F 129 .P4 F9 Copy 1 Bonk A ^ /"^ ^fi^lS^^^^Kb f^i !■>= ^^^m trS QUAKER RECORDS PERU MONTHLY MEETING CLINTON C U N T Y, N E 7/ YORK M arriaKes. page 1 Removal Certificates, " 10 Mens Meeting. Marriage Intentions " 25 "p. ,3&->ii*3:'XC I QUAKER MARRIAGES PERU MOIITHLY MEETING CLINTOH COUNTY, UEW YORK N THE WEST SIDE OP LAKE CHAM- PLAIN, B S TABLISHED 4th F 7m. 1799 1799 to 1339 Benedict, Barker, Griffith, Hoag, Smith, Keese, Benedict, Koag, Cyrus Benedict, son of Aaron and Elizabeth of Peru Hannah Barker, daughter of Nicholas and Glarinda Barker of Peru Married, 5 of 12m, 1799 at Peru Seth Griffith, son of Jonathan and Hannah of South Hero. Chittenden Co., Vt. Joanna Hoag, daughter of Daniel and Phoehe Hoag of Llid^le Hero, Yt. Married, 9 of 12m, 1801 at Middle Hero Benjamin Smith of Peru, son of Samuel (dec'd) and Mary, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts Elizabeth Keese, daughter of Stephen and Ruth Slarried, 8 of 9m, 1803 at Peru William Benedict, son of Aaron and Elizabeth of Peru Alse Hoag, daughter of Daniel and Phebe, of Middle He?o, Vt. Married, 30 of 10m, 1805 at Middle Hero flfi locnsC 10 i9;t;; . bbla ,qsoK 4-1" ,,,, ' •- . » , 1 _•.- -^ , J Earl, Keese, Bunker, Benedict, Birch , Eoag, Irish, Wood, Green, Bowron , Bowron , Keese, Timothy Earl, son of Robert and Sarah of Lester, Massachusetts Ruth Keese, daughter of Richard and Anna of Peru Married, 6 of 2m, 1806 at Peru Peleg Bunker of Peru Hannah Benedict, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth of Peru Married, 1 of 10m, 1805 at Peru Levi Birch, son of Israel and Phebe of Peru Ruth Hoag, daughter of Daniel and Phebe of Kiddle Hero, Vt. Married, 30 of 10m, 1805 at Middle Hero Israel Irish, son of Jonathan and Deborah of Peru Esther Wood, daughter of Jonathan and Rachel of Peru Married, 2 of Im, 1806 at Peru Henrr Green, son of Caleb (dec'd) and 'Catherine, of Peru Anna Bowron, daughter of Jonathan (dec'd) and Anna, of Peru Married, 1 of 5m, 1806 at Peru William Bowron, son of Jonathan (dec'd) and Anna Mary Keese, daughter of Richard and Anne Married, 1 of Im, 1807 at Peru d.&iBc fens [tiacfoH io no-. ,_ -';-::' T ^I-rsS Jj13i ;t£ ,:iiS 'io .'. , '• :-ij8^ 10 30 ,'iJB Xasial io nos ,iio'fr^ rV9.I ,^0112 , Ji; *:., „ ^dSLl'. io latfosfl »niX io S fb3r.iiz..'. -i:?:' ' ;JBb ,383 3/1 V;'i'B-.i ^329 3.'^ ;;-r9" :'jz V08I ,":tI ic I .ba-TisL! -.^_ ""t^— Southwick, Bowron , Laphara , Keese, Jackson, Eallock, Slyter, Hoag, Barker , Keese, Southwiok, Irish, George Southwick, son of George and Lydia of Queensbury. Washington Go. Jane Bowron, daughter of Jonathan (dec'd) and Anne of ?eru £Iarried, 31 of 3m, 1808 at feru Joseph Lapham, son of Nathan and Elizabeth of Danby Anna Eeese, Jr., daughter of Richard and Anna of feru ilarried, 4 of 8n, 1808 at Peru James Jackson, son of Daniel and Llary of Peru Elizabeth Kallock, daughter of Peter and Llary of Peru Married, 4 of Im, 1810 at Peru Jacob 3lyter, son of Walter and Amelia of Peru Elizabeth Hoag, daughter of Daniel (dec'd) and Phebe of Liddle Kero, Vermont Rlarried, 27 of 6m, 1810 at Lliddle Hero Arden Barker son of Samuel and Sarah of Charlotte, Chittenden Co.. Vermont Ruth Keese, Jr., daughter of Stephen and Ruth of Peru Married, 1 of 11m, 1810 at Peru Johnathan Southwick, son of George and Lydia Llartha Irish, daughter of Jonathan and Deborah of Peru Married, 31 of Im, 1811 at Peru jjns ■; TO nop, ^>forv; _ , ■ " '-'wo? ■ 'iT^. f-» ,:r.i3rfqsJ o -. r,-. 10 -rs , , •ooLLbII jj ■ (j . r ( f jj "i D i 10 -4- d Nichols, Tihitcomb, Everitt, Keese, Hoag, Feasley , Green, Gore, w ood, Benedict, Feasley, Gore, Wood , V/illits, Rogers, Eleazar Nichols, of Peru, son of BenTjainin and Hannah Hannah V.Tiitcoc.b, daughter of Edv/ard Everitt and Rachel of Peru Married, 4 of 7m, 1611 at Peru William Keese of Peru, son of Richard and Anna Lydia Hoag, daughter of David and Elizabeth of Peru Llarried, 2 of Im, 1812 at Peru Samuel Peasley, of Peru, son of Llicajah Feasley "(deo'd) and Jane Gore Jane Green, dau^^hter of Henry and Elizabeth (decM) , 01 Peru Married, 30 of 4m, 1812 at Ferji Daniel VTood of Peru, son of Jonathan and Rachel Phebe Benedict, daughter of Reuben and Anna of Peru Llarried, 30 of 4m, 1812 at Peru Joseph Feasley of Peru, son of Micajah Peas- ley and Jane Gore Amy Y/ood, daughter of Jonathan and Rachel Wood Married, 2 ©f 6m, 1812 at Peru Jacob Vnllits, son of James and Joanna, of Washington, Dutchess Go. Deborah Rogers, Jr., daughter of James and Dbborah of Peru Llarried, 29 of 10m, 1812 at Peru af; 03 ^{i13'_ 10 .alOflOfl'l T3aG3l[l bn£ biBiloiii lo nae «iii9* io A r-f' rp:,. d;t 9dB.'i '■ . ;n:e I lo JJ13i :fB cixf3l ,.TiI 10 i£(,£yili To ^'^' , 910x1 ":'.-- • rT« 'T's r> ^iUBo :rfB !T.ff:*"t'?rrol5 to ctoe ,jj-. , JdX*i'iB.- rrXBL -1 r t -* ^ ,8lo£for!4 , 33a9A ,3B0H , .';0l8B31 (,n39iO f ,9TO0 , jboov/ V .W *-H - l9fl0BK fclfi rfusaou f , 000. iO j.iijUi-'U J -vil- j^ns 8 -/ CyJi U niQl JB SIc]I ,;.■- I ic ':i^ ^joaiiiBli -5- Ferris, Ricketson, Keese, Rogers , Ferris, Kicketson, liallock. Underbill, "eeker , Nichols , V/ood, Ferriss, Robinson Ferris of Grand Isle, Yermont, son of Zebulon and Inebe ^ ,, , i-lartha Pdcketson, Jr., daughter of Ahednego and Llartha of Peru Married, 3 of ISni, 1812 ar Peru Samuel Keese of Peru, son of Stephen and Ruth (dec'd) , ^ , , Hannah Rogers, daughter of James and Dehorah (dec'd), of Peru Married, 31 of 8in, 1815 at Peru Reed Ferris of Grand Isle, Yermont; son of Zehulcn and Phehe ^ ,^ , Lvdia Ricketson, daughter of Abednego and llartha of leru ISarried, 28 of 9m, 1815 at Peru Isaac Hallock, son of David, (dec'd) and Grace of Peru Phebe Underbill, daughter of Isaac and Paulina of Peru Married, 1 of 2m, 1816 at Peru SolomW-ieeker. son of Samuel and Eunice, dec'd, of Peru ^ rr ^. = Susanna Nichols, daughter of Nathan and Abigail of Peru Llarried, 4 of 4ra, 1816 at Peru David Wood of Peru, son of Jonathan and Rachel , r. -? ^ -y a Abigail Ferris, daughter of Zebulon and Phebe of urand Isle, Yermont :iarried 27 (?) of 11m, 1816 at Grand Isle, Yermont 'iTB noI;jd3w- io noe 'J':?. JJia:. d r . "V r» . i : U O ^' . ro of ^v-., aT J J ll J. J ^ . . . . J -J_< ibrT5: rri- ^ , . ' , , . , . ! c 3 C" -6- Strickland, Rogers , Hoag, Hal lock, Knowles, Hoag, Hoag, Ghamberlaine, Irish, Keese, Hoag, Barker, Llahlon Strickland, Mary Rogers, Signatures and Y^itnesses, no date Eazael Hoag of Starkslporo, Vermont, son of Elihu and Dorcas Sarah Ilallock, daughter of Edward and fersis of Peru Married, 28 of 4iii, 1820 at Peru Samuel Knov/les, Jr., of Monkton, Vermont; son of Samuel and Sally Synthia Hoa^, daughter of David and Eliza- beth of Peru"" llarried, 1 of 2m, 1821 at Peru Seth Hoag, son of Daniel (dec'd) and Phehe of Grand Isle. Vermont Sara| G. Ghamterlaine, daughter of .'