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Author of "Life of Turner Ashby," Published by This House, and of other books NEW YORK THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 ■5 .AS Copyright, 1914, by The Neale Publishing Company MA?- '-5 1914 Cl.A369n5 3 To THE HOME GUARD OF THE SOUTH Who bore the anxieties, the sorrows, and the privations of war with courage and cheerfnhiess, and who tilled the soil and raised the crops that supported the Southern ar- mies in the field ; and To THE FAITHFUL NEGRO SERVANTS Who remained loyal to their masters dur- ing the war this book is dedicated. PREFACE In this book the author has attempted to tell a story of the Civil War as related by one who was an eye-witness of the facts. The story is told from the standpoint of a boy, who here gives ob- servations and relates experiences that are not usually recounted by the historian. The incidents connected with the story are lo- cated almost entirely in the Valley of Virginia, — a region that was a picturesque and important theater of military operations during the four years of strife, and that suffered as much from the effects of the war as any section of the South. The trials, sufferings, and privations of the people who re- mained at home and were non-combatants are presented in this chronicle as frankly and as truth- fully as possible; for the author has tried to be correct in every statement that he has made, and just in every opinion he has expressed and in every criticism he has advanced. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Preface 7 I The Institution of Slavery . . 11 II The John Brown Insurrection and Its Effects 17 III Virginia Secedes. The War Begins 24 IV General Turner Ashby .... 32 V An Interesting Correspondence. Hospitals in Our V^illage . . 53 VI Visit to Manassas. In Winter Quarters 61 VII Federal Invasion of the Shenan- doah Valley. Battle of Kerns- town. Stormy Days .... 70 VIII Federal Troops in the Village. The Spirit of the South ... 78 IX The Southern Woman. The Do- mestic Life of Our People . . 95 X The Valley Campaign. Under Fire 1 1 1 XI Within the Federal Lines. The Battle of Port Republic . . .127 XII Feder-al Officers in My Home . . 143 XIII Success of the Army of Northern Virginia 153 XIV Events in Our Village in the Sum- mer OF '62 165 CONTENTS XV Stonewall Jackson and the Mary- land Campaign 176 XVI Fall and Winter of 1862 . . .185 XVII Winter Pleasures and Dangers . 196 XVIII Boyish Sports. Visit to Richmond 206 XIX Comparative Study of Some of the Leaders of the '6o's. The Con- federate POLICYAND THE FEDERAL 217 XX The Spring and Summer of 1863 . 227 XXI The Gettysburg Campaign . . . 240 XXII The Fall and Winter of 1863 . . 254 XXIII Rosser's Ride Around Meade's Army 263 XXIV The Military Operations of 1864 . 275 XXV MosBY and His Men 288 XXVI The Spring of 1865 — The Surrender 301 XXVII The Old Family Servant . . . 309 XXVIII Rebuilding the Waste Places . .314 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS CHAPTER I THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY From Colonial days to the American Revolution and from the Revolution to the middle of the nine- teenth century the Southern States had grown in wealth, population, and civic pride. A civiliza- tion of rare culture and refinement represented the high spirit and virtue of the Anglo-Saxon race in the South. One of the foundation stones upon which this civilization rested was the institution of slavery, — an institution that began with the Colonies and was recognized by the Constitution that was established by the union of the States under the Federal Government. To the people of my generation in the South the ownership of slaves was an inheritance, rep- resenting an investment in dollars and cents, — a property interest as necessary and valuable to its possessor as bonds and stocks. The slaveowner was, therefore, no more responsible for this char- acter of property, if it came to him through in- heritance, than for any other form of inheritance, 12 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS — indeed, no more responsible than he was for the shape of his head or color of his hair. The owner- ship of slaves involved, as a general rule, as little discomfort as the ownership of domestic animals; and the owner of slaves was consciously no more unkind to these human beings than he was to his horse and dog, which he often valued with a strong affection. My childhood recollection of the negro slave is associated with many happy incidents, and my re- lations to him were most cordial and affectionate. With the young negroes of my age I often played and romped; I often worked with them in their easy duties around my home, and at all times found them companionable and respectful. There was a courtesy and kindness between us which was never abused. Negroes owned by the well-to-do and cultured classes of people were, as a rule, handed down by inheritance from parents to chil- dren through succeeding generations; and thus, through their long line of connection with these old families, they enjoyed better training in do- mestic service and were more intelligent and moral than the average negro of the present time. The good and bad influences that surrounded the slave were more fully illustrated by the char- acter of the owner than by the slave's own disposi- tion. In his natural temperament the negro is usually a happy, indolent, and frivolous character, THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY 13 fond of his ease, his pleasures, and his appetites. He is easih' influenced to do good and as easily led astray by bad associations. He responds readily to kind and generous treatment, and rebels with sullen and concealed passion against unkind and harsh authority, and his resentment is often expressed with violence; hence it was that the slave was alienated from his master, and the mas- ter became unjust and unkind to his slave. Where slaves were owned in large numbers by one individual his rights were often disregarded. He was dealt with as a piece of personal property not much better than the live stock on the planta- tion. It was this condition that brought odium upon the institution of slavery. All human rights were imperiled by a system that regarded human flesh as an article of barter and trade, — a system that degraded the manhood and humanity of both master and slave. The people who viewed slav- ery from the distance, who knew but little of its humane and civilizing influences over the negro as a race, took isolated and unusual examples for uni- versal conditions. In the violence of prejudice and emotion, manu- factured by false evidence, the people of the North arraigned the slaveowner as an inhuman tyrant. Totally disregarding his property interests, his con- stitutional rights, and his just desire to free slavery of its worst forms of servitude, the remote, unin- 14 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS formed Northerner held up the slaveowner before the civilized world as the enemy of a lowly and servile race. No credit was given him for the service he was rendering the negro race through the gradual influences of civilization. The world forgot that the negro had been introduced into this country in a semicivilized or barbarous condi- tion. Uncultured and unskilled, ignorant both of human and divine law, a victim of the lowest forms of superstition, vice, and evil passion, the negro had, by the institution of slavery, — despite all its bad features, — been raised to a plane of usefulness, of domestic service, and of happy con- tentment unknown to him in his natural home. The negro under slavery was far from being un- happy and discontented. He was, to the contrary, free from care and responsibility. He was well fed, well clothed, well cared for in sickness and in old age. His hardships were usually of his own making, brought on by vice and intemperance, or by his bad temper and unruly disposition. He had it in his power to win the confidence and es- teem of his master without absolute servitude or humiliation of spirit. The pride of the negro under slavery was no more debased than that of the child under parental authority. Children have been held in bondage by their parents, and negroes have been treated with cruelty by their masters, as have prisoners of war and inmates of THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY 15 penal institutions. The ill-treated slave, how- ever, was the exception and not the rule among civilized people. The abuses of slavery were greatly exaggerated by persons who would not see its humane and civilizing influences. Whether the negro in this country has been made better or worse by his emancipation time must show. Had the negro been left in Africa he would have been on a level with his race in that country to- day. There, centuries of isolation have left him a barbarian. Even under the influence of civili- zation he has developed neither originality nor constructive ability. His administrative talents are of a very low order, hence he has never been able to exercise authority with discretion or skill. Nature has granted him one preeminent gift. He is fitted for domestic service, in which field of use- fulness he has become a most efficient and faithful servant.^ Now when it is borne in mind that the re- sponsibility for the introduction of slavery into this country lay as much with the people of the North as with the people of the South, and that the North had prospered as much by the importa- tion and sale of the negro to the slaveowner as ^ The author admits that the idea of ownership of human beings is opposed by the better instincts of our humanity. It was this sentiment that led to the overthrow of an institution that did much to civilize and improve a race so low in the scale as to be classed as barbarians. i6 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the owner had prospered by the negro's service as a laborer in the house and in the field, it can be fully understood how resentment and passion had been kindled in the mind of the slaveowning class against the antislavery agitator in the North. A controversy, beginning almost with the for- mation of the Federal Union, had grown from decade to decade, with increasing violence. Sec- tion had been arrayed against section, until a divided Union was threatened from year to year. It was becoming more and more apparent that the nation could not exist half slave and half free. The question was whether slavery should be abol- ished or the nation be split asunder. The solu- tion of so grave a question could be determined in only one way. When reason ceases to guide the minds and hearts of a people anarchy is the result, — anarchy, in open protest against un- righteous and dangerous authority. CHAPTER II THE JOHN BROWN INSURRECTION AND ITS EFFECTS My recollections of my early school da}S are crowded with many incidents of historic interest. It was when I was about eleven years old that the John Brown Insurrection at Harper's Ferr\' took place. As our village — Front Royal — was less than fifty miles distant from the seat of the insur- rection our people were thrown into a state of great excitement. The attempt made by John Brown to arouse the negro and create race an- tagonism \^as regarded as a cruel, premeditated assault upon the institution of slavery, — an as- sault supported by an antislavery sentiment in the North. John Brown and his few associates were regarded as weak and deluded fanatics, harmless in tliemsclves, but representatives of a sect that would stop at no act short of govern- mental interference. Their whole purpose was regarded by our people as the first step in the direction of an armed assault upon slavery, as a violation of Constitutional rights, and a cruel manoeuver to create distrust and animosity in the mind of the negro toward his master. i8 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The effect of the John Brown Insurrection is a matter of history. It is not necessary here to re- late the results that in a few years followed the Harper's Ferry incident. I wish to show in a brief way the influence it had over the negroes of our community and over the minds of our people. I venture to assert that the institution of slavery, as it existed in our section of Virginia, was based upon as high moral and ethical standards as were possible in a slaveowning community. Our negro population was about one-half as large as our white population. The negroes were owned largely by our wealthiest and best people. The relations between master and servant were, as a rule, most friendly and cordial. The servant was most obedient and respectful to his master and yielded an affectionate and loyal obedience, simple, childlike, and faithful, while the master's regard for the servant was kind, thoughtful, and often parental. His interest in the slave was not so much one of property as of guardianship and responsibility. The negro had come to him by inheritance, — had been handed down from parent to child for some three or four generations, and there had grown up around this birthright a feeling of growing anxiety and concern for the negro which invested slaveownership with high moral considerations and conscientious con- victions. There was an undercurrent of anti- JOHN BROWN INSURRECTION 19 slavery sentiment among our slaveowners that would have had a wide expression, if a doorway could have been opened for a gradual emancipa- tion. The interests of the slave, his equipment for the right of freedom, his moral and civil posi- tion in a slaveowning community, all called for the most careful thought and consideration. It seemed that neither the time nor the conditions were favorable for a general emancipation, even in our community, and far less so in other com- munities, where the negro population was large, where the intelligence of the negro was low, and where large industrial interests were involved. With these general views our people rested under a deep sense of responsibility; and they felt that it devolved upon them to adjust a domestic situa- tion and a Constitutional right, without coercion from a section of the country that had no prac- tical experience with slavery, understood none of the conditions involved in the ownership of the negro, and the people of which were moved by fanaticism and political interests in their attempts to destroy the institution. It was but natural that a people whose moral and legal rights were assailed, should have been aroused to a high sense of indignation by the John Brown Insurrection. The effect was immediate. The slaveowner became resentful and grew deter- mined in his efforts to resist the wrongs that he 20 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS felt were being heaped on him. He resolved to defend his Constitutional rights with blood and treasure, if necessary. The spirit of rebellion and of secession had their origin in these passions that were kindled in every Southern heart. The effect of the Brown Insurrection upon the negroes of our community was but transient. A few slaves were moved by the hope of freedom to become restless and turbulent. In a few instances there was a slight degree of insubordination. The worst effect, however, was a feeling of distrust that arose between master and slave, weakening the warm attachment that had previously existed. When the master began to doubt the loyalty of his slave and the slave began to doubt the kindness and confidence of his master a mutual distrust began to express itself. I can recall but one or two open expressions of this distrust, and they were of a trivial character. A few of the more restless of the younger negroes showed a disposi- tion to leave their homes after night and to meet in unfrequented places where, not infrequenth', they drank and gambled. To break up this growing habit of meeting, the young white men of our neighborhood organized a patrol, and at night they visited different places where watches were kept. After the arrest of a few negroes who were away from home without JOHN BROWN INSURRECTION 21 permission, the negroes soon gave up their night wanderings and remained at home. The excitement growing out of the John Brown incident soon subsided; but the effect upon our people was made evident in other directions. In our community it was generally believed that the Brown Insurrection was the beginning of more serious political complications, — that secession and civil war would soon be the hnal solution of the conditions that confronted the slaveowning States. The principal of the school I attended had re- ceived a military education, and soon after the John Brown affair he organized a military com- pany made up of the young men of the county. An armory was secured, and arms and uniforms were provided for the members. Regular drills were held once or twice a week until the company soon became well organized and drilled. These young men and boys of sixteen years of age were being prepared in the lessons of school and in training for military service. We will see that within a year or two they were enlisted in the army of the Confederacy and not a few of them gave up their lives in the service of their State. These days at school were exciting times for a bo)' of my age, though I was too young to realize the signs of the times and the results that would soon influence my future life. 22 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The disturbances growing out of the John Brown affair had scarcely subsided before the can- vass for the Presidential contest was begun. The three political parties, — Democratic, Whig, and Republican, — soon met in convention and nomi- nated their respective leaders. The Democratic party, split in twain, had two sets of candidates in the field, — Breckinridge and Lane, and Douglas and Johnson, — representing the two factions. Bell and Everit were the nominees of the Whig party, and Lincoln and Hamlin were the nominees of the new Republican party. Since the Republican party was the avowed enemy of slavery, it was regarded by our people with great alarm and hatred. The political contest in our section narrowed down to the two factions, — Breckinridge and Lane, and Bell and Everit. My county was largely Democratic, and the sentiment ran strong for that ticket. This sentiment in our school was shown by the number of Democratic badges worn by the boys and a few of the girls. There were a few Whig badges worn by the pupils, one Douglas and Johnson badge, but there was not a single representative of the Republican ticket. The excitement ran high until the results of the election were made known. When the election of the Republican candidate was announced our peo- ple were seized with anxiety and alarm. It was JOHN BROWN INSURRECTION 23 openly predicted that secession and civil war were inevitable. The political leaders and men of in- fluence in our county at once determined to pre- pare for the struggle. The military company, previously referred to, began to enlist new mem- bers, to get new uniforms and arms, to hold drills and to make every preparation for an active serv- ice when it should be called out. CHAPTER III VIRGINIA SKCr.DF.S. THE WAR BEGINS Several months passed before Lincoln and Ham- lin were inaugurated. During that time the po- litical feeling was intense. Candidates were brought out for election to a State convention, which was to decide upon the question of the se- cession of V'irginia from the Federal Government. South Carolina and other cotton States had al- ready withdrawn from the Union, and the Con- federate Government had been organized, with Mr. Davis as President. The people of \'irginia hesitated, deliberating long upon a line of action that would separate her from the Union. My county had elected to the convention a candidate who was committed to secession. In the contest between the two candidates for and against seces- sion, the anti-secession candidate received only two votes, — votes cast by two of our oldest and most respected citizens, men of high intelligence and un- doubted patriotism, who held that Virginia should maintain a neutral position and endeavor to check the extreme views held by the North and the South. This doctrine was soon found to be imprac- 24 VIRGINIA SFXEDES 25 ticable; for when Mr. Lincoln called upon the States for troops to suppress the States that had seceded from the Union, Virginia cast her lot with her sister slave States and by vote in conven- tion withdrew from the Union. This act at once put the State upon the defensive and tlie Civil War was inaugurated. At that time our village had no communication by wire with the outside world and the announce- ment of the action of the convention did not reach our community until early in the morning of the following day. The message was brought by a locomotive that reached the village before sunrise. Well do I remember the long and plain- tive whistle of the engine as it roused us from slumber, stirring alarm in every breast. Its ap- proach to the village at this unusual hour was an admonition of the message it bore, — a message from the Governor of Virginia announcing the se- cession of the State and ordering the captain of the military company to assemble his men with utmost rapidity and proceed at once to Harper's Ferry. Messages were sent out to the homes of the members of the company to meet in the vil- lage for immediate service. By ten o'clock all the men, armed and in uniform, were ready to march to the seat of war. Wagons, carriages, and other vehicles were got together to carry these boys to the front at Harper's Ferry, the objective point of 26 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS military operations. This place was selected as it was located on the northern border of the State line and contained a large arsenal and military stores belonging to the Federal Government. The assembling of the company, the preparation for leaving home, and the parting with friends and loved ones made a scene which can never be for- gotten by those who witnessed it. Many of the boys were in high glee, for they regarded the in- cident as a mere outing for pleasure. Very few realized that some of them were leaving home for the last time and were entering upon a war which would try men's souls, bring infinite sorrow to their dear ones, and disaster on themselves. In the company that left our village on the morning of April 20, 1861, were ten of my school- mates, ranging in age from 16 to 20 years. With drum and fife to inspire them, they formed in ranks and marched in column to the suburbs. Our older citizens, especially those who had sons and relatives in the company, took a more gloomy view of the situation; but few realized that a war of subjugation was being inaugurated by the Federal Government, and that the entire South would become the seat of a civil war which would have few parallels in the history of modern times. Our people were animated by hope, courage, and patriotism, and they resolved in the beginning VIRGINIA SECEDES 27 of the struggle to expend every resource in the defense of their institutions and liberties. There was no hesitation in this resolution. They rose en masse to meet a situation that confronted them, and, fired with zeal, they willingly submitted their cause to the God of battle. These were exciting times that tested to the ut- most the spirit of heroism and fortitude. No peo- ple ever entered upon a civil war with greater con- fidence. It was believed that it would be a war of invasion and of attempted subjugation, that every resource of the Federal Government would be used to destroy the institution of slavery, and to force the seceding States back into the Union. Our people fully realized they were outnumbered as to men and greatly overbalanced as to resources, but they relied upon the justice of their cause and upon the courage and patriotism of the entire South to make up for the odds against them. As Virginia was a border State between the North and the South it was evident that her terri- tory would become the first seat of military opera- tions and that the lines of attack and defense would be drawn along her northern borders. Troops were therefore sent to the front as soon as they could be mustered in. The Governor of Virginia, acting under the authority and will of the people, called all the volunteer militia into active service and at once made a call upon the 28 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS citizens of the State for new volunteers. All the able-bodied men in the State between the ages of 18 and 4^ years were asked to enlist in service. In my county an infantry company and one cavalry were raised within a few months and were enrolled into service. Volunteers poured in in large numbers and the two companies were or- ganized, officered, and equipped with uniforms and arms. These two companies went into camp near the village, where they were drilled and dis- ciplined under strict military regulations. As many of these men were imable to furnish their own horses and uniforms the county authorities authorized an appropriation from the Treasury of sufficient money to feed and clothe these volun- teers. The gray cloth suitable for uniforms was not to be had in our county. My father was selected as the chairman of a committee to pur- chase this material. To this end he visited a large woolen mill located near Winchester and took me with him. He purchased many yards of gray cloth and gave orders for the early delivery of more. My father and I returned home. Tailors were employed to cut out the gray cloth for the uni- forms of the two companies, — which were, how- ever, all made by the women and girls of our vil- lage, aided by some negro women who were trained to do needlework, — and in a few days the two companies appeared in their military outfit. VIRGINIA SECEDES 29 The infantry company was sent to join the army at Manassas, where it soon performed gallant service in the first great battle of the war. In this fight four of its members were killed and some eight or ten wounded. I shall never forget the sorrow of our people when the death of these four men was announced. It was the first blood lost in battle, and brought home the solemn real- ization of what war meant. As to the company of cavalry, the members were, at least, all trained horsemen and owned the best of mounts. . Many of these horses had been used in tournaments, — a species of sport that was very popular with the youth of the '6o's, — or had followed the hounds, as was natural in a country where the fox was found in large numbers in the mountain recesses and caverns. Their training had therefore fitted them for cavalry service. This fact gave a great advantage to the Confeder- ate cavalry service during the first two years of tlie war, and while the men of our cavalry com- pany were well uniformed, their equipment in other respects was extremely defective. All rode the Shafter saddle with iron stirrup, carried their clothing in old-fashioned saddlebags or rolled in bundles strapped in front or behind as best they could, and were armed with old-fashioned single- barreled or double-barreled shotgims or with squirrel rifies. I doubt whether there were a 30 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS dozen revolvers and cavalry sabers in the entire command, and such as there were were impossible. For example, a cousin of mine, a boy of seventeen, who was a member of this company, had an old single-barreled duelling pistol, which went off with a loud explosion, but could not carry a bullet thirty paces nor hit a barn door at the same dis- tance. I looked on with admiration when I first saw him riding a spirited gray horse, shooting off his old pistol in order to accustom his horse to stand under fire. But the old pistol made such a loud noise that his horse bolted and ran as if his life were in danger. My cousin did not venture to fire the weapon again, and I presume that he soon consigned it to a junk pile, where it belonged ; for it was more dangerous to its owner and his horse than it could possibly have been to the enemy, who might only have been alarmed per- haps by the loud report that it made. In spite of the character of the arms that our men had to use in the first year of the war, — and in the first engagements they were at a great dis- advantage as to weapons, though their better horsemanship and dash made up for some of these defects, — it was not many months before the Con- federate cavalry, by capture from the enemy, was fully mounted and equipped with a complete mili- tary outfit, — using McClellan saddles, and armed with revolvers, carbines, and sabers manufactured VIRGINIA SECEDES 31 by the Federal Government. This mode of equip- ment applied not only to the cavalry but, in a measure, to every branch of service. It is a matter of fact that the Federal Government supplied arms, ammunition, and military outfit not only to its own troops but also very largely to the armies of the Confederacy. As fast as captures were made the better outfit was substituted for the makeshift of the first days of the War, and, but for such success in acquiring arms, the armies of the Confederacy would have yielded much sooner to the forces against them. CHAPTER IV GENERAL TURNER ASHBY Although a boy of but twelve years of age at the time of my trip with my father to Winchester, I vividly recall an incident that occurred on that occasion. Among the officers and soldiers await- ing orders who filled Taylor's Hotel, where we were entertained, my father recognized Colonel Turner Ashby, whom he knew well. I shall never forget the impression I there received of that daring and variously estimated military hero. Colonel Ashby had just dismounted from a magnificent white horse, — a noble animal, sub- sequently well known to the people of the Valley by his courageous death, — and was standing on the pavement in front of the hotel, holding the bridle rein. The horse was steaming with per- spiration from his long travel that morning, but he stood, champing his bit, with head erect, and eyes full of spirit and fire, while his master, calm and erect, seemed absorbed in thought. My father went up to the Colonel, greeted him cordi- ally and introduced me. He took my hand gently ajid spoke to me most kindly. At this time Colonel Ashby had but recently 3^ GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 33 been promoted to the rank of Colonel, which pro- motion gave him command of all the cavalry com- panies assembled in the Valley. He was just en- tering upon a career that soon made him an heroic character in the history of the Civil War. Dressed now in Confederate gray, with gilt lace on his sleeves and collar, wearing high top-boots with spurs and a broad-brimmed black felt hat with a long black feather streaming behind, his appearance was striking and attractive. He stood about five feet eight inches in height and probably weighed from i ^o to 160 pounds. He was mus- cular and wiry, rather thin than robust or rugged. His hair and beard were as black as a raven's wing; his eyes were soft and mahogany brown; a long, sweeping mustache concealed his mouth, and a heavy and long beard completely covered his breast. His complexion was dark in keeping with his other colorings. Altogether, he resembled the pictures I have seen of the early Crusaders, — a type unusual among the many men in the army, a type so distinctive that, once observed, it cannot soon be forgotten. I remember that during the interview he re- marked that he had ridden that morning on horse- back between 30 and 40 miles, visiting outposts and camps of different companies under his com- mand. Despite that fact, he showed no evidence of fatigue, nor did the gallant horse that bore him I 34 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS I afterward learned that it was no uncommon cir- cumstance for him to ride 70 to 80 miles a day, using two mounts. His horses were the best to be had, and they were cared for with a most loving affection by their master. While on that visit to Winchester I heard also for the first time the name of Colonel Jackson, then in charge of the Virginia troops at Harper's Ferry. He was known at that time only as an eccentric professor who knew little of warfare beyond the drilling and disciplining of soldiers. Colonel Jackson was soon promoted to the rank of brigadier-general and given the command of the brigade that sub- sequently became celebrated as the Stonewall Brigade, — so named because of the title its com- mander won at the battle of Manassas, July 21, 1861. Turner Ashby, the third child of Colonel Turner Ashby and Dorothea Green, was bom on October 23, 1828, at Rose Bank, a picturesque home across Goose Creek, about one hundred and fifty yards from Markham Station, Fauquier County, Vir- ginia. He was the fourth in line of descent from Captain Thomas Ashby