y*?&r i j. Co/. /Cr/fufe. /<9 67, i/ocmg. /J c//jsb//t7y £>ec.26./S6Z Wets-H, G^os? qc S Age fs birthplace residence ZJ^/h/. 'Jy&arS Pr-fra/E '862. /4u.f./Z birthplace residence Cam6rr<*?<2- /$t* /*/. jy<=3Kj. Co. ST. Sr/v&/)& >Ju/y 2 /e63 (/&ns. Cc,.S. /^s-/v&r & '863. Ju/y 26. June Z9 'e63~ W£MYSS, C/V*/?££J C Age 2-/ birthplace residence f/w ^r 5^/tfS. /ooc/ayj. Gj. o /^r/ra/e. /&6-f. Ju/y '8 /Voy /6 '864- W^A/TWO/? — /-*,/?/- 6 /vZQ & Age 33 birthplace residence /2 ™6t/. Jyearj. Co.&. /^r/r&fe /6 63. UU/y 9. fre/rts.75 3/t Jtf& residence (/n/ort -SS- /3t*#-#//rf. Co-jB. jCr/Va/z. /a 6 Z. /fu-f. /-j. Co ypc /- birthplace residence dm/is!/ J~/-- 2 9&//r/. 3ye>ar-j C ./y, ^w#^ IS 6/. /Voy. 3~ 7ra»s.fc y. /?. C. WFTM^fBFS:; tfl/rfTEo /-*" Age birthplace £>ex7&rAf& residence /fa /?f 3V- / J -Cs/. /?*/■ CcB. <°r/yar(L / a 64-. fe6 ZZ OcA ZS. re63- IA/ /-/££££: /f, Chh /?/. S^f US. Age /& birthplace residence Green S/. 47 -/?'/■ 9mc»r/i'j C . £. /^r/r^Te. 'SGZ.J&p/.ZZ Sep/-/. 'e&3 iV/-/£l ~roA/j £>A \s/C> Age 3o birthplace residence 1 ~ /Tefy'Chis, 3ye&t-j,Co,jS. Corpora / '$63. Oec. 2§ (June 2 6 ■ /£6J- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 122 Are 2 I A re 3o birthplace reside* i /3&/7t/.3y&arj. Co. 8. f^/v-a/e I 'A ^<*/y '6. Ore/. rVar Oe>p/. £>ec.//./&63 rVH/T£, t€&£AS Ace 2.7 birthplace residence Mtrvfo>t t />fass S^/h/ '-JwgvAs Co- /f. /^/-/vo/S. /OS/ ripri'/ fS> i/^A/3/./etj/ l-VH/Tc:, dn £3£AS Ae,e /e birthplace residence H//»rfirwSr 36 f ?/>t/.3yearj. C .B. P^/^ifTs. leSZ. t/u/y 24- C/'sabiHTy i/srr C- /e63 O r -^ /?tf. /OG&-/*-a/e. /f)?<3y 3. M/h/-£j £&///?*'*/ birthplace residence /osA?r CV- 47-/?r/- 9r»orrrtiJ ds. £, C or por<5>/ /eC2. ' Sap/. 22 Sep/ /. ff?63 Wh/ T£; <£"(/ 4-€'- / 'rl t - 9-rr"-inr4j /-/osp'/fe/ ^fervor** //7G2 Oec.t? Sep/3 '#G3 rV///7£> iJaS"/£S *. Are 23 birthplace <5t3tAo&/i* ct, AffCA* residence rT/'cA **«/#**& 32 *<»/>/. 3y<=9rJ. Cc- C. (/.Af. Scry-/. '6ec*rj. Sci/rC/. />fots/c/a ><■ /S 62. \j3?f 6 ty/S■ '162. rY///7£j, (JOHAS Are /9 birtliplace residence S/tcr/ J> 3-4?*//// 3ye>&rj. Co/~- Pr/v-ar*. te03. Dec/3- ^^-9 zc '" Jee A/avy /?ecorct WH/ T£. UO//AS Are -?0 birthplace residence rfe"* ^ 2 2 "■?/»/ 3 years. Co. r. /^r/r&fe /flC/. Ac*&. /0 ftil/ect QerTyj6o"y /&. Uu/y2. /&63 YV///7£:j iJoj£:P// //• Are 2±~ birth place residence BurrXerr//// J>. 4? '-/?g»t/,j Cj./C. r^r'V/sr& Ait Jy f6<5 2. Sep/. 2 2 Sep/ /, /e63 >V///t£^ A^a T/f/C/x /-/■ birthplace residence r^-m ce/r.rt *J/ ■ i^"- tf //,/Tc? / P rf/ -j-. Co-/. Corpora/ /<9 «"•*. 3a/r. £To/eO, We/c/err. f./? fa. fioif. Z.'ZC*- W/z/rej Ay'o/ r C/S /*■ Are 2 2. birthplace residcncc/Junfer #/'// Sf- //&/»/. Jye&rj. Co. /. /-fJerf /■ /<3 S /. i/o,rre /3. 2 *& I / ThOMAS Ace3^>~ birthplace residence Peco/vr- J> 2 *-? /3orr.Z./Ar/. 3ye?<3nJ. /?/■/ ran?- IBS 2. Sep / /0. #"-9 '*■ '«■&*■ yi>/// T/Hj rV/J././AA'/ // ■ Age -38 birthplace residence //a/ ff /3sj ,■ fv•/ v &T&. /<=■ €2. Ze A /J" Slpr// 'r-s. C S f>riv&/e. /aS 2 Jufte 2o Ore/ War Oe-p-f. /'fr>y29//>CS r V/-//T//vC,/-//rfYfTY L Atf 2t> birthplace residence ZD. 2/J /?- *> M "?C7 Wr// TA/C Y, Or/A/71 ITS /? Are 2 2 birthplace ■• S/7& /3 62 rtc».y-.2S A/ay 2S ' ">rV//V S7 Are '5 birthplace S^'/h/ 9+*ior<-rfs Co //. /=>r-/ ?r?7c~=l '€62. Sep/ /6 O/03 M;rvAerrt/VC.fetK3 /?63 W///TA/£Y, Aff.J£S 23- birthplace residencBu "*er H// s» J^/r,/. u-r,c/^yj C<, D rr/v&/e I&64 >.'Cs/y '# A//.V./6 '-C^ CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. |23' IN THE ARMY W/// ro a/, Joseph //■ Age '# bitihplace C/a r/es/oA/rt residence &re w0 >t7£j, Co.£>.3~er?A /&62 Sep/./ 9 J/s&b'/i'/y Ae6.37/<363 WH (16 L£ )', &£:aa*/S Age Z ■? birthplace residence Ca»a/ 0a?rA /6^hi/- 3years. Co. A. Pr/'tsa/e, 186/. d<*/y 2. c/isob/7/ry Oc/.zo./aGi. \A/ '// O O L £T y, J^A^£yS birthplace Age 2o residence 3o^/>l/- Jyearj; Co. AT. r^r/'if&m - 'S 6/ Oc/.Zy. A/or >c /(?<;<* W/DG6ZAJ, C/-//)/?l£S C Age 33 birthplace residence 4 '7 -fa/. 9**oxrts Co. £. Pr/ra/e. IS6Z. Jepr-22. Sep//'663 W /£/_£>, Jomaa A £ e 3/ birthplace Fre^ericAsn AA&. residence 2*—&a/r. It. Art" ■ 3ye3rS. Pr/vafe. /S<$/.3^/-y 3/ /Qc^y./6./a64- vV/qq/A/, Jacob Age /a birthplace rrantr/irt-./ifass residence /J^OnaTfacAetf Co./rA?£-J ■£"• Age 2 7 birthplace residence a/& 18 64-, r9u.y. 3~ >■/■ 3yearJ. Prrvare. /S62.3ep/// /s re-en/Zj/- dart.3 /e6a- /fi64- Jarr-4- Merc/i /6. /S63~ rV//p^A?, £-/?Aa/c/j> yV- Age Z 9 birthplace residence Prosp ec/^SA- 4-3-^VhS. 9^6a- rV/L£yj /S/TA/i/AIA't/'V - 37-/71/. fooc/aya. Co A/ . Corpora' 16 64-. 3<*>Ay /4 yUr '6 'ft„*/;-! Co./-. A=r /,Ail/£A. A- Age £ ft biiHipttux residence Gr&e n S+- ■ W/AL/aai or, /a/tT/as A-A- Age 3 f, birthplace residence C/ie /sea S/- 36^/m/- 3yea/-3. Cr.^B. J*ri\sar& J2*l* /nr" 3ye?orj. Co A. A^r/rdAe. /8S2. Au.f.4- i/u«e« 7«^i" 186!-- rlo*.t} . AA. /£ re-en A,jf- Jan.* /6 64- birthplace residence SA*A„/. 3r~onrAj Co C. /=>/*•arJ. Cc./f. ^-d-ife l J - ' ATefA AA Art. Jye*'-> Co- A. /*r,v*Ai. /55/.^2« transit V. /7- C. ie6j.M,*ie c . a /)iA.f /6./P.6S- W/A/ CC/T~, rrir&fe. / - A* / 3y*?ars. Co. £. /=>•/• 'i^/fe /S6K Oec. y Oui>6i/t'T t y A/o\/- / re,62- /eS2.. 3epA-/6 ■ t/o/y 2./S63 W/2.//AAfJj ~T/*r/»fA 3 Age 2 4- W/A LEY, /0?^/v/f tv. Age 2 4- birthplace residence £"yere /A- J~/ ZZ^/mA- 3years. Co B. Pr, ra n. ACC/. Sep*. 3. Sep/ 2. /eCf- birthplace residence S '— /?'/■ JtMonrAj. Co. C. Pr/t/at^. If}<3/. Apr!/ /9 Prire/e. Wli-LIA/<13. A>.B£:i? 7 Age ■*«? birthplace residence n/s/n ^66Z. ^Sepf/6 rV/Lt/A/rlSj Tr/O/rf^s A~. Age 2 J birthplace J9os/Z,i. Z""-",Te?'> /-//?r/. Co.B. Scor lfi,63. do>Ay 26 Co. C JepA.3. /aC3~ W/LL/AA1J; tf£r,/(G£: /T, Age 3$ birthplace residence OieAsea J'/- residence Ufr/On 3/ '^//i/. Jyearj. Co C. frtr&te, /■S63. f4pr,7 A. A/ay 2 y : /e C3~ W////*iAf so/v, QfO'fffC Age 33 birthplace A7arsAAc/a: Afjjj / J -*/r'efS-Cav.3y<=.&rJ. Corpora/ Cc-C /&&/, S&p/. // /o re-cmA/j/- AfarcAjo 'fiGf- residence 3o /cy 3t. 5'^ /rr/. 9rrrOKc4j Co. r Sera A /S Gf-. AfarcA 3/ Ssry/- l^'re^fy«J" AS 62.. Sop/./ 3„/ y z , , €6J W/AA/AA4 3, (/^Af£r3 A. Age 32 IAA/1//3, rV/AA./AAl A~. Age 2/, birthplace A&m 6 ro/rr,ra/e. /r/. 3y far J. Co. *■ Sera / . /es/, AlAc* S" Ar, re-er,A,sr Jarr. 2. //iiy / r eo.y / ^6J ($/£AArr/. /y<=ar Co. 3. A*r/*are birthplace residence Z ■"-?/?- MonrAj. Co B. friars. fS62- AAov.2 6. Sep/ /./a 6 3 biriliplace residence A/vt6./ec+- CHARLESTOWN SHEET NO. 1 25 IN THE ARMY W/ZSOA/j Q£G/?G~£ £~.; Age 2 2. birthplace , >■' ' residence Calm rn is 2-"^/?e 9 y- Cav. Co. f7 .'?.ZZ C//S<36/Ytty /fereA.4- /#63 tY//.so/Y> Ugh" Age 23 birthplace residence 32 *— fa/. 3yearj. Cr,. £. Priiia/e. 13 63. du/y 2 7 (/" we 2 9 //> 63~ W//.3G/V, 2 1 *- do ha/ Age *3 birthplace /J^/r*va1Z. /8 €2. Sep*. 26. do,/y 7 /« 63 W/A/~£/?S, . /t>s S~ W//V7£/rS, /f/CHffr-O />/■ Age 2/ birthplace residence $/* /n/. 9morcrAj C . o. Pri'van*. /f}62. OC/./+. dc*/ y 2./CG3 W/3£/V£/f, JAM £3 Age 2 6 birthplace residence 8"B&t/. It./lrf. GmorxtAj Pr/vs/a /862. do,fre. f. iYo r- 2 f. /eez- dame J tV/Jrer Jee /Vsvy /record rY/TH£/TZfZZj /Tz/SHA Z3 . Age /S birthplace residence £/?« ^ /ft/. 3yearxX, Co- H. /^rt'r&fe. A96Y. Z2ec. /9 Dec. Jo. /eG4- tyOGO BU/?y, //£/V/?Y W. Age 21 birthplace residence /-/' • /-'Afe/'rre- C=>v. Co & ■ Pr/rafc. /es/, Sep/ 3 /yZr-7/e. Pri vo *&. /8G-* , du/y 2/ .4W. Jo /«fe. residence fifay/6cro. tifsjj S&'nS. 9-rrt0rx*/(j. /fa/Or* /1>6Z. Octe J^/yZ. '£63 S~/^ /nf- tooat^y^ /.*. Cg/gtis/ 'e6+-dc*/ y 2Q /Vov./6./e6+ \A/ O f?TH A rv, /-//) Rvey ff- Age 26 birthplace residence £"ver&st st- S^/rt/- 3-r*t«*t4j Ca.C. /^/K^/fe. 1 9Gt April t? Ji^/./3/./eG/ 3 2 "*•/*/■ 3ye*rv. Cc./. /"riva/m. /3G2. <4<*-f.// fy re-en/ij-t i/a h ■■*■. /e6#- tQG+.t/artS; dc*ne Zf./eiSS- WOT-TOty £S£/?A/<*rr'0 Age 2 6 birthplace residence Boj/ok S^/?t/. 3 no*/* J. C .C. /=Wd»fe /««■/. Hpri/ /6 dt*./y 3/. tec/ /eS/. du/y AS woair-Jecf at &<*// /?Un ite /fe/UrneJ A/ £n 9 /s^raf , Z/eu *_ /fGyatAtavy vY/7/(jH7~, S^AfJAMt" /*7 Age 2+ birthplace residence So/eu *?/- ///? /n/. 3ye>ars. C&p/aiTi- /fi€/, t/urre /J r-ej/prred /Vc y 2 /} . //6i'ok <£> • / r,v<)fe. /86Z. Af&rcA,Ze ?Fans1 Je*/,./ r^6 ze /-3G4- 6 "t£ /nS S yeJrJ. Ct..tt. fr/rate. Ys /vote y t l/c-,s£:pm e. Age zz. I&G4-, Teb.ZS /i<^ 9 ./j-/*C + birthplace residence & ojAn W/?/G//T> ifwvS C. Age Zy S^/fi/. 3thohcAs Co C. /*r/v4/e. birthplace /8G/. Apf'/ '9 t/Wy J' ZG6/ residence /O^&drtf,/-/ Art. 3ye*rj. fr/r^fii YOVA/G; C/V>/7££-3 Age Zy /GG<*. tSart.S" c/orte 9. /e6S~ birthplace residence WfffQtfT, S/)M(/£L A. Age ZS birthplace //r^/-r,/, 3„f,&rj. CoO. /*r/r0/e. /f)G4. /e6./S i/kw <9 /C6J~ . residence 7w //-s JV ■ Yoo/Vq, Eoui/AfTO 1*/ Age 2. J S^//r/-3-^ont/(s Cfl./f. Serf/- birthplace /3*/* on. /8G2./V*sse//s/ See Afe "y Zf^< v<* •S-/xS. /oocf&ys. Co. 0. /^r/r&fe YovA/g. /Tree MS. Age zee*. fartfre&/ Can- 2/ M<3/y/s. /*/• Ca. A. Sery/ /8G2. SepS/O A^f-2S'fi63 residence Coot JV ■ 5^Afe/'rfo/»/. Co -C. Frt'iratb fQ €■*. /Vo v- 2 2.. d^/y '3. zees' yYyA/4/'/ 2Z 0/s<3&//,iy Oec./ /eG2- See /r"<3vy /fecora rVyAf/)A/, / r ff£0£ff/C/< Age 20 birthplace residence Urt(on St- li-'/x/- 3 y pars. Co/-/. /*r/vafe. /ee/.Jep/.s- /i/ayzs-./est- . X 2 Z/AfMCfAlfSj (JGHAS A Age 4-G birthplace residence 24 & /**S. 3 years. &&H<* /e?G/. Gcf.ro Order. rVor Oepf. A<*.f.Ja-'4«Z- Zo/./.e:/?, Qeo/rcfc H. Age 2.1 birthplace residence S'f/f/Jn.oH^s. Co C. fr/v**. /S SA Apr// '$ . t/c / y s/. Sff6? /-'/fe/V Car. Jy&rS. CaC. /^ri**/*. /HG/. Oct. S" Cft ja Sr/t ?y Oec. 22 .'6f _ NAVY CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. \ ABRAM5; O/S^IRLCS <3. Age ZS j birthplace /V&nta.cfet A/-3 J J residence 2/ ffUjj^//, Sr. / ^<3 /^1-n-r.y Sfis-ccrc/ A H £ f? A// A// C /-/ A £ L_ Age Z/ birthplace CA<3 r/e jA»Vrt residence /&G4-. cSep'r 1 J. /-C/^>js /~~/ r<3 m & /-u iA< «-e /6_r served on £3 A T - JA/V T~/A Q O C>s Cc/5 4 £)/ScA<9 rf<=cf c9J Af/c//-3e/ O ,J //e- e cc,r Z~Z? /v? C A/ Z3 C. Age Z6 birthplace ( rOG/r//e/c/ Afe. residence /8 62.,/ r ^6.6. /tc7,ny Afsjferj <*fa/e. *<^y. e /rc^=! /r,r- y£~\srL, S~e 6. ZS~ '£64- scrved on lA/^J T£r/?A/ r\/G T ' O — ~<^/l Z erf Al/_£t/Vs /j a & ^->~ birthplace jSosrZrx. residence /f)Cd<* /Ipri'/ '<> 'f?6<$ served on Gt-//c-C?Fr?