S3& LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ' ! "' III 00171698194 4 F 869 .B3 B3 Copy 1 )MnM S ^j-, -r 4 Sodium Chloride .500 Strontrum (with spectroscope) - - - none Sodiiim Bi-Carbonate - - - - - 1.055 Magnesium Carbonate (dissolved in Carbonic Lithium (with spectroscope) - - - traces Acid) ------- 6.()20 Calcium Carbonic (dissolved in Carbonic Iron Compounds ----- traces Acid) - - - - - - - 30.141 Boracic Acid (with spectroscope) - - traces Calcium Phosphate ----- .494 Organic matter traces Calcium Sulphate ----- .(^,26 I Total, 43.349 Total Ammonia .-------- .03 parts per million Free Carbonic .\cid Gas - - - • - - 242.1 cubic inches per gallon GEORGE E. COLBY. ANALYSIS OF THE BARTLETT SODA-MAGNESLA. SPRING Grains per Gal. 1 "^ 41 Calcium Carbonate - - - - -,-,^1. _------- 9t).81 ^Magnesium Carbonate ^.,.^ ----- 2.92 ^'^"''' - - . - - 09 Alumina and Iron --- "'" "^ Alkali Carbonate " ' '' Alkali Sulphate ..-------•- • ' ' " 1 n^ Alkali Chloride -----------■''" ' " Total solids - " U-iAA 23 1,1 I UK ANlJ ItUKST — SKASO.N ISHt*. ^ half gallons of the Bartlett Water, and in many cases, more may be taken with beneficial results. CL^-^ The persistent use of the Bartlett Water will invariably make one feel the pang of their disease from seven to ten days. This is a good sign, and the water should be drank freely until the increased pain passes away, after which marked improvement will be realized and a cure effected. If the stomach will permit, use at meals instead of other liquids, as it greatly aids digestion. It will usually act freely upon the bowels and kidne3's; should it not, use some simple purgative to aid the bowels at first. After a day or two, it never fails to produce the desired effect. For those suffering from any of the following diseases these simple rules will be found serviceable. Where no special directions are given, general directions, given above, will apply. In cases of Dyspepsia, ninety per cent of those taking the Bartlett Water treatment are entirely cured, and all are benefited by its use. Take the water warm in the mornings upon arising. Great atten- tion must be paid to diet and regularity in eating; no liquid should be used with meals save Bartlett Water, and as much open-air exercise as possible, without over-exertion. Bartlett Water has gained its greatest reputation as a specific for Kidney Diseases, for which it appears to have a peculiar affinity. Even that awful Bright's Disease has been cured by its use. The doctors also endorse its efficacy in cases of Diabetes. Patients may sometimes find the pains about the regions of the kidneys increasing when they first begin the use of the water. These signs prove a beneficial effect, and will pass away entirely if the use of the water is continued with regularity. Malarial Affections may almost be said to be indigenous to California, as to all newly settled countries, and other troubles arise from it, particularly diseases of the loins and .spleen. Hundreds of people come to Bartlett every year who have malaria in one form or another, and all are benefited. If those persons living in malarial sections of the country were to confine themselves to Bartlett Water as a leverage, they would cease to be troubled by this insidious disease. 