E 179 .S94 Copy 1 >\._ UrnPRO^ETIC VOICES ABOUT AMERICA: A MONOGRAPH. ^ [From the Atlantic Monthly for September, HE' discovery of America by Chris- ;'2;'*A topher Columbus is the greatest event of all secular history. Besides the potato, the turkey, and maize, which it introduced at once for the nourish- ment and comf(^t of the Old World, this discovery opened the door to in- fluences infinite in extent and benefi- cence. Measure them, describe them, picture them, you cannot. While this continent was unknown, imagination invested it with proverbial magnifi- cence. It was the Orient. When af- terwards it took its place in geogra- phy, imagination found another field in trying to portray its future history. If the Golden Age is before, and not behind, as is now happily the prevail- ing faith, then indeed must America share at least, if it does not monopo- lize, the promised good. Before the voyage of CoJumbus in 1492, nothing of America was really known. A few scraps from antiquity, a few rumors from the ocean, and a few speculations from science, were all that the inspired navigator found to guide him. Foremost among all these were the well-known verses of the Spaniard' Seneca, in the chorus of his " Medea," which for generations had been the fin- ger-point to an undiscovered world. " Venient annis sjecula seris Quibus Oceanus vincula rerum Laxet, et ingens pateat tellus, Tethysque novos detegat orbes ; Nee sit terris ultima Thule." * " In tardy years the epoch will come in which the ocean will unloose the bonds of nature, and the great earth will stretch out, and the sea will dis- close new worlds ; nor will Thule be the most remote on the globe." Two, if not more, different copies of these verses are extant in the hand- writing of Columbus, — precious auto- graphs ; one in the sketch of his work on the Prophecies, another in a letter addressed to Queen Isabella; and it * Seneca, Medea, Act II. v. 371. 7-] would seem as if there was still a third entered among his observations of lu- nar eclipses at Hayti and Jamaica. By these verses the great discoverer sailed. But Humboldt, who has illustrated the enterprise with all that classical or mediaeval literature affords,* does not hesitate to declare his conviction, that the discovery of a new continent was more completely foreshadowed in the simple geographical statement of the Greek Strabo, who, after a long life of travel, sat down in the eighty-fourth year of his age, during the reign of Augustus, to write the geography of the world, including its cosmography. In this work, where are gathered the results of ancient study and experience, the venerable author, after alluding to the possibility of passing direct from Spain to India, and explaining that the inhabited world is that which we in- habit and know, thus lifts the curtain : " There may be in the same temperate zone izuo and indeed more inhabited la?ids, especially nearest the parallel of Things or Athens, prolonged into the Atlantic Ocean." f This was the voice of ancient science. Before the voyage of Columbus, Pulci, the Itahan poet, in his Morganie Afaggiore, sometimes called the last of the romances and the earliest of the Italian epics, reveals an undiscovered world beyond the Pillars of Hercules. " Know that this theory is false ; kis bark The daring mariner shall urge far o'er The ■western wave, a smooth and level plain. Albeit the earth is fashioned like a wheel. Man was in ancient days of grosser mould. And Hercules might blush to learn how far Beyond the limits he had vainly set The didlest sea-boat soon shall wing her tutty. " Men shall descry another hemisphere. Since to one common centre all things tend ; So earth, by curious mystery divine Well balanced, hangs amid the starry spheres. A t oitr Antipodes are cities, states, A nd thronged empires, ne^er divined of yore. * Humboldt, Examefi critique de la Geographie, Tome I. pp. loi, 162. See also Humboldt, Kosmos, Vol. II. pp. 516, 556, SS7, 645. t Strabo, Lib. I. p. 65 ; Lib. II. p. 118. IT/ 79 276 ^rophetic Voices about America. [September, But see, the sun speed-s on his western path To glad the nations with expected light." * This translation is by our own emi- nent historian, Prescott, who first called attention to this testimony,! which is not mentioned even by Humboldt. Leigh Hunt referred to it at a later day.f Puici was born in Florence, 1431, and died there, 1487, five years before Co- lumbus sailed, so that he was not aided by any rumor of the discovery which he so distinctly predicts. Passing from the discovery, it may not be uninteresting to collect some of the prophetic voices about the future of America, the "All-Hail Hereafter" of our continent. They will have a lesson also. Seeing what has been already fulfilled, we may better judge what to expect. I shall set them forth in the order of time, prefacing each prediction with an account of the author sufficient to explain its origin and character. If some are already familiar, others are lit- tle known. Brought together into one body, on the principle of our national Union, E pluribits uman, they must give new confidence in the destinies of the Republic. Of course I shall embrace only what has been said seriously by those whose words are important ; not an oracular response, which may receive a double interpretation, like the deceptive replies to Croesus and to Pyrrhus ; and not a saying, such as is described by Sir Thomas Browne when he remarks, in his " Christian Morals," that " many positions seem quodlibetically consti- tuted, and, like a Delphian blade, will cut both ways." § Men who have lived much and felt strongly see further than others. Their vision penetrates the future. Second sight is little more than clearness of sight. Milton tells us, " That old experience does attain To something like prophetic strain." Sometimes this strain is attained even in youth. * PuIci, Mor^ante Ma!:giore, Canto XXV. st. 2E9, 230. t Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. 11. pp. 117. 118. X Leigh Hunt, Stories from the Italian Poet.s. p. 171. § Browne, Works, Pickering's edition. Vol. IV. p. 81. famous author "plainly discovers his expectation to be th#same with that Sir Thomas Browne. — 16S2. Dr. Johnson called attention to a tract of Sir Thomas Browne entitled, "A Prophecy concerning the Future State of Several Nations," where the " plainly be th#s: entertained later with more confidence by Dr. Berkeley, that America will be the seat of the fifth empire^ * The tract is vague, but prophetic. Sir Thomas Browne was born igtli October, 1605, and died 19th October, 1682. His tract was published, two years after his death, in a collection of Miscellanies, edited by Dr. Tenison. As a much-admired author, some of whose writings belong to our English classics, his prophetic prolusions are not unworthy of notice. They are founded on verses entitled " The Proph- ecy," purporting to have been sent to him by a fmend. Among these are the following : — " When New England .shall trouble New Spain, When Jamaica shall be lady of the isles and the main ; When Spain shall be in America hid, And Me.xico shall prove a Madrid ; IVhen Africa shall no more sell out their Macks To vtake slaves and drudges to the A merican tracts ; IVhcn A merica shall cease to send out its treas- ure. But employ it at home in A merican pleasure ; IP' hen the Ne7v World shall the Old invade. Nor count them their lords but tlieir fellows in trade ; Then think strange things have come to light. Whereof but few have had a foresight." f Some of these words are striking, es- pecially when we consider their early date. The author of the " Religio Medi- ci " seems in the main to accept the prophecy. In a commentary on each verse he seeks to explain it. New England is " that thriving colony which hath so much increased in his day " ; its people are already "industrious," and when they have so far increased "thnt the neighboring country will not contain them, they will range still far- * Johnson, Life of Sir Thomas Browne. t Browne, Works, Vol. IV. pp. 332, 233. Bob. AtK«« MTar 28 06 r 1867.] Sir Thomas Browne. — Bishop Berkeley. ther, and be able in time to set forth '^ great armies, seek for new possessions, ' or tJia/ce considerable and conjoined mi- ' grations." The verse about Africa will be fulfilled " when African countries shall no longer make it a common trade to sell away their people." And this may come to pass " whenever they shall be well civilized and acquainted with arts and affairs sufficient to employ peojile in their countries." It would also come to pass " if they should be converted to Christianity, but especially into Ma- hometism ; for then they would nev- er sell those of their religion to Ic slaves unto Christians." The verse about America is expounded as fol- lows : — " That is, when America shall be bet- ter civilized, new policied, and divided between great princes, it may come to pass that they will no longer suffer their treasure of gold and silver to be sent out to maintain the luxury of Europe and other ports ; but rather employ it to their own advantages, in great ex- ploits and undertakings, magnificent structures, wars, or expeditions of their own." * The other verse, on the invasion of the Old World by the New, is thus ex- plained : — " That is, when America shall be so well peopled, civilized, and divided into kingdoms, they are like to have so little regard of their originals as to acknozvl- edge no subjection nnto them j they may also have a distinct commerce them- selves, or but independently with those of Europe, and may hostilely and pirat- ically assault them, even as the Greek and^^Roman colonies after a long time dealt vvilh their original countries." f That these speculations should arrest the attention of Dr. Johnson is some- tliing. They seem to have been in part fulfilled. An editor remarks that, " To judge from the course of events since Sir Thomas wrote, we may not unrea- sonably look forward to their more com- plete fulfilment." % * Browne, Works, Vol. IV. p. 236. t Ibid. t Ibid., p. 231, note. Bishop Berkeley. — 1726. It is pleasant to think that Berkeley, whose beautiful verses predicting the future of America are so often quoted, was so sweet and charming a character. Atterbury wrote of him, " So much un- derstanding, knowledge, innocence, and humility I should have thought con- fined to angels, had I never seen this gentleman." Swift said, "He is an ab- solute philosopher with regard to mon- ey, title, and power." Pope let drop a tribute which can never die, when he said, " To Berkeley every virtue under Heaven." Such a person was naturally a seer. He is compendiously called an Irish prelate and philosopher; he was born in Kilkenny, 1684, and died in Oxford, 1 753. He began as a philosopher. While still young, he wrote his famous treatise on " The Principles of Human Knowl- edge," in which he denies the existence of matter, insisting that it is only an impression produced on the mind by Divine power. After travel for several years on the Continent, and fellowship with the witty and learned at home, among whom were 'Addison, Swift, Pope, Garth, and Arbuthnot, he con- ceived the project of educating the abo- rigines of America, which was set forth in a tract, published in 1725, entitled, " Scheme for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity by a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda." Persuaded by his benevolence, the min- isters promised twenty thousand pounds, and there were several private subscrip- tions to promote what was called by the king " so pious an undertaking." Berke- ley possessed already a deanery in Ire- land, with one thousand pounds a year. Turning away from this residence, and refusing to be tempted by an Eng- hsh mitre, oitered by the queen, he set sail for Rhode Island, " which lay nearest Bermuda," where, after a te- dious passage of five months, he ar- rived, 23d January, 1729. Here he lived on a farm back of Newport, having been, according to his own report, " at 278 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, great expense for land and stock." In familiar letters he has given his impres- sion of this place, famous since for fash- ion. " The climate," he says, " is like that of Italy, and not at all colder in the winter than I have known it everywhere north of Rome. This island is pleas- antly laid out in hills and vales and ris- ing grounds, hath plenty of excellent springs and fine rivulets and many de- lightful landscapes of rocks and prom- ontories and adjacent lands. The town of Newport contains about six thousand souls, and is the most thriv- ing, flourishing place in all America for its bigness. It is very pretty and pleasantly situated. I was never more agreeably surprised than at the first sight of the town and its harbor." * He seems to have been contented here, and when his companions went to Bos- ton stayed at home, " preferring," as he wrote, "quiet and solitude to the noise of a great town, notwithstanding all the sohcitations that have been used to draw us thither." f The money which he had expected, especially from the ministry, failed, and after waiting in vain expectation two years and a half, he returned to Eng- land, leaving an infant son buried in the yard of Trinity Church, and bestow- ing upon Yale College a library of eight hundred and eighty volumes, as well as his estate in Rhode Island. During his residence at Newport he had preached every Sunday, and was indefatigable in pastoral duties, besides meditating, if not composing, "The Minute Philoso- pher," which was published shortly af- ter his return. He had not been forgotten at home during his absence ; and shortly after his return he became Bishop of Cloyne, in which place he was most exemplary, devoting himself to his episcopal du- ties, to the education of his children, and the pleasures of composition. It was while occupied with his plan of a college, especially as a nursery for the Colonial churches, shortly before sailing for America, that the future * Berkeley, Works, Vol. I., Life prefixed, p. 53. t Ibid., p. 55. seemed to be revealed to him, and he wrote the famous poem, the only one to be found among his works, entitled, "Verses on the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America." * The date may be fixed at 1726. Such a poem was an historic event. I give the first and last stanzas. " The Muse, disgusted at an age and clime Barren of every glorious theme, In distant lands now waits a better time. Producing subjects worthy fame. " IVesiward the course of empire takes its way ; The first four acts already past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day ; Time's noblest offspring is the last." It is difficult to exaggerate the value of these verses, which have been so often quoted as to become one of the commonplaces of literature and poli- tics. There is nothing from any oracle, there is very little from any proph- ecy, which can compare with them. The biographer of Berkeley, who wrote in the last century, was very cautious, when, after calling them "a beautiful copy of verses," he says that "another age will, perhaps, acknowledge the old conjunction of the prophetic character with that of the poet to have again taken place." f The vates of the Ro- mans was poet and prophet ; and such was Berkeley. The sentiment which prompted the prophetic verses of the good Bishop was widely ditfused ; or, perhaps, it was a natural prompting. J Of this an illustration is afforded in the life of Benjamin West. On his visit to Rome in 1760, the young artist encountered a famous improvvisatore, who, on learn- ing that he was an American come to study the fine arts in Rome, at bnce addressed him with the ardor of inspi- ration, and to the music of his guitar. After singing the darkness which for so many ages veiled America from the eyes of science, and also the fulness of time when the purposes for which America had been raised from the deep would be manifest, he hailed the youth * Berkeley, Works, Vol. II. p. 443- t Ibid., Vol. I., Life prefixed, p. 15. J Grahame, Hiitory of the United States, Vol. IV. pp. 136, 448. 