/^/?C>- £>c, r^ A'AicD^rY, Geo /?ra'/ t/^/y o" /«? 64- senxdon O*S/0-\ r^^rVO £• 4 . birtliplaec C/,ar/ejfo w r*. residence ^Sc-s/S/r. /e.04-. Jarc.ZS '/Tanct-irrran ^6 9 ' £ 6 (, zcrvedon 0>-"0- Oscr-O^*- CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 2 birthplace C/idr-Zej fa i"sk. residence C/> & r /cs fcTis-y 7 -i. terved on 0/^ 1 o — /? /=»£• —£:/=( ■ ! P _? t-tY residence 9 /Z ./ 864- sencdon OwG- ^/f/PCfO/ 7"-^» — C~£Tf?£TS /9/S/OffCWJ, W/t{_ — £T/?5 A i e 22 birthplace CAcJ 7-/&jfc,t*s t-l residence sencd on O // / O - WfLe./A/*7 J3-4 0Q£T.^> /J/=?AfS T/? O SVQ, W/s_£/^ M Af. Agt Z8 birthplace residence •//>/ Wl Z- /.j l/o /V as A £ e 2. S' birthplace CA&r/e j Town, residence 4- y 7-r 71^ /tSl$ 7t - »/«?• A' .£" Y /J/j-e><* SA- S<36/ Ylpr, '/ /O /^C/^jj /7/-ew^--v ^»e76 //=/ — /. AiCrXAl \as A A/ AS A sloTY, CmAtt-LEJ /-/■ Agt 2./' birthplace jSojfon residence 4- /Ivor*, f/. /&6 2 *%6 6 Coe> /}rrrty /re?cr. 1 ^a SACCj/V, rV,l.l_,,A ■* '?6->~ don f~i.A C, — /^/rt'^Cc' —c/v BAntZSf, tfAf?TlrVe-£.L. A e z * birthplace v£: Lt _ r. Age zo birthplace residence /-/«3 «■ c <% c A" JV. served or Co ha SJ£T T — l/4f*o£rf?j3/CT — J>/?-«/v rva,- <*■ jy, xrved on /f £*.'/>/£ B£ C -Oh ,c &A Fft\ EL /?, T/-V OMA S Age J J birthplace /j-e/s, t (j residence 3cw J*- served on Ot-i/o- SV i a q a H A -/vo/pr/v Co a? ci i. i a, a EJAKt/AFtO, GCO A? Q t- A. A ge J9 birthplace residence l>o '8 64, /ff&y Z/ /?cn'rty J'* rtsjr'.S'riji *■&?>- /]l*.Q, /$ /'fy Ocr'Z.O. /S6J served on O///0 - tyAffBLerfZ* O - A'a/r rt/ C# A?Gi- r/\'SI £}4/?A?Y, OCTA^(/S/=f Age Z6 birthplace C/(a?-/ej7Sii-,a 7i- Afay z? 'S6S served on Om'O- C//7 CA 5J/A A/ Jee Al-ri*y /f&CCI-d BASSCTT, Ca/ A *?/.£: S Age J/ birthplace C/?<9 r-/ej/a *v/<- residence ^3<,ston. /36/. //ov Jo Ore/. J'ejwaw- OrJabr/iVy f^6.f£ /£6>- scrved on Ar'o/fTff C* ffot-Z/v^i — /^/rr/Vi//? BATCJ, -■ i/gh a/ A thplace res-ilence C^eA« J - / /S6Z. March 'S Aj*s'+ Pay A?&jfer-. P>d>v fif aster-- *far-eri + '€Cy sened on OrS'O - Pc.j Alctinj Msis-fei- */ov /4- /S6i- sened on £3/ £AV\AS£i- 1~ — Jcj/^A^TSA?- Arc AiAATAi- AtS)Bsi"AAl BAOMAM> l/c, At as />/ U S Af&r/rie. Cc,!-^>s A S e b -<* SA l£6Z- ' C e6/J £<2rt4J «a«^ */&y *. /£ 6 i~ sened on G*"A, - fTA TAa/O'as — 73 'tATA/is/ /.£.£: £3 A C/-T Yj /~~at£0£A? t CAr f 7 Age b it' f '. •• residence '€62 *fey '? /?cA'«o /^asfer-, AJcrcrty Sr,/.7/ei*A, /'ej 9 '8 6 9 sened on S. C*> a? a, a / a/ 4 _ C'clc&sjdo -Ca)/A4A.'Oa i Qi/1- <7-''A2->~ /-/ JV /S6S i/une. y. Su.rcx3<-,*'j £ fiesta i-4 J-c /^ix^ Z /8 6 Z- C^O'VA/CC TfCC T- AbAfT At C?*i *>r.£t/YA BcZAtAS, 2ZACAAAA?/ AAA Age 4-fi. birthplace A7<3r?rc> rt fence s/e&Sj zStecAf ,/'fy ' Ay, r ,/ Zf}i£:s S. Age 3jt birthplace residence /e6Z, i/a,*,. 2J. ficftMJ Afasfei-j A/ate. — /rfdfe Au-f Z-. > £(,$ served on OtS/O - /?/? TtVV /? - A ROO J TOOT- ^w^'^v BELMAW, fflsWC/ -t C Age -4-3 birthplace C/rg yfe.j fciv>t residence ^UK/fef-////^ served on Owo - £3t7GGfrL y /v - CsJJCO- AS/f/JGA/ /3£A/A/£:7T, iJ^COS ~ Age z 2 birthplace /r&/&n - (pearfc £. Af c /?tft'r-e birthplace residence scrvedon O/Y/G- Ql/AK£*?. O^ - /3f?AZ/L / /*r/fV» S/QELOW, /?£.B£/?-T S; Age /3 birthplace C/rar/ej fa, w f. residence /g6z /?<^ / /a>rrfj«fj«, o-etfeaj-ear A/arc/i y. '£63 served on 6/S/O - /~A f? & /I is yfeof- Z6. /& h t/r rr, p .St /e6#. •Jan./Z Ac/irtj 4js'/. Engineer* /Vcy.Jo /A64- servedon Otf/G - /1^-?C/ J J (/J - *Tt/GOt? /ji-5/va Slack; i/c/v/v Age jo birthplace residence GAe/sea *~ served on C) H / O CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. Blake, Thomas birthplace >V/jc<3jSg/ Af<-, /<3 6Z. dart./. iSe-arrr& 7-i- servedon Ou/<7 — //W(fr^fay,r-C, / /}cf/'rxj} A/as-ferij A/^/e., £~/rstf rt, £ LLC AY — >///?<£/ A// ,4 served on 3/7ACKETT, <7£TO*<7£: & birthplace residence /Q62. Fe. b. /O. Y=>a.y Afasfesr'j S/ervard sened on Cr/O C O /=? A — O H I O Age AYav 3 //?6J~ Age 2 2. v$V?-e m a t-u /7c*.G ss £ £ *S G/\/ £3 RADRCRD, Jew 0- Agt birthplace D^/sw are, residence R's r-i/ard <5S- f & ■4-3' /rfarch, /<* A^otr-s&r- Ray O/ rectory Ray/TfajAsrdyerterCLA £e6. Z-2,.tey7 I3RADY, WfLL/AA-f Age 2-t birthplace /Yerv Jersey residence R'rt'rtCetZrc <-5> /■S6J. Jan. 6 Ore/. o~<=arrra at> J^n 7. /)/?G/-/'V A BRIBES, r~yT>A,VC/S Age 2-/ birthplace Scotland residence I&6J, E/otfur»ent S-t- fGSS.Feb.y L&rrcijrrrarT^ /9fHt 7 ■ /S67 served on O/-HO- Ofi/rVA tf O- A/o/fTrf C* tfO/- ttvA EtRoyv/s/j A 'z rr e. o J3 Age za birthplace C/t dr/eS/Zi/vri residence /IfatrX /5^, i/ti^e 5 Oyd.Seaman/ cf/sabi/ity J&p't. 37 '<$6S~ served on Oh/O- yz/pAfOfST— Co*r*tODG/?E M c OGA'Gl/ Q H ■S«e rtrrx y /Jbcorri BrrotvAf, fluCft/sTi/j rV- Age / - 9 birthplace C~A <3 r/e.J /G rv r*. residence si/a/tf •SS- served on OWO ~ M//VCA'5/)CA- 3 /row/; Chaki-jes Age zS birthplace B<>/b»tOrG,/Vo- residence )Ve6j7er-S*. /S6i-.r^6./. Ceafc //u$. IS. '#63 served m OtftQ- /f/A/£T - //o/rr// ClfGi- >*sa BH'GK'/y, /Dasv/FI- Age 2 1 birthplace £3<9/7T?frOHe, / Af / <9 63. Ay*&rc/i, t 6 I a rrc/j nt a Tt* /9p r >'/ i-G /S63 served on (?/// O BfitOkVsVj IA///././AA-7 Age 23 birthplace PrusJ/3 residence 1 8 64-. J^/y 2f lands-nan, - (j.AfaJtvr- Sep'f- /8./e&7 servedon Q /-/ /o- /-/OA/ OO A?A J " — Ja tS/*A/Af/4 H St+J>jry't'c<-r i e. Sor fibrarrt £. CclTTsJ- BrfYAS/T, UoHA' Age 2/ birthplace Afi/fon,AfajS residence /66+, -Se-p't 3 Ytsorrtan, i/oiA, S / />t-ft r./ S?<=c-Gn* lB/?Y4HTy W/£.£./AAf Age 2-t,orrr Sfetvar-4 Ocr'/f/Ge*- servedon O/V/O - Age /s birthplace Soj/otl. residence /-%» •/ \S~r>. ffl 6 S A%6 , Z * /Jn^ft*"- S?C-f. /4 'e6G sereedon O/// O - WAC.H '862 J^./y Zi. / J -'C/ajj Boy / a". rVQLTe:/? At* 2.0 birthplace Cher '/ejfciZvjx residence /3 6 3. Ourre 2 6 larr ?<- ^f. 6. '&6J> '■&-c residence A/ecAsii /'e *0v. SQ6J SepK4. L arret* ma ri^ Afar. A't— £>. Age jz*-. birthplace tSo/rrrej a/o/s. residence tf}6/ <4pr// /J Je?arrra7-i-, Acjrhf A/asAer-Afc/i.. /?<:/. tTrrJ/^n. Oct.4-./e66 served on Qr//o — Afr/VAts-SG ~ 4 , -<2c,n#JJ*r rr. /?o P SvrtLtA'CiAAie, Ca/aa?££j w A s e Z + birthplace tcnc/c.naar'-y '* rA residence j9g*v ~SA sercedon Cr//C- /}/?/££ SiJffA/£-77, t/. Ot./*£/? A & birthplace residence ^r/ mc~ servedon 0/-/( O - YE &7 MCi/V T - A^/Sl W AW/9 /*> PJ H I r? S /j- birthplace <$Crrc/ residence scnedon OhiQ- M £ /v R V dAftltOS vj"t-c6 jfiVi^/iS. for Seri/./, /^/sAs. birthplace residence Corey oTC>s/, M>f~0*r~'& Age 2£- birlhplace Aft /t" an V& ■ residence 'f}64. Jt^/y Zo Orcf.S&3rMar-l, /Ifay <*■. ' ff!6Z *A*ne 9 f "*-' C/<3 s J /7/T? w-«- <-/k rrs <* AS 6 J~ sened on Qt/H/- ~rGC}A<- Boxt7*>- TrT/sr^F^AfSr/AA/oy ■S&^ Army ^cc/-rf Borrj, W/LLtA/\1 O. Age birthplace residence Corrcoi-d rrto. /<» 6 S~ served on '&*//<,J- iervedon Ou/G- U/tMSPC /., AJOPAVfi Y S. Age birthplace Derry, A //■ residence Tty/fs St ■ /f)G/. iQoc 9 . Zf Quarter /faster Po<.q. /d' /es3 served on £>// /o - /fr///9/V /4(.C£/\/ See rfrHi birthplace St. /£64- scrvedon Oh/O - Sa/V /(?& Vo t-d j-+ IGG/. Sept, /3 L 3 rt dj r*r a n, /Vcv'?/e6Z. servedon O/-J/0- IY- Q A tVDS/fS GAA- P/f/ /VC/T r O A/ CaPROCL, BtZP/fA fi D Age birthplace /re/& kg/ residence Afari&n St- '(•6/. Dec. /S Oca / peaver O ec i 3 r/e J tf wrc residence IfiGZ Feb <5 / s -C/ 9 js Firemsns '~ ,.' oh Oh/o - Pen oe J cor- Sa vah/va h \ee 2 J Ca r i/£/v> Oh R t s ro P h c r c birthplace /<3G2. D served on Sea m <5> C(//?Z£k/ - Oh i O Jc/e-y ***- Oct Age z t%6Z*i Age / 3~ Ca s S 1 DY, Joj£PH A- birthplace Po y b c*try residence I&6Z March IX / J -C/ajj Fireman* /KfareM served on Ohio- Mara taivzA- CgivJ-ellati o*v -A^rVsc/yo ■ige 2- 1 IC. ISGS /V4> Ca 7£, £~DrV//v O birthplace Afecttvay./Vaj-i served on Ord. Seaman. Ohio- Cgl 0/7^ D — Age 2./ residence /Vz/j/Sn j + June Jc ieC2. P*R EBLeZ Je>e Army l?ecc.rxj O? T £, *JOHfS i- birthplace C/rdr/es/Zwrt* iP,6-f Feds served on Pay Masters Cie Ohio - Sa co IA/ residence -/r ySa fe rti St- Se-p't Jo Age 2 2 IUGS Apt 4-0 Chase, Samo £ l w- birthplace A/. Yarmouth Me. residence /SJ/) CH(S SC T T J C/L/)PP>, St£1A>H eZ AS /3 • Age ZZ birthplace DcrcAesfer-; /ifavss residence /ft s z. /?c* r /#-. Lands. nan, Ao>.^/y/eS2. servedon Oh/O- Boston AtAvy Y/> if o — Potomac t~7ofi//a CLARtZY, L/AAfeVS Age ZS birthplace /refartd residence Corey JV- '86/ Jepri/ Co a/ Heaver- Jept./C /e6i- servedon Ohio- CuftL£ rv - POTOSifSKA - Prf/IVCe TC/s/ Clarke, hz/vpy a? zt birthplace Byidyerval&r; AfajJ residence Iti6/. f- 17 /ffCJ servedon A/ Y A/AV Y Y/i ft D - WATER IA/itCH- ^Rt/VCRTOA/ Cl i eroro, Ooha/ o. p, \ ge ze birthplace /flH /B6Z Ru.y.2_a Jeamans Jepf 3/863 served on Q /-/ / o - f?H OOE /J / A a/ O, COADY, Dav/O Age /8 birthplace Rr/rece Sc/kv^rc/ /s/& na residence o~/ /I/gk//t,/x. JV, serxd °» Ohio — as a r r a qA as set ~r Coc h r a a/, James Age £2- birthplace /?, Gz. Jan Z$ Sea T> a rts Ma^ci, S 't! 6 3 served on Oh'6- )/ER/>7 OA/T ' — Rr/A/ C£TOAS CoER/ZV, SeSA Age 18 birthplace M/a/dc 6(,rc, Afe. residence /(}G3. Sept-, m Lc>*di ma 1^ Sept. ZZ./e? Srf" servedon Gh/O- Sa/3//vE - /V/a$a/? a COER/A/, yV/LL/AAf H- Age 2/ birthplace PC rfs rn c ex r/t , A/- H residence Deca7o< r- '■ C. - BRI LL/a/vT - Clara OcLSOA/ CoLE.Tr/O/VfAsA/. A^ Si. birthplace CAa r/ej/c/c ,J C. residence /<5 Sean/a/*, O/iabi/i/y March S /e6 • /fiG3. Jc/y 2 S> RcT/?«? jt* /7sj/'s7a*f Ei/f/Wee-r^ — Z^A/JS/, /Jec. /■ /S - BRAT.I/-E Rl A COL TOW, UbSERR Age 3o birthplace Ife/OT/d residence ISei.Oec./6 Ord Seaward A/or. 25 /eet. served on O/S/Q- Hu/fCA/ . __ CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 14* Co A/ At NT, W/LL/AA1 //- Age/6 birthplace A/cw i3ect/i.rd,Afajs residence Ifj6i. Sep/ 2fi- /?