.yman and Eunice, his 1st wife, of Grand Isle lilarried, 2 of 5m, 1821 at Grand Isle George Irish of Peru, son of Johnathan and Deborah Elizabeth Keese, daughter of Pdchard and Anna of Peru Married, 4 of 10m, 1821 at Peru Ephraim Hoag^of Grand Isle, Vermont, son of Danile and Phebe Hepzibah Barket, daughter of Nicholas and Glarinda, his first wife, of Peru Ivlarried, 29 of 11m, 1821 at Peru f^s^rf^O ^0 aoE ,.ui9-i xO ^ led'I-r;:'!"-'' ./ !=■ 'T ' f" j.„_,rr„..TT a. - li) J- jL J- •_ . . - -. --- - . sIhI jDHBiv 'io •ri£'- .cn£ .[''vst) , :'V ,-:9cfiT006M 19TI: \ . xiucu no 2 ,^^rC 2iioZ wai'I Ic '■ .i 9^'" ..19"-I xO , ri9WffiO-lO «-3S99'I ri: V - w ^ - ; Jj*f9^: :;fi i'l:,! ,:-:: ,0^911^,.. -r. »■» :*T£^ '- L • T" r ,9839}! ,.T':8;f92ror£ JJ13 1 ■£ ,232 1.0 S ,19. .^ 1.. -veG V - * a, V jj-r9i ;^,c '""""' ,.":.L'I lo ^.. ,.03i'rm'. -8- Walpole , Burcliard , Rogers, Keese, »ang. Smith, Brown, Keese, Joseph Vi'alpole of Peru, son of John and Sarah, (dec'd) Rhoda Burchard, daughter of Elisha and Jerusha Ivlarried, 1 of 4in, 1830 at Peru Henry Rogers of Ferrishurg, son of Joseph and Jemima Gulia Keese, daughter of 'i/illiam and Jemima i^iarried, 9 of 4m, 1830 at Peru Stephen iVing of Peru, son of Gideon and Phehe Ruth K. Smith, daughter of Benjamin and Slizabeth Harried, 3 of 6m, 1830 at Peru James Brown of Pickering. Upper Canada. son of Abraham and Catherine , (dec'd) inna R. Keese, daughter of Stepfefen and Ruth, (dec»d) ilarried, 3 of 2m, 1831 at Peru Brown , T»atson, Abraham W. Brown of Pickering, Upper Canada, son of Nicholas and Esther Llary V.'atson, daughter of Thomas, (dec M) and Peace, of Peru I'larried, 26 of 10m, 1832 b[i£i nrfol lo noa ,x/i9i lo sLoqL:, > ,9X0 . ,m7oi. Li. b ■ ,9393:' -9- Shepherd, William R. Shepherd of Saratoga, son of Caleb and Hannah Keese, Eliza Ann Keese, daughter of Viilliam, (dec'd) and Jemima, of Peru Llarried, 23 of 2m, 1838 at Peru Orvis, Abraham Orvis of Ferrisburg, son of Loren and Lillie Keese, Deborah 3. Keese, daughter of John H. and Mary, of Peru Married, 25 of 5m, 1839 at Ausable Irish, George Irish of Peru, son of Jonathan and Deborah Everitt, Hannah Everitt, daughter of John and Llary Macoraber, of Chesterfield, Essex Co., New York Harried, 3 of 9m, 1818 at Peru O^ ^ ^^^ msi . '^i ,:iiiJi J. JjfiB .H irrfoL i , ,3399}! iifiB nfiff^^BfcC. ^0 roe ^.u-reT "co .'3 .iaiil / L QUAKER REMOVAL. CERTIglCATES PROM PERU MONTHLY MEETING, C L IHTON C U IT T Y, H E W YO R K. Isaac Underbill and wife Paulina, married, 23 of llm, 1791- moved with 3 children from Greek to reru, 19 of 4m, 1797 Paul Oshorn, wife xibigail and daughters Desire and Llary TClear of Uarriase engagement), from Salem, .lass, to Peru, (date not given) Caleb Sotthwick, wife Phehe and sons DaviB and Paul, from Salem to reru, 14 of 11m, 1799 Martha Shearman, widow of Job. (Clear of Marriage en™ erne nt). from J-'ort- smouth, R. I. to Easto,n50 of 4ra 1799,,, forwarded to Peru, 13 of 3m, 1800 Hannah Keese, wife of John, from Danhy to Peru, 8 of 5m, 1800 Jonathan Wood, wife Bf Rachel and 8 chil- dren, Phehe, Esther, Daniel, Amy, David, Susannah, Israel and Lydia; from Danhy to Peru, 6 oi 3m, 1800 Keene, Joseph Keene, from Easton to Peru, 27 of 2m, 1800 Underbill, Oshorn, Southwick, Shearman, Keese, Wood, laoii ; final bn£ k'r.YsQ. .nsTilirfo '->D6I ,r:'- "".r "^ , ;--" o;t nciOB^ ,iii-'" - ' ,u 'J1^!i^ 31 J oil bli /. r.'/- , , ifj^OV/VIBr: 1081 ,aS 1 , ,3ivi\ 91" . ■. . opsal J ;!":r rrrf2 .rrfi?'! j^esrnfTSil , _ 1'jiij H^ ■ y Hoa^ David Iloag, wife Elizabeth and children, "* Lydia, Cynthia, Hannah, Phehe and Pliny Sari, from ^errishurg to Peru 29 of 8m, 1803 Keese, Times of the hirths of the family of Richard Keese :- Richard Keese, himself was horn, 7 of 7m, 1761 Anne Keese, his wife, " " 11 of 8m, 1762 Ruth Keese, (children,) " " 21 of 3m, 1785 Y/illiam " " " " 25 of 9m, 1786 Mary " " " " 12 of 9m, 1788 Anna " " " " 1 of 11m, 1791 Elizabeth " " " " 29 of 12m, 1792 Richard, " " " " 23 of 11m, 1794 Oliver, " " " " 27 of 8m, 1 1796 Peter, " " " " 22 of 5m, 1798 Hannah, " " " " 31 of 7m, 1800 Gulilma, " " " " 11 of 7m, 1802 Persis, " (feminine) " " 1 of 9m, 1804 Osborn, Paul Osborn, wife Abigail and daughter, Llary from Peru to Salem, lilassachusetts. 24 of 11m, 1803 him sdarfz ,r\£r:nBli ,£;h... S08I .ra6 'vsG ■'•. h 10 vlffjfix 9ff;t J.0 Br-fvfircr arid lo E5/riiT IDT I ,ItTV lo V . m as?: « lO II 11 28VI ,ffi8 'io IS ]i dSVI ^0 ^0 as II 38V..: « ':o i.i 1 i::":i ,/riJl lo I It S(?vr ^n 92 »t :^8V. fii.U.JU XG s^<-i aeVI I ./aG ^0 /Ol ii;V iO iO /itV Io LL ...2 1:0 I JCiiJ^^ Jilil^ . rf3i.hIrrfo ') , 9899a' rf^tx;!^ '' M*^" c- r" '^ ?■'-' , v.cIO ''' .Bffli.ciua .oBon ,92D9ll vTBi.i ,*i9oir:5j:ifii) .cn£ liBgrdA 91: , odeO ,ed;t98.urfoBE8BljI .irfolBc: oi wIOj. fnoii £081 ,n^LL ^-^ "' odeO Iii£.u , HTodaO I J' -4- Hallocl:, Keese, ) Lapham, ) Underhill, Underbill, Antbonj^ , Earl, W'hite, Keese, Nichols, Hallock, White, Barker, Richard Hallock, to Danby from Peru; 22 of 3m, 1804 Parlina Keese. formerly Lapbam, from from Danby to Peru, 5 of Im, 1804 Pbebe Underbill, daughter of Isaac, bavin? removed when quite young, from I^eru to Stanford, 26 of 9m, 1805 Anne and Eunice Underbill, daughters of Isaac:, from Peru to Obapaqua, 24 of lOm, 1805 Humphrey Anthony, (Clear of Marriage engagements from Peru to Dartmouth, 2 of 2m, 1806 Ruth Earl with her husband, from Peru to Uxbridge, 22 of 5m, 1806 Rachel THiite, wife of Edward from Monkton to Peru, 27 of 2m, 1806 Mary Keese with her husband, from Dartmouth to Peru, 17 of 3m, 1806 Joshua Nichols, wife Sarah, with children Susannah, Guilielna, '.ailiam and John, from Lionkton to x^eru, 27 of 2m, 1806 Anna Hallock, widow, from Greek to Peru, 21 of Sm, 1806 Edward Yibite, from Monkton to Peru, 28 of 10m, 1806 M-arv Barker, wife of Nicholas, from Saratoga to Peru, 19 of 11m, 1806 _i>_ i'^;jj. ,;.. J, « ,.Llra'i9baU_9d9a'i t ■ 1 ;i 00^ J. B.'i LL rf'igbnU , YrroL'u nA Oit UT9 , ' Korw I-ibZ ri:^r;: ^Iii-.i d03I ,iT!i: 10 /- j^ici. . noil ^bnE'SQud i3d rfJhv 33334 -iisu:! ,eQ33'A .