186;.] Turzot. 279 before him as an instrument of Heaven to raise there a taste for those arts which elevate man, and an assurance of refuge to science and knowledge, when, in the old age of Europe, they should have for- saken her shores. Then, in the spirit of prophecy, he sang : — " But all things of heavenly origin^ like the glorious suti, move westward j and truth and art have their periods of shining and of night. Rejoice then, O venerable Rome, in thy divine destiny ; for though darkness overshadow thy seats, and though thy mitred head must descend into the dust, thy spirit im- mortal and undecayed already spreads towards a new world.^^ * John Adams, in his old age, dwelling on the reminiscences of early life, re- cords that nothing was " more ancient in his memory than the observation that arts, sciences, and empire had travelled westward, and in conversa- tion it was always added, since he was a child, that their next leap would be over the Atlantic into America." With the assistance of an octogenarian neigh- bor, he recalled a couplet that had been repeated with rapture as long as he could remember : — " The Eastern nations sink, their glory ends, And empire rises where the sun descends." It was imagined by his neighbor that these lines came from some of our ear- ly pilgrims, — by whom they had been " inscribed, or rather drilled, into a rock on the shore of Monument Bay in our old Colony of Plymouth." f Another illustration of this same sentiment will be found in Burnaby's "Travels through the Middle Settle- ments of North America, in. 1759 and 1760," a work which was first published in 1775. In his reflections at the close of his book the traveller thus re- marks : — " An idea, strange as it is visionary, has entered into the minds of the gen- erality of mankind, that empire is travel- ling westward : and every one is looking forward with eager and i?npatient ex- pectation to that destined motnent tuhen * Gait, Life of West, Vol. I. pp. n6, 117. t John Adams, Works, Vol. IX. pp. 597-599. A merica is to give the law to the rest of the world.'''' * The traveller is none the less an au- thority for the prevalence of this senti- ment because he declares it " illusory and fallacious," and records his convic- tion that " America is formed for hap- piness, but not for empire." Happy America ! What empire can compare with happiness ! But, to make amends for this admission, the jealous traveller, in his edition of 1796, after the adop- tion of our Constitution, announces that " the present union of American States will not be permanent, or last for any considerable length of time," and "that that extensive country must necessarily be divided into separate states and kingdoms." f Thus far the Union has stood against all shocks, foreign or domestic ; and the prophecy of Berke- ley is more than ever in the popular mind. Turcot.— 1750. Among the illustrious names of France there are few equal to that of Turgot. He was a philosophei among ministers, and a minister among philosophers. Malesherbes said of him, that he had the heart of L'Hopital and the head of Bacon. Such a person in public affairs was an epoch for his country and for the human race. Had his spirit prevailed, the bloody drama of the French Revolution would not have occurred, or it would at least have been postponed. I think it could not have occurred. He was a good man, who sought to carry into govern- ment the rules of goodness. His ca- reer from beginning to end was one continuous beneficence. Such a nature was essentially prophetic, for he dis- cerned the natural laws by which the future is governed. He was of an ancient Norman family, whose name suggests the^^^^ Tlior j he was born at Paris, 1727, and died, 1781. Being a younger son, he was destined for the Church, and commenced his * Biirnaby, Travels, p. 115. t Ibid., Preface, p. 21. 28o PropJietic Voices about America. [September studies as an ecclesiastic at the an- cient Sorbonne. Before registering an irrevocable vow, he announced his re- pugnance to the profession, and turned aside to other pursuits. Law, litera- ture, science, humanity, government, now engaged his attention. He as- sociated himself with the writers of the Encyclopaedia, and became one of its contributors. In other writings he vindicated especially the virtue of toleration. Not merely a theorist, he soon arrived at the high post of in- tendant of Limousin, where he devel- oped a remarkable talent for adminis- tration, and a sympathy with the peo- ple. He introduced the potato into that province. But he continued to employ his pen, especially on questions of political economy, which he treated as a master. On the accession of Louis XVI. he was called to the cabinet as Minister of the Marine, and shortly afterwards he gave up this place to be the head of the finances. Here he be- gan a system of rigid economy, founded on a curtailment of expenses and an enlargement of resources. The latter was obtained especially by a removal of disabilities from trade, whether at home or abroad, and the substitution of a single tax on land for a complex multiplicity of taxes. The enemies of progress were too strong at that time, and the king dismissed the reformer. Good men in France became anxious for the future ; Voltaire, in his distant retreat, gave a shriek of despair, and addressed to Turgot some remarkable verses entitled Epitre d tut Homme. Worse still, the good edicts of the min- ister were rescinded, and society was 13ut back. The discarded minister gave himself to science, literature, and friendship. He welcomed Franklin to France and to immortality in a Latin verse of mar- vellous felicity. He was already the companion of the liberal spirits who were doing so much for knowledge and for reform. By writing and by conversation he exercised a constant influence. His "ideas" seem to illu- mine the time. We may be content to follow him in saying, " The glory of arms cannot compare with the happi- ness of living in peace." He antici- pated our definition of a republic, when he said " it was formed uj^on the equality of all the citizens" — good words, not yet practically verified in all our States. Such a government he, living under a monarchy, bravely pronounced the best of all ; but he added that he "had never known a constitution truly republican." This was in 1778. With similar plainness he announced that " the destruction of the Ottoman empire would be a real good for all the nations of Europe," and — he added still further — for hu- manity also, because it would involve the abolition of negro slavery, and be- cause to st!:ip "our oppressors is not to attack, but to vindicate, the com- mon rights of humanity." With such thoughts and a.spirations, the prophet died. But I have no purpose of writing a biography, or even a character. All that I intend is an introduction to Turgot's prophetic words relating to America. When only twenty-three years of age, while still an ecclesiastic at the Sorbonne, the future minister delivered a discourse on the Progress of the Human Mind, in which, 'after de- scribing the commercial triumphs of the ancient Phoenicians, covering the coasts of Greece and Asia with their colonies, he lets drop these remarkable words : — "Les colonies sont comme des fruits qui ne tiennent ^ I'arbre que jusqu'k leur maturite ; devenues sufifisantes ^ elles-mcmes, elles firent ce que fitdepuis Carthage, — ce qjwfcra unjour PAme- riquc.'''' * " Colonies are like fruits, which hold to the tree only until their maturity ; when sufficient for themselves, they did that which Carthage afterwards did, — that which sotne day America will do.''^ On this most suggestive declaration, * Turcot, O'.uvres, Tome II. p. 66. See also Condorcet, CKimrcs, Tome IV., \'ic de Tin-got; Louis Blanc, Hisioire de la Rivolution Fra?igazse, Tome I. pp. 527 - S33. 1867.] John Adams. 281 Dupont de Nemours, the editor of Tar- get's works, published in 1808, remarks in a note as follows : — "It was in 1750 that M. Turgot, being then only twenty -three years old, and devoted in a seminary to the study of theology, divined, foresaw the revolution which has formed the Unit- ed States, — which has detached them from the European power apparently the most capable of retaining its colonies under its domination." At the time Turgot wrote, Canada was a French possession ; but his words are as applicable to this colony as to the United States. When will this fruit be ripe .'' John Adams. — 1755, 1776, 17S0, 1785, 1787. Next in time among the prophets was John Adams, who has left on record at different dates several pre- dictions which show a second-sight of no common order. Of his life I need say nothing, except that he was born 19th October, 1735, and died 4th July,- 1826. I mention the predictions in the order of their utterance. I. While teaching a school at Worces- ter, and when under twenty years of age, he wrote a letter to one of his youthful companions, bearing date \ith October, 1755, which is a marvel of foresight. Fifty-two years afterwards, when al- ready much of its prophecy had been fulfilled, the original was returned to its author by the son of his early comrade and correspondent, Nathan Webb, who was at the time dead. In this letter, after remarking gravely on the rise and fall of nations, with illustrations from Carthage and Rome, he proceeds : — " England began to increase in power and magnificence, and is now the great- est nation of the globe. Soon after the Reformation, a few people came over into this New World for conscience' sake. Perhaps this apparently trivial incident may transfer the great seat of empire to America. It looks likely to me J for if we can remove the turbulent Gallics, our people, according to the exactest computations, will, in another century, become more numerous than England itself Should this be the case, since we have, I may say, all the naval stores of the nations in our hands, it will be easy to obtain the mastery of the seas ; and then the united force of all Europe will not be able to subdue us. The only way to keep us from set- ting up for ourselves is to disunite us. Divide et iinpera. Keep us in distinct colonies, and then, some great men in each colony desiring the monarchy of the whole, they will destroy each others' influence, and keep the country in eqiii- librio.''^ * On this letter his son, John Quincy Adams, remarks : — " Had the political part of it been written by the minister of state of a European monarchy, at the close of a long life spent in the government of nations, it would have been pronounced worthy of the united wisdom of a Bur- leigh, a Sully, or an Oxenstiern /;/ one bold outline he has exhibited by anticipation a long succession of pro- phetic history, thefulfihncnt of which is barely yet in progress, rcspondi?ig ex- actly hitherto to his foresight, but the full accomplishment of which is re- served for the development of after ages. The extinction of the power of France in America, the union of the British North American Colonies, the achievement of their independence, and the establishment of their ascendency in the community of civilized nations by the means of their naval power, are all foreshadowed in this letter, with a clearness of perception and a distinct- ness of delineation which time has done little more than to convert into historical fact."t 2. The Declaration of Independence bears date 4th July, 1776, for on that day it was signed ; but the vote which determined it was on the 2d July. On the id July, John Adams, in a letter to his wife, wrote as follows : — " Yesterday the greatest question * John Adams, Works, Vol. I. p. 23. See also Vol. IX. pp. 591, 592- t Ibid., Vol. I. pp. 24, 25. 252 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, was decided which ever was debated in America, and a greater, perhaps, never was nor will be decided among men I am surprised-at the sud- denness as well as greatness of this revolution. Britain has been filled with folly, and America with wisdom. At least this is my judgment. Time must determine. // is the will of Heaven thai the two countries should be sundered forever Tlie day is past. The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. / ant apt to believe that it will be celebrated by suc- ceeding generations as the great anni- -versary festival. It ought to be com- memorated, as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Al- mighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward, forevermore. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet, through all the gloom, I can see the ray of ravishing light and glory ; and that posterity will triuj/iph in that day^s transaction, even although we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not." * Here is a comprehensive prophecy, first, that the two countries would be separated forever ; secondly, that the anniversary of Independence would be celebrated as a great annual festival ; and, thirdly, that posterity would tri- umph in this transaction, where, through all the gloom, shone rays of ravishing light and glory ; all of which has been fulfilled to the letter. Recent events give to the Declaration additional im- portance. For a long time its great promises that all men are equal, and that rightful government stands only on the consent of the governed, were disowned by our country. Now that at last they are beginning to prevail, there • John Adams, Works, Vol. 1. pp. 230, 232. is increased reason to celebrate the day on which the mighty Declaration was made, and new occasion for triumph in the rays of ravishing light and glory. 3. Here is another prophetic passage in a letter dated at Paris, lyh July, 1780, and addressed to the Count de Vergennes of France, pleading the cause of the colonists : — "The United States of America are a great and powerful people, whatever European statesmen may think of them. If we take into our estimate the num- bers and the character of her people, the extent, variety, and fertility of her soil, her commerce, and her skill and ma- terials for ship-building, and her sea- men, excepting France, Spain, England, Germany, and Russia, there is not a state in Europe so powerful. Breaking off such a nation as this from the Eng- lish so suddenly, and uniting it so closely with France, is one of the most extraordinary events that ever hap- pened among mankind." * Perhaps this may be considered a statement rather than a prophecy ; but it illustrates the prophetic character of the writer. 4. In an official letter to the Presi- dent of Congress, dated at A nistcrdani, ^th September, 1780, the same writer, while proposing an American Academy for refining, improving, and ascertain- ing the English language, thus predicts the extension of this language : — " English is destined to be in the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or Freitch is i?i the pres- ent age. The reason of this is obvious, — because the increasing population in America, and their universal connec- tion and correspondence with all na- tions, will, aided by the influence of England in the world, whether great or small, force their language into gen- eral use, in spite of all the obstacles that may be thrown in their way, if any such there should be." f In another letter of an unofficial char- acter, dated at Amsterdam, 22,d Septefn- * Ibid., Vol. VII. p. 227. t Ibid., p. 250. 