<3y A/asterS C/er-Sc A/arcA. 4- /H6 s unedon Oh/o - Co r?L£ yv- f?c/./£~r- VALPaiiiso Coa/IA/V, OrV£-/v Age J 2- birth place Ire /and residence 1(1 6Z. / r e6./ 2~- a C/ass r,r-er>ran. let, Z7 iffOs' stned n OhiO- A?i?OOS TOOrf- J/, vHtv/v/t n-ro/T T /rfoifyAA/ " l y 'HCI l9c*4 IZ 7andJ*r,an, /y dy , /afj4 . served on Ohio - £>£a/sa coy. a - Pa? /a/ C£ tosv Co/VAsOTJ, F/?AtA/ClJ Age 4 4- birthplace 're/*,, a residence if}CZ dan 7 Sec/*, arts re/3.7 / 7 L Y - iYciTTh Crr/rotr** .lee A r-ftr ~, ATecor-e* birthplace Jc Are? ^ residence _ /#$*■ rlu-o 2 urvedon OhiO- B 4 T - Saiv T I At go Oe CisSA Co/=t 0£TT, AT Coy, />/AA7TA /V Age Z.) birthplace /r - At A HA S n4 - £s TAf £LLA -/If* ffS ^Su6 st/'/i,Ae. /; r dcHAs Q. OoiA.br'eday CoYL£:, birthplace /re/&?rcA residence 'S6ZA-e6.AA A s dO&ss ^Boy Se6./o/#63 served on CD/-/ / O CsfAAf, l/TAfOSC &. Age 23 birthplace f~r&/9f/M<36e>m ,A/&S -5 resideme '8 63 . Js/jA / 2 JeaArraru du /y +■ AG6+ served on O/A to- BAT/ 7 AAA AS A A — £?£: A. £A S Az Cava rry, At a ca-aa at a. Age z J " birthplace /reAarrd residence )Yarr<>r, /7-e. K>,6 3.Afayr6 Z^-CAasJ S~, re ?-n a ™ Atfay AS-..AG6*- servedon On/o — Ca/hb ffr o /?>■// fo. //> 6i servedon O/z/o — Af//\AAsese,T -4 /A' —Cstor St"?z t/v v Crosby, Thomas Age/? birthplace /Yett/porf. /r '• / residence iJo/'??&rM 3n* t/i^/y 26 /•? 6 S~ servedon G///0- fAyvAA£~£z CATOI'i/e/.iL, /SA/AAW Age ZS- birthplace CZ/dj-fes/oixs «/ residence 'Sf>/ />p r// / 9 J~a // Af&A-er'j A/ate. servedon Oss/O- Af/urveso TA - ~ r 7 /.ou/ J — //TO q , W/i.t./AAf // Age birthplace residence CAesfrrt*^- iT//) ff 3 £ £1 A/ £T A £> CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 16 c C/7dHej7?,yvrt- ' idenei /f}62. ""a/r 2-/ C~o&/ /Sear~ Ct/ect /}iA- 9 /{, /£6 2- served en O/V/C/ - /V>? f?Q t. £/-/ £~A O - ^4 —*+/£>/*/ Cu LL £A/Jj o/rTJ m out /-/ \ge i./ Age 24- Dec. €. /.?«J C ly £ / / s, dt- £/¥£ O Ihplace O' Bas-frm. • don Cm/o- Ph/L residen c /tO£i. PM/A — fA?fAfC£T<" Age 22 Age 2 2. :.<■ C/>e>-/s jftrvrt. residi IS 6-a , A/or- ZS O >■<* . Se& m a rts &e~rer7es/c~ AfoA/r/^uK J~o< /£> J" /?'7t« fe. /Or- S&rm*.e/ S~m/*4. Ct/ A//V//1/ /o Seanai-u A/ay&y master dferterc*/ Age Cv — T£/7re rr /'//&., Alas S /$$.?■. Afe>/-c*u // served on (^p/Afw/-^ !■ idence Age / 4- f-ii C/asj /3o> Oct- 'j /sfSTtTt&- Covp-S* residence OMt S CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 1 7 DAlcY, /? V C Ay A A? O A3, Age2z birthplace AV* o ?< / P/ Id €J i/c/y /4- OrO. Se&rrran, i/c*V x 7 '4-. i/atx. A larrc/j ma- 7-tx , A Jf CAass Afus'/c/an. A~Z>A>.3~~/e6 6 served on O/-/1 o Da\a/J, lAA/ZAAAAy Age O birthplace AAe*^ A o one/ As ?r' A na?<. Afay // / ATA/? SO A? AS, dOHAV Q. Age 2 8 birthplace "■ye-yycA/'tA. A//-/- residence Main JV. yy)Cfay '/ O yd JV>A TAf tC AT O. S. Af r-t » e Co rp s Age z y birthplace 're/anc/ residence 1/iC/ Afdiyzy Pf,i/a/z. A/a re Av / 7 /AG 3 served on Saa/ t £Ter , — A7/-/ooer /jzai /v £> D£/V/?/AA$, Cy/y<)y?yA-s 7~. Age / birthplace C/tdr/ejAGirvrc residence //} Zy- / J -'C/&jjr A3c,y AfayJ/ /(fC-f- servedon O tf /0 - zVA/V T(/C/f tZ T- £ & AAA/ y - A^/f/tvCe TOA' OaT AS Ay/ S, AJ/ CAAAt A?0 Age 3 A, birthplace Cr?d r fej Aoi*s rt. residence lASf M&rcA, 2 t3<-rvY5iA/a>7i.'j AfoAZ ,A~e6.JL. /eGe sencdon O A/ 1 — B /? Oo/rLY AA ~ AZ>o sY aD£:a/aaV,A//c/aAea Age 22. birthplace freAond residence /fjGZ. r~ic-i, // £ VyCA&SJ /~t reman, <3As&6 i/ity UAe t*Or, DanAi-A A? .S~art 6<,t /Des/aaa aay^ Pete:*? c*. birthplace Saco.Afe. residence yV<3ppi Ho SA I8€A. i/une. // Se>3 m37-ts served on O/W/O- D/t A £- r~>£AA CyO/rV DCs/ £ Ay S, £o IA//I fi o & birthplace C/ra ri / es~Airkv/-t residence CfieAsea J A scnedon Oh'O- Vwce/v/v/zs- Aaso- SreTTT/ /v -# T/Z s See r7rmy A?ec<,roC OEVA.AAA, OAjAfES Age 2y birthplace /reAarrd residence /G<52. iJart./S Master at Arm s served on Onto- A!AtAf^A.£ f w£AO-A'Ai/-fAi/vr OaZV/./A/, Tr/OArfAtS birthplace Eref/arrcA residence /ftcSj OcA AS /■fC/ass E/remarc screed on A/&/G - T/CO/VOtTr? o <$ A) - 1/EftMOA/T S^s A7rmy A?ecorcf DCVA/AV; rV/AAAA/Af ly-S.Afar/ne Corps Age f-o birthplace residence fVapp/ny St- /%<$+. A/ay /X Pr/vare. A/ay '2. /At6£ served m Onto Doa/E AfTY, A7/CMAST O Age 2-t birthplace /r<°/a?rct residence 0A4 birthplace f~ar»-i /tt-f Ac rt_ / Afe, served on O S . Afcf /-/ rr *s Age Z 3 residence Pr/vaAtS Ali^f. AQ 'jr, At*, re. /cr CcftvarcA /-/>..~ £>OAVO/S(S£, WvA DOAs/OYAfsA, OEASAS/J ! rthptoee ' *' ^ c<3ft,r J DOAyOIAAA/, JcA?CAtAAH W. be* /n>/*»& ftiG4.**rcA <9 M>'pv /«"*" / " //e " *' ""* ^'^^ J3 ~ " ** rdon OAt/o, A/asjai so/ t- / at is aaiai Su^>aaa>>- CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET N0 1 9 DOASOlAAA/j /lf/Cr/#£A- 63. Age 23- birthplace Bos fore residence A/3ot&//?-, a j i, a ?-l, MarcA Zf. /e6* served on Onto - CofywooOSf/Z Ufi/v£S See Army ftecord DoVQ/ASS, cTp'r/ft/A/y Age ^'6 birthplace P/ymou fTt.fifdSS residence vY&pp/np ov- IC6/, Ocr. Ze SrrroM J+- IS6 1. /If&rcA. J' ASJ+- Paymaster Apr,/ te ' H(,y served on A//)C SO o /v r#/V - A r? / ez s - Ocas Doia/a/£: y, UAAies A s e zz- birthplace Ire/^rta residence AfeC 'fore/ s - J C. /Y//• J JUS/ Af>/ Se e Afrm y /record £>o y/. £ } Mr ess a a / Age zs birthplace CAcir/es/orvrt. residence /&$■#-. <./o./y /■* Cos/ /At?<3ver- Oeserth See> Arrn y AFecO i 6 6 / s SC/3js /~/'r~e?rv9'■ *7 /tre2' -ervedon O/S/ O- QsrAS£rSAT £L DA?/ SCO I /.y iJo/AAS Age Zo birthplace Cfigr7es/oyvn. resident e /ftG/ Oc/./4- Ore/ St?3f*r3 ris AAoy 2/ /ec-<=?/*^ /foLy /* /{?6S~ servedon Oh/O- C/iyCAl SS//> /V '- A/A r?r fO ft O DA,/jCO//.,A>/ATT/-///rs O Age ZZ. birthplace C^ay/esr?,^?^. residence ffleuc///S?r Guard Apr/' 2S /Con- served en 0/-//G - Mf/l//V£SOTA- l/VYS-i L/vs//s

./ y h /&S OfZJr/sca// CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 20 birthpla.e C/r & r /e j fo k, rx residence A967, Apr// '5~ Z^JC/ajs A7 remark o^r^e Jo '<£<5 2_ i union Of/to- ty/iss/i ca/c/j £-7 r J ' — Colo /?/» oo £>A?/S COt/., ^A TA1 ACKT AS- birthplace /fe/g/id Age 7 6 residence £*€>&*-/ 3r /f)Go OcA <>• served on / s -'C/ass /So*. Ou/O - PeC/O O — 7 OcA 2 a?< /Da?/scoa.i, //AfOTHY Aj 27 birthplace residence /f}<5/. A/dy 2/ Je^w^^ />f - M4SSAtC/-/t/Se777S •Oo^ ry, vjA*7£S A-f. Age 2.4- birthplacc C6a r ./ eJ 7c~w7-c residt /f)Cf /)pr> ' '6 2 v - a C/ajj r,ref»0K; Osed JepA. 23, /(?63 served on O/-//O - /"7( SS/SS' £>£> 7 birthplace Cfy& r/eJ/Owrts residence sened on O 7-7 76 - ^O kVAAA 7 -4 AS — ydTTT/r/O/v 7 Age // OcA- / /& Age22. DoA~A~y, cJoaaav birthplace /tg/^mO residence A9 67 Way 6 Q tf ///?tfi/er o , 7joA//(rJr A7p /-''/■ J /c?6Z- •ciicdon Gts/O- C~OA-OA?AOO -A^AT/AACC 7 O/V Durr y, fy/i. la a a, *& z ' birthplace A3 O J /T>7X. residence M'n*ifan •*t~ /6t5 /, /^pri/ /3~ C~o& / /-/3J/>/ birthplace PorT/ancf, Af<= resideme /S<$/ D&C 3° Ore/ J> resideme /&6 3 Mdrch 2o 2*4 Asst. £:nfr?re*>r- tnedon OHtO - A^Oi^z-ia 7 ay a/ OOAVAAj UAiAj £S birthplace /t77C/ IS64 rfis-f S>~ ser:cd on ftss/ Coo Si- Ohio Ate 2 / /\/cvZt 7f)6* Age Apt-' A 2 Q AA<$J~ Age 4 z. OeC 2-J /O67 £>0(//? fT//Vj / HOA7AS Age 7 3 birthplaee C/7OT /<5cS7c/l*/?t residence £>e>c& /tU >- JV- /ft 6/ /-/pr'/ /O £&nc/cS rn<3 7is fipn't to. ' f} €!+// Age Zl birthplace Qf<3 r/es SciAsrc- residence /<3&/, M<5y Z/ L&ried/ur- Sf- '8 6/, Mat/ 30 l&?*c/jrd»t> (VcVy Z6. /S62 served on Q /-/ 1 0~M Jct/'ny l/oAt/eocA Qcf- /&. / a 63 servedon Ou/O - F'tZ/VSA COCA £/./-/ OTT, V&//fer'J h/6&r / "• /B6/ Apr// /o Cos/ r/eave-r- £h?c.2 6. /&6 2 served on O/v/o - Af/A/iV/r J a r 4 £"l/f/f£T7^ //0/?ACe: St A Af WO o O Age ZZ_ birthplace residence ^'^Tr St- '6 6 3. Oc//J Surtfeo/1'J Steward i/ot/re. '*■ '96 f served on C/HI 0- Af?/ £ S See Army /Record ^Tvv/A/c/, ROB £/j T ~ Age 3-$- birthplace residence '863, /)ixf- IJ Act/try 3K birthplace Ch&7-/t?jfG*vrt, residence IS 6 Z.&ec ZZ w&rrant 0///cer'j Cr.oAr ■served on Cj It IO - SAC l?A IvjElvrO / r £AIAlO^ WlLC/AS*} birthplace 3<3rrgcir, Afcz residence IS 63. O&c Jo 5 /tp&raoe. J7~ewsr, (JO J£P> H/ birthplace residence lf>63 Auo zy /RcTi'mj 2^^ 4ss'.£:rio/>rhi O - Bftitaivia - ■Sheivaa'Oga h> Ate Zi Dec 2 Z /e &7 Age 2 6 L^/y ZZ. '.cj.//- Lcmc/J m rt, served on Oh'O - loouA is* -A/c,/?-hC/> /iocs "A Age 2 4- /}<*.? /o.'A6 3 Age 3 1 /~£/?/VA/V 0£ Z, /VA/\// IS 6/, /re 6 /y Otf/cerls Jfe »'<*,-& /eA /)< /f6J" sencdon Ohio fcZ/? /?/£/?, Willi w a-/ A. Age birthplace residence AfecA 3rr / c 'j Jr- IS62.. Dec. 4-- /lcni«j Gunner £>euj 9 le?66 served on Ohio- >Jc/IV/A7A — Au CrO -T 7A. See /Ir-my /record /^/ca-je: r r, rfA/£>/?£>*s A # 2-s- birlhplace CAsf/ejT?,ys, ,i residence /e?6J, t/oi/yl6 / c* ?rdj rrr <» re served on Oh/o - W£ w //to a/ s/&/cs r~/ c/r s:r ~> tv/L. z/aai birthplace C// a /-/v re IQGZ. r^oca.y /Vorrse. eniedoH Ohio- '*"> residence Age Z O J~e/3 1 /Z. 'fis 3 residence F~I£ZD, M/C/**£Z- b.rtliplacc tQez Afos, 7 Yeoixa 7-t, »^£G(/or Age 3 7 'O 1-96* CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 2 3 /-/e/eld, Aa/se/. C, a &3' birthplace residence served on Oh/ O - E'A ta psco See Army A7ecoi-& r'/A/A/j d/V/VJEJ //■ Age 2-3 birthplace /re/arrO residence /.eyc/fiy fort SA /H6/ /?py// /0 dcft'rtf Z"-* AssA. £r~ birthplace /re/ 3 rrd residence f_er /At 4 E> 7t SA- /f}6 2. t/crre /y hcT/'m^ 3^ AlssA. Ert^/Tteer- Oc/ A3 AeCb served on Oa/'O - Af'A/A/ ESO rA - Mac )A£:aa - C?£:aaj: J £- ^ /^/-■ZC/AZATAAA), />■//.B\yam, f/TZ. Q£/=?Ai. D; rV/AAAAIA-/ Age 34- birthplace /re/and residence fG6-f. '/^/y Zj J>dw^^-t- UcrreS) /ffgjr senedon Oh'O— PotC/AIAC Su.6sA>'Ah,Ae. /or- E><37r/eA AT- C/7~ Ore/. Seam arts Eo<.y . aj~ /&6 — A/Ai/tArv T — IA/SI0A J Ai A~~A A A> 'E E T Y, A1 / C /-/ A £ L Age Z ' birthplace Jout/f £2gj/c~. px. residence /)f e ct ford ^S~A /B6 2.A?