^ io YI ^iJi^\ oi diiiomiiB^ ns'ifcXfcfo £f.tr.v , 9xiv,' ,b'. euiIsoo .elodoil'I ,1119'^ n:^ -^--fO roil ,T,-oI,'r77 ,:roo.ri£H .onrrA ,:looixBH dJG- ,:uo jO d08I j:: ; .1 ,xJi9"-i oi -5> Duel, Southv/ick, Barker , Wilber, Barker, Lapham , Meeker, Vaughan , Southwick, Keese, Pish, Benjamin Duel, wife Jemima and 2 youngest children, Rachel and Lydia; from Galway to Peru, 18 of 3ra, 1807 George Southv/ick, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagament), from ■'^aston to Peru, — of Im, 1806 Underhill, Phebe Underbill, returning to Stanford from Philacielphia, 23 of 9m, 1806, endorsed, Stanford to Peru, 19 of 9m, 1807 Phebe Barker, daughter of Nicholas. (Clear of Carriage engagement] from Peru to Danby, 27 of lOm, 1808 Patience Wilber, wife of Nicholas, from Hudson to Peru, 22 of 3m, 1808 Elizabeth Barker, from East on to Peru, 19 of 8m, 1808 Anna Lapham with husband Jospeh, (See Carriages, Peru), from Peru to Danby, 23 of 3m, 1809 Soliman Meeker, from Monkton to Peru, 2 of 3m, 1809 George Vaughan, from Monkton to Peru, 2 of Sm, ieii Jonathan Southwick, ( Clear of ilarriage engagement), from Qusensbury to Peru, 4 of 5m, 1809 Jamima Keese with husband, from Easton to Peru, 15 of 3m, 1810 Mary Pish wife of Joshua, from ■c-aston to Peru, 18 of 4m, 1811 -c- V08I ,,'nS -io ar ,^-13': ot y.^wI.eC jiiiaS. o;t nc : , (;t:: 3 buJX jCrl 10 — irfoil . . ,„ . ,/ . io iBsIO) noil ,8Blo£forH to '^J.'^ : ,'1 ■ 9t)r:9.'^uS-I ^ladli'sj bj.3I ,m , - oj noaibnl.' ^.uiei o-i no:tEJS^ laoil .isi^ibS rfieorBsrlZ ,i^<-!is& 3081 ,018 Io 91 jffsgBou jbffsdejjri ' fifirfqBl finnA .nsiq-sl eOcI ,-■; 10 SS ,YdftS^a «jji6i oi rcoWc:. ] ,i9:i8-j. -loc: ,i?>r93„I .jjia'i oi' ifo:t-3'rro.'.i 100 iit , 09v , ■'{ xxaj; 93£i*n:B:.i lO TBoIO } j^iSo'^'^rdiiJoc: n£fi'?£-rfo '. ,5fofwrfJ"jJo8 ,^G JO : , ■■: Ar'?:r --i-* •^'- r^r - OJ no -£3- ii-jii ,:~;jj;}w.0o ^o 9i' ' .nori IISI ,^^^ "io 3. , _ -6- Neff, Peaslee, Southwick, Barker, Johnson, Pearce, Smith, Pish, Pierce, Sherman, Southwicke Daniel Neff , from Danby to Peru, 8 of Sm, 1810 Joseph Peaslee, (Clear of Marriage en- gagament), from Weare, N, H, to ?eru, 17 of Ira, 1811 Jonathan Southwick and wife ijlartha to Pelham, Canada from Peru, 25 of 4m, 1811 Arden Barker. ( Clear of Carriage en- gagement ), from Lionkton to Peru, I of 10m, 1810 Jane Johnson, wife of Samuel, and family from 'aeare, N. H. to Peru, 18 of Im, 1810 Sarah i'earce, wife of Isaac, from Provi- dence to Peru, 30 of Im, 1811 Zirah (or Tirah) Smith, wife Avis and children, Sarah, Samuel, David and Llary, from Peru to Pelham, Upper Canada, 23 of 5m, 1811 Joshua Pish, from Saratoga to Peru, 17 of 4m, 1811 Amy Pierce, daughter of Isaac and Sarah, (Clear of i»^rria^e engagement), irom Providence to Peru, 30 of im, 1811 Brigge Sherman with wife Phefce and son ^eoT9:e , from Galv/ay to Peru, 22 of 5S, 1811 George Southwicke, wife Jane and son William, to Queensbury 22 of 8m, 1811 from Peru, Oo £. ,.i&Cwr[oiJCi.. lo . .. '""'liSi'^ni:^ •^0 vPTr; j-TSiifia ^aieffls'i cl ui3-i fijoil: , v;m.. has J :I »a5 10 £S ^Bhr ' U Iiai .ml lo VI .'. .1 noa .CfTfs ecari;-! 9l/w d:f '-- ------'r" ->'-2ri'i ,n£iaisri£ lioi ,raG 10 nos i)nfi shbo olrw j9j[orv/rfJ"uo8 a^fo^'^ ,3.--o'^v/rfijjo? ,UT9-I iT;oil riudenaexfi. oJ ,r;Bj-Xxr iicl jITTo _3 ^:. _'7_ Rogers, Rogers , Peasley, DeT/olf, Denis, Benedict, Benedict, Bunker, Benedict, Jeames Rogers, Jr., (Clear of Tiarriage engagement), iroin Pembroke, Ilass. to Peru, 11 of 6m, 1811 James Rogers, wife Deborah and children, Hannah, Samuel, Rhoda and Thomas, from Pembroke. Llass, to Peru, 25 of 3m, 1811 Samuel Peasley, (minor) Clear of Llarriage engagement, from Duane to Peru, 26 of 12m, 1611 Areli De-.olf, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Pembroke, Llass. to Peru, 4 of 3m, 1812 Moses Denis, wife Abigail and children. Job Shearman Dennis, Hannah Goggeshall Dennis, Rowland Howard Dennis, Obeiiah Bro\ra Dennis. To Llonkton from Rhode Island, SO of Im, 1812; forv.arded from Llonkton to Peru, 2 of 4m, 1812 Gyrus Benedict, wife Hannah and children, Anna, Sylvester and Glarinda, from Peru to Short Greek, Ohio; 23 of 7m, 1812 Reuben Benedict, from Peru to Short Creek, Ohio; 24 of 9tr., 1812 Peleg Bunker, wife Hannah and children, Elihu, Lucy and Reuben- from Peru to Short Creek, Ohio, 24 of 9m, 1812 Aaron Benedict, Jr., wife Esther and chil- dren, Sarah, Elizabeth and Aaron L. from Peru to Short Greek, Ohio: 24 of 9m, 1812 1X81 ,n.o ^0 ri , .J -f '* • .1" ,£137.' "-'''^ ,'"■"'"" ^-^lirB., ,31620.. t .[9UC!b8 .i^alasai ,jL'- . ,. , . ■ \ noil , ( jneir: ZLilL .m£ lo ^ .nDirlrrfo -fciif; IiBgicfA aliw ,8rrr9(I casol.l ^BrnsG .ecnnail nsniiBsrfu JoL ,3rfir 10 JO , ' "' '"" ' '"-l jcicJ::InoLi oT v.-j.ji ^:zh "io S ^jjia'i ,n9i-C ' . _ .T-^/sH 9ir.v ,"'"o^f':3rr3'^ ?.ai";0 ,joi.c3fi92 ,m' ito ciS: ;oiriO ,l:)jj:o ■^'^og^^ j. ..^- - ^iOL?c3£lB'3. 2I8I .ff^ ^0 i-i: ,orn'J ,:-:59iO iiorfc o:^ -lido Bns igifia;! -->'?•-.