who moved from Tyde- water, Virginia, and settled at the foot of Ashby's Gap, Fauquier County, about 1710. Four generations of Turner Ashby's family had served in our country's wars, — the Colonial Wars, the War of the Revolution, and the War of 1812. GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 35 There was a strong military bias in the Ashby family and this, no doubt, had much to do with the military spirit that was so firmly implanted in Turner Ashby's nature. While not trained to military service he early developed a love for the soldier's life, and while quite a young man he organized one of the best cavalry companies in the State of Virginia. He was selected as the captain of this company and gave it an efficiency that gained for it a wide dis- tinction before it was called into active service in the Civil War. The country around Markham is one of great natural beauty, of fertility, and healthfulness. The foothills of the Blue Ridge surround Mark- ham on all sides, dividing the landscape into val- le}s and elevated plateaus, covered with forests, grazing fields, and rich farm lands. The old and distinguished Colonial families early moved up to this section and founded a com- munity of rare intelligence, refinement, and good breeding. There were before the war few sections of Virginia which could show such a citizenship of culture and independence as was found around Markham. It was among these people that Turner Ashby was born and raised. It was in this pure atmos- phere of comfort and refinement that he developed those characteristics of courtesy, manliness and 36 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS courage which were so fully exemplified in his after life. As a young man he was noted for his gentleness, modesty and love of outdoor sport. He had great love for the horse and the hound. In the wild chase for the fox over field and fence and in his fondness for the tournament he was noted for being one of the most graceful and skillful riders in the South. As he grew to manhood he became famous as the most successful tournament rider in Virginia and when he appeared in the list the spirit of chivalry was never more beautifully illus- trated than in the Knight of the Black Prince, which character he usually assumed. When the John Brown Raid occurred, in the fall of 1859, Turner Ashby, with his company of cavalry, was among the first volunteer troops to arrive on the scene, and it was on this occasion that he first demonstrated his military daring and skill. He remained on duty at Charlestown with his company until after the execution of John Brown. It was on this service that he made the ac- quaintance of Lee, Jackson, and Stuart, whom he followed in the war between the States, and it was here, too, that he laid the foundation for that relationship with Stonewall Jackson that lasted until his death. The day after Virginia seceded from the Union GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 37 Turner Ashby marched to Harper's Ferry with his company, which was one of the first volunteer com- panies to reach that place. He was assigned at once to outpost duty along the Potomac, and took command of the bridge across the river at Point of Rocks. Here he assembled a battery of ar- tillery, — under Captain Imboden, — and a number of infantry and cavalry, with which he successfully guarded the border line of the State until Harper's Ferry was evacuated. Within less than sixty days he had developed such a keen insight into military affairs that, upon the recommendation of Coloriel Angus McDonald, he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Seventh Virginia Cavalry, then commanded by McDonald. His entire active military life was associated with this regiment, which contained the flower of the best blood of the northern counties of Virginia and of Maryland. Soon after his assignment to the Seventh Vir- ginia he was ordered with his regiment to do duty in Hampshire County and along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Harper's Ferry and Cumberland. Upon his promotion to the lieutenant-colonelcy his brother Richard Ashby was made captain of his old company. Dick Ashby, as he was affectionately called, was three years younger than Turner. For several years he had lived in the then far West, where he 38 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS had had numerous adventures with the Indians and with the rough civilization of that unexplored country; but had returned to his old home just before Virginia seceded. Dick was a larger and handsomer man than Turner, full of fire and dar- ing and cheerfulness of spirit, and was also more demonstrative and showy in social life. In June, 1861, he was sent with a small squad of his com- pany to arrest some LTnion men who were giving trouble as informers. On this expedition he ran into a company of Federal cavalry on the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad, near Hancock, Mary- land. Being largely outnumbered, he was forced to retire along the track of the railroad. He was riding an indifferent horse that fell in attempting to jump a cattle-stop. Dick, being dismounted, took refuge in the stop, where, refusing to sur- render, he fought single handed and alone. He was soon desperately wounded and left for dead. Among other wounds he had received a bayonet stab in the abdomen, which caused his death some eight days later near Romney, to which place he had been taken by his brother Turner, who had come to his rescue and had found him lying by the side of the railroad in an exhausted condition. The death of Dick was a great sorrow to Turner, for the two brothers were devotedly attached to each other. Turner became another man after Dick's death. His life was consecrated to the GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 39 cause of the South, and he dared and risked all in the service of his country. Colonel McDonald was advanced in years and in feeble health. He soon resigned the command of the Seventh Virginia Cavalry to Turner Ashby, who became its leading spirit. He was soon placed in charge of all the cavalry under Stonewall Jackson, and until the close of his earthly career was Jackson's right hand. The popularity of the cavalry service attracted the young riders of the Valley counties to that branch of the service, and before the close of a year there were 26 companies in the Seventh Vir- ginia, under the command of Turner Ashby. The large additions to the regiment made the work of organization and discipline exceedingly difficult and were embarrassing to the efficiency of the serv- ice, which kept the cavalry in constant motion and in almost daily contact with the enemy. These companies were often widely separated, so that a compact regimental organization was impossible; in fact, at no time during the campaign of 1862 were all these companies united for a combined attack upon the Federals. During the fall and early winter months of 1861 Turner Ashby was on the go day and night, covering a wide territory that extended from the Shenandoah at Harper's Ferry along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and Chesapeake and Ohio 40 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS Canal as far west as Cumberland, Md. He and his detached companies were busy destroying the railroad and the dams of the canal along the Poto- mac between Cumberland and Point of Rocks. The activity and physical endurance of Ashby were fireside talks in his camps. His restless and energetic spirit allowed no time for repose and no doubt, contributed in a measure to the want of organization and discipline of the companies com- ing to his command; for Turner Ashby was not a strict disciplinarian by nature. He was a leader, and he relied on his men to follow him. The necessities of the situation, the surroundings, and the character of the men who made up his command made an efficient organization an almost impossible task; for at that time of the war the cavalry service was poorly equipped with military saddles and the comforts of the camp, was armed with double-barrel shot guns and old pistols and rifles, and many of the men were without sabers or had those of a very indifferent kind. In good horsemanship these men excelled, and this fact added to the dash and fury of the charge, the vigorous assault and worry of the enemy, unprepared for the cavalry methods of warfare, gave them a decided advantage. Turner Ashby was probably the first officer in the army to use both cavalry and artillery on the advance and in the retreat against infantry. His GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 41 tactics and strategy were so unorthodox that he confused his opponents and held them in check by their ignorance of his strength and purpose. In the summer of 1861 Ashby added to his com- mand a battery of horse artillery, commanded by Captain R. P. Chew, a young graduate of the Vir- ginia Military Institute. This battery was in almost daily service and was most efficient both in attack and in defense. It undertook to fight infantry or cavalry, was on the firing line at one moment, then would suddenly change position to another hill and resume work, with vigor and daring. Ashby and his cavalry operated entirely in the northern counties of Vir- ginia until Jackson evacuated Winchester, March 12, 1862. When Jackson retired south of Stras- burg General Shields entered Winchester and pushed forward to Strasburg. Shields had in his command 11,000 men and 27 guns, while Jack- son had not more than 4,500, including infantry, cavalry, and artillery. At this time Banks had under his command, in- cluding Shields' division, some 40,000 men oper- ating in the counties of Berkley, Jefferson, Clarke, and Frederick. The division under Sedgwick had been sent to join McClellan in front of Richmond, and the division under Williams had begun its march toward Manassas, March 20, 1862. It was necessarv for Jackson to make an advance 42 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS on Shields, who had now withdrawn from Stras- burg to Winchester. The object of this movement was to force the recall of the Federal troops to the Valley and prevent their union with McClellan. The strategy of Jackson worked well ; for as soon as he had advanced as far north as Kernstown the division under Williams returned to the Valley to protect Shields and to make impossible an inva- sion of Maryland by way of the Valley. On March 22, 1862, Ashby, with 280 cavalry and 3 horse artillery guns, struck the pickets of Shields one mile south of Winchester. A skirmish took place, in which Shields was wounded with a shell. Jackson hurried his command from Wood- stock, and on the 23d arrived at Kernstown, five miles south of Winchester. A general engage- ment was brought on and the battle of Kernstown was bitterly fought. Jackson, whose force was largely outnumbered by that of Shields, was com- pelled to withdraw in the late afternoon. In the battle of Kernstown Turner Ashby, — with less than half of his command together with Chew's battery, — won his first laurels, protecting Jackson's right wing with such courage and ob- stinacy that he saved the infantry on the left from rout, and enabled them to retire in order from the field. Colonel Chew, who commanded the artillery, speaking of Turner Ashby, says : "I have always GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 43 believed his audacity saved General Jackson's army from total destruction at the battle of Kerns- town, Ashby boldly moved forward with his command, consisting of a few companies of cavalry and my three guns, and protecting his men from observation by woods and ravines, opened on them with artillery, and withstood the fire of the ene- my's artillery, sometimes as many as three or four batteries. When the enemy moved forward he dashed upon them with his cavalry. Had the enemy known our strength, or had he not been deceived by the audacity of the movement, they could have swept forward upon the turnpike, turned Jackson's right flank, and cut off his re- treat by way of the turnpike. They, however, made little effort to advance and we remained in our position until Jackson retired to Newtown." After the battle of Kernstown Jackson retired slowly up the Valley. He had accomplished a brilliant strategic movement in forcing the Fed- erals to concentrate their forces in the \'alley. During this retreat, — a retreat that has become famous in the history of the Valley campaigns, — Jackson's rear was ably protected b)^ Ashby's cav- alry and Chew's guns; and no commander en- joyed greater distinction than did Turner Ashby. The subsequent operations of Ashby and his cavalry were confined to the Valley and ended 44 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS with his death on June 6th, 1862. In the great work that Jackson did in defeating Milroy at Mc- Dowell and Banks in the Shenandoah Valley- Turner Ashby ably seconded his chief and shares with him the great distinction that that campaign brought to Jackson and his men. The last time I saw Turner Ashby was the morn- ing following the battle of Front Royal, May 23, 1862. My father and I were riding over the bat- tlefield of the evening before, and as we were re- turning in the direction of home we met him riding in the direction of Winchester, and passed him on the road. He was mounted on a handsome black stallion and was going at a brisk pace, pressing forward to join his command. He made a hur- ried salute and rode on. He had been to the vil- lage to pay the last tribute of respect to Captain Sheetz and Captain Fletcher, two gallant officers of his command, who had been killed the evening before in an engagement at Buckton. Two weeks later Turner Ashby fell, leading the Fifty-eighth Virginia Infantry, in a small engage- ment near Harrisonburg. He had that morning routed and captured Sir Percy Wyndham, a boastful Englishman, colonel of the First New Jersey Cavalry, who had planned to capture Ashby and who wound up by being a prisoner in Ashby's hands. The day was perhaps the most brilliant in his life and he had found great satisfaction in GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 45 capturing the boasting Englishman. In the even- ing of the same day, having undertaken to lead the infantry in the charge on the Pennsylvania Buck Tails, — a regiment of some distinction, — he ad- vanced in front of his men, and fell dead from a wound in his heart. A great deal has been written in prose and verse about Turner Ashby. One of his biographers (Avirett) has eulogized his memory; another (Thomas) has described him as the "Centaur of the South." His deeds and his virtues have been extolled beyond measure. Could he come back to this earth and read what has been written about him, his modesty would be shocked and his pride would be wounded. That his career was phenomenal is true. In less than fourteen months he had been promoted from the position of captain of a small volunteer company of cavalry to the rank of brigadier-gen- eral. He had won his promotion by untiring en- ergy, courage, and devotion to duty. He pos- sessed many of the qualities of the soldier: Courage, energy, coolness, and resourcefulness. His judgment was clear and his character was forceful. If his past was an indication of his future, greater honors and distinctions awaited him. In so short and active a career no man could have made better use of his opportunities. Without military training, he soon grasped the 46 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS essential principles of military operations and played the drama of war with the skill, delicacy of movement, and inspiration of the bom soldier. At the age of 32 he was leading the quiet life of the country gentleman in an atmosphere of refinement and quiet repose. With his horses and hounds and the social life of the farm, he had easy duties and no great responsibilities. At the age of 33 he was in command of large bodies of men, in daily excitement and anxiety, intensely im- pressed with a sense of duty to his country, mov- ing rapidly from place to place with restless en- erg}-, and at all times striving to measure up to the requirements of his position. During this one year he aged rapidl)% changing from the simple life of the young civilian to the larger sphere of the hardened soldier. When death came to him he was in the prime of life, surrounded by a halo of glory. The cause of his country was prospering, and he escaped that sorrow and humiliation of spirit that came later to many of his comrades. In giving this brief sketch of the life of Turner Ashby and of his brother Dick, I may say a few words in regard to the personality of these two men, so unlike in many respects, yet so blended in spirit, motive, and in ties of affection that they were one in action and in devotion to the cause for which they gave up their lives. As a man Turner was as modest as a woman: GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 47 the soul of honor, courage, and manliness, while his ideals were high and his devotion to the South gave full play to all his emotions and sentiments. It was these qualities that gave to his character a type of heroism that has brought more distinc- tion to his name and greater satisfaction to his family than his military record. He was at all times a gentleman, a loyal friend and an affection- ate relative; gentle in manner and thought, ret- icent in speech. While always genial and com- panionable, he was a man of few words, free from gossip and anecdote, and a good listener rather than a fluent talker. Whether in the social life of camp, on the march or on the firing line, he never harangued or gave utterance to wordy exclama- tions. His mind was intent, rather serious, and filled with a keen sense of responsibility. He led the charge with the wave of his hat or of his sword and the clarion cry: "Come on, boys. Give it to them !" giving this command or that as the situ- ation presented itself. He directed by action rather than by command ; losing sight, in a manner, of the higher functions of the commander of men by means of written instructions and explicit de- tails, he was carried away by his own spirit of dare and do, and relied upon his men to follow him instead of forcing them into action. With this heedlessness of danger and with the eager desire to do personal service as an actual com- 48 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS batant, he exposed himself to many unnecessary risks and failed at times to get the most efficient service from his men. His personal achievements were phenomenal and perhaps attracted more attention than did the work of his command. He was always in the front; and in the charge or in the fray he was alive with fire and energy. He used his pistol and sword with vigorous effect, and often he did the fighting he should have required of his sub- ordinates. His love of adventure and of horse- back exercise led him to go by himself on long and hazardous scouting rides, and he also often made his rounds of inspection alone. Ashby's horses were as well known in the army as the man who rode them. A coal black stallion and a pure white one were his usual mounts. These two noble animals entered into the spirit and excitement of their master's life with all the energy and fire of their rider. They swiftly and safely bore him from place to place and gave a picture of knightly prowess that was an inspira- tion to the men of his command. There was a singular admixture of military ability and of chivalric bearing in Turner Ashby; and when these two qualities met they were often antagonistic; and his skill as a commander was often overmatched by his chivalrous instincts. GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 49 He was too deeply intent upon his individual prowess, — too easily influenced by the excitement and danger of battle to give to the organization and discipline of his command the personal atten- tion that military requirements demanded. His command was too often dispersed and scattered to produce the most effective results. It is mar- vellous how he accomplished as much as he did. His success must be attributed to a small band of men who clung to his person, followed his leader- ship and dared to do what he recklessly did. Whatever position Turner Ashby made as a soldier, his record rests more on his heroic char- acter, his pure and unselfish nature, and his devo- tion to duty. In battle he had the courage and daring that no difficulties could overcome. When the battle was over he was the mildest of the mild, the gentlest of the gentle, — tender, thoughtful, and kind to friend or enemy in dis- tress. There were no brutal instincts in his na- ture. He fought for the sake of conscience, and duty held full control over every passion and am- bition. His sweetness of disposition, his man- liness of character, the purity of his soul, will ever hold his memory dear in loving minds and hearts. Dick Ashby, too, was a very handsome man, — large, well-built, and commanding in person. In so THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS disposition he was social, lively, and cheerful. His morals and character were built on the gentle- man's code. He was a manly man with the courage and dash of the cavalier. He entered into the life of the soldier with the energy and passion of a strong na- ture, and but for his short military life of less than three months he would, no doubt, have achieved distinction as a soldier. He died from wounds unnecessarily inflicted by a brutal soldier, after he had been shot a number of times and lay pros- trate on the ground. It was this act of barbarity that so angered his brother Turner and made him the desperate foe he soon became. Turner never forgave this brutal murder of Dick, but in his revenge he never inflicted cruel punishment upon individuals. In the heat of combat he fought in the open like a tiger; but when the combat was over he was compassionate toward the wounded and the prisoner. After an engagement his first act was to care for the wounded with the gentleness of a woman. Dick received his mortal wounds on the morn- ing of June 26,1861. Owing to his great vitality he lingered eight days and died at the home of Colonel George Washington, six miles north of Romney. Turner was in constant attendance during his illness and did all a loving heart could do to soothe the pains of his dying brother. GENERAL TURNER ASHBY 51 After Dick's death Turner Ashby wrote the fol- lowing words to his sister: "Poor Dick went into the war like myself, not to regard himself or our friends, but to serve our country in this time of peril. I know your Ma and Mary will all be too good soldiers to grudge giving to your country the dearest sacrifice you could provide. . . . His country has lost the serv- ices of a brave man, with a strong arm, which he proved to her enemies in losing his life. . . . I had rather it had been myself. He was younger and had one more tie to break than I." I had him buried in a beautiful cemetery at Romney. . . . I lose the strength of his arm in the fight and the companion of my social hours. I mean to bear it as a soldier, and not as one who in this time of sacrifice regards only his own loss." Turner Ashby was killed on the evening of June 6, 1862, — eleven months after Dick's death. He was buried in the cemetery of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. In the fall of 1866 the bodies of Turner and Dick Ashby were re- interred in the beautiful Mt. Hebron cemetery at Winchester, Va., where they now sleep, sur- rounded by their companions in arms and eight hundred and fifteen other soldiers, who are cov- ered by a mound, above which rises a monument to the "I Unknown Dead." 2 This no doubt refers to his engagement to be married. 52 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS "Bold as the Lion Heart — Dauntless and brave; Knightly as knightliest Bayard could crave ; Sweet — with all Sidney's grace — Tender as Hampden's face — Who, who shall fill the space, Void by his grave?" Mrs. Preston. CHAPTER V AN INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. HOSPITALS IN OUR VILLAGE The months following the opening of the war were crowded with activity and excitement. Our village was filled with visitors, soldiers, and parties passing through on their way to the seat of war. Each day brought some new event, some reminder of the struggle into which our country had en- tered. After our two companies had left for the front our citizens were busy preparing in many ways for the comforts of the boys in the army. The women, — young and old, — organized sewing societies and made clothing and other articles for the personal use of the soldier. Cooks were busy preparing food supplies, — such as hams, poultry, bread, cakes, and pies, — which were packed in boxes and shipped almost daily to the members of the companies or to the officers in command. I remember that my mother shipped a large box to the Confederate general in command at Ma- nassas, and in going over my father's papers I find the following interesting correspondence between her and General Bonham. 53 54 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS Front Royal, Warren County, Va. June 6th, 1861. General M. L. Bonham^ Com??iander C. S. A. Dear Sir : I have the pleasure, upon the part of the ladies of our little village, of presenting to 5'ou and through you to the gallant officers and men under your command, a lot of Virginia cured hams, with other substantial of life, which have been prepared; and you will please accept as a voluntary contribution to your usual rations, and as evidencing our appreciation of the sacrifice you make in coming to the assistance of our honored old Commonwealth in this her hour of need. Al- low us to say that as wives we know how to sympa- thize with those you have left in deep anxiety for their absent husbands; as mothers, our hearts yearn in tender love for their young, inexperienced, but chivalrous sons; as sisters there is a ceaseless throb for our brothers' care, which knoweth not rest, and as ladies, our voices mingle in grateful strains to cheer and encourage you to deeds of valor. We know that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong; and vain is he who trusteth in the arm of flesh. May we, therefore, all look for suc- cess to Him who calmeth the seas and rideth upon the waves, trusting He may so lead and direct as to restore peace to our borders and give separation from our assailants. We believe in the justice INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE SS of our cause and rely on the valor of our men. Very respectfully yours, Elizabeth A. Ashby. Manassas Junction, Va., June 6th, 1861. Mrs. Ashby. My Dear Madam: The very acceptable present from the patriotic ladies of Front Royal is just received, and will be disposed of according to their wishes. Allow me, Madam, to return to the ladies the heartfelt thanks of the entire command for their kind consideration, not only in sending us these very appropriable good things, but also for their generous sympathy for those near and dear ones we have left behind us. Whatever sacrifice we make in giving our services to the common cause on the soil of the great "Old Do- minion" is much lightened by the frank and gen- erous hospitality of the citizens of Virginia, — especially the ladies. Accept in behalf of yourself and the ladies you represent our sincere wishes for your own and their prosperity and happiness. Very truly yours, M. L. BONHAM, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. 56 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS At about this time our village began to be a place for the care of the sick and wounded brought by rail from Manassas. When the wounded were but a few, the sick men were taken into the homes of the people and cared for until restored to health; but as the number of patients grew it soon became necessary to establish a hospital for the overflow. Our old Academy building was first pressed into service. Benches and desks were removed, and beds were established. It was soon over- crowded, however, and the court-house and two of the churches were converted into hospitals; and later, owing to the accommodations still being in- adequate, additional quarters were required. The Confederate Government then began to erect three large hospital buildings on lots adjacent to the village, in accordance with a plan that provided for a large hospital plant, and the work was pushed with vigor. After the first battle of Manassas the arrival of the wounded and sick was so large that every bit of available space was utilized. All of our peo- ple, especially our women, were kept busy looking after the needs of this rapidly growing popula- tion. Too much cannot be said about the zeal and faithful services of our women. They went into the kitchens and prepared dainties, visited the INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE 57 wards and gave personal attention to the sick, looked after beds and bedding, and in many ways added to the comfort of the hospital inmates. In their patriotism and unselfish service no act of self-sacrifice was neglected. But for our women, these sick soldiers would have fared badly; for the overcrowding and inefficient hospital service were at times deplorable. I well remember the sorrow at the first death in the hospital, — the death of a man from a Southern State, who had left a wife and children in his far-away home to serve his country. He had been brought from Manassas with a severe attack of fever, which carried him off a few days after his arrival at the hospital. His funeral and burial were marked by the most profound respect. A small military company, on guard duty in the village, turned out to give him a military funeral. With fife and drum the company marched to the yet unused spot that had been selected for a sol- diers' cemetery. Our citizens, — men and women, boys and girls, — turned out to follow the remains of this poor fellow to the cemetery, his last resting- place. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the early fall and the exercises were made most impressive by the large company that had as- sembled to pay respect to the dead soldier. When the casket was deposited in the grave a squad of soldiers fired a salute over the grave and paid all 58 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the military honors possible on such an occa- sion. The solemnity and pathos of that first soldier's burial was made most striking by comparison with other ceremonies that soon followed. A few days later a second death occurred in the hospital. This poor fellow was escorted to his grave by a few citizens and a squad of soldiers that fired a salute and then retired. Very soon another poor fellow died, and this one was buried in the simplest way. As the days came and went deaths followed so rapidly that the new cemetery grew and grew till it soon became a city of the dead; indeed, God's acre was filled so fast that within a few months over one hundred bodies were sleeping under the sod, now consecrated by the devotion of our peo- ple, — a field not filled with men who lost their lives in battle, but who died from disease con- tracted in camp. As the men were buried, wooden head-boards were placed at their graves giving name, date of death, and regiment. This care was exercised for a time but later many unknown were placed in the ground, — men whom it has never been possible to identify. Many of them were from the States further South, North Caro- lina being largely represented. An incident that occurred at this time gave me much distress. In one of the hospitals near my INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE 59 home there was a tall, lean, pale-faced boy, not over 18 years of age, — a member of the Eleventh North Carolina Regiment, — who had entered the hospital as a convalescent from camp fever and was able to take exercise in the yard. His deli- cate and refined features and depressed spirits greatly excited the interest of his companions who tried to cheer him up by making good-natured fun of his homesickness. However, the poor boy grew weaker day by day, then took to his bed, and within a week's time was buried. His name was Joseph Hoover, and his grave can be found in the soldiers' lot. No doubt his parents and friends have thought of him as lying buried on some field of battle among the unknown dead, as do many who have long since been forgotten. And speak- ing of such burials I recall that in my own county several hundred men belonging to the Northern and Southern armies were so hastily buried where they fell in action that their graves were torn open by wild animals and their bones scattered over the ground, and are now dissolved in clay by the hand of time. During the winter of 1864 I saw a number of graves of this type. Dogs had dug up the remains, and there were bones under bushes, under rock piles, or scattered all over the ground. These things were all that was left of men who had been killed in battle and whose bodies had remained unburied for days until 6o THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS some of our citizens had hurriedly covered their remains with dirt and stones as best they could. I recall the remains of a poor fellow who was mortally wounded in a charge through a deep ravine, filled with loose stone and wild brush, under which he had crawled, and there died. His body had not been discovered until winter had killed the brush that had concealed it. When found his bones were bleaching under the frost of winter. Such cases were not unusual. Often bodies were found in wild mountain gorges ; in the beds of rivers, or in some unfrequented place death had come either by sickness or by a wound. These are a few of the tragedies of war, — in- evitable when men appeal to the use of arms for the control of governmental power. CHAPTER VI VISIT TO MANASSAS. IN WINTER QUARTERS The first battle of Manassas had been fought with brilliant success to the Southern cause. The affairs of the Confederacy were in a most hopeful condition. Our people were moved with deepest patriotism and every preparation was being made to advance the welfare of the armies now defend- ing our rights. Our farmers were busy making and gathering in their crops. Every industry was employed in making arms, ammunition, and mili- tary supplies. Men were being recruited, organ- ized into companies, and sent to the front for serv- ice. ' All of these activities indicated that the peo- ple of the South would make every resistance pos- sible against the Federal forces now invading their soil. Our village occupied a strong strategic position and was used as a base where supplies were col- lected from adjacent counties for shipment to Manassas, where men were gathered for enlist- ment and drilled, and where the sick and wounded were cared for until ready for service again. So crowded were the hospitals at times it became necessary to take many of the convalescents into 6i 62 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the homes of different families. For weeks at a time every available room in my home was occu- pied by some convalescent soldier. With the opening of the fall months I had to take up regular school work. There were, how- ever, too many important events taking place to admit of a boy's giving much attention to books and studies. At this time we had the greatest abundance of food supplies and plenty of servants to wait on the guests in our home. The home of every family in the village and surrounding country was filled to overflowing as was my own; for the hos- pitality of our people knew no limit and their kindness to the Confederate soldier, whether sick or well, was unbounded. During the winter months active military opera- tions were suspended and the armies were held in winter quarters, where they had only the lighter duties to discharge. The boys from our county frequently came home on furlough, and our people often made visits to the boys in camp at Manassas. Trains leaving the village at an early hour in the morning arrived at Manassas by nine or ten o'clock and returned late in the afternoon, thus giving visitors some six or eight hours' stay in camp. I remember once making this trip in the early fall with my father, mother, and a few friends. We carried with us a large box of pro- VISIT TO MANASSAS 63 visions for the boys in camp and spent the day there with the then happy fellows. They were living in tents, but were comfortably fixed, with only light duties to perform and experiencing all the pleasures of gay companionship. The hard- ships of military service had not up to this time been felt. We passed a most pleasant day in camp with the soldier boys from our county, and had a fair view of the life of the soldier. At the time of our visit it was estimated there were some 30,000 troops camped in and near Manassas, — a place that had at that time only a few hundred actual population. Located at the junction of two railroads, — one leading from the Valley of Virginia, and the other from Richmond and points south, — with a single-track road ex- tending from Manassas to Alexandria and Wash- ington on the Potomac, it had been selected as a military post on account of its connections. After the first battle of Manassas, July 21, 1861, the Federal army had withdrawn its main force to Washington and the south bank of the Potomac; and there were a few outposts between Alexandria and Manassas, the intervening terri- tory being held by scouts, raiding parties, and small encampments on outpost duty. At Manassas the Confederate army was acting on the defensive. Large forts and fortifications had been built, — or were in process of building, — 64 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS and the place had been put in a very strong posi- tion for defense. It was believed at that time that the Federal line of invasion would follow the line of railroad that led through Manassas. While the Confederate troops were being gathered and organized at Manassas it was known that large Federal forces were assembling in Washing- ton and that preparations on a large scale were being made for the invasion of Virginia in the spring. General Geo. B. McClellan had been placed in command of the Federal army and he began to forge the weapon that was to play the chief role in the subjugation of the South. Every resource at the command of the Federal Government was brought to bear in the work of preparation and or- ganization. It was known that more than 200,- 000 men, at the command of the Federal Govern- ment, were in arms at the time. While the North and Northwest were pouring in their volunteers to swell the Union army the Confederate Govern- ment was singularly apathetic. It failed to realize the vast importance of the thorough organ- ization and equipment of its military forces and allowed the winter of 1861 to pass without making an aggressive movement. By holding its forces on the defensive, it allowed the Federal armies to remain in camp and perfect their organizations for VISIT TO MANASSAS 65 aggressive movements in the following spring and summer. After the brilliant victory at Manassas the South seemed to develop a spirit of overconfidence in her resources, — a confidence that was not justi- fied. She magnified her own prowess and mini- mized that of her enemy. Of the Southern gen- erals Beauregard and Stonewall Jackson were in favor of an aggressive movement, advocating the invasion of Maryland and an assault on Wash- ington, The Confederate authorities decided to remain on the defensive and assented to the policy adopted by the Federals. This policy gave the North an abundance of time to prepare for a war of gigantic proportions. The South had at the same time the opportunity to equip its armies with arms, ammunition, and military supplies from foreign countries, as her ports were then open to European countries. The South had at that time millions of bales of cotton that could have been shipped to England and sold for money that would have given the Confederate Government a financial backing sufficient to pur- chase and outfit a navy, — a navy that would have embarrassed that of the Federal Government and would have kept the Southern ports open. The theory of the Confederate authorities was that the withholding of her cotton would force 66 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the European powers to recognize the Confederate Government. This theory was adopted in prac- tice, at least; for the Confederate authorities allowed the opportunity to pass during the first year of the war and after that time it was too late. No one can now say what might have been the difference in the result of the war had the Government at Richmond been controlled with the same wisdom and sound maxims of business policy as was that at Washington. The historian may speculate on such matters, but, in the light of facts, the man of common sense can easily see that the South owed her defeat to her civil policies, not to her armies. About the 1st of November Stonewall Jackson was promoted to the rank of major-general and assigned to the command of the Shenandoah Val- ley. He made his headquarters at Winchester, having with him a force of less than 5,000 men. The Federal army opposing numbered some 28,000 men, who were placed at different points along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad from Point of Rocks to Cumberland. General Jackson was alive to the situation and kept his forces in action during the greater part of the winter. While the Confederate army was stationed at Winchester our village was within the Confederate lines, and our people were not disturbed by the fear of the enemy. VISIT TO MANASSAS 67 The winter was full of activity. With four hospitals filled with the sick, and many private homes caring for the convalescents, there was little time for tranquillity. Everyone seemed to be em- ployed, our women giving personal attention to the care of the sick. I cannot claim that these serious duties absorbed all the time of our women, — it certainly did not monopolize the time of the younger set, for the social life of the village was kept in a whirl of excitement by numerous private entertainments, dances, and musicales, in which the convalescent soldier, the boys at home on fur- lough, and the young girls were brought together. The game of love was played with as much ardor as the game of war. In this way the winter months soon rolled around and, with the approach of spring, thoughts were turned to other fancies than those of love. It was during the fall and winter of 1861 that the new Confederate bank notes began to circulate, and with this new currency came a flood of State bank paper, corporation paper, and small shin- plasters, issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, and 50 cents by any individual engaged in commercial business. A watchmaker in our village, with a combined capital of less than $1,000, issued his notes, made payable at the close of the war, and then as opportunities were presented, passed them out in change for purchases or for other notes. 68 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The capacity of the printing press seemed to be the only limit to the issue of this bogus currency. From the Government down to the small dealer, paper money was poured out in such abundance as was never before witnessed. Money of every description, except in the form of metal, was in the freest circulation. Everybody had money and everybody felt rich, — even those who had never before known the sensation of having money. Mone}' became cheap and everything else grew in value. A few who had property to sell accepted this money in payment and converted it into Con- federate bonds. Small fortunes soon grew in this paper security that had no other value than the promise of the newly organized Government back of it. So intense was the spirit of patriotism that many of our well-to-do citizens were induced to sell their personal property and invest in Confederate bonds. This was one way they had of giving support to a Government that based all its credit on the loyalty, of its people and none upon sound and conserva- tive measures of financial policy. I was present at a private discussion between several of our best citizens on the financial policy of the Government, in which they expressed the opinion that the Gov- ernment would fall because of its own inefficiency rather than by the arms of the enemy. They held that a public credit that had no basis of strength VISIT TO MANASSAS 69 other than moral support would crumble under its own weight. Patriotism, they claimed, would raise armies and fight battles, but it could not arm, clothe, and feed men. During the winter of 1861 it became quite evident to men like my father and to other leading citizens, that the Gov- ernment at Richmond was full of weakness and inefficiency. They recognized the symptoms of a disease for which they could offer no remedy. However, at this time an intense patriotism buoyed them up to hope that conditions would improve and that the arms of the South would overbalance the defects of the civil administra- tion. CHAPTER VII FEDERAL INVASION OF THE SHENANDOAH VAL- LEY. BATTLE OF KERNSTOWN. STORMY DAYS In the spring of 1862 it was announced that Ma- nassas would be evacuated by the Confederate army, and that the Federal attack would be made by way of the Peninsula. The Confederate forces were transferred to the Peninsula, with the ad- vanced lines at Williamsburg, Va. After the evacuation of Manassas the hospitals in our vil- lage were closed, and all Government supplies were moved into the interior. Notice was given that our people would soon be within the enemy's lines. During the latter part of February General Banks, with an army of some 40,000 men, crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and began the in- vasion of the Shenandoah Valley. The army at Manassas withdrew to Orange Court House on March 8, which left the Confederate lines in the Valley exposed, and made it necessary for General Jackson to withdraw to a higher position in the Valley. On March 1 1, 1862, Winchester was evacuated 70 STORMY DAYS 71 by the Confederates, and on the following day General Shields, with a division of 11,000 men, took possession of the place. Jackson then fell back to Strasburg and upon Shields' advance he retreated to Woodstock, twelve miles further south. The army under Banks consisted of three divisions, aggregating about 40,000 men. Two of these divisions had been sent to reinforce McClellan, leaving Shields, with over 15,000 men, to watch Jackson, with less than 5,000. Shields withdrew from Strasburg to Winchester and Jack- son followed him as far as Kernstown, about five miles south of Winchester, where on March 23rd, he engaged Shields in battle. The battle of Kernstown was bitterly contested, Jackson, — having less than 4,000 men opposed to Shields' 9,000, — was forced to retire from the field, but he held his men in good order. The battle while a tactical defeat was a strategic vic- tory for the Confederates, since it recalled to the Valley the troops sent to the aid of McClellan, and relieved the pressure that McClellan was making against the Confederate forces on the Peninsula. And Jackson, with his small force of some 4,000 men, kept some 40,000 Federal troops in the Valley, thus preventing a reenforcement of McClellan. For the next thirty days Jackson was busily manceuvering with the Federal forces to hold them 72 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS in the Valley. His army now numbered about 6,000 men, nearly one-half being cavalry. On April 30th he went from Elk Run Valley, leaving General Ewell, — who had recently joined him, — with 8,000 men, to watch the movements of the enemy, east of Harrisonburg, crossed over the Blue Ridge into eastern Virginia and then returned by rail to Staunton. After reaching Staunton by this indirect route Jackson united his forces with those of General Edward Johnson, who had about 2,800 men, and marched west along the pike leading from Staunton to McDowell, where the Federal forces under General Milroy had been concentrated. On May 8th Jackson attacked Milroy and soon won the victory of McDowell, driving the Federal forces back into the mountains of West Virginia. On May 12th Jackson returned to the Valley and took position on the pike between Staunton and Harrisonburg, where he organized that move- ment that soon went into history as the Valley Campaign, — the most brilliant achievement in the War between the States. I must now return to the narrative of events that took place in our village while the movements in the Valley were going on. The withdrawal of the Confederate forces from Winchester, and the retreat up the Valley placed our county within the Federal lines. The hopes of our people were STORMY DAYS 73 greatly depressed and all fully realized the gravity of the situation. We were left to the invasion of the enemy and felt the apprehension that an enemy's presence is sure to create. Many of our people had shipped their most valuable horses, cattle, and other personal property within the Con- federate lines, only keeping at home such stock as was needed for farming purposes. Stores and business houses were closed, but our farmers went on cultivating their crops with as much diligence as conditions would permit; for at this stage of the war we did not know what effect an invading army would have upon the lives and property of our people, — whether all rights would be swept away, or our old men, women, and children would be insulted, imprisoned, and maltreated, and our property confiscated. At that time some con- fidence was held in the humanity and justice of the Federal Government, which was believed to be conducting its war against men in arms and not against non-combatants. All knew that the war was for subjugation of the seceding States, a restoration of the Union, and the emancipation of the negro. However, the means by which these results would be brought about were not fully understood ; for at that time the bitter experiences of civil war had not been tested. Soon after the Confederate forces were with- drawn from our village, we were surprised on the 74 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS afternoon of March 27th by a raid of Federal cavalry, consisting of one company, commanded by Captain David Strother, a Virginian by birth, better known under the nom de plume^ "Porte Crayon." The company dashed into the village, halted in front of the hotel in the Public Square for some fifteen minutes, and after asking a few questions, seeming satisfied with their investigation, they turned their backs on the crowd that had as- sembled to see the men who wore the blue. Looking back over these stormy days of war, I recall the fact that there were several Union men in our county who took no part in the great civil strife, but who used their influence to defend our people, — who respected their opinions because they were conscientious and honest, — against the cruel spirit of our Northern invaders. They were known to the Northern army as Union sympa- thizers, but as non-combatants; and on all occa- sions they were ready to assist our people in the recovery of property that had been taken by the Union army or to intercede for those who had been unjustly imprisoned. The services of these Union men were invaluable. In one instance some negroes belonging to one of our prominent citizens ran away in the night and took with them a wagon and four horses. They were traced to the Federal lines, and their STORMY DAYS 75 owner, taking with him one of these Union sym- pathizers, went to the camp, made claim to the horses and wagon, and secured their return from General Milroy, the officer in command. The negroes were left to their freedom, for they were an untrustworthy, unreliable, and sorry crowd. In justice I must say that no Union man in our community was either spy or renegade, but sought to live peacefully with both sides engaged in a fratricidal strife, knowing full well that the pas- sions of men engaged in civil war could only be subdued by the survival of the strongest. War has no respect for the individual. It has no sym- pathy for the weak. It seeks only to advance the interests of the strong. Those who appeal to its decision must accept its results. After this first visit of Federal cavalry our peo- ple soon became accustomed to the sight of the Federal troops. From day to day small bodies of soldiers or raiding parties came to the village. The place became a stamping-ground for the men of both armies. One day the Confederates came to see us, and the next day the Federals. Between the two we were kept in a state of constant ex- citement, bordering sometimes on anxiety, some- times on hope. During these months the domestic life of the community was filled with innumerable disturb- ances; anxiety, fear, joy, and sorrow found place 76 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS in every heart. There was not a family that did not have a father, brother, son or some other rela- tive in the Confederate army, — relatives who had enlisted in different commands located in Vir- ginia or in the Western army. All these men were exposed to the dangers and casualties ot war; and though there was a constant communication by letter between the loved ones at home and the absent soldier, the mails were irregular and un- certain; days frequently passed before the results of a battle were known. The Richmond newspapers were sought eagerly, but items of news were often unsatisfactory. The progress of the war was so uncertain, — apparently so hopeless, — that the success of our arms seemed clouded in doubt. We were now in the enemy's territory; our lives and property were exposed to death and confiscation, our homes were open to the insults and cruelty of an invading army that was seeking to trample upon our liberties and destroy our institutions. The only hope that ani- mated our people was the belief that everyone had in the justice of our cause, and in the patriotism and valor of our armies. Those unable to take part in the military service, — our old men, our women, and the children of tender age, — remained firm in spirit and daring in purpose. Willing to endure every privation, to make every sacrifice, they sent words of love and encouragement to their STORMY DAYS 77 kindred in arms, inspiring them to deeds of valor and heroism. Our old men and boys were busy- in the fields with their crops, sewing seed which would bear crops for the enemy to gather or destroy. Our women, young and old, were busy with the loom, spinning-wheel, and needle, mak- ing their own apparel or that of their friends in the army. All attempts at ornamentation were abandoned: our men were clothed in the plainest woolen or cotton fabric, our women, in homespun dresses dyed with the bark or root of trees. In food, as in raiment, there was simplicity and tem- perance. As the war continued from year to year these methods adopted in 1862 were enforced with greater rigidity. CHAPTER VIII FEDERAL TROOPS IN THE VILLAGE. THE SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH Though small bodies of Federal troops were fre- quently seen in Front Royal, it was not until May 14, 1862, that a large body of soldiers en- camped near us. This occurred when the division of General Shields, on its retreat from the Upper Valley, passed our way and went into camp for several days in the suburbs. As the weather was cold and rainy, and the roads were in the worst condition possible for travel, the men were muddy, wet, jaded, and looked most miserable. Then, too, they had seen hard service in following Stone- wall Jackson through his wanderings in the Valley. There came to our home at this time a Federal officer, Col. Thos. C. McDowell, in command of a Pennsylvania regiment in Shields' Division, who asked for quarters for himself and staff. His re- quest was granted and he was entertained by my parents with as much courtesy as was possible under the existing conditions. My father soon learned that he was a gentleman of culture and refinement, a Democrat, and a much dissatisfied 78 FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 79 soldier. Colonel McDowell soon became very confidential and related his history to my father with a frankness that was pathetic. It seems that at the beginning of the war he was editing a Democratic paper in a large city in Pennsylvania. Being a Union man and what was known as a War Democrat, he had been given a commission as Colonel of a regiment of volunteers by the Governor of his State and in this capacity he had entered the army. He was a man with a family, one of his sons being a lieutenant in his regiment. While a guest in my home he expressed to my father his dissatisfaction with the policy of the Federal Government both in its purpose and in its conduct of the war. He said he had en- tered the army under the conviction that the war was for the restoration of the Union, but he had discovered that its main purpose was to destroy the institution of slavery. With the latter pur- pose he had no sympathy. He then told my father that he had decided to resign his commis- sion in the army and resume his duties as editor of his paper which was opposed to what he con- ceived to be the policy of the Government. During the few days this officer was in our home we became strongly attracted to him, and when he left we had no thought of ever seeing him again. Later I will tell of a visit he made to our home a few weeks afterward. 8o THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS General Shields' army remained in camp only two da}S and then crossed the Blue Ridge into eastern Mrginia. Shortly after this the First Maryland Federal Regiment, under the command of Colonel J. R. Kenly, went into camp on a high hill one mile north of our village. It was a large and well-organized regiment, made up almost entirely of Maryland men. With the regiment was a battery of artillery. Two com- panies were detached and stationed in the village as a guard for the Provost-Marshal, whose office was in the hotel. Outposts and pickets were stationed on the main roads that led into the vil- lage. These Maryland men were well behaved, orderh', and kind to our people, and they created a good impression. At this time all private property was protected, and, when needed for the use of the army, was paid for. The soldiers paid for the small things they wanted, such as milk, pies, cakes, and fruit. There was no disposition to rob or pillage. Colonel Kenly camped on land owned by an estate of which my father was the administrator, and he gave an order on the Gov- ernment to indemnify the estate for the use of grass and other property taken by the men of his command. Though the Government never re- spected his order and has never paid for the property the men took, it was not due to any fault of Colonel Kenly. He was a gentleman and re- FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 81 spected the rights of the citizens; which is more than can be said for the Government for which he was fighting. His action indicated that the Federal authorities were fighting men in arms and not robbing and destroying the property of un- armed citizens. Even the Confederate authori- ties were not at that time more considerate of the rights of our citizens than were Colonel Kenly and his men. Had a policy like his been adopted during the subsequent years of the war, it is more than probable that peace would have been made sooner and without so fearful a waste of life and property. It was for the reason that the policy of the Federal Government with regard to the people of the South during the last two years of the war was so exasperating to the men, women, and even children of that section, that no sacrifice was con- sidered too great to make in defense of their lives and property. WTien it became a war of exter- mination few shrank from the hardships inflicted on them; for life and property seemed of less value to the Southerners than freedom from tyranny and oppression. And that is why fathers and mothers, wives and sisters, bore their sorrow with stoicism when their loved ones fell in battle. Only those who lived through the storm of war, — who experi- enced the hardships and sorrows of a brutal and 82 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS inhuman struggle, — can fully realize the suffer- ings, the sorrows, and the courage of the Southern women, of the old men, and even of children of tender age when brought face to face with starva- tion and death. We will never know how many innocent lives were destroyed, what brilliant hopes were crushed by the conditions that sur- rounded the non-combatants, nor how many actually perished from disease due to starvation. Even at this late day, when I think of that time of war, and recall the many incidents that came under my personal notice, I often wonder how so many lived through them, — how the spirit of men, women, and children could have endured the situa- tion presented to them. But I must not dwell upon these now long-for- gotten incidents, for the boys of my generation were then too young to bear arms and now should be too old to remember the hardships of a struggle that came into their lives when the fire and pas- sion of coming manhood were fiercest. We boys were everywhere, we saw everything, we grew up in an atmosphere in which human suffering and human life were the cards with which men played the game of life and chance. To be wounded, to be killed, to die in hospital or in home from dis- ease contracted in camp were daily experiences. And if such happenings did not come there was no excitement, — nothing to arouse the deeper pas- FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 83 sions, nothing to create an interest in the day's adventure. Each year as the war advanced the boys older than myself, — whose companionship I shared, — enlisted in the army; and though still of tender age, they made gallant soldiers, doing faithful service in their country's cause. One by one these boys were cut down with wounds or killed in battle. They were little better than targets for the enemy's bullets, for, knowing little of the cau- tion of men experienced in war, they rushed wildly into danger and lost their lives from heed- less exposure. Of the ten boys who were my schoolmates during the winter of 1862-3 four were inmates of hospitals and five were killed in battle before the close of the war. Four of these boys, who had scarcely passed their sixteenth birthday, enlisted during the spring of 1864, and were killed in battle before the end of the year. I mention these facts to show the spirit of our people and the sacrifices that were made necessary by the fortunes of war; for when parents and rela- tives were willing to give their sons and their dearest ones of tender age to the defense of the South the limit of heroic sacrifice had been nearly reached. When the surrender came I had scarcely reached my sixteenth birthday, yet my father had selected the company and the branch of service in which I was to enlist, and a few weeks' prolonga- 84 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS tion of the struggle would have seen me an en- listed soldier, and in all probability I would not have lived to write this story. It was a common remark that the Confederate Government had robbed the cradle and the grave in its demand for men. The conscript officer had raked our country as with a fine-tooth comb, and had left only feeble old men and small boys, unfit for military service. In fact, so few men had been left to cultivate the soil and care for our women and children that our people would have been almost destitute but for our faithful negro men and women. When the Federal troops seized our village but few of the negroes left their masters. The vast majority consented to remain with their owners and work for our people. Only one of my father's negroes ran away. Two of our faithful old negroes, Lewis and Susan, took possession of our property and rendered an invaluable service. Uncle Lewis cultivated the land and took care of what live stock was left us, while Susan managed the kitchen, dairy, and poultry. These two old servants were as careful of my father's interests as if they owned everything on the place. The persons who charge the Southern people with harshness and brutality to the negro slave can have no better answer to their foul slander than the behavior of the negro population toward the women and children of their masters during the FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 85 war. Though urged to acts of violence, they re- mained loyal and kind to the people who owned them, protected their lives and property and ren- dered a domestic service that no servile race would have discharged if the bonds of servitude had held them. Though free after the first year of the war to leave their homes and go North, only a few took advantage of this opportunity. Those that remained were as respectful, obedient, and loyal as though a war for their liberation was not in progress. In many instances these faithful old family servants showed their devotion to the peo- ple who had raised them, and who, according to the Northern idea, had enslaved and maltreated them. The baseness and falseness of this idea was re- pudiated by the slave himself. Thistles do not bear figs, nor does servitude bring love and loyalty for the oppressor. If the Southern land was de- based b)^ the blighting influence of slavery^ why was the negro so slow in trying to break the shackles? Why, when the opportunity came, did he not rise, with