186;.] G a Hani. 283 ber, 1780, he thus repeats his proph- ecy : — "You must know I have undertaken to prophesy that English -will be the most respectable language in the world, and the most universally read and spo- ken in the next century, if not before the close of this. American population will in the next age produce a greater num- ber of persons who will speak English than any other language, and these per- sons will have more general acquaint- ance and conversation with all other nations than any other people."* This prophecy is already accom- plished. Of all the European langua- ges, EngHsh is most extensively spo- ken. Through England and the Unit- ed States it has become the language of commerce, which, sooner or later, must embrace the globe. The German philologist, Grimm, has followed our American prophet in saying that it " seems chosen, like its people, to rule in future times in a still greater degree in all the corners of the earth." f 5. There is another prophecy, at once definite and broad, which proceed- ed from the same eminent quarter. In a letter dated London, ijth October, 1785, and addressed to John Jay, who was at the time Secretary for Foreign Affairs under the Confederation, John Adams reveals his conviction of the importance of France to us, "while England held a province in America " ; % and then, in another letter, dated 21st October, 17S5, reports the saying of people about him, ^'- that Canada and Nova Scotia must soon be ours; there must be war for it ; they know how it will end, but the sooner the better. This done, we shall be forever at peace ; till then, never." § These inti- mations foreshadow the prophecy which will be found in the Preface to his " Defence of the American Constitu- tions," written in London, while he was Minister there, and dated at Gros- venor Square, \st January, 1787 : — * John Adams, Works, Vol. IX. p. 510. t Keith Johnston, Physical Atlas, p. 114. \ John Adams, Works, Vol. VIII. p. 322. § Ibid. p. 33. " The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature Thirteen governments thus founded on the nat- ural authority of the people alone, with- out a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind. The experiment is made, and has completely succeeded." * Here is foretold nothing less than that our system of government is to embrace the whole continent of North America. Galiani. — 1776, 1778. Among the most brilliant persons in this list is the Abbe Galiani, a Neapol- itan, who was born in 1728, and died at Naples in 1787. Although Italian by birth, yet by the accident of official res- idence he became for a while domesti- cated in France, wrote the French lan- guage, and now enjoys a French repu- tation. His writings in French and his letters have the wit and ease of Voltaire. Galiani was a genius. Whatever he touched shone at once with his bright- ness, in which there was originality as well as knowledge. He was a finished scholar, and very successful in lapidary verses. Early in life, while in Italy, he wrote a grave essay on Money, which contrasted with another of rare humor suggested by the death of the public executioner. Other essays followed, and then came the favor of that con- genial pontiff, Benedict XIV. In 1760 he found himself at Paris, as Secretary of the Neapolitan Embassy. Here he mingled with the courtiers officially, ac- cording to the duties of his position, but he fraternized with the liberal and sometimes audacious spirits who ex- ercised such an influence over socie- ty and literature. He was soon recog- nized as one of them, and as inferior to none. His petty stature was forgotten, when he conversed with inexhaustible * John Adams, Works, Vol, IV. p. 293. 284 Prophetic Voices about Ameiica. [September, faculties of all kinds, so that he seemed an Encyclopaedia, Harlequin, and Ma- chiavelli all in one. The atheists at the Thursday dinner of D'Hplbach were confounded, while he enforced the ex- istence of God. Into the questions of political economy which occupied at- tention at the time he entered with a pen which seemed borrowed from the French Academy. His Dialogues sicr le Commerce des Bles had the success of a romance ; ladies carried this book on corn in their work-baskets. Re- turning to Naples, he continued to live in Paris through his correspondence, especially with Madame d'Epinay, the Baron d'Holbach, Diderot, and Grimm.* Among his later works, after his re- turn to Naples, was a solid volume — not to be forgotten in the History of International Law — on the "Rights of Neutrals," where a difficult subject is treated with such mastery that, half a century later, D'Hautefeuille, in his elaborate treatise, copies from it at length. Galiani was the predecessor of this French writer in the extreme assertion of neutral rights. Other works were left at his death in manu- script, some grave and some humor- ous ; also letters without number. The letters he had preserved from Italian savans filled eight large volumes ; those from savans, ministers, and sovereigns abroad filled fourteen. His Parisian correspondence did not see the light till 181 8, although some of the letters may be found in the contemporary cor- respondence of Grimm. In his Parisian letters, which are ad- dressed chiefly to that clever individu- ality, Madame d'Epinay, the Neapoli- tan Abbe shows not only the brilliancy and nimbleness of his talent, but the universality of his knowledge and the boldness of his speculations. Here are a few words from a letter dated at Na- ples, 1 2th October, 1776, in which he brings forward the idea of "races," so important in our day, with an illustra- tion from Russia : — * Biographic Universeile of Michaud ; also of Didot ; Louis Blanc, Histoire de la Revolution Franfaise, Tome I. pp. 390, 545 - 551. "All depends on races. The first, the most noble of races, comes natural- ly from the North of Asia. The Rus- sians are the nearest to it, and this is the reason why they have made more progress in fifty years than can be got out of the Portuguese in five hun- dred."* Belonging to the Latin race, Galiani was entitled to speak thus freely. 1. In another letter to Madame d'Epinay, dated at Naples, iZth May, 1776, he had already foretold the suc- cess of our Revolution. Few prophets have been more explicit than he was in the following passage : — " Livy said of his age, which so much resembled ours, 'Ad haec tem- pora ventum est quibus, nee vitia nos- tra, nee remedia pati possumus,' — ' We are in an age where the remedies hurt as much as the vices.' Do you knojv the reality ? The epoch has come of tlie total fall of Europe, and of trans- inigratio7i into Ainerica. All here turns into rottenness, — religion, laws, arts, sciences, — and all hastens to renew it- self in America. This is not a jest ; nor is it an idea drawn from the English quarrels ; I have said it, announced it, preached it, for more than twenty years, and I have constantly seen my prophe- cies come to pass. Therefore, do not buy your house in the Chaiissee d An- ting you mnst buy it in Philadelphia. My trouble is that there are no abbeys In America."! This letter was written some months before the Declaration of Independence was known in Europe. 2. In another letter, dated at A'a- ples, Tth February, 1778, the Abbd al- ludes to the "quantities" of English men and women who have come to Na- ples " for shelter from the American tempest," and adds, " Meanwhile the Washingtons and Hancocks will be fa- tal to them."t In still another, dated at Naples, 25 July, 1778, he renews * Galiani, Correspondence, Tome II. p. 221. See also Grimm, Correspondence, Tome IX. p. 282. t Galiani, Tome II. p. 203 ; Grimm, Tome IX. p. 285. } Galiani, Tome II. p. 275. 186;.] Adam Smith. — Governor Potvnall. 285 his prophecies in language still more explicit: — " You will at this time have decided the greatest revolution of the globe ; namely, if it is America "which is to reign over Europe, or if it is Europe which is to continue to reign over America. I will wager in favor of America, for the reason merely physi- cal, that for five thousand years genius has turned opposite to the diurnal mo- tion, and travelled from the East to the West." * Here again is the idea of Berkeley which has been so captivating. Adam Smith. [776. In contrast with the witty Italian is the illustrious philosopher and writer of Scotland, Adam Smith, who was born 5th June, 1723, and died 17th July, 1790. His fame is so commanding that any details of his life or works would be out of place on this occasion. He was a thinker and an inventor, through \i\-\om mankind was advanced in knowl- edge. I say nothing of his " Theory of Moral Sentiments," which constitutes an important contribution to the science of ethics, but come at once to his great work of political economy, entitled "In- quiry into the Nature and Sources of the Wealth of Nations," which first ap- peared in 1776. Its publication marks an epoch which is described by Mr. Buckle when he says: "Adam Smith contrib- uted more, by the publication of this sin- gle work, toward the happiness of man, than has been effected by the united abihties of all the statesmen and legis- lators of whom history has preserved an authentic account." The work is full of prophetic knowledge, and espe- cially with regard to the British colo- nies. Writing while the debate with the mother country was still pending, Adam Smith urged that they should be admitted to Parliamentary repre- sentation in proportion to taxation, so that their representation would enlarge with their growing resources ; and here * Galiani, Tome II. p. 275. he predicts nothing less than the trans- fer of empire. " The distance of America from the seat of government, the natives of that country might flatter themselves, with some appearance of reason too, would not be of very long continuance. Such has hitherto been the rapid progress of that country in wealth, population, and improvement, that, in the course of lit- tle more than a century, perhaps, the produce of America might exceed that of British taxation. The seat of the empire would then naticrally remove itself to that part of the empire which contributed most to the getteral defence and support of the whole. ''^ * In these tranquil words of assured science this great author carries the seat of government across the Atlan- tic. Governor Pownall. — 1777, 1780, 1785. Among the best friends of our coun- try abroad during the trials of the Rev- olution was Thomas Pownall, called by one biographer " a learned antiquary and politician," and by another " an English statesman and author." Lat- terly he has so far dropped out of sight, that there are few who recognize in him either of these characters. He was born, 1722, and died at Bath, 1805. During this long period he held sever- al offices. As early as 1745 he became secretary to the Commission for Trade and Plantations. In 1753 he crossed the ocean. In 1755, as Commissioner for Massachusetts Bay, he negotiated with New York, New Jersey, and Pennsyl- vania, in union with New England, the confederated expedition against Crown Point. He was afterwards Governor of Massachusetts Bay, New Jersey, and South Carolina, successively. Re- turning to England, he was, in 1761, Comptroller-General of the army in Ger- many, with the military rank of Colonel. He sat in three successive Parliaments until 1780, when he passed into private * Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book IV. cap. 7, part 3. 286 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, life. Hildreth gives a glimpse at his personal character, when, admitting his frank manners and Hberal politics, he describes his " habit^ as rather freer than suited the New England standard." * Pownall stands forth conspicuous for his championship of our national independence, and especially for his foresight with regard to our national future. In both these respects his writings are unique. Other English- men were in favor of our independence, and saw our future also ; but I doubt if any one can be named who was his equal in strenuous action, or in minute- ness of foresight. While the war was still proceeding, as early as 1780, he openly announced, not only that inde- pendence was inevitable, but that the new nation, " founded in nature and built up in truth," would continually expand ; that its population would in- crease and multiply ; that a civilizing activity beyond what Europe could ever know would animate it ; and that its commercial and naval power would be found in every quarter of the globe. All this he set forth at length with argument and illustration, and he called his prophetic words " the stating of the simple fact, so litde understood in the Old World." Treated at first as " un- intelligible speculation " and as " un- fashionable," the truth he announced was neglected where it was not reject- ed, but generally rejected as inadmissi- ble, and the author, according to his own language, "was called by the wise men of the British Cabinet a Wild Man, unfit to be employed." But these writings are a better title now than any office. In manner they are diffuse and pedantic ; but they hard- ly deserve the cold judgment of John Adams, who in his old age said of them, that "a reader who has patience to search for good sense in an uncouth and disgusting style will find in those writings proofs of a thinking mind." f He seems to have written a good * Hildreth, History of the United States, Vol. II. p. 476. t John Adams, Works, Vol. X. p. 241. deal. But the works which will be re- membered the longest are not even mentioned by several of his biogra- phers. Rose, in his Biographical Dic- tionary, records works bj him, entitled Antiquities of Ancient Greece ; Ro- man Antiquities dug up at Bath ; Ob- servations on the Currents of the Ocean; Intellectual Physics; and also contributions \q \\\^ Archaologia. Gor- ton in his Biographical Dictionary adds some other titles to this list. But nei- ther mentions his works on America. This is another instance where the stone rejected by the builders becomes the head of the corner. At an early date Pownall compre- hended the position of our country, geographically. He saw the wonder- ful means, of internal communication supplied by its inland waters, and also the opportunities of external com- merce supplied by the Atlantic Ocean. On the first he dwells, in a memorial drawn up in 1756 for the Duke of Cum- berland.* Nobody in our own day, after the experience of more than a century, has portrayed more vividly the two masses of waters, — one composed of the great lakes and their dependen- cies, and the other of the Mississippi and its tributaries. The great lakes are described as " a wilderness of waters spreading over the country by an in- finite number and variety of branch- ings, bays, and straits." The Missis- sippi, with its eastern branch, called the Ohio, is described as having, " so far as we know, but two falls, — one at a place called, by the French, St. An- toine, high up on the west or main branch " ; and all its waters " run to the ocean with a still, easy, and gentle current." The picture is completed by exhibiting the two masses of water in combination: — "The waters of each respective mass — not only the lesser streams, but the main general body of each going through this continent in every course and direction — have by their approach to each other, by their communication * Pownall, Administration of the Colonies, Appen- dix, p. 7. 