& r cA J/ 2 ""J* C/sjj E/rem&Ti, i/c^/y J/ AAeSj- senedon O A/ / O — CfET/VEiSET EL F~/- Y/V A/f 'JO "A/ Age 2. I birthplace lre// Age /9 birthplace YV<3/€> rEoiA/rc f flf<3j se G ~3 served on Oh/O- ft/^ t as CAT To Ay — Co A O ATA O O ^ Y AV As/, ^5~ -T AZ /=>/-/ £1 /*Y 0Zr/r7 G CTr,,-pj .Age 2$ birthplace /re Aa-z-rcA residence Worrr<3 71, A?o-p Jo. /e <5 / served on O/-/ / a Fo LEY, ft / <*■$■ 27 /#G3 xr.nl oh O/s/o - A /\/ ri Cos ta -GrofG'e AfA/Vq/rA a/ binlifhic W t/cs/orvsi ince /f)6/. Jr-p/ //i •Se&fn&rt, O c /. Jo. //j $4- wnedon Ou/O- /T '/A/ Q A'/ J/-/ £1 /? - 6-i~ S-~e/> /& -Sejmait. Ae>6 '7 'd6e O/J/O- Cf/A/A/£C 7/ C IS T — OA/.£ — OjC£OCA /■os re: ff, /3 a: /v J a a-? / <*s /-/■ birthplace C/rg y-/e J ft, iv k, /fi€2. ijsft. 'S Co*/ U sencd on O H / O - *T4 ~A >-> O / rV Age J 3 idence Afie 3c*6 sAf^r^ l^ctr- Ar&frc/'s £T.0c>n"*e r~ birthplace Qe r 7rt a ?x y sened on F~rTA /V,j-t- /QS 2. /Yov. 5 Ac.e cTS n :e ^-"o tt S/- OrSwA/\/0 y — l/SSfAIOstf 7 Si^6 sf/'fc* /^ /^ r- Uoftstfiari. J/fc .ve Age i y reiidence / S - A C/jJJ Z3<,y sencd on Oh/6 - rf/tSSA So / T /« b. iS> /(i $ J" r~/f A Z /£/? t JOHAS birthplace ZBoj/r,;z. residence Age /c IHS/, Afsy 6 sencd on O/v / o Soy Afat/ -J" /e%. /-/. Age J-i" 1 'S (3 2. Ac*.f . zo Z 3 >r C/J/M «» 7-L. J«pt. /j /<$~~ rcned on Ou i - f-lcoSA TO/v /C — C/f CA 3 S/A /s/ - -.-. . . ... /^i/4/VO CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 2 5 F/fOS—, G~ sewed on CV// O -/}£/_£ CJ/JA Iv Y — rY* /3 V? S /-/ Jee Arrriy /?&p7rt3 7? 3~/ . A96V Dec. 7 BoafJ ivs irt. /W&te. , flcfinf /l/asfer- Mate. CcA23^e6S- senedon Curo - /V/ A <=c. /6 1 3rtdj7-n a t^ O/Jsbi/ity Ji*/y a 'est. senedon O^/O- QeZO/?/) RSj Age /7 birthplace C//;a)-/es7<*. fS ^&S senedon OU/O- A/AJSASo/r — Ca/VA/eC T' Cty f Qah*?, Joseph Age 23 birthplace Cfertna m/ residence I&6/ Apr// 24 L 3n~d Q AL/.A q/W/E: /f, /7?/?/VC/J" Age 2 4- binhplace Bosr A~e6.2o fG6S semdon O^/O - Co /V S T '£ £. /.A r/OV fr/^tv/y^^C^. GrtLLA QH£.f?, Af/iff T/SV Age26 birthplace /?rs/d?iC/ residence / e tu fe. ft"' Afcj^J 7" £> o /c C^A IL A vva y, ChA /? L£. S A £ e birthplace /^ y &<=• tm G n f /^e residence Se/^M cm /- Jj- /Q62. Alpr-i'/ 7 /3>ic/J77^37^ hfay Z9 les- sened on /=>£Af/?s> i/a 7i . 3/ /« Osisv/ei. a " 2 ? birthplace C/zarfestbyvn residence /S6/.OC//6 J±ar*an. Oec./+.'«6+ senedon Ou/C- M C /?/«/" /? O AgeJS birthplace fr&TtStporr Me residence /SS/. Dee 2 4- Sea™*™ da*. z± ./ass- senedon 0//'G - Cs,a/jt £ /./.si r /o as G/BBOSVS, do has At' 2 Z birthplace /re/and residence '6 64. AsSZJ Coo //See re? r- sYorcA /Z /ecsr sened on O///O- PtfOT £ es 3 — ffr t a/C£ to as birthplace CforSesfowrt residence Age 16 IB 6^ dan /J 2 if C/ass Be/ #^9 ■'* les- sened on Ohio- Sac/?4/>?£a/to G//.0AY, d* sites Age 19 birthplace /re /&■?*& residence /QCf. Marc A /. Coa / /leaver Peii? /66JT sened on Oh to- Cl y O £ CiVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 2 6 <7/?/VA7<0/V> M/CM4 £ / Age birthplace / 7-e /yv7-c residence 186/, Sep/. 15 l J -'C/asj /3c y d<*/yJ/ /S63 senedon Ohio- A/o/t-w C* ft di*/? 7 '&66 f/7///C£ TO as — k/oAS/ATSI S<~ e rfrrrty Afts CorcS. GaRDAScZ/J, dAAfeS fV. Age birthplace residence ia<53, Sep/. 2/ flctt'wf Alaste-r-Afattt. d<*/y £./ eros/AS*. G 4 l? T / S-i as o y VIS / £. /./ A r\i Age Z/ birthplace CfyarSejtGvv?* residence /« e/. dc/y Z+ Ores. Sea™*,^ CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 2 7 G/iLecrrses /^/t-aa/z-c Age 2? birthplace /re/anc/ residence /S6 2. defy 4- L&7-rcfj7HOru a,sabi/,ry Oec 3/ /ee*- served on Ohio- C//? Cs) j s//> /s ~ Ctvrt residence /&/*/<$. nZ/ZL//)Af /V. Age 2 2. birthplace residence / eer- ^«/««y served on 7/f/s —/ia? S/¥/t ///> y See Ai-rny /feee,f s Cho « /r* A. /+.ffj G 7 sercedon OMIq- lYAT£/rt££. - 7t C0/i/0£/fo Q A QG4- served on O/-/f0- /-/* /yr p t o A/ A'o/toj — &/?/+/vorf>v//Y£L J"«"<; /?/-«-JA/>4£S // Age 24- birth place JBosfort residence ffi€Z. residence CAsAre-d, Mass /8 6o, A>ov.y /l/us,c^ Af<3.y tZ.'S6t\ served on O W / Q — CvAfSC/fZAA/ Z> G/?A)/£S, JAA4£S C. AgeZ, birthplace tfar6/efi(?ad,Atajs residence lf)- Way Z- /«/rt. residence ferrirt JV-. /S6/. ^ G/? //=-<*-/ /v, l/ohs^s birthplace /TO/d/fC/ /&6J- i/$r,24- residence -•is' 27 I/a* 2/ ieee Age £& served on Oh/0- C/S? C/J SSl/Q A/ — G~£~TTY S (//? rv/t cs#Af*'fV Agezs birthplace Sip&rj^o rf] W/e. residence /6(53, Jiufy / Coa/_H , €>&v-er-' f/ctne. /3 /eC4- servedon O///O- / O 3 C ^/?/-/IO~ &&*! S~£/_/_^i 7~( GAS -*St /-/4 rV/?£-/V GfZ GffO I/ £Z /=?, G£0/?Q£ ^' Age ZO birthplace C '/* &?■/& jYfi w/-t residence /QC3.0c/'.2/ 2 °i? c/ as J /v^wsn. l/£>H. 2/. 1 H t>s~ served on O///O — & C/? C/A Sry /fecoi-ol H Age 2 e Hao/£;y, kJ/)a?£S birthplace Middtese/t, Ma jj residence /B S/, Jept-'ZS- Cap tent. . 0/ /=orecasi/e. _ AfarcA 2o /e/,3 ser.cdon Onto- WYOMl/V £ -/.A/VCAS, £T /?, /-//> <7 Ce:/? t y, H/'L C/AAf H. Age 2 3 birthplace Ba/tifMore. A/a residence Bun/Cer ///// JV- fS6Z.dune.2S L&ndjTtt an, AVW /? £> Age 34- birthplace I re/ a h cf residence /ef>2 Dec. 3/ L&hc/Srrt arts CJ/Jabi/iTy iji^/y £ 2 Vfi6 3 served on O/v/O— /-feA/S<4 Cr.^y^ HAL L, Geo /?G£ O. Age birthplace •Sf'£r-3nc IS Ca /-t-aa 777 a 7-r, dan. /4 /f> c 4- scnedon Ohio - A/st/v t(/ c /r 4" T — Yoo/VG /J/v/Ftf'C* HAILF T T, /-/£TAs/? y A Agi /A bi'thplace Q?g r/ejTo w rt residence IS63. 4i*-9 'G /•>-> C/ajs gey Sep/ /* /<°6j served on Ohio Hall/ ss£y, / c/t/ow y Ace /P. birthplace /re/ and residence /& 63. AfarcA 1$ / ,\ ge 2 z birthplace /re/j??o' residence IB 6 4-. \Jl* /y 2& £ 3 7-r dj tt, & t-c /8€/ AVer Jo ^ec>*a,^ M v. z 9 /ff6 S~ served on /=>c, htJMOOT/-/ MA A/lO AV> 77/ O M /+ J Age Z/ birthplace /re/drr d residence <&C,/. du* 7-rdJ ?ti a> t-l, Sep f So /t?6Z scnedon O/W/O- ^/rVC£AfAV •£" J HA A' AS A A/, CH/l A? Z /£" S A& 3/ birthplace /t^/an d residence /f)(3J i/arr. ty Z A/cip t H Oa /? o / /Ay A /-/A/V S CO Af, Jch/V A~OAfSy- /-/ Age birthplace residence H//3fc ?< J> IB6/. ~'f}G£>~ SV/1VAL CC/AS 5 7 /7 sTr,irv /-t residence f-fi* // at- l(3' Wi served on O// / o CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 3 HA/r/t/ASqTOAS, Co/H A/67/.I U S J. birthplace CA 3 r/e J To *v re resilience sencdon Ml O — AfA C £ OO A/ /A -V H/qrrf?/ /vq TO /v, Da a// at l birthplace C4 a r/ej toiv rt. residence /ft 6 2 . ,/c*./y 9 L a mc/j », a Tt. served on Onto- Co a/ /C/V A u cj //— ■JnsvoAfA Age Z 6 Ap,,/ 7 '«6. /Ioko S~ /f$J~ HAFfr?/A/qTOAS, Da/\//a-/_ Age So birthplace t re/a n cf residence /86J. /?c■?<£ S birthplace C/rar/ej /?,*v n residence /8 6 2, (/wne /J Searrrarr- scried on (/ h I O — /, sencdon O H ' O ~/V/AqAA?A Age /6 Af ay f- /lies' Age 2-7 a />/a / Jo /ft / /J" /a6i- Age Zz p/ Zf /(!$*- H/o /?/?/*/ q ~r o /v, Laws?6Ta/c/t / '7 JffisAa /? CrfS H '/? ft" /?/a/ q TO AS, ~A/0/\-fA J J Age z/ birthplace C/r a }■ /& j fo fs rt. residence 18 t>2. Ji^/y 2 J L a 71 c/j >ir a ft- /Zr^f ZJ /£63 ■ don O /-r / o — *?> CM /*0/v O ■5e>e A/fAfy t?-g/ i/c*/-re Jo. /&6 z. cd on H* R R I J, Jo /-1 /W J birthplace B«s//i/i. /P,6t J*p/ >4 sened on O/w/ o - Co/, o /?A O O Age '7 residence Or-d Se-<^ Dec J/ /# 6 3 Oh/O- £iha*/ ALi_t-/V- GOA/?D - /Y/>H1'VT- Sf/f/rK/ OA See rtr"e>f /feco/-ct // Age Zl residence 'a y? /? 13 o as, G/ro/pqi birthplace (j' 6 rd/fe r- /6CZ, */rtans Afov '/./86/ sencdon fftZA /? SA /?<7 £ ~ V/>rvOAL/A- 3hA*//S)OT — S*/3fAr£: _ CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. Ol birthplace \S~pve<* G. ?-t, ., residence /GS+. i/t d"e^^,^^ atsebihX, xJort. ZH /a Gjr served on O H / re y /? iVeS^fer- MA y § W//.L/A /^) L. /. 3 - *'""***•« , residence Union JV /« <57, /?t*.^. /o- A eft ft f AfgjT&r- c?c /. J. /e r/€>j7hnsrt. residence JSe/.oec./Z Zl^C/ass /3«y */c.v. z$. zee* served on Of-/fO — /~C£4/? JV? /? Q £T HEADY, AfA(y/7/C6r Age /y birthplace Cf? ar/esfbrvrx, residence 1B6J. /YorfS /•*' Cfejjs J3oy ctes-fiG/ residence /) r/t ny fort -K residence 'SGZ fe6.ro L&-ndjrn 7~i; Ctr7icfs m& r%. Mat-cA, re.re.Gjr served on Ohio - <£»/v u^C/atci — Stains srr3 — Cr_ yo £ HCffR ITT, /HOMA-S J. Age /y birthplace C/rar/ejfciisvit- residence /86Z rlts-y.S /-C/gss JBoy S e of ' /2 /e6t Ac's Age Zo residence ft) G-4-, J<^./y Zjr Coat //ea/er Ct/j-a6i/'fy tjixrreio /86S tenedon Ohio — ty^ssA-so/r H/LL, Of=rttv /■ Age birthplace CAs r/ejfowrt residence tf.G-f-. A>6S> S TSf /!jsr< Sr-if/7rr- Appc'nttmertf- reroKed A*f H /c.C4- served on OwfO — Cor^/ves&is HtA/OS, A7t CAt/{/rO AgeZ2. birthplace /r<=/&MCt residence CAe/sca S+ /86/, A/ov tS Orct. S&amar-c o '/j a 6 it \ /-fA —Ai>ff Tft C/i/?c,£. rsv* Age Zf />fay<3./fJ6 2- /V/aaatiaz y, W£/vs? y birthplace CAar/esfciwrt. residence f&6/. A7cat-c* ///;rCV///V<7»£ ^/JkVJO/V Age Z 3 birthplace CAart&JfUrvri. residence Wa 7 'Ae r is tv A ar A tfjfay S~ teCT. served on Onto- Cf//^fl£/?z a /<■? G/ct. Sea frr a >t* Ae6 ry f <9 6 ■$' senedon Oh/q- Cb/v 3 ~r ££././)—/ O/v — St lAw/rence HOO/Tf/V S O /V, tV/LL/AM A~? Age 2S birthplace residence /<9. i/u?r<3 2/ AJcTitty £rr s I ? its /Vov. ' 9 /f> Ce senedon AfACf fYO t-/A — t /v O — T/i/-rr,AfA See /ft-fiy /?lA , A> ■' ■ t tre/ajret residence /■96<*. lActy tj I a ?,* AT G A3ya AYOL OAT /V, t-/<~, /l* as birthplace fro* /cterrce A" / residence ft? 6/. Oct. -J" S