brutal passion, and resent the wrongs that had been heaped upon him by his master'? We know, as a matter of fact, that during the war, with very few exceptions, the negroes manifested no violence nor insurrection but were submissive, kind, and loyal to the people that were fighting to hold them in slavery. Why 86 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS are these facts as stated"? An explanation will be found, I believe, in the character and disposi- tion of the negro race; and then, too, the older and more intelligent negroes believed that their race was not yet prepared to profit by freedom. The negroes were, in the main, a happy and contented people, unwilling to assume the re- sponsibilities that their independence would bring them. They realized the fact that when brought into an industrial competition with the white race they would experience greater hardship than had ever been their lot in slavery. They foresaw that several generations must come and go before the privileges of freedom would equal those of slavery. The results of reconstruction and the present con- dition of the negro race in the South have demon- strated the correctness of these opinions if one is willing to investigate the facts, with an open mind. The older negroes were the first to experience the bitter fruits of their liberation, while the younger generations have, as a race, failed to reach the standard that their emancipators had hoped for. It is true that during the progress of the war a large number of negroes were enlisted in the Federal army and took sides with the North. If we study the influences that led to this service in behalf of the Union it will be found that the bounty money, the pay for military service, the excitement and display of the soldier's life had FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 87 more to do with their enlistment than motives of patriotism or a spirit of revenge toward the slave- owner of the South. In the Confederate army there were numbers of negro men who served as teamsters, orderlies and employees. These negroes were as loyal to the South as were those of their race in the service of the North. Had the Confederate Government enlisted and armed the negro, there is little doubt that he would have made an efBcient and cou- rageous soldier in the Southern ranks. The policy of the Confederate Government was to keep the negro a non-combatant and to make use of his services as a laborer in the field or on public works, such as forts and fortifications. Many of the negroes remained on the farms and plantations and raised supplies for the armies in the field. There were probably two strong considerations which led to this policy; the stronger of which was that the negro was valuable personal property, and his owner was unwilling to have his life en- dangered by active military service. The slave- owner was willing to expose the life of his son to the hazard of war but not his negro. I may illustrate this statement by a case that I know to be true. A young Confederate officer, whose father owned a valuable negro man, wrote home to his father requesting the use of this negro for his personal services. The father refused the 88 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS son's request, with the very innocent (*?) state- ment that he feared his slave might be killed in battle. He did not seem to think that his son's life was equally as valuable as that of his negro servant. This was not an isolated case if the facts be known. It represents a principle that had much to do with the defeat of the Southern cause. It can hardly be a surprise why the South went down in disaster when patriotism was often shackled by such a narrow policy. Who doubts but that when the States of the South announced to the world their withdrawal from the LTnion, in defense of the right of self-government, if they had stated as their policy a gradual emancipation of the negro, the Confederate Government would have been established upon an enduring basis ^ Does not the South owe her humiliation to the narrow policy of contending for the extension of the institution of slavery, — an institution con- demned by the almost universal sentiment of civil- ized nations'? She stood alone in her contention for human slavery, — no doubt honestly and, as she believed, for the best interest of the negro race; yet, as the war progressed, she had the opportunity to modify her position and to declare for a system of gradual emancipation, which would have met all the conditions of her political and national independence. Slavery in the South was doomed when the first FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 89 gun was fired from Fort Sumter. Had the Con- federate Government succeeded by arms, the gradual emancipation of the negro would have come as surely as the night follows the day; for the Southern Confederacy could not have held a dominant position among civilized nations, with slavery undermining the very life upon which nations live and prosper. In the border States the principles of gradual emancipation grew stronger and stronger as the war progressed. With the successful establish- ment of a Confederate Government this principle would have prevailed in the border States and would gradually have extended to the large slave- holding States. The element of time was only needed to bring into force a policy that would have made negro slavery disappear by gradual steps as the negro was prepared to exercise the privileges of freedom. In the light of results we may vainly speculate on things that might have been. The mistakes of rulers and of governments have filled history with innumerable crimes. Time must show whether the war between the States was worth all it cost in blood and treasure. This claim has been made by some of our most distinguished men who took an active part in the bitter struggle between the North and the South, — notably by General Grant in his "Memoirs." The men of my genera- 90 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS tion have not fully assented to this view. We live too near the period of reconstruction that followed the war to forget the humiliation that was heaped upon the South by the political party that dominated the Federal Government for a quarter of a century following the conclusion of peace. The four years' bitter struggle with arms does not represent the full sufferings of the South- ern people in the contest they made to secure their political freedom and to establish the civilization of the South upon a basis of law and order. She has ever fought for the Anglo-Saxon domination, for equal rights, and justice in the government of the nation. We have been told but little of the doings, of the suffering, or of the spirit of the old men, the women, and the children who were afflicted by the civil or foreign wars in which their fathers, hus- bands, and brothers were involved. The history of the War between the States has been written from many points of view, but I have been unabk to find a work of personal reminis- cences which gives pictures of individual acts and actors or a story of the inner life of the people who stayed at home and bore the sufferings of war with- out murmur and without weakness of spirit. In the contests between nations and peoples of kindred blood the courage and heroism of the peo- ple who have remained at home have played an FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 91 important part in the results of war. To the valor of our Colonial ancestors we owe the final success of the Revolutionary forces that for eight years maintained a struggle for independence, which would not have been won but for the patriotism of the men, women, and children at home. In our Civil War the vast odds against the South were held in check by the Home Guard, — the old men, the women, and the children. They gave hope and inspiration to the men in the field, and by their unyielding spirit they made the struggle for in- dependence a contest of endurance,- — a contest that ended only because of complete exhaustion. History has been too silent in its estimate of these quiet forces that have had the greatest in- fluence over men in arms, over rulers, and leaders of public affairs. When, at the conclusion of the Third Silesian War, Frederick the Great, with his five million Prussians, had dissolved the coalition of Russia, France, and Austria, with one hundred million population, and his country lay prostrate in the dust, all property and resources destroyed, cities and villages deserted, there was only one pillar of strength left: the invincible spirit and patriotism of the people, — a determination to perish or win out in the struggle for national life. The men, women, and children in the South were filled with this spirit, and I deny that it can 92 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS be shown that these suffering people at any time weakened in courage, valor, or endurance. It can be shown, to the contrary, that they bore their privations and hardships at home and urged their friends and loved ones in the army to remain faithful to their country's cause. I have tried to tell in this story a few things which our non-combatant population in the South did during the four years of strife. The details are short and, perhaps, of minor importance but they have a practical relation to the events that were going on, if not a positive influence over the spirit of the times. The men and women who write the poems and songs that inspire a people with a spirit of zeal and patriotism play a noble part in the life of nations. It may be said with equal justice that the fathers, mothers, wives, and sisters who give life and courage to the men who fight battles are powerful influences in determining the actions and fates of peoples and nations. All public sentiment is modified and molded by the influences of home life and those men who seek to direct the life of a people in opposition to these in- fluences are working against dangerous odds. The common sense and justice of home thinking is the great safeguard of national life and liberty. As our rulers cultivate and enlarge the life, spirit, and wisdom of the home to the same extent do they FEDERAL TROOPS IN VILLAGE 93 advance the cause of good morals and sane govern- ment. The social and domestic life of the Southern people was built upon the home as its foundation. The home dominated the spirit and influenced society, regulated its morals, and erected standards that made a civilization of rare virtue, culture, and refinement. The population of the South was largely rural. There were no large cities at the beginning of the civil war and no great commercial or manufacturing centers. Life on the plantation and farm gave health and vigor of mind and body, and cultivated a spirit of chivalry and manliness, — a spirit that held woman in the highest esteem. It was this aspect of domestic life that gave the Confederate soldier daring and confidence in battle, patience under privation, and endurance in the long struggle for national independence. The influence of the home was with him in the camp, on the march, in battle, in hospital, and in prison. He seldom lost sight of the claims of duty, of patriotism, or of home ties and obliga- tions. When disaster came to the Southern cause this same spirit of chivalry, of home life, and love of the land's domestic institutions clung to the men and women of the South; and during the trying days of reconstruction they never wavered in their 94 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS loyalty to the Anglo-Saxon rule. In the racial struggle between master and slave there was no compromise with conditions that threatened to destroy a civilization of rare virtue and culture. Step by step the racial difficulties were removed and the proper relations between the white man and the negro were adjusted. History will grant to the people of the South rare patience and for- bearance in solving a domestic problem made em- barrassing by national laws and political animosi- ties. To-day the South has come to know her duty to a nation that her forefathers labored to establish. She realizes her relation to this na- tional life, the value of her influence in national affairs, and her patriotism and loyalty to a gov- ernment that now leads the world in the general uplift of humanity. CHAPTER IX THE SOUTHERN WOMAN. THE DOMESTIC LIFE OF OUR PEOPLE While writing up these recollections of our men and boys I must not neglect to relate some of my observations on our Southern women, whose loyalty and devotion to the Southern cause knew no bounds. In my section of Virginia, the larger number of the women had been brought up under the institu- tion of slavery and knew little of the hard drudgery of domestic service. They had been taught to direct the management of the home and to do light needlework, but they relied almost en- tirely on the old negro women and young negro girls to do the heavy work about the kitchen and in the house. In nearly every large family there was an old negro "Mammie," as she was called, who took general charge of the domestic care of the house and managed the young negro girls em- ployed about the home. This old negro "Mammie" had usually nursed the children and looked after their clothes and comforts. The negro cook not only prepared the meals but usually milked the cows, attended to 95 96 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the dairy and poultry and, as a rule, bossed the other negroes. Young negro women were trained to wait on the table, to clean the house and to do the heavy needlework required for the children and negro men on the farm. In some families these negro women carded the wool, ran the spin- ning-wheel, knitted the socks and, not infre- quently, worked the hand loom, for in those slave days few manufactured clothes were bought. They were made on the farm, largely by negro labor. Hence the negress was an important factor in the home life of the Southern woman. If of agreeable manners, she was much respected and beloved by the children on the place. I knew a number of these female servants in the homes of our old families who were treated with almost as much consideration as the children of the family. A relationship was established through this domestic service which brought the servant into close contact with the mistress and children of the home, — a contact that was mutually ad- vantageous, and these servants were trained not only to work but often were taught lessons in reading and writing as well as religion and morals. When the war came almost all of these old family servants remained in their old homes, and were simply invaluable in the domestic service they were able to render. THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 97 It soon became evident to our Virginia women, in my section at least, that the war meant destruc- tion of slavery, and that they would soon be called upon to perform all the harder duties of the home. It has always been a surprise to me to see how soon our women, — old and young, — were able to adjust themselves to new conditions. As the war progressed they were all fired with the same ideals of self-sacrifice that inspired the men in arms; beginning at once to assume duties and labors that had been considered menial before the war. They took to carding, spinning, knitting, and weav- ing; and they not only dyed the yarn and manu- factured the cloth but cut and made wearing ap- parel for themselves and for the men and chil- dren. This was the rule; and the only excep- tions were found in small families with liberal means or with those who lived in large communi- ties where articles of clothing could be bought. Many of our women and girls took a personal interest in the garden, in poultry and in the dairy, when the occasion required. I have seen small girls and boys milking the cows and feeding the poultry and small animals on the place — children whose parents had never dreamed of such a menial service. Yet in doing this the dignity and spirit of the child was not lowered. It was considered a privilege to make any sacrifice of 98 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS false pride when the condition of the times re- quired it. As the war continued these duties became nec- essary and entered into the life of all as the out- come of the social and political upheaval we were passing through. Now, while our women were fast adjusting themselves to a more active and laborious domes- tic service, they were not neglectful of the re- finements and culture of the home. They played on the piano, sang war songs, and read good litera- ture, with as much interest as ever. The hospi- tality of the home was as abounding, — if not as lavish, — as it had been. We boys and girls of ten- der age had our social pleasures and our simple sports. When we did not have skates we coasted the hill on a plank board with as much fun as can be had from a modern sled. When we did not have good horses and comfortable saddles we rode barebacked or on a blanket on old nags re- tired from army service. We found as much pleasure in this simple life as our parents had experienced under the ease and indulgence of slavery before the war. The saddest experience which came into our home life was the loss of some dear friend in the army, for the loss of property, with all its hard- ships, was accepted with a stoicism which was al- most heroic. I could relate numerous incidents THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 99 to illustrate the self-sacrifices and hardships which came to many of our women, such as the death of husband, father, brother, and lover; but these were the fatalities of war which were accepted as loyal contributions to the cause of the South. These deaths were often pathetic, as where the only son of the widowed mother, the father of a family of small children, or the accepted lover of some noble girl, were killed in battle or died from disease or wounds in a hospital far from home. Few families in our community escaped these sor- rows. They were a common heritage which all bore with bleeding hearts but with honest pride and loyal fortitude. With what painful sorrow do I recall the ex- perience of a family, related to me by ties of blood and early affections, which gave up the only son, the pride and hope of a widowed mother and three single sisters, and the accepted lover of a noble woman. He had been wounded in battle at Williamsburg, and after lingering some weeks, he had died in the home of a family in that place. While he was on his bed of illness his own home in Virginia was surrounded by Federal troops, a beautiful estate had been torn to pieces, and the greater portion of the live stock had been driven away. A younger sister lay ill with typhoid fever in the house at the same time, anxiously calling out in her delirium for her brother, whose loo THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS death was announced to his family a few hours before she passed away. In her last lucid mo- ments she had seen grief pictured in the face of her aged mother and had cried out, "Oh, mother! brother is dead ; I must join him." In a few hours her spirit had gone to join the noble fellow. These two deaths, with all the surrounding cir- cumstances, would have destroyed the hopes and the happiness of the strongest character; yet this widow and her two daughters bore their sorrow with a courage equal to that of the Spartan mother who preferred to have her son's body borne home on a shield rather than live in dishonor. These noble women, — mother, sisters and sweetheart, — now all gone to rest, came out of the war stripped of all their personal property, their lands in com- mons and all the farm buildings in ruins. During all these troubles their faithful old negro servants remained loyal to them and took care of them. I know of no family in our section that experienced so severely the hardships of war as did this family. I know of no instance in all my experience where the spirit of noble womanhood stood so high, walked so courageously, and bowed with so deep reverence before the throne of the Great King. I am going to relate an incident that goes to show just what this family stood for, just what struggle it made, and just what spirit and human THE SOUTHERN WOMAN loi character can endure when mind and heart are made resolute by misfortune. In December, 1863, the oldest daughter of this family had by the aid of the negro servants pre- pared a large bundle of woolen and cotton yarn for the weaver. The yarn had been dyed in dif- ferent colors for the making of linsey cloth. As the only loom that could weave this yarn was located in a section of the county some eight or nine miles distant, the problems arose, how to get the yarn to the weaver, and how to explain the manner of making it into cloth. The lady in question decided to make this trip in person on horseback, while I and a faithful negro woman were selected to accompany her; which we did, mounted on old horses, and between us we car- ried the yarn tied up in bundles. Our route lay across the river which had to be forded. When we came to the river, we found it flush and its surface covered with floating ice. The morning was bitter cold, the road was rough and hard frozen, and the trip was one of unusual diffi- culty at that season of the year. My father ac- companied us as far as the river. The lady and the negro woman were carried across the river in a small skiff while my father and I forded the stream, leading the horses. The water came well above the flanks of my horse and the floating ice cut keenly, but we got across without mishap. 102 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The women then mounted their horses and we rode to the weaver's home, where the yarn was left. That night the two women stopped at the home of a relative of the lady while I rode some three miles further to the home of a relative, where I spent the night. When I was within sight of the house, the horse I was riding slipped and fell on the ice; but I got her on her feet and led her to the house. The following morning when I started for home the poor animal was so lame that she could scarcely walk. I led her six miles back to my home that day, walking the distance until I came to the river which I forded on her back. I never think of this experience without recalling the hard- ship it imposed on my two female companions. They remained in the country until the weather moderated. I was young and tough and bore the trip much better than my poor mare that was some weeks in getting over her lameness. This incident, as simple as it may be, tells the story of a refined, delicate and gentle woman, who before the war lived in baronial comfort, and had under the necessities of the war undertaken the work of making a trip into a wild section of the country that she might secure the weaving of ma- terial to make dresses for her family and servants. This is only one of a number of similar experi- ences. THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 103 To write up this history of the war from my point of view, — to tell all that our old men, women and children went through, — would re- quire an abler and clearer head than I possess. I have tried to bring out one fact — that our non- combatant population was fired with all the zeal and patriotism of the Southern heart, that it went into the cruel war and accepted the results, with the same motive and unselfish loyalty as inspired the men who fought the battles to the end, and who either gave up their lives or laid down their arms contending for principles they believed to be right. In duty's path they firmly trod, Obedient to their sacred trust ; Believing in Almighty God, The cause they loved to them was just. The severity and length of the war put an enor- mous strain on the endurance, loyalty and char- acter of our non-combatant population; and the way in which this strain was met will ever be a credit to the heroic spirit and fortitude of our old men, our women, and our young children, — a proud legacy to their descendants in coming generations. My purpose in writing this story of the war is to preserve in historic form the records of those stirring times, so that those who follow my generation may have a picture of 104 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS events which actually occurred and may see in the lives of their ancestors those qualities of mind and heart that go to make character and righteous liv- ing the ideals of coming generations. I have al- ready stated that the population of my county was almost entirely made up of pure English blood. The ancestors of our people came into Virginia during the Cromwellian period and set- tled in the Tydewater section of the State, grad- ually moving westward and taking up the lands in the Piedmont district along the eastern borders of the Blue Ridge, later going across the moun- tain into the beautiful and fertile Valley of the Shenandoah. The first settlers located in the Valley about 1640, and from that time on the region west of the Blue Ridge became the home of the best blood in the state. The first settlers brought with them the social customs and habits of the people east of the mountain, and gave to the settlement a character of high culture and re- finement. Many of these families brought with them their negro servants and these negroes be- came the progenitors of the negroes of the Valley. The institution of slavery introduced into the Valley counties represented the highest type of slavery; for the scanty settlement and the widely separated homes of the people during the Colo- nial period brought the master and servant into the closest relations of mutual service and help- THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 105 ful dependence. In this way the old family serv- ant became the intimate friend of the household, and was held in warm esteem by master, mistress, and all of the children. The descendants of these old negroes were handed down from generation to generation and made up the negro population of the Valley counties. There was almost no buying and selling of negroes in my section. The traffic in human flesh was confined almost entirely to cases of necessity, where property interests required a division of estates or the necessary payment of debts. Through inheritance our negro population in- creased with the growth of the white population, and as family estates were divided by the death of parents the heirs came into the possession of the slaves willed to them. This heredity feature of slave ownership surrounded the negro with the strongest ties of friendship and affection, and gave him a position in the family that was often held in highest esteem by the servant and engendered a deep sense of responsibility in his owner. While the negro slave was regarded as a serv- ant and a dependent, his feelings and his rights were respected and he was treated with considera- tion and kindness. His services were made valuable to his owner in proportion to the care given to his health and training. He was used as a laborer in the house and in the field, and his io6 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS burdens were no heavier than those imposed upon the white laborer, nor sometimes even upon the children of his owner. In sickness and in old age the slave was kindly cared for. He was well clothed and fed and his surroundings were made to contribute to his happiness. If there were exceptions to this rule they were so uncommon as to be classed with the hardships not infre- quently imposed upon children by unkind par- ents. Until the John Brown Raid the negroes in my section of Virginia were contented and happy. They had expressed no desire for freedom, and when, during the war, the opportunity came to them to exercise this privilege, less than 20 per cent, took advantage of it. The loyalty and de- votion of the negro to his owner during the war is the best proof of his contentment with his posi- tion as a slave. These facts should set at rest the tales of calumny heaped upon the slave- owners of the South by Northern fanatics. If there was a rational ground for the abolition of negro slavery, it was to be found in a higher senti- ment than was used for his emancipation. Our people were not wedded to the institution of slavery. Since the negro had come to the vast majority of our slaveowners by inheritance, these owners were no more responsible for this inheritance, THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 107 the possession of slaves, than for any other form of property. As a domestic institution slavery was regarded by many as of greater advantage to the negro than to the white race. To them it represented a civilizing influence, — an influence that was gradually raising an inferior race to a higher plane of useful service and that was pre- paring the race for the duties of a citizenship that would in time make him self-respecting and self- supporting when placed in competition with the laborer of other races. The people who owned the negro fully understood his spirit and nature and they saw no advantage to the race from a forced freedom from restraint and a sudden investment with rights he was not prepared to exercise. It was such views as I have mentioned that led the slaveowner to resist the spirit of aboli- tionism that had swept over the North. It was no doubt this same spirit that led the Confederate Government to hold on to the institution until the end of the war. Neither the people of the North nor those of the South fully realized the full meaning and intent of this antislavery move- ment, and both sections were carried off of their feet by emotions that were kindled by passion, prejudice and self-interest. The true interests of the negro race were lost sight of in the contentions over a situation that neither section fully under- stood. io8 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS It has taken fifty years of reconstruction to ad- just this racial difficulty, and it is not yet settled in a way to satisfy the claims of both races. While slavery has been abolished in the sense of property interest, the negro is in all those per- sonal characteristics which belong to an inferior race as much a slave to-day as he was before the Civil War. He still struggles in poverty and disease; he fills our almshouses, hospitals, and jails to a far greater degree than ever was known under slavery. It is true that a few of the race have risen to useful and deserving positions, have accumulated property, and have received educa- tional training; but the vast majority, now crowd- ing our towns and cities, are as degraded as any laboring class can become. Until the ideals of the race are based upon racial pride and a desire for racial purity and segregation from other races the negro will never arrive at a true status of his own racial value. He has characteristics and en- dowments that should make for his great uplift in the world's service and for his own happiness. He has energy of body, cheerfulness of spirit, and a philosophy of life which make for contentment and the highest social enjoyment; and when he has learned to live for himself and for his own blood, has abandoned the aspirations for a social and marital union with other races, and believes fully in the destiny of the pure negro blood he THE SOUTHERN WOMAN 109 will have won a victory for his race that may be the envy of many of the more favored races. The happiness of the negro in slavery grew out of his innocence and want of worldly pride. He was satisfied with himself and with his surround- ings so long as his appetites were gratified and he had the freedom of a buoyant life. He was will- ing to work and to do hard service; but he loved his music and his song, the frivolities and light joys of the cabin or of the farm. He was a true child of nature and lived close to nature's heart, with a love of the wild and picturesque, with a touch of that freshness of sympathy and feeling for the lower animal world around him ; as shown by his love for the horse, the dog, and the small animals he often kept as pets. He often personi- fied these dumb animals and held imaginary con- versations with them. At heart the negro slave, as I knew him, was seldom cruel. He loved to fish and to hunt but seldom was unmerciful. His true nature was benevolent, and responded to kindness with deep appreciation and loyal gratitude. For that rea- son he had the warmest attachment for his owner when treated with kindness, and this affection was shown in generous attentions to the infant or chil- dren of his master. I can never forget the love and devotion of my father's servants to me as a child, and I want no THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS to rescue the memories of these old negroes