1867.] Governor Powjiall. to every quarter and in every direction, an alliance and unity, and form one ma.^s, or one whole."* Again, depicting the intercommuni- cation among the several waters of the continent, and how " the watery element claims and holds dominion over this extent of land," he insists that all shall see these two mighty masses in their central throne, declaring that " the great lakes which lie upon its bosom on one hand, and the great river Mississippi and the multitude of waters which run into it, form there a communication, — an alliance or dominion of the watery element, that commands throughout the whole ; that these great lakes appear to be the throne, the centre of a dominion, whose influence, by an infinite number of rivers, creeks, and streams, extends itself through all and every part of the continent, supported by the communi- cation of, and alliance with, the waters of the Mississippi."! If these means of internal commerce were vast, those afforded by the Atlan- tic Ocean were not less extensive. The latter were developed in the volume entitled " The Administration of the Colonies," the fourth edition of which, published in 1768, is now before me. This was after the differences between the Colonies and the mother country had begun, but before the idea of inde- pendence had shown itself. Pownall insisted that the Colonies ought to be considered as parts of the realm, entitled to representation in Parliament. This was a constitutional unity. But he por- trayed a commercial unity also, which he represented in attractive forms. The British isles, and the British posses- sions in the Atlantic and in America, were, according to him, "one grand marine dominion," and ought, there- fore, by policy, to be united into one empire, with one centre. On this he dwells at length, and the picture is pre- sented repeatedly.J It was incident to the crisis produced in the world by the predominance of the commercial spirit * Pownall, Administration of the Colonies, Ap- pendix, p. 6. t Ibid., p. 9. } Pownall, Colonies, pp. 9, 10, 164. 287 which already began to rule the powers of Europe. It was the duty of Eng- land to place herself at the head of this great movement. " As the rising of this crisis forms precisely the object on which govern- ment should be employed, so the taking leading measures towards the forming all those Atlantic and Amer- ican possessions into one empire, of which Great Britain should be the com- mercial and political centre, is X\\^ pre- cise duty of government at this crisis." This was his desire. But he saw clearly the resources as well as the rights of the Colonies, and was satisfied that, if power were not consolidated un- der the constitutional auspices of Eng- land, it would be transferred to the other side of the Atlantic. Here his words are prophetic : — " The whole train of events, the whole course of business, must perpet- ually bring forward into practice, and necessarily in the end into establish- ment, either an American or a British union. There is no other alternative." The necessity for union is enforced in a manner which foreshadows our • national Union : — " The Colonial Legislature does not answer all purposes ; is incompetent and inadequate to many purposes. Something more is necessary, — either a common Pinion among themselves, or a common union of subordination un- der the one general legislature of the state." * Then, again, in another place of the same work, after representing the dec- larations of power over the Colonies as little better than mockery, he prophe- sies again : — " Such is the actual state of the really existing system of our dominions, that neither the power of government over these various parts can long con- tinue tender the present mode of admin- istration, nor the great interests of com- merce extended throughout the whole long subsist under the present system of the laws of trade." \ * Pownall, Administration of the Colonies, p. 165. ^ • t Ibid., p. 164. Prophetic Voices about America. [September, Recent events may give present inter- est to his views, in tiiis same work, on the nature and necessity of a paper cur- ency, where he follows Franklin. The principal points of his plail were, that bills of credit, to a certain amount, should be printed in England for the use of the Colonies ; that a loan-office should be estabhshed in each Colony to issue bills, take securities, and receive the payment ; that the bills should be issued for ten years, bearing interest at five per cent, — one tenth part of the sum borrowed to be paid annually, with interest ; and that they should be a legal tender. When the differences had flamed forth in war, then the prophet became more earnest. His utterances deserve to be rescued from oblivion. He was open, and almost defiant. As early as -zd December, 1777, some months before our treaty with France, he declared, from his place in Parliament, "that the sovereignty of this country over Amer- ica is abolished and gone forever " ; " that they are determined at all events to be independent, and will be so "y and "that all the treaty this country can ever expect with America is federal, and that, probably, only commercial." In this spirit he said to the House: — " Until you shall be convinced that you are no longer sovereigns over America, but that the United States are an independent, sovereign people, — until you are prepared to treat with them as such, — it is of no consequence at all what schemes or plans of concil- iation this side of the House or that may adopt." * The position taken in Parliament he maintained by writings, and here he depicted the great destinies of our country. He began with a work enti- tled " A Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe," which was published early in 1780, and was afterwards, through the influence of John Adams, while at the Hague, abridged and translated into French. In this remarkable produc- tion independence was the least that he - Parhameiitary History, Vol. XIX. pp. 527, 528. See also p. 1157. claimed for us. Thus he foretells our future : — " North America is become a new primary planet in the system of the world, which, while it takes its own course, must have effect on the orbit of every other planet, and shift the com- mon centre of gravity of the whole sys- tem of the European world. North America is de facto an independent power, which has taken its equal sta- tion with other powers, and must be so de jiwe The independence of America is fixed as fate. She is mis- tress of her own future, knows that she is so, and will actuate that power which she feels she hath, so as to estab- lish her own system and to change the system of Etirope." * Not only is the new power to take an independerlt place, but it is " to change the system of Europe." For all this its people are amply prepared. " Stand- ing on that high ground of improve- ment up to which the most enlightened parts of Europe have advanced, like eaglets, they commence the first efforts of their pinions from a towering advan- tage." f Then again, giving expression to this same conviction in another form, he says : — " North America has advanced, and is every day advancing, to growth of state, with a steady and continually ac- celerating motion, of which there has never yet been any example in Eu- rope." J "It is a vitality, liable to many disorders, many dangerous diseases ; but it is young and strong, and will struggle, by the vigor of internal healing principles of life, against those evils, and surmount them. Its strength will grow with its years." § He then dwells in detail on "the progressive population " here ; on our advantage in being " on the other side of the globe, where there is no enemy " ; on the products of the soil, among which is "bread-corn to a degree that has wrought it to a staple export for * Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, PP- 4. 5- t Ibid., p. 43. I Ibid., p. 56. § Ibid., p. 69. 186;.] Governor Pownall. 289 the supply of the Old World " ; on the fisheries, which he calls " mines of more solid riches than all the silver of Potosi " ; on the inventive spirit of the people ; and on their commercial activ- ity. Of such a people it is easy to pre- dict great things ; and our prophet an- nounces, — 1. That the new state will be "an active naval power," exercising a pecu- liar influence on commerce, and, through commerce, on the political system of the Old World, — becoming the arbitress of commerce, and, perhaps, the mediatrix of peace.* 2. That ship -building and the sci- ence of navigation have made such progress in America, that her people will be able to build and navigate cheap- er than any country in Europe, even Holland, with all her economy, f 3. That the peculiar articles to be had from America only, and so much sought in Europe, must give Ameri- cans a preference in those markets. :j: 4. That a people " whose empire stands singly predominant on a great continent " can hardly " suffer in their borders such a monopoly as the Euro- pean Hudson Bay Company " ; that it cannot be stopped by Cape Horn or the Cape of Good Hope ; that before long they will be found "trading in the South Sea and in China"; and that the Dutch " will hear of them in the Spice Islands." § 5. That by constant intercommunion of business and correspondence, and by increased knowledge with regard to the ocean, "America will seem every day to approach nearer and nearer to Europe " ; that the old alarm at the sea will subside, and "a thousand attrac- tive motives will become the irresisti- ble cause of an altnost general emi- gration to the Neiv World'''' ; and that "many of the most useful, enterprising spirits, and much of the active property, will go there also." || * Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, pp. 74. 77- t Ibid., p. 82. X Ibid., p. 83. § Ibid., p. 85. II Ibid., p. 87. VOL. XX. — NO. 119. 19 6. That " North America will be- come a free port to all the nations of the world indiscriminately, and will ex- pect, insist on, and demand, in fair reci- procity, a free market in all those na- tions with whom she trades " ; and that, adhering to this principle, she must be, in the course of time, the chief carrier of tlie commerce of the whole world." * 7. That America must avoid compli- cation with European politics, or "the entanglement of alliances," having no connections with Europe other than commercial;! — all of which at a later day was put forth by Washington in his Farewell Address, when he said, " The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extend- ing our commercial relations, to have with them as little political concern as possible." 8. That similar modes of living and thinking, the same manners and same fashions, the same language and old habits of national love, impressed on the heart and not yet effaced, the very indentings of the fracture where North America is broken off from England, all conspire naturally to a rejuncture by alliance.% 9. That the sovereigns of Europe, " who have despised the unfashioned, awkward youth of America," and have neglected to interweave their interests with the rising States, when they find the system of the new empire not only obstructing, but superseding, the old system of Europe, and crossing all their settled maxims, will call upon their ministers and wise men, " Come, curse me this people, for they are too mighty for me."§ This appeal was followed by two oth- er memorials, "drawn up solely for the king's use, and designed solely for his eye," dated at Richtnond, fanuary, 1782, in which the author most persua- sively pleads with the king to treat with the Colonies on the footing of indepen- * Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, pp. 80, 97. t Ibid,, p. 78. X Ibid., p. 93. § Ibid., p. 91. 290 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, dence, and with this view to institute a preliminary negotiation "as with free states de facto under a truce." On the signature of the treaty of peace, he wrote a private letter to Frankhn, dated at RichfHOftd, iZth February, 1783, in which he testifies again to the magni- tude of the event, as follows : — "My old Friend, — I write this to congratulate you on the establishment of your country as a free and sovereign power, taking its equal station amongst the powers of the world. I congratu- late you, in particular, as chosen by Providence to be a principal instrument in this great Revolution, — « Revolu- tion that has stranger /narks of Divine interposition, superseding the ordinary course of human affairs, than any other event which this world has experi- enced.^'' He closes this letter by saying that he thought of making a tour of Ameri- ca, adding that, " if there ever was an object worth travelling to see, and wor- thy of the contemplation of a philoso- pher, it is that in which he may see the beginning of a great empire at its foun- dation." * He communicated this pur- pose also to John Adams, who an- swered him, that " he would be re- ceived respectfully in every part of America, — that he had always been considered friendly to America, — and that his writings had been useful to our cause." f Then came another work, first pub- lished in 1783, entided, " A Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of America, by Governor Pownall," of which he gave the mistaken judgment to a private friend, that it was " the best thing he ever wrote." Here for the first time American citizens are called " sover- eigns." At the beginning he explains and indicates the simplicity with which he addresses them : — " Having presumed to address to the Sovereigns of Europe a Memorial .... permit me now to address this Memo- rial to you, Sovereigns of America. I shall not address you with the court * Franklin, Works, Vol. IX. p. 491. t John Adams, Works, Vol. VIII. p. 179. titles of Gothic Europe, nor with those of servile Asia. I will neither address 3'our Sublimity or Majesty, your Grace or Holiness, your Eminence or High- mightiness, your Excellence or Honors. What are tides, where things them- selves are known and understood ? What title did the Republic of Rome take .'' The state was known to be sover- eign and the citizens to be free. What could add to this .? Therefore, United States and Citizens of America, I ad- dress you as you are." * Here again are the same constant sympathy with liberty, the same confi- dence in our national destinies, and the same aspirations for our prosperity, mingled with warnings against disturb- ing influences. He exhorts that all our foundations should be " laid in nature " ; that there should be "no contention for, nor acquisition of, unequal domina- tion in men " ; and that union should be established on the attractive prin- ciple by which all are drawn to a com- mon centre. He fears difficulty in making the line of frontier between us and the British Provinces "a hne of peace," as it ought to be ; he is anxious lest something may break out between us and Spain ; and he suggests that pos- sibly, " in the cool hours of unimpas- sioned reflection," we may learn the danger of our "alliances," — referring plainly to that original alliance with France which, at a later day, was the occasion of such trouble. Two other warnings occur. One is against Sla- very, which is more noteworthy, be- cause in an earlier memorial he enu- merates among articles of commerce " African slaves carried by a circuitous trade in American shipping to the West India market." f The other warning is thus strongly expressed : — " Every in- habitant of America is, de facto as well as de jure, equal, in his essential, in- separable rights of the individual, to any other individual, and is, in these rights, independent of any power that * Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Amer- ica, pp. 5, 6. t Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, p. 83. 