1I 4 H Age 2$ birthplace residence Oeco/ur J/ served on Gh/o Hcj/_ L /^ f /Tr/vA/zr Si. Age Zl birthplace £//*&& re, - A/c/v^o a/oca, / / v£> J £-,£>£-/v'.£-A'C£:— \Sai rvoe ne//_ t HO/.—, iJo /-/ sv YS- Age 3 7 birthplace residence /Q<5'4- ^/cxp 2 Lancf^s rrrarr rtpi-t'/ £4. /f)6vr served on O/V/C — G/7C^j-jm/v /-/O /=> AT / A/ S, i//f, r~A?A4/V/r/-//S Age birthplace residence A? //J fort a A e /a rr a residence /3 £? /-/O AJ A/ A <3 A? Cr O Ac- y 2y.A£6S served on OH'O -><$ CA? Or~ T/-r/C vX*£v? — /?oj* /./si — S£r/?Ato/*T M/ $ AY AT 0> Oma £ /s Age 2 3 birthplace residence /? <& ~s h / a £ Oy>/-n a its Se^/. *J re<54- sened on Oh/G- Af/o/v/QHT -fl?wCf 7<;v Hu/j'LAz y, Dsia/' r c a~. Age//} birthplace C/ra r/ej/cr, w«. residence /CGo. Oct.// Z^C/ass. A3 ex, iS^-rr^. /<* ^-// ff served on Gh/O - Age 2 a residence B<3 rf/e fS St SV/A/-f o as - O/swa f? D /-/Of? LEV, ~77AfOTtfY d Age 2 2. birthplace Cfictr-/esT-SSS)C >Ss Age 2JT re idence /"£>?-/-/ 71 -*V f 8 C 2 ^^Q '8 /.OT^icy smdf^ Ai^-iy. -^ f6 eJ Ohi O - f/flA/Ce TO f\f — ^U CH/JTS* .Cd( Age 17 UOAS£7° s S residence /&G2.r c e6.C Se= served on Ohio-Jam Ja Cf/v TO-CcvsreLLSf ri Oss- / ho- //f&fSCis S JOfjDA/V, fVl^-f-fASi-7 i*f' Age 2 o birthplace Cf/d r/esforv ?<. residence if) 64- iQyrr'f $ Go ex / Hea v e r- May Jo /<3 6& sened on Onto- f^rt l fs C C 7 O ss - P/z ss Oj f. s* dOSCPf-S, fQAFtOAS C Age 2 1 birthplace residence 186 f. Oct- 12 L <3, ->d J ■>-» &->■%* do*/y is" ft? ~A OMA S Age Jo birthplace /)~-Hfas&. residence V/»e >SA /$4Z- y/u.T*e /y Cca / //^i/er /^A.z? /egs" served on Oa>/C — /?>PO CSTO O Ac K£/.l£Y; Af/CVAS /. Age 3) birthplace C/je r/esTo^T-c. residence /&/ A^S A //?£-/*/?,/* C£ 7 O /V /f£:M//AS J fZawAAO A7 Age 21 birthplace '3 C7/. A'o v Zo La>/ c/J rrr& ?t, A/oif. Z y. /8C4- scrvedon Ohio- /i'/o/VOA/ QAA£Za - 8/ £A/ t//ZZ£ — P/JtA/C£76 /Y ff'ODEA, < ?£OA'<7£ £ Age birthplace residence A? Oc/. Z6 /?c/'K<-o.2S C7oKJwar'-n, ■Sep/. /6. rs&«//- c/ t A'dtsj residence A//S ton «-W IQ64-- W&y '# 2""*C/ass fli'rewa^ Afay Z 7 ' & 6 *~ served on Oh/O- Ma o~J~A J"<7 / 7" — y£A? <+10/v T ,Jo- M,ss/ss/f>t*, - tf£A,j/AS re- served on Ohio- A< a Q A/OCt A — /tv © T-AMBCffT, M"*-L/A A, Age 3/ birthplace lre/3/fd residence IS6Z #<* 9 / Lo-rreJJTrr*^ OC/.3' '#6 + served on 0"/0- C* /va/^oai Cc" La/V£, I^//./am *s . A & birthplace ' Marrt & /£,€/. Ocf. 2/ fic/iny //js/jfe*/ Sotr-^eorL. r*6 2-' ^62. i on L a a/ q o o /y> W'£ ' /a a? birthplace /e G4. J'^/y 2 6 Mar/£ semdon Oh/o- rVri_L/*M f> ■ Ct eA v£L aaaO Laas/GOO/V, rVt//-/AA7 birthplace C/ia r/ejfovr /-i /&C/ J^/yZ7 served on Age 33 Age 23 ■ LA/V/S£~/?<7Ary, ForVA/fD i t /re/S/rc/ iHCf Sep' H d on ,*r%. - fief, ry A fester- /fare. -A/ 'ay «»" 'e6 J Ohio U J". Af& r->rre Ccr/?S A & "* d residence Oh'O — &<-S7<-"V &#*?//* era .s /l*Se Air Borne, //W/ CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 37 Z /)w/r£/vc£, Gcosrqe O Age Zo birthplace residence /&6Z /Yoy 26 Jeffwa t^l. Dec ■#- '$63 served on OH'O ~~ FfHOOE. /sl/wo- Sli/~<~*-f'fLs fc. r- Cfeorf e Y//r''-^f7 le^/RYj <^ <-"? SV £ L. / o> J Age 23 birthplace CY,& r /eS<5i?rr<3n U<^/y J. 7863 served on O H / O £<£ A R Yj dAA',£.S Age 2y birthplace C/7 d> 7- /es /iw ?<. residence '& 6 2 /J^-G /6 Jp(J 777 <5 7-^. ■S<£>75 r 3o. zees served on O /.,/ to - Cok/k / £ y? Leary, Patrick Age Zi birthplace /rfov-/fcrt. iSr A9 6/, Apr,'/ 2-f 2"*- C/&JJ Y~/re nra r-r>. 0/jss 1 fp/ • f?£: r* S / /v <} , O AS L £/* ff Y; /^ r /? / c rv A& 2 1 birthplace /~r rch. 2 vXe> -n & 7-x. fipri/ 'S. /#6j served on O /-t ' O - frfaQA/oL/** - //vo - Fast GuLf J/V - Age ^9 birthplace residence /36 2. J&,1 7 C&l--pj7/ r%*te. /<5" Cjeor 9 /-re // /Vc rs e. /-Ic^a. 2-i' /Hot- served on - f/vc^vvf j •Sc*.6sY,A^/& fur £~c VSfOSV CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO 38 birthplace BosfSro ( residence /*t»C £ TO « Age -32. Sep/. 2, /e6& UMCLL, G£Of?QcZ M birthplace O/eortS, AfOJS " s ' dence Lf-a. Mat 9 Ora- Seaman tcdZ^ M>#TH C^POL/tVA - MAQA*A Age 3, L,fS/YELL. RALPH S Ajl _^^^ r + ... , residence MeCrOrx/ Sr served on ^HlO Locke, W/ll/am Uctne 6. /8 67 served on O///O- S/)Cft/tM £a/7G - / /? C /?/} IVAA//V/) LOW, Q£0/?Q£1 /7 Age 2 J birthplace C/idr/ej'fbrm residence /«6/. Oec/6 Orct- Se>o?narv /Oee.3//e<53 served on O HI O - ///? ffj fro /f O — /*/T//VC£:t6/Y 1 L OvVj (J OS ££>/■/ A/ Age 27 birthplace Cfid r/eJ7Zrrv n residence /Q6/. Oec./S Sea-mans (7/J-c/rar? e /f)63. Sepf-H /-&nds?TtOTi- Oct ' d ve6 4- servedon OHIO — /f£ Y STO/V£ S-/)T£L birthplace C/td r/ejTcirvn. residence 135/ /9c*.?./* 'Cabin Steward Spr/tftfG63 served on Oh'O — Cs)A-?&/?/0 Ly/vc/t, UO/-//V A & 23 birthplace Cho r/esY/jrv/t. residence /eez./~e6'6 Coat Weaver- r~e b. Z7 tS6S ■ ve d on O/iiO-r- tJffOOJ rco f\ — £■/- A s e '7 birthplace lye tared residence /&6 Z.AfdrcA 4- /_3 7-rOS7rran. /tfarct, 3. / ti 6s~ served on OHIO- W£S 7£#SS SloT/Z//* -67i-/-/?£ O /?OB/3 — OtsCMfTA / V/KOV, M/Ct/A^Z. Age ZS birthplace C/tgy/ej/o^vrr. residence IBez.t^eS.S. Z"- C/as-S rfrerrrarv r~eb.Z7 /&6y servedon Owo-S/700J700A — ■ / r e>/?7 Afo/rQA /v Z yAttVj Uott/V 0.yS,A7'/e sfo w- ?-t- residence ty/e3 / ?z J??-ee/ I8 6Z, Oc/cA^r 7. Af/ds/7/ pmo?^ — Eros-if-ru /farcA, /Z /368 /8 6?. tifarc/i 2 &■ Afas/e>- //e«.*^K/ Afarc/i, Z/. /s 70 I 8 8 J f~, /Yovern6>ei'3- If- Corrtrrrart.oter — C o 7?> rrt a rrcfe.r OcToAer t- /S9J /9oo, AfarcA Z7 . Cajo/a.-rt. — /7e-ar- /)drr,r'ra. f 7e6 ruar-y r9 'S06 CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 4" Lyoa/J, £$• servedon O/s/o - a9ca/CI/) Lyo/vs, ft/CAA^A? O -\%' birthplace /re/<37ic/ rcsiden c AB63. Ocfi'6 2-"«CAajj A~ire?T,an. Qf/ea r~9 /f76f- served on Onto- TV coas a>£a?o Qa — f^rr/vcero*/ birthplace C/igrAesTowrc Id 6 3. iSe/zA f2 served on Cjm ' O ZZ. residence HAtfpp/np JV Seama'n. Dec. /J~ AtiO J" - AV/AQAfifA - A3/£/vf/A/i£: £ YOA/J, T/At o th y birthplace ZreAsneA /&/-t IS 6/, A-fay // sened on Age / 6 LyAAAV, Johk U ,S Af& rine, Co r p a Age Zft birthplace residence tAAepp./7-ta 'Sr'. /«6/, AVov 6 fr,^aA%^ A/GY./€ don Ohio Age Z2. re idence /Dec&Aur /6€2. J- Tioga -a/ t/A>CAA/; krthplau- heAarrcr /B6/A/a y 6 Cod/ f/•/,■,-,*><■>- nrxdm ohio-Ph/l/pa>'- Tea,aaats ££—<&£* > *&'£*# CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 41 M c C/i/f7j iSosf:/?// Age birthplace residence l&6d.M3y2o SJcf/'np £:rrjiJT-c ^Je/o/-3o /eJc/9rrA JT /?C7/Tff A-f&sA?/- Afs? r/?, 1/ art/7 /£(,<} served on Q/ll£A/^- Wy/JA/O err •£ — A/c/T O /v— A? q A vs* *? M c CLO/fSlj do/-/ a/ Age 2 2 birthplace S/Sc/r flirt, /V,K- residence /&62. Aei. / Je /?T D o /\"92>SO/V — A^/SSTA Af c D£/?MOTT_, W/L/-/AS*) C Age birthplace /re/artcf residence 1 86 Z* Afev- /CTi'rt.p £. ~-rt s i a -*-*^ Ae^. i4 /C64- servedon Co<-'/?/ £ /?- Tc/JCA f?o /?A — //fo/v St $ £L A/ C £>0/VA/-£>, Ch*/7L£: S Age 37 birthplace A3 o J /"a *-t residence /6 6/At/ay// ^Te __ Age 2.1 birthplace Cr/<5rA&s/arvrz, residence Corey vT/, A36/, A/ay 6 CV/S. A-f<3 r/'rr e. Co ^-^ j Age 3 4- birthplace residence rV&pp/,^ jy» /S6Z. A-fSy Jo Privd/ZL Ajay Jo /(? S d senedon Q H/0 ^. CoAz/vtrc T/ C(, T M C <5//V/V/cT „G/ residence '8 6 Z. £./ Z /■*-' C/c,^ /r,re rrr a -,-^ /e/>. , o. /fitcT servedon 0///O- J~4/v (//IC/A/7G — O^/O C C/f/4 ^°?* an. scncdon OpzG — zYzfi'z^ G/\z birtkptoct residence /C62.. Jepr // Zlc/irrq ^hj/' 9 7^ scncdon Oz-Z'O — rVzzvOAS/i birthplace residence /d 63. AJ(z H AS birthplace / re/ Bz-tCf residence / d> L £ o birthplace /re/and residence /O6o. Afay 'O AfocA in/jr served on O'vOAZO A qA — ZVzA q A Ze A M c L/KjqL/fV; Cha/?l£ s birthplace C/iaz-ZA)/_ /-- — A^GZfS£Z M c A/£c/./ J, Tho/haj birthplace CA a r/es /?,«,*. residence /ft 6/ Apr// 9 2"*/t'js/jfc?tf ^rtf/rreer- senrdon. Ohio- AIgztsze" — ^3 a> z\z J zz£T£i M c A/(/i~y, A4/c&4££. birthplace /ye/ and residence /&6Z. z^eb^ W9}^/ /?c,Gm CocZx scncdon (J Z-Z I O - z0~ Z7 OO J TOG ZT — ^0/7 T A4CZ? SI7/?/C/\ Age /S> birthplace /re/9zrcr residence /SGZ lAoc/y f~ OfO 'Se>a?*tarL. /Occo o'. Z 9 6 3 ■ don 0///C7— /^//^Cfii/l — A/gZTtZ-Z Ca}Z?G£z/v*> /*1 C A/V/LTY, 7~HOz\fA>S Age Z3 birthplace / 're /c? rr c/ residence /&HO as M Ma c/a/ Tz/f£ l & Ens//* m i as f\ A t* -JS birth f 'ace residence />V«ij? Ja,c 6 tfcli ".p ,Ma 3T£/t /VfzHTS, «/a*c /? IP.(\S~ sened on A tc/c ce ot t*\- Cst l v /> J o - £>Osto /t residence /f?62. /Q(yL^.4- Z <3 rt&S rrr 3 f-r^ ^e ///-frry Sf&CG'-*? Af/lCY, H£/Vf?Y Q A & birthplace residence /&6Z. Dec. £3 Ac.7"ty Waster- Oeceasec/ Oec. /■ /4,2- served on /)■/£ /? C£0 ' TA — P£ /? / K/ / TV TTC. eT — Tu S CA TfC 7? A AJ40D£~A/, O ■ Af/QT/OTV^: Y; A^ATTT/CTX Age 2.3 birthplace (re/a^c* residence CAetsea O M/4loa/£: y, Jjel/? £: tv?/* /-v Age 24- birthplace /-r~&/a ^r<7 residence f&6Z 7Qt^73 £L, A U Q US TV J H. Age birthplace residence', 'fiGz. /3p?-// *s/9 7t. A/a re A. /$ /edjr served on 7V O C~A — /^AMAA/ 7 AfA/V/V; W/LT-ZA/yf rS- Age birthplace residence /e6 3 dc/ v ZS- /Icf/r-i? £nJ/' 9 7-c Apr,'/ 'Z. /G6+- servedon Om/O— 7=~0/77 i./a C/r-S ^» /}-// '/< J> /<9(S/. 3 £> Arc birthplace resilience /&6J. tJor/y 24 AcT/Tiy Af&j-fcr- /V&Ta &€■//?///& /? a residence £?vererV ss- > P, 6 ■?. /3c<.y ■ 3 &6&psyv<3/7X A/a/e ^ion OtV/G — /-V Afcf/rr? £~7rst'^ 7-c screed on ~£/v/v£rS3 C£— Po Ca/igtv T/t -S - Sjr/_ /* a — C/*£-/v*/v C, o Af/)r?T//Vs tCtOWtQ/TtO /> birthplace residence 'S6J. /~ A S e Ui^Yy /■ 77?ec-3' /f)c,-T Age /Vcv.z? /ecj- ■ \ee OC/. 7 '*C 3 Age /<^./ y y /e 6 3 Ma/? t/sv&a /.£:, //* Ttv/q /v/£: l. birthplace residence /f )6o. A/ercA '■*■ Se&m <5> t-l- screed on OhiG — /?/ CHM OtVO vJVe Arrrey TTocorrt MAScstV, r?/C/V4/?£> Age 2 2 birthplace C/i dr//f/ctm > CAe/s*><9 -S^ /d6/.J~€'P>'/ Sf^rrrS71. 3 rpr /3 / e G 2- sened on O H / C, — ^~r///$ /V Af/.lf'A/ Af/iYAI/rS, C/V4 /?£ £ S birthplace Dr-esOert.AYez. residence '/e<5j. Jo.»<3 '3 /.&r,c/3»re>r^ ^*"»* ". ^^^ sercedon Op/O- ' i/S C/4 f o /? A birthplace eZA+rJ^y fi rr,i " J " A ""' t\«xe're J Kf* <* <• ^ l&Sf # t p>-,/ /* / S -'C/„ SCX P, ,e~r* ,~ v>~,<7i a ?-«_. served on' OHIO —Joists CarC, Lisss MCffSf'T—, QcZOfiCy £ /V birthplace Sc i/£t a As., A? ass residence I 362. A>o<.f . // Lancfsnia ris senxd on Oa/io - A/*: —z.£/L — A-<, visa iv/H Me at /?y/w* /Vj -•? a? c 3 Age Age n/jSeaC l^pi-i'l /f. I-S64- Age 4-S- birthplace A-far bfeAi^ao; Mass I8G /, Aley 2? served on O/SIO — J"ua t-Te?-rrfa sAe?- Jc r<5 3o. IS6Z. birth place Ateyv rVarr-rpsb 18 Z6. AYc \y I M 'icfJ A/p w a ns lf)3y A~e£>. y Ai'ec 1864, Ju/o tyKfj-4t'pma.ri~ /fiJJ. /Sec. 3/ Z/e« f served on /)// 7CH/?/ L; •Jtc/.£t^, Y>£7-£t? birthplace AfaSsA c- At (/ s £ 7 7 s residence t&62. tVr,y./S t9crY/'?ip Yfost^r' sVf&AT*. - AfaAs. served on A/G /? wtCAf Mo o o Yj W/t^/AA? birthplace AY6.4- sened on Yl ct/n a sc-yj si^T-t-. Ysa to <9s* OcA. 2/. td 6 cY Age a?ca.