from the obloquies which are so often cast upon the race by people who have had little experience with the old negro slave. Many of the happiest days of my childhood were spent with our old family servants and I had quite as much affection for them as for some who were related by ties of blood. My experience is not an exceptional one. There are thousands of men and women in the South to-day who can verify every statement I Ikhc made, and who treasure the same kind recollections of the old family servant that I do. I would love to see a monument raised to the memory of these old negroes as high as the Eiffel Tower. CHAPTER X THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN. UNDER FIRE On May 21, 1862, the positions of the Con- federate Army and the Federal in the Shenandoah Valley were as follows : Stonewall Jackson, with his command, held an advanced position at New Market; Ewell, with his division, had advanced to Luray in the Page Valley. The combined forces under Jackson and Ewell numbered nearly 17,000 men, — the largest force which Jackson had ever commanded. The forces under General Banks had been reduced to 10,000 men distributed as follows: At Stras- burg, about 7,500 infantry, cavalry, and artillery; at Winchester, about 1,500 men; at Buckton Depot, half-way between Strasburg and Front Royal, two companies of infantry were stationed ; at Front Royal Colonel Kenly was encamped with the First Maryland Federal Regiment, num- bering about 1,000 men, and two guns; at Rector- town, 19 miles east of Front Royal, General Gary was encamped with 2,000 men. The railroad from Washington to Strasburg had been put in service, and the Federal troops were stationed along the line to protect it. Ill 112 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS Trains were in daily operation, and large military supplies and troops were carried between Wash- ington and Strasburg. At Front Roj^al many thousands of dollars of military stores, consisting of arms, ammunition, clothes and provisions, were housed in the depot for distribution. The Federal disposition of its troops had been arranged with a view to permanent possession of the territory then occupied by the Union forces; and no disturbance of this arrangement had seem- ingly been contemplated by the enemy, if we con- sider the results that followed within the next few weeks. The object of the Federal authorities seemed to have been to hold Jackson in the Valley, with as small a force as was possible, and thus prevent his union with General Lee in front of Richmond. A large number of men, under Banks, had been sent from the Valley to reinforce McClellan in his attack on Richmond. The division under Shields, that had encamped in our village from the 14th to the 16th of May, was at this time near Fredericksburg, on its way to the Peninsula. There seemed to be a total mis- understanding of Jackson's strength and purpose by the Federals, for their forces in the Valley were distributed over a wide territory and were located at vulnerable points. The forces at Front Royal were utterly insufficient to defend a flank movement by way of the Page Valley, and Banks' THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 113 position at Strasburg was exposed to attack from the rear. Banks was evidently acting under the assumption that Jackson would advance by the main Valley route, and he was prepared to de- fend his position in front, without considering his weakness from his left flank. It was not Jack- son's policy to run up against great difficulties that could not be met without great sacrifices. In strategy he was bold and resourceful, and he had the faculty of doing the very things the enemy did not expect. Sending a small body of cavalry down the main Valley to produce the impression on Banks that the Confederates were advancing to assault him in front, Jackson broke camp at New Market and crossed the Massanutton moun- tain through the Luray Gap into the Page Valley. At Luray he joined his forces with those of Ewell and on May 22d, 1862, the combined forces moved north by the road to Front Royal, and that night his men went into camp at Bentonville, 10 miles south of Front Royal. The next morn- ing, — May 23d, — his men were pushed north, and early in the afternoon were posted for the attack upon Colonel Kenly at Front Royal. The movements of Jackson had been so rapid and so carefully guarded that the Federal troops were taken by surprise when his men drove in their pickets and rushed upon the two companies on guard duty in the village. There was no time 114 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS to prepare for defense, and they hurriedly evac- uated their camps and ran to join the main com- mand on the hill, one mile north of the village, where Colonel Kenly, prepared for the assault, had drawn up his regiment in line of battle. At this point my personal experience may be of interest. When firing upon the Federal pickets, posted on the two roads leading south from our village, began, I, with some half-dozen small bo)'S, was taking a bath in the creek that winds east and north around the village. We were in a pool of water about one half-mile north, — near where the railroad bridge crosses the creek. As boys usually do, we were busy at the time build- ing a stone dam across the creek to deepen the water in the pool. The first notice I had of the approaching fight was the sight of a man, whom we all knew well as a Union sympathizer, run- ning at the top of his speed along a path that fol- lowed the bank of the stream. We called to him to know why he was running so fast. He gave no answer; but in a moment we heard the report of a musket in the distance and then more rapid firing. Jumping out of the water, we hastily put on our clothes and struck out for the village. When we had reached the top of the railroad embankment we could see men running wildly through the fields and down the pike in the direction of the THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 115 main command on the hill. I recall a man run- ning wildly through a field of wheat, as fast as he could go. He was dressed in a Zouave uni- form, his bright red clothes, in contrast with the green wheat, making his presence all the more conspicuous. We boys crossed from the railroad to the main street and, as my home was south of the village, my purpose was to get there as soon as possible, not realizing that our house was within the Con- federate lines. Running up the main street, I turned to the right, through a cross street that curved in a crescent to meet the street that ran in the direction of my home, and as I turned the curve I ran into the lines of the Federal troops, retreating down the street. About this time I heard the whistle of a bullet that passed by me and struck a house near me; so I turned on my heels and ran back to the main street, until I came to the house of a citizen whom I knew well, and there I found a refuge. The Federals retreated down the street in great disorder, the Confederates following in equal dis- order, firing their guns in the most irregular man- ner, and yelling and shouting like wild Indians. No one was hurt, and the disorder was more like a police riot than a fight between soldiers. As the Confederates passed the house where I was, a long, thin, and feeble-looking fellow, whom I had ii6 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS known some months before as a sick man in the hospital, fell exhausted on the door-step in front of the house. He asked for a drink of water, which was given him. In a few minutes he jumped up, took his gun, and started to join his companions. He was a member of the First Maryland Confederate Regiment, which had been given the honor of leading the attack upon the First Maryland Federal Regiment, under Colonel Kenly. After the troops had passed the house and we were once more within the Confederate lines, I ran as fast as my feet would carry me for my home. When I reached an open square I met a Confederate soldier on horseback, — a man I knew well. He recognized me and wanted to know what I was doing there, urging me to run home as fast as possible and tell my family to get in the cellar as the enemy would cannonade the village and woods around; then, without waiting for me, he turned his horse and rode as fast as he could to my home, to give the order himself. He was a gallant fellow and was killed in battle in 1 863. As I started for my home I could hear the firing of artillery by both sides. Between the village and my home was an open space of some five hundred yards which had to be crossed. When I reached the last house, — which stood on the street with much open space around it and just THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 117 across the street opposite a large hospital build- ing, now unoccupied, — the artillery firing became very alarming to me. The noise and explosion of shells could be distinctly heard, and I felt that each gunner was looking for me. I saw, sitting behind a large locust tree in front of the house, a Confederate soldier, who told me I had better join him, as the firing was directed at the hospital building and at a battery on a hill south, in a direct line with us. I was so badly frightened that I was glad to accept the soldier's offer. In the house lived a widow with some five or six small children, — all crying in the greatest alarm. For over an hour, — and it seemed a week — I sat behind that tree be- lieving in my childish fear that every shell was di- rected at the old house and tree. While in this state of alarm I saw one shell strike a near-by tree, a fragment of another shell wound a cow grazing in a meadow close to my home, and eight or ten shells fall in the yard surrounding my home. One large oak tree in front of our house was per- forated by a shell that went entirely through it, and then exploded. This old tree still stands with the scar of war on its body. After the artillery firing ceased I went home, to find my mother in the greatest alarm about me. The family had taken refuge in the cellar, and no one was hurt, though one Confederate soldier in ii8 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the yard had been wounded in the hand by a fragment of a shell. During the cannonade three Confederate bat- teries were playing for over one hour on the Fed- eral guns, which did very effective work; for Col- onel Kenly put up a brave and stubborn fight, and only abandoned his position when outnum- bered and outflanked. His men were closely pressed and, crossing the river, attempted to fire the bridge. The men under General Taylor, of the Louisiana Brigade, followed so near that they saved the bridge for the Confederates to cross on. The Federals retreated in good order until dusk, when they were overwhelmed by the cav- alry and nearly all were captured. Colonel Kenly held his ground until his command was completely surrounded, when he was wounded and taken prisoner. At the close of the fight our village was filled to overflowing with Confederate soldiers, while large bodies of them pushed on toward Winchester and others went into camp along the roadside, or wherever the night overtook them. They had marched strenuously and were jaded from hard work and the heat of the day. There were many hungry stragglers, separated from their commands by the fatigue of the march, who sought food at farmhouses and at homes in the village. The return of the Confederates so cheered our THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 119 people that they opened their hearts and homes to the soldiers with joyful welcome and dispensed lavish hospitality. The victory won in the after- noon was believed to be but the forecast of greater success for the Southern cause, and many persons went so far as to hope that the war would end with the Valley Campaign that Jackson was now making. At that early stage of the war our people had the greatest abundance of food supplies and many of the luxuries of peace. In my own home the smokehouse and pantry were filled with meat, flour, sugar, coffee, eggs, butter, and milk. We had Aunt Susan in the kitchen, with other women servants to assist her. These negroes went to work with as rnuch energy and zeal as my mother to cook food for the soldiers as fast as the men came for it. That afternoon and the following morning my mother estimated that she had fed over 300 men. Our house was filled with Confederate officers, and there were, also, among our guests several dis- tinguished citizens in public life, who followed the army as lookers-on. At the first evening meal after the Federals had been routed, these officers and gentlemen around our table were as bright and as happy in spirit as it was possible for men to be, predicting glorious results from the cam- paign. Indeed, one or two were so optimistic as to 120 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS predict that Jackson would be in Washington be- fore the end of another week. They little knew the temper and determination of the Northern people, and the vast resources of the Federal Government. The mistakes of General Banks and of the Secre- tary of War at Washington were not properly in- terpreted. They were not regarded as mere inci- dents of war, — incidents that had only a tem- porary influence over the larger policies that the Federal Government had inaugurated. One of the greatest mistakes our people made was to over- estimate the value of our success and to minimize the strength and tenacity of purpose of our enemy. Jackson pushed on after the battle, trying to close in behind Banks at Strasburg, but Banks took warning, and during the night he fell back to Win- chester. On the 24th and 25th of May Jackson drove Banks out of Winchester and forced him to cross the Potomac. While Jackson was giving heavy blows to Banks, and was moving his army by rapid marches as far north as Martinsburg and Harper's Ferr)^ our village was the seat of great activity. The Confederates had captured large supplies in the depot, and the authorities made use of much of this material ; still, the larger portion of the arms and ammunition was not removed into the interior as should have been done. There was neglect or inefficiency somewhere, and much of THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 121 these captured goods were lost to the Confederacy by a fire that took place a week later when the vil- lage again came into the possession of the enemy. A small incident occurred at this time that may be worth relating, as it throws some light on the methods then in vogue in the Union army. The evening after the battle of which I have just told, an uncle of mine, an officer in one of the cavalry regiments, came to our home to see us. He and several of his companions, went into the village, and in the general excitement, — which was then prevalent, due to the capture of prisoners, army supplies, horses, and wagons that were brought in, — he saw a captured sutler's wagon and took charge of it. In examining the contents of the wagon he found a large trunk that he pitched out to one of his companions, not knowing its con- tents. Later, when the trunk was opened, it was found to contain 125 silver and gold-plated watches, many watch chains, and all kinds of cheap jewelry, kept for sale to the soldiers. The sutler had escaped. The sutler who fol- lowed the army often grew rich by the sale of food, dainties, and sundry articles to the men in the ranks. His profits were enormous, and his risks correspondingly great; for he had to credit the men until pay-day, and as many were killed or captured, he was seldom able to recover all the money due him. 122 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The morning after the battle the prisoners were marched into the village and placed under guard until they were removed into the interior. As they were all Maryland men, they had friends and relatives in the Southern army; in fact, in one in- stance, brothers on opposite sides met and ex- changed greetings. Civil war has little respect for the ties of blood. In a fratricidal strife the animosities and passions of kindred are often fiercest. These Maryland men in the Federal army had encamped in our village and the sur- rounding country from May 14th to May 23d. They were an orderly and well-behaved set of men and had been kind to our people; therefore much sympathy was expressed for them in their defeat and capture, and many compliments were passed on their stubborn resistance and courage against great odds. For the Federals had put up a manly fight and only yielded when overcome by vastly superior numbers. Many of them were captured because they were too manly to make their escape. This was especially true of Colonel Kenly, their commander, who rallied his men, making them fight like tigers, until while riding among his soldiers, who were mixed in with the Confederates all about them, he was wounded in the head with a cavalry saber, unhorsed, and captured. A more gallant soldier and courteous gentleman was not found in either army than J. R. Kenly. THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 123 Born and raised in Maryland, he had fought with distinction in the war with Mexico. In the War between the States he sided with the North. A Democrat by conviction, after the war he practiced law with indifferent success from a financial point of view, and though the Federal Government had it in its power to render him valuable services through political appointments, the party in power had no use for a Democrat in public office, no mat- ter how valuable his services had been to his coun- try. General Kenly, — he rose to that rank, — was too proud and spirited to seek or accept political favors and in his quiet and dignified way exempli- fied the manly and virtuous qualities of the true soldier. His great merit has never been properly appreciated by his State nor by the nation. Mary- land never had a more brilliant soldier. When my father learned the following morn- ing that Colonel Kenly was a wounded prisoner in the village he requested my mother to prepare a substantial breakfast for him as he feared that, as a prisoner, the Colonel would not receive the attention he was entitled to. He had been so kind to our citizens while in command of our village that my father wished to give some expression of his sympathy and esteem now that Colonel Kenly was in an unfortunate situation. I accompanied my father and carried the waiter with the break- fast that my mother had prepared. We found 124 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the Colonel in a large room, — plainly furnished and wanting in real comforts, — on the first floor of an unoccupied dwelling. As we entered, by permission of the guard at the door, we found him in his shirt sleeves, without collar, his head tied up with bandages that concealed his wound. He was walking the floor like a caged lion and seemed to feel his humiliation keenly. My father explained to him the nature of his visit and I placed the waiter with the breakfast on a table for his use when agreeable to him. He expressed his appreciation of the kindness and courtesy ex- tended to him, and though evidently much out of temper when we entered the room, he soon calmed down, with the remark that he did not care for the wound nor feel unpleasant over his capture, but he did resent the way in which he was wounded. It seems that in the cavalry charge the men were much mixed up. Darkness was coming on. Distinctions were not easily made and he had been struck with a saber by a private cavalryman before his surrender was demanded. Having been an officer in the old army, he was punctilious about etiquette and thought he had been treated with brutality. In a general melee, such as was going on, men do not show good manners; every man is looking after himself and has little con- sideration for the other fellow. So the cavalry- man that inflicted the wound most probably did THE VALLEY CAMPAIGN 125 not know that he was making an assault upon an officer of high rank. This recalls an incident that actually took place between a Federal private and a Confederate officer, whom I knew and who was distinguished for his eccentricities and absence of mind. In a small skirmish, in which the Con- federate cavalry was routed, the officer in question was following his men in their rush to the rear. He did not seem to appreciate the seriousness of the situation and was riding along in a slow gal- lop, apparently forgetful of the press of the enemy. A Federal private rode up and struck the officer a mild blow with his saber — just hard enough to remove the Confederate's attention from his dreams. Turning in his saddle, he re- marked to the private, "I am Captain M . Don't you know it is disrespectful to strike an officer?" The rebuke was so deliberate that it quite disconcerted the private, who apologized for his rudeness and let his prisoner escape. I never saw Colonel Kenly after this interview, as he was taken with other prisoners within the lines. On his release from prison he returned to duty in the army, where he made a successful record during the following years of the war. As the Southern sentiment largely prevailed in Mary- land, his military record has never received the high honor it deserved. He lived in comparative obscurity in Baltimore until his death a few years 126 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS ago. As a rebel boy I feel that this tribute is due him, for we should honor merit wherever found and pay respect to men who live up to the highest duties of life. During the week following the battle of May 23d our village was filled with Confederate soldiers. The Twelfth Georgia Regiment was or- dered into camp near my home to do provost-guard duty and to watch the gaps in the Blue Ridge, through which the enemy might come to cut off the retreat of Jackson by way of the Shenandoah Valley. In the meantime we knew but little of Jackson's movements. The battle of Winchester had been fought and Jackson was believed to be invading Maryland by way of Harper's Ferry. We knew he was dealing with the enemy in his front, but had little thought that the enemy on his right and left flank could close in on his rear and cut off his retreat up the Valley. It did not occur to us that Jackson was on the alert for these movements and had made all his plans to defeat them. Few of our people knew that the Federal army was with- in a day's march of our village. CHAPTER XI WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES. THE BATTLE OF PORT REPUBLIC On Friday afternoon, May 30th, we were thrown into the greatest uneasiness by the sudden break- ing up of the camp of the Twelfth Georgia Regiment, and its march out of our village. As soon as the camp was evacuated a number of men, women, and children, — colored and white, — went to the site of the camp to pick up all the old plun- der and discarded articles left by the soldiers. After a camp has been occupied a day or more the abandoned grounds are usually covered with old junk, and often articles of some value are found. The citizens who visited the camp fell heir to these abandoned goods. It was not uncommon for the Federal troops to leave much valuable truck, such as hard tack, old clothes, blankets, boxes, and not infrequently old guns and pistols. While the camp of the Twelfth Georgia was be- ing ransacked by the people of the village, a piece of artillery was run up without warning, on a hill one mile south, and a shell was thrown into the camp. Such running and screaming has seldom been heard. The camp was deserted in the 127 128 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS twinkling of an eye. In the meantime several regiments of cavalry dashed in a wild charge through the village and down the pike, in full pursuit of the Confederates. Just before leaving the village the Confed- erates had set fire to the depot, and while the charge was being made the depot was in flames. To make the pandemonium worse and more ter- rifying to our people a violent thunderstorm came up. And while the rain dashed, the thunder crashed, and the lightning flashed from the dark- ened heavens, the fire in the depot raged and the cavalry charged down the pike. It seemed for the time being that the demons from the lower world had broken loose, that we were to be overwhelmed by the enemy, by the fire, and by the violence of nature. The happiness and hopes of the previous week were cast down, and we were again in the hands of the enemy. The Confederates had de- serted us and in doing so had threatened the de- struction of our village by setting fire to the depot. But for the rush of the Federal troops, who fought the spread of the fire, and the copious downpour of rain, the place would have been wiped out. Our enemies and the bounty of nature saved us from a general conflagration. Some of our citizens were outspoken in their criticisms of the Confederate authorities for not removing all of the captured goods from the depot. WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 129 There was ample time to do so, and valuable prop- ert}' was lost through someone's inefficiency. The Federal cavalry that charged after the Con- federates, came upon the Twelfth Georgia about two miles north of the village. That regiment had taken a strong position that commanded the pike where it ran by the side of a hill, lined on one side by a high precipice and on the other by a steep incline. As the Federal cavalry charged down the road a volley was poured into its ranks, nine men were killed, a number wounded, and the remainder scattered in wild confusion. There were no casualties among the Georgians, who re- treated now to Winchester and there joined Jack- son. That evening and the following day the Federal troops under McDowell and Shields poured into our village and the fields about and went into camp. In less than twenty-four hours there were 20,000 men encamped within a radius of five miles, — more than Jackson had in his entire com- mand, which was now scattered from the Potomac to Strasburg, 12 miles west of our village on the Valley pike, less than a day's march from either McDowell on the east or Fremont on the west. Apparently all that the Federal generals had to do was to close in on Jackson's rear and capture his army. As "the best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley" we will see later that the 130 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS dexterity and energy of Jackson were more than a match for the strategy of the Federals. On the morning of May 31st, — the day follow- ing the evacuation of our village by the Confed- erates, — who should come to our home but the same colonel of the Pennsylvania regiment who had been our guest during General Shields' en- campment (May 14-16). He had returned with General Shields' division, which was now in camp near us. We were glad to welcome him and gave him a room in our home. During the same day General Carroll, of Shields' Division, and General Duryee, of McDowell's Corps, asked to be enter- tained in our home. General Carroll was accom- panied by his wife and a little girl. The mem- bers of General Duryee's large staff were quartered in the yard, but took meals at our table, for we had an abundance of food and a number of negroes for domestic service. Through the courtesy of General Duryee my mother was given an order on the Quartermaster for any additional supplies needed ; and Uncle Lewis would go to camp daily and get fresh meat, groceries, and canned goods. For over two weeks we had these officers in our home, with the exception of General Carroll, who joined his command on June 1st. Our community was now a hive of martial ex- citement and military operations. Some 20,000 men were in camp, and, with the exception of Gen- WITHIN THE FEDER.\L LINES 131 eral Shields' Division, all were idle. When Shields reached our village on Saturday morning, May 31st, he had ample time to move west to Strasburg and take a position in the rear of Jack- son's line of retreat; but for some reason he wasted the entire day and did not move until Sunday morning. An incident that took place at our breakfast table on Sunday morning fully illustrates the sit- uation. I will relate it as it actually occurred and as I heard and saw it. Though only 13 years of age at the time it is still fresh in my memory to-day, for I have written and related it a num- ber of times. Sunday morning, June 1st, was a most beautiful day. The heavens were clear, the atmosphere was mild and balmy, the flowers were in bloom, and the birds sang sweetly in the trees around the house. All nature smiled with peace and happi- ness, and only man was vile and cruel. Seated at the breakfast table in my home were my parents, Colonel McDowell, General Carroll and his wife, General Duryee and his staff, and Dr. Mercer, an old physician, the uncle of Mrs. Carroll who ac- companied her so that she would not be lonely when General Carroll was attending to his military duties. I, the only child present, sat at my mother's side. While the meal was being served and all were conversing animatedly, we heard the 132 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS slow firing of artillery in the distance. Each dis- charge became more and more distinct, and the re- ports of muskets mingled with the roll of artillery, indicated a general engagement on the Valley pike in the neighborhood of Cedar Creek. Attention was soon called to the cannonade and remarks were made by the officers present suggesting the probable cause of the firing. They decided that the engagement was between the forces of Fre- mont and Jackson, — 12 miles west, on the Valley pike. As General Carroll had instructions to join his command that morning at 9 o'clock and march west to Strasburg, he volunteered to explain the situation. He told us that General Shields would march with his division to Strasburg to take a position in the rear of Jackson, who, with his advance, was at that time near Winchester, 19 miles north of Strasburg, in full retreat up the Valley. Shields had a distance of 12 miles to cover, while Jackson had 19 miles, and his men were widely scattered. The artillery firing, he said, was between some of Jackson's cavalry, which was trying to hold in check the advance of Fremont from the west, and Fremont's men, who were trying to reach the Valley pike. He remarked, with some brusque- ness and braggadocio, that Shields and Fremont would unite their forces at Strasburg by 12 o'clock and close in behind Jackson, thus cutting off the WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 133 retreat of the Confederates. Turning to my mother, he said : "This means, Mrs. Ashby, that before midday we will have Jackson bagged, and the backbone of the Confederacy will be broken." As there was apparently more truth than poetry in General Carroll's remarks, my mother's eyes filled with tears, and she excused herself from the table. After she had left General Duryee, a most courtly gentleman, remarked to General Carroll that his remarks had wounded my mother's feel- ings; and he tried to apologize to my father for an apparent boldness of speech that had no serious meaning. Very soon the company arose from the table. General Carroll took leave of his wife, mounted his horse, and left to join his command that was to march at 9 o'clock for Strasburg. General Dur- yee and staff also mounted their horses and rode away to their command. Mrs. Carroll retired to her room to worry over General Carroll's departure for active service. Dr. Mercer took a stroll around the lawn, while my father. Colonel McDowell, and I went out on the front porch. We could distinctly hear the cannon booming on the pike and the direction of the firing was gradually moving south, indicating that the Confederates were holding their ground. Colonel McDowell, turning to my father, re- 134 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS marked that General Carroll had stated that Shields and Fremont would unite their forces by 12 o'clock and bag Jackson, but that he did not believe one word of it. Then he said, with an emphasis and feeling that impressed me greatly : "I hope to God that Jackson will lick them." Taking a chair, he sat down and drew me to his lap, took a silver watch out of his pocket, and put it on me, with these words: "Keep this watch, my son, to remember me. I bought it for rough use when I entered the army. I have a gold watch at home." He then said to my father that he had his resignation in his pocket, and was no longer in the service of the Government, and added: "When I return home I will resume my editorial duties and will oppose the policy of the Administra- tion, — its purpose to overthrow the institution of slavery. I am a Union man, not an abolition- ist." It would be as difficult for me to forget the words of Colonel McDowell