• , ,-c. ,:forf)9fl33 rrcisA ."orosnel .lI iioibA £>n£ d. ,ii'iifi6 ,n9'. rorrfj ,:'93i» LV ,; -8- Powers Deborah Sogers, Jr., (Clear of Marriage ^ ' ent^agement ) from Pembrotce, i».ass. to"Peru, 24 of Sm, 1812 Barker, Hepsibeth Barker, minor daughter of Nicholas Barker, from Danby to Peru, 22 of 10m, 1812 Handson, Nathaniel Handson, (Clear of i-^arriage en<^apement), from Monkton to Peru, 4 of 3m, leiS Benedict, William i^enedict wife Alice and chil- dren, Daniel and Phebe- from reru to Siort Greek, Ohio; 22 of 10m, 1812 Kerbv Thankful Kerby, from East Hoosick to Peru, •^* 3 of 6m, 1813 Rogers I^Iary Rogers, from Salera. Massachusetts to ' Peru, 8 of 7m, 181$ 3arl Dorcas Earl, widow and children, Benjamin, Hannah, Aaron and Anna- from Peru to Short Creek, Ohio, 28 of 10m, 1813 Keese Joseph Keese. from Peru to Short Greek, ' ^ Ohio, 2^of 3m, 1815 Keese Stephen and Titus Keese, minor sons of John and Hannah Keese, from ieru to Short Creek, Ohio, 22 of 3m, 1815 Roo'ers, Peace Rogers and husband with children, ° Mary and Thomas uatson, from - - -? 26 of 7m, 1815 DeWolf , Anelia (or Arelia) De'aolf , from Peru to New Bedford, 22 of 6m, 1815 93- ,' ^^"^-3 '^ ^aisgo.-i -Lrd: ■■■:'-[ '■ j^-orbana- 'nBcIIi':':' , ;t or. ferns'-- ' '. r- - V ^ . : --^^ '-.^-!~ ^.^ , ■ _ ::,0-il ,9339)1 rf-gSOi. ,5333^1 lo anoB lorrrm ,-•-"■' •-'■^'■'^'^ /i:9nq-9JcI ,9839)1 0^ ;ji:9~i nio'i'i ,33-. /^ ,£i9i;:Ird'o rf;^rw Jpni-dBurf orrs 8*r9-o^'i 90B9^ ,81930^! - - - -.-il ,nos: o;t iji , . ■ ,"ilo.»9a -9- Rot^ers Lucy Rogers, (Clear of ilarriage enga^e- ° ' ment), from Pein"broke, Mass, to Peru, 28 of 3m, 1816 Hanson, Nathaniel Hanson (Clear of Llarriage en- ' eaeement)^ from Peru to Eden, 23 of 5m, 1816 Peasley, John Peasley, wife Amy and children, ■^ •^' Chalkley and Jonathan .,., from Starkshoro, Vermont to Peru, 1 o± 3m, 1816 Keese, Deborah Keese and liushand from E^gt Hoosack to Peru, 4 of 4m, 1815 Keese Lydia H. Keese and hushand, from Ferris- ^^^^ ' ^ hurg, Vermont to Peru, 31 of 12m, 1817 Wood, David Wood, (Clear of Llarriap engagement) ' from Peru to Allun Creek, Ohio, 23 of 7m, 1818 HoaF David Hoag, (Clear of Carriage engagement) ^' from Peru to Ferrishurg, Vermont, 27 of 8m, 1818 Neff Daniel Neff, from Peru to Allum Creek, ^^®^^' Ohio, ^ of 9m, 1818 Nichols, Nathan Nichols, wife Ahigail and daughter Nancy, from Troy to Peru, 8 of 7m, 1818 Rogers, l^lary Rogers, from Leray, to Peru, 10 of 9m, 1818 Hoag. David F.(?) Hoag (Clear of Llarriage en- ^* aaFament), from Starksboro, Vermont !o Peru, of 3m, 1819 ,iJi-3i Od .F . , {ins:: 'io I ,jj'j ., Ll , -SZT -ri ,JDi': [6 98; ' '. ,9833}! , ^ ;■^J■■ O'i Wi-. L 8I3I >V lo ■rr- ■ _ . . ,3B0n , .. iJuLik 0^ , ,113!. ■ ' I ■ , t ■► - ■ .... ,-, — I *^ tp ( lo 01 jJJ'isi oi »v i ,81: , : 8IdI .i.Tii' -no D:n&n"i£;.- ic -lEalC) ,y,jsoH (^).'5 fciYfiG tS^'^^- -10- Hoag, Keese , Allen, Dennis, Tinney, Keese, Knowles, Hoag, Irish, Keese, Ballard, Irish. ers Nathaniel P. Eoa^ and wife Isahella, from Eanby to Peru, 11 of 3m, 1819 Hannah Keese, minor daughter of John Keese, with her father, from Peru to Allum Greek, Ohio, 24 of 6m, 1819 George F, Allen, (Clear of Marriage en- gagement), from Peru to Adolphus, Upper Canada, 27 of Im, 1820 Lloses Dennis and wife Abigail and children Job S., Hannah C, Rowland H. and Obediah P., from xeru to Panninf^ton, 23 of 3m, 1820 Daniel Tinney, from Peru to Danby, 9 of 12m, 181§ Lydia and Elizabeth Keese, minor dau^ht of John Keese, from Peru to Danby, 27 of 4m, 1820 GjTithia Knowles, wife of Samuel, from Peru to Perrisburg, Vermont; 22 of 3m, 1821 Sarah Hoa^ with husband Hazael, from Peru to Starksboro, Vermont; 24 of 8m, 1820 Ella Irish, (Clear of Llarriage engagement) from Peru to Danby, 10 of 5m, !821 Oliver Keese, wife Paulina and children, Nathan, Eliza, Anna, Cynthia, Llaria, Jane and Phebe, from Peru to Concord, 23 of 8m, 1821 Preelove Ballard, formerly Irish, with husband, from Danby to Peru, 9 of 8m, 1821 •I- Z 3"ir\7 ens ;";Bo1I .i i9inBi:;t£;I t^BoH 10 .^" • -1 ,J!x t u-*^' -=- "•'^ :1 , LSB^k %' ,i)iwv. 1 J. ^r-r-i'-i'^fL fl:?:?/ ,98 . vrlO ,-3S-o-j"I Ic 2 ,ju19i of V . .Oil ,_ ^riBril -11- Rogers, Samuel Roeers, (Clear of Llarr i age engage - ^ ' mentj, from Peru to Leray, 22 of 11m, 1821 Dotv 'John Doty, wife Lydia and children, John J., Lydia and Silas; to Wor near Llalone from mnhy, 11 oi 10m,lb<:i Hoag, Eenry F. Hoag, a minor, from Starksboro ° to Peru, 29 of 11m, 18;i2 Peasley Abraham Peasley, from Starkshoro, Vermont •^ * to Peru, 3 of Im, 1822 Lanham. Joseph Lapham, wife Anna and children, ^ ' "^Eliza^ Richard, Cynthia and Nathan from Collins, to Peru, 3 of Im, 1823 Peasley, Joseph Peasley, wife Amy and children ^ -^^ Nancy, Chalkley, Jonathan 1.. , Lydia, ::aria and ivlary- from Peru to Allum Greek, Ohio (date missing) White Ruluf (?) uliite, wife Anna and children, Lliran^ Reuben, Oliver and will i am- from :^eru to flilt(.n, 26 of 2m, 1824 Peasley, Susanna L. Peasley with husband, from ^ Queensbury to Peru, 1 of 4m, 1824 Merritt, Daniel N. IJerritt (clear of Ferriage engagement) from Troy to Peru, 9 of 6m, 1824 Gore Jonathan Gore, wife Hannah and children, ' Sarahs Eliza C. William Gould and Elma f'aria and Lydia D. from Starksboro to Peru, 2 of 4m, 1824 ,ijIi ic t - - ^-' V,4: t • ( '■.)rT r as :a a j sJ2 )' c rrlO , ie 5i0 'f r. , L^'iSV' , .niil^ --.Ox ,rr; -,r,.-«-'-r n n . , L lo o ,ui3l o;t '•^'^n Ft- -'.^^ 91177 , ;sJ -"'^-r^o^. ,rrx^H'7"J . ,;^^ jIO ci. ,n ii .3- -12- Ilanson, Flov/er. } EallockJ Moor, Groir.well , He in, Doty, age NicTiolas , Rogers, Lloulson, Rogers, Eaker, Nathaniel Hanson, (Clear of ..larri ene:afTement ) , from Collins to Pe?u^ 2 of Im, 1824 Keziah Flower, wife of Frederic (formerly Kallock) from Peru to Collins, 21 of 4, 1825 Elizatetb Lloor, wife of Sam.uel. from Peru to Iroy, G of 9m, 182-? Phe"be Cromwell with husband, from Peru to New York, 26 of 10m, 1824 Gottlieh He in and wife Anna, from otarks- hor, Vermont to Peru, 29 of 4m, 1825 John Dotv, wife Lydia and children, John, David and Silas (f any there were more children, names not Imov/n to the meeting), from Peru to Hamburg, 23 of 2m, I8£6 Hannah Nicholas, (Clear of Llarriage en- papement), from Peru to Troy, 21 of 9m, 1826 Lucy Piogers, (Clear of L'.arriage engagement; from Peru to larlhoro, 21 of 9m, 1826 NE. Returned and one given to Canhy David iloulson, a monor, from Ferrishurg to Peru, 28 of 6m, 1826 Lucy Rogers, (Clear of Llarriage engagem from Peru to Danty, 23 of 8m, 1826 Hannah Baker with husband, from Troy to Peru, 6 of 6m, 1827 men t) t ^^' T- 2j.Lonoj:.l 3-^r;'- ■ r\ Ti* r r£» r^ rr\\ r) Af ^ v-t ^ •J- -13- Eeese, Hanson, Morrison, Keese, Hallock, Llerritt, Tinney, Fish, Rogers, Cromwell, Wing, Diiver Keese, wife Paulina and children, Cynthia, Liaria, Jane, Phebe and John F. , from Samhurg to Peru, 29 of 11m, 1827 Susannah E, Hanson, with husband, from Ferrisburg, Vermont, 30 of 4it., 1828 Mary Ann Morrison, a minor, from Ferris- burg to Peru, 30 of 4m, 162B Mary D. Keese, with her husband, from Ninepartnets to Peru, 15 of 11m, 1627 Grace Hallock, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), froEi Purchase to Peru, lo of 2m, 1828 Daniel N. Merritt, wife ^^ry and son Titus, from Peru to Ninepartners, 23 of 4m, 1829 Samuel Tinney, wife Sarah and children. Nancy, Mary, Levi, Ruth, Susan and Eunice; from Danby to Peru, 7 of 5m, 18^9 Hannah Fish, having removed with her husband to Ferrisburg from Peru (no date given; Rhoda Eoc;ers, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment) from Peru to Ninepartners, 27 of 8m, 1829 Charles Cromwell, wife Phebe and children, Israel A. and Samuel K. , from Mew York to Peru, 6 of 5m, 1829 Stephen i^Ting, (Clear of Marriage m-ent), iron Ferrisburg to P 30 of 9m., 18S9 engage - eru. 0>J«V>J iri'r^ ,-589 3 Ji T '^ n ' • .A •'"T '3 ■ 5 , :-. o I Tl G . .l9'nBQ ,j'lri*x9ii ,/iiij -Uy ,^^9nai'T .ifar: '^O ,._:)., -BIOlO -14- Roterts, Isaac Rolerts, (Glear of Llarriage engage- ment) from Peru to Pickering, Upper Canada, 30 of 9m, 1829 Keese, Ruth R. Keese and husband, Nathan L. Keese ftoi Ferrisburg from Peru, 22 of 12m, 1831 Cromwell, Isaac A. Cromv/ell, (minor), request by his father Charles, from Peru to New York 22 of 8m, 1833 Barker, Sarah Barker, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment, from Perrisburg to Peru, 30 of 4m, 1833 Barker, Hannah Barker, (Clear of Liarriage engage- ment, from Ferrisburg to Peru, 29 of 5m, 1833 Barker, Gulielma Barker, (Clear of Liarriage en- gagement), from Ferrisburg to Peru, §9 of 5m, 1633 Brown, Mary YU Brown, with her husband, from Peru to Pickering, Upper Canada, (no date given) Keese, Pamelia Keese, from Peru to Pickering, Upper Canada, 25 of 9m, 1834 G-ore, Jonathan Gore, wife Hannah and daughter Lydia, from Peru to Greenplain, Ohio, 19 of 2m, 1835 Tenny, Samuel Tenny^ Vvife Sarah and children, Nancy-j ^'^ary, Levi, Ruth and Eunice, from reru to E^anby, 29 of 9m, 1835 "I. , ■ ■ jJ iJT . , 3BddA ::.-:. ■ ^ ' ,.U1 X ■ ,-b' ^ . ".r,-.^rr::.. I'l oJ u-xal tE^r- ■ . OJ cia- I ii'otT- , - >o .0. ,'7^ 'lo ? , -..^^ -£^ , 3333 n t -- - ; _ ' ■ « ■ t f ■ ^ ■ - - - ; C t o -15- Lleeker, Abigail Lleeker, from Peru to Easton, 21 of 4m, 1836 Lapham, Phebe M. Lapham and "husband, from Ninepartnets to Peru, 19 of 11m, 1835 Meeker, Susannah meeker, from Peru to Easton, 27 of ICm, 1836 Keese, Caroline Keese, from Oswego to Peru, 17 of 6m, 1835 Shepherd, Eliza Ann Shepherd and husband, from Peru to Saratoga, 27 of 12m, 1838 -ai- iX* _w ,i9i:o;.i nov-ii;:^ ^laiiaaii ,iJ'X3U 0- o^y59l{S ■n . MARRIAGE INTENTIONS. MENS MEETING. PERU MONTHLY MEETING. CLINTON COUNTY. N. Y. Prom 4th of 7ra 1799 to 25 of 4m 1333 Benedict, Barker , Bazley, Atkins, Nichols, Wood, Griffith,) Hoag, ) Griffith, Allen, Handley, Benedict, Cyrus Benedict and Ann Barker, 1st Inten- tion, SI of 10m, 1799; 2nd Intention, 28 of 11m, 1799 Reported accomplished, 2 of Im, 1800 Catherine Bazley (Beasley ?). Married out of meeting. Dismissed, 28 of 11m, 1799 Elizabeth Atkins, Peru reported married out of meeting, 2 of Im, 1799 Acknowledgment accepted, S of 7m, 1800 phehe Nichols, forr.ierly Wood, 1 of lm,1800 married out of meeting. Acknowledgment accepted, SO of 4m, 1801 Seth Griffith and Joanna Iloag, 1st Inten- tion, 29 of 10m, 1801, 2nd Intention, S of 12m, 1801 Reported Accomplished, 31 of 12m, 1801 Theresa Griffith, from.erly Allen, reported from Saratoga, married out of meeting 3 of 12m,i801. DisovvTied, 4 of 2m, 1802 Elizabeth Handley, formerly Benedict, report- ed, married out of meeting. Is of 4ra, 1862; Disovmed, 29 of 4, l602 (reinstated) a PI EC ia .r ;wi .-3 TI I ?: K !? in? xo nJ-^ "-""' -il^Ji- - Q9Vi ,riril ^ , ' ' "loara'lo 31; ,iTo-;t£[9JnI , 1 10 LZ .no'. [ ^tsjIib- ' - - « ■ ' ' ' ,'=;9l3B2 ■rJ59.i! ao :ti:jo f)3rT:i"£m ; .boo I -'I .loiiaii-y- .^xiD/JiGi t'^e""'"" rfjDiJsi^il^ y , -2- Smith, ) Keese, ) Benedict, Hoag, Eunker, ) Benedict ,) Buck, Hoag, Earle , ] Keese,) Irish TJood , Beniamin Smith and Elizabeth Keese. 1st Intention, 30 of 6m, 1803, 2nd Inten- tion, 1 of 9m, 1803 Reported accomplished, 22 of 9m, 1803 William Benedict and Alse Hoa^, 1st Inten- tion. 25 of 9m.- 1805, 2nd Intention, 24 o! 10m, 1805 Reported accomplished, 21 of 11m, 1805 Peleg Bunker and Hannah Jenedict 1st In- tention, 25 of 9m, 180o, 2nd Intenuion, 24 of 10m, 1805 Reported accomplished, 21 of lira, 1805 Levi Etck and Ruth Hoa^, 1st Intention, 25 of 9m, 1605, 2nd Intention, 24 of 10m, 1805 Reported accomplished, 21 of 11m, 1805 Timothy Earle and Ruth Keese 1st Intention, 21 of 11m, 1805, 2nd Intention, 26 of 12m, 1805. Reported accomplished, 20 of 2m, 1806 (She took certificate to Uxhridge ,Mass. 22 of 5m, 1806) Israel Irish and Esther wood. 1st Intention, 21 of 11m, 1805, 2nd Intention, 26 of 12m, 1805 Reported accomplished, 23 of Im, 1806 .-Jw -,-/:: 'i-^ Jd^rr •ar r-T ^,- re 3E ,r-^ -r: i 10 ...il to „.. ....-^^r^-r— r *, r? P^ 'i "t »*■ r* ** ^ ""■ > « jOJ .: , ii lo is: ,., ,n: ■■-' .■. -* i ,> 'J ■ J _ ,.::!S ID -. , oarlsrIqiaoooB L. ■ .3181 d08I ,..