^. J tt)G& Age Oct. 2.4. te ess- Age £ — Af/vssA so r 7 - tSAff/f/ic/tS A3t?6 B Gctnrrerlt AfaAe. served on OtttG — CgaAST£'.Z.ai Tt&AS Age 2Z Ware. ZS t$Gs~ MGGY?£j A^ATAftCAc. birthplace /7Wa«tf 'S 6+, dene. 2 t served on Age 3 a " Toe /&. Ar t r £r<3 ric/s t-/&<^u.&s MotfQAtVj Y=>£££C? ItlA. A & biithploce residence It} 62. Y^/orY/ -Y Ylcr/nf Master- Y>f*Y& served on O At t O — Ysa* was as<3cf iJty/y t* tdCJ~ Mof?/?ts£ y_, s^owi t? O birthplace / re. ta rt ct rt te CJT Y^oZG S/rr'p's InYrt'fbi- served on Gtstr. Motj£{tSJ£y YTowl st o birthplace Age 2 3 G/SCi4ar&i=ct Y?c+c . Z. t&<5& 26 residence &l* « Acer- t-t, // st ■ te?G2. Y?p*-YY y served on Yls y rmSsft'f- o'ters&rcj — O t-ti O — 3 y, YlprYt Z" Mot?t?tSJ£Y, t?oAt tG — /as O — Yil.^ S^AfAl MOVYTOty, C*L£-S Si Age /a birthplace Ctra rYx Pttic& /8et-Oct.28 \S/£ Yj C~or?/v£ /L/ is J Age 2 a birthplace / re /&?rc/ residence /8 't> /■*■* C/0SJ f/r&nra-n. A?3rc/i2t} /s?/£: birthplace So J fori residence served on Oh/ O — /ifo/WO /v a c a - Age 2 <5 ijccrre 20 «6J' birthplace /re/e?i& residence Tr~e? ?-,-, 7-r /3<5*. Apr/'/ 2*5~ jL&hc/j w^ &AA//S: z birthplace /^/s«tf residence /B &■?. i/l* /y // Z 7 senedon Cj h / - M/'We so r '+ birthplace /re/anc/ residence /■SCZ ,/Or, / /i'C/ajj /7re*aM xmwi on O/y / - £7/. /r- M^OAu^KA - T* o■> / /H // Ag?^/ birthplace BoJtc/t. reside>tce /&6/. Oct 9 Ore/- Se&rrra?^. O^c 2 2. /# 6* served on Ohio- /Vf m/Zoa'Oi'w- fl? wCf rov Mu/J f/-/ >•> i/o //// Age 2 3 birthplace (T/>st/-/^'J f?/i"s 7-c residence /<9t-i/ /S~ /SG4- serxd on Oh/O— At '/ A/ /Tt, Oc/. /2. /G63 served on Ohio- rr~/A/£r c CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO 48 Mc/fir^A/y^ M /iv /? / c t£ birthplace /re/arrcf I&6Z. #r^i'/ to served on birthplace / re/£>/ r< / /set Oc+. t served on /. c> rt ec '2. Jeawsjv served on O/v/o- /-tAJ?7£<>t? o — Oat *v a /to Age 2 *- i/c< /V J/ set cg Ace j-o ■■lee zq residence AlvAfPrsy, liVstt-AA A? birthplace /f) <5^. Apr, '/ /Z P>r/y&TJaams/<37icr residence /War re &+■• /&<$/, Afesy tC fr-'v^fe. VcA /*'»<$*- servedon ^Sai/vt L4\*/fTervC£ — Ma^ara — 8<*st«*/ Barracks MUrJffA Y; ftyfiS? 7~//V Age 2 i- birthploce /re /a -no" residence /6<*2, feb .// Ce,&/ /Se>* residence /G /ifejter S/ firms servedon Oa/AO- TroqA — OctOS?h /? A Ai— / ta J C A Age £4- /rfarcA r.i~ /RGZ. Agt z J fit^f s~ /R6J- Age 2 1 i/&n.2S~ /R<5S~ Age Ji^/y 2o 'Sf.4- N residence A/AJfi, Age 2 9 Oec,'6, /~~ J r - 'PjrsA.<£7iys'?reer- Pet?. 2 o /Cc$f- servedon OptO - A/A/PA/VT — ~t~A /-/-APOOJ A A/£//.L, Alt Cp^tZ/L. Age 2./ birthplace C/7 c? ?~/& ifTo V\/ 71 residence /S<5/, M&y Jo Ore/. Sea 77*37-0 Pfay Z9 /f? 53 served on OptO - &A R p / TO C/r — *Srfe>A<2. /tfay a Afay <5 zees' served on OPAO — £*S ^Xee AJrmy /Y&CO-& AAtZyvp'P/./.j. A7/CPAP O Ai- Age 2 2. birthplace ( residence /Q<5f-iJu7*e 7 pcT/'nj 3>-j* #jjA £?< 9 , M ee>- Per /J. 'd6S- served on B£L I £ <5 e <= S? r 771 \/ Afecoz-ct' AVzwfflA/V, W//./-/PP? Age Z 3 birthplace Ct^o/bttc/ residence Z864-. PpnA /8 Q >-cA. J^^wan- dart. 23. /AGS' served on ^ H / O — AV/CHOA.S, GpAPlPJ H Age birthplace residence' /& S3, £eS. P7- Pc r/nj Afaj/ep Af&te. iS^rre €. /86&- served on (Dp to vT<°c.3/ /SdZ. served on ~ Of-ftO — / birthplace C~fi&/-/ej/otvtt residence /SGZ. #"p/.y, /# 6 j served on OwO — Pfit//vC£SJ — Yfo Y*i- — A?£/?cs o /nz A//C/T£/?kJ~OA'; Lu t//e V? . A P birthplace residence /&6/ /9oiV> tV/££/<4Af Age birthplace /re/^ricf residence •Afed/ord *S/- served on O /-/ / MOffTO /V> ^r/A/?££J Age birthplace residence /S6Z /?pr/'/ 4 flcfTrif Af&-s7e>r- AfetS. —Acfth? Vct/.l./et+i 1 . r~e£>-3. /e&7 served on Gtf/O — jy. /a«2./e&/J / J J C/ass />rew5?v A'ov /•*• /<9p /)rmy Record A/Oy£J, 0/./VE/9 C. Age Jo birthplace residence /OS/. i/Ctrrf? /0 ■S 'a ».Z/. /8 6 served on Sao TM Cahow* - ^O Caho/vtas - 3£/?A*O0A o O ' 3/?/ eaa ess /v/J Ase z *" birthplace j3o.sK ^ residence &« rtAVK *>// S-f served on O M/O Q'&x/tr/v, ££>kya#o birthplace (re/9-nd ' cMcnct sened on O H ' ' O CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 51 O ' BRf £ / W* H£> Age Z/ birthplace H5o j fo?z residence Gray oV '&6J Uan.S / a> *?7<5y /0 'r - r V // /<* 7-f rrr 3 TLs d^,,c 23 /&6Z- served on O'// <- O /1//9 /? f O /V O' /3f?/£:A/s ijo/s/v Age 23 birthplace /^A //'ii«ii-f /SOZ J art. 2 5 2™-^C/dss /7 >-e ?t» <5 7-t_ AfarcA S /e?<$s- servedon Om/O — ffA T/QHO/A/ — /T / E S O'Bf/EA,, rf> c ""£L. Age Z8 birthplace /r&/&rr& residence /v/r/v Age Z< birthplace 1 ' re/&rr c? residence >86Z. At*^. 7 Z rrdj rrra n. Jep-t-S. /-rC/ residence Id&Z. OecZO Zc? T^c/xS f-rr 3 1-r^ £><°c 2* 'Z(>3 served on O // / o O 3 'Co /v a/ El l, Da /v / e Z Age Jo birthplace /Te/<3T7C/ residence /P, 6"^-, o/o> ?*t. IS Cc> 7-ppo rr T^r- Af&fa /l/cit-cA- 2/ /SC6 served on — O // / o — 0'Cr//V/Vr"arc4. '->" Sfi6S served on r; Mas S residence f-/o*ey C/- 16 6 Z. r~he>. ? /"^'C/tfjj /~/ r-e rrt o rts Av £. 2r. '#<$ S~ served on On/o-/lf?GosToofr — £~b s? M o *? c; /* /v O' Dfft S CO /. L, /»/* * TT f-f / x? S AgeZZ '.'thplacc C/rc> ^/pj- fo j-v >i residence l&S/./Qpri'/ 22 C&p/d/re /9/fct- (fearer- Apr, / 2 J /<9 C 4- served oh Oh'G - Af/tSf/V£» — VV Y/)c v/v r-/jcr>// O' F/LAiVA Q A A^ C/vA/FdcTJ V '3 birthplace C/r& rfej fcwrt- residence /&G2. fiey-f ■ 2J>~ J_ & ncte rm> *-x. A/c,v /* ffi 6 Z scrvedem O /J t O - HouJA T O <*s / C — A/c,/?TW C/)t?0/.fV* — c3f?GGfT C v w J&^rfrrMy /j'eccr-c/ O' /~Za)/\AA) CJA A/j Dav/O Age 23 birth place / re /o -yr C/ residence /GG2. filA-f. 2S /. rrc/j m<3 7-1* Je-p+./f ' 8 G 3 served on O/z/O— & 7? Ct residence /{itS*?. fh6. <3 . ZcS 7-fCr\J?7r& f-v- /Jec. /* /<3 54- sf nvd on — H f O — O' /ScZA f? A/j M'C/JA££ Age 2 1 birthplace (T^c/ej^Wrt residence /S64. Sepr J /&C/&JJ Fir-Gin an, Jc*-h H 10 — ; ^4C/(7//Z//^ iJo/VfS Age Zz birthplace /t~g /a?-t& residence /36J. Oc/./t) 3 served on — h / , ■Se^rrr 3 7-t, c/c< 7«e /6~.if)6«- served on O H I O'A/tT/2, £0*"i/?0 Age ■?/ birthplace So J To f-> residence A9 6J. A/31-i'f 2 7 ,2 7-rcrj 7?,<}i-u- Ma y fC 'A. C r o — P/C /vcs^t c o {.A O* */£/£, }-/?-t J o< b S ti'fctte. Atr At AVerx. P&rscrti O' aVaz/I, PA7A?/Cac- Age ,3 birthplace /re/cjwo' residence /&&2, >V e> r-/ej /orv n residence /?»,d7i/ Oct >?. /eoJ served on O H ' O — 3a?4 /V2> Y W / £W> O AfMOASO, 86 2. M-3y (J Actirrj Master ^"-$ /J les- sened on Ohio— FcoAr/OA — M'MqotZ — C'cyotz OHAtTSVtS, i/o/v/v" Age 2.4, birthplace Jl/a/e 3. (j~ A3 residence /.yi-rc/e -n & 1-L, lA* ne22 /&" 'A6 J served on Oz-f/O - Pc /\/0 Bscoy 3,£:<./qEA\/£ A=>. Age 2 6 birthplace residence Aii~m*v J* f86Z,Uc<7i- SQ63. MdrcA 3 2*^ CAxjj A^'rervm v-^ '<1<> r cA ZP, '#C + servedon O /-/ / O - AifeftCeOi TA P^ft/rSA?j QcOft^AZ W. Age birthplace residence AZc/f&rvortAi. &+• /3G4, '6tC4-o. AZ /Icf/ny A)fajA&r- •Sept. £■+. 'ft6S~ servedon Ohio- W AS SA / C At a AA — Oa TJSr//_Z- /^i?JO/VJ, . ASG3, OcA, /o Ac~Airtp Ajjuf&n-A Ji/rsec/v rejian&ow&/-~, AY. H residence '86 Z. A~e6. rf 2""-? C/&jj A^/r^ma ?^ AfarcA. 2 9. reas- serted on Ohio — Af Aft BA-cZAYezAO — T^A/AYer s £ £L PyIYAVAT^ i/03<£A^A-A A & 2 <5 birthplace CZAia r/ej for* r*. residence A A 6 A, Ajar,/ 2+ Ore?- Sea ma: Apr,' A 23. '£64. servedon O H I O — Ar/iAYAYcT SO —^ — Afou/YT tVASHYAY-c}. f4- A GMCfjm&r-is A/ayti /a de- served on O HIG ~ /)Z.A l.!A — A-AOM tT- f/ftAfCcT 7 O AA S PC 7~£ftSOAf, PeZr^Af Age 22. birthplace Deni-no r- T residence A66A, OcA,3o ■S&a-maru Ae6. IO. 'Sei- se nxd on Ohio — <5a-i> Ak*.o. ?. /Q6S servedon Ohio - f*f=!"vr A?0 J tC -~ OAY2/c~HT — SfAivoyrvi/vc: IS 6 J, i/arx.J' PriJG?-7-r q- /a-rtcf residence /& G4; Se>p/, 2S >Se>am<3i-L. s'ri, dotrre 2 2 O r a/. J"«? a m a t-c j^ ?re z z /86jt serxd on O H / O — -?*&/ a/ c Pi U M M £ if, Uot-t/V MX Age Jo birthplace fVo 6 u r re, Afajj. residence /&<54-, tfyay TO. / « 71 CT J 771 3 r-ty A/ay 20-T r* 7^, residence /dtvrewce -3T-, /$6/, <7<£ t-tatwa ■See Army Tfecct-d Pore, Geoftqe &■ Age 24 birthplace BojT07x residence /& G&, Apr,/ '2 Coxsr*<3/7i. Afay 2 3 Tgda served on Oz-iTO- / (/ S CA T? O T? A — OJ3Tf££ — /A/0££>£rV£>ArvC £ PO/fT£Z /=?, ItV//./_/A A? U.S. M&r/'rie Cc,i-y=>3 Age 2 9 birthplace residence Wappiixy J>- (Q6/ Oct 2 S<= ry£ f\~A L3 — P£<3 r p/. '&6T, /?o-.o,.Jo O rd ■ Sea m a tis Oct. to. /e 6 +■ served on H t O - Cat\1& T?T O (? £ — W ULIAAf B/-i C A/ - T AII/at? o CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 56 birthplace Cfiar/eJ f6i*s re residence fftyisse// JV ftJ5/, . /GJS; 0 //et./'ertax/' — C(imwdw/f/ */c»/y /6. '€6i- ISCy, Jan- 2.?. Ccipfei7\ — C*,c,cfcr Sep/. Jo /fear /Qo'rnirci./ fc6-Z&~ '?. 7*t . PffESTOlV, //Alf/fY A & ZJ birthplace OeKWci^/T residence leS-f. June 2S> Orc/.Se>a***e-ris t/o€?ie '/■ f}~ served on Orl/O ~ SACO — -SAtVTIA G- O C/e CoSA PROi/OSTj A/ELJO/V A f birthplace residence IB 6/, Aoi served on ' On 7 0~ DOA/&A f?TO /• — l/£R A1 O /V T F>(/f?C£LL, M/CfYAtV L M* 2-2- birthploce residence 13 C4, reb- / 2""J*C/ajs /~frer?r» Qu/iva/s Uohiv Age 3o birthplace yfootn &oj/o n. midtncfJa ley S/. 18 SI. Dec- 24- Se>arn a -ns Uan- 2S l(16S~ serxdon OHIO- HART EG R O — SAItVT loo/J--PRtivC£ 7 Y/-V R /?AF/-£/?TY, JAMES l «' '7 birthplace C/idr/ej/Gnvn midtt Ib63,dan.3 Landsman^ Uo.^e.17. '6C+ sonde* 0"'o-f?AC//£/_ Seamak —SrA roAM-JGHrv G/rroxo CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 5 7 ffAMSOE Llj C/V/-i/?/L£ S H. Age 2-1 birthplace residence /Q64-, May 9 Ord. Sfee /)r-*ny /7-ct RaMS£Yj Ug/**S Age 2 4- birthplace C/iar/eJ/oi^/rC residence /B<5/. du-ne /<§ Captain o/-t/r rfejTo yv rt residence /8 63, Feb- 14- Ord- Sea m a -tv R(^-y if} H?63 served on Ohio — L\tzHI G~ /-/ f?E.E D> LeOSSA/? O AV. Age 23 birthplace Satem, AfaJj residence /062./6-6/, / ~ f C/aj J fr remans 0}sobi/ify Ho.f. -4. ia G3 served on Oh I O — C ' H O C IS If A r7£_Y/VOS.DJs W//.L/AM ** Age Z I birthplace /re/a^t c/ residence I&64-. (/art.. 2 7 Coa / Reave r- Uan. ZS /S6S~ served on OHIO — ^ACQ Rich, Albert R Age birthplace Q)u. incy , Afas^ residence ^Sc Ac,c / Sr /a«4 i/d«./5 Reft tig flf&ster~ fi?