as to forget his kind- ness. He remained with us for several weeks and seemed loth to part with us. After his return to his home he resumed his editorial duties and the next time we heard of him he was a prisoner in Fort Warren, for his denunciation of the policies of the Government. After the close of the war he wrote to my father that he had been persecuted WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 135 and financially ruined by his war experiences. I still have the watch he gave me. A few hours after this episode while sitting on the portico we saw a large body of Federal troops marching up the pike, coming in from the direction of Strasburg. These troops proved to be those of Shields, which had been ordered that morning to close in on the rear of Jackson and unite with Fremont. After Shields had marched some four miles in the direction of Strasburg he met a body of Con- federate cavalry that fired into his front column and arrested his advance. He then ascertained that the main body under Jackson had reached Strasburg during the night and early morning, had driven back the advance of Fremont, and was safe from the bag that General Carroll had spread for him. By forced marches and energetic action he made good his retreat from Winchester with all his men, captured goods, prisoners, and supplies, losing not a wagon nor a gun. General Shields now reversed his order of march, and by one o'clock was moving south by the Page Valley, to try and get in Jackson's rear at New Market. Jackson retreated slowly up the Valley, followed by Banks in his rear, Fremont on his right flank, and Shields on his left. When he reached Harrisonburg he came to a halt and waited for the advance of Fremont and Banks; 136 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS he then took a position at Cross Keys and waited for an assault of the enemy. On the 8th of June Jackson defeated the Fed- erals under Fremont and the following day he crossed the south branch of the Shenandoah and at Port Republic gave battle to the army under General Shields, After a hard and bloody fight he defeated Shields and forced him to retreat north by the same route along which he had ad- vanced. The brigade commanded by General Carroll was engaged in the battle of Port Re- public and suffered heavy losses. A few- days later General Carroll returned from the front and as he passed my home, where Mrs. Carroll was still staying, he sent a courier to the house with the following message: "Tell Mrs. Carroll to join me in Washington. Tell Mrs. Ashby that old Jackson gave us hell." He was tired, his clothes were torn and muddy, and his morale completely broken. In his piti- able condition he had not the courage to face either his heart-sick wife or my mother, though he ]:)assed within one hundred yards of the house. He hurried to the depot and took the first train for Washington. This was the last we ever saw of General Carroll. Mrs. Carroll, a pitiful little woman tied to a great big bear, joined her hus- band a few days later. Shields retreated north by the Page Valley, WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 137 and Fremont and Banks followed the main Val- ley. Their forces were demoralized by the rough experiences they had had in following Jackson. When Shields reached our village his men were worn out, ragged, and half starved. He had taken little time for rest, for he thought that Jackson was following on his rear. He was pur- sued by a small body of cavalry that kept an- noying him until he was safe under the wings of McDowell, who was still encamped near our vil- lage. After the battles of Cross Keyes and Port Re- public, Jackson withdrew his army to a safe en- campment near Mt. Meridian. Here he rested his men for five days, then he crossed the moun- tain and took the railroad that carried his army to within easy reach of Richmond, where he joined his forces with those of General Lee to fight the battles of the Peninsula, — battles that re- sulted in the defeat and retreat of the army un- der McClellan. On May 19th, Stonewall Jackson had begun his Valley Campaign, — a campaign that resulted in a brilliant success for the Southern cause. With the defeat of Fremont on June 8th and of Shields on June 9th, he had been on the march for 23 days; had covered nearly 200 miles; had driven Banks across the Potomac; had withdrawn McDowell's forces from Fredericksburg, where 138 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS they were on their way to reinforce McClellan before Richmond; had seized valuable supplies at Front Royal, Winchester, and Martinsburg, and at length, although surrounded on three sides by 60,000 men, had escaped the snares set for him and brought off his prisoners and captured goods without losing a wagon. And he had done all this with a comparatively small loss of men. The battle of Port Republic was his most costly victory, but its results were so brilliant that it was a fitting close to a scene of warfare that will live in history with the great campaigns of the world. It raised the fame of Jackson to the highest pin- nacle of military renown, giving him a position among the greatest soldiers of the age. Having followed Jackson to his union with Lee before Richmond, I must now return to the situation of affairs as they were presented in my own home. After the battle of Port Republic the Federal troops were encamped in and near our village until about the 2oth of June. During the greater part of this time we lived in daily expectation of an attack from the Confederate forces. The Federals were kept in anxious suspense, since Jackson's whereabouts were not known. Strong guard was kept on the outposts, and every preparation was made for an attack. Jackson's union with Lee was not known until the engage- WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 139 ment with McClellaii on the Chickahominy was announced. Large bodies had been retained in the Valley to protect Washington, and he had slipped quietly across the mountain to cooperate with Lee. During the ten days following the defeat of Shields at Port Republic my home was filled with Federal officers. General Duryee and staff were still with us and Colonel McDowell still remained a guest in our home. In addition to these guests, we had two wounded officers, — one Federal and one Confederate. The Federal officer was a German of General Shields' staff, who had been shot in the face at Port Republic. He was a handsome, dashing fellow, quite popular with his companions, — an officer in the German army, we were told, on leave of absence, who had joined the Federal army to learn some of the methods of American warfare. He was severely punished for his curiosity, for his face was badly scarred by a rebel bullet. A singular circumstance took place in connec- tion with his stay in our home. While confined to his room one afternoon a young woman, ac- companied by a German officer, and riding a spirited horse, dashed up to the front door of the house. She sprang from her horse, rushed into the house, and asked the servant where she could find the wounded officer. When told where he 140 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS lay, she rushed upstairs and, without ceremony, entered his room. This woman was the then cele- brated Belle Boyd. Her history in brief may not be wanting in interest. She was a well-bred woman, — a native of one of the northern counties of the State, and at that time had relatives in our village, with whom she was temporarily staying. She had developed a strong interest in military matters, and, posing as a Rebel spy and heroine, she had already at- tracted considerable notice by her exploits; but she was not taken seriously by either the Federals or the Confederates. Though professing warm allegiance to the South, she played with both sides a game that inspired no confidence in either, hence she lived in either camp as it suited her pur- pose and, as far as I know, was never under ar- rest. At the time I speak of she was in the Federal lines and was receiving marked attentions from the young Federal officers. On May 22 d she had ridden into the Confederate lines and had given Jackson information that proved to be un- reliable. When she rode up to my home to see the wounded German officer she was playing the game of flirt and lowering the dignity of her sex. She was a young woman of some personal beauty, vivacious, attractive, and spirited in manner, and a skilled rider of spirited horses. Nor was she WITHIN THE FEDERAL LINES 141 wanting in energy, dash, and courage; but she had none of the genius, inspiration, and religious fervor of the true heroine. She loved notoriety and attention, and was as far below the standard of the pure and noble womanhood of the South as was a circus rider. Her own sex in the South repudiated her, and the true manhood of both armies was as suspicious of her character as Frederick the Great was of Madame de Pompa- dour. So much for Belle Boyd. Her heroism has long faded into the forgetfulness of her gen- eration. She has found no decent place in his- tory. The wounded Confederate officer in our house at that time, Captain Driver, has a most pathetic history. At the battle of Port Republic he was wounded in the eye by a spent bullet, and the wound came very near destroying the vision in both eyes. He was captured and as a prisoner was on parole in our home. Just how he came to us I do not remember but in some way he at- tracted the sympathy of the Federals and was given the freedom of a private house. He had with him his adopted son, Arthur Waugh, a boy of 18 years, — who accepted capture to wait on his parent, who was so blind as to require someone to lead him around. Captain Driver was kept blindfolded or in a dark room by the Federal surgeon who attended him. He suffered greatly 142 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS and aroused much sympathy by his patient, gentle manners and almost helpless condition. He re- mained with us until the Federal army evacuated the village, when he was carried to Washington. The recollection of this wounded Confederate of- ficer made a deep impression on me, and after he left our home I often tried to find him. I had forgotten his name, but I remembered that he was a captain in a Louisiana regiment. A few years ago I wrote to the New Orleans Times-Democrat and made inquiry about Captain Driver, giving the facts about his wound and capture. The edi- tor of the paper worked up the case for me and published the story as I have related it. It found its way into the notice of the boy Arthur, who was then living in New Orleans. I was soon put in possession of the facts, and learned that Cap- tain Driver had returned home at the close of the war, and died in 1873. CHAPTER XII FEDERAL OFFICERS IN MY HOME While the Federal troops were encamped around our village, waiting for an attack by Stonewall Jackson, General Duryee and staff were still guests in my home. The General was a man of great courtesy and kindness of heart, and rendered my mother a service that was greatly prized dur- ing the next two years of the war. In a conversa- tion on the conduct and extent of the war he remarked that it would be a long and bitter struggle, one that would severely test the strength and endurance of both North and South. He stated that he knew the temper of the people of the North and their determination to restore the Union, and that he also knew the courage and spirit of the people of the South and their deter- mination to prolong the war until their resources were exhausted or victory crowned their efforts. He explained that because of this, great distress would come to the Southern people through de- struction of life and property, and their inability to secure the necessaries of life. He advised my mother to take advantage of an offer he was then able to make. He urged her 143 144 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS to make out a list of such articles of domestic use as a lady would need in her housekeeping for two or three years and then said he would send to Washington and have these goods forwarded to him. Acting upon this generous suggestion, my mother made up a list of supplies, which were soon brought by rail and delivered to her by Gen- eral Duryec. In this list were barrels of sugar, sacks of coffee and salt, cans of tea and all kinds of condiments. In addition, there were cotton goods, calicoes, needles and thread, and other articles of domestic use. The goods were stored in pantry, garret, and cellar for future consump- tion. At that time gold and silver were in cir- culation and my mother had sufficient money to pay for these goods; but it so happened that by this forethought my home was supplied with ne- cessities until the close of the war, and that we were able to give to the sick and needy the lux- uries not easily secured in time of conflict. As it was, toward the end of the war flour and corn- meal were difficult to be had, and we lived on unbolted flour. General Duryee was reputed to be a man of wealth; and his generosity, his bearing, and his equipment indicated this. His uniforms, horses, saddles, and military trappings were very hand- some and elaborate, which probably accounted for his having acquired the nickname of the "Band- OFFICERS IN MY HOME 145 box General." His staff was made up of a num- ber of handsome young men, evidently of high so- cial standing, all natives of New York City. Up to that time he had not seen hard fighting, and his men had more the appearance of being on dress parade than of being rough soldiers. His sub- sequent war record was most creditable, and he was lacking in neither dash nor courage. At Antietam his horse was killed under him, and at Bull Run he was severely wounded. In General Duryee's command was a regiment of New York Zouaves that presented a striking appearance, with their bright red coats, red turbans, and white leggins. This uniform was soon discarded by the men who did the fighting, — for it was too showy and made good targets for our rebel bullets. When General Duryee was taking leave of my mother he delivered to her care a very handsome dress sword in a gold-mounted scabbard, with Damascus steel blade. He told her that in 1859 this sword had been presented to him by the State of Virginia on the occasion of the unveiling of the Henry Clay monument in the Capitol grounds at Richmond, when he was colonel of a New York regiment that was being entertained by the citizens of Richmond. He explained that as he was now in arms against the State of Virginia he desired to leave this sword with a citizen of Vir- 146 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS ginia until the war was ended, when he would request its return. He handed my mother a note with the sword explaining how it came into her possession. This sword remained in our home until after the war when it was returned to Gen- eral Duryee at his request, as the following letters will show, „ , New York, Feb. Cth, 1866. Mr. Ashby. Dear Sir: During the campaign of Mc- Dowell in your vicinity I was fortunately quar- tered in your hospitable mansion. When about to leave I gave in charge to your wife my dress sword, which she promised to retain for me. Will you do me the favor to inform me how I can obtain it, and if communication is open to W^ashington by rail*? Hoping you are all well, and with my kindest regards to Mrs, Ashby, I am Truly yours, 3 East 38th Street, A. Duryee. New York. On the above letter is the marginal note in my father's handwriting: "Answered February 15th, 1866." New York, Feb. 28th, 1866. Thos. N. Ashby, Esq. My Dear Sir: Your favor is now before me, and I sincerely appreciate your kindness in OFFICERS IN MY HOME 147 preserving for me my sword. The answer made by Mrs. Ashby when I placed it in her charge made a lasting impression, and I told my family that, whatever transpired, I was sure eventually to get the sword. I deeply sympathize with you in your losses. I am familiar with many cases of the same character. One family by the name of Richards at Cloud's Mills, whose mansion was my Headquarters, during our stay treated us with open-hearted hospitality so characteristic of the Virginians. After I left other troops took pos- session. The newcomers ruthlessly swept every- thing off of the place, — even the bams were torn down and burnt, — and the family was left in penury and want. I took them provisions, and never felt happier in my life, in relieving the wants of this noble family. I am happy to inform you that my brother and' self are well. My brother was severely wounded at Antietam. He is now Deputy Collector of the Port of Fernandina, Florida. I was slightly wounded three times at Bull Run, and my horse was shot under me at Antietam. Now, my friend, I do not wish to put you to the least trouble or inconvenience, but if at any time you can conveniently send the sword to Mr. Robert B. Coleman, proprietor of the Eutaw House, Baltimore, Md., I shall feel under renewed obligations. 148 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS Present my regards to Mrs. Ashby and my best wishes for her happiness, and accept the same for yourself. If at any time I can reciprocate your kindness do not fail to ask it. Possibly you have claims against the Government. Can I be of any service to you? I cordially invite you and Mrs. Ashby to my home ; and if at any time you come to New York do not fail to let me know on your arrival. I reside at No. 3 East 38th Street, one door from 5th Avenue. My office is Cor. of Jefferson and Cherry Str. Yours, with high respect, A. DURYEE. Soon after General Duryee left we took leave of all the Federal officers in our home. The Federal army evacuated our village, the railroad trains were withdrawn, and we were tor several weeks in free communication with the Confederate lines. The bo3^s in grey made frequent visits to their homes, and the domestic life of our people was tranquil. The Confederates had been victori- ous on the Peninsula, Richmond was safe, and the cause looked more hopeful. While the Federal troops were encamped around our village a number of incidents took place that may be worthy of notice, since they OFFICERS IN MY HOME 149 show the spirit and disposition of our negro serv- ants and the cordial relations still existing be- tween master and slave. My father's servants had been exceedingly loyal and faithful. Uncle Lewis had taken charge of the land, looked after the crops and such live stock as we had left, and was most efficient in his work. He had in his room, — collected from the camps as they were abandoned, — an enormous supply of old junk that had been discarded by the troops. Among other items he had several barrels of hard-tack, which made excellent food for hogs and poultry. This article of diet stood in bad repute with the soldier, and seemed to have been repudiated, when it was possible to escape its use. In all the abandoned camps where it had been supplied to the Federal troops as a ration it could be found strewn over the ground and wasted in the most lavish manner. Soldiers in camp are usually indisposed to live on strict army rations, if it is possible to get other food; and as the Federal troops were paid regu- larly in gold or silver they had spending money, which they used freely for the purchase of food and luxuries that were not on the army bill of fare. The sutlers, who followed the army, supplied many of these luxuries; but when the men were in camp for a few days they would wander through the villages and farmhouses in search of milk, 150 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS bread, cakes, pies and fruits. During the first two years of the war they willingly paid for these things; but later they pillaged and appropriated whatever could be found. The only limit to theii thefts was the absence of the things desired. They often wantonly took property of no use to them and destroyed it in a spirit of vindictiveness. Later in this story I will give some account of these acts of vandalism and barbarity, but I must not anticipate. The acts of 1862 were orderly and considerate of private property, and the men who were encamped on our lands and often stayed in our homes were princely gentlemen in compari- son with those who came later. During the spring and summer of 1862 our people were treated, — except in rare instances, — as kindly by the Federals as by the Confederates so far as private rights were concerned. Whilst they camped on our lands and burned fences and old buildings they did not destroy growing crops or those gathered in barns and granaries. Our homes were protected by guards and the smoke- house, poultry yard, and pantry were safe from pillage. When our home was filled with Federal officers we had the greatest abundance of food supplies and plenty of servants to prepare and serve it. Old Aunt Susan, our cook, was most energetic and faithful; she attended to the poultry, to the OFFICERS IN MY HOME 151 dairy, and the kitchen, and soon found many op- portunities to profit by the situation. The men from the camps began to come to the house to get milk, butter, and eggs. With my mother's per- mission, Susan was allowed to employ her spare time in baking bread, pies, and cakes which she sold at good prices; and in a few months the crafty old negress had accumulated a handsome pile of gold and silver which she carefully guarded. Indeed, at the close of the war she had saved so considerable a sum that she purchased a home in the village, in which she lived until her death. All the servants around our home fared well at this time, as they were generously tipped by the officers. The same may be said of many others who were able to take advantage of the op- portunities that were presented for money-making out of the Federal troops. These opportunities all disappeared after 1862, and during the follow- ing years of the war our people, — white and colored, rich and poor, — were subjected to many hardships and privations. The temper of the enemy had changed, and the policy of the Federal Government had hardened to a brutality toward innocent men, women, and children, whose only crime was that they were loyal to the Southern cause and gave encouragement to the men of their blood, who were fighting for their independence. 152 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS As the greater number of our negroes still remained with their owners they bore the hardships of war with equal spirit and endurance. These faith- ful servants were often the mainstay of their owners, for they cultivated the crops and raised what food supplies our people had to live on. CHAPTER XIII SUCCESS OF THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA The defeat of McClellan on the Peninsula gave rise to a new movement that soon led to the with- drawal of the Federal forces from northern Vir- ginia. General Lee withdrew his army from the defense of Richmond and on July i6th instructed Stonewall Jackson to move north to Gordons- ville, and from that place to advance to Madison Court House. General Pope, in command of the Federal army of 40,000 men, was located near Culpeper Court House, with his outpost at the Rapidan River. Pope showed great activity and issued bombastic reports to his army of what he proposed to do to the Confederates, not disguising his hostile criticisms of McClellan's defeat on the Peninsula. With his "Headquarters in the Sad- dle," he pushed forward to attack Jackson's ad- vance from Gordonsville. Some of his cavalry had passed around the east side of Gordonsville and had reached Hanover Court House, where they were repulsed by General J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry. Jackson urged Lee to send him reinforcements from Richmond, and when it became clear to Lee 153 154 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS that Richmond was safe from an assault from Mc- Clellan he moved the greater number of his men to join Jackson and press north toward Washing- ton. It was then announced that the policy of the Confederate Government was to make an advance into Maryland, and in this way draw McClellan's army from in front of Richmond. Both Lee and Jackson were advised as to the strength and posi- tion of the Federal army occupying the territory between the Rapidan and Potomac. They also sized up the character of Pope, and determined to deal him a blow that would silence his bragga- docio and bold assumption of superiority over McClellan. Pope was the first of the Federal officers to order his troops to subsist upon the country and to hold the citizens responsible for all damages done to roads, railways, and telegraph lines by guerillas. He also ordered his generals to arrest every citizen within the limits of their lines, to administer the oath of allegiance to the Union, and to expel from their homes all who refused to take it. "The Confederate Government retaliated by declaring that Pope and his officers were not en- titled to be considered as soldiers. If captured they were to be imprisoned as long as their orders remained unrepealed and, in the event of any un- amied citizens being tried or shot, an equal num- SUCCESS OF THE ARMY 155 ber of Federal prisoners were to be hanged." ^ This put a check for a time upon a brutal policy that began to war upon innocent people. Pope was greatly aided by the energy and enter- prise of his cavalry, under General Buford and General Bayard, which annoyed the Confederates by raids within their lines. Jackson watched the movements of Pope with quiet patience. He had at this time a force of 24,000 men to oppose an army of 47,000. It was Jackson's purpose to draw Pope forward and separate him as far as pos- sible from Washington and his lines of communi- cation. He retired beyond Gordons ville, having been reinforced by the army under Lee and A. P. Hill. On August 3d General McClellan moved his command, by order of General Halleck, — then the newly selected adviser of the War Department in Washington, — from the James to the Rappa- hannock at Fredericksburg. On August 6th Pope began to move south to attack Jackson at Gordons- ville, but on the 7th Jackson advanced north to Orange Court House to oppose Pope. On Au- gust 8th Ewell's Division, in the advance, crossed the Rapidan and was within 18 miles of Culpep- er Court House, where Pope had concentrated his forces. On the afternoon of the 9th Ewell's Division, 1 Henderson. 156 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS in the advance, reached Slaughter Mountain, where it ran into a force of Federal cavalry that was massed on the banks of Cedar Run. Before three o'clock the Confederate lines had advanced, and a general engagement was brought on. The battle of Slaughter Mountain was hotly contested by the Federals but resulted in a victory for the Confederates. The loss on both sides was very heavy. In some 90 minutes 3,000 men had fallen. At 5 o'clock the Federals left the field. Jack- son soon learned from his prisoners that the men who opposed him were the same he had fought in the Valley. As Jackson was greatly outnumbered by the reinforcements that had come to Pope, he quietly withdrew behind the Rapidan. This movement so encouraged Pope that he claimed a victory and announced that this was only the first of a series of victories that awaited his army. The facts were that he was thoroughly done up by Jackson and did not make an advance on the 10th and 1 ith of August. In the battle of Slaughter Mountain a gallant major of a Virginia regiment was killed leading a charge. He was a native of our village, but before the war had moved to a distant county in our State. He entered the army and by his gal- lantry was promoted to the rank of major. Had he lived longer he no doubt would have reached SUCCESS OF THE ARMY 157 a much higher grade. I have distinct recollec- tions of his handsome and striking bearing as a young man. When I was a small boy my parents boarded in the home of his widowed mother, who by her kindness had won my affections. He had a number of near relatives in our county who were sorrowed by his death. In the same hght a relative of mine, a brave lieutenant in a Virginia company, had his leg car- ried away by a shell. This incapacitated him for active service during the remainder of the war; and though after the war he graduated in medicine and practiced his profession with success, he was always greatly handicapped by his misfortune. He labored hard and unselfishly in his profession for many years until called to join his companions in arms who had crossed the river before him. When Jackson withdrew behind the Rapidan he had a distinct purpose in view. He hoped to draw Pope after him; he wished to rest and strengthen his forces, and he had under considera- tion a plan of flanking Pope and getting between him and Washington. He had the enemy dis- turbed by his actions, as it was uncertain what he would do. McClellan wrote to Halleck, "He will suddenly appear, when least expected." His movements were too unreliable for the comfort of Pope and the Federal authorities. When the Confederates were quiet the North 158 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS was anxious. Wall Street was the barometer. Stocks fell and the premium on gold advanced. Pope's so-called victory at Slaughter Mountain had only given rest to the army; it had given no assurance that Jackson had been vanquished. Mc- Clellan had been allowed to move his army from the Peninsula, as fast as transports could carry it, to the defence of Washington. On August 19th the exact position of the Fed- eral armies was known. The following day Jack- son, with three divisions, broke camp at Gor- donsville and marched north to Pisgah Church. Lee had moved his forces from the defence of Richmond and had reached Gordonsville before the enemy knew of his change of base. The Fed- erals were not apprehensive of danger and their forces, numbering now some 52,000 men, were scattered in camps over wide territory, stretching from the fords of the Rapidan to Culpeper Court House. The main force was stationed along the road leading direct from Culpeper to Gordonsville, for the enemy assumed that Jackson would ad- vance by that route. Pope made the same mis- take that Banks had made in holding Strasburg when Jackson flanked his position by advancing by the Page Valley and getting in his rear at Front Royal and Middletown. The move to Pisgah Church left the Federal SUCCESS OF THE ARMY 159 army open to attack on its left flank. Owing to a misunderstanding of Lee's orders the Confeder- ate troops failed to push north from Pisgah Church and close in on the rear of Pope's army at Culpeper. A delay of two days gave Pope the opportunity to fall back and protect his rear; and he took a position on the Rappahannock River between Brandy Station and Manassas. In the meantime, Jackson, following the re- treating force of Pope, reached Brandy Station after a march of 20 miles. On August 21st Pope had massed his entire force on the left bank of the Rappahannock, where he occupied a strong posi- tion. It now became necessary to employ one of those flank movements, with which Jackson was so familiar. While Lee, with a large force, threatened Pope in front Jackson moved around Pope's right wing in the direction of Warrenton Springs, where he crossed the river under many difficulties; and, by keeping the enemy deceived as to his movements, he pushed north around Pope's flank and soon reached Warrenton. Up to this time the Confederate forces were obstinately confronted by the Federals, and a line of action was called for that would place Pope on the defensive and in a false position. At a conference held between Lee and Jackson on August the 24th it was decided to divide the army and to send Jackson north and across Bull Run i6o THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS Mountain through Thoroughfare Gap, where he could strike the railroad in the rear of Pope and cut off his communication with Washington. In the meanwhile Longstreet was to hold Pope in his present position, by threatening his front. Early on the morning of August 26th, Jackson passed through the Gap in Bull Run Mountain and pressed forward through Haymarket and Gainesville to Bristow Station, four miles south of Manassas Junction. Burning the railroad bridge across Broad Run and securing a strong position behind the stream, he proceeded to Ma- nassas and seized all the stores, destroying what he could not use nor move. All Pope's supplies were now in Jackson's hands. Pope was at this time between Warrenton and Manassas, with Jackson in his rear and Longstreet pressing him in front. His force greatly outnumbered the divided armies of Lee and it was his plan to crush the forces under Jackson now in his rear at Manassas. Not knowing the strength and exact position of Jackson's anny, Pope struck wildly and scattered his men in all directions, — an