25 Rheumatism — The discoverer of Bartlett Springs was snatched from the very jaws of death whither he was being hurried by this awful disease, since which time thousands have used Bartlett Water for rheuma- tism, all of whom have received relief. Many come here who have been at some one of the many hot spring resorts, thoroughly run down by the disease itself and excessive bathing in hot water or mud. Their recovery is usually very rapid at Bartlett. They gain flesh and strength from the very first, and the joints regain their normal condition. It is safe to assert that the cases of St. Vitus' Danck cured by the use of these waters is 100 per cent. Chronic Alcoholism — Bartlett Water removes all desire for alcohol in persons who have unfortu- nately developed a taste for and acquired the drinking habit. Every effect of the alcoholic poison is corrected and the system toned up and invigorated until the necessity for a stimulant no longer exists. Gout is very obstinate, and the patient must diet and abstain entirely from alcoholic beverages. Inflammation and Catarrh of the Bladder are both curable if the patient will but confine himself exclusively to the use of Bartlett Water as a beverage. Diseases of the Liver are quickly and effectively relieved by the waters. Scurvy is effectively cured in from two to three weeks. Eczema— It is safe to say that one will secure positive relief from this disease, and a Cure will be effected by a persistent use of the water, either at home or at the Springs. In Scarlet Fever the most successful physicians prescribe Bartlett Water in their treatment, as it has exactly the effect upon the kidneys that is desired. The waters are healthful and pleasant to the taste, containing those in.'^redients that increases the flow of the saliva, gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal fluids. They have a mild aperient effect and an antiseptic influence on the intestines. Uric acid gravel and calculi are disintegrated and eliminated. Albumen and sugar are diminished under its use. As jV Bar Water it has no equal. It is fast growing in po])ularity, and the Carbonated Water is rapidly taking the place of all other so-called Natural Spring Waters in the market for use in making effervescent drinks. 2<) B ARTLETT WATER is put up as follows : Full case, 50 quart bottles,. natural, as it comes from the vSpring. Half case, 24 quart bottles, natural, as it comes from the Sprint^. Full case, 50 quart bottles carbonated. Full case, 50 pint bottles, carbonated. Full case, 50 pint bottles, natural. Bartlett Ginger Ale, 10 dozen to barrel. For sale in every cit}- or town on the Pacific Coast and Honolulu. WHAT PROMINENT PHYSICIANS SAY Professor James K. Crook, of New York, Post-Graduate Medical School, in The Mineral U'alers of the United States, saj-s of Bartlett Springs : " These Springs have been known for upward of twenty years, and have gained a wide reputation as a health resort. No more pure and invigorating climate can be found than that of beautiful Lake County, and the Bartlett Springs, being located in a canyon with high mountains on the north and south, are par- ticularly well located to resist sudden changes of temperature. The thermometer shows a mean tem- perature of 85° F. in the summer, and is never below 20° F. in the winter. The surrounding scenerj' is grand and inspiring, and once looked upon is not easily forgotten. The elevation above the sea level is about 2300 feet. The analysis of the principal vSpring, b}- Mr. George E. Colby, shows an alkaline- carbonate water of moderate strength and possessing, especially in the sodium, calcium and magnesium compounds, active remedial agents." Charles E. ll'ins/ow, M. D. "The Bartlett Springs Mineral Water has no superior in diseases of the liver, stomach, kidney and bladder, rheumatic troubles and scurvy are cured or greatly benefited under its use." jV. J. Bird, M. D., 2100 Bush Street, San Francisco. " I believe it promotes digestion, and should be on every man's table three times a day." Henry R. Broivn, M. D., Bush and Kearny Streets, San Francisco. " I have prescribed it with entire satisfaction for gout, rheumatism, dyspepsia and kindred diseases." O. O. Burgess, M. D., 373 Geary Street, San Francisco. " I have found it a delicious table water." /.. Carpenter, M. D., Vallejo, Cal. " The