186;.] David Hartley. •91 any other can assume over him, over his labor, or his property. This is a principle in act and deed, and not a mere speculative theorem." * I close this strange and striking testi- mony, all from one rnan, with his fare- well words to Franklin. As Pownall heard that the great philosopher and negotiator was about to embark for the United States, he wrote to him from Lausanne, tinder date of 2>d July, 1785, as follows : — " Adieu, my dear friend. You are go- ing to a New World, formed to ex- hibit a scene which the Old World never yet saw. You leave me here in the Old World, which, like myself, be- gins to feel, as Asia hath felt, that it is wearing out apace. We shall never meet again on this earth ; but there is another world where we shall, and where ive shall be understood.^'' Clearly Pownall was not understood in his time ; but it is evident that he understood our country as few English- men since have been able to under- stand it. David Hartley. — 1775, 1785. Another friend of our country in England was David Hartley. He was constant and even pertinacious on our side, although less prophetic than Pow- nall, with whom he co-operated in pur- pose and activity. His father was Hart- ley the metaphysician, and author of the ingenious theory of sensation. The son was born 1729, and died at Bath, 1813. During our revolution he sat in Parliament for Kingston - upon - Hull. He was also the British plenipotentiary in negotiating the definitive Treaty of Peace with the United States. He, too, has dropped out of sight. In the bio- graphical dictionaries he has only a few lines. But he deserves a considerable place in the history of our independ- ence. John Adams was often austere, and * Pownall, Memorial to the Sovereigns of Amer- ica, p. 55. sometimes cynical in his judgments. Evidently he did not like Hartley. In one place he speaks of him as " talk- ative and disputatious, and not always intelligible";* then, as "a person of consummate vanity " ; f and then, again, when he was appointed to sign the definitive Treaty, he says, "it would have been more agreeable to have fin- ished with Mr. Oswald " ;% and, in still another place, he records, " Mr. Hart- ley was as copious as usual." § And yet, when writing most elaborately to Count de Vergennes on the prospects of the negotiation with England, he introduces opinions of Hartley at length, saying that he was " more for peace than any man in the kingdom." || Such testi- mony may well outweigh the other ex- pressions, especially as nothing of the kind appears in the correspondence of Franklin, with whom Hartley was much more intimate. The Parliamentary History is a suf- ficient monument for Hartley. He was a frequent speaker, and never missed an opportunity of pleading our cause. Although without the immortal elo- quence of Burke, he was always clear and full. Many of his speeches seem to have been written out by himself. He was not a tardy convert. He be- gan as " a new member " by support- ing an amendment favorable to the Colonies, 5th December, 1774. In March, 1775, he brought forward " prop- ositions for conciliation with Ameri- ca," which he sustained in an elaborate speech, where he avowed that the American Question had occupied him already for some time : — "Though I have so lately had the honor of a seat in this House, yet I have for many years turned my thoughts and attention to matters of public con- cern and national policy. This ques- tion of America is now of many years' standing." 1[ In the course of this speech he thus * John Adams, Works, VoL IX. p. 517. t Ibid., Vol. III. p. 137. X Ibid.. Vol. VIII. p. 54. § Ibid., Vol. III. p. 363. II Ibid., Vol. VII. p. 226. IT ParliaraenUry History, Vol. XVIII. p. 553. 292 Prophetic Voices about Anterica. [September, acknowledges the services of New Eng- land at Louisburg : — " In that war too, sir, they took Louisburg from the French, single- handed, without any European assist- ance, — as mettled an enterprise as any in our history,— an everlasting memo- rial of the zeal, courage, and persever- ance of the troops of New England. The men themselves dragged the can- non over a morass which had always been thought impassable, where nei- ther horses nor oxen could go, and they carried the shot upon their backs. And what was their reward for this for- ward and spirited enterprise, — for the reduction of this American Dunkirk ? Their reward, sir, you know very well ; it was given up for a barrier to the Dutch." * All his various propositions were negatived ; but he was not disheart- ened. On every occasion he spoke, — now on the budget, then on the address, and then on specific proposi- tions. At this time he asserted the power of Parliament over the Colonies, and he proposed on the 2d November, 1775, that 3- test of submission by the Colonists should be the recognition of an act of Parliament, " enacting that all the slaves in America should have the trial by jury." f Shortly afterwards on tlie ^tJi December, ^775, he brought forward another set of "propositions for conciliation with America," where, among other things, he embodied tlie test on slavery, which he put forward as a compromise ; and here his language belongs, not only to the history of our Revolution, but to the history of anti- slavery. While declaring that in his opinion Great Britain was " the ag- gressor in everything," he sought to bring the two countries together on a platform of human rights, which he thus explained : — " The act to be proposed to America, as an aiispiciotis deginnitig to lay the first stone of tmiversal liberty to man- kind, should be what no American could hesitate an instant to comply with, * Parliairentary History, Vol. XVIII. p. 556. t Ibid., p. 846. namely, that every slave in North America should be entitled to his trial by jury in all criminal cases. America cannot refuse to accept and enroll such an act as this, and thereby to re-estab- lish peace and harmony with the parent state. Let us all bs re-united in tJiis, as a foundation to extirpate slavery from the face of the earth. Let those who seek justice and liberty for the77i- selves give that justice and liberty to their fellow-creatures. With respect to putting a final period to slavery in North America, it should seem best that, when this country had led the way by the act for jury, each Colony, knowing their own peculiar circumstances, should undertake the work in the most practicable way, and that they should endeavor to es- tablish seme system by which slavery should be in a certain term of years abolished. Let the only contention henceforward between Great Britain and America be, which shall exceed the other in zeal for establishing the funda- mental rights of liberty for all 7nan- kind.'''' * The motion was rejected ; but among the twenty-three in its favor were Fox and Burke. During this same month the unwearied defender of our country came forward again, declaring that he could not be "an adviser or a well-wisher to any of the vindictive operations against America, because the cause is unjust ; but at the same time he must be equally earnest to secure British interests from de- struction," and he thus prophesies : — " The fate of America is cast. You may bruise its heel ; but you cannot crush its head. It will revive again. The 71CW world is before them. Liberty is theirs. They have possession of a free government, their birthright and inheritance, derived to them from their parent state, which the hand of violence cannot wrest from them. If you will cast them off, my last wish is to them. May they go and prosper ! " Again, on the loth May, 1776, he vindicated anew his original proposi- * Parliamentary History, Vol. XVIII. p. 1050. 1867.] David Hartley. 29- tion, and here again he testifies for peace and against slavery. "For the sake of peace, therefore, I did propose a test of compromise by an act of acceptance, on the part of the Colonists, of an act of Parliament which should lay the foundation for the extirpation of the horrid custom of slavery in the New World. My motion was simply an act of compromise and reconciliation ; and, as far as it was a legislative act, it was still to have been applied in correcting the laws of slavery in America, which I considered as repugnant to the laws of the real.n of England and to the fundamentals l.I our constitution. Such a compromise would at the same time have saved the national honor." * All gratitude to the hero who at this early day vowed himself to the abo- lition of slavery. Hartley is among the first of abolitionists, with hardly a predecessor except Granville Sharp, and in Parliament absolutely the first. Clarkson was at this time fifteen years old, Wilberforce sixteen. It was only in 1787 that Clarkson obtained the prize for the best Latin essay on the question, " Is it right to make men slaves against their will?" It was not until 1791 that Wilberforce moved for leave to bring in a bill for the abo- lition of the slave-trade. Surely it is a great honor for one man, that he should have come forward in Parliament as an avowed abolitionist, while he was at the same time a vindicator of our inde- pendence. Again, on the 15th May, 1777, Hart- ley pleaded for us, saying : — "At sea, which has hitherto been our prerogative element, they rise against us at a stupendous rate ; and if we cannot return to our old mutual hospitalities towards each other, a very few years will show us a most formida- ble hostile marine, ready to join hands with any of our enemies I will venture to prophesy thet the principles of a federal alliance are the only terms of peace that ever will and that ever » Parliamentary History, Vol. XVIII. p. 1356. ought to obtain between the two coun- tries." * On the 15th June, immediately after- wards, the Parliamentary History re- ports briefly : — " Mr. Hartley went upon the cruel- ties of slavery, and urged the Board of Trade to take some means of mitigat- ing it. He produced a pair of hand- cuffs, which he said was a manufacture they were now going to establish."! Thus again the abolitionist reap- ^peared in the vindicator of our inde- pendence. On the 22d June, 1779, he brought forward another formal motion " for reconciliation with America," and, in the course of a well-considered speech, denounced the ministers for " headstrong and inflexible obstinacy in prosecuting a cruel and destructive American war." t On the 3d Decem- ber, 1779, in what is called " a very long speech," he returned to his theme, inveighing against ministers for " the favorite, though wild. Quixotic, and im- practicable measure of coercing Amer- ica." § These are only instances. During this time he had maintained a correspondence with Franklin, which appears in the " Diplomatic Correspond- ence of the Revolution," and all of which attests his desire for peace. In 1778 he came to Paris on a confidential errand, especially to confer with Frank- Hn. It was on this occasion that John Adams met him and judged him se- verely. In 1783 he was appointed a commissioner to sign the definitiv^e Treaty of Peace. These things belong to histor3\ Though perhaps not generally known, they are accessible. I have presented them partly for their intrinsic value and their prophetic character, and partly as an introduction to an un- published letter from Hartley which I received some time ago from an Eng- lish friend who has since been called away from important labors. The letter concerns emigration to our coun- * Parliamentary History, Vol. XIX. pp. 259, 260. t Ibid., p. 315. X Ibid., p. 904. § Ibid., p. 1 190. 294 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, try and the payment of the national debt. The following indorsement will ex- plain its character : — " Note. This is a copy of the ma- terial portion of a long letter from D. Hartley, the British Commissioner in Paris, to Lord Sydenham, January, 1785. The original was sold by C. Robinson, of 21 Bond Street, London, on the 6th April, 1859, at a sale of Hart- ley's MSS. and papers chiefly relating to the United States of America. !• was Hartley's copy, in his own hand. " The lot was No. 82 in the sale cata- logue. It was bought by J. R. Smith, the London bookseller, for ^2 6s. od. " I had a copy made before the sale. " Joseph Parkes. "London, i8 July, '59." The letter is as follows : — " My Lord,— In your Lordship's last letter to me, just before my leaving Paris, you are pleased to say that any information which I might have been able to collect of a nature to promote the mutual and reciprocal interests of Great Britain and the United States of America would be extremely accept- able to his Majesty's government. .... Annexed to this letter I have the honor of transmitting to your Lordship some papers and documents which I have received from the Ameri- can Ministers. One of them (No. 5) is a Map of the Continent of North America, in which the land ceded to them by the late treaty of peace is divid- ed, by parallels of latitude and longi- tude, into fourteen new States. The whole project, in its full extent, would take many years in its execution, and therefore it must be far beyond the present race of men to say, ' This shall be so.' Nevertheless, those who have the first care of this New World will probably give it such directions and inherent infiuences as may gnide and control its course and revohitions for ages to come. But these plans, being beyond the reach of man to predes- tinate, are likewise beyond the reach of comment or speculation to say what may or may not be possible, or to pre- dict what events may hereafter be pro- duced by time, climates, soils, adjoining nations, or by the unwieldy magnitude of empire, and the future population of millions superadded to millions. The sources of the Mississippi may be un- known. The lines of longitude and latitude may be extended into unex- plored regions, and the plan of this new creation may be sketched out by a presumptuous compass, if all its in- termediate uses and functions were to be suspended until the final and precise accomplishment, without failure or de- viation, of this unbounded plan. But this is not the case ; the immediate objects in view are limited and precise ; they are of prudent thought, and within the scope of human power to measure out and to execute. The principle in- deed is indefinite, and will be left to the test of future ages to determine its duration or extent. I take the liberty to suggest thus much, lest we should be led away to suppose that the coun- cils which have produced these plans have had no wiser or more sedate views than merely the amusement of draw- ing meridians of ambition and high thoughts. There appear to me to be two solid and rational objects in view : the first is, by the sale of lands nearly contiguous to the present States (re- ceiving Congress paper in payment ac- cording to its scale of depreciation) to extinguish the prese?tt national debt, which I understand might be dis- charged for about twelve millions ster- ling. " If your Lordship will cast your eye upon the map to the south and east of the Ohio and the Mississippi, you will see many millions of acres, which, val- ued at a single dollar per acre, would discharge many millions sterling. The whole space within the boundaries lately conceded to the United States, together with the unoccupied lands eastward of the great rivers, may perhaps contain near half a million of square miles (in acres, perhaps three hundred millions, more or less). A sixth part of this, the nearest parts My.] David Hartley. 