evidence of confu- sion of mind and desperation of spirit. Jackson loitered at the Junction some hours and allowed his men to enjoy the luxuries of food that were found in the enemy's camp. It is not difficult to imagine the happiness of the men, — who had for days covered long distances by march, living SUCCESS OF THE ARMY 161 largely on green corn and apples, — when they came into possession of the sutlers' wagons and dainty food supplies so abundantly handed out to them. Jackson's position at Manassas was exceedingly dangerous, but he calculated his chances, with his usual clearness and discretion. He was in the rear of large forces commanded by Pope and was separated from the army under Longstreet by over a day's march. Removing as much captured goods as possible, he set fire to the enormous stores at Manassas and quietly withdrew to a strong posi- tion about five miles north by west, where he en- camped and took measures for the expected attack by the Federal army. Jackson had planned that in case of defeat he could withdraw his army through a pass in Bull Run Mountain by way of Aldee. Established in this position, he was prepared for offensive opera- tions on the part of the enemy; and if he could hold his ground until Longstreet could join him, he felt able to deal a severe blow to the Federals. Pope, as soon as he was informed of the capture of Manassas, withdrew from the Rappahannock and rushed back to Manassas, holding to the view that the force that had captured the place was only a raiding party of cavalry. At that time he was not aware that the entire command under Jackson was in his rear. He lost valuable time in march- i62 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS ing and countermarching to discover Jackson's position. He did not know the position of his own troops until informed that his men under General King and General Gibbons had run up against Jackson and had been engaged in a severe fight, which Jackson had brought on with the in- tention of drawing the whole Federal army on him. The effect was shown by the results of the next two days. Late at night, when Pope learned of the en- gagement at Groveton, he gave orders for an at- tack on Jackson on the morning of August 29th. His purpose was to hurl a large force against Jackson before reinforcement could reach him, and thus crush him. Jackson was not aware at that time that Longstreet had broken through Thor- oughfare Gap and was near at hand. His posi- tion seemed critical, with the whole of Pope's army in front of him. With the coolness and courage that never deserted him under the most trying circumstances, he arranged his men in line of battle for the oncoming attack. By early dawn the Federal troops were seen advancing in columns for the attack. In the meantime Jackson had learned that Longstreet was near at hand, and he prepared to hold the enemy at bay until Long- street could give a counterstroke to the left wing of Pope's army. All day, and until five o'clock in the afternoon, SUCCESS OF THE ARMY 163 Pope hurled his columns against the Confederates, with a dash and daring that indicated a desperate frame of mind. As his men assaulted the Confed- erate lines at every point they were driven back with dreadful slaughter. The fields were covered with the dead and the wounded. Within a few hours Pope had lost over eight thousand men ; and the Confederate losses were also large. After making five assaults and not breaking the Confed- erate lines, Pope ordered a retreat and withdrew from the field to renew the attack the following morning. During the night the Confederates rested quietly on their arms, retaining the position held the previous day. General Lee, now in command of all the Confederate forces on the field, remained on the defensive, waiting for the opportunity to give a fatal blow to Pope. On August the 30th Pope was still under the delusion that he had so crippled the enemy the day before that an easy victory was now in store for him, so he massed his forces for an attack at midday and his army being in position he gave orders for an advance. Assault after assault was made upon the Confeder- ate lines, but they held their ground and inflicted dreadful punishment upon the attacking party. After four hours of slaughter Pope ordered a re- treat. As his men fell back from Jackson's front Lee i64 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS saw his opportunity and ordered his whole army to advance. With a strong and determined move- ment, the Confederates drove Pope's lines back on Bull Run and Centreville. Night only put an end to the brilliant victory Lee had won. On Septernber the 1st and 2d the Federal army re- tired to the Potomac; General McClellan was put in charge of the Federal army, and Pope was al- lowed to resign. As a commander of large bodies of men he was a failure ; as a braggart and bluffer he was an eminent success, until the bluff was called. The people of Virginia have reason to chastise his memory with criticism and disrespect. Though the example he set found many followers during the subsequent years of the war, — such as Sherman, Sheridan, Hunter, and others of lesser light, — his associate officers in the LTnion army were at that time gentlemen and conducted the war on a high plane of decency and honor. CHAPTER XIV EVENTS IN OUR VILLAGE IN THE SUMMER OF '62 The Second Battle of Manassas gave to the Con- federates many spoils and captured goods. A short time after the battle railroad communication was reestablished for a few days between our vil- lage and Manassas, and cars loaded with all kinds of army supplies were shipped to our place for transportation into the interior. I remember see- ing a number of gondolas loaded with muskets, rifles, pistols, and other arms that had been picked up on the battlefield, either spoils of war or weapons that had been discarded by the Confed- erates for better ones taken from the enemy. All this old material was useful to the Confederate soldiers, as it placed them in possession of arms much more valuable than those furnished by the War Department, During the greater part of the early summer of 1862 there were Federal troops located at our vil- lage. In the latter weeks of July a regiment of infantry and two companies of cavalry were en- camped about a mile away, and two companies of infantry were encamped at the edge of the village 165 i66 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS on duty as a guard for the Provost-Marshal, who had his headquarters in the hotel. They were an orderly and well-behaved set of men, among whom were some very gentlemanly officers. As my home was in the suburbs the outpost picket was on a road near the house, and we could neither go in nor come out of the village, without a pass from the Provost-Marshal. The pass was given with- out objection; but as the pass was good only for the day on which it was issued, it was necessary to have it renewed frequently. In this way I learned to know the officers in charge quite well. One afternoon a few of our boys, somewhat older than myself, insisted that I should join them in a swim in the river, a mile distant and outside the picket line. We had to steal by the picket by going through a field and woods, away from the main road, to get to the river; and we were all in, having a glorious time, when in some way the Provost-Marshal learned of our escape and sent a squad of infantry after us. We were ordered to don our clothes, and were marched under guard to the Provost-Marshal's office. This was my first experience as a prisoner and the situation did not seem to offer much comfort. Whether my crime called for a light sentence or a heavy one I did not know. However, the good-hearted officer gave us only a lecture on our breach of military rules, then laughed heartily over our escapade. EVENTS IN OUR VILLAGE 167 I was greatly relieved and thought this captain a very fine fellow. The colonel of the regiment was a very large and stout man, — inactive and somewhat advanced in years, — who had the reputation of being a first- class gentleman but a very poor soldier. He dele- gated the command almost entirely to the lieu- tenant-colonel, — a much more active officer and a younger one. At this time I was taken sick with a fever, which alarmed my parents very much. Our old family physician was too ill to do pro- fessional work. So my father called the Assist- ant Surgeon of the Federal Regiment, — a young man of most gentle manner, — to attend me. As my symptoms indicated a typhoid condition the young military doctor requested the Chief Sur- geon to see me in consultation. Between the two I was soon restored to health. These two surgeons were exceedingly kind to our citizens, assisting the older resident physicians in their attendance on a number of sick villagers, and supplying the patients with medicines which our own physicians did not have. Our people became much attached to them, realizing that the surgeons of the two armies were equally attentive to the wounded and sick, whether Confederate or Federal. This spirit of humanity has almost invariably characterized the members of the medical profession. Our com- mon humanity should always appeal to the nobler i68 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS instincts of our nature and we should always be ready to aid our fellow-man in sickness or misfor- tune. It is due to our people to say that during the war the sick and wounded of both Federal and Confederate armies were treated with equal con- sideration. I know that in my own home we made no distinction. At this time an incident occurred that for a few hours created an unusual commotion and excite- ment. While the Federal troops were quietly resting in camp, not dreaming of an attack by the Confederates, they were suddenly surprised by a small raiding body of cavalry that dashed into the village and captured the Provost-Marshal and his associates on duty at their headquarters in the hotel. Suddenly surprising the pickets, they dashed into the streets and captured the officers before the two companies on guard could come to their aid, the companies being in camp at the north end of the village and the raiders having come in from the south. Several of them rode down a back street and fired into the camp. The soldiers rushed wildly into their tents, but before they could form in company or squad the Confed- erates had seized the Provost-Marshal and the men that were with him. The prisoners, — some on foot and others mounted behind the cavalrymen, — were hurried out of the village. The retreat of the cavalry was EVENTS IN OUR VILLAGE 169 made slow by the march of those on foot and the weight of those carried behind on the horses. In the meantime, the two companies of Federal cav- alry, with the regiment of infantry on the hill, hur- riedly saddled their horses and gave chase. As they were unencumbered, they made good time and overtook the Confederates five miles south of the village. The Confederates had already released the prisoners on foot as well as a few of those riding double, for they could not make time and they knew that they were being pursued. Among those captured was the Chief Surgeon, Dr. Wm. Marshall, who was mounted behind one of the men and carried over a mile. When he made known the fact that he was a surgeon he was immediately released and allowed to return to his command. This doctor frequently laughed over his capture as a huge joke, and did not take at all seriously the treatment he received. Some years after the war I met him at a seaside resort and spent several hours with him recalling incidents connected with his stay in our village when a sur- geon in the army. He recalled his capture by the Confederates as I have related it and referred to the experience as a most interesting episode in his life. He told me that a rebel cavalryman had picked him up on the street and ordered him to mount his horse as fast as possible. With the double load, the cavalryman struck out for the 170 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS country as fast as his horse could run. After going a mile the horse began to slow down in his gait, when Dr. Marshall remarked to the cavalryman that he was a surgeon. He was immediately dropped in the road, and the horse, relieved of the burden, struck off at a faster pace and was soon out of sight. The surgeon then walked slowly back to the village, meeting on his return the Federal cavalry in full pursuit of the Confederates. The prisoners were dropped all along the road- side; the Provost-Marshal being the last set at liberty. They were overtaken by the Federals about five miles south of the village and only made good their escape by dispersing and fleeing in every direction. All the prisoners were released, but they held on to the horses they had captured. Nothing came of this raid except one unfor- tunate casualty. On the retreat from the village three or four of the cavalrymen were separated from their companions, and had to make their es- cape by a road that ran south, — in a different di- rection from the one in which they had come. In rushing out of the village they ran into the rear of the picket posted on the road a half-mile south; and the sentry on duty, seeing the men coming towards him, did not know whether he was con- fronted by his friends or enemies until he saw the gray uniforms of the men. He stood at his post, and gave the order to halt; then fired his EVENTS IN OUR VILLAGE 171 gun. The fire was returned by the men in full gallop, and the sentry fell dead at his post, while the men rushed on, without taking time to see what damage they had done. The dead soldier was taken into a house near by and his body was kept until his comrades were notified of his death. This affair was sufficient to arouse attention and to demand stronger picket posts at a greater dis- tance from the village on the roads leading south. This regiment was in camp some three weeks, and then left to join the forces under Pope east of the Blue Ridge. From this time forward our village was never used as a permanent encampment for Federal troops. It became a stamping ground for both armies passing north and south, but was seldom occupied longer than two or three days at a time. Early in August a division of Federals, com- manded by General Sigel, halted several days on their march from the Valley to join Pope in Cul- peper County. This command was made up largely of Germans, with one brigade of Ohio and Western men, commanded by General Robert Schenck. These Ggjman troops could not speak / English and they had a bad reputation as thieves and pillagers of dairies and chicken-houses. They gave some of our citizens trouble, for they cleaned up the poultry yards and orchards wherever they went; and as they had a great fondness for milk 172 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS they did not hesitate to milk any cow that came their way, drinking the milk warm from the cow's udder. In this connection I will tell an amusing incident I witnessed, which shows the brutal ap- petite of some men. A few cows belonging to our citizens were grazing in a meadow. The gentle cows had all been milked by the soldiers, and there was one young heifer that was not well broken to stand when milked. The men drove this animal into a corner and with their bayonets held her as quiet as possible. One fellow got on his knees and tried to milk her, but the animal gave a lurch and landed both feet on the man's chest, knocking him over. His comrades laughed heartily and then tried to corner the animal a second time, with no better success. At length they gave up the job and let her go. General Schenck, who commanded a brigade in Sigel's Division, was a guest in our home at that time, or, to be more exact, he had politely asked to make his headquarters in our house during his stay. As it was always a protection to a family to have one or more Federal officers quartered in or near a private home, almost all our citizens were willing to entertain these officers, for they were gentlemen, and during the first two years of the war they were most respectful and considerate. General Schenck and his staff were no excep- tion to the rule. He was a very courteous and EVENTS IN OUR VILLAGE 173 kind-hearted man, whom we could respect even though he was an enemy of our country. As I recall him he was a large, stout, and rugged- looking man of middle life, with auburn hair, slightly tinged with gray. He had been a mem- ber of Congress from Ohio and thus early in the war had not been able to establish a great reputa- tion as a soldier. He was very intelligent, ami- able and courtly in manner, and most deferential to ladies. Every morning before breakfast he would go into the garden and pluck the most beautiful rose, bring it to the house, and present it to my mother. He always wore a flower in the lapel of his coat, which indicated a refinement and delicacy of sentiment not often observed among military men. He was very careful in his dress, and had as his valet a young mulatto man who looked after his personal comfort. When he left our home this negro stole an overcoat belonging to my father and a number of small articles belonging to the room occupied by General Schenck. My father wrote to General Schenck and gave him a list of the articles stolen, having, however, no expectation of ever recovering the articles, and writing more to post the General as to the honesty of his valet. Much to our surprise, some three or four days later a courier came all the way from Sperryville, some 30 miles distant, and brought the stolen goods, 174 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS with a courteous note from the General, offering apologies for the negro. The negro had stolen the goods but claimed that he had taken them believing that they belonged to the General. The valet had lied, for he knew perfectly well that the Confederate gray overcoat, with cloth buttons, was much too small for a man of General Schenck's large proportions. Fortu- nately he had been caught before he had time to dispose of the stolen goods, A small incident like this would have been disregarded by the vast ma- jority of men in the General's position; and his attention to so small a matter showed his nice sense of honor and his consideration for the rights of a citizen in whose home he had passed only a few days. General Schenck was a seasoned soldier. At the battle of Slaughter Mountain Sigel's Division suffered severely and General Schenck's Brigade bore the brunt of the fight. Again, at Second Manassas Sigel's troops were severely handled, and General Schenck was wounded and as a result lost an arm. After the close of the war he was ap- pointed Minister to the Court of St. James by the President of the United States. During his serv- ice in England he became very popular because of his rare social gifts and his genial personality. He was also the author of a book on the game of poker, — a book that became an authority, and has EVENTS IN OUR MLLAGE 175 been widely used by card players. Because of this contribution to the amusement of the public he obtained the sobriquet of "Poker Schenck," per- haps the most widely known way of distinguishing him. In relating these incidents I am perhaps repeat- ing much history that is known to the generation that lived just before, during, and after the war. Yet many of the facts related may have an interest to the present generation and to those that follow, since they illustrate the character and temper of the times and of the people who took part in the events recorded. CHAPTER XV STONEWALL JACKSON AND THE MARYLAND CAM- PAIGN In the early spring of 1862 tjie people of Virginia found large bodies of Federal troops invading her territory. McClellan had pushed his forces on the Peninsula within a few miles of Richmond, and the fall of the Confederate capital seemed prob- able. In the Shenandoah Valley the Federals had reached as far as Harrisonburg, and held posses- sion of the most fertile section west of the Blue Ridge. A large army under General Pope was pushing into the interior by way of Culpeper Court House and Gordonsville. The armies of the Confederacy were kept in constant action on the defense, yielding here and there to the pressure of larger forces in front. Nothing but the mis- takes of the enemy and the boldness and activity of the Confederate armies could change the situa- tion. The first opportunity came when Jackson pushed west and defeated the Federal army at Mc- Dowell on May 8th and 9th. Returning to the Valley with this prestige of success, Jackson be- gan the great campaign that resulted in the defeat of the armies under Banks, Shields, and Fremont. 176 STONEWALL JACKSON 177 Within 30 days he had marched his men over 200 miles, and captured large supplies and pris- oners and had defeated the Federal armies in every engagement. This great strategy and accomplish- ment had raised Jackson's name to the highest re- nown; but this quiet, earnest man was thinking and caring little for his personal distinction. His best efforts were devoted to the cause he loved, and his one aim was to free his State from the invading army. The movement of Jackson's forces to the Penin- sula and his cooperation with Lee soon led to the defeat of McClellan and the withdrawal of his army from the front of Richmond. Next came the advance north led by Jackson, the battle with Pope at Slaughter Mountain, and the flank move- ment around Pope, resulting in the retreat of his army to the Rappahannock, where it was held on the defensive until Jackson had moved around his right wing, captured Manassas, with its stores, and cut off all communication with Washington. Next came the second battle of Manassas with complete rout of the Federal army and its retreat to the Potomac. The successes of the Confederate arms in such rapid succession had driven the Federal forces almost entirely off the soil of Virginia. In all these victories the genius of Stonewall Jackson stood out in bold relief. As a strategist, as a 178 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS leader, as a genius of bold and daring adventure, he had no equal. Jackson was always aggressive, his mind was full of initiative, of cunning, and daring, which gave a spirit of inspiration to all his actions and movements. His secretiveness, his earnest piety, his faith in the guiding hand of Providence, his belief in himself and his mission, all gave a force to his military genius, — a genius that grasped every situation and carried him through every difficulty he encountered. The mastery of the man was the inspiration of the men who followed him, who believed in him, and who knew no such words as failure and defeat with him at their head. These military movements of Jackson have been studied and written up by the students of military history and by the ablest critics of war- fare; they have been made the text-book for the student of the science of war, and they will ever hold a place side b)^ side with the work of the greatest soldiers of ancient and modern times. Jackson had long advised the invasion of Northern territory, and after the First Manassas he had advocated an attack on Washington. The opportunity was now favorable for an aggressive movement north of the Potomac. In this advance Lee assigned the leadership to Jackson. On Sep- tember 2d Jackson, with his command, pushed across the Potomac at White's Ferry and as- STONEWALL JACKSON 179 sembled his men in Frederick City. Lee with the larger army followed. The combined forces under Lee were estimated at 64,000 men, but as there were many stragglers the active force was 10,000 less. The Federal army under McClellan was at that time being assembled and reorganized in and around Washington. It numbered over 100,000 men in arms, while a Federal army of 8,000 men, under General White, was in posses- sion of Harper's Ferry, and some 3,000 men were in Winchester, there being also about the same number at Martinsburg, — all in the rear of the Confederate forces then concentrating near Fred- erick City. It was evidently the purpose of the Federal authorities to hold Harper's Ferry, and embarrass the rear of the Confederate army, and cut off its communication with the South by way of the \'alley. It was evident to Lee that this Federal force should be dislodged at once. Longstreet, with 2';,ooo men, declined to lead the attack on Harper's Ferry, and Jackson at once assumed this difficult task. On September 10th Jackson, — his command reinforced by three divisions, — began to invest Harper's Ferry on three sides. Crossing South Mountain at Turner's Gap, he moved west in the direction of Williamsport, where he crossed the Potomac. He then marched to Martinsburg, to drive the Federal troops sta- i8o THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS tioned there into the net at Harper's Ferry. Closing in around the garrison now occupying strong positions on the heights around this place, he began preparations for its immediate capture. Prompt work was required, for McClellan was pressing through Frederick City and South Moun- tain to the relief of General White, now walled in by Jackson. During the 13th and 14th Jack- son's batteries played on the garrison and soon convinced General White that further resistance was impossible. Early on the morning of the 15th the place was surrendered unconditionally, with a loss to the Confederate side of less than one hundred men. General White surrendered 12,000 prisoners, with as many small arms, 73 pieces of artillery, and all stores, wagons, horses, and army equipments in the place. The results of the surrender were very advantageous to Lee, as his forces were being heavily pressed through South Mountain by McClellan and his 90,000 and more men. Lee was forced to retire to Sharpsburg where he was joined by Jackson, — now released from Harper's Ferry. The ground around Sharpsburg was elevated on a plateau, bordered on the north and east by Antietam Creek, — a rugged stream that wound its way through high banks to the Potomac, which was from one to three miles west of Lee's posi- STONEWALL JACKSON 181 tion. With an army now reduced to 45,000 men, it was a serious question whether Lee should, with 90,000 men assaulting his lines, remain on the defensive or retire across the river and take a posi- tion on Virginia soil, thus abandoning the object of the Maryland campaign : a decisive battle with McClellan and a crippling of his army. Lee de- cided to stand at bay and await an assault from McClellan. He had little to expect from this line of action except a dignified defense and a retreat that would retain the morale of his army and weaken the force of the Federal blow aimed at him. The ground and position, properly se- cured by works, hastily constructed, were favor- able for defensive operations; and the burden of attack was placed on the Federal troops, which up to this time had met with indifferent success in assaults upon Lee's men. Before daylight of September 17th, the firing of the pickets began between the two lines, and within a short time the Federals, led by Hooker, began the attack on the left wing, held by Jackson and his men. Following a cannonade lasting an hour, the advance was made through a wide open field; the Federals pushing forward with energy and daring, until they encountered the Con- federate lines, when the resistance became ob- stinate and unyielding. Charge and countercharge were made and re- i82 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS pulsed. The artillery was used en masse to silence the Confederate batteries and aid the ad- vancing columns in their assaults. The firing from Jackson's men was poured upon the charging columns, with deadly effect. The men were cut down in such numbers that the field was soon covered with bodies of dead men and wounded, while the living were mixed in wild confusion. The dead lay piled up in front of the Confederate lines in heaps; still the Federals rushed in and in places broke through the lines, only to be forced back for renewed assaults. Backward and for- ward the battle raged, with clouds of smoke and crash of muskets and almost deafening roar of ar- tillery. Neither side seemed willing to yield. As fresh men were rushed in to support the Federals the Confederates rallied and closed in their de- pleted ranks. From one end of the line to the other the battle raged for hours. When the left wing failed to give away the center of the line was charged and recharged, only to be repulsed until fresh men could be brought into action. Failing to break the left and center, McClellan ordered Burnside to attack the Confederate right with three divisions. Here the resistance was long and bloody, and at one time the result looked disastrous to the Confederates; but General A. P. Hill, coming from Harper's Ferry where he had been with Jackson, brought fresh men into STONEWALL JACKSON 183 action in time to save the wavering lines and drove Burnside's men under cover. This fortunate counterstroke at the proper time saved the day. The Federals retired from the field and gave up the struggle for the day, which, extending from daylight to early afternoon, had been gigantic. Every moment was filled with in- tense action. Marching, countermarching, firing, and loading had put a strain on the men that could last no longer. When night came both armies were exhausted; many soldiers, without food or water, fell asleep in their lines almost forgetful of the carnage and suffering about tliem. Out of 130,000 men who had met on the field in the morning over 20,000 had been killed or wounded. The Federal losses were greater than those of the Confederates; for the attacking party had been exposed to the greater danger. No less than fif- teen generals and brigadiers had fallen in the battle. After the battle Lee held a conference with his generals to decide whether the army should re- treat during the night and cross the Potomac. In this conference, after all had given their opinions. General Lee, mounted on his horse, rose in his stirrups and said: "We will not cross the Potomac to-night. If McClellan wants to fight in the morning, I will give him battle again." i84 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS The will and courage of this great soldier were invincible. He knew McClellan. He knew the temper of his own men. On September i8th the two armies remained in the same position. McClellan made no effort to renew the attack. Lee collected and buried his dead, removed his wounded across the Potomac as far as was possible, and then during the night withdrew his entire army to the Virginia side, taking all his wagons and artillery with him. The withdrawal of the Confederates gave McClellan and his Government the nerve to claim the battle of Antietam as a great Federal victory; but the facts did not warrant any such claim, for McClellan had been balked and driven back at every point. His army, while not stampeded, was prostrated and demoralized for the time being, and some days passed before it was able to make an aggressive movement. With the return of the Confederates to Vir- ginia the campaign of 1862 came to a close. The two great armies that had met on hard-fought battlefields, extending from the Peninsula to the Potomac, had been exhausted. They rested like two worn out game cocks, too deeply wounded to resume fight. CHAPTER XVI FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 The Valley of Virginia, which had been in the possession of the Federal troops since the early spring, was now within the Confederate lines. General Lee went into camp in the northern coun- ties of the Valley, where he reorganized his army and gradually restored its efficiency. At his sug- gestion to the President the Army of Northern Virginia was organized into two army corps, the command of one of which was given to General James Longstreet and the other to General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson. Each was made a lieuten- ant-general. Jackson received his commission on October 1 1 th and was placed in command of the Second Army Corps, made up of the divisions of Ewell and D. H. Hill and the Stonewall Division. His corps numbered at the time of its organiza- tion about 27,000 men. The First Army Corps, under Longstreet, was transferred to eastern Vir- ginia, and went into camp near Culpeper Court House. Jackson remained in the lower Valley for some weeks and enjoyed the quiet rest of the camp and the beautiful country around. The larger por- 185 i86 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS tion of his force was camped on the Opequon, with headquarters at Millwood, Clarke County. During this time he was actively engaged in de- stroying the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Manassas Gap Railroad, between Manassas and Strasburg. Stuart was active. With his cavalry and with 600 picked