beneficial results derived from the use of Bartlett Springs Mineral Waters are unmistakably unique." E. IV. Charles, M. D., late surgeon U. S. A., Menlo Park, Cal. " I have been acquainted with the effects of Bartlett Springs Water for nearly twenty years, and do not hesitate to assert that for Bright's Disease, gout, rheumatism and many skin diseases, it has no superior in the world." C. P. Cliesley, M. D., 754 Howard Street, San Francisco. " It is now sixteen years since I have been using and recommending to my patients the Bartlett Springs Mineral Water." Geo. Chismore, M. D., 705 Sutter Street, San Francisco. " I can cheerfully recommend Bartlett Springs Mineral Water to professional men in the treatment of many diseases of the genito urinary organs." H. R. Chesbro, M. D. " I have frequently recommended the Bartlett Springs Water, and have had universal good results." C. A. Clinton, M. D., N. E. Corner Howard and Twenty-first Streets, San Francisco. " It is a mild, pleasant aperient, agreeable to the stomach and beneficial in kidney and bladder com- plaints." W. R. Cluness, M. D., 40G Sutter Street, vSan Francisco. " It has been used off and on in our family for many years, to the exclusion of all other water, for table purposes.' ' 28 /?. Beverly Cole, M. D., Professor of Obstretrics and Gyniecology, University of California, S2t) Sutter Street, San Francisco. " For several years this water has been a favorite with me, and 1 have been accustomed in certain cases to send my patients to the Sprin^rs for the benefit of the waters." G. jr. Davis, INI. D., 033 Sutter Street, vSan Francisco. " For chronic stomach and bowel troubles I believe this water possesses very considerable value." P. DeVecchi, M. D., 79 Crocker Building, San Francisco. " I have prescribed the Bartlett Springs Mineral Water fur years in diseases of the urinary organs, rheumatism and complaints due to over-vitality of the blood. Chas. C. Dransfield, M. D., Kelseyville, Cal. " I can highly recommend it in the treatment of gout, rheumatism and in plethoric subjects. I regard it as one of the most efficient waters." C. X. EUinxi'ood, M. D., 639 Kearny Street, San Francisco. "A glass of Bartlett Springs Water in the early morning is pleasant and healthful for persons of sedentary habits." C. Z. Ellis, M. D., Downieville, Cal. "In torpid conditions of the liver and kidneys it has no superior, and I consider it an excellent adjunct to the treatment of diseases of the alimentary canal." C. G. Kenyan, M. D., 901 Sutter Street, San Francisco. " I have used it largely in my practice, and am now daily drinking it myself."- P. />'. Fagen, M. D., Santa Cruz, Cal. "After an experience of more than forty years as practicioner of medicine in this State, I pronounce the Bartlett vSprings Mineral Water equal to the best for diseases of the blood and nervous system." A. M. Gardner, M. D., Resident Physician, Napa State Asylum for the Insane. " My family and myself have used Bartlett Springs Water, and I recommend it to my patients, with beneficial results." 29 AdolphJ. Kahn, Ph. G.. M. D. " I have reconunended the use of Bartlett Water and obtained ver}' satisfactory results, equal to and even superior to some imported waters of renown." H. Isaac Jimes, M. D., F. R. C, P. E., etc., 222 Post Street, San Francisco. "It is an efficacious remedy for stomach, kidney and liver diseases." IV. ir. Kerr, M. D., 1200 Van Ness Avenue, vSan Francisco. " I prefer it to most of the mineral waters in the market, although they are higher priced and have enjoved a longer established reputation." 