<3*e. MarcAjc /<9<3^" served on 0//IG - Af*f?Y •Sa/VFOITO ■ RlCH, 3 £***/?£> Age 2 birthplace C/?ar/es/a „ n residence 'd 64-, re 6. 2. Coa /Reaver- Z Cos/^i'er .j.24 /ess tf£Ai?d^i7<7£ ~~ BoJTO/V SA/f/fACA;J Age 13 residence ferriri Sr / J -C/ass Bov./^ac^irtijA He/per-- A/ori/ 'Z /G€\ /? IL£Y, PAT fit* C/x- birthplace C/?ar/ej)%tvrt /8 6 2, A~i?6. /S served on Oh /o - Miha/£i?w5«- O/'soddity i/une f, /e64- OH/O — /f£/VS//V £A/~SA COLA — tDA — /^A/TOAf/A F?OAC/y, /y /& Cfuarternraste r- do ne /6- / birthplace Atovd Scot/a residence /Q62. feS-Z/ ($uarfer Quii7icc? ZS //)63 scrxd on Oh Id - A7AffBl£H£AD- TicorVOE/^0 Age 17 birthplace Boston residence Garden Pt ICCZ.Pc6Z4 /.arrc/J-mans Afay S /e 6S~ served on Oh / O - AXatah o / a/ — £3 / £A/v/tt£ /?0/, Apr// '8 Coo/ //eover-- Z^^C/asj .- r /iw»t ,/ubc? /*6j" smed on Ohio- Mifv/veso ta .— U/vo Aoaaij — L shi QEO/fGEL //■ Age 3Z birthplace residence /H64-, Aldy 9 *Seam9rL> dix/y AT /fibs' served on Oh/O ~ 3/ S/VV/Z-ZC — ft I ChM o/v £> — /t ef residence Z.exm$~f6n Jf- /•$€/, duii/-t- /e^, /+. zees served on Ohio- /~c*\ Cf vj<»«> ^f»iv /J*eco >-<* H OOA/ £ZYs W/ZZ/AM birthplace residence yVOpp/?,? S* /Gi>~9 flfdy Z4- Ord, Seatrrai-u served on Oh/ O — r/A IfT^O/fD ROSS, Uoha/ IV. birthplace MorT/i 6c/'0,Me. residence 1864. fief- iy Coo/ //eaves r~ served on OHIO - AJOHO/VQ A HerZA Flao/rc, WAZre:/? s. birthplace /ne/a?rd residence /f)6Z, r~eb. /z Ord. Seamark served on O HIO — f~\A TAHOIAS ~ /Ql/r/v vHL£z RotA/zZ^Qzro/iQz- A. A & eZo birthplace /.a-nds-r^a^^ A/or. / birthplace / ~TG / Wic/t, Cent rt. residence /&S2, J&trJl /.<3HdJ r?,»• ,.-,j 0II O*/©- J^^^-^r^^WC/r. Ryam, Pa tk/ck, .... / y _ w resilience kith place / f e/C7iO , -, 4 /£6-,~ ervfdon Oh,0- Saa, OAC,~r<> - *«< *0«A - OCTO**«A nYCJcn, residence Of c-vy^r- -J H bi,thplaceBrco*/yn.«\ «• ^„ Jo /«f , . , , residence birthplace le64 ., # P r;/ 6 sa,-» f 3* ******* £*r»**'' served on O Hf O - PeQoQ i Age 2 2- served on OH to- f?£S TLESJ Age 2 2. v5/» //v r Oro t Xj, M'CH* CL . , r -, / w residence birthplace /VC<1 /S62. 0,cJ/ &-*».** served on Owo- Coi.O*A OO , '\& «**" .... residence fi'c tH •$ & /fi«0. 6>ee.7 Cartel** C/et-A "A" v5/?a*jo/v> P/Erre/? birthplace Oonm^rH, IB d/. /~e6Z served on ■ he residence Corey J* rcsidt m <" /lgc Jj Mrftpiott Ctt*r/ejft„?t. residence /S62 fhb. /3 '- '•«•'■' f-tretrtS **• " served on Oh'O- ft EH J/" $70*/ -fTtCHMGfitO- KAfisA W»A -AffSJ'*>">f>t ■* residence send on OH'O - Arooj ■ C.c k - *>* ~ Wo«9A Af «' Z3 birthplace Ct,*r/es*iwrt residence tf>62. /7c^ f 20 O^ ...-•/ •-. •**/»'■ 6 '« f > J served on Cjh'O-M.AM I Sav/vOF/TJ, Js>*fCvJ birthplace Ch<3r/^tow?^ residence semdon Oh/o - ftA/T7ro#0 -/re/ttT-JA*G C —€ct.A CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 61 v5V) VA q £1, IA///LL/AA? fr Age 2.1 birthplace residence '66^. dune Z 9 Ore/ ■ S7-^ A-/arrc6 . 23 /G6J served on Oh/O — /T/A/e o ~Se 0~—j Geo /? C7 C Age Z Si- birthplace /V. y. C/Vy residence. /fit*/ i/c<3 77raris l/stz.J/ /{j6 2- senedon Ohio— Sa b /as C *Sca /? vj, Cha t?i £ j 2 , Age pr// '5> /f> 64- Oh/o — ^tv/) ff/> S/rsivf:/?, dAWEj Age 2./ birthplace residence 'ft 6 2, A~e6 /? •Seamark /) i*.f ■ 2 2. /S63 served on Oh/O - MiJS/sj/ppi — Cla/IA Do/.J£/\s -/2o T/te. A Sea \S£ Y, At BE /?T Age birthplace residence /3 - birthplace CAar/ejTc, i*v ?<- residence /S62. /9tA.f. $> £t3 rrc/STTt a rc^ dist-f. /J~ /r /<*£- Y — tserrv /l/o /? <7 A *S — /Yo/?t/s C^/vol/aa ■S/Y* O/ /9£(V/V/J /!«« Jo birthplace /re/ana/ residence /■S6Z JaM£J M- U J. Marine. CorpJ Age 2.4- birthploce C&r/ac/a residence IB €4-. 'Sep/ 2. p^r/i/a/S. Ju./y A /» coca — £1 o/r / o a 3ub sfl'fU fe. fa r (peciye 4 >V^//eir- S //£/./. y, T HO/HA J (y.S.tfar/'ne. Corps Age A/?/>^ H//JL2/AAf birthplace residence /&<$/. ■Sep*./ 6 Seama ru «A.»e«'«6* served on O P to - C y A /*£ — Sa va rv/v/> /-< S// £/*/.£ Y> Gt70/?c?£ f». Ace 2 6 birthplace residence /&&J. t/are-S' jcarrraTt — Q o, a r ~fer- master— t/att-ir- rats' served on Of-// o — /^ez/vsA CTC/C A — Co/sscv / C ?svtTs . J./VAvy /-es/'c, T^.ecf /*5.# f»C-*" 1866. /if&r-cA, /2, O.S./ff&r-f'n<2, Corps, /■ zr Z/e<^/i?rr t ircr l A^f, Jo ' w/v£- — O/i/xv f re oas — £>/irsA/ Si£>C£y, Os1A//£-£ Age Z I birthplace CAar/ej/f;*, rt residence '■8GJ. iJ<~'y 2* z-r-« C/<,jj firman. J^/ y 2r, 'ac- senvd on Ohio — OJJif££ Psr in/ C£ to /s ^S/OLtTY, /-t ,\ ge , a birthplace C 6 <3 r fej few n. residence /662. s^c^f.S /\<3n&j**a7i, ^fep < ■ iz , /ec. 2 3 Oi-tf- JftASAs£Jo t a ■SiA^/yfOAsOS, Or/J 77 Age J birthplace residence Le*-m /SS/, dty-f-Jo ~St=& rrtaTt^ Oisa 6rV ify Way io/af>2- servedem Op/O — /v. Q, /I sV Oeif^o as S/A/GLeTOAS, AffCUAet Age 2.1 birthplace residence f ft 6 f- . A/t residence /8G/. i/o*/y // /.Gnc/j-m-a-rt, , /<5 1*63 servedon Of/to— -SsiBias £ — ATI as £ O — I/* /fi/ m a 'Sl.OA'Vs <-/CiHA*s C '■ S, Af& r/rt<>. Cor-p> Age ZZ. birthplace /re/ane/ residence '■662. servedon TICOA/O£sf o <} A — Sojtoas &s> /? 17A c Acs SLOAty? k/OHAS /* AgeJZ birthplace residence / p / Zn II? 6 y servedon Ohio -iftfA'//vf rov 'Small, Ow eas ■ 4 «» '7 birthplace /re/a^cr residence teez./^ay J / o>-4- servedon O Uro — P^/.T-T. ■* S3 <'f?ciAl SAt/-H, 4a*os a & * 3 birthplace residence /(}&/. iycr^re/As£ — i/^/T■?& y 11. ific-*- senedon Ohio— P>£a/s* cnt-A — 7~£S\i-sv£j££. Q&oree /-. iXrcc/efar-ef J?e /) r-my A?*?e.Grtx. CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. g 4 •S*f i t/y, He/vs? y 1 re J birthplace ZJ&tt\s<_r*j /•/<*-> s ■ '■■' '6Co J^yo./ t/ \S<'*Jrt * /3 J/W/ 7 /v, Mea/i? y \ K e 2->" birthplace 1 ■ '86-*. do./y 2g G} U &*-/£ r^ rttcf l /?• i~ &e<*-. ZO <■ ffi/.J screed on O /v i ft - WO /\S Tt* /Sw.^ /> t*C i. served on O/t, 'i — /Tr^i/f/v o /- <-T /\'t /T /-/, iJoJE /*/-/ Age birthplace residence /<3 62. /W<3y tf Cfl/?mei~(i Afs/c. />/ay 2 / /SO J" ser.rd on Cj/-t / o - S rAtfj a~o Sr/rtPj — • eT- -/■SSt/v /4Zi.EAS—'Jt : >*t i/ACftvTCt Sa/OI+6 j far- //o*y. 26 /fiC/ served on O '-> ' o — />//A/A/eT-JO TA \5Af/7/-/, /Lew/ j ■*t* Jc birthplace CrGrtttarry residence Sow St- /8 6Z. i/dii.Z/ /.c>-n a J m a rt^ -if?,** Jo / fr o i served on — fj H t O — -f*f/TtV, ^e-eTsr Age birthplace Oewje'/'/r residence /3ci /c/ Ht t as S /~ /««* Oc* /<* vJ/ 1/ //>c y scried on — G \s «-" CZe-?/t/-/, Tho/u/i j Age Zi birthplace /-/ rrir tr S /- >B6/. t/^/y 2y ^awoSrwrjiv 0Ts yy* r ?r<. + /£6J~ serxedon OH/Q- - U rte+ r- /■>.'»*;/£-*•,' «»./«.««. /V# tT/f. // La-MC/iS-ms ti. As?e re A 3/ ■/ &G4- served on Oh tO — A/A A/ TO CAT £ T — <£T. &■ AAAL£- •S f=> f? A Q (S £L; Eo^AAS Age 34- birth place Q a fctrre? K, /)/ Sf*RA j/pOfA, Af&/?r<2, residence Aft Verr-rc, rr JV- /rtJO*rer- —psrr.tecf Oct 7 te6 2 served on S -ACSTHOZ. £; UAjHAV 77 Age birthplace Afdi'rte. residence OeCcjAu r~ 3TA served on AtCAf? ~SA /? C £ S T A At* f O ty, UOAWSS Age 2o birthplace 3oStir,7t residence Z&64-, /ipri'/ /S~ /.at-rc/j 77-ra ,-is /Qprr'/ /S~ SGG-iT Served on Oh/O vSr£l/£A'J>/ r '/7/iA/C/ji Age 22- birthplace Co tub rteff e, Afc>ss residence Core.'/ 3 1 /& C /, M '&J/ / v^CrfC'/d»o , ' residence IHG/. St 2 O /i/cf''n? 3^ ' tfss/sT&nf- £~?i$/rreer-. 2"-? Ajs J , r-esi'f»e/y /7 /f} 6S~ •S T/A4 0~0 A/j Ca/A /7 L£J £1 Age AS birthplace BoStD/l residence J86/. dune /z /-'Cy&jj A3c,iy M,v. //. /ej64- served on O fJ I O — IAea?/HOas /" — At^AA/ ~A See? rfrrrry Afpcot-d S TO CATLAP, AVATAVA^y "77 Age 3v>~ birihplace Qerwany residence E~/*rr SA /3 6Z. Af&rcA. 3 £_ 3rte/J Trr 3 7ts' /Iprt'/ 2/ /eC>2- served on OHIO "STOLt_£A?y, W/LAAAA7 Age 2/ birthplace flKG/gr-ld residence 1&64, Sep/3 3 ^ Ajs/stanA- E~rtfirreer- Ocr 1 AO AdGS- sc '^ d °" 0/-//G - f-//1/T7EGA70 — rVdTST QO/-/^ A? Q sy CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 6 6 S i OAS£ f On. /=>/-/ /a/£:a S O .\ fe 2 , birthplace CA^r/ej/c,yv 71 residence Concord Jr /8 6J,Af&rc/i,0/ /Qcf'rto /Isst'sfan-r / =, ay?rtajrer- /Jpri'/s I80c sened on OHIO — HAS TllVCf 3 STO/V£ /^ T Oavio \av, U.S.Man'ne. Corps Age Zt birthplace Pe^rrt-. residence /esy May zs Jery&attr ^ fr?ay Z. /66.2Q. iJiPdwdjv Jan. 27. IH6S- senedon Omio — ~7Ho*tAS £/? £ £ 3 O '? AS — Wf J r^'/f/V l4/&/?t_£> SOLI/VA A/, Co/fA/fi/c/^T Age 2.1 birthplace / T~(? / a -yr a" residence /&<><£ "e /n r- £c/*v& re/ 3reu>er~ <5C. ZO Loner's 771 & 7is Oec/3 H)Gd served on Oh'O — /Yaha ivt — Hoosatoa/iC vJe>c fir my /7&c<7rd Sul//\sA AY, AZ(y C£A\A £ Age Zs" birthplace residence /eeo. aYgia. /J c<3jota/'/x 0/ /sg/<* avow, /j /e(,f sened on O/^ i<~' — ^ICH/Vfo as £> /&t-27 Cc/ cia/t O — •S^A'Ti^O'o c-t~>rt.o 71, £e A- l-f / J * / <•? r CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 67 iSf/Z/C^//, a/ & I? / O 6. 4- - - ft e A ffSit /?/-/ A Age birthplace &<3/7i t-rteire.. Af /<36Z. /?7fS 0)/?G£//v*\ w rt, residence /6 6J. f. /2 CerJtYai'rT- /f ///*=•<* Aci>y /eCa~ served on <0 H / O — / AZ O S /-a rr a residence /S <>/. Af&y 2./ v5 ?-rr <9 t~ls (Jot rts Jo / J-/-f / /? /£T J"tx^>J"//?cf C/earoG. /T C/ra pi ' it- SOU/ l/Ai AS, /^sc T*C f Age 2. 6 birthplace J30J7 /?ie /J' flcf/n? /z-nsi'y rts —flf&s/er- Oct- 22. /ejey semdon V£/=l B£A/A — P'O/TT SfoyA /_ — MAt/AIHg: — O /-* f CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 68 •S W £- E W £1 Vj UacV/cZO birth place 15 a J To n. /e.c/. /r/aj/ 7 served on ^Sw££A/£Y, ISOHA/ birthplace /Ve/«r> ,i <=/ served on H 6 2. OC 3 1 birthplace /re/ana I a 64- March, // sened on Age 3° . „ ,. Wafer JV- /_,j>,dJ'-"<3 Tf ^^9 ■ /J /e 6 z - O A* / O — AfrSS/S3fPf>t 'H* 2 6 lence Co*/ ****<, >~ ^rr.Jo !«<.*- 0,j,c— C c L /7r y-/^6./(f6-S- /PAZ OC/. /. Ac/'Hf ZnJ/y-7*- r "££. T q„e* r fare** ' Ciaka o**sc~ TAI*T£* QEOAO£ IV ^^WAW* C, "*%« Oc/ 2 Z ***, «***'«"* ' OHIO ""*<*o» Scefirrrey ffecorct Ta//a/£/7, l/aai£ls birthplace /re/&?id residence '/S63. ?rt a: served on ^rX, /hb-9 IC6 + Ohl/O — F'At'VA/EeZ—A/O/TT/' OAUOC/AfA Taylor, Chaa/-£j a/- Ae> Zl birthplace BolToH rtsiienc* ,B62. Jufy 24- Ltir e ~ . Me /3 ~AYA/£, UOA/V birthplace Chsr/esrc»,u -^ Oi , c .3//S0J I8(,i A/cv/4- l & rt a j marts ,.,.. don OHio-tfi/vq F.s/'cZA; - A*/* ctT TO a/ Ser/ Age 2 6 birthplace /re/^«a residence /8G3. /&6.3 ~ birthplace r? oc /C JO Or/ Arc/, 'residence /Se/, Af&y 2S Ord .