-. -..' ..... ,i)3r! Green, Bowron , Bowron , ) Keese) Southwick, j Bowron , ) Lapham , ) Keese, ) Rice, Allen , Chamterlin, Jacks on, Hal lock. Henry Green and Anna Eov/ron. 1st Inten- tion, 27 of 3m, 1806, 2nd Intention, 14 of 4m, 1806 Reported accomplished, 22 of 5m, 1806 William Bowron and llary Keese, 1st Inten- tion, 27 of lira, 1806, 2nd Intention, 25 of 12m, 1806 Reported accomplished, 22 of Im, 1807 Georre Southwick and Jane Bowron, ist In- tention, 25 of 2m, 1808, 2nd Inten- tion, 24 of 3m, 1808 Reported accomplished, 21 of 4m, 1808 JoseiDh Lapham and Anna Keese, Jr., 1st In- tention, 23 of 6m, 1808, 2nd Inten- tion, 26 of 7m, 1808 Reported accomplished, 2 of 9m, 1808 Merinda Rice, formerly Allen, reported married out of meeting, 27 oi lOra, 1808, disowned, 22 of l2m, 1808 Elizaheth Ghamherlin, reported married out of meeting 21 of 11m, 1808 Acknowledgment accepted, 26 of Im, 1809 James Jackson and Elizabeth Hallock, ist Intention, 23 of 11m, 1809, 2nd Intention, 28 of 12m, 1809 Reported accomplished, 25 of Im, 1810 _J\ .09 J TO. '91 , isl ,: f ,•T^:fv^v' , QOrJCISu ^ J . . i. ^-J-2DJ-- Bf.cv.i bsB 3S'"i09'*'' 'io ftos -lOiv nsff;l"firroI. (.'J'^-' • t' ■ i •" r- r • — r _ / 13 J ^ ■ . " • • TS (, , ,fioi.: , :3 iidi ,mI Io ^i^ «/iorj:i9JiiI .fen.. , i . ;.;OBiU •J oS ,3iii;t93in lo jUO iai ISr-ifOOOB-i . .:fn3; b^nvv U^j. - NnVhols ) Eleazer NicTiols, son of Eeniamin and f-hitcom^ Hannah, ani Hannah W^^iiilcoDih TverUt daughter of Edward and Rachel Everitt, ; Everitt, 1st Intention 23 of 5m 1811; 2nd Intention, 27 of 6m, 1811 Reported accomplished, 25 of 7m, 1811 vppop ) William Keese, son of Pdchard and Anna, Keese, ^''^-"'and Lydia Iloag, daughetr of David and ^°^' ^ Elizabeth; Isi Intention 21 of IIei, 1811, 2nd Intention, 26 of Urn, 1811 Reported accomplished, 23 of Im, 1812 V;ood ) Daniel Wood, son of Jonathan and Rachel Benedict and Fhehe Benedict, daughter of .:euben i^enedict,; ^^^ ^ ^^^ Intention, 26 of 3m 1812, 2nc[ Intention, 23 of 4m, 1812 Reported accomplished, 28 of 5m, 1812 Peasley,) Samuel Peasley, son of^^^cajah reasley aore dec'd) and JanexGore ; and Jane Green G?eeA, daughter of Henry and Slizaheth (dec'd) 1st Intention, 26 of om, ioid, 2nd Intention, 23 of 4m, 1812 Reported accomplished, 28 of 5m, 1812 Peasle-v ) Joseph Peasley, son of Micajah, (dec'd) ^easiey, P^^^ Jane^^ore, and Amy Wood, daughter lood' of Jonathan and Rachel/ 1st Intention, ^^^^'^^ ^ 28 of 5m, 1812; 2nd Intention, 25 of 6m, 1812 Reported accomplished, 23 of 7ra, 1812 Ilandley, Elizateth Handley, reported married out of •^ meeting, 24 of 9m 181^. 22 of §m, 1827, Allum Greek and reru satisfied with request for reinstatement II8I ,r-r" ^-' , ...Ilo IS ^, ac ' II3I »mSi 'io u^ ^iiOl.ii^uui jjili. ,ixul SI3I ,/nX io SS , ■ oos betTOosii laioBrI t^ • J - '. J -■ J asicja;'^ lo '19. r<0-- .nS lo c)3 »i; SI3I ,:al^ --• ■nl j&L . one (,jor.o9n9u Si3I jnC io 6d ,.c3rfsriq7noooji Juaitioqsu ,,>' -CflB (b'oafi) , ' , riio--^ .aisr ,no 10 , iBl - - 5 lo ciw- , ' ., nojii^ .1 ,[nG iO G.- ,fc- '2^1, }d"*r0'r9^i^ '"•o9bj ,^'- ■ .M..3 , ' ^. tfijaao^ (.T^"^'' .nofJnsJnl .tai o ; ,booV. io c"^ ,noi-^rr3.'ii- ...... ;c^^ , SUSI ,:j? io SS ,.63ilsrlq-ino;.o.o r-'j^u-ji^^- io ojjo f?9riiBfrr baj-iogsi .'rsX ' 'Js^rl.-I ,\''9lb£CBiI "for V, a* "n. , -. ... • ^ jjTa5 bns :i99'rO :^ul. , 31 .lao. io S^:' ;}£i9ffl9o£;^en:i9T loi j'agjjoa-r iiJiw xoiiBi^BS -6- Willets, Rogers , Allen, Sandy , Ferriss, Ricketson, Everitt, Ricketson, Dunham , Gor"bin, Rogers, Keese, Nichols , Smith, Jacob V;illets, son of James and Joanna, and Dehorah Rogers, Jr. daughter of James and Dehorah; 1st Inten- tion 24 of 9m, 1812, 2nd Intention, 22 of 10m, 1812 Reported accomplished, 26 of 11m, 1812 Rhoda, wife of John Allen, formerly Sandy, reported from Duaneshurg, married out of meeting, 14 of 9m, 1812 Disowned Rohinson Ferris, son of Zehulon and Phehe and i.Iartha Ricketson, daughter of AheJnego and i-^artha; 1st Intention, 22 of ICm, 1812, 2nd Intention, 26 of 11m, 1812 Reported accomplished, 24 of 12m, 1812 Huldah Everitt, formerly Ricketson, report- ed married out of meeting, 25 of 2m, 1813; disowned, 22 of 4m, 1813 Reinstated, 21 of 11m, 1816 Charity Dunham, formerly Corhin, reported married out of meeting, 24 of 6m, 1813 Disov/ned James Rogers, Jr., and Sarah Keese, 1st Intention, 27 of 10m, 1814, 2nd Inten- tion, 25 of 11m, 1814 •reported accomplished, 22 of 12m, 1814 Eleazer Nichols and Sarah Smith, 1st Inten- tion, 25 of 11m, 1814, 2nd Intention, 22 of 12m, 1814 Reported accomplished, 26 of Im, 1815 -rev. 3 ! ,y'- Or:ii' ,r,Cr '^-: ■ '" ^ar'"n; r— n':o- F--*-'^; [81 ,m,rr -^-^ • " ,jb3r^5^r~-. ■ • ^ .' ., - r r 2I-'± ,-^ t ^•' ■ fii . • 'X ■ r. .'„ •.' ..Till lu pj_Q,-:<-. r -7- Keese, ) Samuel Keese and Hannah Eogers, 1st Rogers,) Intention, 27 of 7m, 1815, 2nd Inten- tion, 24 of Sm, 1815 Reported accomplished, 21 of 9m, 1815 J'erris, ) Seed Ferris and Lydia Eicketson, 1st Ricketson,) intention, 24 of 7m, 1815, 2nd Intention, 21 of 9m, 1815 ■Reported accomplished, 26 of 10m, 1615 Hallcck, ) Isaac Hallock and Fhehe Underbill, 1st Underbill,) Intention, 28 of 12m, 1615, 2nd Intention, 25 of Im, 1816 Reported accomplished, 22 of 2m, 1816 Meeker, ) Solomon L!eeker and Susannah Nichols, 1st Nichols, ) Intention, 22 of 2m, 1816, 2nd Inten- tion, 28 of 3m, 1816 Reported accomplished, 25 of 4m, 1816 Wood, ) David Yi/ood and Abigail ^erris, 1st Inten- Ferris, ) tion, 22 of 9m, 1816, 2nd Intention. 24 of 10m, 1616. On 21 of 11m, 1816, I'avid appeared and stated Abigail was ill. 26 of 12m, 1816 Oommittee reported they did not attend the marriage. White, ] Edward V^liite and Patience Wilber, 1st Wilber, ) Intention, 24 of 10m, 1816, 2nd Intention, 21 of 11m, 1816 Reported accomplished, 26 of 12m, 1816 Kingnian,] Susanna King-man, late wood, reported Wood, ) marrieddout of meeting, 24 of 4m, 1817 Disowned 3131 ,2r'^' lo IS ,.b9tfarlqi30oofi kdi-ioqdv: ...0 i.-> ,ri0'cn3 »'••■- --^ -^'- ? 4-, oiol j/rfJl 10 dS , &9ff8clr[faoot)s bsitioqa^'- i3:iS ,ai3I ,iiiSI ^ ^:rn3;tiil ■ , liriiis^nJ bL.il ,;:.2 lo S2 ^ eerier I: jjaoooB b^iiocsQ?. inl ^eloiIoK'^ -"'•'-■Baxjcl errs 13' cmoloo . -r!3-ri: Oft:; ,-:i , lo S2 ,xjc- , :l ( oicil ,nTS lo 3ca jiiOfit O-C 1 , jI' lo SS, i:arf8rI'fr:iooojs beiioqB'a. t 'j---,;- -..'I.J. .L\j X--* uv r r 1 buJ j^£OuJc J Gil yjxxj (^oii'J JJ3J'I0C[9T } 5 -00. iBi ,1- ' • ■ .1 'dial \pll io is 1 no rino Jnl 3I3I ,/r,SI lo o^ ^bsnailqaoooB fcsJ'ioqD- ^8- Kodgkins, Hoag, Green, ) Heyworth, j igalow, ) arker , j Barke Currier, Hoag, Iri Eve ish. ) eritt, ) Eunice Hodgkins formerly Hoa| reported married out of meeting, d^ ot m, 1817. Disov/ned Tnhn Green and »3arah Keyworth, 1st Inten- ^^ tion, 27 of llm, 1^7, 2nd Intention, 25 oM2m, 1817 Reported accompli shed, 22 of Im, 1818 Strickland,) Rogers, ) Alfred, ) Nichols, ) Hoag, ) Rallock, ) Anna Currier, formerly Hoag, Reported married out of meeting, 25 ot bm,ibie Disov/ned, 25 of 7m, 1818 Georee Irish and Hannah Everitt 1st Inten- ^tion 25 of 6m, 1818, 2nd Intention, 27 of 8m, 1818 Reported accomplished, 24 of 9m, 1818 Llahlon Strickland and Llary ^g^^^^A Js^„,.