5. F. Long, M. D., Spring Valley Building, San Francisco. " I have been recommending Bartlett Water to my patients for stomach and kidney diseases, and great benefits have been derived from its use. I know of no better water for table use." \V. H. Mays, M. D., 1118 Sutter Street, San Francisco. " I find it a valuable adjunct in the treatment of chronic rheumatism, and also in many forms of kidney and liver disorders, both functional and organic." C. T. Pepper, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal. " I have used and prescribed the Bartlett Spring Mineral Water (juite largely, and like it fully as well or better than any other on the market." J. ]]'. /!. Reynolds, M. D., President Board of Health, Officer Second Sanitary District, Solano Co., Cal., and Health Officer of Suisun City, Cal. " I have long used and prescribed Bartlett vSprings Mineral Water in my practice, and think it ranks first in medicinal qualities among the mineral springs of this coast." A'. G. Reynolds, M. D., Upper Lake, Cal. " I consider it among the best, if not the very best mineral water in the world. I have used it for dyspepsia with perfect success." W. D. Rodgers, M. D., Watsonville, Cal. " For several years I have been sending patients to the Bartlett Springs, suffering with rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, and have yet to see the case returned not cured or ver}- materially benefited." 30 Hubert N. RozvelL M. D., Lorin, Cal. " I heartily recommend Bartlett vSi)rings IMineral Water in affections of the genito urinary parts." H. C. SaTcver, M. D., 1718 Waller Street, vSan Francisco. "I cheerfully acknowledge my indebtedness to the Bartlett Springs INIineral Water, and my belief that it is one of the most valuable of the waters of its class." Jas. F. Snlliva?!, M. D., 1105 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. " I willingly testify to the usefulness of the Bartlett Springs Water in many forms of stomach and liver diseases." J. H. Tebbetts, M. D., Hollister, Cal. " I claim for Bartlett Water the greatest therapeutic value in chronic diseases, especially those of the skin, liver and kidneys. It should soon become vsrhat Carlsbad is now— the leading spring of civilization." Prs. T. P., C. L. and Dio Lewis Tisdale, 2300 Central Avenue, Alameda, Cal. " We have used the Bartlett Springs Water in many ca.ses of serious stomach and kidney diseases, and can heartily recommend it for its excellent medical qualities." John Jl'agiirr, M. D., 483 Valencia vStreet, San Francisco. "I freely endorse it as a pleasant and efficacious alkaline water wherever it or such waters are indicated." //. 5. U'e/c/i, M. D., 209 Post Street, San Francisco. " 1 have for vears had a good opinion of and great confidence in the value of Bartlett Springs Mineral Water as a medicinal agent. I have seen much benefit from its use in rheumatism, renal and bladder troubles." Dr. O. O. Burgess. "I am thankful to Bartlett Spring Water for much that is enjoyable in life and perhaps for life itself." 3fr. Roland Reed states: "The Bartlett Spring Water is the best mineral water that I have ever drank and suits me l)etter than all others. I know whereof I speak for I have tested them all. :^i STK. "CITY OF I.AKEPOKT." HOPLANI) ROUTE A Few of the Prominent People Using Bartlett Springs Mineral Water to Whom Reference May Be Made. SAN FRANCISCO Mr. Geo. T. Bowen, Fire Commissioner Dr. Burgess, Physician Mr. Charles Bryant Judge A. E. Belcher Or. W. B. Coffey Rev. P. S. Casey Dr. W. R. Cluness, Jr. Mr. Benj. Edson Mr. J. A. Fillmore Dr. M Franklin Dr. Gonzales, Physician Mr. P. G. Galpiu Mr. William Herrin, Chief Counsel S. I". Co. Mr. C. W. Huffman ISlr. P. A. Jewett Mr. Homer King Mr. W. M. Kitchen Mr. Dennis Kearnev Rev. P. R. Lynch Capt. Lees, ex-Chief of Police. City of San Francisco Dr. J. R. Lane Mr. Alex. McCallum Mr. Abner S. Mann, Ticket Agent S. P. Co. Mr. Stewart Menzies Sup. Justice Joseph McKenna, Washington, D. C. Judge T. D. McFarland, Associate Justice, Sup. Court, Cal. Mr. J. G. Neff Mr. Matthew Nunan Mr. P. F. Nolan, P. F. Nolan & Co. Mr. Fremont Older Col. Parnell, U. S. A. Mr. Irving M. Scott, Union Iron Works Mr. C. F. Smurr, General Freight Agent S. P. Co. Mr. Henry Seymour Rev. Father M. P. Scanlan Mr. (ieo. Tyson Mr. George" D. Toy, Real Estate Dr. F. Tiflman Mr. Frank A. Vail SACR.