295 being likewise the most valuable, would discharge the whole of their national debt. It is a new proposition to be offered to the numerous common rank of mankind in all the countries of the world, to say that there are in America fertile soils and temperate climates in which an acre of land may be pur- chased for a trifling consideration, which may be possessed in freedom, together with all the natural and civil rights of mankind. The Congress have already proclaimed this, and that no other qualification or name is necessary but to become settlers, without distinc- tion of countries or persons. The European peasant, who toils for his scanty sustenance in penury, wretch- edness, and servitude, will eagerly fly to this asylum for free and industrious la- bor. The tide of immigration may set strongly outward from Scotland, Ire- land, and Canada to this new land of promise. A very great proportion of men in all the countries of the world are without property, and generally are subject to governments of which they have no participation, and over whom they have no control. The Congress have now opened to all the world a sale of landed settlements where the liberty and property of each individual is to be consigned to his own custody and de- fence. The first settlers, as the seed- lings of a new State, will be under a temporary government of their own choice, provided it be similar to some one of the present American govern- ments. But as soon as their numbers shall amount to twenty thousand, their temporary government is to cease, and they are to establish a permanent gov- ernment for themselves, and when- ever such new State shall have of free inhabitants as many as shall be in any one the least numerous of the original States. These are such propositions of free establishments as have never yet been offered to mankind, and can- not fail of producing great effects in the future progress of things. The Con- gress have arranged their offers in the most inviting and artful terms, and lest individual peasants and laborers should not have the means of removing themselves, they throw out inducements to moneyed adventurers to purchase and to undertake the settlement by commission and agency, without per- sonal residence, by stipulating that the lands of proprietors being absentees shall not be higher taxed than the lands of residents. This will quicken the sale of lands, which is their object. For the explanation of these points, I beg leave to refer your Lordship to the doc- wments annexed, Nos. 5 and 6, namely, the Map and Resolutions of Congress, dated April, 1784. There is another circumstance would confirm that it is the intention of Congress to invite moneyed adventurers to make pur- chases and settlements, which is the precise and mathematical mode of di- viding and marking out for sale the lands in each new proposed State. These new States are to be divided by parallel lines running north and south, and by other parallels running east and west. They are to be divided into hundreds often geographical miles square, and then again into lots of one square mile. The divisions are laid out as regularly as the squares upon a chessboard, and all to be formed into a Charter of Compact. "They may be purchased by pur- chasers at any distance, and the titles may be verified by registers of such or such numbers, north or south, east or west ; all this is explained by the document annexed. No. 7, viz. The Ordinance for asceriaming the mode of locating and disposing of lands in the Western Territory. This is their plan and means for paying off their na- tional debt, and they seem very intent upon doing it. I should observe that their debt consists of two parts, namely, domestic and foreign. The sale of lands is to be appropriated to the former. "The domestic debt may perhaps be nine or ten millions, and the foreign debt two or three. For payment of the foreign debt it is proposed to lay a tax of five per cent upon all imports until discharged, which, I am informed, has already been agreed to by most PropJietic Voices about Ameiica: [September, of the States, and probably will soon be confirmed by the rest. Upon the whole, it appears that this plan is as prudently conceived and as judiciously arranged, as to the end proposed, as any experienced cabinet of European ministers could have devised or planned any similar project. The second point which appears to me to be deserving of attention, respecting the immense cession of territory to the United States at the late peace, is a point luJiich will perhaps in a few years become an un^ paralleled phenomenon in the political ■world. As soon as the national debt of the United States shall be discharged by the sale of one portion of those lands, we shall then see the Confed- erate Republic in a new character, as a proprietor of lands, either for sale or to let upon rents, while other na- tions may be struggling under debts too enormous to be discharged either by economy or taxation, and while they may be laboring to raise ordinary and necessary supplies by burdensome im- positions upon their own persons and properties. Here will be a nation pos- sessed of a new and unheard of financial organ of stupendous magnitude, and in process of time of unmeasured value, thrown into their lap as a fortuitous superflitity, and almost withojct being sought for.' " When such an organ of revenue begins to arise into jDroduce and ex- ertion, what public uses it may be ap- plicable to, or to what abuses and perversions it might be rendered sub- servient, is far beyond the reach of probable discussion now. Such discus- sions would only be visionary specu- lations. However, thus far it is obvious and highly deserving of our attention, that it cannot fail becoming to the American States a most important in- strument of national power, the pro- gress and operation of which must hereafter be a most interesting object of attentiojt to the British Atnerican dominions which are in close vicinity to the territories of the United States, and I should hope that these considera- tions would lead us, inas?/tuch as we value those parts of our dominions, to encourage conciliatory and amicable correspondence between them and their neigJibors. " I have thus, my Lord, endeavored to comply with your Lordship's commands to the best of my power, in stating such information to his Majesty's govern- ment as I have been enabled to collect of such nature as may tend to the mutual and reciprocal interest of Great Britain and the United States of Amer- ica. I do not recollect at present any- thing further to trouble your Lordship with. If any of the foregoing points should require any further elucidation, I shall always be ready to obey your Lordship's summons, or to give in any other way the best explanations in my power." Count d'Aranda. — 1783. The Count d'Aranda was one of the first of Spanish statesmen and diplo- matists, and one of the richest sub- jects of Spain in his day ; born at Sara- gossa, 171 8, and died 1799. He, too, is one of our prophets. Originally a soldier, he became ambassador, gover- nor of a province, and prime minister. In the latter post he displayed charac- ter as well as ability, and was the ben- efactor of his country. He drove the Jesuits from Spain and dared to op- pose the Inquisition. He was a phi- losopher, and, like Pope Benedict XIV., corresponded with Voltaire. Such a liberal spirit was out of place in Spain. Compelled to resign in 1773, he found a retreat at Paris as ambassador, where he came into communication with Franklin, Adams, and Jay, and finally signed the Treaty of Paris, by which Spain acknowledged our independence. Sliortly afterwards he returned to Spain and took the place of Florida Blanca as prime minister. Franklin, on meeting him, records, in his letter to the secret committee of Congress, that he seemed "well dis- posed to us." * Shortly afterwards he * Franklin, Works, Vol. VIII. p. 194. 1867.] Count d'Aranda. 297 had another interview with him, which he thus chronicles in his journal : — "■^Saturday, June zgth [1782]. — We went together to the Spanish Ambassa- dor's, who received us with great civili- ty and politeness. He spoke with Mr. Jay on the subject of the treaty they were to make together On our going out, he took pains himself to open the folding-doors for us, which is a high compliment here, and told us he would return our visit {rendre son de- voir)^ and then fix a day with us for dining with him." * Adams, in his journal, describes a Sunday dinner at his house, then a "new building in the finest situation of Paris," f being a part of the incom- parable palace, with its columnar front, which is still admired as it looks on the Place de la Concorde. Jay also de- scribes a dinner with the Count, who was " living in great splendor, with an assortment of wines the finest in Eu- rope," and was " the ablest Spaniard he had ever known " ; showing by his con- versation " that his court is in earnest," and appearing "frank and candid, as well as sagacious." J These hospi- talities have a peculiar interest, when it is known, as it now is, that Count d'Aranda regarded the acknowledgment of our independence with "grief and dread." But these sentiments were dis- guised from our ministers. After signing the Treaty of Paris, by which Spain acknowledged our inde- pendence, D'Aranda addressed a me- moir secretly to King Charles III., in which his opinions on this event are set forth. This prophetic document slum- bered for a long time in the confiden- tial archives of the Spanish crown. Coxe, in his " Memoirs of the House of Bourbon in Spain," which are found- ed on a rare collection of original docu- ments, makes no allusion to it. The memoir appears for the first time in a volume published at Paris in 1837, and entitled Gojivernement de Charles III., * Franklin, Works, Vol. IX. p. 350. t John Adams, Works, Vol. III. p. 379. t Jay, Life of John Jay, Vol. I. p. 140; Vol. II. p. lOI. Roi dEspagne, ou Instntclion reservee a la Junte dJEiatpar ce Monarque. Pub- liee par D. Andre Muriel. The editor had already translated into French the Memoirs of Coxe, and was probably led by this labor to make the supple- mentary collection. An abstract of the memoir of D'Aranda appears in one of the historical dissertations of the Mex- ican authority, Alaman, who said of it that it has "a just celebrity, because results have made it pass for a proph- ecy."* I translate it now from the . P'rench of Muriel. '■'■Memoir commnnicated secretly to the King by his Excellency the Count dAranda, on the Independc^nce of the English Colotties, after having signed the Treaty of Paris of 1783. " The independence of the English colonies has been acknowledged. This is for me an occasion of grief and dread. France has few possessions in Ameri- ica ; but she should have considered that Spain, her intimate ally, has many, and that she is left to-day exposed to terrible shocks. From the beginning, France has acted contrary to her true interests in encouraging and seconding this independence ; I have so declared often to the ministers of this nation. What could happen better for France than to see the English and the colo- nists destroy each other in a party war- fare which could only augment her power and favor her interests ? The antipathy which reigns between France and England blinded the French Cabi- net ; it forgot that its interest consist- ed in remaining a tranquil spectator of this conflict ; and, once launched in the arena, it dragged us unhappily, and by virtue of the family compact, into a war entirely contrary to our proper interest. " I will not stop here to examine the opinions of some statesmen, our own countrymen as well as foreigners, which I share, on the diffictdty of preservi/ig our power in America. Never have so extensive possessions .^ placed at a great * Alaman, Disertaciones sobre la Historia de la, Refublica Megicana, Tomo III. pp. 351, 352. Prophetic Voices about America. [September, distance from the metropolis, been long preserved. To this cause, applicable to all colonies, must be added others peculiar to the Spanish possessions ; namely, the difficulty of succoring them in case of need ; the vexations to which the unhappy inhabitants have been ex- posed from some of the governors ; the distance of the supreme authority to which they must have recourse for the redress of grievances, which causes years to pass before justice is done to their complaints ; the vengeance of the local authorities to which they con- tinue exposed while waiting ; the diffi- culty of knowing the truth at so great a distance ; finally, the means which the viceroys and governors, from being Spaniards, cannot fail to have for ob- taining favorable judgments in Spain ; all these diiTerent circumstances will render the inhabitants of America dis- contented, and make them attempt ef- forts to obtain independence as soon as they shall have a propitious occa- sion. " Without entering into any of these considerations, I shall confine myself now to that which occupies us from the dread of seeing ourselves exposed to dangers from the new power which we have just recognized in a country where there is no other in condition to arrest its progress. This Federal Republic is born a pygmy, so to speak. It required the support and the forces of two pow- ers as great as Spain and France in order to attain independence. A day will come wiien it will be a giant, even a colossus formidable in these conniries. It will then forget the benefits which it has received from the two powers, and will dream of nothing but to organize itself. Liberty of conscience, the facility for establishing a new population on immense lands, as well as the advan- tages of tlie new government, will draw thither agricnlturists and artisans front all the nations ; for men always run after fortune. A nd in a few years we shall see with true grief the tyran7iical existence of this same colossus of which I speak. " The first movement of this power, when it has arrived at its aggrandize- ment, will be to obtain possession of the Floridas, in order to dominate the Gulf of Mexico. After having ren- dered commerce with New Spain diffi- cult for us, it will aspire to the con- quest of this vast empire, which it will not be possible for us to defend against a formidable power established on the same continent, and in its neighbor- hood. These fears are well founded, Sire ; they will be changed into reality in a few years, if, indeed, there are not other disorders in our Americas still more fatal. This observation is justi- fied by what has happened in all ages, and with all nations which have begun to rise. Man is the same everywhere ; the difference of climate does not change the nature of our sentiments ; he who finds the opportunity of acquir- ing power and of aggrandizing himself, profits by it always. How then can we expect the Americans to respect the kingdom of New Spain, when they shall have the facility of possessing themselves of this rich and beautiful country ? A wise policy counsels us to take precautions against evils which may happen. This thought has occu- pied my whole mind, since, as Minister Plenipotentiary of your Majesty, and conformably to your royal will and in- structions, I signed the Peace of Paris. I have considered this important affair with all the attention of which I am capable, and after much reflection drawn from the knowledge, military as well as political, which I have been able to ac- quire in my long career, I think that, in order to escape the great losses with which we are threatened, there remains nothing but the means which I am about to have the honor of exhibiting to your Majesty. " Your Majesty must relieve yourself of all your possessions on the continent of the two Americas, preserving only the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico in the northern part, and some other con- venient one in the southern part, to serve as a seaport or trading-place for Spanish commerce. " In order to accomplish this great 186;.] Burns. 