\S&<9?r<& *-*- Cf/S<36//i n d-s m a vi; t/o>ne Z6 /&6J- served on Ohio — /~OlfT /-/£A/Af y T/E/7A/EY, M/C//A££ Age Zl birthplace A/or/ol/f, l/a residence IQ6/. //ocf./Z. Z drrdsrnarts Pr/sorrer- Oct. 19 'e6J served on Ohio— Cca/<^/?£SS — £"*./_/) — S/tT£/-lTiZ. ~7~0/3l/\l£, AflCHAE £ Age Zl birthplace /ye/arrd residence /S6J, r~kb 2. /d?«/j^an/ Afay 3/ IC6f- sercedon O H I O — D/,rVO£ LI O/V ~T~0LAA/O, d O HAS A Age Zj birthplace Sos/o 7-c residence /£6Z. J&h ZS Z **- '' C/ass /7/-e 7-r,a ru Oct 1 - /J f8 C Z. served on Q H / _ SA A/ dA C /As T O TOOMEY, Oaa//££ r. Age 2 3 birthplace Bosrtf/i residence Perrt'ri l. Apr.'/ Zo" 2 ^C/gjj fireman, -3eanOns Hprt'/ re ' ft 6J served on Q H / o - Bait— Mississippi TOOlV/EY, dCHM A' AgeZB birthplace residence /S64. du/y 2£> Z o> » ds -rr> a ?is deceased Oct m i&6H> served on O H ' — FfiOL I C 3tj.6s/i'fTu/s_ /or dcArv H" Aforse. ~7~C O i\f £. Y, Af/CHAE/. Age Zl birthplace CAar/esTonrri residence ie6/. /ipr/'/Zf IdndJma-rt, ^Sepl.z//e6<>- served on OuiO — MISSISSIPPI — iVl PSi C — lV/l/1 AS/xA ~OW£:Pj A/VOA?£ W Age birthplace residence 3dliu-srt Sr- /&63, Jc/y Z Acting Ass/stan-/- p&y rrr&sn'r- Oec./O I con- served on ~7~6yV/V*S£~AIO, Uo HA/ yj. Age 2/ birthplace Bc)T/r l A/<3i ne^ residence 18 6/, /Qu.f.Z3 Cos/ //caver - Carpenter- A/art AfarcA. Zn leoo- servedon O (-1 1 — ■ M£/fC£ DITA Tpsa^iXs Will/am Q. Age zo birthplace CQfudr/dae^, Mojs residence Lex /np fan Si- /<3 63, 'Sep/. 2 6 OrdSea^r arc /}pri'/ /Z. IflCy servedon OH'O- A//A(f/>AfA —HA/f7 P~OA? — PoTOAfAC -IV/yS A* — O//*">#0 7~/=?U/3£>Y, &£/VJAMI/V Z3. Age Zo birthplace D&er Man d Afe. residence /Q63, diy/y 'O d&rrffs marc f d residence /-/<-< 1/ &* If} 6S, Uui-vs/4- ser.vd on Co -w ccr TIC «/ r — TUfTVeULL, h/lLl/A/*-/ Age 36 birthplace 3&r>QOr; Ms. residence /8 6z. Feb. / 2'»-GaJS/~ / rer?i<3ro C/isobi/ty A/cjy 29 fS63 senvd on Oh ' O- /f/C/VSVeT B £T C TU/f/V£/t>, DAV/D Age 2/ birthplace Chcy r/ej/Zv-y n residence 166/, /V0\/2j ■Se&rvans SK.v 2-9 /SG4- scned on OHIO — £>H ILA D£/.£>/S/A — 3ffGOfrt-Y/V — /ft CH M Ci/v o 7~u f? /? /- l l , 3/c/v oam //v ft Age 4.4. birthplace S<5 /em, /iffJJ residence /&6J, /ee> 24 O/Si'cerS Jfetvarci /ifSrcA. IS /S6 4- ser.ed on O H ' O — rVej 7£fif/V M/OlfL O - Pot OAfSfA — F*£ri?/? y u UF'/ZA Mj W/Z-L/AA7 & birthplace residence served on Oh I <' ~ Co /- O ff/t O O (JS/-/C '/f, Ti-io/waj birthplace /7-fKeceasea — ploce Jf - IS 63, Jan 2, Sra^art, Ja«Zo<6«4- servedon Ou/O- W£J 7£r/fA/ H/G*S-0 CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 71 WADE, d03£E>H Af. Age 23 birthplace C/tsr/vsfoyu-71. residence /86 •*' AfarcA. 2o C&pjtaiy-t 'or*r<3 7i. Sep /,/./ >*-t WALLA C tZj ij£/?OAf£; &. Age /y birthplace C/> a y/e jTo rv 7-c residence I8G+, doOB£/? 7 Age birthplace /Ve tv /-/ rte Corp3 Age zi birthplace /re/arrd residence C^orey <-»■ /83'P, dune t fr/vafe. i/uire Z. /eQZ. servedon Sgstoas j5a/?s?ac/x s lA/A/fD, H£AS/?y Age 2./ birthplace (jfOTT/rtj /IfaSS. residence /86/,A?pr>7 /$ Ofd Snf //. (66+ served on Oh 1 / O — Af f/v/V £ 3 OT A WA/fO, s?OB£/?7 Agf 3 7 birthplace /re/an c/ residence £i/e>r. IBS I, dune 2/ vfcawan/ dt^-fte ZJ.'CC-*- servedon O/s/O- DALE — VA /VDA L/A — Sa AS ifacr^T O WA&DWELLj W"?AA4 /^ Age Zl birthplace P3co f M&. residence 18 GZ, £*>£> 3 vj-i- /fcty.23~ /863 served on O n/a- Sam dAC/SS TO — /HO 3~ served on Oh/O- Wa CHOJ e tt s — Ca/TSCo Basest W£B&E/?, O^AfftES Age ZZ. birthplace CJr e /-/W /o w /-t. residence /8 6/, A?<3y 23 Ze -n C/3S?t'3 7-is Chs&Si/ify dart. 2.3~ /£<;*. served on OH'O — ^"SfEBZ. E. CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 72 Webeaj, Auqustu j Age jc birthplace Qe-rir,a?iy residence //&ry4r /OS/, i/u/rr-fDS Age 2.1 birthplace Ire/art d residence Er^'A o— /riASEc/ WAZLCAA, fi*4 T ff f /? /?/\ Cs^c rVEL L //V G 7 O /V, QcOf7g£. Age 29 birthplace C/?cr r/ej 76*/ /<. residence l£6f, Hccf. 23 A&rtdsmarv /ijarcAj/. I?.C2- serxd on OHIO — h/<5 Jn/A/O" TO rv, O.C7. WELLS, £o*///V A. Age A5 birthplace ffo/c bur y , Mass residence /SCJ, tAa/r. 23 Z/■/■ /e}6+ served on On /o - S<, — B*irsj3ir/o'?£—SHAwjH£/Y— Ser^seTCA AS Git, Sep// &/ fAej Aa~w/t. LAieSZ. iAo> /*?<*■. served on residence Z 3tic/J ?rra> 71s Ohio — Aio 17 s eT residence A^C/ajJ Ernipirrort* O///O — >Saa/ iJ/>C/A/T O Age 4-0 A~Z;6. 3, /eci Age 2/ A7c.f. 4. /g6 3 Age 2 3 Af&y ■?-. /fi6J- CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. 7 3 Ww£££/i/y, Thomas /?• Age /& birthplace CA<5 rfesYow /-t residence /8€Z. rfpr/'/ S Ore/. S<3 i-rr a -?-v AfarcA //. /<9n.//./86y servedon Of-/ / O-ComaioOg AT £: Af c Dc,Asoc,»(,>-&,, Af*? C/asj Y~/'r--n Age 27 birthplace Fbrt/at^c/, AfatrfiZs residence /&SZ. ijart. 3o Ccjt>/j-i ^S'T'Sn-a/^c/ A/c,y <9. /<$ &J served on O H / o - /TSA/f* £ j3 £ C WtL£Yj H//7AA4 /?. Age /s birthplace C/iO r/e 77 f Afcrs/e /- ^ec/f/iJsj" served on O M / O ~ f^O WHA T A /Y W/lL/i H Dj, Q£OA?CcZ /T Age 20 birthplace • residence Su H/te> r f/t'//' Js /8 63. JW/?/.// Suryeo/-t. Sfewar residence /3S3, /e6.24- Z^-C/ass /7/pwcm, tyorcA. /$ /ecv- servedon Oh I O - /Y/QA/ T(y C//S ~— POTOM ' S/TA siee Y/rtrty YF&cot-ri CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 _ SHEET NO. 74 W/l L/A M S, All/ q(/J TO*J Q A tf /B birthplace F>(, r//^ rtd, Afa/rre, residence IB 63, fh6- Zy / Age Zi> birthplace 1-relo-nd residence Medfor-c/ J A 16 6 2, Uu rr G J ft >*»>*"- z -* C/ *™ A1a y + /ft6s ~ served on Oh / O- So O TH Ca/?OZ/as/\ W/Ll/AA1<^ fffSOjEfffCsx A S« 23 birthplace ri~QT? ce, residence /3GZ, iJa-n,. zy SooZ-Jwa/rt Mar6 ■/#./» cT served cm Oh/O - rWu/fO /V - A/a MA A/ T W/LUAMS, QEO/?C£ A t' Z/ birthplace Scor/dTrd residence /86Z. Oec.3o Ld-ndjTTt3>T. Jq-^t-17 /f:63 served on Oh /(>- fcA/SA CO I A n y ATecfrrd W/tl/AAfS, M£A'/?Y Age 3o birthplace P/ri/ade/fi'Ar'a, A~>e?r >-t residence /66Z. A^6 G £3oa7s yva'/ n. Afa/e. £>£A/SA CO ZA- W/t-JO/Ss Jomav F~- A & ^*- birthplace CA^r/es/o^ ro residence /tj C+, Ocs. Zo Goa/Z-te^^er- A/ Age 2 4- birthploce / Ve/a , t c/ residence /S6Z. fe6.fi L <3»ra'v5 lira t is Fet>ZJ /-f;oo~ sened cm Ohio— i5a/s 3a c i s/t s, — O a/ £/ O /-ts /\-?oas/a Ay IAV//.JOA/, W/ZZ/AA4 Age ZZ. birthplace 7 C/ residence /6S3, A~*2 6 -> / a — W £S?C £ O / T A W/SVCA/s/7 , eZA//?y Age birthplace A/t?*/po r/, /?. /. residence I*~i62. Ui^it" 3 QlytsvT CHARLESTOWN IN THE NAVY SHEET NO. *7 5 Wi a/ 9, £<_<_/ o~r /-"■ Age^xt birthplace A/a n fU cA"e F A/as J residence /86+, Oc/. z+ vJVa >^ d? 7-t^ ''SapaF /a~ /€<$<> served on O M/ o — ^T /if*) /t y W/A/T£r/?3j QEO/?G£ & Age Zl birthplace C/jaf/ejfiopV7t- residence //} 6J-, /~&6. '/ L&i-r a. 3 /f) G& servedon Of/O — C~oa/a/l~C TV Cl/ T — C^A'fl^^/'? - J'^/i'A'ft/v W / N T & /•? S, M/CA/A£ L Age 3 S~ birthplace /rs/ana' residence /SS3, dart- S3 O r c'.S/fasf-,Af<2- residence lf)6z. dan. 2+ Master- J-/s/rT£. /4// J- //£/£, Aaro/v Age jy birthplace /Vor/o/Ar. va residence /(tOf-. SiUy.3 Z STtd^ m ~S/-iArvoy — O/vo/vOA^A .y.Z9/86S~ served on / => A?/A/CF3 3 ffo YA L — ArYSTAA/SA S Wood, l/oh/v Age zi birthplace tf<3 rf/Or-d, /f/aSS residence /86Z, OecZo /. &nds maT^s dart.ZS" /8G4- servedon O/V ( 0~ sVA HAA/T — M/)f?GleHFAF> WOOD; dOH/V Qt -Tit a ~y-(/ Flocy /e /#6 <*' served on €>£// o — /-A /t/?a c ffrf A? S/s 7 h'0 — W/IBAS/t' — Bfi^A/O YW//V£U c" OC/TUVO O £> WFHQ/-/T, ^OB£/7— Age 3/ birthplace Ffic h rn O rt d, ya. residence /8S#, rfoty, <5 £ a 7t c/J 77-r a -7-ts /Ro^y. 4T. /c? 6/ servedon OH fO ~/9/?STFfC/3A — CoA/ay/TLLA TV O AS sStAbjf/fiUfiZ /c,r E J3 STefso >•<■ CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 SHEET NO. 76 /Vor- za /&63 W /? / Q H 7> /HOWi-5 Si- birthplace C/4« Atin- 19 /.arrc/yS m a 7-t^ A/o re /t- Zft/ a Ob- served on Oh 1 o — A1/,CEoo/vf/*ss WYM/i/V, •S/iMt/e I. Ate 2.1 birthplace Cha r/ejA?jyv 7-t residence 1863, A/ov 23 Coa/ f-/ A/3/rre, residence /6 63 r Ae/37 /^wtfjwan- Oeceasec/ Jun<* S> /S63 serced on O/s/G — IV- Q. Alfvaerfr J"<5/V — /7/V TO/v/A Y0U/VCj, FowAKD Age 2-tT birth place /re /and residence /#64 \Sejo/. 8 /-^C/asJ F'/remans A)t*.f. 9 /#6J- servedon O///O ~ /f/yOO£T /jt-sl/vo ^■ef? H-rmy ffect.rcl — c.3o ~St?a-ntarLJ Uarc-Zi>~ /8e>4- sened on O/V / O — AVa//AAT~ Af/tfft3££: /*£*£> YO(JA/ /o /e64- sencd on Ou/O - Coi-O/VA £> O CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865 These Citizen s fu. rri is he c7 Scab st/ TU tes Aldeim, Darius C- 11 6 Af<3 1 n. St. BzCKFORDj. Dam/el. AT- 4-l3A/a/n, St. Beavaaett, Thsophiujs f 13 AtanCacK . So CAestni*. t St. EdmamdSj Thomas A? B. 3 6 A'fon urrren t A?^e. Fairbanks, Charles Fi 4-s~ CAes/7r<^A St Far r, Jasoaj 44 9 A-fa/n St. F/StfE, BEMJAMt N /■ S Essex St. Flint, Qeorcje E. 2 3 Bete n St. FOOTE, OSCAF* 4-Q Wi'nthrop St Frothinqhaai, Thomas Q. 3 Aionumen t Sy- A/all, Franr A- 3 60 Afa/n St AVaro/ng, Edward 7/ Chelsea Si- Howe, Edw/aj 13 A lis ton St, Hull, Baraaey AQS Mat'rt St. HUTCH/NS, AAARRlSON tf- 23 Afonuntent /?ve Ja ques, Franc/s 2 AfOffuntenf Sp. AYahGRT, Samuee 4 rfou n A lAern o n St Lawreas ce, Edward 4-4- ttijA SA LlAACOLA/j C/EORQE Edw/N >9 Hiffk St. fLES £Z. Boston., Af-ass 69 High St. Af/i/tOA/EYj Charles £Z. Mason, John C. 73 School st M C C?R£ GOR, DAVfO L. •37 Soiey St AfERRlAM, Matthew At. 3? Afoonf /em on St. MOLLETT, QeORGE A- 75 Terr/t SA A/ortoNj Eugene L. 13 AfounA l/emon St /^ARSONS, A/.ALLEN is/ Alain SA Pearson s, L/a/ec/s e~. 123 BartAeiA. SA. AYand, Edward T. 34/ Bu n Ire i- tti'/l S~t. AfOBERTS, A^ETER S. 40 4- Ma Art SA <5anbor n, Daniel. A. S Trent on. A St. •Sawtelle, AIndre \sV 2 9 Washington St, Sai/tn, . WE 8 STE Rj h/UMPHR EY A=>. 9 lAAa/Aer St. WELL/Nq T~ONj AAORA T/O 63 Wash An? A on S+. Waai crt, Andrew J 3 2 Cross SA.