\MENTO Mr. L. F. Bruner Capt. J. M. Condray Dr. Forbes Mr J. H. Glide Mr. Wm. Land, ex-Mayor Mr. J.«L. Gillis Mr. J. J. Nagele Dr. G. L. Simmons Mr. C. W. Clarke Mr. J DriscoU Mr. W . F. George Mr. B . W. Cavanaugh Mr. Grove L. Johnson Mr. J. M. Morrison Mr.J . Ryan Mr. J R. Wright Mr. H. H. Gran Mr. A. N. Buchanan OAKLAND- MajorC. C. Clay Hon. Chas. N. Fox Mr. Chas. Kahler Capt. Jno. Hackett Senator Geo. C. Perkins Judge W. E. Green 33 Dr. E. H. Pardee Mr. C. H. Redington Mr. C. H. King M ARYSVILLE Mr. Dan Donahoe Mr. \Vm. Ellis, Jr. Mr. F. W. Johnson Mr. \V. W. Ward Los Anoele.s Mr. Hancock Banning Mr. A. W. Davis Mr. J. F. Foster Mr. John Scott Jndge A M. Stephens Mr. John Chanslor Mr G. P. Fitzgerald (".en C. F A. f.ast Mr. Kd. R. Smith Mr. J. M. Johnston :Mr. Lynn Helm Mr. \V. H. Cook Mr. C. C. Carpenter Mr. \V. E. Curry Mr. J. H. Da\ isson Nevada City Mr. Geo. C. Gaylord Mr, B. S. Rector Mr. \Vm. Giffin Sax Jose Mr. J. C. Black Mr. Thos F. Morrison Mr. Jas. L. Clavlon Ml. H. J. Wallace .\LAMEDA Judge J. Ellsworth Mr. L. H. Bissell Mr. Geo. T. Wright Woodland Mr. Theo. Mnigger Mr. John Wohlfrom Mr. .\. D. I'orter Mrs. L. K. Peart Stockton Ex-Gov. Jas. H. Budd Mr. J. W. Smith Mr. Geo. S. Ladd Mr. J. P. Thompson Red Bluff Mr. W. B. Cahoon Mr. S. P. Freeman Hon. J. E. Ellison Mr. E. W. Runyon, Paris Com. A r BURN Jlr. Wra. Dunlap Dr. R. F. Rooney Mr. T. J. Nicols Mr. E. Seeferd Redding Mr. Jas. E. McCormack Hon. Edward Sweeney Mr. Luke McDonald Woodland Mr. F. E.Baker Mr. Z. B. Kinslow Mr. R. W. Browning Hon.E. E. Leake Reno, Nevad.a. Mr. S. Bowman Mr. W. O. H. Martin Mr. D. B. Lyman Mr. S. O. Wells Fresno Mr. G. 'M. Seropian Mr. A. Bang Mr. P. Droge Mr. Joe Sirothers Tacoma, Wash. Mr. J. J. McCone Mr. F. C. Robertson Mr. Stephen O'Brien Mr. P. C. Sullivan Dawson City, Alaska Dr. C. F. Magaha :Mr. Sam Matthews Mr. Wm. Masman Mr. Ike Powers Mr. J. W. Ahern, Bakersfield Mr. H. W. Benson, Alameda Mr. .\ndrew Brown, Kernville 34 Mr. Chas. Brockington, Cirass Valley Mr. J. D. Carr, Salinas City Mr. J. E. Crooks. Hay wards Mr. J. F". Chiles. Davisville Mr. H. J. Conklin, Weaverville Mr. L. S. Coombs. Napa Mr. R. Chattel:, Visalia :Mr. J. R. Curry, Martinez Mr. James Cassin, Ogden, Utah Mr. F. H. Dependener, Auburn Mr. M. S. Davis, Santa Rosa Mr. J. H. Durst, Wheatland Rev. Father L. P. Desmarais, Jackson ville. Or. Mr. R. J. English, Dawson, Alaska Mr. J. A. Frazier, San Jose Mr. Jas. Fisher, Visalia Judge W. A. Gray, Visalia Mr. Frank Glenn, Jacinto Mr. Robert Grimmon, Truckee I\Ir. N. Granbeck, Argel Island Mr. J. R. Garnett, Willows Mr. .\lbert Harris, Santa Clara Mr. Dwight Hollister, Courtland Mr. .\. A. Kraft, Spokane, Wash. Mr. T. R. James, Honolulu. H. I. Mr. W. H. Johnson, Eureka Mr. E. J. Jeter, Santa Cruz Mr. E. D. Jones, Woodside Mr. J. H. Jacobsen, Windsor Mr. Geo. A. Lamont, Suisun Mr. H. D. Lausen, Oroville Mr. H. Miller, Jr., Gilroy Mr. C. W. Meyers. Virginia City, Nev. Mr. J. A. McCuen, Watsonville Mr. W. D. McGiloray, Pasadena Mr. John McMurry. "Ukiah Hon. J. H.Neff, Colfax Mr. Frank Phillips, Chicago, 111. Mr. J. Rock, Niles Mr. Geo. Ross, Honolulu Mr. F. P. Run von, Courtland Mr. H. H. Schutz. .\rbuckle Mr. Thos. Scale, Mayfield Mr. Edwin Swinford, Colusa Capt. A. M. Tripp, Honolulu, H. I. J\idge Antonio Perry, Honolulu, H. I. Mr.'T. A. Whalen, Ogden, Utah Mr. C. H. Worthington, Santa Clara And many others. iioTi'.i, co[-i' \<;i-: A\i;Nri, 819 4< LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00171698194 4