299 thought in a manner becoming to Spain, three infantas must be placed in America, — one as king of Mexico, an- other as king of Peru, and the third as king of the Terra Firma. Your Ma- jesty will take the title of Emperor." I have sometimes heard this remark- able memoir called apocryphal, but without reason, except because its fore- sight is so remarkable. The Mexican historian Alaman treats it as genuine, and, after praising it, informs us that the proposition of Count d'Aranda to the king was not taken into consideration, which, according to him, was "disas- trous to all, and especially to the peo- ple of America, who in this way would have obtained independence without struggle or anarchy." * Meanwhile all the American possessions of the Span- ish crown, except Cuba and Porto Rico, have become independent, as predicted, and the new power, known as the United States, which at that time was a " pygmy," has become a " colossus." D'Aranda was not alone in surprise at the course of Spain. The English traveller Burnaby, in his edition of 1796, mentions this as one of the rea- sons for the success of the colonists, and declares that he had not supposed, originally, " that Spain would join in a plan inevitably leading by slow and imperceptible steps to the final loss of all her rich possessions in America."! This was not an uncommon idea. One of John Adams's Dutch correspondents, under date of 14th September, 1780, writes he has heard it said twenty times, that, " if America becomes free, it will some day give the law to Europe ; it will seize our islands and our colonies of Guiana ; it will seize all the West Indies ; it will swallow Mexico, even Peru, Chili, and Brazil ; it will take from us our freighting commerce ; it will pay its benefactors with ingratitude." $ Mr. Adams also records in his diary, un- * Alaman, Disertaciones, Tomo III. p. 333. t Burnaby, Travels in North America, Preface, p. 10. \ John Adams, Works, Vol. VII. p. 254. der date of 14th December, 1779, on his landing at Ferrol in Spain, that, ac- cording to the report of various per- sons, "the Spanish nation in general have been of opinion that the Revolu- tion in America was of bad example to the Spanish colonies, and dangerous to the interests of Spain, as the United States, should they become ambitious, and be seized with the spirit of con- quest, might aim at Mexico and Peru."* All this is entirely in harmony with the memoir of the Count d'Aranda. Burns. — 1788. From Count d'Aranda to Robert Burns, — from the rich and titled min- ister, faring sumptuously in the best house of Paris, to the poor ploughboy poet, strugghng in a cottage, — what a contrast ! Of the poet I shall say noth- ing, except that he was born 25th Janu- ary, 1759, and died 21st July, 1796, in the thirty-seventh year of his age. There is only a slender thread of Burns to be woven into this web, and yet, coming from him, it must not be neglected. In a letter dated Wi No- vember, 1788, after saying a friendly word for the unfortunate house of Stuart, he thus prophetically alludes to our independence : — " I will not, I cannot, enter into the merits of the cause, but I dare say the American Congress, in 1776, will be allowed to be as able and as enlight- ened as the English Convention was in 1688 ; ajid that their posterity will celebrate the centenary of their deliver- ance from us, as duly and sincerely as we do ours from the oppressive meas- ures of the house of Stuart. '''' f The year 1788, when these words were written, was a year of commemora- tion, being the hundredth from the fa- mous revolution by which the Stuarts were excluded from the throne of Eng- land. The " centenary " of our inde- pendence is not yet completed ; but long ago the commemoration began. ♦John Adams, Works, Vol. III. p. 234. t Currie, Life and Works of Burns, p. 266; Gra- ham*, History of United States, Vol. IV. p. 462. 300 PropJietic Voices about At [September On the coming of that hundredth anni- versary, the prophecy of Burns will be more than fulfilled. Fox. — 1794. "^ In quoting from Charles James Fox. the statesman, minister, and orator, I need add nothing, except that he was born 24th January, 1749, and died 13th September, 1806, and that he was an early friend of our country. Many words of his, especially during our Revolution, might be introduced here ; but I content myself with a sin- gle passage of a later date, which, besides its expression of good-will, is a prophecy of our power. It will be found in a speech on his motion for put- ting an end to war with France in the House of Commons, 30M May, 1794. " It was impossible to dissemble that we had a serious dispute with America, and although we might be confident that the wisest and best man of his age, who presided in the government of that country, would do everything that became him to avert a war, it was impossible to foresee the issue. America had no fleet, no army ; but in case of war she would find various means to harass and annoy us. Against her we could not strike a blow that would not be as severely felt in Lon- don as in America, so identified were the two countries by commercial inter- course. To a contest with such an adversary he looked as the greatest pos- sible misfortune. If we commenced another crusade against her, we might destroy her trade, and check the pro- gress of her agriculture, but we must also equally injure ourselves. Des- perate, therefore, indeed, must be that war in which each wound inflicted on our enemy would at the same time inflict one upon ourselves. He hoped to God that such an event as a war with America would not happen." * All good men on both sides of the ocean must join with Fox, who thus early deprecated a war between the United States and England, and por- * Parliamentary History, Vol. XXXI. p. 627. trayedthe consequences. Time, which has enlarged and multiplied the rela- tions between the two countries, makes his words more applicable now than when he first uttered them. George Canning. — 1826. George Canning was a successor of Fox, in the House of Commons, as statesman, minister, and orator ; he was born nth April, 1770, and died 8th August, 1827, in the beautiful villa of the Duke of Devonshire, at Chis- wick, where Fox had died before. Un- like Fox in sentiment for our country, he is nevertheless associated with a leading event of our history, and is the author of prophetic words. The Monroe Doctrine, as it is now familiarly called, proceeded from Can- ning. He was its inventor, promoter, and champion, at least so far as it bears against European intervention in American aflfairs. Earnestly engaged in counteracting the designs of the Holy Alliance for the restoration of the Spanish colonies to Spain, he sought to enlist the United States in the same policy, and when Mr. Rush, who was at the time our Minister at London, replied that any interference with European politics was contrary to the traditions of our government, he argued that, however just such a policy might have been formerly, it was no longer applicable, — that the question was new and complicated, — that it was " full as much American as European, to say no more," — that it concerned the United States under aspects and inter- ests as immediate and commanding as those of any of the states of Europe, — that "they were the first power on that continent, and confessedly the leading power"; and he then asked, "Was it possible that they could see with in- difference their fate decided upon by Europe ? Had not a new epoch ar- rived in the relative position of the United States toward Europe, which Europe must acknowledge ? Were the great political atid commercial interests which hung upon the destinies of the [86;.] George Canning. — Richard Cobden. 301 new continent to be canvassed and adjusted in this hemisphere, without the co-operation, or even the knowl- edge, of the United States ? " With mingled ardor and importunity the British Minister pressed his case. At last, after much discussion in the Cabi- net at Washington, President Monroe, accepting the lead of Mr. Canning, put forth his famous declaration, where, after referring to the radical difference between the political systems of Europe and America, he says, that " we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their systems to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety" and that, where gov- ernments have been recognized by us as independent, " we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as a manifestation of an 7in- friendly disposition toward the United States y * The message of President Monroe was received in England with enthusi- astic congratulations. It was upon all f tongues ; the press was full of it ; the ' securities of Spanish America rose in the market ; the agents of Spanish .^America were happy.f Brougham ex- claimed, in Parliament, that " no event had ever dispersed greater joy, exulta- tion, and gratitude over all the freemen of Europe." Mackintosh rejoiced in the coincidence of England and the United States, "the two great com- monwealths, for so he delighted to call them ; and he heartily prayed that they may be forever united in the cause of justice and liberty." J The Holy Alli- ance abandoned their purposes on this continent, and the independence of the Spanish colonies in America was estab- lished. Some time afterwards, on the occasion of assistance to Portugal, when Mr. Canning felt called to review and \J* Annual Message to Congress of 2d December, jj: Rush, Memoranda of Residence at London, "Vol. II. p. 458 ; Wheaton, Elements of International Law, pp. 97- 112, Dana's note. X Stapleton, Life of Canning, Vol. II. pp. 46, 47. vindicate his foreign policy, he assumed the following lofty strain. This was in the House of Commons, \zth December, 1826: — " It would be disingenuous not to ad- mit that the entry of the French army into Spain was, in a certain sense, a dis- paragement, — an affront to our pride, — a blow to the feelings of England. But I deny that, questionable or cen- surable as the act may be, it was one that necessarily called for our direct and hostile opposition. Was nothing then to be done 1 If France occupied Spain, was it necessary, in order to avoid the consequences of that occupa- tion, that we should blockade Cadiz ? No. I looked another way. I sought materials for compensation in another hemisphere. Contemplating Spain, such as our ancestors had known her, I re- solved that, if France had Spain, it should not be Spain 'with the Indies.' / called the New World into existence to resist the balance of the Old.'''' * The republics of Spanish America, thus called into independent existence, were to redress the balance of the Old World. If they have not contributed the weight thus vaunted, the growing power of the United States is ample to compensate any deficiencies on this continent. There is no balance of power which it cannot redress, if occa- sion requires. Richard Cobden. — 1849. Coming to our own day, we meet a familiar name, now consecrated by death, — Richard Cobden ; born 3d June, 1804, and died 2d April, 1865. In proportion as truth prevails among men, his character will shine with increas- ing glory until he is recognized as the first Englishman of his time. Though thoroughly English, he was not insu- lar, and he served mankind as well as England. His masterly faculties and his real goodness made him a prophet always. He saw the future, and strove to hasten r* Canning, Speeches, Vol. VI. pp. io8, log. 302 Prophetic Voices about America. [September, its promises. The elevation and happi- ness of the human family were his daily thought. He knew how to build as well as to destroy. Througl^ him dis- abilities upon trade and oppressive taxes were overturned ; also a new treaty was negotiated with France, quickening commerce and intercourse. He was never so truly eminent as when bringing his practical sense and enlarged experience to commend the cause of Permanent Peace in the world by the establishment of a refined sys- tem of International Justice, and the disarming of the nations. To this great consummation all his later labors tended. I have before me a long letter, dated at London, jth November, 1849, where he says much on this absorbing question, from which, by an easy transi- tion, he passes to speak of the proposed annexation of Canada to the United States. As what he says on the latter topic concerns America, and is a pro- phetic voice, I have obtained permis- sion to copy it for this collection. "Race, religion, language, traditions, are becoming bonds of union, and not the parchment title-deeds of sovereigns. These instincts may be thwarted for the day, but they are too deeply rooted in nature and in usefulness not to prevail in the end. I look with less interest to these struggles of races to live apart for what they want to undo, than for what they will prevent being done in future. They will warn riders that henceforth the acquisition of f)-esh terri- tory, by force of artjts, will only bring embarrassments and civil war, instead of that increased strength which, in ancient times, when people were passed, like flocks of sheep, from one king to another, always accompanied the incor- poration of new territorial conquests. " This is the secret of the admitted doctrine, that we shall have no more wars of conquest or ambition. In this respect 7<77^ are differently situated, hav- ing vast tracts of unpeopled territory to tempt that cupidity which, in respect of landed property, always disposes indi- viduals and nations, however rich in acres, to desire more. This brings me to the subject of Canada, to which you refer in your letters. " I agree with you, that nature lias decided that Canada and the Unit- ed States must becoine one, for all purposes of free interco77tmunication. Whether they also shall be united in the same federal government must de- pend upon the two parties to the union. I can assure you that there will be no repetition of the policy of 1776, on our part, to prevent our North Ameri- can colonies from pursuing their in- terest in their own way. If the people of Canada are tolerably unanimous in wishing to sever the very slight thread which now binds them to this country, I see no reason why, if good faith and ordinary temper be observed, it should not be done; amicably. I think it would be far more hkely to be accomplished peaceably,- if the subject of annexation were left as a distinct question. I am quite sure that we should be gainers, to the amount of about a million sterling annually, if our North American colo- nists would set up in life for themselves and maintain their own establishments, and I see no reason to doubt that they might be also gainers by being thrown upon their own resources. "The less your countrymen mingle in the controversy, the better. It will only be an additional obstacle in the path of those in this country who see the ultimate necessity of a separation, but who have still some ignorance and prejudice to contend against, which, if used as political capital by designing politicians, may complicate seriously a very difficult piece of statesmanship. It is for you and such as you, who love peace, to guide your countrymen aright in this matter. You have made the most noble contributions of any modern writer to the cause of peace ; and as a public man I hope you will exert all your influence to induce Amer- icans to hold a dignified attitude and obsprve a ' masterly inactivity ' in the controversy which is rapidly advancing to a solution between the mother coun- try and her American colonies." A prudent patriotism among us will 186;.] Lucas Alaman. 