„_ Intention, 24 of 12m, l&lo, 2nd Inten- tion, 28 of Im, 1819 Reported accomplished, 25 of 2m, 1819 She took a certificate to Leray, 24 of 6m, 1819 Susanna Alfred, formerly Nichols reported married out of meeting. 24 of 2m, 182U Disomed, 27 of 4m, 1B20 Hazael Hoag and Sarah Hallock, 1st Intention 24 of 3m, 1820, 2nd Intention, 27 of 4m, 182C Reported accomplished, 25 of 5m, 1820 90 C Hit .a »:;]d "to - . ■ :o -•.. ,. r •+r. QQ f,ar(. • , - - •- t — ^ ^ • t - ■■ ■' . _ _ - 8181 ./TTo lo'ciS 3iil:j3 3ra lo ' iiBni ; . ...H 3ISI ,KiV 1:0 -o.- ,j„jii.;0E.c(r » :iior- (,bnsl2io:ri:fe , irsisJ o;t 9J"Borj.r;^i30 fi ioo^' 9ri2 ■": '■ '' , ■■ •■-0 ^^5 bai:^ . 7It3; , : ( ^bsillil -S8X ,;;.>:, i6 : , ■-"*. ' :z , .aloffoiyl c „(-• j23I ,ffiS 1:0 5S ^Ps^r^BcIqfflO;.: Gorbin, Knowles, Hoag, Ballard, ) Irish, ) rloag, GhamDerlain, Irish, Keese, Hoap, ) Earser, ) Lydia Corhin, reported inarried out of meeting 25 of 5m^ 1820 Disowned, 24 of 8n\, 1820 Samuel Knowles and Gvnthia Hoas, 1st Intention, 28 of 12m, 1820, 2nd Intention, 25 of Im, 1821 Reported accomplished, 22 of 2ra, 1821 She took certificate to Ferrishurg, 22 of 3m, 1821 Freelove Ballard, formerly I^;|^'/|P°^J|i married out of meeting. 22 of 2m^ Ib^i Acknowledgment accepted, 24 ot i>m,ib' XSai.ne ID ^2 ,h :: Jn3L. .. . • ■ 3 ■-!!.''■'' to flOE ,t?EOl' rfd"9B ( tS^^- .' io , ■ . iiPA/-r-s ( ,ai8li9ai-ni3friJ lo dS ,aor;tn .tS ,1 . '"^ ^'^P r T'-'T^n ^OO i^. q + ♦.f r\ .-.-r*....!. / Iq 13: . ^5T \ , 3209... ,iroiJfl9inI hnS ,^ — i. .uio lo XSSI , ■: (JD*09C) IsrcsCI xo aoa ,,?/• -lOi Pattee, Potter, Macomter, Hulbut , ) Keese, ) Styles, CorDin, Macoir."ber, Everitt, Piicketson, Kacomber,) Keese, j Crorovell , ) Keese , ) Huldah Pattee (or Potter), ^-^fl}I » Llacomber, reported married ou^ of meeting, 28 of om, io^g^ Disomel, 27 of 3m, 1823 Elias A. Hulljut, son of Cornelieus and Llarv, andll^nnali Keese, daughter of Mchard, i^^%l^K^L'^l^9 1st Intention, 24 of lOni, 1822, End Intention, 21 of 11m, 182^ Reported accomplished, 26 of 12ra, 1822 Dorcas Styles, formerly Gorhin reported married out oi meetin|, 24 of 10m, 1822. Disovmed 24 of Vm, 182d er ist Inten!ion7~^20 of"2m '1823, 2nd Intention 27 of 3m, 1823 Reported accomplished, 24 of 4m, 1823 Jonathan Llacomher, son of JVeston, (dec»d) and Llary, an^ Eunice Keese, daughter of ^/^illlam and Pamelia^ (dec'a) 1 st Intention. 27 of 3m, 1823, 2nd Intention 24 of 4m, 1823, Reported accomplished, 22 of 5m, 1823 Charles Cromwell, son of , Charles and Sarah, (dec'dL anl Phehe Keese , daughter if StepW and Ruth, (dec'dT 1st Intention, 22 of 7m, 1824, 2nd Inten- tion, 26 of 8m, 1824 Reported accomplished, 23 of 9m, 1824 cQcr S8I ^rnSI lo dS .batferlcniroooe 59 J' anwosr/ . .11 (b'o^c,, .nco3:).. l:o rros ,i. -irBinVS ( ,i9rf.'nooBli , :o VS iioijxiaitiil , iisisS .bns 8 9 Ii" ^ ,11 9V, . . a Itb d y , 1 1 g'/rinoiO jbI , -gjw 10 -n3"J"nI , 10 c , :;^n3d'nl ^ L ,;j2 10 SH .Jbailsrlqciooofi bs^tioqsi-^ -11- <:^i. LlerrittJ Keese, ) Phillips, Rogers , Arnold Keese, .jliite, ) Gifford, Green, Eallock, Smith, Piicketson Hallock, Ricketson, ) Eallook, ) Daniel M. Merritt, son of Nehemiah and and Fhebe, (dec'd), and liary Keese, daughter of Stephen and Rutn,(dec*a) 1st Intention, 22 of ?in. 1824, 2nd Intention, 26 of Sm, 1824 Reported accomplished, 23 of 9m, 1824 Mary Phillips, formerly Rogers, reported married out of meeting, 2o of 9m, 1624 Lanby, i3isovmed 25 of 11m, 1824 Gulia Elma Arnold, formerly Keese, report- ed married out of meeting, 2o of 12m, 1824. Disov/ned, 24 of 3m, 1825 Ruamy Day, formerly ViTiite, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 4m'', 1825 DisoTOed, 26 of 5m, 1825 Mary Gifford, formerly Green, reported married out of meeting, 23 of 6m, 1825 Acknowledgment acceptea, 24 of 11m, 1825 Abigail Hallock. formerly Smith, reported married our of meeting. 27 of 10m, 1825 Acknov/ledgment acceptea, 24 of 11m, 1825 James Hicketson, son of Abedne^o (dec'd) and Llartha, and Jemir.ia Eallock, daughter of Peter and L'.ary, 1st Intention, 22 of 12m, 1825, 2nd Intention, 26 of Im, 1826 Reported accomplished, 23 of 2m, 1826 Phebe Ricketson, formerly Hallock, re-oorted married out of meeting, 27 of 7m', 1826 Acknov/ledgment acceptea, 21 of 9m, 1826 -LL- {h'o-jt,,.-^ .-„ - :. -Jioaai ,9839!i vliorjiol . bloniA sjtII s'rLj-C ,b£orn:.i ,!nb»i . ,383 9.. :n'^' i:3J--..— J..; ;.« ,^^. _:.._..- ,....,.,110 y;ibL , , ■. .. ^'l VcO ' . -I lo AS ,^9;^- " '■ ■ I ; J TO T -31 ,rf:^rm8 vl-fe/inol ^^jToo.L' '^f.: ,' »:rooIlBil .f:^.r^ ^ , ..J8;t-33ro'^ -=';'!!e'=. :TB BCiJ'fB-- jsI ,7.- -^ ■£■30 3-1 xO 19-' "n'3;}'nl f ,cio8;f3:^oi^ ; .ioollsll :.C ^ f -12- IT lair, . Irish, Wood, Gore, Arthur^] Deuel, ) Fish, ] Sherman,) Arthur, ^ Irish, ) French , ) Deuel, ) l!osher, ] Hoag, ) Eioketson, Everitt, Alice Hair, fomierl^' Irish, reported married out of meeting, 26 of 10m, 1826. Disowned, 29 of 12m, 1826 Eliza VJood, formerly Gore, re-oorted married out of meeting, 25 of 11m, 1826. Disowned, 21 of 6m, 1827 Lydia Arthur, formerly Deuel, reported married out of meeting, 22 of 2m, 182' Disowned David Fish, son of Stephen and Elizabeth and Hannah Sherman, daughter of Benjamin and Philena. 1st Intention, 25 of 10m, 1827, 2nd Intention, 22 of 11m, 1827 Reported accomplished, 27 of 12m, 1827 (She took certificate to FerrisDurg, 28 of 3ra, 1828) Fanny K. Arthur formerly Irish, reported married out of meeting, 22 of 5m, 1828 Disovmed, 26 of 6m, 1828 Mary French, formerly Deuel, reported married out of meeting, 26 of 6m, 1828, Diso-wned, 26 of 8m, 1830 Phehe Llosher, formerly Hoag, reported married out of meeting, 23 of 7m, 1829 (Married own cousin] Hannah Ricketson, formerly Everitt, reported married out of meeting, 22 of 10m, 1829. Disowned ! 