men, well mounted, he started on October 9th on a raid into Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. Crossing the Potomac at McCoy's Ford, he marched north to Chambersburg, which he reached late on the evening of October loth. Here he secured a number of horses and supplies, destroyed rail and wire communications, and rested until morning. He then marched east to Em- metsburg, Frederick City, and Hyattsville, where he camped for the night, having covered a distance of 90 miles since leaving Chambersburg. On the 12th of October he cut the lines of communication with Washington, but running into Federal troops that were on the lookout for him, he crossed the Potomac at White's Ferry before the enemy could close in on him. He then rejoined the army in Virginia. In a space of 58 hours he had traveled with his men 126 miles through the enemy's country, without a casualty; had brought back several hundred fine horses, and had located the positions of the Fed- eral army. He was vigorously pursued by large FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 187 bodies of Federal cavalry, but he eluded them at every point and inflicted more damage on their horses by the circuitous chases he led them than he was himself exposed to by the direct route of travel he made. The raid of Stuart had the further effect of delaying the movements of McClellan. It was not until October 26th that McClellan commenced the passage of the Potomac and again invaded Virginia. At this time he had with him a total strength of 225,000 men for of- fensive work, and this army had been thoroughly reorganized and equipped for active service. On November 7th the Sixth Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, numbering 125,000 men, with 320 guns, assembled between Bull Run Moun- tain and the Blue Ridge. In Washington a garri- son of 80,000 was encamped and along the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad there were some 22,000 men. To face this powerful force the Confederates had a total of 7 1 ,809 men and 279 guns, — a force divided at that time. Lee did not concentrate his forces in front of McClellan, but held the Second Army Corps in the Valley to threaten McClellan's rear. As soon, however, as McClellan advanced from Warrenton Lee decided to unite his forces. This advance was not made, for on the same day McClellan was removed and General Burnside was given the command of the Army of the Poto- i88 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS mac. Burnside at once changed McClellan's plans and moved the Army of the Potomac to Falmouth on the Potomac, and later to Fredericks- burg. It was then evident that the line of advance on Richmond would be by way of Fred- ericksburg. On November the 22d Jackson left Winchester, on the 27th his army was concen- trated at Orange Court House, 37 miles from Fredericksburg, and on the 29th the First and Second Army Corps were united in front of Burn- side. I have followed these military movements through the campaign of 1862 that the reader may have a brief view of the operations of the different forces in northern Virginia, that he may understand the situation of our people, and the effect these movements had upon the domestic life and interests of our citizens. In 1862 our vil- lage had a population of less than 500. It was the county seat and only village of any importance in the county. Located on a railroad running from Washington to the main Valley of the Shenandoah, it was in communication by pikes with a large agricultural country to the south and southeast that gave it some commercial impor- tance and considerable inland trade. It had good stores, four churches, a court-house, and a number of attractive private homes. With the exception FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 189 of one tanyard, there were no factories in the place. Our townspeople were largely represented by the professional and mercantile element and a few retired farmers. The people were refined, hos- pitable and moral, for the community was made up of old families who owned their own negroes and some property. The surrounding country was settled by a well-to-do rural population that owned good farms, good live stock, and a well- behaved class of negroes. When the war broke out our people were happy and prosperous. There was no poverty in our county, for labor was respected and worthy of its hire, and a comfortable living was within the reach of everyone. Of course all this was changed by the fortunes of war. All personal property was swept away, and many of our citizens were impoverished. Those who owned lands were generally able to hold them, but all improvements on the land were so destroyed that the bare soil was about all that was left. Houses, barns, outbuildings, and fences were in many instances burned, or were left in such a dilapidated condition as to be almost worth- less. Only two flour and grist mills were left in the county, the others having been burned in the fall of 1864 by the order of General Sheridan. About 30 per cent of the population of the 190 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS county was negro. Of the white population over 90 per cent was of pure Anglo-Saxon blood. There was a small German element composed of moral and industrious citizens. The majority of our people were landowners and farmers, the rural life being one of great independence and refine- ment. There were a number of fine old estates and many of the landowners lived in baronial style, in homes of comfort and hospitality. There were few rural communities in Vir- ginia where the people were so free from debt and social unrest as in our county, and few where the rights of the slave were so respected and cared for. Slavery was considered a responsibility, not a privilege. The negro was happy and contented. He loved his master. Up to the close of 1862 these conditions had not been seriously disturbed. The armies that had passed through and encamped in the county had burned a great deal of fencing and had destroyed some of the growing crops, so that within a radius of two miles of the village there were few fields left enclosed and the land was open to general use. As much of the live stock, — such as horses and cattle, — had been taken for the use of both armies, only such animals as cows, hogs, poultry, and a few old and broken-down horses were left for the use of our citizens. But this stock was sufficient for all necessary wants, and the ques- FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 191 tion of food supplies had not been raised. Many of the people living in the village began to keep cows, hogs, and poultry and to cultivate the garden and the orchard. In this way home sup- plies were not reduced to any great extent. This was a fortunate circumstance, as during the last two years of the war our village population would have suffered for the actual necessities of life, had not the garden, the orchard, and the poultry )^ard supplied the food necessary to sustain life. Breadstuffs, groceries, and clothing became luxuries, for the wheat and corn were either re- moved or destroyed by the Federal troops, groceries could seldom be had and clothes were made of material for the greater part spun, woven, and dyed, by our women. After the latter part of August, 1862, our county was held within the Confederate lines, and, with the exception of a few raiding parties, we had no Federal troops until the early spring of 1863, During the fall and winter months our people were able to follow their usual avocations. The farmers cultivated and gathered their crops by the labor of old men, negroes, and boys. The home life was made sad or joyful as the effects of war were experienced in the results of battle. With all the active male population in the army, the losses by sickness and death in battle were felt by almost every family; and those soldiers that 192 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS had so far escaped the casualties of war were at the front, and each mail might bring tidings of sorrow to some heart. Our boys were seldom able to come home on furlough unless encamped near us; but the wounded and convalescent sick came home for rest and recovery, so that our village still remained a rendezvous for a number of dis- abled soldiers. The social life was in this way kept in a state of excitement that removed all monotony and gloom and gave a live interest to daily occurrences. All was not sorrow and depression of spirit, for the hearts of young and old were fired with patriotism and hope of success for the Southern cause. The withdrawal of the Federal army, the acts of heroism and the fame of Lee, Jackson and other generals inspired a hope of final victory, and the belief that the war would end in the indepen- dence of our nation. Lip to the spring of 1863 the progress of the war had been favorable to the South, hence the winter of 1862 was a period of happy expectation. Looking forward to better things, we regarded the events of the past as small sacrifices that a people should make for liberty and independence. Those who had been bereaved by the death of their loved ones or who suffered losses of property were reconciled to the decree of fate because hope seemed to smile on the Southern arms. FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 193 During the fall of 1862 the President of the Confederate .States called upon the people of the South to observe a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer for the success of the Southern arms. The people were requested to meet in places of public worship and offer prayers to Almighty God in thanks for His mercy and love. In our village our citizens of all religious de- nominations assembled in one of the two churches left for worship. The congregation was made up almost entirely of old men, women, girls, and boys, there being not a man there that was able to bear arms. A few old servants occupied seats in the gallery. Of those present some were in deep mourning for loved ones who had died in service; some were sorrowing for their friends and relatives in hospitals and camps; indeed, there was not a soul that was not touched in some way b}- the hand of war. The minister was an old man whose sons were in the army, whose hair was frosted by the cares of time, whose shoulders were bent under the weight of years, and whose heart had been touched by the sorrows of life. His spirit was the spirit of the times. After the con- gregation had sung the old hymn, "How firm a foundation, etc.," he poured out a fervent prayer, and then took as his text the following verse : "And let it be, when thou hearest the sound of a going in the top of the mulberry trees that then thou 194 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS shall bestir thyself, for then shall the Lord go out before thee to smite the host of the Philistines." — II Samuel, 5 — 24. With a clear, sweet, and earnest voice he told the congregation the history of the, long war be- tween the house of Saul and the house of David, of the triumph of David over Saul, of the estab- lishment of the throne of David over Israel and over Judah and finally how David had delivered Israel from the hands of the Philistines and out of the hands of all their enemies. He drew a comparison between the struggles of David, and his efforts to establish a kingdom of righteousness for the people of Israel and those of the people of the South in their struggles for political inde- pendence. He tried to explain the nature of the contest the Southern people were making, the hardships and sacrifices they had to endure, the signs of the times, in the going of the leaves in the top of the mulberry trees, and the necessity for united and persistent effort upon the part of every man, woman, and child in the great struggle for liberty in which the Southland was engaged. After referring in the most touching and pathetic way to the sorrows that many in the congregation were now bearing for the loss of loved ones who had fallen in battle, to the uncertainties that then surrounded those now active in service, to the need FALL AND WINTER OF 1862 195 of courage and faith to bear all things, he raised his voice, with a spirit of reverence and fire, and cried out, "Bestir thyself, for then shall the Lord go out before thee to smite the host of the enemy." This sermon stirred the most profound emotion of the congregation, and filled each member with silent courage and with an abiding hope that the Lord was with them. There was scarcely a dry eye in the church. All took to heart the spirit of truth, the admonition of zeal that the preacher had inspired. After the lapse of many years I am only able to repeat the words and thoughts of the good old preacher, long since gone to his reward, in this brief and imperfect way. The language has been lost but the impression left on my boyish mind was too deep to be forgotten. It has lingered all these years in memory's hidden shelves because it was treasured in the heart and mind, like the prayers taught by our mothers in the very earliest days of childhood that are never forgotten, like the nursery rhymes and little poems and nurses' tales that live forever in sweetest recollection. CHAPTER XVII WINTER PLEASURES AND DANGERS During the fall and winter of 1862 our com- munity was kept in more or less commotion by visits from the soldiers of both armies. While the Confederate army was in winter camp there were frequent opportunities for the boys in gray to visit their homes on furlough. This was espe- cially the case after the great defeat of Burnside at Fredericksburg on December 1 1 th and 1 2th. In November, after Stonewall Jackson left the Valley, the Federal troops took possession of Win- chester and that town became the outpost of the Federal army. Frequent raids by the cavalry were made from Winchester into the surrounding country and our village was frequently threatened by these raiding parties, so we were kept on the lookout, as no one could tell when a visit would be made. We then occupied neutral ground be- tween the armies, — ground that was open to the pleasure of either. The boys in gray, whose home was our village, had to conceal their visits at night; during the day, however, they could easily make their escape, for warning of the enemy's approach could be easily given in ample 196 PLEASURES AND DANGERS 197 time lor them to escape. The danger these boys assumed may be illustrated by the following in- cident : One of our boys, whose home was on the main road of travel between our place and Winchester, visited his home and spent several nights with his family. Early one morning a man dressed in Confederate unifonn rode up to the house and rushed in before his presence was known. With- out ceremony he entered a room where the boy in gray was seated talking to his mother. As he entered the room the young Confederate took him for one of his companions and rose from his seat to offer him a welcome. The Federal soldier, seeing the boy, drew his pistol and demanded surrender. The boy in gray sprang on him so suddenly that he seized the pistol before it could be fired, then he grappled with the Federal soldier. In the tussle that ensued the Confederate threw the Federal and had him fixed on the floor, while the mother, who was in the room and an eyewitness to the struggle, cried out to her boy, "Give it to him, son; give it to him." But while the fight was still going on a great commotion was heard in the yard and the mother, going to the window to see what the noise meant, found that the yard was full of Federal cavalrymen, who were dismounting to enter the house. Turning to her son, she told him to surrender, 198 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS as there was no chance for him to escape. Up to this time he had had the advantage, and but for outside aid, would have captured his aggressor. Realizing the situation, he released his hold and allowed the man to rise. Though still holding the pistol he told the man that he would sur- render, and he was soon hurried off to prison. The Federal soldier, — who wore over his blue uniform a Confederate gray overcoat that dis- guised him completely, was what was then known as a "Jessie Scout." He had ridden in advance of the raiding party, partly disguised as a spy, and had picked up a tartar who would have given him serious trouble had not his comrades come to his rescue. This occurrence was not unusual, for our boys in gray, when visiting the homes of their friends in the Federal lines or in neutral territory, assumed the risks of war and often made trouble for their families, whose homes were frequently searched and not infrequently plundered by men who claimed to be looking for rebel soldiers, but who were really in search of valuable property. On one occasion just after daybreak and before any member of my family, except my father, was out of bed a raiding party of Federal cavalry rushed up to my home and entered the house, demanding to know whether any rebel soldiers were sleeping in the house. My father answered PLEASURES AND DANGERS 199 in the negative; but they claimed the right to search the house from cellar to garret. Going through every bedroom, closet and hiding-place, and finding no evidence of rebel soldiers in the house, they mounted their horses and rode away. In one respect they were decent : they took none of our property. This is more than can be said of those who came later in the war, for our people were often robbed by wander- ing squads of cavalry, in search of plunder rather than of rebels, who did not hesitate to take any- thing they could carry away, — especially silver and articles of food and clothing that had any value to them. I will give an illustration. One early morning in the fall of 1864 two Federal cavalrymen rode up to the side-yard fence that enclosed my home and asked the servant to call my father as they wished to see him. The servant came into the dining-room, where the family was eating breakfast, and told my father he was wanted at the fence by two soldiers. As the air was chilly my father threw over his shoulders a handsome black cloth overcoat that had seen but little service. The coat had a pe- culiar value as it belonged to a young relative who had been killed in battle, and after his death his mother had presented it to my father, who had not worn it a half-dozen times. I followed my father out to the fence, where 200 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the men were seated on their horses. They asked a few questions, then rode away, and we thought nothing more of the incident. However, after dark the same day two cavalrymen rode up to the same place and called to one of the servants in the yard to tell my father to come out to see them. As it was dark, we could not tell whether they were the same men we had seen at the same place in the morning. Boylike, I went with my father. When we reached the fence the spokes- man remarked that two of their men had reported to General Torbert, — then commanding the raid- ing party — ,that they had seen a citizen wearing that morning a handsome overcoat, like those worn by Federal officers, and that they had been or- dered to bring the overcoat to his tent, the man with the overcoat, if necessary. My father protested that the coat he had worn that morning was his own, that it was a citizen's overcoat and bore no resemblance to a uniform. The man insisted that his orders were explicit, that he wanted to see the coat to be satisfied as to its character, whereupon my father told me to go to the house and bring out the coat. This I did. The man on horseback examined it carefully, felt the silk collar and cloth buttons, the silk lining and general make-up of the garment. He then coolly remarked : "Yes, this seems to be a citizen's overcoat, but PLEASURES AND DANGERS 201 I have positive orders from General Torbert that I must bring the coat to his camp." He also had the courtesy (?) to add: "General Torbert in- structed me to bring the owner ot the coat with me, if he did not consent to give me the coat. I am satisfied that it will be returned to the owner as soon as it has been examined and found to be the coat of a citizen." While the discussion was going on the cavalry- men held fast to the coat. It was quite dark, General Torbert's camp was over a mile from my home, and the only route to it was through dense woods. My father knew well that if he under- took the trip on foot he w^ould never reach the General's camp, that these men would gallop away from him or murder him on the way. He saw they wevG thieves, if not desperadoes, and that the only thing he could do was to submit to the hold- up. After protesting against the brutality of the demand, he said: "Take the coat, it is my property, I never expect to see it again." The villain, again apologizing for the injustice of General Torbert's order, put spurs to his horse and rode away. The men had simply lied about General Torbert, had maligned his character, and had disgraced the uniform they wore. They had robbed a citizen of his personal property when he had no more ability to protect himself than a man who is held up by a set of bandits. I felt most 202 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS keenly for my father, for he experienced the humiliation and indignation that every brave spirit feels when personal rights are assailed by brute force and when resistance is impossible by reason of the situation. So I said to him : "Father, don't worry over this theft. These men are not soldiers but thieves who follow the army in uniform to rob and pillage our people. When I get old enough to enter the army I will have revenge for this insult." The war was over before I was able to express in act the indignation I felt in heart. The loss of the overcoat was of minor importance, — in- significant in comparison with other losses we had sustained, — but it wounded our deeper feelings, gave us a consciousness of crushed spirit, the sense of helplessness, of mortification because of the indignity to which we had been subjected. I want to say in this connection as a matter of justice, that such experiences as I have here re- lated, while common, were not universal, and are, after all, almost inseparable from the nature and consequences of civil war. Armies are made up of units, and these units represent the type and character of the men who make up the whole. During the first two years of the war between the States the Federal army was composed of volun- teers who represented the best type of citizen of the North and West. The officers who were in PLEASURES AND DANGERS 203 command were in the majority of cases gentlemen of good standing at home, as well as of good breeding. They may not have been the best soldiers, because they had not been tried and hardened by active service, but they were loyal and true men, who were trying to conduct the war on a high ethical basis. The men who entered the Federal Army during the last three years of the war were of an entirely different type, being the riffraff of the North, foreigners, bounty jumpers, hirelings, substitutes, and negroes, while the majority of officers who^ commanded them had come up from the ranks. Their views of warfare had changed with the policy of the Government ; for when it was found that the South could not be coerced by the force and gallantry of arms, — that sterner weapons were required than muskets and cannon, — the contest narrowed to the basis of endurance. It was recognized at Washington that the only policy that could win the war was to starve and destroy the Confederate forces, — a policy not con- fined to the men in actual arms, but used against old men, women, and children in their homes, against life and property, if necessary to the sub- jugation of a high-spirited people. The War between the States kindled bitter ani- mosities, yet all through that contest of passion and blood innumerable instances occurred where 204 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS the warmest friendships were made between friend and foe, where acts of kindness were done, where generous hearts were ready to help and to heal the wounds and sorrows of individuals and families. Our people have never forgotten the kindness that some of the Federal officers and men rendered them when they held at bay some of the thieves and cutthroats in the Federal army. The gen- erosity and consideration of an enemy can often heal the wounds of his adversary, — can, as it were, pour water on coals-of-fire and drown the flames of passion. This was often the case during the first two years of the war. It was only as the war progressed, and as the policy of the Federal Government became cruel and barbarous towards the noncombatants of the South that the violent hatred of the Southern people was kindled. This hatred was not toward individuals but was directed at the political leaders and officers that were responsible for the wanton destruction of private property and the unnecessary punishment of old men, women and children of the South who were within the Federal lines. Our people respected such soldiers as McClellan, Meade, Grant, Thomas, McDowell, Hancock, and a number of others of that type; but they repudiated and denounced the cast of Sherman, Sheridan, Pope, Hunter, Butler, and a number of lesser lights, — men that carried Are and PLEASURES AND DANGERS 205 sword in both hands and instructed the men under them to steal, destroy, and carry away the property of innocent citizens. The barbarity of these men is a lasting stain upon a Government that con- trolled the policies of the nation at that time. If such a policy were justifiable then let us bow in shame to the authority of a civilization supposed to be founded on principles of justice and humanity. CHAPTER XVni BOYISH SPORTS. VISIT TO RICHMOND About the ist of October our people were relieved of the high tension that the spring and summer months had brought because of the presence in our neighborhood of the two annies. Months had passed since the boys and girls had enjoyed the privileges of school. We were growing up under an exciting life that was educational in only one way: it gave instruction in observations and ex- periences that in a measure strengthened char- acter. It failed, however, to train the mind in that information that must come from books and from the spirit and instruction of the teacher. After a long rest from school about the middle of September, 1862, a small private school was opened by a middle-aged gentleman who had been raised and educated in our county but who for some years had practiced law in a Western State. He was not a trained teacher, but he was a man of good sense, education, and character and, above all, a man of good heart. He had returned to Virginia to enter the Confederate army, but as the summer campaign had almost closed he decided to 206 VISIT TO RICHMOND 207 spend the winter months in teaching school rather than in the idleness of camp life. A small build- ing was found for the school. It was divided by a partition, the boys occupy- ing one room, and the girls the other. The class was a small one, in which there were more girls than boys. In this school I took up the routine work of book study, but I cannot say that my work was highly profitable. There were constant interruptions, and for days the school had to be closed on account of the excitement and disturb- ances of war, when rumors of raids and actual raiding parties made it necessary for our teacher to dismiss the class and allow us to go home. Upon one occasion while we were at our desks a body of Federal cavalry came into the village before we were aware of its presence. Several cavalrymen, with drawn pistols, rode up to the door, called the teacher out, and so alarmed the children that a general stampede followed. There was not a resumption of school work for several days. Early in the spring the Federal cavalry came to our village and encamped there. A few weeks later our school broke up, our teacher joined the army, and four of our oldest boys, then about 17 years of age, left home for military service. A few weeks later two of these boys were wounded in battle and a third was a prisoner at Point Lookout, Maryland, During the few 2o8 THE VALLEY CAMPAIGNS months we were at this school many interesting incidents came into my life. My home was enlivened by numerous visitors who came and went from day to day. I found much pleasure in this company, as also in the winter sports of boyhood. In the fall I gathered walnuts and chestnuts, hunted birds and rabbits and spent most of the day in outdoor exercise with Uncle Lewis and other servants on the farm. We gathered and stored what had been left, cut and hauled wood and provided for the comforts of the winter. When the snow came I enjoyed the coast- ing on the hillside and with ice we boys had plenty of skating on the ponds and rivers. I had found in one of the old camps several old muskets and had picked up many cartridges. I would load these old muskets and practice target shooting by the hour, thinking I would some day have to practice shooting at the enemy, if the war continued a few years longer. I had in some -way secured a small toy brass cannon that would fire a Minie bullet with as much force as a musket. I mounted it on wheels, and I would take a position in front of a hill and fire away at an imaginary enemy until I had demolished a target placed in front of a tree several hundred feet distant. In this boyhood sport I was often joined by some three or four of my companions of about my age. We all owned several old horses and would VISIT TO RICHMOND 209 mount these old animals and play cavalrymen, taking rides into the woods and fields, charging, jumping, and running as best we could on our old mounts. These were happy days for us, and we did not realize the fate that might overtake us as the war progressed. One of my comrades, a lad 16 years of age, — two years my senior, — and I were discussing one day what we purposed to do when we entered the army and in what branch of the service we would enlist. He was a good rider and his father owned a good horse ; so he said he would join the cavalry. One year later he enlisted in a company in the Laurel Brigade, and in his very first engagement was killed in the front rank of his regiment during a charge. But for the difference in our ages I probably would have been enlisted in the same service with him. These pastimes of a boy living between the lines, growing up under the excitement and pas- sion of civil war were the preparatory school in which we were being trained for future military service. The rough experiences, the daily duties, the excitement, and the perils with which we were surrounded were so lightly considered that we treated them as matters of course, — as pleas- ant incidents, as the roughing of an outing, in which we were seeking adventure and danger of sport. 210 THE ^^\II-^Y C-\MP.AIGXS The faD and winter iiad nearly passed by -wixB. an eveni took place in my life liiat o5ered ine mnch pleasure and nsefnl experience. My f atier had important br ism ess viii the Confederate Government wiiich called n'Tm to Rirhmood, tben tne capital of the South, and the great center of military operations. Richmond had been se- ciuely held by the Confederate troops, but was still the objective point of attack. It was held by the Federal authorilnes that the backbone of the Confederary conld best be broken by the cap- ture of its capital. It was a diScult place to de- fend, as it was open to attack by land and water. and regurred large forces to protect it. It had little strategic value except for its railroad com- mtniications and a few old aimorie? and flour mills. Its resident popnlatian was not over 30,- OOD peisons- It was simply the capital of Mt- ginia and of the Confederate States, and from this point of Tiew it had only a sentimental ralne, — 01 peihats was a moial force. When my father propc^ed to take me to Rich- mond a great pleasure opened up before my visian ; for I had lired all my life in a small Til- lage and had never seen a city larger than Win- chester, which had only some 3.000 population. We left home on the early morning of !March 17, 1863, in a two-horse spring wagon, with canvas on top and sides. ^ly companions were VISIT TO aiCHMCffra 211 mv tsdnET. 3. ynrmg lieaBmant in the Canipdcrste army. — wiio f^tfr besi Hfimf iin roiiansn- — ma Uncie Lewis, aur dny^. The day wie caicL srui i lisrit rain witfi sie^ m:ufe tfie '^"^|^'«T^^il^'^ miiM rmi'fffri |(i(';trnp. "vniie the road wns nmdtiy :jnrf in die wrns: aossMe crrm- rrTT~nn ror LLiiveL ^^e wifT^ ' " t itt » ^sn"^ nicmi- rng rrTTrrT darit gnrng a cnsnmce v. t '^,. '^/:.s ^0 O^ ,0- V x^^' --> ■'\. v<»^ y 'oo' '"^^ * s .0^ •^'S'^' .^^' '^z^- "^,<;^ • ^ V c ^ "•■ '^ ♦ ' O \., o o ^^^■ .0- ci-. ■-^^ «w-. ■0- . - •#> .o^" .