303 appreciate the wisdom of this counsel, which is more needed now than when it v.- IS written. The controversy which C^bden foresaw "between the mother country and her American colonies " is yet undetermined. The recent crea- tion of what is somewhat grandly called " The Dominion of Canada " marks one Stage in its progress. Lucas Alaman, 1852. From Canada I pass to Mexico, and close this list with Lucas Alaman, the Mexican statesman and historian, who has left on record a most pathetic prophecy with regard to his own coun- try, intensely interesting to us at this moment. Little can be gathered here with re- gard to this remarkable character. His name does not appear in any biographi- cal or bibliographical dictionary, — not in the late editions of Michaud or Bru- net, — although his public life and his literary labors might claim for him a place in biography and bibliography. From the title-page of one of his vol- umes it appears that, besides being a member of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics, and also of the Fine Arts, he was a corresponding member of several foreign societies, among which were the Royal Academy of History at Madrid, the Royal In- stitute of Sciences in Bavaria, the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, and the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety. It is only in the dearth of authentic information with regard to him that I mention these circumstan- ces. It does not .xppear when he died. The Preface to .ne last volume of his History is dated i8th November, 1852 ; and, as his name is not noticed in Mex- ican affairs since then, it is not unrea- sonable to suppose that he died shortly after this date, although his death first appears in the Transactions of the Massachusetts Historical Society for 1861. Alaman figured in the Mexican Cor- tes, and also as Minister of Foreign Affairs, especially under President Bustamente. In the latter capacity he inspired the respect of foreign diplo- matists. One of these, who had oc- casion to know him officially, says of him, in answer to my inquiries, that he "was the greatest statesman which Mexico has produced since her inde- pendence." His portrait, as engraved in one of his volumes, resembles the late Mr. Clayton of Delaware. He was one of the few persons in any coun- try who have been able to unite liter- ature with public life, and obtain hon- ors in each department. His first work was " Dissertations on the History of the Mexican Repub- lic," Discrtaciones sobre la Historia de la Repiiblica Megicana, in three vol- umes, published at Mexico, 1844. In these he considers the original conquest by Cortez ; its consequences ; the con- queror and his family ; the propaga- tion of the Christian religion in New Spain; the formation of the city of Mexico ; the history of Spain and the house of Bourbon. All these topics are treated somewhat copiously. Then followed the " History of Mexico, from the First Movements which prepared its Independence in 1808, to the pres- ent Epoch," {Historia de Mejico desde los priiJieros Moviinientos que prepara- ron a sti Independencia en el A ho de 1808 /lasla la Epoca presented) in five volumes, published at Mexico, the first bearing date 1849, ^"d the fifth 1852. From the Preface to the first volume, it appears that the author was born in Guanajuato, and witnessed there the beginning of the Mexican revo- lution in 1810, under Don Miguel Hi- dalgo, the curate of Dolores ; that he was personally acquainted with the cu- rate and with many of those who had a principal part in the successes of that time ; that he was experienced in pub- lic affairs, as deputy and as member of the cabinet; and that he had known directly the persons and things of which he wrote. His last volume embraces the government of Iturbide as Emper- or, and also his unfortunate death, end- ing with the establishment of the Mex- ican Federal Republic in 1824. The 304 P'/ophetic Voices about America. [September, work is careful and well considered. The eminent diplomatist already men- tioned, who had known the author of- ficially, writes that " no one was better acquainted with the history and causes of the incessant revolutions in his un- fortunate country, and that his work on this subject is considered by all re- spectable men in Mexico a chef-ifaji- vre for purity of sentiments and patri- otic convictions." It is on account of the valedictory words of this History that I have intro- duced the name of Alaman on this occa- sion. They are as follows : — " Mexico will be, without doubt, a land of prosperity from its natural ad- vantages, but it will not be so for the races which now inhabit it. As it seemed the destiny of the peoples who established themselves therein at dif- ferent and remote epochs to perish from the face of it, leaving hardly a memory of their existence ; even as the nation which built the edifices of Palenque, and those which we admire in the penin- sula of Yucatan, was destroyed without its being known what it was nor how it disappeared ; even as the Toltecs pe7'- ished by the hands of barbai'ous tribes coining from the North, no record of them remaining but the pyramids of Cholulu and Teotihuacan ; and, final- ly, even as the ancient Mexicans fell beneath the power of the Spaniards, the comitry gaining itifiniiely by this chancre of dominion, but its ancient mas- ters being overthrozvn; — so likewise its present inhabitants shall be ruined and hardly obtain the compassion they have merited, and the Mexican nation of our days shall liave applied to it what a cel- ebrated Latin poet said of one of the most famous personages of Roman his- tory, STAT MAGNI NOMINIS UM- BRA,* — nothing more remains than the shadow of a name illustrious in -another time. " May the Almighty, in whose hands is the fate of nations, and who by ways hidden from our sight abases or exalts * In the original text of Alaman this is printed in large capitals, and it is explained in a note as said by Lucan in his Pharsalia, with regard to Pompey. them, according to the designs of his providence, be pleased to grant unto ours the protection by which he has so often deigned to preserve it from the dangers to which it has been ex- posed." * Most affecting words of prophecy ! Considering the character of the author as statesman and historian, it could have been only with inconceivable an- guish that he made this terrible record with regard to the land whose child and servant he was. Born and reared in Mexico, honored by its important trusts, and writing the history of its independence, it was his country, hav- ing for him all that makes a country dear ; and yet thus calmly he consigns the present people to oblivion, while another enters into those happy places where nature is so bountiful. Thus does a Mexican leave the door open to the foreigner. Conclusion. Such are some of the prophetic voi- ces about America, differing in char- acter and importance, but all having one augury, and opening one vista, illimitable in extent and vastness. Farewell to the idea of Montesquieu, that a repubhc can exist only in a small territory. Ancient prophecy foretold another world beyond the ocean, which in the mind of Christopher Columbus was nothing less than the Orient with its inexhaustible treasures. Then came the succession of prophets, who dis- cerned the future of this continent, be- ginning with that rare genius, Sir Thomas Browne, who, in the reign of Charles II., while the settlements were in their infancy, predicted their growth in power and civilization ; and then that rarest character. Bishop Berkeley, who, in the reign of George I., while the settlements were still feeble and undeveloped, heralded a Western em- pire as " Time's noblest offspring." These voices are general. Others * Alaman, Historia, Tomo V. pp. 954, 9SS- 186;.] Conclusion. 305 more precise followed. Turgot, the philosopher and minister, saw in youth, with the vision of genius, that all colo- nies must at their maturity drop from the parent stem, like ripe fruit. John Adams, one of the chiefs of our own history, in a youth illumined as that of Turgot, saw the predominance of the Colonies in population and power followed by the transfer of empire to America; then the glory of Independ- ence and its joyous celebration by grateful generations ; then the triumph of our language ; and, finally, the estab- lishment of our republican institutions over all North America. Then came the Abbe Galiani, the Neapolitan French- man, who, writing from Naples while our struggle was still undecided, gayly predicts the total downfall of Europe, the transmigration to America, and the consummation of the greatest revolu- tion of the globe by establishing the reign of America over Europe. There is also Adam Smith, the illustrious phi- losopher, who quietly carries the seat of government across the Atlantic. Mean- while Pownall, once a Colonial Gover- nor and then a member of Parliament, in successive works of great detail, fore- shadows independence, naval suprem- acy, commercial prosperity, immigra- tion from the Old World, and a new national hfe, destined to supersede the systems of Europe and arouse the "curses" of royal ministers. Hartley, also a member of Parliament, and the British negotiator who signed the defin- itive treaty of Independence, bravely announces in Parliament that the New World is before the Colonists, and that liberty is theirs ; and afterwards, as diplomatist, instructs his government that, through the attraction of our pub- he lands, immigration will be quick- ened beyond precedent and the national debt cease to be a burden. D'Aranda, the Spanish statesman and diplomatist, predicts to his king that the United States, though born a " pygmy," will soon be a "colossus," under whose influence Spain will lose all her Ameri- can possessions except only Cuba and Porto Rico. Burns, the truthful poet, VOL. XX. — NO. 119. 20 looks forward a hundred years, and beholds our people rejoicing in the centenary of their independence. Fox, the liberal statesman, foresees the in- creasing might and various relations of the United States, so that a blow aimed at them must have a rebound as destructive as itself. Canning, the briUiant orator, in a much-admired flight of eloquence, discerns the New World, with its republics just called into being, redressing the balance of the old. Cobden, whose fame will be second only to that of Adam Smith among all in this catalogue, calmly pre- dicts the separation of Canada from the mother country by peaceable means. Alaman, the Mexican statesman and historian, announces that Mexico, which has already known so many successive races, will hereafter be ruled by yet another people, who will take the place of the present possessors ; and with these prophetic words, he draws a pall over his country. ^1 these various voices, of different times and countries, mingle and inter- twine in representing the great future of our Repubhc, which from small be- ginnings has already become great. It was at first only a grain of mustard- seed, " which is, indeed, the least of all seeds ; but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." Better still, it was only a little leaven, but it is fast leavening the whole con- tinent. Nearly all who have prophe- sied speak of " America " or " North America," and not of any Hinited circle, colony, or state. It was so, at the beginning, with Sir Thomas Browne, and especially with Berkeley. During our Revolution the Colonies, strug- gling for independence, were always described by this continental designa- tion. They were already "America," or " North America," thus incidentally foreshadowing that coming time when the whole continent, with all its vari- ous States, shall be a Plural Unit, with one Constitution, one Liberty, and one Destiny. The theme was also taken 3o6 Prophetic Voices about Ai [September, up by the poet, and popularized in the often quoted lines : — " No pent-up Utica contracts your powers, But the whole boundless continent is yours." * Such grandeur may justly excite anx- iety rather than pride, for duties are in corresponding proportion. There is occasion for humility also, as the indi- vidual considers his own insignificance in the transcendent mass. The tiny polyp, in its unconscious life, builds the everlasting coral ; each citizen is little more than the industrious insect. The result is accomplished by continuous and combined exertion. Millions of cit- izens, working in obedience to nature, can accomplish anything. Of course, war is an instrumentality which a true civilization disowns. Here some of our prophets have erred. Sir Thomas Browne was so much overshadowed by his own age, that his vision was dark- ened by " great armies," and even " hos- tile and piratical attacks " on Europe. It was natural that D'Aranda, schooled in worldly aifairs, should imagine ^|lie new-born pow^r ready to seize the Spanish possessions. Among our own countrymen, Jefferson looked to war for the extension of dominion. The Flori- das, he says on one occasion, "are ours on the first moment of war, and until a war they are of no particular necessity to us." f Happily they were acquired in another way. Then again, while declaring that no constitution * By Jonathan M. Sewall, in an epilogue to Addi- son's tragedy of " Cato," written in 1778 for the Bow Street Theatre, Portsmouth, N. H. t Jefferson's Works, Vol. V. p. 444. was ever before so calculated as ours for extensive empire and self-govern- ment, and insisting upon Canada as a component part, he calmly says that " this would be, of course, in the first war." * Afterwards, while confessing a longing for Cuba, "as the most inter- esting addition that could ever be made to our system of States," he says that " he is sensible this can never be ob- tained, even with her own consent, without war." f Thus at each stage is the baptism of blood. In much better mood the good Bishop recognized em- pire as moving gently in the pathway of light. All this is much clearer now than when he prophesied. It is easy to see that empire obtained by force is unrepublican, and offensive to that first principle of our Union according to which all just government stands only on the consent of the governed. Our country needs no si'ch ally as war. Its destiny is mightier than war. Through peace it will have ev- erything. This is our talisman. Give us peace, and population will increase beyond all experience ; resources of all kinds will multiply infinitely ; arts will embellish the land with immortal beauty ; the name of Republic will be exalted, until every neighbor, yielding to irresistible attraction, will seek a new life in becoming a part of the great whole ; and the national example will be more puissant than army or navy for the conquest of the world. * Jefferson's Works, Vol. V. p. 444. t Ibid., Vol. VII. p. 316. See also pp. aS8, 399. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiiiin 011 528 375 3