'i ,3'. . SI, r.T r r t- ■ ., _i- ^ ^' ;^9H'Br:' .: ,({9 .'-! , iiOI O li '. w .'.I ■. O C4.L « ,'-_t ""X J li :. :-. r: ■ ■■. J^. T-r 3Sctl ,m6 tc '■)?. ,fcsjr.vosiC teitoqsi .leusC "-fTeni'iol .rioiie'-i? ^liBL C'iSl , V:: ,fc9nwoaiv: '2S8I »mV 1o"CS ,3niu.-.- ^o ;IjjO Ijc' -\- ( ,3^ (nrsjjoo rr/'O r^sf - ,l9iJ9CI BOH -13- alpole , ) irchard, ) Y/a Birchar Rogers, Keese , Bowron Sni Smi th , Brown, Keese, T.'] JoseiDh r.^alT)ole, son of John and Sarah, ^(dec»a), 4nd RhoJa Birchard, daughter of Slislia and Jerusha. 1st Intention, 25 of 2m, 1830, 2nd Intention, 25 of Sm, 1830 Reported aocomplished, 25 of 4m, 1830 Harvey Rogers and Gulia Keese, (parents not mentioned), 1st Intention 25 of 3m, 1830, 2nd Intention, 25 of 4m, 1830 Reported accomplished, 27 of 5ra, 1830 Phehe Bowron, reported matried out of meeting. 25 of 4m, 1830 Disowned Stephen Wing, son of Gideon and PhelDe, "^ and Ru!h K. Smith, daughter of ieniamin and Elizaheth. 1st Intention, 25 of 4m, 1830, 2nd Intention, 27 of 5m, 1830 Reported accomplished, 24 of 6m, 1830 James Brom, son of Abraham and Catherine, (both dec»d), and Anna R. Keese daughter of Stephen and Ruth (dec'd) 1st Intention, §3 of 12m, IcSO, 2nd Intention, 27 of Im, 1831, Reported accomplished, 24 of 2m, 1831 ( She took certificate to Younge St. 25 of 8m, 1831 -?. r- ''W 10 vj^ ^Lioita-dini .--iW , 00 OB J.-3Ji0a3fi ,111:^ lo 2S jji'i'J-j 1. , rt/if _"_ rt ■ '/■■. fc'.'ll ^di. 'to i'S .JbaciBrlq-^ooof; i)9iTocp'l .«^c 9.':iuoY o;t e^Bor^ rl'r^o :j(oo:t 9' :.: L.^>- ,nox;tfl9jnI jeI .f' iio VS ^nordn9onl bt , t -14- Barton, Lapham, Eliza Barton, formerly Lapham re-oorted married out of meeting, 27 ot im, 1831 BisoY/ned, 24 of 2m, 1831 Brov/n , ) Vi'atson, ) Abraham W. Brov/n, son of Nicholas and Esther, and Llary V-'atson, daughter of Thomas and Peace. 1st Intention, 27 of 9m 1832 2nd Intention, 25 of IvJm, ibd^i. Re-ported accomplished, 22 of 11m, 1832 She took certificate to Pickering, Canada, 25 of 4m, 1833 , ..I lo "'V. ,^ ■ uo h^rv jL j/rrS "ic ,J.~n\\OS'rJ. « - S88I -.nri^ lo 2S ^sfeijuB^ INDEX -1- Akin, 11 Earl(e) 2-13-17-26 Alfred, 32 Evere(i) tt 4-7-9-29-30 Allen, 19-25- -27 -30 32-34-36 Anthony, 11-13 Arnol d, 35 Ferris(s) 5-30-31 Arthur, 36 Pish, 7-14-15-22-36 Atkins, 25 Flov/er, French, 21 36 Baker, 21 Ballard, 19-33 Gifford, 35 Barker, 1-3- 6-] .3- 14-15- Griffith,* 1-25 17-23- • 25 -23- Green, 2-4-27-28-29- 32-33 32-35 Barton, 38 Gore, * 4-20-23-29-36 Bazley, 25 Hackstaff, 11 Beardaley, 28 Hair, 36 Beasley, 25 Hal lock. 3-5-6-7-13-21- Benedict, i-2-4-16- 17-25- 22-27-31-32-35 26-29 Handley, 25-29 Bigalow, 32 Handson, 17 Birch, 2 Hanson, 18-21-22 Birchard, 37 Harkness, 11 Bowron, 2-3-2' 7-28-37 Ha(e)}'worth, 11-32 Buck,* 26 He in, 21 Bunker, 2-1 5-; 26 Hoag, 1-2-3-4-6-12- Bur chard. 8 18-19-20-25- Brown, •*<• 8-23-37- 38 26-23-29-32- 33-36 Center, 28 Hodgkins, 32 Chatiiherlain e, 6-27-33 Hulbut, 34 Corbin, 30-33- .34 Hurlbert, 7 Cromwell, 7-21-1 22- 23-34 Currier, 32 Irish, 2-3-6-9-19-26 28-32-33-36 Davis, 11 Jackson, 3-27 Day, 35 Johnson, 15 Denis, 16 Dennis, 19 Keene, 10 Deuel, 36 Keese, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 DeY:olf, 16-17 8-9-10-12-13- Dot J', 20-21 14-17-13-19-22 Duel, 14 23-24-26-29-39 Dunham, 30 31-33-34-35-37 -I- d'^-TI-'T-I-S: (9)I'j:£->:' I.': «-'■■' ■ CS-G£-Q-'C-f^ '■ ''x}9ii)v : J-^B'1'..L^ Dc-^r_n^ Oc-?2-32-ei ,n$ ILv ex -I I ( '-- lo- ■;-. ;'s)s.':' ■■:■' dS «^- -^ - -"' 5<3-a2-ai-i^.r.-T t SS t-sur^.t'jA la j'.U' /Ol'i es jBni?fcl-A f3 f : IS jIi*iC'j:'-i-: ZC-Ql .1'- ciC-I ^.rC:?!!*!:!--.: - --■■.--ei.s-o-i « - - • -es-e£-T2-:^-2 ,nf»'^'?0 -e2-£2-VI d(S-SE 55 -So 6£-.es;-oS-os-i' * ,81 Ot 8o •.'''■ 11 .tJ.sip.ytOsVi as ? 8S ^ *■-•■ 82 -is-si-v--^-"- ■ ,xocr'- ds y r r « V- ----- .^ .A ■• W« »w- •- J. . * •" ~ -3S-»?I-6I-^-2-i ^yiol.bQiio i QS-dS ■■•:-oS ?I ,uCo;,.. . S5 ^wolf- ^ ~ ,riOaii.;>.I 2 ,rrc- • 11 ^^i?,^lrJ.1BK 7S ,i)i,Eu-Ici'j:i: J >!^-II ^Siii}\7\\s)Rll ■,\.-...-V2-5-S ,f:0T.7CL is' ^cii^.l as * ,>ioijL-: -SI-5~i^-E-S-I tS-isoE 52 -ft 1-2 t •^■ri • *,o r* r .^ r 8 .^^' - 8S-V5-52-8 "^ ,It7/0*Ia ?:.-££ Sg ,oni:5igi)oH 8S 1 aO V --0 - .^o ,jjL/c'I;jI{ &S-V2-B ,s iniBliscfr.isrfO ? .d-'xao'XiirH J^£-5:"~0S ,nxcf-cO * I-S-52-22-.I2-V ,Il9yr;.:ciO 32-ei-e-d-5-S jiIaiTl So .-xeiX-xiJ-O 5£-5S-i:S-32 V2-S ,-■-- -.^T, LL ^; r ^'' as < SI ,s-. OJ. ,or:99}i ei ,ai.., - V-.:_.-.i\-5-2-I ,s:;oo:i 55 • -*- -isi-si-oi-e-s VL-BL c'^^OJ-. 22 -€ r-.f.I-f I-jt'I 12-02 t ■ " • ' *?S-tJ£-62-i^2-52 ^I t - VG-eS-^S-S£-I£ OS f ■ ■ ' ' INEEX -2- Kerby, Kingman, Knowles, Lap ham, 17 31 6-19-33 3-13-14-20-24- 27-38 i:ac(c)omber, 7-28-34 l-ieeker, 5-14-24-31 :,Ierritt, Koore, Llorrison, Ho she r, iioulson, lleff, Nicholas, xTichols, Orvis, Osborn, Pattee, Pearce, Peaslee, peasley, Phillips, Pierce, Potter, Rice, Ricketson, Roberts, Rogers, Sandy, Shearraan, Shepherd, Sherman, Slyter, Smith, 7-20-22-35 21 22 36 21 15-13- 21 4-5-13-13-25- 29-30-31-32 Southwiclc(e) , Strickland, Styles, Tenny, Tinney, Under hill, Vaughan, Walpole, Watson, VHiite, YJilber, Wilbur, Will its. Wins, Wood, 9 10-12 34 15 15 4-16-13-20-29 35 15 34 27 5-7-30-31-34- 35-36 23 4-5-6-3-16-17 18-20-21-22-30 31-32-35-37 30 10 9*24 7-11-15-35 3-23 1-8-11-15-26- 30-35-37 3-10-14-15- 27-28 6-32 34 23 19-22 10-13-14-31 14 8-37 8-38 13-20-28-31-35 14-31 28 4-30 8-22-37 2-4-5-10-13- 25-26-29-31-36 c ^: - \' ■': 5S ss-ei ?s-s 6£-8 '•-'--^ -OS-SI '^- ',:.- 15-62 -52-es IS t '"-■'. •,•*-* ^ f »^ t .391-- — i'li — v-!;^ —t^ J. — uI — ii t' , ^iiinsT OP f^ "' .vonniT - -J-i J ^£3 0ic:ovO) os:i ...•.:... aU ^- .,-^I-S , 13:199: [ ee-as-os-v ju J'iiie.: ,««. t jSloc'tev? ? •: I - t «r- i:.-{ jHOS liJO—. t -£1-51 t'zla'ii r- IS t t -jS-8I-SI-5-^ t ,S"-i:'' 25-I5-C- - ,i>ooi.' D ,BiviO 21-01 ,n'3:ocB0 ,03j-iS^ « vu t >i.^-x;>^..os-r-a ,«CSv" 8£-a5 S2 ,a.- V 1-6 I -S-O -£-;£> t^ 0^-22-12-02-81 VS-e£-25-IS OS 01 t j^2*e t dS-cI-II-V « 82 -S ,10*Xlc^ -es-ei-ii-e-i ^xid-ixao >-_ar-r-r iSb^ -m^-4^. p:".>.:,viHg-. -Uf'i:T c -xx